Update Dates 2306

2306 * *CRV
* 2D Wavelet Tree Ordering Based Localized Total Variation Model for Efficient Image Restoration
* 3D Airborne EM Forward Modeling Based on Finite-Element Method with Goal-Oriented Adaptive Octree Mesh
* 3D hand reconstruction with both shape and appearance from an RGB image
* 4× Super-resolution of unsupervised CT images based on GAN
* 5 Questions for Missy Cummings: The Former Fighter Pilot on why Autonomous Vehicles are so Risky
* A2SPPNet: Attentive Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Network for Salient Object Detection
* Absorbing Aerosol Optical Properties and Radiative Effects on Near-Surface Photochemistry in East Asia
* Accelerated Restoration of Vegetation in Wuwei in the Arid Region of Northwestern China since 2000 Driven by the Interaction between Climate and Human Beings
* Accelerating QTMT-based CU partition and intra mode decision for versatile video coding
* Accounting for Non-Detects: Application to Satellite Ammonia Observations
* Accuracy Verification of Satellite Products and Temporal and Spatial Distribution Analysis and Prediction of the CH4 Concentration in China
* Accurate Head Pose Estimation Using Image Rectification and a Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network
* Active Service Recommendation Model for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Information Using Fusion of Attention and Multi-Perspective, An
* Active Spatial Positions Based Hierarchical Relation Inference for Group Activity Recognition
* Adaptive adversarial prototyping network for few-shot prototypical translation
* Adaptive coarse-to-fine clustering and terrain feature-aware-based method for reducing LiDAR terrain point clouds
* adaptive cross-scale transformer based on graph signal processing for person re-identification, An
* Adaptive fusion affinity graph with noise-free online low-rank representation for natural image segmentation
* Adaptive Multisensor Fault Diagnosis Method for High-Speed Train Bogie, An
* Adaptive Siamese Tracking With a Compact Latent Network
* Adaptive Subgraph Neural Network With Reinforced Critical Structure Mining
* ADMM-SRNet: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Based Sparse Representation Network for One-Class Classification
* Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Remote Sensing
* Advances in the Application of Small Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (sUAS) for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping
* Advancing High-Resolution Land Cover Mapping in Colombia: The Importance of a Locally Appropriate Legend
* Adversarially-Regularized Mixed Effects Deep Learning (ARMED) Models Improve Interpretability, Performance, and Generalization on Clustered (non-iid) Data
* AeroNet: An efficient relative localization and object detection network for cooperative aerial-ground unmanned vehicles
* Aethra-net: Single image and video dehazing using autoencoder
* Agreement and Disagreement-Based Co-Learning with Dual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Noisy Labels
* AI Hunts for Hidden Minerals: Machine Learning is Uncovering Hoards of Vital EV Battery Metals
* AIDA: Analytic isolation and distance-based anomaly detection algorithm
* Aircraft-LBDet: Multi-Task Aircraft Detection with Landmark and Bounding Box Detection
* Algorithm for the Reconstruction of the Ground Surface Reflectance in the Visible and Near IR Ranges from MODIS Satellite Data with Allowance for the Influence of Ground Surface Inhomogeneity on the Adjacency Effect and of Multiple Radiation Reflection
* Algorithm Fusion for 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar Imaging with Field Examples
* Alleviating the generalization issue in adversarial domain adaptation networks
* Analysis of East Asia Wind Vectors Using Space-Time Cross-Covariance Models
* Analysis of Prescribed Fire Activities and Emissions in the Southeastern United States from 2013 to 2020, An
* Analysis of Relationship between Grain Yield and NDVI from MODIS in the Fez-Meknes Region, Morocco
* Analysis of Road Networks Features of Urban Municipal District Based on Fractal Dimension
* Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Coverage in the Sub-Lakes of Poyang Lake Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Analysis of the 20-Year Variability of Ocean Wave Hazards in the Northwest Pacific
* Analytical Modeling of Electromagnetic Scattering and HRRP Characteristics from the 3D Sea Surface with a Plunging Breaker
* Angel's Girl for Blind Painters: An Efficient Painting Navigation System Validated by Multimodal Evaluation Approach
* Antarctic Time-Variable Regional Gravity Field Model Derived from Satellite Line-of-Sight Gravity Differences and Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis
* Applicability Assessment of Passive Microwave LST Downscaling over Semi-Homogeneous Desert Underlying Surface Based on Machine Learning
* Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Detection of Contrails in Satellite Imagery, The
* Application of Machine Learning to Tree Species Classification Using Active and Passive Remote Sensing: A Case Study of the Duraer Forestry Zone
* Approach for Joint Estimation of Grassland Leaf Area Index and Leaf Chlorophyll Content from UAV Hyperspectral Data, An
* Approach Integrating Multi-Source Data with LandTrendr Algorithm for Refining Forest Recovery Detection, An
* Approximate Inversion of a Class of Generalized Radon Transforms
* Approximating dynamic time warping with a convolutional neural network on EEG data
* Apron surveillance video coding based on compositing virtual reference frame with object library
* Are Reactions to Ego Vehicles Predictable Without Data?: A Semi-Supervised Approach
* Assessing a Connected Environment's Safety Impact During Mandatory Lane-Changing: A Block Maxima Approach
* Assessing Connected Vehicle's Response to Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory From Field Operational Test and Scaling Up
* Assessing SDI Implementation Scenarios to Facilitate Emergency Mapping Operations in the Dominican Republic
* Assessing Sustainability over Space and Time: The Emerging Roles of GIScience and Remote Sensing
* Assessing the Ability of Generative Adversarial Networks to Learn Canonical Medical Image Statistics
* Assessing Transferability of Remote Sensing Pasture Estimates Using Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms and Evaluation Structures
* Assessment of Active LiDAR Data and Passive Optical Imagery for Double-Layered Mangrove Leaf Area Index Estimation: A Case Study in Mai Po, Hong Kong
* Assessment of Nitrogen Nutrition Index of Winter Wheat Canopy from Visible Images for a Dynamic Monitoring of N Requirements
* Assessment of Perceived and Physical Walkability Using Street View Images and Deep Learning Technology
* Assessment of Swarm Kinematic Orbit Determination Using Two Different Double-Difference Methods
* Assessment of the Croatian Open Data Portal Using User-Oriented Metrics
* Assessment of the Performance of the Atmospheric Correction Algorithm MAJA for Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance Estimates
* Assessment of Wildfire Susceptibility and Wildfire Threats to Ecological Environment and Urban Development Based on GIS and Multi-Source Data: A Case Study of Guilin, China
* AST: Adaptive Self-supervised Transformer for optical remote sensing representation
* Asymmetric cost aggregation network for efficient stereo matching
* Asymmetric Loss Functions for Noise-Tolerant Learning: Theory and Applications
* AT2GRU: A Human Emotion Recognition Model With Mitigated Device Heterogeneity
* ATF: An Alternating Training Framework for Weakly Supervised Face Alignment
* Atmospheric Scattering Model Induced Statistical Characteristics Estimation for Underwater Image Restoration
* Atmospheric turbulence removal with complex-valued convolutional neural network
* Attention-Aware Spectral Difference Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Attention-based hierarchical pyramid feature fusion structure for efficient face recognition
* Attribute-Modulated Generative Meta Learning for Zero-Shot Learning
* Attribution of Extreme Drought Events and Associated Physical Drivers across Southwest China Using the Budyko Framework
* Atypical Salient Regions Enhancement Network for visual saliency prediction of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Audio-Driven Talking Face Video Generation With Dynamic Convolution Kernels
* Audio-Visual Automatic Group Affect Analysis
* Augmented bilinear network for incremental multi-stock time-series classification
* Autoencoders with exponential deviation loss for weakly supervised anomaly detection
* Automated Brain Imaging Diagnosis and Classification Model using Rat Swarm Optimization with Deep Learning based Capsule Network
* Automated VIIRS Boat Detection Based on Machine Learning and Its Application to Monitoring Fisheries in the East China Sea
* Automatic Emotion Recognition in Clinical Scenario: A Systematic Review of Methods
* Automatic Estimation of Action Unit Intensities and Inference of Emotional Appraisals
* Automatic ISAR Ship Detection Using Triangle-Points Affine Transform Reconstruction Algorithm
* Automatic Method for Rice Mapping Based on Phenological Features with Sentinel-1 Time-Series Images, An
* Automatic Point Cloud Colorization of Ground-Based LiDAR Data Using Video Imagery without Position and Orientation System
* Autonomous Multi-Floor Localization Based on Smartphone-Integrated Sensors and Pedestrian Indoor Network
* Autonomous Vehicle's Impact on Traffic: Empirical Evidence From Waymo Open Dataset and Implications From Modelling
* Bandpass Alignment from Sentinel-2 to Gaofen-1 ARD Products with UNet-Induced Tile-Adaptive Lookup Tables
* Bayesian Collaborative Learning for Whole-Slide Image Classification
* BDNet: A BERT-based dual-path network for text-to-image cross-modal person re-identification
* BDS Orbit Maneuver Detection Based on Epoch-Updated Orbits Estimated by SRIF
* Behavioral and Physiological Signals-Based Deep Multimodal Approach for Mobile Emotion Recognition
* Beyond Single Reference for Training: Underwater Image Enhancement via Comparative Learning
* BFANet: Effective segmentation network for low altitude high-resolution urban scene image
* Bias-Corrected RADARSAT-2 Soil Moisture Dynamics Reveal Discharge Hysteresis at An Agricultural Watershed
* Bio-Inspired MEMS Wake Detector for AUV Tracking and Coordinated Formation, A
* Biometrics and the metaphysics of personal identity
* BNET: Batch Normalization With Enhanced Linear Transformation
* Boosting Adversarial Transferability with Shallow-Feature Attack on SAR Images
* Boosting Variational Inference With Margin Learning for Few-Shot Scene-Adaptive Anomaly Detection
* BoostTree and BoostForest for Ensemble Learning
* Brainprint based on functional connectivity and asymmetry indices of brain regions: A case study of biometric person identification with non-expensive electroencephalogram headsets
* Calibration Method for Large-Footprint Full-Waveform Airborne Laser Altimeter without a Calibration Field, A
* CALIOP-Based Evaluation of Dust Emissions and Long-Range Transport of the Dust from the Aral-Caspian Arid Region by 3D-Source Potential Impact (3D-SPI) Method
* Camera-independent color constancy by scene semantics
* Can Connected Autonomous Vehicles Improve Mixed Traffic Safety Without Compromising Efficiency in Realistic Scenarios?
* Can Machines Generate Personalized Music? A Hybrid Favorite-Aware Method for User Preference Music Transfer
* Capabilities of FY-3D/MERSI-II Sensor to Detect and Quantify Thermal Volcanic Activity: The 2020-2023 Mount Etna Case Study, The
* Capsule-Based Regression Tracking via Background Inpainting
* Caption-Aided Product Detection via Collaborative Pseudo-Label Harmonization
* Capture the Moment: High-Speed Imaging With Spiking Cameras Through Short-Term Plasticity
* Causality-Driven Graph Neural Network for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer in Non-Contrast Computerized Tomography
* CB-D2RNet: An efficient context bridge network for glioma segmentation
* CbwLoss: Constrained Bidirectional Weighted Loss for Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Pose
* CFRWD-GAN for SAR-to-Optical Image Translation
* Challenges and Imperatives of Deep Learning Approaches for Detection of Melanoma: A Review
* Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Sensing for Soil Salinization Mapping and Monitoring: A Review
* Chance-Constrained Flight Level Assignment Problem
* Change detection in moving-camera videos with limited samples using twin-CNN features and learnable morphological operations
* Changes in Carbon Dioxide Balance Associated with Land Use and Land Cover in Brazilian Legal Amazon Based on Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Changes in Dominant Driving Factors in the Evolution Process of Wetland in the Yellow River Delta during 2015-2022, The
* Changes in Net Primary Productivity and Factor Detection in China's Yellow River Basin from 2000 to 2019
* Characteristics of Internal Solitary Waves in the Timor Sea Observed by SAR Satellite
* Characterizing and Mapping Volcanic Flow Deposits on Mount St. Helens via Dual-Band SAR Imagery
* Characterizing Heterogeneous Traffic Flow at a Slope Bottleneck via Cellular Automaton Model
* Characterizing the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams
* Chunk-Level Speech Emotion Recognition: A General Framework of Sequence-to-One Dynamic Temporal Modeling
* Class-Incremental Learning Method for SAR Images Based on Self-Sustainment Guidance Representation, A
* Climate and Management Practices Jointly Control Vegetation Phenology in Native and Introduced Prairie Pastures
* Climate-Change-Driven Droughts and Tree Mortality: Assessing the Potential of UAV-Derived Early Warning Metrics
* Cloud Removal in Remote Sensing Using Sequential-Based Diffusion Models
* Cluster-Guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Deep Speaker Embedding
* CNES CLS 2022 Mean Sea Surface: Short Wavelength Improvements from CryoSat-2 and SARAL/AltiKa High-Sampled Altimeter Data, The
* CNN-Based Layer-Adaptive GCPs Extraction Method for TIR Remote Sensing Images, A
* Co-Saliency Detection Guided by Group Weakly Supervised Learning
* Co-Salient Object Detection With Co-Representation Purification
* Collecting Mementos: A Multimodal Dataset for Context-Sensitive Modeling of Affect and Memory Processing in Responses to Videos
* Coloring anime line art videos with transformation region enhancement network
* Combining Ground Penetrating Radar and Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Surveys to Characterize the Structure of the Calderone Glacieret (Gran Sasso d'Italia, Italy)
* Combining Radiative Transfer Model and Regression Algorithms for Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Grassland in West Ujimqin, China
* Common-Mode Clutter Filtering for the Problem of Sounding Multilayer Media Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Communication and Control in Collaborative UAVs: Recent Advances and Future Trends
* Community Channel-Net: Efficient channel-wise interactions via community graph topology
* Comparative Analysis of Digital Elevation Model Generation Methods Based on Sparse Modeling
* Comparing Thermal Regime Stages along a Small Yakutian Fluvial Valley with Point Scale Measurements, Thermal Modeling, and Near Surface Geophysics
* Comparison of Cloud Structures of Storms Producing Lightning at Different Distance Based on Five Years Measurements of a Doppler Polarimetric Vertical Cloud Profiler
* Comparison of Forest Restorations with Different Burning Severities Using Various Restoration Methods at Tuqiang Forestry Bureau of Greater Hinggan Mountains
* Comparison of Ground-Based, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Satellite Remote Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Pasture Biomass on Dairy Farms
* Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Soil Total Nitrogen Content Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 Images
* Comparison of Satellite Platform for Mapping the Distribution of Mauritius Thorn (Caesalpinia decapetala) and River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve
* Comparison of Three Active Microwave Models of Forest Growing Stock Volume Based on the Idea of the Water Cloud Model
* Comparison of Various Annual Land Cover Datasets in the Yellow River Basin
* Comparisons of the Urbanization Effect on Heat Stress Changes in Guangdong during Different Periods
* complementary and contrastive network for stimulus segmentation and generalization, A
* Compound Projection Learning for Bridging Seen and Unseen Objects
* ConCoNet: Class-agnostic counting with positive and negative exemplars
* Conditional-Based Transformer Network With Learnable Queries for 4D Deformation Forecasting and Tracking
* Confidence Intervals and Regions for Proportions under Various Three-Endmember Linear Mixture Models
* Consensus Cluster Center Guided Latent Multi-Kernel Clustering
* Consensus Techniques for Unsupervised Binary Change Detection Using Multi-Scale Segmentation Detectors for Land Cover Vegetation Images
* Consistent Discrepancy Learning for Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Constrained MEMS-Based INS/UWB Tightly Coupled System for Accurate UGVs Navigation
* Constructing GRACE-Based 1 km Resolution Groundwater Storage Anomalies in Arid Regions Using an Improved Machine Learning Downscaling Method: A Case Study in Alxa League, China
* Construction of a Nearly Unbiased Statistical Estimator of Sinogram to Address CT Number Bias Issues in Low-Dose Photon Counting CT
* Context Label Learning: Improving Background Class Representations in Semantic Segmentation
* Context-Patch Representation Learning With Adaptive Neighbor Embedding for Robust Face Image Super-Resolution
* Contextual Attention Network for Emotional Video Captioning
* Continuous Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks: Novel Empirical Losses and Label Input Mechanisms
* Contrast enhancement of region of interest of backlit image for surveillance systems based on multi-illumination fusion
* Contrastive Learning of Person-Independent Representations for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Convergence Analysis of the Harmonic B_(z) Algorithm with Single Injection Current in MREIT
* Convolution-Enhanced Evolving Attention Networks
* Convolutional Hough Matching Networks for Robust and Efficient Visual Correspondence
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Conditional Random Field Model for Structured Multi-Focus Image Fusion Robust to Noise, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Flood Mapping Using NovaSAR-1 and Sentinel-1 Data
* Coordinating CAV Swarms at Intersections With a Deep Learning Model
* Coordination of Mixed Platoons and Eco-Driving Strategy for a Signal-Free Intersection
* Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation of the 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja Earthquake (Croatia) Revealed by InSAR
* Cost-constrained feature selection in multilabel classification using an information-theoretic approach
* Cotton Seedling Detection and Counting Based on UAV Multispectral Images and Deep Learning Methods
* Counting and Tracking People to Avoid from Crowded in a Restaurant Using mmWave Radar
* CPED: A Chinese Positive Emotion Database for Emotion Elicitation and Analysis
* CPSS-FAT: A consistent positive sample selection for object detection with full adaptive threshold
* Creation and Verification of a High-Resolution Multi-Parameter Surface Meteorological Assimilation Dataset for the Tibetan Plateau for 2010-2020 Available Online
* Crime Risk Analysis of Tangible Cultural Heritage in China from a Spatial Perspective
* Cross-class pest and disease vegetation detection based on small sample registration
* Cross-Domain Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Segmentation
* Cross-Mix Monitoring for Medical Image Segmentation With Limited Supervision
* Cross-scene target detection based on feature adaptation and uncertainty-aware pseudo-label learning for high resolution SAR images
* Cross-stream contrastive learning for self-supervised skeleton-based action recognition
* Cross-Task and Cross-Participant Classification of Cognitive Load in an Emergency Simulation Game
* Crowd counting from single images using recursive multi-pathway zooming and foreground enhancement
* CrowdFormer: Weakly-supervised crowd counting with improved generalizability
* Crustal Deformation Pattern on the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau Derived from GPS Observations, A
* CSformer: Bridging Convolution and Transformer for Compressive Sensing
* CT-GAN: A conditional Generative Adversarial Network of transformer architecture for text-to-image
* Current Status and Challenges of BDS Satellite Precise Orbit Products: From a View of Independent SLR Validation
* Cycle-Free Weakly Referring Expression Grounding With Self-Paced Learning
* DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation
* DAN: A Segmentation-Free Document Attention Network for Handwritten Document Recognition
* Data Augmentation via Face Morphing for Recognizing Intensities of Facial Emotions
* Data Ownership and Secure Medical Data Transmission using Optimal Multiple Key-Based Homomorphic Encryption with Hyperledger Blockchain
* Data-Driven Distance Metrics for Kriging-Short-Term Urban Traffic State Prediction
* Data-Driven Robust Predictive Control for Mixed Vehicle Platoons Using Noisy Measurement
* DBATES: Dataset for Discerning Benefits of Audio, Textual, and Facial Expression Features in Competitive Debate Speeches
* DCAM: Disturbed class activation maps for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* DDFP: A data driven filter pruning method with pruning compensation
* Decoder-Side Cross Resolution Synthesis for Video Compression Enhancement
* Deep Atomic Norm Denoising Network for Jointly Range-Doppler Estimation With FRI Sampling
* Deep Depth Completion From Extremely Sparse Data: A Survey
* Deep expectation-maximization network for unsupervised image segmentation and clustering
* Deep feature annotation by iterative meta-pseudo-labeling on 2D projections
* Deep Framework for Hyperspectral Image Fusion Between Different Satellites, A
* Deep Graph Convolutional Quantization Networks for Image Retrieval
* Deep Image Compression Toward Machine Vision: A Unified Optimization Framework
* Deep Koopman Traffic Modeling for Freeway Ramp Metering
* Deep Learning of High-Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery for Classifying Halophyte Species: A Comparative Study for Small Patches and Mixed Vegetation
* Deep Learning-Based Medical Image Fusion Using Integrated Joint Slope Analysis with Probabilistic Parametric Steered Image Filter
* Deep Metric Learning With Adaptively Composite Dynamic Constraints
* Deep Multimodal Learning Approach to Perceive Basic Needs of Humans From Instagram Profile, A
* Deep neural network with deformable convolution and side window convolution for image denoising
* Deep Online Video Stabilization Using IMU Sensors
* Deep Quality Assessment of Compressed Videos: A Subjective and Objective Study
* Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Real-Time Solution Policy for the Traveling Salesman Problem, A
* Deep Siamese Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* Deep Transfer Learning Toponym Extraction and Geospatial Clustering Framework for Investigating Scenic Spots as Cognitive Regions, A
* Deep-Learning Scheme for Hydrometeor Type Classification Using Passive Microwave Observations, A
* Deep-Learning Technique for Risk-Based Action Prediction Using Extremely Low-Resolution Thermopile Sensor Array
* Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
* Deepfacelab: Integrated, flexible and extensible face-swapping framework
* DeepTrip: A Deep Learning Model for the Individual Next Trip Prediction With Arbitrary Prediction Times
* Delineating Polynya Area Using Active and Passive Microwave Sensors for the Western Ross Sea Sector of Antarctica
* Delineation Evaluation and Variation of Debris-Covered Glaciers Based on the Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images, Take Glaciers in the Eastern Tomur Peak Region for Example
* Denoising and Accuracy Evaluation of ICESat-2/ATLAS Photon Data for Nearshore Waters Based on Improved Local Distance Statistics
* Dense Crosstalk Feature Aggregation for Classification and Localization in Object Detection
* Dense Video Captioning With Early Linguistic Information Fusion
* Density-Based Affinity Propagation Tensor Clustering for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis of Train Bogie Bearing
* Depth-aware lightweight network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Depth-based 3D human pose refinement: Evaluating the refinet framework
* Deriving Agricultural Field Boundaries for Crop Management from Satellite Images Using Semantic Feature Pyramid Network
* Describing Polyps Behavior of a Deep-Sea Gorgonian, Placogorgia sp., Using a Deep-Learning Approach
* Design and Implementation of a Simulator to Emulate Elder Behavior in a Nursing Home
* Detecting Individual Plants Infected with Pine Wilt Disease Using Drones and Satellite Imagery: A Case Study in Xianning, China
* Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation of Dryland Areas in China and America
* Detection and Monitoring of Woody Vegetation Landscape Features Using Periodic Aerial Photography
* Detection of anomaly in surveillance videos using quantum convolutional neural networks
* Detection of Smoke from Straw Burning Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data and an Improved YOLOv5s Algorithm
* Detection-Friendly Dehazing: Object Detection in Real-World Hazy Scenes
* Detector Design and Performance Analysis for Target Detection in Subspace Interference
* Determination of Susceptibility to the Generation of Discontinuities Related to Land Subsidence Using the Frequency Ratio Method in the City of Aguascalientes, Mexico
* Developing a New Vegetation Index Using Cyan, Orange, and Near Infrared Bands to Analyze Soybean Growth Dynamics
* Developing Spatial and Temporal Continuous Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data with a Deep Learning Approach
* Development and Evaluation of a Unified Integrated Platoon Control System Architecture
* Dictionary-enabled efficient training of ConvNets for image classification
* Differentiable Multi-Granularity Human Parsing
* Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Extremely Lightweight Image Super-Resolution
* DILRS: Domain-Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation in Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Discerning Affect From Touch and Gaze During Interaction With a Robot Pet
* Discrimination of Target and Mainlobe Jammers With FDA-MIMO Radar
* Discriminative Few Shot Learning of Facial Dynamics in Interview Videos for Autism Trait Classification
* Displacement and Pressure Reconstruction from Magnetic Resonance Elastography Images: Application to an In Silico Brain Model
* Distillation Sparsity Training Algorithm for Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks in Embedded Systems
* Distilling EEG representations via capsules for affective computing
* Distilling Region-Wise and Channel-Wise Deep Structural Facial Relationships for FAU (DSR-FAU) Intensity Estimation
* Divide-and-Conquer Completion Network for Video Inpainting
* Do all roads lead to Rome? Studying distance measures in the context of machine learning
* Does the Rational Function Model's Accuracy for GF1 and GF6 WFV Images Satisfy Practical Requirements?
* Dominant Modes of Agricultural Production Helped Structure Initial COVID-19 Spread in the U.S. Midwest
* Drivers' Attention to Preview and Its Momentary Persistence
* DRL-Based Load-Balancing Routing Scheme for 6G Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks
* Drone-Based Imaging Polarimetry of Dark Lake Patches from the Viewpoint of Flying Polarotactic Insects with Ecological Implication
* Dual feature enhanced video super-resolution network based on low-light scenarios
* Dual Learning for Joint Facial Landmark Detection and Action Unit Recognition
* Dual Transformer Based Prediction for Lane Change Intentions and Trajectories in Mixed Traffic Environment
* Dual-branch vision transformer for blind image quality assessment
* Dual-decoder transformer network for answer grounding in visual question answering
* Dual-Level Adaptive and Discriminative Knowledge Transfer for Cross-Domain Recognition
* Dual-stream correlation exploration for face anti-Spoofing
* Dual-Stream Feature Extraction Network Based on CNN and Transformer for Building Extraction
* DyGAT: Dynamic stroke classification of online handwritten documents and sketches
* Dynamic CAV-Dedicated Lane Allocation Method With the Joint Optimization of Signal Timing Parameters and Smooth Trajectory in a Mixed Traffic Environment, A
* Dynamic Expert-Knowledge Ensemble for Generalizable Video Quality Assessment
* Dynamic Management and Integration Framework for Models in Landslide Early Warning System, A
* Dynamic Water Quality Changes in the Main Stream of the Yangtze River from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* E-Key: An EEG-Based Biometric Authentication and Driving Fatigue Detection System
* E2E-FS: An End-to-End Feature Selection Method for Neural Networks
* Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals
* Economic Fruit Forest Classification Based on Improved U-Net Model in UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Eddy Covariance CO2 Flux Gap Filling for Long Data Gaps: A Novel Framework Based on Machine Learning and Time Series Decomposition
* Editorial for Special Issue: How the Combination of Satellite Remote Sensing with Artificial Intelligence Can Solve Coastal Issues
* Editorial for special section ICPR 2020
* Editorial on New Challenges in Solar Radiation, Modeling and Remote Sensing
* EEG-Based Emotion Recognition via Neural Architecture Search
* EEG-Based Emotional Video Classification via Learning Connectivity Structure
* Effect of Bit Depth on Cloud Segmentation of Remote-Sensing Images
* Effective Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Approach via Rolling Guidance Filtering and Gradient Saliency Map, An
* Effective Light Field De-Occlusion Network Based on Swin Transformer
* Effects of Atmospheric Coherent Time on Inverse Synthetic Aperture Ladar Imaging through Atmospheric Turbulence
* Effects of Land Use/Cover and Meteorological Changes on Regional Climate under Different SSP-RCP Scenarios: A Case Study in Zhengzhou, China
* Efficient and Accurate Object Detection With Simultaneous Classification and Tracking Under Limited Computing Power
* Efficient Cloud Classification Method Based on a Densely Connected Hybrid Convolutional Network for FY-4A, An
* Efficient Management and Scheduling of Massive Remote Sensing Image Datasets
* efficient mixed attention module, An
* Efficient On-Chip Data Storage and Exchange Engine for Spaceborne SAR System, An
* Efficient Rate Control in Versatile Video Coding With Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Bit Allocation and Parameter Updating
* EGMStream, a Desktop App for EGMS Data Downstream
* Electric Vehicle Routing Problem With Variable Vehicle Speed and Soft Time Windows for Perishable Product Delivery
* Emerging Issues in Mapping Urban Impervious Surfaces Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* EmoNet: A Transfer Learning Framework for Multi-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition
* Empowering Wildlife Guardians: An Equitable Digital Stewardship and Reward System for Biodiversity Conservation Using Deep Learning and 3/4G Camera Traps
* Energy-Based Temporal Summarized Attentive Network for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* Enforcing Semantic Consistency for Cross Corpus Emotion Prediction Using Adversarial Discrepancy Learning in Emotion
* Enhanced Storm Warning and Nowcasting Model in Pre-Convection Environments, An
* Enhancing Cooperation of Vehicle Merging Control in Heavy Traffic Using Communication-Based Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm
* Enhancing Streamflow Modeling by Integrating GRACE Data and Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (SSPs) with SWAT in Hongshui River Basin, China
* Ensemble Quantile Networks: Uncertainty-Aware Reinforcement Learning With Applications in Autonomous Driving
* EPNet++: Cascade Bi-Directional Fusion for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection
* Establishing the Position and Drivers of the Eastern Andean Treeline with Automated Transect Sampling
* Estimating Crown Biomass in a Multilayered Fir Forest Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Estimation and Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis of Actual Evapotranspiration in Turpan and Hami Cities Based on Multi-Source Data
* Estimation and Validation of Sub-Pixel Needleleaf Cover Fraction in the Boreal Forest of Alaska to Aid Fire Management
* Estimation of Anthocyanins in Whole-Fertility Maize Leaves Based on Ground-Based Hyperspectral Measurements
* Estimation of Bamboo Forest Aboveground Carbon Using the RGLM Model Based on Object-Based Multiscale Segmentation of SPOT-6 Imagery
* Estimation of Instantaneous Air Temperature under All-Weather Conditions Based on MODIS Products in North and Southwest China
* Estimation of Maize Grain Protein Content and Yield by Assimilating LAI and LNA, Retrieved from Canopy Remote Sensing Data, into the DSSAT Model, The
* Estimation of Winter Wheat Plant Nitrogen Concentration from UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Combined with Machine Learning Methods
* EU ENSEMBLE Project: Specification of an Interoperable Solution for a Support Function for Platooning
* Evaluating Landslide Susceptibility Using Sampling Methodology and Multiple Machine Learning Models
* Evaluating participating methods in image analysis challenges: Lessons from MoNuSAC 2020
* Evaluating the Capability of Sentinel-1 Data in the Classification of Canola and Wheat at Different Growth Stages and in Different Years
* Evaluating the Consistency of Vegetation Phenological Parameters in the Northern Hemisphere from 1982 to 2015
* Evaluation and Applicability Analysis of GPM Satellite Precipitation over Mainland China
* Evaluation of Arctic Sea Ice Thickness from a Parameter-Optimized Arctic Sea Ice-Ocean Model
* Evaluation of Blended Wind Products and Their Implications for Offshore Wind Power Estimation
* Evaluation of Copernicus DEM and Comparison to the DEM Used for Landsat Collection-2 Processing
* Evaluation of SST Data Products from Multi-Source Satellite Infrared Sensors in the Bohai-Yellow-East China Sea
* Evaluation of Temporal Stability in Radiometric Calibration Network Sites Using Multi-Source Satellite Data and Continuous In Situ Measurements
* Evaluation of Terrestrial Water Storage and Flux in North China by Using GRACE Combined Gravity Field Solutions and Hydrometeorological Models
* Evaluation of the Accuracy of Spectral Calibration Light Source on Spectral Radiance Acquired by the Greenhouse-Gases Absorption Spectrometer-2 (GAS-2)
* Event-Aware Video Deraining via Multi-Patch Progressive Learning
* Examining Emotion Perception Agreement in Live Music Performance
* Examining the Consistency of Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Concentration in Arctic Satellite Products
* Exploring Complexity of Facial Dynamics in Autism Spectrum Disorder
* Exploring Dual-Energy CT Spectral Information for Machine Learning-Driven Lesion Diagnosis in Pre-Log Domain
* Exploring Influences of Leaves on Urban Species Identification Using Handheld Laser Scanning Point Cloud: A Case Study in Hong Kong
* Exploring the Contextual Factors Affecting Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Videos
* Exploring the Conversion Model from Aerosol Extinction Coefficient to PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 Concentrations
* Exploring the Impact of Grain-for-Green Program on Trade-Offs and Synergies among Ecosystem Services in West Liao River Basin, China
* Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of China's Four Major Urban Agglomerations in the Luminous Remote Sensing Perspective
* Exploring the Spatiotemporal Variation in Light-Absorbing AerosolsH Hindukush-Himalaya-Karakoram Region
* Extended neighborhood-based road and median filter for impulse noise removal from depth map
* Extended Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Imaging the Ionosphere Using GNSS Data and Its Preliminary Results, An
* Extent, Severity, and Temporal Patterns of Damage to Cuba's Ecosystems following Hurricane Irma: MODIS and Sentinel-2 Hurricane Disturbance Vegetation Anomaly (HDVA)
* Extraction Method for Large Gradient Three-Dimensional Displacements of Mining Areas Using Single-Track InSAR, Boltzmann Function, and Subsidence Characteristics, An
* Extrinsic Self-Calibration of the Surround-View System: A Weakly Supervised Approach
* Face Forgery Detection by 3D Decomposition and Composition Search
* FaceFormer: Aggregating Global and Local Representation for Face Hallucination
* Facial Expression Animation by Landmark Guided Residual Module
* Facial expression recognition based on regional adaptive correlation
* Facial Expression Recognition With Visual Transformers and Attentional Selective Fusion
* Fall Detection Systems at Night
* Fast and Calibrationless Low-Rank Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Through Unrolled Deep Learning Estimation of Multi-Channel Spatial Support Maps
* Fast and Robust Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition With Deep Spatial and Contextual Information Fusion Network
* Fast computation of cluster validity measures for Bregman divergences and benefits
* Fast Data-Driven Iteratively Regularized Method with Convex Penalty for Solving Ill-Posed Problems, A
* fast full partitioning algorithm for HEVC-to-VVC video transcoding using Bayesian classifiers, A
* Fast saliency prediction based on multi-channels activation optimization
* Faster OreFSDet: A lightweight and effective few-shot object detector for ore images
* Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Positioning Based on Hybrid Robust Gaussian Belief Propagation
* FCR-TrackNet: Towards high-performance 6D pose tracking with multi-level features fusion and joint classification-regression
* Feasibility of Remotely Sensed Near-Infrared Reflectance for Soil Moisture Estimation for Agricultural Water Management, The
* Feasibility of Using a 300 GHz Radar to Detect Fractures and Lithological Changes in Rocks
* Feature Divide-and-Conquer Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation, A
* Feature Elimination through Data Complexity for Error-Correcting Output Codes based micro-expression recognition
* Feature fusion and latent feature learning guided brain tumor segmentation and missing modality recovery network
* Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting Dense Cells in Blood Smear Image
* FedDM: Federated Weakly Supervised Segmentation via Annotation Calibration and Gradient De-Conflicting
* Federated Representation Learning With Data Heterogeneity for Human Mobility Prediction
* FETNet: Feature erasing and transferring network for scene text removal
* Few-shot classification with task-adaptive semantic feature learning
* Few-Shot Learning in Emotion Recognition of Spontaneous Speech Using a Siamese Neural Network With Adaptive Sample Pair Formation
* FI-WSOD: Foreground Information Guided Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Fighting Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods: The ENIGMA Project
* Finding and Evaluating Community Structures in Spatial Networks
* Finding Needles in a Haystack: Recognizing Emotions Just From Your Heart
* Fine-Grained Video Retrieval With Scene Sketches
* Fine-Grained Visual Categorization: A Spatial-Frequency Feature Fusion Perspective
* Finger Vein Recognition Model for Biometric Authentication Using Intelligent Deep Learning
* FingerGAN: A Constrained Fingerprint Generation Scheme for Latent Fingerprint Enhancement
* Finite-Sampling, Operational Domain Specific, and Provably Unbiased Connected and Automated Vehicle Safety Metric, A
* Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis With Space-Folding Operations
* Flexible Trip-Planning Queries
* FO-DPSO Algorithm for Segmentation and Detection of Diabetic Mellitus for Ulcers
* FontTransformer: Few-shot high-resolution Chinese glyph image synthesis via stacked transformers
* Forest Age Mapping Using Landsat Time-Series Stacks Data Based on Forest Disturbance and Empirical Relationships between Age and Height
* Forest Vertical Structure Mapping Using Multi-Seasonal UAV Images and Lidar Data via Modified U-Net Approaches
* Formation of an Ice-Contact Proglacial Lake and Its Impact on Glacier Change: A Case Study of the Tanymas Lake and Fedchenko Glacier, The
* Formulating Event-Based Image Reconstruction as a Linear Inverse Problem With Deep Regularization Using Optical Flow
* Framework of Travel Mode Identification Fusing Deep Learning and Map-Matching Algorithm, A
* From Keypoints to Object Landmarks via Self-Training Correspondence: A Novel Approach to Unsupervised Landmark Discovery
* From Model-Based Optimization Algorithms to Deep Learning Models for Clustering Hyperspectral Images
* FSPose: A Heterogeneous Framework with Fast and Slow Networks for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* FT-TDR: Frequency-Guided Transformer and Top-Down Refinement Network for Blind Face Inpainting
* Full-Volume 3D Fluid Flow Reconstruction With Light Field PIV
* FusionPillars: A 3D Object Detection Network with Cross-Fusion and Self-Fusion
* Gas Plume Target Detection in Multibeam Water Column Image Using Deep Residual Aggregation Structure and Attention Mechanism
* GBB-Nadir and KLIMA: Two Full Physics Codes for the Computation of the Infrared Spectrum of the Planetary Radiation Escaping to Space
* GCNet: Graph Completion Network for Incomplete Multimodal Learning in Conversation
* Generalization of deep learning models for natural gas indication in 2D seismic data
* Generalized Persistent Polar Format Algorithm for Fast Imaging of Airborne Video SAR
* Generalized self-supervised contrastive learning with bregman divergence for image recognition
* Generated Pseudo-Labels Guided by Background Skeletons for Overcoming Under-Segmentation in Overlapping Particle Objects
* Generation of High Temporal Resolution Full-Coverage Aerosol Optical Depth Based on Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Data
* generative adversarial network model fused with a self-attention mechanism for the super-resolution reconstruction of ancient murals, A
* Generic Graph-Based Neural Architecture Encoding Scheme With Multifaceted Information, A
* GEO-GEO Stereo-Tracking of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) from the Geostationary Ring
* Geo-Localization via Ground-to-Satellite Cross-View Image Retrieval
* Geodesic Models With Convexity Shape Prior
* Geometric Accuracy Analysis of Regional Block Adjustment Using GF-7 Stereo Images without GCPs
* Geometric Configuration Design and Fast Imaging for Multistatic Forward-Looking SAR Based on Wavenumber Spectrum Formation Approach
* Geometric Primitive-Guided UAV Path Planning for High-Quality Image-Based Reconstruction
* Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects from Photogrammetric Meshes and Laser Point Clouds
* Geometry-Aware Facial Expression Recognition via Attentive Graph Convolutional Networks
* Geospatial Modeling Based-Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Flash Flood Susceptibility Zonation in an Arid Area
* German Extermination Camps on WWII Reconnaissance Photographs. Orthorectification Process for Archival Aerial Images of Cultural Heritage Sites
* GGD-GAN: Gradient-Guided dual-Branch adversarial networks for relic sketch generation
* GIS Analysis of Adequate Accessibility to Public Transportation in Metropolitan Areas
* GLIM-Net: Chronic Glaucoma Forecast Transformer for Irregularly Sampled Sequential Fundus Images
* Global Analysis of the Cover-Management Factor for Soil Erosion Modeling
* Global Distribution and Morphodynamic Patterns of Paired Spits Developed at the Mouths of Interdistributary Bays of Deltas and within Coastal Channels
* Global Learnable Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Globally Optimal Robust Radar Calibration in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* GNSS Real-Time Warning Technology for Expansive Soil Landslide: A Case in Ningming Demonstration Area
* GNSS Spoofing Detection and Direction-Finding Method Based on Low-Cost Commercial Board Components, A
* GNSS-Based Driver Assistance for Charging Electric City Buses: Implementation and Lessons Learned from Field Testing
* GNSS/RNSS Integrated PPP Time Transfer: Performance with Almost Fully Deployed Multiple Constellations and a Priori ISB Constraints Considering Satellite Clock Datums
* GRACE/GFO Empirical Low-Pass Filter to Extract the Mass Changes in Nicaragua, A
* Gradient Descent Ascent for Minimax Problems on Riemannian Manifolds
* Gradient Structure Information-Guided Attention Generative Adversarial Networks for Remote Sensing Image Generation
* Graph Complemented Latent Representation for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Graph Diffusion Convolutional Network for Skeleton Based Semantic Recognition of Two-Person Actions
* Graph Theory-Based Brain Network Connectivity Analysis and Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Ground Surface Subsidence Monitoring Using Sentinel-1 in the Kostolac Open Pit Coal Mine
* Ground-Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Induction: Challenges and Opportunities in Agriculture
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment and the Implications on Traffic Safety and Efficiency
* H-RNet: Hybrid Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* HAKE: A Knowledge Engine Foundation for Human Activity Understanding
* Harris Hawks Optimization-Based Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
* Harvesting the Landsat archive for land cover land use classification using deep neural networks: Comparison with traditional classifiers and multi-sensor benefits
* Has the Dominant Climatic Driver for the Carbon Budget of Alpine Grassland Shifted from Temperature to Precipitation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau?
* HCSC: A Hierarchical Certificate Service Chain Based on Reputation for VANETs
* HDGN: Heat diffusion graph network for few-shot learning
* HHO-Based Vector Quantization Technique for Biomedical Image Compression in Cloud Computing
* Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning for Self-Powered Monitoring and Communication Integrated System in High-Speed Railway Networks
* Hierarchical Fusion SAR Image Change-Detection Method Based on HF-CRF Model, A
* Hierarchical Perception Adversarial Learning Framework for Compressed Sensing MRI
* High Spatiotemporal Enhancement Method of Forest Vegetation Leaf Area Index Based on Landsat8 OLI and GF-1 WFV Data, A
* High-Performance Transformer Tracking
* High-Precision Motion Detection and Tracking Based on Point Cloud Registration and Radius Search
* High-Precision Remote Sensing Identification Method on Saline-Alkaline Areas Using Multi-Sources Data, A
* HIPA: Hierarchical Patch Transformer for Single Image Super Resolution
* HMM-DNN-Based System for the Detection and Classification of Low-Frequency Acoustic Signals from Baleen Whales, Earthquakes, and Air Guns off Chile, An
* Holistic 3D Model of an Urban Area in Norway: An Integration of Geophysical, Geotechnical, Remote Sensing, and Geological Methods
* Holistic transformer: A joint neural network for trajectory prediction and decision-making of autonomous vehicles
* HOP+: History-Enhanced and Order-Aware Pre-Training for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of Mixed Traffic and Its Implications for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* HoVer-Trans: Anatomy-Aware HoVer-Transformer for ROI-Free Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images
* How Resource Demands of Nondriving-Related Tasks and Engagement Time Affect Drivers' Physiological Response and Takeover Performance in Conditional Automated Driving
* How Trustworthy are Performance Evaluations for Basic Vision Tasks?
* Hybrid domain digital watermarking scheme based on improved differential evolution algorithm and singular value block embedding
* Hybrid High Dynamic Range Imaging fusing Neuromorphic and Conventional Images
* hybrid indicator for realistic blurred image quality assessment, A
* Hypercomplex context guided interaction modeling for scene graph generation
* Hyperparameter-Free Localized Simple Multiple Kernel K-means With Global Optimum
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Multiscale Hybrid Networks and Attention Mechanisms
* Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Feature Extraction Based on Spectral Fractional Differentiation
* Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Robust Deep Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* IC9600: A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Image Complexity Assessment
* Identification of Ice Floes and Calculation of Sea Ice Concentration Based on a Deep Learning Method, The
* Identifying PM2.5-Related Health Burden in the Context of the Integrated Development of Urban Agglomeration Using Remote Sensing and GEMM Model
* Identifying the Optimal Radiometric Calibration Method for UAV-Based Multispectral Imaging
* Image Planar Positioning Method Based on Fusion of Dual-View Airborne SAR Data, An
* Image Quality Score Distribution Prediction via Alpha Stable Model
* Image Sanitization in Online Social Networks: A General Framework for Breaking Robust Information Hiding
* Image Separation With Side Information: A Connected Auto-Encoders Based Approach
* image-based facial acupoint detection approach using high-resolution network and attention fusion, An
* Imaging Cultural Heritage at Different Scales: Part I, the Micro-Scale (Manufacts)
* Impact of Facial Landmark Localization on Facial Expression Recognition
* Impact of Global Warming on Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity: A Numerical Investigation
* Impact of Horizontal Resolution on the Robustness of Radiation Emulators in a Numerical Weather Prediction Model
* Impact of Internal Gravity Waves on the Spectra of Turbulent Fluctuations of Vertical Wind Velocity in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer, The
* Impact of Radar Radial Velocity Data Assimilation Using WRF-3DVAR System with Different Background Error Length Scales on the Forecast of Super Typhoon Lekima (2019), The
* Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on Plant Species alpha-Diversity across the Tibetan Grasslands
* Impacts of Quasi-Biennial Oscillation and El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Stratospheric Isentropic Mixing Process
* Implementation of Fully-Pipelined CNN Inference Accelerator on FPGA and HBM2 Platform
* Importance of Protected Areas by Brazilian States to Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon
* Importance of Spatial Resolution in the Modeling of Methane Emissions from Natural Wetlands, The
* improved differential evolution algorithm for quantifying fraudulent transactions, An
* Improved Future Land-Use Simulation Model with Dynamically Nested Ecological Spatial Constraints, An
* Improved General Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition for Coherency Matrix
* Improved Generalized IHS Based on Total Variation for Pansharpening
* Improved Identification for Point-Distributed Coded Targets with Self-Adaption and High Accuracy in Photogrammetry
* Improved Object-Based Mapping of Aboveground Biomass Using Geographic Stratification with GEDI Data and Multi-Sensor Imagery
* Improved Parameter Estimation Method for High-Efficiency Multi-GNSS-Integrated Orbit Determination, An
* Improved robustness of vision transformers via prelayernorm in patch embedding
* Improved Spectral Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency and Yellow Mosaic Disease Stresses in Wheat Using a Soil Effect Removal Algorithm and Machine Learning
* Improved SwinTrack single target tracking algorithm based on spatio-temporal feature fusion
* Improved YOLOX-X based UAV aerial photography object detection algorithm
* Improvement and Assessment of Gaofen-3 Spotlight Mode 3-D Localization Accuracy
* Improving Crop Mapping by Using Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) Signatures with Google Earth Engine
* Improving Humanness of Virtual Agents and Users' Cooperation Through Emotions
* Improving Radar Data Assimilation Forecast Using Advanced Remote Sensing Data
* Improving Textual Emotion Recognition Based on Intra- and Inter-Class Variations
* Improving the Spatial Accuracy of UAV Platforms Using Direct Georeferencing Methods: An Application for Steep Slopes
* In Situ Calibration and Trajectory Enhancement of UAV and Backpack LiDAR Systems for Fine-Resolution Forest Inventory
* In-Situ GNSS-R and Radiometer Fusion Soil Moisture Retrieval Model Based on LSTM
* Incorporating multi-stage spatial visual cues and active localization offset for pancreas segmentation
* incremental facility location clustering with a new hybrid constrained pseudometric, An
* Indirect Identification of Perinatal Psychosocial Risks From Natural Language
* individual fairness based outlier detection ensemble, An
* Industry- and Academic-Based Trends in Pavement Roughness Inspection Technologies over the Past Five Decades: A Critical Review
* Insights into Spatiotemporal Variations in the NPP of Terrestrial Vegetation in Africa from 1981 to 2018
* Integrated Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Geomorphology and Sediment Dynamics of Prokljan Lake and Krka River Estuary, Croatia
* Integrating Copernicus Satellite Products and Ground-Truthing for Documenting and Monitoring the Impact of the 2022 Extreme Floods in Pakistan on Cultural Heritage
* Integration of DInSAR-PS-Stacking and SBAS-PS-InSAR Methods to Monitor Mining-Related Surface Subsidence
* Intelligent Short-Term Multiscale Prediction of Parking Space Availability Using an Attention-Enhanced Temporal Convolutional Network
* Interactive Object Segmentation With Inside-Outside Guidance
* Interpretable Fusion Siamese Network for Multi-Modality Remote Sensing Ship Image Retrieval, An
* Invariant Policy Learning: A Causal Perspective
* Inverse Problem for a Planar Conductivity Inclusion
* Inversion of Soil Moisture on Farmland Areas Based on SSA-CNN Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Investigating Foliar Macro- and Micronutrient Variation with Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Reflectance Measurements at the Leaf and Canopy Scales in Potato
* Investigating Multisensory Integration in Emotion Recognition Through Bio-Inspired Computational Models
* Ionospheric Perturbations Due to Large Thunderstorms and the Resulting Mechanical and Acoustic Signatures
* Ionospheric-Thermospheric Responses to Geomagnetic Storms from Multi-Instrument Space Weather Data
* ISAR and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Adaptive Guided Multi-Layer Side Window Box Filter Decomposition, An
* ISAR Shape Deception Jamming Method Based on Template Multiplication and Time Delay, An
* Isolated or Colocated? Exploring the Spatio-Temporal Evolution Pattern and Influencing Factors of the Attractiveness of Residential Areas to Restaurants in the Central Urban Area
* JAMSNet: A Remote Pulse Extraction Network Based on Joint Attention and Multi-Scale Fusion
* Joint Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Binary-Tree Transformer Network
* Joint Optimization of Data Transmission and Energy Harvesting in Relay Satellite Networks
* Joint Reconstruction-Segmentation on Graphs
* Joint Retrieval of Sea Surface Rainfall Intensity, Wind Speed, and Wave Height Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R: A Case Study of the Oceans Near China
* Joint-Bone Fusion Graph Convolutional Network for Semi-Supervised Skeleton Action Recognition
* JPEG 2000 Extensions for Scalable Coding of Discontinuous Media
* K-Means for noise-insensitive multi-dimensional feature learning
* Knowledge Enhanced Neural Networks for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Knowledge Gaps and Impact of Future Satellite Missions to Facilitate Monitoring of Changes in the Arctic Ocean
* Knowledge transduction for cross-domain few-shot learning
* Knowledge-Aware Global Reasoning for Situation Recognition
* Knowledge-Enriched Attention Network With Group-Wise Semantic for Visual Storytelling
* L1-norm discriminant analysis via Bhattacharyya error bounds under Laplace distributions
* Lake Turbidity Mapping Using an OWTs-bp Based Framework and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Land Subsidence Monitoring and Building Risk Assessment Using InSAR and Machine Learning in a Loess Plateau City: A Case Study of Lanzhou, China
* Land Use and Land Cover Mapping with VHR and Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Land Use Transitions and the Associated Impacts on Carbon Storage in the Poyang Lake Basin, China
* Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Fused Dataset for High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Farmland in China's Diverse Latitudes
* Landsat Satellite Image-Derived Area Evolution and the Driving Factors Affecting Hulun Lake from 1986 to 2020
* Landsat Satellites Observed Dynamics of Snowline Altitude at the End of the Melting Season, Himalayas, 1991-2022
* Landslide Susceptibility Zoning in Yunnan Province Based on SBAS-InSAR Technology and a Random Forest Model
* Landslides Triggered by the 2016 Heavy Rainfall Event in Sanming, Fujian Province: Distribution Pattern Analysis and Spatio-Temporal Susceptibility Assessment
* Language-Aware Spatial-Temporal Collaboration for Referring Video Segmentation
* Large Area High-Resolution 3D Mapping of the Von Karman Crater: Landing Site for the Chang'E-4 Lander and Yutu-2 Rover
* Large-margin representation learning for texture classification
* Large-scale agricultural greenhouse extraction for remote sensing imagery based on layout attention network: A case study of China
* Large-Scale Land Subsidence Monitoring and Prediction Based on SBAS-InSAR Technology with Time-Series Sentinel-1A Satellite Data
* Large-Scale Urban Heating and Pollution Domes over the Indian Subcontinent
* Latent Domain Generation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Object Counting
* Latent Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* LAU-Net: A low light image enhancer with attention and resizing mechanisms
* Learned Progressive Image Compression With Dead-Zone Quantizers
* Learned Video Compression With Efficient Temporal Context Learning
* Learning a Deep Ensemble Network With Band Importance for Hyperspectral Object Tracking
* Learning complementary semantic information for zero-shot recognition
* Learning Cross-Domain Semantic-Visual Relationships for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* Learning discriminative visual semantic embedding for zero-shot recognition
* Learning Enhanced Acoustic Latent Representation for Small Scale Affective Corpus with Adversarial Cross Corpora Integration
* Learning MLatent Representations for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Learning non-parametric kernel via matrix decomposition for logistic regression
* Learning Scene-Aware Spatio-Temporal GNNs for Few-Shot Early Action Prediction
* Learning to Minimize the Remainder in Supervised Learning
* Learning to See Through with Events
* Learning Transferable Sparse Representations for Cross-Corpus Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning Users Inner Thoughts and Emotion Changes for Social Media Based Suicide Risk Detection
* Less Is More: Surgical Phase Recognition From Timestamp Supervision
* Lightweight Dual-Branch Swin Transfomrer for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* lightweight method for face expression recognition based on improved MobileNetV3, A
* Lightweight Radar Ship Detection Framework with Hybrid Attentions, A
* Line Scan Hyperspectral Imaging Framework for Open Source Low-Cost Platforms
* LineDL: Processing Images Line-by-Line With Deep Learning
* Linguistic Landscape of Arabs in New York City: Application of a Geosemiotics Analysis
* List-Mode PET Image Reconstruction Using Deep Image Prior
* LL-CSFormer: A Novel Image Denoiser for Intensified CMOS Sensing Images under a Low Light Environment
* Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Identification
* Local Climate Zone Classification by Seasonal and Diurnal Satellite Observations: An Integration of Daytime Thermal Infrared Multispectral Imageries and High-Resolution Night-Time Light Data
* Local Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Network for Real-Time Image Dehazing
* Local Orthogonal Moments for Local Features
* Long Short-Term Memory Network Based Unobtrusive Workload Monitoring With Consumer Grade Smartwatches
* Longitudinal Velocity CF-MPC Model for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platooning, A
* Looking at the Body: Automatic Analysis of Body Gestures and Self-Adaptors in Psychological Distress
* Loop and distillation: Attention weights fusion transformer for fine-grained representation
* Low-Carbon Charging Facilities Planning for Electric Vehicles Based on a Novel Travel Route Choice Model
* Low-Cost Object Detection Models for Traffic Control Devices through Domain Adaption of Geographical Regions
* Low-rank kernel regression with preserved locality for multi-class analysis
* MAAFEU-Net: A Novel Land Use Classification Model Based on Mixed Attention Module and Adjustable Feature Enhancement Layer in Remote Sensing Images
* MAC-GAN: A Community Road Generation Model Combining Building Footprints and Pedestrian Trajectories
* Machine Learning with Data Science-Enabled Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Classification Using Computed Tomography Images
* Machine Learning-Based Modeling of Air Temperature in the Complex Environment of Yerevan City, Armenia
* Magi-Net: Meta Negative Network for Early Activity Prediction
* Magnetopause Detection under Low Solar Wind Density Based on Deep Learning
* MAMIQA: No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Multiscale Attention Mechanism With Natural Scene Statistics
* Mangrove Biodiversity Assessment Using UAV Lidar and Hyperspectral Data in China's Pinglu Canal Estuary
* Mapping Aquifer Recharge Potential Zones (ARPZ) Using Integrated Geospatial and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in an Arid Region of Saudi Arabia
* Mapping Groundwater Recharge Potential in High Latitude Landscapes Using Public Data, Remote Sensing, and Analytic Hierarchy Process
* Mapping Insect-Proof Screened Citrus Orchards Using Sentinel-2 MSl Time-Series Images
* Mapping Maize Cropland and Land Cover in Semi-Arid Region in Northern Nigeria Using Machine Learning and Google Earth Engine
* Mapping Malaria Vector Habitats in West Africa: Drone Imagery and Deep Learning Analysis for Targeted Vector Surveillance
* Mapping Paddy Rice Planting Area in Dongting Lake Area Combining Time Series Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Images
* Mapping Small Watercourses from DEMs with Deep Learning: Exploring the Causes of False Predictions
* Mapping Waterlogging Damage to Winter Wheat Yield Using Downscaling-Merging Satellite Daily Precipitation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* Margin-aware rectified augmentation for long-tailed recognition
* Marine Small-Targets Classification Algorithm Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* MCNN: Conditional focus probability learning to multi-focus image fusion via mutually coupled neural network
* MCPT: Mixed Convolutional Parallel Transformer for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification
* MCR: Multilayer cross-fusion with reconstructor for multimodal abstractive summarisation
* MCSGNet: A Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Land Cover Classification
* MDR-Net: Multiscale dense residual networks for liver image segmentation
* Media-Guided Attentive Graphical Network for Personality Recognition Using Physiology, A
* Mediating Effect of Emotions on Trust in the Context of Automated System Usage, The
* MERASTC: Micro-Expression Recognition Using Effective Feature Encodings and 2D Convolutional Neural Network
* Mesoscale Structure in Urban-Rural Mobility Networks in the Pearl River Delta Area: A Weighted Stochastic Block Modeling Analysis
* Meta-learning with topic-agnostic representations for zero-shot stance detection
* MetaDT: Meta Decision Tree With Class Hierarchy for Interpretable Few-Shot Learning
* Method for Assessing Urban Ecological Resilience and Identifying Its Critical Distance Belt Based on the Source-Sink Theory: A Case Study of Beijing, A
* Method for Predicting Canopy Light Distribution in Cherry Trees Based on Fused Point Cloud Data, A
* Method to Estimate Clear-Sky Albedo of Paddy Rice Fields, A
* Methodology for Mapping the Ecological Security Pattern and Ecological Network in the Arid Region of Xinjiang, China
* Micromotion Feature Extraction with VEMW Radar Based on Rotational Doppler Effect
* Microphysical Characteristics of Raindrop Size Distribution and Implications for Dual-Polarization Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimations in the Tianshan Mountains, China
* MIMO Radar Waveform Design for Multipath Exploitation Using Deep Learning
* Mining Is a Growing Threat within Indigenous Lands of the Brazilian Amazon
* Mitigation of Calibration Ringing in the Context of the MTG-S IRS Instrument
* Modeling an ITS Management Solution for Mixed Highway Traffic With Eclipse MOSAIC
* Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice
* Modeling Crossing Behaviors of E-Bikes at Intersection With Deep Maximum Entropy Inverse Reinforcement Learning Using Drone-Based Video Data
* Modeling Multiple Temporal Scales of Full-Body Movements for Emotion Classification
* Modeling the Fundamental Diagram of Mixed Traffic Flow With Dedicated Lanes for Connected Automated Vehicles
* Modified Dynamic Routing Convolutional Neural Network for Pan-Sharpening
* Monitoring Seismo-TEC Perturbations Utilizing the Beidou Geostationary Satellites
* Monitoring the Degree of Mosaic Disease in Apple Leaves Using Hyperspectral Images
* Monitoring the Impact of Heat Damage on Summer Maize on the Huanghuaihai Plain, China
* Monocular 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction and Unwarping
* Mountain Glacier Flow Velocity Retrieval from Ascending and Descending Sentinel-1 Data Using the Offset Tracking and MSBAS Technique: A Case Study of the Siachen Glacier in Karakoram from 2017 to 2021
* Moving Point Target Detection Based on Temporal Transient Disturbance Learning in Low SNR
* MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitoring of an Earth-Fill Dam: The Case of the Beninar Dam (Almeria, Spain)
* Multi scale pixel attention and feature extraction based neural network for image denoising
* Multi-Attention Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on the Extended Linear Mixing Model, A
* Multi-Attention Feature Fusion Network for Accurate Estimation of Finger Kinematics From Surface Electromyographic Signals
* Multi-Channel Weight-Sharing Autoencoder Based on Cascade Multi-Head Attention for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
* Multi-Class Double-Transformation Network for SAR Image Registration
* Multi-directional feature refinement network for real-time semantic segmentation in urban street scenes
* Multi-Granularity Aggregation Transformer for Joint Video-Audio-Text Representation Learning
* Multi-Granularity Context Network for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-Granularity Denoising and Bidirectional Alignment for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-hypothesis representation learning for transformer-based 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-Label Classification and Automatic Damage Detection of Masonry Heritage Building through CNN Analysis of Infrared Thermal Imaging
* Multi-Label Classification via Adaptive Resonance Theory-Based Clustering
* Multi-layer and Multi-scale feature aggregation for DIBR-Synthesized image quality assessment
* Multi-Level Dynamic Error Coding for Face Recognition with a Contaminated Single Sample Per Person
* Multi-level feature disentanglement network for cross-dataset face forgery detection
* Multi-level progressive transfer learning for cervical cancer dose prediction
* Multi-Level Second-Order Few-Shot Learning
* Multi-loop graph convolutional network for multimodal conversational emotion recognition
* Multi-Modal Medical Image Fusion Using 3-Stage Multiscale Decomposition and PCNN with Adaptive Arguments
* Multi-Modal Mutual Attention and Iterative Interaction for Referring Image Segmentation
* Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection and Humor Classification in Code-Mixed Conversations
* Multi-Modality Sensing and Data Fusion for Multi-Vehicle Detection
* Multi-Node Motion Estimation Method Based on B-Spline of Array Position and Orientation System
* Multi-Pooling Context Network for Image Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-resolutional human visual perception optimized pathology image progressive coding based on JPEG2000
* Multi-Satellite Detection of Long-Range Transport and Transformation of Atmospheric Emissions from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcano
* Multi-Scale Depthwise Separable Convolution for Semantic Segmentation in Street-Road Scenes
* Multi-Scale Feature Interaction Network for Remote Sensing Change Detection
* Multi-scale foreground-background separation for light field depth estimation with deep convolutional networks
* Multi-Scale Self-Calibrated Dual-Attention Lightweight Residual Dense Deraining Network Based on Monogenic Wavelets
* Multi-stage information diffusion for joint depth and surface normal estimation
* Multi-Target CFAR Detection Method for HF Over-The-Horizon Radar Based on Target Sparse Constraint in Weibull Clutter Background
* Multi-Target Extractor and Detector for Unknown-Number Speaker Diarization
* Multi-Task Multi-Stage Transitional Training Framework for Neural Chat Translation, A
* Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Inversion of Evapotranspiration in the Lower Yangtze River Based on Landsat 8 Remote Sensing Data and Analysis of Driving Factors
* Multi-Variable Sentinel-2 Random Forest Machine Learning Model Approach to Predicting Perennial Ryegrass Biomass in Commercial Dairy Farms in Southeast Australia, A
* Multi-view prototype-based disambiguation for partial label learning
* Multi-view unsupervised feature selection with tensor robust principal component analysis and consensus graph learning
* Multiclass Land Use and Land Cover Classification of Andean Sub-Basins in Colombia with Sentinel-2 and Deep Learning
* Multilevel Feature Aggregated Network with Instance Contrastive Learning Constraint for Building Extraction
* Multilevel receptive field expansion network for small object detection
* Multimodal Affective States Recognition Based on Multiscale CNNs and Biologically Inspired Decision Fusion Model
* Multimodal Deep Learning for Rice Yield Prediction Using UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery and Weather Data
* Multimodal Engagement Analysis From Facial Videos in the Classroom
* Multimodal Hierarchical Attention Neural Network: Looking for Candidates Behaviour Which Impact Recruiter's Decision
* Multimodal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using Probabilistic Proposal Network
* Multimodal Sentiment Analysis in Car Reviews (MuSe-CaR) Dataset: Collection, Insights and Improvements, The
* Multimodal Topic Modeling by Exploring Characteristics of Short Text Social Media
* Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection
* Multiscale Correlation Networks Based on Deep Learning for Automatic Modulation Classification
* Multiscale Deformation Representation, A
* Multiscale Emotion Representation Learning for Affective Image Recognition
* Multiscale features integration based multiple-in-single-out network for object detection
* Multiscale Maize Tassel Identification Based on Improved RetinaNet Model and UAV Images
* Multisensor Interface to Improve the Learning Experience in Arc Welding Training Tasks, A
* Multistage Decision Optimization Approach for Train Timetable Rescheduling Under Uncertain Disruptions in a High-Speed Railway Network, A
* Multitemporal Scale and Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Temporal Action Localization, A
* MV-CDN: Multi-Visual Collaborative Deep Network for Change Detection of Double-Temporal Hyperspectral Images
* MVHGN: Multi-View Adaptive Hierarchical Spatial Graph Convolution Network Based Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Traffic-Agents
* NASA ICESat-2: Space-Borne LiDAR for Geological Education and Field Mapping of Aeolian Sand Dune Environments
* Nested Fabric Adaptation to New Urban Heritage Development
* NeSVoR: Implicit Neural Representation for Slice-to-Volume Reconstruction in MRI
* Net Primary Productivity Estimation of Terrestrial Ecosystems in China with Regard to Saturation Effects and Its Spatiotemporal Evolutionary Impact Factors
* Neural Image Parts Group Search for Person Re-Identification
* Neural Radiance Fields From Sparse RGB-D Images for High-Quality View Synthesis
* Neurofeedback Training With an Electroencephalogram-Based Brain-Computer Interface Enhances Emotion Regulation
* New Approach to Estimate Fuel Budget and Wildfire Hazard Assessment in Commercial Plantations Using Drone-Based Photogrammetry and Image Analysis, A
* New Outlier Removal Strategy Based on Reliability of Correspondence Graph for Fast Point Cloud Registration, A
* New Region-Based Minimal Path Selection Algorithm for Crack Detection and Ground Truth Labeling Exploiting Gabor Filters, A
* Noise Prior Knowledge Informed Bayesian Inference Network for Hyperspectral Super-Resolution
* Noise Suppression With Similarity-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning
* Non-Contrastive Nearest Neighbor Identity-Guided Method for Unsupervised Object Re-Identification
* Non-Graph Data Clustering via O(n) Bipartite Graph Convolution
* Non-Linear Influence of Built Environment on the School Commuting Metro Ridership: The Case in Wuhan, China, The
* Nonuniform MIMO Sampling and Reconstruction of Multiband Signals in the Fractional Fourier Domain
* Normalized Temperature Drought Index (NTDI) for Soil Moisture Monitoring Using MODIS and Landsat-8 Data
* Novel Deep Learning Network with Deformable Convolution and Attention Mechanisms for Complex Scenes Ship Detection in SAR Images, A
* Novel Device-Free Positioning Method Based on Wi-Fi CSI with NLOS Detection and Bayes Classification, A
* Novel Edge Detection Method for Multi-Temporal PolSAR Images Based on the SIRV Model and a SDAN-Based 3D Gaussian-like Kernel, A
* Novel Fast Sparse Bayesian Learning STAP Algorithm for Conformal Array Radar, A
* Novel features to detect gender from handwritten documents
* Novel Forest EcoSpatial Network for Carbon Stocking Using Complex Network Theory in the Yellow River Basin, A
* Novel Framework to Generate Synthetic Video for Foreground Detection in Highway Surveillance Scenarios, A
* novel head network and group normalisation help track more accurately, A
* Novel Improved Binary Harris Hawks Optimization For High dimensionality Feature Selection, A
* novel method for detecting soil salinity using AVIRIS-NG imaging spectroscopy and ensemble machine learning, A
* Novel Method to Improve the Estimation of Ocean Tide Loading Displacements for K1 and K2 Components with GPS Observations, A
* Novel Multistage Back Projection Fast Imaging Algorithm for Terahertz Video Synthetic Aperture Radar, A
* Novel Saliency-Based Decomposition Strategy for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion, A
* novel self-boosting dual-branch model for pedestrian attribute recognition, A
* novel shape classification method using 1-D convolutional neural networks, A
* Novel Skeleton-Based Human Activity Discovery Using Particle Swarm Optimization With Gaussian Mutation, A
* Nowhere to Disguise: Spot Camouflaged Objects via Saliency Attribute Transfer
* Numerical Reconstruction of Radiative Sources from Partial Boundary Measurements
* Object-Oriented Clustering Approach to Detect Evolutions of ENSO-Related Precipitation Anomalies over Tropical Pacific Using Remote Sensing Products
* Oblique photogrammetry supporting procedural tree modeling in urban areas
* Observed Surface Wind Field Structure of Severe Tropical Cyclones and Associated Precipitation
* Ocean Clutter Characterization Based on PolSAR Data and Second-Order Statistics of Elementary Scatterers
* OCV-SOC-Temperature Relationship Construction and State of Charge Estimation for a Series- Parallel Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
* OC_3S: An optical classification and spectral scoring system for global waters using UV-visible remote sensing reflectance
* Off-the-Grid Curve Reconstruction through Divergence Regularization: An Extreme Point Result
* On Attack-Resilient Service Placement and Availability in Edge-Enabled IoV Networks
* On Learning the Invisible in Photoacoustic Tomography with Flat Directionally Sensitive Detector
* On Modelling Sea State Bias of Jason-2 Altimeter Data Based on Significant Wave Heights and Wind Speeds
* On Single-Model Transferable Targeted Attacks: A Closer Look at Decision-Level Optimization
* On Structural and Safety Properties of Head-to-Tail String Stability in Mixed Platoons
* On the Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent for Linear Inverse Problems in Banach Spaces
* On the Retrieval of Surface-Layer Parameters from Lidar Wind-Profile Measurements
* On the Use of Circadian Cycles to Monitor Individual Young Plants
* Online Adaptive Generation of Critical Boundary Scenarios for Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles
* Online Multi-Face Tracking With Multi-Modality Cascaded Matching
* Open World Entity Segmentation
* Optical Flow and Expansion Based Deep Temporal Up-Sampling of LIDAR Point Clouds
* Optimal Collaborative Motion Planning of Dual Boom Cranes for Transporting Payloads to Desired Positions and Attitudes
* Optimal Control Strategies for Metro Trains to Use the Regenerative Braking Energy: A Speed Profile Adjustment Approach
* Optimization Method for Collaborative Radar Antijamming Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, An
* Organic Matter Retrieval in Black Soil Based on Oblique Extremum Signatures
* Orientational Distribution Learning With Hierarchical Spatial Attention for Open Set Recognition
* Orthogonal SVD Covariance Conditioning and Latent Disentanglement
* Orthomosaicking Thermal Drone Images of Forests via Simultaneously Acquired RGB Images
* Orthonormal product quantization network for scalable face image retrieval
* OTP-NMS: Toward Optimal Threshold Prediction of NMS for Crowded Pedestrian Detection
* Overview of Key SLAM Technologies for Underwater Scenes, An
* Overview of the PAKF-JPDA Approach for Elliptical Multiple Extended Target Tracking Using High-Resolution Marine Radar Data, An
* Parallel matters: Efficient polyp segmentation with parallel structured feature augmentation modules
* ParallelTracker: A Transformer Based Object Tracker for UAV Videos
* Parameterization and Remote Sensing Retrieval of Land Surface Processes in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China
* Partial Domain Adaptation Without Domain Alignment
* Partial Unbalanced Feature Transport for Cross-Modality Cardiac Image Segmentation
* Patch-Based Separable Transformer for Visual Recognition
* Path Following With Prescribed Performance for Under-Actuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Subjects to Unknown Actuator Dead-Zone
* Pattern Classification Distribution Method for Geostatistical Modeling Evaluation and Uncertainty Quantification, A
* Pedestrian Smartphone Navigation Based on Weighted Graph Factor Optimization Utilizing GPS/BDS Multi-Constellation
* Performance Analysis of Channel Imbalance Control and Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression in Azimuth Dual Receiving Antenna Mode of LT-1 Spaceborne SAR System
* Performance Assessment of Four Data-Driven Machine Learning Models: A Case to Generate Sentinel-2 Albedo at 10 Meters
* Performance Evaluation of Multi-Typed Precipitation Products for Agricultural Research in the Amur River Basin over the Sino-Russian Border Region
* Person re-identification based on improved attention mechanism and global pooling method
* Personalized Car-Following Control Based on a Hybrid of Reinforcement Learning and Supervised Learning
* Perspective on Fully Steerable Differential Beamformers for Circular Arrays, A
* PET Image Reconstruction With Kernel and Kernel Space Composite Regularizer
* PFGAN: Fast transformers for image synthesis
* PhotoHelper: Portrait Photographing Guidance Via Deep Feature Retrieval and Fusion
* Plenoptic Point Cloud Compression Using Multiview Extension of High Efficiency Video Coding
* PnP-ReG: Learned Regularizing Gradient for Plug-and-Play Gradient Descent
* Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering
* Polarimetric Range Extended Target Detection via Adaptive Range Weighted Feature Extraction
* Positive-weighting feature enhancement for weakly supervised object localization
* PPA-Net: Pyramid Pooling Attention Network for Multi-Scale Ship Detection in SAR Images
* Pre-encoding based temporal dependent rate-distortion optimization for HEVC
* Precipitation Conditions Constrain the Sensitivity of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity in Tibetan Plateau Grasslands to Climate Change
* Precipitation Microphysics of Locally-Originated Typhoons in the South China Sea Based on GPM Satellite Observations
* Precursory 3D Displacement Patterns and Their Implicit Collapse Mechanism of the Ice-Rock Avalanche Events Occurred in Sedongpu Basin Revealed by Optical and SAR Observations, The
* Predicting Dry Pea Maturity Using Machine Learning and Advanced Sensor Fusion with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs)
* Predicting Eastern Mediterranean Flash Floods Using Support Vector Machines with Precipitable Water Vapor, Pressure, and Lightning Data
* Prediction Models of >=2 MeV Electron Daily Fluences for 3 Days at GEO Orbit Using a Long Short-Term Memory Network
* Prediction of Land Surface Temperature Considering Future Land Use Change Effects under Climate Change Scenarios in Nanjing City, China
* Prediction of Mean Sea Level with GNSS-VLM Correction Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Model in Australia
* Prediction of Mine Subsidence Based on InSAR Technology and the LSTM Algorithm: A Case Study of the Shigouyi Coalfield, Ningxia (China)
* Predictive Mapping of Mediterranean Seagrasses-Exploring the Influence of Seafloor Light and Wave Energy on Their Fine-Scale Spatial Variability
* Preliminary Results of the Three-Dimensional Plasma Drift Velocity at East Asian Low-Latitudes Observed by the Sanya Incoherent Scattering Radar (SYISR)
* Present-Day Three-Dimensional Deformation across the Ordos Block, China, Derived from InSAR, GPS, and Leveling Observations
* Presumably correct decision sets
* Prior-Guided Contrastive Image Compression for Underwater Machine Vision
* Probabilistic Wildfire Segmentation Using Supervised Deep Generative Model from Satellite Imagery
* Probability propagation for faster and efficient point cloud segmentation using a neural network
* Problem-dependent attention and effort in neural networks with applications to image resolution and model selection
* Process-Oriented heterogeneous graph learning in GNN-Based ICS anomalous pattern recognition
* Processing a large collection of historical tabular images
* Progressive feature-aware recurrent net for low-light image enhancement
* Proposal-Free One-Stage Framework for Referring Expression Comprehension and Generation via Dense Cross-Attention, A
* Prototype Adaption and Projection for Few- and Zero-Shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* ProUDA: Progressive unsupervised data augmentation for semi-Supervised 3D object detection on point cloud
* PSI Spatially Constrained Clustering: The Sibari and Metaponto Coastal Plains
* Quantformer: Learning Extremely Low-Precision Vision Transformers
* Quantification of Surface Pattern Based on the Binary Terrain Structure in Mountainous Areas
* Quantifying Emotional Similarity in Speech
* Quantifying Multi-Source Uncertainties in GRACE-Based Estimates of Groundwater Storage Changes in Mainland China
* Quantifying the Effect of Socio-Economic Predictors and the Built Environment on Mental Health Events in Little Rock, AR
* Quantitative Assessment of Cropland Exposure to Agricultural Drought in the Greater Mekong Subregion
* QueryCom: Secure Message Communication and Data Searching Protocols for Smart Transportation
* Querying Labeled for Unlabeled: Cross-Image Semantic Consistency Guided Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Question-aware dynamic scene graph of local semantic representation learning for visual question answering
* R-MFNet: Analysis of Urban Carbon Stock Change against the Background of Land-Use Change Based on a Residual Multi-Module Fusion Network
* Radar Observation of the Lava Tubes on the Moon and Mars
* Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery
* Raw Data Simulation of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar with Accurate Range Model
* Re-Analysis and Synthesis of Data on Affect Dynamics in Learning, A
* Real-Time 3D Single Object Tracking With Transformer
* Real-Time Point Cloud Object Detection via Voxel-Point Geometry Abstraction
* Receiving a Mediated Touch From Your Partner vs. a Male Stranger: How Visual Feedback of Touch and Its Sender Influence Touch Experience
* Recent Active Fires in Indonesia's Southern Papua Province Caused by El Nino Conditions
* Reciprocal Consistency Prediction Network for Multi-Step Human Trajectory Prediction
* Recognition of Handwritten Chinese Text by Segmentation: A Segment-Annotation-Free Approach
* Recognition-Oriented Image Compressive Sensing With Deep Learning
* Recognizing Object by Components with Human Prior Knowledge Enhances Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
* Recognizing Social Relationships in Long Videos via Multimodal Character Interaction
* Reconstruction of Compressed Hyperspectral Image Using SqueezeNet Coupled Dense Attentional Net
* Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting
* Reference-Based Image and Video Super-Resolution via C^2-Matching
* Region Group Adaptive Attention Model For Subtle Expression Recognition, A
* Regional Characteristics of Cloud Properties over the Loess Plateau
* Regional Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution from a Network of Disdrometers over Complex Terrain in Southern China
* Reliable Mutual Distillation for Medical Image Segmentation Under Imperfect Annotations
* Remote Sensing of Watershed: Towards a New Research Paradigm
* Remote Sensing Small Object Detection Network Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Camera Trap Images and Deep Learning
* Research and Evaluation on Dynamic Maintenance of an Elevation Datum Based on CORS Network Deformation
* Research on Arc Sag Measurement Methods for Transmission Lines Based on Deep Learning and Photogrammetry Technology
* Research on the Characteristics of Thermosyphon Embankment Damage and Permafrost Distribution Based on Ground-Penetrating Radar: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway
* Research on the Monitoring Ability of Fengyun-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for Capturing Heavy Precipitation: A Case Study of the 7-20 Rainstorm in Henan Province, China
* Resilient Distributed Event-Triggered Platooning Control of Connected Vehicles Under Denial-of-Service Attacks
* Respiratory Feature Extraction for Contactless Breathing Pattern Recognition Using a Single Digital Camera
* RESTEP Into the Future: Relational Spatio-Temporal Learning for Multi-Person Action Forecasting
* Rethinking 3D-CNN in Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Retinex-MPCNN: A Retinex and Modified Pulse coupled Neural Network based method for low-illumination visible and infrared image fusion
* Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profile from Historical Data and Ground-Based Observations by Using a Machine Learning Algorithm
* Retrieving Atmospheric Gas Profiles Using FY-3E/HIRAS-II Infrared Hyperspectral Data by Neural Network Approach
* Retrieving Object Motions From Coded Shutter Snapshot in Dark Environment
* Revealing a Shift in Solar Photovoltaic Planning Sites in Vietnam from 2019 to 2022
* Revealing the Distributional Vulnerability of Discriminators by Implicit Generators
* Revealing the Driving Mechanisms of Land Surface Temperature Spatial Heterogeneity and Its Sensitive Regions in China Based on GeoDetector
* Review of Affective Computing Research Based on Function-Component-Representation Framework, A
* Review of Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Based on Deep Learning, A
* Review of Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Deep Learning
* Review on Rice Crop Disease Classification Using Computational Approach, A
* Rhythm of Flow: Detecting Facial Expressions of Flow Experiences Using CNNs, The
* risk-averse learning machine via variance-dependent penalization, A
* Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using model-based collision prediction and reinforcement learning
* Robot-Person Tracking in Uniform Appearance Scenarios: A New Dataset and Challenges
* Robust Beamforming Design for RIS-Aided Integrated Sensing and Communication System
* Robust facial landmark detection by probability-guided hourglass network
* Robust Feature-Guided Generative Adversarial Network for Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation against Backdoor Attacks
* Robust federated learning under statistical heterogeneity via Hessian spectral decomposition
* Robust Loop Closure Selection Based on Inter-Robot and Intra-Robot Consistency for Multi-Robot Map Fusion
* Robust Triangular Sigmoid Pattern-Based Obstacle Detection Algorithm in Resource-Limited Devices, A
* Robust visual tracking based on modified mayfly optimization algorithm
* Route Choice-Based Socio-Technical Macroscopic Traffic Model
* RPI-CapsuleGAN: Predicting RNA-protein interactions through an interpretable generative adversarial capsule network
* RSARE: A physically-based vegetation index for estimating wheat green LAI to mitigate the impact of leaf chlorophyll content and residue-soil background
* Safe, learning-based MPC for highway driving under lane-change uncertainty: A distributionally robust approach
* SaGCN: Semantic-Aware Graph Calibration Network for Temporal Sentence Grounding
* Saint Petersburg 3D: Creating a Large-Scale Hybrid Mobile LiDAR Point Cloud Dataset for Geospatial Applications
* Saliency Guided Inter- and Intra-Class Relation Constraints for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* SANet-SI: A new Self-Attention-Network for Script Identification in scene images
* SARAL's Full Mission Reprocessing: Improvement with the GDR-F Standard
* Satellite Earth Observation for Essential Climate Variables Supporting Sustainable Development Goals: A Review on Applications
* Satellite Evidence for Divergent Forest Responses within Close Vicinity to Climate Fluctuations in a Complex Terrain
* Satellite-Based Estimation of Roughness Length over Vegetated Surfaces and Its Utilization in WRF Simulations
* Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Mapping on Horseshoe Island, Antarctic Peninsula, with Open-Source Satellite Images: Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Methods and Empirical Models
* SC-CNN: Effective Speaker Conditioning Method for Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Text-to-Speech Systems
* SceneHGN: Hierarchical Graph Networks for 3D Indoor Scene Generation With Fine-Grained Geometry
* SCM: A Searched Convolutional Metaformer for SAR Ship Classification
* ScoreMix: A Scalable Augmentation Strategy for Training GANs With Limited Data
* Screen-shooting resistant image watermarking based on lightweight neural network in frequency domain
* Seamless Accurate Positioning in Deep Urban Area Based on Mode Switching Between DGNSS and Multipath Mitigation Positioning
* Searching for Network Width With Bilaterally Coupled Network
* Secret JPEG Image Sharing Method Over GF(2M) Galois Fields, A
* Secure and Efficient Authenticated Key Management Scheme for UAV-Assisted Infrastructure-Less IoVs
* secure fingerprint template generation mechanism using visual secret sharing with inverse halftoning, A
* Seeing the unseen: Wifi-based 2D human pose estimation via an evolving attentive spatial-Frequency network
* Seeing Through Darkness: Visual Localization at Night via Weakly Supervised Learning of Domain Invariant Features
* Seismic Risk Regularization for Urban Changes Due to Earthquakes: A Case of Study of the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence
* Selective Feature Fusion Network for Salient Object Detection
* Self-Adaptive Thresholding Approach for Automatic Water Extraction Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery Based on OTSU Algorithm and Distance Block, A
* Self-Adversarial Disentangling for Specific Domain Adaptation
* Self-knowledge distillation based on knowledge transfer from soft to hard examples
* Self-paced deep clustering with learning loss
* Self-Supervised 3D Representation Learning of Dressed Humans From Social Media Videos
* Self-supervised non-rigid structure from motion with improved training of Wasserstein GANs
* Self-Supervised Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Network Based on Zero-Shot Learning
* semantic fusion based approach for express bill detection in complex scenes, A
* Semantic Segmentation: A Zoology of Deep Architectures
* Semantic-guided de-attention with sharpened triplet marginal loss for visual place recognition
* Semantics recalibration and detail enhancement network for real-time semantic segmentation
* Semi-Automated BIM Reconstruction of Full-Scale Space Frames with Spherical and Cylindrical Components Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Semi-Blindly Enhancing Extremely Noisy Videos With Recurrent Spatio-Temporal Large-Span Network
* Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning With Similarity Co-Calibration
* Semi-Supervised Person Detection in Aerial Images with Instance Segmentation and Maximum Mean Discrepancy Distance
* Sensitivity Assessment of Land Desertification in China Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* Sensitivity of Vegetation to Climate in Mid-to-High Latitudes of Asia and Future Vegetation Projections
* Sentinel-1 Interferometry and UAV Aerial Survey for Mapping Coseismic Ruptures: Mts. Sibillini vs. Mt. Etna Volcano
* Separation of Interleaved Pulse Stream Based on Directed Acyclic Graphs
* SePiCo: Semantic-Guided Pixel Contrast for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
* Sequence Detection with Dependent Observations under Parameter Uncertainty
* Sequential Generation of Multi-GNSS Multi-Frequency PPP-RTK Products and Their Performance Using the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network
* SFincBuster: Spoofed fingerprint buster via incremental learning using leverage bagging classifier
* Shallow SNN Model for Embedding Neuromorphic Devices in a Camera for Scalable Video Surveillance Systems, A
* Shape-Aware Monocular 3D Object Detection
* SharpFormer: Learning Local Feature Preserving Global Representations for Image Deblurring
* Shearlet-based intensity classification loop filter for video coding
* SiamRank: A siamese based visual tracking network with ranking strategy
* SIGMA++: Improved Semantic-Complete Graph Matching for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* simple and effective patch-Based method for frame-level face anti-spoofing, A
* Simulation Analysis of the Geometric Positioning Accuracy for MEO- and HEO-SAR Satellites
* Simulation Study on the Effect of Elevated CO2 on Regional Temperature Change on the Loess Plateau
* Simultaneously Optimizing Perturbations and Positions for Black-Box Adversarial Patch Attacks
* Single Image Dehazing Using Saturation Line Prior
* SIVED: A SAR Image Dataset for Vehicle Detection Based on Rotatable Bounding Box
* Skewed Loss Function for Correcting Predictive Bias in Brain Age Prediction, A
* SLDF: A semantic line detection framework for robot guidance
* Slide deep reinforcement learning networks: Application for left ventricle segmentation
* Slight Aware Enhancement Transformer and Multiple Matching Network for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* SLN-RED: Regularization by Simultaneous Local and Nonlocal Denoising for Image Restoration
* Slope-Scale Rockfall Susceptibility Modeling as a 3D Computer Vision Problem
* Smoothing group L1/2 regularized discriminative broad learning system for classification and regression
* Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree Rings of Tianshan Mountain, Central Asia
* SNRCN2: Steganalysis noise residuals based CNN for source social network identification of digital images
* Software-Defined Imaging: A Survey
* Solving simultaneous target assignment and path planning efficiently with time-independent execution
* Source Model of the 2023 Turkey Earthquake Sequence Imaged by Sentinel-1 and GPS Measurements: Implications for Heterogeneous Fault Behavior along the East Anatolian Fault Zone
* Sparse Tensor-Based Multiscale Representation for Point Cloud Geometry Compression
* Spatial Context-Aware Object-Attentional Network for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Spatial Development of Strong Storm-Induced Ionospheric Perturbations during 25-27 August 2018
* Spatial Population Distribution Data Disaggregation Based on SDGSAT-1 Nighttime Light and Land Use Data Using Guilin, China, as an Example
* Spatial Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Stock in the Moroccan High Atlas Using Machine Learning
* Spatial Probability Characteristics of Waves Generated by Polar Lows in Nordic and Barents Seas
* Spatial Validation of Spectral Unmixing Results: A Systematic Review
* Spatial-Index Modulation Based Orthogonal Time Frequency Space System in Vehicular Networks
* Spatial-Spectral Joint Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on a Two-Branch 3D Convolutional Autoencoder and Spatial Filtering
* Spatial-Temporal Changes of Abarkuh Playa Landform from Sentinel-1 Time Series Data
* Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Inland Lakes and Their Relationship with Hydro-Meteorological Factors in Horqin Sandy Land, China
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of NDVI and Its Influencing Factors Based on the ESTARFM in the Loess Plateau of China
* Spatiotemporal Analysis and Multi-Scenario Prediction of Ecosystem Services Based on Land Use/Cover Change in a Mountain-Watershed Region, China
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Rainfall and Droughts in a Semiarid Basin of Brazil: Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics
* Spatiotemporal Distribution and Influencing Factors of Theft during the Pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 Periods: A Case Study of Haining City, Zhejiang, China
* Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Agglomeration and Its Impact on Landscape Patterns in the Pearl River Delta, China
* Spatiotemporal Interaction Pattern Recognition and Risk Evolution Analysis During Lane Changes
* Spatiotemporal Variation Characteristics of Reference Evapotranspiration and Relative Moisture Index in Heilongjiang Investigated through Remote Sensing Tools
* Spatiotemporal Variation of Hourly Scale Extreme Rainstorms in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain and Its Impact on NDVI
* Spatiotemporal Variations in Fractional Vegetation Cover and Their Responses to Climatic Changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Special Issue Overview: Advances in Remote Sensing and Mapping for Integrated Studies of Reef Ecosystems in Oceania (Great Barrier Reef and Beyond)
* Spectral clustering with robust self-learning constraints
* Spectral-Swin Transformer with Spatial Feature Extraction Enhancement for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Sphere Refinement in Gap Safe Screening
* Split-GCN: Effective Interactive Annotation for Segmentation of Disconnected Instance
* SRL-TR2: A Safe Reinforcement Learning Based TRajectory TRacker Framework
* Stability and Reconstruction of a Special Type of Anisotropic Conductivity in Magneto-Acoustic Tomography with Magnetic Induction
* Stage-Adaptive Selective Network with Position Awareness for Semantic Segmentation of LULC Remote Sensing Images, A
* StainView: A Fast and Reliable Method for Mapping Stains in Facades Using Image Classification in HSV and CIELab Colour Space
* STAM: A SpatioTemporal Attention Based Memory for Video Prediction
* Statistically Dependent Blind Signal Separation Under Relaxed Sparsity
* STNet: Scale Tree Network With Multi-Level Auxiliator for Crowd Counting
* STO2Vec: A Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Object Representation Method for Association Analysis
* Strategy for Traffic Safety of Vehicular Platoons Under Connection Loss and Time-Delay, A
* Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Transport Related to Rossby Wave Breaking and Its Impact on Summertime Ground-Level Ozone in Eastern China, The
* Study of a Steady-State Landscape Using Remote Sensing and Topographic Analysis
* Study on Electromagnetic Relationship and Dynamic Characteristics of Superconducting Electrodynamic Maglev Train on Curved Track
* Study on Single-Tree Extraction Method for Complex RGB Point Cloud Scenes
* Study on the Method of Extracting Plasma Lines Based on Sanya Incoherent Scatter Radar
* Studying Traffic Safety During the Transition Period Between Manual Driving and Autonomous Driving: A Simulation-Based Approach
* Stylized image denoising via noise style transfer and Quasi Siamese network
* Suitability of NASA's Black Marble Daily Nighttime Lights for Population Studies at Varying Spatial and Temporal Scales
* Summer Extreme Dust Activity in the Taklimakan Desert Regulated by the South Asian High
* Super resolution of historic Landsat imagery using a dual generative adversarial network (GAN) model with CubeSat constellation imagery for spatially enhanced long-term vegetation monitoring
* super-resolution-based license plate recognition method for remote surveillance, A
* Supervised Classification of Tree Cover Classes in the Complex Mosaic Landscape of Eastern Rwanda
* Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval of China Using Multi-Source Data and Ensemble Learning
* SurroundNet: Towards effective low-light image enhancement
* Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Survey of Methods and Input Data Types for House Price Prediction, A
* Survey on Various Deep Learning Algorithms for an Efficient Facial Expression Recognition System, A
* Survey: Leakage and Privacy at Inference Time
* Synergy of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Crop Classification Based on DC-CNN
* Synthesis of Output-Feedback Controllers for Mixed Traffic Systems in Presence of Disturbances and Uncertainties
* Synthetic data for face recognition: Current state and future prospects
* Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning-Based Inversion for Velocity Model Building
* Synwmd: Syntax-aware word Mover's distance for sentence similarity evaluation
* SyPer: Synthetic periocular data for quantized light-weight recognition in the NIR and visible domains
* TANet: Transformer-based asymmetric network for RGB-D salient object detection
* Target Tracking Control of UAV Through Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Task-Aware Weakly Supervised Object Localization With Transformer
* TBFormer: Two-Branch Transformer for Image Forgery Localization
* TCNet: Co-Salient Object Detection via Parallel Interaction of Transformers and CNNs
* Temporal Action Segmentation With High-Level Complex Activity Labels
* Tensor completion via convolutional sparse coding with small samples-based training
* Tensor train factorization under noisy and incomplete data with automatic rank estimation
* Texts as points: Scene text detection with point supervision
* TextStyleBrush: Transfer of Text Aesthetics From a Single Example
* Texture Features Derived from Sentinel-2 Vegetation Indices for Estimating and Mapping Forest Growing Stock Volume
* They are Not Completely Useless: Towards Recycling Transferable Unlabeled Data for Class-Mismatched Semi-Supervised Learning
* Thorough Benchmark and a New Model for Light Field Saliency Detection, A
* Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.7 Earthquake Sequence Obtained by Fusing Optical and SAR Images
* Three-Dimensional Imaging of Vortex Electromagnetic Wave Radar with Integer and Fractional Order OAM Modes
* Three-Dimensional Modelling of Past and Present Shahjahanabad through Multi-Temporal Remotely Sensed Data
* Tide2Topo: A new method for mapping intertidal topography accurately in complex estuaries and bays with time-series Sentinel-2 images
* Time Delay Calibration Technique for Improving Broadband Lightning Interferometer Locating, A
* Timeliness of Correcting Baseline Error in Wide-Swath Altimeter Based on Reference Topography Data
* Topology-preserving transfer learning for weakly-supervised anomaly detection and segmentation
* Toward 3D Face Reconstruction in Perspective Projection: Estimating 6DoF Face Pose From Monocular Image
* Toward a Real-Time Analysis of Column Height by Visible Cameras: An Example from Mt. Etna, in Italy
* Toward cross-domain object detection in artwork images using improved YoloV5 and XGBoosting
* Toward Explainable 3D Grounded Visual Question Answering: A New Benchmark and Strong Baseline
* Toward Intelligent Design: An AI-Based Fashion Designer Using Generative Adversarial Networks Aided by Sketch and Rendering Generators
* Toward Single Particle Reconstruction without Particle Picking: Breaking the Detection Limit
* Towards a Digital Twin Prototype of Alpine Glaciers: Proposal for a Possible Theoretical Framework
* Towards an Accurate and Reliable Downscaling Scheme for High-Spatial-Resolution Precipitation Data
* Towards Lightweight Pixel-Wise Hallucination for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: The ScreenSpoof method
* Towards the Monitoring of Underground Caves Using Geomatics and Geophysical Techniques: 3D Analyses and Seismic Response
* Tracking of Multiple Static and Dynamic Targets for 4D Automotive Millimeter-Wave Radar Point Cloud in Urban Environments
* Trade-Off and Synergy Relationships and Spatial Bundle Analysis of Ecosystem Services in the Qilian Mountains
* Traditional Village Building Extraction Based on Improved Mask R-CNN: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* Traffic sign recognition using proposed lightweight twig-net with linear discriminant classifier for biometric application
* Training circuit-based quantum classifiers through memetic algorithms
* Transformer for multiple object tracking: Exploring locality to vision
* Transformer-Based Efficient Salient Instance Segmentation Networks With Orientative Query
* Transforming Complex Problems Into K-Means Solutions
* TransRVNet: LiDAR Semantic Segmentation With Transformer
* TransWeaver: Weave Image Pairs for Class Agnostic Common Object Detection
* Tree Reconstruction Using Topology Optimisation
* Tree Species Classification in Subtropical Natural Forests Using High-Resolution UAV RGB and SuperView-1 Multispectral Imageries Based on Deep Learning Network Approaches: A Case Study within the Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve, China
* Tree Species Classification in UAV Remote Sensing Images Based on Super-Resolution Reconstruction and Deep Learning
* Trends of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity of Patagonian Meadows, the Omitted Ecosystem in Desertification Studies
* Triangular Grid Filter Method Based on the Slope Filter, A
* Tropical Surface Temperature and Atmospheric Latent Heating: A Whole-Tropics Perspective Based on TRMM and ERA5 Datasets
* Truncated Normal Mixture Prior Based Deep Latent Model for Color Normalization of Histology Images
* Turning waste into wealth: Person identification by emotion-disturbed electrocardiogram
* Two New Methods Based on Implicit Expressions and Corresponding Predictor-Correctors for Gravity Anomaly Downward Continuation and Their Comparison
* Two-Level Rectification Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition, A
* Two-Stage Aerial Target Localization Method Using Time-Difference-of-Arrival Measurements with the Minimum Number of Radars, A
* Two-Stage Decolorization Based on Histogram Equalization and Local Variance Maximization
* Two-stage Signal Decomposition into Jump, Oscillation and Trend using ADMM, A
* Typical Facial Expression Network Using a Facial Feature Decoupler and Spatial-Temporal Learning
* U-Shape Transformer for Underwater Image Enhancement
* UAV image stitching by estimating orthograph with RGB cameras
* UAV Implementations in Urban Planning and Related Sectors of Rapidly Developing Nations: A Review and Future Perspectives for Malaysia
* UAV, GNSS, and InSAR Data Analyses for Landslide Monitoring in a Mountainous Village in Western Greece
* UHA-CycleGAN: Unpaired hybrid attention network based on CycleGAN for terahertz image super-resolution
* Unambiguous Wind Direction Estimation Method for Shipborne HFSWR Based on Wind Direction Interval Limitation
* Uncertainty of Partial Dependence Relationship between Climate and Vegetation Growth Calculated by Machine Learning Models
* Uncertainty Quantification of Satellite Soil Moisture Retrieved Precipitation in the Central Tibetan Plateau
* Underwater Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Enhancement
* Unified Framework for Identity and Imagined Action Recognition From EEG Patterns
* Unified Physically Based Method for Monitoring Grassland Nitrogen Concentration with Landsat 7, Landsat 8, and Sentinel-2 Satellite Data, A
* Unified Visual Information Preservation Framework for Self-supervised Pre-Training in Medical Image Analysis, A
* Unifying Probabilistic Framework for Partially Labeled Data Learning, A
* Universal Multimodal Representation for Language Understanding
* Unmixing-Guided Convolutional Transformer for Spectral Reconstruction
* Unsupervised Classification of Riverbed Types for Bathymetry Mapping in Shallow Rivers Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Imagery
* Unsupervised Cross-Modality Adaptation via Dual Structural-Oriented Guidance for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Multi-Subclass Saliency Classification for Salient Object Detection
* Unsupervised sub-domain adaptation using optimal transport
* Upper Mantle Velocity Structure Beneath the Yarlung-Tsangpo Suture Revealed by Teleseismic P-Wave Tomography
* Use of 3D Inferred Imagining for Detection of Changes in Geology in Longwall-Type Excavation Front
* Use of Decision Support in Search and Rescue: A Systematic Literature Review, The
* Use of ICEsat-2 and Sentinel-2 Open Data for the Derivation of Bathymetry in Shallow Waters: Case Studies in Sardinia and in the Venice Lagoon
* Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Multispectral Data to Evaluate the Effects of Prescribed Burnings on Three Macrohabitats of Pantanal, Brazil
* User State Modeling Based on the Arousal-Valence Plane: Applications in Customer Satisfaction and Health-Care
* User-Aware Evaluation for Medium-Resolution Forest-Related Datasets in China: Reliability and Spatial Consistency
* Using a Convolutional Neural Network and Mid-Infrared Spectral Images to Predict the Carbon Dioxide Content of Ship Exhaust
* Using a semantic edge-aware multi-task neural network to delineate agricultural parcels from remote sensing images
* Using CORONA Imagery to Study Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Review of Applications
* Using Imagery Collected by an Unmanned Aerial System to Monitor Cyanobacteria in New Hampshire, USA, Lakes
* V2V Energy Trading in Residential Microgrids Considering Multiple Constraints via Bayesian Game
* Validation and Evaluation of GRACE-FO Estimates with In Situ Bottom Pressure Array Measurements in the South China Sea
* Validation of FY-4A Temperature Profiles by Radiosonde Observations in Taklimakan Desert in China
* Validation of Himawari-8 Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals Using Infrared SST Autonomous Radiometer Measurements
* Variant-Depth Neural Networks for Deblurring Traffic Images in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Variations in the Spatial Distribution of Smart Parcel Lockers in the Central Metropolitan Region of Tianjin, China: A Comparative Analysis before and after COVID-19
* Vegetation Dynamic in a Large Floodplain Wetland: The Effects of Hydroclimatic Regime
* Vegetation Growth Response and Trends after Water Deficit Exposure in the Loess Plateau, China
* vehicle classification model based on deep active learning, A
* Vehicular Behavior-Aware Beamforming Design for Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems
* Velocity Estimation for Space Infrared Dim Targets Based on Multi-Satellite Observation and Robust Locally Weighted Regression
* VHR Bi-Temporal Remote-Sensing Image Change Detection Network Based on Swin Transformer, A
* Vicarious Radiometric Calibration of the Multispectral Imager Onboard SDGSAT-1 over the Dunhuang Calibration Site, China
* Video Summarization With Spatiotemporal Vision Transformer
* Video-Monitoring Tools for Assessing Beach Morphodynamics in Tidal Beaches
* Video2mesh: 3D human pose and shape recovery by a temporal convolutional transformer network
* Viewport-Sphere-Branch Network for Blind Quality Assessment of Stitched 360° Omnidirectional Images
* Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot Learning
* Volume Loss Assessment with MT-InSAR during Tunnel Construction in the City of Naples (Italy)
* VSP-Fuse: Multifocus Image Fusion Model Using the Knowledge Transferred From Visual Salience Priors
* Warm Core and Deep Convection in Medicanes: A Passive Microwave-Based Investigation
* WaveNet: Wavelet Network With Knowledge Distillation for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Weakly Supervised Audio-Visual Violence Detection
* Weakly Supervised Distribution Discrepancy Minimization Learning With State Information for Person Re-Identification
* Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Segmentation via Meta-Learning
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Class Prototypical Network
* Weakly Supervised Perennial Weed Detection in a Barley Field
* Weakly Supervised Regional and Temporal Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation via Progressive Patch Learning
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation With Cross-View U-Shaped Graph Convolutional Network
* WebUAV-3M: A Benchmark for Unveiling the Power of Million-Scale Deep UAV Tracking
* Werewolf-XL: A Database for Identifying Spontaneous Affect in Large Competitive Group Interactions
* Western Mediterranean Precipitation Extremes, the Result of Quasi-Resonant Sea-Atmosphere Feedbacks
* Wheelchair-Centered Omnidirectional Gaze-Point Estimation in the Wild
* Win-Win by Competition: Auxiliary-Free Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* X-Metric: An N-Dimensional Information-Theoretic Framework for Groupwise Registration and Deep Combined Computing
* X-Ray Dark-Field and Phase Retrieval Without Optics, via the Fokker-Planck Equation
* XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Transformers
* YOLO for Penguin Detection and Counting Based on Remote Sensing Images
* You're Not You When You're Angry: Robust Emotion Features Emerge by Recognizing Speakers
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
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