* *Combinatorial Image Analysis
* *International Gesture Workshop
* *Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* *Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* *UCF Action Recogniton Dataset 101
* 2D Shapes Classification Using BLAST
* 3-D Volume Reconstruction of Skin Lesions for Melanin and Blood Volume Estimation and Lesion Severity Analysis
* 385 MHz 13.54 K Gates Delay Balanced Two-Level CAVLC Decoder for Ultra HD H.264/AVC Video, A
* 3D Filtering of High-Resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* 3D Shape Classification Using Commute Time
* 3D Surface Reconstruction: Multi-Scale Hierarchical Approaches
* 3D-TV System with Depth-Image-Based Rendering: Architectures, Techniques and Challenges
* 4-D Reconstruction for Dynamic Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography
* Abandoned Object's Owner Detection: A Case Study of Hybrid Mobile-Fixed Video Surveillance System
* Abnormal Object Detection Using Feedforward Model and Sequential Filters
* Acceleration of fractal image compression using fuzzy clustering and discrete-cosine-transform-based metric
* Accurate Reconstruction of Near-Epipolar Line Segments from Stereo Aerial Images
* Acquisition of Multimedia Ontology: An Application in Preservation of Cultural Heritage
* Action Recognition from Experience
* Active Graph Matching Based on Pairwise Probabilities between Nodes
* Activity Analysis in Complicated Scenes Using DFT Coefficients of Particle Trajectories
* Adaptive Autoregressive Logarithmic Search for 3D Human Tracking
* Adjacencies for Structuring the Digital Plane
* Advanced Approach for Automatic Extraction of Planar Surfaces and their Topology from Point Clouds, An
* Aerial Imagery of World War One: A Unique Source for Conflict and Landscape Archaeology, The
* Age Determination of Martian Low Shield Volcanoes by Crater Size-Frequency Measurements
* Algorithms for a real-time HDR video system
* Algorithms for computing diffuse reflection paths in polygons
* Algorithms of Multi-Modal Route Planning Based on the Concept of Switch Point
* Alignment and Morphing for the Boundary Curves of Anatomical Organs
* Analyse hyperspektraler Signaturen mit doppelten Weibull-Funktionen
* Analysis and Description of Blinking in French Sign Language for Automatic Generation
* Analysis and VLSI Implementation of EWA Rendering for Real-Time HD Video Applications
* Analysis of Co-training Algorithm with Very Small Training Sets
* Analysis of Cross-Seasonal Spectral Response from Kettle Holes: Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Chlorophyll Estimation
* Analysis of Historic Maps and Images for Research on Urban Development of Baalbek/Lebanon
* Analysis of Image Sequences for the Detection and Monitoring of Moving Traffic
* Analysis of MODIS LST Compared with WRF Model and in situ Data over the Waimakariri River Basin, Canterbury, New Zealand
* Analyzing the Subspaces Obtained by Dimensionality Reduction for Human Action Recognition from 3d Data
* Angular Heuristics for Coverage Maximization in Multi-camera Surveillance
* Antarctic Coastline Detection using Snakes
* Appearance-Based Re-identification of Humans in Low-Resolution Videos Using Means of Covariance Descriptors
* Applicability of the Thermal Infrared Spectral Region for the Prediction of Soil Properties Across Semi-Arid Agricultural Landscapes
* Applying Advanced Techniques to the Dissemination of Satellite Based Crisis Information
* Approaches for geometrical and semantic modelling of huge unstructured 3D point clouds
* Approximate Axial Symmetries from Continuous Time Quantum Walks
* Arctic Ecological Classifications Derived from Vegetation Community and Satellite Spectral Data
* Assessing Agreement on Segmentations by Means of Staccato, the Segmentation Agreement Calculator according to Thomann
* Assessment of Radiometric Correction Methods for ADS40 Imagery
* Assessment of testicular uptake in flourine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography
* Assessment of the Landslide Susceptibility at the Jurassic Escarpment of the Swabian Alb by Means of GIS-based Statistical-probabilistic Evaluation
* Automated 3D Road Sign Mapping with Stereovision-based Mobile Mapping exploiting Depth Information from Dense Stereo Matching
* Automated Assessment of Digital Terrain Models Derived From Airborne Laser Scanning
* Automated Delineation of Calcified Vessels in Mammography by Tracking With Uncertainty and Graphical Linking Techniques
* Automatic Audio-Visual Fusion for Aggression Detection Using Meta-information
* Automatic Calibration of Multiple Stationary Laser Range Finders Using Trajectories
* Automatic Co-Registration of Airborne Laser-scanner Data Recorded at an Urban Area with Oblique Sensor Configuration
* Automatic detection of exudates and optic disk in retinal images using curvelet transform
* Automatic Dimensionality Estimation for Manifold Learning through Optimal Feature Selection
* Automatic Estimation of Vehicle Activity from Airborne Thermal Infrared Video of Urban Areas by Trajectory Classification
* automatic evaluation system for contrast-detail phantom images in digital radiography, An
* Automatic landmark point detection and tracking for human facial expressions
* Automatic Road-Tracking in Airborne Image Sequences
* Background Subtraction for Real-Time Video Analytics Based on Multi-hypothesis Mixture-of-Gaussians
* Baseline Results for Violence Detection in Still Images
* Bayesian image denoising using two complementary discontinuity measures
* Beginnings of Aerial Photogrammetry and Interpretation in German Forestry after 1945, The
* Bidirectional Language Model for Handwriting Recognition
* Binary Gabor Statistical Features for Palmprint Template Protection
* Binary Image Reconstruction from Two Projections and Skeletal Information
* Biogeography-based optimisation search algorithm for block matching motion estimation
* Biomedical Images Classification by Universal Nearest Neighbours Classifier Using Posterior Probability
* Boosting Face Recognition in Real-World Surveillance Videos
* Boosting Multi-hypothesis Tracking by Means of Instance-Specific Models
* Brachflachenmonitoring im sudlichen Pfalzerwald mit Hilfe hochauflosender Satelliten- und LIDAR-Daten
* Bridging the gap between expert and novice users for video search
* Bundle Block Adjustment of CBERS-2B HRC Imagery Combining Control Points and Lines
* Calibration and Direct Georeferencing Analysis of a Multi-Sensor System for Cultural Heritage Recording
* Calibration method for a central catadioptric-perspective camera system
* Calibration Method of Binocular Vision System for Large Forging Dimension Measurement, A
* Calibration of a Species-Specific Spectral Vegetation Index for Leaf Area Index (LAI) Monitoring: Example with MODIS Reflectance Time-Series on Eucalyptus Plantations
* Camera-Driven Power Management of Computer Display, A
* Can a Single Brain Region Predict a Disorder?
* Cardiac LV and RV Segmentation Using Mutual Context Information
* Cellular Topology on the Triangular Grid
* Chan-Vese Segmentation
* Change Detection Analysis for Assessing the Vulnerability and Protective Effect of Beach Forests in Case of the Tsunami 2004 in Thailand
* Change-Point Detection in Time-Series Data by Relative Density-Ratio Estimation
* Characterisation of tool marks on cartridge cases by combining multiple images
* Characterizing Post-Drainage Succession in Thermokarst Lake Basins on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska with TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Landsat-based NDVI Data
* Choosing and Modeling the Hand Gesture Database for a Natural User Interface
* Circular targets in perspective projection: In an image and in bundle adjustment
* Class Centric Feature and Classifier Ensemble Selection Approach for Music Genre Classification, A
* Class-Dependent Dissimilarity Measures for Multiple Instance Learning
* Classification of High-Dimension PDFs Using the Hungarian Algorithm
* Classification of surveillance video objects using chaotic series
* Clinical value of cardiac I-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy between Parkinson's disease and Parkinson's disease associated dementia
* CLUMOC: Multiple Motion Estimation by Cluster Motion Consensus
* Clustering Motion for Real-Time Optical Flow Based Tracking
* Clustering-Based Ensemble Technique for Shape Decomposition, A
* Collaborative Sparse Approximation for Multiple-Shot Across-Camera Person Re-identification
* Color Constancy Using Shadow-Based Illumination Maps for Appearance-Based Person Re-identification
* Color Medical Image Analysis
* Colour demosaicking for complementary colour filter array using spectral and spatial correlations
* Colour Matching Function Learning
* Colourisation in Yxy colour space for purple fringing correction
* Combinatorial Properties of 2D Discrete Rigid Transformations under Pixel-Invariance Constraints
* Combined Learning of Salient Local Descriptors and Distance Metrics for Image Set Face Verification
* Combining color and depth for enhanced image segmentation and retargeting
* Combining Infrared and Visible Images Using Novel Transform and Statistical Information
* Combining Multiple Image Segmentations by Maximizing Expert Agreement
* Combining Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems for Human Behavior Understanding
* Combining Retrieval and Classification for Real-Time Face Recognition
* Combining Two Synchronisation Methods in a Linguistic Model to Describe Sign Language
* Communications-Inspired Projection Design with Application to Compressive Sensing
* Compact Form of the Pseudo-Inverse Matrix in the Approximation of a Star Graph Using the Conductance Electrical Model (CEM)
* company Austro Control Ges.m.b.H. (ACG) is responsible for the air traffic control of the civil aviation in Austria, The
* Comparative Analysis of Forgery Detection Algorithms, A
* Comparative study of moment based parameterization for morphological texture description
* Comparative Study With New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* Comparing Classification Results of Multi-Seasonal TM against AVIRIS Imagery: Seasonality more Important than Number of Bands
* Comparison between Local and Global Spaceborne Chlorophyll Indices in the St. Lawrence Estuary, A
* Comparison between Structural and Embedding Methods for Graph Classification, A
* Complexity of Computing Distances between Geometric Trees
* Computational Intelligence in Image Processing
* Computer Aided Skin Lesion Diagnosis with Humans in the Loop
* Computer-Aided Detection of Aneurysms in 3D Time-of-Flight MRA Datasets
* Concentric-circle-based camera calibration
* Concepts for Cartography-Oriented Visualization of Virtual 3D City Models
* Conditional Random Fields for Land Use/Land Cover Classification and Complex Region Detection
* Conditional Variance of Differences: A Robust Similarity Measure for Matching and Registration
* Constrained Log-Likelihood-Based Semi-supervised Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision
* Contextual Constraints for Person Retrieval in Camera Networks
* Contextual Statistics of Space-Time Ordered Features for Human Action Recognition
* Continental Scale Mapping of Tidal Flats across East Asia Using the Landsat Archive
* Convex Approach to Minimal Partitions, A
* Convex Max-Flow Approach to Distribution-Based Figure-Ground Separation, A
* Coral Reef Surveillance: Infrared-Sensitive Video Surveillance Technology as a New Tool for Diurnal and Nocturnal Long-Term Field Observations
* Cost-sensitive learning in social image tagging: Review, New Ideas and Evaluation
* Counting People in the Crowd Using a Generic Head Detector
* Crowd Density Estimation Using Multi-class Adaboost
* Crowd Event Perception Based on Spatio-temporal Viscous Fluid Field
* Crowd Simulation
* Curvelet-based Change Detection on SAR Images for Natural Disaster Mapping
* Dana36: A Multi-camera Image Dataset for Object Identification in Surveillance Scenarios
* Data Driven Constraints for the SVM
* Data Mining Approach for Sharpening Thermal Satellite Imagery over Land, A
* Decision Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Subpixel Target Detection, A
* Deformation Models: Tracking, Animation and Applications
* Denoising 3D images from time-of-flight cameras using extended anisotropic diffusion
* Denoising techniques for raw 3D data of TOF cameras based on clustering and wavelets
* Dense 3D Reconstruction of Low Texture Surfaces Using an Energy Minimization Framework with Smoothness-Based Priors
* Dense Deformation Reconstruction via Sparse Coding
* Dense Multi-Stereo Matching for High Quality Digital Elevation Models
* Department of Optical Information Systems (OS): Sensors and Instruments for Space- and Airborne Applications
* Derivation of 3D Indoor Models by Grammars for Route Planning
* Description and Classification of Confocal Endomicroscopic Images for the Automatic Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
* Detail-replicating shape stretching
* Detecting Changes in Forest Structure over Time with Bi-Temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Detecting People Carrying Objects Utilizing Lagrangian Dynamics
* Detection and Classification of Bark Beetle Infestation in Pure Norway Spruce Stands with Multi-temporal RapidEye Imagery and Data Mining Techniques
* Detection and Summarization of Salient Events in Coastal Environments
* Detection of Damaged Buildings in Crisis Areas from Panchromatic Remote Sensing Data
* Detection, Segmentation, and Tracking of Moving Objects in UAV Videos
* DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Geometric Performance
* DGPF-Project: Evaluation of Digital Photogrammetric Camera Systems Stereoplotting
* DGPF-Test on Digital Airborne Camera Evaluation Overview and Test Design, The
* Digital Curvatures Applied to 3D Object Analysis and Recognition: A Case Study
* Digital Image Forensics: There is More to a Picture than Meets the Eye
* Digital Photogrammetric Camera Evaluation Generation of Digital Elevation Models
* Digital Surface Model Extraction and Re nement through Image Segmentation - Application to the ISPRS Benchmark Stereo Dataset
* Digital video stabilizer by adaptive fuzzy filtering
* Dipping Phenomenon, The
* Directional local extrema patterns: a new descriptor for content based image retrieval
* Discovering Activities and Their Temporal Significance
* Discrete Polynomial Curve Fitting to Noisy Data
* Discrete Scale Space Neighborhood for Robust Deep Structure Extraction, A
* Discrimination and description of repetitive patterns for enhancing the performance of feature-based recognition
* Dynamic Learning of SCRF for Feature Selection and Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Dynamic threshold-based keyframe detection and its application in rate control
* Effcient Multiple Loop Adjustment for Computer Vision Tasks
* Effects of Spectral Features of Sound on Gesture Type and Timing
* Efficient Background Reconstruction Based Coding Method for Surveillance Videos Captured by Moving Camera, An
* efficient framework for location-based scene matching in image databases, An
* Efficient method for the determination of image correspondence in airborne applications using inertial sensors
* Energy-Minimization Based Discrete Tomography Reconstruction Method for Images on Triangular Grid
* Enhancing Memory-Based Particle Filter with Detection-Based Memory Acquisition for Robustness under Severe Occlusion
* Ensemble of Rejecting Classifiers for Anomaly Detection of Audio Events, An
* Entropic Selection of Histogram Features for Efficient Classification
* Entropy, color, and color rendering
* EO system concepts in the littoral
* Estimating Aerosol Emissions by Assimilating Remote Sensing Observations into a Global Transport Model
* Estimating CO2 Sequestration by Forests in Oita Prefecture, Japan, by Combining LANDSAT ETM+ and ALOS Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* Estimating Surface Characteristics and Extracting Features from Polarisation
* Estimating the Maximal Light Use Efficiency for Different Vegetation through the CASA Model Combined with Time-Series Remote Sensing Data and Ground Measurements
* Estimating turbulence in images
* Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Fields with and without Cover Crops Using Remote Sensing and in situ Methods
* Estimation, Learning, and Adaptation: Systems That Improve with Use
* Evaluating Multispectral and Hyperspectral Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Estimating Winter Wheat Growth Parameters at Regional Scale in the North China Plain
* Evaluation of Broadband and Narrowband Vegetation Indices for the Identification of Archaeological Crop Marks
* Evaluation of Efficient Methods for Optical Flow Computation
* Evaluation of Four Supervised Learning Methods for Benthic Habitat Mapping Using Backscatter from Multi-Beam Sonar
* Evolutionary Weighted Mean Based Framework for Generalized Median Computation with Application to Strings
* Expectation-maximization algorithm with total variation regularization for vector-valued image segmentation
* Exploiting contextual information for image re-ranking and rank aggregation
* Exploiting eye-hand coordination to detect grasping movements
* Exploiting spatial sparsity for multiwavelength imaging in optical interferometry
* Extended Analyses for an Optimal Kernel in a Class of Kernels with an Invariant Metric
* Extended Fisher Criterion Based on Auto-correlation Matrix Information
* Extracting semantics from multi-spectrum video
* Extraction of Airways From CT (EXACT'09)
* Face Recognition Using Multilinear Manifold Analysis of Local Descriptors
* Fast and automatic algorithm for optic disc extraction in retinal images using principle-component-analysis-based preprocessing and curvelet transform
* Fast Combinatorial Algorithm for Tightly Separating Hyperplanes
* Fast computation of Zernike moments in polar coordinates
* Fast Crowd Density Estimation in Surveillance Videos without Training
* Fast image interpolation using the bilateral filter
* Fast Level-Wise Convolution
* Fast shape retrieval using a graph theoretic approach
* Fast Slicing of Orthogonal Covers Using DCEL
* Fast variational multi-view segmentation through backprojection of spatial constraints
* Feasibility of Facade Footprint Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Feature Evaluation for a Transferable Approach of Object-based Land Cover Classification Based on Ikonos and QuickBird Satellite Data
* Feature Selection Using Counting Grids: Application to Microarray Data
* Field Imaging Spectroscopy of Beech Seedlings under Dryness Stress
* Finding Deformable Shapes by Correspondence-Free Instantiation and Registration of Statistical Shape Models
* Flood Extent Mapping Based on TerraSAR-X Data
* Formal Gamma-Convergence Approach For The Detection of Points in 2-D Images, A
* From Historical City Models to Interactive 3D GIS Requirements and Approaches Using the Example of the City of Solothurn
* Full speckle suppression in laser projectors using two Barker code-type diffractive optical elements
* Fusion of Ultrasound B-Mode and Vibro-Elastography Images for Automatic 3-D Segmentation of the Prostate
* Gauge Fields in Pictorial Space
* General Framework for Fast and Interactive Classification of Optical VHR Satellite Imagery Using Hierarchical and Planar Markov Random Fields, A
* General method for edge detection based on the shear transform
* Generalized Gaussian mixture models as a nonparametric Bayesian approach for clustering using class-specific visual features
* Generating Co-speech Gestures for the Humanoid Robot NAO through BML
* Generating Historical Urban 3D-Scenarios for Use in Google Earth Representing the Medieval City of Duisburg
* Generation of Correlated Gamma Distributed Random Fields for the Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images, The
* Generic Framework for Video Understanding Applied to Group Behavior Recognition, A
* Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Registration of Laser Scans with Imperfect and Subdivided Features (GAReg-ISF)
* Genetic Inspired Optimization for ECOC, A
* Geometric Calibration of Thermal Cameras
* Geometric Property of Large Format Digital Camera DMC II 140
* Geoprocessing Journey-to-Work Data: Delineating Commuting Regions in Dalarna, Sweden
* Geospatial Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
* Gestures in Assisted Living Environments
* Gradient Projection Learning for Parametric Nonrigid Registration
* gradient-domain-based edge-preserving sharpen filter, A
* Grammar/Prosody Modelling in Greek Sign Language: Towards the Definition of Built-In Sign Synthesis Rules
* Graph Complexity from the Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* Graph Database Retrieval Based on Metric-Trees
* Graph Kernels: Crossing Information from Different Patterns Using Graph Edit Distance
* Graph-Based Inter-subject Classification of Local fMRI Patterns
* Group Sparsity Constrained Automatic Brain Label Propagation
* Group-Wise Registration of Point Sets for Statistical Shape Models
* Heat Flow-Thermodynamic Depth Complexity in Directed Networks
* heterogeneous feature selection with structural sparsity for multimedia annotation and hashing: a survey, The
* Heterogeneous image transformation
* Heuristic Based on the Intrinsic Dimensionality for Reducing the Number of Cyclic DTW Comparisons in Shape Classification and Retrieval Using AESA, A
* Hierarchical Compositional Representations of Object Structure
* Hierarchical Ensemble of Multi-level Classifiers for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Hierarchical Graph Representation for Symbol Spotting in Graphical Document Images
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on an Observation Scale, A
* Hierarchical Patch-Based Sparse Representation: A New Approach for Resolution Enhancement of 4D-CT Lung Data
* high performance and low complexity sampling-based intra coding method for H.264/AVC, A
* High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information
* Histograms of Optical Flow Orientation for Visual Abnormal Events Detection
* Historic Maps and Imagery for Modern Scientific Applications
* Historical 4D City Model of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg: Automated Generation and Presentation within the Google Earth Engine
* How Do Iconic Gestures Convey Visuo-Spatial Information? Bringing Together Empirical, Theoretical, and Simulation Studies
* How Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Trendsfrom Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and Système Probatoire d'Observation de_la_Terre VEGETATION (SPOT VG
* Human Action Recognition in Large-Scale Datasets Using Histogram of Spatiotemporal Gradients
* Human Action Recognition in Video by Fusion of Structural and Spatio-temporal Features
* Human Action Recognition with Attribute Regularization
* Human Age Estimation with Surface-Based Features from MRI Images
* Human visual system based data embedding method using quadtree partitioning
* Human-Motion Saliency in Complex Scenes
* Hypergraph Spectra for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Hyperspectral Distinction of Two Caribbean Shallow-Water Corals Based on Their Pigments and Corresponding Reflectance
* Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Imaging Instrument for Natural Resources Applications, A
* Iconic Gestures in Face-to-Face TV Interviews
* Identifying Architectural Style in 3D City Models with Support Vector Machines
* Identifying Correspondences in Sparse and Varying 3D Point Clouds using Distinctive Features
* Image and Video-based Artistic Stylisation
* Image deconvolution using incomplete Fourier measurements
* Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice
* Image processing for three-dimensional scans generated by time-of-flight range cameras
* Image Reconstruction From Random Samples With Multiscale Hybrid Parametric and Nonparametric Modeling
* Image reconstruction with locally adaptive sparsity and nonlocal robust regularization
* Image retrieval and classification using adaptive local binary patterns based on texture features
* Image super-resolution by textural context constrained visual vocabulary
* Imaging Spectroscopy for Scene Analysis
* Impact of Aerosol Model Selection on Water-Leaving Radiance Retrievals from Satellite Ocean Color Imagery
* Implementation of Wireless Vision Sensor Node for Characterization of Particles in Fluids
* Implications of Classification of Methodological Decisions in Flooding Analysis from Hurricane Katrina
* Implicit and Explicit Graph Embedding: Comparison of Both Approaches on Chemoinformatics Applications
* Improved decision-based detail-preserving variational method for removal of random-valued impulse noise
* Improved Look-Up Table-Based FPGA Implementation of Image Warping for CMOS Image Sensors, An
* Improved Relational Feature Model for People Detection Using Histogram Similarity Functions
* Improving Fuzzy Multilevel Graph Embedding through Feature Selection Technique
* Improving Wishart Classification of Polarimetric SAR Data Using the Hopfield Neural Network Optimization Approach
* Incremental Learning in Human Action Recognition Based on Snippets
* Incremental Learning of the Model for Watershed-Based Image Segmentation
* Incremental Structured Part Model for Image Classification, An
* Independent Component Analysis of Hyperion Data to Map Alteration Zones
* Infinite Sparse Factor Analysis for Blind Source Separation in Reverberant Environments
* Information Theoretic Prototype Selection for Unattributed Graphs
* Infrared Thermometry to Estimate Crop Water Stress Index and Water Use of Irrigated Maize in Northeastern Colorado
* INSPIRE Data Specification for harmonised Orthoimageries
* Integrated real-time visualization of massive 3D point clouds and geo-referenced texture data
* Integrating Statistical Shape Models into a Graph Cut Framework for Tooth Segmentation
* Integration of Gesture and Verbal Language: A Formal Semantics Approach
* Integration of remote sensing data in national and European spatial data infrastructures derivation of CORINE Land Cover data from the DLM-DE
* Intelligent multi-camera video surveillance: A review
* Interaction between Speech and Gesture: Strategies for Pointing to Distant Objects
* Interactive search in image retrieval: a survey
* Interest Point Selection with Spatio-temporal Context for Realistic Action Recognition
* Interferometric Potential of High Resolution Spaceborne SAR
* Interior Tomography With Continuous Singular Value Decomposition
* Interval estimate with probabilistic background constraints in deconvolution
* Iris Biometrics: From Segmentation to Template Security
* ISOcat Data Categories for Signed Language Resources
* JAVA-based Texture Analysis Employing Neighborhood Gray-Tone Difference Matrix (NGTDM) for Optimization of Land Use Classifications in High Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Jensen-Shannon Kernel for Hypergraphs, A
* Kalman filtering techniques for focal plane electric field estimation
* Kernel Composition with the one-against-one Cascade for Integrating External Knowledge into SVM Classification
* Konzeption und Genauigkeitsabschätzungen für eine Bestimmung der äußeren Orientierung eines Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
* Labanotation Based Ontology for Representing Dance Movement, A
* Laplacian Eigenimages in Discrete Scale Space
* Large Scale Experiments on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* Large-scale near-duplicate image retrieval by kernel density estimation
* Learning common behaviors from large sets of unlabeled temporal series
* Learning Correspondences in Knee MR Images from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Learning Sparse Kernel Classifiers in the Primal
* Learning to Locate Cortical Bone in MRI
* Learning to Rank from Medical Imaging Data
* Least-squares Matching with Advanced Geometric Transformation Models
* Level-base compounded logarithmic curve function for colour image enhancement
* Leveraging visual concepts and query performance prediction for semantic-theme-based video retrieval
* Lightweight and Robust Shadow Removal for Foreground Detection
* Line based Matching of Uncertain 3D Building Models with IR Image Sequences for Precise Texture Extraction
* Line Smoothing Method of Hand-Drawn Strokes Using Adaptive Moving Average for Illustration Tracing Tasks, A
* link adaptation scheme optimized for wireless JPEG 2000 transmission over realistic MIMO systems, A
* Local Adaptation of the Histogram Radon Transform Descriptor: An Application to a Shoe Print Dataset, A
* Local tracing of curvilinear structures in volumetric color images: Application to the Brainbow analysis
* Localization of mountain glacier termini in Landsat multi-spectral images
* Localized MKL Method for Brain Classification with Known Intra-class Variability, A
* Low Cost Force-Feedback Interaction with Haptic Digital Audio Effects
* Low Training Strength High Capacity Classifiers for Accurate Ensembles Using Walsh Coefficients
* Low-cost optical Camera Systems for real-time Mapping Applications
* Low-rank matrix decomposition in L1-norm by dynamic systems
* MACS: Modular Airborne Camera System for Generating Photogrammetric High-Resolution Products
* Making Space for Interaction: Architects Design Dialogues
* Manuscript Maps as Sources for Cultural History and the History of Climatology
* Mapping Canopy Height and Growing Stock Volume Using Airborne Lidar, ALOS PALSAR and Landsat ETM+
* Mapping Savanna Tree Species at Ecosystem Scales Using Support Vector Machine Classification and BRDF Correction on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* Matching and Evaluating Free-form Linear Features for Georeferencing Space-borne SAR Imagery
* Maximum Likelihood Classification of Single Highresolution Polarimetric SAR Images in Urban Areas
* Methods for Geometric Accuracy Investigations of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Systems
* Minimal Representations for Testing and Estimation in Projective Spaces
* Mode decision acceleration for scalable video coding through coded block pattern
* Mode Seeking Clustering by KNN and Mean Shift Evaluated
* Model-based recognition of human actions by trajectory matching in phase spaces
* Model-Driven Centerline Extraction for Severely Occluded Major Coronary Arteries
* Modeling Spoken Dialog Systems under the Interactive Pattern Recognition Framework
* Modified Divergences for Gaussian Densities
* Modular System for Road Updating, Refinement and Classification from Satellite Images, A
* Monitoring of the Vegetation Composition in Rewetted Peatland with Iterative Decision Tree Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Motion Analysis of Fast Flowing Glaciers from Multi-temporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Moving Object Extraction Using Compressed Domain Features of H.264 INTRA Frames
* MRI Confirmed Prostate Tissue Classification with Laplacian Eigenmaps of Ultrasound RF Spectra
* Multi-path content delivery: Efficiency analysis and optimization algorithms
* multi-resolution approach for massively-parallel hardware-friendly optical flow estimation, A
* Multi-scale Fusion of Texture and Color for Background Modeling
* Multi-spectral saliency detection
* Multi-spectral video endoscopy system for the detection of cancerous tissue
* Multi-Temporal Hyperspectral and Radar Remote Sensing for Estimating Winter Wheat Biomass in the North China Plain
* Multi-view action recognition using local similarity random forests and sensor fusion
* Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields
* Multimedia semantics-aware query-adaptive hashing with bits reconfigurability
* Multimodal and Multi-task Audio-Visual Vehicle Detection and Classification
* Multimodal Image Retrieval
* Multiple Classifier System for Classification of Breast Lesions Using Dynamic and Morphological Features in DCE-MRI, A
* Multiple Person Tracking by Spatiotemporal Tracklet Association
* Multisensorale Fernerkundungsdaten zur mikroklimatischen Beschreibung und Klassifikation urbaner Strukturen
* Multispectral piecewise planar stereo using Manhattan-world assumption
* Neuromorphic Bayesian Surprise for Far-Range Event Detection
* New Approach to Robust LiDAR/Optical Imagery Registration, A
* new authentication based cheating prevention scheme in Naor-Shamir’s visual cryptography, A
* New Binary Encoding Algorithm for the Simultaneous Region-based Classification of Hyperspectral Data and Digital Surface Models, A
* New Framework for Connected Components Labeling of Binary Images, A
* New Grand Challenge for Multimedia Information Retrieval: Bridging the Utility Gap
* New Index Based on Sparsity Measures for Comparing Fuzzy Partitions, A
* New Object Level Strategy for Image Fusion Quality Assessment of High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* New Random Forest Method for One-Class Classification, A
* Non-parametric Density Modeling and Outlier-Detection in Medical Imaging Datasets
* Nonlinear Discriminant Graph Embeddings for Detecting White Matter Lesions in FLAIR MRI
* Nonparametric Procedure for Comparing the Areas Under Correlated LROC Curves, A
* Novel 3D Joint MGRF Framework for Precise Lung Segmentation, A
* novel framework for making dominant point detection methods non-parametric, A
* Novel Gabor-PHOG Features for Object and Scene Image Classification
* Novel Morphological Algorithms for Dominating Sets on Graphs with Applications to Image Analysis
* novel noniterative metal artifact reduction method using coherence transport with fast marching in computed tomography, A
* Novel Shadow-Assistant Human Fall Detection Scheme Using a Cascade of SVM Classifiers, A
* NRT-Monitoring am Vulkanausbruch Eyjafjallajokull (Island) mit TerraSAR-X
* Number of colors generated by smooth nonfluorescent reflectance spectra
* Object-based Change Detection
* On Finding Shortest Isothetic Path inside a Digital Object
* On Improving JPEG Entropy Coding by means of Sub-Stream Extraction
* On INS/GNSS-based Time Synchronization in Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Multi-Sensor Systems
* On the Circular Area Signature for Graphs
* On the Correlation of Graph Edit Distance and L1 Distance in the Attribute Statistics Embedding Space
* On the Creation of Generic fMRI Feature Networks Using 3-D Moment Invariants
* On the Relation between the Common Labelling and the Median Graph
* On Topology Preservation for Triangular Thinning Algorithms
* On-the-job Range Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners with Piecewise Linear Functions
* One-Sided Prototype Selection on Class Imbalanced Dissimilarity Matrices
* Online Learning of Activities from Video
* Online Metric Learning Methods Using Soft Margins and Least Squares Formulations
* Online Multi-person Tracking by Tracker Hierarchy
* Online Multiple Instance Joint Model for Visual Tracking
* Optical music recognition: state-of-the-art and open issues
* Optimised Near-Real Time Data Acquisition and Preprocessing of Satellite Data for Disaster Related Rapid Mapping
* Optimization of an autodyne laser interferometer for high-speed confocal imaging
* Optimization Techniques for Geometric Estimation: Beyond Minimization
* Orientation and Dense Reconstruction from Unordered Wide Baseline Image Sets
* Out-of-Sample Embedding by Sparse Representation
* Outdoor Dynamic 3-D Scene Reconstruction
* Overview of Experimental Setups in Spectroscopic Laboratory Measurements: The SpecTour Project
* P System Model for Contextual Array Languages, A
* Pairwise Threshold for Gaussian Mixture Classification and Its pplication on Human Tracking Enhancement
* Pan-Arctic Land Cover Mapping and Fire Assessment for the ESA Data User Element Permafrost
* Pan-Arctic Land Surface Temperature from MODIS and AATSR: Product Development and Intercomparison
* Pansharpening Simple Approaches and their Evaluation
* Parallelized egocentric fields for autonomous navigation
* Partial Commutation on Array Languages
* Pattern Recognition and Classification: An Introduction
* People Count Estimation In Small Crowds
* People Counting across Multiple Cameras for Intelligent Video Surveillance
* Performance Evaluation of Multi-camera Visual Tracking
* Person Re-identification by Efficient Impostor-Based Metric Learning
* Photogrammetric Image Analysis
* Photographing Paintings by Image Fusion
* Pixelated source and mask optimization for immersion lithography
* Plant Species Richness is Associated with Canopy Height and Topography in a Neotropical Forest
* Poisoning Adaptive Biometric Systems
* Polichotomies on Imbalanced Domains by One-per-Class Compensated Reconstruction Rule
* Potential of Digital Sensors for Land Cover and Tree Species Classifications A Case Study in the Framework of the DGPF-Project
* Preserve the Past for the Future: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Documentation and Deformation Analysis of Easter Island's Moai
* Probabilistic Handling of Merged Detections in Multi Target Tracking
* Probabilistic Measure of Circularity, A
* Probability Model-based Method for Land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-Spectral Remotely Sensed Images, A
* Process for Radiometric Correction of UAV Image Blocks, A
* Progress and New Trends in 3D Geoinformation Sciences
* Prostate Segmentation in CT Images via Spatial-Constrained
* Qualitative Evaluation of Detection and Tracking Performance
* Quality Classification of Microscopic Imagery with Weakly Supervised Learning
* Quality Inspection of Parenteral Vials Using Digital Image Analysis
* Quantitative Approach for Analyzing the Relationship between Urban Heat Islands and Land Cover, A
* Random Forest Based Approach for One Class Classification in Medical Imaging, A
* Rapid Mapping of Forest Fires in the European Mediterranean Region: A Change Detection Approach Using X-Band SAR-Data
* Real-Time Activity Search of Surveillance Video
* Real-Time Detection of Lines and Grids: By PClines and Other Approaches
* Real-Time Multi-human Tracking Using a Probability Hypothesis Density Filter and Multiple Detectors
* Real-Time Pedestrian Tracking with Bacterial Foraging Optimization
* Recognition of Long-Term Behaviors by Parsing Sequences of Short-Term Actions with a Stochastic Regular Grammar
* Recognition of occluded objects by reducing feature interactions
* Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Development of Irrigation Systems in Uzbekistan Using Landsat Time Series
* Recovering People Tracking Errors Using Enhanced Covariance-Based Signatures
* Rectangular Arrays and Petri Nets
* Rectification of Historic Royal Air Force Aerial Photos and Generation of an Aerial Image Mosaic of the Sarno River Basin, Italy
* Reference frame modification techniques for temporal and spatial scalability
* Region-Based Rate Control for H.264/AVC for Low Bit-Rate Applications
* Regional Hexagonal Tile Rewriting Grammars
* Regions of Backprojection and Comet Tail Artifacts for pi-Line Reconstruction Formulas in Tomography
* Registration of 3D Ultrasound Through an Air-Tissue Boundary
* Relational Kernel-Based Framework for Hierarchical Image Understanding, A
* Remote Sensing and GIS Studies of the Hegau Volcanic Area in SW Germany
* Remote Sensing and GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and its Cross-validation in Three Test Areas Using a Frequency Ratio Model
* Remote Sensing at Bavarian State Institute of Forestry Transfer of Research Results in Forestry Practice
* Remote Sensing Based Population Maps for Crisis Response
* Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis: An Introduction
* Removing Object Reflections in Videos by Global Optimization
* Requirements for Digital / Digitized Aerial Imagery A Manual of the Working Group of Forest Interpreters of Aerial Photographs
* review of the combination of spectral and geometric modelling for the application in forest remote sensing, A
* Road Boundary Detection in Challenging Scenarios
* Robust Algorithm for the Detection of Vehicle Turn Signals and Brake Lights, A
* Robust detection of moving objects in video sequences through rough set theory framework
* Robust Foreground and Abandonment Analysis for Large-Scale Abandoned Object Detection in Complex Surveillance Videos
* Robust Orientation and Appearance Adaptation for Wide-Area Large Format Video Object Tracking
* Robust super resolution of compressed video
* Robust Traffic State Estimation on Smart Cameras
* Role of Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features for Robust Visual Tracking in Video Surveillance
* Role of Spontaneous Gestures in Spatial Problem Solving, The
* Satellite Image Pansharpening Using a Hybrid Approach for Object-Based Image Analysis
* Satellite-Derived Photic Depth on the Great Barrier Reef: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Water Clarity
* Scale-specific Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Approach in Environmental Research
* Scientist's Idealism versus User's Realism on Radarsat-2 HR Stereo Capability without GCP: Two Cases over North and Arctic Sites in Canada
* Segmentation by a Local and Global Fuzzy Gaussian Distribution Energy Minimization of an Active Contour Model
* Selective Background Adaptation Based Abnormal Acoustic Event Recognition for Audio Surveillance
* Selective Intra Block Size Decision and Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithms for H.264/AVC Encoder
* Semantic Analysis and Understanding of Human Behavior in Video Streaming
* Semantics-based selection of everyday concepts in visual lifelogging
* Semi-automatic Integration of Panoramic Hyperspectral Imagery with Photorealistic Lidar Models
* Semi-supervised Gait Recognition Based on Self-Training
* Sensor-Based Approach to Image Quality, A
* Shadow removal with background difference method based on shadow position and edges attributes
* Shape Analysis Using the Edge-Based Laplacian
* Shape Similarity Based on a Treelet Kernel with Edition
* Sharp feature extraction in point clouds
* ShearLab: A Rational Design of a Digital Parabolic Scaling Algorithm
* Shift from Film to Digital Product: Focus on CORONA Imagery, The
* Sign Segmentation Using Dynamics and Hand Configuration for Semi-automatic Annotation of Sign Language Corpora
* Similarity Metric for Multimodal Images Based on Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* Simulation-Based Joint Estimation of Body Deformation and Elasticity Parameters for Medical Image Analysis
* Simultaneous Learning of Localized Multiple Kernels and Classifier with Weighted Regularization
* Simultaneous Registration and Segmentation by L1 Minimization
* Single and Multiple View Detection, Tracking and Video Analysis in Crowded Environments
* Single image fog removal using anisotropic diffusion
* Skin Lesion Feature Vector Space with a Metric to Model Geometric Structures of Malignancy for Classification
* SLTP: A Fast Descriptor for People Detection in Depth Images
* Small Work Space Algorithms for Some Basic Problems on Binary Images
* SNR Evaluation of the RapidEye Space-borne Cameras
* Sparse Bayesian blind image deconvolution with parameter estimation
* Sparse Discriminant Analysis Based on the Bayesian Posterior Probability Obtained by L1 Regression
* Sparse Patch-Guided Deformation Estimation for Improved Image Registration
* Spatial Multi-Criteria Model for the Evaluation of Land Redistribution Plans, A
* Spatial Relations Using High Level Concepts
* Spatial Transformation of DWI Data Using Non-Negative Sparse Representation
* Spatio-temporal LBP Based Moving Object Segmentation in Compressed Domain
* Speckle reduction with edges preservation for ultrasound images: Using Function Spaces Approach
* Spectral reflectance and transmittance of stacks of nonscattering films printed with halftone colors
* Spectral reflectivity recovery from the tristimulus values using a hybrid method
* Splitting Gaussians in Mixture Models
* Status Report on the Evaluation of the Radiometric Properties of Digital Photogrammetric Airborne Cameras
* Stereo-Based Framework for Pedestrian Detection with Partial Occlusion Handling
* Streaming video over wireless channels: Exploiting reduced-reference quality estimation at the user-side
* String Features: Geodesic Sweeping Detection and Quasi-invariant Time-Series Description
* Structure and Motion Recovery Based on Spatial-and-Temporal-Weighted Factorization
* Structure guided fusion for depth map inpainting
* Study of X-ray imaging with toroidally bent crystal
* study on video data mining, A
* Subband effect of the wavelet fuzzy C-means features in texture classification
* Subpixel Point Spread Function Estimation from Two Photographs at Different Distances
* Suitability of Different LIDAR Data Sets for 3D Mapping of the Road Environment
* Suitability of WorldView-2 data for tree species classification with special emphasis on the four new spectral bands
* Super-resolution using an enhanced Papoulis-Gerchberg algorithm
* Supervised Image Segmentation across Scanner Protocols: A Transfer Learning Approach
* Support Vector Machines for Vegetation Classification A Revision
* Support Vector Machines Training Data Selection Using a Genetic Algorithm
* Suppression of Detection Ghosts in Homography Based Pedestrian Detection
* System Theoretical Aspects for Designing Opto-Electronic Sensors for Remote Sensing
* Teichmüller extremal mapping and its applications to landmark matching registration
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Visualization of a Complex Dome in an Extreme Alpine Cave System
* Testing the Radiometric Performance of Digital Photogrammetric Images: Vicarious vs. Laboratory Calibration on the Leica ADS40, a Study in Spain
* Themenheft Terrestrisches Laserscanning
* Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wave time-of-flight range cameras
* Three-dimensional shape reconstruction system based on fiber-optic interference fringe imaging
* Thumb Modelling for the Generation of Sign Language
* Time-of-Flight Cameras: Principles, Methods and Applications
* Time-of-flight sensor and color camera calibration for multi-view acquisition
* Tissue Tracking and Registration for Image-Guided Surgery
* Top-Down Tracking and Estimating 3D Pose of a Die
* Toward a Motor Theory of Sign Language Perception
* Toward stereovisual monitoring of three-dimensional translations with submicrometer resolution
* Towards a National 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure: Case of The Netherlands
* Towards Automatic 3D Change Detection inside Urban Areas by Combining Height and Shape Information
* Towards Automatic Vandalism Detection in OpenStreetMap
* Towards Gesture-Based User Authentication
* Towards Improving the Accuracy of Sensorless Freehand 3D Ultrasound by Learning
* Towards optimized binary pattern generation for grayscale digital halftoning: A binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) approach
* Tracking Blurred Object with Data-Driven Tracker
* Triplet Markov Fields with Edge Location for Fast Unsupervised Multi-Class Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Tsunami Arrival Detection with High Frequency (HF) Radar
* Turbulence compensation enhances long-range imagery
* Two Variants on Direct Geo-referencing of Terrestrial Laser Scans
* UCF101: A Dataset of 101 Human Action Classes from Videos in The Wild
* Understanding the twin-image problem in phase retrieval
* Unified View of Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analyses, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Monitoring Soil Erosion in Morocco
* Unmixing functional magnetic resonance imaging data using matrix factorization
* Unsupervised Clustering of Human Pose Using Spectral Embedding
* Unsupervised Discovery of Activities and Their Temporal Behaviour
* Unusual Scene Detection Using Distributed Behaviour Model and Sparse Representation
* Use of Pattern-Information Analysis in Vision Science: A Pragmatic Examination
* User Experience of Gesture Based Interfaces: A Comparison with Traditional Interaction Methods on Pragmatic and Hedonic Qualities
* Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data and CIR Orthophotos to Estimate the Stem Volume of Forest Stands
* Using Wiimote for 2D and 3D Pointing Tasks: Gesture Performance Evaluation
* Using Wikipedia to learn semantic feature representations of concrete concepts in neuroimaging experiments
* Utilizing a Multi-Source Forest Inventory Technique, MODIS Data and Landsat TM Images in the Production of Forest Cover and Volume Maps for the Terai Physiographic Zone in Nepal
* Validation and Automatic Repair of Planar Partitions Using a Constrained Triangulation
* Validation of Network Classifiers
* Vegetation Index to Estimate Terrestrial Gross Primary Production Capacity for the Global Change Observation Mission-Climate (GCOM-C)/Second-Generation Global Imager (SGLI) Satellite Sensor, A
* Video concept detection by audio-visual grouplets
* Video driven fire spread forecasting (f) using multi-modal LWIR and visual flame and smoke data
* View Invariant Appearance-Based Person Reidentification Using Fast Online Feature Selection and Score Level Fusion
* Viewing Direction Estimation in Cryo-EM Using Synchronization
* Visible and infrared image registration in man-made environments employing hybrid visual features
* Vision based Object Recognition and Localization by a Network Connected Distributed Robotic Systems
* Visual Analytics Approach for Extracting Spatio-Temporal Urban Mobility Information from Mobile Network Traffic, A
* Visual Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Maps
* Visual sensitivity-based low-bit-rate image compression algorithm
* Water Filling: Unsupervised People Counting via Vertical Kinect Sensor
* What, Why, Where and How Do Children Think? Towards a Dynamic Model of Spatial Cognition as Action
* White-reference based post-correction method for multi-source spectral libraries
* Zwei-skaliger Ansatz zur Aktualisierung landwirtschaftlicher Referenzkulissen (LPIS)
* Á trous gradient structure descriptor for content based image retrieval
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