* *Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab
Medical Informatics(19)
* Semiautomatic Tool for 3-D Medical Image Analysis Using Active Contour Models, A
* Minimum Description Length Shape and Appearance Models
MedImg( Vol No. )
* *IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
* Image restoration by the method of convex projections: Part 2
* Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Emission Tomography
* generalized series approach to MR spectroscopic imaging, A
* Bayesian Estimation of Ventricular Contours in Angiographic Images
* MR susceptibility misregistration correction
* Multiresolution Texture Segmentation Approach with Application to Diagnostic Ultrasound Images, A
* Registration of 3-D Head Surfaces Using Multiple Landmarks
* Three-Dimensional Segmentation and Interpolation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
* efficient method for dynamic magnetic resonance imaging, An
* Four-dimensional spectral-spatial imaging using projection reconstruction
* Segmentation of Cardiac Cine MR Images for Extraction of Right and Left Ventricular Chambers
* Accurate localization of cortical convolutions in MR brain images
* adaptive density-weighted contrast enhancement filter for mammographic breast mass detection, An
* Adaptive segmentation of MRI data
* Adaptive speckle reduction filter for log-compressed B-scan images
* Analysis of dynamic magnetic resonance images
* Analysis of mammographic microcalcifications using gray-level image structure features
* Application of Competitive Hopfield Neural Network to Medical Image Segmentation, The
* Automated analysis of nerve-cell images using active contour models
* Automatic Registration Method for Frameless Stereotaxy, Image Guided Surgery and Enhanced Reality Visualization, An
* Bayesian fused classification of medical images
* Bayesian reconstruction and use of anatomical a priori information for emission tomography
* Biased motion-adaptive temporal filtering for speckle reduction in echocardiography
* Binary reconstruction of the heart chambers from biplane angiographic image sequences
* CCD mosaic technique for large-field digital mammography
* Classification algorithms for quantitative tissue characterization of diffuse liver disease from ultrasound images
* Classification of mass and normal breast tissue: a convolution neural network classifier with spatial domain and texture images
* comparison of manual and automatic methods for registering scans of the head, A
* computation of MR image distortions caused by tissue susceptibility using the boundary element method, The
* Correction of computed tomography motion artifacts using pixel-specific back-projection
* Correction to Segmentation of the Body and Lungs from Compton Scatter and Photopeak Window Data
* Deformable Boundary Finding in Medical Images by Integrating Gradient and Region Information
* Deformable models with parameter functions for cardiac motion analysis from tagged MRI data
* Detection of spicules on mammogram based on skeleton analysis
* Detection of stellate distortions in mammograms
* Differentiation applied to lossless compression of medical images
* Digital mammography: mixed feature neural network with spectral entropy decision for detection of microcalcifications
* Electrical impedance tomography: Regularized Imaging and Contrast Detection
* Elevation direction deconvolution in three-dimensional ultrasound imaging
* Experimental evaluation of two iterative reconstruction methods for induced current electrical impedance tomography
* Extraction of line properties based on direction fields
* Generation of synthetic-focus images from pulse-echo ultrasound using difference equations
* Image registration based on boundary mapping
* Implementations, comparisons, and an investigation of heuristic techniques for cone-beam tomography
* importance of ray pathlengths when measuring objects in maximum intensity projection images, The
* Improved SPECT quantitation using fully three-dimensional iterative spatially variant scatter response compensation
* Interframe coding of magnetic resonance images
* Iterative deblurring for CT metal artifact reduction
* Knowledge-based interpretation of MR brain images
* Labeling of MR brain images using Boolean neural network
* Mapping of change in cerebral glucose utilization using fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose double injection and the constrained weighted-integration method
* Medical image compression by using three-dimensional wavelet transformation
* mixed transform approach for efficient compression of medical images, A
* Model-Based Deformable Surface Finding for Medical Images
* model-based method for phase unwrapping, A
* Modeling and analysis of 3-D elongated shapes with applications to long bone morphometry
* Moving beam helical CT scanning
* MRI artifact cancellation due to rigid motion in the imaging plane
* multiple active contour model for cardiac boundary detection on echocardiographic sequences, A
* new approach to the interpolation of sampled data, A
* Nonlinear filtering approach to 3-D gray-scale image interpolation
* On modeling the tissue response from ultrasonic B-scan images
* Optimal display conditions for quantitative analysis of stereoscopic cerebral angiograms
* Optimal experiment design for PET quantification of receptor concentration
* Optimal image sampling schedule: a new effective way to reduce dynamic image storage space and functional image processing time
* Optimal Linear Transformation for MRI Feature Extraction
* PET regularization by envelope guided conjugate gradients
* Practical considerations for 3-D image reconstruction using spherically symmetric volume elements
* prototype rotating slat collimator for single photon emission computed tomography, A
* Random field models in the textural analysis of ultrasonic images of the liver
* Reduction of false positives in lung nodule detection using a two-level neural classification
* Registration of 3-D images using weighted geometrical features
* Respiratory compensation in projection imaging using a magnification and displacement model
* row-action alternative to the EM algorithm for maximizing likelihood in emission tomography, A
* Rule-based detection of intrathoracic airway trees
* Segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in intensity corrected multispectral MRI
* Segmentation of the body and lungs from Compton scatter and photopeak window data in SPECT: a Monte-Carlo investigation
* Shape-based interpolation of multidimensional grey-level images
* Signal-to-noise ratio in neuro activation PET studies
* Smoothing random noise from human head scan data
* surface-based technique for warping three-dimensional images of the brain, A
* System for analyzing high-resolution three-dimensional coronary angiograms
* Theoretical comparison of Fourier and wavelet encoding in magnetic resonance imaging
* Three-dimensional multimodal image-guidance for neurosurgery
* Tissue elasticity reconstruction using linear perturbation method
* Tracking myocardial deformation using phase contrast MR velocity fields: A Stochastic Approach
* unbiased parametric imaging algorithm for nonuniformly sampled biomedical system parameter estimation, An
* Unsupervised vector image segmentation by a tree structure-ICM algorithm
* Using a Deformable Surface Model to Obtain a Shape Representation of the Cortex
* vector Wiener filter for dual-radionuclide imaging, A
* Video compression of coronary angiograms based on discrete wavelet transform with block classification
* Wall position and thickness estimation from sequences of echocardiographic images
* Wavelet transforms for detecting microcalcifications in mammograms
* wavelet-based method for multiscale tomographic reconstruction, A
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* Adaptive approach to accurate analysis of small-diameter vessels in cineangiograms
* Adaptive Mammographic Image Enhancement Using First Derivative and Local Statistics
* Analysis of dynamic magnetic resonance images
* Anatomically constrained electrical impedance tomography for three-dimensional anisotropic bodies
* Application of active contours for photochromic tracer flow extraction
* Automatic Background Recognition and Removal (ABRR) in Computed Radiography Images
* Automatic Correction of Motion Artifacts in Magnetic-Resonance Images Using an Entropy Focus Criterion
* Automatic Registration and Alignment on a Template of Cardiac Stress and Rest Reoriented SPECT Images
* Automatic tracking of the aorta in cardiovascular MR images using deformable models
* Benefits of angular expression to reconstruction algorithms for collimators with spatially varying focal lengths
* boundary shift integral: an accurate and robust measure of cerebral volume changes from registered repeat MRI, The
* Characterization of dynamic 3-D PET imaging for functional brain mapping
* Choice of initial conditions in the ML reconstruction of fan-beam transmission with truncated projection data
* Computer-Aided Breast-Cancer Detection and Diagnosis of Masses Using Difference of Gaussians and Derivative-Based Feature Saliency
* Computerized tumor boundary detection using a Hopfield neural network
* Consolidation of common parameters from multiple fits in dynamic PET data analysis
* Constrained reconstruction applied to 2-D chemical shift imaging
* Contrast Mapping and Evaluation for Electronic X-Ray Images on CRT Display Monitor
* CT Image-Enhancement with Wavelet Analysis for the Detection of Small Airways Disease
* Deformable 2-D template matching using orthogonal curves
* design of an animal PET: flexible geometry for achieving optimal spatial resolution or high sensitivity, The
* Development of a vertebral endplate 3-D reconstruction technique
* Development of an intravascular impedance catheter for detection of fatty lesions in arteries
* Effects of time delay in cardiac blood flow measurements by bolus H2 ^15 O
* Estimating Fractal Dimension with Fractal Interpolation Function Models
* Estimating the bias field of MR images
* Exact and approximate rebinning algorithms for 3-D PET data
* Expectation maximization reconstruction of positron emission tomography images using anatomical magnetic resonance information
* focus-of-attention preprocessing scheme for EM-ML PET reconstruction, A
* Fractal Modeling and Segmentation for the Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms
* Fully automatic identification of AC and PC landmarks on brain MRI using scene analysis
* Fully Bayesian estimation of Gibbs hyperparameters for emission computed tomography data
* general class of preconditioners for statistical iterative reconstruction of emission computed tomography, A
* Generating ROC curves for artificial neural networks
* geometric snake model for segmentation of medical imagery, A
* Graphical shape templates for automatic anatomy detection with applications to MRI brain scans
* Grouped-coordinate ascent algorithms for penalized-likelihood transmission image reconstruction
* head motion measurement system suitable for emission computed tomography, A
* Image-Reconstruction for Dynamic PET Based on Low-Order Approximation and Restoration of the Sinogram
* Learning-based ventricle detection from cardiac MR and CT images
* Lesion contrast enhancement in medical ultrasound imaging
* Linear least squares compartmental-model-independent parameter identification in PET
* Mapping visual field with positron emission tomography by mathematical modeling of the retinotopic organization in the calcarine cortex
* Markov Random-Field Segmentation of Brain MR-Images
* Measurement of AC magnetic field distribution using magnetic resonance imaging
* Measures of Acutance and Shape for Classification of Breast-Tumors
* MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources
* Method for Segmenting Chest CT Image Data Using an Anatomical Model: Preliminary-Results
* methodology for evaluation of boundary detection algorithms on medical images, A
* methodology for specifying PET VOIs using multimodality techniques, A
* Motion correction of PET images using multiple acquisition frames
* Multimodality Bayesian Algorithm for Image-Reconstruction in Positron-Emission-Tomography: A Tissue Composition Model
* Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Multiple sclerosis lesion quantification using fuzzy-connectedness principles
* Multiresolution statistical analysis of high-resolution digital mammograms
* Multishot rosette trajectories for spectrally selective MR imaging
* novel volumetric feature extraction technique with applications to MR images, A
* Optical imaging of anatomical maps derived from magnetic resonance images using time-independent optical sources
* optimal rotator for iterative reconstruction, An
* physics-based coordinate transformation for 3-D image matching, A
* Quantitative coronary angiography with deformable spline models
* rapid and automatic image registration algorithm with subpixel accuracy, A
* Reconstruction of Vascular Networks Using 3-Dimensional Models
* Registration of head volume images using implantable fiducial markers
* Regularized reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography using a variance uniformization constraint
* Reliability of an image analysis system for quantifying the radiographic trabecular pattern
* Sampling concerns in scanline algorithms
* segmentation-based lossless image coding method for high-resolution medical image compression, A
* Shape-Based Tracking of Left Ventricular Wall Motion
* Signal Analysis and Compression Performance Evaluation of Pathological Microscopic Images
* simple method for automatically locating the nipple on mammograms, A
* Statistical approach to segmentation of single-channel cerebral MR images
* Surface interpolation with radial basis functions for medical imaging
* Surface-based labeling of cortical anatomy using a deformable atlas
* system for digital reconstruction of gypsum dental casts, A
* Three-dimensional PET emission scan registration and transmission scan synthesis
* Three-dimensional surface reconstruction using optical flow for medical imaging
* Toward accurate attenuation correction in SPECT without transmission measurements
* Tracking geometrical descriptors on 3-D deformable surfaces: application to the left-ventricular surface of the heart
* Volumetric Object Reconstruction Using the 3D-MRF Model-Based Segmentation
* Wavelet representations for monitoring changes in teeth imaged with digital imaging fiber-optic transillumination
* wavelet-based multiresolution regularized least squares reconstruction approach for optical tomography, A
* Weighted least-squares reconstruction methods for positron emission tomography
* Weighted-Distance Scheme: A Globally Optimizing Projection Ordering Method for ART, The
* Wound status evaluation using color image processing
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* Anatomic Region-Based Dynamic-Range Compression for Chest Radiographs Using Warping Transformation of Correlated Distribution
* Application of Reconstruction-Based Scatter Compensation to Tl-201 SPECT: Implementations for Reduced Reconstructed Image Noise
* Automatic Detection of the Boundary of the Calcaneus from Ultrasound Parametric Images Using an Active Contour Model: Clinical Assessment
* Automatic Tumor Segmentation Using Knowledge-Based Techniques
* Coupled B-Snake Grids and Constrained Thin-Plate Splines for Analysis of 2-D Tissue Deformations from Tagged MRI
* Data-Driven Homolog Matching for Chromosome Identification
* Derivation of Optimal Filters for the Detection of Coronary Arteries
* Edge-Detection In Medical Images Using A Genetic Algorithm
* Efficient Fourier Method for 3-D Radon Inversion in Exact Cone Beam CT Reconstruction, An
* Fully-Automatic Segmentation of the Brain in MRI
* Fuzzy Vessel Tracking Algorithm for Retinal Images Based on Fuzzy Clustering, A
* Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generation of Myocardial Blood Flow Parametric Images with N-13 Ammonia PET
* Improved Algorithm for Rotational Motion Artifact Suppression in MRI, An
* List-Mode Likelihood: EM Algorithm and Image Quality Estimation Demonstrated on 2-D PET
* Method to Correct for Scatter, Spillover, and Partial Volume Effects in Region of Interest Analysis in PET, A
* Model-Guided Labeling of Coronary Structure
* MR Image Texture Analysis Applied to the Diagnosis and Tracking of Alzheimers-Disease
* Nonlinear Spatially Variant Object-Dependent System Model for Prediction of Partial Volume Effects and Scatter in PET, A
* Nonparametric Method for Automatic Correction of Intensity Nonuniformity in MRI Data, A
* Optimized Homomorphic Unsharp Masking for MR Grayscale Inhomogeneity Correction
* Partial Volume Bayesian Classification of Material Mixtures in MR Volume Data Using Voxel Histograms
* Precise Segmentation of the Lateral Ventricles and Caudate-Nucleus in MR Brain Images Using Anatomically Driven Histograms
* Projection Space Image Reconstruction Using Strip Functions to Calculate Pixels More Natural for Modeling the Geometric Response of the SPECT Collimator
* Quasi-Band-Limited Properties of Radon Transforms and Their Implications for Increasing Angular Sampling Densities
* Sampling On Concentric Circles
* Segmentation and Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences: Active Contours Guided by Optical Flow Estimates
* Spiral CT Image Deblurring for Cochlear Implantation
* Statistical Analysis of Functional MRI Data in the Wavelet Domain
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* Abdominal organ segmentation using texture transforms and a Hopfield neural network
* Adaptive fuzzy segmentation of magnetic resonance images
* adaptive segmentation algorithm for time-of-flight MRA data, An
* Adaptive template filtering for signal-to-noise ratio enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging
* Anatomical model matching with fuzzy implicit surfaces for segmentation of thoracic volume scans
* Anti-aliased three-dimensional cone-beam reconstruction of low-contrast objects with algebraic methods
* Automated model-based bias field correction of MR images of the brain
* Automated model-based tissue classification of MR images of the brain
* Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. I. Methodology and validation on normal subjects
* Automatic 3-D segmentation of internal structures of the head in MR images using a combination of similarity and free-form transformations. II. Validation on severely atrophied brains
* Biomechanical modeling of the human head for physically based, nonrigid image registration
* Calculation of attenuation factors from combined singles and coincidence emission projections
* characterization of the geometric architecture of the peritalar joint complex via MRI, an aid to classification of foot type, A
* Classification of malignant and benign masses based on hybrid ART2LDA approach
* Classifying mammographic mass shapes using the wavelet transform modulus-maxima method
* Comments on Retrospective motion correction in digital subtraction angiography: a review
* Computerized detection of malignant tumors on digital mammograms
* cone-beam reconstruction algorithm for circle-plus-arc data-acquisition geometry, A
* Confidence maps and confidence intervals for near infrared images in breast cancer
* CT reconstruction by using the MLS-ART technique and the KCD imaging system. I. Low-energy X-ray studies
* Deformation analysis to detect and quantify active lesions in three-dimensional medical image sequences
* Detection of lines and boundaries in speckle images-application to medical ultrasound
* Determining X-ray projections for coil treatments of intracranial aneurysms
* differential index assignment scheme for tree-structured vector quantization, A
* Elastic model-based segmentation of 3-D neuroradiological data sets
* EM algorithm for dynamic SPECT, An
* Energy dependence of nonstationary scatter subtraction-restoration in high resolution PET
* Enhancing the multivariate signal of O15 water PET studies with a new nonlinear neuroanatomical registration algorithm
* Estimation and detection of myocardial tags in MR image without user-defined myocardial contours
* Exact rebinning methods for three-dimensional PET
* Fast implementations of algebraic methods for three-dimensional reconstruction from cone-beam data
* Fast spatio-temporal image reconstruction for dynamic PET
* Fourier rebinning applied to multiplanar circular-orbit cone-beam SPECT
* Generalized likelihood ratio detection for fMRI using complex data
* Geometrically correct 3-D reconstruction of intravascular ultrasound images by fusion with biplane angiography-methods and validation
* Global, voxel, and cluster tests, by theory and permutation, for a difference between two groups of structural MR images of the brain
* Gradient-based iterative image reconstruction scheme for time-resolved optical tomography
* Iterative reconstruction of single-shot spiral MRI with off resonance
* Longitudinal sampling and aliasing in spiral CT
* Microwave imaging using the finite-element method and a sensitivity analysis approach
* Model-based quantitation of 3-D magnetic resonance angiographic images
* Model-free functional MRI analysis using Kohonen clustering neural network and fuzzy C-means
* Model-updated image guidance: initial clinical experiences with gravity-induced brain deformation
* Modeling and optimization of rotational C-arm stereoscopic X-ray angiography
* Models for the comparative equivalence of scattering properties of elemental filters used in diagnostic radiology
* Monotonic algorithms for transmission tomography
* MRI simulation-based evaluation of image-processing and classification methods
* multimodal registration algorithm of eye fundus images using vessels detection and Hough transform, A
* Multiobjective genetic optimization of diagnostic classifiers with implications for generating receiver operating characteristic curves
* new approach for nonlinear distortion correction in endoscopic images based on least squares estimation, A
* Nonactive antenna compensation for fixed-array microwave imaging: I. Model development
* Nonactive antenna compensation for fixed-array microwave imaging: II. Imaging results
* Nonlinear elastic registration of brain images with tumor pathology using a biomechanical model [MRI]
* Nonrigid registration using free-form deformations: Application to breast MR images
* novel multiscale nonlinear thresholding method for ultrasonic speckle suppressing, A
* Off-resonance correction of MR images
* On the Laplace-Beltrami operator and brain surface flattening
* Penalized-likelihood estimators and noise analysis for randoms-precorrected PET transmission scans
* Perception of temporally filtered X-ray fluoroscopy images
* Pixelwise fusion for optimizing SNR in multiple-plate computed radiography imaging
* projector/backprojector with slice-to-slice blurring for efficient three-dimensional scatter modeling, A
* Real-time cardiac MRI using DSPs
* Reconstruction of the human cerebral cortex from magnetic resonance images
* Region Tracking on Level-Sets Methods
* Registration of stereo and temporal images of the retina
* Resampling of data between arbitrary grids using convolution interpolation
* Retrospective intermodality registration techniques for images of the head: surface-based versus volume-based
* Retrospective Motion Correction in Digital Subtraction Angiography: A Review
* Reversible compression of MR images
* Scale-space signatures for the detection of clustered microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Segmentation and Measurement of the Cortex from 3-D MR Images Using Coupled-Surfaces Propagation
* Segmentation of Medical Images using LEGION
* Segmentation, registration, and measurement of shape variation via image object shape
* Shape-based nonrigid correspondence with application to heart motion analysis
* Single and multiscale detection of masses in digital mammograms
* Spatio-temporal tracking of myocardial deformations with a 4-D B-spline model from tagged MRI
* spatiotemporal model of cyclic kinematics and its application to analyzing nonrigid motion with MR velocity images, A
* Statistical textural features for detection of microcalcifications in digitized mammograms
* Survey: interpolation methods in medical image processing
* task-specific evaluation of three-dimensional image interpolation techniques, A
* theoretical study of the contrast recovery and variance of MAP reconstructions from PET data, A
* Thoracic Electrical Impedance Tomographic Measurements During Volume Controlled Ventilation-Effects of Tidal Volume and Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
* Three-dimensional artifact induced by projection weighting and misalignment
* Topology adaptive deformable surfaces for medical image volume segmentation
* Tracking the left ventricle in echocardiographic images by learning heart dynamics
* unified reconstruction framework for both parallel-beam and variable focal-length fan-beam collimators by a Cormack-type inversion of exponential Radon transform, A
* Use of ridge regression for improved estimation of kinetic constants from PET data
* Validation of an optical flow method for tag displacement estimation
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* 2.5-D simultaneous multislice reconstruction by series expansion methods from Fourier-rebinned PET data
* 3-D reconstruction of coronary arterial tree to optimize angiographic visualization
* Accurate alignment of functional EPI data to anatomical MRI using a physics-based distortion model
* active contour model for measuring the area of leg ulcers, An
* AM-FM texture segmentation in electron microscopic muscle imaging
* Analysis of geometrical distortion and statistical variance in length, area, and volume in a linearly scanned 3-D ultrasound image
* Analysis of the direct Fourier method for computer tomography
* Automated anatomical labeling of the bronchial branch and its application to the virtual bronchoscopy system
* Border detection on digitized skin tumor images
* Brain tissue classification of magnetic resonance images using partial volume modeling
* CAD system for the automatic detection of clustered microcalcifications in digitized mammogram films, A
* Comparison of 3-D maximum a posteriori and filtered backprojection algorithms for high-resolution animal imaging with microPET
* Computer-aided stereotactic functional neurosurgery enhanced by the use of the multiple brain atlas database
* Consistency conditions and linear reconstruction methods in diffraction tomography
* Correction of MR k-space data corrupted by spike noise
* Deformable boundary detection of stents in angiographic images
* Depth-buffer targeting for spatially accurate 3-D visualization of medical images
* Design and evaluation of a system for microscope-assisted guided interventions (MAGI)
* Direct comparison of a xenon and a solid-state CT detector system: measurements under working conditions
* Direct least-squares estimation of spatiotemporal distributions from dynamic SPECT projections using a spatial segmentation and temporal B-splines
* ECG-correlated imaging of the heart with subsecond multislice spiral CT
* Edge-guided boundary delineation in prostate ultrasound images
* effect of image distortion on 3-D reconstruction of coronary bypass grafts from angiographic views, The
* Enhanced 3-D-reconstruction algorithm for C-arm systems suitable for interventional procedures
* Evaluation of the adaptive speckle suppression filter for coronary optical coherence tomography imaging
* Evaluation of three-dimensional segmentation algorithms for the identification of luminal and medial-adventitial borders in intravascular ultrasound images
* Exact (spiral+circles) scan region-of-interest cone beam reconstruction via backprojection
* Exact Radon rebinning algorithm for the long object problem in helical cone-beam CT
* Extraction of the hepatic vasculature in rats using 3-D micro-CT images
* Fast delineation and visualization of vessels in 3-D angiographic images
* fast implementation of the minimum spanning tree method for phase unwrapping, A
* Fast maximum entropy approximation in SPECT using the RBI-MAP algorithm
* Feldkamp-type cone-beam tomography in the wavelet framework
* filter design method for minimizing ringing in a region of interest in MR spectroscopic images, A
* Flat panel detector-based cone-beam volume CT angiography imaging: system evaluation
* Gradient and texture analysis for the classification of mammographic masses
* Gray-scale skeletonization of small vessels in magnetic resonance angiography
* Image registration by maximization of combined mutual information and gradient information
* Imaging heart motion using harmonic phase MRI
* imaging system with calibrated color image acquisition for use in dermatology, An
* Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D reconstruction of cardiac-gated SPECT images
* Interior-point methodology for 3-D PET reconstruction
* Interpolation of 3-D binary images based on morphological skeletonization
* Interpolation revisited
* inverse problem approach to the correction of distortion in EPI images, An
* Investigation of a solid-state detector for advanced computed tomography
* Iterative crystal efficiency calculation in fully 3-D PET
* Jini service to reconstruct tomographic data, A
* Left ventricular motion reconstruction based on elastic vector splines
* Localization of epileptogenic zones in F-18 FDG brain PET of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy using artificial neural network
* Locating blood vessels in retinal images by piecewise threshold probing of a matched filter response
* LROC analysis of detector-response compensation in SPECT
* Maximum-likelihood transmission image reconstruction for overlapping transmission beams
* Medical image segmentation using analysis of isolable-contour maps
* Modeling the hemodynamic response in fMRI using smooth FIR filters
* modular software system for computer-aided surgery and its first application in oral implantology, A
* Morphology-based three-dimensional interpolation
* multiscale dynamic programming procedure for boundary detection in ultrasonic artery images, A
* Multislice helical CT: image temporal resolution
* n-PI-method for helical cone-beam CT, The
* new model-based technique for enhanced small-vessel measurements in X-ray cine-angiograms, A
* New variants of a method of MRI scale standardization
* Noise characterization of block-iterative reconstruction algorithms: I. Theory
* Nondistorting flattening maps and the 3-D visualization of colon CT images
* Nondistorting flattening maps and the 3-D visualization of colon CT images
* Normalization of local contrast in mammograms
* novel approach to extract colon lumen from CT images for virtual colonoscopy, A
* Object localization and border detection criteria design in edge-based image segmentation: automated learning from examples
* Objective quantification of the motion of soft tissues in the orbit
* On segmenting the three-dimensional scan data of a human body
* On the direct Fourier method for computer tomography
* On the optimality of the gridding reconstruction algorithm
* Optimal image sampling schedule for both image-derived input and output functions in PET cardiac studies
* Optimal k-space sampling in MRSI for images with a limited region of support
* Parametric estimate of intensity inhomogeneities applied to MRI
* Penalized weighted least-squares image reconstruction for dual energy X-ray transmission tomography
* Performance characteristics of the 3-D OSEM algorithm in the reconstruction of small animal PET images
* perspective on needle artifacts in MRI: an electromagnetic model for experimentally separating susceptibility effects, A
* Point-tracked quantitative analysis of left ventricular surface motion from 3-D image sequences
* Probabilistic modeling of single-trial fMRI data
* Quantitative and kinetic evolution of wound healing through image analysis
* Quasi-exact filtered backprojection algorithm for long-object problem in helical cone-beam tomography
* Rank-order polynomial subband decomposition for medical image compression
* Rapid 3-D cone-beam reconstruction with the simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (SART) using 2-D texture mapping hardware
* Real-time image reconstruction for spiral MRI using fixed-point calculation
* real-time interactive 3-D-DVA for robust coronary MRA, The
* Reconstruction algorithm for polychromatic CT imaging: Application to beam hardening correction
* Reconstruction of attenuation map using discrete consistency conditions
* Reconstruction of MR images from data acquired on a general nonregular grid by pseudoinverse calculation
* Reconstruction of two- and three-dimensional images from synthetic-collimator data
* Registration of physical space to laparoscopic image space for use in minimally invasive hepatic surgery
* Regularization for Uniform Spatial Resolution Properties in Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction
* Regularized color clustering in medical image database
* Resolution and noise properties of MAP reconstruction for fully 3-D PET
* Segmenting skin lesions with partial-differential-equations-based image processing algorithms
* Semiautomatic 3-D image registration as applied to interventional MRI liver cancer treatment
* Single-slice rebinning reconstruction in spiral cone-beam computed tomography
* Spiral interpolation algorithm for multislice spiral CT. I. Theory
* Spiral interpolation algorithms for multislice spiral CT. II. Measurement and evaluation of slice sensitivity profiles and noise at a clinical multislice system
* Surface interpolation from sparse cross sections using region correspondence
* Surface-bounded growth modeling applied to human mandibles
* Texture analysis for classification of cervix lesions
* Three-dimensional attenuation map reconstruction using geometrical models and free-form deformations
* Tomographic reconstruction for tilted helical multislice CT
* Topological analysis of trabecular bone MR images
* ultra-fast user-steered image segmentation paradigm: Live wire on the fly, An
* Ultrasound measurement of brachial flow-mediated vasodilator response
* Unwarping of unidirectionally distorted EPI images
* Using an MRI distortion transfer function to characterize the ghosts in motion-corrupted images
* Volume rendering quantification algorithm for reconstruction of CT volume-rendered structures. 1. Cerebral arteriovenous malformations
* Volumetric reconstruction of medical images
* Voxel similarity measures for 3-D serial MR brain image registration
* X-ray CT metal artifact reduction using wavelets: An application for imaging total hip prostheses
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* Accuracy assessment of layer decomposition using simulated angiographic image sequences
* adaptive-focus statistical shape model for segmentation and shape modeling of 3-D brain structures, An
* Addendum: B-spline interpolation in medical image processing
* algorithm using projection onto subspace of prior distributions for long-wavelength sound wave CT, An
* Analysis of asymmetry in mammograms via directional filtering with gabor wavelets
* Analytic determination of pinhole collimator sensitivity with penetration
* Anisotropic 2-D and 3-D averaging of fMRI signals
* Artery-vein separation via MRA-An image processing approach
* artificial intelligent algorithm for tumor detection in screening mammogram, An
* Authenticity and integrity of digital mammography images
* Automated CT image evaluation of the lung: a morphology-based concept
* Automated detection of pulmonary nodules in helical CT images based on an improved template-matching technique
* Automated graph-based analysis and correction of cortical volume topology
* Automated manifold surgery: constructing geometrically accurate and topologically correct models of the human cerebral cortex
* Automated melanoma recognition
* Automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions by model outlier detection
* Automatic lung segmentation for accurate quantitation of volumetric X-ray CT images
* Automatic scoliosis detection based on local centroids evaluation on Moire topographic images of human backs
* Automatic segmentation of subcortical brain structures in MR images using information fusion
* BICAV: a block-iterative parallel algorithm for sparse systems with pixel-related weighting
* Biomechanical 3-D finite element modeling of the human breast using MRI data
* Breast tissue density quantification via digitized mammograms
* Chemical-shift imaging utilizing the positional shifts along the readout gradient direction
* Comments on the filtered backprojection algorithm, range conditions, and the pseudoinverse solution
* Comparison of 3-D reconstruction with 3D-OSEM and with FORE+OSEM for PET
* Comparison of algorithms for combining X-ray angiography images
* Comparison of low-contrast detail perception on storage phosphor radiographs and digital flat panel detector images
* Complete 3-D reconstruction of dental cast shape using perceptual grouping
* computationally efficient algorithm for determining regional cerebral blood flow in heterogeneous tissues by positron emission tomography, A
* Computer-aided characterization of mammographic masses: Accuracy of mass segmentation and its effects on characterization
* Computer-aided diagnosis in chest radiography: a survey
* Computer-assisted bone age assessment: image preprocessing and epiphyseal/metaphyseal ROI extraction
* Computerized analysis of multiple-mammographic views: potential usefulness of special view mammograms in computer-aided diagnosis
* Computerized radiographic mass detection. I. Lesion site selection by morphological enhancement and contextual segmentation
* Computerized radiographic mass detection. II. Decision support by featured database visualization and modular neural networks
* Consistent image registration
* constrained modulus reconstruction technique for breast cancer assessment, A
* Contextual clustering for analysis of functional MRI data
* Correction to Analytic determination of pinhole collimator sensitivity with penetration
* Deblurring subject to nonnegativity constraints when known functions are present with application to object-constrained computerized tomography
* design and implementation of COSEN, an iterative algorithm for fully 3-D listmode data, The
* Detection of breast masses in mammograms by density slicing and texture flow-field analysis
* Detection of motion in hybrid PET/SPECT imaging based on the correlation of partial sinograms
* Development of an automated method for detecting mammographic masses with a partial loss of region
* Diffuse optical tomography of highly heterogeneous media
* distribution of target registration error in rigid-body point-based registration, The
* Elastic registration of fMRI data using Bezier-spline transformations
* EM algorithm for estimating SPECT emission and transmission parameters from emission data only, An
* Enhancement of contrast echocardiography by image variability analysis
* ERS transform for the automated detection of bronchial abnormalities on CT of the lungs
* estimator for functional data with application to MRI, An
* Evaluation of center-line extraction algorithms in quantitative coronary angiography
* Extension of finite-support extrapolation using the generalized series model for MR spectroscopic imaging
* Extraction of motion strength and motor activity signals from video recordings of neonatal seizures
* Fast and robust optic disc detection using pyramidal decomposition and hausdorff-based template matching
* Fast EM-like methods for maximum a posteriori estimates in emission tomography
* Fast k-space sample selection in MRSI with a limited region of support
* Fast LV motion estimation using subspace approximation techniques
* Feature extraction and classification of dynamic contrast-enhanced T2*-weighted breast image data
* Fractal analysis of bone X-ray tomographic microscopy projections
* framework for predictive modeling of anatomical deformations, A
* Frequency decomposition and compounding of ultrasound medical images with wavelet packets
* Guest editorial computer-aided diagnosis in medical imaging
* Guest editorial the biomedical imaging resource at mayo clinic
* Hierarchical estimation of a dense deformation field for 3-D robust registration
* Ideal observer approximation using bayesian classification neural networks
* Image reconstruction using the wavelet transform for positron emission tomography
* In vivo measurement of 3-D skeletal kinematics from sequences of biplane radiographs: Application to knee kinematics
* interior point iterative maximum-likelihood reconstruction algorithm incorporating upper and lower bounds with application to SPECT transmission imaging, An
* iterative maximum-likelihood polychromatic algorithm for CT, An
* Joint Physics-Based Statistical Deformable Model for Multimodal Brain Image Analysis, A
* Landmark-based elastic registration using approximating thin-plate splines
* Likelihood maximization for list-mode emission tomographic image reconstruction
* Localization of intravascular devices with paramagnetic markers in MR images
* LV volume quantification via spatiotemporal analysis of real-time 3-D echocardiography
* Maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization reconstruction of sinograms with arbitrary noise distribution using NEC-transformations
* Microwave image reconstruction utilizing log-magnitude and unwrapped phase to improve high-contrast object recovery
* Multistage hybrid active appearance model matching: segmentation of left and right ventricles in cardiac MR images
* Neuro-fuzzy systems for computer-aided myocardial viability assessment
* new approach of geodesic reconstruction for drusen segmentation in eye fundus images, A
* new computational approach for cortical imaging, A
* New techniques for efficient sliding thin-slab volume visualization
* NMR signal enhancement via a new time-frequency transform
* Noninvasive estimation of the aorta input function for measurement of tumor blood flow with O15 water
* Novel Bayesian multiscale method for speckle removal in medical ultrasound images
* Numerical aspects of spatio-temporal current density reconstruction from EEG-/MEG-data
* Organ motion detection in CT images using opposite rays in fan-beam projection systems
* Patient-specific models for lung nodule detection and surveillance in CT images
* Penalized discriminant analysis of 15-O-water PET brain images with prediction error selection of smoothness and regularization hyperparameters
* Permutation testing made practical for functional magnetic resonance image analysis
* proposed taxonomy for nailfold capillaries based on their morphology, A
* rapid look-up table method for reconstructing MR images from arbitrary K-space trajectories, A
* Realizations of fast 2-D/3-D image filtering and enhancement
* Retinal thickness measurements from optical coherence tomography using a markov boundary model
* Rigid registration of 3-D ultrasound with MR images: A new approach combining intensity and gradient information
* Robust midsagittal plane extraction from normal and pathological 3-D neuroradiology images
* Scale-based diffusive image filtering preserving boundary sharpness and fine structures
* Segmentation of brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the expectation-maximization algorithm
* Segmentation of large brain lesions
* signal estimation approach to functional MRI, A
* signal/noise analysis of quasi-static MR elastography, A
* Simultaneous correction of ghost and geometric distortion artifacts in EPI using a multiecho reference scan
* Space-time segmentation using level set active contours applied to myocardial gated SPECT
* Spatial transformations of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images
* Specified-resolution wavelet analysis of activation patterns from BOLD contrast fMRI
* statistical 3-D pattern processing method for computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography, A
* Tag surface reconstruction and tracking of myocardial beads from SPAMM-MRI with parametric B-spline surfaces
* Theoretical study of lesion detectability of MAP reconstruction using computer observers
* Three-dimensional Bayesian optical image reconstruction with domain decomposition
* Three-dimensional computer-aided diagnosis scheme for detection of colonic polyps
* Three-dimensional modeling for functional analysis of cardiac images: A Review
* Three-dimensional multimodal brain warping using the Demons algorithm and adaptive intensity corrections
* Three-dimensional optical tomographic imaging of breast in a human subject
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of microcalcification clusters from two mammographic views
* Three-dimensional registration and fusion of ultrasound and MRI using major vessels as fiducial markers
* Three-dimensional texture analysis of MRI brain datasets
* Three-dimensional tracking of coronary arteries from biplane angiographic sequences using parametrically deformable models
* Validation of ultrasonic image boundary recognition in abdominal aortic aneurysm
* Vessel extraction in medical images by wave-propagation and traceback
* Videoendoscopic distortion correction and its application to virtual guidance of endoscopy
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* 3-D active appearance models: segmentation of cardiac MR and ultrasound images
* 3-D freehand echocardiography for automatic left ventricle reconstruction and analysis based on multiple acoustic windows
* Accurate and Efficient Bayesian Method for Automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI, An
* Active shape model segmentation with optimal features
* Adaptive elastic segmentation of brain MRI via shape-model-guided evolutionary programming
* Analysis of vasculature for liver surgical planning
* Analytic determination of the pinhole collimator's point-spread function and RMS resolution with penetration
* Anti-aliasing weighting functions for single-slice helical CT
* Application of task-based measures of image quality to optimization and evaluation of three-dimensional reconstruction-based compensation methods in myocardial perfusion SPECT
* Automated 3-D echocardiography analysis compared with manual delineations and spect MUGA
* Automated analysis of brachial ultrasound image sequences: early detection of cardiovascular disease via surrogates of endothelial function
* Automatic centerline extraction for virtual colonoscopy
* Automatic construction of multiple-object three-dimensional statistical shape models: application to cardiac modeling
* Automatic detection of abnormalities in chest radiographs using local texture analysis
* Automatic fusion of freehand endoscopic brain images to three-dimensional surfaces: creating stereoscopic panoramas
* Automatic pipeline analysis of 3-D MRI data for clinical trials: application to multiple sclerosis
* Automatic segmentation of echocardiographic sequences by active appearance motion models
* Binary morphological shape-based interpolation applied to 3-D tooth reconstruction
* Characterization of tomographic sampling in hybrid PET using the fourier crosstalk matrix
* Classification of disease subgroup and correlation with disease severity using magnetic resonance imaging whole-brain histograms: application to magnetization transfer ratios and multiple sclerosis
* Comments on Frequency Decomposition and Computing of Ultrasound Medical Images with Wavelet Packets
* comparison of techniques to optimize measurement of voltage changes in electrical impedance tomography by minimizing phase shift errors, A
* Computation and visualization of three-dimensional soft tissue motion in the orbit
* Computation of the mid-sagittal plane in 3-D brain images
* Computation of unmeasured third-generation VCT views from measured views
* Computational cost of nonrigid registration algorithms based on fluid dynamics
* Computerized detection of pulmonary embolism in spiral CT angiography based on volumetric image analysis
* Consistent landmark and intensity-based image registration
* contribution of image processing to the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy-detection of exudates in color fundus images of the human retina, A
* Correction for ambiguous solutions in factor analysis using a penalized least squares objective
* Cortex Segmentation: A Fast Variational Geometric Approach
* Deformable triangular surfaces using fast 1-D radial Lagrangian dynamics-segmentation of 3-D MR and CT images of the wrist
* Dielectrical spectroscopy of canine myocardium during acute ischemia and hypoxia at frequency spectrum from 100 khz to 6 ghz
* Digital stereo image analyzer for generating automated 3-D measures of optic disc deformation in glaucoma
* direct reconstruction algorithm for electrical impedance tomography, A
* Discretization of the Radon Transform and of its Inverse by Spline Convolutions
* Echocardiographic strain and strain-rate imaging: a new tool to study regional myocardial function
* Edge displacement field-based classification for improved detection of polyps in CT colonography
* Edge-preserving tomographic reconstruction with nonlocal regularization
* Effects of incompatible boundary information in EIT on the convergence behavior of an iterative algorithm
* Efficient fully 3-D iterative SPECT reconstruction with monte carlo-based scatter compensation
* Efficient model-based quantification of left ventricular function in 3-D echocardiography
* Electrical impedance endo-tomography: imaging tissue from inside
* Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in the urinary bladder: the effect of inflammation and edema on identification of malignancy
* Electrical impedance spectroscopy of the breast: Clinical imaging results in 26 subjects
* Electromagnetic impedance tomography (EMIT): A new method for impedance imaging
* Encoding with frames in MRI and analysis of the signal-to-noise ratio
* Estimating distributed anatomical connectivity using fast marching methods and diffusion tensor imaging
* Estimation of 3-d left ventricular deformation from medical images using biomechanical models
* Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography-I: planar geometry
* Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography-II: cylindrical geometry
* Experimental validation of a linear model for data reduction in chirp-pulse microwave CT
* Feature-guided shape-based image interpolation
* Finite difference time domain (FDTD) analysis of optical pulse responses in biological tissues for spectroscopic diffused optical tomography
* Flux-based anisotropic diffusion applied to enhancement of 3-D angiogram
* Four-dimensional wavelet compression of arbitrarily sized echocardiographic data
* Functional MRI activity characterization using response time shift estimates from curve evolution
* Generalization of median root prior reconstruction
* Generation of anisotropic-smoothness regularization filters for EIT
* Guest editorial medical image reconstruction, processing, visualization, and analysis: the MIPG perspective
* Guest editorial: Medical Image Computing at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in Medicine, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
* HAMMER: Hierarchical Attribute Matching Mechanism for Elastic Registration
* Harmonic analysis of low-frequency bioelectrode behavior
* head-mounted operating binocular for augmented reality visualization in medicine-design and initial evaluation, A
* high-resolution technique for ultrasound harmonic imaging using sparse representations in gabor frames, A
* Image processing and analysis in drug discovery and clinical trials
* Imaging of spatiotemporal coincident states by DC optical tomography
* Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the heart cycle with electrical impedance using a linear spot-electrode array
* Immunofluorescence imaging as a tool for studying the pharmacokinetics of a human monoclonal single chain fragment antibody
* Implementation, calibration and accuracy testing of an image-enhanced endoscopy system
* Initialization, noise, singularities, and scale in height ridge traversal for tubular object centerline extraction
* Integrated surface model optimization for freehand three-dimensional echocardiography
* J-substitution algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography (MREIT): phantom experiments for static resistivity images
* Kinematics of the heart: strain-rate imaging from time-resolved three-dimensional phase contrast MRI
* knowledge-based approach to automatic detection of the spinal cord in ct images, A
* Krylov subspace iterative techniques: on the detection of brain activity with electrical impedance tomography
* laboratory of neuro imaging: What it is, why it is, and how it came to be, The
* Learning contextual relationships in mammograms using a hierarchical pyramid neural network
* Left ventricular volume estimation for real-time three-dimensional echocardiography
* Local frequency representations for robust multimodal image registration
* Longitudinal aliasing in multislice helical computed tomography: sampling and cone-beam effects
* MAP Framework for Tag Line Detection in SPAMM Data Using Markov Random Fields on the B-Spline Solid, A
* Mathematical generation of normal data for evaluating myocardial perfusion studies
* Measures of folding applied to the development of the human fetal brain
* Method for three-dimensional data registration from disparate imaging modalities in the NOGA myocardial viability trial
* method to reduce the Gibbs ringing artifact in MRI scans while keeping tissue boundary integrity, A
* minimum description length approach to statistical shape modeling, A
* Model evaluation and calibration for prospective respiratory motion correction in coronary MR angiography based on 3-D image registration
* Model-based imaging of cardiac electrical excitation in humans
* Modeling the axial extension of a transmission line source within iterative reconstruction via multiple transmission sources
* modified fuzzy C-means algorithm for bias field estimation and segmentation of MRI data, A
* multiple circular path convolution neural network system for detection of mammographic masses, A
* Multiscale Contrast Enhancement for Radiographies: Laplacian Pyramid versus Fast Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale deformable model segmentation and statistical shape analysis using medial descriptions
* Mutual information-based rigid and nonrigid registration of ultrasound volumes
* Neural networks method for identification of the objects behind the screen
* new deformable model for analysis of X-ray CT images in preclinical studies of mice for polycystic kidney disease, A
* Nonrigid registration of 3-D free-hand ultrasound images of the breast
* Novel EIS postprocessing algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis
* novel measurement technique to assess the effects of coronary brachytherapy in clinical trials, A
* O(N^3/log N) backprojection algorithm for the 3-D radon transform
* Objective comparison of quantitative imaging modalities without the use of a gold standard
* On a limited-view reconstruction problem in diffraction tomography
* Optimal shifted estimates of human-observer templates in two-alternative forced-choice experiments
* Parameter Space Warping: Shape-Based Correspondence between Morphologically Different Objects
* PET imaging-based evaluation of aerosol drugs and their delivery devices: nasal and pulmonary studies
* Phase-based multidimensional volume registration
* Predictive (un)distortion model and 3-D reconstruction by biplane snakes
* proof of the spherical homeomorphism conjecture for surfaces, A
* Propagation of measurement noise through backprojection reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography
* Quantification of small cerebral ventricular volume changes in treated growth hormone patients using nonrigid registration
* Quantitative analysis of reconstructed 3-d coronary arterial tree and intracoronary devices
* quasi-static analysis for a class of induced-current EIT systems using discrete coils, A
* Rapid elastic image registration for 3-D ultrasound
* Reconstruction in diffraction ultrasound tomography using nonuniform FFT
* Reconstruction of time-varying 3-d left-ventricular shape from multiview x-ray cineangiocardiograms
* Regional lung perfusion as determined by electrical impedance tomography in comparison with electron beam ct imaging
* Reply to the comments on Frequency Decomposition and Compounding of Ultrasound Medical Images with Wavelet Packets
* review of cardiac image registration methods, A
* ROPES: a semiautomated segmentation method for accelerated analysis of three-dimensional echocardiographic data
* Scale-based diffusive image filtering preserving boundary sharpness and fine structures
* Segmentation and tracking of migrating cells in videomicroscopy with parametric active contours: a tool for cell-based drug testing
* Segmentation of cancellous bone from high-resolution computed tomography images: influence on trabecular bone measurements
* Segmentation of ultrasound B-mode images with intensity inhomogeneity correction
* shape-space-based approach to tracking myocardial borders and quantifying regional left-ventricular function applied in echocardiography, A
* Smoothing low-SNR molecular images via anisotropic median-diffusion
* Spatiotemporal forward solution of the EEG and MEG using network modeling
* Spatiotemporal reconstruction of list-mode PET data
* Special issue on electrical impedance imaging
* Spiral-CT-based assessment of tracheal stenoses using 3-D-skeletonization
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part I-theory and simulations
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part II-experimental interpretation
* Statistical image reconstruction for polyenergetic X-ray computed tomography
* study of the motion and deformation of the heart due to respiration, A
* support vector machine approach for detection of microcalcifications, A
* Three-dimensional cardiovascular image analysis
* Three-dimensional EIT imaging of breast tissues: System Design and Clinical Testing
* Time-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography in a spherical geometry
* Topology Correction in Brain Cortex Segmentation Using a Multiscale, Graph-Based Algorithm
* Towards virtual electrical breast biopsy: Space-frequency music for trans-admittance data
* Tracking leukocytes in vivo with shape and size constrained active contours
* Understanding phase maps in MRI: a new cutline phase unwrapping method
* use of visual search for knowledge gathering in image decision support, The
* Using a statistical shape model to extract sulcal curves on the outer cortex of the human brain
* Using replicator dynamics for analyzing fMRI data of the human brain
* Validation of medical image processing in image-guided therapy
* Vibro-acoustic tissue mammography
* Virtual tagging: numerical considerations and phantom validation
* Volume image registration by cross-entropy optimization
* Volume rendering of segmented image objects
* Volumetric segmentation of brain images using parallel genetic algorithms
* Weighted regularization in electrical impedance tomography with applications to acute cerebral stroke
* What is the best similarity measure for motion correction in fMRI time series?
* X-ray computed tomography methods for in vivo evaluation of local drug release systems
* X-ray-based method for the determination of the contrast agent propagation in 3-D vessel structures, An
* X-ray-based method for the determination of the contrast agent propagation in 3-D vessel structures, An
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* 3-D/2-D registration of CT and MR to X-ray images
* Activation detection in fMRI using a maximum energy ratio statistic obtained by adaptive spatial filtering
* adaptive bases algorithm for intensity-based nonrigid image registration, The
* adaptive spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm for 3-D MR image segmentation, An
* algorithm for fast adaptive image binarization with applications in radiotherapy imaging, An
* Analysis of event-related fMRI data using best clustering bases
* Automated 3-D PDM construction from segmented images using deformable models
* Automatic construction of 3-D statistical deformation models of the brain using nonrigid registration
* Automatic particle detection through efficient hough transforms
* Blind deblurring of spiral CT images
* Blood pool contrast-enhanced MRA: improved arterial visualization in the steady state
* Characterization of pinhole SPECT acquisition geometry
* Chromosome image enhancement using multiscale differential operators
* Combined MR data acquisition of multicontrast images using variable acquisition parameters and K -space data sharing
* Combining low-, high-level and empirical domain knowledge for automated segmentation of ultrasonic breast lesions
* comparison of exact and approximate adjoint sensitivities in fluorescence tomography, A
* comparison of methods for mammogram registration, A
* Computational geometry for patient-specific reconstruction and meshing of blood vessels from MR and CT angiography
* Cone-beam reprojection using projection-matrices
* Construction of an abdominal probabilistic atlas and its application in segmentation
* Convergence studies on iterative algorithms for image reconstruction
* Cortical surface registration for image-guided neurosurgery using laser-range scanning
* Coupling Dense and Landmark-Based Approaches for Non Rigid Registration
* Design and evaluation of an automatic procedure for detection of large misregistration of medical images
* Detection of spectral signatures in multispectral MR images for classification
* Displacement estimation with co-registered ultrasound for image guided neurosurgery: A quantitative in vivo porcine study
* Distributed versus compartment models for PET receptor studies
* dual-bootstrap iterative closest point algorithm with application to retinal image registration, The
* Elastic 3-D alignment of rat brain histological images
* Elastic registration in the presence of intensity variations
* Electrical conductivity imaging via contactless measurements: an experimental study
* Entropy-based dual-portal-to-3-DCT registration incorporating pixel correlation
* Epidaure: a research project in medical image analysis, simulation, and robotics at INRIA
* Estimating average growth trajectories in shape-space using kernel smoothing
* Estimating coronary artery lumen area with optimization-based contour detection
* Estimating volumetric motion in human thorax with parametric matching constraints
* Eulerian PDE Approach for Computing Tissue Thickness, An
* Extraction of periodic multivariate signals: mapping of voltage-dependentdye fluorescence in the mouse heart
* Factors affecting the correlation coefficient template matching algorithm with application to real-time 2-D coronary artery MR imaging
* Fame: A flexible appearance modeling environment
* Fast algorithms for GS-model-based image reconstruction in data-sharing fourier imaging
* Fast, iterative image reconstruction for MRI in the presence of field inhomogeneities
* Finite-Element Approach for Young's Modulus Reconstruction, A
* Fluorescence-enhanced optical tomography using referenced measurements of heterogeneous media
* Further analysis of interpolation effects in mutual information-based image registration
* Globally convergent image reconstruction for emission tomography using relaxed ordered subsets algorithms
* Gradient-based 2-D/3-D rigid registration of fluoroscopic X-ray to CT
* Growth and motion in three-dimensional medical images
* Guest Editorial: Wavelets in Medical Imaging
* Guide-wire tracking during endovascular interventions
* Heart-surface reconstruction and ECG electrodes localization using fluoroscopy, epipolar geometry and stereovision: application to noninvasive imaging of cardiac electrical activity
* Hierarchical active shape modls, using the wavelet transform
* Highly regular wavelets for the detection of clustered microcalcifications in mammograms
* Hot spot detection based on feature space representation of visual search
* hybrid breast biopsy system combining ultrasound and MRI, A
* Image processing and analysis at IPAG
* Image registration
* Imaging of human tooth enamel using ultrasound
* Incorporating a measure of local scale in voxel-based 3-D image registration
* Induced-current electrical impedance tomography: A 2-d theoretical simulation
* Integrated wavelets for enhancement of microcalcifications in digital mammography
* Intensity-based 2-D-3-D registration of cerebral angiograms
* Intensity-based segmentation of microarray images
* Interpolation artifacts in multimodality image registration based on maximization of mutual information
* Interpolation artifacts in multimodality image registration based on maximization of mutual information
* Isosurfaces as deformable models for magnetic resonance angiography
* Kinematic and deformation analysis of 4-D coronary arterial trees reconstructed from cine angiograms
* level set approach for shape-driven segmentation and tracking of the left ventricle, A
* Level-set-based artery-vein separation in blood pool agent CE-MR angiograms
* Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in magnetic resonance images- Effects of voxel anisotropy
* linear wavelet filter for parametric imaging with dynamic PET, A
* Localization and segmentation of aortic endografts using marker detection
* Locating the optic nerve in a retinal image using the fuzzy convergence of the blood vessels
* Lossy-to-lossless compression of medical volumetric data using three-dimensional integer wavelet transforms
* Measurement and analysis of brain deformation during neurosurgery
* Measuring tortuosity of the intracerebral vasculature from MRA images
* medical image display and analysis group at the University of North Carolina: Reminiscences and Philosophy, The
* Medical imaging at Guy's Hospital, King's College London
* Merging parametric active contours within homogeneous image regions for MRI-based lung segmentation
* Method for quantifying volumetric lesion change in interval liver CT examinations
* Mixtures of general linear models for functional neuroimaging
* Monitoring of polyethylene wear in nonmetal-backed acetubular cups by digitized anteroposterior pelvic radiography
* Multielement synthetic transmit aperture imaging using temporal encoding
* Multiresolution fMRI activation detection using translation invariant wavelet transform and statistical analysis based on resampling
* Mutual Information-Based CT-MR Brain Image Registration Using Generalized Partial Volume Joint Histogram Estimation
* Mutual-information-based registration of medical images: a survey
* new accurate and precise 3-D segmentation method for skeletal structures in volumetric CT data, A
* new algorithm for border description of polarized light surface microscopic images of pigmented skin lesions, A
* new clutter rejection algorithm for doppler ultrasound, A
* new convex edge-preserving median prior with applications to tomography, A
* Noise reduction for magnetic resonance images via adaptive multiscale products thresholding
* Nonlinear finite-element analysis and biomechanical evaluation of the lumbar spine
* Nonseparable wavelet-based cone-beam reconstruction in 3-d rotational angiography
* Normal Distribution for Tensor-Valued Random Variables: Applications to Diffusion Tensor MRI, A
* Optimization of wavelet decomposition for image compression and feature preservation
* Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction Method for Emission Tomography, Compared to Postsmoothed Maximum-Likelihood with Matched Spatial Resolution, A
* perception of breast cancers: A spatial frequency analysis of what differentiates missed from reported cancers, The
* PET-CT image registration in the chest using free-form deformations
* Physiologically based modeling of 3-D vascular networks and CT scan angiography
* Platelets: a multiscale approach for recovering edges and surfaces in photon-limited medical imaging
* Practical aspects of a data-driven motion correction approach for brain SPECT
* primal sketch of the cortex mean curvature: a morphogenesis based approach to study the variability of the folding patterns, A
* Quantitative comparison of FBP, EM, and bayesian reconstruction algorithms for the indyPET scanner
* Rapid registration for wide field of view freehand three-dimensional ultrasound
* Real-time adaptive filtering for projection reconstruction MR fluoroscopy
* Region-based wavelet coding methods for digital mammography
* Region-based wavelet coding methods for digital mammography
* Registration and fusion of retinal images: An evaluation study
* Registration and tracking to integrate X-ray and MR images in an XMR facility
* registration-based approach to quantify flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery in ultrasound image sequences, A
* Regularization in tomographic reconstruction using thresholding estimators
* Regularization of flow streamlines in multislice phase-contrast MR imaging
* Retrospective evaluation of intersubject brain registration
* Robust estimation of ultrasound pulses using outlier-resistant de-noising
* robust method for registration of three-dimensional knee implant models to two-dimensional fluoroscopy images, A
* ROC analysis of ultrasound tissue characterization classifiers for breast cancer diagnosis
* Segmentation and analysis of the human airway tree from three-dimensional X-ray CT images
* Segmentation of prostate boundaries from ultrasound images using statistical shape model
* shape-based approach to the segmentation of medical imagery using level sets, A
* Signal nonlinearity in fMRI: a comparison between BOLD and MION
* simple simultaneous geometric and intensity correction method for echo-planar imaging by EPI-based phase modulation, A
* Simultaneous registration and activation detection for fMRI
* Single-shot MR imaging using trapezoidal-gradient-based Lissajous trajectories
* Slice-to-Volume Registration and Its Potential Application to Interventional MRI-Guided Radio-Frequency Thermal Ablation of Prostate Cancer
* Spatial domain filtering for fast modification of the tradeoff between image sharpness and pixel noise in computed tomography
* subspace identification extension to the phase correlation method, A
* Temporal subtraction of thorax CR images using statistical deformation model
* Texture-based classification of atherosclerotic carotid plaques
* Three-dimensional database of subcortical electrophysiology for image-guided stereotactic functional neurosurgery
* Three-dimensional edge-preserving image enhancement for computed tomography
* Three-dimensional encoding/two-dimensional decoding of medical data
* Three-dimensional guide-wire reconstruction from biplane image sequences for integrated display in 3-d vasculature
* Three-dimensional motion tracking of coronary arteries in biplane cineangiograms
* Three-dimensional segmentation and growth-rate estimation of small pulmonary nodules in helical CT images
* Tracking the Optic Nervehead in OCT Video Using Dual Eigenspaces and an Adaptive Vascular Distribution Model
* Ultrasonic liver tissues classification by fractal feature vector based on M -band wavelet transform
* Uncertainty in the output of artificial neural networks
* unifying framework for partial volume segmentation of brain MR images, A
* Unsupervised robust nonparametric estimation of the hemodynamic response function for any FMRI experiment
* Validation of nonrigid image registration using finite-element methods: application to breast MR images
* versatile wavelet domain noise filtration technique for medical imaging, A
* Volume registration using needle paths and point landmarks for evaluation of interventional MRI treatments
* Volume-preserving nonrigid registration of MR breast images using free-form deformation with an incompressibility constraint
* Voxel-guided morphometry (VGM) and application to stroke
* Wavelet coding of volumetric medical datasets
* Wavelet-based estimation of a semiparametric generalized linear model of fMRI time-series
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* Accelerated simulation of cone beam X-ray scatter projections
* Accurate Estimation of the Fisher Information Matrix for the PET Image Reconstruction Problem
* Accurate Method for Correction of Head Movement in PET, An
* Accurate Template-Based Correction of Brain MRI Intensity Distortion With Application to Dementia and Aging
* Adaptive Averaging for Improved SNR in Real-Time Coronary Artery MRI
* Adaptive Level Set Segmentation on a Triangulated Mesh, An
* Analysis of 3-D Myocardial Motion in Tagged MR Images Using Nonrigid Image Registration
* Analysis of Lesion Detectability in Bayesian Emission Reconstruction With Nonstationary Object Variability
* Analytic Determination of the Resolution-Equivalent Effective Diameter of a Pinhole Collimator
* Analytic Method to Predict the Thermal Map of Cryosurgery Iceballs in MR Images, An
* Anatomical-based FDG-PET reconstruction for the detection of hypo-metabolic regions in epilepsy
* Artifact Analysis and Reconstruction Improvement in Helical Cardiac Cone Beam CT
* Assessment of perfusion by dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging using a deconvolution approach based on regression and singular value decomposition
* Atlas-Based Segmentation of Pathological MR Brain Images Using a Model of Lesion Growth
* Automated optimization of JPEG 2000 encoder options based on model observer performance for detecting variable signals in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Automated Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae in Digital Videofluoroscopic Images
* Automatic generation of noise-free time-activity curve with gated blood-pool emission tomography using deformation of a reference curve
* Automatic Identification of Bacterial Types Using Statistical Imaging Methods
* Automatic Identification of the Pectoral Muscle in Mammograms
* Automatic Pectoral Muscle Segmentation on Mediolateral Oblique View Mammograms
* Automatic Quality Control for Wavelet-Based Compression of Volumetric Medical Images Using Distortion-Constrained Adaptive Vector Quantization
* Bayesian Morphometry Algorithm, A
* Characterization of Spiculation on Ultrasound Lesions
* Chebyshev Series for Designing RF Pulses Employing an Optimal Control Approach
* Clustered Components Analysis for Functional MRI
* Colonic Polyp Segmentation in CT Colonography-Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Deformable Models
* Comments on: A methodology for evaluation of boundary detection algorithms on medical images
* Compensation for Nonuniform Resolution Using Penalized-Likelihood Reconstruction in Space-Variant Imaging Systems
* computer-aided diagnosis for locating abnormalities in bone scintigraphy by a fuzzy system with a three-step minimization approach, A
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Solid Breast Nodules: Use of an Artificial Neural Network Based on Multiple Sonographic Features
* Constrained Variational Principle for Direct Estimation and Smoothing of the Diffusion Tensor Field From Complex DWI, A
* Constructing Diffeomorphic Representations for the Groupwise Analysis of Nonrigid Registrations of Medical Images
* Denoising Functional MR Images: A Comparison of Wavelet Denoising and Gaussian Smoothing
* Depth-Map-Based Scene Analysis for Active Navigation in Virtual Angioscopy
* Designing optically tracked instruments for image-guided surgery
* Detection of Optic Disc in Retinal Images by Means of a Geometrical Model of Vessel Structure
* Determining Correspondence in 3-D MR Brain Images Using Attribute Vectors as Morphological Signatures of Voxels
* Differentiation and Characterization of Rat Mammary Fibroadenomas and 4T1 Mouse Carcinomas Using Quantitative Ultrasound Imaging
* Digital Subtraction Bowel Cleansing for CT Colonography Using Morphological and Linear Filtration Methods
* Efficient calculation of resolution and covariance for penalized-likelihood reconstruction in fully 3-D SPECT
* Electrical Conductivity Imaging Using Gradient z-Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT)
* Emission image reconstruction for randoms-precorrected PET allowing negative sinogram values
* Estimating Topology Preserving and Smooth Displacement Fields
* Estimation of displacement vectors and strain tensors in elastography using angular insonifications
* Estimation of the Hemodynamic Response in Event-Related Functional MRI: Bayesian Networks as a Framework for Efficient Bayesian Modeling and Inference
* Evaluation of JPEG 2000 encoder options: human and model observer detection of variable signals in X-ray coronary angiograms
* Experimental fluorescence tomography of tissues with noncontact measurements
* Extraction of Left Ventricular Contours From Left Ventriculograms by Means of a Neural Edge Detector
* f-information measures in medical image registration
* Fast fully 3-D image reconstruction in PET using planograms
* Fully automatic luminal contour segmentation in intracoronary ultrasound imaging-a statistical approach
* Fully Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Modeling of FMRI Data
* General Reconstruction Theory for Multislice X-ray Computed Tomography With a Gantry Tilt
* generalized spherical homeomorphism theorem for digital images, The
* Genus Zero Surface Conformal Mapping and Its Application to Brain Surface Mapping
* High-resolution 3-D shape integration of dentition and face measured by new laser scanner
* High-resolution determination of soft tissue deformations using MRI and first-order texture correlation
* High-Resolution Functional Vascular Assessment With Ultrasound
* Ideal Observers and Optimal ROC Hypersurfaces in N-Class Classification
* Image Denoising Based on Multiscale Singularity Detection for Cone Beam CT Breast Imaging
* Imaging Mass Lesions by Vibro-Acoustography: Modeling and Experiments
* Improved watershed transform for medical image segmentation using prior information
* Improvement of depth position in 2-D/3-D registration of knee implants using single-plane fluoroscopy
* Improving the Use of Vibro-Acoustography for Brachytherapy Metal Seed Imaging: A Feasibility Study
* Intensity-Based Image Registration Using Robust Correlation Coefficients
* Interacting Multiple Model Probabilistic Data Association Filter for Cavity Boundary Extraction From Ultrasound Images, An
* Interactive Virtual Endoscopy in Coronary Arteries Based on Multimodality Fusion
* Interactive Volume Segmentation With Differential Image Foresting Transforms
* Introduction to the Special Section on Virtual Endoscopy
* Iso-Shaping Rigid Bodies for Estimating Their Motion From Image Sequences
* Iterative tomographic image reconstruction using Fourier-based forward and back-projectors
* Kinetic Parameter Estimation From Renal Measurements With a Three-Headed SPECT System: A Simulation Study
* Linear Structures in Mammographic Images: Detection and Classification
* Long Bone Panoramas From Fluoroscopic X-Ray Images
* Low Dimensional Adaptive Texture Feature Vectors From Class Distance and Class Difference Matrices
* Measurement of Retinal Vessel Widths from Fundus Images Based on 2-D Modeling
* Measurement of Trabecular Bone Thickness in the Limited Resolution Regime of In Vivo MRI by Fuzzy Distance Transform
* Method for Modeling Noise in Medical Images, A
* Method of Generalized Projections (MGP) Ghost Correction Algorithm for Interleaved EPI, A
* Microwave image reconstruction from 3-D fields coupled to 2-D parameter estimation
* Modality Independent Elastography (MIE): A New Approach to Elasticity Imaging
* Model-Independent Method for fMRI Analysis
* Modeling Approach for Burn Scar Assessment Using Natural Features and Elastic Property, A
* Modified Uniform Cramer-Rao Bound for Multiple Pinhole Aperture Design, A
* Motion gradient vector flow: an external force for tracking rolling leukocytes with shape and size constrained active contours
* Multimodal registration of retinal images using self organizing maps
* Multiscale Vessel Tracking
* Neighbor-Constrained Segmentation With Level Set Based 3-D Deformable Models
* Noise Equalization for Detection of Microcalcification Clusters in Direct Digital Mammogram Images
* Noninvasive Vascular Elastography: Theoretical Framework
* Nonnegative matrix factorization for rapid recovery of constituent spectra in magnetic resonance chemical shift imaging of the brain
* Nonuniform Noise Propagation by Using the Ramp Filter in Fan-Beam Computed Tomography
* Normalized Cuts in 3-D for Spinal MRI Segmentation
* Object dependency of resolution in reconstruction algorithms with interiteration filtering applied to PET data
* Object-Based Approach for Detecting Small Brain Lesions: Application to Virchow-Robin Spaces, An
* Object-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex
* Optic Nerve Head Segmentation
* Overdetermined Least-Squares Aberration Estimates Using Common-Midpoint Signals
* Parametric Shape Modeling Using Deformable Superellipses for Prostate Segmentation
* Performance of Vibro-Acoustography in Detecting Microcalcifications in Excised Human Breast Tissue: A Study of 74 Tissue Samples
* Performance-Based Classifier Combination in Atlas-Based Image Segmentation Using Expectation-Maximization Parameter Estimation
* Phase Unwrapping for 2-D Blind Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images
* Population Approach Improves Parameter Estimation of Kinetic Models From Dynamic PET Data
* Population-Based Incremental Interactive Concept Learning for Image Retrieval by Stochastic String Segmentations
* Predictive Cardiac Motion Modeling and Correction With Partial Least Squares Regression
* Principal Geodesic Analysis for the Study of Nonlinear Statistics of Shape
* Probabilistic Independent Component Analysis for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Propagation of Errors From the Sensitivity Image in List Mode Reconstruction
* Pulmonary Airways: 3-D Reconstruction From Multislice CT and Clinical Investigation
* Pulmonary Airways: 3-D Reconstruction From Multislice CT and Clinical Investigation
* Quantifying 3-D Vascular Structures in MRA Images Using Hybrid PDE and Geometric Deformable Models
* quantitative analysis of 3-D coronary modeling from two or more projection images, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Image-Based Distortion Correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Reconstruction and quantification of the carotid artery bifurcation from 3-D ultrasound images
* Reconstructions of Chest Phantoms by the D-Bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Registration of Real-Time 3-D Ultrasound Images of the Heart for Novel 3-D Stress Echocardiography
* Registration-Based Interpolation
* Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Positron Emission Tomography
* Respiratory Motion of the Heart From Free Breathing Coronary Angiograms
* Ridge-based vessel segmentation in color images of the retina
* Robust and Objective Decomposition and Mapping of Bifurcating Vessels
* Robust Real-Time Myocardial Border Tracking for Echocardiography: An Information Fusion Approach
* Sampling and Aliasing Consequences of Quarter-Detector Offset Use in Helical CT
* Shear Modulus Estimation Using Parallelized Partial Volumetric Reconstruction
* Similarity Learning Approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval: Application to Digital Mammography, A
* Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation (STAPLE): An Algorithm for the Validation of Image Segmentation
* Spatial Transformation of Motion and Deformation Fields Using Nonrigid Registration
* Special Section: Selection of Papers From IPMI 2003
* Sphere-Filled Organ Model for Virtual Surgery System
* Statistical Estimation of Resistance/Conductance by Electrical Impedance Tomography Measurements
* Surface Normal Overlap: A Computer-Aided Detection Algorithm with Application to Colonic Polyps and Lung Nodules in Helical CT
* Theoretical and numerical aspects of transmit SENSE
* Thickness Correction of Mammographic Images by Means of a Global Parameter Model of the Compressed Breast
* Three-Dimensional Myocardial Strain Reconstruction From Tagged MRI Using a Cylindrical B-spline Model
* Three-Dimensional Path Planning for Virtual Bronchoscopy
* Three-gamma annihilation imaging in positron emission tomography
* Time Delay for Arrival of MR Contrast Agent in Collateral-Dependent Myocardium
* Tomographic Image Reconstruction Based on a Content-Adaptive Mesh Model
* Tooth Segmentation of Dental Study Models Using Range Images
* Tracer kinetic modeling of C11-acetate applied in the liver with positron emission tomography
* Tracheal and Central Bronchial Aerodynamics Using Virtual Bronchoscopy and Computational Fluid Dynamics
* Ultrasound Elastography Based on Multiscale Estimations of Regularized Displacement Fields
* Vascular segmentation of phase contrast magnetic resonance angiograms based on statistical mixture modeling and local phase coherence
* Visual and Quantitative Evaluation of Selected Image Combination Schemes in Ultrasound Spatial Compound Scanning
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* Accelerated Penalized Weighted Least-Squares and Maximum Likelihood Algorithms for Reconstructing Transmission Images from PET Transmission Data
* Accuracy of Fluorescent Tomography in the Presence of Heterogeneities: Study of the Normalized Born Ratio
* Adaptive Tissue Characterization Network for Model-Free Visualization of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Image Data, An
* Alignment of sparse freehand 3-D ultrasound with preoperative images of the liver using models of respiratory motion and deformation
* Assessment of Vulnerable Plaque Composition by Matching the Deformation of a Parametric Plaque Model to Measured Plaque Deformation
* Augmented Reality System for Patient-Specific Guidance of Cardiac Catheter Ablation Procedures, An
* Augmented Virtuality Based on Stereoscopic Reconstruction in Multimodal Image-Guided Neurosurgery: Methods and Performance Evaluation
* Automated detection of prostatic adenocarcinoma from high-resolution ex vivo MRI
* Automated Method for Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Circulating Particles From In vivo Video Microscopy, An
* Automatic Detection of Red Lesions in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Bi-Elliptical Deformable Contour and Its Application to Automated Tongue Segmentation in Chinese Medicine, The
* Chirp Imaging Vibro-Acoustography for Removing the Ultrasound Standing Wave Artifact
* Collimator Optimization for Detection and Quantitation Tasks: Application to Gallium-67 Imaging
* Combined Ultrasound and Optoacoustic System for Real-Time High-Contrast Vascular Imaging in Vivo
* common formalism for the Integral formulations of the forward EEG problem, A
* Comparison and validation of tissue modelization and statistical classification methods in T1-weighted MR brain images
* Comparison Between MAP and Postprocessed ML for Image Reconstruction in Emission Tomography When Anatomical Knowledge Is Available
* Comparison of a Similarity-Based and a Feature-Based 2-D to 3-D Registration Method for Neurointerventional Use, A
* Comparison of Human and Model Observers in Multislice LROC Studies, A
* Compensating for Intraoperative Soft-Tissue Deformations Using Incomplete Surface Data and Finite Elements
* Computational Engine for Development of Complex Cascaded Models of Signal and Noise in X-Ray Imaging Systems
* Computer Vision Elastography: Speckle Adaptive Motion Estimation for Elastography Using Ultrasound Sequences
* Computer-Aided Diagnostic Scheme for Distinction Between Benign and Malignant Nodules in Thoracic Low-Dose CT by Use of Massive Training Artificial Neural Network
* Computer-Aided Placement of Deep Brain Stimulators: From Planning to Intraoperative Guidance
* Cone-beam reconstruction using the backprojection of locally filtered projections
* Conjugate Phase MRI Reconstruction With Spatially Variant Sample Density Correction
* Contextual Encoding in Uniform and Adaptive Mesh-Based Lossless Compression of MR Images
* Correcting Bulk In-Plane Motion Artifacts in MRI Using the Point Spread Function
* Correction of Bias Field in MR Images Using Singularity Function Analysis
* Decision strategies that maximize the area under the LROC curve
* Delay Correlation Subspace Decomposition Algorithm and Its Application in fMRI
* Delineating Fluid-Filled Region Boundaries in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of the Retina
* Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images Using Data and Rate Adaptive Lossy Compression
* Detection Performance Theory for Ultrasound Imaging Systems
* Determination of Mechanical and Electronic Shifts for Pinhole SPECT Using a Single Point Source
* Direct Reconstruction of Kinetic Parameter Images From Dynamic PET Data
* Distributed Vector Processing of a New Local MultiScale Fourier Transform for Medical Imaging Applications
* DTI Segmentation Using an Information Theoretic Tensor Dissimilarity Measure
* Efficient Pipeline for Image-Based Patient-Specific Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Hemodynamics: Technique and Sensitivity
* Efficient Reconstruction Method for Nonuniform Attenuation Compensation in Nonparallel Beam Geometries Based on Novikov's Explicit Inversion Formula, An
* Efficient Simulation of Blood Flow Past Complex Endovascular Devices Using an Adaptive Embedding Technique
* En Pi: Filtered Back-Projection Algorithm for Helical CT Using an n-rm Pi Acquisition
* Estimation of Extraction Fraction (EF) and Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Using MRI: Considerations Derived From a New Gd-Chelate Biodistribution Model Simulation
* Estimation/Correction Algorithm for Detecting Bone Edges in CT Images, An
* Evaluation of an Efficient Compensation Method for Quantitative Fan-Beam Brain SPECT Reconstruction
* Evaluation of fully 3-D emission mammotomography with a compact cadmium zinc telluride detector
* Fast generation of digitally reconstructed radiographs using attenuation fields with application to 2D-3D image registration
* Feasibility of Half-Data Image Reconstruction in 3-D Reflectivity Tomography With a Spherical Aperture
* First results from the high-resolution mouseSPECT annular scintillation camera
* Flattening Maps for the Visualization of Multibranched Vessels
* Fluorescent protein tomography scanner for small animal imaging
* Fully Automated Calibration Method for an Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Operating Microscope With Variable Zoom and Focus, A
* Functional imaging in small animals using X-ray computed Tomography: Study of physiologic measurement reproducibility
* General Exact Reconstruction for Cone-Beam CT via Backprojection-Filtration, A
* general tool for the evaluation of spiral CT interpolation algorithms: revisiting the effect of pitch in multislice CT, A
* Generalized Likelihood Ratio Tests for Complex fMRI Data: A Simulation Study
* Geometric Modeling of the Human Normal Cerebral Arterial System
* Graphical-Model-Based Morphometric Analysis
* Guest Editorial Toward Molecular Imaging
* Guide Wire Reconstruction and Visualization in 3DRA Using Monoplane Fluoroscopic Imaging
* Half-Time Image Reconstruction in Thermoacoustic Tomography
* Hypervolume Under the ROC Hypersurface of Near-Guessing and Near-Perfect Observers in N-Class Classification Tasks, The
* Image analysis for assessing molecular activity changes in time-dependent geometries
* Imaging performance of a-PET: a small animal PET camera
* Improving Geometric Accuracy in the Presence of Susceptibility Difference Artifacts Produced by Metallic Implants in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Improving the Forward Solver for the Complete Electrode Model in EIT Using Algebraic Multigrid
* information-theoretic criterion for intrasubject alignment of FMRI time series: motion corrected independent component analysis, An
* Interplay Between Intensity Standardization and Inhomogeneity Correction in MR Image Processing
* Intrathoracic airway trees: segmentation and airway morphology analysis from low-dose CT scans
* Intravital leukocyte detection using the gradient inverse coefficient of variation
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of Vector Fields
* Localized Measurement of Optical Attenuation Coefficients of Atherosclerotic Plaque Constituents by Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography
* Markerless Real-Time 3-D Target Region Tracking by Motion Backprojection from Projection Images
* Matching and anatomical labeling of human airway tree
* Maximum-likelihood techniques for joint segmentation-classification of multispectral chromosome images
* Mean Curvature Mapping for Detection of Corneal Shape Abnormality
* Method for Determination of the Timing Stability of PET Scanners, A
* Method to Track Cortical Surface Deformations Using a Laser Range Scanner, A
* Mixture model analysis of DNA microarray images
* Mixture models with adaptive spatial regularization for segmentation with an application to FMRI data
* Model-Based Segmentation of Medical Imagery by Matching Distributions
* Molecular imaging of small animals with a triple-head SPECT system using pinhole collimation
* Monitoring Osteoarthritis in the Rat Model Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Neural Networks Approach to Clustering of Activity in fMRI Data
* New Denoising Scheme for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Signals
* New Path Planning Algorithm for Maximizing Visibility in Computed Tomography Colonography, A
* Noise characterization of block-iterative reconstruction algorithms: II. Monte Carlo simulations
* Non-Gaussian smoothing of low-count transmission scans for PET whole-body studies
* Nonlinear Phase Correction With an Extended Statistical Algorithm
* novel approach to the 2-D blind deconvolution problem in medical ultrasound, A
* Novel Approaches to the Measurement of Arterial Blood Flow From Dynamic Digital X-ray Images
* novel local thresholding algorithm for trabecular bone volume fraction mapping in the limited spatial resolution regime of in vivo MRI, A
* Operator Dependence of 3-D Ultrasound-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Carotid Bifurcation
* Optimization of Geometrical Calibration in Pinhole SPECT
* Parameter Distribution Models for Estimation of Population Based Left Ventricular Deformation Using Sparse Fiducial Markers
* Partial Volume Effect Compensation for Quantitative Brain SPECT Imaging
* Precise Robot-Assisted Guide Positioning for Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nails
* Prospective Motion Correction of X-Ray Images for Coronary Interventions
* Rapid Gridding Reconstruction With a Minimal Oversampling Ratio
* Real-Time Fusion of Endoscopic Views With Dynamic 3-D Cardiac Images: A Phantom Study
* Realistic Simulation of the 3-D Growth of Brain Tumors in MR Images Coupling Diffusion With Biomechanical Deformation
* Reduction of noise-induced streak artifacts in X-ray computed tomography through spline-based penalized-likelihood sinogram smoothing
* Registration Framework for the Comparison of Mammogram Sequences, A
* Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Echocardiographic Data Using Deformable Models
* Relevance Vector Machine for Automatic Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications
* Resolution-effective diameters for asymmetric-knife-edge pinhole collimators
* Restrictions on the three-class ideal observer's decision boundary lines
* Robust Active Appearance Models and Their Application to Medical Image Analysis
* Robust Anisotropic Gaussian Fitting for Volumetric Characterization of Pulmonary Nodules in Multislice CT
* Robust nonrigid registration to capture brain shift from intraoperative MRI
* Robust Quantification of In Vitro Angiogenesis Through Image Analysis
* Segmentation of kidney from ultrasound images based on texture and shape priors
* Segmentation of kidney from ultrasound images based on texture and shape priors
* Segmentation of Thrombus in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms From CTA With Nonparametric Statistical Grey Level Appearance Modeling
* Single-Trial Variable Model for Event-Related fMRI Data Analysis
* SNR Enhancement in Radial SSFP Imaging Using Partial k-Space Averaging
* Soft Tissue Differentiation Using Multiband Signatures of High Resolution Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography
* Spatial-Resolution Enhancement in Computed Tomography
* Spatio-Temporal Nonrigid Registration for Ultrasound Cardiac Motion Estimation
* STACS: New Active Contour Scheme for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation
* Standardized Evaluation Methodology for 2-D--3-D Registration
* Stereopsis-Guided Brain Shift Compensation
* Stochastic Model for Studying the Laminar Structure of Cortex From MRI, A
* Structural Group Classification Technique Based on Regional fMRI BOLD Responses
* Study of Temporal Stationarity and Spatial Consistency of fMRI Noise Using Independent Component Analysis
* Study on Several Machine-Learning Methods for Classification of Malignant and Benign Clustered Microcalcifications, A
* Submillimeter Measurement of Cup Migration in Clinical Standard Radiographs
* system for real-time XMR guided cardiovascular intervention, A
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Quantification of Cervical Carcinoma Invasion Fronts From Histological Serial Sections
* three-dimensional registration method for automated fusion of micro PET-CT-SPECT whole-body images, A
* Three-Parameter Mechanical Property Reconstruction Method for MR-Based Elastic Property Imaging, A
* Time-Delay- and Time-Reversal-Based Robust Capon Beamformers for Ultrasound Imaging
* Tomographic Fluorescence Imaging in Tissue Phantoms: A Novel Reconstruction Algorithm and Imaging Geometry
* Tomography-Based 3-D Anisotropic Elastography Using Boundary Measurements
* Tracking of Migrating Cells Under Phase-Contrast Video Microscopy With Combined Mean-Shift Processes
* Unsupervised Learning and Mapping of Active Brain Functional MRI Signals Based on Hidden Semi-Markov Event Sequence Models
* Vascular Imaging
* Vessel Tree Reconstruction in Thoracic CT Scans With Application to Nodule Detection
* Virtual angiography for visualization and validation of computational models of aneurysm hemodynamics
* Visible Korean Human: Improved Serially Sectioned Images of the Entire Body
* Visualization of Vasculature With Convolution Surfaces: Method, Validation and Evaluation
* Volume Rendering in the Presence of Partial Volume Effects
* Wavelet Coding of Volumetric Medical Images for High Throughput and Operability
* Weighted Expectation Maximization Reconstruction Algorithms for Thermoacoustic Tomography
* White Matter Fiber Tractography Via Anisotropic Diffusion Simulation in the Human Brain
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* 3-D reconstruction of tissue components for atherosclerotic human arteries using ex vivo high-resolution MRI
* 3-D/2-D Registration by Integrating 2-D Information in 3-D
* Absolute Conductivity Reconstruction in Magnetic Induction Tomography Using a Nonlinear Method
* Accuracy and Precision of the Three-Dimensional Assessment of the Facial Surface Using a 3-D Laser Scanner
* Adaptive Reproducing Kernel Particle Method for Extraction of the Cortical Surface
* Alternate Line Erasure and Readout (ALER) Method for Implementing Slot-Scan Imaging Technique With a Flat-Panel Detector: Initial Experiences, An
* Analysis of Observer Performance in Known-Location Tasks for Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Analysis of Visual Search Patterns With EMD Metric in Normalized Anatomical Space
* Analytical Calculation of Volumes-of-Intersection for Iterative, Fully 3-D PET Reconstruction
* Anatomy and Flow in Normal and Ischemic Microvasculature Based on a Novel Temporal Fractal Dimension Analysis Algorithm Using Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* Aperture Collimation Correction and Maximum-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Near-Field Coded Aperture Imaging of Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
* Atlas-Driven Lung Lobe Segmentation in Volumetric X-Ray CT Images
* Augmented Vessels for Quantitative Analysis of Vascular Abnormalities and Endovascular Treatment Planning
* Automated contour detection in X-ray left ventricular angiograms using multiview active appearance models and dynamic programming
* Automated microaneurysm detection using local contrast normalization and local vessel detection
* Automatic Contour Propagation in Cine Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic Quantification of Changes in Bone in Serial MR Images of Joints
* Automatic Recovery of the Optic Nervehead Geometry in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Bayesian Approach for Stochastic White Matter Tractography, A
* Bayesian Methods for Pharmacokinetic Models in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Biventricular Myocardial Strains via Nonrigid Registration of Anatomical NURBS Model
* Blockwise Processing Applied to Brain Microvascular Network Study
* Characterizing the Shape of Anatomical Structures With Poisson's Equation
* Circular Ultrasound Compounding by Designed Matrix Weighting
* Cluster Analysis of Dynamic Cerebral Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion MRI Time-Series
* Comments on A New Algorithm for Border Description of Polarized Light Surface Microscopic Images of Pigmented Skin Lesions
* Comparison and validation of tissue modelization and statistical classification methods in T1-weighted MR brain images
* Computer Analysis of Computed Tomography Scans of the Lung: A Survey
* Conductivity Image Reconstruction From Defective Data in MREIT: Numerical Simulation and Animal Experiment
* Constrained Gaussian mixture model framework for automatic segmentation of MR brain images
* Contextual Modeling of Functional MR Images With Conditional Random Fields
* Continuous Medial Representation for Anatomical Structures
* Convergent incremental optimization transfer algorithms: Application to tomography
* Creation and Application of a Simulated Database of Dynamic 18-F MPPF PET Acquisitions Incorporating Inter-Individual Anatomical and Biological Variability
* Cross Validation Study of Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting: From Experts to Atlas-Based, Segmentation-Based and Automatic Registration Algorithms, A
* Data Consistency Based Translational Motion Artifact Reduction in Fan-Beam CT
* Data-Driven Brain MRI Segmentation Supported on Edge Confidence and A Priori Tissue Information
* Deformable segmentation of 3-D ultrasound prostate images using statistical texture matching method
* Deformation-Based Mapping of Volume Change From Serial Brain MRI in the Presence of Local Tissue Contrast Change
* Differentiation of sCJD and vCJD Forms by Automated Analysis of Basal Ganglia Intensity Distribution in Multisequence MRI of the Brain: Definition and Evaluation of New MRI-Based Ratios
* Displacement and velocity of the coronary arteries: cardiac and respiratory motion
* DTI Segmentation by Statistical Surface Evolution
* Effect of Nonlinear Human Visual System Components on Performance of a Channelized Hotelling Observer in Structured Backgrounds, The
* Efficient Forward Solver in Electrical Impedance Tomography by Spectral Element Method, An
* Efficient Monte Carlo Based Scatter Artifact Reduction in Cone-Beam Micro-CT
* Efficient transmission of compressed data for remote volume visualization
* Electrode boundary conditions and experimental validation for BEM-based EIT forward and inverse solutions
* Electromechanical Model of the Heart for Image Analysis and Simulation, An
* Enhancing Digital Cephalic Radiography With Mixture Models and Local Gamma Correction
* Estimation of images and nonrigid deformations in gated emission CT
* Estimation of Velocity Vectors in Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* Evaluation of Four Probability Distribution Models for Speckle in Clinical Cardiac Ultrasound Images
* Finite Element Implementation of Maxwell's Equations for Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Formulation of Four Katsevich Algorithms in Native Geometry
* Fourier-Based Forward and Back-Projectors in Iterative Fan-Beam Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Fourier-Based Reconstruction for Fully 3-D PET: Optimization of Interpolation Parameters
* Fully 3-D PET Reconstruction With System Matrix Derived From Point Source Measurements
* Fully Automated Method for Lung Nodule Detection From Postero-Anterior Chest Radiographs, A
* Generalized Overlap Measures for Evaluation and Validation in Medical Image Analysis
* Generation and Visualization of Four-Dimensional MR Angiography Data Using an Undersampled 3-D Projection Trajectory
* Handling of Long Objects in Iterative Improvement of Nonexact Reconstruction in Helical Cone-Beam CT
* Hybrid segmentation of colon filled with air and opacified fluid for CT colonography
* Image-Processing Technique for Suppressing Ribs in Chest Radiographs by Means of Massive Training Artificial Neural Network (MTANN)
* Imaging of Cardiac Movement Using Ratiometric and Nonratiometric Optical Mapping: Effects of Ischemia and 2, 3-Butaneodione Monoxime
* Incorporation of System Resolution Compensation (RC) in the Ordered-Subset Transmission (OSTR) Algorithm for Transmission Imaging in SPECT
* Intravascular Ultrasound Image Segmentation: A Three-Dimensional Fast-Marching Method Based on Gray Level Distributions
* Investigation of Time-of-Flight Benefit for Fully 3-D PET
* Learning-based deformable registration of MR brain images
* Local Noise Weighted Filtering for Emphysema Scoring of Low-Dose CT Images
* Lung Motion Correction on Respiratory Gated 3-D PET/CT Images
* Mammogram Registration: A Phantom-Based Evaluation of Compressed Breast Thickness Variation Effects
* Markov Random Field Modeling for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Angiography
* MDCT-Based 3-D Texture Classification of Emphysema and Early Smoking Related Lung Pathologies
* Mean and Covariance Properties of Dynamic PET Reconstructions From List-Mode Data
* Method to Correct Intensity Inhomogeneity in MR Images for Atherosclerosis Characterization
* Modeling and Incorporation of System Response Functions in 3-D Whole Body PET
* Modeling of Scanning Laser Polarimetry Images of the Human Retina for Progression Detection of Glaucoma
* Modeling the Amplitude Statistics of Ultrasonic Images
* Monotonic penalized-likelihood image reconstruction for X-ray fluorescence computed tomography
* Morphological Segmentation and Partial Volume Analysis for Volumetry of Solid Pulmonary Lesions in Thoracic CT Scans
* Motion-Compensated and Gated Cone Beam Filtered Back-Projection for 3-D Rotational X-Ray Angiography
* MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound: Methodology and Applications
* Multifractal Analysis of Human Retinal Vessels
* Multifrequency Vibro-Acoustography
* Noninvasive Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Ventricular Activation Sequence From the Inverse Solution of Distributed Equivalent Current Density
* Nonlinear Motion Correction of Respiratory-Gated Lung SPECT Images
* Nonlinear multiscale wavelet diffusion for speckle suppression and edge enhancement in ultrasound images
* Nonrigid 2-D/3-D Registration for Patient Specific Bronchoscopy Simulation With Statistical Shape Modeling: Phantom Validation
* Normal and Pathological NCAT Image and Phantom Data Based on Physiologically Realistic Left Ventricle Finite-Element Models
* Novel Temporal Calibration Method for 3-D Ultrasound, A
* Observer Efficiency in Discrimination Tasks Simulating Malignant and Benign Breast Lesions Imaged With Ultrasound
* On Measuring the Change in Size of Pulmonary Nodules
* Parallelized Bayesian Inversion for Three-Dimensional Dental X-ray Imaging
* Patient-Specific Bronchoscopy Visualization Through BRDF Estimation and Disocclusion Correction
* Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Approach to Sinogram Noise Reduction and Image Reconstruction for Low-Dose X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Penalized-Likelihood Sinogram Restoration for Computed Tomography
* Perceptually lossless medical image coding
* Phenomenological Model of Diffuse Global and Regional Atrophy Using Finite-Element Methods
* Pinhole SPECT Imaging: Compact Projection/Backprojection Operator for Efficient Algebraic Reconstruction
* Pose Estimation of Known Objects During Transmission Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Prostate Mechanical Imaging: 3-D Image Composition and Feature Calculations
* Protocol for Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Rigid Registration, A
* Quantitative Evaluation of Three Calibration Methods for 3-D Freehand Ultrasound
* Radon-Split Method for Helical Cone-Beam CT and Its Application to Nongated Reconstruction, The
* Rapid Polarizing Field Cycling in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries From a Single Rotational X-Ray Projection Sequence
* Rectification for Cone-Beam Projection and Backprojection
* Region of Interest Reconstruction From Truncated Data in Circular Cone-Beam CT
* Regularized Inverse Approach to Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Imaging, A
* Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures
* Retinal vessel segmentation using the 2-D Gabor wavelet and supervised classification
* Robust Online Orientation Correction for Radiographs in PACS Environments
* Scatter Correction Method for X-Ray CT Using Primary Modulation: Theory and Preliminary Results
* Segmentation Methodology for Automated Classification and Differentiation of Soft Tissues in Multiband Images of High-Resolution Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography
* Segmentation of retinal blood vessels by combining the detection of centerlines and morphological reconstruction
* Segmentation of the Posterior Ribs in Chest Radiographs Using Iterated Contextual Pixel Classification
* Segmentation of trabeculated structures using an anisotropic Markov random field: application to the study of the optic nerve head in glaucoma
* Self-calibrating 3D-ultrasound-based bone registration for minimally invasive orthopedic surgery
* Semiautomatic 3-D Prostate Segmentation from TRUS Images Using Spherical Harmonics
* Simulation of Tissue Atrophy Using a Topology Preserving Transformation Model
* Smooth Functional and Structural Maps on the Neocortex Via Orthonormal Bases of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator
* Spherical Harmonics Microwave Algorithm for Shape and Location Reconstruction of Breast Cancer Tumor
* Statistical Modeling and Reconstruction of Randoms Precorrected PET Data
* Statistical Strategy for Anisotropic Adventitia Modelling in IVUS
* Super-Resolution in PET Imaging
* Super-Resolution Registration Using Tissue-Classified Distance Fields
* Support Vector Analysis of Color-Doppler Images: A New Approach for Estimating Indices of Left Ventricular Function
* Theoretical Study of Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Region of Interest Quantification
* Three-Class ROC Analysis: A Decision Theoretic Approach Under the Ideal Observer Framework
* Three-Class ROC Analysis: The Equal Error Utility Assumption and the Optimality of Three-Class ROC Surface Using the Ideal Observer
* Tomographic reconstruction using an adaptive tetrahedral mesh defined by a point cloud
* Towards a New Tool for the Evaluation of the Quality of Ultrasound Compressed Images
* Towards Cardiac C-Arm Computed Tomography
* Twenty New Digital Brain Phantoms for Creation of Validation Image Data Bases
* Ultrahigh-Field MRI Whole-Slice and Localized RF Field Excitations Using the Same RF Transmit Array
* Ultrasound Image Segmentation: A Survey
* Unwrapping of MR Phase Images Using a Markov Random Field Model
* Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Projector/Backprojector Pair of Iterative Reconstruction for Compensation of Known Rigid-Body Motion in SPECT
* Using Human and Model Performance to Compare MRI Reconstructions
* Validation of bone segmentation and improved 3-D registration using contour coherency in CT data
* Variational Bayes Inference of Spatial Mixture Models for Segmentation
* Volumetric breast density estimation from full-field digital mammograms
* Wavelet-Based Reconstruction for Limited-Angle X-Ray Tomography
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* Accelerating Dynamic Spiral MRI by Algebraic Reconstruction From Undersampled t Space
* Accounting for Signal Loss Due to Dephasing in the Correction of Distortions in Gradient-Echo EPI Via Nonrigid Registration
* Accuracy of q-Space Related Parameters in MRI: Simulations and Phantom Measurements
* Alternating Minimization Algorithms for Transmission Tomography
* Analysis of Retinal Vasculature Using a Multiresolution Hermite Model
* Anatomical Equivalence Class: A Morphological Analysis Framework Using a Lossless Shape Descriptor
* Atlas Renormalization for Improved Brain MR Image Segmentation Across Scanner Platforms
* Automated Extraction of the Cortical Sulci Based on a Supervised Learning Approach
* Automated Finite-Element Analysis for Deformable Registration of Prostate Images
* Automated Segmentation and Classification of High Throughput Yeast Assay Spots
* Automatic Correction of Level Set Based Subvoxel Precise Centerlines for Virtual Colonoscopy Using the Colon Outer Wall
* Automatic Segmentation of the Caudate Nucleus From Human Brain MR Images
* Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas
* Bayesian Kernel Methods for Analysis of Functional Neuroimages
* Brachytherapy Seed Localization Using Geometric and Linear Programming Techniques
* Brain Functional Localization: A Survey of Image Registration Techniques
* Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization Using Riemann Surface Structure
* BSLIM: Spectral Localization by Imaging With Explicit B{0} Field Inhomogeneity Compensation
* Characteristic Quantities of Microvascular Structures in CLSM Volume Datasets
* Classification Based on Cortical Folding Patterns
* Clinical DT-MRI Estimation, Smoothing, and Fiber Tracking With Log-Euclidean Metrics
* COMPARE: Classification of Morphological Patterns Using Adaptive Regional Elements
* Comparison Framework for Breathing Motion Estimation Methods From 4-D Imaging, A
* Comparison of PDE-Based Nonlinear Diffusion Approaches for Image Enhancement and Denoising in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Compensation of Some Time Dependent Deformations in Tomography
* Computational Framework for Simulating Fluorescence Microscope Images With Cell Populations
* Computational Framework for the Statistical Analysis of Cardiac Diffusion Tensors: Application to a Small Database of Canine Hearts, A
* Concentric Morphology Model for the Detection of Masses in Mammography, A
* Constrained Active Appearance Models for Segmentation of Triplane Echocardiograms
* Cortical Surface Shape Analysis Based on Spherical Wavelets
* Data Consistency Based Rigid Motion Artifact Reduction in Fan-Beam CT
* Deformable Registration Method for Automated Morphometry of MRI Brain Images in Neuropsychiatric Research, A
* Detection and Visualization of Surface-Pockets to Enable Phenotyping Studies
* Detection of Anatomic Structures in Human Retinal Imagery
* Diffusion Basis Functions Decomposition for Estimating White Matter Intravoxel Fiber Geometry
* Diffusion Tensor Analysis With Invariant Gradients and Rotation Tangents
* Effect of Spatial Alignment Transformations in PCA and ICA of Functional Neuroimages
* Effects of Flow Dispersion and Cardiac Pulsation in Arterial Spin Labeling, The
* Electrical Impedance Tomography for Piecewise Constant Domains Using Boundary Element Shape-Based Inverse Solutions
* Error Propagation Framework for Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Diffusion Tensor Representations
* Error Propagation Framework for Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Diffusion Tensor Representations
* Estimating 3-D Respiratory Motion From Orbiting Views by Tomographic Image Registration
* Exact and Approximate Fourier Rebinning Algorithms for the Solution of the Data Truncation Problem in 3-D PET
* Explicit Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Information Into a Nonrigid Registration of Thoracic and Abdominal CT and 18-FDG Whole-Body Emission PET Images
* Fast and Accurate Automatic Registration for MR-Guided Procedures Using Active Microcoils
* Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images Using an Integrated Method for Dynamic SPECT
* Fast Fully 4-D Incremental Gradient Reconstruction Algorithm for List Mode PET Data, A
* Fast Predictions of Variance Images for Fan-Beam Transmission Tomography With Quadratic Regularization
* Fast XYT Imaging of Elementary Calcium Release Events in Muscle With Multifocal Multiphoton Microscopy and Wavelet Denoising and Detection
* Feature-Preserving MRI Denoising: A Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Approach
* Field Inhomogeneity Correction Based on Gridding Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Full Motion and Flow Field Recovery From Echo Doppler Data
* Fusion of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Gene Array Data: A New Approach for the Correlative Analysis of Molecular Biological and Clinical Data
* Fuzzy, Nonparametric Segmentation Framework for DTI and MRI Analysis: With Applications to DTI-Tract Extraction, A
* Genetic Algorithms for Finite Mixture Model Based Voxel Classification in Neuroimaging
* Geometric Method for Automatic Extraction of Sulcal Fundi, A
* Geometrically Accurate Topology-Correction of Cortical Surfaces Using Nonseparating Loops
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Computational Diffusion MRI
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Mathematical Modeling in Biomedical Image Analysis
* Hierarchical Algorithm for MR Brain Image Parcellation, A
* High-Dimensional Spatial Normalization of Diffusion Tensor Images Improves the Detection of White Matter Differences: An Example Study Using Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
* Hilbert Transform Based FBP Algorithm for Fan-Beam CT Full and Partial Scans
* Imaging the Distribution of Magnetic Nanoparticles With Ultrasound
* Impact of an Improved Combination of Signals From Array Coils in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Improved Model-Based Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
* Improved Reconstruction for MR Spectroscopic Imaging
* Incorporating Domain Knowledge Into the Fuzzy Connectedness Framework: Application to Brain Lesion Volume Estimation in Multiple Sclerosis
* Integrating Diagnostic B-Mode Ultrasonography Into CT-Based Radiation Treatment Planning
* Iterative Image Reconstruction Using Inverse Fourier Rebinning for Fully 3-D PET
* Iterative Image Reconstruction Using Inverse Fourier Rebinning for Fully 3-D PET
* Large Deformation Diffeomorphism and Momentum Based Hippocampal Shape Discrimination in Dementia of the Alzheimer type
* Learning Active Shape Models for Bifurcating Contours
* Learning-Based Segmentation Framework for Tissue Images Containing Gene Expression Data
* Left Ventricular Deformation Recovery From Cine MRI Using an Incompressible Model
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Parallel Imaging With Coil Sensitivity Noise, A
* Minimal Shape and Intensity Cost Path Segmentation
* Morphological Characterization of Intracranial Aneurysms Using 3-D Moment Invariants
* Motion Correction for Coronary Stent Reconstruction From Rotational X-ray Projection Sequences
* MRI of Moving Subjects Using Multislice Snapshot Images With Volume Reconstruction (SVR): Application to Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Brain Studies
* Multifeature Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Histological Images
* Multiscale 3-D Shape Representation and Segmentation Using Spherical Wavelets
* New Insights into Image Processing of Cortical Blood Flow Monitors Using Laser Speckle Imaging
* New Perspectives on the Sources of White Matter DTI Signal
* New Validation Method for X-ray Mammogram Registration Algorithms Using a Projection Model of Breast X-ray Compression, A
* Noise Properties of Chord-Image Reconstruction
* Nonlinear Diffusion in Laplacian Pyramid Domain for Ultrasonic Speckle Reduction
* Nonparametric Extraction of Transient Changes in Neurotransmitter Concentration From Dynamic PET Data
* Nonrigid Coregistration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using a Viscous Fluid Model and Mutual Information
* On Analyzing Diffusion Tensor Images by Identifying Manifold Structure Using Isomaps
* Optimal Radial Profile Order Based on the Golden Ratio for Time-Resolved MRI, An
* Optimal Three-Class Linear Observer Derived From Decision Theory, An
* Optimization of Noise Equivalent Count Rate Performance for a Partially Collimated PET Scanner by Varying the Number of Septa
* Optimization of Restricted ROC Surfaces in Three-Class Classification Tasks
* Outlier Detection and Handling for Robust 3-D Active Shape Models Search
* Parsimonious Model Selection for Tissue Segmentation and Classification Applications: A Study Using Simulated and Experimental DTI Data
* Pattern-Theoretic Characterization of Biological Growth, A
* Pinhole SPECT With Different Data Acquisition Geometries: Usefulness of Unified Projection Operators in Homogeneous Coordinates
* Point-Based Rigid-Body Registration Using an Unscented Kalman Filter
* Polyp Enhancing Level Set Evolution of Colon Wall: Method and Pilot Study
* Probabilistic Inference on Q-ball Imaging Data
* Probabilistic Model-Based Approach to Consistent White Matter Tract Segmentation, A
* Progress in Multimodality Imaging: Truly Simultaneous Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Quantitative Rotating Multisegment Slant-Hole SPECT Mammography With Attenuation and Collimator-Detector Response Compensation
* Rayleigh-Maximum-Likelihood Filtering for Speckle Reduction of Ultrasound Images
* Real-Time Vessel Segmentation and Tracking for Ultrasound Imaging Applications
* Reconstruction Method for Gappy and Noisy Arterial Flow Data, A
* Referenceless MR Thermometry for Monitoring Thermal Ablation in the Prostate
* Registration of Multiview Real-Time 3-D Echocardiographic Sequences
* Representing Diffusion MRI in 5-D Simplifies Regularization and Segmentation of White Matter Tracts
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Line Operators and Support Vector Classification
* Retinal Vessel Centerline Extraction Using Multiscale Matched Filters, Confidence and Edge Measures
* Review of Methods for Correction of Intensity Inhomogeneity in MRI, A
* Robust 3-D Modeling of Vasculature Imagery Using Superellipsoids
* Segmentation of the Optic Disc, Macula and Vascular Arch in Fundus Photographs
* Segmenting Articular Cartilage Automatically Using a Voxel Classification Approach
* Shape-Based Normalization of the Corpus Callosum for DTI Connectivity Analysis
* Shear-Based Fast Hierarchical Backprojection for Parallel-Beam Tomography
* Simulations of Short-Time Diffusivity in Lung Airspaces and Implications for S/V Measurements Using Hyperpolarized-Gas MRI
* Simultaneous Registration and Parcellation of Bilateral Hippocampal Surface Pairs for Local Asymmetry Quantification
* Sparse Decomposition and Modeling of Anatomical Shape Variation
* Spatiotemporal Independent Component Analysis for the Detection of Functional Responses in Cat Retinal Images
* Statistical Analyses of Brain Surfaces Using Gaussian Random Fields on 2-D Manifolds
* Statistical Analysis of Brain Morphology Using Wild Bootstrapping, A
* Statistical Approach to Inverting the Born Ratio, A
* Statistical Parts-Based Model of Anatomical Variability, A
* Statistical Parts-Based Model of Anatomical Variability, A
* Statistical Properties of Jacobian Maps and the Realization of Unbiased Large-Deformation Nonlinear Image Registration
* Structural Analysis of fMRI Data Revisited: Improving the Sensitivity and Reliability of fMRI Group Studies
* Structure-From-Motion Without Correspondence From Tomographic Projections by Bayesian Inversion Theory
* Surface-Constrained Volumetric Brain Registration Using Harmonic Mappings
* Symmetric Data Attachment Terms for Large Deformation Image Registration
* System for Real-Time Measurement of the Brachial Artery Diameter in B-Mode Ultrasound Images, A
* T2- Selective Magnetization Preparation Pulses
* Targeted Prostate Biopsy Using Statistical Image Analysis
* Temporal Change Analysis for Characterization of Mass Lesions in Mammography
* Tensor Splines for Interpolation and Approximation of DT-MRI With Applications to Segmentation of Isolated Rat Hippocampi
* Texture Anisotropy of the Brain's White Matter as Revealed by Anatomical MRI
* Topology-Preserving Tissue Classification of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
* Towards a Real-Time Minimally-Invasive Vascular Intervention Simulation System
* Tracking Myocardial Motion From Cine DENSE Images Using Spatiotemporal Phase Unwrapping and Temporal Fitting
* Ultra Fast Symmetry and SIMD-Based Projection-Backprojection (SSP) Algorithm for 3-D PET Image Reconstruction
* Unified Computational Framework for Deconvolution to Reconstruct Multiple Fibers From Diffusion Weighted MRI, A
* Vascular Space Occupancy Weighted Imaging With Control of Residual Blood Signal and Higher Contrast-to-Noise Ratio
* Vessel Axis Tracking Using Topology Constrained Surface Evolution
* Vessels as 4-D Curves: Global Minimal 4-D Paths to Extract 3-D Tubular Surfaces and Centerlines
* Vibration Mode Imaging
* Volumetric Quantification of Atherosclerotic Plaque in CT Considering Partial Volume Effect
* Volumetric Texture Segmentation by Discriminant Feature Selection and Multiresolution Classification
* Weighted Fourier Series Representation and Its Application to Quantifying the Amount of Gray Matter
* Weighted Local Variance-Based Edge Detection and Its Application to Vascular Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Angiography
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* 2-D Locally Regularized Tissue Strain Estimation From Radio-Frequency Ultrasound Images: Theoretical Developments and Results on Experimental Data
* 3-D Visualization and Identification of Biological Microorganisms Using Partially Temporal Incoherent Light In-Line Computational Holographic Imaging
* 4-Channel Coil Array Interconnection by Analog Direct Modulation Optical Link for 1.5-T MRI, A
* About Objective 3-D Analysis of Airway Geometry in Computerized Tomography
* Accelerating the Nonequispaced Fast Fourier Transform on Commodity Graphics Hardware
* Accurate Event-Driven Motion Compensation in High-Resolution PET Incorporating Scattered and Random Events
* Accurate Localization of Brain Activity in Presurgical fMRI by Structure Adaptive Smoothing
* Adaptive SPECT
* Algorithm for X-ray Scatter, Beam-Hardening, and Beam Profile Correction in Diagnostic (Kilovoltage) and Treatment (Megavoltage) Cone Beam CT
* Analysis of fMRI Data Using Improved Self-Organizing Mapping and Spatio-Temporal Metric Hierarchical Clustering
* Analysis of Resolution and Noise Properties of Nonquadratically Regularized Image Reconstruction Methods for PET
* Analysis of Tumor Vascularity Using Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound Images
* Analytical Scatter Correction for Singles-Mode Transmission Data in PET, An
* Anisotropic Field-of-Views in Radial Imaging
* Application of Three-Class ROC Analysis to Task-Based Image Quality Assessment of Simultaneous Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS)
* Automated Effect-Specific Mammographic Pattern Measures
* Automated Topographic Segmentation and Transit Time Estimation in Endoscopic Capsule Exams
* Automatic Construction of 3D-ASM Intensity Models by Simulating Image Acquisition: Application to Myocardial Gated SPECT Studies
* Automatic Detection of Regional Heart Rejection in USPIO-Enhanced MRI
* Automatic Microarray Spot Segmentation Using a Snake-Fisher Model
* Automatic Model-Based Segmentation of the Heart in CT Images
* Binary Encoding of Multiplexed Images in Mixed Noise
* Block-Iterative Fisher Scoring Algorithms for Maximum Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction in Emission Tomography
* Brain Anatomical Structure Segmentation by Hybrid Discriminative/Generative Models
* Classification of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Breast Lesions by Support Vector Machines
* Classification of fMRI Time Series in a Low-Dimensional Subspace With a Spatial Prior
* Combinatorial and Probabilistic Fusion of Noisy Correlation Measurements for Untracked Freehand 3-D Ultrasound
* Comparison Between a Time Domain and Continuous Wave Small Animal Optical Imaging System, A
* Comparison of Residence Time Estimation Methods for Radioimmunotherapy Dosimetry and Treatment Planning: Monte Carlo Simulation Studies
* Comprehensive Approach to the Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Cardiac MR Images, A
* Computation of Diffusion Function Measures in q-Space Using Magnetic Resonance Hybrid Diffusion Imaging
* Computational Analysis and Improvement of SIRT
* Computational Patient-Specific Models Based on 3-D Ultrasound Data to Quantify Uterine Arterial Flow During Pregnancy
* Computer Aided Evaluation of Ankylosing Spondylitis Using High-Resolution CT
* Computing Reconstruction Kernels for Circular 3-D Cone Beam Tomography
* Continuous and Discrete Data Rebinning in Time-of-Flight PET
* Correction for Resolution Nonuniformities Caused by Anode Angulation in Computed Tomography
* Current Density Impedance Imaging
* Derivation and Validation of a Sensitivity Formula for Slit-Slat Collimation
* Detection and Measurement of Fetal Anatomies from Ultrasound Images using a Constrained Probabilistic Boosting Tree
* Development of an Active Intravascular MR Device With an Optical Transmission System
* DT-MRI Fiber Tracking: A Shortest Paths Approach
* Dynamic 3-D Virtual Fixtures for Minimally Invasive Beating Heart Procedures
* Dynamic PET Reconstruction Using Wavelet Regularization With Adapted Basis Functions
* Dynamic Positron Emission Tomography Data-Driven Analysis Using Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Dynamic Vector Model of Microstrip RF Resonators for High-Field MR Imaging, A
* Effect of Overlapping Projections on Reconstruction Image Quality in Multipinhole SPECT
* Efficient Multilevel Brain Tumor Segmentation With Integrated Bayesian Model Classification
* Efficient Processing of Laser Speckle Contrast Images
* Efficient Segmentation by Sparse Pixel Classification
* Electrical Impedance Tomography Problem With Inaccurately Known Boundary and Contact Impedances
* Elliptical Cone of Uncertainty and Its Normalized Measures in Diffusion Tensor Imaging, The
* Estimation and Statistical Bounds for Three-Dimensional Polar Shapes in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Evaluation of Iterative Sparse Object Reconstruction From Few Projections for 3-D Rotational Coronary Angiography
* Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on a Circular Short-Scan, A
* Fast Joint Reconstruction of Dynamic R_2* and Field Maps in Functional MRI
* Fast Method for Designing Time-Optimal Gradient Waveforms for Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories, A
* Fast Noise Reduction in Computed Tomography for Improved 3-D Visualization
* Fast Nonrigid Image Registration With Constraints on the Jacobian Using Large Scale Constrained Optimization, A
* Feature Normalization via Expectation Maximization and Unsupervised Nonparametric Classification For M-FISH Chromosome Images
* Fluid Registration of Diffusion Tensor Images Using Information Theory
* Four-Chamber Heart Modeling and Automatic Segmentation for 3-D Cardiac CT Volumes Using Marginal Space Learning and Steerable Features
* Fully Automated Motion Correction in First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion MR Image Sequences
* Gap Filling of 3-D Microvascular Networks by Tensor Voting
* Gap Filling Strategies for 3-D-FBP Reconstructions of High-Resolution Research Tomograph Scans
* Generalized Tensor-Based Morphometry of HIV/AIDS Using Multivariate Statistics on Deformation Tensors
* Geometric Variability of the Scoliotic Spine Using Statistics on Articulated Shape Models
* Geometry-Driven Optical Flow Warping for Spatial Normalization of Cortical Surfaces, A
* Guest Editorial Functional Imaging of the Heart
* Guest Editorial: Fully 3-D Reconstruction of Medical Images
* Haemodynamics of Endovascular Aneurysm Treatment: A Computational Modelling Approach for Estimating the Influence of Multiple Coil Deployment, The
* Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton on Cortical Surfaces
* Hepatic Perfusion Imaging Using Factor Analysis of Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* High-Speed Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for Surgical Simulation Using Graphics Processing Units
* In Vivo MR-Tracking Based on Magnetic Signature Selective Excitation
* Intraoperative Laparoscope Augmentation for Port Placement and Resection Planning in Minimally Invasive Liver Resection
* Intraoperative Magnetic Tracker Calibration Using a Magneto-Optic Hybrid Tracker for 3-D Ultrasound-Based Navigation in Laparoscopic Surgery
* Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Optimal 3-D Graph Search
* Local Harmonic B_z Algorithm With Domain Decomposition in MREIT: Computer Simulation Study
* Meaning and Use of the Volume Under a Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS), The
* Mechanical Imaging of the Breast
* Methods of Artificial Enlargement of the Training Set for Statistical Shape Models
* Model-Based Imaging of Cardiac Apparent Conductivity and Local Conduction Velocity for Diagnosis and Planning of Therapy
* Model-Based, Semi-Global Segmentation Approach for Automatic 3-D Point Landmark Localization in Neuroimages, A
* Motion Compensated Fan-Beam Reconstruction for Nonrigid Transformation
* MRI-Based Automated Computer Classification of Probable AD Versus Normal Controls
* Multichannel Watershed-Based Segmentation Method for Multispectral Chromosome Classification, A
* Multiscale Vascular Surface Model Generation From Medical Imaging Data Using Hierarchical Features
* Multispectral Co-Occurrence With Three Random Variables in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Breast Cancer
* Myocardial Perfusion Characterization From Contrast Angiography Spectral Distribution
* New Method for Registration-Based Medical Image Interpolation, A
* Noise Correction on Rician Distributed Data for Fibre Orientation Estimators
* Noise Performance of a Precision Pulsed Electromagnet Power Supply for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Noninvasive Three-Dimensional Cardiac Activation Imaging From Body Surface Potential Maps: A Computational and Experimental Study on a Rabbit Model
* Note on the Validity of Statistical Bootstrapping for Estimating the Uncertainty of Tensor Parameters in Diffusion Tensor Images, A
* Novel Method for the Automatic Grading of Retinal Vessel Tortuosity, A
* Novel Technique for Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nail Based on Two Non-constrained Fluoroscopic Images and Navigation, A
* Novel Vessel Segmentation Algorithm for Pathological Retina Images Based on the Divergence of Vector Fields, A
* On Geometric Modeling of the Human Intracranial Venous System
* Optic Disc Detection From Normalized Digital Fundus Images by Means of a Vessels' Direction Matched Filter
* Optimal Wavelet Transform for the Detection of Microaneurysms in Retina Photographs
* Optimized Blockwise Nonlocal Means Denoising Filter for 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* ORBIT: A Multiresolution Framework for Deformable Registration of Brain Tumor Images
* Original Genetic Approach to the Fully Automatic Gridding of Microarray Images, An
* Particle Filtering for Multiple Object Tracking in Dynamic Fluorescence Microscopy Images: Application to Microtubule Growth Analysis
* Performance Analysis of Three-Class Classifiers: Properties of a 3-D ROC Surface and the Normalized Volume Under the Surface for the Ideal Observer
* Perturbative Refinement of the Geometric Calibration in Pinhole SPECT
* Phonovibrography: Mapping High-Speed Movies of Vocal Fold Vibrations Into 2-D Diagrams for Visualizing and Analyzing the Underlying Laryngeal Dynamics
* Planogram Rebinning With the Frequency-Distance Relationship
* Probabilistic Framework Based on Hidden Markov Model for Fiducial Identification in Image-Guided Radiation Treatments, A
* Probabilistic Framework for Brain Connectivity From Functional MR Images
* Prostate Cancer Spectral Multifeature Analysis Using TRUS Images
* Quantification of Thyroid Volume Using 3-D Ultrasound Imaging
* Real-Time 2-D Vector Doppler System for Clinical Experimentation, A
* Reduced Encoding Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Implemented With a Bi-Gaussian Model
* Regional Admittivity Spectra With Tomosynthesis Images for Breast Cancer Detection: Preliminary Patient Study
* Registered 3-D Ultrasound and Digital Stereotactic Mammography for Breast Biopsy Guidance
* Regularized Field Map Estimation in MRI
* Reproducibility of Global and Local Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Micro-Computed Tomography of Iliac Crest Biopsies
* Respiratory Motion Correction in 3-D PET Data With Advanced Optical Flow Algorithms
* Restoration of DWI Data Using a Rician LMMSE Estimator
* Review of Geometric Transformations for Nonrigid Body Registration, A
* Robust and Accurate Two-Stage Approach for Automatic Recovery of Distal Locking Holes in Computer-Assisted Intramedullary Nailing of Femoral Shaft Fractures, A
* Robust Gradient-Based 3-D/2-D Registration of CT and MR to X-Ray Images
* Robust Linearized Image Reconstruction for Multifrequency EIT of the Breast
* Rotate-and-Slant Projector for Fast LOR-Based Fully-3-D Iterative PET Reconstruction
* Seamless Warping of Diffusion Tensor Fields
* Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in Thoracic CT Scans: A Region Growing Approach
* Segmentation of Rodent Whole-Body Dynamic PET Images: An Unsupervised Method Based on Voxel Dynamics
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle of the Heart in 3-D+t MRI Data Using an Optimized Nonrigid Temporal Model
* Segmentation of Whole Cells and Cell Nuclei From 3-D Optical Microscope Images Using Dynamic Programming
* Segmenting Lung Fields in Serial Chest Radiographs Using Both Population-Based and Patient-Specific Shape Statistics
* Selecting and Assessing Quantitative Early Ultrasound Texture Measures for Their Association With Cerebral Palsy
* Semiautomated Segmentation of Myocardial Contours for Fast Strain Analysis in Cine Displacement-Encoded MRI
* Shape-Driven Three-Dimensional Watersnake Segmentation of Biological Membranes in Electron Tomography
* Simultaneous Ultrasound and MRI System for Breast Biopsy: Compatibility Assessment and Demonstration in a Dual Modality Phantom
* Single and Multipinhole Collimator Design Evaluation Method for Small Animal SPECT
* Sparse Registration for Three-Dimensional Stress Echocardiography
* Sparsity-Enforced Slice-Selective MRI RF Excitation Pulse Design
* Spatial Harmonic Imaging of X-ray Scattering: Initial Results
* Spline-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Statistical Model for Point-Based Target Registration Error With Anisotropic Fiducial Localizer Error, A
* Supervised Enhancement Filters: Application to Fissure Detection in Chest CT Scans
* Surface Reconstruction for Free-Space 360 deg Fluorescence Molecular Tomography and the Effects of Animal Motion
* Surface-Based Approach to Quantify Local Cortical Gyrification, A
* System Calibration and Statistical Image Reconstruction for Ultra-High Resolution Stationary Pinhole SPECT
* Technique for Regional Analysis of Femorotibial Cartilage Thickness Based on Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Tendinopathy Discrimination by Use of Spatial Frequency Parameters in Ultrasound B-Mode Images
* Tensor-Based Cortical Surface Morphometry via Weighted Spherical Harmonic Representation
* Three-Dimensional Cardiac Strain Estimation Using Spatio-Temporal Elastic Registration of Ultrasound Images: A Feasibility Study
* Time Domain Fluorescence Tomography System for Small Animal Imaging, A
* Time-Domain Optimized Near-Field Estimator for Ultrasound Imaging: Initial Development and Results
* Toward Realistic and Practical Ideal Observer (IO) Estimation for the Optimization of Medical Imaging Systems
* Tractography Gone Wild: Probabilistic Fibre Tracking Using the Wild Bootstrap With Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Twisting and Bending Model-Based Nonrigid Image Registration Technique for 3-D Ultrasound Carotid Images, A
* Ultrasound Elastography: A Dynamic Programming Approach
* Using Perturbation Theory to Compute the Morphological Similarity of Diffusion Tensors
* Variable Pitch Reconstruction Using John's Equation
* Wavelet Based Noise Reduction in CT-Images Using Correlation Analysis
* Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Color Video Segmentation
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* 1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Response Estimation
* 3-D High-Frequency Array Based 16 Channel Photoacoustic Microscopy System for In Vivo Micro-Vascular Imaging, A
* Accelerated Nonrigid Intensity-Based Image Registration Using Importance Sampling
* Active Contour Model for Segmenting and Measuring Retinal Vessels, An
* Adaptive and Predictive Respiratory Motion Model for Image-Guided Interventions: Theory and First Clinical Application, An
* Adaptive Mean-Shift Framework for MRI Brain Segmentation, An
* Algebraic Decomposition of Fat and Water in MRI
* Analysis of Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Dynamic PET Quantification
* Anatomy-Guided Lung Lobe Segmentation in X-Ray CT Images
* Application of Compressed Sensing for Photo-Acoustic Tomography, The
* Approaching Artery Rigid Dynamics in IVUS
* Automated 3-D Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Automated Detection of Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities Based on a Statistical Model Applied to Multislice Short-Axis Cardiac MR Images
* Automated Method for Improving System Performance of Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Breast Ultrasound
* Automated Quantitative Assessment of HER-2/neu Immunohistochemical Expression in Breast Cancer
* Automatic Classification for Pathological Prostate Images Based on Fractal Analysis
* Automatic Computer-Aided Detection System for Meniscal Tears on Magnetic Resonance Images, An
* Automatic Detection of Anatomical Landmarks in Uterine Cervix Images
* Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in CTA Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Segments From Volumetric Chest CT Scans
* B-Mode Ultrasound Image Simulation in Deformable 3-D Medium
* Blind Decomposition of Transmission Light Microscopic Hyperspectral Cube Using Sparse Representation
* BoneXpert Method for Automated Determination of Skeletal Maturity, The
* B_1 Homogenization in MRI by Multilayer Coupled Coils
* Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic CT
* Color Compensation of Multicolor FISH Images
* Combination Strategies in Multi-Atlas Image Segmentation: Application to Brain MR Data
* Combined Optical Imaging and Mammography of the Healthy Breast: Optical Contrast Derived From Breast Structure and Compression
* Combined Volumetric and Surface Registration
* Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets
* Comparison of Analytic and Algebraic Methods for Motion-Compensated Cone-Beam CT Reconstruction of the Thorax
* Computational Geometry Approach to Automated Pulmonary Fissure Segmentation in CT Examinations, A
* Constrained Registration of the Wrist Joint
* Continuous STAPLE for Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Images: An Application to DTI Analysis, A
* Controlling Familywise Error Rate for Matched Subspace Detection in Dynamic FDG PET
* Convergence and Parameter Choice for Monte-Carlo Simulations of Diffusion MRI
* Coregistered FDG PET/CT-Based Textural Characterization of Head and Neck Cancer for Radiation Treatment Planning
* Correction for Susceptibility-Induced Distortion in Echo-Planar Imaging Using Field Maps and Model-Based Point Spread Function
* Deformable 2D-3D Registration of Vascular Structures in a One View Scenario
* Design, Construction, and Testing of a Stereo-Photogrammetric Tool for the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Infants
* Determination of Electric Conductivity and Local SAR Via B1 Mapping
* Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Based on Complex Fibre Orientation Distributions
* Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography Algorithm Based on Navier-Stokes Fluid Mechanics, A
* Direct Reconstruction of Pharmacokinetic-Rate Images of Optical Fluorophores From NIR Measurements
* Directional View Interpolation for Compensation of Sparse Angular Sampling in Cone-Beam CT
* Distributed Local MRF Models for Tissue and Structure Brain Segmentation
* Distribution of Fiducial Registration Error in Rigid-Body Point-Based Registration
* Distribution of Target Registration Error for Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Fiducial Localization Error
* DT-REFinD: Diffusion Tensor Registration With Exact Finite-Strain Differential
* DTI-Derived Measure of Cortico-Cortical Connectivity, A
* Dynamic 2D Ultrasound and 3D CT Image Registration of the Beating Heart
* Effect of Domain Shape Modeling and Measurement Errors on the 2-D D-Bar Method for EIT
* Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Computed Tomography of the Breast
* Effect of Voxel Size and Computation Method on Tc-99m MAA SPECT/CT-Based Dose Estimation for Y-90 Microsphere Therapy
* Effects of Different Imaging Models on Least-Squares Image Reconstruction Accuracy in Photoacoustic Tomography
* Efficient 3-D TOF PET Reconstruction Using View-Grouped Histo-Images: DIRECT-Direct Image Reconstruction for TOF
* EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A Numerical Analysis, An
* EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A Numerical Analysis, An
* Embedding Overlap Priors in Variational Left Ventricle Tracking
* Encoding Probabilistic Brain Atlases Using Bayesian Inference
* Enhancement of the Krylov Subspace Regularization for Microwave Biomedical Imaging
* Estimating Kinetic Parameter Maps From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Using Spatial Prior Knowledge
* Estimation of Channelized Hotelling Observer Performance With Known Class Means or Known Difference of Class Means
* Experimental Comparison of Lesion Detectability for Four Fully-3D PET Reconstruction Schemes
* Extrapolation and Correlation (EXTRACT): A New Method for Motion Compensation in MRI
* Fast Large-Tip-Angle Multidimensional and Parallel RF Pulse Design in MRI
* Fast, Accurate and Shift-Varying Line Projections for Iterative Reconstruction Using the GPU
* Filtered Backprojection Algorithm for Triple-Source Helical Cone-Beam CT, A
* Framework for Geometric Analysis of Vascular Structures: Application to Cerebral Aneurysms, A
* Fuzzy Locally Adaptive Bayesian Segmentation Approach for Volume Determination in PET, A
* Generalized Algorithms for Direct Reconstruction of Parametric Images From Dynamic PET Data
* Graph-Matching Based CTA
* High-Resolution Quantitative Imaging of Cornea Elasticity Using Supersonic Shear Imaging
* Highly Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction via Homotopic 0-Minimization
* Hybrid System Using Symbolic and Numeric Knowledge for the Semantic Annotation of Sulco-Gyral Anatomy in Brain MRI Images, A
* Identifying Anatomical Shape Difference by Regularized Discriminative Direction
* Image Based Auto-Focusing Algorithm for Digital Fundus Photography, An
* Image-Driven Population Analysis Through Mixture Modeling
* Impact on Reader Performance for Lesion-Detection/ Localization Tasks of Anatomical Priors in SPECT Reconstruction
* Implementation of Calderon's Method for 3-D Limited-View EIT, An
* Improved Time Series Reconstruction for Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* In Situ Characterization of the Degradation of PLGA Microspheres in Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels by Optical Coherence Tomography
* In Vivo High-Resolution Conductivity Imaging of the Human Leg Using MREIT: The First Human Experiment
* Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observers for Detection Tasks
* Information Fusion for Diabetic Retinopathy CAD in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Iterative Off-Resonance and Signal Decay Estimation and Correction for Multi-Echo MRI
* Joint Estimation and Correction of Geometric Distortions for EPI Functional MRI Using Harmonic Retrieval
* Joint Sulcal Detection on Cortical Surfaces With Graphical Models and Boosted Priors
* K-Space and Image-Space Combination for Motion-Induced Phase-Error Correction in Self-Navigated Multicoil Multishot DWI
* Kernel Granger Causality Mapping Effective Connectivity on fMRI Data
* Knowledge-Based Approach to Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Cervical Spine, A
* Learning a Channelized Observer for Image Quality Assessment
* Learning-Based Vertebra Detection and Iterative Normalized-Cut Segmentation for Spinal MRI
* Lesion Detection in Dynamic FDG-PET Using Matched Subspace Detection
* Likelihood-Based Hypothesis Tests for Brain Activation Detection From MRI Data Disturbed by Colored Noise: A Simulation Study
* Lossless Compression of Microarray Images Using Image-Dependent Finite-Context Models
* Low-Frequency Magnetic Subsurface Imaging: Reconstructing Conductivity Images of Biological Tissues via Magnetic Measurements
* Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors
* Mapping of Cardiac Electrophysiology Onto a Dynamic Patient-Specific Heart Model
* Minimally Redundant 2-D Array Designs for 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Model-Based Consecutive Scanline Tracking Method for Extracting Vascular Networks From 2-D Digital Subtraction Angiograms, A
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Radial Fast Spin-Echo MRI
* Morphodynamic Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Pulsation From Time-Resolved Rotational Angiography
* Motor Protein Function in Skeletal Muscle: A Multiple Scale Approach to Contractility
* MR Image Segmentation Using a Power Transformation Approach
* Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation With Local Decision Fusion: Application to Cardiac and Aortic Segmentation in CT Scans
* Multislice Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging
* Narrowband Magnetic Particle Imaging
* New Distortion Model for Strong Inhomogeneity Problems in Echo-Planar MRI, A
* Noise Estimation in Magnitude MR Datasets
* Noise Reduction in Computed Tomography Scans Using 3-D Anisotropic Hybrid Diffusion With Continuous Switch
* Noninvasive Carotid Strain Imaging Using Angular Compounding at Large Beam Steered Angles: Validation in Vessel Phantoms
* Nonlocal Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Rician Noise Reduction in MR Images, A
* Nonrigid Registration of Joint Histograms for Intensity Standardization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Novel Estimation Method for Physiological Parameters in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: Application of a Distributed Parameter Model Using Fourier-Domain Calculations, A
* On Concise 3-D Simple Point Characterizations: A Marching Cubes Paradigm
* Optimal Threshold Selection for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization
* Optimized Reconstruction Algorithm for Helical CT With Fractional Pitch Between 1PI and 3PI
* Oriented Active Shape Models
* penMesh: Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulation in a Triangle Mesh Geometry
* Performance of MAP Reconstruction for Hot Lesion Detection in Whole-Body PET/CT: An Evaluation With Human and Numerical Observers
* Personalized X-Ray 3-D Reconstruction of the Scoliotic Spine From Hybrid Statistical and Image-Based Models
* Physical-Based Statistical Shape Modeling of the Levator Ani
* Physiological Modulations in Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Position Sensitive gamma-Ray Scintillator Detector With Enhanced Spatial Resolution, Linearity, and Field of View, A
* Postarthroplasty Examination Using X-Ray Images
* Practical Acceleration Algorithm for Real-Time Imaging, A
* Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction With Gaussian Blurring and Optimal Coverage Cost
* Prostate Cancer Segmentation With Simultaneous Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters and Class
* Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Examinations Using Implicit Surface Fitting
* Pulse Wave Imaging of Normal and Aneurysmal Abdominal Aortas In Vivo
* Quadratic Regularization Design for 2-D CT
* Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images Based on Bayesian P-Splines
* Quantitative Assessment of Oral Orbicular Muscle Deformation After Cleft Lip Reconstruction: An Ultrasound Elastography Study
* Quantitative Optoacoustic Signal Extraction Using Sparse Signal Representation
* Rapid Dynamic Image Registration of the Beating Heart for Diagnosis and Surgical Navigation
* Real-Time Estimation of FLE Statistics for 3-D Tracking With Point-Based Registration
* Real-Time FPGA Processing for High-Speed Optical Frequency Domain Imaging
* Real-Time Reconstruction of Sensitivity Encoded Radial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Graphics Processing Unit
* Reconstruction Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging Based on the Nonuniform FFT, A
* Reconstruction From Uniformly Attenuated SPECT Projection Data Using the DBH Method
* Reconstruction of Vectorial Acoustic Sources in Time-Domain Tomography
* Region Segmentation in the Frequency Domain Applied to Upper Airway Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Images
* Regionally Optimized Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging in MRI Applications
* Registration of Cervical MRI Using Multifeature Mutual Information
* Relationships Between Smooth- and Small-Phase Conditions in X-Ray Phase-Contrast Imaging
* Representation and Classification Scheme for Tree-Like Structures in Medical Images: Analyzing the Branching Pattern of Ductal Trees in X-ray Galactograms, A
* Reproducible Classification of Infarct Heterogeneity Using Fuzzy Clustering on Multicontrast Delayed Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Images
* Robust Initial Detection of Landmarks in Film-Screen Mammograms Using Multiple FFDM Atlases
* Segmentation in Ultrasonic B-Mode Images of Healthy Carotid Arteries Using Mixtures of Nakagami Distributions and Stochastic Optimization
* Selective Deblurring for Improved Calcification Visualization and Quantification in Carotid CT Angiography: Validation Using Micro-CT
* Shear Modulus Decomposition Algorithm in Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Shear Wave Spectroscopy for In Vivo Quantification of Human Soft Tissues Visco-Elasticity
* Singular Vectors of a Linear Imaging System as Efficient Channels for the Bayesian Ideal Observer
* Spatial Characterization of fMRI Activation Maps Using Invariant 3-D Moment Descriptors
* Statistical Based Impulsive Noise Removal in Digital Radiography
* Statistical Properties of Phase-Decorrelation in Phase-Resolved Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
* Statistical Sinogram Restoration in Dual-Energy CT for PET Attenuation Correction
* Stochastic Approach to Estimate the Uncertainty Involved in B-Spline Image Registration, A
* Super-Resolution Framework for 3-D High-Resolution and High-Contrast Imaging Using 2-D Multislice MRI, A
* Suppression of Metal Artifacts in CT Using a Reconstruction Procedure That Combines MAP and Projection Completion
* SVD-Based Method to Assess the Uniqueness and Accuracy of SPECT Geometrical Calibration, A
* Symmetry-Based Scalable Lossless Compression of 3D Medical Image Data
* Three-Dimensional Assessment of Skin Wounds Using a Standard Digital Camera
* Three-Dimensional Blood Vessel Quantification via Centerline Deformation
* Three-Dimensional Microwave Breast Imaging: Dispersive Dielectric Properties Estimation Using Patient-Specific Basis Functions
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Volumes Using the Distorted Born Iterative Method
* Topology-graph Directed Separating Boundary Surfaces Approximation of Nonmanifold Neuroanatomical Structures: Application to Mouse Brain Olfactory Bulb
* Towards Modeling of Cardiac Micro-Structure With Catheter-Based Confocal Microscopy: A Novel Approach for Dye Delivery and Tissue Characterization
* Trabecular Bone Analysis in CT and X-Ray Images of the Proximal Femur for the Assessment of Local Bone Quality
* Transcranial Shear-Mode Ultrasound: Assessment of Imaging Performance and Excitation Techniques
* Treatment of Rabbit Elastase-Induced Aneurysm Models by Flow Diverters: Development of Quantifiable Indexes of Device Performance Using Digital Subtraction Angiography
* Unified Bundling and Registration of Brain White Matter Fibers
* Unified Framework for Automated 3-D Segmentation of Surface-Stained Living Cells and a Comprehensive Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Unified Framework for Robust Estimation of Brain Networks From fMRI Using Temporal and Spatial Correlation Analyses
* Use of Normal Tissue Context in Computer-Aided Detection of Masses in Mammograms
* User-Agent Cooperation in Multiagent IVUS Image Segmentation
* Using the Model-Based Residual Bootstrap to Quantify Uncertainty in Fiber Orientations From Q-Ball Analysis
* Validity of Three-Class Hotelling Trace (3-HT) in Describing Three-Class Task Performance: Comparison of Three-Class Volume Under ROC Surface (VUS) and 3-HT, The
* Virtual Mirror: A New Interaction Paradigm for Augmented Reality Environments, The
* Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque Elasticity Reconstruction Based on a Segmentation-Driven Optimization Procedure Using Strain Measurements: Theoretical Framework
* Young's Modulus Reconstruction for Radio-Frequency Ablation Electrode-Induced Displacement Fields: A Feasibility Study
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* 3-D Scalable Medical Image Compression With Optimized Volume of Interest Coding
* 3D Forward and Back-Projection for X-Ray CT Using Separable Footprints
* 3D Geometry-Based Quantification of Colocalizations in Multichannel 3D Microscopy Images of Human Soft Tissue Tumors
* 4-D Cardiac MR Image Analysis: Left and Right Ventricular Morphology and Function
* Accurate Measurement of Bone Mineral Density Using Clinical CT Imaging With Single Energy Beam Spectral Intensity Correction
* Advanced Level-Set-Based Cell Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy
* Advanced Level-Set-Based Cell Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy
* Analysis of the Role of Lead Resistivity in Specific Absorption Rate for Deep Brain Stimulator Leads at 3T MRI
* Analytic Framework for the Evaluation of Coil Configurations for Parallel Transmission MRI With Subsampled Cartesian Excitation k-Space, An
* Anatomically Corresponded Regional Analysis of Cartilage in Asymptomatic and Osteoarthritic Knees by Statistical Shape Modelling of the Bone
* Application and Evaluation of a Measured Spatially Variant System Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* Artifact Trapping During Time Reversal Photoacoustic Imaging for Acoustically Heterogeneous Media
* Auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Arbitrary Trajectories Using k-Space Sparse Matrices (kSPA)
* Automated 3D Motion Tracking Using Gabor Filter Bank, Robust Point Matching, and Deformable Models
* Automated and Interactive Lesion Detection and Segmentation in Uterine Cervix Images
* Automatic 3-D Breath-Hold Related Motion Correction of Dynamic Multislice MRI
* Automatic and Robust Algorithm of Reestablishment of Digital Dental Occlusion, An
* Automatic Best Reference Slice Selection for Smooth Volume Reconstruction of a Mouse Brain From Histological Images
* Automatic Parameter Selection for Multimodal Image Registration
* Automatic Segmentation and Quantitative Analysis of the Articular Cartilages From Magnetic Resonance Images of the Knee
* Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Lobes Robust Against Incomplete Fissures
* Automatic Segmentation of Rotational X-Ray Images for Anatomic Intra-Procedural Surface Generation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Procedures
* Axial Anisotropic Conductivity Imaging Based on Projected Current Density in MREIT
* Band-Restricted Estimation of Noise Variance in Filtered Backprojection Reconstructions Using Repeated Scans
* Basic Properties of SS-PARSE Parameter Estimates
* Bayesian k-Space-Time Reconstruction of MR Spectroscopic Imaging for Enhanced Resolution
* Bayesian k-Space-Time Reconstruction of MR Spectroscopic Imaging for Enhanced Resolution
* Bayesian Mixture Approach to Modeling Spatial Activation Patterns in Multisite fMRI Data, A
* Binary Tissue Classification on Wound Images With Neural Networks and Bayesian Classifiers
* Building 3-D Statistical Shape Models by Direct Optimization
* Camera Augmented Mobile C-Arm (CAMC): Calibration, Accuracy Study, and Clinical Applications
* Cell Nuclei and Cytoplasm Joint Segmentation Using the Sliding Band Filter
* Classification of Benign and Malignant Breast Tumors by 2-D Analysis Based on Contour Description and Scatterer Characterization
* Co-registration of White Matter Tractographies by Adaptive-Mean-Shift and Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Comment on Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Comparison Between Parallel Hole and Rotating Slat Collimation: Analytical Noise Propagation Models
* Comparison of AdaBoost and Support Vector Machines for Detecting Alzheimer's Disease Through Automated Hippocampal Segmentation
* Comparison of Bootstrap Resampling Methods for 3-D PET Imaging
* Comparison of Three Image Fidelity Metrics of Different Computational Principles for JPEG2000 Compressed Abdomen CT Images, A
* Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography Using Logistic Regression
* Computer-Assisted Scan Protocol and Reconstruction (CASPAR): Reduction of Image Noise and Patient Dose
* Coupled Global Registration and Segmentation Framework With Application to Magnetic Resonance Prostate Imagery, A
* Coupled Level Set Framework for Bladder Wall Segmentation With Application to MR Cystography, A
* Coupled Nonparametric Shape and Moment-Based Intershape Pose Priors for Multiple Basal Ganglia Structure Segmentation
* Data Specific Spatially Varying Regularization for Multimodal Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* Denoising of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images Using Dynamic Nonlocal Means
* Detecting the Optic Disc Boundary in Digital Fundus Images Using Morphological, Edge Detection, and Feature Extraction Techniques
* Detection and Segmentation of Colonic Polyps on Implicit Isosurfaces by Second Principal Curvature Flow
* Direct Magnetic Field Estimation Based on Echo Planar Raw Data
* Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography: Part I
* Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography: Part II
* Discrimination of Breast Tumors in Ultrasonic Images Using an Ensemble Classifier Based on the AdaBoost Algorithm With Feature Selection
* Edge-Driven Dual-Bootstrap Iterative Closest Point Algorithm for Registration of Multimodal Fluorescein Angiogram Sequence, The
* Efficient Numerical Method for General L_{p} Regularization in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography, An
* elastix: A Toolbox for Intensity-Based Medical Image Registration
* Electromechanical Wave Imaging of Normal and Ischemic Hearts In Vivo
* Endoscopic Video Texture Mapping on Pre-Built 3-D Anatomical Objects Without Camera Tracking
* Estimation of Diffusion Properties in Crossing Fiber Bundles
* Estimation of Inferential Uncertainty in Assessing Expert Segmentation Performance From STAPLE
* Estimation of Optimal Fiducial Target Registration Error in the Presence of Heteroscedastic Noise
* Exploiting Quasiperiodicity in Motion Correction of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI
* F-TIMER: Fast Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic Registration
* Factorization Method and Its Physical Justification in Frequency-Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Fast Exact/Quasi-Exact FBP Algorithms for Triple-Source Helical Cone-Beam CT
* Fast Semi-Analytical Model-Based Acoustic Inversion for Quantitative Optoacoustic Tomography
* Feature Based Nonrigid Brain MR Image Registration With Symmetric Alpha Stable Filters
* Filtered Multitensor Tractography
* Fisher Information-Based Evaluation of Image Quality for Time-of-Flight PET
* FRATS: Functional Regression Analysis of DTI Tract Statistics
* Gap-Filling for the High-Resolution PET Sinograms With a Dedicated DCT-Domain Filter
* General Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Regularization-Based Multiconcavity Modeling
* Generalized q-Sampling Imaging
* Generative Model for Image Segmentation Based on Label Fusion, A
* Harmonic Filters for 3D Multichannel Data: Rotation Invariant Detection of Mitoses in Colorectal Cancer
* Hybrid System for Simultaneous Fluorescence and X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Ideal AFROC and FROC Observers
* Image Guided Personalization of Reaction-Diffusion Type Tumor Growth Models Using Modified Anisotropic Eikonal Equations
* Image-Guided Intraoperative Cortical Deformation Recovery Using Game Theory: Application to Neocortical Epilepsy Surgery
* Imaging Electric Properties of Biological Tissues by RF Field Mapping in MRI
* In Vivo Impedance Imaging With Total Variation Regularization
* In Vivo Supervised Analysis of Stent Reendothelialization From Optical Coherence Tomography
* Information-Theoretic Approach for Analyzing Bias and Variance in Lung Nodule Size Estimation With CT: A Phantom Study
* Intensity-Based Image Registration by Minimizing Residual Complexity
* Intersection Based Motion Correction of Multislice MRI for 3-D in Utero Fetal Brain Image Formation
* Intestinal Motility Assessment With Video Capsule Endoscopy: Automatic Annotation of Phasic Intestinal Contractions
* Inverse Problem Approach for Elasticity Imaging through Vibroacoustics, An
* Inverse Problem Approach for Elasticity Imaging through Vibroacoustics, An
* Joint Reconstruction of Image and Motion in Gated Positron Emission Tomography
* Kinetic Quantitation of Cerebral PET-FDG Studies Without Concurrent Blood Sampling: Statistical Recovery of the Arterial Input Function
* Label Fusion in Atlas-Based Segmentation Using a Selective and Iterative Method for Performance Level Estimation (SIMPLE)
* Learning Task-Optimal Registration Cost Functions for Localizing Cytoarchitecture and Function in the Cerebral Cortex
* LoG Characteristic Scale: A Consistent Measurement of Lung Nodule Size in CT Imaging, The
* LOGISMOS: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces: Cartilage Segmentation in the Knee Joint
* Magnetic Resonance Poroelastography: An Algorithm for Estimating the Mechanical Properties of Fluid-Saturated Soft Tissues
* Mapping Displacement and Deformation of the Heart With Local Sine-Wave Modeling
* Massive-Training Artificial Neural Network Coupled With Laplacian-Eigenfunction-Based Dimensionality Reduction for Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography
* Mitral Annulus Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound Using Graph Cuts
* Model-Based Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Modeling the Performance Characteristics of Computed Radiography (CR) Systems
* MRI Pulse Sequence Design With First-Order Gradient Moment Nulling in Arbitrary Directions by Solving a Polynomial Program
* MRI Receiver Coil Produced by Inkjet Printing Directly on to a Flexible Substrate, An
* Multi-excitation Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction for Bioimpedance Imaging
* Multiple Nuclei Tracking Using Integer Programming for Quantitative Cancer Cell Cycle Analysis
* Multiple Overlapping k-Space Junctions for Investigating Translating Objects (MOJITO)
* Multiplexed Analysis of Proteins in Tissue Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging
* Multiscale AM-FM Methods for Diabetic Retinopathy Lesion Detection
* Multiscale Model of Liver DCE-MRI Towards a Better Understanding of Tumor Complexity
* N4ITK: Improved N3 Bias Correction
* New Optical-CT Apparatus for 3-D Radiotherapy Dosimetry: Is Free Space Scanning Feasible?, A
* Nonlinear Regularization for Per Voxel Estimation of Magnetic Susceptibility Distributions From MRI Field Maps
* Nonrigid Image Registration Using Conditional Mutual Information
* Normalized Framework for the Design of Feature Spaces Assessing the Left Ventricular Function, A
* Novel Hybrid Linear/Nonlinear Classifier for Two-Class Classification: Theory, Algorithm, and Applications, A
* Objective Selection of High-Frequency Power Doppler Wall Filter Cutoff Velocity for Regions of Interest Containing Multiple Small Vessels
* Optical Reconstruction of High-Speed Surface Dynamics in an Uncontrollable Environment
* Optical-Flow-Based B-Mode Elastography: Application in the Hypertensive Rat Carotid
* Optically Coupled System for Quantitative Monitoring of MRI-Induced RF Currents Into Long Conductors, An
* Optimal Experimental Design for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
* Partial Least Squares: A Method to Estimate Efficient Channels for the Ideal Observers
* Patch-Based Nonlocal Functional for Denoising Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences
* Patient-Specific Modeling and Quantification of the Aortic and Mitral Valves From 4-D Cardiac CT and TEE
* Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selection for Computer-Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer
* Quantitative Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema Using Local Binary Patterns
* Quantitative Comparison of Spot Detection Methods in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Random Subspace Ensembles for fMRI Classification
* Reconstruction and Finite Element Mesh Generation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms From Computerized Tomography Angiography Data With Minimal User Interactions
* Registering Preprocedure Volumetric Images With Intraprocedure 3-D Ultrasound Using an Ultrasound Imaging Model
* Registration of 4D Cardiac CT Sequences Under Trajectory Constraints With Multichannel Diffeomorphic Demons
* Registration-Based Propagation Framework for Automatic Whole Heart Segmentation of Cardiac MRI, A
* Regularized Interpolation for Noisy Images
* Response to Letter Regarding Article: Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype
* Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneurysms in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Robust 3-D Airway Tree Segmentation for Image-Guided Peripheral Bronchoscopy
* Robust Adaptive 3-D Segmentation of Vessel Laminae From Fluorescence Confocal Microscope Images and Parallel GPU Implementation
* Robust Reconstruction of MRSI Data Using a Sparse Spectral Model and High Resolution MRI Priors
* Robust Super-Resolution Volume Reconstruction From Slice Acquisitions: Application to Fetal Brain MRI
* Robust Surface Reconstruction via Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Projection and Boundary Deformation
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle From Cardiac MR Images Using a Subject-Specific Dynamical Model
* Segmentation of the Optic Disc in 3-D OCT Scans of the Optic Nerve Head
* Segmentation of the Outer Vessel Wall of the Common Carotid Artery in CTA
* Sensitivity Analysis for Biomedical Models
* Shielded Microstrip Array for 7T Human MR Imaging
* Shortest Path Refinement for Motion Estimation From Tagged MR Images
* Snakules: A Model-Based Active Contour Algorithm for the Annotation of Spicules on Mammography
* Spatially Adaptive Mixture Modeling for Analysis of fMRI Time Series
* Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion for 3D+T Image Reconstruction in Cerebral Angiography
* Spatio-Temporal Deconvolution Method to Improve Perfusion CT Quantification, A
* Spherical Demons: Fast Diffeomorphic Landmark-Free Surface Registration
* Statistical Framework for Optimal Design Matrix Generation With Application to fMRI, A
* Statistical Projection Completion in X-ray CT Using Consistency Conditions
* Statistics of Optical Coherence Tomography Data From Human Retina
* Synthetic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Revisited
* Target Tracking Errors for 5D and 6D Spatial Measurement Systems
* Template-Based B_1 Inhomogeneity Correction in 3T MRI Brain Studies
* Theoretical Bounds and System Design for Multipinhole SPECT
* Three-Class ROC Analysis: Toward a General Decision Theoretic Solution
* Three-Dimensional Analysis of Retinal Layer Texture: Identification of Fluid-Filled Regions in SD-OCT of the Macula
* Three-Dimensional Imaging Properties of Rotation-Free Square and Hexagonal Micro-CT Systems
* Topomorphologic Separation of Fused Isointensity Objects via Multiscale Opening: Separating Arteries and Veins in 3-D Pulmonary CT
* Tubular Surface Segmentation for Extracting Anatomical Structures From Medical Imagery
* Two-Dimensional Intraventricular Flow Mapping by Digital Processing Conventional Color-Doppler Echocardiography Images
* Understanding the Effect of Bias in Fiducial Localization Error on Point-Based Rigid-Body Registration
* Variable-Density Parallel Imaging With Partially Localized Coil Sensitivities
* Variational Image Segmentation for Endoscopic Human Colonic Aberrant Crypt Foci
* Volumetric Topological Analysis: A Novel Approach for Trabecular Bone Classification on the Continuum Between Plates and Rods
* X-Ray Luminescence Computed Tomography via Selective Excitation: A Feasibility Study
* X-Space Formulation of the Magnetic Particle Imaging Process: 1-D Signal, Resolution, Bandwidth, SNR, SAR, and Magnetostimulation, The
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* Accelerated Dynamic MRI Exploiting Sparsity and Low-Rank Structure: k-t SLR
* Accelerating Image Registration With the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma: Application to Imaging 3-D Neural Ultrastructure With Electron Microscopy
* Accurate and Efficient Optic Disc Detection and Segmentation by a Circular Transformation
* Active Volume Models for Medical Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Filter to Approximate the Bayesian Strategy for Sonographic Beamforming, An
* Adaptive Imaging for Lesion Detection Using a Zoom-in PET System
* Algorithm-Enabled Low-Dose Micro-CT Imaging
* Aligning Scan Acquisition Circles in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of The Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer
* Analysis of Human Fibroadenomas Using Three-Dimensional Impedance Maps
* Anatomically Oriented Breast Coordinate System for Mammogram Analysis, An
* Assessment of Averaging Spatially Correlated Noise for 3-D Radial Imaging
* Automated Measurement of the Arteriolar-to-Venular Width Ratio in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* Automated Mitosis Detection of Stem Cell Populations in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images
* Automatic Aneurysm Neck Detection Using Surface Voronoi Diagrams
* Automatic Nonrigid Calibration of Image Registration for Real Time MR-Guided HIFU Ablations of Mobile Organs
* Bag-of-Features Based Medical Image Retrieval via Multiple Assignment and Visual Words Weighting
* Bias Field Inconsistency Correction of Motion-Scattered Multislice MRI for Improved 3D Image Reconstruction
* BOLD Contrast and Noise Characteristics of Densely Sampled Multi-Echo fMRI Data
* Case Retrieval in Medical Databases by Fusing Heterogeneous Information
* Cerebral Artery-Vein Separation Using 0.1-Hz Oscillation in Dual-Wavelength Optical Imaging
* Combined Manifold Learning Analysis of Shape and Appearance to Characterize Neonatal Brain Development, A
* Common-Mode Differential-Mode (CMDM) Method for Double-Nuclear MR Signal Excitation and Reception at Ultrahigh Fields
* Compensation of Modelling Errors Due to Unknown Domain Boundary in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Component Analysis Approach to Estimation of Tissue Intensity Distributions of 3D Images
* Compressed Sensing With Wavelet Domain Dependencies for Coronary MRI: A Retrospective Study
* Compressed-Sensing MRI With Random Encoding
* Compressive Diffuse Optical Tomography: Noniterative Exact Reconstruction Using Joint Sparsity
* Computational Acceleration for MR Image Reconstruction in Partially Parallel Imaging
* Computer Assisted Method for Nuclear Cataract Grading From Slit-Lamp Images Using Ranking, A
* Contrast-Ultrasound Diffusion Imaging for Localization of Prostate Cancer
* Convex Optimization of Coincidence Time Resolution for a High-Resolution PET System
* Data-Driven Sparse GLM for fMRI Analysis Using Sparse Dictionary Learning With MDL Criterion, A
* Deformable Registration of Glioma Images Using EM Algorithm and Diffusion Reaction Modeling
* Detection and Visualization Method of Dynamic State Transition for Biological Spatio-Temporal Imaging Data
* Detection of Architectural Distortion in Prior Mammograms
* Detection of New Vessels on the Optic Disc Using Retinal Photographs
* Diffeomorphic Brain Registration Under Exhaustive Sulcal Constraints
* Diffeomorphic Image Registration of Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Harmonics
* Differential Geometric Approach to Automated Segmentation of Human Airway Tree, A
* Domain-Specific Image Analysis for Cervical Neoplasia Detection Based on Conditional Random Fields
* Enhanced Assessment of the Wound-Healing Process by Accurate Multiview Tissue Classification
* Enhanced Functional Brain Imaging by Using Adaptive Filtering and a Depth Compensation Algorithm in Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Evaluation of Registration Methods on Thoracic CT: The EMPIRE10 Challenge
* Fast Compressed Sensing Approach to 3D MR Image Reconstruction, A
* Fast Iterated Conditional Modes Algorithm for Water-Fat Decomposition in MRI, A
* Fast MR Image Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging With Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories
* Fast Wavelet-Based Reconstruction Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Fiber Continuity: An Anisotropic Prior for ODF Estimation
* Four-Dimensional Registration Algorithm With Application to Joint Correction of Motion and Slice Timing in fMRI, A
* Frequency-Domain Optical Tomographic Imaging of Arthritic Finger Joints
* Frequency-Offset Cartesian Feedback for MRI Power Amplifier Linearization
* Full-Spectrum CT Reconstruction Using a Weighted Least Squares Algorithm With an Energy-Axis Penalty
* Fully-3D PET Image Reconstruction Using Scanner-Independent, Adaptive Projection Data and Highly Rotation-Symmetric Voxel Assemblies
* General Approach to First-Order Error Prediction in Rigid Point Registration
* General Approach to First-Order Error Prediction in Rigid Point Registration
* Global Spatial Similarity Optimization Scheme to Track Large Numbers of Dendritic Spines in Time-Lapse Confocal Microscopy, A
* Graph Run-Length Matrices for Histopathological Image Segmentation
* Guest Editorial Compressive Sensing for Biomedical Imaging
* Hybrid Cone-Beam Tomographic Reconstruction: Incorporation of Prior Anatomical Models to Compensate for Missing Data
* Hybrid Small Animal Imaging System Combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Fluorescence Tomography Using Single Photon Avalanche Diode Detectors
* Identifying Regional Cardiac Abnormalities From Myocardial Strains Using Nontracking-Based Strain Estimation and Spatio-Temporal Tensor Analysis
* Image-Based Variational Meshing
* Imaging Model Incorporating Ultrasonic Transducer Properties for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography, An
* In Vivo Mapping of Brain Elasticity in Small Animals Using Shear Wave Imaging
* In Vivo Quantitative Mapping of Myocardial Stiffening and Transmural Anisotropy During the Cardiac Cycle
* Incorporation of a Left Ventricle Finite Element Model Defining Infarction Into the XCAT Imaging Phantom
* Inter-Landmark Approach to 4-D Shape Extraction and Interpretation: Application to Myocardial Motion Assessment in MRI, An
* Iterative Reconstruction in X-ray Fluorescence Tomography Based on Radon Inversion
* Iterative Tensor Voting for Perceptual Grouping of Ill-Defined Curvilinear Structures
* JIGSAW: Joint Inhomogeneity Estimation via Global Segment Assembly for Water-Fat Separation
* Labeling of Lumbar Discs Using Both Pixel- and Object-Level Features With a Two-Level Probabilistic Model
* Magnetic Resonance Driven Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Simulation Study
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography for Monitoring Electric Field Distribution During Tissue Electroporation
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Linear Shape Variation With Application to Vertebra and Cartilage Modeling
* Maximum NEC Criterion for Compton Collimation to Accurately Identify True Coincidences in PET, A
* Meta Method for Image Matching, A
* Minimization of Imaging Gradient Effects in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Model Selection Method for Nonlinear System Identification Based fMRI Effective Connectivity Analysis, A
* Modelling Prostate Motion for Data Fusion During Image-Guided Interventions
* Mosaic Decomposition: An Electronic Cleansing Method for Inhomogeneously Tagged Regions in Noncathartic CT Colonography
* Motion Correction and Attenuation Correction for Respiratory Gated PET Images
* Motion-Induced Phase Error Estimation and Correction in 3D Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* MR Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled k-Space Data by Dictionary Learning
* MR Water Quantitative Priors Improves the Accuracy of Optical Breast Imaging
* MR-Guided Thermotherapy of Abdominal Organs Using a Robust PCA-Based Motion Descriptor
* Multi-Pinhole SPECT Calibration: Influence of Data Noise and Systematic Orbit Deviations
* Multichannel Image Registration by Feature-Based Information Fusion
* Multidimensional X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* New Method for Volume Segmentation of PET Images, Based on Possibility Theory, A
* New Supervised Method for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images by Using Gray-Level and Moment Invariants-Based Features, A
* New Variational Method for Erythrocyte Velocity Estimation in Wide-Field Imaging In Vivo, A
* Nonconservative Lagrangian Framework for Statistical Fluid Registration: SAFIRA, A
* Nonrigid Registration Framework Using Spatially Encoded Mutual Information and Free-Form Deformations, A
* Novel Model-Based 3D {+} Time Left Ventricular Segmentation Technique, A
* Novel Scatter Compensation of List-Mode PET Data Using Spatial and Energy Dependent Corrections
* ODVBA: Optimally-Discriminative Voxel-Based Analysis
* On Combining Computer-Aided Detection Systems
* Optic Disk and Cup Segmentation From Monocular Color Retinal Images for Glaucoma Assessment
* Optimal Filter Framework for Automated, Instantaneous Detection of Lesions in Retinal Images
* Optimal Rebinning of Time-of-Flight PET Data
* Optimal Threshold Selection for Segmentation of Dense Homogeneous Objects in Tomographic Reconstructions
* Optimal Transportation Approach for Nuclear Structure-Based Pathology, An
* Optimizing Case-Based Detection Performance in a Multiview CAD System for Mammography
* Parallel MR Image Reconstruction Using Augmented Lagrangian Methods
* Parameterization-Invariant Shape Comparisons of Anatomical Surfaces
* Partitioning Histopathological Images: An Integrated Framework for Supervised Color-Texture Segmentation and Cell Splitting
* Penalized Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Improved Microcalcification Detection in Breast Tomosynthesis
* Perception-Based Visualization of Manifold-Valued Medical Images Using Distance-Preserving Dimensionality Reduction
* Performance Analysis of a New Real-Time Elastographic Time Constant Estimator
* PET Image Reconstruction Using Information Theoretic Anatomical Priors
* Physiological Fusion of Functional and Structural Images for Cardiac Deformation Recovery
* Point Set Registration Using Havrda-Charvat-Tsallis Entropy Measures
* PopTract: Population-Based Tractography
* Prediction Based Collaborative Trackers (PCT): A Robust and Accurate Approach Toward 3D Medical Object Tracking
* Prediction of the Spatial Resolution of Magnetic Particle Imaging Using the Modulation Transfer Function of the Imaging Process
* Probabilistic Model for Automatic Segmentation of the Esophagus in 3-D CT Scans, A
* Prostate Segmentation in HIFU Therapy
* Radial Imaging With Multipolar Magnetic Encoding Fields
* Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging Based on a 180° Sample Rotation With Feasibility Study of Full Current Density Vector Reconstruction
* Real-Time Image-Based B-Mode Ultrasound Image Simulation of Needles Using Tensor-Product Interpolation
* Real-Time Regularized Ultrasound Elastography
* Reconstructing the 3D Shape and Bone Mineral Density Distribution of the Proximal Femur From Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry
* Reconstruction of Emission Tomography Data Using Origin Ensembles
* Reconstruction of Large, Irregularly Sampled Multidimensional Images. A Tensor-Based Approach
* REDMAPS: Reduced-Dimensionality Matching for Prostate Brachytherapy Seed Reconstruction
* Reduced Order Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Algorithm for Surgical Simulation, A
* Region Detection by Minimizing Intraclass Variance With Geometric Constraints, Global Optimality, and Efficient Approximation
* Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Dual-Isotope Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (MPS) Imaging Using a Cross-Tracer Prior
* Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Approach for Q-Ball Imaging, A
* Retinal Oximetry Based on Nonsimultaneous Image Acquisition Using a Conventional Fundus Camera
* Rigid Body Motion Compensation for Spiral Projection Imaging
* Robust Automatic Knee MR Slice Positioning Through Redundant and Hierarchical Anatomy Detection
* Robust Brain Extraction Across Datasets and Comparison With Publicly Available Methods
* Robust Learning-Based Parsing and Annotation of Medical Radiographs
* Robust Methodology for Fractal Analysis of the Retinal Vasculature
* Robust Shape Regression for Supervised Vessel Segmentation and its Application to Coronary Segmentation in CTA
* Robust Statistical Label Fusion Through Consensus Level, Labeler Accuracy, and Truth Estimation (COLLATE)
* Segmentation of Intra-Retinal Layers From Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using an Active Contour Approach
* Self-Stabilizing Colonic Capsule Endoscopy: Pilot Study of Acute Canine Models
* Sensitivity of Photon-Counting Based K-Edge Imaging in X-ray Computed Tomography
* Shear Wave Velocity Imaging Using Transient Electrode Perturbation: Phantom and ex vivo Validation
* Signal Compensation and Compressed Sensing for Magnetization-Prepared MR Angiography
* Simultaneous Dual Frequency ^1-H and ^19-F Open Coil Imaging of Arthritic Rabbit Knee at 3T
* Simultaneous Multi-scale Registration Using Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation for PET/MR
* Singular Value Filter: A General Filter Design Strategy for PCA-Based Signal Separation in Medical Ultrasound Imaging, The
* SNR Dependence of Optimal Parameters for Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements
* Sparse Brain Network Recovery Under Compressed Sensing
* Sparsity-Driven Reconstruction for FDOT With Anatomical Priors
* Spatially Regularized Compressed Sensing for High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging
* Spline-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Velocity-Encoded Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Statistical Approach for Optoacoustic Image Reconstruction in the Presence of Strong Acoustic Heterogeneities
* Statistical Interior Tomography
* Statistical Model for Quantification and Prediction of Cardiac Remodelling: Application to Tetralogy of Fallot, A
* Statistical Modeling Approach to the Analysis of Spatial Patterns of FDG-PET Uptake in Human Sarcoma, A
* Statistical Modeling of 4D Respiratory Lung Motion Using Diffeomorphic Image Registration
* Structural Analysis of Articular Cartilage Using Multiphoton Microscopy: Input for Biomechanical Modeling
* Sufficient Statistics as a Generalization of Binning in Spectral X-ray Imaging
* Supervised Framework for the Registration and Segmentation of White Matter Fiber Tracts, A
* Supervised Patch-Based Approach for Human Brain Labeling, A
* Testing for Spatial Heterogeneity in Functional MRI Using the Multivariate General Linear Model
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Digestive Wall in Capsule Endoscopy Videos Using Elastic Video Interpolation
* Tissue Characterization of Equine Tendons With Clinical B-Scan Images Using a Shock Filter Thinning Algorithm
* Tissue-Specific Compartmental Analysis for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of Complex Tumors
* Topology-Based Kernels With Application to Inference Problems in Alzheimer's Disease
* Total Bregman Divergence and Its Applications to DTI Analysis
* Total Variation Regularization for fMRI-Based Prediction of Behavior
* Travelling Wave Expansion: A Model Fitting Approach to the Inverse Problem of Elasticity Reconstruction
* Trimmed-Likelihood Estimation for Focal Lesions and Tissue Segmentation in Multisequence MRI for Multiple Sclerosis
* TRIO a Technique for Reconstruction Using Intensity Order: Application to Undersampled MRI
* Unmixing Dynamic Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography Images With Independent Component Analysis
* Using a Visual Discrimination Model for the Detection of Compression Artifacts in Virtual Pathology Images
* Using Gaussian-Process Regression for Meta-Analytic Neuroimaging Inference Based on Sparse Observations
* Vessel Boundary Delineation on Fundus Images Using Graph-Based Approach
* Volumetric In Vivo Imaging of Microvascular Perfusion Within the Intact Cochlea in Mice Using Ultra-High Sensitive Optical Microangiography
* Voxel-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Perfusion Cardiovascular MRI
* Weighted Maximum Posterior Marginals for Random Fields Using an Ensemble of Conditional Densities From Multiple Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations
* X-ray Categorization and Retrieval on the Organ and Pathology Level, Using Patch-Based Visual Words
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* 3-D Adaptive Nonlinear Complex-Diffusion Despeckling Filter
* 3-D Volume Reconstruction of Skin Lesions for Melanin and Blood Volume Estimation and Lesion Severity Analysis
* 4-D Reconstruction for Dynamic Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography
* 4D Statistical Model of Wrist Bone Motion Patterns, A
* About the Geometry of Asymmetric Fiber Orientation Distributions
* Acceleration of Optoacoustic Model-Based Reconstruction Using Angular Image Discretization
* Accuracy of Carotid Strain Estimates From Ultrasonic Wall Tracking: A Study Based on Multiphysics Simulations and In Vivo Data
* Accuracy of the Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) Algorithm for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in MRI
* Accurate Localization of Optic Radiation During Neurosurgery in an Interventional MRI Suite
* Accurate Model-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography
* Active Contour Method for Bone Cement Reconstruction From C-Arm X-Ray Images, An
* Advanced Three-Dimensional Tailored RF Pulse Design in Volume Selective Parallel Excitation
* Alignment of 3-D Optical Coherence Tomography Scans to Correct Eye Movement Using a Particle Filtering
* Analysis and Correction of Count Rate Reduction During Simultaneous MR-PET Measurements With the BrainPET Scanner
* Analysis of a 3-D System Function Measured for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Analysis of Co-Occurrence Texture Statistics as a Function of Gray-Level Quantization for Classifying Breast Ultrasound
* Automated 3-D Segmentation of Lungs With Lung Cancer in CT Data Using a Novel Robust Active Shape Model Approach
* Automated Brain Structure Segmentation Based on Atlas Registration and Appearance Models
* Automated Delineation of Calcified Vessels in Mammography by Tracking With Uncertainty and Graphical Linking Techniques
* Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography
* Automated Motion Estimation for 2-D Cine DENSE MRI
* Automatic Aorta Segmentation and Valve Landmark Detection in C-Arm CT for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
* Automatic Assessment of Macular Edema From Color Retinal Images
* Automatic Construction of Parts+Geometry Models for Initializing Groupwise Registration
* Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Low-Dose Chest Computed Tomography
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lymph Nodes From CT Data
* Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI Using Conditional Random Fields
* Automatic Quantification of Tibio-Femoral Contact Area and Congruity
* Automatic Renal Cortex Segmentation Using Implicit Shape Registration and Novel Multiple Surfaces Graph Search
* Automatic Renal Cortex Segmentation Using Implicit Shape Registration and Novel Multiple Surfaces Graph Search
* Bayesian Framework for Automated Cardiovascular Risk Scoring on Standard Lumbar Radiographs, A
* Bayesian Hemodynamic Parameter Estimation by Bolus Tracking Perfusion Weighted Imaging
* Box Spline Calculus for the Discretization of Computed Tomography Reconstruction Problems, A
* Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization With the Ricci Flow
* Can a Single Brain Region Predict a Disorder?
* Cardiac Motion and Deformation Recovery From MRI: A Review
* Catheter Tracking With Phase Information in a Magnetic Resonance Scanner
* Closed-Form Inverse Kinematics for Interventional C-Arm X-Ray Imaging With Six Degrees of Freedom: Modeling and Application
* Comb-Push Ultrasound Shear Elastography (CUSE): A Novel Method for Two-Dimensional Shear Elasticity Imaging of Soft Tissues
* Comparative Study With New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Comparison of List-Mode and DIRECT Approaches for Time-of-Flight PET Reconstruction
* Comprehensive Cardiac Motion Estimation Framework Using Both Untagged and 3-D Tagged MR Images Based on Nonrigid Registration, A
* Compressed Sensing Based Real-Time Dynamic MRI Reconstruction
* Computer-Aided Lesion Diagnosis in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Coronal Spiculation
* Confidence Regions for Statistical Model Based Shape Prediction From Sparse Observations
* Constrained Registration for Motion Compensation in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Procedures
* Determination of Axonal and Dendritic Orientation Distributions Within the Developing Cerebral Cortex by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Based on Riemannian Structure of Orientation Distribution Functions
* Diffeomorphic Sulcal Shape Analysis on the Cortex
* Direct 4-D PET List Mode Parametric Reconstruction With a Novel EM Algorithm
* Discriminative Segmentation-Based Evaluation Through Shape Dissimilarity
* Dynamics of a Contrast Agent Microbubble Attached to an Elastic Wall
* Efficient Framework for Model-Based Tomographic Image Reconstruction Using Wavelet Packets
* Efficient Interlaced Multi-Shell Sampling Scheme for Reconstruction of Diffusion Propagators, An
* Eigenspace Based Minimum Variance Beamforming Applied to Ultrasound Imaging of Acoustically Hard Tissues
* Endoscopic Video Manifolds for Targeted Optical Biopsy
* Error Analysis of Nonconstant Admittivity for MR-Based Electric Property Imaging
* Estimating A Reference Standard Segmentation With Spatially Varying Performance Parameters: Local MAP STAPLE
* Estimation of Mouse Organ Locations Through Registration of a Statistical Mouse Atlas With Micro-CT Images
* Evaluation of Segmentation Algorithms on Cell Populations Using CDF Curves
* Evaluation of Three MRI-Based Anatomical Priors for Quantitative PET Brain Imaging
* Extraction of Airways From CT (EXACT'09)
* Fasciculography: Robust Prior-Free Real-Time Normalized Volumetric Neural Tract Parcellation
* Fast 3-D Tomographic Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection
* Fast GPU Based Adaptive Filtering of 4D Echocardiography
* Fast Higher-Order MR Image Reconstruction Using Singular-Vector Separation
* Fast Higher-Order MR Image Reconstruction Using Singular-Vector Separation
* Fast L_1-SPIRiT Compressed Sensing Parallel Imaging MRI: Scalable Parallel Implementation and Clinically Feasible Runtime
* Feasibility of Endocardial Propagation Mapping Using Magnetic Resonance Guidance in a Swine Model, and Comparison With Standard Electroanatomic Mapping, The
* Fiducial Optimization for Minimal Target Registration Error in Image-Guided Neurosurgery
* Formulating Spatially Varying Performance in the Statistical Fusion Framework
* Formulating Spatially Varying Performance in the Statistical Fusion Framework
* Framework for Evaluating Threshold Variation Compensation Methods in Photon Counting Spectral CT, A
* Fully Automated Attenuation Measurement and Motion Correction in FLIP Image Sequences
* Function for Quality Evaluation of Retinal Vessel Segmentations, A
* Fusion of Ultrasound B-Mode and Vibro-Elastography Images for Automatic 3-D Segmentation of the Prostate
* Game-Theoretic Framework for Landmark-Based Image Segmentation, A
* Gaussian Process Models of Dynamic PET for Functional Volume Definition in Radiation Oncology
* Generalized EM-Type Reconstruction Algorithms for Emission Tomography
* Generating Super Stimulated-Echoes in MRI and Their Application to Hyperpolarized C-13 Diffusion Metabolic Imaging
* Generative-Discriminative Basis Learning for Medical Imaging
* GLISTR: Glioma Image Segmentation and Registration
* Graphical Method for Determining the In-Plane Rotation Angle in Geometric Calibration of Circular Cone-Beam CT Systems, A
* Group Replicator Dynamics: A Novel Group-Wise Evolutionary Approach for Sparse Brain Network Detection
* Group-Wise Registration of Point Sets for Statistical Shape Models
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Interventional Imaging
* Hierarchical Patch-Based Sparse Representation: A New Approach for Resolution Enhancement of 4D-CT Lung Data
* Hierarchical Scale-Based Multiobject Recognition of 3-D Anatomical Structures
* Hierarchical Statistical Shape Models of Multiobject Anatomical Structures: Application to Brain MRI
* High Range Resolution Ultrasonographic Vascular Imaging Using Frequency Domain Interferometry With the Capon Method
* HRF Estimation in fMRI Data With an Unknown Drift Matrix by Iterative Minimization of the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Human Atlas of the Cardiac Fiber Architecture: Study on a Healthy Population
* Identification of Reduced-Order Thermal Therapy Models Using Thermal MR Images: Theory and Validation
* Identifying fMRI Model Violations With Lagrange Multiplier Tests
* Identifying Virus-Cell Fusion in Two-Channel Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences Based on a Layered Probabilistic Approach
* Image Change Detection Using Paradoxical Theory for Patient Follow-Up Quantitation and Therapy Assessment
* Image Processing Assisted Algorithms for Optical Projection Tomography
* Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled (k,t)-Space Data With Joint Partial Separability and Sparsity Constraints
* Image Reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Conductivity Tensor Imaging (MRCTI)
* Image Similarity and Tissue Overlaps as Surrogates for Image Registration Accuracy: Widely Used but Unreliable
* Image-Based Estimation of Ventricular Fiber Orientations for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Impact of Model Shape Mismatch on Reconstruction Quality in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Implicit Reconstruction of Vasculatures Using Bivariate Piecewise Algebraic Splines
* Improved Regional Activity Quantitation in Nuclear Medicine Using a New Approach to Correct for Tissue Partial Volume and Spillover Effects
* Incompressible Deformation Estimation Algorithm (IDEA) From Tagged MR Images
* Integrated Region-, Boundary-, Shape-Based Active Contour for Multiple Object Overlap Resolution in Histological Imagery, An
* Interactive Lesion Segmentation with Shape Priors From Offline and Online Learning
* Interior Tomography With Continuous Singular Value Decomposition
* Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging Using Interleaved Scanning and Partial Reconstruction Interpolation
* Intraoperative Image-based Multiview 2D/3D Registration for Image-Guided Orthopaedic Surgery: Incorporation of Fiducial-Based C-Arm Tracking and GPU-Acceleration
* Investigation of X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) and K-Edge Imaging
* Joint Modeling of Anatomical and Functional Connectivity for Population Studies
* JointMMCC: Joint Maximum-Margin Classification and Clustering of Imaging Data
* Kalman Filtered MR Temperature Imaging for Laser Induced Thermal Therapies
* Learning Semantic and Visual Similarity for Endomicroscopy Video Retrieval
* Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Imaging: An Application to Breast Cancer Diagnosis
* Low-Dose X-ray CT Reconstruction via Dictionary Learning
* Mapping Myocardial Fiber Orientation Using Echocardiography-Based Shear Wave Imaging
* Medial-Based Deformable Models in Nonconvex Shape-Spaces for Medical Image Segmentation
* Medusa: A Scalable MR Console Using USB
* Model-Based Tomographic Reconstruction of Objects Containing Known Components
* Modeling Brain Activation in fMRI Using Group MRF
* Motion Correction in Dual Gated Cardiac PET Using Mass-Preserving Image Registration
* Motion Tracking for Medical Imaging: A Nonvisible Structured Light Tracking Approach
* Multi-Channel Microstrip Transceiver Arrays Using Harmonics for High Field MR Imaging in Humans
* Multi-Modal Image Registration Based on Gradient Orientations of Minimal Uncertainty
* Multifeature Landmark-Free Active Appearance Models: Application to Prostate MRI Segmentation
* Multimodal Retinal Vessel Segmentation From Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography and Fundus Photography
* Multistage Discriminative Model for Tumor and Lymph Node Detection in Thoracic Images, A
* NMF-SVM Based CAD Tool Applied to Functional Brain Images for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Noninvasive Mapping of Transmural Potentials During Activation in Swine Hearts From Body Surface Electrocardiograms
* Nonparametric Procedure for Comparing the Areas Under Correlated LROC Curves, A
* Nonrigid 2D/3D Registration of Coronary Artery Models With Live Fluoroscopy for Guidance of Cardiac Interventions
* Nonrigid Motion Modeling of the Liver From 3-D Undersampled Self-Gated Golden-Radial Phase Encoded MRI
* Nonsupervised Ranking of Different Segmentation Approaches: Application to the Estimation of the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction From Cardiac Cine MRI Sequences
* Object Tracking With Particle Filtering in Fluorescence Microscopy Images: Application to the Motion of Neurofilaments in Axons
* Optimization Transfer Algorithm for Nonlinear Parametric Image Reconstruction From Dynamic PET Data, An
* Passive Markers for Tracking Surgical Instruments in Real-Time 3-D Ultrasound Imaging
* Patient Specific Prostate Segmentation in 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images
* Penalized Likelihood PET Image Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Perceptually Relevant Channelized Joint Observer (PCJO) for the Detection-Localization of Parametric Signals, A
* Performance Analysis for Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Nonlinear Encoding Fields
* Peripapillary Atrophy Detection by Sparse Biologically Inspired Feature Manifold
* Persistent Brain Network Homology From the Perspective of Dendrogram
* Principal Component Based Diffeomorphic Surface Mapping
* Prior Shape Level Set Segmentation on Multistep Generated Probability Maps of MR Datasets for Fully Automatic Kidney Parenchyma Volumetry
* Projection X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Quantitative Assessment of Lesion Detection Accuracy, Resolution, and Reconstruction Algorithms in Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography
* Ray Contribution Masks for Structure Adaptive Sinogram Filtering
* Real Time 3D Visualization of Intraoperative Organ Deformations Using Structured Dictionary
* Realistic Analytical Phantoms for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Reconstruction of Irregularly-Sampled Volumetric Data in Efficient Box Spline Spaces
* Reference-Free PRFS MR-Thermometry Using Near-Harmonic 2-D Reconstruction of the Background Phase
* Registration of 3D Ultrasound Through an Air-Tissue Boundary
* Registration of Images With Varying Topology Using Embedded Maps
* Regression-Based Cardiac Motion Prediction From Single-Phase CTA
* Relaxation in X-Space Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Relevance Voxel Machine (RVoxM): A Self-Tuning Bayesian Model for Informative Image-Based Prediction, The
* RERBEE: Robust Efficient Registration via Bifurcations and Elongated Elements Applied to Retinal Fluorescein Angiogram Sequences
* RF Field Visualization of RF Ablation at the Larmor Frequency
* Robust Adaptive Extended Kalman Filtering for Real Time MR-Thermometry Guided HIFU Interventions
* Robust Statistical Fusion of Image Labels
* Robust Student's-t Mixture Model With Spatial Constraints and Its Application in Medical Image Segmentation
* Robustness of Quantitative Compressive Sensing MRI: The Effect of Random Undersampling Patterns on Derived Parameters for DCE- and DSC-MRI
* Seeing Is Believing: Video Classification for Computed Tomographic Colonography Using Multiple-Instance Learning
* Segmentation of Skin Lesions in 2-D and 3-D Ultrasound Images Using a Spatially Coherent Generalized Rayleigh Mixture Model
* Self-Normalization Reconstruction Technique for PET Scans Using the Positron Emission Data, A
* Semi-Markov Model for Mitosis Segmentation in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences of Stem Cell Populations, A
* Separate Magnitude and Phase Regularization via Compressed Sensing
* Shape Deformation in Two-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shape-Based Regularization of Electron Tomographic Reconstruction
* Simulation-Based Joint Estimation of Body Deformation and Elasticity Parameters for Medical Image Analysis
* Simultaneous MR-Compatible Emission and Transmission Imaging for PET Using Time-of-Flight Information
* Simultaneous Nonrigid Registration, Segmentation, and Tumor Detection in MRI Guided Cervical Cancer Radiation Therapy
* Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation in Time-of-Flight PET
* SMT: A Reliability Based Interactive DTI Tractography Algorithm
* Spatial Resolution Properties of Motion-Compensated Tomographic Image Reconstruction Methods
* Spatial Transformation of DWI Data Using Non-Negative Sparse Representation
* Splitting-Based Iterative Algorithm for Accelerated Statistical X-Ray CT Reconstruction, A
* Spread Spectrum Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Statistical Shape Model-Based Femur Kinematics From Biplane Fluoroscopy
* Super-Resolution in Respiratory Synchronized Positron Emission Tomography
* Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Image Stacks With Learned Shape Features
* System for Video-Based Navigation for Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery, A
* Texture-Based Analysis of COPD: A Data-Driven Approach
* Three-Dimensional In Silico Breast Phantoms for Multimodal Image Simulations
* Three-Dimensional Segmentation of Fluid-Associated Abnormalities in Retinal OCT: Probability Constrained Graph-Search-Graph-Cut
* Time-Resolved Interventional Cardiac C-arm Cone-Beam CT: An Application of the PICCS Algorithm
* Tissue Tracking and Registration for Image-Guided Surgery
* Tracking Monotonically Advancing Boundaries in Image Sequences Using Graph Cuts and Recursive Kernel Shape Priors
* Tracking Pylorus in Ultrasonic Image Sequences With Edge-Based Optical Flow
* Tumor Burden Analysis on Computed Tomography by Automated Liver and Tumor Segmentation
* Tumor-Cut: Segmentation of Brain Tumors on Contrast Enhanced MR Images for Radiosurgery Applications
* TwinMARM: Two-Stage Multiscale Adaptive Regression Methods for Twin Neuroimaging Data
* Ultrafast Doppler Imaging of Blood Flow Dynamics in the Myocardium
* Unified Approach for EIT Imaging of Regional Overdistension and Atelectasis in Acute Lung Injury, A
* Use of Needle Track Detection to Quantify the Displacement of Stranded Seeds Following Prostate Brachytherapy
* Volumetric Intraoperative Brain Deformation Compensation: Model Development and Phantom Validation
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* 3-D Carotid Multi-Region MRI Segmentation by Globally Optimal Evolution of Coupled Surfaces
* 3-D Residual Eddy Current Field Characterisation: Applied to Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic Comparison of Five Tracking Methodologies
* 3D-2D Registration of Cerebral Angiograms: A Method and Evaluation on Clinical Images
* 4D Reconstruction of the Beating Embryonic Heart From Two Orthogonal Sets of Parallel Optical Coherence Tomography Slice-Sequences
* Accelerated Regularized Estimation of MR Coil Sensitivities Using Augmented Lagrangian Methods
* Accelerating Ordered Subsets Image Reconstruction for X-ray CT Using Spatially Nonuniform Optimization Transfer
* Analytic Model of Energy-Absorption Response Functions in Compound X-ray Detector Materials
* Analytical Geometric Calibration Method for Circular Cone-Beam Geometry, An
* Anatomical Labeling of the Circle of Willis Using Maximum A Posteriori Probability Estimation
* Application of Micro-Computed Tomography With Iodine Staining to Cardiac Imaging, Segmentation, and Computational Model Development
* Application of Radial Ray Based Segmentation to Cervical Lymph Nodes in CT Images
* Assessment of Cardiac Motion Effects on the Fiber Architecture of the Human Heart In Vivo
* Assessment of Tumor Blood Flow Distribution by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced CT
* Attenuation Correction for the HRRT PET-Scanner Using Transmission Scatter Correction and Total Variation Regularization
* Attributed Relational Graphs for Cell Nucleus Segmentation in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Automated Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation With Subject-Specific Atlas Generation
* Automatic Cell Detection in Bright-Field Microscope Images Using SIFT, Random Forests, and Hierarchical Clustering
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Crohn's Disease Tissues From Abdominal MRI
* Automatic Detection of Optic Disc Based on PCA and Mathematical Morphology
* Automatic Inference and Measurement of 3D Carpal Bone Kinematics From Single View Fluoroscopic Sequences
* Automatic Segmentation of Scaling in 2-D Psoriasis Skin Images
* Automatic Segmentation of the Pulmonary Lobes From Chest CT Scans Based on Fissures, Vessels, and Bronchi
* Averaging and Metropolis Iterations For Positron Emission Tomography
* Bayesian Image Reconstruction in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Benchmarking HEp-2 Cells Classification Methods
* Blind Color Decomposition of Histological Images
* Blind Compressive Sensing Dynamic MRI
* Blood Velocity Estimation Using Compressive Sensing
* Broadside-Split-Ring Resonator-Based Coil for MRI at 7 T, A
* Burn Depth Analysis Using Multidimensional Scaling Applied to Psychophysical Experiment Data
* Calculation of Intravascular Signal in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced-MRI Using Adaptive Complex Independent Component Analysis
* Characterization and Modeling of the Peripheral Cardiac Conduction System
* Coherent Plane Wave Compounding for Very High Frame Rate Ultrasonography of Rapidly Moving Targets
* Comb-Push Ultrasound Shear Elastography (CUSE) With Various Ultrasound Push Beams
* Combining Boundary-Based Methods With Tensor-Based Morphometry in the Measurement of Longitudinal Brain Change
* Comments on Comparative Study With New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Comparison of Kasai Autocorrelation and Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
* Completion of a Truncated Attenuation Image From the Attenuated PET Emission Data
* Compressed-Sensing MRI With Random Encoding
* Computer-Aided Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on the Analysis of Cytological Images of Fine Needle Biopsies
* Computer-Aided Detection of Cancer in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound
* Computer-Aided Tumor Detection Based on Multi-Scale Blob Detection Algorithm in Automated Breast Ultrasound Images
* Computing Ischemic Regions in the Heart With the Bidomain Model: First Steps Towards Validation
* Correction for Collimator-Detector Response in SPECT Using Point Spread Function Template
* Cortical Graph Smoothing: A Novel Method for Exploiting DWI-Derived Anatomical Brain Connectivity to Improve EEG Source Estimation
* Curl-Based Finite Element Reconstruction of the Shear Modulus Without Assuming Local Homogeneity: Time Harmonic Case
* Data-Driven MRSI Spectral Localization Via Low-Rank Component Analysis
* Deformable Medical Image Registration: A Survey
* Detection and Analysis of Irregular Streaks in Dermoscopic Images of Skin Lesions
* DevStaR: High-Throughput Quantification of C. elegans Developmental Stages
* Dictionary Learning Approach for Poisson Image Deblurring, A
* Direct EIT Reconstructions of Complex Admittivities on a Chest-Shaped Domain in 2-D
* Distributed MLEM: An Iterative Tomographic Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Distributed Memory Architectures
* Dynamic 3-D Visualization of Vocal Tract Shaping During Speech
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI-Based Early Detection of Acute Renal Transplant Rejection
* Dynamic Iterative Reconstruction for Interventional 4-D C-Arm CT Perfusion Imaging
* Effect of Permeability on the Performance of Elastographic Imaging Techniques
* Efficient Optimization Framework for Multi-Region Segmentation Based on Lagrangian Duality, An
* Elastic Image Registration Versus Speckle Tracking for 2-D Myocardial Motion Estimation: A Direct Comparison In Vivo
* Electromagnetic Servoing: A New Tracking Paradigm
* Electron Microscopy Reconstruction of Brain Structure Using Sparse Representations Over Learned Dictionaries
* Ensemble Learning Incorporating Uncertain Registration
* Evaluation and Real-Time Monitoring of Data Quality in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Evaluation of a System for High-Accuracy 3D Image-Based Registration of Endoscopic Video to C-Arm Cone-Beam CT for Image-Guided Skull Base Surgery
* Evaluation of Imaging Systems Using the Posterior Variance of Emission Counts
* Extended Kalman Filtering for Continuous Volumetric MR-Temperature Imaging
* Externally Navigated Bronchoscopy Using 2-D Motion Sensors: Dynamic Phantom Validation
* Fast Acquisition and Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images via Sparse Representation
* Fast and Accurate Feature-Matching Algorithm for Minimally-Invasive Endoscopic Images, A
* Fast Count-Regulated OSEM Reconstruction With Adaptive Resolution Recovery
* Fast Dictionary-Based Reconstruction for Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
* Fast Joint Detection-Estimation of Evoked Brain Activity in Event-Related fMRI Using a Variational Approach
* Feature-Based Image Patch Approximation for Lung Tissue Classification
* First Demonstration of Multiplexed X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) Imaging
* Framework for Inter-Subject Prediction of Functional Connectivity From Structural Networks, A
* Framework to Co-register Longitudinal Virtual Histology-Intravascular Ultrasound Data in the Circumferential Direction
* From Complex B_1 Mapping to Local SAR Estimation for Human Brain MR Imaging Using Multi-Channel Transceiver Coil at 7T
* From Connectivity Models to Region Labels: Identifying Foci of a Neurological Disorder
* Full-Wave Iterative Image Reconstruction in Photoacoustic Tomography With Acoustically Inhomogeneous Media
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of the Proximal Femur Using Random Forest Regression Voting
* General Framework for Context-Specific Image Segmentation Using Reinforcement Learning, A
* Generating Synthetic Mammograms From Reconstructed Tomosynthesis Volumes
* Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Series of Cardiac Images Combining a Biophysical Model and Clinical Images
* GPU-Based Real-Time Volumetric Ultrasound Image Reconstruction for a Ring Array
* Graph-Based IVUS Segmentation With Efficient Computer-Aided Refinement
* Graph-Based Multi-Surface Segmentation of OCT Data Using Trained Hard and Soft Constraints
* Groupwise Conditional Random Forests for Automatic Shape Classification and Contour Quality Assessment in Radiotherapy Planning
* Hemodynamic Analysis for Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) in the Liver Based on a CT-Image
* High-Resolution Acoustic-Radiation-Force-Impulse Imaging for Assessing Corneal Sclerosis
* High-Resolution Atlas and Statistical Model of the Human Heart From Multislice CT, A
* Highly Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Two-Level Bregman Method With Dictionary Updating
* Hybrid Classification Model for Digital Pathology Using Structural and Statistical Pattern Recognition, A
* Hybrid Feature-Based Diffeomorphic Registration for Tumor Tracking in 2-D Liver Ultrasound Images
* Image-based Co-Registration of Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound Images
* Image-Based Model of Atrial Anatomy and Electrical Activation: A Computational Platform for Investigating Atrial Arrhythmia
* Imaging Transverse Isotropic Properties of Muscle by Monitoring Acoustic Radiation Force Induced Shear Waves Using a 2-D Matrix Ultrasound Array
* Improved Modelling of Tool Tracking Errors by Modelling Dependent Marker Errors
* Improved Shear Wave Motion Detection Using Pulse-Inversion Harmonic Imaging With a Phased Array Transducer
* Including Spatial Information in Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography Using Soft Prior Regularization
* Increasing the Automation of a 2D-3D Registration System
* Inferring Group-Wise Consistent Multimodal Brain Networks via Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* Influence and Compensation of Truncation Artifacts in MR-Based Attenuation Correction in PET/MR
* Interactive CT-Video Registration for the Continuous Guidance of Bronchoscopy
* Interactive Decomposition and Mapping of Saccular Cerebral Aneurysms Using Harmonic Functions: Its First Application With Patient-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations
* Interactive Medical Image Segmentation Using PDE Control of Active Contours
* Interventional Tool Tracking Using Discrete Optimization
* Intra-Operative 2-D Ultrasound and Dynamic 3-D Aortic Model Registration for Magnetic Navigation of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
* Invariant Delineation of Nuclear Architecture in Glioblastoma Multiforme for Clinical and Molecular Association
* Learning Context Cues for Synapse Segmentation
* Linearity and Shift Invariance for Quantitative Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Linguistic Analysis of Laser Speckle Contrast Images Recorded at Rest and During Biological Zero: Comparison With Laser Doppler Flowmetry Data
* List-Mode PET Motion Correction Using Markerless Head Tracking: Proof-of-Concept With Scans of Human Subject
* Locally Adaptive Regularization Based on Anisotropic Diffusion for Deformable Image Registration of Sliding Organs, A
* Logical Foundations and Fast Implementation of Probabilistic Tractography
* Longitudinal Image Registration With Temporally-Dependent Image Similarity Measure
* Lumbar Spine Segmentation Using a Statistical Multi-Vertebrae Anatomical Shape+Pose Model
* Magnetic Resonance Image Example-Based Contrast Synthesis
* Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction: Bioimepedance Reconstruction Through Vector Source Imaging
* Magnetostimulation Limits in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Measurement of Viscoelastic Properties of In Vivo Swine Myocardium Using Lamb Wave Dispersion Ultrasound Vibrometry (LDUV)
* Mesenteric Vasculature-Guided Small Bowel Segmentation on 3-D CT
* Mesh Adaptation for Improving Elasticity Reconstruction Using the FEM Inverse Problem
* Model-Based Correction of Velocity Measurements in Navigated 3-D Ultrasound Imaging During Neurosurgical Interventions
* Model-Based Registration of Ex Vivo and In Vivo MRI of the Prostate Using Elastography*
* Model-Based Registration of Ex Vivo and In Vivo MRI of the Prostate Using Elastography*
* Model-Based Vasculature Extraction From Optical Fluorescence Cryomicrotome Images
* Model-Driven Harmonic Parameterization of the Cortical Surface: HIP-HOP
* Modelling and Estimation of Multicomponent T_2 Distributions
* Motion-Compensated Mega-Voltage Cone Beam CT Using the Deformation Derived Directly From 2D Projection Images
* MRF-Based Deformable Registration and Ventilation Estimation of Lung CT
* Multichannel Markov Random Field Framework for Tumor Segmentation With an Application to Classification of Gene Expression-Based Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk, A
* Multiple Atlas Construction from a Heterogeneous Brain MR Image Collection
* Multiple-Hit Parameter Estimation in Monolithic Detectors
* New Method for the In Vivo Identification of Mechanical Properties in Arteries From Cine MRI Images: Theoretical Framework and Validation, A
* Noise Properties of Motion-Compensated Tomographic Image Reconstruction Methods
* Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction With Automatic Regularization Via Monte-Carlo SURE
* Novel Surface-Smoothing Based Local Gyrification Index
* Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow in an Anatomically-Accurate Cerebral Venous Tree
* Objective Assessment of Sonographic Quality I: Task Information
* Objective Assessment of Sonographic: Quality II Acquisition Information Spectrum
* On Artifact-Free Projection Overlaps in Multi-Pinhole Tomographic Imaging
* On Feature Motion Decorrelation in Ultrasound Speckle Tracking
* Online Geometric Calibration of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for Arbitrary Imaging Objects
* Optimal Co-Segmentation of Tumor in PET-CT Images With Context Information
* Optimal Graph Search Based Segmentation of Airway Tree Double Surfaces Across Bifurcations
* Optimal Multiple Surface Segmentation With Shape and Context Priors
* Personalization of Atrial Anatomy and Electrophysiology as a Basis for Clinical Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
* Piecewise Monotone Subgradient Algorithm for Accurate L^1 -TV Based Registration of Physical Slices With Discontinuities in Microscopy, A
* Practical Realization of Magnetic Resonance Conductivity Tensor Imaging (MRCTI)
* Probabilistic Patch-Based Label Fusion Model for Multi-Atlas Segmentation With Registration Refinement: Application to Cardiac MR Images, A
* Projection Reconstruction Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Prostate Histopathology: Learning Tissue Component Histograms for Cancer Detection and Classification
* Quality Metrics for High Order Meshes: Analysis of the Mechanical Simulation of the Heart Beat
* Quantifying Admissible Undersampling for Sparsity-Exploiting Iterative Image Reconstruction in X-Ray CT
* Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Tissue Including Fibroblasts Using Three-Dimensional Confocal Microscopy and Image Reconstruction: Towards a Basis for Electrophysiological Modeling
* Real-Time GPU-Based Ultrasound Simulation Using Deformable Mesh Models
* Registration of 3D+t Coronary CTA and Monoplane 2D+t X-Ray Angiography
* Registration-Based Reconstruction of Four-Dimensional Cone Beam Computed Tomography
* Reply to the Comments on Comparative Study with New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Retinal Microaneurysm Detection Through Local Rotating Cross-Section Profile Analysis
* Robust Anatomical Correspondence Detection by Hierarchical Sparse Graph Matching
* Robust Texture Analysis Using Multi-Resolution Gray-Scale Invariant Features for Breast Sonographic Tumor Diagnosis
* Robust Ultrashort TE (UTE) Imaging Method With Corrected k-Space Trajectory by Using Parametric Multiple Function Model of Gradient Waveform, A
* Rough Sets for Bias Field Correction in MR Images Using Contraharmonic Mean and Quantitative Index
* RubiX: Combining Spatial Resolutions for Bayesian Inference of Crossing Fibers in Diffusion MRI
* Segmentation and Shape Tracking of Whole Fluorescent Cells Based on the Chan-Vese Model
* Segmenting the Etiological Agent of Schistosomiasis for High-Content Screening
* Shear Wave Induced Resonance Elastography of Venous Thrombi: A Proof-of-Concept
* Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation Through Fusion of Probabilistic Segmentations
* Sparse Patch-Based Label Propagation for Accurate Prostate Localization in CT Images
* Sparse Reconstruction of the Magnetic Particle Imaging System Matrix
* Sparse Signal Recovery Methods for Multiplexing PET Detector Readout
* Sparsity-Promoting Calibration for GRAPPA Accelerated Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Spine Segmentation in Medical Images Using Manifold Embeddings and Higher-Order MRFs
* Splat Feature Classification With Application to Retinal Hemorrhage Detection in Fundus Images
* Statistical Reconstruction of Material Decomposed Data in Spectral CT
* Structure Propagation for Image Registration
* Study-Parameter Impact in Quantitative 90-Yttrium PET Imaging for Radioembolization Treatment Monitoring and Dosimetry
* Superpixel Classification Based Optic Disc and Optic Cup Segmentation for Glaucoma Screening
* Suppression of Translucent Elongated Structures: Applications in Chest Radiography
* Temporally Consistent Probabilistic Detection of New Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI
* Testing Equality of Cell Populations Based on Shape and Geodesic Distance
* Tracking the Position and Rotational Orientation of a Catheter Using a Transmit Array System
* Transcranial Thermoacoustic Tomography: A Comparison of Two Imaging Algorithms
* Transmural Imaging of Ventricular Action Potentials and Post-Infarction Scars in Swine Hearts
* Uncertainty Driven Probabilistic Voxel Selection for Image Registration
* Validation Index: A New Metric for Validation of Segmentation Algorithms Using Two or More Expert Outlines With Application to Radiotherapy Planning, The
* Vessel Tractography Using an Intensity Based Tensor Model With Branch Detection
* Virtual Coiling Technique for Image-Based Aneurysm Models by Dynamic Path Planning, A
* Virtual Imaging Platform for Multi-Modality Medical Image Simulation, A
* Volumetric Real-Time Tracking of Peripheral Human Vasculature With GPU-Accelerated Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography
* Wall-Motion Based Analysis of Global and Regional Left Atrial Mechanics
* X-ray CT Metal Artifact Reduction Using Wavelet Domain L_0 Sparse Regularization
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* 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Using a Prototype Proton CT Scanner
* 24-MHz Scanner for Optoacoustic Imaging of Skin and Burn
* 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human Head MR Imaging
* Accelerating Parallel Transmit Array B1 Mapping in High Field MRI With Slice Undersampling and Interpolation by Kriging
* Accurate High-Resolution Measurements of 3-D Tissue Dynamics With Registration-Enhanced Displacement Encoded MRI
* Active Structured Learning for Cell Tracking: Algorithm, Framework, and Usability
* Adaptive Quantification and Longitudinal Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema With a Hidden Markov Measure Field Model
* Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Tomography With Nonlocal Regularizers
* Analysis of Whole Body Tracer Kinetics in Dynamic PET Studies With Application to Image-Based Blood Input Function Extraction, An
* Application of Tolerance Limits to the Characterization of Image Registration Performance
* Artifact Suppressed Dictionary Learning for Low-Dose CT Image Processing
* Attenuation Correction Synthesis for Hybrid PET-MR Scanners: Application to Brain Studies
* Augmented Lagrangian with Variable Splitting for Faster Non-Cartesian L_1-SPIRiT MR Image Reconstruction
* Automated Aortic Doppler Flow Tracing for Reproducible Research and Clinical Measurements
* Automated Characterization of Breast Lesions Imaged With an Ultrafast DCE-MR Protocol
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colon Capsule Endoscopy
* Automatic Cycle Averaging for Denoising Approximately Periodic Spatiotemporal Signals
* Automatic Detection and Measurement of Structures in Fetal Head Ultrasound Volumes Using Sequential Estimation and Integrated Detection Network (IDN)
* Automatic Generation of Statistical Pose and Shape Models for Articulated Joints
* Automatic Segmentation of Breast MR Images Through a Markov Random Field Statistical Model
* Automatic Tuberculosis Screening Using Chest Radiographs
* Automatic Whole Brain MRI Segmentation of the Developing Neonatal Brain
* Autonomous Real-Time Interventional Scan Plane Control With a 3-D Shape-Sensing Needle
* Axial Ultrasound B-Scans of the Entire Eye With a 20-MHz Linear Array: Correction of Crystalline Lens Phase Aberration by Applying Fermat's Principle
* Categorizing Extent of Tumor Cell Death Response to Cancer Therapy Using Quantitative Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Maximum Mean Discrepancy
* Cine Cone Beam CT Reconstruction Using Low-Rank Matrix Factorization: Algorithm and a Proof-of-Principle Study
* Classification of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Images of Cervical Cancers Using Texture Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* Comparative Evaluation of Registration Algorithms in Different Brain Databases With Varying Difficulty: Results and Insights
* Comparative Validation of Single-Shot Optical Techniques for Laparoscopic 3-D Surface Reconstruction
* Computer-Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer in MRI
* Convection-Reaction Equation Based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (cr-MREPT)
* Correction of Excitation Profile in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging Using Quadratic Phase-Modulated RF Pulse Excitation and Iterative Reconstruction
* Development and Application of a Suite of 4-D Virtual Breast Phantoms for Optimization and Evaluation of Breast Imaging Systems
* Dictionary Learning and Time Sparsity for Dynamic MR Data Reconstruction
* Diffuse Optical Tomography Enhanced by Clustered Sparsity for Functional Brain Imaging
* Discrete Imaging Models for Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Tomography Using Radially Symmetric Expansion Functions
* Discriminative Structural Similarity Measure and its Application to Video-Volume Registration for Endoscope Three-Dimensional Motion Tracking, A
* Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction: Separation From Undersampled (k,t)-Space via Low-Rank Plus Sparse Prior
* Efficient Determination of the Uncertainty for the Optimization of SPECT System Design: A Subsampled Fisher Information Matrix
* Elastic Shape Analysis of Cylindrical Surfaces for 3D/2D Registration in Endometrial Tissue Characterization
* Electromagnetic Tracking in Medicine: A Review of Technology, Validation, and Applications
* Evaluation and Comparison of Current Fetal Ultrasound Image Segmentation Methods for Biometric Measurements: A Grand Challenge
* External Vibration Multi-Directional Ultrasound Shearwave Elastography (EVMUSE): Application in Liver Fibrosis Staging
* Extracting Salient Brain Patterns for Imaging-Based Classification of Neurodegenerative Diseases
* False Discovery Rate Control in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies via Markov Random Fields
* Fast Local Trust Region Technique for Diffusion Tensor Registration Using Exact Reorientation and Regularization
* Fast T2 Mapping With Improved Accuracy Using Undersampled Spin-Echo MRI and Model-Based Reconstructions With a Generating Function
* Flexible Method for Multi-Material Decomposition of Dual-Energy CT Images, A
* FMT-PCCT: Hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography: X-Ray Phase-Contrast CT Imaging of Mouse Models
* Fourier-Based Approach to the Angiographic Assessment of Flow Diverter Efficacy in the Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms, A
* Fundus Image Mosaicking for Information Augmentation in Computer-Assisted Slit-Lamp Imaging
* Generalized Correlation-Based Model for Out-of-Plane Motion Estimation in Freehand Ultrasound, A
* Generic Approach to Pathological Lung Segmentation, A
* Harmonic Motion Microwave Doppler Imaging: A Simulation Study Using a Simple Breast Model
* HEp-2 Cell Classification Using Shape Index Histograms With Donut-Shaped Spatial Pooling
* Hierarchical Lung Field Segmentation With Joint Shape and Appearance Sparse Learning
* Hierarchical Manifold Learning for Regional Image Analysis
* High Resolution ^13 C MRI With Hyperpolarized Urea: In Vivo T_2 Mapping and ^15 N Labeling Effects
* Identifying Model Inaccuracies and Solution Uncertainties in Noninvasive Activation-Based Imaging of Cardiac Excitation Using Convex Relaxation
* Identifying the Neuroanatomical Basis of Cognitive Impairment in Alzheimer's Disease by Correlation- and Nonlinearity-Aware Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Image Reconstruction Algorithm for 3-D Electrical Impedance Mammography, An
* Image-Based Quantitative Analysis of Gold Immunochromatographic Strip via Cellular Neural Network Approach
* Improved Myocardial Motion Estimation Combining Tissue Doppler and B-Mode Echocardiographic Images
* In Silico Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Flow Imaging in Complex Vascular Networks
* Including Anatomical and Functional Information in MC Simulation of PET and SPECT Brain Studies. Brain-VISET: A Voxel-Based Iterative Method
* Incremental Learning With Selective Memory (ILSM): Towards Fast Prostate Localization for Image Guided Radiotherapy
* Integrated Framework for Joint HRF and Drift Estimation and HbO/HbR Signal Improvement in fNIRS Data, An
* Interactive Hierarchical-Flow Segmentation of Scar Tissue From Late-Enhancement Cardiac MR Images
* Investigation of the Role of Feature Selection and Weighted Voting in Random Forests for 3-D Volumetric Segmentation
* Isometric Log-Ratio Transform for Probabilistic Multi-Label Anatomical Shape Representation, The
* Iterative Method for Predistortion of MRI Gradient Waveforms
* Learning New Parts for Landmark Localization in Whole-Body CT Scans
* Learning to Rank Atlases for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* Learning to Rank Atlases for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven Approximation in Thoracic FDG PET-CT Images of NSCLC Studies
* Local Metric Learning in 2D/3D Deformable Registration With Application in the Abdomen
* Local Optimization Based Segmentation of Spatially-Recurring, Multi-Region Objects With Part Configuration Constraints
* Local Phase Tensor Features for 3-D Ultrasound to Statistical Shape+Pose Spine Model Registration
* Logarithmic Opinion Pool Based STAPLE Algorithm for the Fusion of Segmentations With Associated Reliability Weights, A
* LOGISMOS-B: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces for the Brain
* Low-Rank Modeling of Local k -Space Neighborhoods (LORAKS) for Constrained MRI
* Lung Segmentation in Chest Radiographs Using Anatomical Atlases With Nonrigid Registration
* Markerless Motion Tracking of Awake Animals in Positron Emission Tomography
* Mathematical Framework for the Registration and Analysis of Multi-Fascicle Models for Population Studies of the Brain Microstructure, A
* Maximum Likelihood Doppler Frequency Estimation Under Decorrelation Noise for Quantifying Flow in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Shear Wave Speed in Transient Elastography
* Mechanics-Based Nonrigid Registration Method for Liver Surgery Using Sparse Intraoperative Data, A
* Method to Estimate Biomechanics and Mechanical Properties of Optic Nerve Head Tissues From Parameters Measurable Using Optical Coherence Tomography, A
* Metric Optimization for Surface Analysis in the Laplace-Beltrami Embedding Space
* ML-Reconstruction for TOF-PET With Simultaneous Estimation of the Attenuation Factors
* Model Based Inversion for Deriving Maps of Histological Parameters Characteristic of Cancer From Ex-Vivo Multispectral Images of the Colon
* Model-Based Classification Methods of Global Patterns in Dermoscopic Images
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT Using a Joint Quadratic Likelihood Model
* Model-Based MR Parameter Mapping With Sparsity Constraints: Parameter Estimation and Performance Bounds
* Model-Based Optoacoustic Image Reconstruction of Large Three-Dimensional Tomographic Datasets Acquired With an Array of Directional Detectors
* Model-Resolution-Based Basis Pursuit Deconvolution Improves Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging
* Motion Adaptive Patch-Based Low-Rank Approach for Compressed Sensing Cardiac Cine MRI
* Motion Based X-Ray Imaging Modality
* MRI Meets MPI: A Bimodal MPI-MRI Tomograph
* MRI Upsampling Using Feature-Based Nonlocal Means Approach
* MRI-Compatible Device for Examining Brain Activation Related to Stepping
* MRISIMUL: A GPU-Based Parallel Approach to MRI Simulations
* Multi-Dimensional Tumor Detection in Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Using Topographic Watershed
* Multi-Material Decomposition Using Statistical Image Reconstruction for Spectral CT
* Multi-Part Modeling and Segmentation of Left Atrium in C-Arm CT for Image-Guided Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation
* Multi-Stencil Streamline Fast Marching: A General 3-D Framework to Determine Myocardial Thickness and Transmurality in Late Enhancement Images
* Multi-Surface and Multi-Field Co-Segmentation of 3-D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Multi-Transmit Beam Forming for Fast Cardiac Imaging: Experimental Validation and In Vivo Application
* Multiatlas Segmentation as Nonparametric Regression
* Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography Using Spectral Constraints
* Multimodal Registration and Data Fusion for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Optimization
* Multiple Importance Sampling for PET
* Multiscale Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography by a Stationary Wavelet Transform Prior to Unmixing
* New Fast Accurate Nonlinear Medical Image Registration Program Including Surface Preserving Regularization, A
* New Technique for the Estimation of Cardiac Motion in Echocardiography Based on Transverse Oscillations: A Preliminary Evaluation In Silico and a Feasibility Demonstration In Vivo, A
* Noise Reduction in Small-Animal PET Images Using a Multiresolution Transform
* Noninvasive Transmural Electrophysiological Imaging Based on Minimization of Total-Variation Functional
* Nonlinear Biomechanical Model Based Registration Method for Aligning Prone and Supine MR Breast Images, A
* Nonparametric Temperature Controller With Nonlinear Negative Reaction for Multi-Point Rapid MR-Guided HIFU Ablation, A
* Nonrigid Registration of Ultrasound and MRI Using Contextual Conditioned Mutual Information
* Nonrigid Registration of Volumetric Images Using Ranked Order Statistics
* Novel Polar Space Random Field Model for the Detection of Glandular Structures, A
* Novel Skeleton Based Quantification and 3-D Volumetric Visualization of Left Atrium Fibrosis Using Late Gadolinium Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Numerical Characterization of Quasi-Static Ultrasound Elastography for the Detection of Deep Tissue Injuries
* Numerical Surrogates for Human Observers in Myocardial Motion Evaluation From SPECT Images
* On Variant Strategies to Solve the Magnitude Least Squares Optimization Problem in Parallel Transmission Pulse Design and Under Strict SAR and Power Constraints
* Optoacoustic Imaging of Subcutaneous Microvasculature With a Class one Laser
* Order of Magnitude Sensitivity Increase in X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT) Imaging With an Optimized Spectro-Spatial Detector Configuration: Theory and Simulation
* Oriented Gaussian Mixture Models for Nonrigid 2D/3D Coronary Artery Registration
* Patlak Image Estimation From Dual Time-Point List-Mode PET Data
* PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Registration
* Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body PET With an Anatomical Prior
* Predicting Visual Semantic Descriptive Terms From Radiological Image Data: Preliminary Results With Liver Lesions in CT
* Prediction of Lung Tumor Evolution During Radiotherapy in Individual Patients With PET
* Prostate Cancer Grading: Use of Graph Cut and Spatial Arrangement of Nuclei
* Prostate Segmentation Based on Variant Scale Patch and Local Independent Projection
* Prostate Segmentation: An Efficient Convex Optimization Approach With Axial Symmetry Using 3-D TRUS and MR Images
* Proximal ADMM for Multi-Channel Image Reconstruction in Spectral X-ray CT
* Quality and Precision of Parametric Images Created From PET Sinogram Data by Direct Reconstruction: Proof of Concept
* Quantifying the Importance of the Statistical Assumption in Statistical X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Quantifying the Statistical Impact of GRAPPA in fcMRI Data With a Real-Valued Isomorphism
* Quantitative Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Intra-Voxel Fiber Recovery From Diffusion MRI
* Radial Basis Functions for Combining Shape and Speckle Tracking in 4D Echocardiography
* Real-Time Segmentation and Recognition of Surgical Tasks in Cataract Surgery Videos
* Reconstructing 3-D Skin Surface Motion for the DIET Breast Cancer Screening System
* Reducing Multiplexing Artifacts in Multi-Pinhole SPECT With a Stacked Silicon-Germanium System: A Simulation Study
* Regional Assessment of Cardiac Left Ventricular Myocardial Function via MRI Statistical Features
* Regional Manifold Learning for Disease Classification
* Registration of Whole-Mount Histology and Volumetric Imaging of the Prostate Using Particle Filtering
* Regularized Estimation of Magnitude and Phase of Multi-Coil B_1 Field Via Bloch-Siegert B_1 Mapping and Coil Combination Optimizations
* Retrospective Rigid Motion Correction in k-Space for Segmented Radial MRI
* SCoRS: A Method Based on Stability for Feature Selection and Apping in Neuroimaging
* SCoRS: A Method Based on Stability for Feature Selection and Apping in Neuroimaging
* Segmentation of High Angular Resolution Diffusion MRI Using Sparse Riemannian Manifold Clustering
* Segmentation-Based Partial Volume Correction for Volume Estimation of Solid Lesions in CT
* Separation of Bones From Chest Radiographs by Means of Anatomically Specific Multiple Massive-Training ANNs Combined With Total Variation Minimization Smoothing
* Shape Representation for Efficient Landmark-Based Segmentation in 3-D
* Simulation of the Expected Performance of a Seamless Scanner for Brain PET Based on Highly Pixelated CdTe Detectors
* Simulations of Breast Cancer Imaging Using Gamma-Ray Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography
* Simultaneous Sparsity Model for Histopathological Image Representation and Classification
* Sparse Matrix Beamforming and Image Reconstruction for 2-D HIFU Monitoring Using Harmonic Motion Imaging for Focused Ultrasound (HMIFU) With In Vitro Validation
* Sparsity Constrained Mixture Modeling for the Estimation of Kinetic Parameters in Dynamic PET
* Spatially-Resolved Hydraulic Conductivity Estimation Via Poroelastic Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Statistical Personalization of Ventricular Fiber Orientation Using Shape Predictors
* Surface-Constrained Nonrigid Registration for Dose Monitoring in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy
* SVD Compression for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting in the Time Domain
* Synthetic Generation of Myocardial Blood: Oxygen-Level-Dependent MRI Time Series Via Structural Sparse Decomposition Modeling
* Theoretical Comparison of the Iodine Quantification Accuracy of Two Spectral CT Technologies
* Three-Dimensional Sheaf of Ultrasound Planes Reconstruction (SOUPR) of Ablated Volumes
* Tissue Cancellation in Dual Energy Mammography Using a Calibration Phantom Customized for Direct Mapping
* Total Variation-Stokes Strategy for Sparse-View X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Total Variation-Stokes Strategy for Sparse-View X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based Region of Interest Reconstruction Algorithm in C-Arm CT
* Tracer-Kinetic Field Theory for Medical Imaging, A
* Tracking Using Motion Estimation With Physically Motivated Inter-Region Constraints
* Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Two-Dimensional Compressed Sensing Using the Cross-sampling Approach for Low-Field MRI Systems
* Uncertainty Estimation in Diffusion MRI Using the Nonlocal Bootstrap
* Unified Approach to Diffusion Direction Sensitive Slice Registration and 3-D DTI Reconstruction From Moving Fetal Brain Anatomy, A
* Unified Graphical Models Framework for Automated Mitosis Detection in Human Embryos, A
* Unmixing Molecular Agents From Absorbing Tissue in Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
* Unsupervised Segmentation, Clustering, and Groupwise Registration of Heterogeneous Populations of Brain MR Images
* Using Transmural Regularization and Dynamic Modeling for Noninvasive Cardiac Potential Imaging of Endocardial Pacing With Imprecise Thoracic Geometry
* Visual and Contextual Modeling for the Detection of Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
* Visual SLAM for Handheld Monocular Endoscope
* Volumetric Optoacoustic Imaging With Multi-Bandwidth Deconvolution
* Volumetric Quantification of Airway Wall in CT via Collision-Free Active Surface Model: Application to Asthma Assessment
* Voxel Selection Framework in Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data for Prediction of Neural Response to Visual Stimuli
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* 1D-3D Registration for Intra-Operative Nuclear Imaging in Radio-Guided Surgery
* 3-D Adaptive Sparsity Based Image Compression With Applications to Optical Coherence Tomography
* 3-D Stent Detection in Intravascular OCT Using a Bayesian Network and Graph Search
* 3D Microendoscopic Electrical Impedance Tomography for Margin Assessment During Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy
* 4D Blood Flow Reconstruction Over the Entire Ventricle From Wall Motion and Blood Velocity Derived From Ultrasound Data
* Accelerated Phase-Cycled SSFP Imaging With Compressed Sensing
* Accuracy and Precision of Head Motion Information in Multi-Channel Free Induction Decay Navigators for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Accurate Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies and Processes Using Statistical Shape Decomposition and Conditional Models
* Allowable Forward Model Misspecification for Accurate Basis Decomposition in a Silicon Detector Based Spectral CT
* Analysis of Laser Speckle Contrast Images Variability Using a Novel Empirical Mode Decomposition: Comparison of Results With Laser Doppler Flowmetry Signals Variability
* Analysis of Structural Similarity in Mammograms for Detection of Bilateral Asymmetry
* Analysis of the Noise Correlation in MRI Coil Arrays Loaded With Metamaterial Magnetoinductive Lenses
* Apparent Ultra-High b-Value Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction via Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Automated 3-D Retinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Serous Pigment Epithelial Detachments
* Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images Using a Robust Atlas
* Automated Vessel Segmentation Using Infinite Perimeter Active Contour Model with Hybrid Region Information with Application to Retinal Images
* Automated, Depth-Resolved Estimation of the Attenuation Coefficient From Optical Coherence Tomography Data
* Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Non-Contrast-Enhanced ECG-Triggered Cardiac CT With Ambiguity Detection
* Automatic Deformable MR-Ultrasound Registration for Image-Guided Neurosurgery
* Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs Using a Combination of Textural, Focal, and Shape Abnormality Analysis
* Automatic Segmentation of Spinal Canals in CT Images via Iterative Topology Refinement
* Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Canal Coupled With Vertebral Labeling
* Automatic SWI Venography Segmentation Using Conditional Random Fields
* Axially Elongated Field-Free Point Data Acquisition in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Trajectory in the Interventional Room
* Bag-of-Frequencies: A Descriptor of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Images
* Bayesian Blind Separation and Deconvolution of Dynamic Image Sequences Using Sparsity Priors
* Bayesian Framework Based Direct Reconstruction of Fluorescence Parametric Images
* Bayesian Model Selection for Pathological Neuroimaging Data Applied to White Matter Lesion Segmentation
* Benchmark for Algorithms Segmenting the Left Atrium From 3D CT and MRI Datasets
* Bias Reduction for Low-Statistics PET: Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction With a Modified Poisson Distribution
* Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Application to MR-TRUS Fusion for Prostate Interventions
* Brain Activity: Connectivity, Sparsity, and Mutual Information
* Cell Detection From Redundant Candidate Regions Under Nonoverlapping Constraints
* Comb-Push Ultrasound Shear Elastography (CUSE) for Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules: Preliminary In Vivo Results
* Combining Ordered Subsets and Momentum for Accelerated X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* COMMIT: Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography
* Comparison of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging Derived Carotid Plaque Stiffness With Spatially Registered MRI Determined Composition
* Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of 3D Ultrasound Data Using Dictionary Learning and Line-Wise Subsampling
* Computer-Aided Prostate Cancer Detection Using Ultrasound RF Time Series: In Vivo Feasibility Study
* Constrained Variable Projection Reconstruction Method for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography Without Accurate Knowledge of Transducer Responses, A
* Contour-Driven Atlas-Based Segmentation
* Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for Point Based Image Registration With Heteroscedastic Error Model for Application in Single Molecule Microscopy
* CSI-EPT: A Contrast Source Inversion Approach for Improved MRI-Based Electric Properties Tomography
* Curvelet Based Contrast Enhancement in Fluoroscopic Sequences
* Deformation Corrected Compressed Sensing (DC-CS): A Novel Framework for Accelerated Dynamic MRI
* Delay Multiply and Sum Beamforming Algorithm in Ultrasound B-Mode Medical Imaging, The
* Derivation of an Observer Model Adapted to Irregular Signals Based on Convolution Channels
* Description and Characterization of a Novel Method for Partial Volume Simulation in Software Breast Phantoms
* Design of a Parallel Transmit Head Coil at 7T With Magnetic Wall Distributed Filters
* Detecting Statistically Significant Differences in Quantitative MRI Experiments, Applied to Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* Detecting Surgical Tools by Modelling Local Appearance and Global Shape
* Digital Preclinical PET/MRI Insert and Initial Results, A
* Digital Topology and Geometry in Medical Imaging: A Survey
* Direct 2-D Reconstructions of Conductivity and Permittivity From EIT Data on a Human Chest
* Direct Parametric Image Reconstruction in Reduced Parameter Space for Rapid Multi-Tracer PET Imaging
* Direct Parametric Reconstruction Using Anatomical Regularization for Simultaneous PET/MRI Data
* Direct PCA-Based Approach for Real-Time Description of Physiological Organ Deformations, A
* Discriminative Structured Feature Engineering for Macroscale Brain Connectomes
* Diseased Region Detection of Longitudinal Knee Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
* Domain Adaptation for Microscopy Imaging
* Dynamic Attenuator Improves Spectral Imaging With Energy-Discriminating, Photon Counting Detectors, A
* Edge-Preserving PET Image Reconstruction Using Trust Optimization Transfer
* Efficient Lattice Boltzmann Solver for Patient-Specific Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatic Tumors
* Efficient Monte Carlo Image Analysis for the Location of Vascular Entity
* Electronic Field Free Line Rotation and Relaxation Deconvolution in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Energy Calibration of the Pixels of Spectral X-ray Detectors
* Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
* Estimating Diffusion Propagator and Its Moments Using Directional Radial Basis Functions
* Evaluation and Comparison of Anatomical Landmark Detection Methods for Cephalometric X-Ray Images: A Grand Challenge
* Evaluation of Data Completeness and Image Quality in Multiplexing Multi-Pinhole SPECT, The
* Evaluation of Fisher Information Matrix-Based Methods for Fast Assessment of Image Quality in Pinhole SPECT
* Exact Confidence Intervals for Channelized Hotelling Observer Performance in Image Quality Studies
* Experimental Comparison of Continuous-Wave and Frequency-Domain Fluorescence Tomography in a Commercial Multi-Modal Scanner
* Extended Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (E-ART) for Dual Spectral CT, An
* Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal k-Space Trajectories in MRI
* Fast Catheter Segmentation From Echocardiographic Sequences Based on Segmentation From Corresponding X-Ray Fluoroscopy for Cardiac Catheterization Interventions
* Fast Computation of Hemodynamic Sensitivity to Lumen Segmentation Uncertainty
* Fast Parallel MR Image Reconstruction via B1-Based, Adaptive Restart, Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithms (BARISTA)
* Fast Volume Reconstruction From Motion Corrupted Stacks of 2D Slices
* Fast X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction Using a Linearized Augmented Lagrangian Method With Ordered Subsets
* Feature-Preserving Noise Removal
* Fiber Orientation and Compartment Parameter Estimation From Multi-Shell Diffusion Imaging
* Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: Co-Registration Study Using Ex Vivo Human Coronaries
* FPGA-Based Voltage and Current Dual Drive System for High Frame Rate Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Framework for Automated Spine and Vertebrae Interpolation-Based Detection and Model-Based Segmentation, A
* Free-Breathing Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography of the Human Heart in Healthy Volunteers Using Wavelet-Based Image Fusion
* Frequency-Dependent Conductivity Contrast for Tissue Characterization Using a Dual-Frequency Range Conductivity Mapping Magnetic Resonance Method
* Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Histological Image Reconstruction, A
* Generalized Log-Ratio Transformation: Learning Shape and Adjacency Priors for Simultaneous Thigh Muscle Segmentation, The
* Generic Approach to Pathological Lung Segmentation, A
* Geodesic Atlas-Based Labeling of Anatomical Trees: Application and Evaluation on Airways Extracted From CT
* Geodesic Information Flows: Spatially-Variant Graphs and Their Application to Segmentation and Fusion
* Global Linking of Cell Tracks Using the Viterbi Algorithm
* Graph-Based Airway Tree Reconstruction From Chest CT Scans: Evaluation of Different Features on Five Cohorts
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Spectral CT
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Spine Imaging, Image-Based Modeling, and Image Guided Intervention
* Higher-Order Motion-Compensation for In Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Rats
* Higher-Order Tensor Vessel Tractography for Segmentation of Vascular Structures, A
* Hippocampal Shape Modeling Based on a Progressive Template Surface Deformation and its Verification
* Hybrid LDA+gCCA Model for fMRI Data Classification and Visualization, A
* Impedance Imaging With First-Order TV Regularization
* Implications of Ultrasound Frequency in Optoacoustic Mesoscopy of the Skin
* Improved Intrinsic Motion Detection Using Time-of-Flight PET
* In Vivo Acoustic Super-Resolution and Super-Resolved Velocity Mapping Using Microbubbles
* Including Signal Intensity Increases the Performance of Blind Source Separation on Brain Imaging Data
* Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm for Patch-Smoothness Regularized Medical Image Recovery
* Joint Estimation of Activity and Attenuation in Whole-Body TOF PET/MRI Using Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models
* Joint Sparse Representation of Brain Activity Patterns in Multi-Task fMRI Data
* Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Image Classification
* Learning Structured Models for Segmentation of 2-D and 3-D Imagery
* Localization and Segmentation of 3D Intervertebral Discs in MR Images by Data Driven Estimation
* Localized Energy-Based Normalization of Medical Images: Application to Chest Radiography
* Low-Dimensional Non-Rigid Image Registration Using Statistical Deformation Models From Semi-Supervised Training Data
* Low-Rank Atlas Image Analyses in the Presence of Pathologies
* LRTV: MR Image Super-Resolution With Low-Rank and Total Variation Regularizations
* Lumen Segmentation and Motion Estimation in B-Mode and Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Images of the Carotid Artery in Patients With Atherosclerotic Plaque
* Magnetic Particle Imaging With Tailored Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Tracers
* Majorize-Minimize Framework for Rician and Non-Central Chi MR Images, A
* Microstructural Characterization of the Pia-Arachnoid Complex Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* Microwave Medical Imaging Based on Sparsity and an Iterative Method With Adaptive Thresholding
* Model of Population and Subject (MOPS) Intensities With Application to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation, A
* MRI RF Array Decoupling Method With Magnetic Wall Distributed Filters
* Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation Framework for Prostate Brachytherapy, A
* Multi-Center MRI Carotid Plaque Component Segmentation Using Feature Normalization and Transfer Learning
* Multi-Dimensional Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition With Adaptive Noise Applied to Laser Speckle Contrast Images
* Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFloCoS) for Time-Resolved Velocity-Encoded Phase Contrast MRI
* Multi-Modal Intra-Operative Navigation During Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nails
* Multi-Modality Vertebra Recognition in Arbitrary Views Using 3D Deformable Hierarchical Model
* Multi-Scale Tubular Structure Detection in Ultrasound Imaging
* Multi-Target Tracking With Time-Varying Clutter Rate and Detection Profile: Application to Time-Lapse Cell Microscopy Sequences
* Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling MRI with Variable TR and Bolus Duration for Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Transit Time Mapping
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark (BRATS), The
* Multimodal Entity Coreference for Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis
* Multimodal Segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup From SD-OCT and Color Fundus Photographs Using a Machine-Learning Graph-Based Approach
* Multiple LREK Active Contours for Knee Meniscus Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* New Method to Measure Directional Modulation Transfer Function Using Sphere Phantoms in a Cone Beam Computed Tomography System, A
* New Total Body Scanning System for Automatic Change Detection in Multiple Pigmented Skin Lesions, A
* Noise Suppression for Dual-Energy CT Through Entropy Minimization
* Noise Suppression for Dual-Energy CT Through Entropy Minimization
* Noninvasive Vascular Elastography With Plane Strain Incompressibility Assumption Using Ultrafast Coherent Compound Plane Wave Imaging
* Nonparametric Hemodynamic Deconvolution of fMRI Using Homomorphic Filtering
* Novel Multiple-Instance Learning-Based Approach to Computer-Aided Detection of Tuberculosis on Chest X-Rays, A
* Optimal Frequency-Based Weighting for Spectral X-Ray Projection Imaging
* Optimized Detector Angular Configuration Increases the Sensitivity of X-ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography (XFCT)
* Patient-Specific Biomechanical Model for the Prediction of Lung Motion From 4-D CT Images
* Performance of a Medipix3RX Spectroscopic Pixel Detector With a High Resistivity Gallium Arsenide Sensor
* Persistent Homology in Sparse Regression and Its Application to Brain Morphometry
* PET Image Reconstruction Using Kernel Method
* Phase Unwrapping in Spectral X-Ray Differential Phase-Contrast Imaging With an Energy-Resolving Photon-Counting Pixel Detector
* Pipeline for the Generation of Realistic 3D Synthetic Echocardiographic Sequences: Methodology and Open-Access Database, A
* Pixel Bleeding Correction in Laser Scanning Luminescence Imaging Demonstrated Using Optically Stimulated Luminescence
* Polyp Detection via Imbalanced Learning and Discriminative Feature Learning
* Predictive Model of Vertebral Trabecular Anisotropy From Ex Vivo Micro-CT, A
* Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in Minimally Invasive Surgery
* Quantitative Evaluation of Knee Subchondral Bone Mineral Density Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
* Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a Perturbation Field Model: Correlation With Brain Iron in Normal Aging
* Radial Basis Functions for Combining Shape and Speckle Tracking in 4D Echocardiography
* Real-Time Electrical Impedance Variations in Women With and Without Breast Cancer
* Real-Time Task Recognition in Cataract Surgery Videos Using Adaptive Spatiotemporal Polynomials
* Reconstruction of 4-D Dynamic SPECT Images From Inconsistent Projections Using a Spline Initialized FADS Algorithm (SIFADS)
* Reconstruction-Classification Method for Multifrequency Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Regression Segmentation for M3 Spinal Images
* Regression Segmentation for M3 Spinal Images
* Regularization Designs for Uniform Spatial Resolution and Noise Properties in Statistical Image Reconstruction for 3-D X-ray CT
* Relating Structural and Functional Connectivity in MRI: A Simple Model for a Complex Brain
* Resolution Guarantees in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Retinal Artery-Vein Classification via Topology Estimation
* Rigorous Geometric Self-Calibrating Bundle Adjustment for a Dual Fluoroscopic Imaging System
* Robust Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution via Tensor Total-Variation Regularization
* Robust Prostate Segmentation Using Intrinsic Properties of TRUS Images
* Saliency Based Ulcer Detection for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Diagnosis
* Simultaneous Multi-Scale Diffusion Estimation and Tractography Guided by Entropy Spectrum Pathways
* Simultaneous Phase Unwrapping and Removal of Chemical Shift (SPURS) Using Graph Cuts: Application in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* Simultaneous Registration of Location and Orientation in Intravascular Ultrasound Pullbacks Pairs Via 3D Graph-Based Optimization
* Single Scatter Model for X-ray CT Energy Spectrum Estimation and Polychromatic Reconstruction, A
* Single-Cell Tracking With PET Using a Novel Trajectory Reconstruction Algorithm
* Small Surrogate for the Golden Angle in Time-Resolved Radial MRI Based on Generalized Fibonacci Sequences, A
* Solving the Bloch Equation With Periodic Excitation Using Harmonic Balancing: Application to Rabi Modulated Excitation
* Sparse-View Spectral CT Reconstruction Using Spectral Patch-Based Low-Rank Penalty
* Spatially Sparse, Temporally Smooth MEG Via Vector L_0
* Spatially-Adaptive Reconstruction in Computed Tomography Using Neural Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Tensor Decomposition of a Polyaffine Motion Model for a Better Analysis of Pathological Left Ventricular Dynamics
* Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound Data Highly Increases Doppler and fUltrasound Sensitivity
* Spectral CT Modeling and Reconstruction With Hybrid Detectors in Dynamic-Threshold-Based Counting and Integrating Modes
* Spectral CT Using Multiple Balanced K-Edge Filters
* Spectral Laplace-Beltrami Wavelets With Applications in Medical Images
* Spinal Navigation and Imaging: History, Trends, and Future
* Statistical Biomechanical Surface Registration: Application to MR-TRUS Fusion for Prostate Interventions
* Statistical Interspace Models (SIMs): Application to Robust 3D Spine Segmentation
* Stochastic Polygons Model for Glandular Structures in Colon Histology Images, A
* Stratification of Patients With Liver Fibrosis Using Dual-Energy CT
* Stratified Sampling Voxel Classification for Segmentation of Intraretinal and Subretinal Fluid in Longitudinal Clinical OCT Data
* Supervised Dictionary Learning for Inferring Concurrent Brain Networks
* Supervised Multi-View Canonical Correlation Analysis (sMVCCA): Integrating Histologic and Proteomic Features for Predicting Recurrent Prostate Cancer
* Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI
* Temporal Sparse Promoting Three Dimensional Imaging of Cardiac Activation
* Theoretical Comparison of a Dual Energy System and Photon Counting Silicon Detector Used for Material Quantification in Spectral CT
* Theoretical Investigation of Random Noise-Limited Signal-to-Noise Ratio in MR-Based Electrical Properties Tomography
* Three Dimensional Data-Driven Multi Scale Atomic Representation of Optical Coherence Tomography
* Three-Dimensional Nonrigid MR-TRUS Registration Using Dual Optimization
* Three-Dimensional Optical Reconstruction of Vocal Fold Kinematics Using High-Speed Video With a Laser Projection System
* Tissue Electrical Property Mapping From Zero Echo-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Tissue-Dependent and Spatially-Variant Positron Range Correction in 3D PET
* Toward Volumetric MR Thermometry With the MASTER Sequence
* Towards Large-Scale Histopathological Image Analysis: Hashing-Based Image Retrieval
* Tracking Multiple Particles in Fluorescence Time-Lapse Microscopy Images via Probabilistic Data Association
* Tractography From HARDI Using an Intrinsic Unscented Kalman Filter
* Transcranial Assessment and Visualization of Acoustic Cavitation: Modeling and Experimental Validation
* Transfer Learning Improves Supervised Image Segmentation Across Imaging Protocols
* Two-Tier Tissue Decomposition for Histopathological Image Representation and Classification
* Ultrasound Guidance for Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair Augmented by Synthetic Dynamic CT
* Ultrasound RF Time Series for Classification of Breast Lesions
* Ultrasound Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging Quantifies Coronary Perfusion Pressure Effect on Cardiac Compliance
* Ultrasound Volume Projection Imaging for Assessment of Scoliosis
* Unified Sparse Recovery and Inference Framework for Functional Diffuse Optical Tomography Using Random Effect Model, A
* United Iterative Reconstruction for Spectral Computed Tomography
* Validation of a Nonrigid Registration Error Detection Algorithm Using Clinical MRI Brain Data
* Variance Estimation for Myocardial Blood Flow by Dynamic PET
* Vertebroplasty Performance on Simulator for 19 Surgeons Using Hierarchical Task Analysis
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* 2D Images Recorded With a Single-Sided Magnetic Particle Imaging Scanner
* 3-D Riesz-Covariance Texture Model for Prediction of Nodule Recurrence in Lung CT, A
* 3D Fast Automatic Segmentation of Kidney Based on Modified AAM and Random Forest
* 3D Quantification of Wall Shear Stress and Oscillatory Shear Index Using a Finite-Element Method in 3D CINE PC-MRI Data of the Thoracic Aorta
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Laryngeal Dynamics Based on Endoscopic High-Speed Recordings
* 4D Ultrasound Tracking of Liver and its Verification for TIPS Guidance
* Abnormality Detection via Iterative Deformable Registration and Basis-Pursuit Decomposition
* Accelerating Convolutional Sparse Coding for Curvilinear Structures Segmentation by Refining SCIRD-TS Filter Banks
* Accurate Segmentation of CT Male Pelvic Organs via Regression-Based Deformable Models and Multi-Task Random Forests
* AggNet: Deep Learning From Crowds for Mitosis Detection in Breast Cancer Histology Images
* Algorithm for the Segmentation of Highly Abnormal Hearts Using a Generic Statistical Shape Model, An
* Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Microarray Images
* Anatomical Image Registration Using Volume Conservation to Assess Cardiac Deformation From 3D Ultrasound Recordings
* Anomalous Diffusion in Cardiac Tissue as an Index of Myocardial Microstructure
* Aortic Valve Tract Segmentation From 3D-TEE Using Shape-Based B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces
* Association Between Changes in Mammographic Image Features and Risk for Near-Term Breast Cancer Development
* Augmented Likelihood Image Reconstruction
* Automated Assessment of Hemodynamics in the Conjunctival Microvasculature Network
* Automated Detection of DCIS in Whole-Slide H E Stained Breast Histopathology Images
* Automated Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Videos Using Shape and Context Information
* Automated Real-Time Conjunctival Microvasculature Image Stabilization
* Automated Segmentation of the Right Ventricle in 3D Echocardiography: A Kalman Filter State Estimation Approach
* Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
* Automatic Learning-Based Framework for Robust Nucleus Segmentation, An
* Automatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Measurement in CT Images
* Automatic Pulmonary Artery-Vein Separation and Classification in Computed Tomography Using Tree Partitioning and Peripheral Vessel Matching
* Automatic Segmentation of Mechanically Inhomogeneous Tissues Based on Deformation Gradient Jump
* Automatic Segmentation of MR Brain Images With a Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Segmentation of Wrist Bones in CT Using a Statistical Wrist Shape+Pose Model
* Automatic Stem Cell Detection in Microscopic Whole Mouse Cryo-Imaging
* Bayesian Community Detection in the Space of Group-Level Functional Differences
* Body Composition Assessment in Axial CT Images Using FEM-Based Automatic Segmentation of Skeletal Muscle
* Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks in MRI Images
* Carotid Artery Wall Segmentation in Multispectral MRI by Coupled Optimal Surface Graph Cuts
* CHIMERA: Clustering of Heterogeneous Disease Effects via Distribution Matching of Imaging Patterns
* Cloud-Based Evaluation of Anatomical Structure Segmentation and Landmark Detection Algorithms: VISCERAL Anatomy Benchmarks
* CNN Regression Approach for Real-Time 2D/3D Registration, A
* Combined Tensor Fitting and TV Regularization in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Based on a Riemannian Manifold Approach
* Combining Generative and Discriminative Representation Learning for Lung CT Analysis With Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Comparison of Channel Methods and Observer Models for the Task-Based Assessment of Multi-Projection Imaging in the Presence of Structured Anatomical Noise
* Compressed Sensing Doppler Ultrasound Reconstruction Using Block Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Compressive Deconvolution in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Compressive Sensing Approach for 3D Breast Cancer Microwave Imaging With Magnetic Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent, A
* Computer Aided Theragnosis Using Quantitative Ultrasound Spectroscopy and Maximum Mean Discrepancy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
* Computer-Aided Classification of Gastrointestinal Lesions in Regular Colonoscopy
* Computer-Assisted Screw Size and Insertion Trajectory Planning for Pedicle Screw Placement Surgery
* Confidence Estimation for Medical Image Registration Based On Stereo Confidences
* Consistent Spatial-Temporal Longitudinal Atlas Construction for Developing Infant Brains
* Constrained Statistical Modelling of Knee Flexion From Multi-Pose Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Contextual Atlas Regression Forests: Multiple-Atlas-Based Automated Dose Prediction in Radiation Therapy
* Continuous Magnetic Field Monitoring Using Rapid Re-Excitation of NMR Probe Sets
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Analysis: Full Training or Fine Tuning?
* Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images, A
* Cryo-Balloon Catheter Localization Based on a Support-Vector-Machine Approach
* Curve-Driven-Based Acoustic Inversion for Photoacoustic Tomography
* DALSA: Domain Adaptation for Supervised Learning From Sparsely Annotated MR Images
* Deep 3D Convolutional Encoder Networks With Shortcuts for Multiscale Feature Integration Applied to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Detection: CNN Architectures, Dataset Characteristics and Transfer Learning
* Deep Independence Network Analysis of Structural Brain Imaging: Application to Schizophrenia
* Deep Learning Guided Partitioned Shape Model for Anterior Visual Pathway Segmentation
* Deformable Graph Model for Tracking Epithelial Cell Sheets in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Deformable MR Prostate Segmentation via Deep Feature Learning and Sparse Patch Matching
* Depletion-Mode GaN HEMT Q-Spoil Switches for MRI Coils
* Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of the Time-of-Flight PET Capable GE SIGNA PET/MR System
* Detailed Evaluation of Five 3D Speckle Tracking Algorithms Using Synthetic Echocardiographic Recordings
* Detecting Anatomical Landmarks for Fast Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Determining the Performance of Fluorescence Molecular Imaging Devices Using Traceable Working Standards With SI Units of Radiance
* Development of Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Mouse Hearts at 9.4 Tesla: Simulations and First Application
* Dictionary-Driven Ischemia Detection From Cardiac Phase-Resolved Myocardial BOLD MRI at Rest
* Digital Tomosynthesis System Geometry Analysis Using Convolution-Based Blur-and-Add (BAA) Model
* Direct Estimation of Optical Parameters From Photoacoustic Time Series in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Dynamic MRI Using SmooThness Regularization on Manifolds (SToRM)
* Efficient Compressed Sensing SENSE pMRI Reconstruction With Joint Sparsity Promotion
* Efficient Small Blob Detection Based on Local Convexity, Intensity and Shape Information
* Efficient, Non-Iterative Estimator for Imaging Contrast Agents With Spectral X-Ray Detectors
* Electrophysiology Catheter Detection and Reconstruction From Two Views in Fluoroscopic Images
* Enhancement of Vascular Structures in 3D and 2D Angiographic Images
* Enhancing the Velocity Data From 4D Flow MR Images by Reducing its Divergence
* Estimating CT Image From MRI Data Using Structured Random Forest and Auto-Context Model
* Estimation of Myocardial Strain and Contraction Phase From Cine MRI Using Variational Data Assimilation
* Evaluation of the Accuracy of Liver Lesion DCEUS Quantification With Respiratory Gating
* Examining the Impact of Prior Models in Transmural Electrophysiological Imaging: A Hierarchical Multiple-Model Bayesian Approach
* Extended Modality Propagation: Image Synthesis of Pathological Cases
* Extracting Information From Previous Full-Dose CT Scan for Knowledge-Based Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images
* Extracting Information From Previous Full-Dose CT Scan for Knowledge-Based Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images
* Fast Automatic Step Size Estimation for Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration
* Fast Convolutional Neural Network Training Using Selective Data Sampling: Application to Hemorrhage Detection in Color Fundus Images
* Feasibility of Swept Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* Feature Importance in Nonlinear Embeddings (FINE): Applications in Digital Pathology
* First Robotic SPECT for Minimally Invasive Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping
* Fully Automated Data-Driven Respiratory Signal Extraction From SPECT Images Using Laplacian Eigenmaps
* General Coupling Matrix Synthesis for Decoupling MRI RF Arrays
* Generative Probabilistic Model and Discriminative Extensions for Brain Lesion Segmentation: With Application to Tumor and Stroke, A
* Geometrical Calibration of X-Ray Imaging With RGB Cameras for 3D Reconstruction
* Gradient-Based Quantitative Image Reconstruction in Ultrasound-Modulated Optical Tomography: First Harmonic Measurement Type in a Linearised Diffusion Formulation
* Graph-Theoretical Approach for Tracing Filamentary Structures in Neuronal and Retinal Images, A
* Guest Editorial Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: Overview and Future Promise of an Exciting New Technique
* High-Frame-Rate Echocardiography Using Coherent Compounding With Doppler-Based Motion-Compensation
* High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging With Unified Pixel-Based Beamforming
* High-Throughput Sparsity-Based Inversion Scheme for Optoacoustic Tomography
* Histopathological Image Classification Using Discriminative Feature-Oriented Dictionary Learning
* Human Visual System-Based Fundus Image Quality Assessment of Portable Fundus Camera Photographs
* Hybrid Approach for Segmentation and Tracking of Myxococcus Xanthus Swarms, A
* Hybrid-Space SENSE Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multi-Slice MRI
* Image Registration Based on Autocorrelation of Local Structure
* Image-Based Investigation of Human in Vivo Myofibre Strain
* Improvements in RF Shimming in High Field MRI Using High Permittivity Materials With Low Order Pre-Fractal Geometries
* Improving Computer-Aided Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Random View Aggregation
* Improving Depth, Energy and Timing Estimation in PET Detectors with Deconvolution and Maximum Likelihood Pulse Shape Discrimination
* Improving Optoacoustic Image Quality via Geometric Pixel Super-Resolution Approach
* Improving the Accuracy of Registration-Based Biomechanical Analysis: A Finite Element Approach to Lung Regional Strain Quantification
* In Vivo Electrical Conductivity Contrast Imaging in a Mouse Model of Cancer Using High-Frequency Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction (hfMAT-MI)
* Infarct Localization From Myocardial Deformation: Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification by Regression From a Low-Dimensional Space
* Integration of Multi-Plane Tissue Doppler and B-Mode Echocardiographic Images for Left Ventricular Motion Estimation
* Interactive Cell Segmentation Based on Active and Semi-Supervised Learning
* Inverse Problems Approach to MR-EPT Image Reconstruction, An
* Inversion Scheme for Hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Using a Fuzzy Inference System, An
* Iterative Reweighted Mixed-Norm Estimate for Spatio-Temporal MEG/EEG Source Reconstruction, The
* Joint Design of Excitation k-Space Trajectory and RF Pulse for Small-Tip 3D Tailored Excitation in MRI
* Joint Reconstruction of Multiple Images and Motion in MRI: Application to Free-Breathing Myocardial T_2 Quantification
* Kernel Bundle Diffeomorphic Image Registration Using Stationary Velocity Fields and Wendland Basis Functions
* Learning-Based Multi-Label Segmentation of Transrectal Ultrasound Images for Prostate Brachytherapy
* Line Integral Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Dual-Energy X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Locality Sensitive Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Nuclei in Routine Colon Cancer Histology Images
* Lung Lesion Extraction Using a Toboggan Based Growing Automatic Segmentation Approach
* Lung Pattern Classification for Interstitial Lung Diseases Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Machine Learning Methods for Binary and Multiclass Classification of Melanoma Thickness From Dermoscopic Images
* Magnetic Particle Imaging: A Resovist Based Marking Technology for Guide Wires and Catheters for Vascular Interventions
* Marginal Space Deep Learning: Efficient Architecture for Volumetric Image Parsing
* Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* Maximum-Likelihood Joint Image Reconstruction/Motion Estimation in Attenuation-Corrected Respiratory Gated PET/CT Using a Single Attenuation Map
* Metal Artifact Reduction for Polychromatic X-ray CT Based on a Beam-Hardening Corrector
* MIND Demons: Symmetric Diffeomorphic Deformable Registration of MR and CT for Image-Guided Spine Surgery
* Mixed Confidence Estimation for Iterative CT Reconstruction
* Mixed Spectrum Analysis on fMRI Time-Series
* Mobile Biplane X-Ray Imaging System for Measuring 3D Dynamic Joint Motion During Overground Gait
* Motion-Robust Diffusion-Weighted Brain MRI Reconstruction Through Slice-Level Registration-Based Motion Tracking
* MR Image Reconstruction Using a Combination of Compressed Sensing and Partial Fourier Acquisition: ESPReSSo
* MRI Based Bayesian Personalization of a Tumor Growth Model
* Multi-Instance Deep Learning: Discover Discriminative Local Anatomies for Bodypart Recognition
* Multi-Objective Memetic Search for Robust Motion and Distortion Correction in Diffusion MRI
* Multi-View Probabilistic Classification of Breast Microcalcifications
* Multiple Kernel Point Set Registration
* Multiple-Instance Learning for Anomaly Detection in Digital Mammography
* Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging Artifact Removal and Denoising Using Time Series Model-Based Spectral Noise Estimation
* Myocardial Infarct Segmentation From Magnetic Resonance Images for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Nested Graph Cut for Automatic Segmentation of High-Frequency Ultrasound Images of the Mouse Embryo
* Neurite Tracing With Object Process
* New Approach to Evaluate Drug Treatment Response of Ovarian Cancer Patients Based on Deformable Image Registration, A
* Noise-Compensated, Bias-Corrected Diffusion Weighted Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging via a Stochastically Fully-Connected Joint Conditional Random Field Model
* Non-Equispaced System Matrix Acquisition for Magnetic Particle Imaging Based on Lissajous Node Points
* Non-Parametric Bayesian Registration (NParBR) of Body Tumors in DCE-MRI Data
* Novel Regularization Technique for Microendoscopic Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* On Combining Multiple-Instance Learning and Active Learning for Computer-Aided Detection of Tuberculosis
* On Feature Motion Decorrelation in Ultrasound Speckle Tracking
* Optimal Joint Detection and Estimation That Maximizes ROC-Type Curves
* Optimizing Flip Angles for Metabolic Rate Estimation in Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI
* OSSI-PET: Open-Access Database of Simulated 11C Raclopride Scans for the Inveon Preclinical PET Scanner: Application to the Optimization of Reconstruction Methods for Dynamic Studies
* Parsimonious Approximation of Streamline Trajectories in White Matter Fiber Bundles
* Patch-Based Approach for the Segmentation of Pathologies: Application to Glioma Labelling, A
* PDE Based Algorithms for Smooth Watersheds
* PET Reconstruction With an Anatomical MRI Prior Using Parallel Level Sets
* Phase-Contrast Micro-Computed Tomography Measurements of the Intraocular Pressure-Induced Deformation of the Porcine Lamina Cribrosa
* Piecewise Pulse Wave Imaging (pPWI) for Detection and Monitoring of Focal Vascular Disease in Murine Aortas and Carotids In Vivo
* Probabilistic Modeling of Imaging, Genetics and Diagnosis
* Probe Oscillation Shear Elastography (PROSE): A High Frame-Rate Method for Two-Dimensional Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography
* Projected Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm for Tight Frames in Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Projection Algorithm for Gradient Waveforms Design in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Prostate Cancer Detection Using Composite Impedance Metric
* Proton Radiography With Timepix Based Time Projection Chambers
* Pulmonary Fissure Detection in CT Images Using a Derivative of Stick Filter
* Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images: False Positive Reduction Using Multi-View Convolutional Networks
* q-Space Deep Learning: Twelve-Fold Shorter and Model-Free Diffusion MRI Scans
* Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Structural Feature Based Collaborative Reconstruction (SFCR) in the Human Brain
* Radiolucent 4D Ultrasound Imaging: System Design and Application to Radiotherapy Guidance
* Real-Time Automatic Artery Segmentation, Reconstruction and Registration for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anaesthesia of the Femoral Nerve
* Real-Time Model-Based Inversion in Cross-Sectional Optoacoustic Tomography
* Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Features Derived From Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements
* Recognizing Focal Liver Lesions in CEUS With Dynamically Trained Latent Structured Models
* Reconstruction of 7T-Like Images From 3T MRI
* Red Lesion Detection Using Dynamic Shape Features for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
* Registration-Based Morphometry for Shape Analysis of the Bones of the Human Wrist
* Relationship Induced Multi-Template Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Relaxed Linearized Algorithms for Faster X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Renal Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound via Fuzzy Appearance Models and Patient-Specific Alpha Shapes
* Reverse-Time Migration Based Optical Imaging
* Robust Cell Detection of Histopathological Brain Tumor Images Using Sparse Reconstruction and Adaptive Dictionary Selection
* Robust Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Locally Adaptive Derivative Frames in Orientation Scores
* Robustness-Driven Feature Selection in Classification of Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease Patterns in Computed Tomography Using 3D Texture Features
* Segmenting Retinal Blood Vessels With Deep Neural Networks
* Sensitivity Enhancement in Magnetic Particle Imaging by Background Subtraction
* Simultaneous Multi-Structure Segmentation and 3D Nonrigid Pose Estimation in Image-Guided Robotic Surgery
* Simultaneous Quantitative Imaging of Electrical Properties and Proton Density From B_1 Maps Using MRI
* Size-Invariant Detection of Cell Nuclei in Microscopy Images
* Skull Optical Clearing Solution for Enhancing Ultrasonic and Photoacoustic Imaging
* Small Animal In Vivo X-Ray Tomosynthesis: Anatomical Relevance of the Reconstructed Images
* Sparse Multi-Response Tensor Regression for Alzheimer's Disease Study With Multivariate Clinical Assessments
* Spatial Angular Compounding of Photoacoustic Images
* Spatially Variant Resolution Modelling for Iterative List-Mode PET Reconstruction
* Spatio-Temporal Multiscale Denoising of Fluoroscopic Sequence
* Speckle Reduction in 3D Optical Coherence Tomography of Retina by A-Scan Reconstruction
* Sphere Phantom Approach to Measure Directional Modulation Transfer Functions for Tomosynthesis Imaging Systems, A
* Stable Overlapping Replicator Dynamics for Brain Community Detection
* Stacked Sparse Autoencoder (SSAE) for Nuclei Detection on Breast Cancer Histopathology Images
* Staggered Multiple-PRF Ultrafast Color Doppler
* Stain Specific Standardization of Whole-Slide Histopathological Images
* Standardized Evaluation System for Left Ventricular Segmentation Algorithms in 3D Echocardiography
* Statistical Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Statistical Molecular Target Detection Framework for Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
* Structure Tensor Based Analysis of Cells and Nuclei Organization in Tissues
* Structure-Preserving Color Normalization and Sparse Stain Separation for Histological Images
* Superpixel-Based Segmentation for 3D Prostate MR Images
* System Characterization of a Highly Integrated Preclinical Hybrid MPI-MRI Scanner
* Texture Feature Extraction and Analysis for Polyp Differentiation via Computed Tomography Colonography
* Theoretical Analysis of Penalized Maximum-Likelihood Patlak Parametric Image Reconstruction in Dynamic PET for Lesion Detection
* TICMR: Total Image Constrained Material Reconstruction via Nonlocal Total Variation Regularization for Spectral CT
* Tissue-Dependent and Spatially-Variant Positron Range Correction in 3D PET
* Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid Point Matching for Robust MR-TRUS Registration
* Transformation Invariant Control of Voxel-Wise False Discovery Rate
* Transport on Riemannian Manifold for Connectivity-Based Brain Decoding
* Transurethral Photoacoustic Endoscopy for Prostate Cancer: A Simulation Study
* Triaging Diagnostically Relevant Regions from Pathology Whole Slides of Breast Cancer: A Texture Based Approach
* Ultrashort Microwave-Pumped Real-Time Thermoacoustic Breast Tumor Imaging System
* Unifying Concepts of Statistical and Spectral Quantitative Ultrasound Techniques
* Unsupervised Deep Learning Applied to Breast Density Segmentation and Mammographic Risk Scoring
* Unsupervised Freeview Groupwise Cardiac Segmentation Using Synchronized Spectral Network
* Visual Quality Enhancement in Optoacoustic Tomography Using Active Contour Segmentation Priors
* Visualization of Deformable Image Registration Quality Using Local Image Dissimilarity
* Visualizing the Tumor Microvasculature With a Nonlinear Plane-Wave Doppler Imaging Scheme Based on Amplitude Modulation
* Wearable Microwave Antenna Array for Time-Domain Breast Tumor Screening, A
* White Matter MS-Lesion Segmentation Using a Geometric Brain Model
* Wide-Angle Tissue Doppler Imaging at High Frame Rate Using Multi-Line Transmit Beamforming: An Experimental Validation In Vivo
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* 3-D Active Contour Segmentation Based on Sparse Linear Combination of Training Shapes (SCoTS)
* 3-D Morphology Prediction of Progressive Spinal Deformities From Probabilistic Modeling of Discriminant Manifolds
* 3D Catheter Shape Determination for Endovascular Navigation Using a Two-Step Particle Filter and Ultrasound Scanning
* 3D Myocardial Elastography In Vivo
* 3D Quasi-Static Ultrasound Elastography With Plane Wave In Vivo
* 3D Statistical Shape Models Incorporating Landmark-Wise Random Regression Forests for Omni-Directional Landmark Detection
* 3D-DXA: Assessing the Femoral Shape, the Trabecular Macrostructure and the Cortex in 3D from DXA images
* 4-D Reconstruction With Respiratory Correction for Gated Myocardial Perfusion SPECT
* Absolute Reconstructions Using Rotational Electrical Impedance Tomography for Breast Cancer Imaging
* Accurate Cervical Cell Segmentation from Overlapping Clumps in Pap Smear Images
* Accurate Lungs Segmentation on CT Chest Images by Adaptive Appearance-Guided Shape Modeling
* Adaptive Clutter Demodulation for Non-Contrast Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging
* Adaptive Estimation of Active Contour Parameters Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Texture Analysis
* Adaptive Non-Local-Means Filter for Real-Time MR-Thermometry, An
* Advanced Fast 3-D Electromagnetic Solver for Microwave Tomography Imaging
* Analysis of Negatively Focused Ultrasound Detectors in Optoacoustic Tomography
* Anisotropic Conductivity Tensor Imaging of In Vivo Canine Brain Using DT-MREIT
* Anisotropic Discrete Dual-Tree Wavelet Transform for Improved Classification of Trabecular Bone
* Auto-Context Convolutional Neural Network (Auto-Net) for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Automated Analysis of Unregistered Multi-View Mammograms With Deep Learning
* Automated Anatomy-Based Tracking of Systemic Arteries in Arbitrary Field-of-View CTA Scans
* Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very Deep Residual Networks
* Automated Quantitative Bone Analysis in In Vivo X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography
* Automatic Measurement of Spine Curvature on 3-D Ultrasound Volume Projection Image With Phase Features
* Automatic Quality Assessment of Echocardiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Feasibility on the Apical Four-Chamber View
* Automatic Quality Assessment of Echocardiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Feasibility on the Apical Four-Chamber View
* Automatic Quantification of Tumour Hypoxia From Multi-Modal Microscopy Images Using Weakly-Supervised Learning Methods
* Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi-Task Feature Leverage: A Study on Pulmonary Nodules in CT Images
* Automatic Segmentation and Quantification of White and Brown Adipose Tissues from PET/CT Scans
* Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Deep Fully Convolutional Networks With Jaccard Distance
* Automatic Tracking and Motility Analysis of Human Sperm in Time-Lapse Images
* Back-Projection Cortical Potential Imaging: Theory and Results
* Basis Expansion Approaches for Regularized Sequential Dictionary Learning Algorithms With Enforced Sparsity for fMRI Data Analysis
* Bayesian Estimation of Intrinsic Tissue Oxygenation and Perfusion From RGB Images
* Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Disease Subtyping: Application to Emphysema Phenotypes, A
* Bayesian Quantification of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Images With Adaptive Inclusion of an Irreversible Component
* Bioluminescence Tomography Based on Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization for In Vivo Morphological Imaging of Glioma
* Biomechanical Modeling Guided CBCT Estimation Technique, A
* Block-Matching Distortion Correction of Echo-Planar Images With Opposite Phase Encoding Directions
* Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Non-CPMG Fast Spin Echo
* Cardiac Image Reconstruction via Nonlinear Motion Correction Based on Partial Angle Reconstructed Images
* CCA and ICA-Based Mixture Model for Identifying Major Depression Disorder, A
* Combined Pulse-Echo Ultrasound and Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography With a Multi-Segment Detector Array
* Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function-Based Meshless Method for Photon Propagation Model of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* Comparative Validation of Polyp Detection Methods in Video Colonoscopy: Results From the MICCAI 2015 Endoscopic Vision Challenge
* Comparison Between Pre-Log and Post-Log Statistical Models in Ultra-Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Comparison of Finite Element-Based Inversion Algorithms, Local Frequency Estimation, and Direct Inversion Approach Used in MRE, A
* Compressed Sensing Strategy for Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging, A
* Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions Using Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography With Perflubutane Microbubbles
* Cone Beam X-ray Luminescence Computed Tomography Based on Bayesian Method
* Constrained Deep Weak Supervision for Histopathology Image Segmentation
* Constrained Inversion and Spectral Unmixing in Multispectral Optoacoustic Tomography
* ConvNet-Based Localization of Anatomical Structures in 3-D Medical Images
* CSI-EPT in Presence of RF-Shield for MR-Coils
* Data-Driven Methods for the Determination of Anterior-Posterior Motion in PET
* Dataset and a Technique for Generalized Nuclear Segmentation for Computational Pathology, A
* Deep Learning Segmentation of Optical Microscopy Images Improves 3-D Neuron Reconstruction
* DeepCut: Object Segmentation From Bounding Box Annotations Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Delay-Encoded Harmonic Imaging (DE-HI) in Multiplane-Wave Compounding
* Detecting Cardiovascular Disease from Mammograms With Deep Learning
* Detection and Compensation of Periodic Motion in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Detection and Localization of Robotic Tools in Robot-Assisted Surgery Videos Using Deep Neural Networks for Region Proposal and Detection
* Development of a Mechanical Scanning Device With High-Frequency Ultrasound Transducer for Ultrasonic Capsule Endoscopy
* Direct Multitype Cardiac Indices Estimation via Joint Representation and Regression Learning
* Direct Parametric Reconstruction With Joint Motion Estimation/Correction for Dynamic Brain PET Data
* Directional Kernel Density Estimation for Classification of Breast Tissue Spectra
* Discriminative Feature Representation to Improve Projection Data Inconsistency for Low Dose CT Imaging
* Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point-To-Plane Correspondence Model
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography Exploiting Subspace Projection for Robust Angiogram Separation
* Dynamic Electrical Source Imaging (DESI) of Seizures and Interictal Epileptic Discharges Without Ensemble Averaging
* Edge Preserving and Noise Reducing Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Effects of Image Quality on the Fundamental Limits of Image Registration Accuracy
* Efficient 3-D Model-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Arbitrary Optoacoustic Acquisition Geometries
* Efficient Methodology for the Analysis of Dielectric Shimming Materials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* Efficient Reconstruction Algorithm Based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Joint Estimation of R_2^* and Off-Resonance in fMRI, An
* EIT Imaging Regularization Based on Spectral Graph Wavelets
* Enclosure Transform for Interest Point Detection From Speckle Imagery
* EndoNet: A Deep Architecture for Recognition Tasks on Laparoscopic Videos
* Entropy of Ultrasound-Contrast-Agent Velocity Fields for Angiogenesis Imaging in Prostate Cancer
* Estimating the Accuracy Level Among Individual Detections in Clustered Microcalcifications
* Estimation of Basis Line-Integrals in a Spectral Distortion-Modeled Photon Counting Detector Using Low-Order Polynomial Approximation of X-ray Transmittance
* Estimation of Basis Line-Integrals in a Spectral Distortion-Modeled Photon Counting Detector Using Low-Rank Approximation-Based X-Ray Transmittance Modeling: K-Edge Imaging Application
* Estimation of Large Motion in Lung CT by Integrating Regularized Keypoint Correspondences into Dense Deformable Registration
* Estimation of Strain Elastography from Ultrasound Radio-Frequency Data by Utilizing Analytic Gradient of the Similarity Metric
* Expectation Maximization Method for Joint Estimation of Emission Activity Distribution and Photon Attenuation Map in PET, An
* Fast and Accurate Rat Head Motion Tracking With Point Sources for Awake Brain PET
* Fast and Fully Automatic Left Ventricular Segmentation and Tracking in Echocardiography Using Shape-Based B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces
* Fast Realistic MRI Simulations Based on Generalized Multi-Pool Exchange Tissue Model
* Fast Spin Echo Imaging-Based Electric Property Tomography With K-Space Weighting via T_2 Relaxation (rEPT)
* Fast Variance Prediction for Iteratively Reconstructed CT Images With Locally Quadratic Regularization
* Fast Vascular Ultrasound Imaging With Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Background Rejection
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* Fluorescence Diffusion in the Presence of Optically Clear Tissues in a Mouse Head Model
* Frequency-Selective Computed Tomography: Applications During Periodic Thoracic Motion
* Fully Nonlinear SP_3 Approximation Based Fluorescence Optical Tomography
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Noise Reduction in Low-Dose CT
* Gradient-Based Optimization for Poroelastic and Viscoelastic MR Elastography
* Guest Editorial Low-Dose CT: What Has Been Done, and What Challenges Remain?
* HEp-2 Specimen Image Segmentation and Classification Using Very Deep Fully Convolutional Network
* Hidden Markov Model for 3D Catheter Tip Tracking With 2D X-ray Catheterization Sequence and 3D Rotational Angiography, A
* High Energy Resolution Hyperspectral X-Ray Imaging for Low-Dose Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography
* High Frame-Rate, High Resolution Ultrasound Imaging With Multi-Line Transmission and Filtered-Delay Multiply And Sum Beamforming
* High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Manifold Alignment
* Hybrid CS-DMRI: Periodic Time-Variant Subsampling and Omnidirectional Total Variation Based Reconstruction
* Hybrid Pre-Log and Post-Log Image Reconstruction for Computed Tomography
* iCAP: An Individualized Model Combining Gaze Parameters and Image-Based Features to Predict Radiologists Decisions While Reading Mammograms
* Impact of Anisotropy on the Accuracy of Conductivity Imaging: A Quantitative Validation Study, The
* Improved Computational Efficiency of Locally Low Rank MRI Reconstruction Using Iterative Random Patch Adjustments
* Improved Contrast-Enhanced Power Doppler Using a Coherence-Based Estimator
* Improving Registration Robustness for Image-Guided Liver Surgery in a Novel Human-to-Phantom Data Framework
* Incorporating a Spatial Prior into Nonlinear D-Bar EIT Imaging for Complex Admittivities
* Intensity and Compactness Enabled Saliency Estimation for Leakage Detection in Diabetic and Malarial Retinopathy
* Interactive Magnetic Catheter Steering With 3-D Real-Time Feedback Using Multi-Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging With Virtual Source Synthetic Aperture Focusing and Coherence Factor Weighting
* Isotropic Total Variation Regularization of Displacements in Parametric Image Registration
* Iterative Low-Dose CT Reconstruction With Priors Trained by Artificial Neural Network
* Joint MR-PET Reconstruction Using a Multi-Channel Image Regularizer
* Joint Segmentation of Retinal Layers and Focal Lesions in 3-D OCT Data of Topologically Disrupted Retinas
* Kalman Filtered Bio Heat Transfer Model Based Self-adaptive Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
* Kernel-Based Low-Rank (KLR) Model for Low-Dimensional Manifold Recovery in Highly Accelerated Dynamic MRI, A
* Limited-Range Few-View CT: Using Historical Images for ROI Reconstruction in Solitary Lung Nodules Follow-up Examination
* Line Detection as an Inverse Problem: Application to Lung Ultrasound Imaging
* Liver Venous Tree Separation via Twin-Line RANSAC and Murray's Law
* Local Spectral Analysis of the Cerebral Cortex: New Gyrification Indices
* Longitudinal Analysis of Pre-Term Neonatal Cerebral Ventricles From 3D Ultrasound Images Using Spatial-Temporal Deformable Registration
* Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using 3-D Predictors
* Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Microscopy Image Classification
* Low-Dose CBCT Reconstruction Using Hessian Schatten Penalties
* Low-Dose Contrast-Enhanced Breast CT Using Spectral Shaping Filters: An Experimental Study
* Low-Dose CT With a Residual Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Neural Network
* Low-Dose Dynamic Cerebral Perfusion Computed Tomography Reconstruction via Kronecker-Basis-Representation Tensor Sparsity Regularization
* Low-Dose Lung CT Image Restoration Using Adaptive Prior Features From Full-Dose Training Database
* Low-Rank and Adaptive Sparse Signal (LASSI) Models for Highly Accelerated Dynamic Imaging
* Manifold Embedding and Semantic Segmentation for Intraoperative Guidance With Hyperspectral Brain Imaging
* MAVEN: An Algorithm for Multi-Parametric Automated Segmentation of Brain Veins From Gradient Echo Acquisitions
* Medical Instrument Detection in 3-Dimensional Ultrasound Data Volumes
* Melanoma Classification on Dermoscopy Images Using a Neural Network Ensemble Model
* Method for Measuring Orientation Within a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanner Using Gravity and the Static Magnetic Field (VectOrient), A
* Method for Simulating Dose Reduction in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* Millimeter-Wave Digital Link for Wireless MRI, A
* Minimum Variance Approaches to Ultrasound Pixel-Based Beamforming
* MitoGen: A Framework for Generating 3D Synthetic Time-Lapse Sequences of Cell Populations in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Mixed Finite Element Method to Solve the EEG Forward Problem, A
* Modeling and Pre-Treatment of Photon-Starved CT Data for Iterative Reconstruction
* Monte Carlo Simulations of Diffusion Weighted MRI in Myocardium: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis
* MRI-Based Medial Axis Extraction and Boundary Segmentation of Cranial Nerves Through Discrete Deformable 3D Contour and Surface Models
* Multi-Grained Random Fields for Mitosis Identification in Time-Lapse Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences
* Multi-Grid Iterative Method for Photoacoustic Tomography, A
* Multi-Modality Imaging Enables Detailed Hemodynamic Simulations in Dissecting Aneurysms in Mice
* Network Flow Integer Programming to Track Elliptical Cells in Time-Lapse Sequences
* New Sparse Representation Framework for Reconstruction of an Isotropic High Spatial Resolution MR Volume From Orthogonal Anisotropic Resolution Scans, A
* New Variational Method for Bias Correction and Its Applications to Rodent Brain Extraction, A
* Noise Estimation and Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a New Multispectral Nonlocal Maximum-likelihood Filter
* Noncontact 3-D Speckle Contrast Diffuse Correlation Tomography of Tissue Blood Flow Distribution
* Noncontact Electrical Permittivity Mapping and pH-Sensitive Films for Osseointegrated Prosthesis and Infection Monitoring
* Novel Method for Low-Contrast and High-Noise Vessel Segmentation and Location in Venipuncture, A
* Novel Method of Cone Beam CT Projection Binning Based on Image Registration, A
* Novel MRI Technique Enables Non-Invasive Measurement of Atrial Wall Thickness
* Novel Two-Compartment Model for Calculating Bone Volume Fractions and Bone Mineral Densities From Computed Tomography Images, A
* Online Combination of EPID-Cherenkov Imaging for 3-D Dosimetry in a Liquid Phantom
* Optimizing MR Scan Design for Model-Based T_1 , T_2 Estimation From Steady-State Sequences
* Optoacoustic Dermoscopy of the Human Skin: Tuning Excitation Energy for Optimal Detection Bandwidth With Fast and Deep Imaging in vivo
* Pancreatic Tumor Growth Prediction With Elastic-Growth Decomposition, Image-Derived Motion, and FDM-FEM Coupling
* Partial Discreteness: A Novel Prior for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
* Passive Acoustic Mapping with the Angular Spectrum Method
* Patient-Specific Left Ventricular Flow Simulations From Transthoracic Echocardiography: Robustness Evaluation and Validation Against Ultrasound Doppler and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Personalized Radiotherapy Planning Based on a Computational Tumor Growth Model
* PET Image Reconstruction and Deformable Motion Correction Using Unorganized Point Clouds
* Phase Vector Incompressible Registration Algorithm for Motion Estimation From Tagged Magnetic Resonance Images
* Planning and Guidance Platform for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, A
* Predicting Macular Edema Recurrence from Spatio-Temporal Signatures in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation With Probabilistic Segmentation of the Fissures and a Groupwise Fissure Prior
* PVR: Patch-to-Volume Reconstruction for Large Area Motion Correction of Fetal MRI
* Quantifying Registration Uncertainty With Sparse Bayesian Modelling
* Quantifying the Interaction and Contribution of Multiple Datasets in Fusion: Application to the Detection of Schizophrenia
* Radiation Dose Reduction in CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using SMART-RECON
* Radon Space Dose Optimization in Repeat CT Scanning
* Real-Time Implementation of Caldeórn's Method on Subject-Specific Domains
* Real-time Triple-modal Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging of Humans
* Real-Time Ultrasound Segmentation, Analysis and Visualisation of Deep Cervical Muscle Structure
* Recovery of Damped Exponentials Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Completion
* Reduced-Dose Imageless Needle and Patient Tracking in Interventional CT Procedures
* Residual Deconvolutional Networks for Brain Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation
* Reverse Classification Accuracy: Predicting Segmentation Performance in the Absence of Ground Truth
* Right Ventricular Strain, Torsion, and Dyssynchrony in Healthy Subjects Using 3D Spiral Cine DENSE Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Robust 2-D-3-D Registration Optimization for Motion Compensation During 3-D TRUS-Guided Biopsy Using Learned Prostate Motion Data
* Robust Low-Dose CT Sinogram Preprocessing via Exploiting Noise-Generating Mechanism
* Robust Timing Calibration for PET Using L1-Norm Minimization
* Seamless Lesion Insertion for Data Augmentation in CAD Training
* Segment 2D and 3D Filaments by Learning Structured and Contextual Features
* Segmentation and Quantification for Angle-Closure Glaucoma Assessment in Anterior Segment OCT
* Segmentation Based Sparse Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Segmentation of Locally Varying Numbers of Outer Retinal Layers by a Model Selection Approach
* Segmentation of Pathological Structures by Landmark-Assisted Deformable Models
* Segmentation of Skeleton and Organs in Whole-Body CT Images via Iterative Trilateration
* Simultaneous Analysis of 2D Echo Views for Left Atrial Segmentation and Disease Detection
* Sinogram Blurring Matrix Estimation From Point Sources Measurements With Rank-One Approximation for Fully 3-D PET
* Smoothing Splines on Unit Ball Domains with Application to Corneal Topography
* SonoNet: Real-Time Detection and Localisation of Fetal Standard Scan Planes in Freehand Ultrasound
* Sparse 3D Radon Space Rigid Registration of CT Scans: Method and Validation Study
* Sparse Recovery in Magnetic Resonance Imaging With a Markov Random Field Prior
* Spatial Prediction Filtering of Acoustic Clutter and Random Noise in Medical Ultrasound Imaging
* Spatial Statistics for Segmenting Histological Structures in H-E Stained Tissue Images
* Spatially Adaptive Multi-Scale Optimization for Local Parameter Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Spectral CT Method to Directly Estimate Basis Material Maps From Experimental Photon-Counting Data, A
* SPURS Algorithm for Resampling an Irregularly Sampled Signal onto a Cartesian Grid, The
* Stratified Decision Forests for Accurate Anatomical Landmark Localization in Cardiac Images
* Structured and Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis as a Brain-Wide Multi-Modal Data Fusion Approach
* Subcategory Classifiers for Multiple-Instance Learning and Its Application to Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Visibility Classification
* Task-Based Modeling of a 5k Ultra-High-Resolution Medical Imaging System for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* Task-Driven Optimization of Fluence Field and Regularization for Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction in Computed Tomography
* Tensor B-Spline Approach for Solving the Diffusion PDE With Application to Optical Diffusion Tomography, A
* Tensor-Based Dictionary Learning for Spectral CT Reconstruction
* Towards MRI-Based Autonomous Robotic US Acquisitions: A First Feasibility Study
* Towards Quantitative Evaluation of Tissue Absorption Coefficients Using Light Fluence Correction in Optoacoustic Tomography
* Ultrafast Synthetic Transmit Aperture Imaging Using Hadamard-Encoded Virtual Sources With Overlapping Sub-Apertures
* Ultrasound Aided Vertebral Level Localization for Lumbar Surgery
* Ultrasound Small Vessel Imaging With Block-Wise Adaptive Local Clutter Filtering
* Unified Maximum Likelihood Framework for Simultaneous Motion and T_1 Estimation in Quantitative MR T_1 Mapping, A
* Unsupervised Learning for Robust Respiratory Signal Estimation From X-Ray Fluoroscopy
* Unsupervised Myocardial Segmentation for Cardiac BOLD
* Use of Sub-Ensembles and Multi-Template Observers to Evaluate Detection Task Performance for Data That are Not Multivariate Normal
* Using Anatomic Magnetic Resonance Image Information to Enhance Visualization and Interpretation of Functional Images: A Comparison of Methods Applied to Clinical Arterial Spin Labeling Images
* Validation of a Multimodality Flow Phantom and Its Application for Assessment of Dynamic SPECT and PET Technologies
* Validation of a Regression Technique for Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities in Alzheimer's Disease
* Vision-Based Surgical Field Defogging
* Visualizing Epithelial Expression in Vertical and Horizontal Planes With Dual Axes Confocal Endomicroscope Using Compact Distal Scanner
* Weight Multispectral Reconstruction Strategy for Enhanced Reconstruction Accuracy and Stability With Cerenkov Luminescence Tomography
* Z-Index Parameterization for Volumetric CT Image Reconstruction via 3-D Dictionary Learning
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* 2.5-D Extended Field-of-View Ultrasound
* 3-D Consistent and Robust Segmentation of Cardiac Images by Deep Learning With Spatial Propagation
* 3-D Contrast Source Inversion-Electrical Properties Tomography
* 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network
* 3-D Pose Estimation of Articulated Instruments in Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery
* 3-D Reconstruction in Canonical Co-Ordinate Space From Arbitrarily Oriented 2-D Images
* 3-D Subject-Specific Shape and Density Estimation of the Lumbar Spine From a Single Anteroposterior DXA Image Including Assessment of Cortical and Trabecular Bone
* 3-D+t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in Low SNR Fluorescence Images
* 4-D Intracardiac Ultrasound Vector Flow Imaging-Feasibility and Comparison to Phase-Contrast MRI
* Accelerated Parameter Mapping of Multiple-Echo Gradient-Echo Data Using Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal SVD Clutter Filtering for Ultrafast Doppler Imaging Using Similarity of Spatial Singular Vectors
* Adversarial Stain Transfer for Histopathology Image Analysis
* Anatomically Constrained Neural Networks (ACNNs): Application to Cardiac Image Enhancement and Segmentation
* Application of the 4-D XCAT Phantoms in Biomedical Imaging and Beyond
* Articulated Multi-Instrument 2-D Pose Estimation Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Artificial Neural Network Enhanced Bayesian PET Image Reconstruction
* ASAP: Super-Contrast Vasculature Imaging Using Coherence Analysis and High Frame-Rate Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound
* Assessment of CT Image Quality Using a Bayesian Framework
* Assessment of Rigid Registration Quality Measures in Ultrasound-Guided Radiotherapy
* Automated 3-D Neuron Tracing With Precise Branch Erasing and Confidence Controlled Back Tracking
* Automated Cell Segmentation for Quantitative Phase Microscopy
* Automated Chest X-Ray Screening: Can Lung Region Symmetry Help Detect Pulmonary Abnormalities?
* Automated Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in mp-MRI Images Based on an End-to-End Deep Neural Network
* Automated Non-Invasive Measurement of Single Sperm's Motility and Morphology
* Automated Registration of 3-D Knee Implant Models to Fluoroscopic Images Using Lipschitzian Optimization
* Automatic 2-D/3-D Vessel Enhancement in Multiple Modality Images Using a Weighted Symmetry Filter
* Automatic Calcium Scoring in Low-Dose Chest CT Using Deep Neural Networks With Dilated Convolutions
* Automatic Localization of the Needle Target for Ultrasound-Guided Epidural Injections
* Automatic Multi-Organ Segmentation on Abdominal CT With Dense V-Networks
* Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation via Multiscale Registration and Graph Cut
* Automatic Segmentation of Acute Ischemic Stroke From DWI Using 3-D Fully Convolutional DenseNets
* Bayesian Approach to Eigenspectra Optoacoustic Tomography, A
* Beam Hardening Correction Using Cone Beam Consistency Conditions
* Bioluminescence Tomography Based on Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization for In Vivo Morphological Imaging of Glioma
* Bioluminescence Tomography Based on Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization for In Vivo Morphological Imaging of Glioma
* Blind Source Separation-Based Motion Detector for Imaging Super-Paramagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) Particles in Magnetomotive Ultrasound Imaging
* Calibration-Free Relaxation-Based Multi-Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Cardiac Motion Correction for Helical CT Scan With an Ordinary Pitch
* Clinical Report Guided Retinal Microaneurysm Detection With Multi-Sieving Deep Learning
* CNN-Based Projected Gradient Descent for Consistent CT Image Reconstruction
* Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction Using a Generative Adversarial Network With a Cyclic Loss
* Concatenated and Connected Random Forests With Multiscale Patch Driven Active Contour Model for Automated Brain Tumor Segmentation of MR Images
* Connectivity in fMRI: Blind Spots and Breakthroughs
* Continuation of Nesterov's Smoothing for Regression With Structured Sparsity in High-Dimensional Neuroimaging
* Convective-Dispersion Modeling in 3D Contrast-Ultrasound Imaging for the Localization of Prostate Cancer
* Convolutional Invasion and Expansion Networks for Tumor Growth Prediction
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Metal Artifact Reduction in X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation by Classifier-Driven Merging of Oversegmented Images
* Cross-Modality Image Synthesis via Weakly Coupled and Geometry Co-Regularized Joint Dictionary Learning
* Cyclic Continuous Max-Flow: A Third Paradigm in Generating Local Phase Shift Maps in MRI
* DAGAN: Deep De-Aliasing Generative Adversarial Networks for Fast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
* DCE-MRI Driven 3-D Reaction-Diffusion Model of Solid Tumor Growth, A
* Dedicated 36-Channel Receive Array for Fetal MRI at 3T, A
* Deep Cascade of Convolutional Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction, A
* Deep Convolutional Framelet Denosing for Low-Dose CT via Wavelet Residual Network
* Deep D-Bar: Real-Time Electrical Impedance Tomography Imaging With Deep Neural Networks
* Deep Learning Computed Tomography: Learning Projection-Domain Weights From Image Domain in Limited Angle Problems
* Deep Learning for Quantification of Epicardial and Thoracic Adipose Tissue From Non-Contrast CT
* Deep Learning Global Glomerulosclerosis in Transplant Kidney Frozen Sections
* Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic MRI Cardiac Multi-Structures Segmentation and Diagnosis: Is the Problem Solved?
* Deep Neural Networks for Ultrasound Beamforming
* Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Prostate Cancer Detection: Analysis of Temporal Enhanced Ultrasound
* Design and Performance of a 1 mm3 Resolution Clinical PET System Comprising 3-D Position Sensitive Scintillation Detectors
* Design of a Quadrature 1H/31P Coil Using Bent Dipole Antenna and Four-Channel Loop at 3T MRI
* Detecting and Locating Gastrointestinal Anomalies Using Deep Learning and Iterative Cluster Unification
* Detector Blur and Correlated Noise Modeling for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Reconstruction
* Development and Implementation of a PIN-Diode Controlled, Quadrature-Enhanced, Double-Tuned RF Coil for Sodium MRI
* Development of a Fluid Dynamic Model for Quantitative Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging
* Dictionary-Free MRI PERK: Parameter Estimation via Regression with Kernels
* Direct Algorithm for Optimization Problems With the Huber Penalty, A
* Direct Patlak Reconstruction From Dynamic PET Data Using the Kernel Method With MRI Information Based on Structural Similarity
* Direct Patlak Reconstruction From Dynamic PET Data Using the Kernel Method With MRI Information Based on Structural Similarity
* Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Improves Image Quality of MRI-Guided Near-Infrared Spectral Tomography of Breast Lesions
* Disc-Aware Ensemble Network for Glaucoma Screening From Fundus Image
* Distortion Correction in Fetal EPI Using Non-Rigid Registration With a Laplacian Constraint
* Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structural Connectivity Analysis
* DRINet for Medical Image Segmentation
* Dual Tissue-Doppler Optical-Flow Method for Speckle Tracking Echocardiography at High Frame Rate, A
* Dynamic Regression Approach for Frequency-Domain Partial Coherence and Causality Analysis of Functional Brain Networks, A
* Effect of Spectral Degradation and Spatio-Energy Correlation in X-Ray PCD for Imaging
* EM Simulation-Based Design Flow for Custom-Built MR Coils Incorporating Signal and Noise, An
* End-to-End Adversarial Retinal Image Synthesis
* Enforcing Co-Expression Within a Brain-Imaging Genomics Regression Framework
* Enhancing the Image Quality via Transferred Deep Residual Learning of Coarse PET Sinograms
* Estimating Dynamic Connectivity States in fMRI Using Regime-Switching Factor Models
* Estimating Maximum Target Registration Error Under Uniform Restriction of Fiducial Localization Error in Image Guided System
* Estimation of Dynamic Sparse Connectivity Patterns From Resting State fMRI
* Evaluation and Stability Analysis of Video-Based Navigation System for Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery onIn VivoClinical Data
* Evaluation of Parallel Level Sets and Bowsher's Method as Segmentation-Free Anatomical Priors for Time-of-Flight PET Reconstruction
* Evaluation of Single-Chip, Real-Time Tomographic Data Processing on FPGA SoC Devices
* Ex Vivo and In Vivo Monitoring and Characterization of Thermal Lesions by High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound and Microwave Ablation Using Ultrasonic Nakagami Imaging
* Exact Calculation of Noise Maps and g-Factor in GRAPPA Using a k-Space Analysis
* Extended Lifetime In Vivo Pulse Stimulated Ultrasound Imaging
* Extracting Blood Vessels From Full-Field OCT Data of Human Skin by Short-Time RPCA
* Fast and Accurate Detection of Complex Imaging Genetics Associations Based on Greedy Projected Distance Correlation
* Fast Quasi-Newton Algorithms for Penalized Reconstruction in Emission Tomography and Further Improvements via Preconditioning
* Fast Spatial Resolution Analysis of Quadratic Penalized Least-Squares Image Reconstruction With Separate Real and Imaginary Roughness Penalty: Application to fMRI
* FDR-Corrected Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis With Applications to Imaging Genomics
* Fidelity-Embedded Regularization Method for Robust Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells With Growing and Branching Filopodia
* Framework for the Generation of Realistic Synthetic Cardiac Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequences From the Same Virtual Patients, A
* Framing U-Net via Deep Convolutional Framelets: Application to Sparse-View CT
* Fully Automatic Lesion Localization and Characterization: Application to Brain Tumors Using Multiparametric Quantitative MRI Data
* Fully Automatic Myocardial Segmentation of Contrast Echocardiography Sequence Using Random Forests Guided by Shape Model
* Fully Convolutional Architectures for Multiclass Segmentation in Chest Radiographs
* Fused Estimation of Sparse Connectivity Patterns From Rest fMRI: Application to Comparison of Children and Adult Brains
* Gamma Characteristic of Reconstructed PET Images: Implications for ROI Analysis, The
* Graph Cut Approach to Artery/Vein Classification in Ultra-Widefield Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy, A
* Graph-Based Rate Control in Pathology Imaging With Lossless Region of Interest Coding
* H-DenseUNet: Hybrid Densely Connected UNet for Liver and Tumor Segmentation From CT Volumes
* High-Permittivity Pad Design for Dielectric Shimming in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Projection-Based Model Reduction and a Nonlinear Optimization Scheme
* High-Resolution X-Ray Phase-Contrast 3-D Imaging of Breast Tissue Specimens as a Possible Adjunct to Histopathology
* Histopathological Whole Slide Image Analysis Using Context-Based CBIR
* Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Structure-Aware Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Image Reconstruction is a New Frontier of Machine Learning
* Image Registration Based on Low Rank Matrix: Rank-Regularized SSD
* Image Segmentation Using Disjunctive Normal Bayesian Shape and Appearance Models
* Image-Based Reconstruction of Tissue Scatterers Using Beam Steering for Ultrasound Simulation
* Imaging Corneal Biomechanical Responses to Ocular Pulse Using High-Frequency Ultrasound
* Importance of Ultrawide Bandwidth for Optoacoustic Esophagus Imaging
* Improved Sensitivity in Ultrasound Molecular Imaging With Coherence-Based Beamforming
* Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Using Adaptive Variance Stabilization
* Incorporation of Prior Knowledge of Signal Behavior Into the Reconstruction to Accelerate the Acquisition of Diffusion MRI Data
* Induced Current Magnetic Resonance Electrical Conductivity Imaging With Oscillating Gradients
* Intelligent Parameter Tuning in Optimization-Based Iterative CT Reconstruction via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Interactions Between Large-Scale Functional Brain Networks are Captured by Sparse Coupled HMMs
* Interactive Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning With Image-Specific Fine Tuning
* Investigating the Influence of Spatial Constraints on Ultimate Receive Coil Performance for Monkey Brain MRI at 7 T
* Isotropic Reconstruction of MR Images Using 3D Patch-Based Self-Similarity Learning
* Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation Based on Multi-Label Deep Network and Polar Transformation
* Joint Reconstruction of Tracer Distribution and Background in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Joint Statistical Iterative Material Image Reconstruction for Spectral Computed Tomography Using a Semi-Empirical Forward Model
* Joint Vertebrae Identification and Localization in Spinal CT Images by Combining Short- and Long-Range Contextual Information
* LEARN: Learned Experts: Assessment-Based Reconstruction Network for Sparse-Data CT
* Learned Primal-Dual Reconstruction
* Learning Joint-Sparse Codes for Calibration-Free Parallel MR Imaging
* Learning-Based Compressive MRI
* Learning-Based Cost Functions for 3-D and 4-D Multi-Surface Multi-Object Segmentation of Knee MRI: Data From the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Locally Affine Diffeomorphic Surface Registration and Its Application to Surgical Planning of Fronto-Orbital Advancement
* Look-Up Table-Based Ray Integration Framework for 2-D/3-D Forward and Back Projection in X-Ray CT, A
* Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss
* Low-Frequency Conductivity Tensor Imaging of the Human Head In Vivo Using DT-MREIT: First Study
* Macular OCT Classification Using a Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network Ensemble
* Magnetic Particle Imaging for Quantification of Vascular Stenoses: A Phantom Study
* Magnetic Resonance Mediated Radiofrequency Ablation
* Magnetic Resonance RF Pulse Design by Optimal Control With Physical Constraints
* Mass Segmentation in Automated 3-D Breast Ultrasound Using Adaptive Region Growing and Supervised Edge-Based Deformable Model
* Metrics for Assessing the Similarity of Microwave Breast Imaging Scans of Healthy Volunteers
* MITT: Medical Image Tracking Toolbox
* Mixed-Effects Model for Detecting Disrupted Connectivities in Heterogeneous Data, A
* Model-Based Approach to Investigate the Effect of a Long Bone Fracture on Ultrasound Strain Elastography, A
* Model-Based Generation of Large Databases of Cardiac Images: Synthesis of Pathological Cine MR Sequences From Real Healthy Cases
* Model-Based Learning for Accelerated, Limited-View 3-D Photoacoustic Tomography
* Modeling Lung Architecture in the XCAT Series of Phantoms: Physiologically Based Airways, Arteries and Veins
* Modeling Task fMRI Data Via Deep Convolutional Autoencoder
* Monte Carlo Model of a Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography System and Its Application to Validate a Deconvolution-Based X-Ray Fluorescence Signal Extraction Method, A
* Motion Tracking of the Carotid Artery Wall From Ultrasound Image Sequences: a Nonlinear State-Space Approach
* MR Performance in the Presence of a Radio Frequency-Penetrable Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI
* MR-Based Model for Cardio-Respiratory Motion Compensation of Overlays in X-Ray Fluoroscopy, An
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation of MR Tumor Brain Images Using Low-Rank Based Image Recovery
* Multi-Channel Acquisition for Isotropic Resolution in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning for Multi-Class Classification of Whole Slide Breast Histopathology Images
* Multi-Label Nonlinear Matrix Completion With Transductive Multi-Task Feature Selection for Joint MGMT and IDH1 Status Prediction of Patient With High-Grade Gliomas
* Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells
* Multi-Rate Acquisition for Dead Time Reduction in Magnetic Resonance Receivers: Application to Imaging With Zero Echo Time
* Multi-Scale Modeling and Oxygen Impact on Tumor Temporal Evolution: Application on Rectal Cancer During Radiotherapy
* Multi-Scale Segmentation and Surface Fitting for Measuring 3-D Macular Holes
* Multimodal Breast Parenchymal Patterns Correlation Using a Patient-Specific Biomechanical Model
* Multimodal Fusion With Reference: Searching for Joint Neuromarkers of Working Memory Deficits in Schizophrenia
* Multimodal MR Synthesis via Modality-Invariant Latent Representation
* Multiscale Frame-Based Kernels for Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
* Navigator-Free EPI Ghost Correction With Structured Low-Rank Matrix Models: New Theory and Methods
* Neuron Segmentation With High-Level Biological Priors
* New 4-D Nonlocal Transform-Domain Filter for 3-D Magnetic Resonance Images Denoising, A
* New Method for Estimating the Effective Poisson's Ratio in Ultrasound Poroelastography, A
* Non-Rigid Contour-Based Registration of Cell Nuclei in 2-D Live Cell Microscopy Images Using a Dynamic Elasticity Model
* Non-Rigid Event-by-Event Continuous Respiratory Motion Compensated List-Mode Reconstruction for PET
* NOVIFAST: A Fast Algorithm for Accurate and Precise VFA MRI T_1 Mapping
* On the Reliability of Individual Brain Activity Networks
* On-the-Fly Adaptive k-Space Sampling for Linear MRI Reconstruction Using Moment-Based Spectral Analysis
* Online Robust Projective Dictionary Learning: Shape Modeling for MR-TRUS Registration
* Optimization of Coil Element Configurations for a Matrix Gradient Coil
* Ordinal Pattern: A New Descriptor for Brain Connectivity Networks
* Parametric Level Set Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Passive Acoustic Mapping Using Data-Adaptive Beamforming Based on Higher Order Statistics
* Penalized PET Reconstruction Using Deep Learning Prior and Local Linear Fitting
* Penalized-Likelihood Reconstruction With High-Fidelity Measurement Models for High-Resolution Cone-Beam Imaging
* Phantomless Auto-Calibration and Online Calibration Assessment for a Tracked Freehand 2-D Ultrasound Probe
* Photoacoustic Source Detection and Reflection Artifact Removal Enabled by Deep Learning
* Physics Model-Based Scatter Correction in Multi-Source Interior Computed Tomography
* Post Hoc Analysis of Passive Cavitation Imaging for Classification of Histotripsy-Induced Liquefaction in Vitro
* Predicting CT Image From MRI Data Through Feature Matching With Learned Nonlinear Local Descriptors
* Predicting Locations of High-Risk Plaques in Coronary Arteries in Patients Receiving Statin Therapy
* Prior-Free Respiratory Motion Estimation in Rotational Angiography
* Probe Oscillation Shear Wave Elastography: Initial In Vivo Results in Liver
* Prospective Respiration Detection in Magnetic Resonance Imaging by a Non-Interfering Noise Navigator
* Pulmonary Artery-Vein Classification in CT Images Using Deep Learning
* PWLS-ULTRA: An Efficient Clustering and Learning-Based Approach for Low-Dose 3D CT Image Reconstruction
* Quantitative Assessment of Thin-Layer Tissue Viscoelastic Properties Using Ultrasonic Micro-Elastography With Lamb Wave Model
* Quasi-Random Single-Point Imaging Using Low-Discrepancy k-Space Sampling
* Real-Time FEM-Based Registration of 3-D to 2.5-D Transrectal Ultrasound Images
* Reconstruction From Multiple Particles for 3D Isotropic Resolution in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Reducing Navigators in Free-Breathing Abdominal MRI via Temporal Interpolation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Regularization Analysis and Design for Prior-Image-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction
* Repeatability Assessment of Intravascular Polarimetry in Patients
* Robust Estimation of Displacement in Real-Time Freehand Ultrasound Strain Imaging
* Robust Reconstruction of Elasticity Using Ultrasound Imaging and Multi-Frequency Excitations
* Robust Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on Sparsity Adaptive Correntropy Matching Pursuit Method for Stem Cell Distribution
* Robust Self-Calibrating nCPMG Acquisition: Application to Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
* Robust Unmixing of Dynamic Sequences Using Regions of Interest
* Self-Gating: An Adaptive Center-of-Mass Approach for Respiratory Gating in PET
* Significant Anatomy Detection Through Sparse Classification: A Comparative Study
* Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging
* Simultaneous Estimation of Corneal Topography, Pachymetry, and Curvature
* Simultaneous Variable-Slab Dual-Echo TOF MR Angiography and Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
* Single- and Multiple-Shell Uniform Sampling Schemes for Diffusion MRI Using Spherical Codes
* Single-Scan Dual-Energy CT Using Primary Modulation
* Skeletal Shape Correspondence Through Entropy
* Skeletal Similarity Metric for Quality Evaluation of Retinal Vessel Segmentation, A
* Solving 3-D PDEs by Tensor B-Spline Methodology: A High Performance Approach Applied to Optical Diffusion Tomography
* Solving Inaccuracies in Anatomical Models for Electrocardiographic Inverse Problem Resolution by Maximizing Reconstruction Quality
* Sparse Range-Constrained Learning and Its Application for Medical Image Grading
* Sparse Representation-Based Radiomics for the Diagnosis of Brain Tumors
* Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Method Based on Combination of DenseNet and Deconvolution, A
* Spatially Consistent Supervoxel Correspondences of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images
* Spatio-Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Using Kinetic Models
* Spectral Angiography Material Decomposition Using an Empirical Forward Model and a Dictionary-Based Regularization
* Squeezed Trajectory Design for Peak RF and Integrated RF Power Reduction in Parallel Transmission MRI
* Stacked Sparse Autoencoder-Based Detector for Automatic Identification of Neuromagnetic High Frequency Oscillations in Epilepsy, A
* Statistical Iterative CBCT Reconstruction Based on Neural Network
* Statistical Models of Signal and Noise and Fundamental Limits of Segmentation Accuracy in Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Structure Prediction for Gland Segmentation With Hand-Crafted and Deep Convolutional Features
* Structure-Preserving Guided Retinal Image Filtering and Its Application for Optic Disk Analysis
* Structured Sparse Principal Components Analysis With the TV-Elastic Net Penalty
* SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using Recurrent Convolutional Network
* Synergistic PET and SENSE MR Image Reconstruction Using Joint Sparsity Regularization
* Synthesis of Realistic Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
* TArgeted Motion Estimation and Reduction (TAMER): Data Consistency Based Motion Mitigation for MRI Using a Reduced Model Joint Optimization
* Thermo-Acoustic Ultrasound for Detection of RF-Induced Device Lead Heating in MRI
* TRACE: A Topological Graph Representation for Automatic Sulcal Curve Extraction
* Tumor Cell Load and Heterogeneity Estimation From Diffusion-Weighted MRI Calibrated With Histological Data: an Example From Lung Cancer
* Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging Using Combined Transmissions With Cross-Coherence-Based Reconstruction
* Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging With Cascaded Dual-Polarity Waves
* Unsupervised Reverse Domain Adaptation for Synthetic Medical Images via Adversarial Training
* Unsupervised Segmentation of 5D Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Data Using a Fuzzy Markov Random Field Model
* Versatile Low-Cost Volumetric 3-D Ultrasound Platform for Existing Clinical 2-D Systems
* Whole-Slide Mitosis Detection in H&E Breast Histology Using PHH3 as a Reference to Train Distilled Stain-Invariant Convolutional Networks
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* 3-D Quantification of Filopodia in Motile Cancer Cells
* 3D Auto-Context-Based Locality Adaptive Multi-Modality GANs for PET Synthesis
* 3D Multi-Resolution Optical Flow Analysis of Cardiovascular Pulse Propagation in Human Brain
* a-f BLAST: Non-Iterative Radial k-t BLAST Reconstruction for Real-Time Imaging
* Accurate Cervical Cell Segmentation from Overlapping Clumps in Pap Smear Images
* Accurate Iterative FBP Reconstruction Method for Material Decomposition of Dual Energy CT
* Adaptive Augmentation of Medical Data Using Independently Conditional Variational Auto-Encoders
* Adaptive Feature Recombination and Recalibration for Semantic Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks
* Adaptive Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization Enables Accurate Morphological Reconstruction in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* Approximating the Ideal Observer and Hotelling Observer for Binary Signal Detection Tasks by Use of Supervised Learning Methods
* Arterial Spin Labeling Images Synthesis From sMRI Using Unbalanced Deep Discriminant Learning
* Assessing Reliability of Myocardial Blood Flow After Motion Correction With Dynamic PET Using a Bayesian Framework
* Attention Residual Learning for Skin Lesion Classification
* Attention to Lesion: Lesion-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification
* Augmentation of CBCT Reconstructed From Under-Sampled Projections Using Deep Learning
* Automated Analysis for Retinopathy of Prematurity by Deep Neural Networks
* Automated Quantification of Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve Leaflet Angles in CT Images
* Automatic 3D Bi-Ventricular Segmentation of Cardiac Images by a Shape-Refined Multi- Task Deep Learning Approach
* Automatic Needle Segmentation and Localization in MRI With 3-D Convolutional Neural Networks: Application to MRI-Targeted Prostate Biopsy
* Automatic Pathological Lung Segmentation in Low-Dose CT Image Using Eigenspace Sparse Shape Composition
* Automatic Plaque Detection in IVOCT Pullbacks Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Regularization Method: An Application for 3-D X-Ray Micro-CT Reconstruction Using Sparse Data, An
* Automatic Resonance Frequency Retuning of Stretchable Liquid Metal Receive Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Automatic Spatial Calibration of Ultra-Low-Field MRI for High-Accuracy Hybrid MEG-MRI
* Automatically Determining the Confocal Parameters From OCT B-Scans for Quantification of the Attenuation Coefficients
* B-Spline-Based Sharp Feature Preserving Shape Reconstruction Approach for Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Backprojection Filtration Image Reconstruction Approach for Reducing High-Density Object Artifacts in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* Benchmark on Automatic Six-Month-Old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge
* Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Effects of Training Sample Size on Multi-Stage Transfer Learning Using Deep Neural Nets
* Calibration-Free B0 Correction of EPI Data Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Can Atlas-Based Auto-Segmentation Ever Be Perfect? Insights From Extreme Value Theory
* Capacitively Coupled Electrical Impedance Tomography for Brain Imaging
* Cardiac Phase Detection in Echocardiograms With Densely Gated Recurrent Neural Networks and Global Extrema Loss
* CBCT of a Moving Sample From X-Rays and Multiple Videos
* CE-Net: Context Encoder Network for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
* Combining Total Variation Regularization with Window-Based Time Delay Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography
* Conductivity Tensor Imaging of In Vivo Human Brain and Experimental Validation Using Giant Vesicle Suspension
* Confidence Interval Constraint-Based Regularization Framework for PET Quantization
* Connectome smoothing via low-rank approximations
* Consistent Estimation of Dimensionality for Data-Driven Methods in fMRI Analysis
* CONtrast Conformed Electrical Properties Tomography (CONCEPT) Based on Multi- Channel Transmission and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Convergence Proof of MLEM and MLEM-3 With Fixed Background, A
* Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Image Reconstruction
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for Compressed Sensing CT Reconstruction
* Correlation-Weighted Sparse Representation for Robust Liver DCE-MRI Decomposition Registration
* Cortical Network of Emotion Regulation: Insights From Advanced EEG-fMRI Integration Analysis, The
* Crowdsourcing of Histological Image Labeling and Object Delineation by Medical Students
* Data-Driven Elasticity Imaging Using Cartesian Neural Network Constitutive Models and the Autoprogressive Method
* Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Transrectal Ultrasound
* Deep Generative Adversarial Neural Networks for Compressive Sensing MRI
* Deep Geodesic Learning for Segmentation and Anatomical Landmarking
* Deep Learning for Fast and Spatially Constrained Tissue Quantification From Highly Accelerated Data in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* Deep Learning for Segmentation Using an Open Large-Scale Dataset in 2D Echocardiography
* Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geometry-Aware U-Net
* Deep Sequential Segmentation of Organs in Volumetric Medical Scans
* Deformable Image Registration Using Functions of Bounded Deformation
* Denoising of Diffusion MRI Data via Graph Framelet Matching in x-q Space
* Design and Demonstration of a Configurable Imaging Platform for Combined Laser, Ultrasound, and Elasticity Imaging
* Detection of Regional Mechanical Activation of the Left Ventricular Myocardium Using High Frame Rate Ultrasound Imaging
* Development of Positron Emission Tomography With Wobbling and Zooming for High Sensitivity and High-Resolution Molecular Imaging
* Direct Automatic Coronary Calcium Scoring in Cardiac and Chest CT
* Direct Estimation of Voxel-Wise Neurotransmitter Response Maps From Dynamic PET Data
* Domain Progressive 3D Residual Convolution Network to Improve Low-Dose CT Imaging
* Dual-Mode Imaging Catheter for Intravascular Ultrasound Application, A
* DukeSim: A Realistic, Rapid, and Scanner-Specific Simulation Framework in Computed Tomography
* Dynamic Atlas-Based Segmentation and Quantification of Neuromelanin-Rich Brainstem Structures in Parkinson Disease
* Dynamic Hyper-Graph Inference Framework for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
* Dynamic In Vivo Chest X-ray Dark-Field Imaging in Mice
* Ea-GANs: Edge-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Efficient 3D Low-Discrepancy k-Space Sampling Using Highly Adaptable Seiffert Spirals
* Efficient B-Mode Ultrasound Image Reconstruction From Sub-Sampled RF Data Using Deep Learning
* Efficient Enhancement of Stereo Endoscopic Images Based on Joint Wavelet Decomposition and Binocular Combination
* Efficient Iterative Cerebral Perfusion CT Reconstruction via Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition With Spatial-Temporal Total Variation Regularization, An
* Efficient Joint Image Reconstruction of Multi-Patch Data Reusing a Single System Matrix in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Efficient Multiple Organ Localization in CT Image Using 3D Region Proposal Network
* Efficient Preconditioner for Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration, An
* Empirical Data Inconsistency Metric (DIM) Driven CT Image Reconstruction Method, An
* End-to-End Deep Learning Histochemical Scoring System for Breast Cancer TMA, An
* Endless Fluctuations: Temporal Dynamics of the Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations
* Endoscopic Vision Augmentation Using Multiscale Bilateral-Weighted Retinex for Robotic Surgery
* Establishment of an Automated Algorithm Utilizing Optical Coherence Tomography and Micro-Computed Tomography Imaging to Reconstruct the 3-D Deformed Stent Geometry
* Evaluation of a Quantitative Method for Carpal Motion Analysis Using Clinical 3-D and 4-D CT Protocols
* Evaluation of Atlas Selection Methods for Atlas-Based Automatic Segmentation in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, An
* Extraction of Time-Varying Spatiotemporal Networks Using Parameter-Tuned Constrained IVA
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic PET Images: Beyond Gaussian Noise
* Fast Adaptive Smoothing and Thresholding for Improved Activation Detection in Low-Signal fMRI
* Fast and High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Hybrid-Domain Photoacoustic Imaging Incorporating Analytical-Focused Transducer Beam Amplitude
* Fast Robust Dejitter and Interslice Discontinuity Removal in MRI Phase Acquisitions: Application to Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Fast ScanNet: Fast and Dense Analysis of Multi-Gigapixel Whole-Slide Images for Cancer Metastasis Detection
* Fast System Calibration With Coded Calibration Scenes for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Feasibility Study of Extracting Tissue Textures From a Previous Full-Dose CT Database as Prior Knowledge for Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images, A
* FissureNet: A Deep Learning Approach For Pulmonary Fissure Detection in CT Images
* Flexible and Modular Receiver Coil Array for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Flexible Locally Weighted Penalized Regression With Applications on Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative's Clinical Scores
* Formulation and Efficient Computation of L_1 - and Smoothness Penalized Estimates for Microstructure-Informed Tractography
* Fractional Regularization to Improve Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Free-Breathing Ungated Cardiac MRI Using Iterative SToRM (i-SToRM)
* From Detection of Individual Metastases to Classification of Lymph Node Status at the Patient Level: The CAMELYON17 Challenge
* Fully Automatic Left Atrium Segmentation From Late Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Dual Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Generalized Mean Apparent Propagator MRI to Measure and Image Advective and Dispersive Flows in Medicine and Biology
* Generalized Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion Algorithm for MR Image Recovery, A
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Independent Supervised and Unsupervised Segmentation: A Study on Kidney Histology
* Geometric Validation of Continuous, Finely Sampled 3-D Reconstructions From aOCT and CT in Upper Airway Models
* Global Method for Non-Rigid Registration of Cell Nuclei in Live Cell Time-Lapse Images, A
* Group-Sparsity-Based Super-Resolution Dipole Orientation Mapping
* Handheld Photoacoustic Imager for Theranostics in 3D
* Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks for Segmentation of Breast Tumors in MRI With Application to Radiogenomics
* High Temporal-Resolution Dynamic PET Image Reconstruction Using a New Spatiotemporal Kernel Method
* High-Contrast, Low-Cost, 3-D Visualization of Skin Cancer Using Ultra-High-Resolution Millimeter-Wave Imaging
* Higher-Order Polynomial Method for SPECT Reconstruction, A
* Highly and Adaptively Undersampling Pattern for Pulmonary Hyperpolarized 129Xe Dynamic MRI
* Hippocampus Segmentation Based on Iterative Local Linear Mapping With Representative and Local Structure-Preserved Feature Embedding
* HyperDense-Net: A Hyper-Densely Connected CNN for Multi-Modal Image Segmentation
* Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervised NMF and Hierarchical Clustering
* Image Synthesis in Multi-Contrast MRI With Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image-Based Gating of Intravascular Ultrasound Sequences Using the Phase Information of Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Coefficients
* Improved Photoacoustic-Based Oxygen Saturation Estimation With SNR-Regularized Local Fluence Correction
* Impulse Response of Negatively Focused Spherical Ultrasound Detectors and Its Effect on Tomographic Optoacoustic Reconstruction, The
* In Vivo Measurement of Brain Tissue Response After Irradiation: Comparison of T2 Relaxation, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, and Electrical Conductivity
* Increasing Accuracy of Optimal Surfaces Using Min-Marginal Energies
* Infant Brain Development Prediction With Latent Partial Multi-View Representation Learning
* Inference of Cerebrovascular Topology With Geodesic Minimum Spanning Trees
* Intelligent Labeling Based on Fisher Information for Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Learning
* Intra-Arterial Image Guidance With Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Shape Sensing
* Iterative PET Image Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Network Representation
* Joint Prostate Cancer Detection and Gleason Score Prediction in mp-MRI via FocalNet
* Joint Weakly and Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Localization and Classification of Masses in Breast Ultrasound Images
* KerNL: Kernel-Based Nonlinear Approach to Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malignant Lung Nodule Classification on Chest CT
* Krasnoselskii-Mann Algorithm With an Improved EM Preconditioner for PET Image Reconstruction, A
* Latent Representation Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Incomplete Multi-Modality Neuroimaging and Genetic Data
* Learning a Probabilistic Model for Diffeomorphic Registration
* Learning Compact q-Space Representations for Multi-Shell Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Learning Cross-Modality Representations From Multi-Modal Images
* Learning Domain Shift in Simulated and Clinical Data: Localizing the Origin of Ventricular Activation From 12-Lead Electrocardiograms
* Learning to Reconstruct Computed Tomography Images Directly From Sinogram Data Under A Variety of Data Acquisition Conditions
* Learning Where to See: A Novel Attention Model for Automated Immunohistochemical Scoring
* Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
* Live Tracking and Dense Reconstruction for Handheld Monocular Endoscopy
* Local Phase Velocity Based Imaging: A New Technique Used for Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography
* Longitudinal Prediction of Infant Diffusion MRI Data via Graph Convolutional Adversarial Networks
* Lung and Pancreatic Tumor Characterization in the Deep Learning Era: Novel Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches
* Machine Learning Approach for Classifying Ischemic Stroke Onset Time From Imaging, A
* Magnetoencephalography With Optically Pumped4He Magnetometers at Ambient Temperature
* Manhattan Distance-Based Adaptive 3D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering for Laser Speckle Imaging of Blood Flow
* Mapping Biological Current Densities With Ultrafast Acoustoelectric Imaging: Application to the Beating Rat Heart
* Mechanical Approach for Smooth Surface Fitting to Delineate Vessel Walls in Optical Coherence Tomography Images, A
* Medical Image Imputation From Image Collections
* MoDL: Model-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems
* Monitoring Acute Stroke Progression: Multi-Parametric OCT Imaging of Cortical Perfusion, Flow, and Tissue Scattering in a Mouse Model of Permanent Focal Ischemia
* Monte Carlo Simulations of Water Exchange Through Myelin Wraps: Implications for Diffusion MRI
* Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for Lossy and Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of Pathology Whole-Slide Images
* Motion Correction in Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Motion Quantification and Automated Correction in Clinical RSOM
* Moving Morphable Components Based Shape Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* MR Image Reconstruction Using Deep Density Priors
* MTBI Identification From Diffusion MR Images Using Bag of Adversarial Visual Features
* Multi-covariate Imaging of Sub-resolution Targets
* Multi-Exponential Relaxometry Using L_1-Regularized Iterative NNLS (MERLIN) With Application to Myelin Water Fraction Imaging
* Multi-Site Harmonization of Diffusion MRI Data via Method of Moments
* Multiple Resolution Residually Connected Feature Streams for Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation From CT Images
* Multiscale Ray-Shooting Model for Termination Detection of Tree-Like Structures in Biomedical Images, A
* nCREANN: Nonlinear Causal Relationship Estimation by Artificial Neural Network; Applied for Autism Connectivity Study
* Non-Local Low-Rank Cube-Based Tensor Factorization for Spectral CT Reconstruction
* Noninvasive Activation Imaging of Ventricular Arrhythmias by Spatial Gradient Sparse in Frequency Domain: Application to Mapping Reentrant Ventricular Tachycardia
* Noninvasive Reconstruction of Transmural Transmembrane Potential With Simultaneous Estimation of Prior Model Error
* Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Imaging Based on Temperature-Dependent Thermoelastic Response
* Novel 2-D Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique for Acoustic-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy, A
* Novel Data-Driven Cardiac Gating Signal Extraction Method for PET, A
* Novel Effective Connectivity Inference Using Ultra-Group Constrained Orthogonal Forward Regression and Elastic Multilayer Perceptron Classifier for MCI Identification
* Novel Weakly Supervised Multitask Architecture for Retinal Lesions Segmentation on Fundus Images, A
* Objective Detection of Eloquent Axonal Pathways to Minimize Postoperative Deficits in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Using Diffusion Tractography and Convolutional Neural Networks
* OEDIPUS: An Experiment Design Framework for Sparsity-Constrained MRI
* Optimal Dual-VENC Unwrapping in Phase-Contrast MRI
* Optimal Experiment Design for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting: Cramér-Rao Bound Meets Spin Dynamics
* Optimization of the Trade-Off Between Speckle Reduction and Axial Resolution in Frequency Compounding
* Optimizing a Parameterized Plug-and-Play ADMM for Iterative Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Parametric Level Set-Based Approach to Difference Imaging in Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* PAT: Probabilistic Axon Tracking for Densely Labeled Neurons in Large 3-D Micrographs
* Patch-Based Output Space Adversarial Learning for Joint Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation
* Path R-CNN for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Histological Images
* Pelvic Organ Segmentation Using Distinctive Curve Guided Fully Convolutional Networks
* Personalized Models for Injected Activity Levels in SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
* Personalized Radiotherapy Design for Glioblastoma: Integrating Mathematical Tumor Models, Multimodal Scans, and Bayesian Inference
* PET Counting Response Variability Depending on Tumor Location, Activity, and Patient Obesity: A Feasibility Study of Solitary Pulmonary Nodule Using Monte Carlo
* PET Image Reconstruction Using Deep Image Prior
* PET Reconstruction of the Posterior Image Probability, Including Multimodal Images
* Phase Linearity Measurement: A Novel Index for Brain Functional Connectivity
* Principal Component Analysis Based Dynamic Cone Beam X-Ray Luminescence Computed Tomography: A Feasibility Study
* Prior Information Guided Regularized Deep Learning for Cell Nucleus Detection
* Prior-Guided Metal Artifact Reduction for Iterative X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Probing Surface-to-Volume Ratio of an Anisotropic Medium by Diffusion NMR with General Gradient Encoding
* Projection onto Epigraph Sets for Rapid Self-Tuning Compressed Sensing MRI
* Pulmonary CT Registration Through Supervised Learning With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Pulsed Excitation in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Quantification of Ventilation and Gas Uptake in Free-Breathing Mice With Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI
* Real-Time Deep Pose Estimation With Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration
* Recalibrating Fully Convolutional Networks With Spatial and Channel Squeeze and Excitation Blocks
* Recognizing Brain States Using Deep Sparse Recurrent Neural Network
* Reconstruction of Optical Vector-Fields With Applications in Endoscopic Imaging
* Reconstruction-Aware Imaging System Ranking by Use of a Sparsity-Driven Numerical Observer Enabled by Variational Bayesian Inference
* Recurrent CNN for Automatic Detection and Classification of Coronary Artery Plaque and Stenosis in Coronary CT Angiography, A
* Resolving Ultrasound Contrast Microbubbles Using Minimum Variance Beamforming
* Retinal Image Synthesis and Semi-Supervised Learning for Glaucoma Assessment
* RetinaMatch: Efficient Template Matching of Retina Images for Teleophthalmology
* RETOUCH: The Retinal OCT Fluid Detection and Segmentation Benchmark and Challenge
* Robust Energy Calibration Technique for Photon Counting Spectral Detectors
* Robust Method to Estimate the Time Constant of Elastographic Parameters, A
* Robust Non-Rigid Motion Compensation of Free-Breathing Myocardial Perfusion MRI Data
* Robust Optical Flow Estimation in Cardiac Ultrasound Images Using a Sparse Representation
* Robust Recovery of Temporal Overlap Between Network Activity Using Transient-Informed Spatio-Temporal Regression
* Robust Single-Shot T2 Mapping via Multiple Overlapping-Echo Acquisition and Deep Neural Network
* Robust, Intrinsic Tracking of a Laparoscopic Ultrasound Probe for Ultrasound-Augmented Laparoscopy
* RSDNet: Learning to Predict Remaining Surgery Duration from Laparoscopic Videos Without Manual Annotations
* Scan-Time Corrections for 80-100-min Standardizetd Uptake Volume Ratios to Measure the 18F-AV-1451 Tracer for Tau Imaging
* Segmentation of Nuclei in Histopathology Images by Deep Regression of the Distance Map
* Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Images via Adaptive Shape Priors Extracted From Contour Fragments
* Segmentation of Vasculature From Fluorescently Labeled Endothelial Cells in Multi-Photon Microscopy Images
* Segmenting the Brain Surface From CT Images With Artifacts Using Locally Oriented Appearance and Dictionary Learning
* SEGUE: A Speedy rEgion-Growing Algorithm for Unwrapping Estimated Phase
* Sensitivity and Specificity Estimation Using Patient-Specific Microwave Imaging in Diverse Experimental Breast Phantoms
* Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Elliptical Shape Models
* Shape Optimization of an Electric Dipole Array for 7 Tesla Neuroimaging
* SNR-Adaptive OCT Angiography Enabled by Statistical Characterization of Intensity and Decorrelation With Multi-Variate Time Series Model
* Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Framework for Identifying Functional Units of Tongue Behavior From MRI, A
* Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities of Capillary Hemodynamics and Its Functional Coupling During Neural Activation
* Spatially Adaptive Varying Correlation Analysis for Multimodal Neuroimaging Data
* Splenomegaly Segmentation on Multi-Modal MRI Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Standardized Assessment of Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Hyperintensities and Results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge
* Statistical Model for Rigid Image Registration Performance: The Influence of Soft-Tissue Deformation as a Confounding Noise Source, A
* Statistical Shape Model to Generate a Planning Library for Cervical Adaptive Radiotherapy
* Statistical Shape-Constrained Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Statistically Segregated k-Space Sampling for Accelerating Multiple-Acquisition MRI
* Structure-Based Intensity Propagation for 3-D Brain Reconstruction With Multilayer Section Microscopy
* Supervised Segmentation of Un-Annotated Retinal Fundus Images by Synthesis
* Suspicious-Region Segmentation From Breast Thermogram Using DLPE-Based Level Set Method
* SynSeg-Net: Synthetic Segmentation Without Target Modality Ground Truth
* Synthesizing Chest X-Ray Pathology for Training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Tensor Factorization Method for 3-D Super Resolution With Application to Dental CT, A
* TeTrIS: Template Transformer Networks for Image Segmentation With Shape Priors
* Total Variation Regularization of Pose Signals With an Application to 3D Freehand Ultrasound
* Toward Automated 3D Spine Reconstruction from Biplanar Radiographs Using CNN for Statistical Spine Model Fitting
* Toward Electrical Impedance Tomography Coupled Ultrasound Imaging for Assessing Muscle Health
* Toward Intra-Operative Prostate Photoacoustic Imaging: Configuration Evaluation and Implementation Using the da Vinci Research Kit
* Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetric Ultrasound
* Training Convolutional Neural Networks and Compressed Sensing End-to-End for Microscopy Cell Detection
* Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Alters Functional Network Structure in Humans: A Graph Theoretical Analysis
* Transfer Learning for Image Segmentation by Combining Image Weighting and Kernel Learning
* Transfer Recurrent Feature Learning for Endomicroscopy Image Recognition
* Tumor Detection in Automated Breast Ultrasound Using 3-D CNN and Prioritized Candidate Aggregation
* Ultrafast 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a 32X32 Matrix Array
* Understanding the Combined Effect of k-Space Undersampling and Transient States Excitation in MR Fingerprinting Reconstructions
* Universal Intensity Standardization Method Based on a Many-to-One Weak-Paired Cycle Generative Adversarial Network for Magnetic Resonance Images, A
* Unsupervised Feature Extraction via Deep Learning for Histopathological Classification of Colon Tissue Images
* Unsupervised Identification of Disease Marker Candidates in Retinal OCT Imaging Data
* Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detection and Classification Using Spatiotemporal Patterns
* Varifocal-Net: A Chromosome Classification Approach Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Visualization of the Intensity Field of a Focused Ultrasound Source In Situ
* VoxelMorph: A Learning Framework for Deformable Medical Image Registration
* Weakly Supervised Estimation of Shadow Confidence Maps in Fetal Ultrasound Imaging
* Weakly Supervised Lesion Detection From Fundus Images
* Wireless Radio Frequency Triggered Acquisition Device (WRAD) for Self-Synchronised Measurements of the Rate of Change of the MRI Gradient Vector Field for Motion Tracking, A
* X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography Induced by Photon, Electron, and Proton Beams
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* 3D APA-Net: 3D Adversarial Pyramid Anisotropic Convolutional Network for Prostate Segmentation in MR Images
* 3D Neuron Reconstruction in Tangled Neuronal Image With Deep Networks
* 3D Probabilistic Deep Learning System for Detection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Low-Dose CT Scans, A
* 3D Shape Modeling and Analysis of Retinal Microvasculature in OCT-Angiography Images
* 3D Spatially Weighted Network for Segmentation of Brain Tissue From MRI, A
* 3D-GLCM CNN: A 3-Dimensional Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix-Based CNN Model for Polyp Classification via CT Colonography
* 4D Flow MRI Pressure Estimation Using Velocity Measurement-Error-Based Weighted Least-Squares
* 4D Functional Imaging of the Rat Brain Using a Large Aperture Row-Column Array
* 4D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of Naturally Occurring Shear Waves in the Human Heart
* ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical Brain Structure Segmentation
* Accelerated MR-STAT Reconstructions Using Sparse Hessian Approximations
* Accelerating Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction Convergence Using k-Space Preconditioning
* Accurate Image Domain Noise Insertion in CT Images
* Accurate Screening of COVID-19 Using Attention-Based Deep 3D Multiple Instance Learning
* Adaptive Pulse Wave Imaging: Automated Spatial Vessel Wall Inhomogeneity Detection in Phantoms and in-Vivo
* Adaptive Ultrasound Beamforming Using Deep Learning
* ADN: Artifact Disentanglement Network for Unsupervised Metal Artifact Reduction
* Algorithms and Analyses for Joint Spectral Image Reconstruction in Y-90 Bremsstrahlung SPECT
* Amplified Flow Imaging (aFlow): A Novel MRI-Based Tool to Unravel the Coupled Dynamics Between the Human Brain and Cerebrovasculature
* Analytic Determination of Rectangular-Pinhole Sensitivity With Penetration
* Analyzing Dynamical Brain Functional Connectivity as Trajectories on Space of Covariance Matrices
* Anatomical Attention Guided Deep Networks for ROI Segmentation of Brain MR Images
* ANHIR: Automatic Non-Rigid Histological Image Registration Challenge
* Appearance Learning for Image-Based Motion Estimation in Tomography
* Application of Evolution Strategies to the Design of SAR Efficient Parallel Transmit Multi-Spoke Pulses for Ultra-High Field MRI
* Approximating the Ideal Observer for Joint Signal Detection and Localization Tasks by use of Supervised Learning Methods
* Associating Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Phenotypes and Genetic Risk Factors via a Dirty Multi-Task Learning Method
* Attention by Selection: A Deep Selective Attention Approach to Breast Cancer Classification
* Attention-Diffusion-Bilinear Neural Network for Brain Network Analysis
* AttentionBoost: Learning What to Attend for Gland Segmentation in Histopathological Images by Boosting Fully Convolutional Networks
* Augmented Whole-Body Scanning via Magnifying PET
* Automated Classification of Apoptosis in Phase Contrast Microscopy Using Capsule Network
* Automated Deformation-Based Analysis of 3D Optical Coherence Tomography in Diabetic Retinopathy
* Automated Muscle Segmentation from Clinical CT Using Bayesian U-Net for Personalized Musculoskeletal Modeling
* Automated Tortuosity Analysis of Nerve Fibers in Corneal Confocal Microscopy
* Automated Tortuosity Analysis of Nerve Fibers in Corneal Confocal Microscopy
* Automatic Cataract Classification Using Deep Neural Network With Discrete State Transition
* Automatic Change Detection in Sparse Repeat CT Scanning
* Automatic Collateral Scoring From 3D CTA Images
* Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Feature for Intracranial Aneurysm
* Automatic Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Maximum Intensity Projection
* Automatic Radiofrequency Ablation Planning for Liver Tumors With Multiple Constraints Based on Set Covering
* Automatic Registration Between Dental Cone-Beam CT and Scanned Surface via Deep Pose Regression Neural Networks and Clustered Similarities
* Automatic, Age Consistent Reconstruction of the Corpus Callosum Guided by Coherency From In Utero Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* B-Spline Level Set Method for Shape Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Benefits of Using a Spatially-Variant Penalty Strength With Anatomical Priors in PET Reconstruction
* Bi-Linear Modeling of Data Manifolds for Dynamic-MRI Recovery
* Biomarker Localization From Deep Learning Regression Networks
* Blind Source Separation for Myelin Water Fraction Mapping Using Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Imaging
* Block Level Skip Connections Across Cascaded V-Net for Multi-Organ Segmentation
* Bootstrap-Optimised Regularised Image Reconstruction for Emission Tomography
* Boundary-Weighted Domain Adaptive Neural Network for Prostate MR Image Segmentation
* Breast Cancer: Model Reconstruction and Image Registration From Segmented Deformed Image Using Visual and Force Based Analysis
* CANet: Cross-Disease Attention Network for Joint Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema Grading
* Cap-Based Transcranial Optical Tomography in an Awake Infant
* Cardiac and Respiratory Self-Gating in Radial MRI Using an Adapted Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA-FARY)
* Cardiac Segmentation With Strong Anatomical Guarantees
* Carotid Plaque Fibrous Cap Thickness Measurement by ARFI Variance of Acceleration: In Vivo Human Results
* Causality-Based Feature Fusion for Brain Neuro-Developmental Analysis
* CF Distance: A New Domain Discrepancy Metric and Application to Explicit Domain Adaptation for Cross-Modality Cardiac Image Segmentation
* Circular Clustering in Fuzzy Approximation Spaces for Color Normalization of Histological Images
* Class-Agnostic Weighted Normalization of Staining in Histopathology Images Using a Spatially Constrained Mixture Model
* Classification of Volumetric Images Using Multi-Instance Learning and Extreme Value Theorem
* Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung Cancer
* Coincidence Counters for Charge Sharing Compensation in Spectroscopic Photon Counting Detectors
* Comparison of NIR Versus SWIR Fluorescence Image Device Performance Using Working Standards Calibrated With SI Units
* Comparison of Objective Image Quality Metrics to Expert Radiologists' Scoring of Diagnostic Quality of MR Images
* Compressed Optoacoustic Sensing of Volumetric Cardiac Motion
* Computer-Aided Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Using Time-Lapsed Colposcopic Images
* Confidence Calibration and Predictive Uncertainty Estimation for Deep Medical Image Segmentation
* Conquering Data Variations in Resolution: A Slice-Aware Multi-Branch Decoder Network
* Constrained Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging by Learning Nonlinear Low-Dimensional Models
* Context-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Grading of Colorectal Cancer Histology Images
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for Multi-Contrast MRI Reconstruction
* CPFNet: Context Pyramid Fusion Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Metal Trace Restoring Network for Reducing X-Ray CT Metal Artifacts, A
* CT Image-Guided Electrical Impedance Tomography for Medical Imaging
* CT Male Pelvic Organ Segmentation via Hybrid Loss Network With Incomplete Annotation
* CT Super-Resolution GAN Constrained by the Identical, Residual, and Cycle Learning Ensemble (GAN-CIRCLE)
* Cytokeratin-Supervised Deep Learning for Automatic Recognition of Epithelial Cells in Breast Cancers Stained for ER, PR, and Ki-67
* De-smokeGCN: Generative Cooperative Networks for Joint Surgical Smoke Detection and Removal
* Deconvolution of Sustained Neural Activity From Large-Scale Calcium Imaging Data
* DECT-MULTRA: Dual-Energy CT Image Decomposition With Learned Mixed Material Models and Efficient Clustering
* Deep Adversarial Training for Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation in Histopathology Images
* Deep Framework Assembling Principled Modules for CS-MRI: Unrolling Perspective, Convergence Behaviors, and Practical Modeling, A
* Deep Generalization of Structured Low-Rank Algorithms (Deep-SLR)
* Deep Learning Analysis of Coronary Arteries in Cardiac CT Angiography for Detection of Patients Requiring Invasive Coronary Angiography
* Deep Learning COVID-19 Features on CXR Using Limited Training Data Sets
* Deep Learning Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Deep Learning for Classification and Localization of COVID-19 Markers in Point-of-Care Lung Ultrasound
* Deep Learning for Fast and Spatially Constrained Tissue Quantification From Highly Accelerated Data in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* Deep Learning for Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* Deep Learning of Static and Dynamic Brain Functional Networks for Early MCI Detection
* Deep Learning-Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts During Reconstruction for High-Quality Segmentation
* Deep Learning-Based Development of Personalized Human Head Model With Non-Uniform Conductivity for Brain Stimulation
* Deep Learning-Based Regression and Classification for Automatic Landmark Localization in Medical Images
* Deep Learning-Based Spectral Unmixing for Optoacoustic Imaging of Tissue Oxygen Saturation
* Deep Mining External Imperfect Data for Chest X-Ray Disease Screening
* Deep Multi-Scale Mesh Feature Learning for Automated Labeling of Raw Dental Surfaces From 3D Intraoral Scanners
* Deep Neural Networks for Chronological Age Estimation From OPG Images
* Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening
* Deep Neural Networks With Region-Based Pooling Structures for Mammographic Image Classification
* Deep Predictive Motion Tracking in Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Application to Fetal Imaging
* Deep Q-CapsNet Reinforcement Learning Framework for Intrauterine Cavity Segmentation in TTTS Fetal Surgery Planning
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Designed Shinnar-Le Roux RF Pulse Using Root-Flipping: DeepRFSLR
* Deep Spatial-Temporal Feature Fusion From Adaptive Dynamic Functional Connectivity for MCI Identification
* Deep Unfolded Robust PCA With Application to Clutter Suppression in Ultrasound
* Deep-Learning Image Reconstruction for Real-Time Photoacoustic System
* DeepACEv2: Automated Chromosome Enumeration in Metaphase Cell Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* DeepBranch: Deep Neural Networks for Branch Point Detection in Biomedical Images
* Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Detection in Automated Breast Ultrasound
* Deformable Slice-to-Volume Registration for Motion Correction of Fetal Body and Placenta MRI
* Dense Depth Estimation in Monocular Endoscopy With Self-Supervised Learning Methods
* Dense Dilated Network With Probability Regularized Walk for Vessel Detection
* Dense Steerable Filter CNNs for Exploiting Rotational Symmetry in Histology Images
* Detecting Deficient Coverage in Colonoscopies
* Detection and Localization of Ultrasound Scatterers Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Development and Assessment of a New Global Mammographic Image Feature Analysis Scheme to Predict Likelihood of Malignant Cases
* Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with Structured Latent Multi-View Representation Learning
* Difference-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging With Non-Linear Contrast
* Differentiated Backprojection Domain Deep Learning for Conebeam Artifact Removal
* Dilated Residual Learning With Skip Connections for Real-Time Denoising of Laser Speckle Imaging of Blood Flow in a Log-Transformed Domain
* Direct List Mode Parametric Reconstruction for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT
* Direct Quantification of Coronary Artery Stenosis Through Hierarchical Attentive Multi-View Learning
* Discriminative Regularized Auto-Encoder for Early Detection of Knee OsteoArthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Disentangled-Multimodal Adversarial Autoencoder: Application to Infant Age Prediction With Incomplete Multimodal Neuroimages
* Displacement Imaging for Focused Ultrasound Peripheral Nerve Neuromodulation
* DoFE: Domain-Oriented Feature Embedding for Generalizable Fundus Image Segmentation on Unseen Datasets
* DU-Net: Convolutional Network for the Detection of Arterial Calcifications in Mammograms
* Dual Energy Differential Phase Contrast CT (DE-DPC-CT) Imaging
* Dual-Sampling Attention Network for Diagnosis of COVID-19 From Community Acquired Pneumonia
* Dynamic Cell Imaging in PET With Optimal Transport Regularization
* Dynamic In Vivo X-ray Fluorescence Imaging of Gold in Living Mice Exposed to Gold Nanoparticles
* Echocardiogram Analysis Using Motion Profile Modeling
* Efficient DCE-MRI Parameter and Uncertainty Estimation Using a Neural Network
* Efficient Method for Multi-Parameter Mapping in Quantitative MRI Using B-Spline Interpolation, An
* EMS-Net: A Deep Learning Method for Autodetecting Epileptic Magnetoencephalography Spikes
* Enabling a Single Deep Learning Model for Accurate Gland Instance Segmentation: A Shape-Aware Adversarial Learning Framework
* EndoL2H: Deep Super-Resolution for Capsule Endoscopy
* Enhanced SMART-RECON Algorithm for Time-Resolved C-Arm Cone-Beam CT Imaging, An
* Enhanced Visualization of DBT Imaging Using Blind Deconvolution and Total Variation Minimization Regularization, An
* ERGO: Efficient Recurrent Graph Optimized Emitter Density Estimation in Single Molecule Localization Microscopy
* Estimating Aggregate Cardiomyocyte Strain Using In~Vivo Diffusion and Displacement Encoded MRI
* Estimating Dynamic Functional Brain Connectivity With a Sparse Hidden Markov Model
* Estimation of Crystal Timing Properties and Efficiencies for the Improvement of (Joint) Maximum-Likelihood Reconstructions in TOF-PET
* Evaluation of MRI to Ultrasound Registration Methods for Brain Shift Correction: The CuRIOUS2018 Challenge
* Evaluation of Reconstruction Methodology for Helical Scan Guided Photoacoustic Endoscopy
* Explainable Anatomical Shape Analysis Through Deep Hierarchical Generative Models
* Exploiting Epistemic Uncertainty of Anatomy Segmentation for Anomaly Detection in Retinal OCT
* Exploiting Epistemic Uncertainty of Anatomy Segmentation for Anomaly Detection in Retinal OCT
* Extending the Hybrid Surgical Guidance Concept With Freehand Fluorescence Tomography
* Fast Approximation of EEG Forward Problem and Application to Tissue Conductivity Estimation
* Fast Polynomial Approximation of Heat Kernel Convolution on Manifolds and Its Application to Brain Sulcal and Gyral Graph Pattern Analysis
* Fetal Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiogram Screening Based on DGACNN: Adversarial One-Class Classification Combined with Video Transfer Learning
* Focus Quality Assessment of High-Throughput Whole Slide Imaging in Digital Pathology
* Fourier Properties of Symmetric-Geometry Computed Tomography and Its Linogram Reconstruction With Neural Network
* Framework for Evaluating Threshold Variation Compensation Methods in Photon Counting Spectral CT, A
* Framework for Photon Counting Quantitative Material Decomposition
* Free-Breathing and Ungated Dynamic MRI Using Navigator-Less Spiral SToRM
* Full-Spectrum-Knowledge-Aware Tensor Model for Energy-Resolved CT Iterative Reconstruction
* Future-State Predicting LSTM for Early Surgery Type Recognition
* GANPOP: Generative Adversarial Network Prediction of Optical Properties From Single Snapshot Wide-Field Images
* Generalized MPI Multi-Patch Reconstruction Using Clusters of Similar System Matrices
* Generalizing Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation to Unseen Domains via Deep Stacked Transformation
* Global Pixel Transformers for Virtual Staining of Microscopy Images
* Gradient Response Harvesting for Continuous System Characterization During MR Sequences
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Imaging-Based Diagnosis of COVID-19
* Guided Soft Attention Network for Classification of Breast Cancer Histopathology Images
* Head Motion Correction Based on Filtered Backprojection in Helical CT Scanning
* Heterogeneous Angular Spectrum Method for Trans-Skull Imaging and Focusing
* Hi-Net: Hybrid-Fusion Network for Multi-Modal MR Image Synthesis
* Hierarchical Nonlocal Residual Networks for Image Quality Assessment of Pediatric Diffusion MRI With Limited and Noisy Annotations
* HIFUNet: Multi-Class Segmentation of Uterine Regions From MR Images Using Global Convolutional Networks for HIFU Surgery Planning
* High-Resolution Chest X-Ray Bone Suppression Using Unpaired CT Structural Priors
* High-Resolution Oscillating Steady-State fMRI Using Patch-Tensor Low-Rank Reconstruction
* Higher Order Spherical Harmonics Reconstruction of Fetal Diffusion MRI With Intensity Correction
* Hybrid MPI-MRI System for Dual-Modal In Situ Cardiovascular Assessments of Real-Time 3D Blood Flow Quantification: A Pre-Clinical In Vivo Feasibility Investigation
* Identifying Autism Spectrum Disorder With Multi-Site fMRI via Low-Rank Domain Adaptation
* Identifying Morphological Indicators of Aging With Neural Networks on Large-Scale Whole-Body MRI
* Image Projection Network: 3D to 2D Image Segmentation in OCTA Images
* Image-to-Images Translation for Multi-Task Organ Segmentation and Bone Suppression in Chest X-Ray Radiography
* Imaging Magnetic Nanoparticle Distributions by Atomic Magnetometry-Based Susceptometry
* Imaging of Nonlinear and Dynamic Functional Brain Connectivity Based on EEG Recordings With the Application on the Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Improved Low-Count Quantitative PET Reconstruction With an Iterative Neural Network
* Improved Method of Total Variation Superiorization Applied to Reconstruction in Proton Computed Tomography, An
* Improvement of Decorrelation-Based OCT Angiography by an Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Kernel in Monitoring Stimulus-Evoked Hemodynamic Responses
* Improving Diagnostic Accuracy in Low-Dose SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With Convolutional Denoising Networks
* Improving Prostate Cancer (PCa) Classification Performance by Using Three-Player Minimax Game to Reduce Data Source Heterogeneity
* In Vivo Demonstration of Photoacoustic Image Guidance and Robotic Visual Servoing for Cardiac Catheter-Based Interventions
* In-Bore Receiver for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* Independent Component-Based Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering for Slow Flow Ultrasound
* Individual Resting-State Brain Networks Enabled by Massive Multivariate Conditional Mutual Information
* Induced-Current Learning Method for Nonlinear Reconstructions in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Inf-Net: Automatic COVID-19 Lung Infection Segmentation From CT Images
* Instance-Level Microtubule Tracking
* Integral MR-EPT With the Calculation of Coil Current Distributions
* Integrative Analysis of Pathological Images and Multi-Dimensional Genomic Data for Early-Stage Cancer Prognosis
* Intraoperative Correction of Liver Deformation Using Sparse Surface and Vascular Features via Linearized Iterative Boundary Reconstruction
* Introduction of Sample Based Prior into the D-Bar Method Through a Schur Complement Property
* Investigation of CdTe, GaAs, Se and Si as Sensor Materials for Mammography
* Iterative Augmentation of Visual Evidence for Weakly-Supervised Lesion Localization in Deep Interpretability Frameworks: Application to Color Fundus Images
* Joint Bayesian-Incorporating Estimation of Multiple Gaussian Graphical Models to Study Brain Connectivity Development in Adolescence
* Joint Multi-Modal Longitudinal Regression and Classification for Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
* Joint RElaxation-Diffusion Imaging Moments to Probe Neurite Microstructure
* Joint T1 and T2 Mapping With Tiny Dictionaries and Subspace-Constrained Reconstruction
* Joint-Connectivity-Based Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis of Imaging Genetics for Detecting Biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease
* K-Nearest Neighbor Based Locally Connected Network for Fast Morphological Reconstruction in Fluorescence Molecular Tomography
* K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quantification of Paired Echo Sequence
* k-Space Deep Learning for Accelerated MRI
* k-Space Model of Movement Artefacts: Application to Segmentation Augmentation and Artefact Removal, A
* Keypoint Transfer for Fast Whole-Body Segmentation
* Kinetic Modeling of Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Pyruvate Metabolism in the Human Brain
* Known Operator Learning Enables Constrained Projection Geometry Conversion: Parallel to Cone-Beam for Hybrid MR/X-Ray Imaging
* Large-Scale Database and a CNN Model for Attention-Based Glaucoma Detection, A
* Layer Embedding Analysis in Convolutional Neural Networks for Improved Probability Calibration and Classification
* Learning an Attention Model for Robust 2-D/3-D Registration Using Point-To-Plane Correspondences
* Learning Sub-Sampling and Signal Recovery With Applications in Ultrasound Imaging
* Learning the Sampling Pattern for MRI
* Local-Mean Preserving Post-Processing Step for Non-Negativity Enforcement in PET Imaging: Application to 90Y-PET
* Localization of Fluorescent Targets in Deep Tissue With Expanded Beam Illumination for Studies of Cancer and the Brain
* Longitudinal In-Vivo X-Ray Fluorescence Computed Tomography With Molybdenum Nanoparticles
* Low Dose CT Perfusion With K-Space Weighted Image Average (KWIA)
* Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition of Ultrasound Color Flow Images for Suppressing Clutter in Real-Time
* Lung 4D CT Image Registration Based on High-Order Markov Random Field
* Magnetic Resonance Imaging Surface Coil Transceiver Employing a Metasurface for 1.5T Applications, A
* Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Neuromodulation System With a Whole Brain Coil Array for Nonhuman Primates at 3 T, A
* Material Decomposition Using Spectral Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging
* mDixon-Based Synthetic CT Generation for PET Attenuation Correction on Abdomen and Pelvis Jointly Using Transfer Fuzzy Clustering and Active Learning-Based Classification
* MDM-PCCT: Multiple Dynamic Modulations for High-Performance Spectral PCCT Imaging
* Microwave Imaging of Breast Tumor Using Time-Domain UWB Circular-SAR Technique
* MimickNet, Mimicking Clinical Image Post- Processing Under Black-Box Constraints
* Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection With Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
* Missing MRI Pulse Sequence Synthesis Using Multi-Modal Generative Adversarial Network
* Model Comparison Metrics Require Adaptive Correction if Parameters Are Discretized: Proof-of-Concept Applied to Transient Signals in Dynamic PET
* Model-Based Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI for Robust z-Spectrum Analysis
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast X-Ray CT including Models for the Source and the Detector
* Model-Based Reconstruction of Large Three-Dimensional Optoacoustic Datasets
* Modeling of Errors Due to Uncertainties in Ultrasound Sensor Locations in Photoacoustic Tomography
* Modified U-Net (mU-Net) With Incorporation of Object-Dependent High Level Features for Improved Liver and Liver-Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* MoDL-MUSSELS: Model-Based Deep Learning for Multishot Sensitivity-Encoded Diffusion MRI
* Motion Dependent and Spatially Variant Resolution Modeling for PET Rigid Motion Correction
* MS-Net: Multi-Site Network for Improving Prostate Segmentation With Heterogeneous MRI Data
* Multi-Class ASD Classification Based on Functional Connectivity and Functional Correlation Tensor via Multi-Source Domain Adaptation and Multi-View Sparse Representation
* Multi-Contrast Super-Resolution MRI Through a Progressive Network
* Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Tomography for Acute Stroke Detection Using Frequency-Constrained Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Multi-Hypergraph Learning-Based Brain Functional Connectivity Analysis in fMRI Data
* Multi-Modal Deep Guided Filtering for Comprehensible Medical Image Processing
* Multi-Needle Detection in 3D Ultrasound Images Using Unsupervised Order-Graph Regularized Sparse Dictionary Learning
* Multi-Operator Minimum Variance Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Accelerated With GPU
* Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
* Multi-Organ Segmentation Over Partially Labeled Datasets With Multi-Scale Feature Abstraction
* Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodule Analysis
* Multi-Task Siamese Network for Retinal Artery/Vein Separation via Deep Convolution Along Vessel
* Multi-View Spatial Aggregation Framework for Joint Localization and Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck CT Images
* Multiperspective Ultrasound Strain Imaging of the Abdominal Aorta
* Multiple Delay and Sum With Enveloping Beamforming Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging
* Multispectral Interlaced Sparse Sampling Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multivariate Statistical Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Mutual Bootstrapping Model for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification, A
* N-Phase Local Expansion Ratio for Characterizing Out-of-Phase Lung Ventilation
* Neural Segmentation of Seeding ROIs (sROIs) for Pre-Surgical Brain Tractography
* Neuronal Population Reconstruction From Ultra-Scale Optical Microscopy Images via Progressive Learning
* NIR-II/NIR-I Fluorescence Molecular Tomography of Heterogeneous Mice Based on Gaussian Weighted Neighborhood Fused Lasso Method
* Noise Adaptation Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Image Analysis
* Noise Adaptation Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Image Analysis
* Noise-Robust Framework for Automatic Segmentation of COVID-19 Pneumonia Lesions From CT Images, A
* Non-Invasive RF Technique for Detecting Different Stages of Alzheimer's Disease and Imaging Beta-Amyloid Plaques and Tau Tangles in the Brain
* Non-Negative Iterative Convex Refinement Approach for Accurate and Robust Reconstruction in Cerenkov Luminescence Tomography
* Nondestructive Detection of Targeted Microbubbles Using Dual-Mode Data and Deep Learning for Real-Time Ultrasound Molecular Imaging
* Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography With Low-Frequency Actuation
* Novel Attribute-Based Symmetric Multiple Instance Learning for Histopathological Image Analysis, A
* Novel Regional Activity Representation With Constrained Canonical Correlation Analysis for Brain Connectivity Network Estimation
* Numerical and Workbench Design of 2.35 T Double-Tuned (H/Na) Nested RF Birdcage Coils Suitable for Animal Size MRI
* On Modelling Label Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks: Automatic Estimation of Intra-Observer Variability in 2D Echocardiography Quality Assessment
* On-Board Spectral-CT/CBCT/SPECT Imaging Configuration for Small-Animal Radiation Therapy Platform: A Monte Carlo Study, An
* One-Shot Generative Adversarial Learning for MRI Segmentation of Craniomaxillofacial Bony Structures
* One-Shot Learning for Deformable Medical Image Registration and Periodic Motion Tracking
* Optical Biopsy of Melanoma and Basal Cell Carcinoma Progression by Noncontact Photoacoustic and Optical Coherence Tomography: In Vivo Multi-Parametric Characterizing Tumor Microenvironment
* Optimal, Generative Model for Estimating Multi-Label Probabilistic Maps, An
* Optimization for Medical Image Segmentation: Theory and Practice When Evaluating With Dice Score or Jaccard Index
* Optimization of Drive Parameters for Resolution, Sensitivity and Safety in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Optimized Combination of Multiple Graphs With Application to the Integration of Brain Imaging and (epi)Genomics Data
* Orientation Prior and Consistent Model Selection Increase Sensitivity of Tract-Based Spatial Statistics in Crossing-Fiber Regions
* Parameterized Strain Estimation for Vascular Ultrasound Elastography With Sparse Representation
* Partial FOV Center Imaging (PCI): A Robust X-Space Image Reconstruction for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Partial Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning for Anatomical Landmark Localization in 3D Medical Images
* Partially-Learned Algorithm for Joint Photo-acoustic Reconstruction and Segmentation, A
* PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopathological Images Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Patient-Specific Characterization of Breast Cancer Hemodynamics Using Image-Guided Computational Fluid Dynamics
* Perturbation Monte Carlo Method for Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* PET Reconstruction With Non-Negativity Constraint in Projection Space: Optimization Through Hypo-Convergence
* Phantom Studies of Fused-Data TREIT Using Only Biopsy-Probe Electrodes
* Point-Cloud Method for Automated 3D Coronary Tree Reconstruction From Multiple Non-Simultaneous Angiographic Projections
* Post-DAE: Anatomically Plausible Segmentation via Post-Processing With Denoising Autoencoders
* Preclinical Imaging Using Single Track Location Shear Wave Elastography: Monitoring the Progression of Murine Pancreatic Tumor Liver Metastasis In Vivo
* Predicting Bone Marrow Damage in the Skull After Clinical Transcranial MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound With Acoustic and Thermal Simulations
* Prior-Attention Residual Learning for More Discriminative COVID-19 Screening in CT Images
* Privileged Modality Distillation for Vessel Border Detection in Intracoronary Imaging
* Probabilistic Graphical Models for Dynamic PET: A Novel Approach to Direct Parametric Map Estimation and Image Reconstruction
* Probing Tissue Microarchitecture of the Baby Brain via Spherical Mean Spectrum Imaging
* Progressively Trained Convolutional Neural Networks for Deformable Image Registration
* PSIGAN: Joint Probabilistic Segmentation and Image Distribution Matching for Unpaired Cross-Modality Adaptation-Based MRI Segmentation
* Quadratic Autoencoder (Q-AE) for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Quantification of Wave Reflection in the Human Umbilical Artery From Asynchronous Doppler Ultrasound Measurements
* Quantitative Classification of 3D Collagen Fiber Organization From Volumetric Images
* Question-Centric Model for Visual Question Answering in Medical Imaging, A
* Radon Inversion via Deep Learning
* Rapid Three-Dimensional Photoacoustic Imaging Reconstruction for Irregularly Layered Heterogeneous Media
* Rapid Ultrasound Optical Clearing of Human Light and Dark Skin
* Rapid, Accurate and Machine-Agnostic Segmentation and Quantification Method for CT-Based COVID-19 Diagnosis, A
* Real-Time Dense Reconstruction of Tissue Surface From Stereo Optical Video
* Recalibrating 3D ConvNets With Project Excite
* Reconfigurable Platform for Magnetic Resonance Data Acquisition and Processing, A
* Rectifying Supporting Regions With Mixed and Active Supervision for Rib Fracture Recognition
* Recurrent Saliency Transformation Network for Tiny Target Segmentation in Abdominal CT Scans
* Reducing the Hausdorff Distance in Medical Image Segmentation With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Relational Modeling for Robust and Efficient Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Scans
* Relative Contributions of Anatomical and Quantum Noise in Signal Detection and Perception of Tomographic Digital Breast Images
* Retinal Vascular Network Topology Reconstruction and Artery/Vein Classification via Dominant Set Clustering
* Revealing the Microscopic Structure of Human Renal Cell Carcinoma in Three Dimensions
* Robust Empirical Bayesian Reconstruction of Distributed Sources for Electromagnetic Brain Imaging
* Robust Multi-View 2-D/3-D Registration Using Point-To-Plane Correspondence Model
* Robust Regularizer for Multiphase CT, A
* Robust Self-Supervised Learning of Deterministic Errors in Single-Plane (Monoplanar) and Dual-Plane (Biplanar) X-Ray Fluoroscopy
* SACNN: Self-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising With Self-Supervised Perceptual Loss Network
* Sample-Adaptive GANs: Linking Global and Local Mappings for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Scatter Correction Based on GPU-Accelerated Full Monte Carlo Simulation for Brain PET/MRI
* Scatter Correction for Spectral CT Using a Primary Modulator Mask
* Self-Navigated Three-Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time Technique for Motion-Corrected Skull MRI
* Self-Supervised Feature Learning via Exploiting Multi-Modal Data for Retinal Disease Diagnosis
* Self-Supervised Ultrasound to MRI Fetal Brain Image Synthesis
* Semi-Supervised Medical Image Classification With Relation-Driven Self-Ensembling Model
* Semixup: In- and Out-of-Manifold Regularization for Deep Semi-Supervised Knee Osteoarthritis Severity Grading From Plain Radiographs
* Shape Reconstruction Using Boolean Operations in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shape-Driven Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Shear Induced Non-Linear Elasticity Imaging: Elastography for Compound Deformations
* Shift-Invariant Canonical Polyadic Decomposition of Complex-Valued Multi-Subject fMRI Data With a Phase Sparsity Constraint
* Signal Acquisition Setup for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging Operating in Parallel on Unmodified Clinical MRI Scanners Achieving an Acquisition Delay of 3-mu-s, A
* Simplified Statistical Image Reconstruction for X-ray CT With Beam-Hardening Artifact Compensation
* Simultaneous Morphological and Flow Imaging Enabled by Megahertz Intravascular Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography
* Simultaneous Multi-VENC and Simultaneous Multi-Slice Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Simultaneous Photoacoustic Imaging and Cavitation Mapping in Shockwave Lithotripsy
* Single-Cell Photoacoustic Microrheology
* Skin Surface Detection in 3D Optoacoustic Mesoscopy Based on Dynamic Programming
* Software-Based Phase Control, Video-Rate Imaging, and Real-Time Mosaicing With a Lissajous-Scanned Confocal Microscope
* Spatial Auto-Regressive Analysis of Correlation in 3-D PET With Application to Model-Based Simulation of Data
* Spatial Coherence Beamformer Design for Power Doppler Imaging, A
* Spatial Compounding of Volumetric Data Enables Freehand Optoacoustic Angiography of Large-Scale Vascular Networks
* Spatially-Constrained Fisher Representation for Brain Disease Identification With Incomplete Multi-Modal Neuroimages
* Spatio-Temporal Ageing Atlas of the Proximal Femur, A
* Spatio-Temporal Convolutional LSTMs for Tumor Growth Prediction by Learning 4D Longitudinal Patient Data
* Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning-Based Undersampling Artefact Reduction for 2D Radial Cine MRI With Limited Training Data
* Spatio-Temporal Model of Seizure Propagation in Focal Epilepsy, A
* Spatiotemporal Antialiasing in Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
* Spectral CT Reconstruction via Low-Rank Representation and Region-Specific Texture Preserving Markov Random Field Regularization
* Spectral Differential Phase Contrast X-Ray Radiography
* Spectrum Estimation-Guided Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm for Dual Energy CT
* Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences With Adaptive-RPCA Decomposition
* SPULTRA: Low-Dose CT Image Reconstruction With Joint Statistical and Learned Image Models
* Stacked Bidirectional Convolutional LSTMs for Deriving 3D Non-Contrast CT From Spatiotemporal 4D CT
* Super Wide-Field Photoacoustic Microscopy of Animals and Humans In Vivo
* Superspeed Bolus Visualization for Vascular Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Suppression of Motion Artifacts Caused by Temporally Recurring Tracer Distributions in Multi-Patch Magnetic Particle Imaging
* SVD Beamformer: Physical Principles and Application to Ultrafast Adaptive Ultrasound, The
* Synthesize High-Quality Multi-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging From Multi-Echo Acquisition Using Multi-Task Deep Generative Model
* Synthetic Total Impulse Response Characterization Method for Correction of Hand-Held Optoacoustic Images, A
* Target-Independent Domain Adaptation for WBC Classification Using Generative Latent Search
* Throughput-Speed Product Augmentation for Scanning Fiber-Optic Two-Photon Endomicroscopy
* Toblerone: Surface-Based Partial Volume Estimation
* Tomographic Field Free Line Magnetic Particle Imaging With an Open-Sided Scanner Configuration
* Toward Precise Osteotomies: A Coarse-to-Fine 3D Cut Plane Planning Method for Image-Guided Pelvis Tumor Resection Surgery
* Towards Contactless Patient Positioning
* TTTS-STgan: Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks for TTTS Fetal Surgery Planning Based on 3D Ultrasound
* Tunable Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant (tuHDC) Ceramic Technique to Largely Improve RF Coil Efficiency and MR Imaging Performance
* Ultra-Compact Microsystems-Based Confocal Endomicroscope
* Ultrafast Endoscopic Ultrasonography With Circular Array
* UNet++: Redesigning Skip Connections to Exploit Multiscale Features in Image Segmentation
* Unpaired Multi-Modal Segmentation via Knowledge Distillation
* Unsupervised Bidirectional Cross-Modality Adaptation via Deeply Synergistic Image and Feature Alignment for Medical Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images Using Zero-Bias Convolutional Auto-Encoders and Context-Based Feature Augmentation
* Unsupervised MR-to-CT Synthesis Using Structure-Constrained CycleGAN
* Use of a Tracer-Specific Deep Artificial Neural Net to Denoise Dynamic PET Images
* Using Phase Data From MR Temperature Imaging to Visualize Anatomy During MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Neurosurgery
* Vertebrae Identification and Localization Utilizing Fully Convolutional Networks and a Hidden Markov Model
* Video-Rate Ring-Array Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Tomography
* Visual Correspondences for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Electron Microscopy Images
* Visualization of White Matter Fiber Tracts of Brain Tissue Sections With Wide-Field Imaging Mueller Polarimetry
* Voxel-Based Fully Convolution Network and Continuous Max-Flow for Carotid Vessel-Wall-Volume Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound Images, A
* VVBP-Tensor in the FBP Algorithm: Its Properties and Application in Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Weakly Supervised Deep Nuclei Segmentation Using Partial Points Annotation in Histopathology Images
* Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and Lesion Localization From Chest CT, A
* Zoom in Lesions for Better Diagnosis: Attention Guided Deformation Network for WCE Image Classification
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* 1.7-Micron Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography for Characterization of Skin Lesions: A Feasibility Study
* 2D to 3D Evolutionary Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
* 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Automatic Gastric Tumor Segmentation and Lymph Node Classification
* 3D Neuron Microscopy Image Segmentation via the Ray-Shooting Model and a DC-BLSTM Network
* Accelerated 3D bSSFP Using a Modified Wave-CAIPI Technique With Truncated Wave Gradients
* Accurate Monte Carlo Modeling of Small-Animal Multi-Pinhole SPECT for Non-Standard Multi-Isotope Applications
* Active Cell Appearance Model Induced Generative Adversarial Networks for Annotation-Efficient Cell Segmentation and Identification on Adaptive Optics Retinal Images
* Adapt Everywhere: Unsupervised Adaptation of Point-Clouds and Entropy Minimization for Multi-Modal Cardiac Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Weighting Landmark-Based Group-Wise Registration on Lung DCE-MRI Images
* Age-Net: An MRI-Based Iterative Framework for Brain Biological Age Estimation
* Agent With Warm Start and Adaptive Dynamic Termination for Plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound
* ALA-Net: Adaptive Lesion-Aware Attention Network for 3D Colorectal Tumor Segmentation
* Alleviating Class-Wise Gradient Imbalance for Pulmonary Airway Segmentation
* Analyzing Overfitting Under Class Imbalance in Neural Networks for Image Segmentation
* Anatomic and Molecular MR Image Synthesis Using Confidence Guided CNNs
* Anatomy-Regularized Representation Learning for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Segmentation Based on Noisy Pseudo Labels and Adversarial Learning
* Anomaly Detection for Medical Images Using Self-Supervised and Translation-Consistent Features
* ApodNet: Learning for High Frame Rate Synthetic Transmit Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* Artifact and Detail Attention Generative Adversarial Networks for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Assessing Myocardial Microstructure With Biophysical Models of Diffusion MRI
* Assessing the Impact of Deep Neural Network-Based Image Denoising on Binary Signal Detection Tasks
* Augmented Reality Guided Laparoscopic Surgery of the Uterus
* AutoImplant 2020-First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design
* Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Attention Module
* Automatic Inter-Frame Patient Motion Correction for Dynamic Cardiac PET Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Staging for Retinopathy of Prematurity With Deep Feature Fusion and Ordinal Classification Strategy
* autoTICI: Automatic Brain Tissue Reperfusion Scoring on 2D DSA Images of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
* Bayesian Approach for a Robust Speed-of-Sound Reconstruction Using Pulse-Echo Ultrasound
* Bayesian Inverse Regression for Vascular Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* Benchmark for Studying Diabetic Retinopathy: Segmentation, Grading, and Transferability, A
* Bidirectional Mapping-Based Domain Adaptation for Nucleus Detection in Cross-Modality Microscopy Images
* Blind Primed Supervised (BLIPS) Learning for MR Image Reconstruction
* Blind Source Separation of Retinal Pulsatile Patterns in Optic Nerve Head Video-Recordings
* Body Part Regression With Self-Supervision
* Boundary Coding Representation for Organ Segmentation in Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy
* Boundary-Aware Supervoxel-Level Iteratively Refined Interactive 3D Image Segmentation With Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* Brain Age Estimation From MRI Using Cascade Networks With Ranking Loss
* CA-Net: Comprehensive Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Explainable Medical Image Segmentation
* CABNet: Category Attention Block for Imbalanced Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
* CANet: Context Aware Network for Brain Glioma Segmentation
* Cascaded Regression Neural Nets for Kidney Localization and Segmentation-free Volume Estimation
* Cervical Histopathology Dataset for Computer Aided Diagnosis of Precancerous Lesions, A
* Cine Cardiac MRI Motion Artifact Reduction Using a Recurrent Neural Network
* CLEAR: Comprehensive Learning Enabled Adversarial Reconstruction for Subtle Structure Enhanced Low-Dose CT Imaging
* CleftNet: Augmented Deep Learning for Synaptic Cleft Detection From Brain Electron Microscopy
* Closing the Gap Between Deep Neural Network Modeling and Biomedical Decision-Making Metrics in Segmentation via Adaptive Loss Functions
* CNN-Based Ultrasound Image Reconstruction for Ultrafast Displacement Tracking
* Co-Correcting: Noise-Tolerant Medical Image Classification via Mutual Label Correction
* Coarse-to-Fine Deformable Transformation Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Contrast MR Image Registration with Dual Consistency Constraint, A
* Combined Spiral Transformation and Model-Driven Multi-Modal Deep Learning Scheme for Automatic Prediction of TP53 Mutation in Pancreatic Cancer
* Comparison of 16-Channel Asymmetric Sleeve Antenna and Dipole Antenna Transceiver Arrays at 10.5 Tesla MRI
* Computational Breast Anatomy Simulation Using Multi-Scale Perlin Noise
* Constrained Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation
* Continuous Conversion of CT Kernel Using Switchable CycleGAN With AdaIN
* Contour Transformer Network for One-Shot Segmentation of Anatomical Structures
* Contralaterally Enhanced Networks for Thoracic Disease Detection
* Contrast-Attentive Thoracic Disease Recognition With Dual-Weighting Graph Reasoning
* Copolymer-in-Oil Tissue-Mimicking Material With Tuneable Acoustic and Optical Characteristics for Photoacoustic Imaging Phantoms, A
* CT Reconstruction With PDF: Parameter-Dependent Framework for Data From Multiple Geometries and Dose Levels
* CT-Based Automated Algorithm for Airway Segmentation Using Freeze-and-Grow Propagation and Deep Learning, A
* Curvature-Enhanced Random Walker Segmentation Method for Detailed Capture of 3D Cell Surface Membranes, A
* CycN-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network Specialized for 4D CBCT Images Refinement
* Data Extrapolation From Learned Prior Images for Truncation Correction in Computed Tomography
* Data-Driven Retrospective Correction of B1 Field Inhomogeneity in Fast Macromolecular Proton Fraction and R1 Mapping
* Deep Attentive Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Cortical Plate Segmentation in Fetal MRI, A
* Deep Collocative Learning for Immunofixation Electrophoresis Image Analysis
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Adversarial Training for Denoising Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Images
* Deep Interactive Denoiser (DID) for X-Ray Computed Tomography
* Deep Learning for Ultrasound Beamforming in Flexible Array Transducer
* Deep Learning Framework for Spatiotemporal Ultrasound Localization Microscopy, A
* Deep Learning-Based ECG-Free Cardiac Navigation for Multi-Dimensional and Motion-Resolved Continuous Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Deep Neural Network With Consistency Regularization of Multi-Output Channels for Improved Tumor Detection and Delineation
* Deep Relation Transformer for Diagnosing Glaucoma With Optical Coherence Tomography and Visual Field Function
* Deep Relational Reasoning for the Prediction of Language Impairment and Postoperative Seizure Outcome Using Preoperative DWI Connectome Data of Children With Focal Epilepsy
* Deep Sinogram Completion With Image Prior for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images
* Deep Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Editorial for the 2nd Special Issue Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction
* DeepRegularizer: Rapid Resolution Enhancement of Tomographic Imaging Using Deep Learning
* Design and Construction of a PET-Compatible Double-Tuned 1H/31P MR Head Coil
* Design Study of an Ultrahigh Resolution Brain SPECT System Using a Synthetic Compound-Eye Camera Design With Micro-Slit and Micro-Ring Apertures
* Detecting Dynamic Community Structure in Functional Brain Networks Across Individuals: A Multilayer Approach
* Detection of Prostate Cancer in Whole-Slide Images Through End-to-End Training With Image-Level Labels
* DetexNet: Accurately Diagnosing Frequent and Challenging Pediatric Malignant Tumors
* Development and Evaluation of the Fourier Spectral Distortion Metric
* Development and Initial Results of a Brain PET Insert for Simultaneous 7-Tesla PET/MRI Using an FPGA-Only Signal Digitization Method
* Development and Pre-Clinical Analysis of Spatiotemporal-Aware Augmented Reality in Orthopedic Interventions
* Development of an Integrated C-Arm Interventional Imaging System With a Strip Photon Counting Detector and a Flat Panel Detector
* Diagnostic Regions Attention Network (DRA-Net) for Histopathology WSI Recommendation and Retrieval
* Dictionary Learning Constrained Direct Parametric Estimation in Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion PET
* Diminishing Uncertainty Within the Training Pool: Active Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Direct Differentiation of Pathological Changes in the Human Lung Parenchyma With Grating-Based Spectral X-ray Dark-Field Radiography
* Disentangle, Align and Fuse for Multimodal and Semi-Supervised Image Segmentation
* Divergence-Free Constrained Phase Unwrapping and Denoising for 4D Flow MRI Using Weighted Least-Squares
* Domain Adaptation-Based Deep Learning for Automated Tumor Cell (TC) Scoring and Survival Analysis on PD-L1 Stained Tissue Images
* Domain Knowledge Powered Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Videos
* Downsampled Imaging Geometric Modeling for Accurate CT Reconstruction via Deep Learning
* DRONE: Dual-Domain Residual-based Optimization NEtwork for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction
* DSI-Net: Deep Synergistic Interaction Network for Joint Classification and Segmentation With Endoscope Images
* Dual Attention Multi-Instance Deep Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Structural MRI
* Dual-Energy X-Ray Dark-Field Material Decomposition
* Dual-Teacher++: Exploiting Intra-Domain and Inter-Domain Knowledge With Reliable Transfer for Cardiac Segmentation
* Dynamic Imaging Using a Deep Generative SToRM (Gen-SToRM) Model
* Dynamic Myocardial Ultrasound Localization Angiography
* Echo-SyncNet: Self-Supervised Cardiac View Synchronization in Echocardiography
* Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration: A Deep Adversarial Framework
* Efficient Joint Estimation of Tracer Distribution and Background Signals in Magnetic Particle Imaging Using a Dictionary Approach
* Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Distillation
* Electromechanical Wave Imaging With Machine Learning for Automated Isochrone Generation
* End-to-End Fovea Localisation in Colour Fundus Images With a Hierarchical Deep Regression Network
* Estimating Effective Connectivity by Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks
* Estimation of Personalized Minimal Purkinje Systems From Human Electro-Anatomical Maps
* Evaluation of Deep Learning Architectures for Complex Immunofluorescence Nuclear Image Segmentation
* Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoacoustic, and Thermoacoustic Tri-Modal Volumetric Imaging, An
* Fast and Accurate Craniomaxillofacial Landmark Detection via 3D Faster R-CNN
* Feasibility of Harmonic Motion Imaging Using a Single Transducer: In Vivo Imaging of Breast Cancer in a Mouse Model and Human Subjects
* Few-Shot Learning by a Cascaded Framework With Shape-Constrained Pseudo Label Assessment for Whole Heart Segmentation
* FISTA-Net: Learning a Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging
* Flexible Multi-Turn Multi-Gap Coaxial RF Coils: Design Concept and Implementation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 3 and 7 Tesla
* Forward-Looking Multimodal Endoscopic System Based on Optical Multispectral and High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Tumor Detection
* Foveated Model Observers for Visual Search in 3D Medical Images
* Fully Automatic Calibration of Tumor-Growth Models Using a Single mpMRI Scan
* Generalized Zero-Shot Chest X-Ray Diagnosis Through Trait-Guided Multi-View Semantic Embedding With Self-Training
* Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomical Models: An Example With Echocardiography Segmentation
* GraphRegNet: Deep Graph Regularisation Networks on Sparse Keypoints for Dense Registration of 3D Lung CTs
* Guest Editorial Annotation-Efficient Deep Learning: The Holy Grail of Medical Imaging
* HARP-I: A Harmonic Phase Interpolation Method for the Estimation of Motion From Tagged MR Images
* HF-UNet: Learning Hierarchically Inter-Task Relevance in Multi-Task U-Net for Accurate Prostate Segmentation in CT Images
* Hierarchical Extraction of Functional Connectivity Components in Human Brain Using Resting-State fMRI
* Hierarchical Temporal Attention Network for Thyroid Nodule Recognition Using Dynamic CEUS Imaging
* High Pitch Helical CT Reconstruction
* High-Throughput Lossy-to-Lossless 3D Image Compression
* Hip Landmark Detection With Dependency Mining in Ultrasound Image
* Homotopic Gradients of Generative Density Priors for MR Image Reconstruction
* Identification of Melanoma From Hyperspectral Pathology Image Using 3D Convolutional Networks
* Identify Complex Imaging Genetic Patterns via Fusion Self-Expressive Network Analysis
* IFSS-Net: Interactive Few-Shot Siamese Network for Faster Muscle Segmentation and Propagation in Volumetric Ultrasound
* Image Compositing for Segmentation of Surgical Tools Without Manual Annotations
* Image-Guided Tethering Spine Surgery With Outcome Prediction Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Networks
* Imaging Genetics Study Based on a Temporal Group Sparse Regression and Additive Model for Biomarker Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
* Improved Color Doppler for Cerebral Blood Flow Axial Velocity Imaging
* Improving Blood Vessel Tortuosity Measurements via Highly Sampled Numerical Integration of the Frenet-Serret Equations
* Improving Paralysis Compensation in Photon Counting Detectors
* In Silico Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging of Anthropomorphic Voxel-Based Phantoms
* In Vivo Three-Dimensional Raster Scan Optoacoustic Mesoscopy Using Frequency Domain Inversion
* Inter-Slice Context Residual Learning for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Interactive Few-Shot Learning: Limited Supervision, Better Medical Image Segmentation
* Internal-Illumination Photoacoustic Tomography Enhanced by a Graded-Scattering Fiber Diffuser
* Interpolation and Averaging of Diffusion MRI Multi-Compartment Models
* Interpretability-Driven Sample Selection Using Self Supervised Learning for Disease Classification and Segmentation
* Interpretable Multimodal Fusion Networks Reveal Mechanisms of Brain Cognition
* ISCL: Interdependent Self-Cooperative Learning for Unpaired Image Denoising
* Joint Analysis of Multi-Paradigm fMRI Data With Its Application to Cognitive Study, A
* Joint Design of RF and Gradient Waveforms via Auto-differentiation for 3D Tailored Excitation in MRI
* Joint Learning of 3D Lesion Segmentation and Classification for Explainable COVID-19 Diagnosis
* Label-Free Segmentation of COVID-19 Lesions in Lung CT
* Laplacian Flow Dynamics on Geometric Graphs for Anatomical Modeling of Cerebrovascular Networks
* LAPNet: Non-Rigid Registration Derived in k-Space for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* LCANet: Learnable Connected Attention Network for Human Identification Using Dental Images
* Learn to Threshold: ThresholdNet With Confidence-Guided Manifold Mixup for Polyp Segmentation
* Learned Low-Rank Priors in Dynamic MR Imaging
* Learning a Generative Motion Model From Image Sequences Based on a Latent Motion Matrix
* Learning and Segmenting Dense Voxel Embeddings for 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* Learning Common Harmonic Waves on Stiefel Manifold: A New Mathematical Approach for Brain Network Analyses
* Learning Data Consistency and its Application to Dynamic MR Imaging
* Learning Domain-Agnostic Visual Representation for Computational Pathology Using Medically-Irrelevant Style Transfer Augmentation
* Learning From Multiple Datasets With Heterogeneous and Partial Labels for Universal Lesion Detection in CT
* Learning Geodesic Active Contours for Embedding Object Global Information in Segmentation CNNs
* Learning Hierarchical Attention for Weakly-Supervised Chest X-Ray Abnormality Localization and Diagnosis
* Learning Inductive Attention Guidance for Partially Supervised Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Prediction
* Learning to Reconstruct CT Images From the VVBP-Tensor
* Learning to Segment From Scribbles Using Multi-Scale Adversarial Attention Gates
* Learning Tubule-Sensitive CNNs for Pulmonary Airway and Artery-Vein Segmentation in CT
* Learning With Context Feedback Loop for Robust Medical Image Segmentation
* Learning-Based Microultrasound System for the Detection of Inflammation of the Gastrointestinal Tract, A
* Learning-Based Regularization for Cardiac Strain Analysis via Domain Adaptation
* Lesion-Harvester: Iteratively Mining Unlabeled Lesions and Hard-Negative Examples at Scale
* Leveraging Regular Fundus Images for Training UWF Fundus Diagnosis Models via Adversarial Learning and Pseudo-Labeling
* LightSpeed: A Compact, High-Speed Optical-Link-Based 3D Optoacoustic Imager
* Limited View Tomographic Reconstruction Using a Cascaded Residual Dense Spatial-Channel Attention Network With Projection Data Fidelity Layer
* Linearized Fit Model for Robust Shape Parameterization of FET-PET TACs, A
* LINPE-BL: A Local Descriptor and Broad Learning for Identification of Abnormal Breast Thermograms
* Long Short-Term Memory Network for Sparse Spatiotemporal EEG Source Imaging, A
* Looking for Abnormalities in Mammograms With Self- and Weakly Supervised Reconstruction
* Lung Nodule Malignancy Prediction in Sequential CT Scans: Summary of ISBI 2018 Challenge
* Machine Learning-Enabled High-Resolution Dynamic Deuterium MR Spectroscopic Imaging
* MAGIC: Manifold and Graph Integrative Convolutional Network for Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* MAMA Net: Multi-Scale Attention Memory Autoencoder Network for Anomaly Detection
* Map3D: Registration-Based Multi-Object Tracking on 3D Serial Whole Slide Images
* MDPET: A Unified Motion Correction and Denoising Adversarial Network for Low-Dose Gated PET
* Measurement of the Lag Correction Factor in Low-Dose Fluoroscopic Imaging
* Measuring Image Resolution in Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* Medical Image Segmentation With Deep Atlas Prior
* Memory-Augmented Capsule Network for Adaptable Lung Nodule Classification
* MetaInv-Net: Meta Inversion Network for Sparse View CT Image Reconstruction
* Modeling and Enhancing Low-Quality Retinal Fundus Images
* Modeling and Synthesis of Breast Cancer Optical Property Signatures With Generative Models
* Modeling of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Based on Stochastic Differential Equations: Application to Denoising
* MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Multi-Atlas Image Soft Segmentation via Computation of the Expected Label Value
* Multi-Band Brain Network Analysis for Functional Neuroimaging Biomarker Identification
* Multi-Centre, Multi-Vendor and Multi-Disease Cardiac Segmentation: The M &Ms Challenge
* Multi-Domain Image Completion for Random Missing Input Data
* Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Material Sparsity Constraint
* Multi-Modal Co-Learning for Liver Lesion Segmentation on PET-CT Images
* Multi-Modal Retinal Image Classification with Modality-Specific Attention Network
* Multi-Modal Siamese Network for Diagnostically Similar Lesion Retrieval in Prostate MRI
* Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for PET Image Reconstruction: Concept
* Multi-Resemblance Multi-Target Low-Rank Coding for Prediction of Cognitive Decline With Longitudinal Brain Images
* Multi-Site Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2019 Challenge
* Multi-Task Multi-Domain Learning for Digital Staining and Classification of Leukocytes
* Multi-View Separable Pyramid Network for AD Prediction at MCI Stage by 18F-FDG Brain PET Imaging
* Multiperspective Ultrasound Strain Imaging of the Abdominal Aorta
* Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks for Classifying Unseen Categories in Different Domains: Application to Fetal Ultrasound Imaging
* Mutual Multi-Scale Triplet Graph Convolutional Network for Classification of Brain Disorders Using Functional or Structural Connectivity, A
* Myocardial Function Imaging in Echocardiography Using Deep Learning
* NHBS-Net: A Feature Fusion Attention Network for Ultrasound Neonatal Hip Bone Segmentation
* No Surprises: Training Robust Lung Nodule Detection for Low-Dose CT Scans by Augmenting With Adversarial Attacks
* Noise Conscious Training of Non Local Neural Network Powered by Self Attentive Spectral Normalized Markovian Patch GAN for Low Dose CT Denoising
* Noise-Powered Disentangled Representation for Unsupervised Speckle Reduction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Non-Invasive Photothermal Strain Imaging of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Live Animals
* Non-Rigid Respiratory Motion Estimation of Whole-Heart Coronary MR Images Using Unsupervised Deep Learning
* Novel Adaptive Parameter Search Elastic Net Method for Fluorescent Molecular Tomography, A
* Novel Low-Dose Dual-Energy Imaging Method for a Fast-Rotating Gantry-Type CT Scanner, A
* Novel Methodology for Measuring Regional Myocardial Efficiency
* Novel Multiresolution-Statistical Texture Analysis Architecture: Radiomics-Aided Diagnosis of PDAC Based on Plain CT Images, A
* Novel Subtypes of Pulmonary Emphysema Based on Spatially-Informed Lung Texture Learning: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) COPD Study
* Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* On Hallucinations in Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Optimization of MRI Gradient Coils With Explicit Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Constraints
* Parallel Transport Tractography
* Parametric Sequential Method for MRI-Based Wall Shear Stress Quantification
* Patch-Based U-Net Model for Isotropic Quantitative Differential Phase Contrast Imaging
* PDAM: A Panoptic-Level Feature Alignment Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Instance Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Performance Evaluation and Compatibility Studies of a Compact Preclinical Scanner for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging at 7 Tesla
* Perfusion Imaging: An Advection Diffusion Approach
* Phase Velocity Estimation With Expanded Bandwidth in Viscoelastic Phantoms and Tissues
* Photoacoustic Tomography Image Restoration With Measured Spatially Variant Point Spread Functions
* Photoacoustic-Guided Laparoscopic and Open Hysterectomy Procedures Demonstrated With Human Cadavers
* PMS-GAN: Parallel Multi-Stream Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Material Decomposition in Spectral Computed Tomography
* Polarization-Imaging-Based Machine Learning Framework for Quantitative Pathological Diagnosis of Cervical Precancerous Lesions, A
* Pose-Dependent Weights and Domain Randomization for Fully Automatic X-Ray to CT Registration
* Predicting Cognitive Declines Using Longitudinally Enriched Representations for Imaging Biomarkers
* Privacy-Net: An Adversarial Approach for Identity-Obfuscated Segmentation of Medical Images
* Probabilistic Structure Learning for EEG/MEG Source Imaging With Hierarchical Graph Priors
* Quad-Contrast Imaging: Simultaneous Acquisition of Four Contrast-Weighted Images (PD-Weighted, T2-Weighted, PD-FLAIR and T2-FLAIR Images) With Synthetic T1-Weighted Image, T1- and T2-Maps
* Quantitative Biomarkers for Cancer Detection Using Contrast-Free Ultrasound High-Definition Microvessel Imaging: Fractal Dimension, Murray's Deviation, Bifurcation Angle & Spatial Vascularity Pattern
* Quantitative Evaluation of an Automated Cone-Based Breast Ultrasound Scanner for MRI-3D US Image Fusion
* Radio-Frequency Vector Magnetic Field Mapping in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Real-Time Gain Control of PET Detectors and Evaluation With Challenging Radionuclides
* Real-Time Multi-Guidewire Endpoint Localization in Fluoroscopy Images
* Real-Time Nonrigid Mosaicking of Laparoscopy Images
* Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
* Realistic Lung Nodule Synthesis With Multi-Target Co-Guided Adversarial Mechanism
* Reconstructing Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Mixed Low Rank Approximation and Second Order Tensor Based Total Variation Method
* Reconstruction of Orthographic Mosaics From Perspective X-Ray Images
* Reducing the Complexity of Model-Based MRI Reconstructions via Sparsification
* Regional Lung Perfusion Analysis in Experimental ARDS by Electrical Impedance and Computed Tomography
* Registration of Untracked 2D Laparoscopic Ultrasound to CT Images of the Liver Using Multi-Labelled Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Relation-Induced Multi-Modal Shared Representation Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Repeatability of Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Maps From Repeat Scans in the Breast
* Results of the 2020 fastMRI Challenge for Machine Learning MR Image Reconstruction
* Reverberation Noise Suppression in Ultrasound Channel Signals Using a 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Robust Bayesian Analysis of Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease Progression Using DaTscan Images
* ROSE: A Retinal OCT-Angiography Vessel Segmentation Dataset and New Model
* Rotation-Oriented Collaborative Self-Supervised Learning for Retinal Disease Diagnosis
* S3Reg: Superfast Spherical Surface Registration Based on Deep Learning
* SA-LuT-Nets: Learning Sample-Adaptive Intensity Lookup Tables for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Segmentation-Renormalized Deep Feature Modulation for Unpaired Image Harmonization
* Self-Attentive Spatial Adaptive Normalization for Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation
* Self-Collimating SPECT With Multi-Layer Interspaced Mosaic Detectors
* Self-Fluence-Compensated Functional Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Self-Path: Self-Supervision for Classification of Pathology Images With Limited Annotations
* Self-Supervised Attention Mechanism for Pediatric Bone Age Assessment With Efficient Weak Annotation
* Semi-Supervised Capsule cGAN for Speckle Noise Reduction in Retinal OCT Images
* Separation of Metabolites and Macromolecules for Short-TE 1H-MRSI Using Learned Component-Specific Representations
* SESV: Accurate Medical Image Segmentation by Predicting and Correcting Errors
* Shape-Driven EIT Reconstruction Using Fourier Representations
* Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening With Novel Siamese Neural Network
* SiameseGAN: A Generative Model for Denoising of Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Simultaneous Denoising and Localization Network for Photoacoustic Target Localization
* Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Polarized Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning
* SMORE: A Self-Supervised Anti-Aliasing and Super-Resolution Algorithm for MRI Using Deep Learning
* Spatial Off-Resonance Correction in Spirals for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting, A
* Spatio-Temporal Mitosis Detection in Time-Lapse Phase-Contrast Microscopy Image Sequences: A Benchmark
* Spherical Deformable U-Net: Application to Cortical Surface Parcellation and Development Prediction
* Spherical-Patches Extraction for Deep-Learning-Based Critical Points Detection in 3D Neuron Microscopy Images
* SpineParseNet: Spine Parsing for Volumetric MR Image by a Two-Stage Segmentation Framework With Semantic Image Representation
* Strain Energy Decay Predicts Elastic Registration Accuracy From Intraoperative Data Constraints
* Structure and Illumination Constrained GAN for Medical Image Enhancement
* Structure-Aware Relation Network for Thoracic Diseases Detection and Segmentation, A
* Structure-Driven Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cross-Modality Cardiac Segmentation
* Super-Resolution Enhanced Medical Image Diagnosis With Sample Affinity Interaction
* Super-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy Using Structured-Illumination
* Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Through Deep Learning
* Superiorized Photo-Acoustic Non-NEgative Reconstruction (SPANNER) for Clinical Photoacoustic Imaging
* Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Gradient Guided cGANs
* Synthetic Database of Aortic Morphometry and Hemodynamics: Overcoming Medical Imaging Data Availability
* Temporal Memory Relation Network for Workflow Recognition From Surgical Video
* Three-Dimensional Multi-Frequency Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography (3D S-WAVE) With a Matrix Array Transducer: Implementation and Preliminary In Vivo Study of the Liver
* Time-Dependent Deep Image Prior for Dynamic MRI
* Transferable Visual Words: Exploiting the Semantics of Anatomical Patterns for Self-Supervised Learning
* Two-Stream Compare and Contrast Network for Vertebral Compression Fracture Diagnosis
* UHR-DeepFMT: Ultra-High Spatial Resolution Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on 3-D Fusion Dual-Sampling Deep Neural Network
* Uncertainty Aware Temporal-Ensembling Model for Semi-Supervised ABUS Mass Segmentation
* Uncertainty Quantification in Deep MRI Reconstruction
* Uncertainty-Aware Annotation Protocol to Evaluate Deformable Registration Algorithms
* Unified Framework for Generalized Low-Shot Medical Image Segmentation With Scarce Data, A
* Unified Supervised-Unsupervised (SUPER) Learning for X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Unpaired MR Motion Artifact Deep Learning Using Outlier-Rejecting Bootstrap Aggregation
* Unpaired Stain Transfer Using Pathology-Consistent Constrained Generative Adversarial Networks
* Unpaired Training of Deep Learning tMRA for Flexible Spatio-Temporal Resolution
* Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Learning Using Attention-Guided ß-CycleGAN
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation From Axial to Short-Axis Multi-Slice Cardiac MR Images by Incorporating Pretrained Task Networks
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation With Variational Approximation for Cardiac Segmentation
* Viral Pneumonia Screening on Chest X-Rays Using Confidence-Aware Anomaly Detection
* Wasserstein GANs for MR Imaging: From Paired to Unpaired Training
* Weakly Supervised Cell Segmentation by Point Annotation
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning-Based Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
* Weakly Supervised Deep Ordinal Cox Model for Survival Prediction From Whole-Slide Pathological Images
* Weakly Supervised Neuron Reconstruction From Optical Microscopy Images With Morphological Priors
* Weakly-Supervised Vessel Detection in Ultra-Widefield Fundus Photography via Iterative Multi-Modal Registration and Learning
* Whole Brain Myelin Water Mapping in One Minute Using Tensor Dictionary Learning With Low-Rank Plus Sparse Regularization
* Wireless 3D Surgical Navigation and Tracking System With 100µm Accuracy Using Magnetic-Field Gradient-Based Localization
* X-Ray Scatter Estimation Using Deep Splines
* XDoppler: Cross-Correlation of Orthogonal Apertures for 3D Blood Flow Imaging
* Zero-Shot Super-Resolution With a Physically-Motivated Downsampling Kernel for Endomicroscopy
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* 3D Lightweight Network for Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation of Organs-at-Risk in CT Images of Head and Neck Cancer
* 3D Segmentation Guided Style-Based Generative Adversarial Networks for PET Synthesis
* 3D Tubular Flux Model for Centerline Extraction in Neuron Volumetric Images, A
* 3D US-Based Evaluation and Optimization of Tumor Coverage for US-Guided Percutaneous Liver Thermal Ablation
* AADG: Automatic Augmentation for Domain Generalization on Retinal Image Segmentation
* Accelerated MRI Reconstruction With Separable and Enhanced Low-Rank Hankel Regularization
* Acceleration Strategies for MR-STAT: Achieving High-Resolution Reconstructions on a Desktop PC Within 3 Minutes
* Accurately Modeling the Resting Brain Functional Correlations Using Wave Equation With Spatiotemporal Varying Hypergraph Laplacian
* ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Fundus Images
* Adaptive Contrast for Image Regression in Computer-Aided Disease Assessment
* Adaptive Hierarchical Dual Consistency for Semi-Supervised Left Atrium Segmentation on Cross-Domain Data
* Adjusting the Ground Truth Annotations for Connectivity-Based Learning to Delineate
* Adversarial Evolving Neural Network for Longitudinal Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction
* Analytical Algorithm for Tensor Tomography From Projections Acquired About Three Axes, An
* Annotation-Free Restoration Network for Cataractous Fundus Images, An
* Anomaly Matters: An Anomaly-Oriented Model for Medical Visual Question Answering
* Anti-Interference From Noisy Labels: Mean-Teacher-Assisted Confident Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Arterial Stiffness Probed by Dynamic Ultrasound Elastography Characterizes Waveform of Blood Pressure
* Attention-Assisted Adversarial Model for Cerebrovascular Segmentation in 3D TOF-MRA Volumes
* Augmented Equivariant Attention Networks for Microscopy Image Transformation
* Author's Reply to MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Automated Radiographic Report Generation Purely on Transformer: A Multicriteria Supervised Approach
* Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images With Intracranial Hemorrhage
* Automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using 4D Information: Deep Learning Model Based on 3D Convolution and Convolutional LSTM
* Automatic Plane of Minimal Hiatal Dimensions Extraction From 3D Female Pelvic Floor Ultrasound
* B-Spline Parameterized Joint Optimization of Reconstruction and K-Space Trajectories (BJORK) for Accelerated 2D MRI
* Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation of Learned Variational MRI Reconstruction
* Benchmark Framework for Multiregion Analysis of Vesselness Filters, A
* Benchmarking of Deep Architectures for Segmentation of Medical Images
* Beyond Mutual Information: Generative Adversarial Network for Domain Adaptation Using Information Bottleneck Constraint
* Bidirectional Mapping Generative Adversarial Networks for Brain MR to PET Synthesis
* Brain Connectivity Based Graph Convolutional Networks and Its Application to Infant Age Prediction
* Breast Thermography as an Adjunct Tool to Monitor the Chemotherapy Response in a Triple Negative BIRADS V Cancer Patient: A Case Study
* Calibrated Frequency-Division Distorted Born Iterative Tomography for Real-Life Head Imaging
* CAR-Net: A Deep Learning-Based Deformation Model for 3D/2D Coronary Artery Registration
* Chest X-Ray Diagnostic Quality Assessment: How Much Is Pixel-Wise Supervision Needed?
* Circle Representation for Medical Object Detection
* Closed-Loop Construction and Analysis of Cortico-Muscular-Cortical Functional Network After Stroke
* CNN Based Software Gradiometer for Electromagnetic Background Noise Reduction in Low Field MRI Applications, A
* Combined Therapy Planning, Real-Time Monitoring, and Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment Using a Diagnostic Imaging Array
* Comments on MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* Comprehensive Assessment of Coronary Calcification in Intravascular OCT Using a Spatial-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Network
* Conservative Finite Element Modeling of EEG and MEG on Unstructured Grids
* Constrained Ellipse Fitting for Efficient Parameter Mapping With Phase-Cycled bSSFP MRI
* Content-Noise Complementary Learning for Medical Image Denoising
* Contrastive and Selective Hidden Embeddings for Medical Image Segmentation
* Correction of Motion Artifacts in Dark-Field Radiography of the Human Chest
* Cross-Modality Image Registration Using a Training-Time Privileged Third Modality
* Cross-Site Severity Assessment of COVID-19 From CT Images via Domain Adaptation
* Curvelet Transform-Based Sparsity Promoting Algorithm for Fast Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* CX-DaGAN: Domain Adaptation for Pneumonia Diagnosis on a Small Chest X-Ray Dataset
* D2-Net: Dual Disentanglement Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation With Missing Modalities
* Data-Adaptive Loss Function for Incomplete Data and Incremental Learning in Semantic Image Segmentation, A
* Data-Driven Deep Supervision for Medical Image Segmentation
* DEEMD: Drug Efficacy Estimation Against SARS-CoV-2 Based on Cell Morphology With Deep Multiple Instance Learning
* Deep and Domain Transfer Learning Aided Photoacoustic Microscopy: Acoustic Resolution to Optical Resolution
* Deep Diffusion MRI Registration (DDMReg): A Deep Learning Method for Diffusion MRI Registration
* Deep Generative-Discriminative Learning for Multimodal Representation in Imaging Genetics, A
* Deep Interpretable Classification and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation of Histology Images via Max-Min Uncertainty
* Deep Kernel Representation for Image Reconstruction in PET
* Deep Learning Based Joint PET Image Reconstruction and Motion Estimation
* Deep Learning-Based Photoacoustic Imaging of Vascular Network Through Thick Porous Media
* Deep Learning-Powered Bessel-Beam Multiparametric Photoacoustic Microscopy
* Deep Relation Learning for Regression and Its Application to Brain Age Estimation
* Deep Symmetric Adaptation Network for Cross-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Deep Volumetric Descriptor Learning for Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography via Spectral Maps
* Deep-E: A Fully-Dense Neural Network for Improving the Elevation Resolution in Linear-Array-Based Photoacoustic Tomography
* Deep-fUS: A Deep Learning Platform for Functional Ultrasound Imaging of the Brain Using Sparse Data
* Deep-Learning-Based Automated Neuron Reconstruction From 3D Microscopy Images Using Synthetic Training Images
* Deep-Learning-Based Electrical Noise Removal Enables High Spectral Optoacoustic Contrast in Deep Tissue
* Deep-Learning-Based Fast Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Image Denoising for Smart Laser Osteotomy
* DeepGrading: Deep Learning Grading of Corneal Nerve Tortuosity
* Deformation-Compensated Learning for Image Reconstruction Without Ground Truth
* Design Optimization of Spatial-Spectral Filters for Cone-Beam CT Material Decomposition
* Detecting Absence of Bone Wall in Jugular Bulb by Image Transformation Surrogate Tasks
* DICDNet: Deep Interpretable Convolutional Dictionary Network for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT Images
* DIFFnet: Diffusion Parameter Mapping Network Generalized for Input Diffusion Gradient Schemes and b-Value
* Diffusion Kernel Attention Network for Brain Disorder Classification
* DIOR: Deep Iterative Optimization-Based Residual-Learning for Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction
* Direct Reconstruction of Linear Parametric Images From Dynamic PET Using Nonlocal Deep Image Prior
* Disentangled Representation Learning for OCTA Vessel Segmentation With Limited Training Data
* Disentangling Normal Aging From Severity of Disease via Weak Supervision on Longitudinal MRI
* Disentangling the Frequency Content in Optoacoustics
* Distortion-Free Diffusion Imaging Using Self-Navigated Cartesian Echo-Planar Time Resolved Acquisition and Joint Magnitude and Phase Constrained Reconstruction
* DLTTA: Dynamic Learning Rate for Test-Time Adaptation on Cross-Domain Medical Images
* Domain Adaptation Meets Zero-Shot Learning: An Annotation-Efficient Approach to Multi-Modality Medical Image Segmentation
* Domain Adaptive Box-Supervised Instance Segmentation Network for Mitosis Detection
* Doubly Supervised Transfer Classifier for Computer-Aided Diagnosis With Imbalanced Modalities
* DSNet: A Dual-Stream Framework for Weakly-Supervised Gigapixel Pathology Image Analysis
* Dual Adversarial Attention Mechanism for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Medical Image Segmentation
* Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Mass Segmentation and Diagnosis in Mammography
* Dual Encoder-Based Dynamic-Channel Graph Convolutional Network With Edge Enhancement for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Dual-Mode Volumetric Optoacoustic and Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging With Spherical Matrix Arrays
* Dual-Task ConvLSTM-UNet for Instance Segmentation of Weakly Annotated Microscopy Videos
* Dual-Tuned Lattice Balun for Multi-Nuclear MRI and MRS
* DuDoUFNet: Dual-Domain Under-to-Fully-Complete Progressive Restoration Network for Simultaneous Metal Artifact Reduction and Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Modeling of an Analog to Pseudo-Diffusivity in Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Dynamic Imaging Using Deep Bi-Linear Unsupervised Representation (DEBLUR)
* Early Melanoma Diagnosis With Sequential Dermoscopic Images
* Echocardiography Segmentation With Enforced Temporal Consistency
* Efficient Pairwise Neuroimage Analysis Using the Soft Jaccard Index and 3D Keypoint Sets
* Embryo Grading With Unreliable Labels Due to Chromosome Abnormalities by Regularized PU Learning With Ranking
* Explanation and Use of Uncertainty Quantified by Bayesian Neural Network Classifiers for Breast Histopathology Images
* Exploring Intra- and Inter-Video Relation for Surgical Semantic Scene Segmentation
* Exploring Segment-Level Semantics for Online Phase Recognition From Surgical Videos
* External Attention Assisted Multi-Phase Splenic Vascular Injury Segmentation With Limited Data
* Fast and Automated FMT/XCT Reconstruction Strategy Based on Standardized Imaging Space, A
* Fast Convergent Ordered-Subsets Algorithm With Subiteration-Dependent Preconditioners for PET Image Reconstruction, A
* Fast Detection Method of Break Points in Effective Connectivity Networks, A
* FCP-Net: A Feature-Compression-Pyramid Network Guided by Game-Theoretic Interactions for Medical Image Segmentation
* First Dedicated Balloon Catheter for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Follow My Eye: Using Gaze to Supervise Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* FONT-SIR: Fourth-Order Nonlocal Tensor Decomposition Model for Spectral CT Image Reconstruction
* FractureNet: A 3D Convolutional Neural Network Based on the Architecture of m-Ary Tree for Fracture Type Identification
* Full Characterization of in vivo Muscle as an Elastic, Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Material Using Ultrasonic Rotational 3D Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging
* Full Field X-Ray Scatter Tomography
* Fully Automated Multimodal MRI-Based Multi-Task Learning for Glioma Segmentation and IDH Genotyping, A
* Fully-Automated Spike Detection and Dipole Analysis of Epileptic MEG Using Deep Learning
* Functional Brain Network Classification Based on Deep Graph Hashing Learning
* Functional Parcellation of Human Brain Using Localized Topo-Connectivity Mapping
* FUS-Net: U-Net-Based FUS Interference Filtering
* Generation of Anatomically Inspired Human Airway Tree Using Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Method to Estimate Regional Lung Filling Characteristics
* Genetic U-Net: Automatically Designed Deep Networks for Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Geometry-Aware Neural Solver for Fast Bayesian Calibration of Brain Tumor Models
* Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery With Multimodal Attention
* Global and Local Feature Reconstruction for Medical Image Segmentation
* Global-Local Transformer for Brain Age Estimation
* Gradient-Based Pulsed Excitation and Relaxation Encoding in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Graph-Based Intercategory and Intermodality Network for Multilabel Classification and Melanoma Diagnosis of Skin Lesions in Dermoscopy and Clinical Images
* Graph-Based Region and Boundary Aggregation for Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Graph-Based Surgical Instrument Adaptive Segmentation via Domain-Common Knowledge
* Graph-Transformer for Whole Slide Image Classification, A
* GraVIS: Grouping Augmented Views From Independent Sources for Dermatology Analysis
* H-EMD: A Hierarchical Earth Mover's Distance Method for Instance Segmentation
* Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Impedance Matching Microwave-Sono Probe for Breast Tumor Screening, A
* Hard Sample Aware Noise Robust Learning for Histopathology Image Classification
* Harmonizing Pathological and Normal Pixels for Pseudo-Healthy Synthesis
* Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Graph-Cuts for Water-Fat-Silicone Separation in Breast MRI
* High-Quality MR Fingerprinting Reconstruction Using Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Subspace Projection
* High-Speed Balanced-Detection Visible-Light Optical Coherence Tomography in the Human Retina Using Subpixel Spectrometer Calibration
* Hybrid Approach for Approximating the Ideal Observer for Joint Signal Detection and Estimation Tasks by Use of Supervised Learning and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Methods, A
* Hybrid Variation-Aware Network for Angle-Closure Assessment in AS-OCT
* Identify Representative Samples by Conditional Random Field of Cancer Histology Images
* Identifying Women With Mammographically-Occult Breast Cancer Leveraging GAN-Simulated Mammograms
* Image Correlation-Based Method to Assess Ciliary Beat Frequency in Human Airway Organoids
* Image-to-Graph Convolutional Network for 2D/3D Deformable Model Registration of Low-Contrast Organs
* ImageGCN: Multi-Relational Image Graph Convolutional Networks for Disease Identification With Chest X-Rays
* Imaging Breast Microcalcifications Using Dark-Field Signal in Propagation-Based Phase-Contrast Tomography
* Imaging Capabilities of the 1H-X-Nucleus Metamaterial-Inspired Multinuclear RF-Coil
* Imaging of Single Transducer-Harmonic Motion Imaging-Derived Displacements at Several Oscillation Frequencies Simultaneously
* Impedance-Optical Dual-Modal Cell Culture Imaging With Learning-Based Information Fusion
* Improved Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo-Based Myelin Water Fraction Mapping Using Dimensionality Reduction
* Improving Medical Images Classification With Label Noise Using Dual-Uncertainty Estimation
* In Vivo Pulsatility Measurement of Cerebral Microcirculation in Rodents Using Dynamic Ultrasound Localization Microscopy
* Inconsistency-Aware Uncertainty Estimation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Integrated Multi-Modal Antenna With Coupled Radiating Structures (I-MARS) for 7T pTx Body MRI
* Integrating Domain Knowledge Into Deep Networks for Lung Ultrasound With Applications to COVID-19
* Intraoperative Glioma Grading Using Neural Architecture Search and Multi-Modal Imaging
* Intrinsic Temporal Performance of the RF Receive Coil in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Invertible Modeling of Bidirectional Relationships in Neuroimaging With Normalizing Flows: Application to Brain Aging
* Iterative Centroid Approach for Diffeomorphic Online Atlasing, An
* Joint Framework for Denoising and Estimating Diffusion Kurtosis Tensors Using Multiple Prior Information, A
* Joint Optimization of k-t Sampling Pattern and Reconstruction of DCE MRI for Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation
* Joint Progressive and Coarse-to-Fine Registration of Brain MRI via Deformation Field Integration and Non-Rigid Feature Fusion
* Joint Reconstruction of Vascular Structure and Function Maps in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Vascular Heterogeneity Priors
* Joint Spine Segmentation and Noise Removal From Ultrasound Volume Projection Images With Selective Feature Sharing
* KiU-Net: Overcomplete Convolutional Architectures for Biomedical Image and Volumetric Segmentation
* Knowledge-Based Representation Learning for Nucleus Instance Classification From Histopathological Images
* Label Cleaning Multiple Instance Learning: Refining Coarse Annotations on Single Whole-Slide Images
* Learning a Model-Driven Variational Network for Deformable Image Registration
* Learning Brain Dynamics of Evolving Manifold Functional MRI Data Using Geometric-Attention Neural Network
* Learning From Ambiguous Labels for Lung Nodule Malignancy Prediction
* Learning From Synthetic CT Images via Test-Time Training for Liver Tumor Segmentation
* Learning With Privileged Multimodal Knowledge for Unimodal Segmentation
* Light-Weight Deformable Registration Using Adversarial Learning With Distilling Knowledge
* Local and Global Feature Disentangled Network: Toward Classification of Benign-Malignant Thyroid Nodules From Ultrasound Image, A
* Localization of Craniomaxillofacial Landmarks on CBCT Images Using 3D Mask R-CNN and Local Dependency Learning
* Low-Rank Tucker-2 Model for Multi-Subject fMRI Data Decomposition With Spatial Sparsity Constraint
* Lymph Node Metastasis Prediction From Whole Slide Images With Transformer-Guided Multiinstance Learning and Knowledge Transfer
* Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-Imaging Session Dual-Tracer 18F-FDG and 68Ga-DOTATATE Dynamic PET-CT in Oncology
* MedRDF: A Robust and Retrain-Less Diagnostic Framework for Medical Pretrained Models Against Adversarial Attack
* Method for Electrical Property Tomography Based on a Three-Dimensional Integral Representation of the Electric Field, A
* MHA-CoroCapsule: Multi-Head Attention Routing-Based Capsule Network for COVID-19 Chest X-Ray Image Classification
* Model-Based Iterative Learning Approach for Diffuse Optical Tomography, A
* Model-Based Quantitative Elasticity Reconstruction Using ADMM
* MOdel-Based SyntheTic Data-Driven Learning (MOST-DL): Application in Single-Shot T2 Mapping With Severe Head Motion Using Overlapping-Echo Acquisition
* Model-Driven Deep Learning Method for Pancreatic Cancer Segmentation Based on Spiral-Transformation
* Modeling Bias Error in 4D Flow MRI Velocity Measurements
* MOOD 2020: A Public Benchmark for Out-of-Distribution Detection and Localization on Medical Images
* Motion Estimation by Deep Learning in 2D Echocardiography: Synthetic Dataset and Validation
* Moxifloxacin-Based Extended Depth-of-Field Fluorescence Microscopy for Real-Time Conjunctival Goblet Cell Examination
* MRI Information-Based Correction and Restoration of Photoacoustic Tomography
* MSDESIS: Multitask Stereo Disparity Estimation and Surgical Instrument Segmentation
* MsTGANet: Automatic Drusen Segmentation From Retinal OCT Images
* Multi-Modal Graph Learning for Disease Prediction
* Multi-Modal Imaging Genetics Data Fusion via a Hypergraph-Based Manifold Regularization: Application to Schizophrenia Study
* Multi-Scale Investigation of Human Renal Tissue in Three Dimensions
* Multi-Scale Pathological Fluid Segmentation in OCT With a Novel Curvature Loss in Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-Task Fusion for Improving Mammography Screening Data Classification
* Multimodal MRI Reconstruction Assisted With Spatial Alignment Network
* Multimodal Triplet Attention Network for Brain Disease Diagnosis
* Multitask Deep Learning Reconstruction and Localization of Lesions in Limited Angle Diffuse Optical Tomography
* MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking From Multi-View Cardiac MRI
* NC-PDNet: A Density-Compensated Unrolled Network for 2D and 3D Non-Cartesian MRI Reconstruction
* Noise Characteristics Modeled Unsupervised Network for Robust CT Image Reconstruction
* Noise Reduction in CT Using Learned Wavelet-Frame Shrinkage Networks
* Nonparametric Approach for Estimating Three-Dimensional Fiber Orientation Distribution Functions (ODFs) in Fibrous Materials, A
* Novel J-Shape Antenna Array for Simultaneous MR-PET or MR-SPECT Imaging, A
* Novel Low Rank Smooth Flat-Field Correction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Microscopy Imaging, A
* NPCNet: Jointly Segment Primary Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tumors and Metastatic Lymph Nodes in MR Images
* One Shot PACS: Patient Specific Anatomic Context and Shape Prior Aware Recurrent Registration-Segmentation of Longitudinal Thoracic Cone Beam CTs
* Optimized Diffusion Imaging for Brain Structural Connectome Analysis
* Optimizing Full 3D SPARKLING Trajectories for High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Path Signature Neural Network of Cortical Features for Prediction of Infant Cognitive Scores
* PathAL: An Active Learning Framework for Histopathology Image Analysis
* Pathomic Fusion: An Integrated Framework for Fusing Histopathology and Genomic Features for Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
* Patient-by-Patient Deep Transfer Learning for Drug-Response Profiling Using Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy of Pediatric Patient-Derived Tumor-Cell Spheroids
* PDBL: Improving Histopathological Tissue Classification With Plug-and-Play Pyramidal Deep-Broad Learning
* Perovskite CsPbBr3 Single Crystal Detector for High Flux X-Ray Photon Counting
* Personalized Retrogress-Resilient Federated Learning Toward Imbalanced Medical Data
* Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Brain Hemodynamic Predictions Using Medical Imaging
* Positronium Lifetime Image Reconstruction for TOF PET
* Predicting Embryo Viability Based on Self-Supervised Alignment of Time-Lapse Videos
* Prior Attention Network for Multi-Lesion Segmentation in Medical Images
* Prior Knowledge-Aware Fusion Network for Prediction of Macrovascular Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
* Progressive Multiscale Consistent Network for Multiclass Fundus Lesion Segmentation
* Propagating Uncertainty Across Cascaded Medical Imaging Tasks for Improved Deep Learning Inference
* Proxy-Bridged Image Reconstruction Network for Anomaly Detection in Medical Images
* PTNet3D: A 3D High-Resolution Longitudinal Infant Brain MRI Synthesizer Based on Transformers
* Pyramid Convolutional RNN for MRI Image Reconstruction
* Quantitative Estimation of Mechanical Anisotropy Using Acoustic Radiation Force (ARF)-Induced Peak Displacements (PD): In Silico and Experimental Demonstration
* Quantitative Sound Speed Imaging of Cortical Bone and Soft Tissue: Results From Observational Data Sets
* Radiomic Deformation and Textural Heterogeneity (R-DepTH) Descriptor to Characterize Tumor Field Effect: Application to Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma
* Rapid TAURUS for Relaxation-Based Color Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Real-Time Non-Rigid 3D Respiratory Motion Estimation for MR-Guided Radiotherapy Using MR-MOTUS
* Real-Time Ultrasound Detection of Breast Microcalcifications Using Multifocus Twinkling Artifact Imaging
* RECISTSup: Weakly-Supervised Lesion Volume Segmentation Using RECIST Measurement
* Recovery of Blood Flow From Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Data Using Sparse Modeling
* Recurrent Tissue-Aware Network for Deformable Registration of Infant Brain MR Images
* Reducing the Effects of Motion Artifacts in fMRI: A Structured Matrix Completion Approach
* Relation-Aware Shared Representation Learning for Cancer Prognosis Analysis with Auxiliary Clinical Variables and Incomplete Multi-Modality Data
* ResViT: Residual Vision Transformers for Multimodal Medical Image Synthesis
* Retinal Structure Detection in OCTA Image via Voting-Based Multitask Learning
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation With Skeletal Prior and Contrastive Loss
* Robust Edge-Preserving Stereo Matching Method for Laparoscopic Images, A
* Robust Medical Image Classification From Noisy Labeled Data With Global and Local Representation Guided Co-Training
* Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Extraction in X-Ray Coronary Angiography
* RTNet: Relation Transformer Network for Diabetic Retinopathy Multi-Lesion Segmentation
* Sam's Net: A Self-Augmented Multistage Deep-Learning Network for End-to-End Reconstruction of Limited Angle CT
* SAM: Self-Supervised Learning of Pixel-Wise Anatomical Embeddings in Radiological Images
* Sampling Possible Reconstructions of Undersampled Acquisitions in MR Imaging With a Deep Learned Prior
* Scalable Biologically-Aware Skeleton Generation for Connectomic Volumes
* Scan-Specific Generative Neural Network for MRI Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* Screening of Alzheimer's Disease With Multiwavelength Stokes Polarimetry in a Mouse Model
* Segmentation of the True Lumen of Aorta Dissection via Morphology-Constrained Stepwise Deep Mesh Regression
* Self Supervised StyleGAN for Image Annotation and Classification With Extremely Limited Labels, A
* Self-Supervised Generalized Zero Shot Learning for Medical Image Classification Using Novel Interpretable Saliency Maps
* Self-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
* Self-Training Strategy Based on Finite Element Method for Adaptive Bioluminescence Tomography Reconstruction
* Semantic Graph Attention With Explicit Anatomical Association Modeling for Tooth Segmentation From CBCT Images
* Semantic-Oriented Labeled-to-Unlabeled Distribution Translation for Image Segmentation
* Semi-Blind Calibration and Compensation Method for Dynamic Range Recovery of Low-Power Pre-Amplifiers in MRI Receive Chains, A
* Semi-Supervised Deep Transfer Learning for Benign-Malignant Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules in Chest CT Images
* Semi-Supervised Learning of MRI Synthesis Without Fully-Sampled Ground Truths
* Semi-Supervised Neuron Segmentation via Reinforced Consistency Learning
* Semi-Supervised Segmentation of Radiation-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis From Lung CT Scans With Multi-Scale Guided Dense Attention
* Separating Stimulus-Induced and Background Components of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Naturalistic fMRI
* Shadow-Consistent Semi-Supervised Learning for Prostate Ultrasound Segmentation
* SimCVD: Simple Contrastive Voxel-Wise Representation Distillation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Single Model Deep Learning on Imbalanced Small Datasets for Skin Lesion Classification
* SMU-Net: Saliency-Guided Morphology-Aware U-Net for Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Image
* Source-Free Domain Adaptive Polyp Detection Framework With Style Diversification Flow, A
* Sparse Coding-Enabled Low-Fluence Multi-Parametric Photoacoustic Microscopy
* SPHARM-Net: Spherical Harmonics-Based Convolution for Cortical Parcellation
* SSIS-Seg: Simulation-Supervised Image Synthesis for Surgical Instrument Segmentation
* Stacked Topological Preserving Dynamic Brain Networks Representation and Classification
* Structure-Aware Long Short-Term Memory Network for 3D Cephalometric Landmark Detection
* Structure-Guided Segmentation for 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* STSRNet: Self-Texture Transfer Super-Resolution and Refocusing Network
* Su-MICL: Severity-Guided Multiple Instance Curriculum Learning for Histopathology Image Interpretable Classification
* Super-Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy via Modified Phase Compounding
* Super-Resolution Ultrasound Through Sparsity-Based Deconvolution and Multi-Feature Tracking
* Super-Resolved Microbubble Localization in Single-Channel Ultrasound RF Signals Using Deep Learning
* Switchable and Tunable Deep Beamformer Using Adaptive Instance Normalization for Medical Ultrasound
* SynthMorph: Learning Contrast-Invariant Registration Without Acquired Images
* System Matrix Based Reconstruction for Pulsed Sequences in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* System Matrix Based Reconstruction for Pulsed Sequences in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Task Decomposing and Cell Comparing Method for Cervical Lesion Cell Detection, A
* Three-Dimensional Deep-Tissue Functional and Molecular Imaging by Integrated Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Angiographic Tomography (PAUSAT)
* Toward Completely Sampled Extracellular Neural Recording During fMRI
* Toward Robust Histology-Prior Embedding for Endomicroscopy Image Classification
* TR-GAN: Multi-Session Future MRI Prediction With Temporal Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network
* Training Deep Network Ultrasound Beamformers With Unlabeled In Vivo Data
* TranSMS: Transformers for Super-Resolution Calibration in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Triplet Cross-Fusion Learning for Unpaired Image Denoising in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Two-Stage Mesh Deep Learning for Automated Tooth Segmentation and Landmark Localization on 3D Intraoral Scans
* Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Network for Intra-Oral Scanner Image Segmentation
* U-LanD: Uncertainty-Driven Video Landmark Detection
* Ultrasound Matrix Imaging: Part I: The Focused Reflection Matrix, the F-Factor and the Role of Multiple Scattering
* Ultrasound Matrix Imaging: Part II: The Distortion Matrix for Aberration Correction Over Multiple Isoplanatic Patches
* Unified Deep Learning Framework for ssTEM Image Restoration, A
* Universal Real-Time Adaptive Signal Compression for High-Frame-Rate Optoacoustic Tomography
* Unpaired Cross-Modality Educed Distillation (CMEDL) for Medical Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Deep Learning for FOD-Based Susceptibility Distortion Correction in Diffusion MRI
* Unsupervised Histological Image Registration Using Structural Feature Guided Convolutional Neural Network
* Unsupervised MRI Reconstruction via Zero-Shot Learned Adversarial Transformers
* Unsupervised Representation Learning for Tissue Segmentation in Histopathological Images: From Global to Local Contrast
* Unsupervised Tissue Segmentation via Deep Constrained Gaussian Network
* Using Simulated Training Data of Voxel-Level Generative Models to Improve 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* Variational Manifold Learning From Incomplete Data: Application to Multislice Dynamic MRI
* Venc Design and Velocity Estimation for Phase Contrast MRI
* Video-Rate Dual-Modal Wide-Beam Harmonic Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
* Virtual Adversarial Training-Based Deep Feature Aggregation Network From Dynamic Effective Connectivity for MCI Identification
* Vision-Kinematics Interaction for Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy Navigation
* Voice-Assisted Image Labeling for Endoscopic Ultrasound Classification Using Neural Networks
* Volumetric Fetal Flow Imaging With Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Volumetric High-Resolution X-Ray Phase-Contrast Virtual Histology of Breast Specimens With a Compact Laboratory System
* Volumetric Parameterization of the Placenta to a Flattened Template
* VQAMix: Conditional Triplet Mixup for Medical Visual Question Answering
* WDCCNet: Weighted Double-Classifier Constraint Neural Network for Mammographic Image Classification
* Weakly Supervised Liver Tumor Segmentation Using Couinaud Segment Annotation
* Weakly-Supervised Learning With Complementary Heatmap for Retinal Disease Detection
322 for MedImg(41)
* 2D Synthesized Image Improves the 3D Search for Foveated Visual Systems, A
* 32-Channel Sleeve Antenna Receiver Array for Human Head MRI Applications at 10.5 T, A
* 3D Mathematical Breast Texture Model With Parameters Automatically Inferred From Clinical Breast CT Images, A
* 3D Shuffle-Mixer: An Efficient Context-Aware Vision Learner of Transformer-MLP Paradigm for Dense Prediction in Medical Volume
* 3D Soma Detection in Large-Scale Whole Brain Images via a Two-Stage Neural Network
* AAU-Net: An Adaptive Attention U-Net for Breast Lesions Segmentation in Ultrasound Images
* Accelerating Magnetic Resonance T_1rho Mapping Using Simultaneously Spatial Patch-Based and Parametric Group-Based Low-Rank Tensors (SMART)
* Advanced Phase-Retrieval for Stepping-Free X-Ray Dark-Field Computed Tomography
* AFFIRM: Affinity Fusion-Based Framework for Iteratively Random Motion Correction of Multi-Slice Fetal Brain MRI
* aiWave: Volumetric Image Compression With 3-D Trained Affine Wavelet-Like Transform
* Aligning Multi-Sequence CMR Towards Fully Automated Myocardial Pathology Segmentation
* Artifact Detection and Restoration in Histology Images With Stain-Style and Structural Preservation
* Assessing the Ability of Generative Adversarial Networks to Learn Canonical Medical Image Statistics
* Attributed Abnormality Graph Embedding for Clinically Accurate X-Ray Report Generation
* Automatic 4D Flow MRI Segmentation Using the Standardized Difference of Means Velocity
* Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Surfaces
* autoSMIM: Automatic Superpixel-Based Masked Image Modeling for Skin Lesion Segmentation
* AV-casNet: Fully Automatic Arteriole-Venule Segmentation and Differentiation in OCT Angiography
* Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Brain Imaging of Correlated Sources in High Spatial Resolution
* Bayesian Algorithms for Joint Estimation of Brain Activity and Noise in Electromagnetic Imaging
* Bayesian Collaborative Learning for Whole-Slide Image Classification
* Bayesian Inference of Tissue Heterogeneity for Individualized Prediction of Glioma Growth
* Bi-Graph Reasoning for Masticatory Muscle Segmentation From Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
* Bidirectional Semi-Supervised Dual-Branch CNN for Robust 3D Reconstruction of Stereo Endoscopic Images via Adaptive Cross and Parallel Supervisions
* Blind Image Quality Assessment for Pathological Microscopic Image Under Screen and Immersion Scenarios
* BowelNet: Joint Semantic-Geometric Ensemble Learning for Bowel Segmentation From Both Partially and Fully Labeled CT Images
* BrainGB: A Benchmark for Brain Network Analysis With Graph Neural Networks
* Branch Aggregation Attention Network for Robotic Surgical Instrument Segmentation
* Breast Fibroglandular Tissue Segmentation for Automated BPE Quantification With Iterative Cycle-Consistent Semi-Supervised Learning
* Breath-Hold CBCT-Guided CBCT-to-CT Synthesis via Multimodal Unsupervised Representation Disentanglement Learning
* Bridging Synthetic and Real Images: A Transferable and Multiple Consistency Aided Fundus Image Enhancement Framework
* Cancer Survival Prediction From Whole Slide Images With Self-Supervised Learning and Slide Consistency
* Cascade Multi-Level Transformer Network for Surgical Workflow Analysis
* CAT-Net: A Cross-Slice Attention Transformer Model for Prostate Zonal Segmentation in MRI
* CAT: Constrained Adversarial Training for Anatomically-Plausible Semi-Supervised Segmentation
* Causality-Driven Graph Convolutional Network for Postural Abnormality Diagnosis in Parkinsonians, A
* Causality-Driven Graph Neural Network for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer in Non-Contrast Computerized Tomography
* Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation
* CCF-GNN: A Unified Model Aggregating Appearance, Microenvironment, and Topology for Pathology Image Classification
* Characterization and Assessment of Projection Probability Density Function and Enhanced Sampling in Self-Collimation SPECT
* Characterizing the Survival-Associated Interactions Between Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumors From Pathological Images and Multi-Omics Data
* Childhood Leukemia Classification via Information Bottleneck Enhanced Hierarchical Multi-Instance Learning
* CI-Net: Clinical-Inspired Network for Automated Skin Lesion Recognition
* CKD-TransBTS: Clinical Knowledge-Driven Hybrid Transformer With Modality-Correlated Cross-Attention for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Classification of Brain Disorders in rs-fMRI via Local-to-Global Graph Neural Networks
* Coded Excitation Framework for High SNR Transcranial Ultrasound Imaging, A
* CoInNet: A Convolution-Involution Network With a Novel Statistical Attention for Automatic Polyp Segmentation
* Collaborative Multi-Metadata Fusion to Improve the Classification of Lumbar Disc Herniation
* Compete to Win: Enhancing Pseudo Labels for Barely-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Compound Loss Function With Shape Aware Weight Map for Microscopy Cell Segmentation, A
* Concurrent Ischemic Lesion Age Estimation and Segmentation of CT Brain Using a Transformer-Based Network
* Conditional-Based Transformer Network With Learnable Queries for 4D Deformation Forecasting and Tracking
* Cone-Beam Pair-Wise Data Consistency Conditions in Helical CT
* Construction of a Nearly Unbiased Statistical Estimator of Sinogram to Address CT Number Bias Issues in Low-Dose Photon Counting CT
* Context Label Learning: Improving Background Class Representations in Semantic Segmentation
* Continual Nuclei Segmentation via Prototype-Wise Relation Distillation and Contrastive Learning
* Contrastive Semi-Supervised Learning for Domain Adaptive Segmentation Across Similar Anatomical Structures
* CortexODE: Learning Cortical Surface Reconstruction by Neural ODEs
* Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Segmentation
* Current Progress and Challenges in Large-Scale 3D Mitochondria Instance Segmentation
* Current Source Density Imaging Using Regularized Inversion of Acoustoelectric Signals
* Cyclic Learning: Bridging Image-Level Labels and Nuclei Instance Segmentation
* Cyclical Self-Supervision for Semi-Supervised Ejection Fraction Prediction From Echocardiogram Videos
* Data Discernment for Affordable Training in Medical Image Segmentation
* Data-Driven Morphological Feature Perception of Single Neuron With Graph Neural Network
* Dataset Auditing Method for Collaboratively Trained Machine Learning Models, A
* De-Noising of Photoacoustic Microscopy Images by Attentive Generative Adversarial Network
* Deep Cascade-Learning Model via Recurrent Attention for Immunofixation Electrophoresis Image Analysis
* Deep Learning Method for Motion Artifact Correction in Intravascular Photoacoustic Image Sequence, A
* Deep Learning on Multiphysical Features and Hemodynamic Modeling for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Growth Prediction
* Deep Learning-Based Image Registration in Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion CT Imaging
* Deep Multi-Modal Discriminative and Interpretability Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Deep Semi-Supervised Ultrasound Image Segmentation by Using a Shadow Aware Network With Boundary Refinement
* Deep-Learning-Based Metal Artefact Reduction With Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Regularization for Practical CT Images
* Design of a Folded, Double-Tuned Loop Coil for ąH/X-Nuclei MRI Applications
* Diagnosis of Glioblastoma Multiforme Progression via Interpretable Structure-Constrained Graph Neural Networks
* Digital Staining of White Blood Cells With Confidence Estimation
* Disentangle First, Then Distill: A Unified Framework for Missing Modality Imputation and Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Dispersion of Heterogeneous Medium in Pulsatile Blood Flow and Absolute Pulsatile Flow Velocity Quantification
* Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
* Domain Adapted Multitask Learning for Segmenting Amoeboid Cells in Microscopy
* Domain and Content Adaptive Convolution Based Multi-Source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation
* Domain-Incremental Cardiac Image Segmentation With Style-Oriented Replay and Domain-Sensitive Feature Whitening
* Dual Consistency Enabled Weakly and Semi-Supervised Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation With Dual Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks
* Dual Polarization Modality Fusion Network for Assisting Pathological Diagnosis
* Dual-Stream Centerline-Guided Network for Segmentation of the Common and Internal Carotid Arteries From 3D Ultrasound Images, A
* Dynamic Cross-Task Representation Adaptation for Clinical Targets Co-Segmentation in CT Image-Guided Post-Prostatectomy Radiotherapy
* Efficient Multi-Organ Segmentation From 3D Abdominal CT Images With Lightweight Network and Knowledge Distillation
* Ensemble Inversion for Brain Tumor Growth Models With Mass Effect
* ENSURE: A General Approach for Unsupervised Training of Deep Image Reconstruction Algorithms
* EPT-Net: Edge Perception Transformer for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Equilibrated Zeroth-Order Unrolled Deep Network for Parallel MR Imaging
* Exploiting Mechanics-Based Priors for Lateral Displacement Estimation in Ultrasound Elastography
* Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine Learning-Driven Lesion Diagnosis in Pre-Log Domain
* Extrapolation of System Matrices in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Eye-Gaze-Guided Vision Transformer for Rectifying Shortcut Learning
* F-DARTS: Foveated Differentiable Architecture Search Based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion
* FAM3L: Feature-Aware Multi-Modal Metric Learning for Integrative Survival Analysis of Human Cancers
* Fast and Calibrationless Low-Rank Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Through Unrolled Deep Learning Estimation of Multi-Channel Spatial Support Maps
* Fast and Selective Super-Resolution Ultrasound In Vivo With Acoustically Activated Nanodroplets
* Fast Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisition by Optimal Sampling of Information Complementary to Pre-Acquired MRI Contrast
* FDU-Net: Deep Learning-Based Three-Dimensional Diffuse Optical Image Reconstruction
* Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting Dense Cells in Blood Smear Image
* FedDM: Federated Weakly Supervised Segmentation via Annotation Calibration and Gradient De-Conflicting
* Federated Active Learning for Multicenter Collaborative Disease Diagnosis
* Federated Brain Graph Evolution Prediction Using Decentralized Connectivity Datasets With Temporally-Varying Acquisitions
* Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated Learning of Surgical Phases
* Federated Domain Adaptation via Transformer for Multi-Site Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Federated Learning of Generative Image Priors for MRI Reconstruction
* Federated Learning System for Histopathology Image Analysis With an Orchestral Stain-Normalization GAN, A
* Federated Learning With Privacy-Preserving Ensemble Attention Distillation
* Federated Multi-Organ Segmentation With Inconsistent Labels
* Federated Partially Supervised Learning With Limited Decentralized Medical Images
* FedMix: Mixed Supervised Federated Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* FedNI: Federated Graph Learning With Network Inpainting for Population-Based Disease Prediction
* Fetal MRI by Robust Deep Generative Prior Reconstruction and Diffeomorphic Registration
* First Demonstration of Compton Camera Used for X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging
* FIT-Net: Feature Interaction Transformer Network for Pathologic Myopia Diagnosis
* Four-Dimensional Cone Beam CT Imaging Using a Single Routine Scan via Deep Learning
* Framework for Simulating Cardiac MR Images With Varying Anatomy and Contrast, A
* Free-Breathing Liver Fat, R2* and B0 Field Mapping Using Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Regularized Model-Based Reconstruction
* FRODO: An In-Depth Analysis of a System to Reject Outlier Samples From a Trained Neural Network
* Fundus Image-Label Pairs Synthesis and Retinopathy Screening via GANs With Class-Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning
* FVP: Fourier Visual Prompting for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Medical Image Segmentation
* GATE: Graph CCA for Temporal Self-Supervised Learning for Label-Efficient fMRI Analysis
* Generating and Weighting Semantically Consistent Sample Pairs for Ultrasound Contrastive Learning
* Generative Consistency for Semi-Supervised Cerebrovascular Segmentation From TOF-MRA
* Geometric Deep Learning Using Vascular Surface Meshes for Modality-Independent Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysm Detection
* GLIM-Net: Chronic Glaucoma Forecast Transformer for Irregularly Sampled Sequential Fundus Images
* GMRLNet: A Graph-Based Manifold Regularization Learning Framework for Placental Insufficiency Diagnosis on Incomplete Multimodal Ultrasound Data
* GRAB-Net: Graph-Based Boundary-Aware Network for Medical Point Cloud Segmentation
* Graph Attention U-Net for Retinal Layer Surface Detection and Choroid Neovascularization Segmentation in OCT Images
* Graph Convolution Based Cross-Network Multiscale Feature Fusion for Deep Vessel Segmentation
* Graph Flow: Cross-Layer Graph Flow Distillation for Dual Efficient Medical Image Segmentation
* Graph Node Based Interpretability Guided Sample Selection for Active Learning
* Graph Transformer Geometric Learning of Brain Networks Using Multimodal MR Images for Brain Age Estimation
* Graph-Enhanced Emotion Neural Decoding
* GraphSKT: Graph-Guided Structured Knowledge Transfer for Domain Adaptive Lesion Detection
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Federated Learning for Medical Imaging: Enabling Collaborative Development of Robust AI Models
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Geometric Deep Learning in Medical Imaging
* H2Former: An Efficient Hierarchical Hybrid Transformer for Medical Image Segmentation
* HAMIL: High-Resolution Activation Maps and Interleaved Learning for Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Histopathological Images
* Hierarchical Bias Mitigation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Classification
* Hierarchical Graph V-Net With Semi-Supervised Pre-Training for Histological Image Based Breast Cancer Classification, A
* Hierarchical Perception Adversarial Learning Framework for Compressed Sensing MRI
* Hierarchical Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Tooth Segmentation in Intra-Oral Mesh Scans
* High-Resolution 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting With a Graph Convolutional Network
* Hodge Laplacian of Brain Networks
* HoVer-Trans: Anatomy-Aware HoVer-Transformer for ROI-Free Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images
* Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network With Online Masked Autoencoder for Robust Multimodal Cancer Survival Prediction
* ICAM-Reg: Interpretable Classification and Regression With Feature Attribution for Mapping Neurological Phenotypes in Individual Scans
* Ideal Observer Computation by Use of Markov-Chain Monte Carlo With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image Projection Network: 3D to 2D Image Segmentation in OCTA Images
* Image Synthesis and Modified BlendMask Instance Segmentation for Automated Nanoparticle Phenotyping
* Improving Anatomical Plausibility in Medical Image Segmentation via Hybrid Graph Neural Networks: Applications to Chest X-Ray Analysis
* Improving Generalization by Learning Geometry-Dependent and Physics-Based Reconstruction of Image Sequences
* Improving Medical Vision-Language Contrastive Pretraining with Semantics-Aware Triage
* Improving Multi-Site Autism Classification via Site-Dependence Minimization and Second-Order Functional Connectivity
* Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Images for Anomaly Detection
* Initial Characterization of Dark-Field CT on a Clinical Gantry
* Investigation of Stochastic Variance Reduction Algorithms for Relative Difference Penalized 3D PET Image Reconstruction, An
* IOP-FL: Inside-Outside Personalization for Federated Medical Image Segmentation
* Ipsilateral Lesion Detection Refinement for Tomosynthesis
* Joint Cranial Bone Labeling and Landmark Detection in Pediatric CT Images Using Context Encoding
* Joint Optimization of Class-Specific Training- and Test-Time Data Augmentation in Segmentation
* Joint Reconstruction and Spectrum Refinement for Photon-Counting-Detector Spectral CT
* KaryoNet: Chromosome Recognition With End-to-End Combinatorial Optimization Network
* Kernel Attention Transformer for Histopathology Whole Slide Image Analysis and Assistant Cancer Diagnosis
* Knee Cartilage Defect Assessment by Graph Representation and Surface Convolution
* Label-Efficient Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Medical Imaging
* Laplacian Salience-Gated Feature Pyramid Network for Accurate Liver Vessel Segmentation
* LAST: LAtent Space-Constrained Transformers for Automatic Surgical Phase Recognition and Tool Presence Detection
* Lateral Strain Imaging Using Self-Supervised and Physically Inspired Constraints in Unsupervised Regularized Elastography
* LE-UDA: Label-Efficient Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Learn2Reg: Comprehensive Multi-Task Medical Image Registration Challenge, Dataset and Evaluation in the Era of Deep Learning
* Learned Tensor Low-CP-Rank and Bloch Response Manifold Priors for Non-Cartesian MRF Reconstruction
* Learning Unified Hyper-Network for Multi-Modal MR Image Synthesis and Tumor Segmentation With Missing Modalities
* Learning Whole Heart Mesh Generation From Patient Images for Computational Simulations
* Less Is More: Surgical Phase Recognition From Timestamp Supervision
* Less Is More: Unsupervised Mask-Guided Annotated CT Image Synthesis With Minimum Manual Segmentations
* Lighter the Better: Rethinking Transformers in Medical Image Segmentation Through Adaptive Pruning, The
* Linearized Analysis of Noise and Resolution for DL-Based Image Generation
* List-Mode PET Image Reconstruction Using Deep Image Prior
* Localization Free Super-Resolution Microbubble Velocimetry Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
* Location-Dependent Spatiotemporal Antialiasing in Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
* Longitudinal Assessment of Cerebral Blood Volume Variation in Human Neonates Using Ultrafast Power Doppler and Diverging Waves
* Low-Dose CT Denoising via Sinogram Inner-Structure Transformer
* Low-Dose CT Image Synthesis for Domain Adaptation Imaging Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Noise Encoding Transfer Learning
* Lumbar Bone Mineral Density Estimation From Chest X-Ray Images: Anatomy-Aware Attentive Multi-ROI Modeling
* M3NAS: Multi-Scale and Multi-Level Memory-Efficient Neural Architecture Search for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Machine Learned Texture Prior From Full-Dose CT Database via Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Bayesian Reconstruction of Low-Dose CT
* Machine Learning Method for Automated Description and Workflow Analysis of First Trimester Ultrasound Scans, A
* Manifold Learning via Linear Tangent Space Alignment (LTSA) for Accelerated Dynamic MRI With Sparse Sampling
* MARS-GAN: Multilevel-Feature-Learning Attention-Aware Based Generative Adversarial Network for Removing Surgical Smoke
* MCP-Net: Introducing Patlak Loss Optimization to Whole-Body Dynamic PET Inter-Frame Motion Correction
* Medical Visual Question Answering via Conditional Reasoning and Contrastive Learning
* Meta-Learning Initializations for Interactive Medical Image Registration
* MG-Trans: Multi-Scale Graph Transformer With Information Bottleneck for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Min-Max Similarity: A Contrastive Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Network for Surgical Tools Segmentation
* Miniature Probe for Optomechanical Focus-Adjustable Optical-Resolution Photoacoustic Endoscopy
* MisMatch: Calibrated Segmentation via Consistency on Differential Morphological Feature Perturbations With Limited Labels
* MISSFormer: An Effective Transformer for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
* MISSU: 3D Medical Image Segmentation via Self-Distilling TransUNet
* Mitigating the Limited View Problem in Photoacoustic Tomography for a Planar Detection Geometry by Regularized Iterative Reconstruction
* MLF-IOSC: Multi-Level Fusion Network With Independent Operation Search Cell for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* Modeling Vibrations of a Tiled Talbot-Lau Interferometer on a Clinical CT
* Motion Decoupling Network for Intra-Operative Motion Estimation Under Occlusion
* MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive Representation for Multiple MRI Modalities Synthesis and Structural Segmentation of Mouse Brain
* MR Elastography With Optimization-Based Phase Unwrapping and Traveling Wave Expansion-Based Neural Network (TWENN)
* MR Image Denoising and Super-Resolution Using Regularized Reverse Diffusion
* MSMFN: An Ultrasound Based Multi-Step Modality Fusion Network for Identifying the Histologic Subtypes of Metastatic Cervical Lymphadenopathy
* MsVRL: Self-Supervised Multiscale Visual Representation Learning via Cross-Level Consistency for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Connectivity Representation Learning Network for Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis
* Multi-Frequency 3D Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography (S-WAVE) System for the Prostate
* Multi-Label Softmax Networks for Pulmonary Nodule Classification Using Unbalanced and Dependent Categories
* Multi-Modal Learning for Predicting the Genotype of Glioma
* Multi-Modal Tumor Segmentation With Deformable Aggregation and Uncertain Region Inpainting
* Multi-Scale Transformer Network With Edge-Aware Pre-Training for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Multi-Task Distributed Learning Using Vision Transformer With Random Patch Permutation
* Multicenter and Multichannel Pooling GCN for Early AD Diagnosis Based on Dual-Modality Fused Brain Network
* Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
* MuRCL: Multi-Instance Reinforcement Contrastive Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Near-Infrared Fluorescence Tomography and Imaging of Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow and Extracranial Outflow in Non-Human Primates
* NeSVoR: Implicit Neural Representation for Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction in MRI
* Neural KEM: A Kernel Method With Deep Coefficient Prior for PET Image Reconstruction
* New Framework of Swarm Learning Consolidating Knowledge From Multi-Center Non-IID Data for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* Noise Suppression With Similarity-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning
* Novel Spatial Position Prediction Navigation System Makes Surgery More Accurate, A
* Objective Image Quality Optimization in Augmented Reality Using Spatial Frequency Domain Models
* On the Importance of Domain Awareness in Classifier Interpretations in Medical Imaging
* One Model to Synthesize Them All: Multi-Contrast Multi-Scale Transformer for Missing Data Imputation
* One-Dimensional Deep Low-Rank and Sparse Network for Accelerated MRI
* One-Shot Generative Prior in Hankel-k-Space for Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
* One-Vote Veto: Semi-Supervised Learning for Low-Shot Glaucoma Diagnosis
* Optical Co-Registration Method of Triaxial OPM-MEG and MRI
* PA-Seg: Learning From Point Annotations for 3D Medical Image Segmentation Using Contextual Regularization and Cross Knowledge Distillation
* Panretinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Parameterized Gompertz-Guided Morphological AutoEncoder for Predicting Pulmonary Nodule Growth
* Partial Unbalanced Feature Transport for Cross-Modality Cardiac Image Segmentation
* Patient-Adaptive Population-Based Modeling of Arterial Input Functions
* Persistent Homology-Based Topological Loss for CNN-Based Multiclass Segmentation of CMR, A
* PET Image Reconstruction With Kernel and Kernel Space Composite Regularizer
* Phase Contrast Image Restoration by Formulating Its Imaging Principle and Reversing the Formulation With Deep Neural Networks
* Physics-Guided Deep Scatter Estimation by Weak Supervision for Quantitative SPECT
* PLN: Parasitic-Like Network for Barely Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* PocketNet: A Smaller Neural Network for Medical Image Analysis
* Point-Supervised Single-Cell Segmentation via Collaborative Knowledge Sharing
* Progressive Perception Learning for Main Coronary Segmentation in X-Ray Angiography
* Progressive Pretraining Network for 3D System Matrix Calibration in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Proportionally Fair Hospital Collaborations in Federated Learning of Histopathology Images
* Pseudo-Label Guided Image Synthesis for Semi-Supervised COVID-19 Pneumonia Infection Segmentation
* Radiomics-Guided Global-Local Transformer for Weakly Supervised Pathology Localization in Chest X-Rays
* Real-Time 3D Microwave Medical Imaging With Enhanced Variational Born Iterative Method
* ReeBundle: A Method for Topological Modeling of White Matter Pathways Using Diffusion MRI
* Reliable Mutual Distillation for Medical Image Segmentation Under Imperfect Annotations
* RetiFluidNet: A Self-Adaptive and Multi-Attention Deep Convolutional Network for Retinal OCT Fluid Segmentation
* Riemannian Framework for Structurally Curated Functional Clustering of Brain White Matter Fibers, A
* Robust Prototypical Few-Shot Organ Segmentation With Regularized Neural-ODEs
* S3R: Shape and Semantics-Based Selective Regularization for Explainable Continual Segmentation Across Multiple Sites
* SCANet: A Unified Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Vessel Segmentation
* SDMT: Spatial Dependence Multi-Task Transformer Network for 3D Knee MRI Segmentation and Landmark Localization
* Segmentation and Tracking of Mammary Epithelial Organoids in Brightfield Microscopy
* Segmentation of Pericardial Adipose Tissue in CMR Images: A Benchmark Dataset MRPEAT and a Triple-Stage Network 3SUnet
* Segmentation-Free PVC for Cardiac SPECT Using a Densely-Connected Multi-Dimensional Dynamic Network
* Self-Distilled Hierarchical Network for Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration
* Self-Supervised Digital Histopathology Image Disentanglement for Arbitrary Domain Stain Transfer
* Self-Supervised Learning for Non-Rigid Registration Between Near-Isometric 3D Surfaces in Medical Imaging
* Semantic Decomposition Network With Contrastive and Structural Constraints for Dental Plaque Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised CT Lesion Segmentation Using Uncertainty-Based Data Pairing and SwapMix
* Semi-Supervised Dual Stream Segmentation Network for Fundus Lesion Segmentation
* Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Adversarial Consistency Learning and Dynamic Convolution Network
* Semi-Supervised Representation Learning for Segmentation on Medical Volumes and Sequences
* Semi-Supervised Standard-Dose PET Image Generation via Region-Adaptive Normalization and Structural Consistency Constraint
* Semi-Supervised Unpaired Medical Image Segmentation Through Task-Affinity Consistency
* Separable Paravector Orientation Tensors for Enhancing Retinal Vessels
* Shape-Aware Joint Distribution Alignment for Cross-Domain Image Segmentation
* Shared-Specific Feature Learning With Bottleneck Fusion Transformer for Multi-Modal Whole Slide Image Analysis
* Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via the Self-Supervised Neural Network for Parametric PET Imaging, A
* Simulation of Postoperative Facial Appearances via Geometric Deep Learning for Efficient Orthognathic Surgical Planning
* Skewed Loss Function for Correcting Predictive Bias in Brain Age Prediction, A
* SLfRank: Shinnar-Le-Roux Pulse Design With Reduced Energy and Accurate Phase Profiles Using Rank Factorization
* SNR of Positron Emission Data With Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Time-of-Flight Kernels, With Application to Prompt Photon Coincidence, The
* Spatial-Intensity Transforms for Medical Image-to-Image Translation
* Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Reconstruction
* Split Ring Resonator Topology Based Microwave Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging (SRR-MTAI)
* Stable Deep MRI Reconstruction Using Generative Priors
* Structural Attention Graph Neural Network for Diagnosis and Prediction of COVID-19 Severity
* Structure-Aware Framework of Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation via Frequency and Spatial Knowledge Distillation, A
* Structure-Aware Hierarchical Graph-Based Multiple Instance Learning Framework for pT Staging in Histopathological Image, A
* Subspace Model-Assisted Deep Learning for Improved Image Reconstruction
* Supervised Phenotype Discovery From Multimodal Brain Imaging
* Survival Prediction via Hierarchical Multimodal Co-Attention Transformer: A Computational Histology-Radiology Solution
* SWSSL: Sliding Window-Based Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection in High-Resolution Images
* Synplex: In Silico Modeling of the Tumor Microenvironment From Multiplex Images
* TaG-Net: Topology-Aware Graph Network for Centerline-Based Vessel Labeling
* Technical Design Considerations of a Human-Scale Talbot-Lau Interferometer for Dark-Field CT
* TMM-Nets: Transferred Multi- to Mono-Modal Generation for Lupus Retinopathy Diagnosis
* TNN: Tree Neural Network for Airway Anatomical Labeling
* Toward Multicenter Skin Lesion Classification Using Deep Neural Network With Adaptively Weighted Balance Loss
* Toward Source-Free Cross Tissues Histopathological Cell Segmentation via Target-Specific Finetuning
* Truncated Normal Mixture Prior Based Deep Latent Model for Color Normalization of Histology Images
* TT U-Net: Temporal Transformer U-Net for Motion Artifact Reduction Using PAD (Pseudo All-Phase Clinical-Dataset) in Cardiac CT
* Two-Stage Structure-Focused Contrastive Learning for Automatic Identification and Localization of Complex Pelvic Fractures
* Ultra-Widefield OCT Angiography
* Uncertainty Estimation for Heatmap-Based Landmark Localization
* Unsharp Structure Guided Filtering for Self-Supervised Low-Dose CT Imaging
* Unsupervised Cross-Modality Adaptation via Dual Structural-Oriented Guidance for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Cryo-EM Images Denoising and Clustering Based on Deep Convolutional Autoencoder and K-Means++
* Unsupervised Medical Image Translation With Adversarial Diffusion Models
* UPL-SFDA: Uncertainty-Aware Pseudo Label Guided Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjective Optimization for Interpretable Laryngeal Tumor Grading From Histopathological Images, A
* Weakly Supervised Gradient Attribution Constraint for Interpretable Classification and Anomaly Detection, A
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Convolutional Networks for Fine-Grained Surgical Activity Recognition
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation Using Geometric Prior and Contrastive Similarity
* Which Pixel to Annotate: A Label-Efficient Nuclei Segmentation Framework
* X-Ray Dark-Field and Phase Retrieval Without Optics, via the Fokker-Planck Equation
* X-Ray to DRR Images Translation for Efficient Multiple Objects Similarity Measures in Deformable Model 3D/2D Registration
* XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Transformers
318 for MedImg(42)
* 2-D Slicewise Waveform Inversion of Sound Speed and Acoustic Attenuation for Ring Array Ultrasound Tomography Based on a Block LU Solver
* 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Learning for Early Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* 3D Single Vessel Fractional Moving Blood Volume (3D-svFMBV): Fully Automated Tissue Perfusion Estimation Using Ultrasound
* 3D Vascular Segmentation Supervised by 2D Annotation of Maximum Intensity Projection
* 3D Virtual Histopathology by Phase-Contrast X-Ray Micro-CT for Follicular Thyroid Neoplasms
* 3D/2D Vessel Registration Based on Monte Carlo Tree Search and Manifold Regularization
* 3DTINC: Time-Equivariant Non-Contrastive Learning for Predicting Disease Progression From Longitudinal OCTs
* : A Large-Scale Benchmark for Rib Labeling and Anatomical Centerline Extraction
* Accelerated, Physics-Inspired Inference of Skeletal Muscle Microstructure From Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Accurate Airway Tree Segmentation in CT Scans via Anatomy-Aware Multi-Class Segmentation and Topology-Guided Iterative Learning
* Accurate Concentration Recovery for Quantitative Magnetic Particle Imaging Reconstruction via Nonconvex Regularization
* Adaptive and Iterative Learning With Multi-Perspective Regularizations for Metal Artifact Reduction
* Adversarial Medical Image With Hierarchical Feature Hiding
* Adversarially Trained Persistent Homology Based Graph Convolutional Network for Disease Identification Using Brain Connectivity
* AIROGS: Artificial Intelligence for Robust Glaucoma Screening Challenge
* AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extrapolation Method To Improve Temporal Resolution In Contrast Enhanced CT Imaging
* Anatomically Guided PET Image Reconstruction Using Conditional Weakly-Supervised Multi-Task Learning Integrating Self-Attention
* Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery Segmentation, An
* Assessing the Capacity of a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model to Reproduce Spatial Context
* Attention-Aware Non-Rigid Image Registration for Accelerated MR Imaging
* Attribute Prototype-Guided Iterative Scene Graph for Explainable Radiology Report Generation
* Automatic Coronary Artery Plaque Quantification and CAD-RADS Prediction Using Mesh Priors
* Better Rough Than Scarce: Proximal Femur Fracture Segmentation With Rough Annotations
* Bilateral Supervision Network for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Blind CT Image Quality Assessment Using DDPM-Derived Content and Transformer-Based Evaluator
* BoNuS: Boundary Mining for Nuclei Segmentation With Partial Point Labels
* Brain Image Segmentation for Ultrascale Neuron Reconstruction via an Adaptive Dual-Task Learning Network
* BrainMass: Advancing Brain Network Analysis for Diagnosis With Large-Scale Self-Supervised Learning
* Breast Cancer Classification From Digital Pathology Images via Connectivity-Aware Graph Transformer
* Calibrate the Inter-Observer Segmentation Uncertainty via Diagnosis-First Principle
* Carotid Vessel Wall Segmentation Through Domain Aligner, Topological Learning, and Segment Anything Model for Sparse Annotation in MR Images
* CathEye: A Forward-Looking Ultrasound Catheter for Image-Guided Cardiovascular Procedures, The
* Causal Effect Estimation on Imaging and Clinical Data for Treatment Decision Support of Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
* Causality-Aware Graph Convolutional Network Framework for Rigidity Assessment in Parkinsonians, A
* CE-GAN: Community Evolutionary Generative Adversarial Network for Alzheimer's Disease Risk Prediction
* Characterization of Polarimetric Properties in Various Brain Tumor Types Using Wide-Field Imaging Mueller Polarimetry
* ChatCAD+: Toward a Universal and Reliable Interactive CAD Using LLMs
* CHeart: A Conditional Spatio-Temporal Generative Model for Cardiac Anatomy
* Clinically-Inspired Multi-Agent Transformers for Disease Trajectory Forecasting From Multimodal Data
* CNN-O-ELMNet: Optimized Lightweight and Generalized Model for Lung Disease Classification and Severity Assessment
* Coarse-Super-Resolution-Fine Network (CoSF-Net): A Unified End-to-End Neural Network for 4D-MRI With Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Super-Resolution
* Collaborative Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Low-Quality Medical Image Enhancement, A
* Comparison of Arterial Input Function Interpolation Methods for Patlak Plot Analysis of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET Prostate Cancer Studies, A
* Compositionally Equivariant Representation Learning
* Concept Graph Neural Networks for Surgical Video Understanding
* Confidence Calibration of a Medical Imaging Classification System That is Robust to Label Noise
* Constraint-Aware Learning for Fractional Flow Reserve Pullback Curve Estimation From Invasive Coronary Imaging
* Constructing High-Order Functional Connectivity Networks With Temporal Information From fMRI Data
* Continuous 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking via Echocardiography
* Contrastive Graph Pooling for Explainable Classification of Brain Networks
* Contrastive Graph Pooling for Explainable Classification of Brain Networks
* Convolutional-Transformer Model for FFR and iFR Assessment From Coronary Angiography, A
* CoreDiff: Contextual Error-Modulated Generalized Diffusion Model for Low-Dose CT Denoising and Generalization
* Correction for Mechanical Inaccuracies in a Scanning Talbot-Lau Interferometer
* Correction for X-Ray Scatter and Detector Crosstalk in Dark-Field Radiography
* Correlated and Multi-Frequency Diffusion Modeling for Highly Under-Sampled MRI Reconstruction
* COSST: Multi-Organ Segmentation With Partially Labeled Datasets Using Comprehensive Supervisions and Self-Training
* Cost-Sensitive Weighted Contrastive Learning Based on Graph Convolutional Networks for Imbalanced Alzheimer's Disease Staging
* COSTA: A Multi-Center TOF-MRA Dataset and a Style Self-Consistency Network for Cerebrovascular Segmentation
* Counterfactual Causal-Effect Intervention for Interpretable Medical Visual Question Answering
* Cross-Domain Denoising for Low-Dose Multi-Frame Spiral Computed Tomography
* Cross-Domain Mutual-Assistance Learning Framework for Fully Automated Diagnosis of Primary Tumor in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
* Curved Toroidal Row Column Addressed Transducer for 3D Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging
* Data-Driven Gradient Regularization for Quasi-Newton Optimization in Iterative Grating Interferometry CT Reconstruction
* DCDiff: Dual-Granularity Cooperative Diffusion Models for Pathology Image Analysis
* DDParcel: Deep Learning Anatomical Brain Parcellation From Diffusion MRI
* Decorrelation Time Mapping as an Analysis Tool for Nanobubble-Based Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging
* Deep Closing: Enhancing Topological Connectivity in Medical Tubular Segmentation
* Deep Fusion of Multi-Template Using Spatio-Temporal Weighted Multi-Hypergraph Convolutional Networks for Brain Disease Analysis
* Deep Generalized Learning Model for PET Image Reconstruction
* Deep Generative Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Supervised Segmentation of Low-Contrast and Small Objects in Medical Images
* Deep Learning for Retrospective Motion Correction in MRI: A Comprehensive Review
* Deep Learning With Physics-Embedded Neural Network for Full Waveform Ultrasonic Brain Imaging
* Deep Location Soft-Embedding-Based Network With Regional Scoring for Mammogram Classification
* Deep Omni-Supervised Learning for Rib Fracture Detection From Chest Radiology Images
* DeepMesh: Mesh-Based Cardiac Motion Tracking Using Deep Learning
* DeepTree: Pathological Image Classification Through Imitating Tree-Like Strategies of Pathologists
* Deformable Constraint Transport Network for Optimal Aortic Segmentation From CT Images, A
* Dehazing Ultrasound Using Diffusion Models
* Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Metal Artifact Reduction in CT, A
* DEQ-MPI: A Deep Equilibrium Reconstruction With Learned Consistency for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Developing Explainable Deep Model for Discovering Novel Control Mechanism of Neuro-Dynamics
* Disentangle Then Calibrate With Gradient Guidance: A Unified Framework for Common and Rare Disease Diagnosis
* Distance Regression Enhanced With Temporal Information Fusion and Adversarial Training for Robot-Assisted Endomicroscopy
* Distill-SODA: Distilling Self-Supervised Vision Transformer for Source-Free Open-Set Domain Adaptation in Computational Pathology
* Distinctive Phase Interdependency Model for Retinal Vasculature Delineation in OCT-Angiography Images
* Diverse Data Generation for Retinal Layer Segmentation With Potential Structure Modeling
* Do as Sonographers Think: Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Thyroid Nodules Diagnosis via Microvascular Infiltrative Awareness
* DoseDiff: Distance-Aware Diffusion Model for Dose Prediction in Radiotherapy
* DSC-Recon: Dual-Stage Complementary 4-D Organ Reconstruction From X-Ray Image Sequence for Intraoperative Fusion
* DSMT-Net: Dual Self-Supervised Multi-Operator Transformation for Multi-Source Endoscopic Ultrasound Diagnosis
* DTR-Net: Dual-Space 3D Tooth Model Reconstruction From Panoramic X-Ray Images
* Dual Enrichment Synergistic Strategy to Handle Data Heterogeneity for Domain Incremental Cardiac Segmentation, A
* Dual-Attention Learning Network With Word and Sentence Embedding for Medical Visual Question Answering, A
* Dual-Domain Collaborative Diffusion Sampling for Multi-Source Stationary Computed Tomography Reconstruction
* Dual-Reference Source-Free Active Domain Adaptation for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tumor Segmentation Across Multiple Hospitals
* DuDoCFNet: Dual-Domain Coarse-to-Fine Progressive Network for Simultaneous Denoising, Limited-View Reconstruction, and Attenuation Correction of Cardiac SPECT
* Dynamic-Guided Spatiotemporal Attention for Echocardiography Video Segmentation
* EAG-RS: A Novel Explainability-Guided ROI-Selection Framework for ASD Diagnosis via Inter-Regional Relation Learning
* Edge-Guided Contrastive Adaptation Network for Arteriovenous Nicking Classification Using Synthetic Data
* Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images With Small Objects, An
* Efficient Deformable Tissue Reconstruction via Orthogonal Neural Plane
* Efficient Supervised Pretraining of Swin-Transformer for Virtual Staining of Microscopy Images
* Embedding Tasks Into the Latent Space: Cross-Space Consistency for Multi-Dimensional Analysis in Echocardiography
* Encoder-Decoder Contrast for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Medical Images
* Encoding Enhanced Complex CNN for Accurate and Highly Accelerated MRI
* Energy Matching Vessel Segmentation Framework in 3-D Medical Images, An
* Enhancing and Adapting in the Clinic: Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Enhancement
* Evaluating the Predictive Value of Glioma Growth Models for Low-Grade Glioma After Tumor Resection
* Exploiting Geometric Features via Hierarchical Graph Pyramid Transformer for Cancer Diagnosis Using Histopathological Images
* Exploration of Coincidence Detection of Cascade Photons to Enhance Preclinical Multi-Radionuclide SPECT Imaging
* Exploring Inherent Consistency for Semi-Supervised Anatomical Structure Segmentation in Medical Imaging
* FAOT-Net: A 1.5-Stage Framework for 3D Pelvic Lymph Node Detection With Online Candidate Tuning
* FedDP: Dual Personalization in Federated Medical Image Segmentation
* Federated Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Prototype-Based Pseudo-Labeling and Contrastive Learning
* FedOSS: Federated Open Set Recognition via Inter-Client Discrepancy and Collaboration
* Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation via Generating Multiple Representative Descriptors
* FoPro-KD: Fourier Prompted Effective Knowledge Distillation for Long-Tailed Medical Image Recognition
* FPL+: Filtered Pseudo Label-Based Unsupervised Cross-Modality Adaptation for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Frequency-Domain Robust PCA for Real-Time Monitoring of HIFU Treatment
* Fully Differentiable Framework for 2D/3D Registration and the Projective Spatial Transformers, A
* GC2: Generalizable Continual Classification of Medical Images
* Generalizable Causal-Invariance-Driven Segmentation Model for Peripancreatic Vessels, A
* Geometric Correspondence-Based Multimodal Learning for Ophthalmic Image Analysis
* Graph Attention-Based Fusion of Pathology Images and Gene Expression for Prediction of Cancer Survival
* Graph-Based Multi-Scale Approach With Knowledge Distillation for WSI Classification, A
* GroupMorph: Medical Image Registration via Grouping Network With Contextual Fusion
* Harvard Glaucoma Fairness: A Retinal Nerve Disease Dataset for Fairness Learning and Fair Identity Normalization
* HiCervix: An Extensive Hierarchical Dataset and Benchmark for Cervical Cytology Classification
* HiDiff: Hybrid Diffusion Framework for Medical Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical Knowledge Guided Learning for Real-World Retinal Disease Recognition
* Hierarchical-Instance Contrastive Learning for Minority Detection on Imbalanced Medical Datasets
* High-Frequency Space Diffusion Model for Accelerated MRI
* High-Resolution Power Doppler Using Null Subtraction Imaging
* High-Sensitivity Benchtop X-Ray Fluorescence Emission Tomography (XFET) System With a Full-Ring of X-Ray Imaging-Spectrometers and a Compound-Eye Collimation Aperture, A
* Histopathology Image Classification With Noisy Labels via The Ranking Margins
* HRadNet: A Hierarchical Radiomics-Based Network for Multicenter Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes Prediction
* Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network With Circular Feature Interaction for Acute Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation on Non-Contrast CT Scans
* Hybrid Neural State-Space Modeling for Supervised and Unsupervised Electrocardiographic Imaging
* Hybrid Routing Pattern in Human Brain Structural Network Revealed By Evolutionary Computation, A
* Identification of Genetic Risk Factors Based on Disease Progression Derived From Longitudinal Brain Imaging Phenotypes
* IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil Sensitivity and Image Estimation in Parallel MRI
* Improved Transcranial Plane-Wave Imaging With Learned Speed-of-Sound Maps
* In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Colorectal Tumor Detection in Deep Tissue
* In-Vivo Electrical Properties Estimation of Biological Tissues by Means of a Multi-Step Microwave Tomography Approach
* Instrument-Tissue Interaction Detection Framework for Surgical Video Understanding
* Interpretable and Accurate Deep-Learning Diagnosis Framework Modeled With Fully and Semi-Supervised Reciprocal Learning, An
* Interpretable Cognitive Ability Prediction: A Comprehensive Gated Graph Transformer Framework for Analyzing Functional Brain Networks
* IłNet: Inter-Intra-Slice Interpolation Network for Medical Slice Synthesis
* Joint Cross-Attention Network With Deep Modality Prior for Fast MRI Reconstruction
* Joint Learning of Full-Structure Noise in Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Models
* Joint Regional Uptake Quantification of Thorium-227 and Radium-223 Using a Multiple-Energy-Window Projection-Domain Quantitative SPECT Method
* Landmark Localization From Medical Images With Generative Distribution Prior
* Laplacian Pyramid Based Generative H&E Stain Augmentation Network, A
* Latent Graph Representations for Critical View of Safety Assessment
* LCGNet: Local Sequential Feature Coupling Global Representation Learning for Functional Connectivity Network Analysis With fMRI
* Learnable Counter-Condition Analysis Framework for Functional Connectivity-Based Neurological Disorder Diagnosis, A
* Learned Tensor Neural Network Texture Prior for Photon-Counting CT Reconstruction
* Learning a Single Network for Robust Medical Image Segmentation With Noisy Labels
* Learning From Incorrectness: Active Learning With Negative Pre-Training and Curriculum Querying for Histological Tissue Classification
* Learning Robust Shape Regularization for Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Model of Disease Progression With NeuralODEs From Longitudinal Volumetric Data
* LIT-Former: Linking In-Plane and Through-Plane Transformers for Simultaneous CT Image Denoising and Deblurring
* Locating X-Ray Coronary Angiogram Keyframes via Long Short-Term Spatiotemporal Attention With Image-to-Patch Contrastive Learning
* LSKANet: Long Strip Kernel Attention Network for Robotic Surgical Scene Segmentation
* Lung Nodule Segmentation and Uncertain Region Prediction With an Uncertainty-Aware Attention Mechanism
* LungViT: Ensembling Cascade of Texture Sensitive Hierarchical Vision Transformers for Cross-Volume Chest CT Image-to-Image Translation
* LViT: Language Meets Vision Transformer in Medical Image Segmentation
* Machine Learning Analysis of Human Skin by Optoacoustic Mesoscopy for Automated Extraction of Psoriasis and Aging Biomarkers
* Magnetic Particle Imaging Approach for Minimally Invasive Imaging and Sensing With Implantable Bioelectronic Circuits, A
* Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography Based on Modified Physics- Informed Neural Network and Multiconstraints
* Manifold Regularizer for High-Resolution fMRI Joint Reconstruction and Dynamic Quantification
* Mapping Multi-Modal Brain Connectome for Brain Disorder Diagnosis via Cross-Modal Mutual Learning
* Masked Conditional Variational Autoencoders for Chromosome Straightening
* Mathematical Analysis of Clustering-Free Local SAR Compression Algorithms for MRI Safety in Parallel Transmission, A
* MCAN: Multimodal Causal Adversarial Networks for Dynamic Effective Connectivity Learning From fMRI and EEG Data
* MCPL: Multi-Modal Collaborative Prompt Learning for Medical Vision-Language Model
* MedSyn: Text-Guided Anatomy-Aware Synthesis of High-Fidelity 3-D CT Images
* MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology Data via Memory Learning and Gradient Homogenization
* Minimizing Measurement-Induced Errors in Viscoelastic MR Elastography
* Mitigating Aberration-Induced Noise: A Deep Learning-Based Aberration-to-Aberration Approach
* Mixed Supervision of Histopathology Improves Prostate Cancer Classification From MRI
* Modality-Specific Information Disentanglement From Multi-Parametric MRI for Breast Tumor Segmentation and Computer-Aided Diagnosis
* Model-Heterogeneous Semi-Supervised Federated Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* Morph-SSL: Self-Supervision With Longitudinal Morphing for Forecasting AMD Progression From OCT Volumes
* Motion-Compensated MR CINE Reconstruction With Reconstruction-Driven Motion Estimation
* Moving Beyond Simulation: Data-Driven Quantitative Photoacoustic Imaging Using Tissue-Mimicking Phantoms
* MP-Net: A Multi-Center Privacy-Preserving Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* MT4MTL-KD: A Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation Framework for Triplet Recognition
* MTANet: Multi-Task Attention Network for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation and Classification
* MTCSNet: One-Stage Learning and Two-Point Labeling are Sufficient for Cell Segmentation
* Multi-Channel Optimization Generative Model for Stable Ultra-Sparse-View CT Reconstruction
* Multi-ConDoS: Multimodal Contrastive Domain Sharing Generative Adversarial Networks for Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Grained Radiology Report Generation With Sentence-Level Image-Language Contrastive Learning
* Multi-Graph Cross-Attention-Based Region-Aware Feature Fusion Network Using Multi-Template for Brain Disorder Diagnosis, A
* Multi-Instance Multi-Task Learning for Joint Clinical Outcome and Genomic Profile Predictions From the Histopathological Images
* Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single Positive Labels
* Multi-Modal Modality-Masked Diffusion Network for Brain MRI Synthesis With Random Modality Missing
* Multi-Path Fusion in SFCF-Net for Enhanced Multi-Frequency Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Multi-Scale Feature Alignment for Continual Learning of Unlabeled Domains
* Multi-Scale Fusion and Transformer Based Registration Guided Speckle Noise Reduction for OCT Images, A
* Multi-Scale Tokens-Aware Transformer Network for Multi-Region and Multi-Sequence MR-to-CT Synthesis in a Single Model
* Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multi-Task Learning for Motion Analysis and Segmentation in 3D Echocardiography
* Multi-Template Meta-Information Regularized Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Structural MRI
* Multimodal Co-Attention Fusion Network With Online Data Augmentation for Cancer Subtype Classification
* Multimodal Connectivity-Based Individual Parcellation and Analysis for Humans and Rhesus Monkeys
* Multitask Weakly Supervised Generative Network for MR-US Registration
* Mutual Information Guided Diffusion for Zero-Shot Cross-Modality Medical Image Translation
* New Theory and Faster Computations for Subspace-Based Sensitivity Map Estimation in Multichannel MRI
* Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Challenge
* Noise-Generating and Imaging Mechanism Inspired Implicit Regularization Learning Network for Low Dose CT Reconstrution
* Non-Invasive Imaging of Mechanical Properties of Cancers In Vivo Based on Transformations of the Eshelby's Tensor Using Compression Elastography
* Non-Invasive Quantification of the Brain [18F]FDG-PET Using Inferred Blood Input Function Learned From Total-Body Data With Physical Constraint
* Non-Isocentric Geometry for Next-Generation Tomosynthesis With Super-Resolution
* NRTR: Neuron Reconstruction With Transformer From 3D Optical Microscopy Images
* Nucleus-Aware Self-Supervised Pretraining Using Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation for Histopathology Images
* OIF-Net: An Optical Flow Registration-Based PET/MR Cross-Modal Interactive Fusion Network for Low-Count Brain PET Image Denoising
* Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Based Positional Sensing in Closed MRI
* On the Importance of Low-Frequency Signals in Functional and Molecular Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
* One-Shot Weakly-Supervised Segmentation in 3D Medical Images
* Optical Flow-Guided Cine MRI Segmentation With Learned Corrections
* Ordinal Pattern Tree: A New Representation Method for Brain Network Analysis
* Organ-Aware Diagnosis Framework for Radiology Report Generation, An
* OSCNet: Orientation-Shared Convolutional Network for CT Metal Artifact Learning
* Passive Acoustic Mapping for Convex Arrays With the Helical Wave Spectrum Method
* Passive Elastography for Clinical HIFU Lesion Detection
* Pathological Asymmetry-Guided Progressive Learning for Acute Ischemic Stroke Infarct Segmentation
* Pathological Priors Inspired Network for Vertebral Osteophytes Recognition
* Patient-Specific Heart Geometry Modeling for Solid Biomechanics Using Deep Learning
* Pattern-Aware Transformer: Hierarchical Pattern Propagation in Sequential Medical Images
* PCNet: Prior Category Network for CT Universal Segmentation Model
* Performance Assessment and Quality Control of Fluorescence Molecular Endoscopy With a Multi-Parametric Rigid Standard
* PETS-Nets: Joint Pose Estimation and Tissue Segmentation of Fetal Brains Using Anatomy-Guided Networks
* Phase Aberration Correction for In Vivo Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a Spatiotemporal Complex-Valued Neural Network
* Photoacoustic Quantification of Tissue Oxygenation Using Conditional Invertible Neural Networks
* PhraseAug: An Augmented Medical Report Generation Model With Phrasebook
* Physics-Informed DeepMRI: k-Space Interpolation Meets Heat Diffusion
* PND-Net: Physics-Inspired Non-Local Dual-Domain Network for Metal Artifact Reduction
* PolarFormer: A Transformer-Based Method for Multi-Lesion Segmentation in Intravascular OCT
* PRECISION: A Physics-Constrained and Noise-Controlled Diffusion Model for Photon Counting Computed Tomography
* Prediction of Myopia Eye Axial Elongation With Orthokeratology Treatment via Dense I2I Based Corneal Topography Change Analysis
* Prior Knowledge-Guided Triple-Domain Transformer-GAN for Direct PET Reconstruction From Low-Count Sinograms
* Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Continual Semantic Segmentation for Robotic Surgery
* Probabilistic Brain Extraction in MR Images via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Prototype Correlation Matching and Class- Relation Reasoning for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
* Pseudo-Bag Mixup Augmentation for Multiple Instance Learning-Based Whole Slide Image Classification
* Pseudo-Data Based Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Classification of Histopathological Images
* PST-Diff: Achieving High-Consistency Stain Transfer by Diffusion Models With Pathological and Structural Constraints
* PtbNet: Based on Local Few-Shot Classes and Small Objects to Accurately Detect PTB
* Quad-Net: Quad-Domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction
* Quantification and Visualization of CT Myocardial Perfusion Imaging to Detect Ischemia-Causing Coronary Arteries
* Quantification of Airway Structures by Persistent Homology
* Quantifying Microvascular Structure in Healthy and Infarcted Rat Hearts Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
* Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography Using Iteratively Refined Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion: A Simulation Study
* R2D2-GAN: Robust Dual Discriminator Generative Adversarial Network for Microscopy Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Randomizing Human Brain Function Representation for Brain Disease Diagnosis
* RECIST-Induced Reliable Learning: Geometry-Driven Label Propagation for Universal Lesion Segmentation
* ReconFormer: Accelerated MRI Reconstruction Using Recurrent Transformer
* Recursive Deformable Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration
* Reduced-Reference Learning for Target Localization in Deep Brain Stimulation
* Rethinking Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification: A Bag-Level Classifier is a Good Instance-Level Teacher
* Retinal Layer Segmentation in OCT Images With Boundary Regression and Feature Polarization
* RF-ULM: Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Learned From Radio-Frequency Wavefronts
* Robust Deformable Image Registration Using Cycle-Consistent Implicit Representations
* Robust Sample Information Retrieval in Dark-Field Computed Tomography With a Vibrating Talbot-Lau Interferometer
* Robust Semi-Supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation With Diverse Joint-Task Learning and Decoupled Inter-Student Learning
* Robust Stochastic Neural Ensemble Learning With Noisy Labels for Thoracic Disease Classification
* Robust Vascular Segmentation for Raw Complex Images of Laser Speckle Contrast Based on Weakly Supervised Learning
* SASAN: Spectrum-Axial Spatial Approach Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
* SC-SSL: Self-Correcting Collaborative and Contrastive Co-Training Model for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Scan-Specific Self-Supervised Bayesian Deep Non-Linear Inversion for Undersampled MRI Reconstruction
* Score-Based Counterfactual Generation for Interpretable Medical Image Classification and Lesion Localization
* ScribFormer: Transformer Makes CNN Work Better for Scribble-Based Medical Image Segmentation
* SE(3)-Equivariant and Noise-Invariant 3D Rigid Motion Tracking in Brain MRI
* Self-Supervised Cyclic Diffeomorphic Mapping for Soft Tissue Deformation Recovery in Robotic Surgery Scenes
* Self-Supervised Deep Unrolled Reconstruction Using Regularization by Denoising
* Self-Supervised Lightweight Depth Estimation in Endoscopy Combining CNN and Transformer
* Self-Supervised Multi-Scale Cropping and Simple Masked Attentive Predicting for Lung CT-Scan Anomaly Detection
* Semantic-Oriented Visual Prompt Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading on Fundus Images
* Semantic-Preserving Surgical Video Retrieval With Phase and Behavior Coordinated Hashing
* Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Cross-Style Consistency With Shape-Aware and Local Context Constraints
* Semi-Supervised Thyroid Nodule Detection in Ultrasound Videos
* Sequential Scan-Based Single-Dimension Multi-Voxel System Matrix Calibration for Open-Sided Magnetic Particle Imaging
* SGT++: Improved Scene Graph-Guided Transformer for Surgical Report Generation
* Shape-Scale Co-Awareness Network for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Simple Normalization Technique Using Window Statistics to Improve the Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Medical Images, A
* Simulating the Cellular Context in Synthetic Datasets for Cryo-Electron Tomography
* Simultaneous Activity and Attenuation Estimation in TOF-PET With TV-Constrained Nonconvex Optimization
* Slim UNETR: Scale Hybrid Transformers to Efficient 3D Medical Image Segmentation Under Limited Computational Resources
* Spach Transformer: Spatial and Channel-Wise Transformer Based on Local and Global Self-Attentions for PET Image Denoising
* Sparse-View Spectral CT Reconstruction and Material Decomposition Based on Multi-Channel SGM
* Spatial and Modal Optimal Transport for Fast Cross-Modal MRI Reconstruction
* Spatial Prior-Guided Bi-Directional Cross-Attention Transformers for Tooth Instance Segmentation
* Spatio-Temporal Graph Hubness Propagation Model for Dynamic Brain Network Classification
* SPLIT: Statistical Positronium Lifetime Image Reconstruction via Time-Thresholding
* SSL-CPCD: Self-Supervised Learning With Composite Pretext-Class Discrimination for Improved Generalisability in Endoscopic Image Analysis
* Stage-by-Stage Wavelet Optimization Refinement Diffusion Model for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction
* STAR-RL: Spatial-Temporal Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Interpretable Pathology Image Super-Resolution
* Structural Priors Guided Network for the Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation
* Structure Embedded Nucleus Classification for Histopathology Images
* Structure-Aware Relation Network for Thoracic Diseases Detection and Segmentation, A
* Super Resolution Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT Imaging With Dual-Layer Flat-Panel Detector
* Supplemental Transmission Aided Attenuation Correction for Quantitative Cardiac PET
* Suppression of Subpixel Jitter in Resonant Scanning Systems With Phase-locked Sampling
* Surface-Based Probabilistic Fiber Tracking in Superficial White Matter
* Surgical Tattoos in Infrared: A Dataset for Quantifying Tissue Tracking and Mapping
* SurgNet: Self-Supervised Pretraining With Semantic Consistency for Vessel and Instrument Segmentation in Surgical Images
* SWENet: A Physics-Informed Deep Neural Network (PINN) for Shear Wave Elastography
* Synthetic Optical Coherence Tomography Angiographs for Detailed Retinal Vessel Segmentation Without Human Annotations
* Technique to Quantify Very Low Activities in Regions of Interest With a Collimatorless Detector, A
* Temporal Dynamic Synchronous Functional Brain Network for Schizophrenia Classification and Lateralization Analysis
* Tensor Ring Decomposition Guided Dictionary Learning for OCT Image Denoising
* Test Statistic Estimation-Based Approach for Establishing Self-Interpretable CNN-Based Binary Classifiers, A
* Three Dimensional Microwave Data Inversion in Feature Space for Stroke Imaging
* Time Efficient Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Based on A Novel Radial Basis Function 2D Interpolation
* Time-Lagged Functional Ultrasound for Multi-Parametric Cerebral Hemodynamic Imaging
* Time-Reversion Fast-Sampling Score-Based Model for Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction
* Token-Mixer: Bind Image and Text in One Embedding Space for Medical Image Reporting
* Toward Accurate Cardiac MRI Segmentation With Variational Autoencoder-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Toward Enabling Cardiac Digital Twins of Myocardial Infarction Using Deep Computational Models for Inverse Inference
* Toward Ground-Truth Optical Coherence Tomography via Three-Dimensional Unsupervised Deep Learning Processing and Data
* Toward Human-Scale Magnetic Particle Imaging: Development of the First System With Superconductor- Based Selection Coils
* Training With Uncertain Annotations for Semantic Segmentation of Basal Cell Carcinoma From Full-Field OCT Images
* Transformer-Based Knowledge Distillation Network for Cortical Cataract Grading, A
* Transformer-Based Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Classification of Aortic Stenosis Severity From Echocardiography Cine Series
* TransMatch: A Transformer-Based Multilevel Dual-Stream Feature Matching Network for Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration
* ULTRA-SR Challenge: Assessment of Ultrasound Localization and TRacking Algorithms for Super-Resolution Imaging
* Ultrasound Shear Elastography With Expanded Bandwidth (USEWEB): A Novel Method for 2D Shear Phase Velocity Imaging of Soft Tissues
* UNETR++: Delving Into Efficient and Accurate 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Uni4Eye++: A General Masked Image Modeling Multi-Modal Pre-Training Framework for Ophthalmic Image Classification and Segmentation
* UniChest: Conquer-and-Divide Pre-Training for Multi-Source Chest X-Ray Classification
* Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Reduction by Plugging Diffusion Priors in Dual Domains
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation by Disentanglement Learning and Self-Training
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation Using Transformer With Meta Attention
* Unsupervised Fusion of Misaligned PAT and MRI Images via Mutually Reinforcing Cross-Modality Image Generation and Registration
* Unsupervised Pathology Detection: A Deep Dive Into the State of the Art
* Video-Based Soft Tissue Deformation Tracking for Laparoscopic Augmented Reality-Based Navigation in Kidney Surgery
* Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video Instrument Segmentation in Robotic Surgery
* Visible-Light Optical Coherence Tomography Fibergraphy of the Tree Shrew Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Bundles
* WASPSYN: A Challenge for Domain Adaptive Synapse Detection in Microwasp Brain Connectomes
* Wasserstein HOG: Local Directionality Extraction via Optimal Transport
* Wavelet-Improved Score-Based Generative Model for Medical Imaging
* Wavelet-Inspired Multi-Channel Score-Based Model for Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction
* Weakly Supervised Lesion Detection and Diagnosis for Breast Cancers With Partially Annotated Ultrasound Images
* Whole Organ Volumetric Sensing Ultrasound Localization Microscopy for Characterization of Kidney Structure
* Whole Reconstruction-Free System Design for Direct Positron Emission Imaging From Image Generation to Attenuation Correction
* Windowed Radon Transform and Tensor Rank-1 Decomposition for Adaptive Beamforming in Ultrafast Ultrasound
* Windowed Radon Transform for Robust Speed-of-Sound Imaging With Pulse-Echo Ultrasound
* X-Let's Atom Combinations for Modeling and Denoising of OCT Images by Modified Morphological Component Analysis
* X-Ray Dark-Field Signal Reduction Due to Hardening of the Visibility Spectrum
* XIOSIS: An X-Ray-Based Intra-Operative Image-Guided Platform for Oncology Smart Material Delivery
* Zero-Shot Medical Image Translation via Frequency-Guided Diffusion Models
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* 2V-CBCT: Two-Orthogonal-Projection Based CBCT Reconstruction and Dose Calculation for Radiation Therapy Using Real Projection Data
* Attention-Guided Learning With Feature Reconstruction for Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Clinical and Ultrasound Images
* AutoSamp: Autoencoding k-Space Sampling via Variational Information Maximization for 3D MRI
* BCNet: Bronchus Classification via Structure Guided Representation Learning
* Boosting Your Context by Dual Similarity Checkup for In-Context Learning Medical Image Segmentation
* Bridging MRI Cross-Modality Synthesis and Multi-Contrast Super-Resolution by Fine-Grained Difference Learning
* CADS: A Self-Supervised Learner via Cross-Modal Alignment and Deep Self-Distillation for CT Volume Segmentation
* Concept-Based Lesion Aware Transformer for Interpretable Retinal Disease Diagnosis
* Consistency-Guided Differential Decoding for Enhancing Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* Emulating Low-Dose PCCT Image Pairs With Independent Noise for Self-Supervised Spectral Image Denoising
* End-to-End Geometry-Based Pipeline for Automatic Preoperative Surgical Planning of Pelvic Fracture Reduction and Fixation, An
* Enhancing Row-Column Array (RCA)-Based 3D Ultrasound Vascular Imaging With Spatial-Temporal Similarity Weighting
* FR-MIL: Distribution Re-Calibration-Based Multiple Instance Learning With Transformer for Whole Slide Image Classification
* Generalizable Reconstruction for Accelerating MR Imaging via Federated Learning With Neural Architecture Search
* Generative Adversarial Network With Robust Discriminator Through Multi-Task Learning for Low-Dose CT Denoising
* IGU-Aug: Information-Guided Unsupervised Augmentation and Pixel-Wise Contrastive Learning for Medical Image Analysis
* IMITATE: Clinical Prior Guided Hierarchical Vision-Language Pre-Training
* Interpretable Severity Scoring of Pelvic Trauma Through Automated Fracture Detection and Bayesian Inference
* Investigating and Improving Latent Density Segmentation Models for Aleatoric Uncertainty Quantification in Medical Imaging
* Moment-Consistent Contrastive CycleGAN for Cross-Domain Pancreatic Image Segmentation
* Multi-Label Generalized Zero Shot Chest X-Ray Classification by Combining Image-Text Information With Feature Disentanglement
* Multi-Modal Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Using Interpretable Graph Convolutional Networks
* Multi-Modal Federated Learning for Cancer Staging Over Non-IID Datasets With Unbalanced Modalities
* Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Attention Networks for Functional Connectome Classification
* New Benchmark: Clinical Uncertainty and Severity Aware Labeled Chest X-Ray Images With Multi-Relationship Graph Learning, A
* Novel Poroelastography Method for High-Quality Estimation of Lateral Strain, Solid Stress, and Fluid Pressure In Vivo, A
* Optimized Excitation in Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Imaging for Artifact Suppression
* Orthogonal Mixed-Effects Modeling for High-Dimensional Longitudinal Data: An Unsupervised Learning Approach
* OTMorph: Unsupervised Multi-Domain Abdominal Medical Image Registration Using Neural Optimal Transport
* Prompt-Driven Latent Domain Generalization for Medical Image Classification
* Prototype Learning Guided Hybrid Network for Breast Tumor Segmentation in DCE-MRI
* RemixFormer++: A Multi-Modal Transformer Model for Precision Skin Tumor Differential Diagnosis With Memory-Efficient Attention
* Segmentation and Vascular Vectorization for Coronary Artery by Geometry-Based Cascaded Neural Network
* Self-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Reinforced Adaptive Masking
* Self-Supervised Representation Distribution Learning for Reliable Data Augmentation in Histopathology WSI Classification
* Shapley Values-Enabled Progressive Pseudo Bag Augmentation for Whole-Slide Image Classification
* SISMIK for Brain MRI: Deep-Learning-Based Motion Estimation and Model-Based Motion Correction in k-Space
* Spatially-Constrained and -Unconstrained Bi-Graph Interaction Network for Multi-Organ Pathology Image Classification
* Spatiotemporal Microstate Dynamics of Spike-Free Scalp EEG Offer a Potential Biomarker for Refractory Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
* S˛Former-OR: Single-Stage Bi-Modal Transformer for Scene Graph Generation in OR
* Transferring Adult-Like Phase Images for Robust Multi-View Isointense Infant Brain Segmentation
* Ultrasound Report Generation With Cross-Modality Feature Alignment via Unsupervised Guidance
* Unified Multi-Modal Image Synthesis for Missing Modality Imputation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for EM Image Denoising With Invertible Networks
* Unsupervised Non-Rigid Histological Image Registration Guided by Keypoint Correspondences Based on Learnable Deep Features With Iterative Training
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Chest X-Rays With Differentiable ROI Proposal Networks and Soft ROI Pooling
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* Shape-based interpolation of multidimensional objects