Update Dates 0106

0106 * 3-D landmark detection and identification in the CAESAR project
* 3-D vector radix algorithm for the 3-D new mersenne number transform
* 3D capture for computer graphics
* 3D Face Modeling from Perspective-Views and Contour-Based Generic-Model
* 3D Hand Pose Reconstruction Using Specialized Mappings
* 3D LAMP: A New Layered Panoramic Representation
* 3D laser micro-sensor integrating control and data processing in an FPGA-based calculator, A
* 3D modeling of archaeological vessels using shape from silhouette
* 3D modeling system of human face and full 3D facial caricaturing
* 3D Object Recognition Using Shape Similarity-Based Aspect Graph
* 3D Object Tracking Using Shape-Encoded Particle Propagation
* 3D reconstruction from two orthogonal views using simulated annealing approach
* 3D-Mode: A 3D Modelling and Measurement System Using a Few Photos
* 4-Sensor Camera Calibration for Image Representation Invariant to Shading, Shadows, Lighting, and Specularities
* Accuracy of Rectification Using Topographic Map versus GPS Ground Control Points
* Accurate Catadioptric Calibration for Real-time Pose Estimation of Room-size Environments
* accurate operator splitting scheme for nonlinear diffusion filtering, An
* Accurate Optical Flow in Noisy Image Sequences
* Acquisition of three-dimensional information in a real environment by using the Stereo Omni-directional System (SOS)
* Active Appearance Models
* Adapting Object Recognition Across Domains: A Demonstration
* Adaptive recognition of documents using layout attributes
* Adjunctions in pyramids and curve evolution
* Affine 3-D Reconstruction from Two Projective Images of Independently Translating Planes
* Affine Calibration from Moving Objects
* Affine Invariant Edge Completion with Affine Geodesics
* Affine Invariant Erosion of 3D Shapes
* Affine transformations of 3D objects represented with neural networks
* Algebraic and PDE approaches for multi-scale image operators with global constraints: reference semi-lattice erosions and levelings
* Alignment of Non-Overlapping Sequences
* Ambiguous Configurations for the 1D Structure and Motion Problem
* AMILab, a 2D/3D Image Processing Software
* Analyses of error correction strategies for typical communication channels in watermarking
* Analysis of digital watermarks subjected to optimum linear filtering and additive noise
* Analysis of MinCut, Average Cut, and Normalized Cut Measures
* Application of partition-based median type filters for suppressing noise in images
* Application of wavelet transforms for C/V segmentation on Mandarin speech signals
* Approaches to a color scannerless range imaging system
* Approaching the Capacity Limit in Image Watermarking: A Perspective on Coding Techniques for Data Hiding Applications
* ARMA order selection method with fuzzy reasoning, An
* Articulated Soft Objects for Video-based Body Modeling
* Asymptotically Admissible Texture Synthesis
* Attack Modelling: Towards a Second Generation Watermarking Benchmark
* Audio Partitioning and Transcription for Broadcast Data Indexation
* Automated 3D Camera Tracking: looking backwards and forwards
* Automated 3D PDM Construction Using Deformable Models
* Automated Segmentation and Structural Analysis of Vascular Trees Using Deformable Models
* Automatic 3D modeling using range images obtained from unknown viewpoints
* Automatic Learning of Appearance Face Models
* Automatic Registration of 2-D with 3-D Imagery in Urban Environments
* Automatic Segmentation and Indexing in a Database of Bird Images
* Autonomous 3D Photogrammetric Approach to Airborne Video Geo-Registration, An
* AVENUE: Automated site modeling in urban environments
* Background Model Initialization Algorithm for Video Surveillance, A
* Bandwidth Allocation for the Transmission of Scalable MPEG Video Traffic with Deterministic Guarantees
* Bayesian object detection through level curves selection
* Bethe free energy, Kikuchi approximations, and belief propagation algorithms
* Beyond Lambert: Reconstructing Surfaces with Arbitrary BRDFs
* Bilateral Filtering and Anisotropic Diffusion: Towards a Unified Viewpoint
* Biologically Motivated, Precise and Simple Calibration and Reconstruction Using a Stereo Light Microscope
* Biorthogonal nearly coiflet wavelets for image compression
* Blind Removal of Image Non-Linearities
* Boundary Smoothing via Symmetry Transforms
* BraMBLe: A Bayesian Multiple-Blob Tracker
* Branch Points in One-Dimensional Gaussian Scale Space
* BRDF/BTF Measurement Device
* Calibration with Robust Use of Cheirality by Quasi-Affine Reconstruction of the Set of Camera Projection Centres
* Calibration-free approach to 3D reconstruction using light stripe projections on a cube frame
* Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction from Single Images Using Parallelepipeds
* Capturing Natural Hand Articulation
* Car Detection in Low Resolution Aerial Images
* CardEye: a Trinocular Active Vision System, The
* Caustics of Catadioptric Cameras
* change detection method for remotely sensed multispectral and multitemporal images using 3-D segmentation, A
* Characterisation of symmetric/antisymmetric orthonormal length-4 multi-filters
* Characterization of Inherent Stereo Ambiguities, A
* Cheirality in Epipolar Geometry
* Classification and evaluation of filters for wavelet coded videostreams
* Classification of document pages using structure-based features
* Classifying and Solving Minimal Structure and Motion Problems with Missing Data
* Cloning Your Own Face with a Desktop Camera
* Co-inference Approach to Robust Visual Tracking, A
* Cognition of Free Space for Planning the Shortest Path: A Framed Free Space Approach
* Color Constancy Using KL-Divergence
* Color differential structure
* Color Eigenflows: Statistical Modeling of Joint Color Changes
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Tensor Voting
* Colour Photometric Stereo: Simultaneous Reconstruction of Local Gradient and Colour of Rough Textured Surfaces
* Combing porcupine via stereographic direction diffusion
* Combining digital images based on three-dimensional relationships between source image data sets
* Combining EMS-Vision and Horopter Stereo for Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicle
* Combining off- and on-line calibration of a digital camera
* Combining Single View Recognition and Multiple View Stereo for Architectural Scenes
* Combining Total Variation and Wavelet Packet Approaches for Image Deblurring
* Compact 3D profilometer with grazing incidence diffraction optics
* Compact and portable 3D camera for space applications
* Comparison of the multilayer perceptron with neuro-fuzzy techniques in the estimation of cover class mixture in remotely sensed data
* Compiling SA-C Programs to FPGAs: Performance Results
* Complex character decomposition using deformable model
* Complex diffusion processes for image filtering
* Complex statistics of high contrast patches in natural images, The
* Complexity, Confusion, and Perceptual Grouping. Part I: The Curve-like Representation
* Complexity, Confusion, and Perceptual Grouping. Part I: The Curve-like Representation
* Complexity, Confusion, and Perceptual Grouping. Part II: Mapping Complexity
* Complexity, Confusion, and Perceptual Grouping. Part II: Mapping Complexity
* Complexity-Regularized Image Denoising
* Computationally Efficient Face Detection
* Computer program product for redeye detection
* computer-based system to support forensic studies on handwritten documents, A
* Computing camera positions from a multi-camera head
* Computing optic flow by scale-space integration of normal flow
* Computing Optical Flow with Physical Models of Brightness Variation
* Computing Visual Correspondence with Occlusions via Graph Cuts
* Concentric Mosaic(s), Planar Motion and 1D Cameras
* Conceptualization and Modeling of Visual Patterns
* Confidence and Curvature Estimation of Curvilinear Structures in 3-D
* Constrained Active Appearance Models
* Constructing Structures of Facial Identities on the View Sphere Using Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Content-Based Video Retrieval by Integrating Spatio-Temporal and Stochastic recognition of events
* Continuous Global Evidence-Based Bayesian Modality Fusion for Simultaneous Tracking of Multiple Objects
* Contour Grouping with Strong Prior Models
* Control of Home Appliances Using Face and Hand Sign Recognition
* Convex optimization approach to identity fusion for multisensor target tracking
* Convex Relaxation for Figure-Ground Discrimination and Perceptual Grouping
* Cortex Segmentation: A Fast Variational Geometric Approach
* Curve Evolution Approach for Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Flows, A
* Data broadcasting and seamless channel transition for highly demanded videos
* Data-Driven Model for Monocular Face Tracking, A
* Database of Human Segmented Natural Images and its Application to Evaluating Segmentation Algorithms and Measuring Ecological Statistics, A
* Deformable Shape Detection and Description via Model-Based Region Grouping
* Demonstration of Handprinted Symbol Recognition, A
* Demonstration of Segmentation with Interactive Graph Cuts
* Depth from Defocus in Presence of Partial Self Occlusion
* Deriving Intrinsic Images from Image Sequences
* Detecting independently moving objects and their interactions in georeferenced airborne video
* Detecting Semantic Concepts Using Context and Audio/Visual Features
* Determining Reflectance Parameters and Illumination Distribution from a Sparse Set of Images for View-dependent Image Synthesis
* Dictionary design for text image compression with JBIG2
* Diffusion-Snakes: Combining Statistical Shape Knowledge and Image Information in a Variational Framework
* Diffusions and Confusions in Signal and Image Processing
* Dimensional Analysis of Image Motion
* Dimensionality Reduction in Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Gaussian Networks
* Do Ambiguous Reconstructions Always Give Ambiguous Images?
* Do We Really Have to Consider Covariance Matrices for Image Features?
* Document image template matching based on component block list
* Document Restoration Using 3D Shape: A General Deskewing Algorithm for Arbitrarily Warped Documents
* Double-Loop Algorithm to Minimize the Bethe and Kikuchi Free Energies, A
* Down-scaling for better transform compression
* Driver's drowsiness detection method of drowsy driving warning system
* Dual hidden Markov model for characterizing wavelet coefficients from multi-aspect scattering data
* Dual-beam structured-light scanning for 3-D object modeling
* Dynamic Textures
* Earth Mover's Distance is the Mallows Distance: Some Insights from Statistics, The
* Edge Detection by Helmholtz Principle
* Edge-directed prediction for lossless compression of natural images
* Edge-Preserving Image Reconstruction Using Neural Network, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Overlapping a Sequence of Images
* Efficient Computation of Kernel Density Estimation using Fast Gauss Transform with Applications for segmentation and tracking
* Efficient Dense Depth Estimation from Dense Multiperspective Panoramas
* Efficient Selective Frame Discard Algorithms for Stored Video Delivery Across Resource Constrained Networks
* Efficient Sequential Karhunen-Loeve Basis Extraction
* Efficient variants of the ICP algorithm
* EM Algorithm for Video Summarization, Generative Model Approach, An
* Embedded Video Coding Using Invertible Motion Compensated 3-D Subband/Wavelet Filter Bank
* Empirical evaluation of a calibration chart detector
* Empirical Filter Estimation for Subpixel Interpolation and Matching
* Epipolar Geometry from Profiles under Circular Motion
* Error Analysis of Pure Rotation-Based Self-Calibration
* Error characterization of Parallel Perspective Stereo Mosaics
* Error Resilient Two-Layer H.263-based Codecs for ATM Environments
* Estimation and Interpretation of Discontinuities in Optical Flow Fields
* Estimation of elastic constants from 3D range-flow
* Euclidean Reconstruction and Auto-Calibration from Continuous Motion
* Exact Method for Computing the Area Moments of Wavelet and Spline Curves, An
* Example-Based Facial Sketch Generation with Non-parametric Sampling
* Expectation-Maximisation Framework for Segmentation and Grouping, An
* Exploring nonlinear diffusion: the diffusion echo
* Extension of Fourier-Wavelet Volume Rendering by View Interpolation, An
* Extract and display moving object in all direction by using stereo omnidirectional system (SOS)
* Faber-Schauder Wavelet Transform, Application to Edge Detection and Image Characterization
* Face Recognition with Support Vector Machines: Global versus Component-based Approach
* FaceTracker: A Human Face Tracking and Facial Organ Localizing System
* Facial Gestures
* Fast Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search Based on a Lower Bound Tree
* Fast and Accurate Algorithms for Projective Multi-Image Structure from Motion
* Fast Fully Data-Driven Image Restoration by means of Edge-Preserving Regularization
* fast minimal path active contour model, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithms for a Broad Class of Nonlinear Variational Diffusion Approaches
* Fast prototyping of parallel-vision applications using functional skeletons
* Fast range image segmentation by an edge detection strategy
* Fast statistical level sets image segmentation for biomedical applications
* Fast Surface Reconstruction Using the Level Set Method
* Fault-Tolerant Distributed Vision System Architecture for Object Tracking in a Smart Room, A
* Feature Based Object Recognition using Statistical Occlusion Models with One-to-one Correspondence
* Feature Selection from Huge Feature Sets
* Feature-Level and Decision-Level Fusion of Noncoincidently Sampled Sensors for Land Mine Detection
* Features in scale-space: progress on the 2D 2nd order jet
* Fiber Tract Mapping from Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Field Model for Contour Organization and Partial Differential Equations, A
* Finding Anomalies in an Arbitrary Image
* Finding Perceptually Closed Paths in Sketches and Drawings
* Fingerprint classification using an AM-FM model
* Fisher keys for content based retrieval
* Fixed Queries Array: A Fast and Economical Data Structure for Proximity Searching
* Flame Front Matching and Tracking in PLIF Images Using Geodesic Paths and Level Sets
* Flowing toward coherence: On the geometry of texture and shading flows
* Flux Maximizing Geometric Flows
* Folds and Cuts: How Shading Flows Into Edges
* Foreground Segmentation Using Adaptive Mixture Models in Color and Depth
* Forward error correction (FEC) codes based multiple description coding for internet video streaming and multicast
* Fourier Vision: Segmentation and Velocity Measurement Using the Fourier Transform
* Framework for Generic State Estimation in Computer Vision Applications, A
* Framework for Segmentation of Talk and Game Shows, A
* From Few to Many: Illumination Cone Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose
* From Markov Random Fields to Associative Memories and Back: Spin Glass Markov Random Fields
* From watermark detection to watermark decoding: a PPM approach
* Fusion of multiple handwritten word recognition techniques
* Future of 3D Video, The
* Fuzzy algorithms for combined quantization and dithering
* G-factors: Relating Distributions on Features to Distributions on Images
* Gabor Feature Classifier for Face Recognition, A
* Gaussian convolutions: numerical approximations based on interpolation
* General Imaging Model and a Method for Finding its Parameters, A
* Generalized Mosaicing
* Generation of geometric model by registration and integration of multiple range images
* Generative Model for Image Contours: A Completely Characterized Non-Gaussian Joint Distribution, A
* Generic multi-scale segmentation and curve approximation method
* Geodesic active contours applied to texture feature space
* Geometrical Fundamentals of Polycentric Panoramas
* Geometry motivated variational segmentation for color images
* Gesture-based interaction and communication: Automated Classification of Hand Gesture Contours
* Global Matching Framework for Stereo Computation, A
* Globally convergent iterative numerical schemes for nonlinear variational image smoothing and segmentation on a multiprocessor machine
* Gradient Vector Flow Fast Geodesic Active Contours
* Grouping Using Regions: A Consistency Study
* Guaranteeing the probability of success using repeated runs of genetic algorithm
* Guest Editor's Introduction
* Guest Editorial: Adaptive Real-Time Multimedia Transmission over Packet Switching Networks
* Guest Editorial: Content-Based Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval
* Guest Editorial: Fast Energy-Minimization-Based Imaging and Vision Techniques
* Guest Editors' Introduction
* Guest Editors' Introduction
* Guiding Random Particles by Deterministic Search
* Handwriting Recognition System Based on Visual Input, A
* Harmonics Extraction Based on Higher Order Statistics Spectrum Decomposition for A Unified Texture Model
* Hierarchical Motion History Images for Recognizing Human Motion
* Hierarchical Pre-Segmentation without Prior Knowledge
* Hierarchical segmentation using dynamics of multi-scale color gradient watersheds
* Hierarchical unsupervised learning of facial expression categories
* Hierarchies of partitions and morphological segmentation
* High Dynamic Range Panoramic Imaging
* High-Resolution DEMs for Urban Applications from NAPP Photography
* Hilbert transform pairs of wavelet bases
* Hough transform algorithm for FPGA implementation
* How much 3D-information can we acquire? optical range sensors at the physical limit, and where to apply them
* Human Tracking in Multiple Cameras
* Human Tracking with Mixtures of Trees
* Identification of Shapes Using A Nonlinear Dynamic System
* Illumination Insensitive Eigenspaces
* illumination invariant algorithm for subpixel accuracy image stabilization and its effect on MPEG-2 video compression, An
* Image analysis for using histograms of infinitestimal neighbourhoods
* Image Detection Under Varying Illumination and Pose
* Image Fusion Based on Median Filters and SOFM Neural Networks: A Three-Step Scheme
* Image fusion by using steerable pyramid
* Image processing apparatus, image processing method, navigation apparatus, program storage device and computer data signal embodied in carrier wave
* Image registration for motion artifact reduction in digital subtraction angiography
* Image Registration, Optical Flow and Local Rigidity
* Image Registration, Optical Flow and Local Rigidity
* Image restoration by minimizing objective functions with non-smooth data-fidelity terms
* Image Segmentation by Data-Driven Markov Chain Monte Carlo
* Image Segmentation with Minimum Mean Cut
* Impact of Viewing Geometry on Vision Through the Atmosphere, The
* Improving a Real-Time Neural-Based Stereo Vision System
* Improving AR using Shadows Arising from Natural Illumination Distribution in Video Sequences
* Improving the Hough Transform gathering process for affine transformations
* In process 3D-sensing for laser material processing
* Incorporating Differential Constraints in a 3D Reconstruction Process. Application to Stereo
* Incorporating Process Knowledge into Object Recognition for Assemblies
* Indentation and protrusion detection and its applications
* Indexing Based on Scale Invariant Interest Points
* Industrial bank check processing: the A2iA CheckReaderTM
* Inference of Segmented Overlapping Surfaces from Binocular and Multiple-View Stereo
* influence of the g-parameter on feature detection with automatic scale selection, The
* Information theoretic aspects in digital watermarking
* Integrated Approach to 3D Face Model Reconstruction from Video, An
* Integrated Framework for Efficient Transport of Real-Time MPEG Video over ATM Best Effort Service, An
* Integrated Tensor Voting in Multiple Scales for Shape Description in 3D
* Integration of Wireless Gesture Tracking, Object Tracking, and 2D Reconstruction in the Perceptive Workbench
* Intelligibility improvements using binaural diverse sub-band processing applied to speech corrupted with automobile noise
* Interactive Graph Cuts for Optimal Boundary and Region Segmentation of Objects in N-D Images
* Interactive image retrieval using fuzzy sets
* Invariant Mixture Recognition in Hyperspectral Images
* Invariant pattern identification by self-organising networks
* Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography: I. Fourier Laplace inversion formulas
* Inverse quantization of digital binary images for resolution conversion
* Inverse scale-space theory for inverse problems
* JetStream: Probabilistic Contour Extraction with Particles
* Joint Feature Distributions for Image Correspondence
* Joint optimization of VQ codebooks and QAM signal constellations for AWGN channels
* Kernel Machine Based Learning for Multi-View Face Detection and Pose Estimation
* KGBR Viewpoint-Lighting Ambiguity and its Resolution by Generic Constraints, The
* Knowledge-Based Boundary Delineation System for Contrast Ventriculograms, A
* Lambertian Reflectance and Linear Subspaces
* Land cover dependence in the detection of contaminated pixels in satellite optical data
* laser range scanner designed for minimum calibration complexity, A
* Learning Image Statistics for Bayesian Tracking
* Learning Inhomogeneous Gibbs Model of Faces by Minimax Entropy
* Learning Local Evidence for Shading and Reflectance
* Learning Low Dimensional Invariant Signature of 3-D Object under Varying View and Illumination from 2-D Appearances
* Learning Spectral Calibration Parameters for Color Inspection
* Learning the Semantics of Words and Pictures
* Level Set Algorithm for minimizing the Mumford-Shah functional in Image Processing, A
* Leveraging corporate context within knowledge-based document analysis and understanding
* Linear Dual-Space Approach to 3D Surface Reconstruction from Occluding Contours using Algebraic Surfaces, A
* Linear Multi View Reconstruction and Camera Recovery
* Loop Filtering and Post-Filtering for Low-Bit-Rates Moving Picture Coding
* Loss resilient H.263+ video over the Internet
* Markov Face Models
* Matching Shapes
* Maximum Likelihood Framework for Iterative Eigendecomposition, A
* Method and apparatus for depth modelling and providing depth information of moving objects
* Method and apparatus to determine golf ball trajectory and flight
* Method and system for real time feature based motion analysis for key frame selection from a video
* method for the registration of attributed range images, A
* method of style discrimination of oil painting based on 3D range data, A
* Mixed-Signal Architecture for Real-Time Two-Dimensional Live TV Image Restoration
* MOBSY: Integration of Vision and Dialogue in Service Robots
* Model-Based Bundle Adjustment with Application to Face Modeling
* Model-Based Initialisation of Vehicle Tracking: Dependency on Illumination
* Model-based Temporal Object Verification Using Video
* Modeling from reality
* Modelling Faces Dynamically across Views and Over Time
* Modified Version of the K-Means Algorithm with a Distance Based on Cluster Symmetry, A
* Modular Software Architecture for Real-Time Video Processing, A
* Morphological tools for robust key region extraction and video shot modeling
* Mosaic generation and sprite-based coding with automatic foreground and background separation
* Motion Estimation from Disparity Images
* Motion Segmentation and Tracking with Edge Relaxation and Optimization using Fully Parallel Methods in the Cellular Nonlinear Network Architecture
* Motion Segmentation by Subspace Separation and Model Selection
* Motor Extended Kalman Filter: A Geometric Approach for Rigid Motion Estimation, The
* Movement detector
* Multi-Agent Event Recognition
* Multi-Frame Infinitesimal Motion Model for the Reconstruction of (Dynamic) Scenes with Multiple Linearly Moving Objects
* Multi-Modal Dialog Scene Detection Using Hidden Markov Models for Content-Based Multimedia Indexing
* multi-scale feature likelihood map for direct evaluation of object hypotheses, A
* Multi-View Scene Capture by Surfel Sampling: From Video Streams to Non-Rigid 3D Motion, Shape and Reflectance
* Multigradient: a new neural network learning algorithm for pattern classification
* Multigrid Convergence of Calculated Features in Image Analysis
* Multimodal 3D tracking and Event Detection via the Particle Filter
* Multiple classifiers for color flag and trademark image retrieval
* Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping using Minimal Paths
* Multiple Contour Finding and Perceptual Grouping using Minimal Paths
* Multiple Motion Scene Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Views
* Multiple View Geometry of Non-planar Algebraic Curves
* Multiple-view constrained video registration and its applications
* Multiresolution detection of spiculated lesions in digital mammograms
* nearest neighbor method for efficient ICP, A
* New Imaging Model, A
* New Model and Reconstruction Method for 2D PET Based on Transforming Detector Tube Data into Detector Arc Data, A
* new normalization technique for cursive handwritten words, A
* New Perspectives on Geometric Reflection Theory From Rough Surfaces
* new subaperture approach to high squint SAR processing, A
* New Variational Image Restoration Applied to 3D Angiographies, A
* Noise in Bilinear Problems
* Non-Linear Scale-Spaces Isomorphic to the Linear Case with Applications to Scalar, Vector and Multispectral Images
* Non-Linear Scale-Spaces Isomorphic to the Linear Case with Applications to Scalar, Vector and Multispectral Images
* Non-Parametric Motion Activity Analysis for Statistical Retrieval with Partial Query
* Nonlinear Mapping of Multi-View Face Patterns Into a Zero Mean Gaussian Distribution in a Low Dimensional Space
* Nonlinear multigrid algorithms for bayesian optical diffusion tomography
* Nonparametric genetic clustering: comparison of validity indices
* note on two classical shock filters and their asymptotics, A
* novel approach to the derivation of fuzzy membership functions using the Falcon-MART architecture, A
* novel direction-finding method for cyclostationary signals, A
* Novel Modeling Algorithm for Shape Recovery of Unknown Topology, A
* novel SVD- and VQ-based image hiding scheme, A
* Numerical modeling of transmission errors and video quality of MPEG-2
* Occlusion Robust Adaptive Template Tracking
* Omni-Rig: Linear Self-Recalibration of a Rig with Varying Internal and External Parameters
* On affine Invariance in the Beltrami Framework for Vision
* On Averaging Rotations
* On Averaging Rotations
* On Cosine-Fourth and Vignetting Effects in Real Lenses
* On Dynamic SFM and Other Recent Advances in Realtime Video Processing for Mobile Platforms
* On Projection Matrices P^k, -> P^2, k=,3..., 6, and their Applications in Computer Vision
* On smoothness measures of active contours and surfaces
* On the behavior of spatial critical points under Gaussian blurring
* On the Complexity of Probabilistic Image Retrieval
* On the Fourier Properties of Discontinuous Motion
* On the Incorporation of Shape Priors into Geometric Active Contours
* On the Incorporation of Time-delay Regularization into Curvature-Based Diffusion
* One-Dimensional Analog VLSI Implementation for Nonlinear Real-Time Signal Preprocessing, A
* Optimal Algorithm for Shape from Shading and Path Planning
* Optimal and suboptimal shape tracking based on multiple switched dynamic models
* Optimal Mass Transport and Image Registration
* Optimal Method for the Affine F-Matrix and Its Uncertainty Estimation in the Sense of both Noise and Outliers
* Optimal Motion Estimation from Multiview Normalized Epipolar Constraint
* Optimal transform domain watermark embedding via linear programming
* Optimum bit allocation in subband coding with nonideal reconstruction filters
* Oriented texture completion by AM-FM reaction-diffusion
* Pairwise Face Recognition
* Parallel Image Restoration with Domain Decomposition
* parallel iterative closest point algorithm, The
* Parallel-Perspective Stereo Mosaics
* PCRTT Enhancement for Off-Line Video Smoothing
* People Tracking Using Hybrid Monte Carlo Filtering
* Perceptual Grouping by Path Based Clustering
* Perceptual Grouping for Image Retrieval and Classification
* Perceptual organization as graph rectification in a constraint-based scheme for interpreting sloppy stick figures
* Perceptual Organization as Object Recognition Divided by Two
* Perceptually Uniform Color Spaces for Color Texture Analysis: An Empirical Evaluation
* Performance Evaluation of Stereo for Tele-presence
* performance of layered video over an IP network, The
* Photometric Image-Based Rendering for Image Generation in Arbitrary Illumination
* physically-based model for real-time facial expression animation, A
* Physics-based colour image segmentation for scenes containing vegetation and soil
* Physics-based Model Acquisition and Identification in Airborne Spectral Images
* Picture quality optimization in ABR video services
* Plan-View Trajectory Estimation with Dense Stereo Background Models
* Planar patch extraction with noisy depth data
* Plane-based Projective Reconstruction
* Polyhedral set operations for 3D discrete object deformation
* Precise Sub-Pixel Estimation on Area-Based Matching
* Probabilistic Data Association Methods for Tracking Complex Visual Objects
* Probabilistic Framework for Segmenting People Under Occlusion
* Probabilistic Framework for Space Carving, A
* Probabilistic Learning and Modelling of Object Dynamics for Tracking
* Probabilistic Tracking in a Metric Space
* Processes for generating spherical image data sets and products made thereby
* Processing range data for reverse engineering and virtual reality
* Projective Structure and Motion from Two Views of a Piecewise Planar Scene
* Propagation of Innovative Information in Non-Linear Least-Squares Structure from Motion
* Pseudo-Distance Map for the Segmentation-Free Skeletonization of Gray-Scale Images, A
* Radar and Vision Data Fusion for Hybrid Cruise Control on Highways
* Range image registration: A software platform and empirical evaluation
* Real Time Visual Cues Extraction for Monitoring Driver Vigilance
* Real-time 3-D Hand Posture Estimation based on 2-D Appearance Retrieval Using Monocular Camera
* Real-time Automated Concurrent Visual Tracking of Many Animals and Subsequent Behavioral Compilation
* Real-Time Disparity Maps for Immersive 3-D Teleconferencing by Hybrid Recursive Matching and Census Transform
* Real-Time Feature Tracking and Outlier Rejection with Changes in Illumination
* Real-time geometrical tracking and pose estimation using laser triangulation and photogrammetry
* Real-Time Implementation of Nonlinear Unsharp Masking with FPLDs, A
* Real-Time Stereo Tracking of Multiple Moving Heads
* Real-Time Tracking of Highly Articulated Structures in the Presence of Noisy Measurements
* Real-Time Video Phase-Locked Loops
* Real-time Virtual Object Insertion
* Real-Time Vision Module for Interactive Perceptual Agents, A
* real-time visual postprocessor for MPEG-coded video sequences, A
* Realistic image synthesis of plant structures for genetic analysis
* Recognition of olfactory signals based on supervised fuzzy C-means and k-NN algorithms
* Recognition of Shapes by Editing Shock Graphs
* Recognizing action events from multiple viewpoints
* Recognizing Large 3-D Objects through Next View Planning using an Uncalibrated Camera
* Reconstructing Surfaces Using Anisotropic Basis Functions
* Reconstructing Textured CAD Model or Urban Environment using Vehicle-borne Laser Range Scanners and Line Cameras
* Reconstructing urban 3D model using vehicle-borne laser range scanners
* Reconstruction of complex environments by robust pre-aligned ICP
* Reconstruction of degraded image sequences. Application to film restoration
* Reconstruction of Movies of Facial Expressions
* Reconstruction of surfaces behind occlusions in range images
* Reconstruction-Based Recognition of Scenes with Translationally Repeated Quadrics
* Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking
* Refining triangle meshes by non-linear subdivision
* Region Extraction from Multiple Images
* Region Segmentation via Deformable Model-Guided Split and Merge
* Regions-of-Interest and Spatial Layout for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Regularization of ortho-normal vector sets using coupled PDE's
* Reliable 3D surface acquisition, registration and validation using statistical error models
* Robust Auto-Focusing Algorithm for Medical Ultrasound: Consistent Phase References from Scaled Cross-Correlation Functions, A
* Robust Histogram Construction from Color Invariants
* Robust Interest Points Matching Algorithm, A
* Robust multi-scale non-rigid registration of 3D ultrasound images
* Robust online detection of pipeline corrosion from range data
* Robust Principal Component Analysis for Computer vision
* Robust Real Time Object Detection
* Robust Real-Time Face Detection
* Robust recognition and pose determination of 3-D objects using range images in eigenspace approach
* role of information theory in watermarking and its application to image watermarking, The
* RPV-II: A stream-based real-time parallel vision system and its application to real-time volume reconstruction
* Sample-based Synthesis of Talking Heads
* Scalable video coding with robust mode selection
* Scale-space theories for scalar and vector images
* Scale-spaces, PDE's, and scale invariance
* Scale-time kernels and models
* Search space reduction in the edge based stereo matching by context of disparity gradient limit
* Segmentation and range sensing using a moving-aperture lens
* Segmentation and recognition of Chinese bank check amounts
* Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Human Activity
* Segmentation of shapes
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac MR Images
* Segmentation with Pairwise Attraction and Repulsion
* segmentation-based method to retrieve stem volume estimates from 3-D tree height models produced by laser scanners, A
* Segmentation-free estimation of length distributions using sieves and RIA morphology
* Selecting Objects With Freehand Sketches
* Selection of Optimal Stopping Time for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Self-Calibrating Camera Projector Systems for Interactive Displays and Presentations
* Self-Calibration of a Stereo Rig Using Monocular Epipolar Geometry
* self-referenced hand-held range sensor, A
* Self-Referencing Level-Set Method for Image Reconstruction from Sparse Fourier Samples, A
* Self-Supervised Learning for Object Recognition based on Kernel Discriminant-EM Algorithm
* Separating Appearance from Deformation
* Separation of Multiple Objects in Motion Images by Clustering
* Sequential Monte Carlo Fusion of Sound and Vision for Speaker Tracking
* Shadow Carving
* Shape Deformation: SVM Regression and Application to Medical Image Segmentation
* Shape from Texture and Integrability
* Shape Recovery and Analysis of Large Screw Threads
* Shot Change Detection Using Scene-Based Constraint
* Simple and Efficient Template Matching Algorithm, A
* Simulations of Ground-Penetrating Radars over Lossy and Heterogeneous Grounds
* Simultaneous Estimation of Super-Resolved Intensity and Depth Maps from Low Resolution Defocused Observations of a Scene
* Skew detection and block classification of printed documents
* Smarter Presentations: Exploiting Homography in Camera-Projector Systems
* Solving an Inverse Diffusion Problem for Magnetic Resonance Dosimetry by a Fast Regularization Method
* Space of All Stereo Images, The
* Sparse Coding in Practice
* Sparse PCA: Extracting Multi-scale Structure from Data
* Specialized Hardware for Real-Time Navigation
* Spectral Mixture Analysis: Linear and Semi-parametric Full and Iterated Partial Unmixing in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Data
* Spectral Mixture Analysis: Linear and Semi-parametric Full and Iterated Partial Unmixing in Multi- and Hyperspectral Image Data
* Split Aperture Imaging for High Dynamic Range
* Stabilisation of fast QRD inverse-updates adaptive filtering algorithm
* Stability of image restoration by minimizing regularized objective functions
* Statistical analysis of a watermarking system based on Bernoulli chaotic sequences
* Statistical Approach to Background Subtraction for Surveillance Systems, A
* Statistical Calibration of the CCD Imaging Process
* Statistical Context Priming for Object Detection
* Statistical Image Object Recognition using Mixture Densities
* Stereo Matching by Compact Windows via Minimum Ratio Cycle
* stereo-vision system for support of planetary surface exploration, A
* Stereoscopic Segmentation
* Stochastic Processes in Vision: From Langevin to Beltrami
* Stochastic Rigidity: Image Registration for Nowhere-Static Scenes
* Stochastic Road Shape Estimation
* Stripe Boundary Codes for Real-Time Structured-Light Range Scanning of Moving Objects
* Stroboscopic stereo rangefinder
* Structure and Motion from Silhouettes
* Structure and motion from two uncalibrated views using points on planes
* Structure from Motion Using Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
* summary of Geometric Level-Set Analogues for a General Class of Parametric Active Contour and Surface Models, A
* Surface Matching by 3D Point's Fingerprint
* Surface Reflectance Estimation and Natural Illumination Statistics
* Survey of Application Layer Techniques for Adaptive Streaming of Multimedia, A
* Syntax based error concealment
* System and Method for Generation of a Three-Dimensional Solid Model
* System for enhancing a video presentation
* System to Navigate a Robot into a Ship Structure, A
* Target tracking using hierarchical grey-fuzzy motion decision-making method
* Technique for design of two-channel approximately linear phase QMF filter bank and its application to image compression
* Tele-Graffiti: A Pen and Paper-Based Remote Sketching System
* Template Learning from Atomic Representations: A Wavelet Based Approach to Pattern Analysis
* Template Matching Approach to Content Based Image Indexing by Low Dimensional Euclidean Embedding
* Template matching image processor utilizing sub image pixel sums and sum of squares thresholding
* Temporal Events in All Dimensions and Scales
* Three-dimensional shape modeling with extended hyperquadrics
* ToCAI Description Scheme for Indexing and Retrieval of Multimedia Documents, The
* Tolerance control with high resolution 3D measurements
* Topology Free Hidden Markov Models: Application to Background Modeling
* Total variation based oversampling of noisy images
* Total Variation Minimization by the Fast Level Sets Transform
* Towards a unified approach for tracking and analysis of human motion
* Towards Real-Time Multi-Modality 3-D Medical Image Registration
* Towards Robust Multi-Cue Integration for Visual Tracking
* Towards Statistical Image Restoration: Perceptual Grouping as Regularizing Operators
* Tracking of multi-state hand models using particle filtering and a hierarchy of multi-scale image features
* Tracking with Attributes Using Probabilistic Techniques
* Triangular Spatial Relationship: A New Approach for Spatial Knowledge Representation
* True Single View Point Cone Mirror Omni-Directional Catadioptric System
* Trust-Region Methods for Real-Time Tracking
* Unambigous Determination of Shape from Photometric Stereo with Unknown Light Sources
* Uncalibrated Motion Capture Exploiting Articulated Structure Constraints
* Understanding Gestalt Cues and Ecological Statistics Using A Database of Human Segmented Images
* Use of blur-space for deblurring and edge-preserving noise smoothing
* User-aware object-based video transmission over the next generation Internet
* Using Scene Constraints during the Calibration Procedure
* Using the Active Appearance Algorithm for Face and Facial Feature Tracking
* Using the vector distance functions to evolve manifolds of arbitrary codimension
* Variable Bandwidth Mean Shift and Data-Driven Scale Selection, The
* Variational Approach for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in MR Cardiac Images, A
* Variational Approach to Multi-Modal Image Matching, A
* Variational Model for Filling-in Gray Level and Color Images, A
* Variational Optic Flow Computation with a Spatio-Temporal Smoothness Constraint
* Variational problems and Partial Differential Equations on implicit surfaces: the framework and examples in Image Processing and pattern formation
* Versatile Method for Trifocal Tensor Estimation, A
* Very High Accuracy Velocity Estimation using Orientation Tensors, Parametric Motion, and Simultaneous Segmentation of the Motion Field
* Vicarious calibration of airborne hyperspectral sensors in operational environments
* Video Georegistration: Algorithm and Quantitative Evaluation
* Video Objects Segmentation Using Eulerian Region-Based Active Contours
* Video Phase-Locked Loops in Gait Recognition
* Video Registration and Motion Estimation: A Retrospective
* Video-based online face recognition using identity surfaces
* View planning with a registration constraint
* View-Based Clustering of Object Appearances Based on Independent Subspace Analysis
* View-Invariant Representation and Learning of Human Action
* Viewpoint Invariant Texture Matching and Wide Baseline Stereo
* Virtual Cameras through Video Mosaicing
* Vision System for Autonomous Ground Vehicles With a Wide Range of Maneuvering Capabilities, A
* Vision-Based Particle Tracking Velocimetry, A
* Visual Learning by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Methods
* Visual Servoing Invariant to Changes in Camera Intrinsic Parameters
* VLSI Design Methodology for Edge-Preserving Image Reconstruction
* VLSI Implementation of Discrete Wavelet Transform for Lossless Compression of Medical Images
* Wavelet-based very low bit-rate video coding using image warping and overlapped block motion compensation
* What do features tell about images?
* What Value Covariance Information in Estimating Vision Parameters?
* Why Eigenfaces (don't) Work
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.