Update Dates 0508

0508 * 2 Dimensional Electrophoresis Gel Registration Using Point Matching and Local Image-Based Refinement
* 3D digitization of a large model of imperial Rome
* 3D modeling of outdoor environments by integrating omnidirectional range and color images
* 3D models from extended uncalibrated video sequences: Addressing key-frame selection and projective drift
* 3D registration by textured spin-images
* 3D vision technology for occupant detection and classification
* 3D-Modeling of Urban Structures
* A-Priori Information Driven Detection of Moving Objects for Traffic Monitoring by Spaceborne SAR
* Accuracy improvement for handwritten Japanese word recognition by combination of character and word recognizer
* Accuracy of 3D scanning technologies in a face scanning scenario
* Accurate principal directions estimation in discrete surfaces
* Acquisition of view-based 3D object models using supervised, unstructured data
* Active Concept Learning in Image Databases
* Active document layout synthesis
* Activity Based Video Content Trajectory Representation and Segmentation
* adaptive dandelion model for reconstructing spherical terrain-like visual hull surfaces, An
* adaptive multimodal biometric management algorithm, An
* Adaptive Multirate Algorithm for Acquisition of Fluorescence Microscopy Data Sets, An
* Adaptive OCR with limited user feedback
* Adaptive Video Indexing and Automatic/Semi-Automatic Relevance Feedback
* Affine Invariant Image Segmentation
* Affixal approach for Arabic decomposable vocabulary recognition a validation on printed word in only one font
* Algorithm for monitoring head/eye motion for driver alertness with one camera
* Amodal volume completion: 3D visual completion
* Analysis of Features for Rigid Structure Vehicle Type Recognition
* Analysis of IDCT and Motion-Compensation Mismatches Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Motion-Compensated Coders
* Apparatus and method for compressing video information
* Appearance factorization for facial expression analysis
* appearance model constructed on 3-D surface for robust face recognition against pose and illumination variations, An
* approach for stemming in symbolically compressed Indian language imaged documents, An
* approach to identify unique styles in online handwriting recognition, An
* approach towards benchmarking of table structure recognition results, An
* Arabic handwriting recognition using baseline dependant features and hidden Markov modeling
* Articulated Shape Mixtures for Object Recognition
* Artificial and biological color band design as spectral compression
* Assignment of Movies to Heterogeneous Video Servers
* Associating text and graphics for scientific chart understanding
* Asynchronous Rate Control for Multi-Object Videos
* Attending, Foveating and Recognizing Objects in Real World Scenes
* Automated Evaluation of Her-2/neu Status in Breast Tissue From Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Images
* Automated georeferencing and orthorectification of Amazon basin-wide SAR mosaics using SRTM DEM data
* Automated Method for Analysis of Flow Characteristics of Circulating Particles From In vivo Video Microscopy, An
* Automatic 3d free form shape matching using the graduated assignment algorithm
* Automatic Building Reconstruction from Cadastral Maps and Aerial Images
* Automatic burr detection on surfaces of revolution based on adaptive 3D scanning
* Automatic Class Selection and Prototyping for 3-D Object Classification
* Automatic model selection for the optimization of SVM kernels
* Automatic Quality Assessment of GIS Road Data using Aerial Imagery: A Comparison between Bayesian and Evidential Reasoning
* Automatic registration of range images based on correspondence of complete plane patches
* Automatic Road Extraction from Multispectral High Resolution Satellite Images
* Automatic Tracking of Individual Fluorescence Particles: Application to the Study of Chromosome Dynamics
* Automatic Ultrastructure Segmentation of Reconstructed CryoEM Maps of Icosahedral Viruses
* Automatic Vehicle Detection in Space Images Supported by Digital Map Data
* Automatical definition of measures from the combination of shape descriptors
* Autostereoscopic 3D Displays
* Balanced Multiple Description Video Coding Using Optimal Partitioning of the DCT Coefficients
* Bayesian modelling of camera calibration and reconstruction
* Bayesian Occlusion Model for Sequential Object Matching, A
* Bayesian Super-Resolution of Text in Video with a Text-Specific Bimodal Prior
* Benefit of multiclassifier systems for Arabic handwritten words recognition
* Bi-Elliptical Deformable Contour and Its Application to Automated Tongue Segmentation in Chinese Medicine, The
* binarization algorithm specialized on document images and photos, A
* Biological inspired tools for patrimonial handwriting denoising and categorization
* Boosting-based transductive learning for text detection
* Bootstrapped real-time ego motion estimation and scene modeling
* Boundary following and globally convergent path planning using instant goals
* Building cameras for capturing documents
* Building Compact Classifier for Large Character Set Recognition Using Discriminative Feature Extraction
* Building Facade Interpretation from Image Sequences
* Camera based degraded text recognition using grayscale feature
* Camera based mixed-lingual card reader for mobile device
* Camera signal processing device and camera signal processing method
* Camera-based analysis of text and documents: a survey
* Camera-based degraded character segmentation into individual components
* Camera-based document image retrieval as voting for partial signatures of projective invariants
* Camera-based Kanji OCR for mobile-phones: practical issues
* Can fractal dimension be used in font classification
* Canny Edge Detection Enhancement by Scale Multiplication
* Caption localisation in video sequences by fusion of multiple detectors
* Capturing 2.5D Depth and Texture of Time-Varying Scenes Using Structured Infrared Light
* Capturing the layout of electronic documents for reuse in variable data printing
* Cascade classifier: design and application to digit recognition
* Central Catadioptric Line Detection
* Challenges in OCR of Devanagari documents
* Character duration modeling for speed improvements in the BBN Byblos OCR system
* Character representation and recognition using quad tree-based fractal encoding scheme
* Class-Based Access Control for Distributed Video-on-Demand Systems
* Classification methodologies of multilayer perceptrons with sigmoid activation functions
* Classification models for historical manuscript recognition
* Classification of liquid and viscous inks using HSV colour space
* CLUE: cluster-based retrieval of images by unsupervised learning
* Clustering document images using a bag of symbols representation
* Color reconstruction in digital cameras: Optimization for document images
* Color text extraction from camera-based images: The impact of the choice of the clustering distance
* color-based layout analysis to process censorship cards of film archives, A
* Colorization of black-and-white cartoons
* Combined Key-Frame Extraction and Object-Based Video Segmentation
* Combining matching scores in identification model
* comparative study of markovian and variational image-matching techniques in application to mammograms, A
* Comparison between error correcting output codes and fuzzy support vector machines
* Comparison of a Similarity-Based and a Feature-Based 2-D to 3-D Registration Method for Neurointerventional Use, A
* Comparison of Algorithms for Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Graphical Models, A
* comparison of binarization methods for historical archive documents, A
* comparison of clustering methods for writer identification and verification, A
* complete U-V-disparity study for stereovision based 3D driving environment analysis, A
* Complexity Scalable Motion Compensated Wavelet Video Encoding
* Compound image compression for real-time computer screen image transmission
* comprehensive image processing suite for book re-mastering, A
* Computer-Generated Holography as a Generic Display Technology
* Configurable hybrid architectures for character recognition applications
* Constraints for Modelling Complex Objects
* Constraints on perspective images and circular panoramas
* Constructing area Voronoi diagram in document images
* Contour point tracking by enforcement of rigidity constraints
* Contour-based 3D Face Modeling from a Monocular Video
* contour-based approach to 3D text labeling on triangulated surfaces, A
* Coordination of appearance and motion data for virtual view generation of traditional dances
* Core points: A framework for structural parameterization
* Corner detection and curve segmentation by multiresolution chain-code linking
* corpus for comparative evaluation of OCR software and postcorrection techniques, A
* Correction for the Dislocation of Curved Surfaces Caused by the PSF in 2D and 3D CT Images
* Correction of Bias Field in MR Images Using Singularity Function Analysis
* Correction of Color Information of a 3D Model Using a Range Intensity Image
* Coupling fuzzy modeling and neural networks for river flood prediction
* Course to Fine Multiscale Approach for Linear Least Squares Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Criterion for Optimizing Kernel Parameters in KBDA for Image Retrieval, A
* Cursive word skew/slant corrections based on Radon transform
* Data categorization for a context return applied to logical document structure recognition
* Data Fusion for Classification and Object Extraction
* data structure using hashing and tries for efficient Chinese lexical access, A
* Databases for research on recognition of handwritten characters of Indian scripts
* Deconvolution Methods for Mitigation of Transverse Blurring in Optical Coherence Tomography
* Deformable model with a complexity independent from image resolution
* Delineating Fluid-Filled Region Boundaries in Optical Coherence Tomography Images of the Retina
* Design of a Chinese name card understanding system
* Detecting cylinders in 3D range data using model selection criteria
* Detecting inexplicable behaviour
* Detection of cyclic human activities based on the morphological analysis of the inter-frame similarity matrix
* Detection of Planar Regions with Uncalibrated Stereo using Distributions of Feature Points
* Determining characteristic views of a 3D object by visual hulls and Hausdorff distance
* Determining optimal filters for binarization of degraded grayscale characters using genetic algorithms
* Dewarping of document image by global optimization
* Diffeomorphic Statistical Shape Models
* Digit recognition in a natural scene with skew and slant normalization
* Digital Removal of Power Frequency Artifacts Using a Fourier Space Median Filter
* Digitizing archaeological excavations from multiple views
* Direct and Specific Fitting of Conics to Scattered Data
* Direct Estimation of Non-Rigid Registration
* Discrete pose space estimation to improve ICP-based tracking
* Discriminant substrokes for online handwriting recognition
* Distinguishing mathematics notation from English text using computational geometry
* Document image retrieval based on density distribution feature and key block feature
* Document Image Retrieval for QA Systems Based on the Density Distributions of Successive Terms
* Document ranking by layout relevance
* Document understanding system using stochastic context-free grammars
* Documents and services: from the historical points of document media as extension of human body
* Domain Decomposition for Variational Optical-Flow Computation
* Drums and Curve Descriptors
* Dynamic Classifier for Non-rigid Human motion analysis
* Dynamic photometric stereo: A new technique for moving surface analysis
* Dynamic signature verification using discriminative training
* Dynamic time warping applied to Tamil character recognition
* Educational video understanding: Mapping handwritten text to textbook chapters
* Effect of silhouette quality on hard problems in gait recognition
* Efficient discovery service for a digital library of 3D models
* Efficient geometric algorithms for parsing in two dimensions
* efficient kernel discriminant analysis method, An
* Efficient Light Balancing Techniques for Text Images in Video Presentation Systems
* Efficient Parameterless Quadrilateral-Based Image Segmentation Method, An
* Efficient photometric stereo technique for three-dimensional surfaces with unknown BRDF
* efficient scattered data approximation using multilevel B-splines based on quasi-interpolants, An
* Efficient Video Retrieval by Motion Trajectory
* EigenFairing: 3D Model Fairing using Image Coherence
* Eigenspace method for text retrieval in historical document images
* Eigenspace-based face recognition: a comparative study of different approaches
* Eliminating False Matches for the Projective Registration of Free-Form Surfaces With Small Translational Motions
* EM Clustering of Incomplete Data Applied to Motion Segmentation
* EM in High-Dimensional Spaces
* Empirical mode decomposition synthesis of fractional processes in 1D- and 2D-space
* En Pi: Filtered Back-Projection Algorithm for Helical CT Using an n-rm Pi Acquisition
* Encoding of multispectral and hyperspectral image data using wavelet transform and gain shape vector quantization
* Energy-Based Three-Dimensional Segmentation Approach for the Quantitative Interpretation of Electron Tomograms, An
* Enhancement of layout-based identification of low-resolution documents using geometrical color distribution
* Enhancing training data for handwriting recognition of whiteboard notes with samples from a different database
* Estimating the pen trajectories of multi-path static scripts using hidden Markov models
* Estimation/Correction Algorithm for Detecting Bone Edges in CT Images, An
* Euclidean reconstruction from translational motion using multiple cameras
* Euler vector for search and retrieval of gray-tone images
* Evaluating collinearity constraint for automatic range image registration
* Evaluation of a Method for Fusing LIDAR Data and Multispectral Images for Building Detection
* Evaluation of a user-assisted archive construction system for online natural history archives
* Evaluation of fully 3-D emission mammotomography with a compact cadmium zinc telluride detector
* Evaluation of virtual fixtures for a robot programming by demonstration interface
* evaluation system for string extraction in the airline coupon project, An
* Event detection for intelligent car park video surveillance
* Evolutionary extreme learning machine
* Evolutionary feature synthesis for object recognition
* Evolutionary Optimization of a Hierarchical Object Recognition Model
* Evolving Binary Classifiers Through Parallel Computation of Multiple Fitness Cases
* example-based prior model for text image super-resolution, An
* Experiments With Repeating Weighted Boosting Search for Optimization in Signal Processing Applications
* Exploratory basis pursuit classification
* Extending Pictorial Structures for Object Recognition
* Extracting main modes of human body shape variation from 3D anthropometric data
* Extraction of 3D Spatial Polygons Based on the Overlapping Criterion for Roof Extraction from Aerial Images
* Extraction of specified objects from binary images using object based erosion transform: application to Hebrew calligraphic manuscripts
* Face and environment sensing watch
* Face Authentication from Cell Phone Camera Images with Illumination and Temporal Variations
* Face Detection Using Spectral Histograms and SVMs
* Face Inpainting with Local Linear Representations
* Face recognition using a fuzzy fisherface classifier
* Factorization-based Hierarchical Reconstruction for Circular Motion
* Fast alignment of 3D geometrical models and 2D color images using 2D distance maps
* fast and stable approach for restoration of warped document images, A
* Fast block-based image restoration employing the improved best neighborhood matching approach
* Fast connected-component labelling in three-dimensional binary images based on iterative recursion
* Fast convolutional OCR with the scanning N-tuple grid
* fast edge-oriented algorithm for image interpolation, A
* Fast Intermode Decision in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast multiple-baseline stereo with occlusion
* Fast optical character recognition through glyph hashing for document conversion
* Fast robust correlation
* Fast script word recognition with very large vocabulary
* fast search algorithm for mean-removed vector quantization using edge and texture strengths of a vector, A
* Fast simultaneous alignment of multiple range images using index images
* Fast Stereo Matching by Iterated Dynamic Programming and Quadtree Subregioning
* Fast variable-size block motion estimation for efficient H.264/AVC encoding
* Fast vector matching methods and their applications to handwriting recognition
* feature combination technique for off-line Thai character recognition system, The
* Feature-Based Affine-Invariant Localization of Faces
* Figure-ground segmentation from occlusion
* Financial document image coding with regions of interest using JPEG2000
* Fingerprint and speaker verification decisions fusion using a functional link network
* Fingerprint classification based on learned features
* Fingerprint matching based on global alignment of multiple reference minutiae
* First results from the high-resolution mouseSPECT annular scintillation camera
* Fitting a Single Active Appearance Model Simultaneously to Multiple Images
* Fitting of 3D circles and ellipses using a parameter decomposition approach
* flexible 3D modeling system based on combining shape-from-silhouette with light-sectioning algorithm, A
* Fluorescent protein tomography scanner for small animal imaging
* form dropout method based on line-elimination and image-subtraction, A
* Form factors for mobile computing and device symbiosis
* foundation for watermarking in compressed domain, A
* Four-component scattering model for polarimetric SAR image decomposition
* Frame Bit Allocation for the H.264/AVC Video Coder Via Cauchy-Density-Based Rate and Distortion Models
* Frequencies decomposition and partial similarities retrieval for ancient handwriting documents compression
* Fresnel Correction of the Beckmann Model
* From humans to handwriting to computer and back
* From Maximum Entropy to Belief Propagation: An application to Skin Detection
* From range data to animated anatomy-based faces: A model adaptation method
* From searching to browsing through multimodal documents linking
* From Subspace to Submanifold Methods
* Full GIS-Based Workflow for Tree Identification and Tree Crown Delineation using Laser Scanning, A
* Functional imaging in small animals using X-ray computed Tomography: Study of physiologic measurement reproducibility
* fundamental study of output translation from layout recognition and semantic understanding system for mathematical formulae, A
* Fundamentals of Stop and Go active models
* Further improving geometric fitting
* Fusion of combination rules of an ensemble of MLP classifiers for improved recognition accuracy of handprinted Bangia numerals
* Fusion of multiple fingerprint matchers by single-layer perceptron with class-separation loss function
* Fusion Strategy for Extracted Road Networks from Multi-Aspect SAR Images, A
* fuzzy hierarchical attributed graph approach for handwritten Egyptian hieroglyphs description and matching, A
* Gabor feature extraction for character recognition: Comparison with gradient feature
* Gaussian scale-space dense disparity estimation with anisotropic disparity-field diffusion
* General Framework for 2D Multiframe and 3D Surface-to-surface Motion Estimation, A
* generic 2D approach of handwriting recognition, A
* generic method for determining the up/down orientation of text in Roman and non-Roman scripts, A
* Generic RAM-Based Architectures for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform With Line-Based Method
* Generic vs. Person Specific Active Appearance Models
* Genetic-based fuzzy image filter and its application to image processing
* Genetically Optimized Fuzzy Decision Trees
* Geometrically Calibrated Pinhole Camera Model for Single Omnidirectional Imaging System, A
* Globally convergent range image registration by graph kernel algorithm
* Graph Matching using Spectral Embedding and Semidefinite Programming
* Graphical object recognition using statistical language models
* ground-truthed mathematical character and symbol image database, A
* Grouping text lines in freeform handwritten notes
* Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration: The Minimum Description Length Approach
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Biometric Systems
* Guest Editorial Toward Molecular Imaging
* Hallucinating face by eigentransformation
* Handwriting matching and its application to handwriting synthesis
* Handwritten character recognition using gradient feature and quadratic classifier with multiple discrimination schemes
* Handwritten document segmentation using hidden Markov random fields
* Handwritten gesture recognition driven by the spatial context of strokes
* Handwritten Numeral String Recognition: Effects of Character Normalization and Feature Extraction
* Hangul document image retrieval system using rank-based recognition
* Hardware design of on-line Jawi character recognition chip using discrete wavelet transform
* hidden Markov model based segmentation and recognition algorithm for Chinese handwritten address character strings, A
* hierarchical classifier using new support vector machine, A
* Hierarchical coarse to fine depth estimation for realistic view interpolation
* hierarchical method for automated identification and segmentation of forms, A
* Hierarchical segmentation of range images with contour constraints
* Historical recall and precision: summarizing generated hypotheses
* HMM and IOHMM for the Recognition of Mono- and Bi-Manual 3D Hand Gestures
* HMM implementation for on-line handwriting recognition based on pen-coordinate feature and pen-direction feature, An
* human interactive proof algorithm using handwriting recognition, A
* Human Shape and Motion from Video
* Hybrid De-Interlacing Algorithm Based on Motion Vector Reliability
* Hybrid feature extraction and feature selection for improving recognition accuracy of handwritten numerals
* Hybrid generative/discriminative classifier for unconstrained character recognition
* Hybrid Object-Level/Pixel-Level Framework For Shape-based Recognition, A
* Hybrid OCR combination approach complemented by a specialized ICR applied on ancient documents
* Hybrid recognition for one stroke style cursive handwriting characters
* IAM-OnDB: An on-line English sentence database acquired from handwritten text on a whiteboard
* ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions: Entries, results, and future directions
* ICDAR 2005 Arabic handwriting recognition competition
* ICDAR 2005 text locating competition results
* ICDAR2005 page segmentation competition
* Identification of document structure and table of content in magazine archives
* Identifying critical variables of principal components for unsupervised feature selection
* Identifying script on word-level with informational confidence
* Identifying the interface between two sand materials
* Illumination invariant face recognition
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition System for Access Control using Video, An
* Image analysis for assessing molecular activity changes in time-dependent geometries
* Image analysis for efficient categorization of image-based spam e-mail
* Image Model and Segmentation Algorithm for Reflectance Confocal Images of In Vivo Cervical Tissue, An
* Image Mosaicing from Uncalibrated Views of a Surface of Revolution
* Image normalization by mutual information
* Image Transform Bootstrapping and Its Applications to Semantic Scene Classification
* Image-Based System for Urban Navigation, An
* Image-Gradient-Guided Real-Time Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Imaging performance of a-PET: a small animal PET camera
* Improved adaptive vector quantization algorithm using hybrid codebook data structure
* improved calibration technique for coupled single-row telemeter and CCD camera, An
* Improved class statistics estimation for sparse data problems in offline signature verification
* Improved Early Detection Algorithm for All-Zero Blocks in H.264 Video Encoding, An
* Improved geometric feature graph: a script independent representation of word images for compression, and retrieval
* Improved Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition System Using Support Vector Machine, An
* Improved text-detection methods for a camera-based text reading system for blind persons
* Improving cascading classifiers with particle swarm optimization
* Improving City Model Determination by using Road Detection from LIDAR Data
* Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy via Cascaded Classifiers
* Improving support vector data description using local density degree
* Improving writer identification by means of feature selection and extraction
* Incremental Catmull-Clark subdivision
* Incremental locally linear embedding
* Independent component analysis segmentation algorithm
* Individuality analysis of online Kanji handwriting
* Indoor autonomous navigation using visual memory and pattern tracking
* Indoor vs. outdoor scene classification in digital photographs
* Influence of zoning on whole word recognition
* Initialization of Markov random field clustering of large remote sensing images
* Ink normalization and beautification
* Insignificant Shadow Detection for Video Segmentation
* Integration of Optical and Radar Classifications for Mapping Pasture Type in Western Australia
* Intelligent document processing
* Intelligent document scanning with active camera
* Intelligent feature extraction for ensemble of classifiers
* Interaction between hand and wearable camera in 2d and 3d environments
* Interpretation of High Resolution SAR Data using Existing GIS Data in Urban Areas
* Intravital leukocyte detection using the gradient inverse coefficient of variation
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
* Introduction to the special issue on video object processing for surveillance applications
* Invariant and adaptive geometrical texture features for defect detection and classification
* IR and visible light face recognition
* iShopFloor: An Internet-Enabled Agent-Based Intelligent Shop Floor
* Isolated character recognition by searching feature points
* Issues in developing a commercial parcel reading system
* Iterative Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Image Modeling
* Iterative Wavelet-Based Denoising Methods and Robust Outlier Detection
* joint compression-discrimination neural transformation applied to target detection, A
* Joint source/channel coding for image transmission with JPEG2000 over memoryless channels
* Junction Matching and Fundamental Matrix Recovery in Widely Separated Views
* Just noticeable distortion model and its applications in video coding
* Kernel Autoassociator Approach to Pattern Classification, A
* Kernel ICA: An alternative formulation and its application to face recognition
* Kernel machine-based one-parameter regularized Fisher discriminant method for face recognition
* Kernel Pooled Local Subspaces for Classification
* lane-departure identification based on LBPE, Hough transform, and linear regression, A
* Language identification of character images using machine learning techniques
* Layout based document image retrieval by means of XY tree reduction
* learning approach to discovering Web page semantic structures, A
* Learning diagram parts with hidden random fields
* Learning From Examples in the Small Sample Case: Face Expression Recognition
* Learning Semantic Scene Models From Observing Activity in Visual Surveillance
* Learning the Semantic Landscape: Embedding scene knowledge in object tracking
* Learning to detect low-level features
* Learning-Based Method for Image Super-Resolution From Zoomed Observations, A
* LESS: A Model-Based Classifier for Sparse Subspaces
* Level Selection for Multiscale Fusion of Out-of-Focus Image
* lexicon reduction strategy in the context of handwritten medical forms, A
* light modulation/demodulation method for real-time 3D imaging, A
* Likelihood Models For Template Matching using the PDF Projection Theorem
* Local and global feature selection for on-line signature verification
* Local Approach for Robust Optical Flow Estimation under Varying Illumination, A
* Local norm features based on ridgelets transform
* Locally Planar Patch Features for Real-Time Structure from Motion
* Locating text in images using matched wavelets
* Logical labeling of Arabic newspapers using artificial neural nets
* Logical Structure Analysis of Document Images Based on Emergent Computation
* Low Bit Rate Hybrid Wavelet-DCT Video Codec, A
* Low-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimal Macroblock Mode Selection and Motion Estimation for MPEG-Like Video Coders
* Low-Pass Filtering of Rate-Distortion Functions for Quality Smoothing in Real-Time Video Communication
* Machine recognition of online handwritten Devanagari characters
* Making history: an emergent system for the systematic accrual of transcriptions of historic manuscripts
* Map-Based Microscope Positioning
* Markov random field on region adjacency graph for the fusion of SAR and optical data in radargrammetric applications
* Markov random fields for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Markov-based Silhouette Extraction for Three-Dimensional Body Tracking in Presence of Cluttered Background
* mechanism for range image integration without image registration, A
* Method and apparatus for compressing image information
* Method and apparatus for detecting moving object
* Method for automatic extraction of semantically significant events from video
* Method for Determination of the Timing Stability of PET Scanners, A
* method for learning matching errors for stereo computation, A
* Method for representing 3D virtual origami
* Method, apparatus and computer program product for tracking objects in a warped video image
* Metrology from Vertical Objects
* Micro-stereoscopic vision system for the determination of air bubbles and aqueous droplets content within oil drops in simulated processes of multiphase fermentations
* Mid-Level Description of Video, with Application to Non-photorealistic Animation, A
* Minimal Training, Large Lexicon, Unconstrained Sign Language Recognition
* Minimal-memory bit-vector architecture for computational mathematical morphology using subspace projections
* minutia-based partial fingerprint recognition system, A
* Mixture model analysis of DNA microarray images
* Mode detection in on-line pen drawing and handwriting recognition
* Model checking for E-business control and assurance
* model for detecting and merging vertically spanned table cells in plain text documents, A
* Model of On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition Free from Line Direction and Writing Format Constraints, A
* Model-guided deformable hand shape recognition without positioning aids
* Modeling and controlling a robotic convoy using guidance laws strategies
* Models for Learning Spatial Interactions in Natural Images for Context-Based Classification
* Modified intelligent scissors and adaptive frame skipping for video object segmentation
* Molecular imaging of small animals with a triple-head SPECT system using pinhole collimation
* Morton (Z) Scan Based Real-Time Variable Resolution CMOS Image Sensor
* Mosaicing-by-recognition: a technique for video-based text recognition
* Motion based 3D Target Tracking with Interacting Multiple Linear Dynamic Models
* Motion deblurring for optical character recognition
* Motion Detection by Classification of Local Structures in Airborne Thermal Videos
* Motion Segmentation of Multiple Translating Objects Using Line Correspondences
* MRF formulation for coded structured light, A
* MS-TDNN with global discriminant trainings
* Multi-Camera Target Tracking in Blind Regions of Cameras with Non-overlapping Fields of View
* multi-level component grouping algorithm and its applications, A
* Multi-modal tracking using texture changes
* Multi-resolution modeling and locally refined collision detection for haptic interaction
* multi-resolution, geometry-driven error concealment method for corrupted JPEG color images, A
* Multi-scale techniques for document page segmentation
* Multi-Stage Approach to Facial Feature Detection, A
* Multi-template GAT correlation for character recognition with a limited quantity of data
* Multiagents to Separating Handwritten Connected Digits
* Multiple Handwritten Text Line Recognition Systems Derived from Specific Integration of a Language Model
* Multiprimitive segmentation based on meaningful breakpoints for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and conic arcs
* Multiresolution interactive modeling with efficient visualization
* Multisensor fusion for volumetric reconstruction of large outdoor areas
* Natural scene classification using overcomplete ICA
* Nearest Subclass Classifier: A Compromise between the Nearest Mean and Nearest Neighbor Classifier, The
* Neural based binarization techniques
* Neural Networks Approach to Clustering of Activity in fMRI Data
* neural-based segmentation of cursive words using enhanced heuristics, The
* New Approaches for Real Time Traffic Data Acquisition with Airborne Systems
* New Error Resilient Video Coding Using Matching Pursuit and Multiple Description Coding, A
* new feature ranking method in a HMM-based handwriting recognition system, A
* New Image Representation Algorithm Inspired by Image Submodality Models, Redundancy Reduction, and Learning in Biological Vision, A
* New Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis (KDDA) Algorithm for Face Recognition, A
* new moments based skew estimation technique using pixels in the word for binary document images, A
* New Path Planning Algorithm for Maximizing Visibility in Computed Tomography Colonography, A
* Noise Filtering and Testing Illustrated Using a Multi-Dimensional Partial Volume Model of MR Data
* Non-Linear Feature Selection for Classification
* Non-Mercer Kernels for SVM Object Recognition
* Non-parametric 3D surface completion
* Nonmetric calibration of camera lens distortion: Differential methods and robust estimation
* novel approach to recover writing order from single stroke offline handwritten images, A
* novel context matching based technique for Web document retrieval, A
* novel method for offline handwriting-based writer identification, A
* Object Detection via Feature Synthesis Using MDL-Based Genetic Programming
* Object Type Recognition for Automated Analysis of Protein Subcellular Location
* Objective quality assessment of displayed images by using neural networks
* Occlusion Analysis: Learning and Utilising Depth Maps in Object Tracking
* OCR based slide retrieval
* Off-line handwritten character recognition by SVM based on the virtual examples synthesized from on-line characters
* old Greek handwritten OCR system, An
* Omnilingual Segmentation-Free Word Spotting for Ancient Manuscripts Indexation
* On appearance-based feature extraction methods for writer-independent handwritten text recognition
* On binary similarity measures for handwritten character recognition
* On foreground-background separation in low quality color document images
* On Merging High- and Low-Resolution DEMs From TOPSAR and SRTM Using a Prediction-Error Filter
* On the choice of the goodness-to-fit term for multibaseline stereo-vision
* On the Probabilistic Epipolar Geometry
* On the use of different speech representations for speaker modeling
* On Tracking-Driven Road Map Extraction from GMTI Radar Data
* On-line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition System Free from Line Direction and Character Orientation Constraints, An
* On-line signature verification with two-stage statistical models
* On-line writer adaptation for handwriting recognition using fuzzy inference systems
* Online and offline character recognition using alignment to prototypes
* Online character recognition based on elastic matching and quadratic discrimination
* Online Chinese character recognition system with handwritten Pinyin input
* Online segmentation of freehand stroke by dynamic programming
* Ontology guided access to document images
* Optical flow estimation using temporally oversampled video
* Optical flow-based real-time object tracking using non-prior training active feature model
* Optimal erasure protection for scalably compressed video streams with limited retransmission
* Optimal robust classifiers
* Optimised De Bruijn patterns for one-shot shape acquisition
* Optimized XY-cut for determining a page reading order
* Optimizing parameters of a motion detection system by means of a distributed genetic algorithm
* Order Matters: A Distributed Sampling Method for Multi-Object Tracking
* Oriented Discriminant Analysis
* Oriya handwritten numeral recognition system
* Outline Extraction of a Motorway from Helicopter Image Sequence
* Page segmentation for Manhattan and non-Manhattan layout documents via selective CRLA
* Parametric reconstruction of generalized cylinders from limb edges
* Partial shape recognition by sub-matrix matching for partial matching guided image labeling
* Partial surface integration based on variational implicit functions and surfaces for 3D model building
* Partial Volume Effect Compensation for Quantitative Brain SPECT Imaging
* Pen computing: digital ink and printed document
* PerfectDoc: a ground truthing environment for complex documents
* Performance Evaluation of ATOMI System for Road Database Updating from Aerial Film, ADS40, Ikonos and Quickbird Orthoimagery
* Performance improvement techniques for Chinese character recognition
* Performance improvements to the BBN Byblos OCR system
* Personal authentication using multiple palmprint representation
* Phishing Web page detection
* Planar: a mobile VR tool with pragmatic pose estimation for generation and manipulation of 3D data in industrial environments, The
* Polyphonic monotimbral music transcription using dynamic networks
* Postprocessing in Block-Based Video Coding Based on a Quantization Noise Model
* Potential of Building Extraction from Multi-Aspect High-Resolution Amplitude SAR Data
* Pre-processing methods for handwritten Arabic documents
* Principal Components Analysis of Optical Snow
* Principal Surfaces from Unsupervised Kernel Regression
* Print-and-scan model and the watermarking countermeasure
* Prioritized Transmission of Data Partitioned H.264 Video With Hierarchical QAM
* Probabilistic neural network playing and learning Tic-Tac-Toe
* Projection-based registration using a multi-view camera for indoor scene reconstruction
* projective reconstruction of points, lines, quadrics, plane conics and degenerate quadrics using uncalibrated cameras, The
* Projective surface matching of colored 3D scans
* proposal of the effective recognition method for low-resolution characters from motion images, A
* Prototype learning methods for online handwriting recognition
* Push-style guidance system for technical document writing
* Qualitative map learning based on covisibility of objects
* Quantifying Temporal Saliency
* Quantitative analysis of the factors that affect the determination of colocalization coefficients in dual-color confocal images
* Rate-Distortion Optimal Hybrid Scalable/Multiple-Description Video Codec, A
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Compression and View-Dependent Transmission of 3-D Normal Meshes
* Real-time 3D Football Ball Tracking from Multiple Cameras
* Real-time automated visual inspection system for contaminant removal from wool
* Real-Time Focusing Algorithm for Iris Recognition Camera, A
* Real-time foreground-background segmentation using codebook model
* Real-time frame-dependent video watermarking in VLC domain
* Real-Time Image Based Rendering from Uncalibrated Images
* Real-Time Markerless Human Body Tracking with 3-D Voxel Reconstruction
* Real-time occupant detection system in an active illumination
* Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Projection Kernels
* Realistic human head modeling with multi-view hairstyle reconstruction
* Recognition for large sets of handwritten mathematical symbols
* recognition graph: Language independent adaptable on-line cursive script recognition, The
* Recognition of Indian multi-oriented and curved text
* Recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical expressions in the E-Chalk system: An extension
* Recognition of printed Amharic documents
* Recognition Strategy Language, The
* Recognizing large isolated 3-D objects through next view planning using inner camera invariants
* Reconstructing Relief Surfaces
* Recovering Camera Pose from Omni-directional Images
* Recovering Intrinsic Images from a Single Image
* Recovery of a drawing order from off-line isolated letters dedicated to on-line recognition
* Rectification and recognition of text in 3-D scenes
* recurrent fuzzy network for fuzzy temporal sequence processing and gesture recognition, A
* Recursive neural networks learn to localize faces
* Recursive Three-Dimensional Model Reconstruction Based on Kalman Filtering
* Redundant Discrete Wavelet Transform and Additive Noise, The
* Redundant manipulator techniques for partially decentralized path planning and control of a platoon of autonomous vehicles
* Region Refinement and Parametric Reconstruction of Building Roofs by Integration of Image and Height Data
* Registration of multiple range scans as a location recognition problem: hypothesis generation, refinement and verification
* Rejection strategy for convolutional neural network by adaptive topology applied to handwritten digits recognition
* Relation Between the Filtered Backprojection Algorithm and the Backprojection Algorithm in CT
* Relational learning techniques for document image understanding: comparing statistical and logical approaches
* Relighting acquired models of outdoor scenes
* Representing images using points on image surfaces
* Restructured Eigenfilter Matching for Novelty Detection in Random Textures
* Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Unsupervised MRF Color Image Segmentation
* Robust 3D Reconstruction with Outliers Using RANSAC Based Singular Value Decomposition
* robust algorithm for text detection in color images, A
* Robust and accurate partial surface registration based on variational implicit surfaces for automatic 3D model building
* Robust and Efficient Path Diversity in Application-Layer Multicast for Video Streaming
* Robust and Efficient Road Tracking in Aerial Images
* Robust anisotropic diffusion to produce enhanced statistical parametric map from noisy fMRI
* Robust Building Detection in Aerial Images
* Robust Fingerprint Matching Method, A
* Robust Fusion of Colour Appearance Models for Object Tracking
* Robust Fusion of Uncertain Information
* robust image-based method for 3D registration, A
* Robust incremental rectification of sports video sequences
* Robust moving object segmentation on H.264/AVC compressed video using the block-based MRF model
* Robust real-time transmission of scalable multimedia for heterogeneous client bandwidths
* Robust skew detection in mixed text/graphics documents
* Role of Photon Statistics in Fluorescence Anisotropy Imaging, The
* Rough support vector clustering
* Rule-based middle-level character detection for simplifying Thai document layout analysis
* Rule-based real-time detection of context-independent events in video shots
* same is not the same: Postcorrection of alphabet confusion errors in mixed-alphabet OCR recognition, The
* Sample-Sort Simulated Annealing
* SAP: A robust approach to track objects in video streams with Snakes and Points
* Scale selection for classification of point-sampled 3D surfaces
* Scale-Dependent Adaptation of Object Models for Road Extraction
* ScatterType: a legible but hard-to-segment CAPTCHA
* Scene point constraints in camera auto-calibration: An implementational perspective
* Script identification using steerable Gabor filters
* Segmentation and pre-recognition of Arabic handwriting
* Segmentation and recognition of characters in scene images using selective binarization in color space and GAT correlation
* Segmentation of colour images using variational expectation-maximization algorithm
* Segmentation of connected Chinese characters based on genetic algorithm
* Segmentation of connected handwritten numerals by graph representation
* Segmentation of on-line handwritten Japanese text of arbitrary line direction by a neural network for improving text recognition
* Segmentation of touching symbols for OCR of printed mathematical expressions: an approach based on multifactorial analysis
* segmentation-free approach for keyword search in historical typewritten documents, A
* Segmenting and Tracking Fluorescent Cells in Dynamic 3-D Microscopy With Coupled Active Surfaces
* Selection of classifiers for the construction of multiple classifier systems
* Self-Organizing Maps for Learning the Edit Costs in Graph Matching
* Self-Organizing Topological Tree for Online Vector Quantization and Data Clustering
* Semantic analysis of matrix structures
* Semantics-based content extraction in typewritten historical documents
* Semi-Automatic Building Extraction utilizing Quickbird Imagery
* Semi-automatic range to range registration: A feature-based method
* Semi-Local Affine Parts for Object Recognition
* semiparametric model for accurate camera response function modeling and exposure estimation from comparametric data, A
* Sequential correction of perspective warp in camera-based documents
* Shadow Classification and Evaluation for Soccer Player Detection
* Shape from Diffuse Polarisation
* Shape reconstruction of human foot from multi-camera images based on PCA of human shape database
* Sign-based learning schemes for pattern classification
* Similarity-driven sequence classification based on support vector machines
* simple and efficient method for global handwritten word recognition applied to Brazilian bankchecks, A
* Simultaneous Determination of Registration and Deformation Parameters among 3D Range Images
* Single Image Facial View Synthesis Using SFS
* Single Quantum Dot Tracking Based on Perceptual Grouping Using Minimal Paths in a Spatiotemporal Volume
* Single view metrology from scene constraints
* Sketch Grammars: a formalism for describing and recognizing diagrammatic sketch languages
* Skew estimation for scanned documents from noises
* Smart camera design for intensive embedded computing
* Smoke, Mirrors, and Manufacturable Displays
* smoothness constraint set based on local statistics of BDCT coefficients for image postprocessing, A
* Spatial Reasoning with Incomplete Information on Relative Positioning
* Spatio-temporal fusion of multiple view video rate 3D surfaces
* Special issue on camera-based text and document recognition
* Special Section on Document Image Understanding and Digital Documents
* Spectral Embedding and Min Cut for Image Segmentation
* Statistical bias in 3-D reconstruction from a monocular video
* Statistical Language Models for On-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Statistical language models for on-line handwritten sentence recognition
* statistical learning approach to document image analysis, A
* statistical model for writer verification, A
* statistical self-organizing learning system for remote sensing classification, A
* Steganalysis of LSB matching in grayscale images
* Stereo by multiperspective imaging under 6 DOF camera motion
* Stereophotogrammetric Measuring in Risk Areas with the aid of Remotely Controlled Equipment
* Stereopsis-Guided Brain Shift Compensation
* Stereoscopic Video Generation Based on Efficient Layered Structure and Motion Estimation From a Monoscopic Image Sequence
* stochastic method for Bayesian estimation of hidden Markov random field models with application to a color model, A
* Structural decomposition and statistical description of Farsi/Arabic handwritten numeric characters
* Structural information implant in a context based segmentation-free HMM handwritten word recognition system for Latin and Bangla script
* Structuring Search Space for Accelerating Large Set Character Recognition
* study on the use of 8-directional features for online handwritten Chinese character recognition, A
* study on vulnerability in on-line writer verification system, A
* Subspace Partition Weighted Sum Filters for Image Restoration
* Subspace-Based Prototyping and Classification of Chromosome Images
* Supervised segmentation of remote sensing images based on a tree-structured MRF model
* supervised training algorithm for self-organizing maps for structures, A
* Support system for archeologists to read scripts on mokkans
* Support vector machines for quality monitoring in a plastic injection molding process
* Surface radiance correction for shape from shading
* Survey of Elastic Matching Techniques for Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* SVM decision boundary based discriminative subspace induction
* Switching class labels to generate classification ensembles
* synthetic database to assess segmentation algorithms, A
* system for Indian postal automation, A
* Table recognition evaluation and combination methods
* Table structure analysis based on cell classification and cell modification for XML document transformation
* Target Dependent Score Normalization Techniques and Their Application to Signature Verification
* Task-driven camera operations for robotic exploration
* Tensor scale: A local morphometric parameter with applications to computer vision and image processing
* Text degradations and OCR training
* Text detection in color scene images based on unsupervised clustering of multi-channel wavelet features
* Text detection in images based on unsupervised classification of edge-based features
* Text extraction from gray scale historical document images using adaptive local connectivity map
* Text extraction from name cards with complex design
* Text locating from natural scene images using image intensities
* Text recognition of low-resolution document images
* Text region extraction and text segmentation on camera-captured document style images
* Text/graphic labelling of ancient printed documents
* Texture classification with combined rotation and scale invariant wavelet features
* Texture-based Method for Detecting Moving Objects, A
* Texture-Based Vanishing Point Voting for Road Shape Estimation
* Three-Dimensional Face Recognition Using Surface Space Combinations
* three-dimensional registration method for automated fusion of micro PET-CT-SPECT whole-body images, A
* Three-dimensional surface reconstruction from multistatic SAR images
* Three-stage handwriting stroke extraction method with hidden loop recovery
* threshlod selection method based on multiscale and graylevel co-occurrence matrix analysis, A
* Tile-boundary artifact reduction using odd tile size and the low-pass first convention
* Time series forecasting: Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing maps
* Time-series detection of perspiration as a liveness test in fingerprint devices
* Tool for the Quantitative Spatial Analysis of Complex Cellular Systems, A
* topology based multi-classifier system, A
* Toward a near optimal quad/triangle subdivision surface fitting
* Toward Automated Segmentation of the Pathological Lung in CT
* Toward Automatic Phenotyping of Developing Embryos From Videos
* Toward automatic video-based whiteboard reading
* Towards a canonical and structured representation of PDF documents through reverse engineering
* Towards a real-time 3D shape reconstruction using a structured light system
* Towards an alternative GPS sensor in dense urban environment from visual memory
* Towards real-time 3-D monocular visual tracking of human limbs in unconstrained environments
* Tracking, analysis, and recognition of human gestures in video
* Transform-based methods for indexing and retrieval of 3D objects
* Transliteration of online handwritten phonetic Pitman's shorthand with the use of a Bayesian network
* Tree structure for word extraction from handwritten text lines
* Two-Bit Transform for Binary Block Motion Estimation
* Two-Channel SAR Ground Moving Target Indication for Traffic Monitoring in Urban Terrain
* Two-dimensional transforms for device color correction and calibration
* Two-level MRF Models for Image Restoration and Segmentation
* two-stage handwritten character segmentation approach in mail address recognition, A
* two-stage online handwritten Chinese character segmentation algorithm based on dynamic programming, A
* Ultimate Display: Where Will All the Pixels Come From?, The
* Uncalibrated multiple image stereo system with arbitrarily movable camera and projector for wide range scanning
* Unconstrained numeral pair recognition using enhanced error correcting output coding: a holistic approach
* Underexposed Image Correction Via Approximation of the Scene Radiance Function
* Unified dual for bi-class SVM approaches
* Unified Framework for MAP Estimation in Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, A
* Unified Framework for Scene Illuminant Estimation, A
* Universal data capture technology from semi-structured forms
* Unsupervised 3D object recognition and reconstruction in unordered datasets
* Unsupervised image segmentation using triplet Markov fields
* Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Object Events
* Unsupervised spatial pattern classification of electrical-wafer-sorting maps in semiconductor manufacturing
* UPX: a new XML representation for annotated datasets of online handwriting data
* Use of exterior contours and shape features in off-line signature verification
* Using fuzzy logic to analyze superscript and subscript relations in handwritten mathematical expressions
* Using GPUs for machine learning algorithms
* Using Multiple Views To Resolve Human Body Tracking Ambiguities
* Using Topic Keyword Clusters for Automatic Document Clustering
* Using unsupervised learning of a finite Dirichlet mixture model to improve pattern recognition applications
* Validation of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Height Data
* Variational Algorithm For Motion Compensated Inpainting, A
* Vehicles Detection from Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Vicarious Calibration of ADEOS-2 GLI Visible to Shortwave Infrared Bands Using Global Datasets
* Video Object Segmentation and Tracking Using psi-Learning Classification
* video-based framework for the analysis of presentations/posters, A
* View-based Location and Tracking of Body Parts for Visual Interaction
* Virtual clay modeling system using multi-viewpoint images
* Virtual marionettes: a system and paradigm for real-time 3D animation
* Visual Distortion Gauge Based on Discrimination of Noticeable Contrast Changes
* Visual Hull of Piecewise Smooth Objects, The
* Visual Learning by Coevolutionary Feature Synthesis
* Visual Learning by Imitation With Motor Representations
* Visual tracking and recognition using probabilistic appearance manifolds
* Volumetric 3D Displays and Application Infrastructure
* Voxel-Based Quality Evaluation of Photogrammetric Building Acquisitions
* Warped image restoration with applications to digital libraries
* Wavelet-based holistic sequence descriptor for generating video summaries
* What should the user do? Inference structures and line drawing interpretation
* Wide coverage natural language processing using kernel methods and neural networks for structured data
* Word separation of unconstrained handwritten text lines in PCR forms
* Writer profiling using handwriting copybook styles
* Writing speed normalization for on-line handwritten text recognition
* Zone identification in the printed Gujarati text
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.