Update Dates 1404

1404 * *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *European Calibration and Orientation Workshop
* *Image and Vision Computing New Zealand
* *International Workshop on Camera Based Document Analysis and Recognition
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 1D sweep-and-prune self-collision detection for deforming cables
* 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Using a Prototype Proton CT Scanner
* 2D Empirical Transforms. Wavelets, Ridgelets, and Curvelets Revisited
* 3D Biometrics: Systems and Applications
* 3D change detection at street level using mobile laser scanning point clouds and terrestrial images
* 3D shape descriptor for object recognition based on Kinect-like depth image
* 3dSOBS+ algorithm for moving object detection, The
* Accuracy Analysis for Automatic Orientation of a Tumbling Oblique Viewing Sensor System
* Accuracy Improvement of Viewpoint-Free Scene Character Recognition by Rotation Angle Estimation
* Action recognition via structured codebook construction
* Active Contours with Free Endpoints
* Active learning for on-road vehicle detection: a comparative study
* Active learning with uncertain labeling knowledge
* Active Structured Learning for Cell Tracking: Algorithm, Framework, and Usability
* Activity representation with motion hierarchies
* Adaptive and Weighted Collaborative Representations for image classification
* Adaptive Downsampling for High-Definition Video Coding
* Adaptive on-line similarity measure for direct visual tracking
* Adaptive Shape Diagrams for Multiscale Morphometrical Image Analysis
* Adaptive Watermarking and Tree Structure Based Image Quality Estimation
* Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Coding for Multi-Tb/s Optical Transport
* Advanced image processing methods as a tool to map and quantify different types of biological soil crust
* Advanced Topics in Computer Vision
* Affect and Social Processes in Online Communication: Experiments with an Affective Dialog System
* Affective State Level Recognition in Naturalistic Facial and Vocal Expressions
* age of the zettabyte Cisco: the future of internet traffic is video, The
* Agent-Based Simulation and Optimization of Urban Transit System
* Agricultural Monitoring in Northeastern Ontario, Canada, Using Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data
* Algebraic Connectivity Maximization for Air Transportation Networks
* Alternatively Constrained Dictionary Learning For Image Superresolution
* ANA HEp-2 cells image classification using number, size, shape and localization of targeted cell regions
* Analysis and Exploitation of Multipath Ghosts in Radar Target Image Classification
* Analysis and Improvement of the BLS-GSM Denoising Method, An
* Analysis of deformation patterns through advanced DINSAR techniques in Istanbul megacity
* Analysis of Engineering Drawings and Raster Map Images
* Analysis of GNSS Performance Index Using Feature Points of Sky-View Image
* Analysis on light quantity and quality based on diverse cloud conditions
* Analysis, Evaluation, and Comparison of Polarimetric SAR Speckle Filtering Techniques
* Analytical Approach for Voice Capacity Estimation Over WiFi Network Using ITU-T E-Model, An
* Analyzing Training Information From Random Forests for Improved Image Segmentation
* Anchor Models for Emotion Recognition from Speech
* Anisotropic diffusion algorithm based on weber local descriptor for illumination invariant face verification
* Applicability of Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy Features to Region Tracking, The
* Artifact reduction in JPEG2000 compressed images at low bit-rate using mathematical morphology filtering
* Artificial Neural Network Modeling of High Arctic Phytomass Using Synthetic Aperture Radar and Multispectral Data
* Assessing the Temporal Stability of the Accuracy of a Time Series of Burned Area Products
* Assistive Clothing Pattern Recognition for Visually Impaired People
* Atoll Rim Expansion or Erosion in Diego Garcia Atoll, Indian Ocean? Comment on Geospatial Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
* Attributed hypergraph matching on a Riemannian manifold
* Augmented Multiple Instance Regression for Inferring Object Contours in Bounding Boxes
* Authorship analysis based on data compression
* Auto-calibrating photometric stereo using ring light constraints
* Automated co-superpixel generation via graph matching
* Automated mapping of building facades by machine learning
* Automatic Building Detection based on Supervised Classification using High Resolution Google Earth Images
* Automatic Building Extraction From LIDAR Data Covering Complex Urban Scenes
* Automatic classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell Indirect Immunofluorescence images using Cell Pyramid Matching
* Automatic detection of calibration grids in time-of-flight images
* Automatic modelling of building façade objects via primitive shapes
* Automatic object segmentation of unstructured scenes using colour and depth maps
* Automatic registration of multi-source medium resolution satellite data
* Automatic selection and fusion of color spaces for image thresholding
* Automatic Single Tree Detection in Plantations using UAV-based Photogrammetric Point clouds
* Automatic Solution of Jigsaw Puzzles
* Automatic surface classification for retrieving areas which are highly endangered by extreme rain
* Automatic Training Sample Selection for a Multi-Evidence Based Crop Classification Approach
* Automatic urban 3D building reconstruction from multi-ray photogrammetry
* Background Subtraction with Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
* Backpropagation Imaging in Nonlinear Harmonic Holography in the Presence of Measurement and Medium Noises
* backscattering characteristics of thermokarst lake ice in the qinghai-tibet plateau from SAR, The
* Band Codes for Energy-Efficient Network Coding With Application to P2P Mobile Streaming
* Bandwidth Synchronization Under Progression Time Uncertainty
* Bayesian Texture and Instrument Parameter Estimation From Blurred and Noisy Images Using MCMC
* Benchmarking High Density Image Matching for Oblique Airborne Imagery
* Bernoulli Forward-Backward Smoothing for Track-Before-Detect
* Best Algorithms for HDR Image Generation. A Study of Performance Bounds
* Best lighting for visual appreciation of artistic paintings: Experiments with real paintings and real illumination
* Best Practices for QoE Crowdtesting: QoE Assessment With Crowdsourcing
* Bibliometric Analysis of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Based on Science Mapping, A
* Biologically-inspired robust motion segmentation using mutual information
* Biometric authentication based on PCG and ECG signals: present status and future directions
* Biometric Recognition Based on Free-Text Keystroke Dynamics
* Biometrics in the New World: The Cloud, Mobile Technology and Pervasive Identity
* boundary-based approach to shape orientability using particle swarm optimization, A
* Bounded Biharmonic Weights for Real-Time Deformation
* Building Roof Component Extraction from Panchromatic Satellite Images Using a Clustering-Based Method
* Burned Area Detection and Burn Severity Assessment of a Heathland Fire in Belgium Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy (APEX)
* Calibrating the new Ultracam Osprey Oblique Aerial Sensor
* Calibration of a Multiple Stereo and RGB-D Camera System for 3D Human Tracking
* Calibration of Panoramic Cameras with Coded Targets and a 3D Calibration Field
* Camera Localization Using Trajectories and Maps
* Camera self-calibration with varying intrinsic parameters by an unknown three-dimensional scene
* Cancer diagnosis by nuclear morphometry using spatial information
* Centimeter range measurement using amplitude data of TerraSAR-X imagery
* Challenges in Computational Modeling of Affective Processes
* Change Detection Of Seafloor Topography By Modeling Multitemporal Multibeam Echosounder Measurements
* Changes in spatial extent and peak double optical density of human macular pigment with age
* Characterness: An Indicator of Text in the Wild
* Chromatic visual evoked potentials in young patients with demyelinating disease
* Classification of dual- and single polarized SAR images by incorporating visual features
* Classification of extreme facial events in sign language videos
* Classification of hepatic lesions using the matching metric
* Classification of Plot-Level Fire-Caused Tree Mortality in a Redwood Forest Using Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR
* Closed-Form, Consistent and Robust Solution to Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Via Local Diffuse Reflectance Maxima, A
* Clothed in triple blues: sorting out the Italian blues
* Clustering-Based Discriminant Analysis for Eye Detection
* Color categories only affect post-perceptual processes when same- and different-category colors are equally discriminable
* Color coding in the primate visual pathway: a historical view
* Color constancy in a scene with bright colors that do not have a fully natural surface appearance
* Color constancy influenced by unnatural spatial structure
* Color discrimination in individuals with light and dark irides: an evaluation of the effects of intraocular straylight and retinal illumination
* Color vision: Introduction by the feature editors
* Color-coordinate system from a 13th-century account of rainbows
* Colored Coded Aperture Design by Concentration of Measure in Compressive Spectral Imaging
* Combination of Classification and Clustering Results with Label Propagation
* Combining learning-based intensity distributions with nonparametric shape priors for image segmentation
* Comments on A New Feedforward Hybrid ANC System
* Comments on A New Feedforward Hybrid ANC System-An addendum
* Compact Configuration of Aircraft Flows at Intersections
* comparative study of two approaches for supporting optimal network location queries, A
* Comparing Perceived Quality and Fatigue for Two Methods of Mixed Resolution Stereoscopic Coding
* Comparing shapes through multi-scale approximations of the matching distance
* Comparision of photogrammetric point clouds with BIM building elements for construction progress monitoring
* Comparison of Eight Techniques for Reconstructing Multi-Satellite Sensor Time-Series NDVI Data Sets in the Heihe River Basin, China
* Comparison of Gross Primary Productivity Derived from GIMMS NDVI3g, GIMMS, and MODIS in Southeast Asia
* Comparison of the Richmond HRR 4th edition and Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Test for quantitative assessment of tritan color deficiencies
* complete system for garment segmentation and color classification, A
* Component-Trees and Multivalued Images: Structural Properties
* comprehensive review of background subtraction algorithms evaluated with synthetic and real videos, A
* Computational Modeling of Emotion: Toward Improving the Inter- and Intradisciplinary Exchange
* Computationally Efficient Formulation of Sparse Color Image Recovery in the JPEG Compressed Domain
* Computer Vision Techniques for the Diagnosis of Skin Cancer
* Cone-isolating ON-OFF electroretinogram for studying chromatic pathways in the retina
* Conic epipolar constraints from affine correspondences
* Consensus Bernoulli Filter for Distributed Detection and Tracking using Multi-Static Doppler Shifts
* Consideration for the Light Environmental Modeling under Tropical Rainforest Canopies, A
* Context augmented Dynamic Bayesian Networks for event recognition
* context-adaptive SPN predictor for trustworthy source camera identification, A
* Context-Aware Discovery of Visual Co-Occurrence Patterns
* Context-based mobile GeoBI: enhancing business analysis with contextual metrics/statistics and context-based reasoning
* Contextual Hashing for Large-Scale Image Search
* Continuous Head Movement Estimator for Driver Assistance: Issues, Algorithms, and On-Road Evaluations
* Contour matching using the affine-invariant support point set
* Contour-based focus of attention mechanism to speed up object detection and labeling in 3D scenes
* Contrario Line Segment Detection, A
* Contrast-contrast asynchronies
* Contributions of rhodopsin, cone opsins, and melanopsin to postreceptoral pathways inferred from natural image statistics
* Controller Synthesis for String Stability of Vehicle Platoons
* Convection-Reaction Equation Based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Properties Tomography (cr-MREPT)
* Convex Relaxation of Vectorial Problems with Coupled Regularization
* Convolutional Compressed Sensing Using Decimated Sidelnikov Sequences
* Correcting attenuation effects caused by interactions in the forest canopy in full-waveform airborne laser scanner data
* Correction of Excitation Profile in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) Imaging Using Quadratic Phase-Modulated RF Pulse Excitation and Iterative Reconstruction
* Correlation-Aware Packet Scheduling in Multi-Camera Networks
* Counterphase modulation flicker photometry: Phenotypic and genotypic associations
* Counterphase modulation photometry: comparison of two instruments
* Creating robust high-throughput traffic sign detectors using centre-surround HOG statistics
* Credal classification rule for uncertain data based on belief functions
* Crop Type Classification Using Vegetation Indices of RapidEye Imagery
* Curve normalization for shape retrieval
* Dark versus bright equilibrium hues: rod and cone biases
* Data-Driven Approach for Facial Expression Retargeting in Video, A
* Data-Driven Hierarchical Structure Kernel for Multiscale Part-Based Object Recognition
* Data-Driven Spatially-Adaptive Metric Adjustment for Visual Tracking
* Dataset for Quality Assessment of Camera Captured Document Images, A
* Deciphering the Precision of Stereo IKONOS Canopy Height Models for US Forests with G-LiHT Airborne LiDAR
* Decomposing Global Light Transport Using Time of Flight Imaging
* Delineation of Paleo-Shorelines in the Lake Manyara Basin Using TerraSAR-X Data, The
* Denoising an Image by Denoising Its Curvature Image
* Depth manipulation using disparity histogram analysis for stereoscopic 3D
* Depth Motion Detection: A Novel RS-Trigger Temporal Logic based Method
* Design and enhancement of painting interface for room lights
* Design and Evaluation of Charging Station Scheduling Strategies for Electric Vehicles
* Designing and Evaluating a Social Gaze-Control System for a Humanoid Robot
* Detection of Critical Camera Configurations for Structure from Motion
* Detection of masses and architectural distortions in digital breast tomosynthesis images using fuzzy and a contrario approaches
* Development of a Control Strategy of Variable Speed Limits to Reduce Rear-End Collision Risks Near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks
* Development of a Remote Sensing-Based Boro Rice Mapping System
* Dewarping Book Page Spreads Captured with a Mobile Phone Camera
* Dictionary Learning and Time Sparsity for Dynamic MR Data Reconstruction
* Different units of measurement of carotenoids estimation in cotton using hyperspectral indices and partial least square regression
* Differentiable Approximation Approach to Contrast-Aware Image Fusion, A
* Differential geometric representations and algorithms for some pattern recognition and computer vision problems
* Discriminative anatomy detection: Classification vs regression
* Discriminative Object Tracking via Sparse Representation and Online Dictionary Learning
* Discriminative Structure Learning for Semantic Concept Detection With Graph Embedding
* Distance-Weighted Graph-Cut Method for the Segmentation of Laser Point Clouds, A
* distinct and compact texture descriptor, A
* Distributed Block Diagonalization with Selective Zero Forcing for Multicell MU-MIMO Systems
* Do focal colors look particularly colorful?
* Do S cones contribute to color-motion feature binding?
* Double-Layer Video Transmission Over Decode-and-Forward Wireless Relay Networks Using Hierarchical Modulation
* Downlink Resource Reuse for Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks
* Dynamic Bayes Network for visual Pedestrian Tracking, A
* Dynamic objects detection through visual odometry and stereo-vision: A study of inaccuracy and improvement sources
* Dynamic Path Planning Approach for Multirobot Sensor-Based Coverage Considering Energy Constraints, A
* Dynamics of color contrast adaptation
* Early Analysis of Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Imagery of Volcanic Activity
* Edge detection using ACO and F ratio
* Effect of Correlation and Performances of Base-Experts on Score Fusion, The
* Effect of rod-cone interactions on mesopic visual performance mediated by chromatic and luminance pathways
* Effective browsing of image search results via diversified visual summarization by clustering and refining clusters
* Effects of Multivantage Point Systems on the Teleoperation of Spacecraft Docking
* Efficient Determination of the Uncertainty for the Optimization of SPECT System Design: A Subsampled Fisher Information Matrix
* Efficient generic face model fitting to images and videos
* Efficient Hardware Implementation of HOG Feature Extraction for Human Detection, An
* Efficient Interval Type-2 Fuzzy CMAC for Chaos Time-Series Prediction and Synchronization, An
* Efficient k-NN based HEp-2 cells classifier
* Efficient point cloud collision detection and analysis in a tunnel environment using kinematic laser scanning and K-D Tree search
* Efficient Search and Localization of Human Actions in Video Databases
* Efficient Viewer-Centric Depth Adjustment Based on Virtual Fronto-Parallel Planar Projection in Stereo 3D Images
* Embedded System-on-Chip Architecture for Real-time Visual Detection and Matching, An
* Empirical comparison of noise reduction techniques for NDVI time-series based on a new measure
* Empirical evidence for unique hues?
* Enhanced fog detection and free-space segmentation for car navigation
* Enhanced multi-weight vector projection support vector machine
* Enhancement in Spectral Efficiency using Transmit-side Channel Shortener for MISO-OFDM Systems
* Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition Parameters Optimization for Spectral Distance Measurement in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data
* Ensemble of multiple instance classifiers for image re-ranking
* Entropy-based clustering of embryonic stem cells using digital holographic microscopy
* Error Analysis in the Computation of Orthogonal Rotation Invariant Moments
* ESA ExoMars: Pre-launch PanCam Geometric Modeling and Accuracy Assessment
* Estimating Canopy Characteristics of Inner Mongolia's Grasslands from Field Spectrometry
* Estimating scene flow using an interconnected patch surface model with belief-propagation inference
* Estimating Speed Using a Side-Looking Single-Radar Vehicle Detector
* Evaluating the potential of consumer-grade smart cameras for low-cost stereo-photogrammetric Crop-Surface Monitoring
* Evaluating the Potentials of Sentinel-2 for Archaeological Perspective
* Evaluating the SEVIRI Fire Thermal Anomaly Detection Algorithm across the Central African Republic Using the MODIS Active Fire Product
* Evaluation and Comparison of Current Fetal Ultrasound Image Segmentation Methods for Biometric Measurements: A Grand Challenge
* Evaluation of a model to predict anomalous-observer performance with the 100-hue test
* Evaluation of Color Spatio-Temporal Interest Points for Human Action Recognition
* Evaluation of Multiple Spring Phenological Indicators of Yearly GPP and NEP at Three Canadian Forest Sites
* evaluation of the compactness of superpixels, An
* Event classification for vehicle navigation system by regional optical flow analysis
* Evolving Bayesian Graph for Three-Dimensional Vehicle Model Building From Video
* Exploitation of the full potential of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry data
* Exploiting relationship between attributes for improved face verification
* Exploiting temporal and spatial constraints in traffic sign detection from a moving vehicle
* Exploring some practical issues of SVM+: Is really privileged information that helps?
* Extracting Reverberant Sound Using a Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance Spatial Filter
* Extraction of Connected Region Boundary in Multidimensional Images
* Extraction of fluvial networks in lidar data using marked point processes
* Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression
* Face recognition by sparse discriminant analysis via joint L2,1-norm minimization
* Face Recognition via Curvelets and Local Ternary Pattern-Based Features
* Face relighting using discriminative 2D spherical spaces for face recognition
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Facial Region Segmentation and Modal Value Approach
* Facial Expression Recognition Influenced by Human Aging
* Factors governing the speed of color adaptation in foveal versus peripheral vision
* Family verification based on similarity of individual family member's facial segments
* Fast and Robust Recursive Algorithms for Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Fast Approach for No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Maximum Local Variation, A
* Fast Circular Arc Segmentation Based on Approximate Circularity and Cuboid Graph
* Fast HEVC Inter CU Selection Method Based on Pyramid Motion Divergence, A
* Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
* Fast Recognition Algorithm for Detection of Foreign 3D Objects on a Runway, A
* Fast Solvers for Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting
* Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Control of High-Speed Trains Under Traction/Braking Failures: A Virtual Parameter-Based Approach
* Feature integration of EODH and Color-SIFT: Application to image retrieval based on codebook
* feature selection method using improved regularized linear discriminant analysis, A
* Features classification using geometrical deformation feature vector of support vector machine and active appearance algorithm for automatic facial expression recognition
* Filling in, filling out, or filtering out: Processes stabilizing color appearance near the center of gaze
* Filtering of mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise using morphological contrast detectors
* Fisher tensors for classifying human epithelial cells
* Flood Mapping Using InSAR Coherence Map
* Font Distribution Observation by Network-Based Analysis
* Forest species recognition using macroscopic images
* Forest Variable Estimation Using Radargrammetric Processing of TerraSAR-X Images in Boreal Forests
* FPGA-based module for SURF extraction
* Fractal descriptors based on the probability dimension: A texture analysis and classification approach
* Frame-Level Rate Control Scheme Based on Texture and Nontexture Rate Models for High Efficiency Video Coding, A
* framework for cost-based feature selection, A
* Framework for Estimating Driver Decisions Near Intersections, A
* From a Non-Local Ambrosio-Tortorelli Phase Field to a Randomized Part Hierarchy Tree
* Fully automatic expression-invariant face correspondence
* fully connected model for consistent collective activity recognition in videos, A
* Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Processing
* Fusing the information in visible light and near-infrared images for iris recognition
* Fusion in Computer Vision: Understanding Complex Visual Content
* Fusion of high resolution remote sensing images and terrestrial laser scanning for improved biomass estimation of maize
* Game-theoretic solutions through intelligent optimization for efficient resource management in wireless visual sensor networks
* Gaussian-Sum Cubature Kalman Filter with Improved Robustness for Bearings-only Tracking
* Gaze-Based Relevance Feedback for Realizing Region-Based Image Retrieval
* general data-driven algorithm for façade structure modeling using ground based laser data, A
* general framework for trajectory data warehousing and visual OLAP, A
* Generalized Bhattacharyya and Chernoff upper bounds on Bayes error using quasi-arithmetic means
* Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using Restricted Quadtrees
* Geo-Enrichment and Semantic Enhancement of Metadata Sets to Augment Discovery in Geoportals
* GeoEtrim, SharpQ and Epix: Trio of Tools for Geospatial Image Analysis
* Geometric modelling of the wavelet coefficients for image watermarking using optimum detector
* Geometric Particle Filter for Template-Based Visual Tracking, A
* Geometric processing workflow for vertical and oblique hyperspectral frame images collected using UAV
* Geometric Registration of High-Genus Surfaces
* Geospatial Narratives and Their Spatio-Temporal Dynamics: Commonsense Reasoning for High-Level Analyses in Geographic Information Systems
* Getting the gist of multiple hues: Metric and categorical effects on ensemble perception of hue
* global approach for image orientation using Lie algebraic rotation averaging and convex L_inf minimisation, A
* Global-scale object detection using satellite imagery
* Graph theory approach for match reduction in image mosaicing
* Grid-Less Approach to Underdetermined Direction of Arrival Estimation Via Low Rank Matrix Denoising, A
* Guest Editorial: Geometry, Lighting, Motion, and Learning
* Habitat Classification of Temperate Marine Macroalgal Communities Using Bathymetric LiDAR
* Habitat Mapping and Change Assessment of Coastal Environments: An Examination of WorldView-2, QuickBird, and IKONOS Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR for Mapping Barrier Island Habitats
* Hand Gesture Recognition Framework and Wearable Gesture-Based Interaction Prototype for Mobile Devices, A
* Handheld Device-Based Character Recognition System for Camera Captured Images
* Head pose estimation and face recognition using a non-linear tensor-based model
* HEp-2 cell classification using rotation invariant co-occurrence among local binary patterns
* HEp-2 cell image classification with multiple linear descriptors
* HEp-2 cell pattern classification with discriminative dictionary learning
* HEp-2 cells classification via sparse representation of textural features fused into dissimilarity space
* HEp-2 fluorescence pattern classification
* HEp-2 image classification using intensity order pooling based features and bag of words
* Hierarchical Color Quantization Based on Self-organization
* Hierarchical Visual Saliency Model for Character Detection in Natural Scenes, A
* High-Frame-Rate Vision System with Automatic Exposure Control, A
* Highly Parallel Framework for HEVC Coding Unit Partitioning Tree Decision on Many-core Processors, A
* Histogram of Oriented Lines for Palmprint Recognition
* Histogram Transform for Probability Density Function Estimation, A
* Hole-based traffic sign detection method for traffic signs with red rim
* Hopping Discrete Fourier Transform, The
* How do you store a digital movie for 100 years?
* How Was Your Day? Evaluating a Conversational Companion
* Human Action Recognition with Depth Cameras
* Human Computer Interaction Using Hand Gestures
* Human Walking in Virtual Environments: Perception, Technology, and Applications
* Human-Attention Inspired Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Sensors in the Web of Things
* Hybrid Communication Protocols and Control Algorithms for NextGen Aircraft Arrivals
* Hyperspectral Document Imaging: Challenges and Perspectives
* Hyperspectral Image Fusion
* Hyperspectral lidar in non-destructive 4D monitoring of climate variables
* IASON: Fostering sustainability and uptake of research results through Networking activities in Black Sea & Mediterranean areas
* Ice melting simulation with water flow handling
* Identification of Errors in 3D Building Models by a Robust Camera Pose Estimation
* Identification of Soil Freezing and Thawing States Using SAR Polarimetry at C-Band
* Identifying Model Inaccuracies and Solution Uncertainties in Noninvasive Activation-Based Imaging of Cardiac Excitation Using Convex Relaxation
* Identifying the writer of ancient inscriptions and Byzantine codices. A novel approach
* Image Blending Techniques and their Application in Underwater Mosaicing
* Image Classification Using Multiscale Information Fusion Based on Saliency Driven Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering
* Image forgery detection using steerable pyramid transform and local binary pattern
* Image fusion using multiscale edge-preserving decomposition based on weighted least squares filter
* Image Restoration Using One-Dimensional Sobolev Norm Profiles of Noise and Texture
* Image-Based Delineation and Classification of Built Heritage Masonry
* Image-Optimized Rolling Cache: Reducing the Miss Penalty for Memory-Intensive Vision Algorithms
* Impact of Gate Assignment on Departure Metering
* Implementation of fast HEVC encoder based on SIMD and data-level parallelism
* Implementation of Nonlocal Pansharpening Image Fusion
* improved Haar-like feature for efficient object detection, An
* Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding
* Improved MUSIC Algorithm for Multiple Noncoherent Subarrays
* Improved Video Identification Scheme Based on Video Tomography, An
* Improving night sky star image processing algorithm for star sensors
* Improving Scalability of VoD Systems by Optimal Exploitation of Storage and Multicast
* Incoherent Frequency Fusion for Broadband Steered Response Power Algorithms in Noisy Environments
* Incremental and decremental L- and M-cone driven ERG responses: II. Sawtooth stimulation
* Incremental and decremental L- and M-cone-driven ERG responses: I. Square-wave pulse stimulation
* Independence and interaction of luminance and chromatic contributions to spatial hyperacuity performance
* Independent Component Analysis of Edge Information for Face Recognition
* Index compression for vector quantisation using modified coding tree assignment scheme
* Individual differences provide psychophysical evidence for separate on- and off-pathways deriving from short-wave cones
* Indoor scene reconstruction using feature sensitive primitive extraction and graph-cut
* Industrial Image Processing: Visual Quality Control in Manufacturing
* Inferring User Image-Search Goals Under the Implicit Guidance of Users
* Influence of blur on feature matching and a geometric approach for photogrammetric deblurring
* Influence of local scene color on fixation position in visual search
* Influence of temporal baseline on the vertical absolute accuracies of TSX HS interferometric DSMs: Case Study on Berlin
* Influences on Query Reformulation in Collaborative Web Search
* Innovative Curvelet-only-Based Approach for Automated Change Detection in Multi-Temporal SAR Imagery, An
* Integrated Georeferencing of LiDAR and Camera Data Acquired from a Moving Platform
* Integrating 3D Modeling, Photogrammetry and Design
* Integration of Image Data for Refining Building Boundaries Derived from Point Clouds
* Integration of prior knowledge into dense image matching for video surveillance
* Intensity Nonuniformity Correction for Brain MR Images with Known Voxel Classes
* Interactive Segmentation Techniques: Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
* Interleaved k-NN Classification and Bias Field Estimation for MR Image with Intensity Inhomogeneity
* Introducing Mapping Standards in the Quality Assessment of Buildings Extracted from Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Introduction and preliminary results of a calibration for full-frame hyperspectral cameras to monitor agricultural crops with UAVs
* Intuitionistic fuzzy similarity measures based on Frank t-norms family
* Inverse Halftoning With Context Driven Prediction
* Investigating Forest Disturbance Using Landsat Data in the Nagagamisis Central Plateau, Ontario, Canada
* Investigating Performance Of Airborne Lidar Data Filtering With Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) Algorithm
* Investigating Redundant Internet Video Streaming Traffic on iOS Devices: Causes and Solutions
* Iterative Convex Approximation Based Real-Time Dynamic Spectrum Management in Multi-User Multi-Carrier Communication Systems
* Iterative Graph Cuts for Image Segmentation with a Nonlinear Statistical Shape Prior
* ITS for Sustainable Mobility: A Survey on Applications and Impact Assessment Tools
* Joint on-the-fly network coding/video quality adaptation for real-time delivery
* Joint-adaptive bilateral depth map upsampling
* Jointly Learning Visually Correlated Dictionaries for Large-Scale Visual Recognition Applications
* Kernel Learning Algorithms for Face Recognition
* Kernelized pyramid nearest-neighbor search for object categorization
* L2-SIFT: SIFT feature extraction and matching for large images in large-scale aerial photogrammetry
* largest empty rectangle containing only a query object in Spatial Databases, The
* Lazy Random Walks for Superpixel Segmentation
* Learning Cascaded Shared-Boost Classifiers for Part-Based Object Detection
* Learning image descriptors for matching based on Haar features
* Learning New Parts for Landmark Localization in Whole-Body CT Scans
* Levee crest elevation profiles derived from airborne lidar-based high resolution digital elevation models in south Louisiana
* Lexicon expansion for latent variable grammars
* LGE-KSVD: Robust Sparse Representation Classification
* Lidar Processing for Defining Sinkhole Characteristics under Dense Forest Cover: A Case Study in the Dinaric Mountains
* LiDAR Segmentation using Suitable Seed Points for 3D Building Extraction
* Lightness constancy and its link with cone contrast
* Liver segmentation with constrained convex variational model
* local descriptor based registration method for multispectral remote sensing images with non-linear intensity differences, A
* Local histogram specification for face recognition under varying lighting conditions
* Local Oppugnant Color Texture Pattern for image retrieval system
* Local spatiotemporal features for dynamic texture synthesis
* Local Vegetation Trends in the Sahel of Mali and Senegal Using Long Time Series FAPAR Satellite Products and Field Measurement (1982-2010)
* Local-Prediction-Based Difference Expansion Reversible Watermarking
* Lossy Cutset Coding of Bilevel Images Based on Markov Random Fields
* Low Cost Vision Based Personal Mobile Mapping System
* Low rank subspace clustering (LRSC)
* Low-cost sensor to detect overtaking based on optical flow
* Low-Rank Modeling of Local k -Space Neighborhoods (LORAKS) for Constrained MRI
* Low-resolution face recognition: a review
* Macroscopic Forecasting Framework for Estimating Socioeconomic and Environmental Performance of Intelligent Transport Highways, A
* Macroscopic Signal Optimization Model for Arterials Under Heavy Mixed Traffic Flows, A
* Manifold Learning for Object Tracking With Multiple Nonlinear Models
* Mapping Biomass Availability to Decrease the Dependency on Fossil Fuels
* Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series
* Mapping seasonal rice cropland extent and area in the high cropping intensity environment of Bangladesh using MODIS 500 mu-m data for the year 2010
* Mapping with MAV: Experimental Study on the Contribution of Absolute and Relative Aerial Position Control
* Markov Random Field Groupwise Registration Framework for Face Recognition, A
* Max-Margin Early Event Detectors
* Maximum-Likelihood Based Synthesis of Volumetric Textures From a 2D Sample
* medical X-ray's new phase, The
* MELISSA, a new class of ground based InSAR system. An example of application in support to the Costa Concordia emergency
* Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals: Approaches, applications, and challenges
* Merging Neuroimaging and Multimedia: Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges
* Metrology of Image Processing in Spectral Reflectance Measurement by UAV
* Micro-crack detection of multicrystalline solar cells featuring an improved anisotropic diffusion filter and image segmentation technique
* MinMax k-Means clustering algorithm, The
* Mobile Phone Camera-Based Video Scanning of Paper Documents
* Mobile Target Scenario Recognition Via Low-Cost Pyroelectric Sensing System: Toward a Context-Enhanced Accurate Identification
* Model Based Inversion for Deriving Maps of Histological Parameters Characteristic of Cancer From Ex-Vivo Multispectral Images of the Colon
* Model for Determining Geographical Distribution of Heat Saving Potentials in Danish Building Stock
* Model-Resolution-Based Basis Pursuit Deconvolution Improves Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging
* Modeling and Estimation of Shape Deformation for Topology-Preserving Object Tracking
* Modeling Mandatory Lane Changing Using Bayes Classifier and Decision Trees
* Modeling vague spatial data warehouses using the VSCube conceptual model
* Modular Design of Urban Traffic-Light Control Systems Based on Synchronized Timed Petri Nets
* Modulation Discovery Over Arbitrary Additive Noise Channels Based on the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm
* Monitoring Geologic Hazards and Vegetation Recovery in the Wenchuan Earthquake Region Using Aerial Photography
* Morphological operation based dense houses extraction from DSM
* Morphology-Based Border Noise Removal Method for Camera-Captured Label Images, A
* MRISIMUL: A GPU-Based Parallel Approach to MRI Simulations
* Multi-class Transductive Learning Based on L_1 Relaxations of Cheeger Cut and Mumford-Shah-Potts Model
* Multi-GNSS Receiver for Aerospace Navigation and Positioning Applications
* multi-index learning approach for classification of high-resolution remotely sensed images over urban areas, A
* Multi-label core vector machine with a zero label
* Multi-label learning based on iterative label propagation over graph
* Multi-Label Learning With Fused Multimodal Bi-Relational Graph
* Multi-Mission Cross-Calibration of Satellite Altimeters: Constructing a Long-Term Data Record for Global and Regional Sea Level Change Studies
* Multi-modal object detection and localization for high integrity driving assistance
* Multi-Modality Atherosclerosis Imaging and Diagnosis
* Multi-resolution Fourier analysis: Time-frequency resolution in excess of Gabor-Heisenberg limit
* Multi-Scale Matching for the Automatic Location of Control Points in Large Scale Aerial Images Using Terrestrial Scenes
* Multi-Sensor Calibration Studies of AVHRR-Heritage Channel Radiances Using the Simultaneous Nadir Observation Approach
* Multi-Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for 2010 Flood along Indus River, Pakistan
* Multi-Target Tracking by Online Learning a CRF Model of Appearance and Motion Patterns
* Multi-Temporal Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 for Land Cover Monitoring in Northeastern Ontario, Canada
* Multi-view traffic sign detection, recognition, and 3D localisation
* Multihuman Tracking Based on a Spatial-Temporal Appearance Match
* Multilevel mesh simplification
* Multimodal image/video fusion rule using generalized pixel significance based on statistical properties of the neighborhood
* Multimodal Interactive Continuous Scoring of Subjective 3D Video Quality of Experience
* Multimodal Similarity-Preserving Hashing
* Multimode Image Clustering Using Optimal Image Descriptor
* Multipath Video Real-Time Streaming by Field-Based Anycast Routing
* multiple criteria active learning method for support vector regression, A
* Multiple Importance Sampling for PET
* Multiple subsequence combination in human action recognition
* Multiple-instance discriminant analysis
* Multiscale texture retrieval based on low-dimensional and rotation-invariant features of curvelet transform
* natural and synthetic corpus for benchmarking of hand gesture recognition systems, A
* NDVI from Landsat 8 Vegetation Indices to Study Movement Dynamics of Capra Ibex in Mountain Areas
* Negative Binomial Additive Models for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting in Urban Areas
* Neighbourhood weighted fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm for image segmentation
* Neurobiological hypothesis of color appearance and hue perception
* Neuromathematics of Vision
* New Approach for an Incremental Orientation of Micro-UAV Image Sequences, A
* New Convex Optimization Model for Multiplicative Noise and Blur Removal, A
* new fast approach to nonparametric scene parsing, A
* New Frame Rate Up-Conversion Algorithms With Low Computational Complexity
* New Integral Image Structure for Memory Size Reduction, A
* New Magnification Method for RGB Color Images Based on Subpixels Decomposition, A
* New Metric for Quantifying Burn Severity: The Relativized Burn Ratio, A
* New Reliable Boresight Calibration Method for Mobile Laser Scanning Applications, A
* New SAR Interferogram denoising method via sparse recovery based on L0 norm
* New Steady-State Analysis Results of Variable Step-Size LMS Algorithm With Different Noise Distributions
* New Unsupervised Change Detection Approach Based On DWT Image Fusion And Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm For Optical Remote Sensing Data, A
* No difference in variability of unique hue selections and binary hue selections
* No Free Lunch Theorems Applied to the Calibration of Traffic Simulation Models
* No-reference image quality assessment in curvelet domain
* No-Reference Quality Metric of Blocking Artifacts Based on Color Discontinuity Analysis
* Non-cardinal color mechanism strength differs across color planes but not across subjects
* Non-cardinal color perception across the retina: Easy for orange, hard for burgundy and sky blue
* Non-Incremental Derivation of Scale and Pose from a Network of Relative Orientations
* non-invertible Randomized Graph-based Hamming Embedding for generating cancelable fingerprint template, A
* non-parameterized method for co-registration of panchromatic and multispectral images, A
* Non-Parametric Motion Model for Foreground Detection in Camera Jitter Scenes, A
* Non-Rigid Object Detection with Local Interleaved Sequential Alignment (LISA)
* Nonlinear Adaptive Level Set for Image Segmentation, A
* Nonlinear Biomechanical Model Based Registration Method for Aligning Prone and Supine MR Breast Images, A
* Nonlocal low-rank matrix completion for image interpolation using edge detection and neural network
* Nonparametric noise estimation method for raw images
* Nonrigid Registration of Ultrasound and MRI Using Contextual Conditioned Mutual Information
* Normal map recovery using bundle adjustment
* Novel 3D Building Damage Detection Method Using Multiple Overlapping UAV Images, A
* novel camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses using line features, A
* novel classification technique based on progressive transductive SVM learning, A
* Novel Distortion Model and Lagrangian Multiplier for Depth Maps Coding, A
* Novel Example-Based Method for Super-Resolution and Denoising of Medical Images
* Novel Joint Rate Distortion Optimization Scheme for Intra Prediction Coding in H.264/AVC, A
* Novel Multiple Hypothesis Based Particle Tracking Method for Clathrin Mediated Endocytosis Analysis Using Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* Novel Polar Space Random Field Model for the Detection of Glandular Structures, A
* Novel Speech Emotion Recognition Method via Incomplete Sparse Least Square Regression, A
* Numerical Reconstruction of Electromagnetic Inclusions in Three Dimensions
* Object detection based on spatiotemporal background models
* Object-Based Classification of Multi-temporal Images for Agricultural Crop Mapping in Karacabey Plain, Turkey
* Oblique Multi-Camera Systems: Orientation and Dense Matching Issues
* Occlusion Handling via Random Subspace Classifiers for Human Detection
* Occupational color vision standards: new prospects
* Off-the-Shelf Videogrammetry: A Success Story
* On accurate dense stereo-matching using a local adaptive multi-cost approach
* On Designing Paired Comparison Experiments for Subjective Multimedia Quality Assessment
* On Generalized Auto-Spectral Coherence Function and Its Applications to Signal Detection
* On hidden Markov models and cyclic strings for shape recognition
* On Localization of A Non-Cooperative Target with Non-Coherent Binary Detectors
* On Multigrid Convergence of Local Algorithms for Intrinsic Volumes
* On the Complementarity of Phone Posterior Probabilities for Improved Speaker Recognition
* On the Quality of Service of Cloud Gaming Systems
* On the security of a new image encryption scheme based on a chaotic function
* On the use of supervised features for unsupervised image categorization: An evaluation
* On the Uçar prototype model with incommensurate delays
* On Time Reversal in Photoacoustic Tomography for Tissue Similar to Water
* On Variant Strategies to Solve the Magnitude Least Squares Optimization Problem in Parallel Transmission Pulse Design and Under Strict SAR and Power Constraints
* One Step Mobile Mapping Laser and Camera Data Orientation and Calibration
* Online HodgeRank on Random Graphs for Crowdsourceable QoE Evaluation
* Online parameter tuning for object tracking algorithms
* Online Segmentation and Classification of Manipulation Actions From the Observation of Kinetostatic Data
* Operational Web-Based Indicator System for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, An
* Optimal Asymmetric Binary Quantization for Estimation Under Symmetrically Distributed Noise
* Optimal Transport for Secure Spread-Spectrum Watermarking of Still Images
* Optimal Transport with Proximal Splitting
* Optimal Viterbi Based Total Variation Sequence Detection (TVSD) For Robust Image/Video Decoding In Wireless Sensor Networks
* Optimization for Computer Vision: An Introduction to Core Concepts and Methods
* Optimization of Multitrain Operations in a Subway System
* Optimization of the correlated color temperature of a light source for a better color discrimination
* Optimized Product Quantization
* Optimizing neighborhood projection with relaxation factor for inextensible cloth simulation
* OPTIMUS: Online Persistent Tracking and Identification of Many Users for Smart Spaces
* Ordering Partial Partitions for Image Segmentation and Filtering: Merging, Creating and Inflating Blocks
* Ordinal classification for efficient plant stress prediction in hyperspectral data
* Oscillation of the Measurement Accuracy of the Center Location of an Ellipse on a Digital Image
* Pan-Arctic Climate and Land Cover Trends Derived from Multi-Variate and Multi-Scale Analyses (1981-2012)
* Paradoxical effect of spatially homogenous transparent fields on simultaneous contrast illusions
* Parallelization of the optical flow computation in sequences from moving cameras
* Parameterized AdaBoost: Introducing a Parameter to Speed Up the Training of Real AdaBoost
* Parameterized Multisurface Fitting for Multi-Frame Superresolution
* Parking assistance using dense motion-stereo
* Parsimonious Path Openings and Closings
* Particle swarm optimized bi-histogram equalization for contrast enhancement and brightness preservation of images
* Passive Primary Receiver Detection for Underlay Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio
* Path Inference Filter: Model-Based Low-Latency Map Matching of Probe Vehicle Data, The
* Patlak Image Estimation From Dual Time-Point List-Mode PET Data
* Pattern recognition in stained HEp-2 cells: Where are we now?
* Perceiving the average hue of color arrays
* Performance Comparison Of Evolutionary Algorithms For Image Clustering
* performance evaluation of statistical tests for edge detection in textured images, A
* Performance of HSR and QPP-based interleavers for turbo coding on power line communication systems
* Performance of Large-Format Digital Cameras
* Performance of normal females and carriers of color-vision deficiencies on standard color-vision tests
* Perigeo Project: Inertial and Imaging Sensors Processing, Integration and Validation on UAV Platforms for Space Navigation, The
* Person Re-Identification
* Perturbation Analysis of Greedy Block Coordinate Descent Under RIP
* Phase Correlation based Local Illumination-invariant Method for Multi-Tempro Remote Sensing Image Matching
* Phase Retrieval with Polarization
* Photogrammetric DSM denoising
* Photogrammetric Technique for Timber Stack Volume Contol
* Physiological correlates of watercolor effect
* Physiological inverse tone mapping based on retina response
* Point Cloud Encoding for 3D Building Model Retrieval
* Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curve Based on Reverse Engineering Concept
* PORTR: Pre-Operative and Post-Recurrence Brain Tumor Registration
* Pose Versus State: Are Sensor Position and Attitude Sufficient for Modern Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing?
* Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body PET With an Anatomical Prior
* Practical example for use of the supervised vicarious calibration (SVC) method on multisource hyperspectral imagery data: ValCalHyp airborne hyperspectral campaign under the EUFAR framework
* Practical Roadside Camera Calibration Method Based on Least Squares Optimization, A
* Prediction of Lung Tumor Evolution During Radiotherapy in Individual Patients With PET
* Preserving Structure in Model-Free Tracking
* Principles of Digital Image Processing: Advanced Methods
* probabilistic data model and algebra for location-based data warehouses and their implementation, A
* Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Acoustic Modeling
* Progressive Image Denoising Through Hybrid Graph Laplacian Regularization: A Unified Framework
* Proof of Convergence of the Horn-Schunck Optical Flow Algorithm in Arbitrary Dimension, A
* Prostate Segmentation: An Efficient Convex Optimization Approach With Axial Symmetry Using 3-D TRUS and MR Images
* Quality and Precision of Parametric Images Created From PET Sinogram Data by Direct Reconstruction: Proof of Concept
* Quality Assessment of Self-Calibration with Distortion Estimation for Grid Point Images
* Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic 3D Image Compression by Binocular Integration Behaviors
* Quality-Efficient Upsampling Method for Asymmetric Resolution Stereoscopic Video Coding With Interview Motion Compensation and Error Compensation
* Quaternion and Clifford Fourier Transforms and Wavelets
* Rail Component Detection, Optimization, and Assessment for Automatic Rail Track Inspection
* Random Parameter EM-Based Kalman Filter (REKF) for Joint Symbol Detection and Channel Estimation in Fast Fading STTC MIMO Systems
* Rapid Disaster Analysis based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study about the Tohoku Tsunami Disaster 2011
* Raster Vs. Point Cloud LiDAR Data Classification
* Real-life Activity Recognition: Focus on Recognizing Reading Activities
* Real-time background subtraction-based video surveillance of people by integrating local texture patterns
* Real-Time Heterogeneous Video Transcoding for Low-Power Applications
* Real-time moustache detection by combining image decolorization and texture detection with applications to facial gender recognition
* real-time photogrammetric algorithm for sensor and synthetic image fusion with application to aviation combined vision, A
* Rear-View Vehicle Detection and Tracking by Combining Multiple Parts for Complex Urban Surveillance
* Recent progress in road and lane detection: a survey
* Reciprocity Property of the Unbiased Cramer-Rao Bound for Vector Parameter Estimation, A
* Recognition of Occlusions in CT Images Using a Curve-Based Parameterization Method
* Recognition of simulated cyanosis by color-vision-normal and color-vision-deficient subjects
* Recognizing activities in multiple views with fusion of frame judgments
* Recognizing interactions between human performers by Dominating Pose Doublet
* Reconstruct street network from imprecise excavation data using fuzzy Hough transforms
* Reconstructing 2-D/3-D Building Shapes from Spaceborne Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* Reconstruction and simplification of urban scene models based on oblique images
* Recursive head reconstruction from multi-view video sequences
* Recursive Prediction for Joint Spatial and Temporal Prediction in Video Coding
* Regional Water Balance Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Irrigation: An Assessment of the Haihe Plain, China
* Regularized Tree Partitioning and Its Application to Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* ReigSAC: fast discrimination of spurious keypoint correspondences on planar surfaces
* Reply to Comments on 'A New Feedforward Hybrid Active Noise Control System'
* Representative Discovery of Structure Cues for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation
* Resource Allocation for Personalized Video Summarization
* Response to Atoll Rim Expansion or Erosion in Diego Garcia Atoll, Indian Ocean? Comment on Appraisal of Ecological and Geomorphic Change on Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Islands (British Indian Ocean Territory)
* Retinal vessels segmentation based on level set and region growing
* Retrieval of Gap Fraction and Effective Plant Area Index from Phase-Shift Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Reversing the General One-Trailer System: Asymptotic Curvature Stabilization and Path Tracking
* review of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning for time-series modeling, A
* Revisioning the unification of syntax, semantics and statistics in shape analysis
* Ricci Flow for Shape Analysis and Surface Registration: Theories, Algorithms and Applications
* Robust Approach to Extraction of Texts from Camera Captured Images, A
* Robust Automated Image Co-Registration of Optical Multi-Sensor Time Series Data: Database Generation for Multi-Temporal Landslide Detection
* Robust Binarization of Stereo and Monocular Document Images Using Percentile Filter
* Robust Digital Image Reconstruction via the Discrete Fourier Slice Theorem
* Robust fuzzy scheme for Gaussian denoising of 3D color video
* Robust image hashing via colour vector angles and discrete wavelet transform
* Robust Image Reconstruction from Multiview Measurements
* Robust object tracking using enhanced random ferns
* Robust PCA via Principal Component Pursuit: A review for a comparative evaluation in video surveillance
* Robust Point Matching via Vector Field Consensus
* Robust Recovery of Corrupted Low-Rank Matrix by Implicit Regularizers
* Robust spatially constrained fuzzy c-means algorithm for brain MR image segmentation
* Robust Subspace Estimation Using Low-Rank Optimization: Theory and Applications
* Robust Superpixel Tracking
* Rod hue biases for foveal stimuli on CRT displays
* S-cone discrimination in the presence of two adapting fields: data and model
* Saliency Prediction on Stereoscopic Videos
* SalientShape: group saliency in image collections
* SAR Image Segmentation Using Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruction from Large 3D Point Clouds Acquired by Mobile Mapping Systems
* Scale-Space Toggle Operator for Image Transformations, A
* Scan line optimization for Tri stereo planetary images
* Scene Text Detection via Integrated Discrimination of Component Appearance and Consensus
* Scene-Adaptive Hierarchical Data Association for Multiple Objects Tracking
* SCoRS: A Method Based on Stability for Feature Selection and Apping in Neuroimaging
* Screen-based active user authentication
* Screened Poisson Equation for Image Contrast Enhancement
* Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Navigation for Unmanned Multi-Sensor Aerial Platforms
* Security and Privacy for Augmented Reality Systems
* Seeing Eye Phone: a smart phone-based indoor localization and guidance system for the visually impaired
* Segmenting, removing and ranking partial blur
* self-adaptive Gaussian mixture model, A
* Semantic video scene segmentation and transfer
* Semi-Automatic Cracks Correction Based on Seam Processing, Stochastic Analysis and Learning Process
* Semi-Supervised Multiple Feature Analysis for Action Recognition
* Sensors integration for smartphone navigation: Performances and future challenges
* Separation of Unknown Number of Sources
* Shadow modelling based upon Rayleigh scattering and Mie theory
* Shape Boltzmann Machine: A Strong Model of Object Shape, The
* Shape from interaction
* Shape from Sharp and Motion-Blurred Image Pair
* Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
* Shape Representation for Efficient Landmark-Based Segmentation in 3-D
* Shape-Based Image Matching Using Heat Kernels and Diffusion Maps
* Shape-from-shading using sensor and physical object characteristics applied to human teeth surface reconstruction
* Sign Detection Based Text Localization in Mobile Device Captured Scene Images
* Silhouette analysis for human action recognition based on maximum spatio-temporal dissimilarity embedding
* Simple filter design for first and second order derivatives by a double filtering approach
* Simple Prior-Free Method for Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization, A
* simple two-band semi-analytical model for retrieval of specific absorption coefficients in coastal waters, A
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Robust Cubature Kalman Filter for an Integrated GPS/SINS Navigation System
* Smart Driving of a Vehicle Using Model Predictive Control for Improving Traffic Flow
* SnooperText: A text detection system for automatic indexing of urban scenes
* Social Multimedia Experience, The
* Social video caching
* Soft Computing for Image and Multimedia Data Processing
* Soft label based Linear Discriminant Analysis for image recognition and retrieval
* Soil moisture retrieval from airborne L-band passive microwave using high resolution multispectral data
* Solving a Special Type of Jigsaw Puzzles: Banknote Reconstruction From a Large Number of Fragments
* Sparse Bayesian Hierarchical Prior Modeling Based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Wideband Cognitive Radio Networks
* Sparse Multi-Modal Hashing
* Sparse Non-negative Stencils for Anisotropic Diffusion
* Spatial Analysis of Biomass Resources within a Socio-Ecologically Heterogeneous Region: Identifying Opportunities for a Mixed Feedstock Stream
* Spatial and Semantic Validation of Secondary Food Source Data
* Spatial Distribution of Greenhouse Commercial Horticulture in Kenya and the Role of Demographic, Infrastructure and Topo-Edaphic Factors
* Spatial selectivity of the watercolor effect
* Spatial Sign and Rank Cyclic Detectors
* Spatially Prioritized and Persistent Text Detection and Decoding
* Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Tuz Gölü, Turkey as a Potential Radiometric Vicarious Calibration Site
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Climate Variables Controlling of Biomass Carbon Stock of Global Grassland Ecosystems from 1982 to 2006
* Spatio-temporal Urban Change Analysis and the Ecological Threats Concerning The Third Bridge in Istanbul City
* Spatiotemporal Grid Flow for Video Retargeting
* Spatiotemporal Patterns in Large-Scale Traffic Speed Prediction
* Special issue on car navigation and vehicle systems
* Special Issue on ICPR 2012 Awarded Papers
* Special issue on the analysis and recognition of indirect immuno-fluorescence images
* Special section on background models comparison
* Special section on computational topology in image context
* Special section on Spatial data warehouses and SOLAP
* Specialized synaptic pathway for chromatic signals beneath S-cone photoreceptors is common to human, Old and New World primates
* Speckle Reduction via Higher Order Total Variation Approach
* Spectral Aging Model Applied to Meteosat First Generation Visible Band
* Spectral Log-Demons: Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Very Large Deformations
* Spectral monitoring of moorland plant phenology to identify a temporal window for hyperspectral remote sensing of peatland
* Spectrally Efficient Alamouti Code Structure in Asynchronous Cooperative Systems
* Spline and Spline Wavelet Methods with Applications to Signal and Image Processing
* STARS: Electrocardiography
* Statistical Model For Pseudo-Moving Objects Recognition In Video Surveillance Systems
* Statistical Personalization of Ventricular Fiber Orientation Using Shape Predictors
* Stereo Model Selection and Point Cloud Filtering using an Out-of-Core Octree
* Stochastic Park-and-Charge Balancing for Fully Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles
* Structural similarity for document image classification and retrieval
* Structure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applications
* Study of the Mainlobe Misorientation of the First-Order Steerable Differential Array in the Presence of Microphone Gain and Phase Errors
* Subclass Discriminant Analysis of morphological and textural features for HEp-2 staining pattern classification
* Super-Resolution Compressed Sensing: An Iterative Reweighted Algorithm for Joint Parameter Learning and Sparse Signal Recovery
* Supersaturation in the peripheral retina
* supervised method for object-based 3D building change detection on aerial stereo images, A
* Support Vector Number Reduction: Survey and Experimental Evaluations
* Surface embedding narrow volume reconstruction from unorganized points
* survey of approaches and trends in person re-identification, A
* Survey on 3D Human Body Modeling for Interactive Fashion Design, A
* survey on ontologies for human behavior recognition, A
* Suspension models for testing shape similarity methods
* Symmetries and asymmetries in chromatic discrimination
* Synapse classification and localization in Electron Micrographs
* Synergetic Algorithm for Mid-Morning Land Surface Soil and Vegetation Temperatures Estimation Using MSG-SEVIRI Products and TERRA-MODIS Products, A
* Synesketch: An Open Source Library for Sentence-Based Emotion Recognition
* Synthesizing and Mixing Stationary Gaussian Texture Models
* Teichmuller Mapping (T-Map) and Its Applications to Landmark Matching Registration
* Temporal characteristics of L- and M-cone isolating steady-state electroretinograms
* Temporal synchronization in mobile sensor networks using image sequence analysis
* Tensor-Based Formulation and Nuclear Norm Regularization for Multienergy Computed Tomography
* Terrestrial laser scanning for plant height measurement and biomass estimation of maize
* Terrestrial Mobile Mapping: photogrammetric simulator
* Testing the performance of CIECAM02 model using two distinct glossinesses of color printing atlas
* texton-based kernel density estimation approach for background modeling under extreme conditions, A
* Three-Domain Fuzzy Support Vector Regression for Image Denoising and Experimental Studies, A
* Threshold-Independent QRS Detection Using the Dynamic Plosion Index
* Time-Frequency Feature and AMS-GMM Mask for Acoustic Emotion Classification
* Time-of-Flight Depth Camera Motion Blur Detection and Deblurring
* Time-Varying Multicomponent Signal Modeling for Analysis of Surface EMG Data
* Tire Radii Estimation Using a Marginalized Particle Filter
* Tongue Contour Reconstruction from Optical and Electrical Palatography
* Topic Language Model Adaption for Recognition of Homologous Offline Handwritten Chinese Text Image
* Topological evaluation of volume reconstructions by voxel carving
* Topological modifications and hierarchical representation of cell complexes in arbitrary dimensions
* Topology of Digital Images: Visual Pattern Discovery in Proximity Spaces
* Total Variation-Stokes Strategy for Sparse-View X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Total Variation-Stokes Strategy for Sparse-View X-ray CT Image Reconstruction
* Towards Clinical Application of a Laplace Operator-Based Region of Interest Reconstruction Algorithm in C-Arm CT
* Towards Mobile Document Image Retrieval for Digital Library
* Towards people detection from fused time-of-flight and thermal infrared images
* Towards topological analysis of high-dimensional feature spaces
* Tracer-Kinetic Field Theory for Medical Imaging, A
* Traffic event classification at intersections based on the severity of abnormality
* Transform invariant text extraction
* True orthophoto generation using multi-view aerial images
* Tumor segmentation in brain MRI using a fuzzy approach with class center priors
* two-layer Conditional Random Field model for simultaneous classification of land cover and land use, A
* Two-phase reanalysis model for understanding user intention
* Two-Stage Image Segmentation Method for Blurry Images with Poisson or Multiplicative Gamma Noise, A
* UAS Mapping as an alternative for land surveying techniques?
* UAV Photogrammetry to Monitor Dykes: Calibration and Comparison to Terrestrial Lidar
* unified approach to the recognition of complex actions from sequences of zone-crossings, A
* Unified Data Embedding and Scrambling Method, A
* Unsupervised edge map scoring: A statistical complexity approach
* Unsupervised manifold learning based on multiple feature spaces
* Updated Geophysical Model for AMSR-E and SSMIS Brightness Temperature Simulations over Oceans, An
* Use of Remote Sensing Technique to Predict Gross Domestic Product (GDP): An Analysis of Built-Up Index and GDP in Nine Major Cities in Canada, The
* Use of spectroscopy for assessment of color discrimination in animal vision
* User-assisted Object Detection by Segment Based Similarity Measures in Mobile Laser Scanner Data
* Using Curvelet transform for watermarking based on amplitude modulation
* Using scale space filtering to make thinning algorithms robust against noise in sketch images
* Using Smart-Phones and Floor Plans for Indoor Location Tracking
* Using Transmural Regularization and Dynamic Modeling for Noninvasive Cardiac Potential Imaging of Endocardial Pacing With Imprecise Thoracic Geometry
* Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g) with Environmental Controls in Tropical Africa
* Valuating Surface Surveillance Technology for Collaborative Multiple-Spot Control of Airport Departure Operations
* Variance Mismatch Analysis of Unrestricted Polar Quantization for Gaussian Source
* Variation of color discrimination across the life span
* Variational Regularization of 3D Data: Experiments with MATLAB®
* Vehicle object retargeting from dynamic traffic videos for real-time visualisation
* Vehicle Reidentification With Self-Adaptive Time Windows for Real-Time Travel Time Estimation
* Vehicle Verification Using Gabor Filter Magnitude with Gamma Distribution Modeling
* Verification and Improving Planimetric Accuracy of Airborne Laser Scanning Data with Using Photogrammetric Data
* Verriest Lecture: Visual properties of metameric blacks beyond cone vision, The
* Vicarious Radiometric Calibration of a Multispectral Camera on Board an Unmanned Aerial System
* Video Colorization Using Parallel Optimization in Feature Space
* Video object segmentation with shape cue based on spatiotemporal superpixel neighbourhood
* Video super resolution based on non-local regularization and reliable motion estimation
* Video-Based Approach for Detecting Prohibited Activities on Sporting Courts
* Virtual and Real World Adaptationfor Pedestrian Detection
* Visible ghost imaging with nonvisible light
* Vision-based all-in-one solution for augmented reality and its storytelling applications
* Vision-based Pedestrian Protection Systems for Intelligent Vehicles
* Visual Analytics of Movement
* Visual Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: Unifying Vision and Control in Generic Approaches
* Visual Focus of Attention in Non-calibrated Environments using Gaze Estimation
* Visual learning and classification of human epithelial type 2 cell images through spontaneous activity patterns
* Visual Saliency with Statistical Priors
* Visual Tracking via Discriminative Sparse Similarity Map
* Visual Tracking via Online Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Visualization of Mobile Mapping Data via Parallax Scrolling
* VLSI Architecture Design of Guided Filter for 30 Frames/s Full-HD Video
* Volumetric Optoacoustic Imaging With Multi-Bandwidth Deconvolution
* Voxel Selection Framework in Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis of fMRI Data for Prediction of Neural Response to Visual Stimuli
* Web Image Re-Ranking Using Query-Specific Semantic Signatures
* Web-Based Traffic Sentiment Analysis: Methods and Applications
* WebGL Visualisation of 3D Environmental Models Based on Finnish Open Geospatial Data Sets
* When standard RANSAC is not enough: Cross-media visual matching with hypothesis relevancy
* Who is Interacting With me: Identification of an Interacting Person Through Playful Interaction With a Small Robot
* Wide Area Surveillance: Real-time Motion Detection Systems
* Will the Pedestrian Cross? A Study on Pedestrian Path Prediction
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.