Journals starting with ivcn

IVCNZ08 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* 3D natural hand interaction for AR applications
* 3D video scanner for face performance capture, A
* Adaptive 3D Reconstruction system with improved recovery of miscoded region to automatically adjust projected light patterns
* Adaptive Feature Thresholding for off-line signature verification
* Applications for bio-inspired visual processing algorithms
* approach for evaluating robustness of edge operators using real-world driving scenes, An
* Aspects of binary image reconstruction from Fourier amplitude data
* Assessing the naturalness of scenes: An approach using statistics of local features
* Automatic 3D lip shape segmentation and modelling
* Black Spot: A prototype camera module
* Camera based face tracking for enhancing surgical teamwork training with non-verbal communication
* Classification of colonic polyps using Hidden Markov Models
* Classifier cascades for support vector machines
* Combined thermal-LIDAR imagery for urban mapping
* Comparing subspace methods for face recognition
* Comparison of Hadamard imaging and compressed sensing for low resolution hyperspectral imaging
* Cost-efficient Automated Visual Inspection system for small manufacturing industries based on SIFT
* Creating a view dependent rendering system for mainstream use
* Detection of wind velocities from scintillation images
* Developing mobile phone AR applications using J2ME
* Differences between stereo and motion behaviour on synthetic and real-world stereo sequences
* Digital image analysis based automated kiwifruit counting technique
* Duality TV-L1 flow with fundamental matrix prior
* Edge-based detection of sky regions in images for solar exposure prediction
* Effects of sub-sampling and quantisation on colour bleeding due to image and video compression
* efficient algorithm for image retrieval through fusion of two clustering approaches based on combined features, An
* Embedded computer vision framework on a multimedia processor
* Estimation of pasture biomass using dual-polarisation radar imagery: A preliminary study
* Estimation of rapid-motion for mobile devices using temporal coherence
* Evaluation of moving object segmentation comparing 6D-vision and monocular motion constraints
* Extracting key postures using radon transform
* Facial expression recognition from image sequences using optimized feature selection
* Fast stereo with background removal using phase correlation
* Firearm identification based on FIR system characterizing rotation invariant feature of cartridge case image
* Fuzzy Co-Clustering of medical images using bacterial foraging
* high-performance and low-power unified 4X4 / 8X8 transform architecture for the H.264/AVC Codec, A
* HLS Distorted colour model for enhanced colour image segmentation
* Hybrid face detection system with robust face and non-face discriminability
* Implementation of real-time pedestrian detection on FPGA
* improved image segmentation algorithm for salient object detection, An
* Improved spread spectrum image watermarking in contourlet domain
* Improving face gender classification by adding deliberately misaligned faces to the training data
* Integrated Bayesian multi-cue tracker for objects observed from moving cameras
* investigation into noise-bound shadow detection and removal, An
* Investigation of profile registration with application to the FastSCAN™ range of laser scanners
* Knowledge-based power line detection for UAV surveillance and inspection systems
* learning method for association between vision and ego-motion which is Capable of Adapting to Arbitrary Image Distortion, A
* Medipix imaging: Evaluation of datasets with PCA
* Mixed pixel return separation for a full-field ranger
* Modeling timing structures in gait image sequences using bottom-up clustering
* Multi-rate recognition of human gestures by concurrent frame rate control
* Multi-scale feature extraction for 3d surface registration using local shape variation
* new combination of local and global constraints for optical flow computation, A
* Object detection and identification applied to planes and aircraft for airport surveillance
* On 3D face feature segmentation using implicit surface active contours
* On fusion of active range data and passive stereo data for 3D scene modelling
* On-line writer identification based on handwriting velocity and curvature of script
* Part aggregation in a compositional model based on the evaluation of feature cooccurrence statistics
* Particle swarm optimisation for object classification
* patient position guidance system in radiation therapy using augmented reality, A
* Pattern discovery for object categorization
* Person identification from spatio-temporal volumes
* Perspective correction for improved visual registration using natural features
* Quadratic programming vs. concurrent correlation matching under non-uniform image contrast and offset
* RBF patching of laser scanner data
* Realtime face detection and tracking using a single Pan, Tilt, Zoom camera
* restoration of extended astronomical images using the spatially-variant point spread function, The
* Road network extraction with new vectorization and pruning from high-resolution RS images
* Robust calibration of the position of reference targets for a six degrees of freedom pose sensor
* Robust character recognition using adaptive feature extraction
* Robust upper limb tracking for large interactive displays
* Segmentation of bone marrow stromal cells in phase contrast microscopy images
* sequential Monte Carlo method for particle filters, A
* Speeded-up Bag-of-Words algorithm for robot localisation through scene recognition
* Surface reconstruction of laser scanner data using piecewise RBF methods
* Symmetry detection for astronomical object study
* Texture Mapping for the FastSCAN™ hand-held laser scanner
* Texture-suppressing edge detection in real-time
* Towards an intelligent vision processor
* Urban models texturing from un-calibrated photographs
* virtual imaging system for colour research, A
* Visual tracking using the harmony search algorithm
* Volumetric InSAS reconstruction using belief propagation
* Web-based on-line computational stereo vision
* Weighted median based colour filter array demosaicking
86 for IVCNZ08

IVCNZ09 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* Adaptive pixel classifier for binary structured light: A probabilistic kernel approach
* Analysis of appearance space attributes for texture synthesis and morphing
* Application of tabu search optimization in realtime video tracking
* Assessment of digital elevation model accuracy using ALOS-PRISM stereo imagery
* Automatic and efficient 3D face feature segmentation with active contours
* Automatic joint and skeleton computation for the animation of sketch-based 3D objects
* Automatic lung segmentation in HRCT images with diffuse parenchymal lung disease using graph-cut
* Bag-of-Words Speedometer for single camera SLAM, A
* Boosted dynamic Active Shape Model
* Boosting minimalist classifiers for blemish detection in potatoes
* Breaking the Ton: Achieving 1% depth accuracy from stereo in real time
* Calibration of the relative poses of multiple cameras
* Camera orientation based on matching road networks
* Camera shading calibration using a spatially modulated field
* Charge sharing between pixels in the spectral Medipix2 x-ray detector
* comparison of terrain classification using local feature measurements of 3-dimensional colour point-cloud data, A
* Contextual image filtering
* Current work in the ENPEDA project
* Detecting and recognizing numerical strings in Farsi document images
* Detecting motion from noisy scenes using Genetic Programming
* Development and characterisation of an easily configurable range imaging system
* Dimensionality reduction in face detection: A genetic programming approach
* Directed correspondence search: Finding feature correspondences in images using the Harmony Search algorithm
* Dynamic colour adaptation for colour object tracking
* Edge strength evaluation with reaction-diffusion systems
* Effectiveness of a strip-mining approach for VQ image coding using GPGPU implementation
* efficient and selective image compression scheme using Huffman and adaptive interpolation, An
* efficient region-based skin color model for reliable face localization, An
* environment for vision science experiments, An
* Evaluation of three local descriptors on low resolution images for robot navigation
* Face recognition from single sample based on human face perception
* Face recognition using HMAX method for feature extraction and support vector machine classifier
* Facial expressions using a Quadratic Deformation Model: Analysis and synthesis
* Fusing image representations for classification using support vector machines
* General traffic sign recognition by feature matching
* Genetic programming for image classification with unbalanced data
* Ground-plane detection using stereo depth values for wheelchair guidance
* Hierarchical block-based image registration for computing multiple image motions
* Human motion capture and representation 3-D avatar interaction
* Impact of quasi-expertise on knowledge acquisition in computer vision
* Improving feature extraction for automatic medical image categorization
* Improving the image quality of spectral CT volume rendering
* Kernel PCA of HOG features for posture detection
* Learning to tune level set methods
* Matching 2-D ellipses to 3-D circles with application to vehicle pose identification
* Measured effects of temperature on illumination-independent camera noise
* Medical imaging: An illustrated overview
* Model-based least squares optimal interpolation
* Modelling of elastic deformation using stereo vision and smoothed particle hydrodynamics
* Mosaicing of microscope images based on SURF
* Multiclass object classification for computer vision using Linear Genetic Programming
* new homogeneity-based approach to edge detection using PSO, A
* new inconsistency measure for linear systems and two applications in motion analysis, A
* new segmentation and fuzzy logic based multi-sensor image fusion, The
* Obstacle avoidance on a mobile inverted pendulum robot
* Optimisation and comparison framework for monocular camera-based face tracking
* Options in using graphics for evaluating correspondence algorithms
* part-based template matching method for multi-view human detection, A
* Pose estimation of femur fracture segments for image guided orthopedic surgery
* Real-time correlogram tracking for airborne traffic surveillance
* Red blood cell segmentation from SEM images
* Reduction of computational complexity of Hough transforms using a convolution approach
* Robust rigid image registration with arbitrary extrinsic photometric noise
* Segmentation and tracking individual Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in dense populations of motile cells
* SIFT-based object recognition with fast alphabet creation and reduced curse of dimensionality
* Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary investigation
* silhouette based technique for locating and rendering foot movements over a plane, A
* Smart wheelchair guidance using optical flow
* Spatial reasoning for robot navigation using the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of omnidirectional optical flow
* Spatial relationships over sparse representations
* statistical method for display and segmentation of 3D image data, A
* Stereo accuracy for collision avoidance
* Super-resolution by prediction based sub-pel motion estimation
* Surface projection for mixed pixel restoration
* Towards a generalized colour image segmentation for kiwifruit detection
* Tracking hand-off in large surveillance networks
* Undue influence: Mitigating range-intensity coupling in AMCW flash lidar using scene texture
* User-driven lossy compression for images and video
* Validation of a polynomial camera model for generic cameras: Calibration of catadioptric, fish-eye, short- and long focal length cameras
80 for IVCNZ09

IVCNZ10 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* 3D craniofacial reconstruction using reference skull-face database
* 3D face reconstruction from images under arbitrary illumination using Support Vector Regression
* accurate Harmony Search based algorithm for the blind deconvolution of binary images, An
* Accurate visual word construction using a supervised approach
* Adaptive multi-cue fusion for visual target tracking based on uncertainly measure
* Analysis of ICP variants for the registration of partially overlapping time-of-flight range images
* Animated panorama from a panning video sequence
* Binary tree-based precision-keeping clustering for very fast Japanese character recognition
* Blind reverse CFA demosaicking for the reduction of colour artifacts from demosaicked images
* Calibration of stereo fish-eye camera for Driver Assistance Systems
* Cancelable PalmCode generated from randomized Gabor Filters for palmprint protection
* Chain coding streamed images through crack run-length encoding
* Combining online feature selection with adaptive shape estimation
* Computer vision and image processing at the University of Waikato
* Computer-assisted segmentation of brain tumor lesions from multi-sequence Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Mumford-Shah model
* Concatenated edge and co-occurrence feature extracted from Curvelet Transform for human detection
* cubic polynomial model for fisheye camera, A
* Current work in multimedia imaging at UoA's Tamaki campus
* Dance motion analysis by correlation matrix between pose sequences
* Depth correction: Methods for approximating depth information in web camera depth maps
* Depth from dynamic (de)focused projection
* Detection of regions of structural complexity within aeromagnetic data using image analysis
* Diabetic Retinopathy detection using geometrical techniques related to the underlying physiology
* efficient steganography method based on reducing changes, An
* ellipse detection method for real images, An
* Emotion recognition from color facial images based on multilinear image analysis and Log-Gabor filters
* Enhanced image saliency model based on blur identification
* error bounded tangent estimator for digital curves, An
* Estimation of a rotationally symmetric mirror shape from a frontal image of the mirror
* Estimation of the head pose based on monocular images
* Evaluation of motion analysis on synthetic and real-world image sequences
* Evaluation of real time stereo vision system using web cameras
* Evaluation of the effectiveness of head tracking for view and avatar control in virtual environments
* Featureless 2D-3D pose estimation by minimising an illumination-invariant loss
* Focus-score weighted super-resolution for uncooperative iris recognition at a distance and on the move
* Geolocation on the iPhone by automatic street sign reading
* Geometric calibration of a camera-projector 3D imaging system
* gradient: A powerful and robust cost function for stereo matching, The
* GrowMatting: A GPU-based real-time interactive method for image matting
* Head pose estimation based on extended non-negative matrix factorization
* hierarchical shape tree for shape classification, A
* hybrid image representation for indoor scene classification, A
* Image composition with color harmonization
* Image registration using modified Local Ternary Pattern
* improved Kernel-based Fuzzy C-means Algorithm with spatial information for brain MR image segmentation, An
* Improved marker-controlled watershed segmentation with local boundary priors
* improved retrieval performance with hybrid shape descriptor and feature matching, An
* Improving Bag-of-Words model with spatial information
* Improving edge detection using particle swarm optimisation
* IMU-aided SURF feature matching for relative pose estimation
* Integrating statistical and cognitive model for multi-object tracking in realistic scenarios
* Learning of face components in coherent and disturbed constellations
* Learnt combination in object detector ensembles
* Localized adaptive learning of Mixture of Gaussians models for background extraction
* Modeling semantic context for key-frame extraction in wildlife video
* Motion estimation and reconstruction of piecewise planar scenes from two views
* Multiple kernel Gaussian process classification for generic 3D object recognition
* Nano-scale particle classification using image histogram maximum value index of Rayleigh scattered images
* new easy calibration algorithm for para-catadioptric cameras, A
* new frame for exemplar-based shape clustering, A
* new star identification algorithm based on fuzzy line pattern matching, A
* Non-rigid object tracking with elastic structure of local patches and hierarchical sampling
* novel, smart and fast searching method for star pattern recognition using star magnitudes, A
* optical testbench and atmospheric turbulence emulator for astronomical image restoration, An
* Panoramic video stitching in multi-camera surveillance system
* Particle swarm optimisation based AdaBoost for facial expression classification of still images
* Performance analysis of multi-resolution symmetric dynamic programming stereo on GPU
* Phase correlation using shear average for image registration
* Pigmented skin lesion segmentation on macroscopic images
* probabilistic approach to antenna location for large radio telescopes, A
* Product pattern-based camera calibration for microrobotics
* Quantifying preferential flows in porous soils: An original imaging and image processing procedure
* Real-time aerial image mosaicing
* Real-time stereo vision on the VisionServer Framework for robot guidance
* recursive algorithm for calculating the relative convex hull, A
* Retrieval of guitarist fingering information using computer vision
* Road sign detection method based on fast HDR image generation technique
* Robust optical flow for Driver Assistance
* Shark detection using optical image data from a mobile aerial platform
* Sketch-based robot programming
* Stereo disparity calculation in real-world scenes with Informative Image Partitioning
* SVMs and data dependent distance metric
* system to detect residential area in multispectral satellite images, A
* target-adapted geometric calibration method for camera-projector system, A
* Towards benchmarking of real-world stereo data
* UACI: Uncertain associative classifier for object class identification in images
* Video face matching using subset selection and clustering of probabilistic Multi-Region Histograms
* Vision-based autonomous navigation in indoor environments
* Visualising 3D porous media fluid interaction using X-ray CT data and Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics modelling
90 for IVCNZ10

IVCNZ12 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand

IVCNZ13 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* 3D egomotion from stereo cameras using constrained search window and bundle adjustment
* 3D surface profiling using arbitrarily positioned cameras
* 3D versus 2D based indoor image matching analysis on images from low cost mobile devices
* Action recognition based on principal geodesic analysis
* Adaptive human silhouette extraction with chromatic distortion and contour tracking
* Approximate models for fast and accurate epipolar geometry estimation
* Binary image classification using genetic programming based on local binary patterns
* blind quality assessment of video using fragile watermarking, A
* Bowstring-based dual-threshold computation method for adaptive Canny edge detector
* Calibration of LiDAR device using infrared images
* Chess move tracking using overhead RGB webcam
* Cloud Haskell: First impressions and applications to processing large image datasets
* Colour segmentation for multiple low dynamic range images using boosted cascaded classifiers
* ColourFAST: GPU-based feature point detection and tracking on mobile devices
* Combining object-based local and global feature statistics for salient object search
* comparative study of region matching based on shape descriptors for coloring hand-drawn animation, A
* Day and night vehicle detection and counting in complex environment
* Defining a geometric probability measure in correspondence problems for branched structures
* Deformation transfer based on stretchiness ratio
* design and calibration of a 3D motion capture system for arthropods, The
* Detecting wires in the canopy of grapevines using neural networks: A robust and heuristic free approach
* Detection of false feature correspondences in feature based object detection systems
* Determination of the cause and amount of image degradation using a reduced reference approach
* Diffraction by small crystals with incomplete unit cells
* Dolphin fin pose correction using ICP in application to photo-identification
* Efficient hardware calculation of running statistics
* Enhanced real time facial detection and replacement using GPGPU
* Evolving PCB visual inspection programs using genetic programming
* Expression transfer: A system to build 3D blend shapes for facial animation
* Face alignment using structured random regressors combined with statistical shape model fitting
* feature-based region growing-merging approach to color image segmentation, A
* Feature-matching and extended Kalman filter for stereo ego-motion estimation
* Finding a vine's structure by bottom-up parsing of cane edges
* Finger identification using hand boundary decomposition
* FPGA implementation of 2D cross-correlation for real-time 3D tracking of deformable surfaces
* Gaussian mixture models and information entropy for image segmentation using particle swarm optimisation
* hand shape recognizer from simple sketches, A
* Hot pixel removal within colour filter array demosaicking using modified bilateral filters
* Image asymmetry measurement for the study of endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard
* image processing pipeline for segmenting the retinal layers from optical coherence tomography images, An
* Implementing 3D visualizations of EEG signals in artistic applications
* improved building detection in complex sites using the LIDAR height variation and point density, An
* integral image method for fisheye images, The
* Interactive tangible user interface for music learning
* Investigating large-scale feature matching using the Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessor
* Investigation of low-level edge feature extraction using three blocks
* Kernel-mapped histograms of multi-scale LBPs for tree bark recognition
* Key detection for a virtual piano teacher
* Large-scale feature matching with distributed and heterogeneous computing
* Layout analysis of book pages
* Learning generic third-order MGRF texture models
* machine vision extension to the Ruby programming language using OpenCV and FFI, A
* Machine vision techniques for motorcycle safety helmet detection
* Manifold alignment using curvature information
* Mixed reality Kinect Mirror box for stroke rehabilitation
* More for less: Fast image warping for improving the appearance of head tracking on HMDs
* Multi-Kinect scene reconstruction: Calibration and depth inconsistencies
* new image segmentation algorithm based on modified seeded region growing and particle swarm optimization, A
* On multi-task learning for facial action unit detection
* Parameter optimisation for texture completion
* Perceptually based radiance map for realistic composition
* Physiological gating of the MARS spectral micro CT scanner
* pose space for squash and stretch deformation, A
* Registration of images from a hull mounted, low frequency synthetic aperture sonar
* Registration of sheared images using phase correlation
* Reliable face recognition using feature selection and image rejection based on probabilistic face model
* Saliency map based image steganography
* Scalable face image retrieval integrating multi-feature quantization and constrained reference re-ranking
* Segmentation enhances material analysis in multi-energy CT: A simulation study
* Semantic indoor maps
* Singularity resolution for dimension reduction
* smartphone-based golf simulation exercise game for supporting arthritis patients, A
* Sparse representations in deep learning for noise-robust digit classification
* Split-and-merge EM for vine image segmentation
* stitching of aerial videos from UAVs, The
* strategy for the correction of effects of jitter in AMCW lidar images, A
* Symmetric dynamic programming stereo using block matching guidance
* Synthesis of incidental detail as composable components in a functional language
* Texture modelling with generic translation- and contrast/offset-invariant 2nd-4th-order MGRFs
* Towards structural analysis of solution spaces for ill-posed discrete 1D optimisation problems
* Trading off salience and uncertainty in sampling a visual scene
* Transform flow: A mobile augmented reality visualisation and evaluation toolkit
* Two-view matching with view synthesis revisited
* Unsupervised learning approach for abnormal event detection in surveillance video by revealing infrequent patterns
* Vehicle detection in monocular night-time grey-level videos
* Vision based inter-vehicle distance estimation with extended outlier correspondence
87 for IVCNZ13

IVCNZ15 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand

IVCNZ16 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand

IVCNZ17 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* 3D video-based motion capture using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Active shift attention based object tracking system
* Adaptive block compressive sensing for image compression
* Adaptive sampling positions for the decoding of marker objects known as Snowflakes
* Artistic style characterization and brush stroke modelling for non-photorealistic rendering
* Automated Kauri trees detection in high resolution aerial images
* automatic region detection and processing approach in genetic programming for binary image classification, An
* Back To RGB: Deep articulated hand pose estimation from a single camera image
* Can image quality features predict visual change blindness?
* CNN for historic handwritten document search
* CNN-based small object detection and visualization with feature activation mapping
* comparison between end-to-end approaches and feature extraction based approaches for Sign Language recognition, A
* Comparison of machine learning-based feature pooling strategies for colour image fidelity assessment
* computationally efficient pipeline for camera-based indoor person tracking, A
* Deep actionlet proposals for driver's behavior monitoring
* Digital map using augmented reality on smart devices: Motivation, design, and implementation
* Distortion estimation to improve Tsai calibration for cameras with large optical distortion
* Effect of contextual information on object tracking
* efficient ward-based copy-move forgery detection method for digital image forensic, An
* Ensemble classifier with dividing training scheme for Chinese scene character recognition
* Extracting descriptive motion information from crowd scenes
* Fast automatic segmentation of cells and nucleuses in large-scale liquid-based monolayer smear images
* Fast image registration using cepstral analysis of inverted gradient distance maps
* Fast local binary pattern: Application to document image retrieval
* Finding learned obstacles to avoid collisions in autonomous robotic navigation
* Image encryption based on double random phase encoding
* Image phylogeny for simulating multiple print-scan
* Increasing the accuracy of convolutional neural networks with progressive reinitialisation
* Lens distortion correction by analysing peak shape in Hough transform space
* Methods and apparatus for tracking internal structures in soft objects: A phantom-based study
* Model and feature selection for the classification of dark field pollen images using the classifynder system
* Model assisted bootstrapping for annotation of segmentation datasets
* multi sensory approach using error bounds for improved visual odometry, A
* multi-scale framework for the automated surveying of the Whangateau estuary using off-the-shelf equipment, A
* Multi-scale terrain texturing using generative adversarial networks
* Non-local pose means for denoising motion capture data
* Of mice, men, and machines: Real and artificial deep networks for vision
* Offline automatic actor tracking in a movie
* On the suitability of different probability distributions for the task of image segmentation
* Orientation and analysis of XFEL serial diffraction patterns from fibrous molecular assemblies
* Overview of image-based 3D vision systems for agricultural applications
* Pedestrian avoidance in construction sites
* performance evaluation method for infrared tracker, A
* personalised stereoscopic 3D gallery with virtual reality technology on smartphone, A
* Phase retrieval for 1D and 2D crystals
* Photogrammetric debitage analysis: Measuring Maori toolmaking evidence
* Pincode detection using deep CNN for postal automation
* precise human detection model using combination of feature extraction techniques in a dynamic environment, A
* Quality analysis of synthetic ultrasound images using co-occurrence texture statistics
* review of sensor devices in stroke rehabilitation, A
* Road surface distress detection in disparity space
* Robust fingerprint verification for enhancing security in healthcare system
* Sensitivity analysis of multirotor position control
* SIFT localisation accuracy on interpolated speckle images
* Simulating neuromorphic reservoir computing: Abstract feed-forward hardware models
* Simultaneous retrieval of coherently illuminated defocused objects
* Statistical lower bound for variance of checkerboard pose estimate
* Stixel optimization: Representing challenging on-road scenes
* Streamed hough transform and line reconstruction on FPGA
* Substantial improvement of stereo visual odometry by multi-path feature tracking
* Surface reconstruction of 3D objects using local moving least squares and K-D trees
* Toward the adaptive control of the colour rendering of LED lighting with an RGBW sensor
* Towards a completely blind classifier for hyperspectral images
* Towards generalised time-of-flight range imaging at the edge of moving objects
* Traffic intersection monitoring using fusion of GMM-based deep learning classification and geometric warping
* Utility pole extraction using vehicle-mounted LIDAR for dynamic line rating
* virtual keyboard implementation based on finger recognition, A
* Wavefront sensing with prisms for astronomical imaging with adaptive optics
* Wavefront sensor optimisation with ridgelets for astronomical image restoration
70 for IVCNZ17

IVCNZ18 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* Analysing Forests Using Dense Point Clouds
* Analysis of Fibrous Assembly Orientations from XFEL Diffraction Data
* Augmented Reality on Mobile Platform: A New Way to Instantly View and Display Foreign Currency Exchange Rate
* Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis Using Deep and Transfer Learning: Proposal of a System for Clinical Testing
* Bird Eyes: A Cloud-Based Object Detection System for Customisable Surveillance
* Blind Facial Basis Discovery Using the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion
* Blind Spot Monitoring Using Deep Learning
* Blood Stain Segmentation
* Calibration for Camera-Motion Capture Extrinsics
* Circular Filtering and Neutrosophic Extraction of Vincent Van Gogh's Visible Brushstrokes
* Classification of White Blood Cells Using L-Moments Invariant Features of Nuclei Shape
* Colour Pattern Recognition with Two-Dimensional Rotation and Scaling for Robotics Vision Using Normalized Cross-Correlation
* Comparison of RGB and HSV Colour Spaces for Visual Attention Models, A
* Concurrent ML as an Alternative Parallel Programming Style for Image Processing
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Deep Learning Technique for Identifying Road Attributes, A
* CSPM: A Novel Curtain Style Pictorial Marker for Enhancing Augmented Reality Experiences
* Cuboid Colour Image Segmentation Using Intuitive Distance Measure
* Deep Spectral-spatial Features of Snapshot Hyperspectral Images for Red-meat Classification
* Density Based Recovery of Urban Power Lines Using Vehicle-Mounted LiDAR
* Developing an On-Road Obstacle Detection System Using Monovision
* Digital Prism Wavefront Sensor for Ground-Based Astronomical Image Correction, A
* Elimination of Spatial Incoherency in Bag-of-Visual Words Image Representation Using Visual Sentence Modelling
* End-to-End Hierarchical Classification Approach for Similar Gesture Recognition, An
* Error Distribution of Estimated Checkerboard Corner Location
* Evaluation of a Statistical Shape Model for the Liver
* Exploration of Using the Intel AVX2 Gather Load Instructions for Vectorised Image Processing, An
* Face Stabilization by Mode Pursuit for Avatar Construction
* Feasibility Study of Hyperspectral Line-Scanning Camera Imagery for Remote Sensing Purposes
* Fine-grained Collaborative K-Means Clustering
* Foreground and Background Feature Fusion Using a Convex Hull Based Center Prior for Salient Object Detection
* Fourier Spectrum Image Texture Analysis
* Framework of Cow Calving Monitoring System Using a Single Depth Camera
* Fully Automatic Framework for Prediction of 3D Facial Rejuvenation, A
* Glaucoma Monitoring Using Manifold Learning and Unsupervised Clustering
* Gnarometer Surfcam Live Inspector
* Gradient Coils Design with Regularization Method for Superconducting Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Ground Plane Segmentation of Time-of-Flight Images for Asparagus Harvesting
* Hand Gesture Set for Navigating and Interacting with 3D Virtual Environments, A
* Hidden Features: Experiments with Feature Transfer for Fine-Grained Multi-Class and One-Class Image Categorization
* Hybrid Rolling Skew Histogram-Neural Network Approach to Dairy Cow Identification System, A
* Image Clustering Using a Similarity Measure Incorporating Human Perception
* Individual Common Dolphin Identification Via Metric Embedding Learning
* Kernel-Based Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval, A
* Latent Concept Extraction for Zero-Shot Video Retrieval
* Learning-Based Positive Feedback Approach in Salient Object Detection, A
* Low-Spec Extendable GPU-Based Audio Library, A
* Mobility Aids Detection Using Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
* Modality Classification and Concept Detection in Medical Images Using Deep Transfer Learning
* Monocular Stixels: A LIDAR-guided Approach
* Novel Perceptual Dissimilarity Measure for Image Retrieval, A
* Novelty Detection in Thermal Video
* Parameter-Free Density Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Clustering
* Pipeline to Improve Face Recognition Datasets and Applications, A
* Real-Time Drone Surveillance and Population Estimation of Marine Animals from Aerial Imagery
* Reconstructing Power Lines from Images
* Reducing the Pain: A Novel Tool for Efficient Ground-Truth Labelling in Images
* Sample-Efficient Optimization Using Bayesian Neural Networks
* Segmentation of Substantia Nigra Using Weighted Thresholding Method
* Simple Stereo Matching Algorithm for Localising Keypoints in a Restricted Search Space
* Softposit for Augmented Reality in Complex Environments: Limitations and Challenges
* Stacked Hourglass CNN for Handwritten Character Location
* Superpixel Segmentation Methods on Stereo Fundus Images and Disparity Map for Glaucoma Detection
* Synthetic Scene Character Generator and Multi-Scale Voting Classifier for Japanese Scene Character Recognition
* Testing a Biologically-Based System for Extracting Depth from Brief Monocular 2-D Video Sequences
* Towards a Graph-Based Approach for Mesh Healing for Blocky Objects with Self-Similarities
* Training-Free Mesh Upsampling and Morphing Technique for 3D Face Rejuvuvenation, A
* Visual Odometry and 3D Point Clouds Under Low-Light Conditions
68 for IVCNZ18

IVCNZ19 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* 3D Rigid Registration of Patient Body Surface Point Clouds by Integer Linear Programming
* Ab initio phasing using diffraction data from different crystal forms
* Accurate 3D Measurement of Highly Specular Surface using Laser and Stereo Reconstruction
* accurate black lung detection using transfer learning based on deep neural networks, An
* Adaptation of Bidirectional Kalman Filter to Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Range Imaging
* Are These Birds Similar: Learning Branched Networks for Fine-grained Representations
* Automated Segmentation of Breast Arterial Calcifications from Digital Mammography
* Body Part Labelling with Minkowski Networks
* Breast Density Classification Using Multifractal Spectrum with Histogram Analysis
* Centroiding of Truncated Shack-Hartmann Laser Guide Star Images with Known Reference Images
* Class Embodiment Autoencoder (CEAE) for classifying the botanical origins of honey
* Color Moments-Based System for Recognition of Emotions Induced by Color Images, A
* Comparison of Three-Dimensional Scanning Devices
* Coniferous Trees Needles-Based Taxonomy Classification
* Crack Segmentation on UAS-based Imagery using Transfer Learning
* deep learning approach to handwritten text recognition in the presence of struck-out text, A
* Deep Learning for Pollen Sac Detection and Measurement on Honeybee Monitoring Video
* Disparity Refinement with Guided Filtering of Soft 3D Cost Function in Multi-view Stereo System
* Evaluating Spatial Configuration Constrained CNNs for Localizing Facial and Body Pose Landmarks
* Evolution of Adjacency Matrices for Sparsity of Connection in DenseNets, The
* Extending Input Channel Using Global Feature Image for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast and Secured Visual Content Hiding in Lossy Compressed Images and Video Streams
* Fingertips Detection in Egocentric Video Frames using Deep Neural Networks
* Frequency Based Radial Velocity Estimation in Time-of-Flight Range Imaging
* Fusion of thermal and visible colour images for robust detection of people in forests
* Generalization Approach for CNN-based Object Detection in Unconstrained Outdoor Environments
* Genetic Programming for Multiple Feature Construction in Skin Cancer Image Classification
* GetNet: Get Target Area for Image Pairing
* Human Density Estimation by Exploiting Deep Spatial Contextual Information
* Identifying Simple Shapes to Classify the Big Picture
* Image Correction with Curvature and Geometric Wavefront Sensors in Simulation and On-sky
* Image Mapping Approach for Quick Dissimilarity Detection of Binary Images, An
* Improved Selective Facial Extraction Model for Age Estimation, An
* Interpretable Inference Graphs for Face Recognition
* Iterative projection algorithms for solving constraint satisfaction problems: Effect of constraint convexity
* Jigsaw Puzzle Solver to Locate Piece Position
* Learning and Analysis of AusRAP Attributes from Digital Video Recording for Road Safety
* Light in Dark Places: 3D Reconstruction from Stereo Views with a Moving Light Source, A
* Localisation for Augmented Reality at Sport Events
* Minutiae Triangle Graphs: A New Fingerprint Representation with Invariance Properties
* Multi-view Gait recognition using sparse representation
* Novel Method to Achieve Ordered Dithering in Images., A
* Object detection for Verification Based Annotation
* On Improving Bounding Box Regression Towards Accurate Object Detection and Tracking
* Pedestrian Proximity Detection using RGB-D Data
* PIPP: Person Identification from Palm-surface Polygons
* Plant Leaf Recognition using Geometric Features and Pearson Correlations
* Real-time Power Line Detection Network using Visible Light and Infrared Images
* Recognizing Text with a CNN
* RGB Imaging Based Estimation of Leaf Chlorophyll Content
* Rotation and Scale Invariant Bispectral Feature based Recognition of Contactless Palmprints
* Salient Object Detection based on CNN Fusion of Two Types of Saliency Models
* Semantic Segmentation of Sheep Organs by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Semi Few-Shot Attribute Translation
* Semi-supervised Attentive Mutual-info Generative Adversarial Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Stitching Partial 3D Models with an Application to Modelling Stone Flakes
* Sub-Pixel Registration Technique for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging
* Three-Dimensional (3D) Reconstruction of Dried Vertebrae from Bi-planar Radiographs
* Towards a Maori Telepresence System
* Track Cyclist Detection and Identification using Mask R-CNN and K-means Clustering
* Use of Moiré Patterns in Camera Position Estimation
* xYOLO: A Model For Real-Time Object Detection In Humanoid Soccer On Low-End Hardware
63 for IVCNZ19

IVCNZ20 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* AI in Photography: Scrutinizing Implementation of Super-Resolution Techniques in Photo-Editors
* Automated Monitoring in Maritime Video Surveillance System
* Automatic Identification of Diatom Morphology using Deep Learning
* Automatically localising ROIs in hyperspectral images using background subtraction techniques
* Class Probability-based Visual and Contextual Feature Integration for Image Parsing
* Classifying Bird Feeder Photos
* CoCoNet: A Collaborative Convolutional Network applied to fine-grained bird species classification
* Comparison of Face Detection Algorithms on Mobile Devices
* Confidence-based Local Feature Selection for Material Classification
* Deep Learning Methods for Human Behavior Recognition
* Deep Learning Methods for Virus Identification from Digital Images
* Deep Sheep: kinship assignment in livestock from facial images
* Defects Detection in Highly Specular Surface using a Combination of Stereo and Laser Reconstruction
* Detection and classification of opened and closed flowers in grape inflorescences using Mask R-CNN
* Development of a Virtual Environment Based Image Generation Tool for Neural Network Training
* Edge-Aware Convolution for RGB-D Image Segmentation
* Evaluating Learned State Representations for Atari
* Evolutionary Algorithm Based Residual Block Search for Compression Artifact Removal
* Experimental Validation of Bias in Checkerboard Corner Detection
* fair comparison of the EEG signal classification methods for alcoholic subject identification, A
* Fast Portrait Segmentation of the Head and Upper Body
* Graph-Based Approach to Automatic Convolutional Neural Network Construction for Image Classification, A
* Heating Patterns Recognition in Industrial Microwave-Processed Foods
* History and Evolution of Single Pass Connected Component Analysis
* Human Action Recognition Using Deep Learning Methods
* Image and Text fusion for UPMC Food-101 using BERT and CNNs
* Image Metrics for Deconvolution of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit
* Improving the Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Rewarding Modifications
* Incorporating Human Body Shape Guidance for Cloth Warping in Model to Person Virtual Try-on Problems
* Introducing Transfer Leaming to 3D ResNet-18 for Alzheimer's Disease Detection on MRI Images
* Isotropic Remeshing by Dynamic Voronoi Tessellation on Voxelized Surface
* Leveraging Linguistically-aware Object Relations and NASNet for Image Captioning
* machine learning approach for image retrieval tasks, A
* Machine Learning with Synthetic Data: A New Way to Learn and Classify the Pictorial Augmented Reality Markers in Real-Time
* Melanoma and Nevi Classification using Convolution Neural Networks
* Multi-View Stereo Evaluation for Fine Object Reconstruction, A
* optimisation Technique for the Detection of Safety Attributes Using Roadside Video Data, An
* Plant Trait Segmentation for Plant Growth Monitoring
* Pothole Detection and Dimension Estimation System using Deep Learning (YOLO) and Image Processing
* PProCRC: Probabilistic Collaboration of Image Patches for Fine-grained Classification
* Predicting Cherry Quality Using Siamese Networks
* Predicting physician gaze in clinical settings using optical flow and positioning
* Progress towards imaging biological filaments using X-ray free-electron lasers
* rapid method of hypercube stitching for snapshot multi-camera system, A
* Real Time Ray Tracing of Analytic and Implicit Surfaces
* Review of Emerging Video Codecs: Challenges and Opportunities, A
* Salient Motion Features for Visual Attention Models
* Shadow-based Light Detection for HDR Environment Maps
* Tip-Tilt Mirror Control System for Partial Image Correction at UC Mount John Observatory, A
* Variational Autoencoder for 3D Voxel Compression
* Vehicle-Related Scene Segmentation Using CapsNets
* Visual Object Tracking in Spherical 360° Videos: A Bridging Approach
* Voice Interaction for Augmented Reality Navigation Interfaces with Natural Language Understanding
* Wavefront reconstruction with the cone sensor
* Wavefront Sensorless Tip/Tilt Removal method for Correcting Astronomical Images, A
* Wavelet Based Thresholding for Fourier Ptychography Microscopy
57 for IVCNZ20

IVCNZ21 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* 3D Reconstruction from Micro-CT Slices for Non-Destructive Viewing inside a Fossil
* 3D Vehicle Detection Using Cheap LiDAR and Camera Sensors
* Autonomous Detection of Facial Tics in Video Recordings
* Benchmarking Monocular Depth Estimation Models for VR Content Creation from a User Perspective
* Can a camera tell the weather?
* Coarse facial feature detection in sheep
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Dolphin Echolocation Clicks
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Fish Weight Prediction from Images
* DeepPyNet: A Deep Feature Pyramid Network for Optical Flow Estimation
* Denomination-Based Quasi-Isotropic Remeshing using Curvature Map and Voronoi Tessellation
* Early Detection of Sugarcane Smut Disease in Hyperspectral Images
* Effective Multi-Camera Dataset and Hybrid Feature Matcher for Real-Time Video Stitching, An
* Estimating Drawing Guidelines for Portrait Drawing
* Evaluating Visual Inertial Odometry Using the Windy Forest Dataset
* Expert Sample Consensus Applied To Camera Localization for AR Sports Spectators
* Face Image Inpainting Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Face Recognition Using Shallow Age-Invariant Data
* From off-site to on-site: A Flexible Framework for XR Prototyping in Sports Spectating
* Gabor Filter Incorporated CNN for Compression
* Image Aesthetics Classification using Deep Features and Image Category
* Improved Quantum Solution for the Stereo Matching Problem, An
* Levelshred Method: A Solution to Fluid Level Detection in Partially-Obstructed Containers, The
* Likelihood-free Bayesian inference framework for sizing kiwifruit from orchard imaging surveys
* Multi-species Seagrass Detection Using Semi-supervised Learning
* Multi-stage Deep Learning Technique for Improving Traffic Sign Recognition
* new coefficient estimation method when using PCA for spectral super-resolution, A
* On De-Interlacing and Sub-Pixel Precision Tracking
* Pasture Fence Line Detection in UAV Videos
* Perceptual improvements for Super-Resolution of Satellite Imagery
* Perceptual Variation Stacking: Test Time Augmentations in Endoscopy Image Segmentation
* Pointing-Based Calibration of a Pointing Interface for Public Displays
* Predictive State Estimation of Invasive Predators using Low Resolution Thermal Cameras
* Prism matching for piston segmentation correction with adaptive optics systems on extremely large telescopes
* Quantifying image naturalness using differential curvelet features
* Real-time Caustics and Dispersion on Arbitrary Surfaces in GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing
* Reconstruction or Retrieval? Investigating Neural 3D Reconstruction
* Relative Camera Rotation from a Single Oriented Correspondence
* Rift Racers - Effect of Balancing and Competition on Exertion, Enjoyment, and Motivation in an Immersive Exergame
* Robust human instance segmentation in a challenging forest environment
* Sailboat Detection Based on Automated Search Attention Mechanism and Deep Learning Models
* Sensor Evaluation for Voxel-Based RGB-D SLAM
* Small mammals and bird detection using IoT devices
* Thermographic identification of hidden corrosion
* Training a convolutional neural network for transportation sign detection using synthetic dataset
* Unsupervised Learning of Affinity for Image Segmentation: An Inpainting based Approach
* Virtual ground control for survey-grade terrain modelling from satellite imagery
* Virtual sawing using generative adversarial networks
48 for IVCNZ21

IVCNZ23 * *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* ACENet: Attention-Driven Contextual Features-Enhanced Lightweight EfficientNet for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
* AECA-PRNetCC: Adaptive Efficient Channel Attention-based PoseResNet for Coordinate Classification in 2D Human Pose
* Aligning Bone Tumour Radiology and Histology Data - How Could We Close the Loopƒ
* Assessing Encoder-Decoder Architectures for Robust Coronary Artery Segmentation
* Auditory Temporal Hints in AR Piano Tutoring
* Automatic Exposure and Pose Estimation Error
* Benchmarking Localization for Augmented Reality in Large Scale Environments
* Buoy Detection under Extreme Low-light Illumination for Intelligent Mussel Farming
* Crowd Counting in Harsh Weather using Image Denoising with Pix2Pix GANs
* De-lighting Human Images Using Region-Specific Data Augmentation
* Deep Classification of Mammographic Breast Density: DCBARNet
* Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Segmentation of Dirt on Cattle Skin using Image Data
* Efficient Sampling of Bayer Pattern for Long Range Small Target Detection in Color Images
* Extreme Sport Analysis Using Object Detection Methods and Unscented Kalman Filters
* Fusing exocentric and egocentric real-time reconstructions for embodied immersive experiences
* GPU Accelerated Modelling and Real-time Rendering of Fluid Motion
* Identifying Athletics Tracks using Keypoint Detection
* Identifying Sources of Error in Underwater Photogrammetry via Sensitivity Analysis
* Improved Mask R-CNN for Instance Segmentation of Tree Crowns in Aerial Imagery, An
* Improving Buoy Detection with Deep Transfer Learning for Mussel Farm Automation
* Large-Scale Mussel Farm Reconstruction with GPS Auxiliary
* Mandala Symmetrization through Curvature Map and Geometric Graph*
* Measuring Ground Cover in Long Term Hill Country Photography using Weakly Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks
* NCAF: NTD-based Concept Activation Factorisation Framework for CNN Explainability
* Neural Network Feature Explanation Using Neuron Activation Rate Based Bipartite Graph
* New Genetic Programming-Based Approach to Object Detection in Mussel Farm Images, A
* NRspttemVQA: Real-Time Video Quality Assessment Based on the User's Visual Perception
* Pillar Centroid Tracker for the Measurement of Protrusive Forces Generated by Hyphal Microorganisms
* Real-Time Instance Segmentation Techniques using Neural Networks for the Assessment of Green-Lipped Mussels
* Relationship Between Motivational Strategies and Gamification User Types in VR Movement Games
* Relative Feature Orientation Filtering in COLMAP Structure from Motion
* Segmentation of Tissue Regions in Whole Slide Images Using Hand-Crafted Image Features
* Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Estimating Fur Seal Numbers
* Sequential Image Storytelling Model Based on Transformer Attention Pooling
* Shape from Shading under changing Illumination using a CNN
* Spatial Quest: Game-Based Spatial Intelligence Training Using VR and Non-VR Platforms
* Unsupervised End-to-End Transformer based approach for Video Anomaly Detection
* Using Deep Learning Depth Maps to Improve Monocular SLAM
39 for IVCNZ23

Index for "i"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:05:33
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