Update Dates 0211

0211 * 2D/3D automatic matching technique for 3D recovering of free form objects
* 3-D modeling of an outdoor scene by multi-baseline stereo using a long sequence of images
* 3-D object representation from multi-view range data applying deformable superquadrics
* 36 years on the pattern recognition front
* 3D analysis and image-based rendering for immersive TV applications
* 3D models retrieval by using characteristic views
* 3d real-time head tracking fusing color histograms and stereovision
* 3D reconstruction from co-registered orthographic and perspective images: theoretical framework and applications
* 3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor scenes using a mobile range scanner
* 3D tracking of human locomotion: a tracking as recognition approach
* 4-D voting for matching, densification and segmentation into motion layers
* About optimal use of color points of interest for content-based image retrieval
* Accuracy of the regularised dynamic programming stereo
* Accurate dense optical flow estimation using adaptive structure tensors and a parametric model
* accurate discrete Fourier transform for image processing, An
* Activation Detection and Characterisation in Brain fMRI Sequences. Application to the study of monkey vision
* Active bayesian color constancy with non-uniform sensors
* Active contours using a potential field
* Active vision techniques for visually mediated interaction
* Adaptive and smart interface for VCR remote control using hand gestures
* Adaptive high order neural trees for pattern recognition
* Adaptive kernel metric nearest neighbor classification
* Adaptive rate control algorithm based on logarithmic R-Q model for MPEG-1 to MPEG-4 transcoding
* Adaptive rate control algorithms for low bit rate video under networks supporting bandwidth renegotiation
* adaptive smoothing approach for fitting digital planar curves with line segments and circular arcs, An
* Adaptive stack algorithm in document image decoding
* adaptive weighted majority vote rule for combining multiple classifiers, An
* Adaptive Window Size Image De-noising Based on Intersection of Confidence Intervals (ICI) Rule
* Adaptive windowed Fourier transform
* Affine invariant retrieval of shapes based on hand-drawn sketches
* Affine Parameter Estimation from the Trace Transform
* Age and gender estimation based on wrinkle texture and color of facial images
* Agglomerative clustering for image segmentation
* Aggressive region growing for speckle reduction in ultrasound images
* Albedo recovery using a photometric stereo approach
* Algorithm for the computation of 3D fourier descriptors
* algorithm using length-r paths to approximate subgraph isomorphism, An
* alignment algorithm for old motion pictures, An
* Analyse de texture hyperspectrale par modélisation markovien
* Analyse intra-urbaine à partir d'images satellitaires par une approche de fusion de données sur la ville de Mexico
* Analysis and recognition of walking movements
* analysis of a stochastic differential approach for langevine comepetitive learning algorithm, The
* Analysis of error-reject trade-off in linearly combined classifiers
* Analyzing non-negative matrix factorization for image classification
* Anchor point thinning using a skeleton based on the Euclidean distance transformation
* Anisotropic filtering for model-based segmentation of 4D cylindrical echocardiographic images
* Ant colony system with external dynamics for point matching and pose estimation
* appearance based approach for video object extraction and representation, An
* application of nonlinear wavelet approximation to face recognition, An
* Application of rigid motion geometry to film restoration
* Applying compiler techniques to diagram recognition
* Approximate Bayes Factors for Image Segmentation: The Pseudolikelihood Information Criterion (PLIC)
* approximative calculation of relative convex hulls for surface area estimation of 3d digital objects, An
* Arbitrary viewpoint rendering from multiple omnidirectional images for interactive walkthroughs
* area-based alignment method for 3d urban models, An
* Assembly of puzzles using a genetic algorithm
* Assessing the Behaviour of Polygonal Approximation Algorithms
* Attributed point matching for automatic groundtruth generation
* Auto-calibration via the absolute quadric and scene constraints
* Automated feature registration for robust tracking methods
* Automated segmentation of archaeological profiles for classification
* automatic active contour model for multiple objects, An
* Automatic detection of planar contours from uncalibrated images
* Automatic detection of regions of interest in mammographies based on a combined analysis of texture and histogram
* Automatic detection of relevant head gestures in american sign language communication
* Automatic fingerprint identification using cluster algorithm
* Automatic grading prototype system for KANJI dictation test
* Automatic local effect of window/level on 3-D scale-space ellipsoidal filtering on run-off-arteries from white blood magnetic resonance angiography
* Automatic recognition of eye blinking in spontaneously occurring behavior
* Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Numerical Strings: A Recognition and Verification Strategy
* Automatic recognition of unpredictable events in videos
* Automatic segmentation of liver region through blood vessels on multi-phase ct
* Automatic segmentation of the IAM off-line database for handwritten English text
* Automatic sleep apnoea detection using measures of amplitude and heart rate variability from the electrocardiogram
* Automatic sports classification
* Automatic target detection using PMMW and LADAR imagery
* Automatic text location using cluster-based template matching
* Automatic tracking of local myocardial motion by correlation weighted velocity method
* Automatic visual recognition of armed robbery
* Automatic/interactive interpretation of color map images
* Background learning for robust face recognition
* Background subtraction using competing models in the block-DCT domain
* ball detection algorithm for real soccer image sequences, A
* Bayes information criterion for Tikhonov regularization with linear constraints: application to spectral data estimation
* Bayesian Approach for Segmentation in Stereo Image Sequences, A
* bayesian approach to simultaneous motion estimation of multiple independently moving objects, A
* Bayesian Approach to Video Object Segmentation via Merging 3-D Watershed Volumes, A
* Bayesian marker extraction for color watershed in segmenting microscopic images
* Bayesian networks as ensemble of classifiers
* Bayesian networks classifiers applied to documents
* Bayesian pot-assembly from fragments as problems in perceptual-grouping and geometric-learning
* Bayesian rendering with non-parametric multiscale prior model
* Beam search for feature selection in automatic SVM defect classification
* Better features to track by estimating the tracking convergence region
* bi-directional visual stereo interface for accessing stereo matching results from a human brain, A
* Binarization of low quality text using a Markov random field model
* Biometric hash based on statistical features of online signatures
* bit-pattern-based matrix strategy for efficient iconic indexing of symbolic pictures, A
* Bivariate Shrinkage Functions for Wavelet-Based Denoising Exploiting Interscale Dependency
* Block DCT-based robust watermarking using side information extracted by mea filtering
* Blur and affine moment invariants
* Boosting and structure learning in dynamic Bayesian networks for audio-visual speaker detection
* Boosting in probabilistic neural networks
* Brain symmetry plane computation in MR images using inertia axes and optimization
* Branch-and-bound technique for solving optimal clustering
* Breast tissue characterization based on modeling of ultrasonic echoes using the power-law shot noise model
* Building a latent semantic index of an image database from patterns of relevance feedback
* Building Detection by Markov Object processes and a MCMC Algorithm
* Building Extraction from Digital Elevation Model
* Building the topological tree by recursive FCM color clustering
* Calibration of Digital Amateur Cameras
* Cast shadow removing in foreground segmentation
* Category-dependent feature extraction for recognition of degraded handwritten characters
* chain-rule processor: Optimal Classification Through Signal Processing, The
* Character pattern extraction from colorful documents with complex backgrounds
* CHEF: convex hull of elliptic features for 3D blob detection
* Chinese character recognition via Gegenbauer moments
* Chinese handwriting recognition using hidden Markov models
* classification framework for content-based image retrieval, A
* Classification of 3D macro texture using perceptual observables
* Classification of binary vectors by using Delta SC-distance
* Classification of binary vectors by using SC distance to minimize stochastic complexity
* Classification of heart sounds using an artificial neural network
* Classification using a hierarchical bayesian approach
* Classifying land development in high resolution satellite images using straight line statistics
* Classifying textures when seen from different distances
* Clothed people detection in still images
* clustering approach to corner point analysis in hand drawn images, A
* Clustering by a parallel self-adaptive genetic algorithm
* Clustering with block mixture models
* Clustering-based control of active contour model
* Coarse detection and fine color description for region-based image queries
* Coarse View Synthesis Using Shape-from-Shading
* Coarse-to-fine support vector classifiers for face detection
* Collaborative multimedia analysis for detecting semantical events from broadcasted sports video
* Color Image Enhancement by Fuzzy Intensification
* Color image segmentation based on markov random field clustering for histological image analysis
* Color-based face detection using skin locus model and hierarchical filtering
* Colour image texture analysis: dependence on colour spaces
* Colour-based model pruning for efficient ARG object recognition
* Colour-based object recognition for video annotation
* Combined color and texture segmentation by parametric distributional clustering
* combining classifier: to train or not to train?, The
* Combining face verification experts
* Combining flat and structured representations for fingerprint classification with recursive neural networks and support vector machines
* Combining HMM-based two-pass classifiers for off-line word recognition
* Combining kalman filtering and mean shift for real time eye tracking under active IR illumination
* Combining shape from silhouette and shape from structured light for volume estimation of archaeological vessels
* Combining structure, color and texture for image retrieval: A performance evaluation
* Combining SVM classifiers for handwritten digit recognition
* Combining the gabor and histogram features for classifying diffuse lung opacities in thin-section computed tomography
* Comparative Analysis of Face Recognition Performance with Visible and Thermal Infrared Imagery, A
* comparative evaluation of length estimators, A
* comparative study between decision fusion and data fusion in Markovian printed character recognition, A
* comparative study of centroid-based, neighborhood-based and statistical approaches for effective document categorization, A
* Comparative Study of Point Processes for Line Network Extraction i, A
* comparative study of several modeling approaches for large vocabulary offline recognition of handwritten chinese characters, A
* comparative study of two velocity profile models for rapid stroke analysis, A
* Comparative study on mirror image learning (MIL) and GLVQ
* Comparing normalization and adaptation techniques for on-line handwriting recognition
* Comparing salient point detectors
* Comparison of colour spaces for optic disc localisation in retinal images
* comparison of PCA and ICA for object recognition under varying illumination, A
* comparison of state-of-the-art diffusion imaging techniques for smoothing medical/non-medical image data, A
* comparison of techniques for automatic clustering of handwritten characters, A
* Comparison of texture features based on Gabor filters
* computational algebraic topology approach for optical flow, A
* computationally efficient approach to indoor/outdoor scene classification, A
* Computing the Diameter of a Point Set
* Concentric Mosaic Compression with Rebinning of Slits (ROSS)
* Concurrent map building and localization with landmark validation
* Confidence guided progressive search and fast match techniques for high performance Chinese/English OCR
* Consistent line clusters for building recognition in CBIR
* constant modulus matrix factorization for direction finding and array calibration, A
* Constrained structure and motion estimation from optical flow
* Constructing speech processing systems on universal phonetic codes accompanied with reference acoustic models
* Content analysis in document images: a scale space approach
* Content based image retrieval using optimum peano scan
* Content-based image retrieval using Fourier descriptors on a logo database
* Context-based image modelling
* Context-independent real-time event recognition: application to key-image extraction
* Context-sensitive Bayesian classifiers and application to mouse pressure pattern classification
* Continuous activity recognition with missing data
* Contour features for colonoscopic image classification by artificial neural networks
* Contrast Invariant Detection of Good Continuations, Corners and Terminators
* Convergence analysis of the sign algorithm with badly behaved noise
* Convergent matching for model-based computer vision
* Core-based structure matching algorithm of fingerprint verification
* Corner detection using a mixture model of edge orientation
* Correcting Show-Through Effects on Document Images by Multiscale Analysis
* Coupled markov chains for video contents characterization
* Crack defect detection and localization using genetic-based inverse voting Hough transform
* Creating animations combining stochastic paintbrush transformation and motion detection
* Curvature estimation of surfaces in 3d grey-value images
* Curve morphing by weighted mean of strings
* Darboux smoothing for shape-from-shading
* Data clustering using evidence accumulation
* Deciphering layered meaning in gestures
* Decompression and speckle detection for ultrasound images using the homodyned k-distribution
* Deformable Template Model, with Special Reference to Elliptical Templates, A
* Dense estimation of surface reflectance properties of objects with interreflections
* Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
* Dependence characteristics of face recognition algorithms
* Dequantizing image orientation
* design of a stereo panorama camera for scenes of dynamic range, The
* Design of efficient line segment detectors for cereal grain inspection
* Detecting a gazing region by visual direction and stereo cameras
* Detecting automobiles and people for semantic video retrieval
* Detecting eye position and gaze from a single camera and 2 light-sources
* Detection of faces of various directions in complex backgrounds
* Detection of traffic signs using posterior classifier combination
* Determination of vitality from a non-invasive biomedical measurement for use in fingerprint scanners
* Determining a suitable metric when using non-negative matrix factorization
* Development of a Process-Based Model for Dynamic Interaction in Spatio-Temporal GIS
* Differential epipolar constraint in mobile robot egomotion estimation
* Differentiation between alphabetic and numeric data using NN ensembles
* Diffusion Snakes: Introducing Statistical Shape Knowledge into the Mumford-Shah Functional
* Digital Equalisation in Adaptive Spatial Filtering for Radar Systems: A Survey
* Digital Topology: Regular Sets and Root Images of the Cross-Median Filter
* Direct Recovery of Planar-Parallax from Multiple Frames
* Discovering operators and features for object detection
* Discrete approach for automatic knowledge extraction from precedent large-scale data, and classification
* discrete region competition approach incorporating weak edge enhancement for ultrasound image segmentation, A
* Discriminant analysis and adaptive wavelet feature selection for statistical object detection
* discriminant function considering normality improvement of the distribution, A
* Discriminative features for document classification
* discriminative learning criterion for the overall optimization of error and reject, A
* Dissimilarity computation through low rank corrections
* Dissimilarity measures in color spaces
* Distributed learning with bagging-like performance
* Distributed retrieval of wavelet images using bandwidth monitoring
* Document understanding for a broad class of documents
* doubly adaptive approach to dynamic MRI sequence estimation, A
* DVHMM: variable length text recognition error model
* Dynamic local search for clustering with unknown number of clusters
* dynamic programming approach for appearance-based recognition of environments, A
* economics of classification: error vs. complexity, The
* Edge and line detection in polarimetric SAR images
* Edge Color Distribution Transform: An Efficient Tool for Object Detection in Images
* Edge detection and texture segmentation based on independent component analysis
* effect of the inhibition-compensation learning scheme on n-tuple based classifier performance, The
* effective algorithm for fingerprint image enhancement based on wavelet transform, An
* Efficient alignment of fingerprint images
* Efficient computations for large least square support vector machine classifiers
* Efficient estimation of pen trajectory from off-line handwritten words
* Efficient Image Alignment with Outlier Rejection
* Efficient Measurement of Shape Dissimilarity Between 3D Models Using Z-Buffer and Surface Roving Method
* Efficient morphological shape representation by varying overlapping levels among representative disks
* efficient multiplierless approximation of the fast Fourier transform using sum-of-powers-of-two (SOPOT) coefficients, An
* Efficient region-based motion segmentation for a video monitoring system
* Efficient tracking of regular patterns on non-rigid geometry
* efficient vision system for multiple car tracking, An
* Eigenspace merging for model updating
* Elastic image matching is NP-complete
* Elastic minutiae matching by means of thin-plate spline models
* Elastic transformation of the image pixel grid for similarity based face identification
* Electronic endoscope system for shape measurement
* Electronic endoscope system for shape measurement
* Emotion recognition using a cauchy naive bayes classifier
* Empirical evaluation of MPEG-7 XM color descriptors in content-based retrieval of semantic image categories
* Engineering a freehand 3D ultrasound system
* Enhanced Canny edge detection using curvature consistency
* Enhancement of annual rings on industrial CT images of logs
* Entropic estimation of noise for medical volume restoration
* Entropy estimation and multiscale processing in meteorological satellite images
* Entropy optimized contrast stretch to enhance remote sensing imagery
* Estimating 3D camera motion without correspondences using a search for the best structure
* Estimating fibre twist and aspect ratios in 3d voxel volumes
* Estimating Overcomplete Independent Component Bases for Image Windows
* Estimation and analysis of the deformation of the cardiac wall using doppler tissue imaging
* Estimation of 3d motion from stereo images: Differential and discrete formulations
* Estimation of color for gray-level image by probabilistic relaxation
* Estimation of human motion from multiple cameras for gesture recognition
* Estimation of rigid and non-rigid facial motion using anatomical face model
* Euclidean Bundle Adjustment Independent on Camera Intrinsic Parameters
* Evaluating the range flow motion constraint
* evaluation of face and ear biometrics, An
* evaluation of the WPE algorithm using tangent distance, An
* Evaluation on selection criteria of multiple numeral recognizers with the fixed number of recognizers
* evidence combining approach to shape-from-shading, An
* evolutionary algorithm for classifier and combination rule selection in multiple classifier systems, An
* evolutionary approach for the generation of diversiform characters using a handwriting model, An
* Exhaustive Study of Particular Cases Leading to Robust and Accurate Motion Estimation, An
* experimental comparison between consistency-based and adaptive prototype replacement schemes, An
* Experiments in transform-based range image compression
* Experiments on eigenfaces robustness
* Experiments on gait analysis by exploiting nonstationarity in the distribution of feature relationships
* Exploratory analysis of point proximity in subspaces
* Explosives detection systems (EDS) for aviation security
* Extended Isomap for classification
* Extending the linear interpolating condition to advanced synthetic discriminant function variants
* Extension of hidden markov models to deal with multiple candidates of observations and its application to mobile-robot-oriented gesture recognition
* extension of the generalized hough transform to realize affine-invariant two-dimensional(2d) shape detection, An
* Extracting fractal features for analyzing protein structure
* Extraction of 3d microtubules axes from cellular electron tomography images
* Extraction of resource descriptors for distributed content based image retrieval
* Face authentication for multiple subjects using eigenflow
* Face detection and facial feature extraction using support vector machines
* Face Detection and Synthesis Using Markov Random Field Models
* Face detection based on hierarchical support vector machines
* Face detection using a modified radial basis function neural network
* Face recognition by combining several algorithms
* Face recognition by independent component analysis
* Face recognition using LDA mixture model
* Face recognition using optimal non-orthogonal wavelet basis evaluated by information complexity
* Face reconstruction with a morphable face model
* Facial animation parameters extraction and expression recognition using Hidden Markov Models
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Models
* Factor analysis for background suppression
* Factorized local appearance models
* fast and precise system for taking high-density human head measurements with surrounding range finders, A
* Fast cyclic edit distance computation with weighted edit costs in classification
* Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm through Search Space Reduction
* Fast exhaustive robust matching
* Fast extraction of tubular and tree 3d surfaces with front propagation methods
* Fast face detection with precise pose estimation
* Fast hierarchical clustering based on compressed data
* fast leading eigenvector approximation for segmentation and grouping, A
* Fast linear discriminant analysis for on-line pattern recognition applications
* fast narrow band method and its application in topology-adaptive 3-D modeling, A
* fast near-optimal algorithm for approximation of polygonal curves, A
* Fast on-line learning of point distribution models
* Fast projection plane classifier
* Fast restoration of colour movie scratches
* Fast semi-local alignment for DNA sequence database search
* Fast string correction with Levenshtein automata
* Feasibility of Hough-transform-based iris localisation for real-time-application
* Feature extraction for a multiple pattern classification neural network system
* Feature extraction for the analysis of gait and human motion
* Feature extraction methods applied to the clustering of electrocardiographi signals. a comparative study
* Feature selection for face recognition based on data partitioning
* Feature selection for pose invariant face recognition
* Feature selection using a mutual information based measure
* Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Featureless 6 DoF pose refinement from stereo images
* Featureless pattern recognition in an imaginary Hilbert space
* Features for printed document image analysis
* Field Data Collection with Mobile GIS: Dependencies Between Semantics and Data Quality
* Filter To Remove Gaussian Noise by Clustering the Gray Scale, A
* Finding fuzzy classification rules using data mining techniques
* Finding regions of interest in document images by planar HMM
* Fingerprint enhancement with dyadic scale-space
* Fingerprint Image Enhancement Based on Second Directional Derivative of the Digital Image
* Fingerprint image enhancement by pixel-parallel processing
* fingerprint verification algorithm using the differential matching rate, A
* Flexible model-based multi-corner detector for accurate measurements and recognition
* Foveated online 3D visualization
* Fractional component analysis (FCA) for mixed signals
* framework for texture classification using the coordinated clusters representation, A
* Frequency Domain Technique for Range Data Registration, A
* From cell image segmentation to differential diagnosis of thyroid cancer
* Fundamental frequency gabor filters for object recognition
* Fusion of global and local features for face verification
* Fusion of global and local information for object detection
* Fusion of range and visual data for the extraction of scene structure information
* Fuzzy border distance transforms and their use in 2d skeletonization
* Fuzzy directional element energy feature (FDEEF) based palmprint identification
* fuzzy-controlled Kalman filter applied to stereo-visual tracking schemes, A
* FVC2002: second fingerprint verification competition
* gait identification challenge problem: data sets and baseline algorithm, The
* Gamma-convergence of discrete functionals with non convex perturbation for image classification
* gauss-markov model for hyperspectral texture analysis of urban areas, A
* general multichannel image restoration method using compound models, A
* General-purpose object recognition in 3D volume data sets using gray-scale invariants: Classification of airborne pollen-grains recorded with a confocal laser scanning microscope
* generalized Foley-Sammon transform based on generalized Fisher discriminant criterion and its application to face recognition, A
* Generalized pattern spectra sensitive to spatial information
* Generation of a 3-D face model from one camera
* Genetic algorithm for affine point pattern matching
* Genetic translator: how to apply query learning to practical OCR
* Genre-based search through biomedical images
* Geodesic illumination basis: compensating for illumination variations in any pose for face recognition
* Geometric and algebraic properties of point-to-line mappings
* Geometric approach for pose detection of moving human heads
* Geometric moments in scale-spaces
* Geometric neurocomputing for pattern recognition and pose estimation
* Geometric SVM: a fast and intuitive SVM algorithm
* Geometrical and physical models for the recovery of quantitative information from medical image analysis
* Geometry and Texture from Thousands of Images
* Glasses frame detection with 3D hough transform
* global k-means clustering algorithm, The
* global transformation approach to RBF neural network learning, A
* Globally Consistent Mosaicking for Autonomous Visual Navigation
* gradient-based eigenspace approach to dealing with occlusions and non-gaussian noise, A
* Grain Filters
* Granulometric analysis of document images
* Granulometric parametric estimation for the random Boolean model using optimal linear filters and optimal structuring elements
* Granulometric Size Density for Segmented Random-Disk Models
* Graph of neural networks for pattern recognition
* Graph spectral approach for learning view structure
* graph-spectral approach to correspondence matching, A
* graph-spectral approach to surface segmentation, A
* GraphGrep: a fast and universal method for querying graphs
* Graphics recognition from binary images: one step or two steps
* Group-Theoretic Construction with Spatiotemporal Wavelets for the Analysis of Rotational Motion, A
* Grouping salient scatterers in InSAR data for recognition of industrial buildings
* Growing snakes: active contours for complex topologies
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Statistics of Shapes and Textures
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision
* Hand pose recognition using curvature scale space
* Handwritten character recognition based on structural characteristics
* Handwritten digit recognition using multi-layer feedforward neural networks with periodic and monotonic activation functions
* Hangul tree classifier for type clustering using horizontal and vertical strokes
* Haptic vision: Vision-based haptic exploration
* Harmonic cut and regularized centroid transform for localization of subcellular structures
* Head pose estimation using view based eigenspaces
* Heritage recording applications of high resolution 3D imaging
* Hexagonal image representation for 3-D photorealistic reconstruction
* Hiding a face in a fingerprint image
* Hierarchical content classification and script determination for automatic document image processing
* Hierarchical interpretation of human activities using competitive learning
* Hierarchical kernel fitting for fingerprint classification and alignment
* Hierarchical monitoring of people's behaviors in complex environments using multiple cameras
* Hierarchical recognition of intentional human gestures for sports video annotation
* hierarchical representation of form documents for identification and retrieval, A
* High-resolution reconstruction of sparse data from dense low-resolution spatio-temporal data
* Histogram ratio features for color texture classification
* histogram-based color consistency test for voxel coloring, A
* Homotopy-based estimation of depth cues in spatial domain
* How many classifiers do I need?
* Human action recognition with primitive-based coupled-HMM
* Human face recognition based on spatially weighted Hausdorff distance
* Human identification by spatio-temporal symmetry
* Human motion estimation from monocular image sequence based on cross-entropy regularization
* Human motion signatures: analysis, synthesis, recognition
* Hybrid Chinese/English text detection in images and video frames
* Hybrid diffraction tomography without phase information
* hybrid fingerprint matcher, A
* hybrid model for invariant and perceptual texture mapping, A
* hybrid tree approach for efficient image database retrieval with dynamic feedback, A
* Hyper frame vision: A real-time vision system for 6-DOF object localization
* Hyperspectral Face Database
* IAM-database: an English sentence database for offline handwriting recognition, The
* Identifying and classifying image transforms
* Identifying vehicles using vibrometry signatures
* Illumination invariant segmentation of spatio-temporal images by spatio-temporal markov random field model
* Image classification using evolved parameters
* Image feature representation by the subspace of nonlinear PCA
* Image flows and one-liner graphical image representation
* Image Matching with Scale Adjustment
* Image processing for 3D imaging
* Image registration using virtual circles and edge direction
* Image retrieval using resegmentation driven by query rectangles
* Image segmentation using curve evolution and region stability
* Image segmentation using gradient vector diffusion and region merging
* Image-Based Multiresolution Implicit Object Modeling
* Image-Based Rendering from a Single Image
* Images similarity detection based on directional gradient angular histogram
* Implementing image applications on FPGAs
* importance of being random: statistical principles of iris recognition, The
* Improved Approach to Generating Realistic Kanji Character Images from On-Line Characters and Its Benefit to Off-Line Recognition Performance, An
* Improved back end for integer PCA and wavelet transforms for lossless compression of multispectral images
* Improved estimation of hidden Markov model parameters from multiple observation sequences
* Improved MSEL and its medical application
* Improved POCS reconstruction of stereoscopic views
* Improved stereo image matching using mutual information and hierarchical prior probabilities
* Improvement in range segmentation parameters tuning
* Improvement of histogram-based image retrieval and classification
* Improvement of the virtual printing scheme for synthesizing Ukiyo-e
* Improving accuracy in behaviour identification for content-based retrieval by using audio and video information
* Improving active contours for segmentation and tracking of motile cells in videomicroscopy
* Improving classification rates by modelling the clusters of trainings sets in features space using mathematical morphology operators
* Improving classification rates by modelling the clusters of trainings sets in features space using mathematical morphology operators
* Improving de-noising by coefficient de-noising and dyadic wavelet transform
* Improving face verification using skin color information
* Improving retrieval performance by long-term relevance information
* Improving segmentation results by studying surface continuity
* Improving texture pattern recognition by integration of multiple texture feature extraction methods
* Incorporating conditional independence assumption with support vector machines to enhance handwritten character segmentation performance
* incremental and hierarchical K-NN classifier for handwritten characters, An
* Incremental Model-Based Estimation Using Geometric Consistency Constraints
* Incremental PCA for on-line visual learning and recognition
* independent and principal component of graph spectra, The
* Individual recognition by kinematic-based gait analysis
* inductive learning method for medical diagnosis, An
* Inexact graph matching using stochastic optimization techniques for facial feature recognition
* Inf-Semilattice Approach to Self-Dual Morphology
* Innovations in fingerprint capture devices
* Insights into low-level avatar animation and MPEG-4 standardization
* Integer lapped transforms and their applications to image coding
* Integrated analysis of speech and images as a probabilistic decoding process
* Integrated approach of multiple face detection for video surveillance
* Integrated event recognition from multiple sources
* Integrated region-based image retrieval using region's spatial relationships
* Integrating ground and aerial views for urban site modeling
* Integrating local and global features in automatic fingerprint verification
* Integration of an on-line handwriting recognition system in a smart phone device
* Integration of Gibbs prior models and deformable models for 3D medical image segmentation
* Integration of pose recognition for a person wearing short or long sleeves
* Interacting multiple model (IMM) kalman filters for robust high speed human motion tracking
* Interaction-centric modelling for interactive virtual worlds: The APIA approach
* Interactive visual pattern recognition
* Intermediate view generation of soccer scene from multiple videos
* Introducing termination probabilities to HMM
* Introduction to Biometrics Special Issue
* Intrusion detection in computer networks by multiple classifier systems
* Invariant texture segmentation via circular gabor filters
* Inverse validation for accurate range image registration with structured data
* Iris detection using intensity and edge information
* Iris recognition using circular symmetric filters
* Is early detection of liver and breast cancers from ultrasound scans possible?
* iterative algorithm for optimal style conscious field classification, An
* iterative approach to partially supervised classification problems, An
* Iterative model-based binarization algorithm for cheque images
* Joint analysis of SAR, LIDAR and aerial imagery for simultaneous extraction of land cover, DTM and 3D shape of buildings
* Joint image registration and volume reconstruction for 3D ultrasound
* Kernel-based optimized feature vectors selection and discriminant analysis for face recognition
* KMOD: A two-parameter SVM kernel for pattern recognition
* Knowledge-based numeric open caption recognition for live sportscast
* Land cover mapping principles: a return to interpretation fundamentals
* Land surface albedo retrieval via kernel-based BRDF modeling: I. Statistical inversion method and model comparison
* Land surface albedo retrieval via kernel-based BRDF modeling: II. An optimal design scheme for the angular sampling
* large scale clustering scheme for kernel k-means, A
* Layered detection for multiple overlapping objects
* Learning and extracting edges from images by a modified Hopfield neural network
* Learning Bayesian network classifiers for credit scoring using Markov chain Monte Carlo search
* Learning feature transforms is an easier problem than feature selection
* Learning from negative example in relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* Learning Process to the Identification of Feature Points on Chinese Characters, A
* Learning Quadratic Discriminant Function for Handwritten Character Classification
* Learning semantic visual concepts from video
* Learning user preference in a personalized CBIR system
* Learning video processing by example
* Learning with relevant features and examples
* Least Committed Splines in 3D Modelling of Free Form Objects from Intensity Images
* Level-set evolution with region competition: Automatic 3-D segmentation of brain tumors
* Lexicon-Driven Segmentation and Recognition of Handwritten Character Strings for Japanese Address Reading
* Likelihood word image generation model for word recognition
* Linear and non-linear model for statistical localization of landmarks
* linear classifier for gaussian class conditional distributions with unequal covariance matrices, A
* Linear One-Sided Stability of MAT for Weakly Injective Domain
* Local affine frames for wide-baseline stereo
* Local Approach for Inter-individual Functional Registration, A
* Local search-embedded genetic algorithms for feature selection
* Locating characters in scene images using frequency features
* Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On: A Unifying Framework: Part 1
* Luminance quasi-preserving color quantization for digital steganography to palette-based images
* Machine olfaction: pattern recognition for the identification of aromas
* Machine Vision System for Lane-Departure Detection, A
* Manifold pursuit: a new approach to appearance based recognition
* Mapping emotional status to facial expressions
* Markov Random Field Modeling in Median Pyramidal Transform Domain for Denoising Applications
* Markov-kalman localization for mobile robots
* Matching and Retrieval of Distorted and Occluded Shapes Using Dynamic Programming
* Matching Free Trees, Maximal Cliques, and Monotone Game Dynamics
* Mathematical Statement to One Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: A Variational Approach
* Matrix Cubic Splines for Progressive 3D Imaging
* Maximum likelihood structure and motion estimation integrated over time
* Media-integrated biometric person recognition based on the Dempster-Shafer theory
* Median strings for k-nearest neighbour classification
* Membership authentication in dynamic face groups
* Membership authentication in the dynamic group by face classification using SVM ensemble
* Mesh Simplification Using the Edge Attributes
* method for automated extraction of aorta and pulmonary artery in the mediastimun using medial line models from 3D chest X-ray CT images without contrast materials, A
* method for detecting artificial objects in natural environments, A
* method for document zone content classification, A
* Method for transforming an image from a resolution to a lower resolution
* method of image recognition based on the fusion of reduced invariant representations: mathematical substantiation, A
* Methodology for the registration of whole SLO sequences
* Metric-based shape retrieval in large databases
* Micro region count image texture characterization
* Minimax Optimization of Continuous Search Efforts for the Detection of a Target
* Minimizing stochastic moire in frequency-modulated halftones by means of green-noise masks
* Minimum classification error training for handwritten character recognition
* Mixed anisotropic diffusion
* Mixed bayesian networks with auxiliary variables for automatic speech recognition
* Mixture models for dynamic statistical pressure snakes
* MLESAC tracking with 2D revolute-prismatic articulated models
* Mobile robot localization under varying illumination
* Model estimation for photometric changes of outdoor planar color surfaces caused by changes in illumination and viewpoint
* Model-based brain and tumor segmentation
* Model-based human body tracking
* Model-Based Real-Time Head Tracking
* Model-based segmentation of leukocytes clusters
* Model-based varying pose face detection and facial feature registration in colour images
* Modeling Costs of Turns in Route Planning
* Modeling object classes in aerial images using texture motifs
* Modeling shape and topology of 3d images of biological specimens
* Modelling and recognising 3D-objects described by multiple views using function-described graphs
* Modelling of 2d gel electrophoresis images for proteomics databases
* modification of the LAESA algorithm for approximated k-NN classification, A
* Modular neural networks for seismic tomography
* Monte Carlo Markov chain techniques for unsupervised MRF-based image denoising
* Morphology-based license plate detection from complex scenes
* Motion based event recognition using HMM
* Motion estimation and figure-ground segmentation using log-polar images
* Motion prediction using vc-generalization bounds
* Motion retrieval by temporal slices analysis
* Motion texture: a new motion based video representation
* Motion tracking of cattle with a constrained deformable model
* Motion-based obstacle detection and tracking for car driving assistance
* Movie genre classification by exploiting audio-visual features of previews
* Moving shadow detection using a physics-based approach
* Multi-class support vector machine
* Multi-resolution genetic algorithm and its application in motion estimation
* Multi-scale autoconvolution for affine invariant pattern recognition
* Multi-scale binarization of images
* Multi-scale model-based skeletonization of object shapes using self-organizing maps
* Multi-source combined-media video tracking for summarization
* Multibaseline stereo in the presence of specular reflections
* Multicue MRF image segmentation: combining texture and color features
* Multilinear image analysis for facial recognition
* Multimodal temporal pattern mining
* Multiphase Level Set Framework for Image Segmentation Using the Mumford and Shah Model, A
* Multiple complex object tracking using a combined technique
* Multiple objects segmentation based on maximum-likelihood estimation and optimum entropy-distribution (MLE-OED)
* Multiple rectangle model for buildings segmentation and 3D scene reconstruction
* Multiple-Camera Tracking of Rigid Objects
* Multiresolution block sampling-based method for texture synthesis
* Multiresolution Design of Aperture Operators
* Multiresolution image segmentation integrating Gibbs sampler and region merging algorithm
* Multiresolution-based watersheds for efficient image segmentation
* multiscale colour texture model, A
* Multiscale surface organization and description for free form object recognition
* Multiscale watershed segmentation of multivalued images
* Mutual information based evaluation of 3D building models
* Myocardial strain imaging with tagged MRI
* Narrative structure analysis with education and training videos for e-learning
* Natural image correction by iterative projections to eigenspace constructed in normalized image space
* Near optimum estimation of local fractal dimension for image segmentation
* Near-optimal regularization parameters for applications in computer vision
* Neighborhood coherence and edge based approaches to film scene extraction
* neural architecture for fast and robust face detection, A
* neural network classifier for occluded images, A
* new algorithm for inexact graph matching, A
* New algorithms for geometric transformations of digital images and patterns
* new approach for line recognition in large-size images using Hough transform, A
* new approach to solving Kruppa equations for camera self-calibration, A
* New approaches for colour histogram adaptation in face tracking tasks
* new attempt to gait-based human identification, A
* new combination scheme for HMM-based classifiers and its application to handwriting recognition, A
* new efficient ellipse detection method, A
* New enhancement algorithm for fingerprint images
* new image rectification algorithm, A
* new LDA-based method for face recognition, A
* new mesh simplification algorithm combining half-edge data structure with modified quadric error metric, A
* new method to compute the distortion vector field from two images, A
* new perceptive system for the recognition of cursive handwriting, A
* new shape transformation approach to handwritten character recognition, A
* new strategy for selecting working sets applied in SMO, A
* new textual/non-textual classifier for document skew correction, A
* New training strategies for RBF neural networks for X-ray agricultural product inspection
* Newspaper headlines extraction from microfilm images
* Noise compensation in a person verification system using face and multiple speech features
* Non-linear local harmonic filters for edge-preserving image denoising
* Non-uniform sampling for improved appearance-based models
* Nonlinear robust velocity estimation of vehicles from a snowfall traffic scene
* Nonparametric log spectrum estimation using disconnected regression splines and genetic algorithms
* Normalization of contrast in document images using generalized fuzzy operator with least square method
* Normalized sampling for color clustering in medical diagnosis
* note on principal point estimability, A
* novel adaptive approach to fingerprint enhancement filter design, A
* novel approach for single view based plane metrology, A
* Novel error concealment method with adaptive prediction to the abrupt and gradual scene changes
* novel method for harmonic geometric transformation model based on wavelet collocation, A
* Novel Two-Layer PCA/MDA Scheme for Hand Posture Recognition, A
* Object detection in images run-time complexity and parameter selection of support vector machines
* Object point processes for image segmentation
* Object recognition from 3d blurred images
* Object recognition supported by user interaction for service robots
* Object recognition with stereo vision and geometric hashing
* Object segmentation and tracking using video locales
* objective distortion measure for binary document images based on human visual perception, An
* Off-line handwritten chinese character stroke extraction
* Offline cursive word recognition using continuous density hidden Markov models trained with PCA or ICA features
* On automated tongue image segmentation in Chinese medicine
* On combining classifiers for speaker authentication
* On image segmentation for object-based image retrieval
* On machine learning, ROC analysis, and statistical tests of significance
* On selecting colour components for skin detection
* On the alignment of transmission electron microscope images without fiducial markers
* On the classification of temporal lobe epilepsy using MR image appearance
* On the equivalence of local-mode finding, robust estimation and mean-shift analysis as used in early vision tasks
* On the fast modification of the vector median filter
* On the origin of the bilateral filter and ways to improve it
* On the performance of wavelets for handwritten numerals recognition
* On the relationship between majority vote accuracy and dependency in multiple classifier systems
* On the relationship of human walking and running: Automatic person identification by gait
* On the Use of SDF-Type Filters for Distortion Parameter Estimation
* On Voronoi Diagrams and Medial Axes
* On-line handwriting recognition based on bigram co-occurrences
* On-line script recognition
* One class classification using implicit polynomial surface fitting
* Online appearance learning for 3d articulated human tracking
* Online handwritten indian script recognition: A human motor function based framework
* Optical flow and the aperture problem
* Optimal Coding of Quantized Laplacian Sources for Predictive Image Compression
* Optimal detection of blurred edges
* Optimal gabor filters for high speed face identification
* Optimal grid quantization
* Optimal Level Curves and Global Minimizers of Cost Functionals in Image Segmentation
* Optimal resynchronization marker positioning method using a novel information measure
* Optimization of neural classifiers based on Bayesian decision boundaries and idle neurons pruning
* Optimized gabor filter based feature extraction for character recognition
* Optimized rate control in embedded wavelet coding
* Orientation Difference Statistics for Texture Description
* original multi-scale algorithm to binarize images, An
* Orthonormal Vector Sets Regularization with PDE's and Applications
* Outex: New framework for empirical evaluation of texture analysis algorithms
* overview of MODIS Land data processing and product status, An
* Page classification through logical labelling
* Painter identification using local features and naive bayes
* Pair-wise sequential reduced set for optimization of support vector machines
* Palmprint texture analysis based on low-resolution images for personal authentication
* Panoramic stereo reconstruction using non-SVP optics
* Paper to PDA
* Parameterized Facial Expression Synthesis Based on MPEG-4
* Parzen-window network intrusion detectors
* Pattern classification using support vector machine ensemble
* Pattern recognition and understanding for visual information media
* Pattern recognition for humanitarian de-mining
* Pattern Recognition Theory in Nonlinear Signal Processing
* Pattern recognition using information slicing method (PRISM)
* PCA for gender estimation: which eigenvectors contribute?
* PCA in autocorrelation space
* Pen pressure features for writer-independent on-line handwriting recognition based on substroke HMM
* Perception planning for an exploration task of a 3D environment
* Perceptual grouping for multiple view stereo using tensor voting
* Perceptual grouping in grey-level images by combination of gabor filtering and tensor voting
* perceptual shape descriptor, A
* performance analysis of a chi-square similarity measure for topic related clustering of noisy transcripts, The
* Performance Analysis of two Sequential Monte Carlo Methods and Posterior Cramér-Rao Bounds for Multi-Target Tracking
* Performance comparison of masking models based on a new psychovisual test method with natural scenery stimuli
* Performance evaluation of object detection algorithms
* Performance of the Kullback-Leibler information gain for predicting image fidelity
* Performance prediction for handwritten word recognizers and its application to classifier combination
* Person identification using automatic height and stride estimation
* Person-on-person violence detection in video data
* Personal authentication using palm-print features
* physics-motivated approach to detecting sky in photographs, A
* piecewise quadratic approach to single image shape from shading, A
* Planar shape recognition across multiple views
* POCS-based method for reducing artifacts in BDCT compressed images, A
* Point-set alignment using multidimensional scaling
* Pose estimation for central catadioptric systems: An analytical approach
* Post-processing scheme for improving recognition performance of touching handwritten numeral strings
* Potential-based hierarchical clustering
* Preprocessing and recognition of characters in container codes
* Probabilistic detection and tracking at high frame rates using affine warping
* probabilistic framework for specular shape-from-shading, A
* probabilistic framework for specular shape-from-shading, A
* Probabilistic matching of image- to model-features for real-time object tracking
* probabilistic model for camera zoom detection, A
* Probabilistic model-based detection of bent-double radio galaxies
* Probabilistic models for generating, modelling and matching image categories
* Probabilistic motion parameter models for human activity recognition
* Probabilistic neural networks supporting multi-class relevance feedback in region-based image retrieval
* Probabilistic tracking with optimal scale and orientation selection
* Problem area location in an image signal
* Problem of Sparse Image Coding, The
* Process mapping and functional correlation in surface metrology: A novel clustering application
* Progress in document reconstruction
* progressive lossless/near-lossless image compression algorithm, A
* Projective factorization of planes and cameras in multiple views
* Prominent symmetry points as landmarks in fingerprint images for alignment
* proposal of a new robot vision system called the horizon view camera, The
* Prototype selection for finding efficient representations of dissimilarity data
* Prototyping structural description using decision tree learning techniques
* PVQM: A perceptual video quality measure
* Quality Assessment of Electromagnetic Localizers in the Context of 3D Ultrasound
* Quantification of shrinkage of lung lobe from chest ct images using the 3d extended voronoi division and its application to the benign/malignant discrimination of tumor shadows
* Quantifying change in patterned semi-arid vegetation by Fourier analysis of digitized aerial photographs
* Quantitative color optical flow
* Quasi-invariants for human action representation and recognition
* Quick 3D object detection and localization by dynamic active search with multiple active cameras
* Quickstroke: an incremental on-line Chinese handwriting recognition system
* Radial projections for non-linear feature extraction
* Range Flow Estimation
* Ranklets: orientation selective non-parametric features applied to face detection
* Rapid generation of event-based indexes for personalized video digests
* RBF-based pattern recognition method by competitively reducing classification-oriented error, An
* Real time 3D face pose discrimination based on active IR illumination
* Real-Time Approach to the Spotting, Representation, and Recognition of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction, A
* Real-time cooperative multi-target tracking by communicating active vision agents
* Real-time gesture recognition system based on contour signatures
* Real-time implementation of an optical flow algorithm
* Real-time MPEG-4 facial animation with 3D scalable meshes
* Real-time MPEG2 video watermarking in the VLC domain
* Real-Time Multi-Step View Reconstruction for a Virtual Teleconference System
* Real-time multiple people tracking using competitive condensation
* Real-time multiple-person tracking system
* Real-time pose estimation for outdoor, mobile robots using range data
* Real-time range imaging for dynamic scenes using colour-edge based structured light
* real-time system for classification of moving objects, A
* Real-time tracking and estimation of plane pose
* Real-time unsupervised speaker change detection
* Recent trends in 2D blind deconvolution for nondestructive evaluation
* Recognising human running behaviour in sports video sequences
* Recognition of free-form objects in dense range data using local features
* Recognition of gestures in the context of speech
* Recognition of human periodic motion: A frequency domain approach
* Recognition of lung nodules from x-ray ct images using 3d markov random field models
* Recognition of off-line handwritten Arabic words using hidden Markov model approach
* Recognition of similar objects using 2-D wavelet-fractal feature extraction
* Recognition of strong and weak connection models in continuous sign language
* Recognizing emphysema: A neural network approach
* Recognizing faces with expressions: Within-class space and between-class space
* Recognizing human behavior using universal eigenspace
* Recognizing marbling in dry-cured Iberian ham by multiscale analysis
* Recognizing Mathematical Expressions Using Tree Transformation
* Reconstructing mirror symmetric scenes from a single view using 2-view stereo geometry
* Recovering a Polygon from Noisy Data
* Recovering elastic property of soft tissues using 2d image sequences with limited range data
* Recovering structures and motions from mutual projection of cameras
* Refining 3d models using a two-stage neural network-based iterative process
* Region extraction based on belief propagation for gaussian model
* Region segmentation and matching in stereo images
* region-based method for model-free object tracking, A
* Registering panoramic range data and omni-directional color image based on edge histograms
* Registration and fusion of retinal images: a comparative study
* Registration for stereo vision-based augmented reality based on extendible tracking of markers and natural features
* Regularization in Image Non-Rigid Registration: I. Trade-off between Smoothness and Intensity Similarity
* Regularization Methods in Non-Rigid Registration: II. Isotropic Energies, Filters and Splines
* Regularized patch motion estimation
* Rejection strategies and confidence measures for a k-nn classifier in an ocr task
* Relational graph labelling using learning techniques and markov random fields
* Relationship between identification metrics: Expected confusion and area under a ROC curve
* Relative Fuzzy Connectedness and Object Definition: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Image Segmentation
* Relative Viewing Distance: A Correspondence Invariance under Paraperspective Projection
* Reliable and fast eye finding in close-up images
* Reliable image matching based on relative gradients
* Representing and recognizing complete set of geons using extended superquadrics
* Representing object manifolds by parametrized SOMs
* Research on Chinese financial invoice recognition technology
* Rigid Point-Surface Registration using Oriented Points and an EM Variant of ICP for Computer Guided Oral Implantology
* Robotic vision: what happened to the visions of yesterday?
* Robust affine motion estimation in joint image space using tensor voting
* robust algorithm for probabilistic human recognition from video, A
* Robust appearance-based object recognition using a fully connected Markov random field
* robust approach for recognition of text embedded in natural scenes, A
* robust audio searching method for cellular-phone-based music information retrieval, A
* Robust color segmentation for the RoboCup domain
* Robust computation of optical flow under non-uniform illumination variations
* Robust contrast-invariant eigendetection
* Robust detection of buildings in digital surface models
* Robust estimation of camera translation between two images using a camera with a 3d orientation sensor
* Robust estimation of trifocal tensor using messy genetic algorithm
* Robust event detection by radial reach filter (RRF)
* Robust face analysis using convolutional neural networks
* Robust face detection and hand posture recognition in color images for human-machine interaction
* robust fingerprint matching algorithm using local alignment, A
* Robust frontal face detection in complex environment
* Robust learning in adaptive processing of data structures for tree representation based image classification
* robust license-plate extraction method under complex image conditions, A
* robust method for the Vietnamese handwritten and speech recognition, A
* Robust model based motion segmentation
* Robust Multiple Hypothesis Approach to Monocular Human Motion Tracking, A
* Robust recovery of multiple light source based on local light source constant constraint
* Robust Registration of Multi-Modal Medical Images: Towards Real-Time Clinical Applications
* robust semi-supervised EM-based clustering algorithm with a reject option, A
* Robust text detection from binarized document images
* Robust tracking of soccer players based on data fusion
* Robustness of linear discriminant analysis in automatic speech recognition
* role of feature selection in artificial neural network applications, The
* Rotation and scale invariant shape representation and recognition using matching pursuit
* Rotations, Lines, and Multilinear Constraints
* Saturated independent color coordinates for image alignment
* Scale-adaptive orientation estimation
* Scene classification from dense disparity maps in indoor environments
* School level recognition from children's drawings and writings
* Scratch detection via underdamped harmonic motion
* script matching algorithm for oriental characters on PDAs, A
* Sean-to-XML: automatic generation of browsable technical documents
* Segmentation of spatially variant image textures
* Segmentation of Textured Satellite and Aerial Images by Bayesian Inference
* Segmentation of ultrasonic images using Support Vector Machines
* Segmentation of ultrasound images: Multiresolution 2D and 3D algorithm based on global and local statistics
* Segmentation of Vector Fields by Critical Point Analysis: Application to Brain Deformation
* Segmenting actions in velocity curve space
* Self-calibration and neural network implementation of photometric stereo
* Self-calibration of a camera from video of a walking human
* Self-Consistency and MDL: A Paradigm for Evaluating Point-Correspondence Algorithms, and Its Application to Detecting Changes in Surface Elevation
* Self-Referencing Level-Set Method for Image Reconstruction from Sparse Fourier Samples, A
* Semantic interpretation of object activities in a surveillance system
* Semantic retrieval by spatial relationships
* Separating color and pattern information for color texture discrimination
* Shadow elimination for effective moving object detection with gaussian models
* Shape Analysis and Retrieval of Multimedia Objects
* Shape Connectivity: Multiscale Analysis and Application to Generalized Granulometries
* Shape decomposition and skeleton extraction of character patterns
* Shape representation using concavity graphs
* Shape-based image retrieval using generic Fourier descriptor
* Shape-space from tree-union
* Shapes Modeling of 3-D Objects Based on A Hybrid Representation Using Extended B-Spline Model
* Signal processing for preserving the environment
* Signed distance functions and viscosity solutions of discontinuous Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
* simple but high-quality stereo algorithm, A
* simple linear method to obtain eight ordering of scene points, A
* Simulated static electric field (SSEF) snake for deformable models
* Simultaneous segmentation and registration for functional MR images
* Skewed alpha-stable distributions for modelling textures
* Sliding Adjustment for 3D Video Representation
* smale-like decomposition for discrete scalar fields, A
* smart sensor based visual landmarks detection for indoor robot navigation, A
* SmartAlbum: Towards unification of approaches for image retrieval
* solution for facial expression representation and recognition, A
* Solving the small sample size problem of LDAf
* Some improvements on two autocalibration algorithms based on the fundamental matrix
* Some recent advances in speech recognition with potential applications in other statistical pattern recognition areas
* Space-time invariants and video motion extraction from arbitrary viewpoints
* Spatial color component matching of images
* Spatial texture analysis: a comparative study
* Spatio-Temporal Alignment of Sequences
* Spatio-temporal characterization of vessel segments applied to retinal angiographic images
* Special Issue on Signal Processing for 3D Imaging and Virtual Reality
* Special issue on the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS): a new generation of land surface monitoring
* Special Issue Preface: Ultrasonic Image Processing and Analysis
* Specification of image acquisition parameters for stereo panoramas
* spectral representation for appearance-based classification and recognition, A
* Spectral unmixing of vegetation, soil and dry carbon cover in arid regions: comparing multispectral and hyperspectral observations
* Speeding up SVM decision based on mirror points
* Statistical background modeling for non-stationary camera
* statistical modeling approach to content based video retrieval, A
* Statistical Shape Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Step acceleration based training algorithm for feedforward neural networks
* Stereo computation using radial adaptive windows
* Stereo tracking using ICP and normal flow constraint
* Stochastic filtering for motion trajectory in image sequences using a monte carlo filter with estimation of hyper-parameters
* Strategies for image segmentation combining region and boundary information
* Streaming face recognition using multicamera video arrays
* string length predictor to control the level building of HMMs for handwritten numeral recognition, A
* Stroke extraction and stroke sequence estimation on signatures
* Structural brain asymmetry as revealed by 3d texture analysis of anatomical MR images
* Structure from motion from three affine views
* Structure in errors: a case study in fingerprint verification
* Style-conscious quadratic field classifier
* subspace approach to face detection with support vector machines, A
* Super-fusion: a super-resolution method based on fusion
* supervised classification scheme using positive boolean function, A
* Supervised evaluation methodology for curvilinear structure detection algorithms
* Supervised segmentation by iterated contextual pixel classification
* Supervised segmentation of textures in backscatter images
* Supervised training based hand gesture recognition system
* Support object classifiers with rigid and elastic kernel functions for face identification
* support system for visually impaired persons to understand three-dimensional visual information using acoustic interface, A
* Support Vector Machines for Texture Classification
* Surface models based on face hierarchies and dynamic control of the model LODs
* Switches may solve adjacency problems
* Synergism in low level vision
* Synergizing spatial and temporal texture
* Synthesis of fingerprint images
* Synthetic fingerprint-database generation
* System and method for counting parts in multiple fields of view using machine vision
* System for Three-Dimensional Robotic Mapping of Underground Mines, A
* Tangent distance kernels for support vector machines
* Tangible bits: designing the boundary between people, bits, and atoms
* target detection method in range-doppler domain from SAR echo data, A
* Technical symbols recognition using the two-dimensional radon transform
* Techniques for spatial displacement estimation and multi-resolution operations on light fields
* Template update criterion for template matching of image sequences
* Temporal color correlograms for video retrieval
* Temporal PDMs for gait classification
* Temporally evaluated optical flow: study on accuracy
* Tetrahedron mapping of points from n-space to three-space
* Text extraction in real scene images on planar planes
* Text localization, enhancement and binarization in multimedia documents
* Text scanner with text detection technology on image sequences
* Text segmentation and recognition in complex background based on markov random field
* Textual description of human activities by tracking head and hand motions
* Textural analysis of IRS-1D panchromatic data for land cover classification
* Texture adaptation for human tracking using statistical shape model
* Texture classification based on the boolean model and its application to HEP-2 cells
* Texture classification by multi-model feature integration using Bayesian networks
* Texture Recognition through Modal Analysis of Spectral Peak Patterns
* Theories for the design of diffractive superresolution elements and limits of optical superresolution
* theory of the quasi-static world, A
* Three dimensional measurement using color structured patterns and imaging spectrograph
* Three New Algorithms for Projective Bundle Adjustment with Minimum Parameters
* Three-dimensional enhancement of confocal scanning laser fluorescence microscope images for vascular reconstruction
* Three-Dimensional Facial Adaptation for MPEG-4 Talking Heads
* Three-dimensional space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging with multiple pass processing
* Thresholding video images for text detection
* tied-mixture 2-D HMM face recognition system, A
* To each according to its need: kernel class specific classifiers
* Tool wear estimation from acoustic emissions: A model incorporating wear-rate
* Topologies on the planar orthogonal grid
* Touching numeral segmentation using water reservoir concept
* Towards better making a decision in speaker verification
* Towards Free-Hand 3-D Ultrasound
* Towards log-polar fixation for mobile robots: Analysis of corner tracking on the log-polar camera
* Towards robust lip tracking
* Tracking brain deformations in time sequences of 3D US images
* Tracking hands and objects for an intelligent video production system
* Tracking multiple animals in wildlife footage
* Tracking objects using recognition
* Tracking objects using recovered physical motion parameters
* Tracking people
* Tracking players and a ball in video image sequence and estimating camera parameters for 3d interpretation of soccer games
* Tracking While Zooming Using Affine Transfer and Multifocal Tensors
* trainable hierarchical hidden markov tree model for color image annotation, A
* Trainable table location in document images
* Trajectory segmentation using dynamic programming
* Tree pruning for output coded ensembles
* Tree-Structured Haar Transforms
* trimmed iterative closest point algorithm, The
* Truncating the Hough transform parameter space can be beneficial
* two level classifier process for audio segmentation, A
* Two-dimensional phase unwrapping using robust derivative estimation and adaptive integration
* Two-hand gesture recognition using coupled switching linear model
* Two-hand gesture recognition using coupled switching linear model
* two-stage-classifier for defect classification in optical media inspection, A
* Ultrasonic speckle formation, analysis and processing applied to tissue characterization
* Ultrasonic spectrum analysis for tissue evaluation
* Uncertainty modelling using Dempster-Shafer theory for improving detection of weld defects
* Unified approach to image distortion
* unified framework for quasi-linear bundle adjustment, A
* Uniformity testing using minimal spanning tree
* Unsupervised active regions for multiresolution image segmentation
* Unsupervised and Non-Parametric Bayesian Classifier, An
* Unsupervised clustering of text entities in heterogeneous grey level documents
* Unsupervised Learning Using Locally Linear Embedding: Experiments with Face Pose Analysis
* Unsupervised robust clustering for image database categorization
* Unsupervised segmentation of dual-polarization SAR images based on amplitude and texture characteristics
* Urban built-up land change detection with road density and spectral information from multi-temporal Landsat TM data
* Use of characteristic views in image classification
* Usefulness of boundary sequences in computing shape features for arbitrary shaped regions
* Using eigen-deformations in handwritten character recognition
* Using Genetic Algorithms for Solving Hard Problems in GIS
* Using grey-level and distance information for medial surface representation of volume images
* Using known motion fields for image separation in transparency
* Using middle level features for robust shape tracking
* Using MPEG-7 Descriptors in Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps
* Using normal flow for detection and tracking of limbs in color images
* Using Prior Shapes in Geometric Active Contours in a Variational Framework
* Using two-class classifiers for multiclass classification
* Using, constraint inequality on estimated correlation for rapid image search
* Variable neighborhood search for geometrically deformable templates
* Variational Approach for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Cardiac Image Analysis, A
* variational approach to one dimensional phase unwrapping, A
* Variational image segmentation by unifying region and boundary information
* Variational Methods for Multimodal Image Matching
* Vibratory image feature extraction based on local log-polar symmetry
* Video camera having display for displaying movement speed and hand wobble
* Video clip recognition using joint audio-visual processing model
* Video editing support system based on video grammar and content analysis
* Video fade detection by discrete line identification
* Video structuring, indexing and retrieval based on global motion wavelet coefficients
* Video-based sign recognition using self-organizing subunits
* View-based 3-D object recognition using shock graphs
* View-based dynamic object recognition based on human perception
* Virtual audio system customization using visual matching of ear parameters
* Virtual view generation by linear processing of two differently focused images
* Vision-based 3D direct manipulation interface for smart interaction
* Visual abstraction of wildlife footage using gaussian mixture models and the minimum description length criterion
* Visual contour tracking based on sequential importance sampling/resampling algorithm
* Visual cryptography for gray-level images by dithering techniques
* Visual orientation in the sewer: adaptation to the environment
* Visual Servoing from Lines
* Visualizing concave and convex partitioning of 2D contours
* Vizwear-active: Distributed monte carlo face tracking for wearable active cameras
* volumetric approach for the registration and integration of range images: towards interactive modeling systems, A
* Voting method for the detection of subpixel flow field
* Wavelet image enhancement based on Teager energy operator
* Wavelet moments for recognizing human body posture from 3d scans
* wavelet-based edge detection method by scale multiplication, A
* Wavelet-based image coding using fuzzy inference and adaptive quantization
* Wavelet-based morphological approach for detection of human face region
* Wavelet-based multiresolution stereo vision
* Wavelet-based unsupervised SAR image segmentation using hidden markov tree models
* wavelet-based watershed image segmentation for VOP generation, A
* Web-based collaborative filtering system, A
* Web-based evaluation and deployment of pattern recognizers
* Wedge-based corner model for widely separated views matching
* Well-posed anisotropic diffusion for image denoising
* Well-posedness of eight problems of multi-modal statistical image-matching
* Why can LDA be performed in PCA transformed space?
* Why does output normalization create problems in multiple classifier systems?
* windowed weighted approach for approximate cyclic string matching, A
* Word segmentation of printed text lines based on gap clustering and special symbol detection
* Word spotting in chinese document images without layout analysis
* Wrapper for object detection in an autonomous mobile robot
1070 for 0211

Index for "0"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.