Update Dates 0311

0311 * 3-D motion and shape from multiple image sequences
* 3-D/2-D registration of CT and MR to X-ray images
* 3D head pose estimation with optical flow and depth constraints
* 3D motion retrieval with motion index tree
* 3D optical scanning diagnostics for Leonardo da Vinci's adorazione dei Magi conservation
* 3D Tracking = Classification + Interpolation
* 3dD animation of cerebral activity using both spatial and temporal fMRI information
* Absolute head pose estimation from overhead wide-angle cameras
* Accelerating large character set recognition using pivots
* Accuracy of 3D range scanners by measurement of the slanted edge modulation transfer function
* Accuracy of ground-based microwave radiometer and balloon-borne measurements during the WVIOP2000 field experiment
* Accuracy verification and enhancement in 3D modeling: Application to Donatello's Maddalena
* Active balloon model based on 3D skeleton extraction by competitive learning
* Active concept learning for image retrieval in dynamic databases
* adaptive approach to reducing registration noise effects in unsupervised change detection, An
* adaptive bases algorithm for intensity-based nonrigid image registration, The
* Adaptive data hiding based on VQ compressed images
* Adaptive Dynamic Range Imaging: Optical Control of Pixel Exposures over Space and Time
* Adaptive enhancement of 3D scenes using hierarchical registration of texture-mapped 3D models
* Adaptive Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Images for Aerial Surveillance
* Adaptive Stabilization of Vibration on Archive Films
* Advances in component based face detection
* affine invariant deformable shape representation for general curves, An
* Affine-invariant local descriptors and neighborhood statistics for texture recognition
* algorithm for finding maximal whitespace rectangles at arbitrary orientations for document layout analysis, An
* Analysis and Recognition of Asian Scripts: The State of the Art
* Analysis of handwriting individuality using word features
* Analytical Decision Boundary Feature Extraction for Neural Networks with Multiple Hidden Layers
* Anisotropic diffusion of surface normals for feature preserving surface reconstruction
* Anti-Geometric Diffusion for Adaptive Thresholding and Fast Segmentation
* Apparatus and method for context-based indexing and retrieval of image sequences
* Appearance sampling for obtaining a set of basis images for variable illumination
* application of tomographic reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 over a volcanic site based on open-path IR laser measurements, An
* Applying the information bottleneck principle to unsupervised clustering of discrete and continuous image representations
* approach for locating segmentation points of handwritten digit strings using a neural network, An
* approach to extracting the target text line from a document image captured by a pen scanner, An
* Approaches to Large-Scale Urban Modeling
* Approximate K-D tree search for efficient ICP
* Arabic Character Recognition Using Structural Shape Decomposition
* Arabic newspaper page segmentation
* architecture for ink annotations on web documents, An
* Archive image communication with improved compression
* Area and Moment Computation for Objects with a Closed Spline Boundary
* Area-time efficient between-class variance module for adaptive segmentation process
* Assessing accuracy factors in deformable 2d/3d medical image registration using a statistical pelvis model
* Audio-visual selection process for the synthesis of photo-realistic talking-head animations
* Autocalibration of a projector-screen-camera system: theory and algorithm for screen-to-camera homography estimation
* Automated check processing system and method
* Automated detection and segmentation of table of contents page from document images
* Automated location matching in movies
* Automated method for making a topographical model and related system
* Automated segmentation of math-zones from document images
* Automatic 3D modeling of palatal plaster casts
* Automatic classification of hand drawn geometric shapes using constructional sequence analysis
* Automatic Detection of Specular Reflectance in Colour Images Using the MS Diagram
* Automatic discovery of semantic structures in HTML documents
* automatic drowning detection surveillance system for challenging outdoor pool environments, An
* Automatic edge detection using 3X3 ideal binary pixel patterns and fuzzy-based edge thresholding
* Automatic face classifications by self-organization for face recognition
* Automatic feature selection with applications to script identification of degraded documents
* Automatic filter selection using image quality assessment
* Automatic Generation of High-Quality Building Models from Lidar Data
* Automatic model refinement for 3D reconstruction with mobile robots
* Automatic modeling of animatable virtual humans: A survey
* Automatic segmentation and recognition system for handwritten dates on Canadian bank cheques
* Automatic Segmentation of Diatom Images
* automatic shape independent clustering technique, An
* Automatic thresholding of gray-level using multi-stage approach
* Automatic understanding of structures in printed mathematical expressions
* Automatic video summarization by graph modeling
* Automatically labeling video data using multi-class active learning
* automatization of Barnsley's algorithm for the inverse problem of iterated function systems, An
* Avoiding replay-attacks in a face recognition system using head-pose estimation
* background layer model for object tracking through occlusion, A
* Background modeling and subtraction of dynamic scenes
* Bagging for path-based clustering
* Bank-check processing system: modifications due to the new European currency
* bayesian approach to unsupervised one-shot learning of object categories, A
* Bayesian clustering of optical flow fields
* bayesian network framework for relational shape matching, A
* Bayesian network modeling of Hangul characters for on-line handwriting recognition
* Bayesian network modeling of strokes and their relationships for on-line handwriting recognition
* Beltrami flow over implicit manifolds, The
* Best practices for convolutional neural networks applied to visual document analysis
* bilingual OCR for Hindi-Telugu documents and its applications, A
* Binary classification trees for multi-class classification problems
* Binary partitioning, perceptual grouping, and restoration with semidefinite programming
* Binocular Helmholtz Stereopsis
* Blind Source Separation Using Variational Expectation-Maximization Algorithm
* Boosted audio-visual HMM for speech reading
* Boosting chain learning for object detection
* Bunch Sampling for Fast Texture Synthesis
* Calibrating pan-tilt cameras in wide-area surveillance networks
* Calibrating spectral images using penalized likelihood
* Calibration of a hybrid camera network
* Calibration of a zooming camera using the normalized image of the absolute conic
* Callpaper Concept: Turning Paper into Computer Terminals, The
* Camera calibration using spheres: a semi-definite programming approach
* Camera Calibration with Known Rotation
* Caption text recognition in video frames by MAP matching
* Capturing subtle facial motions in 3d face tracking
* Caratheodory-Fejer Approach to Robust Multiframe Tracking, A
* case restoration approach to named entity tagging in degraded documents, A
* Catadioptric Camera Calibration Using Geometric Invariants
* catchment feature model for multimodal language analysis, The
* Character recognition by adaptive statistical similarity
* character recognizer for Turkish language, A
* Characterization of empirical discrepancy evaluation measures
* Circular motion geometry by minimal 2 points in 4 images
* class of photometric invariants: separating material from shape and illumination, A
* class-modular GLVQ ensemble with outlier learning for handwritten digit recognition, A
* Classification of Connecting Points in Thai Printed Characters by combining Inductive Logic Programming with Backpropagation Neural Network
* Classification of web documents using a graph model
* Classifier Combination through Clustering in the Output Spaces
* Classifying Sketches of Animals Using an Agent-Based System
* Clustering of the self-organizing map using a clustering validity index based on inter-cluster and intra-cluster density
* Clustering source output bits and equalizing bit error sensitivity to improve the quality and robustness of transmitted images over wireless channels
* Coefficient Partitioning Scanning Order Wavelet Packet Algorithm for Satellite Images
* Coherence estimation from multilook incoherent SAR imagery
* Color Appearance in the Entire Visual Field: Color Zone Map Based on the Unique Hue Component
* Color edge detection by photometric quasi-invariants
* Color-based video segmentation using interlinked irregular pyramids
* Colour texture fusion of multiple range images
* Combination of pruned Kohonen maps for on-line Arabic characters recognition
* Combination of type III digit recognizers using the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence
* Combinatorial constraints on multiple projections of a set of points
* combined multiple-candidate likelihood decoding and error concealment scheme for compressed video transmission over noisy channels, A
* Combining gradient and albedo data for rotation invariant classification of 3d surface texture
* Combining model-based and discriminative classifiers: Application to handwritten character recognition
* Combining multiple classifiers based on third-order dependency
* Combining online and offline handwriting recognition
* Combining texture and shape for automatic crude patch registration
* comment on Alternative c-means clustering algorithms, A
* comparative analysis of structural risk minimization by support vector machines and nearest neighbor rule, A
* Comparative Study of Morphological and Other Texture Features for the Characterization of Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaques, A
* Comparison of genetic algorithm and sequential search methods for classifier subset selection
* Comparison of Graph Cuts with Belief Propagation for Stereo, Using Identical MRF Parameters
* comparison of methods for mammogram registration, A
* Comparison of single-year and multiyear NDVI time series principal components in cold temperate biomes
* Comparison of some thresholding algorithms for text/background segmentation in difficult document images
* Comparison of video protection methods for wireless networks
* Competitive EM algorithm for finite mixture models
* Complete parameterization of piecewise-polynomial interpolation kernels
* Component-based LDA method for face recognition with one training sample
* component-labeling algorithm using contour tracing technique, A
* Compression of illumination-adjustable images
* Compression of image block means for non-equal block partition schemes using Delaunay triangulation and prediction
* Computation of Fingerprint Similarity Measures Based on Bayesian Probability Modeling, A
* Computerising natural history card archives
* Computing geodesics and minimal surfaces via graph cuts
* Computing MAP Trajectories by Representing, Propagating and Combining PDFs Over Groups
* Computing Neck-Shaft Angle of Femur for X-Ray Fracture Detection
* condition number for point matching with application to registration and postregistration error estimation, A
* Conditional feature sensitivity: a unifying view on active recognition and feature selection
* Conditions of Similarity between Hermite and Gabor Filters as Models of the Human Visual System
* Confidence evaluation for combining diverse classifiers
* Confidence measures for an address reading system
* Confidence-scoring post-processing for off-line handwritten-character recognition verification
* Consensus-based table form recognition
* Constraining human body tracking
* constraint-based approach to table structure derivation, A
* Constructing 3-D City Models by Merging Aerial and Ground Views
* Construction of Complete and Independent Systems of Rotation Moment Invariants
* Content-Based Analysis for Video from Snooker Broadcasts
* Context-Based Vision System for Place and Object Recognition
* contour code feature based segmentation for handwriting recognition, A
* Controlling model complexity in flow estimation
* Correcting document image warping based on regression of curved text lines
* Correcting the document layout: a machine learning approach
* Counting people in crowds with a real-time network of simple image sensors
* Coupling of a local vision by markov field and a global vision by neural network for the recognition of handwritten words
* Cramer-Rao bounds for nonparametric surface reconstruction from range data
* Creating and Encoding of Cartoons Using MPEG-4 BIFS: Methods and Results
* credit assignment approach to fusing classifiers of multiseason hyperspectral imagery, A
* CSLDS: Chinese sign language dialog system
* Cumulative Chord Piecewise-Quartics for Length and Curve Estimation
* Cumulative residual entropy, a new measure of information and its application to image alignment
* cylindrical surface model to rectify the bound document image, A
* D-Dimensional Inverse Vector-Gradient Operator and Its Application for Scale-Free Image Enhancement, The
* Data augmentation and language model adaptation using singular value decomposition
* database for handwriting recognition research in Sinhala language, A
* Dealing with textureless regions and specular highlights: A progressive space carving scheme using a novel photo-consistency measure
* Deformable model with adaptive mesh and automated topology changes
* Dense matching of multiple wide-baseline views
* Dense shape reconstruction of a moving object under arbitrary, unknown lighting
* Depth Recovery from Noisy Gradient Vector Fields Using Regularization
* Design and evaluation of an automatic procedure for detection of large misregistration of medical images
* Design of a Multilayered Feed-Forward Neural Network Using Hypersphere Neurons
* Detecting and Classifying Road Turn Directions from a Sequence of Images
* Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance
* Detection and segmentation of touching characters in mathematical expressions
* Detection of matrices and segmentation of matrix elements in scanned images of scientific documents
* Detection of text marks on moving vehicles
* Detection, extraction and representation of tables
* Determination of the number of writing variants with an HMM based cursive word recognition system
* Determining reflectance and light position from a single image without distant illumination assumption
* Determining the camera response from images: What is knowable?
* Devising interactive access techniques for Indian language document images
* Digit classification on signboards for telephone number recognition
* Digital libraries and document image analysis
* Digital preservation of ancient Cuneiform tablets using 3D-scanning
* Directional pattern matching for character recognition revisited
* Directional wavelet approach to remove document image interference
* Discerning structure from freeform handwritten notes
* Discrete Morphology with Line Structuring Elements
* discrete Reeb graph approach for the segmentation of human body scans, A
* Discriminant analysis of stochastic models and its application to face recognition
* Discriminative random fields: a discriminative framework for contextual interaction in classification
* Discriminative training for HMM-based of fine handwritten character recognition
* Displacement estimation with co-registered ultrasound for image guided neurosurgery: A quantitative in vivo porcine study
* Dissimilarity-based classification of spectra: computational issues
* Distance metric learning by knowledge embedding
* Distance-preserving mapping of patterns to 3-space
* Docking of Polygons Using Boundary Descriptor
* Document Identity, Authentication and Ownership: The Future of Biometric Verification
* Document image retrieval based on 2D density distributions of terms with pseudo relevance feedback
* Document page similarity based on layout visual saliency: application to query by example and document classification
* Document transformation system from papers to XML data based on pivot XML document method
* Dominant sets and hierarchical clustering
* Double random field models for remote sensing image segmentation
* dual-bootstrap iterative closest point algorithm with application to retinal image registration, The
* Dynamic stroke information analysis for video-based handwritten chinese character recognition
* Dynamic texture segmentation
* Effect of band-to-band coregistration on fire property retrievals
* Effective 3D modeling of heritage sites
* Effective nearest neighbor search for aligning and merging range images
* Efficient active appearance model for real-time head and facial feature tracking
* Efficient Algorithm of Eye Image Check for Robust Iris Recognition System
* efficient image similarity measure based on approximations of KL-divergence between two gaussian mixtures, An
* Efficient kernel density estimation using the fast gauss transform with applications to color modeling and tracking
* Efficient reconstruction of indoor scenes with color
* Efficient surface reconstruction from range curves
* Efficient, robust and accurate fitting of a 3d morphable model
* Elastic 3-D alignment of rat brain histological images
* Embodied categorisation for vision-guided mobile robots
* Engineering drawings recognition using a case-based approach
* Enhanced multiscale skeletons
* Enhanced, robust genetic algorithms for multiview range image registration
* Enhancing efficiency and speed of an off-line classifier employed for on-line handwriting recognition of a large character set
* Entropy-of-likelihood feature selection for image correspondence
* Epipolar Plane Images as a Tool to Seek Correspondences in a Dense Sequence
* Epitomic analysis of appearance and shape
* Error concealment aware rate shaping for wireless video transport
* Estimating degradation model parameters from character images
* Evaluating SEE-a benchmarking system for document page segmentation
* Evaluating structural constraints for accurate range image registration
* Evaluation of an Adaptive Composite Gaussian Model in Video Surveillance
* Evaluation of key frame-based retrieval techniques for video
* Evaluation of the information-theoretic construction of multiple classifier systems
* evolutionary algorithm for general symbol segmentation, An
* Exploiting mirrors for laser stripe 3D scanning
* Exploiting reliability for dynamic selection of classifiers by means of genetic algorithms
* Extraction of 3D hand shape and posture from images sequences from sign language recognition
* Extraction of karyocytes and their components from microscopic bone marrow images based on regional color features
* Extraction, layout analysis and classification of diagrams in PDF documents
* Eye design in the plenoptic space of light rays
* Eye gaze estimation from a single image of one eye
* Face modeling and recognition in 3-D
* Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The Approach and Experimental Results, A
* Face Recognition by Fisher and Scatter Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition using the second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Face recognition vendor test 2002
* Face sketch synthesis and recognition
* Facial expression decomposition
* Facial expression understanding in image sequences using dynamic and active visual information fusion
* Facing the future
* Fast adaptive similarity based impulsive noise reduction filter
* Fast Algorithm for Constructing Parameterizations of Three-Dimensional Simply Connected Digital Objects, A
* fast fractal image coding based on kick-out and zero contrast conditions, A
* Fast intensity-based 2d-3d image registration of clinical data using light fields
* Fast Lexicon-based word recognition in noisy index card images
* fast multifunctional approach for document image analysis, A
* Fast parametric elastic image registration
* fast point-to-tangent plane technique for multi-view registration, A
* Fast Pose Estimation with Parameter-Sensitive Hashing
* Fast stereo matching using reliability-based dynamic programming and consistency constraints
* Fast vehicle detection with probabilistic feature grouping and its application to vehicle tracking
* Fast video segment retrieval by Sort-Merge feature selection, boundary refinement, and lazy evaluation
* Feasible Adaptation Criteria for Hybrid Wavelet: Large Margin Classifiers
* Feature extraction by hierarchical overlapped elastic meshing for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Feature selection for ensembles: A hierarchical multi-objective genetic algorithm approach
* Feature selection for unsupervised and supervised inference: The emergence of sparsity in a weighted-based approach
* Features for neural net based region identification of newspaper documents
* Features for word spotting in historical manuscripts
* Figure-based writer verification by matching between an arbitrary part of registered sequence and an input sequence extracted from on-line handwritten figures
* Filtering using a tree-based estimator
* Finding the Symmetry Axis of a Perspectively Projected Plane Curve
* Fingerprint Matching Based on Directional Image Feature in Polar Coordinate System
* Flat image recognition in the process of microdevice assembly
* flexible recognition engine for complex on-line handwritten character recognition, A
* Font Classification Using NMF
* Forest fire scar detection in the boreal forest with multitemporal spot-vegetation data
* Foreword special issue on analysis of multitemporal remote sensing images
* Form reading based on form-type identification and form-data recognition
* format-driven handwritten word recognition system, A
* Fragmentation in the vision of scenes
* frame center matching technique for precise registration of multitemporal airborne frame imagery, A
* Free-form surface reconstruction from multiple images
* Fully Automatic Upper Facial Action Recognition
* Functional template-based SAR image segmentation
* Fusion of Static and Dynamic Body Biometrics for Gait Recognition
* Fuzzy clustering and enumeration of target type based on sonar returns
* Gabor filter based multi-class classifier for scanned document images
* Gamut Constrained Illuminant Estimation
* Gaussian-Weighted Moving-Window Robust Automatic Threshold Selection
* Gaze manipulation for one-to-one teleconferencing
* Generalized hough transform for Arabic optical character recognition
* generalized Radon transform: Sampling, accuracy and memory considerations, The
* Generalizing the Active Shape Model by Integrating Structural Knowledge to Recognize Hand Drawn Sketches
* Generating discriminating cartoon faces using interacting snakes
* Generation of handwritten characters with Bayesian network based on-line handwriting recognizers
* Generation of hierarchical dictionary for stroke-order free Kanji handwriting recognition based on substroke HMM
* Generation of synthetic training data for an HMM-based handwriting recognition system
* generic hybrid classifier based on hierarchical fuzzy modeling: experiments on on-line handwritten character recognition, A
* generic recognition system for making archives documents accessible to public, A
* Genetic Algorithm to Set Active Contour
* Genetic Algorithm with Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Video Segmentation, A
* Geometric segmentation of perspective images based on symmetry groups
* Geometrically stable sampling for the ICP algorithm
* Globally convergent autocalibration
* Good continuations in digital image level lines
* Gradient-based 2-D/3-D rigid registration of fluoroscopic X-ray to CT
* Graph Clustering with Tree-Unions
* Graph grammar based analysis system of complex table form document
* Graph partition by Swendsen-Wang cuts
* Graphics recognition-from re-engineering to retrieval
* Greedy Algorithm for a Training Set Reduction in the Kernel Methods
* Guest editors' Introduction to the special section on energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition
* Guest editors' Introduction to the special section on energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition
* Guest Editors' Introduction: 3-D Reconstruction and Visualization
* Handwriting recognition using position sensitive letter N-gram matching
* Handwriting trajectory movements controlled by a Beta-elliptic model
* Handwritten character recognition using elastic matching based on a class-dependent deformation model
* Handwritten Chinese character recognition: Alternatives to nonlinear normalization
* Handwritten Digit Recognition: Investigation of Normalization and Feature Extraction Techniques
* Handwritten Hangul character recognition with hierarchical stochastic character representation
* Handwritten word recognition based on structural characteristics and Lexical support
* Head pose estimation using Fisher manifold learning
* Hidden Markov measure field models for image segmentation
* Hiding Biometric Data
* Hierarchical image segmentation using a correspondence with a tree model
* hierarchical method for aligning warped meshes, A
* high accuracy rate commercial flight coupon recognition system, A
* High resolution terrain mapping using low altitude aerial stereo imagery
* high-speed subpixel edge detector implementation inside a FPGA, A
* Highlight removal by illumination-constrained inpainting
* HMM based approach for handwritten Arabic word recognition using the IFN/ENIT - database
* HMM on-line signature verifier incorporating signature trajectories, An
* How to deal with point correspondences and tangential velocities in the level set framework
* Human body tracking with auxiliary measurements
* Human figure reconstruction and modeling from single image or monocular video sequence
* Human identification from body shape
* Human recognition of familiar and unfamiliar people in naturalistic video
* Hybrid Golomb codes for a group of quantised GG sources
* hybrid on/off line handwritten signature verification system, A
* ICDAR 2003 page segmentation competition
* ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions
* Identifying story and preview images in news web pages
* Illuminance Flow
* Illumination modeling and normalization for face recognition
* Illumination normalization for robust face recognition against varying lighting conditions
* Image analysis by Krawtchouk moments
* Image denoising using scale mixtures of gaussians in the wavelet domain
* Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
* Image registration
* Image registration with global and local luminance alignment
* Image Segmentation Based on Transformations with Reconstruction Criteria
* Image segmentation by learning approach
* Image spaces and video trajectories: Using isomap to explore video sequences
* Image statistics and anisotropic diffusion
* image-based mail facing and orientation system for enhanced postal automation, An
* Image-based object editing
* Image-based photo hulls for fast and photo-realistic new view synthesis
* Image-based rendering by joint view triangulation
* Image-Based Rendering Using Image-Based Priors
* Image-Based System for Spoken-Letter Recognition, An
* Image-based techniques for digitizing environments and artifacts
* Images as bags of pixels
* Impact of imperfect OCR on part-of-speech tagging
* Improved fast gauss transform and efficient kernel density estimation
* Improved nearest neighbor based approach to accurate document skew estimation
* improved parallel thinning algorithm, An
* Improved rate control for MPEG-4 video transport over wireless channel
* improved simulation model for spaceborne scatterometer measurements, An
* Improvement of matching and evaluation in handwritten numeral recognition using flexible standard patterns
* Improving angular error by near-circular operator design
* Improving Chinese/English OCR performance by using MCE-based character-pair modeling and negative training
* Improving ICP with easy implementation for free-form surface matching
* Incorporating the Torrance and Sparrow model of reflectance in uncalibrated photometric stereo
* Indexing and retrieval of on-line handwritten documents
* Indexing and retrieval of words in old documents
* Individuality of handwritten characters
* Individuality of numerals
* Inference of human postures by classification of 3D human body shape
* Inferring 3D Structure with a Statistical Image-Based Shape Model
* Information retrieval based writer identification
* Information theoretic focal length selection for real-time active 3-d object tracking
* integrated application of multiple description transform coding and error concealment for error-resilient video streaming, An
* Integrated Edge and Junction Detection with the Boundary Tensor
* Integration of contextual information in handwriting recognition systems
* Intelligent zoning design using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
* Intensity-based 2-D-3-D registration of cerebral angiograms
* Interactive Rendering from Compressed Light Fields
* Interactive shape acquisition using marker attached laser projector
* Interpolating Camera Configurations
* Introducing a new problem: Shape-from-silhouette when the relative positions of the viewpoints is unknown
* Introduction to the special issue on image-based modeling, rendering, and animation
* invariant scheme for exact match retrieval of symbolic images based upon principal component analysis, An
* Investigation of off-line Japanese signature verification using a pattern matching
* Iris Recognition for Iris Tilted in Depth
* Iris tracking with feature free contours
* Is face recognition in pictures affected by the center of projection?
* Joint region tracking with switching hypothesized measurements
* Just-in-time browsing for digitized microfilm and other similar image collections
* Landmark-based shape deformation with topology-preserving constraints
* Large environment rendering using plenoptic primitives
* Large-scale event detection using semi-hidden markov models
* Learning a classification model for segmentation
* Learning a locality preserving subspace for visual recognition
* Learning and Inferring Image Segmentations Using the GBP Typical Cut Algorithm
* Learning and synthesizing MPEG-4 compatible 3-D face animation from video sequence
* Learning how to inpaint from global image statistics
* Learning pedestrian models for silhouette refinement
* Learning Statistical Structure for Object Detection
* Learning the Lexicon from raw texts for open-vocabulary Korean word recognition
* Lexical post-processing optimization for handwritten word recognition
* Lexical postcorrection of OCR-results: The Web as a Dynamic Secondary Dictionary?
* line drawings degradation model for performance characterization, A
* Linear features extraction in rain forest context from interferometric SAR images by fusion of coherence and amplitude information
* Linear multi-view reconstruction of points, lines, planes and cameras using a reference plane
* Local Projective Shape of Smooth Surfaces and Their Outlines, The
* Localization, extraction and recognition of text in Telugu document images
* Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-Temporal Correlations and Direction of Motion Vectors
* low-cost parallel K-means VQ algorithm using cluster computing, A
* Low-power data-dependent 8x8 DCT/IDCT for video compression
* Machine learning and multiscale methods in the identification of bivalve larvae
* Maintaining multi-modality through mixture tracking
* majority voting scheme for multiresolution recognition of handprinted numerals, A
* Making documents work: challenges for document understanding
* Manifold of facial expression
* markov random field approach to spatio-temporal contextual image classification, A
* Markov vs. model document retrieval
* Markov-based failure prediction for human motion analysis
* matching scheme to enhance performance evaluation of raster-to-vector conversion algorithms, A
* Mathematical formulas extraction
* Mean shift based clustering in high dimensions: A Texture Classification Example
* Measurement of glacier geophysical properties from insar wrapped phase
* Measuring Sigmoidality
* Memory efficient error diffusion
* Merging Subspace Models for Face Recognition
* Meshfree particle method
* Method and apparatus for analyzing an image to detect and identify patterns
* Method of producing a high quality, high resolution image from a sequence of low quality, low resolution images that are undersampled and subject to jitter
* method to make multiple hypotheses with high cumulative recognition rate using SVMs, A
* Methods, report and survey for the comparison of diverse isolated character recognition results on the UNIPEN database
* Microcalcification detection using fuzzy logic and scale space approaches
* Minimally-supervised classification using multiple observation sets
* Minimum risk distance measure for object recognition
* Mirror image learning for autoassociative neural networks
* Mirrors in motion: epipolar geometry and motion estimation
* mixture model and EM-based algorithm for class discovery, robust classification, and outlier rejection in mixed labeled/unlabeled data sets, A
* Model length adaptation of an HMM based cursive word recognition system
* Model Selection Criterion for Classification: Application to HMM Topology Optimization, A
* Model-based 3D face capture with shape-from-silhouettes
* model-based approach for automated feature extraction in fundus images, A
* model-based line detection algorithm in documents, A
* Model-based multiple view reconstruction of people
* Modelcamera: A Hand-Held Device for Interactive Modeling, The
* Modeling Adaptive Deformations during Free-Form Pose Estimation
* Modeling orientation fields of fingerprints with rational complex functions
* Modeling Textured Motion: Particle, Wave and Sketch
* Modelling Non-linearities in Images Using an Auto-associative Neural Network
* Monitoring forest succession with multitemporal landsat images: Factors of Uncertainty
* Monocentric Optical Space
* Monte Carlo Visual Tracking Using Color Histograms and a Spatially Weighted Oriented Hausdorff Measure
* Motion detection using normal optical flow
* Motion-free superresolution and the role of relative blur
* Multi-class Support Vector Machines with Case-Based Combination for Face Recognition
* Multi-expert verification of hand-written signatures
* Multi-loop Scalable MPEG-2 Video Coders
* Multi-modal 2D and 3D biometrics for face recognition
* Multi-modal face tracking using bayesian network
* Multi-projectors for arbitrary surfaces without explicit calibration nor reconstruction
* multi-resolution ICP with heuristic closest point search for fast and robust 3D registration of range images, A
* multi-scale generative model for animate shapes and parts, A
* Multi-script line identification from Indian documents
* Multi-View Coding for Image-Based Rendering Using 3-D Scene Geometry
* Multichannel blind image deconvolution using the bussgang algorithm: Spatial and multiresolution approaches
* multiclass classification method based on multiple pairwise classifiers, A
* Multiclass spectral clustering
* Multifeature texture analysis for the classification of clouds in satellite imagery
* Multimedia Simulation of Colour Blindness and Colour Enhancement Assisted Colour Blindness
* Multiple description image and video coding for wireless channels
* Multiple-cue illumination estimation in textured scenes
* Multiple-view structure and motion from line correspondences
* Multiresolution Approach for Shape from Shading Coupling Deterministic and Stochastic Optimization, A
* Multiscale Approach to Restoring Scanned Color Document Images with Show-Through Effects, A
* multiscale medial properties of interfering image structures, The
* Multitemporal evaluation of topographic normalization methods on Deciduous Forest TM Data
* Multiview reconstruction of space curves
* N-gram and N-class models for on line handwriting recognition
* Natural Image Statistics for Natural Image Segmentation
* Neural minor component analysis approach to robust constrained beamforming
* neural-evolutionary approach for feature and architecture selection in online handwriting recognition, A
* New approach for the skeletonization of handwritten characters in gray-scale images
* new chain-code quantization approach enabling high performance handwriting recognition based on multi-classifier schemes, A
* new classifier simulator for evaluating parallel combination methods, A
* New Fisher-Based Method Applied to Face Recognition, A
* new maximum-likelihood joint segmentation technique for multitemporal SAR and multiband optical images, A
* New Methods for Digital Modeling of Historic Sites
* new on-line signature verification algorithm using variable length segmentation and hidden Markov models, A
* new paradigm for recognizing 3-d object shapes from range data, A
* new perspective [on] shape-from-shading, A
* New Sharpness Measure Based on Gaussian Lines and Edges, A
* New Tracking Technique: Object Tracking and Identification from Motion, A
* Next view planning for a combination of passive and active acquisition techniques
* Non-parametric adaptive region of support useful for corner detection: a novel approach
* Non-similar candidate removal method for off-line handwritten Korean character recognition
* Noniterative Greedy Algorithm for Multiframe Point Correspondence, A
* Nonlinear active handwriting models and their applications to handwritten Chinese radical recognition
* Nonmetric lens distortion calibration: Closed-form solutions, robust estimation and model selection
* novel approach for texture shape recovery, A
* novel approach to separate handwritten connected digits, A
* NOVEL contour-based 3D terrain matching algorithm using wavelet transform, A
* novel feature extraction technique for the recognition of segmented handwritten characters, A
* novel method for detecting lips, eyes and faces in real time, A
* novel method for Fisher discriminant analysis, A
* Numeral recognition by weighting local decisions
* Numeral recognition for quality control of surgical sachets
* Numerical sequence extraction in handwritten incoming mail documents
* Object Classification and Tracking in Video Surveillance
* Object recognition with informative features and linear classification
* Object-based analysis and interpretation of human motion in sports video sequences by dynamic bayesian networks
* Obstacle detection using projective invariant and vanishing lines
* Ocularist's Approach to Human Iris Synthesis, An
* Off-line character recognition using on-line character writing information
* Offline Recognition of Large Vocabulary Cursive Handwritten Text
* Offset Smoothing Using the USAN's Principle
* On Design and Applications of Cylindrical Panoramas
* On exploiting geometric constraint of image wavelet coefficients
* On exploiting occlusions in multiple-view geometry
* On Machine Understanding of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
* On the epipolar geometry of the crossed-slits projection
* On the use of marginal statistics of subband images
* On the use of prior and posterior information in the subpixel proportion problem
* On using prototype reduction schemes to optimize kernel-based nonlinear subspace methods
* On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition Free from Constrains on Line Direction and Character Orientation
* On-line overlaid-handwriting recognition based on substroke HMMs
* On-line signature verification using local shape analysis
* Online Selection of Discriminative Tracking Features
* Optimization and Tracking of Polygon Vertices for Shape Coding
* Optimized position sensors for flying-spot active triangulation systems
* Optimizing binary feature vector similarity measure using genetic algorithm and handwritten character recognition
* Optimizing Eigenfaces by Face Masks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Optimizing the number of states, training iterations and Gaussians in an HMM-based handwritten word recognizer
* Outlier correction in image sequences for the affine camera
* Paracatadioptric camera calibration using lines
* Parallel Alignment of a Large Number of Range Images
* Parsing N-best lists of handwritten sentences
* Part-Based Shape Recognition Using Gradient Vector Field Histograms
* Partial Faces for Face Recognition: Left vs Right Half
* PCA-based face recognition in infrared imagery: baseline and comparative studies
* PDE Based Method for Superresolution of Gray-Level Images
* Perceptual Grouping of Line Features in 3-D Space: A Model-Based Framework
* Performance of mutual information similarity measure for registration of multitemporal remote sensing images
* Perspective shape from shading and viscosity solutions
* Phenomenological eigenfunctions for image irradiance
* Photo time-stamp detection and recognition
* Photo-consistent 3d fire by flame-sheet decomposition
* Plane-based calibration algorithm for multi-camera systems via factorization of homography matrices
* point-and-shoot color 3D camera, A
* Polarization-based inverse rendering from a single view
* Polarization-based transparent surface modeling from two views
* Polyhedral Scene: Mosaic Construction from 2 Images Taken under the General Case
* Popular biorthogonal wavelet filters via a lifting scheme and its application in image compression
* Pose Estimation Using 3D View-Based Eigenspaces
* Postal address block location by contour clustering
* Postal envelope segmentation by 2-D histogram clustering through watershed transform
* Preemptive RANSAC for live structure and motion estimation
* Probabilistic bilinear models for appearance-based vision
* Probabilistic tracking and recognition of non-rigid hand motion
* Probability table compression for handwritten character recognition
* Progress in camera-based document image analysis
* Projects in VR: Multiperspective Imaging
* Proper names extraction from fax images combining textual and image features
* prototype of an active form system, A
* Quantified Study of Facial Asymmetry in 3D Faces, A
* Quikscat wind retrievals for tropical cyclones
* Radon transform for lineal symbol representation
* range image refinement technique for multi-view 3D model reconstruction, A
* Rank constrained recognition under unknown illuminations
* Ranking prior likelihood distributions for Bayesian shape localization framework
* Rapid registration for wide field of view freehand three-dimensional ultrasound
* Real-time classification of polymers with NIR spectral imaging and blob analysis
* Real-time image processing with dynamically reconfigurable architecture
* Real-Time Optic Flow Computation with Variational Methods
* Real-Time Pattern Matching Using Projection Kernels
* Real-time range scanning of deformable surfaces by adaptively coded structured light
* Real-time simultaneous localisation and mapping with a single camera
* Real-time surface inspection by texture
* Real-time view-based face alignment using active wavelet networks
* Recognising panoramas
* recognition and verification strategy for handwritten word recognition, A
* Recognition of arrows in line drawings based on the aggregation of geometric criteria using the Choquet integral
* Recognition of Car License Plate by Using Dynamical Thresholding Method and Enhanced Neural Networks
* Recognition of container code characters through gray-level feature extraction and gradient-based classifier optimization
* Recognition of cursive Roman handwriting past, present and future
* Recognition of folding process from origami drill books
* Recognition of group activities using dynamic probabilistic networks
* Recognition of on-line handwritten mathematical formulas in the E-chalk system
* Recognition of printed Urdu script
* Recognition of rotated characters by Eigen-space
* Recognition of shapes by attributed skeletal graphs
* Recognition with local features: the kernel recipe
* Recognizing action at a distance
* Recognizing human action efforts: An adaptive three-mode PCA framework
* Reconstruction and analysis of multi-pose face images based on nonlinear dimensionality reduction
* Recovery of epipolar geometry as a manifold fitting problem
* Recovery of writing sequence of static images of handwriting using UWM
* Rectifying the bound document image captured by the camera: A model based approach
* Recursive model optimization using ICP and free moving 3D data acquisition
* Reference line extraction from form documents with complicated backgrounds
* Reflectance-based classification of color edges
* Region-growing approach to colour segmentation using 3D clustering and relaxation labelling
* Registration and fusion of intensity and range data for 3D modelling of real world scenes
* Registration and tracking to integrate X-ray and MR images in an XMR facility
* registration-based approach to quantify flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery in ultrasound image sequences, A
* Regression Based Bandwidth Selection for Segmentation Using Parzen Windows
* Reinforcement learning for combining relevance feedback techniques
* Rejection algorithm for mis-segmented characters in multilingual document recognition
* relationship between information prioritization and visual distinctness in two progressive image transmission schemes, The
* Reliable and rapidly-converging ICP algorithm using multiresolution smoothing
* Reliable recovery of piled box-like objects via parabolically deformable superquadrics
* Representing Orientation in n-Dimensional Spaces
* retargetable framework for interactive diagram recognition, A
* Review of shape representation and description techniques
* Revised Landsat-5 TM Radiometric Calibration Procedures and Postcalibration Dynamic Ranges
* Robust adaptive transmission of images and video over multiple channels
* robust multiscale B-spline function decomposition for estimating motion transparency, A
* Robust regression with projection based m-estimators
* Rough Surface Correction and Re-illumination Using the Modified Beckmann Model
* SAGENT: a novel technique for document modeling for secure access and distribution
* SASI: A Generic Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval
* scalable solution for integrating illustrated parts drawings into a class IV interactive electronic technical manual, A
* Scanning and processing 3D objects for web display
* Scene modeling based on constraint system decomposition techniques
* Sea of Images: A Dense Sampling Approach for Rendering Large Indoor Environments
* segmentation algorithm for contrast-enhanced images, A
* Segmentation and modeling of approximately rotationally symmetric objects in 3D ultrasound
* segmentation method for bibliographic references by contextual tagging of fields, A
* Segmentation of Bangla unconstrained handwritten text
* Segmentation of postal envelopes for address block location: an approach based on feature selection in wavelet space
* Segmenting foreground objects from a dynamic textured background via a robust Kalman filter
* Selecting the best hyperplane in the framework of optimal pairwise linear classifiers
* Selection of scale-invariant parts for object class recognition
* Semantic annotation of soccer videos: Automatic highlights identification
* Separating Reflection Components of Textured Surfaces Using a Single Image
* Sequential Monte Carlo tracking of body parameters in a sub-space
* Shape and appearance models of talking faces for model-based tracking
* Shape and motion under varying illumination: unifying structure from motion, photometric stereo, and multi-view stereo
* Shape from Photometric Stereo and Contours
* Shape gradients for histogram segmentation using active contours
* Shape matching using GAT correlation against nonlinear distortion and its application to handwritten numeral recognition
* Shape representation via harmonic embedding
* shape-based approach to change detection of lakes using time series remote sensing images, A
* Shock filters for character image enhancement and peeling
* Sign perception system, game system, and computer-readable recording medium having game program recorded thereon
* Silhouette and stereo fusion for 3D object modeling
* Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Detection of High Curvature Points in Planar Curves, A
* simple and robust line detection algorithm based on small eigenvalue analysis, A
* Simple Points in 2D and 3D Binary Images
* Simultaneous registration and activation detection for fMRI
* Skeletonization of Character Based on Wavelet Transform
* Skew detection for complex document images using fuzzy runlength
* Skewscope : the textual document skew detector
* Software wave receiver for the SS-520-2 rocket experiment
* Solving architectural modelling problems using knowledge
* Space-time interest points
* sparse probabilistic learning algorithm for real-time tracking, A
* Spatial alphanumerical attributes for graphical treatings
* Spatial surface prior information reflectance estimation (SPIRE) algorithms
* Spatial template extraction for image retrieval by region matching
* Spatiotemporal error concealment with optimized mode selection and application to H.264
* Specialized hardware for deformable object modeling
* Spectral analysis for sampling image-based rendering data
* Spectral Clustering of Graphs
* Spectral imaging for real-time imaging applications
* Spectral partitioning for structure from motion
* Stable real-time interaction between virtual humans and real scenes
* Statistical and operational performance assessment of multitemporal SAR image filtering
* Statistical background subtraction for a mobile observer
* Statistical character structure modeling and its application to handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Stereo System for Tracking Moving Object Using Log-Polar Transformation and Zero Disparity Filtering
* Stippling data on backgrounds of pages-toward seamless integration of paper and electronic documents
* Stochastic refinement of the visual hull to satisfy photometric and silhouette consistency constraints
* Streaming transmission of point-sampled geometry based on view-dependent level-of-detail
* String extraction from color airline coupon image using statistical approach
* Strings: Variational deformable models of multivariate continuous boundary features
* Structural Framework for Assembly Modeling and Recognition, A
* Structured and unstructured document summarization: Design of a commercial summarizer using Lexical chains
* Study of the consistency of some discriminatory features used by document examiners in the analysis of handwritten letter 'a'
* study on top-down word image generation for handwritten word recognition, A
* Super-resolution Capabilities of the Hough-Green Transform
* Support Vector Machines for Road Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images
* Surface classification using conformal structures
* Surface curvature estimation from the signed distance field
* Surface reconstruction by integrating 3d and 2d data of multiple views
* Surface reconstruction from feature based stereo
* Surface reflectance modeling of real objects with interreflections
* Surface registration using a dynamic genetic algorithm
* Surflet-Pair-Relation Histograms: A Statistical 3D-Shape Representation for Rapid Classification
* Survey of image-based representations and compression techniques
* SVM-based nonparametric discriminant analysis, an application to face detection
* Symbolic pruning in a structural approach to engineering drawing analysis
* Symbols recognition by global-local structural approaches, based on the scenarios use,and with a XML representation of data
* Taking Consensus of Signed Distance Field for Complementing Unobservable Surface
* Tales of shape and radiance in multi-view stereo
* Temporal subtraction of thorax CR images using statistical deformation model
* Terminal QoS for Real-Time 3-D Visualization Using Scalable MPEG-4 Coding
* Text identification in noisy document images using Markov random field
* Text selection by structured light marking for hand-held cameras
* text watermarking algorithm based on word classification and inter-word space statistics, A
* Text-image separation in Devanagari documents
* Text-indicated writer verification using hidden Markov models
* Text-mining based journal splitting
* Texture feature characterization for logical pre-labeling
* Texture segmentation by multiscale aggregation of filter responses and shape elements
* theory of multiplexed illumination, A
* Three-dimensional Euclidean distance transformation and its application to shortest path planning
* Three-dimensional reconstruction of the bony structures involved in the articular complex of the human shoulder using shape-based interpolation and contour-based extrapolation
* Tomato sorting using independent component analysis on spectral images
* Topological Active Volumes
* Towards a mathematical theory of primal sketch and sketchability
* Towards a Ptolemaic Model for OCR
* Towards a Real Time Panoramic Depth Sensor
* Towards automatic video-based whiteboard reading
* Towards direct recovery of shape and motion parameters from image sequences
* Towards Gauge Invariant Bundle Adjustment: A Solution Based on Gauge Dependent Damping
* Tracking across multiple cameras with disjoint views
* Tracking articulated body by dynamic markov network
* Tracking articulated hand motion with eigen dynamics analysis
* Tracking Objects Using Density Matching and Shape Priors
* Training on severely degraded text-line images
* Trajectory Estimation Based on Globally Consistent Homography
* Translation and scale invariants of Legendre moments
* Transverse or axial superresolution in a 4Pi-confocal microscope by phase-only filters
* Two approaches for text segmentation in web images
* Two-frame wide baseline matching
* Two-Step Unassisted Video Segmentation Using Fast Marching Method
* Type extraction and character prototyping using gabor filters
* Understanding document analysis and understanding (through modeling)
* Unified subspace analysis for face recognition
* Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Unsupervised image translation
* Unsupervised improvement of visual detectors using co-training
* Unsupervised non-parametric region segmentation using level sets
* Unsupervised Segmentation Incorporating Colour, Texture, and Motion
* Unsupervised writer adaptation applied to handwritten text recognition
* User-assisted archive document image analysis for digital library construction
* Using character recognition and segmentation to tell computer from humans
* Using geometric extrema for segment-to-segment characteristics comparison in online signature verification
* Using irregular pyramid for text segmentation and binarization of gray scale images
* Using k-d trees for robust 3D point pattern matching
* Using orientation codes for rotation-invariant template matching
* Using prior shape and intensity profile in medical image segmentation
* Using similarity scores from a small gallery to estimate recognition performance for larger galleries
* Using specularities for recognition
* Using temporal averaging to decouple annual and nonannual information in AVHRR NDVI time series
* Using temporal coherence to build models of animals
* Using tree-grammars for training set expansion in page classification
* Variable bandwidth QMDPE and its application in robust optical flow estimation
* Variational frameworks for DT-MRI estimation, regularization and visualization
* Variational space-time motion segmentation
* Variational stereovision and 3d scene flow estimation with statistical similarity measures
* Vector Approach for Automatic Interpretation of the French Cadatral Map, A
* Vector area morphology for motion field smoothing and interpretation
* Vectorization with the voronoi L-diagram
* Video analysis of human dynamics: A Survey
* Video google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos
* Video input driven animation (VIDA)
* Video Mosaicking for Arbitrary Scene Imaged under Arbitrary Camera Motion
* Video retrieval and summarization
* Video Retrieval by Context-Based Interpretation of Time-to-Collision Descriptors
* Video text recognition using feature compensation as category-dependent feature extraction
* View-based recognition of real-world textures
* View-invariant alignment and matching of video sequences
* Viewpoint Selection: Planning Optimal Sequences of Views for Object Recognition
* Virtual reconstruction of broken and unbroken pottery
* Visual Comparison of Shape Descriptors Using Multi-Dimensional Scaling, A
* Visual correspondence using energy minimization and mutual information
* Visualizing multimedia content on paper documents: components of key frame selection for video paper
* Voxel carving for specular surfaces
* Wavelet diffusion for document image denoising
* Web page summarization for handheld devices: a natural language approach
* Web site: a structured document
* Weighted and robust incremental method for subspace learning
* Weighted cone-curvature: Applications for 3D shapes similarity
* Weighted Thin-Plate Spline Image Denoising
* What does motion reveal about transparency?
* Word searching in CCITT group 4 compressed document images
* Word segmentation of handwritten dates in historical documents by combining semantic a-priori-knowledge with local features
* Writer identification based on the fractal construction of a reference base
* Writer identification from gray level distribution
* Writer identification using directional element features and linear transform
* Writer identification using edge-based directional features
* Writer identification using innovative binarised features of handwritten numerals
* Writer Style from Oriented Edge Fragments
* XPEN: an XML based format for distributed online handwriting recognition
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.