Index for marc

Marc Andre, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afef, C.: Proximity operators for a class of hybrid sparsity: entropy ...
     with: Emilie, C.: Proximity operators for a class of hybrid sparsity: entrop...

Marc, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kurosh, M.: Special session on image processing for natural risks (IPNR)
     with: Lucile, R.: Special session on image processing for natural risks (IPNR)

Marc, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Henri, N.: Segmentation of non-rigid video objects using long term tem...
     with: Nathalie, C.: Fully scalable object based video coder based on analysi...
     with: Stephane, P.: Fully scalable object based video coder based on analysi...
     with: Stephane, T.: Segmentation of non-rigid video objects using long term ...

Marc, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Delecroix, C.: High Dynamic Range Imaging System for the Visually Impa...
     with: Dumas, M.: High Dynamic Range Imaging System for the Visually Impaired
     with: Dupeyron, G.: High Dynamic Range Imaging System for the Visually Impai...
     with: Lorenzini, M.C.: High Dynamic Range Imaging System for the Visually Im...
     with: Maalej, A.: High Dynamic Range Imaging System for the Visually Impaired
     with: Tatur, G.: High Dynamic Range Imaging System for the Visually Impaired

Marc, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akkouche, S.: Reconstruction of Consistent 3D CAD Models from Point Cl...
     with: Anderson, J.: Online parameter estimation in dynamic Markov Random Fie...
     with: Anderson, J.: Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive Wrap...
     with: Anderson, J.: Synapse classification and localization in Electron Micr...
     with: Bey, A.: Effective Shapes Generation for Bayesian CAD Model Reconstruc...
     with: Bey, A.: Reconstruction of Consistent 3D CAD Models from Point Cloud D...
     with: Chaine, R.: Effective Shapes Generation for Bayesian CAD Model Reconst...
     with: Chaine, R.: Reconstruction of Consistent 3D CAD Models from Point Clou...
     with: Fisher, S.: Synapse classification and localization in Electron Microg...
     with: Fisher, S.K.: Online parameter estimation in dynamic Markov Random Fie...
     with: Fisher, S.K.: Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive Wrap...
     with: Girardeau Montaut, D.: Change detection on point cloud data acquired w...
     with: Jagadeesh, V.: Online parameter estimation in dynamic Markov Random Fi...
     with: Jagadeesh, V.: Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive Wra...
     with: Jagadeesh, V.: Synapse classification and localization in Electron Mic...
     with: Jones, B.: Online parameter estimation in dynamic Markov Random Fields...
     with: Jones, B.: Synapse classification and localization in Electron Microgr...
     with: Jones, B.W.: Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive Wrapp...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Online parameter estimation in dynamic Markov Random ...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Robust Segmentation Based Tracing Using an Adaptive W...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: Synapse classification and localization in Electron M...
     with: Roux, M.: Change detection on point cloud data acquired with a ground ...
     with: Thibault, G.: Change detection on point cloud data acquired with a gro...
     with: Thibault, G.: Effective Shapes Generation for Bayesian CAD Model Recon...
     with: Thibault, G.: Reconstruction of Consistent 3D CAD Models from Point Cl...
25 for Marc, R.

Marcaccio, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Banda, E.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland an...
     with: Battaglia, M.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetlan...
     with: Bourgeau Chavez, L.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal ...
     with: Chow Fraser, P.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetl...
     with: Endres, S.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland a...
     with: Higman, P.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland a...
     with: Laubach, Z.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland ...
     with: Miller, M.E.: Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland...
8 for Marcaccio, J.

Marcaccio, J.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chow Fraser, P.: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Produce High-Resolution, Sea...
     with: Markle, C.E.: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Produce High-Resolution, Season...

Marcacini, R.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Carnevali, J.C.: On combining Websensors and DTW distance for kNN Time...
     with: Correa, G.N.: active learning approach to frequent itemset-based text ...
     with: Correa, G.N.: Interactive textual feature selection for consensus clus...
     with: Domingos, J.: On combining Websensors and DTW distance for kNN Time Se...
     with: Domingues, M.A.: Improving Personalized Ranking in Recommender Systems...
     with: Domingues, M.A.: Privileged Information for Hierarchical Document Clus...
     with: Domingues, M.A.: Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies t...
     with: dos Santos, B.N.: two-stage regularization framework for heterogeneous...
     with: Hruschka, E.R.: Interactive textual feature selection for consensus cl...
     with: Hruschka, E.R.: Privileged Information for Hierarchical Document Clust...
     with: Manzato, M.G.: Improving Personalized Ranking in Recommender Systems w...
     with: Manzato, M.G.: Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies to ...
     with: Rezende, S.O.: active learning approach to frequent itemset-based text...
     with: Rezende, S.O.: Improving Personalized Ranking in Recommender Systems w...
     with: Rezende, S.O.: Interactive textual feature selection for consensus clu...
     with: Rezende, S.O.: Privileged Information for Hierarchical Document Cluste...
     with: Rezende, S.O.: two-stage regularization framework for heterogeneous ev...
     with: Rezende, S.O.: Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies to ...
     with: Rossi, R.G.: two-stage regularization framework for heterogeneous even...
     with: Sundermann, C.V.: Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies ...
20 for Marcacini, R.M.

Marcaida, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ketterings, Q.M.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Image...
     with: Kindred, D.R.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images t...
     with: Subhashree, S.N.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Image...
     with: Sunoj, S.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images to Es...
     with: Thompson, L.J.: Exploring the Use of High-Resolution Satellite Images ...

Marcal, A.R.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almeida da Silva, R.M.: Evaluation of Features for Leaf Discrimination
     with: Bioucas Dias, J.M.: Fast Sparse Multinomial Regression Applied to Hype...
     with: Bioucas Dias, J.M.B.: Bayesian Hyperspectral Image Segmentation With D...
     with: Borges, J.S.: Bayesian Hyperspectral Image Segmentation With Discrimin...
     with: Borges, J.S.: Estimating the Natural Number of Classes on Hierarchical...
     with: Borges, J.S.: Fast Sparse Multinomial Regression Applied to Hyperspect...
     with: Cardoso, J.S.: Global Constraints for Syntactic Consistency in OMR: An...
     with: Caridade, C.M.R.: Automatic Information Extraction from Gel Electropho...
     with: Caridade, C.M.R.: System for Automatic Counting the Number of Collembo...
     with: Cunha, M.: Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics Inferred by Satellite Data U...
     with: Cunha, M.: PhenoSat: A tool for vegetation temporal analysis from sate...
     with: Goncalves, J.A.: Automatic Ortho-rectification of ASTER Images by Matc...
     with: Martins, A.L.R.: Modified DBSCAN Algorithm for Microscopic Image Analy...
     with: Martins, J.: Towards Automatic Calibration of Dotblot Images
     with: Mendonca, T.: Automatic Information Extraction from Gel Electrophoresi...
     with: Mendonca, T.: Separability Analysis of Color Classes on Dermoscopic Im...
     with: Mesquita, T.A.: Hierarchic Image Classification Visualization
     with: Pereira, M.A.: Separability Analysis of Color Classes on Dermoscopic I...
     with: Pereira, P.R.: Steganographic Method for Digital Images Robust to RS S...
     with: Pereira, S.: Automatic Information Extraction from Gel Electrophoresis...
     with: Pessoa, A.M.: Automatic Information Extraction from Gel Electrophoresi...
     with: Pissarra, J.: Modified DBSCAN Algorithm for Microscopic Image Analysis...
     with: Rebelo, A.: Global Constraints for Syntactic Consistency in OMR: An On...
     with: Rodrigues, A.: Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics Inferred by Satellite Da...
     with: Rodrigues, A.: PhenoSat: A tool for vegetation temporal analysis from ...
     with: Rozeira, J.: Separability Analysis of Color Classes on Dermoscopic Ima...
     with: Santos, E.M.D.S.: Image Based Estimation of Fruit Phytopathogenic Lesi...
     with: Schneider, C.: Compression of NOAA/AVHRR data with a wavelet transform
     with: Selaru, E.: Towards Automatic Calibration of Dotblot Images
     with: Silva, C.S.P.: Separability Analysis of Color Classes on Dermoscopic I...
     with: Silva, P.F.B.: Evaluation of Features for Leaf Discrimination
     with: Tavares, F.: Image Based Estimation of Fruit Phytopathogenic Lesions A...
     with: Tavares, F.: Towards Automatic Calibration of Dotblot Images
     with: Triebfurst, B.: Compression of NOAA/AVHRR data with a wavelet transform
     with: Vaughan, R.A.: Compression of NOAA/AVHRR data with a wavelet transform
37 for Marcal, A.R.S.

Marcano Vega, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brandeis, T.J.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic an...
     with: Collin, M.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical Fores...
     with: Erickson, H.E.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic an...
     with: Fleming, S.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical Fore...
     with: Gwenzi, D.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical Fores...
     with: Gwenzi, D.: Predictions of Tropical Forest Biomass and Biomass Growth ...
     with: Helmer, E.H.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical For...
     with: Helmer, E.H.: Predictions of Tropical Forest Biomass and Biomass Growt...
     with: Helmer, E.H.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic and ...
     with: Lefsky, M.A.: Predictions of Tropical Forest Biomass and Biomass Growt...
     with: Lefsky, M.A.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic and ...
     with: Melendez Ackerman, E.J.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in T...
     with: Ruefenacht, B.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic an...
     with: Ruzycki, T.S.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic and...
     with: Sherrill, K.R.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic an...
     with: Tian, J.Q.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical Fores...
     with: Wilson, B.T.: Tropical Deforestation and Recolonization by Exotic and ...
     with: Zhu, X.L.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical Forest...
     with: Zhu, X.L.: Predictions of Tropical Forest Biomass and Biomass Growth B...
     with: Zimmerman, J.K.: Characterization of Dry-Season Phenology in Tropical ...
20 for Marcano Vega, H.

Marcano, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Diaz, S.: Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and ...
     with: Irigoyen, E.: Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory ...
     with: Perez, J.: Review of Shared Control for Automated Vehicles: Theory and...

Marcantonio, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baiocchi, V.: Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Enge...
     with: Barbarella, M.: Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse En...
     with: del Pizzo, S.: Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Eng...
     with: Giannone, F.: Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Enge...
     with: Piccaro, C.: Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Engen...
     with: Troisi, S.: Augusto's Sundial: Image-based Modeling for Reverse Engene...

Marcantonio, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arnoldi, D.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in...
     with: Baldacchino, F.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scal...
     with: Capelli, G.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in...
     with: Delucchi, L.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale i...
     with: Manica, M.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in ...
     with: Marini, G.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in ...
     with: Montarsi, F.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale i...
     with: Rizzoli, A.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in...
     with: Rosa, R.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in It...
     with: Zorer, R.: Mapping of Aedes albopictus Abundance at a Local Scale in I...
10 for Marcantonio, M.

Marcarelli, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brooks, C.: Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spic...
     with: Grimm, A.: Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spica...
     with: Marion, N.P.: Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sp...
     with: Sayers, M.: Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spic...
     with: Shuchman, R.: Classification of Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum sp...

Marcarini, A.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albrecht, F.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ...
     with: Cipriani, A.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ...
     with: Comber, A.J.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ...
     with: Fritz, S.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geo...
     with: Garcia, A.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ge...
     with: Hazarika, R.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ...
     with: Kattenborn, T.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing an...
     with: Kraxner, F.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and g...
     with: Lesiv, M.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geo...
     with: Maus, V.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geog...
     with: McCallum, I.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ...
     with: Obersteiner, M.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing a...
     with: Perger, C.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ge...
     with: Rabia, A.H.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and g...
     with: Schepaschenko, D.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing...
     with: Schepaschenko, M.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing...
     with: Schill, C.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ge...
     with: See, L.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and geogr...
     with: Singha, K.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ge...
     with: Siraj, M.A.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and g...
     with: Vakolyuk, M.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ...
     with: van der Velde, M.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: Building a hybrid land cover map with crowdsourcing and ge...
23 for Marcarini, A.A.

Marcato Junior, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, G.R.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-sc...
     with: Chapman, M.A.: Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and ...
     with: Chen, F.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spec...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data usin...
     with: Claverie, M.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived ...
     with: Creste, J.E.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content i...
     with: Cui, P.: Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on...
     with: de Araujo, F.F.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Conten...
     with: de Castro Jorge, L.A.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient ...
     with: de Moraes, M.V.A.: mobile platform with a catadioptric sensor, A
     with: dos Santos, J.A.: Prototypical Contrastive Network for Imbalanced Aeri...
     with: dos Santos, J.A.: Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Segmentation via Meta-Lea...
     with: Du, J.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-scale...
     with: Estrabis, N.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content i...
     with: Faita Pinheiro, M.M.: Prototypical Contrastive Network for Imbalanced ...
     with: Fan, Q.C.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spe...
     with: Gama, P.H.T.: Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Segmentation via Meta-Learning
     with: Goncalves, W.N.: Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction an...
     with: Goncalves, W.N.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Deriv...
     with: Goncalves, W.N.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Conten...
     with: Goncalves, W.N.: Prototypical Contrastive Network for Imbalanced Aeria...
     with: Guan, H.Y.: Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data usin...
     with: Guo, J.: Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on...
     with: Huang, S.F.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-...
     with: Ianczyk, F.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content in...
     with: Imai, N.N.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content in ...
     with: Li, J.: Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on ...
     with: Li, J.: Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and Classif...
     with: Li, J.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spectr...
     with: Li, J.: Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data using CN...
     with: Li, J.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content in Vale...
     with: Li, J.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-scale...
     with: Li, Y.: Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on ...
     with: Li, Y.: Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and Classif...
     with: Liesenberg, V.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content...
     with: Lopes de Lemos, E.: Potential of Visual ChatGPT for Remote Sensing, The
     with: Lou, S.L.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spe...
     with: Ma, L.F.: Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and Class...
     with: Ma, L.F.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content in Va...
     with: Marques Ramos, A.P.: Potential of Visual ChatGPT for Remote Sensing, The
     with: Marques Ramos, A.P.: Prototypical Contrastive Network for Imbalanced A...
     with: Moriya, E.A.S.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content...
     with: Nogueira, K.: Prototypical Contrastive Network for Imbalanced Aerial I...
     with: Nunes Goncalves, W.: Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR ...
     with: Nunes Goncalves, W.: Potential of Visual ChatGPT for Remote Sensing, The
     with: Oliveira, H.: Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Segmentation via Meta-Learning
     with: Olivete, A.L.: mobile platform with a catadioptric sensor, A
     with: Osco, L.P.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content in ...
     with: Pan, S.Y.: Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data using...
     with: Pinheiro, M.M.F.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Conte...
     with: Prado Osco, L.: Potential of Visual ChatGPT for Remote Sensing, The
     with: Ramos, A.P.M.: Machine Learning Framework to Predict Nutrient Content ...
     with: Smit, J.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-sca...
     with: Su, J.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-scale...
     with: Tommaselli, A.M.G.: mobile platform with a catadioptric sensor, A
     with: Wang, C.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spec...
     with: Wang, C.X.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Sp...
     with: Wang, Z.: ResDLPS-Net: Joint residual-dense optimization for large-sca...
     with: Yang, L.M.: Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Sp...
     with: Ye, C.M.: Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based o...
     with: Yu, Y.T.: Capsule-Based Networks for Road Marking Extraction and Class...
     with: Yu, Y.T.: Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data using ...
     with: Zhang, Z.T.: Accurate Prediction of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Base...
63 for Marcato Junior, J.

Marcato, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bossi, G.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via the...
     with: Bossi, G.: New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Using ...
     with: Ciccarese, G.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via...
     with: Corsini, A.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via t...
     with: Mair, V.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via the ...
     with: Mantovani, M.: New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Us...
     with: Mulas, M.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via the...
     with: Pasuto, A.: New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Using...
     with: Schenato, L.: New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Usi...
     with: Tedesco, G.: New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Usin...
     with: Titti, G.: New Perspectives in Landslide Displacement Detection Using ...
     with: Tondo, M.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides via the...
     with: Tonidandel, D.: Detecting Recent Dynamics in Large-Scale Landslides vi...
13 for Marcato, G.

Marcato, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abreu, P.A.G.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic Ce...
     with: Artero, A.O.: Calibration of Panoramic Cameras with Coded Targets and ...
     with: Batistoti, J.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect ...
     with: Berveglieri, A.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic ...
     with: Caldeira, C.R.T.: Generating Virtual Images from Oblique Frames
     with: Caldeira, C.R.T.: Using Relative Orientation Constraints To Produce Vi...
     with: Camargo, P.O.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic Ce...
     with: de Castro Jorge, L.A.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and...
     with: de Moraes, M.V.A.: Generating Virtual Images from Oblique Frames
     with: de Moraes, M.V.A.: Using Relative Orientation Constraints To Produce V...
     with: de Souza, M.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect p...
     with: Dias, A.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect plant...
     with: dos Santos de Arruda, M.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants ...
     with: Galo, M.: Generating Virtual Images from Oblique Frames
     with: Galo, M.: Using Relative Orientation Constraints To Produce Virtual Im...
     with: Gomes, F.D.G.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect ...
     with: Goncalves, D.N.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detec...
     with: Goncalves, D.N.: MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers f...
     with: Goncalves, W.N.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detec...
     with: Goncalves, W.N.: MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers f...
     with: Hasegawa, J.K.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic C...
     with: Henrique, G.R.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic C...
     with: Hirao, H.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic Cemetery
     with: Li, J.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect plantat...
     with: Li, J.: MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers for Semant...
     with: Liesenberg, V.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect...
     with: Lopes, R.F.: Generating Virtual Images from Oblique Frames
     with: Lopes, R.F.: Using Relative Orientation Constraints To Produce Virtual...
     with: Ma, L.F.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect plant...
     with: Moraes, M.V.A.: Calibration of a catadioptric omnidirectional vision s...
     with: Moraes, M.V.A.: Calibration of Panoramic Cameras with Coded Targets an...
     with: Moraes, M.V.A.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic C...
     with: Nogueira, K.: MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers for ...
     with: Osco, L.P.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect pla...
     with: Pistori, H.: MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers for S...
     with: Polidori, L.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic Cem...
     with: Ramos, A.P.M.: CNN approach to simultaneously count plants and detect ...
     with: Rissate, E.A.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Historic Ce...
     with: Silva, S.L.A.: Calibration of Panoramic Cameras with Coded Targets and...
     with: Tommaselli, A.M.G.: Calibration of a catadioptric omnidirectional visi...
     with: Tommaselli, A.M.G.: Calibration of Panoramic Cameras with Coded Target...
     with: Tommaselli, A.M.G.: Generating Virtual Images from Oblique Frames
     with: Tommaselli, A.M.G.: Using Relative Orientation Constraints To Produce ...
     with: Tommaselli, A.M.G.: Using Vertical Panoramic Images to Record a Histor...
     with: Zamboni, P.: MTLSegFormer: Multi-task Learning with Transformers for S...
45 for Marcato, J.

Marcatti, G.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Filho, E.I.F.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Fo...
     with: Gleriani, J.M.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under F...
     with: Halassy, M.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Fore...
     with: Leite, H.G.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Fore...
     with: Martins, S.V.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Fo...
     with: Reis, B.P.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under Fores...
     with: Sarcinelli, T.S.: Management Recommendation Generation for Areas Under...
7 for Marcatti, G.E.

Marcbesotti, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ferrari, M.: Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by using ...
     with: Marcenaro, L.: Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by usin...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by us...

Marceau, D.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blaschke, T.: comparison of three image-object methods for the multisc...
     with: Bouchard, A.: comparison of three image-object methods for the multisc...
     with: Frihida, A.: Development of a Temporal Extension to Query Travel Behav...
     with: Gupta, A.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region on t...
     with: Hasbani, J.G.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region ...
     with: Hay, G.J.: comparison of three image-object methods for the multiscale...
     with: Theriault, M.: Development of a Temporal Extension to Query Travel Beh...
     with: Valeo, C.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary region on t...
     with: Wijesekara, G.N.: Impact of increased urbanization in the Calgary regi...
9 for Marceau, D.J.

Marceca, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barosi, A.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardiog...
     with: Bianchi, E.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardio...
     with: Bianchi, L.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardio...
     with: Bitetto, A.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardio...
     with: Cerchiello, P.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocar...
     with: Dondi, P.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardiogr...
     with: Ferri, D.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardiogr...
     with: Lombardi, L.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardi...
     with: Tolgyesi, J.: Deep Learning Detection of Cardiac Akinesis in Echocardi...
9 for Marceca, A.

Marcek, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kurilova, V.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological ope...
     with: Oravec, M.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological opera...
     with: Pavlovicova, J.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological ...
     with: Rakar, R.: Retinal blood vessels extraction using morphological operat...

Marcel, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akar, G.B.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Bengio, S.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Bengio, S.: Scalability Analysis of Audio-Visual Person Identity Verif...
     with: Cardinaux, F.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Czyz, J.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Czyz, J.: Scalability Analysis of Audio-Visual Person Identity Verific...
     with: Deravi, F.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Kadyrov, A.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Kepenekci, B.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Kurutach, W.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Marcel, S.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Mavity, N.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Messer, K.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Paredes, R.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Petrou, M.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Sadeghi, M.T.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Sanderson, C.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Srisuk, S.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Tek, F.B.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Vandendorpe, L.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Vandendorpe, L.: Scalability Analysis of Audio-Visual Person Identity ...
22 for Marcel, C.

Marcel, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aceves Lopez, R.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) ...
     with: Achcar, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Ahonen, T.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Akar, G.B.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Akhtar, Z.: Biometrics: In Search of Identity and Security (Q & A)
     with: Albiol, A.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Alonso Fernandez, F.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A...
     with: Anjos, A.: Anti-spoofing in Action: Joint Operation with a Verificatio...
     with: Anjos, A.: Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
     with: Anjos, A.: LBP-TOP Based Countermeasure against Face Spoofing Attacks
     with: Anjos, A.: Motion-based counter-measures to photo attacks in face reco...
     with: Arican, T.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognition ...
     with: Asfaw, K.M.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Atanasoaei, C.: principled approach to remove false alarms by modellin...
     with: Atzori, A.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Atzori, A.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Bachenheimer, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A pos...
     with: Baeza Yates, R.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting...
     with: Bai, L.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Balasubramanian, V.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBI...
     with: Baltsou, G.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Bengio, S.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Bengio, S.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Bengio, S.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Bengio, S.: Improving face verification using skin color information
     with: Bergeron, L.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognitio...
     with: Bernier, O.J.: Hand Gesture recognition using Input-Output Hidden Mark...
     with: Bernier, O.J.: Hand Posture Recognition in a Body-Face Centered Space
     with: Bernier, O.J.: HMM and IOHMM for the Recognition of Mono- and Bi-Manua...
     with: Bernier, O.J.: Recognition of isolated complex mono-and bi-manual 3D h...
     with: Bethell, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Bhattacharjee, S.: Deeply vulnerable: a study of the robustness of fac...
     with: Biesseck, B.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challeng...
     with: Biesseck, B.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Biesseck, B.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recog...
     with: Bigun, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Bonastre, J.F.: Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Copi...
     with: Bonastre, J.F.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Fa...
     with: Borghi, G.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Borghi, G.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Boutros, F.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Boutros, F.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Boutros, F.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Brawley, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Brockmann, G.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Busch, C.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognition U...
     with: Busch, C.: Face presentation attack detection across spectrum using ti...
     with: Busch, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Busch, C.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometrics ...
     with: Cabello, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Calvo Zaragoza, J.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competit...
     with: Campisi, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Cardinaux, F.: Comparison of MLP and GMM Classifiers for Face Verifica...
     with: Cardinaux, F.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Cardinaux, F.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Cardinaux, F.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Cardinaux, F.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algori...
     with: Cardoso, J.S.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Reco...
     with: Castro, J.L.A.: Face Video Competition
     with: Cepilovs, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Cernocky, J.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face...
     with: Chakka, M.M.: Motion-based counter-measures to photo attacks in face r...
     with: Chan, C.H.: Face Video Competition
     with: Chan, C.H.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Chandran, V.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Chen, X.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithms ...
     with: Cheung, H.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Chingovska, I.: Anti-spoofing in Action: Joint Operation with a Verifi...
     with: Clee, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pa...
     with: Coelho, L.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Cohen, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Collobert, D.: Hand Gesture recognition using Input-Output Hidden Mark...
     with: Concas, S.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Cong, H.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Costen, N.P.: Face Video Competition
     with: Croll, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Czyz, J.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Czyz, J.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Czyz, J.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Czyzewski, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Damer, N.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge i...
     with: Damer, N.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Damer, N.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: De Andres Tame, I.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competit...
     with: de Freitas Pereira, T.: Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
     with: de Freitas Pereira, T.: Heterogeneous Face Recognition Using Inter-Ses...
     with: de Freitas Pereira, T.: LBP-TOP Based Countermeasure against Face Spoo...
     with: de Martino, J.: Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
     with: de Martino, J.M.: LBP-TOP Based Countermeasure against Face Spoofing A...
     with: DeAndres Tame, I.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Cha...
     with: DeAndres Tame, I.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face ...
     with: Deb, D.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in ...
     with: del R. Millan, J.: Person Authentication Using Brainwaves (EEG) and Ma...
     with: Deravi, F.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Deravi, F.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: di Domenico, N.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Chall...
     with: di Domenico, N.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Ding, S.H.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Ding, X.Q.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Diou, C.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in...
     with: Dorizzi, B.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Drahansky, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Drozdowski, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Dugelay, J.: Biometrics: In Search of Identity and Security (Q & A)
     with: Dutta, A.: Impact of eye detection error on face recognition performance
     with: Ecabert, C.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Ecabert, C.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: El Shafey, L.: Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using se...
     with: El Shafey, L.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in c...
     with: El Shafey, L.: Impact of eye detection error on face recognition perfo...
     with: El Shafey, L.: Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discrimina...
     with: Evans, N.: Biometrics Security and Privacy Protection, From the Guest ...
     with: Evans, N.: Biometrics Systems Under Spoofing Attack: An evaluation met...
     with: Fang, C.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Fang, H.: Face Video Competition
     with: Fankhauser, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Fauve, B.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face an...
     with: Fenu, G.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in...
     with: Fenu, G.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Fickel, G.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Biometrics Systems Under Spoofing Attack: An evaluation m...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Fierrez, J.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Ap...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometric...
     with: Fierrez, J.: On the vulnerability of face verification systems to hill...
     with: Fierrez, J.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Fierrez, J.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Frings, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Fu, L.Z.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Fuhr, G.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in...
     with: Galbally, J.: Face Anti-spoofing Based on General Image Quality Assess...
     with: Galbally, J.: Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: A...
     with: Galbally, J.: On the vulnerability of face verification systems to hil...
     with: Gao, W.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithms a...
     with: Garcia Perera, L.P.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBI...
     with: Gehrig, J.P.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: t...
     with: George, A.: Cross Modal Focal Loss for RGBD Face Anti-Spoofing
     with: George, A.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: George, A.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: George, A.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Glembek, O.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face ...
     with: Gomez Barrero, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A po...
     with: Goss, R.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Granada, R.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Granada, R.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Granada, R.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Grigorev, A.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recog...
     with: Guest, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Gunther, M.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in cha...
     with: Gunther, M.: Gender Classification by LUT Based Boosting of Overlappin...
     with: Gunther, M.: Impact of eye detection error on face recognition perform...
     with: Gunther, M.: Open Source Framework for Standardized Comparisons of Fac...
     with: Gunther, M.: Score calibration in face recognition
     with: Hadid, A.: Biometrics Systems Under Spoofing Attack: An evaluation met...
     with: Hadid, A.: Biometrics: In Search of Identity and Security (Q & A)
     with: Hadid, A.: Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
     with: Hahn, V.K.: Face Reconstruction from Deep Facial Embeddings using a Co...
     with: Hamouz, M.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Hamouz, M.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Hassanpour, A.: ChatGPT and Biometrics: an Assessment of Face Recognit...
     with: Hasse, G.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: He, S.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition...
     with: He, Z.X.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Heckmann, O.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: t...
     with: Heinrichs, A.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Heusch, G.: Bayesian Networks to Combine Intensity and Color Informati...
     with: Heusch, G.: Face Authentication with Salient Local Features and Static...
     with: Heusch, G.: Local Binary Patterns as an Image Preprocessing for Face A...
     with: Heusch, G.: novel statistical generative model dedicated to face recog...
     with: Heusch, G.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithm...
     with: Hsien Chang, L.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Huang, Y.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Huber, M.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Hung, J.Y.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Hung, Y.P.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Hung, Y.P.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Jalilian, E.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognitio...
     with: Jancik, Z.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Just, A.: comparative study of two state-of-the-art sequence processin...
     with: Just, A.: Hand Posture Classification and Recognition using the Modifi...
     with: Just, A.: HMM and IOHMM for the Recognition of Mono- and Bi-Manual 3D ...
     with: Just, A.: Recognition of isolated complex mono-and bi-manual 3D hand g...
     with: Kadyrov, A.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Kauba, C.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognition U...
     with: Kepenekci, B.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Khoury, E.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in chal...
     with: Kim, M.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in ...
     with: Kim, M.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognitio...
     with: Kindt, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Kirchgasser, S.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recogni...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Face Video Competition
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Copin...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Fac...
     with: Kittler, J.V.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algori...
     with: Kolf, J.N.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Komleva, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Komulainen, J.: Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
     with: Kostin, A.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Kostyn, A.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Kothari, M.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Kotwal, K.: CNN Patch Pooling for Detecting 3D Mask Presentation Attac...
     with: Kotwal, K.: Mitigating Demographic Bias in Face Recognition via Regula...
     with: Kotwal, K.: Residual Feature Pyramid Network for Enhancement of Vascul...
     with: Koutlis, C.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Kowsari, Y.: ChatGPT and Biometrics: an Assessment of Face Recognition...
     with: Kryszczuk, K.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Kurutach, W.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: La Cava, S.M.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Larcher, A.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face ...
     with: Lee, P.H.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face an...
     with: Lei, Z.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in ...
     with: Lei, Z.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognitio...
     with: Lessmann, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Levy, C.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and...
     with: Li, B.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and S...
     with: Li, J.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition...
     with: Li, Z.J.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Liu, H.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognitio...
     with: Liu, X.M.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge i...
     with: Liu, X.M.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Low, C.Y.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Lowther, S.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Lucey, S.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Ma, Y.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Machlica, L.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face...
     with: Maltoni, D.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Mandasari, M.I.: Score calibration in face recognition
     with: Marcel, C.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Marcialis, G.L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Marcialis, G.L.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Marras, M.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Marras, M.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Mas Candela, E.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Chall...
     with: Mas Candela, E.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Mason, J.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face an...
     with: Matejka, P.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face ...
     with: Matrouf, D.: Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Coping ...
     with: Matrouf, D.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face ...
     with: Mau, S.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and ...
     with: Mavity, N.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: McCool, C.: Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using sessi...
     with: McCool, C.: Bi-modal biometric authentication on mobile phones in chal...
     with: McCool, C.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: McCool, C.: Face Video Competition
     with: McCool, C.: Feature distribution modelling techniques for 3D face veri...
     with: McCool, C.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: McCool, C.: On the vulnerability of face verification systems to hill-...
     with: McCool, C.: Parts-Based Face Verification Using Local Frequency Bands
     with: McCool, C.: principled approach to remove false alarms by modelling th...
     with: McCool, C.: Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant ...
     with: McCool, C.: Session variability modelling for face authentication
     with: Mclaren, M.: Session variability modelling for face authentication
     with: Mehta, R.: Gender Classification by LUT Based Boosting of Overlapping ...
     with: Melzi, P.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge i...
     with: Melzi, P.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometrics ...
     with: Melzi, P.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Melzi, P.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Menotti, D.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Menotti, D.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Menotti, D.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Mercier, L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Messer, K.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Messer, K.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Messer, K.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Messer, K.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithm...
     with: Mi, Y.X.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Mohammadi, A.: Deeply vulnerable: a study of the robustness of face re...
     with: Monzo, D.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face an...
     with: Morales, A.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Morales, A.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Mordini, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Motlicek, P.: Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using ses...
     with: Mouille, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Muller, M.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Navratilova, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Neto, P.C.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Ng, J.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Nguyen, H.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Niskanen, M.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face...
     with: Nixon, M.S.: Biometrics: In Search of Identity and Security (Q & A)
     with: Nolazco Flores, J.A.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOB...
     with: Nouak, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Oomen, J.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: the ...
     with: Orru, G.: Recent advances in behavioral and hidden biometrics for pers...
     with: Orru, G.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A po...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Cha...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: On the vulnerability of face verification systems t...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face ...
     with: Panchanathan, S.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) ...
     with: Papadopoulos, S.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Chal...
     with: Parades Palacios, R.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Paredes, R.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Paredes, R.: Face Video Competition
     with: Paredes, R.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face ...
     with: Pavesic, N.: Face Video Competition
     with: Pellegrini, L.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challe...
     with: Perelli, G.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Petrou, M.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Petrovska, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Pietikainen, M.: Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
     with: Pimenov, A.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Plchot, O.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face a...
     with: Poh, N.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Poh, N.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Poh, N.: Face Video Competition
     with: Poh, N.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pap...
     with: Poh, N.: Model and Score Adaptation for Biometric Systems: Coping With...
     with: Poh, N.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and ...
     with: Popovici, V.: On performance evaluation of face detection and localiza...
     with: Prommegger, B.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognit...
     with: Racz, I.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pa...
     with: Raghavendra, R.: Face presentation attack detection across spectrum us...
     with: Raghavendra, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Rahimi, P.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Rahimi, P.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Raja, K.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognition Us...
     with: Raja, K.B.: Face presentation attack detection across spectrum using t...
     with: Ramachandra, R.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recogni...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometric...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Rattani, A.: Recent advances in behavioral and hidden biometrics for p...
     with: Remillet, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Rida, I.: Recent advances in behavioral and hidden biometrics for pers...
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Biometric Face Authentication Using Pixel-Based Weak Cl...
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Face Authentication Using Adapted Local Binary Pattern ...
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Hand Posture Classification and Recognition using the M...
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Local Binary Patterns as an Image Preprocessing for Fac...
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: On performance evaluation of face detection and localiz...
     with: Rodriguez, Y.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algori...
     with: Ross, A.: Biometrics Security and Privacy Protection, From the Guest E...
     with: Roy, A.: Crossmodal Matching of Speakers Using Lip and Voice Features ...
     with: Roy, A.: Haar Local Binary Pattern Feature for Fast Illumination Invar...
     with: Rua, E.A.: Face Video Competition
     with: Sadeghi, M.T.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Sadeghi, M.T.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Sadeghi, M.T.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Saeidi, R.: Score calibration in face recognition
     with: Salah, A.A.: Face Video Competition
     with: Salomon, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Sanchez Perez, A.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Cha...
     with: Sanchez Perez, A.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Sanchez Riera, J.: Feature distribution modelling techniques for 3D fa...
     with: Sanderson, C.: Comparison of MLP and GMM Classifiers for Face Verifica...
     with: Sanderson, C.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Sanderson, C.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Sanderson, C.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Sanderson, C.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Fac...
     with: Sarridis, I.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challeng...
     with: Schneiderman, H.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Seidel, U.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Sequeira, A.F.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Rec...
     with: Shafey, L.E.: Session variability modelling for face authentication
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Blackbox Face Reconstruction from Deep Facial Embeddin...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Breaking Template Protection: Reconstruction of Face I...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: ChatGPT and Biometrics: an Assessment of Face Recognit...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Comprehensive Vulnerability Evaluation of Face Recogni...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Face Reconstruction from Deep Facial Embeddings using ...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challe...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biomet...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Rec...
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: Template Inversion Attack against Face Recognition Sys...
     with: Shan, S.G.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithm...
     with: Shen, L.L.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Short, J.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithms...
     with: Smirnov, E.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Solem, J.E.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: th...
     with: Spreeuwers, L.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognit...
     with: Spreeuwers, L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Spreeuwers, L.J.: Impact of eye detection error on face recognition pe...
     with: Sridharan, S.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Srisuk, S.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Strand, B.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Struc, V.: Face Video Competition
     with: Struc, V.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Su, Y.: Performance Characterisation of Face Recognition Algorithms an...
     with: Subburaman, V.B.: Alternative search techniques for face detection usi...
     with: Sumengen, B.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: t...
     with: Tang, B.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Tek, F.B.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Teoh, A.: Biometrics Security and Privacy Protection, From the Guest E...
     with: Tewes, A.H.J.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Thiran, J.P.: On performance evaluation of face detection and localiza...
     with: Timoshenko, D.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Rec...
     with: Tistarelli, M.: Biometrics: In Search of Identity and Security (Q &...
     with: Toivonen, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Tolosana, R.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challeng...
     with: Tolosana, R.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Biometri...
     with: Tolosana, R.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Tolosana, R.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recog...
     with: Tripathi, S.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challeng...
     with: Turtinen, M.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face...
     with: Uhl, A.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognition Usi...
     with: Uhl, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pap...
     with: Unnervik, A.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challeng...
     with: Unnervik, A.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Unnervik, A.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recog...
     with: van Gageldonk, H.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasti...
     with: van Leeuwen, D.A.: Score calibration in face recognition
     with: van Zwol, R.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: t...
     with: Vandendorpe, L.: Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
     with: Vandendorpe, L.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Vandendorpe, L.: Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
     with: Veldhuis, R.: Comparative Study of Cross-Device Finger Vein Recognitio...
     with: Veldhuis, R.N.J.: Impact of eye detection error on face recognition pe...
     with: Vera Rodriguez, R.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Ch...
     with: Vera Rodriguez, R.: Multi-IVE: Privacy Enhancement of Multiple Soft-Bi...
     with: Vera Rodriguez, R.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competit...
     with: Vera Rodriguez, R.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face...
     with: Viallet, J.E.: Hand Gesture recognition using Input-Output Hidden Mark...
     with: Vidal, E.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Vidal, P.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge i...
     with: Vidal, P.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Vidal, P.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Villegas, M.: Face Video Competition
     with: Villegas, M.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face...
     with: Vives, X.: Media on the web, in post-production and broadcasting: the ...
     with: Vogel, J.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: von der Malsburg, C.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Wallace, R.: Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using sess...
     with: Wallace, R.: Open Source Framework for Standardized Comparisons of Fac...
     with: Wallace, R.: Scalable Formulation of Probabilistic Linear Discriminant...
     with: Wallace, R.: Score calibration in face recognition
     with: Wallace, R.: Session variability modelling for face authentication
     with: Wang, C.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Wang, Y.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Wang, Y.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and...
     with: Wang, Z.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Wu, J.L.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in...
     with: Wu, S.W.: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and...
     with: Wurtz, R.P.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Xiao, Z.H.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Xue, F.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Yan, Z.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in ...
     with: Yang, B.: ChatGPT and Biometrics: an Assessment of Face Recognition, G...
     with: Yang, Q.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Yu, J.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognition...
     with: Yueh Hsuan, C.A.: Face authentication test on the BANCA database
     with: Zama, M.H.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Zhang, R.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Zhao, W.S.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge ...
     with: Zhao, W.S.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogni...
     with: Zhong, Z.Z.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogn...
     with: Zhou, S.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recogniti...
     with: Zhu, X.Y.: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge i...
     with: Zhu, X.Y.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognit...
     with: Zuo, Q.: Second Edition FRCSyn Challenge at CVPR 2024: Face Recognitio...
461 for Marcel, S.

Marcelino, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Almeida, D.: Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Dat...
     with: Caetano, M.: Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Dat...
     with: Costa, H.: Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Data ...
     with: Vala, F.: Land Cover Mapping from Remotely Sensed and Auxiliary Data f...

Marcelino, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Assuncao, P.: Depth map concealment using interview warping vectors fr...
     with: Assuncao, P.: Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of ...
     with: Assuncao, P.: Quality evaluation of depth map error concealment using ...
     with: Assuncao, P.: Reconstruction of lost depth data in multiview video-plu...
     with: Assuncao, P.A.A.: Error recovery of image-based depth maps using Bézie...
     with: Correia, P.: Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of d...
     with: da Silva, E.: Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of ...
     with: de Faria, S.M.M.: Depth map concealment using interview warping vector...
     with: de Faria, S.M.M.: Error recovery of image-based depth maps using Bézie...
     with: de Faria, S.M.M.: Reconstruction of lost depth data in multiview video...
     with: Faria, S.: Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of dep...
     with: Faria, S.: Quality evaluation of depth map error concealment using a p...
     with: Le Callet, P.: Quality evaluation of depth map error concealment using...
     with: Pagliari, C.: Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of ...
     with: Pepion, R.: Quality evaluation of depth map error concealment using a ...
     with: Soares, S.: Depth map concealment using interview warping vectors from...
     with: Soares, S.: Enhancement method for multiple description decoding of de...
     with: Soares, S.: Error recovery of image-based depth maps using Bézier curv...
     with: Soares, S.: Quality evaluation of depth map error concealment using a ...
     with: Soares, S.: Reconstruction of lost depth data in multiview video-plus-...
20 for Marcelino, S.

Marcella, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Daniel, B.: Suggestions for the Environmental Sustainability from Prec...
     with: Daniela, L.: Suggestions for the Environmental Sustainability from Pre...
     with: Jacopo, B.: Suggestions for the Environmental Sustainability from Prec...

Marcelli, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ablameyko, S.V.: Shape Decomposition by (D1,D2)-Weighted Selection and...
     with: Ablameyko, S.V.: Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Li...
     with: Ahmed, S.: ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and writer ...
     with: Alewijns, L.: ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and writ...
     with: Bereishik, V.: Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Line...
     with: Blumenstein, M.: ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and w...
     with: Boccignone, G.: Bayesian Integration of Face and Low-Level Cues for Fo...
     with: Boccignone, G.: experimental vision tool for real time quality control...
     with: Boccignone, G.: Foveated analysis of video
     with: Boccignone, G.: Inference of moving forms via Belief Propagation
     with: Boccignone, G.: Motion Estimation via Belief Propagation
     with: Boccignone, G.: Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Faces in Video
     with: Boccignone, G.: Recovering dynamic information from static handwriting
     with: Bontempi, B.: genetic learning system for on-line character recognitio...
     with: Caggiano, V.: Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Faces in Video
     with: Carmona Duarte, C.: Temporal evolution in synthetic handwriting
     with: Chianese, A.: preliminary approach to the design and evaluation of a r...
     with: Chianese, A.: Recovering dynamic information from static handwriting
     with: Cioppa, A.D.: Decision Tree for Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson's Dis...
     with: Cioppa, A.D.: Investigating One-Class Classifiers to Diagnose Alzheime...
     with: Cioppa, A.D.: Mimicking the immune system to diagnose Parkinson's dise...
     with: Clavelli, A.: Indexing and retrieving cursive documents without recogn...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Alternative Approach to the Performance Evaluation of ...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Indexing and retrieving cursive documents without reco...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Looking for Prototypes by Genetic Programming
     with: Cordella, L.P.: new evolutionary learning model for handwritten charac...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Normalization and Decomposition of Thin Lines Represen...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Novel Genetic Programming Based Approach for Classific...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: preliminary approach to the design and evaluation of a...
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Recovering dynamic information from static handwriting
     with: Cordella, L.P.: Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Gr...
     with: d'Elia, C.: dynamic approach to learning vector quantization, A
     with: d'Elia, C.: Improving Dynamic Learning Vector Quantization
     with: d'Elia, C.: Using Bayesian Network for combining classifiers
     with: de Gregorio, G.: Multi Classifier Approach for Supporting Alzheimer's ...
     with: de Santo, M.: preliminary approach to the design and evaluation of a r...
     with: de Stefano, C.: adaptive weighted majority vote rule for combining mul...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Character preclassification based on genetic programming
     with: de Stefano, C.: dynamic approach to learning vector quantization, A
     with: de Stefano, C.: Exploiting reliability for dynamic selection of classi...
     with: de Stefano, C.: From ligatures to characters: a shape-based algorithm ...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Graphonomics for the e-citizens: e-health, e-society a...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Grouping Character Shapes by Means of Genetic Programm...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Improving Dynamic Learning Vector Quantization
     with: de Stefano, C.: Indexing and retrieving cursive documents without reco...
     with: de Stefano, C.: investigation on MPEG audio segmentation by evolutiona...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Learning Bayesian Networks by Evolution for Classifier...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Learning handwriting by evolution: a conceptual framew...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Looking for Prototypes by Genetic Programming
     with: de Stefano, C.: multiresolution approach to on-line handwriting segmen...
     with: de Stefano, C.: new evolutionary learning model for handwritten charac...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Novel Genetic Programming Based Approach for Classific...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Quantitative evaluation of features for Forensic Handw...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Reading Cursive Handwriting
     with: de Stefano, C.: Using Bayesian Network for combining classifiers
     with: de Stefano, C.: Using Strings for On-Line Handwriting Shape Matching: ...
     with: de Stefano, C.: Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Gr...
     with: della Cioppa, A.: adaptive weighted majority vote rule for combining m...
     with: della Cioppa, A.: Character preclassification based on genetic program...
     with: della Cioppa, A.: Exploiting reliability for dynamic selection of clas...
     with: della Cioppa, A.: Grouping Character Shapes by Means of Genetic Progra...
     with: Della Cioppa, A.: investigation on MPEG audio segmentation by evolutio...
     with: della Cioppa, A.: Learning handwriting by evolution: a conceptual fram...
     with: Della Cioppa, A.: new evolutionary learning model for handwritten char...
     with: Desiato, D.: Multi Classifier Approach for Supporting Alzheimer's Diag...
     with: di Fiore, G.: Bayesian Integration of Face and Low-Level Cues for Fove...
     with: di Fiore, G.: Probabilistic Detection and Tracking of Faces in Video
     with: di Freca, A.S.: Learning Bayesian Networks by Evolution for Classifier...
     with: di Freca, A.S.: Using Bayesian Network for combining classifiers
     with: Diaz, M.: SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for signatu...
     with: Esposito, L.: experimental vision tool for real time quality control, An
     with: Ferraro, M.: Inference of moving forms via Belief Propagation
     with: Ferraro, M.: Motion Estimation via Belief Propagation
     with: Ferrer, M.A.: SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for sig...
     with: Ferrer, M.A.: Temporal evolution in synthetic handwriting
     with: Fontanella, F.: Graphonomics for the e-citizens: e-health, e-society a...
     with: Fontanella, F.: Learning Bayesian Networks by Evolution for Classifier...
     with: Fontanella, F.: Looking for Prototypes by Genetic Programming
     with: Fontanella, F.: Novel Genetic Programming Based Approach for Classific...
     with: Frucci, M.: Line representation of elongated shapes
     with: Frucci, M.: Parallel skeletonization by directional information
     with: Frucci, M.: Shape Decomposition by (D1,D2)-Weighted Selection and Dire...
     with: Fuschetto, S.G.: Exploiting Stability Regions for Online Signature Ver...
     with: Garruto, M.: multiresolution approach to on-line handwriting segmentat...
     with: Garruto, M.: Using Strings for On-Line Handwriting Shape Matching: A N...
     with: Hong, Y.L.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patte...
     with: Huang, W.X.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patt...
     with: Iacovoni, G.: Bayesian Integration of Face and Low-Level Cues for Fove...
     with: Ishikawa, S.: Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Line ...
     with: Kato, N.: Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Line Draw...
     with: Lapresa, L.: Using Strings for On-Line Handwriting Shape Matching: A N...
     with: Li, E.R.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction pattern...
     with: Likhareva, N.: Structural Indexing for Character-Recognition
     with: Liu, X.S.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patter...
     with: Liu, Y.J.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patter...
     with: Liwicki, M.: ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and write...
     with: Malik, M.I.: ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and write...
     with: Matarazzo, F.: Grouping Character Shapes by Means of Genetic Programming
     with: Morsa, S.: Bayesian Integration of Face and Low-Level Cues for Foveate...
     with: Napoletano, P.: Bayesian Integration of Face and Low-Level Cues for Fo...
     with: Napoletano, P.: Inference of moving forms via Belief Propagation
     with: Napoletano, P.: Motion Estimation via Belief Propagation
     with: Pal, U.: ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and writer id...
     with: Paramonova, N.: Vectorization and Representation of Large-Size 2-D Lin...
     with: Parziale, A.: Decision Tree for Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson's Dis...
     with: Parziale, A.: Exploiting Stability Regions for Online Signature Verifi...
     with: Parziale, A.: Investigating One-Class Classifiers to Diagnose Alzheime...
     with: Parziale, A.: Mimicking the immune system to diagnose Parkinson's dise...
     with: Parziale, A.: Modeling Handwriting Style: A Preliminary Investigation
     with: Parziale, A.: Modelling Visual Appearance of Handwriting
     with: Parziale, A.: Quantitative evaluation of features for Forensic Handwri...
     with: Parziale, A.: Reading Cursive Handwriting
     with: Parziale, A.: SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for sig...
     with: Parziale, A.: Temporal evolution in synthetic handwriting
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Structural Indexing for Character-Recognition
     with: Plamondon, R.: Graphonomics for the e-citizens: e-health, e-society an...
     with: Polese, G.: Multi Classifier Approach for Supporting Alzheimer's Diagn...
     with: Santoro, A.: Modeling Handwriting Style: A Preliminary Investigation
     with: Santoro, A.: Using keyword spotting systems as tools for the transcrip...
     with: Santoro, A.: Writing Order Recovery from Off-Line Handwriting by Graph...
     with: Scotto di Freca, A.: dynamic approach to learning vector quantization, A
     with: Scotto di Freca, A.: Improving Dynamic Learning Vector Quantization
     with: Senatore, R.: Decision Tree for Automatic Diagnosis of Parkinson's Dis...
     with: Senatore, R.: Neural Scheme for Procedural Motor Learning of Handwriti...
     with: Senatore, R.: Reading Cursive Handwriting
     with: Somma, G.: Foveated analysis of video
     with: Vento, M.: preliminary approach to the design and evaluation of a reco...
     with: Wang, Z.L.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patte...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction pattern...
     with: Yuan, Q.X.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patte...
     with: Zhang, K.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patter...
     with: Zhu, P.P.: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction patter...
132 for Marcelli, A.

Marcelli, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belmonte, A.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows b...
     with: Bonamano, S.: Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended Matt...
     with: Borfecchia, F.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows...
     with: Carli, F.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by M...
     with: Consalvi, N.: Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended Matt...
     with: de Cecco, L.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows b...
     with: de Martis, S.C.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadow...
     with: de Mendoza, F.P.: Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended ...
     with: Gnisci, V.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by ...
     with: Martellucci, R.: Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended M...
     with: Martini, S.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by...
     with: Melchiorri, C.: Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended Ma...
     with: Micheli, C.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows by...
     with: Piermattei, V.: Circulation during Storms and Dynamics of Suspended Ma...
     with: Piermattei, V.: Mapping Spatial Patterns of Posidonia oceanica Meadows...
15 for Marcelli, M.

Marcellin, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biegel, G.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medite...
     with: Bohler, C.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medite...
     with: Brehm, T.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Mediter...
     with: Castanet, L.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medi...
     with: Danklmayer, A.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Me...
     with: Fabbro, V.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medite...
     with: Forster, J.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medit...
     with: Gallus, M.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medite...
     with: Hurtaud, Y.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medit...
     with: Poisson, J.B.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Med...
     with: Ulland, A.: Measurements of Sea Clutter at Low Grazing Angle in Medite...
11 for Marcellin, J.P.

Marcellin, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abousleman, G.P.: Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Entropy-Constr...
     with: Ahanonu, E.: Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
     with: Alvarez Cortes, S.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Near-Lossless Remo...
     with: Amrani, N.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Lossless Coding of Remote-...
     with: Ashok, A.: Image compression based on task-specific information
     with: Ashok, A.: Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
     with: Atzori, L.: Error Concealment for Motion JPEG2000
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Distortion Estimators for Bitplane Image Coding
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Dual Link Image Coding for Earth Observation Satellites
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: FAST Rate Allocation for JPEG2000 Video Transmission ...
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: FAST Rate Allocation Through Steepest Descent for JPE...
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Hill climbing algorithm for the transmission of layer...
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Iso-range Pairwise Orthogonal Transform
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Lightweight Contextual Arithmetic Coder for On-Board ...
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for Lossy a...
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Scanning Order Strategies for Bitplane Image Coding
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Stationary Probability Model for Microscopic Parallel...
     with: Auli Llinas, F.: Visually Lossless Strategies to Decode and Transmit J...
     with: Bamberger, R.H.: Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in ...
     with: Bartrina Rapesta, J.: Divide-and-Conquer Strategies for Hyperspectral ...
     with: Bartrina Rapesta, J.: Dual Link Image Coding for Earth Observation Sat...
     with: Bartrina Rapesta, J.: Lightweight Contextual Arithmetic Coder for On-B...
     with: Bartrina Rapesta, J.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Near-Lossless Re...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Compression of fMRI and Ultrasound Images Using 4D SPIHT
     with: Bilgin, A.: Compression of Multidimensional Images Using JPEG2000
     with: Bilgin, A.: Efficient transmission of compressed data for remote volum...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Error Concealment for Motion JPEG2000
     with: Bilgin, A.: Error Resilient Decoding of JPEG2000
     with: Bilgin, A.: FAST Rate Allocation Through Steepest Descent for JPEG2000...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Hill climbing algorithm for the transmission of layered jp...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Image compression based on task-specific information
     with: Bilgin, A.: Improved Resolution Scalability for Bilevel Image Data in ...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation in Parallel Channels
     with: Bilgin, A.: Joint source/channel coding for image transmission with JP...
     with: Bilgin, A.: LDPC-Based Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPE...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Lossy and lossless image compression using reversible inte...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of ...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Multi-resolution visually lossless image coding using JPEG...
     with: Bilgin, A.: overview of quantization in JPEG 2000, An
     with: Bilgin, A.: Progressive Image Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantization
     with: Bilgin, A.: Progressive Transmission in Trellis Coded Quantization-Bas...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Resource-constrained rate control for Motion JPEG2000
     with: Bilgin, A.: Scalable Image Coding Using Reversible Integer Wavelet Tra...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Unequal Error Protection and Progressive Decoding for JPEG...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Unequal error protection for transmission of JPEG2000 code...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Vector Quantizer for Image Restoration, A
     with: Bilgin, A.: View Compensated Compression of Volume Rendered Images for...
     with: Bilgin, A.: Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
     with: Bilgin, A.: Visually Lossless Encoding for JPEG2000
     with: Bilgin, A.: Visually lossless JPEG2000 at fractional resolutions
     with: Blanes, I.: Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Microarray Images
     with: Blanes, I.: Divide-and-Conquer Strategies for Hyperspectral Image Proc...
     with: Blanes, I.: Iso-range Pairwise Orthogonal Transform
     with: Blanes, I.: Lightweight Contextual Arithmetic Coder for On-Board Remot...
     with: Blanes, I.: Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Mosaic Images W...
     with: Blanes, I.: Mitigating discontinuities in segmented Karhunen-Loeve Tra...
     with: Blanes, I.: Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for Lossy and Lo...
     with: Blanes, I.: Progressive Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of DNA Microarra...
     with: Blanes, I.: Redundancy and Optimization of tANS Entropy Encoders
     with: Bligin, A.: Lapped Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization and Ima...
     with: Chinen, T.T.: overview of quantization in JPEG 2000, An
     with: Dagher, J.C.: Method for Coordinating the Distributed Transmission of ...
     with: Dagher, J.C.: Resource-constrained rate control for Motion JPEG2000
     with: Danjean, L.: Interval-Passing Algorithm for Chemical Mixture Estimation
     with: Declercq, D.: Interval-Passing Algorithm for Chemical Mixture Estimation
     with: Djordjevic, I.: Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation in Parallel Chann...
     with: Farvardin, N.: Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in Su...
     with: Feng, H.C.: Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of ...
     with: Fischer, T.R.: Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in Su...
     with: Flohr, T.J.: overview of quantization in JPEG 2000, An
     with: Gifford, E.A.: Image coding using adaptive recursive interpolative DPCM
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Micr...
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Dual Link Image Coding for Earth Observation ...
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Iso-range Pairwise Orthogonal Transform
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Mo...
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for...
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Progressive Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of ...
     with: Hernandez Cabronero, M.: Redundancy and Optimization of tANS Entropy E...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Binary Image Reconstruction via 2-D Viterbi Search
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Blur identification from vector quantizer encoder distortion
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Blur Identification from Vector Quantizer Encoder Distorti...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Phase History Data...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Video Phase Histor...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Entropy-Constrained ...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Image coding using adaptive recursive interpolative DPCM
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Image restoration with the Viterbi algorithm
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Iterative multiframe superresolution algorithms for atmosp...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Lapped Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization and Ima...
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Universal Trellis Coded Quantization
     with: Hunt, B.R.: Vector Quantizer for Image Restoration, A
     with: Jafarkhani, H.: Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in S...
     with: Jimenez Rodriguez, L.: FAST Rate Allocation for JPEG2000 Video Transmi...
     with: Jimenez Rodriguez, L.: Visually Lossless Strategies to Decode and Tran...
     with: Joshi, R.L.: Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in Subb...
     with: Kasner, J.H.: Adaptive wavelet coding of images
     with: Kasner, J.H.: Comparison of Different Methods of Classification in Sub...
     with: Kasner, J.H.: overview of quantization in JPEG 2000, An
     with: Kasner, J.H.: Universal Trellis Coded Quantization
     with: Ke, L.G.: Near-Lossless Image Compression: Minimum-Entropy, Constraine...
     with: Kieffer, J.C.: Progressive Transmission in Trellis Coded Quantization-...
     with: Kleine, M.: Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Phase History Data...
     with: Kleine, M.: Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Video Phase Histor...
     with: Krishnan, K.: Efficient transmission of compressed data for remote vol...
     with: Lalgudi, H.G.: Compression of fMRI and Ultrasound Images Using 4D SPIHT
     with: Lalgudi, H.G.: Compression of Multidimensional Images Using JPEG2000
     with: Lalgudi, H.G.: View Compensated Compression of Volume Rendered Images ...
     with: Laparra, V.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Lossless Coding of Remote...
     with: Lepley, M.A.: overview of quantization in JPEG 2000, An
     with: Lin, Y.Z.: Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
     with: Liu, F.: Visibility of quantization errors in reversible JPEG2000
     with: Liu, M.M.K.: POCS-Based Error Concealment for Packet Video Using Multi...
     with: Liu, M.M.K.: Recovery of video in the presence of packet loss using in...
     with: Malo, J.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Lossless Coding of Remote-Se...
     with: Miller, C.: Binary Image Reconstruction via 2-D Viterbi Search
     with: Miller, C.: Image restoration with the Viterbi algorithm
     with: Nadar, M.S.: Compression of fMRI and Ultrasound Images Using 4D SPIHT
     with: Nadar, M.S.: Compression of Multidimensional Images Using JPEG2000
     with: Nadar, M.S.: Efficient transmission of compressed data for remote volu...
     with: Nadar, M.S.: Vector Quantizer for Image Restoration, A
     with: Nadar, M.S.: View Compensated Compression of Volume Rendered Images fo...
     with: Neifeld, M.A.: Binary Image Reconstruction via 2-D Viterbi Search
     with: Neifeld, M.A.: Image restoration with the Viterbi algorithm
     with: Neifeld, M.A.: Method for Coordinating the Distributed Transmission of...
     with: Oh, H.: Hill climbing algorithm for the transmission of layered jpeg20...
     with: Oh, H.: Multi-resolution visually lossless image coding using JPEG2000
     with: Oh, H.: View Compensated Compression of Volume Rendered Images for Rem...
     with: Oh, H.: Visually Lossless Encoding for JPEG2000
     with: Oh, H.: Visually lossless JPEG2000 at fractional resolutions
     with: Owens, J.W.: Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Phase History Dat...
     with: Owens, J.W.: Compression of Synthetic Aperture Radar Video Phase Histo...
     with: Owens, J.W.: Rate Allocation for Spotlight SAR Phase History Data Comp...
     with: Panchapakesan, K.: Blur identification from vector quantizer encoder d...
     with: Panchapakesan, K.: Blur Identification from Vector Quantizer Encoder D...
     with: Panchapakesan, K.: Lapped Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization ...
     with: Pinho, A.J.: Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Microarray Images
     with: Pinho, A.J.: Progressive Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of DNA Microarr...
     with: Pu, L.: Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation in Parallel Channels
     with: Pu, L.L.: Image compression based on task-specific information
     with: Pu, L.L.: LDPC-Based Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPEG2...
     with: Pu, L.L.: Unequal Error Protection and Progressive Decoding for JPEG2000
     with: Raguram, R.: Improved Resolution Scalability for Bilevel Image Data in...
     with: Sanchez, V.: Dual Link Image Coding for Earth Observation Satellites
     with: Sanchez, V.: Lightweight Contextual Arithmetic Coder for On-Board Remo...
     with: Sanchez, V.: Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for Lossy and L...
     with: Sementilli, P.J.: Lossy and lossless image compression using reversibl...
     with: Sementilli, P.J.: Progressive Image Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantiz...
     with: Sementilli, P.J.: Progressive Transmission in Trellis Coded Quantizati...
     with: Sementilli, P.J.: Scalable Image Coding Using Reversible Integer Wavel...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Analysis-Driven Lossy Compression of DNA Microarra...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Divide-and-Conquer Strategies for Hyperspectral Im...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Iso-range Pairwise Orthogonal Transform
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Lightweight Contextual Arithmetic Coder for On-Boa...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Lossless Compression of Color Filter Array Mosaic ...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Mitigating discontinuities in segmented Karhunen-L...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Mosaic-Based Color-Transform Optimization for Loss...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Progressive Lossy-to-Lossless Compression of DNA M...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Redundancy and Optimization of tANS Entropy Encoders
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Lossless Coding of...
     with: Serra Sagrista, J.: Regression Wavelet Analysis for Near-Lossless Remo...
     with: Sheng, F.: Lossy and lossless image compression using reversible integ...
     with: Sheng, F.: Progressive Transmission in Trellis Coded Quantization-Base...
     with: Sheng, F.: Scalable Image Coding Using Reversible Integer Wavelet Tran...
     with: Sheppard, D.G.: Blur identification from vector quantizer encoder dist...
     with: Sheppard, D.G.: Blur Identification from Vector Quantizer Encoder Dist...
     with: Sheppard, D.G.: Iterative multiframe superresolution algorithms for at...
     with: Sheppard, D.G.: Lapped Nonlinear Interpolative Vector Quantization and...
     with: Sheppard, D.G.: Vector Quantizer for Image Restoration, A
     with: Sriram, P.: Image Coding Using Wavelet Transforms and Entropy-Constrai...
     with: Sriram, P.: Transform coding of monochrome and color images using trel...
     with: Stadnicka, M.: Mitigating discontinuities in segmented Karhunen-Loeve ...
     with: Tong, K.L.: Transform coding of monochrome and color images using trel...
     with: Vasic, B.: Interval-Passing Algorithm for Chemical Mixture Estimation
     with: Vasic, B.: Joint Source-Channel Rate Allocation in Parallel Channels
     with: Vasic, B.: LDPC-Based Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPEG...
     with: Vasic, B.: Unequal Error Protection and Progressive Decoding for JPEG2...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Error Resilient Decoding of JPEG2000
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Joint source/channel coding for image transmission with JPEG...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: LDPC-Based Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPEG2...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Unequal error protection for transmission of JPEG2000 codest...
     with: Yu, G.: Recovery of video in the presence of packet loss using interle...
     with: Yu, G.S.: POCS-Based Error Concealment for Packet Video Using Multifra...
189 for Marcellin, M.W.

Marcellini, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bogelein, V.: Time Dependent Variational Approach to Image Restoration...
     with: Duzaar, F.: Time Dependent Variational Approach to Image Restoration, A

Marcellino, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Buschinelli, P.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs an...
     with: Buschinelli, P.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photog...
     with: Machado, M.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and De...
     with: Machado, M.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogramm...
     with: Marinho, C.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogramm...
     with: Marinho, C.A.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and ...
     with: Oliveira, D.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and D...
     with: Pinto, T.C.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and De...
     with: Pinto, T.C.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogramm...
     with: Regner, D.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and Dee...
     with: Regner, D.J.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogram...
     with: Rodrigues, H.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and ...
     with: Salazar, J.D.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and ...
     with: Salazar, J.D.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogra...
     with: Santos, J.M.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and D...
     with: Santos, J.M.: RPA Positioning Error Influence on Close Range Photogram...
     with: Stemmer, M.R.: 3d Photogrammetric Inspection of Risers Using RPAs and ...
17 for Marcellino, G.

Marcello, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abadal, S.: Dual Network for Super-Resolution and Semantic Segmentatio...
     with: Barreto, D.: Decision Boundaries Using Bayes Factors: The Case of Clou...
     with: Chanussot, J.: Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods for the ...
     with: Chanussot, J.: Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abundance...
     with: Drumetz, L.: Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abundance M...
     with: Espinosa, J.M.: Effects of the Construction of Granadilla Industrial P...
     with: Eugenio, F.: Automatic Sun Glint Removal of Multispectral High-Resolut...
     with: Eugenio, F.: Effects of the Construction of Granadilla Industrial Port...
     with: Eugenio, F.: High-Resolution Maps of Bathymetry and Benthic Habitats i...
     with: Eugenio, F.: Motion Estimation Techniques to Automatically Track Ocean...
     with: Eugenio, F.: Multiplatform Earth Observation Systems for Monitoring Wa...
     with: Eugenio, F.: Pixel and Sub-pixel Accuracy in Satellite Image Georefere...
     with: Eugenio, F.: Seabed Mapping in Coastal Shallow Waters Using High Resol...
     with: Gasull, A.: Motion Estimation Techniques to Automatically Track Oceano...
     with: Gonzalo Martin, C.: Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods for...
     with: Gonzalo Martin, C.: Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing Abun...
     with: Hernandez Guerra, A.: Motion Estimation Techniques to Automatically Tr...
     with: Ibarrola Ulzurrun, E.: Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods ...
     with: Ibarrola Ulzurrun, E.: Hyperspectral Classification Through Unmixing A...
     with: Marques, F.: Motion Estimation Techniques to Automatically Track Ocean...
     with: Marques, F.: Pixel and Sub-pixel Accuracy in Satellite Image Georefere...
     with: Marques, F.: Seabed Mapping in Coastal Shallow Waters Using High Resol...
     with: Martin, J.: Automatic Sun Glint Removal of Multispectral High-Resoluti...
     with: Martin, J.: High-Resolution Maps of Bathymetry and Benthic Habitats in...
     with: Martin, J.: Multiplatform Earth Observation Systems for Monitoring Wat...
     with: Martin, J.: Seabed Mapping in Coastal Shallow Waters Using High Resolu...
     with: Mederos Barrera, A.: Effects of the Construction of Granadilla Industr...
     with: Medina, A.: Automatic Sun Glint Removal of Multispectral High-Resoluti...
     with: Murtagh, F.: Decision Boundaries Using Bayes Factors: The Case of Clou...
     with: Romero, L.S.: Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Generative ...
     with: Salgueiro, L.: Dual Network for Super-Resolution and Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Salgueiro, L.: SEG-ESRGAN: A Multi-Task Network for Super-Resolution a...
     with: Salgueiro, L.: Single-Image Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Low Resolut...
     with: Sevilla, J.: Effects of the Construction of Granadilla Industrial Port...
     with: Vilaplaan, V.: Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Generative...
     with: Vilaplana, V.: Dual Network for Super-Resolution and Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Vilaplana, V.: SEG-ESRGAN: A Multi-Task Network for Super-Resolution a...
     with: Vilaplana, V.: Single-Image Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Low Resolut...
     with: Vivone, G.: Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods for the Mon...
39 for Marcello, J.

Marcelloni, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bechini, A.: Stance Analysis of Twitter Users: The Case of the Vaccina...
     with: Cimino, M.G.C.A.: novel approach to fuzzy clustering based on a dissim...
     with: Cococcioni, M.: Estimating the concentration of optically active const...
     with: d'Andrea, E.: Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Analy...
     with: Ducange, P.: Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Analysis
     with: Ducange, P.: Stance Analysis of Twitter Users: The Case of the Vaccina...
     with: Lazzerini, B.: Beatrix: A Self-Learning System for Off-Line Recognitio...
     with: Lazzerini, B.: Estimating the concentration of optically active consti...
     with: Lazzerini, B.: FROS: a fuzzy logic-based recogniser of olfactory signals
     with: Lazzerini, B.: linguistic fuzzy recogniser of off-line handwritten cha...
     with: Lazzerini, B.: novel approach to fuzzy clustering based on a dissimila...
     with: Lazzerini, B.: Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Anal...
     with: Maggiore, A.: FROS: a fuzzy logic-based recogniser of olfactory signals
     with: Renda, A.: Stance Analysis of Twitter Users: The Case of the Vaccinati...
     with: Reyneri, L.M.: Beatrix: A Self-Learning System for Off-Line Recognitio...
15 for Marcelloni, F.

Marcenaro, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tistarelli, M.: Analysis of Multi-dimensional Images on the Connection...

Marcenaro, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alemaw, A.S.: Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometr...
     with: Alemaw, A.S.: Learning of Linear Video Prediction Models In A Multi-Mo...
     with: Alvarez, M.S.: Efficient framework for extended visual object tracking
     with: Barakova, E.: Active estimation of motivational spots for modeling dyn...
     with: Barakova, E.: Dynamic representations for autonomous driving
     with: Barakova, E.: Left/right hand segmentation in egocentric videos
     with: Barakova, E.I.: Dynamic Approach and a New Dataset for Hand-detection ...
     with: Barakova, E.I.: GPU Accelerated Left/Right Hand-Segmentation in First ...
     with: Bastani, V.: Online Bayesian learning and classification of ship-to-sh...
     with: Bastani, V.: Online Nonparametric Bayesian Activity Mining and Analysi...
     with: Bastani, V.: Online pedestrian group walking event detection using spe...
     with: Bastani, V.: particle filter based sequential trajectory classifier fo...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Continual Learning Of Predictive Models In Video Sequence...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awareness Mo...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detecting Abn...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Explorin...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Modeling and classification of trajectories based on a Ga...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoenco...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Task-dependent saliency estimation from trajectories of a...
     with: Baydoun, M.: Unsupervised Trajectory Modeling Based on Discrete Descri...
     with: Bent, O.: Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Wearable Cam...
     with: Bestagini, P.: Forensic Camera Model Identification: Highlights from t...
     with: Betancourt, A.: Dynamic Approach and a New Dataset for Hand-detection ...
     with: Betancourt, A.: Filtering SVM frame-by-frame binary classification in ...
     with: Betancourt, A.: GPU Accelerated Left/Right Hand-Segmentation in First ...
     with: Betancourt, A.: Left/right hand segmentation in egocentric videos
     with: Bruneaut, P.: Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: The...
     with: Calbi, A.: Dynamic Scene Reconstruction for Efficient Remote Surveilla...
     with: Campisi, P.: Forensic Camera Model Identification: Highlights from the...
     with: Campo, D.: Continual Learning Of Predictive Models In Video Sequences ...
     with: Campo, D.: Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awareness Model
     with: Campo, D.: Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detecting Abnor...
     with: Campo, D.: Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring ...
     with: Campo, D.: Modeling and classification of trajectories based on a Gaus...
     with: Campo, D.: Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convoluti...
     with: Campo, D.: Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoencode...
     with: Campo, D.: Online pedestrian group walking event detection using spect...
     with: Campo, D.: Task-dependent saliency estimation from trajectories of age...
     with: Campo, D.: Unsupervised Trajectory Modeling Based on Discrete Descript...
     with: Campo, D.A.: Active estimation of motivational spots for modeling dyna...
     with: Castaldo, F.: Online Bayesian learning and classification of ship-to-s...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Modeling and classification of trajectories based on a ...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: Th...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Wearabl...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Task-dependent saliency estimation from trajectories of...
     with: Cavallaro, A.: Unsupervised Trajectory Modeling Based on Discrete Desc...
     with: Chiappino, S.: Selective attention automatic focus for cognitive crowd...
     with: Chiappino, S.: track-before-detect algorithm using joint probabilistic...
     with: Coelho, C.: Dual camera intelligent sensor for high definition 360 deg...
     with: de la Escalera, A.: Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detect...
     with: de Titta, S.: VTrack: Video analytics for automatic video-surveillance
     with: Ferrari, M.: Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by using ...
     with: Foresti, G.L.: Distributed architectures and logical-task decompositio...
     with: Gandetto, M.: Localization and classification of partially overlapped ...
     with: Georgiu, G.C.: Optimizing Superpixel Clustering for Real-Time Egocentr...
     with: Gera, G.: Advanced image-processing tools for counting people in touri...
     with: Gera, G.: Early fire and smoke detection based on colour features and ...
     with: Gera, G.: VTrack: Video analytics for automatic video-surveillance
     with: Gomez, D.M.: Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometri...
     with: Gomez, D.M.: Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convolu...
     with: Huang, X.F.: Privacy-Preserving in-Bed Human Pose Estimation: Highligh...
     with: Iqbal, H.: Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convoluti...
     with: Kelliher, T.: Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: The...
     with: Liu, S.J.: Privacy-Preserving in-Bed Human Pose Estimation: Highlights...
     with: Marcbesotti, L.: Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by us...
     with: Marchesotti, L.: Dual camera system for face detection in unconstraine...
     with: Marchesotti, L.: Self-organizing shape description for tracking and cl...
     with: Marchesotti, L.: Tracking and Counting Multiple Interacting People in ...
     with: Marchesotti, L.: video surveillance architecture for alarm generation ...
     with: Marin Plaza, P.: Dynamic representations for autonomous driving
     with: Marin Plaza, P.: Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Con...
     with: Marin, P.: Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awareness Model
     with: Marin, P.: Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detecting Abnor...
     with: Marin, P.: Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring ...
     with: Martin, D.: Dynamic representations for autonomous driving
     with: Martin, D.: Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awareness Model
     with: Martin, D.: Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detecting Abno...
     with: Martin, D.: Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Exploring...
     with: Mazzu, A.: Cognitive Control-Inspired Approach to Object Tracking, A
     with: Mazzu, A.: Selective attention automatic focus for cognitive crowd mon...
     with: Mazzu, A.: track-before-detect algorithm using joint probabilistic dat...
     with: Morerio, P.: Cognitive Control-Inspired Approach to Object Tracking, A
     with: Morerio, P.: Dynamic Approach and a New Dataset for Hand-detection in ...
     with: Morerio, P.: Early fire and smoke detection based on colour features a...
     with: Morerio, P.: Filtering SVM frame-by-frame binary classification in a d...
     with: Morerio, P.: Left/right hand segmentation in egocentric videos
     with: Morerio, P.: Optimizing Superpixel Clustering for Real-Time Egocentric...
     with: Morerio, P.: People Count Estimation In Small Crowds
     with: Morerio, P.: Performance Evaluation of Multi-camera Visual Tracking
     with: Nabi, M.: Abnormal event detection in videos using generative adversar...
     with: Oberti, F.: Change Detection Methods for Automatic Scene Analysis by U...
     with: Oberti, F.: Distributed architectures and logical-task decomposition i...
     with: Oberti, F.: Multiple Objects Colour-Based Tracking using Multiple Came...
     with: Olier, J.S.: Active estimation of motivational spots for modeling dyna...
     with: Olier, J.S.: Dynamic representations for autonomous driving
     with: Ostadabbas, S.: Privacy-Preserving in-Bed Human Pose Estimation: Highl...
     with: Palmieri, F.A.N.: Online Bayesian learning and classification of ship-...
     with: Porikli, F.M.: Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: Th...
     with: Rauterberg, M.: Active estimation of motivational spots for modeling d...
     with: Rauterberg, M.: Dynamic Approach and a New Dataset for Hand-detection ...
     with: Rauterberg, M.: Dynamic representations for autonomous driving
     with: Rauterberg, M.: Filtering SVM frame-by-frame binary classification in ...
     with: Rauterberg, M.: GPU Accelerated Left/Right Hand-Segmentation in First ...
     with: Rauterberg, M.: Left/right hand segmentation in egocentric videos
     with: Ravanbakhsh, M.: Abnormal event detection in videos using generative a...
     with: Ravanbakhsh, M.: Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awarenes...
     with: Ravanbakhsh, M.: Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Expl...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Abnormal event detection in videos using generative adv...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Active estimation of motivational spots for modeling dy...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Continual Learning Of Predictive Models In Video Sequen...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Dynamic representations for autonomous driving
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odomet...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Learning of Linear Video Prediction Models In A Multi-M...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Learning Self-Awareness for Autonomous Vehicles: Explor...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Left/right hand segmentation in egocentric videos
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Modeling Perception in Autonomous Vehicles via 3D Convo...
     with: Regazzoni, C.: Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoen...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Advanced image-processing tools for counting people i...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Automatic detection of dangerous events for undergrou...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Automatic Generation of the Statistical Model of a No...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Change Detection Methods for Automatic Scene Analysis...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Cognitive Control-Inspired Approach to Object Trackin...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Distributed architectures and logical-task decomposit...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Dual camera intelligent sensor for high definition 36...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Dual camera system for face detection in unconstraine...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Dynamic Approach and a New Dataset for Hand-detection...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Dynamic Scene Reconstruction for Efficient Remote Sur...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Early fire and smoke detection based on colour featur...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Efficient framework for extended visual object tracking
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Filtering SVM frame-by-frame binary classification in...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: GPU Accelerated Left/Right Hand-Segmentation in First...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awarenes...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Image Stabilization Algorithms for Video-surveillance...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Learning Probabilistic Awareness Models for Detecting...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Localization and classification of partially overlapp...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Modeling and classification of trajectories based on ...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Multiple object tracking under heavy occlusions by us...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Multiple Objects Colour-Based Tracking using Multiple...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Online Bayesian learning and classification of ship-t...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Online Nonparametric Bayesian Activity Mining and Ana...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Online pedestrian group walking event detection using...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Optimizing Superpixel Clustering for Real-Time Egocen...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: particle filter based sequential trajectory classifie...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: People Count Estimation In Small Crowds
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Performance Evaluation of Multi-camera Visual Tracking
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: S.O.M. based algorithm for video surveillance system ...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Selective attention automatic focus for cognitive cro...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Self-organizing shape description for tracking and cl...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Task-dependent saliency estimation from trajectories ...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: track-before-detect algorithm using joint probabilist...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Tracking and Counting Multiple Interacting People in ...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Unsupervised Trajectory Modeling Based on Discrete De...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: video surveillance architecture for alarm generation ...
     with: Sacchi, C.: Advanced image-processing tools for counting people in tou...
     with: Sangineto, E.: Abnormal event detection in videos using generative adv...
     with: Scotti, G.: Dual camera intelligent sensor for high definition 360 deg...
     with: Scotti, G.: S.O.M. based algorithm for video surveillance system param...
     with: Sebe, N.: Abnormal event detection in videos using generative adversar...
     with: Selvaggi, F.: Dual camera intelligent sensor for high definition 360 d...
     with: Slavic, G.: Continual Learning Of Predictive Models In Video Sequences...
     with: Slavic, G.: Kalman Variational Autoencoder Model Assisted by Odometric...
     with: Slavic, G.: Learning of Linear Video Prediction Models In A Multi-Moda...
     with: Slavic, G.: Multilevel Anomaly Detection Through Variational Autoencod...
     with: Spirito, M.: Automatic detection of dangerous events for underground s...
     with: Stamm, M.: Forensic Camera Model Identification: Highlights from the I...
     with: Tadesse, G.A.: Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Wearabl...
     with: Velastin, S.A.: Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: T...
     with: Vernazza, G.: Automatic Generation of the Statistical Model of a Non-r...
     with: Vernazza, G.: Image Stabilization Algorithms for Video-surveillance Ap...
     with: Weldemariam, K.: Privacy-Aware Human Activity Recognition From a Weara...
     with: Ziliani, F.: Performance Evaluation of Event Detection Solutions: The ...
171 for Marcenaro, L.

Marcer, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lanza, P.: Relative Pose Estimation for Planetary Entry Descent Landing
     with: Odone, F.: Relative Pose Estimation for Planetary Entry Descent Landing
     with: Verri, A.: Relative Pose Estimation for Planetary Entry Descent Landing
     with: Zini, L.: Relative Pose Estimation for Planetary Entry Descent Landing

Marcer, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartsch, A.: Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost Suscept...
     with: Boggild, C.E.: Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetry...
     with: Caduff, R.: Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost Suscepti...
     with: Cimoli, E.: Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetry fo...
     with: How, P.: Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost Susceptibil...
     with: Ingeman Nielsen, T.: Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost...
     with: Scheer, J.: Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost Suscepti...
     with: Simonsen, S.B.: Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetr...
     with: Strozzi, T.: Thaw-Season InSAR Surface Displacements and Frost Suscept...
     with: Vandecrux, B.: Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetry...
     with: Williams, G.: Application of Low-Cost UASs and Digital Photogrammetry ...
11 for Marcer, M.

Marceta, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lukic, T.: Gradient and Graph Cuts Based Method for Multi-level Discre...
     with: Lukic, T.: Graph Cuts Based Tomography Enhanced by Shape Orientation

Marcetic, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ribaric, S.: Hybrid Cascade Model for Face Detection in the Wild Based...
     with: Soldic, M.: Hybrid Cascade Model for Face Detection in the Wild Based ...

March, D.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Butcher, P.A.: Drone-Based Assessment of Marine Megafauna off Wave-Exp...
     with: Kelaher, B.P.: Drone-Based Assessment of Marine Megafauna off Wave-Exp...
     with: Monteforte, K.I.: Drone-Based Assessment of Marine Megafauna off Wave-...
     with: Morris, S.G.: Drone-Based Assessment of Marine Megafauna off Wave-Expo...
     with: Schlacher, T.A.: Drone-Based Assessment of Marine Megafauna off Wave-E...
     with: Tucker, J.P.: Drone-Based Assessment of Marine Megafauna off Wave-Expo...

March, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiddi, S.: Estimation of Position and Intensity of Dynamic Light Sourc...
     with: Robert, P.: Estimation of Position and Intensity of Dynamic Light Sour...

March, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Haagmans, R.: Next Generation Gravity Mission Elements of the Mass Cha...
     with: Massotti, L.: Next Generation Gravity Mission Elements of the Mass Cha...
     with: Siemes, C.: Next Generation Gravity Mission Elements of the Mass Chang...
     with: Silvestrin, P.: Next Generation Gravity Mission Elements of the Mass C...

March, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berg, A.A.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soil ...
     with: Blackburn, L.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to So...
     with: Dao, P.D.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soil O...
     with: Feilhauer, H.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to So...
     with: He, Y.H.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soil Or...
     with: Laamrani, A.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soi...
     with: Martin, R.C.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soi...
     with: Voroney, P.: Ensemble Identification of Spectral Bands Related to Soil...
8 for March, M.

March, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aubert, G.: Gamma-convergence of discrete functionals with non convex ...
     with: Barone, P.: Segmentation, Classification and Denoising of a Time Serie...
     with: Blanc Feraud, L.: Gamma-convergence of discrete functionals with non c...
     with: Carfora, M.F.: Segmentation, Classification and Denoising of a Time Se...
     with: Dozio, M.: Variational Method for the Recovery of Smooth Boundaries, A
     with: Esedoglu, S.: Segmentation with Depth but Without Detecting Junctions
     with: Kang, S.H.: Multiphase image segmentation via equally distanced multip...
     with: Kang, S.H.: Variational Models for Image Colorization via Chromaticity...
8 for March, R.

Marchadier, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albouy Kissi, B.: Comparison of Visual Registration Approaches of 3D M...
     with: Destrez, R.: Comparison of Visual Registration Approaches of 3D Models...
     with: Lucas, Y.: Comparison of Visual Registration Approaches of 3D Models f...
     with: Treuillet, S.: Comparison of Visual Registration Approaches of 3D Mode...

Marchadier, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arques, D.: Thinning grayscale well-composed images
     with: Hanbury, A.: Redundancy Pyramid and Its Application to Segmentation on...
     with: Kropatsch, W.G.: Redundancy Pyramid and Its Application to Segmentatio...
     with: Michelin, S.: Thinning grayscale well-composed images

Marchal, A.F.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baralle, G.: Individual Identification of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) B...
     with: Lejeune, P.: Individual Identification of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) B...
     with: Michez, A.: Individual Identification of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Ba...

Marchal, A.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbasi, A.A.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional...
     with: Ali, M.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neur...
     with: Alkinani, M.H.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolution...
     with: Anjum, S.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional ne...
     with: Aziz, W.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional neu...
     with: Duong, T.Q.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional ...
     with: Gheller, S.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional ...
     with: Hussain, L.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional ...
     with: Suresh, H.: Detecting brain tumors using deep learning convolutional n...
9 for Marchal, A.R.

Marchal, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Grisoni, L.: Drag'n Go: Simple and fast navigation in virtual environm...
     with: Moerman, C.: Drag'n Go: Simple and fast navigation in virtual environm...

Marchal, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berben, L.: Continuous Voxel Classification by Stochastic Relaxation -...
     with: Bloch, I.: Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical Images
     with: Collignon, A.: 3D Multi-Modality Medical Image Registration Using Feat...
     with: Collignon, A.: Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mut...
     with: Collignon, A.: Registration of 3D Multimodality Medical Images Using S...
     with: de Man, B.: iterative maximum-likelihood polychromatic algorithm for C...
     with: Delaere, D.: Continuous Voxel Classification by Stochastic Relaxation ...
     with: Dupont, P.: iterative maximum-likelihood polychromatic algorithm for C...
     with: Gybels, J.: Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
     with: Maes, F.: Computer-Aided Interactive Object Delineation Using an Intel...
     with: Maes, F.: Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutual I...
     with: Maitre, H.: Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical Ima...
     with: Michiels, J.: Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
     with: Nuttin, B.: Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
     with: Nuyts, J.: iterative maximum-likelihood polychromatic algorithm for CT...
     with: Suetens, P.: 3D Multi-Modality Medical Image Registration Using Featur...
     with: Suetens, P.: Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical Im...
     with: Suetens, P.: Computer-Aided Interactive Object Delineation Using an In...
     with: Suetens, P.: Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
     with: Suetens, P.: Continuous Voxel Classification by Stochastic Relaxation ...
     with: Suetens, P.: iterative maximum-likelihood polychromatic algorithm for ...
     with: Suetens, P.: Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of Mutua...
     with: Suetens, P.: Registration of 3D Multimodality Medical Images Using Sur...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: 3D Multi-Modality Medical Image Registration Using F...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medic...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: Computer-Aided Interactive Object Delineation Using ...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: Continuous Voxel Classification by Stochastic Relaxa...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: Multimodality Image Registration by Maximization of ...
     with: Vandermeulen, D.: Registration of 3D Multimodality Medical Images Usin...
     with: Verbeeck, R.: Computer-Assisted Stereotaxic Neurosurgery
     with: Verbeeck, R.: Continuous Voxel Classification by Stochastic Relaxation...
     with: Verdonck, B.: Accurate Segmentation of Blood Vessels from 3D Medical I...
37 for Marchal, G.

Marchal, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bouget, L.: Efficient Compression of Visibility Sets
     with: Bouville, C.: DVFLEX: A Flexible MPEG Real Time Video Codec
     with: Bouville, C.: Efficient Compression of Visibility Sets
     with: Dubois, J.L.: DVFLEX: A Flexible MPEG Real Time Video Codec
     with: Houlier, P.: DVFLEX: A Flexible MPEG Real Time Video Codec
     with: Houlier, P.: Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
     with: Houlier, P.: Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model r...
     with: Klefstad, M.: DVFLEX: A Flexible MPEG Real Time Video Codec
     with: Marchand, E.: Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
     with: Marchand, E.: Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model ...
     with: Martin, P.: Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
     with: Servant, F.: Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model r...
     with: Thebault, B.: DVFLEX: A Flexible MPEG Real Time Video Codec
13 for Marchal, I.

Marchal, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Achibet, M.: Virtual Mitten: A novel interaction paradigm for visuo-ha...
     with: Ardouin, J.: Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirect...
     with: Argelaguet, F.: Virtual Mitten: A novel interaction paradigm for visuo...
     with: Arnaldi, B.: King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR w...
     with: Babel, M.: Vision-based adaptive assistance and haptic guidance for sa...
     with: Bart, S.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Intervent...
     with: Baumann, M.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interv...
     with: Berkelman, P.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Inte...
     with: Bolla, M.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interven...
     with: Chartier Kastler, E.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medic...
     with: Cinquin, P.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interv...
     with: Daanen, V.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interve...
     with: Descotes, J.L.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Int...
     with: Dusserre, A.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Inter...
     with: Giraud, J.Y.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Inter...
     with: Krupa, A.: Vision-based adaptive assistance and haptic guidance for sa...
     with: Lecuyer, A.: god-finger method for improving 3D interaction with virtu...
     with: Lecuyer, A.: King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR w...
     with: Lecuyer, A.: Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirect...
     with: Lecuyer, A.: Virtual Mitten: A novel interaction paradigm for visuo-ha...
     with: Leroy, A.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interven...
     with: Long, J.A.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interve...
     with: Marchand, E.: Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirec...
     with: Moalic, R.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interve...
     with: Mozer, P.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interven...
     with: Multon, F.: King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR wi...
     with: Narayanan, V.K.: Vision-based adaptive assistance and haptic guidance ...
     with: Pasteau, F.: Vision-based adaptive assistance and haptic guidance for ...
     with: Payan, Y.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interven...
     with: Promayon, E.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Inter...
     with: Promayon, E.: Simulating Complex Organ Interactions: Evaluation of a S...
     with: Talvas, A.: god-finger method for improving 3D interaction with virtua...
     with: Terziman, L.: King-Kong Effects: Improving sensation of walking in VR ...
     with: Troccaz, J.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interv...
     with: Troccaz, J.: Simulating Complex Organ Interactions: Evaluation of a So...
     with: Voros, S.: Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Medical Interven...
36 for Marchal, M.

Marchal, P.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arreguit, X.: mixed digital-analog SIMD chip tailored for image percep...
     with: Ruedi, P.F.: mixed digital-analog SIMD chip tailored for image percept...

Marchamalo Sacristan, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakon, M.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitoring ...
     with: Delgado Blasco, J.M.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive ...
     with: Gonzalez Rodrigo, B.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive ...
     with: Lamas Fernandez, F.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive M...
     with: Lazecky, M.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitorin...
     with: Martinez Marin, R.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Mo...
     with: Papco, J.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitoring ...
     with: Perissin, D.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitori...
     with: Ruiz Armenteros, A.M.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive...
     with: Sousa, J.J.: MT-InSAR and Dam Modeling for the Comprehensive Monitorin...
10 for Marchamalo Sacristan, M.

Marchamalo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Algeet Abarquero, N.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classificat...
     with: Baudry, J.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover ...
     with: Betbeder, J.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cove...
     with: Blanc, L.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover C...
     with: Bonatti, J.: Anomaly Detection And Comparative Analysis Of Hydrotherma...
     with: Bonatti, J.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in th...
     with: Bourgoin, C.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cove...
     with: Cisneros Araujo, P.: Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitabilit...
     with: Ciudad, C.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover ...
     with: Cornu, G.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover C...
     with: Escamochero, I.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification i...
     with: Espejo, A.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in the...
     with: Esteban, J.: Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Mediterranea...
     with: Esteban, J.: Model-Based Volume Estimator that Accounts for Both Land ...
     with: Fernandes, E.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in ...
     with: Fernandez Landa, A.: Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Medi...
     with: Fernandez Landa, A.: Model-Based Volume Estimator that Accounts for Bo...
     with: Fernandez Landa, A.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classificati...
     with: Fernandez Moya, J.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classificatio...
     with: Garcia Vinas, J.I.: Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitability...
     with: Garcia, F.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in the...
     with: Gaston, A.: Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitability and Con...
     with: Goicolea, T.: Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitability and C...
     with: Gomez, C.: Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Mediterranean ...
     with: Gond, V.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover Cl...
     with: Guillen Climent, M.L.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classifica...
     with: Hubert Moy, L.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Co...
     with: Martinez Frias, J.: Anomaly Detection And Comparative Analysis Of Hydr...
     with: Martinez, R.: Anomaly Detection And Comparative Analysis Of Hydrotherm...
     with: Mateo Sanchez, M.C.: Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitabilit...
     with: McRoberts, R.E.: Model-Based Volume Estimator that Accounts for Both L...
     with: Mercier, A.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover...
     with: Mercier, A.: Role of Remote Sensing Data in Habitat Suitability and Co...
     with: Papageorgiou, S.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification ...
     with: Pedroni, L.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in th...
     with: Poccard Chapuis, R.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for La...
     with: Rejas, J.G.: Anomaly Detection And Comparative Analysis Of Hydrotherma...
     with: Rodriguez Noriega, P.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classifica...
     with: Rumiano, F.: Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover...
     with: Tome, J.L.: Identification of Silvicultural Practices in Mediterranean...
     with: Tome, J.L.: Model-Based Volume Estimator that Accounts for Both Land C...
     with: Villegas, J.F.: Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in...
42 for Marchamalo, M.

Marchan Hernandez, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bosch Lluis, X.: Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiometer w...
     with: Camps, A.: Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiometer with Di...
     with: Ramos Perez, I.: Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiometer w...
     with: Rodriguez Alvarez, N.: Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiom...
     with: Valencia, E.: Description and Performance of an L-Band Radiometer with...

Marchan Hernandez, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baroncini Turricchia, G.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using ...
     with: Bosch Lluis, X.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Inter...
     with: Camps, A.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Interferenc...
     with: Martinez Fernandez, J.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using th...
     with: Monerris, A.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Interfer...
     with: Perez Gutierrez, C.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the I...
     with: Ramos Perez, I.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Inter...
     with: Rodriguez Alvarez, N.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the...
     with: Sanchez, N.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Interfere...
     with: Valencia, E.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Interfer...
     with: Vall Llossera, M.: Land Geophysical Parameters Retrieval Using the Int...
11 for Marchan Hernandez, J.F.

Marchand Maillet, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Do, M.N.: On the Bandlimitedness of the Plenoptic Function
     with: Do, M.N.: On the Bandwidth of the Plenoptic Function
     with: Vetterli, M.: On the Bandlimitedness of the Plenoptic Function
     with: Vetterli, M.: On the Bandwidth of the Plenoptic Function

Marchand Maillet, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atzori, M.: H&E-adversarial network: a convolutional neural networ...
     with: Brangbour, E.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Sc...
     with: Bruneau, P.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Scie...
     with: Bruno, E.: Asymmetric Learning and Dissimilarity Spaces for Content-Ba...
     with: Bruno, E.: Design of Multimodal Dissimilarity Spaces for Retrieval of ...
     with: Bruno, E.: Exploiting document feature interactions for efficient info...
     with: Bruno, E.: Interactive Partial Matching of Video Sequences in Large Co...
     with: Bruno, E.: Local Feature Trajectories for Efficient Event-Based Indexi...
     with: Bruno, E.: parallel cross-modal search engine over large-scale multime...
     with: Bruno, E.: Spatially consistent partial matching for intra- and inter-...
     with: Bruno, E.: Unsupervised skeleton learning for manifold denoising
     with: Bruno, E.: Video Content Representation as Salient Regions of Activity
     with: Can, G.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: Too...
     with: Can, G.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional Index...
     with: Chini, M.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Scienc...
     with: Gatica Perez, D.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigr...
     with: Gatica Perez, D.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensio...
     with: Gayol, C.P.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy:...
     with: Gayol, C.P.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional I...
     with: Heravi, B.R.: Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-Based Eve...
     with: Hostache, R.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Sci...
     with: Hu, R.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: Tool...
     with: Hu, R.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional Indexi...
     with: Jimenez Badillo, D.: Rotation Invariant Local Shape Descriptors for Cl...
     with: Khare, P.: Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-Based Event ...
     with: Kludas, J.: Exploiting document feature interactions for efficient inf...
     with: Kosinov, S.: Spatially consistent partial matching for intra- and inte...
     with: Kosinov, S.: Visual Object Categorization using Distance-Based Discrim...
     with: Krempel, G.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy:...
     with: Krempel, G.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional I...
     with: Marini, N.: H&E-adversarial network: a convolutional neural networ...
     with: Matgen, P.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Scien...
     with: Merialdo, B.: Pseudo Two-dimensional Hidden Markov Models for Face Det...
     with: Moenne Loccoz, N.: Asymmetric Learning and Dissimilarity Spaces for Co...
     with: Moenne Loccoz, N.: Design of Multimodal Dissimilarity Spaces for Retri...
     with: Moenne Loccoz, N.: Interactive Partial Matching of Video Sequences in ...
     with: Moenne Loccoz, N.: Local Feature Trajectories for Efficient Event-Base...
     with: Moenne Loccoz, N.: Video Content Representation as Salient Regions of ...
     with: Mohamed, H.: parallel cross-modal search engine over large-scale multi...
     with: Morrison, D.: Where Is the News Breaking? Towards a Location-Based Eve...
     with: Muller, H.: H&E-adversarial network: a convolutional neural networ...
     with: Muller, H.: Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: O...
     with: Muller, H.: Strategies for Positive and Negative Relevance Feedback in...
     with: Muller, H.: Truth about Corel: Evaluation in Image Retrieval, The
     with: Muller, W.: Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: O...
     with: Muller, W.: Strategies for Positive and Negative Relevance Feedback in...
     with: Odobez, J.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: ...
     with: Odobez, J.M.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional ...
     with: Otalora, S.: H&E-adversarial network: a convolutional neural netwo...
     with: Pelich, R.M.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Sci...
     with: Pun, T.: Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Over...
     with: Pun, T.: Strategies for Positive and Negative Relevance Feedback in Im...
     with: Pun, T.: Truth about Corel: Evaluation in Image Retrieval, The
     with: Pun, T.: Visual Object Categorization using Distance-Based Discriminan...
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Assessing Deep Learning Architectures for Visualizin...
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Bag-of-Visual-Phrases via Local Contexts
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: HOOSC128: A More Robust Local Shape Descriptor
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Indexing Mayan hieroglyphs with neural codes
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Orthogonal Local Image Descriptors with Convolutiona...
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Rotation Invariant Local Shape Descriptors for Class...
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Shape-based detection of Maya hieroglyphs using weig...
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Stopwords Detection in Bag-of-Visual-Words: The Case...
     with: Roman Rangel, E.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensio...
     with: Sharaiha, Y.M.: Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach
     with: Sharaiha, Y.M.: Discrete Convexity, Straightness, and the 16-Neighborh...
     with: Sharaiha, Y.M.: Euclidean Ordering via Chamfer Distance Calculations
     with: Sharaiha, Y.M.: Graph-Theoretic Algorithm for the Exact Generation of ...
     with: Sharaiha, Y.M.: Minimum Spanning Tree Approach to Line Image Analysis, A
     with: Sharaiha, Y.M.: Skeleton Location and Evaluation Based on Local Digita...
     with: Spotak, J.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: ...
     with: Spotak, J.: Transferring Neural Representations for Low-Dimensional In...
     with: Squire, D.M.: Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval:...
     with: Sun, K.: Unsupervised skeleton learning for manifold denoising
     with: Tamisier, T.: Measuring the Impact of Natural Hazards with Citizen Sci...
     with: Vail, G.: Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: To...
     with: von Wyl, M.: parallel cross-modal search engine over large-scale multi...
76 for Marchand Maillet, S.

Marchand, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ardouin, J.: Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirect...
     with: Arnaldi, B.: New Application for Saliency Maps: Synthetic Vision of Au...
     with: Bouthemy, P.: 2D-3D model-based approach to real-time visual tracking, A
     with: Bouthemy, P.: Motion-based obstacle detection and tracking for car dri...
     with: Bouthemy, P.: Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using a 2D-3D Model-bas...
     with: Bouthemy, P.: Robust Visual Tracking by Coupling 2D Motion and 3D Pose...
     with: Caron, G.: Direct model based visual tracking and pose estimation usin...
     with: Chaumette, F.: 2D-3D model-based approach to real-time visual tracking...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Active Vision for Complete Scene Reconstruction and Exp...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Autonomous Active Vision System for Complete and Accura...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Avoiding Robot Joint Limits and Kinematic Singularities...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Complex Articulated Object Tracking
     with: Chaumette, F.: Controlled Camera Motions for Scene Reconstruction and ...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Feature tracking for visual servoing purposes
     with: Chaumette, F.: Kinematic sets for real-time robust articulated object ...
     with: Chaumette, F.: New Formulation for Non-Linear Camera Calibration Using...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Object-Based Visual 3D Tracking of Articulated Objects ...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using a 2D-3D Model-ba...
     with: Chaumette, F.: Robust Visual Tracking by Coupling 2D Motion and 3D Pos...
     with: Christie, M.: JAWS: Just A Wild Shot for Cinematic Transfer in Neural ...
     with: Christie, M.: Multiple Layers of Contrasted Images for Robust Feature-...
     with: Collewet, C.: Modeling complex luminance variations for target tracking
     with: Comport, A.I.: Complex Articulated Object Tracking
     with: Comport, A.I.: Kinematic sets for real-time robust articulated object ...
     with: Comport, A.I.: Object-Based Visual 3D Tracking of Articulated Objects ...
     with: Courant, R.: JAWS: Just A Wild Shot for Cinematic Transfer in Neural R...
     with: Courty, N.: New Application for Saliency Maps: Synthetic Vision of Aut...
     with: Dame, A.: Direct model based visual tracking and pose estimation using...
     with: Dame, A.: Optimal detection and tracking of feature points using mutua...
     with: Dame, A.: Second-Order Optimization of Mutual Information for Real-Tim...
     with: Dame, A.: Video mosaicing using a mutual information-based motion esti...
     with: de Almeida Braga, C.: Tracking Pedestrian Heads in Dense Crowd
     with: Delabarre, B.: Dense non-rigid visual tracking with a robust similarit...
     with: Eck, L.: 3-D Model-Based Tracking for UAV Indoor Localization
     with: Favre, K.: Plane-based Approach for Indoor Point Clouds Registration, A
     with: Houlier, P.: Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
     with: Houlier, P.: Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model r...
     with: Lecuyer, A.: Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirect...
     with: Lefaix, G.: Motion-based obstacle detection and tracking for car drivi...
     with: Marchal, I.: Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
     with: Marchal, I.: Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model r...
     with: Marchal, M.: Navigating in virtual environments with 360deg omnidirect...
     with: Martin, P.: Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
     with: Memin, E.: Hybrid tracking approach using optical flow and pose estima...
     with: Memin, E.: Model Free Hybrid Algorithm for Real Time Tracking, A
     with: Moreau, V.: Robust Real-Time Visual Tracking using a 2D-3D Model-based...
     with: Moreau, V.: Robust Visual Tracking by Coupling 2D Motion and 3D Pose E...
     with: Morin, L.: Plane-based Approach for Indoor Point Clouds Registration, A
     with: Pettre, J.: Tracking Pedestrian Heads in Dense Crowd
     with: Pressigout, M.: Hybrid tracking approach using optical flow and pose e...
     with: Pressigout, M.: Model Free Hybrid Algorithm for Real Time Tracking, A
     with: Pressigout, M.: Model-free augmented reality by virtual visual servoing
     with: Pressigout, M.: Plane-based Approach for Indoor Point Clouds Registrat...
     with: Rizzo, A.: Avoiding Robot Joint Limits and Kinematic Singularities in ...
     with: Servant, F.: Visual planes-based simultaneous localization and model r...
     with: Shi, J.L.: JAWS: Just A Wild Shot for Cinematic Transfer in Neural Rad...
     with: Silva do Monte Lima, J.P.: Depth-assisted rectification for real-time ...
     with: Simoes, F.P.M.: Depth-assisted rectification for real-time object dete...
     with: Sundararaman, R.: Tracking Pedestrian Heads in Dense Crowd
     with: Teichrieb, V.: Depth-assisted rectification for real-time object detec...
     with: Teuliere, C.: 3-D Model-Based Tracking for UAV Indoor Localization
     with: Uchiyama, H.: Depth-assisted rectification for real-time object detect...
     with: Wang, X.: JAWS: Just A Wild Shot for Cinematic Transfer in Neural Radi...
     with: Wang, X.: Multiple Layers of Contrasted Images for Robust Feature-Base...
66 for Marchand, E.

Marchand, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Artieres, T.: Multi-modal Segmental Models for On-line Handwriting Rec...
     with: Dorizzi, B.: Multi-modal Segmental Models for On-line Handwriting Reco...
     with: Gallinari, P.: Multi-modal Segmental Models for On-line Handwriting Re...

Marchand, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ameen, B.: Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two S...
     with: Balzter, H.: Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two...
     with: Corbeil, J.: Feature Selection with Conjunctions of Decision Stumps an...
     with: Jarvis, C.: Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two ...
     with: Shah, M.: Feature Selection with Conjunctions of Decision Stumps and L...
     with: Thomas, C.: Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two ...
     with: Wey, E.: Validation of Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance for Two Sat...
7 for Marchand, M.

Marchand, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Krinner, G.: Snow-Covered Soil Temperature Retrieval in Canadian Arcti...
     with: Langlois, A.: Snow-Covered Soil Temperature Retrieval in Canadian Arct...
     with: Roy, A.: Snow-Covered Soil Temperature Retrieval in Canadian Arctic Pe...
     with: Royer, A.: Snow-Covered Soil Temperature Retrieval in Canadian Arctic ...
     with: Vargel, C.: Snow-Covered Soil Temperature Retrieval in Canadian Arctic...

Marchand, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bedard, Y.: Implementation and evaluation of a hypercube-based method ...
     with: Brisebois, A.: Implementation and evaluation of a hypercube-based meth...
     with: Edwards, G.: Implementation and evaluation of a hypercube-based method...
     with: Gagnon, L.: Stabilization of infra-red aerial image sequences using ro...
     with: McReynolds, D.: Stabilization of infra-red aerial image sequences usin...
     with: Sevigny, L.: Stabilization of infra-red aerial image sequences using r...
     with: Sheng, Y.: Stabilization of infra-red aerial image sequences using rob...
7 for Marchand, P.

Marchand, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cadeddu, M.P.: Microwave Passive Ground-Based Retrievals of Cloud and ...
     with: Mech, M.: Microwave Passive Ground-Based Retrievals of Cloud and Rain ...
     with: Orlandi, E.: Microwave Passive Ground-Based Retrievals of Cloud and Ra...
     with: Turner, D.D.: Microwave Passive Ground-Based Retrievals of Cloud and R...

Marchand, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abadi, M.: Gabor Filter-Based Texture Features to Archaeological Ceram...
     with: Beurton Aimar, M.: Multitask Multi-database Emotion Recognition
     with: Khoudeir, M.: Gabor Filter-Based Texture Features to Archaeological Ce...
     with: Vu, M.T.: Multitask Multi-database Emotion Recognition

Marchand, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bredif, M.: Efficiently Distributed Watertight Surface Reconstruction
     with: Bredif, M.: Evaluating Surface Mesh Reconstruction of Open Scenes
     with: Caraffa, L.: Efficiently Distributed Watertight Surface Reconstruction
     with: Caraffa, L.: Evaluating Surface Mesh Reconstruction of Open Scenes
     with: Vallet, B.: Efficiently Distributed Watertight Surface Reconstruction
     with: Vallet, B.: Evaluating Surface Mesh Reconstruction of Open Scenes

Marchandon, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Giffard Roisin, S.: Sub-pixel Optical Satellite Image Registration for...
     with: Hollingsworth, J.: Sub-pixel Optical Satellite Image Registration for ...
     with: Montagnon, T.: Sub-pixel Optical Satellite Image Registration for Grou...
     with: Mura, M.D.: Sub-pixel Optical Satellite Image Registration for Ground ...
     with: Pathier, E.: Sub-pixel Optical Satellite Image Registration for Ground...

Marchane, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baba, M.W.: Snow Lapse Rate Changes in the Atlas Mountain in Morocco B...
     with: Boudhar, A.: Snow Lapse Rate Changes in the Atlas Mountain in Morocco ...
     with: Chehbouni, A.: Snow Lapse Rate Changes in the Atlas Mountain in Morocc...
     with: Hanich, L.: Snow Lapse Rate Changes in the Atlas Mountain in Morocco B...

Marchant, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amarasinghe, N.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Colle...
     with: Amarasinghe, N.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties ...
     with: Arnold, G.T.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collecti...
     with: Dutcher, S.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Prod...
     with: Gerard, F.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Meadow ...
     with: Gowing, D.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Meadow ...
     with: Holz, R.E.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection...
     with: Holz, R.E.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Produ...
     with: Hubanks, P.A.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collect...
     with: Hubanks, P.A.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Pr...
     with: King, M.D.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection...
     with: Macdonald, D.M.J.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain ...
     with: Meyer, K.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Produc...
     with: Meyer, K.G.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collectio...
     with: Platnick, S.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collecti...
     with: Platnick, S.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Pro...
     with: Punalekar, S.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Mead...
     with: Ridgway, W.L.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collect...
     with: Riedi, J.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection ...
     with: Tatarenko, I.V.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Me...
     with: van der Tol, C.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Me...
     with: Veglio, P.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Produ...
     with: Verhoef, A.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Meadow...
     with: White, K.: Characterization of a Highly Biodiverse Floodplain Meadow U...
     with: Wind, G.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6...
     with: Wind, G.: NASA MODIS-VIIRS Continuity Cloud Optical Properties Product...
     with: Yang, P.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6...
     with: Zhang, Z.: MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection ...
28 for Marchant, B.

Marchant, B.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bonsor, H.C.: Seasonal and Decadal Groundwater Changes in African Sedi...
     with: MacDonald, A.M.: Seasonal and Decadal Groundwater Changes in African S...
     with: Shamsudduha, M.: Seasonal and Decadal Groundwater Changes in African S...
     with: Taylor, R.G.: Seasonal and Decadal Groundwater Changes in African Sedi...

Marchant, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gunther, J.H.: Iterative Least Square Approach to Elastic-Lidar Retrie...
     with: Moon, T.K.: Iterative Least Square Approach to Elastic-Lidar Retrieval...

Marchant, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blake, A.: Learning Dynamics of Complex Motions from Image Sequences
     with: Calleja, J.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industria...
     with: Calpe, J.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial ...
     with: Connell, J.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industria...
     with: Gomez, L.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial ...
     with: Klaren, A.C.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industri...
     with: Mulqueen, M.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industri...
     with: Munoz, J.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial ...
     with: Pla, F.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial en...
     with: Reynard, D.: Learning Dynamics of Complex Motions from Image Sequences
     with: Team, T.S.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial...
     with: Vila, J.: SmartSpectra: Applying multispectral imaging to industrial e...
     with: Wildenberg, A.: Learning Dynamics of Complex Motions from Image Sequen...
13 for Marchant, J.

Marchant, J.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Andersen, H.J.: Design and operation of an imaging sensor for detectin...
     with: Brivot, R.: Building Perspective Models to Guide a Row Crop Navigation...
     with: Brivot, R.: Plant tracking-based motion analysis in a crop field
     with: Brivot, R.: Real-Time Segmentation of Plants and Weeds
     with: Brivot, R.: Real-Time Tracking of Cplan Rows Using a Hough Transform
     with: Brivot, R.: Segmentation of Plants and Weeds for a Precision Crop Prot...
     with: Brivot, R.: Structure-from-Motion Techniques Applied to Crop Field-Map...
     with: Buxton, B.F.: Controllability and Observability: Tools for Kalman Filt...
     with: Buxton, B.F.: Model based tracking for navigation and segmentation
     with: Buxton, B.F.: On the Performance Characterisation of Image Segmentatio...
     with: Buxton, B.F.: Vision-Aided Outdoor Navigation of an Autonomous Horticu...
     with: Finlayson, G.D.: Colour Invariance at a Pixel
     with: Hague, T.: Model based tracking for navigation and segmentation
     with: Hague, T.: On the Performance Characterisation of Image Segmentation A...
     with: Hague, T.: Real-Time Visual Sensing for Task Planning in a Field Navig...
     with: Hague, T.: Vision-Aided Outdoor Navigation of an Autonomous Horticultu...
     with: Hordley, S.D.: Colour Invariance at a Pixel
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Adding Grey Level Information to Point Distribution Mod...
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Colour Invariance at a Pixel
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Design and operation of an imaging sensor for detecting...
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Fitting Grey Level Point Distribution Models to Animals...
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Flexible Color Point Distribution Models
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Model-based control of image acquisition
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Modeling Grey Level Surfaces Using 3-Dimensional Point ...
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Physics-based colour image segmentation for scenes cont...
     with: Onyango, C.M.: Shadow-invariant classification for scenes illuminated ...
     with: Pla, F.: Approach to the Vision Tasks Involved in an Autonomous Crop P...
     with: Pla, F.: Building Perspective Models to Guide a Row Crop Navigation Ve...
     with: Pla, F.: framework for feature-based motion recovery in ground plane v...
     with: Pla, F.: Matching Feature Points in Image Sequences Through a Region-B...
     with: Pla, F.: Plant tracking-based motion analysis in a crop field
     with: Pla, F.: Real-Time Visual Sensing for Task Planning in a Field Navigat...
     with: Pla, F.: Structure-from-Motion Techniques Applied to Crop Field-Mapping
     with: Sanchez, A.J.: Fusing 3D Information for Crop/weeds Classification
     with: Sanchiz, J.M.: Approach to the Vision Tasks Involved in an Autonomous ...
     with: Sanchiz, J.M.: Building Perspective Models to Guide a Row Crop Navigat...
     with: Sanchiz, J.M.: framework for feature-based motion recovery in ground p...
     with: Sanchiz, J.M.: Plant tracking-based motion analysis in a crop field
     with: Sanchiz, J.M.: Real-Time Visual Sensing for Task Planning in a Field N...
     with: Sanchiz, J.M.: Structure-from-Motion Techniques Applied to Crop Field-...
     with: Southall, B.: Controllability and Observability: Tools for Kalman Filt...
     with: Southall, B.: Model based tracking for navigation and segmentation
     with: Southall, B.: On the Performance Characterisation of Image Segmentatio...
     with: Southall, B.: Vision-Aided Outdoor Navigation of an Autonomous Horticu...
     with: Tillett, R.: Real-Time Segmentation of Plants and Weeds
45 for Marchant, J.A.

Marchant, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Denu, D.: Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g) wit...
     with: Fischer, T.: Human-in-the-Loop Segmentation of Multi-species Coral Ima...
     with: Fischer, T.: Image Labels Are All You Need for Coarse Seagrass Segment...
     with: Gonsamo, A.: Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g) ...
     with: Jackway, P.T.: Feature Detection from the Maximal Response to a Spheri...
     with: Jackway, P.T.: Generalised Hilbert Transforms for the Estimation of Gr...
     with: Jackway, P.T.: Local feature analysis using a sinusoidal signal model ...
     with: Jackway, P.T.: Modelling Line and Edge Features Using Higher-Order Rie...
     with: Jackway, P.T.: Sinusoidal Image Model Derived from the Circular Harmon...
     with: Jackway, P.T.: Using Super-Resolution Methods to Solve a Novel Multi-S...
     with: Kettle, B.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from U...
     with: Kusy, B.: Human-in-the-Loop Segmentation of Multi-species Coral Imagery
     with: Kusy, B.: Image Labels Are All You Need for Coarse Seagrass Segmentation
     with: Kusy, B.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Und...
     with: Lefebvre, V.: Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g)...
     with: Maire, F.: Human-in-the-Loop Segmentation of Multi-species Coral Imagery
     with: Maire, F.: Image Labels Are All You Need for Coarse Seagrass Segmentat...
     with: Maire, F.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Un...
     with: Moghadam, P.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from...
     with: Pellikka, P.K.E.: Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LA...
     with: Pfeifer, M.: Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g) ...
     with: Platts, P.J.: Validating and Linking the GIMMS Leaf Area Index (LAI3g)...
     with: Raine, S.: Human-in-the-Loop Segmentation of Multi-species Coral Imagery
     with: Raine, S.: Image Labels Are All You Need for Coarse Seagrass Segmentat...
     with: Raine, S.: Multi-species Seagrass Detection and Classification from Un...
     with: Sunderhauf, N.: Human-in-the-Loop Segmentation of Multi-species Coral ...
26 for Marchant, R.

Marchant, T.E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burton, D.R.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for app...
     with: Burton, D.R.: Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged fluo...
     with: Doyle, A.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for applic...
     with: Gdeisat, M.A.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for ap...
     with: Histace, A.: Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged fluor...
     with: Johnston, G.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for app...
     with: Lilley, F.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for appli...
     with: Madden, G.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for appli...
     with: Madden, M.F.M.<.: Quantifying structure regularity in fluorescence mic...
     with: Matuszewski, B.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for ...
     with: Matuszewski, B.J.: Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged...
     with: Moore, C.J.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for appl...
     with: Moore, C.J.: Quantifying structure regularity in fluorescence microsco...
     with: Moore, C.J.: Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged fluor...
     with: Murphy, M.F.: Analysis of microscopy and reconstructive images for app...
     with: Murphy, M.F.: Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged fluo...
     with: Precioso, F.: Segmentation of cellular structures in actin tagged fluo...
17 for Marchant, T.E.

Marchau, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: de Brucker, K.: Strategic analysis of stakeholder preferences regardin...
     with: Macharis, C.: Strategic analysis of stakeholder preferences regarding ...
     with: Wiethoff, M.: Strategic analysis of stakeholder preferences regarding ...

Marchbanks, R.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beckler, J.: Optical Backscattering Measured by Airborne Lidar and Und...
     with: Churnside, J.H.: Airborne Lidar Observations of a Spring Phytoplankton...
     with: Churnside, J.H.: Optical Backscattering Measured by Airborne Lidar and...
     with: Lembke, C.: Optical Backscattering Measured by Airborne Lidar and Unde...
     with: Marshall, N.: Airborne Lidar Observations of a Spring Phytoplankton Bl...

Marche, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boisse, F.: Geodesic Path Based Interpolation Using Level Sets Propaga...
     with: Chabrier, S.: Unsupervised evaluation of image segmentation applicatio...
     with: Deforge, P.: Geodesic Path Based Interpolation Using Level Sets Propag...
     with: Domingues, A.: Modeling, Evaluation and Control of a Road Image Proces...
     with: Driouchi, D.: Modeling, Evaluation and Control of a Road Image Process...
     with: Emile, B.: Unsupervised evaluation of image segmentation application t...
     with: Laurent, H.: Unsupervised evaluation of image segmentation application...
     with: Lucas, Y.: Modeling, Evaluation and Control of a Road Image Processing...
     with: Migeon, B.: Geodesic Path Based Interpolation Using Level Sets Propaga...
     with: Rosenberger, C.: Unsupervised evaluation of image segmentation applica...
10 for Marche, P.

Marcheggiani, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Balestra, M.: UAV-Spherical Data Fusion Approach to Estimate Individua...
     with: Chiappini, S.: UAV-Spherical Data Fusion Approach to Estimate Individu...
     with: Choudhury, M.A.M.: UAV-Spherical Data Fusion Approach to Estimate Indi...
     with: Pierdicca, R.: UAV-Spherical Data Fusion Approach to Estimate Individu...

Marchegiani, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cavanini, L.: comparative study of driver torque demand prediction met...
     with: Ciabattoni, L.: comparative study of driver torque demand prediction m...
     with: Ferracuti, F.: comparative study of driver torque demand prediction me...
     with: Monteriu, A.: comparative study of driver torque demand prediction met...

Marchegiani, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartlett, O.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: de Martini, D.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Fafoutis, X.: Privacy Leakage of Physical Activity Levels in Wireless ...
     with: Gadd, M.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Kuhn, M.A.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Kunze, L.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Murcutt, P.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Musat, V.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Newman, P.: Listening for Sirens: Locating and Classifying Acoustic Al...
     with: Newman, P.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Oikonomou, G.: Privacy Leakage of Physical Activity Levels in Wireless...
     with: Panagiotaki, E.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Papadopoulos, G.Z.: Privacy Leakage of Physical Activity Levels in Wir...
     with: Piechocki, R.: Privacy Leakage of Physical Activity Levels in Wireless...
     with: Pramatarov, G.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Robinson, L.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Towlson, M.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
     with: Tryfonas, T.: Privacy Leakage of Physical Activity Levels in Wireless ...
     with: Widojo, M.: OORD: The Oxford Offroad Radar Dataset
19 for Marchegiani, L.

Marchegiani, M.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pirri, F.: Multimodal Speaker Recognition in a Conversation Scenario
     with: Pizzoli, M.: Multimodal Speaker Recognition in a Conversation Scenario

Marcheix, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baba Ali, M.: Insertion and Expansion Operations for n-Dimensional Gen...
     with: Damiand, G.: Insertion and Expansion Operations for n-Dimensional Gene...
     with: Skapin, X.: Insertion and Expansion Operations for n-Dimensional Gener...

Marchello, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cannella, F.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predict...
     with: d'Imperio, M.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predic...
     with: Frontoni, E.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predict...
     with: Galdelli, A.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predict...
     with: Mancini, A.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predicti...
     with: Sasso, M.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predictive...
     with: Scaccia, M.: Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predicti...
7 for Marchello, G.

Marchellus, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Park, I.K.: M2C: Concise Music Representation for 3D Dance Generation

Marchenko, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ng, T.T.: On Geometric Modeling of the Human Intracranial Venous System
     with: Nowinski, W.L.: On Geometric Modeling of the Human Intracranial Venous...
     with: Volkau, I.: On Geometric Modeling of the Human Intracranial Venous Sys...

Marchennay, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Blokker, G.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mobile...
     with: Hageraats, S.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mobi...
     with: Jansen, G.A.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mobil...
     with: Peller, J.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mobile-...
     with: Rustia, D.J.A.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mob...
     with: Sangster, W.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized mobil...
     with: van de Zedde, R.: Rapid tomato DUS trait analysis using an optimized m...
7 for Marchennay, C.

Marcheret, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Goel, V.: Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning
     with: Huang, J.: IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lect...
     with: Huang, J.: IBM RT07 Evaluation Systems for Speaker Diarization on Lect...
     with: Kumar, K.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bimod...
     with: Libal, V.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bimod...
     with: Libal, V.: IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for Lect...
     with: Mroueh, Y.: Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning
     with: Navratil, J.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a bi...
     with: Potamianos, G.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a ...
     with: Potamianos, G.: IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems for...
     with: Potamianos, G.: IBM RT07 Evaluation Systems for Speaker Diarization on...
     with: Ramaswamy, G.: Audio-visual speech synchronization detection using a b...
     with: Rennie, S.J.: Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning
     with: Ross, J.: Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning
     with: Visweswariah, K.: IBM Rich Transcription 2007 Speech-to-Text Systems f...
     with: Visweswariah, K.: IBM RT07 Evaluation Systems for Speaker Diarization ...
16 for Marcheret, E.

Marchesani, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abreu, E.: new method of television signal deghosting, A
     with: Mitra, S.K.: new method of television signal deghosting, A

Marchese, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benzoni, F.: Integrating a UAV-Derived DEM in Object-Based Image Analy...
     with: Casartelli, M.: Integrating a UAV-Derived DEM in Object-Based Image An...
     with: Ciampa, M.: On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) ...
     with: Coppola, D.: Investigating Phases of Thermal Unrest at Ambrym (Vanuatu...
     with: Corselli, C.: Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis ...
     with: de Santis, F.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Prio...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observ...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and T...
     with: Falconieri, A.: First Implementation of a Normalized Hotspot Index on ...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Pri...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Investigating Phases of Thermal Unrest at Ambrym (Vanu...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Monitoring the Agung (Indonesia) Ash Plume of November...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored an...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal A...
     with: Falconieri, A.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Usi...
     with: Fallati, L.: Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (...
     with: Faruolo, M.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Q...
     with: Faruolo, M.: Tailored Approach for the Global Gas Flaring Investigatio...
     with: Filizzola, C.: Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and Tr...
     with: Filizzola, C.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Prio...
     with: Filizzola, C.: July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, St...
     with: Filizzola, C.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and...
     with: Filizzola, C.: On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RS...
     with: Filizzola, C.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Usin...
     with: Galli, P.: Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (OB...
     with: Genzano, N.: First Implementation of a Normalized Hotspot Index on Him...
     with: Genzano, N.: Google Earth Engine Tool to Investigate, Map and Monitor ...
     with: Genzano, N.: Investigating Phases of Thermal Unrest at Ambrym (Vanuatu...
     with: Genzano, N.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Q...
     with: Genzano, N.: Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anom...
     with: Genzano, N.: Tailored Approach for the Global Gas Flaring Investigatio...
     with: Kervyn, M.: Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algori...
     with: Lacava, T.: Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algori...
     with: Lacava, T.: Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observatio...
     with: Lacava, T.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Priorit...
     with: Lacava, T.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Qu...
     with: Lacava, T.: On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) ...
     with: Lanorte, A.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Priori...
     with: Liuzzi, M.: Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algori...
     with: Martinis, S.: July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Str...
     with: Mazzeo, G.: Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observatio...
     with: Mazzeo, G.: First Implementation of a Normalized Hotspot Index on Hima...
     with: Mazzeo, G.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Priorit...
     with: Mazzeo, G.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Qu...
     with: Mazzeo, G.: Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anoma...
     with: Mazzeo, G.: On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) ...
     with: Mona, L.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Using ACT...
     with: Neri, M.: Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observations...
     with: Neri, M.: July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Strombo...
     with: Neri, M.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Quan...
     with: Neri, M.: Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anomali...
     with: Nieuwenhuis, B.O.: Integrating a UAV-Derived DEM in Object-Based Image...
     with: Nolde, M.: July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Stromb...
     with: Nole, G.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Prioritiz...
     with: Papagiannopoulos, N.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Da...
     with: Pappalardo, G.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Usi...
     with: Pergola, N.: Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algor...
     with: Pergola, N.: Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observati...
     with: Pergola, N.: Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and Trac...
     with: Pergola, N.: First Implementation of a Normalized Hotspot Index on Him...
     with: Pergola, N.: Google Earth Engine Tool to Investigate, Map and Monitor ...
     with: Pergola, N.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Priori...
     with: Pergola, N.: Investigating Phases of Thermal Unrest at Ambrym (Vanuatu...
     with: Pergola, N.: July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Stro...
     with: Pergola, N.: Monitoring the Agung (Indonesia) Ash Plume of November 20...
     with: Pergola, N.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and Q...
     with: Pergola, N.: Multi-Channel Algorithm for Mapping Volcanic Thermal Anom...
     with: Pergola, N.: On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RST)...
     with: Pergola, N.: Tailored Approach for the Global Gas Flaring Investigatio...
     with: Pergola, N.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Using ...
     with: Pietrapertosa, C.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and ...
     with: Pietrapertosa, C.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored...
     with: Plank, S.: July/August 2019 Lava Flows at the Sciara del Fuoco, Stromb...
     with: Sabino, A.: Integrating a UAV-Derived DEM in Object-Based Image Analys...
     with: Sannazzaro, F.: Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and T...
     with: Saponari, L.: Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis ...
     with: Satriano, V.: Integrated Satellite System for Fire Detection and Prior...
     with: Savini, A.: Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (O...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Alg...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: Contribution of Multi-Sensor Infrared Satellite Observa...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and Tr...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: Monitoring the Agung (Indonesia) Ash Plume of November ...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: Mt. Etna Paroxysms of February-April 2021 Monitored and...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: On the Exportability of Robust Satellite Techniques (RS...
     with: Tramutoli, V.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Usin...
     with: Trippetta, S.: Validation of Ash/Dust Detections from SEVIRI Data Usin...
     with: van der Meij, S.E.T.: Integrating a UAV-Derived DEM in Object-Based Im...
97 for Marchese, F.

Marchese, F.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sorrenti, D.G.: Mirror design of a prescribed accuracy omnidirectional...

Marchese, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Besana, P.: evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service application...
     with: Bisio, I.: GPS/HPS-and Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Location Recognition fo...
     with: Bisio, I.: Heuristic Attack Method to PRH-Based Audio Copy Detectors, A
     with: Bolla, R.: Prediction of short-term evolution of cloud formations base...
     with: Braccini, C.: Heuristic Attack Method to PRH-Based Audio Copy Detector...
     with: Delfino, A.: Heuristic Attack Method to PRH-Based Audio Copy Detectors...
     with: Lavagetto, F.: GPS/HPS-and Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Location Recognitio...
     with: Lavagetto, F.: Heuristic Attack Method to PRH-Based Audio Copy Detecto...
     with: Nobile, C.: Prediction of short-term evolution of cloud formations bas...
     with: Pane, J.: evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applications,...
     with: Sciarrone, A.: GPS/HPS-and Wi-Fi Fingerprint-Based Location Recognitio...
     with: Shvaiko, P.: evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applicatio...
     with: Vaccari, L.: evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applicatio...
     with: Zappatore, S.: Prediction of short-term evolution of cloud formations ...
14 for Marchese, M.

Marchese, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Casella, V.: Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic Class...
     with: della Porta, G.: Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic C...
     with: Felletti, F.: Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic Clas...
     with: Franzini, M.: Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic Clas...
     with: Marini, M.: Validation of a UAV-derived Point Cloud By Semantic Classi...

Marchesi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amaducci, S.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water ...
     with: Borges, L.R.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Usin...
     with: Bria, A.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Using Ad...
     with: Bria, A.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Mathematic...
     with: Bria, A.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microcalcif...
     with: Busetto, L.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water s...
     with: Campilho, A.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microca...
     with: Cogliati, S.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water ...
     with: Colombo, R.: Application of high spatial resolution satellite imagery ...
     with: Colombo, R.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water s...
     with: Fava, F.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water stre...
     with: Galdran, A.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microcal...
     with: Giardino, C.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water ...
     with: Karssemeijer, N.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications ...
     with: Karssemeijer, N.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Mic...
     with: Marrocco, C.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Usin...
     with: Marrocco, C.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Mathem...
     with: Marrocco, C.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microca...
     with: Meroni, M.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water st...
     with: Migliavacca, M.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map wat...
     with: Molinara, M.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Usin...
     with: Molinara, M.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Mathem...
     with: Molinara, M.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microca...
     with: Mordang, J.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Using...
     with: Mordang, J.J.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Microc...
     with: Panigada, C.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water ...
     with: Rossini, M.: Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water s...
     with: Savelli, B.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Mathema...
     with: Tortorella, F.: Improving the Automated Detection of Calcifications Us...
     with: Tortorella, F.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Through Denoising and Math...
     with: Tortorella, F.: Spatial Enhancement by Dehazing for Detection of Micro...
     with: Valentini, P.: Application of high spatial resolution satellite imager...
32 for Marchesi, A.

Marchesi, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bortolan, G.: Fuzzy Pattern-Classification and the Connectionist Appro...
     with: Silipo, R.: Fuzzy Pattern-Classification and the Connectionist Approach

Marchesi, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Eichhorn, C.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to I...
     with: Itoh, Y.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to Impro...
     with: Klinker, G.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to Im...
     with: Plecher, D.A.: EnvSLAM: Combining SLAM Systems and Neural Networks to ...

Marchesi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bovolo, F.: Context-Sensitive Technique Robust to Registration Noise f...
     with: Bovolo, F.: Framework for Automatic and Unsupervised Detection of Mult...
     with: Bovolo, F.: Multiscale Change Detection Technique Robust to Registrati...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Context-Sensitive Technique Robust to Registration Noise...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Framework for Automatic and Unsupervised Detection of Mu...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Multiscale Change Detection Technique Robust to Registra...

Marchesini, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bergami, G.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimens...
     with: Bertini, F.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimens...
     with: Montesi, D.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimens...
     with: Pandolfi, P.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimen...
     with: Veronese, G.: Predicting Frailty Condition in Elderly Using Multidimen...

Marchesini, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cencetti, C.: preliminary method for the evaluation of the landslides ...
     with: de Rosa, P.: preliminary method for the evaluation of the landslides v...

Marchesini, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, H.: Blind Ptychographic Phase Retrieval via Convergent Alternat...
     with: Chang, H.: Iterative Joint Ptychography-Tomography with Total Variatio...
     with: Chang, H.B.: Total Variation-Based Phase Retrieval for Poisson Noise R...
     with: Chang, H.B.: Variational Phase Retrieval with Globally Convergent Prec...
     with: Duan, Y.P.: Total Variation-Based Phase Retrieval for Poisson Noise Re...
     with: Enfedaque, P.: Blind Ptychographic Phase Retrieval via Convergent Alte...
     with: Enfedaque, P.: Iterative Joint Ptychography-Tomography with Total Vari...
     with: Farmand, M.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: Hexemer, A.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: Lou, Y.F.: Total Variation-Based Phase Retrieval for Poisson Noise Rem...
     with: Lou, Y.F.: Variational Phase Retrieval with Globally Convergent Precon...
     with: Majidi, H.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: Shapiro, D.A.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: van Benthem, K.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: Venkatakrishnan, S.V.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: Yu, Y.S.: Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
     with: Zeng, T.Y.: Variational Phase Retrieval with Globally Convergent Preco...
17 for Marchesini, S.

Marchesoni Acland, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Facciolo, G.: On the Domain Generalization Capabilities of Interactive...
     with: Magne, T.: On the Domain Generalization Capabilities of Interactive Se...
     with: Rekbi, F.: On the Domain Generalization Capabilities of Interactive Se...

Marchesotti, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bonamico, C.: Video Processing and Understanding Tools for Augmented M...
     with: Cifarelli, C.: framework for visual saliency detection with applicatio...
     with: Coelho, C.: Novel Pedestrian Classification Algorithm for a High Defin...
     with: Crandall, D.J.: Attribute-based vehicle recognition using viewpoint-aw...
     with: Csurka, G.: Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using gener...
     with: Csurka, G.: Building look and feel concept models from color combinati...
     with: Csurka, G.: framework for visual saliency detection with applications ...
     with: Csurka, G.: Learning moods and emotions from color combinations
     with: Cuocolo, A.: Novel Pedestrian Classification Algorithm for a High Defi...
     with: Duan, K.: Attribute-based vehicle recognition using viewpoint-aware mu...
     with: Kataria, S.: Font retrieval on a large scale: An experimental study
     with: Larlus, D.: Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using gener...
     with: Lavagetto, F.: Video Processing and Understanding Tools for Augmented ...
     with: Marcenaro, L.: Dual camera system for face detection in unconstrained ...
     with: Marcenaro, L.: Self-organizing shape description for tracking and clas...
     with: Marcenaro, L.: Tracking and Counting Multiple Interacting People in In...
     with: Marcenaro, L.: video surveillance architecture for alarm generation an...
     with: Murray, N.: AVA: A large-scale database for aesthetic visual analysis
     with: Murray, N.: Discovering Beautiful Attributes for Aesthetic Image Analy...
     with: Murray, N.: Learning to rank images using semantic and aesthetic labels
     with: Perronnin, F.: Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using ge...
     with: Perronnin, F.: AVA: A large-scale database for aesthetic visual analysis
     with: Perronnin, F.: Discovering Beautiful Attributes for Aesthetic Image An...
     with: Perronnin, F.: Font retrieval on a large scale: An experimental study
     with: Perronnin, F.: Learning beautiful (and ugly) attributes
     with: Perronnin, F.: Learning to rank images using semantic and aesthetic la...
     with: Piva, S.: agent-based approach for tracking people in indoor complex e...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: agent-based approach for tracking people in indoor co...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Dual camera system for face detection in unconstraine...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: multicamera fusion framework for multiple occluding o...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Self-organizing shape description for tracking and cl...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Tracking and Counting Multiple Interacting People in ...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: Video Processing and Understanding Tools for Augmente...
     with: Regazzoni, C.S.: video surveillance architecture for alarm generation ...
     with: Saunders, C.: Building look and feel concept models from color combina...
     with: Saunders, C.: Learning moods and emotions from color combinations
     with: Scotti, G.: Novel Pedestrian Classification Algorithm for a High Defin...
     with: Skaff, S.: Building look and feel concept models from color combinatio...
     with: Skaff, S.: Learning moods and emotions from color combinations
     with: Vernazza, G.: multicamera fusion framework for multiple occluding obje...
40 for Marchesotti, L.

Marchesseau, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alessandrini, M.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synth...
     with: Allain, P.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic C...
     with: Allain, P.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Series...
     with: Ayache, N.J.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Seri...
     with: Bernard, O.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic ...
     with: d'Hooge, J.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic ...
     with: de Craene, M.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Syntheti...
     with: Delingette, H.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthet...
     with: Delingette, H.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Se...
     with: Ebeid, S.M.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic ...
     with: Gao, H.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic Comp...
     with: Hennemuth, A.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Syntheti...
     with: Heyde, B.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic Co...
     with: Liebgott, H.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic...
     with: Piella, G.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic C...
     with: Porras, A.R.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic...
     with: Prakosa, A.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic ...
     with: Prakosa, A.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Serie...
     with: Saloux, E.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic C...
     with: Saloux, E.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Series...
     with: Sermesant, M.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Syntheti...
     with: Sermesant, M.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Ser...
     with: Somphone, O.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic...
     with: Tautz, L.: 3D Strain Assessment in Ultrasound (Straus): A Synthetic Co...
     with: Villain, N.: Generation of Synthetic but Visually Realistic Time Serie...
25 for Marchesseau, S.

Marchessoux, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fernandez, C.: Description of simple method in 3D reconstruction in me...
     with: Richard, N.: Description of simple method in 3D reconstruction in medi...

Marchette, D.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Green, J.: advanced distributed region of interest tool, The
     with: Guidry, R.: advanced distributed region of interest tool, The
     with: Healy, D.M.: Integrated Sensing and Processing Decision Trees
     with: Irwin, V.L.: Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Veh...
     with: Lorey, R.A.: Analysis of Local Feature-Extraction in Digital Mammograp...
     with: Priebe, C.E.: Adaptive mixture density estimation
     with: Priebe, C.E.: Adaptive mixtures: Recursive nonparametric pattern recog...
     with: Priebe, C.E.: Analysis of Local Feature-Extraction in Digital Mammogra...
     with: Priebe, C.E.: Characterizing the scale dimension of a high-dimensional...
     with: Priebe, C.E.: Integrated Sensing and Processing Decision Trees
     with: Priebe, C.E.: Segmentation of Random-Fields via Borrowed Strength Dens...
     with: Rogers, G.W.: Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Rogers, G.W.: Segmentation of Random-Fields via Borrowed Strength Dens...
     with: Solka, J.L.: advanced distributed region of interest tool, The
     with: Solka, J.L.: Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Veh...
     with: Wallet, B.C.: Identification of Man-Made Regions in Unmanned Aerial Ve...
16 for Marchette, D.J.

Marchettea, D.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Postona, W.L.: Recursive Dimensionality Reduction Using Fishers Linear...

Marchetti, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrate, M.: GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Envir...
     with: Amato, G.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing wei...
     with: Bacciu, C.: GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Envir...
     with: Bacciu, C.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Bergamaschi, M.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasi...
     with: d'Errico, A.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Duca, A.L.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Fantozzi, M.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing ...
     with: Fragneto, P.: Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
     with: Fusiello, A.: Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
     with: Galfre, S.G.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing ...
     with: Hast, A.: Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
     with: Hast, A.: GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Environ...
     with: Hast, A.: Retrospective Illumination Correction of Greyscale Historica...
     with: Hast, A.: Towards automatic stereo pair extraction for 3D visualisatio...
     with: Malapelle, F.: Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
     with: Martinelli, M.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Mercurio, C.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Metta, C.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing wei...
     with: Minutoli, S.: GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Env...
     with: Mistretta, A.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Morandin, F.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing ...
     with: Paola, C.D.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Papini, A.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing we...
     with: Parton, M.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing we...
     with: Reggiannini, M.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Righi, M.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Rossi, B.: Automatic 3DS conversion of historical aerial photographs
     with: Salerno, E.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Tampucci, M.: Remote Sensing for Maritime Traffic Understanding
     with: Tesconi, M.: GeoMemories: A Platform for Visualizing Historical, Envi...
     with: Veglio, M.: Increasing biases can be more efficient than increasing we...
32 for Marchetti, A.

Marchetti, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: a'Arcangelo, S.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate...
     with: Akhoondzadeh, M.: Developing a Deep Learning-Based Detector of Magneti...
     with: Akhoondzadeh, M.: Developing a Fuzzy Inference System Based on Multi-S...
     with: Arena, G.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the L...
     with: Bonforte, A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate th...
     with: Brogi, F.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the L...
     with: Calcara, M.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the...
     with: Campuzano, S.A.: Co-Seismic Magnetic Field Perturbations Detected by S...
     with: Campuzano, S.A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate...
     with: Campuzano, S.A.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of S...
     with: Chen, W.Q.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms befo...
     with: Chen, W.Q.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations...
     with: Chen, W.Q.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (R...
     with: Chen, W.Q.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm ...
     with: Cheng, Y.Q.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms bef...
     with: Cheng, Y.Q.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variation...
     with: Cheng, Y.Q.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (...
     with: Chi, C.Q.: Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain N...
     with: Cianchini, G.: Co-Seismic Magnetic Field Perturbations Detected by Swa...
     with: Cianchini, G.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate t...
     with: Cianchini, G.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swa...
     with: d'Arcangelo, S.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of S...
     with: de Santis, A.: Co-Seismic Magnetic Field Perturbations Detected by Swa...
     with: de Santis, A.: Developing a Deep Learning-Based Detector of Magnetic, ...
     with: de Santis, A.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromag...
     with: de Santis, A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate t...
     with: de Santis, A.: SafeNet: SwArm for Earthquake Perturbations Identificat...
     with: de Santis, A.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swa...
     with: del Corpo, A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate t...
     with: di Mauro, D.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate th...
     with: di Mauro, D.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swar...
     with: Fan, M.X.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms befor...
     with: Fan, M.X.: Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain N...
     with: Fan, M.X.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Ro...
     with: Fathy, A.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromagneti...
     with: Fidani, C.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the ...
     with: Ghamry, E.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromagnet...
     with: Han, C.C.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Ear...
     with: Hattori, K.: Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain...
     with: He, X.D.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations P...
     with: He, X.D.: Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain Ne...
     with: He, X.D.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm Sa...
     with: Ippolito, A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate th...
     with: Ippolito, A.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swar...
     with: Jin, S.G.: Co-Seismic Magnetic Field Perturbations Detected by Swarm T...
     with: Lepidi, S.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the ...
     with: Liu, D.P.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Ear...
     with: Lu, H.X.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Eart...
     with: Marchetti, L.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia...
     with: Maugeri, S.R.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate t...
     with: Nardi, A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the L...
     with: Nardi, A.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm S...
     with: Orlando, M.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the...
     with: Orlando, M.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm...
     with: Perrone, L.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromagne...
     with: Perrone, L.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the...
     with: Piscini, A.: Co-Seismic Magnetic Field Perturbations Detected by Swarm...
     with: Piscini, A.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the...
     with: Pu, W.X.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Eart...
     with: Regi, M.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the La...
     with: Sabbagh, D.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the...
     with: Sabbagh, D.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm...
     with: Shen, X.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations P...
     with: Shen, X.: SafeNet: SwArm for Earthquake Perturbations Identification U...
     with: Shen, X.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm Sa...
     with: Shen, X.H.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromagnet...
     with: Soldani, M.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the...
     with: Soldani, M.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm...
     with: Uozumi, T.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromagnet...
     with: Wang, S.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms before...
     with: Wang, S.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rom...
     with: Wang, T.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms before...
     with: Wang, T.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations P...
     with: Wang, T.: Developing a Deep Learning-Based Detector of Magnetic, Ne, T...
     with: Wang, T.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rom...
     with: Wang, T.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm Sa...
     with: Wen, J.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms before ...
     with: Wen, J.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations Po...
     with: Wen, J.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rome...
     with: Wen, J.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm Sat...
     with: Xiong, P.: SafeNet: SwArm for Earthquake Perturbations Identification ...
     with: Xu, S.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Earthq...
     with: Yan, R.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations Po...
     with: Yan, R.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the Lar...
     with: Yan, R.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Earth...
     with: Yoshikawa, A.: First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromag...
     with: Yu, Z.N.: Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain Ne...
     with: Yuan, Y.B.: Editorial of Special Issue Remote Sensing Observations to ...
     with: Zeren, Z.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm S...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms bef...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variation...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm...
     with: Zhang, H.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Ro...
     with: Zhang, H.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm S...
     with: Zhang, H.S.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms bef...
     with: Zhang, X.M.: SafeNet: SwArm for Earthquake Perturbations Identificatio...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms bef...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variation...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm...
     with: Zhima, Z.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations ...
     with: Zhima, Z.: Multi-Parametric and Multi-Layer Study to Investigate the L...
     with: Zhima, Z.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Ear...
     with: Zhou, N.: Study on Electron Density Anomalies Possibly Related to Eart...
     with: Zhu, K.: Clues of Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere Variations Po...
     with: Zhu, K.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rome...
     with: Zhu, K.: Worldwide Statistical Correlation of Eight Years of Swarm Sat...
     with: Zhu, K.G.: Are There One or More Geophysical Coupling Mechanisms befor...
     with: Zhu, K.G.: Editorial of Special Issue Remote Sensing Observations to I...
     with: Zhu, K.G.: Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain N...
112 for Marchetti, D.

Marchetti, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cigolini, C.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Mag...
     with: Coppola, D.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magm...
     with: Genco, R.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magma ...
     with: Innocenti, L.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Ma...
     with: Lacanna, G.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magm...
     with: Laiolo, M.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magma...
     with: Massimetti, F.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of M...
     with: Ripepe, M.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Magma...
     with: Schiava, M.D.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Ma...
     with: Silengo, M.C.: Space- and Ground-Based Geophysical Data Tracking of Ma...
10 for Marchetti, E.

Marchetti, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alonso Benito, A.: Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data
     with: Arbelo, M.: Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data
     with: Becattini, F.: Explainable Sparse Attention for Memory-based Trajector...
     with: Becattini, F.: MANTRA: Memory Augmented Networks for Multiple Trajecto...
     with: Becattini, F.: Multiple Trajectory Prediction of Moving Agents With Me...
     with: Becattini, F.: SMEMO: Social Memory for Trajectory Forecasting
     with: Campi, C.: Score-Oriented Loss (SOL) functions
     with: del Bimbo, A.: Explainable Sparse Attention for Memory-based Trajector...
     with: del Bimbo, A.: MANTRA: Memory Augmented Networks for Multiple Trajecto...
     with: del Bimbo, A.: Multiple Trajectory Prediction of Moving Agents With Me...
     with: del Bimbo, A.: SMEMO: Social Memory for Trajectory Forecasting
     with: Guastavino, S.: Score-Oriented Loss (SOL) functions
     with: Moreno Ruiz, J.A.: Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data
     with: Perracchione, E.: Local-to-Global Support Vector Machines (LGSVMs)
     with: Piana, M.: Score-Oriented Loss (SOL) functions
     with: Santin, G.: Convergence Results in Image Interpolation With the Contin...
     with: Seidenari, L.: Explainable Sparse Attention for Memory-based Trajector...
     with: Seidenari, L.: MANTRA: Memory Augmented Networks for Multiple Trajecto...
     with: Seidenari, L.: Multiple Trajectory Prediction of Moving Agents With Me...
     with: Seidenari, L.: SMEMO: Social Memory for Trajectory Forecasting
     with: Waske, B.: Mapping Chestnut Stands Using Bi-Temporal VHR Data
21 for Marchetti, F.

Marchetti, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Anyabolu, K.L.N.: Built Environment: Modelling The Urban Space
     with: d'Ambrosio, L.: Built Environment: Modelling The Urban Space
     with: Guzzetti, F.: Built Environment: Modelling The Urban Space

Marchetti, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bloisi, D.D.: Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
     with: Chen, W.Q.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (R...
     with: Cheng, Y.Q.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (...
     with: Fan, M.X.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Ro...
     with: Filippeschi, A.: RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
     with: Frisoli, A.: RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
     with: Iocchi, L.: Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
     with: Loconsole, C.: RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
     with: Marchetti, D.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia...
     with: Mastronicola, N.: RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
     with: Monekosso, D.N.: Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
     with: Remagnino, P.: Adaptive Tracker for Assisted Living, An
     with: Semeraro, F.: RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
     with: Stroppa, F.: RELIVE: A Markerless Assistant for CPR Training
     with: Wang, S.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rom...
     with: Wang, T.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rom...
     with: Wen, J.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rome...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (...
     with: Zhang, H.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Ro...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (...
     with: Zhu, K.: Quick Report on the ML = 3.3 on 1 January 2023 Guidonia (Rome...
21 for Marchetti, L.

Marchetti, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alvites, C.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA's...
     with: Alvites, C.: LiDAR as a Tool for Assessing Timber Assortments: A Syste...
     with: Alvites, C.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Assortm...
     with: Balsi, M.: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related Microha...
     with: Bazzato, E.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA's...
     with: Bernasconi, L.: Biomass Estimation of Xerophytic Forests Using Visible...
     with: Chirici, G.: Biomass Estimation of Xerophytic Forests Using Visible Ae...
     with: Chirici, G.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estimat...
     with: Chirici, G.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA's...
     with: Chirici, G.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detection i...
     with: d'Amico, G.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estimat...
     with: di Febbraro, M.: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related M...
     with: Francini, S.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estima...
     with: Francini, S.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA'...
     with: Francini, S.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detection ...
     with: Giannetti, F.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estim...
     with: Giannetti, F.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detection...
     with: Hollaus, M.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Assortm...
     with: Lasserre, B.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estima...
     with: Lasserre, B.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA'...
     with: Lasserre, B.: LiDAR as a Tool for Assessing Timber Assortments: A Syst...
     with: Lasserre, B.: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related Micr...
     with: Lasserre, B.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Assort...
     with: Maesano, M.: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related Micro...
     with: Maesano, M.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Assortm...
     with: Marignani, M.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NASA...
     with: McRoberts, R.E.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Est...
     with: McRoberts, R.E.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detecti...
     with: Moresi, F.V.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Assort...
     with: Mugnozza, G.S.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detectio...
     with: O'Sullivan, H.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NAS...
     with: Pegna, R.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detection in ...
     with: Pfeifer, N.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Assortm...
     with: Santopuoli, G.: High-Resolution Canopy Height Mapping: Integrating NAS...
     with: Santopuoli, G.: LiDAR as a Tool for Assessing Timber Assortments: A Sy...
     with: Santopuoli, G.: Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related Mi...
     with: Santopuoli, G.: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Quantifying Timber Asso...
     with: Travaglini, D.: New Method for Automated Clearcut Disturbance Detectio...
     with: Vangi, E.: Effect of Forest Mask Quality in the Wall-to-Wall Estimatio...
39 for Marchetti, M.

Marchetti, M.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alby, E.: 3D Recording methodology applied to the Grotta Scritta Prehi...
     with: Allegrini Simonetti, F.: 3D Recording methodology applied to the Grott...
     with: Burens, A.: 3D Recording methodology applied to the Grotta Scritta Pre...
     with: Grussenmeyer, P.: 3D Recording methodology applied to the Grotta Scrit...
     with: Guillemin, S.: 3D Recording methodology applied to the Grotta Scritta ...

Marchetti, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdel Rahman, M.J.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Perform...
     with: Claussen, H.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance E...
     with: Cotton, S.L.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance E...
     with: DaSilva, L.A.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance ...
     with: Farhang, A.: Spectral Domain Spline Graph Filter Bank
     with: Garcia Rodriguez, A.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Perfo...
     with: Giordano, L.G.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance...
     with: Kibilda, J.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance Ev...
     with: Lopez Perez, D.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performanc...
     with: MacKenzie, A.B.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performanc...
     with: Miraki, A.: Spectral Domain Spline Graph Filter Bank
     with: Saad, W.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance Evalu...
     with: Saeedi Sourck, H.: Spectral Domain Spline Graph Filter Bank
     with: Scanlon, W.G.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance ...
     with: Yoo, S.K.: Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance Eval...
15 for Marchetti, N.

Marchetti, P.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Colapicchioni, A.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives...
     with: d'Elia, S.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Syste...
     with: Daschiel, H.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Sys...
     with: Datcu, M.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: System...
     with: Galoppo, A.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Syst...
     with: Pastori, M.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Syst...
     with: Pelizzari, A.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Sy...
     with: Quartulli, M.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Sy...
     with: Seidel, K.: Information Mining in Remote Sensing Image Archives: Syste...
9 for Marchetti, P.G.

Marchetti, Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Crisp, D.: Classification of Anomalous Pixels in the Focal Plane Array...
     with: Rosenberg, R.: Classification of Anomalous Pixels in the Focal Plane A...

Marchevsky, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lukac, R.: Adaptive Vector LUM Smoother

Marchi, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdic, I.: Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learning ...
     with: Angell, W.: Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learning...
     with: Brown, D.E.: Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learnin...
     with: Fridman, L.: Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learnin...
     with: Reimer, B.: Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learning...
     with: Schuller, B.: Detecting road surface wetness from audio: A deep learni...

Marchi, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abe, H.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through Aug...
     with: Bastin, J.F.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment throug...
     with: Bey, A.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through Aug...
     with: Diaz, A.S.P.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment throug...
     with: Diaz, A.S.P.: Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and ...
     with: Dionisio, D.: Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and ...
     with: Federici, S.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment throug...
     with: Gamoga, G.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through ...
     with: Guarnieri, L.: Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and...
     with: Kaidong, E.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through...
     with: Maniatis, D.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment throug...
     with: Maniatis, D.: Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and ...
     with: Miceli, G.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through ...
     with: Mollicone, D.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment throu...
     with: Mollicone, D.: Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and...
     with: Moore, R.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through A...
     with: Morales, C.: Toward a More Representative Monitoring of Land-Use and L...
     with: Patriarca, C.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment throu...
     with: Rezende, M.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through...
     with: Ricci, S.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through A...
     with: Turia, R.: Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through A...
21 for Marchi, G.

Marchi, L.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alessandrini, M.: Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selectio...
     with: Maggio, S.: Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selection for ...
     with: Masetti, G.: Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selection for...
     with: Palladini, A.: Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selection f...
     with: Speciale, N.: Predictive Deconvolution and Hybrid Feature Selection fo...

Marchi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brunoro, S.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through Use...
     with: di Giulio, R.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through U...
     with: Giacobone, G.A.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through...
     with: Imbesi, S.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through User...
     with: Maietti, F.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through Use...
     with: Mincolelli, G.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through ...
     with: Piaia, E.: Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage Through Users...
7 for Marchi, M.

Marchi, M.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pappalardo, S.E.: Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Ri...
     with: Peroni, F.: Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk for...
     with: Todeschi, V.: Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk f...
     with: Zanetti, C.: Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk fo...

Marchi, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lingua, E.: Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Asses...
     with: Pirotti, F.: Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Asse...

Marchi, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cucchiara, R.: Shot Detection and Motion Analysis for Automatic MPEG-7...
     with: Grana, C.: Shot Detection and Motion Analysis for Automatic MPEG-7 Ann...
     with: Tardini, G.: Shot Detection and Motion Analysis for Automatic MPEG-7 A...

Marchi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azpiroz, I.: Comparison of Climate Reanalysis and Remote-Sensing Data ...
     with: Ferrari, S.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Mercur...
     with: Galluzzi, V.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Mercu...
     with: Guidotti, D.: Comparison of Climate Reanalysis and Remote-Sensing Data...
     with: Massironi, M.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Merc...
     with: Olaizola, I.G.: Comparison of Climate Reanalysis and Remote-Sensing Da...
     with: Oses, N.: Comparison of Climate Reanalysis and Remote-Sensing Data for...
     with: Pegg, D.L.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Mercury...
     with: Pozzobon, R.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Mercu...
     with: Quartulli, M.: Comparison of Climate Reanalysis and Remote-Sensing Dat...
     with: Rothery, D.A.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Merc...
     with: Semenzato, A.: Integrated Geologic Map of the Rembrandt Basin, on Merc...
12 for Marchi, S.

Marchili, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Costanzo, A.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience o...
     with: di Pietro, A.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience ...
     with: Giordano, L.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience o...
     with: Giovinazzi, S.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience...
     with: Luckerath, D.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience ...
     with: Milde, K.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of H...
     with: Pollino, M.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of...
     with: Porta, L.L.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of...
     with: Rosato, V.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of ...
     with: Ullrich, O.: Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of...
10 for Marchili, C.

Marchini, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ripley, B.D.: Statistical Considerations in Magnetic Resonance Imaging...

Marchio, I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Casadio, M.: Compact 3D Camera Suited for Mobile and Embedded Vision A...
     with: Mattoccia, S.: Compact 3D Camera Suited for Mobile and Embedded Vision...

Marchio, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bettencourt, L.M.A.: Worldwide Detection of Informal Settlements via T...
     with: Beukes, A.: Worldwide Detection of Informal Settlements via Topologica...
     with: Nederhood, C.: Worldwide Detection of Informal Settlements via Topolog...
     with: Soman, S.: Worldwide Detection of Informal Settlements via Topological...

Marchiol, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Foresti, G.L.: Face detection for visual surveillance
     with: Micheloni, C.: Face detection for visual surveillance
     with: Snidaro, L.: Face detection for visual surveillance

Marchionni, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: di Stefano, L.: Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
     with: di Stefano, L.: Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
     with: Mattoccia, S.: Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
     with: Mattoccia, S.: Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
     with: Neri, G.: Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
     with: Neri, O.: Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint
8 for Marchionni, M.

Marchiori, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aisen, A.M.: CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
     with: Broderick, L.S.: CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
     with: Brodley, C.E.: CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
     with: Dy, J.G.: CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
     with: Kak, A.C.: CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial
     with: Pavlopouplou, C.: CBIR for Medical Images: An Evaluation Trial

Marchiori, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Acquarelli, J.: Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Image...
     with: Buydens, L.M.C.: Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imag...
     with: Chen, K.: Compressing spectral kernels in Gaussian Process: Enhanced g...
     with: Fatemi Ghomi, S.M.T.: 3D multi-scale CycleGAN framework for generating...
     with: Haghighi, S.S.: 3D multi-scale CycleGAN framework for generating synth...
     with: Jancura, P.: Dividing protein interaction networks for modular network...
     with: Khojaste Sarakhsi, M.: 3D multi-scale CycleGAN framework for generatin...
     with: Larson, M.: Representation of Speech in Deep Neural Networks, The
     with: Scharenborg, O.: Representation of Speech in Deep Neural Networks, The
     with: Tran, T.: Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images: Thr...
     with: van der Gouw, N.: Representation of Speech in Deep Neural Networks, The
     with: van Laarhoven, T.: Compressing spectral kernels in Gaussian Process: E...
     with: van Laarhoven, T.: Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Im...
13 for Marchiori, E.

Marchiori, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caruso Gomes Junior, F.: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 and 2 Sat...
     with: Chen, X.J.: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 and 2 Satellite Images...
     with: Gerente, J.: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 and 2 Satellite Image...
     with: Providelo, L.A.: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 and 2 Satellite I...
     with: Rodrigo dos Prazeres Campos, J.: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 a...
     with: Torres de Almeida, C.: Canopy Height Mapping by Sentinel 1 and 2 Satel...

Marchioro, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ciortan, I.M.: DICOM-Inspired Metadata Architecture for Managing Multi...
     with: Ciortan, I.M.: novel framework for highlight reflectance transformatio...
     with: Daffara, C.: DICOM-Inspired Metadata Architecture for Managing Multimo...
     with: Daffara, C.: novel framework for highlight reflectance transformation ...
     with: Giachetti, A.: DICOM-Inspired Metadata Architecture for Managing Multi...
     with: Giachetti, A.: novel framework for highlight reflectance transformatio...
     with: Gobbetti, E.: DICOM-Inspired Metadata Architecture for Managing Multim...
     with: Gobbetti, E.: novel framework for highlight reflectance transformation...
     with: Pintus, R.: DICOM-Inspired Metadata Architecture for Managing Multimod...
     with: Pintus, R.: novel framework for highlight reflectance transformation i...
10 for Marchioro, G.

Marchis, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Novello, G.: 3D Models for the Restoration Project: Some Issues and a ...

Marchis, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agard, D.A.: AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with appl...
     with: Haase, S.: AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with applic...
     with: Hom, E.F.Y.: AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with appl...
     with: Lee, T.K.: AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with applic...
     with: Sedat, J.W.: AIDA: an adaptive image deconvolution algorithm with appl...

Marchisio, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aksoy, S.: Land Cover Classification with Multi-Sensor Fusion of Partl...
     with: Aksoy, S.: Learning Bayesian Classifiers for Scene Classification With...
     with: Camero, A.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset fo...
     with: Cremers, D.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset f...
     with: Davis, T.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for...
     with: Eisenberger, M.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Datas...
     with: Hoderlein, A.P.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Datas...
     with: Hu, J.L.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for ...
     with: Kondmann, L.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset ...
     with: Koperski, K.: Land Cover Classification with Multi-Sensor Fusion of Pa...
     with: Koperski, K.: Learning Bayesian Classifiers for Scene Classification W...
     with: Leal Taixe, L.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Datase...
     with: Senaras, C.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset f...
     with: Tilton, J.C.: Learning Bayesian Classifiers for Scene Classification W...
     with: Toker, A.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for...
     with: Tusk, C.: Land Cover Classification with Multi-Sensor Fusion of Partly...
     with: Tusk, C.: Learning Bayesian Classifiers for Scene Classification With ...
     with: Weber, M.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for...
     with: Zhu, X.X.: DynamicEarthNet: Daily Multi-Spectral Satellite Dataset for...
19 for Marchisio, G.

Marchment, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Frith, M.J.: Multi-Level Analysis of Risky Streets and Neighbourhoods ...
     with: Gill, P.: Multi-Level Analysis of Risky Streets and Neighbourhoods for...
     with: Morrison, J.: Multi-Level Analysis of Risky Streets and Neighbourhoods...

Marchokov, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Egiazarian, K.O.: near least squares method for image decimation, A
     with: Gotchev, A.: near least squares method for image decimation, A
     with: Saramaki, T.: near least squares method for image decimation, A

Marchwica, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Higuera, J.C.G.: Self-Supervised Shape Alignment for Sports Field Regi...
     with: Jamieson, M.: Evaluation of Deep CNN Baselines for Scene-Independent P...
     with: Jamieson, M.: Self-Supervised Shape Alignment for Sports Field Registr...
     with: Javan, M.: Self-Supervised Shape Alignment for Sports Field Registration
     with: Kumar, D.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Recipr...
     with: Shi, F.: Self-Supervised Shape Alignment for Sports Field Registration
     with: Siva, P.: Evaluation of Deep CNN Baselines for Scene-Independent Perso...
     with: Siva, P.: Self-Supervised Shape Alignment for Sports Field Registration
     with: Siva, P.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Recipro...
     with: Wong, A.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person re-ID via k-Recipro...
10 for Marchwica, P.

Marcia, F.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bini, M.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasible...
     with: Bonato, M.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasib...
     with: Chiarenza, N.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Fea...
     with: Colombo, M.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasi...
     with: Fontanelli, A.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Fe...
     with: Genovesi, S.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feas...
     with: Lemmi, F.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasibl...
     with: Luppichini, M.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Fe...
     with: Noti, V.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasible...
     with: Pavone, D.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasib...
     with: Picchi, G.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feasib...
     with: Rosselli, L.: Web Mapping and Real-Virtual Itineraries to Promote Feas...
12 for Marcia, F.G.

Marcia, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aburidi, M.: CLOT: Contrastive Learning-Driven and Optimal Transport-B...

Marcia, R.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adhikari, L.: Bounded sparse photon-limited image recovery
     with: Adhikari, L.: Nonconvex reconstruction for low-dimensional fluorescenc...
     with: Brady, D.J.: Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increased ...
     with: Harmany, Z.T.: Gradient projection for linearly constrained convex opt...
     with: Harmany, Z.T.: Poisson image reconstruction with total variation regul...
     with: Harmany, Z.T.: This is SPIRAL-TAP: Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruc...
     with: Kim, C.: Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increased fiel...
     with: Kim, J.S.: Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increased fi...
     with: Li, C.Q.: Nonconvex reconstruction for low-dimensional fluorescence mo...
     with: Thompson, D.: Gradient projection for linearly constrained convex opti...
     with: Willett, R.M.: Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increase...
     with: Willett, R.M.: Gradient projection for linearly constrained convex opt...
     with: Willett, R.M.: Poisson image reconstruction with total variation regul...
     with: Willett, R.M.: This is SPIRAL-TAP: Sparse Poisson Intensity Reconstruc...
     with: Zhu, D.W.: Nonconvex reconstruction for low-dimensional fluorescence m...
15 for Marcia, R.F.

Marciak, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abadi, O.: In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: A Case Study...
     with: Cilova, M.: In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: A Case Stud...
     with: Pirowski, T.: Potentialities and Limitations of Research on VHRS Data:...
     with: Schwimmer, L.: In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: A Case S...
     with: Sobczynski, D.: In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: A Case ...
     with: Sobiech, M.: Potentialities and Limitations of Research on VHRS Data: ...
     with: Szypula, B.: In Search of Ancient Pre-Roman Imperial Roads: A Case Stu...
7 for Marciak, M.

Marcial Romero, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alejo, R.: Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples on Two-Class...
     with: Alejo, R.: Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affected by E...
     with: Antonio Velazquez, J.A.: Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Sample...
     with: de Ita Luna, G.: Computing #2SAT and #2UNSAT by Binary Patterns
     with: de Ita Luna, G.: Extending Extremal Polygonal Arrays for the Merrifiel...
     with: de Ita, G.: Linear Time Algorithm for Computing #2SAT for Outerplanar ...
     with: de Ita, G.: Optimization Approach to the TWPVD Method for Digital Imag...
     with: Garcia Rueda, G.: Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affect...
     with: Gonzalez Ruiz, J.L.: Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Aff...
     with: Grajeda Marin, I.R.: Optimization Approach to the TWPVD Method for Dig...
     with: Hernandez Servin, J.A.: Modification of the TPVD Algorithm for Data Em...
     with: Hernandez Servin, J.A.: Optimization Approach to the TWPVD Method for ...
     with: Hernandez, J.A.: Extending Extremal Polygonal Arrays for the Merrifiel...
     with: Jimenez, V.M.: Modification of the TPVD Algorithm for Data Embedding, A
     with: Lopez, M.A.: Linear Time Algorithm for Computing #2SAT for Outerplanar...
     with: Monroy de Jesus, J.: Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples on...
     with: Montes Venegas, H.A.: Modification of the TPVD Algorithm for Data Embe...
     with: Montes Venegas, H.A.: Optimization Approach to the TWPVD Method for Di...
     with: Moyao, Y.: Linear Time Algorithm for Computing #2SAT for Outerplanar 2...
     with: Pacheco Sanchez, J.H.: Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples ...
     with: Romero, M.: Extending Extremal Polygonal Arrays for the Merrifield-Sim...
     with: Valdes Gonzalez, J.: Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Aff...
     with: Valdovinos, R.M.: Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples on Tw...
     with: Valdovinos, R.M.: Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affect...
     with: Valdovinos, R.M.: Extending Extremal Polygonal Arrays for the Merrifie...
25 for Marcial Romero, J.R.

Marcialis, G.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abate, A.F.: Introduction to the special issue on robustness, security...
     with: Abukmeil, M.: On Combining Edge Detection Methods for Improving BSIF B...
     with: Acedo, J.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Represe...
     with: Achcar, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Akhtar, Z.: Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Att...
     with: Akhtar, Z.: Security evaluation of biometric authentication systems un...
     with: Alonso Fernandez, F.: Comparison of fingerprint quality measures using...
     with: Alonso Fernandez, F.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A...
     with: Angioni, D.: Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the...
     with: Bachenheimer, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A pos...
     with: Bethell, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Biesseck, B.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Biggio, B.: Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Att...
     with: Biggio, B.: Security evaluation of biometric authentication systems un...
     with: Biggio, B.: Statistical Meta-Analysis of Presentation Attacks for Secu...
     with: Bigun, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Borghi, G.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Bouridane, A.: Improved Human Gait Recognition
     with: Boutros, F.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Brawley, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Brockmann, G.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Busch, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Cabello, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Calvo Zaragoza, J.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competit...
     with: Campisi, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Casula, R.: Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the ...
     with: Casula, R.: Fingerprint Adversarial Presentation Attack in the Physica...
     with: Casula, R.: Quality-based Artifact Modeling for Facial Deepfake Detect...
     with: Casula, R.: Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: The Sc...
     with: Cava, S.M.L.: Evaluating the Integration of Morph Attack Detection in ...
     with: Cava, S.M.L.: Quality-based Artifact Modeling for Facial Deepfake Dete...
     with: Cepilovs, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Choras, M.: Binary Code for the Compact Palmprint Representation Using...
     with: Clee, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pa...
     with: Cohen, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Coli, P.: Analysis and Selection of Features for the Fingerprint Vital...
     with: Coli, P.: Fingerprint Silicon Replicas: Static And Dynamic Features Fo...
     with: Coli, P.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competiti...
     with: Coli, P.: Vitality Detection from Fingerprint Images: A Critical Survey
     with: Concas, S.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Concas, S.: Quality-based Artifact Modeling for Facial Deepfake Detect...
     with: Concas, S.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Concas, S.: Tensor-Based Deepfake Detection in Scaled and Compressed I...
     with: Congiu, A.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competi...
     with: Croll, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Cuccu, C.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Czyzewski, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Damer, N.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: De Andres Tame, I.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competit...
     with: Demuru, M.: EEG-Based Biometric System Using Eigenvector Centrality in...
     with: Denti, P.: Experimental Results on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
     with: Deravi, F.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Dewan, M.A.A.: Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video f...
     with: di Domenico, N.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Didaci, L.: Analysis of unsupervised template update in biometric reco...
     with: Didaci, L.: Biometric presentation attacks: Handcrafted features versu...
     with: Didaci, L.: EEG-Based Biometric System Using Eigenvector Centrality in...
     with: Didaci, L.: Estimating the Serial Combination's Performance from That ...
     with: Didaci, L.: Modelling FRR of Biometric Verification Systems Using the ...
     with: Didaci, L.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Repres...
     with: Didaci, L.: Personal identity verification by serial fusion of fingerp...
     with: Didaci, L.: Robustness of functional connectivity metrics for EEG-base...
     with: Didaci, L.: study on the performances of dynamic classifier selection ...
     with: Didaci, L.: Template Co-update in Multimodal Biometric Systems
     with: Didaci, L.: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Template Co-updat...
     with: Dorizzi, B.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Drahansky, M.: 3D Face Reconstruction for Forensic Recognition: A Survey
     with: Drahansky, M.: 3D Face Reconstruction: The Road to Forensics
     with: Drahansky, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Drozdowski, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Ecabert, C.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Fadda, G.: Exploiting the Golden Ratio on Human Faces for Head-Pose Es...
     with: Fankhauser, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Fei, L.: Guest editorial: Recent advances in representation learning f...
     with: Feng, X.Y.: Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the ...
     with: Feng, X.Y.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Fierrez, J.: Comparison of fingerprint quality measures using an optic...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Fierrez, J.: Guest editorial: Recent advances in representation learni...
     with: Fierrez, J.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Fraschini, M.: EEG-Based Biometric System Using Eigenvector Centrality...
     with: Fraschini, M.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Rep...
     with: Fraschini, M.: Robustness of functional connectivity metrics for EEG-b...
     with: Frasconi, P.: Combining flat and structured representations for finger...
     with: Frasconi, P.: Fingerprint Classification by Combination of Flat and St...
     with: Freni, B.: Online and Offline Fingerprint Template Update Using Minuti...
     with: Freni, B.: Replacement Algorithms for Fingerprint Template Update
     with: Freni, B.: Template Selection by Editing Algorithms: A Case Study in F...
     with: Freni, B.: Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric Systems: A Cr...
     with: Frings, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Fumera, G.: Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Att...
     with: Fumera, G.: Security evaluation of biometric authentication systems un...
     with: Fumera, G.: Statistical Meta-Analysis of Presentation Attacks for Secu...
     with: Gao, J.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Garau, M.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Represe...
     with: Gasso, G.: Palmprint recognition with an efficient data driven ensembl...
     with: George, A.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Ghiani, D.: Detecting Anomalies from Video-Sequences: a Novel Descriptor
     with: Ghiani, L.: Analysis of User-Specific Effect and Impact of Operator Sk...
     with: Ghiani, L.: Experimental Results on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
     with: Ghiani, L.: Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization
     with: Ghiani, L.: Fingerprint liveness detection using local texture features
     with: Ghiani, L.: Large Scale Experiments on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
     with: Ghiani, L.: On Combining Edge Detection Methods for Improving BSIF Bas...
     with: Ghiani, L.: Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) comp...
     with: Giacinto, G.: study on the performances of dynamic classifier selectio...
     with: Gielczyk, A.: Binary Code for the Compact Palmprint Representation Usi...
     with: Goldmann, T.: 3D Face Reconstruction for Forensic Recognition: A Survey
     with: Gomez Barrero, M.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A po...
     with: Granada, R.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Granger, E.: Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video fac...
     with: Granger, E.: dual-staged classification-selection approach for automat...
     with: Grimberg, D.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Compe...
     with: Guest, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Hadid, A.: Fingerprint liveness detection using local texture features
     with: Hasse, G.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Herault, R.: Palmprint recognition with an efficient data driven ensem...
     with: Hillebrand, A.: EEG-Based Biometric System Using Eigenvector Centralit...
     with: Ibanez, D.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Repres...
     with: Istrate, D.: Guest editorial: Recent advances in representation learni...
     with: Jiang, X.: Human Body Part Selection by Group Lasso of Motion for Mode...
     with: Kindt, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Komleva, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: La Cava, S.M.: 3D Face Reconstruction for Forensic Recognition: A Survey
     with: La Cava, S.M.: 3D Face Reconstruction: The Road to Forensics
     with: La Cava, S.M.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Lessmann, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Lewicke, A.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Compet...
     with: Liu, X.M.: Biometric presentation attacks: Handcrafted features versus...
     with: Maltoni, D.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Marcel, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Marcel, S.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Marrone, S.: Fingerprint Adversarial Presentation Attack in the Physic...
     with: Mas Candela, E.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Melzi, P.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Menotti, D.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Mercier, L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Micheletto, M.: Electroencephalography signal processing based on text...
     with: Micheletto, M.: Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: Th...
     with: Mordini, E.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Morgeneier, D.: Large Scale Experiments on Fingerprint Liveness Detect...
     with: Mouille, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Mura, V.: Classification-Selection Approach for Self Updating of Face ...
     with: Mura, V.: Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) compet...
     with: Navratilova, P.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Nouak, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position p...
     with: Orru, G.: 3D Face Reconstruction for Forensic Recognition: A Survey
     with: Orru, G.: 3D Face Reconstruction: The Road to Forensics
     with: Orru, G.: Analysis of User-Specific Effect and Impact of Operator Skil...
     with: Orru, G.: Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the be...
     with: Orru, G.: Detecting Anomalies from Video-Sequences: a Novel Descriptor
     with: Orru, G.: EEG personal recognition based on qualified majority over si...
     with: Orru, G.: Electroencephalography signal processing based on textural f...
     with: Orru, G.: Evaluating the Integration of Morph Attack Detection in Auto...
     with: Orru, G.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Orru, G.: Fingerprint Adversarial Presentation Attack in the Physical ...
     with: Orru, G.: novel classification-selection approach for the self updatin...
     with: Orru, G.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network Represen...
     with: Orru, G.: Quality-based Artifact Modeling for Facial Deepfake Detectio...
     with: Orru, G.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Orru, G.: Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: The Scre...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: Comparison of fingerprint quality measures using an...
     with: Ortega Garcia, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A po...
     with: Pani, S.M.: Robustness of functional connectivity metrics for EEG-base...
     with: Panzino, A.: EEG personal recognition based on qualified majority over...
     with: Panzino, A.: Evaluating the Integration of Morph Attack Detection in A...
     with: Perelli, G.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Perelli, G.: Tensor-Based Deepfake Detection in Scaled and Compressed ...
     with: Petrovska, D.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positi...
     with: Pintor, M.: Detecting Anomalies from Video-Sequences: a Novel Descriptor
     with: Poh, N.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pap...
     with: Poh, N.: Introduction to the special issue on robustness, security and...
     with: Pontil, M.: Combining flat and structured representations for fingerpr...
     with: Puglisi, G.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Puglisi, G.: Quality-based Artifact Modeling for Facial Deepfake Detec...
     with: Puglisi, G.: Tensor-Based Deepfake Detection in Scaled and Compressed ...
     with: Racz, I.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pa...
     with: Raghavendra, R.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posi...
     with: Rathgeb, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Rattani, A.: Biometric Template Update: An Experimental Investigation ...
     with: Rattani, A.: Capturing large intra-class variations of biometric data ...
     with: Rattani, A.: dual-staged classification-selection approach for automat...
     with: Rattani, A.: Experimental Analysis of the Relationship between Biometr...
     with: Rattani, A.: Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric Systems: A ...
     with: Rattani, A.: Temporal Analysis of Biometric Template Update Procedures...
     with: Remillet, C.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Rida, I.: Guest editorial: Recent advances in representation learning ...
     with: Rida, I.: Human Body Part Selection by Group Lasso of Motion for Model...
     with: Rida, I.: Improved Human Gait Recognition
     with: Rida, I.: Palmprint recognition with an efficient data driven ensemble...
     with: Roli, F.: 3D Face Reconstruction: The Road to Forensics
     with: Roli, F.: Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video face r...
     with: Roli, F.: Analysis and Selection of Features for the Fingerprint Vital...
     with: Roli, F.: Analysis of Fingerprint Pores for Vitality Detection
     with: Roli, F.: Analysis of unsupervised template update in biometric recogn...
     with: Roli, F.: Are spoofs from latent fingerprints a real threat for the be...
     with: Roli, F.: Biometric Template Update: An Experimental Investigation on ...
     with: Roli, F.: Capturing large intra-class variations of biometric data by ...
     with: Roli, F.: Classification-Selection Approach for Self Updating of Face ...
     with: Roli, F.: Combining flat and structured representations for fingerprin...
     with: Roli, F.: Comparison of fingerprint quality measures using an optical ...
     with: Roli, F.: Decision-level Fusion Of Pca And Lda-based Face Recognition ...
     with: Roli, F.: Detecting Anomalies from Video-Sequences: a Novel Descriptor
     with: Roli, F.: dual-staged classification-selection approach for automated ...
     with: Roli, F.: EEG personal recognition based on qualified majority over si...
     with: Roli, F.: Estimating the Serial Combination's Performance from That of...
     with: Roli, F.: Experimental Analysis of the Relationship between Biometric ...
     with: Roli, F.: Experimental Results on Fusion of Multiple Fingerprint Match...
     with: Roli, F.: Experimental Results on Multi-modal Deepfake Detection
     with: Roli, F.: Fingerprint Classification by Combination of Flat and Struct...
     with: Roli, F.: Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization
     with: Roli, F.: Fingerprint liveness detection using local texture features
     with: Roli, F.: Fingerprint Silicon Replicas: Static And Dynamic Features Fo...
     with: Roli, F.: Fingerprint Verification by Decision-Level Fusion of Optical...
     with: Roli, F.: Fingerprint Verification by Fusion of Optical and Capacitive...
     with: Roli, F.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competiti...
     with: Roli, F.: Fusion of multiple fingerprint matchers by single-layer perc...
     with: Roli, F.: Fusion of Statistical and Structural Fingerprint Classifiers
     with: Roli, F.: Large Scale Experiments on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
     with: Roli, F.: Modelling FRR of Biometric Verification Systems Using the Te...
     with: Roli, F.: novel classification-selection approach for the self updatin...
     with: Roli, F.: Online and Offline Fingerprint Template Update Using Minutia...
     with: Roli, F.: Personal identity verification by serial fusion of fingerpri...
     with: Roli, F.: Replacement Algorithms for Fingerprint Template Update
     with: Roli, F.: Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) compet...
     with: Roli, F.: Robustness Evaluation of Biometric Systems under Spoof Attacks
     with: Roli, F.: Score-level fusion of fingerprint and face matchers for pers...
     with: Roli, F.: Security evaluation of biometric authentication systems unde...
     with: Roli, F.: Semi-supervised PCA-Based Face Recognition Using Self-training
     with: Roli, F.: Statistical Meta-Analysis of Presentation Attacks for Secure...
     with: Roli, F.: study on the performances of dynamic classifier selection ba...
     with: Roli, F.: Template Co-update in Multimodal Biometric Systems
     with: Roli, F.: Template Selection by Editing Algorithms: A Case Study in Fa...
     with: Roli, F.: Template Update Methods in Adaptive Biometric Systems: A Cri...
     with: Roli, F.: Temporal Analysis of Biometric Template Update Procedures in...
     with: Roli, F.: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Template Co-update ...
     with: Roli, F.: Towards realistic fingerprint presentation attacks: The Scre...
     with: Roli, F.: Vitality Detection from Fingerprint Images: A Critical Survey
     with: Sabourin, R.: Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video fa...
     with: Salomon, J.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position...
     with: Sanchez Perez, A.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Sanna, P.S.: Remote Biometric Verification for eLearning Applications:...
     with: Sansone, C.: Fingerprint Adversarial Presentation Attack in the Physic...
     with: Sansone, C.: Introduction to the special issue on robustness, security...
     with: Schuckers, S.A.: Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet)...
     with: Schuckers, S.A.C.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection ...
     with: Seidel, U.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Serrau, A.: Fusion of Statistical and Structural Fingerprint Classifiers
     with: Shahreza, H.O.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Soria Frish, A.: Personal Identity Verification by EEG-Based Network R...
     with: Spreeuwers, L.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A posit...
     with: Strand, B.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position ...
     with: Tan, B.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competitio...
     with: Terranova, F.: Electroencephalography signal processing based on textu...
     with: Tidu, A.: Analysis of Fingerprint Pores for Vitality Detection
     with: Tidu, A.: First International Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competiti...
     with: Toivonen, S.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A positio...
     with: Tolosana, R.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Tuveri, P.: Analysis of User-Specific Effect and Impact of Operator Sk...
     with: Tuveri, P.: Classification-Selection Approach for Self Updating of Fac...
     with: Tuveri, P.: Improved Human Gait Recognition
     with: Tuveri, P.: Incremental Support Vector Machine for Self-updating Finge...
     with: Tuveri, P.: On Combining Edge Detection Methods for Improving BSIF Bas...
     with: Uhl, A.: Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position pap...
     with: Unnervik, A.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Vera Rodriguez, R.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competit...
     with: Vetter, K.: Large Scale Experiments on Fingerprint Liveness Detection
     with: Vidal, P.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Vogel, J.: SDFR: Synthetic Data for Face Recognition Competition
     with: Yambay, D.A.: Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) co...
     with: Yao, Y.: Combining flat and structured representations for fingerprint...
     with: Zurutuza, M.: Incremental Support Vector Machine for Self-updating Fin...
272 for Marcialis, G.L.

Marcialis, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alberi, M.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorith...
     with: Anceschi, E.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algori...
     with: Chiarelli, E.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algor...
     with: Cicala, L.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorith...
     with: Colonna, T.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorit...
     with: de Cesare, M.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algor...
     with: Guastaldi, E.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algor...
     with: Lopane, N.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorith...
     with: Maino, A.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorithm...
     with: Mantovani, F.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algor...
     with: Martini, N.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorit...
     with: Montuschi, M.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algor...
     with: Piccioli, S.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algori...
     with: Raptis, K.G.C.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algo...
     with: Russo, A.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorithm...
     with: Semenza, F.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorit...
     with: Strati, V.: Airborne Radiometric Surveys and Machine Learning Algorith...
17 for Marcialis, M.

Marciano, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Vehicle X-Ray Images Registration
     with: Cohen, L.D.: Vehicle X-ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Optim...
     with: Gadi, N.: Vehicle X-Ray Images Registration
     with: Gadi, N.: Vehicle X-ray Scans Registration: A One-Dimensional Optimiza...

Marciano, J.J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borlongan, N.J.B.: Near-realtime Flood Detection From Multi-temporal S...
     with: de la Cruz, R.M.: Near-realtime Flood Detection From Multi-temporal Se...
     with: Difuntorum, J.K.L.: Near-realtime Flood Detection From Multi-temporal ...
     with: Felicen, M.M.: Near-realtime Flood Detection From Multi-temporal Senti...
     with: Olfindo, N.T.: Near-realtime Flood Detection From Multi-temporal Senti...

Marciano, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cerasuolo, G.: Metrological Characterization for Vital Sign Detection ...
     with: Gennarelli, G.: Metrological Characterization for Vital Sign Detection...
     with: Petrella, O.: Metrological Characterization for Vital Sign Detection b...
     with: Soldovieri, F.: Metrological Characterization for Vital Sign Detection...

Marciano, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Benfante, V.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Re...
     with: Calamia, M.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Rec...
     with: Canfora, I.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Rec...
     with: Cannella, R.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Re...
     with: Comelli, A.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Rec...
     with: Cutaia, G.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Rect...
     with: Faraone, R.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Rec...
     with: Giuseppe, L.R.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of ...
     with: Guercio, G.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of Rec...
     with: Salvaggio, G.: Predictive System to Classify Preoperative Grading of R...
10 for Marciano, M.

Marcin, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Tomori, Z.: Pyramidal Seeded Region Growing Algorithm and Its Use in I...
     with: Vilim, P.: Pyramidal Seeded Region Growing Algorithm and Its Use in Im...

Marcinak, M.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berger, R.J.: Data Embedding in JPEG Bitstream by Code Mapping
     with: Mobasseri, B.G.: Data Embedding in JPEG Bitstream by Code Mapping
     with: Mobasseri, B.G.: Data hiding in MPEG-2 bitstream by creating exception...
     with: Naik Raikar, Y.J.: Data Embedding in JPEG Bitstream by Code Mapping

Marcinczak, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Grigat, R.R.: Structure from Motion Based Approaches to 3D Reconstruct...
     with: Velez, A.F.M.: Structure from Motion Based Approaches to 3D Reconstruc...

Marcinek, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Patel, N.: Random neighbourhood dynamic clustering
     with: Tyagi, G.: Random neighbourhood dynamic clustering

Marciniak, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cader, J.: Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for Enhan...
     with: Kowalczyk, S.: Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for E...
     with: Majdanski, M.: Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for E...
     with: Nawrot, A.: Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for Enha...
     with: Stan Kleczek, I.: Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing fo...
     with: Wrobel, M.: Integrated Geophysical Imaging and Remote Sensing for Enha...

Marciniak, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bakala, J.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIR...
     with: Barylak, J.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MI...
     with: Ciazela, J.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MI...
     with: Ciazela, M.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MI...
     with: Gburek, S.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIR...
     with: Helbert, J.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MI...
     with: Jozefowicz, M.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer ...
     with: Kowalinski, M.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer ...
     with: Kuzaj, M.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIRO...
     with: Maturilli, A.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (...
     with: Mrozek, T.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIR...
     with: Muszynski, A.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (...
     with: Paslawski, G.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (...
     with: Pieterek, B.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (M...
     with: Plocieniak, S.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer ...
     with: Rataj, M.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIRO...
     with: Steslicki, M.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (...
     with: Szaforz, Z.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MI...
     with: Zalewska, N.: Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (M...
19 for Marciniak, D.

Marciniak, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dabrowski, A.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular ...
     with: Marciniak, T.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular ...
     with: Rakowicz, P.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular t...
     with: Stankiewicz, A.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacula...
     with: Stopa, M.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular trac...

Marciniak, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Kowalczyk, M.: Application of Mathematical Morphology Operations for S...
     with: Koza, P.: Application of Mathematical Morphology Operations for Simpli...
     with: Kupidura, P.: Application of Mathematical Morphology Operations for Si...

Marciniak, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahtarovski, K.A.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate th...
     with: Arevalo, H.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Rel...
     with: Engstrom, T.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Re...
     with: Gilbert, A.: Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomica...
     with: Glinge, C.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Rela...
     with: Jabbari, R.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Rel...
     with: Jespersen, T.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the R...
     with: Lamata, P.: Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomical...
     with: Maleckar, M.M.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the ...
     with: Mcleod, K.: Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomical...
     with: McLeod, K.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the Rela...
     with: Pajewski, L.: Application of Coupled-Wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Ap...
     with: Popov, A.: Application of Coupled-Wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin Appro...
     with: Prokopovich, I.: Application of Coupled-Wave Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin...
     with: Rodero, C.: Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomical...
     with: Samset, E.: Generating Synthetic Labeled Data From Existing Anatomical...
     with: Tfelt Hansen, J.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate th...
     with: Vejlstrup, N.: Multiple Kernel Learning Framework to Investigate the R...
18 for Marciniak, M.

Marciniak, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dabrowski, A.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular ...
     with: Marciniak, E.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular ...
     with: Rakowicz, P.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular t...
     with: Stankiewicz, A.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacula...
     with: Stopa, M.: Automatic modeling and classification of vitreomacular trac...

Marcinkevicius, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jurevicius, R.: Robust GNSS-denied localization for UAV using particle...
     with: Seibokas, J.: Robust GNSS-denied localization for UAV using particle f...

Marcinkevics, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Daunhawer, I.: Self-supervised Disentanglement of Modality-Specific an...
     with: Sutter, T.M.: Self-supervised Disentanglement of Modality-Specific and...
     with: Vogt, J.E.: Self-supervised Disentanglement of Modality-Specific and S...

Marcinkevics, Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bykov, A.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Polariz...
     with: Doronin, A.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Polar...
     with: Dremin, V.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Polari...
     with: Geldnere, K.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Pola...
     with: Grabovskis, A.: Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for real-time m...
     with: Grabovskis, A.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Po...
     with: Kronberga, H.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Pol...
     with: Meglinski, I.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Pol...
     with: Miscuks, A.: Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for real-time moni...
     with: Popov, A.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Polariz...
     with: Qawqzeh, Y.: Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for real-time moni...
     with: Rubins, U.: Photoplethysmography imaging algorithm for real-time monit...
     with: Zherebtsov, E.: Skin Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Revealed by Po...
13 for Marcinkevics, Z.

Marcinkiewicz, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Raczkowski, J.: Multiple Scattering in Cumulus Clouds

Marcinkiewicz, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bobek Billewicz, B.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Cwiek, M.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Dudzik, W.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Hayball, M.P.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Kawulok, M.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Lorenzo, P.R.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Mrukwa, G.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Nalepa, J.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Piechaczek, S.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Szymanek, J.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Ulrych, P.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
     with: Wawrzyniak, P.: Data Augmentation via Image Registration
12 for Marcinkiewicz, M.

Marcinkowska Ochtyra, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Adamek, K.: Spatial Insights into Drought Severity: Multi-Index Assess...
     with: Bzdega, K.: Classification of Expansive Grassland Species in Different...
     with: Gryguc, K.: Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topographic I...
     with: Jarocinska, A.: Classification of Expansive Grassland Species in Diffe...
     with: Jarocinska, A.: Classification of High-Mountain Vegetation Communities...
     with: Jarocinska, A.: Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topograph...
     with: Kopec, D.: Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topographic In...
     with: Kopec, D.: Natura 2000 Grassland Habitats Mapping Based on Spectro-Tem...
     with: Lupa, M.: Spatial Insights into Drought Severity: Multi-Index Assessme...
     with: Ochtyra, A.: Classification of High-Mountain Vegetation Communities wi...
     with: Ochtyra, A.: Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topographic ...
     with: Ochtyra, A.: Natura 2000 Grassland Habitats Mapping Based on Spectro-T...
     with: Ochtyra, A.: Spatial Insights into Drought Severity: Multi-Index Asses...
     with: Raczko, E.: Classification of High-Mountain Vegetation Communities wit...
     with: Raczko, E.: Natura 2000 Grassland Habitats Mapping Based on Spectro-Te...
     with: Slawik, L.: Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topographic I...
     with: Staszel, J.: Spatial Insights into Drought Severity: Multi-Index Asses...
     with: Tokarska Guzik, B.: Classification of Expansive Grassland Species in D...
     with: Wakulinska, M.: Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data in Classification of Mo...
     with: Wilkosz, M.: Spatial Insights into Drought Severity: Multi-Index Asses...
     with: Zagajewski, B.: Classification of High-Mountain Vegetation Communities...
21 for Marcinkowska Ochtyra, A.

Marcireau, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afshar, S.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic E...
     with: Arja, S.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic Ear...
     with: Balthazor, R.L.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorp...
     with: Cohen, G.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic Ea...
     with: McHarg, M.G.: Density Invariant Contrast Maximization for Neuromorphic...

Marcis, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bartak, P.: Use Of Image Based Modelling For Documentation Of Intricat...
     with: Frastia, M.: Use Of Image Based Modelling For Documentation Of Intrica...
     with: Trhan, O.: Use Of Image Based Modelling For Documentation Of Intricate...
     with: Valaska, D.: Use Of Image Based Modelling For Documentation Of Intrica...

Marcjan, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Piech, M.: Towards Automatic Points of Interest Matching
     with: Siwik, L.: Towards Automatic Points of Interest Matching
     with: Smywinski Pohl, A.: Towards Automatic Points of Interest Matching

Marck, J.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burghouts, G.J.: Reasoning About Threats: From Observables to Situatio...

Marco Detchart, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bustince, H.: survey on matching strategies for boundary image compari...
     with: de Baets, B.: survey on matching strategies for boundary image compari...
     with: Lopez Molina, C.: survey on matching strategies for boundary image com...

Marco Gimenez, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arevalillo Herraez, M.: Eigenexpressions: Emotion Recognition Using Mu...
     with: Cuhna Perez, C.: Eigenexpressions: Emotion Recognition Using Multiple ...

Marco Molina, J.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Juan Gutierrez, P.J.: Bunkers of The Spanish War: From The Rearguard t...
     with: Martinez Medina, A.: Bunkers of The Spanish War: From The Rearguard to...

Marco Sola, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Allegretti, S.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biome...
     with: Alvarez, L.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
     with: Badouh, A.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedica...
     with: Bolelli, F.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
     with: Canalini, L.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedi...
     with: Cancilla, M.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedi...
     with: Carrion, S.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
     with: Gomez, J.A.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
     with: Grana, C.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedical...
     with: Leo, S.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedical A...
     with: Moreto, M.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedica...
     with: Paredes, R.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
     with: Piras, M.E.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
     with: Pireddu, L.: DeepHealth Toolkit: A Unified Framework to Boost Biomedic...
14 for Marco Sola, S.

Marco, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bauer, G.: Design and Evaluation of a Sound Based Water Flow Measureme...
     with: Casas, R.: Design and Evaluation of a Sound Based Water Flow Measureme...
     with: Ibarz, A.: Design and Evaluation of a Sound Based Water Flow Measureme...
     with: Lukowicz, P.: Design and Evaluation of a Sound Based Water Flow Measur...

Marco, B.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Francesca, B.: Fuzzy Archives. What Kind of an Object Is the Documenta...
     with: Silvia, C.: Fuzzy Archives. What Kind of an Object Is the Documental U...

Marco, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chan, C.Y.: Threat assessment of traffic moving toward a controlled in...
     with: Misener, J.: Threat assessment of traffic moving toward a controlled i...

Marco, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Birrell, S.: Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Tran...
     with: Bui, T.M.N.: State of Power Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries in El...
     with: Cosculluela, M.A.: Virtual light transport matrices for non-line-of-si...
     with: Dinh, T.Q.: Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Trans...
     with: Dinh, T.Q.: State of Power Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Ele...
     with: Gutierrez, D.: Virtual light transport matrices for non-line-of-sight ...
     with: Ioannou, P.A.: Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Tr...
     with: Iwasaki, M.: Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Tran...
     with: Jarabo, A.: Virtual light transport matrices for non-line-of-sight ima...
     with: Liu, X.C.: Virtual light transport matrices for non-line-of-sight imag...
     with: Nam, J.H.: Virtual light transport matrices for non-line-of-sight imag...
     with: Niri, M.F.: State of Power Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Ele...
     with: Senatore, A.: Editorial Mechatronics as an Enabler for Intelligent Tra...
     with: Shankar, R.: Method for estimating the energy consumption of electric ...
     with: Vazquez, P.P.: Using Normalized Compression Distance for image similar...
     with: Velten, A.: Virtual light transport matrices for non-line-of-sight ima...
     with: Yu, T.F.: State of Power Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries in Elect...
17 for Marco, J.

Marco, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Corrado, C.: Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection Using SENTINEL-2: A Compariso...
     with: Diego, C.: Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection Using SENTINEL-2: A Comparison ...
     with: Francesco, M.: Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection Using SENTINEL-2: A Compari...
     with: Maurizio, R.: Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection Using SENTINEL-2: A Comparis...
     with: Sebastien, V.: Volcanic Hot-Spot Detection Using SENTINEL-2: A Compari...

Marco, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Freisthler, B.: Neighborhood Characteristics, Alcohol Outlet Density, ...
     with: Gracia, E.: Linking Neighborhood Characteristics and Drug-Related Poli...
     with: Gracia, E.: Neighborhood Characteristics, Alcohol Outlet Density, and ...
     with: Lila, M.: Neighborhood Characteristics, Alcohol Outlet Density, and Al...
     with: Lopez Quilez, A.: Linking Neighborhood Characteristics and Drug-Relate...
     with: Lopez Quilez, A.: Neighborhood Characteristics, Alcohol Outlet Density...

Marco, O. Standard Author Listing
     with: Rodenas, J.J.: Numerical Simulation from Medical Images: Accurate Inte...
     with: Sevilla, R.: Numerical Simulation from Medical Images: Accurate Integr...
     with: Tur, M.: Numerical Simulation from Medical Images: Accurate Integratio...

Marco, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ayala, G.: Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms
     with: de Ves, E.: Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms
     with: Domingo, J.: Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms
     with: Martinez Costa, L.: Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms
     with: Simo, A.: Irregular Motion Recovery in Fluorescein Angiograms

Marco, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Burgues, J.: Aerial Mapping of Odorous Gases in a Wastewater Treatment...
     with: Donate, S.: Aerial Mapping of Odorous Gases in a Wastewater Treatment ...
     with: Esclapez, M.D.: Aerial Mapping of Odorous Gases in a Wastewater Treatm...
     with: Falasconi, M.: stability based validity method for fuzzy clustering, A
     with: Gomez Baena, A.: Machine olfaction: pattern recognition for the identi...
     with: Gutierrez, A.: stability based validity method for fuzzy clustering, A
     with: Pardo, M.: stability based validity method for fuzzy clustering, A
     with: Pardo, T.: Machine olfaction: pattern recognition for the identificati...
     with: Pastor, L.: Aerial Mapping of Odorous Gases in a Wastewater Treatment ...
     with: Perera, A.: Machine olfaction: pattern recognition for the identificat...
     with: Sberveglieri, G.: stability based validity method for fuzzy clustering...
     with: Sundic, T.: Machine olfaction: pattern recognition for the identificat...
12 for Marco, S.

Marco, V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antonio, P.: Assessment of Tuff Sea Cliff Stability Integrating Geolog...
     with: Daniela, R.: Assessment of Tuff Sea Cliff Stability Integrating Geolog...
     with: Ermanno, M.: Assessment of Tuff Sea Cliff Stability Integrating Geolog...
     with: Pasquale, R.: Assessment of Tuff Sea Cliff Stability Integrating Geolo...

Marco, V.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Turner, D.W.: On the robustness of the equal-mean discrimination rule ...
     with: Young, D.M.: On the robustness of the equal-mean discrimination rule w...

Marcocci, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alfonsi, L.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere...
     with: Bagiacchi, P.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphe...
     with: Cafarella, L.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphe...
     with: Carnevale, G.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphe...
     with: Cesaroni, C.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemispher...
     with: de Lauretis, M.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisp...
     with: del Corpo, A.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphe...
     with: di Mauro, D.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemispher...
     with: di Pietro, P.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphe...
     with: Francia, P.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere...
     with: Heilig, B.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere ...
     with: Lepidi, S.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere ...
     with: Masci, F.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere d...
     with: Nardi, A.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere d...
     with: Perrone, L.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere...
     with: Piscini, A.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere...
     with: Redaelli, G.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemispher...
     with: Regi, M.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere du...
     with: Romano, V.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere ...
     with: Sabbagh, D.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere...
     with: Sciacca, U.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere...
     with: Scotto, C.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere ...
     with: Spogli, L.: Space Weather Effects Observed in the Northern Hemisphere ...
23 for Marcocci, C.

Marcoionni, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barducci, A.: Assessing Noise Amplitude in Remotely Sensed Images Usin...
     with: Barducci, A.: Emissivity and Temperature Assessment Using a Maximum En...
     with: Barducci, A.: Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Functi...
     with: Guzzi, D.: Assessing Noise Amplitude in Remotely Sensed Images Using B...
     with: Guzzi, D.: Emissivity and Temperature Assessment Using a Maximum Entro...
     with: Lastri, C.: Emissivity and Temperature Assessment Using a Maximum Entr...
     with: Moshkov, A.V.: Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Funct...
     with: Nardino, V.: Emissivity and Temperature Assessment Using a Maximum Ent...
     with: Pippi, I.: Assessing Noise Amplitude in Remotely Sensed Images Using B...
     with: Pippi, I.: Emissivity and Temperature Assessment Using a Maximum Entro...
     with: Pippi, I.: Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Function ...
     with: Pozhidayev, V.N.: Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Fu...
     with: Semenov, A.A.: Estimation of Normalized Atmospheric Point Spread Funct...
13 for Marcoionni, P.

Marcolin, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dagnes, N.: Occlusion detection and restoration techniques for 3D face...
     with: Dozio, N.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression databases
     with: Ferrise, F.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression datab...
     with: Mograbi, D.C.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression dat...
     with: Nonis, F.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression databases
     with: Scurati, G.W.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression dat...
     with: Tornincasa, S.: Occlusion detection and restoration techniques for 3D ...
     with: Ulrich, L.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression databa...
     with: Vezzetti, E.: 3D human face description: landmarks measures and geomet...
     with: Vezzetti, E.: CalD3r and MenD3s: Spontaneous 3D facial expression data...
     with: Vezzetti, E.: Occlusion detection and restoration techniques for 3D fa...
11 for Marcolin, F.

Marcolini, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bussola, N.: AI Slipping on Tiles: Data Leakage in Digital Pathology
     with: Furlanello, C.: AI Slipping on Tiles: Data Leakage in Digital Pathology
     with: Jurman, G.: AI Slipping on Tiles: Data Leakage in Digital Pathology
     with: Maggio, V.: AI Slipping on Tiles: Data Leakage in Digital Pathology

Marcolino, L.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Araujo, E.: Straight to the Point: Fast-Forwarding Videos via Reinforc...
     with: Araujo, E.: Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinfo...
     with: Jiang, R.: Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization Unde...
     with: Kerim, A.: Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization Unde...
     with: Moura, V.: Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinfor...
     with: Nascimento, E.R.: Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilizati...
     with: Nascimento, E.R.: Straight to the Point: Fast-Forwarding Videos via Re...
     with: Nascimento, E.R.: Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised ...
     with: Oliveira, K.: Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Rein...
     with: Ramos, W.: Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinfor...
     with: Ramos, W.L.S.: Leveraging Synthetic Data to Learn Video Stabilization ...
     with: Ramos, W.L.S.: Straight to the Point: Fast-Forwarding Videos via Reinf...
     with: Silva, M.: Text-Driven Video Acceleration: A Weakly-Supervised Reinfor...
     with: Silva, M.M.: Straight to the Point: Fast-Forwarding Videos via Reinfor...
14 for Marcolino, L.S.

Marcombes, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behmo, R.: Towards Optimal Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
     with: Dalalyan, A.S.: Towards Optimal Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
     with: Prinet, V.: Towards Optimal Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor

Marcon dos Santos, G.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: da Cruz Junior, G.: Fast algorithm for real-time ground extraction fro...
     with: Ferrao, V.T.: Fast algorithm for real-time ground extraction from unor...
     with: Noronha Vinhal, C.D.: Fast algorithm for real-time ground extraction f...

Marcon, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agostini, L.: Analysis of parallel encoding using tiles in 3D High Eff...
     with: Agostini, L.: Complexity Analysis Of VVC Intra Coding
     with: Agostini, L.: Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Codin...
     with: Agostini, L.: DCDM-Intra: Dynamically Configurable 3D-HEVC Depth Maps ...
     with: Agostini, L.: Fast 3D-HEVC Depth Map Encoding Using Machine Learning
     with: Agostini, L.: Parallelism exploration for 3D high-efficiency video cod...
     with: Agostini, L.: Performance analysis of VVC intra coding
     with: Agostini, L.: Real-time scalable hardware architecture for 3D-HEVC bip...
     with: Agostini, L.: reduced computational effort mode-level scheme for 3D-HE...
     with: Agostini, L.: Using curved angular intra-frame prediction to improve v...
     with: Agostini, L.V.: Performance Analysis of Depth Intra-Coding in 3D-HEVC
     with: Cataldo, R.: Using curved angular intra-frame prediction to improve vi...
     with: Fernandes, R.: DCDM-Intra: Dynamically Configurable 3D-HEVC Depth Maps...
     with: Fernandes, R.: Using curved angular intra-frame prediction to improve ...
     with: Saldanha, M.: Analysis of parallel encoding using tiles in 3D High Eff...
     with: Saldanha, M.: Complexity Analysis Of VVC Intra Coding
     with: Saldanha, M.: Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Codin...
     with: Saldanha, M.: Fast 3D-HEVC Depth Map Encoding Using Machine Learning
     with: Saldanha, M.: Performance analysis of VVC intra coding
     with: Sanchez, G.: Analysis of parallel encoding using tiles in 3D High Effi...
     with: Sanchez, G.: Complexity Analysis Of VVC Intra Coding
     with: Sanchez, G.: Configurable Fast Block Partitioning for VVC Intra Coding...
     with: Sanchez, G.: DCDM-Intra: Dynamically Configurable 3D-HEVC Depth Maps I...
     with: Sanchez, G.: Fast 3D-HEVC Depth Map Encoding Using Machine Learning
     with: Sanchez, G.: Parallelism exploration for 3D high-efficiency video codi...
     with: Sanchez, G.: Performance Analysis of Depth Intra-Coding in 3D-HEVC
     with: Sanchez, G.: Performance analysis of VVC intra coding
     with: Sanchez, G.: Real-time scalable hardware architecture for 3D-HEVC bipa...
     with: Sanchez, G.: reduced computational effort mode-level scheme for 3D-HEV...
     with: Sanchez, G.: Using curved angular intra-frame prediction to improve vi...
     with: Silveira, J.: Performance Analysis of Depth Intra-Coding in 3D-HEVC
     with: Sousa, L.: Parallelism exploration for 3D high-efficiency video coding...
32 for Marcon, C.

Marcon, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bertani, I.: Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Modeling...
     with: Canevese, E.P.: Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Model...
     with: de Gottardo, T.: Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Mode...
     with: Panto, G.: Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Modeling: ...
     with: Visintini, D.: Advanced 3d Modeling Versus Building Information Modeli...

Marcon, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Iche, M.: Embedded Real-Time Visual Search with Visual Distance Es...
     with: Bestagini, P.: Super-Resolution of BVOC Maps by Adapting Deep Learning...
     with: Canclini, A.: View-synthesis from uncalibrated cameras and parallel pl...
     with: Colletto, F.: Robust Method for the Estimation of Reliable Wide Baseli...
     with: Cusini, I.: Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images ...
     with: Dainese, G.: 3D Object Modeling with a Voxelset Carving Approach
     with: Dell'Acqua, A.: Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented r...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Boosting Object Recognition in Point Clouds by Salienc...
     with: di Stefano, L.: Unsupervised Learning of Local Equivariant Descriptors...
     with: Ferrari, M.: Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented real...
     with: Frigerio, E.: 3D wide baseline correspondences using depth-maps
     with: Frigerio, E.: Correction method for nonideal iris recognition
     with: Frigerio, E.: Denoising infrared structured light DIBR signals using 3...
     with: Fusiello, A.: View-synthesis from uncalibrated cameras and parallel pl...
     with: Giganti, A.: Super-Resolution of BVOC Maps by Adapting Deep Learning M...
     with: Lodi, G.: Postural Assessment in Dentistry Based on Multiple Markers T...
     with: Malapelle, F.: View-synthesis from uncalibrated cameras and parallel p...
     with: Mandelli, S.: Super-Resolution of BVOC Maps by Adapting Deep Learning ...
     with: Milani, S.: Denoising infrared structured light DIBR signals using 3D ...
     with: Paracchini, M.: Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
     with: Paracchini, M.: Embedded Real-Time Visual Search with Visual Distance ...
     with: Paracchini, M.: Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Ima...
     with: Pau, D.P.: Embedded Real-Time Visual Search with Visual Distance Estim...
     with: Piccarreta, L.: Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large...
     with: Pierobon, M.: 3D Markerless human limb localization through robust ene...
     with: Pierobon, M.: Clustering of human actions using invariant body shape d...
     with: Pignatelli, N.: Postural Assessment in Dentistry Based on Multiple Mar...
     with: Pispero, A.: Postural Assessment in Dentistry Based on Multiple Marker...
     with: Plebani, E.: Embedded Real-Time Visual Search with Visual Distance Est...
     with: Salti, S.: Boosting Object Recognition in Point Clouds by Saliency Det...
     with: Salti, S.: Unsupervised Learning of Local Equivariant Descriptors for ...
     with: Sarti, A.: 3D Markerless human limb localization through robust energy...
     with: Sarti, A.: 3D Object Modeling with a Voxelset Carving Approach
     with: Sarti, A.: 3D wide baseline correspondences using depth-maps
     with: Sarti, A.: Clustering of human actions using invariant body shape desc...
     with: Sarti, A.: Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented reality
     with: Sarti, A.: Correction method for nonideal iris recognition
     with: Sarti, A.: Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large clou...
     with: Sarti, A.: Multicamera rig calibration by double-sided thick checkerbo...
     with: Sarti, A.: Piecewise distortion correction for fisheye lenses
     with: Sarti, A.: Robust Method for the Estimation of Reliable Wide Baseline ...
     with: Sarti, A.: Smart Toothbrushes: Inertial Measurement Sensors Fusion wit...
     with: Sarti, A.: Toothbrush motion analysis to help children learn proper to...
     with: Sarti, A.: Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure ...
     with: Silva, L.: Boosting Object Recognition in Point Clouds by Saliency Det...
     with: Silva, L.: Unsupervised Learning of Local Equivariant Descriptors for ...
     with: Spezialetti, R.: Boosting Object Recognition in Point Clouds by Salien...
     with: Spezialetti, R.: Unsupervised Learning of Local Equivariant Descriptor...
     with: Tebaldini, S.: Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Struct...
     with: Tubaro, S.: 3D Markerless human limb localization through robust energ...
     with: Tubaro, S.: 3D Object Modeling with a Voxelset Carving Approach
     with: Tubaro, S.: 3D wide baseline correspondences using depth-maps
     with: Tubaro, S.: Clustering of human actions using invariant body shape des...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Colored visual tags: a robust approach for augmented reality
     with: Tubaro, S.: Correction method for nonideal iris recognition
     with: Tubaro, S.: Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
     with: Tubaro, S.: Denoising infrared structured light DIBR signals using 3D ...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large clo...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images ...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Multicamera rig calibration by double-sided thick checkerb...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Piecewise distortion correction for fisheye lenses
     with: Tubaro, S.: Postural Assessment in Dentistry Based on Multiple Markers...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Robust Method for the Estimation of Reliable Wide Baseline...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Smart Toothbrushes: Inertial Measurement Sensors Fusion wi...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Super-Resolution of BVOC Maps by Adapting Deep Learning Me...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Toothbrush motion analysis to help children learn proper t...
     with: Tubaro, S.: Uncalibrated view synthesis from Relative Affine Structure...
     with: Tubaro, S.: View-synthesis from uncalibrated cameras and parallel planes
     with: Villa, F.: Deep skin detection on low resolution grayscale images
     with: Villa, F.: Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images f...
70 for Marcon, M.

Marcon, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dohnal, P.: Predicting the Optimum Corn Harvest Time via the Quantity ...
     with: Dohnal, P.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry to Obtain Correlation betwe...
     with: Fiala, P.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry to Obtain Correlation betwee...
     with: Jambor, V.: Predicting the Optimum Corn Harvest Time via the Quantity ...
     with: Jambor, V.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry to Obtain Correlation betwe...
     with: Janousek, J.: Predicting the Optimum Corn Harvest Time via the Quantit...
     with: Janousek, J.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry to Obtain Correlation bet...
     with: Raichl, P.: Predicting the Optimum Corn Harvest Time via the Quantity ...
     with: Synkova, H.: Predicting the Optimum Corn Harvest Time via the Quantity...
     with: Synkova, H.: Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry to Obtain Correlation betw...
10 for Marcon, P.

Marcon, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Messelodi, S.: Low-Cost Computer Vision System for Real-Time Tennis An...
     with: Modena, C.M.: Low-Cost Computer Vision System for Real-Time Tennis Ana...
     with: Ropele, V.: Low-Cost Computer Vision System for Real-Time Tennis Analy...
     with: Sgro, M.: Low-Cost Computer Vision System for Real-Time Tennis Analysi...

Marconato, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bontempo, G.: Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Concept Bottleneck ...
     with: Calderara, S.: Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Concept Bottleneck...
     with: Ficarra, E.: Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Concept Bottleneck M...
     with: Passerini, A.: Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Concept Bottleneck...
     with: Teso, S.: Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Concept Bottleneck Models

Marconcini, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Asamer, H.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Bachofer, F.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring t...
     with: Bachofer, F.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environme...
     with: Bachofer, F.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned...
     with: Balhar, J.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Blasco, J.M.D.: Effects on the Double Bounce Detection in Urban Areas ...
     with: Boettcher, M.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The De...
     with: Bovolo, F.: Novel Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection Based on a...
     with: Brito, F.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Develo...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Advanced System for the Automatic Classification of Mult...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Domain Adaptation Problems: A DASVM Classification Techn...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Novel Approach to Unsupervised Change Detection Based on...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Novel Transductive SVM for Semisupervised Classification...
     with: Bruzzone, L.: Toward the Automatic Updating of Land-Cover Maps by a Do...
     with: Brzoska, E.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environmen...
     with: Buchholz, T.: Targeted Land-Cover Classification
     with: Chi, M.: Novel Transductive SVM for Semisupervised Classification of R...
     with: Chini, M.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data processin...
     with: Chrysoulakis, N.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and...
     with: Cuccu, R.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data processin...
     with: Dalponte, M.: Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species cl...
     with: Dech, S.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space:...
     with: Dech, S.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring the C...
     with: Dech, S.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environment: ...
     with: Dech, S.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Dataset: ...
     with: Dech, S.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned Evo...
     with: Delgado, J.M.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data proce...
     with: Duzgun, S.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Manag...
     with: Edwards, M.: Estimation of seismic building structural types using mul...
     with: Ene, L.T.: Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species class...
     with: Esch, T.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space:...
     with: Esch, T.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Managem...
     with: Esch, T.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Develop...
     with: Esch, T.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring the C...
     with: Esch, T.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environment: ...
     with: Esch, T.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Dataset: ...
     with: Esch, T.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned Evo...
     with: Feigenwinter, C.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and...
     with: Fernandez Prieto, D.: Novel Partially Supervised Approach to Targeted ...
     with: Fernandez Prieto, D.: Targeted Land-Cover Classification
     with: Fitrzyk, M.: Effects on the Double Bounce Detection in Urban Areas Bas...
     with: Fleishman, G.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Ma...
     with: Geiß, C.: Estimation of seismic building structural types using multi-...
     with: Gobakken, T.: Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species cl...
     with: Gorelick, N.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned...
     with: Heldens, W.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from spa...
     with: Heldens, W.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned ...
     with: Hirner, A.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from spac...
     with: Hirner, A.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Hirner, A.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned E...
     with: Keil, M.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space:...
     with: Kuchar, S.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Lakes, T.: Estimation of seismic building structural types using multi...
     with: Leutner, B.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environmen...
     with: Loekken, S.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environmen...
     with: MacManus, K.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring t...
     with: MacManus, K.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Datas...
     with: Matgen, P.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data processi...
     with: Mathot, E.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Metz Marconcini, A.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built En...
     with: Metz, A.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Develop...
     with: Monks, M.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environment:...
     with: Næsset, E.: Semi-supervised SVM for individual tree crown species clas...
     with: Palacios Lopez, D.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Explo...
     with: Palacios Lopez, D.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Env...
     with: Palacios Lopez, D.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population...
     with: Palacios Lopez, D.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and P...
     with: Parlow, E.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Manag...
     with: Patruno, J.: Effects on the Double Bounce Detection in Urban Areas Bas...
     with: Pelich, R.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data processi...
     with: Pelizari, P.A.: Estimation of seismic building structural types using ...
     with: Penyevskiy, I.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and M...
     with: Permana, H.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Deve...
     with: Reinartz, P.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring t...
     with: Reinartz, P.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Datas...
     with: Rivolta, G.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data process...
     with: Roth, A.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from space:...
     with: Roth, A.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environment: ...
     with: Roth, A.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned Evo...
     with: Ruiz Armenteros, A.M.: Effects on the Double Bounce Detection in Urban...
     with: Sabatino, G.: Support for Multi-temporal and Multi-mission data proces...
     with: Sengara, W.: Estimation of seismic building structural types using mul...
     with: Sorichetta, A.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring...
     with: Sorichetta, A.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Dat...
     with: Soukop, T.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Stanek, F.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Devel...
     with: Strano, E.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from spac...
     with: Tal, A.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Planning and Manageme...
     with: Tatem, A.J.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring th...
     with: Tatem, A.J.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Datase...
     with: Taubenbock, H.: Estimation of seismic building structural types using ...
     with: Triantakonstantis, D.: Conceptual List of Indicators for Urban Plannin...
     with: Ureyen, S.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned E...
     with: Wegmuller, U.: Advanced System for the Automatic Classification of Mul...
     with: Wiesmann, A.: Advanced System for the Automatic Classification of Mult...
     with: Yetman, G.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Dataset...
     with: Zeidler, J.: Breaking new ground in mapping human settlements from spa...
     with: Zeidler, J.: Earth Observation-supported Service Platform For The Deve...
     with: Zeidler, J.: High-Resolution Gridded Population Datasets: Exploring th...
     with: Zeidler, J.: Towards a Large-Scale 3D Modeling of the Built Environmen...
     with: Zeidler, J.: Towards an Improved Large-Scale Gridded Population Datase...
     with: Zeidler, J.: Where We Live: A Summary of the Achievements and Planned ...
102 for Marconcini, M.

Marconcini, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pracchi, V.: Inclusive Cultural Heritage Sites: Ict As a Tool to Suppo...

Marcondes, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barrera, J.: Discrete Morphological Neural Networks

Marcone, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amaducci, S.: Comparison of PROSAIL Model Inversion Methods for Estima...
     with: Amaducci, S.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and f...
     with: Ashman, C.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for...
     with: Awty Carroll, D.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping a...
     with: Blandinieres, H.: Comparison of PROSAIL Model Inversion Methods for Es...
     with: Blandinieres, H.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping a...
     with: Boschetti, M.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and ...
     with: Brook, J.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for ...
     with: Clifton Brown, J.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping ...
     with: Croci, M.: Comparison of PROSAIL Model Inversion Methods for Estimatin...
     with: Croci, M.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for ...
     with: Ferrarini, A.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and ...
     with: Impollonia, G.: Comparison of PROSAIL Model Inversion Methods for Esti...
     with: Impollonia, G.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and...
     with: Kam, J.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for Yi...
     with: Kiesel, A.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and for...
     with: Martani, E.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and fo...
     with: Trindade, L.M.: UAV Remote Sensing for High-Throughput Phenotyping and...
18 for Marcone, A.

Marconi, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bassanelli, S.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilita...
     with: Battisti, S.: Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Opp...
     with: Bucchiarone, A.: Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, ...
     with: Bucchiarone, A.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilit...
     with: Centellegher, S.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facili...
     with: Cipriano, P.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilitati...
     with: Djahel, S.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Adva...
     with: Giovannini, L.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilita...
     with: Kazhamiakin, R.: Gamification Platform to Analyze and Influence Citize...
     with: Lepri, B.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilitating ...
     with: Loria, E.: Gamification Platform to Analyze and Influence Citizens' Da...
     with: Luca, M.: Play&Go Corporate: An End-to-End Solution for Facilitating U...
     with: Maldacea, R.: Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Opp...
     with: Ponce, D.C.: Autonomous Shuttle-as-a-Service (ASaaS): Challenges, Oppo...
     with: Scanagatta, M.: Gamification Platform to Analyze and Influence Citizen...
     with: Sommer, C.: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Adva...
16 for Marconi, A.

Marconi, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lazzini, I.: Collecting Retail Data Using a Deep Learning Identificati...
     with: Porta, S.L.: Collecting Retail Data Using a Deep Learning Identificati...

Marconi, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Caramma, M.: Subjective Quality Evaluation of Video Sequences by Using...
     with: Lancini, R.: Subjective Quality Evaluation of Video Sequences by Using...

Marconi, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bohlman, S.: Individual Tree-Crown Detection in RGB Imagery Using Semi...
     with: Bruni, V.: supervised approach for the detection of AM-FM signals' int...
     with: Clerici, F.: Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Applic...
     with: Ferro, N.: Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Applicat...
     with: Micheletti, S.: Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: App...
     with: Negrello, E.: Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Appli...
     with: Perotto, S.: Anisotropic Adapted Meshes for Image Segmentation: Applic...
     with: Vitulano, D.: supervised approach for the detection of AM-FM signals' ...
     with: Weinstein, B.G.: Individual Tree-Crown Detection in RGB Imagery Using ...
     with: White, E.: Individual Tree-Crown Detection in RGB Imagery Using Semi-S...
     with: Zare, A.: Individual Tree-Crown Detection in RGB Imagery Using Semi-Su...
11 for Marconi, S.

Marcos Gonzalez, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cera, V.: Sansevero Chapel, a Three-dimensional Point of View, The
     with: Garcia, L.A.: Sansevero Chapel, a Three-dimensional Point of View, The

Marcos Manchon, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alcover Couso, R.: Open-Vocabulary Attention Maps with Token Optimizat...
     with: Martinez, J.M.: Open-Vocabulary Attention Maps with Token Optimization...
     with: SanMiguel, J.C.: Open-Vocabulary Attention Maps with Token Optimizatio...

Marcos Ramiro, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Busam, B.: 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Predi...
     with: Busam, B.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for Dom...
     with: Busam, B.: Segmenting Known Objects and Unseen Unknowns without Prior ...
     with: Friedrich, P.: Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
     with: Gasperini, S.: 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain P...
     with: Gasperini, S.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for...
     with: Gasperini, S.: Segmenting Known Objects and Unseen Unknowns without Pr...
     with: Gatica Perez, D.: Body communicative cue extraction for conversational...
     with: Gatica Perez, D.: Let Your Body Speak: Communicative Cue Extraction on...
     with: Hekimoglu, A.: Active Learning with Task Consistency and Diversity in ...
     with: Hekimoglu, A.: Monocular 3D Object Detection with LiDAR Guided Semi Su...
     with: Hekimoglu, A.: Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
     with: Knoll, A.: Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
     with: Lehner, A.: 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Pred...
     with: Lehner, A.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for Do...
     with: Mahani, M.A.N.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds fo...
     with: Marron Romera, M.: Body communicative cue extraction for conversationa...
     with: Marron Romera, M.: Let Your Body Speak: Communicative Cue Extraction o...
     with: Navab, N.: 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Predi...
     with: Navab, N.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for Dom...
     with: Navab, N.: Segmenting Known Objects and Unseen Unknowns without Prior ...
     with: Nguyen, L.: Body communicative cue extraction for conversational analy...
     with: Pizarro Perez, D.: Body communicative cue extraction for conversationa...
     with: Pizarro, D.: Let Your Body Speak: Communicative Cue Extraction on Natu...
     with: Schmidt, M.: 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Pre...
     with: Schmidt, M.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for D...
     with: Schmidt, M.: Active Learning with Task Consistency and Diversity in Mu...
     with: Schmidt, M.: Monocular 3D Object Detection with LiDAR Guided Semi Supe...
     with: Schmidt, M.: Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
     with: Schmidt, M.: Segmenting Known Objects and Unseen Unknowns without Prio...
     with: Tombari, F.: 3D Adversarial Augmentations for Robust Out-of-Domain Pre...
     with: Tombari, F.: 3D-VField: Adversarial Augmentation of Point Clouds for D...
     with: Tombari, F.: Segmenting Known Objects and Unseen Unknowns without Prio...
     with: Zimmer, W.: Multi-Task Consistency for Active Learning
34 for Marcos Ramiro, A.

Marcos, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alcaraz Segura, D.: Framework for Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Wild...
     with: Almeida, R.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in Sp...
     with: Arenas Castro, S.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data...
     with: Arenas Castro, S.: Ecosystem Services in a Protected Mountain Range of...
     with: Carvalho Santos, C.: Ecosystem Services in a Protected Mountain Range ...
     with: Carvalho Santos, C.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Cl...
     with: Cunha, M.: Framework for Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Wildfire Dist...
     with: Garcia, C.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in Spe...
     with: Goncalves, J.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in ...
     with: Goncalves, J.: Framework for Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Wildfire ...
     with: Greifeneder, F.: Ecosystem Services in a Protected Mountain Range of P...
     with: Honrado, J.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in Sp...
     with: Honrado, J.P.: Ecosystem Services in a Protected Mountain Range of Por...
     with: Honrado, J.P.: Framework for Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Wildfire ...
     with: Honrado, J.P.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate:...
     with: Monteiro, A.T.: Ecosystem Services in a Protected Mountain Range of Po...
     with: Monteiro, A.T.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate...
     with: Nunes, J.P.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate: M...
     with: Palazzi, E.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate: M...
     with: Portela, A.P.: Ecosystem Services in a Protected Mountain Range of Por...
     with: Regos, A.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate: Mod...
     with: Terzago, S.: Hydrological Impacts of Large Fires and Future Climate: M...
     with: Vazquez, F.M.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in ...
     with: Vila Vicosa, C.: Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data i...
24 for Marcos, B.

Marcos, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Galdon, R.M.: Decorrelation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates in Sp...
     with: Jimenez Alcazar, A.: Decorrelation of Satellite Precipitation Estimate...
     with: Moreno, R.: Estimates of the Change in the Oceanic Precipitation Off t...
     with: Navarro, A.: Decorrelation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates in Spa...
     with: Navarro, A.: Estimates of the Change in the Oceanic Precipitation Off ...
     with: Sancho, J.M.: Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Physical Properties ...
     with: Sanz, J.: Decorrelation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates in Space ...
     with: Tapiador, F.J.: Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Physical Propertie...
     with: Tapiador, F.J.: Decorrelation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates in ...
     with: Tapiador, F.J.: Estimates of the Change in the Oceanic Precipitation O...
10 for Marcos, C.

Marcos, C.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gomez Amo, J.L.: Analysis of Desert Dust Outbreaks Over Southern Europ...
     with: Martinez Lozano, J.A.: Analysis of Desert Dust Outbreaks Over Southern...
     with: Pedros, R.: Analysis of Desert Dust Outbreaks Over Southern Europe Usi...
     with: Utrillas, M.P.: Analysis of Desert Dust Outbreaks Over Southern Europe...

Marcos, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akata, Z.: Abstracting Sketches Through Simple Primitives
     with: Akata, Z.: Learning Decision Trees Recurrently Through Communication
     with: Akata, Z.: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fine-...
     with: Alaniz, S.: Abstracting Sketches Through Simple Primitives
     with: Alaniz, S.: Learning Decision Trees Recurrently Through Communication
     with: Alaniz, S.: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fine...
     with: Aniraj, A.: Masking Strategies for Background Bias Removal in Computer...
     with: Aniraj, A.: Pdiscoformer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Vis...
     with: Bai, M.: Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
     with: Bovolo, F.: Self-supervised Pre-training Enhances Change Detection in ...
     with: Camps Valls, G.: Multi-temporal and multi-source remote sensing image ...
     with: Courty, N.: Contextual Semantic Interpretability
     with: Dantas, C.F.: Masking Strategies for Background Bias Removal in Comput...
     with: Dantas, C.F.: Pdiscoformer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with V...
     with: Dantas, C.F.: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fi...
     with: Dutta, A.: Abstracting Sketches Through Simple Primitives
     with: Flamary, R.: Contextual Semantic Interpretability
     with: Fong, R.: Contextual Semantic Interpretability
     with: Hamid, R.: Geospatial Correspondences for Multimodal Registration
     with: Herold, M.: deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning-Based SAR Image Des...
     with: Hughes, L.H.: deep learning framework for matching of SAR and optical ...
     with: Ienco, D.: Masking Strategies for Background Bias Removal in Computer ...
     with: Ienco, D.: Pdiscoformer: Relaxing Part Discovery Constraints with Visi...
     with: Ienco, D.: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fine-...
     with: Ienco, D.: Sparse Linear Concept Discovery Models
     with: Kellenberger, B.: Half a Percent of Labels is Enough: Efficient Animal...
     with: Kellenberger, B.: Land cover mapping at very high resolution with rota...
     with: Kellenberger, B.: Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
     with: Komodakis, N.: Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Networks
     with: Leenstra, M.: Self-supervised Pre-training Enhances Change Detection i...
     with: Levering, A.: Contrastive Pretraining for Visual Concept Explanations ...
     with: Levering, A.: On the relation between landscape beauty and land cover:...
     with: Liao, R.: Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
     with: Lobry, S.: Contextual Semantic Interpretability
     with: Lobry, S.: deep learning framework for matching of SAR and optical ima...
     with: Lobry, S.: Half a Percent of Labels is Enough: Efficient Animal Detect...
     with: Lobry, S.: RSVQA: Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data
     with: Lobry, S.: Semantically Interpretable Activation Maps: what-where-how ...
     with: Mancini, M.: Abstracting Sketches Through Simple Primitives
     with: Mancini, M.: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery for fin...
     with: Mullissa, A.G.: deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning-Based SAR Image...
     with: Murray, J.: RSVQA: Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data
     with: Obadic, I.: Contrastive Pretraining for Visual Concept Explanations of...
     with: Oliveira, D.: Contrastive Pretraining for Visual Concept Explanations ...
     with: Panousis, K.P.: Sparse Linear Concept Discovery Models
     with: Pennig, L.: Contrastive Pretraining for Visual Concept Explanations of...
     with: Reiche, J.: deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning-Based SAR Image Des...
     with: Schiele, B.: Learning Decision Trees Recurrently Through Communication
     with: Schmitt, M.: deep learning framework for matching of SAR and optical i...
     with: Tuia, D.: Contextual Semantic Interpretability
     with: Tuia, D.: deep learning framework for matching of SAR and optical imag...
     with: Tuia, D.: deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning-Based SAR Image Despe...
     with: Tuia, D.: Geospatial Correspondences for Multimodal Registration
     with: Tuia, D.: Half a Percent of Labels is Enough: Efficient Animal Detecti...
     with: Tuia, D.: Land cover mapping at very high resolution with rotation equ...
     with: Tuia, D.: Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
     with: Tuia, D.: Learning rotation invariant convolutional filters for textur...
     with: Tuia, D.: Multi-temporal and multi-source remote sensing image classif...
     with: Tuia, D.: On the relation between landscape beauty and land cover: A c...
     with: Tuia, D.: Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Networks
     with: Tuia, D.: RSVQA: Visual Question Answering for Remote Sensing Data
     with: Tuia, D.: Self-supervised Pre-training Enhances Change Detection in Se...
     with: Tuia, D.: Semantically Interpretable Activation Maps: what-where-how e...
     with: Urtasun, R.: Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
     with: van der Klis, R.: PDiscoNet: Semantically consistent part discovery fo...
     with: Volpi, M.: Land cover mapping at very high resolution with rotation eq...
     with: Volpi, M.: Learning rotation invariant convolutional filters for textu...
     with: Volpi, M.: Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Networks
     with: Zhang, L.: Learning Deep Structured Active Contours End-to-End
     with: Zhu, X.X.: Contrastive Pretraining for Visual Concept Explanations of ...
70 for Marcos, D.

Marcos, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Calvo, L.: Burn Severity and Post-Fire Land Surface Albedo Relationshi...
     with: Calvo, L.: Evaluation of Prescribed Fires from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle...
     with: Calvo, L.: Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) Applie...
     with: Calvo, L.: Remote Sensing Advances in Fire Science: From Fire Predicto...
     with: Calvo, L.: Remote Sensing Applied to the Study of Fire Regime Attribut...
     with: Fernandez Garcia, V.: Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (ME...
     with: Fernandez Garcia, V.: Remote Sensing Advances in Fire Science: From Fi...
     with: Fernandez Garcia, V.: Remote Sensing Applied to the Study of Fire Regi...
     with: Fernandez Guisuraga, J.M.: Estimating Grassland Biophysical Parameters...
     with: Fernandez Guisuraga, J.M.: Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysi...
     with: Fernandez Manso, A.: Burn Severity and Post-Fire Land Surface Albedo R...
     with: Fernandez Manso, A.: Evaluation of Prescribed Fires from Unmanned Aeri...
     with: Fernandez Manso, A.: Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MES...
     with: Fernandez Manso, A.: Remote Sensing Applied to the Study of Fire Regim...
     with: Gonzalez Perez, I.: Estimating Grassland Biophysical Parameters in the...
     with: Perez Rodriguez, L.A.: Evaluation of Prescribed Fires from Unmanned Ae...
     with: Quintano, C.: Burn Severity and Post-Fire Land Surface Albedo Relation...
     with: Quintano, C.: Evaluation of Prescribed Fires from Unmanned Aerial Vehi...
     with: Quintano, C.: Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA) App...
     with: Quintano, C.: Remote Sensing Applied to the Study of Fire Regime Attri...
     with: Reguero Vaquero, A.: Estimating Grassland Biophysical Parameters in th...
     with: Suarez Seoane, S.: Evaluation of Prescribed Fires from Unmanned Aerial...
     with: Suarez Seoane, S.: Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (MESMA...
     with: Suarez Seoane, S.: Remote Sensing Advances in Fire Science: From Fire ...
     with: Taboada, A.: Remote Sensing Applied to the Study of Fire Regime Attrib...
25 for Marcos, E.

Marcos, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batista, J.P.: Framework for Wrong Way Driver Detection Using Optical ...
     with: Batista, J.P.: Robust segmentation for outdoor traffic surveillance
     with: Batista, J.P.: Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents on High...
     with: Batista, J.P.: Wrongway Drivers Detection Based on Optical Flow
     with: Goncalves, N.: StampOne: Addressing Frequency Balance in Printer-proof...
     with: Medvedev, I.: StampOne: Addressing Frequency Balance in Printer-proof ...
     with: Monteiro, G.: Framework for Wrong Way Driver Detection Using Optical F...
     with: Monteiro, G.: Robust segmentation for outdoor traffic surveillance
     with: Monteiro, G.: Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents on Highw...
     with: Monteiro, G.: Wrongway Drivers Detection Based on Optical Flow
     with: Ribeiro, M.: Framework for Wrong Way Driver Detection Using Optical Fl...
     with: Ribeiro, M.: Robust segmentation for outdoor traffic surveillance
     with: Ribeiro, M.: Robust Segmentation Process to Detect Incidents on Highways
     with: Ribeiro, M.: Wrongway Drivers Detection Based on Optical Flow
     with: Schirmer, L.: StampOne: Addressing Frequency Balance in Printer-proof ...
     with: Shadmand, F.: StampOne: Addressing Frequency Balance in Printer-proof ...
16 for Marcos, J.

Marcos, J.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cristobal, G.: Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Classification
     with: Cristobal, G.: Texture classification using discrete Tchebichef moments
     with: Escalante Ramirez, B.: Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Clas...
     with: Nava, R.: Advances in Texture Analysis for Emphysema Classification

Marcos, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Faugere, Y.: Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coa...
     with: Pascual, A.: Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coa...
     with: Pujol, M.I.: Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coa...
     with: Sanchez Roman, A.: Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in t...
     with: Taburet, G.: Assessment of DUACS Sentinel-3A Altimetry Data in the Coa...

Marcos, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barbero, S.: Comparison of real and computer-simulated outcomes of LAS...
     with: Cano, D.: Comparison of real and computer-simulated outcomes of LASIK ...
     with: Najjar Atallah, L.: Subspace-based approach for DOA estimation using p...
     with: Picheral, J.: Robustness of the coherently distributed MUSIC algorithm...
     with: Xiong, W.M.: Robustness of the coherently distributed MUSIC algorithm ...

Marcotegui, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alves, W.A.L.: Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From at...
     with: Alves, W.A.L.: Ultimate levelings
     with: Baldeweck, T.: Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profi...
     with: Belhedi, A.: Adaptive scene-text binarisation on images captured by sm...
     with: Bouchard, L.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation o...
     with: Bouchard, L.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Mani...
     with: Brizion, S.: Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profile...
     with: Chabardes, T.: Local Blur Estimation Based on Toggle Mapping
     with: Chabardes, T.: Local multiscale blur estimation based on toggle mappin...
     with: Cord, M.: Snoopertext: A multiresolution system for text detection in ...
     with: Cord, M.: Text Extraction from Street Level Images
     with: Cord, M.: Text segmentation in natural scenes using Toggle-Mapping
     with: Correia, P.: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Inter...
     with: Corset, I.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation of ...
     with: Corset, I.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manipu...
     with: Craciun, D.: Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruct...
     with: Decenciere, E.: Content-dependent image sampling using mathematical mo...
     with: Decenciere, E.: Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute prof...
     with: Deschaud, J.: Semantic Classification of 3D Point Clouds with Multisca...
     with: Deschaud, J.E.: Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
     with: Deschaud, J.E.: KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point ...
     with: Deschaud, J.E.: Paris-CARLA-3D: A Real and Synthetic Outdoor Point Clo...
     with: Deschaud, J.E.: Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstr...
     with: Duque Arias, D.: Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
     with: Duque, D.: Paris-CARLA-3D: A Real and Synthetic Outdoor Point Cloud Da...
     with: Fabrizio, J.: Fast Implementation of the Ultimate Opening
     with: Fabrizio, J.: Snoopertext: A multiresolution system for text detection...
     with: Fabrizio, J.: Text Extraction from Street Level Images
     with: Fabrizio, J.: Text segmentation in natural scenes using Toggle-Mapping
     with: Gigli, L.: On minimum spanning tree streaming for hierarchical segment...
     with: Gigli, L.: On Minimum Spanning Tree Streaming for Image Analysis
     with: Gillibert, L.: Local multiscale blur estimation based on toggle mappin...
     with: Gobber, C.F.: Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From att...
     with: Goulette, F.: Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
     with: Goulette, F.: KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Cl...
     with: Goulette, F.: Paris-CARLA-3D: A Real and Synthetic Outdoor Point Cloud...
     with: Goulette, F.: Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstruc...
     with: Goulette, F.: Semantic Classification of 3D Point Clouds with Multisca...
     with: Guibas, L.J.: KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Cl...
     with: Hanbury, A.: Colour Adjacency Histograms for Image Matching
     with: Hanbury, A.: Morphological segmentation on learned boundaries
     with: Hanbury, A.: Waterfall Segmentation of Complex Scenes
     with: Hashimoto, R.F.: Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From ...
     with: Hashimoto, R.F.: Ultimate levelings
     with: Hernandez, J.: Filtering of Artifacts and Pavement Segmentation from M...
     with: Hernandez, J.: Morphological segmentation of building façade images
     with: Hernandez, J.: Segmentation of Façades from Urban 3D Point Clouds Usin...
     with: Hernandez, J.: Shape ultimate attribute opening
     with: Hernandez, J.: Ultimate Attribute Opening Segmentation with Shape Info...
     with: Hernandez, J.: Ultimate Opening Combined with Area Stability Applied t...
     with: Jeannin, S.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation of...
     with: Jeannin, S.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manip...
     with: Marques, F.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation of...
     with: Marques, F.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manip...
     with: Marques, F.: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Inter...
     with: Mech, R.: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Interact...
     with: Meyer, F.: Content-dependent image sampling using mathematical morphol...
     with: Meyer, F.: Toolbox for Interactive Segmentation Based on Nested Partit...
     with: Meyer, F.G.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation of...
     with: Meyer, F.G.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manip...
     with: Minetto, R.: Snoopertext: A multiresolution system for text detection ...
     with: Morales, A.S.: Scalable and Detail-Preserving Ground Surface Reconstru...
     with: Morimitsu, A.: Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From at...
     with: Morros, J.R.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation o...
     with: Morros, J.R.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Mani...
     with: Pardas, M.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation of ...
     with: Pardas, M.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Manipu...
     with: Pena, A.M.: Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profiles...
     with: Qi, C.R.: KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds
     with: Richa, J.P.: Paris-CARLA-3D: A Real and Synthetic Outdoor Point Cloud ...
     with: Rosa, R.: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Interact...
     with: Salembier, P.: Segmentation-Based Coding System Allowing Manipulation ...
     with: Salembier, P.: Segmentation-Based Video Coding System Allowing the Man...
     with: Serna, A.: Attribute Controlled Reconstruction and Adaptive Mathematic...
     with: Serna, A.: Detection, segmentation and classification of 3D urban obje...
     with: Serna, A.: Segmentation of elongated objects using attribute profiles ...
     with: Serna, A.: Segmentation of Façades from Urban 3D Point Clouds Using Ge...
     with: Serna, A.: Ultimate Opening Combined with Area Stability Applied to Ur...
     with: Serna, A.: Urban accessibility diagnosis from mobile laser scanning data
     with: Silva, D.J.: Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: From attr...
     with: Thomas, H.: KPConv: Flexible and Deformable Convolution for Point Clouds
     with: Thomas, H.: Semantic Classification of 3D Point Clouds with Multiscale...
     with: Thome, N.: Snoopertext: A multiresolution system for text detection in...
     with: Velasco Forero, S.: Graph-Based Color Lines Model for Image Analysis, A
     with: Velasco Forero, S.: On minimum spanning tree streaming for hierarchica...
     with: Velasco Forero, S.: On Minimum Spanning Tree Streaming for Image Analy...
     with: Velasco Forero, S.: Paris-CARLA-3D: A Real and Synthetic Outdoor Point...
     with: Wollborn, M.: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Inte...
     with: Zanoguera, F.: Video Object Generation Tool Allowing Friendly User Int...
     with: Zanoguera, M.F.: Toolbox for Interactive Segmentation Based on Nested ...
90 for Marcotegui, B.

Marcotte, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Boubanga Tombet, S.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Minera...
     with: Chamberland, M.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy...
     with: Eisele, A.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mapp...
     with: Guyot, E.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mappi...
     with: Heuberger, S.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy M...
     with: Hewson, R.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mapp...
     with: Huot, A.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mappin...
     with: Veuve, C.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mappi...
     with: Vitins, I.: Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Mineralogy Mapp...
9 for Marcotte, F.

Marcotulli, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Drap, P.: Underwater Photogrammetry Methods for a Peculiar Case-Study:...
     with: Pruno, E.: Underwater Photogrammetry Methods for a Peculiar Case-Study...
     with: Vannini, G.: Underwater Photogrammetry Methods for a Peculiar Case-Stu...

Marcou, Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bardonnet, A.: Using steerable wavelets and minimal paths to reconstru...
     with: Bastin, P.: Using steerable wavelets and minimal paths to reconstruct ...
     with: Lagache, T.: Using steerable wavelets and minimal paths to reconstruct...
     with: Olivo Marin, J.C.: Using steerable wavelets and minimal paths to recon...
     with: Rotureau, B.: Using steerable wavelets and minimal paths to reconstruc...

Marcozzi, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cifani, S.: Blind Source Separation Based Approach for Speech Enhancem...
     with: Piazza, F.: Blind Source Separation Based Approach for Speech Enhancem...
     with: Pignotti, A.: Blind Source Separation Based Approach for Speech Enhanc...
     with: Squartini, S.: Blind Source Separation Based Approach for Speech Enhan...

Marcq, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berthelot, B.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth ...
     with: Bialek, A.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obs...
     with: Boulet, G.: Software Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Tempe...
     with: Bouvet, M.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obs...
     with: Chapelier, M.: DirecTES: A Direct Method for Land and Sea Surface Temp...
     with: Czapla Myers, J.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Ear...
     with: Delogu, E.: DirecTES: A Direct Method for Land and Sea Surface Tempera...
     with: Fox, N.P.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obse...
     with: Goryl, P.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obse...
     with: Hagolle, O.: Software Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Temp...
     with: Henry, P.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obse...
     with: Huc, M.: Software Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Temperat...
     with: Ma, L.L.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obser...
     with: Meygret, A.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Ob...
     with: Rivalland, V.: Software Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Te...
     with: Tardy, B.: Software Tool for Atmospheric Correction and Surface Temper...
     with: Thome, K.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Obse...
     with: Vidal, T.H.G.: DirecTES: A Direct Method for Land and Sea Surface Temp...
     with: Wenny, B.N.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Ob...
     with: Woolliams, E.R.: RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Eart...
20 for Marcq, S.

Marcu, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Belbachir, N.: Multi-Task Hypergraphs for Semi-supervised Learning usi...
     with: Belbachir, N.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World...
     with: Costea, D.: Creating Roadmaps in Aerial Images with Generative Adversa...
     with: Costea, D.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimation f...
     with: Costea, D.: Roadmap Generation using a Multi-stage Ensemble of Deep Ne...
     with: Costea, D.: SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing Areas...
     with: Costea, D.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World In...
     with: Costea, D.: Semantics Through Time: Semi-supervised Segmentation of Ae...
     with: Dobrescu, A.: Multi-Task Hypergraphs for Semi-supervised Learning usin...
     with: Haller, E.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World In...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: Creating Roadmaps in Aerial Images with Generative Adve...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimatio...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: Multi-Task Hypergraphs for Semi-supervised Learning usi...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: Roadmap Generation using a Multi-stage Ensemble of Deep...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing Ar...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World...
     with: Leordeanu, M.: Semantics Through Time: Semi-supervised Segmentation of...
     with: Licaret, V.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimation ...
     with: Licaret, V.: SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing Area...
     with: Licaret, V.: Semantics Through Time: Semi-supervised Segmentation of A...
     with: Pirvu, M.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimation fo...
     with: Pirvu, M.: Multi-Task Hypergraphs for Semi-supervised Learning using E...
     with: Pirvu, M.: SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing Areas ...
     with: Pirvu, M.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple World Int...
     with: Robu, V.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimation for...
     with: Slusanschi, E.: Creating Roadmaps in Aerial Images with Generative Adv...
     with: Slusanschi, E.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimati...
     with: Slusanschi, E.: Roadmap Generation using a Multi-stage Ensemble of Dee...
     with: Slusanschi, E.: SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing A...
     with: Slusanschi, E.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple Worl...
     with: Sukthankar, R.: Depth distillation: unsupervised metric depth estimati...
     with: Sukthankar, R.: Self-supervised Hypergraphs for Learning Multiple Worl...
32 for Marcu, A.

Marcu, A.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Arani, E.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Badrinarayanan, V.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous ...
     with: Chen, L.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Chidananda, P.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driv...
     with: Hanotte, B.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Hunermann, J.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Karnsund, A.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Kendall, A.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Nair, S.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Shotton, J.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
     with: Sinavski, O.: Lingoqa: Visual Question Answering for Autonomous Driving
11 for Marcu, A.M.

Marcu, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abe, S.: Blue-print document analysis for color classification
     with: Abe, S.: Color separation for printing with non-standard inks

Marcu, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bec, J.: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: C...
     with: Bec, J.: Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Feature...
     with: Fatakdawala, H.: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultra...
     with: Gorpas, D.: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound...
     with: Gorpas, D.: Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Feat...
     with: Ma, D.: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: Co...
     with: Ma, D.: Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Features...
     with: Qi, J.Y.: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: ...
     with: Yankelevich, D.R.: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ult...
     with: Yankelevich, D.R.: Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemic...
10 for Marcu, L.

Marcu, M.V. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borz, S.A.: Mapping Small-Scale Willow Crops and Their Health Status U...
     with: Heidarlou, H.B.: Mapping Small-Scale Willow Crops and Their Health Sta...
     with: Oprea Sorescu, O.: Mapping Small-Scale Willow Crops and Their Health S...

Marcucci, M.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alberti, T.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Alberti, T.: On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in the Auror...
     with: Alberti, T.: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System Approac...
     with: Amantini, G.S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Battiston, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Benella, S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Benella, S.: On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in the Auror...
     with: Benvenuto, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Berrilli, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Bertello, I.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Bertucci, B.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Biasiotti, L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Campi, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Carbone, V.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Casolino, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Chiappetta, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Coco, I.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Coco, I.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Density Irr...
     with: Coco, I.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-Solar C...
     with: Coco, I.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swarm Data
     with: Colombo, S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Consolini, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Consolini, G.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Densit...
     with: Consolini, G.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-So...
     with: Consolini, G.: On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in the Aur...
     with: Consolini, G.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swa...
     with: Consolini, G.: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System Appro...
     with: d'Amicis, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: de Gasperis, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructu...
     with: de Marco, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Dens...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-...
     with: de Michelis, P.: On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in the A...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from S...
     with: de Michelis, P.: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System App...
     with: del Corpo, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: del Moro, D.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: di Felice, V.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: di Fino, L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: di Geronimo, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructu...
     with: Diego, P.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Faldi, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Faranda, D.: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System Approac...
     with: Ferrente, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Feruglio, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Fiandrini, E.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Fiore, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Foldes, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Formato, V.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Francisco, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Giannattasio, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastruct...
     with: Giannattasio, F.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Den...
     with: Giannattasio, F.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half...
     with: Giannattasio, F.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from ...
     with: Giardino, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Giobbi, P.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Giovannelli, L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructu...
     with: Giusti, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Gorgi, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Heilig, B.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Iafrate, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Ivanovski, S.L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructu...
     with: Jerse, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Korsos, M.B.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Laurenza, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Lepreti, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Locci, D.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Lovati, G.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swarm ...
     with: Magnafico, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Mangano, V.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Martucci, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Massetti, S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Micela, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Milillo, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Miteva, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Molinaro, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Mugatwala, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Mura, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Napoletano, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Narici, L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Neubuser, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Nistico, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Pauluzzi, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Perfetti, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Perri, S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Pestellini, C.C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastruct...
     with: Petralia, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Pezzopane, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Pezzopane, M.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Densit...
     with: Pezzopane, M.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-So...
     with: Pezzopane, M.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swa...
     with: Piersanti, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Piersanti, M.: On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in the Aur...
     with: Pietropaolo, E.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructu...
     with: Pignalberi, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Pignalberi, A.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Densi...
     with: Pignalberi, A.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-S...
     with: Pignalberi, A.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Sw...
     with: Plainaki, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Polenta, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Primavera, L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Quattrociocchi, V.: On Turbulent Features of E X B Plasma Motion in th...
     with: Romoli, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Rossi, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Santarelli, L.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Santarelli, L.: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms with Dynamical System Appr...
     with: Siciliano, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure...
     with: Sindoni, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Spadoni, S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Sparvoli, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Stumpo, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Tomassetti, N.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Tozzi, R.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Tozzi, R.: Ionospheric Turbulence and the Equatorial Plasma Density Ir...
     with: Tozzi, R.: Occurrence of GPS Loss of Lock Based on a Swarm Half-Solar ...
     with: Tozzi, R.: Polar Cap Patches Scaling Properties: Insights from Swarm D...
     with: Vagelli, V.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Vasantharaju, N.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastruct...
     with: Vecchio, A.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, ...
     with: Vellante, M.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Vernetto, S.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Vigorito, C.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: West, M.J.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Zimbardo, G.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure,...
     with: Zucca, P.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
     with: Zuccarello, F.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructur...
     with: Zuccon, P.: CAESAR Project for the ASI Space Weather Infrastructure, The
127 for Marcucci, M.F.

Marculescu, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, C.C.: ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Trans...
     with: Chang, C.C.: FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Visi...
     with: Chen, Z.: ViP: Virtual Pooling for Accelerating CNN-based Image Classi...
     with: Chiang, H.Y.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-device ...
     with: Chin, T.: Towards Efficient Model Compression via Learned Global Ranking
     with: Chin, T.W.: ANT: Adapt Network Across Time for Efficient Video Process...
     with: Chin, T.W.: Regularizing Activation Distribution for Training Binarize...
     with: Chin, T.W.: Renofeation: A Simple Transfer Learning Method for Improve...
     with: Chin, T.W.: Width transfer: on the (in)variance of width optimization
     with: Dai, X.L.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Ding, R.: Towards Efficient Model Compression via Learned Global Ranking
     with: Ding, R.: ViP: Virtual Pooling for Accelerating CNN-based Image Classi...
     with: Ding, R.Z.: Regularizing Activation Distribution for Training Binarize...
     with: Frumkin, N.: Jumping through Local Minima: Quantization in the Loss La...
     with: Gope, D.: Jumping through Local Minima: Quantization in the Loss Lands...
     with: Huang, J.B.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Vi...
     with: Huang, N.C.: ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Trans...
     with: Huang, N.C.: FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Visi...
     with: Li, G.H.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-device Tran...
     with: Li, K.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-t...
     with: Li, K.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Liang, F.: ANT: Adapt Network Across Time for Efficient Video Processing
     with: Liang, F.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Vide...
     with: Liang, F.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Lin, W.C.: ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Transfo...
     with: Liu, C.H.: PAPR: Training-free One-step Patch Pruning with Lightweight...
     with: Liu, C.H.: SSVOD: Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection with Sparse A...
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Regularizing Activation Distribution for Training Binarized...
     with: Mahmud, T.: AVE-CLIP: AudioCLIP-based Multi-window Temporal Transforme...
     with: Mahmud, T.: MA-AVT: Modality Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Audio-V...
     with: Mahmud, T.: PAPR: Training-free One-step Patch Pruning with Lightweigh...
     with: Mahmud, T.: SSVOD: Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection with Sparse ...
     with: Mahmud, T.: T-VSL: Text-Guided Visual Sound Source Localization in Mix...
     with: Marculescu, R.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-devic...
     with: Misra, I.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Vide...
     with: Mo, S.T.: MA-AVT: Modality Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Audio-Vis...
     with: Morcos, A.S.: Width transfer: on the (in)variance of width optimization
     with: Sung, Y.Y.: FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Visio...
     with: Taka, E.: ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Transfor...
     with: Tian, Y.: MA-AVT: Modality Alignment for Parameter-Efficient Audio-Vis...
     with: Tian, Y.: T-VSL: Text-Guided Visual Sound Source Localization in Mixtu...
     with: Vajda, P.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Vide...
     with: Vajda, P.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Wang, J.L.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Vid...
     with: Wu, B.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-t...
     with: Wu, B.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Wu, K.C.A.: ELSA: Exploiting Layer-wise N:M Sparsity for Vision Transf...
     with: Wu, K.C.A.: FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Visio...
     with: Yaman, B.: PAPR: Training-free One-step Patch Pruning with Lightweight...
     with: Yaman, B.: SSVOD: Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection with Sparse A...
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-device Tr...
     with: Yu, L.C.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video...
     with: Yu, S.X.: FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Vision ...
     with: Zhang, C.: Renofeation: A Simple Transfer Learning Method for Improved...
     with: Zhang, C.: Towards Efficient Model Compression via Learned Global Rank...
     with: Zhang, H.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Zhang, J.: ViP: Virtual Pooling for Accelerating CNN-based Image Class...
     with: Zhang, P.Z.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Vi...
     with: Zhang, P.Z.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted C...
     with: Zhao, Y.: FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
     with: Zhou, Y.: ANT: Adapt Network Across Time for Efficient Video Processing
62 for Marculescu, D.

Marculescu, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Avery, W.: GreedyViG: Dynamic Axial Graph Construction for Efficient V...
     with: Avery, W.: MobileViG: Graph-Based Sparse Attention for Mobile Vision A...
     with: Avery, W.: Scaling Graph Convolutions for Mobile Vision
     with: Bagci, U.: PP-SAM: Perturbed Prompts for Robust Adaption of Segment An...
     with: Bhardwaj, K.: Hardware Prototype Targeting Distributed Deep Learning f...
     with: Bhardwaj, K.: How does topology influence gradient propagation and mod...
     with: Bhardwaj, K.: Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Soluti...
     with: Chen, C.F.R.: Fast-NTK: Parameter-Efficient Unlearning for Large-Scale...
     with: Chen, T.H.: Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture
     with: Chiang, H.Y.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-device ...
     with: Farcas, A.: Hardware Prototype Targeting Distributed Deep Learning for...
     with: Hoang, D.: Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solutions...
     with: Hsu, H.: Fast-NTK: Parameter-Efficient Unlearning for Large-Scale Models
     with: Jha, D.: PP-SAM: Perturbed Prompts for Robust Adaption of Segment Anyt...
     with: Lai, H.C.: Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture
     with: Li, G.: Efficient On-Device Training via Gradient Filtering
     with: Li, G.: Hardware Prototype Targeting Distributed Deep Learning for On-...
     with: Li, G.H.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-device Tran...
     with: Li, G.H.: How does topology influence gradient propagation and model p...
     with: Li, G.H.: Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solutions,...
     with: Lim, G.: Fast-NTK: Parameter-Efficient Unlearning for Large-Scale Models
     with: Lin, M.: Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solutions, ...
     with: Marculescu, D.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-devic...
     with: Munir, M.: EMCAD: Efficient Multi-Scale Convolutional Attention Decodi...
     with: Munir, M.: GreedyViG: Dynamic Axial Graph Construction for Efficient V...
     with: Munir, M.: MobileViG: Graph-Based Sparse Attention for Mobile Vision A...
     with: Munir, M.: PP-SAM: Perturbed Prompts for Robust Adaption of Segment An...
     with: Munir, M.: Scaling Graph Convolutions for Mobile Vision
     with: Rahman, M.M.: EMCAD: Efficient Multi-Scale Convolutional Attention Dec...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: G-CASCADE: Efficient Cascaded Graph Convolutional Decodi...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: GreedyViG: Dynamic Axial Graph Construction for Efficien...
     with: Rahman, M.M.: Medical Image Segmentation via Cascaded Attention Decoding
     with: Rahman, M.M.: PP-SAM: Perturbed Prompts for Robust Adaption of Segment...
     with: Savvides, M.: Communication-Aware Face Detection Using Noc Architecture
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Zero-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Challenges, Solution...
     with: Xue, Z.: Dynamic Multimodal Fusion
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Cache and Reuse: Rethinking the Efficiency of On-device Tr...
     with: Yang, Y.D.: Efficient On-Device Training via Gradient Filtering
     with: Zamora, N.H.: Coordinated Distributed Power Management with Video Sens...
39 for Marculescu, R.

Marcus, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bentley, P.: Concurrent Ischemic Lesion Age Estimation and Segmentatio...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Concurrent Ischemic Lesion Age Estimation and Segmentati...

Marcus, A.I. Standard Author Listing
     with: Giannakakou, P.: Ceulular Imaging Data Analysis: Mircotubule Dynamics ...
     with: Giannakakou, P.: Using Particle Filter to Track and Model Microtubule ...
     with: Hong, J.Y.: Ceulular Imaging Data Analysis: Mircotubule Dynamics in Li...
     with: Kong, K.Y.: Ceulular Imaging Data Analysis: Mircotubule Dynamics in Li...
     with: Kong, K.Y.: Using Particle Filter to Track and Model Microtubule Dynam...
     with: Wang, M.D.: Ceulular Imaging Data Analysis: Mircotubule Dynamics in Li...
     with: Wang, M.D.: Using Particle Filter to Track and Model Microtubule Dynam...
7 for Marcus, A.I.

Marcus, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behrendt, F.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 ...
     with: Bengs, M.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Cha...
     with: Brunekreef, J.: Kandinsky Conformal Prediction: Efficient Calibration ...
     with: Hendrix, N.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 C...
     with: Hendrix, W.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 C...
     with: Jacobs, C.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Ch...
     with: Murphy, K.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Ch...
     with: Papa, S.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Chal...
     with: Radu, M.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Chal...
     with: Sanchez, C.I.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21...
     with: Scalzo, F.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Ch...
     with: Schalekamp, S.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE2...
     with: Schlaefer, A.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21...
     with: Scholten, E.T.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE2...
     with: Sheng, K.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Cha...
     with: Sheombarsing, R.: Kandinsky Conformal Prediction: Efficient Calibratio...
     with: Sheombarsing, R.: Task-Driven Wavelets Using Constrained Empirical Ris...
     with: Sogancioglu, E.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE...
     with: Sonke, J.J.: Kandinsky Conformal Prediction: Efficient Calibration of ...
     with: Sonke, J.J.: Task-Driven Wavelets Using Constrained Empirical Risk Min...
     with: Teuwen, J.: Kandinsky Conformal Prediction: Efficient Calibration of I...
     with: Teuwen, J.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Ch...
     with: Teuwen, J.: Task-Driven Wavelets Using Constrained Empirical Risk Mini...
     with: van Ginneken, B.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NOD...
     with: Xu, D.: Nodule Detection and Generation on Chest X-Rays: NODE21 Challe...
25 for Marcus, E.

Marcus, H.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Giannarou, S.: See-Through Vision With Unsupervised Scene Occlusion Re...
     with: Tukra, S.: See-Through Vision With Unsupervised Scene Occlusion Recons...

Marcus, J.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Faes, T.J.C.: Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the hear...
     with: Heethaar, R.M.: Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the he...
     with: Hoetink, A.E.: Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the hea...
     with: Kerkkamp, H.J.J.: Imaging of thoracic blood volume changes during the ...

Marcus, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aldausari, N.: Cascaded Siamese Self-supervised Audio to Video GAN
     with: Aldausari, N.: Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review
     with: Mohammadi, G.: Cascaded Siamese Self-supervised Audio to Video GAN
     with: Mohammadi, G.: Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review
     with: Sowmya, A.: Cascaded Siamese Self-supervised Audio to Video GAN
     with: Sowmya, A.: Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review

Marcus, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, C.Y.: DDSL: Deep Differentiable Simplex Layer for Learning Geom...
     with: Lansigan, D.: DDSL: Deep Differentiable Simplex Layer for Learning Geo...
     with: Niessner, M.: DDSL: Deep Differentiable Simplex Layer for Learning Geo...

Marcus, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deren, D.: Segmentation by Minimum Length Encoding
     with: Peleg, S.: Segmentation by Minimum Length Encoding
     with: Werman, M.: Segmentation by Minimum Length Encoding

Marcus, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Brink, A.: Heterogeneous Multimedia Reasoning
     with: Subrahmanian, V.S.: Heterogeneous Multimedia Reasoning

Marcuzzi, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Behley, J.: Scaling Diffusion Models to Real-World 3D LiDAR Scene Comp...
     with: Behley, J.: Temporal Consistent 3D LiDAR Representation Learning for S...
     with: Chen, X.: Temporal Consistent 3D LiDAR Representation Learning for Sem...
     with: Mersch, B.: Scaling Diffusion Models to Real-World 3D LiDAR Scene Comp...
     with: Nunes, L.: Scaling Diffusion Models to Real-World 3D LiDAR Scene Compl...
     with: Nunes, L.: Temporal Consistent 3D LiDAR Representation Learning for Se...
     with: Stachniss, C.: Scaling Diffusion Models to Real-World 3D LiDAR Scene C...
     with: Stachniss, C.: Temporal Consistent 3D LiDAR Representation Learning fo...
     with: Wiesmann, L.: Temporal Consistent 3D LiDAR Representation Learning for...
9 for Marcuzzi, R.

Marcuzzo, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Campilho, A.: Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in b...
     with: Campilho, A.: Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root
     with: Campilho, A.: Cell Nuclei and Cytoplasm Joint Segmentation Using the S...
     with: Campilho, A.: Evaluation of Symmetry Enhanced Sliding Band Filter for ...
     with: Campilho, A.: Hybrid Approach for Arabidopsis Root Cell Image Segmenta...
     with: Campilho, A.: Tracking of Arabidopsis thaliana root cells in time-laps...
     with: Guichard, T.: Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root
     with: Mendonca, A.M.: Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in...
     with: Mendonca, A.M.: Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root
     with: Mendonca, A.M.: Cell Nuclei and Cytoplasm Joint Segmentation Using the...
     with: Mendonca, A.M.: Evaluation of Symmetry Enhanced Sliding Band Filter fo...
     with: Mendonca, A.M.: Hybrid Approach for Arabidopsis Root Cell Image Segmen...
     with: Mendonca, A.M.: Tracking of Arabidopsis thaliana root cells in time-la...
     with: Oliveira, M.J.: Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in...
     with: Quelhas, P.: Cancer cell detection and invasion depth estimation in br...
     with: Quelhas, P.: Cell Division Detection on the Arabidopsis Thaliana Root
     with: Quelhas, P.: Cell Nuclei and Cytoplasm Joint Segmentation Using the Sl...
     with: Quelhas, P.: Evaluation of Symmetry Enhanced Sliding Band Filter for P...
     with: Quelhas, P.: Hybrid Approach for Arabidopsis Root Cell Image Segmentat...
     with: Quelhas, P.: Tracking of Arabidopsis thaliana root cells in time-lapse...
21 for Marcuzzo, M.

Marczak, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cygert, S.: Category Adaptation Meets Projected Distillation in Genera...
     with: Cygert, S.: Magmax: Leveraging Model Merging for Seamless Continual Le...
     with: Cygert, S.: Revisiting Supervision for Continual Representation Learning
     with: Rypesc, G.: Category Adaptation Meets Projected Distillation in Genera...
     with: Trzcinski, T.: Category Adaptation Meets Projected Distillation in Gen...
     with: Trzcinski, T.: Magmax: Leveraging Model Merging for Seamless Continual...
     with: Trzcinski, T.: Revisiting Supervision for Continual Representation Lea...
     with: Twardowski, B.: Category Adaptation Meets Projected Distillation in Ge...
     with: Twardowski, B.: Magmax: Leveraging Model Merging for Seamless Continua...
     with: Twardowski, B.: Revisiting Supervision for Continual Representation Le...
10 for Marczak, D.

Marczak, P.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Robinson, D.C.E.: Predicting Carbon Accumulation in Temperate Forests ...
     with: Scott, N.A.: Predicting Carbon Accumulation in Temperate Forests of On...
     with: Treitz, P.M.: Predicting Carbon Accumulation in Temperate Forests of O...
     with: van Ewijk, K.Y.: Predicting Carbon Accumulation in Temperate Forests o...

Marczak, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Borkowski, A.: Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Dete...
     with: Borkowski, A.: Towards the Optimal Pixel Size of DEM for Automatic Map...
     with: Pawluszek, K.: Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Dete...
     with: Pawluszek, K.: Towards the Optimal Pixel Size of DEM for Automatic Map...
     with: Tarolli, P.: Multi-Aspect Analysis of Object-Oriented Landslide Detect...
     with: Tarolli, P.: Towards the Optimal Pixel Size of DEM for Automatic Mappi...

Marczyk, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cogiel, M.: Passenger Location Estimation in Public Transport: Evaluat...
     with: Foszner, P.: Passenger Location Estimation in Public Transport: Evalua...
     with: Kempski, A.: Passenger Location Estimation in Public Transport: Evalua...
     with: Socha, M.: Passenger Location Estimation in Public Transport: Evaluati...
     with: Staniszewski, M.: Passenger Location Estimation in Public Transport: E...

Index for "m"

Last update:15-Jan-25 14:57:33
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