Update Dates 1709

1709 * *Automatic Traffic Surveillance
* *Biometrics
* *Brave New Ideas For Motion Representations
* *Bright and Dark Sides of Computer Vision: Challenges and Opportunities for Privacy and Security, The
* *ChaLearn: Explainable Computer Vision Workshop and Job Candidate Screening Competition
* *Computational Cameras and Displays
* *Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis
* *Computer Vision in Sports
* *Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Assisted Driving, Exploration Rovers, Aerial and Underwater Vehicles
* *Deep Affective Learning and Context Modeling
* *Deep Learning for Robotic Vision
* *Deep Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Diff-CVML: Differential Geometry in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
* *EarthVision: Large Scale Computer Vision for Remote Sensing Imagery
* *Embedded Computer Vision
* *Faces in-the-Wild Challenge
* *How weather satellites have changed the view from up there
* *International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance
* *Light Fields for Computer Vision
* *Media Forensics
* *New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement
* *Open Domain Action Recognition Challenge
* *Perception Beyond the Visible Spectrum
* *Target Re-identification and Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking
* *Tensors Methods in Computer Vision
* *Vision Meets Cognition
* *Visual Odometry and Computer Vision Applications Based on Location Clues
* *Visual Understanding of Humans in Crowd Scene and the 1st Look Into Person Challenge
* 3D Pose Regression Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 3D Reconstruction Strategy of Vehicle Outline Based on Single-Pass Single-Polarization CSAR Data, A
* 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark Detection
* Abnormal Event Detection on BMTT-PETS 2017 Surveillance Challenge
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Human Pose Estimation Algorithm Using Single Depth Images for Pose Analysis in Golf
* AcFR: Active Face Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Action-Affect-Gender Classification Using Multi-task Representation Learning
* Active Learning with Label Correlation Exploration for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Adaptive Appearance Modeling With Point-to-Set Metric Learning for Visual Tracking
* Adaptive background model registration for moving cameras
* Adaptive Clutter Demodulation for Non-Contrast Ultrasound Perfusion Imaging
* Adaptive Deep Metric Learning for Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Neural Synchronization Control for Bilateral Teleoperation Systems With Time Delay and Backlash-Like Hysteresis
* Adaptive Nonlocal Sparse Representation for Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* Adaptive regularised L_2-boosting on clustered sparse coefficients for single image super-resolution
* Adaptive skin detection using face location and facial structure estimation
* Adaptive Video Streaming With Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networking
* Advances in Signal Processing for GNSSs
* Aerial Vehicle Tracking by Adaptive Fusion of Hyperspectral Likelihood Maps
* AFEW-VA database for valence and arousal estimation in-the-wild
* Aff-Wild: Valence and Arousal In-the-Wild Challenge
* Age Estimation Guided Convolutional Neural Network for Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* AgeDB: The First Manually Collected, In-the-Wild Age Database
* Algorithm for Parallel Reconstruction of Jointly Sparse Tensors with Applications to Hyperspectral Imaging, An
* AllFocus: Patch-Based Video Out-of-Focus Blur Reconstruction
* Analog Coded SoftCast: A Network Slice Design for Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast
* Analysis of HEVC transform throughput requirements for hardware implementations
* Analysis, Comparison, and Assessment of Latent Fingerprint Image Preprocessing
* Application of Computer Vision and Vector Space Model for Tactical Movement Classification in Badminton
* Application of Open-Loop Stackelberg Equilibrium to Modeling a Driver's Interaction with Vehicle Active Steering Control in Obstacle Avoidance
* Application of PCRTM Physical Retrieval Methodology for IASI Cloudy Scene Analysis, The
* Artefacts in Marine Digital Terrain Models: A Multiscale Analysis of Their Impact on the Derivation of Terrain Attributes
* ASePPI: Robust Privacy Protection Against De-Anonymization Attacks
* Assessing very high resolution UAV imagery for monitoring forest health during a simulated disease outbreak
* Assisting Users in a World Full of Cameras: A Privacy-Aware Infrastructure for Computer Vision Applications
* Athlete Pose Estimation by a Global-Local Network
* Attention-Based Natural Language Person Retrieval
* Automated Layout Synthesis and Visualization from Images of Interior or Exterior Spaces
* Automated Quantitative Bone Analysis in In Vivo X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography
* Automated Risk Assessment for Scene Understanding and Domestic Robots Using RGB-D Data and 2.5D CNNs at a Patch Level
* Automated Screening of Job Candidate Based on Multimodal Video Processing
* Automatic 3D Reconstruction from Multi-date Satellite Images
* Automatic Algorithm to Retrieve Wave Height From X-Band Marine Radar Image Sequence, An
* Automatic Curation of Golf Highlights Using Multimodal Excitement Features
* Automatic Ice Surface and Bottom Boundaries Estimation in Radar Imagery Based on Level-Set Approach
* Automatic identification of fungi in microscopic leucorrhea images
* Automatic measurement of anthropometric dimensions using frontal and lateral silhouettes
* Automatic Pain Assessment with Facial Activity Descriptors
* Automatic Quality Assessment of Echocardiograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Feasibility on the Apical Four-Chamber View
* Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Deep Fully Convolutional Networks With Jaccard Distance
* Automatic Tactical Adjustment in Real-Time: Modeling Adversary Formations with Radon-Cumulative Distribution Transform and Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Autonomous Remote Sensing: A Tale of Evolving, Emerging and Converging Technologies (Part 1)
* Autoregressive forests for multivariate time series modeling
* B-Spline based globally optimal segmentation combining low-level and high-level information
* Background estimation by weightless neural networks
* Background modelling using discriminative motion representation
* Balanced Mixture of Deformable Part Models With Automatic Part Configurations
* Balanced Two-Stage Residual Networks for Image Super-Resolution
* Ball 3D Trajectory Reconstruction without Preliminary Temporal and Geometrical Camera Calibration
* Band Subset Selection for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Basis Expansion Approaches for Regularized Sequential Dictionary Learning Algorithms With Enforced Sparsity for fMRI Data Analysis
* BASS Net: Band-Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* BAUM-1: A Spontaneous Audio-Visual Face Database of Affective and Mental States
* Bayesian Approach to Camouflaged Moving Object Detection, A
* Bayesian graph-cut optimization for wall surfaces reconstruction in indoor environments
* Behavioral cues help predict impact of advertising on future sales
* Beyond Deep Residual Learning for Image Restoration: Persistent Homology-Guided Manifold Simplification
* Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Separable Filters for Efficient Hardware Acceleration
* Bit-Quad-Based Euler Number Computing
* Bluetooth Data in an Urban Context: Retrieving Vehicle Trajectories
* Blur vs. Block: Investigating the Effectiveness of Privacy-Enhancing Obfuscation for Images
* Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification: Is Magnification Important?
* Bundled Kernels for Nonuniform Blind Video Deblurring
* C3D-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Frame Dropping Detection in a Single Video Shot, A
* Camera Source Identification Using Discrete Cosine Transform Residue Features and Ensemble Classifier
* Cartooning for Enhanced Privacy in Lifelogging and Streaming Videos
* Category-Specific Object Image Denoising
* Caught Red-Handed: Toward Practical Video-Based Subsequences Matching in the Presence of Real-World Transformations
* Characterization and Modeling of the Wind Turbine Radar Signature Using Turbine State Telemetry
* Classification and Retrieval of Digital Pathology Scans: A New Dataset
* Classification of Puck Possession Events in Ice Hockey
* Cluster-Wise Ratio Tests for Fast Camera Localization
* CNN Based Yeast Cell Segmentation in Multi-modal Fluorescent Microscopy Data
* Color Transfer by Region Exploration and Navigation
* Colorization Using Neural Network Ensemble
* CoMaL Tracking: Tracking Points at the Object Boundaries
* Combined trajectories for action recognition based on saliency detection and motion boundary
* Combining hidden Markov model and fuzzy neural network for continuous recognition of complex dynamic gestures
* Comments on Iterative Re-Constrained Group Sparse Face Recognition With Adaptive Weights Learning
* Commercial Off-the-Shelf Digital Cameras on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Multitemporal Monitoring of Vegetation Reflectance and NDVI
* Compact discriminative object representation via weakly supervised learning for real-time visual tracking
* Comparative study of conventional time series matching techniques for word spotting
* Compete or Collaborate: Architectures for Collaborative DASH Video Over Future Networks
* Component Biologically Inspired Features with Moving Segmentation for Age Estimation
* Compressive Light Field Reconstructions Using Deep Learning
* Computationally Efficient Reflectance Estimation for Hyperspectral Images
* Concurrence-Aware Long Short-Term Sub-Memories for Person-Person Action Recognition
* Conflict Escalation Resolution (CONFER) Database, The
* context-based algorithm for sentiment analysis, A
* Continuous Estimation of Emotions in Speech by Dynamic Cooperative Speaker Models
* Continuous Video to Simple Signals for Swimming Stroke Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Convex Histogram-Based Joint Image Segmentation with Regularized Optimal Transport Cost
* Convolutional Experts Constrained Local Model for Facial Landmark Detection
* Convolutional recurrent neural networks with hidden Markov model bootstrap for scene text recognition
* Cooperative Shared Control Driver Assistance Systems Based on Motion Primitives and Differential Games
* Correntropy Maximization via ADMM: Application to Robust Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Cost-Effective Framework for Automated Vehicle-Pedestrian Near-Miss Detection Through Onboard Monocular Vision, A
* Counter-Forensic Method for CNN-Based Camera Model Identification, A
* Court-Based Volleyball Video Summarization Focusing on Rally Scene
* Critical Analysis of Model-Based Incoherent Polarimetric Decomposition Methods and Investigation of Deorientation Effect
* Crowd-11: A Dataset for Fine Grained Crowd Behaviour Analysis
* Crowdsourcing for Chromosome Segmentation and Deep Classification
* Curiosity-Driven Exploration by Self-Supervised Prediction
* Cyberbullying Detection Based on Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized Denoising Auto-Encoder
* Data-Driven and Optimal Bus Scheduling Model With Time-Dependent Traffic and Demand, A
* Data-driven image captioning via salient region discovery
* Data-driven image completion for complex objects
* Dataset and Pipeline for Multi-view Light-Field Video
* Dataset for Persistent Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking in RGB-D, A
* Dealing with video source identification in social networks
* Deceiving Google's Cloud Video Intelligence API Built for Summarizing Videos
* Decoding the Deep: Exploring Class Hierarchies of Deep Representations Using Multiresolution Matrix Factorization
* Deep adaptive feature embedding with local sample distributions for person re-identification
* Deep Alignment Network: A Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Face Alignment
* Deep Analysis of Facial Behavioral Dynamics
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network Using Triplets of Faces, Deep Ensemble, and Score-Level Fusion for Face Recognition
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Selection Units for Super-Resolution, A
* Deep Face Deblurring
* Deep Heterogeneous Face Recognition Networks Based on Cross-Modal Distillation and an Equitable Distance Metric
* Deep LDA-Pruned Nets for Efficient Facial Gender Classification
* Deep Learning for Domain-Specific Action Recognition in Tennis
* Deep Learning-Based Vehicle Classification Using an Ensemble of Local Expert and Global Networks
* Deep Local Video Feature for Action Recognition
* Deep Neural Network with Attention Model for Scene Text Recognition
* Deep Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network for Video-Based Person Re-identification
* Deep Wavelet Prediction for Image Super-Resolution
* DeepSkeleton: Learning Multi-Task Scale-Associated Deep Side Outputs for Object Skeleton Extraction in Natural Images
* DeepSpace: Mood-Based Image Texture Generation for Virtual Reality from Music
* DeepXScope: Segmenting Microscopy Images with a Deep Neural Network
* Delineation of Skin Strata in Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Images with Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Delving Deep Into Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Facial Landmark Localization
* Denoising of Hyperspectral Images Using Nonconvex Low Rank Matrix Approximation
* Dense Semantic Labeling of Very-High-Resolution Aerial Imagery and LiDAR with Fully-Convolutional Neural Networks and Higher-Order CRFs
* Depth-Stretch: Enhancing Depth Perception Without Depth
* Designing a Moral Compass for the Future of Computer Vision Using Speculative Analysis
* Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Proposal and Classification
* Detection and Localization of Image Forgeries Using Resampling Features and Deep Learning
* Detection of Metadata Tampering Through Discrepancy Between Image Content and Metadata Using Multi-task Deep Learning
* Detection of operation chain: JPEG-Resampling-JPEG
* Development of a Mechanical Scanning Device With High-Frequency Ultrasound Transducer for Ultrasonic Capsule Endoscopy
* Diagnostic Mechanism and Robustness of Safety Relevant Automotive Deep Convolutional Networks
* Dimensionality Reduction by Spatial-Spectral Preservation in Selected Bands
* Direct Position Estimation of GNSS Receivers: Analyzing main results, architectures, enhancements, and challenges
* Discriminative Robust Deep Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Distortion-Aware Correlation Tracking
* Distributed Adaptive Binary Quantization for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search
* Distributed Classification of Urban Congestion Using VANET
* Distributed Ramp Metering: A Constrained Discharge Flow Maximization Approach
* distribution density-based methodology for driving data cluster analysis: A case study for an extended-range electric city bus, A
* Double distortion correction method in a catadioptric vision system with a conic mirror
* DriveAHead: A Large-Scale Driver Head Pose Dataset
* Driving Style Classification Using a Semisupervised Support Vector Machine
* DukeMTMC4ReID: A Large-Scale Multi-camera Person Re-identification Dataset
* DyadGAN: Generating Facial Expressions in Dyadic Interactions
* Dynamic 2-D/3-D Rigid Registration Framework Using Point-To-Plane Correspondence Model
* Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming: Towards a Systematic Comparison of ICN and TCP/IP
* Dynamic Hierarchical Aggregation for Vehicular Sensing
* EAAP: Efficient Anonymous Authentication With Conditional Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Early Experience Toward Developing Computer Aided Diagnosis for Gram-Stained Smears Images, An
* Earth Observation Using SAR and Social Media Images
* EDeN: Ensemble of Deep Networks for Vehicle Classification
* Edge Caching for Layered Video Contents in Mobile Social Networks
* Edge-based singular value decomposition for full reference colour image quality assessment
* Editorial: Scene background modeling and initialization
* Effect of a Haptic Guidance Steering System on Fatigue-Related Driver Behavior, The
* Effective and adaptive algorithm for pepper-and-salt noise removal
* Effective Fuzzy Feature Selection and Prediction Method for Modeling Tidal Current: A Case of Persian Gulf, An
* Efficient 3-D Model-Based Reconstruction Scheme for Arbitrary Optoacoustic Acquisition Geometries
* Efficient and fast multi-modal foreground-background segmentation using RGBD data
* Efficient Classification of Long Time Series by 3-D Dynamic Time Warping
* Efficient image retrievals using generalised Gaussian mixture model
* Efficient Image Set Classification Using Linear Regression Based Image Reconstruction
* Efficient Intrusion Detection Approach for Visual Sensor Networks Based on Traffic Pattern Learning, An
* efficient Lagrangian multiplier selection method based on temporal dependency for rate-distortion optimization in H.265/HEVC, An
* Efficient local adaptive thresholding for night-time vehicle candidate detection
* Efficient Method for High-Quality Removal of Nonuniform Blur in the Wavelet Domain
* Efficient Scene Layout Aware Object Detection for Traffic Surveillance
* EgoTracker: Pedestrian Tracking with Re-identification in Egocentric Videos
* EIT Imaging Regularization Based on Spectral Graph Wavelets
* Embedded Robust Visual Obstacle Detection on Autonomous Lawn Mowers
* EMOTIC: Emotions in Context Dataset
* Emotion Rendering in Plantar Vibro-Tactile Simulations of Imagined Walking Styles
* Encouraging Eco-Driving With Visual, Auditory, and Vibrotactile Stimuli
* End-to-End Driving in a Realistic Racing Game with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* End-To-End Ego Lane Estimation Based on Sequential Transfer Learning for Self-Driving Cars
* Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Enhanced X-ray image segmentation method using prior shape
* Enhancing Detection Model for Multiple Hypothesis Tracking
* Episode-Based Active Learning with Bayesian Neural Networks
* Estimating Cortical Feature Maps with Dependent Gaussian Processes
* Estimation of Affective Level in the Wild with Multiple Memory Networks
* Estimation of Dense Displacement by Scale Invariant Polynomial Expansion of Heterogeneous Multi-View Images
* Evaluating State-of-the-Art Object Detector on Challenging Traffic Light Data
* Evaluation of Segmentation Quality via Adaptive Composition of Reference Segmentations
* Even More Confident Predictions with Deep Machine-Learning
* Example-Based Image Colorization Using Locality Consistent Sparse Representation
* Explaining Distributed Neural Activations via Unsupervised Learning
* Explaining the Unexplained: A CLass-Enhanced Attentive Response (CLEAR) Approach to Understanding Deep Neural Networks
* Exploiting Reflectional and Rotational Invariance in Single Image Superresolution
* Exploration of Social and Web Image Search Results Using Tensor Decomposition
* Exploring Contextual Engagement for Trauma Recovery
* Exploring the Granularity of Sparsity in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Exploring Viewer Gazing Patterns for Touch-Based Mobile Gamecasting
* Extending Correlation Filter-Based Visual Tracking by Tree-Structured Ensemble and Spatial Windowing
* Extensive Benchmark and Survey of Modeling Methods for Scene Background Initialization
* Extraction and Classification of Diving Clips from Continuous Video Footage
* Extraction of Wind Direction Spreading Factor From Broad-Beam High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar Data
* Face Detection, Bounding Box Aggregation and Pose Estimation for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation in the Wild
* Face Presentation Attack Detection by Exploring Spectral Signatures
* Face Presentation Attack with Latex Masks in Multispectral Videos
* Face Recognition Performance under Aging
* Facet Segmentation-Based Line Segment Extraction for Large-Scale Point Clouds
* Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild Using Deep Residual and Convolutional Networks
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Enhanced Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using a Combined Loss
* Fast Approximate Spectral Unmixing Algorithm Based on Segmentation, A
* fast Branch-and-Bound algorithm for U-curve feature selection, A
* Fast CU partition strategy for HEVC based on Haar wavelet
* Fast External Denoising Using Pre-Learned Transformations
* Fast Low-Rank Shared Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Fast Mode Selection for HEVC Intra-Frame Coding With Entropy Coding Refinement Based on a Transparent Composite Model
* Fast Neural Cell Detection Using Light-Weight SSD Neural Network
* Fast Simplex-HMM for One-Shot Learning Activity Recognition
* Fast, Accurate Thin-Structure Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robots
* FAST: A Framework to Accelerate Super-Resolution Processing on Compressed Videos
* FATAUVA-Net: An Integrated Deep Learning Framework for Facial Attribute Recognition, Action Unit Detection, and Valence-Arousal Estimation
* Feedback-Based Integrated Motorway Traffic Flow Control With Delay Balancing
* Filmy Cloud Removal on Satellite Imagery with Multispectral Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
* Finding Anomalies with Generative Adversarial Networks for a Patrolbot
* Fine feature sensitive marching squares
* First Automatic Method for Mapping the Pothole in Seagrass, The
* Fixation Prediction in Videos Using Unsupervised Hierarchical Features
* Fixed-pattern noise correction method based on improved moment matching for a TDI CMOS image sensor
* Football Action Recognition Using Hierarchical LSTM
* Forest Change Detection in Incomplete Satellite Images With Deep Neural Networks
* FormResNet: Formatted Residual Learning for Image Restoration
* FORMS-Locks: A Dataset for the Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Forensic Toolmark Images
* Fractional-order tensor regularisation for image inpainting
* From pixels to sentiment: Fine-tuning CNNs for visual sentiment prediction
* Full BRDF Reconstruction Using CNNs from Partial Photometric Stereo-Light Field Data
* Full Reference Quality Assessment for Image Retargeting Based on Natural Scene Statistics Modeling and Bi-Directional Saliency Similarity
* Fully Convolutional Region Proposal Networks for Multispectral Person Detection
* GaitGAN: Invariant Gait Feature Extraction Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Gamifying Video Object Segmentation
* Gender recognition based on face image using reinforced local binary patterns
* Generalised rough intuitionistic fuzzy c-means for magnetic resonance brain image segmentation
* Generating 5D Light Fields in Scattering Media for Representing 3D Images
* Generating random grid-based visual secret sharing with multi-level encoding
* Generative Adversarial Learning for Reducing Manual Annotation in Semantic Segmentation on Large Scale Miscroscopy Images: Automated Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Fundus Image as Test Case
* GOAALLL!: Using sentiment in the world cup to explore theories of emotion
* GOFP: A Geometric-Optical Model for Forest Plantations
* Graph-Regularized Generalized Low-Rank Models
* Ground Moving Target Imaging and Motion Parameter Estimation With Airborne Dual-Channel CSSAR
* Ground Truth Accuracy and Performance of the Matching Pipeline
* Guest Editorial: Holistic Approaches for Human-Vehicle Systems: Combining Models, Interactions, and Control
* Guest editorial: Multimodal sentiment analysis and mining in the wild
* Guest Editorial: Video Over Future Networks
* Half-Quadratic Image Restoration with a Non-parallelism Constraint
* Hand Gesture Based Region Marking for Tele-Support Using Wearables
* Hand Movement Prediction Based Collision-Free Human-Robot Interaction
* Hand-Object Interaction Detection with Fully Convolutional Networks
* Hash Bit Selection for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Heterogeneous Multiscale Method for Multirate Railway Traction Systems Analysis
* High Dynamic Range Imaging Technology
* High Energy Resolution Hyperspectral X-Ray Imaging for Low-Dose Contrast-Enhanced Digital Mammography
* High Sensitivity and Fast Acquisition Signal Processing Techniques for GNSS Receivers: From fundamentals to state-of-the-art GNSS acquisition technologies
* High-Frequency Electromagnetic Induction Sensing of Nonmetallic Materials
* High-Magnification Multi-views Based Classification of Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Cell Samples Using Fusion of Decisions from Deep Convolutional Networks
* Highly accurate and numerically stable higher order QPCET moments for color image representation
* Histogram of Radon transform and texton matrix for texture analysis and classification
* Hockey Action Recognition via Integrated Stacked Hourglass Network
* Hole-Filling Algorithm with Spatio-Temporal Background Information for View Synthesis
* Human action recognition by fuzzy hidden Markov model
* Human Action Recognition Using Tensor Dynamical System Modeling
* Human Activity Recognition Using Combinatorial Deep Belief Networks
* Human interaction recognition fusing multiple features of depth sequences
* Human Motion Tracking by Multiple RGBD Cameras
* Human-action recognition using a multi-layered fusion scheme of Kinect modalities
* Human-Explainable Features for Job Candidate Screening Prediction
* Hybrid Approach for Near-Range Video Stabilization, A
* Hybrid Approach via SRG and IDE for Volume Segmentation, A
* hybrid reproducing graph kernel based on information entropy, A
* hybrid scheme of image compression employing wavelets and 2D-PCA, A
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Multiscale Spatial Information Fusion
* I Hear, Therefore I Know Where I Am: Compensating for GNSS Limitations with Cellular Signals
* I Know That Person: Generative Full Body and Face De-identification of People in Images
* IARPA Janus Benchmark-B Face Dataset
* Illustrative multilevel focus+context visualization along snaking paths
* Image denoising searching similar blocks along edge directions
* Image denoising using generalised Cauchy filter
* Image Denoising via CNNs: An Adversarial Approach
* Image enhancement for outdoor long-range surveillance using IQ-learning multiscale Retinex
* Image Registration and Change Detection under Rolling Shutter Motion Blur
* Image Restoration with Multiple Hard Constraints on Data-Fidelity to Blurred/Noisy Image Pair
* Image Restoration: From Sparse and Low-Rank Priors to Deep Priors
* Image Super Resolution Based on Fusing Multiple Convolution Neural Networks
* Image-Based Visual Perception and Representation for Collision Avoidance
* Imperceptible On-Screen Markers for Mobile Interaction on Public Large Displays
* Implementation of in-loop filter for HEVC decoder on reconfigurable processor
* Improved automated detection of glaucoma from fundus image using hybrid structural and textural features
* Improved Contrast-Enhanced Power Doppler Using a Coherence-Based Estimator
* Improved Cooperative Stereo Matching for Dynamic Vision Sensors with Ground Truth Evaluation
* Improved data visualisation through nonlinear dissimilarity modelling
* Improved Fuzzy Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Periodic Characteristic, An
* improved method for SIFT-based copy-move forgery detection using non-maximum value suppression and optimized J-Linkage, An
* Improved self-paced learning framework for nonnegative matrix factorization
* Improving pedestrian detection using motion-guided filtering
* Improving the prediction of African savanna vegetation variables using time series of MODIS products
* Incremental Change Detection Test Based on Density Difference Estimation, An
* Independently weighted value difference metric
* Indoor scene modeling from a single image using normal inference and edge features
* Inferring Hidden Statuses and Actions in Video by Causal Reasoning
* Influence of Different Spatial Resolutions on the Retrieval Accuracy of Sea Surface Wind Speed With C-2PO Models Using Full Polarization C-Band SAR, The
* Information Hiding in RGB Images Using an Improved Matrix Pattern Approach
* Infrared Image Colorization Based on a Triplet DCGAN Architecture
* Infrared Variation Optimized Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Automatic Ground Target Recognition
* Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Stereoscopic Depth Cameras
* Interaction Style Recognition Based on Multi-Layer Multi-View Profile Representation
* Interactive deep learning method for segmenting moving objects
* Interactive Screen Video Streaming-Based Pervasive Mobile Workstyle
* Interpretable 3D Human Action Analysis with Temporal Convolutional Networks
* Interpreting CNN Models for Apparent Personality Trait Regression
* Intersection workspace visualization of multi-finger hands
* Investigating Nuisance Factors in Face Recognition with DCNN Representation
* Iris Liveness Detection by Relative Distance Comparisons
* Iris Super-Resolution Using Iterative Neighbor Embedding
* It's Written All Over Your Face: Full-Face Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
* Iteration-Free Bi-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Application
* Joint 3D Human Motion Capture and Physical Analysis from Monocular Videos
* Joint entropy-based motion segmentation for 3D animations
* Joint Learning from Earth Observation and OpenStreetMap Data to Get Faster Better Semantic Maps
* Joint Mobile-Cloud Video Stabilization
* Kernalised Multi-resolution Convnet for Visual Tracking
* keypoint-based method for background modeling and foreground detection using a PTZ camera, A
* Kinetic depth images: flexible generation of depth perception
* L-Band Microwave Emission of Soil Freeze-Thaw Process in the Third Pole Environment
* LaBGen: A method based on motion detection for generating the background of a scene
* Lane Determination With GPS Precise Point Positioning
* Large and Diverse Dataset for Improved Vehicle Make and Model Recognition, A
* Large margin relative distance learning for person re-identification
* LCDet: Low-Complexity Fully-Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection in Embedded Systems
* Learning cast shadow appearance for human posture recognition
* Learning Dynamic GMM for Attention Distribution on Single-Face Videos
* Learning Latent Temporal Connectionism of Deep Residual Visual Abstractions for Identifying Surgical Tools in Laparoscopy Procedures
* Learning Neural Bag-of-Features for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Learning Robot Activities from First-Person Human Videos Using Convolutional Future Regression
* Learning Shape Trends: Parameter Estimation in Diffusions on Shape Manifolds
* Learning Spatiotemporal Features for Infrared Action Recognition with 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning to Recognize Human Activities Using Soft Labels
* Learning to Score Olympic Events
* Least Squares Image Estimation for Large Data in the Presence of Noise and Irregular Sampling
* Level Set Method for Gland Segmentation, A
* Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Reaching Robotic Tasks
* Leveraging Intra and Inter-Dataset Variations for Robust Face Alignment
* Light Field Convergency: Implicit Photometric Consistency on Transparent Surface
* Linearizing the Plenoptic Space
* Liver Venous Tree Separation via Twin-Line RANSAC and Murray's Law
* LLE Score: A New Filter-Based Unsupervised Feature Selection Method Based on Nonlinear Manifold Embedding and Its Application to Image Recognition
* Local Submodularization for Binary Pairwise Energies
* Localization of JPEG Double Compression Through Multi-domain Convolutional Neural Networks
* Locally Adaptive Color Correction for Underwater Image Dehazing and Matching
* Logarithmic X-Ray Imaging Model for Baggage Inspection: Simulation and Object Detection, A
* Loitering Behaviour Detection of Boats at Sea
* Looking Under the Hood: Deep Neural Network Visualization to Interpret Whole-Slide Image Analysis Outcomes for Colorectal Polyps
* Low-Complexity Global Motion Estimation for Aerial Vehicles
* Low-Rank Latent Pattern Approximation With Applications to Robust Image Classification
* M-estimators for robust multidimensional scaling employing L2,1 norm regularization
* mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* Manifold Embedding and Semantic Segmentation for Intraoperative Guidance With Hyperspectral Brain Imaging
* Manifold Guided Label Transfer for Deep Domain Adaptation
* Mapping and localization from planar markers
* Mapping leaf nitrogen and carbon concentrations of intact and fragmented indigenous forest ecosystems using empirical modeling techniques and WorldView-2 data
* Marginal Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Matched Shrunken Cone Detector (MSCD): Bayesian Derivations and Case Studies for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* Matrix and tensor completion algorithms for background model initialization: A comparative evaluation
* Measuring Energy Expenditure in Sports by Thermal Video Analysis
* Measuring Glide-Reflection Symmetry in Human Movements Using Elastic Shape Analysis
* Menpo Facial Landmark Localisation Challenge: A Step Towards the Solution, The
* Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data, A
* Method for unconstrained text detection in natural scene image
* Methodology for Designing and Evaluating Cloud Scheduling Strategies in Distributed Videoconferencing Systems, A
* Microscopic Blood Smear Segmentation and Classification Using Deep Contour Aware CNN and Extreme Machine Learning
* Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition: Experiences and Lessons Learned, The
* Mixing body-parts model for 2D human pose estimation in stereo videos
* Mobile Live Video Streaming Optimization via Crowdsourcing Brokerage
* Mobility-Aware and Congestion-Relieved Dedicated Path Planning for Group-Based Emergency Guiding Based on Internet of Things Technologies
* Modeling and dynamics simulation for deformable objects of orthotropic materials
* Modeling depth for nonparametric foreground segmentation using RGBD devices
* Modeling Dynamics of Expressive Body Gestures In Dyadic Interactions
* Modeling, Identification, and Predictive Control of a Driver Steering Assistance System
* Modified simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for fast, high-quality CT reconstruction
* Modified ultrasound despeckling assessment index for the Field II simulated cyst image
* MODIS Aqua Optical Throughput Degradation Impact on Relative Spectral Response and Calibration of Ocean Color Products
* Monitoring and Mitigation of Ionospheric Anomalies for GNSS-Based Safety Critical Systems: A review of up-to-date signal processing techniques
* Monitoring Ethiopian Wheat Fungus with Satellite Imagery and Deep Feature Learning
* Motion Language of Stereo Image Sequence
* MPTCP-Based Network Architecture for Intelligent Train Control and Traffic Management Operations, A
* MSE period based estimation of first quantization step in double compressed JPEG images
* Multi-Agent Advanced Traveler Information System for Optimal Trip Planning in a Co-Modal Framework, A
* Multi-Image Blind Super-Resolution of 3D Scenes
* Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
* Multi-layer strategy and reconstruction model with low rank and local rank regularizations for single image super-resolution
* Multi-modal feature fusion for geographic image annotation
* Multi-modal Score Fusion and Decision Trees for Explainable Automatic Job Candidate Screening from Video CVs
* Multi-order co-occurrence activations encoded with Fisher Vector for scene character recognition
* Multi-Resolution Data Fusion for Super-Resolution Electron Microscopy
* Multi-scale Anisotropic Fourth-Order Diffusion Improves Ridge and Valley Localization
* Multi-scale Fully Convolutional Network for Face Detection in the Wild
* Multi-Task Rank Learning for Image Quality Assessment
* Multi-temporal mesoscale hyperspectral data of mixed agricultural and grassland regions for anomaly detection
* Multi-view low-rank sparse subspace clustering
* Multicamera rig calibration by double-sided thick checkerboard
* Multipath Cooperative Communications Networks for Augmented and Virtual Reality Transmission
* Multiple Moving Object Detection From UAV Videos Using Trajectories of Matched Regional Adjacency Graphs
* Multiple Penalized Principal Curves: Analysis and Computation
* Multiscale Shannon's Entropy Modeling of Orientation and Distance in Steel Fiber Micro-Tomography Data
* Multiview Convolutional Neural Networks for Multidocument Extractive Summarization
* Multiview Hessian Semisupervised Sparse Feature Selection for Multimedia Analysis
* Multiview Imaging for Low-Signature Target Detection in Rough-Surface Clutter Environment
* Naturalness preserving image recoloring method for people with red-green deficiency
* Near-Infrared Coloring via a Contrast-Preserving Mapping Model
* Near-Optimal Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Using Raptor and RCPC Codes for Prioritized Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* NELasso: Group-Sparse Modeling for Characterizing Relations Among Named Entities in News Articles
* New Automated Method for Evaluating Mental Workload Using Handwriting Features, A
* New Framework for Quality Assessment of High-Resolution Fingerprint Images, A
* new low-complexity patch-based image super-resolution, A
* New non-negative sparse feature learning approach for content-based image retrieval
* New Scheme of Distributed Video Coding Based on Compressive Sensing and Intra-Predictive Coding, A
* No-reference quality measure in brain MRI images using binary operations, texture and set analysis
* Non-Stationary Rician Noise Estimation in Parallel MRI Using a Single Image: A Variance-Stabilizing Approach
* Nonlinear Driver Parameter Estimation and Driver Steering Behavior Analysis for ADAS Using Field Test Data
* Nonlocal Gradient Sparsity Regularization for Image Restoration
* Nonparametric Joint Shape and Feature Priors for Image Segmentation
* Nonrigid Registration of Hyperspectral and Color Images with Vastly Different Spatial and Spectral Resolutions for Spectral Unmixing and Pansharpening
* Novel Adaptive Fuzzy Local Information C-Means Clustering Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Imagery Classification, A
* Novel Bayesian Spatial -Temporal Random Field Model Applied to Cloud Detection From Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* novel density peaks clustering algorithm for mixed data, A
* Novel Detection Paradigm and Its Comparison to Statistical and Kernel-Based Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* novel framework for compressed sensing based scalable video coding, A
* Novel GNSS Technique for Predicting Boreal Forest Attributes at Low Cost, A
* Novel Method of Minimizing View Synthesis Distortion Based on Its Non-Monotonicity in 3D Video, A
* novel scene-based non-uniformity correction method for SWIR push-broom hyperspectral sensors, A
* NP-Hardness of balanced minimum sum-of-squares clustering
* NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Dataset and Study
* NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Nuclei Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Three Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks
* Object State Recognition for Automatic AR-Based Maintenance Guidance
* Objective Video Quality Assessment Based on Perceptually Weighted Mean Squared Error
* Odia character recognition using backpropagation network with binary features
* Okutama-Action: An Aerial View Video Dataset for Concurrent Human Action Detection
* On automated source selection for transfer learning in convolutional neural networks
* On Developing a Driver Identification Methodology Using In-Vehicle Data Recorders
* On support relations and semantic scene graphs
* On the Effects of a Routing and Reservation System on the Electric Vehicle Public Charging Network
* On the improvement of foreground-background model-based object tracker
* On the Latent Variable Interpretation in Sum-Product Networks
* On the Role of Representations for Reasoning in Large-Scale Urban Scenes
* On the van Cittert-Zernike theorem for intensity correlations and its applications
* One Hundred Layers Tiramisu: Fully Convolutional DenseNets for Semantic Segmentation, The
* Online Map-Matching of Noisy and Sparse Location Data With Hidden Markov and Route Choice Models
* Online Signature Verification Based on Stable Features Extracted Dynamically
* Optical Acceleration for Motion Description in Videos
* Optimal Load Scheduling of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles via Weight-Aggregation Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
* Optimizing the Lens Selection Process for Multi-focus Plenoptic Cameras and Numerical Evaluation
* Out-of-Sample Extension for Dimensionality Reduction of Noisy Time Series
* Overlapped Filtering for Simulcast Video Coding
* Overview of Shelling for 2-Manifold Surface Reconstruction Based on 3D Delaunay Triangulation
* PaletteNet: Image Recolorization with Given Color Palette
* Parallel multi-modal background modeling
* Parallel Transportation Management and Control System for Bus Rapid Transit Using the ACP Approach, A
* Parked Cars are Excellent Roadside Units
* Parsimonious Coding and Verification of Offline Handwritten Signatures
* Perceptually optimized image rendering
* Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Attribute-Complementary Information
* Person Re-identification for Improved Multi-person Multi-camera Tracking by Continuous Entity Association
* Personality Traits and Job Candidate Screening via Analyzing Facial Videos
* Personalizable Driver Steering Model Capable of Predicting Driver Behaviors in Vehicle Collision Avoidance Maneuvers, A
* Personalized Automatic Estimation of Self-Reported Pain Intensity from Facial Expressions
* PETS 2017: Dataset and Challenge
* Phase-error estimation and image reconstruction from digital-holography data using a Bayesian framework
* Physically-Correct Light-Field Factorization for Perspective Images
* Piecewise-Stationary Motion Modeling and Iterative Smoothing to Track Heterogeneous Particle Motions in Dense Environments
* Pixel-Wise Interframe Prediction based on Dense Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation for Depth Map Coding
* Point Light Source Position Estimation From RGB-D Images by Learning Surface Attributes
* Poisson Disk Sampling on the Grassmannnian: Applications in Subspace Optimization
* Polarimetric SAR Image Factorization
* polynomial piecewise constant approximation method based on dual constraint relaxation for segmenting images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
* Pose-invariant 3D face recognition using half face
* Position Determines Perspective: Investigating Perspective Distortion for Image Forensics of Faces
* practical approach for deriving all-weather soil moisture content using combined satellite and meteorological data, A
* Precise Sensor Orientation of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery With the Strip Constraint
* Predicting Face Recognition Performance in Unconstrained Environments
* Predicting Macular Edema Recurrence from Spatio-Temporal Signatures in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Principal Curvature Measures Estimation and Application to 3D Face Recognition
* Prioritizing Influential Factors for Freeway Incident Clearance Time Prediction Using the Gradient Boosting Decision Trees Method
* Privacy-Preserving Understanding of Human Body Orientation for Smart Meetings
* Probabilistic Global Scale Estimation for MonoSLAM Based on Generic Object Detection
* Processing Cost of Doppler Search in GNSS Signal Acquisition: Measuring Doppler shift in navigation satellite signals
* Protecting Visual Secrets Using Adversarial Nets
* Pruning ConvNets Online for Efficient Specialist Models
* Pure endmember extraction using robust kernel archetypoid analysis for hyperspectral imagery
* QoE-driven optimization for cloud-assisted DASH-based scalable interactive multiview video streaming over wireless network
* Quality of experience measurement of compressed multi-view video
* Quantification of Human Stress Using Commercially Available Single Channel EEG Headset
* Rapport with Virtual Agents: What Do Human Social Cues and Personality Explain?
* RATM: Recurrent Attentive Tracking Model
* Real-time 3D rendering with hatching
* Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection for Embedded System Using Model Compression of Deep Neural Networks
* Real-time embedded implementation of robust speed-limit sign recognition using a novel centroid-to-contour description method
* Real-Time Enhancement of Dynamic Depth Videos with Non-Rigid Deformations
* Real-Time Hand Grasp Recognition Using Weakly Supervised Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Networks for Understanding Manipulation Actions
* Real-Time Implementation of Caldeórn's Method on Subject-Specific Domains
* Real-time Triple-modal Photoacoustic, Ultrasound, and Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging of Humans
* Rear-Stitched View Panorama: A Low-Power Embedded Implementation for Smart Rear-View Mirrors on Vehicles
* Recognition of Affect in the Wild Using Deep Neural Networks
* Recognition of feature curves on 3D shapes using an algebraic approach to Hough transforms
* Reconstructing Intensity Images from Binary Spatial Gradient Cameras
* Reconstructing Interlaced High-Dynamic-Range Video Using Joint Learning
* Reconstruction of time-varying tidal flat topography using optical remote sensing imageries
* Recurrent Memory Addressing for Describing Videos
* Recurrent Neural Networks to Correct Satellite Image Classification Maps
* Regularized Non-local Total Variation and Application in Image Restoration
* Reliable Video Streaming With Strict Playout Deadline in Multihop Wireless Networks
* Remote sensing image analysis by aggregation of segmentation-classification collaborative agents
* Remote Sensing Scene Classification by Unsupervised Representation Learning
* ResNet-Based Vehicle Classification and Localization in Traffic Surveillance Systems
* Resolution Independent Real-Time Vector-Embedded Mesh for Animation
* Retrieval of Striated Toolmarks Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* reversible watermarking for authenticating 2D vector graphics based on bionic spider web, A
* review of algorithms for filtering the 3D point cloud, A
* review of recent advances in lane detection and departure warning system, A
* Review, analysis and parameterisation of techniques for copy-move forgery detection in digital images
* RGB-D Scene Labeling with Multimodal Recurrent Neural Networks
* Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Moving Light Field Cameras
* Riemannian Framework for Linear and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis on the Tangent Space of Shapes, A
* Riemannian Variance Filtering: An Independent Filtering Scheme for Statistical Tests on Manifold-Valued Data
* Robocodes: Towards Generative Street Addresses from Satellite Imagery
* Robust FEC-CNN: A High Accuracy Facial Landmark Detection System
* Robust Hand Detection and Classification in Vehicles and in the Wild
* Robust saliency detection via corner information and an energy function
* Robust Verification With Subsurface Fingerprint Recognition Using Full Field Optical Coherence Tomography
* Role of Synchronic Causal Conditions in Visual Knowledge Learning, The
* Saliency detection using adaptive background template
* Saliency detection using suitable variant of local and global consistency
* Saliency-guided Pairwise Matching
* Saliency-Guided Stereo Camera Control for Comfortable VR Explorations
* Sample reconstruction with deep autoencoder for one sample per person face recognition
* SANet: Structure-Aware Network for Visual Tracking
* Scene background initialization: A taxonomy
* Scene-Text-Detection Method Robust Against Orientation and Discontiguous Components of Characters
* SDNHAS: An SDN-Enabled Architecture to Optimize QoE in HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* Sea Ice Detection Using U.K. TDS-1 GNSS-R Data
* Sea Ice Drift Tracking From Sequential SAR Images Using Accelerated-KAZE Features
* secure image sharing scheme based on SVD and Fractional Fourier Transform, A
* Segmentation and Quantification for Angle-Closure Glaucoma Assessment in Anterior Segment OCT
* Segmentation- and Annotation-Free License Plate Recognition With Deep Localization and Failure Identification
* Selecting an Optimized COTS Filter Set for Multispectral Plenoptic Sensing
* Self-Supervised Neural Aggregation Networks for Human Parsing
* Semantic Instance Segmentation for Autonomous Driving
* Semiparametric Decolorization With Laplacian-Based Perceptual Quality Metric
* Shannon Total Variation, The
* Shape and Spatially-Varying Reflectance Estimation from Virtual Exemplars
* Shared-Control for a Rear-Wheel Drive Car: Dynamic Environments and Disturbance Rejection
* Sheared EPI Analysis for Disparity Estimation from Light Fields
* Shift-Variant Blind Deconvolution Using a Field of Kernels
* Signal Classification in Quotient Spaces via Globally Optimal Variational Calculus
* Signal Multiplexing Techniques for GNSS: The Principle, Progress, and Challenges Within a Uniform Framework
* Signal Structure-Based Authentication for Civil GNSSs: Recent Solutions and Perspectives
* Significant Wave Height Measured by Coherent X-Band Radar
* Simple Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks
* Simulator Study Comparing Characteristics of Manual and Automated Driving During Lane Changes of Long Combination Vehicles, A
* Singlets: Multi-resolution Motion Singularities for Soccer Video Abstraction
* Sliding Windowed Infinite Fourier Transform, The
* Slot Cars: 3D Modelling for Improved Visual Traffic Analytics
* Smartphone-Based Adaptive Driving Maneuver Detection: A Large-Scale Evaluation Study
* Socially Aware Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Collaboration for Video Distribution
* Soil Moisture Active/Passive L-Band Microwave Radiometer Postlaunch Calibration
* Soil Moisture Estimation by SAR in Alpine Fields Using Gaussian Process Regressor Trained by Model Simulations
* Soil Moisture Estimation Using Differential Radar Interferometry: Toward Separating Soil Moisture and Displacements
* Sparse Image Reconstruction on the Sphere: Analysis and Synthesis
* Sparse, Quantized, Full Frame CNN for Low Power Embedded Devices
* Sparsity in Dynamics of Spontaneous Subtle Emotions: Analysis and Application
* Sparsity-Based Color Image Super Resolution via Exploiting Cross Channel Constraints
* Spatially Adaptive Multi-Scale Optimization for Local Parameter Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology
* Spatio-temporal multi-scale motion descriptor from a spatially-constrained decomposition for online action recognition
* Spectral analysis of amazon canopy phenology during the dry season using a tower hyperspectral camera and modis observations
* Spectral CT Method to Directly Estimate Basis Material Maps From Experimental Photon-Counting Data, A
* Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Implicit Emotional Awareness: A Deep Learning Approach
* Spotting Audio-Visual Inconsistencies (SAVI) in Manipulated Video
* Square Root Velocity Framework for Curves in a Homogeneous Space, The
* SqueezeDet: Unified, Small, Low Power Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* SqueezeMap: Fast Pedestrian Detection on a Low-Power Automotive Processor Using Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks
* SRHRF+: Self-Example Enhanced Single Image Super-Resolution Using Hierarchical Random Forests
* Stacked Hourglass Network for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation
* Standardized target-specific detectivity metric for computational imaging systems
* Stepwise Analytical Projected Gradient Descent Search for Hyperspectral Unmixing and Its Code Vectorization, A
* Stereoscopic Image Stitching Based on a Hybrid Warping Model
* Stereoscopic Zoom, The
* Stochastic Driver Pedal Behavior Model Incorporating Road Information, A
* Storytelling by the StoryCake visualization
* Strength modelling for real-worldautomatic continuous affect recognition from audiovisual signals
* Structured dictionary learning for abnormal event detection in crowded scenes
* Study of Temporal Effects on Subjective Video Quality of Experience
* Study on Video Generation Based on High-Density Temporal Sampling, A
* Subcategory-Aware Feature Selection and SVM Optimization for Automatic Aerial Image-Based Oil Spill Inspection
* Subpixel Target Detection Approach to Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Super-Resolution of Multispectral Multiresolution Images from a Single Sensor
* Surface Normal Reconstruction from Specular Information in Light Field Data
* Surrogate Bicycle Design for Millimeter-Wave Automotive Radar Pre-Collision Testing
* survey of multimodal sentiment analysis, A
* Takeover Requests in Simulated Partially Autonomous Vehicles Considering Human Factors
* Tampering Detection and Localization Through Clustering of Camera-Based CNN Features
* Task-Based Modeling of a 5k Ultra-High-Resolution Medical Imaging System for Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* Taxonomy and Evaluation of Dense Light Field Depth Estimation Algorithms, A
* Teaching Computer Vision and Its Societal Effects: A Look at Privacy and Security Issues from the Students' Perspective
* Tectonic and Anthropogenic Deformation at the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Step-Over Revealed by Sentinel-1A InSAR
* Temporal Domain Neural Encoder for Video Representation Learning
* Temporal Vegetation Modelling Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Crop Identification from Medium-Resolution Multi-spectral Satellite Images
* Temporal weighted learning model for background estimation with an automatic re-initialization stage and adaptive parameters update
* Temporally Steered Gaussian Attention for Video Understanding
* Tensor Contraction Layers for Parsimonious Deep Nets
* Tensor decomposition-based sparsity divergence index for hyperspectral anomaly detection
* Texture characterization via deterministic walks' direction histogram applied to a complex network-based image transformation
* Theoretical Study of Velocity SAR Imaging of a Moving, Nonstationary Scene, A
* Time-Contrastive Networks: Self-Supervised Learning from Multi-view Observation
* Time-Frequency Analysis for GNSSs: From interference mitigation to system monitoring
* time-integration method for stable simulation of extremely deformable hyperelastic objects, A
* Toward combining thematic information with hierarchical multiscale segmentations using tree Markov random field model
* Toward Open-Set Face Recognition
* Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding
* Toward Physiology-Aware DASH: Bandwidth-Compliant Prioritized Clinical Multimedia Communication in Ambulances
* Toward QoE-Assured 4K Video-on-Demand Delivery Through Mobile Edge Virtualization With Adaptive Prefetching
* Toward Use of Facial Thermal Features in Dynamic Assessment of Affect and Arousal Level
* Towards a Principled Integration of Multi-camera Re-identification and Tracking Through Optimal Bayes Filters
* Track-Clustering Error Evaluation for Track-Based Multi-camera Tracking System Employing Human Re-identification
* Traffic Sign Occlusion Detection Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Training Sparse Neural Networks
* Trajectory Ensemble: Multiple Persons Consensus Tracking Across Non-overlapping Multiple Cameras over Randomly Dropped Camera Networks
* Trajectory Predictor by Using Recurrent Neural Networks in Visual Tracking
* Transfer Learning Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Composite Face Sketch Recognition
* Transferable Deep-CNN Features for Detecting Digital and Print-Scanned Morphed Face Images
* Transferring Microscopy Image Modalities with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Transportation LP Distance for Signal Analysis, A
* Trusting the Computer in Computer Vision: A Privacy-Affirming Framework
* Tuning Modular Networks with Weighted Losses for Hand-Eye Coordination
* Two-Stream Neural Networks for Tampered Face Detection
* Unambiguous Techniques Modernized GNSS Signals: Surveying the solutions
* Unbiased evaluation of keypoint detectors with respect to rotation invariance
* Uncertainty Quantification of Lucas Kanade Feature Track and Application to Visual Odometry
* Unconstrained Face Alignment Without Face Detection
* Understanding Symmetric Smoothing Filters: A Gaussian Mixture Model Perspective
* Underwater Image Dehazing with a Light Field Camera
* Unified Blind Quality Assessment of Compressed Natural, Graphic, and Screen Content Images
* Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images via Riemannian Sparse Coding
* Unsupervised domain adaptation for early detection of drought stress in hyperspectral images
* Unsupervised Human Action Detection by Action Matching
* Unsupervised Primary Object Discovery in Videos Based on Evolutionary Primary Object Modeling With Reliable Object Proposals
* Unsupervised t-Distributed Video Hashing and Its Deep Hashing Extension
* User attribute discovery with missing labels
* User authorization based on hand geometry without special equipment
* Using Landsat Surface Reflectance Data as a Reference Target for Multiswath Hyperspectral Data Collected Over Mixed Agricultural Rangeland Areas
* Using real-time cluster configurations of streaming asynchronous features as online state descriptors in financial markets
* Vacant Parking Space Detection Based on a Multilayer Inference Framework
* Vehicle Type Classification Using Bagging and Convolutional Neural Network on Multi View Surveillance Image
* Video Action Recognition Based on Deeper Convolution Networks with Pair-Wise Frame Motion Concatenation
* Video Encoder Architecture for Low-Delay Live-Streaming Events
* Video Object Discovery and Co-Segmentation with Extremely Weak Supervision
* Video-based emotion recognition in the wild using deep transfer learning and score fusion
* Video-Based Person Re-identification by Deep Feature Guided Pooling
* Video2vec Embeddings Recognize Events When Examples Are Scarce
* vision-based non-contact area and volume estimation of irregular structures towards applications in wound measurement, A
* Visual Indexing of Large Scale Train-Borne Video for Rail Condition Perceiving
* visual quality evaluation method for telemedicine applications, A
* Visual Tracking With Convolutional Random Vector Functional Link Network
* Visualization of Driving Behavior Based on Hidden Feature Extraction by Using Deep Learning
* Visualizing Web Images Using Fisher Discriminant Locality Preserving Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Wearable Mobile-Based Emotional Response-Monitoring System for Drivers
* What Will I Do Next? The Intention from Motion Experiment
* When Kernel Methods Meet Feature Learning: Log-Covariance Network for Action Recognition From Skeletal Data
* Wide-Baseline Foreground Object Interpolation Using Silhouette Shape Prior
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.