Update Dates 1406

1406 * *3D User Interfaces
* *3D User Interfaces
* *CRV
* *Image and Signal Processing
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* 15 watt high efficiency gunn diode transmitter for measurement-while-drilling wireless system
* 2D tree object representation via the slope chain code
* 3-Point++: A new technique for 3D manipulation of virtual objects
* 3D Metric Rectification using Angle Regularity
* 3D Model Editing from Contour Drawings on Orthographic Projection Views
* 3D pose estimation of bats in the wild
* 3D Reconstruction by Fusioning Shadow and Silhouette Information
* 3D referencing for remote task assistance in augmented reality
* 3D Scan Registration Using Curvelet Features
* 3D sketching and flexible input for surface design: A case study
* 3D soft-tissue tracking using spatial-color joint probability distribution and thin-plate spline model
* 3D sound memory in virtual environments
* 3D to 2D bijection for spherical objects under equidistant fisheye projection
* 3D Visual Experience Oriented Cross-Layer Optimized Scalable Texture Plus Depth Based 3D Video Streaming Over Wireless Networks
* 3DintEx: A tool to explore interactively the structural and behavioral aspects of system models in 3D environments
* 4-DOF pose estimation of a pipe crawling robot using a Collimated Laser, a conic mirror, and a fish-eye camera
* Accelerating arrays of linear classifiers using approximate range queries
* Accurate segmentation of land regions in historical cadastral maps
* Accurate Static Region Classification Using Multiple Cues for ARO Detection
* Acoustic signal-based approach for fault detection in motorcycles using chaincode of the pseudospectrum and dynamic time warping classifier
* Action in chains: A chains model for action localization and classification
* Active Clustering with Ensembles for Social structure extraction
* Active learning with multi-criteria decision making systems
* Active subclustering
* Adaptive representations for video-based face recognition across pose
* Adaptive Robotic Contour Following from Low Accuracy RGB-D Surface Profiling and Visual Servoing
* Age group classification via structured fusion of uncertainty-driven shape features and selected surface features
* Alternating asymmetric search range assignment for bidirectional motion estimation in H.265/HEVC and H.264/AVC
* Amplitude test for input devices for system control in immersive virtual environment
* Analysis of direct selection in head-mounted display environments
* Ant tracking with occlusion tunnels
* Application for brain tumour imaging
* Application of web controlled fibre optic refractometer
* Applying Kanban to healthcare via immersive 3D virtual reality
* Applying NURBS Surfaces Approximation with Different Parameterization Methods on CKSOM Model Closed Surfaces Data
* Applying tactile languages for 3D navigation
* Arabic word descriptor for handwritten word indexing and lexicon reduction
* Artifact Removal from Single-Trial ERPs using Non-Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Models and Particle Filter
* ARWand for an augmuented world builder
* Asplünds metric defined in the Logarithmic Image Processing (LIP) framework: A new way to perform double-sided image probing for non-linear grayscale pattern matching
* Associative Hierarchical Random Fields
* Asymmetric Rendezvous Search at Sea
* Asymptotic Error Bounds on Prediction of Narrowband MIMO Wireless Channels
* Asymptotic Performance of Categorical Decision Making with Random Thresholds
* Asynchronous Transmitter Position and Velocity Estimation Using A Dual Linear Chirp
* Attribute-based vehicle recognition using viewpoint-aware multiple instance SVMs
* Auditory feedback of contact state during object manipulation
* AutoCaption: Automatic caption generation for personal photos
* Autoencoder-based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Automated Door Detection with a 3D-Sensor
* Automated Recovery of Compressedly Observed Sparse Signals From Smooth Background
* Automatic 3D change detection for glaucoma diagnosis
* Automatic Evaluation System of FISH Images in Breast Cancer
* Automatic Feature Detection and Clustering Using Random Indexing
* Automatic identification of window regions on indoor point clouds using LiDAR and cameras
* Automatic termination and route guide for 3D scanning based on area limitation
* Automatic tracker selection w.r.t object detection performance
* Autonomous Lecture Recording with a PTZ Camera While Complying with Cinematographic Rules
* Autonomous Maritime Landings for Low-Cost VTOL Aerial Vehicles
* Background subtraction-based multiple object tracking using particle filter
* Bandlet-based sparsity regularization in video inpainting
* Bayesian estimation of Dirichlet mixture model with variational inference
* Bayesian Optimization with an Empirical Hardness Model for approximate Nearest Neighbour Search
* Benchmarking large-scale Fine-Grained Categorization
* Bernoulli Filter for Track-Before-Detect using MIMO Radar
* Beyond PASCAL: A benchmark for 3D object detection in the wild
* Bi-manual gesture interaction for 3D cloud point selection and annotation using COTS
* Bi-Polynomial Modeling of Low-Frequency Reflectances
* Bimanual design of deformable objects thanks to the multi-tool visual metaphor
* Blind image blur assessment by using valid reblur range and histogram shape difference
* Blind image deblurring via coupled sparse representation
* Blind Modulation Classification Algorithm for Single and Multiple-Antenna Systems Over Frequency-Selective Channels
* Bluetooth signal strength based indoor localization method, A
* Body Movements for Affective Expression: A Survey of Automatic Recognition and Generation
* Book review: Handbook of Iris Recognition
* Boosting audio chord estimation using multiple classifiers
* Bounded generalized Gaussian mixture model
* boundless spaces of expanded multimedia, The
* Brain MR image segmentation based on local Gaussian mixture model and nonlocal spatial regularization
* Brain Tumor Classification in MRI Scans Using Sparse Representation
* BrainTrek: An immersive environment for investigating neuronal tissue
* Brownian descriptor: A rich meta-feature for appearance matching
* Building a Two-Way Hyperspectral Imaging System with Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters
* Building Better Formlet Codes for Planar Shape
* Building worlds with strokes
* Caged mice mating behavior detection in surveillance videos
* Camera Matrix Calibration Using Circular Control Points and Separate Correction of the Geometric Distortion Field
* Can a Single Image Denoising Neural Network Handle All Levels of Gaussian Noise?
* Capturing relative motion and finding modes for action recognition in the wild
* Car make and model recognition using 3D curve alignment
* Car make and model recognition using 3D curve alignment
* Cascade Category-Aware Visual Search
* Cascaded multimodal biometric recognition framework
* CaveCAD: Architectural design in the CAVE
* Centroid index: Cluster level similarity measure
* Channeling Mr. Potato head: Face super-resolution using semantic components
* CID:IQ: A New Image Quality Database
* Cluster-based multi-task Sparse Representation for efficient face recognition
* Cluster-based protocol structures in WSNs
* Clustering by Composition: Unsupervised Discovery of Image Categories
* Collaborative adjustment of selection areas for polygonal modelling
* Collaborative error reduction for hierarchical classification
* Color and flow based superpixels for 3D geometry respecting meshing
* Color and Image Characterization of a Three CCD Seven Band Spectral Camera
* Color Badger: A Novel Retinex-Based Local Tone Mapping Operator
* Color CENTRIST: Embedding color information in scene categorization
* COLOR CHILD: A robust and computationally efficient Color Image Local Descriptor
* Color image encryption using one-time keys and coupled chaotic systems
* Color image recovery system from printed gray image
* Colour space transforms for improved video compression
* Combination of Cepstral and Phonetically Discriminative Features for Speaker Verification
* combination of generative and discriminative models for fast unsupervised activity recognition from traffic scene videos, A
* Combining LBP Difference and Feature Correlation for Texture Description
* Combining semantic scene priors and haze removal for single image depth estimation
* Common Feature Discriminant Analysis for Matching Infrared Face Images to Optical Face Images
* Comparative Study of Irregular Pyramid Matching in Bag-of-Bags of Words Model for Image Retrieval, A
* comparative study of metaphors for investigating augmented reality artifacts, A
* Comparing results of thermographic images based diagnosis for breast diseases
* Comparing usability of a single versus dual interaction metaphor in a multitask healthcare simulation
* Comparison of algebraic reconstruction techniques for tomosynthesis
* comparison of different methods for reducing the unintended positional drift accompanying walking-in-place locomotion, A
* Comparison of face detection and image classification for detecting front seat passengers in vehicles
* comparison of tracking algorithm performance for objects in wide area imagery, A
* Component-Based Recognition of Faces and Facial Expressions
* Composite Discriminant Factor analysis
* compressed sensing approach for efficient ensemble learning, A
* Computationally Efficient Subspace Algorithm for 2-D DOA Estimation with L-shaped Array, A
* Computer analysis of face beauty: A survey
* Computer vision and laser scanner road environment perception
* Computer Vision-Based Identification of Individual Turtles Using Characteristic Patterns of Their Plastrons
* Condition Number-Constrained Matrix Approximation With Applications to Signal Estimation in Communication Systems
* Consensus-based matching and tracking of keypoints for object tracking
* Construction of a Mean Surface for the Variability Study of the Cornea
* content security protection scheme in JPEG compressed domain, A
* Content-adaptive bitstream-layer model for coding distortion assessment of H.264/AVC networked video
* Content-based image retrieval using H.264 intra coding features
* Continuous Mixed p-Norm Adaptive Algorithm for System Identification
* Contraction Mapping Approach for Robust Estimation of Lagged Autocorrelation, A
* Contribution of Color Information in Visual Saliency Model for Videos
* Convolutional Neural Network approach for classifying leukocoria, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Distant Speech Recognition
* Cooperative and penalized competitive learning with application to kernel-based clustering
* Cooperative vehicle collision warning system using the vector-based approach with dedicated short range communication data transmission
* Cosine similarity for analysis and verification of static signatures
* Coupling video segmentation and action recognition
* Coupling-and-decoupling: A hierarchical model for occlusion-free object detection
* Covariance descriptor based on bio-inspired features for person re-identification and face verification
* Covert Attentional Shoulder Surfing: Human Adversaries Are More Powerful Than Expected
* Cramer-Rao Bounds for Broadband Dispersion Extraction of Borehole Acoustic Modes
* Creating a user-specific perspective view for mobile mixed reality systems on smartphones
* CRF approach to fitting a generalized hand skeleton model, A
* Cross-entropy clustering
* Cross-modal domain adaptation for text-based regularization of image semantics in image retrieval systems
* Cross-validation based weights and structure determination of Chebyshev-polynomial neural networks for pattern classification
* Crowdsourced subjective Video Quality Assessment
* CSM neural network for degraded printed character optical recognition
* Data association based ant tracking with interactive error correction
* Data dimension reduction in training strategy for face recognition system
* Data-driven exemplar model selection
* Data-driven road detection
* Daylight Colored Optimal Spectra for Improved Color Discrimination
* Decentralized Cooperative Localization for Heterogeneous Multi-robot System Using Split Covariance Intersection Filter
* Denoising an Image by Denoising Its Components in a Moving Frame
* Depth and rate estimation for chest compression CPR with smartphone
* Depth mapping using a low-cost camera array
* Depth-based image processing for 3d video rendering applications
* Depth-based patch scaling for content-aware stereo image completion
* Design and Creation of a Multi-illuminant Scene Image Dataset
* Design and development of a virtual reality system for vocational rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities
* Design and evaluation of mouse cursors in a stereoscopic desktop environment
* Design and implementation of an immersive virtual reality system based on a smartphone platform
* Designing effective travel techniques with bare-hand interaction
* Detect foreground objects via adaptive fusing model in a hybrid feature space
* Detecting 3D geometric boundaries of indoor scenes under varying lighting
* Detecting M2M traffic in mobile cellular networks
* Detection of areas containing microcalcifications in digital mammograms
* Detection of duplicated image regions using cellular automata
* Detection of duplicated regions in images using 1D-Fourier transform
* Detection of Moving Objects Using Multi-channel Kernel Fuzzy Correlogram Based Background Subtraction
* Determining the Existence of Objects in an Image and Its Application to Image Thumbnailing
* Determining underwater vehicle movement from sonar data in relatively featureless seafloor tracking missions
* Direct Matrix Factorization and Alignment Refinement: Application to Defect Detection
* Discovering discriminative cell attributes for HEp-2 specimen image classification
* discriminative parts based model approach for fiducial points free and shape constrained head pose normalisation in the wild, A
* distance measure for large graphs based on prime graphs, A
* Distributed Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation in Sensor Networks
* DIY World Builder: An immersive level-editing system
* Double (0, 1, 2) representation modulo-(2n^3) adders
* Driver fatigue and drowsiness monitoring system with embedded electrocardiogram sensor on steering wheel
* Drums: A Middleware-Aware Distributed Robot Monitoring System
* Dynamic adaptation of 3D selection techniques for suitability across diverse scenarios
* Dynamic and stochastic routing for multimodal transportation systems
* Editorial: Special issue on Handwriting Biometrics
* effect of target size and force feedback on 3D selection within a co-located visual-haptic immersive virtual environment, The
* Effectively integrating a course on biometrics in a computer vision master's degree
* effectiveness of face detection algorithms in unconstrained crowd scenes, The
* Effects and optimization of visual-proprioceptive discrepancy reduction for virtual grasping
* Effects of variable message sign on driver detours and identification of influencing factors
* Effects of visual conflicts on 3D selection task performance in stereoscopic display environments
* Efficient dense subspace clustering
* Efficient dictionary learning for visual categorization
* Efficient Iterative Estimation of the Parameters of a Damped Complex Exponential in Noise
* Efficient Mechanism for Discontinuity Preserving in Optical Flow Methods
* Efficient multi-view video coding using inter-view information
* Efficient multilevel image segmentation through fuzzy entropy maximization and graph cut optimization
* Efficient Poisson-Based Surface Reconstruction of 3D Model from a Non-homogenous Sparse Point Cloud
* efficient troubleshooting testing scenario for IPTV over DSL: Preliminary discussion, An
* efficient weighted Lagrangian twin support vector machine for imbalanced data classification, An
* Elastic reflection symmetry based shape descriptors
* Ellipsoidal neighbourhood outlier factor for distributed anomaly detection in resource constrained networks
* Embedded image processing system for cloud-based applications
* Empirical Comparison of Visual Descriptors for Content Based X-Ray Image Retrieval
* Encrypted signal-based reversible data hiding with public key cryptosystem
* End-to-end scene text recognition using tree-structured models
* Enhancing multi-label classification by modeling dependencies among labels
* Ensemble systems and cancellable transformations for multibiometric-based identification
* Equipment for extract behavioral transmitter models for the new communication telemetry system design
* Estimating cloudmaps from outdoor image sequences
* Estimating the camera direction of a geotagged image using reference images
* Estimation of accurate effective loss rate for FEC video transmission
* Evaluating dynamic-adjustment of stereo view parameters in a multi-scale virtual environment
* Evaluating Visibility of Age Spot and Freckle Based on Simulated Spectral Reflectance of Skin
* Evaluation of a Fourier Watermarking Method Robustness to Cards Durability Attacks
* Evaluation of a smart tablet's interface for 3D interaction
* evaluation of a smart-phone-based menu system for immersive virtual environments, An
* Evaluation of immersive visualization techniques for 3D object retrieval
* Evaluation of pre-registration and incentive scheme applied for mitigation of motorway traffic congestion
* Evaluation of static Hand Gesture algorithms
* evaluation of two simple methods for representing heaviness in immersive virtual environments, An
* Evolution and usability of ubiquitous immersive 3D interfaces
* Example-based Enhancement of Degraded Video
* Exemplar codes for facial attributes and tattoo recognition
* Experimental Evaluation of Chromostereopsis with Varying Center Wavelength and FWHM of Spectral Power Distribution
* Explicit Solution for Target Localization in Noncoherent Distributed MIMO Radar Systems, An
* Exploiting Spectral Regrowth for Channel Identification
* Exploration of classification confidence in ensemble learning
* Exploring 3D volumetric medical data using mobile devices
* Exploring context information for inter-camera multiple target tracking
* Exploring the geo-dependence of human face appearance
* Exploring the influence of traveller information on macroscopic fundamental diagrams
* Exploring the integrality and separability of the Leap Motion Controller for direct manipulation 3D interaction
* Exploring Underwater Environments with Curiosity
* Exposure Fusion Algorithm Based on Perceptual Contrast and Dynamic Adjustment of Well-Exposedness
* Expressing animated performances through puppeteering
* Expressive Virtual Audience with Flexible Behavioral Styles, An
* Extended Spectral Regression for efficient scene recognition
* Extending explicit shape regression with mixed feature channels and pose priors
* Extracting salient region for pornographic image detection
* Extremely High-Dimensional Feature Selection via Feature Generating Samplings
* Eyes closeness detection from still images with multi-scale histograms of principal oriented gradients
* FABEMD Based Image Watermarking in Wavelet Domain
* Facade Labeling via Explicit Matrix Factorization
* Face hallucination with imprecise-alignment using iterative sparse representation
* Face recognition under large illumination variations using homomorphic filtering in spatial domain
* Facial expression cloning with elastic and muscle models
* False-positive-free SVD-based image watermarking
* Farmer Assisted Mobile Framework for Improving Agricultural Products
* Fast 3D video stabilization using ROI-based warping
* Fast and accurate near-duplicate image search with affinity propagation on the ImageWeb
* Fast and efficient lossless image compression based on CUDA parallel wavelet tree encoding
* Fast and globally convex multiphase active contours for brain MRI segmentation
* Fast dense 3D reconstruction using an adaptive multiscale discrete-continuous variational method
* Fast Discrete Periodic Radon Transform for prime sized images: Algorithm, architecture, and VLSI/FPGA implementation, The
* Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space With Multi-Index Hashing
* Fast Exposure Fusion Based on Histograms Segmentation
* Fast segmentation, conversion and rendering of volumetric data using GPU
* Fast Semi-supervised Segmentation of in Situ Tree Color Images
* Fast view synthesis using platelet-based depth representation
* Feature combination with Multi-Kernel Learning for fine-grained visual classification
* Feature compression: A framework for multi-view multi-person tracking in visual sensor networks
* Feature contours fusion for determining segment boundaries in audio data
* Feature fusion for facial landmark detection
* Feature wise representation for both still and motion 3D medical images
* Feet movement in desktop 3D interaction
* Finding the smallest circle containing the iris in the denoised wavelet domain
* Fine-grained object recognition with Gnostic Fields
* Finger-knuckle-print verification based on vector consistency of corresponding interest points
* Fingerprint ridge orientation field reconstruction using the best quadratic approximation by orthogonal polynomials in two discrete variables
* Finite Fractional Zak Transform, The
* Fisher Discriminant Analysis With L1-Norm
* Flexible spaces: Dynamic layout generation for infinite walking in virtual environments
* ForceExtension: Extending isotonic position-controlled multi-touch gestures with rate-controlled force sensing for 3D manipulation
* Foreground Object Extraction Based on Interactive Color Saliency Map
* Frequency guided phase unwrapping for improved AM-FM reconstruction
* Frequency-Domain Volterra Filter Based on Data-Driven Soft Decision for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Suppression
* FSpH: Fitted spectral hashing for efficient similarity search
* Fully automatic 3D facial expression recognition using local depth features
* fully implicit alternating direction method of multipliers for the minimization of convex problems with an application to motion segmentation, A
* Fundamental Study on Intraoperative Quantification of Gastrointestinal Viability by Transmission Light Intensity Analysis
* Furniture-geek: Understanding fine-grained furniture attributes from freely associated text and tags
* Future of Mobile TV in Bosnia and Herzegovina
* Fuzzy logic controllers for Mobile robot navigation in unknown environment using Kinect sensor
* Fuzzy UV-disparity based approach for obstacles avoidance, A
* Gabor Filterbank Features for Robust Speech Recognition
* Gait Recognition Based on Modified Phase Only Correlation
* Game cane: An assistive 3DUI for rehabilitation games
* Gaussian mixture model and support vector machine approach to vehicle type and colour classification, A
* gender classification system robust to occlusion using Gabor features based (2D)2PCA, A
* Generalized Exposure Fusion Weights Estimation
* Generalized feature learning and indexing for object localization and recognition
* Generalized Higher Degree Total Variation (HDTV) Regularization
* Generic Proximal Algorithm for Convex Optimization: Application to Total Variation Minimization, A
* Gesture-based control of avatars for social TV
* Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging via Rank Minimization
* Global registration of large collections of range images with an improved Optimization-on-a-Manifold approach
* GLocal tells you more: Coupling GLocal structural for feature selection with sparsity for image and video classification
* GMM improves the reject option in hierarchical classification for fish recognition
* GMM Post-Filter for Residual Crosstalk Suppression in Blind Source Separation, A
* GNCCP: Graduated Non-Convexity and Concavity Procedure
* Go'Then'Tag: A 3-D point cloud annotation technique
* god-finger method for improving 3D interaction with virtual objects through simulation of contact area, The
* GPU-accelerated and efficient multi-view triangulation for scene reconstruction
* GPU-Based Sphere Tracing for Radial Basis Function Implicits
* Gradient based efficient feature selection
* Gradient Histogram Estimation and Preservation for Texture Enhanced Image Denoising
* Gradient orientation pattern matching with the Hamming distance
* Grid Seams: A Fast Superpixel Algorithm for Real-Time Applications
* Group Sparsity via SURE Based on Regression Parameter Mean Squared Error
* Guest Editorial: Special issue on large scale multimedia semantic indexing
* Guided tour creation in immersive virtual environments
* Hand pose estimation using support vector machines with evolutionary training
* Handling occlusion with an inexpensive array of cameras
* Handling uncertain data in subspace detection
* Head motion transmission based on center of rotation
* Head operated electric wheelchair
* Helper data scheme for 2D cancelable face recognition using bloom filters
* Heterogeneity Image Patch Index and Its Application to Consumer Video Summarization
* hierarchical Bayesian approach to online writer identification, A
* Hierarchical Implicit Shape Modeling
* Hierarchical representation of videos with spatio-temporal fibers
* High-Dimensional Camera Shake Removal With Given Depth Map
* Hook: Heuristics for selecting 3D moving objects in dense target environments
* How Are LED Illumination Based Multispectral Imaging Systems Influenced by Different Factors?
* How does the use of a continuously updating database allow for the analysis of a user's changing behaviour in electric vehicles?
* How wrong can you be: Perception of static orientation errors in mixed reality
* Hue and Saturation in the RGB Color Space
* HVS based iterative hard thresholding recovery for compressive sensed image
* Hybrid clustering solution selection strategy
* Hybrid Color Segmentation Method Using a Customized Nonlinear Similarity Function
* Hybrid learning of Bayesian multinets for binary classification
* Hybrid structural and texture distinctiveness vector field convolution for region segmentation
* Hybrid writer-independent writer-dependent offline signature verification system
* Hybrid-Resolution Spectral Imaging System Using Adaptive Regression-Based Reconstruction
* HybridSpace: Integrating 3D freehand input and stereo viewing into traditional desktop applications
* Hyper-Spectral Acquisition on Historically Accurate Reconstructions of Red Organic Lakes
* ICA and IVA: Theory, connections, and applications to medical imaging
* Identification of Morphologically Similar Seeds Using Multi-kernel Learning
* Im2depth: Scalable exemplar based depth transfer
* Image Classification Using Separable Discrete Moments of Charlier-Tchebichef
* Image Classification with Indicator Kriging Error Comparison
* image encryption scheme based on irregularly decimated chaotic maps, An
* Image parsing with graph grammars and Markov Random Fields applied to facade analysis
* Image recognition via two-dimensional random projection and nearest constrained subspace
* Image Reconstruction From Double Random Projection
* Image Retrieval Using Landmark Indexing for Indoor Navigation
* Image segmentation of mesenchymal stem cells in diverse culturing conditions
* Image segmentation through combined methods: Watershed transform, unsupervised distance learning and Normalized Cut
* Image tag completion via dual-view linear sparse reconstructions
* Image tag refinement by regularized latent Dirichlet allocation
* Image-based geographical location estimation using web cameras
* Immersive 3D modeling with Blender and off-the-shelf hardware
* Immersive point cloud virtual environments
* impact of boundary conditions in patient-specific coronary blood flow simulation, The
* Implementation of error resilience technique for Multiview Video Coding
* Important stuff, everywhere! Activity recognition with salient proto-objects as context
* improved differential box-counting method to estimate fractal dimensions of gray-level images, An
* Improved Spectral Density Measurement from Estimated Reflectance Data with Kernel Ridge Regression
* Improvement in non-linear guitar loudspeaker sound reproduction
* Improvement of Energy-Transfer Features Using DCT for Face Detection, An
* Improving Approximate Graph Edit Distance by Means of a Greedy Swap Strategy
* Improving background subtraction using Local Binary Similarity Patterns
* Improving Multiview Face Detection with Multi-Task Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Improving streaming video segmentation with early and mid-level visual processing
* Improving texture categorization with biologically-inspired filtering
* Improving the Tone Mapping Operators by Using a Redefined Version of the Luminance Channel
* Incentive analysis for cooperative interactive multiview video streaming
* Indoor Scene Recognition with a Visual Attention-Driven Spatial Pooling Strategy
* Inexact Bayesian point pattern matching for linear transformations
* Information theoretic clustering using a k-nearest neighbors approach
* Information theoretic sensor management for multi-target tracking with a single pan-tilt-zoom camera
* Infrared face recognition: A comprehensive review of methodologies and databases
* Integrated Bud Detection and Localization System for Application in Greenhouse Automation, An
* integrated neuromimetic architecture for direct motion interpretation in the log-polar domain, An
* Integrating visual words as bunch of n-grams for effective biomedical image classification
* Integration of a haptic rendering algorithm based on voxelized and point-sampled structures into the physics engine Bullet
* Interaction-free calibration for optical see-through head-mounted displays based on 3D Eye localization
* Interactive breadboard activity simulation (IBAS) for psychomotor skills education in electrical circuitry
* Interactive Teleoperation Interface for Semi-autonomous Control of Robot Arms
* Interactive video segmentation using occlusion boundaries and temporally coherent superpixels
* Interactively test driving an object detector: Estimating performance on unlabeled data
* Intrinsic dimensionality estimation based on manifold assumption
* Introducing Emotions to the Modeling of Intra- and Inter-Personal Influences in Parent-Adolescent Conversations
* Introspective semantic segmentation
* Investigating viewpoint visualizations for click & go navigation
* Investigation on the peripheral visual field for information display with real and virtual wide field-of-view see-through HMDs
* Iris crypts: Multi-scale detection and shape-based matching
* Iris Image Classification Based on Hierarchical Visual Codebook
* Is a Precise Distortion Estimation Needed for Computer Aided Celiac Disease Diagnosis?
* Is my new tracker really better than yours?
* Is the user trained? Assessing performance and cognitive resource demands in the Virtusphere
* Iterative Compensation Approach Without Linearization of Projector Responses for Multiple-Projector System, An
* Iterative Feature Normalization Scheme for Automatic Emotion Detection from Speech
* Iterative infrared ship target segmentation based on multiple features
* Iterative Recovery of Dense Signals from Incomplete Measurements
* Iterative transductive learning for automatic image segmentation and matting with RGB-D data
* Joint hierarchical learning for efficient multi-class object detection
* joint perspective towards image super-resolution: Unifying external- and self-examples, A
* Joint semantic and geometric segmentation of videos with a stage model
* Joint tracking and classification based on aerodynamic model and radar cross section
* K-means: Clustering by gradual data transformation
* KANTS: A Stigmergic Ant Algorithm for Cluster Analysis and Swarm Art
* Kernel-based hard clustering methods in the feature space with automatic variable weighting
* Keynote speaker: Interacting in spatial augmented reality
* Kinect-based automatic scoring system for spasmodic torticollis
* Language-Independent Text-Line Extraction Algorithm for Handwritten Documents
* Large Margin Dimensionality Reduction for Action Similarity Labeling
* Large-scale semantic co-labeling of image sets
* Latency and avatars in Virtual Environments and the effects on gait for persons with mobility impairments
* Learning Discriminative Hierarchical Features for Object Recognition
* Learning local image descriptors using binary decision trees
* Learning locality-constrained collaborative representation for robust face recognition
* Learning mid-level features from object hierarchy for image classification
* Learning Structural Regularity for Evaluating Blocking Artifacts in JPEG Images
* Learning With Augmented Features for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation
* Leveraging public posts and comments as covert channels
* License plate detection and recognition in complex scenes using mathematical morphology and support vector machines
* Lifted road map view on windshield display
* Light Illumination and Detection Patterns for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography Based on Compressive Sensing
* Linear adaptive infrared image fusion
* Linear Interpolation Algorithm for Spectral Filter Array Demosaicking, A
* Linear Local Distance coding for classification of HEp-2 staining patterns
* Linear regression motion analysis for unsupervised temporal segmentation of human actions
* Linearized Robust Beamforming for Two-Way Relay Systems
* Local inter-session variability modelling for object classification
* Local Learned Dictionaries Optimized to Edge Orientation for Inverse Halftoning
* locality correlation preserving support vector machine, A
* Locally Adaptive System for the Fusion of Objective Quality Measures, A
* Low-cost 3DUI using hand tracking and controllers
* Low-cost camera array for mitigating lighting range effects
* lp-norm MTMKL framework for simultaneous detection of multiple facial action units, A
* MagicLensVS: Towards a flexible framework for quick setup of visual feedback in a virtual studio
* MakeVR: A 3D world-building interface
* Manifold Matching with Application to Instance Search Based on Video Queries
* Markerless fingertip-based 3D interaction for handheld augmented reality in a small workspace
* Masquerade attack on transform-based binary-template protection based on perceptron learning
* Matching image sets via adaptive multi convex hull
* Materials discovery: Fine-grained classification of X-ray scattering images
* Max residual classifier
* MDS-based Multi-axial Dimensionality Reduction Model for Human Action Recognition
* Measurement and Modeling of Bidirectional Characteristics of Fluorescent Objects
* Medical Image Denoising Based on Soft Thresholding Using Biorthogonal Multiscale Wavelet Transform
* Meta-Technique for Increasing Density of Local Stereo Methods through Iterative Interpolation and Warping, A
* Metadata-Weighted Score Fusion for Multimedia Event Detection
* method for image retrieval based on multi-factors correlation utilizing block truncation coding, The
* Methodology for quantification of fuel reduction potential for adaptive cruise control relevant driving strategies
* Mid-air interactions above stereoscopic interactive tables
* MIMO channel measurements on a ionospheric HF (3-30 MHz) radio link
* Mining discriminative 3D Poselet for cross-view action recognition
* Missing traffic data: comparison of imputation methods
* Mixed Gauss and Directional Distance Filter for Fiber Direction Tracking, A
* Mixed Noise Removal by Weighted Encoding With Sparse Nonlocal Regularization
* Mixtures of Shifted Asymmetric Laplace Distributions
* MobileSense: A robust sound classification system for mobile applications
* Mobility using first and second derivatives for kernel-based regression in wireless sensor networks
* Model-based anthropometry: Predicting measurements from 3D human scans in multiple poses
* Model-based approach to spatial-temporal sampling of video clips for video object detection by classification
* Modeling insertion point for general purpose haptic device simulations for minimally invasive surgeries
* Modelling and simulating worm propagation in static and dynamic traffic
* Modulation Classification via Gibbs Sampling Based on a Latent Dirichlet Bayesian Network
* Monitoring of pantograph-catenary interaction by using particle swarm based contact wire tracking
* Monocular 3-D Gait Tracking in Surveillance Scenes
* Monocular template-based 3D surface reconstruction: Convex inextensible and nonconvex isometric methods
* More Robust Feature Correspondence for more Accurate Image Recognition, A
* Morphological analysis for investigating artistic images
* Motion estimation revisited: an estimation-theoretic approach
* Moving cast shadow detection using online sub-scene shadow modeling and object inner-edges analysis
* Multi class boosted random ferns for adapting a generic object detector to a specific video
* Multi-leaf alignment from fluorescence plant images
* Multi-task Learning of Facial Landmarks and Expression
* Multi-view action recognition one camera at a time
* Multichannel Detection of an Unknown Rank-N Signal Using Uncalibrated Receivers
* Multichannel Spectral Image Enhancement for Visualizing Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions
* Multilinear Sparse Decomposition for Best Spectral Bands Selection
* Multimodal fusion using dynamic hybrid models
* Multiple Color Matches to Estimate Human Color Vision Sensitivities
* Multiple Feature Fusion in the Dempster-Shafer Framework for Multi-Object Tracking
* Multiple foreground recognition and cosegmentation: An object-oriented CRF model with robust higher-order potentials
* Multiple Kernel-Based Multi-Instance Learning Algorithm for Image Classification
* Multispectral Endoscopy to Identify Precancerous Lesions in Gastric Mucosa
* Multiview feature distributions for object detection and continuous pose estimation
* N-Gram Based Image Representation and Classification Using Perceptual Shape Features
* Narrowband interference estimation for OFDM based on power spectral density functions
* Narrowband interference mitigation for SDR based DAB/DAB+ receivers
* Natural Vision Data File Format as a New Spectral Image Format for Biological Applications
* Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirectional rendering
* Nested Array Processing for Distributed Sources
* Network on chips link bandwidth minimization of deadlock-free multi-path routing
* New Adaptive Thresholding Technique for Retinal Vessel Segmentation Based on Local Homogeneity Information, A
* new approach towards increased security in cyber-physical systems, A
* New Evolutionary-Based Clustering Framework for Image Databases, A
* New Fitness Based Adaptive Parameter Particle Swarm Optimizer, A
* new generalised a scale spaces quadrature filters, A
* New Geometric Constraint Solving Formulation: Application to the 3D Pentahedron
* new image segmentation method based On 3-dimensional entropic thresholding using a 3-dimensional (GLLALE) histogram, A
* new method for linear feature and junction enhancement in 2D images based on morphological operation, oriented anisotropic Gaussian function and Hessian information, A
* New simple and efficient color space transformations for lossless image compression
* New trends in content delivery networks
* NIR and Visible Image Fusion for Improving Face Recognition at Long Distance
* No-reference Blur Assessment of Dermatological Images Acquired via Mobile Devices
* No-reference task performance prediction on distorted LWIR images
* Noise reduction in PET sinograms using non-local total variation regularization
* Nonlinear Appraisal Modeling: An Application of Machine Learning to the Study of Emotion Production
* Nonlocal PDEs Morphology on Graph: A Generalized Shock Operators on Graph
* Nonseparable Laplacian pyramids with multiscale local polynomials for scattered data
* note on convex image segmentation model based on local and global intensity fitting energy, A
* novel 3D carousel based on pseudo-haptic feedback and gestural interaction for virtual showcasing, A
* novel method for post-surgery face recognition using sum of facial parts recognition, A
* novel monochromatic cue for detecting regions of visual interest, A
* novel multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on random walks, A
* Novel Penta-Valued Descriptor for Color Clustering, A
* novel total variation based frame layer rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* NRSfM using local rigidity
* Numerical Synthesis of an Optimal Low-Sidelobe Beam Pattern for a Microphone Array
* Object co-labeling in multiple images
* Object Segmentation through Multiple Instance Learning
* Object tracking via non-Euclidean geometry: A Grassmann approach
* Object Tracking via Robust Multitask Sparse Representation
* Observing change in crowded data sets in 3D space: Visualizing gene expression in human tissues
* Off-line verification technique for Hindi signatures
* Offline learning of prototypical negatives for efficient online Exemplar SVM
* Offline writer verification using pen pressure information from infrared image
* On queueing delay in WSN with energy saving mechanism based on queued wake up
* On Scanning Linear Barcodes From Out-of-Focus Blurred Images: A Spatial Domain Dynamic Template Matching Approach
* On the Projection of PLLRs for Unbounded Feature Distributions in Spoken Language Recognition
* On the provably secure CEW based on orthogonal decomposition
* On the relevance of sparsity for image classification
* On-line passenger estimation in a metro system using particle filter
* On-Line Video Event Detection by Constraint Flow
* Online algorithms for factorization-based structure from motion
* Online discriminative dictionary learning for visual tracking
* Online domain-shift learning and object tracking based on nonlinear dynamic models and particle filters on Riemannian manifolds
* Online Learning and Sequential Anomaly Detection in Trajectories
* Online semi-supervised compressive coding for robust visual tracking
* Online Visual Tracking via Two View Sparse Representation
* Optical disc system for long term archiving of multi-media content
* Optical filter selection for automatic visual inspection
* Optimal 3D selection technique assignment using real-time contextual analysis
* Optimal illumination directions for faces and rough surfaces for single and multiple light imaging using class-specific prior knowledge
* Optimizing Camera Perspective for Stereo Visual Odometry
* Ordered spatial subsets for faster reconstruction in SPECT
* Orientation contrast model for boundary detection
* Orthogonal function representation for online signature verification: which features should be looked at?
* orthogonal regularized CCA learning algorithm for feature fusion, An
* Orthogonal Space Projection (OSP) Processing for Adaptive Interference Cancellation
* Outdoor Ice Accretion Estimation of Wind Turbine Blades Using Computer Vision
* Palmprint recognition using local and global features
* Parametric Description of Skeleton Radial Function by Legendre Polynomials for Binary Images Comparison
* Particle swarm optimization to determine conjointly well localized MLTs
* Passive Synthetic Aperture Hitchhiker Imaging of Ground Moving Targets: Part 1: Image Formation and Velocity Estimation
* Patch based image denoising using the finite ridgelet transform for less artifacts
* Paving the way into virtual reality: A transition in five stages
* PCA-based dictionary building for accurate facial expression recognition via sparse representation
* PCA-based thresholding strategy for group studies of brain connectivity: with applications to resting state fMRI, A
* Pedestrian detection in low resolution videos
* Performance of First-Order Algorithms for TV Penalized Weighted Least-Squares Denoising Problem
* Performances of low-level audio classifiers for large-scale music similarity
* Photon Detection and Color Perception at Low Light Levels
* Physical querying with multi-modal sensing
* Picture Quality Prediction in Image Processing
* Pigment Mapping of the Scream (1893) Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
* pilot study on stepwise 6-DoF manipulation of virtual 3D objects using smartphone in wearable augmented reality environment, A
* Planning redirection techniques for optimal free walking experience using model predictive control
* Plant classification system for crop /weed discrimination without segmentation
* Play type recognition in real-world football video
* PMFS: A Perceptual Modulated Feature Similarity Metric for Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Point pattern matching based on line graph spectral context and descriptor embedding
* point walker multi-label approach, The
* portability evaluation of Brazilian Portuguese voices produced with MARY TTS, A
* Portable integral photography input/output system using tablet PC and fly's eye lenses
* Possible use of texture parameters to corrosion evolution analysis
* Potential impacts of ecological adaptive cruise control systems on traffic and environment
* Practice-Based Comparison of Imaging Methods for Visualization of Toolmarks on an Egyptian Scarab
* Predicting movie ratings from audience behaviors
* Predicting User-Topic Opinions in Twitter with Social and Topical Context
* Prediction of visual discomfort in watching 3D video using multiple features
* Principal component analysis-based learning for preceding vehicle classification
* Probability-Based Location Aware Design and On-Demand Robotic Intrusion Detection System
* Projected Barzilai-Borwein Method with Infeasible Iterates for Nonnegative Least-Squares Image Deblurring
* Projective Matrix Factorization with unified embedding for social image tagging
* Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Visual Teach and Repeat on a Quadrocopter Using an Altitude Sensor and a Monocular Camera, A
* Prototyping natural interactions in virtual studio environments by demonstration by: Combining spatial mapping with gesture following
* Punching ducks for post-stroke neurorehabilitation: System design and initial exploratory feasibility study
* Puppetooner: A puppet-based system to interconnect real and virtual spaces for 3D animations
* Q-STAR: A Perceptual Video Quality Model Considering Impact of Spatial, Temporal, and Amplitude Resolutions
* Quadra-Embedding: Binary Code Embedding with Low Quantization Error
* Quadtree-based non-local Kuan's filtering in video compression
* Queueing model based resource optimization for multimedia cloud
* Ramps are better than stairs to reduce cybersickness in applications based on a HMD and a Gamepad
* Random Forests with ensemble of feature spaces
* Random projections on manifolds of Symmetric Positive Definite matrices for image classification
* Range Beacon Placement Problem for Robot Navigation, The
* Rao-Blackwellized particle filtering with Gaussian mixture models for robust visual tracking
* Rapid development of natural user interaction using kinect sensors and VRPN
* Rate-distortion approach to bit allocation in lossy image set compression
* Real time action recognition using histograms of depth gradients and random decision forests
* Real time hand pose recognition with depth sensors for mixed reality interfaces
* Real-time 3-D face tracking and modeling framework for mid-res cam
* Real-time 3D page tracking and book status recognition for high-speed book digitization based on adaptive capturing
* Real-Time Computer Vision-Based Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition System, A
* Real-time estimation of travel speed using urban traffic information system and filtering algorithm
* Real-time gesture detection for multi-touch devices
* Real-time markerless kinect based finger tracking and hand gesture recognition for HCI
* Real-time multi-target tracking at 210 megapixels/second in Wide Area Motion Imagery
* Real-time video decolorization using bilateral filtering
* Receptive Fields Selection for Binary Feature Description
* Recognition of 3D package shapes for single camera metrology
* Recognizing locations with Google Glass: A case study
* Recommendations for recognizing video events by concept vocabularies
* Recursive active contours for hierarchical segmentation of wetlands in high-resolution satellite imagery of Arctic landscapes
* Redirected Touching: Training and adaptation in warped virtual spaces
* Reduced-Complexity Data-Fusion Algorithm Using Belief Propagation for Location Tracking in Heterogeneous Observations, A
* Reducing Basis Mismatch in Harmonic Signal Recovery via Alternating Convex Search
* Referenceless perceptual image defogging
* Regularized Model-Based Optimization Framework for Pan-Sharpening, A
* Relative facial action unit detection
* Reliability of an in-vehicle warning system for railway level crossings-a user-oriented analysis
* Removing JPEG blocking artifacts using machine learning
* Reorientation in virtual environments using interactive portals
* Repeated constrained sparse coding with partial dictionaries for hyperspectral unmixing
* Retraction Note: Pose invariant face recognition using biological inspired features based on ensemble of classifiers
* Reversible AMBTC-based secret sharing scheme with abilities of two decryptions
* Reversible Symmetric Nonexpansive Convolution: An Effective Image Boundary Processing for M-Channel Lifting-Based Linear-Phase Filter Banks
* Road Detection Using Fisheye Camera and Laser Range Finder
* Robust Detection of Paint Defects in Moulded Plastic Parts
* robust dissimilarity representation for writer-independent signature modelling, A
* Robust False Positive Detection for Real-Time Multi-target Tracking
* Robust Keypoint Detection Using Higher-Order Scale Space Derivatives: Application to Image Retrieval
* Robust multi-view L2 triangulation via optimal inlier selection and 3D structure refinement
* Robust optical flow estimation for continuous blurred scenes using RGB-motion imaging and directional filtering
* Robust Segmentation Technique for Line, Word and Character Extraction from Kannada Text in Low Resolution Display Board Images, A
* Robust tracking and mapping with a handheld RGB-D camera
* Robust tracking of articulated human movements through Component-Based Multiple Instance Learning with particle filtering
* Robust Transceiver for AF MIMO Relaying with Direct Link: A Globally Optimal Solution
* Robust vision tracking by online random ferns and template library
* Role of Affect Analysis in Dialogue Act Identification, The
* Rotation estimation from cloud tracking
* Routing metric selection and design for multi-purpose WSN
* Saliency Detection for Stereoscopic Images
* Saliency Detection with Multi-Scale Superpixels
* Salt and pepper noise removal in binary images using image block prior probabilities
* Sampson distance based joint estimation of multiple homographies with uncalibrated cameras
* SAR patch scene categorization
* Say it to see it: A speech based immersive model retrieval system
* Scale-invariant line descriptors for wide baseline matching
* Scale-invariant template matching using histogram of dominant gradients
* Scale-Space Decomposition and Nearest Linear Combination Based Approach for Face Recognition
* Scale-Space SIFT flow
* Scene Dynamics Estimation for Parameter Adjustment of Gaussian Mixture Models
* Scene recognition by jointly modeling latent topics
* Script Characterization in the Old Slavic Documents
* SculptUp: A rapid, immersive 3D modeling environment
* Secret image sharing scheme with hierarchical threshold access structure
* Segmentation and matching: Towards a robust object detection system
* Segmentation and Recognition of Petroglyphs Using Generic Fourier Descriptors
* Segmentation and tracking of partial planar templates
* Segmentation of dynamic objects in video sequences fusing the strengths of a background subtraction model, optical flow and matting algorithms
* Segmentation of Moving Objects by Long Term Video Analysis
* Segmenting Objects in Weakly Labeled Videos
* Selection of universal features for image classification
* Selectively guiding visual concept discovery
* Self-learning-based post-processing for image/video deblocking via sparse representation
* Self-Localization at Street Intersections
* Self-organizing maps based 3D normal mesh compression
* Semi-automated Speaker Adaptation: How to Control the Quality of Adaptation?
* Semi-fragile watermarking for grayscale image authentication and tamper detection based on an adjusted expanded-bit multiscale quantization-based technique
* Semi-supervised framework for writer identification using structural learning
* Semi-Supervised Kernel Mean Shift Clustering
* Semi-supervised multi-graph hashing for scalable similarity search
* Sentiment Word Relations with Affect, Judgment, and Appreciation
* Serbia Forum - Digital Cultural Heritage Portal
* Serial Combination of Neural Network for Arabic OCR, A
* SHOT: Unique signatures of histograms for surface and texture description
* SIFT-based contactless palmprint verification approach using iterative RANSAC and local palmprint descriptors, A
* Sign Language Fingerspelling Classification from Depth and Color Images Using a Deep Belief Network
* Signal processing algorithms for temperauture drift in a MEMS-gyro-based head mouse
* Simple, effective rate control for video distribution in heterogeneous intelligent transportation system networks
* Simultaneous recognition of facial expression and identity via sparse representation
* Single image super-resolution using dictionary-based local regression
* SKINcure: A real time image analysis system to aid in the malignant melanoma prevention and early detection
* Slice-n-Swipe: A free-hand gesture user interface for 3D point cloud annotation
* Slicing techniques for handheld augmented reality
* Small Hand-Held Object Recognition Test (SHORT)
* Smart surveillance framework: A versatile tool for video analysis
* Social behavior analysis of Drosophila larvae via motion activity recognition
* Soft Biometrics; Human Identification Using Comparative Descriptions
* Sparse Regularization of TV-L1 Optical Flow
* Sparse representation for face recognition by discriminative low-rank matrix recovery
* Sparse Representation of Monogenic Signal: With Application to Target Recognition in SAR Images
* Sparse Signal Recovery by L_q Minimization Under Restricted Isometry Property
* Sparse Spatial Coding: A Novel Approach to Visual Recognition
* sparse-response deep belief network based on rate distortion theory, A
* Spatial Augmented Reality user interface techniques for room size modeling tasks
* Spatial inference for coherent geophysical fluids by appearance and geometry
* spatial-color layout feature for representing galaxy images, A
* Spatially-Constrained Similarity Measure for Large-Scale Object Retrieval
* Spatio-Temporal Laplacian Pyramid Coding for Action Recognition
* Spatio-temporal multimodal mean
* Spectral and textural features for automatic classification of fricatives using SVM
* Spectral Colour Differences through Interpolation
* Spectral Image Analysis and Visualisation of the Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon
* Spectral LED-Based Tuneable Light Source for the Reconstruction of CIE Standard Illuminants
* Speed Daemon: Experience-Based Mobile Robot Speed Scheduling
* Speed impacts of an icy curve warning system
* Spot Words in Printed Historical Arabic Documents
* Statistical distributional approach for scale and rotation invariant color image retrieval using multivariate parametric tests and orthogonality condition
* statistical model for magnitudes and angles of wavelet frame coefficients and its application to texture retrieval, A
* Statistical Prediction Model Based on Sparse Representations for Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* Statistical quantization for similarity search
* Steady-State Performance of Non-Negative Least-Mean-Square Algorithm and Its Variants
* Stereo object tracking with fusion of texture, color and disparity information
* Stereo reconstruction using high-order likelihoods
* Stix-Fusion: A Probabilistic Stixel Integration Technique
* Stretch n cut: Method for observing and ungrouping complex virtual objects in 3D space using elastic band metaphor
* Structure and motion from line correspondences: Representation, projection, initialization and sparse bundle adjustment
* Structure-aware keypoint tracking for partial occlusion handling
* Study of Link Quality Indicator for possible usage in angle of arrival estimation
* study of street-level navigation techniques in 3D digital cities on mobile touch devices, A
* Sub-scene segmentation using constraints based on Gestalt principles
* Sum-over-Forests Density Index: Identifying Dense Regions in a Graph, The
* Summarisation of short-term and long-term videos using texture and colour
* Superhumans: A 3DUI design metaphor
* Superpixels using morphology for rock image segmentation
* Supervised and transductive multi-class segmentation using p-Laplacians and RKHS methods
* survey on still image based human action recognition, A
* System for semi-automated surveying of street-lighting poles from street-level panoramic images
* Tactile flow on seat pan modulates perceived forward velocity
* Tapping-In-Place: Increasing the naturalness of immersive walking-in-place locomotion through novel gestural input
* Targeted L1L2: Naturalness-constrained image recovery from random projections
* Task-based control of articulated human pose detection for OpenVL
* Temporal analysis and perceptual weighting for objective video quality measurement
* three dimensional interface device by the wire tip position measurement using two linear image sensors and a rotary encoder, A
* Time-Frequency Hybrid Downmixing Method for AC-3 Decoding, A
* Time-sliced averaged motion history image for gait recognition
* Touch & Detach: Ungrouping and observation methods for complex virtual objects using an elastic metaphor
* Touching the Cloud: Bimanual annotation of immersive point clouds
* Toward a Complete Inclusion of the Vector Information in Morphological Computation of Texture Features for Color Images
* Toward a Unified Framework for EMG Signals Processing and Controlling an Exoskeleton
* Towards cautious collective inference for object verification
* Towards Estimating Bias in Stereo Visual Odometry
* Towards fixed facial features face recognition
* Towards Full Omnidirectional Depth Sensing Using Active Vision for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Towards supporting situational awareness using tactile feedback
* Tracking sunflower circumnutation using affine parametric active contours
* Trajectory Estimation Using Relative Distances Extracted from Inter-image Homographies
* Trajectory Inference Using a Motion Sensing Network
* Transfer learning via attributes for improved on-the-fly classification
* Transform-Invariant PCA: A Unified Approach to Fully Automatic Face Alignment, Representation, and Recognition
* Tree Filtering: Efficient Structure-Preserving Smoothing With a Minimum Spanning Tree
* Trinocular Spherical Stereo Vision for Indoor Surveillance
* Two stage Real-Time stereo correspondence algorithm and FPGA architecture using a modified Generalized Hough transform
* Two tree-based methods for the waterfall
* Unbiased Risk Estimator for Image Denoising in the Presence of Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise, An
* Understanding and analyzing a large collection of archived swimming videos
* Understanding Collective Activities of People from Videos
* Understanding of spatial gestural motor space: A study on cursorless absolute freehand pointing on large displays
* Understanding the 3D layout of a cluttered room from multiple images
* unified and pipelined hardware architecture for implementing intra prediction in HEVC, A
* Unified Approach for Registration and Depth in Depth from Defocus, A
* Unimodal and Multimodal Human Perception of Naturalistic Non-Basic Affective States During Human-Computer Interactions
* Unsupervised dictionary learning with double-layer sparse representation
* Unsupervised domain adaptation using parallel transport on Grassmann manifold
* Unsupervised flow-based motion analysis for an autonomous moving system
* Unsupervised iterative manifold alignment via local feature histograms
* Unsupervised Non-parametric Geospatial Modeling from Ground Imagery
* Unsupervised Post-Nonlinear Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images Using a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Algorithm
* Unsupervised visual hull extraction in space, time and light domains
* Urban Tracker: Multiple object tracking in urban mixed traffic
* User-defined gestural interaction: A study on gesture memorization
* User-independent system for sign language finger spelling recognition
* Using affine features for an efficient binary feature descriptor
* Using Gradient Orientation to Improve Least Squares Line Fitting
* Using image segmentation for evaluating 3D statistical shape models built with groupwise correspondence optimization
* Using the whole body for multi-channel gestural interface
* Variational Approach for Denoising Hyperspectral Images Corrupted by Poisson Distributed Noise, A
* Video alignment to a common reference
* Video and depth bitrate allocation in multiview compression
* Video quality in AVC homogenous transcoding
* Video segmentation and feature co-occurrences for activity classification
* Video segmentation with joint object and trajectory labeling
* Video streaming protocol extension for session control and authorization
* Video text detection and recognition: Dataset and benchmark
* Video-based traffic data collection system for multiple vehicle types
* Viewpoint-Aware Representation for Sketch-Based 3D Model Retrieval
* Viewpoint-independent book spine segmentation
* Virtual archery with tangible interaction
* Virtual Mitten: A novel interaction paradigm for visuo-haptic manipulation of objects using grip force, The
* Virtual reality interaction using mobile devices
* Vision for road inspection
* Vision-Based Qualitative Path-Following Control of Quadrotor Aerial Vehicle with Speeded-Up Robust Features
* Visual feedback for virtual grasping
* Visual object tracking using spatial Context Information and Global tracking skills
* Visual query expansion with or without geometry: Refining local descriptors by feature aggregation
* Visual Saliency Improves Autonomous Visual Search
* Visual-PSNR measure of image quality
* Vocabulary harmonisation for biometrics: The development of ISO/IEC 2382 Part 37
* Voice biometrics using linear Gaussian model
* Volume Cracker: A bimanual 3D interaction technique for analysis of raw volumetric data
* Volumetric reconstruction applied to perceptual studies of size and weight
* wearable augmented reality system with haptic feedback and its performance in virtual assembly tasks, A
* Wearable input device for smart glasses based on a wristband-type motion-aware touch panel
* Weighted KPCA Degree of Homogeneity Amended Nonclassical Receptive Field Inhibition Model for Salient Contour Extraction in Low-Light-Level Image
* Wideband Speech Encryption Based Arnold Cat Map for AMR-WB G.722.2 Codec
* Wireless multicasting of video signals based on distributed compressed sensing
* Wonderland Builder: Using storytelling to guide dream-like interaction, The
* Writer identification and verification using GMM supervectors
821 for 1406

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.