Update Dates 0307

0307 * *Video Mining
* 2D moving grid geometric deformable model, A
* 2D/3D model-based object tracking framework, A
* 3-D shape reconstruction in an active stereo vision system using genetic algorithms
* 3D model retrieval with morphing-based geometric and topological feature maps
* 3D Modeling Using a Statistical Sensor Model and Stochastic Search
* 3D object modeling and recognition using affine-invariant patches and multi-view spatial constraints
* 3D shape from anistropic diffusion
* 3D surface modeling from range curves
* Active Unsupervised Texture Segmentation on a Diffusion Based Feature Space
* Activity recognition using the dynamics of the configuration of interacting objects
* Adaptation for multiple cue integration
* Adaptive pattern discovery for interactive multimedia retrieval
* Adaptive postprocessors with DCT-based block classifications
* Adaptive rate control using nonlinear regression
* Adaptive view-based appearance models
* Advanced gaussian MRF rotation-invariant texture features for classification of remote sensing imagery
* algorithm for mapping burnt areas in Australia using SPOT-VEGETATION data, An
* Analytical Solution for Irradiance Due to Inhomogeneous Lambertian Polygonal Emitters
* Analyzing appearance and contour based methods for object categorization
* Appearance management and cue fusion for 3D model-based tracking
* Appearance Models Based on Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Applications of the BCGS-FFT method to 3-D induction well logging problems
* Archival and retrieval of symbolic images: An invariant scheme based on triangular spatial relationship
* Assessment of different topographic corrections in landsat-TM data for mapping vegetation types
* Asymptotically optimal detection for additive watermarking in the DCT and DWT domains
* Automated analysis of ultra high resolution remote sensing data for biotope type mapping: new possibilities and challenges
* Automated detection of blood vessels using dynamic programming
* Automated feature-based range registration of urban scenes of large scale
* Automated multi-camera planar tracking correspondence modeling
* automatic cloud-masking system using backpro neural nets for AVHRR scenes, An
* Automatic extraction of urban road networks from multi-view aerial imagery
* Automatic Gait Recognition by Symmetry Analysis
* Automatic gait recognition using area-based metrics
* Automatic reduction of hyperspectral imagery using wavelet spectral analysis
* Automatic relighting of overlapping textures of a 3D model
* Automatic satellite image registration by combination of matching and random sample consensus
* Automatic target segmentation using PMMW imagery
* Background subtraction based on cooccurrence of image variations
* Ball detection in static images with Support Vector Machines for classification
* Bayesian and Statistical Approaches to Vision
* Bayesian approach to image-based visual hull reconstruction, A
* bayesian framework for fusing multiple word knowledge models in videotext recognition, A
* Bayesian human segmentation in crowded situations
* Bayesian Tangent Shape Model: Estimating Shape and Pose Parameters Via Bayesian Inference
* Bilateral mesh denoising
* Biometrics break-ins and band-aids
* Bit allocation for MPEG-4 video coding with spatio-temporal tradeoffs
* Blood pool contrast-enhanced MRA: improved arterial visualization in the steady state
* Bootstrapping SVM active learning by incorporating unlabelled images for image retrieval
* Boundary detection of optic disk by a modified ASM method
* Bubbles: A Unifying Framework for Low-Level Statistical Properties of Natural Image Sequences
* Calibration and validation of SAR interferometry for DEM generation
* Car Detection in Low Resolution Aerial Images
* Characterization of pinhole SPECT acquisition geometry
* choice of vantage objects for image retrieval, The
* Chromosome image enhancement using multiscale differential operators
* Class conditional density estimation using mixtures with constrained component sharing
* Classification based on symmetric maximized minimal distance in subspace (SMMS)
* Classification of polarimetric SAR images of suburban areas using joint annealed segmentation and H/A/alpha polarimetric decomposition
* Clustering and its validation in a symbolic framework
* Clustering appearances of objects under varying illumination conditions
* Clustering of compressed illumination-invariant chromaticity signatures for efficient video summarization
* Color image segmentation by pixel classification in an adapted hybrid color space. Application to soccer image analysis
* Colour quantization by three-dimensional frequency diffusion
* Combining implicit polynomials and geometric features for hand recognition
* Comparative analysis of ocean color measurements of IRS-P4 OCM and SeaWiFS in the Arabian Sea
* comparative analysis of scanned maps and imagery for mapping applications, A
* Comparison of Gray-Level Reduction and Different Texture Spectrum Encoding Methods for Land-Use Classification Using a Panchromatic Ikonos Image
* Comparison of interannual intrinsic modes in hemispheric sea ice covers and other geophysical parameters
* Comparison of radar and video observations of shallow water breaking waves
* comparison of three image-object methods for the multiscale analysis of landscape structure, A
* Competitive neural-net-based system for the automatic detection of oceanic mesoscalar structures on AVHRR scenes
* Computation of the shock scaffold for unorganized point clouds in 3D
* Computational geometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing of blood vessels from MR and CT angiography
* Computing layered surface representations: an algorithm for detecting and separating transparent overlays
* Consequences of surface heterogeneity for parameter retrieval from 1.4-GHz multiangle SMOS observations
* Constrained subspace modelling
* Constraint on five points in two images
* Constructing 3D city models by merging ground-based and airborne views
* Continuous tracking within and across camera streams
* Convergence studies on iterative algorithms for image reconstruction
* Cooperative agents society organized as an irregular pyramid: A mammography segmentation application
* Cramer-Rao Analysis of Orientation Estimation: Influence of Target Model Uncertainties
* Cramer-Rao Analysis of Orientation Estimation: Viewing Geometry Influences on the Information Conveyed by Target Features
* Critical Configuration for Reconstruction from Rectilinear Motion, A
* Curvature correction of the Hamilton-Jacobi skeleton
* Data hiding in image and video. I. Fundamental issues and solutions
* Data hiding in image and video. II. Designs and applications
* Decision making and uncertainty management in a 3D reconstruction system
* Deformable object tracking using the boundary element method
* Deformable pedal curves with application to face contour extraction
* Denoising by spatial correlation thresholding
* Detecting moving shadows: algorithms and evaluation
* Detection of building outlines based on the fusion of SAR and optical features
* Direct 3D-rotation estimation from spherical images via a generalized shift theorem
* Directional histogram model for three-dimensional shape similarity
* Discovering clusters in motion time-series data
* Discriminatory Sparse Coding And Its Application To Face Recognition
* Document image enhancement using directional wavelet
* Domain learning using Choquet integral-based morphological shared weight neural networks
* Dynamic depth recovery from unsynchronized video streams
* Editable dynamic textures
* effect of modified markov random fields on the local minima occurrence in microwave imaging, The
* Effective Color Interpolation in CCD Color Filter Array Using Signal Correlation
* effects of segmentation and feature choice in a translation model of object recognition, The
* efficient approach to learning inhomogeneous Gibbs model, An
* Efficient background video coding with static sprite generation and arbitrary-shape spatial prediction techniques
* Efficient memory IP design for HDTV coding applications
* efficient method to build panoramic image mosaics, An
* Efficient motion vector detection
* Efficient Solution to the Five-Point Relative Pose Problem, An
* Efficient transmission and classification of hyperspectral image data
* Eigen-deformations for elastic matching based handwritten character recognition
* Eigenface-domain super-resolution for face recognition
* Eigenspace updating for non-stationary process and its application to face recognition
* Electrical conductivity imaging via contactless measurements: an experimental study
* EM algorithms for Gaussian mixtures with split-and-merge operation
* Enhancement of a genetic algorithm for affine invariant planar object shape matching using the migrant principle
* Enhancing DPF for near-replica image recognition
* Enhancing Image and Video Retrieval: Learning via Equivalence Constraints
* Establishment shot detection using qualitative motion
* Estimating 3D hand pose from a cluttered image
* Estimating surface characteristics using physical reflectance models
* Estimating the photorealism of images: distinguishing paintings from photographs
* Estimation of coherent field attenuation through dense foliage including multiple scattering
* Estimation of omnidirectional camera model from epipolar geometry
* Estimation of time-varying velocities of moving objects by time-frequency representations
* Evaluation of global image thresholding for change detection
* Evaluation of local models of dynamic backgrounds
* Evaluation of spectrodirectional alfalfa canopy data acquired during DAISEX'99
* Evaluation of the symmetry plane in 3D MR brain images
* Evidential reasoning for object recognition
* Evolvable visual commercial detector
* Example-based style synthesis
* Expectation Grammars: Leveraging High-Level Expectations for Activity Recognition
* Experimental comparison of superquadric fitting objective functions
* Extracting dense features for visual correspondence with graph cuts
* Extraction of red edge optical parameters from Hyperion data for estimation of forest leaf area index
* Eye gaze tracking using an active stereo head
* Face alignment using statistical models and wavelet features
* Face authentication using the trace transform
* Face Detection in the Near-IR Spectrum
* Face recognition in hyperspectral images
* Face recognition under variable lighting using harmonic image exemplars
* Face Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* Face relighting with radiance environment maps
* Fast Algorithm for Approximate Viewshed Computation, A
* Fast and accurate algorithm for the short-pulse electromagnetic scattering from conducting circular plates buried inside a lossy dispersive half-space
* Fast features for face authentication under illumination direction changes
* Fast image transforms using diophantine methods
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Query Processing in Moving-Object Databases
* Fast self-localization method for mobile robots using multiple omnidirectional vision sensors
* Fast variable window for stereo correspondence using integral images
* FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem with Unknown Data Association
* Feature selection by maximum marginal diversity: Optimality and Implications for Visual Recognition
* Feature selection for reliable tracking using template matching
* Finding and tracking people from the bottom up
* Finding Geographic Information: Collection-Level Metadata
* Finding structure in home videos by probabilistic hierarchical clustering
* Finding textures by textual descriptions, visual examples, and relevance feedbacks
* Flux driven fly throughs
* Flux invariants for shape
* Fractional Fourier transform of the Gaussian and fractional domain signal support
* Full-body person recognition system
* Fully Automatic Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets
* Fusing online and offline information for stable 3D tracking in real-time
* Fusion of hyperspectral and radar data using the IHS transformation to enhance urban surface features
* Fusion of spectral and shape features for identification of urban surface cover types using reflective and thermal hyperspectral data
* Fuzzy partitioning using a real-coded variable-length genetic algorithm for pixel classification
* General C-Means Clustering Model and Its Application
* General n -dimensional quadrature transform and its application to interferogram demodulation
* Generalisation of the Dirac-delta impulse extending Laplace and Z-transform domains
* Generalized Principal Component Analysis (GPCA)
* Genetic algorithm based feature selection for target detection in SAR images
* Genetic algorithm optimization of multidimensional grayscale soft morphological filters with applications in film archive restoration
* Geometric Level Set Methods in Imaging, Vision, and Graphics
* Geovisualization illustrated
* Globally convergent image reconstruction for emission tomography using relaxed ordered subsets algorithms
* Gradient detection in discrete log-polar images
* GraphCut textures: image and video synthesis using graph cuts
* graphical model for audiovisual object tracking, A
* Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on computer vision beyond the visible spectrum 2003
* Guest editors' introduction to the special section on graphical models in computer vision
* Hand gesture recognition using a real-time tracking method and hidden Markov models
* Hierarchical classification and feature reduction for fast face detection with support vector machines
* High-accuracy stereo depth maps using structured light
* High-resolution reconstruction of sparse data from dense low-resolution spatio-temporal data
* histogram-based moment-preserving clustering algorithm for video segmentation, A
* Ho-Kashyap classifier with generalization control
* Homotopy-based computation of defocus blur and affine transform
* Hue fields and color curvatures: A Perceptual Organization Approach to Color Image Denoising
* hybrid approach for computing visual hulls of complex objects, A
* Hybrid evolutionary ridge regression approach for high-accurate corner extraction
* Hyperspectral Texture Recognition Using a Multiscale Opponent Representation
* Identification of systematic bias in the cross-platform (SMMR and SSM/I) EASE-Grid brightness temperature time series
* Illumination chromaticity estimation using inverse-intensity chromaticity space
* Illumination direction from texture shading
* Illumination Normalization with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images for Video Surveillance
* Image coding with modulated wavelets
* Image fusion: The ARSIS concept and some successful implementation schemes
* Image hallucination with primal sketch priors
* Image modeling with position-encoding dynamic trees
* Image repairing: robust image synthesis by adaptive ND tensor voting
* image retrieval method based on analysis of feedback sequence log, An
* Impact of terrain slope and aspect on radargrammetric DEM accuracy
* Impact of terrain slope and aspect on radargrammetric DEM accuracy
* Implementation techniques for geometric branch-and-bound matching methods
* Implicit meshes for modeling and reconstruction
* Implicit similarity: a new approach to multi-sensor image registration
* Imprecise Navigation
* Improved estimation of defocus blur and spatial shifts in spatial domain: a homotopy-based approach
* Improved MPEG-4 still texture image coding under noisy environment
* Improved single-video-object rate control for MPEG-4
* Improving continuous gesture recognition with spoken prosody
* Improving speaker identification in noise by subband processing and decision fusion
* Independent component analysis in a facial local residue space
* influence of horizontal inhomogeneity on radiative characteristics of clouds: an asymptotic case study, The
* Information fusion for rural land-use classification with high-resolution satellite imagery
* Information Fusion in Biometrics
* innovative real-time technique for buried object detection, An
* Integrated probability function and its application to content-based image retrieval by relevance feedback
* Integration of multi-sensor data for landscape modeling using a region-based approach
* Intelligent image recording system and method
* Interactive maps for visual exploration of grid and vector geodata
* Introducing a weighted non-negative matrix factorization for image classification
* Intruder detection through trajectory analysis in monitoring and surveillance systems
* Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography: III. Inversion formulas and singular-value decomposition
* Inverse Problem in Optical Diffusion Tomography: IV. Nonlinear Inversion Formulas
* Inversion of surface parameters from polarimetric SAR
* Ionospheric effects on SAR imaging: a numerical study
* Iris recognition system
* ISAR imaging in strong ground clutter using a new stepped-frequency signal format
* iterative algorithm learning the maximal margin classifier, An
* Joint 3D-reconstruction and background separation in multiple views using graph cuts
* Joint manifold distance: a new approach to appearance based clustering
* Kernel and subspace methods for computer vision
* Kernel principal angles for classification machines with applications to image sequence interpretation
* Kinematic jump processes for monocular 3D human tracking
* Kronecker product graph matching
* Kullback-Leibler boosting
* Land-Cover Change Monitoring with Classification Trees Using Landsat TM and Ancillary Data
* Lane-Curve Detection Based on an LCF, A
* Learning a discriminative classifier using shape context distances
* Learning Affinity Functions for Image Segmentation: Combining Patch-Based and Gradient-Based Approaches
* Learning appearance and transparency manifolds of occluded objects in layers
* Learning Bayesian network classifiers for facial expression recognition using both labeled and unlabeled data
* Learning dynamics for exemplar-based gesture recognition
* Learning epipolar geometry from image sequences
* Learning object intrinsic structure for robust visual tracking
* least squares database approach for SAR interferometric data, A
* Line reconstruction from many perspective images by factorization
* Linear auto-calibration for ground plane motion
* Linear Transformation Groups and Shape Space
* Lines in One Orthographic and Two Perspective Views
* Local appearance-based models using high-order statistics of image features
* Local Lines: A linear time line detector
* Localization of corresponding points in fingerprints by complex filtering
* Lossless image compression with projection-based and adaptive reversible integer wavelet transforms
* Lossy predictive coding of SAR raw data
* Low-dimensional representations of shaded surfaces under varying illumination
* Man-made structure detection in natural images using a causal multiscale random field
* Many-to-many graph matching via metric embedding
* Mapping from ASTER stereo image data: DEM validation and accuracy assessment
* Markerless kinematic model and motion capture from volume sequences
* mathematical model of the nascent cyclone, A
* Mean quantization based image watermarking
* Mean-shift blob tracking through scale space
* Method and apparatus for abstracting video data
* Method and apparatus for performing geo-spatial registration using a Euclidean representation
* method for human action recognition, A
* Method of estimating image format and orientation based upon vanishing point location
* Methods and geometry for plane-based self-calibration
* Microwave emission and scattering of foam based on Monte Carlo simulations of dense media
* Model-based Approach To Hair Region Segmentation, A
* Modified Bowen ratio method in near-sea-surface air temperature estimation by using satellite data
* Modified support vector novelty detector using training data with outliers
* Motion Deblurring Using Hybrid Imaging
* Motion determining apparatus, method thereof, and picture information converting apparatus
* Motion from 3D Line Correspondences: Linear and Non-Linear Solutions
* Motion segmentation with accurate boundaries: A tensor voting approach
* Motion tracking as a constrained optimization problem
* MPEG-4 one-pass VBR rate control for digital storage
* Multi-Band Wavelet for Fusing SPOT Panchromatic and Multispectral Images
* Multi-modal image registration by minimizing Kullback-Leibler distance between expected and observed joint class histograms
* Multi-resolution real-time stereo on commodity graphics hardware
* Multi-scale phase-based local features
* multi-sensor system for positioning in urban environments, A
* Multi-view stereo beyond Lambert
* Multilinear subspace analysis of image ensembles
* Multiple motion analysis: in spatial or in spectral domain?
* Multiple Motion Scene Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views
* Multiplicative Operator Splittings in Nonlinear Diffusion: From Spatial Splitting to Multiple Timesteps
* Multiresolution maximum intensity volume rendering by morphological adjunction pyramids
* Multiscale gradient watersheds of color images
* Multiscale morphological segmentation of gray-scale images
* Multisensor Surveillance Systems: The Fusion Perspective
* Multisource remote sensing data classification based on consensus and pruning
* Nearest neighbor search for relevance feedback
* nearest-neighbor chain based approach to skew estimation in document images, A
* new accurate and precise 3-D segmentation method for skeletal structures in volumetric CT data, A
* new convex edge-preserving median prior with applications to tomography, A
* new frame-recompression algorithm and its hardware design for MPEG-2 video decoders, A
* new graph-theoretic approach to clustering and segmentation, A
* new interpolation kernel for SAR interferometric registration, A
* new predictive search area approach for fast block motion estimation, A
* new semi-supervised EM algorithm for image retrieval, A
* Non-iterative, feature-preserving mesh smoothing
* Nonparametric belief propagation
* Nonparametric information fusion for motion estimation
* novel convergence scheme for active appearance models, A
* novel model for orientation field of fingerprints, A
* novel support vector classifier with better rejection performance, A
* novel technique for the processing of short-dwell spotlight SAR data, A
* Object class recognition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning
* Object detection by using whitening/dewhitening to transform target signatures in multitemporal hyperspectral and multispectral imagery
* Object recognition based on photometric alignment using RANSAC
* Object removal by exemplar-based inpainting
* Object segmentation and labeling by learning from examples
* Object segmentation in videos from moving camera with MRFs on color and motion features
* Object segmentation using graph cuts based active contours
* Object-specific figure-ground segregation
* Occupant classification system for automotive airbag suppression
* Omnidirectional image-based modeling: three approaches to approximated plenoptic representations
* On discrete triangles characterization
* On region merging: the statistical soundness of fast sorting, with applications
* On the classification of multispectral satellite images using the multilayer perceptron
* On the fundamental performance for fingerprint matching
* On the Intrinsic Reconstruction of Shape from its Symmetries
* On the optimality of magnetic resonance tag patterns for heart wall motion estimation
* On-line improvements of the rate-distortion performance in MPEG-2 rate control
* Optical Snow
* optimal distance measure for object detection, The
* Optimal linear representations of images for object recognition
* Optimal segmentation of dynamic scenes from two perspective views
* orthogonal wavelet representation of multivalued images, An
* PAMPAS: Real-Valued Graphical Models for Computer Vision
* Parameter estimation in Markov random field image modeling with imperfect observations. A comparative study
* Perception-based 3D triangle mesh segmentation using fast marching watersheds
* Perceptual Grouping by Selection of a Logically Minimal Model
* Performance Evaluation of Local Descriptors, A
* perspective on distortions, A
* Pivot selection techniques for proximity searching in metric spaces
* Polydioptric camera design and 3D motion estimation
* Pose estimation of SAR imagery using the two dimensional continuous wavelet transform
* Pose Reconstruction with an Uncalibrated Computed Tomography Imaging Device
* Potential and limits of InSAR data for building reconstruction in built-up areas
* PPHPS: a parabolic prediction-based, fast half-pixel search algorithm for very low bit-rate moving-picture coding
* Practical non-parametric density estimation on a transformation group for vision
* Practical super-resolution from dynamic video sequences
* Predictive watershed: a fast watershed algorithm for video segmentation
* Preface, AVBPA
* Probabilistic spatial context models for scene content understanding
* Probabilistic tracking in joint feature-spatial spaces
* progressive morphological filter for removing nonground measurements from airborne LIDAR data, A
* Properties and Applications of Shape Recipes
* Pyramidal rain field decomposition using radial basis function neural networks for tracking and forecasting purposes
* Qualitative image based localization in indoors environments
* Quantitative assessment of a haze suppression methodology for satellite imagery: effect on land cover classification performance
* Radiative transfer codes applied to hyperspectral data for the retrieval of surface reflectance
* Range image segmentation by surface extraction using an improved robust estimator
* Rapid omnidirectional vision acquisition using an intelligent linear scanning technique
* Rate-distortion analysis of discrete-HMM pose estimation via multiaspect scattering data
* Recognising and monitoring high-level behaviours in complex spatial environments
* Recognising handwritten Arabic manuscripts using a single hidden Markov model
* Recognition of dynamic hand gestures
* Recognition of partially occluded objects using probabilistic ARG-based matching
* Recognizing expression variant faces from a single sample image per class
* Recognizing Objects in Adversarial Clutter: Breaking a Visual CAPTCHA
* Reduced-search dynamic programming for approximation of polygonal curves
* Reflectivity estimation for SAR image compression
* Reforming the force-restore method for predicting ground surface temperature
* Registration and fusion of retinal images: An evaluation study
* Remote Authentication System Using Fingerprints, A
* Representation and Detection of Deformable Shapes
* Resolution vs. tracking error: Zoom as a gain controller
* Retrieval of water optical properties for optically deep waters using genetic algorithms
* Review Of Fingerprint Image Enhancement Methods, A
* road sign recognition system based on dynamic visual model, A
* Robust crease detection in fingerprint images
* Robust data association for online applications
* Robust data clustering
* Robust edge detection
* Robust energy-to-peak filtering with improved LMI representations
* Robust matching of 3D contours using iterative closest point algorithm improved by M-estimation
* robust two step approach for fingerprint identification, A
* ROD-TV: reconstruction on demand by tensor voting
* Rolling and swaying motion estimation for a mobile robot by using omnidirectional optical flows
* Root Images of Median Filters
* Rotation and scale invariant texture features using discrete wavelet packet transform
* S-AdaBoost and Pattern Detection in Complex Environment
* SAR raw data compression by subband coding
* Satellite multi-sensor data analysis of urban surface temperatures and landcover
* Satellite sounding channel optimization in the microwave spectrum
* Scalable multilevel fast multipole method for multiple targets in the vicinity of a half space
* Scalable portrait video for mobile video communication
* Scene detection in Hollywood movies and TV shows
* Seeing beyond occlusions (and other marvels of a finite lens aperture)
* Sensing of unexploded ordnance with magnetometer and induction data: theory and signal processing
* Shadow Elimination and Occluder Light Suppression for Multi-Projector Displays
* Shape and materials by example: a photometric stereo approach
* Shape context and chamfer matching in cluttered scenes
* Shape Statistics in Kernel Space for Variational Image Segmentation
* Shape-Based Recognition of Wiry Objects
* Shape-from-silhouette of articulated objects and its use for human body kinematics estimation and motion capture
* Shape-Time Photography
* Shedding light on the weather
* Signal nonlinearity in fMRI: a comparison between BOLD and MION
* similarity between probabilistic tree languages: Application to XML document families, A
* Simplified Atmospheric Correction Procedure for the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, A
* Simplifying curve skeletons in volume images
* Simultaneous estimation of left ventricular motion and material properties with maximum a posteriori strategy
* Simultaneous feature selection and classifier training via linear programming: a case study for face expression recognition
* Simultaneous pose and correspondence determination using line features
* Simultaneous smoothing and estimation of the tensor field from diffusion tensor MRI
* Simultaneous structure and texture image inpainting
* Spacetime Stereo: A Unifying Framework for Depth from Triangulation
* Spacetime stereo: shape recovery for dynamic scenes
* sparse texture representation using affine-invariant regions, A
* Spatial database updating using active contours for multispectral images: application with Landsat 7
* Spatial Filter for the Removal of Striping Artifacts in Digital Elevation Models, A
* SPECCHIO: a Web-accessible database for the administration and storage of heterogeneous spectral data
* Special issue on omnidirectional vision and its applications
* Special section on Image Spectroscopy and Hyperspectral Imaging
* Spline-Based Elastic Image Registration: Integration of Landmark Errors and Orientation Attributes
* statistical adaptive block-matching motion estimation, A
* Statistical cue integration in DAG deformable models
* Statistical hypothesis pruning for identifying faces from infrared images
* Statistical regularization in linearized microwave imaging through MRF-based MAP estimation: hyperparameter estimation and image computation
* Statistics of shape via principal geodesic analysis on lie groups
* Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation
* Stereo matching with reflections and translucency
* Stereoscopic Dual-Energy X-Ray Imaging for Target Materials Identification
* stochastic analysis of the calibration problem for Augmented Reality systems with see-through head-mounted displays, A
* Stochastic Approximation and Rate-Distortion Analysis for Robust Structure and Motion Estimation
* Stochastic gradient based third-order Volterra system identification by using nonlinear Wiener adaptive algorithm
* Stochastic language models for style-directed layout analysis of document images
* Strip line detection and thinning by RPCL-based local PCA
* Structure from motion for scenes without features
* study of MPEG-4 rate control scheme and its improvements, A
* Subset selection for efficient SVM tracking
* Supervised fuzzy clustering for the identification of fuzzy classifiers
* Surface reconstruction via Helmholtz reciprocity with a single image pair
* Surfaces with Occlusions from Layered Stereo
* Switching observation models for contour tracking in clutter
* System and method for image detection and qualification
* System for capability based multimedia streaming over a network
* System For Human Face And Facial Feature Location, A
* Systems and methods for registering scanned documents
* Target tracking in airborne forward looking infrared imagery
* Technical challenges of protecting digital entertainment content
* Temporal analysis of a landslide by means of a ground-based SAR Interferometer
* Tensor-based brain surface modeling and analysis
* Texture classification using spectral histograms
* Texture classification: are filter banks necessary?
* Theme issue on Algorithms and Techniques for Multi-Source Data Fusion in Urban Areas
* Theme Issue: Challenges in Geospatial Analysis and Visualization
* Theoretical Tour of Connectivity in Image Processing and Analysis, A
* Theories for the design of a hybrid refractive-diffractive superresolution lens with high numerical aperture
* Throughput enhanced video communication
* Topologies for the digital spaces Z2 and Z3
* Toward a statistically optimal method for estimating geometric relations from noisy data: cases of linear relations
* Toward a stratification of Helmholtz stereopsis
* Tracking appearances with occlusions
* Tracking Human Faces in Infrared Video
* Training DHMMs of mine and clutter to minimize landmine detection errors
* Transforming camera geometry to a virtual downward-looking camera: robust ego-motion estimation and ground-layer detection
* Unified Approach to Detecting Spatial Outliers, A
* unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
* Unsupervised iterative detection of land mines in highly cluttered environments
* Unsupervised learning of human motion
* Using many cameras as one
* Using Mixture Covariance Matrices to Improve Face and Facial Expression Recognitions
* Using multiple cues for hand tracking and model refinement
* Using The Beta-binomial Distribution To Assess Performance Of A Biometric Identification Device
* variational framework for image segmentation combining motion estimation and shape regularization, A
* Variational inference for visual tracking
* Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDEs: A Common Framework for Different Applications
* Verification Speed In Fingerprint-based Biometric Systems
* Video arrays for real-time tracking of person, head, and face in an intelligent room
* Video content annotation using visual analysis and a large semantic knowledgebase
* Video indexing based on viewers' behavior and emotion feedback
* Video segmentation based on graphical models
* Video-Based Face Recognition Using Adaptive Hidden Markov Models
* Video-based face recognition using probabilistic appearance manifolds
* Video-rate stereo depth measurement on programmable hardware
* View invariants for human action recognition
* View-based navigation using an omniview sequence in a corridor environment
* viewing graph, The
* Visual hull alignment and refinement across time: a 3D reconstruction algorithm combining shape-from-silhouette with stereo
* Visual landmarks detection and recognition for mobile robot navigation
* Visualization of high dynamic range images
* Volume registration using needle paths and point landmarks for evaluation of interventional MRI treatments
* Watermark detection based on the properties of error control codes
* Watermarking in secure image retrieval
* What is the space of camera response functions?
* What went where
* Wide-baseline multiple-view correspondences
* Winscale: an image-scaling algorithm using an area pixel model
* Word image matching using dynamic time warping
501 for 0307

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.