Journals starting with ip_2

IP(2) * Adaptive Gabor Transformation for Image Processing
* Adaptive Mathematical Morphology for Range Imagery
* Adaptive Mathematical Morphology for Range Imagery
* Adaptive Regularized Recursive Displacement Estimation Algorithm, An
* Analytical comparison of sensor signal processing enhancements for NDT synthetic aperture ultrasonic imaging
* Approximate Method of Evaluating the Joint Likelihood for First-Order GMRFs, An
* Best Wavelet Packet Bases in a Rate-Distortion Sense
* Blind-Velocity SAR/ISAR Imaging of a Moving Target in a Stationary Background
* Blur identification by residual spectral matching
* Causal and semicausal AR image model identification using the EM algorithm
* Color Edge Detection Using Vector Order Statistics
* comparison of several vector quantization codebook generation approaches, A
* Complete Gabor Transformation for Signal Representation
* Computational Vision Approach To Image Registration, A
* Deblurring Of Bilevel Waveforms
* derivative-free noncircular fan-beam reconstruction formula, A
* Edge-Based 3-D Camera Motion Estimation with Application to Video Coding
* efficient method for transposing large matrices and its application to separable processing of two-dimensional signals, An
* Eigenstructure Approach to Edge Detection, An
* Error-Weighted Regularization Algorithm for Image Motion-Field Estimation, An
* Fast Algorithm For Backprojection With Linear Interpolation, A
* Fast Discrete Radon Transform I: Theory, The
* FCO sampling of digital video using perfect reconstruction filter banks
* Flexible design of multidimensional perfect reconstruction FIR 2-band filters using transformations of variables
* Frequency Domain Motion Estimation Using a Complex Lapped Transform
* general framework for frequency domain multi-channel signal processing, A
* generalized Gaussian image model for edge-preserving MAP estimation, A
* Hierarchical reconstruction using geometry and sinogram restoration
* Image coding using variable-rate side-match finite-state vector quantization
* Image detection under low-level illumination
* Iterative image reconstruction algorithms based on cross-entropy minimization
* Least-squares font metric estimation from images
* Mean Field Theory in EM Procedures for Blind Markov Random Field Image Restoration, The
* Modeling and subjective assessment of cell discard in ATM video
* Morphological Gray Scale Reconstruction in Image Analysis: Applications and Efficient Algorithms
* new class of B/W halftoning algorithms, A
* New Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, A
* Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation in Reduced Coefficient Transformed-Domains
* Novel Approach For Coding Color Quantized Images, A
* On the accuracy of PSF representation in image restoration
* Optimal Zero-Crossing-Based Discontinuity Detector, An
* Performance Evaluation of 2-D Adaptive Prediction Filters for Detection of Small Objects in Image Data
* Recursive high-resolution reconstruction of blurred multiframe images
* Reduced Order Extended Kalman Filter for Sequential Images Containing a Moving Object, A
* Restoration of blurred star field images by maximally sparse optimization
* Restoration of differently blurred versions of an image with measurement errors in the PSF's
* self-governing rate buffer control strategy for pseudoconstant bit rate video coding, A
* Sensor Array Processing Techniques for Super Resolution Multi-Line-Fitting And Straight Edge Detection
* Signal recovery by best feasible approximation
* Synthetic aperture pulse-echo imaging with rectangular boundary arrays
* Texture Analysis and Classification with Tree-Structured Wavelet Transform
* Time-Frequency Distribution Inversion of the Radon Transform
* Unified Approach to Optimal Image Interpolation Problems Based On Linear Partial Differential Equation Models, A
* Vector Directional Filters: A New Class of Multichannel Image Processing Filters
54 for IP(2)

IP(20) * 1-D Transforms for the Motion Compensation Residual
* 124 Mpixels/s VLSI Design for Histogram-Based Joint Bilateral Filtering, A
* 3-D Active Meshes: Fast Discrete Deformable Models for Cell Tracking in 3-D Time-Lapse Microscopy
* 3-D Reconstruction of Microtubules From Multi-Angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy Using Bayesian Framework
* a priori Shading Correction Technique for Contact Imaging Devices, An
* Accelerating X-Ray Data Collection Using Pyramid Beam Ray Casting Geometries
* Accurate Moving Cast Shadow Suppression Based on Local Color Constancy Detection
* Active Learning for Solving the Incomplete Data Problem in Facial Age Classification by the Furthest Nearest-Neighbor Criterion
* Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
* Adaptive Sequential Prediction of Multidimensional Signals With Applications to Lossless Image Coding
* ADART: An Adaptive Algebraic Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* Affine Legendre Moment Invariants for Image Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions
* Algorithm for Power Line Detection and Warning Based on a Millimeter-Wave Radar Video, An
* Analysis of Dyadic Approximation Error for Hybrid Video Codecs With Integer Transforms
* Anisotropic Morphological Filters With Spatially-Variant Structuring Elements Based on Image-Dependent Gradient Fields
* Assemble New Object Detector With Few Examples
* Augmented Lagrangian Approach to the Constrained Optimization Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems, An
* Augmented Lagrangian Method for Total Variation Video Restoration, An
* Autocorrelation-Driven Diffusion Filtering
* Autofluorescence Removal by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Automatic Craniofacial Structure Detection on Cephalometric Images
* Automatic Exact Histogram Specification for Contrast Enhancement and Visual System Based Quantitative Evaluation
* Automatic Image Segmentation by Dynamic Region Merging
* Balanced Multifilter Banks for Multiple Description Coding
* Balanced Multiwavelets with Interpolatory Property
* Bayesian Network Model for Automatic and Interactive Image Segmentation, A
* Bayesian Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Bit-Rate Allocation for Multiple Video Streams Using a Pricing-Based Mechanism
* Blind Deconvolution Using Generalized Cross-Validation Approach to Regularization Parameter Estimation
* Blind Image Quality Assessment: From Natural Scene Statistics to Perceptual Quality
* Blind Spectral Unmixing Based on Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Blur Invariants Constructed From Arbitrary Moments
* Boosting Color Feature Selection for Color Face Recognition
* Burst-Loss-Resilient Packetization of Video
* Cellular Neural Networks, the Navier-Stokes Equation, and Microarray Image Reconstruction
* Characterization of Electrophotographic Print Artifacts: Banding, Jitter, and Ghosting
* Classification-Based Adaptive Filtering for Multiframe Blind Image Restoration
* Closed-Form Approximation of the Exact Unbiased Inverse of the Anscombe Variance-Stabilizing Transformation, A
* Co-Saliency Model of Image Pairs, A
* Collinear Segment Detection Using HT Neighborhoods
* Color Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion
* Combined Affine Geometric Transformations and Spatially Dependent Radiometric Deformations: A Decoupled Linear Estimation Framework
* Combined Invariants to Similarity Transformation and to Blur Using Orthogonal Zernike Moments
* Comments on Image Denoising by Sparse 3-D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering
* Comparison of Texture Analysis Schemes Under Nonideal Conditions
* Complex Object Correspondence Construction in Two-Dimensional Animation
* Composite Model-Based DC Dithering for Suppressing Contour Artifacts in Decompressed Video
* Compressibility-Aware Media Retargeting With Structure Preserving
* Compressive Sensing SAR Image Reconstruction Based on Bayesian Framework and Evolutionary Computation
* Computation of Fluid and Particle Motion From a Time-Sequenced Image Pair: A Global Outlier Identification Approach
* Computation of Level-Set Components From Level Lines
* Computational Cameras: Convergence of Optics and Processing
* Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments
* Computational Intelligibility Model for Assessment and Compression of American Sign Language Video, A
* Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval
* Computing Steerable Principal Components of a Large Set of Images and Their Rotations
* Constrained Acquisition of Ink Spreading Curves From Printed Color Images
* Contactless and Pose Invariant Biometric Identification Using Hand Surface
* Contextual and Variational Contrast Enhancement
* Contextual Kernel and Spectral Methods for Learning the Semantics of Images
* Curvature Interpolation Method for Image Zooming
* DAML: Domain Adaptation Metric Learning
* DART: A Practical Reconstruction Algorithm for Discrete Tomography
* Dealing With Parallax in Shape-From-Focus
* Denoising-Enhancing Images on Elastic Manifolds
* Depth No-Synthesis-Error Model for View Synthesis in 3-D Video
* Design of Interchannel MRF Model for Probabilistic Multichannel Image Processing
* Dictionary Learning for Stereo Image Representation
* Diffuse Prior Monotonic Likelihood Ratio Test for Evaluation of Fused Image Quality Measures
* Direct Intermode Selection for H.264 Video Coding Using Phase Correlation
* Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography in the Presence of Measurement Noise
* Discretization of Parametrizable Signal Manifolds
* Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution and Its Application to Image Segmentation
* Distributed Multiple Description Video Coding on Packet Loss Channels
* Edge-Sensing Generic Demosaicing Algorithm With Application to Image Resampling, An
* Efficient Reversible Watermarking Based on Adaptive Prediction-Error Expansion and Pixel Selection
* Efficient Selective Perceptual-Based Super-Resolution Estimator, An
* Efficient Texture Image Retrieval Using Copulas in a Bayesian Framework
* Efficiently Learning a Detection Cascade With Sparse Eigenvectors
* Elastic Ratio: Introducing Curvature Into Ratio-Based Image Segmentation, The
* Elastic Sequence Correlation for Human Action Analysis
* Enhanced Adaptive Loop Filter for Motion Compensated Frame
* Enhanced Shift and Scale Tolerance for Rotation Invariant Polar Matching With Dual-Tree Wavelets
* Example-Driven Manifold Priors for Image Deconvolution
* Face Recognition by Exploring Information Jointly in Space, Scale and Orientation
* Face Recognition System Using Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature Under Uncontrolled Illumination Variation
* Fast Bi-Directional Prediction Selection in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Temporal Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Bilateral Filter With Arbitrary Range and Domain Kernels
* Fast H.264/AVC FRExt Intra Coding Using Belief Propagation
* Fast Model-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Nonhomogeneous ICD Optimization
* Fast O(1) Bilateral Filtering Using Trigonometric Range Kernels
* FAST Rate Allocation Through Steepest Descent for JPEG2000 Video Transmission
* Fast Sparse Image Reconstruction Using Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering
* Fast Transforms for Acoustic Imaging: Part I: Theory
* Fast Transforms for Acoustic Imaging: Part II: Applications
* Filtering Approach to Edge Preserving MAP Estimation of Images, A
* Fine-Granularity and Spatially-Adaptive Regularization for Projection-Based Image Deblurring
* Flexible Content-Adaptive Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation, A
* Fourier-Domain Multichannel Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Fractal Dimension of Color Fractal Images
* Framelet Algorithms for De-Blurring Images Corrupted by Impulse Plus Gaussian Noise
* From Point to Local Neighborhood: Polyp Detection in CT Colonography Using Geodesic Ring Neighborhoods
* From Tiger to Panda: Animal Head Detection
* FSIM: A Feature Similarity Index for Image Quality Assessment
* Fuzzy Random Impulse Noise Removal From Color Image Sequences
* Generalized Accelerated Proximal Gradient Approach for Total-Variation-Based Image Restoration, A
* Generalized Random Walks for Fusion of Multi-Exposure Images
* Generalized Unsharp Masking Algorithm, A
* Generating Descriptive Visual Words and Visual Phrases for Large-Scale Image Applications
* Geodesic Active Fields: A Geometric Framework for Image Registration
* Geometric Method for Optimal Design of Color Filter Arrays, A
* Geometrically Induced Force Interaction for Three-Dimensional Deformable Models
* Goal-Oriented Rectification of Camera-Based Document Images
* Gradient Profile Prior and Its Applications in Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement
* Gradient-Based Source and Mask Optimization in Optical Lithography
* Graph Cuts for Curvature Based Image Denoising
* Graph Laplace for Occluded Face Completion and Recognition
* Graph Regularized Sparse Coding for Image Representation
* HAIRIS: A Method for Automatic Image Registration Through Histogram-Based Image Segmentation
* Halftone Image Classification Using LMS Algorithm and Naive Bayes
* Halftone-Image Security Improving Using Overall Minimal-Error Searching
* Hallucinating Face in the DCT Domain
* High Capacity Color Barcodes: Per Channel Data Encoding via Orientation Modulation in Elliptical Dot Arrays
* High Dynamic Range Image Display With Halo and Clipping Prevention
* High-Quality Reflection Separation Using Polarized Images
* High-Resolution Imaging Via Moving Random Exposure and Its Simulation
* Homogeneity Localization Using Particle Filters With Application to Noise Estimation
* Human Motion Tracking by Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts
* Human Object Inpainting Using Manifold Learning-Based Posture Sequence Estimation
* Hybrid Approach to Detect and Localize Texts in Natural Scene Images, A
* Hybrid Diversification Operator-Based Evolutionary Approach Towards Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Hybrid No-Reference Natural Image Quality Assessment of Noisy, Blurry, JPEG2000, and JPEG Images
* Hyperspectral BSS Using GMCA With Spatio-Spectral Sparsity Constraints
* iDUDE Framework for Grayscale Image Denoising, The
* Illumination Recovery From Image With Cast Shadows Via Sparse Representation
* Image Coding Using Depth Blurring for Aesthetically Acceptable Distortion
* Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution by Adaptive Sparse Domain Selection and Adaptive Regularization
* Image Decomposition With Multilabel Context: Algorithms and Applications
* Image Deconvolution With Multi-Stage Convex Relaxation and Its Perceptual Evaluation
* Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* Image Interpolation Via Regularized Local Linear Regression
* Image Magnification Using Interval Information
* Image Multidistortion Estimation
* Image Resolution Enhancement by Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decomposition
* Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information
* Image Segmentation Using Local Variation and Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
* Improved Image Compression Algorithm Using Binary Space Partition Scheme and Geometric Wavelets, An
* Improving Web Image Search by Bag-Based Reranking
* In Search of Perceptually Salient Groupings
* Incremental Training of a Detector Using Online Sparse Eigendecomposition
* Information Content Weighting for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Integer Computation of Lossy JPEG2000 Compression
* Interactive Streaming of Stored Multiview Video Using Redundant Frame Structures
* Interpolation-Dependent Image Downsampling
* Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets Applied to Stereo Matching of Color Images
* Inverse Halftoning Based on the Bayesian Theorem
* Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Restoration of Optical Imagery
* Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Total-Variation Image Restoration, An
* Joint Registration and Super-Resolution With Omnidirectional Images
* JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV)
* JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV) with Motion Compensation
* K-NN Regression to Improve Statistical Feature Extraction for Texture Retrieval
* Kernel Maximum Autocorrelation Factor and Minimum Noise Fraction Transformations
* Kullback-Leibler Divergence Approach to Blind Image Restoration, A
* Large Disparity Motion Layer Extraction via Topological Clustering
* Lazy Sliding Window Implementation of the Bilateral Filter on Parallel Architectures
* LCD Motion Blur: Modeling, Analysis, and Algorithm
* Learning Adaptive Metric for Robust Visual Tracking
* Learning-Based Prediction of Visual Attention for Video Signals
* Least-Squares Luma-Chroma Demultiplexing Algorithm for Bayer Demosaicking
* Level Set Method for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Intensity Inhomogeneities With Application to MRI, A
* Lifting Factorization and Construction of Wavelet Bi-Frames With Arbitrary Generators and Scaling, The
* Light Field Analysis for Modeling Image Formation
* Lightweight Detection of Additive Watermarking in the DWT-Domain
* Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping, A
* Lookup-Table-Based Gradient Field Reconstruction
* Maintaining Temporal Coherence in Video Retargeting Using Mosaic-Guided Scaling
* Majorize-Minimize Strategy for Subspace Optimization Applied to Image Restoration, A
* Manifold Regularized Discriminative Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Fast Gradient Descent
* Maximum Likelihood Approach to Joint Image Registration and Fusion, A
* Measuring the Quality of Quality Measures
* Memory-Efficient Architecture for Hysteresis Thresholding and Object Feature Extraction
* Multiclass Maximum-Likelihood Symmetry Determination and Motif Reconstruction of 3-D Helical Objects From Projection Images for Electron Microscopy
* Multidimensional Filter Bank Signal Reconstruction From Multichannel Acquisition
* Multilevel Mixture-of-Experts Framework for Pedestrian Classification, A
* Multiple Player Tracking in Sports Video: A Dual-Mode Two-Way Bayesian Inference Approach With Progressive Observation Modeling
* Multiregion Image Segmentation by Parametric Kernel Graph Cuts
* Multivariate Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction in the Wavelet Domain: Using Scale Mixture Models
* Natural Image Segmentation Based on Tree Equipartition, Bayesian Flooding and Region Merging
* Natural Matting for Degraded Pictures
* New Color Filter Array With Optimal Properties for Noiseless and Noisy Color Image Acquisition, A
* New Design Tool for Feature Extraction in Noisy Images Based on Grayscale Hit-or-Miss Transforms, A
* New Hybrid Method for Image Approximation Using the Easy Path Wavelet Transform, A
* New Scheme for Robust Gradient Vector Estimation in Color Images, A
* No-Reference Blur Assessment of Digital Pictures Based on Multifeature Classifiers
* No-Reference Image Blur Metric Based on the Cumulative Probability of Blur Detection (CPBD), A
* Nonlocal Means With Dimensionality Reduction and SURE-Based Parameter Selection
* Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Regularizers for Color Image Restoration
* Nonlocal PDEs-Based Morphology on Weighted Graphs for Image and Data Processing
* Nonrigid Registration of 2-D and 3-D Dynamic Cell Nuclei Images for Improved Classification of Subcellular Particle Motion
* Nonuniform Directional Filter Banks With Arbitrary Frequency Partitioning
* Normalization of Face Illumination Based on Large-and Small-Scale Features
* Novel 3-D Color Histogram Equalization Method With Uniform 1-D Gray Scale Histogram, A
* Object Tracking and Target Reacquisition Based on 3-D Range Data for Moving Vehicles
* Occlusion-Aware Motion Layer Extraction Under Large Interframe Motions
* On a Derivative-Free Fan-Beam Reconstruction Formula
* On Dependent Bit Allocation for Multiview Image Coding With Depth-Image-Based Rendering
* On Regularized Reconstruction of Vector Fields
* On the Inter-Conversion Between Hermite and Laguerre Local Image Expansions
* On the Selection of Optimal Feature Region Set for Robust Digital Image Watermarking
* Optimal Compression Plane for Efficient Video Coding
* Optimal Data Hiding Scheme With Tree-Based Parity Check, An
* Optimal Design of FIR Triplet Halfband Filter Bank and Application in Image Coding
* Optimal Image Alignment With Random Projections of Manifolds: Algorithm and Geometric Analysis
* Optimal Inversion of the Anscombe Transformation in Low-Count Poisson Image Denoising
* Optimizing a Tone Curve for Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Image and Video Compression
* Orientation Inference Framework for Surface Reconstruction From Unorganized Point Clouds, An
* Parallel Proximal Algorithm for Image Restoration Using Hybrid Regularization
* Paramer Mismatch-Based Spectral Gamut Mapping
* Passive Polarimetric Imagery-Based Material Classification Robust to Illumination Source Position and Viewpoint
* PDE-Based Random-Valued Impulse Noise Removal Based on New Class of Controlling Functions
* Perceptual Segmentation: Combining Image Segmentation With Object Tagging
* Performance Analysis of n-Channel Symmetric FEC-Based Multiple Description Coding for OFDM Networks
* Period Coded Phase Shifting Strategy for Real-time 3-D Structured Light Illumination
* Pose-Free Structure From Motion Using Depth From Motion Constraints
* Practical Bounds on Image Denoising: From Estimation to Information
* Principle of Superposition by Direction Images
* Probabilistic Image Modeling With an Extended Chain Graph for Human Activity Recognition and Image Segmentation
* Proto-Object Based Rate Control for JPEG2000: An Approach to Content-Based Scalability
* Quality Assessment of Deblocked Images
* Random N-Finder (N-FINDR) Endmember Extraction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Random Phase Textures: Theory and Synthesis
* RASIM: A Novel Rotation and Scale Invariant Matching of Local Image Interest Points
* Rate Control Scheme for Consistent Video Quality in Scalable Video Codec
* Real-Time Affine Global Motion Estimation Using Phase Correlation and its Application for Digital Image Stabilization
* Real-Time Artifact-Free Image Upscaling
* Real-Time Discriminative Background Subtraction
* Reference Sharing Mechanism for Watermark Self-Embedding
* Regularized Background Adaptation: A Novel Learning Rate Control Scheme for Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Removing Artefacts From Color and Contrast Modifications
* Removing Motion Blur With Space-Time Processing
* Residues Cluster-Based Segmentation and Outlier-Detection Method for Large-Scale Phase Unwrapping
* Resolution Scalable Image Coding With Reversible Cellular Automata
* Revisiting Complex Moments for 2-D Shape Representation and Image Normalization
* Roadmaker's Algorithm for the Discrete Pulse Transform, The
* Robust Automatic Rodent Brain Extraction Using 3-D Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks (PCNN)
* Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Robust Spatiotemporal Matching of Electronic Slides to Presentation Videos
* Saliency and Gist Features for Target Detection in Satellite Images
* Salient Motion Features for Video Quality Assessment
* Scalable Feature Extraction for Coarse-to-Fine JPEG 2000 Image Classification
* Scale- and Affine-Invariant Fan Feature
* Segmentation and Tracking Multiple Objects Under Occlusion From Multiview Video
* Size-Controllable Region-of-Interest in Scalable Image Representation
* Smoothlets: Multiscale Functions for Adaptive Representation of Images
* Sparse Matrix Transform for Covariance Estimation and Analysis of High Dimensional Signals, The
* Spatial Sparsity-Induced Prediction (SIP) for Images and Video: A Simple Way to Reject Structured Interference
* Spatiotemporal Localization and Categorization of Human Actions in Unsegmented Image Sequences
* Speed Improvement of B-Snake Algorithm Using Dynamic Programming Optimization
* Split and Merge Based Ellipse Detector With Self-Correcting Capability, A
* Spread Spectrum Image Watermarking Based on Perceptual Quality Metric
* Stationary Probability Model for Bitplane Image Coding Through Local Average of Wavelet Coefficients
* Statistical Modeling of 3-D Natural Scenes With Application to Bayesian Stereopsis
* Steerable Pyramids and Tight Wavelet Frames in L_2(BBR^d)
* Stratified Approach for Camera Calibration Using Spheres, A
* Structured Max-Margin Learning for Inter-Related Classifier Training and Multilabel Image Annotation
* Studentized Dynamical System for Robust Object Tracking
* Sub-Hexagonal Phase Correlation for Motion Estimation
* Subpixel Registration With Gradient Correlation
* Subspaces Indexing Model on Grassmann Manifold for Image Search
* Subspaces Indexing Model on Grassmann Manifold for Image Search
* Supervised Ordering in I!R^p: Application to Morphological Processing of Hyperspectral Images
* Surface-Preserving Robust Watermarking of 3-D Shapes
* Symmetric Motion Estimation Method for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* t-Tests, F-Tests and Otsu's Methods for Image Thresholding
* Temporal Frequency of Flickering-Distortion Optimized Video Halftoning for Electronic Paper
* Tensor Discriminant Color Space for Face Recognition
* Text From Corners: A Novel Approach to Detect Text and Caption in Videos
* Text Segmentation for MRC Document Compression
* Text String Detection From Natural Scenes by Structure-Based Partition and Grouping
* Texture Classification Using Dominant Neighborhood Structure
* Tomographic Reconstruction of Gated Data Acquisition Using DFT Basis Functions
* Topological Well-Composedness and Glamorous Glue: A Digital Gluing Algorithm for Topologically Constrained Front Propagation
* Topology Preserving Warping of 3-D Binary Images According to Continuous One-to-One Mappings
* Total Variation Projection With First Order Schemes
* Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene Adaptiveness
* Two Efficient Label-Equivalence-Based Connected-Component Labeling Algorithms for 3-D Binary Images
* Two-Band Hybrid FIR-IIR Filters for Image Compression
* Unequal Protection of Video Data According to Slice Relevance
* Uniform Framework for Estimating Illumination Chromaticity, Correspondence, and Specular Reflection, A
* Uniform Grid Structure to Speed Up Example-Based Photometric Stereo, A
* Uniform Motion Blur in Poissonian Noise: Blur/Noise Tradeoff
* Variable Length Open Contour Tracking Using a Deformable Trellis
* Variational Bayesian Super Resolution
* Variational Model for Histogram Transfer of Color Images, A
* Variational Model for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects With Additive Intensity Value, A
* VE-LLI-VO: Vessel Enhancement Using Local Line Integrals and Variational Optimization
* ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences
* Video Alignment for Change Detection
* Video Keyframe Analysis Using a Segment-Based Statistical Metric in a Visually Sensitive Parametric Space
* Video Super-Resolution Using Simultaneous Motion and Intensity Calculations
* Video Tracking Based on Sequential Particle Filtering on Graphs
* Window-Level Rate Control for Smooth Picture Quality and Smooth Buffer Occupancy
* Wyner-Ziv Video Coding With Classified Correlation Noise Estimation and Key Frame Coding Mode Selection
* Zernike-Moment-Based Image Super Resolution
305 for IP(20)

IP(21) * 3-D Discrete Shearlet Transform and Video Processing
* 3-D Modeling From a Single View of a Symmetric Object
* 3-D Object Retrieval and Recognition With Hypergraph Analysis
* 3D Steerable Wavelets in Practice
* 3D+t Morphological Processing: Applications to Embryogenesis Image Analysis
* Abrupt Motion Tracking Via Intensively Adaptive Markov-Chain Monte Carlo Sampling
* Adaptive Appearance Modeling for Video Tracking: Survey and Evaluation
* Adaptive Compressed Sensing Recovery Utilizing the Property of Signal's Autocorrelations
* Adaptive Distributed Source Coding
* Adaptive Hypergraph Learning and its Application in Image Classification
* Adaptive Image Decomposition into Cartoon and Texture Parts Optimized by the Orthogonality Criterion
* Adaptive Image Registration via Hierarchical Voronoi Subdivision
* Adaptive Kalman Filtering for Histogram-Based Appearance Learning in Infrared Imagery
* Adaptive Membership Functions for Handwritten Character Recognition by Voronoi-Based Image Zoning
* Adaptive Online Performance Evaluation of Video Trackers
* Adaptive Perona-Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image Denoising
* Adaptive Quantization-Parameter Clip Scheme for Smooth Quality in H.264/AVC
* Adaptive Reconstruction of Millimeter-Wave Radiometric Images
* Algorithm for the Contextual Adaption of SURF Octave Selection With Good Matching Performance: Best Octaves, An
* Algorithms for the Digital Restoration of Torn Films
* Alleviating Dirty-Window Effect in Medium Frame-Rate Binary Video Halftones
* Alternating Direction Algorithm for Total Variation Reconstruction of Distributed Parameters, An
* Alternating Direction Method for Balanced Image Restoration
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Binary Image Restoration, An
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm for Speckle Reduction With a Shifting Technique
* Analyzing Image Deblurring Through Three Paradigms
* Anomaly Detection and Reconstruction From Random Projections
* Antialiasing Filter Design for Subpixel Downsampling via Frequency-Domain Analysis
* Archive Film Defect Detection and Removal: An Automatic Restoration Framework
* Artifact Removal for GLS Map Makers by Means of Post-Processing
* Automatic Bootstrapping and Tracking of Object Contours
* Automatic Image Equalization and Contrast Enhancement Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling
* Automatic Parameter Estimation for the Discrete Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (DART)
* Automatic Single-Image-Based Rain Streaks Removal via Image Decomposition
* B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces: An Efficient Framework for Real-Time 3-D Region-Based Segmentation
* Bayesian Estimation for Optimized Structured Illumination Microscopy
* Bayesian Inference of Models and Hyperparameters for Robust Optical-Flow Estimation
* Bayesian Technique for Image Classifying Registration
* Bayesian Texture Classification Based on Contourlet Transform and BYY Harmony Learning of Poisson Mixtures
* Bayesian Theoretic Approach to Multiscale Complex-Phase-Order Representations, A
* Behavior Subtraction
* Bi-Exponential Edge-Preserving Smoother
* Binarization of Low-Quality Barcode Images Captured by Mobile Phones Using Local Window of Adaptive Location and Size
* Binned Progressive Quantization for Compressive Sensing
* Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Ultra-Narrowband Continuous Waveforms
* Bits From Photons: Oversampled Image Acquisition Using Binary Poisson Statistics
* Blind Adaptive Sampling of Images
* Blind Image Quality Assessment: A Natural Scene Statistics Approach in the DCT Domain
* Blind Separation of Image Sources via Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* BM3D Frames and Variational Image Deblurring
* Boundary Operation of 2-D Nonseparable Linear-Phase Paraunitary Filter Banks
* Camera Constraint-Free View-Based 3-D Object Retrieval
* Camera-Pose Estimation via Projective Newton Optimization on the Manifold
* Capacity Analysis For Orthogonal Halftone Orientation Modulation Channels
* Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images based on Image Fusion and Fuzzy Clustering
* Chromaticity Space for Illuminant Invariant Recognition
* Co-Transduction for Shape Retrieval
* Coarse-to-Fine Subpixel Registration Method to Recover Local Perspective Deformation in the Application of Image Super-Resolution, A
* Coding-Cost Framework for Super-Resolution Motion Layer Decomposition, A
* Cognition and Removal of Impulse Noise With Uncertainty
* Collaborative Sensing in a Distributed PTZ Camera Network
* Color Constancy by Category Correlation
* Color Constancy for Multiple Light Sources
* Color Local Texture Features for Color Face Recognition
* Combining Head Pose and Eye Location Information for Gaze Estimation
* Comment on Cheating Prevention in Visual Cryptography
* Commutability of Blur and Affine Warping in Super-Resolution With Application to Joint Estimation of Triple-Coupled Variables
* Completed Local Binary Count for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification
* Completely Automated Multiresolution Edge Snapper: A New Technique for an Accurate Carotid Ultrasound IMT Measurement: Clinical Validation and Benchmarking on a Multi-Institutional Database
* Compressive Light Field Sensing
* Compressive Sensing and Unmixing Scheme for Hyperspectral Data Processing, A
* Concatenated Block Codes for Unequal Error Protection of Embedded Bit Streams
* Conjunctive Patches Subspace Learning With Side Information for Collaborative Image Retrieval
* Connectivity-Enforcing Hough Transform for the Robust Extraction of Line Segments
* Constant Time Joint Bilateral Filtering Using Joint Integral Histograms
* Content-Adaptive Motion Estimation Algorithm for Coarse-Grain SVC
* Content-Aware Dark Image Enhancement Through Channel Division
* Contrast-Enhanced Fusion of Multisensor Images Using Subband-Decomposed Multiscale Retinex
* Contrast-Independent Curvilinear Structure Detection in Biomedical Images
* Convex Model for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Dimensionality Reduction on Physical Space, A
* Cooperative Sparse Representation in Two Opposite Directions for Semi-Supervised Image Annotation
* Correlation-Coefficient-Based Fast Template Matching Through Partial Elimination
* Counting People With Low-Level Features and Bayesian Regression
* Coupled Bias-Variance Tradeoff for Cross-Pose Face Recognition
* Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution
* Coupled Kernel Embedding for Low-Resolution Face Image Recognition
* Critically Sampled Wavelets With Composite Dilations
* CT Reconstruction From Parallel and Fan-Beam Projections by a 2-D Discrete Radon Transform
* CT Reconstruction From Parallel and Fan-Beam Projections by a 2-D Discrete Radon Transform
* CURE for Noisy Magnetic Resonance Images: Chi-Square Unbiased Risk Estimation, A
* Curved-Region-Based Ridge Frequency Estimation and Curved Gabor Filters for Fingerprint Image Enhancement
* Depth From Motion and Optical Blur With an Unscented Kalman Filter
* Depth Sensation Enhancement Using the Just Noticeable Depth Difference
* Depth Video Enhancement Based on Weighted Mode Filtering
* Design and Optimization of Color Lookup Tables on a Simplex Topology
* Design of Almost Symmetric Orthogonal Wavelet Filter Bank Via Direct Optimization
* Design of Interpolation Functions for Subpixel-Accuracy Stereo-Vision Systems
* Detail-Enhanced Exposure Fusion
* Detecting Aircraft With a Low-Resolution Infrared Sensor
* Direct Approach Toward Global Minimization for Multiphase Labeling and Segmentation Problems, A
* Direct Discriminant Locality Preserving Projection With Hammerstein Polynomial Expansion
* Directional Lapped Orthogonal Transform: Theory and Design
* Discovering Thematic Objects in Image Collections and Videos
* Discrete Region Competition for Unknown Numbers of Connected Regions
* Discriminant Learning Through Multiple Principal Angles for Visual Recognition
* Discriminative Metric Preservation for Tracking Low-Resolution Targets
* Discriminative Model of Motion and Cross Ratio for View-Invariant Action Recognition, A
* Distributed Representation of Geometrically Correlated Images With Compressed Linear Measurements
* Distributed Successive Refinement of Multiview Images Using Broadcast Advantage
* Edge Strength Filter Based Color Filter Array Interpolation
* Edge-Adapting Laplacian Kernel For Nonlinear Diffusion Filters, An
* Edge-Based Perceptual Image Coding
* Edge-Preserving Image Regularization Based on Morphological Wavelets and Dyadic Trees
* Effective Detection for Linear Up-Sampling by a Factor of Fraction
* Efficiency of Semi-Implicit Schemes for Anisotropic Diffusion in the Hypercube
* Efficient Algorithm for Level Set Method Preserving Distance Function
* Efficient Algorithm for Nonconvex Minimization and Its Application to PM Regularization
* Efficient Camera Calibration Technique Offering Robustness and Accuracy Over a Wide Range of Lens Distortion, An
* Efficient HIK SVM Learning for Image Classification
* Efficient Image Denoising Method Based on a New Adaptive Wavelet Packet Thresholding Function
* Efficient Object Tracking by Incremental Self-Tuning Particle Filtering on the Affine Group
* Efficient Rate-Distortion Optimal Packetization of Embedded Bitstreams Into Independent Source Packets
* Efficient Registration of Nonrigid 3-D Bodies
* Energy-Based Model for the Image Edge-Histogram Specification Problem, An
* Enhanced Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes for Face Recognition and Image Matching
* Entropy-Functional-Based Online Adaptive Decision Fusion Framework With Application to Wildfire Detection in Video
* Eye-Tracking Database for a Set of Standard Video Sequences
* Face Identification Using Large Feature Sets
* Facial Expression Recognition in Perceptual Color Space
* Fast 2-D Distance Transformations
* Fast Approximation of Algebraic Reconstruction Methods for Tomography
* Fast Majorize-Minimize Algorithm for the Recovery of Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices, A
* Fast O(N) Multiresolution Polygonal Approximation Algorithm for GPS Trajectory Simplification, A
* Fast Semantic Diffusion for Large-Scale Context-Based Image and Video Annotation
* Fast Vanishing-Point Detection in Unstructured Environments
* Fast Wavelet-Based Image Characterization for Highly Adaptive Image Retrieval
* Feature-Based Learning Framework for Accurate Prostate Localization in CT Images, A
* Feature-Specific Difference Imaging
* Filtering in the Diffeomorphism Group and the Registration of Point Sets
* Foreground Object Detection Using Top-Down Information Based on EM Framework
* Fourier Transform-Based Scalable Image Quality Measure
* Frame Fundamental High-Resolution Image Fusion From Inhomogeneous Measurements
* Framelet-Based Blind Motion Deblurring From a Single Image
* Gait Recognition With Shifted Energy Image and Structural Feature Extraction
* Game-Theoretic Pricing for Video Streaming in Mobile Networks
* General Fast Registration Framework by Learning Deformation-Appearance Correlation, A
* Generalized Block-Lifting Factorization of M-Channel Biorthogonal Filter Banks for Lossy-to-Lossless Image Coding
* Generalized Logarithmic Image Processing Model Based on the Gigavision Sensor Model, A
* Generalized PCM Coding of Images
* Generalized Unequal Error Protection LT Codes for Progressive Data Transmission
* Generative Bayesian Image Super Resolution With Natural Image Prior
* Geometric Construction of Multivariate Sinc Functions, A
* Geometric Flow Approach for Region-Based Image Segmentation
* Gradient-Based Image Recovery Methods From Incomplete Fourier Measurements
* Gradient-Directed Multiexposure Composition
* Group-Sensitive Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Recognition
* Groupwise Registration of Multimodal Images by an Efficient Joint Entropy Minimization Scheme
* H.264/SVC Mode Decision Based on Optimal Stopping Theory
* HANS: Controlling Ink-Jet Print Attributes Via Neugebauer Primary Area Coverages
* Hessian-Based Norm Regularization for Image Restoration With Biomedical Applications
* Hierarchical Oriented Predictions for Resolution Scalable Lossless and Near-Lossless Compression of CT and MRI Biomedical Images
* High Capacity Data Hiding for Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding
* Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization for Image Recovery
* Highly Parallel Line-Based Image Coding for Many Cores
* Histogram Contextualization
* Human Activity as a Manifold-Valued Random Process
* Human Gait Recognition Using Patch Distribution Feature and Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation
* Human Identification Using Finger Images
* Hyperconnections and Hierarchical Representations for Grayscale and Multiband Image Processing
* Illumination Compensation Using Oriented Local Histogram Equalization and its Application to Face Recognition
* Image Annotation by Input-Output Structural Grouping Sparsity
* Image Authentication Using Distributed Source Coding
* Image Deblurring Using Derivative Compressed Sensing for Optical Imaging Application
* Image Feature Extraction in Encrypted Domain With Privacy-Preserving SIFT
* Image Fusion Using Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
* Image Prediction Based on Neighbor-Embedding Methods
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Gradient Similarity
* Image Quality Assessment by Visual Gradient Similarity
* Image Reduction Using Means on Discrete Product Lattices
* Image Registration Under Illumination Variations Using Region-Based Confidence Weighted M -Estimators
* Image Segmentation Based on the Poincaré Map Method
* Image Sequence Interpolation Based on Optical Flow, Segmentation, and Optimal Control
* Image Super-Resolution with Sparse Neighbor Embedding
* Impact of the Lips for Biometrics
* Implicit Polynomial Representation Through a Fast Fitting Error Estimation
* Improved Image Recovery From Compressed Data Contaminated With Impulsive Noise
* Improvements on Fast Space-Variant Elliptical Filtering Using Box Splines
* Improving Various Reversible Data Hiding Schemes Via Optimal Codes for Binary Covers
* Inductive Robust Principal Component Analysis
* Integrating Graph Partitioning and Matching for Trajectory Analysis in Video Surveillance
* Integrating Segmentation Information for Improved MRF-Based Elastic Image Registration
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Dirichlet Process Multiple-View Learning
* Interlayer Bit Allocation for Scalable Video Coding
* Interpolation-Based Image Super-Resolution Using Multisurface Fitting
* Investigation of Dehazing Effects on Image and Video Coding, An
* Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple-Description Codes
* Iterative L_1 -Based Image Restoration Algorithm With an Adaptive Parameter Estimation, An
* Iterative Narrowband-Based Graph Cuts Optimization for Geodesic Active Contours With Region Forces (GACWRF)
* Iterative Truncated Arithmetic Mean Filter and Its Properties
* Joint Learning for Single-Image Super-Resolution via a Coupled Constraint
* Jointly Optimized Spatial Prediction and Block Transform for Video and Image Coding
* JUDOCA: JUnction Detection Operator Based on Circumferential Anchors
* Kalman-Filtering Approach to High Dynamic Range Imaging for Measurement Applications, A
* Kronecker Compressive Sensing
* Local Color Vector Binary Patterns From Multichannel Face Images for Face Recognition
* Local Tetra Patterns: A New Feature Descriptor for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Localizing Text in Scene Images by Boundary Clustering, Stroke Segmentation, and String Fragment Classification
* Locally Oriented Optical Flow Computation
* Low Distortion Transform for Reversible Watermarking
* Low-Complexity Video Coding Based on Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
* L_2 Restoration of L_inf -Decoded Images Via Soft-Decision Estimation
* Magnification of Label Maps With a Topology-Preserving Level-Set Method
* Manifold-Manifold Distance and its Application to Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Markov Random Field Approach for Topology-Preserving Registration: Application to Object-Based Tomographic Image Interpolation, A
* Masked Object Registration in the Fourier Domain
* Medical Image Segmentation by Combining Graph Cuts and Oriented Active Appearance Models
* Methodology for Reconstructing Early Zebrafish Development From In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy
* MIQM: A Multicamera Image Quality Measure
* Mode-Dependent Templates and Scan Order for H.264/AVC-Based Intra Lossless Coding
* Model-Assisted Adaptive Recovery of Compressed Sensing with Imaging Applications
* Modeling the Performance of Image Restoration From Motion Blur
* Monotonic Regression: A New Way for Correlating Subjective and Objective Ratings in Image Quality Research
* Motion-Based Structure Separation for Label-Free High-Speed 3-D Cardiac Microscopy
* Multifocusing and Depth Estimation Using a Color Shift Model-Based Computational Camera
* Multilinear Supervised Neighborhood Embedding of a Local Descriptor Tensor for Scene/Object Recognition
* Multimodal Graph-Based Reranking for Web Image Search
* Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Delta-Sigma Quantization With Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Multiple Descriptions Coinciding Lattice Vector Quantizer for Wavelet Image Coding
* Multiple Exposure Fusion for High Dynamic Range Image Acquisition
* Multiple-Region Segmentation Without Supervision by Adaptive Global Maximum Clustering
* Multiplicative Iterative Algorithm for Box-Constrained Penalized Likelihood Image Restoration, A
* Multiplicative Noise Removal via a Learned Dictionary
* Multirate-Based Fast Parallel Algorithms for 2-D DHT-Based Real-Valued Discrete Gabor Transform
* Multiscale Distance Matrix for Fast Plant Leaf Recognition
* Multiscale Error Diffusion Technique for Digital Multitoning, A
* Multiscale Semilocal Interpolation With Antialiasing
* Multiview Deblurring for 3-D Images from Light-Sheet-Based Fluorescence Microscopy
* Multiview Image Coding Using Depth Layers and an Optimized Bit Allocation
* Network-Based H.264/AVC Whole-Frame Loss Visibility Model and Frame Dropping Methods
* New Families of Fourier Eigenfunctions for Steerable Filtering
* New Multiplicative Denoising Variational Model Based on m th Root Transformation, A
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment in the Spatial Domain
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Visual Codebooks
* Non-Lipschitz L_p-Regularization and Box Constrained Model for Image Restoration
* Nonlinear Approach for Enhancement of Image Focus Volume in Shape From Focus
* Nonparametric Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Analysis of Noisy and Incomplete Images
* Nonrigid Brain MR Image Registration Using Uniform Spherical Region Descriptor
* Novel Algorithm for View and Illumination Invariant Image Matching, A
* Novel Recursive Bayesian Learning-Based Method for the Efficient and Accurate Segmentation of Video With Dynamic Background, A
* Object Detection With DoG Scale-Space: A Multiple Kernel Learning Approach
* Object Segmentation of Database Images by Dual Multiscale Morphological Reconstructions and Retrieval Applications
* Object Tracking via Partial Least Squares Analysis
* On Preserving Original Variables in Bayesian PCA With Application to Image Analysis
* On the Bandwidth of the Plenoptic Function
* On the Construction of Topology-Preserving Deformation Fields
* On the Mathematical Properties of the Structural Similarity Index
* Onboard Low-Complexity Compression of Solar Stereo Images
* Online Learning Approach to Occlusion Boundary Detection, An
* Optimized Regression for Efficient Function Evaluation
* Optimizing Multiscale SSIM for Compression via MLDS
* Oriented Modulation for Watermarking in Direct Binary Search Halftone Images
* Outdoor Scene Image Segmentation Based on Background Recognition and Perceptual Organization
* Overall Well-Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition With Multifocal Images: A Model-Based Method
* Overlapping Cell Nuclei Segmentation Using a Spatially Adaptive Active Physical Model
* Parameter Selection for Total-Variation-Based Image Restoration Using Discrepancy Principle
* Parametric Level-Set Approach to Simultaneous Object Identification and Background Reconstruction for Dual-Energy Computed Tomography, A
* Partial Differential Equation-Based Approach for Empirical Mode Decomposition: Application on Image Analysis
* Particle Filter With a Mode Tracker for Visual Tracking Across Illumination Changes
* Patch-Based Near-Optimal Image Denoising
* Perceptual Strength of 3-D Crosstalk in Both Achromatic and Color Images in Stereoscopic 3-D Displays
* Performance Comparisons of Contour-Based Corner Detectors
* Piecewise Linear Curve Approximation Using Graph Theory and Geometrical Concepts
* Polyview Fusion: A Strategy to Enhance Video-Denoising Algorithms
* Posterior-Mean Super-Resolution With a Causal Gaussian Markov Random Field Prior
* Power-Constrained Contrast Enhancement for Emissive Displays Based on Histogram Equalization
* Precision-Aware Self-Quantizing Hardware Architectures for the Discrete Wavelet Transform
* Preconditioning for Edge-Preserving Image Super Resolution
* Prediction of Transmission Distortion for Wireless Video Communication: Analysis
* Primal-Dual Method for Total-Variation-Based Wavelet Domain Inpainting, A
* Principal Curves for Lumen Center Extraction and Flow Channel Width Estimation in 3-D Arterial Networks: Theory, Algorithm, and Validation
* Principal Visual Word Discovery for Automatic License Plate Detection
* Probabilistic Approach to Realistic Face Synthesis With a Single Uncalibrated Image
* Probabilistic Exposure Fusion
* Progressive Significance Map and Its Application to Error-Resilient Image Transmission
* PSF Estimation via Gradient Domain Correlation
* Psychovisual Quality Metric in Free-Energy Principle, A
* Quaternion Structural Similarity: A New Quality Index for Color Images
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Directional Wavelets
* Rate-Distortion-Optimized Video Transmission Using Pyramid Vector Quantization
* Real-Time Artifact-Free Image Upscaling
* Real-Time Knowledge-Based Processing of Images: Application of the Online NLPM Method to Perceptual Visual Analysis
* Real-Time Probabilistic Covariance Tracking With Efficient Model Update
* Reciprocal Focus Profile
* Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transform Using Ghosts
* Recursive Algorithms for Bias and Gain Nonuniformity Correction in Infrared Videos
* Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment by Structural Similarity Estimation
* Regularization Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Iterative Image Restoration and MRI Reconstruction Using GCV and SURE-Based Methods
* Removing Boundary Artifacts for Real-Time Iterated Shrinkage Deconvolution
* Removing Label Ambiguity in Learning-Based Visual Saliency Estimation
* Ridge Network Detection in Crumpled Paper via Graph Density Maximization
* Rigid-Motion-Invariant Classification of 3-D Textures
* Riverbed: A Novel User-Steered Image Segmentation Method Based on Optimum Boundary Tracking
* Robust Image Deblurring With an Inaccurate Blur Kernel
* Robust Image Hashing Based on Random Gabor Filtering and Dithered Lattice Vector Quantization
* Robust Interactive Image Segmentation Using Convex Active Contours
* Robust Multichannel Blind Deconvolution via Fast Alternating Minimization
* Robust Pairwise Matching of Interest Points With Complex Wavelets
* Robust Reversible Watermarking via Clustering and Enhanced Pixel-Wise Masking
* Robust Scale-Space Filter Using Second-Order Partial Differential Equations
* Robust Soft-Decision Interpolation Using Weighted Least Squares
* Robust Through-the-Wall Radar Image Classification Using a Target-Model Alignment Procedure
* Robust Tracking With Discriminative Ranking Lists
* Robust Video Hashing via Multilinear Subspace Projections
* Robust Weighted Graph Transformation Matching for Rigid and Nonrigid Image Registration
* Rotated Orthogonal Transform (ROT) for Motion-Compensation Residual Coding
* Rotation-Invariant Image and Video Description With Local Binary Pattern Features
* Rotation-Invariant Nonrigid Point Set Matching in Cluttered Scenes
* RRED Indices: Reduced Reference Entropic Differencing for Image Quality Assessment
* Saliency Detection by Multitask Sparsity Pursuit
* Saliency Detection in the Compressed Domain for Adaptive Image Retargeting
* Sampling Optimization for Printer Characterization by Direct Search
* SAR-Based Terrain Classification Using Weakly Supervised Hierarchical Markov Aspect Models
* Scalable Coding of Encrypted Images
* Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Pattern Using Scale-Adaptive Texton and Subuniform-Based Circular Shift
* Scale-Aware Saliency for Application to Frame Rate Upconversion
* Scale-Invariant Features and Polar Descriptors in Omnidirectional Imaging
* Scale-Invariant Features for 3-D Mesh Models
* Scanning Order Strategies for Bitplane Image Coding
* Second-Order Optimization of Mutual Information for Real-Time Image Registration
* Secret-Sharing-Based Method for Authentication of Grayscale Document Images via the Use of the PNG Image With a Data Repair Capability, A
* Segmentation of Stochastic Images With a Stochastic Random Walker Method
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle of the Heart From Ultrasound Data Using Deep Learning Architectures and Derivative-Based Search Methods, The
* Self-Crossing Detection and Location for Parametric Active Contours
* Semantic-Gap-Oriented Active Learning for Multilabel Image Annotation
* Semi-Blind Sparse Image Reconstruction With Application to MRFM
* Semisupervised Biased Maximum Margin Analysis for Interactive Image Retrieval
* Semisupervised Multiview Distance Metric Learning for Cartoon Synthesis
* Semisupervised Segmentation Model for Collections of Images, A
* Semitransparency-Based Optical-Flow Method With a Point Trajectory Model for Particle-Like Video, A
* Shadow Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
* Shape Error Concealment Based on a Shape-Preserving Boundary Approximation
* Shape-From-Focus by Tensor Voting
* Sharpness Enhancement of Stereo Images Using Binocular Just-Noticeable Difference
* Side Information and Noise Learning for Distributed Video Coding Using Optical Flow and Clustering
* Side-Information-Dependent Correlation Channel Estimation in Hash-Based Distributed Video Coding
* Single Frequency Inverse Obstacle Scattering: A Sparsity Constrained Linear Sampling Method Approach
* Single Image Super-Resolution With Non-Local Means and Steering Kernel Regression
* Single-Image Refocusing and Defocusing
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via Learned Geometric Dictionaries and Clustered Sparse Coding
* Smile Detection by Boosting Pixel Differences
* Snakes With an Ellipse-Reproducing Property
* SNMFCA: Supervised NMF-Based Image Classification and Annotation
* Solving Inverse Problems With Piecewise Linear Estimators: From Gaussian Mixture Models to Structured Sparsity
* Sparse Approximation Using M-Term Pursuit and Application in Image and Video Coding
* Sparse Color Interest Points for Image Retrieval and Object Categorization
* Sparse Demixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Sparse Poisson Noisy Image Deblurring
* Sparse Representations for Range Data Restoration
* Sparsity-Driven Approach for Joint SAR Imaging and Phase Error Correction, A
* Spatially Adapted Total Variation Model to Remove Multiplicative Noise
* Spatially Adaptive Block-Based Super-Resolution
* Spatially Optimized Data-Level Fusion of Texture and Shape for Face Recognition
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Based on a Stochastic Minimum Spanning Forest Approach
* Spline Regression Hashing for Fast Image Search
* Statistical Method for 2-D Facial Landmarking, A
* Stereo Matching Using Epipolar Distance Transform
* Stochastic Uncertainty Models for the Luminance Consistency Assumption
* Super Resolution Image Reconstruction Through Bregman Iteration Using Morphologic Regularization
* Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Nonparametric Bayesian INLA Approximation
* Super-Resolution Without Dense Flow
* Supervised Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing Using a Postnonlinear Mixing Model for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Surface-Based 3-D Dendritic Spine Detection Approach From Confocal Microscopy Images, A
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Autofocus Based on a Bilinear Model
* S_3: A Spectral and Spatial Measure of Local Perceived Sharpness in Natural Images
* Task-Dependent Visual-Codebook Compression
* Tensor Learning for Regression
* Text-Line Extraction in Handwritten Chinese Documents Based on an Energy Minimization Framework
* Theoretical Analysis of View Interpolation With Inaccurate Depth Information
* This is SPIRAL-TAP: Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruction ALgorithms: Theory and Practice
* Three-Dimensional Deformable-Model-Based Localization and Recognition of Road Vehicles
* Three-Dimensional Face Reconstruction From a Single Image by a Coupled RBF Network
* Three-Dimensional Near-Field MIMO Array Imaging Using Range Migration Techniques
* Toward a Direct Measure of Video Quality Perception Using EEG
* Toward a Unified Color Space for Perception-Based Image Processing
* Toward Dynamic Image Mosaic Generation With Robustness to Parallax
* Transferring Visual Prior for Online Object Tracking
* Turbid Scene Enhancement Using Multi-Directional Illumination Fusion
* Two-Dimensional Approach to Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Positional Structural Information
* Underwater Image Enhancement by Wavelength Compensation and Dehazing
* Unified Feature and Instance Selection Framework Using Optimum Experimental Design, A
* Unified Framework for Automated Iris Segmentation Using Distantly Acquired Face Images
* Unified Spectral-Domain Approach for Saliency Detection and Its Application to Automatic Object Segmentation, A
* Universal Denoising Framework With a New Impulse Detector and Nonlocal Means, A
* Universal Regularizers for Robust Sparse Coding and Modeling
* Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation
* Variational Adaptive Correlation Method for Flow Estimation
* Variational Algorithms to Remove Stationary Noise: Applications to Microscopy Imaging
* Variational Method for Multiple-Image Blending, A
* Variational Viewpoint of the Quadratic Markov Measure Field Models: Theory and Algorithms
* Vehicle Detection in Aerial Surveillance Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Very Low Resolution Face Recognition Problem
* Video Denoising, Deblocking, and Enhancement Through Separable 4-D Nonlocal Spatiotemporal Transforms
* Visual Classification With Multitask Joint Sparse Representation
* Wavelet Modeling Using Finite Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions: Application to Texture Discrimination and Retrieval
* Wavelet Variance Analysis for Random Fields on a Regular Lattice
* Wavelet-Based Compressed Sensing Using a Gaussian Scale Mixture Model
* Wavelet-Domain Blur Invariants for Image Analysis
* Web and Personal Image Annotation by Mining Label Correlation With Relaxed Visual Graph Embedding
* Weighted Similarity-Invariant Linear Algorithm for Camera Calibration With Rotating 1-D Objects
409 for IP(21)

IP(22) * 2-D Wavelet Packet Spectrum for Texture Analysis
* 2-Step Scalar Deadzone Quantization for Bitplane Image Coding
* 3-D Curvilinear Structure Detection Filter Via Structure-Ball Analysis
* 3D High-Efficiency Video Coding for Multi-View Video and Depth Data
* 3D Lacunarity in Multifractal Analysis of Breast Tumor Lesions in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 3D Materials Image Segmentation by 2D Propagation: A Graph-Cut Approach Considering Homomorphism
* 3D Superalloy Grain Segmentation Using a Multichannel Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation Algorithm
* Absolute Depth Estimation From a Single Defocused Image
* Accelerated Edge-Preserving Image Restoration Without Boundary Artifacts
* Accelerated Numerical Processing of Electronically Recorded Holograms With Reduced Speckle Noise
* Acceleration of the Shiftable mbiO(1) Algorithm for Bilateral Filtering and Nonlocal Means
* Accurate Multiple View 3D Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Stereo for Large-Scale Scenes
* Action Recognition From Video Using Feature Covariance Matrices
* Action Search by Example Using Randomized Visual Vocabularies
* Active Contour-Based Visual Tracking by Integrating Colors, Shapes, and Motions
* Active Contours Driven by the Salient Edge Energy Model
* Activity Recognition Using a Mixture of Vector Fields
* Adaptive Dictionary Learning in Sparse Gradient Domain for Image Recovery
* Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement With Emphasis on Preprocessing of Data
* Adaptive Image Warping for Hole Prevention in 3D View Synthesis
* Adaptive Inpainting Algorithm Based on DCT Induced Wavelet Regularization
* Adaptive Markov Random Fields for Joint Unmixing and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images
* Adaptive Projection Selection for Computed Tomography
* Additive Log-Logistic Model for Networked Video Quality Assessment
* Additive White Gaussian Noise Level Estimation in SVD Domain for Images
* Algorithms for Transform Selection in Multiple-Transform Video Compression
* Analysis Operator Learning and its Application to Image Reconstruction
* Anisotropic Interpolation of Sparse Generalized Image Samples
* Approximate Least Trimmed Sum of Squares Fitting and Applications in Image Analysis
* Artistic Image Analysis Using Graph-Based Learning Approaches
* Asymmetric Correlation: A Noise Robust Similarity Measure for Template Matching
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation Using Complex Wavelet-Based Fusion
* Augmented Active Surface Model for the Recovery of Small Structures in CT
* Automatic Dynamic Texture Segmentation Using Local Descriptors and Optical Flow
* Automatic Inpainting Scheme for Video Text Detection and Removal
* Automatic Segmentation of the Left Atrium From MR Images via Variational Region Growing With a Moments-Based Shape Prior
* Automatic View Synthesis by Image-Domain-Warping
* Automatic Virus Particle Selection: The Entropy Approach
* Bandlimited Reconstruction of Multidimensional Images From Irregular Samples
* Bayesian Hierarchical Factorization Model for Vector Fields, A
* Bayesian Learning of Sparse Multiscale Image Representations
* Bayesian Predictor Combination for Lossless Image Compression
* Bayesian Saliency via Low and Mid Level Cues
* Binary Compressed Imaging
* Blind Detection of Median Filtering in Digital Images: A Difference Domain Based Approach
* Blind Separation of Time/Position Varying Mixtures
* Blur and Illumination Robust Face Recognition via Set-Theoretic Characterization
* Blur Invariant Translational Image Registration for N-fold Symmetric Blurs
* Box Relaxation Schemes in Staggered Discretizations for the Dual Formulation of Total Variation Minimization
* Catching a Rat by Its Edglets
* Circular Reranking for Visual Search
* Classification of Time Series of Multispectral Images with Limited Training Data
* Cluster-Based Co-Saliency Detection
* Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
* Coaching the Exploration and Exploitation in Active Learning for Interactive Video Retrieval
* Color and Depth Priors in Natural Images
* Colorization-Based Compression Using Optimization
* Combined Microphone and Camera Calibration Technique With Application to Acoustic Imaging, A
* Comments on A Robust Fuzzy Local Information C-Means Clustering Algorithm
* Comments on Iterative Channel Decoding of FEC-Based Multiple-Description Codes
* Comments on SVD-Based Modeling for Image Texture Classification Using Wavelet Transform
* Comparative Study of Fixation Density Maps
* Compression Artifact Reduction by Overlapped-Block Transform Coefficient Estimation With Block Similarity
* Compressive Blind Image Deconvolution
* Compressive Framework for Demosaicing of Natural Images
* Compressive Source Separation: Theory and Methods for Hyperspectral Imaging
* Computational Model of Stereoscopic 3D Visual Saliency
* Computationally Tractable Stochastic Image Modeling Based on Symmetric Markov Mesh Random Fields
* Constrained Optical Flow Estimation as a Matching Problem
* Context Coding of Depth Map Images Under the Piecewise-Constant Image Model Representation
* Context-Aware Sparse Decomposition for Image Denoising and Super-Resolution
* Context-Dependent Logo Matching and Recognition
* Continuous Method for Reducing Interpolation Artifacts in Mutual Information-Based Rigid Image Registration, A
* Contrast Enhancement Based on Layered Difference Representation of 2D Histograms
* Contrast-Guided Image Interpolation
* Corner Detection and Classification Using Anisotropic Directional Derivative Representations
* Correction of Axial and Lateral Chromatic Aberration With False Color Filtering
* Correspondence Map-Aided Neighbor Embedding for Image Intra Prediction
* Coupled Variational Image Decomposition and Restoration Model for Blurred Cartoon-Plus-Texture Images With Missing Pixels
* Cross-Device Automated Prostate Cancer Localization With Multiparametric MRI
* Cross-Domain Object Recognition Via Input-Output Kernel Analysis
* Curve Evolution Approach for Unsupervised Segmentation of Images With Low Depth of Field, A
* C^4: A Real-Time Object Detection Framework
* Data-Free Prior Model for Upper Body Pose Estimation and Tracking
* DCT/DST-Based Transform Coding for Intra Prediction in Image/Video Coding
* De-Interlacing Using Nonlocal Costs and Markov-Chain-Based Estimation of Interpolation Methods
* Deconvolving Images With Unknown Boundaries Using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Decoupled Approach to Illumination-Robust Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Demosaicking of Noisy Bayer-Sampled Color Images With Least-Squares Luma-Chroma Demultiplexing and Noise Level Estimation
* Depth Estimation of Face Images Using the Nonlinear Least-Squares Model
* Design of Low-Complexity High-Performance Wavelet Filters for Image Analysis
* Design of Non-Linear Kernel Dictionaries for Object Recognition
* Detecting, Grouping, and Structure Inference for Invariant Repetitive Patterns in Images
* Determining the Intrinsic Dimension of a Hyperspectral Image Using Random Matrix Theory
* Digital Multi-Focusing From a Single Photograph Taken With an Uncalibrated Conventional Camera
* Dimensionality Reduction for Registration of High-Dimensional Data Sets
* Discovering Discriminative Graphlets for Aerial Image Categories Recognition
* Discrete Wavelet Transform and Data Expansion Reduction in Homomorphic Encrypted Domain
* Distinguishing Texture Edges From Object Boundaries in Video
* Double Shrinking Sparse Dimension Reduction
* DSIM: A DisSIMilarity-Based Image Clutter Metric for Targeting Performance
* Dual-Tree Cosine-Modulated Filter Bank With Linear-Phase Individual Filters: An Alternative Shift-Invariant and Directional-Selective Transform
* Edge-SIFT: Discriminative Binary Descriptor for Scalable Partial-Duplicate Mobile Search
* Efficient Algorithm for Multiphase Image Segmentation With Intensity Bias Correction, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Robust Recovery of Images From Compressed Data
* Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution
* Efficient Halftoning Based on Multiple Look-Up Tables
* Efficient Image Classification via Multiple Rank Regression
* Efficient Improvements on the BDND Filtering Algorithm for the Removal of High-Density Impulse Noise
* Efficient Method for Content Reconstruction With Self-Embedding
* Efficient Minimum Error Bounded Particle Resampling L1 Tracker with Occlusion Detection
* Efficient Reconstruction of All-in-Focus Images Through Shifted Pinholes From Multi-Focus Images for Dense Light Field Synthesis and Rendering
* Efficient Reconstruction of Dielectric Objects Based on Integral Equation Approach With Gauss-Newton Minimization
* Efficient Volume Reconstruction for Parallel-Beam Computed Laminography by Filtered Backprojection on Multi-Core Clusters
* Enhanced Compressed Sensing Recovery With Level Set Normals
* Enhancement of Backlight-Scaled Images
* Enhancing Training Collections for Image Annotation: An Instance-Weighted Mixture Modeling Approach
* Establishing Point Correspondence of 3D Faces Via Sparse Facial Deformable Model
* Estimating Spatially Varying Defocus Blur From A Single Image
* Estimating the Granularity Coefficient of a Potts-Markov Random Field Within a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm
* Estimation-Theoretic Approach to Delayed Decoding of Predictively Encoded Video Sequences
* Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Using Multiscale Graph Cuts
* Exploration of Optimal Many-Core Models for Efficient Image Segmentation
* Exploring Visual and Motion Saliency for Automatic Video Object Extraction
* Extended Coding and Pooling in the HMAX Model
* Extracting Dominant Textures in Real Time With Multi-Scale Hue-Saturation-Intensity Histograms
* Face Illumination Manipulation Using a Single Reference Image by Adaptive Layer Decomposition
* Face Recognition Using Ensemble String Matching
* Factors Affecting Enhanced Video Quality Preferences
* Fast and Robust 2D-Shape Extraction Using Discrete-Point Sampling and Centerline Grouping in Complex Images
* Fast Computation of Rotation-Invariant Image Features by an Approximate Radial Gradient Transform
* Fast L_1-Minimization Algorithms for Robust Face Recognition
* Fast Positive Deconvolution of Hyperspectral Images
* Fast SIFT Design for Real-Time Visual Feature Extraction
* Fast Tomographic Reconstruction From Limited Data Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Fast Video Shot Boundary Detection Based on SVD and Pattern Matching
* Feature Adaptive Co-Segmentation by Complexity Awareness
* Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration of Noisy Images
* Flip-Invariant SIFT for Copy and Object Detection
* Frozen-State Hierarchical Annealing
* Fusion of Median and Bilateral Filtering for Range Image Upsampling
* Fuzzy C-Means Clustering With Local Information and Kernel Metric for Image Segmentation
* Gait Recognition Using HMMs and Dual Discriminative Observations for Sub-Dynamics Analysis
* Gaussian Blurring-Invariant Comparison of Signals and Images
* Gaussian Process Guided Particle Filter for Tracking 3D Human Pose in Video, A
* Gaze Location Prediction for Broadcast Football Video
* General Framework to Histogram-Shifting-Based Reversible Data Hiding
* Generalized Inverse-Approach Model for Spectral-Signal Recovery
* Generalized Random Walk With Restart and its Application in Depth Up-Sampling and Interactive Segmentation, A
* Generalizing the Majority Voting Scheme to Spatially Constrained Voting
* Generation of All-in-Focus Images by Noise-Robust Selective Fusion of Limited Depth-of-Field Images
* Geodesics-Based Image Registration: Applications To Biological And Medical Images Depicting Concentric Ring Patterns
* Global Propagation of Affine Invariant Features for Robust Matching
* GPU Accelerated Edge-Region Based Level Set Evolution Constrained by 2D Gray-Scale Histogram
* Grassmannian Regularized Structured Multi-View Embedding for Image Classification
* Hessian Schatten-Norm Regularization for Linear Inverse Problems
* Hierarchical Minutiae Matching for Fingerprint and Palmprint Identification
* Hierarchical Super-Resolution-Based Inpainting
* High Efficiency 3D Video Coding Using New Tools Based on View Synthesis
* High-Order Local Spatial Context Modeling by Spatialized Random Forest
* How to SAIF-ly Boost Denoising Performance
* Huber Fractal Image Coding Based on a Fitting Plane
* Human Detection in Images via Piecewise Linear Support Vector Machines
* Hybrid Patching for a Sequence of Differently Exposed Images With Moving Objects
* Hyperspectral Image Representation and Processing With Binary Partition Trees
* Image Classification via Object-Aware Holistic Superpixel Selection
* Image Completion by Diffusion Maps and Spectral Relaxation
* Image Denoising With Dominant Sets by a Coalitional Game Approach
* Image Enhancement Using the Hypothesis Selection Filter: Theory and Application to JPEG Decoding
* Image Fusion With Guided Filtering
* Image Inpainting on the Basis of Spectral Structure from 2-D Nonharmonic Analysis
* Image Noise Level Estimation by Principal Component Analysis
* Image Noise Reduction via Geometric Multiscale Ridgelet Support Vector Transform and Dictionary Learning
* Image Processing Using Smooth Ordering of its Patches
* Image Quality Assessment Using Multi-Method Fusion
* Image Reconstruction From Finite Number of Projections: Method of Transferring Geometry
* Image Segmentation Using a Sparse Coding Model of Cortical Area V1
* Image Set Based Face Recognition Using Self-Regularized Non-Negative Coding and Adaptive Distance Metric Learning
* Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Local Phase Coherence
* Image Size Invariant Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures Subject to Display Quality Constraints
* Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
* Improved Bounds for Subband-Adaptive Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithms
* In-Plane Rotation and Scale Invariant Clustering Using Dictionaries
* Incorporating Anatomical Side Information Into PET Reconstruction Using Nonlocal Regularization
* Incorporating Patch Subspace Model in Mumford-Shah Type Active Contours
* Informative State-Based Video Communication
* Infrared Patch-Image Model for Small Target Detection in a Single Image
* Integration of Gibbs Markov Random Field and Hopfield-Type Neural Networks for Unsupervised Change Detection in Remotely Sensed Multitemporal Images
* Intra Prediction Based on Markov Process Modeling of Images
* Introduction to the special section on 3D representation, compression, and rendering
* Iterative Linear Expansion of Thresholds for L_1 -Based Image Restoration, An
* Joint Framework for Motion Validity and Estimation Using Block Overlap
* Joint Reconstruction of Multiview Compressed Images
* Joint Sparse Learning for 3-D Facial Expression Generation
* Juxtaposed Color Halftoning Relying on Discrete Lines
* Kalman Filter Approach for Denoising and Deblurring 3-D Microscopy Images, A
* Label Transfer by Measuring Compactness
* Labeling Spain With Stanford
* Landmark Image Super-Resolution by Retrieving Web Images
* Lattice Structure for Generalized-Support Multidimensional Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction Filter Bank
* Learning Component-Level Sparse Representation for Image and Video Categorization
* Learning Doubly Sparse Transforms for Images
* Learning Dynamic Hybrid Markov Random Field for Image Labeling
* Learning Prototype Hyperplanes for Face Verification in the Wild
* Learning Smooth Pattern Transformation Manifolds
* Learning the Spherical Harmonic Features for 3-D Face Recognition
* Learning-Based, Automatic 2D-to-3D Image and Video Conversion
* Library-Based Illumination Synthesis for Critical CMOS Patterning
* Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on L1-Norm Maximization
* Linear Distance Coding for Image Classification
* Linear Feature Separation From Topographic Maps Using Energy Density and the Shear Transform
* Linear Support Higher-Order Tensor Machine for Classification, A
* Linearized Multidimensional Earth-Mover's-Distance Gradient Flows
* LLSURE: Local Linear SURE-Based Edge-Preserving Image Filtering
* Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Analysis: Face and Expression Recognition
* Local Edge-Preserving Multiscale Decomposition for High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping
* Local Energy Pattern for Texture Classification Using Self-Adaptive Quantization Thresholds
* Local Structure-Based Image Decomposition for Feature Extraction with Applications to Face Recognition
* Locally Optimal Detection of Image Watermarks in the Wavelet Domain Using Bessel K Form Distribution
* Log-Gabor Filters for Image-Based Vehicle Verification
* Low Latency Secondary Transforms for Intra/Inter Prediction Residual
* Low-Resolution Face Tracker Robust to Illumination Variations
* Luma-Chroma Space Filter Design for Subpixel-Based Monochrome Image Downsampling
* L_2 Optimized Predictive Image Coding With L_inf Bound
* Manifold Regularized Multitask Learning for Semi-Supervised Multilabel Image Classification
* Maximum Margin Correlation Filter: A New Approach for Localization and Classification
* MIMO Nonlinear Ultrasonic Tomography by Propagation and Backpropagation Method
* Missing Texture Reconstruction Method Based on Error Reduction Algorithm Using Fourier Transform Magnitude Estimation Scheme
* Mixed-Domain Edge-Aware Image Manipulation
* Model Based Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm For High Angle Annular Dark Field-Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (HAADF-STEM) Tomography, A
* Modeling and Classifying Human Activities From Trajectories Using a Class of Space-Varying Parametric Motion Fields
* Modeling IrisCode and Its Variants as Convex Polyhedral Cones and Its Security Implications
* Modified Gradient Search for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
* Modified Model of the Just Noticeable Depth Difference and Its Application to Depth Sensation Enhancement, A
* Modifying JPEG Binary Arithmetic Codec for Exploiting Inter/Intra-Block and DCT Coefficient Sign Redundancies
* Monocular Depth Ordering Using T-Junctions and Convexity Occlusion Cues
* Monocular Human Motion Tracking by Using DE-MC Particle Filter
* Motion Analysis Using 3D High-Resolution Frequency Analysis
* Motion Estimation Using the Correlation Transform
* Motion Estimation Without Integer-Pel Search
* Motion-Aware Gradient Domain Video Composition
* Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Based on Multihypothesis Motion Estimation and Texture Optimization
* Multi-Class Constrained Normalized Cut With Hard, Soft, Unary and Pairwise Priors and its Applications to Object Segmentation
* Multi-Class Multi-Scale Series Contextual Model for Image Segmentation
* Multi-View Video Representation Based on Fast Monte Carlo Surface Reconstruction
* Multi-Wiener SURE-LET Deconvolution
* Multilevel Image Thresholding Based on 2D Histogram and Maximum Tsallis Entropy: A Differential Evolution Approach
* Multipath Exploitation in Through-Wall Radar Imaging Via Point Spread Functions
* Multiple-Kernel, Multiple-Instance Similarity Features for Efficient Visual Object Detection
* Multiresolution Based Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Suppression
* Multiscale Bi-Gaussian Filter for Adjacent Curvilinear Structures Detection With Application to Vasculature Images
* Multiscale Gradients-Based Color Filter Array Interpolation
* Multiscale Image Fusion Using the Undecimated Wavelet Transform With Spectral Factorization and Nonorthogonal Filter Banks
* Multivariate Slow Feature Analysis and Decorrelation Filtering for Blind Source Separation
* Multiview Coding Mode Decision With Hybrid Optimal Stopping Model
* Multiview Hessian Regularization for Image Annotation
* Multiview-Video-Plus-Depth Coding Based on the Advanced Video Coding Standard
* Myocardial Motion Estimation From Medical Images Using the Monogenic Signal
* Naturalness Preserved Enhancement Algorithm for Non-Uniform Illumination Images
* Navigation Domain Representation For Interactive Multiview Imaging
* Near-Optimal Compressed Sensing Guarantees for Total Variation Minimization
* New Class Tiling Design for Dot-Diffused Halftoning
* New Energy Framework With Distribution Descriptors for Image Segmentation, A
* No-Reference Perceptual Based Contrast Enhancement Metric for Ocean Scenes in Fog, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Natural Stereopairs
* Noise Estimation From Digital Step-Model Signal
* Noise Reduction Based on Partial-Reference, Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Shrinkage
* Noise-Resistant Local Binary Pattern With an Embedded Error-Correction Mechanism
* Non-Linear Direct Multi-Scale Image Enhancement Based on the Luminance and Contrast Masking Characteristics of the Human Visual System
* Non-Uniform Deblurring in HDR Image Reconstruction
* Nonedge-Specific Adaptive Scheme for Highly Robust Blind Motion Deblurring of Natural Images
* Nonlinearity Detection in Hyperspectral Images Using a Polynomial Post-Nonlinear Mixing Model
* Nonlocal Hierarchical Dictionary Learning Using Wavelets for Image Denoising
* Nonlocal Image Restoration With Bilateral Variance Estimation: A Low-Rank Approach
* Nonlocal Regularization of Inverse Problems: A Unified Variational Framework
* Nonlocal Transform-Domain Filter for Volumetric Data Denoising and Reconstruction
* Nonlocally Centralized Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Nonnegative Local Coordinate Factorization for Image Representation
* Nonrigid Image Registration With Crystal Dislocation Energy
* Nonseparable Shearlet Transform
* Novel Approach for Lung Nodules Segmentation in Chest CT Using Level Sets, A
* Novel Approaches to the Parametric Cubic-Spline Interpolation
* Novel Fractal Image Compression Scheme With Block Classification and Sorting Based on Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, A
* Novel True-Motion Estimation Algorithm and Its Application to Motion-Compensated Temporal Frame Interpolation
* Object Detection Via Structural Feature Selection and Shape Model
* Object-Level Image Segmentation Using Low Level Cues
* Objective Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped Images
* Objective-Guided Image Annotation
* On Random Field Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart Generation
* On Removing Interpolation and Resampling Artifacts in Rigid Image Registration
* On the Method of Logarithmic Cumulants for Parametric Probability Density Function Estimation
* Online Object Tracking With Sparse Prototypes
* Optical Flow Estimation for Flame Detection in Videos
* Optimal Inversion of the Generalized Anscombe Transformation for Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* Optimal Local Dimming for LC Image Formation With Controllable Backlighting
* Optimized 3D Watermarking for Minimal Surface Distortion
* Optimizing Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Arbitrary Videos
* Optimizing the Error Diffusion Filter for Blue Noise Halftoning With Multiscale Error Diffusion
* Orientation Imaging Microscopy With Optimized Convergence Angle Using CBED Patterns in TEMs
* Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion for Efficient Reversible Data Hiding
* Pairwise Sparsity Preserving Embedding for Unsupervised Subspace Learning and Classification
* Parameter Estimation for Blind and Non-Blind Deblurring Using Residual Whiteness Measures
* Parametric Generalized Linear System Based on the Notion of the T-Norm
* Pattern Masking Estimation in Image With Structural Uncertainty
* Per-Colorant-Channel Color Barcodes for Mobile Applications: An Interference Cancellation Framework
* Perceptual Full-Reference Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images by Considering Binocular Visual Characteristics
* Perceptual Quality Metric With Internal Generative Mechanism
* Perceptual Quality-Regulable Video Coding System With Region-Based Rate Control Scheme
* Perceptual Video Coding Based on SSIM-Inspired Divisive Normalization
* Perceptually Relevant MSE-Based Image Quality Metric, A
* Performance Evaluation Methodology for Historical Document Image Binarization
* PET Protection Optimization for Streaming Scalable Videos With Multiple Transmissions
* Plenoptic Layer-Based Modeling for Image Based Rendering
* Poisson Image Reconstruction With Hessian Schatten-Norm Regularization
* Pose Estimation With Segmentation Consistency
* Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using Markov Random Fields
* Probabilistic Fuzzy Image Fusion Approach for Radar Through Wall Sensing
* Probabilistic Graphlet Transfer for Photo Cropping
* Protocol for Evaluating Video Trackers Under Real-World Conditions, A
* QoE-Based Multi-Exposure Fusion in Hierarchical Multivariate Gaussian CRF
* Quantification of Smoothing Requirement for 3D Optic Flow Calculation of Volumetric Images
* Quantitative Analysis of Human-Model Agreement in Visual Saliency Modeling: A Comparative Study
* Rank Minimization Code Aperture Design for Spectrally Selective Compressive Imaging
* Rate Control for Consistent Objective Quality in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Dead-Zone Plus Uniform Threshold Scalar Quantization and Its Application: Part II: Two-Pass VBR Coding for H.264/AVC
* Rate-Distortion Analysis of Dead-Zone Plus Uniform Threshold Scalar Quantization and Its Application: Part I: Fundamental Theory
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Rate Control for Depth Map-Based 3-D Video Coding
* Real-Time Continuous Image Registration Enabling Ultraprecise 2-D Motion Tracking
* Real-Time Object Tracking Via Online Discriminative Feature Selection
* Reconstruction Based Finger-Knuckle-Print Verification With Score Level Adaptive Binary Fusion
* Recursive Histogram Modification: Establishing Equivalency Between Reversible Data Hiding and Lossless Data Compression
* Reducing Integrability Error of Color Tensor Gradients for Image Fusion
* Reducing the Complexity of the N-FINDR Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Regional Bit Allocation and Rate Distortion Optimization for Multiview Depth Video Coding With View Synthesis Distortion Model
* Regional Spatially Adaptive Total Variation Super-Resolution with Spatial Information Filtering and Clustering
* Regularized Discriminative Spectral Regression Method for Heterogeneous Face Matching
* Regularized Feature Reconstruction for Spatio-Temporal Saliency Detection
* Regularized Robust Coding for Face Recognition
* Reinitialization-Free Level Set Evolution via Reaction Diffusion
* Representing and Retrieving Video Shots in Human-Centric Brain Imaging Space
* Retina Verification System Based on Biometric Graph Matching
* Revisiting the Relationship Between Adaptive Smoothing and Anisotropic Diffusion With Modified Filters
* Richer Representation the Better Registration, The
* Robust Albedo Estimation From a Facial Image With Cast Shadow Under General Unknown Lighting
* Robust Channel-Calibration Algorithm for Multi-Channel in Azimuth HRWS SAR Imaging Based on Local Maximum-Likelihood Weighted Minimum Entropy, A
* Robust Document Image Binarization Technique for Degraded Document Images
* Robust Ellipse Fitting Based on Sparse Combination of Data Points
* Robust Face Representation Using Hybrid Spatial Feature Interdependence Matrix
* Robust Image Analysis With Sparse Representation on Quantized Visual Features
* Robust Method for Rotation Estimation Using Spherical Harmonics Representation, A
* Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity Inhomogeneities
* Robust Radial Face Detection for Omnidirectional Vision
* Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive Wrapper for Inducing Priors
* Rotation Invariant Local Frequency Descriptors for Texture Classification
* Salient Region Detection Improved by Principle Component Analysis and Boundary Information
* Scalable Coding of Depth Maps With R-D Optimized Embedding
* Scanned Document Compression Using Block-Based Hybrid Video Codec
* Scene Text Detection via Connected Component Clustering and Nontext Filtering
* Segment Adaptive Gradient Angle Interpolation
* Segmentation of Intracranial Vessels and Aneurysms in Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using Multirange Filters and Local Variances
* Segmented Gray-Code Kernels for Fast Pattern Matching
* Self-Similar Anisotropic Texture Analysis: The Hyperbolic Wavelet Transform Contribution
* Self-Supervised Online Metric Learning With Low Rank Constraint for Scene Categorization
* Separable Markov Random Field Model and Its Applications in Low Level Vision
* Shape Sparse Representation for Joint Object Classification and Segmentation
* Short Distance Intra Coding Scheme for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Shortest-Path Constraints for 3D Multiobject Semiautomatic Segmentation Via Clustering and Graph Cut
* Simultaneous Facial Feature Tracking and Facial Expression Recognition
* Simultaneous Multiresolution Strategies for Nonrigid Image Registration
* Single Image Dehazing by Multi-Scale Fusion
* Single-Image Noise Level Estimation for Blind Denoising
* Space-Time Hole Filling With Random Walks in View Extrapolation for 3D Video
* SparCLeS: Dynamic L_1 Sparse Classifiers With Level Sets for Robust Beard/Moustache Detection and Segmentation
* Sparse Feature Fidelity for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Sparse Image Reconstruction on the Sphere: Implications of a New Sampling Theorem
* Sparse Representation Based Image Interpolation With Nonlocal Autoregressive Modeling
* Sparse Representation With Kernels
* Sparse Stochastic Processes and Discretization of Linear Inverse Problems
* Sparse tensor discriminant analysis
* Sparse Texture Active Contour
* Sparse/DCT (S/DCT) Two-Layered Representation of Prediction Residuals for Video Coding
* Spatio-Temporal Auxiliary Particle Filtering With L_1-Norm-Based Appearance Model Learning for Robust Visual Tracking
* Speed-Up Scheme Based on Multiple-Instance Pruning for Pedestrian Detection Using a Support Vector Machine, A
* Spline-Based Deforming Ellipsoids for Interactive 3D Bioimage Segmentation
* Stable Orthogonal Local Discriminant Embedding for Linear Dimensionality Reduction
* Statistical Analysis of Tongue Images for Feature Extraction and Diagnostics
* Stereo Matching and View Interpolation Based on Image Domain Triangulation
* Structural Texture Similarity Metrics for Image Analysis and Retrieval
* Structured Sparse Error Coding for Face Recognition With Occlusion
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Autofocus via Semidefinite Relaxation
* Task-Specific Image Partitioning
* Texture Enhanced Histogram Equalization Using TV-L^1 Image Decomposition
* Toward an Impairment Metric for Stereoscopic Video: A Full-Reference Video Quality Metric to Assess Compressed Stereoscopic Video
* Towards Online Iris and Periocular Recognition Under Relaxed Imaging Constraints
* Track Creation and Deletion Framework for Long-Term Online Multiface Tracking
* Tuned Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation Based on Data-Dependent Triangulation, A
* Two Dimensional Array Imaging With Beam Steered Data
* Two-Dimensional Maximum Local Variation Based on Image Euclidean Distance for Face Recognition
* Two-Dimensional Orthogonal DCT Expansion in Trapezoid and Triangular Blocks and Modified JPEG Image Compression
* Two-Direction Nonlocal Model for Image Denoising
* UND: Unite-and-Divide Method in Fourier and Radon Domains for Line Segment Detection
* Unified Blind Method for Multi-Image Super-Resolution and Single/Multi-Image Blur Deconvolution
* Unsupervised Amplitude and Texture Classification of SAR Images With Multinomial Latent Model
* User-Action-Driven View and Rate Scalable Multiview Video Coding
* Variational Approach for Pan-Sharpening, A
* Variational Approach for the Fusion of Exposure Bracketed Pairs
* Variational Optical Flow Estimation Based on Stick Tensor Voting
* Variational Stereo Imaging of Oceanic Waves With Statistical Constraints
* Vector Extension of Monogenic Wavelets for Geometric Representation of Color Images
* Vectorial Total Variation-Based Regularization for Variational Image Registration
* Video Deblurring Algorithm Using Accurate Blur Kernel Estimation and Residual Deconvolution Based on a Blurred-Unblurred Frame Pair
* Video Object Tracking in the Compressed Domain Using Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Fields
* Video Processing for Human Perceptual Visual Quality-Oriented Video Coding
* Video Quality Pooling Adaptive to Perceptual Distortion Severity
* Video Texture Synthesis With Multi-Frame LBP-TOP and Diffeomorphic Growth Model
* Video Watermarking With Empirical PCA-Based Decoding
* View-Based Discriminative Probabilistic Modeling for 3D Object Retrieval and Recognition
* Virtual Mirror Rendering With Stationary RGB-D Cameras and Stored 3-D Background
* Visual Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Dempster-Shafer Information Fusion
* Visual-Textual Joint Relevance Learning for Tag-Based Social Image Search
* Visually Lossless Encoding for JPEG2000
* Visually Weighted Compressive Sensing: Measurement and Reconstruction
* W-Tree Indexing for Fast Visual Word Generation
* Water Reflection Recognition Based on Motion Blur Invariant Moments in Curvelet Space
* Wavelet Bayesian Network Image Denoising
* Wavelet Domain Multifractal Analysis for Static and Dynamic Texture Classification
* Weighted Color and Texture Sample Selection for Image Matting
* Weighted Dictionary Learning Model for Denoising Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise, A
* What Are We Tracking: A Unified Approach of Tracking and Recognition
* When Does Computational Imaging Improve Performance?
430 for IP(22)

IP(23) * 2D Prony-Huang Transform: A New Tool for 2D Spectral Analysis
* 3D Planar Representation of Stereo Depth Images for 3DTV Applications
* 3D Visual Activity Assessment Based on Natural Scene Statistics
* Accelerated Learning-Based Interactive Image Segmentation Using Pairwise Constraints
* Accelerated Nonlinear Multichannel Ultrasonic Tomographic Imaging Using Target Sparseness
* Accurate Iris Recognition at a Distance Using Stabilized Iris Encoding and Zernike Moments Phase Features
* Action Recognition Using Nonnegative Action Component Representation and Sparse Basis Selection
* Actively Learning Human Gaze Shifting Paths for Semantics-Aware Photo Cropping
* Adaptive Image Resizing Based on Continuous-Domain Stochastic Modeling
* Adaptive Regularization of the NL-Means: Application to Image and Video Denoising
* Advanced Screen Content Coding Using Color Table and Index Map
* Analysis and Exploitation of Multipath Ghosts in Radar Target Image Classification
* Analysis and Method for Contrast Enhancement Turbulence Mitigation, An
* Analysis, Evaluation, and Comparison of Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering Techniques
* Analytical Model for Synthesis Distortion Estimation in 3D Video, An
* Analyzing Training Information From Random Forests for Improved Image Segmentation
* Angular Pattern and Binary Angular Pattern for Shape Retrieval
* Anisotropic Scattered Data Interpolation for Pushbroom Image Rectification
* Arbitrarily Shaped Motion Prediction for Depth Video Compression Using Arithmetic Edge Coding
* Attention Driven Foveated Video Quality Assessment
* Augmented Multiple Instance Regression for Inferring Object Contours in Bounding Boxes
* Autogrouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis
* Automatic Graph-Based Approach for Artery/Vein Classification in Retinal Images, An
* Automatic Segmentation of Mitochondria in EM Data Using Pairwise Affinity Factorization and Graph-Based Contour Searching
* Background-Modeling-Based Adaptive Prediction for Surveillance Video Coding
* Band-Reweighed Gabor Kernel Embedding for Face Image Representation and Recognition
* Bayesian Nonparametric Dictionary Learning for Compressed Sensing MRI
* Bilayer Sparse Topic Model for Scene Analysis in Imbalanced Surveillance Videos
* Bimodal Nonrigid Registration of Brain MRI Data With Deconvolution of Joint Statistics
* Bit Allocation Algorithm With Novel View Synthesis Distortion Model for Multiview Video Plus Depth Coding
* Bit Allocation Method for Sparse Source Coding, A
* Blind and Fully Constrained Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Blind Image Deblurring Using Spectral Properties of Convolution Operators
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Joint Statistics of Gradient Magnitude and Laplacian Features
* Blind Prediction of Natural Video Quality
* BRINT: Binary Rotation Invariant and Noise Tolerant Texture Classification
* Camera Model Identification Based on the Heteroscedastic Noise Model
* Camera Processing With Chromatic Aberration
* Cartoon-Texture Image Decomposition Using Blockwise Low-Rank Texture Characterization
* Cascade Category-Aware Visual Search
* Characterness: An Indicator of Text in the Wild
* Chroma Intra Prediction Based on Inter-Channel Correlation for HEVC
* Click Prediction for Web Image Reranking Using Multimodal Sparse Coding
* Clustering-Based Discriminant Analysis for Eye Detection
* Coded Acquisition of High Frame Rate Video
* Coding Visual Features Extracted From Video Sequences
* Color Constancy Using 3D Scene Geometry Derived From a Single Image
* Color Stabilization Along Time and Across Shots of the Same Scene, for One or Several Cameras of Unknown Specifications
* Color Texture Classification Using Shortest Paths in Graphs
* Color-Guided Depth Recovery From RGB-D Data Using an Adaptive Autoregressive Model
* Color-Image Quality Assessment: From Prediction to Optimization
* Colored Coded Aperture Design by Concentration of Measure in Compressive Spectral Imaging
* Combining LBP Difference and Feature Correlation for Texture Description
* Comment on 'Collinear Segment Detection Using HT Neighborhoods'
* Common and Innovative Visuals: A Sparsity Modeling Framework for Video
* Common Feature Discriminant Analysis for Matching Infrared Face Images to Optical Face Images
* Common Visual Pattern Discovery via Directed Graph
* Compact Representation for Compressing Converted Stereo Videos, A
* Comparative Review of Component Tree Computation Algorithms, A
* Comparison of Image Patches Using Local Moment Invariants
* Complete System for Automatic Extraction of Left Ventricular Myocardium From CT Images Using Shape Segmentation and Contour Evolution, A
* Complex Background Subtraction by Pursuing Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Models
* Compressed-Domain Video Retargeting
* Compressive Sensing Based Secure Watermark Detection and Privacy Preserving Storage Framework, A
* Compressive Sensing of Sparse Tensors
* Compressive Sensing via Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* Configuration-Transition-Based Connected-Component Labeling
* Connected Filtering Based on Multivalued Component-Trees
* Consensus-Driven Approach for Structure and Texture Aware Depth Map Upsampling, A
* Context-Aware Discovery of Visual Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Contextual Hashing for Large-Scale Image Search
* Convex-Relaxed Kernel Mapping for Image Segmentation
* Coupled Binary Embedding for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Cross-Indexing of Binary SIFT Codes for Large-Scale Image Search
* CSMMI: Class-Specific Maximization of Mutual Information for Action and Gesture Recognition
* Data-Dependent Hashing Based on p-Stable Distribution
* Data-Driven Hierarchical Structure Kernel for Multiscale Part-Based Object Recognition
* Data-Driven Spatially-Adaptive Metric Adjustment for Visual Tracking
* DEB: Definite Error Bounded Tangent Estimator for Digital Curves
* Decomposition and Extraction: A New Framework for Visual Classification
* Decomposition-Based Transfer Distance Metric Learning for Image Classification
* Derivative-Based Scale Invariant Image Feature Detector With Error Resilience
* Detection and Inpainting of Facial Wrinkles Using Texture Orientation Fields and Markov Random Field Modeling
* Directionlets Using In-Phase Lifting for Image Representation
* Discriminability Limits in Spatio-Temporal Stereo Block Matching
* Distributed Canny Edge Detector: Algorithm and FPGA Implementation, A
* Distributed Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation in Sensor Networks
* Diverse Expected Gradient Active Learning for Relative Attributes
* Does Deblurring Improve Geometrical Hyperspectral Unmixing?
* Double-Layer Video Transmission Over Decode-and-Forward Wireless Relay Networks Using Hierarchical Modulation
* Dual-Geometric Neighbor Embedding for Image Super Resolution With Sparse Tensor
* Dynamically Removing False Features in Pyramidal Lucas-Kanade Registration
* Effective CU Size Decision for HEVC Intracoding
* Efficient Circular Thresholding
* Efficient Hybrid Tree-Based Stereo Matching With Applications to Postcapture Image Refocusing
* Efficient Multiview Depth Coding Optimization Based on Allowable Depth Distortion in View Synthesis
* Efficient Nearest Neighbors via Robust Sparse Hashing
* Efficient Semidefinite Spectral Clustering via Lagrange Duality
* Energy Preserving QMF for Image Processing
* Enhanced Decoupled Active Contour Using Structural and Textural Variation Energy Functionals
* Enhancing Low-Rank Subspace Clustering by Manifold Regularization
* Estimation-Theoretic Framework for Spatially Scalable Video Coding, An
* Evaluating Combinational Illumination Estimation Methods on Real-World Images
* Evaluation of Color Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Human Action Recognition
* Exploiting Long-Term Connectivity and Visual Motion in CRF-Based Multi-Person Tracking
* Face Super-Resolution via Multilayer Locality-Constrained Iterative Neighbor Embedding and Intermediate Dictionary Learning
* Factors Affecting Enhanced Video Quality Preferences
* Fast Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Total Variation Image Restoration, A
* Fast Convolution Method and Its Application in Mask Optimization for Intensity Calculation Using Basis Expansion
* Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow
* Fast Generic Polar Harmonic Transforms
* Fast Geodesic Active Fields for Image Registration Based on Splitting and Augmented Lagrangian Approaches
* Fast Global Image Smoothing Based on Weighted Least Squares
* Fast Hue and Range Preserving Histogram Specification: Theory and New Algorithms for Color Image Enhancement
* Fast Image Upsampling via the Displacement Field
* Fast Ordering Algorithm for Exact Histogram Specification
* Fast Space-Varying Convolution Using Matrix Source Coding With Applications to Camera Stray Light Reduction
* FeatureMatch: A General ANNF Estimation Technique and its Applications
* Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction and Redundancy in Compton Camera Imaging
* Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses
* Fingerprint Compression Based on Sparse Representation
* Flexible Image Similarity Computation Using Hyper-Spatial Matching
* Flexible Synthesis of Video Frames Based on Motion Hints
* Frame Rate Up Conversion Based on Variational Image Fusion
* Frame-Based Recovery of Corrupted Video Files Using Video Codec Specifications
* Full-Reference Quality Estimation for Images With Different Spatial Resolutions
* Fusion of Multichannel Local and Global Structural Cues for Photo Aesthetics Evaluation
* Fuzzy-Rule-Based Approach for Single Frame Super Resolution, A
* Gaussian Copula Multivariate Modeling for Texture Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Transforms
* General Exponential Framework for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* General Form for Obtaining Unit Disc-Based Generalized Orthogonal Moments
* General Framework for Regularized, Similarity-Based Image Restoration, A
* Generalized Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization
* Generalized Nash Bargaining Solution to Rate Control Optimization for Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Geodesic Propagation for Semantic Labeling
* Geometric Framework for Rectangular Shape Detection, A
* Global Image Denoising
* Gradient Histogram Estimation and Preservation for Texture Enhanced Image Denoising
* Gradient Magnitude Similarity Deviation: A Highly Efficient Perceptual Image Quality Index
* Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Consistency for Image Classification
* Group-Based Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Group-Invariant Colour Morphology Based on Frames
* Hair Enhancement in Dermoscopic Images Using Dual-Channel Quaternion Tubularness Filters and MRF-Based Multilabel Optimization
* Harmonic Active Contours
* Heterogeneity Image Patch Index and Its Application to Consumer Video Summarization
* Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Classification by Exploiting the Correlation Subspace
* Hierarchical Prediction and Context Adaptive Coding for Lossless Color Image Compression
* Hierarchical String Cuts: A Translation, Rotation, Scale, and Mirror Invariant Descriptor for Fast Shape Retrieval
* High-Accuracy Total Variation With Application to Compressed Video Sensing
* High-Dimensional Camera Shake Removal With Given Depth Map
* High-Quality Depth Map Upsampling and Completion for RGB-D Cameras
* How to Select Good Neighboring Images in Depth-Map Merging Based 3D Modeling
* HSOG: A Novel Local Image Descriptor Based on Histograms of the Second-Order Gradients
* Human Detection by Quadratic Classification on Subspace of Extended Histogram of Gradients
* Hybrid Approaches for Interactive Image Segmentation Using the Live Markers Paradigm
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Through Bilayer Graph-Based Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Segmentation Using a New Spectral Unmixing-Based Binary Partition Tree Representation
* Image Classification Using Multiscale Information Fusion Based on Saliency Driven Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Image Denoising With 2D Scale-Mixing Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Image Interpolation via Graph-Based Bayesian Label Propagation
* Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition
* Image Reconstruction From Double Random Projection
* Image Search Reranking With Query-Dependent Click-Based Relevance Feedback
* Image Sensor Noise Parameter Estimation by Variance Stabilization and Normality Assessment
* Image-Difference Prediction: From Color to Spectral
* Images as Occlusions of Textures: A Framework for Segmentation
* Improved Block Truncation Coding Using Optimized Dot Diffusion
* Improved Stereo Matching in Scattering Media by Incorporating a Backscatter Cue
* Improving Cross-Resolution Face Matching Using Ensemble-Based Co-Transfer Learning
* Improving Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction by Data-Dependent Filtering
* Improving Level Set Method for Fast Auroral Oval Segmentation
* Including the Size of Regions in Image Segmentation by Region-Based Graph
* Incremental N-Mode SVD for Large-Scale Multilinear Generative Models
* Indirect Estimation of Signal-Dependent Noise With Nonadaptive Heterogeneous Samples
* Information Geometric Algorithm for Estimating Switching Probabilities in Space-Varying HMM
* Insights Into Analysis Operator Learning: From Patch-Based Sparse Models to Higher Order MRFs
* Integrated Segmentation and Interpolation of Sparse Data
* Interacting Geometric Priors For Robust Multimodel Fitting
* Interframe Coding of Feature Descriptors for Mobile Augmented Reality
* Inverse Halftoning With Context Driven Prediction
* Inverse Rendering of Lambertian Surfaces Using Subspace Methods
* Iterative Compensation Approach Without Linearization of Projector Responses for Multiple-Projector System, An
* Iterative Support Detection-Based Split Bregman Method for Wavelet Frame-Based Image Inpainting
* Joint Demosaicing and Denoising via Learned Nonparametric Random Fields
* Joint Non-Gaussian Denoising and Superresolving of Raw High Frame Rate Videos
* Joint Removal of Random and Fixed-Pattern Noise Through Spatiotemporal Video Filtering
* Joint Segmentation and Recognition of Categorized Objects From Noisy Web Image Collection
* Joint Segmentation of Images and Scanned Point Cloud in Large-Scale Street Scenes With Low-Annotation Cost
* Kernel-Based Learning From Both Qualitative and Quantitative Labels: Application to Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Based on Multiparametric MR Imaging
* Lambda-Domain Rate Control Algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Large Discriminative Structured Set Prediction Modeling With Max-Margin Markov Network for Lossless Image Coding
* Large-Margin Learning of Compact Binary Image Encodings
* Latent Hierarchical Model of Temporal Structure for Complex Activity Classification
* Lazy Random Walks for Superpixel Segmentation
* LBP-Based Edge-Texture Features for Object Recognition
* Learning and Recognition of On-Premise Signs From Weakly Labeled Street View Images
* Learning Cascaded Shared-Boost Classifiers for Part-Based Object Detection
* Learning Category-Specific Dictionary and Shared Dictionary for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* Learning Discriminative Dictionary for Group Sparse Representation
* Learning Joint Intensity-Depth Sparse Representations
* Learning Multiple Relative Attributes With Humans in the Loop
* Learning Object-to-Class Kernels for Scene Classification
* Learning-Based Bipartite Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Learning-Based Hierarchical Graph for Unsupervised Matting and Foreground Estimation
* LGE-KSVD: Robust Sparse Representation Classification
* Light Illumination and Detection Patterns for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography Based on Compressive Sensing
* Line Matching in Wide-Baseline Stereo: A Top-Down Approach
* Linear Time Distances Between Fuzzy Sets With Applications to Pattern Matching and Classification
* Linearly Estimating All Parameters of Affine Motion Using Radon Transform
* LineCast: Line-Based Distributed Coding and Transmission for Broadcasting Satellite Images
* Lip Segmentation under MAP-MRF Framework with Automatic Selection of Local Observation Scale and Number of Segments
* Local Learned Dictionaries Optimized to Edge Orientation for Inverse Halftoning
* Local Symmetry Detection in Natural Images Using a Particle Filtering Approach
* Local-Prediction-Based Difference Expansion Reversible Watermarking
* Locally Adaptive System for the Fusion of Objective Quality Measures, A
* LogDet Divergence-Based Metric Learning With Triplet Constraints and Its Applications
* Lossless Predictive Coding for Images With Bayesian Treatment
* Lossy Cutset Coding of Bilevel Images Based on Markov Random Fields
* L_p-Norm IDF for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Manifold Learning for Object Tracking With Multiple Nonlinear Models
* MAP-Based Image Interpolation Method via Viterbi Decoding of Markov Chains of Interpolation Functions, A
* Max-Margin Multiattribute Learning With Low-Rank Constraint
* Maximal Likelihood Correspondence Estimation for Face Recognition Across Pose
* Maximum Margin Projection Subspace Learning for Visual Data Analysis
* Maximum-Likelihood Based Synthesis of Volumetric Textures From a 2D Sample
* mCENTRIST: A Multi-Channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorization
* Measures of Effective Video Tracking
* Metamer Mismatching
* MIMO Radar 3D Imaging Based on Combined Amplitude and Total Variation Cost Function With Sequential Order One Negative Exponential Form
* Mining Compact Bag-of-Patterns for Low Bit Rate Mobile Visual Search
* Mixed Noise Removal by Weighted Encoding With Sparse Nonlocal Regularization
* Model-Based Edge Detector for Spectral Imagery Using Sparse Spatiospectral Masks
* Modeling Geometric-Temporal Context With Directional Pyramid Co-Occurrence for Action Recognition
* Modeling the Time-Varying Subjective Quality of HTTP Video Streams With Rate Adaptations
* Monte Carlo Non-Local Means: Random Sampling for Large-Scale Image Filtering
* Motion-Aware Mesh-Structured Trellis for Correlation Modelling Aided Distributed Multi-View Video Coding
* Motion-Related Resource Allocation in Dynamic Wireless Visual Sensor Network Environments
* MsLRR: A Unified Multiscale Low-Rank Representation for Image Segmentation
* Multi-Illuminant Estimation With Conditional Random Fields
* Multi-Label Image Categorization With Sparse Factor Representation
* Multifeature-Based Surround Inhibition Improves Contour Detection in Natural Images
* Multilabel Image Classification Via High-Order Label Correlation Driven Active Learning
* Multilayer Surface Albedo for Face Recognition With Reference Images in Bad Lighting Conditions
* Multilinear Graph Embedding: Representation and Regularization for Images
* Multiple Description Coding With Randomly and Uniformly Offset Quantizers
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representations for Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
* Multisize Superpixel Approach for Salient Object Detection Based on Multivariate Normal Distribution Estimation, A
* Multispectral Image Denoising With Optimized Vector Bilateral Filter
* Multitask Linear Discriminant Analysis for View Invariant Action Recognition
* Neighborhood Supported Model Level Fuzzy Aggregation for Moving Object Segmentation
* New Approach to the Design of Low Complexity 9/7 Tap Wavelet Filters With Maximum Vanishing Moments
* New Formula for Bivariate Hermite Interpolation on Variable Step Grids and Its Application to Image Interpolation, A
* New Hardware-Efficient Algorithm and Reconfigurable Architecture for Image Contrast Enhancement, A
* New Iterative Triclass Thresholding Technique in Image Segmentation, A
* New Pansharpening Method Based on Spatial and Spectral Sparsity Priors, A
* No-Reference Sharpness Assessment of Camera-Shaken Images by Analysis of Spectral Structure
* Noise Parameter Estimation for Poisson Corrupted Images Using Variance Stabilization Transforms
* Noise Parameter Mismatch in Variance Stabilization, With an Application to Poisson-Gaussian Noise Estimation
* Nonlinear Deconvolution of Hyperspectral Data With MCMC for Studying the Kinematics of Galaxies
* Nonlinear Transform for Robust Dense Block-Based Motion Estimation
* Nonlocal Image Editing
* Nonlocal Sparse and Low-Rank Regularization for Optical Flow Estimation
* Nonlocal Structure Tensor-Based Approach for Multicomponent Image Recovery Problems, A
* Nonnegative Tensor Cofactorization and Its Unified Solution
* Novel Classification Method of Halftone Image via Statistics Matrices, A
* Novel Example-Based Method for Super-Resolution and Denoising of Medical Images
* Novel Eye Localization Method With Rotation Invariance, A
* Novel Generalized DCT-Based JND Profile Based on an Elaborate CM-JND Model for Variable Block-Sized Transforms in Monochrome Images, A
* Novel Joint Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on SMVQ and Image Inpainting, A
* Novel Local Pattern Descriptor: Local Vector Pattern in High-Order Derivative Space for Face Recognition, A
* Novel Multiple Hypothesis Based Particle Tracking Method for Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis Analysis Using Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* Novel Speed-Up Strategies for Non-Local Means Denoising With Patch and Edge Patch Based Dictionaries
* Novel Text Detection System Based on Character and Link Energies, A
* Novel Video Dataset for Change Detection Benchmarking, A
* Observation Model Based on Scale Interactions for Optical Flow Estimation
* Ocular Biometrics by Score-Level Fusion of Disparate Experts
* On Averaging Multiview Relations for 3D Scan Registration
* On Continuous User Authentication via Typing Behavior
* On Scanning Linear Barcodes From Out-of-Focus Blurred Images: A Spatial Domain Dynamic Template Matching Approach
* On the Efficiency of Angular Intraprediction
* On the Spectrum of the Plenoptic Function
* Online Camera-Gyroscope Autocalibration for Cell Phones
* Online Glocal Transfer for Automatic Figure-Ground Segmentation
* Optimal Camera Planning Under Versatile User Constraints in Multi-Camera Image Processing Systems
* Optimal Design of Multichannel Equalizers for the Structural Similarity Index
* Optimal Transport for Secure Spread-Spectrum Watermarking of Still Images
* Optimizing the Hierarchical Prediction and Coding in HEVC for Surveillance and Conference Videos With Background Modeling
* Ordinal Feature Selection for Iris and Palmprint Recognition
* Oriented Image Foresting Transform Segmentation by Seed Competition
* OSRI: A Rotationally Invariant Binary Descriptor
* Parametric Blur Estimation for Blind Restoration of Natural Images: Linear Motion and Out-of-Focus
* Parametric Estimation Approach to Instantaneous Spectral Imaging, A
* Parametric Polytope Reconstruction, an Application to Crystal Shape Estimation
* Parsimonious Path Openings and Closings
* Partial Difference Operators on Weighted Graphs for Image Processing on Surfaces and Point Clouds
* Passive Synthetic Aperture Hitchhiker Imaging of Ground Moving Targets: Part 1: Image Formation and Velocity Estimation
* Passive Synthetic Aperture Hitchhiker Imaging of Ground Moving Targets: Part 2: Performance Analysis
* Patch-Ordering-Based Wavelet Frame and Its Use in Inverse Problems
* Patchwise Joint Sparse Tracking With Occlusion Detection
* Persistent Aerial Video Registration and Fast Multi-View Mosaicing
* Person Re-Identification Over Camera Networks Using Multi-Task Distance Metric Learning
* Phase-Based Binarization of Ancient Document Images: Model and Applications
* Power-Constrained Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Multiscale Retinex for OLED Display
* Practical Signal-Dependent Noise Parameter Estimation From a Single Noisy Image
* Probabilistic Associative Model for Segmenting Weakly Supervised Images, A
* Probabilistic Graph-Based Framework for Plug-and-Play Multi-Cue Visual Tracking, A
* Probability-Based Rendering for View Synthesis
* Progressive Image Denoising
* Progressive Image Denoising Through Hybrid Graph Laplacian Regularization: A Unified Framework
* Q-STAR: A Perceptual Video Quality Model Considering Impact of Spatial, Temporal, and Amplitude Resolutions
* QR Images: Optimized Image Embedding in QR Codes
* Quadtree Structured Image Approximation for Denoising and Interpolation
* Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic 3D Image Compression by Binocular Integration Behaviors
* Quantization Table Design Revisited for Image/Video Coding
* Rain Pixel Recovery Algorithm for Videos With Highly Dynamic Scenes, A
* Rate-Constrained 3D Surface Estimation From Noise-Corrupted Multiview Depth Videos
* Re-estimation of Motion and Reconstruction for Distributed Video Coding
* Real-Time Scalable Depth Sensing With Hybrid Structured Light Illumination
* Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
* Recognizing Gaits Across Views Through Correlated Motion Co-Clustering
* Region-Based Iterative Reconstruction of Structurally Changing Objects in CT
* Regularized Approach for Geodesic-Based Semisupervised Multimanifold Learning, A
* Regularized Model-Based Optimization Framework for Pan-Sharpening, A
* Regularized Tree Partitioning and Its Application to Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Repairing Bad Co-Segmentation Using Its Quality Evaluation and Segment Propagation
* Representing Images Using Curvilinear Feature Driven Subdivision Surfaces
* Residual Component Analysis of Hyperspectral Images: Application to Joint Nonlinear Unmixing and Nonlinearity Detection
* Reversible Symmetric Nonexpansive Convolution: An Effective Image Boundary Processing for M-Channel Lifting-Based Linear-Phase Filter Banks
* Robust (Semi) Nonnegative Graph Embedding
* Robust 3D Face Landmark Localization Based on Local Coordinate Coding
* Robust 3D Reconstruction With an RGB-D Camera
* Robust Automatic Line Scratch Detection in Films
* Robust Carotid Artery Recognition in Longitudinal B-Mode Ultrasound Images
* Robust Deformable and Occluded Object Tracking With Dynamic Graph
* Robust Estimation of Motion Blur Kernel Using a Piecewise-Linear Model
* Robust Face Recognition From Multi-View Videos
* Robust Face Recognition With Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* Robust Feature Point Matching With Sparse Model
* Robust Image Restoration via Adaptive Low-Rank Approximation and Joint Kernel Regression
* Robust Likelihood Function for 3D Human Pose Tracking, A
* Robust Object Tracking via Sparse Collaborative Appearance Model
* Robust Online Learned Spatio-Temporal Context Model for Visual Tracking
* Robust Online Multiobject Tracking With Data Association and Track Management
* Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensus
* Robust Superpixel Tracking
* Robust Volumetric Texture Classification of Magnetic Resonance Images of the Brain Using Local Frequency Descriptor
* Robustifying Descriptor Instability Using Fisher Vectors
* Robustness Improvement of Hyperspectral Image Unmixing by Spatial Second-Order Regularization
* Rotation and Illumination Invariant Interleaved Intensity Order-Based Local Descriptor
* Rotation-Covariant Texture Learning Using Steerable Riesz Wavelets
* Saliency Detection for Stereoscopic Images
* Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic Videos
* Saliency Tree: A Novel Saliency Detection Framework
* Saliency-Aware Video Compression
* Saliency-Based Selection of Gradient Vector Flow Paths for Content Aware Image Resizing
* Salient Region Detection by Fusing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Features Extracted From a Single Image
* Scalable Similarity Search With Topology Preserving Hashing
* Scale Adaptive Dictionary Learning
* Scaled Heavy-Ball Acceleration of the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm for 3D Microscopy Image Restoration
* Scanned Image Descreening With Image Redundancy and Adaptive Filtering
* Scene Text Recognition in Mobile Applications by Character Descriptor and Structure Configuration
* Seamless View Synthesis Through Texture Optimization
* Segmentation and Estimation of Spatially Varying Illumination
* Segmentation-Driven Image Registration-Application to 4D DCE-MRI Recordings of the Moving Kidneys
* Selectively Detail-Enhanced Fusion of Differently Exposed Images With Moving Objects
* Self-Adaptively Weighted Co-Saliency Detection via Rank Constraint
* Self-Similarity and Spectral Correlation Adaptive Algorithm for Color Demosaicking
* Semantic Pyramids for Gender and Action Recognition
* Sequential Framework for Image Change Detection, A
* Shape Vocabulary: A Robust and Efficient Shape Representation for Shape Matching
* Shape-Based Normalized Cuts Using Spectral Relaxation for Biomedical Segmentation
* Sharing Visual Secrets in Single Image Random Dot Stereograms
* Simulation of Fractional Brownian Surfaces via Spectral Synthesis on Manifolds
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Multiresolution Nonrigid Atlas Registration
* Single Image Defogging by Multiscale Depth Fusion
* Single Image Interpolation Via Adaptive Nonlocal Sparsity-Based Modeling
* Single-Image Super-Resolution via Linear Mapping of Interpolated Self-Examples
* Single-Image Superresolution of Natural Stochastic Textures Based on Fractional Brownian Motion
* Sparse Embedding and Least Variance Encoding Approach to Hashing, A
* Sparse Label-Indicator Optimization Methods for Image Classification
* Sparse Spatial Coding: A Novel Approach to Visual Recognition
* Sparsity Fine Tuning in Wavelet Domain With Application to Compressive Image Reconstruction
* Sparsity-Based Poisson Denoising With Dictionary Learning
* Spatial Entropy-Based Global and Local Image Contrast Enhancement
* Spatial Pooling of Heterogeneous Features for Image Classification
* Spatial Statistics of Image Features for Performance Comparison
* Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation With Shape Growth or Shrinkage Constraint
* Spatiotemporal Grid Flow for Video Retargeting
* Speckle Reduction via Higher Order Total Variation Approach
* Spectral Unmixing via Data-Guided Sparsity
* Speed-Up Scheme Based on Multiple-Instance Pruning for Pedestrian Detection Using a Support Vector Machine, A
* Stable and Robust Sampling Strategies for Compressive Imaging
* Statistical Model of Quantized DCT Coefficients: Application in the Steganalysis of Jsteg Algorithm
* Statistical Prediction Model Based on Sparse Representations for Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* Stochastic Extraction of Elongated Curvilinear Structures With Applications
* Structure-Preserving Sparse Decomposition for Facial Expression Analysis
* Study of Multiplicative Watermark Detection in the Contourlet Domain Using Alpha-Stable Distributions, A
* Subspace Learning of Dynamics on a Shape Manifold: A Generative Modeling Approach
* Subspace-Based Discrete Transform Encoded Local Binary Patterns Representations for Robust Periocular Matching on NIST's Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* Super-Resolution for Computed Tomography Based on Discrete Tomography
* Surface Reconstruction From Microscopic Images in Optical Lithography
* Symmetric Subspace Learning for Image Analysis
* Tension in Active Shapes
* Tensor-Based Formulation and Nuclear Norm Regularization for Multienergy Computed Tomography
* Topology Preserving Thinning of Cell Complexes
* Topology-Preserving Rigid Transformation of 2D Digital Images
* Total Nuclear Variation and Jacobian Extensions of Total Variation for Vector Fields
* Toward Statistical Modeling of Saccadic Eye-Movement and Visual Saliency
* Transfer Learning of Structured Representation for Face Recognition
* Translation Invariant Directional Framelet Transform Combined With Gabor Filters for Image Denoising
* Transmission Policy Selection for Multi-View Content Delivery Over Bandwidth Constrained Channels
* Transparent Composite Model for DCT Coefficients: Design and Analysis
* Tree Filtering: Efficient Structure-Preserving Smoothing With a Minimum Spanning Tree
* Tree Filtering: Efficient Structure-Preserving Smoothing With a Minimum Spanning Tree
* Tree-Based Morse Regions: A Topological Approach to Local Feature Detection
* Two Dimensional Optical Input to One Dimensional Serial Pulse Transformation Using Confocal Reflectors, A
* Unbiased Risk Estimator for Image Denoising in the Presence of Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise, An
* Unbiased Risk Estimator for Image Denoising in the Presence of Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise, An
* Unified Data Embedding and Scrambling Method, A
* Unified Framework for Multioriented Text Detection and Recognition, A
* Unified Methodology for Computing Accurate Quaternion Color Moments and Moment Invariants, A
* Unified Structured Learning for Simultaneous Human Pose Estimation and Garment Attribute Classification
* Universal Variational Framework for Sparsity-Based Image Inpainting, A
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Dynamic Mixture Model for Motion Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised Post-Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images Using a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Algorithm
* USB: Ultrashort Binary Descriptor for Fast Visual Matching and Retrieval
* Vanishing Point-Based Image Transforms for Enhancement of Probabilistic Occupancy Map-Based People Localization
* Variational Bayesian Method for Retinex
* Variational Exemplar-Based Image Colorization
* Variational Segmentation of Vector-Valued Images With Gradient Vector Flow
* Vector-Valued Image Processing by Parallel Level Sets
* Video Compressive Sensing Using Gaussian Mixture Models
* Video Saliency Incorporating Spatiotemporal Cues and Uncertainty Weighting
* Video Tonal Stabilization via Color States Smoothing
* Vision-Based Pose Estimation From Points With Unknown Correspondences
* Visual Tracking via Discriminative Sparse Similarity Map
* Visual Typo Correction by Collocative Optimization: A Case Study on Merchandize Images
* VSI: A Visual Saliency-Induced Index for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* Walsh-Hadamard Transform Kernel-Based Feature Vector for Shot Boundary Detection
* Weakly Supervised Visual Dictionary Learning by Harnessing Image Attributes
* Weighted KPCA Degree of Homogeneity Amended Nonclassical Receptive Field Inhibition Model for Salient Contour Extraction in Low-Light-Level Image
* Weighted Optimization Approach to Time-of-Flight Sensor Fusion, A
443 for IP(23)

IP(24) * 2D Discrete Fourier Transform on Sliding Windows
* 2D Non-Separable Block-Lifting Structure and Its Application to M -Channel Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks for Lossy-to-Lossless Image Coding
* 3D Object Retrieval With Multitopic Model Combining Relevance Feedback and LDA Model
* 3D Visual Discomfort Predictor: Analysis of Disparity and Neural Activity Statistics
* 3D-MAD: A Full Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Estimator Based on Binocular Lightness and Contrast Perception
* Accurate and Robust Line Segment Extraction Using Minimum Entropy With Hough Transform
* Accurate Stereo Matching by Two-Step Energy Minimization
* Accurate Vessel Segmentation With Constrained B-Snake
* Active Learning in Context-Driven Stream Mining With an Application to Image Mining
* Adaptive Metric Learning for Saliency Detection
* Adaptive Regularization With the Structure Tensor
* Adaptive Skin Classification Using Face and Body Detection
* Adaptive Spot Detection With Optimal Scale Selection in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Adaptive-Rate Compressive Sensing Using Side Information
* Adjoint Active Surfaces for Localization and Imaging
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Nonlinear Image Restoration Problems
* Angular-Similarity-Preserving Binary Signatures for Linear Subspaces
* Anisotropic Diffusion Filter With Memory Based on Speckle Statistics for Ultrasound Images
* Anisotropic Spectral-Spatial Total Variation Model for Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Destriping
* Annihilating Filter-Based Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Approach for Image Inpainting
* Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
* Approximation and Compression With Sparse Orthonormal Transforms
* Attentive Monitoring of Multiple Video Streams Driven by a Bayesian Foraging Strategy
* Attribute-Assisted Reranking Model for Web Image Search, An
* Automatic Liver Segmentation Based on Shape Constraints and Deformable Graph Cut in CT Images
* Background Fluorescence Estimation and Vesicle Segmentation in Live Cell Imaging With Conditional Random Fields
* Bayesian Inference for Neighborhood Filters With Application in Denoising
* Benchmark and Comparative Study of Video-Based Face Recognition on COX Face Database, A
* Beyond Explicit Codebook Generation: Visual Representation Using Implicitly Transferred Codebooks
* BIK-BUS: Biologically Motivated 3D Keypoint Based on Bottom-Up Saliency
* Bit-Scalable Deep Hashing With Regularized Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval and Person Re-Identification
* Block-Based Spatial Prediction and Transforms Based on 2D Markov Processes for Image and Video Compression
* Boosted Multi-Task Model for Pedestrian Detection With Occlusion Handling, A
* BSIFT: Toward Data-Independent Codebook for Large Scale Image Search
* Cascaded Collaborative Regression for Robust Facial Landmark Detection Trained Using a Mixture of Synthetic and Real Images With Dynamic Weighting
* Chi-Squared-Transformed Subspace of LBP Histogram for Visual Recognition, A
* CID2013: A Database for Evaluating No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms
* Class of Manifold Regularized Multiplicative Update Algorithms for Image Clustering, A
* Closed-Loop Restoration Approach to Blurry Images Based on Machine Learning and Feedback Optimization
* Coding Local and Global Binary Visual Features Extracted From Video Sequences
* Collaborative sparse regression using spatially correlated supports-Application to hyperspectral unmixing
* Color Correction Using Root-Polynomial Regression
* Color Image Demosaicing Using Iterative Residual Interpolation
* Color Image Denoising via Discriminatively Learned Iterative Shrinkage
* Color Sparse Representations for Image Processing: Review, Models, and Prospects
* Color-Direction Patch-Sparsity-Based Image Inpainting Using Multidirection Features
* Combining Facial Dynamics With Appearance for Age Estimation
* Combining Left and Right Palmprint Images for More Accurate Personal Identification
* Common Visual Pattern Discovery via Nonlinear Mean Shift Clustering
* Compact and Discriminative Descriptor Inference Using Multi-Cues
* Comparing Noisy Patches for Image Denoising: A Double Noise Similarity Model
* Comparison of Dense Region Detectors for Image Search and Fine-Grained Classification, A
* Compositional Dictionaries for Domain Adaptive Face Recognition
* Compressed image quality metric based on perceptually weighted distortion
* Compressive Bilateral Filtering
* Compressive Sensing by Learning a Gaussian Mixture Model From Measurements
* Computational Model of the Short-Cut Rule for 2D Shape Decomposition, A
* Consistency-Driven Alternating Optimization for Multigraph Matching: A Unified Approach
* Consistent Video Saliency Using Local Gradient Flow Optimization and Global Refinement
* Constrained Multi-View Video Face Clustering
* Constructing a Nonnegative Low-Rank and Sparse Graph With Data-Adaptive Features
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Features Extracted From Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding
* Context-Aware Patch-Based Image Inpainting Using Markov Random Field Modeling
* Continuous Depth Map Reconstruction From Light Fields
* Cost-Sensitive Local Binary Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
* Coupled Projections for Adaptation of Dictionaries
* Covert Photo Classification by Fusing Image Features and Visual Attributes
* Cross-Camera Knowledge Transfer for Multiview People Counting
* Cross-Domain Person Reidentification Using Domain Adaptation Ranking SVMs
* Cross-Modal Learning to Rank via Latent Joint Representation
* Cross-Modal Subspace Learning via Pairwise Constraints
* Cross-View Action Recognition Over Heterogeneous Feature Spaces
* Cubic Convolution Scaler Optimized for Local Property of Image Data
* DASH-N: Joint Hierarchical Domain Adaptation and Feature Learning
* Deblurring Saturated Night Image With Function-Form Kernel
* Deformed Palmprint Matching Based on Stable Regions
* Depth Analogy: Data-Driven Approach for Single Image Depth Estimation Using Gradient Samples
* Depth From Water Reflection
* Depth Map Coding Optimization Using Rendered View Distortion for 3D Video Coding
* Depth Reconstruction From Sparse Samples: Representation, Algorithm, and Sampling
* Depth Superresolution by Transduction
* Depth-Preserving Warping for Stereo Image Retargeting
* DERF: Distinctive Efficient Robust Features From the Biological Modeling of the P Ganglion Cells
* Designing robust sensing matrix for image compression
* Deskewing of Underwater Images
* Detecting Curvilinear Features Using Structure Tensors
* Detection of Dynamic Background Due to Swaying Movements From Motion Features
* Dictionary Pair Learning on Grassmann Manifolds for Image Denoising
* Digital Image Watermarking via Adaptive Logo Texturization
* Dimensionality Reduction by Integrating Sparse Representation and Fisher Criterion and its Applications
* Discriminative Shared Gaussian Processes for Multiview and View-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Disparity Estimation on Stereo Mammograms
* Distributed Signal Decorrelation and Detection in Multi View Camera Networks Using the Vector Sparse Matrix Transform
* Divergence of Gradient Convolution: Deformable Segmentation With Arbitrary Initializations
* Dot-Diffused Halftoning With Improved Homogeneity
* Double Line Image Rotation
* Double Nuclear Norm-Based Matrix Decomposition for Occluded Image Recovery and Background Modeling
* Doubly Degenerate Diffusion Model Based on the Gray Level Indicator for Multiplicative Noise Removal, A
* Douglas-Rachford Splitting Approach to Compressed Sensing Image Recovery Using Low-Rank Regularization, A
* Dual Graph Regularized Latent Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
* Dynamical System Approach for Edge Detection Using Coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo Neurons
* Edge-Based Intramode Selection for Depth-Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Edge-Preserving Decomposition-Based Single Image Haze Removal
* Edge-Preserving Image Denoising via Group Coordinate Descent on the GPU
* Edges and Corners With Shearlets
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder Based on Logarithmic Domain, An
* Efficient and Robust Image Restoration Using Multiple-Feature L2-Relaxed Sparse Analysis Priors
* Efficient DCT-Based Image Compression System Based on Laplacian Transparent Composite Model, An
* Efficient Foreground Extraction From HEVC Compressed Video for Application to Real-Time Analysis of Surveillance Big Data
* Efficient Large-Scale Structure From Motion by Fusing Auxiliary Imaging Information
* Efficient MRF Embedded Level Set Method for Image Segmentation, An
* Efficient Nonnegative Tucker Decompositions: Algorithms and Uniqueness
* Efficient Robust Conditional Random Fields
* Efficient Shape Priors for Spline-Based Snakes
* Efficient Variational Bayesian Approximation Method Based on Subspace Optimization
* Egocentric Daily Activity Recognition via Multitask Clustering
* Encoding color information for visual tracking: Algorithms and benchmark
* Enhanced Figure-Ground Classification With Background Prior Propagation
* Enhancement of Textural Differences Based on Morphological Component Analysis
* Enhancing Color Images of Extremely Low Light Scenes Based on RGB/NIR Images Acquisition With Different Exposure Times
* Ensemble Approach to Image Matching Using Contextual Features, An
* Entropy-Based Evaluation of Context Models for Wavelet-Transformed Images
* Estimation of Illuminants From Projections on the Planckian Locus
* Estimation of Signal-Dependent Noise Level Function in Transform Domain via a Sparse Recovery Model
* Estimation of Sunlight Direction Using 3D Object Models
* Event Oriented Dictionary Learning for Complex Event Detection
* Exemplar-Based Inpainting: Technical Review and New Heuristics for Better Geometric Reconstructions
* Exploiting Information Geometry to Improve the Convergence of Nonparametric Active Contours
* Extracting 3D Layout From a Single Image Using Global Image Structures
* Extremal Regions Detection Guided by Maxima of Gradient Magnitude
* Face Liveness Detection From a Single Image via Diffusion Speed Model
* Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation-Based Greedy Search
* Face Spoofing Detection Through Visual Codebooks of Spectral Temporal Cubes
* Factorization-Based Texture Segmentation
* Fast and Robust Object Tracking via Probability Continuous Outlier Model
* Fast Fusion of Multi-Band Images Based on Solving a Sylvester Equation
* Fast Image Interpolation via Random Forests
* Fast Representation Based on a Double Orientation Histogram for Local Image Descriptors
* Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm Using Color Attenuation Prior, A
* Fast Translation Invariant Multiscale Image Denoising
* Feature Point Matching Based on Spatial Order Constraints Bilateral-Neighbor Vote, A
* Feature-Based Lucas-Kanade and Active Appearance Models
* Fiducial Facial Point Extraction Using a Novel Projective Invariant
* Fine-Tuning Regression Forests Votes for Object Alignment in the Wild
* Framework of Joint Graph Embedding and Sparse Regression for Dimensionality Reduction, A
* From Local Similarities to Global Coding: A Framework for Coding Applications
* Full-Reference Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images by Learning Binocular Receptive Field Properties
* Fusing Inertial Sensor Data in an Extended Kalman Filter for 3D Camera Tracking
* Gait-Based Person Recognition Using Arbitrary View Transformation Model
* Gaussian Process Regression-Based Video Anomaly Detection and Localization With Hierarchical Feature Representation
* Gaze Estimation From Eye Appearance: A Head Pose-Free Method via Eye Image Synthesis
* GcsDecolor: Gradient Correlation Similarity for Efficient Contrast Preserving Decolorization
* General-Thresholding Solution for l_p (0< p< 1) Regularized CT Reconstruction, A
* Generalized Assorted Camera Arrays: Robust Cross-Channel Registration and Applications
* Generation of Spatial Orders and Space-Filling Curves
* Geodesic Invariant Feature: A Local Descriptor in Depth
* Global Color Sparseness and a Local Statistics Prior for Fast Bilateral Filtering
* Global/Local Affinity Graph for Image Segmentation, A
* Gradient Domain Guided Image Filtering
* Graph Matching Based on Stochastic Perturbation
* Graph-Based Representation for Multiview Image Geometry
* Graph-Cut Based Discrete-Valued Image Reconstruction
* Guided Bilateral Filter: When the Joint/Cross Bilateral Filter Becomes Robust, The
* Hashing on Nonlinear Manifolds
* Head Pose Estimation From a 2D Face Image Using 3D Face Morphing With Depth Parameters
* Heterogeneous Graph Propagation for Large-Scale Web Image Search
* Hierarchical Grid-based Multi-People Tracking-by-Detection With Global Optimization
* Hierarchical Learning of Tree Classifiers for Large-Scale Plant Species Identification
* High Dynamic Range Image Compression by Optimizing Tone Mapped Image Quality Index
* High Resolution Local Structure-Constrained Image Upsampling
* High-Accuracy Stereo Matching Based on Adaptive Ground Control Points
* High-Order Topology Modeling of Visual Words for Image Classification
* High-resolution face verification using pore-scale facial features
* High-Resolution Light Field Capture With Coded Aperture
* Horror Image Recognition Based on Context-Aware Multi-Instance Learning
* Human Action Recognition in Unconstrained Videos by Explicit Motion Modeling
* Human Facial Expression Recognition Using Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis and Hidden Conditional Random Fields
* Hyperspectral Face Recognition With Spatiospectral Information Fusion and PLS Regression
* Image Annotation by Latent Community Detection and Multikernel Learning
* Image Denoising by Exploring External and Internal Correlations
* Image Denoising With Edge-Preserving and Segmentation Based on Mask NHA
* Image Integrity Authentication Scheme Based on Fixed Point Theory
* Image Location Estimation by Salient Region Matching
* Image Outlier Detection and Feature Extraction via L1-Norm-Based 2D Probabilistic PCA
* Image Quality Assessment Using Human Visual DOG Model Fused With Random Forest
* Image Restoration Using Gaussian Mixture Models With Spatially Constrained Patch Clustering
* Image Segmentation With Cage Active Contours
* Image Super-Resolution Based on Structure-Modulated Sparse Representation
* Image-Specific Prior Adaptation for Denoising
* Implicit B-Spline Surface Reconstruction
* Improved Joint Optimization of Multiple Level Set Functions for the Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells, An
* Incorporating Adaptive Local Information Into Fuzzy Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Influence of Color-to-Gray Conversion on the Performance of Document Image Binarization: Toward a Novel Optimization Problem
* Inner and Inter Label Propagation: Salient Object Detection in the Wild
* Innovative Lossless Compression Method for Discrete-Color Images, An
* Inpainting for Fringe Projection Profilometry Based on Geometrically Guided Iterative Regularization
* Integrated Foreground Segmentation and Boundary Matting for Live Videos
* Interactive Cosegmentation Using Global and Local Energy Optimization
* Interactive Segmentation and Visualization of DTI Data Using a Hierarchical Watershed Representation
* Interface Detection Using a Quenched-Noise Version of the Edwards-Wilkinson Equation
* Intra Predictive Depth Map Coding Using Flexible Block Partitioning
* Inverse Sparse Tracker With a Locally Weighted Distance Metric
* Iterative CT Reconstruction Algorithm for Fast Fluid Flow Imaging, An
* JF-Cut: A Parallel Graph Cut Approach for Large-Scale Image and Video
* Joint Group Sparse PCA for Compressed Hyperspectral Imaging
* Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation and Client Clustering for Scalable Multistream IPTV
* Joint Sparse Representation and Robust Feature-Level Fusion for Multi-Cue Visual Tracking
* Kernelized Saliency-Based Person Re-Identification Through Multiple Metric Learning
* Large-Scale Weakly Supervised Object Localization via Latent Category Learning
* Layered compression for high-precision depth data
* Learning a Nonnegative Sparse Graph for Linear Regression
* Learning Compact Feature Descriptor and Adaptive Matching Framework for Face Recognition
* Learning Framework for Age Rank Estimation Based on Face Images With Scattering Transform, A
* Learning Multiple Linear Mappings for Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Person-Person Interaction in Collective Activity Recognition
* Learning Sample Specific Weights for Late Fusion
* Learning Super-Resolution Jointly From External and Internal Examples
* Learning Templates for Artistic Portrait Lighting Analysis
* Learning to Rank Image Tags With Limited Training Examples
* Learning View-Model Joint Relevance for 3D Object Retrieval
* Learning-Based Object Identification and Segmentation Using Dual-Energy CT Images for Security
* Local inverse tone curve learning for high dynamic range image scalable compression
* Local Multi-Grouped Binary Descriptor With Ring-Based Pooling Configuration and Optimization
* Local Sparse Structure Denoising for Low-Light-Level Image
* Local Wavelet Pattern: A New Feature Descriptor for Image Retrieval in Medical CT Databases
* Low-Complexity Topological Derivative-Based Segmentation
* Low-Rank Approximation-Based Transductive Support Tensor Machine for Semisupervised Classification, A
* Low-Rank Prior in Single Patches for Nonpointwise Impulse Noise Removal
* L_0 Regularized Mumford-Shah Model for Bias Correction and Segmentation of Medical Images, The
* Manifold Kernel Sparse Representation of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices and Its Applications
* Markov Network-Based Unified Classifier for Face Recognition
* Matching Images With Multiple Descriptors: An Unsupervised Approach for Locally Adaptive Descriptor Selection
* Max-Confidence Boosting With Uncertainty for Visual Tracking
* Mesh-LBP: A Framework for Extracting Local Binary Patterns From Discrete Manifolds, The
* Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of Monochrome Stereo Images, A
* Micro-Expression Recognition Using Color Spaces
* Minimum Risk Wavelet Shrinkage Operator for Poisson Image Denoising
* Missing Modality Transfer Learning via Latent Low-Rank Constraint
* Mitosis Detection for Invasive Breast Cancer Grading in Histopathological Images
* Model-Based Adaptive 3D Sonar Reconstruction in Reverberating Environments
* Modeling Neuron Selectivity Over Simple Midlevel Features for Image Classification
* Modeling the Subjective Quality of Highly Contrasted Videos Displayed on LCD With Local Backlight Dimming
* Modeling, Prediction, and Reduction of 3D Crosstalk in Circular Polarized Stereoscopic LCDs
* Motion Estimation for Dynamic Texture Videos Based on Locally and Globally Varying Models
* MToS: A Tree of Shapes for Multivariate Images
* Multi-Level Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Application to Large Scale Image Classification
* Multi-Spectral Fusion Based Approach for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Detection in Video Images
* Multi-Task Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multi-View Learning With Incomplete Views
* Multimodal Deep Autoencoder for Human Pose Recovery
* Multimodal Image Reconstruction Method Using Ultrasonic Waves and Electrical Resistance Tomography, A
* Multimodal Registration via Mutual Information Incorporating Geometric and Spatial Context
* Multiresolution Graph Fourier Transform for Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images
* Multiscale Image Blind Denoising
* Multiscale Logarithm Difference Edgemaps for Face Recognition Against Varying Lighting Conditions
* Multiscale Superpixels and Supervoxels Based on Hierarchical Edge-Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation
* Multiscale Tikhonov-Total Variation Image Restoration Using Spatially Varying Edge Coherence Exponent
* Multiscale Wavelet-Based Test for Isotropy of Random Fields on a Regular Lattice, A
* Multispectral Image Out-of-Focus Deblurring Using Interchannel Correlation
* Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search
* Multiview Matrix Completion for Multilabel Image Classification
* Neighborhood Discriminant Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Neutral Face Classification Using Personalized Appearance Models for Fast and Robust Emotion Detection
* New Multivariate Statistical Model for Change Detection in Images Acquired by Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Sensors, A
* New Quaternion-Based Encryption Method for DICOM Images, A
* No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment in Autoregressive Parameter Space
* No-Reference Texture Regularity Metric Based on Visual Saliency, A
* Non-Rigid Object Contour Tracking via a Novel Supervised Level Set Model
* Nonlinear and Nonseparable Bidimensional Multiscale Representation Based on Cell-Average Representation
* Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing With Robust Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Nonparametric Multiscale Blind Estimation of Intensity-Frequency-Dependent Noise
* Normalized cut-based saliency detection by adaptive multi-level region merging
* Novel Image Representation via Local Frequency Analysis for Illumination Invariant Stereo Matching, A
* Novel SURE-Based Criterion for Parametric PSF Estimation, A
* Object-Based Multiple Foreground Video Co-Segmentation via Multi-State Selection Graph
* Objective Quality Assessment for Color-to-Gray Image Conversion
* Objective Quality Assessment for Multiexposure Multifocus Image Fusion
* Objective Quality Assessment of Interpolated Natural Images
* On Antiforensic Concealability With Rate-Distortion Tradeoff
* On Local Prediction Based Reversible Watermarking
* On the Convergence of Nonconvex Minimization Methods for Image Recovery
* One-Pass Mode and Motion Decision for Multilayer Quality Scalable Video Coding
* Online Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Temporal Video Segmentation and Tracking
* Online Multi-Target Tracking With Unified Handling of Complex Scenarios
* Online Space-Variant Background Modeling With Sparse Coding
* Optimal Transition Probability of Reversible Data Hiding for General Distortion Metrics and Its Applications
* Optimized Kaiser-Bessel Window Functions for Computed Tomography
* Optimized Quasi-Interpolators for Image Reconstruction
* Optimizing the Endmembers Using Volume Invariant Constrained Model
* Oriented Correlation Models of Distorted Natural Images With Application to Natural Stereopair Quality Evaluation
* Panorama View With Spatiotemporal Occlusion Compensation for 3D Video Coding
* Pareto-Depth for Multiple-Query Image Retrieval
* PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification?
* Penrose Demosaicking
* Perceptual Quality Assessment for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images
* Personal object discovery in first-person videos
* Photometric Stereo for General BRDFs via Reflection Sparsity Modeling
* PISA: Pixelwise Image Saliency by Aggregating Complementary Appearance Contrast Measures With Edge-Preserving Coherence
* Polar Embedding for Aurora Image Retrieval
* Practical One-Shot Multispectral Imaging System Using a Single Image Sensor, A
* Predicting Eye Fixations With Higher-Level Visual Features
* Presentation Attack Detection for Face Recognition Using Light Field Camera
* Probabilistic Approach for Color Correction in Image Mosaicking Applications, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Online Eye Gaze Tracking Without Explicit Personal Calibration, A
* Probabilistic Method for Image Enhancement With Simultaneous Illumination and Reflectance Estimation, A
* Projection-Based Polygonality Measurement
* Quality Prediction of Asymmetrically Distorted Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Query-Adaptive Multiple Instance Learning for Video Instance Retrieval
* Random Algorithm for Low-Rank Decomposition of Large-Scale Matrices With Missing Entries, A
* Random Forest Construction With Robust Semisupervised Node Splitting
* Random Geometric Prior Forest for Multiclass Object Segmentation
* Random Walk and Graph Cut for Co-Segmentation of Lung Tumor on PET-CT Images
* Randomized Spatial Context for Object Search
* Ranks for Pairs of Spatial Fields via Metric Based on Grayscale Morphological Distances
* Rayleigh-Rice Mixture Parameter Estimation via EM Algorithm for Change Detection in Multispectral Images
* Recognizing Actions Through Action-Specific Person Detection
* Recursive Approximation of the Bilateral Filter
* Referenceless Prediction of Perceptual Fog Density and Perceptual Image Defogging
* Reflection Symmetry Detection Using Locally Affine Invariant Edge Correspondence
* Registration of Images With N-Fold Dihedral Blur
* Regularization Approach to Blind Deblurring and Denoising of QR Barcodes, A
* Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Listwise Similarities
* Relevance Preserving Projection and Ranking for Web Image Search Reranking
* Removing Camera Shake via Weighted Fourier Burst Accumulation
* Resampling Images to a Regular Grid From a Non-Regular Subset of Pixel Positions Using Frequency Selective Reconstruction
* RISM: Single-Modal Image Registration via Rank-Induced Similarity Measure
* Robust Action Recognition via Borrowing Information Across Video Modalities
* Robust and Non-Negative Collective Matrix Factorization for Text-to-Image Transfer Learning
* Robust Discriminative Tracking via Landmark-Based Label Propagation
* Robust Ellipse Fitting via Half-Quadratic and Semidefinite Relaxation Optimization
* Robust Face Alignment Under Occlusion via Regional Predictive Power Estimation
* Robust Face Recognition via Minimum Error Entropy-Based Atomic Representation
* Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing With Correntropy-Based Metric
* Robust Matching Cost Function for Stereo Correspondence Using Matching by Tone Mapping and Adaptive Orthogonal Integral Image
* Robust Optical Flow Integration
* Robust Point Sets Matching by Fusing Feature and Spatial Information Using Nonuniform Gaussian Mixture Models
* Robust Subspace Clustering for Multi-View Data by Exploiting Correlation Consensus
* Robust Subspace Clustering With Complex Noise
* Robust Video Object Cosegmentation
* Robust Visual Tracking via Sparsity-Induced Subspace Learning
* Robust, Error-Tolerant Photometric Projector Compensation
* Rotation Invariant Texture Retrieval Considering the Scale Dependence of Gabor Wavelet
* Rough Sets and Stomped Normal Distribution for Simultaneous Segmentation and Bias Field Correction in Brain MR Images
* RPCA-KFE: Key Frame Extraction for Video Using Robust Principal Component Analysis
* SaCoseg: Object Cosegmentation by Shape Conformability
* Saliency Region Detection Based on Markov Absorption Probabilities
* Saliency-Based Color Accessibility
* Saliency-Guided Color-to-Gray Conversion Using Region-Based Optimization
* Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark
* Salient Region Detection via Integrating Diffusion-Based Compactness and Local Contrast
* Scalable Mobile Image Retrieval by Exploring Contextual Saliency
* Scene Text Deblurring Using Text-Specific Multiscale Dictionaries
* Segmentation of 3D Images Using the Random Walking Technique on a Randomly Created Image Adjacency Graph, The
* Segmentation of Overlapping Elliptical Objects in Silhouette Images
* Semantic Sparse Recoding of Visual Content for Image Applications
* Shadow Remover: Image Shadow Removal Based on Illumination Recovering Optimization
* Silhouette Analysis for Human Action Recognition Based on Supervised Temporal t-SNE and Incremental Learning
* Simultaneous Camera Path Optimization and Distraction Removal for Improving Amateur Video
* Single Image Superresolution Based on Gradient Profile Sharpness
* Single Image Superresolution via Directional Group Sparsity and Directional Features
* Single Object Tracking With Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machine
* SIRF: Simultaneous Satellite Image Registration and Fusion in a Unified Framework
* SLED: Semantic Label Embedding Dictionary Representation for Multilabel Image Annotation
* Smoothed Low Rank and Sparse Matrix Recovery by Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Minimization
* Spartans: Single-Sample Periocular-Based Alignment-Robust Recognition Technique Applied to Non-Frontal Scenarios
* Spline Driven: High Accuracy Projectors for Tomographic Reconstruction From Few Projections
* Stacked Multilayer Self-Organizing Map for Background Modeling
* STARE: Spatio-Temporal Attention Relocation for Multiple Structured Activities Detection
* Statistical Model of JPEG Noises and Its Application in Quantization Step Estimation
* Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis
* Stochastic Blind Motion Deblurring
* STOne Transform: Multi-Resolution Image Enhancement and Compressive Video, The
* Stroke Detector and Structure Based Models for Character Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Structure-Guided Statistical Textural Distinctiveness for Salient Region Detection in Natural Images
* Structure-Sensitive Saliency Detection via Multilevel Rank Analysis in Intrinsic Feature Space
* Structured Sparse Priors for Image Classification
* Subjective and Objective Video Quality Assessment of 3D Synthesized Views With Texture/Depth Compression Distortion
* SuBSENSE: A Universal Change Detection Method With Local Adaptive Sensitivity
* Surface Approximation Method for Image and Video Correspondences, A
* Surface Reconstruction in Gradient-Field Domain Using Compressed Sensing
* Symmetric Smoothing Filters From Global Consistency Constraints
* Template-Free Wavelet-Based Detection of Local Symmetries
* Temporal Variance Analysis for Action Recognition
* Temporally Coherent Superresolution of Textured Video via Dynamic Texture Synthesis
* Tensor Dictionary Learning for Positive Definite Matrices
* Texture Classification Using Local Pattern Based on Vector Quantization
* Texture Synthesis Using the Structure Tensor
* Theoretical Bounds of Direct Binary Search Halftoning
* Tone-Replacement Error Diffusion for Multitoning
* Topical Video Object Discovery from Key Frames by Modeling Word Co-occurrence Prior
* Total Variation Regularization via Continuation to Recover Compressed Hyperspectral Images
* Toward Naturalistic 2D-to-3D Conversion
* Towards a Full-Reference Quality Assessment for Color Images Using Directional Statistics
* Tracking Human Pose Using Max-Margin Markov Models
* Tracking Virus Particles in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Multi-Scale Detection and Multi-Frame Association
* Transfer Function Model of Physiological Mechanisms Underlying Temporal Visual Discomfort Experienced When Viewing Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Transforms for Intra Prediction Residuals Based on Prediction Inaccuracy Modeling
* Tree Leaves Extraction in Natural Images: Comparative Study of Preprocessing Tools and Segmentation Methods
* Trust Region Methods for the Estimation of a Complex Exponential Decay Model in MRI With a Single-Shot or Multi-Shot Trajectory
* Tubularity Flow Field: A Technique for Automatic Neuron Segmentation
* Undersampled Face Recognition via Robust Auxiliary Dictionary Learning
* Underwater Color Image Quality Evaluation Metric, An
* Unsupervised Feature Selection via Nonnegative Spectral Analysis and Redundancy Control
* Unsupervised Joint Feature Learning and Encoding for RGB-D Scene Labeling
* Unsupervised Joint Salient Region Detection and Object Segmentation
* Unsupervised Texture Flow Estimation Using Appearance-Space Clustering and Correspondence
* Unsupervised Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images Accounting for Endmember Variability
* Utilizing Image Scales Towards Totally Training Free Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Variable-Length Signature for Near-Duplicate Image Matching
* Variational Depth From Focus Reconstruction
* Variational Dirichlet Blur Kernel Estimation
* Variational Model for PolSAR Data Speckle Reduction Based on the Wishart Distribution, A
* Vector Sparse Representation of Color Image Using Quaternion Matrix Analysis
* Very Fast Algorithm for Simultaneously Performing Connected-Component Labeling and Euler Number Computing, A
* Video Compression Artifact Reduction via Spatio-Temporal Multi-Hypothesis Prediction
* Video Deraining and Desnowing Using Temporal Correlation and Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* Video Inpainting With Short-Term Windows: Application to Object Removal and Error Concealment
* Video Stabilization Based on Feature Trajectory Augmentation and Selection and Robust Mesh Grid Warping
* Video Tracking Using Learned Hierarchical Features
* Viewing-Distance Aware Super-Resolution for High-Definition Display
* Visual Orientation Selectivity Based Structure Description
* Visual Quality Evaluation of Image Object Segmentation: Subjective Assessment and Objective Measure
* Visual Tracking Based on the Adaptive Color Attention Tuned Sparse Generative Object Model
* Visual Tracking via Sparse and Local Linear Coding
* Waterpixels
* Weighted Couple Sparse Representation With Classified Regularization for Impulse Noise Removal
* Weighted Guided Image Filtering
* Weighted Part Context Learning for Visual Tracking
* What is a Salient Object? A Dataset and a Baseline Model for Salient Object Detection
* Winding Number Constrained Contour Detection
* Worst Case Linear Discriminant Analysis as Scalable Semidefinite Feasibility Problems
432 for IP(24)

IP(25) * 2D Matching Using Repetitive and Salient Features in Architectural Images
* 2D Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projection for Image Denoising
* 3D Geometry and Motion Estimations of Maneuvering Targets for Interferometric ISAR With Sparse Aperture
* Action Recognition in Still Images With Minimum Annotation Efforts
* Adaptive Image Denoising by Mixture Adaptation
* Adaptive Pairing Reversible Watermarking
* Adaptive Quantization Parameter Cascading in HEVC Hierarchical Coding
* Adaptive Subspace-Based Inverse Projections via Division Into Multiple Sub-Problems for Missing Image Data Restoration
* Adobe Boxes: Locating Object Proposals Using Object Adobes
* Aging Face Recognition: A Hierarchical Learning Model Based on Local Patterns Selection
* Algorithm for Improving Non-Local Means Operators via Low-Rank Approximation, An
* Analysis of Crosstalk in 3D Circularly Polarized LCDs Depending on the Vertical Viewing Location
* Analysis of Decorrelation Transform Gain for Uncoded Wireless Image and Video Communication
* Analyzing the Effect of JPEG Compression on Local Variance of Image Intensity
* Antipodally Invariant Metrics for Fast Regression-Based Super-Resolution
* Approach to Streaming Video Segmentation With Sub-Optimal Low-Rank Decomposition, An
* Articulated and Generalized Gaussian Kernel Correlation for Human Pose Estimation
* Automatic 3D Facial Landmarking Algorithm Using 2D Gabor Wavelets, An
* Automatic 3D Segmentation and Quantification of Lenticulostriate Arteries from High-Resolution 7 Tesla MRA Images
* Automatic Design of Color Filter Arrays in the Frequency Domain
* Automatic Reference Color Selection for Adaptive Mathematical Morphology and Application in Image Segmentation
* Automatic Registration of Wide Area Motion Imagery to Vector Road Maps by Exploiting Vehicle Detections
* Backward Registration-Based Aspect Ratio Similarity for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Bayer Demosaicking With Polynomial Interpolation
* Bayesian Depth-from-Defocus with Shading Constraints
* Behavior Knowledge Space-Based Fusion for Copy-Move Forgery Detection
* Beyond Color Difference: Residual Interpolation for Color Image Demosaicking
* Beyond Object Proposals: Random Crop Pooling for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Beyond the Sparsity-Based Target Detector: A Hybrid Sparsity and Statistics-Based Detector for Hyperspectral Images
* BIT: Biologically Inspired Tracker
* Bitonic Filter: Linear Filtering in an Edge-Preserving Morphological Framework, The
* Bitplane Image Coding With Parallel Coefficient Processing
* Blind Bleed-Through Removal for Scanned Historical Document Image With Conditional Random Fields
* Blind Deblurring and Denoising of Images Corrupted by Unidirectional Object Motion Blur and Sensor Noise
* Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Using an Extended Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability
* Blind Image Blur Estimation via Deep Learning
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on High Order Statistics Aggregation
* Blind Super Resolution of Real-Life Video Sequences
* Boosted Dictionary Learning for Image Compression
* Building Hierarchical Representations for Oracle Character and Sketch Recognition
* CASAIR: Content and Shape-Aware Image Retargeting and Its Applications
* Category Specific Dictionary Learning for Attribute Specific Feature Selection
* Classwise Sparse and Collaborative Patch Representation for Face Recognition
* Close Human Interaction Recognition Using Patch-Aware Models
* Clustered-Dot Screen Design for Digital Multitoning
* Coarse-to-Fine Description for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Codec and GOP Identification in Double Compressed Videos
* Codewords Distribution-Based Optimal Combination of Equal-Average Equal-Variance Equal-Norm Nearest Neighbor Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Encoding
* Cognitive Control-Inspired Approach to Object Tracking, A
* Compact Representation of High-Dimensional Feature Vectors for Large-Scale Image Recognition and Retrieval
* Comparison-Based Image Quality Assessment for Selecting Image Restoration Parameters
* Completely Blind Video Integrity Oracle, A
* Comprehensive and Practical Vision System for Self-Driving Vehicle Lane-Level Localization
* Compression of 3D Point Clouds Using a Region-Adaptive Hierarchical Transform
* Compressive Estimation and Imaging Based on Autoregressive Models
* Compressive Multi-Frequency Linear Sampling Method for Underwater Acoustic Imaging, A
* Compressive Sampling-Based Image Coding for Resource-Deficient Visual Communication
* Compressive Sensing and Recovery for Binary Images
* Compressive Sensing Image Restoration Using Adaptive Curvelet Thresholding and Nonlocal Sparse Regularization
* Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Labeling
* Computationally Efficient Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Con-Patch: When a Patch Meets Its Context
* CONCOLOR: Constrained Non-Convex Low-Rank Model for Image Deblocking
* Confidence Preserving Machine for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Connected Component Model for Multi-Object Tracking
* Constrained Metric Learning by Permutation Inducing Isometries
* Context-Aware Surveillance Video Summarization
* Contour Completion Without Region Segmentation
* Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognition in Video/Scene Images
* Contrast Driven Elastica for Image Segmentation
* Contrast Enhancement by Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Contrast Invariant Interest Point Detection by Zero-Norm LoG Filter
* Contrast Sensitivity of the Wavelet, Dual Tree Complex Wavelet, Curvelet, and Steerable Pyramid Transforms
* Convex Sparse Spectral Clustering: Single-View to Multi-View
* Correlated Logistic Model With Elastic Net Regularization for Multilabel Image Classification
* Correspondence Driven Saliency Transfer
* Coupled Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Simultaneous Face Clustering and Naming in Videos, A
* Coupled Learning for Facial Deblur
* Cross-View Action Recognition via Transferable Dictionary Learning
* CU Partition Mode Decision for HEVC Hardwired Intra Encoder Using Convolution Neural Network
* CU-Level Rate and Distortion Estimation Scheme for RDO of Hardware-Friendly HEVC Encoders Using Low-Complexity Integer DCTs, A
* Curve-Like Structure Extraction Using Minimal Path Propagation With Backtracking
* CVD2014: A Database for Evaluating No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Algorithms
* Data-Driven Soft Decoding of Compressed Images in Dual Transform-Pixel Domain
* DCT Inspired Feature Transform for Image Retrieval and Reconstruction
* DCT-QM: A DCT-Based Quality Degradation Metric for Image Quality Optimization Problems
* Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms, A
* Deep and Structured Robust Information Theoretic Learning for Image Analysis
* Deep Fusion of Multiple Semantic Cues for Complex Event Recognition
* Deep Learning Driven Visual Path Prediction From a Single Image
* Deep Ranking for Person Re-Identification via Joint Representation Learning
* Deep Transfer Metric Learning
* DeepSaliency: Multi-Task Deep Neural Network Model for Salient Object Detection
* DeepTrack: Learning Discriminative Feature Representations Online for Robust Visual Tracking
* Defocus Blur-Invariant Scale-Space Feature Extractions
* Defocus Map Estimation From a Single Image Based on Two-Parameter Defocus Model
* Deformable Registration of Biomedical Images Using 2D Hidden Markov Models
* DehazeNet: An End-to-End System for Single Image Haze Removal
* Demosaicing Based on Directional Difference Regression and Efficient Regression Priors
* Dense and Sparse Reconstruction Error Based Saliency Descriptor
* Depth Estimation Using a Sliding Camera
* Design of Steerable Wavelets to Detect Multifold Junctions
* Detail-Preserving and Content-Aware Variational Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* Detect2Rank: Combining Object Detectors Using Learning to Rank
* Detecting Densely Distributed Graph Patterns for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
* Detecting Salient Objects via Color and Texture Compactness Hypotheses
* Diffusion and Clustering-Based Approach for Finding Coherent Motions and Understanding Crowd Scenes, A
* Dimension Reduction With Extreme Learning Machine
* Direct Fourier Inversion Reconstruction Algorithm for Computed Laminography
* Discriminant Incoherent Component Analysis
* Discriminative Relational Representation Learning for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Discriminative Representation of Convolutional Features for Indoor Scene Recognition, A
* Discriminative Semantic Subspace Analysis for Relevance Feedback
* Discriminative Transfer Subspace Learning via Low-Rank and Sparse Representation
* Double Low Rank Matrix Recovery for Saliency Fusion
* Double-Tip Artifact Removal From Atomic Force Microscopy Images
* DSets-DBSCAN: A Parameter-Free Clustering Algorithm
* Dual Diversified Dynamical Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Video Repairing
* Dual Sparse Constrained Cascade Regression for Robust Face Alignment
* Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition With Atlas Construction and Sparse Representation
* Dynamic Parallel and Distributed Graph Cuts
* Dynamic Programming Using Polar Variance for Image Segmentation
* Dynamical Spectral Unmixing of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
* Dynamical Spectral Unmixing of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
* Edge-Aware BMA Filters
* Edge-Guided Image Gap Interpolation Using Multi-Scale Transformation
* Edge-Guided Single Depth Image Super Resolution
* Effective Decompression of JPEG Document Images
* Effective Five Directional Partial Derivatives-Based Image Smoothing and a Parallel Structure Design
* Efficient Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder Based on Logarithmic Domain, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Convolutional Sparse Representations
* Efficient Non-Consecutive Feature Tracking for Robust Structure-From-Motion
* Efficient, Edge-Aware, Combined Color Quantization and Dithering
* Ellipse Fitting Using the Finite Rate of Innovation Sampling Principle
* Empirical Study Into Annotator Agreement, Ground Truth Estimation, and Algorithm Evaluation, An
* Encoder-Driven Inpainting Strategy in Multiview Video Compression
* Enhanced Use of Mattes for Easy Image Composition
* Enhancing Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Re-Ranking and Relevance Feedback
* Estimation of Gaussian, Poissonian: Gaussian, and Processed Visual Noise and Its Level Function
* Estimation of Virtual View Synthesis Distortion Toward Virtual View Position
* Exploring Structured Sparsity by a Reweighted Laplace Prior for Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing
* Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Hidden Factor Analysis Joint Sparse Representation
* Face Alignment via Regressing Local Binary Features
* Face Recognition With Pose Variations and Misalignment via Orthogonal Procrustes Regression
* Facial Sketch Synthesis Using 2D Direct Combined Model-Based Face-Specific Markov Network
* False Discovery Rate Approach to Unsupervised Image Change Detection
* Fast and High Quality Highlight Removal From a Single Image
* Fast and Provably Accurate Bilateral Filtering
* Fast and Scalable Computation of the Forward and Inverse Discrete Periodic Radon Transform
* Fast Appearance Modeling for Automatic Primary Video Object Segmentation
* Fast Localization in Large-Scale Environments Using Supervised Indexing of Binary Features
* Fast Multispectral Imaging by Spatial Pixel-Binning and Spectral Unmixing
* Fast Optimization Method for General Binary Code Learning, A
* Fast Single Image Super-Resolution Using a New Analytical Solution for L_2- L_2 Problems
* Faster, Unbiased Path Opening by Upper Skeletonization and Weighted Adjacency Graphs, A
* Feature and Region Selection for Visual Learning
* Feature Learning and Object Recognition Framework for Underwater Fish Images, A
* Feature Quality-Based Dynamic Feature Selection for Improving Salient Object Detection
* Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II: Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
* Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II: Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
* Focus Profile Modeling
* Foreground Detection With Simultaneous Dictionary Learning and Historical Pixel Maintenance
* Forward Regridding Method With Minimal Oversampling for Accurate and Efficient Iterative Tomographic Algorithms, A
* Fourier Spectral Filter Array for Optimal Multispectral Imaging
* Framelet-Based Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Framework for Depth Video Reconstruction From a Subset of Samples and Its Applications, A
* Framework for Fast Image Deconvolution With Incomplete Observations, A
* FRESH: FRI-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution Algorithm
* Fused One-vs-All Features With Semantic Alignments for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Fusion of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Morphological Operators
* Generalization of SPIHT: Set Partition Coding System
* Generalized Coupled Dictionary Learning Approach With Applications to Cross-Modal Matching
* Generalized Pooling for Robust Object Tracking
* Geometry-Aware Neighborhood Search for Learning Local Models for Image Superresolution
* GMM Estimation of 2D-RCA Models With Applications to Texture Image Classification
* Graph-Based Compression of Dynamic 3D Point Cloud Sequences
* Halftone Blending Between Smooth and Detail Screens to Improve Print Quality With Electrophotographic Printers
* Hash-Based Line-by-Line Template Matching for Lossless Screen Image Coding
* Hermite Snakes With Control of Tangents
* HEVC-Based Perceptually Adaptive Video Coding Using a DCT-Based Local Distortion Detection Probability Model
* High-Efficiency 3D Depth Coding Based on Perceptual Quality of Synthesized Video
* High-Resolution Image Classification Integrating Spectral-Spatial-Location Cues by Conditional Random Fields
* Hyperlink-Aware Object Retrieval
* Hyperspectral Image Recovery via Hybrid Regularization
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Non-Negative Structured Sparse Representation
* Hyperspectral Image Target Detection Improvement Based on Total Variation
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution of Locally Low Rank Images From Complementary Multisource Data
* Hyperspectral Unmixing in Presence of Endmember Variability, Nonlinearity, or Mismodeling Effects
* Identification of Transform Coding Chains
* Image Bit-Depth Enhancement via Maximum A Posteriori Estimation of AC Signal
* Image Coding Using Generalized Predictors Based on Sparsity and Geometric Transformations
* Image Deblurring via Enhanced Low-Rank Prior
* Image Denoising via Bandwise Adaptive Modeling and Regularization Exploiting Nonlocal Similarity
* Image Enhancement by Entropy Maximization and Quantization Resolution Upconversion
* Image Inpainting Through Metric Labeling via Guided Patch Mixing
* Image Segmentation Using Hierarchical Merge Tree
* Image Segmentation Using Parametric Contours With Free Endpoints
* Image Segmentation via Probabilistic Graph Matching
* Image Segmentation With Eigenfunctions of an Anisotropic Diffusion Operator
* Image Zoom Completion
* Improving Intra Prediction in High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Incorporating Spatial Information and Endmember Variability Into Unmixing Analyses to Improve Abundance Estimates
* Instance-Aware Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval
* Inter-Layer Prediction of Color in High Dynamic Range Image Scalable Compression
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Adaptive Constraint Propagation
* Iterative Refinement of Possibility Distributions by Learning for Pixel-Based Classification
* Joint Cross-Range Scaling and 3D Geometry Reconstruction of ISAR Targets Based on Factorization Method
* Joint Data Filtering and Labeling Using Gaussian Processes and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Feature Fusion: A Multi-Conditional Learning Approach
* Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Principal Feature Coding for Enhanced Robust Representation and Visual Classification
* Joint Multilabel Classification With Community-Aware Label Graph Learning
* Joint Patch and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit and Holistic Expression Recognition
* Joint Segmentation and Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model Based on Generalized Gaussian Priors
* Joint Segmentation and Shape Regularization With a Generalized Forward-Backward Algorithm
* Joint Video Stitching and Stabilization From Moving Cameras
* Just Noticeable Difference Estimation for Screen Content Images
* Kernel Density Estimator-Based Maximum A Posteriori Image Reconstruction Method for Dynamic Emission Tomography Imaging, A
* Kernel Learning for Dynamic Texture Synthesis
* Large Deformation Multiresolution Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Multiresolution Cortical Surfaces: A Coarse-to-Fine Approach
* Large Margin Multi-Modal Multi-Task Feature Extraction for Image Classification
* Large-Scale Cross-Modality Search via Collective Matrix Factorization Hashing
* Large-Scale Fiber Tracking Through Sparsely Sampled Image Sequences of Composite Materials
* Lattice-Based Screen Set: Square N -Color All-Orders Moire-Free Screen Set, The
* Layer-Based Approach for Image Pair Fusion
* Layered Coding for Mobile Cloud Gaming Using Scalable Blinn-Phong Lighting
* LBP-Based Segmentation of Defocus Blur
* Learn Sparse Dictionaries for Edit Propagation
* Learning a Combined Model of Visual Saliency for Fixation Prediction
* Learning Collaborative Sparse Representation for Grayscale-Thermal Tracking
* Learning Contextual Dependence With Convolutional Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks
* Learning Discriminatively Reconstructed Source Data for Object Recognition With Few Examples
* Learning Expressionlets via Universal Manifold Model for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning Fast Low-Rank Projection for Image Classification
* Learning Invariant Color Features for Person Reidentification
* Learning Iteration-wise Generalized Shrinkage: Thresholding Operators for Blind Deconvolution
* Learning of Multimodal Representations With Random Walks on the Click Graph
* Least Squares Time-Series Synchronization in Image Acquisition Systems
* Lidar Waveform-Based Analysis of Depth Images Constructed Using Sparse Single-Photon Data
* Light Field Multi-View Video Coding With Two-Directional Parallel Inter-View Prediction
* Local Autoencoding for Parameter Estimation in a Hidden Potts-Markov Random Field
* Local Rademacher Complexity for Multi-Label Learning
* Local Spectral Component Decomposition for Multi-Channel Image Denoising
* Locally Weighted Fixation Density-Based Metric for Assessing the Quality of Visual Saliency Predictions, A
* Lossless Compression of JPEG Coded Photo Collections
* Low-Delay Rate Control for Consistent Quality Using Distortion-Based Lagrange Multiplier
* Low-Rank Decomposition-Based Restoration of Compressed Images via Adaptive Noise Estimation
* Low-Rank Matrix Factorization With Adaptive Graph Regularizer
* Low-Rank Tensor Subspace Learning for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Low-Rankness Transfer for Realistic Denoising
* LSDT: Latent Sparse Domain Transfer Learning for Visual Adaptation
* Masking Strategies for Image Manifolds
* Massive Online Crowdsourced Study of Subjective and Objective Picture Quality
* Maximally Localized Radial Profiles for Tight Steerable Wavelet Frames
* Median Robust Extended Local Binary Pattern for Texture Classification
* Merge Frame Design for Video Stream Switching Using Piecewise Constant Functions
* Misaligned Image Integration With Local Linear Model
* MM-Based Algorithm for L_1 -Regularized Least-Squares Estimation With an Application to Ground Penetrating Radar Image Reconstruction, An
* Modeling Non-Stationary Asymmetric Lens Blur by Normal Sinh-Arcsinh Model
* Modeling the Quality of Videos Displayed With Local Dimming Backlight at Different Peak White and Ambient Light Levels
* Modeling, Measuring, and Compensating Color Weak Vision
* Motion Driven Tonal Stabilization
* Motion Estimation Based on Mutual Information and Adaptive Multi-Scale Thresholding
* Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
* Multi-Level Canonical Correlation Analysis for Standard-Dose PET Image Estimation
* Multi-Modal Clique-Graph Matching for View-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Multi-Modal Curriculum Learning for Semi-Supervised Image Classification
* Multi-Scale Fusion for Improved Localization of Malicious Tampering in Digital Images
* Multi-Scale Patch-Based Image Restoration
* Multi-Tissue Decomposition of Diffusion MRI Signals via L_0 Sparse-Group Estimation
* Multi-View 3D Object Retrieval With Deep Embedding Network
* Multi-View Object Extraction With Fractional Boundaries
* Multi-View Object Retrieval via Multi-Scale Topic Models
* Multi-Viewpoint Panorama Construction With Wide-Baseline Images
* Multichannel Decoded Local Binary Patterns for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Multimodal Discriminative Binary Embedding for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multimodal Stereoscopic Movie Summarization Conforming to Narrative Characteristics
* Multimodal Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression for Image Understanding
* Multiple Illuminant Color Estimation via Statistical Inference on Factor Graphs
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation-Based Orthogonal Discriminative Projection and Its Cost-Sensitive Extension
* Multiple-Label Guided Clustering Algorithm for Historical Document Dating and Localization, A
* Multiplicative Noise and Blur Removal by Framelet Decomposition and l_1 -Based L-Curve Method
* Multiscale Edge Detection Using a Finite Element Framework for Hexagonal Pixel-Based Images
* Multitask Learning of Compact Semantic Codebooks for Context-Aware Scene Modeling
* MultiVCRank With Applications to Image Retrieval
* N-Ink Printer Characterization With Barycentric Subdivision
* Neutro-Connectedness Cut
* No-Reference Depth Assessment Based on Edge Misalignment Errors for T+D Images
* Noise Power Spectrum Measurements in Digital Imaging With Gain Nonuniformity Correction
* Non-Iterative Rigid 2D/3D Point-Set Registration Using Semidefinite Programming
* Non-Local Auto-Encoder With Collaborative Stabilization for Image Restoration
* Non-Local Low-Rank Approach to Enforce Integrability, A
* Non-Parametric Blur Map Regression for Depth of Field Extension
* Non-Rigid Point Set Registration by Preserving Global and Local Structures
* Nonconvex Nonsmooth Low Rank Minimization via Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm
* Nonlocal TV-Based Variational Method for PolSAR Data Speckle Reduction, A
* Nonparametric Detection of Nonlinearly Mixed Pixels and Endmember Estimation in Hyperspectral Images
* Novel Image Quality Assessment With Globally and Locally Consilient Visual Quality Perception, A
* Novel Motion Field Anchoring Paradigm for Highly Scalable Wavelet-Based Video Coding, A
* Novel Multi-Purpose Matching Representation of Local 3D Surfaces: A Rotationally Invariant, Efficient, and Highly Discriminative Approach With an Adjustable Sensitivity, A
* Occlusion-Aware Fragment-Based Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* On Counting Metamers
* Online Deformable Object Tracking Based on Structure-Aware Hyper-Graph
* Online Nonparametric Bayesian Activity Mining and Analysis From Surveillance Video
* Online Unmixing of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images Accounting for Spectral Variability
* Ontology-Based Semantic Image Segmentation Using Mixture Models and Multiple CRFs
* Optic Disc Localization Using Directional Models
* Optical Flow-Based Full Reference Video Quality Assessment Algorithm, An
* Optimized Graph Learning Using Partial Tags and Multiple Features for Image and Video Annotation
* Orientation-Independent Empirical Mode Decomposition for Images Based on Unconstrained Optimization
* Orthographic Perspective Mappings for Consistent Wide-Area Motion Feature Maps From Multiple Cameras
* Out-of-Sample Generalizations for Supervised Manifold Learning for Classification
* Overview of the MPEG-CDVS Standard
* Patch-Based Video Denoising With Optical Flow Estimation
* Pedestrian Behavior Modeling From Stationary Crowds With Applications to Intelligent Surveillance
* Pedestrian Detection Inspired by Appearance Constancy and Shape Symmetry
* Perceptually Motivated Image Features Using Contours
* Person Re-Identification by Dual-Regularized KISS Metric Learning
* PiCode: A New Picture-Embedding 2D Barcode
* Postprocessing of Compressed Images via Sequential Denoising
* Probability Distribution Estimation for Autoregressive Pixel-Predictive Image Coding
* Quality Scalability Aware Watermarking for Visual Content
* Quaternion Collaborative and Sparse Representation With Application to Color Face Recognition
* Quaternion-Michelson Descriptor for Color Image Classification
* Quaternionic Local Ranking Binary Pattern: A Local Descriptor of Color Images
* Query-Adaptive Hash Code Ranking for Large-Scale Multi-View Visual Search
* Query-Adaptive Reciprocal Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Query-Driven Approach to Face Clustering and Tagging
* Radon Cumulative Distribution Transform and Its Application to Image Classification, The
* Random Walk and Graph Cut for Co-Segmentation of Lung Tumor on PET-CT Images
* Ranking Highlights in Personal Videos by Analyzing Edited Videos
* Real-Time Superpixel Segmentation by DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm
* Recognition of Images Degraded by Gaussian Blur
* Reconfigurable Tangram Model for Scene Representation and Categorization, A
* Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Based on the Entropy of DWT Coefficients of Locally Weighted Gradient Magnitudes
* Reference View Selection in DIBR-Based Multiview Coding
* Registration and Modeling From Spaced and Misaligned Image Volumes
* Regularization Parameter Estimation for Non-Negative Hyperspectral Image Deconvolution
* Regularization Strategies for Discontinuity-Preserving Optical Flow Methods
* Relative Forest for Visual Attribute Prediction
* Relative Impact of Ghosting and Noise on the Perceived Quality of MR Images, The
* Relevance Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification by Exploiting Listwise Similarities
* Removal of Vesicle Structures From Transmission Electron Microscope Images
* Removing Turbulence Effect via Hybrid Total Variation and Deformation-Guided Kernel Regression
* Representation Learning of Temporal Dynamics for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Retinal Mechanism Inspired Color Constancy Model, A
* Robust All-in-Focus Super-Resolution for Focal Stack Photography
* Robust and Simple Measure for Quality-Guided 2D Phase Unwrapping Algorithms, A
* Robust Approach for the Background Subtraction Based on Multi-Layered Self-Organizing Maps, A
* Robust Blur Kernel Estimation for License Plate Images From Fast Moving Vehicles
* Robust Elastic-Net Subspace Representation
* Robust Face Sketch Style Synthesis
* Robust Fringe Projection Profilometry via Sparse Representation
* Robust Low-Rank Matrix Factorization Under General Mixture Noise Distributions
* Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion Using Multi-Task Sparse Representation and Spatial Context
* Robust Nanoparticles Detection From Noisy Background by Fusing Complementary Image Information
* Robust Point Set Matching for Partial Face Recognition
* Robust Single Image Super-Resolution via Deep Networks With Sparse Prior
* Robust Texture Image Representation by Scale Selective Local Binary Patterns
* Robust Visual Knowledge Transfer via Extreme Learning Machine-Based Domain Adaptation
* Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks Without Training
* Robust w-Estimators for Cryo-EM Class Means
* Salient Region Detection via High-Dimensional Color Transform and Local Spatial Support
* Sampling Conditions for the Circular Radon Transform
* Scalable Coding of Plenoptic Images by Using a Sparse Set and Disparities
* Scalable Semi-Automatic Annotation for Multi-Camera Person Tracking
* Scale-Aware Pixelwise Object Proposal Networks
* Scene Depth Perception Based on Omnidirectional Structured Light
* Scene Parsing With Integration of Parametric and Non-Parametric Models
* Securing SIFT: Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing Computation of Feature Extractions Over Encrypted Image Data
* Semi-Local Scaling Exponent Estimation With Box-Penalty Constraints and Total-Variation Regularization
* Semi-Variogram and Spectral Distortion Measures for Image Texture Retrieval, The
* Separability Criteria for the Evaluation of Boundary Detection Benchmarks
* Separation Surfaces in the Spectral TV Domain for Texture Decomposition
* Shapes From Pixels
* Similarity of Scenic Bilevel Images
* Simple to Complex Transfer Learning for Action Recognition
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Joint GMM Method
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Local Geometric Duality and Non-Local Similarity
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Using Active-Sampling Gaussian Process Regression
* Single-Shot Dense 3D Reconstruction Using Self-Equalizing De Bruijn Sequence
* Sparse Coding for Alpha Matting
* Sparse Contextual Activation for Efficient Visual Re-Ranking
* Sparse Hashing Tracking
* Sparse Representation With Spatio-Temporal Online Dictionary Learning for Promising Video Coding
* Sparse Representation-Based Image Quality Index With Adaptive Sub-Dictionaries
* Spatial Compositional Model for Linear Unmixing and Endmember Uncertainty Estimation, A
* Spatial Layout and Scale Invariant Feature Representation for Indoor Scene Classification, A
* Spatial Mutual Information and PageRank-Based Contrast Enhancement and Quality-Aware Relative Contrast Measure
* Spatial Pyramid Covariance-Based Compact Video Code for Robust Face Retrieval in TV-Series
* Spatio-Temporal Rich Model-Based Video Steganalysis on Cross Sections of Motion Vector Planes
* Spatiotemporal Statistics for Video Quality Assessment
* Speeding Up the Bilateral Filter: A Joint Acceleration Way
* Statistical Performance Analysis of a Fast Super-Resolution Technique Using Noisy Translations
* Statistics of Natural Stochastic Textures and Their Application in Image Denoising
* Stereoscopic 3D Visual Discomfort Prediction: A Dynamic Accommodation and Vergence Interaction Model
* Strokelets: A Learned Multi-Scale Mid-Level Representation for Scene Text Recognition
* Structure Integral Transform Versus Radon Transform: A 2D Mathematical Tool for Invariant Shape Recognition
* Structure Selective Depth Superresolution for RGB-D Cameras
* Sub-Markov Random Walk for Image Segmentation
* Subpixel Image Quality Assessment Syncretizing Local Subpixel and Global Pixel Features
* Subpixel-Based Image Scaling for Grid-like Subpixel Arrangements: A Generalized Continuous-Domain Analysis Model
* Sufficient Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Super-Interpolation With Edge-Orientation-Based Mapping Kernels for Low Complex 2-times Upscaling
* Super-Resolution of Dynamic Scenes Using Sampling Rate Diversity
* Super-Resolution of Multi-Observed RGB-D Images Based on Nonlocal Regression and Total Variation
* Supervised Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Surveillance Video Synopsis via Scaling Down Objects
* Tasking on Natural Statistics of Infrared Images
* Text Detection, Tracking and Recognition in Video: A Comprehensive Survey
* Text-Attentional Convolutional Neural Network for Scene Text Detection
* Text-Line Detection in Camera-Captured Document Images Using the State Estimation of Connected Components
* Texture Classification Using Dense Micro-Block Difference
* Texture-Independent Long-Term Tracking Using Virtual Corners
* Toner Savings Based on Quasi-Random Sequences and a Perceptual Study for Green Printing
* Total Variation Regularized Tensor RPCA for Background Subtraction From Compressive Measurements
* Toward a Blind Deep Quality Evaluator for Stereoscopic Images Based on Monocular and Binocular Interactions
* Toward a No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Statistics of Perceptual Color Descriptors
* Tree-Structured Nuclear Norm Approximation With Applications to Robust Face Recognition
* Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization Method Based on Weighted Residual Error for Matrix Completion, A
* TVR-DART: A More Robust Algorithm for Discrete Tomography From Limited Projection Data With Automated Gray Value Estimation
* Two-Dimensional Pattern-Coupled Sparse Bayesian Learning via Generalized Approximate Message Passing
* Understanding Deep Representations Learned in Modeling Users Likes
* Underwater Image Enhancement by Dehazing With Minimum Information Loss and Histogram Distribution Prior
* Unified Framework for Salient Structure Detection by Contour-Guided Visual Search, A
* Unified Photo Enhancement by Discovering Aesthetic Communities from Flickr
* Universal Background Subtraction Using Word Consensus Models
* Universal Demosaicking of Color Filter Arrays
* Unsupervised 3D Local Feature Learning by Circle Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Unsupervised Co-Segmentation for Indefinite Number of Common Foreground Objects
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation With Label and Structural Consistency
* Variational Phase Imaging Using the Transport-of-Intensity Equation
* Video Extrapolation Method Based on Time-Varying Energy Optimization and CIP
* Visual Object Tracking Performance Measures Revisited
* Visual Presence: Viewing Geometry Visual Information of UHD S3D Entertainment
* Visual Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Deep CNN Features
* Visual Tracking Under Motion Blur
* Visual Tracking via Coarse and Fine Structural Local Sparse Appearance Models
* VITRAIL: Acquisition, Modeling, and Rendering of Stained Glass
* Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Categorization With Part-Based Image Representation
* Web Image Search Re-Ranking With Click-Based Similarity and Typicality
* Web Video Event Recognition by Semantic Analysis From Ubiquitous Documents
* Weighted Constrained Hue-Plane Preserving Camera Characterization
* Weighted Schatten-p Norm Minimization for Image Denoising and Background Subtraction
* Wishart Deep Stacking Network for Fast POLSAR Image Classification
* Yet Another Cost Aggregation Over Models
446 for IP(25)

IP(26) * 2D Feature Selection by Sparse Matrix Regression
* 300-FPS Salient Object Detection via Minimum Directional Contrast
* 3D Display Calibration by Visual Pattern Analysis
* 3D Reconstruction Strategy of Vehicle Outline Based on Single-Pass Single-Polarization CSAR Data, A
* 3D Solid Texture Classification Using Locally-Oriented Wavelet Transforms
* Accelerating Overrelaxed and Monotone Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithms With Line Search for Sparse Reconstructions
* Action Recognition Using 3D Histograms of Texture and A Multi-Class Boosting Classifier
* Adaptive Cascade Regression Model For Robust Face Alignment
* Adaptive Chroma Subsampling-Binding and Luma-Guided Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Adaptive Greedy Dictionary Selection for Web Media Summarization
* Adaptive Multispectral Demosaicking Based on Frequency-Domain Analysis of Spectral Correlation
* Adaptive Progressive Motion Vector Resolution Selection Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Affine Covariant Features for Fisheye Distortion Local Modeling
* Affine Non-Local Means Image Denoising
* Aliasing Detection and Reduction Scheme on Angularly Undersampled Light Fields
* Alpha Matting With KL-Divergence-Based Sparse Sampling
* Analysis of Packet-Loss-Induced Distortion in View Synthesis Prediction-Based 3D Video Coding
* Anatomical-Functional Image Fusion by Information of Interest in Local Laplacian Filtering Domain
* Anti-Impulse-Noise Edge Detection via Anisotropic Morphological Directional Derivatives
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Uncalibrated Gaze Pattern Recovery
* Asymmetrically Compressed Stereoscopic 3D Videos: Quality Assessment and Rate-Distortion Performance Evaluation
* Asynchronous Event-Based Fourier Analysis
* Automatic Attribute Profiles
* Automatic Design of High-Sensitivity Color Filter Arrays With Panchromatic Pixels
* Automatic Refinement Strategies for Manual Initialization of Object Trackers
* Background-Foreground Modeling Based on Spatiotemporal Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Band Selection for Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images as a Maximal Clique Problem
* Bayesian Contrast Measures and Clutter Distribution Determinants of Human Target Detection
* Bayesian Face Sketch Synthesis
* Bayesian K-SVD Using Fast Variational Inference
* Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
* Beyond Group: Multiple Person Tracking via Minimal Topology-Energy-Variation
* Bilevel Model-Based Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Recognition
* Bilinear Optimized Product Quantization for Scalable Visual Content Analysis
* Biologically Inspired Motion Encoding for Robust Global Motion Estimation
* Blind Deconvolution With Model Discrepancies
* Blind Deep S3D Image Quality Evaluation via Local to Global Feature Aggregation
* Blind Facial Image Quality Enhancement Using Non-Rigid Semantic Patches
* Blind Forensics of Successive Geometric Transformations in Digital Images Using Spectral Method: Theory and Applications
* BoSCC: Bag of Spatial Context Correlations for Spatially Enhanced 3D Shape Representation
* Bottom-Up Approach for Pancreas Segmentation Using Cascaded Superpixels and (Deep) Image Patch Labeling, A
* Bounded Self-Weights Estimation Method for Non-Local Means Image Denoising Using Minimax Estimators
* Category-Specific Object Image Denoising
* Classification via Sparse Representation of Steerable Wavelet Frames on Grassmann Manifold: Application to Target Recognition in SAR Image
* Clearing the Skies: A Deep Network Architecture for Single-Image Rain Removal
* Closed-Form Solution to Single Underwater Camera Calibration Using Triple Wavelength Dispersion and Its Application to Single Camera 3D Reconstruction, A
* Co-Bootstrapping Saliency
* Codebook Guided Feature-Preserving for Recognition-Oriented Image Retargeting
* CodingFlow: Enable Video Coding for Video Stabilization
* Coherent Semantic-Visual Indexing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval in the Cloud
* Color Fringe Correction by the Color Difference Prediction Using the Logistic Function
* Colorization Using Neural Network Ensemble
* Combination of Sharing Matrix and Image Encryption for Lossless (k,n)-Secret Image Sharing
* Comments and Corrections to An Efficient Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder Based on Logarithmic Domain
* Comments on Iterative Re-Constrained Group Sparse Face Recognition With Adaptive Weights Learning
* Comments on Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis
* Con-Text: Text Detection for Fine-Grained Object Classification
* Conditional High-Order Boltzmann Machines for Supervised Relation Learning
* Content-Adaptive Sketch Portrait Generation by Decompositional Representation Learning
* Context Tree-Based Image Contour Coding Using a Geometric Prior
* Context-Driven Extractive Framework for Generating Realistic Image Descriptions, A
* Contextual Noise Reduction for Domain Adaptive Near-Duplicate Retrieval on Merchandize Images
* Contrast Enhancement Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Convergence of Proximal Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm Algorithm for Image Processing
* Convex Multiview Semi-Supervised Classification
* Convolution Neural Networks With Two Pathways for Image Style Recognition
* Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
* Correlation-Based Tracker-Level Fusion for Robust Visual Tracking
* Cross-Domain Shoe Retrieval With a Semantic Hierarchy of Attribute Classification Network
* Cross-Label Suppression: A Discriminative and Fast Dictionary Learning With Group Regularization
* Curl-Constrained Gradient Estimation for Image Recovery From Highly Incomplete Spectral Data
* Curvature Filters Efficiently Reduce Certain Variational Energies
* Data-Dependent Label Distribution Learning for Age Estimation
* Data-Driven Affine Deformation Estimation and Correction in Cone Beam Computed Tomography
* Data-Driven Point Cloud Simplification Framework for City-Scale Image-Based Localization, A
* Data-Driven Synthesis of Cartoon Faces Using Different Styles
* DCT Regularized Extreme Visual Recovery
* Deep Aesthetic Quality Assessment With Semantic Information
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Inverse Problems in Imaging
* Deep Edge Guided Recurrent Residual Learning for Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Hashing for Scalable Image Search
* Deep Label Distribution Learning With Label Ambiguity
* Deep Learning on Sparse Manifolds for Faster Object Segmentation
* Deep Relative Tracking
* Deep-Cascade: Cascading 3D Deep Neural Networks for Fast Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* DeepFix: A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Predicting Human Eye Fixations
* Deeply Learned View-Invariant Features for Cross-View Action Recognition
* DeepSkeleton: Learning Multi-Task Scale-Associated Deep Side Outputs for Object Skeleton Extraction in Natural Images
* Depth Image Inpainting: Improving Low Rank Matrix Completion With Low Gradient Regularization
* Depth Map Restoration From Undersampled Data
* Depth Map Super-Resolution Considering View Synthesis Quality
* Depth-Aware Salient Object Detection and Segmentation via Multiscale Discriminative Saliency Fusion and Bootstrap Learning
* Depth-Guided Disocclusion Inpainting of Synthesized RGB-D Images
* Derivative Kernels: Numerics and Applications
* Detail-Enhanced Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion
* Detecting Anatomical Landmarks From Limited Medical Imaging Data Using Two-Stage Task-Oriented Deep Neural Networks
* Detection of Stationary Foreground Objects Using Multiple Nonparametric Background-Foreground Models on a Finite State Machine
* Diffeomorphic Multi-Frame Non-Rigid Registration of Cell Nuclei in 2D and 3D Live Cell Images
* dipIQ: Blind Image Quality Assessment by Learning-to-Rank Discriminable Image Pairs
* Direct Pattern Control Halftoning of Neugebauer Primaries
* Discovering Diverse Subset for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Discriminant Context Information Analysis for Post-Ranking Person Re-Identification
* Discriminative Deep Metric Learning for Face and Kinship Verification
* Discriminative Elastic-Net Regularized Linear Regression
* Discriminative Multi-View Interactive Image Re-Ranking
* Discriminative Nonlinear Analysis Operator Learning: When Cosparse Model Meets Image Classification
* Discriminative Training of Deep Fully Connected Continuous CRFs With Task-Specific Loss
* Discriminative Transformation for Multi-Dimensional Temporal Sequences
* Disjunctive Normal Parametric Level Set With Application to Image Segmentation
* Distance Metric Learning via Iterated Support Vector Machines
* Distortion-Aware Correlation Tracking
* Distributed Adaptive Binary Quantization for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search
* Diversity-Aware Multi-Video Summarization
* Dual Deep Network for Visual Tracking
* Dynamic Graph Cuts in Parallel
* Dynamical Textures Modeling via Joint Video Dictionary Learning
* Effective Multi-Query Expansions: Collaborative Deep Networks for Robust Landmark Retrieval
* Efficient Fusion-Based Defogging, An
* Efficient Hardware Implementation For Fingerprint Image Enhancement Using Anisotropic Gaussian Filter
* Efficient Photometric Stereo Using Kernel Regression
* Efficient Tensor Completion for Color Image and Video Recovery: Low-Rank Tensor Train
* Elastic Net Hypergraph Learning for Image Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
* Embedded Marked Point Process Framework for Three-Level Object Population Analysis, An
* End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Energy-Efficient Images
* Enhanced Just Noticeable Difference Model for Images With Pattern Complexity
* Enhancement of Visual Comfort and Sense of Presence on Stereoscopic 3D Images
* ESIM: Edge Similarity for Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Establishing Keypoint Matches on Multimodal Images With Bootstrap Strategy and Global Information
* Event Detection in Continuous Video: An Inference in Point Process Approach
* Example-Based Image Colorization Using Locality Consistent Sparse Representation
* Exemplar-Based Image and Video Stylization Using Fully Convolutional Semantic Features
* Exploiting Depth From Single Monocular Images for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation
* Extending Correlation Filter-Based Visual Tracking by Tree-Structured Ensemble and Spatial Windowing
* Extensive Benchmark and Survey of Modeling Methods for Scene Background Initialization
* Face Hallucination Using Linear Models of Coupled Sparse Support
* Facial Age Estimation With Age Difference
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Deep Evolutional Spatial-Temporal Networks
* Fast 2D Convolutions and Cross-Correlations Using Scalable Architectures
* Fast and Exact Newton and Bidirectional Fitting of Active Appearance Models
* Fast and Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* Fast Bilateral Filtering for Denoising Large 3D Images
* Fast Descriptors and Correspondence Propagation for Robust Global Point Cloud Registration
* Fast Domain Decomposition for Global Image Smoothing
* Fast Ellipse Detector Using Projective Invariant Pruning, A
* Fast Low-Rank Shared Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Fast Physically Correct Refocusing for Sparse Light Fields Using Block-Based Multi-Rate View Interpolation
* Fast Pixelwise Adaptive Visual Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects
* Fast Segmentation From Blurred Data in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy
* Fast Threshold Image Segmentation Based on 2D Fuzzy Fisher and Random Local Optimized QPSO
* Fast Unsupervised Bayesian Image Segmentation With Adaptive Spatial Regularisation
* Feasible and Robust Optimization Framework for Auxiliary Information Refinement in Spatially-Varying Image Enhancement
* Feature Augmentation for Learning Confidence Measure in Stereo Matching
* Feature Interaction Augmented Sparse Learning for Fast Kinect Motion Detection
* Feature Selection Based on High Dimensional Model Representation for Hyperspectral Images
* Feature Sensitive Label Fusion With Random Walker for Atlas-Based Image Segmentation
* Features Classification Forest: A Novel Development that is Adaptable to Robust Blind Watermarking Techniques
* Flexible Multi-View Dimensionality Co-Reduction
* Fog Density Estimation and Image Defogging Based on Surrogate Modeling for Optical Depth
* Framework for Classification and Segmentation of Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion in SD-OCT, A
* Friend or Foe: Fine-Grained Categorization With Weak Supervision
* Full Reference Quality Assessment for Image Retargeting Based on Natural Scene Statistics Modeling and Bi-Directional Saliency Similarity
* Fusion of Deep Learning and Compressed Domain Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Fuzzy-Contextual Contrast Enhancement
* Gamut Extension for Cinema
* Gaussian Process Domain Experts for Modeling of Facial Affect
* General Framework for Edited Video and Raw Video Summarization, A
* Generalizing Mumford-Shah Model for Multiphase Piecewise Smooth Image Segmentation
* Geodesic Video Stabilization in Transformation Space
* Geometric Occlusion Analysis in Depth Estimation Using Integral Guided Filter for Light-Field Image
* Geometry and Radiometry Invariant Matched Manifold Detection
* Geometry Guided Multi-Scale Depth Map Fusion via Graph Optimization
* Global Hashing System for Fast Image Search
* Going Deeper With Contextual CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Gradient-Based Tone Mapping for Rate-Distortion Optimized Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Compression
* Graph Laplacian Regularization for Image Denoising: Analysis in the Continuous Domain
* Graph Regularized Auto-Encoders for Image Representation
* Graph-Based Transform for 2D Piecewise Smooth Signals With Random Discontinuity Locations
* Graph-Driven Diffusion and Random Walk Schemes for Image Segmentation
* GRASS: A Gradient-Based Random Sampling Scheme for Milano Retinex
* Greedy Batch-Based Minimum-Cost Flows for Tracking Multiple Objects
* Guided Wavelet Shrinkage for Edge-Aware Smoothing
* Hash Bit Selection for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Haze Removal Using the Difference- Structure-Preservation Prior
* HD-MTL: Hierarchical Deep Multi-Task Learning for Large-Scale Visual Recognition
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition: A Common Encoding Feature Discriminant Approach
* Hierarchical Approach for Rain or Snow Removing in a Single Color Image, A
* Hierarchical Contour Closure-Based Holistic Salient Object Detection
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Iterative Contraction and Merging
* Hierarchical Latent Concept Discovery for Video Event Detection
* Hierarchical Representation Learning for Kinship Verification
* High-Order Local Pooling and Encoding Gaussians Over a Dictionary of Gaussians
* High-Quality Parallel-Ray X-Ray CT Back Projection Using Optimized Interpolation
* Higher Order Energies for Image Segmentation
* Hybrid Data Association Framework for Robust Online Multi-Object Tracking, A
* Hybrid Laplace Distribution-Based Low Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization
* Illumination Decomposition for Photograph With Multiple Light Sources
* Image Quality Assessment Based on Local Linear Information and Distortion-Specific Compensation
* Image Quality Assessment Using Directional Anisotropy Structure Measurement
* Image Re-Ranking Based on Topic Diversity
* Image Reconstruction Using Matched Wavelet Estimated From Data Sensed Compressively Using Partial Canonical Identity Matrix
* Improved Denoising via Poisson Mixture Modeling of Image Sensor Noise
* Improved Recursive Geodesic Distance Computation for Edge Preserving Filter
* Indoor Scene Reconstruction Using Near-Light Photometric Stereo
* Inverse Rendering and Relighting From Multiple Color Plus Depth Images
* ISAR Imaging of High-Speed Maneuvering Target Using Gapped Stepped-Frequency Waveform and Compressive Sensing
* Iterative Re-Constrained Group Sparse Face Recognition With Adaptive Weights Learning
* Joint Chroma Subsampling and Distortion-Minimization-Based Luma Modification for RGB Color Images With Application
* Joint Compression Scheme of Video Feature Descriptors and Visual Content, A
* Joint Defogging and Demosaicking
* Joint Hierarchical Category Structure Learning and Large-Scale Image Classification
* Joint Machine Learning and Game Theory for Rate Control in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Joint Reconstruction Strategy for Structured Illumination Microscopy With Unknown Illuminations
* Joint Source-Channel Coding of JPEG 2000 Image Transmission Over Two-Way Multi-Relay Networks
* Knowledge Guided Disambiguation for Large-Scale Scene Classification With Multi-Resolution CNNs
* Label Information Guided Graph Construction for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Large-Scale Crowdsourced Study for Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures
* Latent Semantic Minimal Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning Correspondence Structures for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Deep Sharable and Structural Detectors for Face Alignment
* Learning Discriminative Binary Codes for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval
* Learning Multi-Instance Deep Discriminative Patterns for Image Classification
* Learning Multilayer Channel Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Learning Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Descriptor
* Learning Short Binary Codes for Large-scale Image Retrieval
* Learning the Distribution Preserving Semantic Subspace for Clustering
* Learning the Image Processing Pipeline
* Learning the Personalized Intransitive Preferences of Images
* Learning to Detect Video Saliency With HEVC Features
* Learning to Hash With Optimized Anchor Embedding for Scalable Retrieval
* Learning-Based Shadow Recognition and Removal From Monochromatic Natural Images
* Least Squares Image Estimation for Large Data in the Presence of Noise and Irregular Sampling
* LEGO-MM: LEarning Structured Model by Probabilistic loGic Ontology Tree for MultiMedia
* LIME: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Illumination Map Estimation
* Linear Spectral Clustering Superpixel
* Linear Support Tensor Machine With LSK Channels: Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Infrared Images
* LLE Score: A New Filter-Based Unsupervised Feature Selection Method Based on Nonlinear Manifold Embedding and Its Application to Image Recognition
* Local Directional Ternary Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition
* Locally Supervised Deep Hybrid Model for Scene Recognition
* Locator-Checker-Scaler Object Tracking Using Spatially Ordered and Weighted Patch Descriptor
* Log-Euclidean Metrics for Contrast Preserving Decolorization
* Low-Complexity Multidimensional DCT Approximations for High-Order Tensor Data Decorrelation
* Low-Rank and Joint Sparse Representations for Multi-Modal Recognition
* Low-Rank Embedding for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* Low-Rank Latent Pattern Approximation With Applications to Robust Image Classification
* L_0 Gradient Projection
* Manifold Regularized Experimental Design for Active Learning
* Marked Poisson Process Driven Latent Shape Model for 3D Segmentation of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Image Stacks of Human Skin, A
* Matched Shrunken Cone Detector (MSCD): Bayesian Derivations and Case Studies for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Maximum a Posteriori Estimation Framework for Robust High Dynamic Range Video Synthesis, A
* Mixed Noise Removal via Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling and Nonlocal Low-Rank Approximation
* Modality-Invariant Image Classification Based on Modality Uniqueness and Dictionary Learning
* Motion-Adaptive Depth Superresolution
* Motion-Compensated Compression of Dynamic Voxelized Point Clouds
* Moving Object Detection Using Tensor-Based Low-Rank and Saliently Fused-Sparse Decomposition
* MuLoG, or How to Apply Gaussian Denoisers to Multi-Channel SAR Speckle Reduction?
* Multi-Image Blind Super-Resolution of 3D Scenes
* Multi-Image Deblurring Using Complementary Sets of Fluttering Patterns
* Multi-Label Classification by Semi-Supervised Singular Value Decomposition
* Multi-Layer Quantization Control for Quality-Constrained H.265/HEVC
* Multi-Modal Dictionary Learning for Image Separation With Application in Art Investigation
* Multi-Objective Decision Making Approach for Solving the Image Segmentation Fusion Problem, A
* Multi-Scale Multi-Feature Context Modeling for Scene Recognition in the Semantic Manifold
* Multilinear Spatial Discriminant Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* Multimodal Similarity Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Multiple Semantic Matching on Augmented N-Partite Graph for Object Co-Segmentation
* Multiresolution Subdivision Snakes
* Multiscale Shannon's Entropy Modeling of Orientation and Distance in Steel Fiber Micro-Tomography Data
* Near-Infrared Coloring via a Contrast-Preserving Mapping Model
* Nested Conjugate Gradient Algorithm With Nested Preconditioning for Non-Linear Image Restoration
* New Intrinsic-Lighting Color Space for Daytime Outdoor Images, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Screen Content Pictures
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped HDR Pictures
* Noise Level Estimation for Natural Images Based on Scale-Invariant Kurtosis and Piecewise Stationarity
* Non-Additive Imprecise Image Super-Resolution in a Semi-Blind Context
* Non-Greedy Algorithm for L1-Norm LDA, A
* Nonlinear Deep Kernel Learning for Image Annotation
* Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data With Vector-Valued Kernel Functions
* Nonlocaly Multi-Morphological Representation for Image Reconstruction From Compressive Measurements
* Nonnegative Decompositions for Dynamic Visual Data Analysis
* Nonparametric Joint Shape and Feature Priors for Image Segmentation
* Novel Fast Tensor-Based Preconditioner for Image Restoration, A
* Novel Method of Minimizing View Synthesis Distortion Based on Its Non-Monotonicity in 3D Video, A
* Object Category Understanding via Eye Fixations on Freehand Sketches
* Object-Based Multiple Foreground Segmentation in RGBD Video
* Objective Quality Assessment of Image Retargeting by Incorporating Fidelity Measures and Inconsistency Detection
* Objective Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images by Uncertainty Weighting
* Ocular Recognition for Blinking Eyes
* Optimal Couple Projections for Domain Adaptive Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Optimization of Camera Arrangement Using Correspondence Field to Improve Depth Estimation
* Optimized Color Filter Arrays for Sparse Representation-Based Demosaicking
* ORGM: Occlusion Relational Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation
* Out-of-Sample Extension for Dimensionality Reduction of Noisy Time Series
* Pairwise Operator Learning for Patch-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Palette-Based Image Recoloring Using Color Decomposition Optimization
* Palmprint Recognition Based on Complete Direction Representation
* Parallel Proximal Algorithm for Anisotropic Total Variation Minimization, A
* Part-Based Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification
* Partial Hash Update via Hamming Subspace Learning
* Partial Membership Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Soft Image Segmentation
* Perceptual Depth Quality in Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Perceptual Image Fusion Using Wavelets
* Person Re-Identification via Distance Metric Learning With Latent Variables
* Piecewise Linear Approximation of Vector-Valued Images and Curves via Second-Order Variational Model
* Piecewise-Stationary Motion Modeling and Iterative Smoothing to Track Heterogeneous Particle Motions in Dense Environments
* Planelets: A Piecewise Linear Fractional Model for Preserving Scene Geometry in Intra-Coding of Indoor Depth Images
* Point Light Source Position Estimation From RGB-D Images by Learning Surface Attributes
* Power Distortion Optimization for Uncoded Linear Transformed Transmission of Images and Videos
* Precision Analysis of Camera Distortion Models, A
* Predicting the Quality of Fused Long Wave Infrared and Visible Light Images
* Progressive Dictionary Learning With Hierarchical Predictive Structure for Low Bit-Rate Scalable Video Coding
* Progressive Shape-Distribution-Encoder for Learning 3D Shape Representation
* QoE-Guided Warping for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting
* Quality Assessment of Perceptual Crosstalk on Two-View Auto-Stereoscopic Displays
* Quality Assessment of Sharpened Images: Challenges, Methodology, and Objective Metrics
* Radiometric Compensation of Images Projected on Non-White Surfaces by Exploiting Chromatic Adaptation and Perceptual Anchoring
* Random Walk Graph Laplacian-Based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images
* Rate Allocation in Predictive Video Coding Using a Convex Optimization Framework
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Graph-Based Representation for Multiview Images With Complex Camera Configurations
* Rate-Performance-Loss Optimization for Inter-Frame Deep Feature Coding From Videos
* Re-Weighted Discriminatively Embedded K-Means for Multi-View Clustering
* Recognition of the Point Symbols in the Scanned Topographic Maps, The
* Reconstructing Interlaced High-Dynamic-Range Video Using Joint Learning
* Reconstruction of Structurally-Incomplete Matrices With Reweighted Low-Rank and Sparsity Priors
* Reflection Removal Under Fast Forward Camera Motion
* Reliable Order-Statistics-Based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm, A
* Removal of Canvas Patterns in Digital Acquisitions of Paintings
* Revealing Event Saliency in Unconstrained Video Collection
* Revisiting Co-Saliency Detection: A Novel Approach Based on Two-Stage Multi-View Spectral Rotation Co-clustering
* RGBD Salient Object Detection via Deep Fusion
* Robust and Dense Depth Estimation for Light Field Images
* Robust and Discriminative Labeling for Multi-Label Active Learning Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection, A
* Robust and Low-Rank Representation for Fast Face Identification With Occlusions
* Robust Arbitrary-View Gait Recognition Based on 3D Partial Similarity Matching
* Robust Color Guided Depth Map Restoration
* Robust Depth-Based Person Re-Identification
* Robust Face Recognition With Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Group Sparsity Representation
* Robust Head-Pose Estimation Based on Partially-Latent Mixture of Linear Regressions
* Robust ImageGraph: Rank-Level Feature Fusion for Image Search
* Robust Multi-Exposure Image Fusion: A Structural Patch Decomposition Approach
* Robust Neighborhood Preserving Projection by Nuclear/L2,1-Norm Regularization for Image Feature Extraction
* Robust Non-Local TV-L^1 Optical Flow Estimation With Occlusion Detection
* Robust Non-Rigid Point Set Registration Using Spatially Constrained Gaussian Fields
* Robust Nuclear Norm-Based Matrix Regression With Applications to Robust Face Recognition
* Robust Object Tracking With Discrete Graph-Based Multiple Experts
* Robust Registration of Dynamic Facial Sequences
* Robust Transfer Metric Learning for Image Classification
* Robust Web Image Annotation via Exploring Multi-Facet and Structural Knowledge
* Robust Wrap Reduction Algorithm for Fringe Projection Profilometry and Applications in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Robust, Efficient Depth Reconstruction With Hierarchical Confidence-Based Matching
* RSCM: Region Selection and Concurrency Model for Multi-Class Weather Recognition
* Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Learning
* Salient Object Detection With Spatiotemporal Background Priors for Video
* Salient Region Detection Using Diffusion Process on a Two-Layer Sparse Graph
* Scalable Image Coding Based on Epitomes
* Scalable Multi-View Semi-Supervised Classification via Adaptive Regression
* Scale Invariant and Noise Robust Interest Points With Shearlets
* Scene Text Detection and Segmentation Based on Cascaded Convolution Neural Networks
* Segmenting Multi-Source Images Using Hidden Markov Fields With Copula-Based Multivariate Statistical Distributions
* Selective Convolutional Descriptor Aggregation for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* Selective Video Object Cutout
* Semantic Highlight Retrieval and Term Prediction
* Semi-Supervised Multi-View Discrete Hashing for Fast Image Search
* Semi-Supervised Sparse Representation Based Classification for Face Recognition With Insufficient Labeled Samples
* Sequential Dictionary Learning From Correlated Data: Application to fMRI Data Analysis
* Sequential Discrete Hashing for Scalable Cross-Modality Similarity Retrieval
* Shape Interaction Matrix-Based Affine Invariant Mismatch Removal for Partial-Duplicate Image Search, The
* Simultaneous Feature and Dictionary Learning for Image Set Based Face Recognition
* Simultaneous Semi-Coupled Dictionary Learning for Matching in Canonical Space
* Single and Multiple Illuminant Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Single Image Rain Streak Decomposition Using Layer Priors
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Gaussian Process Regression With Dictionary-Based Sampling and Student-t Likelihood
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Global Regression Based on Multiple Local Linear Mappings
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Adaptive High-Dimensional Non-Local Total Variation and Adaptive Geometric Feature
* Single-Image Shadow Removal Using 3D Intensity Surface Modeling
* Single-Scale Fusion: An Effective Approach to Merging Images
* Sparse Canonical Temporal Alignment With Deep Tensor Decomposition for Action Recognition
* Sparse Image Reconstruction on the Sphere: Analysis and Synthesis
* Sparse Representation-Based Multiple Frame Video Super-Resolution
* Sparsity-Based Color Image Super Resolution via Exploiting Cross Channel Constraints
* Sparsity-Based Image Error Concealment via Adaptive Dual Dictionary Learning and Regularization
* Spatio-Temporal Closed-Loop Object Detection
* Specificity and Latent Correlation Learning for Action Recognition Using Synthetic Multi-View Data From Depth Maps
* Specular Reflection Separation With Color-Lines Constraint
* Stacked Learning to Search for Scene Labeling
* Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform
* Steerable Wavelet Machines (SWM): Learning Moving Frames for Texture Classification
* Stereo Object Proposals
* Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regularization for Noise Removal
* Structure-From-Motion in Spherical Video Using the von Mises-Fisher Distribution
* Structure-Regularized Compressive Tracking With Online Data-Driven Sampling
* Structured Kernel Dictionary Learning With Correlation Constraint for Object Recognition
* Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering: A Joint Affinity Learning and Subspace Clustering Framework
* Study of Saliency in Objective Video Quality Assessment
* Study of Temporal Effects on Subjective Video Quality of Experience
* Style Transfer Via Texture Synthesis
* Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled Low-Rank Discriminant Dictionary Learning
* SuperPatchMatch: An Algorithm for Robust Correspondences Using Superpixel Patches
* Synergistic Instance-Level Subspace Alignment for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Systematic Approach for Cross-Source Point Cloud Registration by Preserving Macro and Micro Structures, A
* Templateless Non-Rigid Reconstruction and Motion Tracking With a Single RGB-D Camera
* Temporal Coherence-Based Deblurring Using Non-Uniform Motion Optimization
* Temporally Dependent Rate-Distortion Optimization for Low-Delay Hierarchical Video Coding
* Texture Characterization Using Shape Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Texture Reconstruction Guided by a High-Resolution Patch
* Textured Image Demoireing via Signal Decomposition and Guided Filtering
* TMAGIC: A Model-Free 3D Tracker
* Toward a Reliable Collection of Eye-Tracking Data for Image Quality Research: Challenges, Solutions, and Applications
* Toward a Sparse Bayesian Markov Random Field Approach to Hyperspectral Unmixing and Classification
* Toward More Accurate Iris Recognition Using Cross-Spectral Matching
* Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding
* Track Everything: Limiting Prior Knowledge in Online Multi-Object Recognition
* Tracking Based Multi-Orientation Scene Text Detection: A Unified Framework With Dynamic Programming
* Transform Coding for Point Clouds Using a Gaussian Process Model
* Tree Structure Sparsity Pattern Guided Convex Optimization for Compressive Sensing of Large-Scale Images
* Turning Diffusion-Based Image Colorization Into Efficient Color Compression
* Ultrasound Image Despeckling Using Stochastic Distance-Based BM3D
* Uncorrelated Component Analysis-Based Hashing
* Understanding Symmetric Smoothing Filters: A Gaussian Mixture Model Perspective
* Underwater Image Restoration Based on Image Blurriness and Light Absorption
* Unified Blind Quality Assessment of Compressed Natural, Graphic, and Screen Content Images
* Unifying the Video and Question Attentions for Open-Ended Video Question Answering
* Universal Multimode Background Subtraction
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Dynamic Parsing and Encoding for Action Recognition
* Unsupervised Multi-Class Co-Segmentation via Joint-Cut Over L_1-Manifold Hyper-Graph of Discriminative Image Regions
* Unsupervised Primary Object Discovery in Videos Based on Evolutionary Primary Object Modeling With Reliable Object Proposals
* Unsupervised Sequential Outlier Detection With Deep Architectures
* Unsupervised Simplification of Image Hierarchies via Evolution Analysis in Scale-Sets Framework
* Unsupervised t-Distributed Video Hashing and Its Deep Hashing Extension
* Unsupervised Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Document Images Using Document-Oriented Local Features
* Video Anomaly Detection With Compact Feature Sets for Online Performance
* Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low-Rank Coherency Diffusion
* Video Vectorization via Tetrahedral Remeshing
* Video-Based Pedestrian Re-Identification by Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Appearance Model
* Videography-Based Unconstrained Video Analysis
* Visual Attention Modeling for Stereoscopic Video: A Benchmark and Computational Model
* Visual Attention Saccadic Models Learn to Emulate Gaze Patterns From Childhood to Adulthood
* Visual Tracking by Sampling in Part Space
* Volumetric Image Registration From Invariant Keypoints
* Waterloo Exploration Database: New Challenges for Image Quality Assessment Models
* Weak Classifier for Density Estimation in Eye Localization and Tracking
* Weakly Supervised Deep Matrix Factorization for Social Image Understanding
* Weakly Supervised Multimodal Kernel for Categorizing Aerial Photographs
* Weakly Supervised Part Proposal Segmentation From Multiple Images
* Weakly Supervised PatchNets: Describing and Aggregating Local Patches for Scene Recognition
* Weighted Level Set Evolution Based on Local Edge Features for Medical Image Segmentation
* Wide-Baseline Foreground Object Interpolation Using Silhouette Shape Prior
* Zero-Shot Learning With Transferred Samples
450 for IP(26)

IP(27) * 3-D Shape Matching and Non-Rigid Correspondence for Hippocampi Based on Markov Random Fields
* 3D Active Vessel Tracking Using an Elliptical Prior
* 3D Face Reconstruction With Geometry Details From a Single Image
* 3D Randomized Connection Network With Graph-Based Label Inference
* Accurate Light Field Depth Estimation With Superpixel Regularization Over Partially Occluded Regions
* Action Recognition From Arbitrary Views Using Transferable Dictionary Learning
* Action-Attending Graphic Neural Network
* Adaptive Curvature-Guided Image Filtering for Structure + Texture Image Decomposition
* Adaptive Effective Wiener Filter- and Regression-Based Upsampling for Asymmetric Resolution Stereoscopic Video Coding
* Adaptive Residual Networks for High-Quality Image Restoration
* Adaptive RGB Image Recognition by Visual-Depth Embedding
* Analysis of Disparity Error for Stereo Autofocus
* Analysis on the Effect of Sensor Views in Image Reconstruction Produced by Optical Tomography System Using Charge-Coupled Device
* Analytic Gabor Feedforward Network for Single-Sample and Pose-Invariant Face Recognition, An
* Anisotropic-Scale Junction Detection and Matching for Indoor Images
* Assessing Image Retrieval Quality at the First Glance
* Attentive Linear Transformation for Image Captioning
* Auto-Weighted Multi-View Learning for Image Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
* AutoBD: Automated Bi-Level Description for Scalable Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* Automated and Robust Quantification of Colocalization in Dual-Color Fluorescence Microscopy: A Nonparametric Statistical Approach
* Automatic Depth Extraction from 2D Images Using a Cluster-Based Learning Framework
* Automatic Registration of Images With Inconsistent Content Through Line-Support Region Segmentation and Geometrical Outlier Removal
* Automatic Segmentation of Retinal Layer in OCT Images With Choroidal Neovascularization
* Background Modeling and Foreground Detection Algorithm Using Scaling Coefficients Defined With a Color Model Called Lightness-Red-Green-Blue, A
* Background Modeling by Stability of Adaptive Features in Complex Scenes
* Backprojection Slice Theorem for Tomographic Reconstruction, A
* Backtracking Spatial Pyramid Pooling-Based Image Classifier for Weakly Supervised Top-Down Salient Object Detection
* Bayesian Bistatic ISAR Imaging for Targets With Complex Motion Under Low SNR Condition
* Benchmark Data Set and Method for Depth Estimation From Light Field Images
* Benchmark Dataset and Saliency-Guided Stacked Autoencoders for Video-Based Salient Object Detection, A
* Better Way to Attend: Attention With Trees for Video Question Answering, A
* Beyond Joints: Learning Representations From Primitive Geometries for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition and Detection
* BiggerSelfie: Selfie Video Expansion With Hand-Held Camera
* Binary Codification Design for Compressive Imaging by Uniform Sensing
* Binary Multidimensional Scaling for Hashing
* Blind Quality Estimation by Disentangling Perceptual and Noisy Features in High Dynamic Range Images
* Blind Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment: From Depth Perception to Overall Experience
* Blurriness-Guided Unsharp Masking
* Body Structure Aware Deep Crowd Counting
* Building Descriptors From Local Feature Neighborhoods for Applications in Semi-Dense 3D Reconstruction
* BULDP: Biomimetic Uncorrelated Locality Discriminant Projection for Feature Extraction in Face Recognition
* Camera Shutter-Independent Registration and Rectification
* Camera-Aware Multi-Resolution Analysis for Raw Image Sensor Data Compression
* Cell Membrane Tracking in Living Brain Tissue Using Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy
* Change Detection in Heterogenous Remote Sensing Images via Homogeneous Pixel Transformation
* Chaotic Sensing
* Class-Aware Fully Convolutional Gaussian and Poisson Denoising
* Clusterability and Clustering of Images and Other Real High-Dimensional Data
* Co-Saliency Detection for RGBD Images Based on Multi-Constraint Feature Matching and Cross Label Propagation
* Co-Salient Object Detection Based on Deep Saliency Networks and Seed Propagation Over an Integrated Graph
* Color Balance and Fusion for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Color Contrast-Preserving Decolorization
* Comparative Study of Algorithms for Realtime Panoramic Video Blending, A
* Composing Semantic Collage for Image Retargeting
* Compression-Dependent Transform-Domain Downward Conversion for Block-Based Image Coding
* Compressive Online Robust Principal Component Analysis via n-L_1 Minimization
* Consensus Regularized Multi-View Outlier Detection
* Constrained Optimization for Plane-Based Stereo
* Content-Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation
* Context-Dependent Random Walk Graph Kernels and Tree Pattern Graph Matching Kernels With Applications to Action Recognition
* Contextual Bag-of-Words for Robust Visual Tracking
* Contour-Seed Pairs Learning-Based Framework for Simultaneously Detecting and Segmenting Various Overlapping Cells/Nuclei in Microscopy Images
* Convolutional Dictionary Learning: Acceleration and Convergence
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Synthesized View Quality Enhancement for 3D Video Coding
* Convolutional Regression for Visual Tracking
* Convolutional Sparse and Low-Rank Coding-Based Image Decomposition
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for RGB-NIR Imaging
* Correlation Particle Filter for Visual Tracking
* Cost-Sensitive Feature Selection by Optimizing F-Measures
* Cross-Paced Representation Learning With Partial Curricula for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Cross-View Discriminative Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Cubature Split Covariance Intersection Filter-Based Point Set Registration
* Curvature Integration in a 5D Kernel for Extracting Vessel Connections in Retinal Images
* Data Set for Camera-Independent Color Constancy, A
* Deep Action Parsing in Videos With Large-Scale Synthesized Data
* Deep Blur Mapping: Exploiting High-Level Semantics by Deep Neural Networks
* Deep Constrained Siamese Hash Coding Network and Load-Balanced Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Near Duplicate Image Detection
* Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-Structured Modeling
* Deep Correlated Holistic Metric Learning for Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Deep Discrete Supervised Hashing
* Deep Domain Generalization With Structured Low-Rank Constraint
* Deep Monocular Depth Estimation via Integration of Global and Local Predictions
* Deep Multi-Modal CNN for Multi-Instance Multi-Label Image Classification, A
* Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference and Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Deep Spatial Contextual Long-Term Recurrent Convolutional Network for Saliency Detection, A
* Deep Spatiality: Unsupervised Learning of Spatially-Enhanced Global and Local 3D Features by Deep Neural Network With Coupled Softmax
* Deep Visual Attention Prediction
* Deep Visual Attention Prediction
* Deep Visual Discomfort Predictor for Stereoscopic 3D Images
* DeepDemosaicking: Adaptive Image Demosaicking via Multiple Deep Fully Convolutional Networks
* Denoising of Microscopy Images: A Review of the State-of-the-Art, and a New Sparsity-Based Method
* Depth Super-Resolution From RGB-D Pairs With Transform and Spatial Domain Regularization
* Depth Super-Resolution on RGB-D Video Sequences With Large Displacement 3D Motion
* DesnowNet: Context-Aware Deep Network for Snow Removal
* Detail-Based Method for Linear Full Reference Image Quality Prediction, A
* Detection and Separation of Smoke From Single Image Frames
* Differential Evolutionary Superpixel Segmentation
* Digital Affine Shear Filter Banks With 2-Layer Structure and Their Applications in Image Processing
* Discriminant Analysis on Riemannian Manifold of Gaussian Distributions for Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Discriminant Analysis via Joint Euler Transform and L_2,1-Norm
* Discriminative Multiple Canonical Correlation Analysis for Information Fusion
* Discriminative Transfer Learning for General Image Restoration
* Dissecting and Reassembling Color Correction Algorithms for Image Stitching
* Diverse Region-Based CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Domain Invariant and Class Discriminative Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation
* Domain Regeneration for Cross-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
* Duplex Metric Learning for Image Set Classification
* Dynamic Match Kernel With Deep Convolutional Features for Image Retrieval
* Dynamic Video Stitching via Shakiness Removing
* Dynamic Video Stitching via Shakiness Removing
* Edge Information Diffusion-Based Reconstruction for Cone Beam Computed Laminography
* Edge Modeling by Two Blur Parameters in Varying Contrasts
* Edge Preserving and Multi-Scale Contextual Neural Network for Salient Object Detection
* Edge Probability and Pixel Relativity-Based Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion
* Edge-Based Defocus Blur Estimation With Adaptive Scale Selection
* Effective and Fast Estimation for Image Sensor Noise Via Constrained Weighted Least Squares
* Effective Sampling: Fast Segmentation Using Robust Geometric Model Fitting
* Effective Sequential Classifier Training for SVM-Based Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Efficient and Robust Direct Image Registration Based on Joint Geometric and Photometric Lie Algebra
* Efficient and Robust Framework for SAR Target Recognition by Hierarchically Fusing Global and Local Features, An
* Efficient Correlation Tracking via Center-Biased Spatial Regularization
* Efficient Encrypted Images Filtering and Transform Coding With Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Parallelization
* Efficient Intra Mode Selection for Depth-Map Coding Utilizing Spatiotemporal, Inter-Component and Inter-View Correlations in 3D-HEVC
* Efficient Recovery of Essential Matrix From Two Affine Correspondences
* Efficient Scalable Median Filtering Using Histogram-Based Operations
* Egocentric Temporal Action Proposals
* Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Visual Domain Adaptation, An
* Embedding Visual Hierarchy With Deep Networks for Large-Scale Visual Recognition
* End-to-End Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Deep Neural Networks
* Enhanced Cross-Component Linear Model for Chroma Intra-Prediction in Video Coding
* Estimating Depth-Salient Edges and Its Application to Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Evaluation of Hierarchical Watersheds
* Example-Based Image Synthesis via Randomized Patch-Matching
* Exemplar-Aided Salient Object Detection via Joint Latent Space Embedding
* Explicit Ringing Removal in Image Deblurring
* Exploiting Clustering Manifold Structure for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution
* Exploiting Spatial-Temporal Locality of Tracking via Structured Dictionary Learning
* Exploiting Target Data to Learn Deep Convolutional Networks for Scene-Adapted Human Detection
* Exploring Weakly Labeled Images for Video Object Segmentation With Submodular Proposal Selection
* External Prior Guided Internal Prior Learning for Real-World Noisy Image Denoising
* Extracting the Principal Shape Components via Convex Programming
* Eye Fixation Assisted Video Saliency Detection via Total Variation-Based Pairwise Interaction
* Fast 2D Complex Gabor Filter With Kernel Decomposition
* Fast Gradient Method for Nonnegative Sparse Regression With Self-Dictionary, A
* Fast Image Super-Resolution via Local Adaptive Gradient Field Sharpening Transform
* Fast MPEG-CDVS Encoder With GPU-CPU Hybrid Computing
* Fast Open-World Person Re-Identification
* Fast Piecewise-Affine Motion Estimation Without Segmentation
* Feature Map Quality Score Estimation Through Regression
* FFDNet: Toward a Fast and Flexible Solution for CNN-Based Image Denoising
* Fight Recognition in Video Using Hough Forests and 2D Convolutional Neural Network
* Find Who to Look at: Turning From Action to Saliency
* Flexible Manifold Learning With Optimal Graph for Image and Video Representation
* Fractional-Order Variational Framework for Retinex: Fractional-Order Partial Differential Equation-Based Formulation for Multi-Scale Nonlocal Contrast Enhancement with Texture Preserving, A
* Frankenstein: Learning Deep Face Representations Using Small Data
* Frequency Domain SIM Reconstruction Algorithm Using Reduced Number of Images, A
* Fried Binary Embedding: From High-Dimensional Visual Features to High-Dimensional Binary Codes
* From Focal Stack to Tensor Light-Field Display
* From Sparse Coding Significance to Perceptual Quality: A New Approach for Image Quality Assessment
* Full Scale Regression-Based Injection Coefficients for Panchromatic Sharpening
* Full-Reference Stability Assessment of Digital Video Stabilization Based on Riemannian Metric
* Fully Connected Network-Based Intra Prediction for Image Coding
* Fundamental Principles on Learning New Features for Effective Dense Matching
* Fusing Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images via Coupled Sparse Tensor Factorization
* Fusion Framework for Camouflaged Moving Foreground Detection in the Wavelet Domain, A
* Gabor Convolutional Networks
* Gabor Feature-Based Quality Assessment Model for the Screen Content Images, A
* Gaussian Mixture Model Representation of Endmember Variability in Hyperspectral Unmixing, A
* General Framework for Linear Distance Preserving Hashing, A
* Generalization of the Dark Channel Prior for Single Image Restoration
* Generative Model With Coordinate Metric Learning for Object Recognition Based on 3D Models
* Geometry-Consistent Light Field Super-Resolution via Graph-Based Regularization
* Glass Reflection Removal Using Co-Saliency-Based Image Alignment and Low-Rank Matrix Completion in Gradient Domain
* Global-Local Temporal Saliency Action Prediction
* Globally Variance-Constrained Sparse Representation and Its Application in Image Set Coding
* Good Features to Correlate for Visual Tracking
* Grid-Free Localization Algorithm Using Low-Rank Hankel Matrix for Super-Resolution Microscopy
* Group-Based Image Inpainting Using Patch Refinement in MRF Framework, A
* Hadamard Coding for Supervised Discrete Hashing
* Halftone Image Watermarking by Content Aware Double-Sided Embedding Error Diffusion
* Hallucinating Face Image by Regularization Models in High-Resolution Feature Space
* Hashing with Angular Reconstructive Embeddings
* Her2Net: A Deep Framework for Semantic Segmentation and Classification of Cell Membranes and Nuclei in Breast Cancer Evaluation
* Heteroscedastic Max-Min Distance Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* HEVC-EPIC: Fast Optical Flow Estimation From Coded Video via Edge-Preserving Interpolation
* Hierarchical and Spatio-Temporal Sparse Representation for Human Action Recognition
* Hierarchical Extended Bilateral Motion Estimation-Based Frame Rate Upconversion Using Learning-Based Linear Mapping
* Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Hashing for Image Retrieval With Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* Hierarchical Vertex Regression-Based Segmentation of Head and Neck CT Images for Radiotherapy Planning
* High-Order Model and Dynamic Filtering for Frame Rate Up-Conversion
* Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images With Deep Learning
* How Does the Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition Help Internal and External Learnings for Super-Resolution
* Human Motion Segmentation via Robust Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Hybrid All Zero Soft Quantized Block Detection for HEVC
* Hyper-Lapse From Multiple Spatially-Overlapping Videos
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Markov Random Fields and a Convolutional Neural Network
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With a Mosaic RGB Image
* Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior
* Image Provenance Analysis at Scale
* Image Retargeting via Beltrami Representation
* Image Segmentation for Intensity Inhomogeneity in Presence of High Noise
* Image Stacks as Parametric Surfaces: Application to Image Registration
* Image Super-Resolution With Parametric Sparse Model Learning
* Imagining the Unimaginable Faces by Deconvolutional Networks
* Implicit Block Diagonal Low-Rank Representation
* Implicit Negative Sub-Categorization and Sink Diversion for Object Detection
* Improved Bilateral Texture Filtering With Edge-Aware Measurement
* Improved Random Forest for Classification
* Improving Color Constancy in an Ambient Light Environment Using the Phong Reflection Model
* Inductive Multi-Hypergraph Learning and Its Application on View-Based 3D Object Classification
* Information Fusion for Human Action Recognition via Biset/Multiset Globality Locality Preserving Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Interacting Tracklets for Multi-Object Tracking
* Investigating Nuisances in DCNN-Based Face Recognition
* IPAD: Intensity Potential for Adaptive De-Quantization
* IPST: Incremental Pictorial Structures for Model-Free Tracking of Deformable Objects
* Iterative Graph Seeking for Object Tracking
* Joint Denoising/Compression of Image Contours via Shape Prior and Context Tree
* Joint Hand Detection and Rotation Estimation Using CNN
* Joint Hypergraph Learning for Tag-Based Image Retrieval
* Joint Separable and Non-Separable Transforms for Next-Generation Video Coding
* Joint Video Object Discovery and Segmentation by Coupled Dynamic Markov Networks
* Jointly Sparse Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Kernel K-Means Sampling for Nystrom Approximation
* Knowledge-Based Topic Model for Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization
* Landmark Free Face Attribute Prediction
* Landmark-Based Shape Encoding and Sparse-Dictionary Learning in the Continuous Domain
* LAPSE: Low-Overhead Adaptive Power Saving and Contrast Enhancement for OLEDs
* LATE: A Level-Set Method Based on Local Approximation of Taylor Expansion for Segmenting Intensity Inhomogeneous Images
* Latent Constrained Correlation Filter
* Learning a Continuous-Time Streaming Video QoE Model
* Learning a Deep Single Image Contrast Enhancer from Multi-Exposure Images
* Learning a Patch Quality Comparator for Single Image Dehazing
* Learning Clip Representations for Skeleton-Based 3D Action Recognition
* Learning Common and Feature-Specific Patterns: A Novel Multiple-Sparse-Representation-Based Tracker
* Learning Depth From Single Images With Deep Neural Network Embedding Focal Length
* Learning Temporal Dynamics for Video Super-Resolution: A Deep Learning Approach
* Learning to Segment Object Candidates via Recursive Neural Networks
* Learning View-Specific Deep Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Learning-Based Just-Noticeable-Quantization- Distortion Modeling for Perceptual Video Coding
* Learning-Based Restoration of Backlit Images
* Leveraging Expert Feature Knowledge for Predicting Image Aesthetics
* LFNet: A Novel Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* Light Field Compression With Disparity-Guided Sparse Coding Based on Structural Key Views
* Light Field Inpainting Propagation via Low Rank Matrix Completion
* Local All-Pass Geometric Deformations
* Local and Global Feature Learning for Blind Quality Evaluation of Screen Content and Natural Scene Images
* Local Deep-Feature Alignment for Unsupervised Dimension Reduction
* Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Via Robust Outlier Estimation
* Low-Rank Sparse Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* Luminance Enhancement and Detail Preservation of Images and Videos Adapted to Ambient Illumination
* L_0-Regularized Image Downscaling
* L_2,p-Norm Based PCA for Image Recognition
* Machine Learning-Based Fast Angular Prediction Mode Decision Technique in Video Coding
* Manifold-Based Visual Object Counting
* MAP-Based Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution, A
* Marginalized Denoising Dictionary Learning With Locality Constraint
* Matching Contactless and Contact-Based Conventional Fingerprint Images for Biometrics Identification
* MCast: High-Quality Linear Video Transmission With Time and Frequency Diversities
* Metric Driven Classification: A Non-Parametric Approach Based on the Henze-Penrose Test Statistic
* Micro-Lens-Based Matching for Scene Recovery in Lenslet Cameras
* Minimizing Reconstruction Bias Hashing via Joint Projection Learning and Quantization
* Minimum Spanning Forest With Embedded Edge Inconsistency Measurement Model for Guided Depth Map Enhancement
* MIO-TCD: A New Benchmark Dataset for Vehicle Classification and Localization
* Missing Surface Estimation Based on Modified Tikhonov Regularization: Application for Destructed Dental Tissue
* Modality-Specific Cross-Modal Similarity Measurement With Recurrent Attention Network
* Model-Based Learning of Local Image Features for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* Model-Based Referenceless Quality Metric of 3D Synthesized Images Using Local Image Description
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered on Head Mounted Displays: Resolution and Compression
* Moire Photo Restoration Using Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks
* Monte-Carlo Acceleration of Bilateral Filter and Non-Local Means
* Motion Blur Kernel Estimation via Deep Learning
* Motion Estimation in Echocardiography Using Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning
* Multi-Attributed Graph Matching With Multi-Layer Graph Structure and Multi-Layer Random Walks
* Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly Supervised Facial Behavior Analysis
* Multi-Modal Joint Clustering With Application for Unsupervised Attribute Discovery
* Multi-Organ Plant Classification Based on Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-Oriented and Multi-Lingual Scene Text Detection With Direct Regression
* Multi-Region Segmentation Method for SAR Images Based on the Multi-Texture Model With Level Sets, A
* Multi-Resolution Compressive Spectral Imaging Reconstruction from Single Pixel Measurements
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multi-Task Learning for Blind Source Separation
* Multi-Task Vehicle Detection With Region-of-Interest Voting
* Multiple Pedestrian Tracking From Monocular Videos in an Interacting Multiple Model Framework
* Multiple-Level Feature-Based Measure for Retargeted Image Quality
* Multipolarization Through-Wall Radar Imaging Using Low-Rank and Jointly-Sparse Representations
* Multispectral Image Restoration via Inter- and Intra-Block Sparse Estimation Based on Physically-Induced Joint Spatiospectral Structures
* Mutual Learning Between Saliency and Similarity: Image Cosegmentation via Tree Structured Sparsity and Tree Graph Matching
* Naturalness Preserved Image Enhancement Using a Priori Multi-Layer Lightness Statistics
* NIMA: Neural Image Assessment
* NIQSV: A No-Reference Synthesized View Quality Assessment Metric
* No Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images With Both Local and Global Feature Representation
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment by Wide-Perceptual-Domain Scorer Ensemble Method
* Nonlinear Low-Rank Matrix Completion for Human Motion Recovery
* Normalized Total Gradient: A New Measure for Multispectral Image Registration
* Novel Efficient 3D Short-Range Imaging Algorithms for a Scanning 1D-MIMO Array
* Novel Integration of Frame Rate Up Conversion and HEVC Coding Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Object Classification With Joint Projection and Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
* Object-Location-Aware Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval via Automatic Mask Learning
* Object-Part Attention Model for Fine-Grained Image Classification
* On Space-Time Filtering Framework for Matching Human Actions Across Different Viewpoints
* Online Low-Rank Representation Learning for Joint Multi-Subspace Recovery and Clustering
* Opinion-Unaware Blind Quality Assessment of Multiply and Singly Distorted Images via Distortion Parameter Estimation
* Optimized Pre-Compensating Compression
* P2T: Part-to-Target Tracking via Deep Regression Learning
* PaMM: Pose-Aware Multi-Shot Matching for Improving Person Re-Identification
* Parallel Block Sequential Closed-Form Matting With Fan-Shaped Partitions
* Partial Deconvolution With Inaccurate Blur Kernel
* Paxel: A Generic Framework to Superimpose High-Frequency Print Patterns Using Projected Light
* Perceptual Adversarial Networks for Image-to-Image Transformation
* Perceptually Aware Image Retargeting for Mobile Devices
* Perceptually Weighted Rank Correlation Indicator for Objective Image Quality Assessment, A
* Performance Re-Evaluation on Codewords Distribution-Based Optimal Combination of Equal-Average Equal-Variance Equal-Norm Nearest Neighbor Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Encoding
* Permuted Coordinate-Wise Optimizations Applied to Lp-Regularized Image Deconvolution
* Person Re-Identification With Metric Learning Using Privileged Information
* Photo Realistic Image Completion via Dense Correspondence
* Physics-Based Deep Learning Approach to Shadow Invariant Representations of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Physics-Based Image Segmentation Using First Order Statistical Properties and Genetic Algorithm for Inductive Thermography Imaging
* Pixel Binning for High Dynamic Range Color Image Sensor Using Square Sampling Lattice
* Plenoptic Image Coding Using Macropixel-Based Intra Prediction
* Plenoptic Image Motion Deblurring
* POI Summarization by Aesthetics Evaluation From Crowd Source Social Media
* Predicting Human Eye Fixations via an LSTM-Based Saliency Attentive Model
* Prior-Based Quantization Bin Matching for Cloud Storage of JPEG Images
* Probabilistic Decision Based Block Partitioning for Future Video Coding
* Procrustean Regression: A Flexible Alignment-Based Framework for Nonrigid Structure Estimation
* Progressive Hard-Mining Network for Monocular Depth Estimation
* PURE-LET Image Deconvolution
* Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images via Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Synthetic/Natural Segmentation
* Quality Robust Mixtures of Deep Neural Networks
* Quality-of-Experience for Adaptive Streaming Videos: An Expectation Confirmation Theory Motivated Approach
* Random Access Memories: A New Paradigm for Target Detection in High Resolution Aerial Remote Sensing Images
* Random Walks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Fusion in Framelet Domain
* Real-Time Action Recognition With Deeply Transferred Motion Vector CNNs
* Recognition From Web Data: A Progressive Filtering Approach
* Reconstruction of Single Image from Multiple Blurry Measured Images
* Recovery of Lost Color and Depth Frames in Multiview Videos
* Recurrent and Dynamic Models for Predicting Streaming Video Quality of Experience
* Recurrent Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Action Recognition in Videos
* Recursive Texture Orientation Estimation Based on Space Transformation and Hypersurface Reconstruction
* Reducing Complexity of HEVC: A Deep Learning Approach
* Reformulating Level Sets as Deep Recurrent Neural Network Approach to Semantic Segmentation
* Region-Adaptive Deformable Registration of CT/MRI Pelvic Images via Learning-Based Image Synthesis
* Region-Aware Reflection Removal With Unified Content and Gradient Priors
* Region-Based Prediction for Image Compression in the Cloud
* Residual Highway Convolutional Neural Networks for in-loop Filtering in HEVC
* Retina-Inspired Filter
* Retinal Microaneurysms Detection Using Local Convergence Index Features
* Retrieval Oriented Deep Feature Learning With Complementary Supervision Mining
* Reversible Data Hiding Under Inconsistent Distortion Metrics
* Reversion Correction and Regularized Random Walk Ranking for Saliency Detection
* Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Analysis With Structural Smoothness for Image Denoising
* Road Surface 3D Reconstruction Based on Dense Subpixel Disparity Map Estimation
* Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Depth Images Using Multi-View CNNs
* Robust and Fast Decoding of High-Capacity Color QR Codes for Mobile Applications
* Robust Distance Metric Learning via Bayesian Inference
* Robust Edge Detection Approach in the Presence of High Impulse Noise Intensity Through Switching Adaptive Median and Fixed Weighted Mean Filtering, A
* Robust Foreground Estimation via Structured Gaussian Scale Mixture Modeling
* Robust LSTM-Autoencoders for Face De-Occlusion in the Wild
* Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion Using Edge Model and Multi-Matting
* Robust Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Based on Spatially Weighted Half-Quadratic Estimation and Adaptive BTV Regularization
* Robust Object Co-Segmentation Using Background Prior
* Robust Object Tracking via Local Sparse Appearance Model
* Robust PCA Based on Incoherence With Geometrical Interpretation
* Robust Quantization for General Similarity Search
* Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Adaptive Edge-Preserving Smoothing Regularization
* Robust Single-Shot Fringe Projection Profilometry Based on Morphological Component Analysis
* Robust Virtual Unrolling of Historical Parchment XMT Images
* Robust Visual Tracking Revisited: From Correlation Filter to Template Matching
* Saliency Detection Based on Multiscale Extrema of Local Perceptual Color Differences
* Saliency Detection via Absorbing Markov Chain With Learnt Transition Probability
* Scalable Online Convolutional Sparse Coding
* SCOM: Spatiotemporal Constrained Optimization for Salient Object Detection
* SDL: Saliency-Based Dictionary Learning Framework for Image Similarity
* Segmentation in Weakly Labeled Videos via a Semantic Ranking and Optical Warping Network
* Self-Similarity Constrained Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Self-Supervised Video Hashing With Hierarchical Binary Auto-Encoder
* Semantic Neighbor Graph Hashing for Multimodal Retrieval
* Semi-supervised Deep Domain Adaptation via Coupled Neural Networks
* Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Using Pseudo Labels for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Sequential Subspace Clustering via Temporal Smoothness for Sequential Data Segmentation
* Sequential Video VLAD: Training the Aggregation Locally and Temporally
* Simple Measure for Acuity in Medical Images, A
* Simultaneously Discovering and Localizing Common Objects in Wild Images
* Single Image De-Hazing Using Globally Guided Image Filtering
* Single Image Dehazing Using Color Ellipsoid Prior
* Single Image Dehazing With Depth-Aware Non-Local Total Variation Regularization
* Single Image Super-Resolution Based on Wiener Filter in Similarity Domain
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Multiple Mixture Prior Models
* Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Rational Fractal Interpolation
* Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition With Global Context-Aware Attention LSTM Networks
* Some Properties of Interpolations Using Mathematical Morphology
* Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition of a Hankel Structured Matrix for Impulse Noise Removal
* Spatial and Angular Resolution Enhancement of Light Fields Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Spatio-Temporal Attention-Based LSTM Networks for 3D Action Recognition and Detection
* Spectral Reflectance Estimation Using Gaussian Processes and Combination Kernels
* Spectral-Spatial Scale Invariant Feature Transform for Hyperspectral Images
* Spontaneous Expression Recognition Using Universal Attribute Model
* SPSIM: A Superpixel-Based Similarity Index for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Stacked Denoising Tensor Auto-Encoder for Action Recognition With Spatiotemporal Corruptions
* STAR: A Segmentation-Based Approximation of Point-Based Sampling Milano Retinex for Color Image Enhancement
* Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Classification
* Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
* Structure-Revealing Low-Light Image Enhancement Via Robust Retinex Model
* Structured AutoEncoders for Subspace Clustering
* Sub-Network Kernels for Measuring Similarity of Brain Connectivity Networks in Disease Diagnosis
* Submodular Trajectories for Better Motion Segmentation in Videos
* Subpixel Edge Localization Based on Adaptive Weighting of Gradients
* Subspace Clustering via Learning an Adaptive Low-Rank Graph
* Superpixel Hierarchy
* Superpixel Segmentation Using Gaussian Mixture Model
* Supervised Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Using Tensor Local Discriminant Embedding
* SVD-Based Tensor-Completion Technique for Background Initialization
* Temporal Scalability of Dynamic Volume Data Using Mesh Compensated Wavelet Lifting
* Temporally Coherent 3D Point Cloud Video Segmentation in Generic Scenes
* Tensor Factorization for Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Tensor Rank Preserving Discriminant Analysis for Facial Recognition
* TextBoxes++: A Single-Shot Oriented Scene Text Detector
* Time-of-Flight Range Measurement in Low-Sensing Environment: Noise Analysis and Complex-Domain Non-Local Denoising
* Too Far to See? Not Really!: Pedestrian Detection With Scale-Aware Localization Policy
* Toward the Repeatability and Robustness of the Local Reference Frame for 3D Shape Matching: An Evaluation
* Towards a Closed Form Second-Order Natural Scene Statistics Model
* Towards Edge-Aware Spatio-Temporal Filtering in Real-Time
* Towards Optimal Denoising of Image Contrast
* Training Very Deep CNNs for General Non-Blind Deconvolution
* Transportation Spherical Watermarking
* Triplet-Based Deep Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Underlying Connections Between Algorithms for Nongreedy LDA-L1
* Unified Approach for Conventional Zero-Shot, Generalized Zero-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning, A
* Unified Discriminative and Coherent Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering
* Unsupervised Deep Hashing With Pseudo Labels for Scalable Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Game-Theoretic Approach to Saliency Detection, An
* Unsupervised Uncertainty Estimation Using Spatiotemporal Cues in Video Saliency Detection
* USEAQ: Ultra-Fast Superpixel Extraction via Adaptive Sampling From Quantized Regions
* Variational Decompression of Image Data From DjVu Encoded Files
* Variational Pansharpening Approach Based on Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space and Heaviside Function, A
* Vehicle Re-Identification by Deep Hidden Multi-View Inference
* Vehicle Tracking in Wide Area Motion Imagery via Stochastic Progressive Association Across Multiple Frames
* Video Captioning by Adversarial LSTM
* Video Salient Object Detection Using Spatiotemporal Deep Features
* Video Salient Object Detection via Fully Convolutional Networks
* Video Summarization Via Multiview Representative Selection
* Video Synopsis in Complex Situations
* Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Learning Intra-Video and Inter-Video Distance Metrics
* Virtual View Synthesis for Free Viewpoint Video and Multiview Video Compression using Gaussian Mixture Modelling
* Vision-Based Parking-Slot Detection: A DCNN-Based Approach and a Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset
* Visual Navigation Using Projection of Spatial Right-Angle In Indoor Environment
* Visual Representation and Classification by Learning Group Sparse Deep Stacking Network
* Visual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decomposition
* Visual Saliency Prediction Using a Mixture of Deep Neural Networks
* Visual Tracking With Weighted Adaptive Local Sparse Appearance Model via Spatio-Temporal Context Learning
* Visual Word Booster: A Spatial Layout of Words Descriptor Exploiting Contour Cues, The
* Weighted Large Margin Nearest Center Distance-Based Human Depth Recovery With Limited Bandwidth Consumption
* When Dijkstra Meets Vanishing Point: A Stereo Vision Approach for Road Detection
* Winner-Take-All Strategy for Improved Object Tracking, A
* YoTube: Searching Action Proposal Via Recurrent and Static Regression Networks
* Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Prototype Rectification
457 for IP(27)

IP(28) * 2D Partial Unwinding: A Novel Non-Linear Phase Decomposition of Images
* 2D-3D Point Set Registration Based on Global Rotation Search
* 3D2SeqViews: Aggregating Sequential Views for 3D Global Feature Learning by CNN With Hierarchical Attention Aggregation
* Accelerated Sequential PCP-Based Method for Ground-Moving Objects Detection From Aerial Videos, An
* Accelerating GMM-Based Patch Priors for Image Restoration: Three Ingredients for a 100X Speed-Up
* Accurate Facial Image Parsing at Real-Time Speed
* Accurate Modeling and Efficient Estimation of the Print-Capture Channel With Application in Barcoding
* Action-Stage Emphasized Spatiotemporal VLAD for Video Action Recognition
* Adaptive ADMM for Dictionary Learning in Convolutional Sparse Representation
* Adaptive Markov Random Field for Structured Compressive Sensing, An
* Adaptive Morphological Reconstruction for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Transform Domain Image Super-Resolution via Orthogonally Regularized Deep Networks
* ADMM Approach to Masked Signal Decomposition Using Subspace Representation, An
* Advanced Spherical Motion Model and Local Padding for 360° Video Compression
* Adversarial Learning Semantic Volume for 2D/3D Face Shape Regression in the Wild
* Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring
* Aesthetics-Guided Graph Clustering With Absent Modalities Imputation
* AIPNet: Image-to-Image Single Image Dehazing With Atmospheric Illumination Prior
* alpha-Divergence-Based Approach for Robust Dictionary Learning, An
* Analysis Dictionary Learning Based Classification: Structure for Robustness
* Anchor Cascade for Efficient Face Detection
* Asymmetric GAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Attention CoupleNet: Fully Convolutional Attention Coupling Network for Object Detection
* Attention-Based Pedestrian Attribute Analysis
* AttGAN: Facial Attribute Editing by Only Changing What You Want
* Augmented Homogeneous Coordinates Matrix-Based Projective Mismatch Removal for Partial-Duplicate Image Search, The
* Augmented Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability for Hyperspectral Unmixing, An
* Automated Method for Retinal Artery/Vein Separation via Graph Search Metaheuristic Approach
* Automatic Ensemble Diffusion for 3D Shape and Image Retrieval
* Automatic Example-Based Image Colorization Using Location-Aware Cross-Scale Matching
* Automatic Land Cover Reconstruction From Historical Aerial Images: An Evaluation of Features Extraction and Classification Algorithms
* Automatic Muscle Fiber Orientation Tracking in Ultrasound Images Using a New Adaptive Fading Bayesian Kalman Smoother
* Base-Anchored Model for Highly Scalable and Accessible Compression of Multiview Imagery
* Bayesian Framework for the Analog Reconstruction of Kymographs From Fluorescence Microscopy Data, A
* Bayesian Polytrees With Learned Deep Features for Multi-Class Cell Segmentation
* BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level Features of DNN
* Benchmark for Edge-Preserving Image Smoothing, A
* Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
* Bi-Directional Spatial-Semantic Attention Networks for Image-Text Matching
* Blind Deblurring of Natural Stochastic Textures Using an Anisotropic Fractal Model and Phase Retrieval Algorithm
* Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Evaluator With Segmented Stacked Autoencoders Considering the Whole Visual Perception Route, A
* Breaking Winner-Takes-All: Iterative-Winners-Out Networks for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* CAM-RNN: Co-Attention Model Based RNN for Video Captioning
* CamStyle: A Novel Data Augmentation Method for Person Re-Identification
* Cartoon-Texture Approach for JPEG/JPEG 2000 Decompression Based on TGV and Shearlet Transform, A
* Channel Splitting Network for Single MR Image Super-Resolution
* Chord Bunch Walks for Recognizing Naturally Self-Overlapped and Compound Leaves
* Class Agnostic Image Common Object Detection
* CNN Fixations: An Unraveling Approach to Visualize the Discriminative Image Regions
* CNN Model for Semantic Person Part Segmentation With Capacity Optimization, A
* COGL: Coefficient Graph Laplacians for Optimized JPEG Image Decoding
* Collective Reconstructive Embeddings for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Color Image and Multispectral Image Denoising Using Block Diagonal Representation
* Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Visual Mechanisms for Color Constancy Under Varying Illumination
* Combining Local and Global Measures for DIBR-Synthesized Image Quality Evaluation
* Compact and Low-Complexity Binary Feature Descriptor and Fisher Vectors for Video Analytics
* Composite Description Based on Salient Contours and Color Information for CBIR Tasks
* Compression of Plenoptic Point Clouds
* Computational Mapping of the Ground Reflectivity With Laser Scanners
* Conditional Random Field Model for Robust Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* ConnNet: A Long-Range Relation-Aware Pixel-Connectivity Network for Salient Segmentation
* Content-Adaptive Noise Estimation for Color Images With Cross-Channel Noise Modeling
* Content-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for In-Loop Filtering in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Content-Aware Enhancement of Images With Filamentous Structures
* Context-Aware Mouse Behavior Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Context-Aware Text-Based Binary Image Stylization and Synthesis
* Continuous Random Walk Model With Explicit Coherence Regularization for Image Segmentation, A
* Contrast in Haze Removal: Configurable Contrast Enhancement Model Based on Dark Channel Prior
* Convergent Image Fusion Algorithm Using Scene-Adapted Gaussian-Mixture-Based Denoising, A
* Convex Optimization Framework for Video Quality and Resolution Enhancement From Multiple Descriptions, A
* Correntropy-Induced Robust Low-Rank Hypergraph
* Corrupted Reference Image Quality Assessment of Denoised Images
* Coupled Patch Alignment for Matching Cross-View Gaits
* Cross-Modal Attentional Context Learning for RGB-D Object Detection
* Cross-Scale Predictive Dictionaries
* Cross-View Multi-Lateral Filter for Compressed Multi-View Depth Video
* Cross-View Person Identification Based on Confidence-Weighted Human Pose Matching
* Crossbar-Net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Kidney Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* Cycle-Consistent Deep Generative Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* D3R-Net: Dynamic Routing Residue Recurrent Network for Video Rain Removal
* DCSR: Dilated Convolutions for Single Image Super-Resolution
* DECODE: Deep Confidence Network for Robust Image Classification
* Deep Attention Network for Egocentric Action Recognition
* Deep Color Guided Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Cascade for Depth Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Natural Image Matting Using Initial Alpha Mattes
* Deep Crisp Boundaries: From Boundaries to Higher-Level Tasks
* Deep Dictionary Learning: A PARametric NETwork Approach
* Deep Group-Wise Fully Convolutional Network for Co-Saliency Detection With Graph Propagation
* Deep Information Sharing Network for Multi-Contrast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction, A
* Deep Integration: A Multi-Label Architecture for Road Scene Recognition
* Deep Learning Approach for Multi-Frame In-Loop Filter of HEVC, A
* Deep Learning from Noisy Image Labels with Quality Embedding
* Deep Manifold Structure Transfer for Action Recognition
* Deep Multi-View Learning Using Neuron-Wise Correlation-Maximizing Regularizers
* Deep Online Video Stabilization With Multi-Grid Warping Transformation Learning
* Deep Ordinal Hashing With Spatial Attention
* Deep Proximal Unrolling: Algorithmic Framework, Convergence Analysis and Applications
* Deep Reconstruction of Least Significant Bits for Bit-Depth Expansion
* Deep Representation Learning With Part Loss for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Video Dehazing With Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Visual Saliency on Stereoscopic Images
* Deep3DSaliency: Deep Stereoscopic Video Saliency Detection Model by 3D Convolutional Networks
* DeepCorrect: Correcting DNN Models Against Image Distortions
* DeepCrack: Learning Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Crack Detection
* DeepISP: Toward Learning an End-to-End Image Processing Pipeline
* Deformable Object Tracking With Gated Fusion
* Demosaicking Using a Spatial Reference Image for an Anti-Aliasing Multispectral Filter Array
* Dense Dilated Network for Video Action Recognition
* DenseFuse: A Fusion Approach to Infrared and Visible Images
* Depth Restoration From RGB-D Data via Joint Adaptive Regularization and Thresholding on Manifolds
* Depth Super-Resolution via Joint Color-Guided Internal and External Regularizations
* Detecting and Mapping Video Impairments
* Discerning Feature Supported Encoder for Image Representation
* Discrete Curvature Representations for Noise Robust Image Corner Detection
* Discrete Hashing With Multiple Supervision
* Discrete Latent Factor Model for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Discrete Multi-Graph Clustering
* Discrete Spectral Hashing for Efficient Similarity Retrieval
* Discriminative Feature Learning With Foreground Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Divide and Count: Generic Object Counting by Image Divisions
* Dual Low-Rank Decompositions for Robust Cross-View Learning
* Dual-Stream Interactive Networks for No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Dual-Transfer Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis
* Dynamic Feature Matching for Partial Face Recognition
* Dynamic Graph Co-Matching for Unsupervised Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Dynamic Saliency-Aware Regularization for Correlation Filter-Based Object Tracking
* Dynamic-Shape-Prior Guided Snake Model With Application in Visually Tracking Dense Cell Populations, A
* Effective Content-Aware Chroma Reconstruction Method for Screen Content Images
* Efficient Bandwidth Estimation in 2D Filtered Backprojection Reconstruction
* Efficient Multi-Strategy Intra Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Encoding Visual Sensitivity by MaxPol Convolution Filters for Image Sharpness Assessment
* Enhance Visual Recognition Under Adverse Conditions via Deep Networks
* Enhanced Motion-Compensated Video Coding With Deep Virtual Reference Frame Generation
* Enhanced Non-Local Total Variation Model and Multi-Directional Feature Prediction Prior for Single Image Super Resolution
* Essential Tensor Learning for Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* Exploiting Color Volume and Color Difference for Salient Region Detection
* Exploiting Images for Video Recognition: Heterogeneous Feature Augmentation via Symmetric Adversarial Learning
* Exploiting Typicality for Selecting Informative and Anomalous Samples in Videos
* External Patch-Based Image Restoration Using Importance Sampling
* Extracting Privileged Information for Enhancing Classifier Learning
* Face Frontalization Using an Appearance-Flow-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Facial Action Unit Recognition and Intensity Estimation Enhanced Through Label Dependencies
* Fast A3RL: Aesthetics-Aware Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Fast Adaptive Bilateral Filtering
* Fast and Robust Symmetric Image Registration Based on Distances Combining Intensity and Spatial Information
* Fast Blind Quality Assessment of DIBR-Synthesized Video Based on High-High Wavelet Subband
* Fast Computation of Integer DCT-V, DCT-VIII, and DST-VII for Video Coding
* Fast High-Dimensional Bilateral and Nonlocal Means Filtering
* Fast Image Dehazing Algorithm Using Morphological Reconstruction, A
* FastDeRain: A Novel Video Rain Streak Removal Method Using Directional Gradient Priors
* Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration With Consistent Loss for Object Detection
* Fine-Grained Quality Assessment for Compressed Images
* Focal Boundary Guided Salient Object Detection
* Foreground Fisher Vector: Encoding Class-Relevant Foreground to Improve Image Classification
* Foreground Gating and Background Refining Network for Surveillance Object Detection
* Fourier Disparity Layer Representation for Light Fields, A
* Fractional-Pel Accurate Motion-Adaptive Transforms
* Framework for Learning Depth From a Flexible Subset of Dense and Sparse Light Field Views, A
* Full-Vector Gradient for Multi-Spectral or Multivariate Images
* Fundamental Visual Concept Learning From Correlated Images and Text
* Gated-GAN: Adversarial Gated Networks for Multi-Collection Style Transfer
* General Framework for Auto-Weighted Feature Selection via Global Redundancy Minimization, A
* Generalized Bayesian Model Selection for Speckle on Remote Sensing Images
* Generalized Semantic Preserving Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generalized Zero-Shot Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generative Adversarial Networks and Perceptual Losses for Video Super-Resolution
* Geodesic Distances in Probabilistic Spaces for Patch-Based Ultrasound Image Processing
* GiB: A Game Theory Inspired Binarization Technique for Degraded Document Images
* Global 3D Non-Rigid Registration of Deformable Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera
* Graph-Based Blind Image Deblurring From a Single Photograph
* Graph-Based Joint Dequantization and Contrast Enhancement of Poorly Lit JPEG Images
* Graph-Regularized Locality-Constrained Joint Dictionary and Residual Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis
* Hierarchical Contextual Refinement Networks for Human Pose Estimation
* Hierarchical Features Driven Residual Learning for Depth Map Super-Resolution
* Hierarchical Image Matting Model for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Fundus Images, A
* Hierarchical Tracking by Reinforcement Learning-Based Searching and Coarse-to-Fine Verifying
* High ISO JPEG Image Denoising by Deep Fusion of Collaborative and Convolutional Filtering
* High-Quality Bayesian Pansharpening
* High-quality Image Restoration Using Low-Rank Patch Regularization and Global Structure Sparsity
* Hybrid LSTM and Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries
* Hybrid Truncated Norm Regularization Method for Matrix Completion, A
* HyperReconNet: Joint Coded Aperture Optimization and Image Reconstruction for Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Subspace-Based Low Tensor Multi-Rank Regularization
* Hyperspectral Image Unmixing With Endmember Bundles and Group Sparsity Inducing Mixed Norms
* Hyperspectral Imagery Classification via Stochastic HHSVMs
* Illumination Estimation and Compensation of Low Frame Rate Video Sequences for Wavelet-Based Video Compression
* Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consistency Optimization
* Image Co-Saliency Detection and Co-Segmentation via Progressive Joint Optimization
* Image Denoising Based on Nonlocal Bayesian Singular Value Thresholding and Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator
* Image Enhancement With PDEs and Nonconservative Advection Flow Fields
* Image Estimation in the Presence of Irregular Sampling, Noise, and Pointing Jitter
* Image Inpainting Using Nonlocal Texture Matching and Nonlinear Filtering
* Image Recognition by Predicted User Click Feature With Multidomain Multitask Transfer Deep Network
* Image Regularizations Based on the Sparsity of Corner Points
* Image Restoration by Iterative Denoising and Backward Projections
* Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and Artwork
* Improved Framework of Affine Motion Compensation in Video Coding, An
* Improving the Visual Quality of Size-Invariant Visual Cryptography for Grayscale Images: An Analysis-by-Synthesis (AbS) Approach
* Incorporation of Structural Tensor and Driving Force Into Log-Demons for Large-Deformation Image Registration
* Indoor Crowd Counting by Mixture of Gaussians Label Distribution Learning
* Inertial Nonconvex Alternating Minimizations for the Image Deblurring
* Interpreting and Extending the Guided Filter via Cyclic Coordinate Descent
* Invertibility-Driven Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* Iterative Joint Image Demosaicking and Denoising Using a Residual Denoising Network
* Iterative Spanning Forest Framework for Superpixel Segmentation, An
* JigsawNet: Shredded Image Reassembly Using Convolutional Neural Network and Loop-Based Composition
* Joint Image Deconvolution and Separation Using Mixed Dictionaries
* Joint Learning of Fuzzy k-Means and Nonnegative Spectral Clustering With Side Information
* Joint Multi-View Face Alignment in the Wild
* Joint Tumor Segmentation in PET-CT Images Using Co-Clustering and Fusion Based on Belief Functions
* K-Space Aware Multi-Static Millimeter-Wave Imaging
* KalmanFlow 2.0: Efficient Video Optical Flow Estimation via Context-Aware Kalman Filtering
* Kernel Distance Metric Learning Using Pairwise Constraints for Person Re-Identification
* Large-Scale Study of Perceptual Video Quality
* Late Fusion via Subspace Search With Consistency Preservation
* Learning a Convolutional Neural Network for Image Compact-Resolution
* Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Learning Converged Propagations With Deep Prior Ensemble for Image Enhancement
* Learning Deep Features for One-Class Classification
* Learning Discriminant Direction Binary Palmprint Descriptor
* Learning Effective RGB-D Representations for Scene Recognition
* Learning Local Descriptors by Optimizing the Keypoint-Correspondence Criterion: Applications to Face Matching, Learning From Unlabeled Videos and 3D-Shape Retrieval
* Learning Match Kernels on Grassmann Manifolds for Action Recognition
* Learning Rotation-Invariant and Fisher Discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection
* Learning Semantics-Preserving Attention and Contextual Interaction for Group Activity Recognition
* Learning Sheared EPI Structure for Light Field Reconstruction
* Learning Structural Representations via Dynamic Object Landmarks Discovery for Sketch Recognition and Retrieval
* Learning the Synthesizability of Dynamic Texture Samples
* Learning to Exploit the Prior Network Knowledge for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Learning to Find Unpaired Cross-Spectral Correspondences
* Learning to Update for Object Tracking With Recurrent Meta-Learner
* Light Field Spatial Super-Resolution Using Deep Efficient Spatial-Angular Separable Convolution
* LMR: Learning a Two-Class Classifier for Mismatch Removal
* Local Frequency Interpretation and Non-Local Self-Similarity on Graph for Point Cloud Inpainting
* Local Geometric Deformations in the DHT Domain With Applications
* Local Kernels That Approximate Bayesian Regularization and Proximal Operators
* Local Metric for Defocus Blur Detection Based on CNN Feature Learning, A
* Local Semantic-Aware Deep Hashing With Hamming-Isometric Quantization
* Locality Preserving Joint Transfer for Domain Adaptation
* Long-Form Video Question Answering via Dynamic Hierarchical Reinforced Networks
* Low Cost Edge Sensing for High Quality Demosaicking
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via a Deep Hybrid Network
* Low-Light Image Enhancement via the Absorption Light Scattering Model
* Low-Rank Transfer Human Motion Segmentation
* Low-Resolution Face Recognition in the Wild via Selective Knowledge Distillation
* Magic-Wall: Visualizing Room Decoration by Enhanced Wall Segmentation
* Matrix Completion Based on Non-Convex Low-Rank Approximation
* Maximum Likelihood Approach for Depth Field Estimation Based on Epipolar Plane Images, A
* Minimal Paths for Tubular Structure Segmentation With Coherence Penalty and Adaptive Anisotropy
* Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who's Got the Clearest Image of Them All?: A Tailored Approach to Single Image Reflection Removal
* Modeling Point Spread Function in Fluorescence Microscopy With a Sparse Gaussian Mixture: Tradeoff Between Accuracy and Efficiency
* Modified Quality Threshold Clustering for Temporal Analysis and Classification of Lung Lesions
* More is Better: Precise and Detailed Image Captioning Using Online Positive Recall and Missing Concepts Mining
* Moving Object Detection in Complex Scene Using Spatiotemporal Structured-Sparse RPCA
* Moving Object Detection in Video via Hierarchical Modeling and Alternating Optimization
* MPTV: Matching Pursuit-Based Total Variation Minimization for Image Deconvolution
* MSFD: Multi-Scale Segmentation-Based Feature Detection for Wide-Baseline Scene Reconstruction
* Multi-Domain and Multi-Task Learning for Human Action Recognition
* Multi-Grid Phase Field Skin Tumor Segmentation in 3D Ultrasound Images
* Multi-Level Semantic Feature Augmentation for One-Shot Learning
* Multi-Memory Convolutional Neural Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Modal Multi-Scale Deep Learning for Large-Scale Image Annotation
* Multi-Modal Non-Line-of-Sight Passive Imaging
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Multi-Layer Fractal Network and Joints Kinship Pattern
* Multi-Pseudo Regularized Label for Generated Data in Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Turn Video Question Answering via Hierarchical Attention Context Reinforced Networks
* Multi-View Linear Discriminant Analysis Network
* Multi-View Saliency-Guided Clustering for Image Cosegmentation
* Multichannel Cross-Modal Fusion Framework for Electron Tomography, A
* Multimedia Retrieval Through Unsupervised Hypergraph-Based Manifold Ranking
* Multiple Pyramids Based Image Inpainting Using Local Patch Statistics and Steering Kernel Feature
* Multiple-Instance Discriminant Analysis for Weakly Supervised Segment Annotation
* Multiscale Structure Tensor for Improved Feature Extraction and Image Regularization
* Multispectral Image Super-Resolution via RGB Image Fusion and Radiometric Calibration
* Multiview Consensus Graph Clustering
* Muon Tracing and Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Cosmic Ray Muon Computed Tomography
* Mutual Component Convolutional Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Narrow Gap Detection in Microscope Images Using Marked Point Process Modeling
* nD Variational Restoration of Curvilinear Structures With Prior-Based Directional Regularization
* New Adaptive Video Super-Resolution Algorithm With Improved Robustness to Innovations, A
* New Multi-Atlas Registration Framework for Multimodal Pathological Images Using Conventional Monomodal Normal Atlases, A
* New Probabilistic Representation of Color Image Pixels and Its Applications, A
* No-Reference Quality Assessment for View Synthesis Using DoG-Based Edge Statistics and Texture Naturalness
* Non-Local Dual-Domain Approach to Cartoon and Texture Decomposition, A
* Non-Rigid Image Registration With Dynamic Gaussian Component Density and Space Curvature Preservation
* Nonconvex-Sparsity and Nonlocal-Smoothness-Based Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Nonlocal Patch Tensor Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Novel Scheme Based on the Diffusion to Edge Detection, A
* Numerical Reflectance Compensation for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* O2O Method for Fast 2D Shape Retrieval
* Occlusion Aware Facial Expression Recognition Using CNN With Attention Mechanism
* Occlusion-Aware Depth Map Coding Optimization Using Allowable Depth Map Distortions
* On GPU Connected Components and Properties: A Systematic Evaluation of Connected Component Labeling Algorithms and Their Extension for Property Extraction
* On the Diversity of Conditional Image Synthesis With Semantic Layouts
* On-Device Scalable Image-Based Localization via Prioritized Cascade Search and Fast One-Many RANSAC
* One-for-All: Grouped Variation Network-Based Fractional Interpolation in Video Coding
* One-View Occlusion Detection for Stereo Matching With a Fully Connected CRF Model
* Online Asymmetric Metric Learning With Multi-Layer Similarity Aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Online Data Organizer: Micro-Video Categorization by Structure-Guided Multimodal Dictionary Learning
* Online Subspace Learning from Gradient Orientations for Robust Image Alignment
* Optimal Adaptive Quantization Based on Temporal Distortion Propagation Model for HEVC
* Optimal Combination of Image Denoisers
* Optimal Multi-View Surface Normal Estimation Using Affine Correspondences
* Optimize x265 Rate Control: An Exploration of Lookahead in Frame Bit Allocation and Slice Type Decision
* Optimized Rate Control for Low-Delay H.265/HEVC, An
* Out-of-Sample Extension to Manifold Learning via Meta-Modeling, An
* Panoramic Background Image Generation for PTZ Cameras
* Parallel Attentive Correlation Tracking
* Parameter-Free Selective Segmentation With Convex Variational Methods
* Parametric Classification of Bingham Distributions Based on Grassmann Manifolds
* Perceptual Distinguishability Predictor For JND-Noise-Contaminated Images, A
* Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
* Phase Amplified Correlation for Improved Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation
* Piecewise Classifier Mappings: Learning Fine-Grained Learners for Novel Categories With Few Examples
* Pixel-Level Discrete Multiobjective Sampling for Image Matting
* Point Cloud Saliency Detection by Local and Global Feature Fusion
* Pose-Invariant Embedding for Deep Person Re-Identification
* Predicting Detection Performance on Security X-Ray Images as a Function of Image Quality
* Predicting Human Saccadic Scanpaths Based on Iterative Representation Learning
* Predicting the Quality of Images Compressed After Distortion in Two Steps
* Probabilistic Approach to Cross-Region Matching-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Probabilistic Diffusion for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Progressive Learning for Person Re-Identification With One Example
* Pseudo-Marginal MCMC Sampling for Image Segmentation Using Nonparametric Shape Priors
* Quadruplet Network With One-Shot Learning for Fast Visual Object Tracking
* Random Forest With Learned Representations for Semantic Segmentation
* Re-Ranking High-Dimensional Deep Local Representation for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* Rearranging Online Tubes for Streaming Video Synopsis: A Dynamic Graph Coloring Approach
* Reconstruction of Stochastic 3D Signals With Symmetric Statistics From 2D Projection Images Motivated by Cryo-Electron Microscopy
* Rectification Using Different Types of Cameras Attached to a Vehicle
* Reference-Free Quality Assessment of Sonar Images via Contour Degradation Measurement
* Relative CNN-RNN: Learning Relative Atmospheric Visibility From Images
* Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Unconstrained Facial Expression Recognition
* REMAP: Multi-Layer Entropy-Guided Pooling of Dense CNN Features for Image Retrieval
* Revisiting Outlier Rejection Approach for Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo
* RGB-D Saliency Detection With Pseudo Depth
* Richly Annotated Pedestrian Dataset for Person Retrieval in Real Surveillance Scenarios, A
* Robust Adaptive Median Binary Pattern for Noisy Texture Classification and Retrieval
* Robust Alignment for Panoramic Stitching Via an Exact Rank Constraint
* Robust and Unobtrusive Display-to-Camera Communications via Blue Channel Embedding
* Robust Depth Estimation Using Auto-Exposure Bracketing
* Robust Face Image Super-Resolution via Joint Learning of Subdivided Contextual Model
* Robust Group-Sparse Representation Variational Method With Applications to Face Recognition, A
* Robust Inhibition-Augmented Operator for Delineation of Curvilinear Structures
* Robust Multiple Rank-k Bilinear Projections for Unsupervised Learning
* Robust Reflection Removal Based on Light Field Imaging
* Robust Semantic Template Matching Using a Superpixel Region Binary Descriptor
* Robust Subspace Clustering With Compressed Data
* Saliency From Growing Neural Gas: Learning Pre-Attentional Structures for a Flexible Attention System
* Saliency Inside: Learning Attentive CNNs for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Salient Object Detection With Lossless Feature Reflection and Weighted Structural Loss
* Sample Fusion Network: An End-to-End Data Augmentation Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Scalable Supervised Asymmetric Hashing With Semantic and Latent Factor Embedding
* Scalable Zero-Shot Learning via Binary Visual-Semantic Embeddings
* Scale-Free Single Image Deraining Via Visibility-Enhanced Recurrent Wavelet Learning
* SCAN: Self-and-Collaborative Attention Network for Video Person Re-Identification
* Scene Segmentation-Based Luminance Adjustment for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Second Order Multi-Stencil Fast Marching Method With a Non-Constant Local Cost Model, A
* Secure Quaternion Feistel Cipher for DICOM Images
* Segment-Based Disparity Refinement With Occlusion Handling for Stereo Matching
* Self-Guiding Multimodal LSTM: When We Do Not Have a Perfect Training Dataset for Image Captioning
* Semantic Cluster Unary Loss for Efficient Deep Hashing
* Semantic Prior Analysis for Salient Object Detection
* Semi-Supervised Metric Learning-Based Anchor Graph Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* SeqViews2SeqLabels: Learning 3D Global Features via Aggregating Sequential Views by RNN With Attention
* Show, Attend, and Translate: Unsupervised Image Translation With Self-Regularization and Attention
* SiGAN: Siamese Generative Adversarial Network for Identity-Preserving Face Hallucination
* Similarity Domains Machine for Scale-Invariant and Sparse Shape Modeling
* Simultaneous Dimensionality Reduction and Classification via Dual Embedding Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Simultaneous Feature Aggregating and Hashing for Compact Binary Code Learning
* Simultaneous Subspace Clustering and Cluster Number Estimating Based on Triplet Relationship
* Single Image Defogging Based on Illumination Decomposition for Visual Maritime Surveillance
* Single Image Reflection Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Single Sample Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination via QRCP Decomposition
* Sinusoidal-Hyperbolic Family of Transforms With Potential Applications in Compressive Sensing, A
* Small Object Sensitive Segmentation of Urban Street Scene With Spatial Adjacency Between Object Classes
* SMART: Joint Sampling and Regression for Visual Tracking
* Sparse Multi-Bending Snakes
* Sparse Principal Component Analysis With Preserved Sparsity Pattern
* Sparse Representation Over Learned Dictionaries on the Riemannian Manifold for Automated Grading of Nuclear Pleomorphism in Breast Cancer
* Spatial-Temporal Attention-Aware Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Spatially Adaptive Colocalization Analysis in Dual-Color Fluorescence Microscopy
* Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction/Recognition in Videos Based on Energy Optimization
* Spectral Filter Tracking
* Spectral Image Fusion From Compressive Measurements
* Spectral Total-Variation Local Scale Signatures for Image Manipulation and Fusion
* Split Multiplicative Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* SS-HCNN: Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification
* State-Aware Anti-Drift Object Tracking
* Statistical Nearest Neighbors for Image Denoising
* Structural Similarity-Based Nonlocal Variational Models for Image Restoration
* Structure-Aware Window Optimization for Texture Filtering
* Structure-Based Human Facial Age Estimation Framework Under a Constrained Condition, A
* Structure-Texture Image Decomposition Using Deep Variational Priors
* Study of Subjective Quality and Objective Blind Quality Prediction of Stereoscopic Videos
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Stitched Images for Virtual Reality
* Supervised Deep Feature Embedding With Handcrafted Feature
* Supervised Mixed Norm Autoencoder for Kinship Verification in Unconstrained Videos
* Synthetic Data Generation for End-to-End Thermal Infrared Tracking
* Tchebichef and Adaptive Steerable-Based Total Variation Model for Image Denoising
* Temporal Colored Coded Aperture Design in Compressive Spectral Video Sensing
* Tensor Completion From One-Bit Observations
* Tensor-Based Low-Dimensional Representation Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* TextField: Learning a Deep Direction Field for Irregular Scene Text Detection
* Texture Classification in Extreme Scale Variations Using GANet
* Texture Variation Adaptive Image Denoising With Nonlocal PCA
* Thermal Infrared Pedestrian Segmentation Based on Conditional GAN
* Three-Dimensional Pose Estimation for Laboratory Mouse From Monocular Images
* Three-Stream Attention-Aware Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Three-Zone Segmentation-Based Motion Compensation for Video Compression
* Topic-Oriented Image Captioning Based on Order-Embedding
* Toward Achieving Robust Low-Level and High-Level Scene Parsing
* Toward Construction-Based Data Hiding: From Secrets to Fingerprint Images
* Toward Deep Universal Sketch Perceptual Grouper
* Toward Efficient Action Recognition: Principal Backpropagation for Training Two-Stream Networks
* Trajectories as Topics: Multi-Object Tracking by Topic Discovery
* Transfer Neural Trees: Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation and Beyond
* Triple Verification Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Two-Layer QR Codes
* Two-Level Approach for No-Reference Consumer Video Quality Assessment
* Two-Level Attention Network With Multi-Grain Ranking Loss for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Two-Stage Outlier Filtering Framework for City-Scale Localization Using 3D SfM Point Clouds, A
* Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* UAV-IoT for Next Generation Virtual Reality
* Uncertainty-Based Active Learning via Sparse Modeling for Image Classification
* Underwater Image Enhancement Using Adaptive Retinal Mechanisms
* Unified Confidence Estimation Networks for Robust Stereo Matching
* Unified No-Reference Quality Assessment of Singly and Multiply Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Unified Single-Image and Video Super-Resolution via Denoising Algorithms
* Uniform and Variational Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition and Person Re-Identification
* Unifying Sum and Weighted Aggregations for Efficient Yet Effective Image Representation Computation
* Unsupervised Deep Video Hashing via Balanced Code for Large-Scale Video Retrieval
* Unsupervised Semantic-Based Aggregation of Deep Convolutional Features
* Unsupervised Semantic-Preserving Adversarial Hashing for Image Search
* User-Ranking Video Summarization With Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal Representation
* Using Curvilinear Features in Focus for Registering a Single Image to a 3D Object
* Variational Textured Dirichlet Process Mixture Model With Pairwise Constraint for Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images
* Vessel Optimal Transport for Automated Alignment of Retinal Fundus Images
* Video Person Re-Identification by Temporal Residual Learning
* Video Saliency Detection via Sparsity-Based Reconstruction and Propagation
* Video Super-Resolution Using Non-Simultaneous Fully Recurrent Convolutional Network
* VIDOSAT: High-Dimensional Sparsifying Transform Learning for Online Video Denoising
* View-Invariant Human Action Recognition Based on a 3D Bio-Constrained Skeleton Model
* Visual Attention Prediction for Stereoscopic Video by Multi-Module Fully Convolutional Network
* Visual Quality Assessment for Super-Resolved Images: Database and Method
* Visual Quality Evaluation for Semantic Segmentation: Subjective Assessment Database and Objective Assessment Measure
* VRSA Net: VR Sickness Assessment Considering Exceptional Motion for 360° VR Video
* VSSA-NET: Vertical Spatial Sequence Attention Network for Traffic Sign Detection
* Weakly Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation in Urban Scenes
* Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection by Learning A Classifier-Driven Map Generator
* Weighted Extreme Sparse Classifier and Local Derivative Pattern for 3D Face Recognition
* Weighted Graph Embedding-Based Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Weighted Tensor Rank-1 Decomposition for Nonlocal Image Denoising
* WLDISR: Weighted Local Sparse Representation-Based Depth Image Super-Resolution for 3D Video System
* Work Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Exact Euclidean Distance Transform, A
* X-Ray Enhancement Based on Component Attenuation, Contrast Adjustment, and Image Fusion
* Zero-Shot Learning via Category-Specific Visual-Semantic Mapping and Label Refinement
* Zero-Shot Learning via Robust Latent Representation and Manifold Regularization
459 for IP(28)

IP(29) * 2D Quaternion Sparse Discriminant Analysis
* 3D Point Cloud Attribute Compression Using Geometry-Guided Sparse Representation
* 3D Point Cloud Denoising Using Graph Laplacian Regularization of a Low Dimensional Manifold Model
* 3D Skeletal Gesture Recognition via Hidden States Exploration
* 4D Light Field Superpixel and Segmentation
* 50 FPS Object-Level Saliency Detection via Maximally Stable Region
* a-Matte Boundary Defocus Model-Based Cascaded Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion, An
* Accelerate CTU Partition to Real Time for HEVC Encoding With Complexity Control
* Accurate Long-Term Multiple People Tracking Using Video and Body-Worn IMUs
* Accurate Pedestrian Detection by Human Pose Regression
* Accurate Transmission Estimation for Removing Haze and Noise From a Single Image
* Adaptive and Robust Edge Detection Method Based on Edge Proportion Statistics, An
* Adaptive Graph Representation Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* Adaptive Regularization of Some Inverse Problems in Image Analysis
* Adaptive Sample-Level Graph Combination for Partial Multiview Clustering
* Advanced 3D Motion Prediction for Video-Based Dynamic Point Cloud Compression
* Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* Adversarial Learning for Joint Optimization of Depth and Ego-Motion
* AF-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Phase Detection Autofocus
* Aggregation Signature for Small Object Tracking
* Aligning Discriminative and Representative Features: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Method for Building Damage Assessment
* All-Pass Parametric Image Registration
* Analysis of Affine Motion-Compensated Prediction in Video Coding
* Anisotropic Convolution for Image Classification
* Anisotropic Guided Filtering
* Arbitrarily Shaped Scene Text Detection With a Mask Tightness Text Detector
* Arc Adjacency Matrix-Based Fast Ellipse Detection
* Arc-Support Line Segments Revisited: An Efficient High-Quality Ellipse Detection
* ASTS: A Unified Framework for Arbitrary Shape Text Spotting
* Attended End-to-End Architecture for Age Estimation From Facial Expression Videos
* Attention-Aware Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Networks
* Attribute-Guided Attention for Referring Expression Generation and Comprehension
* Autonomous Selective Parts-Based Tracking
* Back-Projection Based Fidelity Term for Ill-Posed Linear Inverse Problems
* Background Noise Filtering and Distribution Dividing for Crowd Counting
* Bag of Color Features for Color Constancy
* Bayesian Adversarial Spectral Clustering With Unknown Cluster Number
* Bayesian High Resolution Range Profile Reconstruction of High-Speed Moving Target from Under-Sampled Data
* Benchmark for Sparse Coding: When Group Sparsity Meets Rank Minimization, A
* Bi-Directional Dermoscopic Feature Learning and Multi-Scale Consistent Decision Fusion for Skin Lesion Segmentation
* Bi-Modal Progressive Mask Attention for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Biased Mixtures of Experts: Enabling Computer Vision Inference Under Data Transfer Limitations
* Binocular Light-Field: Imaging Theory and Occlusion-Robust Depth Perception Application
* Biological Vision Inspired Framework for Image Enhancement in Poor Visibility Conditions, A
* Blind Deblurring of Text Images Using a Text-Specific Hybrid Dictionary
* Blind Multiscale Spatial Regularization Framework for Kernel-Based Spectral Unmixing, A
* Blind Quality Metric of DIBR-Synthesized Images in the Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain
* Blind Universal Bayesian Image Denoising With Gaussian Noise Level Learning
* BMAN: Bidirectional Multi-Scale Aggregation Networks for Abnormal Event Detection
* Boosting Compressed Sensing Using Local Measurements and Sliding Window Reconstruction
* Boosting Feature Matching Accuracy With Pairwise Affine Estimation
* Boosting Structure Consistency for Multispectral and Multimodal Image Registration
* Boundary-Aware RGBD Salient Object Detection With Cross-Modal Feature Sampling
* BSD-GAN: Branched Generative Adversarial Network for Scale-Disentangled Representation Learning and Image Synthesis
* Burst Ranking for Blind Multi-Image Deblurring
* Camera Array for Multi-Spectral Imaging
* Cascaded Attention Guidance Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration
* Cascaded Face Sketch Synthesis Under Various Illuminations
* Category-Aware Spatial Constraint for Weakly Supervised Detection
* CDPM: Convolutional Deformable Part Models for Semantically Aligned Person Re-Identification
* CGAN-TM: A Novel Domain-to-Domain Transferring Method for Person Re-Identification
* Characterizing Generalized Rate-Distortion Performance of Video Coding: An Eigen Analysis Approach
* Class-Specific Reconstruction Transfer Learning for Visual Recognition Across Domains
* Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Segmentation From Image-Level Labels
* Collaborative Filtering of Correlated Noise: Exact Transform-Domain Variance for Improved Shrinkage and Patch Matching
* Collaborative Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Diagnosis
* Collective Affinity Learning for Partial Cross-Modal Hashing
* Collision-Free Video Synopsis Incorporating Object Speed and Size Changes
* Color Channel Compensation (3C): A Fundamental Pre-Processing Step for Image Enhancement
* Color Constancy by Reweighting Image Feature Maps
* Color Control Functions for Multiprimary Displays: I: Robustness Analysis and Optimization Formulations
* Color Control Functions for Multiprimary Displays: II: Variational Robustness Optimization
* Color Image Demosaicing Using Progressive Collaborative Representation
* Color Matching Images With Unknown Non-Linear Encodings
* Combining Faster R-CNN and Model-Driven Clustering for Elongated Object Detection
* Comparative Review of Recent Kinect-Based Action Recognition Algorithms, A
* Complexity of Shapes Embedded in Zn with a Bias Towards Squares
* Compositional Attention Networks With Two-Stream Fusion for Video Question Answering
* Comprehensive Benchmark for Single Image Compression Artifact Reduction, A
* Compressed Image Restoration via Artifacts-Free PCA Basis Learning and Adaptive Sparse Modeling
* Compressive Color Pattern Detection Using Partial Orthogonal Circulant Sensing Matrix
* Compressive Radar Imaging of Stationary Indoor Targets With Low-Rank Plus Jointly Sparse and Total Variation Regularizations
* Compressive Spectral Light Field Image Reconstruction via Online Tensor Representation
* Conditional Variational Image Deraining
* Confidence Measure Guided Single Image De-Raining
* Confidence-Based Large-Scale Dense Multi-View Stereo
* Confidence-Guided Self Refinement for Action Prediction in Untrimmed Videos
* Connecting Image Denoising and High-Level Vision Tasks via Deep Learning
* Consistent Video Style Transfer via Relaxation and Regularization
* Constrained Design of Deep Iris Networks
* Constrained Discriminative Projection Learning for Image Classification
* Context Knowledge Map Guided Coarse-to-Fine Action Recognition, A
* Context-Adaptive Neural Network-Based Prediction for Image Compression
* Context-Aware Graph Label Propagation Network for Saliency Detection
* Context-Aware Locality Measure for Inlier Pool Enrichment in Stepwise Image Registration, A
* Context-Integrated and Feature-Refined Network for Lightweight Object Parsing
* Context-Interactive CNN for Person Re-Identification
* Contrast Enhancement Using Novel White Balancing Parameter Optimization for Perceptually Invisible Images
* Controllable Image Processing via Adaptive FilterBank Pyramid
* Convexity Shape Prior for Level Set-Based Image Segmentation Method
* Convolutional Analysis Operator Learning: Acceleration and Convergence
* Convolutional Deblurring for Natural Imaging
* Coupled Real-Synthetic Domain Adaptation for Real-World Deep Depth Enhancement
* Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Modality-Aware Collaborative Ensemble Learning
* Cross-View Gait Recognition by Discriminative Feature Learning
* Cross-Weather Image Alignment via Latent Generative Model With Intensity Consistency
* Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
* Dark and Bright Channel Prior Embedded Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Data Dependent Multiscale Model for Hyperspectral Unmixing With Spectral Variability, A
* Data-Driven Model-Based Regression Applied to Panchromatic Sharpening, A
* Day and Night-Time Dehazing by Local Airlight Estimation
* DDcGAN: A Dual-Discriminator Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Resolution Image Fusion
* Deblurring Face Images Using Uncertainty Guided Multi-Stream Semantic Networks
* Deep Active Shape Model for Robust Object Fitting
* Deep Adversarial Metric Learning
* Deep Cascade Model-Based Face Recognition: When Deep-Layered Learning Meets Small Data
* Deep Collaborative Multi-View Hashing for Large-Scale Image Search
* Deep Coupled ISTA Network for Multi-Modal Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Graph-Convolutional Image Denoising
* Deep Guided Learning for Fast Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Deep HDR Imaging via A Non-Local Network
* Deep Heterogeneous Hashing for Face Video Retrieval
* Deep Image-to-Video Adaptation and Fusion Networks for Action Recognition
* Deep Joint Deinterlacing and Denoising for Single Shot Dual-ISO HDR Reconstruction
* Deep Learning Reconstruction Framework for Differential Phase-Contrast Computed Tomography With Incomplete Data, A
* Deep Learning-Based Picture-Wise Just Noticeable Distortion Prediction Model for Image Compression
* Deep Local Feature Descriptor Learning With Dual Hard Batch Construction
* Deep MR Brain Image Super-Resolution Using Spatio-Structural Priors
* Deep Multi-Modal Explanation Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Deep Multiphase Level Set for Scene Parsing
* Deep Neural Network Regression for Automated Retinal Layer Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Deep Non-Local Kalman Network for Video Compression Artifact Reduction
* Deep Portrait Image Completion and Extrapolation
* Deep Pyramidal Pooling With Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Ranking for Image Zero-Shot Multi-Label Classification
* Deep Recognition of Vanishing-Point-Constrained Building Planes in Urban Street Views
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Weak Human Activity Localization
* Deep Retinal Image Segmentation With Regularization Under Geometric Priors
* Deep Saliency Hashing for Fine-Grained Retrieval
* Deep Salient Object Detection with Contextual Information Guidance
* Deep Spatial and Temporal Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* Deep Spatial Transformation for Pose-Guided Person Image Generation and Animation
* Deep Tone Mapping Operator for High Dynamic Range Images
* Deep Unbiased Embedding Transfer for Zero-Shot Learning
* Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph Topology Inference and Filtering
* Deep Video Deblurring Using Sharpness Features From Exemplars
* Deep Video Super-Resolution Using HR Optical Flow Estimation
* Deep-Like Hashing-in-Hash for Visual Retrieval: An Embarrassingly Simple Method
* Deepzzle: Solving Visual Jigsaw Puzzles With Deep Learning and Shortest Path Optimization
* Degraded Image Semantic Segmentation With Dense-Gram Networks
* Dehazing Evaluation: Real-World Benchmark Datasets, Criteria, and Baselines
* Densely Distilled Flow-Based Knowledge Transfer in Teacher-Student Framework for Image Classification
* Deterministic Model Fitting by Local-Neighbor Preservation and Global-Residual Optimization
* Devil is in the Channels: Mutual-Channel Loss for Fine-Grained Image Classification, The
* DID: Disentangling-Imprinting-Distilling for Continuous Low-Shot Detection
* Discriminative and Uncorrelated Feature Selection With Constrained Spectral Analysis in Unsupervised Learning
* Discriminative Multi-View Privileged Information Learning for Image Re-Ranking
* Discriminative Residual Analysis for Image Set Classification With Posture and Age Variations
* Distilling Channels for Efficient Deep Tracking
* Domain Adaptation by Class Centroid Matching and Local Manifold Self-Learning
* Domain Adaptation by Joint Distribution Invariant Projections
* Domain-Transformable Sparse Representation for Anomaly Detection in Moving-Camera Videos
* Domain-Translated 3D Object Pose Estimation
* Double Graph Regularized Double Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* DP-Siam: Dynamic Policy Siamese Network for Robust Object Tracking
* DRPL: Deep Regression Pair Learning for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Dual-Branch Network With a Subtle Motion Detector for Microaction Recognition in Videos
* Dual-Path Attention Network for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction
* Dynamic Feature Integration for Simultaneous Detection of Salient Object, Edge, and Skeleton
* Dynamic Random Walk for Superpixel Segmentation
* Dynamic Receptive Field Generation for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Dynamic Sampling Networks for Efficient Action Recognition in Videos
* Dynamic Scene Deblurring by Depth Guided Model
* Dynamic Spatial Predicted Background
* Edge-Sensitive Human Cutout With Hierarchical Granularity and Loopy Matting Guidance
* Effective Super-Resolution Methods for Paired Electron Microscopic Images
* Efficient Algorithm for the Piecewise Affine-Linear Mumford-Shah Model Based on a Taylor Jet Splitting, An
* Efficient and Accurate 3D Finger Knuckle Matching Using Surface Key Points
* Efficient and Effective Context-Based Convolutional Entropy Modeling for Image Compression
* Efficient and Fast Real-World Noisy Image Denoising by Combining Pyramid Neural Network and Two-Pathway Unscented Kalman Filter
* Efficient Evaluation of Image Quality via Deep-Learning Approximation of Perceptual Metrics
* Efficient Fire Detection Method Based on Multiscale Feature Extraction, Implicit Deep Supervision and Channel Attention Mechanism, An
* Efficient In-Loop Filtering Based on Enhanced Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for HEVC
* Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation
* Efficient Single-Stage Pedestrian Detector by Asymptotic Localization Fitting and Multi-Scale Context Encoding
* EleAtt-RNN: Adding Attentiveness to Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
* End-to-End Blind Image Quality Prediction With Cascaded Deep Neural Network
* End-to-End Optimized ROI Image Compression
* End-to-End Single Image Fog Removal Using Enhanced Cycle Consistent Adversarial Networks
* Enhanced 3DTV Regularization and Its Applications on HSI Denoising and Compressed Sensing
* Enhanced Fuzzy-Based Local Information Algorithm for Sonar Image Segmentation
* Ensemble of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Gabor Face Representations for Face Recognition
* Ensemble of Generation- and Retrieval-Based Image Captioning With Dual Generator Generative Adversarial Network, An
* EraseNet: End-to-End Text Removal in the Wild
* Evaluating Local Geometric Feature Representations for 3D Rigid Data Matching
* Exact and Fast CBCT Reconstruction via Pseudo-Polar Fourier Transform-Based Discrete Grangeat's Formula, An
* Exemplar-Based Recursive Instance Segmentation With Application to Plant Image Analysis
* Exploiting Block-Sparsity for Hyperspectral Kronecker Compressive Sensing: A Tensor-Based Bayesian Method
* Exploiting Related and Unrelated Tasks for Hierarchical Metric Learning and Image Classification
* Exploring Task Structure for Brain Tumor Segmentation From Multi-Modality MR Images
* Extended Coding Unit Partitioning for Future Video Coding
* Extended Motion Diffusion-Based Change Detection for Airport Ground Surveillance
* Face Hallucination Using Cascaded Super-Resolution and Identity Priors
* Facial Expression Recognition in Videos Using Dynamic Kernels
* FADE: Feature Aggregation for Depth Estimation With Multi-View Stereo
* FAMED-Net: A Fast and Accurate Multi-Scale End-to-End Dehazing Network
* Fast and Accurate Depth Estimation From Sparse Light Fields
* Fast and Accurate Tensor Completion With Total Variation Regularized Tensor Trains
* Fast Collective Activity Recognition Under Weak Supervision
* Fast Depth and Mode Decision in Intra Prediction for Quality SHVC
* Fast Depth Estimation for Light Field Cameras
* Fast Learning of Spatially Regularized and Content Aware Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Fast Multi-Scale Structural Patch Decomposition for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Fast Online 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes From Individual Single-Photon Detection Events
* Fast Optical Flow Extraction From Compressed Video
* Fast Single Image Dehazing Using Saturation Based Transmission Map Estimation
* Fast Sparse Aperture ISAR Autofocusing and Imaging via ADMM Based Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Few-Shot Deep Adversarial Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Few-Shot Text Style Transfer via Deep Feature Similarity
* Fine-Grained Spatial Alignment Model for Person Re-Identification With Focal Triplet Loss
* Forecasting Future Action Sequences With Attention: A New Approach to Weakly Supervised Action Forecasting
* FormNet: Formatted Learning for Image Restoration
* Fourier-Argand Representation: An Optimal Basis of Steerable Patterns, The
* FoveaBox: Beyound Anchor-Based Object Detection
* Fractal Dimension of Color Fractal Images With Correlated Color Components
* Framelet Representation of Tensor Nuclear Norm for Third-Order Tensor Completion
* Framework of Reversible Color-to-Grayscale Conversion With Watermarking Feature, A
* From Pairwise Comparisons and Rating to a Unified Quality Scale
* From Rank Estimation to Rank Approximation: Rank Residual Constraint for Image Restoration
* Fusion of Heterogeneous Adversarial Networks for Single Image Dehazing
* Fusion of Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound Images for Endometriosis Detection
* FusionNet: An Unsupervised Convolutional Variational Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* Gabor Feature-Based LogDemons With Inertial Constraint for Nonrigid Image Registration
* Gaussian Lifting for Fast Bilateral and Nonlocal Means Filtering
* Gaze Estimation by Exploring Two-Eye Asymmetry
* Generalized Convolutional Sparse Coding With Unknown Noise
* Generating Target Image-Label Pairs for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Generating Visually Aligned Sound From Videos
* Geometry Coding for Dynamic Voxelized Point Clouds Using Octrees and Multiple Contexts
* Geometry Guided Pose-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Geometry-Aware Graph Transforms for Light Field Compact Representation
* Graininess-Aware Deep Feature Learning for Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Graph Embedding Framework for Maximum Mean Discrepancy-Based Domain Adaptation Algorithms, A
* Graph Laplacian Regularization for Robust Optical Flow Estimation
* Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based Freezing of Gait Detection
* Graph Transform Optimization With Application to Image Compression
* Graph-Based Compensated Wavelet Lifting for Scalable Lossless Coding of Dynamic Medical Data
* Graph-Based Non-Convex Low-Rank Regularization for Image Compression Artifact Reduction
* Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Neuromorphic Vision Sensing
* Graph-Based Transforms for Video Coding
* Grassmannian Graph Approach to Affine Invariant Feature Matching, A
* Grayscale-Thermal Tracking via Inverse Sparse Representation-Based Collaborative Encoding
* Group Feedback Capsule Network
* Group Sparsity Residual Constraint With Non-Local Priors for Image Restoration
* Group-Group Loss-Based Global-Regional Feature Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* HA-CCN: Hierarchical Attention-Based Crowd Counting Network
* HAM: Hidden Anchor Mechanism for Scene Text Detection
* Hamming Embedding Sensitivity Guided Fusion Network for 3D Shape Representation
* HAR-Net: Joint Learning of Hybrid Attention for Single-Stage Object Detection
* Hazy Image Decolorization With Color Contrast Restoration
* Heterogeneous Multireference Alignment for Images With Application to 2D Classification in Single Particle Reconstruction
* Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Hierarchical Recurrent Deep Fusion Using Adaptive Clip Summarization for Sign Language Translation
* Hierarchical U-Shape Attention Network for Salient Object Detection
* High Quality Light Field Extraction and Post-Processing for Raw Plenoptic Data
* High-ISO Long-Exposure Image Denoising Based on Quantitative Blob Characterization
* High-Order Feature Learning for Multi-Atlas Based Label Fusion: Application to Brain Segmentation With MRI
* High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* High-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Networks for Low-Contrast Medical Image Segmentation
* HMS-Net: Hierarchical Multi-Scale Sparsity-Invariant Network for Sparse Depth Completion
* Holistic Multi-Modal Memory Network for Movie Question Answering
* Homologous Component Analysis for Domain Adaptation
* How is Gaze Influenced by Image Transformations? Dataset and Model
* Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Using Optimized Twin Dictionaries
* Hyperspectral Image Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Using Subspace-Based Nonlocal Tensor Ring Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Matrix Factorization and Deep Prior Regularization
* Hyperspectral Images Denoising via Nonconvex Regularized Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* ICNet: Information Conversion Network for RGB-D Based Salient Object Detection
* IDGCP: Image Dehazing Based on Gamma Correction Prior
* Illumination Invariant Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Based on a Digital Surface Model
* ILP Model for Multi-Label MRFs With Connectivity Constraints, An
* Image Captioning With End-to-End Attribute Detection and Subsequent Attributes Prediction
* Image Clustering via Deep Embedded Dimensionality Reduction and Probability-Based Triplet Loss
* Image Coding With Data-Driven Transforms: Methodology, Performance and Potential
* Image Compressed Sensing Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Image Deblurring Utilizing Inertial Sensors and a Short-Long-Short Exposure Strategy
* Image Denoising via Sequential Ensemble Learning
* Image Feature Correspondence Selection: A Comparative Study and a New Contribution
* Image Interpolation Using Multi-Scale Attention-Aware Inception Network
* Image Processing Methods for Coronal Hole Segmentation, Matching, and Map Classification
* Image Recovery via Transform Learning and Low-Rank Modeling: The Power of Complementary Regularizers
* Image Representations With Spatial Object-to-Object Relations for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* Image Restoration by Combined Order Regularization With Optimal Spatial Adaptation
* Image Restoration Using Joint Patch-Group-Based Sparse Representation
* Image Restoration via Simultaneous Nonlocal Self-Similarity Priors
* Image Super-Resolution as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks
* Imaging With SPADs and DMDs: Seeing Through Diffraction-Photons
* Improve Person Re-Identification With Part Awareness Learning
* Improved Multi-View Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Object Retrieval, An
* Improved Robust Video Saliency Detection Based on Long-Term Spatial-Temporal Information
* Improved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase Depth Estimation and Selective Deep Fusion
* Improved Techniques for Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation
* Improving Dataset Volumes and Model Accuracy With Semi-Supervised Iterative Self-Learning
* Improving Description-Based Person Re-Identification by Multi-Granularity Image-Text Alignments
* Improving Person Re-Identification With Iterative Impression Aggregation
* Improving the Harmony of the Composite Image by Spatial-Separated Attention Module
* Inpainting Versus Denoising for Dose Reduction in Scanning-Beam Microscopies
* Integrating Neural Networks Into the Blind Deblurring Framework to Compete With the End-to-End Learning-Based Methods
* Interpret Neural Networks by Extracting Critical Subnetworks
* Interpretable Deep Architecture for Similarity Learning Built Upon Hierarchical Concepts, An
* Interweaved Prediction for Video Coding
* Investigating Task-Driven Latent Feasibility for Nonconvex Image Modeling
* Isosceles Constraints for Person Re-Identification
* Iterative Local-Global Collaboration Learning Towards One-Shot Video Person Re-Identification
* Joint Angular Refinement and Reconstruction for Single-Particle Cryo-EM
* Joint Coding of Local and Global Deep Features in Videos for Visual Search
* Joint Label Space for Generalized Zero-Shot Classification, A
* Joint Raindrop and Haze Removal From a Single Image
* Joint Relationship Aware Neural Network for Single-Image 3D Human Pose Estimation, A
* Joint Stereo Video Deblurring, Scene Flow Estimation and Moving Object Segmentation
* Jointly Learning Commonality and Specificity Dictionaries for Person Re-Identification
* Jointly Using Low-Rank and Sparsity Priors for Sparse Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
* Just Noticeable Distortion-Based Perceptual Rate Control in HEVC
* KonIQ-10k: An Ecologically Valid Database for Deep Learning of Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Latent Complete Row Space Recovery for Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Latent Elastic-Net Transfer Learning
* LCSCNet: Linear Compressing-Based Skip-Connecting Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Learned Fast HEVC Intra Coding
* Learned Image Downscaling for Upscaling Using Content Adaptive Resampler
* LEARNet: Dynamic Imaging Network for Micro Expression Recognition
* Learning a Deep Dual Attention Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Learning a Single Model With a Wide Range of Quality Factors for JPEG Image Artifacts Removal
* Learning a Single Tucker Decomposition Network for Lossy Image Compression With Multiple Bits-per-Pixel Rates
* Learning Deeply Aggregated Alternating Minimization for General Inverse Problems
* Learning From Synthetic Images via Active Pseudo-Labeling
* Learning Hybrid Representation by Robust Dictionary Learning in Factorized Compressed Space
* Learning Interleaved Cascade of Shrinkage Fields for Joint Image Dehazing and Denoising
* Learning Latent Global Network for Skeleton-Based Action Prediction
* Learning Latent Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* Learning Layer-Skippable Inference Network
* Learning Long-Term Structural Dependencies for Video Salient Object Detection
* Learning Modality-Specific Representations for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Learning No-Reference Quality Assessment of Multiply and Singly Distorted Images With Big Data
* Learning Non-Local Spatial Correlations To Restore Sparse 3D Single-Photon Data
* Learning Nonclassical Receptive Field Modulation for Contour Detection
* Learning Recurrent 3D Attention for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Learning Rich Part Hierarchies With Progressive Attention Networks for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Learning Sparse and Identity-Preserved Hidden Attributes for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Pixel Aggregations for Image and Video Denoising
* Learning Symmetry Consistent Deep CNNs for Face Completion
* Learning to Align via Wasserstein for Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Explore Saliency for Stereoscopic Videos Via Component-Based Interaction
* Learning to Reconstruct and Understand Indoor Scenes From Sparse Views
* LFNet: Light Field Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Light Field Image Quality Assessment via the Light Field Coherence
* Light Field Saliency Detection With Deep Convolutional Networks
* Light Field Synthesis by Training Deep Network in the Refocused Image Domain
* Lightening Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Local Flatness Based Variational Approach to Retinex, A
* Local Low Rank Approximation With a Parametric Disparity Model for Light Field Compression
* Local Proximity for Enhanced Visibility in Haze
* Local Regression Ranking for Saliency Detection
* Local Semantic Siamese Networks for Fast Tracking
* Local-Adaptive Image Alignment Based on Triangular Facet Approximation
* Long-Range Binocular Vision Target Geolocation Using Handheld Electronic Devices in Outdoor Environment
* Long-Term Action Dependence-Based Hierarchical Deep Association for Multi-Athlete Tracking in Sports Videos
* Long-Term Tracking With Deep Tracklet Association
* Long-Term Video Prediction via Criticization and Retrospection
* Low Cost Gaze Estimation: Knowledge-Based Solutions
* Low-Rank Approximation via Generalized Reweighted Iterative Nuclear and Frobenius Norms
* Low-Rank Matrix Recovery via Modified Schatten-p Norm Minimization With Convergence Guarantees
* Low-Rank Quaternion Approximation for Color Image Processing
* Lower Bound on Transmission Using Non-Linear Bounding Function in Single Image Dehazing
* LR3M: Robust Low-Light Enhancement via Low-Rank Regularized Retinex Model
* Mask SSD: An Effective Single-Stage Approach to Object Instance Segmentation
* Material Based Object Tracking in Hyperspectral Videos
* MATNet: Motion-Attentive Transition Network for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
* MAVA: Multi-Level Adaptive Visual-Textual Alignment by Cross-Media Bi-Attention Mechanism
* MCMT-GAN: Multi-Task Coherent Modality Transferable GAN for 3D Brain Image Synthesis
* MDLatLRR: A Novel Decomposition Method for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* ME R-CNN: Multi-Expert R-CNN for Object Detection
* MEF-GAN: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Generative Adversarial Networks
* MetaSearch: Incremental Product Search via Deep Meta-Learning
* Metric for Light Field Reconstruction, Compression, and Display Quality Evaluation, A
* Metric for Video Blending Quality Assessment, A
* Mining Spatial-Temporal Similarity for Visual Tracking
* Modality Compensation Network: Cross-Modal Adaptation for Action Recognition
* Model Optimization Boosting Framework for Linear Model Hash Learning
* Model-Free Distortion Rectification Framework Bridged by Distortion Distribution Map
* Model-Free Tracker for Multiple Objects Using Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Model-Guided Multi-Path Knowledge Aggregation for Aerial Saliency Prediction
* Modeling Generalized Rate-Distortion Functions
* Moment Retrieval via Cross-Modal Interaction Networks With Query Reconstruction
* MonoFENet: Monocular 3D Object Detection With Feature Enhancement Networks
* Morphology-Based Noise Reduction: Structural Variation and Thresholding in the Bitonic Filter
* Motion Segmentation of RGB-D Sequences: Combining Semantic and Motion Information Using Statistical Inference
* MSdB-NMF: MultiSpectral Document Image Binarization Framework via Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Approach
* Multi-Atlas Brain Parcellation Using Squeeze-and-Excitation Fully Convolutional Networks
* Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for Grayscale Image Restoration
* Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
* Multi-Domain and Multi-Modal Representation Disentangler for Cross-Domain Image Manipulation and Classification, A
* Multi-Exponential Transverse Relaxation Times Estimation From Magnetic Resonance Images Under Rician Noise and Spatial Regularization
* Multi-Granularity Canonical Appearance Pooling for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Multi-Modal Recurrent Attention Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-Objective Matrix Normalization for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Multi-Scale Deep Residual Learning-Based Single Image Haze Removal via Image Decomposition
* Multi-Scale Multi-View Deep Feature Aggregation for Food Recognition
* Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Attention Model for Person Re-Identification in Videos, A
* Multi-Scale Temporal Cues Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking by Tracklet-to-Target Assignment
* Multi-Task Consistency-Preserving Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Task Deep Dual Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Multi-Task Deep Relative Attribute Learning for Visual Urban Perception
* Multi-View Data Fusion Oriented Clustering via Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Multi-View Image Classification With Visual, Semantic and View Consistency
* Multi-View Photometric Stereo: A Robust Solution and Benchmark Dataset for Spatially Varying Isotropic Materials
* Multi-View Video Synopsis via Simultaneous Object-Shifting and View-Switching Optimization
* Multilevel Optimization for Registration of Deformable Point Clouds
* Multimodal Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using an Unsupervised Pixel Pairwise-Based Markov Random Field Model
* Multimodal Deep Unfolding for Guided Image Super-Resolution
* Multimodal Saliency Model for Videos With High Audio-Visual Correspondence, A
* Multimodal Target Detection by Sparse Coding: Application to Paint Loss Detection in Paintings
* Multipatch Unbiased Distance Non-Local Adaptive Means With Wavelet Shrinkage
* Multiple Cycle-in-Cycle Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Image Super-Resolution
* Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scene Classification, A
* Multiplex Cellular Communities in Multi-Gigapixel Colorectal Cancer Histology Images for Tissue Phenotyping
* Multiresolution Localization With Temporal Scanning for Super-Resolution Diffuse Optical Imaging of Fluorescence
* Multistage GAN for Fabric Defect Detection
* Multistage Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection, A
* Mumford-Shah Loss Functional for Image Segmentation With Deep Learning
* Mutual Context Network for Jointly Estimating Egocentric Gaze and Action
* MV-GNN: Multi-View Graph Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction
* MVSNet++: Learning Depth-Based Attention Pyramid Features for Multi-View Stereo
* Needles in a Haystack: Tracking City-Scale Moving Vehicles From Continuously Moving Satellite
* Neural Compatibility Modeling With Probabilistic Knowledge Distillation
* Neural Multimodal Cooperative Learning Toward Micro-Video Understanding
* New Design for Compact Color Screen Sets for High-End Digital Color Press
* New Hybrid Level Set Approach, A
* New Polarization Image Demosaicking Algorithm by Exploiting Inter-Channel Correlations With Guided Filtering, A
* New Polyphase Down-Sampling-Based Multiple Description Image Coding, A
* NLH: A Blind Pixel-Level Non-Local Method for Real-World Image Denoising
* No Reference Quality Assessment for 3D Synthesized Views by Local Structure Variation and Global Naturalness Change
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment: An Attention Driven Approach
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Natural Spatiotemporal Scene Statistics
* Noise-Robust Iterative Back-Projection
* Noisy-as-Clean: Learning Self-Supervised Denoising From Corrupted Image
* Non-Lambertian Photometric Stereo Network Based on Inverse Reflectance Model With Collocated Light
* Novel Active Contour Model for Noisy Image Segmentation Based on Adaptive Fractional Order Differentiation, A
* Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detection In Fluorescein Angiography, A
* Novel Key-Point Detector Based on Sparse Coding, A
* Novel Retinex-Based Fractional-Order Variational Model for Images With Severely Low Light, A
* Novel Saliency Detection Algorithm Based on Adversarial Learning Model, A
* Novel Symmetry Driven Siamese Network for THz Concealed Object Verification, A
* NPSA: Nonorthogonal Principal Skewness Analysis
* Object Context Integrated Network for Joint Learning of Depth and Optical Flow, An
* Object Discovery From a Single Unlabeled Image by Mining Frequent Itemsets With Multi-Scale Features
* Occlusion-Aware Region-Based 3D Pose Tracking of Objects With Temporally Consistent Polar-Based Local Partitioning
* OCTRexpert: A Feature-Based 3D Registration Method for Retinal OCT Images
* OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Automatic Dense Volumetric 3D Intracranial Blood Vessels Segmentation
* On Aggregation of Unsupervised Deep Binary Descriptor With Weak Bits
* One-Pass Multi-Task Networks With Cross-Task Guided Attention for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Online Alternate Generator Against Adversarial Attacks
* Online Multi-Expert Learning for Visual Tracking
* Online Tensor Sparsifying Transform Based on Temporal Superpixels From Compressive Spectral Video Measurements
* Online-Learning-Based Bayesian Decision Rule for Fast Intra Mode and CU Partitioning Algorithm in HEVC Screen Content Coding
* Open-Ended Video Question Answering via Multi-Modal Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Optical Flow Based Co-Located Reference Frame for Video Compression
* Optical-and-Radar Image Fusion for Dynamic Estimation of Spin Satellites
* Optical-Flow Based Nonlinear Weighted Prediction for SDR and Backward Compatible HDR Video Coding
* Optimized Quantization Constraints Set for Image Restoration and its GPU Implementation, An
* Optimized Sensing Matrix for Single Pixel Multi-Resolution Compressive Spectral Imaging
* ORDNet: Capturing Omni-Range Dependencies for Scene Parsing
* Orthogonal Directional Transforms Using Discrete Directional Laplacian Eigen Solutions for Beyond HEVC Intra Coding
* OSLNet: Deep Small-Sample Classification With an Orthogonal Softmax Layer
* Outdoor RGBD Instance Segmentation With Residual Regretting Learning
* PaDNet: Pan-Density Crowd Counting
* Parallax Tolerant Light Field Stitching for Hand-Held Plenoptic Cameras
* Parameter-Free Gaussian PSF Model for Extended Depth of Field in Brightfield Microscopy
* Path-Based Dictionary Augmentation: A Framework for Improving k-Sparse Image Processing
* PBR-Net: Imitating Physically Based Rendering Using Deep Neural Network
* Perceptual Evaluation for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion of Dynamic Scenes
* Perceptual Temporal Incoherence-Guided Stereo Video Retargeting
* Performance of Quality Metrics in Assessing Error-Concealed Video Quality, The
* Person Search by Separated Modeling and A Mask-Guided Two-Stream CNN Model
* Personality-Assisted Multi-Task Learning for Generic and Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Personalized Image Enhancement Using Neural Spline Color Transforms
* Phase Asymmetry Ultrasound Despeckling With Fractional Anisotropic Diffusion and Total Variation
* Phase Recovery Guarantees From Designed Coded Diffraction Patterns in Optical Imaging
* PhaseNet 2.0: Phase Unwrapping of Noisy Data Based on Deep Learning Approach
* PiCANet: Pixel-Wise Contextual Attention Learning for Accurate Saliency Detection
* PMBANet: Progressive Multi-Branch Aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution
* PMHLD: Patch Map-Based Hybrid Learning DehazeNet for Single Image Haze Removal
* PML-LocNet: Improving Object Localization With Prior-Induced Multi-View Learning Network
* PNEN: Pyramid Non-Local Enhanced Networks
* Point Cloud Denoising via Feature Graph Laplacian Regularization
* Point2SpatialCapsule: Aggregating Features and Spatial Relationships of Local Regions on Point Clouds Using Spatial-Aware Capsules
* Polarimetric SAR Image Semantic Segmentation With 3D Discrete Wavelet Transform and Markov Random Field
* PoNA: Pose-Guided Non-Local Attention for Human Pose Transfer
* Pose-Based View Synthesis for Vehicles: A Perspective Aware Method
* Pose-Guided Person Image Synthesis in the Non-Iconic Views
* Pothole Detection Based on Disparity Transformation and Road Surface Modeling
* Pothole Detection Based on Disparity Transformation and Road Surface Modeling
* Practically Lossless Affine Image Transformation
* Prediction and Sampling With Local Graph Transforms for Quasi-Lossless Light Field Compression
* PrivacyNet: Semi-Adversarial Networks for Multi-Attribute Face Privacy
* Progressive Cross-Modal Semantic Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Progressive Feature Matching: Incremental Graph Construction and Optimization
* Progressive Object Transfer Detection
* Projective Double Reconstructions Based Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Cross-Domain Recognition
* PWStableNet: Learning Pixel-Wise Warping Maps for Video Stabilization
* QNet: An Adaptive Quantization Table Generator Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Quality Measurement of Images on Mobile Streaming Interfaces Deployed at Scale
* Quality Prediction on Deep Generative Images
* Quantifying and Detecting Collective Motion in Crowd Scenes
* Quasi Fourier-Mellin Transform for Affine Invariant Features
* Query-Biased Self-Attentive Network for Query-Focused Video Summarization
* Rain O'er Me: Synthesizing Real Rain to Derain With Data Distillation
* RAPNet: Residual Atrous Pyramid Network for Importance-Aware Street Scene Parsing
* Rate Control for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Rate Distortion Optimization: A Joint Framework and Algorithms for Random Access Hierarchical Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Driven Decomposition of Multiview Imagery to Diffuse and Specular Components
* Re-Caption: Saliency-Enhanced Image Captioning Through Two-Phase Learning
* Real-Time Burst Photo Selection Using a Light-Head Adversarial Network
* Real-Time Correlation Tracking Via Joint Model Compression and Transfer
* Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimum Spanning Tree
* Real-Time Quality Assessment of Pediatric MRI via Semi-Supervised Deep Nonlocal Residual Neural Networks
* Realistic Film Noise Generation Based on Experimental Noise Spectra
* Realizing a Low-Power Head-Mounted Phase-Only Holographic Display by Light-Weight Compression
* Recent Advances in 3D Object Detection in the Era of Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
* Receptive Field Size Versus Model Depth for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Receptive Multi-Granularity Representation for Person Re-Identification
* Reconstructing 3D Shapes From Multiple Sketches Using Direct Shape Optimization
* Reconstruction of Binary Shapes From Blurred Images via Hankel-Structured Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
* Recurrent Neural Network for Particle Tracking in Microscopy Images Using Future Information, Track Hypotheses, and Multiple Detections, A
* Region Attention Networks for Pose and Occlusion Robust Facial Expression Recognition
* Registration of Multi-View Point Sets Under the Perspective of Expectation-Maximization
* Reliable Multi-Kernel Subtask Graph Correlation Tracker
* Remove Cosine Window From Correlation Filter-Based Visual Trackers: When and How
* Removing Arbitrary-Scale Rain Streaks via Fractal Band Learning With Self-Supervision
* Repeated Look-Up Tables
* Residual Learning for Salient Object Detection
* RESLS: Region and Edge Synergetic Level Set Framework for Image Segmentation
* Restoration of Fast Moving Objects
* Revealing the Invisible With Model and Data Shrinking for Composite-Database Micro-Expression Recognition
* Reverse Attention-Based Residual Network for Salient Object Detection
* Revisiting Anchor Mechanisms for Temporal Action Localization
* Revisiting EmbodiedQA: A Simple Baseline and Beyond
* RGB-T Salient Object Detection via Fusing Multi-Level CNN Features
* RGBD Salient Object Detection via Disentangled Cross-Modal Fusion
* RhythmNet: End-to-End Heart Rate Estimation From Face via Spatial-Temporal Representation
* RIFT: Multi-Modal Image Matching Based on Radiation-Variation Insensitive Feature Transform
* Ring Difference Filter for Fast and Noise Robust Depth From Focus
* Robust Estimation of Absolute Camera Pose via Intersection Constraint and Flow Consensus
* Robust Face Super-Resolution via Position Relation Model Based on Global Face Context
* Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Heatmap-Offset Regression
* Robust Feature Matching Using Spatial Clustering With Heavy Outliers
* Robust Low-Rank Tensor Minimization via a New Tensor Spectral k-Support Norm
* Robust Low-Rank Tensor Recovery via Nonconvex Singular Value Minimization
* Robust Seismic Image Interpolation With Mathematical Morphological Constraint
* Robust Structural Low-Rank Tracking
* RPD-GAN: Learning to Draw Realistic Paintings With Generative Adversarial Network
* RYF-Net: Deep Fusion Network for Single Image Haze Removal
* s-LWSR: Super Lightweight Super-Resolution Network
* SABER: A Systems Approach to Blur Estimation and Reduction in X-Ray Imaging
* SAFNet: A Semi-Anchor-Free Network With Enhanced Feature Pyramid for Object Detection
* Saliency Detection via Depth-Induced Cellular Automata on Light Field
* SAR Image Speckle Filtering With Context Covariance Matrix Formulation and Similarity Test
* Satisfied-User-Ratio Modeling for Compressed Video
* Scalable Deep Hashing for Large-Scale Social Image Retrieval
* Scanning Imaging Restoration of Moving or Dynamically Deforming Objects
* Scene Recognition With Prototype-Agnostic Scene Layout
* Screen Content Video Quality Assessment: Subjective and Objective Study
* Scripted Video Generation With a Bottom-Up Generative Adversarial Network
* Second-Order Spectral Transform Block for 3D Shape Classification and Retrieval
* Segmentation of MR Brain Images Through Hidden Markov Random Field and Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm
* Segmenting Cellular Retinal Images by Optimizing Super-Pixels, Multi-Level Modularity, and Cell Boundary Representation
* Selective Spatial Regularization by Reinforcement Learned Decision Making for Object Tracking
* Self-Enhanced Convolutional Network for Facial Video Hallucination
* Self-Motion-Assisted Tensor Completion Method for Background Initialization in Complex Video Sequences
* Self-Supervised Agent Learning for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* Self-Supervised Feature Augmentation for Large Image Object Detection
* Self-Supervised Learning of Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction
* Semantic Image Segmentation by Scale-Adaptive Networks
* Semantic Neighborhood-Aware Deep Facial Expression Recognition
* Semantic Segmentation With Context Encoding and Multi-Path Decoding
* Semantics-Preserving Graph Propagation for Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Semi-Linearized Proximal Alternating Minimization for a Discrete Mumford-Shah Model
* Semi-Supervised Deep Coupled Ensemble Learning With Classification Landmark Exploration
* Semi-Supervised Human Detection via Region Proposal Networks Aided by Verification
* Semi-Supervised Image Dehazing
* Semi-Supervised Robust Mixture Models in RKHS for Abnormality Detection in Medical Images
* Semi-Supervised Texture Filtering With Shallow to Deep Understanding
* Sensing Matrix Design for Compressive Spectral Imaging via Binary Principal Component Analysis
* Sequential Dual Attention Network for Rain Streak Removal in a Single Image
* Shape-Based Statistical Inversion Method for EIT/URT Dual-Modality Imaging, A
* Shearlet Enhanced Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Shearlet Transform-Based Light Field Compression Under Low Bitrates
* Siamese Local and Global Networks for Robust Face Tracking
* SIF: Self-Inspirited Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Signal Adaptive Prediction Filter for Video Coding Using Directional Total Variation: Mathematical Framework and Parameter Selection, A
* Signal-Processing Framework for Occlusion of 3D Scene to Improve the Rendering Quality of Views, A
* Similarity-Preserving Linkage Hashing for Online Image Retrieval
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Moving Object Detection From Compressive Sampled Surveillance Videos
* Simultaneous Surface Reflectance and Fluorescence Spectra Estimation
* Single Image Deraining Using Bilateral Recurrent Network
* Single Image Deraining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Single-Perspective Warps in Natural Image Stitching
* SITUP: Scale Invariant Tracking Using Average Peak-to-Correlation Energy
* Skeleton Filter: A Self-Symmetric Filter for Skeletonization in Noisy Text Images
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition With Multi-Stream Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks
* Sketch-a-Segmenter: Sketch-Based Photo Segmenter Generation
* Small Object Augmentation of Urban Scenes for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Soft-Edge Assisted Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Spaghetti Labeling: Directed Acyclic Graphs for Block-Based Connected Components Labeling
* Sparse BSS From Poisson Measurements
* Sparse Domain Gaussianization for Multi-Variate Statistical Modeling of Retinal OCT Images
* Sparse Graph Regularized Mesh Color Edit Propagation
* Sparse Representation-Based Video Quality Assessment for Synthesized 3D Videos
* Spatially Constrained Probabilistic Model for Robust Image Segmentation, A
* Spatially-Variant CNN-Based Point Spread Function Estimation for Blind Deconvolution and Depth Estimation in Optical Microscopy
* Spatio-Temporal Memory Attention for Image Captioning
* Spatio-Temporal Multi-Scale Binary Descriptor, A
* Spatiotemporal Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Estimation of Aerial Video Saliency
* Spatiotemporal Tree Filtering for Enhancing Image Change Detection
* Spectral Variability Aware Blind Hyperspectral Image Unmixing Based on Convex Geometry
* Speeding Up VP9 Intra Encoder With Hierarchical Deep Learning-Based Partition Prediction
* SRHandNet: Real-Time 2D Hand Pose Estimation With Simultaneous Region Localization
* STA-CNN: Convolutional Spatial-Temporal Attention Learning for Action Recognition
* STAR: A Structure and Texture Aware Retinex Model
* STC-GAN: Spatio-Temporally Coupled Generative Adversarial Networks for Predictive Scene Parsing
* Steerable ePCA: Rotationally Invariant Exponential Family PCA
* Stereoscopic Image Generation From Light Field With Disparity Scaling and Super-Resolution
* STFlow: Self-Taught Optical Flow Estimation Using Pseudo Labels
* Strongly Constrained Discrete Hashing
* Structure and Texture-Aware Image Decomposition via Training a Neural Network
* Structure Transfer Machine: Theory and Applications, The
* Structure-Preserving Neural Style Transfer
* Structured Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising Under Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Noise
* Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Audio-Visual Signals
* Summit Navigator: A Novel Approach for Local Maxima Extraction
* Super Diffusion for Salient Object Detection
* Super-Resolution for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Accounting for Seasonal Spectral Variability
* Super-Resolution of Optical Coherence Tomography Images by Scale Mixture Models
* Super-Resolution Phase Retrieval From Designed Coded Diffraction Patterns
* Superpixel Embedding Network
* Supervised Deep Sparse Coding Networks for Image Classification
* Taking a Look at Small-Scale Pedestrians and Occluded Pedestrians
* Tangent Fisher Vector on Matrix Manifolds for Action Recognition
* Task Decomposition and Synchronization for Semantic Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Task-Oriented Network for Image Dehazing
* Temporal Hierarchical Dictionary Guided Decoding for Online Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
* Temporal Incoherence-Free Video Retargeting Using Foreground Aware Extrapolation
* Temporal Reasoning Graph for Activity Recognition
* Temporally Coherent Video Harmonization Using Adversarial Networks
* Tensor Multi-Task Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Tensor Oriented No-Reference Light Field Image Quality Assessment
* Text Co-Detection in Multi-View Scene
* Textual-Visual Reference-Aware Attention Network for Visual Dialog
* Texture Classification Using Pair-Wise Difference Pooling-Based Bilinear Convolutional Neural Networks
* Three Dimensional Root CT Segmentation Using Multi-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Tiny Obstacle Discovery by Occlusion-Aware Multilayer Regression
* TNLRS: Target-Aware Non-Local Low-Rank Modeling With Saliency Filtering Regularization for Infrared Small Target Detection
* Tone Mapping Beyond the Classical Receptive Field
* Toward Intelligent Sensing: Intermediate Deep Feature Compression
* Toward Specular Removal from Natural Images Based on Statistical Reflection Models
* Towards Unsupervised Deep Image Enhancement With Generative Adversarial Network
* Towards Weakly-Supervised Focus Region Detection via Recurrent Constraint Network
* Transform Coding Strategy for Dynamic Point Clouds, A
* Truncated Low-Rank and Total p Variation Constrained Color Image Completion and its Moreau Approximation Algorithm
* Truncated Matrix Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* Tunable VVC Frame Partitioning Based on Lightweight Machine Learning
* TVp Regularized Mumford-Shah Model for Image Labeling and Segmentation, The
* Two-Dimensional Autofocus Technique Based on Spatial Frequency Domain Fragmentation
* Two-Stage Approach to Few-Shot Learning for Image Recognition, A
* Unambiguous Scene Text Segmentation With Referring Expression Comprehension
* Understanding and Predicting the Memorability of Outdoor Natural Scenes
* Understanding of Curved Corridor Scenes Based on Projection of Spatial Right-Angles
* Underwater Image Enhancement Benchmark Dataset and Beyond, An
* Unified Deep Model for Joint Facial Expression Recognition, Face Synthesis, and Face Alignment, A
* Unified Framework for Generalizable Style Transfer: Style and Content Separation, A
* Unified Generative Adversarial Networks for Controllable Image-to-Image Translation
* Unified Intra Mode Coding Based on Short and Long Range Correlations
* Unified Probabilistic Formulation of Image Aesthetic Assessment, A
* Universal Face Photo-Sketch Style Transfer via Multiview Domain Translation
* Unordered Image Stitching Method Based on Binary Tree and Estimated Overlapping Area, An
* Unsupervised Deep Contrast Enhancement With Power Constraint for OLED Displays
* Unsupervised Deep Cross-modality Spectral Hashing
* Unsupervised Deep Image Fusion With Structure Tensor Representations
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Via Data Reconstruction and Side Information
* Unsupervised Learning of Image Segmentation Based on Differentiable Feature Clustering
* Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow With CNN-Based Non-Local Filtering
* Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation From Light Field Image
* Unsupervised Multi-Target Domain Adaptation: An Information Theoretic Approach
* Unsupervised Multi-View Constrained Convolutional Network for Accurate Depth Estimation
* Unsupervised Online Video Object Segmentation With Motion Property Understanding
* Unsupervised Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Similarity Exploration
* Unsupervised Rotation Factorization in Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Unsupervised Single Image Dehazing Using Dark Channel Prior Loss
* Utilising Low Complexity CNNs to Lift Non-Local Redundancies in Video Coding
* Variational Bayesian Blind Color Deconvolution of Histopathological Images
* Variational Osmosis for Non-Linear Image Fusion
* Variational-Based Mixed Noise Removal With CNN Deep Learning Regularization
* Video Captioning With Object-Aware Spatio-Temporal Correlation and Aggregation
* Video Coding for Machines: A Paradigm of Collaborative Compression and Intelligent Analytics
* Video Saliency Prediction Using Spatiotemporal Residual Attentive Networks
* View-Invariant Deep Architecture for Human Action Recognition Using Two-Stream Motion and Shape Temporal Dynamics
* Viewport-Adaptive Scalable Multi-User Virtual Reality Mobile-Edge Streaming
* Visual Object Tracking Via Multi-Stream Deep Similarity Learning Networks
* Visual Saliency Detection via Kernelized Subspace Ranking With Active Learning
* Visual Saliency via Embedding Hierarchical Knowledge in a Deep Neural Network
* Visual Tracking With Multiview Trajectory Prediction
* Volumetric Approach to Point Cloud Compression Part II: Geometry Compression, A
* Volumetric Approach to Point Cloud Compression: Part I: Attribute Compression, A
* Watershed-Based Superpixels With Global and Local Boundary Marching
* Wave-Shaped Deep Neural Network for Smoke Density Estimation, A
* Wavelet-Based Spectral-Spatial Transforms for CFA-Sampled Raw Camera Image Compression
* Weaklier Supervised Semantic Segmentation With Only One Image Level Annotation per Category
* Web-Shaped Model for Head Pose Estimation: An Approach for Best Exemplar Selection
* Weighted Fidelity and Regularization-Based Method for Mixed or Unknown Noise Removal From Images on Graphs, A
* Weighted Guided Image Filtering With Steering Kernel
* Zero-Shot Image Dehazing
* Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
722 for IP(29)

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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