Journals starting with accv

* Camera Self-Calibration Using the Singular Value Decomposition of the Fundamental Matrix
* Representing Contours as Sequence of One Dimensional Functions
* Shape Similarity by Piecewise Linear Alignment
* Using Constraint Lines for Estimating Egomotion
* Vision-Based Detection of Staircases

* Circular Shortest Path on Regular Grids

* Detecting Pornographic Images
* Multi-Peak Range Imaging for Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Specular Objects
* Reconstruction of Surface of Revolution from Multiple Uncalibrated Views: A Bundle-Adjustment Approach

* 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed-Viewpoint Assumption
* Adaptive Object Tracking with Online Statistical Model Update
* Adaptive Weight Assignment Scheme in Linear Subspace Approaches for Face Recognition, An
* Alignment of 3D Models to Images Using Region-Based Mutual Information and Neighborhood Extended Gaussian Images
* Applying Non-stationary Noise Estimation to Achieve Contrast Invariant Edge Detection
* Aspects of Optimal Viewpoint Selection and Viewpoint Fusion
* Attractor-Guided Particle Filtering for Lip Contour Tracking
* Augmented Stereo Panoramas
* Automatic Chromosome Classification Using Medial Axis Approximation and Band Profile Similarity
* Automatic Moving Object Segmentation with Accurate Boundaries
* Automatic Vehicle Detection Using Statistical Approach
* Automatically Building 2D Statistical Shapes Using the Topology Preservation Model GNG
* Background Segmentation Beyond RGB
* Biologically Motivated Perceptual Feature: Generalized Robust Invariant Feature
* Blind Watermarking Via Pixel Modification with Regular Rule
* Boosted Algorithms for Visual Object Detection on Graphics Processing Units
* Boosting Multi-gabor Subspaces for Face Recognition
* Bottom up Algebraic Approach to Motion Segmentation, A
* Calibration of Rotating Line Camera for Spherical Imaging
* Classification of Photometric Factors Based on Photometric Linearization
* Clustering of Interval-Valued Symbolic Patterns Based on Mutual Similarity Value and the Concept of k-Mutual Nearest Neighborhood
* Clustering Spherical Shells by a Mini-Max Information Algorithm
* Combining Geometric and Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* Combining Iterative Inverse Filter with Shock Filter for Baggage Inspection Image Deblurring
* Combining Microscopic and Macroscopic Information for Rotation and Histogram Equalization Invariant Texture Classification
* Complex Activity Representation and Recognition by Extended Stochastic Grammar
* Content Based Image and Video Retrieval Using Embedded Text
* Contour Matching Based on Belief Propagation
* Corner Detection Using Morphological Skeleton: An Efficient and Nonparametric Approach
* Correspondence Search in the Presence of Specular Highlights Using Specular-Free Two-Band Images
* Dense 3D Reconstruction with an Uncalibrated Active Stereo System
* Dense Motion and Disparity Estimation Via Loopy Belief Propagation
* Detecting and Tracking Distant Objects at Night Based on Human Visual System
* Detecting Critical Configuration of Six Points
* Detecting Faces from Low-Resolution Images
* Detection of Moving Objects by Independent Component Analysis
* Double Regularized Bayesian Estimation for Blur Identification in Video Sequences
* Dynamic Open Contours Using Particle Swarm Optimization with Application to Fluid Interface Extraction
* Edge-Model Based Representation of Laplacian Subbands
* Effects of Image Segmentation for Approximating Object Appearance Under Near Lighting
* Efficient 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single 2D Image by Combining Statistical and Geometrical Information
* Efficient Approach for Multi-view Face Animation Based on Quasi 3D Model, An
* Efficient Object Segmentation Using Digital Matting for MPEG Video Sequences
* Efficient Real Time Low Bit Rate Video Codec, An
* Eigen-Transform and Applications, The
* Employing a Fish-Eye for Scene Tunnel Scanning
* Energy Minimization Process for Extracting Eye Feature Based on Deformable Template, An
* Error Analysis of SFM Under Weak-Perspective Projection
* Error Characteristics of SFM with Erroneous Focal Length
* Estimating Illumination Parameters in Real Space with Application to Image Relighting
* Estimation of Structural Information Content in Images
* Exemplar-Based Human Contour Tracking
* Exploring Facial Expression Effects in 3D Face Recognition Using Partial ICP
* Extracting Surface Representations from Rim Curves
* Extraction of Main Urban Roads from High Resolution Satellite Images by Machine Learning
* Extraction of Salient Contours Via Excitatory-Inhibitory Interactions in the Visual Cortex
* Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation Based on Feature Tracking and GPS Data
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Based on MAP Estimation Incorporating Correlation Between Surface Points
* Face-Voice Authentication Based on 3D Face Models
* Fast Approximated SIFT
* Fast Binary Dilation/Erosion Algorithm Using Kernel Subdivision
* Fast Block Matching Algorithm in Walsh Hadamard Domain
* Fast Feature Extraction Using Approximations to Derivatives with Summed-Area Images
* Fast Global Motion Estimation Via Iterative Least-Square Method
* Fast Image Replacement Using Multi-resolution Approach
* Feature Detection with an Improved Anisotropic Filter
* Feature Selection for Image Categorization
* Fisheye Lenses Calibration Using Straight-Line Spherical Perspective Projection Constraint
* FormPad: A Camera-Assisted Digital Notepad
* Frame Rate Stabilization by Variable Resolution Shape Reconstruction for On-Line Free-Viewpoint Video Generation
* Framework for 3D Object Recognition Using the Kernel Constrained Mutual Subspace Method, A
* From Motion Patterns to Visual Concepts for Event Analysis in Dynamic Scenes
* Fusion of 3D and Appearance Models for Fast Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* Fusion of Texture Variation and On-Line Color Sampling for Moving Object Detection Under Varying Chromatic Illumination
* Gaussian Decomposition for Robust Face Recognition
* Gaze Direction Estimation with a Single Camera Based on Four Reference Points and Three Calibration Images
* General Specular Surface Triangulation
* Generating Free Viewpoint Images from Mutual Projection of Cameras
* Geometric Contour Framework with Vector Field Support, A
* Gesture Recognition Using Quadratic Curves
* Hallucinating 3D Faces
* Handheld Projector Supported by Computer Vision, A
* Heuristic Pre-clustering Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Hierarchical Framework for Generic Sports Video Classification, A
* Hierarchical Method for 3D Rigid Motion Estimation, A
* High Dynamic Range Global Mosaic
* High Quality Compression of Educational Videos Using Content-Adaptive Framework
* Histogram Features-Based Fisher Linear Discriminant for Face Detection
* How to Compute the Pose of an Object Without a Direct View?
* Human Distribution Estimation Using Shape Projection Model Based on Multiple-Viewpoint Observations
* Identification of Printing Process Using HSV Colour Space
* Image Feature Detection as Robust Model Fitting
* Image Matching by Multiscale Oriented Corner Correlation
* Image Segmentation That Merges Together Boundary and Region Information
* Image-Based Calibration of Spatial Domain Depth-from-Defocus and Application to Automatic Focus Tracking
* Incremental Mesh-based Integration of Registered Range Images: Robust to Registration Error and Scanning Noise
* Inducing Semantic Segmentation from an Example
* Infinite Homography Estimation Using Two Arbitrary Planar Rectangles
* Interactive Contour Extraction Using NURBS-HMM
* Interpreting Sphere Images Using the Double-Contact Theorem
* Inverse Volume Rendering Approach to 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Images
* Iterative Method for Preserving Edges and Reducing Noise in High Resolution Image Reconstruction, An
* Kernel-Based Robust Tracking for Objects Undergoing Occlusion
* Key Frame-Based Activity Representation Using Antieigenvalues
* Landmark Based Global Self-localization of Mobile Soccer Robots
* Learning Multi-category Classification in Bayesian Framework
* Learning Parameter Tuning for Object Extraction
* Level Set Approach for Shape Recovery of Open Contours, A
* Local Basis Representation for Estimating Human Pose from Cluttered Images, A
* Markovian Framework for Foreground-Background-Shadow Separation of Real World Video Scenes
* Matching Gait Image Sequences in the Frequency Domain for Tracking People at a Distance
* Material Classification Using Morphological Pattern Spectrum for Extracting Textural Features from Material Micrographs
* Method for Calibrating a Motorized Object Rig, A
* Minimal Weighted Local Variance as Edge Detector for Active Contour Models
* Modelling the Effect of View Angle Variation on Appearance-Based Gait Recognition
* Motion Detection in Driving Environment Using U-V-Disparity
* Motion Guided Video Sequence Synchronization
* Multi-camera Tracking of Articulated Human Motion Using Motion and Shape Cues
* Multi-Layer MRF Model for Video Object Segmentation, A
* Multi-view Object Tracking Using Sequential Belief Propagation
* Multiphase Level Set Based Segmentation Framework with Pose Invariant Shape Priors, A
* Multiple Range Image Registration by Matching Local Log-Polar Range Images
* Multiple Similarities Based Kernel Subspace Learning for Image Classification
* Multiple View Geometry in the Space-Time
* Multiple-Person Tracking Using a Plan-View Map with Error Estimation
* Multiregion Level Set Tracking with Transformation Invariant Shape Priors
* Multiscale Co-linearity Statistic Based Approach to Robust Background Modeling, A
* New 3D Fourier Descriptors for Genus-Zero Mesh Objects
* New Active Contour Model: Curvature Gradient Vector Flow, A
* New Distance Criterion for Face Recognition Using Image Sets, A
* Novel Robust Statistical Method for Background Initialization and Visual Surveillance, A
* Novel View Synthesis Using Locally Adaptive Depth Regularization
* Object Detection Using a Cascade of 3D Models
* Object Recognition Through the Principal Component Analysis of Spatial Relationship Amongst Lines
* Object Tracking Using Background Subtraction and Motion Estimation in MPEG Videos
* Occlusion Invariant Face Recognition Using Selective LNMF Basis Images
* OK-Quantization Theory and Its Relationship to Sampling Theorem
* On Using Silhouettes for Camera Calibration
* Online Updating Appearance Generative Mixture Model for Meanshift Tracking
* PCA-Based Recognition for Efficient Inpainting
* Perception Based Lighting Balance for Face Detection
* Performance Evaluation of Object Detection and Tracking in Video
* Plane-Based Calibration and Auto-calibration of a Fish-Eye Camera
* Probabilistic Modeling for Structural Change Inference
* Pseudo Measurement Based Multiple Model Approach for Robust Player Tracking
* Real-Time Large Disparity Range Stereo-System Using FPGAs, A
* Recognize Multi-people Interaction Activity by PCA-HMMs
* Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Detection with Shadow Removal Using MRFs
* Robust Linear Auto-calibration of a Moving Camera from Image Sequences
* Robust Occluded Shape Recognition
* Robustness in Motion Averaging
* Scalable Representation and Learning for 3D Object Recognition Using Shared Feature-Based View Clustering
* Scene Interpretation: Unified Modeling of Visual Context by Particle-Based Belief Propagation in Hierarchical Graphical Model
* Self-calibration Based 3D Information Extraction and Application in Broadcast Soccer Video
* Semi-metric Space: A New Approach to Treat Orthogonality and Parallelism
* Separation of Reflection and Transparency Using Epipolar Plane Image Analysis
* Shape Orientability
* Shift-Invariant Image Denoising Using Mixture of Laplace Distributions in Wavelet-Domain
* Skin Detection by Near Infrared Multi-band for Driver Support System
* Smooth Foreground-Background Segmentation for Video Processing
* Space-Time Invariants for 3D Motions from Projective Cameras
* Spatiotemporal Density Feature Analysis to Detect Liver Cancer from Abdominal CT Angiography
* Statistical Shape Models Using Elastic-String Representations
* Stereo Matching Algorithm Using a Weighted Average of Costs Aggregated by Various Window Sizes
* Stereo Matching by Interpolation
* Stereo Matching Using Iterated Graph Cuts and Mean Shift Filtering
* Super Resolution Using Graph-Cut
* Super-Resolved Video Mosaicing for Documents Based on Extrinsic Camera Parameter Estimation
* Surface Interpolation by Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Based Local Ordinary Kriging
* Surface Registration Using Extended Polar Maps
* Surface-Independent Direct-Projected Augmented Reality
* Symmetric Color Ratio in Spiral Architecture
* Template-Based Hand Pose Recognition Using Multiple Cues
* Texture Classification Using a Novel, Soft-Set Theory Based Classification Algorithm
* Texture Image Segmentation: An Interactive Framework Based on Adaptive Features and Transductive Learning
* Theory and Calibration for Axial Cameras
* Towards a Guaranteed Solution to Plane-Based Self-calibration
* Tracking Targets Via Particle Based Belief Propagation
* Tracking with the Kinematics of Extremal Contours
* Two-Dimensional Fisher Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Unified Framework for Segmentation-Assisted Image Registration, A
* Use of a Dense Surface Point Distribution Model in a Three-Stage Anatomical Shape Reconstruction from Sparse Information for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery: A Preliminary Study
* Vehicle Detection Using Double Slit Camera
* Video Scene Interpretation Using Perceptual Prominence and Mise-en-scene Features
* Video Synthesis with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Using Motion Compensation and Image Fusion in Wavelet Domain
* View Synthesis of Scenes with Multiple Independently Translating Objects from Uncalibrated Views
* Viewpoint Determination of Image by Interpolation over Sparse Samples
* Virtual Fashion Show Using Real-Time Markerless Motion Capture
* Vision Based Speech Animation Transferring with Underlying Anatomical Structure
* Vision-Based Posing of 3D Virtual Actors
* Visual Surveillance Using Less ROIs of Multiple Non-calibrated Cameras
* Waterfall Segmentation of Complex Scenes
193 for ACCV06

* 3D Intrusion Detection System with Uncalibrated Multiple Cameras
* Accelerating Pattern Matching or How Much Can You Slide?
* Action Recognition for Surveillance Applications Using Optic Flow and SVM
* Active Multi-camera Motion Capture for Face, Fingers and Whole Body, An
* AdaBoost Learning for Human Detection Based on Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Adaptive Multiple Object Tracking Using Colour and Segmentation Cues
* Adaptive Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis Method and Its Application to Face Recognition, An
* Adaptively Determining Degrees of Implicit Polynomial Curves and Surfaces
* Analyzing Facial Expression by Fusing Manifolds
* Analyzing the Influences of Camera Warm-Up Effects on Image Acquisition
* Attention Monitoring for Music Contents Based on Analysis of Signal-Behavior Structures
* Automated Billboard Insertion in Video
* Automated Removal of Partial Occlusion Blur
* Automatic Range Image Registration Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming
* Backward Segmentation and Region Fitting for Geometrical Visibility Range Estimation
* Basin Morphology Approach to Colour Image Segmentation by Region Merging, A
* Bayesian Network for Foreground Segmentation in Region Level, A
* Calibrating Pan-Tilt Cameras with Telephoto Lenses
* Camera Calibration from Silhouettes Under Incomplete Circular Motion with a Constant Interval Angle
* Camera Calibration Using Principal-Axes Aligned Conics
* Cardiac Motion Estimation from Tagged MRI Using 3D-HARP and NURBS Volumetric Model
* Cascade of Feed-Forward Classifiers for Fast Pedestrian Detection, A
* Co-segmentation of Image Pairs with Quadratic Global Constraint in MRFs
* Coarse-to-Fine Statistical Shape Model by Bayesian Inference
* Color Constancy Via Convex Kernel Optimization
* Color-Stripe Structured Light Robust to Surface Color and Discontinuity
* Combined Object Detection and Segmentation by Using Space-Time Patches
* Comparative Studies on Multispectral Palm Image Fusion for Biometrics
* Comparing Timoshenko Beam to Energy Beam for Fitting Noisy Data
* Conic Fitting Using the Geometric Distance
* Constrained Optimization for Human Pose Estimation from Depth Sequences
* Content-Based Image Retrieval by Indexing Random Subwindows with Randomized Trees
* Content-Based Matching of Videos Using Local Spatio-temporal Fingerprints
* Continuously Tracking Objects Across Multiple Widely Separated Cameras
* Converting Thermal Infrared Face Images into Normal Gray-Level Images
* Convex Programming Approach to the Trace Quotient Problem, A
* Crystal Vision: Applications of Point Groups in Computer Vision
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Specular and Transparent Objects Using Stereo Cameras and Phase-Shift Method
* Depth from Stationary Blur with Adaptive Filtering
* Detecting and Segmenting Un-occluded Items by Actively Casting Shadows
* Detecting, Tracking and Recognizing License Plates
* Determining Relative Geometry of Cameras from Normal Flows
* Discriminant Clustering Embedding for Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Discriminating 3D Faces by Statistics of Depth Differences
* Discriminative Mean Shift Tracking with Auxiliary Particles
* Efficient Graph Cuts for Multiclass Interactive Image Segmentation
* Efficient Method for Text Detection in Video Based on Stroke Width Similarity, An
* Efficient Normalized Cross Correlation Based on Adaptive Multilevel Successive Elimination
* Efficient Registration of Aerial Image Sequences Without Camera Priors
* Efficient Search in Document Image Collections
* Efficient Texture Representation Using Multi-scale Regions
* Efficiently Solving the Fractional Trust Region Problem
* Embedding a Region Merging Prior in Level Set Vector-Valued Image Segmentation
* Evaluating Multi-class Multiple-Instance Learning for Image Categorization
* Evolving Measurement Regions for Depth from Defocus
* Exploiting Inter-frame Correlation for Fast Video to Reference Image Alignment
* Eye Correction Using Correlation Information
* Eye-Gaze Detection from Monocular Camera Image Using Parametric Template Matching
* Face Mis-alignment Analysis by Multiple-Instance Subspace
* Face Mosaicing for Pose Robust Video-Based Recognition
* Face Recognition by Using Elongated Local Binary Patterns with Average Maximum Distance Gradient Magnitude
* Family of Quadratic Snakes for Road Extraction, A
* Fast 3-D Interpretation from Monocular Image Sequences on Large Motion Fields
* Fast and Noise-Tolerant Method for Positioning Centers of Spiraling and Circulating Vector Fields, A
* Fast Optimal Algorithm for L-2 Triangulation, A
* Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation
* Feature Management for Efficient Camera Tracking
* Feature Subset Selection for Multi-class SVM Based Image Classification
* Finding Camera Overlap in Large Surveillance Networks
* Flea, Do You Remember Me?
* FPGA-Based Smart Camera for Gesture Recognition in HCI Applications, An
* Fragments Based Parametric Tracking
* Gait Identification Based on Multi-view Observations Using Omnidirectional Camera
* Gender Classification Based on Fusion of Multi-view Gait Sequences
* Generative Estimation of 3D Human Pose Using Shape Contexts Matching
* Gesture Recognition Under Small Sample Size
* Hand Posture Estimation in Complex Backgrounds by Considering Mis-match of Model
* Hierarchical Learning of Dominant Constellations for Object Class Recognition
* High Capacity Watermarking in Nonedge Texture Under Statistical Distortion Constraint
* High Dynamic Range Scene Realization Using Two Complementary Images
* Highest Accuracy Fundamental Matrix Computation
* How Marginal Likelihood Inference Unifies Entropy, Correlation and SNR-Based Stopping in Nonlinear Diffusion Scale-Spaces
* Human Pose Estimation from Volume Data and Topological Graph Database
* Identifying Foreground from Multiple Images
* Image and Video Matting with Membership Propagation
* Image Assimilation for Motion Estimation of Atmospheric Layers with Shallow-Water Model
* Image Correspondence from Motion Subspace Constraint and Epipolar Constraint
* Image Segmentation Using Co-EM Strategy
* Image Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts Based on Multi-scale Smoothing
* Improved Background Mixture Models for Video Surveillance Applications
* Improved Space Carving Method for Merging and Interpolating Multiple Range Images Using Information of Light Sources of Active Stereo
* Information Fusion for Multi-camera and Multi-body Structure and Motion
* Initial Pose Estimation for 3D Model Tracking Using Learned Objective Functions
* Interpolation Between Eigenspaces Using Rotation in Multiple Dimensions
* Iris Tracking and Regeneration for Improving Nonverbal Interface
* Kernel Discriminant Analysis Based on Canonical Differences for Face Recognition in Image Sets
* Kernel Orthogonal Mutual Subspace Method and Its Application to 3D Object Recognition, The
* Kernel-Bayesian Framework for Object Tracking
* Learning a Fast Emulator of a Binary Decision Process
* Learning Gabor Magnitude Features for Palmprint Recognition
* Learning Generative Models for Monocular Body Pose Estimation
* Learning-Based Super-Resolution System Using Single Facial Image and Multi-resolution Wavelet Synthesis
* Less Is More: Coded Computational Photography
* Local Probabilistic Prior-Based Active Contour Model for Brain MR Image Segmentation, A
* Localized Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Semi-Supervised Multiple Instance Learning
* Logical DP Matching for Detecting Similar Subsequence
* Machine Vision in Early Days: Japan's Pioneering Contributions
* MAPACo-Training: A Novel Online Learning Algorithm of Behavior Models
* Markov Random Field Modeled Level Sets Method for Object Tracking with Moving Cameras
* Measurement of Reflection Properties in Ancient Japanese Drawing Ukiyo-e
* Microscopic Surface Shape Estimation of a Transparent Plate Using a Complex Image
* Mirror Localization for Catadioptric Imaging System by Observing Parallel Light Pairs
* Motion Observability Analysis of the Simplified Color Correlogram for Visual Tracking
* Multi-camera People Tracking by Collaborative Particle Filters and Principal Axis-Based Integration
* Multi-posture Human Detection in Video Frames by Motion Contour Matching
* Multi-view Gymnastic Activity Recognition with Fused HMM
* Multiperspective Distortion Correction Using Collineations
* Multiple View Geometry for Non-rigid Motions Viewed from Translational Cameras
* Multiplexed Illumination for Measuring BRDF Using an Ellipsoidal Mirror and a Projector
* Multistrategical Approach in Visual Learning
* Multiview Pedestrian Detection Based on Vector Boosting
* Near-Optimal Mosaic Selection for Rotating and Zooming Video Cameras
* New Framework for Grayscale and Colour Non-lambertian Shape-from-Shading, A
* Noise-Insensitive Object Tracking Algorithm, A
* Non-parametric Background and Shadow Modeling for Object Detection
* Novel Multi-stage Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Object Detection Combining Recognition and Segmentation
* Occupancy-Depth Generative Model of Multi-View Images, An
* On the Critical Point of Gradient Vector Flow Snake
* On-Line Ensemble SVM for Robust Object Tracking
* Optical Flow-Driven Motion Model with Automatic Variance Adjustment for Adaptive Tracking
* Optimal Algorithms in Multiview Geometry
* Optimal Learning High-Order Markov Random Fields Priors of Colour Image
* Palmprint Recognition Under Unconstrained Scenes
* Pedestrian Detection Using Global-Local Motion Patterns
* Person-Similarity Weighted Feature for Expression Recognition
* Pose Estimation from Circle or Parallel Lines in a Single Image
* Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition Using Variable-Intensity Templates
* Privacy Preserving: Hiding a Face in a Face
* Probability Hypothesis Density Approach for Multi-camera Multi-object Tracking
* Qualitative and Quantitative Behaviour of Geometrical PDEs in Image Processing
* Real-Time and Marker-Free 3D Motion Capture for Home Entertainment Oriented Applications
* Recognition of Digital Images of the Human Face at Ultra Low Resolution Via Illumination Spaces
* Regularized Approach to Feature Selection for Face Detection, A
* Road Sign Detection Using Eigen Color
* Robust Foreground Extraction Technique Using Gaussian Family Model and Multiple Thresholds
* Sequential L-inf Norm Minimization for Triangulation
* Shape from Contour for the Digitization of Curved Documents
* Shape Reconstruction from Cast Shadows Using Coplanarities and Metric Constraints
* Shape Recovery from Turntable Image Sequence
* Shape Representation and Classification Using Boundary Radius Function
* Sign Recognition Using Constrained Optimization
* Simultaneous Appearance Modeling and Segmentation for Matching People Under Occlusion
* Simultaneous Plane Extraction and 2D Homography Estimation Using Local Feature Transformations
* Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features for Visual Tracking
* Sports Classification Using Cross-Ratio Histograms
* Statistical Framework for Shot Segmentation and Classification in Sports Video
* Stereo Matching Using Population-Based MCMC
* Stereo Vision Enabling Precise Border Localization Within a Scanline Optimization Framework
* Super Resolution of Images of 3D Scenecs
* Synchronized Ego-Motion Recovery of Two Face-to-Face Cameras
* Synthesis of Exaggerative Caricature with Inter and Intra Correlations
* Task Scheduling in Large Camera Networks
* Temporal Priors for Novel Video Synthesis
* Texture-Independent Feature-Point Matching (TIFM) from Motion Coherence
* Theoretical Approach to Construct Highly Discriminative Features with Application in AdaBoost, A
* Three Dimensional Position Measurement for Maxillofacial Surgery by Stereo X-Ray Images
* Three-Stage Motion Deblurring from a Video
* Total Absolute Gaussian Curvature for Stereo Prior
* Tracking and Classifying of Human Motions with Gaussian Process Annealed Particle Filter
* Tracking Iris Contour with a 3D Eye-Model for Gaze Estimation
* TransforMesh: A Topology-Adaptive Mesh-Based Approach to Surface Evolution
* Unsupervised Identification of Multiple Objects of Interest from Multiple Images: dISCOVER
* User-Guided Shape from Shading to Reconstruct Fine Details from a Single Photograph
* Video Mosaicing Based on Structure from Motion for Distortion-Free Document Digitization
* View Planning for Cityscape Archiving and Visualization
* Viewpoint Insensitive Action Recognition Using Envelop Shape
* Visual Odometry for Non-overlapping Views Using Second-Order Cone Programming
* Where's the Weet-Bix?
180 for ACCV07

* 3D Motion Segmentation Using Intensity Trajectory
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion and Skeleton from Uncalibrated Monocular Video
* 7-Round Parallel Hardware-Saving Accelerator for Gaussian and DoG Pyramid Construction Part of SIFT, A
* Accelerated Human Motion Tracking System Based on Voxel Reconstruction under Complex Environments, An
* Accurate and Efficient Cost Aggregation Strategy for Stereo Correspondence Based on Approximated Joint Bilateral Filtering
* Adapting SVM Image Classifiers to Changes in Imaging Conditions Using Incremental SVM: An Application to Car Detection
* Adaptive-Scale Robust Estimator Using Distribution Model Fitting
* Auto-scaled Incremental Tensor Subspace Learning for Region Based Rate Control Application
* Automated Center of Radial Distortion Estimation, Using Active Targets
* Background Estimation Based on Device Pixel Structures for Silhouette Extraction
* Bayesian 3D Human Body Pose Tracking from Depth Image Sequences
* Better Correspondence by Registration
* Beyond Pairwise Shape Similarity Analysis
* Blind Robust Watermarking Scheme Based on ICA and Image Dividing Blocks, A
* Categorization of Multiple Objects in a Scene without Semantic Segmentation
* Chromosome Image Recognition Method Based on Subregions, A
* Clustering-Based Descriptors for Fingerprint Indexing and Fast Retrieval
* Co-occurrence Random Forests for Object Localization and Classification
* Color Correction and Compression for Multi-view Video Using H.264 Features
* Combining Discriminative and Descriptive Models for Tracking
* Combining Edge and Color Features for Tracking Partially Occluded Humans
* Confidence-Based Color Modeling for Online Video Segmentation
* Contour Extraction Based on Surround Inhibition and Contour Grouping
* Convolutional Virtual Electric Field External Force for Active Contours
* Crease Detection on Noisy Meshes via Probabilistic Scale Selection
* Crowd Flow Characterization with Optimal Control Theory
* Dense and Accurate Spatio-temporal Multi-view Stereovision
* Detecting Critical Configurations for Dividing Long Image Sequences for Factorization-Based 3-D Scene Reconstruction
* Detecting Spatiotemporal Structure Boundaries: Beyond Motion Discontinuities
* Detection of Vehicle Manufacture Logos Using Contextual Information
* Disparity Estimation in a Layered Image for Reflection Stereo
* Distance-Based Multiple Paths Quantization of Vocabulary Tree for Object and Scene Retrieval
* Dynamic Kernel-Based Progressive Particle Filter for 3D Human Motion Tracking
* Dynamic Programming Approach to Maximizing Tracks for Structure from Motion, A
* Effective Segmentation for Noise-Based Image Verification Using Gamma Mixture Models, An
* Efficient Classification of Images with Taxonomies
* Efficient Human Action Detection Using a Transferable Distance Function
* Efficient Partial Shape Matching of Outer Contours
* Efficient Scale-Space Spatiotemporal Saliency Tracking for Distortion-Free Video Retargeting
* Estimating Human Pose from Occluded Images
* Evolving Mean Shift with Adaptive Bandwidth: A Fast and Noise Robust Approach
* Exploiting Intensity Inhomogeneity to Extract Textured Objects from Natural Scenes
* Extracting Spatio-Temporal Local Features Considering Consecutiveness of Motions
* Fabric Defect Detection and Classification Using Gabor Filters and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Face Alignment Using Boosting and Evolutionary Search
* Face Recognition by Estimating Facial Distinctive Information Distribution
* Face Recognition via AAM and Multi-features Fusion on Riemannian Manifolds
* Face Relighting Based on Multi-spectral Quotient Image and Illumination Tensorfaces
* Fast Depth Map Compression and Meshing with Compressed Tritree
* Finger-Vein Recognition Based on a Bank of Gabor Filters
* Fingerprint Orientation Field Estimation: Model of Primary Ridge for Global Structure and Model of Secondary Ridge for Correction
* Fingerspelling Recognition through Classification of Letter-to-Letter Transitions
* From Ramp Discontinuities to Segmentation Tree
* Gable Roof Description by Self-Avoiding Polygon
* Gait Recognition Using Procrustes Shape Analysis and Shape Context
* Gender from Body: A Biologically-Inspired Approach with Manifold Learning
* Gender Recognition via Locality Preserving Tensor Analysis on Face Images
* Generation of an Omnidirectional Video without Invisible Areas Using Image Inpainting
* Globally Optimal Spatio-temporal Reconstruction from Cluttered Videos
* Gradient Vector Flow over Manifold for Active Contours
* Graph-Based Feature Combination Approach to Object Tracking, A
* Harris-Like Scale Invariant Feature Detector, A
* Head Pose Estimation Based on Manifold Embedding and Distance Metric Learning
* Heavy-Tailed Model for Visual Tracking via Robust Subspace Learning
* Hierarchical Model for Joint Detection and Tracking of Multi-target
* Highly-Automatic MI Based Multiple 2D/3D Image Registration Using Self-initialized Geodesic Feature Correspondences
* Human Action Recognition under Log-Euclidean Riemannian Metric
* Human Action Recognition Using HDP by Integrating Motion and Location Information
* Human Action Recognition Using Non-separable Oriented 3D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets
* Human Action Recognition Using Pyramid Vocabulary Tree
* Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Classification
* Image Classification Using Probability Higher-Order Local Auto-Correlations
* Image Content Based Curve Matching Using HMCD Descriptor
* Image Enhancement of Low-Light Scenes with Near-Infrared Flash Images
* Image Search Result Summarization with Informative Priors
* Image-Set Based Face Recognition Using Boosted Global and Local Principal Angles
* Improved Template Matching Method for Object Detection, An
* Improved Uncalibrated View Synthesis by Extended Positioning of Virtual Cameras and Image Quality Optimization
* Incorporating Spatial Correlogram into Bag-of-Features Model for Scene Categorization
* Incremental Multi-view Face Tracking Based on General View Manifold
* Incrementally Discovering Object Classes Using Similarity Propagation and Graph Clustering
* Interactive Shadow Removal from a Single Image Using Hierarchical Graph Cut
* Interactive Super-Resolution through Neighbor Embedding
* Iterated Graph Cuts for Image Segmentation
* Learning Bundle Manifold by Double Neighborhood Graphs
* Learning Group Activity in Soccer Videos from Local Motion
* Learning Logic Rules for Scene Interpretation Based on Markov Logic Networks
* Level Set Segmentation Based on Local Gaussian Distribution Fitting
* Levels of Details for Gaussian Mixture Models
* Local Spatial Co-occurrence for Background Subtraction via Adaptive Binned Kernel Estimation
* Lorentzian Discriminant Projection and Its Applications
* Manifold Estimation in View-Based Feature Space for Face Synthesis across Poses
* Mean-Shift Object Tracking with a Novel Back-Projection Calculation Method
* MIFT: A Mirror Reflection Invariant Feature Descriptor
* Model-Based 3D Object Localization Using Occluding Contours
* Monocular Template-Based Tracking of Inextensible Deformable Surfaces under L2-Norm
* Moving Object Segmentation in the H.264 Compressed Domain
* Multi-scale Bilateral Structure Tensor Based Corner Detector, A
* Multi-view Texturing of Imprecise Mesh
* Multicue Graph Mincut for Image Segmentation
* Multilevel Algebraic Invariants Extraction by Incremental Fitting Scheme
* Multilinear Nonparametric Feature Analysis
* Multiple View Reconstruction of a Quadric of Revolution from Its Occluding Contours
* Natural Image Segmentation with Adaptive Texture and Boundary Encoding
* Non-rigid Shape Matching Using Geometry and Photometry
* Novel Hierarchical Model of Attention: Maximizing Information Acquisition, A
* Novel Self-created Tree Structure Based Multi-view Face Detection, A
* Novel System for Robust Text Location and Recognition of Book Covers, A
* Novel Visual Organization Based on Topological Perception, A
* Object Detection with Multiple Motion Models
* Online Framework for Learning Novel Concepts over Multiple Cues, An
* Orientation and Scale Invariant Kernel-Based Object Tracking with Probabilistic Emphasizing
* Part-Based Object Detection Using Cascades of Boosted Classifiers
* Pedestrian Recognition Using Second-Order HOG Feature
* People Tracking and Segmentation Using Efficient Shape Sequences Matching
* Perception-Based Lighting Adjustment of Image Sequences
* Person De-Identification in Videos
* Planar Scene Modeling from Quasiconvex Subproblems
* Polygonal Light Source Estimation
* Polymorphous Facial Trait Code
* Probabilistic Cascade Random Fields for Man-Made Structure Detection
* Probabilistic Model for Correspondence Problems Using Random Walks with Restart, A
* Real-Time Object Detection with Adaptive Background Model and Margined Sign Correlation
* Real-Time Video Matting Based on Bilayer Segmentation
* Refined Exponential Filter with Applications to Image Restoration and Interpolation
* Region Based Color Image Retrieval Using Curvelet Transform
* Robust 3D Face Recognition Based on Rejection and Adaptive Region Selection
* Robust Algorithm for Color Correction between Two Stereo Images, A
* Robust Focal Length Estimation by Voting in Multi-view Scene Reconstruction
* Robust Real-Time Multiple Target Tracking
* Rotation Averaging with Application to Camera-Rig Calibration
* Scalable Algorithm for Learning a Mahalanobis Distance Metric, A
* Scalable Image Retrieval Based on Feature Forest
* Scene Gist: A Holistic Generative Model of Natural Image
* Semantic Classification in Aerial Imagery by Integrating Appearance and Height Information
* Semi-supervised Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Shape Derivative Based Approach for Crowd Flow Segmentation, A
* Similarity Scores Based on Background Samples
* Single-Camera Multi-baseline Stereo Using Fish-Eye Lens and Mirrors
* Skeleton Graph Matching Based on Critical Points Using Path Similarity
* Smarter Particle Filter, A
* Solving Multilabel MRFs Using Incremental alpha-Expansion on the GPUs
* Spatially Varying Regularization of Image Sequences Super-Resolution
* Spectral Graph Partitioning Based on a Random Walk Diffusion Similarity Measure
* Statistical-Structural Constraint Model for Cartoon Face Wrinkle Representation and Generation, A
* Subjective Method for Image Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Super-Resolution of Multiple Moving 3D Objects with Pixel-Based Registration
* Support Aggregation via Non-linear Diffusion with Disparity-Dependent Support-Weights for Stereo Matching
* Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts for Human Pose Estimation
* Three-Phase Approach to Photometric Calibration for Multi-projector Display Using LCD Projectors, A
* Towards Robust Object Detection: Integrated Background Modeling Based on Spatio-temporal Features
* Tracking Endocardial Boundary and Motion via Graph Cut Distribution Matching and Multiple Model Filtering
* Tracking Eye Gaze under Coordinated Head Rotations with an Ordinary Camera
* Training Support Vector Machines on Large Sets of Image Data
* Transductive Segmentation of Textured Meshes
* Twisted Cubic: Degeneracy Degree and Relationship with General Degeneracy
* Two-View Geometry and Reconstruction under Quasi-perspective Projection
* Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via Super Resolution and Nonlinear Diffusion
* Unfolding a Face: From Singular to Manifold
* Variant of the Trace Quotient Formulation for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* Vehicle Headlights Detection Using Markov Random Fields
* Video Segmentation Using Iterated Graph Cuts Based on Spatio-temporal Volumes
* Visual Focus of Attention Recognition in the Ambient Kitchen
* Visual Saliency Based Object Tracking
* Visual Saliency Based on Conditional Entropy
* Weighted Map for Reflectance and Shading Separation Using a Single Image
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* 3D Line Segment Detection for Unorganized Point Clouds from Multi-view Stereo
* 3D Object Recognition Based on Canonical Angles between Shape Subspaces
* 3D Structure Refinement of Nonrigid Surfaces through Efficient Image Alignment
* Abstraction and Generalization of 3D Structure for Recognition in Large Intra-Class Variation
* Active Learning with the Furthest Nearest Neighbor Criterion for Facial Age Estimation
* Adaptive e-LBP for Background Subtraction
* Adaptive Motion Segmentation Algorithm Based on the Principal Angles Configuration
* Adaptive Parameter Selection for Image Segmentation Based on Similarity Estimation of Multiple Segmenters
* Affine Warp Propagation for Fast Simultaneous Modelling and Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Affordance Mining: Forming Perception through Action
* Analytical Dynamic Programming Tracker
* Application of Vision Algorithms to Visual Effects Production, The
* Approximate and SQP Two View Triangulation
* Approximation Algorithm for Computing Minimum-Length Polygons in 3D Images, An
* Asymmetric Totally-Corrective Boosting for Real-Time Object Detection
* Automatic Workflow Monitoring in Industrial Environments
* Automating Snakes for Multiple Objects Detection
* Biologically-Inspired Theory for Non-axiomatic Parametric Curve Completion, A
* Cage-Based Tracking for Performance Animation
* Change Detection for Temporal Texture in the Fourier Domain
* Character Energy and Link Energy-Based Text Extraction in Scene Images
* Class-Specific Low-Dimensional Representation of Local Features for Viewpoint Invariant Object Recognition
* Classifier Acceleration by Imitation
* Closed-Form Solutions to Minimal Absolute Pose Problems with Known Vertical Direction
* Color Kernel Regression for Robust Direct Upsampling from Raw Data of General Color Filter Array
* Color to Grayscale Conversion Considering Local and Global Contrast, A
* Colour Dynamic Photometric Stereo for Textured Surfaces
* Compositional Exemplar-Based Model for Hair Segmentation, A
* Compressed Sensing for Robust Texture Classification
* Compressive Evaluation in Human Motion Tracking
* Context-Based Support Vector Machines for Interconnected Image Annotation
* Continuous Surface-Point Distributions for 3D Object Pose Estimation and Recognition
* Convex Image Segmentation: Extending Graph Cuts and Closed-Form Matting, A
* Correspondence-Free Multi Camera Calibration by Observing a Simple Reference Plane
* Cosine Similarity Metric Learning for Face Verification
* Curved Reflection Symmetry Detection with Self-validation
* Deformable Object Modelling and Matching
* Dense Multi-frame Optic Flow for Non-rigid Objects Using Subspace Constraints
* Descriptor Learning Based on Fisher Separation Criterion for Texture Classification
* Direct Method for Estimating Planar Projective Transform, A
* Earth Mover's Morphing: Topology-Free Shape Morphing Using Cluster-Based EMD Flows
* Efficient Clustering Earth Mover's Distance
* Efficient Large-Scale Stereo Matching
* Efficient Multi-structure Robust Fitting with Incremental Top-k Lists Comparison
* Efficient RANSAC for 3D Object Recognition in Noisy and Occluded Scenes, An
* Efficient Structured Support Vector Regression
* Efficient Visual Object Tracking with Online Nearest Neighbor Classifier
* Emphasizing 3D Structure Visually Using Coded Projection from Multiple Projectors
* Estimating Meteorological Visibility Using Cameras: A Probabilistic Model-Driven Approach
* Exploiting Self-similarities for Single Frame Super-Resolution
* Extending AMCW Lidar Depth-of-Field Using a Coded Aperture
* Face Detection with Effective Feature Extraction
* Face Recognition with Decision Tree-Based Local Binary Patterns
* Family Facial Patch Resemblance Extraction
* Fast Computation of a Visual Hull
* Fast Recovery of Weakly Textured Surfaces from Monocular Image Sequences
* Fast Semi-inverse Approach to Detect and Remove the Haze from a Single Image, A
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector
* Feature Quarrels: The Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Image Segmentation Using a Variational Framework
* Feature-Assisted Dense Spatio-temporal Reconstruction from Binocular Sequences
* Finding Human Poses in Videos Using Concurrent Matching and Segmentation
* Flexible Online Calibration for a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* Foreground and Shadow Segmentation Based on a Homography-Correspondence Pair
* Four Color Theorem for Fast Early Vision
* From Local Features to Global Shape Constraints: Heterogeneous Matching Scheme for Recognizing Objects under Serious Background Clutter
* Full-Resolution Depth Map Estimation from an Aliased Plenoptic Light Field
* Gait Analysis of Gender and Age Using a Large-Scale Multi-view Gait Database
* Generic Object Class Detection Using Boosted Configurations of Oriented Edges
* Geometries on Spaces of Treelike Shapes
* Geometry Aware Local Kernels for Object Recognition
* Geotagged Image Recognition by Combining Three Different Kinds of Geolocation Features
* Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Gradual Sampling and Mutual Information Maximisation for Markerless Motion Capture
* Hemispherical Confocal Imaging Using Turtleback Reflector
* Heuristic Deformable Pedestrian Detection Method, A
* HMM-SVM-Based Automatic Image Annotation Approach, An
* Horror Image Recognition Based on Emotional Attention
* Human Detection in Video over Large Viewpoint Changes
* Human Pose Estimation Using Exemplars and Part Based Refinement
* Human Tracking by Multiple Kernel Boosting with Locality Affinity Constraints
* Hybrid Supervised-Unsupervised Vocabulary Generation Algorithm for Visual Concept Recognition, A
* Identifying Surprising Events in Videos Using Bayesian Topic Models
* Image and Video Decolorization by Fusion
* Image Classification Using Spatial Pyramid Coding and Visual Word Reweighting
* Image De-fencing Revisited
* Image Inpainting Based on Probabilistic Structure Estimation
* Image Reconstruction for High-Sensitivity Imaging by Using Combined Long/Short Exposure Type Single-Chip Image Sensor
* Image Segmentation Fusion Using General Ensemble Clustering Methods
* Image-Based 3D Modeling via Cheeger Sets
* Image-Based and Sketch-Based Modeling of Plants and Trees
* Improved Spatial Pyramid Matching for Image Classification
* Improving Gaussian Process Classification with Outlier Detection, with Applications in Image Classification
* Indoor Scene Classification Using Combined 3D and Gist Features
* Inference Scene Labeling by Incorporating Object Detection with Explicit Shape Model
* Interactive Event Search through Transfer Learning
* Interactive Multi-label Segmentation
* Invariant Feature Set Generation with the Linear Manifold Self-organizing Map
* kPose: A New Representation For Action Recognition
* Large-Scale Crowd Density Estimation Based on Effective Region Feature Extraction Method, The
* Latent Gaussian Mixture Regression for Human Pose Estimation
* Learning Image Structures for Optimizing Disparity Estimation
* Learning Non-coplanar Scene Models by Exploring the Height Variation of Tracked Objects
* Learning Rare Behaviours
* Learning Video Manifold for Segmenting Crowd Events and Abnormality Detection
* Level Set with Embedded Conditional Random Fields and Shape Priors for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects
* Linear Solution to 1-Dimensional Subspace Fitting under Incomplete Data, A
* Linear Solvability in the Viewing Graph
* Local Empirical Templates and Density Ratios for People Counting
* Localized Earth Mover's Distance for Robust Histogram Comparison
* Markerless and Efficient 26-DOF Hand Pose Recovery
* Medical Image Segmentation Based on Novel Local Order Energy
* Method for Text Localization and Recognition in Real-World Images, A
* Minimal Representations for Uncertainty and Estimation in Projective Spaces
* Modeling Complex Scenes for Accurate Moving Objects Segmentation
* Modeling Dynamic Scenes Recorded with Freely Moving Cameras
* Modeling Sense Disambiguation of Human Pose: Recognizing Action at a Distance by Key Poses
* Modeling Urban Scenes in the Spatial-Temporal Space
* Modified Hybrid Bronchoscope Tracking Based on Sequential Monte Carlo Sampler: Dynamic Phantom Validation
* MOMI-Cosegmentation: Simultaneous Segmentation of Multiple Objects among Multiple Images
* Monocular Template-Based Reconstruction of Smooth and Inextensible Surfaces
* MRF Labeling for Multi-view Range Image Integration
* MRF-Based Background Initialisation for Improved Foreground Detection in Cluttered Surveillance Videos
* Multi-class Leveraged k-NN for Image Classification
* Multi-illumination Face Recognition from a Single Training Image per Person with Sparse Representation
* Multi-level Supporting Scheme for Face Recognition under Partial Occlusions and Disguise, A
* Multi-Scale Learning Framework for Visual Categorization, A
* Multi-Target Tracking by Learning Class-Specific and Instance-Specific Cues
* Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction with High Dynamic Range Texture
* Multiple Order Graph Matching
* Multiple Viewpoint Recognition and Localization
* Network Connectivity via Inference over Curvature-Regularizing Line Graphs
* New Efficient Solution to the Absolute Pose Problem for Camera with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion
* Novel Representation of Palm-Print for Recognition, A
* Object Class Segmentation Using Reliable Regions
* Object Detection Using Local Difference Patterns
* Occlusion Handling with L1-Regularized Sparse Reconstruction
* On Feature Combination and Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Tracking
* On the Use of Implicit Shape Models for Recognition of Object Categories in 3D Data
* One-Class Classification with Gaussian Processes
* Online Learning for PLSA-Based Visual Recognition
* Optimal Regions for Linear Model-Based 3D Face Reconstruction
* Optimal Two-View Planar Scene Triangulation
* Optimizing Visual Vocabularies Using Soft Assignment Entropies
* Orthogonality Based Stopping Condition for Iterative Image Deconvolution Methods
* Over-Segmentation Based Background Modeling and Foreground Detection with Shadow Removal by Using Hierarchical MRFs
* Pedestrian Recognition with a Learned Metric
* Personalized 3D-Aided 2D Facial Landmark Localization
* Phase Discrepancy Analysis of Object Motion, A
* Phase Registration of a Single Quasi-Periodic Signal Using Self Dynamic Time Warping
* Planar Affine Rectification from Change of Scale
* Posing to the Camera: Automatic Viewpoint Selection for Human Actions
* Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition Based on Multiple Interpretations Generation
* PTZ Camera Modeling and Panoramic View Generation via Focal Plane Mapping
* Pursuing Atomic Video Words by Information Projection
* Pyramid Center-Symmetric Local Binary/Trinary Patterns for Effective Pedestrian Detection
* Pyramid-Based Multi-structure Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Randomised Manifold Forests for Principal Angle-Based Face Recognition
* Real Time Myocardial Strain Analysis of Tagged MR Cines Using Element Space Non-rigid Registration
* Real-Time Detection of Small Surface Objects Using Weather Effects
* Real-Time Human Detection Using Relational Depth Similarity Features
* Real-Time Robust Image Feature Description and Matching
* Recognizing Continuous Grammatical Marker Facial Gestures in Sign Language Video
* Reconstructing Mass-Conserved Water Surfaces Using Shape from Shading and Optical Flow
* Reducing Ambiguity in Object Recognition Using Relational Information
* Robust Auxiliary Particle Filter with an Adaptive Appearance Model for Visual Tracking
* Robust Photometric Stereo via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
* Robust Tracking Based on Pixel-Wise Spatial Pyramid and Biased Fusion
* Robust Tracking With Discriminative Ranking Lists
* Saliency Density Maximization for Object Detection and Localization
* Salient Region Detection by Jointly Modeling Distinctness and Redundancy of Image Content
* Segmentation of Brain Tumors in Multi-parametric MR Images via Robust Statistic Information Propagation
* Segmentation via NCuts and Lossy Minimum Description Length: A Unified Approach
* Semi-supervised Neighborhood Preserving Discriminant Embedding: A Semi-supervised Subspace Learning Algorithm
* Sensor Measurements and Image Registration Fusion to Retrieve Variations of Satellite Attitude
* Social Interactive Human Video Synthesis
* Solving MRFs with Higher-Order Smoothness Priors Using Hierarchical Gradient Nodes
* Sparse Coding on Local Spatial-Temporal Volumes for Human Action Recognition
* Sparse Source Separation of Non-instantaneous Spatially Varying Single Path Mixtures
* Spatial-Temporal Affinity Propagation for Feature Clustering with Application to Traffic Video Analysis
* Spatial-Temporal Motion Compensation Based Video Super Resolution
* Spatiotemporal Closure
* Spatiotemporal Contour Grouping Using Abstract Part Models
* Specular Surface Recovery from Reflections of a Planar Pattern Undergoing an Unknown Pure Translation
* Stick It! Articulated Tracking Using Spatial Rigid Object Priors
* Stream-Based Active Unusual Event Detection
* Surface Extraction from Iso-disparity Contours
* Sustained Observability for Salient Motion Detection
* System for Colorectal Tumor Classification in Magnifying Endoscopic NBI Images, A
* Temporal Feature Weighting for Prototype-Based Action Recognition
* Temporal Latent Topic Model for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Temporal Super Resolution from a Single Quasi-periodic Image Sequence Based on Phase Registration
* Text Localization and Recognition in Complex Scenes Using Local Features
* Theoretical and Numerical Study of a Phase Field Higher-Order Active Contour Model of Directed Networks, A
* TILT: Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* Top-Down Cues for Event Recognition
* Totally-Corrective Multi-class Boosting
* Towards Full 3D Helmholtz Stereovision Algorithms
* Towards Hypothesis Testing and Lossy Minimum Description Length: A Unified Segmentation Framework
* Translation-Symmetry-Based Perceptual Grouping with Applications to Urban Scenes
* Unified Approach to Segmentation and Categorization of Dynamic Textures, A
* Unsupervised Feature Selection for Salient Object Detection
* Unsupervised Framework for Action Recognition Using Actemes, An
* Unsupervised Moving Object Detection with On-line Generalized Hough Transform
* Unsupervised Selective Transfer Learning for Object Recognition
* Video Based Face Recognition Using Graph Matching
* Video Deblurring and Super-Resolution Technique for Multiple Moving Objects
* Video Temporal Super-Resolution Based on Self-similarity
* Wave Interference for Pattern Description
* Weak Structure Model for Regular Pattern Recognition Applied to Facade Images, A
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* Action Disambiguation Analysis Using Normalized Google-Like Distance Correlogram
* Action Recognition Using Canonical Correlation Kernels
* Active Learning for Interactive Segmentation with Expected Confidence Change
* Adaptation Framework for Head-Pose Classification in Dynamic Multi-view Scenarios, An
* Adaptive Background Defogging with Foreground Decremental Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient
* Adaptive Integration of Feature Matches into Variational Optical Flow Methods
* Adaptive Structure from Motion with a Contrario Model Estimation
* Adaptive Unsupervised Multi-view Feature Selection for Visual Concept Recognition
* AfNet: The Affordance Network
* Alpha-Flow for Video Matting
* Anchor Patch Based Optimization Framework for Reducing Optical Flow Drift in Long Image Sequences, An
* Anterior Cruciate Ligament Segmentation from Knee MR Images Using Graph Cuts with Geometric and Probabilistic Shape Constraints
* Apparel Classification with Style
* Appearance Sharing for Collective Human Pose Estimation
* Application of Heterogenous Motion Models towards Structure Recovery from Motion
* Arbitrary-Shape Object Localization Using Adaptive Image Grids
* Automatic Grading of Cortical and PSC Cataracts Using Retroillumination Lens Images
* Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Based on Texture Analysis and Supervised Learning
* Automatic Stave Discovery for Musical Facsimiles
* Automatic Webcam-Based Human Heart Rate Measurements Using Laplacian Eigenmap
* Bayesian Approach to Uncertainty-Based Depth Map Super Resolution, A
* Bayesian Epipolar Geometry Estimation from Tomographic Projections
* Benchmarking Still-to-Video Face Recognition via Partial and Local Linear Discriminant Analysis on COX-S2V Dataset
* Beyond Dataset Bias: Multi-task Unaligned Shared Knowledge Transfer
* Biologically Motivated Double-Opponency Approach to Illumination Invariance, A
* Boosting with Side Information
* Class-Specific Weighted Dominant Orientation Templates for Object Detection
* Co-regularized PLSA for Multi-view Clustering
* Color-Aware Regularization for Gradient Domain Image Manipulation
* Combinational Subsequence Matching for Human Identification from General Actions
* Comparative Study of Encoding, Pooling and Normalization Methods for Action Recognition, A
* Complete Generic Camera Calibration and Modeling Using Spline Surfaces
* Contextual Pooling in Image Classification
* Coupling-and-Decoupling: A Hierarchical Model for Occlusion-Free Car Detection
* Cross Anisotropic Cost Volume Filtering for Segmentation
* Cross Image Inference Scheme for Stereo Matching
* Cross-Database Transfer Learning via Learnable and Discriminant Error-Correcting Output Codes
* Cross-view Graph Embedding
* Data Decomposition and Spatial Mixture Modeling for Part Based Model
* Deblurring Vein Images and Removing Skin Wrinkle Patterns by Using Tri-band Illumination
* Dense Scene Flow Based on Depth and Multi-channel Bilateral Filter
* Depth-Estimation-Free Condition for Projective Factorization and Its Application to 3D Reconstruction
* Design of Non-Linear Discriminative Dictionaries for Image Classification
* Detecting Changes in Images of Street Scenes
* Detecting Partially Occluded Objects with an Implicit Shape Model Random Field
* Digital Paparazzi: Spotting Celebrities in Professional Photo Libraries
* Digitization of Deformed Documents Using a High-Speed Multi-camera Array
* Directed Graphical Model for Linear Barcode Scanning from Blurred Images, A
* Disambiguation in Unknown Object Detection by Integrating Image and Speech Recognition Confidences
* Discriminative Dictionary Learning with Pairwise Constraints
* Dynamic Objectness for Adaptive Tracking
* Dynamic Saliency Models and Human Attention: A Comparative Study on Videos
* Efficient and Scalable 4th-Order Match Propagation
* Efficient Background Subtraction under Abrupt Illumination Variations
* Efficient Clothing Retrieval with Semantic-Preserving Visual Phrases
* Efficient Detection for Spatially Local Coding
* Efficient Discriminative Learning of Class Hierarchy for Many Class Prediction
* Efficient Human Parsing Based on Sketch Representation
* Efficient Image Appearance Description Using Dense Sampling Based Local Binary Patterns
* Efficient Image Matching Method for Multi-View Stereo, An
* Efficient Learning of Linear Predictors Using Dimensionality Reduction
* Efficient Pixel-Grouping Based on Dempster's Theory of Evidence for Image Segmentation
* Egocentric Activity Monitoring and Recovery
* Enhancing Expression Recognition in the Wild with Unlabeled Reference Data
* Epipolar Geometry Estimation for Urban Scenes with Repetitive Structures
* Exclusive Visual Descriptor Quantization
* Exploiting Features: Locally Interleaved Sequential Alignment for Object Detection
* Exploring the Similarities of Neighboring Spatiotemporal Points for Action Pair Matching
* Face Parts Localization Using Structured-Output Regression Forests
* Face Recognition after Plastic Surgery: A Comprehensive Study
* Face Recognition in Videos: A Graph Based Modified Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Fast 3D Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds Using Graph-Based Fronts Propagation
* Fast and Effective Retrieval of Plant Leaf Shapes
* Fast Training of Effective Multi-class Boosting Using Coordinate Descent Optimization
* Features with Feelings: Incorporating User Preferences in Video Categorization
* Finding Happiest Moments in a Social Context
* Full 6DOF Pose Estimation from Geo-Located Images
* Fusing Magnitude and Phase Features for Robust Face Recognition
* Fusing Warping, Cropping, and Scaling for Optimal Image Thumbnail Generation
* Fusion of Time-of-Flight and Stereo for Disambiguation of Depth Measurements
* Generalized Mutual Subspace Based Methods for Image Set Classification
* Generic Active Appearance Models Revisited
* Globally Minimal Path Method Using Dynamic Speed Functions Based on Progressive Wave Propagation
* Globally Optimal Consensus Set Maximization through Rotation Search
* Graspable Parts Recognition in Man-Made 3D Shapes
* Grouping Active Contour Fragments for Object Recognition
* Hand Posture Recognition from Disparity Cost Map
* Hand Vein Recognition Based on Oriented Gradient Maps and Local Feature Matching
* Hand-Eye Calibration without Hand Orientation Measurement Using Minimal Solution
* Hierarchical Object Representations for Visual Recognition via Weakly Supervised Learning
* Hierarchical Space Tiling for Scene Modeling
* Histogram of Oriented Normal Vectors for Object Recognition with a Depth Sensor
* Horror Video Scene Recognition Based on Multi-view Multi-instance Learning
* Human Face Super-Resolution Based on NSCT
* Human Reidentification with Transferred Metric Learning
* Image Retrieval Using Eigen Queries
* Image Super-Resolution Using Local Learnable Kernel Regression
* Image Super-Resolution: Use of Self-learning and Gabor Prior
* Image Synthesis and Occlusion Removal of Intermediate Views by Stereo Matching
* Image Upscaling Using Multiple Dictionaries of Natural Image Patches
* Incremental Slow Feature Analysis with Indefinite Kernel for Online Temporal Video Segmentation
* Invariant Surface-Based Shape Descriptor for Dynamic Surface Encoding
* Iris Recognition Using Consistent Corner Optical Flow
* Iterative Feedback Estimation of Depth and Radiance from Defocused Images
* Iterative Semi-Global Matching for Robust Driver Assistance Systems
* Joint Kernel Learning for Supervised Image Segmentation
* Knowledge Leverage from Contours to Bounding Boxes: A Concise Approach to Annotation
* Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment by Parameter Vector Partition
* Learning a Context Aware Dictionary for Sparse Representation
* Learning a Quality-Based Ranking for Feature Point Trajectories
* Learning Discriminant Face Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Learning Feature Subspaces for Appearance-Based Bundle Adjustment
* Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words Using Naive Bayes Clustering
* Learning Object Appearance from Occlusions Using Structure and Motion Recovery
* Linear Discriminant Analysis with Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Linear Programming Based Method for Joint Object Region Matching and Labeling, A
* Local 3D Symmetry for Visual Saliency in 2.5D Point Clouds
* Local Context Priors for Object Proposal Generation
* Local Covariance Filtering for Color Images
* Local Distance Comparison for Multiple-shot People Re-identification
* Local Hypersphere Coding Based on Edges between Visual Words
* Locality-Constrained Active Appearance Model
* Max-Margin Regularization for Reducing Accidentalness in Chamfer Matching
* Maximal Cliques Based Rigid Body Motion Segmentation with a RGB-D Camera
* Measuring Linearity of Closed Curves and Connected Compound Curves
* Model Based Training, Detection and Pose Estimation of Texture-Less 3D Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes
* Modeling Hidden Topics with Dual Local Consistency for Image Analysis
* Motion-Invariant Coding Using a Programmable Aperture Camera
* MRF-Based Blind Image Deconvolution
* Multi-layer Spectral Clustering for Video Segmentation
* Multi-Level Structured Image Coding on High-Dimensional Image Representation
* Multi-view Synthesis Based on Single View Reference Layer
* Multiple Target Tracking Using Frame Triplets
* Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks for Vision-Based Classification of Cells
* Naive Bayes Image Classification: Beyond Nearest Neighbors
* Navigation toward Non-static Target Object Using Footprint Detection Based Tracking
* New Framework for Background Subtraction Using Multiple Cues, A
* New Projection Space for Separation of Specular-Diffuse Reflection Components in Color Images, A
* Nighttime Face Recognition at Long Distance: Cross-Distance and Cross-Spectral Matching
* Noise Tolerant Watershed Transformation with Viscous Force for Seeded Image Segmentation, A
* Non-rigid Self-calibration of a Projective Camera
* Non-sequential Multi-view Detection, Localization and Identification of People Using Multi-modal Feature Maps
* Nonlocal Spectral Prior Model for Low-Level Vision
* Object Templates for Visual Place Categorization
* Object Tracking within the Framework of Concept Drift
* Observation-Driven Adaptive Differential Evolution for Robust Bronchoscope 3-D Motion Tracking
* On the Global Self-calibration of Central Cameras Using Two Infinitesimal Rotations
* One-Class Multiple Instance Learning and Applications to Target Tracking
* One-Class Multiple Instance Learning via Robust PCA for Common Object Discovery
* Online Learning for Fast Segmentation of Moving Objects
* Online Multi-target Tracking by Large Margin Structured Learning
* Online Semi-Supervised Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation
* Online Web-Data-Driven Segmentation of Selected Moving Objects in Videos
* Optimal Operator Space Pursuit: A Framework for Video Sequence Data Analysis
* Parameterized Variety Based View Synthesis Scheme for Multi-view 3DTV
* Patch Mosaic for Fast Motion Deblurring
* PEDIVHANDI: Multimodal Indexation and Retrieval System for Lecture Videos
* Phase-Based Approach for Caption Detection in Videos, A
* Picture Is Worth a Thousand Tags: Automatic Web Based Image Tag Expansion, A
* Piecewise Planar Scene Reconstruction and Optimization for Multi-view Stereo
* Pooled NBNN Kernel: Beyond Image-to-Class and Image-to-Image, The
* Precise 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image
* Probabilistic 3D Model Retrieval System Using Sphere Image, A
* q-Gaussian Mixture Models Based on Non-extensive Statistics for Image and Video Semantic Indexing
* Quadra-Embedding: Binary Code Embedding with Low Quantization Error
* Qualitative Pose Estimation by Discriminative Deformable Part Models
* Quasi-regular Facade Structure Extraction
* Rapid Uncertainty Computation with Gaussian Processes and Histogram Intersection Kernels
* Reconstructing Sequential Patterns without Knowing Image Correspondences
* Reconstructing Shape from Dictionaries of Shading Primitives
* Reconstruction of 3D Surface and Restoration of Flat Document Image from Monocular Image Sequence
* Registration of Multi-view Images of Planar Surfaces
* Registration of Pre-Operative CT and Non-Contrast-Enhanced C-Arm CT: An Application to Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
* Relative Forest for Attribute Prediction
* Robust and Efficient Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences
* Robust Mid-Sagittal Plane Extraction in 3-D Ultrasound Fetal Volume for First Trimester Screening
* Robust Multiple-Instance Learning with Superbags
* Robust Object Tracking in Crowd Dynamic Scenes Using Explicit Stereo Depth
* Robust Object Tracking Using Constellation Model with Superpixel
* Robust Registration-Based Tracking by Sparse Representation with Model Update
* Robust Stereo Prior for Human Segmentation, A
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Dynamic Classifier Selection with Sparse Representation of Label Noise
* Salient Object Detection via Color Contrast and Color Distribution
* Self-calibration and Motion Recovery from Silhouettes with Two Mirrors
* Self-calibration of a PTZ Camera Using New LMI Constraints
* Semantic Pixel Sets Based Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition
* Semantic Segmentation with Millions of Features: Integrating Multiple Cues in a Combined Random Forest Approach
* Semantic-Context-Based Augmented Descriptor for Image Feature Matching
* Semi-Supervised Learning on a Budget: Scaling Up to Large Datasets
* Sequential Reconstruction Segment-Wise Feature Track and Structure Updating Based on Parallax Paths
* Shadow Repair Approach for Kinect Depth Maps, A
* Shadow-Free TILT for Facade Rectification
* Shift-Map Based Stereo Image Retargeting with Disparity Adjustment
* Simultaneous Monocular 2D Segmentation, 3D Pose Recovery and 3D Reconstruction
* Simultaneous Multiple Rotation Averaging Using Lagrangian Duality
* Single Image Super Resolution Reconstruction in Perturbed Exemplar Sub-space
* Single-Image Blind Deblurring for Non-uniform Camera-Shake Blur
* Sparsity Sharing Embedding for Face Verification
* Spatial Graph for Image Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Clustering Model for Multi-object Tracking through Occlusions
* Spatiotemporal Salience via Centre-Surround Comparison of Visual Spacetime Orientations
* Stable Two View Reconstruction Using the Six-Point Algorithm
* Stereo Reconstruction and Contrast Restoration in Daytime Fog
* Structured Visual Tracking with Dynamic Graph
* Superpixel Classification Based Optic Disc Segmentation
* Tell Me What You Like and I'll Tell You What You Are: Discriminating Visual Preferences on Flickr Data
* Temporal-Spatial Refinements for Video Concept Fusion
* Texture Classification Based on BIMF Monogenic Signals
* Toward Efficient Acquisition of BRDFs with Fewer Samples
* Toward Perception-Based Shape Decomposition
* Tracking Growing Axons by Particle Filtering in 3D + t Fluorescent Two-Photon Microscopy Images
* Tracking Pedestrian with Multi-component Online Deformable Part-Based Model
* Two-Image Perspective Photometric Stereo Using Shape-from-Shading
* Underwater Live Fish Recognition Using a Balance-Guaranteed Optimized Tree
* Unified Framework for Line Extraction in Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras, A
* Unknown Radial Distortion Centers in Multiple View Geometry Problems
* Unsupervised Language Learning for Discovered Visual Concepts
* Using Models of Objects with Deformable Parts for Joint Categorization and Segmentation of Objects
* Utilizing Optical Aberrations for Extended-Depth-of-Field Panoramas
* Vanishing Points Estimation and Line Classification in a Manhattan World
* Video Co-segmentation
* Video Segmentation with Superpixels
* VISOR: Towards On-the-Fly Large-Scale Object Category Retrieval
* Visual Tracking in Continuous Appearance Space via Sparse Coding
* Voronoi-Based Extraction of a Feature Skeleton from Noisy Triangulated Surfaces
* Weighted Interaction Force Estimation for Abnormality Detection in Crowd Scenes
227 for ACCV12

* 2D or Not 2D: Bridging the Gap Between Tracking and Structure from Motion
* 3D Aware Correction and Completion of Depth Maps in Piecewise Planar Scenes
* 3D Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* 3D Reconstruction of Specular Objects with Occlusion: A Shape-from-Scattering Approach
* 6-DOF Model Based Tracking via Object Coordinate Regression
* A+: Adjusted Anchored Neighborhood Regression for Fast Super-Resolution
* Accelerated Kmeans Clustering Using Binary Random Projection
* Accelerating Cost Volume Filtering Using Salient Subvolumes and Robust Occlusion Handling
* Accelerating the Distribution Estimation for the Weighted Median/Mode Filters
* Accuracy and Specificity Trade-off in K-nearest Neighbors Classification
* Accurate Object Detection with Location Relaxation and Regionlets Re-localization
* Accurate Scene Text Recognition Based on Recurrent Neural Network
* Accurate Vessel Segmentation with Progressive Contrast Enhancement and Canny Refinement
* Action Recognition from a Single Web Image Based on an Ensemble of Pose Experts
* Action Recognition in the Presence of One Egocentric and Multiple Static Cameras
* Action-Gons: Action Recognition with a Discriminative Dictionary of Structured Elements with Varying Granularity
* Adaptive Sparse Coding for Painting Style Analysis
* Adaptive Structural Model for Video Based Pedestrian Detection
* Age Estimation Based on Complexity-Aware Features
* Age Estimation by Multi-scale Convolutional Network
* Anomaly Detection via Local Coordinate Factorization and Spatio-Temporal Pyramid
* Asymmetric Feature Representation for Object Recognition in Client Server System
* Automatic Feature Learning to Grade Nuclear Cataracts Based on Deep Learning
* Automatic Shoeprint Retrieval Algorithm for Real Crime Scenes
* Automatic Wrinkle Detection Using Hybrid Hessian Filter
* Beyond Procedural Facade Parsing: Bidirectional Alignment via Linear Programming
* Bi-Stage Large Point Set Registration Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Blur-Resilient Tracking Using Group Sparsity
* Boosting-Based Visual Tracking Using Structural Local Sparse Descriptors
* Camera Calibration Based on the Common Self-polar Triangle of Sphere Images
* Camera Motion and Surrounding Scene Appearance as Context for Action Recognition
* Can Visual Recognition Benefit from Auxiliary Information in Training?
* Class-Driven Color Transformation for Semantic Labeling
* Clouds in the Cloud
* Clustering Ensemble Tracking
* Color Photometric Stereo Using a Rainbow Light for Non-Lambertian Multicolored Surfaces
* Complementary Geometric and Optical Information for Match-Propagation-Based 3D Reconstruction
* Consistent Foreground Co-segmentation
* Context Based Re-ranking for Object Retrieval
* Context-Aware Activity Forecasting
* Coupling Multiple Alignments and Re-ranking for Low-Latency Online Multi-target Tracking
* Coupling Semi-supervised Learning and Example Selection for Online Object Tracking
* Cross-Modal Face Matching: Beyond Viewed Sketches
* Cross-view Action Recognition via Dual-Codebook and Hierarchical Transfer Framework
* Data Mining for Action Recognition
* Deconstructing Binary Classifiers in Computer Vision
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Pose Estimation in Gesture Videos
* Deep Representations to Model User Likes
* Deeply Learning Deformable Facial Action Parts Model for Dynamic Expression Analysis
* DEPT: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer for Single Still Images
* Depth Recovery with Face Priors
* Determining Interacting Objects in Human-Centric Activities via Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
* Discovering Harmony: A Hierarchical Colour Harmony Model for Aesthetics Assessment
* Discriminative Collaborative Representation for Classification
* Discriminative Orderlet Mining for Real-Time Recognition of Human-Object Interaction
* DisLocation: Scalable Descriptor Distinctiveness for Location Recognition
* Divide and Conquer: Efficient Large-Scale Structure from Motion Using Graph Partitioning
* DMM-Pyramid Based Deep Architectures for Action Recognition with Depth Cameras
* Effective Drusen Segmentation from Fundus Images for Age-Related Macular Degeneration Screening
* Efficient Feature Coding Based on Auto-encoder Network for Image Classification
* Efficient Image Detail Mining
* Efficient On-the-fly Category Retrieval Using ConvNets and GPUs
* Efficient Pose-Based Action Recognition
* Eigen-PEP for Video Face Recognition
* Elastic Shape Analysis of Boundaries of Planar Objects with Multiple Components and Arbitrary Topologies
* Enhanced Laplacian Group Sparse Learning with Lifespan Outlier Rejection for Visual Tracking
* Enhanced Sequence Matching for Action Recognition from 3D Skeletal Data
* EPML: Expanded Parts Based Metric Learning for Occlusion Robust Face Verification
* Evaluation of Discriminative Models for the Reconstruction of Hand-Torn Documents
* Exploring Image Specific Structured Loss for Image Annotation with Incomplete Labelling
* Extended Co-occurrence HOG with Dense Trajectories for Fine-Grained Activity Recognition
* FASA: Fast, Accurate, and Size-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Fast Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Field by Cascaded Spherical Hashing
* Fast Inference of Contaminated Data for Real Time Object Tracking
* Fast Segmentation of Sparse 3D Point Trajectories Using Group Theoretical Invariants
* Fast Super-Resolution via Dense Local Training and Inverse Regressor Search
* Forecasting Events Using an Augmented Hidden Conditional Random Field
* Fully Automatic Segmentation of Hip CT Images via Random Forest Regression-Based Atlas Selection and Optimal Graph Search-Based Surface Detection
* Fusion of Auxiliary Imaging Information for Robust, Scalable and Fast 3D Reconstruction
* Game-Theoretic Probabilistic Approach for Detecting Conversational Groups, A
* Gesture Modeling by Hanklet-Based Hidden Markov Model
* Global Motion Estimation from Relative Measurements in the Presence of Outliers
* Graph Transduction Learning of Object Proposals for Video Object Segmentation
* Graphical Model for Rapid Obstacle Image-Map Estimation from Unmanned Surface Vehicles, A
* Hand Segmentation with Structured Convolutional Learning
* Head Motion Signatures from Egocentric Videos
* High Performance CRF Model for Clothes Parsing, A
* Homography Formulation to the 3pt Plus a Common Direction Relative Pose Problem, A
* Hybrid Euclidean-and-Riemannian Metric Learning for Image Set Classification
* Hybrid-Indexing Multi-type Features for Large-Scale Image Search
* Image Representation Learning by Deep Appearance and Spatial Coding
* Image Restoration via Multi-prior Collaboration
* Imposing Differential Constraints on Radial Distortion Correction
* Improved Color Patch Similarity Measure Based Weighted Median Filter
* Improving Human Action Recognition Using Score Distribution and Ranking
* Improving Local Features by Dithering-Based Image Sampling
* Improving Saliency Models by Predicting Human Fixation Patches
* Inlier Estimation for Moving Camera Motion Segmentation
* Interest Points via Maximal Self-Dissimilarities
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition from Pair-Wise Shading Ordering
* Joint Camera Pose Estimation and 3D Human Pose Estimation in a Multi-camera Setup
* Joint Estimation of Pose and Face Landmark
* Jointly Learning Dictionaries and Subspace Structure for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Landmark-Based Inductive Model for Robust Discriminative Tracking
* Lane Detection in Unstructured Environments for Autonomous Navigation Systems
* Large Margin Multi-metric Learning for Face and Kinship Verification in the Wild
* Latent Clothing Attribute Approach for Human Pose Estimation, A
* LBP with Six Intersection Points: Reducing Redundant Information in LBP-TOP for Micro-expression Recognition
* Learning a Representative and Discriminative Part Model with Deep Convolutional Features for Scene Recognition
* Learning Detectors Quickly with Stationary Statistics
* Learning Hierarchical Feature Representation in Depth Image
* Learning One-Shot Exemplar SVM from the Web for Face Verification
* Leveraging High Level Visual Information for Matching Images and Captions
* Local Generic Representation for Face Recognition with Single Sample per Person
* Look Closely: Learning Exemplar Patches for Recognizing Textiles from Product Images
* Low Rank Representation on Grassmann Manifolds
* Massive City-Scale Surface Condition Analysis Using Ground and Aerial Imagery
* Message Passing Algorithm for MRF Inference with Unknown Graphs and Its Applications, A
* Minimal Solution for Computing Pairs of Lines in Non-central Cameras
* Minimal Solution to Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length and Radial Distortion, A
* MoDeep: A Deep Learning Framework Using Motion Features for Human Pose Estimation
* Modeling the Temporality of Saliency
* Motion Based Foreground Detection and Poselet Motion Features for Action Recognition
* MTS: A Multiple Temporal Scale Tracker Handling Occlusion and Abrupt Motion Variation
* Multi-cue Mid-level Grouping
* Multi-label Discriminative Weakly-Supervised Human Activity Recognition and Localization
* Multi-scale Tetrahedral Fusion of a Similarity Reconstruction and Noisy Positional Measurements
* Multi-state Discriminative Video Segment Selection for Complex Event Classification
* Multi-view Geometry Compression
* Multi-view Point Cloud Registration Using Affine Shape Distributions
* Multi-view Recognition Using Weighted View Selection
* Multiple Object Tracking by Efficient Graph Partitioning
* Multiple Ocular Diseases Classification with Graph Regularized Probabilistic Multi-label Learning
* Multiple Stage Residual Model for Accurate Image Classification
* N4-Fields: Neural Network Nearest Neighbor Fields for Image Transforms
* Never Get Lost Again: Vision Based Navigation Using StreetView Images
* New Framework for Multiclass Classification Using Multiview Assisted Adaptive Boosting, A
* NOKMeans: Non-Orthogonal K-means Hashing
* Non-maximum Suppression for Object Detection by Passing Messages Between Windows
* Novel Context-Aware Topic Model for Category Discovery in Natural Scenes, A
* Novel Face Spoofing Detection Method Based on Gaze Estimation, A
* Novel Group-Sparsity-Optimization-Based Feature Selection Model for Complex Interaction Recognition, A
* Nuclear-L_1 Norm Joint Regression for Face Reconstruction and Recognition
* Object Ranking on Deformable Part Models with Bagged LambdaMART
* On Multiple Image Group Cosegmentation
* On the Exploration of Joint Attribute Learning for Person Re-identification
* On the Performance of Pose-Based RGB-D Visual Navigation Systems
* Optimal Transportation for Example-Guided Color Transfer
* Optimizing Storage Intensive Vision Applications to Device Capacity
* OR-PCA with MRF for Robust Foreground Detection in Highly Dynamic Backgrounds
* Part Detector Discovery in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Patch Aware Multiple Dictionary Framework for Demosaicing, A
* Pedestrian Verification for Multi-Camera Detection
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Feature Descriptors
* Photorealistic Face De-Identification by Aggregating Donors' Face Components
* Pixel-Level Hand Detection with Shape-Aware Structured Forests
* Planar Structures from Line Correspondences in a Manhattan World
* Plant Leaf Identification via a Growing Convolution Neural Network with Progressive Sample Learning
* Predicting the Location of interactees in Novel Human-Object Interactions
* Probabilistic State Space Decomposition for Human Motion Capture
* Probabilistic Subpixel Temporal Registration for Facial Expression Analysis
* PSPGC: Part-Based Seeds for Parametric Graph-Cuts
* Qualitative and Quantitative Spatio-temporal Relations in Daily Living Activity Recognition
* Query Based Adaptive Re-ranking for Person Re-identification
* Raindrop Detection and Removal from Long Range Trajectories
* Real-Time Head Orientation from a Monocular Camera Using Deep Neural Network
* Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects by Linear Motion and Repulsive Motion
* Recognizing Daily Activities from First-Person Videos with Multi-task Clustering
* Recognizing People by Their Personal Aesthetics: A Statistical Multi-level Approach
* Reconstructing Shape and Appearance of Thin Film Objects with Hyper Spectral Sensor
* Reconstructive Sparse Code Transfer for Contour Detection and Semantic Labeling
* Regularity Guaranteed Human Pose Correction
* Representation Learning with Smooth Autoencoder
* Robust Binary Feature Using the Intensity Order
* Robust Edge Aware Descriptor for Image Matching
* Robust Online Visual Tracking with a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* Robust Point Matching Using Mixture of Asymmetric Gaussians for Nonrigid Transformation
* Robust Scene Classification with Cross-Level LLC Coding on CNN Features
* Robust Sharpness Metrics Using Reorganized DCT Coefficients for Auto-Focus Application
* Robust Stereo Matching Using Probabilistic Laplacian Surface Propagation
* Robust Visual Tracking with Dual Group Structure
* Rotation-Invariant Regularization Term for Optical Flow Related Problems, A
* Saliency Aggregation: Does Unity Make Strength?
* Saliency Detection via Nonlocal L_0 Minimization
* Salient Object Detection Using Window Mask Transferring with Multi-layer Background Contrast
* Scene Text Detection Based on Robust Stroke Width Transform and Deep Belief Network
* Scene Text Recognition and Retrieval for Large Lexicons
* Segmentation of Cells from Spinning Disk Confocal Images Using a Multi-stage Approach
* Segmentation of X-ray Images by 3D-2D Registration Based on Multibody Physics
* Semi-Supervised Ranking for Re-identification with Few Labeled Image Pairs
* Separation of Reflection Components by Sparse Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Shape Matching Using Point Context and Contour Segments
* Simple-to-Complex Discriminative Clustering for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Simultaneous Entire Shape Registration of Multiple Depth Images Using Depth Difference and Shape Silhouette
* Single Image Smoke Detection
* Singly-Bordered Block-Diagonal Form for Minimal Problem Solvers
* Size and Location Matter: A New Baseline for Salient Object Detection
* Sparse Kernel Learning for Image Set Classification
* Spatiotemporal Derivative Pattern: A Dynamic Texture Descriptor for Video Matching
* Spectral Graph Skeletons for 3D Action Recognition
* Spontaneous Subtle Expression Recognition: Imbalanced Databases and Solutions
* Stable Radial Distortion Calibration by Polynomial Matrix Inequalities Programming
* Stereo Fusion Using a Refractive Medium on a Binocular Base
* Stereo Ground Truth with Error Bars
* Submodular Reranking with Multiple Feature Modalities for Image Retrieval
* Super-Resolution Using Sub-Band Self-Similarity
* Superpixels for Video Content Using a Contour-Based EM Optimization
* Texture Classification Using Dense Micro-block Difference (DMD)
* Thread-Safe: Towards Recognizing Human Actions Across Shot Boundaries
* Three-Color Coupled Level-Set Algorithm for Simultaneous Multiple Cell Segmentation and Tracking, A
* Topic-Aware Deep Auto-Encoders (TDA) for Face Alignment
* Tracking Multiple People Online and in Real Time
* Transductive Transfer Machine
* Transformed Principal Gradient Orientation for Robust and Precise Batch Face Alignment
* Two-Stage Approach for Bag Detection in Pedestrian Images, A
* Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks in Terms of Category-Level Attributes
* Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Image Classification
* Unsupervised Image Co-segmentation Based on Cooperative Game
* Unsupervised Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* Video Annotation by Incremental Learning from Grouped Heterogeneous Sources
* View-Adaptive Metric Learning for Multi-view Person Re-identification
* Visual Salience Learning via Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Visual Tracking via Supervised Similarity Matching
* Visual Vocabulary with a Semantic Twist
* Weakly Supervised Action Recognition and Localization Using Web Images
* What Visual Attributes Characterize an Object Class?
* Which Image Pairs Will Cosegment Well? Predicting Partners for Cosegmentation
228 for ACCV14

* 3D Watertight Mesh Generation with Uncertainties from Ubiquitous Data
* Action Recognition Based on Optimal Joint Selection and Discriminative Depth Descriptor
* Adaptive Direct RGB-D Registration and Mapping for Large Motions
* Age Estimation Based on a Single Network with Soft Softmax of Aging Modeling
* Aggregating Local Context for Accurate Scene Text Detection
* Analysis and Practical Minimization of Registration Error in a Spherical Fish Tank Virtual Reality System
* Analysis on the Dropout Effect in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Anticipating Accidents in Dashcam Videos
* Auto-Illustrating Poems and Songs with Style
* Bilinear Discriminant Analysis Hashing: A Supervised Hashing Approach for High-Dimensional Data
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Natural Redundancy Statistics
* Boosting Zero-Shot Image Classification via Pairwise Relationship Learning
* Bringing 3D Models Together: Mining Video Liaisons in Crowdsourced Reconstructions
* Can Computer Vision Techniques be Applied to Automated Forensic Examinations? A Study on Sex Identification from Human Skulls Using Head CT Scans
* Clustering Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on the Riemannian Manifolds
* Coarse-to-Fine Indoor Layout Estimation (CFILE) Method, A
* Collaborative Learning Network for Face Attribute Prediction
* Color Correction for Image-Based Modeling in the Large
* Combining Texture and Shape Cues for Object Recognition with Minimal Supervision
* Consistent Sparse Representation for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Continuous Supervised Descent Method for Facial Landmark Localisation
* ConvNet-Based Depth Estimation, Reflection Separation and Deblurring of Plenoptic Images
* Cost-Sensitive Two-Stage Depression Prediction Using Dynamic Visual Clues
* Data Association Based Multi-target Tracking Using a Joint Formulation
* Dataset and Evaluation Methodology for Depth Estimation on 4D Light Fields, A
* Deep Depth Super-Resolution: Learning Depth Super-Resolution Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Deep Discrete Flow
* Deep Relative Attributes
* Deep Second-Order Siamese Network for Pedestrian Re-identification
* Deep Supervised Hashing with Triplet Labels
* Deep Video Code for Efficient Face Video Retrieval
* Dense Depth-Map Estimation and Geometry Inference from Light Fields via Global Optimization
* Dense Motion Estimation for Smoke
* Dictionary Reduction: Automatic Compact Dictionary Learning for Classification
* Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image Using Basis Representation
* Divide and Conquer: Efficient Density-Based Tracking of 3D Sensors in Manhattan Worlds
* Efficient Model Averaging for Deep Neural Networks
* Eigen-Aging Reference Coding for Cross-Age Face Verification and Retrieval
* End-to-End Learning for Image Burst Deblurring
* End-to-End Training of Object Class Detectors for Mean Average Precision
* Enhancing Direct Camera Tracking with Dense Feature Descriptors
* F-SORT: An Alternative for Faster Geometric Verification
* Facial Expression-Aware Face Frontalization
* Fast Blind Spatially-Varying Motion Deblurring Algorithm with Camera Poses Estimation, A
* Fast Fashion Guided Clothing Image Retrieval: Delving Deeper into What Feature Makes Fashion
* From Face Images and Attributes to Attributes
* FuseNet: Incorporating Depth into Semantic Segmentation via Fusion-Based CNN Architecture
* Gait Energy Response Function for Clothing-Invariant Gait Recognition
* Generalized Fusion Moves for Continuous Label Optimization
* Geodesic Distance Histogram Feature for Video Segmentation
* Hand Pose Regression via a Classification-Guided Approach
* HF-FCN: Hierarchically Fused Fully Convolutional Network for Robust Building Extraction
* Hierarchical Supervoxel Graph for Interactive Video Object Representation and Segmentation
* Holistic Approach for Data-Driven Object Cutout, A
* Human Interaction Recognition by Mining Discriminative Patches on Key Frames
* Illumination-Recovered Pose Normalization for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Image Set Classification via Template Triplets and Context-Aware Similarity Embedding
* Interactive Segmentation from 1-Bit Feedback
* Joint Training of Generic CNN-CRF Models with Stochastic Optimization
* Layered Scene Reconstruction from Multiple Light Field Camera Views
* Learning a Mixture of Deep Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Action Concept Trees and Semantic Alignment Networks from Image-Description Data
* Learning Contextual Dependencies for Optical Flow with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Learning Facial Point Response for Alignment by Purely Convolutional Network
* Learning to Describe E-Commerce Images from Noisy Online Data
* Learning to Extract Motion from Videos in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning to Generate Object Segment Proposals with Multi-modal Cues
* Learning to Integrate Occlusion-Specific Detectors for Heavily Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Learning with Ambiguous Label Distribution for Apparent Age Estimation
* Lip Reading in the Wild
* Local Fractional Order Derivative Vector Quantization Pattern for Face Recognition
* Long-Term Activity Forecasting Using First-Person Vision
* Markov Chain Monte Carlo Cascade for Camera Network Calibration Based on Unconstrained Pedestrian Tracklets
* MARVEL: A Large-Scale Image Dataset for Maritime Vessels
* Message Passing on the Two-Layer Network for Geometric Model Fitting
* Model-Free Multiple Object Tracking with Shared Proposals
* Modeling Stylized Character Expressions via Deep Learning
* Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-Supervised Pain Intensity Estimation
* No-Reference Video Shakiness Quality Assessment
* Novel Time Series Kernel for Sequences Generated by LTI Systems, A
* Object Boundary Guided Semantic Segmentation
* Object-Aware Dictionary Learning with Deep Features
* Object-Centric Representation Learning from Unlabeled Videos
* Online Algorithm for Efficient and Temporally Consistent Subspace Clustering, An
* Pano2Vid: Automatic Cinematography for Watching 360° Videos
* Parallel Accelerated Matting Method Based on Local Learning
* Parametric Image Segmentation of Humans with Structural Shape Priors
* Partly First Among Equals: Semantic Part-Based Benchmarking for State-of-the-Art Object Recognition Systems
* Pedestrian Color Naming via Convolutional Neural Network
* phi-LSTM: A Phrase-Based Hierarchical LSTM Model for Image Captioning
* Photometric Bundle Adjustment for Vision-Based SLAM
* PicMarker: Data-Driven Image Categorization Based on Iterative Clustering
* Planar Markerless Augmented Reality Using Online Orientation Estimation
* Point-Cut: Interactive Image Segmentation Using Point Supervision
* Precise Measurement of Cargo Boxes for Gantry Robot Palletization in Large Scale Workspaces Using Low-Cost RGB-D Sensors
* Prototype Discriminative Learning for Face Image Set Classification
* R-CNN for Small Object Detection
* Radial Lens Distortion Correction Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained with Synthesized Images
* Random Forest with Suppressed Leaves for Hough Voting
* Real Time Direct Visual Odometry for Flexible Multi-camera Rigs
* Realtime Hierarchical Clustering Based on Boundary and Surface Statistics
* Recovering Pose and 3D Deformable Shape from Multi-instance Image Ensembles
* Recurrent Convolutional Face Alignment
* Removing Shadows from Images of Documents
* Robust Multi-Model Fitting Using Density and Preference Analysis
* Saliency Detection via Diversity-Induced Multi-view Matrix Decomposition
* Scale-Adaptive Deconvolutional Regression Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Searching Action Proposals via Spatial Actionness Estimation and Temporal Path Inference and Tracking
* Semantic Segmentation of Earth Observation Data Using Multimodal and Multi-scale Deep Networks
* Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation for Weakly Labeled Semantic Video Object Segmentation
* Sign-Correlation Partition Based on Global Supervised Descent Method for Face Alignment
* Signature of Geometric Centroids for 3D Local Shape Description and Partial Shape Matching
* Simultaneous Independent Image Display Technique on Multiple 3D Objects
* Sparse Code Filtering for Action Pattern Mining
* Sparse Coding on Cascaded Residuals
* Sparse Gradient Pursuit for Robust Visual Analysis
* Spatio-Temporal Attention Models for Grounded Video Captioning
* Spectral Reflectance Recovery with Interreflection Using a Hyperspectral Image
* Speed Invariance vs. Stability: Cross-Speed Gait Recognition Using Single-Support Gait Energy Image
* SSP: Supervised Sparse Projections for Large-Scale Retrieval in High Dimensions
* Stacked Overcomplete Independent Component Analysis for Action Recognition
* Subspace Learning Based Low-Rank Representation
* Supervoxel-Based Segmentation of 3D Volumetric Images
* Towards Segmenting Consumer Stereo Videos: Benchmark, Baselines and Ensembles
* Ultra-Shallow DoF Imaging Using Faced Paraboloidal Mirrors
* Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
* Unconstrained Gaze Estimation Using Random Forest Regression Voting
* Unifying Algebraic Solvers for Scaled Euclidean Registration from Point, Line and Plane Constraints
* Unsupervised Crowd Counting
* Using Gaussian Processes to Improve Zero-Shot Learning with Relative Attributes
* Variational Convolutional Networks for Human-Centric Annotations
* Variational Gaussian Process Auto-Encoder for Ordinal Prediction of Facial Action Units
* Variational Model for Intrinsic Light Field Decomposition, A
* Video Enhancement via Super-Resolution Using Deep Quality Transfer Network
* Video Summarization Using Deep Semantic Features
* Video Temporal Alignment for Object Viewpoint
* Visual Concept Recognition and Localization via Iterative Introspection
* Visual Place Recognition Using Landmark Distribution Descriptors
* Visual Saliency Detection for RGB-D Images with Generative Model
* Vote-and-Verify Strategy for Fast Spatial Verification in Image Retrieval, A
* Weakly-Supervised Video Scene Co-parsing
* Who's that Actor? Automatic Labelling of Actors in TV Series Starting from IMDB Images
* ZigzagNet: Efficient Deep Learning for Real Object Recognition Based on 3D Models
144 for ACCV16

* 3D Pick & Mix: Object Part Blending in Joint Shape and Image Manifolds
* A2A: Attention to Attention Reasoning for Movie Question Answering
* Adaptive Visual-Depth Fusion Transfer
* Adversarial Learning for Visual Storytelling with Sense Group Partition
* Age-Puzzle FaceNet for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Album to Family Tree: A Graph Based Method for Family Relationship Recognition
* Aligning and Updating Cadaster Maps with Aerial Images by Multi-task, Multi-resolution Deep Learning
* Aligning Salient Objects to Queries: A Multi-modal and Multi-object Image Retrieval Framework
* Answer Distillation for Visual Question Answering
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation Using Dilated-Convolutions
* Artistic Object Recognition by Unsupervised Style Adaptation
* AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects
* Attributes Consistent Faces Generation Under Arbitrary Poses
* Automatic Graphics Program Generation Using Attention-Based Hierarchical Decoder
* AVID: Adversarial Visual Irregularity Detection
* Back-Projection Lightweight Network for Accurate Image Super Resolution
* Background Subtraction Based on Fusion of Color and Local Patterns
* BAN: Focusing on Boundary Context for Object Detection
* Believe It or Not, We Know What You Are Looking At!
* Better Guider Predicts Future Better: Difference Guided Generative Adversarial Networks
* Bidirectional Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Binary Optimization Approach for Constrained K-Means Clustering, A
* BitNet: Learning-Based Bit-Depth Expansion
* Blur Detection via Phase Spectrum
* CalliGAN: Unpaired Mutli-chirography Chinese Calligraphy Image Translation
* Capsule Based Image Synthesis for Interior Design Effect Rendering
* Cascaded Pyramid Mining Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Class-Agnostic Counting
* CNN-Based Depth Estimation Approach with Multi-scale Sub-pixel Convolutions and a Smoothness Constraint, A
* Coarse-to-Fine: A RNN-Based Hierarchical Attention Model for Vehicle Re-identification
* Coded Aperture for Watermark Extraction from Defocused Images, A
* ColorNet: Investigating the Importance of Color Spaces for Image Classification
* Combination of Two Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Robust Binarization
* Common Self-polar Triangle of Concentric Conics for Light Field Camera Calibration
* Comprehensive Feature Enhancement Module for Single-Shot Object Detector
* Computational Camera with Programmable Optics for Snapshot High-Resolution Multispectral Imaging, A
* Contextual Object Detection with a Few Relevant Neighbors
* Continual Occlusion and Optical Flow Estimation
* Continuous-Time Intensity Estimation Using Event Cameras
* Continuous-Time Stereo Visual Odometry Based on Dynamics Model
* Cooperative Adversarial Network for Accurate Super Resolution
* COSONet: Compact Second-Order Network for Video Face Recognition
* Creatures Great and SMAL: Recovering the Shape and Motion of Animals from Video
* Cross Connected Network for Efficient Image Recognition
* Cross Pixel Optical-Flow Similarity for Self-supervised Learning
* Cross-Resolution Person Re-identification with Deep Antithetical Learning
* Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching by Learning Features of the Spatially Connected Patches in a Shared Space
* Cross-View Action Recognition Using View-Invariant Pose Feature Learned from Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation
* CubemapSLAM: A Piecewise-Pinhole Monocular Fisheye SLAM System
* Customized Multi-person Tracker
* Data-Driven Approach for Direct and Global Component Separation from a Single Image, A
* Dealing with Ambiguity in Robotic Grasping via Multiple Predictions
* Deep Attention-Based Classification Network for Robust Depth Prediction
* Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment with Visual Importance Based Patch Score, A
* Deep Clustering and Block Hashing Network for Face Image Retrieval
* Deep Convolutional Compressed Sensing for LiDAR Depth Completion
* Deep Depth from Focus
* Deep Embedding Using Bayesian Risk Minimization with Application to Sketch Recognition
* Deep Inverse Halftoning via Progressively Residual Learning
* Deep Manifold Alignment for Mid-Grain Sketch Based Image Retrieval
* Deep Mixture of MRFs for Human Pose Estimation
* Deep Multi-instance Volumetric Image Classification with Extreme Value Distributions
* Deep Multiple Instance Learning for Zero-Shot Image Tagging
* Deep Object Co-segmentation
* Deep Semantic Matching with Foreground Detection and Cycle-Consistency
* Deep Supervised Hashing with Spherical Embedding
* Deep Upright Adjustment of 360 Panoramas Using Multiple Roll Estimations
* DeepAMD: Detect Early Age-Related Macular Degeneration by Applying Deep Learning in a Multiple Instance Learning Framework
* Defect Inspection Method for Machine Vision Using Defect Probability Image with Deep Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Dense In Dense: Training Segmentation from Scratch
* Dense Light Field Reconstruction from Sparse Sampling Using Residual Network
* Depth Reconstruction of Translucent Objects from a Single Time-of-Flight Camera Using Deep Residual Networks
* Design Pseudo Ground Truth with Motion Cue for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Detecting Anomalous Trajectories via Recurrent Neural Networks
* Detecting Text in the Wild with Deep Character Embedding Network
* Detector-in-Detector: Multi-level Analysis for Human-Parts
* DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke
* DN-ResNet: Efficient Deep Residual Network for Image Denoising
* Domain Transfer for 3D Pose Estimation from Color Images Without Manual Annotations
* DOOBNet: Deep Object Occlusion Boundary Detection from an Image
* DSNet: Deep and Shallow Feature Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking
* Dual Generator Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
* Dynamic Gated Graph Neural Networks for Scene Graph Generation
* Dynamic Random Walk for Superpixel Segmentation
* Dynamic Temporal Pyramid Network: A Closer Look at Multi-scale Modeling for Activity Detection
* EdgeStereo: A Context Integrated Residual Pyramid Network for Stereo Matching
* Editable Generative Adversarial Networks: Generating and Editing Faces Simultaneously
* Efficient Multi-level Correlating for Visual Tracking
* Embedded Polarizing Filters to Separate Diffuse and Specular Reflection
* End-to-End Detection and Re-identification Integrated Net for Person Search
* ENG: End-to-End Neural Geometry for Robust Depth and Pose Estimation Using CNNs
* Enhancing Perceptual Attributes with Bayesian Style Generation
* Evolvement Constrained Adversarial Learning for Video Style Transfer
* Exploiting LSTM for Joint Object and Semantic Part Detection
* Exploring the Challenges Towards Lifelong Fact Learning
* Extreme Reverse Projection Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Face Completion with Semantic Knowledge and Collaborative Adversarial Learning
* Fast Light Field Disparity Estimation via a Parallel Filtered Cost Volume Approach
* Fast Single Shot Instance Segmentation
* Fast Video Shot Transition Localization with Deep Structured Models
* Flex-Convolution
* Forget and Diversify: Regularized Refinement for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* From Same Photo: Cheating on Visual Kinship Challenges
* FSNet: An Identity-Aware Generative Model for Image-Based Face Swapping
* FuCoLoT: A Fully-Correlational Long-Term Tracker
* Full Explicit Consistency Constraints in Uncalibrated Multiple Homography Estimation
* GANomaly: Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training
* Gated Hierarchical Attention for Image Captioning
* Gated Transfer Network for Transfer Learning
* Gaussian Process Deep Belief Networks: A Smooth Generative Model of Shape with Uncertainty Propagation
* GD-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Trajectory Prediction and Group Detection in Crowds
* Generation of Virtual Dual Energy Images from Standard Single-Shot Radiographs Using Multi-scale and Conditional Adversarial Network
* Geodesic via Asymmetric Heat Diffusion Based on Finsler Metric
* Geometric Image Synthesis
* Geometry Meets Semantics for Semi-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* GhostVLAD for Set-Based Face Recognition
* Global Regularizer and Temporal-Aware Cross-Entropy for Skeleton-Based Early Action Recognition
* Gradient-Guided DCNN for Inverse Halftoning and Image Expanding
* GrowBit: Incremental Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Guided Feature Selection for Deep Visual Odometry
* Hand Pose Estimation Based on 3D Residual Network with Data Padding and Skeleton Steadying
* Hardware-Aware Softmax Approximation for Deep Neural Networks
* Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition
* Hybrid Diffusion: Spectral-Temporal Graph Filtering for Manifold Ranking
* Identity-Enhanced Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* ImaGAN: Unsupervised Training of Conditional Joint CycleGAN for Transferring Style with Core Structures in Content Preserved
* Image Super-Resolution Using Knowledge Distillation
* Image-to-GPS Verification Through a Bottom-Up Pattern Matching Network
* Image2Mesh: A Learning Framework for Single Image 3D Reconstruction
* Improved Learning Framework for Covariant Local Feature Detection, An
* iPose: Instance-Aware 6D Pose Estimation of Partly Occluded Objects
* ITM-CNN: Learning the Inverse Tone Mapping from Low Dynamic Range Video to High Dynamic Range Displays Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Joint Local and Global Deep Metric Learning Method for Caricature Recognition, A
* Knowledge Distillation with Feature Maps for Image Classification
* Large Scale Scene Text Verification with Guided Attention
* Laser Scar Detection in Fundus Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning Background Subtraction by Video Synthesis and Multi-scale Recurrent Networks
* Learning Deeply Supervised Good Features to Match for Dense Monocular Reconstruction
* Learning Energy Based Inpainting for Optical Flow
* Learning for Video Super-Resolution Through HR Optical Flow Estimation
* Learning Free-Form Deformations for 3D Object Reconstruction
* Learning from PhotoShop Operation Videos: The PSOV Dataset
* Learning Image-to-Image Translation Using Paired and Unpaired Training Samples
* Learning Rotation Adaptive Correlation Filters in Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Let's Take a Walk on Superpixels Graphs: Deformable Linear Objects Segmentation and Model Estimation
* Linear Solution to the Minimal Absolute Pose Rolling Shutter Problem
* Localization-Aware Active Learning for Object Detection
* Long-Term Visual Object Tracking Benchmark
* Loss Guided Activation for Action Recognition in Still Images
* Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* LS3D: Single-View Gestalt 3D Surface Reconstruction from Manhattan Line Segments
* Maintaining Natural Image Statistics with the Contextual Loss
* Matchable Image Retrieval by Learning from Surface Reconstruction
* Minutiae-Based Gender Estimation for Full and Partial Fingerprints of Arbitrary Size and Shape
* Multi-Attribute Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for 3D Facial Shapes
* Multi-label Learning from Noisy Labels with Non-linear Feature Transformation
* Multi-level Dense Capsule Networks
* Multi-level Sequence GAN for Group Activity Recognition
* Multi-purpose Convolutional Neural Network for Simultaneous Super-Resolution and High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction, A
* Multi-scale Adaptive Structure Network for Human Pose Estimation from Color Images
* Multi-view Consensus CNN for 3D Facial Landmark Placement
* Multilevel Collaborative Attention Network for Person Search
* Multivariate Attention Network for Image Captioning
* Neural Abstract Style Transfer for Chinese Traditional Painting
* Neural Multi-scale Image Compression
* New Method for Computing the Principal Point of an Optical Sensor by Means of Sphere Images, A
* New Temporal Deconvolutional Pyramid Network for Action Detection, A
* NightOwls: A Pedestrians at Night Dataset
* Nonlinear Subspace Feature Enhancement for Image Set Classification
* Novel Multi-scale Invariant Descriptor Based on Contour and Texture for Shape Recognition, A
* Occlusion Aware Stereo Matching via Cooperative Unsupervised Learning
* On Learning Associations of Faces and Voices
* Paired-D GAN for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Panorama from Representative Frames of Unconstrained Videos Using DiffeoMeshes
* Parallel Convolutional Networks for Image Recognition via a Discriminator
* Partial Person Re-identification with Alignment and Hallucination
* Partially Occluded Hands: A Challenging New Dataset for Single-Image Hand Pose Estimation
* Perceptual Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for End-to-End Image Colourization
* Pioneer Networks: Progressively Growing Generative Autoencoder
* PIRC Net: Using Proposal Indexing, Relationships and Context for Phrase Grounding
* PIVTONS: Pose Invariant Virtual Try-On Shoe with Conditional Image Completion
* Pooling-Based Feature Extraction and Coarse-to-fine Patch Matching for Optical Flow Estimation
* Pose Estimation of a Single Circle Using Default Intrinsic Calibration
* Predicting Driver Attention in Critical Situations
* Predicting Video Frames Using Feature Based Locally Guided Objectives
* PReMVOS: Proposal-Generation, Refinement and Merging for Video Object Segmentation
* Progressive Feature Fusion Network for Realistic Image Dehazing
* Putting the Anchors Efficiently: Geometric Constrained Pedestrian Detection
* Random Temporal Skipping for Multirate Video Analysis
* RankGAN: A Maximum Margin Ranking GAN for Generating Faces
* Ranking Loss: A Novel Metric Learning Method for Person Re-identification
* ReCoNet: Real-Time Coherent Video Style Transfer Network
* Recovering Affine Features from Orientation- and Scale-Invariant Ones
* Rectification from Radially-Distorted Scales
* Region-Semantics Preserving Image Synthesis
* Rethinking Planar Homography Estimation Using Perspective Fields
* Reverse Densely Connected Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* Revisiting Distillation and Incremental Classifier Learning
* Robust and Efficient Ellipse Fitting Using Tangent Chord Distance
* Robust Angular Local Descriptor Learning
* Robust Deep Multi-modal Learning Based on Gated Information Fusion Network
* Robust Multimodal Image Registration Using Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning
* Robust Video Background Identification by Dominant Rigid Motion Estimation
* SAFE: Scale Aware Feature Encoder for Scene Text Recognition
* Say Yes to the Dress: Shape and Style Transfer Using Conditional GANs
* Scalable Deep k-Subspace Clustering
* Scale Estimation of Monocular SfM for a Multi-modal Stereo Camera
* Scale-Varying Triplet Ranking with Classification Loss for Facial Age Estimation
* ScoringNet: Learning Key Fragment for Action Quality Assessment with Ranking Loss in Skilled Sports
* SCPNet: Spatial-Channel Parallelism Network for Joint Holistic and Partial Person Re-identification
* Self-Referenced Deep Learning
* Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Camera Motion from 360° Videos
* Semantic Aware Attention Based Deep Object Co-segmentation
* Semantic Bottleneck for Computer Vision Tasks
* Semantic Segmentation Refinement by Monte Carlo Region Growing of High Confidence Detections
* Semi-supervised Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis in the Wild
* SemiStarGAN: Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Networks for Multi-domain Image-to-Image Translation
* Shape-Conditioned Image Generation by Learning Latent Appearance Representation from Unpaired Data
* Siamese Generative Adversarial Privatizer for Biometric Data
* Simultaneous Face Detection and Head Pose Estimation: A Fast and Unified Framework
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Lightweight CNN with Maxout Units
* SingleGAN: Image-to-Image Translation by a Single-Generator Network Using Multiple Generative Adversarial Learning
* Skeleton Transformer Networks: 3D Human Pose and Skinned Mesh from Single RGB Image
* SMC: Single-Stage Multi-location Convolutional Network for Temporal Action Detection
* Solving Minimum Cost Lifted Multicut Problems by Node Agglomeration
* Spatio-Temporal Fusion Networks for Action Recognition
* Spherical Superpixels: Benchmark and Evaluation
* Spiral-Net with F1-Based Optimization for Image-Based Crack Detection
* SPNet: Deep 3D Object Classification and Retrieval Using Stereographic Projection
* SRC-Disp: Synthetic-Realistic Collaborative Disparity Learning for Stereo Matching
* Stable Algebraic Camera Pose Estimation for Minimal Configurations of 2D/3D Point and Line Correspondences, A
* Stochastic Normalizations as Bayesian Learning
* Structure Aware SLAM Using Quadrics and Planes
* Style Transfer with Adversarial Learning for Cross-Dataset Person Re-identification
* Symmetry-Aware Face Completion with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Task-Adaptive Feature Reweighting for Few Shot Classification
* Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* Text2Shape: Generating Shapes from Natural Language by Learning Joint Embeddings
* TextNet: Irregular Text Reading from Images with an End-to-End Trainable Network
* Thinking Outside the Box: Generation of Unconstrained 3D Room Layouts
* Tiny People Pose
* TKDN: Scene Text Detection via Keypoints Detection
* Totally Looks Like: How Humans Compare, Compared to Machines
* Towards Locally Consistent Object Counting with Constrained Multi-stage Convolutional Neural Networks
* Towards Multi-class Object Detection in Unconstrained Remote Sensing Imagery
* Trainable Multiplication Layer for Auto-correlation and Co-occurrence Extraction, A
* TraMNet: Transition Matrix Network for Efficient Action Tube Proposals
* Traversing Latent Space Using Decision Ferns
* U-DADA: Unsupervised Deep Action Domain Adaptation
* Understanding Individual Decisions of CNNs via Contrastive Backpropagation
* Universal Bounding Box Regression and Its Applications
* Unseen Object Segmentation in Videos via Transferable Representations
* Unsupervised Deep Learning Framework via Integrated Optimization of Representation Learning and GMM-Based Modeling, An
* Unsupervised Intuitive Physics from Visual Observations
* Unsupervised Transformation Network Based on GANs for Target-Domain Oriented Multi-Domain Image Translation
* Video Object Segmentation with Language Referring Expressions
* Video-Based Person Re-identification via 3D Convolutional Networks and Non-local Attention
* VIENA2: A Driving Anticipation Dataset
* VIPL-HR: A Multi-modal Database for Pulse Estimation from Less-Constrained Face Video
* Vision-Based Freezing of Gait Detection with Anatomic Patch Based Representation
* Visual Graphs from Motion (VGfM): Scene Understanding with Object Geometry Reasoning
* Visual Odometry for Indoor Mobile Robot by Recognizing Local Manhattan Structures
* Visual Re-ranking with Natural Language Understanding for Text Spotting
* Visual-Linguistic Methods for Receipt Field Recognition
* Water-Filling: An Efficient Algorithm for Digitized Document Shadow Removal
* Weighted Feature Pooling Network in Template-Based Recognition
* X-GACMN: An X-Shaped Generative Adversarial Cross-Modal Network with Hypersphere Embedding
* Zero-Shot Facial Expression Recognition with Multi-label Label Propagation
* Zero-Shot Object Detection: Learning to Simultaneously Recognize and Localize Novel Concepts
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* 3D Guided Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 3D Human Motion Estimation via Motion Compression and Refinement
* 3d Object Detection and Pose Estimation of Unseen Objects in Color Images with Local Surface Embeddings
* 3d Object Detection from Consecutive Monocular Images
* Accurate and Efficient Single Image Super-resolution with Matrix Channel Attention Network
* Accurate Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Detection via Iterative Polynomial Parameter Regression
* Active Learning for Video Description with Cluster-regularized Ensemble Ranking
* Adaptive Spatio-temporal Regularized Correlation Filters for UAV-based Tracking
* Adaptive Spotting: Deep Reinforcement Object Search in 3d Point Clouds
* Addressing Class Imbalance in Scene Graph Parsing by Learning to Contrast and Score
* Adversarial Image Composition with Auxiliary Illumination
* Adversarial Refinement Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Adversarial Semi-supervised Multi-domain Tracking
* Adversarially Robust Deep Image Super-resolution Using Entropy Regularization
* AFN: Attentional Feedback Network Based 3d Terrain Super-resolution
* Anatomy and Geometry Constrained One-stage Framework for 3d Human Pose Estimation
* Any-shot Object Detection
* Attended-auxiliary Supervision Representation for Face Anti-spoofing
* Attention-aware Feature Aggregation for Real-time Stereo Matching on Edge Devices
* Attention-based Fine-grained Classification of Bone Marrow Cells
* Audiovisual Transformer with Instance Attention for Audio-visual Event Localization
* Augmentation Network for Generalised Zero-Shot Learning
* Backbone Based Feature Enhancement for Object Detection
* Background Learnable Cascade for Zero-shot Object Detection
* Benchmark and Baseline for Language-driven Image Editing, A
* Best Buddies Registration for Point Clouds
* Betrayed by Motion: Camouflaged Object Discovery via Motion Segmentation
* Bi-Directional Attention for Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation in Point Clouds
* Bidirectional Pyramid Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* BLT: Balancing Long-tailed Datasets with Adversarially-perturbed Images
* Branch Interaction Network for Person Re-identification
* Bridging Adversarial and Statistical Domain Transfer via Spectral Adaptation Networks
* Calibration Method for the Generalized Imaging Model with Uncertain Calibration Target Coordinates, A
* Cascaded Transposed Long-range Convolutions for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Channel Pruning for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks via Wasserstein Metric
* Channel Recurrent Attention Networks for Video Pedestrian Retrieval
* Chromatic Aberration Correction Using Cross-channel Prior in Shearlet Domain
* Class-Incremental Learning with Rectified Feature-Graph Preservation
* Class-wise Difficulty-balanced Loss for Solving Class-imbalance
* Class: Cross-level Attention and Supervision for Salient Objects Detection
* Cloth-vton: Clothing Three-dimensional Reconstruction for Hybrid Image-based Virtual Try-on
* Cog: Consistent Data Augmentation for Object Perception
* Color Enhancement Using Global Parameters and Local Features Learning
* Comet: Context-aware Iou-guided Network for Small Object Tracking
* Compact and Fast Underwater Segmentation Network for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* Compensating for the Lack of Extra Training Data by Learning Extra Representation
* Condensed Movies: Story Based Retrieval with Contextual Embeddings
* Contextual Semantic Interpretability
* Contrastively Smoothed Class Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Cost-effective Method for Improving and Re-purposing Large, Pre-trained GANs by Fine-tuning Their Class-embeddings, A
* Cptnet: Cascade Pose Transform Network for Single Image Talking Head Animation
* CS-MCNET: A Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Network with Interpretable Motion Compensation
* D2D: Keypoint Extraction with Describe to Detect Approach
* Data-efficient Ranking Distillation for Image Retrieval
* Day on Campus: An Anomaly Detection Dataset for Events in a Single Camera, A
* Deal: Difficulty-aware Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* Decoupled Spatial-temporal Attention Network for Skeleton-based Action-gesture Recognition
* Deep Priors Inside an Unrolled and Adaptive Deconvolution Model
* Deep Snapshot HDR Imaging Using Multi-exposure Color Filter Array
* Deepsee: Deep Disentangled Semantic Explorative Extreme Super-resolution
* Deepvoxels++: Enhancing the Fidelity of Novel View Synthesis from 3d Voxel Embeddings
* Degradation Model Learning for Real-world Single Image Super-resolution
* Dehazing Cost Volume for Deep Multi-view Stereo in Scattering Media
* Dense Dual-path Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
* Dense Pixel-wise Micro-motion Estimation of Object Surface by Using Low Dimensional Embedding of Laser Speckle Pattern
* Dense-scale Feature Learning in Person Re-identification
* Depth-adapted CNN for RGB-D Cameras
* Descriptor-free Multi-view Region Matching for Instance-wise 3d Reconstruction
* Discface: Minimum Discrepancy Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* Discovering Multi-label Actor-Action Association in a Weakly Supervised Setting
* Discrete Spatial Importance-based Deep Weighted Hashing
* Do We Need Sound for Sound Source Localization?
* Dofnet: Depth of Field Difference Learning for Detecting Image Forgery
* Domain Adaptation Gaze Estimation by Embedding with Prediction Consistency
* Domain-Transferred Face Augmentation Network
* Double Targeted Universal Adversarial Perturbations
* dpvaes: Fixing Sample Generation for Regularized VAEs
* Dynamic Depth Fusion and Transformation for Monocular 3d Object Detection
* Efficient Group Feature Fusion Residual Network for Image Super-resolution, An
* Efficient Large-scale Semantic Visual Localization in 2d Maps
* Emotional Landscape Image Generation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Encode the Unseen: Predictive Video Hashing for Scalable Mid-stream Retrieval
* End-to-end Model-based Gait Recognition
* Epsnet: Efficient Panoptic Segmentation Network with Cross-layer Attention Fusion
* ERIC: Extracting Relations Inferred from Convolutions
* EvolGAN: Evolutionary Generative Adversarial Networks
* Explaining Image Classifiers by Removing Input Features Using Generative Models
* Exploiting Transferable Knowledge for Fairness-aware Image Classification
* Fan: Feature Adaptation Network for Surveillance Face Recognition and Normalization
* Fast and Differentiable Message Passing on Pairwise Markov Random Fields
* Faster Self-adaptive Deep Stereo
* Faster, Better and More Detailed: 3d Face Reconstruction with Graph Convolutional Networks
* Feature Variance Ratio-guided Channel Pruning for Deep Convolutional Network Acceleration
* Feedback Recurrent Autoencoder for Video Compression
* Few-shot Object Detection by Second-order Pooling
* Few-shot Zero-shot Learning: Knowledge Transfer with Less Supervision
* FKAConv: Feature-kernel Alignment for Point Cloud Convolution
* Footnet: An Efficient Convolutional Network for Multiview 3d Foot Reconstruction
* Freezenet: Full Performance by Reduced Storage Costs
* Frequency Attention Network: Blind Noise Removal for Real Images
* Fully Supervised and Guided Distillation for One-stage Detectors
* GAN-based Noise Model for Denoising Real Images
* Gaussian Vector: An Efficient Solution for Facial Landmark Detection
* Generic Image Segmentation in Fully Convolutional Networks by Superpixel Merging Map
* Global to Local Double Embedding Method for Multi-person Pose Estimation, A
* Goal-GAN: Multimodal Trajectory Prediction Based on Goal Position Estimation
* Graph-based Heuristic Search for Module Selection Procedure in Neural Module Network
* HDD-Net: Hybrid Detector Descriptor with Mutual Interactive Learning
* Hierarchical X-ray Report Generation via Pathology Tags and Multi Head Attention
* Homography-based Egomotion Estimation Using Gravity and Sift Features
* Horizontal Flipping Assisted Disentangled Feature Learning for Semi-supervised Person Re-identification
* HPGCNN: Hierarchical Parallel Group Convolutional Neural Networks for Point Clouds Processing
* Human Motion Deblurring Using Localized Body Prior
* Hyperparameter-free Out-of-distribution Detection Using Cosine Similarity
* IAFA: Instance-Aware Feature Aggregation for 3d Object Detection from a Single Image
* Image Captioning Through Image Transformer
* Image Inpainting with Onion Convolutions
* Imbalance Robust Softmax for Deep Embeeding Learning
* In Defense of LSTMS for Addressing Multiple Instance Learning Problems
* In-sample Contrastive Learning and Consistent Attention for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Interpreting Video Features: A Comparison of 3d Convolutional Networks and Convolutional LSTM Networks
* Introspective Learning by Distilling Knowledge from Online Self-explanation
* Jointly Discriminating and Frequent Visual Representation Mining
* Knowledge Transfer Graph for Deep Collaborative Learning
* L2R GAN: Lidar-to-radar Translation
* Large-scale Cross-domain Few-shot Learning
* Learn More, Forget Less: Cues from Human Brain
* Learning 3d Face Reconstruction with a Pose Guidance Network
* Learning End-to-End Action Interaction by Paired-Embedding Data Augmentation
* Learning Global Pose Features in Graph Convolutional Networks for 3d Human Pose Estimation
* Learning Local Feature Descriptors for Multiple Object Tracking
* Learning More Accurate Features for Semantic Segmentation in Cyclenet
* Learning Multi-instance Sub-pixel Point Localization
* Learning to Adapt to Unseen Abnormal Activities Under Weak Supervision
* Leveraging Tacit Information Embedded in CNN Layers for Visual Tracking
* Lightweight Single-image Super-resolution Network with Attentive Auxiliary Feature Learning
* Local Context Attention for Salient Object Segmentation
* Local Facial Makeup Transfer via Disentangled Representation
* Localin Reshuffle Net: Toward Naturally and Efficiently Facial Image Blending
* Localize to Classify and Classify to Localize: Mutual Guidance in Object Detection
* Long-term Cloth-changing Person Re-identification
* Lossless Image Compression Using a Multi-scale Progressive Statistical Model
* Low-level Sensor Fusion for 3d Vehicle Detection Using Radar Range-azimuth Heatmap and Monocular Image
* Low-light Color Imaging via Dual Camera Acquisition
* MagGAN: High-resolution Face Attribute Editing with Mask-guided Generative Adversarial Network
* Mapping of Sparse 3d Data Using Alternating Projection
* Mask-ranking Network for Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation
* MatchGAN: A Self-supervised Semi-supervised Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Mbnet: A Multi-task Deep Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation and Lumbar Vertebra Inspection on X-ray Images
* Mcgkt-net: Multi-level Context Gating Knowledge Transfer Network for Single Image Deraining
* Meta-learning with Context-Agnostic Initialisations
* Mix'em: Unsupervised Image Classification Using a Mixture of Embeddings
* Mlifeat: Multi-level Information Fusion Based Deep Local Features
* MMD Based Discriminative Learning for Face Forgery Detection
* Modeling Cross-modal Interaction in a Multi-detector, Multi-modal Tracking Framework
* Modular Graph Attention Network for Complex Visual Relational Reasoning
* Motion Prediction Using Temporal Inception Module
* Mtnas: Search Multi-task Networks for Autonomous Driving
* Multi-label X-ray Imagery Classification via Bottom-up Attention and Meta Fusion
* Multi-scale Attentive Residual Dense Network for Single Image Rain Removal
* Multi-task Learning for Simultaneous Video Generation and Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation
* Multi-task Learning with Future States for Vision-based Autonomous Driving
* Multi-view Consistency Loss for Improved Single-image 3d Reconstruction of Clothed People
* Multiple Exemplars-based Hallucination for Face Super-resolution and Editing
* Novel-view Human Action Synthesis
* Online Knowledge Distillation via Multi-branch Diversity Enhancement
* Opengan: Open Set Generative Adversarial Networks
* Opentraj: Assessing Prediction Complexity in Human Trajectories Datasets
* Over-exposure Correction via Exposure and Scene Information Disentanglement
* Overwater Image Dehazing via Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Network
* Part-aware Attention Network for Person Re-identification
* Patch SVDD: Patch-level Svdd for Anomaly Detection and Segmentation
* Play Fair: Frame Attributions in Video Models
* Point Proposal Based Instance Segmentation with Rectangular Masks for Robot Picking Task
* Pose Correction Algorithm for Relative Frames Between Keyframes in SLAM
* Pre-Training Without Natural Images
* Progressive Batching for Efficient Non-linear Least Squares
* Project to Adapt: Domain Adaptation for Depth Completion from Noisy and Sparse Sensor Data
* Quantum Robust Fitting
* Query by Strings and Return Ranking Word Regions with Only One Look
* RAF-AU Database: In-the-wild Facial Expressions with Subjective Emotion Judgement and Objective Au Annotations
* Raw-guided Enhancing Reprocess of Low-light Image via Deep Exposure Adjustment
* Re-net: A Relation Embedded Deep Model for AU Occurrence and Intensity Estimation
* Real-time Segmentation Networks Should be Latency Aware
* Realsmilenet: A Deep End-to-end Network for Spontaneous and Posed Smile Recognition
* Reconstructing Creative Lego Models
* Reconstructing Human Body Mesh from Point Clouds by Adversarial Gp Network
* Recursive Bayesian Filtering for Multiple Human Pose Tracking from Multiple Cameras
* Regularizing Meta-learning via Gradient Dropout
* Restoring Spatially-heterogeneous Distortions Using Mixture of Experts Network
* Reweighted Non-Convex Non-Smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold
* RF-GAN: A Light and Reconfigurable Network for Unpaired Image-to-image Translation
* RGB-D Co-Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation
* RGB-T Crowd Counting from Drone: A Benchmark and Mmccn Network
* Road Obstacle Detection Method Based on an Autoencoder with Semantic Segmentation
* Robust High Dynamic Range (hdr) Imaging with Complex Motion and Parallax
* Rotation Axis Focused Attention Network (rafa-net) for Estimating Head Pose
* Rotation Equivariant Orientation Estimation for Omnidirectional Localization
* SAUM: Symmetry-aware Upsampling Module for Consistent Point Cloud Completion
* Scale-aware Polar Representation for Arbitrarily-shaped Text Detection
* Sdcnet: Size Divide and Conquer Network for Salient Object Detection
* Sdp-net: Scene Flow Based Real-time Object Detection and Prediction from Sequential 3d Point Clouds
* Second Order Enhanced Multi-Glimpse Attention in Visual Question Answering
* Second-order Camera-aware Color Transformation for Cross-domain Person Re-identification
* Self-guided Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Disease Classification and Localization in Chest Radiographs
* Self-supervised Learning of Orc-Bert Augmentor for Recognizing Few-shot Oracle Characters
* Self-supervised Multi-view Synchronization Learning for 3d Pose Estimation
* Self-supervised Sparse to Dense Motion Segmentation
* Semantic Synthesis of Pedestrian Locomotion
* Semantics Through Time: Semi-supervised Segmentation of Aerial Videos with Iterative Label Propagation
* Semi-supervised Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation with Contrastive Learning
* Sequential View Synthesis with Transformer
* Sgnet: Semantics Guided Deep Stereo Matching
* Show, Conceive and Tell: Image Captioning with Prospective Linguistic Information
* Single-image Camera Response Function Using Prediction Consistency and Gradual Refinement
* Sketch-to-art: Synthesizing Stylized Art Images from Sketches
* Sparse Convolutions on Continuous Domains for Point Cloud and Event Stream Networks
* Sparse Gaussian Approach to Region-based 6dof Object Tracking, A
* Spatial Class Distribution Shift in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: Local Alignment Comes to Rescue
* Spatial Temporal Attention Graph Convolutional Networks with Mechanics-stream for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Speech2video Synthesis with 3d Skeleton Regularization and Expressive Body Poses
* Spotpatch: Parameter-efficient Transfer Learning for Mobile Object Detection
* Synergistic Saliency and Depth Prediction for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Synthesizing the Unseen for Zero-shot Object Detection
* Synthetic-to-real Domain Adaptation for Lane Detection
* Synthetic-to-real Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Scene Text Detection in the Wild
* TinyGAN: Distilling BigGAN for Conditional Image Generation
* To Filter Prune, or to Layer Prune, That Is the Question
* Towards Fast and Robust Adversarial Training for Image Classification
* Towards Optimal Filter Pruning with Balanced Performance and Pruning Speed
* Towards Robust Fine-grained Recognition by Maximal Separation of Discriminative Features
* Tracking-by-trackers with a Distilled and Reinforced Model
* Trainable Structure Tensors for Autonomous Baggage Threat Detection Under Extreme Occlusion
* Transforming Multi-concept Attention into Video Summarization
* TSI: Temporal Scale Invariant Network for Action Proposal Generation
* Ttpla: An Aerial-image Dataset for Detection and Segmentation of Transmission Towers and Power Lines
* Two-stage Minimum Cost Multicut Approach to Self-supervised Multiple Person Tracking, A
* Uncertainty Estimation and Sample Selection for Crowd Counting
* Understanding Motion in Sign Language: A New Structured Translation Dataset
* Unified Application of Style Transfer for Face Swapping and Reenactment
* Unified Density-aware Image Dehazing and Object Detection in Real-world Hazy Scenes
* Unpaired Multimodal Facial Expression Recognition
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection Using Forward-backward Cyclic Adaptation
* Utilizing Transfer Learning and a Customized Loss Function for Optic Disc Segmentation from Retinal Images
* V2A - Vision to Action: Learning Robotic Arm Actions Based on Vision and Language
* VAN: Versatile Affinity Network for End-to-end Online Multi-object Tracking
* Vax-a-net: Training-time Defence Against Adversarial Patch Attacks
* Video-based Crowd Counting Using a Multi-scale Optical Flow Pyramid Network
* Visual Tracking by Tridentalign and Context Embedding
* Visualizing Color-wise Saliency of Black-box Image Classification Models
* Visually Guided Sound Source Separation Using Cascaded Opponent Filter Network
* Watch, Read and Lookup: Learning to Spot Signs from Multiple Supervisors
* Weakly-supervised Reconstruction of 3d Objects with Large Shape Variation from Single In-the-wild Images
* Webly Supervised Semantic Embeddings for Large Scale Zero-shot Learning
255 for ACCV20

* 3d Pose Based Feedback for Physical Exercises
* 3d Shape Temporal Aggregation for Video-based Clothing-change Person Re-identification
* 3D-C2FT: Coarse-to-fine Transformer for Multi-view 3d Reconstruction
* 3D-Yoga: A 3D Yoga Dataset for Visual-based Hierarchical Sports Action Analysis
* A2: Adaptive Augmentation for Effectively Mitigating Dataset Bias
* Action Representing by Constrained Conditional Mutual Information
* Active Domain Adaptation with Multi-level Contrastive Units for Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive FSP: Adaptive Architecture Search with Filter Shape Pruning
* Adaptive Range Guided Multi-view Depth Estimation with Normal Ranking Loss
* ADEL: Adaptive Distribution Effective-Matching Method for Guiding Generators of GANs
* AFF-Cam: Adaptive Frequency Filtering Based Channel Attention Module
* Affinity-Aware Relation Network for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Airbirds: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for Bird Strike Prevention in Real-world Airports
* AONET: Attentional Occlusion-aware Network for Occluded Person Re-identification
* Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target in 3d Medical Segmentation
* Application of Multi-modal Fusion Attention Mechanism in Semantic Segmentation
* Augmenting Softmax Information for Selective Classification with Out-of-distribution Data
* Autoenhancer: Transformer on U-net Architecture Search for Underwater Image Enhancement
* BASSL: Boundary-aware Self-supervised Learning for Video Scene Segmentation
* Blind Image Super-Resolution with Degradation-aware Adaptation
* Boosting Dense Long-tailed Object Detection from Data-centric View
* Bordernet: An Efficient Border-attention Text Detector
* Borex: Bayesian-optimization-based Refinement of Saliency Map for Image- and Video-classification Models
* Boundary-aware Temporal Sentence Grounding with Adaptive Proposal Refinement
* Bright as the Sun: In-depth Analysis of Imagination-driven Image Captioning
* Causal Property Based Anti-conflict Modeling with Hybrid Data Augmentation for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Causal-SETR: A SEgmentation TRansformer Variant Based on Causal Intervention
* Causes of Catastrophic Forgetting in Class-incremental Semantic Segmentation
* Cclsl: Combination of Contrastive Learning and Supervised Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Cirl: A Category-instance Representation Learning Framework for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation
* Class Concentration with Twin Variational Autoencoders for Unsupervised Cross-modal Hashing
* Class Specialized Knowledge Distillation
* CLUE: Consolidating Learned and Undegroing Experience in Domain-incremental Classification
* Cluster Contrast for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* CMT-CO: Contrastive Learning with Character Movement Task for Handwritten Text Recognition
* Co-attention Aligned Mutual Cross-attention for Cloth-changing Person Re-identification
* Coil-agnostic Attention-based Network for Parallel MRI Reconstruction
* Collider: A Robust Training Framework for Backdoor Data
* Comparing Complexities of Decision Boundaries for Robust Training: A Universal Approach
* Complex Handwriting Trajectory Recovery: Evaluation Metrics and Algorithm
* Compressed Vision for Efficient Video Understanding
* Compressive Prior Guided Mask Predictive Coding Approach for Video Analysis, A
* Conditional GAN for Point Cloud Generation
* Confidence-calibrated Face Image Forgery Detection with Contrastive Representation Distillation
* Consistent Semantic Attacks on Optical Flow
* Content-aware Hierarchical Representation Selection for Cross-view Geo-localization
* Continuous Self-Study: Scene Graph Generation with Self-Knowledge Distillation and Spatial Augmentation
* Contra: (con)text (tra)nsformer for Cross-modal Video Retrieval
* Cross-architecture Knowledge Distillation
* Cross-domain Local Characteristic Enhanced Deepfake Video Detection
* Cross-view Self-fusion for Self-supervised 3d Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* CSIE: Coded Strip-patterns Image Enhancement Embedded in Structured Light-Based Methods
* CSS-Net: Classification and Substitution for Segmentation of Rotator Cuff Tear
* Cv4code: Sourcecode Understanding via Visual Code Representations
* Cvlnet: Cross-view Semantic Correspondence Learning for Video-based Camera Localization
* Cylindrical Convolution Network for Dense Top-view Semantic Segmentation with Lidar Point Clouds, A
* D 3: Duplicate Detection Decontaminator for Multi-Athlete Tracking in Sports Videos
* DAC-GAN: Dual Auxiliary Consistency Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Generation
* DCVQE: A Hierarchical Transformer for Video Quality Assessment
* Decanus to Legatus: Synthetic Training for 2D-3D Human Pose Lifting
* Decision-based Black-box Attack Specific to Large-size Images
* Decisionet: A Binary-tree Structured Neural Network
* Decoupling Identity and Visual Quality for Image and Video Anonymization
* Deep Active Ensemble Sampling for Image Classification
* Denet: Detection-driven Enhancement Network for Object Detection Under Adverse Weather Conditions
* Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene Semantics
* DHG-GAN: Diverse Image Outpainting via Decoupled High Frequency Semantics
* Differentiable Distance Approximation for Fairer Image Classification, A
* Diffusion Models for Counterfactual Explanations
* Diffusion-refinement Model for Sketch-to-point Modeling, A
* DIG: Draping Implicit Garment over the Human Body
* Dilane: Dynamic Instance-aware Network for Lane Detection
* Dolphins: Dataset for Collaborative Perception Enabled Harmonious and Interconnected Self-driving
* Domain Generalized RPPG Network: Disentangled Feature Learning with Domain Permutation and Domain Augmentation
* DreamNet: A Deep Riemannian Manifold Network for SPD Matrix Learning
* Dualbln: Dual Branch LUT-Aware Network for Real-time Image Retouching
* Dynamic Feature Aggregation for Efficient Video Object Detection
* EAI-stereo: Error Aware Iterative Network for Stereo Matching
* Efficient Hardware-aware Neural Architecture Search for Image Super-resolution on Mobile Devices
* ELDET: An Anchor-free General Ellipse Object Detector
* Emphasizing Closeness and Diversity Simultaneously for Deep Face Representation
* End-to-end Surface Reconstruction for Touching Trajectories
* Energy-efficient Image Processing Using Binary Neural Networks with Hadamard Transform
* Enhancing Fairness of Visual Attribute Predictors
* Epsanet: An Efficient Pyramid Squeeze Attention Block on Convolutional Neural Network
* Exemplar Free Class Agnostic Counting
* EXP-GAN: 3D-Aware Facial Image Generation with Expression Control
* Explaining Deep Neural Networks for Point Clouds Using Gradient-based Visualisations
* Exploring Adversarially Robust Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Exposing Face Forgery Clues via Retinex-based Image Enhancement
* Eyecandies Dataset for Unsupervised Multimodal Anomaly Detection and Localization, The
* Feature Decoupled Knowledge Distillation via Spatial Pyramid Pooling
* Few-shot Adaptive Object Detection with Cross-domain Cutmix
* Few-shot Metric Learning: Online Adaptation of Embedding for Retrieval
* FFD Augmentor: Towards Few-shot Oracle Character Recognition from Scratch
* Filter Pruning via Automatic Pruning Rate Search
* Fine-grained Image Style Transfer with Visual Transformers
* Flare Transformer: Solar Flare Prediction Using Magnetograms and Sunspot Physical Features
* Focal and Global Spatial-temporal Transformer for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Foreground-specialized Model Imitation for Instance Segmentation
* From Sparse to Dense: Semantic Graph Evolutionary Hashing for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* From Within to Between: Knowledge Distillation for Cross Modality Retrieval
* Full-scale Selective Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
* Fully Transformer Network for Change Detection of Remote Sensing Images
* Funnynet: Audiovisual Learning of Funny Moments in Videos
* Gaitstrip: Gait Recognition via Effective Strip-based Feature Representations and Multi-level Framework
* Gated Cross Word-visual Attention-driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Text-to-image Synthesis
* GB-Cosface: Rethinking Softmax-based Face Recognition from the Perspective of Open Set Classification
* General Divergence Modeling Strategy for Salient Object Detection, A
* Generalized Person Re-identification by Locating and Eliminating Domain-Sensitive Features
* Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3d Human Mesh and Pose Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
* Gestalt-guided Image Understanding for Few-shot Learning
* Group Guided Data Association for Multiple Object Tracking
* gScoreCAM: What Objects Is CLIP Looking At?
* Havit: Hybrid-attention Based Vision Transformer for Video Classification
* Haze-net: High-frequency Attentive Super-resolved Gaze Estimation in Low-resolution Face Images
* Heterogeneous Avatar Synthesis Based on Disentanglement of Topology and Rendering
* Heterogeneous Interactive Learning Network for Unsupervised Cross-modal Retrieval
* HICO: Hierarchical Contrastive Learning for Ultrasound Video Model Pretraining
* Image Denoising Using Convolutional Sparse Coding Network with Dry Friction
* Image Retrieval with Well-separated Semantic Hash Centers
* Improving Few-shot Learning by Spatially-aware Matching and Crosstransformer
* Improving Surveillance Object Detection with Adaptive Omni-attention over Both Inter-frame and Intra-frame Context
* Improving the Quality of Sparse-view Cone-beam Computed Tomography via Reconstruction-friendly Interpolation Network
* Inverting Adversarially Robust Networks for Image Synthesis
* IOU-enhanced Attention for End-to-end Task Specific Object Detection
* Is an Object-centric Video Representation Beneficial for Transfer?
* Joint Framework Towards Class-aware and Class-Agnostic Alignment for Few-Shot Segmentation, A
* Kinstyle: A Strong Baseline Photorealistic Kinship Face Synthesis with an Optimized Stylegan Encoder
* Labelling the Gaps: A Weakly Supervised Automatic Eye Gaze Estimation
* Latentgaze: Cross-domain Gaze Estimation Through Gaze-aware Analytic Latent Code Manipulation
* Layered-garment Net: Generating Multiple Implicit Garment Layers from a Single Image
* Layout-guided Indoor Panorama Inpainting with Plane-aware Normalization
* Learnable Subspace Orthogonal Projection for Semi-supervised Image Classification
* Learning and Transforming General Representations to Break Down Stability-plasticity Dilemma
* Learning Common and Specific Visual Prompts for Domain Generalization
* Learning Inter-superpoint Affinity for Weakly Supervised 3d Instance Segmentation
* Learning Internal Semantics with Expanded Categories for Generative Zero-shot Learning
* Learning Texture Enhancement Prior with Deep Unfolding Network for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Learning to Predict Decomposed Dynamic Filters for Single Image Motion Deblurring
* Learning Using Privileged Information for Zero-shot Action Recognition
* Learning Video-independent Eye Contact Segmentation from In-the-wild Videos
* LHDR: HDR Reconstruction for Legacy Content Using a Lightweight DNN
* Light Attenuation and Color Fluctuation for Underwater Image Restoration
* Lightweight Alpha Matting Network Using Distillation-based Channel Pruning
* Lightweight Image Matting via Efficient Non-local Guidance
* Lightweight Local-global Attention Network for Single Image Super-resolution, A
* Looking from a Higher-level Perspective: Attention and Recognition Enhanced Multi-scale Scene Text Segmentation
* LSMD-Net: Lidar-stereo Fusion with Mixture Density Network for Depth Sensing
* Matchformer: Interleaving Attention in Transformers for Feature Matching
* MAXGNR: A Dynamic Weight Strategy via Maximizing Gradient-to-noise Ratio for Multi-Task Learning
* Meta-DET3D: Learn to Learn Few-Shot 3D Object Detection
* Meta-prototype Decoupled Training for Long-tailed Learning
* MGRLN-net: Mask-guided Residual Learning Network for Joint Single-image Shadow Detection and Removal
* Mgtr: End-to-end Mutual Gaze Detection with Transformer
* Modular Degradation Simulation and Restoration for Under-display Camera
* MSF 2DN: Multi Scale Feature Fusion Dehazing Network with Dense Connection
* Multi-branch Network with Ensemble Learning for Text Removal in the Wild
* Multi-granularity Transformer for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-modal Characteristic Guided Depth Completion Network
* Multi-modal Segment Assemblage Network for Ad Video Editing with Importance-coherence Reward
* Multi-scale Residual Interaction for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Multi-scale Wavelet Transformer for Face Forgery Detection
* Multi-stream Fusion for Class Incremental Learning in Pill Image Classification
* Multi-view Coupled Self-attention Network for Pulmonary Nodules Classification
* Multispectral-based Imaging and Machine Learning for Noninvasive Blood Loss Estimation
* Mush: Multi-scale Hierarchical Feature Extraction for Semantic Image Synthesis
* Mvfi-net: Motion-aware Video Frame Interpolation Network
* Neighborhood Region Smoothing Regularization for Finding Flat Minima in Deep Neural Networks
* Neo-3DF: Novel Editing-oriented 3d Face Creation and Reconstruction
* Network Pruning via Feature Shift Minimization
* Neural Deformable Voxel Grid for Fast Optimization of Dynamic View Synthesis
* Neural Network Panning: Screening the Optimal Sparse Network Before Training
* Neural Plenoptic Sampling: Learning Light-field from Thousands of Imaginary Eyes
* Neural Puppeteer: Keypoint-based Neural Rendering of Dynamic Shapes
* Neural Residual Flow Fields for Efficient Video Representations
* Noisetransfer: Image Noise Generation with Contrastive Embeddings
* Not End-to-end: Explore Multi-stage Architecture for Online Surgical Phase Recognition
* Object Detection in Foggy Scenes by Embedding Depth and Reconstruction into Domain Adaptation
* Occluded Facial Expression Recognition Using Self-supervised Learning
* OVPT: Optimal Viewset Pooling Transformer for 3d Object Recognition
* Patch Embedding as Local Features: Unifying Deep Local and Global Features via Vision Transformer for Image Retrieval
* Patchflow: A Two-stage Patch-based Approach for Lightweight Optical Flow Estimation
* Pathtr: Context-aware Memory Transformer for Tumor Localization in Gigapixel Pathology Images
* Pbcstereo: A Compressed Stereo Network with Pure Binary Convolutional Operations
* Pedtrans: A Fine-grained Visual Classification Model for Self-attention Patch Enhancement and Dropout
* Phylonet: Physically-constrained Long-term Video Prediction
* Physical Passive Patch Adversarial Attacks on Visual Odometry Systems
* Point Cloud Upsampling via Cascaded Refinement Network
* Pointformer: A Dual Perception Attention-based Network for Point Cloud Classification
* PPR-net: Patch-based Multi-scale Pyramid Registration Network for Defect Detection of Printed Label
* Progressive Attentional Manifold Alignment for Arbitrary Style Transfer
* Promptlearner-clip: Contrastive Multi-modal Action Representation Learning with Context Optimization
* Prototype-oriented Contrastive Adaption Network for Cross-domain Facial Expression Recognition, A
* PS-ARM: An End-to-end Attention-aware Relation Mixer Network for Person Search
* PU-Transformer: Point Cloud Upsampling Transformer
* Pyramidal Signed Distance Learning for Spatio-temporal Human Shape Completion
* QS-Craft: Learning to Quantize, Scrabble and Craft for Conditional Human Motion Animation
* RA Loss: Relation-Aware Loss for Robust Person Re-identification
* RaftMLP: How Much Can Be Done Without Attention and with Less Spatial Locality?
* RDRN: Recursively Defined Residual Network for Image Super-resolution
* Re-Parameterization Making GC-Net-Style 3dconvnets More Efficient
* Reading Arbitrary-shaped Scene Text from Images Through Spline Regression and Rectification
* Reagformer: Reaggregation Transformer with Affine Group Features for 3d Object Detection
* Region-of-interest Attentive Heteromodal Variational Encoder-decoder for Segmentation with Missing Modalities
* REPF-Net: Distortion-Aware Re-Projection Fusion Network for Object Detection in Panorama Image
* Rethinking Low-level Features for Interest Point Detection and Description
* Rethinking Online Knowledge Distillation with Multi-Exits
* Revisiting Image Pyramid Structure for High Resolution Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Models: A Smoothness Perspective
* RGB Road Scene Material Segmentation
* RNN-Based Framework for the MILP Problem in Robustness Verification of Neural Networks, An
* Robust Human Matting via Semantic Guidance
* Robustizing Object Detection Networks Using Augmented Feature Pooling
* Rove-tree-11: The Not-so-wild Rover a Hierarchically Structured Image Dataset for Deep Metric Learning Research
* SAC-GAN: Face Image Inpainting with Spatial-aware Attribute Controllable Gan
* Scale Adaptive Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Scfnet: A Spatial-channel Features Network Based on Heterocentric Sample Loss for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
* SCOAD: Single-Frame Click Supervision for Online Action Detection
* SEIC: Semantic Embedding with Intermediate Classes for Zero-shot Domain Generalization
* Self-distilled Vision Transformer for Domain Generalization
* Self-supervised Augmented Patches Segmentation for Anomaly Detection
* Self-supervised Dehazing Network Using Physical Priors
* Self-supervised Learning with Multi-view Rendering for 3d Point Cloud Analysis
* Semi-supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation Using Local Cross Triplet Loss for Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Mri
* Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Uncertainty-guided Self Cross Supervision
* SG-Net: Semantic Guided Network for Image Dehazing
* Shape Prior is Not All You Need: Discovering Balance Between Texture and Shape Bias in CNN
* Simple Strategy to Provable Invariance via Orbit Mapping, A
* Skin Tone Diagnosis in the Wild: Towards More Robust and Inclusive User Experience Using Oriented Aleatoric Uncertainty
* Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT Volume
* Social Aware Multi-modal Pedestrian Crossing Behavior Prediction
* Soft Label Mining and Average Expression Anchoring for Facial Expression Recognition
* Spatial Group-wise Enhance: Enhancing Semantic Feature Learning in CNN
* Spatial Temporal Network for Image and Skeleton Based Group Activity Recognition
* Spatial-temporal Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
* Spatio-channel Attention Blocks for Cross-modal Crowd Counting
* Spotlights: Probing Shapes from Spherical Viewpoints
* SST-VLM: Sparse Sampling-twice Inspired Video-language Model
* ST-Conal: Consistency-based Acquisition Criterion Using Temporal Self-ensemble for Active Learning
* Staged Adaptive Blind Watermarking Scheme
* Structure Guided Proposal Completion for 3d Object Detection
* Structure Representation Network and Uncertainty Feedback Learning for Dense Non-uniform Fog Removal
* Style Image Harmonization via Global-local Style Mutual Guided
* Super-attention for Exemplar-based Image Colorization
* SWPT: Spherical Window-based Point Cloud Transformer
* SYMMNERF: Learning to Explore Symmetry Prior for Single-view View Synthesis
* Synchronous Bi-directional Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction with Error Compensation
* TCVM: Temporal Contrasting Video Montage Framework for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Teacher-guided Learning for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Tecm-clip: Text-based Controllable Multi-attribute Face Image Manipulation
* Temporal-aware Siamese Tracker: Integrate Temporal Context for 3d Object Tracking
* Temporal-viewpoint Transportation Plan for Skeletal Few-shot Action Recognition
* Thinking Hallucination for Video Captioning
* Three-stage Bidirectional Interaction Network for Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Three-stage Training Pipeline with Patch Random Drop for Few-shot Object Detection
* Towards Real-time High-definition Image Snow Removal: Efficient Pyramid Network with Asymmetrical Encoder-decoder Architecture
* Tracking Small and Fast Moving Objects: A Benchmark
* Training Dynamics Aware Neural Network Optimization with Stabilization
* Training-free NAS for 3d Point Cloud Processing
* Trimix: A General Framework for Medical Image Segmentation from Limited Supervision
* Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Contrastive Representation Learning
* Two Video Data Sets for Tracking and Retrieval of Out of Distribution Objects
* Two-stage Multimodality Fusion for High-performance Text-based Visual Question Answering
* UHD Underwater Image Enhancement via Frequency-spatial Domain Aware Network
* Uncertainty-based Thin Cloud Removal Network via Conditional Variational Autoencoders
* Unified Energy-based Generative Network for Supervised Image Hashing
* Unreliability-aware Disentangling for Cross-domain Semi-supervised Pedestrian Detection
* Unsupervised 3d Shape Representation Learning Using Normalizing Flow
* Unsupervised Online Hashing with Multi-bit Quantization
* Utb180: A High-quality Benchmark for Underwater Tracking
* Vectorizing Building Blueprints
* Vision Transformer Compression and Architecture Exploration with Efficient Embedding Space Search
* Visual Explanation Generation Based on Lambda Attention Branch Networks
* Weighted Contrastive Hashing
* What Role Does Data Augmentation Play in Knowledge Distillation?
277 for ACCV22

* 3D Modeling Method from Occluding Contours by Geometric Primitives
* Colour-Based Semantic Line Labelling
* Labeling Perspective Projections of Origami Scenes
* On Regularization, Formulation, and Initialization of the Active contour models (Snakes)
* On the Symbolic Interpretation of Traffic Scenes
* Representing and Recognizing Simple Hand-Tools Based on Their Functions
* Rulegraphs for Pattern Recognition
* Scale Properties of Curvature and Torsion Zero-Crossings
* Similarity Invariants for 3D Space Curve Matching
* Visual Motion Correspondence by Region-Based Approaches
11 for ACCV93

* Autonomous Road Vehicle Guidance in Normal Traffic
* Finding initial estimates of human face location
* Image Retrieval Using Color and Shape
* Methodology for Evaluating Edge Detection Techniques for Range Images, A
* Motion of a Stereo Rig: Strong, Weak, and Self-Calibration
* On Combining the Hough Transform and Multiresolution MRFs for Robust Analysis of Complex Motion
* Optical Flow Estimation While Preserving its Discontinuities: A Variational Approach
* Reliability of Conic Fitting
9 for ACCV95

* Enhancing human face detection using motion and active contours
* Front Propagation and Level-Set Approach for Geodesic Active Stereovision
* Minimal conditions on Intrinsic Parameters
* Recent Advances in Detection and Description of Buildings from Multiple Images
* Stereo Vision-based Obstacle Detection for Partially Sighted People
* Visual Detection of Obstacles Assuming a Locally Planar Ground
7 for ACCV98

ACCVWS22 * Advfilter: Adversarial Example Generated by Perturbing Optical Path
* Convolutional Point Transformer
* Cross-attention Transformer for Video Interpolation
* Enhancing Federated Learning Robustness Through Clustering Non-iid Features
* Ensemble Model of Visual Transformer and CNN Helps BA Diagnosis for Doctors in Underdeveloped Areas
* Evaluating and Bench-marking Object Detection Models for Traffic Sign and Traffic Light Datasets
* Exploring Spatial-temporal Instance Relationships in an Intermediate Domain for Image-to-video Object Detection
* Fapn: Face Alignment Propagation Network for Face Video Super-resolution
* Handling Domain Shift for Lesion Detection via Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation
* Improving Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcifications from Digital Mammography: Good Annotation is All You Need
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using a Shallow Convlstm-based Network
* Photorealistic Facial Wrinkles Removal
* Temporal Cross-attention for Action Recognition
* Towards Improving the Anti-Attack Capability of the Rangenet++
* Transformer Based Motion In-betweening
* Understanding Tumor Micro Environment Using Graph Theory
16 for ACCVWS22

Index for "a"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:26:25
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