* 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform using a polynomial transform
* 2D shape recognition by hidden Markov models
* 3-d maximum likelihood reconstructions of viruses from cryo electron microscope images and parallel computation
* 3-D Modeling and Parametrisation of Pelvis and Hip Joint
* 3D biological object detection and labeling in multidimensional microscopy imaging
* 3D modeling of real environments by autonomous mobile robot with stereo vision
* 3D structure from video streams with partially overlapping images
* 3D/2D object-based coding of head MRI data
* 3G wireless multimedia: technologies and practical issues
* accelerated multiplicative iterative algorithm in image reconstruction, An
* Accuracy and Cross-Calibration of Video Quality Metrics: New Methods from ATIS/T1A1
* accurate noise detector for image restoration, An
* Accurate optical flow estimation using adaptive scale-space and 3d structure tensor
* active camera system for acquiring multi-view video, An
* Active vision techniques for visually mediated interaction
* Adaptive cancellation of stationary interference in the presence of structured nonstationary interference
* Adaptive color image compression based on visual attention
* Adaptive color image segmentation using markov random fields
* Adaptive difference of gaussians to improve subsurface object detection using GPR imagery
* Adaptive histograms and dissimilarity measure for texture retrieval and classification
* Adaptive image denoising using scale and space consistency
* Adaptive image restoration using structure tensors
* Adaptive image segmentation based on color and texture
* Adaptive interpolation filter for motion compensated prediction
* adaptive lapped biorthogonal transform and its application in orientation adaptive image coding, An
* Adaptive Management of Video Encoder Complexity
* Adaptive morphological time stamp segmentation based on efficient global motion estimation
* Adaptive multiple reference frame based scalable video coding algorithm
* Adaptive noise attenuation of seismic image using singular value decomposition and texture direction detection
* Adaptive noise detection for image restoration with a multiple window configuration
* Adaptive rate control for JPEG2000 image coding in embedded systems
* Adaptive representation of JPEG 2000 images using header-based processing
* Adaptive runlength coding
* Adaptive Subspace Self-organizing Map And Its Applications In Face Recognition
* Adaptive temporal interpolation using bidirectional motion estimation and compensation
* Adaptive two-pass median filter to remove impulsive noise
* Adaptive Two-Stage Edge Detection Scheme for Digital Color Images, An
* Adjoint field methods for non-linear tomographic medical imaging problems
* Advanced animation framework for virtual character within the MPEG-4 standard
* Advanced point cloud generation for photogrammetric modeling of complex 3D objects
* Advances in channel-adaptive video streaming
* Affine invariants of convex polygons
* Affine transformation resistant watermarking based on image normalization
* Agglomerative clustering of feature data for image segmentation
* algebraic algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays, An
* Analysing and simplifying histograms using scale-trees
* Analysis and improvement of multiple description motion compensation video coding for lossy packet networks
* Analysis of an iterative dynamic programming approach to 2-D phase unwrapping
* Analysis of blood vessel topology by cubical homology
* Analysis of branching tubular structures in 3d digital images
* Analysis of multispectral imagery and modeling contaminant transport
* Analysis of packet header effects in rate allocation for packet video
* Analysis of pilot-based synchronization algorithms for watermarking of still images
* Analysis of pixel-level algorithms for video surveillance applications
* Analysis of the compatibility conditions for the radon projections, with an application to seismology
* Analysis-by-synthesis dissolve detection
* Analytic PCA Construction for Theoretical Analysis of Lighting Variability in Images of a Lambertian Object
* Angle-preserving mappings for the visualization of multi-branched vessels
* Animation data compression in MPEG-4: interpolators
* Anisotropic vector diffusion in image smoothing
* Anti-collusion codes: multi-user and multimedia perspectives
* Application of Adaptive Hypergraph Model to Impulsive Noise Detection
* Application of bit-plane decomposition steganography to wavelet encoded images
* Application of image processing for the conservation of the medieval mosaic
* Application of JND visual model to SPIHT image coding and performance evaluation
* application of nonlinear filter banks to efficient rendering and progressive transmission of light fields, The
* Application of support vector machines classifiers to visual speech recognition
* Applications of multiwavelet techniques to image denoising
* Arbitrary view and focus image generation: rendering object-based shifting and focussing effect by linear filtering
* architecture for document management, An
* architecture for sensor data fusion target tracking, An
* ARQ-based diversity system for transmission of EZW compressed images over noisy channels, An
* Artifact reduction of JPEG coded images using mean-removed classified vector quantization
* Atmospheric correction of spectral imagery: evaluation of the FLAASH algorithm with AVIRIS data
* Atom modulus quantization for matching pursuit video coding
* Attempts to Bronchial Tumor Motion Tracking in Portal Images during Conformal Radiotherapy Treatment
* Attentive billboards
* Audio decoding with frequency and complexity scalability
* Audio-visual continuous speech recognition using MPEG-4 compliant visual features
* Augmented Reality and Semi-automated Landmarking of Cephalometric Radiographs
* Automated Acquisition of Lifelike 3D Human Models from Multiple Posture Data
* Automated MPEG audio-video summarization and description
* automated parallel image registration technique based on the correlation of wavelet features, An
* Automated reconstruction from multiple photographs
* Automated tree crown detection and delineation in high-resolution digital camera imagery of coniferous forest regeneration
* Automatic 3d model reconstruction using voxel coding and pose integration
* Automatic and Interactive Modeling of Buildings in Urban Environments from Aerial Images
* Automatic character location and segmentation in color scene images
* Automatic correction of weak radial lens distortion in single views of urban scenes using vanishing points
* Automatic Facial Expression Analysis: A Survey
* Automatic features detection for overlapping face images on their 3D range models
* Automatic graph extraction from color images
* Automatic landmarking for building biological shape models
* Automatic Multilevel Thresholding for Image Segmentation by the Growing Time Adaptive Self-Organizing Map
* Automatic object segmentation in images with low depth of field
* Automatic red-eye detection and correction
* automatic scheme for stereoscopic video object-based watermarking using qualified significant wavelet trees, An
* Automatic target detection using multispectral imaging
* Automatic threshold determination of centroid-linkage region growing by MPEG-7 dominant color descriptors
* Background identification based segmentation and multilayer tree representation of document images
* background modeling method by texture replacement and mapping with application to content-based movie coding, A
* bayesian approach to inferring vascular tree structure from 2d imagery, A
* Bayesian classification of eigencells
* Bayesian face recognition with deformable image models
* Bayesian image analysis framework for post-placement quality inspection of components, A
* Bayesian Model Estimation and Selection for Epipolar Geometry and Generic Manifold Fitting
* Bayesian smoothing and filtering for multiframe, multiaspect target detection and tracking
* Bayesian structure from motion using inertial information
* Bayesian wavelet shrinkage in transformation based normal models
* Benchmarking and hardware implementation of JPEG-LS
* Biased reconstruction of wavelet coefficients in JPEG2000 decoding
* Bimodal fusion in audio-visual speech recognition
* Binocular Stereo Matching by Local Attraction
* Bitstream syntax description language for 3D MPEG-4 view-dependent texture streaming
* Blind decision feedback equalisers, how to avoid degenerative solutions
* Blind image quality assessment
* blind watermarking technique in JPEG compressed domain, A
* Block motion estimation based on selective integral projections
* Block-based fine granularity scalable video coding for content aware streaming
* Boosting face recognition on a large-scale database
* Bounds on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for the ideal observer
* Breast cancer detection using rank nearest neighbor classification rules
* Calibration of ocean color scanners: How much error is acceptable in the near infrared?
* camera-based system for early detection of drowning incidents, A
* canonical problem in electromagnetic backscattering from buildings, A
* Cardiac Rhythm Analysis Using Spatial ECG Parameters and SPART Method
* Certainty color maps compared to histograms
* Channel adapted multiple description coding scheme using wavelet transform
* Characterizations of Image Acquisition and Epipolar Geometry of Multiple Panoramas
* Characterizing the scale dimension of a high-dimensional classification problem
* Circle detection based on orientation matching
* Classification of cat ganglion retinal cells and implications for shape-function relationship
* Classification of heart rate data using artificial neural network and fuzzy equivalence relation
* Classifying audio of movies by a multi-expert system
* Clustered minority pixel error diffusion
* Clustering context properties of wavelet coefficients in automatic modelling and image coding
* Coarse scale cost-utility approach for efficient unequal loss protection
* Coding by selective prediction: a new scheme for predictive vector quantization
* Coding of 3D virtual objects with NURBS
* Coding of faded scene transitions
* Coding of Irregular Image Regions by SA DFT
* Coefficient Based Rate Distortion Model for the Low Bit Rate Video Coding, The
* Collision warning system
* Color Face Segmentation Using A Fuzzy Min-max Neural Network
* Color image compression using inter-color correlation
* Color Models for Outdoor Machine Vision
* Color plane interpolation using alternating projections
* Color printer characterization in MATLAB
* Color texture moments for content-based image retrieval
* Color Thinning with Applications to Biomedical Images
* color vector quantization based video coder, A
* Color-based mouth shape tracking for synthesizing realistic facial expressions
* Color-grayscale image registration using hypercomplex phase correlation
* Combined endoscopic video tracking and virtual 3d ct registration for surgical guidance
* Combining spatial and scale-space techniques for edge detection to provide a spatially adaptive wavelet-based noise filtering algorithm
* Combining wavelets and GLICBAWLS to achieve resolution progressive lossless compression
* Comments on Frequency Decomposition and Computing of Ultrasound Medical Images with Wavelet Packets
* comparative analysis of two distance measures in color image databases, A
* Comparative Study of Performance and Implementation of Some Area-Based Stereo Algorithms, A
* Comparison and combination of adaptive query shifting and feature relevance learning for content-based image retrieval
* comparison between an objective quality measure and the mean annoyance values of watermarked videos, A
* Comparison of Computational Color Constancy Algorithms-Part I: Methodology and Experiments with Synthesized Data, A
* Comparison of Computational Color Constancy Algorithms-Part II: Experiments with Image Data, A
* comparison of fixed-point 2D 9x7 discrete wavelet transform implementations, A
* comparison of methods for improving the lossless compression of images with sparse histograms, A
* Comparison of the main forms of half-quadratic regularization
* Complex-valued wavelet transform applications in planar shape prototype generation and recognition
* Complexity reduction for large image processing
* Complexity reduction of joint temporal-spatial bit allocation using R-D models for video streaming
* Complexity regularized shape estimation from noisy Fourier data
* Complexity regulation for real-time video encoding
* Complexity-Scalable Algorithmic Design: Implementation of a Scalable Resolution Enhancement Algorithm
* compressed domain video object segmentation system, A
* Compression of cDNA and inkjet microarray images
* Computation of unmeasured third-generation VCT views from measured views
* Computation reduction technique for lossy JPEG2000 encoding through EBCOT tier-2 feedback processing
* Computationally Efficient Discrete Backus-Gilbert Footprint-Matching Algorithm, A
* Concatenated multiple description coding of frame-rate scalable video
* Concurrent edge/region detection from a Peano scan
* Conditional replacement for improved coding efficiency in fine-grain scalable video coding
* Confidence measures for block matching motion estimation
* Configurable variable length code with genetic algorithms
* Connectivity on Complete Lattices: New Results
* Constant false-alarm ratio processing for video cut detection
* Constrained optimization: a geodesic snake approach
* Constrast based color segmentation with adaptive thresholds
* construction of a statistical prediction lifting operator and its application, The
* Constructive Relaxation Matching Involving Dynamical Model Switching And Its Application To Shape Matching
* Content Based Image Retrieval: Related Issues Using Euler Vector
* Content-adaptive 3D mesh modeling for representation of volumetric images
* Content-adaptive mesh modeling for fully-3D tomographic image reconstruction
* Content-based image retrieval for digital mammography
* Content-based image retrieval using stochastic paintbrush transformation
* content-guided searching algorithm for balloons, A
* Context formation by mutual information maximization
* Context-based adaptive binary arithmetic coding in JVT/H.26L
* CONTEXT: a technique for image retrieval integrating CONtour and TEXTure information
* Contextual clustering for image labeling: an application to degraded forest assessment in Landsat TM images of the Brazilian Amazon
* Contextual color quantization algorithm
* Contourlets: a directional multiresolution image representation
* Contrast-based quantization and rate control for wavelet-coded images
* Contribution to the Schlesinger's Algorithm Separating Mixtures of Gaussians, A
* Corner detection using slit rotational edge-feature detector
* Cramer-Rao bounds for parametric shape estimation in inverse problems
* Creating 3D speech-driven talking heads: a probabilistic network approach
* Critic review on MPEG-4 face and body animation
* curve evolution-based variational approach to simultaneous image restoration and segmentation, A
* Data partitioning and coding of DCT coefficients based on requantization for error-resilient transmission of video
* Data rate smoothing in interactive walkthrough applications using 2D prefetching
* Databases for recognition of handwritten Arabic cheques
* DCT approximation for low bit rate coding using a conditional transform
* Decoding of images using soft-bits and Markov random field modeling
* Defect detection in textured materials using optimized filters
* Defect visibility and content importance implications for the design of an objective video fidelity metric
* Deformable Contour Based Algorithm for Segmentation of the Hippocampus from MRI
* degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video streaming, A
* Dense stereo matching method using a quarter of wavelet transform
* Depth image-based representations for static and animated 3D objects
* Detecting cortical activities from fMRI data using the STAP algorithm
* Detecting hidden messages using higher-order statistical models
* Detecting Objects, Shadows and Ghosts in Video Streams by Exploiting Color and Motion Information
* Detection and description of human running behaviour in sports video multimedia database
* Detection and location of people in video streams by fusion of color, edge and motion information
* Detection and segmentation of sweeps in color graphics images
* Detection of blocking artifacts of compressed still images
* Detection of objects carried by people
* Development of the local maximum variety of ranked-order filters
* Digital elevation map generation using VHF-band SAR data in forested areas
* Digital geometry fundaments: application to plane recognition
* Digital signal processing in biometric identification: a review
* Digital watermarking in joint time-frequency domain
* Diophantine Approximations of Algebraic Irrationalities and Stability Theorems for Polynomial Decision Rules
* Directional wavelet transforms and frames
* Dirty-paper trellis codes for watermarking
* Discovering recurrent events in video using unsupervised methods
* Discovering Shape Categories by Clustering Shock Trees
* Discrete signal matching using coarse-to-fine wavelet basis functions
* Discrete wavelet transform with optimal joint localization for determining the number of image texture segments
* Discriminant basis for object classification
* Disparity variation in stereo-panoramic video
* Displaying images on mobile devices: capabilities, issues, and solutions
* Distance metric for motion vector histograms based on human perceptual characteristics
* Distributed multimedia transmission from multiple servers
* distributed sensor network for video surveillace of outdoor enviroments, A
* DPF: A perceptual distance function for image retrieval
* Drift management and adaptive bit rate allocation in scalable video coding
* Dynamic Active Contour Model for Size Independent Blood Vessel Lumen Segmentation and Quantification in High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Images
* Dynamic tomography using curve evolution with spatial-temporal regularization
* Dynamic use of map images in mobile environment
* Dynamic wavelet feature-based watermarking for copyright tracking in digital movie distribution systems
* Early validation of the multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) radiometric scale
* Echocardiogram videos: summarization, temporal segmentation and browsing
* Edge color histogram for image retrieval
* Edge-backpropagation for noisy logo recognition
* Edge-Based Robust Image Registration for Incomplete and Partly Erroneous Data
* Edge-preserving image reconstruction for coherent imaging applications
* effective approach to edge classification from DCT domain, An
* Effective integration of object tracking in a video coding scheme for multisensor surveillance systems
* Effective moving cast shadow detection for monocular color image sequences
* Effectiveness evaluation of word characteristics obtained from 3D image information for lipreading
* Effects of channel delays on underflow events of compressed video over the internet
* Efficient and robust motion estimation in grid-based hybrid video coding schemes
* Efficient and universal scalable video coding
* Efficient coding of computer generated images with acceptable picture quality
* Efficient Computation of Body Moments
* Efficient computation of local geometric moments
* Efficient contour shape description by using fractal interpolation functions
* Efficient face detection with multiscale sequential classification
* Efficient image-dependent object shape coding
* Efficient methods for scratch removal in image sequences
* Efficient morphological shape representation by varying overlapping levels between representative disks
* efficient motion compensation algorithm based on double reference frame method, An
* Efficient Motion Estimation Algorithm for Video Coding Using Kalman Filter, An
* Efficient motion field representation in the wavelet domain for video compression
* efficient packetization algorithm for JPEG2000, An
* Efficient partial streaming of compressed video
* Efficient partitioning of unequal error protected MPEG video streams for multiple channel transmission
* Efficient representation and interactive streaming of high-resolution panoramic views
* Efficient selection of image patches with high motion confidence
* Efficient Simplicial Reconstructions of Manifolds from Their Samples
* Efficient video similarity measurement with video signature
* Efficient video text recognition using multiple frame integration
* Efficient video transcoding with scan format conversion
* Eigenface-based super-resolution for face recognition
* Eigenspace-based recognition of faces: comparisons and a new approach
* Eigenvector method for texture recognition
* Elastically Adaptive Deformable Models
* EM procedures using mean field-like approximations for Markov model-based image segmentation
* empire that was Russia: the Prokudin-Gorskii photographic record re-created, The
* Encoding and processing of color engravings (using MRC)
* Energy efficient wireless video communications for the digital set-top box
* Enhancement of lossy compressed images by modeling with Bernstein polynomials
* Enhancing a video of an event at a remote location using data acquired at the event
* Enhancing multimedia streaming performance through peer-paired collaboration
* Enhancing spatial resolution for exploitation in hyperspectral imagery
* Entropy based camera control for visual object tracking
* Error analysis, modeling, and correction for 3-D range data
* error concealment feature in the h.26l test model, The
* Error concealment for shape coding
* Error concealment using a diffusion based method
* Error control for wireless progressive video transmission
* Error detection and correction of transmission errors in SPIHT coded images
* Error drifting reduction in enhanced fine granuality scalability
* Error protection for scalable image over 3g-ip network
* Error resilience and recovery in streaming of embedded video
* Error resilience property of multihypothesis motion-compensated prediction
* Error-resilient video coding using long-term memory prediction and feedback channel
* Estimating optical flow using a global matching formulation and graduated optimization
* Estimating the effective number of looks in interferometric SAR data
* Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Data with a Fractal-Based Method
* Estimation of 3-d left ventricular deformation from medical images using biomechanical models
* Estimation of atmospheric boundary layer using Kalman filter technique
* Estimation of camera planar motion from blurred images
* Estimation of Fusarium Head Blight of Triticale Using Digital Image Analysis of Grain
* Estimation of geometric distortions in digital watermarking
* Estimation of Motion through Inverse Finite Element Methods with Triangular Meshes
* Estimation-Based Approach for Range Image Segmentation: On the Reliability of Primitive Extraction, An
* Evaluation of a hypothesizer for silhouette-based 3-D object recognition
* Evaluation of brush-drawn Kanji characters
* Evaluation of reproducibility for manual and semi-automated feature extraction in CT and MR images
* evolutionary tabu search for cell image segmentation, An
* Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography-I: planar geometry
* Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography-II: cylindrical geometry
* experimental study of a new entropy-based SAR autofocus technique, An
* Exploiting group structure to improve retrieval accuracy and speed in image databases
* extended set of Haar-like features for rapid object detection, An
* Extract highlights from baseball came video with hidden Markov models
* Extracting femoral medulla ducts from radiographic images based on a model of the projection of femur section
* Extraction of multiple-bounce artifacts in tomographic imaging
* Extraction of semantic objects from still images
* Extraction of the vertebral foramen of the third lumbar vertebra with snakes
* Eye detection using color cues and projection functions
* Face detection using coarse-to-fine support vector classifiers
* Face detection using the 1st-order RCE classifer
* Face photo recognition using sketch
* Face recognition using extended isomap
* Face recognition using feature extraction based on independent component analysis
* Face recognition using mixtures of principal components
* Face recognition using vector quantization histogram method
* Face retrieval by an adaptive Mahalanobis distance using a confidence factor
* Face retrieval using 1st- and 2nd-order PCA mixture model
* Face Tracking Using the Dynamic Grey World Algorithm
* Facial tracking with head pose estimation in stereo vision
* fast 2D entropic thresholding method by wavelet decomposition, A
* Fast and effective characterization of 3D region data
* fast and high subjective quality sprite generation algorithm with frame skipping and multiple sprites techniques, A
* fast and robust face location and feature extraction system, A
* fast back-projection algorithm for bistatic SAR imaging, A
* Fast extraction of scene structure based on gradient runs analysis
* Fast global motion estimation algorithm based on elementary motoin detectors
* Fast gradient methods based on global motion estimation for video compression
* Fast Local Estimation of Optical Flow Using Variational and Wavelet Methods
* Fast method for face location and tracking by distributed behaviour-based agents
* Fast Modified Vector Median Filter
* Fast object recognition and pose determination
* Fast object recognition using dynamic programming from combination of salient line groups
* Fast PNN Using Partial Distortion Search
* fast recursive algorithm for the computation of axial moments, A
* Fast Retrieval of Isolated Visual Shapes
* Fast self-synchronous content scrambling by spatially shuffling codewords of compressed bitstreams
* Fast software MPEG-2 video transcoder with optimization of requantization error compensation
* Fast text/graphics resolution improvement using wavelet based denoising and chain-code table lookup
* Fast tracking of semantic video object based on motion prediction and subregion extraction
* Fast Trellis-Coded Color Quantization of Images
* Feature based merging of application specific regions
* feature re-weighting approach for relevance feedback in image retrieval, A
* Feature Selection for Classification Using Genetic Algorithms with a Novel Encoding
* Feature space warping: an approach to relevance feedback
* Feature-guided painterly image rendering
* Features Invariant Simultaneously to Convolution and Affine Transformation
* Field-based stereoscopic video codec for multiple display methods
* Fine granularity in multi-loop hybrid coders with multi-layer scalability
* fine-grained scalable video coding based on matching pursuits, The
* Fingerprint enhancement by spectral analysis techniques
* Fingerprint image enhancement using weak models
* Fingerprint matching based on error propagation
* Fingerprint quality and validity analysis
* Fitting ARMA models to linear non-Gaussian processes using higher order statistics
* Fitting smooth surfaces to scattered 3D data using piecewise quadratic approximation
* Flatness Analysis of Three-Dimensional Images for Global Polyhedrization
* flexible algorithm for image matching, A
* flexible decoder buffer model for JVT video coding, A
* Flexible, dynamic and compliant region of interest coding in JPEG2000
* foveal architecture for stereo matching, A
* Foveated image watermarking
* Fractal image compression using MNLPC, MIC and H-MPC network library
* Fractal-wavelet image denoising
* Fragile and semi-fragile image authentication based on image self-similarity
* framework for evaluating the data-hiding capacity of image sources, A
* framework for the efficient segmentation of large-format color images, A
* frequency domain algorithm for detection and classification of cyclic and dihedral symmetries in two-dimensional patterns, A
* From cross-country autonomous navigation to intelligent deep space communications: visual sensor processing at JPL
* From X-rays to radar: using color to understand imagery
* Full search content independent block matching based on the fast Fourier transform
* fully automatic redeye detection and correction algorithm, A
* Further results on DCT-based linear phase paraunitary filter banks
* Fusion of radiometry and textural information for SIR-C image classification
* Fusion of X ray radiographic data and anatomical data in computed tomography
* Fuzzy aggregation of image features in content-based image retrieval
* Fuzzy C-means And Mixture Distribution Models In The Presence Of Noise Clusters
* Fuzzy Clustering With Genetically Adaptive Scaling
* Fuzzy clustering with spatial constraints
* Fuzzy color signatures
* Fuzzy Hough Transform Approach To Shape Description, A
* Fuzzy Markovian Segmentation in Application of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Fuzzy Relation Calculus In The Compression And Decompression Of Fuzzy Relations
* Fuzzy rule for image segmentation incorporating texture features
* Fuzzy-based unsupervised segmentation of textured color images
* Gait recognition based on procrustes shape analysis
* Gaze correction in video communication with single camera
* General and domain-specific techniques for detecting and recognizing superimposed text in video
* Generalized bitplane-by-bitplane shift method for JPEG2000 ROI coding
* Generalized Morphological Mosaic Interpolation and Its Application to Computer-Aided Animations
* Generalized Mosaicing: Wide Field of View Multispectral Imaging
* Generalized Spatio-Chromatic Diffusion
* Generic attribute deviation metric for assessing mesh simplification algorithm quality
* generic knowledge-guided image segmentation and labeling system using fuzzy clustering algorithms, A
* genetic algorithm for image segmentation, A
* genetic algorithm for scratch removal in static images, A
* Genetic Programming with Local Improvement for Visual Learning from Examples
* Geometric correction through complex interpolation
* Geometric robust watermarking based on a new mesh model correction approach
* Geometrically invariant watermarking using feature points
* Geometry refinement for light field compression
* Gesture recognition in realistic images: the statistical approach
* Global motion estimation from semi-dynamic video using motion sensors
* Global optimization of deformable surface meshes based on genetic algorithms
* global-to-local approach for robust range image segmentation, A
* Goal distance estimation in soccer game
* Gradient based splitting of blocks of houses in high-resolution ortho-images
* Gradient-driven update lifting for adaptive wavelets
* Graph-Spectral Approach to Shape-From-Shading, A
* graph-theoretic approach to miultiscale texture segmentation, A
* graphic-theoretic model for incremental relevance feedback in image retrieval, A
* Grey-level morphology based segmentation of MRI of the human cortex
* group-theoretic analysis of symmetric target scattering with application to landmine detection, A
* Grouped zerotree wavelet image coding for very low bitrate
* Grouping contour points to line segments using signature functions
* Guest editorial: Medical Image Computing at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in Medicine, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
* Guest Introduction: The Changing Shape of Computer Vision in the Twenty-First Century
* H.263+ packet video over wireless IP networks using rate-compatible punctured turbo (RCPT) codes with joint source-channel coding
* H.26L/JVT coding network abstraction layer and IP-based transport
* Hand held imaging spectrometer
* Hand tracking for behaviour understanding
* Head pose estimation using Gabor eigenspace modeling
* Hidden semi-Markov event sequence models: application to brain functional MRI sequence analysis
* Hierarchical approach to enhanced active shape model for color video tracking
* hierarchical framework for modal correspondence matching, A
* Hierarchical image database browsing environment with embedded relevance feedback
* Hierarchical Method of Digital Image Segmentation Using Multidimensional Mathematical Morphology
* hierarchical method of map-based stochastic diffusion and disparity estimation, A
* Hierarchical network flow phase unwrapping
* High capacity and secure digital steganography to palette-based images
* High efficient sprite coding with directional spatial prediction
* High performance full scalable video compression with embedded multiresolution MC-3DSPIHT
* High quality, low complexity halftoning with good compressibility
* high throughput low cost context-based adaptive arithmetic codec for multiple standards, A
* High-resolution InSAR image simulation for forest canopies
* Highlight substitution in light fields
* Highly scalable image compression based on SPIHT for network applications
* Highly Scalable Video Compression Using a Lifting-Based 3D Wavelet Transform with Deformable Mesh Motion Compensation
* Histogram method for characterizing video content
* HMM-based surface reconstruction from single images
* Host-based intrusion detection using dynamic and static behavioral models
* How a simple shift can significantly improve the performance of linear interpolation
* How Iris Recognition Works
* HR Image from Multiframes by Delaunay Triangulation: A Synopsis
* Human identification technical challenges
* Hybrid and parallel face classifier based on artificial neural networks and principal component analysis
* hybrid hardware accelerated approach for tomographic reconstruction, A
* Hybrid Lossless Coder of Medical Images with Statistical Data Modelling
* Hybrid representations for audiophonic signal encoding
* Hyperspectral imaging of Kaposi's Sarcoma for disease assessment and treatment monitoring
* Hyperspectral sensor testbed for real-time algorithm evaluation
* ICA algorithm for analyzing multiple data sets, An
* ICA mixture model based unsupervised classification of hyperspectral imagery
* Iconic Classification Scheme for Video-Based Traffic Sensor Tasks, An
* Image analysis of crosswalk
* image change detection algorithm based on markov random field models, An
* Image coding using entropy-constrained reflected residual vector quantization
* Image coding using transform vector quantization with training set synthesis
* Image comparison measure for digital still color cameras
* Image compression using lattice vector quantization with code book shape adapted thresholding
* Image description with Chebyshev-Fourier moments
* Image feature detection on content-based meshes
* Image formation model of a 3-d translucent object observed in light microscopy
* Image information retrieval using rough set theory
* Image reconstruction using divergent beams distributed over limited angle
* Image registration in multispectral data sets
* Image resampling between orthogonal and hexagonal lattices
* Image restoration under wavelet-domain priors: An expectation-maximization approach
* Image Retrieval Using Spatial Color Information
* Image search using deformable contours
* Image segment-based spectral features in the estimation of timber volume
* Image segmentation for appearance-based self-localisation
* Image segmentation using clustering with saddle point detection
* Image segmentation using curve evolution and flow fields
* Image segmentation utilizing wavelet-based spatially adaptive kernels
* image signature for any kind of image, An
* Image Steganalysis with Binary Similarity Measures
* Image Thresholding by Maximizing the Index of Nonfuzziness of the 2-D Grayscale Histogram
* Image transmission using error-resilient wavelet coding and forward error correction
* IMAGENCIES: Network image services for telemedicine applications
* Images of Imperfectly Ordered Motifs: Properties, Analysis, and Reconstruction
* Impact of pixel per processor ratio on embedded SIMD architectures
* Impact of scalability in video transmission in promotion-capable differentiated services networks
* Implementation and Advanced Results on the Non-interrupted Skeletonization Algorithm
* Implicitization of Parametric Curves by Matrix Annihilation
* Improved compression of motion-compensated residuals
* Improved display resolution of subsampled colour images using subpixel addressing
* improved error control paradigm for multimedia transmission over wireless networks, An
* Improved error detection and localization techniques for MPEG-4 video
* Improved global motion estimation using prediction and early termination
* Improved minimum distance classification with Gaussian outlier detection for industrial inspection
* Improved motion description coding using the list mapping motion description (LMMD)
* Improved Recognition of Spectrally Mixed Land Cover Classes Using Spatial Textures and Voting Classifications
* Improved transforms for the compression of color and multispectral images
* Incomplete motion feature tracking algorithm in video sequences
* Increasing efficiency of Hausdorff approach for tracking real scenes with complex environments
* Independent filters for texture classification
* Index assignment in vector quantisation for channels with memory
* INDI: Intelligent database navigation by interactive and intuitive content-based image retrieval
* Industrial Application of the Irregular 3D-Objects Image Processing in the Compact Reverse Engineering System, The
* Infeed log scanning for lumber optimization
* Information embedding codes matched to locally stationary gaussian image models
* information theoretic approach to joint probabilistic face detection and tracking, An
* Information theory-based analysis of partial and total occlusion in object tracking
* information-theoretic approach to active vision, An
* Infrared-Image Classification Using Hidden Markov Trees
* Inkjet Printer Model-Based Halftoning
* Integrated 2D and 3D images for face recognition
* integrated multiple-substream unequal error protection and error concealment algorithm for internet video applications, An
* Integrated semantic-syntactic video event modeling for search and retrieval
* Integrated tracking with vision and sound
* Interactive content-based retrieval of video
* Interactive modifications of video object trajectories in natural video sequences for post-production applications
* Interactive texture synthesis
* Interclass Fuzzy Rule Generation for Road Scene Recognition from Colour Images
* Intermediate representation in model based recognition using straight line and ellipsoidal arc primitives
* Interpretation of uniform translational image motion: DCT versus FT
* introduction to MPEG-4 animation framework extension (AFX), An
* Intrusive and non-intrusive watermarking
* Invariant extraction and segmentation of 3D objects using linear Lie algebra model
* Invariant feature extraction based on radial and distance function for automatic target recognition
* Inverse texture mapping using weighted pyramid blending
* ISAR Image Analysis by Subspace Method: Automatic Extraction and Identification of Ship Profile
* Isophote estimation by cubic-spline interpolation
* Isophotes Selection and Reaction-Diffusion Model for Object Boundaries Estimation
* Issues in reduced-resolution decoding of MPEG video
* iterative algorithm for context selection in adaptive entropy coders, An
* iterative algorithm for restoring color-quantized images, An
* Iterative shrinking method for generating clustering
* Janis: just another n-order side-informed watermarking scheme
* joint channel estimation and unequal error protection scheme for video transmission in OFDM systems, A
* joint source and channel coding approach for progressively compressed 3-d mesh transmission, A
* Joint source-channel coding for motion-compensated DCT-based SNR scalable video
* Joint space-time image sequence segmentation based on volume competition and level sets
* JPEG2000 over noisy communication channels the cost analysis aspect
* JPEG2000-matched MRC compression of compound documents
* Kernel Based Nonlinear Subspace Projection Method for Reduction of Hyperspectral, Image Dimensionality, A
* Kernel Machine Based Approach for Multi-View Face Recognition, A
* Knowledge based reconstruction of buildings
* Lambertian reflectance correction for rough and shiny surfaces
* Large-scale scene reconstruction using periscopic stereo
* Learning a decision boundary for face detection
* Learning and caricaturing the face space using self-organization and Hebbian learning for face processing
* Learning personalized video highlights from detailed MPEG-7 metadata
* Learning similarity space
* Learning user-specific parameters in a multibiometric system
* Length Estimation for Curves with Non-Uniform Sampling
* level set method for the extraction of roads from multispectral imagery, A
* Lifting-Based Reversible Transforms for Lossy-to-Lossless Wavelet Codecs
* Likelihood normalization for face authentication in variable recording conditions
* Likelihood-based object detection and object tracking using color histograms and EM
* Linear Augmented Reality Registration
* Lip detection and tracking
* Lippmann photography and the glory of frozen light: Eternal photographic color real and false
* List Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes for Efficient Data Hiding
* LMS-based attack on watermark public detectors
* Local Algorithm for Real-Time Junction Detection in Contour Images, A
* local color descriptor for efficient scene-object recognition, A
* Long term tracking using bayesian networks
* Long-Term Similarity Learning in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Look-ahead coding considering rate-distortion-optimization
* Lossless authentication of mpeg-2 video
* Lossless video coding using optimal 3D prediction
* Lossy to lossless object-based coding of 3-d MRI data
* Low bit rate, error resilient image communication using nonlinear pre and post-processing and progressive image transmission
* Low complexity guaranteed fit compound document compression
* Low complexity motion estimation algorithm by multiresolution search, for long-term memory motion compensation
* Low-complexity motion estimation for VLBR video coders
* Low-complexity transform and quantization with 16-bit arithmetic for H.26L
* Low-latency video transmission over lossy packet networks using rate-distortion optimized reference picture selection
* Lung nodule classification utilizing support vector machines
* Making use of contradictory behavior information in qualitative reasoning
* map IIR filter for 3D ultrasound, A
* Markov Random Field Image Segmentation Model Using Combined Color and Texture Features, A
* Markov random measure fields for image analysis
* Matched affine joint subspace detection in remote hyperspectral reconnaissance
* Matching 3D Models with Shape Distribution
* Matching in Catadioptric Images with Appropriate Windows, and Outliers Removal
* Matching pursuits video coding using generalized bit-planes
* Material determination from reflectance properties in aerial urban images
* Material Identification Using Laser Spectroscopy and Pattern Recognition Algorithms
* Maximum likelihood motion segmentation using eigen-decomposition
* Maximum-Likelihood Surface Estimator for Dense Range Data, A
* Medical Active Thermography: A New Image Reconstruction Method
* Merged-color histogram for color image retrieval
* Mesh-based depth map compression and transmission for real-time view-based rendering
* Mesh-Based Error-Scalable Video Object Codec for Variable Bandwidth Multimedia Communications
* Mesh-based motion estimation and compensation in the wavelet domain using a redundant transform
* MESHGRID: A Compact, Multiscalable and Animation-Friendly Surface Representation
* metadata-based RCBR transmission of video-on-demand, A
* Method and apparatus for a panoramic camera to capture a 360 degree image
* Method and apparatus for multi-dimensional shape representation via shock flows
* method for color naming and description of color composition in images, A
* method for content-based similarity retrieval of images using two dimensional DP matching algorithm, A
* method for error rejection in multiple classifier systems, A
* method for estimating and accurately extracting the eyebrow in human face image, A
* Method to Analyse the Motion of Solid Particle in Oscillatory Stream of a Viscous Liquid, A
* Metropogis: a city information system
* Minimizing user interaction by automatic and semi-automatic relevance feedback for image retrieval
* Minimum entropy transform using Gabor wavelets for image compression
* MISR in-flight camera geometric model calibration and georectification performance
* MISR stereoscopic image matchers: techniques and results
* Ml and bayesian impulse restoration based object recognition in photon limited noise
* Model based rotation-invariant texture classification
* model of motion attention for video skimming, A
* Model tracking for video-based virtual reality
* Model-based 3d object detection from multivariate confocal microscopy images
* Model-based clustering and analysis of video scenes
* Model-based face image coding using spherical harmonics
* Model-driven statistical analysis of human gait motion
* Modeling and Animating Realistic Faces from Images
* Modeling dense range images through fast polygonal approximations
* Modeling object classes in aerial images using hidden Markov models
* Modeling semantic concepts to support query by keywords in video
* Modeling the self-similar behavior of packetized MPEG-4 video using wavelet-based methods
* Modelling and segmentation of lip area in face images
* modified fuzzy ART for image segmentation, A
* modified shape descriptor in wavelets compressed domain, A
* Motion activity-based extraction of key-frames from video shots
* Motion decision feedback deinterlacing algorithms
* Motion detection with nonstationary background
* Motion estimation with a dynamic programming optimization operator
* Motion filter vector quantization
* Motion trajectory based video indexing and retrieval
* Motion-Based Video Representation for Scene Change Detection
* Moving vehicle velocity estimation from obscure falling snow scenes based on brightness and contrast model
* MPEG 2-Based Video Coding with Three-Layer Mixed Scalability
* MPEG video transcoding to a fine-granular scalable format
* MPEG-4 one-pass VBR rate control for digital storage
* MPEG-4 towards solid representation
* MPEG-4 video object-based rate allocation with variable temporal rates
* MPEG-7 Color Descriptors and Their Applications
* MPEG-7 MDS Content Description Tools and Applications
* MPEG-7 Visual Description Framework: Concepts, Accuracy, and Applications, The
* MPEG-7: Evolution or Revolution?
* Multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR) on-board calibrator (OBC) in-flight performance studies
* Multi-frame based motion estimation for semantic object tracking in the presence of occlusion
* Multi-frame motion-compensated video compression for the digital set-top box
* Multi-resolution space carving using level set methods
* Multi-resolutional optical flow estimation with local optimization
* Multi-scale Two-step Fast Search Algorithm For Block Motion Estimation, A
* Multi-view reconstruction combining underwater and air sensors
* Multi-view representation and synthesis for 3d object movie
* Multidimensional comparison of shot detection algorithms
* Multidimensional Signal Compression Using Multiscale Recurrent Patterns
* Multigrid image reconstruction from arbitrarily spaced samples
* Multilayered image representation: application to image compression
* Multilevel screen design using direct binary search
* Multimedia content authentication: fundamental limits
* Multimodal retinal imaging: new strategies for the detection of glaucoma
* Multiple description image coding framework for EBCOT
* multiple description method for wavelet based image coding, A
* Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by using kalman filters based on shape matching
* Multiplier-free implementation of DCT used in image and video processing and compression
* Multiresolution 3d mesh compression
* Multiresolution moment filters
* multiresolution technique for video indexing and retrieval, A
* Multiscale fundamental forms: a multimodal image wavelet representation
* Multiscale Segmentation of Document Images Using M-Band Wavelets
* Multiscale wedgelet image analysis: fast decompositions and modeling
* Multisensor surveillance systems based on image and video data
* Multivalued image segmentation based on first fundamental form
* Mumford-Shah digital filter pair (MS-DFP) and applications, The
* naive approach to compose aerial images in a mosaic fashion, A
* Natural interaction synthesizing in virtual teleconferencing
* Natural Language Description of Human Activities from Video Images Based on Concept Hierarchy of Actions
* Near-Lossless Color Image Compression with No Error Accumulation in Multiple Coding Cycles
* Near-Lossless Image Compression by Relaxation Labeled Prediction
* Neighbourhood-blocks motion vector estimation technique using pyramidal data structure
* Nested interleaving transcoder for MPEG-4 simple profile bitstream
* Neural network analysis of MINERVA scene analysis benchmark
* neural network-based image processing system for detection of vandal acts in unmanned railway environments, A
* Neural-network-based Image Resolution Enhancement Scheme For Image Resizing, A
* neurodynamical retinal network based on reaction-diffusion systems, A
* New Algorithm for Super-Resolution from Image Sequences, A
* new algorithm for target tracking using fuzzy-edge-hased feature matching and robust statistic, A
* new and simple shape descriptor based on a non-parametric multiscale model, A
* New Approach for Model-Based Adaptive Region Growing in Medical Image Analysis, A
* new approach for video text detection, A
* New Approach to Automatic Reconstruction of a 3-D World Using Active Stereo Vision, A
* New Autocalibration Algorithm: Experimental Evaluation, A
* new complex-directional wavelet transform and its application to image denoising, A
* New dictionary and fast atom searching method for matching pursuit representation of displaced frame difference
* new direction adaptive scheme for image interpolation, A
* New flexible motion estimation technique for scalable MPEG encoding using display frame order and multi-temporal references
* New fuzzy model for morphological colour image processing
* new image retrieval system supporting query by semantics and example, A
* new method for denoising color images, A
* new moire smoothing method for color inverse halftoning, A
* New multiscale transforms, minimum total variation synthesis: applications to edge-preserving image reconstruction
* New perspectives on camera calibration using geometric algebra
* No reference PSNR estimation for compressed pictures
* no-reference perceptual blur metric, A
* No-reference perceptual quality assessment of JPEG compressed images
* No-reference sharpness metric based on local edge kurtosis
* Noise filtering of periodic image sequences
* Noise reduction and object enhancement in passive millimeter wave concealed weapon detection
* Noise robust oversampled linear phase perfect reconstruction filter bank with a lattice structure
* non-invasive spectral reflectance method for mapping blood oxygen saturation in wounds, A
* Non-purposive perceptual region grouping
* Nonadditive gaussian watermarking and its application to wavelet-based image watermarking
* Nonlinear binary wavelet transforms and their application to binary image compression
* nonlinear spatio-temporal diffusion and its application to prefiltering in MPEG-4 video coding, A
* Nonnegative color spectrum analysis filters from principal component analysis characteristic spectra
* Nonparametric methods for image segmentation using information theory and curve evolution
* novel distortion-quantization model and its application in low bitrate video conununications, A
* novel error correction method without overhead for corrupted JPEG images, A
* novel fixed bit plane error resilient image coding for wireless multimedia transmission, A
* Novel Robust Statistical Design of the Repeated Genetic Algorithm, A
* novel skin color model in YCBCR color space and its application to human face detection, A
* novel small-cross-diamond search algorithm for fast video coding and videoconferencing applications, A
* nurbs-based error concealment technique for corrupted images from packet loss, A
* Object contour tracking using graph cuts based active contours
* Object matching based on partition information
* Object recognition by clustering spectral features
* Object recognition using three-dimensional optical quasi-correlation
* Object Segmentation of Color Video Sequences
* Object-based quality of service assessment using semi-fragile tracing watermarking in MPEG-4 video cellular services
* Objective evaluation of noise reduction performance in TV-systems
* Objective evaluation of segmentation quality using spatio-temporal context
* objective performance evaluation tool for color based image retrieval systems, An
* Observer-dependent srarpening
* Occluded face recognition based on gabor wavelets
* Off-line signature verification by the tracking of feature and stroke positions
* omnidirectional stereoscopic sensor: Spherical color image acquisition, An
* On context-based entropy coding of block transform coefficients
* On estimation of the number of image principal colors and color reduction through self-organized neural networks
* On exploiting phase constraint with image wavelet coefficients
* On Global and Local Convergence of Half-Quadratic Algorithms
* On lattice factorization of symmetric-antisymmetric multifilter banks
* On Optimal Pairwise Linear Classifiers for Normal Distributions: The D-Dimensional Case
* On optimal subspaces for appearance-based object recognition
* On reducing the inter frame rate: An embedded residual image model for mesh-based motion tracking
* On Restoration of Degraded Cinematic Sequences by Means of Digital Image Processing
* On steganalysis of random LSB embedding in continuous-tone images
* On the evaluation of performance of correlation-based watermarking techniques in the frequency domain
* On the extension of level-set curve evolution methods for low-sensitivity imaging problems
* On the non-optimality of four color coding of image partitions
* On the robustness of color points of interest for image retrieval
* On the security of an image encryption method
* On the semantics of visual behaviour, structured events and trajectories of human action
* On the stability of support vector machines for face detection
* On the structure of some phase retrieval algorithms
* On the uniqueness of stationary points in L2 approximation with a rational polyphase function
* Onboard processor for compressing HSI data
* Open-loop rate control for real-time video streaming: analysis of binomial algorithms
* Openings and Closings by Reconstruction Using Propagation Criteria
* Optimal Bit Allocation for Low Bit Rate Video Streaming Applications
* Optimal detector structure for DCT and subband domain watermarking
* Optimal face reconstruction using training
* Optimal finite-precision approximation of FIR filters
* Optimal MPEG-2 encoder design for low bit-rate HDTV digital broadcasting
* Optimal multi-content video decomposition for efficient video transmission over low-bandwidth networks
* Optimal protection assignment for scalable compressed images
* Optimal rate allocation for macroblock-based progressive fine granularity scalable video coding
* Optimal recursive similarity measure estimation for interactive content-based image retrieval
* Optimal source coding and transmission power management using a min-max expected distortion approach
* Optimization Approach for Translational Motion Estimation in Log-Polar Domain, An
* Optimized transmission of H.26L/JVT coded video over packet-lossy networks
* Optimum camera placement by robot teams in unstructured field environments
* Orientation computation of an inclined textured plane: Study of results for regular macro textures
* Overcomplete image coding using iterative projection-based noise shaping
* Overview of Hyperion on-orbit instrument performance, stability, and artifacts
* Overview of MPEG-7 Motion Descriptors and Their Applications, An
* Packet loss protection of embedded data with fast local search
* Panoramic capturing and recognition of human activity
* Parametric contour tracking using unscented Kalman filter
* Parametric texture synthesis for filling holes in pictures
* Parsing video programs into individual segments using FSA modeling
* Partial integrability in surface reconstruction from a given gradient field
* Particle Image Velocimetry by Feature Tracking
* Partition projection in videos by global and local block-matching
* Path detection in video surveillance
* Pattern hashing: Object recognition based on a distributed local appearance model
* Pattern matching assisted motion estimation and motion vector histogram analysis for interlaced-to-progressive conversion
* Perceived quality metrics for low bit rate compressed video
* Perceptual watermarking of non I.I.D. signals based on wide spread spectrum using side information
* Performance Comparison of Video Coding Standards Using Lagrangian Coder Control
* Performance comparisons of multi-modal medical image registration algorithms
* Performance evaluation on H.26L-based motion compensation with segmented multiple reference frames
* Performance of a multiple description streaming media content delivery network
* Personalized news through content augmentation and profiling
* Phase Unwrapping for Large SAR Interferograms: Statistical Segmentation and Generalized Network Models
* Picture-graphics color image classification
* Platelets for multiscale analysis in photon-limited imaging
* PNNL quantitative IR database for infrared remote sensing and hyperspectral imaging, The
* Polygonal mesh data compression based on triangular lattice structuring and wavelet transform
* Polynomial features for robust face authentication
* Polynomials for narrowband signal processing
* Position-dependent defocus processing for acoustic holography images
* Positioning of Flexible Boom Structure Using Neural Networks
* Power efficient H.263 video transmission over wireless channels
* practical approach to creating environment maps using digital images, A
* Practical extension to CIELUV color space to improve uniformity
* predictive contour inertia snake model for general video tracking, A
* Predictive encoding using coset codes
* Principle component analysis and its variants for biometrics
* Probabilistic Approach for the Adaptive Integration of Multiple Visual Cues Using an Agent Framework, A
* Probabilistic home video structuring: Feature selection and performance evaluation
* probabilistic model for the human skin color, A
* Probabilistic population coding of multiple edge orientation
* Probabilistic recognition of human faces from video
* probabilistic SVM approach for background scene initialization, A
* Procedure for automatic analysis of images and image sequences based on two-dimensional shape primitives
* Progressive coding of error diffused images
* Progressive coding of stereo images using wavelets and overlapping blocks
* Progressive image transmission applying multipath routing in mobile ad hoc networks
* Progressive image transmission over a noisy channel using wavelet transform and channel optimized vector quantization
* Progressive mesh compression using cosine index predictor and 2-stage geometry predictor
* Progressive video transmission for packet lossy channels exploiting feedback and unequal erasure protection
* proposal for high compression of faces in video sequences using adaptive eigenspaces, A
* Protocols for distributed video streaming
* pseudo linearization method for accurate pose estimation from a single image, A
* Psychovisual and statistical optimization of quantization tables for DCT compression engines
* publishing system based on fluency coding method, A
* Quality image metrics for synthetic images based on perceptual color differences
* Quantile prediction for time series in the fraction-of-time probability framework
* Quantitative analysis of reconstructed 3-d coronary arterial tree and intracoronary devices
* Quantitative assessment of qualitative color perception in image database retrieval
* quantitive semi-fragile jpeg2000 image authentication system, A
* Quantized projection data hiding
* Radially balanced error diffusion
* Random Walk Approach to Noise Reduction in Color Images
* Rate-constrained key frame selection using iteration
* Rate-distortion model and analytical bit allocation for wavelet-based region of interest coding
* Rate-distortion optimized application-level retransmission using streaming agent for video streaming over 3G wireless network
* Rate-distortion optimized image compression using wedgelets
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Video Streaming with Adaptive Playout
* Rate-reduction transcoding design for wireless video streaming
* Rate/distortion-based combination of multiple DCT transforms for video coding
* Real time 3D face tracking from appearance
* Real Time Image Rotation Using Dynamic Reconfiguration
* Real Time Segmentation of Lip Pixels for Lip Tracker Initialization
* Real time temporal segmentation of MPEG video
* Real-time autonomous video enhancement system (RAVE)
* Real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to target detection and classification in hyperspectral imagery
* Real-Time Digital Image Stabilization Using Kalman Filters
* Real-time disparity analysis for applications in immersive teleconference scenarios-a comparative study
* Real-time embedded hyperspectral image compression for tactical military platforms
* Real-time head orientation estimation using neural networks
* Real-time implementation of a new low-memory SPIHT image coding algorithm using DSP chip
* Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
* Real-time objects tracking by using smart image sensor and FPGA
* Real-Time Reconstruction of Wavelet-Encoded Meshes for View-Dependent Transmission and Visualization
* Real-time tracking and reproduction of 3D human body motion
* Real-Time Video Object Segmentation Using HSV Space
* recognition algorithm for chinese characters in diverse fonts, A
* Recognition driven burst transmissions in distributed third generation surveillance systems
* Recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings using genetic algorithms
* Recognition of shape-changing hand gestures based on switching linear model
* Recognizing specific texture patterns by integration of multiple texture methods
* Reconstructing Surfaces by Volumetric Regularization Using Radial Basis Functions
* Reconstruction of irregularly-sampled images by regularization in spline spaces
* Reconstruction of smooth distributions within unsmooth circumferences from limited views using filtered-backprojection algorithm
* Reconstruction of time-varying 3-d left-ventricular shape from multiview x-ray cineangiocardiograms
* Recovering height information from SAR images of terrain
* recursive shape error concealment algorithm, A
* Reduced DCT approximations for low bit rate coding
* Region level segmentation based on a derivative approach for video tracking process
* Region tracking via local statistics and level set PDEs
* Region-based image registration for wide-baseline stereo
* Region-based retrieval: coarse segmentation with fine color signature
* Registering two overlapping range images using a relative registration error histogram
* Registration of very time-distant aerial images
* Regular Spatial B-Spline Active Contour for Fast Video Segmentation
* Relational Constraints for Point Distribution Models
* relaxation algorithm for real-time multiple view 3D-tracking, A
* Reliability measurement of disparity estimates for intermediate view reconstruction
* Reliable and fast structure-oriented video noise estimation
* Remote browsing of JPEG2000 images
* Remote sensed images segmentation through shape refinement
* Removal of tile artifacts using projection onto scaling functions for JPEG 2000
* Rendering by Manifold Hopping
* Reply to the comments on Frequency Decomposition and Compounding of Ultrasound Medical Images with Wavelet Packets
* Representation and synthesis of behaviour using Gaussian mixtures
* Representation of motion activity in hierarchical levels for video indexing and filtering
* Representing volumetric vascular structures using curve skeletons
* Residual image coding for stereo image compression
* Restoration of Archival Documents Using a Wavelet Technique
* Retrieval of 3D protein structures
* Retrieval of sketches based on spatial relation between strokes
* Reversible data hiding
* Reversible DCT for lossless
* reversible jump markov chain monte carlo algorithm for analysis of functional neuroimages, A
* RF*IPF: a weighting scheme for multimedia information retrieval
* Ring shaped object detector for non-isotropic 2D images using optimized distance transform weights
* Road signs recognition using a dynamic pixel aggregation technique in the HSV color space
* Robust and efficient scalable video coding with leaky prediction
* Robust bandlimited watermarking with trellis coded modulation
* Robust contour extraction for moving vehicle tracking
* Robust corner tracking for multimedia applications
* robust eigen-decomposition framework for inexact graph-matching, A
* Robust estimation of 3D trajectories from a monocular image sequence
* Robust face detection for different chromatic illuminations
* Robust fingerprint identification
* Robust high resolution image spectral analysis
* Robust identification of gradual shot-transition types
* Robust image classification based on a non-causal hidden markov gauss mixture model
* Robust pose estimation for 3D face modeling from stereo sequences
* Robust real-time intrusion detection with fuzzy classification
* Robust still image coding using lapped transforms with block classification
* Robust tracking of humans and vehicles in cluttered scenes with occlusions
* Robust transmission of MPEG-4 scalable video over 4G wireless networks
* Robust turbo-based data hiding for image and video sources
* Robust video text segmentation and recognition with multiple hypotheses
* Robust wavelet-based arbitrary grid detection for MPEG
* Role of scale in partitioning shape
* Root growth analysis in physiological coordinates
* Rough Feature Selection For Neural Network Based Image Classification
* rough-to-fine satellite image registration method with sub-pixel accuracy, A
* router based unequal error control scheme for video over the internet, A
* Rubberband: an improved graph search algorithm for interactive object segmentation
* Rule-based scene extraction from video
* Rule-based semantic summarization of instructional videos
* Satellite and aerial image deconvolution using an EM method with complex wavelets
* Scalable coding of shape contours in scale space
* Scalable compression of volumetric images
* Scalable discrepancy measures for segmentation evaluation
* Scalable ideal-segmented chain coding
* Scalable image transmission using rate-compatible irregular repeat accumulate (IRA) codes
* Scalable video coding by stream morphing
* Scalable wavelet video-coding with in-band prediction implementation and experimental results
* Scalable wavelet video-coding with in-band prediction the bottom-up overcomplete discrete wavelet transform
* scale invariant distance measure for texture retrieval, A
* Scanner Sequence Compensation
* Scene change detection using DC coefficients
* Scene change detector
* Scene sampling for the concentric mosaics technique
* Scene-dependent frequency weighting for subjective quality improvement of MPEG-4 fine-granularity-scalability
* scheduling scheme for multiplexing of VBR sources in digital TV systems, A
* scheme for reconstructing face from shading using smooth projected polygon representation NN, A
* Seafloor video mapping: modeling, algorithms, apparatus
* Second-generation error concealment for video transport over error prone channels
* Seed accumulating sequential estimation for PN sequence acquisition at low signal-to-noise ratio
* Segmentation and histogram generation using the HSV color space for image retrieval
* Segmentation and visualization of left ventricle in MR cardiac images
* Segmentation of multi-modality MR images by means of evidence theory for 3d reconstruction of brain tumors
* Segmentation of non-rigid video objects using long term temporal consistency
* Segmentation-based object tracking using image warping and kalman filtering
* Semantic based categorization, browsing and retrieval in medical image databases
* Semantic image segmentation using morphological tools
* Semantics of multimedia in MPEG-7
* semi-direct approach to structure from motion, A
* Semi-fragile image authentication using generic wavelet domain features and ecc
* Semi-parametric classification of noisy curves
* Sensor fusion for target detection and tracking
* Sequence-based rate control for constant quality video
* Shadows analysis and synthesis in natural video sequences
* Shaking snakes using color edge for contour extraction
* Shape and Position Determination Based on Combination of Photogrammetry with Phase Analysis of Fringe Patterns
* Shape Inspection System for Variable-Luminance Steel Plates with Real-Time Adaptation Capabilities to Luminance Variations
* Shape refreshment need metric for object-based resilient video coding
* Shape-Adaptive DCT Algorithm: Hardware Optimized Redesign
* Shape-from-Shading Using Darboux Smoothing
* Shape-from-Shading Using Viewpoint-Invariant Principal Curvatures
* Shared-boundary fusion for estimation of noisy multi-modality atherosclerotic plaque imagery
* Shot detection in video sequences using entropy-based metrics
* Similarity based clustering using the expectation maximization algorithm
* Similarity-based approach to earthenware reconstruction
* Simple Algorithm for Ordering and Compression of Vector Codebooks, A
* simple and efficient algorithm for part decomposition of 3-D triangulated models based on curvature analysis, A
* simple model for SAR azimuth speckle, focusing, and interferometric decorrelation, A
* Simulation of LWIR polarimetric observations of space objects
* Simultaneous mesh simplification and noise smoothing of range images
* skeleton based shape matching and recovery approach, A
* Smart cameras with real-time video object generation
* Source-Detector calibration in three-dimensional Bayesian optical diffusion tomography
* Spaces and subspaces of images for recognition
* Spatial clustering of pixels in the mouth area of face images
* Spatial frequency domain image processing for biometric recognition
* Spatial-Feature Parametric Clustering Applied to Motion-Based Segmentation in Camouflage
* Spatial/Joint Space-Time Motion Segmentation of Image Sequences by Level Set Pursuit
* Spatially Adaptive High-Resolution Image Reconstruction of Low-Resolution DCT-Based Compressed Images
* spatiotemporal image sequence restoration algorithm, A
* Speaker Discriminative Weighting Method for VQ-Based Speaker Identification
* Special issue on image and video coding beyond standards
* spectral approach to statistical polar shape modeling, A
* Spectral correspondence for point pattern matching
* Spectral imaging and biomedicine: new devices, new approaches
* Spectral reflectance technique for retinal blood oxygen evaluation in humans
* Speeding up SSD planar tracking by pixel selection
* SPIN-IT: a data centric routing protocol for image retrieval in wireless networks
* statistical analysis of diffraction-limited imaging, A
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part I-theory and simulations
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part II-experimental interpretation
* statistical signal processing approach to image fusion for conceled weapon detection, A
* Steady-state analysis of computational load in correlation-based image tracking
* Stereo image coding using multiscale recurrent patterns
* Still image producing method and still image capture system
* Straightening warped text lines using polynomial regression
* Stripe-based MSE control in image coding
* Structure and texture filling-in of missing image blocks in wireless transmission and compression applications
* study of contextual modeling and texture craracterization for multiscale bayesian segmentation, A
* Sub-picture: ROI coding and unequal error protection
* Subband adaptive image denoising via bivariate shrinkage
* Subdivision surfaces in MPEG-4
* Super-resolution video restoration with model uncertainties
* Superquadric-Based Object Recognition
* support vector machine approach for detection of microcalcifications in mammograms, A
* Symmetrical PCA in face recognition
* Synchronization-predictive coding for video compression: The SP frames design for JVT/H.26L
* Synthesis-based scalable image enhancement for digital radiograph
* Synthesized textures in MPEG-4
* System and method for creating 3D models from 2D sequential image data
* System and method for face detection using candidate image region selection
* system for tracking laboratory animals based on optical flow and active contours, A
* Tag-based vision: assisting 3D scene analysis with radio-frequency tags
* Target-aided fixed-quality-of-service compression of SAR imagery for transmission over noisy wireless channels
* Tast: Trademark Application Assistant
* taxonomy for image authentication techniques and its application to the current state of the art, A
* Technique for Segmentation of Gurmukhi Text, A
* Template tracking using color invariant pixel features
* Temporal filtering of disparity measurements
* Temporal interpolation using wavelet domain motion estimation and motion compensation
* Terrain surface modeling from altimetric data
* Text enhancement with asymmetric filter for video OCR
* Texture analysis using fractals for tool wear monitoring
* Texture classification for content-based image retrieval
* Texture classification through level lines
* Texture Descriptors in MPEG-7
* Texture Feature Extraction and Classification
* Texture inspection for defects using neural networks and support vector machines
* Texture synthesis using image pyramids and self-organizing maps
* Theoretical Analysis of Finite Difference Algorithms for Linear Shape from Shading
* Theoretical analysis of geometry inaccuracy for light field compression
* Three dimensional modeling of large-scale real environment by fusing range data, texture images, and airborne altimetry data
* Three-dimensional CT image retrieval in a database of pulmonary nodules
* Three-dimensional overlapped spatial transformations for motion compensation
* Thresholding Image Segmentation Based on the Volume Analysis of Spatial Regions
* Time-domain inverse scattering method for cross-borehole radar imaging
* Time-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography in a spherical geometry
* TIN Surface Reconstruction from Multiple Calibrated Aerial Images in Urban Areas
* Today's and Tomorrow's Medical Imaging
* Topographic Feature Identification Based on Triangular Meshes
* topological variational model for image singularities, A
* Toward generic image dewatermarking?
* Towards Active Machine-Vision-Based Driver Assistance for Urban Areas
* Towards facial feature extraction and verification for omni-face detection in video/images
* Towards plug-and-play visual surveillance: learning tracking models
* Towards random field modeling of wavelet statistics
* Towards teleconferencing by view synthesis and large-baseline stereo
* Towards the automatic analysis of complex human body motions
* Tracking fast-rolling leukocytes in vivo with active contours
* Tracking nonparameterized object contours in video
* Tracking of feature and stroke positions for off-line signature verification
* Tracking People in Sport: Making Use of Partially Controlled Environment
* triage method of determining the extent of JPEG compression artifacts, A
* Triangle mesh-based edge detection and its application to surface segmentation and adaptive surface smoothing
* Truncated edges estimation using MLP neural nets applied to regularized image restoration
* Two channels fuzzy c-means detection of multiple sclerosis lesions in multispectral MR images
* Two-level model averaging techniques in drosophila brain imaging
* two-stage multiple description video coder with drift-preventing motion compensated prediction, A
* Two-stage segmentation of unconstrained handwritten Chinese characters
* Understanding visual behaviour, Special Issue Introduction
* Unequal error protection for motion compensated video streaming over the internet
* Unequal error protection for transmission of JPEG2000 codestreams over noisy channels
* unified method for optimizing linear image restoration filters, A
* Unsupervised detection of contours using a statistical model
* Unsupervised face recognition by associative chaining
* Unsupervised hyperspectral image segmentation using a new class of neuro-fuzzy systems based on weighted incremental neural networks
* Unsupervised image segmentation via markov trees and complex wavelets
* Unsupervised Learning of Part-Based Representations
* Unsupervised Mumford-Shah energy based hybrid of texture and nontexture image segmentation
* Unsupervised segmentation of multispectral images using edge progression and cost function
* Unwrapping ground displacement signals in satellite radar interferograms with aid of GPS data and MRF regularization
* Updating mixture of principal components for error concealment
* use of kernel principal component analysis to model data distributions, The
* Use of physics based models in hyperspectral image exploitation
* Use of stereo-matching to coregister multiangle data from MISR
* use of visual search for knowledge gathering in image decision support, The
* Using a probabilistic source model for comparing images
* Using contextual information for image retrieval
* Using feature-vector based analysis, based on principal component analysis and independent component analysis, for analysing hyperspectral images
* Using hyperspectral reflectance data for discrimination between healthy and diseased plants, and determination of damage-level in diseased plants
* Using non-linear diffusion and motion information for video segmentation
* Using optical imagery to enhance radar tracking performance
* Vanishing point detection: representation analysis and new approaches
* Vanishing points and three-dimensional lines from omni-directional video
* Vector zone plates as test patterns for linear vector filters
* Verified Null-move Pruning
* vertex-based representation of objects in an image, A
* Vicarious calibration experiment in support of the multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer
* Video coding algorithm using 3-D DCT and vector quantization
* Video coding for digital cinema
* Video coding with motion compensation for groups of pictures
* Video frame alignment in multiple views
* Video image stabilization and registration
* Video indexing by motion activity maps
* Video object articulation using depth-based content segmentation approaches
* Video object trajectory analysis
* Video quality assessment using structural distortion measurement
* Video quality measures based on the standard spatial observer
* Video rate control using conditional mean
* Video receiver based real-time estimation of channel capacity
* Video safety detector with shadow elimination
* Video segmentation using active contours on a group of pictures
* Video skims: taxonomies and an optimal generation framework
* video surveillance architecture for alarm generation and video sequences retrieval, A
* Video texture indexing using spatio-temporal wavelets
* Video transcoding for fast forward/reverse video playback
* Video transmission for multi-hop networks using IEEE 802.11 FHSS
* Video watermarking scheme resistant to geometric attacks
* video-based surveillance solution for protecting the air-intakes of buildings from chem-bio attacks, A
* Video-rate visible to LWIR hyperspectral imaging and image exploitation
* View synthesis from two uncalibrated images
* View-Invariant Representation and Recognition of Actions
* vision agent for mobile robot navigation in time-variable environments, A
* Vision Based Measurement System to Quantify Straightness Defect in Steel Sheets
* Visual Attention Guided Seed Selection for Color Image Segmentation
* Visual Estimation and Compression of Facial Motion Parameters: Elements of a 3D Model-Based Video Coding System
* Visual grouping and object recognition
* Visualization of high dynamic range images
* VQ-based image restoration algorithm, A
* VQ-Faces: Unsupervised Face Recognition from Image Sequences
* Vsnakes with local affine deformations
* Waterfilling: a connection between information theoretic and perceptually based watermarking
* Watermarking 3D models
* Watermarking for self-authentication of compressed video
* Watermarking scheme capable of resisting attacks based on availability of inserter
* Watershed and adaptive pyramid for determining the apple's maturity state
* Watershed-based region merging using conflicting regions
* Wavelet based efficient color image coding technique
* Wavelet coding of volumetric medical datasets
* Wavelet denoising by recursive cycle spinning
* Wavelet image coding with adaptive dead-zone selection: application to jpeg2000
* Wavelet picture coding and its several problems of the application to the interlace HATV and the ultra-high definition images
* Wavelet-based enhancement and denoising using multiscale structure tensor
* Wavelet-based texture features can be extracted efficiently from compressed-domain for JPEG2000 coded images
* Wavelet-based texture segmentation of remotely sensed images
* Wavelet-domain reconstruction of lost blocks in wireless image transmission and packet-switched networks
* Weighted distance transforms in rectangular grids
* Weighted Graph-Matching Using Modal Clusters
* Why does histogram packing improve lossless compression rates?
* Wigner distribution moments in fractional Fourier transform systems
* Wigner Distributions and Ambiguity Functions in Image Analysis
* window-based color quantization technique and its embedded implementation, A
* Winner take all in a large array of opto-electronic feedback circuits for image processing
* Wireless meets multimedia: new products and services
* Wireless Video Transport Using Path Diversity: Multiple Description vs. Layered Coding
* World Wide Web region-based image search engine, A
* X-ray-based method for the determination of the contrast agent propagation in 3-D vessel structures, An
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