Journals starting with cirs

CirSys( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems

CirSys(22) * Boundary Finding Algorithm and Its Applications, A
* Hardware for Visual Image Processing
* Spatial Clustering Procedure for Multi-Image Data, A
* Transformation of Photographic Images into Stroke Arrays, The

CirSys(33) * Simple neural optimization networks: An A/D converter, signal decision circuit and a linear programming circuit

CirSys(34) * Morphological Filters: Statistical and Further Syntactic Properties
* Representation and Recognition of Objects from Dense Range Maps

CirSys(35) * Median Filters with Adaptive Length

CirSys(36) * Fast Algorithms for Running Ordering and Max/Min Calculation

CirSys(37) * Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithms: New Results
* Unified Approach for Filtering and Edge Detection in Noisy Images, A

CirSysI( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications

CirSysII( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

CirSysII(42) * Nonorthogonal Representation of Signals by Gaussians and Gabor Functions

CirSysSignal( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing

CirSysSignal(43) * Flexible VLSI Architecture of Motion Estimator for Video Image Compression
* Invariant Image-Analysis Based on Radon-Transform and SVD

CirSysSignal(44) * Image Filtering Using Hyperstable Adaptive Algorithms
* Two-Dimensional Recursive Filtering Algorithm with Edge-Preserving Properties and Reduced Numerical Complexity

CirSysSignal(45) * Architecture of 23GOPs Video Signal Processor with Programmable Systolic Array
* Discrete Fractional Hartley and Fourier Transforms
* Hardware Design of a 2-D Motion Estimation System Based on the Hough Transform
* High-Throughput Block-Matching VLSI Architecture with Low Memory Bandwidth
* Lossless and Lossy Image Compression Using Biorthogonal Wavelet Transforms with Multiplierless Operations
* Multiresolution Watermarking for Digital Images
* Multiscale Edge-Detection on Range Images Via Normal Changes
* Pyramid-Based Multiresolution Adaptive Filters for Additive and Multiplicative Image Noise
* Region-Based Wavelet Transform For Image Compression
* Ring-Projection-Wavelet-Fractal Signatures: A Novel-Approach To Feature-Extraction
* Space Frequency Adaptive Subband Image Coding
* Thinning Algorithm for Arabic Characters Using Art2 Neural-Network, A
* Wavelet and Lapped Orthogonal-Transforms with Overlapped Motion-Compensation for Multiresolution Coding of HDTV
* Wavelet Based Image Coder with Entropy Constrained Lattice Vector Quantizer (ECLVQ)
14 for CirSysSignal(45)

CirSysVideo( Vol No. ) * *IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

CirSysVideo(1) * 2-D FIR filter design for sampling structure conversion
* Baseband video processing and the transmission of HDTV signals
* Bit-level pipelined 2-D digital filters for real-time image processing
* bit-rate reduction system for HDTV transmission, A
* Design of HDTV subband filterbanks considering VLSI implementation constraints
* design of low-complexity in linear-phase FIR filter banks using powers-of-two coefficients with an application to subband image coding, The
* Digital HDTV Compression Using Parallel Motion-Compensated Transform Coders
* efficient parallel motion estimation algorithm for digital image processing, An
* Encoding and decoding in the 6-MHz NTSC-compatible widescreen television system
* entropy coding system for digital HDTV applications, An
* Ghost cancellation of analog TV signals: with applications to IDTV, EDTV, and HDTV
* Gradient-based algorithms for block-oriented MAP estimation of motion and application to motion-compensated temporal interpolation
* high-speed pyramid image coding algorithm for a VLSI implementation, A
* Image coding using a classified DCT/VQ based on two-channel conjugate vector quantization
* Image filtering with orthogonal projectors for burst error control
* Interpolative multiresolution coding of advance television with compatible subchannels
* intrafield DCT-based HDTV coding for ATM networks, An
* Matrix representations of the multidimensional overlap and add technique
* Mixed domain filtering of multidimensional signals
* Motion video adaptive quantization in the transform domain
* Motion-compensated video coding with adaptive perceptual quantization
* Multiple block-size transform video coding using a subband structure
* Multivariate ordering in color image filtering
* On two-dimensional group delay equalization
* Optimal adaptive multistage image transform coding
* Polyphase FIR filters for the demodulation of chrominance signals
* Ranking in Rp and its use in multivariate image estimation
* real-time HDTV signal processor: HD-VSP, A
* receiver-compatible system for channel noise reduction, A
* Reed-Solomon VLSI codec for advanced television
* study on perfect reconstructive subband coding, A
* Subband coding algorithms for video applications: Videophone to HDTV-Conferencing
* Systolic Array Architecture for Image Coding Using Adaptive Vector Quantization, A
* Two-dimensional switched capacitor filter design system for real-time image processing
* Vector transform and image coding
35 for CirSysVideo(1)

CirSysVideo(10) * 3-D Scene Reconstruction with Viewpoint Adaptation on Stereo Displays
* Adaptive Intra Block Update for Robust Transmission of H.263
* Adaptive Model-Driven Bit Allocation for MPEG Video Coding
* Adaptive Vector Quanitzation for Efficient Zerotree-Based Coding of Video with Nonstationary Statistics
* Analytically Tractable Model for Video Conference Traffic, An
* Apparent 3-D Camera Velocity: Extraction and Applications
* Approximate Criteria for the MPEG-2 Motion Estimation
* Automatic 3-D Model Synthesis from Measured Range Data
* Automatic Reconstruction of Stationary 3-D Objects from Multiple Uncalibrated Camera Views
* Autostereoscopic 3-D Video Display Using Multiple Light Beams with Scanning
* Autostereoscopic Display Providing Comfortable Viewing Conditions and a High Degree of Telepresence, An
* Blocking-Artifact Reduction in Block-Coded Images Using Wavelet-Based Subband Decomposition
* Buffer Analysis and Control in CBR Video Transcoding
* Cell-Loss Concealment Technique for MPEG-2 Coded Video, A
* Center-Biased Adaptive Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Coding Ecology: Image Coding via Competition Among Experts, The
* Congestion Control for Multipoint Videoconferencing
* DCT-Based Spatially Adaptive Post-Processing Technique to Reduce the Blocking Artifacts in Transform Coded Images, A
* Design of SC Filters for Video Applications
* Distribution-Based Restoration of DCT Coefficients
* Document Image Compression by Nonlinear Binary Subband Decomposition and Concatenated Arithmetic Coding
* Efficient Codebook Post-Processing Technique and a Window-Based Fast-Search Algorithm for Image Vector Quantization, An
* Efficient Coding and Mapping Algorithms for Software-Only Real-Time Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* Efficient Computation of Euclidean Distance Using Approximated Look-Up Table, An
* Efficient Image Segmentation for Region-Based Motion Estimation and Compensation
* Efficient Modeling of VBR MPEG-1 Coded Video Sources
* Efficient Summarization of Stereoscopic Video Sequences
* Embedding Image Watermarks in DC Components
* Encoding and Reconstruction of Incomplete 3-D Video Objects
* Family of Single-User Autostereoscopic Displays with Head-Tracking Capabilities, A
* Fast Algorithm for DCT-Domain Inverse Motion Compensation Based on Shared Information in a Macroblock, A
* Fast Full-Search Motion-Estimation Algorithm Using Representative Pixels and Adaptive Matching Scan, A
* Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using a Directed Graph, A
* Fast Variable-Length Decoder Using Plane Separation, A
* Fast VQ Encoding by an Efficient Kick-Out Condition
* Flexible Architectures for DCT of Variable-Length Targeting Shape-Adaptive Transform
* Focused Object Extraction with Multiple Cameras
* Frame-Layer Bit Allocation for H.263+, A
* Generalized Rate-Distortion Optimization for Motion-Compensated Video Coders
* Geometry Compression of 3-D Mesh Model using Predictive Two-Stage Quantization
* Globally Adaptive Pixel-Decimation Algorithm for Block-Motion Estimation, A
* Hardware and Software Cache Prefetching Techniques for MPEG Benchmarks
* Hardware-Oriented Gold-Washing Adaptive Vector Quantizer and its VLSI Architectures for Image Data Compression, A
* Hierarchical Synchronization Technique Based on the EREC for Robust Transmission of H.263 Bit Stream, A
* Hierarchical Video Indexing and Retrieval for Subband-Coded Video
* High-Throughput Memory-Based VLC Decoder with Codeword Boundary Prediction, A
* How to Realize a Natural Image Reproduction using Stereoscopic Displays with Motion Parallax
* Hybrid Error Concealment Schemes for Broadcast Video Transmission over ATM Networks
* Hybrid Shape-Adaptive Orthogonal Transform for Coding of Image Segments, A
* Image Compression Using a New Discrete Multiwavelet Transform and a New Embedded Vector Quantization
* Improvement of H.263 Encoding by Adaptive Arithmetic Coding
* Introduction to the Special Issue on 3-D Video Technology
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Picture Compression
* Joint Rate Control with Look-Ahead for Multi-Program Video Coding
* Just Enough Reality: Comfortable 3-D Viewing via Microstereopsis
* Layered Representation of Scenes Based on Multiview Image Analysis
* Limited Color Display for Compressed Image and Video
* Low Bit-Rate Scalable Video Coding with 3-D Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (3-D SPIHT)
* Matching Pursuits Video Coding: Dictionaries and Fast Implementation
* Minimum-Drift Digital Video Downconversion
* MLP for Adaptive Postprocessing Block-Coded Images
* Model-Aided Coding: A New Approach to Incorporate Facial Animation into Motion-Compensated Video Coding
* Model-Based Edge Reconstruction for Low Bit-Rate Wavelet-Compressed Images
* Modulus Quantization for Matching-Pursuit Video Coding
* Motion Estimation Using a One-Dimensional Gradient Descent Search
* Motion Vector Size-Compensation Based Method for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* MPEG-2 Error Concealment Based on Block-Matching Principles
* Multi-Metric Objective Picture-Quality Measurement Model for MPEG Video, A
* Multimedia Search and Retrieval: New Concepts, System Implementation, and Application
* Multiview Video Sequence Analysis, Compression, and Virtual Viewpoint Synthesis
* New Fast Binary Pyramid Motion Estimation for MPEG2 and HDTV Encoding
* New Flexible Acquisition System of Ray-Space Data for Arbitrary Objects, A
* New Multidimensional Recursive Architecture for Computing The Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Noise Estimation for Blocking Artifacts Reduction in DCT Coded Images
* Normalized Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation
* Object Tracking for Retrieval Applications in MPEG-2
* Occlusion and Visible Background and Foreground Areas in Stereo: A Bayesian Approach
* On Spatial Adaptation of Motion-Field Smoothness in Video Coding
* Optimal 2-D Hierarchical Content-Based Mesh Design and Update for Object-Based Video
* Overlapped Block Disparity Compensation with Adaptive Windows for Stereo Image Coding
* Packet Integer Wavelet Transform Constructed by Lifting Scheme
* Parallelization Methodology for Video Coding: An Implementation on the TMS320C80
* Performance Characterization of Video-Shot-Change Detection Methods
* Polynomial Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Post-Processing Technique for Noise Removal of Range Data, A
* Practical Methodology for Guaranteeing Quality of Service for Video-on-Demand, A
* Practical Projection-Based Postprocessing of Block-Coded Images with Fast Convergance Rate, A
* Precise and Fast Error Tracking for Error-Resilient Transmission of H.263 Video
* Producing Object-Based Special Effects by Fusing Multiple Differently Focused Images
* Programmable 3.2-GOPS Merged DRAM Logic for Video Signal Processing, A
* Quadtree-Structured Variable-Size Block-Matching Motion Estimation with Minimal Error
* Rapid Estimation of Camera Motion from Compressed Video with Application to Video Annotation
* Rate-Distortion Based Image Segmentation Using Recursive Merging
* Rate-Scalable Object-Based Wavelet Codec with Implicit Shape Coding
* Rationalizing the Coefficients of Popular Biorthogonal Wavelet Filters
* Real-Time Display of Virtual Humans: Levels of Details and Impostors
* Real-Time Wavelet Vector Quantization Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture, A
* Reliable Motion Detection/Compensation for Interlaced Sequences and Its Applications to Deinterlacing
* Rigid 3-D Motion Estimation Using Neural Networks and Initially Estimated 2-D Motion Data
* Robust Codec for Transmission of Very Low Bit-Rate Video over Channels with Bursty Errors, A
* Robust Estimation of Rigid-Body 3-D Motion Parameters Based on Point Correspondences
* Robust Joint Source-Channel Coding for Image Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* Scalable Rate Control for MPEG-4 Video
* Semantic Event-Detection Approach and Its Application to Detecting Hunts in Wildlife Video, A
* Semi-Automatic Video Object Segmentation in the Presence of Occlusion
* Sequential Construction of 3-D Based Scene Description
* Shape Coding Using Temporal Correlation and Joint VLC Optimization
* Shape-Adaptive Discrete Wavelet Transforms for Arbitrarily Shaped Visual Object Coding
* Simple Processor Core Design for DCT/IDCT, A
* Software-Based Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Encoder, A
* Source and Channel-Coding Framework for Vector-Based Data Hiding in Video, A
* Spatial Scalable Video Coding Using a Combined Subband-DCT Approach
* Spatio-Temporal Scalability for MPEG Video Coding
* Spatiotemporal Segmentation and Tracking of Objects for Visualization of Videoconference Image Sequences
* Sprite Generation and Coding in Multiview Image Sequences
* Stereo Image Quality: Effect of Mixed Spatio-Temporal Resolution
* Study on Resolution and Aliasing for Multi-Viewpoint Image Acquisition, A
* Study on Scanning Methods for a Field-Sequential Stereoscopic Display, A
* Study on the Relationship Between Shooting Conditions and Cardboard Effect of Stereoscopic Images, A
* Subjective Evaluation of Stereoscopic Images: Effects of Camera Parameters and Display Duration
* TCP-Friendly Internet Video Streaming Employing Variable Frame-Rate Encoding and Interpolation
* Testing VBR Video Traffic for Stationarity
* Three-Sided Side Match Finite-State Vector Quantization
* Turbo- and BCH-Coded Wide-Band Burst-by-Burst Adaptive H.263-Assisted Wireless Video Telephony
* Two-Layered Wavelet-Based Algorithm for Efficient Lossless and Lossy Image Compression, A
* Using Motion-Compensated Frame-Rate Conversion for the Correction of 3:2 Pulldown Artifacts in Video Sequences
* Utilization of the Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree Algorithm for Video Object Segmentation by 2-D Affine Motion Modeling
* Vector-Tracing Algorithms for Motion Estimation in Large Search Windows
* Video-Server Retrieval Scheduling and Resource Reservation for Variable Bit Rate Scalable Video
* Visible Surface Reconstruction with Accurate Localization of Object Boundaries
* Warped Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Application in Image Compression
131 for CirSysVideo(10)

CirSysVideo(11) * 2-D Filtering Scheme for Stereo Image Compression Using Sequential Orthogonal Subspace Updating, A
* 3-D wavelet coding of video with arbitrary regions of support
* Active contour model with gradient directional information: Directional snake
* Adaptive postfiltering of transform coefficients for the reduction of blocking artifacts
* Adaptive workload-dependent scheduling for large-scale content delivery systems
* advanced contrast enhancement using partially overlapped sub-block histogram equalization, An
* AMISP: a complete content-based MPEG-2 error-resilient scheme
* Arbitrarily Shaped Transform Coding Based on a New Padding Technique
* Arbitrarily shaped video-object coding by wavelet
* Automatic model-based semantic object extraction algorithm
* Buffer management and dimensioning for a pull-based parallel video server
* CBERC: A Content-Based Error-Resilient Coding Technique for Packet Video Communications, The
* Classified zerotree wavelet image coding and adaptive packetization for low-bit-rate transport
* Coding Tools in MPEG-4 for Interlaced Video
* Color and texture descriptors
* Constrained bit-rate control for very low bit-rate streaming-video applications
* Content-based video parsing and indexing based on audio-visual interaction
* Context-based lossless image coding using EZW framework
* Design of wavelet-based image codec in memory-constrained environment
* Efficient Architecture for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Efficient connected-index finite-length arithmetic codes
* efficient fractal image-coding method using interblock correlation search, An
* efficient low bit-rate video-coding algorithm focusing on moving regions, An
* Efficient table access for reversible variable-length decoding
* efficient use of MPEG-4 FAP interpolation for facial animation at 70 bits/frame, An
* efficient wavelet-based deblocking algorithm for highly compressed images, An
* Encoding stored video for streaming applications
* Error-resilient coding of 3-d graphic models via adaptive mesh segmentation
* Estimation and mode decision for spatially correlated motion sequences
* Evaluation of design alternatives for the 2-D-discrete wavelet transform
* Fast full-search block matching
* fast multi-resolution block matching algorithm and its LSI architecture for low bit-rate video coding, A
* fast multiresolution feature matching algorithm for exhaustive search in large image databases, A
* fast scheme for image size change in the compressed domain, A
* Frame-level pipelined motion estimation array processor
* framework for efficient progressive fine granularity scalable video coding, A
* generalized architecture for the one-dimensional discrete cosine and sine transforms, A
* generic postprocessing technique for image compression, A
* High-performance and low-power memory-interface architecture for video processing applications
* hybrid temporal-SNR fine-granular scalability for internet video, A
* Image sequence segmentation using 3-D structure tensor and curve evolution
* Impact of Audio on Subjective Assessment of Video Quality in Videoconferencing Applications
* importance of the Bi-directionally predicted pictures in video streaming, The
* improved H.263 video coder relying on weighted median filtering of motion vectors, An
* Improved techniques for automatic image segmentation
* Interword distance changes represented by sine waves for watermarking text images
* Introduction to the special issue on MPEG-7
* Introduction to the special issue on streaming video
* Lifting factorization-based discrete wavelet transform architecture design
* Low Bit-Rate Video Codec Based on Two-Dimensional Mesh Motion Compensation with Adaptive Interpolation, A
* Low-complexity and low-memory entropy coder for image compression
* Low-delay rate control for DCT video coding via rho-domain source modeling
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Image Ringing-Artifact Removal
* Minimum description length criterion and segmentation map coding for region-based video compression
* Motion-compensated layered video coding for playback scalability
* MPEG video streaming with VCR functionality
* MPEG-7 multimedia description schemes
* MPEG-7 systems: overview
* MPEG-7 visual motion descriptors
* MPEG-7 visual shape descriptors
* MPEG-7 visual standard for content description-an overview, The
* Multicast with cache (Mcache): An adaptive zero-delay video-on-demand service
* Multimedia processor-based implementation of an error-diffusion halftoning algorithm exploiting subword parallelism
* Multiple description coding of motion fields for robust video transmission
* Multiview extensive partition operators for semantic video object extraction
* Nested auto-regressive processes for MPEG-encoded video traffic modeling
* new approach of group-based VLC codec system with full table programmability, A
* New Computationally Adaptive Formulation of Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* new hardware-efficient algorithm and architecture for computation of 2-D DCTs on a linear array, A
* New Kernels for Fast Mesh-Based Motion Estimation
* novel low-power full-search block-matching motion-estimation design for H.263+, A
* novel two-pass VBR coding algorithm for fixed-size storage application, A
* Object-based transcoding for adaptable video content delivery
* On End-to-End Architecture for Transporting MPEG-4 Video Over the Internet
* On optimal entropy-constrained deadzone quantization
* Optimization of H.263 video encoding using a single processor computer: performance tradeoffs and benchmarking
* Optimizing motion-vector accuracy in block-based video coding
* Overview of fine granularity scalability in MPEG-4 video standard
* Overview of MPEG-7 audio
* overview of the MPEG-7 description definition language (DDL), An
* Overview of the MPEG-7 standard
* Performance evaluation of 32 kbits/s real-time and dual-direction video communication system for wireless channels
* Performance modeling of video-on-demand systems in broadband networks
* Postprocessing for vector-quantized images based on projection onto hypercubes
* Postprocessing of low bit-rate wavelet-based image coding using multiscale edge characterization
* Probabilistic partial-distance fast matching algorithms for motion estimation
* Quadtree Classification and TCQ Image Coding
* Rate control for low-bit-rate video via variable-encoding frame rates
* Rate control for MPEG transcoders
* Rate control for VBR video over ATM: simplification and implementation
* rate-control scheme for video transport over wireless channels, A
* Rate-distortion optimized layered coding with unequal error protection for robust internet video
* Reduced-complexity iterative post-filtering of video
* Region-based control points determination for multivector motion description
* Removal of Motion Uncertainty and Quantization Noise in Motion Compensation
* replenishment technique for low bit-rate video compression based on wavelets and vector quantization, A
* resolution and frame-rate scalable subband/wavelet video coder, A
* robust image authentication method distinguishing JPEG compression from malicious manipulation, A
* Robust image transmission with bidirectional synchronization and hierarchical error correction
* robust model generation technique for model-based video coding, A
* robust scene-change detection method for video segmentation, A
* Robust transmission of video sequence using double-vector motion compensation
* Scalable, error-resilient, and high-performance video communications in mobile wireless environments
* Semantic video object extraction using four-band watershed and partition lattice operators
* Simplex minimization for single- and multiple-reference motion estimation
* Soft source decoding with applications
* Spatial and Temporal Data Parallelization of the H.261 Video Coding Algorithm
* Streaming video over the internet: Approaches and directions
* Supporting Server-Level Fault Tolerance in Concurrent-Push-Based Parallel Video Servers
* Tradeoff between system profit and user delay/loss in providing near video-on-demand service
* Two-dimensional separable filters for optimal reconstruction of jpeg-coded images
* unified rate-distortion analysis framework for transform coding, A
* Uniform Threshold TCQ with Block Classification for Image Transmission over Noisy Channels
* Video coding for streaming media delivery on the internet
* Video multicast using layered FEC and scalable compression
* Video object tracking with a sequential hierarchy of template deformations
* Video partitioning by temporal slice coherency
* Vision-Based Tracking and Interpretation of Human Leg Movement for Virtual Reality Applications
* Wavelet-based video coder via bit allocation
119 for CirSysVideo(11)

CirSysVideo(12) * 3-D facial model estimation from single front-view facial image
* Adaptive anisotropic filtering (AAF) for real-time visual enhancement of MPEG-coded video sequences
* Adaptive motion-compensation fine-granular-scalability (AMC-FGS) for wireless video
* Algorithm-based low-power VLSI architecture for 2-D mesh video-object motion tracking
* Algorithmic and architectural co-design of a motion-estimation engine for low-power video devices
* Allocation of layer bandwidths and FECs for video multicast over wired and wireless networks
* analog motion field detection chip for image segmentation, An
* analysis and efficient implementation of half-pel motion estimation, An
* Artifact reduction in compressed images based on region homogeneity constraints using the projection onto convex sets algorithm
* Automatic 3-D face model adaptation for model-based coding of videophone sequences
* Automatic segmentation of moving objects in video sequences: A region labeling approach
* Blocking artifact detection and reduction in compressed data
* Boundary macroblock padding in MPEG-4 video decoding using a graphics coprocessor
* Burst-by-burst adaptive joint-detection CDMA/H.263 based video telephony
* Compression of 3-D triangle mesh sequences based on vertex-wise motion vector prediction
* Computation reduction for motion search in low rate video coders
* congestion control strategy for multipoint videoconferencing, A
* de-blocking algorithm and a blockiness metric for highly compressed images, A
* Design, performance analysis, and implementation of a super-scalar video-on-demand system
* Document image segmentation using wavelet scale-space features
* Drift compensation for reduced spatial resolution transcoding
* efficient algorithm for video sequence matching using the modified Hausdorff distance and the directed divergence, An
* Efficient and configurable full-search block-matching processors
* Efficient DCT-domain blind measurement and reduction of blocking artifacts
* Efficient motion-estimation algorithm for reduced frame-rate video transcoder
* Efficient moving object segmentation algorithm using background registration technique
* efficient spatial prediction-based image compression scheme, An
* efficient streaming and decoding architecture for stored fgs video, An
* Embedded coring in MPEG video compression
* equator MAP-CA(TM)DSP: An end-to-end broadband signal processor(TM) VLIW, The
* Error-resilient video coding using multiple description motion compensation
* Error-resilient video transcoding for robust internetwork communications using GPRS
* Evaluating MPEG-4 video decoding complexity for an alternative video complexity verifier model
* factor graph framework for semantic video indexing, A
* family of wavelet-based stereo image coders, A
* FAP extraction using three-dimensional motion estimation
* Fast and automatic video object segmentation and tracking for content-based applications
* Feedback and error protection strategies for wireless progressive video transmission
* format-compliant configurable encryption framework for access control of video, A
* full-featured, error-resilient, scalable wavelet video codec based on the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) algorithm, A
* HDTV-to-SDTV spatial transcoder, An
* Hemiface mirroring: a new approach to reducing bandwidth requirements of audiovisual telecommunication
* Hexagon-based search pattern for fast block motion estimation
* Highly efficient predictive zonal algorithms for fast block-matching motion estimation
* hybrid DCT-SVD image-coding algorithm, A
* Image information restoration based on long-range correlation
* Image resizing in the compressed domain using subband DCT
* Introduction to the special issue on multimedia implementation
* Introduction to the special issue on wireless communication
* Joint error control and power allocation for video transmission over CDMA networks with multiuser detection
* Joint source channel rate-distortion analysis for adaptive mode selection and rate control in wireless video coding
* Joint source coding and transmission power management for energy efficient wireless video communications
* Lapped orthogonal transforms designed for error-resilient image coding
* linear source model and a unified rate control algorithm for DCT video coding, A
* Local bandwidth constrained fast inverse motion compensation for DCT-domain video transcoding
* Localizing and segmenting text in images and videos
* Low-delay and error-robust wireless video transmission for video communications
* Low-power motion vector estimation using iterative search block-matching methods and a high-speed non-destructive CMOS image sensor
* Matching Pursuit Video Coding. I: Dictionary Approximation
* Matching Pursuit Video Coding. I: Dictionary Approximation
* Matching Pursuits Multiple Description Coding for Wireless Video
* Matching-Pursuit Video Coding. II: Operational Models for Rate and Distortion
* Memory-constrained 3-d wavelet transform for video coding without boundary effects
* Model-based error concealment for wireless video
* Morphological representation of DCT coefficients for image compression
* Multicast and unicast real-time video streaming over wireless LANs
* Multichannel watermarking of color images
* Multicore system-on-chip architecture for MPEG-4 streaming video
* Multiframe blocking-artifact reduction for transform-coded video
* Multiple-Description Video Coding Using Motion-Compensated Temporal Prediction
* new compression scheme for color-quantized images, A
* New techniques for multi-resolution motion estimation
* novel all-binary motion estimation (ABME) with optimized hardware architectures, A
* Novel Cross-Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation, A
* Novel sequential error-concealment techniques using orientation adaptive interpolation
* Object-based video abstraction for video surveillance systems
* Object-based video coding by global-to-local motion segmentation
* On the data reuse and memory bandwidth analysis for full-search block-matching VLSI architecture
* On the security of the digest function in the SARI image authentication system
* Optimal nonlinear sampling for video streaming at low bit rates
* Optimizing channel allocation in a unified video-on-demand system
* Optimizing channel allocation in a unified video-on-demand system
* Optimum bit allocation and accurate rate control for video coding via p-domain source modeling
* Overview of research efforts on media ISA extensions and their usage in video coding
* performance of H263-based video telephony over turbo-equalized GSM/GPRS, The
* Power-minimized bit allocation for video communication over wireless channels
* Progressive Trellis-Coded Space-Frequency Quantization for Wavelet Image Coding
* queueing system model for the design of feedback laws in rate-controlled MPEG video encoders, A
* Rate-Constrained Multihypothesis Prediction for Motion-Compensated Video Compression
* Reducing energy dissipation of frame memory by adaptive bit-width compression
* Region support DCT (RS-DCT) for coding of arbitrarily shaped texture
* Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees
* Regulated complexity scalable MPEG-2 video decoding for media processors
* Reliable information bit hiding
* robust fine granularity scalability using trellis-based predictive leak, A
* scalable and programmable architecture for 2-d DWT decoding, A
* Shot-boundary detection: unraveled and resolved?
* Some new lattice quantization algorithms for video compression coding
* Stochastic Rate-control of Video Coders for Wireless Channels
* study of real-time packet video quality using random neural networks, A
* Subband-adaptive turbo-coded OFDM-based interactive video telephony
* Super-resolution still and video reconstruction from MPEG-coded video
* Supporting image and video applications in a multihop radio environment using path diversity and multiple description coding
* survey of media processing approaches, A
* Three-dimensional subband coding techniques for wireless video communications
* unified approach to restoration, deinterlacing and resolution enhancement in decoding MPEG-2 video, A
* Unsupervised video-shot segmentation and model-free anchorperson detection for news video story parsing
* Variable complexity DCT approximations driven by an HVQ-based analyzer
* VLSI architecture design of MPEG-4 shape coding
* VLSI implementation for low-complexity full-search motion estimation
* Wavelet-based Optical Flow Estimation
* Wireless video transport using conditional retransmission and low-delay interleaving
112 for CirSysVideo(12)

CirSysVideo(13) * Adaptive deblocking filter
* Adaptive postprocessors with DCT-based block classifications
* Adaptive rate control using nonlinear regression
* Adjustable Partial Distortion Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Analysis and architecture design of block-coding engine for EBCOT in JPEG 2000
* Audio watermarking techniques using sinusoidal patterns based on pseudorandom sequences
* Bit allocation for MPEG-4 video coding with spatio-temporal tradeoffs
* capacity estimation technique for JPEG-to-JPEG image watermarking, A
* CBSA: content-based soft annotation for multimodal image retrieval using bayes point machines
* Color quantization of compressed video sequences
* Combined line-based architecture for the 5-3 and 9-7 wavelet transform of JPEG2000
* Complexity of optimized H.26L video decoder implementation
* Compression of illumination-adjustable images
* Computation-aware scheme for software-based block motion estimation
* Constant quality constrained rate allocation for FGS-coded video
* Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding in the H.264/AVC video compression standard
* Creating and Encoding of Cartoons Using MPEG-4 BIFS: Methods and Results
* Deliberation with fast full-search block matching
* Denoising by spatial correlation thresholding
* Design and implementation of a fuzzy hardware structure for morphological color image processing
* Determination of efficient transmission scheme for video-on-demand (VoD) services
* Digital watermarking of low bit-rate advanced simple profile MPEG-4 compressed video
* DWT-DFT composite watermarking scheme robust to both affine transform and JPEG compression, A
* Dynamic region of interest transcoding for multipoint video conferencing
* Effective Color Interpolation in CCD Color Filter Array Using Signal Correlation
* Efficient background video coding with static sprite generation and arbitrary-shape spatial prediction techniques
* efficient low-cost antialiasing method based on adaptive postfiltering, An
* Efficient memory IP design for HDTV coding applications
* Efficient restoration technique for missing blocks in images
* Efficient video similarity measurement with video signature
* efficient VLSI implementation of the discrete wavelet transform using embedded instruction codes for symmetric filters, An
* Efficiently synthesizing virtual video
* Embedded color image coding using SPIHT with partially linked spatial orientation trees
* Enhancing the semantic interoperability of multimedia through a core ontology
* Error-resilient image coding (ERIC) with smart-IDCT error concealment technique for wireless multimedia transmission
* Estimating the essential matrix by efficient linear techniques
* Fast algorithms for foveated video processing
* Fast gradient methods based on global motion estimation for video compression
* Fast local motion-compensation algorithm for video sequences with brightness variations
* Fast matching pursuit with vector norm comparison
* Fast motion estimation for shape coding in MPEG-4
* Finding structure in home videos by probabilistic hierarchical clustering
* General-tree-structured vector quantizer for image progressive coding using the smooth side-match method
* Generalized B pictures and the draft H.264/AVC video-compression standard
* generalized hypothetical reference decoder for H.264/AVC, A
* Genetic algorithm optimization of multidimensional grayscale soft morphological filters with applications in film archive restoration
* Genetic algorithm optimization of multidimensional grayscale soft morphological filters with applications in film archive restoration
* H.264/AVC baseline profile decoder complexity analysis
* H.264/AVC in wireless environments
* H.264/AVC over IP
* Hierarchical motion estimation with content-based meshes
* high-performance JPEG2000 architecture, A
* Hybrid pixel-based data hiding and block-based watermarking for error-diffused halftone images
* ill-posed operator for secure image authentication, An
* Image retrieval using BDIP and BVLC moments
* Image-based rendering by joint view triangulation
* image-sharing method with user-friendly shadow images, An
* Improved single-video-object rate control for MPEG-4
* Interactive Rendering from Compressed Light Fields
* Introduction to the special issue on authentication, copyright protection, and information hiding
* Introduction to the special issue on conceptual and dynamical aspects of multimedia content description
* Introduction to the special issue on image-based modeling, rendering, and animation
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
* Invariant Image Watermark Using Zernike Moments
* Joint security and robustness enhancement for quantization based data embedding
* Large environment rendering using plenoptic primitives
* Learning a semantic space from user's relevance feedback for image retrieval
* Learning and synthesizing MPEG-4 compatible 3-D face animation from video sequence
* Low-complexity transform and quantization in H.264/AVC
* Maximizing user utility in video streaming applications
* Model-based rate control implementation for low-power video communications systems
* Motion- and aliasing-compensated prediction for hybrid video coding
* MPEG-4 one-pass VBR rate control for digital storage
* Multi-View Coding for Image-Based Rendering Using 3-D Scene Geometry
* new frame-recompression algorithm and its hardware design for MPEG-2 video decoders, A
* novel blind multiple watermarking technique for images, A
* novel echo-hiding scheme with backward and forward kernels, A
* novel video key-frame-extraction algorithm based on perceived motion energy model, A
* On-line improvements of the rate-distortion performance in MPEG-2 rate control
* Optimal 3-d coefficient tree structure for 3-d wavelet video coding
* Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard
* Performance of a mixed-traffic CDMA2000 wireless network with scalable streaming video
* PPHPS: a parabolic prediction-based, fast half-pixel search algorithm for very low bit-rate moving-picture coding
* Predictive line search: an efficient motion estimation algorithm for MPEG-4 encoding systems on multimedia processors
* Predictive watershed: a fast watershed algorithm for video segmentation
* QoS-adaptive proxy caching for multimedia streaming over the Internet
* Rate-Constrained Coder Control and Comparison of Video Coding Standards
* Reversible data embedding using a difference expansion
* Robust H.263+ video transmission using partial backward decodable bit stream (PBDBS)
* Robust Image Watermarking Based on Generalized Radon Transformations
* RST-invariant digital image watermarking based on log-polar mapping and phase correlation
* scalable MPEG-4 wavelet-based visual texture compression system with optimized memory organization, A
* Scalable portrait video for mobile video communication
* Scalable video coding with managed drift
* Scene extraction in motion pictures
* scheme for spatial scalability using nonscalable encoders, A
* Semiautomatic video object segmentation using vsnakes
* SP- and SI-frames design for H.264/AVC, The
* Specialized hardware for deformable object modeling
* Spectral analysis for sampling image-based rendering data
* statistical adaptive block-matching motion estimation, A
* study of MPEG-4 rate control scheme and its improvements, A
* Subblock matching-based conditional motion estimation with automatic threshold selection for video compression
* Survey of image-based representations and compression techniques
* Terminal QoS for Real-Time 3-D Visualization Using Scalable MPEG-4 Coding
* texture replacement method at the encoder for bit-rate reduction of compressed video, A
* Texture-based watermarking of 3-D video objects
* Transmission of images over noisy channels using error-resilient wavelet coding and forward error correction
* unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
* utility of MPEG-7 systems in audio-visual applications with multiple streams, The
* Variable block-size transforms for H.264/AVC
* Variable dimension range and domain block-based fractal image coding
* Vector SPIHT for embedded wavelet video and image coding
* Video object tracking with feedback of performance measures
* VLSI architecture for video-object segmentation, A
* Winscale: an image-scaling algorithm using an area pixel model
116 for CirSysVideo(13)

CirSysVideo(14) * 3-D physical motion-based bandwidth prediction for video conferencing
* 3DAV exploration of video-based rendering technology in MPEG
* Accurate and quasi-automatic lip tracking
* Adaptive Media Playout for Low-Delay Video Streaming Over Error-Prone Channels
* Adaptive Postprocessing Technique for the Reduction of Color Bleeding in DCT-Coded Images, An
* Adaptive Postprocessing Technique for the Reduction of Color Bleeding in DCT-Coded Images, An
* Algorithms for multiplex scheduling of object-based audio-visual presentations
* Audio classification based on MPEG-7 spectral basis representations
* Automatic Moving Object Extraction for Content-Based Applications
* Automatic Performance Evaluation Protocol for Video Text Detection Algorithms, An
* Bayesian Shape Localization for Face Recognition Using Global and Local Textures
* Bidirectional MC-EZBC with Lifting Implementation
* Biometric Verification Using Thermal Images of Palm-Dorsa Vein Patterns
* Blocking Artifacts Suppression in Block-Coded Images Using Overcomplete Wavelet Representation
* Byte and Modulo Addressable Parallel Memory Architecture for Video Coding
* Channel-Adaptive Resource Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission Over 3G Wireless Network
* Classification of video segmentation application scenarios
* CMOS/LCOS Image Transceiver Chip for Smart Goggle Applications, A
* combined studio production system for 3-D capturing of live action and immersive actor feedback, A
* Combining a Fuzzy Rule-Based Classifier and Illumination Invariance for Improved Building Detection
* Combining shape prior and statistical features for active contour segmentation
* Comparison of Wavelet-Based Three-Dimensional Model Coding Techniques
* Content-Based Movie Analysis and Indexing Based on Audio-Visual Cues
* Demosaicked Image Postprocessing Using Local Color Ratios
* Depth Image-Based Representation and Compression for Static and Animated 3-D Objects
* Design and Analysis of an Image Resizing Filter in the Block-DCT Domain
* Dictionary Design for Matching Pursuit and Application to Motion-Compensated Video Coding
* Directional Filter Bank-Based Fingerprint Feature Extraction and Matching
* Dynamic Behavior Analysis in Compressed Fingerprint Videos
* Efficient 2-D DCT/IDCT Core Design Using Cyclic Convolution and Adder-Based Realization, An
* Efficient Arbitrary Downsizing Algorithm for Video Transcoding, An
* Efficient Channel Protection for JPEG2000 Bitstream
* efficient image-based telepresence system for videoconferencing, An
* Efficient Method for DCT-Domain Separable Symmetric 2-D Linear Filtering, An
* Efficient Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree Algorithm Using Linking Properties, An
* Efficient, Low-Complexity Image Coding With a Set-Partitioning Embedded Block Coder
* Encoder-Decoder Texture Replacement Method With Application to Content-Based Movie Coding, An
* Enhanced Hexagonal Search for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Enhanced Two-Stage Multiple Description Video Coder With Drift Reduction, An
* Face Sketch Recognition
* Fast Binary Motion Estimation Algorithm for MPEG-4 Shape Coding, A
* Fast Fingerprint Verification Using Subregions of Fingerprint Images
* Fast Full-Search Motion Estimation Based on Multilevel Successive Elimination Algorithm
* Flicker Correction for Archived Film Sequences Using a Nonlinear Model
* Fusion of Static and Dynamic Body Biometrics for Gait Recognition
* Generalized nonlinear relevance feedback for interactive content-based retrieval and organization
* Global Elimination Algorithm and Architecture Design for Fast Block Matching Motion Estimation
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Image- and Video-Based Biometrics
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Image- and Video-Based Biometrics: Part II
* Hierarchical N-Queen Decimation Lattice and Hardware Architecture for Motion Estimation, A
* How Iris Recognition Works
* Image Scrambling Without Bandwidth Expansion
* Improving Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Interpolator Data Compression for MPEG-4 Animation
* Introduction to Biometric Recognition, An
* Introduction to the MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Audio and Video Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Immersive Telecommunications
* Introduction to the Special Issue on MPEG-4's Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
* Iterative error detection and correction of H.263 coded video for wireless networks
* Joint Optimal Object Shape Estimation and Encoding
* Likelihood-Ratio-Based Biometric Verification
* Linear Rate-Distortion Models for MPEG-4 Shape Coding
* MESHGRID: A Compact, Multiscalable and Animation-Friendly Surface Representation
* Mode-Based Error-Resilient Techniques for the Robust Communication of MPEG-4 Video
* Model-Based Global and Local Motion Estimation for Videoconference Sequences
* Modified TMN8 Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Communications
* Motion Compensation Assisted Motion Adaptive Interlaced-to-Progressive Conversion
* Motion Estimation Using Spatio-Temporal Contextual Information
* MPEG-4 Toward Solid Representation
* Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for Fast Motion Estimation in an MPEG-2 Video Encoder
* Multiplicationless Burt and Adelson's Pyramids for Motion Estimation
* multiscale representation method for nonrigid shapes with a single closed contour, A
* New Cost-Effective VLSI Implementation of a 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Inverse
* New Covariance Estimate for Bayesian Classifiers in Biometric Recognition, A
* Novel VLSI Architecture for Multidimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, A
* On Hierarchical Palmprint Coding With Multiple Features for Personal Identification in Large Databases
* Optimal Content-Based Video Decomposition for Interactive Video Navigation
* Optimal Data Partitioning of MPEG-2 Coded Video
* Optimal Huffman Coding of DCT Blocks
* Optimal watermark detection under quantization in the transform domain
* Optimization-based automated home video editing system
* Prioritized Region of Interest Coding in JPEG2000
* Probabilistic Multiple Face Detection and Tracking Using Entropy Measures
* Progressive View-Dependent Technique for Interactive 3-D Mesh Transmission, A
* Quantifying and Recognizing Human Movement Patterns From Monocular Video Images: Part I: A New Framework for Modeling Human Motion
* Quantifying and Recognizing Human Movement Patterns From Monocular Video Images: Part II: Applications to Biometrics
* Query feedback for interactive image retrieval
* Real-Time Chip Implementation for Adaptive Video Coding Control, A
* Real-time compressed-domain spatiotemporal segmentation and ontologies for video indexing and retrieval
* Real-time dynamic 3-D object shape reconstruction and high-fidelity texture mapping for 3-D video
* Real-Time Error Protection of Embedded Codes for Packet Erasure and Fading Channels
* Real-Time Object Segmentation and Coding for Selective-Quality Video Communications
* Real-Time Reconstruction of Wavelet-Encoded Meshes for View-Dependent Transmission and Visualization
* Real-Time Shot Change Detection Over Online MPEG-2 Video
* Recognition of visual speech elements using adaptively boosted hidden Markov models
* Recovery of Corrupted DCT Coded Images Based on Reference Information
* Reduced Multivariate Polynomial Model for Multimodal Biometrics and Classifiers Fusion, A
* Rejection-Based Method for Event Detection in Video, A
* Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Robust and Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm for Object-Based Video Coding, A
* Robust Multipose Face Detection in Images
* Robust Segmentation and Tracking of Colored Objects in Video
* role of haptics in immersive telecommunication environments, The
* rule-based video annotation system, A
* Scalable Variable Complexity Approximate Forward DCT
* Segmentation of the Face and Hands in Sign Language Video Sequences Using Color and Motion Cues
* Semantic indexing of soccer audio-visual sequences: A multimodal approach based on controlled Markov chains
* Speech-to-video synthesis using MPEG-4 compliant visual features
* Stereo analysis by hybrid recursive matching for real-time immersive video conferencing
* Stereo-based environment scanning for immersive telepresence
* survey of perceptual evaluations and requirements of three-dimensional TV, A
* TCP-Friendly Internet Video With Smooth and Fast Rate Adaptation and Network-Aware Error Control
* Three-dimensional image processing in the future of immersive media
* Video extraction for fast content access to MPEG compressed videos
* Video Object Segmentation Using Bayes-Based Temporal Tracking and Trajectory-Based Region Merging
* Video Object Segmentation: A Compressed Domain Approach
* Video Scene Segmentation Using Spatial Contours and 3-D Robust Motion Estimation
* View-Dependent, Scalable Texture Streaming in 3-D QoS With MPEG-4 Visual Texture Coding
* Virtual Character Within MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension
* Vision-Based Approach to Early Detection of Drowning Incidents in Swimming Pools, A
* Visual Distortion Assessment With Emphasis on Spatially Transitional Regions
* Wavelet Video Coding With Dependent Optimization
* Wavelet Video Coding With Dependent Optimization
* Wavelet-Based Sprite CODEC, A
125 for CirSysVideo(14)

CirSysVideo(15) * 3-D Reconstruction of a Dynamic Environment With a Fully Calibrated Background for Traffic Scenes
* Accelerate Video Decoding With Generic GPU
* Accumulator size minimization for a fast cumulant-based motion estimator
* Adaptive fast block-matching algorithm by switching search patterns for sequences with wide-range motion content
* Adaptive Irregular Pattern Search With Matching Prejudgment for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation
* Adaptive Video Indexing and Automatic/Semi-Automatic Relevance Feedback
* Affine multipicture motion-compensated prediction
* Analysis of IDCT and Motion-Compensation Mismatches Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Motion-Compensated Coders
* Analysis, Fast Algorithm, and VLSI Architecture Design for H.264/AVC Intra Frame Coder
* Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor Template for Motion Estimation in Video Applications
* Approximating Optical Flow Within the MPEG-2 Compressed Domain
* Asynchronous Rate Control for Multi-Object Videos
* Balanced Multiple Description Video Coding Using Optimal Partitioning of the DCT Coefficients
* Bayesian Approach to Video Object Segmentation via Merging 3-D Watershed Volumes, A
* Bit allocation for joint source and channel coding of progressively compressed 3-D models
* Block artifact reduction using a transform-domain Markov random field model
* Class-Based Access Control for Distributed Video-on-Demand Systems
* Classification-Based Multidimensional Adaptation Prediction for Scalable Video Coding Using Subjective Quality Evaluation
* Color image zooming on the Bayer pattern
* Combined Key-Frame Extraction and Object-Based Video Segmentation
* Comments on Winscale: An Image-Scaling Algorithm Using an Area Pixel Model
* Complexity Scalable Motion Compensated Wavelet Video Encoding
* comprehensive method for multilingual video text detection, localization, and extraction, A
* Compressing the Illumination-Adjustable Images With Principal Component Analysis
* Constrained Nonlinear Energy Minimization Framework for the Regularization of the Stereo Correspondence Problem, A
* Coordinated Application of Multiple Description Scalar Quantization and Error Concealment for Error-Resilient MPEG Video Streaming
* Cost-distortion optimized unequal error protection for object-based video communications
* Data Compression and Transmission Aspects of Panoramic Videos
* DCT Quantization Noise in Compressed Images
* DCT-Based Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm for Binary Motion Estimation
* Deblocking Filter for Low Bit Rate MPEG-4 Video
* Deblocking Method for BDCT Compressed Images Based on Adaptive Projections, A
* Design and Implementation of Parallel Video Encoding Strategies Using Divisible Load Analysis
* Direct Mode Coding for Bipredictive Slices in the H.264 Standard
* effective post-refinement method for shot boundary detection, An
* Effective Variable Block-Size Early Termination Algorithm for H.264 Video Coding, An
* Efficient and Robust Classification Method Using Combined Feature Vector for Lane Detection
* Efficient Bandwidth Resource Allocation for Low-Delay Multiuser Video Streaming
* Efficient Light Balancing Techniques for Text Images in Video Presentation Systems
* efficient parallel video transmission system including codecs with functions of failure detection and coding noise evaluation, An
* Efficient Quality-Aware Memory Controller for Multimedia Platform SoC, An
* Efficient Rate Control for JPEG2000 Image Coding
* Energy-Aware IP Core Design for the Variable-Length DCT/IDCT Targeting at MPEG4 Shape-Adaptive Transforms, An
* enhancement of leaky prediction layered video coding, An
* Error-Resilient Region-of-Interest Video Coding
* Evaluation of the Parallelization Potential for Efficient Multimedia Implementations: Dynamic Evaluation of Algorithm Critical Path
* Event Detection in Field Sports Video Using Audio-Visual Features and a Support Vector Machine
* Fast and Reliable Structure-Oriented Video Noise Estimation
* Fast Intermode Decision in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Feature extraction on 3-D TexMesh using scale-space analysis and perceptual evaluation
* Flexible Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures for Versatile Media Processing Via Customized Long Instruction Words
* Foveated Shot Detection for Video Segmentation
* Frame Bit Allocation for the H.264/AVC Video Coder Via Cauchy-Density-Based Rate and Distortion Models
* framework for fully format-independent adaptation of scalable bit streams, A
* Fuzzy-ART Based Adaptive Digital Watermarking Scheme
* Generic RAM-Based Architectures for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform With Line-Based Method
* Geometric algorithms for least squares estimation of 3-D information from monocular image
* Global motion estimation from coarsely sampled motion vector field and the applications
* Hardware-Driven Adaptive K-Means Clustering for Real-Time Video Imaging
* Heuristic Approach for Finding Best Focused Shape, A
* High-Abstraction Level Complexity Analysis and Memory Architecture Simulations of Multimedia Algorithms
* high-performance and memory-efficient pipeline architecture for the 5/3 and 9/7 discrete wavelet transform of JPEG2000 codec, A
* High-Performance Architecture for Embedded Block Coding in JPEG 2000, A
* Highly Scalable, Low-Complexity Image Coding Using Zeroblocks of Wavelet Coefficients
* HMM-based framework for video semantic analysis, An
* Hybrid De-Interlacing Algorithm Based on Motion Vector Reliability
* Image Adaptive Watermarking Using Wavelet Domain Singular Value Decomposition
* Image-Dependent Shape Coding and Representation
* Improved Early Detection Algorithm for All-Zero Blocks in H.264 Video Encoding, An
* Improved Wavelet Decoding via Set Theoretic Estimation
* Insignificant Shadow Detection for Video Segmentation
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Integrated Multimedia Platforms
* Joint optimization of the motion estimation module and the up/down scaler in transcoders
* Joint Temporal-Spatial Bit Allocation for Video Coding With Dependency
* Joint Texture-Shape Optimization for MPEG-4 Multiple Video Objects
* JPEG 2000 Error Resilience Method Using Uneven Block-Sized Information Included Markers, A
* Knowledge-assisted semantic video object detection
* Layered video transmission over wireless multirate DS-CDMA links
* Low Bit Rate Hybrid Wavelet-DCT Video Codec, A
* Low-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimal Macroblock Mode Selection and Motion Estimation for MPEG-Like Video Coders
* Low-Pass Filtering of Rate-Distortion Functions for Quality Smoothing in Real-Time Video Communication
* low-power system-on-chip for the documentation of road accidents, A
* Memory Centric Design of an MPEG-4 Video Encoder
* Memory Efficient Progressive Rate-Distortion Algorithm for JPEG 2000
* Memory-Efficient Realization of Cyclic Convolution and Its Application to Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Mesh Segmentation Schemes for Error Resilient Coding of 3-D Graphic Models
* Method for Designing High-Radix Multiplier-Based Processing Units for Multimedia Applications, A
* MINMAX optimal video summarization
* Modified virtually scaling-free adaptive CORDIC rotator algorithm and architecture
* monotonic-decreasing rate scheduler for variable-bit-rate video streaming, A
* Morton (Z) Scan Based Real-Time Variable Resolution CMOS Image Sensor
* Motion Estimation Computational Complexity Reduction With CNN Shape Segmentation
* Motion-Compensated Residue Preprocessing in Video Coding Based on Just-Noticeable-Distortion Profile
* Multiple Description Video Coding for Scalable and Robust Transmission Over IP
* Multiscale LMMSE-Based Image Denoising With Optimal Wavelet Selection
* Multiscale recurrent patterns applied to stereo image coding
* multisymbol context-based arithmetic coding architecture for MPEG-4 shape coding, A
* New Error Resilient Video Coding Using Matching Pursuit and Multiple Description Coding, A
* New Key Frame Representation for Video Segment Retrieval, A
* New sorting-based lossless motion estimation algorithms and a partial distortion elimination performance analysis
* new technique for quality scalable video coding with H.264, A
* New Time Distributed DCT Architecture for MPEG-4 Hardware Reference Model, A
* novel model-based rate-control method for portrait video coding, A
* novel PDE-based rate-distortion model for rate control, A
* Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking: Approach, Evaluation and Experimentation, A
* On the Use of Computable Features for Film Classification
* On using hierarchical motion history for motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* Parallel Embedded Block Coding Architecture for JPEG 2000
* Partial-Result-Reuse Architecture and Its Design Technique for Morphological Operations With Flat Structuring Elements
* Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Correction of Barrel Distortion in Wide-Angle Camera Images, A
* plenoptic video, The
* POCS-Based Blocking Artifacts Suppression Using a Smoothness Constraint Set With Explicit Region Modeling
* Power-Rate-Distortion Analysis for Wireless Video Communication Under Energy Constraints
* practical foveation-based rate-shaping mechanism for MPEG videos, A
* Proxy-Assisted Adaptation Framework for Object Video Multicasting, A
* Rate Control Algorithm for DCT-Based Video Coding Using Simple Rate Estimation and Linear Source Model, A
* Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Using a Dynamic Rate Table
* Rate Control for Videophone Using Local Perceptual Cues
* Rate-distortion analysis for H.264/AVC video coding and its application to rate control
* Rate-Distortion Hint Tracks for Adaptive Video Streaming
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Bit Allocation for Object-Based Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Hybrid Scalable/Multiple-Description Video Codec, A
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Compression and View-Dependent Transmission of 3-D Normal Meshes
* Real-Time Computation of Zernike Moments
* Real-time low-complexity adaptive approach for enhanced QoS and error resilience in MPEG-2 video transport over RTP networks
* Real-Time Pattern Selection Algorithm for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Relevance and Similarity Metrics, A
* Robust and Efficient Path Diversity in Application-Layer Multicast for Video Streaming
* robust error concealment technique using data hiding for image and video transmission over lossy channels, A
* Robust MMSE Video Decoding: Theory and Practical Implementations
* Scalable video coding by stream morphing
* Security of an Ill-Posed Operator for Image Authentication
* Semantic video analysis for adaptive content delivery and automatic description
* Sender-Adaptive and Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast for Scalable Video Over the Internet
* SNR Scalability Based on Bitplane Coding of Matching Pursuit Atoms at Low Bit Rates: Fine-Grained and Two-Layer
* soft relevance framework in content-based image retrieval systems, A
* Software-Controlled Cache Architecture for Energy Efficiency
* Spatial and Temporal Error Concealment Algorithms of Shape Information for MPEG-4 Video
* Spatio-temporal model-assisted very low-bit-rate coding with compatibility
* Spatiotemporal Sequence Matching for Efficient Video Copy Detection
* Special issue on analysis and understanding for video adaptation
* SPIHT Image Compression on FPGAs
* Stereoscopic Video Generation Based on Efficient Layered Structure and Motion Estimation From a Monoscopic Image Sequence
* Submacroblock motion compensation for fast down-scale transcoding of compressed video
* System Design and Network Requirements for Interactive Multimedia
* Temporal error concealment algorithm by recursive block-matching principle
* Tracking Video Objects in Cluttered Background
* Trinocular Stereo Sequence Coding Based on MPEG-2
* Two-Bit Transform for Binary Block Motion Estimation
* Unequal Loss Protection for H.263 Compressed Video
* Variable Projection for Near-Optimal Filtering in Low Bit-Rate Block Coders
* Video de-interlacing by adaptive 4-field global/local motion compensated approach
* Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Using psi-Learning Classification
* Video summarization and scene detection by graph modeling
* Video-Based Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Visual Distortion Gauge Based on Discrimination of Noticeable Contrast Changes
* Voting-based simultaneous tracking of multiple video objects
157 for CirSysVideo(15)

CirSysVideo(16) * 3-D video coding with redundant-wavelet multihypothesis
* 4-D Wavelet-Based Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive Interpolation Filters and High-Resolution Displacements for Video Coding
* Adaptive Intra-Frame Assignment and Bit-Rate Estimation for Variable GOP Length in H.264
* Adaptive Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images
* Adaptive Video Transmission Schemes Using MPEG-7 Motion Intensity Descriptor
* Affective Understanding in Film
* Affine-Based Algorithm and SIMD Architecture for Video Compression With Low Bit-Rate Applications, An
* Algorithm for Removable Visible Watermarking, An
* Analog 2-D DCT Processor, An
* Analysis and Architecture Design of an HDTV720p 30 Frames/s H.264/AVC Encoder
* Analysis and Complexity Reduction of Multiple Reference Frames Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Analysis of Multihypothesis Motion Compensated Prediction (MHMCP) for Robust Visual Communication
* Area-Efficient Variable Length Decoder IP Core Design for MPEG-1/2/4 Video Coding Applications, An
* Associative processors for video coding applications
* Biometric Hash: High-Confidence Face Recognition
* Burst-by-burst adaptive decision feedback equalized TCM, TTCM, and BICM for H.263-assisted wireless video telephony
* Channel-Adaptive Error Protection for Streaming Stored MPEG-4 FGS Over Error-Prone Environments
* Clip-Based Similarity Measure for Query-Dependent Clip Retrieval and Video Summarization
* Combined Frame Memory Motion Compensation for Video Coding
* Combined spatial and temporal domain wavelet shrinkage algorithm for video denoising
* Comparison of wavelets for multiresolution motion estimation
* Content-Based Retransmission for 3-D Wavelet Video Streaming Over Lossy Networks
* Convex Programming Formulations for Rate Allocation in Video Coding
* Cooperative Multitarget Tracking With Efficient Split and Merge Handling
* Counting Pedestrians in Video Sequences Using Trajectory Clustering
* Design and Fusion of Pose-Invariant Face-Identification Experts
* Drift-Free Switching of Compressed Video Bitstreams at Predictive Frames
* Dynamic Programming-Based Reverse Frame Selection for VBR Video Delivery Under Constrained Resources
* Effective Fades and Flashlight Detection Based on Accumulating Histogram Difference
* efficient architecture for motion estimation and compensation in the transform domain, An
* Efficient Binary Motion Estimation Algorithm and its Architecture for MPEG-4 Shape Encoding, An
* Efficient block-matching motion estimation based on Integral frame attributes
* Efficient high-speed/low-power line-based architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform using lifting scheme
* Efficient Motion Vector Composition Scheme for Arbitrary Frame Down-Sampling Video Transcoder, An
* Efficient Prediction Algorithm of Integer DCT Coefficients for H.264/AVC Optimization
* Efficient Rate Control for JPEG-2000
* Efficient Rate-Control System With Three Stages for JPEG2000 Image Coding
* Efficient Rate-Distortion Estimation for H.264/AVC Coders
* Efficient reduction of block artifacts in reduced resolution update video coding
* Efficient Reverse-Play Algorithms for MPEG Video With VCR Support
* Enabling Arbitrary Rotational Camera Motion Using Multisprites With Minimum Coding Cost
* Enhanced Error Concealment With Mode Selection
* Enhanced Intra-4X4 Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Coders
* Enhanced Multiplicative Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme, An
* Enhancing video error resilience by using data-embedding techniques
* Estimating Just-Noticeable Distortion for Video
* fast adaptive motion estimation algorithm, A
* Fast Arbitrary Factor Video Resizing Algorithm, A
* Fast Coarse-to-Fine Video Retrieval Using Shot-Level Spatio-Temporal Statistics
* Fast Coding Mode Selection With Rate-Distortion Optimization for MPEG-4 Part-10 AVC/H.264
* Fast Computation of Chebyshev Moments
* Fast Edge-Preserved Postprocessing for Compressed Images
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Inter-Frame Coding in Fully Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Motion Estimation Robust to Random Motions Based on a Distance Prediction
* Fast multiple reference frame motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast Stereo Matching Algorithm for Intermediate View Reconstruction of Stereoscopic Television Images
* Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation by Adaptive Early Termination
* Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation for H.264 Using Likelihood and Correlation of Motion Field
* Flexible Hardware JPEG 2000 Decoder for Digital Cinema, A
* Flexible motion-adaptive video coding with redundant expansions
* FPGA-based real-time optical-flow system
* Geometric-Based Error Concealment for Concealing Transmission Errors and Improving Visual Quality
* Geometrical Analysis of Puppet-Theater and Cardboard Effects in Stereoscopic HDTV Images
* High-Definition H.264/AVC Intra-Frame Codec IP for Digital Video and Still Camera Applications, A
* High-Performance Direct 2-D Transform Coding IP Design for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, A
* High-Performance Sum of Absolute Difference Implementation for Motion Estimation, A
* High-Throughput Architecture for H.264/AVC CABAC Compression System
* Human Gait Recognition With Matrix Representation
* Hybrid Motion-Vector Coding Scheme Based on an Estimation of the Locality for Motion-Vector Difference, A
* Implicit Bit Allocation for Combined Coarse Granular Scalability and Spatial Scalability
* Improved Super-Resolution Reconstruction From Video
* Information Theory-Based Shot Cut/Fade Detection and Video Summarization
* Inter-View Direct Mode for Multiview Video Coding
* Interpolation Free Subpixel Accuracy Motion Estimation
* Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform Architecture Exploiting Sparseness and Symmetry Properties
* Joint Key-Frame Extraction and Object Segmentation for Content-Based Video Analysis
* Joint Prediction Algorithm and Architecture for Stereo Video Hybrid Coding Systems
* Kalman Filtering Based Rate-Constrained Motion Estimation for Very Low Bit Rate Video Coding
* Level C+ Data Reuse Scheme for Motion Estimation With Corresponding Coding Orders
* Low Bit Rate Image Compression Core for Onboard Space Applications
* Low-Complexity Multiresolution Image Compression Using Wavelet Lower Trees
* Low-complexity skip prediction for H.264 through Lagrangian cost estimation
* M-Face: An Appearance-Based Photorealistic Model for Multiple Facial Attributes Rendering
* Max-Min Fairness Congestion Control for Layered Streaming of Scalable Video, A
* method of estimating coding PSNR using quantized DCT coefficients, A
* Modeling of Transmission-Loss-Induced Distortion in Decoded Video
* Modified Phase-Correlation Based Robust Hard-Cut Detection With Application to Archive Film
* Motion-based video retrieval by trajectory matching
* Movement Epenthesis Generation Using NURBS-Based Spatial Interpolation
* MPEG-2 streaming of full interactive content
* MPEG-2 to WMV Transcoder With Adaptive Error Compensation and Dynamic Switches
* MPEG-4-compatible stereoscopic/multiview video coding scheme, An
* MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors: Contributions for Automated Feature Extraction in Capsule Endoscopy
* Multiple blocks matching pursuit update algorithm for low bit rate video coding
* Multiplierless Filter Bank Design: Structures That Improve Both Hardware and Image Compression Performance
* multiresolution motion estimation technique with indexing, A
* Network-Adaptive Low-Latency Video Communication Over Best-Effort Networks
* Novel 3-D Predict Hexagon Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation on H.264 Video Coding, A
* Novel Noncontrast-Based Edge Descriptor for Image Segmentation
* On Appearance Based Face and Facial Action Tracking
* On Lagrange Multiplier and Quantizer Adjustment for H.264 Frame-Layer Video Rate Control
* On the use of indexing metadata to improve the efficiency of video compression
* On using game theory to optimize the rate control in video coding
* Optimum Bit Allocation and Rate Control for H.264/AVC
* Performance and Computational Complexity Optimization in Configurable Hybrid Video Coding System
* Photo2Video: A System for Automatically Converting Photographic Series Into Video
* Predictive compression of geometry, color and normal data of 3-D mesh models
* Progressive Coding of 3-D Objects Based on Overcomplete Decompositions
* Rate-Distortion Analysis and Streaming of SP and SI Frames
* Rate-Distortion Performance of H.264/AVC Compared to State-of-the-Art Video Codecs
* Real-Time Bayesian 3-D Pose Tracking
* Realization of Arbitrary Downsizing Video Transcoding, The
* Realizing Low-Cost High-Throughput General-Purpose Block Encoder for JPEG2000
* Reconstruction of Intermediate Views from Stereoscopic Images Using Disparity Vectors Estimated by the Geometrical Constraint
* Reliable Video Transmission Using Codes Close to the Channel Capacity
* Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis of Wireless Video Sensors
* Reversible data hiding
* Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Side Match Vector Quantization, A
* Reversible Visible Watermarking and Lossless Recovery of Original Images
* Robustness Enhancement for Noncentric Quantization-Based Image Watermarking
* Rounding Mismatch Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Video Codecs
* Scalable Multiuser Framework for Video Over OFDM Networks: Fairness and Efficiency, A
* scalable wavelet-based video distortion metric and applications, A
* Secure and Robust Authentication Scheme for Video Transcoding, A
* Semi-Fragile Lossless Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Integer Wavelet Transform, A
* Sequence-Based Rate Control Framework for Consistent Quality Real-Time Video, A
* Spatial and Temporal Error Concealment Techniques for Video Transmission Over Noisy Channels
* Spatio-Temporal Scalability-Based Motion-Compensated 3-D Subband/DCT Video Coding
* SPIHT-Based Coding of the Shape and Texture of Arbitrarily Shaped Visual Objects
* Statistical Model, Analysis and Approximation of Rate-Distortion Function in MPEG-4 FGS Videos
* Subjective and Objective Comparison of Advanced Motion Compensation Methods for Blocking Artifact Reduction in a 3-D Wavelet Coding System
* Systolic Designs for DCT Using a Low-Complexity Concurrent Convolutional Formulation
* Temporal color video demosaicking via motion estimation and data fusion
* Three-Level Parallel High-Speed Low-Power Architecture for EBCOT of JPEG 2000, A
* Transform Domain Transcoding From MPEG-2 to H.264 With Interpolation Drift-Error Compensation
* Transmission Distortion Analysis for Real-Time Video Encoding and Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* Turbo-slice-and-patch: An Algorithm for Metropolitan Scale VBR Video Streaming
* Unsupervised Extraction of Visual Attention Objects in Color Images
* Video Error Concealment by Integrating Greedy Suboptimization and Kalman Filtering Techniques
* Video Filtering With Fermat Number Theoretic Transforms Using Residue Number System
* VLSI Design of a Wavelet Processing Core
* Wavelet-Domain Video Denoising Based on Reliability Measures
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding With Universal Prediction
144 for CirSysVideo(16)

CirSysVideo(17) * 124 MSamples/s Pixel-Pipelined Motion-JPEG 2000 Codec Without Tile Memory
* 2-D Feature-Point Selection and Tracking Using 3-D Physics-Based Deformable Surfaces
* 3-D Object-Based Scalable Wavelet Video Coding With Boundary Effect Suppression
* 3-D Time-Varying Scene Capture Technologies: A Survey
* Adaptive Linear Prediction for Resource Estimation of Video Decoding
* Adaptive Local Illumination Change Compensation Method for H.264/AVC-Based Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive Multifeature Tracking in a Particle Filtering Framework
* Advances in Recursive Per-Pixel End-to-End Distortion Estimation for Robust Video Coding in H.264/AVC
* Affine Motion Prediction Based on Translational Motion Vectors
* Application-Specific Data Path for Highly Efficient Computation of Multistandard Video Codecs
* Automatic Detection of Prominence Eruption Using Consecutive Solar Images
* Barbell-Lifting Based 3-D Wavelet Coding Scheme
* Binary Partition Tree for Semantic Object Extraction and Image Segmentation
* Biologically Inspired System for Classification of Natural Images, A
* Block-Based MAP Disparity Estimation Under Alpha-Channel Constraints
* Block-Wise Adaptive Motion Accuracy Based B-Picture Coding With Low-Complexity Motion Compensation
* Client-Driven Selective Streaming of Multiview Video for Interactive 3DTV
* Coding Algorithms for 3DTV: A Survey
* Color LAR Codec: A Color Image Representation and Compression Scheme Based on Local Resolution Adjustment and Self-Extracting Region Representation
* Commutative Encryption and Watermarking in Video Compression
* Complexity Scalable Universal DCT Domain Image Resizing Algorithm, A
* Computationally Efficient Super-Resolution Algorithm for Video Processing Using Partition Filters, A
* Constrained One-Bit Transform for Low Complexity Block Motion Estimation
* Effective Detection of Various Wipe Transitions
* Efficient Content-Based Image Enhancement in the Compressed Domain Using Retinex Theory, An
* Efficient Layout of Comic-Like Video Summaries
* Efficient Matrix-Based DCT Splitter/Merger for MPEG-2-to-AVC/H.264 Transform Kernel Conversion, An
* Efficient Prediction Structures for Multiview Video Coding
* Efficient Spatiotemporal Attention Model and Its Application to Shot Matching, An
* Efficient Subtree Pruning Scheme in Tree-Structured Hierarchy
* Epipolar Geometry-Based Fast Disparity Estimation Algorithm for Multiview Image and Video Coding, An
* Error Concealment for Scalable Motion-Compensated Subband/Wavelet Video Coders
* Error Resilient Decoding of JPEG2000
* Fast Algorithm and Architecture Design of Low-Power Integer Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for Fractional Motion Estimation for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Coding, A
* Fast Bit Rate Estimation for Mode Decision of H.264/AVC
* Fast Block Motion Estimation With 8-Bit Partial Sums Using SIMD Architectures
* Fast DV to MPEG-4 Transcoder Integrated With Resolution Conversion and Quantization, A
* Fast Matching Pursuit Video Coding by Combining Dictionary Approximation and Atom Extraction
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm and Its VLSI Design for H.264/AVC Intra-Prediction, A
* Feature-Based Intra-/InterCoding Mode Selection for H.264/AVC
* File Format for Scalable Video Coding
* Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding Using Context-Based Binary Arithmetic Coding for Bit-Plane Coding
* Formal Study of Shot Boundary Detection, A
* Frame-Layer Constant-Quality Rate Control of Regions of Interest for Multiple Encoders With Single Video Source
* Framework for Utility-Based Multimedia Adaptation, A
* Fully Adaptive Distance-Dependent Thresholding Search (FADTS) Algorithm for Performance-Management Motion Estimation, A
* General Method for Detecting All-Zero Blocks Prior to DCT and Quantization, A
* Geometrico-Harmonic Data Broadcasting and Receiving Scheme for Popular Videos
* High-Speed H.264/AVC CABAC Decoding
* Home Video Visual Quality Assessment With Spatiotemporal Factors
* Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting
* Image Quality Evaluation Method Based on Digital Watermarking, An
* Improved Motion-Compensated 3-D LLMMSE Filter With Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Filtering Support, An
* Improvement on Rate-Distortion Performance of H.264 Rate Control in Low Bit Rate
* In/Post-Loop Deblocking Filter With Hybrid Filtering Schedule, An
* Integrating Discriminant and Descriptive Information for Dimension Reduction and Classification
* Integration of Digital Stabilizer With Video Codec for Digital Video Cameras
* Intelligent Display Scheme of Soccer Video on Mobile Devices, An
* Interlaced Coding in SVC
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Scalable Video Coding: Standardization and Beyond
* Introduction to the Special Section on 3DTV
* Introduction to the Special Section on Multiview Video Coding
* Key Frame Estimation in Video Using Randomness Measure of Feature Point Pattern
* Learning Midlevel Image Features for Natural Scene and Texture Classification
* Lifting-Based Directional DCT-Like Transform for Image Coding
* Linear Transition Detection as a Unified Shot Detection Approach
* Low Bit Rate Video Coding Using DCT-Based Fast Decimation/Interpolation and Embedded Zerotree Coding
* Low-Power Buffer Management for Streaming Data
* Medical-Image Retrieval Based on Knowledge-Assisted Text and Image Indexing
* Memory-Efficient Semi-Quasi Renormalization for Arithmetic Coding
* Mobile Video Transmission Using Scalable Video Coding
* Modeling Quantization of Affine Motion Vector Coefficients
* Motion and Disparity Compensated Coding for Multiview Video
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Using Bilateral Motion Estimation and Adaptive Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering and Motion Vector Coding Using Biorthogonal Filters
* Multimedia Search Without Visual Analysis: The Value of Linguistic and Contextual Information
* Multiple Color and Depth Video Coding Using a Hierarchical Representation
* Multiple Tree Video Multicast Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Multiple Visual Models Based Perceptive Analysis Framework for Multilevel Video Summarization, A
* Multiscale Corner Detection of Gray Level Images Based on Log-Gabor Wavelet Transform
* MultiStage: A MINMAX Bit Allocation Algorithm for Video Coders
* Multiview Image Coding Based on Geometric Prediction
* Multiview Video Coding Using View Interpolation and Color Correction
* Near-Optimal Watermark Estimation and Its Countermeasure: Antidisclosure Watermark for Multiple Watermark Embedding
* Network-Aware Approach for Video and Metadata Streaming, A
* New Coding Tools for Illumination and Focus Mismatch Compensation in Multiview Video Coding
* New Coeff-Token Decoding Method With Efficient Memory Access in H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard, A
* New Dynamic Enhancements to the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework
* New Soft Variable Length Decoder for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis on Embedded Manifold
* Novel Distortion Estimation Technique for Hardware-Based JPEG2000 Encoder System
* Novel Rate Control Scheme for Low Delay Video Communication of H.264/AVC Standard, A
* Object- and User-Driven System for Semantic-Based Image Annotation and Retrieval, An
* On the Coding Efficiency of MCTF Update Steps for Scalable Video Coding
* On the Correlation of Automatic Audio and Visual Segmentations of Music Videos
* On the Design of Perceptual MPEG-Video Encryption Algorithms
* On-Chip Memory Optimization Scheme for VLSI Implementation of Line-Based Two-Dimentional Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Optimal Motion Estimation for Wavelet Motion Compensated Video Coding
* Optimized Cross-Layer Design for Scalable Video Transmission Over the IEEE 802.11e Networks
* Optimized Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantization for Wavelet Image Coding
* Optimized Rate-Distortion Extraction With Quality Layers in the Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC
* Overview of the Scalable Video Coding Extension of the H.264/AVC Standard
* Performance Analysis and Architecture Design for Parallel EBCOT Encoder of JPEG2000
* Performance Analysis of SVC
* Performance Analysis of SVC
* Performance-Based Interpreter Identification in Saxophone Audio Recordings
* Personalized Content Retrieval in Context Using Ontological Knowledge
* Polynomial Weighted Median Image Sequence Prediction
* Probabilistic Confidence Measures for Block Matching Motion Estimation
* Progressive Coding of Surface Light Fields for Efficient Image Based Rendering
* Quality Enhancement of Frame Rate Up-Converted Video by Adaptive Frame Skip and Reliable Motion Extraction
* Rate Control for H.264 Video With Enhanced Rate and Distortion Models
* Rate-Distortion Modeling for Efficient H.264/AVC Encoding
* Rate-Distortion-Authentication Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
* Real-Time System for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on SVC
* Real-Time Technique for Spatio-Temporal Video Noise Estimation, A
* Reciprocal Subpixel Motion Estimation: Video Coding With Limited Hardware Resources
* Rectification of Stereoscopic Video for Planar Catadioptric Stereo Systems
* Reduced Human Perception of FPN Noise of the Pyramidal Readout CMOS Image Sensor
* Reference Frame Optimization for Multiple-Path Video Streaming With Complexity Scaling
* Regularized Restoration Using Image Fusion for Digital Auto-Focusing
* Resizing Algorithm With Two-Stage Realization for DCT-Based Transcoding, A
* Robust and Computationally Efficient Simultaneous Super-Resolution Scheme for Image Sequences, A
* Robust Transmission of SPIHT-Coded Images Over Packet Networks
* Scalable H.264/AVC Video Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Systems With Adaptive Channel Selection Based on Partial Channel Information
* Scalable Motion Vector Coding Based on CABAC for MC-EZBC
* Scene Representation Technologies for 3DTV: A Survey
* Semantic Home Photo Categorization
* Semantic Image Segmentation and Object Labeling
* Sequential Quantization Strategy for Data Embedding and Integrity Verification, A
* Single Reference Frame Multiple Current Macroblocks Scheme for Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Spatial Scalability Within the H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding Extension
* Spatially Adaptive Wavelet-Based Method Using the Cauchy Prior for Denoising the SAR Images
* Spatio-Temporal Regularity Flow (SPREF): Its Estimation and Applications
* Specifying Virtual Cameras in Uncalibrated View Synthesis
* State Filtering and Change Detection Using TBM Conflict Application to Human Action Recognition in Athletics Videos
* State-of-the-Art and Trends in Scalable Video Compression With Wavelet-Based Approaches
* Statistical Background Subtraction Using Spatial Cues
* Stochastic Color Interpolation for Digital Cameras
* Study of Quality Issues for Image Auto-Annotation With the Corel Dataset, A
* Subband Coupling Aware Rate Allocation for Spatial Scalability in 3-D Wavelet Video Coding
* Supporting Interactive Video-on-Demand With Adaptive Multicast Streaming
* Survey of 3DTV Displays: Techniques and Technologies, A
* Survey of Signal Processing Problems and Tools in Holographic Three-Dimensional Television, A
* System and Transport Interface of SVC
* Temporal Texture Characterization Technique Using Block-Based Approximated Motion Measure, A
* Temporal Video Denoising Based on Multihypothesis Motion Compensation
* Time-Varying Mesh Compression Using an Extended Block Matching Algorithm
* Total Power Minimization for Multiuser Video Communications Over CDMA Networks
* Towards Rate-Distortion Tradeoff in Real-Time Color Video Coding
* Towards Theoretical Performance Limits of Video Parsing
* Transform-Domain Fast Sum of the Squared Difference Computation for H.264/AVC Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Transport and Signaling of SVC in IP Networks
* Transport Methods in 3DTV: A Survey
* Unified Approach of Bit-Rate Control for Binary and Gray-Level Shape Sequences Coding, A
* Unsupervized Video Segmentation With Low Depth of Field
* Video Adaptation for Small Display Based on Content Recomposition
* Video Denoising Based on Inter-frame Statistical Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients
* Video Processing Via Implicit and Mixture Motion Models
* Video Shot Characterization Using Principles of Perceptual Prominence and Perceptual Grouping in Spatio-Temporal Domain
* Video Streaming Over Wireless Packet Networks: An Occupancy-Based Rate Adaptation Perspective
* View Scalable Multiview Video Coding Using 3-D Warping With Depth Map
* Visual Quality Enhancement in DCT-Domain Spatial Downscaling Transcoding Using Generalized DCT Decimation
* VLSI Design of a High-Speed and Area-Efficient JPEG2000 Encoder
* VLSI Implementation of High-Performance Error Concealment Processor for TV Broadcasting
* Wyner-Ziv Video Compression and Fountain Codes for Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast
167 for CirSysVideo(17)

CirSysVideo(18) * 3-D Shape-Adaptive Directional Wavelet Transform for Object-Based Scalable Video Coding
* Accurate Low-Complexity Rate Control Algorithm Based on (rho,q)-Domain, An
* Activity Analysis, Summarization, and Visualization for Indoor Human Activity Monitoring
* Activity Recognition Using a Combination of Category Components and Local Models for Video Surveillance
* Adaptive Binning Color Model for Mean Shift Tracking, An
* Adaptive De-Interlacing With Robust Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* Adaptive Multipattern Fast Block-Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Classification Techniques
* Advanced Total_Zeros Decoding Method Based on New Memory Architecture in H.264/AVC CAVLC, An
* Aliasing Reduction via Frequency Roll-Off for Scalable Image/Video Coding
* Analysis and Efficient Architecture Design for VC-1 Overlap Smoothing and In-Loop Deblocking Filter
* Analysis of Packet Loss for Compressed Video: Effect of Burst Losses and Correlation Between Error Frames
* Animation Key-Frame Extraction and Simplification Using Deformation Analysis
* Architecture Design of Shape-Adaptive Discrete Cosine Transform and Its Inverse for MPEG-4 Video Coding
* Audio-Assisted Movie Dialogue Detection
* Automated Facial Pose Extraction From Video Sequences Based on Mutual Information
* Automatic Lipreading System for Spoken Digits With Limited Training Data, An
* Automatic Single View-Based 3-D Face Synthesis for Unsupervised Multimedia Applications
* Bargaining Theoretic Approach to Quality-Fair System Resource Allocation for Multiple Decoding Tasks, A
* BaTex3: Bit Allocation for Progressive Transmission of Textured 3-D Models
* Bayesian Integration of Face and Low-Level Cues for Foveated Video Coding
* Bayesian Tensor Approach for 3-D Face Modeling
* Block Adaptive Inter-Color Compensation Algorithm for RGB 4:4:4 Video Coding
* Block-Edge-Pattern-Based Content Descriptor in DCT Domain, A
* Broadcast Court-Net Sports Video Analysis Using Fast 3-D Camera Modeling
* Camera Motion Estimation Using a Novel Online Vector Field Model in Particle Filters
* Chaotic Watermarking for Video Authentication in Surveillance Applications
* Collusion-Traceable Secure Multimedia Distribution Based on Controllable Modulation
* Combination Load Balancing for Video-on-Demand Systems
* Combining Fuzzy Vector Quantization With Linear Discriminant Analysis for Continuous Human Movement Recognition
* Compensation of Requantization and Interpolation Errors in MPEG-2 to H.264 Transcoding
* Compression-Aware Energy Optimization for Video Decoding Systems With Passive Power
* Computational Complexity Management of a Real-Time H.264/AVC Encoder
* Convergent 2-D Subspace Learning With Null Space Analysis
* Correlation Noise Modeling for Efficient Pixel and Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* CRISP: Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Image Stream Processor for Digital Still Cameras and Camcorders
* Cross-Resolution Leaky Prediction Scheme for In-Band Wavelet Video Coding With Spatial Scalability, A
* Cryptanalysis of an Image Scrambling Scheme Without Bandwidth Expansion
* Data-Driven Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Visual Tracking
* Deblocking Filtering for Illumination Compensation in Multiview Video Coding
* DEWS: A Live Visual Surveillance System for Early Drowning Detection at Pool
* Directional Discrete Cosine Transforms: A New Framework for Image Coding
* Dual Frame Motion Compensation With Uneven Quality Assignment
* Dynamic Facial Expression Analysis and Synthesis With MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters
* Dynamic Proposal Variance and Optimal Particle Allocation in Particle Filtering for Video Tracking
* Effective Subblock-Based and Pixel-Based Fast Direction Detections for H.264 Intra Prediction
* Efficient Architecture Design of Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering/Motion Compensated Prediction Engine
* Efficient Image Deblocking Based on Postfiltering in Shifted Windows
* Efficient Inter-Layer Motion Compensation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* Efficient Interfacing of DWT and EBCOT in JPEG2000
* Efficient Multiple-Description Image Coding Using Directional Lifting-Based Transform
* Efficient Multitarget Visual Tracking Using Random Finite Sets
* Efficient Reference Frame Selector for H.264
* Efficient Scene-Break Detection Method Based on Linear Prediction With Bayesian Cost Functions, An
* Efficient Technique for the Computation of ART, An
* Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices Based on Power-Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Enhanced Autofocus Algorithm Using Robust Focus Measure and Fuzzy Reasoning
* Enhanced MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coder
* Event Detection of Broadcast Baseball Videos
* Event Detection Using Trajectory Clustering and 4-D Histograms
* EXIT-Chart Optimized Block Codes for Wireless Video Telephony
* Expandable Data-Driven Graphical Modeling of Human Actions Based on Salient Postures
* Exploring Co-Occurence Between Speech and Body Movement for Audio-Guided Video Localization
* Face Sketch Synthesis Algorithm Based on E-HMM and Selective Ensemble
* Face-Based Digital Signatures for Video Retrieval
* Fast and Efficient Method for Block Edge Classification and Its Application in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Transcoding Using Power-Spectrum Based Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Fast Inter-Mode Selection in the H.264/AVC Standard Using a Hierarchical Decision Process
* Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithm for DCT-Domain Video Transcoder, A
* Fast MB Mode Decision Algorithm for MPEG-2 to H.264 P-Frame Transcoding, A
* Fast Moment Generating Architectures
* Fast Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC in Walsh-Hadamard Domain
* Fast Optimal Motion Estimation Based on Gradient-Based Adaptive Multilevel Successive Elimination
* Fast Pedestrian Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted Covariance Features
* Fast Selective Intra-Mode Search Algorithm Based on Adaptive Thresholding Scheme for H.264/AVC Encoding
* FGS Coding Using Cycle-Based Leaky Prediction Through Multiple Leaky Factors
* Five-Stage Pipeline, 204 Cycles/MB, Single-Port SRAM-Based Deblocking Filter for H.264/AVC, A
* Flexible Heterogeneous Hardware/Software Solution for Real-Time HD H.264 Motion Estimation, A
* Frame Buffer Access Reduction for MPEG Video Decoder
* Framework for Evaluating Stereo-Based Pedestrian Detection Techniques, A
* Framework for Handling Spatiotemporal Variations in Video Copy Detection, A
* Fuzzy-Logic Congestion Control of Transcoded Video Streaming Without Packet Loss Feedback
* Gabor-Based Region Covariance Matrices for Face Recognition
* Group Behavior Recognition for Gesture Analysis
* H.264-Based Compression of Bayer Pattern Video Sequences
* H.264/AVC Video Coder Based on a Multiple Description Scalar Quantizer, An
* Heterogeneous Fusion of Omnidirectional and PTZ Cameras for Multiple Object Tracking
* High-Performance Architecture of the Double-Mode Binary Coder for H.264.AVC, A
* High-Speed Action Recognition and Localization in Compressed Domain Videos
* Histogram-Based Prefiltering for Luminance and Chrominance Compensation of Multiview Video
* Human Activity Recognition Based on Silhouette Directionality
* Hybrid Coarse/Fine Layered Multicast Scheme Based on Hierarchical Bandwidth Inference Congestion Control, A
* Hybrid Framework for 3-D Human Motion Tracking, A
* Hyper-Trellis Decoding of Pixel-Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* ICA Mixture Hidden Markov Model for Video Content Analysis, An
* Image Fitting Using arctan for JPEG AC Coefficient Prediction
* Improved Conversion From DCT Blocks to Integer Cosine Transform Blocks in H.264/AVC
* Improvements on Fast Motion Estimation Strategy for H.264/AVC
* In-Scale Motion Compensation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* Integration of Frequency and Space for Multiple Motion Estimation and Shape-Independent Object Segmentation
* Intensity Gradient Technique for Efficient Intra-Prediction in H.264/AVC
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Event Analysis in Videos, An
* Invariant Image Watermarking Based on Statistical Features in the Low-Frequency Domain
* Joint Source Adaptation and Resource Allocation for Multi-User Wireless Video Streaming
* JPEG2000 Quality Scalability Without Quality Layers
* Link Adaptation Scheme for Efficient Transmission of H.264 Scalable Video Over Multirate WLANs, A
* Locality Versus Globality: Query-Driven Localized Linear Models for Facial Image Computing
* Long-Range Prediction for Real-Time MPEG Video Traffic: An H_infty Filter Approach
* Machine Recognition of Human Activities: A Survey
* Memory Efficient Hierarchical Lookup Tables for Mass Arbitrary-Side Growing Huffman Trees Decoding
* Memory-Centric Video Processing
* Mining Recurring Events Through Forest Growing
* Modality Mixture Projections for Semantic Video Event Detection
* Modeling Background and Segmenting Moving Objects from Compressed Video
* Motion Estimation for Content Adaptive Video Compression
* Motion Feature and Hadamard Coefficient-Based Fast Multiple Reference Frame Motion Estimation for H.264
* MPEG Motion Picture Coding With Long-Term Constraint on Distortion Variation
* Multifeature Object Trajectory Clustering for Video Analysis
* Multiple Description Wavelet Video Coding Employing a New Tree Structure
* New Block-Based Motion Estimation for Sequences with Brightness Variation and Its Application to Static Sprite Generation for Video Compression
* New Multiplication-Free Block Matching Criterion, A
* Nonlinear Flicker Compensation for Archived Film Sequences Using Motion-Compensated Graylevel Tracing
* Nonreference Method for Estimating PSNR of MPEG-2 Coded Video by Using DCT Coefficients and Picture Energy
* Novel Inter-Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Macroblock (MB) Tracking for the P-Slice in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Novel Look-Up Table Design Method for Data Hiding With Reduced Distortion, A
* Oblivious Spatio-Temporal Watermarking of Digital Video by Exploiting the Human Visual System
* On Iterative Regularization and Its Application
* On the Design of Fast Wavelet Transform Algorithms With Low Memory Requirements
* Optimal Adaptation Framework for Streaming Multiple Video Objects, An
* Optimal Bit Allocation for Joint Texture-Aware Contour-Based Shape Coding and Shape-Adaptive Texture Coding
* Parallel and Pipelined Architectures for Cyclic Convolution by Block Circulant Formulation Using Low-Complexity Short-Length Algorithms
* Parallel Hardware Architecture for Scale and Rotation Invariant Feature Detection, A
* Parallel Memory System for Variable Block-Size Motion Estimation Algorithms, A
* Parameter Embedding Mode and Optimal Post-Process Filtering for Improved WDCT Image Compression
* Person Surveillance Using Visual and Infrared Imagery
* Prediction of Zero Quantized DCT Coefficients in H.264/AVC Using Hadamard Transformed Information
* Privacy Protected Surveillance Using Secure Visual Object Coding
* Probabilistic Object Tracking With Dynamic Attributed Relational Feature Graph
* q-Domain Characteristic-Based Bit-Rate Model for Video Transmission, A
* Quad-Tree Block-Based Binary Shape Coding
* Quality Constrained Compression Using DWT-Based Image Quality Metric
* Quality Enhancement for Motion JPEG Using Temporal Redundancies
* Rate Control of H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
* Rate-Distortion and Complexity Optimized Motion Estimation for H.264 Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimization of Rate Control for H.264 With Adaptive Initial Quantization Parameter Determination
* RD Optimized Coding for Motion Vector Predictor Selection
* RD Optimized Coding for Motion Vector Predictor Selection
* Real-Time Modeling of 3-D Soccer Ball Trajectories From Multiple Fixed Cameras
* Real-Time Multimodal Human-Avatar Interaction
* Real-Time, Multiview Fall Detection System: A LHMM-Based Approach, A
* Reconstruction and Recognition of Tensor-Based Objects With Concurrent Subspaces Analysis
* Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Discriminative Local Harmonic Strength With Motion Consideration
* Redundant Slice Optimal Allocation for H.264 Multiple Description Coding
* Region-of-Interest Based Resource Allocation for Conversational Video Communication of H.264/AVC
* Robust and Accurate Object Tracking Under Various Types of Occlusions
* Robust Dominant Motion Estimation Using MPEG Information in Sport Sequences
* Robust Error Detection Mechanism for H.264/AVC Coded Video Sequences Based on Support Vector Machines, A
* Robust Lossless Image Data Hiding Designed for Semi-Fragile Image Authentication
* Robust Passage Retrieval Algorithm for Video Question Answering, A
* Robust Streaming of Offline Coded H.264/AVC Video Via Alternative Macroblock Coding
* Robust Video Fingerprinting for Content-Based Video Identification
* Scalable Joint Source-Channel Coding for the Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC
* Scrambling for Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems
* Semantic Analysis for Automatic Event Recognition and Segmentation of Wedding Ceremony Videos
* Semantic Subspace Projection and Its Applications in Image Retrieval
* Semi-Fuzzy Rate Controller for Variable Bit Rate Video
* Simplified Motion-Refined Scheme for Fine-Granularity Scalability
* Simultaneous Geometric and Radiometric Adaptation to Dynamic Surfaces With a Mobile Projector-Camera System
* Special Issue on Video Surveillance
* Statistical Video Content Recognition Method Using Invariant Features on Object Trajectories, A
* Structure-Oriented Multidirectional Wiener Filter for Denoising of Image and Video Signals
* Subfield Coding Algorithm for the Reduction of Gray Level Errors Due to Line Load in a Plasma Display Panel, A
* Survey of Vision-Based Trajectory Learning and Analysis for Surveillance, A
* Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video Signals
* Technique for Evaluation of CCD Video-Camera Noise, A
* Technique of Prescaled Integer Transform: Concept, Design and Applications, The
* Time Scales in Video Surveillance
* Trajectory-Based Anomalous Event Detection
* TrustStream: A Secure and Scalable Architecture for Large-Scale Internet Media Streaming
* Unified Framework for Consistent 2-D/3-D Foreground Object Detection, A
* Which Components are Important for Interactive Image Searching?
* Wyner-Ziv Switching Scheme for Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming
* Wyner-Ziv-Based Multiview Video Coding
182 for CirSysVideo(18)

CirSysVideo(19) * 140-MHz 94 K Gates HD1080p 30-Frames/s Intra-Only Profile H.264 Encoder, A
* 2-D Order-16 Integer Transforms for HD Video Coding
* 3-D Head Pose Estimation in Monocular Video Sequences Using Deformable Surfaces and Radial Basis Functions
* Active Lighting for Video Conferencing
* Adaptive Arbitration of Intra-Field and Motion Compensation Methods for De-Interlacing
* Adaptive Interpolation Filter for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Method for Early Detecting Zero Quantized DCT Coefficients in H.264/AVC Video Encoding
* Adaptive Up-Sampling Method Using DCT for Spatial Scalability of Scalable Video Coding
* Adaptive Variable Block-Size Early Motion Estimation Termination Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
* Advanced Film Grain Noise Extraction and Synthesis for High-Definition Video Coding
* Airtime Fair Distributed Cross-Layer Congestion Control for Real-Time Video Over WLAN
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Power-Oriented H.264/AVC Baseline Profile Encoder for Portable Devices
* Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emergent Platforms: Overview and Future Prospects
* Analysis on the Spectrum of a Stereoscopic 3-D Image and Disparity-Adaptive Anti-Aliasing Filter
* Audio-Guided Video-Based Face Recognition
* Binary Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Carried Object Detection Using Ratio Histogram and its Application to Suspicious Event Analysis
* Color Correction Preprocessing for Multiview Video Coding
* Combined CAVLC Decoder, Inverse Quantizer, and Transform Kernel in Compact H.264/AVC Decoder
* Combined Wavelet-Domain and Motion-Compensated Video Denoising Based on Video Codec Motion Estimation Methods
* Complete Video Quality-Preserving Data Hiding
* Complexity-Constrained H.264 Video Encoding
* Compressed-Domain-Based Transmission Distortion Modeling for Precoded H.264/AVC Video
* Compression of Bayer-Pattern Video Sequences Using Adjusted Chroma Subsampling
* Configurable Heterogeneous Multicore Architecture With Cellular Neural Network for Real-Time Object Recognition, A
* Configurable Motion Estimation Architecture for Block-Matching Algorithms, A
* Context-Adaptive Prediction Scheme for Parameter Estimation in H.264/AVC Macroblock Layer Rate Control, A
* Contrast-Sensitive Reversible Visible Image Watermarking Technique, A
* Cross-Based Local Stereo Matching Using Orthogonal Integral Images
* DE-Based Reversible Data Hiding With Improved Overflow Location Map
* De-Interlacing Algorithm Using Spatial-Temporal Correlation-Assisted Motion Estimation
* Design and Analysis of System on a Chip Encoder for JPEG2000
* Detecting Cross-Fades in Interlaced Video With 3:2 Film Cadence
* Detection of Multiple Dynamic Textures Using Feature Space Mapping
* Development of a High-Level Simulation Approach and Its Application to Multicore Video Decoding
* Distributed Algorithms for Network Lifetime Maximization in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* Dual Digital Watermarking for Internet Media Based on Hybrid Strategies
* Dynamic Quality-Adjustable H.264 Video Encoder for Power-Aware Video Applications, A
* Early Determination of Zero-Quantized 8X8 DCT Coefficients
* Efficient and Low-Complexity Surveillance Video Compression Using Backward-Channel Aware Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Efficient Block Matching Motion Estimation Using Multilevel Intra- and Inter-Subblock Features Subblock-Based SATD
* Efficient Content Analysis Engine for Visual Surveillance Network
* Efficient Fast 1-D 8x8 Inverse Integer Transform for VC-1 Application
* Efficient Implementation Techniques for Maximum Likelihood-Based Error Correction for JPEG2000
* Efficient Intermode Decision Algorithm Based on Motion Homogeneity for H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Video Indexing and Retrieval Algorithm Using the Luminance Field Trajectory Modeling, An
* Eliminating Packet Loss Accumulation in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
* Embedded and Programmable System Based FPGA for Real Time MPEG Stream Buffer Analysis, An
* Enhanced MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coder
* Equivalent Key Frames Selection Based on Iso-Content Principles
* Error Propagation Algorithm for Reduction of Errors Due to Total Load and Line Load in a Plasma Panel Display
* Error Resilient Coding and Error Concealment in Scalable Video Coding
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using B Pictures in H.264
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using Redundant Pictures
* Estimation-Based Interlayer Intra Prediction for Scalable Video Coding
* Event Analysis Based on Multiple Interactive Motion Trajectories
* Exemplar-Based Video Inpainting Without Ghost Shadow Artifacts by Maintaining Temporal Continuity
* Exploring the Concurrency of an MPEG RVC Decoder Based on Dataflow Program Analysis
* Fast and Robust Face Detection on a Parallel Optimized Architecture Implemented on FPGA
* Fast Inter-Mode Decision in an H.264/AVC Encoder Using Mode and Lagrangian Cost Correlation
* Fast JND-Based Video Carving With GPU Acceleration for Real-Time Video Retargeting
* Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Macroblock Motion Activity
* Fast Variable Padding Motion Estimation Using Smart Zero Motion Prejudgment Technique for Pixel and Frequency Domains
* Fine Rate Control Algorithm With Adaptive Rounding Offsets (ARO), A
* Fine-Granular Motion Matching for Inter-View Motion Skip Mode in Multiview Video Coding
* Forward Error Correction for Multipath Media Streaming
* Forward Error Correction-Based 2-D Layered Multiple Description Coding for Error-Resilient H.264 SVC Video Transmission
* Framework for Heuristic Scheduling for Parallel Processing on Multicore Architecture: A Case Study With Multiview Video Coding, A
* Full RDO-Support Power-Aware CABAC Encoder With Efficient Context Access
* Generalized Butterfly Graph and Its Application to Video Stream Authentication
* Generalized Embedding of Multiplicative Watermarks
* H.264 Deblocking Speedup
* H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) Backward-Compatible Bit-Depth Scalable Coding
* Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Video Segmentation Utilizing Memory Reduction Techniques, A
* Hierarchical Space-Time Model Enabling Efficient Search for Human Actions
* High-Fidelity RGB Video Coding Using Adaptive Inter-Plane Weighted Prediction
* High-Throughput H.264/AVC High-Profile CABAC Decoder for HDTV Applications
* Highly Parallel Rate-Distortion Optimized Intra-Mode Decision on Multicore Graphics Processors
* Human Behavior Analysis Based on a New Motion Descriptor
* Image and Video Denoising Using Adaptive Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Packets
* Image Enhancement for Backlight-Scaled TFT-LCD Displays
* Improved Decoding Algorithm for DVC Over Multipath Error Prone Wireless Channels, An
* Improved Low-Complexity Algorithm for 2-D Integer Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform Using Symmetric Mask-Based Scheme
* Improved Resilience for Video Over Packet Loss Networks With MDC and Optimized Packetization
* Informationally Decentralized System Resource Management for Multiple Multimedia Tasks
* Integrated Optimization of Video Server Resource and Streaming Quality Over Best-Effort Network
* Interactive Approach for Filtering Out Junk Images From Keyword-Based Google Search Results, An
* Interference Aware Multipath Selection for Video Streaming in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
* Intra-Frame Rate Control Algorithm for Ultralow Delay H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC), An
* Investigation Into the Feasibility of Real-Time Soccer Offside Detection From a Multiple Camera System, An
* Irregular-Grid-Overlapped Block Motion Compensation and its Practical Application
* Iterative Side-Information Generation in a Mixed Resolution Wyner-Ziv Framework
* Joint Rate Control Algorithm for Low-Delay MPEG-4 Object-Based Video Encoding
* JustClick: Personalized Image Recommendation via Exploratory Search From Large-Scale Flickr Images
* Laplace Distribution Based Lagrangian Rate Distortion Optimization for Hybrid Video Coding
* Locating Nose-Tips and Estimating Head Poses in Images by Tensorposes
* Low-Power and Bandwidth-Efficient Motion Estimation IP Core Design Using Binary Search, A
* Low-Power H.264 Video Compression Architectures for Mobile Communication
* Model-Based Transrating of H.264 Coded Video
* Modeling and Analysis of Distortion Caused by Markov-Model Burst Packet Losses in Video Transmission
* Modeling of Pattern-Based Block Motion Estimation and Its Application
* Modified Steepest-Descent for Bit Allocation in Strongly Dependent Video Coding
* Motion Estimation Optimization for H.264/AVC Using Source Image Edge Features
* Moving Object Verification in Airborne Video Sequences
* Multicore Processing and Efficient On-Chip Caching for H.264 and Future Video Decoders
* Multigraph-Based Query-Independent Learning for Video Search
* Multimode Embedded Compression Codec Engine for Power-Aware Video Coding System
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Hierarchical B Pictures
* Multiple-Camera 3-D Production Studio, The
* New Rate Distortion Bounds for Natural Videos Based on a Texture-Dependent Correlation Model
* Novel Analytic Quantization-Distortion Model for Hybrid Video Coding, A
* Novel Directional Gradient Descent Searches for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Novel Illumination-Balance Technique for Improving the Quality of Degraded Text-Photo Images, A
* Novel Prediction-Based Directional Asymmetric Search Algorithm for Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Object-Based Approach to Image/Video-Based Synthesis and Processing for 3-D and Multiview Televisions, An
* Occlusion Reasoning for Tracking Multiple People
* On Rate-Distortion Modeling and Extraction of H.264/SVC Fine-Granular Scalable Video
* On the Optimality of Motion-Based Particle Filtering
* Online Reranking via Ordinal Informative Concepts for Context Fusion in Concept Detection and Video Search
* Online Selection of Tracking Features Using AdaBoost
* Optimal Regularization Parameter Estimation for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis
* Optimization Strategies for High-Performance Computing of Optical-Flow in General-Purpose Processors
* Optimized Video Multicasting Over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Using Distributed Algorithm
* Partially Parallel Architecture for AdaBoost-Based Detection with Haar-Like Features
* Patch-Based Video Processing: A Variational Bayesian Approach
* Perceptual Optimization for Scalable Video Compression Based on Visual Masking Principles
* Perspective 3-D Euclidean Reconstruction With Varying Camera Parameters
* Places Clustering of Full-Length Film Key-Frames Using Latent Aspect Modeling Over SIFT Matches
* Pointwise Motion Image (PMI): A Novel Motion Representation and Its Applications to Abnormality Detection and Behavior Recognition
* Power and Distortion Optimization for Pervasive Video Coding
* Pre- and Post-Shift Filtering for Blocking Removing in Downsizing Transcoding
* Profiling-Based Hardware/Software Co-Exploration for the Design of Video Coding Architectures
* Programmable Deblocking Filter Architecture for a VC-1 Video Decoder
* Proxy-Based Reference Picture Selection for Error Resilient Conversational Video in Mobile Networks
* QoS Support in MANETs: a Modular Architecture Based on the IEEE 802.11e Technology
* Quality-Based Resource Brokerage for Autonomous Networked Multimedia Applications
* Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization System Using Modified Proportional Integrated Controller
* Real-Time Illegal Parking Detection in Outdoor Environments Using 1-D Transformation
* Real-Time Moving Vehicle Detection With Cast Shadow Removal in Video Based on Conditional Random Field
* Reconstructing Videos From Multiple Compressed Copies
* Refining Side Information for Improved Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Region-Level Motion-Based Foreground Segmentation Under a Bayesian Network
* Remote Interactive Browsing of Video Surveillance Content Based on JPEG 2000
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Pixel Differences
* Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Using Sorting and Prediction
* Robust Region-of-Interest Determination Based on User Attention Model Through Visual Rhythm Analysis
* Robust Video Fingerprinting Based on Symmetric Pairwise Boosting
* Robust Video Region-of-Interest Coding Based on Leaky Prediction
* Robust Video Stabilization Based on Particle Filter Tracking of Projected Camera Motion
* Scalable Video Streaming With Fine-Grain Adaptive Forward Error Correction
* Scheduling and Resource Allocation for SVC Streaming Over OFDM Downlink Systems
* Search Patterns Switching Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Selective Search Area Reuse Algorithm for Low External Memory Access Motion Estimation
* Self-Reconfigurable Platform for Scalable DCT Computation Using Compressed Partial Bitstreams and BlockRAM Prefetching, A
* Sequential Particle Generation for Visual Tracking
* Shot Boundary Detection in MPEG Videos Using Local and Global Indicators
* Simultaneous MAP-Based Video Denoising and Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Encoding
* Soft Decision Quantization for H.264 With Main Profile Compatibility
* Spatio-Temporal Auto Regressive Model for Frame Rate Upconversion, A
* Spatio-Temporal Just Noticeable Distortion Profile for Grey Scale Image/Video in DCT Domain
* Special Issue: Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration of Visual Computing on Emerging Platforms
* Statistical Approach for Fast Mode Decision in Scalable Video Coding, A
* Statistical Framework for Video Decoding Complexity Modeling and Prediction
* Statistical Motion Information Extraction and Representation for Semantic Video Analysis
* Stream-Centric Stereo Matching and View Synthesis: A High-Speed Approach on GPUs
* Subpixel Interpolation Architecture for Multistandard Video Motion Estimation
* Systematic Lossy Error Protection of Video Signals
* Taxonomy of Directing Semantics for Film Shot Classification
* Temporal Approach for Improving Intra-Frame Concealment Performance in H.264/AVC, A
* Temporal Feature Modulation for Video Watermarking
* Temporal Segmentation of 3-D Video by Histogram-Based Feature Vectors
* Temporal Subsampling Approach for Multiview Depth Map Compression, A
* Towards a General Framework for Cross-Layer Decision Making in Multimedia Systems
* Towards Effective Content Authentication for Digital Videos by Employing Feature Extraction and Quantization
* Towards Extracting Semantically Meaningful Key Frames From Personal Video Clips: From Humans to Computers
* Trajectory Tree as an Object-Oriented Hierarchical Representation for Video
* Transform-Exempted Calculation of Sum of Absolute Hadamard Transformed Differences
* True Motion-Compensated De-Interlacing Algorithm
* Unified Framework for Object Retrieval and Mining, A
* Unified Video Annotation via Multigraph Learning
* Video Coding With Low-Complexity Directional Adaptive Interpolation Filters
* Video-on-Demand Systems With Cooperative Clients in Multicast Environment
* VideoSense: A Contextual In-Video Advertising System
* Virtual View Specification and Synthesis for Free Viewpoint Television
* VisoMT: A Collaborative Multithreading Multicore Processor for Multimedia Applications With a Fast Data Switching Mechanism
* Visual Lip Activity Detection and Speaker Detection Using Mouth Region Intensities
* Visual Tools for ROI Montage in an Image2Video Application
* Weighted Fuzzy Reasoning Scheme for Interlaced to Progressive Conversion
* Workload-Aware Resource Sharing and Cache Management for Scalable Video Streaming
189 for CirSysVideo(19)

CirSysVideo(2) * Algorithms and systolic architectures for multidimensional adaptive filtering via McClellan transformations
* all-ASIC implementation of a low bit-rate video codec, An
* Architecture and implementation of a highly parallel single-chip video DSP
* Chrominance/luminance signal separation and syntheses chips developed with a DSP silicon compiler
* Comments on Interpolative multiresolution coding of advanced television with compatible subchannels
* Constraints on variable bit-rate video for ATM networks
* DCT-based codebook design for vector quantization of images
* DCT/IDCT processor design for high data rate image coding
* Design and hardware architecture of high-order conditional entropy coding for images
* Design and implementation of multidimensional Y-C separation filters for NTSC signals
* Design of 2-D FIR filter possessing purely imaginary frequency response by the transformation method
* design technique for two-dimensional multiplierless FIR filters for video applications, A
* Designing a high-throughput VLC decoder. II. Parallel decoding methods
* Designing high-throughput VLC decoder. I. Concurrent VLSI architectures
* Differentiator-type three-dimensional recursive ladder filters having frequency-planar- or frequency-beam-shaped passbands
* Flexible architectures for morphological image processing and analysis
* High-order entropy coding for images
* high-performance full-motion video compression chip set, A
* High-speed computation of the Radon transform and backprojection using an expandable multiprocessor architecture
* Image sequence coding using adaptive finite-state vector quantization
* imager with built-in image-velocity computation capability, An
* integrated circuit design for pruned tree-search vector quantization encoding with an off-chip controller, An
* Iterative procedures for reduction of blocking effects in transform image coding
* Mixed-Signal VLSI Neuroprocessor for Image Restoration, A
* Motion-compensated wavelet transform coding for color video compression
* Multiprocessor performance for real-time processing of video coding applications
* Nonstationary AR modeling and constrained recursive estimation of the displacement field
* novel technique for image-velocity computation, A
* Parallel architecture for a pel-recursive motion estimation algorithm
* programmable digital filter IC employing multiple processors on a single chip, A
* real-time column array processor architecture for images, A
* Real-time parallel and fully pipelined two-dimensional DCT lattice structures with application to HDTV systems
* Statistical analysis and simulation study of video teleconference traffic in ATM networks
* Switched capacitor networks for focal plane image processing systems
* transform domain classified vector quantizer for image coding, A
* Two-variable modularized fast polynomial transform algorithm for 2-D discrete Fourier transforms
* Video data format converters using minimum number of registers
* VLSI architecture for block-matching motion estimation algorithm
* VLSI chip set for high-speed lossless data compression, A
39 for CirSysVideo(2)

CirSysVideo(20) * 2:1 Candidate Position Subsampling Technique for Fast Optimal Motion Estimation
* 3-D Mesh Geometry Compression With Set Partitioning in the Spectral Domain
* 6.4 Gbit/s Embedded Compression Codec for Memory-Efficient Applications on Advanced-HD Specification, A
* Action Detection in Cluttered Video With Successive Convex Matching
* Activity-Based Motion Estimation Scheme for H.264 Scalable Video Coding
* Adaptive Critic Design for Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices
* Adaptive Interpolation-Based Divide-and-Predict Intra Coding for H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Motion Search Range Prediction for Video Encoding
* Adaptive Region-Based Image Enhancement Method for Robust Face Recognition Under Variable Illumination Conditions
* Adaptive Single-Multiple Prediction for H.264/AVC Intra Coding
* Adaptive Unicast Video Streaming With Rateless Codes and Feedback
* Algorithm and Architecture of Disparity Estimation With Mini-Census Adaptive Support Weight
* Ambient Illumination as a Context for Video Bit Rate Adaptation Decision Taking
* Application-Centric Routing for Video Streaming Over MultiHop Wireless Networks
* Architecture Design of Belief Propagation for Real-Time Disparity Estimation
* Augmented 3-D Keyframe Extraction for Surveillance Videos
* Automatic Detection and Analysis of Player Action in Moving Background Sports Video Sequences
* Automatic Face Annotation in Personal Photo Collections Using Context-Based Unsupervised Clustering and Face Information Fusion
* Bayesian Error Concealment With DCT Pyramid for Images
* Bit Allocation for Spatial Scalability Coding of H.264/SVC With Dependent Rate-Distortion Analysis
* Cauchy-Density-Based Basic Unit Layer Rate Controller for H.264/AVC
* Chaotic Scan: A Low Complexity Video Transmission System for Efficiently Sending Relevant Image Features
* Classified Multifilter Up-Sampling Algorithm in Spatial Scalability for H.264/SVC Encoder
* Color Distribution Information for the Reduced-Reference Assessment of Perceived Image Quality
* Comments on An Analog 2-D DCT Processor
* Complexity Modeling of Spatial and Temporal Compensations in H.264/AVC Decoding
* Complexity Scalable H.264/AVC Encoding
* Compressed Domain Video Object Segmentation
* Computation Control Motion Estimation Method for Complexity-Scalable Video Coding, A
* Constrained Quantization in the Transform Domain With Applications in Arbitrarily-Shaped Object Coding
* Content-Based Dynamic Threshold Method for Real-Time Keyframe Selecting
* Context Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier (CALM) for Rate-Distortion Optimal Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Converting Ultrahigh-Definition Video Into Digital Cinema by Using Time-Expanding Bi-Directional Motion Estimation and Higher Green Frequency
* Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Streaming: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach
* Cross-Layer Packet Retry Limit Adaptation for Video Transport Over Wireless LANs
* Data Hiding Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Streams Without Intra-Frame Distortion Drift, A
* Deinterlacing Using Hierarchical Motion Analysis
* Delivery System for Streaming Video Over DiffServ Networks, A
* Depth Image-Based Temporal Error Concealment for 3-D Video Transmission
* Direct Techniques for Optimal Sub-Pixel Motion Accuracy Estimation and Position Prediction
* Distributed Media-Aware Rate Allocation for Wireless Video Streaming
* Dual Frame Motion Compensation With Optimal Long-Term Reference Frame Selection and Bit Allocation
* Dual Motion Estimation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Dynamic Search Range Algorithm for Stabilized Reduction of Memory Traffic in Video Encoder, A
* Edge-Directed Error Concealment
* Efficient Algorithm for H.264/AVC Intra Frame Video Coding
* Efficient and Robust Detection of Duplicate Videos in a Large Database
* Efficient Architecture for 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* Efficient Bit Allocation and Rate Control Algorithms for Hierarchical Video Coding
* Efficient CABAC Rate Estimation for H.264/AVC Mode Decision
* Efficient Mining of Multiple Partial Near-Duplicate Alignments by Temporal Network
* Efficient Motion Re-Estimation With Rate-Distortion Optimization for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC Transcoding
* Efficient Priority-Based Reference Frame Selection Method for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC, An
* Efficient Spatial-Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm and Hardware Architecture Design for H.264/AVC
* Efficient Video Quality Assessment Along Temporal Trajectories
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Transform-Based Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC, An
* Enhanced Hexagonal-Based Search Using Direction-Oriented Inner Search for Motion Estimation
* EREC-Based Length Coding of Variable-Length Data Blocks
* Error-Resilient H.264/AVC Video Transmission Using Two-Way Decodable Variable Length Data Block
* Face and Human Gait Recognition Using Image-to-Class Distance
* Fairness Strategies for Wireless Resource Allocation Among Autonomous Multimedia Users
* Fast Context-Adaptive Mode Decision Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding With Combined Coarse-Grain Quality Scalability (CGS) and Temporal Scalability
* Fast Decision of Block Size, Prediction Mode, and Intra Block for H.264 Intra Prediction
* Fast First-Order Polynomials Convolution Interpolation for Real-Time Digital Image Reconstruction
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding Using Bayesian Theorem Detection and Markov Process
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Mode Adaptation
* Fast Mode Decision Using All-Zero Block Detection for Fidelity and Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Motion Estimation With Interpolation-Free Sub-Sample Accuracy
* Footwear for Gender Recognition
* FPGA Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Trilateral Filtering
* Framework for Scalable Summarization of Video, A
* Generalized Kernel-Based Visual Tracking
* Global Illumination Invariant Object Detection With Level Set Based Bimodal Segmentation
* Group Event Detection With a Varying Number of Group Members for Video Surveillance
* Hardware-Efficient Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm and its VLSI Architecture for High Definition MPEG-Like Video Encoders, A
* Hardware-Friendly Vision Algorithms for Embedded Obstacle Detection Applications
* Hardware/Software Codesign of a Low-Cost Rate Control Scheme for H.264/AVC
* Hierarchical Bayesian Generation Framework for Vacant Parking Space Detection, A
* Hierarchical Intra Mode Decision for H.264/AVC
* High Performance Stereo Vision Designed for Massively Data Parallel Platforms
* High Performance, Low Complexity Video Coding and the Emerging HEVC Standard
* High-Performance Optical-Flow Architecture Based on a Multi-Scale, Multi-Orientation Phase-Based Model
* Human Pose Regression Through Multiview Visual Fusion
* Hybrid Error Control and Artifact Detection Mechanism for Robust Decoding of H.264/AVC Video Sequences, A
* Hybrid Multiple Description Coding Based on H.264
* Hybrid Video Coder Based on Extended Macroblock Sizes, Improved Interpolation, and Flexible Motion Representation, A
* Image and Video Segmentation by Combining Unsupervised Generalized Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Feature Selection
* Improved CAVLC for H.264/AVC Lossless Intra-Coding
* Improved Video Compression Efficiency Through Flexible Unit Representation and Corresponding Extension of Coding Tools
* In-Band Disparity Compensation for Multiview Image Compression and View Synthesis
* Information-Constrained Resource Allocation in Multicamera Wireless Surveillance Networks
* Integration of Recursive Temporal LMMSE Denoising Filter Into Video Codec
* Intra Coding With Prediction Mode Information Inference
* Joint Rate Allocation for Multiprogram Video Coding Using FGS
* Joint Temporal and Spatial Error Concealment for Multiple Description Video Coding
* Just Noticeable Difference for Images With Decomposition Model for Separating Edge and Textured Regions
* Large-Scale Concept Detection in Multimedia Data Using Small Training Sets and Cross-Domain Concept Fusion
* Layered Wireless Video Multicast Using Relays
* Lossless Embedded Compression Using Significant Bit Truncation for HD Video Coding, A
* M-Channel Multiple Description Coding With Two-Rate Coding and Staggered Quantization
* Motion Refinement Based Progressive Side-Information Estimation for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* MPEG-2 to H.264 Video Transcoder in the Baseline Profile, An
* MST-CSS (Multi-Spectro-Temporal Curvature Scale Space), a Novel Spatio-Temporal Representation for Content-Based Video Retrieval
* Multi-Label Transfer Learning With Sparse Representation
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Reconstruction Using Sparse Directional Regularization
* Multiple Description Video Coding With H.264/AVC Redundant Pictures
* Multiple Object Tracking Via Species-Based Particle Swarm Optimization
* Near Duplicate Identification With Spatially Aligned Pyramid Matching
* Network Coding of Rateless Video in Streaming Overlays
* New Fourier-Statistical Features in RGB Space for Video Text Detection
* New Lookup Tables and Searching Algorithms for Fast H.264/AVC CAVLC Decoding
* New Low-Complexity Integer Distortion Estimation Method for H.264/AVC Encoder, A
* No-Reference Metric for Perceived Ringing Artifacts in Images, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Networked Video via Primary Analysis of Bit Stream
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of H.264/AVC Encoded Video
* Non-Orthogonal View Iris Recognition System
* Normalized Co-Occurrence Mutual Information for Facial Pose Detection Inside Videos
* Novel JSCC Framework With Diversity-Multiplexing-Coding Gain Tradeoff for Scalable Video Transmission Over Cooperative MIMO, A
* Novel Statistical Modeling, Analysis and Implementation of Rate-Distortion Estimation for H.264/AVC Coders
* Object Tracking in Structured Environments for Video Surveillance Applications
* Object-Based Coding for Plenoptic Videos
* On the Design of Pattern-Based Block Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Optimal Multiple-Bit Huffman Decoding
* Optimization of Arithmetic Coding for JPEG2000
* P3-CABAC: A Nonstandard Tri-Thread Parallel Evolution of CABAC in the Manycore Era
* Parallel and Pipeline Architectures for High-Throughput Computation of Multilevel 3-D DWT
* Parametric Interpolation Filter for HD Video Coding
* Path Selection in Streaming Video Over Multioverlay Application Layer Multicast
* Perceptual Rate-Distortion Optimization Using Structural Similarity Index as Quality Metric
* Perceptually Unequal Packet Loss Protection by Weighting Saliency and Error Propagation
* Perceptually-Friendly H.264/AVC Video Coding Based on Foveated Just-Noticeable-Distortion Model
* PLL Powered, Real-Time Visual Motion Tracking
* Prediction Error Prioritizing Strategy for Fast Normalized Partial Distortion Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Probabilistic Approach for Vision-Based Fire Detection in Videos, A
* Progressive Coding and Illumination and View Dependent Transmission of 3-D Meshes Using R-D Optimization
* Pyramid Architecture for 3840 X 2160 Quad Full High Definition 30 Frames/s Video Acquisition
* Quad-Tree Motion Modeling With Leaf Merging
* Quantized Transform-Domain Motion Estimation for SP-Frame Coding in Viewpoint Switching of Multiview Video
* Rate Distortion Performance of Pyramid and Subband Motion Compensation Based on Quantization Theory
* Rate-Distortion Cost Estimation for H.264/AVC
* Rate-Distortion Criterion Based Picture Padding for Arbitrary Resolution Video Coding Using H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* RD Optimized Bandwidth Efficient Motion Estimation and Its Hardware Design With On-Demand Data Access
* Readjusting Unstable Regions to Improve the Quality of High Accuracy Optical Flow
* Real-Time De-Interlacing for H.264-Coded HD Videos
* Real-Time H.264/AVC Encoder With Complexity-Aware Time Allocation, A
* Recognizing Cartoon Image Gestures for Retrieval and Interactive Cartoon Clip Synthesis
* Reconfigurable Embedded System for 1000 f/s Real-Time Vision, A
* Region-Based Predictive Decoding of Video
* Reversible Data Hiding-Based Approach for Intra-Frame Error Concealment in H.264/AVC
* Robust Filtering Technique for Reduction of Temporal Fluctuation in H.264 Video Sequences
* Robust Image Watermarking in the Ridgelet Domain Using Universally Optimum Decoder, A
* Robust Object Segmentation System Using a Probability-Based Background Extraction Algorithm, A
* Robust Tensor Analysis With L1-Norm
* Robust Video Coding Based on Multiple Description Scalar Quantization With Side Information
* SATD-Based Intra Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Scene Change Aware Intra-Frame Rate Control for H.264/AVC
* Smoothness Constraints in Recursive Search Motion Estimation for Picture Rate Conversion
* Solving Streaming Capacity Problems in P2P VoD Systems
* Sorting Rates in Video Encoding Process for Complexity Reduction
* Spatial-Temporal Color Video Reconstruction From Noisy CFA Sequence
* Spatio-Temporal Auto Regressive Model for Frame Rate Upconversion, A
* Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standardization
* Statistical Modeling in the Wavelet Domain for Compact Feature Extraction and Similarity Measure of Images
* Subjective Evaluation on Visual Perceptibility of Embedding Complementary Patterns for Nonintrusive Projection-Based Augmented Reality
* Subsampled Block-Matching for Zoom Motion Compensated Prediction
* SURE-LET for Orthonormal Wavelet-Domain Video Denoising
* Syntax for Defining, Communicating, and Implementing Video Decoder Function and Structure, A
* Time-Series Linear Search for Video Copies Based on Compact Signature Manipulation and Containment Relation Modeling
* Transform-Domain Adaptive Correlation Estimation (TRACE) for Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Two-Stage Object Tracking Method Based on Kernel and Active Contour
* Typicality-Based Visual Search Reranking
* Unequal Error Protection for Robust Streaming of Scalable Video Over Packet Lossy Networks
* Unified Loop Filter for Video Compression
* Video Coding Using a Simplified Block Structure and Advanced Coding Techniques
* Video Coding Using Elastic Motion Model and Larger Blocks
* Video Compression Using Nested Quadtree Structures, Leaf Merging, and Improved Techniques for Motion Representation and Entropy Coding
* Video Denoising Based on a Spatiotemporal Gaussian Scale Mixture Model
* Video Denoising Using Motion Compensated 3-D Wavelet Transform With Integrated Recursive Temporal Filtering
* Video Event Modeling and Recognition in Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets
* Video Foreground Detection Based on Symmetric Alpha-Stable Mixture Models
* Video Object Extraction via MRF-Based Contour Tracking
* View-Adaptive Motion Estimation and Disparity Estimation for Low Complexity Multiview Video Coding
* Visual Image Processing RAM: Memory Architecture With 2-D Data Location Search and Data Consistency Management for a Multicore Object Recognition Processor
* Wireless Video Quality Assessment: A Study of Subjective Scores and Objective Algorithms
* Wyner-Ziv Video Transcoder, A
186 for CirSysVideo(20)

CirSysVideo(21) * 1080p H.264/AVC Baseline Residual Encoder for a Fine-Grained Many-Core System, A
* Adaptive Lagrange Multiplier Selection Using Classification-Maximization and Its Application to Chroma QP Offset Decision
* Adaptive Methodologies for Energy-Efficient Object Detection and Tracking With Battery-Powered Embedded Smart Cameras
* Adaptive Object Tracking by Learning Hybrid Template Online
* Adaptive Sampling for Feature Detection, Tracking, and Recognition on Mobile Platforms
* Adaptive Spectral Transform for Wavelet-Based Color Image Compression
* Adaptive Truncation Algorithm for Hadamard-Transformed H.264/AVC Lossless Video Coding
* Advanced H.264/AVC-Based Perceptual Video Coding: Architecture, Tools, and Assessment
* Advanced Motion Detection Algorithm With Video Quality Analysis for Video Surveillance Systems, An
* Advantages of Selective Change-Driven Vision for Resource-Limited Systems
* Algorithm and Architecture Co-Design of Hardware-Oriented, Modified Diamond Search for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Image Inpainting Engine for Video Error Concealment Applications
* Audio-Visual Recognition System in Compression Domain
* Background Compensation for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Cameras Using 1-D Feature Matching and Outlier Rejection
* BiTA/SWCE: Image Enhancement With Bilateral Tone Adjustment and Saliency Weighted Contrast Enhancement
* Block-Based Depth Maps Interpolation for Efficient Multiview Content Generation
* Boosted Co-Training Algorithm for Human Action Recognition, A
* Boosted Exemplar Learning for Action Recognition and Annotation
* Change Information Based Fast Algorithm for Video Object Detection and Tracking, A
* Channel Distortion Modeling for Multi-View Video Transmission Over Packet-Switched Networks
* Collaborative Transcoding Strategy for Live Broadcasting Over Peer-to-Peer IPTV Networks, A
* Comments on 2-D Order-16 Integer Transforms for HD Video Coding
* Communication Mechanisms and Middleware for Distributed Video Surveillance
* Concept-Driven Multi-Modality Fusion for Video Search
* Configuring Trees of Classifiers in Distributed Multimedia Stream Mining Systems
* Contextual Bag-of-Words for Visual Categorization
* Cooperative Wireless Broadcast for Scalable Video Coding
* Cross-Layer Design for the Performance Improvement of Real-Time Video Transmission of Secondary Users Over Cognitive Radio Networks, A
* Dense Disparity Real-Time Stereo Vision Algorithm for Resource-Limited Systems
* Depth Coding Using a Boundary Reconstruction Filter for 3-D Video Systems
* Design of New Unitary Transforms for Perceptual Video Encryption
* Distributed Media-Aware Rate Allocation for Video Multicast Over Wireless Networks
* DLIG: Direct Local Indirect Global Alignment for Video Mosaicing
* Down-Sampling Based Video Coding Using Super-Resolution Technique
* Efficient Encoder Rate Control Solution for Transform Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding, An
* Efficient Feature Distribution for Object Matching in Visual-Sensor Networks
* Efficient Intensity Correction Algorithm for High Definition Video Surveillance Applications, An
* Efficient Inter Mode Prediction Based on Model Selection and Rate Feedback for H.264/AVC
* Efficient Pass-Parallel Architecture for Embedded Block Coder in JPEG 2000, An
* Error Resilient Video Coding Scheme Using Embedded Wyner-Ziv Description With Decoder Side Non-Stationary Distortion Modeling, An
* Explore and Model Better I-Frames for Video Coding
* Extracting a Good Quality Frontal Face Image From a Low-Resolution Video Sequence
* Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
* Fast and Efficient Multi-View Depth Image Coding Method Based on Temporal and Inter-View Correlations of Texture Images, A
* Fast Facial Image Super-Resolution via Local Linear Transformations for Resource-Limited Applications
* Fast H.264 Encoding Based on Statistical Learning
* Fast Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding Using Mode Correlation
* Fast Protection of H.264/AVC by Selective Encryption of CAVLC and CABAC for I and P Frames
* Fast Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding, A
* Formulating Team-Sport Video Summarization as a Resource Allocation Problem
* Frame Fusion for Video Copy Detection
* From Xetal-II to Xetal-Pro: On the Road Toward an Ultralow-Energy and High-Throughput SIMD Processor
* Generalized Hybrid Intra and Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Hardware Architecture Optimized for Iris Recognition
* Hardware-Efficient Belief Propagation
* Hierarchical Method for Foreground Detection Using Codebook Model
* High Efficiency Architecture Design of Real-Time QFHD for H.264/AVC Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Improved H.264/AVC Lossless Intra Coding With Two-Layered Residual Coding (TRC)
* Improved SIMD Architecture for High Performance Video Processors
* Improving Lossless Intra Coding of H.264/AVC by Pixel-Wise Spatial Interleave Prediction
* Integrated Content and Context Analysis for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Integrating Spatio-Temporal Context With Multiview Representation for Object Recognition in Visual Surveillance
* Joint Approach to Global Motion Estimation and Motion Segmentation From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field, A
* Joint Coding/Routing Optimization for Distributed Video Sources in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* Joint Source and Flow Optimization for Scalable Video Multirate Multicast Over Hybrid Wired/Wireless Coded Networks
* Jointly Optimized Mode Decisions in Redundant Video Streaming
* Kernel Similarity Modeling of Texture Pattern Flow for Motion Detection in Complex Background
* Layer Assignment Based on Depth Data Distribution for Multiview-Plus-Depth Scalable Video Coding
* Learning to Extract Focused Objects From Low DOF Images
* Localized Multiple Kernel Learning for Realistic Human Action Recognition in Videos
* Lossless Color Image Compression Architecture Using a Parallel Golomb-Rice Hardware CODEC, A
* Lossless Data Embedding Using Generalized Statistical Quantity Histogram
* Low Complexity Mode Decision Method for Spatial Scalability Coding, A
* Low Power and Low Complexity Compressor for Video Capsule Endoscopy
* Low-Complexity Mode Decision for MVC
* Low-Complexity Tracking-Aware H.264 Video Compression for Transportation Surveillance
* Low-Cost High-Quality Adaptive Scalar for Real-Time Multimedia Applications, A
* Markerless Shape and Motion Capture From Multiview Video Sequences
* Maximum Frame Rate Video Acquisition Using Adaptive Compressed Sensing
* Memory Allocation Exploiting Temporal Locality for Reducing Data-Transfer Bottlenecks in Heterogeneous Multicore Processors
* Memory Bandwidth and Power Reduction Using Lossy Reference Frame Compression in Video Encoding
* Methodology for Energy-Flexibility Space Exploration and Mapping of Multimedia Applications to Single-Processor Platform Styles
* Methods and Tools for Wavelet-Based Scalable Multiview Video Coding
* Mixture of Gaussians-Based Background Subtraction for Bayer-Pattern Image Sequences
* Mixtures of von Mises Distributions for People Trajectory Shape Analysis
* Model-Based Joint Bit Allocation Between Texture Videos and Depth Maps for 3-D Video Coding
* Modeling and Formalization of Fuzzy Finite Automata for Detection of Irregular Fire Flames
* Modeling Scene and Object Contexts for Human Action Retrieval With Few Examples
* Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing With Modular Neural Networks
* Multi-Task Rank Learning for Visual Saliency Estimation
* Multiple Description Coding for H.264/AVC With Redundancy Allocation at Macro Block Level
* Network of Dynamic Probabilistic Models for Human Interaction Analysis, A
* New Coding Mode for Hybrid Video Coders Based on Quantized Motion Vectors, A
* Novel Design of CAVLC Decoder With Low Power and High Throughput Considerations, A
* Novel RD-Optimized VBSME With Matching Highly Data Re-Usable Hardware Architecture
* On Combining Fractional-Pixel Interpolation and Motion Estimation: A Cost-Effective Approach
* One-Sided rho-GGD Source Modeling and Rate-Distortion Optimization in Scalable Wavelet Video Coder
* Online Appearance Model Learning and Generation for Adaptive Visual Tracking
* Online Distance Metric Learning for Object Tracking
* Parallel Deblocking Filtering in MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 on Massively Parallel Architectures
* Passive-Blind Forgery Detection Scheme Based on Content-Adaptive Quantization Table Estimation, A
* Peer-to-Peer Streaming of Layered Video: Efficiency, Fairness and Incentive
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Video Considering Both Frame Rate and Quantization Artifacts
* Perceptually Scalable Extension of H.264
* Person De-Identification in Videos
* Prioritized Flow Optimization With Multi-Path and Network Coding Based Routing for Scalable Multirate Multicasting
* Priority Belief Propagation-Based Inpainting Prediction With Tensor Voting Projected Structure in Video Compression
* Priority-Based 6T/8T Hybrid SRAM Architecture for Aggressive Voltage Scaling in Video Applications, A
* Privacy Protection in Video Surveillance Systems: Analysis of Subband-Adaptive Scrambling in JPEG XR
* Progressive Visual Cryptography With Unexpanded Shares
* Rate Control Optimization for Temporal-Layer Scalable Video Coding
* Rate Distortion Data Hiding of Motion Vector Competition Information in Chroma and Luma Samples for Video Compression
* Rate-Complexity-Distortion Optimization for Hybrid Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Joint Source/Channel Coding of WWAN Multicast Video for a Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Collective
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Pixel-Based Motion Vector Concatenation for Reference Picture Selection
* RBF-Based QP Estimation Model for VBR Control in H.264/SVC
* Real-Time and Accurate Stereo: A Scalable Approach With Bitwise Fast Voting on CUDA
* Real-Time, Adaptive, and Locality-Based Graph Partitioning Method for Video Scene Clustering
* Recognition of Traffic Lights in Live Video Streams on Mobile Devices
* Recognizing Human Action at a Distance in Video by Key Poses
* Reconstruction for Distributed Video Coding: A Context-Adaptive Markov Random Field Approach
* Rectification-Based View Interpolation and Extrapolation for Multiview Video Coding
* Register Length Analysis and VLSI Optimization of VBS Hadamard Transform in H.264/AVC
* Resource-Aware Coverage and Task Assignment in Visual Sensor Networks
* Ringing-Artifact Reduction Method for Block-DCT-Based Image Resizing, A
* Robust Contour Tracking by Combining Region and Boundary Information
* Robust Image Alignment Algorithm for Video Stabilization Purposes, A
* Robust Low Complexity Corner Detector
* Robust Video Data Hiding Using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding and Selective Embedding
* Robust Video Surveillance for Fall Detection Based on Human Shape Deformation
* Robust Visual Object Tracking Using Multi-Mode Anisotropic Mean Shift and Particle Filters
* Saliency Density Maximization for Efficient Visual Objects Discovery
* Scalable Modeling of Motion and Boundary Geometry With Quad-Tree Node Merging
* Scalable Video Compression Framework With Adaptive Orientational Multiresolution Transform and Nonuniform Directional Filterbank Design
* Selective Protection Scheme for Scalable Video Coding, A
* Self-Configurable Systolic Architecture for Face Recognition System Based on Principal Component Neural Network, A
* Sensor-Assisted Video Encoding for Mobile Devices in Real-World Environments
* Spatial-Random-Access-Enabled Video Coding for Interactive Virtual Pan/Tilt/Zoom Functionality
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection and Its Applications in Static and Dynamic Scenes
* Special Issue on Video Analysis on Resource-Limited Systems
* SSIM-Based Perceptual Rate Control for Video Coding
* Statistical Analysis of H.264/AVC FME Mode Reduction, A
* Statistical Modeling of Inter-Frame Prediction Error and Its Adaptive Transform
* Susceptibility to Visual Discomfort of 3-D Displays by Visual Performance Measures
* Synchronization Quality Enhancement in 3G-324M Video Telephony
* Synthesis-Based Texture Video Coding with Side Information
* System-on-Chip Solution of Video Stabilization for CMOS Image Sensors in Hand-Held Devices
* Temporal Video Segmentation to Scenes Using High-Level Audiovisual Features
* Time Multiplexed VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Barrel Distortion Correction in Video-Endoscopic Images
* Tracking Web Video Topics: Discovery, Visualization, and Monitoring
* Transform Kernel Selection Strategy for the H.264/AVC and Future Video Coding Standards
* Two-Level Classification-Based Approach to Inter Mode Decision in H.264/AVC, A
* Two-Phase Test Sample Sparse Representation Method for Use With Face Recognition, A
* Two-Stage Rate Control Mechanism for RDO-Based H.264/AVC Encoders, A
* User-Friendly Random-Grid-Based Visual Secret Sharing
* Vehicle Detection and Motion Analysis in Low-Altitude Airborne Video Under Urban Environment
* Video Coding Using Spatially Varying Transform
* Video Quality Assessment Based on Measuring Perceptual Noise From Spatial and Temporal Perspectives
* Video Stabilization and Completion Using Two Cameras
* Video Super-Resolution Algorithm Using Bi-Directional Overlapped Block Motion Compensation and On-the-Fly Dictionary Training
* Video-Based In Situ Tagging on Mobile Phones
* Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment: Based on Eye-Tracking Data
* Visual Fatigue Prediction for Stereoscopic Image
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Combination of Local Description and Global Representation
* VLSI Architecture for Real-Time HD1080p View Synthesis Engine
* Witsenhausen-Wyner Video Coding
166 for CirSysVideo(21)

CirSysVideo(22) * 10-bit CMOS DAC With Current Interpolated Gamma Correction for LCD Source Drivers, A
* 135 MHz 542 k Gates High Throughput H.264/AVC Scalable High Profile Decoder, A
* 3-D Head Tracking via Invariant Keypoint Learning
* 385 MHz 13.54 K Gates Delay Balanced Two-Level CAVLC Decoder for Ultra HD H.264/AVC Video, A
* 64X64 CMOS Image Sensor With On-Chip Moving Object Detection and Localization, A
* Adaptive Correlation Estimation With Particle Filtering for Distributed Video Coding
* Adaptive Frequency Weighting for High-Performance Video Coding
* Adaptive Global Motion Temporal Filtering for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive Temporal Trajectory Filtering for Video Compression
* Addressing Visual Consistency in Video Retargeting: A Refined Homogeneous Approach
* Advanced Adaptation Techniques for Improved Video Perception
* Analysis and VLSI Implementation of EWA Rendering for Real-Time HD Video Applications
* Animating Lip-Sync Characters With Dominated Animeme Models
* Bayesian Structure-Preserving Image Contrast Enhancement and its Simplification
* Block Adaptive Interpolation Filter Using Trained Dictionary for Sub-Pixel Motion Compensation
* Block Merging for Quadtree-Based Partitioning in HEVC
* Block Partitioning Structure in the HEVC Standard
* Block-Based Pass-Parallel SPIHT Algorithm, A
* Camera-Driven Power Management of Computer Display, A
* Cascaded Direction Filtering for Fast Multidirectional Inter-Prediction in H.264/AVC Main and High Profile Compression
* Cast Shadow Removal in a Hierarchical Manner Using MRF
* Color-Decoupled Photo Response Non-Uniformity for Digital Image Forensics
* Comparative Rate-Distortion-Complexity Analysis of HEVC and AVC Video Codecs
* Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Video Coding Standards: Including High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
* Compressive Video Sampling With Approximate Message Passing Decoding
* Content-Based 3-D Mosaics for Representing Videos of Dynamic Urban Scenes
* Contribution-Guided Peer Selection for Reliable Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming Over Mesh Networks
* Coupled Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Model for Multiperson Activity Recognition
* Decoder-Side Motion Vector Derivation for Block-Based Video Coding
* Decomposition of Dynamic Textures Using Morphological Component Analysis
* Design and Implementation of Efficient Video Stabilization Engine Using Maximum a Posteriori Estimation and Motion Energy Smoothing Approach
* Differential Edit Distance: A Metric for Scene Segmentation Evaluation
* Distributed Robust Optimization for Scalable Video Multirate Multicast Over Wireless Networks
* Distributed Video Coding With Feedback Channel Constraints
* Effect of Display Technology on the Crosstalk Perception in Stereoscopic Video Content
* Effect of Vergence-Accommodation Conflict and Parallax Difference on Binocular Fusion for Random Dot Stereogram
* Effective Search Point Reduction Algorithm and its VLSI Design for HDTV H.264/AVC Variable Block Size Motion Estimation
* Efficient Algorithm for Focus Measure Computation in Constant Time, An
* Efficient Construction for Region Incrementing Visual Cryptography
* Efficient Hardware Accelerators for the Computation of Tchebichef Moments
* Efficient Low-Delay Distributed Video Coding
* Efficient Recurrent Pattern Matching Video Coding
* Error-Resilient and Error Concealment 3-D SPIHT for Multiple Description Video Coding With Added Redundancy
* Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis and Retrieval Using Sparse Representation
* Fast Mode Decision Method Based on Motion Cost and Intra Prediction Cost for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast Motion Estimation System Using Dynamic Models for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Flexible Adaptive Multiple Description Coding for Video Transmission
* Framework for Robust Online Video Contrast Enhancement Using Modularity Optimization, A
* Free Viewpoint Video Coding With Rate-Distortion Analysis
* Full Reference Quality Metric for Compressed Video Based on Mean Squared Error and Video Content, A
* Full-Reference Video Quality Assessment by Decoupling Detail Losses and Additive Impairments
* Gait Recognition Under Various Viewing Angles Based on Correlated Motion Regression
* Generation of an Optimum Patrol Course for Mobile Surveillance Camera
* Gradient Ordinal Signature and Fixed-Point Embedding for Efficient Near-Duplicate Video Detection
* HEVC Complexity and Implementation Analysis
* HEVC Deblocking Filter
* HEVC Lossless Coding and Improvements
* High Throughput CABAC Entropy Coding in HEVC
* High-Frame-Rate Optical Flow System
* High-Performance SIFT Hardware Accelerator for Real-Time Image Feature Extraction
* Highly Efficient VLSI Architecture for H.264/AVC Level 5.1 CABAC Decoder, A
* Horizontal Scaling and Shearing-Based Disparity-Compensated Prediction for Stereo Video Coding
* Image Reconstruction From Random Samples With Multiscale Hybrid Parametric and Nonparametric Modeling
* Image-Based Visual Speech Animation System, An
* Implementation and Applications of Tri-State Self-Organizing Maps on FPGA
* Implementation of Wireless Vision Sensor Node for Characterization of Particles in Fluids
* Improved Estimation of Transmission Distortion for Error-Resilient Video Coding
* Improved Hand Tracking System
* In-Layer Multibuffer Framework for Rate-Controlled Scalable Video Coding
* Incremental Learning in Human Action Recognition Based on Snippets
* Inter Frame Video Compression With Large Dictionaries of Tilings: Algorithms for Tiling Selection and Entropy Coding
* Intra Coding of the HEVC Standard
* Intracoding and Refresh With Compression-Oriented Video Epitomic Priors
* Introduction to the Special Section on the HEVC Standard
* IPTV Multicast With Peer-Assisted Lossy Error Control
* Joint Complexity Estimation of I-Frame and P-Frame for H.264/AVC Rate Control
* k Out of n Region Incrementing Scheme in Visual Cryptography
* Linear Dynamical System Framework for Salient Motion Detection, A
* Lips Contour Detection and Tracking Using Watershed Region-Based Active Contour Model and Modified H_inf
* LLM Integer Cosine Transform and its Fast Algorithm
* Low-Complexity Image Registration Algorithm for Global Motion Estimation, A
* Massive Parallel-Hardware Architecture for Multiscale Stereo, Optical Flow and Image-Structure Computation
* Matching of Tracked Pedestrians Across Disjoint Camera Views Using CI-DLBP
* Mixed Layer Multiple Description Video Coding Scheme, A
* Mode-Dependent Transforms for Coding Directional Intra Prediction Residuals
* Modeling and Compressing 3-D Facial Expressions Using Geometry Videos
* Modeling of Rate and Perceptual Quality of Compressed Video as Functions of Frame Rate and Quantization Stepsize and Its Applications
* MPEG-7 Video Signature Tools for Content Identification, The
* Multiframe Super-Resolution Employing a Spatially Weighted Total Variation Model
* Multioriented Video Scene Text Detection Through Bayesian Classification and Boundary Growing
* Multiple Description Video Codec With Adaptive Residual Distributed Coding, A
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Hierarchical B Pictures Using Unequal Redundancy
* Multiple Hypotheses Bayesian Frame Rate Up-Conversion by Adaptive Fusion of Motion-Compensated Interpolations
* Multiple Targets Appearance Tracker Based on Object Interaction Models, A
* Multistandard Digital HD/SD Audio Multiplexer With Modular Ancillary Packet Substitution, A
* Near-Duplicate Video Clip Detection Using Model-Free Semantic Concept Detection and Adaptive Semantic Distance Measurement
* No-Reference Pixel Video Quality Monitoring of Channel-Induced Distortion
* Novel 2-D MMSE Subpixel-Based Image Down-Sampling
* Novel Interpolation Chip for Real-Time Multimedia Applications, A
* Novel Spatio-Temporal Structural Information Based Video Quality Metric
* Object Detection From Videos Captured by Moving Camera by Fuzzy Edge Incorporated Markov Random Field and Local Histogram Matching
* Object-Based Rendering and 3-D Reconstruction Using a Moveable Image-Based System
* Outdoor Dynamic 3-D Scene Reconstruction
* Overview of HEVC High-Level Syntax and Reference Picture Management
* Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
* Packet Video Error Concealment With Auto Regressive Model
* Parallel Scalability and Efficiency of HEVC Parallelization Approaches
* Parametric OBMC for Pixel-Adaptive Temporal Prediction on Irregular Motion Sampling Grids
* Particle Filtering Based Estimation of Consistent Motion and Disparity With Reduced Search Points
* Patch Distribution Compatible Semisupervised Dimension Reduction for Face and Human Gait Recognition
* Performance and Computational Complexity Assessment of High-Efficiency Video Encoders
* Pixel-Wise Spatial Pyramid-Based Hybrid Tracking
* Prediction-Compensated Polyphase Multiple Description Image Coding With Adaptive Redundancy Control
* Quadtree Based Nonsquare Block Structure for Inter Frame Coding in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Cross-Layer Rate Control in Wireless Video Communication
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Reference Picture Management for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Real-Time Segmentation of Stereo Videos on a Portable System With a Mobile GPU
* Reconfigurable Heterogeneous Multimedia Processor for IC-Stacking on Si-Interposer, A
* Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment of Compressed Video Sequences
* Region-Based Rate Control for H.264/AVC for Low Bit-Rate Applications
* Removing Object Reflections in Videos by Global Optimization
* Robust Local Optical Flow for Feature Tracking
* Row-Parallel 8X8 2-D DCT Architecture Using Algebraic Integer-Based Exact Computation, A
* Sample Adaptive Offset in the HEVC Standard
* Saving Energy in Video Servers by the Use of Multispeed Disks
* Simplified Multitarget Tracking Using the PHD Filter for Microscopic Video Data
* Single-Pass Rate Control With Texture and Non-Texture Rate-Distortion Models
* Single-Pass-Based Localized Adaptive Interpolation Filter for Video Coding, A
* Source Modeling for Distributed Video Coding
* Space-Mapping Method for Object Location Estimation Adaptive to Camera Setup Changes for Vision-Based Automation Applications, A
* Sparse Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction for Multiple View Data
* Spatially Scalable Video Coding For HEVC
* SSIM-Motivated Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding
* Stereo Visual Tracking Within Structured Environments for Measuring Vehicle Speed
* Structural Solutions for Dynamic Scheduling in Wireless Multimedia Transmission
* Structure and Motion Recovery Based on Spatial-and-Temporal-Weighted Factorization
* Super-Resolution for Multiview Images Using Depth Information
* Supervised and Unsupervised Parallel Subspace Learning for Large-Scale Image Recognition
* Survey of H.264 AVC/SVC Encryption, A
* System Layer Integration of High Efficiency Video Coding
* Tagging Webcast Text in Baseball Videos by Video Segmentation and Text Alignment
* Tangent Bundles on Special Manifolds for Action Recognition
* Transcoding From Hybrid Nonscalable to Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Codecs
* Transform Coefficient Coding in HEVC
* Two-Layer Directional Transform for High Performance Video Coding
* Understanding Compressive Sensing and Sparse Representation-Based Super-Resolution
* Universal Rate Control Scheme for Video Transcoding, A
* Video Coding With Rate-Distortion Optimized Transform
* Video Sequence Matching Based on the Invariance of Color Correlation
* Video Super-Resolution Using Codebooks Derived From Key-Frames
* View Interpolation for Medical Images on Autostereoscopic Displays
* Visual Attention Accelerated Vehicle Detection in Low-Altitude Airborne Video of Urban Environment
* Visual Workflow Recognition Using a Variational Bayesian Treatment of Multistream Fused Hidden Markov Models
* VSYNC: Bandwidth-Efficient and Distortion-Tolerant Video File Synchronization
* What Makes a Professional Video? A Computational Aesthetics Approach
* Zero-Quantized Inter DCT Coefficient Prediction for Real-Time Video Coding
* Zoom Motion Estimation Using Block-Based Fast Local Area Scaling
157 for CirSysVideo(22)

CirSysVideo(23) * 182 mW 94.3 f/s in Full HD Pattern-Matching Based Image Recognition Accelerator for an Embedded Vision System in 0.13-mu-m CMOS Technology, A
* Accurate Registration Using Adaptive Block Processing for Multispectral Images
* Action Recognition Using Multilevel Features and Latent Structural SVM
* Adaptive Computationally Scalable Motion Estimation for the Hardware H.264/AVC Encoder
* Adaptive Golomb Code for Joint Geometrically Distributed Data and Its Application in Image Coding
* Affective Recommendation of Movies Based on Selected Connotative Features
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Human-Machine Interaction in Foreground Object Detection With Dynamic Scene
* Analytic Framework for Frame-Level Dependent Bit Allocation in Hybrid Video Coding, An
* Architecture of a Low Latency Image Rectification Engine for Stereoscopic 3-D HDTV Processing
* Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR): A State-of-the-Art Review
* Background Modeling Through Statistical Edge-Segment Distributions
* Balancing Performance and Fairness in P2P Live Video Systems
* Bayesian Approach on People Localization in Multicamera Systems, A
* Brain-Inspired Framework for Fusion of Multiple Depth Cues
* Circuit-Level Timing-Error Acceptance for Design of Energy-Efficient DCT/IDCT-Based Systems
* Color Mismatch Compensation Method Based on a Physical Model
* Color Video Denoising Based on Combined Interframe and Intercolor Prediction
* Compact Representation for Dynamic Texture Video Coding Using Tensor Method
* Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geometry Partitioning in Video Coding
* Consistent Visual Quality Control in Video Coding
* Constructing a No-Reference H.264/AVC Bitstream-Based Video Quality Metric Using Genetic Programming-Based Symbolic Regression
* Context-Aware Discriminative Vocabulary Learning for Mobile Landmark Recognition
* Control-Point Representation and Differential Coding Affine-Motion Compensation
* Deformable 3-D Facial Expression Model for Dynamic Human Emotional State Recognition, A
* Deinterlacing Using Taylor Series Expansion and Polynomial Regression
* Dependent Joint Bit Allocation for H.264/AVC Statistical Multiplexing Using Convex Relaxation
* Dependent R/D Modeling Techniques and Joint T-Q Layer Bit Allocation for H.264/SVC
* Detecting Group Activities With Multi-Camera Context
* Detection of Blotch and Scratch in Video Based on Video Decomposition
* Directional-Edge-Based Real-Time Object Tracking System Employing Multiple Candidate-Location Generation, A
* Distributed Wireless Visual Communication with Power Distortion Optimization
* Domain Transformation-Based Efficient Cost Aggregation for Local Stereo Matching
* Dynamic Media Assemblage
* Dynamic Range Analysis in High Efficiency Video Coding Residual Coding and Reconstruction
* Dynamically Reconfigurable Pixel Processor System Based on Power/Energy-Performance-Accuracy Optimization, A
* Edge-Directed Single-Image Super-Resolution Via Adaptive Gradient Magnitude Self-Interpolation
* Efficient and Stable Sparse-to-Dense Conversion for Automatic 2-D to 3-D Conversion
* Efficient Disparity Estimation Using Hierarchical Bilateral Disparity Structure Based Graph Cut Algorithm With a Foreground Boundary Refinement Mechanism
* Efficient Mode Preselection Algorithm for Fractional Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC Scalable Video Extension, An
* Efficient Moving Object Detection for Lightweight Applications on Smart Cameras
* Efficient Security System for CABAC Bin-Strings of H.264/SVC, An
* Efficient Techniques for Depth Video Compression Using Weighted Mode Filtering
* Embedding Invisible Codes Into Normal Video Projection: Principle, Evaluation, and Applications
* Embedding Motion and Structure Features for Action Recognition
* End-to-End Rate-Distortion Optimized Description Generation for H.264 Multiple Description Video Coding
* Energy Minimization for Wireless Video Transmissions With Deadline and Reliability Constraints
* Enhanced Gabor Feature Based Classification Using a Regularized Locally Tensor Discriminant Model for Multiview Gait Recognition
* Enhanced Inter-Prediction Via Shifting Transformation in the H.264/AVC
* Enhancement of Image and Depth Map Using Adaptive Joint Trilateral Filter
* Evaluation and FPGA Implementation of Sparse Linear Solvers for Video Processing Applications
* Evaluation of Side Information Effectiveness in Distributed Video Coding
* Facial Trait Code
* Fast and Robust Spatially Constrained Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation
* Fast Background Subtraction Based on a Multilayer Codebook Model for Moving Object Detection
* Fast CU Splitting and Pruning for Suboptimal CU Partitioning in HEVC Intra Coding
* Fast FPGA-Based Multiobject Feature Extraction
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for the H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding Extension
* Foreground Estimation Based on Linear Regression Model With Fused Sparsity on Outliers
* Fusion of Global and Local Motion Estimation for Distributed Video Coding
* Generalized Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes: New Observations, Analysis, and Improvement
* Generalized Interpolation-Based Fractional Sample Motion Compensation
* Geometric Bargaining Approach for Optimizing Resource Allocation in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
* Gradient Vector Flow and Grouping-Based Method for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Detection in Video Images
* H.264/Advanced Video Control Perceptual Optimization Coding Based on JND-Directed Coefficient Suppression
* Hardware Implementation of a Digital Watermarking System for Video Authentication
* Hardware Implementation of a Fast and Efficient Haze Removal Method
* Heat-Map-Based Algorithm for Recognizing Group Activities in Videos, A
* Heterogeneous Visual Codebook Integration Via Consensus Clustering for Visual Categorization
* HEVC Deblocking Filter
* High Performance and Hardware Efficient Multiview Video Coding Frame Scheduling Algorithms and Architectures
* Hybrid Frame Rate Upconversion Method Based on Motion Vector Mapping
* Hybrid Stereoscopic Video Coding Scheme Based on MPEG-2 and HEVC for 3DTV Services, A
* ICA Mixture Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Video Event Classification, An
* Illumination-Robust Foreground Detection in a Video Surveillance System
* Image Compression by Learning to Minimize the Total Error
* Image Denoising Games
* Image Super-Resolution Via Double Sparsity Regularized Manifold Learning
* Image-to-Set Face Recognition Using Locality Repulsion Projections and Sparse Reconstruction-Based Similarity Measure
* Improved Census Transforms for Resource-Optimized Stereo Vision
* Improved Foreground Detection via Block-Based Classifier Cascade With Probabilistic Decision Integration
* Improving Bottom-up Saliency Detection by Looking into Neighbors
* Inference of Complex Trajectories by Means of a Multibehavior and Multiobject Tracking Algorithm
* Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using a Histogram Shifting Mechanism, An
* Integrating Orientation Cue With EOH-OLBP-Based Multilevel Features for Human Detection
* Inter-Layer FEC Aided Unequal Error Protection for Multilayer Video Transmission in Mobile TV
* Interactive Stereoscopic Video Conversion
* Interactive Video Manipulation Using Object Trajectories and Scene Backgrounds
* Interframe Prediction Technique Combining Template Matching Prediction and Block-Motion Compensation for High-Efficiency Video Coding, An
* Intra Coding With Adaptive Partial Reconstruction
* Intra-and-Inter-Constraint-Based Video Enhancement Based on Piecewise Tone Mapping
* Investigating 3-D Model and Part Information for Improving Content-Based Vehicle Retrieval
* Iterative True Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Joint Image Registration and Super-Resolution From Low-Resolution Images With Zooming Motion
* Joint Registration and Active Contour Segmentation for Object Tracking
* Joint Replication Density and Rate Allocation Optimization for VoD Systems Over Wireless Mesh Networks
* Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
* Low Complexity Mode Decision and Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC Based Depth Maps Encoding in Free Viewpoint Video
* Low-Complexity Screen Compression Scheme for Interactive Screen Sharing, A
* Low-Power Fractional-Order Synchronizer for Syncless Time-Sequential Synchronization of 3-D TV Active Shutter Glasses, A
* Markov Decision Model for Adaptive Scheduling of Stored Scalable Videos, A
* Matching-Area-Based Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture of 2-D Dual-Mode Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Memory-Efficient High-Speed Convolution-Based Generic Structure for Multilevel 2-D DWT
* MESIP: A Configurable and Data Reusable Motion Estimation Specific Instruction-Set Processor
* Minimum Class Variance Extreme Learning Machine for Human Action Recognition
* Mixed Chroma Sampling-Rate High Efficiency Video Coding for Full-Chroma Screen Content
* Model and Performance of a No-Reference Quality Assessment Metric for Video Streaming
* Model Predictive Hierarchical Rate Control With Markov Decision Process for Multiview Video Coding
* Monte-Carlo-Based Parametric Motion Estimation Using a Hybrid Model Approach
* Motion-Aware Decoding of Compressed-Sensed Video
* Motion-Compensated Scalable Video Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Channels
* Moving Least-Squares Method for Interlaced to Progressive Scanning Format Conversion
* MPEG-2 to HEVC Video Transcoding With Content-Based Modeling
* Multi-Level Video Frame Interpolation: Exploiting the Interaction Among Different Levels
* Multichannel Nonlocal Means Fusion for Color Image Denoising
* Multiplierless Reversible Color Transforms and Their Automatic Selection for Image Data Compression
* Nature-Inspired BASIS Feature Descriptor for UAV Imagery and Its Hardware Implementation, The
* New Hybrid Synthetic Aperture Imaging Model for Tracking and Seeing People Through Occlusion, A
* Novel Adaptive Algorithm for Intra Prediction With Compromised Modes Skipping and Signaling Processes in HEVC
* Object-Oriented Visual Saliency Detection Framework Based on Sparse Coding Representations, An
* On Rate Distortion Optimization Using SSIM
* On Temporal Order Invariance for View-Invariant Action Recognition
* On-Demand Video Streaming Schemes Over Shared-WDM-PONs
* Optimal Design and Placement of Omni-Cameras in Binocular Vision Systems for Accurate 3-D Data Measurement
* Optimizing Distributed Source Coding for Interactive Multiview Video Streaming Over Lossy Networks
* Pedestrian Detection Based on Blob Motion Statistics
* Perception-Inspired Background Subtraction
* Person Re-Identification by Regularized Smoothing KISS Metric Learning
* Practical Camera Calibration From Moving Objects for Traffic Scene Surveillance
* Predicting Visual Discomfort of Stereoscopic Images Using Human Attention Model
* Propagating Certainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition
* Quaternion-Based Impulse Noise Removal From Color Video Sequences
* Rate-Distortion Model Based Bit Allocation for 3-D Facial Compression Using Geometry Video
* Real-Time Stereo Matching on CUDA Using an Iterative Refinement Method for Adaptive Support-Weight Correspondences
* Real-Time Video Streaming Using Randomized Expanding Reed-Solomon Code
* Reconfigurable Processor for Binary Image Processing
* Region-Based Weighted Prediction for Coding Video With Local Brightness Variations
* Robust Background Subtraction for Network Surveillance in H.264 Streaming Video
* Robust Head Tracking Based on Multiple Cues Fusion in the Kernel-Bayesian Framework
* Robust Object Tracking Via Active Feature Selection
* Robust Temporal-Spatial Decomposition and Its Applications in Video Processing
* Sample and Pixel Weighting Strategies for Robust Incremental Visual Tracking
* Scalable Video Broadcast Over Downlink MIMO-OFDM Systems
* Scene-Based Movie Summarization Via Role-Community Networks
* Selective Eigenbackground for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Crowded Scenes
* Silhouette Analysis-Based Action Recognition Via Exploiting Human Poses
* Single Image Super-resolution With Detail Enhancement Based on Local Fractal Analysis of Gradient
* Single-Channel Architecture for Algebraic Integer-Based 8X8 2-D DCT Computation, A
* Sparse Spatio-Temporal Representation With Adaptive Regularized Dictionary Learning for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* SSOCBT: A Robust Semisupervised Online CovBoost Tracker That Uses Samples Differently
* Stereo Interleaving Video Coding With Content Adaptive Image Subsampling
* Structured Learning-Based Graph Matching Method for Tracking Dynamic Multiple Objects, A
* Structured Set Intra Prediction With Discriminative Learning in a Max-Margin Markov Network for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Supervised Spatio-Temporal Neighborhood Topology Learning for Action Recognition
* Temporal Frame Interpolation Based on Multiframe Feature Trajectory
* Temporally Coherent Video Saliency Using Regional Dynamic Contrast
* Toward Optimal Deployment of Cloud-Assisted Video Distribution Services
* Tunable Encryption Scheme and Analysis of Fast Selective Encryption for CAVLC and CABAC in H.264/AVC, A
* Two-Omni-Camera Stereo Vision System With an Automatic Adaptation Capability to Any System Setup for 3-D Vision Applications, A
* Ultrahigh-Speed TV Commercial Detection, Extraction, and Matching
* Universal Chroma Subsampling Strategy for Compressing Mosaic Video Sequences With Arbitrary RGB Color Filter Arrays in H.264/AVC
* Upper Body Human Detection and Segmentation in Low Contrast Video
* Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on Plane-Based Bayesian Hierarchical Framework
* Vanishing Point-based Line Sampling for Real-time People Localization
* Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Framework with Improved Threshold Decision and Diffusion Distance
* Video Quality Assessment by Reduced Reference Spatio-Temporal Entropic Differencing
* Video Stylization: Painterly Rendering and Optimization With Content Extraction
* Video-Based Human Behavior Understanding: A Survey
* Video-Based Tracking, Learning, and Recognition Method for Multiple Moving Objects
* Visual Comfort Enhancement for Stereoscopic Video Based on Binocular Fusion Characteristics
* Visual Cryptograms of Random Grids for General Access Structures
* Visual Importance- and Discomfort Region-Selective Low-Pass Filtering for Reducing Visual Discomfort in Stereoscopic Displays
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Local Steering Kernels and Color Histograms
* Visual Saliency by Selective Contrast
* VLSI Implementation of an Adaptive Edge-Enhanced Image Scalar for Real-Time Multimedia Applications
175 for CirSysVideo(23)

CirSysVideo(24) * Adaptive Downsampling for High-Definition Video Coding
* Adaptive Downsampling Video Coding With Spatially Scalable Rate-Distortion Modeling
* Adaptive Inter-Mode Decision for HEVC Jointly Utilizing Inter-Level and Spatiotemporal Correlations
* Adaptive Propagation-Based Color-Sampling for Alpha Matting
* Adaptive Sparse Representations for Video Anomaly Detection
* Adaptive Weight Allocation-Based Subpixel Rendering Algorithm
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of High-Quality Video Upscaling Using Database-Free Texture Synthesis
* Artifact Reduction in Radiometric Compensation of Projector-Camera Systems for Steep Reflectance Variations
* Audio Matters in Visual Attention
* Bandwidth Efficient and Rate-Adaptive Video Delivery in TV White Space
* Bare-fingers Touch Detection by the Button's Distortion in a Projector-Camera System
* Bayesian Model for Crowd Escape Behavior Detection, A
* Bayesian Video Super-Resolution With Heavy-Tailed Prior Models
* Blind Post-Processing for Ringing and Mosquito Artifact Reduction in Coded Videos
* Body Surface Context: A New Robust Feature for Action Recognition From Depth Videos
* Boosting Separability in Semisupervised Learning for Object Classification
* Camera Compensation Using a Feature Projection Matrix for Person Reidentification
* CAMHID: Camera Motion Histogram Descriptor and Its Application to Cinematographic Shot Classification
* Cluster-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm With Low Memory and Bandwidth Requirements for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension
* Comparing Perceived Quality and Fatigue for Two Methods of Mixed Resolution Stereoscopic Coding
* Compass Rose: A Rotational Robust Signature for Optical Flow Computation
* Complexity-Aware Adaptive Preprocessing Scheme for Region-of-Interest Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Compressibility Constrained Sparse Representation With Learnt Dictionary for Low Bit-Rate Image Compression
* Content-Adaptive Distortion-Quantization Model for H.264/AVC and its Applications, A
* Contour Model-Based Hand-Gesture Recognition Using the Kinect Sensor
* Control-Theoretic Approach to Rate Adaption for DASH Over Multiple Content Distribution Servers, A
* Correlation Noise-Based Unequal Error Protected Rate-Adaptive Codes for Distributed Video Coding
* Correspondence and Depth-Image Based Rendering a Hybrid Approach for Free-Viewpoint Video
* Cost-Effective Features for Reidentification in Camera Networks
* Cost-Effective Hardware-Sharing Design of Fast Algorithm Based Multiple Forward and Inverse Transforms for H.264/AVC, MPEG-1/2/4, AVS, and VC-1 Video Encoding and Decoding Applications
* Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Raptor and RCPC Codes for Prioritized Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* Cross-View Action Recognition Using Contextual Maximum Margin Clustering
* De-Interlacing Algorithm Using Weighted Least Squares
* Delay-Bounded Priority-Driven Resource Allocation for Video Transmission Over Multihop Networks
* Delay: Power-Rate-Distortion Model for Wireless Video Communication Under Delay and Energy Constraints
* Detecting Human Action as the Spatio-Temporal Tube of Maximum Mutual Information
* Dictionary Learning for Image Coding Based on Multisample Sparse Representation
* Differential Coding Using Enhanced Inter-Layer Reference Picture for the Scalable Extension of H.265/HEVC Video Codec
* Distributed Wireless Video Scheduling With Delayed Control Information
* Dynamic Scene Understanding for Behavior Analysis Based on String Kernels
* Efficient Integer DCT Architectures for HEVC
* Efficient Mode Decision Schemes for HEVC Inter Prediction
* Efficient Parallel Framework for HEVC Motion Estimation on Many-Core Processors
* Efficient Search and Localization of Human Actions in Video Databases
* Embedded System-on-Chip Architecture for Real-time Visual Detection and Matching, An
* Energy Consumption of Visual Sensor Networks: Impact of Spatio-Temporal Coverage
* Energy-Efficient SRAM FPGA-Based Wireless Vision Sensor Node: SENTIOF-CAM
* Epipolar Geometry-Based Side Information Creation for Multiview Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Evaluation of Different Algorithms of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in Temporal Psychovisual Modulation
* Event Detection and Summarization in Soccer Videos Using Bayesian Network and Copula
* EXIT-Based Side Information Refinement in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* Exploring Coding Benefits in CDN-Based VoD Systems
* Exposing Fake Bit Rate Videos and Estimating Original Bit Rates
* Face Authentication With Makeup Changes
* Face Hallucination Via Weighted Adaptive Sparse Regularization
* Face Recognition With Image Sets Using Locally Grassmannian Discriminant Analysis
* Fast Closed-Form Matting Using a Hierarchical Data Structure
* Fast Intra Mode Decision for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
* Fast Local Histogram Specification
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Confidence Interval
* Fast Multiview Video Coding Using Adaptive Prediction Structure and Hierarchical Mode Decision
* Fast Simple Optical Flow Computation Approach Based on the 3-D Gradient, A
* Feature-Based Color Correction of Multiview Video for Coding and Rendering Enhancement
* Frame-Level Rate Control Scheme Based on Texture and Nontexture Rate Models for High Efficiency Video Coding, A
* Framework for Making Face Detection Benchmark Databases, A
* Fully Unsupervised Learning of Camera Link Models for Tracking Humans Across Nonoverlapping Cameras
* Geometric Optimum Experimental Design for Collaborative Image Retrieval
* H.264/AVC to HEVC Video Transcoder Based on Dynamic Thresholding and Content Modeling
* Hardware Architecture for Video Authentication Using Sensor Pattern Noise
* High Performance Stereo System for Dense 3-D Reconstruction
* High-Efficiency and High-Accuracy Fully Automatic Collaborative Face Annotation System for Distributed Online Social Networks, A
* High-Speed Simultaneous Image Distortion Correction Transformations for a Multicamera Cylindrical Panorama Real-time Video System Using FPGA
* Highly Efficient Compression Framework for Time-Varying 3-D Facial Expressions, A
* How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis and its Kernel Version?
* Human Gait Recognition via Sparse Discriminant Projection Learning
* iCloudAccess: Cost-Effective Streaming of Video Games From the Cloud With Low Latency
* Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Using a Local Directional Pattern
* Image Restoration Using Joint Statistical Modeling in a Space-Transform Domain
* Image-Optimized Rolling Cache: Reducing the Miss Penalty for Memory-Intensive Vision Algorithms
* Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Improving Scalability of VoD Systems by Optimal Exploitation of Storage and Multicast
* In-Loop Noise-Filtered Prediction for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Inferring User Image-Search Goals Under the Implicit Guidance of Users
* Initialization, Limitation, and Predictive Coding of the Depth and Texture Quadtree in 3D-HEVC
* Interactive Segmentation Using Constrained Laplacian Optimization
* Joint Video Frame Set Division and Low-Rank Decomposition for Background Subtraction
* Kernel-Based Structural Binary Pattern Tracking
* L2-RLS-Based Object Tracking
* Layer-Aligned Multipriority Rateless Codes for Layered Video Streaming
* Learning Cross-Media Joint Representation With Sparse and Semisupervised Regularization
* Learning-Based Filter Selection Scheme for Depth Image Super Resolution
* Local Density Encoding for Robust Stereo Matching
* Local Metric Learning for Exemplar-Based Object Detection
* Long-Term Reference Frame for Hierarchical B-Picture-Based Video Coding, A
* Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Images by Hierarchical Prediction and Context Modeling
* Low Power Motion Estimation Based on Probabilistic Computing
* Low-Complexity Intra Coding for Scalable Extension of HEVC Based on Content Statistics
* Mahalanobis Distance Cross-Correlation for Illumination-Invariant Stereo Matching
* Maximum a Posteriori Probability Estimation for Online Surveillance Video Synopsis
* MC Complexity Reduction for Generalized P and B Pictures in HEVC
* Metric Learning Based Structural Appearance Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* Mobile Collaborative Video
* Motion Hooks for the Multiview Extension of HEVC
* Multihuman Tracking Based on a Spatial-Temporal Appearance Match
* Multiple Description Video Coding Based on Human Visual System Characteristics
* Multiscale Saliency Detection Using Random Walk With Restart
* Multiview Facial Landmark Localization in RGB-D Images via Hierarchical Regression With Binary Patterns
* Multiview Gait Recognition Based on Patch Distribution Features and Uncorrelated Multilinear Sparse Local Discriminant Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multiview Matching of Articulated Objects
* Multiview Video Plus Depth Coding With Depth-Based Prediction Mode
* New Frame Rate Up-Conversion Algorithms With Low Computational Complexity
* New Network-Based Algorithm for Human Activity Recognition in Videos, A
* New Secure Image Transmission Technique via Secret-Fragment-Visible Mosaic Images by Nearly Reversible Color Transformations, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for Stereoscopic Images Based on Binocular Quality Perception
* Nonlocal Pixel Selection for Multisurface Fitting-Based Super-Resolution
* Novel DCT-Based Image Up-Sampling Using Learning-Based Adaptive k-NN MMSE Estimation
* Novel Distortion Model and Lagrangian Multiplier for Depth Maps Coding, A
* Novel No-Reference PSNR Estimation Method With Regard to Deblocking Filtering Effect in H.264/AVC Bitstreams, A
* Novel Similarity-Invariant Line Descriptor and Matching Algorithm for Global Motion Estimation
* Object Tracking With Only Background Cues
* Object-Coherence Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting
* Offset Compensation Method for Skip Mode in Hybrid Video Coding
* On the Cost-QoE Tradeoff for Cloud-Based Video Streaming Under Amazon EC2's Pricing Models
* Optimized Brightness Compensation and Contrast Enhancement for Transmissive Liquid Crystal Displays
* Overview of Information Hiding in H.264/AVC Compressed Video, An
* Paradigm Shifts in Video Technologies: Introduction to T-CSVT Future Special Issues
* Part-Based Online Tracking With Geometry Constraint and Attention Selection
* Precision-Energy-Throughput Scaling of Generic Matrix Multiplication and Convolution Kernels via Linear Projections
* Property Analysis of XOR-Based Visual Cryptography
* Quality-Efficient Upsampling Method for Asymmetric Resolution Stereoscopic Video Coding With Interview Motion Compensation and Error Compensation
* Random-Grid-Based Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Real-Time Motion-Feature-Extraction VLSI Employing Digital-Pixel-Sensor-Based Parallel Architecture, A
* Region-Based Saliency Detection and Its Application in Object Recognition
* Relay-Assisted Multiuser Video Streaming in Cognitive Radio Networks
* Reliability-Based Multiview Depth Enhancement Considering Interview Coherence
* Robust Superpixel Tracking via Depth Fusion
* Robust Video Coding Based on Hybrid Hierarchical B Pictures
* Robust Visual Cooperative Tracking Using Constrained Adaptive Sparse Representations and Sparse Classifier Grids
* Robust Visual Tracking via Multiple Kernel Boosting With Affinity Constraints
* Scene Text Recognition Using Structure-Guided Character Detection and Linguistic Knowledge
* Semiautomatic Ground Truth Generation for Text Detection and Recognition in Video Images
* Semisupervised Hashing via Kernel Hyperplane Learning for Scalable Image Search
* Shape-From-Focus Depth Reconstruction With a Spatial Consistency Model
* SIFT Hardware Implementation for Real-Time Image Feature Extraction
* Skip Decision and Reference Frame Selection for Low-Complexity H.264/AVC Surveillance Video Coding
* Spatio-Temporally Consistent View Synthesis From Video-Plus-Depth Data With Global Optimization
* Spatiotemporal Group Context for Pedestrian Counting
* Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection Using Textural Contrast and Its Applications
* Submanifold Decomposition
* Superpixel-Based Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection
* Support Local Pattern and its Application to Disparity Improvement and Texture Classification
* Symbiotic Tracker Ensemble Toward A Unified Tracking Framework
* Toward Large-Population Face Identification in Unconstrained Videos
* Toward Real-Time and Efficient Compression of Human Time-Varying Meshes
* Unsupervised Multiclass Region Cosegmentation via Ensemble Clustering and Energy Minimization
* Unsupervised Object Extraction by Contour Delineation and Texture Discrimination Based on Oriented Edge Features
* Video Colorization Using Parallel Optimization in Feature Space
* Video De-Fencing
* Video Saliency Detection Model in Compressed Domain, A
* Video Saliency Map Detection by Dominant Camera Motion Removal
* Video Tomographs and a Base Detector Selection Strategy for Improving Large-Scale Video Concept Detection
* View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for AVC- and HEVC-Compatible 3-D Video Coding
* View Synthesis Prediction in the 3-D Video Coding Extensions of AVC and HEVC
* Visibility Restoration of Single Hazy Images Captured in Real-World Weather Conditions
* Vision-Based Egomotion Estimation on FPGA for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Navigation
* Visual Comfort Amelioration Technique for Stereoscopic Images: Disparity Remapping to Mitigate Global and Local Discomfort Causes
* Visual Depth Guided Color Image Rain Streaks Removal Using Sparse Coding
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Backward Model Validation
* Visual Tracking Via Kernel Sparse Representation With Multikernel Fusion
* Visual Tracking via Online Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* VLSI Architecture Design of Guided Filter for 30 Frames/s Full-HD Video
* VLSI Implementation of an Adaptive Edge-Enhanced Color Interpolation Processor for Real-Time Video Applications
* Voting-Based Directional Interpolation Method and Its Application to Still Color Image Demosaicking
* Wireless Scalable Video Coding Using a Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme
174 for CirSysVideo(24)

CirSysVideo(25) * Accurate Normal and Reflectance Recovery Using Energy Optimization
* Adaptive General Scale Interpolation Based on Weighted Autoregressive Models
* Adaptive Nonparametric Image Parsing
* Adaptive Scene Category Discovery With Generative Learning and Compositional Sampling
* Adaptive Slice Representation for Human Action Classification
* Architecture Design of the H.264/AVC Encoder Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Audio-Visual Emotion-Aware Cloud Gaming Framework
* Augmented Motion History Volume for Spatiotemporal Editing of 3-D Video in Multiparty Interaction Scenes
* Automatic Contrast Enhancement Technology With Saliency Preservation
* Background Context Augmented Hypothesis Graph for Object Segmentation
* Background Prior-Based Salient Object Detection via Deep Reconstruction Residual
* BB-Homography: Joint Binary Features and Bipartite Graph Matching for Homography Estimation
* Binary Descriptor Based Nonparametric Background Modeling for Foreground Extraction by Using Detection Theory
* Binocular Suppression-Based Stereoscopic Video Coding by Joint Rate Control With KKT Conditions for a Hybrid Video Codec System
* CHCF: A Cloud-Based Heterogeneous Computing Framework for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Clothing Attributes Assisted Person Reidentification
* Cloud Gaming: Understanding the Support From Advanced Virtualization and Hardware
* Cloud-Based Distributed Image Coding
* CMOS Readout With High-Precision and Low-Temperature-Coefficient Background Current Skimming for Infrared Focal Plane Array, A
* Cognitive Resource Optimization for the Decomposed Cloud Gaming Platform
* Compressing 3-D Human Motions via Keyframe-Based Geometry Videos
* Compressive Sensing Approach to Describe Indoor Scenes for Blind People, A
* Constrained Directed Graph Clustering and Segmentation Propagation for Multiple Foregrounds Cosegmentation
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Error Diffusion Block Truncation Coding Features
* Cross-Layer Fairness-Driven Concurrent Multipath Video Delivery Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Crowded Scene Analysis: A Survey
* Deeply Pipelined CABAC Decoder for HEVC Supporting Level 6.2 High-Tier Applications, A
* Delay-Rate-Distortion Model for Real-Time Video Communication
* Delay-Rate-Distortion Optimized Rate Control for End-to-End Video Communication Over Wireless Channels
* Depth Coding Based on Depth-Texture Motion and Structure Similarities
* Depth Map Rasterization Using Triangulation and Color Consistency for Various Sampling Structures
* Depth-Based Texture Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* Depth-Reliability-Based Stereo-Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture Design
* Design and ARM-Embedded Implementation of a Chaotic Map-Based Real-Time Secure Video Communication System
* Discriminative Analysis for Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on Lie Groups
* Distributed Multiple Description Video Transmission via Noncooperative Games With Opportunistic Players
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Range Coder and Its VLSI Architecture, An
* Efficient and Robust System for Multiperson Event Detection in Real-World Indoor Surveillance Scenes, An
* Efficient Application Processor Architecture for Multicore Software Video Decoding, An
* Efficient Feature Selection and Classification for Vehicle Detection
* Efficient Software H.264/AVC to HEVC Transcoding on Distributed Multicore Processors
* Enabling Adaptive Cloud Gaming in an Open-Source Cloud Gaming Platform
* Enabling Adaptive High-Frame-Rate Video Streaming in Mobile Cloud Gaming Applications
* Enhancing Video Encoding for Cloud Gaming Using Rendering Information
* Evaluation and Acceleration of High-Throughput Fixed-Point Object Detection on FPGAs
* Evolution of First Person Vision Methods: A Survey, The
* Exploratory Product Image Search With Circle-to-Search Interaction
* Exploring Human Vision Driven Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Extracting Depth and Radiance From a Defocused Video Pair
* Facial Analysis With a Lie Group Kernel
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for the HEVC Intra Encoder, A
* Fast Edge-Aware Denoising by Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths
* Fast HEVC Encoding Decisions Using Data Mining
* Fast Mode Selection for HEVC Intra-Frame Coding With Entropy Coding Refinement Based on a Transparent Composite Model
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm and Design for Real Time QFHD High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast PU Skip and Split Termination Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction
* Fast Soft Decision Quantization With Adaptive Preselection and Dynamic Trellis Graph
* Fast Trilateral Filter-Based Adaptive Support Weight Method for Stereo Matching, A
* FDQM: Fast Quality Metric for Depth Maps Without View Synthesis
* Foreground-Background Separation From Video Clips via Motion-Assisted Matrix Restoration
* Frequency-Domain Intra Prediction Analysis and Processing for High-Quality Video Coding
* Fusing Sorted Random Projections for Robust Texture and Material Classification
* Fusion of Global and Local Motion Estimation Using Foreground Objects for Distributed Video Coding
* Gradient Intensity-Adapted Algorithm With Adaptive Selection Strategy for the Fast Decision of H.264/AVC Intra-Prediction Modes, A
* HEVC Encoding Optimization Using Multicore CPUs and GPUs
* HEVC-Compliant Perceptual Video Coding Scheme Based on JND Models for Variable Block-Sized Transform Kernels, An
* Hierarchical Structure-Based Fast Mode Decision for H.265/HEVC
* High-Performance Video Condensation System
* Hybrid Method for 3-D Gaze Tracking Using Glint and Contour Features
* Image Interpolation via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
* Image Tag Refinement With View-Dependent Concept Representations
* In-Block Prediction-Based Mixed Lossy and Lossless Reference Frame Recompression for Next-Generation Video Encoding
* Interface MB-Based Video Content Editing Transcoding
* Introduction to the Special Section on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Cloud Gaming and Virtualization
* Introduction to the Special Section on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Fundamentals and Applications
* Landmark Summarization With Diverse Viewpoints
* Layered Soft Video Broadcast for Heterogeneous Receivers
* Leveraging Long-Term Predictions and Online Learning in Agent-Based Multiple Person Tracking
* Local N-Ary Pattern and Its Extension for Texture Classification
* Looking Inside Category: Subcategory-Aware Object Recognition
* Low-Complexity Embedded Compression Codec Design With Rate Control for High-Definition Video, A
* Low-Cost Implementation of a 360 Deg Vision Distributed Aperture System, A
* Manifold Regularized Local Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
* Memory Efficient Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform Schemes for JPEG2000
* Minimizing Pixel Expansion in Visual Cryptographic Scheme for General Access Structures
* Model-Based Vehicle Localization Based on 3-D Constrained Multiple-Kernel Tracking
* Modularity-Based Image Segmentation
* Motion Influence Map for Unusual Human Activity Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Motion-Resistant Remote Imaging Photoplethysmography Based on the Optical Properties of Skin
* MoVieUp: Automatic Mobile Video Mashup
* Moving Object Detection Revisited: Speed and Robustness
* Multidirectional Weighted Interpolation and Refinement Method for Bayer Pattern CFA Demosaicking
* Multiple Description Coding for Stereoscopic Videos With Stagger Frame Order
* Multiscale Dictionary Learning via Cross-Scale Cooperative Learning and Atom Clustering for Visual Signal Processing
* Neighborhood Feature Line Segment for Image Classification
* New Data Transfer Method via Signal-Rich-Art Code Images Captured by Mobile Devices, A
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Based on Artifact Measurement and Statistical Analysis
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Codec Analysis
* Noise Estimation of Natural Images via Statistical Analysis and Noise Injection
* Novel Fast CU Encoding Scheme Based on Spatiotemporal Encoding Parameters for HEVC Inter Coding, A
* Novel FPGA Implementation of Hand Sign Recognition System With SOM-Hebb Classifier
* Novel JSCC Scheme for UEP-Based Scalable Video Transmission Over MIMO Systems, A
* Novel Rate Control Framework for SIFT/SURF Feature Preservation in H.264/AVC Video Compression, A
* Object Tracking With Joint Optimization of Representation and Classification
* Objective Performance Evaluation of the HEVC Main Still Picture Profile
* On Achieving Cost-Effective Adaptive Cloud Gaming in Geo-Distributed Data Centers
* On Enhancing Lane Estimation Using Contextual Cues
* Optimal Transcoding and Caching for Adaptive Streaming in Media Cloud: an Analytical Approach
* Parallel H.264/AVC Fast Rate-Distortion Optimized Motion Estimation by Using a Graphics Processing Unit and Dedicated Hardware
* Parallel H.264/AVC Motion Compensation for GPUs Using OpenCL
* Passive Image-Splicing Detection by a 2-D Noncausal Markov Model
* Play Request Dispatching for Efficient Virtual Machine Usage in Cloud Gaming
* Playing High-End Video Games in the Cloud: A Measurement Study
* Pose Estimation Based on Pose Cluster and Candidates Recombination
* Privileged Information-Based Conditional Structured Output Regression Forest for Facial Point Detection
* Programmable Low-Power Multicore Coprocessor Architecture for HEVC/H.265 In-Loop Filtering
* Propagative Hough Voting for Human Activity Detection and Recognition
* QoE-Based Link Adaptation Scheme for H.264/SVC Video Multicast Over IEEE 802.11, A
* QoE-Based Traffic and Resource Management for Adaptive HTTP Video Delivery in LTE
* QoE-Driven Cross-Layer Optimization for Wireless Dynamic Adaptive Streaming of Scalable Videos Over HTTP
* Quality-of-Experience Optimization for a Cloud Gaming System With Ad Hoc Cloudlet Assistance
* Real-Time Fire Detection for Video-Surveillance Applications Using a Combination of Experts Based on Color, Shape, and Motion
* Real-Time High-Quality Stereo Vision System in FPGA
* Real-Time Multiaperture Omnidirectional Visual Sensor Based on an Interconnected Network of Smart Cameras, A
* Reducing Motion Blur Artifact of Foveal Projection for a Dynamic Focus-Plus-Context Display
* Region-Based Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Method Using a Variance-Distortion Curve, A
* Resolving Ambiguous Hand Pose Predictions by Exploiting Part Correlations
* Robust Histogram Shape-Based Method for Image Watermarking
* Robust Transmission of Scalable Video Coding Bitstream Over Heterogeneous Networks
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Structurally Random Projection and Weighted Least Squares
* Scalable Bit Allocation Between Texture and Depth Views for 3-D Video Streaming Over Heterogeneous Networks
* Seam Searching-Based Pixel Fusion for Image Retargeting
* Second-Order Configuration of Local Features for Geometrically Stable Image Matching and Retrieval
* Segmentation Over Detection via Optimal Sparse Reconstructions
* Sequential Sample Consensus: A Robust Algorithm for Video-Based Face Recognition
* SIMD Acceleration for HEVC Decoding
* Simultaneous Hallucination and Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Based on Singular Value Decomposition
* Single-Image Dehazing via Optimal Transmission Map Under Scene Priors
* Smart Downlink Scheduling for Multimedia Streaming Over LTE Networks With Hard Handoff
* Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of Interaction for Abnormal Crowd Detection
* Sparse Discriminative Multimanifold Grassmannian Analysis for Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Spatial Error Concealment With an Adaptive Linear Predictor
* Spatio-Temporal Flame Modeling and Dynamic Texture Analysis for Automatic Video-Based Fire Detection
* Specific Versus Diverse Computing in Media Cloud
* Speeded Up Low-Rank Online Metric Learning for Object Tracking
* STAP: Spatial-Temporal Attention-Aware Pooling for Action Recognition
* Synergistic Change Detection and Tracking
* Tracker-Level Fusion for Robust Bayesian Visual Tracking
* Tracking Live Fish From Low-Contrast and Low-Frame-Rate Stereo Videos
* Tracking Multiple High-Density Homogeneous Targets
* Turbocharged Video Distribution via P2P
* Two Maximum Entropy-Based Algorithms for Running Quantile Estimation in Nonstationary Data Streams
* Ultra-High-Throughput VLSI Architecture of H.265/HEVC CABAC Encoder for UHDTV Applications
* Vegas Over Access Point: Making Room for Thin Client Game Systems in a Wireless Home
* Video Copy Detection Based on Path Merging and Query Content Prediction
* Video Encoding Acceleration in Cloud Gaming
* Video Error Correction Using Soft-Output and Hard-Output Maximum Likelihood Decoding Applied to an H.264 Baseline Profile
* Video Object Retrieval by Trajectory and Appearance
* View Synthesis Distortion Estimation With a Graphical Model and Recursive Calculation of Probability Distribution
* Visual Hull-Based Geometric Data Compression of a 3-D Object
* Visual Target TRACTOR: Tracker and Detector
* Wireless Cooperative Video Coding Using a Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme
163 for CirSysVideo(25)

CirSysVideo(26) * 135-frames/s 1080p 87.5-mW Binary-Descriptor-Based Image Feature Extraction Accelerator, A
* 3D Pose Tracking With Multitemplate Warping and SIFT Correspondences
* 4K Real-Time and Parallel Software Video Decoder for Multilayer HEVC Extensions
* 4K Real-Time HEVC Decoder on an FPGA
* Accurate Image-Guided Stereo Matching With Efficient Matching Cost and Disparity Refinement
* Action Recognition by Time Series of Retinotopic Appearance and Motion Features
* Adaptive and Robust Sparse Coding for Laser Range Data Denoising and Inpainting
* Adaptive Block Coding Order for Intra Prediction in HEVC
* Adaptive Content Condensation Based on Grid Optimization for Thumbnail Image Generation
* Adaptive Fast Quadtree Level Decision Algorithm for H.264 to HEVC Video Transcoding
* Adaptive Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission in Wireless Fading Channel
* Adaptive Layer Switching Algorithm Based on Buffer Underflow Probability for Scalable Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* Adaptive Scheduling Framework for Real-Time Video Encoding on Heterogeneous Systems
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of the H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder
* Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Edge-Directed Image Upscaling for 4k Display System
* Antivibration Time-Delay Integration CMOS Image Sensor With Online Deblurring Algorithm, An
* Aspect Learning for Multimedia Summarization via Nonparametric Bayesian
* Automatic Detection of Object-Based Forgery in Advanced Video
* Automatic Dynamic Texture Transformation Based on a New Motion Coherence Metric
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Multichannel Feature Fusion and Label Transfer
* Blur-Kernel Bound Estimation From Pyramid Statistics
* Cast2Face: Assigning Character Names Onto Faces in Movie With Actor-Character Correspondence
* CCTV Scene Perspective Distortion Estimation From Low-Level Motion Features
* CoDe4D: Color-Depth Local Spatio-Temporal Features for Human Activity Recognition From RGB-D Videos
* Codebook Calibration Method for Vector Quantizers Implemented at the Focal Plane of CMOS Imagers
* Coding of Focused Plenoptic Contents by Displacement Intra Prediction
* Collaborative Graph Embedding: A Simple Way to Generally Enhance Subspace Learning Algorithms
* Collaborative Tracking for Multiple Objects in the Presence of Inter-Occlusions
* Consensus Model for Motion Segmentation in Dynamic Scenes, A
* Consistent Volumetric Warping Using Floating Boundaries for Stereoscopic Video Retargeting
* Context-Based Predictor Blending for Lossless Color Image Compression
* Convolutional Fusion Network for Face Verification in the Wild
* Counting People Crossing a Line Using Integer Programming and Local Features
* Coupling Reranking and Structured Output SVM Co-Train for Multitarget Tracking
* Critical Binocular Asymmetry Measure for the Perceptual Quality Assessment of Synthesized Stereo 3D Images in View Synthesis
* Cross-Scenario Transfer Person Reidentification
* Cross-View Action Recognition Based on a Statistical Translation Framework
* DCT Coefficient Distribution Modeling and Quality Dependency Analysis Based Frame-Level Bit Allocation for HEVC
* Deep Metric Learning for Visual Tracking
* DEFEATnet: A Deep Conventional Image Representation for Image Classification
* Depth Intra Coding for 3D Video Based on Geometric Primitives
* Discovering Primary Objects in Videos by Saliency Fusion and Iterative Appearance Estimation
* Disparity-Based Adaptive Multihomography Method for Moving Target Detection Based on Global Motion Compensation, A
* Dual Group Structured Tracking
* Dynamic Reconfiguration in Camera Networks: A Short Survey
* Effective Multimodality Fusion Framework for Cross-Media Topic Detection
* Effective Strip Noise Removal for Low-Textured Infrared Images Based on 1-D Guided Filtering
* Efficient Background Modeling Based on Sparse Representation and Outlier Iterative Removal
* Efficient Fast Mode Decision Method for Inter Prediction in HEVC, An
* Efficient Quantization Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding
* Efficient SVD-Based Method for Image Denoising, An
* Efficient Synthesis-Based Depth Map Coding in AVC-Compatible 3D Video Coding
* Efficient Upstream Bandwidth Multiplexing for Cloud Video Recording Services
* Exemplar-Based Recognition of Human: Object Interactions
* Exploiting Thread-Level Parallelism on HEVC by Employing a Reference Dependency Graph
* Facial Image Hallucination Through Coupled-Layer Neighbor Embedding
* Fast Action Localization in Large-Scale Video Archives
* Fast CU Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using an Online-Learning-Based Bayesian Decision Rule
* Fast Depth Video Compression for Mobile RGB-D Sensors
* Fast Mode Decision Method in HEVC Using Adaptive Ordering of Modes, A
* Fast Quantization Method With Simplified Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization for an HEVC Encoder
* Fast Weighted Histograms for Bilateral Filtering and Nearest Neighbor Searching
* Four-Direction Residual Interpolation for Demosaicking
* FPGA Design and Implementation of Kinect-Like Depth Sensing
* Frame Rate Upconversion Using Optical Flow and Patch-Based Reconstruction
* Full-Reference Video Quality Estimation for Videos With Different Spatial Resolutions
* Fuzzy Encoding Pattern for Stereo Matching Cost
* GbLN-PSO and Model-Based Particle Filter Approach for Tracking Human Movements in Large View Cases
* Global-Shutter Centroiding Measurement CMOS Image Sensor With Star Region SNR Improvement for Star Trackers, A
* Guided Chroma Reconstruction for Screen Content Coding
* Handling Occlusion and Large Displacement Through Improved RGB-D Scene Flow Estimation
* High Dynamic Range and Wide Color Gamut Video Coding in HEVC: Status and Potential Future Enhancements
* High Dynamic Range Video Compression Exploiting Luminance Masking
* HW/SW Codesign and FPGA Acceleration of Visual Odometry Algorithms for Rover Navigation on Mars
* Hybrid ASIC/FPGA System for Fully Automatic Stereo-to-Multiview Conversion Using IDW
* Hybrid Distortion Ranking Tuned Bitstream-Layer Video Quality Assessment
* Image Alignment by Online Robust PCA via Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Improving QoE and Fairness in HTTP Adaptive Streaming Over LTE Network
* Interference-Aware Cross-Layer Design for Distributed Video Transmission in Wireless Networks
* Introduction to the Special Issue on HEVC Extensions and Efficient HEVC Implementations
* Joint Chroma Downsampling and Upsampling for Screen Content Image
* Joint Content Replication and Request Routing for Social Video Distribution Over Cloud CDN: A Community Clustering Method
* Lagrangian Multiplier Adaptation for Rate-Distortion Optimization With Inter-Frame Dependency
* LAR-LLC: A Low-Complexity Multiresolution Lossless Image Codec
* Learning Stacked Image Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Localized Multifeature Metric Learning for Image-Set-Based Face Recognition
* Location-Wise Predetermined Deployment for Optimizing Lifetime in Visual Sensor Networks, A
* Lossless and Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Public-Key Cryptography
* Lossless Frame Memory Compression Using Pixel-Grain Prediction and Dynamic Order Entropy Coding
* Low-Complexity and Context-Aware Estimation of Spatial and Temporal Activity Parameters for Automotive Camera Rate Control
* Making Residual Vector Distribution Uniform for Distinctive Image Representation
* MAP-Based Motion Refinement Algorithm for Block-Based Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Media-Friendly and TCP-Friendly Rate Control Protocols for Multimedia Streaming
* Memory Access Scheduling for a Smart TV
* Merge Mode Estimation for a Hardware-Based HEVC Encoder
* Monitoring Thermal Stress in Wafer-Scale Integrated Circuits by the Attentive Vision Method Using an Infrared Camera
* Multi-loss Regularized Deep Neural Network
* Multiattribute Sparse Coding Approach for Action Recognition From a Single Unknown Viewpoint, A
* Multicamera Joint Video Synopsis
* Multihypothesis Compressed Video Sensing Technique
* Multilevel Modified Finite Radon Transform Network for Image Upsampling
* Multimodal Person Reidentification Using RGB-D Cameras
* Multiperson Tracking by Online Learned Grouping Model With Nonlinear Motion Context
* Multitarget Tracking Using Hough Forest Random Field
* Multiview Plus Depth Video Coding With Temporal Prediction View Synthesis
* New Framework for Measuring 2D and 3D Visual Information in Terms of Entropy, A
* New R-D Optimization Criterion for Fast Mode Decision Algorithms in Video Coding and Transrating
* New Shape Feature for Vehicle Classification in Thermal Video Sequences, A
* NMF-Based Spectral Reflectance Estimation From Image Pairs Including Near-Infrared Components
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment With 3D Shearlet Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Novel Bitrate Saving and Fast Coding for Depth Videos in 3D-HEVC
* Novel Chroma Subsampling Strategy Based on Mathematical Optimization for Compressing Mosaic Videos With Arbitrary RGB Color Filter Arrays in H.264/AVC and HEVC
* Novel Hardware Architecture of the Lucas-Kanade Optical Flow for Reduced Frame Memory Access, A
* Novel Hardware Architecture With Reduced Internal Memory for Real-Time Extraction of SIFT in an HD Video, A
* Novel Wavefront-Based High Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding, A
* On the Optimal Presentation Duration for Subjective Video Quality Assessment
* Online Discriminative Tracking With Active Example Selection
* Online-Learning-Based Complexity Reduction Scheme for 3D-HEVC
* Optimized Higher Order CRF for Automated Labeling and Segmentation of Video Objects, An
* Overview of SHVC: Scalable Extensions of the High Efficiency Video Coding Standard
* Overview of the Emerging HEVC Screen Content Coding Extension
* Overview of the Multiview and 3D Extensions of High Efficiency Video Coding
* Overview of the Range Extensions for the HEVC Standard: Tools, Profiles, and Performance
* Pareto-Based Method for High Efficiency Video Coding With Limited Encoding Time
* Partial Occlusion Handling in Pedestrian Detection With a Deep Model
* Patch-Set-Based Representation for Alignment-Free Image Set Classification
* Pattern Matching Using Partial Fourier Spectrum
* Pedestrian Detection in Binocular Stereo Sequence Based on Appearance Consistency
* Perception-Based Hybrid Model for Video Quality Assessment, A
* Person Reidentification With Reference Descriptor
* Pixel-to-Model Distance for Robust Background Reconstruction
* Polynomial Approximation Motion Estimation Model for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Power-Constrained RGB-to-RGBW Conversion for Emissive Displays: Optimization-Based Approaches
* QFHD 30-frames/s HEVC Decoder Design, A
* Rate Control via Adjustment of Lagrange Multiplier for Video Coding
* Real-Time Pose Detection and Tracking of Hundreds of Objects
* Recovering Translucent Objects Using a Single Time-of-Flight Depth Camera
* Reduced Complexity Superresolution for Low-Bitrate Video Compression
* Reliability-Based Discontinuity-Preserving Stereo Matching
* Renovating Contaminative Image Archives Based on Patch Propagation and Adaptive Confidence Collation
* Resource-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Analysis, A
* Retrieval in Long-Surveillance Videos Using User-Described Motion and Object Attributes
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images with Distributed Source Encoding
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
* Robust Feature Matching in Long-Running Poor-Quality Videos
* Robust Learning-Based Camera Motion Characterization Scheme With Applications to Video Stabilization
* Robust Super-Resolution for Mixed-Resolution Multiview Image Plus Depth Data
* Robust Visual Tracking via Least Soft-Threshold Squares
* Robust Visual Tracking via Sparse Representation Under Subclass Discriminant Constraint
* Scalable Massively Parallel Motion and Disparity Estimation Scheme for Multiview Video Coding, A
* Scalable Solution for Interactive Near Video-on-Demand Systems, A
* Scalable Video Multicast for MU-MIMO Systems With Antenna Heterogeneity
* Secure Reversible Image Data Hiding Over Encrypted Domain via Key Modulation
* Semi-Supervised Cross-Media Feature Learning With Unified Patch Graph Regularization
* Sentioscope: A Soccer Player Tracking System Using Model Field Particles
* Severely Blurred Object Tracking by Learning Deep Image Representations
* Simple Techniques Make Sense: Feature Pooling and Normalization for Image Classification
* Single-Image Super-Resolution via an Iterative Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method
* Space-Time Graph Optimization Approach Based on Maximum Cliques for Action Detection, A
* Sparsity-Induced Similarity Measure and Its Applications
* Subjective-Driven Complexity Control Approach for HEVC
* Superpixel Optimization Using Higher Order Energy
* Survey on 3D Hand Gesture Recognition
* Temporal and Inter-View Consistent Error Concealment Technique for Multiview Plus Depth Video
* Tool for Stereoscopic Parameter Setting Based on Geometric Perceived Depth Percentage, A
* Trading Delay for Distortion in One-Way Video Communication Over the Internet
* Transductive People Tracking in Unconstrained Surveillance
* Unified Scheme for Super-Resolution and Depth Estimation From Asymmetric Stereoscopic Video, A
* Using Discriminative Motion Context for Online Visual Object Tracking
* Video Anomaly Detection in Real Time on a Power-Aware Heterogeneous Platform
* Video Background Completion Using Motion-Guided Pixel Assignment Optimization
* Video Quality Evaluation Methodology and Verification Testing of HEVC Compression Performance
* Video Super-Resolution Framework Using SCoBeP, A
* Video Supervoxels Using Partially Absorbing Random Walks
* Video-Rate Stereo Matching Using Markov Random Field TRW-S Inference on a Hybrid CPU: FPGA Computing Platform
* Virtual-View-Assisted Video Super-Resolution and Enhancement
* Vision Processor With a Unified Interest-Point Detection and Matching Hardware for Accelerating a Stereo-Matching Algorithm, A
* Visual Focus of Attention Estimation With Unsupervised Incremental Learning
* What Is Happening in the Video? Annotate Video by Sentence
179 for CirSysVideo(26)

CirSysVideo(27) * Accelerating Vanishing Point-Based Line Sampling Scheme for Real-Time People Localization
* Adapting Low-Bitrate Skip Mode in a Mobile Environment
* Adaptive Appearance Modeling With Point-to-Set Metric Learning for Visual Tracking
* Adaptive Approximated DCT Architectures for HEVC
* Adaptive Bit Allocation for Consistent Video Quality in Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive Local Movement Modeling for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptive Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Video Texture Characteristics for HEVC Intra Prediction, An
* Adaptive Multiview Video Delivery Using Hybrid Networking
* Adaptive Scalable Video Coding: An HEVC-Based Framework Combining the Predictive and Distributed Paradigms
* Adaptive Search Range for HEVC Motion Estimation Based on Depth Information
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Multirate Frame Rate Up-conversion for Ultra-HD LCD Systems
* AllFocus: Patch-Based Video Out-of-Focus Blur Reconstruction
* Asymmetric Distance Model for Cross-View Feature Mapping in Person Reidentification, An
* Attention-Weighted Texture and Depth Bit-Allocation in General-Geometry Free-Viewpoint Television
* Automatic Detection of 3D Quality Defects in Stereoscopic Videos Using Binocular Disparity
* Automatically Creating Adaptive Video Summaries Using Constraint Satisfaction Programming: Application to Sport Content
* Balanced Mixture of Deformable Part Models With Automatic Part Configurations
* Bayesian Approach to Camouflaged Moving Object Detection, A
* Blind Sharpness Prediction for Ultrahigh-Definition Video Based on Human Visual Resolution
* Block-Composed Background Reference for High Efficiency Video Coding
* BNB Method for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Bundled Kernels for Nonuniform Blind Video Deblurring
* Camera Self-Calibration Based on Nonlinear Optimization and Applications in Surveillance Systems
* Characterizing and Modeling User Behavior in a Large-Scale Mobile Live Streaming System
* ClickSmart: A Context-Aware Viewpoint Recommendation System for Mobile Photography
* Color Image-Guided Boundary-Inconsistent Region Refinement for Stereo Matching
* Comparative Study of Visual Tracking Method: A Probabilistic Approach for Pose Estimation Using Lines
* Complex Video Scene Analysis Using Kernelized-Collaborative Behavior Pattern Learning Based on Hierarchical Representative Object Behaviors
* Complexity Reduction by Modified Scale-Space Construction in SIFT Generation Optimized for a Mobile GPU
* Compressive Sensing Reconstruction for Video: An Adaptive Approach Based on Motion Estimation
* Consistency-Constrained Nonnegative Coding for Tracking
* Contextual Exemplar Classifier-Based Image Representation for Classification
* Contrast Enhancement Using Stratified Parametric-Oriented Histogram Equalization
* Cost-Effective Active Learning for Deep Image Classification
* Cross-Scale Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* Crowd Behavior Analysis Using Local Mid-Level Visual Descriptors
* Crowded Scene Understanding by Deeply Learned Volumetric Slices
* DCT-Based Total JND Profile for Spatiotemporal and Foveated Masking Effects, A
* Decomposing Joint Distortion for Adaptive Steganography
* DeepList: Learning Deep Features With Adaptive Listwise Constraint for Person Reidentification
* Dehashing: Server-Side Context-Aware Feature Reconstruction for Mobile Visual Search
* Delay-Rate-Distortion Optimization for Cloud Gaming With Hybrid Streaming
* Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer With a Lightweight Model for Single Still Images
* Depth Estimation Using an Infrared Dot Projector and an Infrared Color Stereo Camera
* Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Point Cloud Codec for Tele-Immersive Video
* Detection of Global and Local Motion Changes in Human Crowds
* Detection of Hue Modification Using Photo Response Nonuniformity
* Discovery of Shared Semantic Spaces for Multiscene Video Query and Summarization
* Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Motion Weber Local Descriptor for Violence Detection
* Discriminative Reverse Sparse Tracking via Weighted Multitask Learning
* Early Detection of Sudden Pedestrian Crossing for Safe Driving During Summer Nights
* Edge-Aware Label Propagation for Mobile Facial Enhancement on the Cloud
* Efficient Method for High-Quality Removal of Nonuniform Blur in the Wavelet Domain
* Energy Consumption Models for Smart Camera Networks
* Ensemble of Invariant Features for Person Reidentification, An
* Entropy of Primitive: From Sparse Representation to Visual Information Evaluation
* Equalized Global Graph Model-Based Approach for Multicamera Object Tracking, An
* Error-Resilient Video Encoding Using Parallel Independent Signature Processing
* Evaluation of Low-Level Features for Real-World Surveillance Event Detection
* Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajectory Learning for Crowd Mood Modeling
* Extended Selective Encryption of H.264/AVC (CABAC)- and HEVC-Encoded Video Streams
* EZCam: WYSWYG Camera Manipulator for Path Design
* Face Sketch Synthesis From a Single Photo-Sketch Pair
* Fast Intra-Mode and CU Size Decision for HEVC
* Fast Mode Selection for HEVC Intra-Frame Coding With Entropy Coding Refinement Based on a Transparent Composite Model
* Fast Optical Flow Estimation Without Parallel Architectures
* Foreground Removal Approach for Hole Filling in 3D Video and FVV Synthesis
* Framework for Online Segmentation and Classification of Modeled Actions Performed in the Context of Unmodeled Ones, A
* From the Lab to the Real World: Re-identification in an Airport Camera Network
* Fully Pipelined Hardware Architecture for Intra Prediction of HEVC, A
* Geometry-Based Camera Calibration Using Five-Point Correspondences From a Single Image
* Global Approach to Fast Video Stabilization, A
* Globality: Locality-Based Consistent Discriminant Feature Ensemble for Multicamera Tracking
* Graph Regularized and Locality-Constrained Coding for Robust Visual Tracking
* Graph-Regularized Structured Support Vector Machine for Object Tracking
* Green Video Transmission in the Mobile Cloud Networks
* Group Structure Preserving Pedestrian Tracking in a Multicamera Video Network
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Group and Crowd Behavior Analysis for Intelligent Multicamera Video Surveillance
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing
* Hierarchical Superpixel-to-Pixel Dense Matching
* Higher Order Linear Dynamical Systems for Smoke Detection in Video Surveillance Applications
* Histograms of Optical Flow Orientation and Magnitude and Entropy to Detect Anomalous Events in Videos
* Human Motion Tracking by Multiple RGBD Cameras
* Hybrid Approach for Facial Performance Analysis and Editing, A
* Hybrid Approach for Near-Range Video Stabilization, A
* Hybrid CNN and Dictionary-Based Models for Scene Recognition and Domain Adaptation
* iAVS2: A Fast Intra-Encoding Platform for IEEE 1857.4
* Image Segmentation Using Linked Mean-Shift Vectors and Global/Local Attributes
* Incident-Supporting Visual Cloud Computing Utilizing Software-Defined Networking
* Integrated Platform for Live 3D Human Reconstruction and Motion Capturing, An
* Integrating Social Grouping for Multitarget Tracking Across Cameras in a CRF Model
* Inter-View Dependency-Based Rate Control for 3D-HEVC
* Interactive Video Segmentation via Local Appearance Model
* Intra Line Copy for HEVC Screen Content Intra-Picture Prediction
* Introduction to the Special Section on Augmented Video
* Iterative Weighted Recovery for Block-Based Compressive Sensing of Image/Video at a Low Subrate
* Kernel Regularized Data Uncertainty for Action Recognition
* Knowledge-Enhanced Mobile Video Broadcasting Framework With Cloud Support
* Laplacian LRR on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Human Activity Clustering in Multicamera Video Surveillance
* Layerwise Class-Aware Convolutional Neural Network
* Learning Hierarchical Decision Trees for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Scene-Independent Group Descriptors for Crowd Understanding
* Light Field Compressed Sensing Over a Disparity-Aware Dictionary
* Light-Field Depth Estimation via Epipolar Plane Image Analysis and Locally Linear Embedding
* Locality-Constrained Collaborative Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* Low-Complexity Enhancement Layer Compression for Scalable Lossless Video Coding Based on HEVC
* Low-Complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Approximate Discrete Tchebichef Transform
* Low-Complexity Pedestrian Detection Framework for Smart Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Low-Rank-Based Nonlocal Adaptive Loop Filter for High-Efficiency Video Compression
* Lower Complexity Lifting Structures for Hierarchical Lapped Transforms Highly Compatible With JPEG XR Standard
* Magic Glasses: From 2D to 3D
* Merge Mode for Deformable Block Motion Information Derivation
* Mitigating Silent Data Corruptions in Integer Matrix Products: Toward Reliable Multimedia Computing on Unreliable Hardware
* Mixed Reality Telepresence System for Collaborative Space Operation, A
* Mobile Cloud-Based Interactive 3D Rendering and Streaming System Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video Forensics
* Motion-Based Temporal Alignment of Independently Moving Cameras
* Motion-State-Adaptive Video Summarization via Spatiotemporal Analysis
* Moving Object Detection With a Freely Moving Camera via Background Motion Subtraction
* Multi-Task Rank Learning for Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Tracker Partition Fusion
* Multiview Hessian Semisupervised Sparse Feature Selection for Multimedia Analysis
* Multiview Stereoscopic Video Hole Filling Considering Spatiotemporal Consistency and Binocular Symmetry for Synthesized 3D Video
* Near-Optimal Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Using Raptor and RCPC Codes for Prioritized Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* New Block-Based Method for HEVC Intra Coding, A
* NIC: A Robust Background Extraction Algorithm for Foreground Detection in Dynamic Scenes
* Nonlocal Gradient Sparsity Regularization for Image Restoration
* Nonnegative Discriminant Matrix Factorization
* Novel Hybrid Kinect-Variety-Based High-Quality Multiview Rendering Scheme for Glass-Free 3D Displays, A
* Novel Sketch Attack for H.264/AVC Format-Compliant Encrypted Video, A
* Object-Level Motion Detection From Moving Cameras
* Objective Video Quality Assessment Based on Perceptually Weighted Mean Squared Error
* On Energy-Efficient Offloading in Mobile Cloud for Real-Time Video Applications
* Online Cloud Transcoding and Distribution for Crowdsourced Live Game Video Streaming
* Online Human Interaction Detection and Recognition With Multiple Cameras
* Online Scheme for Multiple Camera Multiple Target Tracking Based on Multiple Hypothesis Tracking
* Online-Learning-Based Mode Prediction Method for Quality Scalable Extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
* Open-Contour Tracking Using a New State-Space Model and Nonrigid Motion Training
* Opportunistic Image Acquisition of Individual and Group Activities in a Distributed Camera Network
* Optimal Bit Allocation for CTU Level Rate Control in HEVC
* Optimal Scheduling of Data-Intensive Applications in Cloud-Based Video Distribution Services
* Optimized Perceptual Tone Mapping for Contrast Enhancement of Images
* Origami: A 803-GOp/s/W Convolutional Network Accelerator
* Overview of Color Gamut Scalability
* Part-Based Robust Tracking Using Online Latent Structured Learning
* Perceptual Crosstalk Prediction on Autostereoscopic 3D Display
* Perceptual Video Summarization: A New Framework for Video Summarization
* Perceptually Driven Nonuniform Asymmetric Coding of Stereoscopic 3D Video
* Person Authentication System Based on RFID Tags and a Cascade of Face Recognition Algorithms, A
* Person Reidentification Using Deep Convnets With Multitask Learning
* Person Reidentification Using Multiple Egocentric Views
* PRISM: Person Reidentification via Structured Matching
* Prius: Hybrid Edge Cloud and Client Adaptation for HTTP Adaptive Streaming in Cellular Networks
* QoE-Driven Delay Announcement for Cloud Mobile Media
* QoS Aware Resource Allocation Strategy for Mobile Graphics Rendering With Cloud Support, A
* QoS-Aware Resource Allocation for Video Transcoding in Clouds
* Quality-Driven Joint Rate and Power Adaptation for Scalable Video Transmissions Over MIMO Systems
* Quality-of-Content-Based Joint Source and Channel Coding for Human Detections in a Mobile Surveillance Cloud, A
* Quaternionic Weber Local Descriptor of Color Images
* Rate-Distortion-Optimization-Based Quantization Parameter Cascading Technique for Random-Access Configuration in H.265/HEVC
* Real-Time Feature-Based Video Stabilization on FPGA
* Real-Time Traffic Light Recognition Based on Smartphone Platforms
* Recursive Integer Cosine Transform for HEVC and Future Video Coding Standards
* Reducing Image Compression Artifacts by Structural Sparse Representation and Quantization Constraint Prior
* Regression-Based User Calibration Framework for Real-Time Gaze Estimation, A
* Regularized Deep Belief Network for Image Attribute Detection
* Residual-Consensus Driven Linear Matching
* Resolution Independent Real-Time Vector-Embedded Mesh for Animation
* Riemannian Alternative Matrix Completion for Image-Based Flame Recognition
* Robust Adaptive Normalized Cross-Correlation for Stereo Matching Cost Computation
* Robust Object Tracking via Locality Sensitive Histograms
* Robust Sparse Coding for Mobile Image Labeling on the Cloud
* Robust Vehicle Detection and Viewpoint Estimation With Soft Discriminative Mixture Model
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Exemplar-Based Detectors
* Robust Visual Tracking via Basis Matching
* Robust Visual Tracking With Multitask Joint Dictionary Learning
* Saliency Detection for Unconstrained Videos Using Superpixel-Level Graph and Spatiotemporal Propagation
* Scalable Approximate DCT Architectures for Efficient HEVC-Compliant Video Coding
* Scalable Face Track Retrieval in Video Archives Using Bag-of-Faces Sparse Representation
* Scalable Mammogram Retrieval Using Composite Anchor Graph Hashing With Iterative Quantization
* Search Tracker: Human-Derived Object Tracking in the Wild Through Large-Scale Search and Retrieval
* Segmental Prediction for Video Coding
* Semiparametric Decolorization With Laplacian-Based Perceptual Quality Metric
* Separable Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted Palette Images With Color Partitioning and Flipping Verification
* Simple Algorithm of Superpixel Segmentation With Boundary Constraint, A
* Soccer Video Event Annotation by Synchronization of Attack-Defense Clips and Match Reports With Coarse-Grained Time Information
* SPA: Sparse Photorealistic Animation Using a Single RGB-D Camera
* Sparse Low-Rank Matrix Approximation for Data Compression
* Spatio-Temporal CRF for Human Interaction Understanding, A
* Spatiotemporal Colorization of Video Using 3D Steerable Pyramids
* SSIM-Motivated Two-Pass VBR Coding for HEVC
* Stereoscopic Image Stitching Based on a Hybrid Warping Model
* Streaming Mobile Cloud Gaming Video Over TCP With Adaptive Source-FEC Coding
* Structured Domain Adaptation
* Successfully Mapping DASH Over a P2P Live Streaming Architecture
* Superpixel-Based Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis
* Superpixels by Bilateral Geodesic Distance
* Support Vector Motion Clustering
* Temporal Pyramid Pooling-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Toward Abnormal Trajectory and Event Detection in Video Surveillance
* Tracking Social Groups Within and Across Cameras
* Transductive Video Segmentation on Tree-Structured Model
* Two-Layer Gaussian Process Regression With Example Selection for Image Dehazing
* Two-Stream Dictionary Learning Architecture for Action Recognition
* Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on a Multilayer Inference Framework
* Variable Bandwidth Weighting for Texture Copy Artifact Suppression in Guided Depth Upsampling
* Video Compressive Sensing Reconstruction via Reweighted Residual Sparsity
* Video Stabilization for Strict Real-Time Applications
* Video-Based Human Walking Estimation Using Joint Gait and Pose Manifolds
* Video-Based Outdoor Human Reconstruction
* Visual Tracking via Joint Discriminative Appearance Learning
* Visual Tracking via Probabilistic Hypergraph Ranking
* Visual-Attention-Based Background Modeling for Detecting Infrequently Moving Objects
* VLSI Architecture of a Highly Efficient Deblocking Filter for HEVC Systems, The
* VLSI Implementation of HEVC Motion Compensation With Distance Biased Direct Cache Mapping for 8K UHDTV Applications
* Weighted Low-Rank Decomposition for Robust Grayscale-Thermal Foreground Detection
216 for CirSysVideo(27)

CirSysVideo(28) * *Special Issue on Large-scale Visual Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications
* 3D Action Recognition Using Multiscale Energy-Based Global Ternary Image
* 3D Feature Constrained Reconstruction for Low-Dose CT Imaging
* 3D Human Action Recognition Using a Single Depth Feature and Locality-Constrained Affine Subspace Coding
* Access Types Effect on Internet Video Services and Its Implications on CDN Caching
* Activity Recognition in Sensor Data Streams for Active and Assisted Living Environments
* Adaptive Patch-Based Reconstruction Scheme for View Synthesis by Disparity Estimation Using Optical Flow, An
* Adaptive Quantization Parameter Selection For H.265/HEVC by Employing Inter-Frame Dependency
* Adaptive Resolution Optimization and Tracklet Reliability Assessment for Efficient Multi-Object Tracking
* Adaptive Streaming of HEVC Tiled Videos Using MPEG-DASH
* ADORE: An Adaptive Holons Representation Framework for Human Pose Estimation
* Advanced Multimedia Power-Saving Method Using a Dynamic Pixel Dimmer on AMOLED Displays
* Alignment Distances on Systems of Bags
* All-In-Focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Image Matting
* Anchored Neighborhood Index for Face Sketch Synthesis
* Assessing Perceived Image Quality Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials and Spatio-Spectral Decomposition
* Automatic Generation of Social Event Storyboard From Image Click-Through Data
* Background Extraction Based on Joint Gaussian Conditional Random Fields
* Background Subtraction Using Spatio-Temporal Group Sparsity Recovery
* Beyond Visual Retargeting: A Feature Retargeting Approach for Visual Recognition and Its Applications
* Bilevel Multiview Latent Space Learning
* Binocular-Combination-Oriented Perceptual Rate-Distortion Optimization for Stereoscopic Video Coding
* Blind Dual Watermarking for Color Images: Authentication and Copyright Protection
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Local Consistency Aware Retriever and Uncertainty Aware Evaluator
* BoMW: Bag of Manifold Words for One-Shot Learning Gesture Recognition From Kinect
* Budget-Efficient Viral Video Distribution Over Online Social Networks: Mining Topic-Aware Influential Users
* Bundled Local Features for Image Representation
* Cache Behavior Characterization and Validation Over Large-Scale Video Data
* Checksum-Filtered List Decoding Applied to H.264 and H.265 Video Error Correction
* Classification of Multidimensional Time-Evolving Data Using Histograms of Grassmannian Points
* Coarse-to-Fine Algorithm for Matching and Registration in 3D Cross-Source Point Clouds, A
* Coarse-to-Fine PatchMatch for Dense Correspondence
* Collaborative Visual Cryptography Schemes
* Compact VLSI System for Bio-Inspired Visual Motion Estimation, A
* Computation and Memory Efficient Image Segmentation
* Constrained Optimization Approach for Image Gradient Enhancement, A
* Content-Adaptive Feature-Based CU Size Prediction for Fast Low-Delay Video Encoding in HEVC
* Context-Based Fractional Sample Refinement for HEVC Compliant Encoding
* Continuous QoE Evaluation Framework for Video Streaming Over HTTP, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for Intra Frame Coding
* Coordinating Distributed Algorithms for Feature Extraction Offloading in Multi-Camera Visual Sensor Networks
* Copy and Paste: Temporally Consistent Stereoscopic Video Blending
* Count on Me: Learning to Count on a Single Image
* Cross-Agent Action Recognition
* Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Using Video Slice Header Information for Wireless Transmission Over LTE
* Crowd Counting via Weighted VLAD on a Dense Attribute Feature Map
* Crowd Tracking by Group Structure Evolution
* DASH-Based Multi-View Video Streaming System
* Data-Driven Background Subtraction Algorithm for In-Camera Acceleration in Thermal Imagery
* DC Coefficient Estimation of Intra-Predicted Residuals in HEVC
* Deep Co-Space: Sample Mining Across Feature Transformation for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Deep Deformable Patch Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Hybrid Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Localized Metric Learning
* Deep Metric Learning for Crowdedness Regression
* Deep Multi-View Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
* Deep Representation for Finger-Vein Image-Quality Assessment
* Delay-Aware Resource Provisioning for Cost-Efficient Cloud Gaming
* Delay-Power-Rate-Distortion Optimization of Video Representations for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming
* Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features for Saliency Detection
* Dense Invariant Feature-Based Support Vector Ranking for Cross-Camera Person Reidentification
* Design and FPGA-Based Realization of a Chaotic Secure Video Communication System
* Direct 3D Object Tracking Method Based on Dynamic Textured Model Rendering and Extended Dense Feature Fields, A
* Directional Transforms for Video Coding Based on Lifting on Graphs
* Distribution Sensitive Product Quantization
* Diversity-Based Reference Picture Management for Low Delay Screen Content Coding
* DPPDL: A Dynamic Partial-Parallel Data Layout for Green Video Surveillance Storage
* Driver Facial Landmark Detection in Real Driving Situations
* Effective Data Driven Coding Unit Size Decision Approaches for HEVC INTRA Coding
* Efficient Four-Parameter Affine Motion Model for Video Coding, An
* Efficient H.264-to-HEVC Transcoding Based on Motion Propagation and Post-Order Traversal of Coding Tree Units
* Efficient Method of Crowd Aggregation Computation in Public Areas, An
* Efficient Multi-Rate Video Encoding for HEVC-Based Adaptive HTTP Streaming
* Efficient Multiple-Line-Based Intra Prediction for HEVC
* Efficient VLSI Architecture for Edge-Oriented Demosaicking
* EgoSampling: Wide View Hyperlapse From Egocentric Videos
* Encoded Semantic Tree for Automatic User Profiling Applied to Personalized Video Summarization
* End-to-End Compression Framework Based on Convolutional Neural Networks, An
* Energy Efficient Canny Edge Detector for Advanced Mobile Vision Applications
* Energy-Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer for Real-Time Video Streaming Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* Energy-Efficient Traffic Rate Adaptation for Wireless Streaming Media Transmission
* Enhanced Macroblock Features for Dynamic Background Modeling in H.264/AVC Video Encoded at Low Bitrate
* Ensemble Subspace Segmentation Under Blockwise Constraints
* Estimating Depth From Monocular Images as Classification Using Deep Fully Convolutional Residual Networks
* Event-Guided Structured Output Tracking of Fast-Moving Objects Using a CeleX Sensor
* Example-Based 3D Trajectory Extraction of Objects From 2D Videos
* Explicit Edge Inconsistency Evaluation Model for Color-Guided Depth Map Enhancement
* Exploiting the Spatio-Temporal Attributes of HD Videos: A Bandwidth Efficient Approach
* Extrinsic Camera Calibration Without Visible Corresponding Points Using Omnidirectional Cameras
* Fast and Resource-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Modified Line Segment Detector
* Fast Full-Search-Equivalent Pattern Matching Using Asymmetric Haar Wavelet Packets
* Fast Grayscale-Thermal Foreground Detection With Collaborative Low-Rank Decomposition
* Fast Hash-Based Inter-Block Matching for Screen Content Coding
* Fast Integer Motion Estimation With Bottom-Up Motion Vector Prediction for an HEVC Encoder
* Fast Landmark Localization With 3D Component Reconstruction and CNN for Cross-Pose Recognition
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Grayscale Similarity and Inter-View Correlation for Depth Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Fast Optical Flow Estimation Based on the Split Bregman Method
* Fast Volume Seam Carving With Multipass Dynamic Programming
* FatRegion: A Fast Adaptive Tree-Structured Region Extraction Approach
* Feedback-Based Robust Video Stabilization Method for Traffic Videos, A
* Finger Vein Recognition With Anatomy Structure Analysis
* First-Person Daily Activity Recognition With Manipulated Object Proposals and Non-Linear Feature Fusion
* Flexible and Robust Threshold Selection Method, A
* Focus and Blurriness Measure Using Reorganized DCT Coefficients for an Autofocus Application
* Foreground Segmentation in Videos Combining General Gaussian Mixture Modeling and Spatial Information
* FPGA-Based Hardware Implementation of Real-Time Optical Flow Calculation
* Geometry-Aware Similarity Learning on SPD Manifolds for Visual Recognition
* Globally Measuring the Similarity of Superpixels by Binary Edge Maps for Superpixel Clustering
* GrIMS: Green Information-Centric Multimedia Streaming Framework in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Ground-Truth Data Set and Baseline Evaluations for Base-Detail Separation Algorithms at the Part Level
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large Scale and Nonlinear Similarity Learning for Intelligent Video Analysis
* Hand Gesture Recognition With Multiscale Weighted Histogram of Contour Direction Normalization for Wearable Applications
* Hardware Architecture for Cell-Based Feature-Extraction and Classification Using Dual-Feature Space, A
* Hardware Architecture for the Affine-Invariant Extension of SIFT, A
* Hardware-Oriented IME Algorithm for HEVC and Its Hardware Implementation, A
* Heterogeneous Parallel Processor for High-Speed Vision Chip, A
* Hierarchical and Parallel Pipelined Heterogeneous SoC for Embedded Vision Processing
* Hierarchical Spatial Sum-Product Networks for Action Recognition in Still Images
* High-Precision Low-Area Unified Architecture for Lossy and Lossless 3D Multi-Level Discrete Wavelet Transform, A
* HTTP/2 Push-Based Low-Delay Live Streaming Over Mobile Networks With Stream Termination
* Human Action Recognition Using 3D Reconstruction Data
* Identification of Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion Based on Residual Signals
* Identification of Various Image Operations Using Residual-Based Features
* Image Class Prediction by Joint Object, Context, and Background Modeling
* Image Classification With Tailored Fine-Grained Dictionaries
* Image Denoising via Low Rank Regularization Exploiting Intra and Inter Patch Correlation
* Image Quality Assessment for Color Correction Based on Color Contrast Similarity and Color Value Difference
* Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification With Temporally Memorized Similarity Learning
* Improved Efficiency on Adaptive Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression Using Range-Adjusting Scheme, Increasingly Adjusting Step, and Mutual-Learning Scheme
* Improved Object Detection With Iterative Localization Refinement in Convolutional Neural Networks
* In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subjective Behavior and Objective Algorithms
* Incremental Learning With Saliency Map for Moving Object Detection
* Information Geometry-Based Distance Between High-Dimensional Covariances for Scalable Classification, An
* Instance Selection Using Nonlinear Sparse Modeling
* Inverse Nonnegative Local Coordinate Factorization for Visual Tracking
* Isophote-Constrained Autoregressive Model With Adaptive Window Extension for Image Interpolation
* Joint Image Registration and Superresolution Method Using a Combinational Continuous Generative Model, A
* Kernel-Based Semantic Hashing for Gait Retrieval
* L1-Norm Distance Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on an Effective Iterative Algorithm
* lambda-Domain Optimal Bit Allocation Algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Large-Scale Gesture Recognition With a Fusion of RGB-D Data Based on Saliency Theory and C3D Model
* Large-Scale Video Retrieval Using Image Queries
* Latent Bi-Constraint SVM for Video-Based Object Recognition
* Learning a General Assignment Model for Video Analytics
* Learning Affective Features With a Hybrid Deep Model for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* Learning Affine Hull Representations for Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification
* Learning Bidirectional Temporal Cues for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Learning From Web Videos for Event Classification
* Learning Parts-Based and Global Representation for Image Classification
* LETRIST: Locally Encoded Transform Feature Histogram for Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification
* Lidar-Based Gait Analysis and Activity Recognition in a 4D Surveillance System
* Light-Powered Smart Camera With Compressed Domain Gesture Detection, A
* Linear Disentangled Representation Learning for Facial Actions
* Local Gradient Hexa Pattern: A Descriptor for Face Recognition and Retrieval
* Local Inverse Tone Mapping for Scalable High Dynamic Range Image Coding
* Local Large-Margin Multi-Metric Learning for Face and Kinship Verification
* Localized LRR on Grassmann Manifold: An Extrinsic View
* Locating 3D Object Proposals: A Depth-Based Online Approach
* Low-Complexity Joint Temporal-Quality Scalability Rate Control for H.264/SVC
* Low-Complexity Order-64 Integer Cosine Transform Design and its Application in HEVC
* Mixture Statistic Metric Learning for Robust Human Action and Expression Recognition
* Modeling the Energy Consumption of the HEVC Decoding Process
* MPEG Internet Video Coding Standard and Its Performance Evaluation
* MSMCT: Multi-State Multi-Camera Tracker
* Multi-Level Common Space Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Multimodal Deep Embedding via Hierarchical Grounded Compositional Semantics
* Multimodal Visual Data Registration for Web-Based Visualization in Media Production
* Multiplier-Less Stream Processor for 2D Filtering in Visual Search Applications
* Near-Infrared Fusion via Color Regularization for Haze and Color Distortion Removals
* New Accurate and Fast Homography Computation Algorithm for Sports and Traffic Video Analysis, A
* New Distortion Function Design for JPEG Steganography Using the Generalized Uniform Embedding Strategy, A
* Nonlinear Structural Hashing for Scalable Video Search
* Not All Negatives Are Equal: Learning to Track With Multiple Background Clusters
* Novel PID-Fuzzy Video Rate Controller for High-Delay Applications of the HEVC Standard
* Novel Video Coding Framework Using a Self-Adaptive Dictionary, A
* Object Proposal Generation With Fully Convolutional Networks
* Object Shape Approximation and Contour Adaptive Depth Image Coding for Virtual View Synthesis
* Octagonal Mapping Scheme for Panoramic Video Encoding
* Once for All: A Two-Flow Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Tracking
* Online-Learning-Based Human Tracking Across Non-Overlapping Cameras
* Optimal Region Selection for Stereoscopic Video Subtitle Insertion
* Optimizing the Detection Performance of Smart Camera Networks Through a Probabilistic Image-Based Model
* Overview of Digital Video Watermarking, An
* P2SNet: Can an Image Match a Video for Person Re-Identification in an End-to-End Way?
* PageSense: Toward Stylewise Contextual Advertising via Visual Analysis of Web Pages
* Pair-Activity Analysis From Video Using Qualitative Trajectory Calculus
* Panoramic Face Recognition
* Parallel Content-Aware Adaptive Quantization-Oriented Lossy Frame Memory Recompression for HEVC
* Partial Depth Image Based Re-Rendering for Synthesized View Distortion Computation
* Patch Matching for Image Denoising Using Neighborhood-Based Collaborative Filtering
* Peer-Assisted Video Streaming With RTMFP Flash Player: A Measurement Study on PPTV
* Performance Analysis of Thunder Crystal: A Crowdsourcing-Based Video Distribution Platform
* Person Reidentification Using Attribute-Restricted Projection Metric Learning
* Pipelines for HDR Video Coding Based on Luminance Independent Chromaticity Preprocessing
* Playout Continuity Driven Framework for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Over LTE Networks
* PMSC: PatchMatch-Based Superpixel Cut for Accurate Stereo Matching
* Pooling the Convolutional Layers in Deep ConvNets for Video Action Recognition
* Positive and Negative Label Propagations
* Power-Constrained Image Enhancement Using Multiband Processing for TFT LCD Devices With an Edge LED Backlight Unit
* Practical Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* Prediction-Based and Locality-Aware Task Scheduling for Parallelizing Video Transcoding Over Heterogeneous MapReduce Cluster
* Probability-Based Depth Intra-Mode Skipping Strategy and Novel VSO Metric for DMM Decision in 3D-HEVC
* Pushing the Limits of Deep CNNs for Pedestrian Detection
* RA Code: A Robust and Aesthetic Code for Resolution-Constrained Applications
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Sparse Coding With Ordered Dictionary for Image Set Compression
* Readability Enhancement of Displayed Images Under Ambient Light
* Real-Time 3-D Facial Animation: From Appearance to Internal Articulators
* Real-Time Adaptive Histogram Min-Max Bucket (HMMB) Model for Background Subtraction
* Real-Time Moving Object Segmentation and Classification From HEVC Compressed Surveillance Video
* Realizing Low-Cost Flash Memory Based Video Caching in Content Delivery Systems
* Reconstruction of Compressed-Sensed Multiview Video With Disparity- and Motion-Compensated Total Variation Minimization
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images
* Region Adaptive R-lambda Model-Based Rate Control for Depth Maps Coding
* Region-Aware Image Denoising by Exploring Parameter Preference
* Replicating Coded Content in Crowdsourcing-Based CDN Systems
* Residual Networks of Residual Networks: Multilevel Residual Networks
* Reversible Data Hiding in Homomorphic Encrypted Domain by Mirroring Ciphertext Group
* Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plate Detection and Recognition
* Robust and Flexible Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* Robust Likelihood Model for Illumination Invariance in Particle Filtering
* Robust Monocular 3D Car Shape Estimation From 2D Landmarks
* Robust Multibit Multiplicative Watermark Decoder Using a Vector-Based Hidden Markov Model in Wavelet Domain, A
* Robust RGB-D Hand Tracking Using Deep Learning Priors
* Robust Stereoscopic Crosstalk Prediction
* Robust Target Tracking by Online Random Forests and Superpixels
* Robust Visual Tracking via Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal Context Learning
* RWBD: Learning Robust Weighted Binary Descriptor for Image Matching
* Saliency Dispersion Measure for Improving Saliency-Based Image Quality Metrics, A
* Salient Region Detection via Discriminative Dictionary Learning and Joint Bayesian Inference
* Scalable Discrete Supervised Multimedia Hash Learning With Clustering
* Screen Content Image Quality Assessment Using Multi-Scale Difference of Gaussian
* Screen Orientation Aware DRAM Architecture for Mobile Video and Graphic Applications
* Second- and High-Order Graph Matching for Correspondence Problems
* Semi-Supervised Cross-View Projection-Based Dictionary Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Shape-Preserving Object Depth Control for Stereoscopic Images
* Simultaneous Depth and Spectral Imaging With a Cross-Modal Stereo System
* Skeleton Optical Spectra-Based Action Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* SLMOML: Online Metric Learning With Global Convergence
* Spatiotemporal Coherence-Based Annotation Placement for Surveillance Videos
* Spatiotemporal Low-Rank Modeling for Complex Scene Background Initialization
* Split-and-Merge-Based Block Partitioning for High Efficiency Image Coding
* Stereoview to Multiview Conversion Architecture for Auto-Stereoscopic 3D Displays
* Stochastic Attribute Grammar for Robust Cross-View Human Tracking, A
* Structure Adaptive Total Variation Minimization-Based Image Decomposition
* Structure-Adaptive Fuzzy Estimation for Random-Valued Impulse Noise Suppression
* Student's t-Hidden Markov Model for Unsupervised Learning Using Localized Feature Selection
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Compressed 4K UHD Videos for Immersive Experience
* Subspace Clustering With K-Support Norm
* Subspace Segmentation by Correlation Adaptive Regression
* Superimposed Modulation for Soft Video Delivery With Hidden Resources
* Superpixel Guided Deep-Sparse-Representation Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Superpixel-Based Causal Multisensor Video Fusion
* Survey of Content-Aware Video Analysis for Sports, A
* T-CNN: Tubelets With Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection from Videos
* Threshold-Guided Design and Optimization for Harris Corner Detector Architecture
* Toward Always-On Mobile Object Detection: Energy Versus Performance Tradeoffs for Embedded HOG Feature Extraction
* Toward Domain Transfer for No-Reference Quality Prediction of Asymmetrically Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Toward Encrypted Video Tampering Detection and Localization Based on POB Number System Over Cloud
* Toward Wi-Fi AP-Assisted Content Prefetching for an On-Demand TV Series: A Learning-Based Approach
* Tracking With Static and Dynamic Structured Correlation Filters
* Traffic Analytics With Low-Frame-Rate Videos
* Two-Stage Approach for Robust HEVC Coding and Streaming, A
* Two-Stage Fast Inter CU Decision for HEVC Based on Bayesian Method and Conditional Random Fields
* Unconstrained Face Recognition Using a Set-to-Set Distance Measure on Deep Learned Features
* Understanding and Removal of False Contour in HEVC Compressed Images
* Unified Metric Learning-Based Framework for Co-Saliency Detection, A
* Unified Sparse Subspace Learning via Self-Contained Regression
* Unsupervised Method to Extract Video Object via Complexity Awareness and Object Local Parts, An
* Variable Block-Sized Signal-Dependent Transform for Video Coding
* Variable-Clock-Cycle-Path VLSI Design of Binary Arithmetic Decoder for H.265/HEVC, A
* Variant SemiBoost for Improving Human Detection in Application Scenes
* Video Co-Saliency Guided Co-Segmentation
* Video Foreground Cosegmentation Based on Common Fate
* Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Motion Context
* Visual Tracking via Nonlocal Similarity Learning
* VLSI Architecture Exploration of Guided Image Filtering for 1080P 60Hz Video Processing
* Weakly Supervised Multimodal Hashing for Scalable Social Image Retrieval
* Weighted Rate-Distortion Optimization for Screen Content Coding
* WeSamBE: A Weight-Sample-Based Method for Background Subtraction
* XOR-Based Visual Cryptographic Schemes With Monotonously Increasing and Flawless Reconstruction Properties
281 for CirSysVideo(28)

CirSysVideo(29) * 2D-LBP: An Enhanced Local Binary Feature for Texture Image Classification
* 3D Object Retrieval Based on Multi-View Latent Variable Model
* 68-mw 2.2 Tops/w Low Bit Width and Multiplierless DCNN Object Detection Processor for Visually Impaired People, A
* Accelerating Flexible Manifold Embedding for Scalable Semi-Supervised Learning
* Action Parsing-Driven Video Summarization Based on Reinforcement Learning
* Action Recognition With Spatio-Temporal Visual Attention on Skeleton Image Sequences
* Adaptive CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction Based on Complexity Classification Using Machine Learning, An
* Adaptive Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Scene-Specific Object Detection
* Adaptive Method for Image Dynamic Range Adjustment, An
* Adaptive Multi-Projection Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification Across Non-Overlapping Cameras, An
* Adaptive Polar Active Contour for Segmentation and Tracking in Ultrasound Videos
* Adaptive Quantizer for High Dynamic Range Content: Application to Video Coding, An
* Adaptive Streaming in Interactive Multiview Video Systems
* Adaptive Texture-Preserving Denoising Method Using Gradient Histogram and Nonlocal Self-Similarity Priors
* Adversarial Deep Tracking
* Aggregation of Rich Depth-Aware Features in a Modified Stacked Generalization Model for Single Image Depth Estimation
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of a Hardware-Efficient Image Dehazing Engine
* Aligning 2.5D Scene Fragments With Distinctive Local Geometric Features and Voting-Based Correspondences
* Assessing Visual Quality of Omnidirectional Videos
* Attention-Based 3D-CNNs for Large-Vocabulary Sign Language Recognition
* Background Subtraction Based on Integration of Alternative Cues in Freely Moving Camera
* BDPK: Bayesian Dehazing Using Prior Knowledge
* Beyond Counting: Comparisons of Density Maps for Crowd Analysis Tasks: Counting, Detection, and Tracking
* Beyond the Watching: Understanding Viewer Interactions in Crowdsourced Live Video Broadcasting Services
* Binocular Fusion Net: Deep Learning Visual Comfort Assessment for Stereoscopic 3D
* Blind Video Quality Assessment With Weakly Supervised Learning and Resampling Strategy
* BLIQUE-TMI: Blind Quality Evaluator for Tone-Mapped Images Based on Local and Global Feature Analyses
* Body Parts Synthesis for Cross-Quality Pose Estimation
* Cascaded Deep Networks With Multiple Receptive Fields for Infrared Image Super-Resolution
* CG-Cast: Scalable Wireless Image SoftCast Using Compressive Gradient
* Change Detection by Training a Triplet Network for Motion Feature Extraction
* Color Image Encryption Using Pixel Scrambling Operator and Reality-Preserving MPFRHT
* Color-Sensitivity-Based Combined PSNR for Objective Video Quality Assessment
* Combined Static and Motion Features for Deep-Networks-Based Activity Recognition in Videos
* Comparative Evaluations of Selected Tracking-by-Detection Approaches
* Complementary Color Wavelet: A Novel Tool for the Color Image/Video Analysis and Processing
* Comprehensive Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images
* Compressed-Domain Highway Vehicle Counting by Spatial and Temporal Regression
* Content Harvest Network: Optimizing First Mile for Crowdsourced Live Streaming
* Context Driven Optimized Perceptual Video Summarization and Retrieval
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for HEVC
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Fractional-Pixel Motion Compensation
* Cross-Line Pedestrian Counting Based on Spatially-Consistent Two-Stage Local Crowd Density Estimation and Accumulation
* Data Set for Airborne Maritime Surveillance Environments, A
* Deadline and Buffer Constrained Knapsack Problem
* Decoding-Energy-Rate-Distortion Optimization for Video Coding
* Deep Architectures and Ensembles for Semantic Video Classification
* Deep CNNs for Object Detection Using Passive Millimeter Sensors
* Deep Continuous Conditional Random Fields With Asymmetric Inter-Object Constraints for Online Multi-Object Tracking
* Deeply Supervised Depth Map Super-Resolution as Novel View Synthesis
* Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
* Depth-Bin-Based Graphical Model for Fast View Synthesis Distortion Estimation, A
* Dictionary Learning-Based, Directional, and Optimized Prediction for Lenslet Image Coding
* Direction Selective Contour Detection for Salient Objects
* Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Pattern Discovery for 3D Action Recognition
* Distortion Estimation-Based Adaptive Power Allocation for Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission
* Dual-Stream Recurrent Neural Network for Video Captioning
* Dynamic 3D Hand Gesture Recognition by Learning Weighted Depth Motion Maps
* Dynamic Non-Regular Sampling Sensor Using Frequency Selective Reconstruction
* Dynamic Priority-Based Resource Provisioning for Video Transcoding With Heterogeneous QoS
* Effective Gradient Descent-Based Chroma Subsampling Method for Bayer CFA Images in HEVC
* Effective Parallelization of a High-Order Graph Matching Algorithm for GPU Execution
* Efficient Algorithm Adaptations and Fully Parallel Hardware Architecture of H.265/HEVC Intra Encoder
* Efficient Chroma Sub-Sampling and Luma Modification for Color Image Compression
* Efficient Prediction Methods With Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Correlation for HEVC
* Efficient Rate-Distortion Optimization Method for Low-Delay Configuration in H.265/HEVC Based on Temporal Layer Rate and Distortion Dependence, An
* Efficient Segmentation-Based PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow Estimation
* Efficient Shape Coding for Object-Based 3D Video Applications
* Efficient Variable Rate Image Compression with Multi-Scale Decomposition Network
* Efficient Video Object Co-Localization With Co-Saliency Activated Tracklets
* Encoding Shaky Videos by Integrating Efficient Video Stabilization
* End User Video Quality Prediction and Coding Parameters Selection at the Encoder for Robust HEVC Video Transmission
* Energy-Aware Encryption for Securing Video Transmission in Internet of Multimedia Things
* Energy-Aware Motion and Disparity Estimation System for 3D-HEVC With Run-Time Adaptive Memory Hierarchy
* Enhanced Bi-Prediction With Convolutional Neural Network for High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Enhancing Quality for HEVC Compressed Videos
* Face Alignment Accelerator Based on Optimized Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching, A
* Fast Coding Unit Partition Decision for HEVC Using Support Vector Machines
* Fast CU Depth Decision for HEVC Using Neural Networks
* Fast Fine-Grained Image Classification via Weakly Supervised Discriminative Localization
* Fast Image Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Entropy-Preserving Mapping Prior, A
* Fast Palette Mode Decision Methods for Coding Game Videos With HEVC-SCC
* Fast Parallel Implementation of Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Fast Single-Image Super-Resolution via Deep Network With Component Learning
* Feature-Based Image Patch Classification for Moving Shadow Detection
* Fencing Tactics Analysis in Broadcast Video: A Point-by-Point Analytical System
* Filtering-Based Framework for Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Fingerprint Pore Comparison Using Local Features and Spatial Relations
* Fish Tracking and Segmentation From Stereo Videos on the Wild Sea Surface for Electronic Monitoring of Rail Fishing
* Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image With Image Inpainting
* Flexible Motion Vector Resolution Prediction for Video Coding
* Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image Memorability Prediction, A
* Fusing Object Semantics and Deep Appearance Features for Scene Recognition
* Generalized Robust Regression for Jointly Sparse Subspace Learning
* Generating Realistic Videos From Keyframes With Concatenated GANs
* GiantClient: Video HotSpot for Multi-User Streaming
* Glance and Stare: Trapping Flying Birds in Aerial Videos by Adaptive Deep Spatio-Temporal Features
* Gradient-Based Camera Exposure Control for Outdoor Mobile Platforms
* Hadamard Transform-Based Optimized HEVC Video Coding
* Hardware-Accelerated System for High Resolution Real-Time Screen Sharing, A
* Heterogeneous Association Graph Fusion for Target Association in Multiple Object Tracking
* HEVC-Compliant Fast Screen Content Transcoding Framework Based on Mode Mapping, An
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Ensemble for Objectness in RGB-D Images
* Hierarchical Improvement of Foreground Segmentation Masks in Background Subtraction
* Hierarchical Integration of Rich Features for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical Model for Human Action Recognition From Body-Parts, A
* Hierarchically Learned View-Invariant Representations for Cross-View Action Recognition
* High Capacity Multi-Level Approach for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images, A
* High-Order Statistical Modeling Based on a Decision Tree for Distributed Video Coding
* High-Performance Algorithm Adaptations and Hardware Architecture for HEVC Intra Encoders
* High-Quality Color Image Compression by Quantization Crossing Color Spaces
* High-Throughput Architecture for Both Lossless and Near-lossless Compression Modes of LOCO-I Algorithm
* High-Throughput VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Full-HD Gradient Guided Image Filter, A
* Highly Parallel Hardware Architecture of Table-Based CABAC Bit Rate Estimator in an HEVC Intra Encoder, A
* Highly Paralleled Low-Cost Embedded HEVC Video Encoder on TI KeyStone Multicore DSP
* Horizontal and Vertical Nuclear Norm-Based 2DLDA for Image Representation
* How to Assess the Quality of Compressed Surveillance Videos Using Face Recognition
* How to Estimate Global Motion Non-Iteratively From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field
* Human Gait Recognition Based on Deterministic Learning and Data Stream of Microsoft Kinect
* Human Pose Estimation in Video via Structured Space Learning and Halfway Temporal Evaluation
* Hybrid Modeling of Non-Rigid Scenes From RGBD Cameras
* Hybrid Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for Energy-Efficient Parallel HEVC
* Hyper-Clique Graph Matching and Applications
* Identifying Computer Generated Images Based on Quaternion Central Moments in Color Quaternion Wavelet Domain
* Image Boundary Extension With Mean Value for Cosine-Sine Modulated Lapped/Block Transforms
* Image Recapture Prevention Using Secure Display Schemes on Polarized 3D System
* Implicit and Explicit Concept Relations in Deep Neural Networks for Multi-Label Video/Image Annotation
* Improved Approach to Exposing JPEG Seam Carving Under Recompression, An
* Improved Search in Hamming Space Using Deep Multi-Index Hashing
* Improving Pairwise PEE via Hybrid-Dimensional Histogram Generation and Adaptive Mapping Selection
* Increasing Imaging Resolution by Non-Regular Sampling and Joint Sparse Deconvolution and Extrapolation
* Incremental Tensor-Based Completion Method for Detection of Stationary Foreground Objects
* Interactive Hierarchical Object Proposals
* Introduction to the Special Section on Deep Learning for Visual Surveillance
* IR Feature Embedded BOF Indexing Method for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* Iterative Multiple Hypothesis Tracking With Tracklet-Level Association
* Iterative Relaxed Collaborative Representation With Adaptive Weights Learning for Noise Robust Face Hallucination
* Joint Feature and Texture Coding: Toward Smart Video Representation via Front-End Intelligence
* k Out of n Region-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
* KRMARO: Aerial Detection of Small-Size Ground Moving Objects Using Kinematic Regularization and Matrix Rank Optimization
* LDS-Inspired Residual Networks
* Learning Compact Appearance Representation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Learning Coupled Convolutional Networks Fusion for Video Saliency Prediction
* Learning Intra-Video Difference for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Local-Global Multi-Graph Descriptors for RGB-T Object Tracking
* Learning Object Detectors With Semi-Annotated Weak Labels
* LECARM: Low-Light Image Enhancement Using the Camera Response Model
* Light Field Image Compression Based on Bi-Level View Compensation With Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Light Invariant Video Imaging for Improved Performance of Convolution Neural Networks
* Locally Low-Rank Regularized Video Stabilization With Motion Diversity Constraints
* Long-Short-Term Features for Dynamic Scene Classification
* Lossless Image and Intra-Frame Compression With Integer-to-Integer DST
* Low Complexity, Hardware-Efficient Neighbor-Guided SGM Optical Flow for Low-Power Mobile Vision Applications
* Low-Cost Portable Polycamera for Stereoscopic 360° Imaging, A
* Low-Illumination Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on a Physical Lighting Model
* Low-Power Digital Pixel Driving Scheme for Single-Pulse-PWM-Based Display Using AND-Embedded Pixel Circuits, A
* Lyapunov Optimized Resource Management for Multiuser Mobile Video Streaming
* Mask-Pose Cascaded CNN for 2D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Color Image
* Maximum Correntropy Criterion-Based Sparse Subspace Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Mean Curvature Is a Good Regularization for Image Processing
* Microshift: An Efficient Image Compression Algorithm for Hardware
* ML-HDP: A Hierarchical Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Recognizing Human Actions in Video
* Mobile Visual Search Compression With Grassmann Manifold Embedding
* Motion Estimation for Fisheye Video With an Application to Temporal Resolution Enhancement
* Motion-Based Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using a Pre-Analysis Stage, A
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion With a Natural Enhancement via a Joint Multi-Level Deeply Supervised Convolutional Neural Network
* Multi-Fold Gabor, PCA, and ICA Filter Convolution Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Multi-Grained Deep Feature Learning for Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-Layer Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Trilateral Filtering for Multi-View Video
* Multi-Modality Multi-Task Recurrent Neural Network for Online Action Detection
* Multi-Objective Optimization and Characterization of Pareto Points for Scalable Coding
* Multi-Scale Attention Deep Neural Network for Fast Accurate Object Detection
* Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition in Video/Scene/Born Digital Images
* Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multi-View Vehicle Type Recognition With Feedback-Enhancement Multi-Branch CNNs
* Multiple Description Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Compression
* Multiscale Symmetric Dense Micro-Block Difference for Texture Classification
* New Framework of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams
* New No-Reference Method for Judder Artifact Assessment, A
* NIPM-sWMF: Toward Efficient FPGA Design for High-Definition Large-Disparity Stereo Matching
* Nonconvex Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization Based on Adaptive Bisection Method
* Normalized Non-Negative Sparse Encoder for Fast Image Representation
* Novel High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams, A
* Novel Joint Rate Allocation Scheme of Multiple Streams, A
* Novel Motion Detection Method Using 3D Discrete Wavelet Transform, A
* Novel Patch Variance Biased Convolutional Neural Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment, A
* Novel Weight-Shared Multi-Stage CNN for Scale Robustness, A
* Offset Aperture: A Passive Single-Lens Camera for Depth Sensing
* On Input/Output Architectures for Convolutional Neural Network-Based Cross-View Gait Recognition
* On the Minimum Perceptual Temporal Video Sampling Rate and Its Application to Adaptive Frame Skipping
* One-Shot SADI-EPE: A Visual Framework of Event Progress Estimation
* Optimized Tone Mapping Function for Contrast Enhancement Considering Human Visual Perception System
* Ordinal Deep Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Parking Space Status Inference Upon a Deep CNN and Multi-Task Contrastive Network With Spatial Transform
* Patch-Sparsity-Based Image Inpainting Through a Facet Deduced Directional Derivative
* PatchMatch-Based Dense-Field Algorithm for Video Copy-Move Detection and Localization, A
* Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-Identification
* People Counting in Dense Crowd Images Using Sparse Head Detections
* Perceiving Motion From Dynamic Memory for Vehicle Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Perceptual Video Hashing for Content Identification and Authentication
* Performance Analysis of Depth Intra-Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Person Re-Identification by Semantic Region Representation and Topology Constraint
* Pixelwise Deep Sequence Learning for Moving Object Detection
* Pose-Based Composition Improvement for Portrait Photographs
* Predicting Diverse Future Frames With Local Transformation-Guided Masking
* QoE-Driven Adaptive K-Push for HTTP/2 Live Streaming
* Random Matching Pursuit for Image Watermarking
* Randomized Voting-Based Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation
* Rate-Distortion Optimization Using Adaptive Lagrange Multipliers
* Real-Time Convolutional Neural Network for Super-Resolution on FPGA With Applications to 4K UHD 60 fps Video Services, A
* Real-Time Deep Tracking via Corrective Domain Adaptation
* Real-Time High-Quality Complete System for Depth Image-Based Rendering on FPGA, A
* Reality-Preserving Multiple Parameter Discrete Fractional Angular Transform and Its Application to Color Image Encryption
* Recognizing Distractions for Assistive Driving by Tracking Body Parts
* Reconfigurable Architecture for Neural Approximation in Multimedia Computing
* Redefined Block-Lifting-Based Filter Banks With Efficient Reversible Nonexpansive Convolution
* Reference Clip for Inter Prediction in Video Coding
* Reference-Guided Deep Super-Resolution via Manifold Localized External Compensation
* Reliable Line Segment Matching for Multispectral Images Guided by Intersection Matches
* Reliable Re-Detection for Long-Term Tracking
* Residue Number System Hardware Design of Fast-Search Variable-Motion-Estimation Accelerator for HEVC/H.265, A
* Resolution-Aware Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Reversible Data Hiding in Color Image With Grayscale Invariance
* Reversible Data Hiding With Automatic Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement
* Review of Visual Saliency Detection With Comprehensive Information
* Revisiting Jump-Diffusion Process for Visual Tracking: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Robust Discriminative Metric Learning for Image Representation
* Robust Distracter-Resistive Tracker via Learning a Multi-Component Discriminative Dictionary
* Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Component Analysis for Image Representation
* Robust Localization of Interpolated Frames by Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on an Artifact Indicated Map and Tchebichef Moments
* Robust Moving Object Detection in Multi-Scenario Big Data for Video Surveillance, A
* Robust Plane Detection Using Depth Information From a Consumer Depth Camera
* Robust Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Multi-Frame Multi-Feature Joint Modeling
* Salient Object Detection via Two-Stage Graphs
* Scalable Wavelet-Based Coding of Irregular Meshes With Interactive Region-of-Interest Support
* Scene Invariant Virtual Gates Using DNNs
* Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion Measurement
* Selection of Rich Model Steganalysis Features Based on Decision Rough Set alpha-Positive Region Reduction
* Semantic Cues Enhanced Multimodality Multistream CNN for Action Recognition
* Semantics-Aware Visual Object Tracking
* Shared Coded Picture Technique for Tile-Based Viewport-Adaptive Streaming of Omnidirectional Video
* Sharp Attention Network via Adaptive Sampling for Person Re-Identification
* Single Image Depth Estimation With Normal Guided Scale Invariant Deep Convolutional Fields
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition With Gated Convolutional Neural Networks
* Skewed Histogram Shifting for Reversible Data Hiding Using a Pair of Extreme Predictions
* Source Distortion Temporal Propagation Analysis for Random-Access Hierarchical Video Coding Optimization
* Sparse-to-Dense Depth Estimation in Videos via High-Dimensional Tensor Voting
* Spatial and Motion Saliency Prediction Method Using Eye Tracker Data for Video Summarization
* Spatiotemporal Feature Integration and Model Fusion for Full Reference Video Quality Assessment
* Spherical Domain Rate-Distortion Optimization for Omnidirectional Video Coding
* SSDH: Semi-Supervised Deep Hashing for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* Stabilization of Traffic Videos Based on Both Foreground and Background Feature Trajectories
* Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank 2DLPP for Image Classification
* Subjective and Objective Study of Stalling Events in Mobile Streaming Videos, A
* Subspace Clustering Under Complex Noise
* Super Descriptor Tensor Decomposition for Dynamic Scene Recognition, A
* Temporal Frame Interpolation With Motion-Divergence-Guided Occlusion Handling
* Temporal-Layer-Motivated Lambda Domain Picture Level Rate Control for Random-Access Configuration in H.265/HEVC
* Texture-Distortion-Constrained Joint Source-Channel Coding of Multi-View Video Plus Depth-Based 3D Video
* TFDASH: A Fairness, Stability, and Efficiency Aware Rate Control Approach for Multiple Clients Over DASH
* Time-Constrained Video Delivery Using Adaptive Coding Parameters
* Toward a Comprehensive Face Detector in the Wild
* Toward Efficient Image Representation: Sparse Concept Discriminant Matrix Factorization
* Toward Guaranteed Video Experience: Service-Aware Downlink Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Networks
* Towards Accurate Georeferenced Video Search With Camera Field of View Modeling
* Towards Robust Image Steganography
* Trajectory-Based Surveillance Analysis: A Survey
* Trajectory-Pooled Spatial-Temporal Architecture of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Video Event Detection
* Transform Competition for Temporal Prediction in Video Coding
* Triple-Frame-Based Bi-Directional Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Two-Stream Collaborative Learning With Spatial-Temporal Attention for Video Classification
* UHD Video Coding: A Light-Weight Learning-Based Fast Super-Block Approach
* Ultra-Low Complexity Block-Based Lane Detection and Departure Warning System
* Underwater Image Restoration Using Color-Line Model
* Uniform Color Space-Based High Dynamic Range Video Compression
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Robust Class-Wise Matching
* Video Classification With CNNs: Using the Codec as a Spatio-Temporal Activity Sensor
* Video Compression Based on Spatio-Temporal Resolution Adaptation
* Video Person Re-Identification for Wide Area Tracking Based on Recurrent Neural Networks
* Video Saliency Prediction Based on Spatial-Temporal Two-Stream Network
* Video Summarization by Learning Deep Side Semantic Embedding
* Visual Haze Removal by a Unified Generative Adversarial Network
* Visual-Quality Guided Global Backlight Dimming for Video Display on Mobile Devices
* VLSI Design of an Efficient Flicker-Free Video Defogging Method for Real-Time Applications
* Weak to Strong Detector Learning for Simultaneous Classification and Localization
* Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection With Spatiotemporal Cascade Neural Networks
287 for CirSysVideo(29)

CirSysVideo(3) * Adaptation of the MPEG video-coding algorithm to network applications
* Adaptive motion-compensated filtering of noisy image sequences
* Adaptive quadtree coding of motion-compensated image sequences for use on the broadband ISDN
* Advanced packet-video coding based on layered VQ and SBC techniques
* ATM networking and video-coding techniques for QOS control in B-ISDN
* Bandwidth-allocation schemes for variable-bit-rate MPEG sources in ATM networks
* Block wavelet transforms for image coding
* Cell-loss concealment in ATM video codecs
* Coding and cell-loss recovery in DCT-based packet video
* Comments on Iterative procedures for reduction of blocking effects in transform image coding
* DCT-based aliasig cancellation method in subband coding, A
* Design of two-dimensional FIR eigenfilters for sampling-structure conversion
* Digitally assisted deinterlacing for EDTV
* Dynamic search-window adjustment and interlaced search for block-matching algorithm
* flaw detection method based on morphological image processing, A
* Genetic motion search algorithm for video compression
* Hardware realization of a 2D IIR semisystolic filter with application to real-time homomorphic filtering
* HDTV coding using hybrid MRVQ/DCT
* High-resolution still-image transmission based on CCITT H.261 codec
* high-speed real-time binary BCH decoder, A
* Image coding using differential vector quantization
* Image compression using finite-state vector quantization with derailment compensation
* Interleaved pipeline structures for two-dimensional recursive filtering
* modified short-kernel filter pair for perfect reconstruction of HDTV signals, A
* Modular VLSI architectures for real-time full-search-based vector quantization
* Motion-classified autoregressive modeling of variable bit rate video
* Multistage sampling structure conversion of video signals
* New fast algorithms for the estimation of block motion vectors
* Novel Approach for Template Matching by Non-Orthogonal Image Expansion, A
* On the determination of all the sublattices of preassigned index and its application to multidimensional subsampling
* On the fixed-point-error analysis of several fast DCT algorithms
* Parallel implementation of prime-factor discrete cosine transform on the orthogonal multiprocessor
* Performance modeling of video teleconferencing in ATM networks
* Predictive motion-field segmentation for image sequence coding
* Progressive image transmission
* Recent developments in multidimensional multirate systems
* Regularized reconstruction to reduce blocking artifacts of block discrete cosine transform compressed images
* Statistical characterization and block-based modeling of motion-adaptive coded video
* Systolic implementation of multidimensional nonrecursive digital filters
* traffic-control algorithm for ATM networks, A
* Transform coding of monochrome and color images using trellis coded quantization
* Transmission of subband-coded images via mobile channels
* True-motion estimation with 3-D recursive search block matching
* Variable-bit-rate HDTV codec with ATM-cell-loss compensation
* Vector quantization of images using input-dependent weighted square error distortion
* Visual pattern image sequence coding
* VLSI chip set for DPCM coding of HDTV signals, A
47 for CirSysVideo(3)

CirSysVideo(30) * 3D Mapping and 6D Pose Computation for Real Time Augmented Reality on Cylindrical Objects
* 3D Object Pose Estimation Using Multi-Objective Quaternion Learning
* 3D Parallel Fully Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Video Wildfire Smoke Detection
* Accelerator-Aware Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Action Recognition Scheme Based on Skeleton Representation With DS-LSTM Network
* Active Transfer Learning
* Adaptive Discriminative Deep Correlation Filter for Visual Object Tracking
* Adaptive Global and Local Tone Mapping Algorithm Implemented on FPGA, An
* Adaptive Irregular Graph Construction-Based Salient Object Detection
* Adaptive Locality Preserving Regression
* Adaptive Nonlocal Random Walks for Image Superpixel Segmentation
* Adversarial Learning for Depth and Viewpoint Estimation From a Single Image
* Age Factor Removal Network Based on Transfer Learning and Adversarial Learning for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object Detection
* Algorithm and VLSI Architecture Co-Design on Efficient Semi-Global Stereo Matching
* Aligned Dynamic-Preserving Embedding for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Area-Efficient Variable-Size Fixed-Point DCT Architecture for HEVC Encoding, An
* Asymmetric Foveated Just-Noticeable-Difference Model for Images With Visual Field Inhomogeneities
* Atrial Fibrillation Detection From Face Videos by Fusing Subtle Variations
* Attention-Driven Loss for Anomaly Detection in Video Surveillance
* Attribute-Identity Embedding and Self-Supervised Learning for Scalable Person Re-Identification
* Background Modeling in the Fourier Domain for Maritime Infrared Target Detection
* Bayesian Inferred Self-Attentive Aggregation for Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification
* BBC Net: Bounding-Box Critic Network for Occlusion-Robust Object Detection
* Beyond Scalar Neuron: Adopting Vector-Neuron Capsules for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* Beyond Weakly Supervised: Pseudo Ground Truths Mining for Missing Bounding-Boxes Object Detection
* Bi-Sequential Video Error Concealment Method Using Adaptive Homography-Based Registration
* Bilinear Supervised Hashing Based on 2D Image Features
* Binary Image Steganalysis Based on Histogram of Structuring Elements
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Using a Deep Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network
* Blind Quality Assessment for Cartoon Images
* Blind Quality Metric for Contrast-Distorted Images Based on Eigendecomposition of Color Histograms
* Blind Realistic Blur Assessment Based on Discrepancy Learning
* Bridge-GAN: Interpretable Representation Learning for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Calibrated Multivariate Regression Networks
* Camera Geometric Calibration Using Dynamic Single-Pixel Illumination With Deep Learning Networks
* Camera Shooting Resilient Watermarking Scheme for Underpainting Documents, A
* Canonical Illumination Decomposition and Its Applications
* Cascaded Boundary Network for High-Quality Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Cascaded Revision Network for Novel Object Captioning
* Cascaded Stripe Memory Engines for Multi-Scale Object Detection in FPGA
* CBinfer: Exploiting Frame-to-Frame Locality for Faster Convolutional Network Inference on Video Streams
* CDbin: Compact Discriminative Binary Descriptor Learned With Efficient Neural Network
* Centralized Large Margin Cosine Loss for Open-Set Deep Palmprint Recognition
* CFA Video Denoising and Demosaicking Chain via Spatio-Temporal Patch-Based Filtering
* Channel Impulsive Noise Mitigation for Linear Video Coding Schemes
* Channel-Wise and Spatial Feature Modulation Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Class-Oriented Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Clustering Structure-Induced Robust Multi-View Graph Recovery
* CNN-Based Intra-Prediction for Lossless HEVC
* CNN-Based Multiple Path Search for Action Tube Detection in Videos
* Color Transferred Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Dehazing
* Color-Guided Depth Image Recovery With Adaptive Data Fidelity and Transferred Graph Laplacian Regularization
* Comparison of Correlation Filter-Based Trackers and Struck Trackers, A
* Complementation-Reinforced Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Complete Scene Reconstruction by Merging Images and Laser Scans
* Compressed Domain Moving Object Detection Based on CRF
* Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote Sensing Images Over Bandwidth-Constrained Wireless Channels
* Compressive Imaging Using RIP-Compliant CMOS Imager Architecture and Landweber Reconstruction
* Compressive Sensing Multi-Layer Residual Coefficients for Image Coding
* Construction of Diverse Image Datasets From Web Collections With Limited Labeling
* Contour-Aware Long-Term Tracking With Reliable Re-Detection
* Contrast Enhancement via Dual Graph Total Variation-Based Image Decomposition
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Bi-Prediction Utilizing Spatial and Temporal Information in Video Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Intra-Predicted Residues
* Convolutional Reconstruction-to-Sequence for Video Captioning
* Cooperative Tile-Based 360° Panoramic Streaming in Heterogeneous Networks Using Scalable Video Coding
* Correlation Filter Selection for Visual Tracking Using Reinforcement Learning
* Correlation Filter Tracking via Distractor-Aware Learning and Multi-Anchor Detection
* Counting Objects by Blockwise Classification
* Coupled Bilinear Discriminant Projection for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* Cross-Entropy Adversarial View Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Layer Gate-Level-to-Application Co-Simulation for Design Space Exploration of Approximate Circuits in HEVC Video Encoders, A
* Data Augmentation Using Random Image Cropping and Patching for Deep CNNs
* Deep Frame Prediction for Video Coding
* Deep Joint Depth Estimation and Color Correction From Monocular Underwater Images Based on Unsupervised Adaptation Networks
* Deep Learning-Based Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Deep Video Precoding
* Deep Virtual Reality Image Quality Assessment With Human Perception Guider for Omnidirectional Image
* Deep-Learning-Based Lossless Image Coding
* Deeply Associative Two-Stage Representations Learning Based on Labels Interval Extension Loss and Group Loss for Person Re-Identification
* DeepSCC: Deep Learning-Based Fast Prediction Network for Screen Content Coding
* Depth Estimation From Light Field Using Graph-Based Structure-Aware Analysis
* Depth Map Enhancement by Revisiting Multi-Scale Intensity Guidance Within Coarse-to-Fine Stages
* Depth Sequence Coding With Hierarchical Partitioning and Spatial-Domain Quantization
* Depth-Aware Motion Deblurring Using Loopy Belief Propagation
* Depth-Guided Pixel Dimming With Saliency-Oriented Power-Saving Transformation for Stereoscope AMOLED Displays
* Derivative-Based Steganographic Distortion and its Non-additive Extensions for Audio
* Design of a Novel Multiple-Parameter Fractional Number-Theoretic Transform and Its Application to Image Encryption, The
* Detail-Enhanced Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion in YUV Color Space
* Detecting Double JPEG Compressed Color Images With the Same Quantization Matrix in Spherical Coordinates
* Detecting Small Objects Using a Channel-Aware Deconvolutional Network
* Direct Regression Scene Text Detector With Position-Sensitive Segmentation, A
* Discriminative Multi-View Subspace Feature Learning for Action Recognition
* Distortion Rectification From Static to Dynamic: A Distortion Sequence Construction Perspective
* Diversity-Based Cascade Filters for JPEG Steganalysis
* Double Relaxed Regression for Image Classification
* Double-Deep Spatio-Angular Learning Framework for Light Field-Based Face Recognition, A
* Downscaling Factor Estimation on Pre-JPEG Compressed Images
* DR-GAN: Automatic Radial Distortion Rectification Using Conditional GAN in Real-Time
* Driver Drowsiness Recognition via 3D Conditional GAN and Two-Level Attention Bi-LSTM
* DSN: A New Deformable Subnetwork for Object Detection
* Dynamic Deep Pixel Distribution Learning for Background Subtraction
* EAAT: Environment-Aware Adaptive Transmission for Split-Screen Video Streaming
* Early Action Recognition With Category Exclusion Using Policy-Based Reinforcement Learning
* Edge-Preserving Reference Sample Filtering and Mode-Dependent Interpolation for Intra-Prediction
* Efficient CIEDE2000-Based Color Similarity Decision for Computer Vision
* Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Depth-Based Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Efficient Debanding Filtering for Inverse Tone Mapped High Dynamic Range Videos
* Efficient Noise-Level Estimation Based on Principal Image Texture
* Efficient Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection and Localization in Bitstream Video
* Efficient Rationalization of Triplet Halfband Filter Banks and its Application to Image Compression
* Efficient Sampling Algorithm With a K-NN Expanding Operator for Depth Data Acquisition in a LiDAR System, An
* Egocentric Analysis of Dash-Cam Videos for Vehicle Forensics
* Embedding Bilateral Filter in Least Squares for Efficient Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing
* Energy-Efficient FPGA-Based Deconvolutional Neural Networks Accelerator for Single Image Super-Resolution, An
* Energy-Saving Display by Color Pixel Re-Representation
* Enhancement of Noisy and Compressed Videos by Optical Flow and Non-Local Denoising
* Entropy-Based Reweighted Tensor Completion Technique for Video Recovery
* Evaluation of Single-Pixel Camera Resolution, The
* Exemplar-Based Denoising: A Unified Low-Rank Recovery Framework
* Exploiting Trigonometric Properties to Optimize Higher Order DCT Architecture in HEVC
* Exposing Fake Bitrate Videos Using Hybrid Deep-Learning Network From Recompression Error
* Exposure-Based Energy Curve Equalization for Enhancement of Contrast Distorted Images
* Face Recognition Based on Videos by Using Convex Hulls
* Fast 3D-HEVC Depth Map Encoding Using Machine Learning
* Fast and Accurate Action Detection in Videos With Motion-Centric Attention Model
* Fast Depth Map Intra Coding for 3D Video Compression-Based Tensor Feature Extraction and Data Analysis
* Fast Hardware-Based IME With an Idle Cycle and Computational Redundancy Reduction
* Fast Hue-Division-Based Selective Color Transfer
* Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
* FastScan: Robust Low-Complexity Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Video Streaming Over HTTP
* Feature Consistency Training With JPEG Compressed Images
* Features Combined Binary Descriptor Based on Voted Ring-Sampling Pattern
* Few-Shot Visual Classification Using Image Pairs With Binary Transformation
* FilterNet: Adaptive Information Filtering Network for Accurate and Fast Image Super-Resolution
* Fine-Grained Age Estimation in the Wild With Attention LSTM Networks
* Fine-Grained Visual-Textual Representation Learning
* Forward-Inverse 2D Hardware Implementation of Approximate Transform Core for the VVC Standard
* Frank-Wolfe Network: An Interpretable Deep Structure for Non-Sparse Coding
* Fully Homomorphic Encryption Encapsulated Difference Expansion for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Domain
* General Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Generating Stereoscopic Images With Convergence Control Ability From a Light Field Image Pair
* Global Rate-Distortion Optimization-Based Rate Control for HEVC HDR Coding
* Graph Interaction Networks for Relation Transfer in Human Activity Videos
* Graph Laplacian Regularization With Sparse Coding for Image Restoration and Representation
* Greedy Soft Matching for Vascular Tracking of Coronary Angiographic Image Sequences
* Group Low-Rank Representation-Based Discriminant Linear Regression
* Guest Editorial Introduction to Special Section on Learning-Based Image and Video Compression
* Guest Editorial Introduction to Special Section on Modern Reversible Data Hiding and Watermarking
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Intelligent Visual Content Analysis and Understanding
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Representation Learning for Visual Content Understanding
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* Hardware Efficient Architecture for 2D DCT and IDCT Using Taylor-Series Expansion of Trigonometric Functions
* HeadNet: An End-to-End Adaptive Relational Network for Head Detection
* Heterogeneous Acceleration of HAR Applications
* High Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histograms Modification
* High Dynamic Range Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Employing Local Difference Predictor, A
* High-Definition Video Compression System Based on Perception Guidance of Salient Information of a Convolutional Neural Network and HEVC Compression Domain
* High-Level Semantic Networks for Multi-Scale Object Detection
* High-Performance Vision-Based Navigation on SoC FPGA for Spacecraft Proximity Operations
* Human Detection Aided by Deeply Learned Semantic Masks
* Human-Centric Clothing Segmentation via Deformable Semantic Locality-Preserving Network
* Hybrid Video Codec Based on Flexible Block Partitioning With Extensions to the Joint Exploration Model
* Hypothesis Testing Based Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Joint Interaction Modeling
* Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* IENet: Internal and External Patch Matching ConvNet for Web Image Guided Denoising
* Illumination-Invariance Optical Flow Estimation Using Weighted Regularization Transform
* Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive Optimization
* Image and Video Compression With Neural Networks: A Review
* Image Correspondence With CUR Decomposition-Based Graph Completion and Matching
* Image De-Raining Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Image Description With Polar Harmonic Fourier Moments
* Image Haze Removal Using Airlight White Correction, Local Light Filter, and Aerial Perspective Prior
* Implicit Dual-Domain Convolutional Network for Robust Color Image Compression Artifact Reduction
* Improved JPEG Phase-Aware Steganalysis Features Using Multiple Filter Sizes and Difference Images
* Improved Low-Power Cost-Effective DCT Implementation Based on Markov Random Field and Stochastic Logic
* Improving Deep Binary Embedding Networks by Order-Aware Reweighting of Triplets
* Independent Embedding Domain Based Two-Stage Robust Reversible Watermarking
* Intelligent Object Detection and Measurement System Based on Trinocular Vision, An
* Interactive Contour Extraction via Sketch-Alike Dense-Validation Optimization
* Introduction to the Special Section on Contextual Object Analysis in Complex Scenes
* Introduction to the Special Section on Deep Learning in Video Enhancement and Evaluation: The New Frontier
* Iterative Reweighted Tikhonov-Regularized Multihypothesis Prediction Scheme for Distributed Compressive Video Sensing
* Joint Channel Reliability and Correlation Filters Learning for Visual Tracking
* Joint Correlation Filtering for Visual Tracking
* Joint Exploration Model (JEM) for Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC, The
* Joint Framework for Athlete Tracking and Action Recognition in Sports Videos, A
* Joint Heterogeneous Feature Learning and Distribution Alignment for 2D Image-Based 3D Object Retrieval
* Joint Learning of Local and Global Context for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Joint Sparse Learning With Nonlocal and Local Image Priors for Image Error Concealment
* Joint Subspace Recovery and Enhanced Locality Driven Robust Flexible Discriminative Dictionary Learning
* Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing Using Deep Networks
* Jointly Learning Visual Poses and Pose Lexicon for Semantic Action Recognition
* JPEG Steganography With Estimated Side-Information
* Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification With Privileged Information for Biometric Applications
* Learned 3D Shape Representations Using Fused Geometrically Augmented Images: Application to Facial Expression and Action Unit Detection
* Learning for Video Compression
* Learning Low-Rank and Sparse Discriminative Correlation Filters for Coarse-to-Fine Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Simple Thresholded Features With Sparse Support Recovery
* Learning to Score Figure Skating Sport Videos
* Learning-Based Low-Complexity Reverse Tone Mapping With Linear Mapping
* Light Field Super-Resolution By Jointly Exploiting Internal and External Similarities
* Lightweight and Effective Facial Landmark Detection using Adversarial Learning with Face Geometric Map Generative Network
* Local Discriminant Direction Binary Pattern for Palmprint Representation and Recognition
* Long-Term Background Redundancy Reduction for Earth Observatory Video Coding
* Low Complexity System for Multiple Data Embedding Into H.264 Coded Video Bit-Stream, A
* Low CP Rank and Tucker Rank Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Components in Image Data
* Low Power Depth Estimation of Rigid Objects for Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Image and Video Applications
* Low Rank Component Induced Spatial-Spectral Kernel Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Low-Complexity CTU Partition Structure Decision and Fast Intra Mode Decision for Versatile Video Coding
* Low-Power Motion Estimation Architecture for HEVC Based on a New Sum of Absolute Difference Computation, A
* Machine Learning-Based Fast Intra Mode Decision for HEVC Screen Content Coding via Decision Trees
* Mask-Aware Networks for Crowd Counting
* Matching Image and Sentence With Multi-Faceted Representations
* Matting-Based Residual Optimization for Structurally Consistent Image Color Correction
* Memory-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Labeling in Embedded System, A
* Meta-Learning Framework for Learning Multi-User Preferences in QoE Optimization of DASH, A
* METEOR: Measurable Energy Map Toward the Estimation of Resampling Rate via a Convolutional Neural Network
* Missing Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition Based on Smoothed Nuclear Norm
* Modeling and Optimizing of the Multi-Layer Nearest Neighbor Network for Face Image Super-Resolution
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Viewport Adaptive Omnidirectional Video Streaming
* Monocular Depth Estimation With Augmented Ordinal Depth Relationships
* Motion-Appearance Interactive Encoding for Object Segmentation in Unconstrained Videos
* Motion-Aware Rapid Video Saliency Detection
* Movie Question Answering via Textual Memory and Plot Graph
* MUcast: Linear Uncoded Multiuser Video Streaming With Channel Assignment and Power Allocation Optimization
* MUGGLE: MUlti-Stream Group Gaze Learning and Estimation
* Multi-Exposure Decomposition-Fusion Model for High Dynamic Range Image Saliency Detection
* Multi-Manifold Positive and Unlabeled Learning for Visual Analysis
* Multi-Matrices Low-Rank Decomposition With Structural Smoothness for Image Denoising
* Multi-Modal Deep Analysis for Multimedia
* Multi-Person Hierarchical 3D Pose Estimation in Natural Videos
* Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network-Based Intra Prediction for Video Coding
* Multi-Scale Frequency Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution via Deep Residual Network
* Multi-Scale Position Feature Transform Network for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* Multi-Task Hardwired Accelerator for Face Detection and Alignment, A
* Multi-Temporal Ultra Dense Memory Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multimodal Transformer With Multi-View Visual Representation for Image Captioning
* Multiple Histograms-Based Reversible Data Hiding: Framework and Realization
* Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Steganography in Lossy Channels
* New Multi-Focus Image Fusion Algorithm and Its Efficient Implementation, A
* New Payload Partition Strategy in Color Image Steganography, A
* No-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment Based on Spatial-Angular Measurement
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Videos With Inter-Frame Cross on a Content-Rich Database
* Node-Sensitive Graph Fusion via Topo-Correlation for Image Retrieval
* Non-Negative Matrix Factorization With Locality Constrained Adaptive Graph
* Novel Chroma Sampling Methods for CFA Video Compression in AVC, HEVC and VVC
* Novel CNN Training Framework: Loss Transferring, A
* Novel Gaming Video Encoding Process Using In-Game Motion Vectors, A
* Novel Key-Frames Selection Framework for Comprehensive Video Summarization, A
* Object Detection-Based Video Retargeting With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* Objects Discovery Based on Co-Occurrence Word Model With Anchor-Box Polishing
* Occluded Face Recognition in the Wild by Identity-Diversity Inpainting
* Occlusion Pattern Discovery for Object Detection and Occlusion Reasoning
* Omnidirectional 360° Video Coding Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* On Mathematical Models of Optimal Video Memory Design
* Ontology-Based Global and Collective Motion Patterns for Event Classification in Basketball Videos
* Optical Flow Estimation Using Dual Self-Attention Pyramid Networks
* Optimal Discriminative Projection for Sparse Representation-Based Classification via Bilevel Optimization
* Optimal Projection Guided Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Optimal Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Multiple Histograms Modification
* Panoramic Light Field From Hand-Held Video and Its Sampling for Real-Time Rendering
* Parallel VLSI Architecture for Approximate Computation of Discrete Hadamard Transform
* PCC Net: Perspective Crowd Counting via Spatial Convolutional Network
* PEA265: Perceptual Assessment of Video Compression Artifacts
* Perception-Inspired Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Perceptual Texture Similarity, A
* Perceptual Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images by Spatial Continuity
* Person Attribute Recognition by Sequence Contextual Relation Learning
* Photography and Exploration of Tourist Locations Based on Optimal Foraging Theory
* Pipelined 2D Transform Architecture Supporting Mixed Block Sizes for the VVC Standard, A
* Pixel-Level View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3D Video Coding
* Porn Streamer Recognition in Live Video Streaming via Attention-Gated Multimodal Deep Features
* Pose Anchor: A Single-Stage Hand Keypoint Detection Network
* Power-Constrained Image Contrast Enhancement Through Sparse Representation by Joint Mixed-Norm Regularization
* Probabilistic Topic Model for Context-Driven Visual Attention Understanding
* Progressive Cross-Camera Soft-Label Learning for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Pseudo-Blind Convolutional Neural Network for the Reduction of Compression Artifacts, A
* Quadtree-Based Coding Framework for High-Density Camera Array-Based Light Field Image
* Quality-Retaining Power-Saving Framework for Video Applications on Mobile OLED Displays, A
* Quintuple-Media Joint Correlation Learning With Deep Compression and Regularization
* RADAR: Robust Algorithm for Depth Image Super Resolution Based on FRI Theory and Multimodal Dictionary Learning
* Rate-Accuracy Trade-Off in Video Classification With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Rate-Distortion-Complexity Optimized Coding Mode Decision for HEVC
* Real-Time and Low-Memory Multi-Faces Detection System Design With Naive Bayes Classifier Implemented on FPGA
* Real-Time Constant Objective Quality Video Coding Strategy in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Real-Time Reconfigurable Processor to Detect Similarities in Compressed Video Using Generalized Hough Transformation
* Real-World Underwater Enhancement: Challenges, Benchmarks, and Solutions Under Natural Light
* Recent Advances on HEVC Inter-Frame Coding: From Optimization to Implementation and Beyond
* Recompression of JPEG Crypto-Compressed Images Without a Key
* Reconfigurable Architecture for Discrete Cosine Transform in Video Coding, A
* Recurrent Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Attention for Crowd Attribute Recognition
* Recursive Residual Convolutional Neural Network- Based In-Loop Filtering for Intra Frames
* Reinforced Cross-Media Correlation Learning by Context-Aware Bidirectional Translation
* Reliable and Dynamic Appearance Modeling and Label Consistency Enforcing for Fast and Coherent Video Object Segmentation With the Bilateral Grid
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images With Multi-Objective Optimization
* RGBT Salient Object Detection: Benchmark and A Novel Cooperative Ranking Approach
* Robust and Secure Image Fingerprinting Learned by Neural Network
* Robust PCA Using Generalized Nonconvex Regularization
* Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Particle Filter and Ensemble Deep Features
* S3D: Scalable Pedestrian Detection via Score Scale Surface Discrimination
* Saliency-Aware Convolution Neural Network for Ship Detection in Surveillance Video
* Salient Features for Moving Object Detection in Adverse Weather Conditions During Night Time
* Scalable Structured Compressive Video Sampling With Hierarchical Subspace Learning
* Scale-Aware Crowd Counting via Depth-Embedded Convolutional Neural Networks
* SCRATCH: A Scalable Discrete Matrix Factorization Hashing Framework for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* SDL: Spectrum-Disentangled Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Secure Binary Image Steganography With Distortion Measurement Based on Prediction
* Semi-Heterogeneous Three-Way Joint Embedding Network for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Semi-Supervised Cross-Modality Action Recognition by Latent Tensor Transfer Learning
* Separable Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted 2D Vector Graphics
* Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
* Show, Tell and Summarize: Dense Video Captioning Using Visual Cue Aided Sentence Summarization
* Simultaneous Estimation of Defocus and Motion Blurs From Single Image Using Equivalent Gaussian Representation
* Single Image Numerical Iterative Dehazing Method Based on Local Physical Features
* Single-Image Blind Deblurring Using Multi-Scale Latent Structure Prior
* Sketch Fewer to Recognize More by Learning a Co-Regularized Sparse Representation
* Sketch-Based Image Retrieval with Multi-Clustering Re-Ranking
* Small Object Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images Using Feature Fusion and Scaling-Based Single Shot Detector With Spatial Context Analysis
* Smoke Vehicle Detection Based on Spatiotemporal Bag-Of-Features and Professional Convolutional Neural Network
* Spatial-Temporal Context-Aware Online Action Detection and Prediction
* Spatio-Temporal Constrained Online Layer Separation for Vascular Enhancement in X-Ray Angiographic Image Sequence
* Spatio-Temporal Deep Q-Networks for Human Activity Localization
* Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction for 3D Motion Recovery
* Sports Video Captioning via Attentive Motion Representation and Group Relationship Modeling
* SRG: Snippet Relatedness-Based Temporal Action Proposal Generator
* stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity and Individual Action Recognition
* Standard Plenoptic Cameras Mapping to Camera Arrays and Calibration Based on DLT
* Statistical and Structural Information Backed Full-Reference Quality Measure of Compressed Sonar Images
* Streaming Video QoE Modeling and Prediction: A Long Short-Term Memory Approach
* Subjective and Objective De-Raining Quality Assessment Towards Authentic Rain Image
* Superpixel Labeling Priors and MRF for Aerial Video Segmentation
* Survey of Human Action Analysis in HRI Applications, A
* Survey of Open-World Person Re-Identification, A
* SwipeCut: Interactive Segmentation via Seed Grouping
* Switchable Deep Learning Approach for In-Loop Filtering in Video Coding, A
* Task-Aware Attention Model for Clothing Attribute Prediction
* Temporal-Spatial Mapping for Action Recognition
* Three-Dimension Transmissible Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Object Detection Using Scene Appearance Consistency Among Multi-View Projection Directions
* Tools for Video Coding Beyond HEVC: Flexible Partitioning, Motion Vector Coding, Luma Adaptive Quantization, and Improved Deblocking
* Top-Push Constrained Modality-Adaptive Dictionary Learning for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Topology Optimization Using Multiple-Possibility Fusion for Vasculature Extraction
* Toward Optimal Prediction Error Expansion-Based Reversible Image Watermarking
* Toward Variable-Rate Generative Compression by Reducing the Channel Redundancy
* Towards Effective Deep Embedding for Zero-Shot Learning
* Tunable Selective Encryption Scheme for H.265/HEVC Based on Chroma IPM and Coefficient Scrambling, A
* Unidirectional Representation-Based Efficient Dictionary Learning
* Unified Video Codec for SDR, HDR, and 360° Video Applications, A
* Unifying Temporal Context and Multi-Feature With Update-Pacing oFramework for Visual Tracking
* Unsupervised Blind Image Quality Evaluation via Statistical Measurements of Structure, Naturalness, and Perception
* Unsupervised Cross-Media Retrieval Using Domain Adaptation With Scene Graph
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Importance Sampling
* Unsupervised Video Action Clustering via Motion-Scene Interaction Constraint
* Video Codec Using Flexible Block Partitioning and Advanced Prediction, Transform and Loop Filtering Technologies
* Video Compression Using Generalized Binary Partitioning, Trellis Coded Quantization, Perceptually Optimized Encoding, and Advanced Prediction and Transform Coding
* Video Dialog via Multi-Grained Convolutional Self-Attention Context Multi-Modal Networks
* Video Salient Object Detection via Robust Seeds Extraction and Multi-Graphs Manifold Propagation
* Video Summarization With Attention-Based Encoder-Decoder Networks
* View Invariant 3D Human Pose Estimation
* View Synthesis-Based 360° VR Caching System Over MEC-Enabled C-RAN, A
* Visual Distortions in 360° Videos
* Visual Object Tracking via Guessing and Matching
* Visual Security Evaluation of Perceptually Encrypted Images Based on Image Importance
* Visual Tracking by Structurally Optimizing Pre-Trained CNN
* Visually Consistent Color Correction for Stereoscopic Images and Videos
* VLSI Architecture for Enhanced Approximate Message Passing Algorithm
* VVC Proposal With Quaternary Tree Plus Binary-Ternary Tree Coding Block Structure and Advanced Coding Techniques, A
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation by a Class-Level Multiple Group Cosegmentation and Foreground Fusion Strategy
* Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Deep Residual Network
* When Correlation Filters Meet Siamese Networks for Real-Time Complementary Tracking
* YCbCr Color Depth Packing Method and its Extension for 3D Video Broadcasting Services, A
* Zero Shot Detection
* Zero-Shot Cross-Media Embedding Learning With Dual Adversarial Distribution Network
* ZoomCount: A Zooming Mechanism for Crowd Counting in Static Images
377 for CirSysVideo(30)

CirSysVideo(31) * 3D Face Anti-Spoofing With Factorized Bilinear Coding
* AC-SUM-GAN: Connecting Actor-Critic and Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization
* Accurate 6DOF Pose Tracking for Texture-Less Objects
* Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching by Log-Angle and Pyramid-Tree
* Action Quality Assessment Using Siamese Network-Based Deep Metric Learning
* Adaptive Context Reading Network for Movie Scene Detection
* Adaptive Feature Calculation and Diagonal Mapping for Successive Recovery of Tampered Regions
* Adaptive Geometry Partition for Point Cloud Compression
* Adaptive Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion and Multiple Histograms Modification for Reversible Data Hiding
* Adaptive Region Proposal With Channel Regularization for Robust Object Tracking
* Adaptively Meshed Video Stabilization
* Adversarial Analysis for Source Camera Identification
* Adversarial View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Affine Template Matching Based on Multi-Scale Dense Structure Principal Direction
* Age Estimation Using Aging/Rejuvenation Features With Device-Edge Synergy
* AKM3C: Adaptive K-Multiple-Means for Multi-View Clustering
* AMPNet: Average- and Max-Pool Networks for Salient Object Detection
* Annotation and Benchmarking of a Video Dataset under Degraded Complex Atmospheric Conditions and Its Visibility Enhancement Analysis for Moving Object Detection
* Appearance-and-Dynamic Learning With Bifurcated Convolution Neural Network for Action Recognition
* Arbitrary-View Human Action Recognition: A Varying-View RGB-D Action Dataset
* Are You Confident That You Have Successfully Generated Adversarial Examples?
* Attention Transfer Network for Nature Image Matting
* Attention-Aligned Network for Person Re-Identification
* Attentional Kernel Encoding Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Augmented Queue-Based Transmission and Transcoding Optimization for Livecast Services Based on Cloud-Edge-Crowd Integration
* Automated System for Generating Tactical Performance Statistics for Individual Soccer Players From Videos, An
* Automatic Localization and Segmentation of the Ventricles in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Batch Steganography via Generative Network
* BBC++: Enhanced Block Boundary Continuity on Defining Non-Additive Distortion for JPEG Steganography
* Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment With Viewport Oriented Graph Convolutional Networks
* Block Partitioning Structure in the VVC Standard
* Broad Forest: A Non-Neural Network Style Broad Model for Streaming Video QoE Evaluation
* Camcording-Resistant Forensic Watermarking Fallback System Using Secondary Watermark Signal
* Cascaded Regression Tracking: Towards Online Hard Distractor Discrimination
* CasQNet: Intrinsic Image Decomposition Based on Cascaded Quotient Network
* CFB-Then-ECB Mode-Based Image Encryption for an Efficient Correction of Noisy Encrypted Images
* Club Ideas and Exertions: Aggregating Local Predictions for Action Recognition
* Clustering-Based Framework for Improving the Performance of JPEG Quantization Step Estimation, A
* CMPD: Using Cross Memory Network With Pair Discrimination for Image-Text Retrieval
* CMWMF: Constant Memory Architecture of Weighted Mode/Median Filter for Extremely Large Label Depth Refinement
* CNN-Based Classification of Degraded Images With Awareness of Degradation Levels
* Co-Saliency Detection With Co-Attention Fully Convolutional Network
* Color Cast Dependent Image Dehazing via Adaptive Airlight Refinement and Non-Linear Color Balancing
* Common Method of Share Authentication in Image Secret Sharing, A
* Compact Interchannel Sampling Difference Descriptor for Color Texture Classification
* Complementary Discriminative Correlation Filters Based on Collaborative Representation for Visual Object Tracking
* Compression Priors Assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Fractional Interpolation
* Consistency Guided Network for Degraded Image Classification
* Constrained Online Cut-Paste for Object Detection
* Context-Aware Human Trajectories Prediction via Latent Variational Model
* Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Security Evaluation
* Coupled Knowledge Transfer for Visual Data Recognition
* Coverless Image Steganography Based on Multi-Object Recognition
* Cross-Age Identity Difference Analysis Model Based on Image Pairs for Age Invariant Face Verification
* Cross-Domain Complementary Learning Using Pose for Multi-Person Part Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Palmprint Recognition via Regularized Adversarial Domain Adaptive Hashing
* Cross-View Gait Recognition Using Pairwise Spatial Transformer Networks
* Cryptanalysis of Image Ciphers With Permutation-Substitution Network and Chaos
* CUA Loss: Class Uncertainty-Aware Gradient Modulation for Robust Object Detection
* Data-Driven Transform-Based Compressed Image Quality Assessment
* Decoder-Side Motion Vector Refinement in VVC: Algorithm and Hardware Implementation Considerations
* Decomposition Makes Better Rain Removal: An Improved Attention-Guided Deraining Network
* Deep Adversarial Data Augmentation for Extremely Low Data Regimes
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Identifying Seam-Carving Forgery
* Deep Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Channel Attention for Single Image Dynamic Scene Blind Deblurring
* Deep Learning-Based Chroma Prediction for Intra Versatile Video Coding
* Deep Multiscale Fusion Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Network-Based Frame Extrapolation With Reference Frame Alignment
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Multiple Streams' Joint Bitrate Allocation, A
* Deep Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Free-Hand Sketch
* Deep Semantic Reconstruction Hashing for Similarity Retrieval
* Deep Spatial-Spectral Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Image
* Deep Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution via Interaction Module
* Deep Sub-Region Network for Salient Object Detection
* Deep Template-Based Watermarking
* Deep Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Variation Transformation Network for Foreground Detection
* Defeating Lattice-Based Data Hiding Code Via Decoding Security Hole
* Denoising Method Based on Pulse Interval Compensation for High-Speed Spike-Based Image Sensor, A
* Design of Image Dehazing Engine Using DTE and DAE Techniques, A
* DesnowGAN: An Efficient Single Image Snow Removal Framework Using Cross-Resolution Lateral Connection and GANs
* Detail-Preserving Multi-Exposure Fusion With Edge-Preserving Structural Patch Decomposition
* Detection of Spoofing Medium Contours for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Diagonal XOR-Based FEC Method to Improve Burst-Loss Tolerance for 4K/8K UHDTV Transmission
* Digital Retina: A Way to Make the City Brain More Efficient by Visual Coding
* Distortion-Aware Multi-Task Learning Framework for Fractional Interpolation in Video Coding, A
* Domain Fingerprints for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* DotSCN: Group Re-Identification via Domain-Transferred Single and Couple Representation Learning
* Dual Calibration Mechanism Based L2, p-Norm for Graph Matching
* Dual-Level Semantic Transfer Deep Hashing for Efficient Social Image Retrieval
* Dual-Stream Multi-Path Recursive Residual Network for JPEG Image Compression Artifacts Reduction
* Dynamic Attention Guided Multi-Trajectory Analysis for Single Object Tracking
* e-TLD: Event-Based Framework for Dynamic Object Tracking
* E2I: Generative Inpainting From Edge to Image
* Edge-Guided Non-Local Fully Convolutional Network for Salient Object Detection
* Efficient Algorithm for Generating Harmonized Stereoscopic 360° VR Images, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Luminance Optimization in Chroma Downsampling, An
* Efficient Neural Image Decoding via Fixed-Point Inference
* Efficient Recoverable Cryptographic Mosaic Technique by Permutations
* Efficient Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images with Multiple Histograms Modification
* Efficient Selective Context Network for Accurate Object Detection
* EgoCart: A Benchmark Dataset for Large-Scale Indoor Image-Based Localization in Retail Stores
* Encoder-Decoder With Cascaded CRFs for Semantic Segmentation
* End-to-End Learning Deep CRF Models for Multi-Object Tracking Deep CRF Models
* End-to-End Learning Deep CRF Models for Multi-Object Tracking Deep CRF Models
* End-to-End Video Question-Answer Generation With Generator-Pretester Network
* Energy-Based Periodicity Mining With Deep Features for Action Repetition Counting in Unconstrained Videos
* Energy-Throughput Configurable Design for Video Processing Binary Arithmetic Encoder
* Ensemble Learning-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization for End-to-End Image Compression
* Estimating Generalized Gaussian Blur Kernels for Out-of-Focus Image Deblurring
* Event-Centric Hierarchical Representation for Dense Video Captioning
* Experimental Analysis of Optimal Bandwidth Allocation in Computer Vision Systems
* Exploiting Global Camera Network Constraints for Unsupervised Video Person Re-Identification
* Extracting Moving Objects More Accurately: A CDA Contour Optimizer
* Facial Expression Recognition With Two-Branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network
* Fast Adapting Without Forgetting for Face Recognition
* Fast Blind Image Super Resolution Using Matrix-Variable Optimization
* Fast DST-VII/DCT-VIII With Dual Implementation Support for Versatile Video Coding
* Fast Iterative Method for Removing Impulsive Noise From Sparse Signals, A
* Fast Unmediated Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Feature Alignment and Aggregation Siamese Networks for Fast Visual Tracking
* Feature Refinement and Filter Network for Person Re-Identification
* Fine-Grained Instance-Level Sketch-Based Video Retrieval
* Fine-Grained Patch Segmentation and Rasterization for 3-D Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Flexible Complexity Optimization in Multiview Video Coding
* Food and Ingredient Joint Learning for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Foreground-Background Parallel Compression With Residual Encoding for Surveillance Video
* Frame-Wise CNN-Based Filtering for Intra-Frame Quality Enhancement of HEVC Videos
* From Multi-View to Hollow-3D: Hallucinated Hollow-3D R-CNN for 3D Object Detection
* Full-Reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment Using a Motion Sensitive HVS Model
* Fully Automatic Content Adaptive Inverse Tone Mapping Operator With Improved Color Accuracy, A
* Fuzzy Integral-Based CNN Classifier Fusion for 3D Skeleton Action Recognition
* Fuzzy SLIC: Fuzzy Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
* General Region Nesting-Based Semi-Fragile Reversible Watermarking for Authenticating 3D Mesh Models, A
* Geometric Partitioning Mode in Versatile Video Coding: Algorithm Review and Analysis
* GeometryMotion-Net: A Strong Two-Stream Baseline for 3D Action Recognition
* Graph-Based CNNs With Self-Supervised Module for 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Monocular RGB
* Graphical Social Topology Model for RGB-D Multi-Person Tracking, A
* Grounding-Tracking-Integration
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Large-Scale Visual Sensor Networks: Architectures and Applications
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Point Cloud Processing and Compression
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on the VVC Standard
* Guided Co-Segmentation Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation
* GVLD: A Fast and Accurate GPU-Based Variational Light-Field Disparity Estimation Approach
* Hardware- and Memory-Efficient Architecture for Disparity Estimation of Large Label Counts
* Heterogeneous Spatial Quality for Omnidirectional Video
* Hierarchical Memory Decoder for Visual Narrating
* Hierarchical Temporal Modeling With Mutual Distance Matching for Video Based Person Re-Identification
* High Frame Rate Video Reconstruction and Deblurring Based on Dynamic and Active Pixel Vision Image Sensor
* High Throughput CBAC Hardware Encoder With Bin Merging for AVS 2.0 Video Coding
* High-Level Syntax of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard, The
* High-Quality R-CNN Object Detection Using Multi-Path Detection Calibration Network
* Hue-Based Gray Coding Method for Three-Dimensional Surface Measurement of Cutlery With Specular Reflection
* Human Parsing With Pyramidical Gather-Excite Context
* Hybrid Coding of Spatiotemporal Spike Data for a Bio-Inspired Camera
* Hyperspectral Computational Imaging via Collaborative Tucker3 Tensor Decomposition
* Illuminance Compensation and Texture Enhancement via the Hodge Decomposition
* Image Retargeting Quality Assessment Based on Registration Confidence Measure and Noticeability-Based Pooling
* Image Steganography With Symmetric Embedding Using Gaussian Markov Random Field Model
* Improve Regression Network on Depth Hand Pose Estimation With Auxiliary Variable
* Improving Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval With Teacher-Student Learning
* Improving Domain-Adaptive Person Re-Identification by Dual-Alignment Learning With Camera-Aware Image Generation
* Improving Visual Relationship Detection With Two-Stage Correlation Exploitation
* Incremental Learning of Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translations
* Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Shared Features
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Texture Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Intra Coding With Geometric Information for Urban Building Scenes
* Intra Prediction and Mode Coding in VVC
* Joint Anchor-Feature Refinement for Real-Time Accurate Object Detection in Images and Videos
* Joint Resource Allocation and 3D Aerial Trajectory Design for Video Streaming in UAV Communication Systems
* Language-Guided Navigation via Cross-Modal Grounding and Alternate Adversarial Learning
* Laplacian Regularized Nonnegative Representation for Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
* Latent Distribution-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Monocular RGB Images
* Layer-Specific Optimization for Mixed Data Flow With Mixed Precision in FPGA Design for CNN-Based Object Detectors
* Layer-Wise Geometry Aggregation Framework for Lossless LiDAR Point Cloud Compression
* Learned Model Composition With Critical Sample Look-Ahead for Semi-Supervised Learning on Small Sets of Labeled Samples
* Learning Dual Semantic Relations With Graph Attention for Image-Text Matching
* Learning From Synthetic Shadows for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain Streak Removal
* Learning Hadamard-Product-Propagation for Image Dehazing and Beyond
* Learning Representations From Skeletal Self-Similarities for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Learning Temporary Block-Based Bidirectional Incongruity-Aware Correlation Filters for Efficient UAV Object Tracking
* Learning to Acquire the Quality of Human Pose Estimation
* Learning to Adapt with Memory for Probabilistic Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Hash for Personalized Image Authentication
* Lenslet Light Field Image Coding: Classifying, Reviewing and Evaluating
* Light Field Image Quality Assessment Model Based on Symmetry and Depth Features, A
* Lighter but Efficient Bit-Depth Expansion Network
* Lightweight Modules for Efficient Deep Learning Based Image Restoration
* Linear Recursive Non-Local Edge-Aware Filter
* Local Geometric Distortions Resilient Watermarking Scheme Based on Symmetry
* Locality Preserving Robust Regression for Jointly Sparse Subspace Learning
* Long-Term Video Question Answering via Multimodal Hierarchical Memory Attentive Networks
* Lossless Coding of Point Cloud Geometry Using a Deep Generative Model
* Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression via End-to-End Learning
* Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression via Region-Wise Processing
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via Progressive-Recursive Network
* MCFD: A Hardware-Efficient Noniterative Multicue Fusion Demosaicing Algorithm
* MDCN: Multi-Scale Dense Cross Network for Image Super-Resolution
* MMMNet: An End-to-End Multi-Task Deep Convolution Neural Network With Multi-Scale and Multi-Hierarchy Fusion for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Model Compression Using Progressive Channel Pruning
* Model-Based Transfer Learning and Sparse Coding for Partial Face Recognition
* Modeling Acceleration Properties for Flexible INTRA HEVC Complexity Control
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality for Viewport-Adaptive Omnidirectional Video Streaming Considering Dynamic Quality Boundary Artifact
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals
* Motion Vector Coding and Block Merging in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
* Motion-Aware Feature Enhancement Network for Video Prediction
* Multi-Branch Networks for Video Super-Resolution With Dynamic Reconstruction Strategy
* Multi-Camera Color Correction via Hybrid Histogram Matching
* Multi-Deformation Aware Attention Learning for Concrete Structural Defect Classification
* Multi-Drone-Based Single Object Tracking With Agent Sharing Network
* Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level Fusion and Attention-Guided CNN for Image Dehazing
* Multi-Level Knowledge Injecting for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Multi-MSB Compression Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Images
* Multi-Scale Boosting Feature Encoding Network for Texture Recognition
* Multi-Scale Metric Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* Multi-Scale Neighborhood Feature Extraction and Aggregation for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Multi-Scale Structured Dictionary Learning for 3-D Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Multi-Source Information Exchange Encoding With PCNN for Medical Image Fusion
* Multi-Stage Feature Pyramid Stereo Network-Based Disparity Estimation Approach for Two to Three-Dimensional Video Conversion
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking With Optical-Based Pose Association
* Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection, A
* Multi-Turn Video Question Generation via Reinforced Multi-Choice Attention Network
* Multi-User Adaptive Video Delivery Over Wireless Networks: A Physical Layer Resource-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Multi-View Spatial Attention Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multi-View Spectral Clustering Tailored Tensor Low-Rank Representation
* Multimodal Inputs Driven Talking Face Generation With Spatial-Temporal Dependency
* Multimodal Local-Global Attention Network for Affective Video Content Analysis
* Multiple Instance Models Regression for Robust Visual Tracking
* Multiscale Densely-Connected Fusion Networks for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* Multiscale Omnibearing Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Mutual Learning and Feature Fusion Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking
* Near-Online Multi-Pedestrian Tracking via Combining Multiple Consistent Appearance Cues
* Neural Video Coding Using Multiscale Motion Compensation and Spatiotemporal Context Model
* Noise Augmented Double-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks for Image Captioning
* Normality Learning in Multispace for Video Anomaly Detection
* NormalNet: Learning-Based Mesh Normal Denoising via Local Partition Normalization
* Novel Just-Noticeable-Difference-Based Saliency-Channel Attention Residual Network for Full-Reference Image Quality Predictions, A
* Novel Method for Video Moving Object Detection Using Improved Independent Component Analysis, A
* Novel Rate and Distortion Estimation Method Using Particle Filtering Based Prediction for Intra-Predictive Coding of Deep Block Partitioning Structures, A
* Novel Video Coding Strategy in HEVC for Object Detection, A
* NTSDCN: New Three-Stage Deep Convolutional Image Demosaicking Network
* Occupancy-Map-Based Rate Distortion Optimization and Partition for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Omnidirectional Video Quality Index Accounting for Judder
* On Learning Semantic Representations for Large-Scale Abstract Sketches
* On the Analysis and Design of Visual Cryptography With Error Correcting Capability
* On the Optimal Encoding Ladder of Tiled 360° Videos for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality
* On-Array Compressive Acquisition in CMOS Image Sensors Using Accumulated Spatial Gradients
* Optical Flow Estimation Based on the Frequency-Domain Regularization
* Optimized Lossless Data Hiding in JPEG Bitstream and Relay Transfer-Based Extension
* Orthogonality Loss: Learning Discriminative Representations for Face Recognition
* Overall Quality Prediction for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Using LSTM Network
* Overview of the Screen Content Support in VVC: Applications, Coding Tools, and Performance
* Overview of the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard and its Applications
* Pairwise Relations Oriented Discriminative Regression
* Parallel Architecture of Age Adversarial Convolutional Neural Network for Cross-Age Face Recognition, A
* Parallel Multi-Path Age Distinguish Network for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* Parameter-Based Affine Intra Prediction of Screen Content in Versatile Video Coding
* Parametric Model for Video Streaming Services With Different Spatial and Temporal Resolutions
* Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Heterogeneous Traffic Using Pose Keypoints-Based Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network
* PEN: Pose-Embedding Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Perception-Based Inverse Tone Mapping Operator for High Dynamic Range Video Applications, A
* Perceptual Hashing With Visual Content Understanding for Reduced-Reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based on Convolutional Neural Network With Multiple Constraints
* Perceptual Quality Assessment for Asymmetrically Distorted Stereoscopic Video by Temporal Binocular Rivalry
* Perceptual Underwater Image Enhancement With Deep Learning and Physical Priors
* Photo-Realistic Image Super-Resolution via Variational Autoencoders
* Plug-and-Play Scheme to Adapt Image Saliency Deep Model for Video Data, A
* Point Cloud Upsampling via Perturbation Learning
* Popularity-Based and Version-Aware Caching Scheme at Edge Servers for Multi-Version VoD Systems
* Positive and Negative Label-Driven Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* PQA-Net: Deep No Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment via Multi-View Projection
* Predicting Content Similarity via Multimodal Modeling for Video-In-Video Advertising
* Predicting the Quality of View Synthesis With Color-Depth Image Fusion
* Predictive Generalized Graph Fourier Transform for Attribute Compression of Dynamic Point Clouds
* PrefCache: Edge Cache Admission With User Preference Learning for Video Content Distribution
* Progressive Point Cloud Upsampling via Differentiable Rendering
* Pseudo Multi-Port SRAM Circuit for Image Processing in Display Drivers
* Pseudo Video and Refocused Images-Based Blind Light Field Image Quality Assessment
* Pyramid Global Context Network for Image Dehazing
* Quadruple Diffusion Convolutional Recurrent Network for Human Motion Prediction, A
* Quality-Driven Variable Frame-Rate for Green Video Coding in Broadcast Applications
* Quantization and Entropy Coding in the Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard
* Rate Control for Predictive Transform Screen Content Video Coding Based on RANSAC
* Re-Evaluation of the Security of a Family of Image Diffusion Mechanisms
* Real Time Video Object Segmentation in Compressed Domain
* Real-Time Action Representation With Temporal Encoding and Deep Compression, A
* Recaptured Screen Image Demoiréing
* Recurrent Semantic Preserving Generation for Action Prediction
* Recursive Neural Network for Video Deblurring
* RefineDet++: Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection
* Reflectance-Guided Histogram Equalization and Comparametric Approximation
* Regression-Based Motion Vector Field for Video Coding
* Reinforced Short-Length Hashing
* ReMarNet: Conjoint Relation and Margin Learning for Small-Sample Image Classification
* Resource Management of Video Traffic Over Heterogeneous NOMA Networks
* Rethinking Triplet Loss for Domain Adaptation
* Reversible Data Hiding in Halftone Images Based on Dynamic Embedding States Group
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images Under Multi-Distortion Metric
* Revisiting Feature Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting Hard Example for Action Recognition
* Richly Activated Graph Convolutional Network for Robust Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Robust High-Capacity Watermarking Over Online Social Network Shared Images
* Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Low Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
* Robust Monocular Pose Tracking of Less-Distinct Objects Based on Contour-Part Model
* Robust Quality Enhancement Method Based on Joint Spatial-Temporal Priors for Video Coding, A
* Robust Texture Description Using Local Grouped Order Pattern and Non-Local Binary Pattern
* Robust Video Frame Interpolation With Exceptional Motion Map
* Roundness-Preserving Warping for Aesthetic Enhancement-Based Stereoscopic Image Editing
* SAC-Net: Spatial Attenuation Context for Salient Object Detection
* SASL: Saliency-Adaptive Sparsity Learning for Neural Network Acceleration
* Scale-Residual Learning Network for Scene Text Detection
* Scene Graph Inference via Multi-Scale Context Modeling
* SCGAN: Saliency Map-Guided Colorization with Generative Adversarial Network
* Secure Robust JPEG Steganography Based on AutoEncoder With Adaptive BCH Encoding
* Semantic Boundary Detection With Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Semantic Structured Image Coding Framework for Multiple Intelligent Applications
* Semantic-Aware Occlusion-Robust Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Semi-Coupled Synthesis and Analysis Dictionary Pair Learning for Kinship Verification
* Semi-Fragile Reversible Watermarking for Authenticating 2D Engineering Graphics Based on Improved Region Nesting, A
* Sequential and Patch Analyses for Object Removal Video Forgery Detection and Localization
* Sequential Point Cloud Upsampling by Exploiting Multi-Scale Temporal Dependency
* SiamFPN: A Deep Learning Method for Accurate and Real-Time Maritime Ship Tracking
* Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Video Summarization
* Simple Local Minimal Intensity Prior and an Improved Algorithm for Blind Image Deblurring, A
* Single Image Brightening via Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion With Hybrid Learning
* SketchDesc: Learning Local Sketch Descriptors for Multi-View Correspondence
* SPAM-Net: A CNN-Based SAR Target Recognition Network With Pose Angle Marginalization Learning
* SpatialFlow: Bridging All Tasks for Panoptic Segmentation
* Spatiotemporal Trident Networks: Detection and Localization of Object Removal Tampering in Video Passive Forensics
* SSAP: Single-Shot Instance Segmentation With Affinity Pyramid
* Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Structure-Guided Deep Video Inpainting
* Structured and Consistent Multi-Layer Multi-Kernel Subtask Correction Filter Tracker
* Subblock-Based Motion Derivation and Inter Prediction Refinement in the Versatile Video Coding Standard
* Subjective Quality Database and Objective Study of Compressed Point Clouds With 6DoF Head-Mounted Display
* Survey of Multiple Pedestrian Tracking Based on Tracking-by-Detection Framework, A
* Symmetrical Enhanced Fusion Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Tensor Field Graph-Cut for Image Segmentation: A Non-Convex Perspective
* Tile-Based Edge Caching for 360° Live Video Streaming
* To See in the Dark: N2DGAN for Background Modeling in Nighttime Scene
* Towards Better Railway Service: Passengers Counting in Railway Compartment
* Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block N-Ary Trie
* Towards Practical Sketch-Based 3D Shape Generation: The Role of Professional Sketches
* Towards Unconstrained Facial Landmark Detection Robust to Diverse Cropping Manners
* TrajectoryCNN: A New Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning Network for Human Motion Prediction
* Transform Coding in the VVC Standard
* Transformer3D-Det: Improving 3D Object Detection by Vote Refinement
* TVG-Streaming: Learning User Behaviors for QoE-Optimized 360-Degree Video Streaming
* Two-Way Recursive Filtering
* Ultralow Complexity String Matching Approach to Screen Content Coding in AVS3, An
* Unseen Face Presentation Attack Detection Using Sparse Multiple Kernel Fisher Null-Space
* Unsupervised Deep K-Means Hashing for Efficient Image Retrieval and Clustering
* Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic Structure for Image Retrieval
* Video Camera Latency Analysis and Measurement
* Video Compressed Sensing Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Video Frame Prediction by Deep Multi-Branch Mask Network
* Video Semantic Segmentation With Distortion-Aware Feature Correction
* View-Action Representation Learning for Active First-Person Vision
* View-Dependent Dynamic Point Cloud Compression
* Viewport Perception Based Blind Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment
* Visible-Infrared Image Fusion Based on Early Visual Information Processing Mechanisms
* Visual Object Tracking Based on Mutual Learning Between Cohort Multiscale Feature-Fusion Networks With Weighted Loss
* Visual Quality Assessment for Perceptually Encrypted Light Field Images
* VVC Complexity and Software Implementation Analysis
* VVC In-Loop Filters
* Watermarking Neural Networks With Watermarked Images
* Wavelet-Based Deep Auto Encoder-Decoder (WDAED)-Based Image Compression
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Raindrop Removal on a Single Image
* Weakly Supervised Reinforced Multi-Operator Image Retargeting
* Weakly-Supervised Cross-Domain Adaptation for Endoscopic Lesions Segmentation
* Weakly-Supervised Cross-Domain Road Scene Segmentation via Multi-Level Curriculum Adaptation
* Weakly-Supervised Saliency Detection via Salient Object Subitizing
* Web Objectionable Video Recognition Based on Deep Multi-Instance Learning With Representative Prototypes Selection
* Where to Look and How to Describe: Fashion Image Retrieval With an Attentional Heterogeneous Bilinear Network
376 for CirSysVideo(31)

CirSysVideo(32) * 1Mb Mixed-Precision Quantized Encoder for Image Classification and Patch-Based Compression, A
* 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Monocular RGB With Feature Interaction Module
* 3D-Pruning: A Model Compression Framework for Efficient 3D Action Recognition
* 4D Epanechnikov Mixture Regression in LF Image Compression
* AAGAN: Accuracy-Aware Generative Adversarial Network for Supervised Tasks
* Action-Centric Relation Transformer Network for Video Question Answering
* Active Learning Based 3D Semantic Labeling From Images and Videos
* AdaDC: Adaptive Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Disparity Candidates Prediction Network for Efficient Real-Time Stereo Matching
* Adaptive Feature Aggregation in Deep Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Adaptive Feature Fusion and Spatio-Temporal Background Modeling in KDE Framework for Object Detection and Shadow Removal
* Adaptive Graph Adversarial Networks for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Multilayer Perceptual Attention Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Multiview Graph Difference Analysis for Video Summarization
* Adaptive Path Selection for Dynamic Image Captioning
* Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement Based on Multi-Histogram Modification
* Adaptive Spatial Location With Balanced Loss for Video Captioning
* Adaptive Viewpoint Feature Enhancement-Based Binocular Stereoscopic Image Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Weighted Losses With Distribution Approximation for Efficient Consistency-Based Semi-Supervised Learning
* Adversarial Camera Alignment Network for Unsupervised Cross-Camera Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Decoupling and Modality-Invariant Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Graph Convolutional Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adversarial UV-Transformation Texture Estimation for 3D Face Aging
* All You Need Is a Second Look: Towards Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection
* All-Higher-Stages-In Adaptive Context Aggregation for Semantic Edge Detection
* Ambiguousness-Aware State Evolution for Action Prediction
* AMłNet: Adaptive Mutual-Learning-Based Multimodal Data Fusion Network
* Anatomy-Aware 3D Human Pose Estimation With Bone-Based Pose Decomposition
* Anomaly Detection of Metro Station Tracks Based on Sequential Updatable Anomaly Detection Framework
* Anti-Distractor Active Object Tracking in 3D Environments
* AP-GAN: Improving Attribute Preservation in Video Face Swapping
* Appearance Matters, So Does Audio: Revealing the Hidden Face via Cross-Modality Transfer
* AppFuse: An Appearance Fusion Framework for Saliency Cues
* ASFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning With Adaptive Pyramid Sampling
* Assessing Individual VR Sickness Through Deep Feature Fusion of VR Video and Physiological Response
* Attention in Attention: Modeling Context Correlation for Efficient Video Classification
* Attention-Guided Global-Local Adversarial Learning for Detail-Preserving Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Attentive Feature Augmentation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Auto-FSL: Searching the Attribute Consistent Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Auto-Perceiving Correlation Filter for UAV Tracking
* Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Pruning Based on Task-Driven Sparsity Optimization, An
* Autonomous Generation of Service Strategy for Household Tasks: A Progressive Learning Method With A Priori Knowledge and Reinforcement Learning
* Bayesian Correlation Filter Learning With Gaussian Scale Mixture Model for Visual Tracking
* Bayesian Gabor Network With Uncertainty Estimation for Pedestrian Lane Detection in Assistive Navigation
* BDC-GAN: Bidirectional Conversion Between Computer-Generated and Natural Facial Images for Anti-Forensics
* Bi-Directional Progressive Guidance Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* BiCSNet: A Bidirectional Cross-Scale Backbone for Recognition and Localization
* Bidirectional Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning With Multiscale Evaluation for Video Anomaly Detection
* Bidirectional Transformer for Video Deblurring
* Bilateral Temporal Re-Aggregation for Weakly-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Blind Image Deblurring via Superpixel Segmentation Prior
* Blind Image Quality Assessment for Authentic Distortions by Intermediary Enhancement and Iterative Training
* Blind Image Quality Index for Authentic Distortions With Local and Global Deep Feature Aggregation
* Blindly Assess Quality of In-the-Wild Videos via Quality-Aware Pre-Training and Motion Perception
* Boosting Semi-Supervised Face Recognition With Noise Robustness
* Bottom-Up Foreground-Aware Feature Fusion for Practical Person Search
* Bridging the Gap Between Voltage Over-Scaling and Joint Hardware Accelerator-Algorithm Closed-Loop
* Bridging Video and Text: A Two-Step Polishing Transformer for Video Captioning
* Byzantine-Resilient Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Camera-Based Batch Normalization: An Effective Distribution Alignment Method for Person Re-Identification
* Camouflaged Object Detection via Context-Aware Cross-Level Fusion
* Capsule Boundary Network With 3D Convolutional Dynamic Routing for Temporal Action Detection
* Capturing Small, Fast-Moving Objects: Frame Interpolation via Recurrent Motion Enhancement
* Category-Level 6D Object Pose Estimation With Structure Encoder and Reasoning Attention
* CATFPN: Adaptive Feature Pyramid With Scale-Wise Concatenation and Self-Attention
* Causal Contextual Prediction for Learned Image Compression
* CBASH: Combined Backbone and Advanced Selection Heads With Object Semantic Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* CBREN: Convolutional Neural Networks for Constant Bit Rate Video Quality Enhancement
* Centerness-Aware Network for Temporal Action Proposal
* Central Difference Graph Convolutional Operator for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* CGFNet: Cross-Guided Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* CGMDRNet: Cross-Guided Modality Difference Reduction Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Channel Graph Regularized Correlation Filters for Visual Object Tracking
* Characterization of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Images Based on Pseudo-Labeling Using Radiology Reports
* Class of Low-Complexity DCT-Like Transforms for Image and Video Coding, A
* Class-Aware Feature Aggregation Network for Video Object Detection
* CLN: Cross-Domain Learning Network for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* CoEvo-Net: Coevolution Network for Video Highlight Detection
* Cohesive Multi-Modality Feature Learning and Fusion for COVID-19 Patient Severity Prediction
* Collaborative Feature Learning for Gait Recognition Under Cloth Changes
* Collaborative Unsupervised Multi-View Representation Learning
* Color-Sensitivity-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization for H.265/HEVC
* Comprehensive Analysis Method for Reversible Data Hiding in Stream-Cipher-Encrypted Images, A
* Concealed Attack for Robust Watermarking Based on Generative Model and Perceptual Loss
* Confidence Regularized Label Propagation Based Domain Adaptation
* Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Coding Using Light Gradient Boosting Machine
* Context-Aware Feature Learning for Noise Robust Person Search
* Continuous Multi-View Human Action Recognition
* Continuous Prediction of Lower-Limb Kinematics From Multi-Modal Biomedical Signals
* Contraction of Dynamically Masked Deep Neural Networks for Efficient Video Processing
* Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Toe-Tapping Assessment in Parkinson's Disease, A
* Convex-Hull Feature Adaptation for Oriented and Densely Packed Object Detection
* Convolution by Multiplication: Accelerated Two- Stream Fourier Domain Convolutional Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment: A Benchmark
* CORNet: Context-Based Ordinal Regression Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Criteria Comparative Learning for Real-Scene Image Super-Resolution
* Cross View Learning Approach for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition, A
* Cross-Collaborative Fusion-Encoder Network for Robust RGB-Thermal Salient Object Detection
* Cross-Domain Attention Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Crowd Counting
* Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification Using Heterogeneous Convolutional Network
* Cross-Layer Design for UAV-Based Streaming Media Transmission
* Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Dual Alignment Network for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Modal Transmission Strategy
* Cross-Modality Compensation Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Cross-Resolution Distillation for Efficient 3D Medical Image Registration
* Cross-Spectral Iris Recognition by Learning Device-Specific Band
* Cross-SRN: Structure-Preserving Super-Resolution Network With Cross Convolution
* Curiosity-Driven Class-Incremental Learning via Adaptive Sample Selection
* DACNN: Blind Image Quality Assessment via a Distortion-Aware Convolutional Neural Network
* DAHP: Deep Attention-Guided Hashing With Pairwise Labels
* Data Assimilation Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Data Orchestration for Accelerating GPU-Based Light Field Rendering Aiming at a Wide Virtual Space
* Data Protection in Palmprint Recognition via Dynamic Random Invisible Watermark Embedding
* DBCFace: Towards Pure Convolutional Neural Network Face Detection
* Decade Survey of Content Based Image Retrieval Using Deep Learning, A
* Decoupled R-CNN: Sensitivity-Specific Detector for Higher Accurate Localization
* Deep Adaptively-Enhanced Hashing With Discriminative Similarity Guidance for Unsupervised Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Affine Motion Compensation Network for Inter Prediction in VVC
* Deep Clustering via Automatic Feature Embedded Learning for Human Activity Recognition, A
* Deep Cross-Modal Representation Learning and Distillation for Illumination-Invariant Pedestrian Detection
* Deep Dynamic Scene Deblurring from Optical Flow
* Deep Feature Compression Using Spatio-Temporal Arrangement Toward Collaborative Intelligent World
* Deep Image Denoising With Adaptive Priors
* Deep Image Inpainting With Enhanced Normalization and Contextual Attention
* Deep Joint Demosaicing and High Dynamic Range Imaging Within a Single Shot
* Deep Learning Based Just Noticeable Difference and Perceptual Quality Prediction Models for Compressed Video
* Deep Learning-Based Perceptual Video Quality Enhancement for 3D Synthesized View
* Deep Sparse Representation Based Image Restoration With Denoising Prior
* DeepOIS: Gyroscope-Guided Deep Optical Image Stabilizer Compensation
* DEF-Net: A Face Aging Model by Using Different Emotional Learnings
* Dense Attentive Feature Enhancement for Salient Object Detection
* Dense Dual-Attention Network for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
* Dense Haze Removal by Nonlinear Transformation
* Dense Semantics-Assisted Networks for Video Action Recognition
* Densely Semantic Enhancement for Domain Adaptive Region-Free Detectors
* Density-Aware Haze Image Synthesis by Self-Supervised Content-Style Disentanglement
* Depth Estimation from a Single Image of Blast Furnace Burden Surface Based on Edge Defocus Tracking
* Depth Estimation Using a Self-Supervised Network Based on Cross-Layer Feature Fusion and the Quadtree Constraint
* Depth Map Super-Resolution Based on Dual Normal-Depth Regularization and Graph Laplacian Prior
* Depth Map Super-Resolution via Joint Local Gradient and Nonlocal Structural Regularizations
* Depth-Aware Multi-Grid Deep Homography Estimation With Contextual Correlation
* Depth-Wise Split Unit Coding Order for Video Compression
* Designing CNNs for Multimodal Image Restoration and Fusion via Unfolding the Method of Multipliers
* DesmokeNet: A Two-Stage Smoke Removal Pipeline Based on Self-Attentive Feature Consensus and Multi-Level Contrastive Regularization
* Detecting Aligned Double JPEG Compressed Color Image With Same Quantization Matrix Based on the Stability of Image
* Detecting Compressed Deepfake Videos in Social Networks Using Frame-Temporality Two-Stream Convolutional Network
* Detecting Steganography in JPEG Images Recompressed With the Same Quantization Matrix
* Detection of Double JPEG Compression With the Same Quantization Matrix via Convergence Analysis
* Detection of Information Hiding at Anti-Copying 2D Barcodes
* DHNet: Salient Object Detection With Dynamic Scale-Aware Learning and Hard-Sample Refinement
* Diagonally Oriented Novel Feature Extractor for Pedestrian Detection and Its Efficient Hardware Implementation, A
* Discrete Joint Semantic Alignment Hashing for Cross-Modal Image-Text Search
* Discriminative Feature Mining and Enhancement Network for Low-Resolution Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Discriminative Projection Learning With Adaptive Reversed Graph Embedding for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction
* Disguise Resilient Face Verification
* Distilling Knowledge From Object Classification to Aesthetics Assessment
* Divide-and-Conquer Predictor for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* DLI-Net: Dual Local Interaction Network for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Domain Adversarial Disentanglement Network With Cross-Domain Synthesis for Generalized Face Anti-Spoofing
* Domain Contrast for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Double Parameters Fractal Sorting Matrix and Its Application in Image Encryption
* Double-Laplacian Mixture-Error Model-Based Supervised Group-Sparse Coding for Robust Palmprint Recognition
* Double-Stream Position Learning Transformer Network for Image Captioning
* Drone-Based RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Vehicle Detection Via Uncertainty-Aware Learning
* DSRGAN: Detail Prior-Assisted Perceptual Single Image Super-Resolution via Generative Adversarial Networks
* Dual Face Alignment Learning Network for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Dual Mutual Learning for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Dual Spoof Disentanglement Generation for Face Anti-Spoofing With Depth Uncertainty Learning
* Dual-Channel Multi-Task CNN for No-Reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Dual-Domain Generative Adversarial Network for Digital Image Operation Anti-Forensics
* Dual-Level Representation Enhancement on Characteristic and Context for Image-Text Retrieval
* Dual-Pyramidal Image Inpainting With Dynamic Normalization
* Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Improved Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network
* Dynamic Particle Filter Framework for Robust Object Tracking
* Dynamic Perception Framework for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Each Part Matters: Local Patterns Facilitate Cross-View Geo-Localization
* EAGNet: Elementwise Attentive Gating Network-Based Single Image De-Raining With Rain Simplification
* ECFFNet: Effective and Consistent Feature Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* EDFLOW: Event Driven Optical Flow Camera With Keypoint Detection and Adaptive Block Matching
* Edge-Based Video Compression Texture Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Edge-Preserving Image Filtering Based on Soft Clustering
* Effective Tensor Completion via Element-Wise Weighted Low-Rank Tensor Train With Overlapping Ket Augmentation
* Efficient and Model-Based Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Algorithm Unrolling
* Efficient and Robust MultiView Clustering With Anchor Graph Regularization
* Efficient Context-Guided Stacked Refinement Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Efficient Framework of Reference Picture Resampling (RPR) for Video Coding, An
* Efficient Low-Rank Matrix Factorization Based on l1,e-Norm for Online Background Subtraction
* Efficient Pseudo-Sequence-Based Light Field Video Coding Utilizing View Similarities for Prediction Structure, An
* Efficient PVO-Based Reversible Data Hiding by Selecting Blocks With Full-Enclosing Context
* Efficient Scalable UHD/360-Video Coding by Exploiting Common Information With Cuboid-Based Partitioning
* Efficient Video Grounding With Which-Where Reading Comprehension
* EFFNet: Enhanced Feature Foreground Network for Video Smoke Source Prediction and Detection
* EFINet: Restoration for Low-Light Images via Enhancement-Fusion Iterative Network
* Embedding Pose Information for Multiview Vehicle Model Recognition
* EMU: Effective Multi-Hot Encoding Net for Lightweight Scene Text Recognition With a Large Character Set
* End-to-End Neural Video Coding Using a Compound Spatiotemporal Representation
* Energy Efficient Video Decoding for VVC Using a Greedy Strategy-Based Design Space Exploration
* Engaging Part-Whole Hierarchies and Contrast Cues for Salient Object Detection
* Enhanced Attention Tracking With Multi-Branch Network for Egocentric Activity Recognition
* Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Salience for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* Enhanced Surveillance Video Compression With Dual Reference Frames Generation
* Enhancement Layer Coding for Chroma Sub-Sampled Screen Content Video
* Enlightening Low-Light Images With Dynamic Guidance for Context Enrichment
* Ensemble Framework for Improving the Prediction of Deleterious Synonymous Mutation, An
* Entity Slot Filling for Visual Captioning
* Entropy-Guided Reinforced Partial Convolutional Network for Zero-Shot Learning, An
* Episodic Learning Network for Text Detection on Human Bodies in Sports Images, An
* Evolving Metric Learning for Incremental and Decremental Features
* Expansion-Squeeze-Excitation Fusion Network for Elderly Activity Recognition
* Exploiting Multiperspective Driven Hierarchical Content-Aware Network for Finger Vein Verification
* Exploring Dense Context for Salient Object Detection
* Exploring Fine-Grained Cluster Structure Knowledge for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Exploring Stable Coefficients on Joint Sub-Bands for Robust Video Watermarking in DT CWT Domain
* Exploring Structural Sparsity in CNN via Selective Penalty
* Exploring Sub-Action Granularity for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Exploring the Benefits of Cross-Modal Coding
* Exposedness-Based Noise-Suppressing Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Extending Momentum Contrast With Cross Similarity Consistency Regularization
* FactorNet: Holistic Actor, Object, and Scene Factorization for Action Recognition in Videos
* Farther the Better: Balanced Stereo Matching via Depth-Based Sampling and Adaptive Feature Refinement, The
* Fast CABAC Hardware Design for Accelerating the Rate Estimation in HEVC, A
* Fast Tensor Nuclear Norm for Structured Low-Rank Visual Inpainting
* Fast Universal Low Rank Representation
* FastInter360: A Fast Inter Mode Decision for HEVC 360 Video Coding
* FCHP: Exploring the Discriminative Feature and Feature Correlation of Feature Maps for Hierarchical DNN Pruning and Compression
* Feature Aggregation Networks Based on Dual Attention Capsules for Visual Object Tracking
* Feature Cloud: Improving Deep Visual Recognition with Probabilistic Feature Augmentation
* Feature Selection With Multi-Source Transfer
* Feature Transformation Framework With Selective Pseudo-Labeling for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval, A
* Feature-Based Style Randomization for Domain Generalization
* FEXNet: Foreground Extraction Network for Human Action Recognition
* Finding Stars From Fireworks: Improving Non-Cooperative Iris Tracking
* Fine-Grained Image Quality Assessment: A Revisit and Further Thinking
* Fingertips Detection With Nearest-Neighbor Pose Particles From a Single RGB Image
* Fish Retina-Inspired Single Image Dehazing Method, A
* Fixing Defect of Photometric Loss for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Flow-Edge Guided Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Forensic Analysis of JPEG-Domain Enhanced Images via Coefficient Likelihood Modeling
* Forest Graph Convolutional Network for Surgical Action Triplet Recognition in Endoscopic Videos
* FPGA-Based Residual Recurrent Neural Network for Real-Time Video Super-Resolution, An
* FPX-NIC: An FPGA-Accelerated 4K Ultra-High-Definition Neural Video Coding System
* From Simulated to Visual Data: A Robust Low-Rank Tensor Completion Approach Using L_p-Regression for Outlier Resistance
* Fuzzified Contrast Enhancement for Nearly Invisible Images
* Gaussian Dynamic Convolution for Efficient Single-Image Segmentation
* Gaussian-Wiener Representation and Hierarchical Coding Scheme for Focal Stack Images
* Gaze Estimation via Modulation-Based Adaptive Network With Auxiliary Self-Learning
* Gaze Estimation via the Joint Modeling of Multiple Cues
* Gaze Target Estimation Inspired by Interactive Attention
* GCT: Graph Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
* General Expansion-Shifting Model for Reversible Data Hiding: Theoretical Investigation and Practical Algorithm Design
* Generalizable Crowd Counting via Diverse Context Style Learning
* Generalizable No-Reference Image Quality Assessment via Deep Meta-Learning
* Generalized Multi-View Collaborative Subspace Clustering
* Generative Memory-Guided Semantic Reasoning Model for Image Inpainting
* Global Relation-Aware Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Global-Local Balanced Low-Rank Approximation of Hyperspectral Images for Classification
* Global-Local Interplay in Semantic Alignment for Few-Shot Learning
* Gradient Flow Evolution for 3D Fusion From a Single Depth Sensor
* Gradually Enhanced Adversarial Perturbations on Color Pixel Vectors for Image Steganography
* Graph-Based Object Semantic Refinement for Visual Emotion Recognition
* Graph2Net: Perceptually-Enriched Graph Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Grayscale-Invariant Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histograms Modification
* GUDCP: Generalization of Underwater Dark Channel Prior for Underwater Image Restoration
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Advanced Machine Learning Methodologies for Large-Scale Video Object Segmentation and Detection
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Video and Language
* Guest Editorial Special Section on Learning With Multimodal Data for Biomedical Informatics
* Hash Learning With Variable Quantization for Large-Scale Retrieval
* HF-TPE: High-Fidelity Thumbnail- Preserving Encryption
* HFF6D: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network for Robust 6D Object Pose Tracking
* HG-FCN: Hierarchical Grid Fully Convolutional Network for Fast VVC Intra Coding
* Hierarchical Deep CNN Feature Set-Based Representation Learning for Robust Cross-Resolution Face Recognition
* Hierarchical Dynamic Programming Module for Human Pose Refinement
* Hierarchical Feature Aggregation Based on Transformer for Image-Text Matching
* Hierarchical Feature Fusion With Mixed Convolution Attention for Single Image Dehazing
* Hierarchical Graph Neural Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* High Efficiency Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding Based on Composite Cauchy Distribution
* High Throughput and Energy Efficient Lepton Hardware Encoder With Hash-Based Memory Optimization, A
* High Visual Quality Color Image Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on B-R-G Embedding Principle and CIEDE2000 Assessment Metric, A
* High Voltage Driving Chiplet in Standard 0.18-”m CMOS for Micro-Pixelated LED Displays Integrated With LTPS TFTs, A
* High-Capacity Framework for Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Using Pixel Prediction and Entropy Encoding
* High-Dimensional Sparse Hashing Framework for Cross-Modal Retrieval, A
* High-Order Interaction Learning for Image Captioning
* High-Throughput Depth Estimation Processor for Accurate Semiglobal Stereo Matching Using Pipelined Inter-Pixel Aggregation, A
* Highly-Parallel Hardwired Deep Convolutional Neural Network for 1-ms Dual-Hand Tracking
* Human-Centric Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding With Visual Transformers
* Hybrid Compression Framework for Color Attributes of Static 3D Point Clouds, A
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Deep Prior Regularization With Parameter Estimation
* IDBP: Image Dehazing Using Blended Priors Including Non-Local, Local, and Global Priors
* IdentityMask: Deep Motion Flow Guided Reversible Face Video De-Identification
* IHEM Loss: Intra-Class Hard Example Mining Loss for Robust Face Recognition
* IID-Net: Image Inpainting Detection Network via Neural Architecture Search and Attention
* Illumination Unification for Person Re-Identification
* Image Reflection Removal via Contextual Feature Fusion Pyramid and Task-Driven Regularization
* Image Super-Resolution With Self-Similarity Prior Guided Network and Sample-Discriminating Learning
* Image Understanding With Reinforcement Learning: Auto-Tuning Image Attributes and Model Parameters for Object Detection and Segmentation
* Image-Scale-Symmetric Cooperative Network for Defocus Blur Detection
* Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics
* Immersive Video Coding: Should Geometry Information Be Transmitted as Depth Maps?
* Implicit Motion-Compensated Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* Improved Instance Discrimination and Feature Compactness for End-to-End Person Search
* Improved Inter-Intra Contrastive Learning Framework on Self-Supervised Video Representation, An
* Improving Cost Learning for JPEG Steganography by Exploiting JPEG Domain Knowledge
* Improving Multiscale Object Detection With Off-Centered Semantics Refinement
* Incomplete Descriptor Mining With Elastic Loss for Person Re-Identification
* Incremental Translation Averaging
* Indoor 3D Human Trajectory Reconstruction Using Surveillance Camera Videos and Point Clouds
* Industrial Scene Text Detection With Refined Feature-Attentive Network
* Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
* Instance-Based Feature Pyramid for Visual Object Tracking
* Interlayer Restoration Deep Neural Network for Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Intra- and Inter-Reasoning Graph Convolutional Network for Saliency Prediction on 360° Images
* Inverse Interpolation and Its Application in Robust Image Steganography
* Invertible Color-to-Grayscale Conversion Using Lossy Compression and High-Capacity Data Hiding
* Investigations on Temporal Sampling and Patternless Frame Recovery for Asynchronous Display-Camera Communication
* IRA++: Distributed Incremental Rotation Averaging
* IRDCLNet: Instance Segmentation of Ship Images Based on Interference Reduction and Dynamic Contour Learning in Foggy Scenes
* Iterative Feature Matching for Self-Supervised Indoor Depth Estimation
* IV-PSNR: The Objective Quality Metric for Immersive Video Applications
* JEDE: Universal Jersey Number Detector for Sports
* Joint Adaptive Dual Graph and Feature Selection for Domain Adaptation
* Joint Depth and Density Guided Single Image De-Raining
* Joint Discriminative Latent Subspace Learning for Image Classification
* Joint Expression Synthesis and Representation Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* Joint Face Image Restoration and Frontalization for Recognition
* Joint Local Correlation and Global Contextual Information for Unsupervised 3D Model Retrieval and Classification
* Joint Sample Enhancement and Instance-Sensitive Feature Learning for Efficient Person Search
* Joint Video Packet Assignment, Power Control and User Scheduling Over Cognitive Multi-Homing Heterogeneous NOMA Networks
* JointPruning: Pruning Networks Along Multiple Dimensions for Efficient Point Cloud Processing
* JPEG Reversible Data Hiding Using Dynamic Distortion Optimizing With Frequency Priority Reassignment
* Just Noticeable Difference for Deep Machine Vision
* Keyframe-Editable Real-Time Motion Synthesis
* Knowledge-Based Visual Question Generation
* KTN: Knowledge Transfer Network for Learning Multiperson 2D-3D Correspondences
* Landmarking for Navigational Streaming of Stored High-Dimensional Media
* Large-Scale Crowdsourced Subjective Assessment of Picturewise Just Noticeable Difference
* Large-Scale Spatio-Temporal Person Re-Identification: Algorithms and Benchmark
* Learned Block-Based Hybrid Image Compression
* Learning a Deep Multi-Scale Feature Ensemble and an Edge-Attention Guidance for Image Fusion
* Learning a Task-Specific Descriptor for Robust Matching of 3D Point Clouds
* Learning Adaptive Target-and-Surrounding Soft Mask for Correlation Filter Based Visual Tracking
* Learning an Occlusion-Aware Network for Video Deblurring
* Learning Channel-Aware Correlation Filters for Robust Object Tracking
* Learning Clustering for Motion Segmentation
* Learning Disentangled Representation for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
* Learning Dynamic Generative Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning From Visual Demonstrations via Replayed Task-Contrastive Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning
* Learning Generalized Spatial-Temporal Deep Feature Representation for No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* Learning Hybrid Semantic Affinity for Point Cloud Segmentation
* Learning Informative and Discriminative Features for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Learning Low-Rank Graph With Enhanced Supervision
* Learning Semantic-Aware Spatial-Temporal Attention for Interpretable Action Recognition
* Learning to Capture the Query Distribution for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning Transferable and Discriminative Representations for 2D Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Learning Unsupervised Face Normalization Through Frontal View Reconstruction
* Learning Video Moment Retrieval Without a Single Annotated Video
* Let There Be Light: Improved Traffic Surveillance via Detail Preserving Night-to-Day Transfer
* LGGD+: Image Retargeting Quality Assessment by Measuring Local and Global Geometric Distortions
* Light Attention Embedding for Facial Expression Recognition
* Light-Guided and Cross-Fusion U-Net for Anti-Illumination Image Super-Resolution
* Lightweight Image Super-Resolution With Expectation-Maximization Attention Mechanism
* Lightweight Texture Correlation Network for Pose Guided Person Image Generation
* Local and Global Perception Generative Adversarial Network for Facial Expression Synthesis
* Local-Global Graph Pooling via Mutual Information Maximization for Video-Paragraph Retrieval
* Locality-Adaptive Structured Dictionary Learning for Cross-Domain Recognition
* Low-Complexity Chroma Subsampling Using Optimal Lines of Subproblems of Pixel Distortion
* Low-Rank Tensor Graph Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* LVE-S2D: Low-Light Video Enhancement From Static to Dynamic
* Lw-Count: An Effective Lightweight Encoding-Decoding Crowd Counting Network
* Margin-Based Adversarial Joint Alignment Domain Adaptation
* Marine Animal Segmentation
* MARS: Learning Modality-Agnostic Representation for Scalable Cross-Media Retrieval
* Maximum Entropy Subspace Clustering Network
* MDFM: Multi-Decision Fusing Model for Few-Shot Learning
* Median Stable Clustering and Global Distance Classification for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Memory-Efficient Deformable Convolution Based Joint Denoising and Demosaicing for UHD Images
* Meta-Generating Deep Attentive Metric for Few-Shot Classification
* Meta-Learning-Based Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection
* MFHI: Taking Modality-Free Human Identification as Zero-Shot Learning
* MFNet: Multiclass Few-Shot Segmentation Network with Pixel-Wise Metric Learning
* MMatch: Semi-Supervised Discriminative Representation Learning for Multi-View Classification
* MoADNet: Mobile Asymmetric Dual-Stream Networks for Real-Time and Lightweight RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Modeling Two-Stream Correspondence for Visual Sound Separation
* MOFISSLAM: A Multi-Object Semantic SLAM System With Front-View, Inertial, and Surround-View Sensors for Indoor Parking
* Monocular and Binocular Interactions Oriented Deformable Convolutional Networks for Blind Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Images
* Monocular Depth Perception on Microcontrollers for Edge Applications
* Monocular Robust 3D Human Localization by Global and Body-Parts Depth Awareness
* MOTFR: Multiple Object Tracking Based on Feature Recoding
* Motion Guided Attention Learning for Self-Supervised 3D Human Action Recognition
* MRDFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation Network With Multi-Scale Recurrent Decoder
* MRS-Net+ for Enhancing Face Quality of Compressed Videos
* MS2Net: Multi-Scale and Multi-Stage Feature Fusion for Blurred Image Super-Resolution
* MSTA-Net: Forgery Detection by Generating Manipulation Trace Based on Multi-Scale Self-Texture Attention
* Multi-Angle Projection Based Blind Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Video Deblurring
* Multi-Graph Fusion and Learning for RGBT Image Saliency Detection
* Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification via Semantic Similarity Graph Embedding
* Multi-Label Image Classification via Category Prototype Compositional Learning
* Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-Metric Re-Identification for Online Multi-Person Tracking
* Multi-Object Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Topology-Based Detector
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation With Accurate Heatmap Regression and Greedy Association
* Multi-Source Aggregation Transformer for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Images
* Multi-Stream Interaction Networks for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Task Convolution Operators with Object Detection for Visual Tracking
* Multi-Task SE-Network for Image Splicing Localization
* Multibranch Adversarial Regression for Domain Adaptative Hand Pose Estimation
* Multidimensional Prototype Refactor Enhanced Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Multilevel Spatial-Temporal Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* Multimodal Feature Fusion and Knowledge-Driven Learning via Experts Consult for Thyroid Nodule Classification
* Multiple Resolution Prediction With Deep Up-Sampling for Depth Video Coding
* Multiscale Low-Light Image Enhancement Network With Illumination Constraint
* Multistage Curvature-Guided Network for Progressive Single Image Reflection Removal
* Multitask Multigranularity Aggregation With Global-Guided Attention for Video Person Re-Identification
* Mutual Information-Based Graph Co-Attention Networks for Multimodal Prior-Guided Magnetic Resonance Imaging Segmentation
* MVF-Net: A Multi-View Fusion Network for Event-Based Object Classification
* MW-GAN+ for Perceptual Quality Enhancement on Compressed Video
* Neural Contourlet Network for Monocular 360° Depth Estimation
* Neural Network-Based Enhancement to Inter Prediction for Video Coding
* New Approach to the Design and Implementation of a Family of Multiplier Free Orthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks, A
* New Dataset, Poisson GAN and AquaNet for Underwater Object Grabbing, A
* New Deep Wavefront Based Model for Text Localization in 3D Video, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for 360-Degree Images by Analysis of Multifrequency Information and Local-Global Naturalness
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for 3D Colored Point Cloud and Mesh Models
* Noise-Suppressing Deep Tracking
* NoisyOTNet: A Robust Real-Time Vehicle Tracking Model for Traffic Surveillance
* Novel Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Recognition of Thyroid Gland and Tissues of Neck in Ultrasound Image, A
* Novel Long-Term Iterative Mining Scheme for Video Salient Object Detection, A
* Novel Video Salient Object Detection Method via Semisupervised Motion Quality Perception, A
* Novel Video Steganographic Scheme Incorporating the Consistency Degree of Motion Vectors, A
* Object Tracking via Spatial-Temporal Memory Network
* Object-Aware Ghost Identification and Elimination for Dynamic Scene Mosaic
* Occlusion-Sensitive Person Re-Identification via Attribute-Based Shift Attention
* Occupancy Map Guided Fast Video-Based Dynamic Point Cloud Coding
* OCR Post-Correction Approach Using Deep Learning for Processing Medical Reports, An
* Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment by Distortion Discrimination Assisted Multi-Stream Network
* On The Security of Block Permutation and Co-XOR in Reversible Data Hiding
* One-Class Double Compression Detection of Advanced Videos Based on Simple Gaussian Distribution Model
* One-for-All: An Efficient Variable Convolution Neural Network for In-Loop Filter of VVC
* Order-Constrained Representation Learning for Instructional Video Prediction
* Orthogonal Modality Disentanglement and Representation Alignment Network for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Overview and Efficiency of Decoder-Side Depth Estimation in MPEG Immersive Video
* Overview of Panoramic Video Projection Schemes in the IEEE 1857.9 Standard for Immersive Visual Content Coding, An
* Overview of Screen Content Coding in Recently Developed Video Coding Standards
* Overview of the Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) Standard
* Overview of the Neural Network Compression and Representation (NNR) Standard
* Ownership Verification of DNN Architectures via Hardware Cache Side Channels
* Partial Alignment for Object Detection in the Wild
* Partial Domain Adaptation on Semantic Segmentation
* Partial Label Learning Based on Disambiguation Correction Net With Graph Representation
* Partial Label Learning via GANs With Multiclass SVMs and Information Maximization
* Patch Tracking-Based Streaming Tensor Ring Completion for Visual Data Recovery
* PCGAN: Prediction-Compensation Generative Adversarial Network for Meshes
* Perceptual Hashing With Complementary Color Wavelet Transform and Compressed Sensing for Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* PhyDAA: Physiological Dataset Assessing Attention
* Pixel-Level Segmentation-Synthesis Framework for Dynamic Texture Video Compression, A
* PMAN: Progressive Multi-Attention Network for Human Pose Transfer
* PointOT: Interpretable Geometry-Inspired Point Cloud Generative Model via Optimal Transport
* POS-Trends Dynamic-Aware Model for Video Caption
* Poxture: Human Posture Imitation Using Neural Texture
* Preprocessor Rate Control for Adaptive Multi-View Live Video Streaming Using a Single Encoder
* Probabilistic Spatial Distribution Prior Based Attentional Keypoints Matching Network
* Progressive Dual-Attention Residual Network for Salient Object Detection
* Progressive Meta-Learning With Curriculum
* Propagating Facial Prior Knowledge for Multitask Learning in Face Super-Resolution
* PSCC-Net: Progressive Spatio-Channel Correlation Network for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization
* Pseudo-LiDAR-Based Road Detection
* PSNet: Fast Data Structuring for Hierarchical Deep Learning on Point Cloud
* QLP: Deep Q-Learning for Pruning Deep Neural Networks
* QoS-Guaranteed Adaptive Modulation and Coding for Wireless Scalable Video Multicast
* Quadratic Terms Based Point-to-Surface 3D Representation for Deep Learning of Point Cloud
* Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images in Wavelet Domain
* Quality-Oriented Task Allocation and Scheduling in Transcoding Servers With Heterogeneous Processors
* Quantization Step Estimation for JPEG Image Forensics
* Rain Streak Removal From Light Field Images
* RAPT360: Reinforcement Learning-Based Rate Adaptation for 360-Degree Video Streaming With Adaptive Prediction and Tiling
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Transform Coefficient Selection for Unoccupied Regions in Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* RB-Net: Training Highly Accurate and Efficient Binary Neural Networks With Reshaped Point-Wise Convolution and Balanced Activation
* RD-IWAN: Residual Dense Based Imperceptible Watermark Attack Network
* RDEN: Residual Distillation Enhanced Network-Guided Lightweight Synthesized View Quality Enhancement for 3D-HEVC
* Re-Thinking the Relations in Co-Saliency Detection
* Reading-Strategy Inspired Visual Representation Learning for Text-to-Video Retrieval
* Real-Time Scene-Aware LiDAR Point Cloud Compression Using Semantic Prior Representation
* Real-Time Tone Mapping: A Survey and Cross-Implementation Hardware Benchmark
* Real-Time Ultra-High Definition Video Decoder of AVS3 on Heterogeneous Systems, A
* Real-Time Video Emotion Recognition Based on Reinforcement Learning and Domain Knowledge
* Reciprocal Twin Networks for Pedestrian Motion Learning and Future Path Prediction
* Reconfigurable Convolution-in-Pixel CMOS Image Sensor Architecture, A
* Reduced Biquaternion Convolutional Neural Network for Color Image Processing
* Reference-Free DIBR-Synthesized Video Quality Metric in Spatial and Temporal Domains
* Reference-Guided Landmark Image Inpainting With Deep Feature Matching
* Region Reinforcement Network With Topic Constraint for Image-Text Matching
* Region-Aware Image Captioning via Interaction Learning
* Repeatable Data Hiding: Towards the Reusability of Digital Images
* Residual-Guided Multiscale Fusion Network for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* Resource-Efficient Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Semi-Global Stereo Matching, A
* Rethinking Camouflaged Object Detection: Models and Datasets
* Rethinking Deinterlacing for Early Interlaced Videos
* RetinexDIP: A Unified Deep Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Adaptive Two-Dimensional Prediction-Error Histograms Modification
* Reversible Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Adaptive 3D Prediction-Error Expansion and Double Deep Q-Network
* Reversible Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Adaptive Three-Dimensional Histogram Modification
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing Based on GF(p) and GF(28)
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Cipher-Feedback Secret Sharing
* Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Domain for Secret Image Sharing Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem, A
* Reversible Data Hiding With Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement by Two-Dimensional Histogram Modification
* Reversible Data Hiding With Hierarchical Embedding for Encrypted Images
* Revisiting Modality-Specific Feature Compensation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Revisiting Radial Distortion Rectification in Polar-Coordinates: A New and Efficient Learning Perspective
* RGB-D Semantic Segmentation and Label-Oriented Voxelgrid Fusion for Accurate 3D Semantic Mapping
* RGBT Tracking by Trident Fusion Network
* RiFeGAN2: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From Constrained Prior Knowledge
* Robust Coverless Steganography Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Gradient Descent Approximation, A
* Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Image, A
* Robust GAN-Generated Face Detection Method Based on Dual-Color Spaces and an Improved Xception, A
* Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted Image With Secure Multi-Party Based on Lightweight Cryptography
* Robust Scene Text Detection for Partially Annotated Training Data
* Robust Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Hierarchical Mining
* RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Body-Parts
* RR-Net: Relation Reasoning for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection
* RSDet++: Point-Based Modulated Loss for More Accurate Rotated Object Detection
* Saliency and Granularity: Discovering Temporal Coherence for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* SANet: Statistic Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Scalable Intra Coding Optimization for Video Coding
* SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense Image Prediction
* Segmenting Beyond the Bounding Box for Instance Segmentation
* Selective Element and Two Orders Vectorization Networks for Automatic Depression Severity Diagnosis via Facial Changes
* Selective Intra-Image Similarity for Personalized Fixation-Based Object Segmentation
* Self-Adaptive Discriminative Autoencoder for Medical Applications, A
* Self-Paced Feature Attention Fusion Network for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Image
* Self-Supervised Auxiliary Domain Alignment for Unsupervised 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Self-Supervised Exclusive-Inclusive Interactive Learning for Multi-Label Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Self-Supervised Low-Light Image Enhancement Using Discrepant Untrained Network Priors
* Self-Supervised Metric Learning Framework for the Arising-From-Chair Assessment of Parkinsonians With Graph Convolutional Networks, A
* Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Videos by Segmenting via Sampling Rate Order Prediction
* Self-Supervised Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Self-Supervised Synthesis Ranking for Deep Metric Learning
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning Using Improved Instance-Wise Contrastive Learning and Deep Clustering
* Self-Updatable Database System Based on Human Motion Assessment Framework
* Semantic Supplementary Network With Prior Information for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Semantically Similarity-Wise Dual-Branch Network for Scene Graph Generation
* Semi-Fragile Reversible Watermarking for Authenticating 3D Models in Dual Domains Based on Variable Direction Double Modulation, A
* Semi-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation Without Using Real Annotations
* Semi-Supervised Action Quality Assessment With Self-Supervised Segment Feature Recovery
* Semi-Supervised Clustering via Cannot Link Relationship for Multiview Data
* Semi-Supervised Image Deraining Using Knowledge Distillation
* Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation via Learning Object-Aware Global-Local Correspondence
* SentiStory: A Multi-Layered Sentiment-Aware Generative Model for Visual Storytelling
* Separable Structure Modeling for Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation
* Sequence-Level Reference Frames in Video Coding
* Sequential Gesture Learning for Continuous Labanotation Generation Based on the Fusion of Graph Neural Networks
* SiamCDA: Complementarity- and Distractor-Aware RGB-T Tracking Based on Siamese Network
* Simple and Strong Baseline for Universal Targeted Attacks on Siamese Visual Tracking, A
* Simple Visual-Textual Baseline for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition, A
* Simultaneous Face Completion and Frontalization via Mask Guided Two-Stage GAN
* Single Image Haze Removal Based on a Simple Additive Model With Haze Smoothness Prior
* Single Image Haze Removal With Haze Map Optimization for Various Haze Concentrations
* Source-Free Open Compound Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
* Spatial Consistency Constrained GAN for Human Motion Transfer
* Spatial Temporal Video Enhancement Using Alternating Exposures
* Spatial-Temporal Based Multihead Self-Attention for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* Spatio-Temporal Approach for Apathy Classification, A
* Spatio-Temporal Online Matrix Factorization for Multi-Scale Moving Objects Detection
* Spatio-Temporal Perturbations for Video Attribution
* Spatio-Temporal Player Relation Modeling for Tactic Recognition in Sports Videos
* Spatiotemporal Generative Adversarial Network-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Surveillance Video Coding
* Spatiotemporal Multimodal Learning With 3D CNNs for Video Action Recognition
* Spatiotemporal Representation Learning for Blind Video Quality Assessment
* Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction With Dual Graph Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Clustering
* Spherical Zero-Shot Learning
* Spreading Fine-Grained Prior Knowledge for Accurate Tracking
* SSAT: Self-Supervised Associating Network for Multiobject Tracking
* Stable Linear Structures and Seam Measurements for Parallax Image Stitching
* Stacked Multimodal Attention Network for Context-Aware Video Captioning
* Stage-Aware Feature Alignment Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Street Scenes
* STC: FoV Tracking Enabled High-Quality 16K VR Video Streaming on Mobile Platforms
* Stereo Refinement Dehazing Network
* Stereoscopic Image Description With Trinion Fractional-Order Continuous Orthogonal Moments
* STPNet: A Spatial-Temporal Propagation Network for Background Subtraction
* Structure-Adaptive Neighborhood Preserving Hashing for Scalable Video Search
* Structure-Preserving and Color-Restoring Up-Sampling for Single Low-Light Image
* Structure-Texture Aware Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Structured Context Enhancement Network for Mouse Pose Estimation
* Student Network Learning via Evolutionary Knowledge Distillation
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Night-Time Videos
* Supervised Low-Rank Embedded Regression (SLRER) for Robust Subspace Learning
* Survey on Mapping Human Hand Motion to Robotic Hands for Teleoperation
* SwapInpaint: Identity-Specific Face Inpainting With Identity Swapping
* SwinNet: Swin Transformer Drives Edge-Aware RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Syntax-Guided Hierarchical Attention Network for Video Captioning
* TAGNet: Triplet-Attention Graph Networks for Hashtag Recommendation
* Target Oriented Perceptual Adversarial Fusion Network for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Target-Aware State Estimation for Visual Tracking
* Target-Distractor Aware Deep Tracking With Discriminative Enhancement Learning Loss
* Task Encoding With Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Learning
* Task-Adaptive Attention for Image Captioning
* TCDesc: Learning Topology Consistent Descriptors for Image Matching
* Temporal Group Fusion Network for Deep Video Inpainting
* Temporal Moment Localization via Natural Language by Utilizing Video Question Answers as a Special Variant and Bypassing NLP for Corpora
* Temporal Relation Inference Network for Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition
* Temporal-Channel Transformer for 3D Lidar-Based Video Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* Tensor Quantization: High-Dimensional Data Compression
* Tensorial Multi-View Clustering via Low-Rank Constrained High-Order Graph Learning
* Text Region Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Text Concealment in the Wild
* Texture-Aware Spherical Rotation for High Efficiency Omnidirectional Intra Video Coding
* Thinking Inside Uncertainty: Interest Moment Perception for Diverse Temporal Grounding
* TMS-GAN: A Twofold Multi-Scale Generative Adversarial Network for Single Image Dehazing
* TOAN: Target-Oriented Alignment Network for Fine-Grained Image Categorization With Few Labeled Samples
* Topology-Aware Differential Privacy for Decentralized Image Classification
* Topology-Aware Flow-Based Point Cloud Generation
* Toward Efficient and Robust Metrics for RANSAC Hypotheses and 3D Rigid Registration
* Towards an End-to-End Visual-to-Raw-Audio Generation With GAN
* Towards Knowledge-Aware Video Captioning via Transitive Visual Relationship Detection
* Towards More Realistic Human Motion Prediction With Attention to Motion Coordination
* Trajectory Saliency Detection Using Consistency-Oriented Latent Codes From a Recurrent Auto-Encoder
* Transformer-Based 3D Face Reconstruction With End-to-End Shape-Preserved Domain Transfer
* Transformer-Based Feature Segmentation and Region Alignment Method for UAV-View Geo-Localization, A
* Transformer-Based Language-Person Search With Multiple Region Slicing
* Triple Adversarial Learning and Multi-View Imaginative Reasoning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Person Re-Identification
* Triplet Loss With Multistage Outlier Suppression and Class-Pair Margins for Facial Expression Recognition
* Truncated Robust Natural Watermarking with Hungarian Optimization
* TSAN: Synthesized View Quality Enhancement via Two-Stream Attention Network for 3D-HEVC
* Two-Stage Attentive Network for Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Joint Demosaicking and Super-Resolution, A
* Two-Step Fast Mode Decision for Intra Coding of Screen Content
* Twofold Convolutional Regression Tracking Network With Temporal and Spatial Mechanism, A
* UAV-Satellite View Synthesis for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* Uncertainty Guided Multi-View Stereo Network for Depth Estimation
* Uncertainty-Aware and Multigranularity Consistent Constrained Model for Semi-Supervised Hashing
* Uncertainty-Guided Cross-Modal Learning for Robust Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* Understanding Atomic Hand-Object Interaction With Human Intention
* Underwater Image Co-Enhancement With Correlation Feature Matching and Joint Learning
* Underwater Image Enhancement Quality Evaluation: Benchmark Dataset and Objective Metric
* UNFusion: A Unified Multi-Scale Densely Connected Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Unified Framework for High Fidelity Face Swap and Expression Reenactment, A
* Unified Information Fusion Network for Multi-Modal RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Unsupervised Deep Background Matting Using Deep Matte Prior
* Unsupervised Deep Event Stereo for Depth Estimation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Multi-Loss Gap Minimization Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Disguised-Gait-Based Person Identification on Micro-Doppler Signatures
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Dynamically Aligning Both the Feature and Label Spaces
* Unsupervised Image Restoration With Quality-Task-Perception Loss
* Unsupervised Multiview Distributed Hashing for Large-Scale Retrieval
* UPHDR-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging With Unpaired Data
* UrbanLF: A Comprehensive Light Field Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
* User Generated HDR Gaming Video Streaming: Dataset, Codec Comparison, and Challenges
* UU-Net: Reversible Face De-Identification for Visual Surveillance Video Footage, The
* Variational Framework for Underwater Image Dehazing and Deblurring, A
* Variational Hyperparameter Inference for Few-Shot Learning Across Domains
* VDM-DA: Virtual Domain Modeling for Source Data-Free Domain Adaptation
* Vector-Based Efficient Data Hiding in Encrypted Images via Multi-MSB Replacement
* Video Captioning Using Global-Local Representation
* Video Person Re-Identification Using Attribute-Enhanced Features
* Video Saliency Forecasting Transformer
* Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging Using Residual Ensemble Network
* Video-Based Cross-Modal Auxiliary Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Viewing Behavior Supported Visual Saliency Predictor for 360 Degree Videos
* Viewport-Based Omnidirectional Video Quality Assessment: Database, Modeling and Inference
* Vision-Enhanced and Consensus-Aware Transformer for Image Captioning
* Visual Attention-Aware High Dynamic Range Quantization for HEVC Video Coding
* VRNet: Learning the Rectified Virtual Corresponding Points for 3D Point Cloud Registration
* VSOIQE: A Novel Viewport-Based Stitched 360° Omnidirectional Image Quality Evaluator
* VSRN: Visual-Semantic Relation Network for Video Visual Relation Inference
* Wallpaper Texture Generation and Style Transfer Based on Multi-Label Semantics
* Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection With Temporal Dependency Learning
* Weakly-Supervised Part-Attention and Mentored Networks for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Weight-Dependent Gates for Network Pruning
* Wide Weighted Attention Multi-Scale Network for Accurate MR Image Super-Resolution
* Wireless Image Transmission Using Deep Source Channel Coding With Attention Modules
* Zoom Transformer for Skeleton-Based Group Activity Recognition
670 for CirSysVideo(32)

CirSysVideo(33) * 3D Hierarchical Refinement and Augmentation for Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Pose From Monocular Video
* 3D Information Guided Motion Transfer via Sequential Image Based Human Model Refinement and Face-Attention GAN
* 3D Radio Imaging Under Low-Rank Constraint
* 3D Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Photogrammetry Models Based on Orthographic Projection
* 6D Pose Estimation of the Aircraft Using Geometric Property, The
* ABRF: Adaptive BitRate-FEC Joint Control for Real-Time Video Streaming
* Accurate and Robust Eye Center Localization by Deep Voting
* ACNet: Approaching-and-Centralizing Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Activation to Saliency: Forming High-Quality Labels for Unsupervised Salient Object Detection
* Active Learning With Co-Auxiliary Learning and Multi-Level Diversity for Image Classification
* Active Spatial Positions Based Hierarchical Relation Inference for Group Activity Recognition
* Actor-Aware Self-Supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* Adaptive Anchor Matching Strategy for Face Detection
* Adaptive Interference Removal Framework for Video Person Re-Identification, An
* Adaptive Memorization With Group Labels for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Mutual Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Adaptive Rank-One Matrix Completion Using Sum of Outer Products
* Adaptive Refining-Aggregation-Separation Framework for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptor: Improving the Robustness and Imperceptibility of Watermarking by the Adaptive Strength Factor
* Addressing Information Inequality for Text-Based Person Search via Pedestrian-Centric Visual Denoising and Bias-Aware Alignments
* Advancing Learned Video Compression With In-Loop Frame Prediction
* Adversarial Dual-Student with Differentiable Spatial Warping for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Adversarial Learning of Object-Aware Activation Map for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* AFD-Former: A Hybrid Transformer With Asymmetric Flow Division for Synthesized View Quality Enhancement
* AGPN: Action Granularity Pyramid Network for Video Action Recognition
* AIF-LFNet: All-in-Focus Light Field Super-Resolution Method Considering the Depth-Varying Defocus
* Anchor Assisted Experience Replay for Online Class-Incremental Learning
* Anti-Rounding Image Steganography With Separable Fine-Tuned Network
* AO2-DETR: Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection Transformer
* Artifacts-Disentangled Adversarial Learning for Deepfake Detection
* As-Deformable-As-Possible Single-Image-Based View Synthesis Without Depth Prior
* Asymmetric Dual-Direction Quasi-Recursive Network for Single Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Asymmetric Learned Image Compression With Multi-Scale Residual Block, Importance Scaling, and Post-Quantization Filtering
* Asynchronous Updating Boolean Network Encryption Algorithm
* Attention-Based Knowledge Distillation in Scene Recognition: The Impact of a DCT-Driven Loss
* Attention-Based Multi-View Feature Collaboration for Decoupled Few-Shot Learning
* Audio-Driven Dubbing for User Generated Contents via Style-Aware Semi-Parametric Synthesis
* Automatic Loss Function Search for Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* BAFN: Bi-Direction Attention Based Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Balanced One-Stage Object Detection by Enhancing the Effect of Positive Samples
* Balanced Sample Assignment and Objective for Single-Model Multi-Class 3D Object Detection
* Beyond Single Reference for Training: Underwater Image Enhancement via Comparative Learning
* Bidirectional Collaborative Mentoring Network for Marine Organism Detection and Beyond
* Binocular Camera Calibration Method in Froth Flotation Based on Key Frame Sequences and Weighted Normalized Tilt Difference, A
* Block-Adaptive Point Cloud Attribute Coding With Region-Aware Optimized Transform
* Boosting Few-Shot Fine-Grained Recognition With Background Suppression and Foreground Alignment
* Boosting One-Stage License Plate Detector via Self-Constrained Contrastive Aggregation
* Boosting Variational Inference With Margin Learning for Few-Shot Scene-Adaptive Anomaly Detection
* Brain-Inspired Hierarchical Interactive In-Memory Computing System and Its Application in Video Sentiment Analysis, A
* Bridging Multi-Scale Context-Aware Representation for Object Detection
* Camera Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* CFRLA-Net: A Context-Aware Feature Representation Learning Anchor-Free Network for Pedestrian Detection
* Class-Oriented Self-Learning Graph Embedding for Image Compact Representation
* Classification Certainty Maximization for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Closed-Form Solution of Principal Line for Camera Calibration Based on Orthogonal Vanishing Points
* Closer Look at Video Sampling for Sequential Action Recognition, A
* CLSR: Cross-Layer Interaction Pyramid Super-Resolution Network
* CNN Accelerator at the Edge With Adaptive Zero Skipping and Sparsity-Driven Data Flow
* CNN-Transformer Based Generative Adversarial Network for Copy-Move Source/ Target Distinguishment
* Co-MDA: Federated Multisource Domain Adaptation on Black-Box Models
* Coarse-to-Fine Task-Driven Inpainting for Geoscience Images
* COCAS+: Large-Scale Clothes-Changing Person Re-Identification With Clothes Templates
* Coherent Visual Storytelling via Parallel Top-Down Visual and Topic Attention
* Collaborative Foreground, Background, and Action Modeling Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Collaborative Multi-Dynamic Pattern Modeling for Human Motion Prediction
* Com-STAL: Compositional Spatio-Temporal Action Localization
* Comment-Guided Semantics-Aware Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Compact Temporal Trajectory Representation for Talking Face Video Compression
* Complementarity-Aware Space Learning for Video-Text Retrieval
* Complementary Attention-Driven Contrastive Learning With Hard-Sample Exploring for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID
* Complementary Parts Contrastive Learning for Fine-Grained Weakly Supervised Object Co-Localization
* Comprehensive Survey on Video Saliency Detection With Auditory Information: The Audio-Visual Consistency Perceptual is the Key!, A
* Computing Offloading With Fairness Guarantee: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Method
* Concept Parser With Multimodal Graph Learning for Video Captioning
* Concept-Enhanced Relation Network for Video Visual Relation Inference
* Consensus Cluster Center Guided Latent Multi-Kernel Clustering
* Consensus Knowledge Exploitation for Partial Query Based Image Retrieval
* Consistent Intra-Video Contrastive Learning With Asynchronous Long-Term Memory Bank
* Context-Aware Mixup for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Contextual-Assisted Scratched Photo Restoration
* Correlation Filter Tracker With Sample-Reliability Awareness and Self-Guided Update
* CorrI2P: Deep Image-to-Point Cloud Registration via Dense Correspondence
* Counterfactual Generation Framework for Few-Shot Learning
* Counting Varying Density Crowds Through Density Guided Adaptive Selection CNN and Transformer Estimation
* Cross on Cross Attention: Deep Fusion Transformer for Image Captioning
* Cross-Domain Alignment for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Cross-Drone Transformer Network for Robust Single Object Tracking
* Cross-Level Multi-Modal Features Learning With Transformer for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Cross-Modal Recurrent Semantic Comprehension for Referring Image Segmentation
* Cross-Modality Double Bidirectional Interaction and Fusion Network for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Cross-Scale Iterative Attentional Adversarial Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Images, A
* Cross-View Recurrence-Based Self-Supervised Super-Resolution of Light Field
* CrossDet++: Growing Crossline Representation for Object Detection
* Crowd-Powered Photo Enhancement Featuring an Active Learning Based Local Filter
* CTU-Level Screen Content Rate Control for Low-Delay Versatile Video Coding, A
* Customized Deep Network Based Encryption-Then-Lossy-Compression Scheme of Color Images Achieving Arbitrary Compression Ratios, A
* DANet: Dual-Branch Activation Network for Small Object Instance Segmentation of Ship Images
* DATFuse: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Dual Attention Transformer
* DCDR-GAN: A Densely Connected Disentangled Representation Generative Adversarial Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* DCNet: Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation With Discriminative and Efficient Feature Aggregation
* DCR-ReID: Deep Component Reconstruction for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* DEAR-GAN: Degradation-Aware Face Restoration With GAN Prior
* Debiased Contrastive Curriculum Learning for Progressive Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Debiased Video-Text Retrieval via Soft Positive Sample Calibration
* Decoupling Multimodal Transformers for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Sampling for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Deep and Low-Rank Quaternion Priors for Color Image Processing
* Deep Attention-Guided Graph Clustering With Dual Self-Supervision
* Deep Cross-Layer Collaborative Learning Network for Online Knowledge Distillation
* Deep Dynamic Memory Augmented Attentional Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising
* Deep Idempotent Network for Efficient Single Image Blind Deblurring
* Deep Image Compression Toward Machine Vision: A Unified Optimization Framework
* Deep In-Loop Filtering via Multi-Domain Correlation Learning and Partition Constraint for Multiview Video Coding
* Deep Intra Prediction by Jointly Exploiting Local and Non-Local Similarities
* Deep Learning-Based Image Retrieval With Unsupervised Double Bit Hashing
* Deep Multi-Task Learning Based Fast Intra-Mode Decision for Versatile Video Coding
* Deep Quality Assessment of Compressed Videos: A Subjective and Objective Study
* Deep Supervised Dual Cycle Adversarial Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Texture-Aware Features for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Deep Unfolding Network for Efficient Mixed Video Noise Removal
* Deep Video Super-Resolution Using Hybrid Imaging System
* Deep-Learning Technique for Risk-Based Action Prediction Using Extremely Low-Resolution Thermopile Sensor Array
* Denoising for Dynamic Vision Sensor Based on Augmented Spatiotemporal Correlation
* Dense Crosstalk Feature Aggregation for Classification and Localization in Object Detection
* Dense Hybrid Proposal Modulation for Lane Detection
* Dense-Aware Cross-splitNet for Object Detection and Recognition, A
* Depth Perception Assessment of 3D Videos Based on Stereoscopic and Spatial Orientation Structural Features
* Describe Fashion Products via Local Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism and Attribute-Based Re-Sampling Strategy
* Detect Arbitrary-Shaped Text via Adaptive Thresholding and Localization Quality Estimation
* DFAT: Dynamic Feature-Adaptive Tracking
* DFCE: Decoder-Friendly Chrominance Enhancement for HEVC Intra Coding
* DGSSC: A Deep Generative Spectral-Spatial Classifier for Imbalanced Hyperspectral Imagery
* Diag-IoU Loss for Object Detection
* Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Extremely Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* DisCoVQA: Temporal Distortion-Content Transformers for Video Quality Assessment
* Discriminative and Robust Attribute Alignment for Zero-Shot Learning
* Disentangled Representation and Enhancement Network for Vein Recognition
* Distinguishing and Matching-Aware Unsupervised Point Cloud Completion
* Disturbed Augmentation Invariance for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning
* Diverse Feature Learning Network With Attention Suppression and Part Level Background Suppression for Person Re-Identification
* Divide-and-Conquer Completion Network for Video Inpainting
* DMVC: Decomposed Motion Modeling for Learned Video Compression
* Domain Adaptive Sampling for Cross-Domain Point Cloud Recognition
* Doubly Stochastic Distance Clustering
* DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enhanced Multimodal Scene Graph Generation in Social Media Posts
* Dual Clustering Co-Teaching With Consistent Sample Mining for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Dual Conditional Normalization Pyramid Network for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis
* Dual Discriminative Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust Image Classification
* Dual Transformer With Multi-Grained Assembly for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Dual Wavelet Attention Networks for Image Classification
* Dual-Aligned Feature Confusion Alleviation for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Dual-Path Rare Content Enhancement Network for Image and Text Matching
* Dual-Space Graph-Based Interaction Network for RGB-Thermal Semantic Segmentation in Electric Power Scene
* Dual-Stream Transformer With Distribution Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Dual-Uncertainty Guided Cycle-Consistent Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* Dynamic Expert-Knowledge Ensemble for Generalizable Video Quality Assessment
* EAF-WGAN: Enhanced Alignment Fusion-Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network for Turbulent Image Restoration
* ECSNet: Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Event Camera
* Edge and Skeleton Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Effective Light Field De-Occlusion Network Based on Swin Transformer
* Effective Local-Global Transformer for Natural Image Matting
* Efficient and Effective Nonconvex Low-Rank Subspace Clustering via SVT-Free Operators
* Efficient Feature Reconstruction via l2,1-Norm Regularization for Few-Shot Classification
* Efficient Rate Control in Versatile Video Coding With Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Bit Allocation and Parameter Updating
* Efficient SAV Algorithms for Curvature Minimization Problems
* Egocentric Early Action Prediction via Multimodal Transformer-Based Dual Action Prediction
* EHNQ: Subjective and Objective Quality Evaluation of Enhanced Night-Time Images
* EIFNet: An Explicit and Implicit Feature Fusion Network for Finger Vein Verification
* ELWNet: An Extremely Lightweight Approach for Real-Time Salient Object Detection
* Embedding Global Contrastive and Local Location in Self-Supervised Learning
* Enabling Large-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Over Encrypted JPEG Bitstreams
* Enhance Relative Total Variation With BF Model for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, An
* ERM: Energy-Based Refined-Attention Mechanism for Video Question Answering
* ESA: External Space Attention Aggregation for Image-Text Retrieval
* Explicit Local Coupling Global Structure Clustering
* Exploiting Channel Similarity for Network Pruning
* Exploiting Complementary Dynamic Incoherence for DeepFake Video Detection
* Exploring Explicitly Disentangled Features for Domain Generalization
* Exploring Implicit Domain-Invariant Features for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Exploring Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolution for Video-Based Human-Object Interaction Recognition
* Exploring the Point Feature Relation on Point Cloud for Multi-View Stereo
* Exploring the Relationship Between Center and Neighborhoods: Central Vector Oriented Self-Similarity Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Extreme Underwater Image Compression Using Physical Priors
* FaceFormer: Aggregating Global and Local Representation for Face Hallucination
* FakePoI: A Large-Scale Fake Person of Interest Video Detection Benchmark and a Strong Baseline
* FAMM: Facial Muscle Motions for Detecting Compressed Deepfake Videos Over Social Networks
* Fast Blind Decontouring Network
* Fast CNN-Based Single-Person 2D Human Pose Estimation for Autonomous Systems
* Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernike Moments, A
* FCNet: Learning Noise-Free Features for Point Cloud Denoising
* Feature Alignment in Anchor-Free Object Detection
* Feature Divide-and-Conquer Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation, A
* Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Few-Shot Learning for Image Denoising
* Few-Shot Learning Meets Transformer: Unified Query-Support Transformers for Few-Shot Classification
* Few-Shot Temporal Sentence Grounding via Memory-Guided Semantic Learning
* Filter Clustering for Compressing CNN Model With Better Feature Diversity
* Fine-Grained Visual Categorization: A Spatial-Frequency Feature Fusion Perspective
* First-Person Video Domain Adaptation With Multi-Scene Cross-Site Datasets and Attention-Based Methods
* Fleet: Improving Quality of Experience for Low-Latency Live Video Streaming
* Focus on Hard Samples: Hierarchical Unbiased Constraints for Cross-Domain 3D Model Retrieval
* Focusing Fine-Grained Action by Self-Attention-Enhanced Graph Neural Networks With Contrastive Learning
* Format Compliant Framework for HEVC Selective Encryption After Encoding, A
* Four-Point Camera Calibration Method for Sport Videos, A
* Frame-Recurrent Video Crowd Counting
* Fully and Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Segmentation With End-to-End Learning
* Fully Cascade Consistency Learning for One-Stage Object Detection
* G2LP-Net: Global to Local Progressive Video Inpainting Network
* Gait-Assisted Video Person Retrieval
* Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons for Overcoming Under-Segmentation in Overlapping Particle Objects
* Generation-Based Joint Luminance-Chrominance Learning for Underwater Image Quality Assessment
* Generative Data Free Model Quantization With Knowledge Matching for Classification
* Geometric Knowledge Oriented Single-Frame 2D-to-3D Human Absolute Pose Estimation Method, A
* Go Closer to See Better: Camouflaged Object Detection via Object Area Amplification and Figure-Ground Conversion
* Good Data Augmentation Policy is not All You Need: A Multi-Task Learning Perspective, A
* Gradient-Guided Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Joint Trilateral Feature Filtering
* Graph Neural Networks for Cross-Camera Data Association
* Graph-Guided Unsupervised Multiview Representation Learning
* Group Activity Representation Learning With Long-Short States Predictive Transformer
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Video Transformers
* Guided Sampling for Multistructure Data via Neighborhood Consensus and Residual Sorting
* Heterogeneous Knowledge Network for Visual Dialog
* Hierarchical Associative Encoding and Decoding for Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation
* Hierarchical Coupled Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Zero-Shot Learning
* Hierarchical Graph Convolutional Networks for Action Quality Assessment
* Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Anomaly Detection in Videos, A
* High Dynamic Range Image Quality Assessment Based on Frequency Disparity
* High Quality Superpixel Generation Through Regional Decomposition
* Highly Robust Reversible Watermarking Scheme Using Embedding Optimization and Rounded Error Compensation, A
* How Many Annotations Do We Need for Generalizing New-Coming Shadow Images?
* HR-Net: A Landmark Based High Realistic Face Reenactment Network
* HRInversion: High-Resolution GAN Inversion for Cross-Domain Image Synthesis
* HRTransNet: HRFormer-Driven Two-Modality Salient Object Detection
* Human Skeleton Feature Optimizer and Adaptive Structure Enhancement Graph Convolution Network for Action Recognition
* Hybrid Attention and Motion Constraint for Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Hybrid CNN-Transformer Features for Visual Place Recognition
* Hybrid-MVS: Robust Multi-View Reconstruction With Hybrid Optimization of Visual and Depth Cues
* Identity-Aware Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Facial Attribute Recognition
* Illumination-Adaptive Unpaired Low-Light Enhancement
* Image Aesthetics Assessment with Attribute-Assisted Multimodal Memory Network
* Image Desnowing via Deep Invertible Separation
* Image Encryption via Complementary Embedding Algorithm and New Spatiotemporal Chaotic System
* Image Quality Score Distribution Prediction via Alpha Stable Model
* Image Sanitization in Online Social Networks: A General Framework for Breaking Robust Information Hiding
* Image-Text Retrieval With Cross-Modal Semantic Importance Consistency
* Immersive Video Postprocessing for Efficient Video Coding
* Improving Extreme Low-Bit Quantization With Soft Threshold
* Improving Nighttime Driving-Scene Segmentation via Dual Image-Adaptive Learnable Filters
* Improving the Generalization of MAML in Few-Shot Classification via Bi-Level Constraint
* Incomplete Multiview Clustering via Cross-View Relation Transfer
* INENet: Inliers Estimation Network With Similarity Learning for Partial Overlapping Registration
* Interactive Two-Stream Network Across Modalities for Deepfake Detection
* Intermediary-Guided Bidirectional Spatial-Temporal Aggregation Network for Video-Based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Interpretable Fusion Siamese Network for Multi-Modality Remote Sensing Ship Image Retrieval, An
* Interpretable Image Tampering Detection Approach Based on Cooperative Game, An
* IRA-FSOD: Instant-Response and Accurate Few-Shot Object Detector
* IRAv3: Hierarchical Incremental Rotation Averaging on the Fly
* Isolated Points Prediction via Deep Neural Network on Point Cloud Lossless Geometry Compression
* Iterative Class Prototype Calibration for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Iterative Threshold Algorithm of Log-Sum Regularization for Sparse Problem, An
* JAMSNet: A Remote Pulse Extraction Network Based on Joint Attention and Multi-Scale Fusion
* JDT-NAS: Designing Efficient Multi-Object Tracking Architectures for Non-GPU Computers
* Joint Contextual Representation Model-Informed Interpretable Network With Dictionary Aligning for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
* Joint Global and Dynamic Pseudo Labeling for Semi-Supervised Point Cloud Sequence Segmentation
* Joint Graph Attention and Asymmetric Convolutional Neural Network for Deep Image Compression
* Joint Learning of Image Deblurring and Depth Estimation Through Adversarial Multi-Task Network
* Joint Shared-and-Specific Information for Deep Multi-View Clustering
* Jointing Recurrent Across-Channel and Spatial Attention for Multi-Object Tracking With Block-Erasing Data Augmentation
* Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipation via Self-Knowledge Distillation and Cycle Consistency
* JSNet++: Dynamic Filters and Pointwise Correlation for 3D Point Cloud Instance and Semantic Segmentation
* Key Role Guided Transformer for Group Activity Recognition
* LaFea: Learning Latent Representation Beyond Feature for Universal Domain Adaptation
* Lambda-Domain VVC Rate Control Based on Nash Equilibrium
* Language-Augmented Pixel Embedding for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Laplacian Pyramid Fusion Network With Hierarchical Guidance for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Layout-Bridging Text-to-Image Synthesis
* LCPFormer: Towards Effective 3D Point Cloud Analysis via Local Context Propagation in Transformers
* Learn by Oneself: Exploiting Weight-Sharing Potential in Knowledge Distillation Guided Ensemble Network
* Learnable Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Video Anomaly Detection
* Learned Lossless Image Compression Through Interpolation With Low Complexity
* Learned Progressive Image Compression With Dead-Zone Quantizers
* Learning a Coordinated Network for Detail-Refinement Multiexposure Image Fusion
* Learning a High Fidelity Identity Representation for Face Frontalization
* Learning Deep Co-Occurrence Features
* Learning Features of Intra-Consistency and Inter-Diversity: Keys Toward Generalizable Deepfake Detection
* Learning General Descriptors for Image Matching With Regression Feedback
* Learning Heavily-Degraded Prior for Underwater Object Detection
* Learning High-Order Multi-View Representation by New Tensor Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Learning Spatial-Frequency Transformer for Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Semantics and Cluster Relation for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Learning Spatiotemporal Interactions for User-Generated Video Quality Assessment
* Learning Super-Resolution Reconstruction for High Temporal Resolution Spike Stream
* Learning to Class-Adaptively Manipulate Embeddings for Few-Shot Learning
* Learning to Reduce Scale Differences for Large-Scale Invariant Image Matching
* Learning-Based Early Transform Skip Mode Decision for VVC Screen Content Coding
* Less is Better: Exponential Loss for Cross-Modal Matching
* Leveraging Local and Global Cues for Visual Tracking via Parallel Interaction Network
* LFTransNet: Light Field Salient Object Detection via a Learnable Weight Descriptor
* Lifelong Visual-Tactile Spectral Clustering for Robotic Object Perception
* Lightweight Block With Information Flow Enhancement for Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Lightweight Distortion-Aware Network for Salient Object Detection in Omnidirectional Images
* Lightweight Multiattention Recursive Residual CNN-Based In-Loop Filter Driven by Neuron Diversity
* LipFormer: Learning to Lipread Unseen Speakers Based on Visual-Landmark Transformers
* LMQFormer: A Laplace-Prior-Guided Mask Query Transformer for Lightweight Snow Removal
* Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Identification
* Local Geometry-Based Intra Prediction for Octree-Structured Geometry Coding of Point Clouds
* Local Perturbation Generation Method for GAN-Generated Face Anti-Forensics, A
* Local-to-Global Cost Aggregation for Semantic Correspondence
* Locally Adaptive Channel Attention-Based Spatial-Spectral Neural Network for Image Deblurring
* Locally-Enriched Cross-Reconstruction for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Long-Short Range Adaptive Transformer With Dynamic Sampling for 3D Object Detection
* Lossless Point Cloud Geometry and Attribute Compression Using a Learned Conditional Probability Model
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via Stage-Transformer-Guided Network
* Luminance and Detail Enhancement for HDR Images Based on Surround-Aware Perceptual Quantization Under Ambient Illumination
* Machine Learning Based Efficient QT-MTT Partitioning Scheme for VVC Intra Encoders
* MALN: Multimodal Adversarial Learning Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
* MASIC: Deep Mask Stereo Image Compression
* MAWKDN: A Multimodal Fusion Wavelet Knowledge Distillation Approach Based on Cross-View Attention for Action Recognition
* MDFlow: Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning by Reliable Mutual Knowledge Distillation
* MedoidsFormer: A Strong 3D Object Detection Backbone by Exploiting Interaction With Adjacent Medoid Tokens
* Memory Network With Pixel-Level Spatio-Temporal Learning for Visual Object Tracking
* Meta Generative Attack on Person Reidentification
* MetaDT: Meta Decision Tree With Class Hierarchy for Interpretable Few-Shot Learning
* METER: A Mobile Vision Transformer Architecture for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Minimum Noticeable Difference-Based Adversarial Privacy Preserving Image Generation
* Mitigating Label Noise in GANs via Enhanced Spectral Normalization
* Mix-Teaching: A Simple, Unified and Effective Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* MLST-Former: Multi-Level Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Group Activity Recognition
* MMSMCNet: Modal Memory Sharing and Morphological Complementary Networks for RGB-T Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation
* Modality-Induced Transfer-Fusion Network for RGB-D and RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* MoEP-AE: Autoencoding Mixtures of Exponential Power Distributions for Open-Set Recognition
* Monocular Camera-Based Complex Obstacle Avoidance via Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MonoIndoor++: Towards Better Practice of Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Indoor Environments
* Motion Estimation for Complex Fluid Flows Using Helmholtz Decomposition
* Motion Stimulation for Compositional Action Recognition
* Motion-Driven Spatial and Temporal Adaptive High-Resolution Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* MRE-Net: Multi-Rate Excitation Network for Deepfake Video Detection
* MRFT: Multiscale Recurrent Fusion Transformer Based Prior Knowledge for Bit-Depth Enhancement
* MSCAF-Net: A General Framework for Camouflaged Object Detection via Learning Multi-Scale Context-Aware Features
* MSNet: Multi-Resolution Synergistic Networks for Adaptive Inference
* MSVT: Multiple Spatiotemporal Views Transformer for DeepFake Video Detection
* Multi-Granularity Aggregation Transformer for Joint Video-Audio-Text Representation Learning
* Multi-Granularity Interaction and Integration Network for Video Question Answering
* Multi-Level Cascade Sparse Representation Learning for Small Data Classification
* Multi-Modal Image Fusion via Deep Laplacian Pyramid Hybrid Network
* Multi-Modal Multi-Grained Embedding Learning for Generalized Zero-Shot Video Classification
* Multi-Object Tracking: Decoupling Features to Solve the Contradictory Dilemma of Feature Requirements
* Multi-Phase Camera-LiDAR Fusion Network for 3D Semantic Segmentation With Weak Supervision, A
* Multi-Purpose Oriented Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal Based on Unified Variational Retinex Model
* Multi-Relations Aware Network for In-the-Wild Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-Scale Frequency Separation Network for Image Deblurring
* Multi-Scale Human-Object Interaction Detector
* Multi-Scale Self-Calibrated Dual-Attention Lightweight Residual Dense Deraining Network Based on Monogenic Wavelets
* Multi-Scale Video Super-Resolution Transformer With Polynomial Approximation
* Multi-Source Collaborative Contrastive Learning for Decentralized Domain Adaptation
* Multi-Source Video Domain Adaptation With Temporal Attentive Moment Alignment Network
* Multi-Task Probabilistic Regression with Overlap Maximization for Visual Tracking
* Multilabel Recognition Algorithm With Multigraph Structure
* Multimodal Mutual Attention-Based Sentiment Analysis Framework Adapted to Complicated Contexts
* Multimodal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using Probabilistic Proposal Network
* Multiple Graph Affinity Interactive Network and a Variable Illumination Dataset for RGBT Image Salient Object Detection
* Multiscale Attentive Image De-Raining Networks via Neural Architecture Search
* Multiscale Latent-Guided Entropy Model for LiDAR Point Cloud Compression
* Multisensor Collaboration Network for Video Compression Based on Wavelet Decomposition
* Multiview Clustering via Hypergraph Induced Semi-Supervised Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Multiview Textured Mesh Recovery by Differentiable Rendering
* Mutually Beneficial Transformer for Multimodal Data Fusion
* Neighborhood-Adaptive Multi-Cluster Ranking for Deep Metric Learning
* Neural Adaptive Loop Filtering for Video Coding: Exploring Multi-Hypothesis Sample Refinement
* Neural Image Parts Group Search for Person Re-Identification
* Neural Network Based Rate Control for Versatile Video Coding
* Neuron-Based Spiking Transmission and Reasoning Network for Robust Image-Text Retrieval
* Neutral Face Learning and Progressive Fusion Synthesis Network for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* NOMA-Based Uncoded Video Transmission With Optimization of Joint Resource Allocation
* Non-Contrastive Nearest Neighbor Identity-Guided Method for Unsupervised Object Re-Identification
* Non-Local Color Compensation Network for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Nonlinear Transforms in Learned Image Compression From a Communication Perspective
* Novel Multi-Task Learning for Motion Magnification
* On Understanding of Spatiotemporal Prediction Model
* Online Multi-Face Tracking With Multi-Modality Cascaded Matching
* Online Tensor Low-Rank Representation for Streaming Data Clustering
* Only Once Attack: Fooling the Tracker With Adversarial Template
* OpenMix+: Revisiting Data Augmentation for Open Set Recognition
* Optical Flow Reusing for High-Efficiency Space-Time Video Super Resolution
* Out-of-Focus Image Deblurring for Mobile Display Vision Inspection
* Pareto Refocusing for Drone-View Object Detection
* Part-Based Representation Enhancement for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* PCFN: Progressive Cross-Modal Fusion Network for Human Pose Transfer
* PDR: Progressive Depth Regularization for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Perception-Aware Decomposition and Fusion Framework for Underwater Image Enhancement, A
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Enhanced Colonoscopy Images: A Benchmark Dataset and an Objective Method
* Picking Up Quantization Steps for Compressed Image Classification
* Pixel-Wise Grasp Detection via Twin Deconvolution and Multi-Dimensional Attention
* Plausible Proxy Mining With Credibility for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Point-and-Shoot All-in-Focus Photo Synthesis From Smartphone Camera Pair
* PointFilterNet: A Filtering Network for Point Cloud Denoising
* PoiseNet: Dealing With Data Imbalance in DensePose
* Polyp-Mixer: An Efficient Context-Aware MLP-Based Paradigm for Polyp Segmentation
* Pose-Aided Video-Based Person Re-Identification via Recurrent Graph Convolutional Network
* Pose-Aware Global Representation Network for Human Parsing, A
* Prior-Guided Contrastive Image Compression for Underwater Machine Vision
* Progressive Difference Method for Capturing Visual Tempos on Action Recognition, A
* Progressive Moire Removal and Texture Complementation for Image Demoireing
* Progressive Quadric Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Mesh Recovery, A
* Projected Generative Adversarial Network for Point Cloud Completion
* PRSeg: A Lightweight Patch Rotate MLP Decoder for Semantic Segmentation
* Pseudo-Mono for Monocular 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Pull & Push: Leveraging Differential Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization
* QTN: Quaternion Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Quality Assessment of UGC Videos Based on Decomposition and Recomposition
* Quality Evaluation of Arbitrary Style Transfer: Subjective Study and Objective Metric
* Quality-Constrained Encoding Optimization for Omnidirectional Video Streaming
* Quaternion-Valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Rate-Distortion Modeling for Bit Rate Constrained Point Cloud Compression
* Real Image Denoising via Guided Residual Estimation and Noise Correction
* Real-Scene Reflection Removal With RAW-RGB Image Pairs
* Real-World Non-Homogeneous Haze Removal by Sliding Self-Attention Wavelet Network
* Recurrent Interaction Network for Stereoscopic Image Super-Resolution
* Reference-Guided Large-Scale Face Inpainting With Identity and Texture Control
* Reflective Learning With Label Noise
* Regularized Projection-Based Geometry Compression Scheme for LiDAR Point Cloud, A
* Reinforced Adaptation Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* Representative Feature Alignment for Adaptive Object Detection
* RES-StS: Referring Expression Speaker via Self-Training With Scorer for Goal-Oriented Vision-Language Navigation
* Rethinking Semantic Image Compression: Scalable Representation with Cross-Modality Transfer
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Secret Sharing and Hybrid Coding
* Reversible Data Hiding in Palette Images
* Reversible Data Hiding of JPEG Image Based on Adaptive Frequency Band Length
* RFS-Net: Railway Track Fastener Segmentation Network With Shape Guidance
* RGB-D Human Matting: A Real-World Benchmark Dataset and a Baseline Method
* RGB-T Semantic Segmentation With Location, Activation, and Sharpening
* RMLANet: Random Multi-Level Attention Network for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on an End-to-End Hash Generation Model, A
* Robust Feature Extraction via L_inf-Norm Based Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition
* Robust LiDAR-Camera Alignment With Modality Adapted Local-to-Global Representation
* Robust Low Rank and Sparse Representation for Multiple Kernel Dimensionality Reduction
* Robust Matrix Completion Based on Factorization and Truncated-Quadratic Loss Function
* Robust Reversible Watermarking by Fractional Order Zernike Moments and Pseudo-Zernike Moments
* Robust Steganography for High Quality Images
* Robust Texture-Aware Local Adaptive Image Watermarking With Perceptual Guarantee
* Robust Tracking via Learning Model Update With Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Philosophy
* Robust Tracking via Uncertainty-Aware Semantic Consistency
* Robustness Meets Low-Rankness: Unified Entropy and Tensor Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* RPMG-FSS: Robust Prior Mask Guided Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* SACF-Net: Skip-Attention Based Correspondence Filtering Network for Point Cloud Registration
* SaGCN: Semantic-Aware Graph Calibration Network for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* SAKS: Sampling Adaptive Kernels From Subspace for Point Cloud Graph Convolution
* Sampling Propagation Attention With Trimap Generation Network for Natural Image Matting
* SARGAN: Spatial Attention-Based Residuals for Facial Expression Manipulation
* Scale-Balanced Real-Time Object Detection With Varying Input-Image Resolution
* SCGNet: Shifting and Cascaded Group Network
* Secret JPEG Image Sharing Method Over GF(2M) Galois Fields, A
* Secure Decentralized Image Classification With Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
* Self-Attention Memory-Augmented Wavelet-CNN for Anomaly Detection
* Self-Paced Hard Task-Example Mining for Few-Shot Classification
* Self-Recoverable Adversarial Examples: A New Effective Protection Mechanism in Social Networks
* Self-Supervised Adversarial Video Summarizer With Context Latent Sequence Learning
* Self-Supervised Blind Image Deconvolution via Deep Generative Ensemble Learning
* Self-Supervised Global Spatio-Temporal Interaction Pre-Training for Group Activity Recognition
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Self-Reference Distillation and Disparity Offset Refinement
* Self-Training Vision Language BERTs With a Unified Conditional Model
* Semantic Alignment Network for Multi-Modal Emotion Recognition
* Semantic Knowledge Guided Class-Incremental Learning
* Semantic-Aware Graph Matching Mechanism for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Semantic-Context Graph Network for Point-Based 3D Object Detection
* Semantic-Guided Information Alignment Network for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Semi-Fragile Reversible Watermarking for 3D Models Using Spherical Crown Volume Division
* Semi-Supervised Action Recognition From Temporal Augmentation Using Curriculum Learning
* Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting With Spatial Temporal Consistency and Pseudo-Label Filter
* Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Tensor Low-Rank Representation
* Sequential Learning for Ingredient Recognition From Images
* SFHN: Spatial-Frequency Domain Hybrid Network for Image Super-Resolution
* SGA-Net: A Sparse Graph Attention Network for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* SGFNet: Semantic-Guided Fusion Network for RGB-Thermal Semantic Segmentation
* Sharing Multiple Secrets in XOR-Based Visual Cryptography by Non-Monotonic Threshold Property
* Sharing Visual Secrets Among Multiple Groups With Enhanced Performance
* Siamese-Based Twin Attention Network for Visual Tracking
* SiamON: Siamese Occlusion-Aware Network for Visual Tracking
* SiamSampler: Video-Guided Sampling for Siamese Visual Tracking
* Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Dark Channel Sparsity Prior
* Skeleton Neural Networks via Low-Rank Guided Filter Pruning
* Sketch Assisted Face Image Coding for Human and Machine Vision: A Joint Training Approach
* Skill-Transferring Knowledge Distillation Method
* Slow Motion Matters: A Slow Motion Enhanced Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* SmokePose: End-to-End Smoke Keypoint Detection
* Snipper: A Spatiotemporal Transformer for Simultaneous Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation Tracking and Forecasting on a Video Snippet
* SNIS: A Signal Noise Separation-Based Network for Post-Processed Image Forgery Detection
* Softmax-Free Loss Function Based on Predefined Optimal-Distribution of Latent Features for Deep Learning Classifier, A
* Solve the Puzzle of Instance Segmentation in Videos: A Weakly Supervised Framework With Spatio-Temporal Collaboration
* SonarGuard: Ultrasonic Face Liveness Detection on Mobile Devices
* Spatial-Semantic Collaborative Graph Network for Textbook Question Answering
* Spatial-Temporal Frequency Forgery Clue for Video Forgery Detection in VIS and NIR Scenario
* Spatial-Temporal Graph Network for Video Crowd Counting
* Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Network With Bidirectional Temporal Difference for Action Recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Feature Pyramid Interactive Attention Network for Egocentric Gaze Prediction
* Spatiotemporal Consistency Learning from Momentum Cues for Human Motion Prediction
* Spatiotemporal Learning Transformer for Video-Based Human Pose Estimation
* Spectral Dual-Channel Encoding for Image Dehazing
* Stay in Grid: Improving Video Captioning via Fully Grid-Level Representation
* STDFormer: Spatial-Temporal Motion Transformer for Multiple Object Tracking
* Stochastic Gradient Perturbation: An Implicit Regularizer for Person Re-Identification
* StructToken: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation With Structural Prior
* Structure-Preserving Texture Smoothing via Scale-Aware Bilateral Total Variation
* Subband Differentiated Learning Network for Rain Streak Removal
* Subspace Clustering via Adaptive Non-Negative Representation Learning and Its Application to Image Segmentation
* SUES-200: A Multi-Height Multi-Scene Cross-View Image Benchmark Across Drone and Satellite
* Super-Resolution Degradation Model: Converting High-Resolution Datasets to Optical Zoom Datasets
* Switch and Refine: A Long-Term Tracking and Segmentation Framework
* Symbol Position Recovery for Optical Camera Communication with High-Density Matrix Codes
* Target-Aware Transformer Tracking
* Targeted Adversarial Attack Against Deep Cross-Modal Hashing Retrieval
* Task-Adaptive Feature Disentanglement and Hallucination for Few-Shot Classification
* Task-Aware Dual-Representation Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* Task-Oriented Compact Representation of 3D Point Clouds via A Matrix Optimization-Driven Network
* Task-Specific Loss for Robust Instance Segmentation With Noisy Class Labels
* TCNet: A Novel Triple-Cooperative Network for Video Object Detection
* TCNet: Co-Salient Object Detection via Parallel Interaction of Transformers and CNNs
* TCRNet: A Trifurcated Cascaded Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection
* Temporal Consistency Learning of Inter-Frames for Video Super-Resolution
* Temporal Feature Matching and Propagation for Semantic Segmentation on 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Temporal Multimodal Graph Transformer With Global-Local Alignment for Video-Text Retrieval
* Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis With Side Information: Models and Applications
* Tensor-Based Incomplete Multi-View Clustering With Low-Rank Data Reconstruction and Consistency Guidance
* Text-Enhanced Scene Image Super-Resolution via Stroke Mask and Orthogonal Attention
* Texture Brush for Fashion Inspiration Transfer: A Generative Adversarial Network With Heatmap-Guided Semantic Disentanglement
* Theme-Aware Visual Attribute Reasoning for Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Toward Compact Transformers for End-to-End Object Detection With Decomposed Chain Tensor Structure
* Toward Deeper Understanding of Camouflaged Object Detection
* Toward Effective Image Manipulation Detection With Proposal Contrastive Learning
* Toward Explainable 3D Grounded Visual Question Answering: A New Benchmark and Strong Baseline
* Toward Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild via Noise-Tolerant Network
* Toward Interactive Self-Supervised Denoising
* Toward Optimal Real-Time Volumetric Video Streaming: A Rolling Optimization and Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Approach
* Toward Realistic 3D Human Motion Prediction With a Spatio-Temporal Cross- Transformer Approach
* Toward Robust Neural Image Compression: Adversarial Attack and Model Finetuning
* Towards Learning Multi-Domain Crowd Counting
* Towards Spatially Disentangled Manipulation of Face Images With Pre-Trained StyleGANs
* Towards Zero-Shot Learning: A Brief Review and an Attention-Based Embedding Network
* Trajectory Guided Robust Visual Object Tracking With Selective Remedy
* Transformer-Auxiliary Neural Networks for Image Manipulation Localization by Operator Inductions
* Transformer-Based Multi-Scale Feature Integration Network for Video Saliency Prediction
* TranSkeleton: Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* TROSD: A New RGB-D Dataset for Transparent and Reflective Object Segmentation in Practice
* Two-Person Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition
* Two-Way Complementary Tracking Guidance
* UAMD-Net: A Unified Adaptive Multimodal Neural Network for Dense Depth Completion
* UCSNet: Priors Guided Adaptive Compressive Sensing Framework for Underwater Images
* UDTCWT-PHFMs Domain Statistical Image Watermarking Using Vector BW-Type R Distribution
* UformPose: A U-Shaped Hierarchical Multi-Scale Keypoint-Aware Framework for Human Pose Estimation
* UIALN: Enhancement for Underwater Image With Artificial Light
* UIE-FSMC: Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Few-Shot Learning and Multi-Color Space
* Uncertainty-Aware Graph-Guided Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Understanding and Mitigating Overfitting in Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models
* Underwater Depth Estimation via Stereo Adaptation Networks
* Uneven Bi-Classifier Learning for Domain Adaptation
* Uni3DA: Universal 3D Domain Adaptation for Object Recognition
* Unified Architecture Adaptation for Compressed Domain Semantic Inference
* Unified Transformer with Isomorphic Branches for Natural Language Tracking
* Unifying Convolution and Transformer for Efficient Concealed Object Detection in Passive Millimeter-Wave Images
* Unsupervised Change Detection in Wide-Field Video Images Under Low Illumination
* Unsupervised Cross-Modal Hashing With Modality-Interaction
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation via Class Aggregation for Text Recognition
* Unsupervised Hashing Retrieval via Efficient Correlation Distillation
* Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation for Differently Exposed Images in LDR Domain
* Unsupervised Video Summarization via Deep Reinforcement Learning With Shot-Level Semantics
* Unsupervised Video-Based Action Recognition With Imagining Motion and Perceiving Appearance
* Unsupervised Visual Odometry and Action Integration for PointGoal Navigation in Indoor Environment
* UP-Net: Uncertainty-Supervised Parallel Network for Image Manipulation Localization
* Using Multimodal Contrastive Knowledge Distillation for Video-Text Retrieval
* Variable-Rate Image Compression Based on Side Information Compensation and R-lambda Model Rate Control
* Variational Inference Method for Few-Shot Learning, A
* VDTR: Video Deblurring With Transformer
* Verification Test of the Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding (LCEVC) Standard
* Versatile Detection Method for Various Contrast Enhancement Manipulations, A
* Video File Allocation for Wear-Leveling in Distributed Storage Systems With Heterogeneous Solid-State-Disks (SSDs)
* Video Moment Retrieval via Comprehensive Relation-Aware Network
* Video Sampled Frame Category Aggregation and Consistent Representation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* View-Normalized and Subject-Independent Skeleton Generation for Action Recognition
* Viewport-Sphere-Branch Network for Blind Quality Assessment of Stitched 360° Omnidirectional Images
* Vision Transformer With Hybrid Shifted Windows for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Image Classification
* Visual Anomaly Detection via Partition Memory Bank Module and Error Estimation
* Visual Embedding Augmentation in Fourier Domain for Deep Metric Learning
* Visualized Multiple Image Selection Encryption Based on Log Chaos System and Multilayer Cellular Automata Saliency Detection
* Visually Encrypted Watermarking for Ordered-Dithered Clustered-Dot Halftones
* VSP-Fuse: Multifocus Image Fusion Model Using the Knowledge Transferred From Visual Salience Priors
* WDAN: A Weighted Discriminative Adversarial Network With Dual Classifiers for Fine-Grained Open-Set Domain Adaptation
* Weak-Boundary Sensitive Superpixel Segmentation Based on Local Adaptive Distance
* Weakly Supervised 3D Point Cloud Segmentation via Multi-Prototype Learning
* Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Detection via Hybrid Labels, A
* Weakly Supervised Pedestrian Segmentation for Person Re-Identification
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Feature Refinement Network for MMW Concealed Object Detection
* WSAMF-Net: Wavelet Spatial Attention-Based MultiStream Feedback Network for Single Image Dehazing
592 for CirSysVideo(33)

CirSysVideo(34) * 109-GOPs/W FPGA-Based Vision Transformer Accelerator With Weight-Loop Dataflow Featuring Data Reusing and Resource Saving, A
* 2AFC Prompting of Large Multimodal Models for Image Quality Assessment
* 360Spred: Saliency Prediction for 360-Degree Videos Based on 3D Separable Graph Convolutional Networks
* 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud via Voting Step Diffusion
* 3D Person Re-Identification Based on Global Semantic Guidance and Local Feature Aggregation
* 3D Point Cloud Attribute Compression Using Diffusion-Based Texture-Aware Intra Prediction
* 3D Point-Based Multi-Modal Context Clusters GAN for Low-Dose PET Image Denoising
* 3D Shape Segmentation via Attentive Nonuniform Downsampling
* A2 GSTran: Depth Map Super-Resolution via Asymmetric Attention With Guidance Selection
* Absolute Pose Estimation With a Known Direction by Motion Decoupling
* Accelerated PALM for Nonconvex Low-Rank Matrix Recovery With Theoretical Analysis
* Accelerating Robust-Object-Tracking via Level-3 BLAS-Based Sparse Learning
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Panoptic Mapping Using Diverse Information Modalities and Multidimensional Data Association
* ACR-Net: Learning High-Accuracy Optical Flow via Adaptive-Aware Correlation Recurrent Network
* Active Learning-Based Sample Selection for Label-Efficient Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Active Task Cognition Method for Home Service Robot Using Multi-Graph Attention Fusion Mechanism, An
* Adaptive Conditional Denoising Diffusion Model With Hybrid Affinity Regularizer for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Adaptive Face Recognition for Multi-Type Occlusions
* Adaptive Multi-Scale Iterative Optimized Video Object Segmentation Based on Correlation Enhancement
* Adaptive Positive Sample Selection and Dynamic Soft Label Assignment for Keypoint Detection
* Adaptive Post-Processing Network With the Global-Local Aggregation for Semantic Segmentation, An
* Adaptive Region Proposal Network With Progressive Attention Propagation for Tiny Person Detection From UAV Images, An
* Adaptive Task-Wise Message Passing for Multi-Task Learning: A Spatial Interaction Perspective
* AdaptorNAS: A New Perturbation-Based Neural Architecture Search for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation
* Addressing the Overfitting in Partial Domain Adaptation With Self-Training and Contrastive Learning
* Adjustable Visible and Infrared Image Fusion
* Adversarial Attacks on Video Object Segmentation With Hard Region Discovery
* Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein Identification
* Adversarial Source Generation for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Agent-Centric Relation Graph for Object Visual Navigation
* Aggregating Global and Local Representations via Hybrid Transformer for Video Deraining
* AGIQA-3K: An Open Database for AI-Generated Image Quality Assessment
* AHOR: Online Multi-Object Tracking With Authenticity Hierarchizing and Occlusion Recovery
* AirSOD: A Lightweight Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* AJENet: Adaptive Joints Enhancement Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Office Scenario
* All-in-One Hardware-Oriented Model Compression for Efficient Multi-Hardware Deployment
* Allowing Supervision in Unsupervised Deformable- Instances Image-to-Image Translation
* AMGNet: Aligned Multilevel Gabor Convolution Network for Palmprint Recognition
* AMNet: Learning to Align Multi-Modality for RGB-T Tracking
* Analogical Learning-Based Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Arbitrary Triangle Structure Adaptive Mean PCA and Image Recognition
* AST-GCN: Augmented Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Gait Emotion Recognition
* Asymmetric Mutual Learning for Unsupervised Transferable Visible-Infrared Re-Identification
* Asymptotic Feature Pyramid Network for Labeling Pixels and Regions
* Asynchronous Multimodal Video Sequence Fusion via Learning Modality-Exclusive and -Agnostic Representations
* Attention-Based Layer Fusion and Token Masking for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Attention-Bridged Modal Interaction for Text-to-Image Generation
* Audio-Semantic Enhanced Pose-Driven Talking Head Generation
* Audio-Visual Temporal Forgery Detection Using Embedding-Level Fusion and Multi-Dimensional Contrastive Loss
* Autofocusing for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Based on Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Automated Dominative Subspace Mining for Efficient Neural Architecture Search
* Automatic, Robust, and Blind Video Watermarking Resisting Camera Recording
* Auxiliary Label Classification Based Multi-Label Limb Movement Recognition of Preterm Infant
* B-CANF: Adaptive B-Frame Coding With Conditional Augmented Normalizing Flows
* BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
* Balanced Teacher for Source-Free Object Detection
* BAND-2k: Banding Artifact Noticeable Database for Banding Detection and Quality Assessment
* Based on Spatial and Temporal Implicit Semantic Relational Inference for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* BatchNorm-Based Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* BC-GAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Synthesizing a Batch of Collocated Clothing
* Benchmarking Micro-Action Recognition: Dataset, Methods, and Applications
* Beyond Minimum-of-N: Rethinking the Evaluation and Methods of Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Bi-Source Reconstruction-Based Classification Network for Face Forgery Video Detection
* Bidirectional Interaction of CNN and Transformer Feature for Visual Tracking
* Binarizing by Classification: Is Soft Function Really Necessary?
* Blind Face Restoration for Under-Display Camera via Dictionary Guided Transformer
* Blind Image Deblurring via Minimizing Similarity Between Fuzzy Sets on Image Pixels
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Separate Representations and Adaptive Interaction of Content and Distortion
* Blind Image Quality Assessment via Adaptive Graph Attention
* Blind Image Quality Assessment: A Fuzzy Neural Network for Opinion Score Distribution Prediction
* Blind Universal Denoising for Radar Micro-Doppler Spectrograms Using Identical Dual Learning and Reciprocal Adversarial Training
* Block Diagonal Graph Embedded Discriminative Regression for Image Representation
* Boosting Cross-Domain Point Classification via Distilling Relational Priors From 2D Transformers
* Boosting Knowledge Distillation via Intra-Class Logit Distribution Smoothing
* Boosting Point-BERT by Multi-Choice Tokens
* Boosting Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion With Frequency Mask and Hyperdimensional Computing
* Boosting Salient Object Detection With Transformer-Based Asymmetric Bilateral U-Net
* Boosting Video Object Segmentation via Robust and Efficient Memory Network
* Boosting Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation via Representation, Transform, and Compensator
* Break the Bias: Delving Semantic Transform Invariance for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Bridge Gap in Pixel and Feature Level for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Bridging the Gap Between Haze Scenarios: A Unified Image Dehazing Model
* Bridging the Gap: Multi-Level Cross-Modality Joint Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road Scenes Inspired From AutoEncoder
* BSTS: A Weakly-Supervised Method for Semantic Learning of 3D Point Clouds
* Camera Pose-Based Background Modeling for Video Coding in Moving Cameras
* Camera-Aware Differentiated Clustering With Focal Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification
* Camera-Aware Recurrent Learning and Earth Mover's Test-Time Adaption for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Camera-Shooting Resilient Watermarking on Image Instance Level
* CARD: Semantic Segmentation With Efficient Class-Aware Regularized Decoder
* Cascade Semantic Prompt Alignment Network for Image Captioning
* Category-Contextual Relation Encoding Network for Few-Shot Object Detection
* Causal Evidence Learning for Trusted Open Set Recognition Under Covariate Shift
* Causal Intervention and Parameter-Free Reasoning for Few-Shot SAR Target Recognition
* Causal Representation Learning for GAN-Generated Face Image Quality Assessment
* Causality-Informed Graph Convolutional Network for Video Assessment of Parkinsonian Leg Agility, A
* CCAFusion: Cross-Modal Coordinate Attention Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* CCR: A Counterfactual Causal Reasoning-Based Method for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* CEPrompt: Cross-Modal Emotion-Aware Prompting for Facial Expression Recognition
* CFAN-SDA: Coarse-Fine Aware Network With Static-Dynamic Adaptation for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
* CFMMC-Align: Coarse-Fine Multi-Modal Contrastive Alignment Network for Traffic Event Video Question Answering
* CGR-Net: Consistency Guided ResFormer for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* CHAMP: A Large-Scale Dataset for Skeleton-Based Composite HumAn Motion Prediction
* Channel-Wise Interactive Learning for Remote Heart Rate Estimation From Facial Video
* Chaos-Based Tunable Selective Encryption Algorithm for H.265/HEVC with Semantic Understanding, A
* Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Text Image, A
* Characterizing Hierarchical Semantic-Aware Parts With Transformers for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Chroma Intra Prediction With Lightweight Attention-Based Neural Networks
* CKDH: CLIP-Based Knowledge Distillation Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Class Activation Map Calibration for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Class Incremental Learning for Light-Weighted Networks
* Class Incremental Learning via Semantic Information Mapping and Background Information Calibrating
* Class-Aware 3D Detector From Point Clouds With Partial Knowledge Diffusion and Center-Weighted IoU
* Classifier-Head Informed Feature Masking and Prototype-Based Logit Smoothing for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* Clinically Guided Graph Convolutional Network for Assessment of Parkinsonian Pronation-Supination Movements of Hands, A
* CLIP2GAN: Toward Bridging Text With the Latent Space of GANs
* CLIPose: Category-Level Object Pose Estimation With Pre-Trained Vision-Language Knowledge
* Cloth-Imbalanced Gait Recognition via Hallucination
* Clustering-Guided Contrastive Fusion for Multi-View Representation Learning, A
* CNN-Based Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images
* Co-Enhancement of Multi-Modality Image Fusion and Object Detection via Feature Adaptation
* Co-Occurrence Matters: Learning Action Relation for Temporal Action Localization
* Coarse-to-Fine Cell Division Approach for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* CodingHomo: Bootstrapping Deep Homography With Video Coding
* Collaborative Debias Strategy for Temporal Sentence Grounding in Video
* Collaborative Knowledge Distillation
* COMICS: End-to-End Bi-Grained Contrastive Learning for Multi-Face Forgery Detection
* Complementary Blind-Spot Network for Self-Supervised Real Image Denoising
* Comprehensive Survey of 3D Dense Captioning: Localizing and Describing Objects in 3D Scenes, A
* Compressed Video Action Recognition With Dual-Stream and Dual-Modal Transformer
* Conditional Residual Coding: A Remedy for Bottleneck Problems in Conditional Inter Frame Coding
* Consensus Synergizes With Memory: A Simple Approach for Anomaly Segmentation in Urban Scenes
* Consistent Representation Mining for Multi-Drone Single Object Tracking
* Content-Aware Rate Control for Geometry-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Context-Aware and Semantic-Consistent Spatial Interactions for One-Shot Object Detection Without Fine-Tuning
* ContextMatcher: Detector-Free Feature Matching With Cross-Modality Context
* Continual Action Assessment via Task-Consistent Score-Discriminative Feature Distribution Modeling
* Continual Cross-Domain Image Compression via Entropy Prior Guided Knowledge Distillation and Scalable Decoding
* Continual Learning for Image Segmentation With Dynamic Query
* Continual Learning of Image Classes With Language Guidance From a Vision-Language Model
* Continual Learning of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment With Channel Modulation Kernel
* Continuous and Overall Quality of Experience Evaluation for Streaming Video Based on Rich Features Exploration and Dual-Stage Attention
* Contrastive Correlation Preserving Replay for Online Continual Learning
* Contrastive Mean Teacher for Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Contrastive Pedestrian Attentive and Correlation Learning Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Contrastive Transformer Learning With Proximity Data Generation for Text-Based Person Search
* Correlation Filters for UAV Online Tracking Based on Complementary Appearance Model and Reversibility Reasoning
* Correlation-Guided Semantic Consistency Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* CorrTalk: Correlation Between Hierarchical Speech and Facial Activity Variances for 3D Animation
* Cover Selection in Encrypted Images
* Cross Time-Frequency Transformer for Temporal Action Localization
* Cross-Block Sparse Class Token Contrast for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Dense-Sparse-Dense Regularization
* Cross-Domain Transfer Hashing for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Cross-Image Disentanglement for Low-Light Enhancement in Real World
* Cross-Level Attentive Feature Aggregation for Change Detection
* Cross-Modal Contrastive Pre-Training for Few-Shot Skeleton Action Recognition
* Cross-Modal Transformers for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* Cross-Modality Hierarchical Clustering and Refinement for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Shaped Adversarial Patch Attack
* Cross-Video Contextual Knowledge Exploration and Exploitation for Ambiguity Reduction in Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Crowdsourced Estimation of Collective Just Noticeable Difference for Compressed Video With the Flicker Test and QUEST+
* CSPN: A Category-Specific Processing Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* CStrCRL: Cross-View Contrastive Learning Through Gated GCN With Strong Augmentations for Skeleton Recognition
* Ct-LVI: A Framework Toward Continuous-Time Laser-Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping
* CT-Net: Arbitrary-Shaped Text Detection via Contour Transformer
* CTIF-Net: A CNN-Transformer Iterative Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* CTOD: Cross-Attentive Task-Alignment for One-Stage Object Detection
* CTVSR: Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Video Super-Resolution
* D3C2-Net: Dual-Domain Deep Convolutional Coding Network for Compressive Sensing
* D4D: An RGBD Diffusion Model to Boost Monocular Depth Estimation
* DaFIR: Distortion-Aware Representation Learning for Fisheye Image Rectification
* DARTScore: DuAl-Reconstruction Transformer for Video Captioning Evaluation
* DATran: Dual Attention Transformer for Multi-Label Image Classification
* DBGANet: Dual-Branch Geometric Attention Network for Accurate 3D Tooth Segmentation
* DBVC: An End-to-End 3-D Deep Biomedical Video Coding Framework
* DCFP: Distribution Calibrated Filter Pruning for Lightweight and Accurate Long-Tail Semantic Segmentation
* DCL: Dipolar Confidence Learning for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* DCMAI: A Dynamical Cross-Modal Alignment Interaction Framework for Document Key Information Extraction
* Decomposed Guided Dynamic Filters for Efficient RGB-Guided Depth Completion
* Decoupled Knowledge Embedded Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Deep Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Dynamic Neural Model With Dual-Order Statistics
* Deep Clustering With Hybrid-Grained Contrastive and Discriminative Learning
* Deep Color Compensation for Generalized Underwater Image Enhancement
* Deep Common Feature Mining for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Convolution Modulation for Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Lifelong Cross-Modal Hashing
* Deep Metric Learning on the SPD Manifold for Image Set Classification
* Deep Pyramid Network for Low-Light Endoscopic Image Enhancement
* Deep Reference Frame Generation Method for VVC Inter Prediction Enhancement
* Deep Reverse Attack on SIFT Features With a Coarse-to-Fine GAN Model
* Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Stereo Network With MRF-Based Cost Aggregation
* DeepDIST: A Black-Box Anti-Collusion Framework for Secure Distribution of Deep Models
* DeepVCA: Deep Video Complexity Analyzer
* DeHi: A Decoupled Hierarchical Architecture for Unaligned Ground-to-Aerial Geo-Localization
* DeIoU: Toward Distinguishable Box Prediction in Densely Packed Object Detection
* DeNKD: Decoupled Non-Target Knowledge Distillation for Complementing Transformer-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Face Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis
* Dense Pixel-to-Pixel Harmonization via Continuous Image Representation
* Dense Supervision Propagation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation on 3D Point Clouds
* DepressionMLP: A Multi-Layer Perceptron Architecture for Automatic Depression Level Prediction via Facial Keypoints and Action Units
* Depth-Guided Robust Point Cloud Fusion NeRF for Sparse Input Views
* Design and Cryptographic Implementation of an Evolutionary Digital Chaotic Model
* Design of an Adaptive Enhanced AMP-Based Image Block Compressed Sensing and Its Application to Image Encryption, The
* Detail-Preserving and Diverse Image Translation for Adverse Visual Object Detection
* Detect Any Shadow: Segment Anything for Video Shadow Detection
* Detecting Facial Action Units From Global-Local Fine-Grained Expressions
* Devil Is in the Boundary: Boundary-Enhanced Polyp Segmentation, The
* DFIE3D: 3D-Aware Disentangled Face Inversion and Editing via Facial-Contrastive Learning
* DGECN++: A Depth-Guided Edge Convolutional Network for End-to-End 6D Pose Estimation via Attention Mechanism
* DGPINet-KD: Deep Guided and Progressive Integration Network With Knowledge Distillation for RGB-D Indoor Scene Analysis
* Dictionary-Based Multi-View Learning With Privileged Information
* DIE-CDK: A Discriminative Information Enhancement Method With Cross-Modal Domain Knowledge for Fine-Grained Ship Detection
* Diff-Privacy: Diffusion-Based Face Privacy Protection
* Differential Feature Awareness Network Within Antagonistic Learning for Infrared-Visible Object Detection
* Difficulty-Aware Dynamic Network for Lightweight Exposure Correction
* Diffusion Patch Attack With Spatial-Temporal Cross-Evolution for Video Recognition
* Diffusion-Based Hypotheses Generation and Joint-Level Hypotheses Aggregation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* DiffVein: A Unified Diffusion Network for Finger Vein Segmentation and Authentication
* Digital Video Stabilization Method Based on Periodic Jitters of Airborne Vision of Large Flapping Wing Robots
* Dimensionality Reduction via Multiple Neighborhood-Aware Nonlinear Collaborative Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Direction Prediction Redefinition: Transfer Angle to Scale in Oriented Object Detection
* Discriminative Feature Learning With Co-Occurrence Attention Network for Vehicle ReID
* DisenDreamer: Subject-Driven Text-to-Image Generation With Sample-Aware Disentangled Tuning
* Disentangled Representation Learning With Transmitted Information Bottleneck
* Disperse Asymmetric Subspace Relation Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Distillation, Ensemble and Selection for Building a Better and Faster Siamese Based Tracker
* Distribution Unified and Probability Space Aligned Teacher-Student Learning for Imbalanced Visual Recognition
* Distribution-Guided Hierarchical Calibration Contrastive Network for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Diverse Batch Steganography Using Model-Based Selection and Double-Layered Payload Assignment
* DLP-Fusion: Depth of Field, Light Source, and Polarization Fusion Toward Intelligent Optical Imaging for Complex Scenes
* Dodging DeepFake Detection via Implicit Spatial-Domain Notch Filtering
* Does Pixel Value Represent Facial Landmark Well in Heatmap?
* Domain Adaptation-Aware Transformer for Hyperspectral Object Tracking
* Domain Incremental Object Detection Based on Feature Space Topology Preserving Strategy
* Domain-Aware Prototype Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Domain-Invariant Prototypes for Semantic Segmentation
* DomainFeat: Learning Local Features With Domain Adaptation
* DR-Block: Convolutional Dense Reparameterization for CNN Generalization Free Improvement
* DRNet: Disentanglement and Recombination Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* DRSCDM: A Novel Density-Related Clustering for Complex High-Dimensional Data Streams
* DS-Depth: Dynamic and Static Depth Estimation via a Fusion Cost Volume
* DSCIC: Deep Screen Content Image Compression
* Dual Circle Contrastive Learning-Based Blind Image Super-Resolution
* Dual Correlation Network for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Dual Domain Perception and Progressive Refinement for Mirror Detection
* Dual Protection for Image Privacy and Copyright via Traceable Adversarial Examples
* Dual Teacher Knowledge Distillation With Domain Alignment for Face Anti-Spoofing
* Dual-Branch Hybrid Learning Network for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Dual-Constraint Coarse-to-Fine Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Dual-Domain Feature Fusion and Multi-Level Memory-Enhanced Network for Spectral Compressive Imaging
* Dual-Encoding Matching Adversarial Learning for Image Cartoonlization
* Dual-Path Feature Aware Network for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* Dual-Path Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Dynamic Degradation Intensity Estimation for Adaptive Blind Super-Resolution: A Novel Approach and Benchmark Dataset
* Dynamic Graph Memory Bank for Video Inpainting
* Dynamic Hypergraph Convolutional Network for No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment
* Dynamic Learnable Logit Adjustment for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* Dynamic Spatial Focus for Efficient Compressed Video Action Recognition
* Dynamic Weighted Fusion and Progressive Refinement Network for Visible-Depth-Thermal Salient Object Detection
* Dynamics-Aware Adversarial Attack of Adaptive Neural Networks
* DySPN: Learning Dynamic Affinity for Image-Guided Depth Completion
* EA-MVSNet: Learning Error-Awareness for Enhanced Multi-View Stereo
* EBDNet: Integrating Optical Flow With Kernel Prediction for Burst Denoising
* EC-SfM: Efficient Covisibility-Based Structure-from-Motion for Both Sequential and Unordered Images
* Edge Perception Camouflaged Object Detection Under Frequency Domain Reconstruction
* Edge-Aware Correlation Learning for Unsupervised Progressive Homography Estimation
* EFCPose: End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation With Fully Convolutional Heads
* Efficient Camouflaged Object Detection Network Based on Global Localization Perception and Local Guidance Refinement
* Efficient Contextformer: Spatio-Channel Window Attention for Fast Context Modeling in Learned Image Compression
* Efficient Image-Text Retrieval via Keyword-Guided Pre-Screening
* Efficient LWPooling: Rethinking the Wavelet Pooling for Scene Parsing
* Efficient Multi-View Stereo by Dynamic Cost Volume and Cross-Scale Propagation
* Efficient Saliency Map Detection for Low-Light Images Based on Image Gradient
* Efficient Single-Object Tracker Based on Local-Global Feature Fusion
* Efficient Statistical Sampling Adaptation for Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning
* Efficient Task-Specific Feature Re-Fusion for More Accurate Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* Efficiently Exploiting Spatially Variant Knowledge for Video Deblurring
* EgoVSR: Toward High-Quality Egocentric Video Super-Resolution
* Eliminating Contextual Prior Bias for Semantic Image Editing via Dual-Cycle Diffusion
* End-to-End Human Instance Matting
* End-to-End Learnable Multi-Scale Feature Compression for VCM
* End-to-End Learning-Based Image Compression With a Decoupled Framework
* End-to-End Semantic Segmentation Utilizing Multi-Scale Baseline Light Field
* Energy-Motion Features Aggregation Network for Players' Fine-Grained Action Analysis in Soccer Videos
* Enhanced Invariant Feature Joint Learning via Modality-Invariant Neighbor Relations for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Enhanced Latent Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Enhanced Motion Compensated Temporal Filter for VVenC
* Enhanced Pseudo-Label Generation With Self-Supervised Training for Weakly- Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Enhanced Semantic Similarity Learning Framework for Image-Text Matching
* Enhancing Cross-View Geo-Localization With Domain Alignment and Scene Consistency
* Enhancing Micro-Video Venue Recognition via Multi-Modal and Multi-Granularity Object Relations
* Enhancing Multi-Camera Gymnast Tracking Through Domain Knowledge Integration
* Enhancing Multi-Source Open-Set Domain Adaptation Through Nearest Neighbor Classification With Self-Supervised Vision Transformer
* Enhancing Representation Learning With Spatial Transformation and Early Convolution for Reinforcement Learning-Based Small Object Detection
* Enhancing Robustness of Multi-Object Trackers With Temporal Feature Mix
* Enhancing Vision and Language Navigation With Prompt-Based Scene Knowledge
* Enlarged Motion-Aware and Frequency-Aware Network for Compressed Video Artifact Reduction
* Entity Dependency Learning Network With Relation Prediction for Video Visual Relation Detection
* Equity in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Nuclear Norm Maximization
* Erasing, Transforming, and Noising Defense Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* ERDUnet: An Efficient Residual Double-Coding Unet for Medical Image Segmentation
* Error-Robust and Label-Efficient Deep Learning for Understanding Tumor Microenvironment From Spatial Transcriptomics
* ESDB: Expand the Shrinking Decision Boundary via One-to-Many Information Matching for Continual Learning With Small Memory
* ESGN: Efficient Stereo Geometry Network for Fast 3D Object Detection
* ESNet: An Efficient Framework for Superpixel Segmentation
* Estimating High-Resolution Surface Normals via Low-Resolution Photometric Stereo Images
* EUICN: An Efficient Underwater Image Compression Network
* EvCap: Element-Aware Video Captioning
* Event Voxel Set Transformer for Spatiotemporal Representation Learning on Event Streams
* Event-Based Monocular Depth Estimation With Recurrent Transformers
* EViT: Privacy-Preserving Image Retrieval via Encrypted Vision Transformer in Cloud Computing
* Exploiting Bidirectional Quality Impulse for Reference Picture Resampled Gaming Video Coding
* Exploiting Four-Dimensional Chaotic Systems With Dissipation and Optimized Logical Operations for Secure Image Compression and Encryption
* Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Exploring and Exploiting High-Order Spatial-Temporal Dynamics for Long-Term Frame Prediction
* Exploring Prototype-Anchor Contrast for Semantic Segmentation
* Exploring Resolution Fields for Scalable Image Compression With Uncertainty Guidance
* Exploring Vulnerabilities of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Models: A Query-Based Black-Box Method
* Extremely Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Invertible Image Generation
* Eyeglass Reflection Removal With Joint Learning of Reflection Elimination and Content Inpainting
* F2CENet: Single-Image Object Counting Based on Block Co-Saliency Density Map Estimation
* Face Forgery Detection via Multi-Feature Fusion and Local Enhancement
* FaceCLIP: Facial Image-to-Video Translation via a Brief Text Description
* FADS: Fourier-Augmentation Based Data-Shunting for Few-Shot Classification
* Fair Attention Network for Robust Visual Question Answering
* Fashion Customization: Image Generation Based on Editing Clue
* Fast Linear Equation Solving Algorithm and its Pipelined Hardware Architecture Design for VVC Affine Motion Estimation
* Fast Video Deduplication and Localization With Temporal Consistence Re-Ranking
* Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Memory-Enhanced Embedding Learning Framework for Image-Text Retrieval
* FastAL: Fast Evaluation Module for Efficient Dynamic Deep Active Learning Using Broad Learning System
* FDNet: Frequency Decomposition Network for Learned Image Compression
* Feature Calibrating and Fusing Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* FedDiff: Diffusion Model Driven Federated Learning for Multi-Modal and Multi-Clients
* FedMDO: Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning via Mixup Differential Objective
* Few-Shot Action Recognition via Multi-View Representation Learning
* Few-Shot Classification Model Compression via School Learning
* Few-Shot Cross-Domain Object Detection with Instance-Level Prototype-Based Meta-Learning
* Few-Shot Font Generation by Learning Style Difference and Similarity
* Few-Shot Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation via Support-Query Feature Interaction
* FewarNet: An Efficient Few-Shot View Synthesis Network Based on Trend Regularization
* FG-AGR: Fine-Grained Associative Graph Representation for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* FICNet: An End to End Network for Free-View Image Coding
* Finding Camouflaged Objects Along the Camouflage Mechanisms
* Fine-Grained Background Representation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Fine-Grained Self-Supervision for Generalizable Semantic Segmentation
* Fine-Granularity Alignment for Text-Based Person Retrieval Via Semantics-Centric Visual Division
* Finger in Camera Speaks Everything: Unconstrained Air-Writing for Real-World
* FIOD-VUE: Focusing on Invariant Information in Object Detection of Varying Underwater Environment
* Fixated Object Detection Based on Saliency Prior in Traffic Scenes
* Fixing the Double Agent Vulnerability of Deep Watermarking: A Patch-Level Solution Against Artwork Plagiarism
* Flexible and Parameter-Free Graph Learning for Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* Fooling the Image Dehazing Models by First Order Gradient
* Free-Form Composition Networks for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Frequency Generation for Real-World Image Super-Resolution
* Frequency-Oriented Efficient Transformer for All-in-One Weather-Degraded Image Restoration
* From Composited to Real-World: Transformer-Based Natural Image Matting
* From Data to Optimization: Data-Free Deep Incremental Hashing With Data Disambiguation and Adaptive Proxies
* From Methods to Applications: A Review of Deep 3D Human Motion Capture
* FS-Depth: Focal-and-Scale Depth Estimation From a Single Image in Unseen Indoor Scene
* FSNA: Few-Shot Object Detection via Neighborhood Information Adaption and All Attention
* FTCM: Frequency-Temporal Collaborative Module for Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video
* Fully Unsupervised Domain-Agnostic Image Retrieval
* Future Feature-Based Supervised Contrastive Learning for Streaming Perception
* GaitDAN: Cross-View Gait Recognition via Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Gaussian Distribution-Aware Commonsense Knowledge Learning for Scene Graph Generation
* GBC: Guided Alignment and Adaptive Boosting CLIP Bridging Vision and Language for Robust Action Recognition
* General Forensics for Aligned Double JPEG Compression Based on the Quantization Interference
* General Pairwise Modification Framework for Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
* Generalizable Metric Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Generalizable MRI Motion Correction via Compressed Sensing Equivariant Imaging Prior
* Generalized Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Generation and Recombination for Multifocus Image Fusion With Free Number of Inputs
* Generative-Based Image Fusion Strategy for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification, A
* Generic-to-Specific Distillation of Masked Autoencoders
* Geometric Prior Based Deep Human Point Cloud Geometry Compression
* Geometry-Enhanced Attentive Multi-View Stereo for Challenging Matching Scenarios
* GeoRGS: Geometric Regularization for Real-Time Novel View Synthesis From Sparse Inputs
* GFENet: Generalization Feature Extraction Network for Few-Shot Object Detection
* GLGFN: Global-Local Grafting Fusion Network for High-Resolution Image Deraining
* Glimpse and Zoom: Spatio-Temporal Focused Dynamic Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Global and Local Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Global Localization in Large-Scale Point Clouds via Roll-Pitch-Yaw Invariant Place Recognition and Low-Overlap Global Registration
* Globally Optimal Solution to the Generalized Relative Pose Estimation Problem Using Affine Correspondences
* GPT-COPE: A Graph-Guided Point Transformer for Category-Level Object Pose Estimation
* Granularity-Aware Single-Point Scene Text Spotting With Sequential Recurrence Self-Attention
* Graph Association Motion-Aware Tracker for Tiny Object in Satellite Videos, A
* Graph Regularized and Feature Aware Matrix Factorization for Robust Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* GraphAlign++: An Accurate Feature Alignment by Graph Matching for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection
* GroupedMixer: An Entropy Model With Group-Wise Token-Mixers for Learned Image Compression
* GTINet: Global Topology-Aware Interactions for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Label-Efficient Learning on Video Data
* Guest Editorial Special Section on Recent Standardization Efforts for Learning-Based Visual Data Coding
* HA-Bins: Hierarchical Adaptive Bins for Robust Monocular Depth Estimation Across Multiple Datasets
* Hand Gesture Authentication by Discovering Fine-Grained Spatiotemporal Identity Characteristics
* HARDer-Net: Hardness-Guided Discrimination Network for 3D Early Activity Prediction
* HASI: Hierarchical Attention-Aware Spatio-Temporal Interaction for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* HCPVF: Hierarchical Cascaded Point-Voxel Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* Heterogeneous Graph Network for Action Detection
* HEVC Video Steganalysis Based on PU Maps and Multi-Scale Convolutional Residual Network
* HF-HRNet: A Simple Hardware Friendly High-Resolution Network
* HFVOS: History-Future Integrated Dynamic Memory for Video Object Segmentation
* Hierarchical Attention Network for Open-Set Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Hierarchical Feature Warping and Blending for Talking Head Animation
* Hierarchical Mask Prompting and Robust Integrated Regression for Oriented Object Detection
* Hierarchical Multi-Modal Attention Network for Time-Sync Comment Video Recommendation
* Hierarchical Multi-Modal Prompting Transformer for Multi-Modal Long Document Classification
* Hierarchy-Aware Interactive Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Classification
* High Compression Efficiency Hardware Encoder for Intra and Inter Coding With 4K@30fps Throughput, A
* High-Level Feature Guided Decoding for Semantic Segmentation
* High-Performance Robust Reversible Data Hiding Algorithm Based on Polar Harmonic Fourier Moments, A
* High-Quality Animatable Dynamic Garment Reconstruction From Monocular Videos
* High-Resolution Feature Pyramid Network for Small Object Detection on Drone View
* High-Throughput and Memory-Efficient Deblocking Filter Hardware Architecture for VVC, A
* Holistic Prototype Attention Network for Few-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* How to Construct Corresponding Anchors for Incomplete Multiview Clustering
* HQDec: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation Based on a High-Quality Decoder
* Human Pose Estimation via Parse Graph of Body Structure
* Hybrid Shape Deformation for Face Reconstruction in Aesthetic Orthodontics
* Hybrid Transformers With Attention-Guided Spatial Embeddings for Makeup Transfer and Removal
* HyperStyle3D: Text-Guided 3D Portrait Stylization via Hypernetworks
* Identifying Light Interference in Event-Based Vision
* Identity Consistency Multi-Viewpoint Generative Aggregation for Person Re-Identification
* Identity-Aware Variational Autoencoder for Face Swapping
* IDPro: Flexible Interactive Video Object Segmentation by ID-Queried Concurrent Propagation
* IGM-MELv2: Infrared Guiding Modal Multiuser Eye Localization System on ARM CPU for Autostereoscopic Displays
* Illusion of Visual Security: Reconstructing Perceptually Encrypted Images, The
* Image Data and Backbone in Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Categorization: A Revisit and Further Thinking, The
* Image Intrinsic Components Guided Conditional Diffusion Model for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Image Manipulation Detection With Cascade Hierarchical Graph Representation
* Improved Continually Evolved Classifiers for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Improving End-to-End Sign Language Translation With Adaptive Video Representation Enhanced Transformer
* Improving Image-Text Matching With Bidirectional Consistency of Cross-Modal Alignment
* Improving Knowledge Distillation via Head and Tail Categories
* Improving Misaligned Multi-Modality Image Fusion With One-Stage Progressive Dense Registration
* Improving the Post-Training Neural Network Quantization by Prepositive Feature Quantization
* Inaccurate Label Distribution Learning
* Incremental Learning-Based Lane Detection for Automated Rubber-Tired Gantries in a Container Terminal
* Inferring Video Streaming Quality of Real-Time Communication Inside Network
* Information Gap Narrowing for Point Cloud Few-Shot Segmentation
* Information Transfer in Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Information-Enhanced Network for Noncontact Heart Rate Estimation From Facial Videos
* InfoStyler: Disentanglement Information Bottleneck for Artistic Style Transfer
* Instance Paradigm Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization
* Instance-Dictionary Learning for Open-World Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Scenarios
* Instance-Incremental Scene Graph Generation From Real-World Point Clouds via Normalizing Flows
* Integrating Language-Derived Appearance Elements With Visual Cues in Pedestrian Detection
* Intelligent System With Reduced Readout Power and Lightweight CNN for Vision Applications, An
* Inter-Modality Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Multi-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Interactive Generative Adversarial Networks With High-Frequency Compensation for Facial Attribute Editing
* Interactive Spectral-Spatial Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Intermediate Domain-Based Meta Learning Framework for Adaptive Object Detection
* Interpretable Heterogeneous Teacher-Student Learning Framework for Hybrid-Supervised Pulmonary Nodule Detection
* Introduction to the Special Issue on AI-Generated Content for Multimedia
* Invertible Image Decolorization With CFEH and Reversible Data Hiding
* Invertible Image Obfuscation for Facial Privacy Protection via Secure Flow
* Invertible Secret Image Sharing With Authentication for Embedding Color Palette Image Into True Color Image
* Invisible and Steganalysis-Resistant Deep Image Hiding Based on One-Way Adversarial Invertible Networks
* Involving Distinguished Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Temporal Action Segmentation
* IOSL: Incremental Open Set Learning
* IRAv3+: Hierarchical Incremental Rotation Averaging via Multiple Connected Dominating Sets
* Iterative Self-Guided Image Filtering
* Iterative Two-Stage Probability Adjustment Strategy With Progressive Incremental Searching for Image Steganography, An
* IterDepth: Iterative Residual Refinement for Outdoor Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth Estimation
* JND-Aware Two-Pass Per-Title Encoding Scheme for Adaptive Live Streaming
* Joint Lossless Compression and Encryption for Medical Images
* Joint Pixel and Frequency Feature Learning and Fusion via Channel-Wise Transformer for High-Efficiency Learned In-Loop Filter in VVC
* Joint Semantic Preserving Sparse Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Joint Spatial and Temporal Feature Enhancement Network for Disturbed Object Detection
* Joint Spatio-Temporal Similarity and Discrimination Learning for Visual Tracking
* Joint-Guided Distillation Binary Neural Network via Dynamic Channel-Wise Diversity Enhancement for Object Detection
* Joint-Wise Temporal Self-Similarity Periodic Selection Network for Repetitive Fitness Action Counting
* Kinematic Diversity and Rhythmic Alignment in Choreographic Quality Transformers for Dance Quality Assessment
* Knowledge Augmented Relation Inference for Group Activity Recognition
* Knowledge Consistency Distillation for Weakly Supervised One Step Person Search
* Knowledge Graph Enhancement for Fine-Grained Zero-Shot Learning on ImageNet21K
* Knowledge Guided Evolutionary Transformer for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Knowledge Synergy Learning for Multi-Modal Tracking
* KRRNet: Keypoint Relational Regression Network for Bottom-Up Anchor-Free Object Detection
* Label Semantic Knowledge Distillation for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* Label-Efficient Video Object Segmentation With Motion Clues
* Latency-Aware Neural Architecture Performance Predictor With Query-to-Tier Technique
* Layered Hole Filling Based on Depth-Aware Decomposition and GAN-Enhanced Background Reconstruction for DIBR
* LCNME: Label Correction Using Network Prediction Based on Memorization Effects for Cross-Modal Retrieval With Noisy Labels
* LCSL: Long-Tailed Classification via Self-Labeling
* LDFnet: Lightweight Dynamic Fusion Network for Face Forgery Detection by Integrating Local Artifacts and Global Texture Information
* Learnable Spatial-Spectral Transform-Based Tensor Nuclear Norm for Multi-Dimensional Visual Data Recovery
* Learned Good Features to Track
* Learned Rate-Distortion Cost Prediction for Ultrafast Screen Content Intra Coding
* Learned Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm for Deep Compressive Sensing
* Learning a Single Convolutional Layer Model for Low Light Image Enhancement
* Learning Adaptive Fusion Bank for Multi-Modal Salient Object Detection
* Learning an Augmented RGB Representation for Dynamic Hand Gesture Authentication
* Learning Appearance-Motion Synergy via Memory-Guided Event Prediction for Video Anomaly Detection
* Learning Contrastive Self-Distillation for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Targeting Limited Samples
* Learning Cruxes to Push for Object Detection in Low-Quality Images
* Learning Depth Representation From RGB-D Videos by Time-Aware Contrastive Pre-Training
* Learning Depth-Density Priors for Fourier-Based Unpaired Image Restoration
* Learning Discriminative Features via Multi-Hierarchical Mutual Information for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration
* Learning Discriminative Representations From Cross-Scale Features for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Learning From Teacher's Failure: A Reflective Learning Paradigm for Knowledge Distillation
* Learning From Text: A Multimodal Face Inpainting Network for Irregular Holes
* Learning Geometric Information via Transformer Network for Key-Points Based Motion Segmentation
* Learning Global-Local Correspondence With Semantic Bottleneck for Logical Anomaly Detection
* Learning Local Semantic Region Activations for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Learning Local-Global Representation for Scribble-Based RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Transformer
* Learning Low-Rank Representation Approximation for Few-Shot Deep Subspace Clustering
* Learning Motion-Guided Multi-Scale Memory Features for Video Shadow Detection
* Learning Physical-Spatio-Temporal Features for Video Shadow Removal
* Learning Pixel-Wise Continuous Depth Representation via Clustering for Depth Completion
* Learning Proposal-Aware Re-Ranking for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Learning Self- and Cross-Triplet Context Clues for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Learning Semantic Alignment Using Global Features and Multi-Scale Confidence
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Sharpness Map for Video Deblurring
* Learning to Generate Diverse Data From a Temporal Perspective for Data-Free Quantization
* Learning to Search a Lightweight Generalized Network for Medical Image Fusion
* Learning What and Where to Learn: A New Perspective on Self-Supervised Learning
* Learning With Noisy Labels by Semantic and Feature Space Collaboration
* LGR-NET: Language Guided Reasoning Network for Referring Expression Comprehension
* LGTrack: Exploiting Local and Global Properties for Robust Visual Tracking
* LiDAR-Camera Continuous Fusion in Voxelized Grid for Semantic Scene Completion
* Light Field Depth Estimation for Non-Lambertian Objects via Adaptive Cross Operator
* Light Field Image Quality Assessment Using Natural Scene Statistics and Texture Degradation
* Light Field Salient Object Detection With Sparse Views via Complementary and Discriminative Interaction Network
* Light Field Super-Resolution Using Decoupled Selective Matching
* Light Fields Stitching for Windowed-6DoF VR Content
* LightViD: Efficient Video Deblurring With Spatial-Temporal Feature Fusion
* Lightweight Context Model Equipped aiWave in Response to the AVS Call for Evidence on Volumetric Medical Image Coding
* Lightweight Multi-Grained Image-Text Retrieval Paradigm via Cascaded Representation Learning and Parameter-Free Feature Aggregation, A
* Lightweight Multitask Learning for Robust JND Prediction Using Latent Space and Reconstructed Frames
* Lightweight Neural Network for Enhancing Imaging Performance of Under-Display Camera
* Linear Regression Problem Relaxations Solved by Nonconvex ADMM With Convergence Analysis
* Linguistic Hallucination for Text-Based Video Retrieval
* Lip Feature Disentanglement for Visual Speaker Authentication in Natural Scenes
* Lite Localization Network and DUE-Based Watermarking for Color Image Copyright Protection
* LithoPW: Leveraging Visual Memory Encoding and Defect-Aware Optimization for Precise Determination of the Lithography Process Windows
* Local Extremum Constrained Total Variation Model for Natural and Hyperspectral Image Non-Blind Deblurring
* Local-Global Self-Attention for Transformer-Based Object Tracking
* Local-Global Temporal Difference Learning for Satellite Video Super-Resolution
* Local-to-Global Semantic Learning for Multi-View 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud
* Low-Cost and Scalable Framework to Build Large-Scale Localization Benchmark for Augmented Reality, A
* Low-Light Image Enhancement With Multi-Scale Attention and Frequency-Domain Optimization
* Low-Light Salient Object Detection by Learning to Highlight the Foreground Objects
* Low-Resolution Object Recognition With Cross-Resolution Relational Contrastive Distillation
* LTTrack: Rethinking the Tracking Framework for Long-Term Multi-Object Tracking
* LVAR-CZSL: Learning Visual Attributes Representation for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* M-to-N Backdoor Paradigm: A Multi-Trigger and Multi-Target Attack to Deep Learning Models
* MAPS: A Noise-Robust Progressive Learning Approach for Source-Free Domain Adaptive Keypoint Detection
* Markov-PQ: Joint Pruning-Quantization via Learnable Markov Chain
* MARVEL: Raster Gray-Level Manga Vectorization via Primitive-Wise Deep Reinforcement Learning
* MASA: Motion-Aware Masked Autoencoder with Semantic Alignment for Sign Language Recognition
* MaskCRT: Masked Conditional Residual Transformer for Learned Video Compression
* MaskFusionNet: A Dual-Stream Fusion Model With Masked Pre-Training Mechanism for rPPG Measurement
* Matching Multi-Scale Feature Sets in Vision Transformer for Few-Shot Classification
* Maximizing Contrast in XOR-Based Visual Cryptography Schemes
* MBSI-Net: Multimodal Balanced Self-Learning Interaction Network for Image Classification
* MC-Blur: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Image Deblurring
* MC-Net: Integrating Multi-Level Geometric Context for Two-View Correspondence Learning
* MCCG: A ConvNeXt-Based Multiple-Classifier Method for Cross-View Geo-Localization
* MCL: Multimodal Contrastive Learning for Deepfake Detection
* Measure-Driven Neural Solver for Optimal Transport Mapping
* Measuring and Modeling Uncertainty Degree for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Medical Image Encryption Based on Josephus Scrambling and Dynamic Cross-Diffusion for Patient Privacy Security
* Meta-Learning Based Domain Prior With Application to Optical-ISAR Image Translation
* Meta-Learning Without Data via Unconditional Diffusion Models
* MetaIP: Meta-Network-Based Intra Prediction With Customized Parameters for Video Coding
* MFDAN: Multi-Level Flow-Driven Attention Network for Micro-Expression Recognition
* MFI-Net: Multi-Feature Fusion Identification Networks for Artificial Intelligence Manipulation
* MIGA-Net: Multi-View Image Information Learning Based on Graph Attention Network for SAR Target Recognition
* Mind the Gap: Open Set Domain Adaptation via Mutual-to-Separate Framework
* Minimal Solution for Sphere-Based Camera-Projector Pair Calibration, A
* MLP: Motion Label Prior for Temporal Sentence Localization in Untrimmed 3D Human Motions
* MMI-Det: Exploring Multi-Modal Integration for Visible and Infrared Object Detection
* MoBoo: Memory-Boosted Vision Transformer for Class-Incremental Learning
* Modal Evaluation Network via Knowledge Distillation for No-Service Rail Surface Defect Detection
* Modality-Aware Heterogeneous Graph for Joint Video Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection
* Model-Free Rectification via Cascaded Distortion Model and Enhanced Backward Flow Network
* Modeling Hierarchical Structural Distance for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Modeling Thermal Infrared Image Degradation and Real-World Super-Resolution Under Background Thermal Noise and Streak Interference
* Momentum Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for Video Moment Retrieval
* Motion Complement and Temporal Multifocusing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Motion Compression Using Structurally Connected Neural Network
* Motion-Aware Mask Feature Reconstruction for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Motion-Driven Tracking via End-to-End Coarse-to-Fine Verifying
* Motion-Oriented Hybrid Spiking Neural Networks for Event-Based Motion Deblurring
* MPAI-EEV: Standardization Efforts of Artificial Intelligence Based End-to-End Video Coding
* MPC-Net: Multi-Prior Collaborative Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* MPLA-Net: Multiple Pseudo Label Aggregation Network for Weakly Supervised Video Salient Object Detection
* MRGTraj: A Novel Non-Autoregressive Approach for Human Trajectory Prediction
* MRLReID: Unconstrained Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification With Multi-Task Resolution Learning
* MSF-Net: Multi-Scale Feedback Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution
* MSGA-Net: Progressive Feature Matching via Multi-Layer Sparse Graph Attention
* MtArtGPT: A Multi-Task Art Generation System With Pre-Trained Transformer
* Multi-Branch GAN-Based Abnormal Events Detection via Context Learning in Surveillance Videos
* Multi-Grained Attention Network With Mutual Exclusion for Composed Query-Based Image Retrieval
* Multi-Grained Gradual Inference Model for Multimedia Event Extraction
* Multi-Granularity Interaction for Multi-Person 3D Motion Prediction
* Multi-Granularity Relational Attention Network for Audio-Visual Question Answering
* Multi-Layer Probabilistic Association Reasoning Network for Image-Text Retrieval
* Multi-Level Collaborative Learning for Multi-Target Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Level Information Fusion Network With Edge Information Injection for Single-Band Cloud Detection
* Multi-Modal Attribute Prompting for Vision-Language Models
* Multi-Modal Large Language Model Enhanced Pseudo 3D Perception Framework for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
* Multi-Motion Segmentation via Co-Attention-Induced Heterogeneous Model Fitting
* Multi-Prior Driven Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Explicit Matching and Mutual Subject Teacher Learning for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Scale Structural Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Multi-Scale Visual Perception Based Progressive Feature Interaction Network for Stereo Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Stage Auxiliary Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
* Multi-Task Learning with Multi-Query Transformer for Dense Prediction
* Multi-View Graph Embedding Learning for Image Co-Segmentation and Co-Localization
* Multi-View Maximum Margin Clustering With Privileged Information Learning
* Multi-View Vision Fusion Network: Can 2D Pre-Trained Model Boost 3D Point Cloud Data-Scarce Learning?
* Multilevel Semantic Interaction Alignment for Video-Text Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multimodal Decoupled Distillation Graph Neural Network for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
* Multimodal Imbalance-Aware Gradient Modulation for Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* Multimodal Informative ViT: Information Aggregation and Distribution for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
* Multiple Information Embedded Hashing for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multiple-Level Distillation for Video Fine-Grained Accident Detection
* Multirate Progressive Entropy Model for Learned Image Compression
* Multiscale Aligned Spatial-Temporal Interaction for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Multitask Deep Neural Network With Knowledge-Guided Attention for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* MuscleParseNet: A Novel Framework for Parsing Muscles of Drosophila Larva in Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Mutual Information Regularization for Weakly-Supervised RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Neighborhood Multi-Compound Transformer for Point Cloud Registration
* Nested Fully-Connected Tensor Network Decomposition for Multi-Dimensional Visual Data Recovery
* Neural Network Based Multi-Level In-Loop Filtering for Versatile Video Coding
* Neural Reflectance Decomposition Under Dynamic Point Light
* New Benchmark and Low Computational Cost Localization Method for Cephalometric Analysis, A
* New Insights on Relieving Task-Recency Bias for Online Class Incremental Learning
* New Training Data Organization Form and Training Mode for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation, A
* Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Colorization With Feedback-Based Object Appearance Learning
* NLIC: Non-Uniform Quantization-Based Learned Image Compression
* NoiseBox: Toward More Efficient and Effective Learning With Noisy Labels
* Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning by Random Auxiliary Classes Augmentation and Mixed Features
* Non-Uniform Illumination Underwater Image Restoration via Illumination Channel Sparsity Prior
* Normal Image Guided Segmentation Framework for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* Novel Cross-Perturbation for Single Domain Generalization, A
* Novel Framework for Scene Graph Generation via Prior Knowledge, A
* Novel Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Concentric Ring Subband and Visual Cryptography With Piecewise Linear Chaotic Mapping
* Novel Style Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Fuzzy Classifier With Its Fast Training on Style Data, A
* Novel Truncated Norm Regularization Method for Multi-Channel Color Image Denoising, A
* Novel Visually-Lossless Compression Model for Low-Latency Interaction, A
* NVR-Net: Normal Vector Guided Regression Network for Disentangled 6D Pose Estimation
* OASNet: Object Affordance State Recognition Network With Joint Visual Features and Relational Semantic Embeddings
* Object-Centric Cross-Modal Knowledge Reasoning for Future Event Prediction in Videos
* Occlusion-Aware Unsupervised Light Field Depth Estimation Based on Multi-Scale GANs
* OHD: An Online Category-Aware Framework for Learning With Noisy Labels Under Long-Tailed Distribution
* OL-Reg: Registration of Image and Sparse LiDAR Point Cloud With Object-Level Dense Correspondences
* Omni-Kernel Modulation for Universal Image Restoration
* One for All: A Unified Generative Framework for Image Emotion Classification
* One-Shot Multiple Object Tracking With Robust ID Preservation
* One-Shot Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* One-Stream Stepwise Decreasing for Vision-Language Tracking
* Online Discriminative Cross-Modal Hashing
* Online Learning Samples and Adaptive Recovery for Robust RGB-T Tracking
* Online Multi-Scale Classification and Global Feature Modulation for Robust Visual Tracking
* Online Query Expansion Hashing for Efficient Image Retrieval
* Online Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Contrastive Motion Clustering
* Open-Set Synthesis for Free-Viewpoint Human Body Reenactment of Novel Poses
* OPEN: Occlusion-Invariant Perception Network for Single Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Optical Flow-Based Spatiotemporal Sketch for Video Representation: A Novel Framework
* OSM-Net: One-to-Many One-Shot Talking Head Generation With Spontaneous Head Motions
* Outlier-Probability-Based Feature Adaptation for Robust Unsupervised Anomaly Detection on Contaminated Training Data
* OV-NeRF: Open-Vocabulary Neural Radiance Fields With Vision and Language Foundation Models for 3D Semantic Understanding
* Overcoming Modality Bias in Question-Driven Sign Language Video Translation
* Overlapped Trajectory-Enhanced Visual Tracking
* Overview of Text-Based Person Search: Recent Advances and Future Directions, An
* Panoptic-Level Image-to-Image Translation for Object Recognition and Visual Odometry Enhancement
* Parallelization Strategy of Non-Local Means Filtering Algorithm for Real-Time Denoising of Forward-Looking Multi-Beam Sonar Images
* Parallelized RDOQ Algorithm and Fully Pipelined Hardware Architecture for AVS3 Video Coding
* PARFormer: Transformer-Based Multi-Task Network for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Partially View-Aligned Representation Learning via Cross-View Graph Contrastive Network
* PatchMixing Masked Autoencoders for 3D Point Cloud Self-Supervised Learning
* Payload-Independent Direct Cost Learning for Image Steganography
* PBR-GAN: Imitating Physically-Based Rendering With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Pedestrian 3D Shape Understanding for Person Re-Identification via Multi-View Learning
* Perception-Driven Similarity-Clarity Tradeoff for Image Super-Resolution Quality Assessment
* Perceptive Self-Supervised Learning Network for Noisy Image Watermark Removal
* Perceptual Depth Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Images
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Virtual Reality Videos in the Wild
* Personalized Graph Generation for Monocular 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* Personalized Image Enhancement Featuring Masked Style Modeling
* Physics-Driven Multispectral Filter Array Pattern Optimization and Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
* PIPC-3Ddet: Harnessing Perspective Information and Proposal Correlation for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
* Pixel Difference Convolutional Network for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
* Pixel-Wise Gamma Correction Mapping for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Plain-PCQA: No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment by Analysis of Plain Visual and Geometrical Components
* PLGNet: Prior-Guided Local and Global Interactive Hybrid Network for Face Super-Resolution
* Point Cloud Completion via Self-Projected View Augmentation and Implicit Field Constraint
* Polyp Segmentation via Semantic Enhanced Perceptual Network
* Positive and Negative Set Designs in Contrastive Feature Learning for Temporal Action Segmentation
* Positive-Sample-Free Object Tracking via a Soft Constraint
* Pre-Trained Transformer-Based Parallel Multi-Channel Adaptive Image Sequence Interpolation Network
* Preprocessing Enhanced Image Compression for Machine Vision
* Prior Images Guided Generative Autoencoder Model for Dual-Camera Compressive Spectral Imaging
* Pro-Tuning: Unified Prompt Tuning for Vision Tasks
* Probabilistic Assignment With Decoupled IoU Prediction for Visual Tracking
* Produce Once, Utilize Twice for Anomaly Detection
* Progressive Content-Aware Coded Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Progressive Histogram Modification for JPEG Reversible Data Hiding
* Progressive Multi-Resolution Loss for Crowd Counting
* Progressive Semantic Reconstruction Network for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Grounding
* Prompt-Based Ingredient-Oriented All-in-One Image Restoration
* Prompt-Guided Semantic-Aware Distillation for Weakly Supervised Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* PromptVT: Prompting for Efficient and Accurate Visual Tracking
* Proposal With Alignment: A Bi-Directional Transformer for 360° Video Viewport Proposal
* Pseudo-Label-Assisted Subdomain Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Pseudo-Supervised Low-Light Image Enhancement With Mutual Learning
* PTM: Torus Masking for 3D Representation Learning Guided by Robust and Trusted Teachers
* PU-Mask: 3D Point Cloud Upsampling via an Implicit Virtual Mask
* Public-Private Attributes-Based Variational Adversarial Network for Audio-Visual Cross-Modal Matching
* Purity-Preserving Kernel Tensor Low-Rank Learning for Robust Subspace Clustering
* Push-and-Pull: A General Training Framework With Differential Augmentor for Domain Generalized Point Cloud Classification
* PVASS-MDD: Predictive Visual-Audio Alignment Self-Supervision for Multimodal Deepfake Detection
* PVO-Based Reversible Data Hiding Using Global Sorting and Fixed 2D Mapping Modification
* Pyramid Deep Fusion Network for Two-Hand Reconstruction From RGB-D Images
* Quality Harmonization for Virtual Composition in Online Video Communications
* Quality of Experience Oriented Cross-Layer Optimization for Real-Time XR Video Transmission
* Quantization Step Estimation of Color Images Based on Res2Net-C With Frequency Clustering Prior Knowledge
* Query-Guided Prototype Optimization for Few-Shot Classification
* Query-Guided Support Prototypes for Few-Shot 3D Indoor Segmentation
* Question Type-Aware Debiasing for Test-Time Visual Question Answering Model Adaptation
* Question-Aware Global-Local Video Understanding Network for Audio-Visual Question Answering
* RAFNet: Reparameterizable Across-Resolution Fusion Network for Real-Time Image Semantic Segmentation
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Cross Modal Compression With Multiple Domains
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Post-Training Quantization for Learned Image Compression
* Rate-Rendering Distortion Optimized Preprocessing for Texture Map Compression of 3D Reconstructed Scenes
* Raw Image Based Over-Exposure Correction Using Channel-Guidance Strategy
* Ray Reordering for Hardware-Accelerated Neural Volume Rendering
* Real-Time 3D Visual Perception by Cross-Dimensional Refined Learning
* Real-Time Lightweight Video Super-Resolution With RRED-Based Perceptual Constraint
* Reallocating and Evolving General Knowledge for Few-Shot Learning
* Reasonable Anomaly Detection Based on Long-Term Sequence Modeling
* Recent Advances in Rate Control: From Optimization to Implementation and Beyond
* Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With Progressive Learning
* Reference-Aware Adaptive Network for Image-Text Matching
* Reference-Based Image Dehazing With Internal and External Contrastive Learning
* Refinement Method for Single-Stage Object Detection Based on Progressive Decoupled Task Alignment, A
* Reflection Removal via Recurrent Learning Guided by Physics Prior and Focal Perceptual Loss
* Regional Traditional Painting Generation Based on Controllable Disentanglement Model
* Regular Constrained Multimodal Fusion for Image Captioning
* Regularity Learning via Explicit Distribution Modeling for Skeletal Video Anomaly Detection
* Relation-Aware Multi-Pass Comparison Deconfounded Network for Change Captioning
* Relative Comparison-Based Consensus Learning for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Reliable Cross-Camera Learning in Random Camera Person Re-Identification
* Reliable Phrase Feature Mining for Hierarchical Video-Text Retrieval
* Removing Hidden Information by Geometrical Perturbation in Frequency Domain
* Representation Robustness and Feature Expansion for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning
* Representing Boundary-Ambiguous Scene Online With Scale-Encoded Cascaded Grids and Radiance Field Deblurring
* Retentive Compensation and Personality Filtering for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Object Detection
* Rethinking and Conceptualizing Just Noticeable Difference Estimation by Residual Learning
* Rethinking Domain Generalization: Discriminability and Generalizability
* Rethinking Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification: A Good Instance Classifier Is All You Need
* Rethinking Supervision in Document Unwarping: A Self-Consistent Flow-Free Approach
* Reversible Data Hiding Over Encrypted Images via Preprocessing-Free Matrix Secret Sharing
* Revisiting All-Zero Block Detection for Versatile Video Coding
* Revisiting Learned Image Compression With Statistical Measurement of Latent Representations
* Revisiting Open World Object Detection
* RGBT Tracking via Progressive Fusion Transformer With Dynamically Guided Learning
* Robust Discriminative t-Linear Subspace Learning for Image Feature Extraction
* Robust Generative Steganography Based on Image Mapping
* Robust Point Cloud Registration via Random Network Co-Ensemble
* Robust Tensor Completion via Dictionary Learning and Generalized Nonconvex Regularization for Visual Data Recovery
* Robust Tracking via Combing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention
* Robust Tracking via Fully Exploring Background Prior Knowledge
* Robust Unpaired Image Dehazing via Adversarial Deformation Constraint
* RobustMVS: Single Domain Generalized Deep Multi-View Stereo
* RPM 2.0: RF-Based Pose Machines for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
* RUIESR: Realistic Underwater Image Enhancement and Super Resolution
* Rule-Driven News Captioning
* Rules for Expectation: Learning to Generate Rules via Social Environment Modeling
* RWS: Refined Weak Slice for Semantic Segmentation Enhancement
* SAC-Net: Enhancing Spatiotemporal Aggregation in Cervical Histological Image Classification via Label-Efficient Weakly Supervised Learning
* Saliency Prediction on Mobile Videos: A Fixation Mapping-Based Dataset and A Transformer Approach
* Salient Object Detection Toward Single-Pixel Imaging
* Salient Object Detection With Dual-Branch Stepwise Feature Fusion and Edge Refinement
* Salient Object Detection With Edge-Guided Learning and Specific Aggregation
* Satellite Video Object Tracking Based on Location Prompts
* Save the Tiny, Save the All: Hierarchical Activation Network for Tiny Object Detection
* Scale-Aware Graph Convolutional Network with Part-Level Refinement for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* SCGM: Asymmetric Steganographic Embedding Cost Learning With Adaptive Modulation
* SD-FSOD: Self-Distillation Paradigm via Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Object Detection
* SDBAD-Net: A Spatial Dual-Branch Attention Dehazing Network Based on Meta-Former Paradigm
* SDPL: Shifting-Dense Partition Learning for UAV-View Geo-Localization
* Searching a Compact Architecture for Robust Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Second-Order Proximity Guided Sampling Consensus for Robust Model Fitting
* Secure Spatio-Temporal Chaotic Pseudorandom Generator for Image Encryption, A
* See and Learn More: Dense Caption-Aware Representation for Visual Question Answering
* See SIFT in a Rain
* Seeking False Hard Negatives for Graph Contrastive Learning
* Selective Transfer Learning of Cross-Modality Distillation for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Self Pseudo Entropy Knowledge Distillation for Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Self-Calibration Flow Guided Denoising Diffusion Model for Human Pose Transfer
* Self-Completed Bipartite Graph Learning for Fast Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Self-Constructing Stereo Correspondences for Unsupervised Multi-View Stereo
* Self-Distillation With Augmentation in Feature Space
* Self-Driven Dual-Path Learning for Reference-Based Line Art Colorization Under Limited Data
* Self-Paced Weight Consolidation for Continual Learning
* Self-Prompting Perceptual Edge Learning for Dense Prediction
* Self-Supervised CNN for Image Watermark Removal, A
* Self-Supervised Edge Perceptual Learning Framework for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Classification
* Self-Supervised Interactive Image Segmentation
* Self-Supervised Learning Network for Student Engagement Recognition From Facial Expressions, A
* Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for All-Day Images Based on Dual-Axis Transformer
* Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth Estimation for Dynamic Scenes
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning via Capturing Semantic Changes Indicated by Saccades
* Semantic Disentanglement Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Semantic Face Compression for Metaverse: A Compact 3D Descriptor Based Approach
* Semantic Perception and CNN-Transformer Hybrid Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification, A
* Semantic Pre-Alignment and Ranking Learning With Unified Framework for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Semantic-Aware Contrastive Learning With Proposal Suppression for Video Semantic Role Grounding
* Semantic-Guided Representation Enhancement for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting via Multi-Task Pseudo-Label Self-Correction Strategy
* Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting With Contextual Modeling: Facilitating Holistic Understanding of Crowd Scenes
* Semi-Supervised Feature Distillation and Unsupervised Domain Adversarial Distillation for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Object Detection via Adaptive Pseudo Labeling
* Semi-Supervised Multitask Learning Using Gaze Focus for Gaze Estimation
* Semi-Supervised Semi-Paired Cross-Modal Hashing
* Sentinel-Guided Zero-Shot Learning: A Collaborative Paradigm Without Real Data Exposure
* Set of Diverse Queries With Uncertainty Regularization for Composed Image Retrieval
* SharpGConv: A Novel Graph Method With Plug-and-Play Sharpening Convolution for Point Cloud Registration
* ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Object Detector
* Simultaneously Recovering Multi-Person Meshes and Multi-View Cameras With Human Semantics
* SiT-MLP: A Simple MLP With Point-Wise Topology Feature Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Small Object Detection Method Based on Global Multi-Level Perception and Dynamic Region Aggregation
* Small Sample Image Segmentation by Coupling Convolutions and Transformers
* SMFRNet: Complex Scene Lane Detection With Start Point-Guided Multi-Dimensional Feature Refinement
* SMR: Spatial-Guided Model-Based Regression for 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Reconstruction
* Snippets Relation and Hard-Snippets Mask Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization, A
* SNP-S3: Shared Network Pre-Training and Significant Semantic Strengthening for Various Video-Text Tasks
* SNR-Prior Guided Trajectory-Aware Transformer for Low-Light Video Enhancement
* SoftAct: A High-Precision Softmax Architecture for Transformers Supporting Nonlinear Functions
* Sparse-to-Dense: High Efficiency Rate Control for End-to-End Scale-Adaptive Video Coding
* Spatial Attention-Guided Light Field Salient Object Detection Network With Implicit Neural Representation
* Spatial Decomposition and Temporal Fusion Based Inter Prediction for Learned Video Compression
* Spatial-Frequency Discriminability for Revealing Adversarial Perturbations
* Spatial-Temporal Enhanced Network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Transformer for Skeleton-Based Hand Gesture Recognition
* SpecTr: Spectral Transformer for Microscopic Hyperspectral Pathology Image Segmentation
* Spectral-Wise Implicit Neural Representation for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
* Speed-Up DDPM for Real-Time Underwater Image Enhancement
* Spherical Neural Operator Network for Global Weather Prediction
* Spike Camera Image Reconstruction Using Deep Spiking Neural Networks
* SpikeODE: Image Reconstruction for Spike Camera With Neural Ordinary Differential Equation
* SpiReco: Fast and Efficient Recognition of High-Speed Moving Objects With Spike Camera
* SPT: Spatial Pyramid Transformer for Image Captioning
* SPTR: Structure-Preserving Transformer for Unsupervised Indoor Depth Completion
* SRRT: Exploring Search Region Regulation for Visual Object Tracking
* SSRL: Self-Supervised Spatial-Temporal Representation Learning for 3D Action Recognition
* Stabilizing Multispectral Pedestrian Detection With Evidential Hybrid Fusion
* STADet: Streaming Timing-Aware Video Lane Detection
* STAF: 3D Human Mesh Recovery From Video With Spatio-Temporal Alignment Fusion
* Staged Knowledge Distillation in Video Classification: Harmonizing Student Progress by a Complementary Weakly Supervised Framework, The
* Statistics Enhancement Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis
* STD-Net: Spatio-Temporal Decomposition Network for Video Demoiréing With Sparse Transformers
* Steganalysis Feature Selection With Multidimensional Evaluation and Dynamic Threshold Allocation
* Stochastic Latent Talking Face Generation Toward Emotional Expressions and Head Poses
* STRANet: Soft-Target and Restriction-Aware Neural Network for Efficient VVC Intra Coding
* Study of 3D Finger Vein Biometrics on Imaging Device Design and Multi-View Verification
* Style Reconstruction-Driven Networks for Occlusion-Aware License Plate Recognition
* Subtask Prior-Driven Optimized Mechanism on Joint Video Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection
* Superpixel Graph Contrastive Clustering With Semantic-Invariant Augmentations for Hyperspectral Images
* Survey of Cross-Modal Visual Content Generation, A
* SWGNet: Step-Wise Reference Frame Generation Network for Multiview Video Coding
* SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Expression Recognition, Age Estimation and Attribute Estimation
* SwinIT: Hierarchical Image-to-Image Translation Framework Without Cycle Consistency
* Symmetric Multi-View Subspace Clustering With Automatic Neighbor Discovery
* Synergetic Assessment of Quality and Aesthetic: Approach and Comprehensive Benchmark Dataset
* TAKD: Target-Aware Knowledge Distillation for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Target-Aware Camera Placement for Large-Scale Video Surveillance
* Target-Aware Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Context Attention
* Task-Specific Importance-Awareness Matters: On Targeted Attacks Against Object Detection
* Task-Switchable Pre-Processor for Image Compression for Multiple Machine Vision Tasks
* TCTL-Net: Template-Free Color Transfer Learning for Self-Attention Driven Underwater Image Enhancement
* TED-Net: Dispersal Attention for Perceiving Interaction Region in Indirectly-Contact HOI Detection
* Temporal Diversified Self-Contrastive Learning for Generalized Face Forgery Detection
* Temporal Wavelet Transform-Based Low-Complexity Perceptual Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video
* Temporally Consistent Referring Video Object Segmentation With Hybrid Memory
* Tensor Convolution-Like Low-Rank Dictionary for High-Dimensional Image Representation
* Tensorial Global-Local Graph Self-Representation for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Text Position-Aware Pixel Aggregation Network With Adaptive Gaussian Threshold: Detecting Text in the Wild
* Text-Driven Traffic Anomaly Detection with Temporal High-Frequency Modeling in Driving Videos
* TFČ: Few-Shot Text-Free Training-Free Defect Image Generation for Industrial Anomaly Inspection
* Think Holistically, Act Down-to-Earth: A Semantic Navigation Strategy With Continuous Environmental Representation and Multi-Step Forward Planning
* Third-Person View Attention Prediction in Natural Scenarios With Weak Information Dependency and Human-Scene Interaction Mechanism
* THISNet: Tooth Instance Segmentation on 3D Dental Models via Highlighting Tooth Regions
* Tiny Object Detection via Regional Cross Self-Attention Network
* TinyPillarNet: Tiny Pillar-Based Network for 3D Point Cloud Object Detection at Edge
* TirSA: A Three Stage Approach for UAV-Satellite Cross-View Geo-Localization Based on Self-Supervised Feature Enhancement
* TLDW: Extreme Multimodal Summarization of News Videos
* TLS-MWP: A Tensor-Based Long- and Short-Range Convolution for Multiple Weather Prediction
* TMFF: Trustworthy Multi-Focus Fusion Framework for Multi-Label Sewer Defect Classification in Sewer Inspection Videos
* Top-Down Cross-Modal Guidance for Robust RGB-T Tracking
* Toward Compact and Robust Model Learning Under Dynamically Perturbed Environments
* Toward Extreme Image Rescaling With Generative Prior and Invertible Prior
* Toward Grouping in Large Scenes With Occlusion-Aware Spatio-Temporal Transformers
* Toward High-Accuracy and Real-Time Two-Stage Small Object Detection on FPGA
* Toward High-Quality HDR Deghosting With Conditional Diffusion Models
* Toward Meta-Shape-Based Multi-View 3D Point Cloud Registration: An Evaluation
* Toward Modalities Correlation for RGB-T Tracking
* Toward On-Demand Transmission: Joint Feature and Image Coding With Reversible Neural Networks
* Toward Open-World Text-Driven Face Generation and Manipulation via StyleGAN3
* Toward Quantifiable Face Age Transformation Under Attribute Unbias
* Toward Real-World Blind Face Restoration With Generative Diffusion Prior
* Toward Real-World Multi-View Object Classification: Dataset, Benchmark, and Analysis
* Toward Robust Image Denoising via Flow-Based Joint Image and Noise Model
* Toward Robust LiDAR-Camera Fusion in BEV Space via Mutual Deformable Attention and Temporal Aggregation
* Toward Unified Token Learning for Vision-Language Tracking
* Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal Knowledge Representation for Relation Extraction
* Towards Video Anomaly Detection in the Real World: A Binarization Embedded Weakly-Supervised Network
* TranPhys: Spatiotemporal Masked Transformer Steered Remote Photoplethysmography Estimation
* Transductive Learning With Prior Knowledge for Generalized Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Transferable Generative Framework for Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Transformer Driven Matching Selection Mechanism for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Transformer RGBT Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Multimodal Tokens
* Transformer Tracking via Frequency Fusion
* Transformer-Based Image Inpainting Detection via Label Decoupling and Constrained Adversarial Training
* Transformer-Based Multimodal Emotional Perception for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Transformer-Based Spatio-Temporal Unsupervised Traffic Anomaly Detection in Aerial Videos
* Transparent Embedding Space for Interpretable Image Recognition
* TridentCap: Image-Fact-Style Trident Semantic Framework for Stylized Image Captioning
* Trustworthy Multimodal Fusion for Sentiment Analysis in Ordinal Sentiment Space
* TTAGaze: Self-Supervised Test-Time Adaptation for Personalized Gaze Estimation
* TUFusion: A Transformer-Based Universal Fusion Algorithm for Multimodal Images
* Twin Reciprocal Completion for Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* UAFer: A Unified Model for Class-Agnostic Binary Segmentation With Uncertainty-Aware Feature Reassembly
* UAV-Ground Visual Tracking: A Unified Dataset and Collaborative Learning Approach
* Ultrasound Nodule Segmentation Using Asymmetric Learning With Simple Clinical Annotation
* Ump: Unified Modality-Aware Prompt Tuning for Text-Video Retrieval
* Un-Gaze: A Unified Transformer for Joint Gaze-Location and Gaze-Object Detection
* Unambiguous Pyramid Cost Volumes Fusion for Stereo Matching
* Uncertainty Modeling of the Transmission Map for Single Image Dehazing
* Uncertainty-Aware Hierarchical Aggregation Network for Medical Image Segmentation
* Uncertainty-Aware Pedestrian Crossing Prediction via Reinforcement Learning
* Understanding Negative Proposals in Generic Few-Shot Object Detection
* Underwater Color Disparities: Cues for Enhancing Underwater Images Toward Natural Color Consistencies
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Principal Component Fusion of Foreground and Background
* Underwater Image Enhancement via Weighted Wavelet Visual Perception Fusion
* Underwater Image Quality Improvement via Color, Detail, and Contrast Restoration
* Unified Multi-Modality Video Object Segmentation Using Reinforcement Learning
* Unified Object Counting Network with Object Occupation Prior, A
* Unified Privileged Knowledge Distillation Framework for Human Motion Prediction
* Unified Stability and Plasticity for Lifelong Person Re-Identification in Cloth-Changing and Cloth-Consistent Scenarios
* UniFRD: A Unified Method for Facial Image Restoration Based on Diffusion Probabilistic Model
* Universal Binary Neural Networks Design by Improved Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
* Universal Dehazing via Haze Style Transfer
* Universal Multi-View Guided Network for Salient Object and Camouflaged Object Detection, A
* Unleashing the Feature Hierarchy Potential: An Efficient Tri-Hybrid Person Search Model
* Unpaired Caricature-Visual Face Recognition via Feature Decomposition-Restoration-Decomposition
* Unsupervised Class-Imbalanced Domain Adaptation With Pairwise Adversarial Training and Semantic Alignment
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing With Fine-Grained Similarity-Preserving Contrastive Learning for Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Domain Adaption Harnessing Vision-Language Pre-Training
* Unsupervised Generative Fake Image Detector
* Unsupervised HDR Image and Video Tone Mapping via Contrastive Learning
* Unsupervised Homography Estimation With Pixel-Level SVDD
* Unsupervised Light Field Depth Estimation via Multi-View Feature Matching With Occlusion Prediction
* Unsupervised Single-View Synthesis Network via Style Guidance and Prior Distillation
* Unveiling the Power of Visible-Thermal Video Object Segmentation
* UČ-Former: Nested U-Shaped Transformer for Image Restoration via Multi-View Contrastive Learning
* VADiffusion: Compressed Domain Information Guided Conditional Diffusion for Video Anomaly Detection
* Vehicle Re-Identification in Aerial Images and Videos: Dataset and Approach
* Versatile Multimodal Learning Framework for Zero-Shot Emotion Recognition, A
* Video Corpus Moment Retrieval via Deformable Multigranularity Feature Fusion and Adversarial Training
* Video Quality Assessment for Online Processing: From Spatial to Temporal Sampling
* Video Quality Assessment for Spatio-Temporal Resolution Adaptive Coding
* Video Question Answering with Semantic Disentanglement and Reasoning
* Video Question Generation for Dynamic Changes
* Video Rescaling With Recurrent Diffusion
* Video Shot Occlusion Detection Algorithm Based on the Abnormal Fluctuation of Depth Information, A
* Video Text Detection With Robust Feature Representation
* Video Visualization and Visual Analytics: A Task-Based and Application- Driven Investigation
* Video-Based Fall Detection Using Human Pose and Constrained Generative Adversarial Network
* Video-Based Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking via Appearance-Parsing Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Matching Network
* Vision-Based Traffic Accident Detection and Anticipation: A Survey
* Visual and Language Collaborative Learning for RGBT Object Tracking
* Visual Grounding With Dual Knowledge Distillation
* Visual Representation-Guided Framework With Global Affinity for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection, A
* ViT Spatio-Temporal Feature Fusion for Aerial Object Tracking
* Volumetric Saliency Guided Image Summarization for RGB-D Indoor Scene Classification, A
* Voxel-Based Multi-Scale Transformer Network for Event Stream Processing
* VS-TransGRU: A Novel Transformer-GRU-Based Framework Enhanced by Visual-Semantic Fusion for Egocentric Action Anticipation
* VSS-Net: Visual Semantic Self-Mining Network for Video Summarization
* Watch You Under Low-Resolution and Low-Illumination: Face Enhancement via Bi-Factor Degradation Decoupling
* Wavelet and Adaptive Coordinate Attention Guided Fine-Grained Residual Network for Image Denoising
* WeaFU: Weather-Informed Image Blind Restoration via Multi-Weather Distribution Diffusion
* Weakly Supervised Fixated Object Detection in Traffic Videos Based on Driver's Selective Attention Mechanism
* Weakly Supervised Video Re-Localization Through Multi-Agent-Reinforced Switchable Network
* Weakly-Supervised Action Learning in Procedural Task Videos via Process Knowledge Decomposition
* Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection With Snippet Anomalous Attention
* Wearable Eye-Tracking System for Synchronized Multimodal Data Acquisition
* WebP-JPEG Transcoding Detection by Spotting Re-Compression Artifacts With CNN-ViT for Processing Dual-Domain Features
* When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relationship Evolution via Attentive GNN
* When Robust Reversible Watermarking Meets Cropping Attacks
* XFMP: A Benchmark for Explainable Fine-Grained Abnormal Behavior Recognition on Medical Personal Protective Equipment
* You Will Never Walk Alone: One-Shot 3D Action Recognition with Point Cloud Sequence
* YOWOv3: A Lightweight Spatio-Temporal Joint Network for Video Action Detection
* Zero-Shot Temporal Action Detection by Learning Multimodal Prompts and Text-Enhanced Actionness
* Zoom to Perceive Better: No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment via Exploring Effective Multiscale Feature
1001 for CirSysVideo(34)

CirSysVideo(4) * 3-D motion estimation and wireframe adaptation including photometric effects for model-based coding of facial image sequences
* Accuracy improvement and cost reduction of 3-step search block matching algorithm for video coding
* adaptive vector quantizer based on the Gold-Washing method for image compression, An
* Analysis and synthesis of facial image sequences in model-based image coding
* Applications of 3-D LCR networks in the design of 3-D recursive filters for processing image sequences
* Architectural design of a bi-level image high speed codec
* Bit rate control for hybrid DPCM/DCT video codec
* Characteristics of minimax FIR filters for video interpolation/decimation
* Coding of details in very low bit-rate video systems
* constrained vector quantization scheme for real-time codebook retransmission, A
* Edge-based subband VQ techniques for images and video
* effect of a loop filter on circulating noise in interframe video coders, The
* Effect of bit rate variation of the base layer on the performance of two-layer video codecs
* Efficient implementation of discrete cosine transform using recursive filter structure
* Efficient Region-Based Motion Estimation and Symmetry Oriented Segmentation for Image Sequence Coding
* Estimation of camera parameters from image sequence for model-based video coding
* Forward error correction codes for MPEG2 over ATM
* Fractal block coding of digital video
* frequency scalable coding scheme employing pyramid and subband techniques, A
* high quality MC-OBTC Codec for video signal processing, A
* High-quality subband codec for HDTV transmission
* High-speed median filter designs using shiftable content-addressable memory
* Image compression using self-organization networks
* Minimal error drift in frequency scalability for motion-compensated DCT coding
* Modeling and queueing analysis of variable-bit-rate coded video sources in ATM networks
* modified moment-based edge operator for rectangular pixel image, A
* Motion compensated multiresolution transmission of high definition video
* Motion compensation based on spatial transformations
* Multichannel edge enhancement in color image processing
* Multichannel Wiener filters in color image restoration
* Multiple template matching using the expansion filter
* Multiplexing of variable rate encoded streams
* networked video jukebox, The
* new motion compensation method for image sequence coding using hierarchical grid interpolation, A
* new statistical model for traffic generated by VBR coders for television on the broadband ISDN, A
* New Three-Step Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Object-based analysis-synthesis coding of image sequences at very low bit rates
* One-dimensional full search motion estimation algorithm for video coding
* Optimal unified architectures for the real-time computation of time-recursive discrete sinusoidal transforms
* Optimization and efficiency of an object-oriented analysis-synthesis coder
* Optimum loop filter in hybrid coders
* Parallel architectures for 3-step hierarchical search block-matching algorithm
* Prototype prediction for colour update in object-based analysis-synthesis coding
* Statistical characteristics of granular camera noise
* study of vector transform coding of subband-decomposed images, A
* Subband/VQ coding of color images with perceptually optimal bit allocation
* switched model-based coder for video signals, A
* Three-dimensional median-related filters for color image sequence filtering
* Two-view facial movement estimation
* Use of the RS decoder as an RS encoder for two-way digital communications and storage systems
* Very low bit rate video coding using 3D subband approach
* Video bridging based on H.261 standard
* wavelet codec with overlapped motion compensation for very low bit-rate environment, A
* Zero waiting-cycle hierarchical block matching algorithm and its array architectures
54 for CirSysVideo(4)

CirSysVideo(5) * 100 MHz 2-D 8X8 DCT/IDCT processor for HDTV applications, A
* Adaptive low-rate wireless videophone schemes
* Adaptive postprocessor for block encoded images
* Adaptively Refined Block Matching Algorithm for Motion Compensated Video Coding, An
* Algorithmic and architectural enhancements for real-time MPEG-1 decoding on a general purpose RISC workstation
* Analysis of storage requirements for video-on-demand servers
* Architectures for hierarchical and other block matching algorithms
* Associative controlling of monolithic parallel processor architectures
* Asymptotic limits of video signal processing architectures
* Block wavelet transform coding of images using classified vector quantization
* Cheops: a reconfigurable data-flow system for video processing
* Clock recovery and reconstruction of PAL pictures for MPEG coded streams transported over ATM networks
* clustering algorithm for entropy-constrained vector quantizer design with applications in coding image pyramids, A
* Comment on Estimation of shape parameter for generalized Gaussian distribution in subband decompositions of video
* compact real-time vision system using integrated memory array processor architecture, A
* Delay-shared N-path structures for video-rate SC FIR filters
* Dependent scalar quantization of color images
* Design of two-channel perfect-reconstruction linear-phase filter banks for subband image coding by the Lagrange multiplier approach
* Detection and Correction of Transmission Errors in DPCM Images
* Determining accurate and reliable motion fields for motion-compensated interpolation
* Dynamic range analysis for the implementation of fast transform
* Efficiency of shape-adaptive 2-D transforms for coding of arbitrarily shaped image segments
* efficient Euclidean distance computation for vector quantization using a truncated look-up table, An
* Efficient H.261-based two-layer video codecs for ATM networks
* efficient two-dimensional inverse discrete cosine transform algorithm for HDTV receivers, An
* error-control coding scheme for multispeed play of digital VCR, An
* Estimation of shape parameter for generalized Gaussian distributions in subband decompositions of video
* evolutionary architecture for motion-compensated 100 Hz television, An
* Fast and low roundoff implementation of quadrature mirror filters for subband coding
* fast hierarchical motion vector estimation algorithm using mean pyramid, A
* fast vector quantization encoding method for image compression, A
* Hierarchy Embedded Differential Image for Progressive Transmission Using Lossless Compression
* High throughput CORDIC-based systolic array design for the discrete cosine transform
* High-throughput VLSI architectures for the 1-D and 2-D discrete cosine transforms
* Image coding based on classified lapped orthogonal transform-vector quantization
* Image Segmentation Using Fractal Coding
* Image subband coding using arithmetic coded trellis coded quantization
* Implementation of PALplus decoder with programmable video signal processor
* Improved Huffman code tables for JPEG's encoder
* Improved image decompression for reduced transform coding artifacts
* method for hierarchical subband HDTV splitting, A
* Motion compensation using second-order geometric transformations
* multiplierless letter-box converter for displaying 16:9 images on a 4:3 screen, A
* Multistage SDTV/HDTV scanning rate converters
* new block-matching criterion for motion estimation and its implementation, A
* New systolic array implementation of the 2-D discrete cosine transform and its inverse
* novel modular systolic array architecture for full-search block matching motion estimation, A
* On vector Karhunen-Loeve transforms and optimal vector transforms
* Optical system and characteristics of an LCD projector with interleaved pixels using four LCD projectors
* optimization approach for removing blocking effects in transform coding, An
* Optimum bit rate pyramid coding with low computational and memory requirements
* parallel decoder of programmable Huffman codes, A
* Perceptually based directional classified gain-shape vector quantization
* perceptually tuned subband image coder based on the measure of just-noticeable-distortion profile, A
* Rapid scene analysis on compressed video
* Rate constrained multiresolution transmission of video
* Real-Time Video Compression Using Differential Vector Quantization
* Scalable array architecture design for full search block matching
* Shape-adaptive DCT for generic coding of video
* single chip video signal processing architecture for image processing, coding, and computer vision, A
* Subband coding with multistage VQ for wireless image communication
* Systolic array architecture for Gabor decomposition
* teleconferencing system capable of multiple person eye contact (MPEC) using half mirrors and cameras placed at common points of extended lines of gaze, A
* Two greedy tree growing algorithms for designing variable rate vector quantizers
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Arbitrarily-Shaped Region-Based Motion Compensation
* Video communications using rapidly reconfigurable hardware
* VLSI architecture for a flexible block matching processor
* VLSI implementation of inverse discrete cosine transformer and motion compensator for MPEG2 HDTV video decoding
* VLSI implementation of parallel coefficient-by-coefficient two-dimensional IDCT processor
69 for CirSysVideo(5)

CirSysVideo(6) * Admission Control for Variable Bit-Rate Video in Banyan Switches
* Binary Decompositions for High-Order Entropy Coding of Grayscale Images
* Block Wavelet Transforms for Image-Coding: A Note
* Block-Based Gradient Descent Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation in Video Coding, A
* Boundary Matching Detection for Recovering Erroneously Received VQ Indexes over Noisy Channels
* Cellular Neural Network for Clustering-Based Adaptive Quantization in Subband Video Compression, A
* Classified Perceptual Coding with Adaptive Quantization
* Edge-Oriented Progressive Image-Coding, An
* Efficient Block Motion Estimation Using Integral Projections
* Face Location in Wavelet-Based Video Compression for High Perceptual Quality Videoconferencing
* Fast Hierarchical Motion-Compensation Scheme for Video Coding Using Block Feature Matching, A
* Finite-State Vector Quantization with Multipath Tree-Search Strategy for Image/Video Coding
* Flexible Parallel Architecture Adapted to Block-Matching Motion-Estimation Algorithms, A
* HD-VCR Codec for Studio Application Using Quadtree Structured Binary Symbols in Wavelet Transform Domain
* Image-Coding Using Wavelets Based on Perfect Reconstruction IIR Filter Banks
* Interframe Difference Quadtree Edge-Based Side-Match Finite-State Classified Vector Quantization for Image Sequence Coding
* Locally Quadratic Model of the Motion Estimation Error Criterion Function and Its Application to Subpixel Interpolations, A
* Method for Motion-Adaptive Frame Rate Up-Conversion, A
* Multilevel Video Coding and Distribution Architectures for Emerging Broad-Band Digital Networks
* Multiviewpoint Video Coding with MPEG-2 Compatibility
* New Adaptive Pixel Decimation for Block Motion Vector Estimation
* New, Fast, and Efficient Image CODEC Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees, A
* Novel Four-Step Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation, A
* Optimal Block-Overlapping Synthesis Transforms for Coding Images and Video at Very-Low Bitrates
* Optimal Variable-Rate Mean-Gain-Shape Vector Quantization for Image-Coding
* Packet Loss Resilience of MPEG-2 Scalable Video Coding Algorithms
* Perceptually Optimized 3-D Subband Codec for Video Communication over Wireless Channels, A
* Quadtree-Based Reconfigurable Cordless Videophone Systems
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Mode Selection for Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding and the Emerging H.263 Standard
* Reconstruction-Optimized Lapped Orthogonal-Transforms for Robust Image Transmission
* Regressive Structure for Online Computation of Arbitrary Length DCT-IV and DST-IV Transforms, A
* Shape-Adaptive DCT for Generic Coding of Video: Comment
* Stack-Run Image-Coding
* Subband DCT: Definition, Analysis, and Applications
* Super High-Definition Image-Coding Using Wavelet Vector Quantization
* Two Block-Based Motion Compensation Methods for Video Coding
* Use of 2-Dimensional Deformable Mesh Structures for Video Coding: I The Synthesis Problem: Mesh-Based Function Approximation and Mapping
* Use of 2-Dimensional Deformable Mesh Structures for Video Coding: II The Analysis Problem and a Region-Based Coder Employing an Active Mesh Representation
* Variable Block Size Coding of Images with Hybrid Quantization
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using H.263 Coder
* Video Color Enhancement Using Neural Networks
* Wavelet Video Coding with Ladder Structures and Entropy-Constrained Quantization
42 for CirSysVideo(6)

CirSysVideo(7) * 2-Dimensional Versus 3-Dimensional Object-Based Video Compression
* Adaptive Search Length Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, An
* Coded Domain Video Combiner for Multipoint Continuous Presence Video Conferencing, A
* Coding Algorithm with Region-Based Motion Compensation
* Coding of Subregions for Content-Based Scalable Video
* Comparison of Block Matching Algorithms Mapped to Systolic Array Implementation, A
* Cost-Effective Architecture for 8x8 2-Dimensional DCT/IDCT Using Direct Method, A
* Data-Adaptive Digital Video Format Conversion Algorithms
* DCT Coefficients Recovery Based Error Concealment Technique and Its Application to the MPEG-2 Bit Stream Error
* Deblocking Algorithm for JPEG Compressed Images Using Overcomplete Wavelet Representations, A
* Depth-Based Segmentation
* Design of a Transport Coding Scheme for High-Quality Video over ATM Networks
* Design of Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Hardware Consideration
* Diagonal Axes Method (DAM): A Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization
* Dynamic Addressing Scheme for Vector Quantization of Images
* Dynamic Approach To Visual Data-Compression
* Dynamic Coding of Visual Information
* Edge-Detection of Color Images Using Directional Operators
* Efficient Postprocessor for Blocky Effect Removal Based on Transform Characteristics
* Enhancement to MRMC Scheme in Video Compression, An
* Error Concealment of Lost Motion Vectors with Overlapped Motion Compensation
* Fast Algorithms for DCT-Domain Image Down-Sampling and for Inverse Motion Compensation
* Fast Motion Vector Estimation Using Multiresolution-Spatio-Temporal Correlations
* Finite-State Residual Vector Quantization Using a Tree-Structured Competitive Neural Network
* Functional Coding of Video Using a Shape-Adaptive DCT Algorithm and an Object-Based Motion Prediction Toolbox
* Fuzzy Detection of Edge-Direction for Video Line Doubling
* Global Motion Parameters Estimation Using a Fast and Robust Algorithm
* High Performance Fast Search Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Highly Efficient System for Automatic Face Region Detection in MPEG Video, A
* Image-Coding Making Use of B-Spline Surfaces
* Improved Equations for JPEGs Blocking Artifacts Reduction Approach
* Improvement of Stereo Disparity Estimation Through Balanced Filtering: The Sliding-Block Approach
* Layered DCT Still Image Compression
* Layered Video Object Coding System Using Sprite and Affine Motion Model, A
* Low-Complexity Block-Based Motion Estimation via One-Bit Transforms
* MPEG and Multimedia Communications
* MPEG Coding Performance Improvement by Jointly Optimizing Coding Mode Decisions and Rate Control
* MPEG-4 Video Standard Verification Model, The
* MPEG-4 Video Subjective Test Procedures and Results
* MPEG-4: Editorial
* Multiresolution Image Sensor
* Network-Driven Motion Estimation for Wireless Video Terminals
* New Algorithm on MPEG-2 Target Bit Number Allocation at Scene Changes, A
* New Rate Control Scheme Using Quadratic Rate Distortion Model, A
* New Results and Measurements Related to Some Tasks in Object-Oriented Dynamic Image-Coding Using GNN Universal Chips
* Object Based Coding of Stereo Image Sequences Using Three-Dimensional Models
* Object Wavelet Transform for Coding of Arbitrarily-Shaped Image Segments
* Object-Adaptive Vertex-Based Shape Coding Method
* Object-Based Coding of Stereo Image Sequences Using Joint 3-D Motion/Disparity Compensation
* On Sensor Image Compression
* Optimal Wiener Interpolation Filters for Multiresolution Coding of Images
* Optimization of Fast Block Motion Estimation Algorithms
* Performance of Software-Based MPEG-2 Video Encoder on Parallel and Distributed Systems
* Rate Control for an Embedded Wavelet Video Coder
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Frame Type Selection for MPEG Encoding
* Robust Methods for High-Quality Stills from Interlaced Video in the Presence of Dominant Motion
* Robust, Scalable, Object-Based Video Compression Technique for Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding, A
* Scalable Coding of Very High Resolution Video Using the Virtual Zerotree
* Scene Adaptive and Signal Adaptive Quantization for Subband Image and Video Compression Using Wavelets, A
* Segmentation-Based Motion-Compensated Video Coding Using Morphological Filters
* Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manipulation of Objects
* Selective Update Approach To Matching Pursuits Video Coding, A
* Shape-Adaptive Region Partitioning Method for Shape-Assisted Block-Based Texture Coding
* Simple And Efficient Search Algorithm for Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Source Model for Transform Video Coder and Its Application I: Fundamental Theory
* Source Model for Transform Video Coder and Its Application II: Variable Frame Rate Coding
* Spatiotemporal Indexing of Vector Quantized Video Sequences
* Spatiotemporal Video Segmentation Using a Joint Similarity Measure
* Stable Buffer Control Strategy for MPEG Coding, A
* Standard Compatible Extension of H.263 for Robust Video Transmission in Mobile Environments
* Stereo Matching for Enhanced Telepresence in 3-Dimensional Videocommunications
* Template-Based Video Coding with Opacity Representation
* Temporal-Scalable Coding Based on Image Content
* Thresholding Multiresolution Block Matching Algorithm, A
* Time-Delay Neural Networks for Estimating Lip Movements from Speech Analysis: A Useful Tool in Audio Video Synchronization
* Two-Stage Motion Compensation Using Adaptive Global MC and Local Affine MC
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Color Video Coding Using Adaptive Subband Vector Quantization with Dynamic Bit Allocation
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Based on Matching Pursuits
* Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding with Block Partitioning and Adaptive Selection of Two Time-Differential Frame Memories
* Video Coding Algorithm Using Vector-Based Techniques, A
* Video Compression by Mean-Corrected Motion Compensation of Partial Quadtrees
* Wavelet Transforms in a JPEG-Like Image Coder
* Zerotree Wavelet Video Coder, A
83 for CirSysVideo(7)

CirSysVideo(8) * 3-D Model-Based Segmentation of Videoconference Image Sequences
* Active Scene Analysis-Based Approach for Pseudoconstant Bit-Rate Video Coding, An
* Adaptive Multialphabet Arithmetic Coding for Video Compression, An
* Adaptive Quantization and Fast Error Resilient Entropy Coding for Image Transmission
* Approximate Convolution Using DCT Coefficient Multipliers
* Approximation of Calculations for Forward Discrete Cosine Transform
* Automatic Adaptation of a Face Model Using Action Units for Semantic Coding of Videophone Sequences
* Automatic Segmentation of Moving-Objects for Video Object Plane Generation
* Bidirectional Motion Estimation via Vector Propagation
* Bit-Rate Control Using Piecewise Approximated Rate-Distortion Characteristics
* Block-Based MAP Segmentation for Image Compressions, A
* Blocking Artifacts Reduction in Image Compression with Block Boundary Discontinuity Criterion
* Color Image Compression and Limited Display Using Self-Organization Kohonen Map
* Comments on Fast Algorithms and Implementation of 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform
* Computing Running Discrete Cosine/Sine Transforms Based on the Adaptive LMS Algorithm
* Data Dependence Analysis and Bit-Level Systolic Arrays of the Median Filter
* DCT Convolution and its Application in Compressed Domain
* Design Study of a 0.25-Mu-M Video Signal Processor, A
* Detection and Concealment of Transmission Errors in H.261 Images
* Detection and Correction of Transmission Errors in JPEG Images
* Detection and Correction of Transmission Errors in Pyramid Images
* Disparity and Occlusion Estimation in Multiocular Systems and Their Coding for the Communication of Multiview Image Sequences
* Efficient Cost Measures for Motion Estimation at Low Bit Rates
* Efficient True-Motion Estimator Using Candidate Vectors from a Parametric Motion Model, An
* Emerging JBIG2 Standard, The
* End-To-End Modeling and Simulation of MPEG-2 Transport Streams over ATM Networks with Jitter
* Error Resilience Support in H.263+
* Evaluation of Mesh Based Motion Estimation in H.263-Like Coders
* Fast Overlapped Block Motion Compensation with Checkerboard Block Partitioning
* Fixed-Length Entropy Coding for Robust Video Compression
* Fixed-Point Error Analysis and Word Length Optimization of 8 x 8 IDCT Architectures
* Fractal Engine: An Affine Video Processor Core for Multimedia Applications
* Frequency-Domain Video Transcoder for Dynamic Bit-Rate Reduction of MPEG-2 Bit Streams
* Fully Automated Content-Based Video Search Engine Supporting Spatiotemporal Queries, A
* Global Brightness-Variation Compensation for Video Coding
* Global Motion Estimation in Model-Based Image-Coding by Tracking 3-Dimensional Contour Feature Points
* H.263+: Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* Image and Video Coding: Emerging Standards and Beyond
* Image Segmentation and Contour Detection Using Fractal Coding
* Image Sequence Analysis for Emerging Interactive Multimedia Services: The European COST 211 Framework
* Integer-Modulated FIR Filter Banks for Image Compression
* Interframe Coding Using 2-Stage Variable Block-Size Multiresolution Motion Estimation and Wavelet Decomposition
* Interpolation-Free Subpixel Motion Estimation Techniques in DCT Domain
* Lattice Labeling Algorithms for Vector Quantization
* Lightweight Genetic Block Matching Algorithm for Video Coding, A
* Linear Array Processor with Dynamic Frequency Clocking for Image Processing Applications, A
* Low Bit-Rate Coding of Image Sequences Using Adaptive Regions of Interest
* Low-Power VLSI Architecture for Full-Search Block-Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Method for Watermark Casting on Digital Images, A
* Modular High Throughput Architecture for Logarithmic Search Block Matching Motion Estimation, A
* Motion and Disparity Field Estimation Using Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Motion Compensated Spatiotemporal Filter for Image Sequences with Signal Dependent Noise, A
* Motion Optimization of Ordered Blocks for Overlapped Block Motion Compensation
* NeTra-V: Toward An Object-Based Video Representation
* New Affine Transformation: Its Theory and Application to Image Coding, A
* New Approach to Image Retrieval with Hierarchical Color Clustering, A
* New Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Adaptively Quantized Low Bit-Resolution Image and Its VLSI Architecture for MPEG2 Video Encoding
* Novel Algorithm for Low Power Image and Video Coding, A
* Novel Unrestricted Center-Biased Diamond Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Object Oriented Coder Using Block Based Motion Vectors and Residual Image Compensation, An
* On the Design of Selective Coefficient DCT Module
* On the POCS Based Postprocessing Technique to Reduce the Blocking Artifacts in Transform Coded Images
* POCS-Based Error Concealment for Packet Video Using Multiframe Overlap Information
* Practical Postprocessing Technique for Real-Time Block-Based Coding System, A
* Programmable H.263 Based Wireless Video Transceivers for Interference Limited Environments
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Motion Estimation Algorithms for Motion-Compensated Transform Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimization of Hierarchical Displacement-Fields
* Real-Time System for Video Surveillance of Unattended Outdoor Environments
* Recursive Wiener Filter for Motion Parameter Estimation in Three-Parameter Motion Model
* Reduction of Blocking Artifact in Block Coded Images Using Wavelet Transform
* Relevance Feedback: A Power Tool for Interactive Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Scene Adaptive Hybrid Video Coding Scheme Based on the LOT, A
* Second-Order Derivative-Based Smoothness Measure for Error Concealment in DCT-Based Codecs
* Semiautomatic Segmentation and Tracking of Semantic Video Objects
* Shape Adaptive DCT with Block Based DC Separation and Delta-DC Correction
* Simplified Modal Analysis and Search for Reliable Shape Retrieval
* Software-Based MPEG-4 Video Encoder Using Parallel Processing, A
* Special Issue on Representation and Coding of Images and Video I
* Special Issue on Segmentation, Description, and Retrieval of Video Content: Guest Editorial
* Summary of Videotaped Presentations: Automatic-Analysis of Motion and Gesture
* Tracking Multiple Nonrigid Objects In Video Sequences
* Tracking Textured Deformable Objects Using a Finite-Element Mesh
* Trifocal Motion Modeling for Object-Based Video Compression and Manipulation
* Two-Dimensional Rank-Order Filter by Using Max-Min Sorting Network
* Unsupervised Video Segmentation Based on Watersheds and Temporal Tracking
* Video Segmentation Based on Multiple Features for Interactive Multimedia Applications
* VLSI Implementations of Image and Video Multimedia Processing Systems
87 for CirSysVideo(8)

CirSysVideo(9) * Adaptive Motion Tracking Block Matching Algorithms for Video Coding
* Adaptive Motion-Vector Resampling for Compressed Video Downscaling
* Adaptive Quantization Algorithm for Video Coding, An
* Architecture and Bus-Arbitration Schemes for MPEG-2 Video Decoder
* Automated High-Level Movie Segmentation for Advanced Video-Retrieval Systems
* Average Optimal Vector Transform for VQ-Based Image and Video Compression
* Binary Shape Coding Using Baseline-Based Method
* Bit Allocation and Constraints for Joint Coding of Multiple Video Programs
* Boundary Block-Merging (BBM) Technique for Efficient Texture Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Object
* Classified VQ Codebook Index Assignment for Communication over Noisy Channels
* Coding of Dynamic Texture for Mapping on 3-D Scenes
* Coding Technique for the Contours in Smoothly Perfect Eight-Connectivity Based on Two-Stage Motion Compensation
* Comparative Study of DCT- and Wavelet-Based Image Coding, A
* Comparison of Different Image Subband Coding Methods at Low Bit Rates
* Comparison of Techniques for Intra-Frame Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Video Object Boundary Blocks
* Comparison of Temporal Scalability Techniques, A
* Compression of MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters for Transmission of Talking Heads
* Computer Modeling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Dressed Humans
* Content analysis of video using principal components
* Correction of Intensity Flicker in Old Film Sequences
* Covariance Analysis of Motion-Compensated Frame Differences
* Deblocking Filter with Two Separate Modes in Block-Based Video Coding
* Derivation of Prediction Equations for Blocking Effect Reduction
* Detection and Concealment of Transmission Errors in MPEG-2 Images--A Genetic Algorithm Approach
* Disparity/Segmentation Analysis: Matching with an Adaptive Window and Depth-Driven Segmentation
* Efficient Method for DCT-Domain Image Resizing with Mixed Field/Frame-Mode Macroblocks, An
* Efficient Two-Pass MAP-MRF Algorithm for Motion Estimation Based on Mean Field Theory, An
* Efficient video indexing scheme for content-based retrieval
* Exploiting Interlayer Correlation of SNR Scalable Video
* Extracting Color Features and Dynamic Matching for Image Data-Base Retrieval
* Face Segmentation Using Skin-Color Map in Videophone Applications
* Facial Animation Engine: Toward a High-Level Interface for the Design of MPEG-4 Compliant Animated Faces, The
* Family of Efficient and Channel Error Resilient Wavelet/Subband Image Coders
* Fast Extraction of Spatially Reduced Image Sequences from MPEG-2 Compressed Video
* Fast Rate-Optimized Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low-Bit-Rate Video Coding, A
* Frame Interpolation and Bidirectional Prediction of Video Using Compactly Encoded Optical-Flow Fields and Label Fields
* Geometric-Structure-Based Error Concealment with Novel Applications in Block-Based Low-Bit-Rate Coding
* Gray Prediction Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, The
* Hierarchical 2-D Mesh Representation, Tracking, and Compression for Object-Based Video
* Hierarchical HDTV/SDTV Compatible Coding Using Kalman Statistical Filtering
* Hilbert Scanning Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* Hybrid Error Concealment Schemes for Broadcast Video Transmission over ATM Networks
* Image Sequence Processing Using Spatiotemporal Segmentation
* Image Transmission over Noisy Channels with Variable-Coefficient Fixed-Length Coding Scheme
* Implementing multiplexing, streaming, and server interaction for MPEG-4
* Incomplete 3-D Multiview Representation of Video Objects
* integrated approach for content-based video object segmentation and retrieval, An
* integrated scheme for automated video abstraction based on unsupervised cluster-validity analysis, An
* Introduction to the special issue on object-based video coding and description
* Iterative Least Squares and Compression Based Estimations for a Four-Parameter Linear Global Motion Model and Global Motion Compensation
* Long-term global motion estimation and its application for sprite coding, content description, and segmentation
* Long-Term Memory Motion-Compensated Prediction
* Low Bit-Rate Video Coding with Implicit Multiscale Segmentation
* Low-Delay, Low-Complexity Rate Reduction and Continuous Presence for Multipoint Videoconferencing
* Modeling Arbitrary Objects Based on Geometric Surface Conformity
* Modeling DCT Coefficients for Fast Video Encoding
* Modified One-Bit Transform for Motion Estimation
* MPEG-4 Facial Animation Technology: Survey, Implementation, and Results
* MPEG-4 Rate Control for Multiple Video Objects
* MPEG-4 standardized methods for the compression of arbitrarily shaped video objects
* Multiple Description Image Coding Using Signal Decomposition and Reconstruction Based on Lapped Orthogonal Transforms
* Multiresolution Watermarking for Images and Video
* New Class of Fast Shape-Adaptive Orthogonal Transforms and Their Application to Region-Based Image Compression
* New Fast and Efficient Two-Step Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation
* Object Recognition and Tracking for Remote Video Surveillance
* Object-Based Texture Coding of Moving Video in MPEG-4
* Optimal Blockwise Dependent Quantization for Stereo Image Coding
* Optimal Memory Organization for Scalable Texture Codecs in MPEG-4
* Parameter Optimization of Robust Low-Bit-Rate Video Coders
* Postprocessing Method for Reducing Quantization Effects in Low Bit-Rate Moving Picture Coding
* Pyramidal Image Coder Using Generalized Rank-Ordered Prediction Filter, A
* Quadtree Structured Region-Wise Motion Compensation for Video Compression
* Quality Assessment of Motion Rendition in Video Coding
* Rate control and bit allocation for MPEG-4
* Rate Control in DCT Video Coding for Low-Delay Communications
* Real-Time Estimation of Long-Term 3-D Motion Parameters for SNHC Face Animation and Model-Based Coding Applications
* Recovery of Corrupted Image Data Based on the NURBS Interpolation
* Reduction of Blocking Artifacts in Image and Video Coding
* Region-based representations of image and video: Segmentation Tools for Multimedia Services
* Representing and Compressing Facial Animation Parameters Using Facial Action Basis Functions
* Robust Transmission of Video Sequence over Noisy Channel Using Parity-Check Motion Vector
* Scalable Wavelet Coding for Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Images
* Scene-Context-Dependent Reference-Frame Placement for MPEG Video Coding
* Self-Timed ICT Chip for Image Coding, A
* Significance-Linked Connected Component Analysis for Very Low Bit-Rate Wavelet Video Coding
* Software-Only Videocodec Using Pixelwise Conditional Differential Replenishment and Perceptual Enhancements
* Spatiotemporal Spectral Coding of Stereo Image Sequences
* Special Issue on Representation and Coding of Images and Video II
* Special Issue on Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Video Coding
* Starting Time Selection and Scheduling Methods for Minimum Cell Loss Ratio of Superposed VBR MPEG Video Traffic
* Subband Dictionaries for Low-Cost Matching Pursuits of Video Residues
* Subband Modulation: A Joint Power and Rate Allocation Framework for Subband Image and Video Transmission, The
* Subband Video Coding with Scene-Adaptive Hierarchical Motion Estimation
* Topological Surgery Encoding Improvements Based on Adaptive Bit Allocation and DFSVQ
* Toward Hardware Building Blocks for Software-Only Real-Time Video Processing: The MOVIE Approach
* Unified Approach to Shot Change Detection and Camera Motion Characterization, A
* Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Using Wavelet-Based Techniques
* Video Compression Using Matching Pursuits
* video segmentation algorithm for hierarchical object representations and its implementation, A
* Video segmentation for content-based coding
* VOP generation tool: automatic segmentation of moving objects in image sequences based on spatio-temporal information, A
* Wavelet Based Rate Scalable Video Compression
102 for CirSysVideo(9)

Index for "c"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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