Update Dates 0501

0501 * *Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, Third Edition
* *Videometrics
* 2D-LDA: A statistical linear discriminant analysis for image matrix
* 3-D Reconstruction of a Dynamic Environment With a Fully Calibrated Background for Traffic Scenes
* 3D reconstruction from stereo images for interactions between real and virtual objects
* Aberration reduction by multiple relays of an incoherent image
* Abstract families of matrices and picture languages
* Accelerated Penalized Weighted Least-Squares and Maximum Likelihood Algorithms for Reconstructing Transmission Images from PET Transmission Data
* Accuracy of curve approximation by harmonically related vectors with elliptical loci
* Accuracy, reliability, and depuration of SPOT HRV and Terra ASTER digital elevation models
* Accurate lightpen
* Acoustic echo cancellation for stereophonic systems derived from pairwise panning of monophonic speech
* Acquiring Linear Subspaces for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting
* Active and Dynamic Information Fusion for Facial Expression Understanding from Image Sequences
* Adaptive color space switching for tracking under varying illumination
* adaptive edge model in the wavelet domain for wavelet image coding, An
* adaptive evolutionary algorithm for Volterra system identification, An
* Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed Demosaicing Algorithm
* adaptive hybrid energy-based fingerprint matching technique, An
* Adaptive modulated wavelet subband image coding
* Adaptive Removal of Azimuth Ambiguities in SAR Images
* Adaptive Thresholding for Degraded Call Number Images
* Adaptively Merging Large-Scale Range Data with Reflectance Properties
* Advanced graphics for visualization of shielding relations
* Advances and Trends in Research and Development of Intelligent Transportation Systems: An Introduction to the Special Issue
* Advances in Digital Video Content Protection
* Advances in Efficient Resource Allocation for Packet-Based Real-Time Video Transmission
* Advances in Hardware Architectures for Image and Video Coding: A Survey
* Advances in Pattern Recognition
* Advances in Scalable Video Coding
* Advances in Wireless Video Delivery
* Aerosol-Cloud Interaction: Misclassification of MODIS Clouds in Heavy Aerosol
* Affine multipicture motion-compensated prediction
* Airborne threat detection in Navy IRST systems
* Algorithms and networks for accelerated convergence of adaptive LDA
* Algorithms for compressing compound document images with large text/background overlap
* Ambiguity-Free Doppler Centroid Estimation Technique for Airborne SAR Using the Radon Transform
* Analysis and Enhancements to Piecewise Linear Comparametric Image Registration
* Analysis of errors of handwritten digits made by a multitude of classifiers
* Analysis of multiframe super-resolution reconstruction for image anti-aliasing and deblurring
* Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data: The Formative Decades and the Future
* Analysis of Topological Properties of Digitized Binary Pictures Using Local Features, An
* Analysis, Fast Algorithm, and VLSI Architecture Design for H.264/AVC Intra Frame Coder
* Analytical Form for a Bayesian Wavelet Estimator of Images Using the Bessel K Form Densities
* Analyzing magnetic resonance images of Iberian pork loin to predict its sensorial characteristics
* Angular Distribution Models, Anisotropic Correction Factors, and Mixed Clear-Scene Types: A Sensitivity Study
* anisotropic diffusion-based defect detection for sputtered surfaces with inhomogeneous textures, An
* ANTICS: A system for animating LISP programs
* Appearance-based recognition of 3-D objects by cluttered background and occlusions
* Application of Feature Extraction Methods for Landmine Detection Using the Wichmann/Niitek Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Application of Pattern Recognition for Farsi License Plate Recognition
* Application of the CIECAM02 colour appearance model to predict the effect of gamma on the colours viewed on CRT monitors
* Application of the convergence of the control points of B-splines to wavelet decomposition at rational scales and rational location
* Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor Template for Motion Estimation in Video Applications
* approach of visual motion analysis, An
* approach to the optimum implementation of interactive display data structures, An
* Approximating Filtered Scale-Variant Signals
* Approximating Optical Flow Within the MPEG-2 Compressed Domain
* Array Grammars and Kolam
* array processing system with a Fortran-based realization, An
* Article retraction: Least-squares fitting for deformable superquadric model based on orthogonal distance
* Aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing schemes with minimum pixel expansion
* Assessment of Vulnerable Plaque Composition by Matching the Deformation of a Parametric Plaque Model to Measured Plaque Deformation
* Atoms with transparency and shadows
* automated apparatus for cancer prescreening: CYBEST, An
* Automated cartographic text placement
* Automated estimation of rock fragment distributions using computer vision and its application in mining
* automated palmprint recognition system, An
* Automated Processing of Shoeprint Images Based on the Fourier Transform for Use in Forensic Science
* Automated Variable Weighting in k-Means Type Clustering
* Automatic Analysis of Multimodal Group Actions in Meetings
* Automatic CRP Mapping Using Nonparametric Machine Learning Approaches
* Automatic fixing of ship position by simulation-and-matching
* Automatic Image Orientation Detection via Confidence-Based Integration of Low-Level and Semantic Cues
* Automatic license plate recognition
* Automatic Nonrigid Registration for Stained Histological Sections, An
* Bayesian Algorithms for Simultaneous Structure From Motion Estimation of Multiple Independently Moving Objects
* Bayesian Approach to Classification of Multiresolution Remote Sensing Data, A
* Bayesian Approach to Video Object Segmentation via Merging 3-D Watershed Volumes, A
* Bayesian network based sequential inference for diagnosis of diseases from retinal images, A
* Bayesian network-based framework for semantic image understanding, A
* Bearings based robot homing with robust landmark matching and limited horizon view
* Beyond pixels: Exploiting camera metadata for photo classification
* Beyond standard classes of generalized joint signal representations of arbitrary variables: Mercer kernel-based representations
* Binary data compression by linear transformation
* Binary Image Watermarking Through Blurring And Biased Binarization
* Bit allocation for joint source and channel coding of progressively compressed 3-D models
* Bit-level based secret sharing for image encryption
* Blind area measurement with mobile robots
* Boosting image classification with LDA-based feature combination for digital photograph management
* Boundary Processing of bidimensional EMD using texture synthesis
* brain-like neural network for periodicity analysis, A
* Brand Identification Using Gaussian Derivative Histograms
* Building Kernels from Binary Strings for Image Matching
* Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from a single view based on scene constraints
* Camera calibration with moving one-dimensional objects
* car test for the estimation of GPS/INS alignment errors, A
* Cast shadow detection in video segmentation
* CeDAR: A real-world vision system: Mechanism, control and visual processing
* CFAR Detection of Extended Objects in High-Resolution SAR Images
* Challenges of intervehicle ad hoc networks
* Character generation by computer
* Chick feather pattern recognition
* Choosing Parameters in Block-Iterative or Ordered Subset Reconstruction Algorithms
* Chromatic compensation of broadband light diffraction: ABCD-matrix approach
* Classification and numbering of teeth in dental bitewing images
* Classification of coins using an eigenspace approach
* Classification of Hyperspectral Data From Urban Areas Based on Extended Morphological Profiles
* Classifier geometrical characteristic comparison and its application in classifier selection
* Closed-Form Solution to Non-Rigid Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* cluster-based approach for detecting man-made objects and changes in imagery, A
* Clutter Invariant ATR
* coefficient of intrinsic dependence (feature selection using el CID), The
* cognitive architecture for Robotic hand posture learning, A
* Color edge detection using the minimal spanning tree
* Color image denoising with wavelet thresholding based on human visual system model
* Color Image Resolution Conversion
* Color-based road detection in urban traffic scenes
* Colour quantisation technique based on image decomposition and its embedded system implementation
* Combined Morphological-Spectral Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* Combined Ultrasound and Optoacoustic System for Real-Time High-Contrast Vascular Imaging in Vivo
* Combining intra-image and inter-class semantics for consumer image retrieval
* Comment on a Method for Computing Points of a Circle Using Only Integers
* Comment on Content-Based Event Retrieval Using Semantic Scene Interpretation for Automated Traffic Surveillance
* Comments on Winscale: An Image-Scaling Algorithm Using an Area Pixel Model
* common formalism for the Integral formulations of the forward EEG problem, A
* Compact Polarimetry Based on Symmetry Properties of Geophysical Media: The pi/4 Mode
* Compact Representations for Fast Nonrigid Registration of Medical Images
* comparative evaluation approach for the classification of rotifers with modified non-parametric kNN, A
* Comparing and combining depth and texture cues for face recognition
* Comparison and fusion of multiresolution features for texture classification
* Comparison of Human and Model Observers in Multislice LROC Studies, A
* Comparison of regularized inversion methods in synthetic aperture imaging radiometry
* Comparison Study of Four Texture Synthesis Algorithms on Regular and Near-regular Textures, A
* compiler for simple boolean functions of binary patterns, A
* Complex Spatial Query Processing
* Complex-variable distribution theory for Laplace and z transforms
* Component based recognition of objects in an office environment
* comprehensive method for multilingual video text detection, localization, and extraction, A
* Compressed Domain Scheme for Classifying Block Edge Patterns, A
* Compressing image-based relighting data using eigenanalysis and wavelets
* Compressing the Illumination-Adjustable Images With Principal Component Analysis
* Compression of Map Images by Multilayer Context Tree Modeling
* Computational Engine for Development of Complex Cascaded Models of Signal and Noise in X-Ray Imaging Systems
* Computer analysis of moving radiopaque markers from X-ray cinefilms
* Computer graphics for drafting
* Computer graphics: A keyword-indexed bibliography for the year 1980
* Computer graphics: A keyword-indexed bibliography for the years 1976, 1977, and 1978
* Conditional Filters for Image Sequence-Based Tracking: Application to Point Tracking
* Cone-beam reconstruction using the backprojection of locally filtered projections
* Conjugate Phase MRI Reconstruction With Spatially Variant Sample Density Correction
* Constant quality video coding using video content analysis
* Constrained Nonlinear Energy Minimization Framework for the Regularization of the Stereo Correspondence Problem, A
* Content-based image retrieval using growing hierarchical self-organizing quadtree map
* Contextual models for object detection using boosted random fields
* Control of round-off propagation in articulating the human figure
* Convergence analysis of the adaptive lattice filter for a mixed Gaussian input sequence
* Convolution reconstruction of fan beam projections
* Coordinated Application of Multiple Description Scalar Quantization and Error Concealment for Error-Resilient MPEG Video Streaming
* Core zone scatterplots: A new approach to feature extraction for visual displays
* Cover Noise Interference Suppression In Multimedia Data Hiding
* Crypto Signature Scheme For Image Authentication Over Wireless Channel, A
* CSU Face Identification Evaluation System: Its purpose, features, and structure, The
* Daily Imaging Scheduling of an Earth Observation Satellite
* Data Compression and Transmission Aspects of Panoramic Videos
* Data compression on the illumination adjustable images by PCA and ICA
* DCT Quantization Noise in Compressed Images
* Deblocking Method for BDCT Compressed Images Based on Adaptive Projections, A
* Deblocking of Block-Transform Compressed Images Using Weighted Sums of Symmetrically Aligned Pixels
* Defect recognition in numerical images by spectrum zero detection
* Defining and Comparing Content Measures of Topological Relations
* Deformable Texture: the Irregular-Regular-Irregular Cycle
* Delay-constrained transmission of fine scalable coded content over P2P networks
* Demosaicing by Successive Approximation
* Demosaicing Using Optimal Recovery
* Design and VLSI implementation of QMF banks
* Design of committee machines for classification of single-wavelength lidar signals applied to early forest fire detection
* Detail preserving impulsive noise removal
* Detecting Pedestrians Using Patterns of Motion and Appearance
* Detection of osteogenesis imperfecta by automated texture analysis
* Detection of Stationary Foliage-Obscured Targets by Polarimetric Millimeter-Wave Radar
* Detection Performance Theory for Ultrasound Imaging Systems
* Determination of Mechanical and Electronic Shifts for Pinhole SPECT Using a Single Point Source
* Determining the Geometry of Boundaries of Objects from Medial Data
* Development of comprehensive accuracy assessment indexes for building footprint extraction
* Device, method and digital video encoder for block-matching motion estimation
* Differential Tomography: A New Framework for SAR Interferometry
* diffusion stick method for speckle suppression in ultrasonic images, A
* Digital Color Halftoning
* Digital fragile watermarking scheme for authentication of JPEG images
* Digital transmission of halftone pictures
* Digital Video Transcoding
* Dimensionality Reduction and Classification of Hyperspectral Image Data Using Sequences of Extended Morphological Transformations
* Direct Mode Coding for Bipredictive Slices in the H.264 Standard
* Direct modelling of output context dependence in discriminative hidden Markov model
* Direct N-Point DCT Computation from Three Adjacent N/3-Point DCT Coefficients
* Direction Estimation of Pedestrian from Images
* Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Method for GPR Simulation in Dispersive Media
* Discrete B-splines and subdivision techniques in computer-aided geometric design and computer graphics
* Discrete convexity: Definition, parametrization, and compatibility with continuous convexity
* Discrete geometry and Azriel Rosenfeld
* discriminative 3D wavelet-based descriptors: Application to the recognition of human body postures, A
* Discriminative MR Image Feature Analysis for Automatic Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's Disease Classification
* Discriminative multimodal biometric authentication based on quality measures
* Discriminative Techniques for the Recognition of Complex-Shaped Objects
* Dissociated Dipoles: Image representation via non-local comparisons
* Distributed Video Coding
* Does Independent Component Analysis Play a Role in Unmixing Hyperspectral Data?
* Dual Norms and Image Decomposition Models
* Dual-Polarization Measurements at C-Band Over the Ocean: Results From Airborne Radar Observations and Comparison With ENVISAT ASAR Data
* DWT-based Video Data Hiding Robust to MPEG Compression And Frame Loss
* dynamic classifier selection and combination approach to image region labelling, A
* Dynamic Context Capture and Distributed Video Arrays for Intelligent Spaces
* Dynamic Contrast-Based Quantization for Lossy Wavelet Image Compression
* dynamic screen technique for shaded graphics display of slice-represented objects, A
* Dynamical analysis of freeway traffic
* Dynamically Reconfigurable Vision-Based User Interfaces
* Early Sketch Processing with Application in HMM Based Sketch Recognition
* Edge and Corner Detection by Photometric Quasi-Invariants
* Edge enhancement by local deconvolution
* Editorial, Introduction to Rosenfeld Special Issue
* Editorial: Selection of Marr Prize Papers at ICCV'03
* Effective Gaussian Mixture Learning for Video Background Subtraction
* effective motion vector re-estimation method for low bit-rate video transcoding, An
* effective voting method for circle detection, An
* Effectiveness of Exhaustive Search and Template Matching Against Watermark Desynchronization
* Efficient 3D reconstruction for face recognition
* Efficient and Robust Classification Method Using Combined Feature Vector for Lane Detection
* efficient chain code with Huffman coding, An
* efficient computation method for the texture browsing descriptor of MPEG-7, An
* efficient face segmentation algorithm based on binary partition tree, An
* Efficient hardware architectures for computation of image moments
* Efficient histogramming on hypercube SIMD machines
* Efficient Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition of motion fields
* Efficient Image Matching with Distributions of Local Invariant Features
* Efficient Lifting Wavelet Transform for Microprocessor and VLSI Applications
* Efficient partial-surface registration for 3D objects
* Efficient Pipeline for Image-Based Patient-Specific Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Hemodynamics: Technique and Sensitivity
* Efficient Pose Estimation Using View-Based Object Representations
* Efficient Rate Control for JPEG2000 Image Coding
* Efficient Simulation of Blood Flow Past Complex Endovascular Devices Using an Adaptive Embedding Technique
* efficient star acquisition method based on SVM with mixtures of kernels, An
* Efficient Three-Dimensional Aircraft Recognition Algorithm Using Normalized Fourier Descriptors, An
* Efficient tree structured motion estimation using successive elimination
* Efficient Wavelet-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm, An
* Eidochromatic Transform for Color-Image Coding, The
* Eigenanalysis of Autocorrelation Matrices in the Presence of Noncentral and Signal-Dependent Noise
* Elimination of Overflow Oscillations in 2-D Digital Filters Employing Saturation Arithmetic: An LMI Approach
* EM Algorithm for the Block Mixture Model, An
* Embedded entertainment with smart projectors
* embedded wavelet image coder with parallel encoding and sequential decoding of bit-planes, An
* End-to-End QoS for Video Delivery Over Wireless Internet
* enhanced 0-1 mixed-integer LP formulation for traffic signal control, An
* Enhanced Perceptual Distance Functions and Indexing for Image Replica Recognition
* Enhanced Resolution in SAR/ISAR Imaging Using Iterative Sidelobe Apodization
* Enhancing digital images for maximum interpretability using linear programming
* Enhancing Resolution Along Multiple Imaging Dimensions Using Assorted Pixels
* Enterprise-wide freight simulation in an integrated logistics and transportation system
* Entropy-based metrics for the analysis of partial and total occlusion in video object tracking
* equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA, The
* Error Concealment for Shape in MPEG-4 Object-Based Video Coding
* Errors Resulting from the Reflectivity of Calibration Targets
* Establishing collision zones for obstacles moving with uncertainty
* Estimating visible through near-infrared spectral reflectance from a sensor radiance spectrum
* Estimation of saturated pixel values in digital color imaging
* Estimation of the degree of polarization in active coherent imagery by using the natural representation
* Evaluating the quality of light fields computed from hand-held camera images
* Evaluation of ACC Vehicles in Mixed Traffic: Lane Change Effects and Sensitivity Analysis
* Evaluation of adaptive neural network models for freeway incident detection
* Evaluation of algorithms to display vector plots on raster devices
* Evaluation of an Efficient Compensation Method for Quantitative Fan-Beam Brain SPECT Reconstruction
* Evaluation of Multimodal 2D+3D Face Biometrics, An
* Evaluation of sets of oriented and non-oriented receptive fields as local descriptors
* Evaluation of the performance of clustering algorithms in kernel-induced feature space
* Ex. FRAF: An extensible language including graphical operations
* exact hidden sphere algorithm that operates in linear time, An
* Exploiting Manifold Geometry in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Exploring the structure of supervised data by Discriminant Isometric Mapping
* Face Localization and Authentication Using Color and Depth Images
* Face processing in humans is compatible with a simple shape-based model of vision
* Face recognition based on multi-class mapping of Fisher scores
* Face Recognition Using Laplacianfaces
* Face recognition: A study in information fusion using fuzzy integral
* Factor graph methods for three-dimensional shape reconstruction as applied to LIDAR imaging
* Fast and Reliable Structure-Oriented Video Noise Estimation
* Fast and Robust Track Initiation Using Multiple Trees
* Fast Contour Matching Using Approximate Earth Mover's Distance
* Fast Free-Vibration Modal Analysis of 2-D Physics-Based Deformable Objects
* Fast SVM Training Algorithm with Decomposition on Very Large Data Sets
* Fast-converging minimum frequency error RLS lattice filter for narrowband interference with discrete frequency steps
* FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem with Unknown Data Association
* Feature generation using genetic programming with application to fault classification
* feature selection technique for classificatory analysis, A
* Feature Space Interpretation of SVMs with Indefinite Kernels
* Fingerprint classification using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear discriminant analysis
* FIR filtering approach for the generation of smooth curves on a graphics terminal, A
* First Order Error Propagation of the Procrustes Method for 3D Attitude Estimation
* Flattening Maps for the Visualization of Multibranched Vessels
* Flexible, highly scalable, object-based wavelet image compression algorithm for network applications
* Force field analysis snake: an improved parametric active contour model
* Foreword to the Special Issue on Advances in Techniques for Analysis of Remotely Sensed Data
* Fourier Theory for Cast Shadows, A
* Foveated Shot Detection for Video Segmentation
* Framework for Real-Time Behavior Interpretation From Traffic Video
* Freeway traffic stream modeling based on principal curves and its analysis
* Full-Spectrum Spectral Imaging System Analytical Model
* Function Space Model for Digital Image Sampling and Its Applications in Image Reconstruction, A
* Fusion of biometric algorithms in the recognition problem
* Fusion of spatial relationships for guiding recognition, example of brain structure recognition in 3D MRI
* Fuzzy relations applied to minimize over segmentation in watershed algorithms
* Fuzzy-ART Based Adaptive Digital Watermarking Scheme
* GA-based DCT quantisation table design procedure for medical images
* Gait Analysis for Classification
* Gas identification using density models
* General Framework for Nonlinear Multigrid Inversion, A
* general tool for the evaluation of spiral CT interpolation algorithms: revisiting the effect of pitch in multislice CT, A
* Generalised candidate scheme for the stochastic codebook search of scalable CELP coders
* Generalized Mosaicing: Polarization Panorama
* generalized scan line algorithm for the computer display of parametrically defined surfaces, A
* Generating halftone pictures on graphic computer terminals using run length coding
* Generation and semantics of patterns in a discrete space
* Generation of Digital Terrain Models With a Ground-Based SAR System
* Generic Wavelet-Based Hyperspectral Classification Applied to Vegetation Stress Detection
* genetic integrated fuzzy classifier, A
* Geometric algorithms for least squares estimation of 3-D information from monocular image
* Geometric and Algebraic Constraints of Projected Concentric Circles and Their Applications to Camera Calibration
* Geometric Approach to Shape from Defocus, A
* Geometric calibration of digital cameras through multi-view rectification
* Geometric Methods for Shape Recovery from Line Drawings of Polyhedra
* Geometric Modeling of the Human Normal Cerebral Arterial System
* Geometric Travel Planning
* Geometrically determining the leaky bucket parameters for video streaming over constant bit-rate channels
* Geometry of Dynamic Scenes: On Coplanar and Convergent Linear Motions Embedded in 3D Static Scenes, The
* Gesture Recognition Using the XWand
* Glasses Removal from Facial Image Using Recursive Error Compensation
* Global motion estimation from coarsely sampled motion vector field and the applications
* GP-based secondary classifiers
* Graph Edit Distance from Spectral Seriation
* graph theoretic formulation of bit pattern algorithms for graphics, A
* Graphical models for graph matching: Approximate models and optimal algorithms
* Graphical stability analysis for control systems with model parameter uncertainties
* Graphical transformations and hierarchic picture structures
* Guest Editorial Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Vision-Based Techniques for ITS
* Half-Time Image Reconstruction in Thermoacoustic Tomography
* Hardware-Driven Adaptive K-Means Clustering for Real-Time Video Imaging
* Heuristic Approach for Finding Best Focused Shape, A
* Hexagonal array grammars
* Hexagonal arrays and rectangular blocks
* Hiding secret data in images via predictive coding
* Hierarchical Markovian Model for Multiscale Region-Based Classification of Vector-Valued Images, A
* High Performance Cameras for Hyperspectral and Polarimetric Imaging Research
* High Speed Navigation of Unrehearsed Terrain: Red Team Technology for Grand Challenge 2004
* High-accuracy edge detection with Blurred Edge Model
* High-order statistical texture analysis--font recognition applied
* HMM/MRF-based stochastic framework for robust vehicle tracking, An
* Hough transform based line recognition method utilizing both parameter space and image space, A
* How to Complete Performance Graphs in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Add Generality and Normalize Scope
* Human action-recognition using mutual invariants
* Human dynamics: computation for organizations
* Human motion recognition using an eigenspace
* Human-Centered Concepts for Exploration and Understanding of Earth Observation Images
* HumanID Gait Challenge Problem: Data Sets, Performance, and Analysis, The
* Hybrid Neural Network System for Pattern Classification Tasks with Missing Features, A
* Hydrometeor Classification System Using Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements: Model Improvements and In Situ Verification
* Hyperspectral Resolution Enhancement Using High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery With Arbitrary Response Functions
* Hypervolume Under the ROC Hypersurface of Near-Guessing and Near-Perfect Observers in N-Class Classification Tasks, The
* iBotGuard: an Internet-based Intelligent Robot security system using Invariant Face Recognition against intruder
* Identifying, visualizing, and comparing regions in irregularly spaced 3D surface data
* Image Adaptive Watermarking Using Wavelet Domain Singular Value Decomposition
* Image Change Detection Algorithms: A Systematic Survey
* Image Decomposition into a Bounded Variation Component and an Oscillating Component
* Image denoising using bivariate alpha-stable distributions in the complex wavelet domain
* Image enhancement by histogram transformation
* Image Estimation in Film-Grain Noise
* image importance approach to human vision based image quality characterization, The
* Image models in pattern theory
* Image Parsing: Unifying Segmentation, Detection, and Recognition
* Image Probability Distribution Based on Generalized Gamma Function
* Image processing and computer graphics
* Image reconstruction by conditional entropy maximisation for PET system
* Image Registration Algorithm Based On Complex Wavelet Transform
* Image Registration for Image-Based Rendering
* Image space shading of 3-dimensional objects
* Image Watermarking Resistant To Combined Geometric And Removal Attacks
* Image-Based Rendering Using Image-Based Priors
* Image-Dependent Shape Coding and Representation
* Imalab Method for Vision Systems, The
* impact of subsampling on MODIS level-3 statistics of cloud optical thickness and effective radius, The
* Implementation of real-time constrained linear discriminant analysis to remote sensing image classification
* Implementation of uniform and simultaneous ART for 3-D reconstruction in an X-ray imaging system
* Implementing the Expert Object Recognition Pathway
* Implicit, view invariant, linear flexible shape modelling
* Importance prioritisation in JPEG 2000 for improved interpretability
* Improved Cluster Labeling Method for Support Vector Clustering, An
* Improved feature reduction in input and feature spaces
* Improved Nonlinear Mapping Algorithm and Its Application to Picture Prototype Selection, An
* improved snake model for building detection from urban aerial images, An
* Improved Texture Synthesis Algorithm Using Morphological Processing with Image Analogy, An
* Improved Update Operators for Lifting-Based Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering
* Improved Wavelet Decoding via Set Theoretic Estimation
* Improvement of visual perceptual capabilities by feedback structures for robotic system FRIEND
* improvement to the DR clustering algorithm, An
* Improving Performance of Distribution Tracking through Background Mismatch
* Improving travel-time reliability by the use of trip booking
* Impulsive noise removal using threshold Boolean filtering based on the impulse detecting functions
* In Memory of Prof. A. Rosenfeld
* In-vehicle WLAN radio-frequency communication characterization
* Including efficient object recognition capabilities in online robots: from a statistical to a Neural-network classifier
* incompatibility projector based on an interpolant of Gregory, An
* Incremental Detection of Text on Road Signs
* Incremental Hough Transform: An Improved Algorithm for Digital Device Implementation
* Incremental Model-Based Estimation Using Geometric Constraints
* Information display using the methods of digital holography
* Information Dissemination in Self-Organizing Intervehicle Networks
* Information extraction from image sequences of real-world facial expressions
* Information-Theoretic Active Polygons for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
* information-theoretic criterion for intrasubject alignment of FMRI time series: motion corrected independent component analysis, An
* Information-theoretic Data-hiding: Recent Achievements And Open Problems
* Information-Theoretic Heterogeneity Measurement for SAR Imagery
* Infrared image segmentation with 2-D maximum entropy method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO)
* Infrared transmission for intervehicle ranging and vehicle-to-roadside communication systems using spread-spectrum technique
* Initialization insensitive LVQ algorithm based on cost-function adaptation
* Integer Circles, Etc.: Some further thoughts
* Integer Circles, Etc.: Three move extension of Bresenham's algorithm
* Integrating Context-Free and Context-Dependent Attentional Mechanisms for Gestural Object Reference
* Integration of High- and Low-Resolution Satellite Data to Estimate Pine Forest Productivity in a Mediterranean Coastal Area
* Integration of Online and Pseudo-Online Information for Cursive Word Recognition, An
* Integration of Spatial and Spectral Information by Means of Unsupervised Extraction and Classification for Homogenous Objects Applied to Multispectral and Hyperspectral Data
* Integration, segregation, and binocular combination
* Intelligence and security informatics for homeland security: information, communication, and transportation
* Intelligent Image Prefetching for Supporting Radiologists' Primary Reading: A Decision-Rule Inductive Learning Approach
* Intensity mappings to linearize display devices
* Interactive 3-D Video Representation and Coding Technologies
* Interfacing the one-dimensional scanning of an image with the application of two-dimensional operators
* Interferometric imaging polarimeter
* Interlook Cross-Correlation Function of Speckle in SAR Images of Sea Surface Processed With Partially Overlapped Subapertures
* Internet Multicast Video Delivery
* Intrapersonal Subspace Analysis with Application to Adaptive Bayesian Face Recognition
* Introduction to the special issue: International Conference on Vision Systems
* Intrusion detection using hierarchical neural networks
* Invariance of neighborhood relation under input space to feature space mapping
* Inversion of the Surface Properties of Ice Sheets From Satellite Microwave Data
* Investigation of the Random Forest Framework for Classification of Hyperspectral Data
* Ionospheric tomography using GNSS reflections
* Joint Motion and Disparity Fields Estimation for Stereoscopic Video Sequences
* Joint source-channel coding and power adaptation for energy efficient wireless video communications
* Joint Temporal-Spatial Bit Allocation for Video Coding With Dependency
* JPEG 2000 Error Resilience Method Using Uneven Block-Sized Information Included Markers, A
* JPEG 2000: Retrospective and New Developments
* JPEG2000-Coded Image Error Concealment Exploiting Convex Sets Projections
* Kernel Correlation as an Affinity Measure in Point-Sampled Vision Problems
* Kernel Particle Filter for Visual Tracking
* Kernel RX-algorithm: A nonlinear anomaly detector for hyperspectral imagery
* Knowledge-based gear-position decision
* KPCA Plus LDA: A Complete Kernel Fisher Discriminant Framework for Feature Extraction and Recognition
* Large-Scale Evaluation of Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using State-of-the-Art Systems
* Layer-based video registration
* LBGS: a smart approach for very large data sets vector quantization
* Learning Bayesian Classifiers for Scene Classification With a Visual Grammar
* Learning object segmentation from video data
* Learning Viewpoint Invariant Perceptual Representations from Cluttered Images
* Lidar Signal Denoising Using Least-Squares Support Vector Machine
* Light diffusion through clouds and haze
* Light Source Position and Reflectance Estimation from a Single View without the Distant Illumination Assumption
* Line-based object recognition using Hausdorff distance: From Range Images to Molecular Secondary Structures
* Linear Demosaicing Inspired by the Human Visual System
* Linear dimensionality reduction using relevance weighted LDA
* linear edge model and its application in lossless image coding, A
* Local invariants and twist vectors in computer-aided geometric design
* Local picture languages
* Local Projective Shape of Smooth Surfaces and Their Outlines, The
* Local transforms for biomedical image analysis
* Locally adaptive wavelet domain bayesian processor for denoising medical ultrasound images using speckle modelling based on rayleigh distribution
* Locally Linear Discriminant Analysis for Multimodally Distributed Classes for Face Recognition with a Single Model Image
* Long crested wave models
* Lossless Generalized-LSB Data Embedding
* Low bit-rate multimedia communication
* Low-Complexity Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery via Linear Prediction
* Low-level vision using an array processor
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 3
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 4
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: Part 5
* L_n norm optimal histogram matching and application to similarity retrieval
* Mathematical models of graphics
* mathematical semantics of rendering I: ideal rendering, A
* Maximum-Likelihood Estimator to Simultaneously Unwrap, Geocode, and Fuse SAR Interferograms From Different Viewing Geometries Into One Digital Elevation Model, A
* Mean Curvature Mapping for Detection of Corneal Shape Abnormality
* Mean shift blob tracking with kernel histogram filtering and hypothesis testing
* Mean Shift Is a Bound Optimization
* Memory Efficient Progressive Rate-Distortion Algorithm for JPEG 2000
* Memory Learning Framework for Effective Image Retrieval, A
* Memory-Efficient Realization of Cyclic Convolution and Its Application to Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Mesh Segmentation Schemes for Error Resilient Coding of 3-D Graphic Models
* Method and apparatus for detecting objects
* Method and system for automatic correction of motion artifacts
* method for computing points of a circle using only integers, A
* Migration Velocity Analysis and Prestack Migration of Common-Transmitter GPR Data
* Minimum sensor second-order sliding mode longitudinal control of passenger vehicles
* MISTRAL: a myopic edge-preserving image restoration method, with application to astronomical adaptive-optics-corrected long-exposure images
* Mixture models with adaptive spatial regularization for segmentation with an application to FMRI data
* MMSS: Graph-based Multi-modal Story-oriented Video Summarization and Retrieval
* model building approach to property measurement in black and white pictures, A
* Model-based Methods For Steganography And Steganalysis
* Model-Based Segmentation of Medical Imagery by Matching Distributions
* Modeling of traffic flow of automated vehicles
* Modeling traffic signal control using Petri nets
* Modified high-order neural network for invariant pattern recognition
* Moment-preserving thresolding: A new approach
* Monitoring Osteoarthritis in the Rat Model Using Optical Coherence Tomography
* monotonic-decreasing rate scheduler for variable-bit-rate video streaming, A
* Motion and texture rate-allocation for prediction-based scalable motion-vector coding
* Motion characterization from co-occurrence vector descriptor
* Motion Competition: A Variational Approach to Piecewise Parametric Motion Segmentation
* Motion detection via change-point detection for cumulative histograms of ratio images
* Motion Estimation from Image and Inertial Measurements
* Motion Generation and Adaptive Control Method of Automated Guided Vehicles in Road Following
* Motion-aided sampling and reconstruction
* Movement-flow-based visual servoing and force control fusion for Manipulation Tasks in unstructured environments
* Moving object detection in wavelet compressed video
* Multi-Path Selection for Multiple Description Video Streaming over Overlay Networks
* Multi-Way Distance Join Queries in Spatial Databases
* Multidimensional data in multidimensional scaling using the analytic network process
* Multidimensional, Mapping-Based Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Multilevel- and Neural-Network-Based Stereo-Matching Method for Real-Time Obstacle Detection Using Linear Cameras
* multiple classifier approach to detect Chinese character recognition errors, A
* Multiple Description Coding for Video Delivery
* Multiple Description Video Coding for Scalable and Robust Transmission Over IP
* Multiregion Level-Set Partitioning of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Multiresolution face recognition
* Multiscale fuzzy reasoning (MFR) for automatic object extraction
* Multiscale LMMSE-Based Image Denoising With Optimal Wavelet Selection
* Multispectral Land Sensing: Where From, Where to?
* Multispectral panoramic mosaicing
* multisymbol context-based arithmetic coding architecture for MPEG-4 shape coding, A
* Multitapering and a wavelet variant of MFCC in speech recognition
* Multivariate statistical modeling for image denoising using wavelet transforms
* Mutual Information-Based Analysis of JPEG2000 Contexts
* Myocardial Motion Analysis From B-Mode Echocardiograms
* Natural Image Statistics for Natural Image Segmentation
* Near-recursive optical flow from weighted image differences
* Neighborhood-uniform NLC grammars
* Nested structures of control: An intuitive view
* new accurate and flexible model based multi-corner detector for measurement and recognition, A
* new algorithm for object oriented ray tracing, A
* New algorithms for special cases of the hidden line elimination problem
* new approach for image enhancement applied to low-contrast-low-illumination IC and document images, A
* New Array Pattern Synthesis Algorithm Using the Two-Step Least-Squares Method, A
* New Automatic Extraction Method of Container Identity Codes, A
* new biologically motivated framework for robust object recognition, A
* New Class of Multiple Description Scalar Quantizer and Its Application to Image Coding, A
* New Clustering Algorith for Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images Using Fuzzy C-Mean and Computer Programming, A
* New Differential Geometric Method to Rectify Digital Images of the Earth's Surface Using Isothermal Coordinates, A
* New Event Detection with Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines, and Kernel Regression
* New Functional Model for Determining Minimum and Maximum Detectable Deformation Gradient Resolved by Satellite Radar Interferometry, A
* new Hausdorff distance for image matching, A
* new lightpen for raster displays, A
* new shape decomposition scheme for graph-based representation, A
* New sorting-based lossless motion estimation algorithms and a partial distortion elimination performance analysis
* new traffic-signal control for modern roundabouts: Method and Application, A
* Noise characterization of block-iterative reconstruction algorithms: II. Monte Carlo simulations
* Non-Gaussian smoothing of low-count transmission scans for PET whole-body studies
* nonlinear mapping algorithm for large data sets, A
* Nonlinear smoothing of pictures
* Note on Bit Counting hardware for parallel processors
* Novel Approach to Identify Good Tracer Clouds From a Sequence of Satellite Images
* novel approach to the 2-D blind deconvolution problem in medical ultrasound, A
* Novel Approaches to the Measurement of Arterial Blood Flow From Dynamic Digital X-ray Images
* novel DCT domain transcoder for transcoding video streams with half-pixel motion vectors, A
* Novel embedded image coding algorithms based on wavelet difference reduction
* novel fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a fuzzy scatter matrix with optimality tests, A
* Novel Kernel Method for Clustering, A
* novel machine vision application for analysis and visualization of confocal microscopic images, A
* novel method for resolving vehicle occlusion in a monocular traffic-image sequence, A
* Novel Robust Watermarking Technique in Dithering Halftone Images
* Novel System for Tracking Pedestrians Using Multiple Single-Row Laser-Range Scanners, A
* Novel view synthesis using a translating camera
* Numerical Modeling of Disordered Mixture Using Pseudorandom Simulations
* Numerical Scheme for the Curvature Equation Near the Singularities, A
* Object detection using multi-resolution mosaic in image sequences
* Object recognition by symmetrised graph matching using relaxation labelling with an inhibitory mechanism
* Omnidirectional Video Capturing, Multiple People Tracking and Identification for Meeting Monitoring
* On blob reconstruction
* On Chaikin's algorithm
* On Comparing Bills of Materials: A Similarity/ Distance Measure for Unordered Trees
* On decoding MPEG-4 reversible variable length codes
* On information content in patterns
* On moment-based local operators for detecting image patterns
* On musical stylometry: A pattern recognition approach
* On the construction of holograms and halftone pictures with an ink plotter
* On the difficulty of feature-based attentional modulations in visual object recognition: A modeling study.
* On the Multidimensional Extension of the Quincunx Subsampling Matrix
* On the noise in images produced by computed tomography
* On the recognition of topological invariants by 4-way finite automata
* On the residual term in the linear mixture model and its dependence on the point spread function
* On the Use of Computable Features for Film Classification
* On translating a set of objects in 2- and 3-dimensional space
* On Using Prototype Reduction Schemes and Classifier Fusion Strategies to Optimize Kernel-Based Nonlinear Subspace Methods
* One long argument: Azriel Rosenfeld and the genesis of modern image systems
* Online local learning algorithms for linear discriminant analysis
* Online statistical model recognition and State estimation for autonomous compliant motion
* Operator Dependence of 3-D Ultrasound-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Carotid Bifurcation
* Optimal Coordination of Variable Speed Limits to Suppress Shock Waves
* Optimization of Geometrical Calibration in Pinhole SPECT
* Optimization of Space-Time Block Codes Based on Multidimensional Super-Set Partitioning
* Optimum Update for Motion-Compensated Lifting
* Order independence in local clustering algorithms
* Orientation in Manhattan: Equiprojective Classes and Sequential Estimation
* Orthogonal Family of Quincunx Wavelets With Continuously Adjustable Order, An
* Orthogonal kernel Machine for the prediction of functional sites in proteins
* Orthogonal Subspace Projection (OSP) Revisited: A Comprehensive Study and Analysis
* Outward-Looking Circular Motion Analysis of Large Image Sequences
* Parallel context-free array grammar normal forms
* Parallel Sigma-erasing array acceptors
* Parallel-Line Detection Algorithm Based on HMM Decoding, A
* Parameter Distribution Models for Estimation of Population Based Left Ventricular Deformation Using Sparse Fiducial Markers
* Parametric ego-motion estimation for vehicle surround analysis using an omnidirectional camera
* Parametrically controlled noise shaping in variable state-step-back pseudo-trellis SDM
* Partially Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images Through SVM-Based Probability Density Estimation
* Passive Driver Gaze Tracking with Active Appearance Models
* Pattern tracking and 3-D motion reconstruction of a rigid body from a 2-D image sequence
* Pebble automata on arrays
* Pedestrian Detection and Tracking With Night Vision
* Perceptual shape VQ of spectral envelope for efficient representation of LPC residual
* Perceptually Adaptive Video Watermarking Using Motion Estimation
* Performance of the Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm at Three Sites, The
* Performance prediction for individual recognition by gait
* Performance study of gradient correlation for sub-pixel motion estimation in the frequency domain
* Person Tracking from a Dynamic Balancing Platform
* Perspective rectification of document images using fuzzy set and morphological operations
* Phase regression approach for estimating the parameters of a noisy multifrequency signal
* Picture processing and automatic data base design
* PID controller design for output PDFs of stochastic systems using linear matrix inequalities
* Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Correction of Barrel Distortion in Wide-Angle Camera Images, A
* Pixelwise-Adaptive Blind Optical Flow Assuming Nonstationary Statistics
* pointer for analog refresh memories, A
* Pose Estimation in Conformal Geometric Algebra Part I: The Stratification of Mathematical Spaces
* Pose Estimation in Conformal Geometric Algebra Part II: Real-Time Pose Estimation Using Extended Feature Concepts
* Pose Estimation of 3D Free-Form Contours
* practical adaptive approach for dynamic background subtraction using an invariant colour model and object tracking, A
* Precision Range Image Registration Using a Robust Surface Interpenetration Measure and Enhanced Genetic Algorithms
* Precomputing Interactive Dynamic Deformable Scenes
* prediction and planning framework for road safety analysis, obstacle avoidance and driver information, A
* Predictive Fine Granularity Successive Elimination for Fast Optimal Block-Matching Motion Estimation
* Predictive multiple sampling algorithm with overlapping integration intervals for linear wide dynamic range integrating image sensors
* Preprocessing of Degraded Images to Augment Existing Restoration Methods
* primal-dual neural network for online resolving constrained kinematic redundancy in robot motion control, A
* Printed Text Discrimination
* PRISMATICA: Toward Ambient Intelligence in Public Transport Environments
* privacy-sensitive approach to distributed clustering, A
* probabilistic approach to incorporating domain knowledge for closed-room people monitoring, A
* Probabilistic Posture Classification for Human-Behavior Analysis
* Properties of Digital Homotopy
* Pros and cons of fine granular scalability-based MPEG-2 compressed-domain processing
* Prospective Motion Correction of X-Ray Images for Coronary Interventions
* Proxy-Assisted Adaptation Framework for Object Video Multicasting, A
* Pseudopolar-Based Estimation of Large Translations, Rotations, and Scalings in Images
* Pseudoreal-time activity detection for railroad grade-crossing safety
* Quadratic optimization for image reconstruction, I
* qualitative model of cross-lane inhomogeneities in traffic flow, A
* Quality Assessment of Classification and Cluster Maps Without Ground Truth Knowledge
* Quantified Study of Facial Asymmetry in 3D Faces, A
* Quasi-Dense Approach to Surface Reconstruction from Uncalibrated Images, A
* raster-mode algorithm for interactive modification of line drawing data, A
* Rate Control for Low-Delay Video Using a Dynamic Rate Table
* Rate Control for Videophone Using Local Perceptual Cues
* Rate-Constrained Fast Full-Search Algorithm Based on Block Sum Pyramid, A
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Tree-Structured Compression Algorithms for Piecewise Polynomial Images
* Ray casting for modeling solids
* Real-time DSP implementation of motion: JPEG2000 using overlapped block transferring and parallel-pass methods
* Real-Time Gesture Recognition by Learning and Selective Control of Visual Interest Points
* Real-Time Non-Rigid Driver Head Tracking for Driver Mental State Estimation
* Real-time positioning for augmented reality on a custom parallel machine
* Real-time scheduling based on imprecise computation for scalable streaming media system over the Internet
* real-time video transport system for the best-effort Internet, A
* Recognition of merged characters based on forepart prediction, necessity-sufficiency matching, and character-adaptive masking
* Reconstruction of object layers from their X-ray projections: A simulation study
* Reconstruction of objects from their projections using generalized inverses
* Reconstruction of random objects from noisy projections
* Reconstruction of structured scenes from two uncalibrated images
* Recovering multidimensional signals from their projections
* Recovery of Image Blocks Using the Method of Alternating Projections
* Recursive Estimation of 3D Motion and Surface Structure from Local Affine Flow Parameters
* Reduction of noise-induced streak artifacts in X-ray computed tomography through spline-based penalized-likelihood sinogram smoothing
* Reflectance from locally glossy thoroughly pitted surfaces
* region dissimilarity relation that combines feature-space and spatial information for color image segmentation, A
* Regression-Based Prediction for Blocking Artifact Reduction in JPEG-Compressed Images
* Regularised nonlinear blind signal separation using sparsely connected network
* Regularization studies of linear discriminant analysis in small sample size scenarios with application to face recognition
* Reillumination-driven shape from shading
* Reinforcement learning combined with a fuzzy adaptive learning control network (FALCON-R) for pattern classification
* Relations between bundle-adjustment and epipolar-geometry-based approaches, and their applications to efficient structure from motion
* Relative significance of the terms in the CIEDE2000 and CIE94 color-difference formulas
* remark on the paper, A method of deriving compatibility coefficients for relaxation operators, A
* Remote bathymetry of the littoral zone from AVIRIS, LASH, and QuickBird imagery
* Removing shadows
* Representation and Detection of Deformable Shapes
* Representation and Detection of Shapes in Images
* Response to A note on bit-counting hardware for parallel processors
* Restricted structure optimal linear estimators
* Results and Implications of a Study of Fifteen Years of Satellite Image Classification Experiments
* Retracted Paper: Invariance image analysis using modified Zernike moments
* Retrieval of Biophysical Parameters of Agricultural Crops Using Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* Review of Graphic Languages (1972).
* Review of psychological processes in pattern recognition
* Robust Anisotropic Gaussian Fitting for Volumetric Characterization of Pulmonary Nodules in Multislice CT
* Robust data fusion with occupancy grid
* robust dynamic programming algorithm to extract skyline in images for navigation, A
* Robust Estimation of Adaptive Tensors of Curvature by Tensor Voting
* Robust Euclidean Alignment of 3D Point Sets: The Trimmed Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Robust Layered Multiple Description Coding of Scalable Media Data for Multicast
* Robust minimization of lighting variation for real-time defect detection
* Robust MMSE Video Decoding: Theory and Practical Implementations
* Robust motion estimation under varying illumination
* Robust Quantification of In Vitro Angiogenesis Through Image Analysis
* Robust Stability of 2-D Digital Filters Employing Saturation
* robust watermarking scheme using phase shift keying with the combination of amplitude boost and low amplitude block selection, A
* ROC-based reject rule for dichotomizers, A
* Rotation Invariant Object Recognition from One Training Example
* RVLC decoding scheme for improved data recovery in MPEG-4 video coding standard
* Salient Closed Boundary Extraction with Ratio Contour
* Scalable model-based cluster analysis using clustering features
* scalable video codec for layered video streaming, A
* Scalable video coding by stream morphing
* scalable VideoGIS system for GPS-guided vehicles, A
* Sea Ice Mapping Method for SeaWinds
* Security of an Ill-Posed Operator for Image Authentication
* Seeing-Is-Believing: Using Camera Phones for Human-Verifiable Authentication
* Segmentation of Color Images Using Multiscale Clustering and Graph Theoretic Region Synthesis
* Segmentation of kidney from ultrasound images based on texture and shape priors
* Segmentation of kidney from ultrasound images based on texture and shape priors
* Segmentation of the Breast Region in Mammograms Using a Rule-Based Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm
* Segmentation of Thrombus in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms From CTA With Nonparametric Statistical Grey Level Appearance Modeling
* Self Recovery Authentication Of Images In The Dwt Domain
* Self-supervised learning based on discriminative nonlinear features for image classification
* Semi-automatic video object segmentation using seeded region merging and bidirectional projection
* Semi-supervised statistical region refinement for color image segmentation
* Sender-Adaptive and Receiver-Driven Layered Multicast for Scalable Video Over the Internet
* Senescence of spatial chromatic contrast sensitivity. I. Detection under conditions controlling for optical factors
* Senescence of spatial chromatic contrast sensitivity. II. Matching under natural viewing conditions
* Sensor Fusion for Context-Aware Computing Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Separating Reflection Components of Textured Surfaces Using a Single Image
* sequential algorithm for robust parameter estimation, A
* Setting Low-Level Vision Parameters
* Shadow Synthesis for Video Postproduction
* Shape Reconstruction of Perfectly Conducting Objects by Multiview Experimental Data
* Shape signatures of fuzzy star-shaped sets based on distance from the centroid
* Shape-from-Shading Under Perspective Projection
* Shape-From-Silhouette Across Time Part I: Theory and Algorithms
* Sharing Visual Features for Multiclass and Multiview Object Detection
* Sharpness limitations in the projection of thin lines by use of the Talbot experiment
* SIGT: Synthetic Image Generation Tool for Clustering Algorithms
* simple and effective method for predicting travel times on freeways, A
* simple and efficient block motion estimation algorithm based on full-search array architecture, A
* simple approach to the problem of 3-D reconstruction, A
* simple method for computing general position in displaying three-dimensional objects, A
* Simultaneous registration and fusion of multiple dissimilar sensors for cooperative driving
* Single-Trial Variable Model for Event-Related fMRI Data Analysis
* Sketch-Based Image Matching Using Angular Partitioning
* SNR Enhancement in Radial SSFP Imaging Using Partial k-Space Averaging
* SNR Scalability Based on Bitplane Coding of Matching Pursuit Atoms at Low Bit Rates: Fine-Grained and Two-Layer
* Soft Tissue Differentiation Using Multiband Signatures of High Resolution Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography
* Some computer experiments in picture processing for data compaction
* Some experiments in scene analysis and scene regeneration using COMPAX
* Some methods of computational geometry applied to computer graphics
* Space-Time Super-Resolution
* Spacetime Stereo: A Unifying Framework for Depth from Triangulation
* Sparse Geometric Image Representations With Bandelets
* Spatial Computation
* Spatial Data Structures for Efficient Trajectory-Based Queries
* Spatial Filter-Based Absorbing Boundary for the 2-D Digital Waveguide Mesh
* Spatial Resolution and Processing Tradeoffs for HYDROS: Application of Reconstruction and Resolution Enhancement Techniques
* Spatial-Resolution Enhancement in Computed Tomography
* Spatial-temporal traffic data analysis based on global data management using MAS
* Spatiotemporal Sequence Matching for Efficient Video Copy Detection
* Spatiotemporal-Bandwidth Product of m-Dimensional Signals
* Special Issue on Advances in Video Coding and Delivery
* Special issue on current issues and trends in computer vision
* Special Issue on Image Understanding for Digital Photographs
* Special Issue on Pattern Recognition for Autonomous Manipulation in Robotic Systems
* Speckle removal using a maximum-likelihood technique with isoline gray-level regularization
* Springrobot: A Prototype Autonomous Vehicle and its Algorithms for Lane Detection
* state-space realization of a certain class of two-dimensional systems with applications to image processing, The
* Statistical Image-Based Shape Model for Visual Hull Reconstruction and 3D Structure Inference, A
* Statistical modeling and conceptualization of natural images
* Statistical Processing of Large Image Sequences
* Statistical Shape Analysis: Clustering, Learning, and Testing
* Steerable pyramid-based face hallucination
* Steganography using multiple-base notational system and human vision sensitivity
* Stochastic car tracking with line- and color-based features
* Strategies to improve the performance of very low bit rate speech coders and application to a variable rate 1.2 kb/s codec
* Structural Group Classification Technique Based on Regional fMRI BOLD Responses
* study on cyclist behavior at signalized intersections, A
* Study on Several Machine-Learning Methods for Classification of Malignant and Benign Clustered Microcalcifications, A
* Subpixel edge detection of color images by principal axis analysis and moment-preserving principle
* Subspace-based approach for DOA estimation using pilot symbol channel identification
* Supervising passenger land-transport systems
* survey of geometrical probability in the plane, with emphasis on stochastic image modeling, A
* Symbol Recognition via Statistical Integration of Pixel-Level Constraint Histograms: A New Descriptor
* Symmetry-based photo-editing
* Synthesis for handwriting analysis
* System Design and Network Requirements for Interactive Multimedia
* Systolic implementation of the adaptive solution to normal equations
* Technique for Finding the Symmetry Axes of Implicit Polynomial Curves under Perspective Projection, A
* Techniques for optimal compaction of pictures and maps
* Temporal stabilization of Video Object Segmentation for 3D-TV applications
* Terra MODIS on-orbit spatial characterization and performance
* Textureless Layers
* Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Graph Theoretical Measures for Land Development in Satellite Imagery, A
* Theory for fast and cost-effective frequency response estimation of systems
* theory of parametric curve plotting, A
* Three Dimensional Computer Display, A
* Three methods for reconstructing objects from x rays: A comparative study
* Three-Dimensional Multipass SAR Focusing: Experiments With Long-Term Spaceborne Data
* Three-Dimensional Scene Flow
* Three-Parameter Mechanical Property Reconstruction Method for MR-Based Elastic Property Imaging, A
* Thresholding technique with adaptive window selection for uneven lighting image
* Tomographic Fluorescence Imaging in Tissue Phantoms: A Novel Reconstruction Algorithm and Imaging Geometry
* Topography of Streaklines on an Antarctic Ice Shelf From Photoclinometry Applied to a Single Advanced Land Imager (ALI) Image
* Towards Ontology Based Cognitive Vision
* Towards robust image watermarking: combining content-dependent key, moment normalization, and side-informed embedding
* Tracking Video Objects in Cluttered Background
* Tracking-based depth recovery for virtual reality applications
* Traffic-Incident Detection-Algorithm Based on Nonparametric Regression
* Transient Interference Excision in Over-the-Horizon Radar Using Adaptive Time-Frequency Analysis
* Transverse or axial superresolution with radial birefringent filter
* Travel-time prediction with support vector regression
* Tree height influence on ERS interferometric phase in boreal forest
* Trends and Perspectives in Image and Video Coding
* Trinocular Stereo Sequence Coding Based on MPEG-2
* Truly 3D Midsagittal Plane Extraction for Robust Neuroimage Registration
* tuning fork artifact in computerized tomography, The
* Turbo equalisation in non-Gaussian impulsive noise
* Two motion-blurred images are better than one
* Two-dimensional subband transforms: theory and applications
* Two-dimensional transforms by minicomputers without matrix transposing
* Type classification, color estimation, and specific target detection of moving targets on public streets
* Ultrasonic tomography based on perturbation solutions of the wave equation
* Unbalanced region matching based on two-level description for image retrieval
* Unconstrained motion compensated temporal filtering (UMCTF) for efficient and flexible interframe wavelet video coding
* Uncorrelated heteroscedastic LDA based on the weighted pairwise Chernoff criterion
* Undecimated wavelet based speckle reduction for SAR images
* Understanding Hand Gestures Using Approximate Graph Matching
* Unequal Loss Protection for H.263 Compressed Video
* Unified Statistical and Information Theoretic Framework for Multi-modal Image Registration, A
* Univariate Blending Functions and Alternatives
* Unsharp masking and related image enhancement techniques
* Unsupervised Approach Based on the Generalized Gaussian Model to Automatic Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images, An
* Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Fuzzy Clustering and EM Clustering
* Unsupervised colour image segmentation applied to printing quality assessment
* Unsupervised Learning and Mapping of Active Brain Functional MRI Signals Based on Hidden Semi-Markov Event Sequence Models
* Unsupervised Multistage Image Classification Using Hierarchical Clustering With a Bayesian Similarity Measure
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Sea Ice Imagery Using a Novel Markov Random Field Model
* Urban traffic control structure based on hybrid Petri nets
* use of gray-level information and fitting techniques for precise measurement of corneal curvature and thickness, The
* Use of the Bradley-Terry Model to Quantify Association in Remotely Sensed Images
* Using diversity measures for generating error-correcting output codes in classifier ensembles
* Using Geometric Constraints through Parallelepipeds for Calibration and 3D Modeling
* Using Points at Infinity for Parameter Decoupling in Camera Calibration
* Using skew Gabor filter in source signal separation and local spectral orientation analysis
* Variable Projection for Near-Optimal Filtering in Low Bit-Rate Block Coders
* Variational Image Reconstruction From Arbitrarily Spaced Samples: A Fast Multiresolution Spline Solution
* Vascular Imaging
* Vector Development of the Fundamentals of Computational Geometry, A
* Vector-Valued Image Regularization with PDEs: A Common Framework for Different Applications
* Vectorial morphological reconstruction for brightness elimination in colour images
* Vehicle Reidentification using multidetector fusion
* Vertex Component Analysis: A Fast Algorithm to Unmix Hyperspectral Data
* Vessel Tree Reconstruction in Thoracic CT Scans With Application to Nodule Detection
* VICs: A modular HCI framework using spatiotemporal dynamics
* Video Adaptation: Concepts, Technologies, and Open Issues
* Video Compression: From Concepts to the H.264/AVC Standard
* Video Database of Moving Faces and People, A
* Video Security for Ambient Intelligence
* Video summarization and scene detection by graph modeling
* Video-Based Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* Virtual Sensors: Using Data Mining Techniques to Efficiently Estimate Remote Sensing Spectra
* Virtual Visual Hulls: Example-Based 3D Shape Estimation from a Single Silhouette
* VIRTUOUS: vision-based road transportation for unmanned operation on urban-like scenarios
* Visible Korean Human: Improved Serially Sectioned Images of the Entire Body
* Vision pyramids that do not grow too high
* Visual Hull Construction, Alignment and Refinement for Human Kinematic Modeling, Motion Tracking and Rendering
* Visual Inspection for Fired Ceramic Tile's Surface Defects Using Wavelet Analysis
* Visual quality measures for Characterizing Planar robot grasps
* Visual sign information extraction and identification by deformable models for intelligent vehicles
* Visualization of Vasculature With Convolution Surfaces: Method, Validation and Evaluation
* Visually Distinct Patterns with Matching Subband Statistics
* VLSI architecture for dynamic scene analysis, A
* Volume Rendering in the Presence of Partial Volume Effects
* Voting-Based Computational Framework for Visual Motion Analysis and Interpretation, A
* Wavelength selection for synthetic image generation
* Wavelet based methods on patterned fabric defect detection
* Wavelet Domain Statistical Hyperspectral Soil Texture Classification
* wavelet subspace method for real-time face tracking, A
* wavelet-based algorithm to estimate ocean wave group parameters from radar images, A
* wavelet-based multiresolution edge detection and tracking, A
* Weighted Unequal Error Protection for Transmitting Scalable Object-Oriented Images Over Packet-Erasure Networks
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.