* *3D Reconstruction in the Wild
* *3D Reconstruction Meets Semantics
* *Anticipating Human Behavior
* *ApolloScape: Vision-Based Navigation for Autonomous Driving
* *AutoNUE: Autonomous Navigation in Unconstrained Environments
* *Bias Estimation in Face Analytics
* *Bio-Image Computing
* *Capturing and Modeling Human Bodies, Faces and Hands
* *Compact and Efficient Feature Representation and Learning in Computer Vision
* *Computational Color Imaging
* *Computer Vision and Image Analysis Applications
* *Computer Vision for Art Analysis
* *Computer Vision for Fashion, Art and Design
* *Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving
* *Computer Vision for UAVs
* *Deep Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing
* *Geometry Meets Deep Learning, Deep Vision: Deep Learning in Computer Vision
* *Human Behavior Understanding
* *IAPR International Conference Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* *International Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics
* *Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop
* *Perceptual Image Restoration and Manipulation Workshop and Challenge
* *Person in Context Workshop and Challenge
* *PoseTrack Challenge: Articulated People Tracking in the Wild
* *Recovering 6D Object Pose
* *Shortcomings in Vision and Language
* *Transferring and Adapting Source Knowledge (TASK) in Computer Vision (CV)
* *Video Segmentation in Computer Vision
* *Vision Meets Drones: A Challenge
* *Visual Object Tracking Challenge
* *What Is Optical Flow for?
* *Women in Computer Vision
* *Workshop on Objectionable Content and Misinformation
* *Workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action
* *Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision
* *YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Workshop
* 2.5D Deep Learning-Based Approach for Prostate Cancer Detection on T2-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* 2018 PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Super-Resolution, The
* 25-Intersection Model for Representing Topological Relations between Simple Spatial Objects in 3-D Space, A
* 2D and 3D Vascular Structures Enhancement via Multiscale Fractional Anisotropy Tensor
* 2nd YouTube-8M Large-Scale Video Understanding Challenge, The
* 3D Bounding Boxes for Road Vehicles: A One-Stage, Localization Prioritized Approach Using Single Monocular Images
* 3D Fluid Flow Estimation with Integrated Particle Reconstruction
* 3D Human Body Reconstruction from a Single Image via Volumetric Regression
* 3D Morphological Processing for Wheat Spike Phenotypes Using Computed Tomography Images
* 3D Pose Estimation for Fine-Grained Object Categories
* 3D Surface Reconstruction by Pointillism
* 3D-Modelling of Charlemagne's Summit Canal (Southern Germany): Merging Remote Sensing and Geoarchaeological Subsurface Data
* 3D-PSRNet: Part Segmented 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction from a Single Image
* 3DContextNet: K-d Tree Guided Hierarchical Learning of Point Clouds Using Local and Global Contextual Cues
* Accurate Measurement of Tropical Forest Canopy Heights and Aboveground Carbon Using Structure From Motion
* Acquire, Augment, Segment and Enjoy: Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation of Supermarket Products
* Acquisition of 3D Data and Spectral Color by Using RGBD Camera and Programmable Light Source
* Action Alignment from Gaze Cues in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction
* Action Anticipation by Predicting Future Dynamic Images
* Action-Stage Emphasized Spatiotemporal VLAD for Video Action Recognition
* Active Descriptor Learning for Feature Matching
* Adapting Egocentric Visual Hand Pose Estimation Towards a Robot-Controlled Exoskeleton
* Adaptive Cruise Control With Guaranteed Collision Avoidance
* Adaptive Semi-Supervised Feature Selection for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Adding New Tasks to a Single Network with Weight Transformations Using Binary Masks
* Adding Object Detection Skills to Visual Dialogue Agents
* Advances in the Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Evaporation
* Adversarial Deep Learning in EEG Biometrics
* Adversarial Examples Detection in Features Distance Spaces
* Adversarial Network Compression
* Aerial GANeration: Towards Realistic Data Augmentation Using Conditional GANs
* Aerial Image Road Extraction Based on an Improved Generative Adversarial Network
* Aerial LaneNet: Lane-Marking Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Imagery Using Wavelet-Enhanced Cost-Sensitive Symmetric Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
* Aerosol Optical Depth over the Arctic Snow-Covered Regions Derived from Dual-Viewing Satellite Observations
* AFSI: Adaptive Restart for Fast Semi-Iterative Schemes for Convex Optimisation
* Agricultural Drought Index for Assessing Droughts Using a Water Balance Method: A Case Study in Jilin Province, Northeast China, An
* AI Benchmark: Running Deep Neural Networks on Android Smartphones
* Airborne LIDAR-Derived Aboveground Biomass Estimates Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
* All-Directions Through-the-Wall Imaging Using a Small Number of Moving Omnidirectional Bi-Static FMCW Transceivers
* Alternate Mapping Correlated k-Distribution Method for Infrared Radiative Transfer Forward Simulation
* Analysis by Synthesis Approach for Automatic Vertebral Shape Identification in Clinical QCT, An
* Analysis of L-Band SAR Data for Soil Moisture Estimations over Agricultural Areas in the Tropics
* Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Trends in the Central Himalayan Region Based on MODIS Products, An
* Analysis of the Effect of Sensors for End-to-End Machine Learning Odometry
* Analysis of Using Dense Image Matching Techniques to Study the Process of Secondary Succession in Non-Forest Natura 2000 Habitats
* Analytical Exploration of Energy Savings for Parked Vehicles to Enhance VANET Connectivity
* Analyzing Perception-Distortion Tradeoff Using Enhanced Perceptual Super-Resolution Network
* Answering Visual What-If Questions: From Actions to Predicted Scene Descriptions
* Application of a Small Baseline Subset Time Series Method with Atmospheric Correction in Monitoring Results of Mining Activity on Ground Surface and in Detecting Induced Seismic Events
* Application of Hierarchical Spatial Autoregressive Models to Develop Land Value Maps in Urbanized Areas
* Applications of Trajectory Data From the Perspective of a Road Transportation Agency: Literature Review and Maryland Case Study
* Approach for Video Classification with Multi-label on YouTube-8M Dataset
* Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity Gridding Method Based on Dual Quality-Distance Weighting
* Are You Tampering with My Data?
* Artificial Neural Network for the Short-Term Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice Concentration
* ASGR: An Artificial Spider-Web-Based Geographic Routing in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* Assessing Reliability of Myocardial Blood Flow After Motion Correction With Dynamic PET Using a Bayesian Framework
* Assessment of Different Stochastic Models for Inter-System Bias between GPS and BDS
* Assessment of Global Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Products for Regional Applications, An
* Assessment of Himawari-8 AHI Aerosol Optical Depth Over Land
* Assessment of Individual Tree Detection and Canopy Cover Estimation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Light Detection and Ranging (UAV-LiDAR) Data in Planted Forests
* Assessment of Landslide Susceptibility Using Statistical- and Artificial Intelligence-Based FR-RF Integrated Model and Multiresolution DEMs
* Assessment of Optimal Transport for Operational Land-Cover Mapping Using High-Resolution Satellite Images Time Series without Reference Data of the Mapping Period
* Assessment of Physical Water Scarcity in Africa Using GRACE and TRMM Satellite Data
* Assessment of SEVIRI Imagery at Various Temporal Resolutions and the Effect on Accurate Dust Emission Mapping, An
* Assessment of Surface Water Quality by Using Satellite Images Fusion Based on PCA Method in the Lake Gala, Turkey
* Assimilation of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the Regional Ocean Model for South China Sea
* ASSIST: Personalized Indoor Navigation via Multimodal Sensors and High-Level Semantic Information
* Associative Deep Clustering: Training a Classification Network with No Labels
* Atmospheric Retrievals and Assessment for Microwave Observations from Chinese FY-3C Satellite during Hurricane Matthew
* Atmospheric Transmittance Model Validation for CSP Tower Plants
* Attaining Human-Level Performance with Atlas Location Autocontext for Anatomical Landmark Detection in 3D CT Data
* Automated Extraction of Consistent Time-Variable Water Surfaces of Lakes and Reservoirs Based on Landsat and Sentinel-2
* Automated Facial Wrinkles Annotator
* Automated Method for Retinal Artery/Vein Separation via Graph Search Metaheuristic Approach
* Automatic Building Footprint Extraction from Multi-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using a Hybrid FCN
* Automatic Classification of Low-Resolution Chromosomal Images
* Automatic Curation of Sports Highlights Using Multimodal Excitement Features
* Automatic Data Selection and Boresight Adjustment of LiDAR Systems
* Automatic Detection of Potential Dam Locations in Digital Terrain Models
* Automatic Fusion of Segmentation and Tracking Labels
* Automatic land-water classification using multispectral airborne LiDAR data for near-shore and river environments
* Automatic Pipeline Route Design with Multi-Criteria Evaluation Based on Least-Cost Path Analysis and Line-Based Cartographic Simplification: A Case Study of the Mus Project in Turkey
* Automatic Post-Disaster Damage Mapping Using Deep-Learning Techniques for Change Detection: Case Study of the Tohoku Tsunami
* Automatic Recognition of Common Structural Elements from Point Clouds for Automated Progress Monitoring and Dimensional Quality Control in Reinforced Concrete Construction
* Average Curve of n Digital Curves
* Backprojection Filtration Image Reconstruction Approach for Reducing High-Density Object Artifacts in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* Benchmark for Epithelial Cell Tracking, A
* Benchmark of DIBR Synthesized View Quality Assessment Metrics on a New Database for Immersive Media Applications, A
* Benefits of V2V Communication for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
* Beyond Counting: Comparisons of Density Maps for Crowd Analysis Tasks: Counting, Detection, and Tracking
* Bi-GANs-ST for Perceptual Image Super-Resolution
* Bidirectional Convolutional LSTM for the Detection of Violence in Videos
* Boosting LiDAR-Based Semantic Labeling by Cross-modal Training Data Generation
* Boosting Positive and Unlabeled Learning for Anomaly Detection With Multi-Features
* Bounding Surfaces in a Barchan Dune: Annual Cycles of Deposition? Seasonality or Erosion by Superimposed Bedforms?
* Brain-Inspired Robust Delineation Operator
* Brand > Logo: Visual Analysis of Fashion Brands
* Bridging Machine Learning and Cryptography in Defence Against Adversarial Attacks
* Brightness Temperature of Lunar Surface for Calibration of Multichannel Millimeter-Wave Radiometer of Geosynchronous FY-4M
* Building A Size Constrained Predictive Models for Video Classification
* Building Damage Assessment Based on the Fusion of Multiple Texture Features Using a Single Post-Earthquake PolSAR Image
* Building Extraction from High-Resolution Aerial Imagery Using a Generative Adversarial Network with Spatial and Channel Attention Mechanisms
* Building Extraction from UAV Images Jointly Using 6D-SLIC and Multiscale Siamese Convolutional Networks
* Calibration of Wi-Fi-Based Indoor Tracking Systems for Android-Based Smartphones
* Camera Tracking for SLAM in Deformable Maps
* Can 3D Pose Be Learned from 2D Projections Alone?
* Can adversarial networks hallucinate occluded people with a plausible aspect?
* Cancelable Knuckle Template Generation Based on LBP-CNN
* CapsuleGAN: Generative Adversarial Capsule Network
* CARN: Convolutional Anchored Regression Network for Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution
* Category-Level 6D Object Pose Recovery in Depth Images
* CDAS: A Cognitive Decision-Making Architecture for Dynamic Airspace Sectorization for Efficient Operations
* CentralNet: A Multilayer Approach for Multimodal Fusion
* Challenges of Interpreting Oil-Water Spatial and Spectral Contrasts for the Estimation of Oil Thickness: Examples From Satellite and Airborne Measurements of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, The
* Change Analysis in Urban Areas Based on Statistical Features and Temporal Clustering Using TerraSAR-X Time-Series Images
* Change Detection of Mangrove Forests in Coastal Guangdong during the Past Three Decades Based on Remote Sensing Data
* ChangeNet: A Deep Learning Architecture for Visual Change Detection
* Channel Pruning for Visual Tracking
* Characterization and modeling of power line corridor elements from LiDAR point clouds
* Characterization of Visual Object Representations in Rat Primary Visual Cortex
* Chasing Feet in the Wild: A Proposed Egocentric Motion-Aware Gait Assessment Tool
* Chromatic Adaptation in Colour Management
* Class Agnostic Image Common Object Detection
* Classification of PolSAR Image Using Neural Nonlocal Stacked Sparse Autoencoders with Virtual Adversarial Regularization
* Classifying Inundation in a Tropical Wetlands Complex with GNSS-R
* Close Approximation of Kullback-Leibler Divergence for Sparse Source Retrieval
* Cloud Detection with Historical Geostationary Satellite Sensors for Climate Applications
* Clustering Tools for Integration of Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery and Proximal Soil Sensing Data
* CNN-Based Real-Time Dense Face Reconstruction with Inverse-Rendered Photo-Realistic Face Images
* Coastal Ecosystem Investigations with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and Bottom Reflectance: Lake Superior Reef Threatened by Migrating Tailings
* Coastal Wetland Mapping with Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery Based on Gravitational Optimized Multilayer Perceptron and Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Collaborative Change Detection Approach on Multi-Sensor Spatial Imagery for Desert Wetland Monitoring after a Flash Flood in Southern Morocco, A
* Collective Reconstructive Embeddings for Cross-Modal Hashing
* Color image segmentation based on multi-level Tsallis-Havrda-Charvát entropy and 2D histogram using PSO algorithms
* Color-Base Damage Feature Enhanced Support Vector Classifier for Monitoring Quake Image
* Color-Sensitivity-Based Combined PSNR for Objective Video Quality Assessment
* Colorization of High-Frame-Rate Monochrome Videos Using Synchronized Low-Frame-Rate Color Data
* Combination of Spatially-Modulated ToF and Structured Light for MPI-Free Depth Estimation
* Comments on Statistical Tests for a Ship Detector Based on the Polarimetric Notch Filter
* Common Object Discovery as Local Search for Maximum Weight Cliques in a Global Object Similarity Graph
* Compact Deep Aggregation for Set Retrieval
* Compact Packings of the Plane with Three Sizes of Discs
* Comparative Assessment of Geostatistical, Machine Learning, and Hybrid Approaches for Mapping Topsoil Organic Carbon Content, A
* Comparative Assessment of the Performance of Individual Tree Crowns Delineation Algorithms from ALS Data in Tropical Forests, A
* Comparing Methods for Assessment of Facial Dynamics in Patients with Major Neurocognitive Disorders
* Comparing Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat 8 OLI Imagery for Monitoring Selective Logging in the Brazilian Amazon
* Comparison of DCT and Gabor Filters in Residual Extraction of CNN Based JPEG Steganalysis
* Comparison of GNSS-, TLS- and Different Altitude UAV-Generated Datasets on the Basis of Spatial Differences
* Comparison of Unsupervised Algorithms for Vineyard Canopy Segmentation from UAV Multispectral Images
* Comparison of Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimation in Vertical Shoot Positioned Vine Canopies with and without Grenbiule Hail-Protection Netting
* Complex-YOLO: An Euler-Region-Proposal for Real-Time 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds
* Composite Description Based on Salient Contours and Color Information for CBIR Tasks
* Composite Quantization
* Comprehensive Data Set for Automatic Single Camera Visual Speed Measurement
* Compressed-Domain Video Object Tracking Using Markov Random Fields with Graph Cuts Optimization
* Computational Imaging in Projection Mapping
* Computer Vision for Medical Infant Motion Analysis: State of the Art and RGB-D Data Set
* Conditional Color Gamut for Color Management of Multiview Printed Images
* Constrained-Size Tensorflow Models for YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge
* Content-Adaptive Steganalysis via Augmented Utilization of Selection-Channel Information
* Context Graph Based Video Frame Prediction Using Locally Guided Objective
* Context-Aware Capsule Network for Multi-label Classification, A
* Context-driven Multi-stream LSTM (M-LSTM) for Recognizing Fine-Grained Activity of Drivers
* Contrasting Post-Fire Dynamics between Africa and South America based on MODIS Observations
* Convex Aggregation Problems in Z2
* Convex and Concave Vertices on a Simple Closed Curve in the Triangular Grid
* Convolutional Networks for Object Category and 3D Pose Estimation from 2D Images
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Seam Carving Detection Scheme for Uncompressed Digital Images, A
* Convolutional Neural Network for Larger JPEG Images Steganalysis
* Convolutional Neural Network for Trajectory Prediction
* Convolutional Photomosaic Generation via Multi-scale Perceptual Losses
* Convolutional Recurrent Attention Model for Subject-Independent EEG Signal Analysis, A
* Convolve, Attend and Spell: An Attention-based Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Cooperative Car-Following/Emergency Braking System With Prediction-Based Pedestrian Avoidance Capabilities, A
* Correntropy-Induced Robust Low-Rank Hypergraph
* Counting the Uncountable: Deep Semantic Density Estimation from Space
* Coupled Patch Alignment for Matching Cross-View Gaits
* CRAFT: Complementary Recommendation by Adversarial Feature Transform
* Crop Sensor-Based In-Season Nitrogen Management of Wheat with Manure Application
* Cropland Product Fusion Method Based on the Overall Consistency Difference: A Case Study of China
* Cross and Learn: Cross-Modal Self-supervision
* Cross-Matching VIIRS Boat Detections with Vessel Monitoring System Tracks in Indonesia
* Cross-modal Embeddings for Video and Audio Retrieval
* Crowd Counting With Limited Labeling Through Submodular Frame Selection
* Crowdsourcing of Histological Image Labeling and Object Delineation by Medical Students
* Cycle GAN-Based Attack on Recaptured Images to Fool both Human and Machine
* D-ATR for SAR Images Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Dam Leakage Detection by Borehole Radar: A Case-History Study
* Data extraction from digital repeat photography using xROI: An interactive framework to facilitate the process
* Data-Driven Elasticity Imaging Using Cartesian Neural Network Constitutive Models and the Autoprogressive Method
* Deadline and Buffer Constrained Knapsack Problem
* Decoding Generic Visual Representations from Human Brain Activity Using Machine Learning
* Decoupling between Precipitation Processes and Mountain Wave Induced Circulations Observed with a Vertically Pointing K-Band Doppler Radar
* Decoupling Respiratory and Angular Variation in Rotational X-ray Scans Using a Prior Bilinear Model
* Deep Alignment Network Based Multi-Person Tracking With Occlusion and Motion Reasoning
* Deep convolution neural network with scene-centric and object-centric information for object detection
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Based Framework for Estimation of Stomata Density and Structure from Microscopic Images
* Deep Depth from Defocus: How Can Defocus Blur Improve 3D Estimation Using Dense Neural Networks?
* Deep Distance Transform to Segment Visually Indistinguishable Merged Objects
* Deep Execution Monitor for Robot Assistive Tasks
* Deep Fashion Analysis with Feature Map Upsampling and Landmark-Driven Attention
* Deep Fundamental Matrix Estimation Without Correspondences
* Deep Fusion Network for Splicing Forgery Localization
* Deep Learning Based Fossil-Fuel Power Plant Monitoring in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images: A Comparative Study
* Deep Learning for Assistive Computer Vision
* Deep Learning for Automated Tagging of Fashion Images
* Deep Learning for Multi-path Error Removal in ToF Sensors
* Deep learning in remote sensing applications: A meta-analysis and review
* Deep Learning of Appearance Models for Online Object Tracking
* Deep Memory Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Deep Modular Network Architecture for Depth Estimation from Single Indoor Images
* Deep multi-path convolutional neural network joint with salient region attention for facial expression recognition
* Deep Multitask Gaze Estimation with a Constrained Landmark-Gaze Model
* Deep Networks for Image-to-Image Translation with Mux and Demux Layers
* Deep Normal Estimation for Automatic Shading of Hand-Drawn Characters
* Deep pose consensus networks
* Deep Reconstruction of Least Significant Bits for Bit-Depth Expansion
* Deep Representation Learning With Part Loss for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Residual Attention Network for Spectral Image Super-Resolution
* Deep Residual Multi-scale Convolutional Network for Spatial Steganalysis, A
* Deep Sequential Segmentation of Organs in Volumetric Medical Scans
* Deep Transfer Learning for Art Classification Problems
* Deeper Look at 3D Shape Classifiers, A
* DeepKey: Towards End-to-End Physical Key Replication from a Single Photograph
* DeeSIL: Deep-Shallow Incremental Learning
* Delineation of Cocoa Agroforests Using Multiseason Sentinel-1 SAR Images: A Low Grey Level Range Reduces Uncertainties in GLCM Texture-Based Mapping
* Densely Connected Stacked U-network for Filament Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Density-Preserving Hierarchical EM Algorithm: Simplifying Gaussian Mixture Models for Approximate Inference
* Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues
* Deriving Neural Network Architectures Using Precision Learning: Parallel-to-Fan Beam Conversion
* Deriving Regional Snow Line Dynamics during the Ablation Seasons 1984-2018 in European Mountains
* Describing Video With Attention-Based Bidirectional LSTM
* Design of an Innovative Downhole NMR Scanning Probe
* Design, Calibration, and Evaluation of a Backpack Indoor Mobile Mapping System
* DesIGN: Design Inspiration from Generative Networks
* Detecting and Mapping Video Impairments
* Detecting Face Morphing Attacks by Analyzing the Directed Distances of Facial Landmarks Shifts
* Detecting Land Degradation in Eastern China Grasslands with Time Series Segmentation and Residual Trend analysis (TSS-RESTREND) and GIMMS NDVI3g Data
* Detecting Large-Scale Urban Land Cover Changes from Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using CNN-Based Classification
* Detecting Parallel-Moving Objects in the Monocular Case Employing CNN Depth Maps
* Detecting Synapse Location and Connectivity by Signed Proximity Estimation and Pruning with Deep Nets
* Detection and Validation of Tropical Peatland Flaming and Smouldering Using Landsat-8 SWIR and TIRS Bands
* Detection of Mechanical Damages in Sawn Timber Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Determination of Bathing Water Quality Using Thermal Images Landsat 8 on the West Coast of Tangier: Preliminary Results
* Determining the Start of the Growing Season from MODIS Data in the Indian Monsoon Region: Identifying Available Data in the Rainy Season and Modeling the Varied Vegetation Growth Trajectories
* Developing an Optimal Intersection Control System for Automated Connected Vehicles
* Development and Validation of a Photo-Based Measurement System to Calculate the Debarking Percentages of Processed Logs
* Development of a Snow Depth Estimation Algorithm over China for the FY-3D/MWRI
* Development of Supraglacial Ponds in the Everest Region, Nepal, between 1989 and 2018
* Devon: Deformable Volume Network for Learning Optical Flow
* Differences among Evapotranspiration Products Affect Water Resources and Ecosystem Management in an Australian Catchment
* Digital Curvature Evolution Model for Image Segmentation
* Digital Plane Recognition with Fewer Probes
* Digital Tool to Understand the Pictorial Procedures of 17th Century Realism, A
* Digital Two-Dimensional Bijective Reflection and Associated Rotation
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image Using Spatial-Spectral Regularized Sparse Hypergraph Embedding
* Direction of Arrival Estimation for Complex Sources Through L_1 Norm Sparse Bayesian Learning
* DisCountNet: Discriminating and Counting Network for Real-Time Counting and Localization of Sparse Objects in High-Resolution UAV Imagery
* Discrete Bisector Function Based on Annulus, A
* Discrete Hashing With Multiple Supervision
* Discrimination of Canopy Structural Types in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Central California
* Discriminative Feature Selection by Optimal Manifold Search for Neoplastic Image Recognition
* Distance Transform Based on Weight Sequences
* Distance-Decay Effect in Probabilistic Time Geography for Random Encounter
* Distant Vehicle Detection: How Well Can Region Proposal Networks Cope with Tiny Objects at Low Resolution?
* Distinctive-Attribute Extraction for Image Captioning
* Distributed Optimization and Coordination Algorithms for Dynamic Traffic Metering in Urban Street Networks
* Distributed Rate-Constrained LCMV Beamforming
* Distribution and Morphologies of Transverse Aeolian Ridges in ExoMars 2020 Rover Landing Site
* Distribution-Oriented Aesthetics Assessment With Semantic-Aware Hybrid Network
* DNN Feature Map Compression Using Learned Representation over GF(2)
* Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation Through Structure Enhancement
* Domain Generalization with Domain-Specific Aggregation Modules
* Domain invariant hierarchical embedding for grocery products recognition
* Double-Bit Quantization and Index Hashing for Nearest Neighbor Search
* DrawInAir: A Lightweight Gestural Interface Based on Fingertip Regression
* Driving Data Collection Framework Using Low Cost Hardware
* Dual Approaches for Elliptic Hough Transform: Eccentricity/Orientation vs Center Based
* DWT and QR Code Based Watermarking for Document DRM
* Dynamic Adaptation on Non-stationary Visual Domains
* Dynamic Clustering Algorithms via Small-Variance Analysis of Markov Chain Mixture Models
* Dynamic Difficulty Awareness Training for Continuous Emotion Prediction
* Dynamic Graph Co-Matching for Unsupervised Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Dynamic Priority-Based Resource Provisioning for Video Transcoding With Heterogeneous QoS
* Dynamic Vehicle Detection With Sparse Point Clouds Based on PE-CPD
* Dynamic Watermarking-Based Integrity Protection of Homomorphically Encrypted Databases: Application to Outsourced Genetic Data
* Dynamic Wildfire Navigation System
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing in Coastal Zone Monitoring and Management: How Can Remote Sensing Challenge the Broad Spectrum of Temporal and Spatial Scales in Coastal Zone Dynamic?
* Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Maize Using UAV-LiDAR Data
* Effective Airplane Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Multilayer Feature Fusion and Improved Nonmaximal Suppression Algorithm
* Effects of UAV Image Resolution, Camera Type, and Image Overlap on Accuracy of Biomass Predictions in a Tropical Woodland
* Efficient 3D object recognition via geometric information preservation
* Efficient Algorithms to Test Digital Convexity
* Efficient Chroma Sub-Sampling and Luma Modification for Color Image Compression
* Efficient Interactive Multi-object Segmentation in Medical Images
* Efficient Message-Authentication Scheme Based on Edge Computing for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, An
* Efficient Texture Retrieval Using Multiscale Local Extrema Descriptors and Covariance Embedding
* Egocentric Meets Top-View
* EL-GAN: Embedding Loss Driven Generative Adversarial Networks for Lane Detection
* Emittance Spectroscopy and Broadband Thermal Remote Sensing Applied to Phosphorite and Its Utility in Geoexploration: A Study in the Parts of Rajasthan, India
* EmoP3D: A Brain Like Pyramidal Deep Neural Network for Emotion Recognition
* Empirical Absolute Calibration Model for Multiple Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites
* Empirical Study of Steganography and Steganalysis of Color Images in the JPEG Domain, An
* Empirical Study Towards Understanding How Deep Convolutional Nets Recognize Falls, An
* Encoding Shaky Videos by Integrating Efficient Video Stabilization
* End-to-End 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation Through Differentiable Rasterization
* End-to-End Learning of Deterministic Decision Trees
* End-to-End Trained CNN Encoder-Decoder Networks for Image Steganography
* End-to-End Tree Based Approach for Instance Segmentation, An
* Energy Efficiency Maximization for SWIPT Enabled Two-Way DF Relaying
* Energy Efficient and Delay Aware 5G Multi-Tier Network
* Enhanced Drone Navigation in GNSS Denied Environment Using VDM and Hall Effect Sensor
* Enhanced Two-Stage Multi-person Pose Estimation
* Ensemble clustering based on evidence extracted from the co-association matrix
* Error Transformation Approach for Connectivity-Preserving and Collision-Avoiding Formation Tracking of Networked Uncertain Underactuated Surface Vessels, An
* ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks
* Establishment and Assessment of a New GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor Interpolation Scheme Based on the GPT2w Model
* Estimating 2D Multi-hand Poses from Single Depth Images
* Estimating forest stand density and structure using Bayesian individual tree detection, stochastic geometry, and distribution matching
* Estimating Hilly Areas Population Using a Dasymetric Mapping Approach: A Case of Sri Lanka's Highest Mountain Range
* Estimating Summertime Precipitation from Himawari-8 and Global Forecast System Based on Machine Learning
* Estimating Turning Movements at Signalized Intersections Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Estimating Wave Direction Using Terrestrial GNSS Reflectometry
* Estimation of Changes of Forest Structural Attributes at Three Different Spatial Aggregation Levels in Northern California using Multitemporal LiDAR
* Estimation of Global and Diffuse Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density under Various Sky Conditions Using Ground-Based Whole-Sky Images
* Estimation of Sea Surface Current from X-Band Marine Radar Images by Cross-Spectrum Analysis
* Evaluating CNN-Based Semantic Food Segmentation Across Illuminants
* Evaluating Impact of Rain Attenuation on Space-borne GNSS Reflectometry Wind Speeds
* Evaluating the Material Appearance of Objects Under Different Lighting Distributions Against Natural Illumination
* Evaluation and Validation of CryoSat-2-Derived Water Levels Using In Situ Lake Data from China
* Evaluation of Atmospheric Correction Methods for the ASTER Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm Using Ground Observation Networks in the HiWATER Experiment
* Evaluation of Automatic Image Color Theme Extraction Methods
* Evaluation of CNN-Based Single-Image Depth Estimation Methods
* Evaluation of Fire Severity Indices Based on Pre- and Post-Fire Multispectral Imagery Sensed from UAV
* Evaluation of HTM and LSTM for Short-Term Arterial Traffic Flow Prediction, An
* Evaluation of Matching Costs for High-Quality Sea-Ice Surface Reconstruction from Aerial Images
* Evaluation of Sentinel-1 and 2 Time Series for Land Cover Classification of Forest-Agriculture Mosaics in Temperate and Tropical Landscapes
* Evaluation of the Performance of SM2RAIN-Derived Rainfall Products over Brazil
* Evaluation of the Potential of Convolutional Neural Networks and Random Forests for Multi-Class Segmentation of Sentinel-2 Imagery
* Event Extraction Using Transportation of Temporal Optical Flow Fields
* Event-Based Rendezvous Control for a Group of Robots With Asynchronous Periodic Detection and Communication Time Delays
* Every Pixel Counts: Unsupervised Geometry Learning with Holistic 3D Motion Understanding
* Evidence of Instability in Previously-Mapped Landslides as Measured Using GPS, Optical, and SAR Data between 2007 and 2017: A Case Study in the Portuguese Bend Landslide Complex, California
* Ex Paucis Plura: Learning Affordance Segmentation from Very Few Examples
* Exploiting Multi-layer Features Using a CNN-RNN Approach for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Exploiting Single Image Depth Prediction for Mono-stixel Estimation
* Exploiting Web Images for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Exploring Bias in Primate Face Detection and Recognition
* Exploring the Associations Between Urban Form and Neighborhood Vibrancy: A Case Study of Chengdu, China
* Exploring the Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Digital Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon by Airborne Hyperspectral VNIR Imaging
* Exploring Weighted Dual Graph Regularized Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization Based Collaborative Filtering Framework for Multi-Label Annotation of Remote Sensing Images
* Extended Non-local Feature for Visual Saliency Detection in Low Contrast Images
* Extending ALS-Based Mapping of Forest Attributes with Medium Resolution Satellite and Environmental Data
* Face recognition in low-quality images using adaptive sparse representations
* Facet Connectedness of Arithmetic Discrete Hyperplanes with Non-Zero Shift
* FashionSearchNet: Fashion Search with Attribute Manipulation
* Fast and Efficient Image Quality Enhancement via Desubpixel Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast and Scalable Pipeline for Stain Normalization of Whole-Slide Images in Histopathology, A
* Fast CU Depth Decision for HEVC Using Neural Networks
* Fast Fine-Grained Image Classification via Weakly Supervised Discriminative Localization
* Fast Forward Full-Duplex Cooperative Relay Scheme for Securing Wireless Communications, A
* Fast Frequent Directions Algorithm for Low Rank Approximation, A
* Fast Perceptual Image Enhancement
* Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video Using Block Motion-Based Feature Interpolation
* Fast spatial-temporal stereo matching for 3D face reconstruction under speckle pattern projection
* Fast, Visual and Interactive Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction
* Feature Learning Using Spatial-Spectral Hypergraph Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image
* Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Matching
* Feature2Mass: Visual Feature Processing in Latent Space for Realistic Labeled Mass Generation
* Field Assessment of a Rain Estimation System Based on Satellite-to-Earth Microwave Links, A
* Field Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400-900nm Range
* Filling the Gaps: Predicting Missing Joints of Human Poses Using Denoising Autoencoders
* Filtering Airborne LiDAR Data Through Complementary Cloth Simulation and Progressive TIN Densification Filters
* Filtering-Based Framework for Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Filtration Simplification for Persistent Homology via Edge Contraction
* Finding a Colour Filter to Make a Camera Colorimetric by Optimisation
* Fine Land-Cover Mapping in China Using Landsat Datacube and an Operational SPECLib-Based Approach
* Fine-Grained Vehicle Classification with Unsupervised Parts Co-occurrence Learning
* First-Order Estimates of Coastal Bathymetry in Ilulissat and Naajarsuit Fjords, Greenland, from Remotely Sensed Iceberg Observations
* Floating Xylene Spill Segmentation from Ultraviolet Images via Target Enhancement
* Focal Boundary Guided Salient Object Detection
* FORCE: Landsat + Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data and Beyond
* Forecasting Hands and Objects in Future Frames
* Fractional-Pel Accurate Motion-Adaptive Transforms
* Framework for Estimating Clear-Sky Atmospheric Total Precipitable Water (TPW) from VIIRS/S-NPP, A
* Framework of Joint Low-Rank and Sparse Regression for Image Memorability Prediction, A
* From Attribute-Labels to Faces: Face Generation Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Frustratingly Easy Trade-off Optimization Between Single-Stage and Two-Stage Deep Object Detectors
* Full-Body High-Resolution Anime Generation with Progressive Structure-Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Fusion Analysis of Optical Satellite Images and Digital Elevation Model for Quantifying Volume in Debris Flow Disaster
* Fusion of Multi-Sensor-Derived Heights and OSM-Derived Building Footprints for Urban 3D Reconstruction
* GA-Based Filter Selection for Representation in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Gait Energy Image Reconstruction from Degraded Gait Cycle Using Deep Learning
* Gaussian Process Classification Using Posterior Linearization
* GB-InSAR-Based DEM Generation Method and Precision Analysis
* General Distributed Hash Learning on Image Descriptors for k-Nearest Neighbor Search
* Generalized Bayesian Canonical Correlation Analysis with Missing Modalities
* Generating Shared Latent Variables for Robots to Imitate Human Movements and Understand Their Physical Limitations
* Generating Synthetic Video Sequences by Explicitly Modeling Object Motion
* Generative Adversarial Network-Based Image Super-Resolution Using Perceptual Content Losses
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Prediction
* GeoAnnotator: A Collaborative Semi-Automatic Platform for Constructing Geo-Annotated Text Corpora
* Geographic Knowledge Graph (GeoKG): A Formalized Geographic Knowledge Representation
* Geometric Barycenter-Based Clutter Suppression Method for Ship Detection in HF Mixed-Mode Surface Wave Radar, A
* Geometric Processing and Accuracy Verification of Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Satellites
* Geometry in active learning for binary and multi-class image segmentation
* GIS-based Landform Classification of Eneolithic Archaeological Sites in the Plateau-plain Transition Zone (NE Romania): Habitation Practices vs. Flood Hazard Perception
* Give Ear to My Face: Modelling Multimodal Attention to Social Interactions
* Global White-Sky and Black-Sky FAPAR Retrieval Using the Energy Balance Residual Method: Algorithm and Validation
* GNSS/INS/LiDAR-SLAM Integrated Navigation System Based on Graph Optimization
* GPR Antipersonnel Mine Detection Based on Tensor Robust Principal Analysis
* GPR Target Detection by Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition
* Graph-Based Segmentation with Local Band Constraints
* Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Storage Change Characteristics (2003-2016) over Major Surface Basins and Principal Aquifers in the Conterminous United States
* GreenWarps: A Two-Stage Warping Model for Stitching Images Using Diffeomorphic Meshes and Green Coordinates
* Ground Clutter Detection for Weather Radar Using Phase Fluctuation Index
* Ground Deformation Analysis of Bolvadin (W. Turkey) by Means of Multi-Temporal InSAR Techniques and Sentinel-1 Data
* Ground-Based Radar Interferometry: A Bibliographic Review
* Group LSTM: Group Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Scenarios
* Hand-Tremor Frequency Estimation in Videos
* HANDS18: Methods, Techniques and Applications for Hand Observation
* Hash Code Reconstruction for Fast Similarity Search
* Haze Transfer Between Images Based on Dark Channel Prior
* HDR Spectral Video Measurement System
* Heat and Drought Stress Advanced Global Wheat Harvest Timing from 1981-2014
* Hierarchical Control Framework for Coordination of Intersection Signal Timings in All Traffic Regimes, A
* Hierarchical Scheme for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition From Frontal Images of Vehicles, A
* Hierarchical Video Frame Sequence Representation with Deep Convolutional Graph Network
* Hierarchical Video Understanding
* High Capacity HEVC Steganographic Algorithm Using Intra Prediction Modes in Multi-sized Prediction Blocks, A
* High Quality Facial Surface and Texture Synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks
* High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing for Salt Marsh Mapping and Change Analysis at Fire Island National Seashore
* High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Changes from GOCI Measurements in Lake Taihu
* High-Order Statistical Modeling Based on a Decision Tree for Distributed Video Coding
* High-Quality Color Image Compression by Quantization Crossing Color Spaces
* High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plants Using Colorized Depth Images Based on A Proximal Platform
* Higher-Order Polynomial Method for SPECT Reconstruction, A
* Highly and Adaptively Undersampling Pattern for Pulmonary Hyperpolarized 129Xe Dynamic MRI
* Highly Parallel Hardware Architecture of Table-Based CABAC Bit Rate Estimator in an HEVC Intra Encoder, A
* Highway Alignment Optimization: An Integrated BIM and GIS Approach
* Himawari-8/AHI and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depths in China: Evaluation and Comparison
* Hot Spot Analysis versus Cluster and Outlier Analysis: An Enquiry into the Grouping of Rural Accommodation in Extremadura (Spain)
* How Clever Is the FiLM Model, and How Clever Can it Be?
* How to Make an RGBD Tracker?
* How to Read Paintings: Semantic Art Understanding with Multi-modal Retrieval
* Human Action Recognition Based on Temporal Pose CNN and Multi-dimensional Fusion
* Human-Centric Visual Relation Segmentation Using Mask R-CNN and VTransE
* Human-Computer Interaction Approaches for the Assessment and the Practice of the Cognitive Capabilities of Elderly People
* Hybrid Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Differential Evolution for Multilevel Satellite Image Segmentation
* hybrid transfer learning algorithm incorporating TrSVM with GASEN, A
* HyperDense-Net: A Hyper-Densely Connected CNN for Multi-Modal Image Segmentation
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising by Fusing the Selected Related Bands
* Hyperspectral Pansharpening Based on Homomorphic Filtering and Weighted Tensor Matrix
* Hyperspectral Tissue Image Segmentation Using Semi-Supervised NMF and Hierarchical Clustering
* Hyperspectral Unmixing with Gaussian Mixture Model and Low-Rank Representation
* Identification of C. elegans Strains Using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network on Behavioural Dynamics
* Identification, Characterization, and Prediction of Traffic Flow Patterns in Multi-Airport Systems
* Illumination Estimation Is Sufficient for Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification
* Image Enhancement With PDEs and Nonconservative Advection Flow Fields
* Image rectification for prism-based stereoscopic optical systems
* Image Splicing Localization via Semi-global Network and Fully Connected Conditional Random Fields
* Image-Sensitive Language Modeling for Automatic Speech Recognition
* Image-to-Voxel Model Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Images of Image Machines. Visual Interpretability in Computer Vision for Art
* Images of the Athenian Sun: Highlights From ICIP 2018 in Greece
* Imaging System for Fourier Coefficients of Spectral Reflectance, An
* Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification
* Imitation Learning of Path-Planned Driving Using Disparity-Depth Images
* Impact of Assimilating China Precipitation Analysis Data Merging with Remote Sensing Products Using the 4DVar Method on the Prediction of Heavy Rainfall
* Impact of Coastal Infrastructure on Ocean Colour Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Jiaozhou Bay, China
* Impact of Cyclonic Ocean Eddies on Upper Ocean Thermodynamic Response to Typhoon Soudelor
* Impact of Soil Reflectance Variation Correction on Woody Cover Estimation in Kruger National Park Using MODIS Data
* Impacts of Climate Change on Lake Fluctuations in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau
* improved algorithm for estimating the Secchi disk depth from remote sensing data based on the new underwater visibility theory, An
* Improved CASA Model for Estimating Winter Wheat Yield from Remote Sensing Images, An
* Improved Data-Aided Linear Estimator of Modulation Index for Binary CPM Signals, An
* Improved Dictionary Learning with Enriched Information for Biomedical Images
* Improved Estimation of the Intrinsic Dimension of a Hyperspectral Image Using Random Matrix Theory
* Improved GrabCut Method Based on a Visual Attention Model for Rare-Earth Ore Mining Area Recognition with High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, An
* Improved High Capacity Spread Spectrum-Based Audio Watermarking by Hadamard Matrices
* Improved Semantic Stixels via Multimodal Sensor Fusion
* Improvement of Spatial Autocorrelation, Kernel Estimation, and Modeling Methods by Spatial Standardization on Distance
* Improving Generalization Ability of Deep Neural Networks for Visual Recognition Tasks
* Improving Jujube Fruit Tree Yield Estimation at the Field Scale by Assimilating a Single Landsat Remotely-Sensed LAI into the WOFOST Model
* Improving Soil Available Nutrient Estimation by Integrating Modified WOFOST Model and Time-Series Earth Observations
* Improving the Embedding Strategy for Batch Adaptive Steganography
* Improving the Performance of Multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Ambiguity Fixing for Airborne Kinematic Positioning over Antarctica
* Improving Thin Structures in Surface Reconstruction from Sparse Point Cloud
* Incoherent Range Walk Compensation for Spaceborne GNSS-R Imaging
* Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Graph Regularized Matrix Factorization
* Increase of Atmospheric Methane Observed from Space-Borne and Ground-Based Measurements
* Increasing Precision for French Forest Inventory Estimates using the k-NN Technique with Optical and Photogrammetric Data and Model-Assisted Estimators
* Increasing the Robustness of CNN-Based Human Body Segmentation in Range Images by Modeling Sensor-Specific Artifacts
* Incremental Tensor-Based Completion Method for Detection of Stationary Foreground Objects
* Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist Sight Spatial Interest Field
* Inference, Learning and Attention Mechanisms that Exploit and Preserve Sparsity in CNNs
* Inferring Human Knowledgeability from Eye Gaze in Mobile Learning Environments
* Infimal convolution type regularization of TGV and shearlet transform for image restoration
* Information-Theoretic Active Learning for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Instance Segmentation of Neural Cells
* Integrated Urban Traffic Control for the Reduction of Travel Delays and Emissions
* Integrated Use of Satellite Remote Sensing, Artificial Neural Networks, Field Spectroscopy, and GIS in Estimating Crucial Soil Parameters in Terms of Soil Erosion
* Integrating Multitemporal Sentinel-1/2 Data for Coastal Land Cover Classification Using a Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network: A Case of the Yellow River Delta
* Integration of Corner Reflectors for the Monitoring of Mountain Glacier Areas with Sentinel-1 Time Series
* Interest Point Detectors Stability Evaluation on ApolloScape Dataset
* Investigating Depth Domain Adaptation for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* Investigating the effects of 3D urban morphology on the surface urban heat island effect in urban functional zones by using high-resolution remote sensing data: A case study of Wuhan, Central China
* Investigation on the Electromagnetic Scattering From the Accurate 3-D Breaking Ship Waves Generated by CFD Simulation
* Invexity Preserving Transformations for Projection Free Optimization with Sparsity Inducing Non-convex Constraints
* Ionospheric Rayleigh Wave Disturbances Following the 2018 Alaska Earthquake from GPS Observations
* Irregularly Sampled Seismic Data Reconstruction Using Multiscale Multidirectional Adaptive Prediction-Error Filter
* It's Not All About Size: On the Role of Data Properties in Pedestrian Detection
* Iterative Coarse-to-Fine Sub-Sampling Method for Density Reduction of Terrain Point Clouds, An
* Iterative Image Dehazing Method With Polarization, An
* Iterative Relaxed Collaborative Representation With Adaptive Weights Learning for Noise Robust Face Hallucination
* Joint Active Learning with Feature Selection via CUR Matrix Decomposition
* Joint Exploitation of Features and Optical Flow for Real-Time Moving Object Detection on Drones
* Joint Future Semantic and Instance Segmentation Prediction
* Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
* Joint graph optimization and projection learning for dimensionality reduction
* Joint interaction with context operation for collaborative filtering
* Kalahari Wildfires Drive Continental Post-Fire Brightening in Sub-Saharan Africa
* Kalman Filter-Based Channel Estimation for Mobile-to-Mobile and Relay Networks
* Kernel Joint Sparse Representation Based on Self-Paced Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Kinematic Chain Space for Monocular Motion Capture, A
* KloudNet: Deep Learning for Sky Image Analysis and Irradiance Forecasting
* Know What Your Neighbors Do: 3D Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Knowing When to Look for What and Where: Evaluating Generation of Spatial Descriptions with Adaptive Attention
* Knowing Where to Look? Analysis on Attention of Visual Question Answering System
* KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a ConvNet Operates Outside of Its Specifications
* Label Denoising with Large Ensembles of Heterogeneous Neural Networks
* Label Noise Cleansing with Sparse Graph for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Laboratory Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400-900nm Range
* Large-Scale Automatic Vessel Monitoring Based on Dual-Polarization Sentinel-1 and AIS Data
* Large-Scale Video Classification with Feature Space Augmentation Coupled with Learned Label Relations and Ensembling
* LBP-Motivated Colour Texture Classification
* Learnable Pooling Methods for Video Classification
* Learning a robust representation via a deep network on symmetric positive definite manifolds
* Learning a Robust Society of Tracking Parts Using Co-occurrence Constraints
* Learning and Selecting Confidence Measures for Robust Stereo Matching
* Learning CCA Representations for Misaligned Data
* Learning Domain Shift in Simulated and Clinical Data: Localizing the Origin of Ventricular Activation From 12-Lead Electrocardiograms
* Learning Driving Behaviors for Automated Cars in Unstructured Environments
* Learning Event Representations by Encoding the Temporal Context
* Learning from #Barcelona Instagram Data What Locals and Tourists Post About Its Neighbourhoods
* Learning Multi-View Representation With LSTM for 3-D Shape Recognition and Retrieval
* Learning Parametric Functions for Color Image Enhancement
* Learning Relationship-Aware Visual Features
* Learning representations of sound using trainable COPE feature extractors
* Learning Spatiotemporal 3D Convolution with Video Order Self-supervision
* Learning Spectral Transform Network on 3D Surface for Non-rigid Shape Analysis
* Learning Structure-from-Motion from Motion
* Learning Style Compatibility for Furniture
* Learning to Deblur Images with Exemplars
* Learning to Learn from Web Data Through Deep Semantic Embeddings
* Learning Video Features for Multi-label Classification
* Learning-Based Quality Control for Cardiac MR Images
* Leveraging Uncertainty to Rethink Loss Functions and Evaluation Measures for Egocentric Action Anticipation
* Light Source Metaphor Revisited: Bringing an Old Concept for Teaching Map Projections to the Modern Web, The
* Local discriminative based sparse subspace learning for feature selection
* Local Feature Descriptor Based on Oriented Structure Maps with Guided Filtering for Multispectral Remote Sensing Image Matching, A
* Local Kernels That Approximate Bayesian Regularization and Proximal Operators
* Local Semantic-Aware Deep Hashing With Hamming-Isometric Quantization
* Local Turn-Boundedness: A Curvature Control for a Good Digitization
* Localisation via Deep Imagination: Learn the Features Not the Map
* Long-Term Face Image Analysis Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis on Physical and Psychological Evaluation of Face
* Long-Term Historical Aerosol Optical Depth Data Record (1982-2011) Over China From AVHRR, A
* Long-Term Satellite Image Time-Series for Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection Using Refined Open Source Data in a Rural Region
* Low-Complexity Semi-Blind Channel Estimation Algorithms for Vehicular Communications Using the IEEE 802.11p Standard
* Low-Cost Four-Dimensional Experience Theater Using Home Appliances
* Low-Rank Structured Covariance Matrix Estimation
* Low-Shot Learning of Plankton Categories
* M-Channel Critically Sampled Spectral Graph Filter Banks With Symmetric Structure
* M-Channel Graph Filter Banks: Polyphase Analysis and Structures
* MACNet: Multi-scale Atrous Convolution Networks for Food Places Classification in Egocentric Photo-Streams
* Makeup Skin Appearance Reproduction by Spectral Projection Mapping
* MAM: Transfer Learning for Fully Automatic Video Annotation and Specialized Detector Creation
* Mangrove Phenology and Environmental Drivers Derived from Remote Sensing in Southern Thailand
* Mapping Forest Type and Tree Species on a Regional Scale Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data
* Mapping of Coastal Cities Using Optimized Spectral-Spatial Features Based Multi-Scale Superpixel Classification
* Mapping Tidal Flats with Landsat 8 Images and Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of the China's Eastern Coastal Zone circa 2015
* Mapping with Stakeholders: An Overview of Public Participatory GIS and VGI in Transport Decision-Making
* Marginal distribution covariance model in the multiple wavelet domain for texture representation
* Markov Random Fields Integrating Adaptive Interclass-Pair Penalty and Spectral Similarity for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Masi Entropy for Satellite Color Image Segmentation Using Tournament-Based Lévy Multiverse Optimization Algorithm
* MASON: A Model AgnoStic ObjectNess Framework
* Matching Larger Image Areas for Unconstrained Face Identification
* Material Appearance Transfer with Visual Cortex Image
* MC2SLAM: Real-Time Inertial Lidar Odometry Using Two-Scan Motion Compensation
* Measuring Spatial Mismatch between Public Transit Services and Regular Riders: A Case Study of Beijing
* Measuring Vegetation Phenology with Near-Surface Remote Sensing in a Temperate Deciduous Forest: Effects of Sensor Type and Deployment
* MEC-Assisted Panoramic VR Video Streaming Over Millimeter Wave Mobile Networks
* Memory Model Based on the Siamese Network for Long-Term Tracking, A
* Merging the MODIS and Landsat Terrestrial Latent Heat Flux Products Using the Multiresolution Tree Method
* Mesh-Based Typification Method for Building Groups with Grid Patterns, A
* Meta-analysis of deep neural networks in remote sensing: A comparative study of mono-temporal classification to support vector machines
* Method of Selecting a Decontamination Site Deployment for Chemical Accident Consequences Elimination: Application of Multi-Criterial Analysis
* Methodology for Heterogeneous Sensor Data Organization and Near Real-Time Data Sharing by Adopting OGC SWE Standards, A
* Metric-Driven Learning of Correspondence Weighting for 2-D/3-D Image Registration
* Metrics for Real-Time Mono-VSLAM Evaluation Including IMU Induced Drift with Application to UAV Flight
* Minimal Component-Hypertrees
* Mitigating Bias in Gender, Age and Ethnicity Classification: A Multi-task Convolution Neural Network Approach
* Mixed Model Approach to Vegetation Condition Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): Case of Kenya's Operational Drought Monitoring, A
* MoA-Net: Self-supervised Motion Segmentation
* MobileFace: 3D Face Reconstruction with Efficient CNN Regression
* Mobility Data Warehouses
* Model and Simulation of the Heterogeneous Traffic Flow of the Urban Signalized Intersection With an Island Work Zone
* Model Selection for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Modeling Barrier Island Habitats Using Landscape Position Information
* Modeling Camera Effects to Improve Visual Learning from Synthetic Data
* Modelling Site Index in Forest Stands Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and Bi-Temporal Laser Scanner Data
* Modelling Urban Housing Stocks for Building Energy Simulation Using CityGML EnergyADE
* Monitoring Extreme Agricultural Drought over the Horn of Africa (HOA) Using Remote Sensing Measurements
* Monitoring Surface Phenomena Created by an Underground Chemical Explosion Using Fully Polarimetric VideoSAR
* Monitoring the Indian Summer Monsoon Evolution at the Granularity of the Indian Meteorological Sub-divisions using Remotely Sensed Rainfall Products
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Multi-Scale Continuous CRFs as Sequential Deep Networks
* Monostatic and Bistatic Scattering Modeling of the Anisotropic Rough Soil
* MoQA: A Multi-modal Question Answering Architecture
* Morphological Networks for Image De-Raining
* Motion Segmentation Using Spectral Clustering on Indian Road Scenes
* Motion Selectivity of Neurons in Self-driving Networks
* Motion-Based Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using a Pre-Analysis Stage, A
* Multi-class Cell Segmentation Using CNNs with F1-measure Loss Function
* Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
* Multi-Correlation Filters With Triangle-Structure Constraints for Object Tracking
* Multi-Domain Pose Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Multi-kernel Diffusion CNNs for Graph-Based Learning on Point Clouds
* Multi-level Activation for Segmentation of Hierarchically-Nested Classes
* Multi-modal Spectral Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-person Pose Estimation for Pose Tracking with Enhanced Cascaded Pyramid Network
* Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Multi-scale Recursive and Perception-Distortion Controllable Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Scale Semantic Segmentation and Spatial Relationship Recognition of Remote Sensing Images Based on an Attention Model
* Multi-style Generative Network for Real-Time Transfer
* Multi-view common component discriminant analysis for cross-view classification
* Multi-view X-Ray R-CNN
* Multichannel Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Multimodal Dense Stereo Matching
* Multimodal Learning for Human Action Recognition Via Bimodal/Multimodal Hybrid Centroid Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multiobjective Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Multiple Connected Residual Network for Image Enhancement on Smartphones
* Multiple Context Features in Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking
* Multiple Flights or Single Flight Instrument Fusion of Hyperspectral and ALS Data? A Comparison of their Performance for Vegetation Mapping
* Multiple Instance Choquet Integral Classifier Fusion and Regression for Remote Sensing Applications
* Multiple Linear Regression Based High-Accuracy Error Prediction Algorithm for Reversible Data Hiding, A
* Multiple Regimes in Operation of the Swiss Railway System and Potential Influences on Power Load
* Multiple Wavelet Pooling for CNNs
* Multispectral Approach for Identifying Invasive Plant Species Based on Flowering Phenology Characteristics
* Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Quantitative Evaluation
* Mutual Component Convolutional Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Navigational Affordance Cortical Responses Explained by Scene-Parsing Model
* Near-Space Wind and Temperature Sensing Interferometer: Forward Model and Measurement Simulation, The
* Neural Adaptive Fault Tolerant Control for High Speed Trains Considering Actuation Notches and Antiskid Constraints
* Neural Network Approach to Forecast Hourly Intense Rainfall Using GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor and Meteorological Sensors
* New Approach to Defining Uncertainties for MODIS Land Surface Temperature, A
* New Approximate Distributions for the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Detection in Passive Radar
* New Entropy for Hypergraphs, A
* New Integrated Vegetation Index for the Estimation of Winter Wheat Leaf Chlorophyll Content, A
* New Method for Ionospheric Tomography and Its Assessment by Ionosonde Electron Density, GPS TEC, and Single-Frequency PPP, A
* New Single-Pass SAR Interferometry Technique with a Single-Antenna for Terrain Height Measurements, A
* new stochastic simulation algorithm for image-based classification: Feature-space indicator simulation, A
* New Target Detector Based on Subspace Projections Using Polarimetric SAR Data, A
* NeXtVLAD: An Efficient Neural Network to Aggregate Frame-Level Features for Large-Scale Video Classification
* NIPM-sWMF: Toward Efficient FPGA Design for High-Definition Large-Disparity Stereo Matching
* Non-centered Voronoi Skeletons
* Non-local NetVLAD Encoding for Video Classification
* Non-rigid 3D Shape Registration Using an Adaptive Template
* Nonconvex-Sparsity and Nonlocal-Smoothness-Based Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Nonlocal Compressive Sensing-Based SAR Tomography
* Nonlocal Patch Tensor Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Normalization of the temporal effect on the MODIS land surface temperature product using random forest regression
* Novel Digital-Camera Characterization Method for Pigment Identification in Cultural Heritage, A
* Novel Effective Connectivity Inference Using Ultra-Group Constrained Orthogonal Forward Regression and Elastic Multilayer Perceptron Classifier for MCI Identification
* novel framework to detect conventional tillage and no-tillage cropping system effect on cotton growth and development using multi-temporal UAS data, A
* Novel Framework to Harmonise Satellite Data Series for Climate Applications, A
* Novel Spatio-Temporal FCN-LSTM Network for Recognizing Various Crop Types Using Multi-Temporal Radar Images, A
* Novel Steganalysis of Steghide Focused on High-Frequency Region of Audio Waveform, A
* NRST: Non-rigid Surface Tracking from Monocular Video
* Object Detection at 200 Frames per Second
* Object Detection in a Maritime Environment: Performance Evaluation of Background Subtraction Methods
* Object Pose Estimation from Monocular Image Using Multi-view Keypoint Correspondence
* Object-Orientated Filter Design in Spectral Domain for Polarimetric Weather Radar
* Observing System Experiments with an Arctic Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Model
* Occlusion Resistant Object Rotation Regression from Point Cloud Segments
* Occlusion-Aware Method for Temporally Consistent Superpixels
* Odometry-Vision-Based Ground Vehicle Motion Estimation With SE(2)-Constrained SE(3) Poses
* Offset Aperture: A Passive Single-Lens Camera for Depth Sensing
* Oil Film Classification Using Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Technology
* On Extreme Winds at L-Band with the SMAP Synthetic Aperture Radar
* On Pre-trained Image Features and Synthetic Images for Deep Learning
* On the Acquisition and Reproduction of Material Appearance
* On the Degree Sequence of 3-Uniform Hypergraph: A New Sufficient Condition
* On the Diversity of Conditional Image Synthesis With Semantic Layouts
* On the Feasibility of Water Surface Mapping with Single Photon LiDAR
* On the Integration of Optical Flow and Action Recognition
* On the Optimization of Advanced DCF-Trackers
* On the Reliability of Surface Current Measurements by X-Band Marine Radar
* On the Security of Secret Sharing Over a Ring and the Fast Implementation
* On the Space Between Critical Points
* Onboard Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Compressed Sensing and Deep Learning
* One More Step Towards Well-Composedness of Cell Complexes over nD Pictures
* One-View Occlusion Detection for Stereo Matching With a Fully Connected CRF Model
* Online Random Fourier Features Conjugate Gradient Algorithm, The
* Optimal Dual-VENC Unwrapping in Phase-Contrast MRI
* Optimal Fractional Linear Prediction With Restricted Memory
* Optimal Leak Factor Selection for the Output-Constrained Leaky Filtered-Input Least Mean Square Algorithm
* Optimal Utility of Vehicles in LTE-V Scenario: An Immune Clone-Based Spectrum Allocation Approach
* Optimization of Max-Norm Objective Functions in Image Processing and Computer Vision
* Optimizing Body Region Classification with Deep Convolutional Activation Features
* Optimizing Field Data Collection for Individual Tree Attribute Predictions Using Active Learning Methods
* Ordinal Regression with Neuron Stick-Breaking for Medical Diagnosis
* p-Laplacian Regularization for Scene Recognition
* Paired 3D Model Generation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Pansharpening for Cloud-Contaminated Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Parcel Tracking by Detection in Large Camera Networks
* Part-aligned pose-guided recurrent network for action recognition
* Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorithm for Photon Cloud Data in Forest Area
* Partition Modeling for Anthropogenic Heat Flux Mapping in China, A
* Patch-Sparsity-Based Image Inpainting Through a Facet Deduced Directional Derivative
* PathGAN: Visual Scanpath Prediction with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Pedestrian Path, Pose, and Intention Prediction Through Gaussian Process Dynamical Models and Pedestrian Activity Recognition
* Pedestrian Walking Distance Estimation Based on Smartphone Mode Recognition
* Perception-Enhanced Image Super-Resolution via Relativistic Generative Adversarial Networks
* Perception-Preserving Convolutional Networks for Image Enhancement on Smartphones
* Phase Amplified Correlation for Improved Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation
* Phasor Quaternion Neural Networks for Singular Point Compensation in Polarimetric-Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Photorealistic Facial Synthesis in the Dimensional Affect Space
* Physically Plausible Dehazing for Non-physical Dehazing Algorithms
* Physically-Based Simulation of Cosmetics via Intrinsic Image Decomposition with Facial Priors
* PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Dataset and Study
* PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* Pitch Delay Based Adaptive Steganography for AMR Speech Stream
* Pixel-Value-Ordering Based Reversible Data Hiding with Adaptive Texture Classification and Modification
* Pixel-Wise MTInSAR Estimator for Integration of Coherent Point Selection and Unwrapped Phase Vector Recovery
* Plane-Based Humanoid Robot Navigation and Object Model Construction for Grasping
* Planet Image-Based Inventorying and Machine Learning-Based Susceptibility Mapping for the Landslides Triggered by the 2018 Mw6.6 Tomakomai, Japan Earthquake
* Pointing Accuracy of an Operational Polarimetric Weather Radar
* Polarimetric Convolutional Network for PolSAR Image Classification
* Polygon Approximations of the Euclidean Circles on the Square Grid by Broadcasting Sequences
* Polygonal Reconstruction of Building Interiors from Cluttered Pointclouds
* Pose Guided Human Image Synthesis by View Disentanglement and Enhanced Weighting Loss
* PosIX-GAN: Generating Multiple Poses Using GAN for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Potential of High-Resolution Pléiades Imagery to Monitor Salt Marsh Evolution After Spartina Invasion
* Power Method for Robust Diagonal Unloading Localization Beamforming
* Pre-gen Metrics: Predicting Caption Quality Metrics Without Generating Captions
* Pre-training on Grayscale ImageNet Improves Medical Image Classification
* Precise Performance Analysis of the Box-Elastic Net Under Matrix Uncertainties
* Predicting Action Tubes
* Predicting Muscle Activity and Joint Angle from Skin Shape
* Preface: Remote Sensing for Flood Mapping and Monitoring of Flood Dynamics
* Present-Day Deformation of the Gyaring Co Fault Zone, Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Determined Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
* Probabilistic Reasoning for Unique Role Recognition Based on the Fusion of Semantic-Interaction and Spatio-Temporal Features
* Progressive Learning for Person Re-Identification With One Example
* Propagated Skeleton: A Robust Detail-Preserving Approach, The
* Provably Secure Generative Steganography Based on Autoregressive Model
* Pulmonary CT Registration Through Supervised Learning With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Pulse-to-Pulse Correlation Effects in High PRF Low-Resolution Mode Altimeters
* Quality Assessment and Glaciological Applications of Digital Elevation Models Derived from Space-Borne and Aerial Images over Two Tidewater Glaciers of Southern Spitsbergen
* Quality Control of Delay-Doppler Maps for Stare Processing
* Quantification and Analysis of Impervious Surface Area in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil
* Quantifying Efficiency of Sliding-Window Based Aggregation Technique by Using Predictive Modeling on Landform Attributes Derived from DEM and NDVI
* Quantifying the Amount of Visual Information Used by Neural Caption Generators
* Quantifying the Effects of Urban Form on Land Surface Temperature in Subtropical High-Density Urban Areas Using Machine Learning
* Quantitative Aerosol Optical Depth Detection during Dust Outbreaks from Meteosat Imagery Using an Artificial Neural Network Model
* Radiometric Inter-Consistency of VIIRS DNB on Suomi NPP and NOAA-20 from Observations of Reflected Lunar Lights over Deep Convective Clouds
* RAMCIP Robot: A Personal Robotic Assistant: Demonstration of a Complete Framework
* Random Forest Machine Learning Approach for the Retrieval of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Wheat, A
* Randomized Gradient-Free Attack on ReLU Networks, A
* Range Scaling Global U-Net for Perceptual Image Enhancement on Mobile Devices
* Rapid and Automated Urban Boundary Extraction Method Based on Nighttime Light Data in China, A
* Rapid and Steady Mass Loss of the Patagonian Icefields throughout the GRACE Era: 2002-2017, The
* Rapid Mapping of Small-Scale River-Floodplain Environments Using UAV SfM Supports Classical Theory
* Real-Time Dynamic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving Using Prior 3D-Maps
* Real-Time Embedded Computer Vision on UAVs
* Real-Time Map Refinement Method Using a Multi-Sensor Localization Framework, A
* Real-Time Modeling of Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Ground Penetrating Radar Scattering From Rough Terrain
* Real-Time monophonic and polyphonic audio classification from power spectra
* Real-Time Point Cloud Alignment for Vehicle Localization in a High Resolution 3D Map
* Real-Time Tree Crown Detection Approach for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Images on FPGAs, A
* Real-Time Uncertainty Specification of All Sky Imager Derived Irradiance Nowcasts
* Recent Advances at the Brain-Driven Computer Vision Workshop 2018
* Recognizing Hierarchical Watersheds
* Recognizing People in Blind Spots Based on Surrounding Behavior
* Reconstruction of Fingerprints from Minutiae Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Reconstruction of Synthetic Aperture Radar Raw Data under Analog-To-Digital Converter Saturation Distortion for Large Dynamic Range Scenes
* Reconstruction of the Crossing Type of a Point Set from the Compatible Exchange Graph of Noncrossing Spanning Trees
* Reconstruction-Aware Imaging System Ranking by Use of a Sparsity-Driven Numerical Observer Enabled by Variational Bayesian Inference
* Recovering 6D Object Pose: A Review and Multi-Modal Analysis
* RED: A Simple but Effective Baseline Predictor for the TrajNet Benchmark
* Redefined Block-Lifting-Based Filter Banks With Efficient Reversible Nonexpansive Convolution
* Reference-Guided Deep Super-Resolution via Manifold Localized External Compensation
* Reflectance Computation for a Specular Only V-Cavity
* Reflecting on How Artworks Are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision
* regional adaptive variational PDE model for computed tomography image reconstruction, A
* Registration of Multi-Sensor Bathymetric Point Clouds in Rural Areas Using Point-to-Grid Distances
* Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild
* Relative Azimuthal-Angle Matching (RAM): A Screening Method for GEO-LEO Reflectance Comparison in Middle Latitude Forests
* Relative Radiometric Calibration of Airborne LiDAR Data for Archaeological Applications
* Reliable and Secure Distributed Smart Road Pricing System for Smart Cities
* Reliable Multilane Detection and Classification by Utilizing CNN as a Regression Network
* Remote Estimation of Mangrove Aboveground Carbon Stock at the Species Level Using a Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System
* Remote sensing image fusion via compressive sensing
* Remote Sensing of Pigment Content at a Leaf Scale: Comparison among Some Specular Removal and Specular Resistance Methods
* Removal of Visual Disruption Caused by Rain Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks
* Rendering Realistic Subject-Dependent Expression Images by Learning 3DMM Deformation Coefficients
* Research on Time-Correlated Errors Using Allan Variance in a Kalman Filter Applicable to Vector-Tracking-Based GNSS Software-Defined Receiver for Autonomous Ground Vehicle Navigation
* Residual Stacked RNNs for Action Recognition
* Resolution-Aware Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Resolutional Analysis of Multiplicative High-Frequency Speckle Noise Based on SAR Spatial De-Speckling Filter Implementation and Selection
* Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel Tree Detector
* Retrieval of Polarimetric Azimuthal Angular Characteristics via the Application of Target Decomposition to Spectral Domain Circular SAR Images
* Retrieving Phytoplankton Size Class from the Absorption Coefficient and Chlorophyll A Concentration Based on Support Vector Machine
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Image Partition and Spatial Correlation
* Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted-Image Based on Prediction and Compression Coding
* Review of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Based Dynamic Monitoring Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring, A
* RGB-D SLAM Based Incremental Cuboid Modeling
* Rhombic Dodecahedron Grid: Coordinate System and 3D Digital Object Definitions
* Rigid Motions in the Cubic Grid: A Discussion on Topological Issues
* RNN based online handwritten word recognition in Devanagari and Bengali scripts using horizontal zoning
* Road Extraction by Using Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Integrated Encoder-Decoder Network and Structural Similarity Loss
* Robust 3D Pig Measurement in Pig Farm
* Robust Estimation of Multiple Local Dips via Multidirectional Component Analysis
* Robust Group-Sparse Representation Variational Method With Applications to Face Recognition, A
* Robust Semantic Template Matching Using a Superpixel Region Binary Descriptor
* Robust Structured Light System Against Subsurface Scattering Effects Achieved by CNN-Based Pattern Detection and Decoding Algorithm
* Role of Group Level Affect to Find the Most Influential Person in Images
* Role of Optimum Connectivity in Image Segmentation: Can the Algorithm Learn Object Information During the Process?, The
* RPNet: An End-to-End Network for Relative Camera Pose Estimation
* Rubber Tree Crown Segmentation and Property Retrieval Using Ground-Based Mobile LiDAR after Natural Disturbances
* S-RVoG Model Inversion Based on Time-Frequency Optimization for P-Band Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* SafeUAV: Learning to Estimate Depth and Safe Landing Areas for UAVs from Synthetic Data
* Saliency-Driven Variational Retargeting for Historical Maps
* Salient object detection employing a local tree-structured low-rank representation and foreground consistency
* Salient Object Detection With Lossless Feature Reflection and Weighted Structural Loss
* Same Viewpoint Different Perspectives: A Comparison of Expert Ratings with a TLS Derived Forest Stand Structural Complexity Index
* Satellite and In Situ Observations for Advancing Global Earth Surface Modelling: A Review
* Satellite Cross-Talk Impact Analysis in Airborne Interferometric Global Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry with the Microwave Interferometric Reflectometer
* Satellite Remote Sensing Signatures of the Major Baltic Inflows
* Satellite-based Cloudiness and Solar Energy Potential in Texas and Surrounding Regions
* Scale Drift Correction of Camera Geo-Localization Using Geo-Tagged Images
* Scale invariant line-based co-registration of multimodal aerial data using L1 minimization of spatial and angular deviations
* Scale-Free Single Image Deraining Via Visibility-Enhanced Recurrent Wavelet Learning
* Scale-Recurrent Multi-residual Dense Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Scaling Up SLIC Superpixels Using a Tile-Based Approach
* Scene Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Generalized Compact Channel-Boosted High-Order Orderless Pooling Network
* Scene Classification Using Hierarchical Wasserstein CNN
* Scene Coordinate Regression with Angle-Based Reprojection Loss for Camera Relocalization
* Scheduling the Operation of a Connected Vehicular Network Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* SConE: Siamese Constellation Embedding Descriptor for Image Matching
* Seamless Color Mapping for 3D Reconstruction with Consumer-Grade Scanning Devices
* Seasonal Variation of the Spatially Non-Stationary Association Between Land Surface Temperature and Urban Landscape
* Second Workshop on 3D Reconstruction Meets Semantics: Challenge Results Discussion, The
* Secure Multilayer Perceptron Based on Homomorphic Encryption
* Seeing the World Through Machinic Eyes: Reflections on Computer Vision in the Arts
* Segmentation of Head and Neck Organs at Risk Using CNN with Batch Dice Loss
* Selection of Informative Spectral Bands for PLS Models to Estimate Foliar Chlorophyll Content Using Hyperspectral Reflectance
* Self-Learning Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Principal Component Analysis and Random Matching
* Self-Supervised Feature Learning with CRF Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Self-supervised Segmentation by Grouping Optical-Flow
* Semantic Cluster Unary Loss for Efficient Deep Hashing
* Semantic Cues Enhanced Multimodality Multistream CNN for Action Recognition
* Semantic Prior Analysis for Salient Object Detection
* Semantic Segmentation of Fisheye Images
* Semantically Selective Augmentation for Deep Compact Person Re-Identification
* Semi-independent Stereo Visual Odometry for Different Field of View Cameras
* Semi-supervised Data Augmentation Approach Using 3D Graphical Engines, A
* Semi-supervised Deep Generative Model for Human Body Analysis, A
* Semi-supervised Semantic Matching
* Seven Years of SMOS Sea Surface Salinity at High Latitudes: Variability in Arctic and Sub-Arctic Regions
* SG-FCN: A Motion and Memory-Based Deep Learning Model for Video Saliency Detection
* Shallow Landslide Prediction Using a Novel Hybrid Functional Machine Learning Algorithm
* Ship Detection From PolSAR Imagery Using the Complete Polarimetric Covariance Difference Matrix
* Ship Detection in SAR Images Based on Maxtree Representation and Graph Signal Processing
* ShuffleDet: Real-Time Vehicle Detection Network in On-Board Embedded UAV Imagery
* Simple and Effective Fusion Approach for Multi-frame Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Simple Approach to Intrinsic Correspondence Learning on Unstructured 3D Meshes, A
* Single Image Defogging Based on Illumination Decomposition for Visual Maritime Surveillance
* Single Scan Granulometry Estimation from an Asymmetric Distance Map
* Single-Image De-Raining With Feature-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network
* Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* SLR, GRACE and Swarm Gravity Field Determination and Combination
* Small Defect Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network Features and Random Forests
* Small Object Sensitive Segmentation of Urban Street Scene With Spatial Adjacency Between Object Classes
* SPA-Based Methods for the Quantitative Estimation of the Soil Salt Content in Saline-Alkali Land from Field Spectroscopy Data: A Case Study from the Yellow River Irrigation Regions
* Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneities of Capillary Hemodynamics and Its Functional Coupling During Neural Activation
* Spatial Convexity Descriptor for Object Enlacement, A
* Spatial Modeling of Mosquito Vectors for Rift Valley Fever Virus in Northern Senegal: Integrating Satellite-Derived Meteorological Estimates in Population Dynamics Models
* Spatial Prior Fuzziness Pool-Based Interactive Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Spatial, temporal, and spectral variations in albedo due to vegetation changes in China's grasslands
* Spatial-Temporal Attention Res-TCN for Skeleton-Based Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition
* Spatially Heterogeneous Land Surface Deformation Data Fusion Method Based on an Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Random Effect Model
* Spatiotemporal distilled dense-connectivity network for video action recognition
* Speckle Suppression Based on Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization and Grey Theory
* Spectral Estimation of Chromatically Adapted Corresponding Colors
* Spectral Feature Based Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of Sea Surface Oil Spill, A
* Spectral Super Resolution of Hyperspectral Images via Coupled Dictionary Learning
* Spectral Unmixing Method by Maximum Margin Criterion and Derivative Weights to Address Spectral Variability in Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Spectral-Spatial Attention Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Speech Enhancement Using a Two-Stage Network for an Efficient Boosting Strategy
* Spherical Panorama Image Watermarking Using Viewpoint Detection
* SPICE-Based SAR Tomography over Forest Areas Using a Small Number of P-Band Airborne F-SAR Images Characterized by Non-Uniformly Distributed Baselines
* Splenomegaly Segmentation on Multi-Modal MRI Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* SQL: Superpixels via quaternary labeling
* SST Anomalies in the Mozambique Channel Using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modeling Data
* Stacked Fully Convolutional Networks with Feature Alignment Framework for Multi-Label Land-cover Segmentation, A
* Statistical Model-Based Detector via Texture Weight Map: Application in Re-Sampling Authentication
* Step-Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar for Agricultural Soil Morphology Characterisation
* Stochastic Distance Transform
* Stochastic Programming Approach for Electric Vehicle Charging Network Design, A
* Straight Line Reconstruction for Fully Materialized Table Extraction in Degraded Document Images
* Strategy for Accelerating Multiway Greedy Compressive Sensing Reconstruction
* Strategy of Distinguishing Texture Feature for Reversible Data Hiding Based on Histogram Shifting, A
* Structure-Based Intensity Propagation for 3-D Brain Reconstruction With Multilayer Section Microscopy
* Structure-Texture Image Decomposition Using Deep Variational Priors
* Structured Listwise Approach to Learning to Rank for Image Tagging, A
* Study of Observation Scales Based on Felzenswalb-Huttenlocher Dissimilarity Measure for Hierarchical Segmentation, A
* Studying the Influence of Nitrogen Deposition, Precipitation, Temperature, and Sunshine in Remotely Sensed Gross Primary Production Response in Switzerland
* Subitizing with Variational Autoencoders
* Sublabel-Accurate Convex Relaxation with Total Generalized Variation Regularization
* Sugarcane Productivity Mapping through C-Band and L-Band SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery
* Summary of the 4th International Workshop on Recovering 6D Object Pose, A
* Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence I: Instrumental Considerations for Proximal Spectroradiometers
* Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence II: Review of Passive Measurement Setups, Protocols, and Their Application at the Leaf to Canopy Level
* Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence III: Benchmarking Retrieval Methods and Sensor Characteristics for Proximal Sensing
* Super-Fine Attributes with Crowd Prototyping
* Supervised Deep Kriging for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Supervised learning based discrete hashing for image retrieval
* Surface Foam and L-Band Microwave Radiometer Measurements in High Winds
* Surface Temperature Multiscale Monitoring by Thermal Infrared Satellite and Ground Images at Campi Flegrei Volcanic Area (Italy)
* Surfaces of Revolution (SORs) Reconstruction Using a Self-Adaptive Generatrix Line Extraction Method from Point Clouds
* Surveillance Video Authentication Using Universal Image Quality Index of Temporal Average
* survey of advances in vision-based vehicle re-identification, A
* Survey of Deep Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition in Radar, A
* survey on human detection surveillance systems for Raspberry Pi, A
* Switched Control Strategy of Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon for Multiple Objectives With State Constraints, A
* Synchronisation of partial multi-matchings via non-negative factorisations
* Synthesizing Chest X-Ray Pathology for Training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Table Tennis Robot System Using an Industrial KUKA Robot Arm, A
* Taming the Cross Entropy Loss
* Target Aware Network Adaptation for Efficient Representation Learning
* Targeted Kernel Networks: Faster Convolutions with Attentive Regularization
* Task-Oriented Hand Motion Retargeting for Dexterous Manipulation Imitation
* Tchebichef and Adaptive Steerable-Based Total Variation Model for Image Denoising
* Teaching UAVs to Race: End-to-End Regression of Agile Controls in Simulation
* Temporal Attention Mechanism with Conditional Inference for Large-Scale Multi-label Video Classification
* Temporal Interpolation as an Unsupervised Pretraining Task for Optical Flow Estimation
* Temporal Unknown Incremental Clustering Model for Analysis of Traffic Surveillance Videos
* Temporally Consistent Depth Estimation in Videos with Recurrent Architectures
* Ten Priority Science Gaps in Assessing Climate Data Record Quality
* Terrain Representation and Distinguishing Ability of Roughness Algorithms Based on DEM with Different Resolutions
* Terrestrial Structure from Motion Photogrammetry for Deriving Forest Inventory Data
* Theoretical Analysis for Improving Aerosol-Induced CO2 Retrieval Uncertainties Over Land Based on TanSat Nadir Observations Under Clear Sky Conditions, A
* Theoretical Evaluation of Water Cloud Model Vegetation Parameters
* ThermalGAN: Multimodal Color-to-Thermal Image Translation for Person Re-identification in Multispectral Dataset
* Three Dimensional Pulse Coupled Neural Network Based on Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Oil Pollution Image Segmentation
* Three-Step Method for Determining Unhealthy Time Period of GPS Satellite Orbit in Broadcast Ephemeris and Its Preliminary Applications for Precise Orbit Determination, A
* Three-Stream Attention-Aware Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Tiered Deep Similarity Search for Fashion
* Time-Frequency Filtering Based on Model Fitting in the Time-Frequency Plane
* Time-Series InSAR Monitoring of Permafrost Freeze-Thaw Seasonal Displacement over Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Using Sentinel-1 Data
* Top-Down Approach to Articulated Human Pose Estimation and Tracking, A
* Topic-Oriented Image Captioning Based on Order-Embedding
* Topology-Aware Road Network Extraction via Multi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks
* Topology-Based 3D Reconstruction of Mid-Level Primitives in Man-Made Environments
* Towards a Better Match in Siamese Network Based Visual Object Tracker
* Towards a Fair Evaluation of Zero-Shot Action Recognition Using External Data
* Towards Automated Multiscale Imaging and Analysis in TEM: Glomerulus Detection by Fusion of CNN and LBP Maps
* Towards Automatic Extraction and Updating of VGI-Based Road Networks Using Deep Learning
* Towards Cycle-Consistent Models for Text and Image Retrieval
* Towards Good Practices for Multi-modal Fusion in Large-Scale Video Classification
* Towards Learning a Realistic Rendering of Human Behavior
* Towards Robust Neural Networks with Lipschitz Continuity
* Towards Sub-Pixel Automatic Geometric Corrections of Very-High Resolution Panchromatic Satellite Data of Urban Areas
* Trace Evidence from Mars' Past: Fingerprinting Transverse Aeolian Ridges
* Tracking and Simulating Pedestrian Movements at Intersections Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Training Compact Deep Learning Models for Video Classification Using Circulant Matrices
* Traitor Tracing After Visible Watermark Removal
* Transport System Models and Big Data: Zoning and Graph Building with Traditional Surveys, FCD and GIS
* Triple-Frame-Based Bi-Directional Motion Estimation for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation
* Turning a Blind Eye: Explicit Removal of Biases and Variation from Deep Neural Network Embeddings
* Two-Stage Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Multiobjective Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows, A
* Two-Stage Request Scheduling for Autonomous Vehicle Logistic System
* UAV-GESTURE: A Dataset for UAV Control and Gesture Recognition
* Uncertainties in Evapotranspiration Estimates over West Africa
* Underlying Topography Estimation Over Forest Areas Using Single-Baseline InSAR Data
* Understanding Center Loss Based Network for Image Retrieval with Few Training Data
* Understanding Fake Faces
* Underwater Hyperspectral Imaging Using a Stationary Platform in the Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse Hydrothermal Field
* Unfolding Level 1 Menger Polycubes of Arbitrary Size With Help of Outer Faces
* Unmanned Aerial System Imagery, Land Data and User Needs: A Socio-Technical Assessment in Rwanda
* Unpaired Thermal to Visible Spectrum Transfer Using Adversarial Training
* Unreasonable Effectiveness of Texture Transfer for Single Image Super-Resolution, The
* Unsupervised Deep Learning of Compact Binary Descriptors
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Object Detection Using Distribution Matching in Various Feature Level
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Robust Class-Wise Matching
* Unsupervised Event-Based Optical Flow Using Motion Compensation
* Unsupervised Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Images Based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
* Unsupervised Feature Extraction via Deep Learning for Histopathological Classification of Colon Tissue Images
* Unsupervised Label Learning on Manifolds by Spatially Regularized Geometric Assignment
* Unsupervised Saliency Model with Color Markov Chain for Oil Tank Detection
* Upstream Remotely-Sensed Hydrological Variables and Their Standardization for Surface Runoff Reconstruction and Estimation of the Entire Mekong River Basin
* Urban Building Change Detection in SAR Images Using Combined Differential Image and Residual U-Net Network
* Urban flood mapping with an active self-learning convolutional neural network based on TerraSAR-X intensity and interferometric coherence
* Urban Road-Traffic Commuting Dynamics Study Based on Hotspot Clustering and a New Proposed Urban Commuting Electrostatics Model, An
* Urbanization and Its Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka, from 1988 to 2016
* User-Ranking Video Summarization With Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal Representation
* Using Phase Instead of Optical Flow for Action Recognition
* Using Social Media to Mine and Analyze Public Sentiment during a Disaster: A Case Study of the 2018 Shouguang City Flood in China
* Using the Monge-Kantorovitch Transform in Chromagenic Color Constancy for Pathophysiology
* UUV's Hierarchical DE-Based Motion Planning in a Semi Dynamic Underwater Wireless Sensor Network
* Validation of Preliminary Results of Thermal Tropopause Derived from FY-3C GNOS Data
* Variant of the Planchon and Darboux Algorithm for Filling Depressions in Raster Digital Elevation Models, A
* Vector-Based Morphological Operations on Polygons Using Straight Skeletons for Digital Pathology
* Vehicle Re-identification in Context
* Video Object Segmentation with Referring Expressions
* Video Object Segmentation without Temporal Information
* Video-Based Point-Cloud-Compression Standard in MPEG: From Evidence Collection to Committee Draft
* View-Aware Person Re-identification
* VIIRS Nighttime Lights in the Estimation of Cross-Sectional and Time-Series GDP
* Virtually Developed Synthetic Aperture Radar: Theory, Simulation, and Measurements
* VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results
* Vision Augmented Robot Feeding
* Visual and Quantitative Comparison of Real and Simulated Biomedical Image Data
* Visual Classification With Multikernel Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Visual Relationship Prediction via Label Clustering and Incorporation of Depth Information
* Visual Servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots Without Desired Images
* Visual-Semantic Alignment Across Domains Using a Semi-Supervised Approach
* Visually Indicated Sound Generation by Perceptually Optimized Classification
* VPCID: A VoIP Phone Call Identification Database
* WAEF: Weighted Aggregation with Enhancement Filter for Visual Object Tracking
* Water Storage Variations in Tibet from GRACE, ICESat, and Hydrological Data
* Watersheds for Semi-Supervised Classification
* Weakly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks
* Web Browsers Colorimetric Characterization
* Weighted Background Suppression Target Detection Using Sparse Image Enhancement Technique for Newly Grown Tree Leaves
* Weighted Extreme Sparse Classifier and Local Derivative Pattern for 3D Face Recognition
* Weighted General Group Lasso for Gene Selection in Cancer Classification
* Weighted Tensor Rank-1 Decomposition for Nonlocal Image Denoising
* Wet and Dry Snow Detection Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data for Mountainous Areas with a Machine Learning Technique
* What Is Optical Flow For?: Workshop Results and Summary
* What Was Monet Seeing While Painting? Translating Artworks to Photo-Realistic Images
* Where and What Am I Eating? Image-Based Food Menu Recognition
* Which Has Better Visual Quality: The Clear Blue Sky or a Blurry Animal?
* WiCV at ECCV2018: The Fifth Women in Computer Vision Workshop
* Widespread Decline in Vegetation Photosynthesis in Southeast Asia Due to the Prolonged Drought During the 2015/2016 El Niño
* Workshop on Interactive and Adaptive Learning in an Open World
* X-GAN: Improving Generative Adversarial Networks with ConveX Combinations
* YOLO3D: End-to-End Real-Time 3D Oriented Object Bounding Box Detection from LiDAR Point Cloud
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