Update Dates 0309

0309 * 10th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: Discrete topology and geometry for image and object representation
* 3-D localization of clustered microcalcifications using cranio-caudal and medio-lateral oblique view
* 3D Modeling Using a Statistical Sensor Model and Stochastic Search
* 3D object recognition based on curvature information of planar views
* 3D Photography from Photographs and Video Clips
* Absence of perspective processing in the pigeon
* Abstract code network as a model of perceptual memory
* Acoustic signal interpretation: Reasoning with non-specific and uncertain information
* Acquiring Manipulation Tasks from Observation
* adaptation of 3D stereoscopic video in MPEG-21 DIA, The
* Adaptive lifting for shape-based image retrieval
* Adaptive model for decision making
* Adaptive Pattern Analysis System for Isolating EMI, An
* adaptive signal classification procedure. Application to aircraft engine condition monitoring, An
* Adaptive sparseness for supervised learning
* adaptive spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm for 3-D MR image segmentation, An
* Additive estimators for probabilities of correct classification
* Agglomerative clustering using the concept of mutual nearest neighbourhood
* Aircraft identification using a bilinear surface representation of radar data
* Algebraic, topological and categorical aspects of pattern recognition: A survey
* algorithm for determining identity of nearest-neighbor and potential function decision rules, An
* algorithm for segmentation of metaphase spreads, An
* Algorithm partition and parallel recognition of general context-free languages using fixed-size VLSI architecture
* algorithm to detect linearly separable clusters of binary patterns, An
* Algorithms for syllabic hypothesization in continuous speech
* ALSM algorithm: An improved subspace method of classification, The
* alternative stochastic supervisor in discriminant analysis, An
* AMOS: the learning multiclass pattern classifier
* Analysis of a steepest-descent image-matching algorithm
* analysis of discriminatory mechanisms in frequency-weighted memory array pattern classifiers, An
* Analysis of global pattern features
* Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Space-Filling Curves
* Analysis of multivariate medical data by face method
* Analysis of set patterns
* analysis of the effects of sample size on classification performance of a histogram based cluster analysis procedure, An
* Analysis of Three-Dimensional Motions in the Blocks World
* analysis of vehicle sounds for recognition, The
* Animated statues
* Applicability of pattern recognition techniques to the analysis of urban quality from satellites
* Application of a Distance-Based Method for Analyzing Spatial Patterns to the Analysis of Radionuclide Tomograms
* Application of a parallel pattern processor to remote sensing
* application of a piecewise-linear multi-category pattern classifier with self-evolving capabilities to the interpretation of mass spectra, The
* application of advanced pattern recognition techniques for the discrimination between earthquakes and nuclear detonations, The
* application of array grammars to clustering analysis for syntactic patterns, An
* Application of autoregressive models to the study of the temporal structure of a handwritten text
* Application of constrained generalized inverse to pattern classification
* Application of entropic measures of stochastic dependence in pattern recognition
* application of grey level image processing to an industrial dimensional inspection problem, An
* application of rate-distortion theory to pattern recognition and classification, An
* application of the coalescence clustering algorithm to remotely sensed multispectral data, The
* Applications of pattern recognition to the diagnosis of equipment failures
* Approximations for the probability of misclassification
* Arithmetic operations among shapes using shape numbers
* Articulated soft objects for multiview shape and motion capture
* Asymptotic error rates of the W and Z statistics when the training observations are dependent
* Attempt to Reconstruct the Cerebral Bloodvessels from a Lateral and a Frontal Angiogram, An
* attribute grammar for QRS detection, An
* Audio watermarking techniques using sinusoidal patterns based on pseudorandom sequences
* Automated Breast Cancer Detection by Thermography: Performance Goal and Diagnostic Feature Identification
* Automated Breast Cancer Detection by Thermography: Performance Goal and Diagnostic Feature Identification
* Automated capsule inspection method
* Automated classification of cytological specimens based on features extracted from nuclei images
* Automatic acquisition and initialization of articulated models
* Automatic classification of grains via pattern recognition techniques
* Automatic Classification of Mass Spectra by Means of Digital Learning Nets: Existence of Characteristic Features of Chemical Class in Mass Spectra
* Automatic classification of micro-organisms by shape and color, in water quality control: A preliminary study
* Automatic Computer Measurements of Neurons
* Automatic extraction method of the structure of a video sequence
* Automatic inspection by lots in the presence of classification errors
* Automatic inspection of x-ray photograph of welding
* Automatic linguistic indexing of pictures by a statistical modeling approach
* automatic measurement device for the evaluation of the print quality of printed characters, An
* Automatic particle detection through efficient hough transforms
* automatic programming system for signal processing applications, An
* Automatic Recognition and Transcription of Pitman's Handwritten Shorthand: An Approach to Shortforms
* Automatic recognition of characters by Fourier descriptors and boundary line encodings
* Automatic recognition of primitive changes in manufacturing process signals
* Automatic scaling of ionograms by the method of structural description
* Automatic Segmentation of Electron Micrographs of Berea Sandstone Cross-Sections
* Automatic Signature Verification and Writer Identification: The State of the Art
* Average Classification Accuracy over Collections of Gaussian Problems: Common Covariance Matrix Case
* Avoiding explosive search in automatic selection of simplest pattern codes
* Bayes classification rule for the general discrete case
* Bayes classification rule for the general discrete case
* Bayes discrimination with mean square error loss
* Behavioral problems of deaf children: Clustering of variables using measures of association and similarity
* Bias associated with the discriminant analysis approach to the estimation of mixing proportions
* Binary image operations using non-coherent optical techniques
* Binary Tree Versus Single Level Tree Classification of White Blood Cells
* Bitstream Syntax Description: A Tool for Multimedia Resource Adaptation within MPEG-21
* Boosted learning in dynamic Bayesian networks for multimodal speaker detection
* Bootstrap technique in cluster analysis
* Bounded Variation Quantity (B.V.Q.) and its Application to Feature Extraction, The
* Bridging Ontologies and Conceptual Schemas in Geographic Information Integration
* C-calculus: An elementary approach to some problems in pattern recognition
* Calculation of multi-category minimum distance classifier recognition error for binomial measurement distributions
* Camera having a blur notifying function
* capacity estimation technique for JPEG-to-JPEG image watermarking, A
* Character recognition by complex filtering in reading machines
* Character recognition by stochastic sectionalgram approach
* Characterization of growing lettuce from density contours: I. Head Selection
* Characterization of growing lettuce from density contours: II. Statistics
* characterization of nearest-neighbor rule decision surfaces and a new approach to generate them, A
* Circular shortest paths by branch and bound
* class of error tolerant pattern discrimination functions, A
* class of linear maps for error corrective dimensionality reduction of binary templates, A
* Classic: A hierarchical clustering algorithm based on asymmetric similarities
* Classification by cascaded threshold elements
* Classification of atypical cells in the automatic cytoscreening for cervical cancer
* Classification of characters by man and by machine
* Classification of Normal and Abnormal Samples of Peripheral Blood by Linear Mapping of the Feature Space
* Classifying and validating intermittent EEG patterns with syntactic methods
* Closed Contour Extraction Applied to Meteorological Pictures
* Closed curves in n-dimensional discrete space
* Cluster Detection in Background Noise
* Cluster validity profiles
* Clustering based on multiple paths
* Clustering techniques: The user's dilemma
* Coding and decoding pictures in nuclear medicine
* coding approach to pattern recognition, A
* Color-signal filtering in the Fourier-frequency domain
* combined algorithm for weighting the variables and clustering in the clustering problem, A
* combined nonparametric approach to feature selection and binary decision tree design, A
* Comments on 'Curved Object Location by Hough Transformations and Inversions'
* Comments on single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm
* committee machine with a set of networks composed of two single-threshold elements as committee members, A
* Compactification of information in R-color 2-dimensional rectangular patterns
* Comparing ARTMAP Neural Network with the Maximum-Likelihood Classifier for Detecting Urban Change
* Comparison and combination of ear and face images in appearance-based biometrics
* comparison of selected pattern recognition functions, A
* comparison of tests for randomness, A
* Comparison of Urban Mapping Methods Using High-Resolution Digital Imagery, A
* Compression algorithms that preserve basic topological features in binary-coded patterns
* Computation of volume and surface body moments
* Computational length in pattern recognizers
* computationally efficient technique for data-clustering, A
* Computer aided feature selection for enhanced analogue system fault location
* Computer analysis of multi-channel SEM and X-ray images from fine particles
* Computer discrimination of splenocytes and peripheral blood lymphocytes from mice infected with friend murine leukemia virus
* Computer linguistic analysis of line drawings
* computer method of understanding ocular fundus images, A
* Computer output display of cells and cell features
* Computer processing of SEM images by contour analyses
* Computer recognition of printed Tamil characters
* Computer recognition of the human spinal outline using radiographic image processing
* Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Computer vision for human modelling and analysis
* Computing relative neighbourhood graphs in the plane
* Computing the Relative Neighborhood Graph in the L1 and L-inf Metrics
* Conic sections in chromosome analysis
* Consensus-based partitions in the space of ordered partitions
* Constrained agglomerative hierarchical classification
* Constructing Large-Scale Virtual Environment by Using Panoramic Images
* Context in word recognition
* Continuum-based classification of remotely sensed imagery to describe urban sprawl on a watershed scale
* Contrast enhancement based on a novel homogeneity measurement
* contribution to the problem of feature selection with similarity functionals in pattern recognition, A
* Contrivedness: the boundary between pattern recognition and numerology
* Control strategies in pattern analysis
* Crop Classification with LANDSAT Multispectral Scanner Data
* Crop Classification with Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data II
* cross-calibration of GMS-5 thermal channels against ATSR-2, A
* Deaf-and-mute sign language generation system
* Dealing with a priori knowledge by fuzzy labels
* decision theoretic approach to hierarchical classifier design, A
* Decomposing non-manifold objects in arbitrary dimensions
* Design and evaluation of a receptor
* Design and use of DIP-1: A fast, flexible and dynamically microprogrammable pipelined image processor
* Design concepts for an on-board parallel image processor
* Design of a graph-representation and a fuzzy-classifier for human chromosomes
* Design of a practical scanner unit for precision analysis of micrographs
* Detection and analysis of individual leaf-off tree crowns in small footprint, high sampling density lidar data from the eastern deciduous forest in North America
* Detection and sizing visual features in wood using tonal measures and a classification algorithm
* Determination of Cloud Pattern Motions from Geosynchronous Satellite Image Data, The
* Determination of optimal dimensionality in statistical pattern classification
* Development of a mathematical model to analyze color and density as discriminant features for pulmonary squamous epithelial cells
* Digital Archive of Intangible Cultural Properties
* Digital Archives and Virtual Exhibitions of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritages
* Digital holographic logic
* Digital watermarking of low bit-rate advanced simple profile MPEG-4 compressed video
* direct method for cluster analysis, A
* Direct parsing
* Direct three-dimensional analysis of electron micrograph pictures
* Discrete linear objects in dimension n: the standard model
* Discretization in 2D and 3D orders
* Discriminant analysis using certain normed exponential densities with emphasis on remote sensing application
* Discriminant analysis with a stochastic supervisor
* Discrimination with autocorrelated observations
* Discriminative Techniques for the Recognition of Complex-Shaped Objects
* Distance preserving linear feature selection
* distribution-free geometric upper bound for the probability of error of a minimum distance classifier, A
* Document image recognition based on template matching of component block projections
* DWT-DFT composite watermarking scheme robust to both affine transform and JPEG compression, A
* dynamic method for dominant point detection, A
* earth location of geostationary satellite imagery, The
* Edge Based Features for Content Based Image Retrieval
* Edge Segment Linking Based on Gray Level and Geometrical Compatibilities
* Effect of autocorrelated training samples on Bayes' probabilities of misclassification
* Effect of dimensionality and estimation on the performance of gaussian classifiers
* Effect of intraclass correlation among training samples on the misclassification probabilities of bayes procedure
* Effect of random errors on generalized distance computations
* Efficiency of learning with imperfect supervision
* efficient 2D deformable objects detection and location algorithm, An
* Efficient decision tree design for discrete variable pattern recognition problems
* Efficient Estimation of Qualitative Topological Relations based on the Weighted Walkthroughs Model
* efficient estimator of pattern recognition system error probability, An
* Efficient Flow Computation on Massive Grid Terrain Datasets
* Efficient Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation of Kernel Fisher Discriminant Classifiers
* Efficient pattern recognition in fine particle science
* Efficient regular grammatical inference for pattern recognition
* Efficient regular grammatical inference techniques by the use of partial similarities and their logical relationships
* efficient sequential clustering method, An
* Efficient transform-domain size and resolution reduction of images
* Empirical studies of separability and prediction using threshold logic units
* Empirical tests for feature selection based on a psychological theory of character recognition
* Empyrean, an alternative paradigm for pattern recognition
* Enhanced lane: interactive image segmentation by incremental path map construction
* Enhancing human-computer interaction in medical segmentation
* ensemble average classifier for pattern recognition machines, An
* Entropy minimax expansions for waveform analysis
* Error rate estimation on the basis of posterior probabilities
* Estimating cell populations
* Estimating the number of groups and group membership using simulation cluster analysis
* Estimating the probability of misclassification and variate selection
* Estimation of probabilities of label imperfections and correction of mislabels
* Evaluation of the effectiveness of features selected by discriminant analysis methods
* Evaluation of the Sequential Similarity Detection Algorithm Applied to Binary Images
* event-covering method for effective probabilistic inference, An
* experimental printed circuit board drilling system automated by pattern recognition, An
* experimental study of energy dips for speech and music, An
* Experiments in discrimination and classification
* Experiments in dynamic programming inference of Markov networks with strings representing speech data
* Experiments in projection and clustering by simulated annealing
* Experiments on human pattern recognition: A Hierarchical Sign-System Approach
* Experiments on Mapping Techniques for Exploratory Pattern Analysis
* Experts' boasting in trainable fusion rules
* Extraction of Lines and Regions from Grey Tone Line Drawing Images
* Eye movement analysis system using fundus images
* Face recognition based on fitting a 3D morphable model
* Face recognition using the embedded HMM with second-order block-specific observations
* Face Recognition with Visible and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Face recognition: component-based versus global approaches
* Face reconstruction from monocular video using uncertainty analysis and a generic model
* Facial asymmetry quantification for expression invariant human identification
* Facial expression recognition from line-based caricatures
* Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal and Static Modeling
* Fast Approximation of Visibility Dominance Using Topographic Features as Targets and the Associated Uncertainty
* fast classifier for image data, A
* fast interval processor, A
* Fast polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Fast template matching using correlation-based adaptive predictive search
* Fast transcoding architectures for insertion of non-regular shaped objects in the compressed DCT-domain
* Fast-converging adaptive algorithms for well-balanced separating linear classifier
* feasible computer system for grey-level, pictorial pattern recognition, A
* Feature definition in pattern recognition with small sample size
* Feature detection using the general linear model
* Feature enhancement techniques for the detection of spinal cord injury
* Feature extraction algorithms
* Feature extraction for fingerprint classification
* Feature extraction for texture classification
* Feature extraction in pattern recognition
* Feature selection by interactive clustering
* Feature selection for best mean square approximation of class densities
* Feature selection for low error rate OCR
* Feature selection in human auditory perception
* Feature space transforms for curve detection
* Features selection and 'possibility theory'
* FIDAC: Film input to digital automatic computer
* Filter design for optical data processors
* Finding a good figure that approximately passes through given points
* Finding the Edges of the Surfaces of Three-Dimensional Curved Objects by Computer
* Finite fuzzy automata, regular fuzzy languages, and pattern recognition
* Flexible linguistic pattern recognition
* focus checking technique for image analysis systems, A
* formalization of cluster analysis, A
* formulation and comparison of two linear feature selection techniques applicable to statistical classification, A
* Freedom descriptions: A way to find figures that approximate given points
* Frequency-domain image errors
* From binary to grey tone image processing using fuzzy logic concepts
* Further analysis of interpolation effects in mutual information-based image registration
* Further results on discrimination with autocorrelated observations
* Further results on optimization of recognition time
* Further results on the effect of intraclass correlation among training samples in discriminant analysis
* Fuzzy approach to solve the recognition problem of handwritten chinese characters
* Fuzzy C-Means: Optimality of solutions and effective termination of the algorithm
* Fuzzy-connected 3D image segmentation at interactive speeds
* Gaussian mixture discriminant analysis and sub-pixel land cover characterization in remote sensing
* general method for training the committee machine, A
* Generalised cylinders from local aggregation of sections
* Generalised threshold selection for edge detection
* generalized character recognition algorithm: A graphical approach, A
* Geodesic Methods in Quantitative Image Analysis
* Geodesic Methods in Quantitative Image Analysis
* Gradient feature extraction for classification-based face detection
* Graph Based Algorithms for Scene Reconstruction from Two or More Views
* Gravitational clustering
* Guiding a robot by visual feedback in assembling tasks
* heuristic clustering algorithm using union of overlapping pattern-cells, A
* heuristic strategy for developing human facial images on a CRT, A
* Hidden markov random field model selection criteria based on mean field-like approximations
* Hierarchical agglomerative clustering procedure
* Hierarchical content classification and script determination for automatic document image processing
* hierarchical pattern description in the syntactic approach to pattern recognition, A
* High Accuracy Character Recognition Algorithm Using Fourier and Topological Descriptors
* High speed error correction of phoneme sequences
* Holographic or Fourier Logic
* Hot spot detection based on feature space representation of visual search
* Housing-Unit-Level Approach to Characterizing Residential Sprawl, A
* How many clusters are best? - An experiment
* Human motion analysis for biomechanics and biomedicine
* Human movement capture and analysis in intelligent environments
* hybrid breast biopsy system combining ultrasound and MRI, A
* Hybrid DCT/pixel domain architecture for heterogeneous video transcoding
* Hybrid pixel-based data hiding and block-based watermarking for error-diffused halftone images
* ICEAGE: Interactive Clustering and Exploration of Large and High-Dimensional Geodata
* Identification of Corner Points of Two-Dimensional Images Using a Line Search Method
* Identification of seismic stratigraphic traps using statistical pattern recognition
* ill-posed operator for secure image authentication, An
* Image analysis of solid-liquid interface morphology in freezing solutions
* Image compression using polylines
* Image data compression using autoregressive time series models
* Image devices for pattern recognition
* Image processing apparatus and method, and image processing system
* Image processing by self-generated spatial and spectral masks
* Image Processing for Boundary Extraction of Remotely Sensed Data
* Image Retrieval Based on Index Compressed Vector Quantization
* Image Segmentation Using a Dynamic Thresholding Pyramid
* impact of new hardware on OCR designs, The
* Improved Adaptive Pattern Analysis Algorithm for Isolating EMI, An
* Improved Corner Detection Algorithm Based on Chain-Coded Plane Curves, An
* Improvements in microphotometry by digital signal processing
* Improving State Based Analysis for Learning from Observation
* Inexact matching of line drawings in a syntactic pattern recognition system
* Inference of even linear grammars and its application to picture description languages
* infra-red source classification system, An
* INPUT 2 Document Reader (a new optical character recognition system), The
* Inspection of 2-D objects using pattern matching method
* Intelligent splitting in the chromosome domain
* Interactive pattern analysis and classification utilizing prior knowledge
* Interactive pattern recognition of blood cells in malignant lymphomas
* interactive-graphic subsystem for pattern analysis, An
* Interfacing criteria for recognition logic used with a context post-processor
* Interpolation artifacts in multimodality image registration based on maximization of mutual information
* interpretation of Mahalanobis distance in the dual space, An
* Interpretation of Straight Line Correspondences Using Angular Relations
* interpretive model of line continuation in human visual perception, An
* introduction to optical character reader considerations, An
* Introduction to special issue on syntactic pattern recognition: Part one
* Introduction to special issue on syntactic pattern recognition: Part two
* Introduction to the special issue on authentication, copyright protection, and information hiding
* Introduction to the special issue on feature extractions
* Introduction to the special issue on fine particle science
* Introduction to the special issue on human modeling, analysis, and synthesis
* Introduction to the special issue on image enhancement
* Introduction to the special issue on Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
* Introduction to the special issue on parallel image processing
* Introduction to the special issue on Pattern Recognition of Cell Images: Part two
* Introduction to the special issue on the pattern recognition of cell images: Part one
* Introduction to the Special Issue, ACMGIS 2002
* Invariant Image Watermark Using Zernike Moments
* Invariant quantities in regression-induced boundaries under a special linear transformation
* Investigation of multidimensional data using the interactive pattern analysis system ISPAHAN
* ISOETRP: An interactive clustering algorithm with new objectives
* isolated-word recognizer based on grammar-controlled classification processes, An
* Iterations of a non-linear transformation for enhancement of digital images
* Iterative Framework for Separating Reflection Components of Textured Surface using a Single Image
* Iterative Gibbsian Technique for Reconstruction of M-Ary Images, An
* Iterative least squares development of discriminant functions for spectroscopic data analysis by pattern recognition
* Java-based internet biometric authentication system
* Joint security and robustness enhancement for quantization based data embedding
* Kernel Correlation as an Affinity Measure in Point-Sampled Vision Problems
* language for pattern recognition, A
* Laser beam inspection apparatus
* Lattice theory approach to metastatic disease patterns in autopsied human patients: Application to metastatic neuroblastoma
* Learning criterion and inductive behaviour
* Learning patterns in terms of other patterns
* learning procedure for multisurface method of pattern separation, A
* Learning Process to the Identification of Feature Points on Chinese Characters, A
* learning system for terrain recognition, A
* Learning to recognize patterns with a probabilistic teacher
* Learning with a mutualistic teacher
* Learning with imperfectly labeled patterns
* Learning with probabilistic labeling
* Least desirable feature elimination in a general pattern recognition problem
* least upper bound for the average classification accuracy of multiple observers, A
* Leukocyte image analysis in the diff3 system
* Lifelike talking faces for interactive services
* limited value of cophenetic correlation as a clustering criterion, The
* Limits on the accuracy of 3-D thickness measurement in magnetic resonance images- Effects of voxel anisotropy
* Linear and nonlinear mapping of patterns
* Linear dimension reduction and Bayes classification
* Linear dimension reduction and Bayes classification with unknown population parameters
* Linear discrimination with symmetrical models
* Linear feature selection with applications
* linear incremental algorithm for naive and standard digital lines and planes recognition, A
* Linear Mapping Technique for Optimizing Binary Templates in Noise-Free Pattern Matching, A
* liquid crystal light valve, an optical-to-optical interface device, The
* Local convergence of the fuzzy c-Means algorithms
* Local image transformation: An application in biological electron microscopy
* Local ordered grey levels as an aid to corner detection
* locally sensitive method for cluster analysis, A
* Low resolution slit-scan pattern recognition applying one-dimensional multiparameter analysis
* Low-Level Segmentation of Multispectral Images via Agglomerative Clustering of Uniform Neighbourhoods
* Machine analysis of acoustical signals
* Mapping algorithms in ISPAHAN
* Mapping the local information content of a spatial image
* Mapping urban change in the UK using satellite radar interferometry
* Mapping Urban Extent Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
* Mariner 1969 television image processing
* matrix approach to character recognition, A
* Matrix Approach to Data Base Exploration: Analysis of Classifier Results, A
* Matrix method for finding sets of contiguous non-zero elements in a 2-dimensional array
* Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis on the plane using a Markovian model of spatial context
* Maximum likelihood discriminant analysis on the plane using a Markovian model of spatial context
* measure of shared information in classes of patterns, A
* measurement of print quality for optical character recognition systems, The
* Measuring the Physical Composition of Urban Morphology Using Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Models
* Measuring tortuosity of the intracerebral vasculature from MRA images
* Measuring two-dimensional complexity: A conceptual structure
* Medical imaging at Guy's Hospital, King's College London
* Mesh Optimization Using Global Error with Application to Geometry Simplification
* Metadata Driven Adaptation in the ADMITS Project
* Method and apparatus for compensating for jitter in a digital video image
* Method and system for defining and recognizing complex events in a video sequence
* method for the optimal design of a class of pattern recognition systems, A
* method of boundary determination in digital images of urothelial cells, A
* method of comparing two patterns independent of possible transformations and small distortions, A
* method of real-time recognition of moving objects and its application, A
* method of synthesis of linear discriminant function in the case of nonseparability, A
* Methodologies in Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: A Brief Survey
* Metric invariants for unitary transformations and their application in character recognition
* microprocessor-controlled axiomat microscope for acquisition of cell images, A
* Microprogram controlled pattern processing in a handwritten mail reader-sorter
* Minimal non-simple sets in 4D binary images
* mixed integer programming approach to multi-spectral image classification, A
* Mobility characteristics for multimedia service adaptation
* Mode boundary detection by relaxation for cluster analysis
* model for dimension reduction in pattern recognition using continuous data, A
* model for evaluating the effectiveness of resolution enhancement algorithms, A
* model for selection of attributes for automatic pattern recognition. Stepwise data compression monitored by visual classification, A
* model study on biomorphological description, A
* Modeling Urban Population Growth from Remotely Sensed Imagery and TIGER GIS Road Data
* Modelling and estimating the pose of a human arm
* Models for low resolution slit scan measurements based on high resolution laser scanning image analysis: DNA and nuclear dimensions
* Moment-preserving clustering
* Monitoring of polyethylene wear in nonmetal-backed acetubular cups by digitized anteroposterior pelvic radiography
* Monte Carlo comparison of six hierarchical clustering methods on random data
* Monte Carlo comparisons of selected clustering procedures
* Motion Analysis of Traditional Dances and Its Applications
* multidimensional approach to syntactic pattern recognition, A
* Multidimensional attribute analysis and pattern recognition for seismic interpretation
* Multidimensional data clustering utilizing hybrid search strategies
* Multiple threshold perceptron
* multisurface method for pattern classification, A
* Multivariate data representation and analysis by face pattern using facial expression characteristics
* Mutual Information-Based CT-MR Brain Image Registration Using Generalized Partial Volume Joint Histogram Estimation
* Natural language understanding by a robot: A pattern recognition problem
* Natural neighbor sorting on the n-dimensional sphere
* Near-Optimal Connectivity Encoding of 2-Manifold Polygon Meshes
* Neocognitron: A new algorithm for pattern recognition tolerant of deformations and shifts in position
* net-structure learning system for pattern description, A
* new algorithm for non-linear mapping with applications to dimension and cluster analyses, A
* new approach to classification of brainwaves, A
* new approach to feature selection based on the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, A
* new form of discriminant surfaces using polar coordinates, A
* new type of feature extraction of patterns using coherent optical system, A
* Noise reduction for magnetic resonance images via adaptive multiscale products thresholding
* Noise, histogram and cluster validity for Gaussian-mixtured data
* Non-hierarchical clustering with MASLOC
* non-parametric clustering scheme for Landsat, A
* Non-parametric unsupervised learning with applications to image classification
* nonparametric approach to pattern recognition, A
* nonparametric classification scheme with mean squared error criterion, A
* Nonsupervised classification using the principal component
* Normal Vector Voting: Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation on Large, Noisy Meshes
* note on inverse filtering for anisoplanatic systems with coherent illumination, A
* note on regular kolam array grammars generating right triangles, A
* note on the choice of a weighting function to give an efficient method for estimating the probability of misclassification, A
* note on the justification of Landsat data transformations, A
* note on ties in voting with the k-NN rule, A
* novel blind multiple watermarking technique for images, A
* novel echo-hiding scheme with backward and forward kernels, A
* Novel Volume Constrained Smoothing Method for Meshes, A
* Object recognition and concept learning with CONFUCIUS
* Object recognition by grasping
* Oligothetic characterisation of clusters
* On a class of computationally efficient feature selection criteria
* On a modified form of Parzen estimator for nonparametric pattern recognition
* On an optimal linear pattern classification procedure
* On constructing an expert system for contact localization and tracking
* On dimensionality and sample size in statistical pattern classification
* On the applicability of modern algebra techniques to adaptive pattern recognition
* On the application of formal language and automata theory to pattern recognition
* On the asymptotic properties of smoothed estimators of the classification error rate
* On the classification of congenital abnormalities from hand radiographs
* On the clustering of multidimensional pictorial data
* On the convergence of A self-supervised vowel recognition system
* On the estimation of probability of error
* On the Improvement of Anthropometry and Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Image
* On the multistage Bayes classifier
* On the optimal number of features in the classification of multivariate Gaussian data
* On the problem of bias in error rate estimation for discriminant analysis
* On the relation of performance to editing in nearest neighbor rules
* On the relationships between SVD, KLT and PCA
* On the robustness of the equal-mean discrimination rule with uniform covariance structure against serially correlated training data
* On the use of binary and gray code schemes for continuous-tone picture representation
* On the Wechsler de_Souza discussion
* on-line character recognition aimed at a substitution for a billing machine keyboard, An
* On-line computer recognition of proposed standard ANSI(USASI) handprinted characters
* On-Line Recognition of Hand-Written Characters Utilizing Positional and Stroke Vector Sequences
* On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Characters: Alphanumerics, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji
* On-line recognition of handwritten isolated arabic characters
* Online palmprint identification
* Optical System Designed for Image Processing, An
* optimal orthonormal system for discriminant analysis, An
* optimal strategy of a tree classifier, The
* Optimality of reassignment rules in dynamic clustering
* Optimality tests for fixed points of the fuzzy c-means algorithm
* Optimization in non-hierarchical clustering
* Optimization of computational time in pattern recognizers
* Optimization of wavelet decomposition for image compression and feature preservation
* Optimum pixel size for hyperspectral studies of ecosystem function in southern California chaparral and grassland
* organization of extracted features for pattern recognition, The
* orientation free study of handprinted characters, An
* orthogonal feature selection method, An
* Overview of the CREST Digital Archiving Project: Digital Archiving of Cultural Heritage through Observation
* Pallel parsing of tree languages for syntactic pattern recognition
* Parallel algorithms for recognizing handwritten characters using shape features
* parallel architecture for relaxation operations, A
* Parallel computers for region-level image processing
* Parallel image normalization on a mesh connected array processor
* parallel processing model for the study of possible pattern recognition mechanisms in the brain, A
* Parallel processing of encoded bit strings
* Parameter estimation and learning/classification threshold optimization applied to maxentropic adaptive pattern recognition
* parameter-free clustering model, A
* Parsing of edNLC-graph grammars for scene analysis
* partition of N-dimensional space, using shells, The
* pattern classification by dynamic tactile sense information processing, A
* Pattern classification using a linear associative memory
* pattern description language: PADEL, A
* Pattern Discrimination Problem from the Perspective of Relation Theory, The
* Pattern discrimination using ellipsoidally symmetric multivariate density functions
* Pattern recognition by means of disjoint principal components models
* Pattern recognition by polynomial canonical regression
* Pattern recognition categories
* Pattern recognition in biologic classification
* Pattern recognition problems in bubble chamber physics
* Pattern recognition problems in the study of carbon black
* Pattern recognition processing in underwater acoustics
* Pattern recognition theory and the identification of Alamogordo Rostrocarinoids
* Pattern recognition with an imperfect supervisor
* Patterns of spatial variation in forests and other natural populations
* Pen direction sequences in character recognition
* Penalized-Likelihood Image Reconstruction Method for Emission Tomography, Compared to Postsmoothed Maximum-Likelihood with Matched Spatial Resolution, A
* Perception of order within disorder: 1. Visual ranking of random textures
* Perceptive Animated Interfaces: First steps toward a new paradigm for human-computer interaction
* percolation method for an efficient grouping of data, The
* Performance Evaluation of Lazy Deletion Methods in R-trees
* Pictorial pattern recognition, Conference
* Piecewise Linear Classification Using Seniority Logic Committee Methods, with Application to Remote Sensing
* Piecewise Regular Meshes: Construction and Compression
* pigeon's analysis of pictures, The
* Pigeons and perceptrons
* Planar Shape Matching Based on Binary Tree Shape Representation
* Polarization-based inverse rendering from a single view
* Polarograms: A New Tool for Image Texture Analysis
* Poly: A two dimensional language for a class of polygons
* Polyline Spatial Join Evaluation Using Raster Approximation
* potential discrete analog processor for pattern recognition, A
* Potential Fields as an External Force and Algorithmic Improvements in Deformable Models
* Pre-processing of images in an automated chromosome analysis system
* Preference structure analysis: A nonmetric approach
* Preprocessing for Chinese character recognition and global classification of handwritten Chinese characters
* probabilistic measure of similarity for binary data in pattern recognition, A
* Probabilistic recognition of human faces from video
* Probability transforms of digital pictures
* Problems, ongoing research and future directions in motion research
* Processing Noisy Line Spectrograms as Digital Pictures
* processing of bathythermograph data: A picture analysis approach, The
* Properties and convergence of a posteriori probabilities in classification problems
* pyramidal approach for the recognition of neurons using key features, A
* Quantitative analysis of preprocessing techniques for the recognition of handprinted characters
* Quantitative measurement of soil cracking patterns
* Rank 1 weighted factorization for 3D structure recovery: Algorithms and performance analysis
* rapid, non-parametric clustering scheme for flow cytometric data, A
* rate adaptation transcoding scheme for real-time video transmission over wireless channels, A
* Real-time object recognition using a modified generalized Hough transform
* real-time system for pattern recognition of human sleep stages by fuzzy system analysis, A
* Real-Time Tracking of User's Motions and Its Use for Augmented Surface Systems
* Real-time video postprocessing for deblocking and deringing on mediaprocessors
* Recent advances in the automatic recognition of audiovisual speech
* Recent progress to formal approach of pattern recognition and scene analysis
* Receptive fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid framework
* Recognition experiments with typed numerals from envelopes in the mail
* Recognition of Handprinted Characters by an Outermost Point Method
* Recognition of handprinted Tamil characters
* Recognition of Handwritten Words: First and Second Order Hidden Markov Model Based Approach
* Recognition of underwater transient patterns
* Recognition of writers by handwriting images
* Recognizing faces with PCA and ICA
* Recognizing machines with parametric and nonparametric learning methods using contextual information
* reconstruction of objects from shadowgraphs with high contrasts, The
* Rectifying Perspective Views of Text in 3D Scenes Using Vanishing Points
* Rectilinearity measurements for polygons
* recursive Bayesian approach to pattern recognition, A
* Recursive Contextual Classification Using a Spatial Stochastic Model
* recursive method for the investigation of the linear separability of two sets, A
* Reduction of clustering problem to pattern recognition
* Reduction of false alarm rate in automatic forest fire infrared surveillance systems
* Reduction of the class of feature evaluation techniques in pattern analysis
* Reduction of the storage requirements of Bledsoe and Browning's n-tuple method of pattern recognition
* region-based formalism for picture processing, A
* Relational duals of the C-means clustering algorithms
* relative neighborhood graph for mixed feature variables, The
* Relative neighborhood graphs in the Li-metric
* Relative Neighbourhood Graph of a Finite Planar Set, The
* Remarks on some aspects of language structure and their relevance to pattern analysis
* Remarks on some statistical properties of the minimum spanning forest
* Removal of Bird-Contaminated Wind Profiler Data Based on Neural Networks
* Reply to David A. Pintsov
* Representation of structured events and efficient procedures for their recognition
* Requirements for Sequential Flow and Static Image Analysis: A Preliminary Study
* resonant retina: Exploiting vibration noise to optimally detect edges in an image, The
* Retrospective evaluation of intersubject brain registration
* Reversible data embedding using a difference expansion
* review of ridge counting in dermatoglyphics, A
* Revisiting Hartley's normalized eight-point algorithm
* Road Network Embedding Technique for K-Nearest Neighbor Search in Moving Object Databases, A
* Robot vision by a contour sensor with associative memory
* Robust Image Watermarking Based on Generalized Radon Transformations
* Robust Parameterized Component Analysis: Theory and Applications to 2D Facial Appearance Models
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for 3D Triangular Mesh Models, A
* ROC Curve Estimation and Hypothesis Testing: Applications to Breast Cancer Detection
* RST-invariant digital image watermarking based on log-polar mapping and phase correlation
* rule-based system for automatic seismic discrimination, A
* Scene Segmentation in Automated Histopathology: Techniques Evolved from Cytology Automation
* Schematic classification problems and their solution
* secret of velvety skin, The
* Segmentation of fingerprint images: A composite method
* Selected pattern recognition projects in Europe
* Self-learning pattern classification using a sequential clustering technique
* self-supervised vowel recognition system, A
* Self-synchronizing watermarking scheme for an arbitrarily shaped object
* SELF: A framework for generation of patterns
* semi-automatic technique for multitemporal classification of a given crop within a landsat scene, A
* Semiautomatic Leakage Analyzing System for Time Series Fluorescein Ocular Fundus Angiography
* shape-oriented dissimilarity of polygons and its application to the classification of chromosome images, The
* Signal analysis for rotating machinery vibrations
* Signature extension in remote sensing
* Signature recognition through spectral analysis
* simple learning decision algorithm for character recognition and pattern classification, A
* Simulation of hyperspectral and directional radiance images using coupled biophysical and atmospheric radiative transfer models
* Simulation of process of forming the language for description and analysis of the forms of images
* Simulation of the optical illusions using a spatial filter
* Simultaneous Estimation of Super-Resolved Scene and Depth Map from Low Resolution Defocused Observations
* Single-link characteristics of a mode-seeking clustering algorithm
* Skeletal categories
* Skeletonization of ribbon-like shapes based on a new wavelet function
* Skeletons: A link between theoretical and physical letter descriptions
* smallest box around a package, The
* Smoothed additive estimators for non-error rates in multiple discriminant analysis
* Soft clustering of multidimensional data: a semi-fuzzy approach
* Software support for the construction of syntactic pattern recognisers by a research engineer
* Solution of a distributed deterministic parallel network using simulated annealing
* Solving of optimization and identification problems by the committee methods
* Some approaches to optimal cluster labeling with applications to remote sensing
* Some aspects of error bounds in feature selection
* Some asymptotic results on the effect of autocorrelation on the error rates of the sample linear discriminant function
* Some decision network designs for pattern classification
* Some dual problems in pattern recognition
* Some Experiments with the Interpretation Strategy of a Modular Computer Vision System
* Some general remarks about pattern recognition; its definition; its relation with other disciplines; a literature survey
* Some linguistic and statistical problems in pattern recognition
* Some new concepts for encoding line patterns
* Some nonlinear operators for picture processing
* Some procedures for function approximation based on the use of sample data and their application in heuristic methods for solving practical problems
* Some statistical bounds for the accuracy of distance-based pattern classification
* Some statistical properties of the minimum spanning forest
* Spatial analysis of radiometric fractions from high-resolution multispectral imagery for modelling individual tree crown and forest canopy structure and health
* Spatial Metrics and Image Texture for Mapping Urban Land Use
* Spatiotemporal Form of Urban Growth: Measurement, Analysis and Modeling, The
* Special issue on conceptual aspects of two-dimensional picture processing
* Special issue on face recognition
* Special issue on multimedia adaptation
* Special issue on Optical Character Recognition
* Special Issue on Processing of Large Polygonal Meshes
* Speech Recognition of Mandarin Monosyllables
* Speech-gesture driven multimodal interfaces for crisis management
* Split-and-merge algorithms defined on topological maps for 3D image segmentation
* Stability and dimensionality of Karhunen-Loęve multispectral image expansions
* Stability and stationarity of cursive handwriting
* Stability of a hierarchical clustering
* Standardized color measurement in automated cytophotometry with the light micrscope
* statistical approach for discrete pattern recognition: A case study in endocrine physiopathology, A
* Statistical modeling and feature selection for seismic pattern recognition
* Stereometric pattern recognition by artificial touch
* Stereoscopic Pattern Signal: Gestalt Processes in the Binocular Field, The
* Stochastic Programmed Grammars for Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Stochastic syntax-directed translations in syntactic pattern processing
* Strategic pattern generation: A solution technique for a class of games
* stratificational overlapping cluster scheme, A
* Structural aspects of semantic-directed clusters
* study in descriptive representation of pictorial data, A
* Subband decomposition strategies for object-based image coding
* Subpixel Edge Estimation
* Superresolution image reconstruction from blurred observations by multisensors
* Surface construction by fitting unorganized curves
* Switching components and the ambiguity problem in the reconstruction of pictures from their projections
* Synergistic Use of Lidar and Color Aerial Photography for Mapping Urban Parcel Imperviousness
* Syntactic ECG processing: A review
* syntactic method for analysis of saccadic eye movements, A
* syntactic procedure for the recognition of glottal pulses in continuous speech, A
* syntax of a triangle and some other figures, The
* syntax-aided recognition scheme for handprinted English letters, A
* syntax-directed program that performs a three-dimensional perceptual task, A
* synthesis of complex spatial filters for coherent optical data processing, The
* Synthesising cluster operators
* System and method for determining structure and motion from two-dimensional images for multi-resolution object modeling
* T-recognition of T-languages, a new approach to describe and program the parallel pattern recognition capabilities of d-dimensional tessellation structures
* Taking Consensus of Signed Distance Field for Complementing Unobservable Surface
* teachable pattern describing and recognizing program, A
* technique for cluster formation, A
* Test feature selection for a complex electro-hydraulic servo system using frequency response measurements
* test for multidimensional clustering tendency, A
* Texture Discrimination Based on an Optimal Utilization of Texture Features
* Texture-based watermarking of 3-D video objects
* theory and application of electronic moiré patterns, The
* theory and measurement of a silhouette descriptor for image pre-processing and recognition, The
* Three-dimensional object reconstruction from orthogonal projections
* Tissue section analysis: Feature selection and image processing
* Tomographic mapping of the activity of the heart wall
* Topological quadrangulations of closed triangulated surfaces using the Reeb graph
* Toward an affect-sensitive multimodal human-computer interaction
* Toward automatic undersea search using pattern recognition techniques
* Translation-tolerant mask matching using noncoherent reflective optics
* Tree classifier design with a permutation statistic
* Two hierarchies associated with each clustering scheme
* Two step semi-optimal branch and bound algorithm for feature selection in mixed variable discrimination
* Two-dimensional shape decomposition using fuzzy subset theory applied to automated chromosome analysis
* Two-dimensional spline interpolation for image reconstruction
* two-level committee machine: a representation and a learning procedure for general piecewise linear discriminant functions, A
* Unconstrained seal imprint verification using attributed stroke graph matching
* Understanding human behavior from motion imagery
* Ungrammatical grammar in pattern recognition
* unified approach to pattern recognition, A
* unified setting for projections in pattern recognition, A
* Unit measure violations in pattern recognition: Ambiguity and irrelevancy
* unsupervised Bayes classifier for normal patterns based on marginal densities analysis, An
* Unsupervised learning in nongaussian pattern recognition
* Unsupervised recognition of multi-view face sequences based on pairwise clustering with attraction and repulsion
* UODV: Improved Algorithm and Generalized Theory
* Urban Land-Cover Change Detection through Sub-Pixel Imperviousness Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data
* use of context in pattern recognition, The
* Use of the Hough transform for image data compression
* Using a Structured World Model in Flexible Recognition of Two Dimensional Patterns
* Using probabilities in analyzing two dimensional spatial patterns
* validation of four ultrametric clustering algorithms, The
* Validity studies in clustering methodologies
* valuation of state of object based on weighted Mahalanobis distance, A
* vector field approach to cluster analysis, A
* Video segmentation using statistical pixel modeling
* Video-rate digital image analysis equipment
* View-dependent Geometry for Rendering Rigid, Soft and Cluttered Objects
* Vision-based Interaction with Fingers and Papers
* VLSI architectures for string matching and pattern matching
* Voxel-based surface area estimation: from theory to practice
* Waterline mapping in flooded vegetation from airborne SAR imagery
* Weighted chord functions
* Weighted logical inference for pattern recognition
* whitening transformation for two-color blood cell images, A
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.