Update Dates 2107

2107 * *DgiStreammer
* 3D Cascaded Spectral-Spatial Element Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 3D object recognition with a linear time-varying system of overlay layers
* 3D Skeletal Gesture Recognition via Discriminative Coding on Time-Warping Invariant Riemannian Trajectories
* Aboveground Biomass Mapping of Crops Supported by Improved CASA Model and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery
* Acceleration of Non-Rigid Point Set Registration With Downsampling and Gaussian Process Regression
* Accuracy Assessment in Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Remote Sensing Studies: Part 1: Literature Review
* Accuracy Assessment in Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Remote Sensing Studies: Part 2: Recommendations and Best Practices
* Accurate and Efficient Image Super-Resolution via Global-Local Adjusting Dense Network
* Accurate and Fast Image Denoising via Attention Guided Scaling
* Accurate Liver Border Identification Model in CT Scan Images
* Active-Learning Approaches for Landslide Mapping Using Support Vector Machines
* Adapt Everywhere: Unsupervised Adaptation of Point-Clouds and Entropy Minimization for Multi-Modal Cardiac Image Segmentation
* Adaptive Beamforming for Passive Synthetic Aperture with Uncertain Curvilinear Trajectory
* Adaptive Capsule Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Classification, An
* Adaptive Decomposition Approach with Dipole Aggregation Model for Polarimetric SAR Data, An
* Adaptive Feature Calculation and Diagonal Mapping for Successive Recovery of Tampered Regions
* Adaptive Formulation of the Sliding Innovation Filter, An
* Adaptive hypergraph learning with multi-stage optimizations for image and tag recommendation
* Adaptive learning cost-sensitive convolutional neural network
* Adaptive Modality Distillation for Separable Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Adaptive Piecewise Harmonic Analysis Method for Reconstructing Multi-Year Sea Surface Chlorophyll-A Time Series, An
* Additional Reference Height Error Analysis for Baseline Calibration Based on a Distributed Target DEM in TwinSAR-L
* ADT-Det: Adaptive Dynamic Refined Single-Stage Transformer Detector for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Satellite Optical Imagery
* Advances in IoT and Smart Sensors for Remote Sensing and Agriculture Applications
* Age-Net: An MRI-Based Iterative Framework for Brain Biological Age Estimation
* Agent With Warm Start and Adaptive Dynamic Termination for Plane Localization in 3D Ultrasound
* AI Empowered Communication Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* AI-Enabled Fingerprinting and Crowdsource-Based Vehicle Localization for Resilient and Safe Transportation Systems
* Air-writing recognition using reverse time ordered stroke context
* Airborne LiDAR Assisted Obstacle Recognition and Intrusion Detection Towards Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: Architecture, Modeling and Evaluation
* Airborne Lidar Observations of a Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in the Western Arctic Ocean
* Amplitude-Phase Information Measurement on Riemannian Manifold for Motor Imagery-Based BCI
* An overview of) Synergistic reconstruction for multimodality/multichannel imaging methods
* Analysis of Agronomic Drought in a Highly Anthropogenic Context Based on Satellite Monitoring of Vegetation and Soil Moisture
* Analysis of Crustal Movement and Deformation in Mainland China Based on CMONOC Baseline Time Series
* Analysis of Noise and Velocity in GNSS EPN-Repro 2 Time Series
* Analysis of Salt Lake Volume Dynamics Using Sentinel-1 Based SBAS Measurements: A Case Study of Lake Tuz, Turkey
* Analysis of the Deformation Behavior and Sinkhole Risk in Kerdabad, Iran Using the PS-InSAR Method
* Analysis of the Future Land Use Land Cover Changes in the Gaborone Dam Catchment Using CA-Markov Model: Implications on Water Resources
* Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Changes in Abandoned Farmland Based on Long Time Series of Remote Sensing Data
* Analyzing Satellite Ocean Color Match-Up Protocols Using the Satellite Validation Navy Tool (SAVANT) at MOBY and Two AERONET-OC Sites
* Angular Calibration of Visible and Infrared Binocular All-Sky-View Cameras Using Sun Positions
* Anomaly Detection in Automated Vehicles Using Multistage Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Anomaly detection using improved deep SVDD model with data structure preservation
* Applicability of Susceptibility Model for Rock and Loess Earthquake Landslides in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* Applicability of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager to the Mapping of Sea Surface Salinity in the East China Sea, The
* Application of 3D Laser Image Scanning Technology and Cellular Automata Model in the Prediction of the Dynamic Process of Rill Erosion
* Application of a Novel Hybrid Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping with Satellite Images: A Case Study of Seoul, Korea
* Application of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometer in Retrieving Meteorological Characteristics of Tibet Plateau
* Application of M5 Model Tree in Passive Remote Sensing of Thin Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties in Terahertz Region
* Application of TLS Remote Sensing Data in the Analysis of the Load-Carrying Capacity of Structural Steel Elements
* Applications of UAVs in Cold Region Ecological and Environmental Studies
* Applying an Adaptive Signal Identification Method to Improve Vessel Echo Detection and Tracking for SeaSonde HF Radar
* Approach to Accuracy Assessment of ASTER Derived Mineral Maps, An
* Arctic-Boreal Lake Phenology Shows a Relationship between Earlier Lake Ice-Out and Later Green-Up
* Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things for the Elderly: From Assisted Living to Health-Care Monitoring
* Assessing Freshwater Changes over Southern and Central Africa (2002-2017)
* Assessing Repeatability and Reproducibility of Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for 3D Terrain Mapping of Riverbeds
* Assessing Spatial Variability of Barley Whole Crop Biomass Yield and Leaf Area Index in Silvoarable Agroforestry Systems Using UAV-Borne Remote Sensing
* Assessing Trust Level of a Driverless Car Using Deep Learning
* Assessment of Drought Impact on Net Primary Productivity in the Terrestrial Ecosystems of Mongolia from 2003 to 2018
* Assessment of Drought Stress in Tea Estates Using Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing, An
* Assessment of the Reprocessed Suomi NPP VIIRS Enterprise Cloud Mask Product
* Assessment of the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Cover Crops Using Remote Sensing
* Atmospheric Light Estimation Based Remote Sensing Image Dehazing
* Attention Voting Network with Prior Distance Augmented Loss for 6DoF Pose Estimation
* Attention-Based Deep Learning Framework for Trip Destination Prediction of Sharing Bike, An
* Attention-guided image captioning with adaptive global and local feature fusion
* AutoFoley: Artificial Synthesis of Synchronized Sound Tracks for Silent Videos With Deep Learning
* Automated and Robust Image Watermarking Scheme Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* Automatic Method to Detect Lake Ice Phenology Using MODIS Daily Temperature Imagery, An
* Automatic Road Marking Extraction and Vectorization from Vehicle-Borne Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Staging for Retinopathy of Prematurity With Deep Feature Fusion and Ordinal Classification Strategy
* Azimuth Resolution Improvement and Target Parameters Inversion for Distributed Shipborne High Frequency Hybrid Sky-Surface Wave Radar
* Bayesian Approach to Recurrence in Neural Networks, A
* Bayesian Inverse Regression for Vascular Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* BDS-3/Galileo Time and Frequency Transfer with Quad-Frequency Precise Point Positioning
* Benchmarking Anchor-Based and Anchor-Free State-of-the-Art Deep Learning Methods for Individual Tree Detection in RGB High-Resolution Images
* Bit2CV: A Novel Bitcoin Anti-Fraud Deposit Scheme for Connected Vehicles
* Blind Decomposition of Multispectral Document Images Using Orthogonal Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Blind Image Denoising via Dynamic Dual Learning
* Block Chain and Big Data-Enabled Intelligent Vehicular Communication
* Blockchain and Learning-Based Secure and Intelligent Task Offloading for Vehicular Fog Computing
* Blockchain-Based Lightweight and Secured V2V Communication in the Internet of Vehicles
* Blockchain-Based Secure Computation Offloading in Vehicular Networks
* Blockchain-Enabled Trustworthy Group Communications in UAV Networks
* BlockEV: Efficient and Secure Charging Station Selection for Electric Vehicles
* Blur-Invariant Similarity Measurement of Images
* Bridge Foundation River Scour and Infill Characterisation Using Water-Penetrating Radar
* Building Multi-Feature Fusion Refined Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Building Structure Mapping on Level Terrains and Sea Surfaces in Vietnam
* Can Vegetation Indices Serve as Proxies for Potential Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF)? A Fuzzy Simulation Approach on Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy Data
* CANet: Context Aware Network for Brain Glioma Segmentation
* CasQNet: Intrinsic Image Decomposition Based on Cascaded Quotient Network
* Centering Noisy Images with Application to Cryo-EM
* CFFNet: Coordinated feature fusion network for crowd counting
* Challenges in Sparse Image Reconstruction
* Change Capsule Network for Optical Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* Change Detection in Urban Point Clouds: An Experimental Comparison with Simulated 3D Datasets
* ChannelNets: Compact and Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks via Channel-Wise Convolutions
* Character Detection in Animated Movies Using Multi-Style Adaptation and Visual Attention
* Characterization of Carrier Phase-Based Positioning in Real-World Jamming Conditions
* Characterizing Off-Highway Road Use with Remote-Sensing, Social Media and Crowd-Sourced Data: An Application to Grizzly Bear (Ursus Arctos) Habitat
* Characterizing the Relationship between the Sediment Grain Size and the Shoreline Variability Defined from Sentinel-2 Derived Shorelines
* Choose Your Path Wisely: Gradient Descent in a Bregman Distance Framework
* Class of Second-Order Geometric Quasilinear Hyperbolic PDEs and Their Application in Imaging, A
* Classification of Human Metaspread Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classifier aided training for semantic segmentation
* Climatic Regulation of Vegetation Phenology in Protected Areas along Western South America
* Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Response to Aerosol over Air-Polluted Urban Areas in China
* Cloud-Top Height Comparison from Multi-Satellite Sensors and Ground-Based Cloud Radar over SACOL Site
* CNN-Based Fast Inter Coding Method for VVC, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Alignment for Cross-Modal Moment Localization
* COAST: COntrollable Arbitrary-Sampling NeTwork for Compressive Sensing
* Coastal Remote Sensing: Merging Physical, Chemical, and Biological Data as Tailings Drift onto Buffalo Reef, Lake Superior
* Cold Wave-Induced Reductions in NDII and ChlRE for North-Western Pacific Mangroves Varies with Latitude and Climate History
* Collaborative Intrusion Detection for VANETs: A Deep Learning-Based Distributed SDN Approach
* Collaborative learning in bounding box regression for object detection
* Collision Avoidance on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Neural Network Pipelines and Flow Clustering Techniques
* Color Elastica Model for Vector-Valued Image Regularization, A
* Colourimetric Approach to Ecological Remote Sensing: Case Study for the Rainforests of South-Eastern Australia, A
* Combining Fields of Experts (FoE) and K-SVD methods in pursuing natural image priors
* Combining Multiple Geospatial Data for Estimating Aboveground Biomass in North Carolina Forests
* Common Method of Share Authentication in Image Secret Sharing, A
* Comparative Analysis of Different Mobile LiDAR Mapping Systems for Ditch Line Characterization
* Comparative Evaluation of Mapping Accuracy between UAV Video versus Photo Mosaic for the Scattered Urban Photovoltaic Panel
* Comparing 3D Point Cloud Data from Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Photogrammetry for Height Estimation of Small Trees and Other Vegetation in a Boreal-Alpine Ecotone
* Comparing Methods for Segmenting Supra-Glacial Lakes and Surface Features in the Mount Everest Region of the Himalayas Using Chinese GaoFen-3 SAR Images
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Up-Scale Gross Primary Production
* Comparison of Modelling Strategies to Estimate Phenotypic Values from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Spectral and Temporal Vegetation Indexes
* Comparison of Multi-Temporal RGB and Multispectral UAS Imagery for Tree Species Classification in Heterogeneous New Hampshire Forests, A
* Comparison of Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks for Post-Disaster Forest Species Mapping of the Krkonoše/Karkonosze Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
* Complex Neural Spatial Filter: Enhancing Multi-Channel Target Speech Separation in Complex Domain
* Comprehensive performance analysis of objective quality metrics for digital holography
* comprehensive survey on computer vision based concepts, methodologies, analysis and applications for automatic gun/knife detection, A
* Compressed and High-Accuracy Star Tracker with On-Orbit Deployable Baffle for Remote Sensing CubeSats, A
* Computer Vision, IoT and Data Fusion for Crop Disease Detection Using Machine Learning: A Survey and Ongoing Research
* Conditional Automated Channel Pruning for Deep Neural Networks
* Constrained Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation
* Construction and Application of a Knowledge Graph
* Context-Dependent Propagating-Based Video Recommendation in Multimodal Heterogeneous Information Networks
* Continuous Sensing of Water Temperature in a Reservoir with Grid Inversion Method Based on Acoustic Tomography System
* Continuously Vegetation Greening over Inner Mongolia for the Past Three Decades
* Control the number of skip-connects to improve robustness of the NAS algorithm
* Convolution Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Driver Emotion Recognition, A
* Convolutional Neural Network Based on Grouping Structure for Scene Classification, A
* Cooperative Moving-Target Enclosing Control for Multiple Nonholonomic Vehicles Using Feedback Linearization Approach
* Cooperative Target Tracking in Aquatic Environment Using Dual Robotic Dolphins
* Core Imaging Library - Part I: a versatile Python framework for tomographic imaging
* Core Imaging Library - Part II: multichannel reconstruction for dynamic and spectral tomography
* Cotton Stand Counting from Unmanned Aerial System Imagery Using MobileNet and CenterNet Deep Learning Models
* Coverless Image Steganography Based on Multi-Object Recognition
* COVID-19 discrimination framework for X-ray images by considering radiomics, selective information, feature ranking, and a novel hybrid classifier
* CPISNet: Delving into Consistent Proposals of Instance Segmentation Network for High-Resolution Aerial Images
* Creating a Field-Wide Forage Canopy Model Using UAVs and Photogrammetry Processing
* Crop Classification Using MSCDN Classifier and Sparse Auto-Encoders with Non-Negativity Constraints for Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data
* Cross-Age Identity Difference Analysis Model Based on Image Pairs for Age Invariant Face Verification
* Cross-Domain Submesoscale Eddy Detection Neural Network for HF Radar
* Cross-modal dynamic convolution for multi-modal emotion recognition
* CRT-BIoV: A Cognitive Radio Technique for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* DA-SACOT: Domain adaptive-segmentation guided attention for correlation based object tracking
* Data Driven Service Orchestration for Vehicular Networks
* data-driven chassis coordination control strategy, A
* Decomposition and Completion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Deep CNNs Meet Global Covariance Pooling: Better Representation and Generalization
* Deep Collocative Learning for Immunofixation Electrophoresis Image Analysis
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Large-Scale Date Palm Tree Mapping from UAV-Based Images
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Adversarial Training for Denoising Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Images
* Deep Detection Network Based on Interaction of Instance Segmentation and Object Detection for SAR Images, A
* Deep K-SVD Denoising
* Deep Learning Based Autonomous Vehicle Super Resolution DOA Estimation for Safety Driving
* Deep Learning Based Semi-Supervised Control for Vertical Security of Maglev Vehicle With Guaranteed Bounded Airgap
* Deep Learning for Automated Detection and Identification of Migrating American Eel Anguilla rostrata from Imaging Sonar Data
* Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions
* Deep Learning for Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition: Overview, Challenges, and Opportunities
* Deep Learning in Forestry Using UAV-Acquired RGB Data: A Practical Review
* Deep Learning on Airborne Radar Echograms for Tracing Snow Accumulation Layers of the Greenland Ice Sheet
* Deep Learning-Based Blockchain Mechanism for Secure Internet of Drones Environment, A
* Deep Learning-Based Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme by Predicting Vehicle Mobility, A
* Deep Learning-Based Phenological Event Modeling for Classification of Crops
* Deep Learning-Based Point Upsampling for Edge Enhancement of 3D-Scanned Data and Its Application to Transparent Visualization
* Deep Learning-Based Traffic Safety Solution for a Mixture of Autonomous and Manual Vehicles in a 5G-Enabled Intelligent Transportation System
* Deep Neural Network Utilizing Remote Sensing Datasets for Flood Hazard Susceptibility Mapping in Brisbane, Australia
* Deep Neural Networks for Inverse Problems with Pseudodifferential Operators: An Application to Limited-Angle Tomography
* Deep Residual Dual-Attention Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images
* deep sequence-to-sequence method for accurate long landing prediction based on flight data, A
* Deep Spatial-Spectral Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Image
* Defense Against Adversarial Attacks by Reconstructing Images
* Delving Deep Into Label Smoothing
* DENAO: Monocular Depth Estimation Network With Auxiliary Optical Flow
* Dependence of CWSI-Based Plant Water Stress Estimation with Diurnal Acquisition Times in a Nectarine Orchard
* Depth Sensing by Near-Infrared Light Absorption in Water
* Design of a Generic Virtual Measurement Workflow for Processing Archived Point Cloud of Trees and Its Implementation of Light Condition Measurements on Stems
* Design of Image Dehazing Engine Using DTE and DAE Techniques, A
* Design of Matched Wavelet Using Improved Genetic Algorithm for Heart Rate Variability Analysis of the Menstrual Cycle
* Destruction and Reconstruction Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* Detail Information Prior Net for Remote Sensing Image Pansharpening
* Detection of Ionospheric Scintillation Based on XGBoost Model Improved by SMOTE-ENN Technique
* Detection of Prostate Cancer in Whole-Slide Images Through End-to-End Training With Image-Level Labels
* Detection of Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Liana Infestation Using Satellite-Derived Imagery
* Development and Validation of an End-to-End Simulator and Gas Concentration Retrieval Processor Applied to the MERLIN Lidar Mission
* Development of a Flash Flood Confidence Index from Disaster Reports and Geophysical Susceptibility
* Dewarping Document Image Techniques: Survey and Comparative Study
* Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Optimization Assisted Deep Learning Model: Outlook on Improved Grey Wolf Algorithm
* DiFNet: Densely High-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks
* Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Brain Imaging Data Analysis
* Direction-of-Arrival Estimation over Sea Surface from Radar Scattering Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* directional margin paradigm for noise suppression in face recognition, A
* Discrepant collaborative training by Sinkhorn divergences
* Disentangling Image distortions in deep feature space
* Disentangling, Embedding and Ranking Label Cues for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Disocclusion filling for depth-based view synthesis with adaptive utilization of temporal correlations
* Disparity Feature Alignment Module for Stereo Image Super-Resolution, A
* Distinguishing Original and Non-Original Stands at the Zhanjiang Mangrove National Nature Reserve (P.R. China): Remote Sensing and GIS for Conservation and Ecological Research
* Distortion-Aware Multi-Task Learning Framework for Fractional Interpolation in Video Coding, A
* Distributed Fusion Framework of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Residual Network, A
* DLR HySU: A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
* DOA and Range Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar with Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Domain-Adversarial Training of Self-Attention-Based Networks for Land Cover Classification Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Domain-Guided Noise-Optimization-Based Inversion Method for Facial Image Manipulation, A
* DotSCN: Group Re-Identification via Domain-Transferred Single and Couple Representation Learning
* Double color image encryption based on fractional order discrete improved Henon map and Rubik's cube transform
* Drone-Aided Blockchain-Based Smart Vehicular Network, A
* DSDet: A Lightweight Densely Connected Sparsely Activated Detector for Ship Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* DSNet: Joint Semantic Learning for Object Detection in Inclement Weather Conditions
* Dual link distributed source coding scheme for the transmission of satellite hyperspectral imagery
* Dynamic Point Cloud Denoising via Manifold-to-Manifold Distance
* Dynamic Wide and Deep Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Dynamic Wireless Information and Power Transfer Scheme for Nano-Empowered Vehicular Networks
* Dynamical Structure of a Warm Core Ring as Inferred from Glider Observations and Along-Track Altimetry, The
* Dynamics and Drivers of Vegetation Phenology in Three-River Headwaters Region Based on the Google Earth Engine
* Dynamics of Hongjian Nur, the Largest Desert Freshwater Lake in China, during 1990-2017, The
* Early Identification of Root Rot Disease by Using Hyperspectral Reflectance: The Case of Pathosystem Grapevine/Armillaria
* EasyIDP: A Python Package for Intermediate Data Processing in UAV-Based Plant Phenotyping
* EdgeGAN: One-way mapping generative adversarial network based on the edge information for unpaired training set
* Editorial for Special Issue Remote Sensing for Monitoring Wildlife and Habitat in a Changing World
* Editorial of Special Issue Machine and Deep Learning for Earth Observation Data Analysis
* Editorial of special section on CIARP 2019
* Editorial on Frontiers in computer vision for human computer interaction
* Editorial to special issue on novel insights on ocular biometrics
* Editorial: IMAVIS special issue on deep cross-media neural model for generating image descriptions
* Effect of Aerosols, Tropospheric NO2 and Clouds on Surface Solar Radiation over the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece)
* Effects of Beach Nourishment Project on Coastal Geomorphology and Mangrove Dynamics in Southern Louisiana, USA
* Effects of Cloud Microphysics on the Vertical Structures of Cloud Radiative Effects over the Tibetan Plateau and the Arctic
* Efficient and Effective Regularized Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* Efficient and Secure Routing Protocol Based on Artificial Intelligence Algorithms With UAV-Assisted for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Efficient Calculation Method for Tree Stem Traits from Large-Scale Point Clouds of Forest Stands
* Efficient Decision Support System for Flood Inundation Management Using Intermittent Remote-Sensing Data, An
* efficient deep sclera recognition framework with novel sclera segmentation, vessel extraction and gaze detection, An
* Efficient Mining Cluster Selection for Blockchain-Based Cellular V2X Communications
* Efficient Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Image Clustering in Urban Areas via Boosted Convolutional Autoencoder (BCAE), An
* Efficient Reversible Data Hiding for JPEG Images with Multiple Histograms Modification
* Electroencephalography-Based Auditory Attention Decoding: Toward Neurosteered Hearing Devices
* Emotion Detection for Conversations Based on Reinforcement Learning Framework
* Encode Imaging System Parameters as Distribution to Improve Reflection Generation and Removal
* End-to-End Learning for Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Video With Adaptive Loss
* End-to-End Light Field Spatial Super-Resolution Network Using Multiple Epipolar Geometry
* Enhanced diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction using concurrent ultrasound information
* Enhanced Oceanic Environmental Responses and Feedbacks to Super Typhoon Nida (2009) during the Sudden-Turning Stage
* Enhanced Separable Convolution Network for Lightweight JPEG Compression Artifacts Reduction
* Enhancing the Performance of Flow Classification in SDN-Based Intelligent Vehicular Networks
* Enhancing Transferability of Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Using Transfer Learning
* ensemble-based semi-supervised feature ranking for multi-target regression problems, An
* Estimating Floodplain Vegetative Roughness Using Drone-Based Laser Scanning and Structure from Motion Photogrammetry
* Estimating the Key Parameter of a Tropical Cyclone Wind Field Model over the Northwest Pacific Ocean: A Comparison between Neural Networks and Statistical Models
* Estimating Tree Diameters from an Autonomous Below-Canopy UAV with Mounted LiDAR
* Estimation of Grapevine Crop Coefficient Using a Multispectral Camera on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Estimation of Hail Damage Using Crop Models and Remote Sensing
* Estimation of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Soils Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy with Fractional-Order Derivative and Generalized Regression Neural Network
* Estimation of Northern Hardwood Forest Inventory Attributes Using UAV Laser Scanning (ULS): Transferability of Laser Scanning Methods and Comparison of Automated Approaches at the Tree- and Stand-Level
* Estimation of the Potential Achievable Solar Energy of the Buildings Using Photogrammetric Mesh Models
* Estimation of Ultrahigh Resolution PM2.5 Mass Concentrations Based on Mie Scattering Theory by Using Landsat8 OLI Images over Pearl River Delta
* Evaluating Machine Learning and Geostatistical Methods for Spatial Gap-Filling of Monthly ESA CCI Soil Moisture in China
* Evaluation and Calibration of MODIS Near-Infrared Precipitable Water Vapor over China Using GNSS Observations and ERA-5 Reanalysis Dataset
* Evaluation and Hydrological Application of a Data Fusing Method of Multi-Source Precipitation Products-A Case Study over Tuojiang River Basin
* Evaluation of 2-m Air Temperature and Surface Temperature from ERA5 and ERA-I Using Buoy Observations in the Arctic during 2010-2020
* Evaluation of Deep Learning Architectures for Complex Immunofluorescence Nuclear Image Segmentation
* Evaluation of Eight Global Precipitation Datasets in Hydrological Modeling
* Evaluation of Five Deep Learning Models for Crop Type Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Time Series Images with Missing Information
* Evaluation of RGB and Multispectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery for High-Throughput Phenotyping and Yield Prediction in Barley Breeding
* Evaluation of synergistic image registration for motion-corrected coronary NaF-PET-MR
* Event Prediction in the Big Data Era: A Systematic Survey
* Evolution towards optimal driving strategies for large-scale autonomous vehicles
* Evolutionary Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Model for Securing Vehicles, An
* Exploring the Impacts and Temporal Variations of Different Building Roof Types on Surface Urban Heat Island
* Exploring the Outer Boundary of a Simple Polygon
* Exposure Fusion Using a Relative Generative Adversarial Network
* Exposure of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nests to Waves in the Florida Panhandle
* Extracting Information on Rocky Desertification from Satellite Images: A Comparative Study
* Extraction of Old Towns in Hangzhou (2000-2018) from Landsat Time Series Image Stacks
* Extraction of Sunflower Lodging Information Based on UAV Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing and Deep Learning
* Extremely High Compression and Identification of Fingerprint Images Using SA4 Multiwavelet Transform
* Facial Expression Recognition With Multiscale Graph Convolutional Networks
* Facial parts swapping with generative adversarial networks
* Fashion Meets Computer Vision: A Survey
* fast algorithm based on gray level co-occurrence matrix and Gabor feature for HEVC screen content coding, A
* Fast SAR Autofocus Based on Ensemble Convolutional Extreme Learning Machine
* Feature Fusion Approach for Temporal Land Use Mapping in Complex Agricultural Areas
* field study investigating road safety effects of a front brake light, A
* Finding the Optimal Multimodel Averaging Method for Global Hydrological Simulations
* Fine-Grained Tidal Flat Waterbody Extraction Method (FYOLOv3) for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Fine-Resolution Mapping of Pan-Arctic Lake Ice-Off Phenology Based on Dense Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
* Fine-Tuning Heat Stress Algorithms to Optimise Global Predictions of Mass Coral Bleaching
* Fitting Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds with T-Splines: Local Refinement Strategy for Rigid Body Motion
* Foreground-Background Parallel Compression With Residual Encoding for Surveillance Video
* Forest Fire Risk Prediction: A Spatial Deep Neural Network-Based Framework
* Framework of Filtering Rules over Ground Truth Samples to Achieve Higher Accuracy in Land Cover Maps, A
* From Point to Region: Accurate and Efficient Hierarchical Small Object Detection in Low-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* From Points to Parts: 3D Object Detection From Point Cloud With Part-Aware and Part-Aggregation Network
* Fused Radar-Optical Approach for Mapping Wetlands and Deepwaters of the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf Coast Regions of the United States, A
* Fusing electrical and elasticity imaging
* GA-NET: Global Attention Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Gap-Free LST Generation for MODIS/Terra LST Product Using a Random Forest-Based Reconstruction Method
* Generalized Earley Parser for Human Activity Parsing and Prediction, A
* Generalized Quadrature Spatial Modulation and its Application to Vehicular Networks With NOMA
* Generative Adversarial Network Enabled Deep Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Transmission Scheduling in Internet of Vehicles, A
* Generative detect for occlusion object based on occlusion generation and feature completing
* Generative System and Method for Creating Fashion Products
* generic, cluster-centred lossless compression framework for joint auroral data, A
* Geometric- and Optimization-Based Registration Methods for Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Images
* ghostfree contrast enhancement method for multiview images without depth information, A
* Global Analysis of Coastal Gradients of Sea Surface Salinity
* Global Analysis of the Relationship between Reconstructed Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) and Gross Primary Production (GPP)
* Global Estimation and Assessment of Monthly Lake/Reservoir Water Level Changes Using ICESat-2 ATL13 Products
* Global Ocean Studies from CALIOP/CALIPSO by Removing Polarization Crosstalk Effects
* Global Sensitivity Analysis for Canopy Reflectance and Vegetation Indices of Mangroves
* GNSS-IR Method for Retrieving Soil Moisture Content from Integrated Multi-Satellite Data That Accounts for the Impact of Vegetation Moisture Content, A
* GPR-Based Pavement Density Profiler: Operating Principles and Applications, A
* Gradient Boosting Machine and Object-Based CNN for Land Cover Classification
* Graph Signal Processing: Vertex Multiplication
* Graph-based neural network models with multiple self-supervised auxiliary tasks
* Gray Matter Segmentation of Brain MRI Using Hybrid Enhanced Independent Component Analysis
* Ground Deformation History of the Neapolitan Volcanic Area (Campi Flegrei Caldera, Somma-Vesuvius Volcano, and Ischia Island) from 20 Years of Continuous GPS Observations (2000-2019), The
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning Models for Safe and Secure Intelligent Transportation Systems
* GVLD: A Fast and Accurate GPU-Based Variational Light-Field Disparity Estimation Approach
* Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Feeding Ground of Immature Albacore in the Southern Indian Ocean Using Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Data
* Harnessing high-level concepts, visual, and auditory features for violence detection in videos
* Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation by Information Capturing and Distribution Matching
* Hierarchical Blockchain-Enabled Federated Learning Algorithm for Knowledge Sharing in Internet of Vehicles, A
* Hierarchical Factorization Strategy for High-Order Tensor and Application to Data Completion
* Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal State Machine for Vehicle Instrument Cluster Manufacturing
* Hierarchical Superpixel-Based Approach for DIBR View Synthesis, A
* High-Resolution Monitoring of Glacier Mass Balance and Dynamics with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the Ningchan No. 1 Glacier in the Qilian Mountains, China
* Highly Efficient Vehicle Taillight Detection Approach Based on Deep Learning, A
* Homogeneous-to-Heterogeneous: Unsupervised Learning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* How Spatial Resolution Affects Forest Phenology and Tree-Species Classification Based on Satellite and Up-Scaled Time-Series Images
* HP-VCS: A high-quality and printer-friendly visual cryptography scheme
* Human Interaction Understanding With Joint Graph Decomposition and Node Labeling
* Human Machine Interfaces in Upper-Limb Prosthesis Control: A Survey of Techniques for Preprocessing and Processing of Biosignals
* Hybrid Coding of Spatiotemporal Spike Data for a Bio-Inspired Camera
* Hybrid dual stream blender for wide baseline view synthesis
* Hybrid Technique of the Branch-Cut and the Quality-Guided for Insar Phase Unwrapping
* Hyperspectral LiDAR-Based Plant Spectral Profiles Acquisition: Performance Assessment and Results Analysis
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Deep Feature Extraction Based on Mixed Feature and Convolutional Neural Networks
* I Understand You: Blind 3D Human Attention Inference from the Perspective of Third-Person
* ICN-Based Enhanced Cooperative Caching for Multimedia Streaming in Resource Constrained Vehicular Environment
* Identification of Aerosol Pollution Hotspots in Jiangsu Province of China
* Identification of Construction Areas from VHR-Satellite Images for Macroeconomic Forecasts
* Identification of Significative LiDAR Metrics and Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Estimating Stand and Diversity Variables in Heterogeneous Brazilian Atlantic Forest
* Identification of Typical Solid Hazardous Chemicals Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
* Identifying Optimal Wavelengths as Disease Signatures Using Hyperspectral Sensor and Machine Learning
* Identity authentication based on keystroke dynamics for mobile device users
* IGS-CMAES: A Two-Stage Optimization for Ground Deformation and DEM Error Estimation in Time Series InSAR Data
* Image Captioning Algorithm Based on Multi-Branch CNN and Bi-LSTM
* Image inpainting using directional wavelet packets originating from polynomial splines
* Image storage onto synthetic DNA
* Impact of Attitude Model, Phase Wind-Up and Phase Center Variation on Precise Orbit and Clock Offset Determination of GRACE-FO and CentiSpace-1
* Impact of Rapid Urban Sprawl on the Local Meteorological Observational Environment Based on Remote Sensing Images and GIS Technology
* Impact of the Mesoscale Ocean Variability on the Estimation of Tidal Harmonic Constants Based on Satellite Altimeter Data in the South China Sea, The
* Impacts of Landscape Patterns on Ecosystem Services Value: A Multiscale Buffer Gradient Analysis Approach
* Implicit Emotion Relationship Mining Based on Optimal and Majority Synthesis From Multimodal Data Prediction
* Improved Accuracy of Phenological Detection in Rice Breeding by Using Ensemble Models of Machine Learning Based on UAV-RGB Imagery
* Improved Aggregated-Mosaic Method for the Sparse Object Detection of Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* Improved Cloud Masking Method for GOCI Data over Turbid Coastal Waters, An
* improved Gamma correction model for image dehazing in a multi-exposure fusion framework, An
* Improved identification of abdominal aortic aneurysm using the Kernelized Expectation Maximization algorithm
* Improved Method for Pan-Tropical Above-Ground Biomass and Canopy Height Retrieval Using CYGNSS, An
* Improved Method for Two-UAV Trajectory Planning for Cooperative Target Locating Based on Airborne Visual Tracking Platform, An
* Improved multi-source domain adaptation by preservation of factors
* Improved NOAA-20 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Day/Night Band Image Quality by Upgraded Gain Calibration
* Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Total Variation Regularization and Projection Constraint with Applications in Ground-Penetrating Radar Inversion: A Model Simulation Study, An
* Improved Single-Epoch Attitude Determination Method for Low-Cost Single-Frequency GNSS Receivers, An
* Improved Understanding of Groundwater Storage Changes under the Influence of River Basin Governance in Northwestern China Using GRACE Data
* Improvement of a Dasymetric Method for Implementing Sustainable Development Goal 11 Indicators at an Intra-Urban Scale
* Improvement of Region-Merging Image Segmentation Accuracy Using Multiple Merging Criteria
* Improvement of UAV Positioning Performance Based on EGNOS+SDCM Solution
* Improvements to the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm
* Improving CyGNSS-Based Land Remote Sensing: Track-Wise Data Calibration Schemes
* Improving Generative Modelling in VAEs Using Multimodal Prior
* Improving the Stochastic Model of Ionospheric Delays for BDS Long-Range Real-Time Kinematic Positioning
* Improving Urban Impervious Surfaces Mapping through Integrating Statistical Methods and Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Improving Visual Relationship Detection With Two-Stage Correlation Exploitation
* In-Situ Block Characterization of Jointed Rock Exposures Based on a 3D Point Cloud Model
* Increasing the Effectiveness of Active Learning: Introducing Artificial Data Generation in Active Learning for Land Use/Land Cover Classification
* Individuality-Preserving Silhouette Extraction for Gait Recognition and Its Speedup
* Influence of Solar X-ray Flares on SAR Meteorology: The Determination of the Wet Component of the Tropospheric Phase Delay and Precipitable Water Vapor, The
* Information-Centric Content Management Framework for Software Defined Internet of Vehicles Towards Application Specific Services
* Infrared and Visible Image Object Detection via Focused Feature Enhancement and Cascaded Semantic Extension
* Insights from the P Wave Travel Time Tomography in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Central Philippines
* Integrated Laser Scanner Techniques to Produce High-Resolution DTM of Vegetated Territory
* Integrating Aerial LiDAR and Very-High-Resolution Images for Urban Functional Zone Mapping
* Integrating Phenological and Geographical Information with Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Map Rubber Plantations in Xishuangbanna
* Integrating Remote Sensing and a Markov-FLUS Model to Simulate Future Land Use Changes in Hokkaido, Japan
* Integration of Satellite InSAR with a Wireless Network of Geotechnical Sensors for Slope Monitoring in Urban Areas: The Pariana Landslide Case (Massa, Italy)
* Intelligent Group Prediction Algorithm of GPS Trajectory Based on Vehicle Communication
* Intelligent Recognition Method of Low-Altitude Squint Optical Ship Target Fused with Simulation Samples
* Intelligent Terminal Based Privacy-Preserving Multi-Modal Implicit Authentication Protocol for Internet of Connected Vehicles, An
* Intelligent Video Analysis Method for Abnormal Event Detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems, An
* Intelligent video anomaly detection and classification using faster RCNN with deep reinforcement learning model
* Internet-of-Things-Based Geotechnical Monitoring Boosted by Satellite InSAR Data
* Interpretable visual reasoning: A survey
* Interpretation of Spectral LiDAR Backscattering off the Florida Coast
* Interpreting Volitional Movement Intent From Biological Signals: A Review
* Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification of Radar Emitter Signals Based on a 1-D Selective Kernel Convolutional Neural Network
* Introduction to the special issue on Biometrics in Smart Cities: Techniques and Applications (BI_SCI)
* Introduction to the Special Issue on MMAC: Multimodal Affective Computing of Large-Scale Multimedia Data
* Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Sparse Imaging Exploiting the Group Dictionary Learning
* Inversion of Geothermal Heat Flux under the Ice Sheet of Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
* Invertible Image Decolorization
* Investigating the Relationship between Tree Species Diversity and Landsat-8 Spectral Heterogeneity across Multiple Phenological Stages
* Investigating Various Products of IMERG for Precipitation Retrieval over Surfaces with and without Snow and Ice Cover
* Investigating Wintertime Cloud Microphysical Properties and Their Relationship to Air Mass Advection at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Using the Synergy of a Cloud Radar-Ceilometer-Microwave Radiometer
* Investigation of the Physical Processes Involved in GNSS Amplitude Scintillations at High Latitude: A Case Study
* Irrigation Amounts and Timing Retrieval through Data Assimilation of Surface Soil Moisture into the FAO-56 Approach in the South Mediterranean Region
* Iterative Robust Graph for Unsupervised Change Detection of Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* Joint Intermediate Domain Generation and Distribution Alignment for 2D Image-Based 3D Objects Retrieval
* L-Band Soil Moisture Retrievals Using Microwave Based Temperature and Filtering. Towards Model-Independent Climate Data Records
* Laplacian Coordinates: Theory and Methods for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Large Factor Image Super-Resolution With Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks
* Large Old Landslide in Sichuan Province, China: Surface Displacement Monitoring and Potential Instability Assessment, A
* Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry to Measure Streamflow from Videos Recorded from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Fixed Imaging System
* Lattice Kalman Filters
* LayerCAM: Exploring Hierarchical Class Activation Maps for Localization
* LCBM: A Multi-View Probabilistic Model for Multi-Label Classification
* Learn from the past: Sequentially one-to-one video deblurring network
* Learning auto-scale representations for person re-identification
* Learning Category- and Instance-Aware Pixel Embedding for Fast Panoptic Segmentation
* Learning Compressible 360° Video Isomers
* Learning Consistent Discretizations of the Total Variation
* Learning Deep Multi-Level Similarity for Thermal Infrared Object Tracking
* Learning Dual Semantic Relations With Graph Attention for Image-Text Matching
* Learning Efficient Hash Codes for Fast Graph-Based Data Similarity Retrieval
* Learning Feature Representation and Partial Correlation for Multimodal Multi-Label Data
* Learning from EPI-Volume-Stack for Light Field image angular super-resolution
* Learning on Hypergraphs With Sparsity
* Learning Saliency From Single Noisy Labelling: A Robust Model Fitting Perspective
* Learning the Incremental Warp for 3D Vehicle Tracking in LiDAR Point Clouds
* Learning to Adapt Invariance in Memory for Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Discover Multi-Class Attentional Regions for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* Lessons Learned While Implementing a Time-Series Approach to Forest Canopy Disturbance Detection in Nepal
* Leveraging Deep Neural Networks to Map Caribou Lichen in High-Resolution Satellite Images Based on a Small-Scale, Noisy UAV-Derived Map
* Lidar-Based Morphometry of Conical Hills in Temperate Karst Areas in Slovenia
* LiDAR/Visual SLAM Backend with Loop Closure Detection and Graph Optimization, A
* Lightweight Keypoint-Based Oriented Object Detection of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Lightweight Optical Flow CNN: Revisiting Data Fidelity and Regularization, A
* Limited View Tomographic Reconstruction Using a Cascaded Residual Dense Spatial-Channel Attention Network With Projection Data Fidelity Layer
* Limited-Angle CT Reconstruction via the L_1/L_2 Minimization
* Limiting Accuracy of Height Measurement for a Precision Radar Altimeter in a Low Altitude Flying Vehicle above the Sea Surface
* Linearized Fit Model for Robust Shape Parameterization of FET-PET TACs, A
* Linking Remotely Sensed Carbon and Water Use Efficiencies with In Situ Soil Properties
* Local Moment Driven PVO Based Reversible Data Hiding
* Local Semantic Enhanced ConvNet for Aerial Scene Recognition
* Localized Learning Approach Applied to Human Activity Recognition, A
* Locate, Size, and Count: Accurately Resolving People in Dense Crowds via Detection
* Long-Term Hindcasts of Wheat Yield in Fields Using Remotely Sensed Phenology, Climate Data and Machine Learning
* LSTM with bio inspired algorithm for action recognition in sports videos
* M-GCN: Multi-Branch Graph Convolution Network for 2D Image-based on 3D Model Retrieval
* Machine learning and whale optimization algorithm based design of energy management strategy for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
* Machine Learning Approach for Estimating the Trophic State of Urban Waters Based on Remote Sensing and Environmental Factors, A
* Machine Learning for Climate Precipitation Prediction Modeling over South America
* Machine Learning for the Control of Prosthetic Arms: Using Electromyographic Signals for Improved Performance
* Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Soybean Plant Density Using UAV and Satellite-Based Remote Sensing
* Machine-Learning-Based Scenario Identification Using Channel Characteristics in Intelligent Vehicular Communications
* Magnitude and Angle Combined Optical Flow Feature for Microexpression Spotting, A
* MAMOTH: An Earth Observational Data-Driven Model for Mosquitoes Abundance Prediction
* Mangrove Ecosystem Mapping Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and Random Forest Algorithm in Google Earth Engine
* Manifold Transfer Learning via Discriminant Regression Analysis
* Map3D: Registration-Based Multi-Object Tracking on 3D Serial Whole Slide Images
* Mapping 30 m Fractional Forest Cover over China's Three-North Region from Landsat-8 Data Using Ensemble Machine Learning Methods
* Mapping Complex Land Use Histories and Urban Renewal Using Ground Penetrating Radar: A Case Study from Fort Stanwix
* Mapping of Kobresia pygmaea Community Based on Umanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Gaofen Remote Sensing Data in Alpine Meadow Grassland: A Case Study in Eastern of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* Mapping Plastic Greenhouses with Two-Temporal Sentinel-2 Images and 1D-CNN Deep Learning
* Mapping Potato Plant Density Variation Using Aerial Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques for Precision Agriculture
* Mapping Potential Plant Species Richness over Large Areas with Deep Learning, MODIS, and Species Distribution Models
* Mapping the Growing Stem Volume of the Coniferous Plantations in North China Using Multispectral Data from Integrated GF-2 and Sentinel-2 Images and an Optimized Feature Variable Selection Method
* Mapping the Location and Extent of 2019 Prevent Planting Acres in South Dakota Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Mapping Threats of Spring Frost Damage to Tea Plants Using Satellite-Based Minimum Temperature Estimation in China
* Mapping Tree Height in Burkina Faso Parklands with TanDEM-X
* Mapping Water Infiltration Rate Using Ground and UAV Hyperspectral Data: A Case Study of Alento, Italy
* Mapping Winter Crops Using a Phenology Algorithm, Time-Series Sentinel-2 and Landsat-7/8 Images, and Google Earth Engine
* Maritime Target Detection Based on Electronic Image Stabilization Technology of Shipborne Camera
* MAT: GIS-Based Morphometry Assessment Tools for Concave Landforms
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* MDCN: Multi-Scale Dense Cross Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Measurement of Snow Water Equivalent Using Drone-Mounted Ultra-Wide-Band Radar
* Measuring the Contribution of Leaves to the Structural Complexity of Urban Tree Crowns with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* MEC Intelligence Driven Electro-Mobility Management for Battery Switch Service
* Meta-FSEO: A Meta-Learning Fast Adaptation with Self-Supervised Embedding Optimization for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Method for Quantifying the Impacts of Human Activities on Net Primary Production of Grasslands in Northwest China, A
* Method to Accelerate the Convergence of Satellite Clock Offset Estimation Considering the Time-Varying Code Biases, A
* Methodology for Identifying Secondary Succession in Non-Forest Natura 2000 Habitats Using Multi-Source Airborne Remote Sensing Data, The
* MGG: Monocular Global Geolocation for Outdoor Long-Range Targets
* Mixed Noise Estimation Model for Optimized Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation in Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction
* Mobility Aware Blockchain Enabled Offloading and Scheduling in Vehicular Fog Cloud Computing
* Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
* Modeling of Environmental Impacts on Aerial Hyperspectral Images for Corn Plant Phenotyping
* Modeling the Spectral Properties of Obtrusive Light Incident on a Window: Application to Montréal, Canada
* Modified kernel MLAA using autoencoder for PET-enabled dual-energy CT
* Modified Linear Scaling and Quantile Mapping Mean Bias Correction of MODIS Land Surface Temperature for Surface Air Temperature Estimation for the Lowland Areas of Peninsular Malaysia
* Modular Lightweight Network for Road Object Detection Using a Feature Fusion Approach
* Modulation of Wind-Wave Breaking by Long Surface Waves
* Monitoring and Mapping Vineyard Water Status Using Non-Invasive Technologies by a Ground Robot
* Monitoring Changes in the Transparency of the Largest Reservoir in Eastern China in the Past Decade, 2013-2020
* Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Space
* Monitoring the Responses of Deciduous Forest Phenology to 2000-2018 Climatic Anomalies in the Northern Hemisphere
* Monitoring the Transformation of Arctic Landscapes: Automated Shoreline Change Detection of Lakes Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Motion Compensated Virtual View Synthesis Using Novel Particle Cell
* Motion estimation and correction for simultaneous PET/MR using SIRF and CIL
* MR Brain Image Segmentation to Detect White Matter, Gray Matter, and Cerebro Spinal Fluid Using TLBO Algorithm
* Multi-Aspect Aware Session-Based Recommendation for Intelligent Transportation Services
* Multi-Dimension and Multi-Channel Seismic-Ionospheric Coupling: Case Study of Mw 8.8 Concepcion Quake on 27 February 2010
* Multi-FoV Viewport-Based Visual Saliency Model Using Adaptive Weighting Losses for 360° Images, A
* Multi-Frequency GPR Data Fusion with Genetic Algorithms for Archaeological Prospection
* Multi-Scale Low-Discriminative Feature Reactivation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* Multi-Scale Selective Image Texture Smoothing Via Intuitive Single Clicks
* Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Change Characteristics Analysis of High-Frequency Disturbance Forest Ecosystem Based on Improved Spatiotemporal Cube Model
* Multi-Scale Structured Dictionary Learning for 3-D Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Multi-Task Deep Learning for Real-Time 3D Human Pose Estimation and Action Recognition
* Multi-Task Head Pose Estimation in-the-Wild
* Multi-Task Network with Distance-Mask-Boundary Consistency Constraints for Building Extraction from Aerial Images, A
* Multi-Task Travel Route Planning With a Flexible Deep Learning Framework
* Multi-Type Classification Comparison of Mammogram Abnormalities
* Multi-View Face Synthesis via Progressive Face Flow
* Multi-view motion modelled deep attention networks (M2DA-Net) for video based sign language recognition
* Multi-View Texture Learning for Face Super-Resolution
* Multiagent Pathfinding Under Rigid, Optimization, and Uncertainty Constraints
* Multimedia in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
* Multimodal and Context-Aware Emotion Perception Model With Multiplicative Fusion
* Multimodal Event-Aware Network for Sentiment Analysis in Tourism
* MultiRPN-DIDNet: Multiple RPNs and Distance-IoU Discriminative Network for Real-Time UAV Target Tracking
* Multiscale Factorization of the Wave Equation with Application to Compressed Sensing Photoacoustic Tomography
* Multiscale Hierarchical Image Decomposition and Refinements: Qualitative and Quantitative Results
* Multiscale Semantic Feature Optimization and Fusion Network for Building Extraction Using High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data
* Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification Using SE-PointNet++
* Multitemporal-Multispectral UAS Surveys for Archaeological Research: The Case Study of San Vincenzo Al Volturno (Molise, Italy)
* Musiré: multimodal simulation and reconstruction framework for the radiological imaging sciences
* N2C: Neural Network Controller Design Using Behavioral Cloning
* Near Standard Soil Samples Spectra Enhanced Modeling Strategy for Cd Concentration Prediction, A
* Near Surface Velocity Estimation Using GPR Data: Investigations by Numerical Simulation, and Experimental Approach with AVO Response
* New Biomass Estimates for Chaparral-Dominated Southern California Landscapes
* New Biomass Estimates for Chaparral-Dominated Southern California Landscapes
* new DCT-PCM method for license plate number detection in drone images, A
* New HASM-Based Downscaling Method for High-Resolution Precipitation Estimates, A
* New Insights into the Pulang Porphyry Copper Deposit in Southwest China: Indication of Alteration Minerals Detected Using ASTER and WorldView-3 Data
* New Method to Determine the Optimal Thin Layer Ionospheric Height and Its Application in the Polar Regions, A
* New Model of Quasigeoid for the Baltic Sea Area, A
* New Restricted Isometry Property Analysis for L_1-L_2 Minimization Methods
* Nighttime Lights and County-Level Economic Activity in the United States: 2001 to 2019
* Non-Binary Snow Index for Multi-Component Surfaces
* Non-Local Superpatch-Based Algorithm Exploiting Low Rank Prior for Restoration of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Non-Parametric Statistical Approaches for Leaf Area Index Estimation from Sentinel-2 Data: A Multi-Crop Assessment
* Non-stationary content-adaptive projector resolution enhancement
* Novel Change Detection Approach Based on Spectral Unmixing from Stacked Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images with a Variability of Endmembers, A
* novel convolutional neural network architecture of multispectral remote sensing images for automatic material classification, A
* Novel Deep Learning-Enabled LSTM Autoencoder Architecture for Discovering Anomalous Events From Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Novel Deep Q-Learning-Based Air-Assisted Vehicular Caching Scheme for Safe Autonomous Driving, A
* Novel Hybrid Filter for Image Despeckling Based On Improved Adaptive Wiener Filter, Bilateral Filter and Wavelet Filter, A
* Novel Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Forecasting of Multisite Solar Photovoltaic Generation, A
* Novel Just-Noticeable-Difference-Based Saliency-Channel Attention Residual Network for Full-Reference Image Quality Predictions, A
* Novel Machine Learning Method Integrating Ensemble Learning and Deep Learning for Mapping Debris-Covered Glaciers
* Novel Method for Refocusing Moving Ships in SAR Images via ISAR Technique, A
* Novel Motion Compensation Scheme for Airborne Very High Resolution SAR, A
* Novel Nested Array for Real-Valued Sources Exploiting Array Motion, A
* Novel Spatial Simulation Method for Mapping the Urban Forest Carbon Density in Southern China by the Google Earth Engine, A
* Novel Technique for Modeling Ecosystem Health Condition: A Case Study in Saudi Arabia, A
* Nowcast/Forecast System for Japan's Coasts Using Daily Assimilation of Remote Sensing and In Situ Data, A
* Object Oriented Classification for Mapping Mixed and Pure Forest Stands Using Very-High Resolution Imagery
* Oblivious Transfer for Privacy-Preserving in VANET's Feature Matching
* Observation of Cloud Base Height and Precipitation Characteristics at a Polar Site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Using Ground-Based Remote Sensing and Model Reanalysis
* Observations of Winter Ablation on Glaciers in the Mount Everest Region in 2020-2021
* Observing and Predicting Coastal Erosion at the Langue de Barbarie Sand Spit around Saint Louis (Senegal, West Africa) through Satellite-Derived Digital Elevation Model and Shoreline
* OIFlow: Occlusion-Inpainting Optical Flow Estimation by Unsupervised Learning
* Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) Phenology Estimation by Averaged Stokes-Related Parameters
* On the Asymptotic Equivalence Between the Radon and the Hough Transforms of Digital Images
* On the Geomagnetic Field Line Resonance Eigenfrequency Variations during Seismic Event
* Onboard Real-Time Dense Reconstruction in Large Terrain Scene Using Embedded UAV Platform
* Online dense activity detection
* Online Hashing With Bit Selection for Image Retrieval
* Online Performance Prediction of Perception DNNs by Multi-Task Learning With Depth Estimation
* Online-adaptive classification and regression network with sample-efficient meta learning for long-term tracking
* Open Data and Deep Semantic Segmentation for Automated Extraction of Building Footprints
* Open Source Approach for Near-Real Time Mapping of Oil Spills along the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt, An
* Open-Set Hypothesis Transfer With Semantic Consistency
* Operational Framework for Mapping Irrigated Areas at Plot Scale Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data, An
* Optical Property Model for Cirrus Clouds Based on Airborne Multi-Angle Polarization Observations
* Optimal Distribution of Workloads in Cloud-Fog Architecture in Intelligent Vehicular Networks
* Optimal Location Privacy Preserving and Service Quality Guaranteed Task Allocation in Vehicle-Based Crowdsensing Networks
* Optimal Pre-Filtering for Improving Facebook Shared Images
* Optimal Solar Zenith Angle Definition for Combined Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A/2B Data Angular Normalization Using Machine Learning Methods
* Optimization in VHTS Satellite System Design with Irregular Beam Coverage for Non-Uniform Traffic Distribution
* Optimization of Aerosol Model Selection for TROPOMI/S5P
* Optimization of Variable-Current Charging Strategy Based on SOC Segmentation for Li-ion Battery
* Orthogonal Subspace Based Fast Iterative Thresholding Algorithms for Joint Sparsity Recovery
* Pairwise Relations Oriented Discriminative Regression
* Parameterization of the Individual Tree Detection Method Using Large Dataset from Ground Sample Plots and Airborne Laser Scanning for Stands Inventory in Coniferous Forest
* Parts-per-Object Count in Agricultural Images: Solving Phenotyping Problems via a Single Deep Neural Network
* Passive MIMO Radar Detection with Unknown Colored Gaussian Noise
* Patch-Wise Spatial-Temporal Quality Enhancement for HEVC Compressed Video
* Pattern Recognition and Remote Sensing techniques applied to Land Use and Land Cover mapping in the Brazilian Savannah
* Perceptual hash-based coarse-to-fine grained image tampering forensics method
* Perceptual Hashing With Visual Content Understanding for Reduced-Reference Screen Content Image Quality Assessment
* Performance Comparison of Filtering Algorithms for High-Density Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds over Complex LandScapes
* Performance Evaluation of Four Ocean Reflectance Model
* Petri-Net Based Multi-Objective Optimization in Multi-UAV Aided Large-Scale Wireless Power and Information Transfer Networks
* Physics-based reconstruction methods for magnetic resonance imaging
* Physics-Based Relationship for Pore Pressure and Vertical Stress Monitoring Using Seismic Velocity Variations
* PlanetScope Imageries and LiDAR Point Clouds Processing for Automation Land Cover Mapping and Vegetation Assessment of a Reclaimed Sulfur Mine
* Pop-net: A self-growth network for popping out the salient object in videos
* Portilla-Simoncelli Texture Model: Towards Understanding the Early Visual Cortex, The
* Positive and Negative Label-Driven Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Potential and Limitations of Grasslands alpha-Diversity Prediction Using Fine-Scale Hyperspectral Imagery
* Pre-Launch Radiometric Characterization of EMI-2 on the GaoFen-5 Series of Satellites
* Pre-Orientale Southwest Peak-Ring Basin: Gravity Structure, Geologic Characteristics, and Influence on Orientale Basin Ring Formation and Ejecta Emplacement
* Predicting Soil Respiration from Plant Productivity (NDVI) in a Sub-Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
* Predicting the Quality of View Synthesis With Color-Depth Image Fusion
* Prediction-Based Seabed Terrain Following Control for an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System
* Predictive modelling of fuel shortages during hurricane evacuation: An epidemiological approach
* Preliminary Application of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Reconstruction of Root System Architecture in Moso Bamboo
* Preliminary Study of Dust Devil Tracks in Southern Utopia Planitia, Landing Area of Tianwen-1 Mission, The
* Prior Position- and ZWD-Constrained PPP for Instantaneous Convergence in Real-Time Kinematic Application
* priority tree based coordination method for intelligent and connected vehicles at unsignalized intersections, A
* Privacy-Net: An Adversarial Approach for Identity-Obfuscated Segmentation of Medical Images
* Prospecting the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Müstair (Switzerland)
* Prototype Calibration with Feature Generation for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Pseudo Video and Refocused Images-Based Blind Light Field Image Quality Assessment
* Pseudo-Boolean Functions for Optimal Z-Complementary Code Sets With Flexible Lengths
* PVRED: A Position-Velocity Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Human Motion Prediction
* Quad-FPN: A Novel Quad Feature Pyramid Network for SAR Ship Detection
* Quantitative Assessment of Landslide Risk Based on Susceptibility Mapping Using Random Forest and GeoDetector
* Quantitative Assessment of Vertical and Horizontal Deformations Derived by 3D and 2D Decompositions of InSAR Line-of-Sight Measurements to Supplement Industry Surveillance Programs in the Tengiz Oilfield (Kazakhstan)
* Quantitative Investigation of Radiometric Interactions between Snowfall, Snow Cover, and Cloud Liquid Water over Land
* Quantitative Remote Sensing of Metallic Elements for the Qishitan Gold Polymetallic Mining Area, NW China
* Quantitatively Estimating of InSAR Decorrelation Based on Landsat-Derived NDVI
* Radar Target Detection Aided by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
* Rate-Compatible Codes via Recursive BMST for Content-Sharing in Intelligent Vehicular Network
* Reading grid for feature selection relevance criteria in regression
* RealVAD: A Real-World Dataset and A Method for Voice Activity Detection by Body Motion Analysis
* Recognition of 3D emotional facial expression based on handcrafted and deep feature combination
* Recognition of human locomotion on various transportations fusing smartphone sensors
* Recognizing Zucchinis Intercropped with Sunflowers in UAV Visible Images Using an Improved Method Based on OCRNet
* Recovering Missing Data in Coherent Diffraction Imaging
* Recovery of Surfaces and Functions in High Dimensions: Sampling Theory and Links to Neural Networks
* Refocusing of Moving Ships in Squint SAR Images Based on Spectrum Orthogonalization
* Regional Model for Predicting Tropospheric Delay and Weighted Mean Temperature in China Based on GRAPES_MESO Forecasting Products, A
* Regularization by denoising sub-sampled Newton method for spectral CT multi-material decomposition
* Reinforcement Learning Based Advertising Strategy Using Crowdsensing Vehicular Data
* Reinforcement Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Enabling Continuous Brain-Machine Interface Adaptation
* Relationship-Embedded Representation Learning for Grounding Referring Expressions
* Remote Hyperspectral Imaging Acquisition and Characterization for Marine Litter Detection
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Label Augmentation and Intra-Class Constraint
* Remote Sensing of Aerated Flows at Large Dams: Proof of Concept
* Remote Sensing-Based Statistical Approach for Defining Drained Lake Basins in a Continuous Permafrost Region, North Slope of Alaska
* Remote Sensing-Guided Spatial Sampling Strategy over Heterogeneous Surface Ground for Validation of Vegetation Indices Products with Medium and High Spatial Resolution
* Removal of Micro-Doppler Effect of ISAR Image Based on Laplacian Regularized Nonconvex Low-Rank Representation
* Removing Adversarial Noise via Low-Rank Completion of High-Sensitivity Points
* Repositioning Error Compensation in Discontinuous Ground-Based SAR Monitoring
* Research on Temporal and Spatial Resolution and the Driving Forces of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal Mining Areas Considering Topographic Correction
* Research on Tightly Coupled Multi-Antenna GNSS/MEMS Single-Frequency Single-Epoch Attitude Determination in Urban Environment
* Research on Urban Carrying Capacity Based on Multisource Data Fusion: A Case Study of Shanghai
* Resilience of Massive MIMO PNC to Jamming Attacks in Vehicular Networks, The
* Resource Efficient Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Communication Systems for Electric Vehicle Enabled Microgrids
* Response of Multi-Incidence Angle Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data to Herbaceous Vegetation Features in the Lower Paraná River Floodplain, Argentina
* Results of the Dragon 4 Project on New Ocean Remote Sensing Data for Operational Applications
* Rethinking pre-training on medical imaging
* Retrieving Doppler Frequency via Local Correlation Method of Segmented Modeling
* Retrieving Three-Dimensional Large Surface Displacements in Coal Mining Areas by Combining SAR Pixel Offset Measurements with an Improved Mining Subsidence Model
* Reversible data hiding in encrypted color images using cross-channel correlations
* Reversible Data Hiding in Halftone Images Based on Dynamic Embedding States Group
* Review of Reconstructing Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature under Cloudy Conditions, A
* ReViewNet: A Fast and Resource Optimized Network for Enabling Safe Autonomous Driving in Hazy Weather Conditions
* Revisiting the Iterative Ant-tree for color quantization algorithm
* Revisiting Trans-Arctic Maritime Navigability in 2011-2016 from the Perspective of Sea Ice Thickness
* Rigidity Strengthening of Landslide Materials Measured by Seismic Interferometry
* Ring-Regularized Cosine Similarity Learning for Fine-Grained Face Verification
* River Extraction under Bankfull Discharge Conditions Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery and DEM Data
* Robust and Efficient Trajectory Replanning Based on Guiding Path for Quadrotor Fast Autonomous Flight
* Robust domain-adaptive discriminant analysis
* Robust Hybrid Active Contour Model Based on Pre-Fitting Bias Field Correction for Fast Image Segmentation, A
* robust image representation method against illumination and occlusion variations, A
* Robust, Resilient and Reliable Architecture for V2X Communications
* RoI Tanh-polar transformer network for face parsing in the wild
* Rolling Shutter Homography and its Applications
* Rotation-Invariant Optical and SAR Image Registration Algorithm Based on Deep and Gaussian Features, A
* RUF: Effective Sea Ice Floe Segmentation Using End-to-End RES-UNET-CRF with Dual Loss
* SAFFNet: Self-Attention-Based Feature Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Few-Shot Scene Classification
* Saliency detection via coarse-to-fine diffusion-based compactness with weighted learning affinity matrix
* Saliency Detection With a Three-Stage Hierarchical Network
* SASO: Joint 3D semantic-instance segmentation via multi-scale semantic association and salient point clustering optimization
* Satellite Image Time Series Analysis for Big Earth Observation Data
* Satellite Investigation of Semidiurnal Internal Tides in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas
* Satellite Retrieval of Air Pollution Changes in Central and Eastern China during COVID-19 Lockdown Based on a Machine Learning Model
* Satellite View of an Intense Snowfall in Madrid (Spain): The Storm Filomena in January 2021, A
* Satellite-Based Aerosol Classification for Capital Cities in Asia Using a Random Forest Model
* Satellite-Observed Multi-Scale Variability of Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration along the South Coast of the Sumatra-Java Islands
* Scale-Residual Learning Network for Scene Text Detection
* Scene image and human skeleton-based dual-stream human action recognition
* SCG: Saliency and Contour Guided Salient Instance Segmentation
* SDOF-GAN: Symmetric Dense Optical Flow Estimation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Seasonal M2 Internal Tides in the Arabian Sea
* Seasonal Surface Subsidence and Frost Heave Detected by C-Band DInSAR in a High Arctic Environment, Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut, Canada
* Secure Robust JPEG Steganography Based on AutoEncoder With Adaptive BCH Encoding
* Seeing in the Dark by Component-GAN
* Seismic Ambient Noise Imaging of a Quasi-Amagmatic Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridge
* Seismic Interferometry from Correlated Noise Sources
* Self-Attention in Reconstruction Bias U-Net for Semantic Segmentation of Building Rooftops in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Self-Calibration and Collaborative Localization for UWB Positioning Systems: A Survey and Future Research Directions
* Self-guided Stereo Correspondence Estimation Algorithm
* Self-Supervised Deep Learning Framework for Unsupervised Few-Shot Learning and Clustering, A
* Self-Supervised Multi-View Person Association and its Applications
* Self-Supervised Saliency Estimation for Pixel Embedding in Road Detection
* Semantic Context Encoding for Accurate 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
* Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images: A Deep Learning Approach Integrated with Geospatial Hash Codes
* Semantic-Aware Informative Path Planning for Efficient Object Search Using Mobile Robot
* Semantic-Aware Occlusion-Robust Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Semantic-Guided Pixel Sampling for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Lunar Crater Detection Using CE-2 DOM
* Sensitivity of Spectral Indices on Burned Area Detection using Landsat Time Series in Savannas of Southern Burkina Faso
* Sentiment-Aware Emoji Insertion Via Sequence Tagging
* Sentinel-1 Time Series for Crop Identification in the Framework of the Future CAP Monitoring
* SF-GAN: Face De-Identification Method Without Losing Facial Attribute Information
* Shallow Shear-Wave Velocity Structure beneath the West Lake Area in Hangzhou, China, from Ambient-Noise Tomography
* Shape-Preserving Stereo Object Remapping via Object-Consistent Grid Warping
* Short-Term Prediction of Urban Rail Transit Passenger Flow in External Passenger Transport Hub Based on LSTM-LGB-DRS
* Short-Term Strong Wind Risk Prediction for High-Speed Railway
* Shortwave Radiance to Irradiance Conversion for Earth Radiation Budget Satellite Observations: A Review
* Siamese CNN-based rank learning for quality assessment of inpainted images
* Signal Processing for Neurorehabilitation and Assistive Technologies
* Signal Subspace Reconstruction for DOA Detection Using Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization
* Signless-Laplacian Eigenvector Centrality: A Novel Vital Nodes Identification Method for Complex Networks
* Simulating Heat Stress of Coal Gangue Spontaneous Combustion on Vegetation Using Alfalfa Leaf Water Content Spectral Features as Indicators
* Simulation and Assessment of the Capabilities of Orbita Hyperspectral (OHS) Imagery for Remotely Monitoring Chlorophyll-a in Eutrophic Plateau Lakes
* Simulation of Earth's Outward Radiative Flux and Its Radiance in Moon-Based View
* Single depth map super-resolution via joint non-local self-similarity modeling and local multi-directional gradient-guided regularization
* Single Image De-Hazing via Multiscale Wavelet Decomposition and Estimation with Fractional Gradient-Anisotropic Diffusion Fusion
* Single image deblurring with cross-layer feature fusion and consecutive attention
* Single Image Dehazing Based on Weighted Variational Regularized Model
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Multi-Scale Information Polymerization Network
* SlimConv: Reducing Channel Redundancy in Convolutional Neural Networks by Features Recombining
* sMRT: Multi-Resident Tracking in Smart Homes With Sensor Vectorization
* SMSIR: Spherical Measure Based Spherical Image Representation
* Solving the Security Problem of Intelligent Transportation System With Deep Learning
* SP-CIDS: Secure and Private Collaborative IDS for VANETs
* Space-Time Sea Surface pCO2 Estimation in the North Atlantic Based on CatBoost
* Sparse Denoising-Based Super-Resolution Method for Scanning Radar Imaging, A
* Sparse Label Assignment for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* Spatially Modeling the Synergistic Impacts of Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise on Coral Reefs in the South China Sea
* Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Driving Factors of the Foliage Clumping Index in the Sanjiang Plain from 2001 to 2015
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Components, Their Optical and Microphysical Properties over North China during Winter Haze in 2012, as Derived from POLDER/PARASOL Satellite Observations
* Spatiotemporal module for video saliency prediction based on self-attention
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature, and Their Relationship with Bathymetry over the Coasts of UAE
* Speckle-Free SAR Image Ship Detection
* Spectral Characteristics of the Antarctic Vegetation: A Case Study of Barton Peninsula
* Spectral Complexity of Hyperspectral Images: A New Approach for Mangrove Classification
* Spectral Efficiency Enhanced Cooperative Device-to-Device Systems With NOMA
* Spectral-Locational-Spatial Manifold Learning for Hyperspectral Images Dimensionality Reduction
* SPEED: A Deep Learning Assisted Privacy-Preserved Framework for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Spliced Satellite Optical Camera Geometric Calibration Method Based on Inter-Chip Geometry Constraints, A
* Spreading of Lagrangian Particles in the Black Sea: A Comparison between Drifters and a High-Resolution Ocean Model
* Stable self-attention adversarial learning for semi-supervised semantic image segmentation
* Stacking learning with coalesced cost filtering for accurate stereo matching
* Start of the Green Season and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in Alaska's Arctic National Parks
* STGL: Spatial-Temporal Graph Representation and Learning for Visual Tracking
* Stochastic Modeling and Integration of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Reconfigurable Microgrids With Deep Learning-Based Forecasting
* Street View Text Recognition With Deep Learning for Urban Scene Understanding in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Strong Kuroshio Intrusion into the South China Sea and Its Accompanying Cold-Core Anticyclonic Eddy in Winter 2020-2021, A
* Strong Modulation of Short Wind Waves and Ka-Band Radar Return Due to Internal Waves in the Presence of Surface Films. Theory and Experiment
* Structure-Aware Motion Deblurring Using Multi-Adversarial Optimized CycleGAN
* Study of Two Impactful Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains during Early 2020, Part I; Societal Impacts, Synoptic Overview, and Historical Context, A
* Study of Two Impactful Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains during Early 2020, Part II; Regional Overview, Rainfall Evolution, and Satellite QPE Utility, A
* Study on Non-Bragg Microwave Backscattering from Sea Surface Covered with and without Oil Film at Moderate Incidence Angles
* Study on the Range Equation Modeling for Multichannel Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR-GMTI Systems, A
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of 2D and 3D Foveated Video Compression in Virtual Reality
* Subpixel rendering for diamond-shaped PenTile displays using patch-based adaptive filters
* Superior PM2.5 Estimation by Integrating Aerosol Fine Mode Data from the Himawari-8 Satellite in Deep and Classical Machine Learning Models
* Superiorized Photo-Acoustic Non-NEgative Reconstruction (SPANNER) for Clinical Photoacoustic Imaging
* Supervised Pixel-Wise GAN for Face Super-Resolution
* Surface Velocity Response of a Tropical Glacier to Intra and Inter Annual Forcing, Cordillera Blanca, Peru, The
* Sybil Attack Identification for Crowdsourced Navigation: A Self-Supervised Deep Learning Approach
* Synergistic motion compensation strategies for positron emission tomography when acquired simultaneously with magnetic resonance imaging
* Synergistic multi-contrast cardiac magnetic resonance image reconstruction
* Synergistic Multi-Spectral CT Reconstruction with Directional Total Variation
* Synergistic Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Part 1
* Synergistic Tomographic Image Reconstruction: Part 2
* Synthetic18K: Learning Better Representations for Person Re-ID and Attribute Recognition from 1.4 Million Synthetic Images
* systematic literature review of vehicle speed assistance in intelligent transportation system, A
* Systematic Water Fraction Estimation for a Global and Daily Surface Water Time-Series
* T-VLAD: Temporal vector of locally aggregated descriptor for multiview human action recognition
* Tar Spot Disease Quantification Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Data
* Target Detection Network for SAR Images Based on Semi-Supervised Learning and Attention Mechanism
* Target Tracking With Equality/Inequality Constraints Based on Trajectory Function of Time
* Task-Driven Semantic Coding via Reinforcement Learning
* Temporal Memory Relation Network for Workflow Recognition From Surgical Video
* Thermal Imaging Shows Submarine Groundwater Discharge Plumes Associated with Ancient Settlements on Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile)
* Threat Analysis for Automotive CAN Networks: A GAN Model-Based Intrusion Detection Technique
* Three-Dimensional Surface Displacement of the Eastern Beijing Plain, China, Using Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1A/B Images and Leveling Data
* Thresholds Based Image Extraction Schemes in Big Data Environment in Intelligent Traffic Management
* TMF: A GNSS Tropospheric Mapping Function for the Asymmetrical Neutral Atmosphere
* Topoclimate Mapping Using Landsat ETM+ Thermal Data: Wolin Island, Poland
* Topological Graph Convolutional Network-Based Urban Traffic Flow and Density Prediction
* Toward Offloading Internet of Vehicles Applications in 5G Networks
* Toward Safe and Smart Mobility: Energy-Aware Deep Learning for Driving Behavior Analysis and Prediction of Connected Vehicles
* Toward Visual Distortion in Black-Box Attacks
* Towards Amazon Forest Restoration: Automatic Detection of Species from UAV Imagery
* Towards End-to-End Synthetic Speech Detection
* Towards Streamlined Single-Image Super-Resolution: Demonstration with 10 m Sentinel-2 Colour and 10-60 m Multi-Spectral VNIR and SWIR Bands
* Traffic Jam Probability Estimation Based on Blockchain and Deep Neural Networks
* Tropical Cyclone Center Positioning Using Single Channel Microwave Satellite Observations of Brightness Temperature
* TrSeg: Transformer for semantic segmentation
* Trustworthy Edge Storage Orchestration in Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Reinforcement Learning
* TWC-Net: A SAR Ship Detection Using Two-Way Convolution and Multiscale Feature Mapping
* Two-Phase Anomaly Detection Model for Secure Intelligent Transportation Ride-Hailing Trajectories, A
* Two-Stream Dynamic Pyramid Representation Model for Video-Based Person Re-Identification, A
* UAV-Supported Forest Regeneration: Current Trends, Challenges and Implications
* UCalib: Cameras Autocalibration on Coastal Video Monitoring Systems
* Uncertainty Assessments of Load Deformation from Different GPS Time Series Products, GRACE Estimates and Model Predictions: A Case Study over Europe
* Understanding More About Human and Machine Attention in Deep Neural Networks
* Underwater Single Image Color Restoration Using Haze-Lines and a New Quantitative Dataset
* Underwater Survey for Oil and Gas Industry: A Review of Close Range Optical Methods
* UniFaceGAN: A Unified Framework for Temporally Consistent Facial Video Editing
* Unified Approach to Kinship Verification, A
* Unmanned Lighter-Than-Air Platform for Large Scale Land Monitoring, An
* Unsupervised Deep Image Stitching: Reconstructing Stitched Features to Images
* Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic Structure for Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Discrete Hashing With Affinity Similarity
* Unsupervised Moving Object Detection in Complex Scenes Using Adversarial Regularizations
* Use of A MODIS Satellite-Based Aridity Index to Monitor Drought Conditions in Mongolia from 2001 to 2013
* User recognition based on periocular biometrics and touch dynamics
* Using Discrete-Point LiDAR to Classify Tree Species in the Riparian Pacific Northwest, USA
* Using Hybrid Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms for Estimating Soybean Yield and Fresh Biomass Using Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices
* Using Machine Learning Methods to Identify Particle Types from Doppler Lidar Measurements in Iceland
* Using Swarm to Detect Total Water Storage Changes in 26 Global Basins (Taking the Amazon Basin, Volga Basin and Zambezi Basin as Examples)
* Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data in Assessing the Wildfire Ignition and Spread Capacities of Vegetated Surfaces in Romania
* Validated and Accurate Method for Quantifying and Extrapolating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Using LiDAR Data, A
* Variational DNN embeddings for text-independent speaker verification
* Variational Level Set Evolution for Non-Rigid 3D Reconstruction From a Single Depth Camera
* Variational Model for Spatially Weighting in Image Fusion, A
* Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Adverse Weather Using a Deep Learning Framework
* Velocity Anomaly of Campbell Glacier, East Antarctica, Observed by Double-Differential Interferometric SAR and Ice Penetrating Radar
* Vessel Target Echo Characteristics and Motion Compensation for Shipborne HFSWR under Non-Uniform Linear Motion
* Video Inpainting: A Complete Framework
* Vision-Based Autonomous Vehicle Recognition: A New Challenge for Deep Learning-Based Systems
* Vision-based vehicle speed estimation: A survey
* ViSTRA2: Video coding using spatial resolution and effective bit depth adaptation
* Visual Quality Assessment for Perceptually Encrypted Light Field Images
* Water Ice Detection Research in Utopia Planitia Based on Simulation of Mars Rover Full-Polarimetric Subsurface Penetrating Radar
* Water Mixing Conditions Influence Sentinel-2 Monitoring of Chlorophyll Content in Monomictic Lakes
* Watermarking Neural Networks With Watermarked Images
* Watershed Monitoring in Galicia from UAV Multispectral Imagery Using Advanced Texture Methods
* Weakly Supervised Emotion Intensity Prediction for Recognition of Emotions in Images
* Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Detection Using UAV-Based Spectral and Texture Features in Optimal Window Size
* Which GAN? A comparative study of generative adversarial network-based fast MRI reconstruction
* Who will receive the ball? Predicting pass recipient in soccer videos
* Wide Area Multiview Static Crowd Estimation System Using UAV and 3D Training Simulator, A
* With Signal Processing Support, Prosthetics Are Becoming Safer, More Natural, and Increasingly Sensitive: Ongoing Prosthetics Research Is Leading to Systems That Adapt to Users Rather Than Forcing Users to Accommodate the Prosthesis [Special Reports]
* Woody Above-Ground Biomass Estimation on Abandoned Agriculture Land Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Workflow for Off-Site Bridge Inspection Using Automatic Damage Detection-Case Study of the Pahtajokk Bridge
* WSGAN: An Improved Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Road Network Extraction by Weakly Supervised Processing
* Zero-Shot Super-Resolution With a Physically-Motivated Downsampling Kernel for Endomicroscopy
870 for 2107

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.