Journals starting with ph_d

Ph.D. * *Ph. D. Thesis
* 3-D Object Recognition Using Angle View Densities
* 3D Model Retrieval
* 3D Reconstruction as an Automatic Modeling System
* 3D Reconstruction of Anatomical Structures from Endoscopic Images
* 3D Reconstruction under Varying Constraints of Camera Geometry for Robotic Navigation
* 3D Representation and Recognition Using Object Wings
* 3D Shape Representation via Shock Flows
* Accurate Edge Detection for Multiple Scale Processing
* Active Control of Zoom for Computer Vision
* Active Exploration of Static Scenes
* Active Learning for Outdoor Perception
* Active Robot Vision and Primary Ocular Processes
* Active Structure Acquisition by Continuous Fixation Movements
* Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape
* Advanced Tools for Video and Multimedia Mining
* Affine Analysis of Image Sequences
* Algorithms for Automatic Sensor Placement to Acquire Complete and Accurate Information
* Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information
* Ambulatory Assessment of Human Body Kinematics and Kinetics
* Analysis and Application of Autofocusing and Three-Dimensional Shape Recovery Techniques Based on Image Focus and Defocus
* Analysis of Natural Scenes
* Appearance Models of Three-Dimensional Shape for Machine Vision and Graphics
* Application de la Morphologie Mathematique a l'Analyse des conditions d'Eclainage des Images Couleur
* Applications of Computer Vision to Telepresence
* Applications of Sequence Geometry to Visual Motion
* ARGOS Image Understanding System, The
* Aspect Graphs of Solids of Revolution
* Automated Stereo Perception
* Automatic Modeling and Localization for Object Recognition
* Automatic Orientation Determination of Three-Dimensional Objects from Three-Dimensional Data
* Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information
* Automatic Three-dimensional Modeling from Reality
* Automatically Recovering Geometry and Texture from Large Sets of Calibrated Images
* Autonomous Scene Description with Range Imagery
* Autonomous Vision-Guided Helicopter, An
* Bayesian Methods for Adaptive Models
* Bayesian Modeling of Uncertainty in Low-Level Vision
* Biological Model of Object Recognition with Feature Learning, A
* Blur identification by statistical analysis
* Body-Relative Navigation using Uncalibrated Cameras
* Boundaries and Topological Algorithms
* CAD-Based Computer Vision: Modeling and Recognition Strategies
* Camera Models and Machine Perception
* Change Detection and Analysis in Multi-Spectral Images
* Characterizing Stereo Matching Problems using Local Spatial Frequency
* Closing the Loop on Multiple Motions
* Color Images Analysis and 3d-Color Images Fusion
* Combining Deformable Models and Neural Networks for Handprinted Digit Recognition
* Comparing Visual Features for Morphing Based Recognition
* Computational Approaches to Color Vision
* Computational Models of Perceptual Organization
* Computer Analysis of Visual Properties of Curved Objects
* Computer Comparison of Pictures
* Computer Identification of Visual Surfaces
* Computer Matching of Areas in Stereo Imagery
* Computer Pattern Recognition of Standard Engraved Music Notation
* Computer Perception of Curved Objects Using a Television Camera
* Computer Recognition and Description of Natural Scenes
* Computer Recognition of Prismatic Solids
* Computer Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects in a Visual Scene
* Computer System for Visual Recognition Using Active Knowledge, A
* Computer Vision Aids for the Partially Sighted
* Computing Motion and Structure from Noisy, Time-Varying Image Velocity Information
* Conditional Random Fields for Activity Recognition
* Cone-Beam Reconstruction Using Filtered Backprojection
* Conjoint Probabilistic Subband Modeling
* Control of Selective Perception using Bayes Nets and Decision Theory
* Conves Mathematical Programs for Relational Matching of Object Views
* Cooperation de Systemes a Base de Connaissances Pour l'Analyse et la Reconnaissance d'Objets Naturels Complexes: Application au Classement de Galaxies ou de Zooplanctons
* Correspondence Based Motion Analysis
* Curve Indicator Random Field, The
* Deformable Contours: Modeling, Extraction, Detection and Classification
* Depth from Camera Motion in a Real World Scene
* Depth from Edge and Intensity Based Stereo
* Describing and Recognizing 3-D Objects Using Surface Properties
* Description of Complex Objects from Multiple Range Images
* Design and Evaluation of Feature Detectors
* Design and Implementation of a Picture Processor
* Design and Implementation of People Tracking Algorithms for Visual Surveillance Applications
* Detecting Salient Regions in an Image: From Biology to Implementation
* Detection of Contours and Their Visual Motion, The
* Detection of local features invariant to affine transformations
* Detection of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Clusters
* Determination Automatique du Mouvement dans une Sequence d'Images. Interet pour l'Interpretation
* Development of motion analysis protocols based on inertial sensors
* Differential Approach to Graphical Interactionct, A
* Discrete Scale-Space Theory and the Scale-Space Primal Sketch
* Discriminative Techniques for the Recognition of Complex-Shaped Objects
* Distributed Analysis and Representation of Visual Motion
* Document Image Binarization Based on Texture Analysis
* Dressed Human Modeling, Detection, and Parts Localization
* Dynamic Integration of Depth Cues for Surface Reconstruction from Stereo Images
* Dynamic phase boundary estimation using electrical impedance tomography
* Dynamic Stereo Vision
* Dynamic System for Object Description and Correspondence, A
* Echantillonnage, Interpolation et Detection. Applications en Imagrie Satellitaire
* Edge Detection and Geometric Methods in Computer Vision
* Effective Motion Tracking Using Known and Learned Actuation Models
* Efficient Computation and Data Structures for Graphics
* Efficient Discovery of Spatial Associations and Structure with Application to Asteroid Tracking
* Efficient Object Recognition and Image Retrieval for Large-Scale Applications
* Efficient Parallel Object Recognition
* Empirical Approach to Grouping and Segmentation, An
* Enhancement, Detection, and Visualization of 3D Volume Data
* Estimating Image Motion in Layers: The Skin and Bones Model
* Estimating Scene Properties by Analyzing Color Histograms with Physics-Based Models
* Etude de quelques problemes semi-lineaires paraboliques et elliptiques
* Etude des modeles de contours actifs et d'autres techniques de traitement d'Images
* Exemplar-based Representations for Object Detection, Association and Beyond
* Expectation-Based Selective Attention
* Exploiting Space-Time Statistics of Videos for Face Hallucination
* Exploratory Visual Sensing for Determining Spatial Layout with an Agile Stereo Camera System
* Exploring Three-Dimensional Objects by Controlling the Point of Observation
* Extended Edge Detection: Modeling, Estimation, and Aggregation
* Extensible Optical Music Recognition
* Extraction and Utilization of Motion in Scene Description
* Face Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Face View Synthesis Using A Single Image
* Facing Uncertainty: 3D Face Tracking and Learning with Generative Models
* Fast Object Recognition By Selectively Examining Hypotheses
* FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem with Unknown Data Association
* Flexible Automatisierung von Strassenfahrzeugen mit Rechnersehen
* Focus of Attention and Gaze Control for Robot Vision
* From Images to Surfaces: A Computational Study of the Human Early Visual System
* Function from Visual Analysis and Physical Interaction: A Methodology for Recognition of Generic Classes of Objects
* Gabor Wavelet Networks for Object Representation
* Game-Theoretic Framework for Robot Motion Planning, A
* Gauge Freedoms and Uncertainty Modeling for 3D Computer Vision
* Gaze Selection for Visual Search
* Generalized Image Matching by the Method of Differences
* Generalized Symmetry Transforms: Attentional Mechanisms and Face Recognition
* Generating Semantic Descriptions from Drawings of Scenes with Shadows
* Generating Three-Dimensional Surface Models of Solid Objects from Multiple Projections
* Generic Elastic Models for 2D Pose Synthesis and Face Recognition
* Generic Image Structure
* Geodesic Active Regions and Level Set Methods: Contributions and Applications in Artificial Vision
* Geometric and Photometric Merging for Large-Scale Objects
* Geometric and Radiometric Analysis of a CCD-Camera Based Photogrammetric Close-Range System
* Geometric Aspects of Visual Object Recognition
* geometric framework for dynamic vision, A
* Geometric Modeling for Computer Vision
* Geometric Probing for 3D Object Recognition in Dense Range Data
* Geometrie enumerative et contacts de varietes lineares: Application aux graphes d'aspects objets courbes
* Geometry and Algebra of Multiple Projective Transformations
* Geometry of Cardiac Myofibers, The
* Gesture in Automatic Discourse Processing
* Global Alignment of Medical Images
* Global Methods for Image Motion Analysis
* Global Shape Analysis by k-Syntactic Similarity
* Gradient-Based Estimation of Optical-Flow
* Graph Based Algorithms for Scene Reconstruction from Two or More Views
* Hierarchical Curvature Estimation in Computer Vision
* Hierarchical Representation of Three-Dimensional Digital Objects
* Hierarchical Representation, Matching and Search for Some Computer Vision Problems
* High Precision Image Matching and Shape Recovery
* High-Resolution, Real-Time 3-D Shape Measurement
* Illumination Planning for Photometric Measurements
* Image Analysis Algorithms on General Purpose Parallel Architectures
* Image Analysis by Moments
* Image Analysis of Human Motion
* Image and Depth Coherent Surface Description
* Image Based Spatio-Temporal Modeling and View Interpolation of Dynamic Events
* Image Correspondence Problem, The
* Image Editing and Creation with Perception-Motivated Local Features
* Image Mosaicing and Super-resolution
* Image Region Correspondence Based on Structural Similarity and Color Information
* Image Segmentation: Generic Modeling, Detection, and Estimation of Discontinuities in Image Surfaces
* Image Sequence Description Using Spatiotemporal Flow Curves: Toward Motion-Based Recognition
* Image-Flow Computation: Estimation-Theoretic Framework, Unification and Integration
* Incremental Construction of 3-D Models of a Scene from Sequentially Planned Views
* Indexing Via Color Histograms
* Inertial and Magnetic Sensing of Human Motion
* Inertial Sensing of Human Movement
* Inferring Surface Shape from Specular Reflections
* Inquiry Driven Vision System Based on Visual and Conceptual Hierarchies, An
* Integrating Non-Semantic Knowledge into Image Segmentation Processes
* Integration of Visual and Haptic Feedback for Teleoperation, The
* Interpretation of Visual Motion, The
* Interpretation Qualitative Du Mouvement a Partir d'une Sequence d'Images
* Joint Feature and Classifier Design for OCR Based on a Small Training Set
* Kernel Correlation as an Affinity Measure in Point-Sampled Vision Problems
* Kinematic-Geometric Approach to Spatial Interpretation of Line Drawings, A
* Knowledge Based Recognition of Man-Made Objects
* Large Scale Scene Matching for Graphics and Vision
* Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction: A Triangulation-Based Approach
* Lattice-based MRF model for Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking and Manipulation, A
* Learning a Terrain Model for Autonomous Navigation in Rough Terrain
* Learning based Detection, segmentation and matching of objects
* Learning Object Recognition Strategies
* Learning Reduced-Dimension Models of Human Actions
* Learning Shape: Optimal Models for Analysing Natural Variability
* Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples
* Least squares rigid body fitting of point-sets with unknown correspondences
* Lights: A System for the Interpretation of Moving Light Displays
* Linear and Bilinear Subspace Methods for Structure from Motion
* Linking Models for Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Local Search Algorithms for Geometric Object Recognition: Finding the Optimal Correspondence and Pose
* Local Structure of Image Intensity Discontinuities, The
* Local Symmetry Features in Image Processing
* Machine Analysis of Multi-Body Scenes
* Machine Learning in Multi-frame Image Super-resolution
* Machine Perception of 3-D Solids
* Mapping Large, Urban Environments with GPS-Aided SLAM
* Maschinelle Wahrnehmung fur den bordautonomen automatischen Hubschrauberflug
* Matching 2D Images to Multiple 3D Objects Using View Description Networks
* Matching and Learning Structural and Spatial Representation with Neural Networks
* Matching Linear Features of Images and Maps
* Mathematical Morphology: Extensions towards Computer Vision
* Matrice Fondamentale et Calibration Visuelle sur l'Environment
* Maximum Margin Approach to Learning Text Classifiers Methods, Theory and Algorithms, The
* MDL-Based Segmentation and Motion Modeling in Scenes with Multiple Independently Moving Objects
* Measuring Visual Motion from Image Sequences
* Mobile Robot Navigation Using Active Vision
* Modal Matching: A Method for Describing, Comparing, and Manipulating Digital Signals
* Model Acquisition from Range Imagery
* Model based (Intermediate-Level) Computer Vision
* Model Based Tracking of Articulated Objects
* Model Dependent Inference of 3D Information from a Sequence of 2D Images
* Model-Based Computer Vision
* Modeling and Calibration of Automated Zoom Lenses
* Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs
* Modeling from Reality: Representation and Integration
* Modeling Illumination for Scene Recovery hrough the Motion, Occlusion and Strobing of Light-Sources
* Modeling Spatial and Temporal Textures
* Modeling the Surface of 3D Objects Using Multiple Range Views
* Modelling the Environment of an Exploring Vehicle by Means of Stereo Vision
* Morphological Scale-Space with Application to Three-Dimensional Object Recognition
* Mosaic Models for Image Analysis and Synthesis
* Motion Estimation from Image and Inertial Measurements
* Motion Problem: How to Use More Than Two Frames, The
* Motion Segmentation and Outlier Detection
* Multi-Scale Discriminant Analysis and Recognition of Signals and Images
* Multimodality Matching of Brain Images
* Multiphoto Geometrically Constrained Matching
* Multiple-Cue Object Recognition for interactionable Objects
* Multiresolution Computation of Visible-Surface Representations
* Multiscale Markov Fields: Applications to the Segmentation of Textured Images and Film Fusion
* Multivalued Morphology and Segmentation-based Coding
* Multiview Geometry: Profiles and Self-Calibration
* Natural Object Recognition
* Navigation Regimes for Off-Road Autonomy
* NAVLAB System for Mobile Robot Navigation, The
* Neural Network Approach to Color Constancy, A
* Neural Network Perception for Mobile Robot Guidance
* Nonlinear Algorithm for Shape Representation, A
* Object Recognition from Range Images
* Object-Centered Three-Dimensional Model Builder, An
* Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation in the Real World by a Seeing Robot Rover
* Occlusion Boundaries: Low-Level Detection to High-Level Reasoning
* On Design and Implementation of Fingerprint-Based Biometric Systems
* On Interpreting Stereo Disparity
* On Nonparametric and Linguistic Approaches to Pattern Recognition
* On Stereo Perception of Line Drawing Pairs
* On the Content of Information in Edges and Optical Flow
* On-Line Systems for Human Signature Verification
* Optical Texture Analysis for Automatic Cytology and Histology: A Markovian Approach
* Optimization Techniques for Adaptive Quantization of Image and Video under Delay Constraints
* Optimizing Sensing: Theory and Applications
* Parallel Watershed Algorithms for Image Segmentation
* Parallelrechner-basierte Bildfolgen-Interpretation zur autonomen Fahrzeugsteuerung
* Paraperspective and Projective Factorization Methods for Recovering Shape and Motion, The
* Perception Multisensorielle et Interpretation de Scenes
* Perception of 3-D Shape from 2-D Image of Contours
* Perception Stereoscopique de Courbes et de Surfaces Tridimensionnelles. Applications a la Robotique Mobile
* Perceptual Completion of Occluded Surfaces
* Perceptual Organization and Visual Recognition
* Perceptual Organization for Computer Vision
* perspectives on Panoramic Photography
* Physical Approach to Color Image Understanding, A
* Physics Based Methodologies for Recognizing Handwritten Signatures, Words, and Line Drawings
* Physics-Based Modeling of Nonrigid Objects for Vision and Graphics
* Polynomial Expansion for Orientation and Motion Estimation
* Pose Imagery and Automated Three-Dimensional Modeling of Urban Environments
* Practical Color Constancy
* Predictive fMRI Analysis for Multiple Subjects and Multiple Studies
* Prior Knowledge for Targeted Object Segmentation in Medical Images
* Probabilistic Approach for the Adaptive Integration of Multiple Visual Cues Using an Agent Framework, A
* Probabilistic Multiscale Image Segmentation by the Hyperstack
* Probabilistic Solution of Inverse Problems
* Probabilistic Tracking and Reconstruction of 3D Human Motion in Monocular Video Sequences
* Procedural Model of Recognition for Machine Perception, A
* Processing Camera-Captured Document Images: Geometric Rectification, Mosaicing, and Layout Structure Recognition
* Processing Dynamic Image Sequences from a Moving Sensor
* Projective Geometry and Photometry for Object Detection and Delineation
* Projective, Affine and Euclidean Calibration in Computer Vision and the Application of Three-Dimensional Perception
* Psychophysics of Virtual Texture Perception
* Quanitative Stereo Vision of the Stereo Light Microscope: An Attempt to Provide Control Feedback for a Nanorob System
* Quantitative Methods of Edge Detection
* Reactive View Planning for Quantification of Local Geometry
* Real-time Gaze Holding in Binocular Robot Vision
* Reasoning About Object Appearance in the Context of a Scene
* Reasoning About Success and Failure in Aerial Image Understanding
* Recherches en vision par ordinateur
* Recognition and Positioning of Rigid Objects Using Algebraic and Moment Invariants
* Recognition of Two-Dimensional Modeled Objects in Images, The
* Recognition Using Projective Invariance
* Recognizing 3-D Objects Using 2-D Images
* Reconstruction de sequences d'images haute resolution. Application a la restauration de films cinematographiques
* Reconstruction of Scenes Containing Polyhedra from Stereo Pairs of Views
* Reconstruction, Registration, and Modeling of Deformable Object Shapes
* Recovering Dynamic Information from Static, Handwritten Word Images
* Reflectance Map Techniques for Analyzing Surface Defects in Metal Casings
* Region-Oriented Image-Analysis System by Computer, A
* Regularization of Inverse Problems in Low-Level Vision While Preserving Discontinuities
* Relations Spatiales Structurelles et Interpretation d'Images
* Representation and Description of Curved Objects
* Representation and Recognition of Action in Interactive Spaces
* Representation and Recognition of Text Using Hidden Markov Models, The
* Representing and Using Functional Definitions for Visual Recognition
* Ridgelets: Theory and Applications
* Rigid Object Motion Estimation from Intensity Images Using Straight Line Correspondences
* Robust Camera Pose Recovery Using Stochastic Geometry
* Robust Image-based 3d Face Recognition
* Robust Incremental Optical Flow
* Robust Tracking and Structure from Motion with Sampling Method
* role of Saliency and Error Propagation in Visual Object Recognition, The
* RORPO: A morphological framework for curvilinear structure analysis. Application to the filtering and segmentation of blood vessels
* Roughness and Reflection in Machine Vision
* Scalable 3D surface reconstruction by local stochastic fusion of disparity maps
* Scalable Database Approach to Computing Delaunay Triangulations, A
* Scene Analysis Using a Semantic Base for Region Growing
* Scene Classification with a Biologically Inspired Method
* Scene Modeling from Motion-Free Radar Sensing
* Scene-space methods for bayesian inference of 3d shape and motion
* Seeing the World Behind the Image: Spatial Layout for 3D Scene Understanding
* Segmentation and Interpretation Using Multiple Physical Hypotheses of Image Formation
* Segmentation and Surface-Based Modeling of Objects in Three-Dimensional Biomedical Images
* Segmentation d'images de mots manuscrits
* Segmentation non Supervisee d'Images Multispectrales par Chaines de Markov Cachees
* Selective Perception for Robot Driving
* Self-Calibrating Cameras in Video Surveillance
* Self-Calibration and Metric 3D Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* Semantik-basierte Gebäudeerfassung mit verkoppelten Markoff-Zufallsfeldern
* Sensing and Modeling Human Networks
* Sensor Fusion and Calibration of Inertial Sensors, Vision, Ultra-Wideband and GPS
* Sensor Fusion for Context-Aware Computing Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Sequential and Competitive Methods for the Estimation of Multiple Motions
* Shadow Geometry and Occluding Contours of Generalized Cylinders
* Shape and Motion from Image Streams: A Factorization Method
* Shape and Structure from Motion of Objects
* Shape Description from Sparse and Imperfect Data
* Shape from Shading and Bounding Contour
* Shape from Shading: A Method for Obtaining the Shape of a Smooth Opaque Object from One View
* Shape from Shadows: Theoretical and Computational Aspects
* Shape from Surface Markings
* Shape from Texture
* Shape from Textures: A Paradigm for Fusing Middle-Level Visual Cues
* Shape Matching and Object Recognition
* Shape Recognition: A Landmark-Based Approach
* Shape Representation from Curvature
* Shape Representations and Algorithms for 3D Model Retrieval
* Simulated Evolution of Robot Perception, The
* Simultaneous Multi-Frame Subpixel Boundary Definition using Toboggan-Based Intelligent Scissors for Image and Movie Editing
* Solar Based Navigation for Robotic Explorers
* Some Models and Methods in Image Segmentation
* Space Envelope Representation for 3D Scenes, The
* Space/Frequency Shape Inference and Segmentation of Textured 3D Surfaces
* Spatial Computation
* Spatial Representation, Reasoning and Control for a Surveillance System
* Specifying Parallel Processor Architectures for High-Level Computer Vision Algorithms
* Spectral Graph Matching, Learning, and Inference for Computer Vision
* Spectral Rounding and Image Segmentation
* Statistical Analysis of Natural Human Motion for Animation
* Statistical Approach to 3D Object Detection Applied to Faces and Cars, A
* Statistical Approaches to Multi-Scale Point Cloud Processing
* Statistical Modeling and Localization of Nonrigid and Articulated Shapes
* Statistical Object Recognition
* Statistical Shape Knowledge in Variational Image Segmentation
* Statistical Snakes: Active Region Models
* Steerable Filters and Analysis of Image Structure
* Stereo Matching in the Presence of Narrow Occluding Objects
* Stereo Tracking and Structure Recovery System, A
* Stereo Vision: Structural Correspondence and Curved Surface Reconstruction
* Steuerung dynamischer Systeme aufgrund bildhafter Informationen
* Story tracking in video news broadcasts
* Strategies of Robust Object Recognition for Automatic Identification of Human Faces
* StreetScenes: Towards Scene Understanding in Still Images
* Structural Analysis of Complex Aerial Photographs, A
* Structural Analysis of Natural Textures
* Structure from Chronogeneous Motion
* Studies in Image Segmentation Algorithms Based on Histogram Clustering and Relaxation
* Studies in Using Image Segmentation to Improve Object Recognition
* Study of Visual Shape Perception, A
* Style Constrained Quadratic Field Classifiers
* Surface and Volumetric Segmentation of Complex 3D Objects Using Parametric Shape Models
* Surface Description from Binocular Stereo
* Surface Perception from Local Analysis of Texture and Contour
* Surfaces from Stereo: An Integrated Approach
* Symmetric Objects in Multiple Affine Views
* Syntactic algorithms for image segmentation and a special computer architecture for image processing
* System for Engineering Flow Drawing Understanding, A
* System for Stereo Computer Vision with Geometric Models, A
* Task-Directed Sensor Fusion and Planning: A Computational Approach
* Taxonomy for Texture Description and Identification, A
* Technical innovations for the diagnosis and the rehabilitation of motor and perceptive impairments of the child with Cerebral Palsy
* Temporal Scene Analysis: Conceptual Descriptions of Object Movements
* Temporal Sequence Analysis Using Temporal Slices
* Textured Image Segmentation
* Three Dimensional Object Recognition Using Linear Features and Oriented Model Points
* Three Dimensional Reconstruction and Lay Planning for Industrial Automation
* Three Dimensional Structure from Active Shadowing
* Three-Dimensional Recognition of Solid Objects from a Two-Dimensional Image
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction by Active Integration of Visual Cues
* Three-Dimensional Shape Description Using the Symmetric Axis Transform
* Time-Frequency Analysis and its Applications in Denoising
* Topics on Generalized Convolution and Fourier Transforms: Theory and Applications in Digital Signal Processing and System Theory
* Toward a Computational Theory of Shape
* Toward Discrete Geometric Models for Early Vision
* Towards Fully Autonomous Visual Navigation
* Towards Infrared Image Understanding
* Towards Perceptual Intelligence: Statistical Modeling of Human Individual and Interactive Behaviors
* Towards Visual-Inertial SLAM for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Tracking Methods in Computer Vision
* Tracking: An Approach to Dynamic Vision and Hand-Eye Coordination
* Trainable System for Object Detection in Images and Video Sequences, A
* Twente Lower Extremity Model: Consistent Dynamic Simulation of the Human Locomoter Apparatus, The
* Two Results in Computer Vision using Projective Geometry
* Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition Applied to the Processing of Bank Cheques
* Understanding and Recreating Visual Appearance Under Natural Illumination
* Understanding Expressive Action
* Understanding Handwriting
* Understanding Objects from Slices
* Use of Color in Computational Vision, The
* Use of Constraints for Interpreting Three-Dimensional Scenes
* Use of Multiple Cameras and Geometric Constraints for 3-D Measurement, The
* Use of Zoom within Active Vision, The
* Variational methods for shape reconstruction in computer vision
* Vertex-Based Boundary Representations of Non-Manifold Geometric Models
* Video Linking
* Vision 3D non calibrée: Contributions à la reconstruction projective et étude des mouvements critiques pour láuto-calibrage
* Vision Based Tactical Driving
* Vision Stereoscopique et proprietes differentielles des surfaces
* Vision, Instruction and Action
* Vision-based 3-D Tracking of Humans in Action
* VISIT: An Efficient Computational Model of Human Visual Attention
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement for Human Kinematic Modeling, Motion Tracking and Rendering
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement for Human Kinematic Modeling, Motion Tracking and Rendering
* Visual Identification of People by Computer
* Visual Occlusion and the Interpretation of Ambiguous Pictures
* Visual recognition of multi-agent action
* Visual Stereoscopic Computation
* Volumetric Features for Video Event Detection
* YARF: An Open-Ended Framework for Robot Road Following
444 for Ph.D.

Index for "p"

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