Update Dates 1807

1807 * *AMDO
* *Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics, and Risk Management
* *Guest Editorial: Driver Distraction and Inattention: meeting the challenges of new technology and automation
* *Guest Editorial: Selected papers from the 5th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics 2017, Coventry, UK
* *Image and Signal Processing
* *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
* *Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
* 2D visualization for object-oriented software systems
* 3 sensors to track every bite and gulp
* 3-D Interferometric Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Ship Target With Complex Motion
* 3-D Scattering Characterization of Agricultural Crops at C-Band Using SAR Tomography
* 360 Degree Mixed Reality Environment to Evaluate Interaction Design for Industrial Vehicles Including Head-Up and Head-Down Displays
* 3D Human Head Shape Variation by Using Principal Component Analysis
* 3D Reconstruction in the Presence of Glass and Mirrors by Acoustic and Visual Fusion
* 3D tilt sensing by using accelerometer-based wireless sensor networks: Real case study: Application in the smart cities
* 4 DOF Exoskeleton Robotic Arm System for Rehabilitation and Training
* 4D surface kinematics monitoring through terrestrial radar interferometry and image cross-correlation coupling
* Accelerated Particle Filter for Real-Time Visual Tracking With Decision Fusion
* Accuracy assessment of single viewing techniques for metric measurements on single images
* Action recognition based on motion of oriented magnitude patterns and feature selection
* Active Contours Driven by Local Rayleigh Distribution Fitting Energy for Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Correlated Image Prior for Image Restoration Problems, An
* Adaptive Correlation Filters with Long-Term and Short-Term Memory for Object Tracking
* Adaptive Detection in Distributed Networks Using Maximum Likelihood Detector
* Adaptive Learning-Based Approach for Nearly Optimal Dynamic Charging of Electric Vehicle Fleets, An
* Adaptive Matrix Sketching and Clustering for Semisupervised Incremental Learning
* Adaptive Patch-Based Reconstruction Scheme for View Synthesis by Disparity Estimation Using Optical Flow, An
* Adaptive Resolution Optimization and Tracklet Reliability Assessment for Efficient Multi-Object Tracking
* Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification
* Affinely Registered Multi-object Atlases as Shape Prior for Grid Cut Segmentation of Lumbar Vertebrae from CT Images
* AI-Based VR Earthquake Simulator
* Airborne LiDAR intensity banding: Cause and solution
* Algorithm for Optimal Transport between a Simplex Soup and a Point Cloud, An
* Alternate Direction Method of Multipliers for Unconstrained Structural Similarity-Based Optimization
* Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Single SAR Amplitude Pair Using Offset Tracking, An
* AMI-Net: Convolution Neural Networks With Affine Moment Invariants
* Analysis and an Interior-Point Approach for TV Image Reconstruction Problems on Smooth Surfaces
* Analysis and design of dickson charge pump for EEPROM in 180nm CMOS technology
* Analysis of CNN Feature Extractor Based on KL Divergence, An
* Analyzing Social Network Images with Deep Learning Models to Fight Zika Virus
* Angled local directional pattern for texture analysis with an application to facial expression recognition
* Animal classification using facial images with score-level fusion
* Application of Real Field Connected Vehicle Data for Aggressive Driving Identification on Horizontal Curves
* Applications of hyperspectral and optical scattering imaging technique in the detection of food microorganism
* approach for modeling the economy as a complex system using agent-based theory, An
* Arctic Sea Ice Characterization Using Spaceborne Fully Polarimetric L-, C-, and X-Band SAR With Validation by Airborne Measurements
* Array antenna characteristics enhancement for electronic scanning radar application: Parasitic patches and multi layer techniques
* Arterioles and Venules Classification in Retinal Images Using Fully Convolutional Deep Neural Network
* ASK-modulator design of RFID tag in 180nm CMOS technology
* Assembly Training: Comparing the Effects of Head-Mounted Displays and Face-to-Face Training
* Assessing spatiotemporal predictability of LBSN: A case study of three Foursquare datasets
* Assessment of Anti-tumor Immune Response in Colorectal Carcinomas from Whole Slide Images
* Assessment of Breast Cancer Histology Using Densely Connected Convolutional Networks
* Assessment of the SMAP Soil Emission Model and Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms for a Tibetan Desert Ecosystem
* Assessment of Types of Prototyping in Human-Centered Product Design
* Assessment of Wind Speed Estimation From C-Band Sentinel-1 Images Using Empirical and Electromagnetic Models
* Atmospheric Column Water Vapor Retrieval From Hyperspectral VNIR Data Based on Low-Rank Subspace Projection
* Audiogames: Accessibility and Inclusion in Digital Entertainment
* Auditory Displays for Take-Over in Semi-automated Vehicles
* Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality Prototypes for Enhanced Mission Command/Battle Management Command and Control (BMC2) Execution
* Augmented Reality Views: Discussing the Utility of Visual Elements by Mediation Means in Industrial AR from a Design Perspective
* Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality Enabling of Robot Deixis
* Automated Breast Cancer Image Classification Based on Integration of Noisy-And Model and Fully Connected Network
* Automated Detection of Hummingbirds in Images: A Deep Learning Approach
* Automated visual inspection of target parts for train safety based on deep learning
* Automatic adaptation of SIFT for robust facial recognition in uncontrolled lighting conditions
* Automatic Breast Cancer Grading of Histological Images Based on Colour and Texture Descriptors
* Automatic Cartoon Face Composition Using Caricature Traits
* Automatic Detection and Characterization of Biomarkers in OCT Images
* Automatic lung segmentation based on Graph Cut using a distance-constrained energy
* Automatic Pavement Object Detection Using Superpixel Segmentation Combined With Conditional Random Field
* Automatic Text Extraction from Arabic Newspapers
* Autonomous Vehicle Logistic System: Joint Routing and Charging Strategy
* Axially Variant Kernel Imaging Model Applied to Ultrasound Image Reconstruction, An
* BASO: A Background-Anomaly Component Projection and Separation Optimized Filter for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* Best-Buddies Similarity: Robust Template Matching Using Mutual Nearest Neighbors
* Beyond Joints: Learning Representations From Primitive Geometries for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition and Detection
* Beyond one-hot encoding: Lower dimensional target embedding
* Bidirectional Communication for Effective Human-Agent Teaming
* Bikeshare Pool Sizing for Bike-and-Ride Multimodal Transit
* Biometric identification using single channel EEG during relaxed resting state
* BIOMISA Retinal Image Database for Macular and Ocular Syndromes
* Blind Reversible Authentication Based on PEE and CS Reconstruction
* Blind Source Separation with Outliers in Transformed Domains
* Blurriness-Guided Unsharp Masking
* Boosted Cascaded Convnets for Multilabel Classification of Thoracic Diseases in Chest Radiographs
* Boosting Ride Sharing With Alternative Destinations
* Breast Cancer Histological Image Classification Using Fine-Tuned Deep Network Fusion
* Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Breast Cancer Microscope Image Classification Based on CNN with Image Deformation
* Burned area estimations derived from Landsat ETM+ and OLI data: Comparing Genetic Programming with Maximum Likelihood and Classification and Regression Trees
* CAE/VR Integration: A Qualitative Assessment of Advanced Visualization for Interactive Conceptual Simulations (ICS) in Industrial Use
* Candy Cane: Breast Cancer Pixel-Wise Labeling with Fully Convolutional Densenets
* Capturing Industrial Machinery into Virtual Reality
* Case Study: Chronic Pain Patients' Preferences for Virtual Reality Games for Pain Distraction, A
* Causal model of performance measurement systems by combining qualitative and quantitative models for robust results
* CCD distortion calibration without accurate ground control data for pushbroom satellites
* Channel estimation for high speed unmanned aerial vehicle with STBC in MIMO radio links
* Characteristics of Eye Movement and Clinical Judgment in Nurses and Nursing Students During the Sterile Glove Application
* Characterization of L-Band MIMP SAR Data From Rice Paddies at Late Vegetative Stage
* Choreography for interoperability in the e-Government applications
* Cinematic Narration in VR: Rethinking Film Conventions for 360 Degrees
* Circumferential Binary Feature Extraction and Matching Search Algorithms
* Class-Specific Reducts vs. Classic Reducts in a Rule-Based Classifier: A Case Study
* Classification and comparison of routing protocols in VANETs
* Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Image using Ensemble of Pre-trained Neural Networks
* Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images Through Transfer Learning Using a Pre-trained Inception Resnet V2
* Classification Of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using ALEXNET
* Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images Using Transfer Learning
* Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Using Deep Learning
* Classification of Breast Cancer Histopathological Images using Convolutional Neural Networks with Hierarchical Loss and Global Pooling
* Classification of Icon Type and Cooldown State in Video Game Replays
* Classification of the lean implementation procedures for improving the business processes
* Cluster Sparsity Field: An Internal Hyperspectral Imagery Prior for Reconstruction
* Coarse-to-Fine Autofocus Approach for Very High-Resolution Airborne Stripmap SAR Imagery, A
* Cognitive Radars: On the Road to Reality: Progress Thus Far and Possibilities for the Future
* Color texture characterization based on the extended relative phase in the complex wavelets domain
* Colour image retrieval based on the hypergraph combined with a weighted adjacent structure
* Combined geo-social search: computing top-k join queries over incomplete information
* Command and Control Collaboration Sand Table (C2-CST)
* Comments on Dual Authentication and Key Management Techniques for Secure Data Transmission in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Comparative study between HDLs simulation and Matlab for image processing
* Comparison of Deep Neural Network Algorithms for Recognition of EEG Motor Imagery Signals, A
* Comparison of high-density LiDAR and satellite photogrammetry for forest inventory
* Comparison of Text String Similarity Algorithms for POI Name Harmonisation, A
* Comprehensive assessment of four-parameter diurnal land surface temperature cycle models under clear-sky
* Compressive Online Robust Principal Component Analysis via n-L_1 Minimization
* Computational Model of Multi-scale Spatiotemporal Attention in Video Data, A
* Constrained Radial Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm for Efficient Structure From Motion, A
* Construct of Learning Model for Laparoscopic Surgery
* Construction of a Retinal Atlas for Macular OCT Volumes
* Construction of Experimental System SPIDAR-HS for Designing VR Guidelines Based on Physiological Behavior Measurement
* Context-Aware Learning Using Transferable Features for Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images
* Contrast Perception Across Human Cognitive Style
* Controlling a Smartphone with Brain-Computer Interfaces: A Preliminary Study
* Convolutional Capsule Network for Classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images
* Cooperative and Integrated Vehicle and Intersection Control for Energy Efficiency (CIVIC-E2)
* Cost-Effectiveness of Sharing Roadside Infrastructure for Internet of Vehicles
* Covering the Space of Tilts. Application to Affine Invariant Image Comparison
* Creation of Retinal Mosaics for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening: A Comparative Study
* CreditCoin: A Privacy-Preserving Blockchain-Based Incentive Announcement Network for Communications of Smart Vehicles
* Cross-Paced Representation Learning With Partial Curricula for Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Crowd Gathering Detection Based on the Foreground Stillness Model
* Cyber Vulnerability: An Attentional Dilemma
* Data-driven recovery of hand depth using CRRF on stereo images
* Data-Time Tradeoffs for Corrupted Sensing
* DCA-based unimodal feature-level fusion of orthogonal moments for Indian sign language dataset
* Decisional information systems of the public actors in Moroccan Oasis Zones: Case study Draa-Tafilalet region: Towards a descriptive approach and a measurement of qualities and performances
* Deep Constrained Siamese Hash Coding Network and Load-Balanced Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Near Duplicate Image Detection
* Deep Convolutional Artery/Vein Classification of Retinal Vessels
* Deep Convolutional Framelets: A General Deep Learning Framework for Inverse Problems
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Breast Cancer Histology Image Analysis
* Deep Convolutional-Shepard Interpolation Neural Networks for Image Classification Tasks
* Deep generative models: Survey
* Deep Learning Approach for Red Lesions Detection in Video Capsule Endoscopies, A
* deep learning approach to DTM extraction from imagery using rule-based training labels, A
* Deep Learning Framework for Multi-class Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification
* Deep Learning Markov Random Field for Semantic Segmentation
* Deep neural network dynamic traffic routing system for vehicles
* Deep probabilistic human pose estimation
* Deep semi-supervised learning for DTI prediction using large datasets and H2O-spark platform
* Definition of Strategies for the Reduction of Operational Inefficiencies in a Stroke Unit
* Delay-Power-Rate-Distortion Optimization of Video Representations for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming
* Dense Captioning of Natural Scenes in Spanish
* Densely Connected Discriminative Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Density-Equalizing Maps for Simply Connected Open Surfaces
* Design and Assessment of Two Handling Interaction Techniques for 3D Virtual Objects Using the Myo Armband
* design of a new resistor string DAC for phones applications in 130nm technology, A
* Design of Virtual Reality Scenes with Variable Levels of Fear Evocation
* Detecting heel strikes for gait analysis through acceleration flow
* Detecting newly grown tree leaves from unmanned-aerial-vehicle images using hyperspectral target detection techniques
* Detecting On-Street Parking Spaces in Smart Cities: Performance Evaluation of Fixed and Mobile Sensing Systems
* Detection of Aruco Markers Using the Quadrilateral Sum Conjuncture
* Determining Which Touch Gestures Are Commonly Used When Visualizing Physics Problems in Augmented Reality
* Developing a decision making support tool for planning customer satisfaction strategies in microfinance industry
* Developing and Training Multi-gestural Prosthetic Arms
* Developing Face Emotion Tracker for Quantitative Evaluation of Care Effects
* Development of a novel simplification mask for multi-shot optical scanners
* Development of a use case for virtual reality to visit a historical monument
* Development of Safety Testing Technologies of Defecation Assist Devices
* Diagnosis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Phylogenetic Diversity in Radiomics Context
* Diffusion-Based Two-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) Algorithm for Image Analysis, A
* Digital aerial photogrammetry for assessing cumulative spruce budworm defoliation and enhancing forest inventories at a landscape-level
* Dimensionality reduction by LPP-L21
* Direct Imaging Method for Inverse Scattering by Unbounded Rough Surfaces, A
* Directional Emphasis in Ambisonics
* Discriminatively Trained Latent Ordinal Model for Video Classification
* Distortionless Beamforming Optimized With L_1 -Norm Minimization
* Distributed Nonlinear System Identification in alpha-Stable Noise
* Domain Invariant and Class Discriminative Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation
* Drawing Memories: Intersections Between the Sites of Memory and the Memories of Places
* Driven to discussion: engaging drivers in conversation with a digital assistant as a countermeasure to passive task-related fatigue
* Driver Behavior at Simulated Railroad Crossings
* Driver distraction and inattention in the realm of automated driving
* DTI Segmentation Using Anisotropy Preserving Quaternion Based Distance Measure
* Dual-camera 3D head tracking for clinical infant monitoring
* Dynamic Asymmetric Power Splitting Scheme for SWIPT-Based Two-Way Multiplicative AF Relaying
* Dynamic Keypad: Digit Shuffling for Secure PIN Entry in a Virtual World
* Dynamic Rate Allocation and Forwarding Strategy Adaption for Wireless Networks
* Dynamic relief mapping
* Dynamic ROI extraction method for hand vein images
* Ecological Driving System for Connected/Automated Vehicles Using a Two-Stage Control Hierarchy
* Edge Information Diffusion-Based Reconstruction for Cone Beam Computed Laminography
* Editorial to theme section on UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
* Effect of Ankle Exercise on Cerebral Blood Oxygenation During and After Postural Change, The
* Effect of Multimodal Feedback on Perceived Exertion on a VR Exercise Setting, The
* Effect of Patient Acuity of Illness and Nurse Experience on EMR Works in Intensive Care Unit
* Effective feature descriptor-based new framework for off-line text-independent writer identification
* Effective Sampling: Fast Segmentation Using Robust Geometric Model Fitting
* effects of imperfect reference data on remote sensing-assisted estimators of land cover class proportions, The
* Efficient image classification by using improved dual Hahn Moment Invariants
* Efficient Intra Mode Selection for Depth-Map Coding Utilizing Spatiotemporal, Inter-Component and Inter-View Correlations in 3D-HEVC
* Efficient Phase Estimation for Interferogram Stacks
* Efficient spark-based framework for solving the traveling salesman problem using a distributed swarm intelligence method
* Elderly fall detection system based on multiple shape features and motion analysis
* Electronic and computer system for monitoring a photovoltaic station
* Element Selection of Three-Dimensional Objects in Virtual Reality
* Emotion Assessment Using Adaptive Learning-Based Relevance Analysis
* Emotional Faces in the Wild: Feature Descriptors for Emotion Classification
* empirical comparison of interpolation methods for MODIS 8-day land surface temperature composites across the conterminous Unites States, An
* Enactive Steering of an Experiential Model of the Atmosphere
* Encoding Stereoscopic Depth Features for Scene Understanding in off-Road Environments
* End-to-end soccer video scene and event classification with deep transfer learning
* Energy-Efficient Timely Transportation of Long-Haul Heavy-Duty Trucks
* Enhancement of safety and comfort of cyclists at intersections
* Ensemble Network for Region Identification in Breast Histopathology Slides
* Ensemble One-Dimensional Convolution Neural Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Ensemble Subspace Segmentation Under Blockwise Constraints
* Ensembling Neural Networks for Digital Pathology Images Classification and Segmentation
* Escape from the Dark Jungle: A 3D Audio Game for Emotion Regulation
* Evaluation of an Intelligent Collision Warning System for Forklift Truck Drivers in Industry
* Evaluation of Eccentered Electrode-Type Resistivity Logging in Anisotropic Geological Formations With a Matrix Method
* Examination of Effectiveness of a Performed Procedural Task Using Low-Cost Peripheral Devices in VR
* Experimental Analysis on the Mechanisms of Singular Point Generation in InSAR by Employing Scaled Optical Interferometry
* Experimental Study on Ant Colony Optimization Hyper-Heuristics for Solving the Knapsack Problem, An
* Experimental Tests of a Prototype of IMU-Based Closed-Loop Fuzzy Control System for Mobile FES Cycling with Pedaling Wheelchair
* Experimentation of visual augmented reality for visiting the historical monuments of the medina of Fez
* Exploiting Structured Sparsity for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Exploration and evaluation of individual difference to driving fatigue for high-speed railway: a parametric SVM model based on multidimensional visual cue
* Exploring Weakly Labeled Images for Video Object Segmentation With Submodular Proposal Selection
* Extended Patch Prioritization for Depth Filling Within Constrained Exemplar-Based RGB-D Image Completion
* Extended StirTrace benchmarking of biometric and forensic qualities of morphed face images
* Extending Embodied Interactions in Mixed Reality Environments
* Extreme Points of Convex Polytopes Derived from Lattice Autoassociative Memories
* Fabric classification using new mapping of local binary pattern
* Faceness-Net: Face Detection through Deep Facial Part Responses
* Facial Expression Based Emotion Recognition Using Neural Networks
* Fast Algorithm for Robot Localization Using Multiple Sensing Units, A
* Fast and Robust Approach for Touching Grains Segmentation, A
* Fast Convex Hull by a Geometric Approach
* Fast Video Stitching for Aerially Captured HD Videos
* Feature Selection Based on Evolution Strategy for Character Recognition
* Feature Selection for Big Visual Data: Overview and Challenges
* Feature selection-based approach for urban short-term travel speed prediction
* Feedback Control Model of a Gesture-Based Pointing Interface for a Large Display
* FFDNet: Toward a Fast and Flexible Solution for CNN-Based Image Denoising
* Find Who to Look at: Turning From Action to Saliency
* First- and Second-Order Methods for Online Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Flexible Statistical Model for Image Denoising, A
* Focal loss dense detector for vehicle surveillance
* Focusing of Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR Using an ASE-Velocity Model Based on MOCO Principle
* Following the White Rabbit: The Virtual Reality for Games
* Force-Driven Traffic Simulation for a Future Connected Autonomous Vehicle-Enabled Smart Transportation System
* framework for annotating OpenStreetMap objects using geo-tagged tweets, A
* Frequency Domain SIM Reconstruction Algorithm Using Reduced Number of Images, A
* From Focal Stack to Tensor Light-Field Display
* From Hörspiel to Audio Fiction: Sound Design Perspectives for Blind and Visually Impaired People
* From Windows to Logos: Analyzing Outdoor Images to Aid Flyer Classification
* Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Lungs Segmentation from Chest X-Rays
* Fusing wavelet and short-term features for speaker identification in noisy environment
* Fusion strategy-based multimodal human-computer interaction
* Fuzzy logic control of DFIG-based wind turbine
* Gabor Convolutional Networks
* Gabor Feature-Based Quality Assessment Model for the Screen Content Images, A
* Game Design and Neuroscience Cooperation: Perspectives to Cybersickness Reduction in Head Mounted Displays Experiences
* Game Theoretic Solution for the Territory Sharing Problem in Social Taxi Networks, A
* Gamma-Correction-Based Visibility Restoration for Single Hazy Images
* Gaussian Process Morphable Models
* Generalized Evaluation Scheme for Comparing Temperature Products from Satellite Observations, Numerical Weather Model, and Ground Measurements Over the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Generating Personalized Virtual Agent in Speech Dialogue System for People with Dementia
* Generic Framework for Semantic Annotation of Images, A
* Geographic and topology based routing protocols in vehicular ad-hoc networks: Performance evaluation and QoS analysis
* Geoinformatics for the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Geometry-Consistent Light Field Super-Resolution via Graph-Based Regularization
* Get Well Soon! Human Factors' Influence on Cybersickness After Redirected Walking Exposure in Virtual Reality
* GIF Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing Environment
* Global Ocean Altimetry With GNSS Reflections From TechDemoSat-1
* Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D discrete orthogonal moments based on Racah polynomials
* Grayscale image encryption using shift bits operations
* Growth Study of Chinese Ears Using 3D Scanning, A
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Advances in Smart and Green Transportation for Smart Cities
* Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Connected Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Guiding or Exploring? Finding the Right Way to Teach Students Structural Analysis with Augmented Reality
* Hand geometry based user identification using minimal edge connected hand image graph
* Hand gesture recognition based on convexity approach and background subtraction
* Handling Specularity in Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Hard Exudate Detection Using Local Texture Analysis and Gaussian Processes
* Hardware-Oriented Compression of Long Short-Term Memory for Efficient Inference
* health remote monitoring application based on wireless body area networks, A
* Helmet-Mounted Displays to Support Off-Axis Pilot Spatial Orientation
* HF (5 MHz) Imaging of the Moon by Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder Off Nadir Echo Data
* Hierarchical Framework for Automatic Pancreas Segmentation in MRI Using Continuous Max-Flow and Min-Cuts Approach
* Hierarchical motion consistency constraint for efficient geometrical verification in UAV stereo image matching
* Hierarchical ResNeXt Models for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification
* High-level feature aggregation for fine-grained architectural floor plan retrieval
* High-Resolution Ice-Sounding Radar Measurements of Ice Thickness Over East Antarctic Ice Sheet as a Part of Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition
* High-Throughput Infrastructure for Advanced ITS Services: A Case Study on Air Pollution Monitoring
* Higher order statistics based method for workload prediction in the cloud using ARMA model
* How Can Deep Neural Networks Be Generated Efficiently for Devices with Limited Resources?
* How many times do young drivers actually touch their smartphone screens while driving?
* Human Action Recognition Using Fusion of Depth and Inertial Sensors
* Human identification with dental panoramic radiographic images
* Human mobility semantics analysis: A probabilistic and scalable approach
* Human-Agent Collaborative Decision-Making Framework for Naval Systems
* HVS Inspired Robust Non-blind Watermarking Scheme in YCbCr Color Space, An
* hybrid approach to improve part of speech tagging system, An
* Hybrid forests for left ventricle segmentation using only the first slice label
* Hybrid Statistical Framework for Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
* Hybrid Unmixing Based on Adaptive Region Segmentation for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Hyperspectral image classification via a random patches network
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Imbalanced Data Based on Orthogonal Complement Subspace Projection
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Based on Spatial and Spectral Correlation Fusion
* Hyperspectral Image Unmixing With LiDAR Data-Aided Spatial Regularization
* ICARE-VEG: A 3D physics-based atmospheric correction method for tree shadows in urban areas
* idea of a clustering algorithm using support vector machines based on binary decision tree, An
* Identification of Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion Based on Residual Signals
* Illumination pre-processing method for face recognition using 2D DWT and CLAHE
* Image Clustering Based on Frequent Approximate Subgraph Mining
* Image clustering based on hermetian positive definite matrix and radial Jacobi moments
* Image Colorization Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image Haze Removal via Reference Retrieval and Scene Prior
* Image Interpolation by Blending Kernels
* Image Labeling Based on Graphical Models Using Wasserstein Messages and Geometric Assignment
* Image super-resolution via adaptive sparse representation and self-learning
* Image Super-Resolution With Parametric Sparse Model Learning
* Imaging Extended Reflectors in a Terminating Waveguide
* Immercity: A Curation Content Application in Virtual and Augmented Reality
* Immersion in Virtual Reality Can Increase Exercise Motivation and Physical Performance
* Impact of Augmented Reality on Art Engagement: Liking, Impression of Learning, and Distraction, The
* Impact of Basic Matrix Dimension on the Performance of Algorithms for Computing Typical Testors, The
* Improve the Performance of Transfer Learning Without Fine-Tuning Using Dissimilarity-Based Multi-view Learning for Breast Cancer Histology Images
* Improved Accuracy and Robustness of a Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation Method Based on Merging Superpixels
* Improved delay-dependent stability criteria for 2-D discrete state delayed systems
* Improved Edge Detection Algorithms Based on a Riesz Fractional Derivative
* Improved imperceptible visible watermarking algorithm for auxiliary information delivery
* Improved license plate localisation algorithm based on morphological operations
* Improved Stroke Width Transform to Detect Race Bib Numbers, An
* improved temporal mixture analysis unmixing method for estimating impervious surface area based on MODIS and DMSP-OLS data, An
* Improvement on GrabCut with CLAHE for the Segmentation of the Objects with Ambiguous Boundaries, An
* Improving Breast Mass Classification Through Kernel Methods and the Fusion of Clinical Data and Image Descriptors
* Improving Computerized Charting in an Intensive Care Unit
* Improving Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) in Human-System Interaction (HSI) Through Applications in Virtual Environments
* Improving Picture Quality with Photo-Realistic Style Transfer
* Improving the Arabic root extraction by using the quadratic splines
* Improving the List of Clustered Permutation on Metric Spaces for Similarity Searching on Secondary Memory
* In-use emissions testing of diesel-driven buses in Southampton: Is selective catalytic reduction as effective as fleet operators think?
* Incident detection in signalized urban roads based on genetic algorithm and support vector machine
* Including Foreground and Background Information in Maya Hieroglyph Representation
* Inclusive Design and Textile Technology in the Everyday Lives of Wheelchair Dependent
* Increasing Safety for Assisted Motion During Caregiving
* Indicating Severity of Vehicle Accidents Using Pupil Diameter in a Driving Simulator Environment
* Indirect Evaluation of Nurse's Transfer Skill Through the Measurement of Patient
* Indoor Person Identification Using a Low-Power FMCW Radar
* Inexact Half-Quadratic Optimization for Linear Inverse Problems
* Infants' Pain Recognition Based on Facial Expression: Dynamic Hybrid Descriptions
* Influence of haptic guidance on driving behaviour under degraded visual feedback conditions
* Integrating web usage mining for an automatic learner profile detection: A learning styles-based approach
* Interacting Tracklets for Multi-Object Tracking
* Interaction in Virtual Environments: How to Control the Environment by Using VR-Glasses in the Most Immersive Way
* Interaction of Distant and Local Users in a Collaborative Virtual Environment
* Interactive Photo Liveness for Presentation Attacks Detection
* Interactive Training System Design for Ankle Rehabilitation, An
* International Survey on Automated and Electric Vehicles: Austria, Germany, South Korea, and USA, An
* Intra-annual phenology for detecting understory plant invasion in urban forests
* Is Self-Interference in Full-Duplex Communications a Foe or a Friend?
* Is This Person Real? Avatar Stylization and Its Influence on Human Perception in a Counseling Training Environment
* Iterative Modified Diffraction Tomography Method for Reconstruction of a High-Contrast Buried Object, An
* Joint Hypergraph Learning for Tag-Based Image Retrieval
* Joint Margin, Cograph, and Label Constraints for Semisupervised Scene Parsing From Point Clouds
* Joint Segmentation/Registration Model Based on a Nonlocal Characterization of Weighted Total Variation and Nonlocal Shape Descriptors, A
* Jointly Learning Deep Features, Deformable Parts, Occlusion and Classification for Pedestrian Detection
* K-Means Color Image Quantization with Deterministic Initialization: New Image Quality Metrics
* Kernel Deep Regression Network for Touch-Stroke Dynamics Authentication
* Kernel entropy principal component analysis using Parzen estimator
* Kernel Low-Rank Multitask Learning in Variational Mode Decomposition Domain for Multi-/Hyperspectral Classification
* Kernelized Morphable Model for 3D Brain Tumor Analysis, A
* Kronecker-Basis-Representation Based Tensor Sparsity and Its Applications to Tensor Recovery
* L0-regularized discrete variational level set method for image segmentation, The
* LADAR System and Algorithm Design for Spectropolarimetric Scene Characterization
* Lamé Parameter Estimation from Static Displacement Field Measurements in the Framework of Nonlinear Inverse Problems
* Landmark Free Face Attribute Prediction
* Landscape Design and Neuroscience Cooperation: Contributions to the Non-pharmacological Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
* Lane detection method based on lane structural analysis and CNNs
* LAPSE: Low-Overhead Adaptive Power Saving and Contrast Enhancement for OLEDs
* Learning a Patch Quality Comparator for Single Image Dehazing
* Learning Depth From Single Images With Deep Neural Network Embedding Focal Length
* Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
* Learning Word and Sentence Embeddings Using a Generative Convolutional Network
* Learning-Based Image Reconstruction via Parallel Proximal Algorithm
* Leishmaniasis Parasite Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Learning
* LETRIST: Locally Encoded Transform Feature Histogram for Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification
* Level Set Regularization Using Geometric Flows
* LFNet: A Novel Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* Lie-X: Depth Image Based Articulated Object Pose Estimation, Tracking, and Action Recognition on Lie Groups
* Lightweight Library for Augmented Reality Applications, A
* Limits of fluidification for a stochastic Petri nets by timed continuous Petri nets
* Linear Time Algorithm for Computing #2SAT for Outerplanar 2-CNF Formulas, A
* local phase based invariant feature for remote sensing image matching, A
* Log4Care: Unified Event Logging Service for Personalized Care
* Longitudinal speed control of autonomous vehicle based on a self-adaptive PID of radial basis function neural network
* Lp Norm Relaxation Approach for Large Scale Data Analysis: A Review
* Lunar Crater Detection Based on Terrain Analysis and Mathematical Morphology Methods Using Digital Elevation Models
* Machine learning for hand gesture recognition using bag-of-words
* Mammographic Mass Segmentation Using Fuzzy C-means and Decision Trees
* MAP-MRF Estimation Based Weather Radar Visualization
* Mapping System Between Passenger Experience and the Factors of Aircraft Cabin Design
* Mapping Water-Logging Damage on Winter Wheat at Parcel Level Using High Spatial Resolution Satellite Data
* Maximum Likelihood Method for Estimating Performance in a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation Target-Detection Task, A
* Maximum Volume Inscribed Ellipsoid: A New Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization Framework via Facet Enumeration and Convex Optimization
* MDX2SPARQL: Semantic query mapping of OLAP query language to SPARQL
* Message Effect of Augmented Health Messages on Body, The
* METANET Validation of the Large-Scale Manchester Ring-Road Network Using Gradient-Based and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Methods for accuracy-preserving acceleration of large-scale comparisons in CPU-based iris recognition systems
* Micro and Macro Breast Histology Image Analysis by Partial Network Re-use
* Mixed Reality Based Social Interactions Testbed: A Game Theory Approach, A
* Mobile-Based Painting Photo Retrieval Using Combined Features
* Mobility-Aware Vehicle-to-Grid Control Algorithm in Microgrids
* Model Compression for Faster Structural Separation of Macromolecules Captured by Cellular Electron Cryo-Tomography
* Modeling Anisotropic Reflectance Over Composite Sloping Terrain
* Modelling 3-Coloring of Polygonal Trees via Incremental Satisfiability
* Modelling the Process of Controlling an Automated Steering Maneuver
* Modified EM Algorithm for ISAR Scatterer Trajectory Matrix Completion, A
* Monitors vs. Smart Glasses: A Study on Cognitive Workload of Digital Information Systems on Forklift Trucks
* Motion Analysis of Simulated Patients During Bed-to-Wheelchair Transfer by Nursing Students and Skill Acquisition Based on the Analysis
* Multi-Area Self-Adaptive Pricing Control in Smart City With EV User Participation
* Multi-bit quantisation for similarity-preserving hashing
* Multi-classification of Breast Cancer Histology Images by Using a Fine-Tuning Strategy
* Multi-dimensional long short-term memory networks for artificial Arabic text recognition in news video
* Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using Mixed Dependency Graphs
* Multi-level thinking cellular automata using granular computing title
* Multi-Modal Joint Clustering With Application for Unsupervised Attribute Discovery
* Multi-Organ Plant Classification Based on Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-scale Fully Convolutional DenseNets for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation in Dermoscopy Images
* Multi-Task Learning for Blind Source Separation
* Multi-temporal, multi-frequency, and multi-polarization coherence and SAR backscatter analysis of wetlands
* Multiclass Classification of Breast Cancer in Whole-Slide Images
* Multienergy Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Reconstruction with a Spatial Spectral Nonlocal Means Algorithm
* Multifractal Analysis of Multivariate Images Using Gamma Markov Random Field Priors
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Advanced Driving Systems
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Robust Recognizing Maritime Imagery in the Visible and Infrared Spectrums
* Multiple face detection based on machine learning
* Multiple linear regression for universal steganalysis of images
* Mutual Learning Between Saliency and Similarity: Image Cosegmentation via Tree Structured Sparsity and Tree Graph Matching
* MxR Framework for Uncertainty Based Explanation for Uncovering Adversarial Behavior
* Nerve Structure Segmentation from Ultrasound Images Using Random Under-Sampling and an SVM Classifier
* Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities, A
* Network visualization algorithms to evaluate students in online discussion forums: A simulation study
* new dense omnidirectional stereo matching approach, A
* New features for wireless capsule endoscopy polyp detection
* New Information Theoretic Relation Between Minimum Error Entropy and Maximum Correntropy, A
* New Optimization Approach to Sparse Reconstruction of Log-Conductivity in Acousto-Electric Tomography, A
* New Sets of Even-Length Binary Z-Complementary Pairs With Asymptotic ZCZ Ratio of 3/4
* new solution to optimize the time shift TV bandwidth, A
* New spatiotemporal method for assessing video quality
* Non-reference image quality assessment and natural scene statistics to counter biometric sensor spoofing
* Nonlocal Similarity Modeling and Deep CNN Gradient Prior for Super Resolution
* Normal Brain Aging: Prediction of Age, Sex and White Matter Hyperintensities Using a MR Image-Based Machine Learning Technique
* Novel Approach for Assessing Power Wheelchair Users' Mobility by Using Curve Fitting, A
* Novel Bimodal Emotion Database from Physiological Signals and Facial Expression, A
* Novel Criterion to Obtain the Best Feature Subset from Filter Ranking Methods, A
* Novel Infrastructure-Based Worm Spreading Countermeasure for Vehicular Networks, A
* Novel Multiconnected Convolutional Network for Super-Resolution, A
* novel particle swarm tracking system based on chromatic co-occurrence matrices, A
* novel spectrum enhancement technique for multi-temporal, multi-spectral data using spatial-temporal filtering, A
* Novel Way of Estimating a User's Focus of Attention in a Virtual Environment, A
* Object-Location-Aware Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval via Automatic Mask Learning
* Obstacle detection system based on colour segmentation using monocular vision for an unmanned ground vehicle
* On Adaptive Length of Temporal Filter for Space-Time Equalization With Cochannel Interference
* On Collaborative Compressive Sensing Systems: The Framework, Design, and Algorithm
* On Hypothesis Testing for Comparing Image Quality Assessment Metrics
* On the Construction of a Specific Algebra for Composing Tonal Counterpoint
* On the Estimation of the Parameters of a Real Sinusoid in Noise
* On the Observability of a Linear System With a Sparse Initial State
* On view-invariant gait recognition: a feature selection solution
* Opinion Dynamics-Based Vehicle Velocity Estimation and Diagnosis
* Optical models for remote sensing of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) absorption in Poyang Lake
* Optical Recognition of Numerical Characters in Digital Images of Glucometers
* Optimization Methods for In-Line Holography
* Optimization of Proton Therapy Based on Service Design Theory
* Outage-Aware Secure Beamforming in MISO Wireless Interference Networks
* PaolaChat: A Virtual Agent with Naturalistic Breathing
* Parameterized Joint Reconstruction of the Initial Pressure and Sound Speed Distributions for Photoacoustic Computed Tomography
* Pattern Discovery in Mixed Data Bases
* Patterns in Poor Learning Engagement in Students While They Are Solving Mathematics Exercises in an Affective Tutoring System Related to Frustration
* Patterns of Go Gaming by Ising Model
* Pedicle Screw Insertion Surgical Simulator
* Per-pixel revolution mapping with rectification of the texture projection
* Perception of Floor Slipperiness Before and After a Walk
* Perfect Sequences of Odd Prime Length
* Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Classification of Gene-Expression Microarrays
* Performance analysis of ECG signal denoising methods in transform domain
* Person re-identification based on pose angle estimation and multi-feature extraction
* PET-MRI Joint Reconstruction by Joint Sparsity Based Tight Frame Regularization
* Physical resources assessment in a semi-arid watershed: An integrated methodology for sustainable land use planning
* Piecewise-Planar StereoScan: Sequential Structure and Motion Using Plane Primitives
* Pixel-Based Leaf Segmentation from Natural Vineyard Images Using Color Model and Threshold Techniques
* Plant Bounding Box Detection from Desirable Residues of the Ultimate Levelings
* Point Set Matching with Order Type
* Policy based generic autonomic adapter for a context-aware social-collaborative system
* Possibilistic fuzzy C-means clustering under observer-biased framework
* Potential safety effects of a frontal brake light for motor vehicles
* Practical Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* Practical Multichannel SAR Imaging in the Maritime Environment
* Precise depth map upsampling and enhancement based on edge-preserving fusion filters
* Precision of Vegetation Height Estimation Using the Dual-Baseline PolInSAR System and RVoG Model With Temporal Decorrelation
* Predicting Long-Term Trajectories of Connected Vehicles via the Prefix-Projection Technique
* Predicting the vulnerability of biometric systems to attacks based on morphed biometric information
* Preface: special issue on geo-social media analytics
* Prelaunch Radiometric Calibration of the TanSat Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Grating Spectrometer
* Preliminary Study of Image Analysis for Parasite Detection on Honey Bees, A
* Privacy Pirates - The Key Role of User Diversity in V2X-Technology
* Probabilistic Active Learning Algorithm Based on Fisher Information Ratio, A
* Projection Selection for Binary Tomographic Reconstruction Using Global Uncertainty
* Proposal for Combining Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Force Feedback Technology, During the Pregnancy, to Physically Feel the Fetus, A
* Quantification and Prediction of Damage in SAM Images of Semiconductor Devices
* Quantifying Human Decision-Making: Implications for Bidirectional Communication in Human-Robot Teams
* Quasi)Periodicity Quantification in Video Data, Using Topology
* Quaternion-Based Method to IMU-to-Body Alignment for Gait Analysis, A
* QUIS-CAMPI: an annotated multi-biometrics data feed from surveillance scenarios
* Ramp Distribution-Based Image Enhancement Techniques for Infrared Images
* Readability Enhancement of Displayed Images Under Ambient Light
* Real-Time Adaptive Histogram Min-Max Bucket (HMMB) Model for Background Subtraction
* Real-Time Continuous Image Processing
* Real-Time Intersection-Based Segment Aware Routing Algorithm for Urban Vehicular Networks
* Real-Time Low-Cost Omni-Directional Stereo Vision via Bi-polar Spherical Cameras
* Real-Time Motion Capture on a Budget
* Real-Time Multispectral Pedestrian Detection with a Single-Pass Deep Neural Network
* Real-time segmentation of various insulators using generative adversarial networks
* Recognition of action dynamics in fencing using multimodal cues
* Recognition of Activities of Daily Living from Egocentric Videos Using Hands Detected by a Deep Convolutional Network
* Reconstruction by Low Cost Software Based on Photogrammetry as a Reverse Engineering Process
* Reconstruction of Binary Images with Fixed Number of Strips
* Recursive Texture Orientation Estimation Based on Space Transformation and Hypersurface Reconstruction
* Reducing Fear or Anxiety by Simulating Breathing Movements as Physical Contact with an Unrelated Person
* Refining the Pose: Training and Use of Deep Recurrent Autoencoders for Improving Human Pose Estimation
* Reflectance and Natural Illumination from Single-Material Specular Objects Using Deep Learning
* Relating GPM Radar Reflectivity Profile Characteristics to Path-Integrated Attenuation
* Reprojection of VIIRS SDR Imagery Using Concurrent Gradient Search
* Research on Ergonomics Design of the Height and Operation Force for Furniture Lockset
* Research on Layout and Simulation of Human-Machine Interface in Vehicle, The
* Research on Motor Function of the Elderly in Guangzhou Based on Anthropometry
* Residual LSTM Attention Network for Object Tracking
* Resolution Analysis of Spatial Modulation Coincidence Imaging Based on Reflective Surface
* Retinal Image Synthesis for CAD Development
* RETRACTED: A new On-orbit Geometric Self-calibration Approach for the High-resolution Multi-linear Array Optical Satellite Based on Stereoscopic Image Pairs
* Riemann-Langevin Particle Filtering in Track-Before-Detect
* Road safety analysis for high-speed vehicle in complex environments based on the viability kernel
* Road sign recognition with Convolutional Neural Network
* Robust 3D Hand Pose Estimation From Single Depth Images Using Multi-View CNNs
* Robust Covariance Adaptation in Adaptive Importance Sampling
* Robust Detection and Affine Rectification of Planar Homogeneous Texture for Scene Understanding
* Robust Detection of Water Sensitive Papers
* Robust Human-Computer Interaction for Unstable Camera Systems
* Robust Pedestrian Detection for Semi-automatic Construction of a Crowded Person Re-Identification Dataset
* Robust stability analysis and H-inf controller design of teleoperation system with time varying communication delay
* Robust stability of uncertain discrete-time switched systems with time-varying delay
* Robust Target Tracking by Online Random Forests and Superpixels
* Robust video tracking algorithm: a multi-feature fusion approach
* Role of Psychophysiological Measures as Implicit Communication Within Mixed-Initiative Teams, The
* Role of Standardization for Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and the Design of Safe and Healthy Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), The
* RWBD: Learning Robust Weighted Binary Descriptor for Image Matching
* Safety Performance Evaluation for Civil Aviation Maintenance Department
* Saliency Detection by Adaptive Channel Fusion
* Saliency-Based Endmember Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Saliency-Based Image Object Indexing and Retrieval
* SARIM: A gesture-based sound augmented reality interface for visiting museums
* Satellite derived photogrammetric bathymetry
* Scalable Joint Models for Reliable Uncertainty-Aware Event Prediction
* Scalable non-rigid registration for multi-view stereo data
* Scaled CCR Histogram for Scale-Invariant Texture Classification
* Scene Capture and Selected Codebook-Based Refined Fuzzy Classification of Large High-Resolution Images
* Scene Text Segmentation Based on Local Image Phase Information and MSER Method
* Scenes Design in Virtual Reality for Depression Assessment
* SEE BEYOND: Enhancement: Strategies in Teaching Learning as a Stimulus to Creativity in Fashion Design
* Segmentation of the Retinal Reflex in Brückner Test Images Using U-Net Convolutional Network
* Self-geometric relationship filter for efficient SIFT key-points matching in full and partial palmprint recognition
* Self-Paced AutoEncoder
* Semantic Labeling of Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds via Active Learning and Higher Order MRF
* Semi-supervised Region Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
* Sensor Data Fusion Framework to Improve Holographic Object Registration Accuracy for a Shared Augmented Reality Mission Planning Scenario
* set of indicators for BPM life cycle improvement, A
* ShadowNet
* Shape and Appearance Based Sequenced Convnets to Detect Real-Time Face Attributes on Mobile Devices
* Shape Classification Using Hilbert Space Embeddings and Kernel Adaptive Filtering
* Ship Wake Components: Isolation, Reconstruction, and Characteristics Analysis in Spectral, Spatial, and TerraSAR-X Image Domains
* Sign Language Recognition Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Similarities and Differences in Posture During Simulated Order Picking in Real Life and Virtual Reality
* Simulating the effect of cognitive load on braking responses in lead vehicle braking scenarios
* Simulation Sickness Evaluation While Using a Fully Autonomous Car in a Head Mounted Display Virtual Environment
* Simulation-Based Approach to Assess Subpixel Vegetation Structural Variation Impacts on Global Imaging Spectroscopy, A
* Simultaneous Clustering and Model Selection: Algorithm, Theory and Applications
* Simultaneous Local Binary Feature Learning and Encoding for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Simultaneous object detection and localization using convolutional neural networks
* Simultaneously Discovering and Localizing Common Objects in Wild Images
* Single feed compact millimeter wave antenna for future 5G applications
* Single-camera pose estimation using mirage
* Single-Image 3D Pose Estimation for Texture-Less Object via Symmetric Prior
* Singular Value Decomposition in Image Compression and Blurred Image Restoration
* Slavery from Space: Demonstrating the role for satellite remote sensing to inform evidence-based action related to UN SDG number 8
* Sleep Deprivation Detection for Real-Time Driver Monitoring Using Deep Learning
* Slope Pattern Spectra for Human Action Recognition
* Smarter Cities With Parked Cars as Roadside Units
* Spectral Method for Stable Bispectrum Inversion With Application to Multireference Alignment, A
* Spectrally Constrained Unimodular Sequence Design Without Spectral Level Mask
* Spherical Designs and Nonconvex Minimization for Recovery of Sparse Signals on the Sphere
* SPSIM: A Superpixel-Based Similarity Index for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Stabilization analysis of observer-based controller for uncertain and disturbed T-S fuzzy model: Application to wind turbine
* Statistical Variable Selection Solution for RFM Ill-Posedness and Overparameterization Problems, A
* Stigmergy-Based Analysis of City Hotspots to Discover Trends and Anomalies in Urban Transportation Usage, A
* Strategies for combining Twitter users geo-location methods
* Strategies to Reduce Uncertainty on the Diagnosis Quality in the Context of Virtual Consultation: Reviews of Virtual Consultation Systems
* Structural Variability from Noisy Tomographic Projections
* Study of Factors that Lead to Falls During Body Position Change from a Dorsal Position to a Seated Position by Nursing Students
* Study of Improving a Welfare Workplace by Surveying Good Standing Companies of Employment of People with Disabilities
* study of lesion skin segmentation, features selection and classification approaches, A
* Study on the Differences of Male Youth Physical Characteristics Between South China and Northwest China, A
* Study on the Quality of Experience Evaluation Metrics for Astronaut Virtual Training System
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of Compressed 4K UHD Videos for Immersive Experience
* supervised approach for simultaneous segmentation and classification of remote sensing images, A
* Surface Prediction for Spatial Augmented Reality
* Target Reconstruction Based on 3-D Scattering Center Model for Robust SAR ATR
* Tensor Approach to Model Order Selection of Multiple Sinusoids, A
* Theoretical Analysis of Flows Estimating Eigenfunctions of One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Thermal effect analysis of brain tumor on simulated T1-weighted MRI images
* Three-Phases Smartphone-Based Warning System to Protect Vulnerable Road Users Under Fuzzy Conditions
* Three-point-based solution for automated motion parameter estimation of a multi-camera indoor mapping system with planar motion constraint
* Three-step-ahead prediction for object tracking
* Toward Wi-Fi AP-Assisted Content Prefetching for an On-Demand TV Series: A Learning-Based Approach
* Towards Approximating the Mean Time to Failure in Vehicular Clouds
* Towards Automatic Calibration of Dotblot Images
* Towards Interactive Breast Tumor Classification Using Transfer Learning
* Tracking objects with co-occurrence matrix and particle filter in infrared video sequences
* Tracking-by-Detection of 3D Human Shapes: From Surfaces to Volumes
* traffic flow prediction model based on deep belief network and genetic algorithm
* Traffic flow prediction using neural network
* Transfer Learning Based Strategy for Improving Driver Distraction Recognition
* Transfer Learning of Spectrogram Image for Automatic Sleep Stage Classification
* Translation Scaling and rotation invariants of 3D Krawtchouk moments
* Triplet Markov chain in images segmentation
* Trust in Autonomous Systems for Threat Analysis: A Simulation Methodology
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Cancer Histology Image Classification
* Understanding the effects of peripheral vision and muscle memory on in-vehicle touchscreen interactions
* Unsupervised Change Detection Based on Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Unsupervised Game-Theoretic Approach to Saliency Detection, An
* Unsupervised Human Action Categorization Using a Riemannian Averaged Fixed-Point Learning of Multivariate GGMM
* Unsupervised Method to Extract Video Object via Complexity Awareness and Object Local Parts, An
* Usability Evaluation for Drone Mission Planning in Virtual Reality
* Use of Intensity-Based Measures to Produce Image Function Metrics Which Accommodate Weber's Models of Perception, The
* Use of Virtual and Augmented Reality to Prevent the Physical Effects Caused by Diabetes Melitus Type 2: An Integrative Review, The
* Using 3D Scan to Determine Human Body Segment Mass in OpenSim Model
* Using Body Movements for Running in Realistic 3D Map
* VAIR Field - Multiple Mobile VR Shooting Sports
* Validation of Semantic Relation of Synonymy in Domain Ontologies Using Lexico-Syntactic Patterns and Acronyms
* Variant SemiBoost for Improving Human Detection in Application Scenes
* Variational Pansharpening Approach Based on Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space and Heaviside Function, A
* Vegetation Index Estimation from Monospectral Images
* Vehicle counting system in real-time
* Vehicle Detection in Infrared Imagery Using Neural Networks with Synthetic Training Data
* Vehicle speed estimation using extracted SURF features from stereo images
* Vessel Preserving CNN-Based Image Resampling of Retinal Images
* viable system model driven the organization and the information system design, The
* Video Denoising via Dynamic Video Layering
* Video-Based Person Re-identification by 3D Convolutional Neural Networks and Improved Parameter Learning
* Virtual Reality Based Space Operations: A Study of ESA's Potential for VR Based Training and Simulation
* Virtual Reality Training to Enhance Motor Skills
* Virtual-Reality Videos to Relieve Depression
* Virtually Empathetic?: Examining the Effects of Virtual Reality Storytelling on Empathy
* Visual multiple-object tracking for unknown clutter rate
* Visual Recognition in RGB Images and Videos by Learning from RGB-D Data
* Visual Tracking With Weighted Adaptive Local Sparse Appearance Model via Spatio-Temporal Context Learning
* Visualizing Software Architectures in Virtual Reality with an Island Metaphor
* VR Evaluation of Motion Sickness Solution in Automated Driving
* VRowser: A Virtual Reality Parallel Web Browser
* Walking with Angest: Subjective Measures for Subjective Evaluation in a Walking Simulator Virtual Reality Game
* Wavelet-based short-term forecasting with improved threshold recognition for urban expressway traffic conditions
* Wavenumber-Domain Multiband Signal Fusion With Matrix-Pencil Approach for High-Resolution Imaging
* Web mining techniques and applications: Literature review and a proposal approach to improve performance of employment for young graduate in Morocco
* Weighted feature voting technique for content-based image retrieval
* What Affective Computing Reveals about Autistic Children's Facial Expressions of Joy or Fear
* Whole-Body Robotic Simulator of the Elderly for Evaluating Robotic Devices for Nursing Care
* Winner-Take-All Strategy for Improved Object Tracking, A
* xR-Based Systems for Mindfulness Based Training in Clinical Settings
* Zero-Shot Learning on Semantic Class Prototype Graph
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.