Index for gall

Gall, E.A.[Erwan Ar] * 2022: Seaweed Habitats on the Shore: Characterization through Hyperspectral UAV Imagery and Field Sampling

Gall, J.[Juergen] * 2006: Learning for Multi-view 3D Tracking in the Context of Particle Filters
* 2006: Robust Pose Estimation with 3D Textured Models
* 2007: Clustered Stochastic Optimization for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* 2007: Interacting and Annealing Particle Filters: Mathematics and a Recipe for Applications
* 2008: Drift-free tracking of rigid and articulated objects
* 2008: Model-Based Motion Capture for Crash Test Video Analysis
* 2009: Class-specific Hough forests for object detection
* 2009: comparison of 3d model-based tracking approaches for human motion capture in uncontrolled environments, A
* 2009: Hough transform-based mouth localization for audio-visual speech recognition
* 2009: Markerless Motion Capture with unsynchronized moving cameras
* 2009: Motion capture using joint skeleton tracking and surface estimation
* 2010: 2D Action Recognition Serves 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2010: 3-D Audio-Visual Corpus of Affective Communication, A
* 2010: Backprojection Revisited: Scalable Multi-view Object Detection and Similarity Metrics for Detections
* 2010: Combined Region and Motion-Based 3D Tracking of Rigid and Articulated Objects
* 2010: Hough transform-based voting framework for action recognition, A
* 2010: object-dependent hand pose prior from sparse training data, An
* 2010: On-line Adaption of Class-specific Codebooks for Instance Tracking
* 2010: Optimization and Filtering for Human Motion Capture: A Multi-Layer Framework
* 2010: Tracking People in Broadcast Sports
* 2010: Variations of a Hough-Voting Action Recognition System
* 2011: Data-driven animation of hand-object interactions
* 2011: Data-Driven Manifolds for Outdoor Motion Capture
* 2011: Does Human Action Recognition Benefit from Pose Estimation?
* 2011: Fast articulated motion tracking using a sums of Gaussians body model
* 2011: Functional categorization of objects using real-time markerless motion capture
* 2011: Hough Forests for Object Detection, Tracking, and Action Recognition
* 2011: Introduction to Random Forests for Multi-class Object Detection, An
* 2011: Markerless motion capture of interacting characters using multi-view image segmentation
* 2011: Outdoor human motion capture using inverse kinematics and von mises-fisher sampling
* 2011: Real Time Head Pose Estimation from Consumer Depth Cameras
* 2011: Real Time Head Pose Estimation with Random Regression Forests
* 2011: Real-time sign language letter and word recognition from depth data
* 2011: Scalable multi-class object detection
* 2011: What makes a chair a chair?
* 2012: Coupled Action Recognition and Pose Estimation from Multiple Views
* 2012: Destination Flow for Crowd Simulation
* 2012: Interactive object detection
* 2012: Latent Hough Transform for Object Detection
* 2012: Local Context Priors for Object Proposal Generation
* 2012: Metric Learning from Poses for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion
* 2012: Motion Capture of Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Points
* 2012: Real-time facial feature detection using conditional regression forests
* 2012: Sparsity Potentials for Detecting Objects with the Hough Transform
* 2013: Comparison of Directional Distances for Hand Pose Estimation, A
* 2013: Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision
* 2013: Human Pose Estimation Using Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors
* 2013: Markerless Motion Capture of Multiple Characters Using Multiview Image Segmentation
* 2013: Random Forests for Real Time 3D Face Analysis
* 2013: Towards Understanding Action Recognition
* 2014: Body Parts Dependent Joint Regressors for Human Pose Estimation in Still Images
* 2014: Capturing Hand Motion with an RGB-D Sensor, Fusing a Generative Model with Salient Points
* 2014: Depth Sweep Regression Forests for Estimating 3D Human Pose from Images
* 2014: Discovering Object Classes from Activities
* 2014: Efficient Pose-Based Action Recognition
* 2014: Hough-based object detection with grouped features
* 2014: Incremental Learning of NCM Forests for Large-Scale Image Classification
* 2014: Introduction to the special issue on visual understanding and applications with RGB-D cameras
* 2014: Material Classification Based on Training Data Synthesized Using a BTF Database
* 2015: 3D Object Reconstruction from Hand-Object Interactions
* 2015: Adaptation of Synthetic Data for Coarse-to-Fine Viewpoint Refinement
* 2015: BoW-equivalent Recurrent Neural Network for Action Recognition, A
* 2015: From categories to subcategories: Large-scale image classification with partial class label refinement
* 2015: Human Pose as Context for Object Detection
* 2015: semantic occlusion model for human pose estimation from a single depth image, A
* 2016: Capturing Hands in Action Using Discriminative Salient Points and Physics Simulation
* 2016: Dual-Source Approach for 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Image, A
* 2016: Efficient Convolutional Network for Human Pose Estimation, An
* 2016: Efficient Single-View 3D Co-segmentation Using Shape Similarity and Spatial Part Relations
* 2016: end-to-end generative framework for video segmentation and recognition, An
* 2016: Guest Editors' Introduction: Special issue on deep learning with applications to visual representation and analysis
* 2016: Incremental Learning of Random Forests for Large-Scale Image Classification
* 2016: Multi-person Pose Estimation with Local Joint-to-Person Associations
* 2016: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Label Propagation
* 2016: Reconstructing Articulated Rigged Models from RGB-D Videos
* 2016: Temporal Action Detection Using a Statistical Language Model
* 2017: Adaptive Binarization for Weakly Supervised Affordance Segmentation
* 2017: bag-of-words equivalent recurrent neural network for action recognition, A
* 2017: Open Set Domain Adaptation
* 2017: Pose for Action-Action for Pose
* 2017: PoseTrack: Joint Multi-person Pose Estimation and Tracking
* 2017: Recurrent Residual Learning for Action Recognition
* 2017: Special issue on cross-media big data analytics
* 2017: SurfaceNet: An End-to-End 3D Neural Network for Multiview Stereopsis
* 2017: Weak supervision for detecting object classes from activities
* 2017: Weakly Supervised Action Learning with RNN Based Fine-to-Coarse Modeling
* 2017: Weakly Supervised Affordance Detection
* 2017: Weakly supervised learning of actions from transcripts
* 2018: Action Sets: Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Without Ordering Constraints
* 2018: AVID: Adversarial Visual Irregularity Detection
* 2018: dual-source approach for 3D human pose estimation from single images, A
* 2018: Ex Paucis Plura: Learning Affordance Segmentation from Very Few Examples
* 2018: Hand Pose Estimation via Latent 2.5D Heatmap Regression
* 2018: NeuralNetwork-Viterbi: A Framework for Weakly Supervised Video Learning
* 2018: PoseTrack: A Benchmark for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* 2018: Spatio-temporal Channel Correlation Networks for Action Classification
* 2018: Structural Recurrent Neural Network (SRNN) for Group Activity Analysis
* 2018: Viewpoint refinement and estimation with adapted synthetic data
* 2018: When will you do what? - Anticipating Temporal Occurrences of Activities
* 2018: Workshop on Interactive and Adaptive Learning in an Open World
* 2019: 3D Semantic Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image Using Adversarial Training
* 2019: Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Action Recognition
* 2019: Enhancing Temporal Action Localization with Transfer Learning from Action Recognition
* 2019: Harvesting Information from Captions for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Hierarchical Graph-RNNS for Action Detection of Multiple Activities
* 2019: Human Motion Prediction via Spatio-Temporal Inpainting
* 2019: Iterative Greedy Matching for 3D Human Pose Tracking from Multiple Views
* 2019: Joint Viewpoint and Keypoint Estimation with Real and Synthetic Data
* 2019: Level Selector Network for Optimizing Accuracy-Specificity Trade-Offs
* 2019: MS-TCN: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* 2019: SemanticKITTI: A Dataset for Semantic Scene Understanding of LiDAR Sequences
* 2019: Uncertainty-Aware Anticipation of Activities
* 2019: Unsupervised Learning of Action Classes With Continuous Temporal Embedding
* 2019: What Object Should I Use? - Task Driven Object Detection
* 2020: Adversarial Synthesis of Human Pose from Text
* 2020: Discovering Latent Classes for Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Discovering Multi-label Actor-Action Association in a Weakly Supervised Setting
* 2020: Hybrid RNN-HMM Approach for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation, A
* 2020: Large Scale Holistic Video Understanding
* 2020: Long-Term Anticipation of Activities with Cycle Consistency
* 2020: Open Set Domain Adaptation for Image and Action Recognition
* 2020: Recursive Bayesian Filtering for Multiple Human Pose Tracking from Multiple Cameras
* 2020: SCT: Set Constrained Temporal Transformer for Set Supervised Action Segmentation
* 2020: Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for Multi-person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos
* 2021: 3D CNNs with Adaptive Temporal Feature Resolutions
* 2021: Audio- and Gaze-driven Facial Animation of Codec Avatars
* 2021: Intention-based Long-Term Human Motion Anticipation
* 2021: Long Short View Feature Decomposition via Contrastive Video Representation Learning
* 2021: Multi-Modal Temporal Convolutional Network for Anticipating Actions in Egocentric Videos
* 2021: Multiple Instance Triplet Loss for Weakly Supervised Multi-Label Action Localisation of Interacting Persons
* 2021: One-Shot GAN: Learning to Generate Samples from Single Images and Videos
* 2021: Spatial-Temporal Consistency Network for Low-Latency Trajectory Forecasting
* 2021: Temporal Action Segmentation from Timestamp Supervision
* 2021: Unsupervised Video Representation Learning by Bidirectional Feature Prediction
* 2022: Adaptive Token Sampling for Efficient Vision Transformers
* 2022: Fast Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Using Mutual Consistency
* 2022: OASIS: Only Adversarial Supervision for Semantic Image Synthesis
* 2022: PoseTrack21: A Dataset for Person Search, Multi-Object Tracking and Multi-Person Pose Tracking
* 2022: TAVA: Template-free Animatable Volumetric Actors
* 2022: Unified Fully and Timestamp Supervised Temporal Action Segmentation via Sequence to Sequence Translation
* 2023: 3DMOTFormer: Graph Transformer for Online 3D Multi-Object Tracking
* 2023: Action Anticipation with Goal Consistency
* 2023: ElliPose: Stereoscopic 3D Human Pose Estimation by Fitting Ellipsoids
* 2023: Gated Attention Transformer for Multi-Person Pose Tracking, A
* 2023: How Much Temporal Long-Term Context is Needed for Action Segmentation?
* 2023: MS-TCN++: Multi-Stage Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* 2023: One-Shot Synthesis of Images and Segmentation Masks
* 2023: Preface to the Special Issue on Pattern Recognition (DAGM GCPR 2021)
* 2023: Semantic RGB-D Image Synthesis
* 2023: Smoothness Similarity Regularization for Few-Shot GAN Adaptation
* 2023: Social Diffusion: Long-term Multiple Human Motion Anticipation
* 2024: Generating novel scene compositions from single images and videos
Includes: Gall, J.[Juergen] Gall, J.[Jürgen] Gall, J. Gall, J.[Jurgen]
152 for Gall, J.

Gall, R. * 1999: single-radar technique for estimating the winds in tropical cyclones, A

Gallager, R.G. * 1975: Optimal source codes for geometrically distributed integer alphabets
* 1977: Variations of a Theme of Huffman

Gallager, S. * 2003: Machine learning and multiscale methods in the identification of bivalve larvae
* 2003: Optimizing multiscale texture invariants for the identification of bivalve larvae
* 2013: Automatic scallop detection in benthic environments

Gallager, S.M.[Scott M.] * 1998: Automatic Plankton Image Recognition

Gallagher, A.[Andrew] * 2012: Describing Clothing by Semantic Attributes
* 2012: Semi-automatic assembly of real cross-cut shredded documents
* 2013: Spoken Attributes: Mixing Binary and Relative Attributes to Say the Right Thing
* 2013: Which Edges Matter?
* 2014: GPS Refinement and Camera Orientation Estimation from a Single Image and a 2D Map
* 2015: mixed bag of emotions: Model, predict, and transfer emotion distributions, A
* 2016: Where do emotions come from? Predicting the Emotion Stimuli Map
* 2018: Finding your Lookalike: Measuring Face Similarity Rather than Face Identity
* 2019: Supplementary Material: AVA-ActiveSpeaker: An Audio-Visual Dataset for Active Speaker Detection
* 2023: Improving Zero-shot Generalization and Robustness of Multi-Modal Models
Includes: Gallagher, A.[Andrew] Gallagher, A.
10 for Gallagher, A.

Gallagher, A.C.[Andrew C.] * 2002: ground truth based vanishing point detection algorithm, A
* 2003: Method of estimating image format and orientation based upon vanishing point location
* 2004: Improved blue sky detection using polynomial model fit
* 2005: Detection of Linear and Cubic Interpolation in JPEG Compressed Images
* 2005: Using Vanishing Points To Correct Camera Rotation In Images
* 2007: Using a Markov Network to Recognize People in Consumer Images
* 2007: Using Group Prior to Identify People in Consumer Images
* 2008: Clothing cosegmentation for recognizing people
* 2008: Discovery of social relationships in consumer photo collections using Markov Logic
* 2008: Estimating age, gender, and identity using first name priors
* 2008: Event-based location matching for consumer image collections
* 2008: Image authentication by detecting traces of demosaicing
* 2009: Geo-location inference from image content and user tags
* 2009: Jointly Estimating Demographics and Height with a Calibrated Camera
* 2009: Understanding images of groups of people
* 2010: Aesthetic quality assessment of consumer photos with faces
* 2010: Beyond trees: MRF inference via outer-planar decomposition
* 2010: Detecting anaglyph images with channel alignment features
* 2010: Seeing People in Social Context: Recognizing People and Social Relationships
* 2011: Active learning for piecewise planar 3D reconstruction
* 2011: Inference for order reduction in Markov random fields
* 2011: Scribble based interactive 3D reconstruction via scene co-segmentation
* 2012: Combining Monocular Geometric Cues with Traditional Stereo Cues for Consumer Camera Stereo
* 2012: Jigsaw puzzles with pieces of unknown orientation
* 2012: learning-based framework for depth ordering, A
* 2013: 3D-Based Reasoning with Blocks, Support, and Stability
* 2013: Cameras and gravity: Estimating planar object orientation
* 2013: Face-graph matching for classifying groups of people
* 2013: It's Not Polite to Point: Describing People with Uncertain Attributes
* 2013: Kinship classification by modeling facial feature heredity
* 2013: Learning boundaries with color and depth
* 2013: Learning to Produce 3D Media From a Captured 2D Video
* 2013: Not Everybody's Special: Using Neighbors in Referring Expressions with Uncertain Attributes
* 2013: Revisiting Depth Layers from Occlusions
* 2013: What's in a Name? First Names as Facial Attributes
* 2014: Hidden Sides of Names: Face Modeling with First Name Attributes, The
* 2014: Putting the User in the Loop for Image-Based Modeling
* 2015: 3D Reasoning from Blocks to Stability
* 2015: VIP: Finding important people in images
* 2021: von Mises-Fisher Loss: An Exploration of Embedding Geometries for Supervised Learning
Includes: Gallagher, A.C.[Andrew C.] Gallagher, A.C.
40 for Gallagher, A.C.

Gallagher, C.[Claire] * 2007: Bayesian Example Based Segmentation using a Hybrid Energy Model

Gallagher, D.[Dennis] * 2006: Synthesis of 3D Model of a Magnetic Field-Influenced Body from a Single Image

Gallagher, E. * 2011: Asphalt Concrete Surfaces Macrotexture Determination From Still Images

Gallagher, F.A. * 2018: Unsupervised Segmentation of 5D Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Data Using a Fuzzy Markov Random Field Model

Gallagher, J.[James] * 2016: Multi-Instrument Inter-Calibration (MIIC) System

Gallagher, J.P.[Jordan P.] * 2023: Quantifying the Loss of Coral from a Bleaching Event Using Underwater Photogrammetry and AI-Assisted Image Segmentation

Gallagher, L.[Louis] * 2023: System for Dense Monocular Mapping with a Fisheye Camera, A

Gallagher, M. * 2003: Visualization of learning in multilayer perceptron networks using principal component analysis
* 2018: Fourier Mellin transform characterisation in the automotive environment
Includes: Gallagher, M. Gallagher, M.[Martin]

Gallagher, M.A.[Melissa A.] * 2020: Building an Online Learning Module for Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrologic Science

Gallagher, M.R.[Michael R.] * 2021: Estimation of Plot-Level Burn Severity Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning

Gallagher, N.C. * 1982: Properties of Minimum Mean Squared Error Block Quantizers
* 1983: BTC Image Coding Using Median Filter Roots
* 1983: Two-Dimensional Root Structures and Convergence Properties of the Separable Median Filter
* 1984: Median Filtering by Threshold Decomposition
* 1984: Output Distribution of Median Type Filters, The
* 1985: Output Distributions of Two-Dimensional Median Filters
* 1985: Root Properties and Convergence Rates of Median Filters
* 1996: Robust Image Wavelet Shrinkage for Denoising
* 1998: Green noise digital halftoning
* 1999: Digital halftoning by means of green-noise masks
* 2000: Digital Color Halftoning with Generalized Error Diffusion and Multichannel Green-Noise Masks
Includes: Gallagher, N.C. Gallagher, Jr., N.C. Gallagher, Jr., N.C.[Neal C.]
11 for Gallagher, N.C.

Gallagher, P.[Patrick] * 2018: Generalizing Pooling Functions in CNNs: Mixed, Gated, and Tree

Gallagher, R.[Russell] * 2023: SCONE-GAN: Semantic Contrastive learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for an end-to-end image translation

Gallaher, D.W.[David W.] * 2015: Novel Technique for Time-Centric Analysis of Massive Remotely-Sensed Datasets, A

Gallaher, Y. * 1996: Correction of Scanning and Projection Errors in an Active Depth Sensor
* 1998: Scan Calibration or Compensation in a Depth Imaging System

Galland, F. * 2003: general framework for designing image processing algorithms for coherent polarimetric images, A
* 2003: Minimum description length synthetic aperture radar image segmentation
* 2005: Multi-component image segmentation in homogeneous regions based on description length minimization: Application to speckle, Poisson and Bernoulli noise
* 2006: Minimal Stochastic Complexity Image Partitioning With Unknown Noise Model
* 2006: Nonparametric Statistical Snake Based on the Minimum Stochastic Complexity
* 2008: Nonparametric Level-Set Segmentation Based on the Minimization of the Stochastic Complexity
* 2008: Segmentation of noisy images using information theory based approaches
* 2009: Unsupervised Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Segmentation Using Fisher Distributions
* 2011: Smooth contour coding with minimal description length active grid segmentation techniques
* 2014: Fast nonparametric active contour adapted to quadratic inhomogeneous intensity fluctuations
* 2014: Nonparametric MDL segmentation of inhomogeneous images based on Quadratic Local Binary Fitting
Includes: Galland, F. Galland, F.[Frédéric] Galland, F.[Frederic]
11 for Galland, F.

Galland, O.[Olivier] * 2017: MMASTER: Improved ASTER DEMs for Elevation Change Monitoring

Galland, S.[Stephane] * 2023: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for V2X Managed Intersections of Connected Vehicles
* 2023: Stream-Based Active Distillation for Scalable Model Deployment
Includes: Galland, S.[Stephane] Galland, S.[Stéphane]

Gallant, A. * 2020: Evaluation of Skid-Steering Kinematic Models for Subarctic Environments

Gallant, A.L. * 2002: Strategy for Estimating the Rates of Recent United States Land-Cover Changes, A
* 2013: Influence of Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Remotely Sensed and Ancillary Data on the Accuracy of Random Forest Classification of Wetlands in Northern Minnesota
* 2015: Challenges of Remote Monitoring of Wetlands, The
* 2016: Evaluation of the Initial Thematic Output from a Continuous Change-Detection Algorithm for Use in Automated Operational Land-Change Mapping by the U.S. Geological Survey
* 2016: Optimizing selection of training and auxiliary data for operational land cover classification for the LCMAP initiative
* 2019: Monitoring Landscape Dynamics in Central U.S. Grasslands with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
Includes: Gallant, A.L. Gallant, A.L.[Alisa L.]

Gallant, J.C. * 2012: Removal Of Tree Offsets from SRTM and Other Digital Surface Models
* 2016: Near-global Bare-earth Dem From Srtm, A

Gallant, J.L. * 2005: Do we know what the early visual system does?

Gallant, M. * 1998: H.263+: Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* 1999: Efficient Computation-Constrained Block-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low Bit Rate Video Coding, An
* 1999: Efficient Scalable DCT-Based Video Coding at Low Bit Rates
* 1999: Semi-Fixed-Length Motion Vector Coding for H.263-Based Low Bit Rate Video Compression
* 2000: Rate-distortion Optimal Joint Source/channel Coding for Robust and Efficient Low Bit Rate Packet Video Communications
* 2001: Rate-distortion optimized layered coding with unequal error protection for robust internet video
* 2001: Standard-compliant Multiple Description Video Coding
* 2014: Delivery quality score model for Internet video
* 2019: Evolution of Modelling Practices On Canada's Parliament Hill: An Analysis of Three Significant Heritage Building Information Models (HBIM), The
Includes: Gallant, M. Gallant, M.[Michael]
9 for Gallant, M.

Gallant, M.D. * 2005: Modelling the Effect of Quantizing Affine Motion Vectors on Rate and Energy of Difference Macroblocks
* 2007: Affine Motion Prediction Based on Translational Motion Vectors
* 2007: Encoding of Affine Motion Vectors
* 2007: Modeling Quantization of Affine Motion Vector Coefficients

Gallant, S.I. * 1988: Connectionist Expert Systems
* 2016: Positional binding with distributed representations

Gallardo Caballero, R.[Ramon] * 2004: Application of Repeated GA to Deformable Template Matching in Cattle Images
* 2007: Method for Interactive Shape Detection in Cattle Images Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* 2011: Image Analysis Applied to Morphological Assessment in Bovine Livestock
Includes: Gallardo Caballero, R.[Ramon] Gallardo Caballero, R.[Ramón] Gallardo-Caballero, R.[Ramón]

Gallardo Cruz, J.A.[J. Alberto] * 2016: Using Google Earth Surface Metrics to Predict Plant Species Richness in a Complex Landscape
* 2020: Structured Pointcloud Segmentation for Individual Mangrove Tree Modeling
* 2021: Land Use Land Cover Classification with U-Net: Advantages of Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* 2022: Harmonizing Definitions and Methods to Estimate Deforestation at the Lacandona Tropical Region in Southern Mexico
* 2023: Deforestation detection using a spatio-temporal deep learning approach with synthetic aperture radar and multispectral images
Includes: Gallardo Cruz, J.A.[J. Alberto] Gallardo-Cruz, J.A.[J. Alberto] Gallardo-Cruz, J.A.[José A.] Gallardo-Cruz, J.A.[José Alberto]

Gallardo Pujol, D.[David] * 2021: Dyadformer: A Multi-modal Transformer for Long-Range Modeling of Dyadic Interactions
Includes: Gallardo Pujol, D.[David] Gallardo-Pujol, D.[David]

Gallardo Romero, D.J.[Diego Jose] * 2023: Multilayer Data and Artificial Intelligence for the Delineation of Homogeneous Management Zones in Maize Cultivation
Includes: Gallardo Romero, D.J.[Diego Jose] Gallardo-Romero, D.J.[Diego José]

Gallardo Salazar, J.L.[Jose Luis] * 2020: Detecting Individual Tree Attributes and Multispectral Indices Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Applications in a Pine Clonal Orchard
Includes: Gallardo Salazar, J.L.[Jose Luis] Gallardo-Salazar, J.L.[José Luis]

Gallardo, A.[Antonia] * 2019: On-the-Fly Olive Tree Counting Using a UAS and Cloud Services

Gallardo, D. * 2002: Junction detection and grouping with probabilistic edge models and Bayesian A*
* 2021: Context-Aware Personality Inference in Dyadic Scenarios: Introducing the UDIVA Dataset
Includes: Gallardo, D. Gallardo, D.[David]

Gallardo, F.[Francisco] * 2014: Thermal Face Recognition Using Local Patterns

Gallardo, J.[Jhair] * 2023: How Efficient Are Today's Continual Learning Algorithms?

Gallardo, J.A. * 2019: Cloud Deep Networks for Hyperspectral Image Analysis

Gallardo, M.[Mathias] * 2015: Shape-from-Template in Flatland
* 2016: Can We Jointly Register and Reconstruct Creased Surfaces by Shape-from-Template Accurately?
* 2016: Using Shading and a 3D Template to Reconstruct Complex Surface Deformations
* 2017: Dense Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion and Shading with Unknown Albedos
* 2020: Assessing Performance of Vegetation Indices to Estimate Nitrogen Nutrition Index in Pepper
* 2020: Shape-From-Template with Curves
* 2023: Evaluation of Absolute Measurements and Normalized Indices of Proximal Optical Sensors as Estimators of Yield in Muskmelon and Sweet Pepper
Includes: Gallardo, M.[Mathias] Gallardo, M.[Marisa]
7 for Gallardo, M.

Gallardo, R. * 2004: Comparison of Algorithm Design Paradigms in Active Contours for Muscle Recognition, A
* 2005: Thresholding Methods on MRI to Evaluate Intramuscular Fat Level on Iberian Ham
Includes: Gallardo, R. Gallardo, R.[Ramiro]

Gallas, A. * 2015: Locality-sensitive hashing for region-based large-scale image indexing
* 2019: Multi-kernel sparse subspace clustering on the Riemannian manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices
Includes: Gallas, A. Gallas, A.[Abir]

Gallas, B.D.[Brandon D.] * 2007: Multireader multicase variance analysis for binary data
* 2009: Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D signals in 3D simulated images
* 2009: Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observers for Detection Tasks
* 2010: Three-Class ROC Analysis: Toward a General Decision Theoretic Solution
* 2011: Channelized Hotelling observers for the assessment of volumetric imaging data sets
* 2012: Classifier variability: Accounting for training and testing
* 2015: Exact Confidence Intervals for Channelized Hotelling Observer Performance in Image Quality Studies
Includes: Gallas, B.D.[Brandon D.] Gallas, B.D.
7 for Gallas, B.D.

Gallaud, A.[Audrey] * 2020: Seasonality Analysis of Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Backscattered Power over Salar de Aguas Calientes Sur, Chile

Gallaugher, M.P.B.[Michael P.B.] * 2018: Finite mixtures of skewed matrix variate distributions

Gallaun, H. * 2013: EUFODOS: European Forest Downstream Services: Improved Information on Forest Structure and Damage
* 2014: Mapping Forest Degradation due to Selective Logging by Means of Time Series Analysis: Case Studies in Central Africa
* 2015: Remote Sensing Based Two-Stage Sampling for Accuracy Assessment and Area Estimation of Land Cover Changes
Includes: Gallaun, H. Gallaun, H.[Heinz]

Gallay, I.[Igor] * 2022: Mitigating Effect of Urban Green Spaces on Surface Urban Heat Island during Summer Period on an Example of a Medium Size Town of Zvolen, Slovakia

Gallay, M.[Michal] * 2016: High Resolution Airborne Laser Scanning And Hyperspectral Imaging With A Small UAV Platform
* 2017: High-resolution Urban Greenery Mapping for Micro-climate Modelling Based On 3D City Models
* 2019: Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and UAV Photogrammetry in Mapping Alpine Terrain
* 2019: Testing of V3.sun Module Prototype for Solar Radiation Modelling On 3d Objects With Complex Geometric Structure
* 2020: Mapping Soil Degradation on Arable Land with Aerial Photography and Erosion Models, Case Study from Danube Lowland, Slovakia
* 2022: Combining Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data in Google Earth Engine to Derive Higher Resolution Land Surface Temperature Maps in Urban Environment
Includes: Gallay, M.[Michal] Gallay, M.

Galldiks, N.[Norbert] * 2021: Linearized Fit Model for Robust Shape Parameterization of FET-PET TACs, A

Galle, M.[Melanie] * 2022: Improving Driver Performance and Experience in Assisted and Automated Driving With Visual Cues in the Steering Wheel

Gallea, R.[Roberto] * 2009: Effective and efficient interpolation for mutual information based multimodality elastic image registration
* 2009: Fuzzy Smoothed Composition of Local Mapping Transformations for Non-rigid Image Registration
* 2009: Multi-modal image registration using fuzzy kernel regression
* 2011: Automatic Generation of Subject-Based Image Transitions
* 2013: Automatic Aesthetic Photo Composition
* 2013: Three-dimensional Fuzzy Kernel Regression framework for registration of medical volume data
* 2013: Toward an Integrated System for Surveillance and Behaviour Analysis of Groups and People
* 2014: Physical Metaphor for Streaming Media Retargeting
Includes: Gallea, R.[Roberto] Gallea, R.
8 for Gallea, R.

Galleani, L. * 2000: Dynamics using the Wigner distribution
* 2006: Generalized Wiener Process for Colored Noise, The
* 2007: Dynamics using the Wigner distribution
* 2017: Time-Frequency Analysis for GNSSs: From interference mitigation to system monitoring

Gallego Elvira, B.[Belen] * 2017: Evaluation and Aggregation Properties of Thermal Infra-Red-Based Evapotranspiration Algorithms from 100 m to the km Scale over a Semi-Arid Irrigated Agricultural Area
Includes: Gallego Elvira, B.[Belen] Gallego-Elvira, B.[Belen]

Gallego Ortiz, C. * 2015: Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images Using a Robust Atlas
Includes: Gallego Ortiz, C. Gallego-Ortiz, C.

Gallego Sanchez, A.J. * 2006: Three-Dimensional Mapping from Stereo Images with Geometrical Rectification
Includes: Gallego Sanchez, A.J. Gallego Sánchez, A.J.

Gallego Sanchez, J.[Javier] * 2009: Improving edge detection in highly noised sheet-metal images
Includes: Gallego Sanchez, J.[Javier] Gallego-Sanchez, J.[Javier]

Gallego, A.[Alejandro] * 2022: Artificial Neural Network Algorithm to Retrieve Chlorophyll a for Northwest European Shelf Seas from Top of Atmosphere Ocean Colour Reflectance, An

Gallego, A.J.[Antonio Javier] * 2007: 3D Reconstruction and Mapping from Stereo Pairs with Geometrical Rectification
* 2007: Rectified Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs and Robot Mapping
* 2013: MirBot: A Multimodal Interactive Image Retrieval System
* 2018: Automatic Ship Classification from Optical Aerial Images with Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2018: Clustering-based k-nearest neighbor classification for large-scale data with neural codes representation
* 2018: Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Ship and Spill Detection Using SLAR Images
* 2019: Domain Adaptation for Handwritten Symbol Recognition: A Case of Study in Old Music Manuscripts
* 2019: Multi-label Logo Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization, A
* 2019: Semantic Segmentation of SLAR Imagery with Convolutional LSTM Selectional AutoEncoders
* 2021: Unsupervised neural domain adaptation for document image binarization
* 2022: CleanSea Set: A Benchmark Corpus for Underwater Debris Detection and Recognition, The
* 2022: Domain Adaptation in Robotics: A Study Case on Kitchen Utensil Recognition
* 2022: Efficient k-nearest neighbor search based on clustering and adaptive k values
* 2023: Addressing Class Imbalance in Multilabel Prototype Generation for k-nearest Neighbor Classification
* 2023: Deep Approach for Volumetric Tractography Segmentation, A
* 2023: experimental study on marine debris location and recognition using object detection, An
* 2023: Inter vs. Intra Domain Study of Covid Chest X-ray Classification with Imbalanced Datasets
* 2023: Multilabel Prototype Generation for data reduction in K-Nearest Neighbour classification
* 2023: Test-time Augmentation for Document Image Binarization
Includes: Gallego, A.J.[Antonio Javier] Gallego, A.J.[Antonio-Javier]
20 for Gallego, A.J.

Gallego, E.[Estefania] * 2010: Automatic generation of Analog Hardware Description Language (AHDL) code from cell culture images

Gallego, F.J.[F. Javier] * 2005: Stratified sampling of satellite images with a systematic grid of points

Gallego, G.[Guillermo] * 2004: Linear camera autocalibration with varying parameters
* 2005: Camera Autocalibration Using Plücker Coordinates
* 2006: Absolute Line Quadric and Camera Autocalibration, The
* 2007: Recursive Camera Autocalibration with the Kalman Filter
* 2008: Line Geometry and Camera Autocalibration
* 2010: In-loop feature tracking for structure and motion with out-of-core optimization
* 2011: Variational Stereo Method for the Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Ocean Waves, A
* 2011: Weak Statistical Constraints for Variational Stereo Imaging of Oceanic Waves
* 2012: Directional geodesic active contours
* 2013: Variational Stereo Imaging of Oceanic Waves With Statistical Constraints
* 2014: Autocalibration with the Minimum Number of Cameras with Known Pixel Shape
* 2015: Compact Formula for the Derivative of a 3-D Rotation in Exponential Coordinates, A
* 2016: EMVS: Event-based Multi-View Stereo
* 2018: Asynchronous, Photometric Feature Tracking Using Events and Frames
* 2018: EMVS: Event-Based Multi-View Stereo: 3D Reconstruction with an Event Camera in Real-Time
* 2018: Event-Based Vision Meets Deep Learning on Steering Prediction for Self-Driving Cars
* 2018: Event-Based, 6-DOF Camera Tracking from Photometric Depth Maps
* 2018: Semi-dense 3D Reconstruction with a Stereo Event Camera
* 2018: Unifying Contrast Maximization Framework for Event Cameras, with Applications to Motion, Depth, and Optical Flow Estimation, A
* 2019: Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation
* 2019: Focus Is All You Need: Loss Functions for Event-Based Vision
* 2020: EKLT: Asynchronous Photometric Feature Tracking Using Events and Frames
* 2020: EKLT: Asynchronous Photometric Feature Tracking Using Events and Frames
* 2021: ESL: Event-based Structured Light
* 2021: Spatio-Temporal Poisson Point Process: A Simple Model for the Alignment of Event Camera Data, The
* 2022: Event-aided Direct Sparse Odometry
* 2022: Event-Based Vision: A Survey
* 2022: Secrets of Event-Based Optical Flow
* 2023: Formulating Event-Based Image Reconstruction as a Linear Inverse Problem With Deep Regularization Using Optical Flow
* 2024: Event-Based Background-Oriented Schlieren
Includes: Gallego, G.[Guillermo] Gallego, G.
30 for Gallego, G.

Gallego, G.I.[Gerard I.] * 2023: Sign Language Translation from Instructional Videos
Includes: Gallego, G.I.[Gerard I.] Gállego, G.I.[Gerard I.]

Gallego, I. * 2010: Matrix Tools for General Observability Analysis in Traffic Networks
* 2010: Optimal Use of Plate-Scanning Resources for Route Flow Estimation in Traffic Networks

Gallego, J. * 2003: Hyperespectral image analysis with associative morphological memories
* 2006: Validation of the Global Land Cover 2000 Map
* 2008: Segmentation and tracking of static and moving objects in video surveillance scenarios
* 2009: Bayesian foreground segmentation and tracking using pixel-wise background model and region based foreground model
* 2010: Enhanced Bayesian foreground segmentation using Brightness and Color Distortion region-based model for shadow removal
* 2011: Joint multi-view foreground segmentation and 3D reconstruction with tolerance loop
* 2012: Enhanced foreground segmentation and tracking combining Bayesian background, shadow and foreground modeling
* 2012: Forest Cover Changes in Tropical South and Central America from 1990 to 2005 and Related Carbon Emissions and Removals
* 2014: Foreground object segmentation for moving camera sequences based on foreground-background probabilistic models and prior probability maps
* 2014: Multiview foreground segmentation using 3D probabilistic model
* 2014: Region based foreground segmentation combining color and depth sensors via logarithmic opinion pool decision
* 2014: Robust 3D SFS reconstruction based on reliability maps
* 2017: Comparison of Global Land Cover Datasets for Cropland Monitoring
* 2018: Towards Operational Monitoring of Forest Canopy Disturbance in Evergreen Rain Forests: A Test Case in Continental Southeast Asia
* 2020: Automatic 3D Character Reconstruction from Frontal and Lateral Monocular 2D RGB Views
* 2021: Evolution of Brightness and Color of the Night Sky in Madrid
* 2022: 3D Objects Reconstruction Using Frontal Images. An Example With Guitars
Includes: Gallego, J. Gallego, J.[Jaime] Gallego, J.[Javier] Gallego, J.[Jesús]
17 for Gallego, J.

Gallego, J.A.R.[Jesus Angel Roman] * 2020: two-stage method to improve the quality of quantized images, A
Includes: Gallego, J.A.R.[Jesus Angel Roman] Gallego, J.Á.R.[Jesús-Ángel Román]

Gallego, J.L.R.[Jose Luis R.] * 2020: Correlation between Geochemical and Multispectral Patterns in an Area Severely Contaminated by Former Hg-As Mining
Includes: Gallego, J.L.R.[Jose Luis R.] Gallego, J.L.R.[José Luis R.]

Gallego, M.A.[M. Angeles] * 2012: Non-homogeneous temporal Boolean models to study endocytosis
Includes: Gallego, M.A.[M. Angeles] Gallego, M.Á.[M. Ángeles]

Gallegos Duarte, M.[Martin] * 2011: Application of morphological connected openings and levelings on magnetic resonance images of the brain
Includes: Gallegos Duarte, M.[Martin] Gallegos-Duarte, M.[Martín]

Gallegos Funes, F.[Francisco] * 2014: Robust fuzzy scheme for Gaussian denoising of 3D color video
Includes: Gallegos Funes, F.[Francisco] Gallegos-Funes, F.[Francisco]

Gallegos Funes, F.J.[Francisco J.] * 2004: Real-time image filtering scheme based on robust estimators in presence of impulsive noise
* 2005: Real-Time Color Image Processing Using Order Statistics Filters
* 2006: 3D Vector Directional Filters to Process Video Sequences
* 2007: Fuzzy Vector Directional Filters for Multichannel Image Denoising
* 2007: Median M-Type Radial Basis Function Neural Network
* 2008: Vector Median M-Type L Filter to Process Multichannel Images
* 2009: 3D Filtering of Colour Video Sequences Using Fuzzy Logic and Vector Order Statistics
* 2009: Video Denoising by Fuzzy Directional Filter Using the DSP EVM DM642
* 2012: Fuzzy Directional (FD) Filter for impulsive noise reduction in colour video sequences
* 2012: Multichannel image processing by using the Rank M-type L-filter
* 2013: fuzzy clustering algorithm with spatial robust estimation constraint for noisy color image segmentation, A
* 2013: Robust c-prototypes algorithms for color image segmentation
* 2014: Fuzzy C-means applied to MRI images for an automatic lesion detection using image enhancement and constrained clustering
* 2018: efficient nonlinear approach for removing fixed-value impulse noise from grayscale images, An
Includes: Gallegos Funes, F.J.[Francisco J.] Gallegos-Funes, F.J.[Francisco J.] Gallegos-Funes, F.J.
14 for Gallegos Funes, F.J.

Gallegos, C.[Claudio] * 2010: Feature Extraction Using Circular Statistics Applied to Volcano Monitoring

Gallegos, M.T.[Maria Teresa] * 1995: Automatic context-sensitive karyotyping of human chromosomes based on elliptically symmetric statistical distributions
* 1997: Outliers in Statistical Pattern Recognition and an Application to Automatic Chromosome Classification
* 2000: Bayesian Approach to Object Identification in Pattern Recognition, A
Includes: Gallegos, M.T.[Maria Teresa] Gallegos, M.T.[María Teresa] Gallegos, M.T.

Gallegos, S.C.[Sonia C.] * 2015: Inter-Comparison between VIIRS and MODIS Radiances and Ocean Color Data Products over the Chesapeake Bay

Galleguillos, C.[Carolina] * 2007: Objects in Context
* 2007: Recognizing Groceries in situ Using in vitro Training Data
* 2008: Object categorization using co-occurrence, location and appearance
* 2008: Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Stable Segmentations
* 2009: BUBL: An effective region labeling tool using a hexagonal lattice
* 2010: Context based object categorization: A critical survey
* 2010: Multi-class object localization by combining local contextual interactions
* 2011: Contextual Object Localization With Multiple Kernel Nearest Neighbor
* 2011: From region similarity to category discovery
* 2014: Iterative Category Discovery via Multiple Kernel Metric Learning
10 for Galleguillos, C.

Galleguillos, M.[Mauricio] * 2015: Comparison of Airborne LiDAR and Satellite Hyperspectral Remote Sensing to Estimate Vascular Plant Richness in Deciduous Mediterranean Forests of Central Chile
* 2015: Using Ridge Regression Models to Estimate Grain Yield from Field Spectral Data in Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Grown under Three Water Regimes
* 2017: Predicting Vascular Plant Diversity in Anthropogenic Peatlands: Comparison of Modeling Methods with Free Satellite Data

Gallen, R.[Romain] * 2009: Static Estimation of the Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night Fog with Imagery
* 2009: Vision Based Tangent Point Detection Algorithm, Evaluation and Validation
* 2010: Static Estimation of the Meteorological Visibility Distance in Night Fog with Imagery
* 2013: Supporting Drivers in Keeping Safe Speed in Adverse Weather Conditions by Mitigating the Risk Level
* 2015: Nighttime Visibility Analysis and Estimation Method in the Presence of Dense Fog
Includes: Gallen, R.[Romain] Gallen, R.

Gallerani, A.[Andrea] * 2022: Repeated (4D) Marine Geophysical Surveys as a Tool for Studying the Coastal Environment and Ground-Truthing Remote-Sensing Observations and Modeling

Gallerani, E.M.[Erica Marie] * 2024: Identifying Conservation Introduction Sites for Endangered Birds through the Integration of Lidar-Based Habitat Suitability Models and Population Viability Analyses

Gallery, R.D. * 1992: Automatic Face Location to Enhance Videophone Picture
* 1996: Classifying faces
Includes: Gallery, R.D. Gallery, R.D.[Richard D.]

Galles, P.[Pau] * 2023: QMRNet: Quality Metric Regression for EO Image Quality Assessment and Super-Resolution
Includes: Galles, P.[Pau] Gallés, P.[Pau]

Gallesio, F. * 2007: Optimal deployment of cameras for video surveillance systems

Gallet, O. * 1998: model of the visual attention to speed up image analysis, A

Gallet, P. * 2014: Subjective and objective quality assessment for H264 compressed medical video sequences

Galletti, C.S.[Christopher S.] * 2014: Land-Use Mapping in a Mixed Urban-Agricultural Arid Landscape Using Object-Based Image Analysis: A Case Study from Maricopa, Arizona

Galletti, M. * 2014: Eigenvalue Signal Processing for Weather Radar Polarimetry: Removing the Bias Induced by Antenna Coherent Cross-Channel Coupling
* 2014: Zenith/Nadir Pointing mm-Wave Radars: Linear or Circular Polarization?

Galletti, R.[Riccardo] * 1996: Object-Oriented Data Model for Scanning Probe Microscopy Image-Processing

Galley, M.[Michel] * 2014: AutoCaption: Automatic caption generation for personal photos

Galley, R.J.[Ryan J.] * 2014: Study on the C-Band Polarimetric Scattering and Physical Characteristics of Frost Flowers on Experimental Sea Ice, A
* 2018: Investigations into Frost Flower Physical Characteristics and the C-Band Scattering Response

Gallezot, J. * 2020: Direct List Mode Parametric Reconstruction for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT

Galli, A.[Alessandro] * 2007: Electromagnetic Propagation of GPR Signals in Martian Subsurface Scenarios Including Material Losses and Scattering
* 2017: Forward Scatter Radar for Air Surveillance: Characterizing the Target-Receiver Transition from Far-Field to Near-Field Regions
* 2019: Evaluating Impacts of Motion Correction on Deep Learning Approaches for Breast DCE-MRI Segmentation and Classification
* 2020: Reliability of explainable Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Perturbation Scenarios
* 2023: Adversarial liveness detector: Leveraging adversarial perturbations in fingerprint liveness detection
* 2023: Fead-d: Facial Expression Analysis in Deepfake Detection
Includes: Galli, A.[Alessandro] Galli, A.[Antonio]

Galli, E. * 2016: Standardized Evaluation System for Left Ventricular Segmentation Algorithms in 3D Echocardiography

Galli, L. * 2017: European Space agency (ESA) Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI archive: 42 years of our history

Galli, P.[Paolo] * 2020: Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for Estimation of Substrate Changes in a Post-Bleaching Scenario on a Maldivian Reef

Galli, R.[Ricardo] * 2001: Remote Cooperative Design System Using Interactive 3d Graphics, A

Galli, V.[Valentina] * 2012: Evaluating the Effects of MJPEG Compression on Motion Tracking in Metro Railway Surveillance

Gallia, G.L. * 2012: System for Video-Based Navigation for Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery, A
* 2013: Evaluation of a System for High-Accuracy 3D Image-Based Registration of Endoscopic Video to C-Arm Cone-Beam CT for Image-Guided Skull Base Surgery
* 2018: Evaluation and Stability Analysis of Video-Based Navigation System for Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery onIn VivoClinical Data
Includes: Gallia, G.L. Gallia, G.L.[Gary L.]

Galliani, S.[Silvano] * 2012: Fast and Robust Surface Normal Integration by a Discrete Eikonal Equation
* 2012: Shape from Shading for Rough Surfaces: Analysis of the Oren-Nayar Model
* 2013: Generalised Perspective Shape from Shading in Spherical Coordinates
* 2015: Massively Parallel Multiview Stereopsis by Surface Normal Diffusion
* 2016: Just Look at the Image: Viewpoint-Specific Surface Normal Prediction for Improved Multi-View Reconstruction
* 2017: Learned Multi-patch Similarity
* 2017: Multi-view Stereo Benchmark with High-Resolution Images and Multi-camera Videos, A
* 2018: Classification with an edge: Improving semantic image segmentation with boundary detection
* 2018: Inference, Learning and Attention Mechanisms that Exploit and Preserve Sparsity in CNNs
* 2018: Super-resolution of Sentinel-2 images: Learning a globally applicable deep neural network
* 2020: Inference, Learning and Attention Mechanisms that Exploit and Preserve Sparsity in CNNs
* 2021: DeepVideoMVS: Multi-View Stereo on Video with Recurrent Spatio-Temporal Fusion
* 2021: PatchmatchNet: Learned Multi-View Patchmatch Stereo
* 2022: IterMVS: Iterative Probability Estimation for Efficient Multi-View Stereo
Includes: Galliani, S.[Silvano] Galliani, S.
14 for Galliani, S.

Gallic, E.[Ewen] * 2016: Kernel density estimation based on Ripley's correction

Gallicchio, C.[Claudio] * 2013: Forecast-Driven Enhancement of Received Signal Strength (RSS)-Based Localization Systems
* 2020: Enhancing deep neural networks via multiple kernel learning

Gallice, J. * 1993: Active and intelligent sensing of road obstacles: Application to the European Eureka-PROMETHEUS project
* 1994: Real-Time Visual Servoing Using Controlled Illumination
* 1994: Road Obstacle Detection and Tracking by an Active and Intelligent Sensing Strategy
* 1994: Unsupervised Regions Segmentation: Real Time Control of an Upkeep Machine of Natural Spaces
* 1995: Recognition Network Model-Based Approach to Dynamic Image Understanding, A
* 1996: Visual Servoing in Robotics Scheme Using a Camera/Laser-Stripe Sensor
* 1998: Real time visual servoing around a complex Object
7 for Gallice, J.

Gallichan, D. * 2011: Radial Imaging With Multipolar Magnetic Encoding Fields

Gallier, J.[Jean] * 2008: Topological Repairing of 3D Digital Images
* 2011: Contour cut: Identifying salient contours in images by solving a Hermitian eigenvalue problem
* 2012: Two Efficient Solutions for Visual Odometry Using Directional Correspondence

Galligan, F.[Frank] * 2022: Differential Contrast Based Adaptive Quantization for Perceptual Quality Optimization in Image Coding
* 2023: Learned Image Compression Guided Adaptive Quantization for Perceptual Quality

Galligani, V.[Victoria] * 2021: Drop Size Distribution Variability in Central Argentina during RELAMPAGO-CACTI

Galligani, V.S.[Victoria Sol] * 2021: Parameterization of the Cloud Scattering Polarization Signal Derived From GPM Observations for Microwave Fast Radative Transfer Models, A

Gallina, P.[Pietro] * 2005: Progressive Contour Coding in the Wavelet Domain
* 2023: Development of a Numerical Simulation Model to Support the Design of a Ship-Satellite Communication System for Autonomous Marine Navigation
Includes: Gallina, P.[Pietro] Gallina, P.[Paolo]

Gallinari, P.[Patrick] * 1996: Adaptive Discrimination in an HMM-Based Neural Predictive System for On-Line Word Recognition
* 1998: Twelve Numerical Symbolic and Hybrid Supervised Classification Methods
* 2000: Multi-modal Segmental Models for On-line Handwriting Recognition
* 2001: hybrid MLP-SVM handwritten digit recognizer, An
* 2001: Maximum mutual information training for an online neural predictive handwritten word recognition system
* 2001: Sentence recognition through hybrid neuro-Markovian modeling
* 2001: Strategies for combining on-line and off-line information in an on-line handwriting recognition system
* 2002: Rejection measures for handwriting sentence recognition
* 2002: Stroke level HMMs for on-line handwriting recognition
* 2003: flexible recognition engine for complex on-line handwritten character recognition, A
* 2003: Hidden Markov Models combination framework for handwriting recognition, A
* 2003: MLP-SVM combination architecture for offline handwritten digit recognition: Reduction of recognition errors by Support Vector Machines rejection mechanisms, An
* 2007: Online Handwritten Shape Recognition Using Segmental Hidden Markov Models
* 2009: Identification of atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease based on SVM feature selection and anatomical parcellation
* 2019: EP-Net: Learning Cardiac Electrophysiology Models for Physiology-Based Constraints in Data-Driven Predictions
* 2020: Interpretable time series kernel analytics by pre-image estimation
* 2021: EP-Net 2.0: Out-of-Domain Generalisation for Deep Learning Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology
Includes: Gallinari, P.[Patrick] Gallinari, P.
17 for Gallinari, P.

Gallion, J.[Joey] * 2022: High-Resolution Canopy Height Model Generation and Validation Using USGS 3DEP LiDAR Data in Indiana, USA

Gallione, A. * 2010: Holistic Approach to the Integration of Safety Applications: The INSAFES Subproject Within the European Framework Programme 6 Integrating Project PReVENT, A

Gallippi, C.M. * 2018: Blind Source Separation-Based Motion Detector for Imaging Super-Paramagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) Particles in Magnetomotive Ultrasound Imaging
* 2020: Carotid Plaque Fibrous Cap Thickness Measurement by ARFI Variance of Acceleration: In Vivo Human Results
* 2022: Quantitative Estimation of Mechanical Anisotropy Using Acoustic Radiation Force (ARF)-Induced Peak Displacements (PD): In Silico and Experimental Demonstration
Includes: Gallippi, C.M. Gallippi, C.M.[Caterina M.]

Gallis, R.[Rodrigo] * 2010: 3D road extraction using a stereo pair of aerial images

Gallivan, K.[Kyle] * 2020: Simplifying Transformations for a Family of Elastic Metrics on the Space of Surfaces

Gallivan, K.A. * 2003: Optimal linear representations of images for object recognition
* 2004: Optimal linear representations of images for object recognition
* 2006: Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* 2008: Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* 2009: Elastic Morphing of 2D and 3D Objects on a Shape Manifold
* 2015: Karcher Mean in Elastic Shape Analysis
* 2016: Riemannian Optimization for Registration of Curves in Elastic Shape Analysis
Includes: Gallivan, K.A. Gallivan, K.A.[Kyle A.]
7 for Gallivan, K.A.

Gallo, A. * 2011: Comparison Between Active and Passive Techniques for Underwater 3D Applications, A
* 2015: 3D Documentation of Archeological Remains in the Underwater Park of Baiae

Gallo, B.C.[Bruna C.] * 2016: Tropical Texture Determination by Proximal Sensing Using a Regional Spectral Library and Its Relationship with Soil Classification
* 2018: Multi-Temporal Satellite Images on Topsoil Attribute Quantification and the Relationship with Soil Classes and Geology
* 2023: Soil Erosion Satellite-Based Estimation in Cropland for Soil Conservation
Includes: Gallo, B.C.[Bruna C.] Gallo, B.C.[Bruna Cristina]

Gallo, B.T.[Burkely T.] * 2019: Exploring Applications of Storm-Scale Probabilistic Warn-on-Forecast Guidance in Weather Forecasting

Gallo, C.[Carina] * 2012: Legume Identification by Leaf Vein Images Classification
* 2014: Automatic classification of legumes using leaf vein image features
* 2017: Automatic ear detection and feature extraction using Geometric Morphometrics and convolutional neural networks
Includes: Gallo, C.[Carina] Gallo, C.[Carla]

Gallo, E. * 2020: Noncontact Measurement of River Surface Velocity and Discharge Estimation With a Low-Cost Doppler Radar Sensor

Gallo, F.[Federico] * 2020: Traffic management system for smart road networks reserved for self-driving cars
* 2021: Unavailable Transit Feed Specification: Making It Available with Recurrent Neural Networks
* 2022: Multimodal Fusion of Mobility Demand Data and Remote Sensing Imagery for Urban Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping
Includes: Gallo, F.[Federico] Gallo, F.[Francesco]

Gallo, G.[Giovanni] * 2000: Fuzzy B-Splines: A Surface Model Encapsulating Uncertainty
* 2001: Best-Match Retrieval for Structured Images
* 2001: Remote sensed images segmentation through shape refinement
* 2002: locally adaptive zooming algorithm for digital images, A
* 2003: Offset Smoothing Using the USAN's Principle
* 2003: Perceptive visual texture classification and retrieval
* 2003: Smart interpolation by anisotropic diffusion
* 2004: Efficient Re-Indexing Algorithm for Color-Mapped Images, An
* 2005: Statistical Modeling of Huffman Tables Coding
* 2007: SIFT Features Tracking for Video Stabilization
* 2008: Natural Versus Artificial Scene Classification by Ordering Discrete Fourier Power Spectra
* 2008: Scene categorization using bag of Textons on spatial hierarchy
* 2009: Sudden Changes Detection in WCE Video
* 2010: Exploiting Textons Distributions on Spatial Hierarchy for Scene Classification
* 2010: Information Theory Based WCE Video Summarization
* 2011: Digital Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation: Analysis, Restoration, and Reconstruction of Ancient Artworks
* 2014: Face Re-Identification for Digital Signage Applications
* 2016: Breast Shape Parametrization Through Planar Projections
* 2017: Description of Breast Morphology Through Bag of Normals Representation
* 2017: Exploiting Social Images to Understand Tourist Behaviour
* 2019: Hyperspectral Image Classification via Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dilation Layers
* 2020: Abstracting Stone Walls for Visualization and Analysis
Includes: Gallo, G.[Giovanni] Gallo, G.
22 for Gallo, G.

Gallo, H.[Haroldo] * 2018: Drawing Memories: Intersections Between the Sites of Memory and the Memories of Places

Gallo, I. * 2003: cognitive pyramid for contextual classification of remote sensing images, A
* 2004: Neural adaptive stereo matching
* 2005: Neural Adaptive Algorithm for Feature Selection and Classification of High Dimensionality Data, A
* 2006: Dense Stereo Matching with Growing Aggregation and Neural Learning
* 2007: Adaptive Neural Regularization Assignment for Semi-Blind Biomedical Image Restoration
* 2007: Information Extraction and Classification from Free Text Using a Neural Approach
* 2008: Clustering of short commercial documents for the web
* 2008: Neural disparity computation for dense two-frame stereo correspondence
* 2009: Dense Two-Frame Stereo Correspondence by Self-organizing Neural Network
* 2009: online document clustering technique for short web contents, An
* 2012: Digital privacy: Replacing pedestrians from Google Street View images
* 2013: GAS meter reading from real world images using a multi-net system
* 2013: Multi-net System Configuration for Visual Object Segmentation by Error Backpropagation
* 2013: Robust Angle Invariant 1D Barcode Detection
* 2013: Visual Attribute Extraction Using Human Pose Estimation
* 2014: High Entropy Ensembles for Holistic Figure-ground Segmentation
* 2014: Text Localization Based on Fast Feature Pyramids and Multi-Resolution Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* 2015: Content Extraction from Marketing Flyers
* 2015: Robust Angle Invariant GAS Meter Reading
* 2016: Deep Neural Networks for Page Stream Segmentation and Classification
* 2018: Pipeline to Improve Face Recognition Datasets and Applications, A
* 2019: Are These Birds Similar: Learning Branched Networks for Fine-grained Representations
* 2019: Binary Classification Using Pairs of Minimum Spanning Trees or N-Ary Trees
* 2019: Do Cross Modal Systems Leverage Semantic Relationships?
* 2020: Dynamic Decision Boundary for One-class Classifiers applied to non-uniformly Sampled Data
* 2020: Image and Text fusion for UPMC Food-101 using BERT and CNNs
* 2020: Improving the Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Rewarding Modifications
* 2020: Visual Word Embedding for Text Classification
* 2021: Cross-modal Speaker Verification and Recognition: A Multilingual Perspective
* 2021: EnGraf-Net: Multiple Granularity Branch Network with Fine-Coarse Graft Grained for Classification Task
* 2021: Learning to Navigate in the Gaussian Mixture Surface
* 2021: Sentinel 2 Time Series Analysis with 3D Feature Pyramid Network and Time Domain Class Activation Intervals for Crop Mapping
* 2022: Adversarial Generative Network Designed for High-Resolution Monocular Depth Estimation from 2D HiRISE Images of Mars, An
* 2022: Hyperspectral Data Compression Using Fully Convolutional Autoencoder
* 2022: OCmst: One-class novelty detection using convolutional neural network and minimum spanning trees
* 2023: Deep Object Detection of Crop Weeds: Performance of YOLOv7 on a Real Case Dataset from UAV Images
* 2023: In-season and dynamic crop mapping using 3D convolution neural networks and sentinel-2 time series
Includes: Gallo, I. Gallo, I.[Ignazio]
37 for Gallo, I.

Gallo, I.G.[Ilenia G.] * 2021: Integration of UAV-Based Photogrammetry and 3D Modelling for Rockfall Hazard Assessment: The Cárcavos Case in 2018 (Spain), An

Gallo, J.A.[John A.] * 2021: People, Projects, Organizations, and Products: Designing a Knowledge Graph to Support Multi-Stakeholder Environmental Planning and Design
* 2021: Synthesizing Vulnerability, Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability into VRRSability for Improving Geoinformation Decision Support Evaluations
* 2024: Framing VRRSability Relationships among Vulnerability, Risk, Resilience, and Sustainability for Improving Geo-Information Evaluations within Geodesign Decision Support

Gallo, K.[Kevin] * 2006: Agreement Coefficient for Image Comparison, An
* 2016: Changes in satellite-derived impervious surface area at US historical climatology network stations
* 2018: Land Product Characterization System for Comparative Analysis of Satellite Data and Products, A

Gallo, L.[Laurent] * 2000: Morphological Operations on Delaunay Triangulations
* 2016: SKIPSOM: Skewness kurtosis of iris pixels in Self Organizing Maps for iris recognition on mobile devices
* 2017: Human skin detection through correlation rules between the YCb and YCr subspaces based on dynamic color clustering
* 2017: Kurtosis and skewness at pixel level as input for SOM networks to iris recognition on mobile devices
* 2020: Discovering Leonardo with artificial intelligence and holograms: A user study
Includes: Gallo, L.[Laurent] Gallo, L. Gallo, L.[Luigi]

Gallo, M. * 2016: 3d Modelling And Rapid Prototyping For Cardiovascular Surgical Planning: Two Case Studies
* 2019: Ultra Light UAV Systems for The Metrical Documentation of Cultural Heritage: Applications for Architecture and Archaeology
* 2020: ESA Sentinel 2 Imagery and Gbgeoapp: Integrated Tools for the Deosai National Park Management Plan

Gallo, O.[Orazio] * 2008: Camera-based pointing interface for mobile devices
* 2008: Robust curb and ramp detection for safe parking using the Canesta TOF camera
* 2009: Artifact-free High Dynamic Range imaging
* 2009: Reading challenging barcodes with cameras
* 2010: HPU, The
* 2011: CC-RANSAC: Fitting planes in the presence of multiple surfaces in range data
* 2011: Reading 1D Barcodes with Mobile Phones Using Deformable Templates
* 2012: Exposure Stacks of Live Scenes with Hand-Held Cameras
* 2013: HDR Deghosting: How to Deal with Saturation?
* 2014: Dynamic Image Stacks
* 2015: Locally non-rigid registration for mobile HDR photography
* 2015: Retrieving gray-level information from a Binary Sensor and its application to gesture detection
* 2017: Reconstructing Intensity Images from Binary Spatial Gradient Cameras
* 2018: Separating Reflection and Transmission Images in the Wild
* 2018: Simple and Effective Fusion Approach for Multi-frame Optical Flow Estimation, A
* 2018: Tackling 3D ToF Artifacts Through Learning and the FLAT Dataset
* 2019: Extreme View Synthesis
* 2019: Fusion Approach for Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation, A
* 2019: Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Bi3D: Stereo Depth Estimation via Binary Classifications
* 2020: Meshlet Priors for 3D Mesh Reconstruction
* 2020: Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes With Globally Coherent Depths From a Monocular Camera
* 2021: Binary TTC: A Temporal Geofence for Autonomous Navigation
* 2022: Efficient Geometry-aware 3D Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2022: Watch It Move: Unsupervised Discovery of 3D Joints for Re-Posing of Articulated Objects
* 2023: Zero-shot Pose Transfer for Unrigged Stylized 3D Characters
Includes: Gallo, O.[Orazio] Gallo, O.
26 for Gallo, O.

Gallo, P.[Pasquale] * 2008: Novel Segmentation Algorithm for Digital Subtraction Angiography Images: First Experimental Results, A

Gallopoulos, E. * 2008: SVD based initialization: A head start for nonnegative matrix factorization

Gallos, D. * 2019: Active Vision in the Era of Convolutional Neural Networks

Galloso, I.[Iris] * 2010: Virtual Domotic Systems: A 3D interaction technique to control virtual building devices using residential gateways

Gallot, G.[Guillaume] * 2021: Seeing By Haptic Glance: Reinforcement Learning Based 3d Object Recognition

Galloway, A. * 2017: Ciona17 Dataset for Semantic Segmentation of Invasive Species in a Marine Aquaculture Environment, The

Galloway, K.[Katie] * 2014: Geographical Variation of Incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Manitoba, Canada

Galloway, M.J. * 2014: Automated crater detection and counting using the hough transform

Galloway, M.M.[Mary M.] * 1975: Texture Analysis Using Gray Level Run Lengths

Galloway, R.L. * 1996: importance of ray pathlengths when measuring objects in maximum intensity projection images, The
* 1997: Registration of head volume images using implantable fiducial markers
* 2000: Depth-buffer targeting for spatially accurate 3-D visualization of medical images
* 2000: Registration of physical space to laparoscopic image space for use in minimally invasive hepatic surgery
* 2003: Cortical surface registration for image-guided neurosurgery using laser-range scanning
* 2005: Compensating for Intraoperative Soft-Tissue Deformations Using Incomplete Surface Data and Finite Elements
Includes: Galloway, R.L. Galloway, Jr., R.L.

Gallucci, A.[Alessio] * 2020: Applying Delaunay Triangulation Augmentation for Deep Learning Facial Expression Generation and Recognition
* 2020: Don't Tear Your Hair Out: Analysis of the Impact of Skin Hair on the Diagnosis of Microscopic Skin Lesions
* 2022: Generating High-Resolution 3D Faces Using VQ-VAE-2 with PixelSNAIL Networks

Gallucci, D. * 2009: Rate-distortion optimized H.264/MVc video communications over QoS-enabled networks
* 2010: Content-adaptive traffic prioritization of spatio-temporal scalable video for robust communications over QoS-provisioned 802.11e networks
* 2018: Analysis of Livorno Heavy Rainfall Event: Examples of Satellite-Based Observation Techniques in Support of Numerical Weather Prediction
* 2018: Downscaling of Satellite OPEMW Surface Rain Intensity Data
* 2018: Fog Detection Based on Meteosat Second Generation-Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager High Resolution Visible Channel
* 2018: Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using HRV/MSG Data
* 2018: MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Estimation from ATMS Measurements Using a Random Forests Technique
* 2018: Nowcasting Surface Solar Irradiance with AMESIS via Motion Vector Fields of MSG-SEVIRI Data
* 2019: Improvement of Hourly Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using MSG Rapid Scanning Service
* 2020: 3D-VAR Data Assimilation of SEVIRI Radiances for the Prediction of Solar Irradiance in Italy Using WRF Solar Mesoscale Model: Preliminary Results
* 2020: Convective Initiation Proxies for Nowcasting Precipitation Severity Using the MSG-SEVIRI Rapid Scan
* 2023: Cloud Detection Neural Network Approach for the Next Generation Microwave Sounder Aboard EPS MetOp-SG A1, A
Includes: Gallucci, D. Gallucci, D.[Donatello]
12 for Gallucci, D.

Gallup, D. * 2006: Towards Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video
* 2007: Joint Feature Tracking and Radiometric Calibration from Auto-Exposure Video
* 2007: Real-Time Plane-Sweeping Stereo with Multiple Sweeping Directions
* 2008: Detailed Real-Time Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video
* 2008: Fast gain-adaptive KLT tracking on the GPU
* 2008: Variable baseline/resolution stereo
* 2009: 3D Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated video sequences
* 2010: 3D Deformable Face Tracking with a Commodity Depth Camera
* 2010: 3D Reconstruction Using an n-Layer Heightmap
* 2010: Building Rome on a Cloudless Day
* 2010: Fast robust large-scale mapping from video and internet photo collections
* 2010: Heightmap Model for Efficient 3D Reconstruction from Street-Level Video, A
* 2010: Joint radiometric calibration and feature tracking system with an application to stereo
* 2010: Piecewise planar and non-planar stereo for urban scene reconstruction
* 2012: Photo Tours
* 2014: 3D Reconstruction from Accidental Motion
* 2015: 3D Time-Lapse Reconstruction from Internet Photos
* 2018: 3D Time-Lapse Reconstruction from Internet Photos
Includes: Gallup, D. Gallup, D.[David]
18 for Gallup, D.

Galluppi, F.[Francesco] * 2017: HOTS: A Hierarchy of Event-Based Time-Surfaces for Pattern Recognition

Gallus, G. * 1970: Improved Computer Chromosome Analysis Incorporating Preprocessing and Boundary Analysis

Gallus, M. * 2017: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Mediterranean Coastal Environment

Gallus, W.[William] * 2009: V-Volcano: Addressing Students' Misconceptions in Earth Sciences Learning through Virtual Reality Simulations

Galluzzi, V.[Valentina] * 2020: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Mercury, as a Starting Point for Stratigraphic Analysis, An

Galluzzo, F.[Francesca] * 2012: rigorous and efficient GPU implementation of level-set sparse field algorithm, A

Galluzzo, T. * 2006: Perception and Planning Architecture for Autonomous Ground Vehicles

Gallwey, J.[Jane] * 2019: Bringing Lunar LiDAR Back Down to Earth: Mapping Our Industrial Heritage through Deep Transfer Learning
* 2020: Using Deep Learning and Hough Transformations to Infer Mineralised Veins From Lidar Data Over Historic Mining Areas
Includes: Gallwey, J.[Jane] Gallwey, J.

Gallwitz, F.[Florian] * 2005: Telephone-Based Speech Dialog Systems
* 2014: Autonomous Approach and Landing for a Low-Cost Quadrotor Using Monocular Cameras
* 2016: Automatic detection and analysis of photovoltaic modules in aerial infrared imagery
Includes: Gallwitz, F.[Florian] Gallwitz, F.

Index for "g"

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