Update Dates 0708

0708 * 2^N Discretisation of BioPhasor in Cancellable Biometrics
* 3-Subiteration Surface-Thinning Algorithm, A
* 3D Challenges and a Non-In-Depth Overview of Recent Progress
* 3D Computation of Gray Level Co-occurrence in Hyperspectral Image Cubes
* 3D Face: Biometric Template Protection for 3D Face Recognition
* 3D laser measurement system for large scale architectures using multiple mobile robots
* 3D Model-Based Face Recognition in Video
* 3D Reconstruction of Soccer Sequences Using Non-calibrated Video Cameras
* 3D+t Reconstruction in the Context of Locally Spheric Shaped Data Observation
* a Contrario Approach for Parameters Estimation of a Motion-Blurred Image, An
* Acceleration of DCT Processing with Massive-Parallel Memory-Embedded SIMD Matrix Processor
* Accuracy Improvement of Pulmonary Nodule Detection Based on Spatial Statistical Analysis of Thoracic CT Scans
* Accurate Identification of a Markov-Gibbs Model for Texture Synthesis by Bunch Sampling
* Action Recognition with Semi-global Characteristics and Hidden Markov Models
* Active Appearance Models Fitting with Occlusion
* Adaptable Model-Based Tracking Using Analysis-by-Synthesis Techniques
* Adaptive Deblocking Algorithm Based on Image Characteristics for Low Bit-Rate Video
* Adaptive Image Content-Based Exposure Control for Scanning Applications in Radiography
* Adaptive Image Resizing Algorithm in DCT Domain, An
* Adaptive Image Restoration Based on Local Robust Blur Estimation
* Adaptive Mesh Generation of MRI Images for 3D Reconstruction of Human Trunk
* Adaptive Vision System for Segmentation of Echographic Medical Images Based on a Modified Mumford-Shah Functional
* Advances in Signal Transforms: Theory and Applications
* Aerial Lidar Data Classification using AdaBoost
* Aerial Moving Target Detection Based on Motion Vector Field Analysis
* Algorithm for Biometric Authentication Based on the Model of Non-Stationary Random Processes, An
* All-Optoelectronic Terahertz Imaging Systems and Examples of Their Application
* Analysis of Image Sequences for Defect Detection in Composite Materials
* Analysis of Prediction Mode Decision in Spatial Enhancement Layers in H.264/AVC SVC
* Analysis of the Statistical Dependencies in the Curvelet Domain and Applications in Image Compression
* Analyzing DGI-BS: Properties and Performance Under Occlusion and Noise
* Applicability of Motion Estimation Algorithms for an Automatic Detection of Spiral Grain in CT Cross-Section Images of Logs
* Application of New Qualitative Voicing Time-Frequency Features for Speaker Recognition
* Applying Image Analysis and Probabilistic Techniques for Counting Olive Trees in High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Approach for Extracting Illumination-Independent Texture Features, An
* Approach to the 2D Hilbert Transform for Image Processing Applications, An
* Approximation Method of the Quadratic Discriminant Function and Its Application to Estimation of High-Dimensional Distribution, An
* Are Younger People More Difficult to Identify or Just a Peer-to-Peer Effect
* Arm Swing Identification Method with Template Update for Long Term Stability
* Assessing Artery Motion Compensation in IVUS
* Assessing Estrogen Receptors' Status by Texture Analysis of Breast Tissue Specimens and Pattern Recognition Methods
* At the Dawn of a New Era in Terahertz Technology
* Audio Visual Person Authentication by Multiple Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Automated 3D Segmentation of Lung Fields in Thin Slice CT Exploiting Wavelet Preprocessing
* Automated Reverse Engineering of Free Form Objects Using Morse Theory
* Automated Stroke Classification in Tennis
* Automatic Closed Edge Detection Using Level Lines Selection
* Automatic Facial Pose Determination of 3D Range Data for Face Model and Expression Identification
* Automatic Fingerprints Image Generation Using Evolutionary Algorithm
* Automatic Microarray Image Gridding Technique Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform, An
* Automatic Online Signature Verification Using HMMs with User-Dependent Structure
* Automatic Ortho-rectification of ASTER Images by Matching Digital Elevation Models
* Automatic Portrait System Based on And-Or Graph Representation, An
* Automatic Pose Estimation for Range Images on the GPU
* Automatic Quantitative Mouth Shape Analysis
* Automatic Registration for Model Building using Variable Dimensional Local Shape Descriptors
* Automatic Segmentation of Femur Bones in Anterior-Posterior Pelvis X-Ray Images
* Background Independent Moving Object Segmentation Using Edge Similarity Measure
* Bayesian Framework for Simultaneous Matting and 3D Reconstruction, A
* Bayesian Hill-Climbing Attack and Its Application to Signature Verification
* Bayesian Inference for Layer Representation with Mixed Markov Random Field
* Bayesian Order-Adaptive Clustering for Video Segmentation
* Bayesian Reconstruction Using a New Nonlocal MRF Prior for Count-Limited PET Transmission Scans
* Bimodal Texture Segmentation with the Lee-Seo Model
* Biomarker Selection System, Employing an Iterative Peak Selection Method, for Identifying Biomarkers Related to Prostate Cancer
* Biometric Fuzzy Extractors Made Practical: A Proposal Based on FingerCodes
* Biometric Hashing Based on Genetic Selection and Its Application to On-Line Signatures
* Biometric Key Binding: Fuzzy Vault Based on Iris Images
* Biometric Template Classification: A Case Study in Iris Textures
* Biometrics Based on Multispectral Skin Texture
* Blinking-Based Live Face Detection Using Conditional Random Fields
* Block-Based Motion Vector Smoothing for Periodic Pattern Region
* Blood Detection in IVUS Images for 3D Volume of Lumen Changes Measurement Due to Different Drugs Administration
* Boosting Discriminative Model for Moving Cast Shadow Detection, A
* Bottom-Up Recognition and Parsing of the Human Body
* Boundary Detection in Echocardiographic Images Using Markovian Level Set Method
* Brain Tissue Classification with Automated Generation of Training Data Improved by Deformable Registration
* Bridging the Gap: Transcoding from Single-Layer H.264/AVC to Scalable SVC Video Streams
* Cable-driven Parallel Mechanism for Capturing Object Appearance from Multiple Viewpoints, A
* Cached K-D tree search for ICP algorithms
* Carotid Ultrasound Segmentation Using DP Active Contours
* Cascade MR-ASM for Locating Facial Feature Points
* Cascade of Classifiers for Vehicle Detection
* Categorizing Laryngeal Images for Decision Support
* Changeable Face Representations Suitable for Human Recognition
* Chemical Recognition With Broadband THz Spectroscopy
* CIDER: Corrected Inverse-Denoising Filter for Image Restoration
* Classification of Breast Tissues in Mammogram Images Using Ripley's K Function and Support Vector Machine
* Classification of Optical Flow by Constraints
* Coarse Iris Classification by Learned Visual Dictionary
* Cognitive Modeling Approach for the Semantic Aggregation of Object Prototypes from Geometric Primitives: Toward Understanding Implicit Object Topology, A
* Colon Visualization Using Cylindrical Parameterization
* Color Face Tensor Factorization and Slicing for Illumination-Robust Recognition
* Color Image Segmentation Based on Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Region Merging
* Color-Based Iris Verification
* Color-Based Road Sign Detection and Tracking
* Colour Adjacency Histograms for Image Matching
* Combining Left and Right Irises for Personal Authentication
* Comparative Analysis of Depth-Discontinuity and Mixed-Pixel Detection Algorithms, A
* Comparative Evaluation of Classical Methods, Optimized Gabor Filters and LBP for Texture Feature Selection and Classification
* Comparison of ARTMAP Neural Networks for Classification for Face Recognition from Video
* Comparison of Class Separability, Forward Sequential Search and Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection in the Classification of Individual and Clustered Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms
* Comparison of Compression Algorithms' Impact on Iris Recognition Accuracy
* Comparison of Image Conversions Between Square Structure and Hexagonal Structure
* Competition Based Prediction for Skip Mode Motion Vector Using Macroblock Classification for the H.264 JM KTA Software
* Complete Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Based Image Matrix and Its Application to Face Biometrics, A
* Compositional Object Recognition, Segmentation, and Tracking in Video
* Computer Assisted Transcription for Ancient Text Images
* Computer-aided classification of anomalies in anatomical structures
* Connection Geometry, Color, and Stereo
* Constrained Inter Prediction: Removing Dependencies Between Different Data Partitions
* Constrained Sampling Using Simulated Annealing
* Construction of Feature Landmark Database Using Omnidirectional Videos and GPS Positions
* Continual Retraining of Keystroke Dynamics Based Authenticator
* Continuous Global Optimization in Multiview 3D Reconstruction
* Contour Energy Features for Recognition of Biological Specimens in Population Images
* Contourlet-Based Mammography Mass Classification
* Correlation-Based Fingerprint Matching with Orientation Field Alignment
* Crossing Detector Based on the Structure Tensor, A
* Curvature Estimation in Noisy Curves
* Curvewise DET Confidence Regions and Pointwise EER Confidence Intervals Using Radial Sweep Methodology
* Cylindrical Phase Correlation Method
* Data Hiding in Binary Images with Distortion-Minimizing Capabilities by Optimal Block Pattern Coding and Dynamic Programming Techniques
* Data Hiding on H.264/AVC Compressed Video
* Data Segmentation of Stereo Images with Complicated Background
* Data-Driven Feature-Based 3D Face Synthesis
* Decision Level Multiple Cameras Fusion Using Dezert-Smarandache Theory
* Decomposing a Simple Polygon into Trapezoids
* Decomposing Document Images by Heuristic Search
* Decomposition for Efficient Eccentricity Transform of Convex Shapes
* Definition for Orientation for Multiple Component Shapes, A
* Definition of a Model-Based Detector of Curvilinear Regions
* Deformable Registration of Textured Range Images by Using Texture and Shape Features
* Deformation Weight Constraint and 3D Reconstruction of Nonrigid Objects
* Delaunay-Based Vector Segmentation of Volumetric Medical Images
* Demographic Classification with Local Binary Patterns
* Dense 3D Reconstruction method using Coplanarities and Metric Constraints for Line Laser Scanning
* Dense Depth and Color Acquisition of Repetitive Motions
* Descriptor-Free Smooth Feature-Point Matching for Images Separated by Small/Mid Baselines
* Detection of Concealed Explosives at a Distance Using Terahertz Technology
* Detection of Individual Specimens in Populations Using Contour Energies
* Detection of Postmenopausal Alteration of Bone Structure in Digitized X-rays
* Deterministic and Stochastic Methods for Gaze Tracking in Real-Time
* Dichromatic Reflection Separation from a Single Image
* Digital Watermarking with PCA Based Reference Images
* Discrete Delaunay: Boundary extraction from voxel objects
* Discrete Skeleton Evolution
* Distance Measures for Gabor Jets-Based Face Authentication: A Comparative Evaluation
* Double Layer Background Model to Detect Unusual Events, A
* Dual sensing intrusion detection method and system with state-level fusion
* Dual-Mode Deformable Models for Free-Viewpoint Video of Sports Events
* Dynamic Feature Cascade for Multiple Object Tracking with Trackability Analysis
* Effective Multi-level Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing for Bisecting Graph, An
* Effectiveness of Pen Pressure, Azimuth, and Altitude Features for Online Signature Verification
* Effects of Preprocessing Eye Fundus Images on Appearance Based Glaucoma Classification
* Efficiency of Closed and Open-Loop Scalable Wavelet Based Video Coding
* Efficient and Effective Ultrasound Image Analysis Scheme for Thyroid Nodule Detection
* Efficient Closed-Form Solution to Probabilistic 6D Visual Odometry for a Stereo Camera, An
* Efficient Iris Coding Based on Gauss-Laguerre Wavelets, An
* Efficient Method for Filtering Image-Based Spam E-mail, An
* Efficient Nearest Neighbor Classifier Using an Adaptive Distance Measure, An
* Efficient Rate Control Scheme Using Complexity of Macro Block for MPEG-2 Transcoder
* Efficient Shape Matching Via Graph Cuts
* Eigenmotion-Based Detection of Intestinal Contractions
* Electronic Terahertz Antennas and Probes for Spectroscopic Detection and Diagnostics
* Embedded Fingerprint Authentication System Integrated with a Hardware-Based Truly Random Number Generator, An
* Embedded Palmprint Recognition System on Mobile Devices
* Embedding Linear Transformations in Fractal Image Coding
* Embedding Quality Measures in PIFS Fractal Coding
* Energy Minimisation Approach to Attributed Graph Regularisation, An
* Energy-Based Reconstruction of 3D Curves for Quality Control
* Enhanced Cross-Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation
* Enhancing Contour Primitives by Pairwise Grouping and Relaxation
* Enhancing Document Images Acquired Using Portable Digital Cameras
* ENMIM: Energetic Normalized Mutual Information Model for Online Multiple Object Tracking with Unlearned Motions
* Error-Rate Based Biometrics Fusion
* Estimating Reflectance Functions Using a Cyberware 3030 Scanner
* Estimating the Color of the Illuminant Using Anisotropic Diffusion
* Estimating the Location of a Camera with Respect to a 3D Model
* Estimation Track-Before-Detect Motion Capture Systems State Space Spatial Component
* Euclidean Shortest Paths in Simple Cube Curves at a Glance
* Evaluating Descriptors Performances for Object Tracking on Natural Video Data
* Evaluating the Biometric Sample Quality of Handwritten Signatures
* Evaluation of Contrast Enhancement Filters for Lung Nodule Detection
* Exact Solution of Permuted Submodular MinSum Problems
* Examplar-based Shape from Shading
* Exploitation of Combined Scalability in Scalable H.264/AVC Bitstreams by Using an MPEG-21 XML-Driven Framework
* Extended Global Optimization Strategy for Rigid 2D/3D Image Registration
* Extracting Salient Points and Parts of Shapes Using Modified k d-Trees
* Extraction of Finger-Vein Patterns Using Maximum Curvature Points in Image Profiles
* Extraction of River Networks from Satellite Images by Combining Mathematical Morphology and Hydrology
* Eye activity monitoring apparatus and system
* Face Authentication with Salient Local Features and Static Bayesian Network
* Face Detection Based on Multi-Block LBP Representation
* Face Detection Based on Skin Color in Video Images with Dynamic Background
* Face Matching Between Near Infrared and Visible Light Images
* Face Recognition by Curvelet Based Feature Extraction
* Face Recognition by Discriminant Analysis with Gabor Tensor Representation
* Face Recognition with Local Gabor Textons
* Face Shape Recovery and Recognition Using a Surface Gradient Based Statistical Model
* Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Facial Feature Distances
* Factorial Hidden Markov Models for Gait Recognition
* Fake Finger Detection Based on Thin-Plate Spline Distortion Model
* Fake Finger Detection by Finger Color Change Analysis
* Fast Adaptive Graph-Cuts Based Stereo Matching
* Fast Algorithm for Iris Detection
* Fast and Precise Weak-Perspective Factorization
* Fast and Reliable Image Mosaicing Technique with Application to Wide Area Motion Detection, A
* Fast and Robust Ellipse Detection Algorithm Based on Pseudo-random Sample Consensus, A
* Fast B-Spline Pseudo-inversion Algorithm for Consistent Image Registration, A
* Fast Intra-Mode Prediction Algorithm in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Level-Set Method for Accurate Tracking of Articulated Objects with an Edge-Based Binary Speed Term, A
* Fast Omnidirectional 3D Scene Acquisition with an Array of Stereo Cameras
* Feature Correlation Filter for Face Recognition
* Feature Extraction of Weighted Data for Implicit Variable Selection
* Feeling Is Believing: A Secure Template Exchange Protocol
* Fingerprint Enhancement Based on Discrete Cosine Transform
* Fingerprint Hardening with Randomly Selected Chaff Minutiae
* Fingerprint Matching with an Evolutionary Approach
* Fingerprint Matching with Minutiae Quality Score
* Fingerprint Recognition Based on Combined Features
* Flexibility Description of the MET Protein Stalk Based on the Use of Non-uniform B-Splines
* Foreground and Shadow Detection Based on Conditional Random Field
* Fractal Active Shape Models
* Framework for Scalable Vision-Only Navigation, A
* Framework for Wrong Way Driver Detection Using Optical Flow, A
* Frontal Face Synthesis Based on Multiple Pose-Variant Images for Face Recognition
* Fusion of Bayesian Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation and Variational Analysis Methods for Enhanced Radar Imaging
* Fusion of Near Infrared Face and Iris Biometrics
* Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Segmenting Carotid Artery Ultrasound Images
* Fuzzy Extractors for Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Authentication
* Gabor-Based Recognizer for Chinese Handwriting from Segmentation-Free Strategy
* Gait Recognition Using Active Shape Models
* Gaussian Mixture Model Based Retrieval Technique for Lossy Compressed Color Images
* Generalized MPU Implicits Using Belief Propagation
* Generating Color Documents from Segmented and Synthetic Elements
* Generation of Training Data by Degradation Models for Traffic Sign Symbol Recognition
* Geometrical Scene Analysis Using Co-motion Statistics
* GPU Accelerated 3D Face Registration/Recognition
* Graph Similarity Using Interfering Quantum Walks
* Graph-with-Loop Structure for a Topological Representation of 3D Objects, A
* Grass Detection for Picture Quality Enhancement of TV Video
* Grouping of Articulated Objects with Common Axis
* Hardening Fingerprint Fuzzy Vault Using Password
* Hierarchical Classifiers for Detection of Fractures in X-Ray Images
* Hierarchical Detection of Multiple Organs Using Boosted Features
* High Accuracy Optical Flow Method Based on a Theory for Warping: Implementation and Qualitative/Quantitative Evaluation
* High-Accuracy Rotation Estimation Algorithm Based on 1D Phase-Only Correlation, A
* High-Resolution Multi-sprite Generation for Background Sprite Coding
* Histogram Equalization in SVM Multimodal Person Verification
* Histogram-Based Lines and Words Decomposition for Arabic Omni Font-Written OCR Systems; Enhancements and Evaluation
* Horizontal and Vertical 2DPCA Based Discriminant Analysis for Face Verification Using the FRGC Version 2 Database
* Human Action Recognition in Table-Top Scenarios: An HMM-Based Analysis to Optimize the Performance
* Human Perception of 3D Shapes
* Hybrid Scene Reconstruction by Integrating Scan Data and Stereo Image Pairs
* Identity Verification by Using Handprint
* Image Based Recognition of Ancient Coins
* Image Decomposition and Reconstruction Using Single Sided Complex Gabor Wavelets
* Image Denoising Based on the Ridgelet Frame Using the Generalized Cross Validation Technique
* Image Modeling and Segmentation Using Incremental Bayesian Mixture Models
* Image Processing Algorithms for an Auto Focus System for Slit Lamp Microscopy
* Image Retrieval Using Transaction-Based and SVM-Based Learning in Relevance Feedback Sessions
* Image Segmentation Based on Height Maps
* Image Segmentation Using Level Set and Local Linear Approximations
* Image Segmentation Using Topological Persistence
* Image Sifting for Micro Array Image Enhancement
* Image Upscaling Using Global Multimodal Priors
* Image-based Model Completion
* Improved Algorithm of Error-Resilient Entropy Coding Using State Information
* Improved Iris Recognition System Using Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Maxima Moment Invariants, An
* Improved Morphological Interpolation of Elevation Contour Data with Generalised Geodesic Propagations
* Improved Object Tracking Using an Adaptive Colour Model
* Improved Pixel-Based Rate Allocation for Pixel-Domain Distributed Video Coders Without Feedback Channel
* Improvement of Classification Using a Joint Spectral Dimensionality Reduction and Lower Rank Spatial Approximation for Hyperspectral Images
* Improving Classification with Class-Independent Quality Measures: Q-stack in Face Verification
* Improving Reliability of Oil Spill Detection Systems Using Boosting for High-Level Feature Selection
* Improving Stability of Feature Selection Methods
* Incorporating Spatial Information into 3D-2D Image Registration
* Incremental Update of Linear Appearance Models and Its Application to AAM: Incremental AAM
* Independent Component Analysis-Based Estimation of Anomaly Abundances in Hyperspectral Images
* Ingredient Separation of Natural Images: A Multiple Transform Domain Method Based on Sparse Coding Strategy
* Integration of Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales for Robust Optic Flow Estimation in a Biologically Inspired Algorithm
* Intelligent Real-Time Fabric Defect Detection
* Interactive Scanning of Haptic Textures and Surface Compliance
* Introduction to a Large-Scale General Purpose Ground Truth Database: Methodology, Annotation Tool and Benchmarks
* Inverse Motion Compensation for DCT Block with Unrestricted Motion Vectors
* Iris Recognition Based on Zigzag Collarette Region and Asymmetrical Support Vector Machines
* Iterated Fourier Transform Systems: A Method for Frequency Extrapolation
* Iterative and Localized Radon Transform for Road Centerline Detection from Classified Imagery
* Joint Domain-Range Modeling of Dynamic Scenes with Adaptive Kernel Bandwidth
* Joint Reconstruction and Registration of a Deformable Planar Surface Observed by a 3D Sensor
* Joint Tracking and Segmentation of Objects Using Graph Cuts
* JPEG2000 Coding Techniques Addressed to Images Containing No-Data Regions
* Junction Detection and Multi-orientation Analysis Using Streamlines
* Keypoint Identification and Feature-Based 3D Face Recognition
* Keystroke Dynamics in a General Setting
* Knowledge from Markers in Watershed Segmentation
* Landmark-Based Non-rigid Registration Via Graph Cuts
* Large Head Movement Tracking Using Scale Invariant View-Based Appearance Model
* Latent Identity Variables: Biometric Matching Without Explicit Identity Estimation
* Learning Basic Patterns from Repetitive Texture Surfaces Under Non-rigid Deformations
* Learning Kernel Subspace Classifier
* Learning Multi-scale Block Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition
* Learning-Based Object Tracking Using Boosted Features and Appearance-Adaptive Models
* Level Set Bridging Force for the Segmentation of Dendritic Spines, A
* Light stripe triangulation for multiple of moving rigid objects
* Light Transport Analysis for 3D Photography
* Lighting Independent Skin Tone Detection Using Neural Networks
* Lip Biometrics for Digit Recognition
* Locating Facial Features Using an Anthropometric Face Model for Determining the Gaze of Faces in Image Sequences
* Logarithmic Model-Based Dynamic Range Enhancement of Hip X-Ray Images
* Logo and Trademark Retrieval in General Image Databases Using Color Edge Gradient Co-occurrence Histograms
* Low Frequency Response and Random Feature Selection Applied to Face Recognition
* Low Latency 2D Position Estimation with a Line Scan Camera for Visual Servoing
* Low-Rank Approximation for Fast Image Acquisition
* Marked Point Process for Vascular Tree Extraction on Angiogram
* Matching Flexible Polygons to Fields of Corners Extracted from Images
* Measuring the Orientability of Shapes
* Median Binary Pattern for Textures Classification
* Medical Image Registration Based on Equivalent Meridian Plane
* Method and apparatus for generating models of individuals
* Method for Interactive Shape Detection in Cattle Images Using Genetic Algorithms, A
* Method for screening of halftone images
* Methods for multisource color normalization
* Methods for Written Ancient Music Restoration
* Minimizing Spatial Deformation Method for Online Signature Matching
* Mixture Models Based Background Subtraction for Video Surveillance Applications
* Model-Based Image Segmentation for Multi-view Human Gesture Analysis
* Model-Based Segmentation of Multimodal Images
* Model-Guided Luminance Range Enhancement in Mixed Reality
* Modeling and Calibration of Coupled Fish-Eye CCD Camera and Laser Range Scanner for Outdoor Environment Reconstruction
* Modelling Combined Handwriting and Speech Modalities
* Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for MR Brain Image Segmentation, A
* Modular Approach for Automating Video Analysis, A
* Monitoring of Emotion to Create Adaptive Game for Children with Mild Autistic
* Motion Compensation for Face Recognition Based on Active Differential Imaging
* Motion Information Exploitation in H.264 Frame Skipping Transcoding
* Movie Classifier Based on Visual Features, A
* Moving Object Extraction by Watershed Algorithm Considering Energy Minimization
* MPEG Video Watermarking Using Tensor Singular Value Decomposition
* MQI Based Face Recognition Under Uneven Illumination
* Multi-agent Approach for Range Image Segmentation with Bayesian Edge Regularization, A
* Multi-Eigenspace Learning for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Multi-scale and First Derivative Analysis for Edge Detection in TEM Images
* Multi-scale Local Binary Pattern Histograms for Face Recognition
* Multi-touch Surface Using Multiple Cameras, A
* Multi-View Edge-based Stereo by Incorporating Spatial Coherence
* Multicomponent Image Restoration, an Experimental Study
* Multidimensional Noise Removal Method Based on Best Flattening Directions
* Multimodal Evaluation for Medical Image Segmentation
* Multiple Classifier Approach for the Recognition of Screen-Rendered Text, A
* Multiple Faces Tracking Using Motion Prediction and IPCA in Particle Filters
* Multispectral Data Model for Higher-Order Active Contours and Its Application to Tree Crown Extraction, A
* Multiview Depth-Image Compression Using an Extended H.264 Encoder
* n-Grams of Action Primitives for Recognizing Human Behavior
* Neural Network Based Face Detection from Pre-scanned and Row-Column Decomposed Average Face Image
* Neural Network String Matcher, A
* New Algorithm to Extract Centerline of 2D Objects Based on Clustering
* New Approach to Face Localization in the HSV Space Using the Gaussian Model, A
* New Approach to Fake Finger Detection Based on Skin Elasticity Analysis, A
* New Approach to Signature-Based Authentication, A
* New Approach to the Automatic Planning of Inspection of 3D Industrial Parts, A
* New Automatic Planning of Inspection of 3D Industrial Parts by Means of Visual System, A
* New Bayesian Method for Range Image Segmentation, A
* New Color Representation for Intensity Independent Pixel Classification in Confocal Microscopy Images, A
* New Computational Methods for the Construction of Darcyan Biological Coordinate Systems
* New Forgery Scenario Based on Regaining Dynamics of Signature, A
* New Fuzzy Additive Noise Reduction Method, A
* New Fuzzy Motion and Detail Adaptive Video Filter, A
* New Hypothesis Distinctiveness Measure for Better Ellipse Extraction
* New Image Scaling Algorithm Based on the Sampling Theorem of Papoulis, A
* New Incremental Optimal Feature Extraction Method for On-Line Applications, A
* New Manifold Representation for Visual Speech Recognition, A
* New Optimum-Word-Length-Assignment (OWLA) Multiplierless Integer DCT for Lossless/Lossy Image Coding and Its Performance Evaluation, A
* New Partially Occluded Face Pose Recognition, A
* New Phase Field Model of a Gas of Circles for Tree Crown Extraction from Aerial Images, A
* New Pyramidal Approach for the Address Block Location Based on Hierarchical Graph Coloring, A
* New Supervised Evaluation Criterion for Region Based Segmentation Methods, A
* New Technique for Global and Local Skew Correction in Binary Documents, A
* New Wavelet-Based Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval, A
* Noise Removal and Restoration Using Voting-Based Analysis and Image Segmentation Based on Statistical Models
* Noise Removal from Images by Projecting onto Bases of Principal Components
* Non-uniform Resolution Recovery Using Median Priors in Tomographic Image Reconstruction Methods
* Nonlinear Approximation of Spatiotemporal Data Using Diffusion Wavelets
* Nonlinear Iris Deformation Correction Based on Gaussian Model
* Novel 3D Segmentation Method of the Lumen from Intravascular Ultrasound Images, A
* Novel Bayesian Classifier with Smaller Eigenvalues Reset by Threshold Based on Given Database, A
* Novel Image Compression Method Using Watermarking Technique in JPEG Coding Process, A
* Novel Multi-scale Representation for 2-D Shapes, A
* Novel Null Space-Based Kernel Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition, A
* Object Category Recognition Using Generative Template Boosting
* Object Recognition by Implicit Invariants
* Object-Based Surveillance Video Retrieval System with Real-Time Indexing Methodology
* Occlusion Removal in Video Microscopy
* On Design of Discriminant Analysis Diagram for Error Based Pattern Recognition
* On Hybrid Directional Transform-Based Intra-band Image Coding
* On Improving Interoperability of Fingerprint Recognition Using Resolution Compensation Based on Sensor Evaluation
* On Simulating 3D Fluorescent Microscope Images
* On Some Performance Indices for Biometric Identification System
* On the Use of Log-Likelihood Ratio Based Model-Specific Score Normalisation in Biometric Authentication
* Online Registration of Multi-view Range Images using Geometric and Photometric Feature Tracking
* Online Text-Independent Writer Identification Based on Stroke's Probability Distribution Function
* Optimal Algorithm for Lossy Vector Data Compression
* Optimal Decision Fusion for a Face Verification System
* Optimal Threshold Selection for Tomogram Segmentation by Reprojection of the Reconstructed Image
* Optimization of Quadtree Triangulation for Terrain Models
* Optimum Detection of Multiplicative-Multibit Watermarking for Fingerprint Images
* Orientation of Image Sequences in a Point-based Environment Model
* Outdoor Face Recognition Using Enhanced Near Infrared Imaging
* Outlier Robust ICP for Minimizing Fractional RMSD
* Page Content Independent Book Dewarping Method to Handle 2D Images Captured by a Digital Camera, A
* Palmprint Cryptosystem, A
* Palmprint Recognition Based on Directional Features and Graph Matching
* Pan-Tilt-Zoom Based Iris Image Capturing System for Unconstrained User Environments at a Distance
* Parallel Robot High Speed Object Tracking
* Parameterless Discrete Regularization on Graphs for Color Image Filtering
* Particle Filter Based Automatic Reconstruction of a Patient-Specific Surface Model of a Proximal Femur from Calibrated X-Ray Images for Surgical Navigation
* Partitioning Gait Cycles Adaptive to Fluctuating Periods and Bad Silhouettes
* Patch-Based Experiments with Object Classification in Video Surveillance
* Pattern Retrieval from a Cloud of Points Using Geometric Concepts
* PDE-Based Approach for Image Fusion, A
* Performance Evaluation and Recent Advances of Fast Block-Matching Motion Estimation Methods for Video Coding
* Performance Improvement of H.264/AVC Deblocking Filter by Using Variable Block Sizes
* Polyphase Filter and Polynomial Reproduction Conditions for the Construction of Smooth Bidimensional Multiwavelets
* Pose Determination by Potential Well Space Embedding
* Poultry Skin Tumor Detection in Hyperspectral Reflectance Images by Combining Classifiers
* Predetermination of ICP Registration Errors And Its Application to View Planning
* Predicting Biometric Authentication System Performance Across Different Application Conditions: A Bootstrap Enhanced Parametric Approach
* Print Process Separation Using Interest Regions
* Probabilistic Fiber Tracking Using Particle Filtering and Von Mises-Fisher Sampling
* Probabilistic Random Projections and Speaker Verification
* Processing Random Amplified Polymorphysm DNA Images Using the Radon Transform and Mathematical Morphology
* Prostate Tissue Texture Feature Extraction for Cancer Recognition in TRUS Images Using Wavelet Decomposition
* Protecting Biometric Templates with Image Watermarking Techniques
* Pruned Resampling: Probabilistic Model Selection Schemes for Sequential Face Recognition
* Pupil Localization Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gabor Filtering and Negative Radial Symmetry, A
* Pyramid Based Interpolation for Face-Video Playback in Audio Visual Recognition
* Quantification of Bone Remodeling in the Proximity of Implants
* Quantitative Evaluation of Normalization Techniques of Matching Scores in Multimodal Biometric Systems
* Range Image Segmentation for Modeling and Object Detection in Urban Scenes
* Real-Time 3D Head Tracking Under Rapidly Changing Pose, Head Movement and Illumination
* Real-Time Active Shape Models for Segmentation of 3D Cardiac Ultrasound
* Real-Time Detection of the Triangular and Rectangular Shape Road Signs
* Real-Time Elimination of Brightness in Color Images by MS Diagram and Mathematical Morphology
* Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition on LEGO Mindstorms NXT Robot
* Real-Time Free Viewpoint from Multiple Moving Cameras
* Real-time full-field 3-D surface-shape measurement using off-the-shelf components and a single processor
* Real-Time Space Carving Using Graphics Hardware
* Real-Time Vanishing Point Estimation in Road Sequences Using Adaptive Steerable Filter Banks
* Real-Time Vehicle Ego-Motion Using Stereo Pairs and Particle Filters
* Realistic Facial Modeling and Animation Based on High Resolution Capture
* Reconstructing a Whole Face Image from a Partially Damaged or Occluded Image by Multiple Matching
* Reconstruction of Heart Motion from 4D Echocardiographic Images
* Reconstruction of Low-Resolution Images Using Adaptive Bimodal Priors
* Rectified Reconstruction from Stereo Pairs and Robot Mapping
* Reduced Uneven Multi-hexagon-grid Search for Fast Integer Pel Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC
* Reducing the Effect of Noise on Human Contour in Gait Recognition
* Regional Partitioned Iterated Function Systems for digital image enhancement
* Registering Long-Term Image Series
* Remote Sensing Imagery and Signature Fields Reconstruction Via Aggregation of Robust Regularization with Neural Computing
* Removing Shape-Preserving Transformations in Square-Root Elastic (SRE) Framework for Shape Analysis of Curves
* Representation of Facial Features by Catmull-Rom Splines
* Repudiation Detection in Handwritten Documents
* Restoration of Color Images Degraded by Space-Variant Motion Blur
* Retrieval of Hand-Sketched Envelopes in Logo Images
* Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images Based on Histogram Pairs
* Robust 2D-3D alignment based on geometrical consistency
* Robust 3D Face Recognition from Expression Categorisation
* Robust 3D Head Tracking and Its Applications
* Robust Contour Tracking Using a Modified Snake Model in Stereo Image Sequences
* Robust Coronary Artery Tracking from Fluoroscopic Image Sequences
* Robust Extraction of Secret Bits from Minutiae
* Robust Face Tracking Using Motion Prediction in Adaptive Particle Filters
* Robust Fingerprint Matching Approach: Growing and Fusing of Local Structures, A
* Robust Fitting of 3D Objects by Affinely Transformed Superellipsoids Using Normalization
* Robust Hiding of Fingerprint-Biometric Data into Audio Signals
* Robust Least-Squares Image Matching in the Presence of Outliers
* Robust Point-Based Feature Fingerprint Segmentation Algorithm
* Robust Real-Time Face Detection Using Face Certainty Map
* Robust Shape-Based Head Tracking
* Robust Tensor Classifiers for Color Object Recognition
* Run-Based Two-Scan Labeling Algorithm, A
* Sampling Criterion for Optimizing a Surface Light Field, A
* Scale-Adaptive Segmentation and Recognition of Individual Trees Based on LiDAR Data
* Scaling up multiprojector immersive displays: the LightTwist project
* Seeing the World Behind the Image: Spatial Layout for 3D Scene Understanding
* Segmentation of Distinct Homogeneous Color Regions in Images
* Segmentation of the Human Trachea Using Deformable Statistical Models of Tubular Shapes
* Selection of Distinguish Points for Class Distribution Preserving Transform for Biometric Template Protection
* Self-Eigenroughness Selection for Texture Recognition Using Genetic Algorithms
* Self-organizing Deformable Model for Mapping 3D Object Model onto Arbitrary Target Surface
* Semi-automatic Training Sets Acquisition for Handwriting Recognition
* Sensor for Simultaneously Capturing Texture and Shape by Projecting Structured Infrared Light, A
* Sequential Monte-Carlo and DSmT Based Approach for Conflict Handling in Case of Multiple Targets Tracking, A
* Shape Analysis of Open Curves in R3 with Applications to Study of Fiber Tracts in DT-MRI Data
* Shape Analysis of Stroma for Iris Recognition
* Shape Classification Based on Skeleton Path Similarity
* Shape Extraction Via Heat Flow Analogy
* Shape Recognition and Retrieval: A Structural Approach Using Velocity Function
* Shape Signature Matching for Object Identification Invariant to Image Transformations and Occlusion
* Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Pair-Wise Candidate Co-ranking
* Shape-merging and interpolation using class estimation for unseen voxels with a GPU-based efficient implementation
* Silhouette Extraction with Random Pattern Backgrounds for the Volume Intersection Method
* Similarity Rank Correlation for Face Recognition Under Unenrolled Pose
* Simple and Efficient Eigenfaces Method, A
* Simple Oriented Mean-Shift Algorithm for Tracking, A
* Simplified Human Vision Model Applied to a Blocking Artifact Metric, A
* Simulating Classic Mosaics with Graph Cuts
* Singular Points Analysis in Fingerprints Based on Topological Structure and Orientation Field
* Skew Detection Algorithm for Form Document Based on Elongate Feature
* Soft-Switching Approach to Improve Visual Quality of Colour Image Smoothing Filters, A
* Solving the Inverse Problem of Image Zooming Using Self-Examples
* Space-Variant Restoration with Sliding Discrete Cosine Transform
* Spatio-temporal Information-Based Simple Deinterlacing Algorithm
* Spatiotemporal Algorithm for Detection and Restoration of Defects in Old Color Films, A
* Spatiotemporal Fusion Framework for Multi-Camera Face Orientation Analysis
* Speaker and Digit Recognition by Audio-Visual Lip Biometrics
* Speaker Verification with Adaptive Spectral Subband Centroids
* Spectral Eigenfeatures for Effective DP Matching in Fingerprint Recognition
* Speeding-Up Differential Motion Detection Algorithms Using a Change-Driven Data Flow Processing Strategy
* Stability Analysis of Constrained Nonlinear Phase Portrait Models of Fingerprint Orientation Images
* Standardization of Face Image Sample Quality
* Statistical Classification of Skin Color Pixels from MPEG Videos
* Statistical Texture Analysis-Based Approach for Fake Iris Detection Using Support Vector Machines
* Statistical-Genetic Algorithm to Select the Most Significant Features in Mammograms, A
* Stochastic halftone screening method
* Stratified Self-calibration and Metric Reconstruction of a Trinocular Structured Light Vision System
* Study of Shape Similarity for Temporal Surface Sequences of People, A
* Subband-Adaptive and Spatially-Adaptive Wavelet Thresholding for Denoising and Feature Preservation of Texture Images
* Super-Resolution Stereo- and Multi-View Synthesis from Monocular Video Sequences
* Super-Resolved Faces for Improved Face Recognition from Surveillance Video
* Suppression of Noise in Historical Photographs Using a Fuzzy Truncated-Median Filter
* Surface Modelling of Plants from Stereo Images
* Surface Reconstruction from LiDAR Data with Extended Snake Theory
* Surface reconstruction from point clouds by transforming the medial scaffold
* Surface Reconstruction Using Polarization and Photometric Stereo
* Surround Structured Lighting for Full Object Scanning
* SVDD-Based Illumination Compensation for Face Recognition
* SVM Speaker Verification Using Session Variability Modelling and GMM Supervectors
* SVM-Based Active Feedback in Image Retrieval Using Clustering and Unlabeled Data
* SVM-Based Selection of Colour Space Experts for Face Authentication
* System and method for camera color calibration and image stitching
* System for Estimation of Pin Bone Positions in Pre-rigor Salmon
* Szemerédi's Regularity Lemma and Its Applications to Pairwise Clustering and Segmentation
* T-Ray Sensing and Imaging
* Target Positioning with Dominant Feature Elements
* Techniques and systems for developing high-resolution imagery
* Template Co-update in Multimodal Biometric Systems
* Tensor Algebraic Approach to Image Synthesis, Analysis and Recognition, A
* Terahertz Measurements of Protein Relaxational Dynamics
* Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging for Defense and Security Applications
* Text Area Detection in Digital Documents Images Using Textural Features
* Texture Defect Detection
* Three-dimensional reconstruction using the perpendicularity constraint
* THz-Wave Spectroscopy Applied to the Detection of Illicit Drugs in Mail
* Tongue-Print: A Novel Biometrics Pattern
* Towards Segmentation of Pedicles on Posteroanterior X-Ray Views of Scoliotic Patients
* Tracking and Recognition of Multiple Faces at Distances
* Tracking Multiple People in the Context of Video Surveillance
* Tracking of Human Body Parts using the Multiocular Contracting Curve Density Algorithm
* Tracking of Multiple Targets Using On-Line Learning for Appearance Model Adaptation
* Two-frame frequency-based estimation of local motion parallax direction in 3D cluttered scenes
* Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Filter for Detail-Preserving Restoration of Digital Images Corrupted by Impulse Noise, A
* Uniprojective Features for Gait Recognition
* Unsupervised Feature and Model Selection for Generalized Dirichlet Mixture Models
* Unsupervised Multiple Object Segmentation of Multiview Images
* Use of Adaptive Still Image Descriptors for Annotation of Video Frames
* User Classification for Keystroke Dynamics Authentication
* Using Visual Dictionary to Associate Semantic Objects in Region-Based Image Retrieval
* Using Wavelet Transform and Partial Distance Search to Implement k NN Classifier on FPGA with Multiple Modules
* Variable Homography Compensation of Parallax Along Mosaic Seams
* Vehicle Tracking Based on Image Alignment in Aerial Videos
* Vertebral Mobility Analysis Using Anterior Faces Detection
* Video Object Tracking Via Central Macro-blocks and Directional Vectors
* Video-Based Face Tracking and Recognition on Updating Twin GMMs
* View-Based 3D Object Shape Representation Technique, A
* Virtual image generation
* Virtual Microscopy Using JPEG2000
* Visual Speech Recognition Using Motion Features and Hidden Markov Models
* Visual Tracking by Hypothesis Testing
* Vitality Detection from Fingerprint Images: A Critical Survey
* Walker Recognition Without Gait Cycle Estimation
* Watershed Segmentation of Intervertebral Disk and Spinal Canal from MRI Images
* Wavelet Based Local Coherent Tomography with an Application in Terahertz Imaging
* Wavelet-Based Fingerprint Region Selection
* Wolf Attack Probability: A New Security Measure in Biometric Authentication Systems
586 for 0708

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.