Update Dates 1611

1611 * *3D Face Alignment in the Wild and Challenge
* *Benchmarking Multi-target Tracking MOTChallenge
* *BioImage Computing Workshop
* *Brave New Ideas For Motion Representations
* *CGAL: Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
* *ChaLearn Looking at People: Pose Recovery, Action/Interaction, Gesture Recognition
* *Computer Vision for Art Analysis
* *Computer Vision for Audio-Visual Media
* *Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving
* *Deep Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection
* *Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing
* *Group And Crowd Behavior Analysis And Understanding
* *Human Behavior Understanding
* *International Conference Computer Vision and Graphics
* *International Conference Computer Vision and Graphics
* *International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics
* *International Workshop on Robust Reading
* *Local Features State of the Art, Open Problems and Performance Evaluation
* *Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* *Recovering 6D Object Pose
* *Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge (TASK) in Computer Vision (CV)
* *Vascular Modeling Toolkit, The
* *Video Segmentation in Computer Vision
* *Visual Analysis of Sketches
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenge
* *Wavelet Analysis and Pattern Recognition
* *Web-Scale Vision and Social Media
* *Workshoop on Virtual/Augmented Reality for Visual Artificial Intelligence
* 2D Vector field approximation using linear neighborhoods
* 2D-Leap-Frog and Removal of Outliers in Noisy Photometric Stereo with Non-distant Illuminations
* 3-D Density Kernel Estimation for Counting in Microscopy Image Volumes Using 3-D Image Filters and Random Decision Trees
* 3D Acquisition, Processing and Visualization of Archaeological Artifacts
* 3D Face Alignment in the Wild: A Landmark-Free, Nose-Based Approach
* 3D Face Alignment Without Correspondences
* 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with 2D Pose Information
* 3D Human Posture Approach for Activity Recognition Based on Depth Camera, A
* 3D Image Reconstruction from X-Ray Measurements with Overlap
* 3D Mask Face Anti-spoofing with Remote Photoplethysmography
* 3D Model, Linked Database, and Born-Digital E-Book: An Ideal Approach to Archaeological Research and Publication
* 3D Models on Triple Paths: New Pathways for Documenting and Visualizing Virtual Reconstructions
* 3D Morphable Eye Region Model for Gaze Estimation, A
* 3D Planar RGB-D SLAM System
* 3D Point Cloud Video Segmentation Based on Interaction Analysis
* 3D reconstruction for featureless scenes with curvature hints
* 3D Reconstruction of Ultrasonic B-Scans for Nondestructive Testing of Composites
* 3D-R2N2: A Unified Approach for Single and Multi-view 3D Object Reconstruction
* 4D Light-Field Dataset and CNN Architectures for Material Recognition, A
* 4D Match Trees for Non-rigid Surface Alignment
* A3D: A Device for Studying Gaze in 3D
* Abnormal Crowd Behavior Detection Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Abundant Inverse Regression Using Sufficient Reduction and Its Applications
* Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks with Dominant Convolutional Kernel and Knowledge Pre-regression
* Accelerating the Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network
* Accordion Representation Based Multi-Scale Covariance Descriptor for Multi-shot Person Re-Identification
* Accurate and Linear Time Pose Estimation from Points and Lines
* Achieving Flexible 3D Reconstruction Volumes for RGB-D and RGB Camera Based Approaches
* Acquisition and Processing Experiences of Close Range UAV Images for the 3D Modeling of Heritage Buildings
* Action recognition by learning temporal slowness invariant features
* Action-02MCF: A Robust Space-Time Correlation Filter for Action Recognition in Clutter and Adverse Lighting Conditions
* ActionSnapping: Motion-Based Video Synchronization
* Adaptive Signal Recovery on Graphs via Harmonic Analysis for Experimental Design in Neuroimaging
* Adaptive Sparse Bayesian Regression with Variational Inference for Parameter Estimation
* Adaptive weighted orthogonal matching pursuit for robust pattern classification
* Adult and Children User Experience with Leap Motion in Digital Heritage: The Cycladic Sculpture Application
* Adversarial Training for Sketch Retrieval
* Aerial Detection in Maritime Scenarios Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Aerial Scene Understanding Using Deep Wavelet Scattering Network and Conditional Random Field
* Airway Segmentation, Skeletonization, and Tree Matching to Improve Registration of 3D CT Images with Large Opacities in the Lungs
* Algorithm of Connecting Broken Objects Based on the Skeletons, An
* All-Around Depth from Small Motion with a Spherical Panoramic Camera
* Ambient Sound Provides Supervision for Visual Learning
* Amodal Instance Segmentation
* Analysis of 4D Hypercomplex Generalizations of Julia Sets
* Angry Crowds: Detecting Violent Events in Videos
* Anisotropic Diffusion for Smoothing: A Comparative Study
* Anomaly Detection and Activity Perception Using Covariance Descriptor for Trajectories
* Anomaly Detection in Elderly Daily Behavior in Ambient Sensing Environments
* Anytime and Distributed Approaches for Graph Matching
* Applicability of 3DVE Indicator for Cultural Heritage Landscape Management
* Application of Digital Technologies in the Restoration of Historic Buildings and Heritage Objects
* Application of Photogrammetry on Digitization and Promotion for Monuments and Temples in Taiwan: Taking Chua Family Ancestral Temple as an Example, The
* Application of Structural Similarity Based Metrics for Quality Assessment of 3D Prints
* Application of the Point Distance Histogram to the Automatic Identification of People by Means of Digital Dental Radiographic Images
* Applying Artificial Neural Network for the Classification of Breast Cancer Using Infrared Thermographic Images
* Applying Deep Learning Techniques to Cultural Heritage Images Within the INCEPTION Project
* Approximate Search with Quantized Sparse Representations
* Approximating Graph Edit Distance Using GNCCP
* ArchaeoInside: Multimodal Visualization of Augmented Reality and Interaction with Archaeological Artifacts
* Art of Detection, The
* Artificial Neural Network Based Sinhala Character Recognition
* Artistic Style Transfer for Videos
* Ask, Attend and Answer: Exploring Question-Guided Spatial Attention for Visual Question Answering
* Assessing Affective Dimensions of Play in Psychodynamic Child Psychotherapy via Text Analysis
* Assessment of deep learning for gender classification on traditional datasets
* ATGV-Net: Accurate Depth Super-Resolution
* Attribute2Image: Conditional Image Generation from Visual Attributes
* Augmented Feedback in Semantic Segmentation Under Image Level Supervision
* Automated 3D Ultrasound Biometry Planes Extraction for First Trimester Fetal Assessment
* Automated Analysis of Orthopaedic X-ray Images based on Digital-Geometric Techniques
* Automated Segmentation of Immunostained Cell Nuclei in 3D Ultramicroscopy Images
* Automatic Attribute Discovery with Neural Activations
* Automatic Blind Spot Camera: A Vision-Based Active Alarm System, The
* Automatic Calibration of Stationary Surveillance Cameras in the Wild
* Automatic decision support by rule exhaustion decision tree algorithm
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Exosomes in Transmission Electron Microscopy
* Automatic generation of scene-specific person trackers
* Automatic Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation from 3T Multi-modality Images
* Automatic Image Splicing Detection Based on Noise Density Analysis in Raw Images
* Automatic Retrieval of Action Video Shots from the Web Using Density-Based Cluster Analysis and Outlier Detection
* Automatic Segmentation of TV News into Stories Using Visual and Temporal Information
* Automatic Video Captioning via Multi-channel Sequential Encoding
* Automatically Analyzing Interpersonal Closeness in Photo Albums
* Automatically Selecting Inference Algorithms for Discrete Energy Minimisation
* Autonomous altitude measurement and landing area detection for indoor UAV applications
* Autonomous Driving Challenge: To Infer the Property of a Dynamic Object Based on Its Motion Pattern
* Average Mixing Matrix Signature, The
* Back to Basics: Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow via Brightness Constancy and Motion Smoothness
* Bayesian Approach to Linear Unmixing in the Presence of Highly Mixed Spectra, A
* Bayesian Image Based 3D Pose Estimation
* Benchmark and Simulator for UAV Tracking, A
* Benchmark for Automatic Visual Classification of Clinical Skin Disease Images, A
* Benchmarking Close-range Structure from Motion 3D Reconstruction Software Under Varying Capturing Conditions
* Best Practices for Fine-Tuning Visual Classifiers to New Domains
* Beyond Correlation Filters: Learning Continuous Convolution Operators for Visual Tracking
* Bi-Level Multi-column Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Landmark Point Detection
* Bi-modal First Impressions Recognition Using Temporally Ordered Deep Audio and Stochastic Visual Features
* Biconvex Relaxation for Semidefinite Programming in Computer Vision
* Bidirectional sparse representations for multi-shot person re-identification
* Bilateral Regularization in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces for Discontinuity Preserving Image Registration
* Bilingual Data Selection Using a Continuous Vector-Space Representation
* Binary Hashing with Semidefinite Relaxation and Augmented Lagrangian
* Bio-inspired algorithm for online visual tracking
* Blue Whitish Veil, Atypical Vascular Pattern and Regression Structures Detection in Skin Lesions Images
* Boundary Preserving Variational Image Differentiation
* Branching Gaussian Processes with Applications to Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of 3D Trees
* Branching Path Following for Graph Matching
* Brazilian Sign Language Recognition Using Kinect
* Breast Shape Parametrization Through Planar Projections
* Building an Ensemble of Complementary Segmentation Methods by Exploiting Probabilistic Estimates
* Building Dual-Domain Representations for Compression Artifacts Reduction
* Building Information Modelling: A Novel Parametric Modeling Approach Based on 3D Surveys of Historic Architecture
* Building Scene Models by Completing and Hallucinating Depth and Semantics
* Built-in Foreground/Background Prior for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Calibration of Structural Similarity Index Metric to Detect Artefacts in Game Engines
* Cam-shift target tracking approach based on back projection method with distance weights
* Camera-Agnostic Monocular SLAM and Semi-dense 3D Reconstruction
* Can Ground Truth Label Propagation from Video Help Semantic Segmentation?
* Can We Jointly Register and Reconstruct Creased Surfaces by Shape-from-Template Accurately?
* Capturing Dynamic Textured Surfaces of Moving Targets
* Capturing Our Cultural Intangible Textile Heritage, MoCap and Craft Technology
* Carried Object Detection Based on an Ensemble of Contour Exemplars
* Cascaded Continuous Regression for Real-Time Incremental Face Tracking
* CATS: Co-saliency Activated Tracklet Selection for Video Co-Localization
* CDT: Cooperative Detection and Tracking for Tracing Multiple Objects in Video Sequences
* Cell Counting by Regression Using Convolutional Neural Network
* CH Digital Documentation and 3D Survey to Foster the European Integration Process: The Case Study of Geguti Palace in Kutaisi, Georgia
* Chained Predictions Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* ChaLearn LAP 2016: First Round Challenge on First Impressions: Dataset and Results
* Chimpanzee Faces in the Wild: Log-Euclidean CNNs for Predicting Identities and Attributes of Primates
* Class-Specific Object Pose Estimation and Reconstruction Using 3D Part Geometry
* Classification of imagery motor EEG data with wavelet denoising and features selection
* Classification of Volumetric Data Using Multiway Data Analysis
* Classification Schemes for Visualization of Uncertainty in Digital Hypothetical Reconstruction
* Clockwork Convnets for Video Semantic Segmentation
* Cluster Sampling Method for Image Matting via Sparse Coding, A
* Cluster Sparsity Field for Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising
* CNN Cascade for Landmark Guided Semantic Part Segmentation, A
* CNN Image Retrieval Learns from BoW: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning with Hard Examples
* Coarse-to-fine Planar Regularization for Dense Monocular Depth Estimation
* COCO Attributes: Attributes for People, Animals, and Objects
* Collaborative Layer-Wise Discriminative Learning in Deep Neural Networks
* Collection of Visual Data in Climbing Experiments for Addressing the Role of Multi-modal Exploration in Motor Learning Efficiency
* Colorful Image Colorization
* Combination of RGB-D Features for Head and Upper Body Orientation Classification
* Combining Deep Facial and Ambient Features for First Impression Estimation
* Combining Fisher Criterion and Deep Learning for Patterned Fabric Defect Inspection
* Combining Human Body Shape and Pose Estimation for Robust Upper Body Tracking Using a Depth Sensor
* Combining Stacked Denoising Autoencoders and Random Forests for Face Detection
* Commute Times in Dense Graphs
* Comparing Images for Document Plagiarism Detection
* Comparison and Evaluation of First Derivatives Estimation
* Comparison of Multi-resolution Analysis Patterns for Texture Classification of Breast Tumors Based on DCE-MRI
* Complex Image Processing Using Correlated Color Information
* Complexity of Discrete Energy Minimization Problems
* Component-Based Ethnicity Identification from Facial Images
* Conditional Lucas & Kanade Algorithm, The
* Confidence Framework for the Assessment of Optical Flow Performance, A
* Connectionist Temporal Modeling for Weakly Supervised Action Labeling
* Consensus-based clustering for document image segmentation
* Conservation and Valorization of Heritage Ethnographic Textiles
* Conservative preprocessing of document images
* Consideration of composing method of the optimized real-signal mother wavelet
* Construction of a 3D Geometric Model of a Presynaptic Bouton for Use in Modeling of Neurotransmitter Flow
* Content-Based Mammogram Retrieval Using Mixed Kernel PCA and Curvelet Transform
* Context Change Detection for an Ultra-Low Power Low-Resolution Ego-Vision Imager
* ContextLocNet: Context-Aware Deep Network Models for Weakly Supervised Localization
* Contextual Priming and Feedback for Faster R-CNN
* Contextualizing 3D Cultural Heritage
* Contiguous Patch Segmentation in Pointclouds
* Continuous Optimization Approach for Efficient and Accurate Scene Flow, A
* Contribution of Digital Technologies to the Mediation of the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage, The
* Contributions to Gait Recognition Using Multiple-Views
* Contributions to Real-time Metric Localisation with Wearable Vision Systems
* Convex Solution to Spatially-Regularized Correspondence Problems, A
* Convexification of Learning from Constraints
* Convnet for Non-maximum Suppression, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks as a Computational Model for the Underlying Processes of Aesthetics Perception
* Convolutional Oriented Boundaries
* Convolutional Scale Invariance for Semantic Segmentation
* Convolutional Sketch Inversion
* Convoy Detection in Crowded Surveillance Videos
* Coral Reef Fish Detection and Recognition in Underwater Videos by Supervised Machine Learning: Comparison Between Deep Learning and HOG+SVM Methods
* Correlation Network Evolution Using Mean Reversion Autoregression
* Correspondence estimation for non-rigid point clouds with automatic part discovery
* Counting in the Wild
* Coupling Convolutional Neural Networks and Hough Voting for Robust Segmentation of Ultrasound Volumes
* Cross-Dimensional Weighting for Aggregated Deep Convolutional Features
* Cross-Modal Supervision for Learning Active Speaker Detection in Video
* Cross-Modality Anatomical Landmark Detection Using Histograms of Unsigned Gradient Orientations and Atlas Location Autocontext
* Crossing-Line Crowd Counting with Two-Phase Deep Neural Networks
* Crowd semantic segmentation based on spatial-temporal dynamics
* Crowdsourcing Cultural Heritage: From 3D Modeling to the Engagement of Young Generations
* CUDA LATCH Binary Descriptor: Because Sometimes Faster Means Better, The
* Cultural Heritage in a Spatial Context: Towards an Integrative, Interoperable, and Participatory Data and Information Management
* Culture of Epigraphy: From Historic Breakthrough to Digital Success, The
* CultureCam: An Interactive Search Tool for Small Image Galleries
* Curious Robot: Learning Visual Representations via Physical Interactions, The
* DAPs: Deep Action Proposals for Action Understanding
* Data-Driven Motion Pattern Segmentation in a Crowded Environments
* DAVE: A Unified Framework for Fast Vehicle Detection and Annotation
* Debate and Considerations on Using Videos for Cultural Heritage from Social Media for 3D Modelling
* Decoupling Rendering and Display Using Fast Depth Image Based Rendering on the GPU
* Decreasing Time Consumption of Microscopy Image Segmentation Through Parallel Processing on the GPU
* Deep Attributes Driven Multi-camera Person Re-identification
* Deep Attributes for One-Shot Face Recognition
* Deep Automatic Portrait Matting
* Deep Bimodal Regression for Apparent Personality Analysis
* Deep Cascaded Bi-Network for Face Hallucination
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Embryonic Cell Counting
* Deep CORAL: Correlation Alignment for Deep Domain Adaptation
* Deep Decoupling of Defocus and Motion Blur for Dynamic Segmentation
* Deep Deformation Network for Object Landmark Localization
* Deep Disentangled Representations for Volumetric Reconstruction
* Deep Ensemble Sparse Regression Network for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Deep Eye-CU (DECU): Summarization of Patient Motion in the ICU
* Deep Image Retrieval: Learning Global Representations for Image Search
* Deep Impression: Audiovisual Deep Residual Networks for Multimodal Apparent Personality Trait Recognition
* Deep Joint Image Filtering
* Deep Kinematic Pose Regression
* Deep Learning 3D Shape Surfaces Using Geometry Images
* Deep Learning Based Fence Segmentation and Removal from an Image Using a Video Sequence
* Deep Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection Under Large Head Poses
* Deep Learning of Local RGB-D Patches for 3D Object Detection and 6D Pose Estimation
* Deep Learning the City: Quantifying Urban Perception at a Global Scale
* Deep Learning-Based Approach to Progressive Vehicle Re-identification for Urban Surveillance, A
* Deep Markov Random Field for Image Modeling
* Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
* Deep Neural Image Denoising
* Deep Reconstruction-Classification Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Deep Robust Encoder Through Locality Preserving Low-Rank Dictionary
* Deep Self-correlation Descriptor for Dense Cross-Modal Correspondence
* Deep Shape from a Low Number of Silhouettes
* Deep Specialized Network for Illuminant Estimation
* Deep3D: Fully Automatic 2D-to-3D Video Conversion with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* DeepDiary: Automatically Captioning Lifelogging Image Streams
* DeeperCut: A Deeper, Stronger, and Faster Multi-person Pose Estimation Model
* DeepWarp: Photorealistic Image Resynthesis for Gaze Manipulation
* Definition of a Workflow for Web Browsing of 3D Models in Archaeology
* Degeneracies in Rolling Shutter SfM
* Dendritic Spine Shape Analysis: A Clustering Perspective
* Density-Aware Pedestrian Proposal Networks for Robust People Detection in Crowded Scenes
* Depth Estimation Based on Maximization of a Posteriori Probability
* Depth Estimation Through a Generative Model of Light Field Synthesis
* Depth Guided Detection of Salient Objects
* Depth Map Based Facade Abstraction from Noisy Multi-View Stereo Point Clouds
* Depth Map Super-Resolution by Deep Multi-Scale Guidance
* Depth-Aware Motion Magnification
* Depth2Action: Exploring Embedded Depth for Large-Scale Action Recognition
* Design and Application of a Data System for the Comparative Study of Historic Mortars
* Design of a Compact Sound Localization Device on a Stand-Alone FPGA-Based Platform
* Design of Kernels in Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification
* Design space exploration for adaptive privacy protection in airborne images
* Detecting Ellipses in Elongated Shapes Using the Thickness Profile
* Detecting Engagement in Egocentric Video
* Detecting Osteophytes in Radiographs of the Knee to Diagnose Osteoarthritis
* Detecting People in Artwork with CNNs
* Detecting Text in Natural Image with Connectionist Text Proposal Network
* Detecting threat behaviours
* Determination of Road Traffic Flow Based on 3D Daubechies Wavelet Transform of an Image Sequence
* Development of Photogrammetric Documentation of the Borough at Biskupin Based on Archival Photographs: First Results
* Diagnostic Activities for the Planned and Preventive Conservation of Mosaic Pavements: The Case Study of the Triclinium of the Villa Romana del Casale (Sicily)
* Diagram is Worth a Dozen Images, A
* DICE: Digital Immersive Cultural Environment
* Differences of Field Dependent/Independent Gamers on Cultural Heritage Playing: Preliminary Findings of an Eye-Tracking Study
* Digital 3D Reconstructed Models: Structuring Visualisation Project Workflows
* Digital and Handcrafting Processes Applied to Sound-Studies of Archaeological Bone Flutes
* Digital Documentation and Digital Prototyping of Sacred Artwork of Museum Museu Mineiro: Brazil
* Digital Documentation: Villa Borghese
* Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Balinese Kulkul Artefact and Practices
* Digital Reconstruction in Historical Research and Its Implications for Virtual Research Environments
* Digital Research Infrastructures: DARIAH
* Digital Technologies in the Museum: Same Old, Same Old?
* Digital Tools for Heritage Preservation and Enhancement
* Direct Estimation of Fiber Orientations Using Deep Learning in Diffusion Imaging
* Direct Method for Robust Model-Based 3D Object Tracking from a Monocular RGB Image, A
* Direct method-Green's Theory: From PDE to BIE in the geometric transformation
* Direct-from-Video: Unsupervised NRSfM
* Directional redundant polyphase transforms
* Dirichlet Graph Densifiers
* Disaster-Risk Indicators and Their Evaluation, Communication for Traditional Settlement
* Discrete Tomography by Continuous Multilabeling Subject to Projection Constraints
* Discriminative Feature Learning Approach for Deep Face Recognition, A
* Discriminative Framework for Anomaly Detection in Large Videos, A
* Distance for HMMs Based on Aggregated Wasserstein Metric and State Registration, A
* Distinct Class-Specific Saliency Maps for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Distractor-Supported Single Target Tracking in Extremely Cluttered Scenes
* Do We Need Large Annotated Training Data for Detection Applications in Biomedical Imaging? A Case Study in Renal Glomeruli Detection
* Do We Really Need to Collect Millions of Faces for Effective Face Recognition?
* DOC: Deep OCclusion Estimation from a Single Image
* Document segmentation and classification into musical scores and text
* Domain Adaptive Fisher Vector for Visual Recognition
* Double-Opponent Vectorial Total Variation
* Downtown Osaka Scene Text Dataset
* Dual Structured Light 3D Using a 1D Sensor
* Dual-Layer Groupwise Registration for Consistent Labeling of Longitudinal Brain Images
* Dynamic 3-D computer graphics for designing a diagnostic tool for patients with schizophrenia
* Dynamic Lexicon Generation for Natural Scene Images
* Dynamic Narratives for Heritage Tour
* Ear in the sky: Ego-noise reduction for auditory micro aerial vehicles
* Easing Functions in the New Form Based on Bézier Curves
* Edge Centrality via the Holevo Quantity
* Edge shape pattern for background modeling based on hybrid local codes
* Educational Creative Use and Reuse of Digital Cultural Heritage Data for Cypriot UNESCO Monuments
* Efficient and Robust Semi-supervised Learning Over a Sparse-Regularized Graph
* Efficient Continuous Relaxations for Dense CRF
* Efficient decolorization preserving dominant distinctions
* Efficient Exploration of Text Regions in Natural Scene Images Using Adaptive Image Sampling
* Efficient Fusion Move Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Lifted Multicut Problem, An
* Efficient Large Scale Image Classification via Prediction Score Decomposition
* Efficient large-scale photometric reconstruction using Divide-Recon-Fuse 3D Structure from Motion
* Efficient Multi-frequency Phase Unwrapping Using Kernel Density Estimation
* Efficient Multi-view Surface Refinement with Adaptive Resolution Control
* Efficient Single-View 3D Co-segmentation Using Shape Similarity and Spatial Part Relations
* Ego2Top: Matching Viewers in Egocentric and Top-View Videos
* Egocentric Vision for Visual Market Basket Analysis
* Eigen Appearance Maps of Dynamic Shapes
* Embedding Deep Metric for Person Re-identification: A Study Against Large Variations
* EmoGame: Towards a Self-Rewarding Methodology for Capturing Children Faces in an Engaging Context
* Empirical Study and Analysis of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Object Recognition in the Wild, An
* End-to-End Interpretation of the French Street Name Signs Dataset
* End-to-End Localization and Ranking for Relative Attributes
* energy-efficient wireless video sensor node with a region-of-interest based multi-parameter rate controller for moving object surveillance, An
* Enhancing Place Recognition Using Joint Intensity: Depth Analysis and Synthetic Data
* Enriched Bag of Words for Protein Remote Homology Detection
* Enrichment and Preservation of Architectural Knowledge
* Ensemble Of adaptive correlation filters for robust visual tracking
* Entity Extraction and Correction Based on Token Structure Model Generation
* ErfgoedApp: An Educational Experiment with Augmented Reality, Cityscapes and Campusscapes in Brussels
* Establishing a Remote Sensing Science Center in Cyprus: First Year of Activities of ATHENA Project
* Estimation of Human Body Shape in Motion with Wide Clothing
* Europeana Sounds Music Information Retrieval Pilot, The
* Evaluating Local Features for Day-Night Matching
* Evaluation of Computational Imaging Techniques for Heterogeneous Inverse Scattering, An
* Evaluation of Infants with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type-I Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Evaluation of LBP and Deep Texture Descriptors with a New Robustness Benchmark
* Evaluation of Local Feature Detectors and Descriptors for Infrared Images, An
* Evolution of Building Materials and Philosophy in Construction: A Process of Digitalization and Visualization of the Accumulated Knowledge
* Evolving Node Transfer Functions in Artificial Neural Networks for Handwritten Digits Recognition
* Exact Graph Edit Distance Computation Using a Binary Linear Program
* Experiencing Cultural Heritage Sites Using 3D Modeling for the Visually Impaired
* Exploiting Agriculture as an Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Farfalla Project
* Exploiting rich feature representation for SMT N-best reranking
* Exploiting Semantic Information and Deep Matching for Optical Flow
* Exploring depth information for head detection with depth images
* Extending Long Short-Term Memory for Multi-View Structured Learning
* Extracting Driving Behavior: Global Metric Localization from Dashcam Videos in the Wild
* Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model
* Face Photo-Sketch Transformation and Population Generation
* Face Recognition from Multiple Stylistic Sketches: Scenarios, Datasets, and Evaluation
* Face Recognition Using a Unified 3D Morphable Model
* Face-Off: A Face Reconstruction Technique for Virtual Reality (VR) Scenarios
* Faceless Person Recognition: Privacy Implications in Social Media
* Facial age estimation by using stacked feature composition and selection
* Facilitating and Exploring Planar Homogeneous Texture for Indoor Scene Understanding
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic Sequence with Spatial Prior for 2D Cardiac Spect Sequences Analysis
* Fall Detection Based on Depth-Data in Practice
* Farm Automation Gets Smarter
* Fashion Landmark Detection in the Wild
* Fast 6D Pose Estimation from a Monocular Image Using Hierarchical Pose Trees
* Fast and Accurate Micro Lenses Depth Maps for Multi-focus Light Field Cameras
* Fast and Precise Face Alignment and 3D Shape Reconstruction from a Single 2D Image
* Fast Bilateral Solver, The
* Fast CNN surveillance pipeline for fine-grained vessel classification and detection in maritime scenarios
* Fast Coding Unit Size Decision Based on Probabilistic Graphical Model in High Efficiency Video Coding Inter Prediction
* Fast Extraction of 3D Fourier Moments via Multiple Integral Images: An Application to Antitank Mine Detection in GPR C-Scans
* Fast Face Sketch Synthesis via KD-Tree Search
* Fast Global Registration
* Fast Guided Global Interpolation for Depth and Motion
* fast hierarchical method for multi-script and arbitrary oriented scene text extraction, A
* Fast Neuroimaging-Based Retrieval for Alzheimer's Disease Analysis
* Fast Optical Flow Using Dense Inverse Search
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition Using Color Segmentation and Deep Convolutional Networks
* Fast, Exact and Multi-scale Inference for Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Gaussian CRFs
* Feasibility Analysis of Eye Typing with a Standard Webcam
* Feature Augmented Deep Neural Networks for Segmentation of Cells
* FigureSeer: Parsing Result-Figures in Research Papers
* Finding Line Segments in the Ulam Square with the Hough Transform
* Fine-Grained Material Classification Using Micro-geometry and Reflectance
* Fine-Scale Surface Normal Estimation Using a Single NIR Image
* First 3D Face Alignment in the Wild (3DFAW) Challenge, The
* First Experiences of Applying a Model Classification for Digital 3D Reconstruction in the Context of Humanities Research
* First Impressions: Predicting User Personality from Twitter Profile Images
* flexible ensemble-SVM for computer vision tasks, A
* fMRI Activation Network Analysis Using Bose-Einstein Entropy
* Focal Flow: Measuring Distance and Velocity with Defocus and Differential Motion
* Fog Augmentation of Road Images for Performance Analysis of Traffic Sign Detection Algorithms
* Foreground Segmentation via Dynamic Tree-Structured Sparse RPCA
* Forensic Analysis of Manuscript Authorship: An Optimized Computational Approach Based on Texture Descriptors
* Fortification System of the City of Urbino: The Case Study of Valbona Gate from 3D Surveys to GIS Applications for Dynamic Maps, The
* FPGA Implementation of the Flux Tensor Moving Object Detection Method
* Friction from Reflectance: Deep Reflectance Codes for Predicting Physical Surface Properties from One-Shot In-Field Reflectance
* From inspired modeling to creative modeling
* From Integrated Survey to the Parametric Modeling of Degradations. A Feasible Workflow
* From Multiview Image Curves to 3D Drawings
* From On-Road to Off: Transfer Learning Within a Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Segmentation and Classification of Off-Road Scenes
* From SfM to Semantic-Aware BIM Objects of Architectural Elements
* From Text Detection to Text Segmentation: A Unified Evaluation Scheme
* From Traditional to Modern: Domain Adaptation for Action Classification in Short Social Video Clips
* FSI Schemes: Fast Semi-Iterative Solvers for PDEs and Optimisation Methods
* Fully Automated and Highly Accurate Dense Correspondence for Facial Surfaces
* Fully-Automatic Method for Assessment of Flow-Mediated Dilation
* Fully-Convolutional Siamese Networks for Object Tracking
* Functional Connectivity Network Fusion with Dynamic Thresholding for MCI Diagnosis
* Fundamental Matrices from Moving Objects Using Line Motion Barcodes
* Fusing Convolutional Neural Networks with a Restoration Network for Increasing Accuracy and Stability
* Future Development Plans for Conservation Areas in Taiwan
* Gabor phase representation on human face recognition for distorted images
* Gated Bi-Directional CNN for Object Detection
* Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-identification
* Gaussian Process Density Counting from Weak Supervision
* Gender recognition from face images with trainable COSFIRE filters
* General Automatic Human Shape and Motion Capture Using Volumetric Contour Cues
* Generalised Median of a Set of Correspondences Based on the Hamming Distance
* Generalized activity recognition using accelerometer in wearable devices for IoT applications
* Generalized Depth-of-Field Light-Field Rendering
* Generalized Successive Shortest Paths Solver for Tracking Dividing Targets, A
* Generalizing Centroid Index to Different Clustering Models
* Generating Visual Explanations
* Generation of Complex Underground Systems for Application in Computer Games with Schematic Maps and L-Systems
* Generative Image Modeling Using Style and Structure Adversarial Networks
* Generative Visual Manipulation on the Natural Image Manifold
* Generic 3D Representation via Pose Estimation and Matching
* Geological Heritage and Conservation: A Case Study of the Visual Axis Through Digital Terrain Modeling
* Geometric Approach to Image Labeling, A
* Geometric Neural Phrase Pooling: Modeling the Spatial Co-Occurrence of Neurons
* Gesture Input for GPS Route Search
* GeThR-Net: A Generalized Temporally Hybrid Recurrent Neural Network for Multimodal Information Fusion
* GIS Applications for a New Approach to the Analysis of Panel Paintings
* GIS Database of Montenegrin Katuns (Kuci Mountain and Durmitor), A
* Glass Image Classification Method Based on Multi-Feature Fusion, A
* Global Bilateral Symmetry Detection Using Multiscale Mirror Histograms
* Global Registration of 3D Point Sets via LRS Decomposition
* Global Scale Integral Volumes
* Globally Continuous and Non-Markovian Crowd Activity Analysis from Videos
* Going Further with Point Pair Features
* GPS Trajectory Biometrics: From Where You Were to How You Move
* GPU Accelerated Left/Right Hand-Segmentation in First Person Vision
* Gradients versus Grey Values for Sparse Image Reconstruction and Inpainting-Based Compression
* Graph Based Skeleton Motion Representation and Similarity Measurement for Action Recognition
* Graph Edit Distance or Graph Edit Pseudo-Distance?
* Graph Entropy from Closed Walk and Cycle Functionals
* Graph Repository for Learning Error-Tolerant Graph Matching, A
* Graph-Based Consistent Matching for Structure-from-Motion
* Graph-Based Keyword Spotting in Historical Handwritten Documents
* Grid Loss: Detecting Occluded Faces
* GriMa: A Grid Mining Algorithm for Bag-of-Grid-Based Classification
* Grounding of Textual Phrases in Images by Reconstruction
* Group activity recognition on outdoor scenes
* Guided Matching Based on Statistical Optical Flow for Fast and Robust Correspondence Analysis
* gvnn: Neural Network Library for Geometric Computer Vision
* Hand Gesture Recognition Using Infrared Imagery Provided by Leap Motion Controller
* Hand Pose Estimation from Local Surface Normals
* Handwritten Word Image Categorization with Convolutional Neural Networks and Spatial Pyramid Pooling
* Hard Negative Mining for Metric Learning Based Zero-Shot Classification
* Head Reconstruction from Internet Photos
* Heat Diffusion Long-Short Term Memory Learning for 3D Shape Analysis
* HEP-2 cell image classification using local features and K-means clustering based joint sparse representation
* Heterogeneous Face Recognition with CNNs
* HFS: Hierarchical Feature Selection for Efficient Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical Beta Process with Gaussian Process Prior for Hyperspectral Image Super Resolution
* Hierarchical Dynamic Parsing and Encoding for Action Recognition
* Hierarchical Fast Mean-Shift Segmentation in Depth Images
* Hierarchical Visual Content Modelling and Query based on Trees
* High flexible orthonormal basis of wavelets and its Hilbert transform pair
* Higher Order Conditional Random Fields in Deep Neural Networks
* Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dimension Reduction of Fisher Vectors
* Historic BIM in the Cloud
* HoG based real-time multi-target tracking in Bayesian framework
* Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Activity Understanding
* Horizon Line Detection from Fisheye Images Using Color Local Image Region Descriptors and Bhattacharyya Coefficient-Based Distance
* Hot Tiles: A Heat Diffusion Based Descriptor for Automatic Tile Panel Assembly
* HouseCraft: Building Houses from Rental Ads and Street Views
* How Useful Is Photo-Realistic Rendering for Visual Learning?
* Human Action Recognition Based on Temporal Pyramid of Key Poses Using RGB-D Sensors
* Human Action Recognition Without Human
* Human Attribute Recognition by Deep Hierarchical Contexts
* Human Behavior Analysis from Smartphone Data Streams
* Human Detection in Low Resolution Thermal Images Based on Combined HOG Classifier
* Human Interaction Prediction Using Deep Temporal Features
* Human Joint Angle Estimation and Gesture Recognition for Assistive Robotic Vision
* Human Pose Estimation in Space and Time Using 3D CNN
* Human Pose Estimation Using Deep Consensus Voting
* Human Pose Estimation via Convolutional Part Heatmap Regression
* Human Re-identification in Crowd Videos Using Personal, Social and Environmental Constraints
* Human Technology in the Digital Era: Freehand Images and Analysis of Cultural Heritage: The Know-How and Its Applications
* Human violence recognition and detection in surveillance videos
* Human-Drone-Interaction: A Case Study to Investigate the Relation Between Autonomy and User Experience
* Human-in-the-Loop Person Re-identification
* hybrid framework for online recognition of activities of daily living in real-world settings, A
* Hyperspectral image classification using distance metric based 1-dimensional manifold embedding
* Identifying Emotions Aroused from Paintings
* Identifying High Order Brain Connectome Biomarkers via Learning on Hypergraph
* Identifying Individual Facial Expressions by Deconstructing a Neural Network
* Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks
* IIIT-CFW: A Benchmark Database of Cartoon Faces in the Wild
* Image Co-Localization by Mimicking a Good Detector's Confidence Score Distribution
* Image Co-segmentation Using Maximum Common Subgraph Matching and Region Co-growing
* Image Correspondences Matching Using Multiple Features Fusion
* Image Processing Algorithms for Driver Assistance using Wide Angle Cameras
* Image Quality Assessment of Pléiades-1A Triplet Bundle and Pan-sharpened Images
* Image Quality Assessment Using Similar Scene as Reference
* Image quality degradation assessment based on the dual-tree complex discrete wavelet transform for evaluating digital image watermarking
* Image Quality Metric with Reference for Multiply Distorted Image, An
* Image stylization using anisotropic reaction diffusion
* Imaging Novecento. A Mobile App for Automatic Recognition of Artworks and Transfer of Artistic Styles
* Immersive Digital Heritage Experience with the Use of Interactive Technology
* Immersivity and Playability Evaluation of a Game Experience in Cultural Heritage
* Implementation Analysis and Design for Energy Efficient Intervention on Heritage Buildings
* Implementation and Usage Scenarios of a Participatory Platform for Cultural Environments
* Implementation of Scan-to-BIM and FEM for the Documentation and Analysis of Heritage Timber Roof Structures
* Improved Image Boundaries for Better Video Segmentation
* improved parallel thinning algorithm, An
* Improved Prototype Embedding Based Generalized Median Computation by Means of Refined Reconstruction Methods
* Improvements of Voice Timbre Control Based on Perceived Age in Singing Voice Conversion
* Improving Constrained Bundle Adjustment Through Semantic Scene Labeling
* Improving Multi-frame Data Association with Sparse Representations for Robust Near-online Multi-object Tracking
* Improving Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels by Structured Semantic Correlations
* Improving Performances of MSER Features in Matching and Retrieval Tasks
* Improving reliability of people tracking by adding semantic reasoning
* Improving Semantic Embedding Consistency by Metric Learning for Zero-Shot Classiffication
* Improving Single-Modal Neuroimaging Based Diagnosis of Brain Disorders via Boosted Privileged Information Learning Framework
* Improving surface normals based action recognition in depth images
* in-depth study of sparse codes on abnormality detection, An
* INCEPTION Standard for Heritage BIM Models
* Incremental learning based on block sparse kernel nonnegative matrix factorization
* Individualness and Determinantal Point Processes for Pedestrian Detection
* Indoor-Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Alignment
* Information Bottleneck Domain Adaptation with Privileged Information for Visual Recognition
* Information Theoretic Rotationwise Robust Binary Descriptor Learning
* Instance-Level Coupled Subspace Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Instance-Sensitive Fully Convolutional Networks
* Integrated Framework for 24-hours Fire Detection, An
* Integration of Probabilistic Pose Estimates from Multiple Views
* Intelligent Vision System for ASD Diagnosis and Assessment
* Inter-battery Topic Representation Learning
* Interacting with Simulated Archaeological Assets
* Interactive Feature Growing for Accurate Object Detection in Megapixel Images
* Interactive Image Segmentation Using Constrained Dominant Sets
* Interactive Multimedia System for Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder, An
* Interactive Scalable Visualizations of Cultural Heritage for Distance Access
* Interconnecting Objects, Visitors, Sites and (Hi)Stories Across Cultural and Historical Concepts: The CrossCult Project
* Interdisciplinary Study on the Ancient Egyptian Wines: The Egywine Project, An
* Internal 3D Printing of Intricate Structures
* Interpretation of Sensor-Based 3D Documentation
* Interpreting the Ratio Criterion for Matching SIFT Descriptors
* Intramolecular FRET Efficiency Measures for Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Investigations of Low-Cost Systems for 3D Reconstruction of Small Objects
* Is Faster R-CNN Doing Well for Pedestrian Detection?
* ISANA: Wearable Context-Aware Indoor Assistive Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance for the Blind
* It's Moving! A Probabilistic Model for Causal Motion Segmentation in Moving Camera Videos
* Iterative Dual LDA: A Novel Classification Algorithm for Resting State fMRI
* Iterative Reference Driven Metric Learning for Signer Independent Isolated Sign Language Recognition
* Jensen Bregman LogDet Divergence Optimal Filtering in the Manifold of Positive Definite Matrices
* Jensen Shannon Divergence as Reduced Reference Measure for Image Denoising
* Jensen-Shannon Divergence Kernel for Directed Graphs, A
* Joint Discriminative and Representative Feature Selection for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Joint Face Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction
* Joint Face Detection and Alignment with a Deformable Hough Transform Model
* Joint Face Representation Adaptation and Clustering in Videos
* Joint Learning of Semantic and Latent Attributes
* Joint Object Pose Estimation and Shape Reconstruction in Urban Street Scenes Using 3D Shape Priors
* Joint Optical Flow and Temporally Consistent Semantic Segmentation
* Joint Recursive Monocular Filtering of Camera Motion and Disparity Map
* Joint Segmentation of Myocardium on Rest and Stress Spect Images
* Keep It SMPL: Automatic Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Image
* Kernel Partial Least Squares for person re-identification
* Kernel-Based Supervised Discrete Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Kernelized Subspace Ranking for Saliency Detection
* Key Frames Extraction Based on Local Features for Efficient Video Summarization
* Kinect and IMU Sensors Imprecisions Compensation Method for Human Limbs Tracking
* Knowledge Transfer for Scene-Specific Motion Prediction
* L0-Sparse Subspace Clustering
* Label-Based Automatic Alignment of Video with Narrative Sentences
* Laplacian Pyramid Reconstruction and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation
* Large Contextual Dataset for Classification, Detection and Counting of Cars with Deep Learning, A
* Large Scale Asset Extraction for Urban Images
* Large-Scale Active Learning with Approximations of Expected Model Output Changes
* Large-Scale R-CNN with Classifier Adaptive Quantization
* Large-Scale Training of Shadow Detectors with Noisily-Annotated Shadow Examples
* LCrowdV: Generating Labeled Videos for Simulation-Based Crowd Behavior Learning
* Learnable Histogram: Statistical Context Features for Deep Neural Networks
* Learning a Confidence Measure for Real-Time Egomotion Estimation
* Learning a Predictable and Generative Vector Representation for Objects
* Learning Algorithms for Digital Reconstruction of Van Gogh's Drawings
* Learning and Detecting Objects with a Mobile Robot to Assist Older Adults in Their Homes
* Learning Appearance and Shape Evolution for Infant Image Registration in the First Year of Life
* Learning Approaches for Parking Lots Classification
* Learning Common and Specific Features for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation with Deconvolutional Networks
* Learning Covariant Feature Detectors
* Learning Diverse Models: The Coulomb Structured Support Vector Machine
* Learning Dynamic Hierarchical Models for Anytime Scene Labeling
* Learning for Graph-Based Sensorless Freehand 3D Ultrasound
* Learning Global and Cluster-Specific Classifiers for Robust Brain Extraction in MR Data
* Learning High-Order Filters for Efficient Blind Deconvolution of Document Photographs
* Learning Image Matching by Simply Watching Video
* Learning Joint Representations of Videos and Sentences with Web Image Search
* Learning Local Convolutional Features for Face Recognition with 2D-Warping
* Learning Markerless Human Pose Estimation from Multiple Viewpoint Video
* Learning Models for Actions and Person-Object Interactions with Transfer to Question Answering
* Learning Recursive Filters for Low-Level Vision via a Hybrid Neural Network
* Learning Representation for Histopathological Image with Quaternion Grassmann Average Network
* Learning Representations for Automatic Colorization
* Learning Semantic Deformation Flows with 3D Convolutional Networks
* Learning Social Etiquette: Human Trajectory Understanding In Crowded Scenes
* Learning Temporal Transformations from Time-Lapse Videos
* Learning the Roots of Visual Domain Shift
* Learning the Structure of Objects from Web Supervision
* Learning to Count with CNN Boosting
* Learning to Hash with Binary Deep Neural Network
* Learning to Learn: Model Regression Networks for Easy Small Sample Learning
* Learning to Refine Object Segments
* Learning to Select Long-Track Features for Structure-From-Motion and Visual SLAM
* Learning to Track at 100 FPS with Deep Regression Networks
* Learning Visual Features from Large Weakly Supervised Data
* Learning Visual Storylines with Skipping Recurrent Neural Networks
* Learning Without Forgetting
* Learning-Based 3T Brain MRI Segmentation with Guidance from 7T MRI Labeling
* Least-Squares Regression with Unitary Constraints for Network Behaviour Classification
* Leaving Some Stones Unturned: Dynamic Feature Prioritization for Activity Detection in Streaming Video
* LED-powered mini-lidar for martian atmospheric dust studies
* LEE: A Photorealistic Virtual Environment for Assessing Driver-Vehicle Interactions in Self-driving Mode
* Less Is More: Towards Compact CNNs
* Leveraging Visual Question Answering for Image-Caption Ranking
* LIFT: Learned Invariant Feature Transform
* Light Field Segmentation Using a Ray-Based Graph Structure
* Light Source Estimation in Synthetic Images
* Lightweight Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Convolutional Filter Reconstruction
* Linear Depth Estimation from an Uncalibrated, Monocular Polarisation Image
* Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis of Hyperspectral Images with Atmospheric Distortions
* Local Binary Pattern for Word Spotting in Handwritten Historical Document
* Localizing and Orienting Street Views Using Overhead Imagery
* Location bagging-based undersampling for imbalanced classification problems
* Log-Gabor Transforms and Score Fusion to Overcome Variations in Appearance for Face Recognition
* Logarithmic uncertainty principle for quaternion linear canonical transform
* LOH and Behold: Web-Scale Visual Search, Recommendation and Clustering Using Locally Optimized Hashing
* Long-Term Time-Sensitive Costs for CRF-Based Tracking by Detection
* Look-Ahead Before You Leap: End-to-End Active Recognition by Forecasting the Effect of Motion
* Lossy volume compression using Tucker truncation and thresholding
* Low Cost Technique for Accurate Geometric Documentation of Complex Monuments by Non-experts
* Low-resolution Convolutional Neural Networks for video face recognition
* LSTM-CF: Unifying Context Modeling and Fusion with LSTMs for RGB-D Scene Labeling
* L_1-Norm based reconstruction error evaluation for human action recognition
* MADMM: A Generic Algorithm for Non-smooth Optimization on Manifolds
* Making a Case for Learning Motion Representations with Phase
* Manhattan-World Urban Reconstruction from Point Clouds
* Marker-Less 3D Human Motion Capture with Monocular Image Sequence and Height-Maps
* Markov-Gibbs Texture Modelling with Learnt Freeform Filters
* MARLow: A Joint Multiplanar Autoregressive and Low-Rank Approach for Image Completion
* MARS: A Video Benchmark for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification
* Matching Handwritten Document Images
* Mathematical Aspects of Tensor Subspace Method
* Measuring Process Dynamics and Nuclear Migration for Clones of Neural Progenitor Cells
* Memory Organization for Invariant Object Recognition and Categorization
* MeshFlow: Minimum Latency Online Video Stabilization
* Micro-Vibration Patterns Generated from Shape Memory Alloy Actuators and the Detection of an Asymptomatic Tactile Sensation Decrease in Diabetic Patients
* Minimal Interaction Touchless Text Input with Head Movements and Stereo Vision
* Minimal Solution for Non-perspective Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences, A
* Minimal Solvers for Generalized Pose and Scale Estimation from Two Rays and One Point
* Mitosis Detection in Intestinal Crypt Images with Hough Forest and Conditional Random Fields
* Mobile Application for Leaf Detection in Complex Background Using Saliency Maps, A
* Mobile Mapping and Visualization of Indoor Structures to Simplify Scene Understanding and Location Awareness
* Mobile, AR Inside-Out Positional Tracking Algorithm, (MARIOPOT), Suitable for Modern, Affordable Cardboard-Style VR HMDs, A
* Model Classification for Digital 3D Reconstruction in the Context of Humanities Research, A
* Modeling Context Between Objects for Referring Expression Understanding
* Modeling Context in Referring Expressions
* Modeling spatial layout of features for real world scenario RGB-D action recognition
* Monitoring Infants by Automatic Video Processing
* Monocular Surface Reconstruction Using 3D Deformable Part Models
* Monocular Visual-IMU Odometry: A Comparative Evaluation of the Detector-Descriptor Based Methods
* MOON: A Mixed Objective Optimization Network for the Recognition of Facial Attributes
* Morpheme-Based Weighting for Chinese-Mongolian Statistical Machine Translation, A
* Motion Representation with Acceleration Images
* Moving Object Detection Using SIFT Matching on Three Frames for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
* MS-Celeb-1M: A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-Scale Face Recognition
* Multi-attributed Graph Matching with Multi-layer Random Walks
* Multi-class Multi-object Tracking Using Changing Point Detection
* Multi-label Active Learning Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion: Towards Robust and Discriminative Labeling
* Multi-label Deep Regression and Unordered Pooling for Holistic Interstitial Lung Disease Pattern Detection
* Multi-layer Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Multi-layer Lacunarity for Texture Recognition
* Multi-layer local energy patterns for texture representation and classification
* Multi-level Net: A Visual Saliency Prediction Model
* Multi-object tracking of pedestrian driven by context
* Multi-person Pose Estimation with Local Joint-to-Person Associations
* Multi-person Tracking by Multicut and Deep Matching
* Multi-region Two-Stream R-CNN for Action Detection
* Multi-resolution-Tract CNN with Hybrid Pretrained and Skin-Lesion Trained Layers
* Multi-scale 3D Modelling of Damaged Cultural Sites: Use Cases and Image-Based Workflows
* Multi-scale CNN for Affordance Segmentation in RGB Images, A
* Multi-spectral Imaging System (IWN) for the Digitization and Investigation of Cultural Heritage
* Multi-Stage Approach for Fast Person Re-identification, A
* Multi-subgraph matching for logo localization using genetic algorithm
* Multi-Task Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Prioritised Data Augmentation
* Multi-view 3D Models from Single Images with a Convolutional Network
* Multi-view Data Aggregation for Behaviour Analysis in Video Surveillance Systems
* Multi-view Inverse Rendering Under Arbitrary Illumination and Albedo
* Multimedia Interactive Map for CH Presentation
* Multimodal Detection of Engagement in Groups of Children Using Rank Learning
* Multimodal Registration of PET/MR Brain Images Based on Adaptive Mutual Information
* Multimodal weighted dictionary learning
* Multiphase Level Set Method on Graphs for Hyperspectral Image Segmentation, A
* Multiple classifier system with sensitivity based dynamic weighting fusion for hand gesture recognition
* Multiple object tracking based on motion segmentation of point trajectories
* Multiple Structure Recovery via Probabilistic Biclustering
* Natural Image Matting Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Natural Image Stitching with the Global Similarity Prior
* Network Flow Formulations for Learning Binary Hashing
* Network of Experts for Large-Scale Image Categorization
* Neural Approach to Blind Motion Deblurring, A
* Neural Network Boundary Detection for 3D Vessel Segmentation
* New contributions on line-projections in omnidirectional vision
* New Database and Protocol for Image Reuse Detection, A
* new multiplicative noise removal model combining cartoon-texture decomposition method, A
* No-inference image sharpness assessment based on wavelet transform and image saliency map
* Non-rigid 3D Shape Retrieval via Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Embedding
* Nonlinear Embedding Transform for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Normalized Cut Meets MRF
* Novel 3D x-ray differential phase-contrast imaging system
* Novel Coplanar Line-Points Invariants for Robust Line Matching Across Views
* Novel dataset for fine-grained abnormal behavior understanding in crowd
* Novel Decentralised System Architecture for Multi-camera Target Tracking, A
* Novel Graph Database for Handwritten Word Images, A
* Novel Methods for Analysis and Visualization of Saccade Trajectories
* Novel Morphological Features for Non-mass-like Breast Lesion Classification on DCE-MRI
* Novel Tiny Object Recognition Algorithm Based on Unit Statistical Curvature Feature, A
* Obfuscated volume rendering
* ObjectNet3D: A Large Scale Database for 3D Object Recognition
* Observing Landscape Changes Around the Nicosia Old Town Center Using Multi-temporal Datasets
* Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation Using Sparse Light Field Coding
* Occlusion-Resistant Ellipse Detection Method by Joining Coelliptic Arcs, An
* On Evaluation of 6D Object Pose Estimation
* On Security and Sparsity of Linear Classifiers for Adversarial Settings
* On the Relevance of Local Neighbourhoods for Greedy Graph Edit Distance
* On Volumetric Shape Reconstruction from Implicit Forms
* On-Line Large Scale Semantic Fusion
* On-Line Rigid Object Tracking via Discriminative Feature Classification
* On-the-Fly Architecture Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Stereovision System
* Online Action Detection
* Online Adaptation for Joint Scene and Object Classification
* Online Heterogeneous Transfer Learning by Weighted Offline and Online Classifiers
* Online Human Action Detection Using Joint Classification-Regression Recurrent Neural Networks
* Online multi-person tracking using Integral Channel Features
* Online Multi-target Tracking with Strong and Weak Detections
* Online Variational Bayesian Motion Averaging
* Optics of Google Earth
* Optimization of Numerical Calculations of Geometric Features of a Curve Describing Preprocessed X-Ray Images of Bones as a Starting Point for Syntactic Analysis of Finger Bone Contours
* Optimized Connected Components Labeling with Pixel Prediction
* Optimum wavelet filter estimating peak latencies of auditory brainstem response waveform
* Orlando Project: A 28 nm FD-SOI Low Memory Embedded Neural Network ASIC, The
* Orthogonal Gradient-Based Binary Image Representation for Vehicle Detection
* Outlier Robust Geodesic K-means Algorithm for High Dimensional Data
* Overcoming Calibration Problems in Pattern Labeling with Pairwise Ratings: Application to Personality Traits
* Overcoming Occlusion with Inverse Graphics
* P2P Lending Analysis Using the Most Relevant Graph-Based Features
* Paintings Alive: A Virtual Reality-Based Approach for Enhancing the User Experience of Art Gallery Visitors
* Parallel Hough Space Image Generation Method for Real-Time Lane Detection
* Parameterizing the Geometry and Visualizing the Lighting Method of Byzantine Church Domes
* Parametric Algorithm for Skyline Extraction, A
* Parametric Dictionary-Based Velocimetry for Echo PIV
* Parametric editing of clothed 3D avatars
* Parian Marble: A Virtual Multimodal Museum Project
* Partial Linearization Based Optimization for Multi-class SVM
* Patch-Based Hippocampus Segmentation Using a Local Subspace Learning Method
* Patch-Based Low-Rank Matrix Completion for Learning of Shape and Motion Models from Few Training Samples
* Pattern Mining Saliency
* Peak-Piloted Deep Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Peaking Phenomenon in Semi-supervised Learning, The
* Pedestrian Behavior Understanding and Prediction with Deep Neural Networks
* People Counting in Videos by Fusing Temporal Cues from Spatial Context-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks
* Perceptual Experiments Optimisation by Initial Database Reduction
* Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution
* Perfect Accuracy with Human-in-the-Loop Object Detection
* Performance Measures and a Data Set for Multi-target, Multi-camera Tracking
* Peripheral Expansion of Depth Information via Layout Estimation with Fisheye Camera
* Person Re-Identification by Unsupervised L1 Graph Learning
* Person Re-identification in Frontal Gait Sequences via Histogram of Optic Flow Energy Image
* Person Re-identification via Recurrent Feature Aggregation
* Personal Tour of Cultural Heritage for Deaf Museum Visitors, A
* Pervasive Game Utilizing WiFi Fingerprinting-based Localization
* Pervasive Wireless Sensor Networks for the Monitoring of Large Monumental Structures: The Case of the Ancient City Walls of Siena
* Phase-Based Modification Transfer for Video
* Photo Aesthetics Ranking Network with Attributes and Content Adaptation
* PHOTOCONSORTIUM: Digitizing Europe's Photographic Heritage
* Photometric Stereo Under Non-uniform Light Intensities and Exposures
* Physical Reasoning for 3D Object Recognition Using Global Hypothesis Verification
* Physically Based Area Lighting Model for Real-Time Animation
* pi-Match: Monocular vSLAM and Piecewise Planar Reconstruction Using Fast Plane Correspondences
* Pigments Identification Using Raman Spectroscopy of the 16th Century Printed Book Osorio
* Pixel Level Tracking of Multiple Targets in Crowded Environments
* Pixel-Level Domain Transfer
* Pixel-Level Encoding and Depth Layering for Instance-Level Semantic Labeling
* Pixelwise View Selection for Unstructured Multi-View Stereo
* Places Speaking with Their Own Voices. A Case Study from the Gra.fo Archives
* PlaNet: Photo Geolocation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Playing for Data: Ground Truth from Computer Games
* PNU-based technique to detect forged regions in digital images, A
* POI: Multiple Object Tracking with High Performance Detection and Appearance Feature
* Point-Wise Mutual Information-Based Video Segmentation with High Temporal Consistency
* Pointer-type meter automatic reading from complex environment based on visual saliency
* Poisson Point Processes for Solving Stochastic Inverse Problems in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Polysemous Codes
* Pose and Pathosformel in Aby Warburg's Bilderatlas
* Pose Estimation Errors, the Ultimate Diagnosis
* Pose Hashing with Microlens Arrays
* Precise and Robust Line Detection for Highly Distorted and Noisy Images
* Precomputed Real-Time Texture Synthesis with Markovian Generative Adversarial Networks
* Predicting Image Aesthetics with Deep Learning
* Prediction-Correction Approach for Real-Time Optical Flow Computation Using Stereo, A
* Preservation and Valorisation of Morocco's Ancient Heritage: Volubilis
* Prioritized target tracking with active collaborative cameras
* Privacy-preserving, indoor occupant localization using a network of single-pixel sensors
* Project iMARECULTURE: Advanced VR, iMmersive Serious Games and Augmented REality as Tools to Raise Awareness and Access to European Underwater CULTURal heritagE
* Projective Bundle Adjustment from Arbitrary Initialization Using the Variable Projection Method
* Proportional Systems in the Design of the Cathedral of St. George of the Greeks, Cyprus
* Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites from Geo-Hazards: The PROTHEGO Project, The
* Pseudo-geometric Formulation for Fitting Equidistant Parallel Lines
* Pseudoinversion Fractals
* Quaternion Linear Color Edge-Glowing Filter Using Genetic Algorithm
* Query-Focused Extractive Video Summarization
* R3P: Real-time RGB-D Registration Pipeline
* Radial Search Method for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search on Range Images, A
* Randomly Sparsified Synthesis for Model-Based Deformation Analysis
* Rapid Prototyping in the Context of Cultural Heritage and Museum Displays
* RBM-LBP: Joint Distribution of Multiple Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification
* Reaching the World Through Free Licenses and Wikimedia's Crowdsourced Platforms
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and 6-DoF Tracking with an Event Camera
* Real-Time Eye Gesture Recognition System Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Mobile Devices Monitoring, A
* Real-Time Facial Segmentation and Performance Capture from RGB Input
* Real-Time Joint Tracking of a Hand Manipulating an Object from RGB-D Input
* Real-Time Large-Scale Dense 3D Reconstruction with Loop Closure
* Real-Time Monocular Segmentation and Pose Tracking of Multiple Objects
* Real-time rendering of refracting transmissive objects with multi-scale rough surfaces
* Real-Time RGB-D Activity Prediction by Soft Regression
* Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Label Propagation
* Real-time simulation techniques for augmented learning in science and engineering
* Real-time stress assessment using thermal imaging
* Real-Time Vehicular Vision System to Seamlessly See-Through Cars, A
* Real-Time Visual Tracking: Promoting the Robustness of Correlation Filter Learning
* Recognition from Hand Cameras: A Revisit with Deep Learning
* Recognizing Text-Based Traffic Guide Panels with Cascaded Localization Network
* Reconstructing Articulated Rigged Models from RGB-D Videos
* Reconstruction of Wooden Polish Manor
* Reconstruction: Argumentation Method, The
* Recovering Historical Film Footage by Processing Microtomographic Images
* Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Sequential Face Alignment, A
* Recurrent Instance Segmentation
* Recurrent Temporal Deep Field for Semantic Video Labeling
* Reduction of Point Cloud Artifacts Using Shape Priors Estimated with the Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Reference Data Set for Accuracy Evaluation of Orientation Estimation Algorithms for Inertial Motion Capture Systems
* Reflection Symmetry Detection via Appearance of Structure Descriptor
* Region-Based Semantic Segmentation with End-to-End Training
* Regions of Interest in a Fundus Image Selection Technique Using the Discriminative Analysis Methods
* Regression Guided Deformable Models for Segmentation of Multiple Brain ROIs
* Relay Backpropagation for Effective Learning of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Reliable Attribute-Based Object Recognition Using High Predictive Value Classifiers
* Reliable Fusion of ToF and Stereo Depth Driven by Confidence Measures
* Remote Authentication Using Vaulted Fingerprint Verification
* Remote Sensing Data Copy-Move Forgery Protection Algorithm
* RepMatch: Robust Feature Matching and Pose for Reconstructing Modern Cities
* Research on directional and distance query algorithm based on MOIS-tree
* Researching Knowledge Concerns in Virtual Historical Architecture
* Resonant Deformable Matching: Simultaneous Registration and Reconstruction
* Retinal Image Quality Classification Using Saliency Maps and CNNs
* Revisiting Additive Quantization
* Revisiting the Regression between Raw Outputs of Image Quality Metrics and Ground Truth Measurements
* Revisiting Visual Question Answering Baselines
* Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment of Archeological Areas for the Preventive Conservation
* RNN Fisher Vectors for Action Recognition and Image Annotation
* Road Segmentation for Classification of Road Weather Conditions
* RobotFusion: Grasping with a Robotic Manipulator via Multi-view Reconstruction
* Robust and Accurate Line- and/or Point-Based Pose Estimation without Manhattan Assumptions
* Robust Color Watermarking Method Based on Clifford Transform
* Robust discriminative tracking via query-by-bagging
* Robust Face Alignment Using a Mixture of Invariant Experts
* Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Recurrent Attentive-Refinement Networks
* Robust Image and Video Dehazing with Visual Artifact Suppression via Gradient Residual Minimization
* Robust Interactive Multi-label Segmentation with an Advanced Edge Detector
* Robust Knot Segmentation by Knot Pith Tracking in 3D Tangential Images
* Robust Text Detection with Vertically-Regressed Proposal Network
* Robust tracking via monocular active vision for an intelligent teaching system
* Robust vehicle tracking for urban traffic videos at intersections
* SACRE Project: A Diagnosis Tool of Built Heritage, The
* Saliency Detection via Combining Region-Level and Pixel-Level Predictions with CNNs
* Saliency Detection with Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks
* Saliency Enhanced Decolorization
* Salient Deconvolutional Networks
* SASE: RGB-Depth Database for Human Head Pose Estimation
* Scalable Metric Learning via Weighted Approximate Rank Component Analysis
* Scalable Vision System for Mouse Homecage Ethology
* Scene Depth Profiling Using Helmholtz Stereopsis
* Scene Segmentation Driven by Deep Learning and Surface Fitting
* Scene Text Detection with Adaptive Line Clustering
* SDF-2-SDF: Highly Accurate 3D Object Reconstruction
* SEAGULL: Seam-Guided Local Alignment for Parallax-Tolerant Image Stitching
* Search-Based Depth Estimation via Coupled Dictionary Learning with Large-Margin Structure Inference
* Seed, Expand and Constrain: Three Principles for Weakly-Supervised Image Segmentation
* Segmental Spatiotemporal CNNs for Fine-Grained Action Segmentation
* Segmentation Free Object Discovery in Video
* Segmentation from Natural Language Expressions
* Segmentation of Perivascular Spaces Using Vascular Features and Structured Random Forest from 7T MR Image
* Segmentation-Free Estimation of Kidney Volumes in CT with Dual Regression Forests
* Selection of Relevant Filter Responses for Extraction of Latent Images from Protected Documents
* Semantic 3D Reconstruction of Heads
* Semantic Clustering for Robust Fine-Grained Scene Recognition
* Semantic Co-segmentation in Videos
* Semantic Object Parsing with Graph LSTM
* Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task, Multi-domain Learning
* Semantically Guided Depth Upsampling
* SemanticFusion: Joint Labeling, Tracking and Mapping
* SEMBED: Semantic Embedding of Egocentric Action Videos
* Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation, A
* Semi-supervised Learning Based on Joint Diffusion of Graph Functions and Laplacians
* Semi-supervised understanding of complex activities from temporal concepts
* Sensing the Risk: New Approaches and Technologies for Protection and Security of Cultural Heritage. The PRO_CULT Project
* Sensor Fusion for Sparse SLAM with Descriptor Pooling
* Sequential Approach to 3D Human Pose Estimation: Separation of Localization and Identification of Body Joints, A
* Sequential Labeling with Structural SVM Under an Average Precision Loss
* Shading-Aware Multi-view Stereo
* Shape Acquisition and Registration for 3D Endoscope Based on Grid Pattern Projection
* Shape Augmented Regression for 3D Face Alignment
* Shape from Selfies: Human Body Shape Estimation Using CCA Regression Forests
* Shape from Water: Bispectral Light Absorption for Depth Recovery
* Shape Normalizing and Tracking Dancing Worms
* Shape-Based Approach for Salient Object Detection Using Deep Learning, A
* ShapeFit and ShapeKick for Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion
* Shilling attack detection in collaborative filtering recommender system by PCA detection and perturbation
* Show Me the Data!: Structuring Archaeological Data to Deliver Interactive, Transparent 3D Reconstructions in a 3D WebGIS
* Shuffle and Learn: Unsupervised Learning Using Temporal Order Verification
* Siamese Long Short-Term Memory Architecture for Human Re-identification, A
* Sign Language Recognition for Assisting the Deaf in Hospitals
* SigNet: A Digital Platform for Hellenistic Sealings and Archives
* Similarity Between Dissimilarities, The
* Similarity Measures for Face Images: An Experimental Study
* Similarity Registration Problems for 2D/3D Ultrasound Calibration
* Simple and Efficient Method of Low-Contrast Grayscale Image Binarization
* Simple Evaluation Procedure for Range Camera Measurement Quality, A
* Simple Hierarchical Pooling Data Structure for Loop Closure, A
* Simple Human Activity Recognition Technique Using DCT, A
* Simplifying Documentation of Digital Reconstruction Processes
* Simultaneous Mixed Vertical and Horizontal Handwritten Japanese Character Line Detection
* Simultaneous multiphase image segmentation and cartoon-texture decomposition
* Simultaneous Nonlinear Label-Instance Embedding for Multi-label Classification
* Single Image 3D Interpreter Network
* Single Image Dehazing via Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks
* Single Image Haze Removal Using Single Pixel Approach Based on Dark Channel Prior with Fast Filtering
* Single object tracking based on active and passive detection information in distributed heterogeneous sensor network
* Single-Image Insect Pose Estimation by Graph Based Geometric Models and Random Forests
* Smart Toothbrushes: Inertial Measurement Sensors Fusion with Visual Tracking
* Smart video access control system with hybrid features in complicated environment
* Smooth Neighborhood Structure Mining on Multiple Affinity Graphs with Applications to Context-Sensitive Similarity
* Soccer Player Detection with only Color Features Selected Using Informed Haar-like Features
* Software Platform for Manipulating the Camera Imaging Pipeline, A
* Solving Multi-Codebook Quantization in the GPU
* Solving Rendering Issues in Realistic 3D Immersion for Visual Rehabilitation
* Source Localization of Reaction-Diffusion Models for Brain Tumors
* Sparse Coding Based Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Dynamic Rule-Based Refinement
* Sparse Recovery of Hyperspectral Signal from Natural RGB Images
* Sparse Representation Based Complete Kernel Marginal Fisher Analysis Framework for Computational Art Painting Categorization
* Spatial Attention Deep Net with Partial PSO for Hierarchical Hybrid Hand Pose Estimation
* Spatially Varying Weighting Function-Based Global and Local Statistical Active Contours. Application to X-Ray Images
* Spatio-Temporal Detection of Fine-Grained Dyadic Human Interactions
* Spatio-Temporal LSTM with Trust Gates for 3D Human Action Recognition
* Spatio-Temporally Consistent Correspondence for Dense Dynamic Scene Modeling
* Spatiotemporal Features Learning with 3DPyraNet
* Speech Recognition Supported by Lip Analysis
* Speech-Driven Facial Animation Using Manifold Relevance Determination
* SPICE: Semantic Propositional Image Caption Evaluation
* SPLeaP: Soft Pooling of Learned Parts for Image Classification
* Spot On: Action Localization from Pointly-Supervised Proposals
* SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* SSHMT: Semi-supervised Hierarchical Merge Tree for Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation
* Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation
* Static Multimodal Dyadic Behavior Dataset for Engagement Prediction, The
* Statistical and deterministic approaches for multimedia forensics
* Statistical Modeling Based Adaptive Parameter Setting for Random Walk Segmentation
* Stereo Video Deblurring
* Stereo Visual Odometry Without Temporal Filtering
* Stochastic Dykstra Algorithms for Metric Learning with Positive Definite Covariance Descriptors
* Streaming Video Segmentation via Short-Term Hierarchical Segmentation and Frame-by-Frame Markov Random Field Optimization
* Streamlined Photometric Stereo Framework for Cultural Heritage, A
* Structure from Motion on a Sphere
* Structure Fusion for Automatic Segmentation of Left Atrial Aneurysm Based on Deep Residual Networks
* Structured Matching for Phrase Localization
* Study of 3D Digital Simulation Analysis of Fire Charring Degree of Wood Construction of Chinese Traditional Architecture, A
* Sublabel-Accurate Convex Relaxation of Vectorial Multilabel Energies
* Suggesting Sounds for Images from Video Collections
* Superpixel Convolutional Networks Using Bilateral Inceptions
* Superpixel-Based Two-View Deterministic Fitting for Multiple-Structure Data
* Supervised Transformer Network for Efficient Face Detection
* Support Discrimination Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* SurfCut: Free-Boundary Surface Extraction
* Survey Accuracy Analysis of a Hand-held Mobile LiDAR Device for Cultural Heritage Documentation
* Surveying Illusory Architectures Painted on Vaulted Surfaces
* SyB3R: A Realistic Synthetic Benchmark for 3D Reconstruction from Images
* Symmetric Non-rigid Structure from Motion for Category-Specific Object Structure Estimation
* Symmetry Prior for Convex Variational 3D Reconstruction, A
* Sympathy for the Details: Dense Trajectories and Hybrid Classification Architectures for Action Recognition
* Syntaxtree aligner: A web-based parallel tree alignment toolkit
* system for recognizing online handwritten mathematical expressions by using improved structural analysis, A
* Taking the Next Step in Digital Documentation of Historic Cities
* Target Response Adaptation for Correlation Filter Tracking
* Taxonomy-Regularized Semantic Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Technological Framework to Support Standardized Protocols for the Diagnosis and Assessment of ASD, A
* Template-Free 3D Reconstruction of Poorly-Textured Nonrigid Surfaces
* Temporal Convolutional Networks: A Unified Approach to Action Segmentation
* Temporal Model Adaptation for Person Re-identification
* Temporal Segment Networks: Towards Good Practices for Deep Action Recognition
* Temporal Segmentation of Egocentric Videos to Highlight Personal Locations of Interest
* Temporally Robust Global Motion Compensation by Keypoint-Based Congealing
* Tensor Representations via Kernel Linearization for Action Recognition from 3D Skeletons
* Text/shape classifier for mobile applications with handwriting input
* Texture Based Quality Assessment of 3D Prints for Different Lighting Conditions
* Thermal Infrared Visual Object Tracking VOT-TIR2016 Challenge Results, The
* Thermodynamic Characterization of Temporal Networks
* Thermodynamic Network Analysis with Quantum Spin Statistics
* Time Series Prediction for Electric Power Industry with the Help of Syntactic Pattern Recognition
* Time-frequency analysis for audio event detection in real scenarios
* Time-Travelling with Mobile Augmented Reality: A Case Study on the Piazza dei Miracoli
* Tirolcraft: The Quest of Children to Playing the Role of Planners at a Heritage Protected Town
* Title Generation for User Generated Videos
* Top-Down Learning for Structured Labeling with Convolutional Pseudoprior
* Top-Down Neural Attention by Excitation Backprop
* Towards a Generic M-SVM Parameters Estimation Using Overlapping Swarm Intelligence for Handwritten Characters Recognition
* Towards Automated Drone Surveillance in Railways: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* Towards Categorization and Pose Estimation of Sets of Occluded Objects in Cluttered Scenes from Depth Data and Generic Object Models Using Joint Parsing
* Towards Category Based Large-Scale Image Retrieval Using Transductive Support Vector Machines
* Towards Large-Scale City Reconstruction from Satellites
* Towards Monuments' Holistic Digital Documentation: the Saint Neophytos Enkleistriotis Case Study
* Towards Perspective-Free Object Counting with Deep Learning
* Towards semantic context-aware drones for aerial scenes understanding
* Towards Semantic Fast-Forward and Stabilized Egocentric Videos
* Towards the Design of a User-Friendly and Trustworthy Mobile System for Museums
* Towards the Sustainable Development of Cultural Landscapes Through Two Case Studies on Different Scale
* Towards Viewpoint Invariant 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Tracking Completion
* Tracking Multiple Persons Based on a Variational Bayesian Model
* Tracking Persons-of-Interest via Adaptive Discriminative Features
* Tracking-based detection of driving distraction from vehicular interior video
* Train Detection and Tracking in Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) Signals
* Training a convolutional neural network for multi-class object detection using solely virtual world data
* Training a Mentee Network by Transferring Knowledge from a Mentor Network
* Training Schools for Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Between Expertise, Management and Education
* Transductive Maximum Margin Classification of ADHD Using Resting State fMRI
* Transfer Learning for Cell Nuclei Classification in Histopathology Images
* Transfer Neural Trees for Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation
* Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional Indexing of Maya Hieroglyphic Art
* Translation and Fruition of an Ancient Book Through Virtual Reality in the Case of Lost Cultural Heritage
* TREAT: Terse Rapid Edge-Anchored Tracklets
* Tree-Based Transforms for Privileged Learning
* Tri-Stereo Model Orientation of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Combining Ground Control Points and Lines
* Tumor Lesion Segmentation from 3D PET Using a Machine Learning Driven Active Surface
* Two-level joint local laplacian texture filtering
* Two-Stage Convolutional Part Heatmap Regression for the 1st 3D Face Alignment in the Wild (3DFAW) Challenge
* two-stage foreground propagation for moving object detection in a non-stationary, A
* Typical Workflows, Documentation Approaches and Principles of 3D Digital Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage
* Ultra-Resolving Face Images by Discriminative Generative Networks
* Uncertain Future: Forecasting from Static Images Using Variational Autoencoders, An
* Uncovering Symmetries in Polynomial Systems
* Unified Depth Prediction and Intrinsic Image Decomposition from a Single Image via Joint Convolutional Neural Fields
* Unified Multi-scale Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Object Detection, A
* UnrealCV: Connecting Computer Vision to Unreal Engine
* Unreasonable Effectiveness of Noisy Data for Fine-Grained Recognition, The
* Unsupervised CNN for Single View Depth Estimation: Geometry to the Rescue
* Unsupervised data association for metric learning in the context of multi-shot person re-identification
* Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection
* Unsupervised Discovery of Emphysema Subtypes in a Large Clinical Cohort
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Domain Instance Denoising
* Unsupervised feature selection by nonnegative sparsity adaptive subspace learning
* Unsupervised Interpretable Pattern Discovery in Time Series Using Autoencoders
* Unsupervised Learning of Visual Representations by Solving Jigsaw Puzzles
* Unsupervised Parameter Estimation of Non Linear Scaling for Improved Classification in the Dissimilarity Space
* Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Graph-Based Consistent Constraints
* Use of Interpolation Methods for Nonlinear Mapping, The
* Using Computer Vision to See
* Using Digital Aerial Photogrammetry and the Random Forest Approach to Model Forest Inventory Attributes in Beech- and Spruce-dominated Central European Forests
* Using K-NN with weights to detect diabetes mellitus based on genetic algorithm feature selection
* Using PNU-Based Techniques to Detect Alien Frames in Videos
* Using the Audio Respiration Signal for Multimodal Discrimination of Expressive Movement Qualities
* Validation of Automated Mobility Assessment Using a Single 3D Sensor
* Valmod Project: Historical and Realistic 3D Models for the Touristic Development of the Château de Chambord, The
* variational approach to denoising problem, A
* VConv-DAE: Deep Volumetric Shape Learning Without Object Labels
* Vector Quantization Enhancement for Computer Vision Tasks
* Vegetation Segmentation in Cornfield Images Using Bag of Words
* Versatile Approach for Solving PnP, PnPf, and PnPfr Problems, A
* Vessel enhancement of low quality fundus image using mathematical morphology and combination of Gabor and matched filter
* Video Event Detection Based Non-stationary Bayesian Networks
* Video summarization of surveillance cameras
* Video Summarization with Long Short-Term Memory
* View Synthesis by Appearance Flow
* Virtual and Augmented Reality Tools to Improve the Exploitation of Underwater Archaeological Sites by Diver and Non-diver Tourists
* Virtual annotations of the surgical field through an augmented reality transparent display
* Virtual Immortality: Reanimating Characters from TV Shows
* Virtual Reconstruction 3.0: New Approach of Web-based Visualisation and Documentation of Lost Cultural Heritage
* Vision-Based SLAM Navigation for Vibro-Tactile Human-Centered Indoor Guidance
* Visual Analogies: A Framework for Defining Aspect Categorization
* Visual and Human-Interpretable Feedback for Assisting Physical Activity
* Visual Link Retrieval in a Database of Paintings
* Visual Localization Using Sequence Matching Based on Multi-feature Combination
* Visual Motif Discovery via First-Person Vision
* Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* Visual Relationship Detection with Language Priors
* Visual saliency guided textured model simplification
* visual SLAM-based approach for calibration of distributed camera networks, A
* Visual Target Detection and Tracking in UAV EO/IR Videos by Moving Background Subtraction
* Visual Target Tracking Using a Low-Cost Methodology Based on Visual Words
* Visual tracking based on object appearance and structure preserved local patches matching
* Visualizing Image Priors
* ViTBAT: Video tracking and behavior annotation tool
* VizAssist: an interactive user assistant for visual data mining
* VLAD Is not Necessary for CNN
* VolumeDeform: Real-Time Volumetric Non-rigid Reconstruction
* Vote Distribution Model for Hough-Based Action Detection
* Walker-Independent Features for Gait Recognition from Motion Capture Data
* Wavelet Neural Network Initialization Using LTS for DNA Sequence Classification
* Weakly Supervised Learning of Heterogeneous Concepts in Videos
* Weakly Supervised Localization Using Deep Feature Maps
* Weakly Supervised Object Localization Using Size Estimates
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Redistributing Region Scores Back to the Pixels
* Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Motion Cues
* Webly-Supervised Video Recognition by Mutually Voting for Relevant Web Images and Web Video Frames
* What Happens If... Learning to Predict the Effect of Forces in Images
* What's the Point: Semantic Segmentation with Point Supervision
* When is Rotations Averaging Hard?
* Where Should Saliency Models Look Next?
* XNN Graph
* XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural Networks
* Zero-Shot Recognition via Structured Prediction
* Zoom Better to See Clearer: Human and Object Parsing with Hierarchical Auto-Zoom Net
1164 for 1611

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.