Index for qu__

Qu, A.[Aixi] Co Author Listing * Class-Specific Thresholding for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning
* enhanced vision transformer with wavelet position embedding for histopathological image classification, An
Includes: Qu, A.[Aixi] Qu, A.[Aiping]

Qu, B.[Bohao] Co Author Listing * Diversifying Policies With Non-Markov Dispersion to Expand the Solution Space
* Edformer: Transformer-based Event Denoising Across Varied Noise Levels
* Estimating the Routing Parameter of the Xin'anjiang Hydrological Model Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning
* Exploring AIGC Video Quality: A Focus on Visual Harmony, Video-Text Consistency and Domain Distribution Gap
* NTIRE 2024 Quality Assessment of AI-Generated Content Challenge
* Profitable Taxi Travel Route Recommendation Based on Big Taxi Trajectory Data
* Spatio-Temporal Changes in Vegetation Activity and Its Driving Factors during the Growing Season in China from 1982 to 2011
Includes: Qu, B.[Bohao] Qu, B.[Bohan] Qu, B.[Bo] Qu, B.[Bowen] Qu, B.
7 for Qu, B.

Qu, B.J.[Bo Jian] Co Author Listing * Design and Experimental Verification of a Hip Exoskeleton Based on Human-Machine Dynamics for Walking Assistance
Includes: Qu, B.J.[Bo Jian] Qu, B.J.[Bo-Jian]

Qu, B.Q.[Bing Qing] Co Author Listing * Content-Based Discovery of Multiple Structures from Episodes of Recurrent TV Programs Based on Grammatical Inference
* Location-Centric Social Media Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Cities
* Statistically Learned Deformable Eye Models
Includes: Qu, B.Q.[Bing Qing] Qu, B.Q.[Bing-Qing]

Qu, B.T.[Bo Ting] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Ridesplitting Method With Potential Pick-Up Probability Based on GPS Trajectories, A
* How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autonomous Vehicles With Ridesharing
Includes: Qu, B.T.[Bo Ting] Qu, B.T.[Bo-Ting]

Qu, C.[Chao] Co Author Listing * Bayesian Deep Basis Fitting for Depth Completion with Uncertainty
* Capturing ground truth super-resolution data
* CNN-based Image Denoising for Outdoor Active Stereo
* Depth Completion via Deep Basis Fitting
* Discovering Optimal Triplets for Assessing the Uncertainties of Satellite-Derived Evapotranspiration Products
* Gram-based Attentive Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Network for Video Nystagmography Classification
* ivisX: An Integrated Video Investigation Suite for Forensic Applications
* Learning structure of stereoscopic image for no-reference quality assessment with convolutional neural network
* Monitoring Extreme Agricultural Drought over the Horn of Africa (HOA) Using Remote Sensing Measurements
* Novel Defogging Algorithm Based on the Joint Use of Saturation and Color Attenuation Prior
* spectral index for winter wheat mapping using multi-temporal Landsat NDVI data of key growth stages, A
* Towards Modern Image Manipulation Localization: A Large-Scale Dataset and Novel Methods
* Towards Robust Tampered Text Detection in Document Image: New Dataset and New Solution
* Unified Face Attack Detection with Micro Disturbance and a Two-Stage Training Strategy
Includes: Qu, C.[Chao] Qu, C. Qu, C.[Cixiao] Qu, C.[Chenfei] Qu, C.[Carolyn] Qu, C.[Chen] Qu, C.[Chang] Qu, C.[Chenfan]
14 for Qu, C.

Qu, C.C.[Cheng Chao] Co Author Listing * 3D vs. 2D: On the Importance of Registration for Hallucinating Faces Under Unconstrained Poses
* Adaptive Contour Fitting for Pose-Invariant 3D Face Shape Reconstruction
* Fast, robust and automatic 3D face model reconstruction from videos
* Impact of resolution and image quality on video face analysis
* Patch-based facial texture super-resolution by fitting 3D face models
* Resolution-aware Constrained Local Model with mixture of local experts
* Robust 3D Patch-Based Face Hallucination
* Rotation update on manifold in probabilistic NRSFM for robust 3D face modeling
* Towards mobile and touchless fingerprint verification
* Towards robust cascaded regression for face alignment in the wild
Includes: Qu, C.C.[Cheng Chao] Qu, C.C.[Cheng-Chao]
10 for Qu, C.C.

Qu, C.H.[Cai Hong] Co Author Listing * Digital breast tomosynthesis improves diagnostic accuracy of breast microcalcifications
* Multi-Agent DRL-Controlled Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic With Time Delays
Includes: Qu, C.H.[Cai Hong] Qu, C.H.[Cai-Hong] Qu, C.H.[Chun-Hui]

Qu, C.P.[Chuan Ping] Co Author Listing * Fog Season Risk Assessment for Maritime Transportation Systems Exploiting Himawari-8 Data: A Case Study in Bohai Sea, China
Includes: Qu, C.P.[Chuan Ping] Qu, C.P.[Chuan-Ping]

Qu, C.W.[Chang Wen] Co Author Listing * Ship detection in harbor area in SAR images based on constructing an accurate sea-clutter model
Includes: Qu, C.W.[Chang Wen] Qu, C.W.[Chang-Wen]

Qu, C.X.[Chun Xu] Co Author Listing * RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tunnel Lining Void Detection from GPR Images
Includes: Qu, C.X.[Chun Xu] Qu, C.X.[Chun-Xu]

Qu, C.Y.[Chen Yuan] Co Author Listing * 360+x: A Panoptic Multi-modal Scene Understanding Dataset
* Coseismic Deformation Field And Fault Slip Distribution Of The 2015 Chile Mw8.3 Earthquake
* Coseismic Deformation Obtained by Various Technical Methods and Its Constraint Ability to Slip Models of Maduo Earthquake
* Design and Development of Array POS for Airborne Remote Sensing Motion Compensation
* Fine Velocity and Strain Rate Field of Present-Day Crustal Motion of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau Inverted Jointly by InSAR and GPS, A
* Geodetic Constraints on the Crustal Deformation along the Kunlun Fault and Its Tectonic Implications
* GPS-Derived Fault Coupling of the Longmenshan Fault Associated with the 2008 Mw Wenchuan 7.9 Earthquake and Its Tectonic Implications
* Improved Innovation Robust Outliers Detection Method for Airborne Array Position and Orientation Measurement System, An
* InSAR 3-D Coseismic Displacement Field of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal Earthquake: Insights into Complex Fault Kinematics during the Event
* InSAR Constrained Downdip and Updip Afterslip Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake: New Insights into Moment Budget of the Main Himalayan Thrust
* Interseismic Slip and Coupling along the Haiyuan Fault Zone Constrained by InSAR and GPS Measurements
* Multi-Node Motion Estimation Method Based on B-Spline of Array Position and Orientation System
* Multi-view Self-supervised Disentanglement for General Image Denoising
* Numerical Simulation Study on the Influence of Branching Structure of Longmen Shan Thrust Belt on the Nucleation of Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake
* Present-Day Crustal Deformation of the Northwestern Tibetan Plateau Based on InSAR Measurements
* Robust Watermarking Scheme for Vector Geographic Data Based on the Ratio Invariance of DWT-CSVD Coefficients
* Rupture Kinematics and Coseismic Slip Model of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo (China) Earthquake: Implications for the Seismic Hazard of the Kunlun Fault
* Rupture Process of the 2022 Mw6.6 Menyuan, China, Earthquake from Joint Inversion of Accelerogram Data and InSAR Measurements
* Slip Models of the 2016 and 2022 Menyuan, China, Earthquakes, Illustrating Regional Tectonic Structures
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Postseismic Deformation Following the 2001 Mw7.8 Kokoxili, China, Earthquake from 7 Years of INSAR Observations
* Thermal Infrared and Ionospheric Anomalies of the 2017 Mw6.5 Jiuzhaigou Earthquake
Includes: Qu, C.Y.[Chen Yuan] Qu, C.Y.[Chen-Yuan] Qu, C.Y.[Chun-Yan] Qu, C.Y.[Chun-Yu] Qu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yi]
21 for Qu, C.Y.

Qu, C.Z.[Cheng Zhang] Co Author Listing * Multichannel Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation algorithm for 3D super-alloy image segmentation, A
* Person Identification Using Full-Body Motion and Anthropometric Biometrics from Kinect Videos
Includes: Qu, C.Z.[Cheng Zhang] Qu, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhang] Qu, C.Z.[Cheng-Zheng]

Qu, D.[Dan] Co Author Listing * DropDim: A Regularization Method for Transformer Networks
* Fast Rolling Shutter Correction in the Wild
* GS-SLAM: Dense Visual SLAM with 3D Gaussian Splatting
* Implicit Event-RGBD Neural SLAM
* Improving Speech Translation by Understanding the Speech From Latent Code
* Meta-Prompt: Boosting Whisper's Performance in Low-Resource Speech Recognition
* Multi-Objective Optimization of Evacuation Route for Heterogeneous Passengers in the Metro Station Considering Node Efficiency
* Revisiting Rolling Shutter Bundle Adjustment: Toward Accurate and Fast Solution
* Towards Nonlinear-Motion-Aware and Occlusion-Robust Rolling Shutter Correction
Includes: Qu, D.[Dan] Qu, D.[Delin] Qu, D.[Dayi]
9 for Qu, D.

Qu, D.K.[Dao Kui] Co Author Listing * Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching by Log-Angle and Pyramid-Tree
* Efficient and robust unsupervised inverse intensity compensation for stereo image registration under radiometric changes
Includes: Qu, D.K.[Dao Kui] Qu, D.K.[Dao-Kui]

Qu, D.M.[Dai Ming] Co Author Listing * Smart Channel Switching in Cognitive Radio Networks
Includes: Qu, D.M.[Dai Ming] Qu, D.M.[Dai-Ming]

Qu, D.Z.[De Zhan] Co Author Listing * Uncertainty visualization for variable associations analysis
* Uncertainty Visualization of Transport Variance in a Time-Varying Ensemble Vector Field
Includes: Qu, D.Z.[De Zhan] Qu, D.Z.[De-Zhan]

Qu, E.[Enshi] Co Author Listing * Far-field super-oscillation imaging based on the super-oscillation elements and PSF feature extraction algorithm
* Hybrid phase-amplitude superoscillation element for nonscanning optical superresolution imaging

Qu, F. Co Author Listing * CAS(ME)^2: A Database for Spontaneous Macro-Expression and Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition
* emotion index estimation based on facial action unit prediction, An
* Model-Based Research on Performance Evaluation and Topology Optimization of Series-Parallel Lithium-Ion Battery Packs, A
* Security and Privacy Review of VANETs, A
* Vegetation Land Segmentation with Multi-Modal and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images: A Temporal Learning Approach and a New Dataset
Includes: Qu, F. Qu, F.[Fangbing] Qu, F.[Fan] Qu, F.[Fang]

Qu, F.F.[Fang Fang] Co Author Listing * Enhanced Land-Cover Classification through a Multi-Stage Classification Strategy Integrating LiDAR and SIF Data
* Ground Deformation of Wuhan, China, Revealed by Multi-Temporal InSAR Analysis
* Identify and Monitor Growth Faulting Using InSAR over Northern Greater Houston, Texas, USA
* Land Cover Classification with Multispectral LiDAR Based on Multi-Scale Spatial and Spectral Feature Selection
* Mapping the Recent Vertical Crustal Deformation of the Weihe Basin (China) Using Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 ScanSAR Imagery
* Multi-Source SAR-Based Surface Deformation Monitoring and Groundwater Relationship Analysis in the Yellow River Delta, China
* Novel Method of Generating Deformation Time-Series Using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and Its Application in Mexico City, A
* Post-Eruptive Inflation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska, from InSAR, 2008-2014
* Source Parameter Estimation of the 2009 Ms6.0 Yao'an Earthquake, Southern China, Using InSAR Observations
Includes: Qu, F.F.[Fang Fang] Qu, F.F.[Fang-Fang] Qu, F.F.[Fei-Fei]
9 for Qu, F.F.

Qu, F.L.[Feng Long] Co Author Listing * Shape Reconstruction in Inverse Scattering by an Inhomogeneous Cavity with Internal Measurements
Includes: Qu, F.L.[Feng Long] Qu, F.L.[Feng-Long]

Qu, F.R.[Fang Rui] Co Author Listing * Robust TCPHD Filter for Multi-Sensor Multitarget Tracking Based on a Gaussian-Student's t-Mixture Model, A
Includes: Qu, F.R.[Fang Rui] Qu, F.R.[Fang-Rui]

Qu, F.Y.[Fang Yu] Co Author Listing * Spaceborne GNSS-R Wind Speed Retrieval Using Machine Learning Methods
Includes: Qu, F.Y.[Fang Yu] Qu, F.Y.[Fang-Yu]

Qu, F.Z.[Feng Zhong] Co Author Listing * Dynamic Rolling Horizon Scheduling of Waterborne AGVs for Inter Terminal Transportation: Mathematical Modeling and Heuristic Solution
Includes: Qu, F.Z.[Feng Zhong] Qu, F.Z.[Feng-Zhong]

Qu, G.[Ge] Co Author Listing * Characterization of Long-Time Series Variation of Glacial Lakes in Southwestern Tibet: A Case Study in the Nyalam County
* Deep Learning in Neuroimaging: Promises and challenges
* Detecting Spatial-Temporal Changes of Urban Environment Quality by Remote Sensing-Based Ecological Indices: A Case Study in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, China
* Dual-Scale Transformer for Large-Scale Single-Pixel Imaging
* Estimating Land Development Time Lags in China Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Image
* Extended OMP algorithm for sparse phase retrieval
* Fooling Decision-Based Black-Box Automotive Vision Perception Systems in Physical World
* Interpretable Cognitive Ability Prediction: A Comprehensive Gated Graph Transformer Framework for Analyzing Functional Brain Networks
* Interpretable Multimodal Fusion Networks Reveal Mechanisms of Brain Cognition
* Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Model Construction Using Typical Machine Learning for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China
* Necessary and Sufficient Convergence Conditions for Algebraic Image Reconstruction Algorithms
* Survey on Recent Advances in Vehicular Network Security, Trust, and Privacy, A
* TV regularisation sparse light field reconstruction model based on guided-filtering, A
Includes: Qu, G.[Ge] Qu, G.[Gang] Qu, G.[Gangrong] Qu, G.
13 for Qu, G.

Qu, G.J.[Guang Jun] Co Author Listing * Application of Hybrid Attention Mechanisms in Lithological Classification with Multisource Data: A Case Study from the Altay Orogenic Belt
* Research on Global Off-Road Path Planning Based on Improved A* Algorithm
Includes: Qu, G.J.[Guang Jun] Qu, G.J.[Guang-Jun]

Qu, G.R.[Gang Rong] Co Author Listing * thresholding algorithm for sparse recovery via Laplace norm, A
Includes: Qu, G.R.[Gang Rong] Qu, G.R.[Gang-Rong]

Qu, G.X.[Guo Xin] Co Author Listing * Enhancing Binary Change Detection in Hyperspectral Images Using an Efficient Dimensionality Reduction Technique Within Adversarial Learning
* Joint Communication and Computation Resource Scheduling of a UAV-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System for Platooning Vehicles
* Robust Min-Max Model Predictive Vehicle Platooning With Causal Disturbance Feedback
* UCSwin-UNet model for medical image segmentation based on cardiac haemangioma
Includes: Qu, G.X.[Guo Xin] Qu, G.X.[Guo-Xin] Qu, G.X.[Gui-Xian] Qu, G.X.[Gui-Xu]

Qu, G.Y.[Gong Yuan] Co Author Listing * Detection and labeling of retinal vessels for longitudinal studies
* Wafer Defect Detection Using Directional Morphological Gradient Techniques
Includes: Qu, G.Y.[Gong Yuan] Qu, G.Y.[Gong-Yuan]

Qu, H.[Hao] Co Author Listing * Action Recognition Using Space-Time Shape Difference Images
* Attention-Based Interactive Learning-to-Rank Model for Document Retrieval, An
* Distributed bundle adjustment with block-based sparse matrix compression for super large scale datasets
* GenealogyVis: A System for Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Genealogical Data
* Generalized Asymmetric Correntropy for Robust Adaptive Filtering: A Theoretical and Simulation Study
* Hand gesture understanding by weakly-supervised fusing shallow/deep image attributes
* Integrated Approach for the Near Real-Time Parking Occupancy Prediction, An
* Learn Distributed GAN with Temporary Discriminators
* Novel Deep Learning-Based Collaborative Filtering Model for Recommendation System, A
* Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
* parking occupancy prediction method incorporating time series decomposition and temporal pattern attention mechanism, A
* Physics-Informed and Attention-Based Graph Learning Approach for Regional Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Prediction, A
* Plug-and-Play Diffusion Distillation
* Shaking video synthesis for video stabilization performance assessment
* Sparse least mean p-power algorithms for channel estimation in the presence of impulsive noise
* Synthetic Learning: Learn From Distributed Asynchronized Discriminator GAN Without Sharing Medical Image Data
* Temporal-Coded Spiking Neural Networks with Dynamic Firing Threshold: Learning with Event-Driven Backpropagation
* VAIT: A Visual Analytics System for Metropolitan Transportation
* Video stabilization with L1-L2 optimization
* Weakly Supervised Deep Nuclei Segmentation Using Partial Points Annotation in Histopathology Images
* Weakly supervised image classification and pointwise localization with graph convolutional networks
Includes: Qu, H.[Hao] Qu, H.[Hong] Qu, H. Qu, H.[Hua] Qu, H.[Huiyan] Qu, H.[Haohao] Qu, H.[Hui]
22 for Qu, H.

Qu, H.B.[Han Bing] Co Author Listing * Probabilistic Model for Robust Affine and Non-Rigid Point Set Matching
* RGB-D saliency detection under Bayesian framework
* Robust Point Set Matching under Variational Bayesian Framework
* Visual Saliency Detection for RGB-D Images with Generative Model
Includes: Qu, H.B.[Han Bing] Qu, H.B.[Han-Bing]

Qu, H.C.[Hong Chun] Co Author Listing * Discriminative Projection Learning With Adaptive Reversed Graph Embedding for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction
* MaskHunter: real-time object detection of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic
* Multi-branch residual image semantic segmentation combined with inverse weight gated-control
Includes: Qu, H.C.[Hong Chun] Qu, H.C.[Hong-Chun] Qu, H.C.[Hai-Cheng]

Qu, H.F.[Hui Fang] Co Author Listing * Distributed H8-Consensus Filtering for Attitude Tracking Using Ground-Based Radars
* Long Short-Term Memory Model with Multi-Scale Context Fusion and Attention for Radar Echo Extrapolation, An
Includes: Qu, H.F.[Hui Fang] Qu, H.F.[Hui-Fang] Qu, H.F.[Hai-Feng]

Qu, H.J.[Hong Jia] Co Author Listing * Computational 3D reconstruction of FAR and big size objects using synthetic apeture integral imaging
* GLTF-Net: Deep-Learning Network for Thick Cloud Removal of Remote Sensing Images via Global-Local Temporality and Features
* New Insight into the Coupled Grain-Disaster-Economy System Based on a Multilayer Network: An Empirical Study in China
* Spatial and Temporal Drought Characteristics in the Huanghuaihai Plain and Its Influence on Cropland Water Use Efficiency
Includes: Qu, H.J.[Hong Jia] Qu, H.J.[Hong-Jia] Qu, H.J.[Hong-Jiao]

Qu, H.K.[Hong Kun] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Line-Focused and Point-Focused Raman Mineral Analysis in Planetary Exploration
Includes: Qu, H.K.[Hong Kun] Qu, H.K.[Hong-Kun]

Qu, H.L.[Hong Lin] Co Author Listing * Noise-Separated Adaptive Feature Distillation for Robust Speech Recognition
Includes: Qu, H.L.[Hong Lin] Qu, H.L.[Hong-Lin]

Qu, H.M.[Hua Min] Co Author Listing * Efficient Quality-Based Camera Path Planning Method for Volume Exploration, An
* Focus + Context Visualization with Animation
* Fusing Features in Direct Volume Rendered Images
* Multiscale and Hierarchical Feature Extraction Method for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud Classification, A
* Perceptual Framework for Comparisons of Direct Volume Rendered Images, A
* Structure-Aware Global Optimization Method for Reconstructing 3-D Tree Models From Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data, A
* Viewpoint Selection for Angiographic Volume
* Visualization of Taxi Drivers' Income and Mobility Intelligence
* VoxelBars: An Informative Interface for Volume Visualization
Includes: Qu, H.M.[Hua Min] Qu, H.M.[Hua-Min]
9 for Qu, H.M.

Qu, H.N.[Hai Ni] Co Author Listing * asymmetric classifier based on partial least squares, An
* Model selection for partial least squares based dimension reduction
Includes: Qu, H.N.[Hai Ni] Qu, H.N.[Hai-Ni]

Qu, H.Q.[Hong Quan] Co Author Listing * 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Algorithm Based on Temporal Information Fusion and Uncertainty Estimation
* Dynamic Method to Estimate Source Emission Rate and Predict Contaminant Concentrations, A
Includes: Qu, H.Q.[Hong Quan] Qu, H.Q.[Hong-Quan]

Qu, H.S.[Hong Song] Co Author Listing * Design of Cone and Pendulum Scanning Mode Using Dual-Camera with Multi-Dimensional Motion Imaging Micro-Nanosatellite, The
* IFRAD: A Fast Feature Descriptor for Remote Sensing Images
* Radiation Sensitivity Analysis of Ocean Wake Information Detection System Based on Visible Light Remote Sensing
* Remote Sensing Image Destriping Model Based on Low-Rank and Directional Sparse Constraint, A
* Variational Model for Sea Image Enhancement, A
Includes: Qu, H.S.[Hong Song] Qu, H.S.[Hong-Song]

Qu, H.X.[Hao Xuan] Co Author Listing * 6D-Diff: A Keypoint Diffusion Framework for 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Characteristic Function-Based Method for Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation, A
* Improving the Reliability for Confidence Estimation
* LLMs are Good Action Recognizers
* Meta Spatio-Temporal Debiasing for Video Scene Graph Generation
* Robust graph fusion and recognition framework for fingerprint and finger-vein
* Towards More Reliable Confidence Estimation
Includes: Qu, H.X.[Hao Xuan] Qu, H.X.[Hao-Xuan] Qu, H.X.[Hong-Xu]
7 for Qu, H.X.

Qu, H.Y.[Hao Yu] Co Author Listing * End-to-end wavelet block feature purification network for efficient and effective UAV object tracking
* Kernel clustering-based discriminant analysis
* Learning Graphical Model for Human Motion Characterization Using Genetic Optimization
Includes: Qu, H.Y.[Hao Yu] Qu, H.Y.[Hao-Yu] Qu, H.Y.[Hui-Yang]

Qu, H.Z.[Huai Zhi] Co Author Listing * Omni-Recon: Harnessing Image-based Rendering for General-purpose Neural Radiance Fields
Includes: Qu, H.Z.[Huai Zhi] Qu, H.Z.[Huai-Zhi]

Qu, J.[Jia] Co Author Listing * Adversarial Training Lattice LSTM for Named Entity Recognition of Rail Fault Texts
* Application of 3D Laser Scanner for Monitoring of Landslide Hazards
* Azimuth Signal Multichannel Reconstruction and Channel Configuration Design for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* Deep Spatial: Spectral Joint-Sparse Prior Encoding Network for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* FFBNet: Lightweight Backbone for Object Detection Based Feature Fusion Block
* HoloLens Augmented Reality System Provides Valid Measures of Gait Performance in Healthy Adults, The
* Impact of a Single Discretionary Lane Change on Surrounding Traffic: An Analytic Investigation, The
* Interpretable Unsupervised Unrolling Network for Hyperspectral Pansharpening, An
* Joint Contextual Representation Model-Informed Interpretable Network With Dictionary Aligning for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Classification
* Multivariate Analysis of MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aerosol Retrievals and the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) Parameters for Atlantic Hurricanes
* Noise Prior Knowledge Informed Bayesian Inference Network for Hyperspectral Super-Resolution
* Novel Three-Dimensional P300 Speller Based on Stereo Visual Stimuli, A
* Research on Rapid Identification of Water Ponding in Tunnels Based on Multi-frame Fusion and Improved SSD Algorithm
* Retrieval System of Medicine Molecules Based on Graph Similarity, A
* SRRV: A Novel Document Object Detector Based on Spatial-Related Relation and Vision
Includes: Qu, J.[Jia] Qu, J. Qu, J.[Jiahui] Qu, J.[Jie] Qu, J.[Jing]
15 for Qu, J.

Qu, J.F.[Jian Feng] Co Author Listing * Sample Adaptive Offset Optimization in HEVC
Includes: Qu, J.F.[Jian Feng] Qu, J.F.[Jian-Feng]

Qu, J.H.[Jia Hao] Co Author Listing * Aircraft Skin Damage Detection and Assessment From UAV Images Using GLCM and Cloud Model
* Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images using an average filter and a guided filter
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images with guided filter
* Graph Embedding Interclass Relation-Aware Adaptive Network for Cross-Scene Classification of Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* Hyperspectral Pansharpening Based on Homomorphic Filtering and Weighted Tensor Matrix
* Hyperspectral Pansharpening Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition and Weighted Least Squares Filter
* Local model-based hyperspectral pansharpening algorithm via optimization constraint equation and sliding window
* Structure Tensor-Based Algorithm for Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images Fusion
* Using Satellite Data for the Characterization of Local Animal Reservoir Populations of Hantaan Virus on the Weihe Plain, China
Includes: Qu, J.H.[Jia Hao] Qu, J.H.[Jia-Hao] Qu, J.H.[Jia-Hui] Qu, J.H.[Jian-Hui]
10 for Qu, J.H.

Qu, J.J.[John J.] Co Author Listing * Detection of Asian Dust Storm Using MODIS Measurements
* Downscaling Land Surface Temperature Derived from Microwave Observations with the Super-Resolution Reconstruction Method: A Case Study in the CONUS
* Downscaling of Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval by Combining MODIS/Landsat and In Situ Measurements
* Monitoring Extreme Agricultural Drought over the Horn of Africa (HOA) Using Remote Sensing Measurements
* Monitoring Surface Soil Moisture Content over the Vegetated Area by Integrating Optical and SAR Satellite Observations in the Permafrost Region of Tibetan Plateau
* Preliminary Assessment of Land Restoration Progress in the Great Green Wall Initiative Region Using Satellite Remote Sensing Measurements, A
* Quantifying Seagrass Density Using Sentinel-2 Data and Machine Learning
7 for Qu, J.J.

Qu, J.M.[Jia Meng] Co Author Listing * W-Band Active Phased Array Miniaturized Scan-SAR with High Resolution on Multi-Rotor UAVs, A
Includes: Qu, J.M.[Jia Meng] Qu, J.M.[Jia-Meng]

Qu, J.R.[Jun Rong] Co Author Listing * Comparative Study on Classification Features between High-Resolution and Polarimetric SAR Images through Unsupervised Classification Methods, A
Includes: Qu, J.R.[Jun Rong] Qu, J.R.[Jun-Rong]

Qu, J.S.[Jun Suo] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing Small Object Detection Network Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
Includes: Qu, J.S.[Jun Suo] Qu, J.S.[Jun-Suo]

Qu, J.T.[Jian Tao] Co Author Listing * CF2PN: A Cross-Scale Feature Fusion Pyramid Network Based Remote Sensing Target Detection
* Differential Strategy-Based Multi-Level Dense Network for Pansharpening
* Local and Nonlocal Feature Interaction Network for Pansharpening, A
* Spatial-Spectral Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A 3-D CNN and Bi-LSTM Framework
Includes: Qu, J.T.[Jian Tao] Qu, J.T.[Jian-Tao]

Qu, J.W.[Jing Wei] Co Author Listing * Improving PGF retrieval effectiveness with active learning
* Plane Geometry Figure Retrieval Based on Bilayer Geometric Attributed Graph Matching
Includes: Qu, J.W.[Jing Wei] Qu, J.W.[Jing-Wei]

Qu, J.X.[Jing Xiang] Co Author Listing * Asynchronous Trajectory Matching-Based Multimodal Maritime Data Fusion for Vessel Traffic Surveillance in Inland Waterways
* Double Domain Guided Real-Time Low-Light Image Enhancement for Ultra-High-Definition Transportation Surveillance
* Multi-Task Learning-Enabled Automatic Vessel Draft Reading for Intelligent Maritime Surveillance
* NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* SCANet: Self-Paced Semi-Curricular Attention Network for Non-Homogeneous Image Dehazing
Includes: Qu, J.X.[Jing Xiang] Qu, J.X.[Jing-Xiang]

Qu, J.Y.[Jing Yi] Co Author Listing * HollowBox: An anchor-free UAV detection method
Includes: Qu, J.Y.[Jing Yi] Qu, J.Y.[Jing-Yi]

Qu, J.Z.[Jian Zhang] Co Author Listing * Deep Discriminative Hashing Networks on Point-wise Labels for Image Retrieval
Includes: Qu, J.Z.[Jian Zhang] Qu, J.Z.[Jian-Zhang]

Qu, K.[Ke] Co Author Listing * Enhanced Inversion of Sound Speed Profile Based on a Physics-Inspired Self-Organizing Map
* High Accuracy Motion Detection Algorithm via ISM Band FMCW Radar
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Graph Regular Tensor Ring Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution Via Joint Regularization of Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Joint-Structured Sparse Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Regularized Coupled Non-Negative Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* Visual tracking by the combination of global detector and local image patch matching
Includes: Qu, K.[Ke] Qu, K.[Kui] Qu, K.[Kewen] Qu, K.
7 for Qu, K.

Qu, L.[Lei] Co Author Listing * 3-D Registration of Biological Images and Models: Registration of microscopic images and its uses in segmentation and annotation
* Accuracy Improvements to Pixel-Based and Object-Based LULC Classification with Auxiliary Datasets from Google Earth Engine
* Asynchronous Multimodal Video Sequence Fusion via Learning Modality-Exclusive and -Agnostic Representations
* Attentive multi-stage convolutional neural network for crowd counting
* Biomedical image segmentation based on full-Resolution network
* CPG3D: Cross-Modal Priors Guided 3D Object Reconstruction
* CT Male Pelvic Organ Segmentation via Hybrid Loss Network With Incomplete Annotation
* DeshadowNet: A Multi-context Embedding Deep Network for Shadow Removal
* Free Space Estimation on Nonflat Plane Based on V-Disparity
* Generative Region-Language Pretraining for Open-Ended Object Detection
* Ground Plane Detection with a New Local Disparity Texture Descriptor
* hand pose tracking benchmark from stereo matching, A
* HMM-Based Map Matching and Spatiotemporal Analysis for Matching Errors with Taxi Trajectories
* Improving de-noising by coefficient de-noising and dyadic wavelet transform
* Iterative Local-Global Collaboration Learning Towards One-Shot Video Person Re-Identification
* Joint Constant-Modulus Waveform and RIS Phase Shift Design for Terahertz Dual-Function MIMO Radar and Communication System
* LeafMask: Towards Greater Accuracy on Leaf Segmentation
* New Intrinsic-Lighting Color Space for Daytime Outdoor Images, A
* O2U-Net: A Simple Noisy Label Detection Approach for Deep Neural Networks
* Pathology-knowledge Enhanced Multi-instance Prompt Learning for Few-Shot Whole Slide Image Classification
* PPCA-Based Missing Data Imputation for Traffic Flow Volume: A Systematical Approach
* Real-time visual tracking with ELM augmented adaptive correlation filter
* RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep Fusion
* Robust Face Recognition With Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Group Sparsity Representation
* Robust Scale Adaptive and Real-Time Visual Tracking with Correlation Filters
* Seeing the Unseen: A Frequency Prompt Guided Transformer for Image Restoration
* Self-Supervised Correlation Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Separate and Conquer: Decoupling Co-occurrence via Decomposition and Representation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* SOTR: Segmenting Objects with Transformers
* Spatial Cross-Scale Attention Network and Global Average Accuracy Loss for SAR Ship Detection, A
* Stereo Matching Based on Efficient Image-Guided Cost Aggregation
* Structure-Aware Framework of Unsupervised Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation via Frequency and Spatial Knowledge Distillation, A
* Through-the-wall radar imaging algorithm for moving target under wall parameter uncertainties
* Triple-Attention-Based Parallel Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Triple-Input-Unsupervised neural Networks for deformable image registration
* UniTR: A Unified TRansformer-Based Framework for Co-Object and Multi-Modal Saliency Detection
* UWB Through-Wall Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* VFL3D: A Single-Stage Fine-Grained Lightweight Point Cloud 3D Object Detection Algorithm Based on Voxels
* Virtual Restoration of Ancient Mold-Damaged Painting Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image
* Visual tracking with genetic algorithm augmented logistic regression
* Wavelet Reconstruction of Nonuniformly Sampled Signals
Includes: Qu, L.[Lei] Qu, L.[Le'an] Qu, L.[Linhao] Qu, L. Qu, L.[Lizhen] Qu, L.[Lin] Qu, L.[LiangSheng] Qu, L.[Liangdong] Qu, L.[Liao] Qu, L.[Lishen] Qu, L.[Leigang] Qu, L.[Lele] Qu, L.[Liang]
41 for Qu, L.

Qu, L.F.[Ling Feng] Co Author Listing * Cryptanalysis of Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Block Permutation and Co-Modulation
* On The Security of Block Permutation and Co-XOR in Reversible Data Hiding
* Reversible Data Hiding of JPEG Image Based on Adaptive Frequency Band Length
* Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted-Image Based on Prediction and Compression Coding
Includes: Qu, L.F.[Ling Feng] Qu, L.F.[Ling-Feng]

Qu, L.G.[Lei Gang] Co Author Listing * Discriminative Probing and Tuning for Text-to-Image Generation
Includes: Qu, L.G.[Lei Gang] Qu, L.G.[Lei-Gang]

Qu, L.H.[Lin Hao] Co Author Listing * Boosting Whole Slide Image Classification from the Perspectives of Distribution, Correlation and Magnification
* Rethinking Multiple Instance Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification: A Good Instance Classifier Is All You Need
Includes: Qu, L.H.[Lin Hao] Qu, L.H.[Lin-Hao]

Qu, L.Q.[Liang Qiong] Co Author Listing * cascaded nested network for 3T brain MR image segmentation guided by 7T labeling, A
* Cross-Calibration of HY-1D/COCTS Thermal Emissive Bands in the South China Sea
* Decoupled Multi-Task Network for Shadow Removal, A
* Evaluation of shadow features
* FLHetBench: Benchmarking Device and State Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
* Label-Efficient Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Medical Imaging
* Learning Self- and Cross-Triplet Context Clues for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* New spectrum ratio properties and features for shadow detection
* Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature in the China Seas Based on Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
* Regional Study on the Oceanic Cool Skin and Diurnal Warming Effects: Observing and Modeling
* Residual Denoising Diffusion Models
* Rethinking Architecture Design for Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Skin Temperature from the High Resolution Picture Transmission Data of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Series Satellites
* Sea Surface Skin Temperature Retrieval from FY-3C/VIRR
* Simulation of Thermal Infrared Brightness Temperatures from an Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner Onboard a New Generation Chinese Ocean Color Observation Satellite
* Unleashing the Potential of SAM for Medical Adaptation via Hierarchical Decoding
Includes: Qu, L.Q.[Liang Qiong] Qu, L.Q.[Liang-Qiong] Qu, L.Q.[Li-Qin]
16 for Qu, L.Q.

Qu, L.T.[Li Tao] Co Author Listing * CrossDiff: Exploring Self-SupervisedRepresentation of Pansharpening via Cross-Predictive Diffusion Model
Includes: Qu, L.T.[Li Tao] Qu, L.T.[Li-Tao]

Qu, L.Z. Co Author Listing * Background subtraction algorithms for videodensitometric quantification of coronary stenosis
* Estimating the Fractional Cycle Biases for GPS Triple-Frequency Precise Point Positioning with Ambiguity Resolution Based on IGS Ultra-Rapid Predicted Orbits
* Learning More Accurate Features for Semantic Segmentation in Cyclenet
* Making Deep Neural Networks Robust to Label Noise: A Loss Correction Approach
* Multimodal Transformer with Variable-Length Memory for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Precise Orbit Determination of FY-3C with Calibration of Orbit Biases in BeiDou GEO Satellites
* Triple-Frequency GPS Un-Differenced and Uncombined PPP Ambiguity Resolution Using Observable-Specific Satellite Signal Biases
Includes: Qu, L.Z. Qu, L.Z.[Li-Zhong] Qu, L.Z.[Lin-Zi] Qu, L.Z.[Li-Zhen]
7 for Qu, L.Z.

Qu, M.[Meng] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Leads Retrieved from AMSR-E/AMSR2, An
* Application of Machine Learning for Simulation of Air Temperature at Dome A
* Bluetooth Vehicle Trajectory by Fusing Bluetooth and Loops: Motorway Travel Time Statistics
* CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) Tool for Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments
* Comparison between AMSR2 Sea Ice Concentration Products and Pseudo-Ship Observations of the Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Edge on Cloud-Free Days
* Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Sea Ice Leads in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica
* Inter-comparisons Among Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration Products From Fy-3d Mwri and Amsr2
* Multi-Source Multi-Label Learning for User Profiling in Online Games
* Novel Vertical Active Damping System for the Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension, A
* Spatio-Temporal Land-Use Changes and the Response in Landscape Pattern to Hemeroby in a Resource-Based City
Includes: Qu, M.[Meng] Qu, M. Qu, M.[Manhu] Qu, M.[Minghe] Qu, M.[Ming]
10 for Qu, M.

Qu, M.X.[Meng Xue] Co Author Listing * ChatVTG: Video Temporal Grounding via Chat with Video Dialogue Large Language Models
* Learning to Segment Every Referring Object Point by Point
* SiRi: A Simple Selective Retraining Mechanism for Transformer-Based Visual Grounding
Includes: Qu, M.X.[Meng Xue] Qu, M.X.[Meng-Xue]

Qu, M.Z.[Ming Zhi] Co Author Listing * Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristic Parameters Construction and Concentration Retrieval for Inland Water Chlorophyll-a Under Different Motion States
Includes: Qu, M.Z.[Ming Zhi] Qu, M.Z.[Ming-Zhi]

Qu, N.[Nianxin] Co Author Listing * Spectral Reconstruction from Thermal Infrared Multispectral Image Using Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer Joint Network

Qu, P.[Ping] Co Author Listing * Simple Statistical Intra-Seasonal Prediction Model for Sea Surface Variables Utilizing Satellite Remote Sensing, A

Qu, P.G.[Ping Ge] Co Author Listing * Construction of Two Types of Wavelets Based on Edge Detector
* Fabric Defects' Automatic Inspection Based on Computer Vision
Includes: Qu, P.G.[Ping Ge] Qu, P.G.[Ping-Ge]

Qu, Q. Co Author Listing * 3D Multi-Scale Convolutional Networks for Glioma Grading Using MR Images
* Abundance Estimation for Bilinear Mixture Models via Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation
* Cross-Layer Design for Delay-Constrained Error-Resilient Video Communications Over Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
* End-to-End Embedded Approach for Multicast/Broadcast of Scalable Video over Multiuser CDMA Wireless Networks, An
* Error-resilient wireless video transmission using motion-based unequal error protection and intra-frame packet interleaving
* EvRepSL: Event-Stream Representation via Self-Supervised Learning for Event-Based Vision
* Exact Recovery of Multichannel Sparse Blind Deconvolution via Gradient Descent
* Improving Training Efficiency of Diffusion Models via Multi-Stage Framework and Tailored Multi-Decoder Architecture
* Multiscale Deep Convolutional Networks for Characterization and Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using MR images
* Neural Attentive Network for Cross-Domain Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Passenger Travel Patterns in Massive Smart Card Data
Includes: Qu, Q. Qu, Q.[Qi] Qu, Q.[Qiang] Qu, Q.[Qing]
11 for Qu, Q.

Qu, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Co Author Listing * Effective Privacy Architecture to Preserve User Trajectories in Reward-Based LBS Applications, An
* Fashion recommendations through cross-media information retrieval
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on mobility analytics for spatio-temporal and social data
Includes: Qu, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Qu, Q.A.[Qi-Ang]

Qu, Q.K.[Qi Kai] Co Author Listing * Towards efficient traffic crash detection based on macro and micro data fusion on expressways: A digital twin framework
Includes: Qu, Q.K.[Qi Kai] Qu, Q.K.[Qi-Kai]

Qu, Q.Y.[Qin Yang] Co Author Listing * Polarized laser target detection system for smoky environment based on full-waveform decomposition and multiscale convolutional neural networks with attention
* Unmixing Guided Unsupervised Network for RGB Spectral Super-Resolution
Includes: Qu, Q.Y.[Qin Yang] Qu, Q.Y.[Qin-Yang] Qu, Q.Y.[Qiao-Ying]

Qu, Q.Z.[Qi Zhe] Co Author Listing * Intra-pulse modulation radar signal recognition based on Squeeze-and-Excitation networks
* Monopulse Parameter Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar under Mainlobe Deception Jamming
* Optimizing an Algorithm Designed for Sparse-Frequency Waveforms for Use in Airborne Radars
* Sea Clutter Amplitude Prediction via an Attention-Enhanced Seq2Seq Network
* TPSSI-Net: Fast and Enhanced Two-Path Iterative Network for 3D SAR Sparse Imaging
Includes: Qu, Q.Z.[Qi Zhe] Qu, Q.Z.[Qi-Zhe]

Qu, R.[Rui] Co Author Listing * AFE-RCNN: Adaptive Feature Enhancement RCNN for 3D Object Detection
* Fuzzy Superpixels Based Semi-Supervised Similarity-Constrained CNN for PolSAR Image Classification
* Guest Editorial: Automated Machine Learning
* Typhoon Early Warning and Monitoring Based on the Comprehensive Characteristics of Oceanic and Ionospheric Echoes from HFSWR: The Case of Typhoon Muifa
* Video Satellite Imagery Super-Resolution via Model-Based Deep Neural Networks
Includes: Qu, R.[Rui] Qu, R.[Rong] Qu, R.[Ruozhao] Qu, R.[Rongning]

Qu, R.B.[Rui Bin] Co Author Listing * Fast Implementation of Scale-Space by Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme
Includes: Qu, R.B.[Rui Bin] Qu, R.B.[Rui-Bin]

Qu, R.X.[Rong Xiao] Co Author Listing * Modelling Competitive Behaviors in Autonomous Driving Under Generative World Model
Includes: Qu, R.X.[Rong Xiao] Qu, R.X.[Rong-Xiao]

Qu, R.Z.[Ruo Zhao] Co Author Listing * Joint Method for Wave and Wind Field Parameter Inversion Combining SAR with Wave Spectrometer Data, A
Includes: Qu, R.Z.[Ruo Zhao] Qu, R.Z.[Ruo-Zhao]

Qu, S.[Shan] Co Author Listing * Facial Depression Recognition by Deep Joint Label Distribution and Metric Learning
* FastSTI: A Fast Conditional Pseudo Numerical Diffusion Model for Spatio-Temporal Traffic Data Imputation
* Image caption generation with high-level image features
* Learning a target-dependent classifier for cross-domain semantic segmentation: Fine-tuning versus meta-learning
* Prototypical Knowledge Oriented Adaptation Framework for Semantic Segmentation, A
* Real-time vehicle detection and counting in complex traffic scenes using background subtraction model with low-rank decomposition
* Single infrared image super-resolution based on lightweight multi-path feature fusion network
* Spring Phenology Outweighs Temperature for Controlling the Autumn Phenology in the Yellow River Basin
* Unsupervised Pixel-Wise Weighted Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* VLG-Net: Video-Language Graph Matching Network for Video Grounding
Includes: Qu, S.[Shan] Qu, S.[Shiru] Qu, S.[Shuo] Qu, S.[Sai] Qu, S.[Sisi]
10 for Qu, S.

Qu, S.C.[Shao Cheng] Co Author Listing * Design on self-balancing and track-searching cart
* human-machine gambling system based on System on Programming Chip (SOPC), A
Includes: Qu, S.C.[Shao Cheng] Qu, S.C.[Shao-Cheng]

Qu, S.H.[Si Heng] Co Author Listing * Integrated Horizon Picking Method for Obtaining the Main and Detailed Reflectors on Sub-Bottom Profiler Sonar Image, An
* Non-Local Low-Rank Algorithm for Sub-Bottom Profile Sonar Image Denoising, A
* Novel Horizon Picking Method on Sub-Bottom Profiler Sonar Images, A
* Sub-Bottom Sediment Classification Using Reliable Instantaneous Frequency Calculation and Relaxation Time Estimation
Includes: Qu, S.H.[Si Heng] Qu, S.H.[Si-Heng]

Qu, S.J.[Shao Jie] Co Author Listing * Evaluation and Analysis of Dust Storm Activity in Tianwen-1 Landing Area Based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Camera Observations and Mars Daily Global Maps
* Interactive image segmentation based on the appearance model and orientation energy
* Interactive image segmentation using geodesic appearance overlap graph cut
* Preliminary Study of Dust Devil Tracks in Southern Utopia Planitia, Landing Area of Tianwen-1 Mission, The
* Supervised image segmentation based on superpixel and improved normalised cuts
Includes: Qu, S.J.[Shao Jie] Qu, S.J.[Shao-Jie] Qu, S.J.[Shao-Jun]

Qu, S.M.[Shen Ming] Co Author Listing * Dictionary based surveillance image compression
Includes: Qu, S.M.[Shen Ming] Qu, S.M.[Shen-Ming]

Qu, S.Q.[Shen Quan] Co Author Listing * Active Flattening of Curved Document Images via Two Structured Beams
* BMD: A General Class-Balanced Multicentric Dynamic Prototype Strategy for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* HGL: Hierarchical Geometry Learning for Test-time Adaptation in 3d Point Cloud Segmentation
* HRegNet: A Hierarchical Network for Efficient and Accurate Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration
* HRegNet: A Hierarchical Network for Large-scale Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration
* LEAD: Learning Decomposition for Source-free Universal Domain Adaptation
* MAP: MAsk-Pruning for Source-Free Model Intellectual Property Protection
* Modality-Agnostic Debiasing for Single Domain Generalization
* MoNet: Motion-Based Point Cloud Prediction Network
* Neuromorphic Vision-Based Fall Localization in Event Streams With Temporal-Spatial Attention Weighted Network
* Pseudo-Image and Sparse Points: Vehicle Detection With 2D LiDAR Revisited by Deep Learning-Based Methods
* RPP-Net: Rigid Constrained Point Cloud Prediction Network
* Support vector machine combined with magnetic resonance imaging for accurate diagnosis of paediatric pancreatic cancer
* TMA: Temporal Motion Aggregation for Event-based Optical Flow
* Upcycling Models Under Domain and Category Shift
Includes: Qu, S.Q.[Shen Quan] Qu, S.Q.[Shen-Quan] Qu, S.Q.[San-Qing] Qu, S.Q.[Shu-Qiang]
15 for Qu, S.Q.

Qu, S.R.[Shen Run] Co Author Listing * DEM Extraction from ALS Point Clouds in Forest Areas via Graph Convolution Network
Includes: Qu, S.R.[Shen Run] Qu, S.R.[Shen-Run]

Qu, S.X.[Shu Xue] Co Author Listing * Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry Density of POI, A
Includes: Qu, S.X.[Shu Xue] Qu, S.X.[Shu-Xue]

Qu, S.Y.[Si Ying] Co Author Listing * Coarse-grained Density Map Guided Object Detection in Aerial Images
Includes: Qu, S.Y.[Si Ying] Qu, S.Y.[Si-Ying]

Qu, T.[Tong] Co Author Listing * Analysis of Green Spaces by Utilizing Big Data to Support Smart Cities and Environment: A Case Study About the City Center of Shanghai
* Application Of Time Series Insar Technique For Deformation Monitoring Of Large-scale Landslides In Mountainous Areas Of Western China
* Artificial Intelligence for Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Protection: The Project and the Dataset
* Characterization of the Frost Heave Deformations In High Latitude And Deep Seasonally Frozen Soil of Inner Mongolia with Sentinel-1 Insar Observations
* CMFG: Cross-model Fine-grained Feature Interaction for Text-video Retrieval
* Comparative Study of Estimating Auroral Electron Energy from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and DMSP-SSJ5 Particle Data, A
* Consensus-Based Distributed Cooperative Perception for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Cooperative Perception with Localization Uncertainty: A Cubature Split Covariance Intersection Framework
* Deformation Monitoring of High-latitude Permafrost Region Of Northeastern China With Time Series Insar Technique
* Fully Convolutional Networks and a Manifold Graph Embedding-Based Algorithm for PolSAR Image Classification
* generic, cluster-centred lossless compression framework for joint auroral data, A
* Human-Machine Cooperative Steering Control Considering Mitigating Human-Machine Conflict Based on Driver Trust
* Intelligent UAV Path-Planning Method Based on the Theory of the Three-Dimensional Subdivision of Earth Space, An
* Interpretable Driver Fatigue Estimation Based on Hierarchical Symptom Representations
* Introducing Routing Functions to Vision-language Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning with Low-rank Bottlenecks
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture LiDAR Imaging of Rough Targets under Small Rotation Angles
* Large-scale Subsidence Geohazard Monitoring with Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry In Central Lishui (China)
* Lifting Scheme-Based Deep Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Mode Recognition of Orbital Angular Momentum Based on Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network
* Moving Horizon Estimation with Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model for Surrounding Vehicle States in Complex Environments
* Multi-mode switching-based model predictive control approach for longitudinal autonomous driving with acceleration estimation
* Multimodal object tracking by exploiting appearance and class information
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Prewitt Magnitude Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Radar Remote Sensing Applications in Landslide Monitoring With Multi-platform Insar Observations: a Case Study From China
* Remote Sensing and Texture Image Classification Network Based on Deep Learning Integrated with Binary Coding and Sinkhorn Distance
* Seasonal Variation of Stratospheric Gravity Waves in the Asian Monsoon Region Derived from COSMIC-2 Data
* Seasonal Variations in the Vertical Wavenumber Spectra of Stratospheric Gravity Waves in the Asian Monsoon Region Derived from COSMIC-2 Data
* Switching-Based Stochastic Model Predictive Control Approach for Modeling Driver Steering Skill
* Using Multi-Source Real Landform Data to Predict and Analyze Intercity Remote Interference of 5G Communication with Ducting and Troposcatter Effects
Includes: Qu, T.[Tong] Qu, T. Qu, T.[Ting] Qu, T.[Tan] Qu, T.[Tao] Qu, T.[Tengteng] Qu, T.[Tingyu]
29 for Qu, T.

Qu, T.F.[Teng Fei] Co Author Listing * Method for Extracting Lake Water Using ViTenc-UNet: Taking Typical Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as Examples, A
* Spatial Distribution Extraction Method for Winter Wheat Based on Improved U-Net, A
Includes: Qu, T.F.[Teng Fei] Qu, T.F.[Teng-Fei]

Qu, T.T.[Teng Teng] Co Author Listing * Hybrid-SAR Technique: Joint Analysis Using Phase-Based and Amplitude-Based Methods for the Xishancun Giant Landslide Monitoring
* Spatial Grid-Based Position Calculation Method for Satellite-Ground Communication Links
Includes: Qu, T.T.[Teng Teng] Qu, T.T.[Teng-Teng]

Qu, T.Y.[Ting Yu] Co Author Listing * Weakly Supervised Face Naming with Symmetry-Enhanced Contrastive Loss
Includes: Qu, T.Y.[Ting Yu] Qu, T.Y.[Ting-Yu]

Qu, W.[Wei] Co Author Listing * 2014 Mw 6.1 Ludian Earthquake: The Application of RADARSAT-2 SAR Interferometry and GPS for this Conjugated Ruptured Event, The
* Adaptive Least-Squares Collocation Algorithm Considering Distance Scale Factor for GPS Crustal Velocity Field Fitting and Estimation
* Analysis of Land Use Change In Inner Mongolia Region From 1978 to 2018 Based on Remote Sensing
* Boundary points based scale invariant 3D point feature
* Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Temporal and Spatial Gravity Changes of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Chile Earthquake Observed by GRACE and GRACE Follow-on
* Estimation of Evapotranspiration in the Yellow River Basin from 2002 to 2020 Based on GRACE and GRACE Follow-On Observations
* High angular resolution light field reconstruction with coded-aperture mask
* HMM-Based Motion Recognition System Using Segmented PCA
* Management Processes Reconstruction of Historical Buildings Supported By Smart Technology - a Case Study of Fuzhou City
* Mapping the Recent Vertical Crustal Deformation of the Weihe Basin (China) Using Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 ScanSAR Imagery
* Multi-Object Tracking Via Species Based Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multiple Object Tracking Via Species-Based Particle Swarm Optimization
* Multiple Targets Appearance Tracker Based on Object Interaction Models, A
* New Method of Fast Registration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Images Based-on An Improved Surf Algorithm, A
* Novel-view Synthesis and Pose Estimation for Hand-Object Interaction from Sparse Views
* Parallel Method for Texture Reconstruction in Large-Scale 3D Automatic Modeling Based on Oblique Photography, A
* Probabilistic Evaluation of Slope Reliability Considering Groundwater Level Uncertainty Based on Dynamic Agent Model Using Uniform Design
* Real-Time Decentralized Articulated Motion Analysis and Object Tracking From Videos
* Real-time interactive multi-target tracking using kernel-based trackers
* Real-Time Interactively Distributed Multi-Object Tracking Using a Magnetic-Inertia Potential Model
* Research on Radar PRI Modulation Pattern Recognition Based on Recurrent Neural Network
* Robust Control-Based Object Tracking
* Robust Kernel-Based Tracking using Optimal Control
* Source Parameter Estimation of the 2009 Ms6.0 Yao'an Earthquake, Southern China, Using InSAR Observations
* Spatiotemporal Variations and Sustainability Characteristics of Groundwater Storage in North China from 2002 to 2022 Revealed by GRACE/GRACE Follow-On and Multiple Hydrologic Data
* Weakly Supervised Learning for Single Depth-Based Hand Shape Recovery
* Wide and Deep Fourier Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
Includes: Qu, W.[Wei] Qu, W. Qu, W.[Wen] Qu, W.[Wentian] Qu, W.[Wenhu]
27 for Qu, W.

Qu, W.J.[Wei Jing] Co Author Listing * Analysis of the Potential Contributors to Common Mode Error in Chuandian Region of China
* Comparison and Assessment of Three ITRS Realizations
* Rife Spectrum Estimation Algorithm Based on Phase Criterion
Includes: Qu, W.J.[Wei Jing] Qu, W.J.[Wei-Jing] Qu, W.J.[Wei-Jie]

Qu, W.Q.[Wen Qiu] Co Author Listing * M-SKSNet: Multi-Scale Spatial Kernel Selection for Image Segmentation of Damaged Road Markings
* Multi-Level Adaptive Lightweight Net for Damaged Road Marking Detection Based on Knowledge Distillation, A
* Optimizing Observation Plans for Identifying Faxon Fir (Abies fargesii var. Faxoniana) Using Monthly Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
Includes: Qu, W.Q.[Wen Qiu] Qu, W.Q.[Wen-Qiu]

Qu, W.T.[Wen Tao] Co Author Listing * Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Point Cloud Upsampling, A
* Enhanced Regularized Clustering Method With Adaptive Spurious Connection Detection, An
Includes: Qu, W.T.[Wen Tao] Qu, W.T.[Wen-Tao]

Qu, W.W.[Wei Wei] Co Author Listing * Sparse Local Patch Transformer for Robust Face Alignment and Landmarks Inherent Relation Learning
Includes: Qu, W.W.[Wei Wei] Qu, W.W.[Wei-Wei]

Qu, W.Y.[Wen Yi] Co Author Listing * Deep MR parametric imaging with the learned L+S model and attention mechanism
* ECDS: An effective shape signature using electrical charge distribution on the shape
* effective solution for trademark image retrieval by combining shape description and feature matching, An
* Low Transmission Overhead Framework of Mobile Visual Search Based on Vocabulary Decomposition, A
* Near-convex decomposition of 2D shape using visibility range
* Scale balance for prototype-based binary quantization
* SwissCheese: Fine-Grained Channel-Spatial Feature Filtering for Communication-Efficient Cooperative Perception
Includes: Qu, W.Y.[Wen Yi] Qu, W.Y.[Wen-Yi] Qu, W.Y.[Wen-Yu]
7 for Qu, W.Y.

Qu, X.[Xu] Co Author Listing * Cooperative control strategies to stabilise the freeway mixed traffic stability and improve traffic throughput in an intelligent roadside system environment
* Cooperative Lane Changing Strategies to Improve Traffic Operation and Safety Nearby Freeway Off-Ramps in a Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment
* Coordinated decisions of discretionary lane change between connected and automated vehicles on freeways: a game theory-based lane change strategy
* Development of an Efficient Driving Strategy for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Signalized Intersections: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Distillation Using Oracle Queries for Transformer-based Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Door Knob Hand Recognition System
* Dynamic Driving Risk Potential Field Model Under the Connected and Automated Vehicles Environment and Its Application in Car-Following Modeling
* Edge-Guided Pixel Level Connected Component Assisted Camouflaged Object Detection
* Error Measures for Trajectory Estimations With Geo-Tagged Mobility Sample Data
* Freeway Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on a Generalized Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network, A
* Glance and Gaze: Inferring Action-aware Points for One-Stage Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Hybrid Inductive-Power-Transfer Battery Chargers for Electric Vehicle Onboard Charging With Configurable Charging Profile
* In-air handwritten Chinese character recognition using discriminative projection based on locality-sensitive sparse representation
* In-air handwritten Chinese character recognition using multi-stage classifier based on adaptive discriminative locality alignment
* In-air handwritten Chinese character recognition with locality-sensitive sparse representation toward optimized prototype classifier
* Mass-based omni-directional risk indicator (MORI) for multi-participant traffic
* Modelling correlation degree between two adjacent signalised intersections for dynamic subarea partition
* Network Traffic Model for the Control of Autonomous Vehicles Acting as Moving Bottlenecks, A
* new hybrid-parameter recurrent neural network for online handwritten chinese character recognition, A
* Novel Line-Scan Palmprint Acquisition System, A
* Novel Voronoi-Based Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Crash Prediction Considering Geographical Spatial Distributions, A
* On the Impact of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles in Improving Freeway Merging: A Modified Intelligent Driver Model-Based Approach
* On the Role of Battery Capacity Fading Mechanism in the Lifecycle Cost of Electric Bus Fleet
* Polysemy Deciphering Network for Human-object Interaction Detection
* Polysemy Deciphering Network for Robust Human-Object Interaction Detection
* Prediction of pediatric activity intensity with wearable sensors and bi-directional LSTM models
* Projected Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm for Tight Frames in Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Public Transit Planning and Operation in the Era of Automation, Electrification, and Personalization
* Real-time freeway sideswipe crash prediction by support vector machine
* Research on prediction method of expressway section traffic flow considering anomaly detection probability
* Reversible Data Hiding With Automatic Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement
* RGB-Thermal Image Segmentation Method Based on Parameter Sharing and Attention Fusion for Safe Autonomous Driving, A
* Scale-Aware Pyramid Network for Multi-Scale Object Detection in SAR Images, A
* Similar handwritten Chinese character recognition based on adaptive discriminative locality alignment
* Simulating Human Lifting Motions Using Fuzzy-Logic Control
* Single Image Super-Resolution With Learning Iteratively Non-Linear Mapping Between Low- and High-Resolution Sparse Representations
* Skewed Histogram Shifting for Reversible Data Hiding Using a Pair of Extreme Predictions
* Three-dimensional trajectory tracking of an underactuated AUV based on fuzzy dynamic surface control
* Variable Speed Limit Control Based on Variable Cell Transmission Model in the Connecting Traffic Environment, A
Includes: Qu, X.[Xu] Qu, X. Qu, X.[Xian] Qu, X.[Xin] Qu, X.[Xiwen] Qu, X.[Xiao] Qu, X.[Xingda] Qu, X.[Xingru]
39 for Qu, X.

Qu, X.B.[Xiao Bo] Co Author Listing * 1D Plug-and-Play Synthetic Data Deep Learning for Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction, A
* Accelerated MRI Reconstruction With Separable and Enhanced Low-Rank Hankel Regularization
* Dynamic Model Averaging for the Discovery of Time-Varying Weather-Cycling Patterns, A
* Enhanced Scene Understanding and Situation Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Semantic Segmentation
* Improving Freeway Merging Efficiency via Flow-Level Coordination of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* Investigation on linearisation of data-driven transport research: Two representative case studies
* Lifecycle Cost Optimization for Electric Bus Systems With Different Charging Methods: Collaborative Optimization of Infrastructure Procurement and Fleet Scheduling
* Multi-Agent Fuzzy-Based Transit Signal Priority Control for Traffic Network Considering Conflicting Priority Requests
* Multiple Emergency Vehicle Priority in a Connected Vehicle Environment: A Cooperative Method
* On the Impact of Prior Experiences in Car-Following Models: Model Development, Computational Efficiency, Comparative Analyses, and Extensive Applications
* One-Dimensional Deep Low-Rank and Sparse Network for Accelerated MRI
* Optimising total entry delay at roundabouts with unbalanced flow: A dynamic strategy for smart metering
* Optimization of Electric Bus Scheduling for Mixed Passenger and Freight Flow in an Urban-Rural Transit System
* Origin-Destination Demands-Based Multipath-Band Approach to Time-Varying Arterial Coordination, An
* Physics-Driven Synthetic Data Learning for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance: The imaging physics-based data synthesis paradigm for artificial intelligence
Includes: Qu, X.B.[Xiao Bo] Qu, X.B.[Xiao-Bo]
15 for Qu, X.B.

Qu, X.C.[Xiao Chao] Co Author Listing * Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography
* Distribution-Aware Single-Stage Models for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
* Interseismic Coupling beneath the Sikkim-Bhutan Himalaya Constrained by GPS Measurements and Its Implication for Strain Segmentation and Seismic Activity
* Interseismic Fault Coupling and Slip Rate Deficit on the Central and Southern Segments of the Tanlu Fault Zone Based on Anhui CORS Measurements
* Linear collaborative discriminant regression classification for face recognition
* Machine Learning-Aided Sea Ice Monitoring Using Feature Sequences Extracted from Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry Data
* NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Methods and Results
* Reversible Data Hiding Based on Combined Predictor and Prediction Error Expansion
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
* Source Model of the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence Imaged by Sentinel-1 and GPS Measurements: Implications for Heterogeneous Fault Behavior along the East Anatolian Fault Zone
* Spaceborne GNSS-R for Sea Ice Classification Using Machine Learning Classifiers
* Weighted sparse representation using a learned distance metric for face recognition
Includes: Qu, X.C.[Xiao Chao] Qu, X.C.[Xiao-Chao] Qu, X.C.[Xiao-Chuan]
13 for Qu, X.C.

Qu, X.D.[Xiao Dong] Co Author Listing * Adaptive Micro-Doppler Corner Feature Extraction Method Based on Difference of Gaussian Filter and Deformable Convolution
* Continuous decision-making for autonomous driving at intersections using deep deterministic policy gradient
* DOA Estimation Method Based on Unsupervised Learning Network With Threshold Capon Spectrum Weighted Penalty
* DRFM Repeater Jamming Suppression Method Based on Joint Range-Angle Sparse Recovery and Beamforming for Distributed Array Radar
* DRFM-Based Repeater Jamming Reconstruction and Cancellation Method with Accurate Edge Detection
* Improved Lightweight Network Based on Yolov5s for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving, An
* SOSMaskFuse: An Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Architecture Based on Salient Object Segmentation Mask
* Stepwise Domain Adaptation (SDA) for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles Using an Adaptive CenterNet
* Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging Grating-Lobe and Sidelobe Suppression Method Based on Imaginary Sign Coherence Factor
* Wall Clutter Suppression Method Based on Amplitude Coherence Factor for MIMO Through-the-Wall Radar
Includes: Qu, X.D.[Xiao Dong] Qu, X.D.[Xiao-Dong] Qu, X.D.[Xing-Da]
10 for Qu, X.D.

Qu, X.F.[Xiao Feng] Co Author Listing * AAMT: Adversarial Attack-Driven Mutual Teaching for Source-Free Domain-Adaptive Person Reidentification
* MFNet-LE: Multilevel fusion network with Laplacian embedding for face presentation attacks detection
Includes: Qu, X.F.[Xiao Feng] Qu, X.F.[Xiao-Feng]

Qu, X.H.[Xing Hao] Co Author Listing * Augmented Tensor MUSIC for DOA Estimation Using Nested Acoustic Vector-Sensor Array
* Computationally Efficient Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on Quaternion Theory
* DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation
* Improved SFS 3D measurement based on BP neural network
* Improving traffic signal control operations using proximal policy optimization
* Transfer Kernel Learning for Multi-Source Transfer Gaussian Process Regression
Includes: Qu, X.H.[Xing Hao] Qu, X.H.[Xing-Hao] Qu, X.H.[Xing-Hua] Qu, X.H.[Xiao-Hui]

Qu, X.J.[Xiao Jun] Co Author Listing * Data Quality Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and GF-3 SAR for Wind Field Inversion
* Diversifying the Image Relevance Reranking with Absorbing Random Walks
Includes: Qu, X.J.[Xiao Jun] Qu, X.J.[Xiao-Jun] Qu, X.J.[Xiao-Jie]

Qu, X.K.[Xin Kai] Co Author Listing * Novel Spatial Position Prediction Navigation System Makes Surgery More Accurate, A
Includes: Qu, X.K.[Xin Kai] Qu, X.K.[Xin-Kai]

Qu, X.L.[Xiao Long] Co Author Listing * Brain tumour segmentation framework with deep nuanced reasoning and Swin-T
* GFNet: Automatic segmentation of COVID-19 lung infection regions using CT images based on boundary features
* Image manipulation detection by multiple tampering traces and edge artifact enhancement
Includes: Qu, X.L.[Xiao Long] Qu, X.L.[Xiao-Long] Qu, X.L.[Xi-Long] Qu, X.L.[Xiao-Lei]

Qu, X.M.[Xiao Mei] Co Author Listing * Application of Sensor/Weapon-Target Assignment based on Multi-Scale Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Algorithm
* Cooperative Localization With the Fusion of GNSS and Relative Range Information in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Includes: Qu, X.M.[Xiao Mei] Qu, X.M.[Xiao-Mei]

Qu, X.Q. Co Author Listing * 3D Surface Tracking Algorithm, A
* Matching Spatial Relations Using db-Tree for Image Retrieval
Includes: Qu, X.Q. Qu, X.Q.[Xiao-Qing]

Qu, X.T.[Xing Tai] Co Author Listing * Action Recognition with Global Features
* Action Recognition with Semi-global Characteristics and Hidden Markov Models
* Combined Classifiers for Action Recognition
* novel approach for recognition of human actions with semi-global features, A
Includes: Qu, X.T.[Xing Tai] Qu, X.T.[Xing-Tai]

Qu, X.W.[Xi Wen] Co Author Listing * Data augmentation and directional feature maps extraction for in-air handwritten Chinese character recognition based on convolutional neural network
* In-air Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition with Attention Convolutional Recurrent Network
Includes: Qu, X.W.[Xi Wen] Qu, X.W.[Xi-Wen]

Qu, X.X.[Xin Xin] Co Author Listing * ROI-Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images with Tamper Detection
* ROI-based reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted medical images, A
* Spatial probabilistic distribution map-based two-channel 3D U-net for visual pathway segmentation
Includes: Qu, X.X.[Xin Xin] Qu, X.X.[Xin-Xin] Qu, X.X.[Xiao-Xia]

Qu, X.Y.[Xiao Yu] Co Author Listing * Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical Satellite Images by R3Det with Piecewise Linear Stretching
* Context-aware Biaffine Localizing Network for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Detecting and Segmenting Adversarial Graphics Patterns from Images
* Dual Learning with Dynamic Knowledge Distillation for Partially Relevant Video Retrieval
* Experimental Study of Accuracy of High-Rate GNSS in Context of Structural Health Monitoring
* Exploring the Influences of Point-of-Interest on Traffic Crashes during Weekdays and Weekends via Multi-Scale Geographically Weighted Regression
* Joint Alternate Small Convolution and Feature Reuse for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning the Unlearned: Mitigating Feature Suppression in Contrastive Learning
* Multi-Antenna Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Measurement Unit Tight Integration for Measuring Displacement and Vibration in Structural Health Monitoring
* Multi-level feature disentanglement network for cross-dataset face forgery detection
* Photon-Limited Object Detection using Non-local Feature Matching and Knowledge Distillation
* Reading-Strategy Inspired Visual Representation Learning for Text-to-Video Retrieval
* Rethinking Video Sentence Grounding from a Tracking Perspective With Memory Network and Masked Attention
* Rethinking Weakly-supervised Video Temporal Grounding From a Game Perspective
* Survey of 17 Indoor Travel Assistance Systems for Blind and Visually Impaired People, A
* Towards Fast and Accurate Image-Text Retrieval With Self-Supervised Fine-Grained Alignment
* Unsteady Flow Field Prediction: Understanding the Dynamics in an Intuitive Physics Way
Includes: Qu, X.Y.[Xiao Yu] Qu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Qu, X.Y.[Xiao-Ye] Qu, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu] Qu, X.Y.[Xuan-Yu] Qu, X.Y.[Xin-Yu] Qu, X.Y.[Xiang-Yan] Qu, X.Y.[Xi-Yao]
17 for Qu, X.Y.

Qu, X.Z.[Xiao Zhi] Co Author Listing * Evaluation Of Sift And Surf For Vision Based Localization
* Landmark based localization in urban environment
* Photogrammetric techniques for power line ranging
Includes: Qu, X.Z.[Xiao Zhi] Qu, X.Z.[Xiao-Zhi]

Qu, Y.[Yufu] Co Author Listing * Active stereo vision for improving long range hearing using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer
* AMSC: Adaptive Masking and Structure-Constraint Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Under Adverse Conditions
* Background Subtraction Based on Integration of Alternative Cues in Freely Moving Camera
* BatchNorm-Based Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* BEV-DG: Cross-Modal Learning under Bird's-Eye View for Domain Generalization of 3D Semantic Segmentation
* Building a Strong Pre-Training Baseline for Universal 3D Large-Scale Perception
* Conditional Event Algebra Techniques for Iterated Image Estimation
* COTR: Compact Occupancy TRansformer for Vision-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction
* Crop Mapping from Sentinel-1 Polarimetric Time-Series with a Deep Neural Network
* Cross-Guided Feature Fusion with Intra-Modality Reweighting for Multi-Spectral Pedestrian Detection
* Curved Path Following for Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Heading Amendment
* Data Assimilation Method Combined with Machine Learning and Its Application to Anthropogenic Emission Adjustment in CMAQ, A
* Deep Wavelet Network with Domain Adaptation for Single Image Demoireing
* Detecting Low-Intensity Fires in East Asia Using VIIRS Data: An Improved Contextual Algorithm
* Direct-Estimation Algorithm for Mapping Daily Land-Surface Broadband Albedo From MODIS Data
* Distilling Image Dehazing With Heterogeneous Task Imitation
* Dual Pseudo-Labels Interactive Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Dynamic image super-resolution via progressive contrastive self-distillation
* Efficient Converted Spiking Neural Network for 3D and 2D Classification
* En-Compactness: Self-Distillation Embedding & Contrastive Generation for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Enhance Generative Adversarial Networks By Wavelet Transform To Denoise Low-Dose CT Images
* Estimation of Land Surface Albedo from MODIS and VIIRS Data: A Multi-Sensor Strategy Based on the Direct Estimation Algorithm and Statistical-Based Temporal Filter
* Estimation of the Ocean Water Albedo From Remote Sensing and Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* FSRDiff: A fast diffusion-based super-resolution method using GAN
* Generating a Long-Term Spatiotemporally Continuous Melt Pond Fraction Dataset for Arctic Sea Ice Using an Artificial Neural Network and a Statistical-Based Temporal Filter
* Ground Moving Targets Imaging Algorithm for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Through Spectral Unmixing and Dictionary-Based Low-Rank Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a Shuffled Group Convolutional Neural Network with Transfer Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Iteratively Regularized Weighted Schatten p -Norm Minimization
* ImbSAM: A Closer Look at Sharpness-Aware Minimization in Class-Imbalanced Recognition
* Instance and Category Supervision are Alternate Learners for Continual Learning
* Interannual Monitoring of Cropland in South China from 1991 to 2020 Based on the Combination of Deep Learning and the LandTrendr Algorithm
* Joint Hierarchical Category Structure Learning and Large-Scale Image Classification
* Joint Motion Deblurring and Super-Resolution for Single Image Using Diffusion Model and GAN
* Knowledge Transfer Dehazing Network for NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* Laplacian Scale-Space Behavior of Planar Curve Corners
* Lidar- and UAV-Based Vertical Observation of Spring Ozone and Particulate Matter in Nanjing, China
* Mapping Large-Scale Forest Disturbance Types with Multi-Temporal CNN Framework
* Mapping Surface Broadband Albedo from Satellite Observations: A Review of Literatures on Algorithms and Products
* Memory-Friendly Scalable Super-Resolution via Rewinding Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
* Multi-Centroid Task Descriptor for Dynamic Class Incremental Inference
* Multi-memory Matching for Unsupervised Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
* Multiple-Allocation Hub-and-Spoke Network Design With Maximizing Airline Profit Utility in Air Transportation Network
* Neural Network Decision-Making Criteria Consistency Analysis via Inputs Sensitivity
* New Slant-Range Velocity Ambiguity Resolving Approach of Fast Moving Targets for SAR System, A
* Non-Local Representation Based Mutual Affine-Transfer Network for Photorealistic Stylization
* NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2024 Quality Assessment of AI-Generated Content Challenge
* Optimal Transport for Label-Efficient Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Physically Constrained Transfer Learning Through Shared Abundance Space for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* PromptAD: Learning Prompts with only Normal Samples for Few-Shot Anomaly Detection
* RD-Domain Virtual Aperture Extension Method for Shipborne HFSWR, An
* Rebuilding a Microwave Soil Moisture Product Using Random Forest Adopting AMSR-E/AMSR2 Brightness Temperature and SMAP over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* Remote audio/video acquisition for human signature detection
* Removing Turbulence Effect via Hybrid Total Variation and Deformation-Guided Kernel Regression
* Representative-Discriminative Learning for Open-Set Land Cover Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Rethinking Gradient Projection Continual Learning: Stability/Plasticity Feature Space Decoupling
* Retrieval of High Spatial Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from HJ-1 A/B CCD Data
* Review of Land Surface Albedo: Variance Characteristics, Climate Effect and Management Strategy
* Robust local stereo matching under varying radiometric conditions
* Robust penalty-weighted deblurring via kernel adaption using single image
* Sample Generation with Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Adaptation Network (SaGAAN) for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Sample imbalance disease classification model based on association rule feature selection
* Single Image Super-Resolution With Learning Iteratively Non-Linear Mapping Between Low- and High-Resolution Sparse Representations
* Target Detection Through Tree-Structured Encoding for Hyperspectral Images
* Trident Dehazing Network
* uDAS: An Untied Denoising Autoencoder With Sparsity for Spectral Unmixing
* Uni-to-Multi Modal Knowledge Distillation for Bidirectional LiDAR-Camera Semantic Segmentation
* Unsupervised Pansharpening Based on Self-Attention Mechanism
* Unsupervised Sparse Dirichlet-Net for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* What nodes vote to? Graph classification without readout phase
Includes: Qu, Y.[Yufu] Qu, Y.[Yi] Qu, Y. Qu, Y.[Yanyun] Qu, Y.[Yang] Qu, Y.[Ying] Qu, Y.[Yawei] Qu, Y.[Yu] Qu, Y.[Yue] Qu, Y.[Yuben] Qu, Y.[Yunni] Qu, Y.[Youran] Qu, Y.[Youmin] Qu, Y.[Yuquan] Qu, Y.[Yanwen]
71 for Qu, Y.

Qu, Y.B.[Yu Bing] Co Author Listing * Measuring the Multi-Scale Landscape Pattern of China's Largest Archipelago from a Dual-3D Perspective Based on Remote Sensing
Includes: Qu, Y.B.[Yu Bing] Qu, Y.B.[Yu-Bing]

Qu, Y.C.[Yan Chen] Co Author Listing * Long-Distance Multi-Vehicle Detection at Night Based on Gm-APD Lidar
* Measuring the Similarity of Metro Stations Based on the Passenger Visit Distribution
* Research on Cam-Kalm Automatic Tracking Technology of Low, Slow, and Small Target Based on Gm-APD LiDAR
Includes: Qu, Y.C.[Yan Chen] Qu, Y.C.[Yan-Chen] Qu, Y.C.[Yun-Chao]

Qu, Y.D.[Ya Dong] Co Author Listing * ADNet: Rethinking the Shrunk Polygon-Based Approach in Scene Text Detection
* fast subpixel edge detection method using Sobel-Zernike moments operator, A
* Leveraging Text Localization for Scene Text Removal via Text-aware Masked Image Modeling
* What is the Real Need for Scene Text Removal? Exploring the Background Integrity and Erasure Exhaustivity Properties
Includes: Qu, Y.D.[Ya Dong] Qu, Y.D.[Ya-Dong] Qu, Y.D.[Ying-Dong]

Qu, Y.F.[Yun Fei] Co Author Listing * MMPW-Net: Detection of Tiny Objects in Aerial Imagery Using Mixed Minimum Point-Wasserstein Distance
Includes: Qu, Y.F.[Yun Fei] Qu, Y.F.[Yun-Fei]

Qu, Y.H.[Yun Hui] Co Author Listing * Adaptive video watermarking algorithm based on MPEG-4 streams
* Application of Machine-Learning-Based Fusion Model in Visibility Forecast: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Assessment of Cornfield LAI Retrieved from Multi-Source Satellite Data Using Continuous Field LAI Measurements Based on a Wireless Sensor Network
* Direct Estimation of Forest Leaf Area Index based on Spectrally Corrected Airborne LiDAR Pulse Penetration Ratio
* Estimation of Forest LAI Using Discrete Airborne LiDAR: A Review
* Fusing Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectrum and Dynamic Model to Estimate Vegetation Structural Parameters
* Multi-Scale Validation of MODIS LAI Products Based on Crop Growth Period
* NeILF: Neural Incident Light Field for Physically-based Material Estimation
* Optimal Sampling Design for Observing and Validating Long-Term Leaf Area Index with Temporal Variations in Spatial Heterogeneities, An
* Prediction of High-Quality MODIS-NPP Product Data
* Prior Knowledge-Based Method to Derivate High-Resolution Leaf Area Index Maps with Limited Field Measurements, A
* Remote Sensing of Leaf Area Index from LiDAR Height Percentile Metrics and Comparison with MODIS Product in a Selectively Logged Tropical Forest Area in Eastern Amazonia
* Retrieval of a Temporal High-Resolution Leaf Area Index (LAI) by Combining MODIS LAI and ASTER Reflectance Data
* Retrieval of Ground NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) Data Consistent with Remote-Sensing Observations, The
* Retrieval of High Spatiotemporal Resolution Leaf Area Index with Gaussian Processes, Wireless Sensor Network, and Satellite Data Fusion
* Upscaling Algorithm to Obtain the Representative Ground Truth of LAI Time Series in Heterogeneous Land Surface, An
* Validation of Sentinel-2, MODIS, CGLS, SAF, GLASS and C3S Leaf Area Index Products in Maize Crops
Includes: Qu, Y.H.[Yun Hui] Qu, Y.H.[Yun-Hui] Qu, Y.H.[Yuan-Hao] Qu, Y.H.[Yong-Hua] Qu, Y.H.[Yi-Hang]
17 for Qu, Y.H.

Qu, Y.J.[Ying Jie] Co Author Listing * Sat-Mesh: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces for Multi-View Satellite Reconstruction
Includes: Qu, Y.J.[Ying Jie] Qu, Y.J.[Ying-Jie]

Qu, Y.L.[Yi Ling] Co Author Listing * Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Content of Moso Bamboo Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Visible Images
* Global Vegetation Photosynthetic Phenology Products Based on MODIS Vegetation Greenness and Temperature: Modeling and Evaluation
Includes: Qu, Y.L.[Yi Ling] Qu, Y.L.[Yi-Ling]

Qu, Y.M.[Ying Ming] Co Author Listing * Full-Path Compensated Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration of Joint Primaries and Different-Order Multiples for Deep-Marine Environment
* Modified RNN-Based Deep Learning Method for Prediction of Atmospheric Visibility, A
Includes: Qu, Y.M.[Ying Ming] Qu, Y.M.[Ying-Ming] Qu, Y.M.[You-Ming]

Qu, Y.P.[Yan Ping] Co Author Listing * Evaluating Ecological Drought Vulnerability from Ecosystem Service Value Perspectives in North China
* KVQ: Kwai Video Quality Assessment for Short-form Videos
* Satellite-Based Operational Real-Time Drought Monitoring in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River Basin
* Self-Adaptive Discriminative Autoencoder for Medical Applications, A
* XPSR: Cross-modal Priors for Diffusion-based Image Super-resolution
Includes: Qu, Y.P.[Yan Ping] Qu, Y.P.[Yan-Ping] Qu, Y.P.[Yun-Peng]

Qu, Y.Q.[Yu Quan] Co Author Listing * Applying a Wavelet Transform Technique to Optimize General Fitting Models for SM Analysis: A Case Study in Downscaling over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Deep Generative Data Assimilation in Multimodal Setting
* Evaluation of SMAP, SMOS-IC, FY3B, JAXA, and LPRM Soil Moisture Products over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Surrounding Areas
Includes: Qu, Y.Q.[Yu Quan] Qu, Y.Q.[Yu-Quan] Qu, Y.Q.[Yong-Quan]

Qu, Y.T.[Yun Tao] Co Author Listing * DAT: Training Deep Networks Robust to Label-Noise by Matching the Feature Distributions
Includes: Qu, Y.T.[Yun Tao] Qu, Y.T.[Yun-Tao]

Qu, Y.W.[Ya Wei] Co Author Listing * Study of PBLH and Its Correlation with Particulate Matter from One-Year Observation over Nanjing, Southeast China
Includes: Qu, Y.W.[Ya Wei] Qu, Y.W.[Ya-Wei]

Qu, Y.Y.[Yan Yun] Co Author Listing * Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* Approach for Constructing Sparse Kernel Classifier, An
* Bi-GANs-ST for Perceptual Image Super-Resolution
* Class-Specified Segmentation with Multi-scale Superpixels
* Contrastive Learning for Compact Single Image Dehazing
* Discriminative Object Tracking via Sparse Representation and Online Dictionary Learning
* Discriminative subspace learning with sparse representation view-based model for robust visual tracking
* Dual Mutual Learning for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Enhanced Pix2pix Dehazing Network
* Farewell to Mutual Information: Variational Distillation for Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification
* Geometry-Aware Discriminative Dictionary Learning for PolSAR Image Classification
* Image labeling via incremental model learning
* Image super-resolution based on multikernel regression
* Image Understands Point Cloud: Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation via Association Learning
* Impact of Urbanization on Spatial-Temporal Variation in Vegetation Phenology: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta, China, The
* Lattice Network for Lightweight Image Restoration
* Latticenet: Towards Lightweight Image Super-resolution with Lattice Block
* Learn to Unlearn: Insights Into Machine Unlearning
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* Omni-supervised Point Cloud Segmentation via Gradual Receptive Field Component Reasoning
* On Unifying Multi-view Self-Representations for Clustering by Tensor Multi-rank Minimization
* Online multiple instance gradient feature selection for robust visual tracking
* Persistent Memory Residual Network for Single Image Super Resolution
* Perturbed Self-Distillation: Weakly Supervised Large-Scale Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Positive-Negative Receptive Field Reasoning for Omni-Supervised 3D Segmentation
* Privacy-Aware Autonomous Valet Parking: Towards Experience Driven Approach
* Scale robust deep oriented-text detection network
* Sequential updating algorithm for extracting the basis of Karhunen-Loeve Transformation
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Convolutional Neural Network and Total Variation Regularization
* Underwater-GAN: Underwater Image Restoration via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Variational Distillation for Multi-View Learning
* Visual Object Localization in Image Collections
Includes: Qu, Y.Y.[Yan Yun] Qu, Y.Y.[Yan-Yun] Qu, Y.Y.[You-You] Qu, Y.Y.[You-Yang]
36 for Qu, Y.Y.

Qu, Y.Z. Co Author Listing * Multiple-level information source and entropy-reduced transformation models

Qu, Z. Co Author Listing * Adaptive Content Condensation Based on Grid Optimization for Thumbnail Image Generation
* Adaptive Loss-Aware Quantization for Multi-Bit Networks
* Analysis and Design of Coil-Based Electromagnetic-Induced Thermoacoustic for Rail Internal-Flaw Inspection
* Content-Adaptive Auto-Occlusion Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Context-Aware Feature Learning for Noise Robust Person Search
* Context-Aware Video Retargeting via Graph Model
* Crack Detection Algorithm for Concrete Pavement Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-Features Fusion, A
* Dense-Aware Cross-splitNet for Object Detection and Recognition, A
* Directional Connectivity Feature Enhancement Network for Pavement Crack Detection, A
* Distributed Scheduling and Cooperative Control for Charging of Electric Vehicles at Highway Service Stations
* Diversity Matters: Fully Exploiting Depth Clues for Reliable Monocular 3D Object Detection
* Expandable On-Board Real-Time Edge Computing Architecture for Luojia3 Intelligent Remote Sensing Satellite
* Fast Online Video Synopsis Based on Potential Collision Graph
* Focus on Local: Detecting Lane Marker from Bottom Up via Key Point
* Fusing Warping, Cropping, and Scaling for Optimal Image Thumbnail Generation
* How to Prevent the Poor Performance Clients for Personalized Federated Learning?
* Image seamless stitching and straightening based on the image block
* improved YOLOv5 method for large objects detection with multi-scale feature cross-layer fusion network, An
* keypoint-based object detection method with wide dual-path backbone network and attention modules, A
* Linear Seam Elimination of Tunnel Crack Images Based on Statistical Specific Pixels Ratio and Adaptive Fragmented Segmentation
* method of cross-layer fusion multi-object detection and recognition based on improved faster R-CNN model in complex traffic environment, A
* Method of Hierarchical Feature Fusion and Connected Attention Architecture for Pavement Crack Detection, A
* method of lining seam elimination with angle adaptation and rectangular mark for road tunnel concrete lining images, A
* Method of Potentially Promising Network for Crack Detection With Enhanced Convolution and Dynamic Feature Fusion, A
* method of single-shot target detection with multi-scale feature fusion and feature enhancement, A
* Mixed pooling and richer attention feature fusion for crack detection
* Modeling global distribution for federated learning with label distribution skew
* multi-scale learning method with dilated convolutional network for concrete surface cracks detection, A
* Multiscale anchor box and optimized classification with faster R-CNN for object detection
* New Identification Jacobian for Robotic Hand-Eye Calibration, A
* Online Streaming Video Super-Resolution With Convolutional Look-Up Table
* Online Video Quality Enhancement with Spatial-temporal Look-up Tables
* PerspectiveNet: An Object Detection Method With Adaptive Perspective Box Network Based on Density-Aware
* Rainbow Coverage Path Planning for a Patrolling Mobile Robot With Circular Sensing Range, A
* Robust patchmatch HDR image reconstruction for deghosting
* SplitNets: Designing Neural Architectures for Efficient Distributed Computing on Head-Mounted Systems
* Unordered Image Stitching Method Based on Binary Tree and Estimated Overlapping Area, An
* VCP-CLIP: A Visual Context Prompting Model for Zero-shot Anomaly Segmentation
* Video frame interpolation via residual blocks and feature pyramid networks
* Video frame interpolation via spatial multi-scale modelling
* YOLOX-RDD: A Method of Anchor-Free Road Damage Detection for Front-View Images
Includes: Qu, Z. Qu, Z.[Zefan] Qu, Z.[Zhan] Qu, Z.[Zhong] Qu, Z.[Zhuo] Qu, Z.[Zhe] Qu, Z.[Zhongnan] Qu, Z.[Zhen]
41 for Qu, Z.

Qu, Z.C.[Zhi Chen] Co Author Listing * LasHeR: A Large-Scale High-Diversity Benchmark for RGBT Tracking
Includes: Qu, Z.C.[Zhi Chen] Qu, Z.C.[Zhi-Chen]

Qu, Z.F.[Zhen Fang] Co Author Listing * Remote Sensing Image Target Detection: Improvement of the YOLOv3 Model with Auxiliary Networks
Includes: Qu, Z.F.[Zhen Fang] Qu, Z.F.[Zhen-Fang]

Qu, Z.G.[Zhi Guo] Co Author Listing * Contour detection based on SUSAN principle and surround suppression
* Temporal-Spatial Quantum Graph Convolutional Neural Network Based on Schrödinger Approach for Traffic Congestion Prediction
Includes: Qu, Z.G.[Zhi Guo] Qu, Z.G.[Zhi-Guo]

Qu, Z.H.[Zhi Hua] Co Author Listing * Comparison of Optimal Solutions to Real-Time Path Planning for a Mobile Vehicle
* Learning a discriminative sparse tri-value transform
* PSO-LSTM-based Method for Spatial Target Orbit Phase Prediction, A
* Regional Atmospheric CO2 Response to Ecosystem CO2 Budgets in China
* Triangulation-Based Coverage Path Planning, A
Includes: Qu, Z.H.[Zhi Hua] Qu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hua] Qu, Z.H.[Zhen-Hua] Qu, Z.H.[Zong-Hua] Qu, Z.H.[Zi-Han]

Qu, Z.J.[Zhi Jian] Co Author Listing * Enhanced road information representation in graph recurrent network for traffic speed prediction
* Hunting Attributes: Context Prototype-Aware Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Time-Domain Electromagnetic Noise Suppression Using Multivariate Variational Mode Decomposition
* UAV Time-Domain Electromagnetic System and a Workflow for Subsurface Targets Detection
Includes: Qu, Z.J.[Zhi Jian] Qu, Z.J.[Zhi-Jian] Qu, Z.J.[Zhao-Jun] Qu, Z.J.[Zhi-Jie]

Qu, Z.N.[Zhong Nan] Co Author Listing * Deep anticipation: lightweight intelligent mobile sensing for unmanned vehicles in IoT by recurrent architecture
* Deep Partial Updating: Towards Communication Efficient Updating for On-Device Inference
Includes: Qu, Z.N.[Zhong Nan] Qu, Z.N.[Zhong-Nan]

Qu, Z.S.[Zhen Shen] Co Author Listing * Neural stem cell segmentation using local complex phase information
Includes: Qu, Z.S.[Zhen Shen] Qu, Z.S.[Zhen-Shen]

Qu, Z.W.[Zhao Wei] Co Author Listing * Data-driven background representation method to video surveillance
* Disparity Feature Alignment Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, A
* Residual Fractal Network for Single Image Super Resolution by Widening and Deepening
* Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Method With M-B-LSTM Hybrid Network
* TSDCN: Traffic safety state deep clustering network for real-time traffic crash-prediction
Includes: Qu, Z.W.[Zhao Wei] Qu, Z.W.[Zhao-Wei]

Qu, Z.Y.[Zi Yang] Co Author Listing * Application of Atmospheric Augmentation for PPP-RTK with Instantaneous Ambiguity Resolution in Kinematic Vehicle Positioning
* Boosting Local Feature Based Classifiers for Face Recognition
* Implementation of Pornographic Videos Detection System
* Land Cover Classification Using Integrated Spectral, Temporal, and Spatial Features Derived from Remotely Sensed Images
* Machine learning-assisted region merging for remote sensing image segmentation
* NMS-Free Oriented Object Detection Based on Channel Expansion and Dynamic Label Assignment in UAV Aerial Images
* Parameterized Modeling and Calibration for Orbital Error in TanDEM-X Bistatic SAR Interferometry over Complex Terrain Areas
* Phase Center Corrections for BDS IGSO and MEO Satellites in IGb14 and IGSR3 Frame
* SketchXAI: A First Look at Explainability for Human Sketches
* Wired Perspectives: Multi-View Wire Art Embraces Generative AI
Includes: Qu, Z.Y.[Zi Yang] Qu, Z.Y.[Zi-Yang] Qu, Z.Y.[Zhi Yi] Qu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yi] Qu, Z.Y.[Zhong-Yi] Qu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yu]
10 for Qu, Z.Y.

Qu, Z.Z.[Zhen Zhe] Co Author Listing * UAV-Enabled Intelligent Connected Transportation System With 6G Communications for Internet of Vehicles, An
Includes: Qu, Z.Z.[Zhen Zhe] Qu, Z.Z.[Zhen-Zhe]

Index for "q"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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