Update Dates 1303

1303 * *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* 2-D recursive inverse adaptive algorithm, A
* 2D-3D Image Registration Algorithm Using Log-Polar Transforms for Knee Kinematic Analysis, A
* 3D Face Discriminant Analysis Using Gauss-Markov Posterior Marginals
* 3D free form object recognition using rotational projection statistics
* 3D head tracking for fall detection using a single calibrated camera
* 3D Imaging Framework Based on High-Resolution Photometric-Stereo and Low-Resolution Depth, A
* 3D Imaging Techniques and Multimedia Applications: Guest editor's introduction
* 3D shape from focus using LULU operators and discrete pulse transform in the presence of noise
* 3D Stochastic Completion Fields for Mapping Connectivity in Diffusion MRI
* 4D Reconstruction of the Beating Embryonic Heart From Two Orthogonal Sets of Parallel Optical Coherence Tomography Slice-Sequences
* A)ATSR Solar Channel On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration
* Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Sparse Representation
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Landsat Using a Pseudo Invariant Calibration Site
* Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Narrow-Swath Imaging Sensors With Reference to Non-Coincident Wide-Swath Sensors
* Accelerated Regularized Estimation of MR Coil Sensitivities Using Augmented Lagrangian Methods
* Acceleration of the Shiftable mbiO(1) Algorithm for Bilateral Filtering and Nonlocal Means
* Accurate motion deblurring using camera motion tracking and scene depth
* Accurate Multiple View 3D Reconstruction Using Patch-Based Stereo for Large-Scale Scenes
* Achieving High Multi-Modal Registration Performance Using Simplified Hough-Transform with Improved Symmetric-SIFT
* Action Spotting and Recognition Based on a Spatiotemporal Orientation Analysis
* Active contour model driven by local histogram fitting energy
* Active Contour-Based Visual Tracking by Integrating Colors, Shapes, and Motions
* Active Contours Driven by the Salient Edge Energy Model
* Active Learning: Any Value for Classification of Remotely Sensed Data?
* Activity Recognition Using a Mixture of Vector Fields
* Adaptive 2DCCA Based Approach for Improving Spatial Specificity of Activation Detection in Functional MRI
* adaptive dynamic combined energy minimization model for few-view computed tomography reconstruction, An
* Adaptive Longitudinal Driving Assistance System Based on Driver Characteristics, An
* Adaptive transform skipping for improved coding of motion compensated residuals
* Adaptive tree-based P2P video streaming multicast system under high peer-churn rate
* Adaptive vector-valued martingales: applications to image compression
* Adaptive-ADMM Algorithm With Support and Signal Value Detection for Compressed Sensing, An
* Additive Log-Logistic Model for Networked Video Quality Assessment
* Advances in Remote Sensing of Agriculture: Context Description, Existing Operational Monitoring Systems and Major Information Needs
* Advances in Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Advances in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing
* Airborne SAR-Efficient Signal Processing for Very High Resolution
* Aircraft Ground-Taxiing Model for Congested Airport Using Cellular Automata
* Alternative search techniques for face detection using location estimation and binary features
* Analysis of colour constancy algorithms using the knowledge of variation of correlated colour temperature of daylight with solar elevation
* Analysis of Non-Local Euclidean Medians and Its Improvement
* Analysis of the Characteristic of the Kalman Gain for 1-D Chaotic Maps in Cubature Kalman Filter
* Analyzing Tubular Tissue in Histopathological Thin Sections
* Animal recognition in the Mojave Desert: Vision tools for field biologists
* Anomalous Event Detection Using a Semi-Two Dimensional Hidden Markov Model
* Application of Graph Kernels in Face Recognition, The
* Application of Weber's Law to Medical Image Registration to Accommodate Intensity Inhomogeneities
* Applications of Spectral Band Adjustment Factors (SBAF) for Cross-Calibration
* Applying a novelty filter as a matching criterion to iris recognition for binary and real-valued feature vectors
* Approximate Least Trimmed Sum of Squares Fitting and Applications in Image Analysis
* Approximate partitioning of 2D objects into orthogonally convex components
* Approximating the KLT by Maximizing the Sum of Fourth-Order Moments
* Are you using the right approximate nearest neighbor algorithm?
* Assessing Land Degradation/Recovery in the African Sahel from Long-Term Earth Observation Based Primary Productivity and Precipitation Relationships
* Assessing Performance of NDVI and NDVI3g in Monitoring Leaf Unfolding Dates of the Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Northern China
* Assessing the Geographic Representativity of Farm Accountancy Data
* Assessment of Spectral Band Impact on Intercalibration Over Desert Sites Using Simulation Based on EO-1 Hyperion Data
* Assessment of Spectral, Misregistration, and Spatial Uncertainties Inherent in the Cross-Calibration Study
* Asymmetry in Facial Expressions as a Function of Social Skills
* Attention Based Detection and Recognition of Hand Postures Against Complex Backgrounds
* attention emphasized bit arrangement in 3-D SPIHT video coding for human vision, An
* Attention-Weighted Rate Allocation in Free-Viewpoint Television
* Augmented reality for public spaces
* Auto learning temporal atomic actions for activity classification
* Automated Detection of Arbitrarily Shaped Buildings in Complex Environments From Monocular VHR Optical Satellite Imagery
* Automated Detection of Root Crowns Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Bayes Classification
* Automated Urban Analysis Based on LiDAR-Derived Building Models
* Automatic Calibration Method for Driver's Head Orientation in Natural Driving Environment
* Automatic Caption Generation for News Images
* Automatic content-based temporal alignment of image sequences with varying spatio-temporal resolution
* Automatic curve selection for lens distortion correction using Hough transform energy
* Automatic Descending Aorta Segmentation in Whole-Body PET-CT Studies for PERCIST-Based Thresholding
* Automatic Detection of Arterial Voxels in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images of the Brain
* Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Ice Layering in Radar Sounder Data
* Automatic Iris Occlusion Estimation Method Based on High-Dimensional Density Estimation, An
* Automatic On-Site Fire Ant Screening System, An
* Automatic region-of-interest detection and prioritisation for visually optimised coding of low bit rate videos
* Automatic Registration of Aerial Images with 3D LiDAR Data Using a Hybrid Intensity-Based Method
* Automatic Road Crack Detection and Characterization
* Automatic scallop detection in benthic environments
* Averaging and Metropolis Iterations For Positron Emission Tomography
* Backfilled GEI: A Cross-Capture Modality Gait Feature for Frontal and Side-View Gait Recognition, The
* Background initialization and foreground segmentation for bootstrapping video sequences
* Background Subtraction Using Global Textures
* Background Suppression for Building Accurate Appearance Models in Human Motion Tracking
* BAHG: Back-Bone-Assisted Hop Greedy Routing for VANET's City Environments
* Bayesian Denoising: From MAP to MMSE Using Consistent Cycle Spinning
* Bayesian Formulation for Multi-Bernoulli Random Finite Sets in Multi-Target Tracking, A
* Bayesian Framework for Active Artificial Perception, A
* Bayesian non-parametric viewpoint to visual tracking, A
* Bayesian Saliency via Low and Mid Level Cues
* Bayesian-based method of unconstrained handwritten offline Chinese text line recognition, A
* Berkeley MHAD: A comprehensive Multimodal Human Action Database
* Bilateral filtering with adaptation to phase coherence and noise
* Binary genetic algorithm-based pattern LUT for grayscale digital half-toning
* Biologically Inspired Object Tracking Using Center-Surround Saliency Mechanisms
* Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition for Unbalanced Real-World Signals
* Biview face recognition in the shape-texture domain
* Blind Digital Video Watermarking Scheme with Enhanced Robustness to Geometric Distortion, A
* Blind Signal Estimation in Widely-Linear Signal Models With Fourth-Order Circularity: Algorithms and Application to Receiver I/Q Calibration
* Block covariance based L1 tracker with a subtle template dictionary
* Blur and Illumination Robust Face Recognition via Set-Theoretic Characterization
* Blurred Image Deconvolution Using Gaussian Scale Mixtures Model in Wavelet Domain
* Boosted key-frame selection and correlated pyramidal motion-feature representation for human action recognition
* Boosted Particle Swarm Optimization of Gabor Filter Feature Vector
* Boosted subunits: a framework for recognising sign language from videos
* Boosting object detection performance in crowded surveillance videos
* C-Band Satellite Scatterometer Intercalibration
* Calibration of Ultrawide Fisheye Lens Cameras by Eigenvalue Minimization
* Camera calibration with enclosing ellipses by an extended application of generalized eigenvalue decomposition
* Can You Describe Him for Me? A Technique for Semantic Person Search in Video
* Canonical locality preserving Latent Variable Model for discriminative pose inference
* Categorical and dimensional affect analysis in continuous input: Current trends and future directions
* Causes and subjective evaluation of blurriness in video frames
* Centralized Gradient Pattern for Face Recognition
* CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) Tool for Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments
* Changes in the Correlation Between Eye and Steering Movements Indicate Driver Distraction
* Character Behavior Planning and Visual Simulation in Virtual 3D Space
* Characteristic matching-based adaptive fast bilateral filter for ultrasound speckle reduction
* Characterization and Recognition of Bistatic Polarimetric Mechanisms
* Characterization of Deep Convective Clouds as an Invariant Calibration Target and as a Visible Calibration Technique, The
* Circular Reranking for Visual Search
* Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
* Classification and Counting of Composite Objects in Traffic Scenes Using Global and Local Image Analysis
* Classification of Human Epithelial type 2 cell indirect immunofluoresence images via codebook based descriptors
* Classification of multiscale spatiotemporal energy features for video segmentation and dynamic objects prioritisation
* Clustering of video-patches on Grassmannian manifold for facial expression recognition from 3D videos
* Coloring based approach for matching unrooted and/or unordered trees
* Combinatorial structure of rigid transformations in 2D digital images
* combined multi-scale/irregular algorithm for the vectorization of noisy digital contours, A
* Combining usage and content in an online recommendation system for music in the Long Tail
* comment on On the Mitchell similarity measure and its application to pattern recognition, A
* Compact Multipurpose Mobile Laser Scanning System: Initial Tests and Results
* Comparative Analysis and Fusion of Spatiotemporal Information for Footstep Recognition
* Comparative Study of Face Landmarking Techniques, A
* Comparing Calibrations of Similar Conically Scanning Window-Channel Microwave Radiometers
* Comparison of Ellipse Fitting Methods and Implications for Multiple-View Geometry Estimation, A
* Comparison of mid-level feature coding approaches and pooling strategies in visual concept detection
* Comparison of Multiple Instance and Group Based Learning, A
* Comparitive study on photometric normalization algorithms for an innovative, robust and real-time eye gaze tracker
* Complexity-aware algorithm architecture for real-time enhancement of local anomalies in hyperspectral images
* Comprehensive Analysis of High-Performance Computing Methods for Filtered Back-Projection
* Compressed Sensing via Dual Frame Based L_1-Analysis With Weibull Matrices
* Compressive Structured Light for Recovering Inhomogeneous Participating Media
* Computational Models of Human Visual Attention and Their Implementations: A Survey
* Computational Photography with Panoramic Sensors that Have Uniform Resolution with Respect to Unwarping Transformations
* Computational Traffic Experiments Based on Artificial Transportation Systems: An Application of ACP Approach
* Computing the Output Distribution and Selection Probabilities of a Stack Filter from the DNF of Its Positive Boolean Function
* Consistent Binocular Depth and Scene Flow with Chained Temporal Profiles
* Consistent Wiener Filtering for Audio Source Separation
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Invariant Color and Texture Features
* Content-based texture image retrieval using fuzzy class membership
* Context-Aware Sparse Decomposition for Image Denoising and Super-Resolution
* Contrast-Based Phase Calibration for Remote Sensing Systems With Digital Beamforming Antennas
* Cooperative Estimation of Path Loss in Interference Channels Without Primary-User CSI Feedback
* Cooperative Scheduling Model for Timetable Optimization in Subway Systems, A
* Correction for GOES Imager Spectral Response Function Using GSICS. Part I: Theory
* Correction for GOES Imager Spectral Response Function Using GSICS. Part II: Applications
* Corrigendum to An algorithm for training a large scale support vector machine for regression based on linear programming and decomposition methods
* Coupled Snakelets for Curled Text-Line Segmentation from Warped Document Images
* Cross Calibration Over Desert Sites: Description, Methodology, and Operational Implementation
* Cross-Pose Face Recognition: A Virtual View Generation Approach Using Clustering Based LVTM
* Cross-Scan Asymmetry of AMSU-A Window Channels: Characterization, Correction, and Verification
* Data hiding based on image texture classification
* database for automatic classification of forest species, A
* Database for Person Re-Identification in Multi-Camera Surveillance Networks, A
* De-Interlacing Using Nonlocal Costs and Markov-Chain-Based Estimation of Interpolation Methods
* decomposition theorem for homogeneous sets with respect to diamond probes, A
* Defect detection in periodic patterns using a multi-band-pass filter
* Densifying Distance Spaces for Shape and Image Retrieval
* Dependency-based semantic role labeling using sequence labeling with a structural SVM
* Depth from Refraction Using a Transparent Medium with Unknown Pose and Refractive Index
* Depth Mapping for Stereoscopic Videos
* Depth SEEDS: Recovering incomplete depth data using superpixels
* Depth-image-based rendering with spatial and temporal texture synthesis for 3DTV
* Derive a MODIS-Based Calibration for the AVHRR Reflective Solar Channels of the NOAA KLM Operational Satellites
* Design of Low-Complexity High-Performance Wavelet Filters for Image Analysis
* Detecting behavioral zones in local and global camera views
* Detection and 3D reconstruction of traffic signs from multiple view color images
* Detection and Classification of Bifurcation and Branch Points on Retinal Vascular Network
* Detection of Vowel Offset Point From Speech Signal
* Determining the Intrinsic Dimension of a Hyperspectral Image Using Random Matrix Theory
* Development of a Coordinate Transformation method for direct georeferencing in map projection frames
* Dictionary learning for image prediction
* Differential Coding-Based Scheduling Framework for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, A
* Digital Ink Search Based on Character-Recognition Candidates Compared with Feature-Matching-Based Approach
* Digital Video Stabilization Using Radon Transform
* Direct Model-Based Tracking of 3D Object Deformations in Depth and Color Video
* Directional histogram ratio at random probes: A local thresholding criterion for capillary images
* Directional-Edge-Based Real-Time Object Tracking System Employing Multiple Candidate-Location Generation, A
* DIRSAC: A directed sampling and consensus approach to quasi-degenerate data fitting
* Discrete Mereotopology for Spatial Reasoning in Automated Histological Image Analysis
* Distance measures for medical image retrieval
* Distributed Classification of Traffic Anomalies Using Microscopic Traffic Variables
* Distributed Modeling in a MapReduce Framework for Data-Driven Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Distributed Sensor Fusion for Scalar Field Mapping Using Mobile Sensor Networks
* Diversity Fairness in Tomlinson-Harashima Precoded Multiuser MIMO Through Retransmission
* Domain adaptive object detection
* Dynamic angle selection in binary tomography
* Dynamic Journeying in Scheduled Networks
* Dynamic scene understanding by improved sparse topical coding
* Dynamically Reconfigurable Pixel Processor System Based on Power/Energy-Performance-Accuracy Optimization, A
* Early-Time GPR Signal Attributes to Estimate Soil Dielectric Permittivity: A Theoretical Study
* Edge Halo Reduction for Projections onto Convex Sets Super Resolution Image Reconstruction
* Edge Strength Similarity for Image Quality Assessment
* Edge-Preserving Texture Suppression Filter Based on Joint Filtering Schemes
* EEG-Based Brain-Controlled Mobile Robots: A Survey
* Effect of delayed strokes on the recognition of online Farsi handwriting
* Effect of Distinctiveness in Recognizing Average Face: Human Recognition and Eigenface Based Machine Recognition, The
* Effects of Display Mode and Input Method for Handheld Control of Micro Aerial Vehicles for a Reconnaissance Mission
* Effects of Ice Decontamination on GOES-12 Imager Calibration
* Efficient and Stable Sparse-to-Dense Conversion for Automatic 2-D to 3-D Conversion
* Efficient camera self-calibration method based on the absolute dual quadric
* Efficient Data Scheduling Scheme for P2P Storage-Constrained IPTV System, An
* Efficient Fine-Granular Scalable Coding of 3D Mesh Sequences
* Efficient Geodesic Attribute Thinnings Based on the Barycentric Diameter
* Efficient Matrix Factorization Method for Tensor Completion, An
* Efficient Security System for CABAC Bin-Strings of H.264/SVC, An
* Efficient Traffic State Estimation for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks
* Elastic Registration of 3D Deformable Objects
* Electromagnetic Tomography for Medical and Industrial Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
* Emergent Semantic Patterns in Large Scale Image Dataset: A Datamining Approach
* End-To-End Security for Video Distribution: The Combination of Encryption, Watermarking, and Video Adaptation
* Energy Minimization for Wireless Video Transmissions With Deadline and Reliability Constraints
* Enhanced representation and multi-task learning for image annotation
* Enhancing Parking Simulations Using Peer-Designed Agents
* Enhancing perceived quality of compressed images and video with anisotropic diffusion and fuzzy filtering
* Ensembles of strong learners for multi-cue classification
* Estimating PQ Algorithm Message Length Using First- and Second-Order Statistics
* Estimating Real-Time Traffic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Intelligent Transportation System Technologies
* Estimating Winter Annual Biomass in the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts with Satellite- and Ground-Based Observations
* Estimation of camera pose with respect to terrestrial LiDAR data
* Estimation of the number of states for gesture recognition with Hidden Markov Models based on the number of critical points in time sequence
* Euler Principal Component Analysis
* Evacuation Planning Based on the Contraflow Technique With Consideration of Evacuation Priorities and Traffic Setup Time
* Evaluation of ISCCP Multisatellite Radiance Calibration for Geostationary Imager Visible Channels Using the Moon
* Evaluation of the Uncertainty of the GSICS SEVIRI-IASI Intercalibration Products, An
* exact online string matching problem: A review of the most recent results, The
* Exact Support Recovery of Sparse Signals With Noise via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, The
* Example-Based Color Transfer for Gradient Meshes
* Example-Based Super-Resolution via Structure Analysis of Patches
* Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Using Multiscale Graph Cuts
* Expanding gait identification methods from straight to curved trajectories
* Experimental Evaluation of Sentinel-2 Spectral Response Functions for NDVI Time-Series Continuity
* experimental study of pupil constriction for liveness detection, An
* Explicit Modeling of Human-Object Interactions in Realistic Videos
* Exploration of Optimal Many-Core Models for Efficient Image Segmentation
* Exploring the Trade-off Between Accuracy and Observational Latency in Action Recognition
* Extracting polygonal building footprints from digital surface models: A fully-automatic global optimization framework
* Face detection evaluation: a new approach based on the golden ratio ?
* Facial Self Similarity for Sketch to Photo Matching
* Fast and reliable iris segmentation algorithm
* Fast Automatic Precision Tree Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
* Fast Implementation of PCA-L1 Using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization, A
* Fast Method for Reconstruction of Total-Variation MR Images With a Periodic Boundary Condition, A
* Fast quasi-flat zones filtering using area threshold and region merging
* Fast window fusion using fuzzy equivalence relation
* Feature Correspondence with Even Distribution
* Feature Detection from the Maximal Response to a Spherical Quadrature Filter Set
* Feature extraction using two-dimensional neighborhood margin and variation embedding
* Feature Mining for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature Processing and Modeling for 6D Motion Gesture Recognition
* Feature Selection for Multimedia Analysis by Sharing Information Among Multiple Tasks
* Feature-Preserved 3D Canonical Form
* Federated Catalogue for Discovering Earth Observation Data
* Field-Programmable Gate Array Design of Implementing Simplex Growing Algorithm for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
* Fine Structure Recognition in Multichannel Observations
* flexible FPGA implementation for illuminance-reflectance video enhancement, A
* Flood Mapping and Flood Dynamics of the Mekong Delta: ENVISAT-ASAR-WSM Based Time Series Analyses
* Framework for image retrieval using machine learning and statistical similarity matching techniques
* Framework Towards Quantified Artistic Influences Analysis, A
* Freight train gauge-exceeding detection based on three-dimensional stereo vision measurement
* Front Sensor and GPS-Based Lateral Control of Automated Vehicles
* Frozen-State Hierarchical Annealing
* Full-Image Guided Filtering for Fast Stereo Matching
* full-spherical device for simultaneous geometry and reflectance acquisition, A
* Fully Automated Model-Based Prostate Boundary Segmentation Using Markov Random Field in Ultrasound Images
* Fully automatic face recognition framework based on local and global features
* Fully Automatic Registration of Image Sets on Approximate Geometry
* Fusing appearance and geometric constraints for estimating the epipolar geometry
* Fusion of facial expressions and EEG for implicit affective tagging
* Gabor Feature Based Robust Representation and Classification for Face Recognition with Gabor Occlusion Dictionary
* Gait recognition via optimally interpolated deformable contours
* GAS meter reading from real world images using a multi-net system
* Gaussian Particle Filtering Approach for Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in OFDM Systems
* Gaussian Probabilistic Confidence Score for Biometric Applications
* GC-ASM: Synergistic integration of graph-cut and active shape model strategies for medical image segmentation
* GD&T-Based Characterization of Short-Range Non-contact 3D Imaging Systems
* Gender classification using 2-D ear images and sparse representation
* general approach for extracting road vector data from raster maps, A
* Generalization of linear discriminant analysis using -norm
* Generalized Binary Pattern for Eye Detection
* Generalized dual Hahn moment invariants
* Generalized Exemplar-Based Full Pose Estimation from 2D Images without Correspondences
* Generalized Interpolation-Based Fractional Sample Motion Compensation
* Generalizing Laplacian of Gaussian Filters for Vanishing-Point Detection
* Genetic Algorithm-Assisted Feature Extraction and Selection for Global Motion Estimation
* Geometric calibration for a multi-camera-projector system
* Gixel array descriptor (GAD) for multimodal image matching, The
* Global Data Sets of Vegetation Leaf Area Index (LAI)3g and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR)3g Derived from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMM
* Global Non-rigid Alignment of Surface Sequences
* Globally-Variant Locally-Constant Model for Fusion of Labels from Multiple Diverse Experts without Using Reference Labels, A
* GNSS/Cellular Hybrid Positioning System for Mobile Users in Urban Scenarios
* GPS Localization Accuracy Classification: A Context-Based Approach
* Gram-Based String Paradigm for Efficient Video Subsequence Search, A
* graph-based algorithm for multi-target tracking with occlusion, A
* Graph-Based Multi-Surface Segmentation of OCT Data Using Trained Hard and Soft Constraints
* Graph-based semi-supervised learning with multi-modality propagation for large-scale image datasets
* GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary Imagers Using Metop/IASI
* Guest Editorial: 3D Imaging, Processing and Modelling
* Guest Editorial: Human: Computer Interaction: Real-Time Vision Aspects of Natural User Interfaces
* Guest editorial: special issue on algorithms and architectures for real-time image and video enhancement
* Handwritten text segmentation using average longest path algorithm
* Handwritten Text Separation from Annotated Machine Printed Documents Using Markov Random Fields
* Height Measurement for Humans in Motion Using a Camera: A Comparison of Different Methods
* Hessian Schatten-Norm Regularization for Linear Inverse Problems
* Heterogeneous Delay Embedding for Travel Time and Energy Cost Prediction Via Regression Analysis
* Heteroscedastic probabilistic linear discriminant analysis for manifold learning in video-based face recognition
* Hierarchical Aligned Cluster Analysis for Temporal Clustering of Human Motion
* Hierarchical Feature Extraction With Local Neural Response for Image Recognition
* hierarchical graph model for object cosegmentation, A
* Hierarchy of nonlocal means for preferred automatic sharpness enhancement and tone mapping
* High performance reversible data hiding for block truncation coding compressed images
* High Quality and Memory Efficient Representation for Image Based 3D Reconstructions
* high resolution 3D tire and footprint impression acquisition for forensics applications, A
* high throughput robot system for machine vision based plant phenotype studies, A
* Highly Automated Driving on Highways Based on Legal Safety
* Hop-Diffusion Monte Carlo for Epipolar Geometry Estimation between Very Wide-Baseline Images
* HotSpotter: Patterned species instance recognition
* How do image complexity, task demands and looking biases influence human gaze behavior?
* How Does Image Content Affect the Added Value of Visual Attention in Objective Image Quality Assessment?
* How to SAIF-ly Boost Denoising Performance
* HTRI: High time range imaging
* Human action recognition employing negative space features
* Human behavior segmentation and recognition using Continuous Linear Dynamic System
* Human Settlements: A Global Challenge for EO Data Processing and Interpretation
* Human-Automation Collaboration in Occluded Trajectory Smoothing
* Hybrid Mapping for the Assistance of Teleoperated Grasping Tasks
* Hybrid music information retrieval
* Hyperspectral Image Representation and Processing With Binary Partition Trees
* Ice Contamination of Meteosat/SEVIRI Implied by Intercalibration Against Metop/IASI
* Identification of Patterns over Regional Scales Using Self-Organising Maps on Images from Marine Modelling Outputs
* Illumination invariant Mean-shift tracking
* Image Cosegmentation by Incorporating Color Reward Strategy and Active Contour Model
* Image Denoising Using the Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition
* Image fusion technique using multivariate statistical model for wavelet coefficients
* Image Quality Assessment Using Multi-Method Fusion
* Image quality quantification for fingerprints using quality-impairment assessment
* Image region description using orthogonal combination of local binary patterns enhanced with color information
* Image segmentation for large-scale subcategory flower recognition
* Image Segmentation Using a Sparse Coding Model of Cortical Area V1
* Image Super-Resolution Via Analysis Sparse Prior
* Image thresholding based on semivariance
* Image to LIDAR matching for geotagging in urban environments
* Image-Domain Estimation of Wall Parameters for Autofocusing of Through-the-Wall SAR Imagery
* Immersive 3D Holoscopic Video System
* Impact of Potential Land Cover Misclassification on MODIS Leaf Area Index (LAI) Estimation: A Statistical Perspective, The
* Improved algorithm for detecting zero-quantised discrete cosine transform coefficients in H.264/AVC (revised version)
* Improved Bounds for Subband-Adaptive Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithms
* improved fast edit approach for two-string approximated mean computation applied to OCR, An
* Improved Generalized Eigenvalue Proximal Support Vector Machine
* Improved Geolocation and Earth Incidence Angle Information for a Fundamental Climate Data Record of the SSM/I Sensors
* Improved mean shift integrating texture and color features for robust real time object tracking
* improved method for the design of quadrature mirror filter banks using the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization, An
* Improved Person Re-Identification Using Statistical Approximation
* improved simple morphological filter for the terrain classification of airborne LIDAR data, An
* Improving Cartosat-1 DEM accuracy using synthetic stereo pair and triplet
* Improving Head Movement Tolerance of Cross-Ratio Based Eye Trackers
* Improving pollen classification with less training effort
* Improving the GIS-DRP Approach by Means of Delineating Runoff Characteristics with New Discharge Relevant Parameters
* In vivo measurement of skin microrelief using photometric stereo in the presence of interreflections
* In-Kernel Relay for Scalable One-to-Many Streaming
* In-Situ Transfer Standard and Coincident-View Intercomparisons for Sensor Cross-Calibration
* Incidence Angle Normalization of Radar Backscatter Data
* Incremental and Decremental Affinity Propagation for Semisupervised Clustering in Multispectral Images
* Incremental Learning of 3D-DCT Compact Representations for Robust Visual Tracking
* influence of scan mode and circle fitting on tree stem detection, stem diameter and volume extraction from terrestrial laser scans, The
* Information Theoretic Take on Time Reversal for Nonstationary Channels, An
* Information-Geometric Approach to Real-Time Audio Segmentation, An
* Information-Geometric Characterization of Chernoff Information, An
* Integrated segmentation of brain tumor images for radiotherapy and neurosurgery
* Interactive Multimodal Visual Search on Mobile Device
* Intercalibration of FY-2C/D/E Infrared Channels Using AIRS
* Intercalibration of Geostationary Visible Imagers Using Operational Hyperspectral SCIAMACHY Radiances, The
* Intercalibration of Microwave Radiometer Brightness Temperatures for the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission
* Intersatellite Differences of HIRS Longwave Channels Between NOAA-14 and NOAA-15 and Between NOAA-17 and METOP-A
* Interventional Tool Tracking Using Discrete Optimization
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Optimization and User Scribbles
* Introducing a Method for Spectral Enrichment of the High Spatial Resolution Images
* Introduction To The Special Issue On Affect Analysis In Continuous Input
* Investigating 3-D Model and Part Information for Improving Content-Based Vehicle Retrieval
* Is there a relationship between peak-signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity index measure?
* Iterative True Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* James-Stein Type Center Pixel Weights for Non-Local Means Image Denoising
* Joint Framework for Motion Validity and Estimation Using Block Overlap
* Joint Social and Content Recommendation for User-Generated Videos in Online Social Network
* JPEG Steganalysis With High-Dimensional Features and Bayesian Ensemble Classifier
* K'-Means algorithms for clustering analysis with frequency sensitive discrepancy metrics
* Kurtosis-based noise estimation and multiscale energy to denoise ECG signal
* L1-Norm Based Linear Discriminant Analysis: An Application to Face Recognition
* Label propagation based supervised locality projection analysis for plant leaf classification
* Land-Cover Mapping by Markov Modeling of Spatial-Contextual Information in Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Land-Use Classification Using Taxi GPS Traces
* Laparoscopic instrument localization using a 3-D Time-of-Flight/RGB endoscope
* Large-scale document image retrieval and classification with runlength histograms and binary embeddings
* Large-scale web video event classification by use of Fisher Vectors
* Latent motion spaces for full-body motion editing
* Latent semantic learning with structured sparse representation for human action recognition
* Leakage suppression in human airway tree segmentation using shape optimization based on fuzzy connectivity method
* Learning dictionary on manifolds for image classification
* Learning discriminative features for fast frame-based action recognition
* Learning Hough Forest with Depth-Encoded Context for Object Detection
* Learning Smooth Pattern Transformation Manifolds
* Learning to Reassemble Shredded Documents
* Learning with transductive SVM for semisupervised pixel classification of remote sensing imagery
* Length of Growing Period over Africa: Variability and Trends from 30 Years of NDVI Time Series
* Lesion Segmentation in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of Breast
* Linear Feature Separation From Topographic Maps Using Energy Density and the Shear Transform
* linear rate control model for better target buffer level tracking in H.264, A
* lip extraction algorithm using region-based ACM with automatic contour initialization, A
* Local Directional Number Pattern for Face Analysis: Face and Expression Recognition
* Locality Constrained Dictionary Learning for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Location-aware music recommendation
* low cost 3D markerless system for the reconstruction of athletic techniques, A
* Low-Complexity MMSE Precoding for Coordinated Multipoint With Per-Antenna Power Constraint
* Low-Resolution Face Tracker Robust to Illumination Variations
* LSTM-Modeling of continuous emotions in an audiovisual affect recognition framework
* Machine-Learning Approach to Keypoint Detection and Landmarking on 3D Meshes, A
* Magnetic resonance scan-time reduction using echo prediction
* Magnetoacoustic Tomography With Magnetic Induction: Bioimepedance Reconstruction Through Vector Source Imaging
* MAHNOB Laughter database, The
* Maintaining the Long-Term Calibration of the Jason-2/OSTM Advanced Microwave Radiometer Through Intersatellite Calibration
* Making a Completely Blind Image Quality Analyzer
* Manifold-constrained coding and sparse representation for human action recognition
* Mapping Tropical Rainforest Canopy Disturbances in 3D by COSMO-SkyMed Spotlight InSAR-Stereo Data to Detect Areas of Forest Degradation
* Mapping Urban Tree Species Using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery: Comparing Pixel-Based and Object-Based Approaches
* Margin-based ordered aggregation for ensemble pruning
* Markerless tracking and gesture recognition using polar correlation of camera optical flow
* Mass anomaly depth estimation from Full Tensor Gradient gravity data
* Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel
* Measures of similarity between qualitative descriptions of shape, colour and size applied to mosaic assembling
* Melt Pond Mapping With High-Resolution SAR: The First View
* Mesh Parameterization with Generalized Discrete Conformal Maps
* Microscopic image segmentation based on pixel classification and dimensionality reduction
* Microscopic Image Segmentation with Two-Level Enhancement of Feature Discriminability
* MIMO Beamforming Designs With Partial CSI Under Energy Harvesting Constraints
* Minimal test collections for low-cost evaluation of Audio Music Similarity and Retrieval systems
* Minimal-delay distance transform for neighborhood-sequence distances in 2D and 3D
* minimum barrier distance, The
* Minimum-maximum local structure information for feature selection
* Mixed-Domain Edge-Aware Image Manipulation
* Mixed-Order MUSIC Algorithm for Localization of Far-Field and Near-Field Sources
* MMT: An Emerging MPEG Standard for Multimedia Delivery over the Internet
* Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles
* Modeling and Analysis of Driving Behavior Based on a Probability-Weighted ARX Model
* Modelling Convex Shape Priors and Matching Based on the Gromov-Wasserstein Distance
* Modifying JPEG Binary Arithmetic Codec for Exploiting Inter/Intra-Block and DCT Coefficient Sign Redundancies
* Monitoring of the March 11, 2011, Off-Tohoku 9.0 Earthquake With Super-Tsunami Disaster by Implementing Fully Polarimetric High-Resolution POLSAR Techniques
* Monitoring Satellite Radiance Biases Using NWP Models
* Monocular Depth Ordering Using T-Junctions and Convexity Occlusion Cues
* Monocular Visual Scene Understanding: Understanding Multi-Object Traffic Scenes
* morphologic two-stage approach for automated optic disk detection in color eye fundus images, A
* Morphological filtering on graphs
* Morphology-Based Interslice Interpolation on Manual Segmentations of Joint Bones and Muscles in MRI
* Motion Estimation Without Integer-Pel Search
* Motion-Aware Decoding of Compressed-Sensed Video
* Move-Based Algorithms for the Optimization of an Isotropic Gradient MRF Model
* Moving foreground object detection via robust SIFT trajectories
* Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in the Low-Rank Representation
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation with Joint Label Fusion
* multi-cue spatio-temporal framework for automatic frontal face clustering in video sequences., A
* Multi-feature extraction and selection in writer-independent off-line signature verification
* Multi-Feature Fusion via Hierarchical Regression for Multimedia Analysis
* Multi-focus thermal image fusion
* Multi-modal user identification and object recognition surveillance system
* Multi-part sparse representation in random crowded scenes tracking
* Multi-pose multi-target tracking for activity understanding
* multi-processor NoC-based architecture for real-time image/video enhancement, A
* Multi-resolutive sparse approximations of d-dimensional data
* Multi-Wiener SURE-LET Deconvolution
* Multicue-Based Crowd Segmentation Using Appearance and Motion
* Multilevel Graph Cuts Based Image Segmentation
* Multimodal Approach to Speaker Diarization on TV Talk-Shows, A
* Multimodal recognition of visual concepts using histograms of textual concepts and selective weighted late fusion scheme
* Multiple Atlas Construction from a Heterogeneous Brain MR Image Collection
* Multiple Target Tracking by Learning-Based Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* Multiscale Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model for Object-Oriented Clustering of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images, A
* Multitarget Filtering With Unknown Clutter Density Using a Bootstrap GMCPHD Filter
* Multiview Coding Mode Decision With Hybrid Optimal Stopping Model
* n, k, p)-Gray Code for Image Systems
* Natural Image Matting with Total Variation Regularisation
* Natural language letter based visual cryptography scheme
* Network Size Estimation Using Distributed Orthogonalization
* Neural Network Modelling of Tehran Land Subsidence Measured by Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* New Algorithm for Identifying Possible Epidemic Sources with Application to the German Escherichia coli Outbreak, A
* new approach for color image segmentation based on color mixture, A
* New Approach to Video-Based Traffic Surveillance Using Fuzzy Hybrid Information Inference Mechanism, A
* New camera chip captures only what it needs
* New Fast Encoding Algorithm Based on an Efficient Motion Estimation Process for the Scalable Video Coding Standard, A
* New insights into the normalization of the least mean fourth algorithm
* New Method for Word Segmentation from Arbitrarily-Oriented Video Text Lines, A
* New Paradigms for the Integration of Yaw Stability and Rollover Prevention Functions in Vehicle Stability Control
* Noise Reduction Based on Partial-Reference, Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform Shrinkage
* Non-convex hybrid total variation for image denoising
* Non-iterative reconstruction with a prior for undersampled radial MRI data
* Non-parametric Fisher's discriminant analysis with kernels for data classification
* Nonlinear scrambling-based reversible watermarking for 2D-vector maps
* Nonlinearity Detection in Hyperspectral Images Using a Polynomial Post-Nonlinear Mixing Model
* Nonlocally Centralized Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* Nonsymmetric Mixture Model for Unsupervised Image Segmentation, A
* Nonuniform image patch exemplars for low level vision
* novel chaos-based fragile watermarking for image tampering detection and self-recovery, A
* Novel Framework for the Design of Change-Detection Systems for Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* novel image encryption scheme based on a linear hyperbolic chaotic system of partial differential equations, A
* Novel Phase Offset SLM Scheme for PAPR Reduction in Alamouti MIMO-OFDM Systems Without Side Information, A
* Novel Search Approach for Blur Kernel Estimation of Defocused Image Restoration, A
* Novel Wavelet Based Image Fusion for Brain Tumor Detection, A
* Object cloning using constrained mean value interpolation
* Object Description Based on Spatial Relations between Level-Sets
* Object-Based Approach for Mapping Shrub and Tree Cover on Grassland Habitats by Use of LiDAR and CIR Orthoimages, An
* Objective-Guided Image Annotation
* Offline arabic handwritten text recognition: A Survey
* On Computing Greyscale Morphology with Large Exact Spheres in Arbitrary Dimensions via 1-D Distance Transforms
* On Optimal Linear Filtering of Speech for Near-End Listening Enhancement
* On Random Field Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart Generation
* On Secure VANET-Based Ad Dissemination With Pragmatic Cost and Effect Control
* On the Continuity of Granulometry
* On the use of a minimal path approach for target trajectory analysis
* One-Bit Quantizer Design for Multisensor GLRT Fusion
* Online Allocation of Communication and Computation Resources for Real-Time Multimedia Services
* Online Detection of Repeated Structures in Point Clouds of Urban Scenes for Compression and Registration
* OpenVL: A task-based abstraction for developer-friendly computer vision
* Opportunistic Human Activity and Context Recognition
* Optical flow estimation for motion-compensated compression
* Optical flow estimation in cardiac CT images using the steered Hermite transform
* Optimal Approach Towards Recognizing Broken Thai Characters in OCR Systems, An
* Optimal Graph Search Based Segmentation of Airway Tree Double Surfaces Across Bifurcations
* Optimal Perimeter Control for Two Urban Regions With Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams: A Model Predictive Approach
* Optimal resource allocation for Medium Grain Scalable video transmission over MIMO channels
* Optimal Training and Data Power Allocation in Distributed Detection With Inhomogeneous Sensors
* Optimal Weight Model for Single Image Super-Resolution, An
* Optimised image retargeting using aesthetic-based cropping and scaling
* Optimization Framework for QoS-Enabled Adaptive Video Streaming Over OpenFlow Networks, An
* Optimized 3D Watermarking for Minimal Surface Distortion
* Optimized contrast enhancement for real-time image and video dehazing
* Optimized SVD Approach for the Detection of Weak Subsurface Targets From Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
* Optimizing HF Radar Siting for Surveillance and Remote Sensing in the Strait of Malacca
* Optimizing Nondecomposable Loss Functions in Structured Prediction
* Optimizing the Gaussian kernel function with the formulated kernel target alignment criterion for two-class pattern classification
* Ordinary Preserving Manifold Analysis for Human Age and Head Pose Estimation
* Orientation Field Estimation for Latent Fingerprint Enhancement
* Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments
* Palm-Print Classification by Global Features
* Panoramic Gaussian Mixture Model and large-scale range background substraction method for PTZ camera-based surveillance systems
* Parallel architecture for accelerating affine transform in high-speed imaging systems
* Parallel Traffic Management System and Its Application to the 2010 Asian Games
* Parameterization of High Resolution Vegetation Characteristics using Remote Sensing Products for the Nakdong River Watershed, Korea
* Parametrization of an image understanding quality metric with a subjective evaluation
* Part template: 3D representation for multiview human pose estimation
* Part-based object detection into a hierarchy of image segmentations combining color and topology
* Particle filtering based pitch sequence correction for monaural speech segregation
* Particle swarm classification: A survey and positioning
* Pattern Recognition after image processing of low-contrast images, the case of the Shroud of Turin
* Pattern Recognition special issue: Sparse representation for event recognition in videosurveillance
* Pedestrian Lane Detection for the Visually Impaired
* Per-Colorant-Channel Color Barcodes for Mobile Applications: An Interference Cancellation Framework
* Perceptual Color Image Smoothing via a New Region-Based PDE Scheme
* Perceptual Dissimilarity: A Measure to Quantify the Degradation of Medical Images
* Perceptual Distortion Measure for Polygon-Based Shape Coding
* Perceptual Full-Reference Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images by Considering Binocular Visual Characteristics
* Perceptual Image Sharpness Metric Based on Local Edge Gradient Analysis, A
* Perceptual Video Coding Based on SSIM-Inspired Divisive Normalization
* Perceptually friendly shape decomposition by resolving segmentation points with minimum cost
* Performance Comparison of Contemporary Anomaly Detectors for Detecting Man-Made Objects in Hyperspectral Images
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Keypoint Detectors
* Performance Evaluation of Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Algorithms
* Performance Evaluation of Volumetric 3D Interest Point Detectors, A
* Performance Modeling of Safety Messages Broadcast in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Performance of visual search tasks from various types of contour information
* Periocular biometric recognition using image sets
* Person re-identification using semantic color names and RankBoost
* Phase Preserving Tone Mapping of Non-Photographic High Dynamic Range Images
* Picking up the pieces: Causal states in noisy data, and how to recover them
* Pictures as Boolean Formulas
* Pioneering GML Deployment for NSDI: Case Study of USTIGER/GML
* Point Target Classification via Fast Lossless and Sufficient Omega-Psi-Phi Invariant Decomposition of High-Resolution and Fully Polarimetric SAR/ISAR Data
* Polygon mesh repairing: An application perspective
* Pooling in image representation: The visual codeword point of view
* Pose and Expression Independent Facial Landmark Localization Using Dense-SURF and the Hausdorff Distance
* Pose-Invariant Face Recognition Using Markov Random Fields
* Postlaunch Calibration of FengYun-3B MERSI Reflective Solar Bands
* Postprocessing method for reducing phase effects in reconstructed microcomputed-tomography data
* Potential Impact of Climate Changes on the Inundation Risk Levels in a Dam Break Scenario
* Practical Approach to 3D Scanning in the Presence of Interreflections, Subsurface Scattering and Defocus, A
* Practical Camera Calibration From Moving Objects for Traffic Scene Surveillance
* Practical Realization of Magnetic Resonance Conductivity Tensor Imaging (MRCTI)
* practical solution for ripe tomato recognition and localisation, A
* practical use of regularization for supervised learning with kernel methods, A
* Predictive Prevention of Loss of Vehicle Control for Roadway Departure Avoidance
* Prior Knowledge Optimum Understanding by Means of Oblique Projectors and Their First Order Derivatives
* Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification Using Secure Multiparty Computation: An Overview and Recent Trends
* Probabilistic human interaction understanding: Exploring relationship between human body motion and the environmental context
* Probabilistic Matching of Image Sets for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Processing Multidimensional SAR and Hyperspectral Images With Binary Partition Tree
* Product Barcode and Expiry Date Detection for the Visually Impaired Using a Smartphone
* Promise of Reconfigurable Computing for Hyperspectral Imaging Onboard Systems: A Review and Trends, The
* Protein motifs retrieval by SS terns occurrences
* Protocol for Evaluating Video Trackers Under Real-World Conditions, A
* Prototype Learning Framework Using EMD: Application to Complex Scenes Analysis, A
* Pygrass: An Object Oriented Python Application Programming Interface (API) for Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) Geographic Information System (GI
* QRS detection-free electrocardiogram biometrics in the reconstructed phase space
* Qualitative distances and qualitative image descriptions for representing indoor scenes in robotics
* Quantifying Landscape-Scale Patterns of Temperate Forests over Time by Means of Neutral Simulation Models
* Radiometric Calibration Accuracy of GOES Sounder Infrared Channels
* Random Forests for Real Time 3D Face Analysis
* Rapid computation of sodium bioscales using gpu-accelerated image reconstruction
* Rayleigh, Deep Convective Clouds, and Cross-Sensor Desert Vicarious Calibration Validation for the PROBA-V Mission
* Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition via Local Binary Pattern Plus Sample Selective Biomimetic Pattern Recognition
* Real-Time GPU-Based Ultrasound Simulation Using Deformable Mesh Models
* Real-Time Object Tracking Using Powell's Direct Set Method for Object Localization and Kalman Filter for Occlusion Handling
* Real-time tracking of low-resolution vehicles for wide-area persistent surveillance
* Recent Trend and Advance of Synthetic Aperture Radar with Selected Topics
* Recognition Using Specular Highlights
* Recognizing expressions from face and body gesture by temporal normalized motion and appearance features
* Reconstructing a fragmented face from a cryptographic identification protocol
* Recursive computation of minimum-length polygons
* reduced memory bandwidth and high throughput HDTV motion compensation decoder for H.264/AVC High 4:2:2 profile, A
* Reduced-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method Based on the Activity-Difference of DCT Coefficients, A
* Region duplication detection based on Harris corner points and step sector statistics
* Region-based image segmentation with local signed difference energy
* Region-Based Weighted Prediction for Coding Video With Local Brightness Variations
* RegionCut: Interactive multi-label segmentation utilizing cellular automaton
* Regularized Robust Coding for Face Recognition
* Reidentification by Relative Distance Comparison
* Relational divergence based classification on Riemannian manifolds
* relational kernel-based approach to scene classification, A
* Relationship between Hyperspectral Measurements and Mangrove Leaf Nitrogen Concentrations
* Relative Positioning Enhancement in VANETs: A Tight Integration Approach
* Relative ranking of facial attractiveness
* Reliable Classification of Vehicle Types Based on Cascade Classifier Ensembles
* Remote Distinction of A Noxious Weed (Musk Thistle: CarduusNutans) Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and the Support Vector Machine Classifier
* Remote Sensing Based Yield Estimation in a Stochastic Framework: Case Study of Durum Wheat in Tunisia
* Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional vegetation cover and its object-based spatial pattern analysis over mountain areas
* Remote Sensing-Based Fractal Analysis and Scale Dependence Associated with Forest Fragmentation in an Amazon Tri-National Frontier
* Residual Excitation Skewness for Automatic Speech Polarity Detection
* restoration algorithm for images contaminated by mixed Gaussian plus random-valued impulse noise, A
* Retracted Paper: A robust kernelized intuitionistic fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm in segmentation of noisy medical images
* Ridge Regression based classifiers for large scale class imbalanced datasets
* Riemannian Elastic Metric for Shape-Based Plant Leaf Classification, A
* Road Geometry Classification by Adaptive Shape Models
* Robust abandoned object detection integrating wide area visual surveillance and social context
* Robust and accurate pattern matching in fuzzy space for fiducial mark alignment
* Robust autocalibration for a surveillance camera network
* Robust classification system with reliability prediction for semi-automatic traffic-sign inventory systems
* Robust Document Image Binarization Technique for Degraded Document Images
* Robust Face Recognition under Varying Illumination and Occlusion Considering Structured Sparsity
* Robust Multimodal Person Identification With Limited Training Data
* robust non-iterative method for similarity transform estimation, A
* Robust Radial Face Detection for Omnidirectional Vision
* Robust rank-4 affine factorization for structure from motion
* Robust Scene Categorization via Scale-Rotation Invariant Generative Model and Kernel Sparse Representation Classification
* Robust Segmentation in Laser Scanning 3D Point Cloud Data
* Robust Temporal-Spatial Decomposition and Its Applications in Video Processing
* Robust trifocal tensor constraints for structure from motion estimation
* Robust Visual Tracking Using an Adaptive Coupled-Layer Visual Model
* Robust visual tracking with discriminative sparse learning
* ROC curve equivalence using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
* SAGE: An approach and implementation empowering quick and reliable quantitative analysis of segmentation quality
* Sampling Piecewise Convex Unmixing and Endmember Extraction
* Savitzky-Golay Filtering Perspective of Dynamic Feature Computation, A
* Scale Independent Selection Process for 3D Object Recognition in Cluttered Scenes, A
* Scale Proportionate Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Object Detection in Co-Registered Visual and Range Data
* Scene image categorization and video event detection using Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
* Scene understanding and behaviour analysis
* Secure Watermarking for Multimedia Content Protection: A Review of its Benefits and Open Issues
* Security Challenges in Vehicular Cloud Computing
* Segmentation and Rectification of Pictures in the Camera-Captured Images of Printed Documents
* Segmentation, Inference and Classification of Partially Overlapping Nanoparticles
* Segmented Gray-Code Kernels for Fast Pattern Matching
* Seismic array response in the presence of a dipping shallow layer
* Selection Combining for Differential Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Over Rayleigh-Fading Channels
* self-adaptive heterogeneous multi-core architecture for embedded real-time video object tracking, A
* Self-Learning Approach to Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* Semantic assessment of shopping behavior using trajectories, shopping related actions, and context information
* Semantic tie points
* semantic-guided and self-configurable framework for video analysis, A
* Sensitivity analysis for biometric systems: A methodology based on orthogonal experiment designs
* Sensor Intercalibration Over Dome C for the ESA GlobAlbedo Project
* Shape and image retrieval by organizing instances using population cues
* Shape aware normal interpolation for curved surface shading from polyhedral approximation
* Shape description from generalized support functions
* Shape Representation and Registration in Vector Implicit Spaces: Adopting a Closed-Form Solution in the Optimization Process
* Shear Wave Induced Resonance Elastography of Venous Thrombi: A Proof-of-Concept
* Short-Run Route Diversion: An Empirical Investigation into Variable Message Sign Design and Policy Experiments
* Single Image Dehazing with White Balance Correction and Image Decomposition
* Single view pose estimation of mobile devices in urban environments
* Single-Channel MVDR Filter for Acoustic Echo Suppression, A
* Skeleton growing: an algorithm to extract a curve skeleton from a pseudonormal vector field
* Slice Based Technique for Low-Complexity 3D/2D Registration of CT to Single Plane X-Ray Fluoroscopy, A
* Software-Based Solution for Distributing and Displaying 3D UHD Films, A
* Sparse coding based visual tracking: Review and experimental comparison
* Sparse Frequency Diverse MIMO Radar Imaging for Off-Grid Target Based on Adaptive Iterative MAP
* Sparse ptychographical coherent diffractive imaging from noisy measurements
* Sparse Representation Based Autofocusing Technique for ISAR Images
* Sparse Representation Based Image Interpolation With Nonlocal Autoregressive Modeling
* Spatial and Anatomical Regularization of SVM: A General Framework for Neuroimaging Data
* Spatial Search Techniques for Mobile 3D Queries in Sensor Web Environments
* Spatial-temporal structural and dynamics features for Video Fire Detection
* Spatially Coherent Fuzzy Clustering for Accurate and Noise-Robust Image Segmentation
* Spatio Temporal Feature Evaluation for Action Recognition
* Spatio-temporal covariance descriptors for action and gesture recognition
* Spatio-temporal feature-based keyframe detection from video shots using spectral clustering
* Spatio-Temporal Traffic Scene Modeling for Object Motion Detection
* Spatiotemporal Alignment of Visual Signals on a Special Manifold
* Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* Special issue on visual concept detection in the MIRFLICKR/ImageCLEF benchmark
* Special Section on Face Perception and Recognition
* Spectral 6DOF Registration of Noisy 3D Range Data with Partial Overlap
* Spectral Compatibility of the NDVI Across VIIRS, MODIS, and AVHRR: An Analysis of Atmospheric Effects Using EO-1 Hyperion
* Spectral Domain Speech Enhancement Using HMM State-Dependent Super-Gaussian Priors
* Spectral Response Function Comparability Among 21 Satellite Sensors for Vegetation Monitoring
* Speech Recognition Using Long-Span Temporal Patterns in a Deep Network Model
* Speeding-up the kernel k-means clustering method: A prototype based hybrid approach
* Stable Salient Shapes
* Statistical angular error-based triangulation for efficient and accurate multi-view scene reconstruction
* Steady-state analysis of quantized distributed incremental LMS algorithm without Gaussian restriction
* Stereo Matching with Global Edge Constraint and Occlusion Handling
* Stochastic Lane Shape Estimation Using Local Image Descriptors
* Structured dispersion matrices from division algebra codes for space-time shift keying
* Structured Learning-Based Graph Matching Method for Tracking Dynamic Multiple Objects, A
* Structured Sparse Error Coding for Face Recognition With Occlusion
* Structured-light-based highly dense and robust 3D reconstruction
* Study of Destination Selection Model Based on Link Flows, A
* Study on the Method for Cleaning and Repairing the Probe Vehicle Data, A
* Study-Parameter Impact in Quantitative 90-Yttrium PET Imaging for Radioembolization Treatment Monitoring and Dosimetry
* Studying the Impact of Feature Saliency for Geoscientific Target Detection Using Electroencephalography (EEG)
* Submillimeter Accuracy of Multipass Corner Reflector Monitoring by PS Technique
* Subsample-based image compression for capsule endoscopy
* Super-class Discriminant Analysis: A novel solution for heteroscedasticity
* Supervised Low-Rank Matrix Recovery for Traffic Sign Recognition in Image Sequences
* Support Vector Regression-Based Downscaling for Intercalibration of Multiresolution Satellite Images
* Support Vector Shape: A Classifier-Based Shape Representation
* survey on ear biometrics, A
* Tag Completion for Image Retrieval
* Target Tracking Using Residual Vector Quantization
* Task Assignment Algorithm for Multiple Aerial Vehicles to Attack Targets With Dynamic Values, A
* Tensor-SIFT Based Earth Mover's Distance for Contour Tracking
* text reading algorithm for natural images, A
* Text Segmentation in Unconstrained Hand-Drawings in Whiteboard Photos
* Texture-Based Local Soft Voting Method for Vanishing Point Detection from a Single Road Image, A
* Theoretical design of vascular imaging based on hall effect
* Theory of Minimal 3D Point to 3D Plane Registration and Its Generalization, A
* Three-Dimensional Implicit Stratigraphic Model Building From Remote Sensing Data on Tetrahedral Meshes: Theory and Application to a Regional Model of La Popa Basin, NE Mexico
* Threshold optimisation for multi-label classifiers
* Threshold-Based Image Segmentation through an Improved Particle Swarm Optimisation
* Time Series Analysis Using Geometric Template Matching
* Tonal representations for music retrieval: from version identification to query-by-humming
* Topological maps and robust hierarchical Euclidean skeletons in cubical complexes
* Toward a computer vision-based wayfinding aid for blind persons to access unfamiliar indoor environments
* Toward an Intercalibrated Fundamental Climate Data Record of the SSM/I Sensors
* Toward Efficient Computation of the Dempster-Shafer Belief Theoretic Conditionals
* Toward parts-based scene understanding with pixel-support parts-sparse pictorial structures
* Towards a practical PTZ face detection and tracking system
* Towards Improving Query Performance of Web Feature Services (WFS) for Disaster Response
* Towards the automatic detection of spontaneous agreement and disagreement based on nonverbal behaviour: A survey of related cues, databases, and tools
* Track-Before-Detect Using Histogram PMHT and Dynamic Programming
* Tracking continuous emotional trends of participants during affective dyadic interactions using body language and speech information
* Tracking multiple ants in a colony
* Transmission of JPEG2000 images over frequency selective channels with unequal power allocation
* Transposed Low Rank Representation for Image Classification
* Trends and Variability of AVHRR-Derived NPP in India
* Two-Stage Enhancement Scheme for Low-Quality Fingerprint Images by Learning From the Images
* Uncertainty Estimates for Imager Reference Inter-Calibration With CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer
* unified approach to background adaptation and initialization in public scenes, A
* unified probabilistic framework for automatic 3D facial expression analysis based on a Bayesian belief inference and statistical feature models, A
* Uniform depth region-based registration between colour channels and its application to single camera-based multifocusing
* Unscented Kalman Filtering on Riemannian Manifolds
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Feature Learning Framework for One-Shot Image Recognition, An
* Unsupervised Land Cover/Land Use Classification Using PolSAR Imagery Based on Scattering Similarity
* Unsupervised Speech Activity Detection Using Voicing Measures and Perceptual Spectral Flux
* Unwrapping the eye for visible-spectrum gaze tracking on wearable devices
* Up-sampling oriented frame rate reduction
* Use of In Situ and Airborne Multiangle Data to Assess MODIS- and Landsat-Based Estimates of Directional Reflectance and Albedo
* Use of phase diversity and modified phase congruence for edge enhancement in ultrasonic imaging
* Use of Satellite Radar Bistatic Measurements for Crop Monitoring: A Simulation Study on Corn Fields
* Using High-Resolution Airborne and Satellite Imagery to Assess Crop Growth and Yield Variability for Precision Agriculture
* Using Kinect for face recognition under varying poses, expressions, illumination and disguise
* Using Segmented 3D Point Clouds for Accurate Likelihood Approximation in Human Pose Tracking
* Vague C-means clustering algorithm
* Vanishing points in point-to-line mappings and other line parameterizations
* Variational and PCA based natural image segmentation
* Variational Bayesian View of Weighted Trace Norm Regularization for Matrix Factorization
* Vehicle Positioning Using GSM and Cascade-Connected ANN Structures
* Very-High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: Signal Processing and Applications
* Video abstraction based on the visual attention model and online clustering
* Video event recognition using concept attributes
* Video Object Segmentation with Occlusion Map
* Video Processing for Human Perceptual Visual Quality-Oriented Video Coding
* Video-to-Shot Tag Propagation by Graph Sparse Group Lasso
* VideoPuzzle: Descriptive One-Shot Video Composition
* View-Based Discriminative Probabilistic Modeling for 3D Object Retrieval and Recognition
* View-Independent Prediction of Body Dimensions in Crowded Environments
* Viewport: A Distributed, Immersive Teleconferencing System with Infrared Dot Pattern
* VIP-WAVE: On the Feasibility of IP Communications in 802.11p Vehicular Networks
* Virtual Prototyping of an Electric Power Steering Simulator
* Virtual Volumetric Graphics on Commodity Displays Using 3D Viewer Tracking
* Vision 2.0
* Visual Comfort Enhancement for Stereoscopic Video Based on Binocular Fusion Characteristics
* Visual Cryptograms of Random Grids for General Access Structures
* Visual Distance Measures for Object Retrieval
* Visual Phraselet: Refining Spatial Constraints for Large Scale Image Search
* Visual Saliency Based on Scale-Space Analysis in the Frequency Domain
* Visualising Full Tensor Gradient Gravity Data Using Texture and Colour Cues
* Visually Weighted Compressive Sensing: Measurement and Reconstruction
* Voxel-Based Method for Automated Identification and Morphological Parameters Estimation of Individual Street Trees from Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* Wang-Landau Monte Carlo-Based Tracking Methods for Abrupt Motions
* Wavelet Bayesian Network Image Denoising
* Wavelet statistical texture features-based segmentation and classification of brain computed tomography images
* Wavelet-based denoising and its impact on analytical SPECT reconstruction with nonuniform attenuation compensation
* Wavelet-Based Reconstruction for Rapid MRI
* weakly supervised approach for object detection based on Soft-Label Boosting, A
* Weather Adaptive Traffic Prediction Using Neurowavelet Models
* Webcam2Satellite: Estimating cloud maps from webcam imagery
* weighted dominant color descriptor for content-based image retrieval, A
* Whale blow detection in infrared video using fractal analysis as tool for representing dynamic shape variation
* What is the space of spectral sensitivity functions for digital color cameras?
* When is the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve an appropriate measure of classifier performance?
* When music makes a scene
* Whitening central projection descriptor for affine-invariant shape description
* Wildfire smoke detection using spatiotemporal bag-of-features of smoke
833 for 1303

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.