* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* 10.4-Gs/s High-Resolution Wideband Radar Sampling System Based on TIADC Technique, A
* 2d Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-end Violence Detection in Videos
* 3-D Multistatic Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging for Augmented Reality Visualization
* 3D Geometry-Based Indoor Network Extraction for Navigation Applications Using SFCGAL
* 3D Pedestrian tracking using local structure constraints
* 3D Point Cloud to BIM: Semi-Automated Framework to Define IFC Alignment Entities from MLS-Acquired LiDAR Data of Highway Roads
* 3D-TTA: A Software Tool for Analyzing 3D Temporal Thermal Models of Buildings
* 3dcnn for Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation and Classification
* 4k or Not? - Automatic Image Resolution Assessment
* Accelerate CTU Partition to Real Time for HEVC Encoding With Complexity Control
* Accelerating Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo by Using an Explicit Stabilized Method
* Accelerator-Aware Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Accurate Identification of Tomograms of Lung Nodules Using Cnn: Influence of the Optimizer, Preprocessing and Segmentation
* Accurate Matching Method for Projecting Vector Data into Surveillance Video to Monitor and Protect Cultivated Land, An
* Accurate scale estimation for visual tracking with significant deformation
* Action Recognition Scheme Based on Skeleton Representation With DS-LSTM Network
* Adaptive and Extensible System for Satellite-Based, Large Scale Burnt Area Monitoring in Near-Real Time, An
* Adaptive bag-of-visual word modelling using stacked-autoencoder and particle swarm optimisation for the unsupervised categorisation of images
* Adaptive Fault-Tolerant H-Infinity Output Feedback Control for Lead-Wing Close Formation Flight
* adaptive infrared image segmentation method based on fusion SPCNN, An
* Adaptive Lagrangian Multiplier for Quantization Parameter Cascading in HEVC Hierarchical Coding
* Adaptive MultiScale Segmentations for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive single image dehazing method based on support vector machine
* Adaptive transitions for automation in cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles
* Addressing Missing Labels in Large-Scale Sound Event Recognition Using a Teacher-Student Framework With Loss Masking
* Advances in Single-Photon Lidar for Autonomous Vehicles: Working Principles, Challenges, and Recent Advances
* Adversarial Attribute-Text Embedding for Person Search With Natural Language Query
* Adversarial examples detection through the sensitivity in space mappings
* Adversarial Examples on Object Recognition: A Comprehensive Survey
* AF-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Phase Detection Autofocus
* Air Pollution Scenario over China during COVID-19
* Algorithm to Estimate Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations and Associated Uncertainties from Remote Sensing Reflectance in Coastal Environments, An
* Amplitude-Versus-Angle Analysis of Local Angle-Domain Common Image Gathers With Prestack Gaussian-Beam Migration of Seismic Data
* Analyses of the Pradnik riverbed Shape Based on Archival and Contemporary Data Sets: Old Maps, LiDAR, DTMs, Orthophotomaps and Cross-Sectional Profile Measurements
* Analyses on the heterogeneity of car-following behaviour: evidence from a cross-cultural driving simulator study
* Analysis and Assessment of BDS-2 and BDS-3 Broadcast Ephemeris: Accuracy, the Datum of Broadcast Clocks and Its Impact on Single Point Positioning
* Analysis of Affine Motion-Compensated Prediction in Video Coding
* Analysis of Repair Costs of Scholar Buildings Affected by Earthquakes Using Data Mining. Case Study: Earthquakes of 2017 in Mexico
* Analysis of Surface Cross-Sectional Data Taken During the 90° Yaw Experiment of the TRMM Precipitation Radar
* Analysis of the departure time choices of metro passengers during peak hours
* Analysis of UAS Flight Altitude and Ground Control Point Parameters on DEM Accuracy along a Complex, Developed Coastline
* Analyzing Links between Spatio-Temporal Metrics of Built-Up Areas and Socio-Economic Indicators on a Semi-Global Scale
* Analyzing the Effects of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) on Soil Moisture (SM) in Coastal Areas of Eastern China
* Angle histogram of Hough transform as shape signature for visual object classification - (AHOC)
* Anisotropic Scattering Analysis Method Based on the Statistical Properties of Multi-Angular SAR Images, An
* Anomaly Detection for Images Using Auto-encoder Based Sparse Representation
* Applicability of an Inverse Schlumberger Array for Near-Surface Targets in Shallow Water Environments, The
* Application of a Nighttime Fog Detection Method Using SEVIRI Over an Arid Environment
* Application of Color Featuring and Deep Learning in Maize Plant Detection
* Application of Deep Learning Architectures for Accurate Detection of Olive Tree Flowering Phenophase
* Application of Image Segmentation in Surface Water Extraction of Freshwater Lakes using Radar Data
* Applications of GIScience for Land Administration
* Approach to High Frame Rate Radar Imaging Through Electronically Displaced-Phase-Center Antenna, An
* Architecture to improve the accuracy of automatic image annotation systems
* Archival Aerial Images Georeferencing: A Geostatistically-Based Approach for Improving Orthophoto Accuracy with Minimal Number of Ground Control Points
* Assessing Spatial Limits of Sentinel-2 Data on Arable Crops in the Context of Checks by Monitoring
* Assessing the Consistency of Remotely Sensed Multiple Drought Indices for Monitoring Drought Phenomena in Continental China
* Assessing the Performance of ICESat-2/ATLAS Multi-Channel Photon Data for Estimating Ground Topography in Forested Terrain
* Assessing the Temporal Response of Tropical Dry Forests to Meteorological Drought
* Assessment of the Extreme Precipitation by Satellite Estimates over South America
* Assessment of the Representativeness of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products at Different Temporal Scales Using Global AERONET Measurements
* Assessment of the Stability of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures for NASA Team Sea Ice Concentration Retrievals
* Association of Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait with Distributions and Habitat Characteristics of Three Swimming Crabs
* Atmospheric Correction Thresholds for Ground-Based Radar Interferometry Deformation Monitoring Estimated Using Time Series Analyses
* Atmospheric Forcing of the High and Low Extremes in the Sea Surface Temperature over the Red Sea and Associated Chlorophyll-a Concentration
* Attention-Diffusion-Bilinear Neural Network for Brain Network Analysis
* Attenuation Correction of X-Band Radar Reflectivity Using Adjacent Multiple Microwave Links
* Autoencoder and Adversarial-Learning-Based Semisupervised Background Estimation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Automated 3D Reconstruction Using Optimized View-Planning Algorithms for Iterative Development of Structure-from-Motion Models
* Automated Colorization of a Grayscale Image With Seed Points Propagation
* Automated Extraction of Visible Floodwater in Dense Urban Areas from RGB Aerial Photos
* Automated Geolocation in Urban Environments Using a Simple Camera-Equipped Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Rapid Mapping Surveying Alternative?
* Automated SAR Image Thresholds for Water Mask Production in Alberta's Boreal Region
* Automated Vehicular Safety Systems: Robust Function and Sensor Design
* Automated Workflow for Lung Nodule Follow-up Recommendation Using Deep Learning, An
* Automatic Annotation of Hyperspectral Images and Spectral Signal Classification of People and Vehicles in Areas of Dense Vegetation with Deep Learning
* Automatic Estrus Cycle Identification System on Female Dogs Based on Deep Learning
* Automatic Lung Cancer Follow-up Recommendation with 3d Deep Learning
* Automatic Stereo Disparity Search Range Detection on Parallel Computing Architectures
* Automatic tracing and extraction of text-line and word segments directly in JPEG compressed document images
* Autonomous Driving: Part 1-Sensing and Perception
* B-mode Ultrasound Breast Anatomy Segmentation
* B-Scan Attentive CNN for the Classification of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Volumes
* Back to the Future: Radial Basis Function Network Revisited
* Backprojection for Training Feedforward Neural Networks in the Input and Feature Spaces
* Bag of Color Features for Color Constancy
* Bag of Tricks for Retail Product Image Classification
* Bagging-based saliency distribution learning for visual saliency detection
* Balancing Hazard Exposure and Walking Distance in Evacuation Route Planning during Earthquake Disasters
* Basic Pattern Graphs for the Efficient Computation of Its Number of Independent Sets
* Benchmark for Generic Product Detection: A Low Data Baseline for Dense Object Detection
* Bi-Modal Progressive Mask Attention for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Bias Correction of Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimations Using Quantile Mapping Approach in Different Climate Regions of Iran
* Biased Mixtures of Experts: Enabling Computer Vision Inference Under Data Transfer Limitations
* Bidirectional Attention-Recognition Model for Fine-Grained Object Classification
* Bilateral counting network for single-image object counting
* BIM-Based Registration and Localization of 3D Point Clouds of Indoor Scenes Using Geometric Features for Augmented Reality
* Blind motion deblurring with cycle generative adversarial networks
* Blind S3D image quality prediction using classical and non-classical receptive field models
* Boosting Compressed Sensing Using Local Measurements and Sliding Window Reconstruction
* Bregman Itoh-Abe Methods for Sparse Optimisation
* Bus arrival time prediction and measure of uncertainties using survival models
* Capacitated Refuge Assignment for Speedy and Reliable Evacuation
* Carbon Dioxide Retrieval from TanSat Observations and Validation with TCCON Measurements
* Cardiopulmonary Activity Monitoring Using Millimeter Wave Radars
* CEC: Cluster Embedding Coding for H.264 Steganography
* Central threat register- a complex system for risk analysis and decision support in railway transport
* Challenges for computer aided diagnostics using X-ray and tomographic reconstruction images in craniofacial applications
* Change Detection Based on the Coefficient of Variation in SAR Time-Series of Urban Areas
* Change Detection from Remote Sensing to Guide OpenStreetMap Labeling
* Characterization of Graph-Based Hierarchical Watersheds: Theory and Algorithms
* Characterization of Proximity Operators, A
* Chronological pattern indexing: An efficient feature extraction method for hand gesture recognition with Leap Motion
* Cirrus Cloud Identification from Airborne Far-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectra
* CityGML Multiscale Approach for the Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of the Old Town of Taranto (Italy), A
* CKD: Cross-Task Knowledge Distillation for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Class Boundary Exemplar Selection Based Incremental Learning for Automatic Target Recognition
* Class-Oriented Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Classification of Atlantic Coastal Sand Dune Vegetation Using In Situ, UAV, and Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Classification of Cattleya Trianae and Its Varieties by Using Colorimetry
* Classification of Hyperspectral Reflectance Images With Physical and Statistical Criteria
* Classification of Oil Slicks and Look-Alike Slicks: A Linear Discriminant Analysis of Microwave, Infrared, and Optical Satellite Measurements
* Classification of Point Clouds for Indoor Components Using Few Labeled Samples
* Classification of Sea Ice Types in Sentinel-1 SAR Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classified Adversarial Network for Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Image Change Detection, A
* Cloud Observation and Cloud Cover Calculation at Nighttime Using the Automatic Cloud Observation System (ACOS) Package
* Cloud removal in Sentinel-2 imagery using a deep residual neural network and SAR-optical data fusion
* CloudScout: A Deep Neural Network for On-Board Cloud Detection on Hyperspectral Images
* Clutter Suppression Method Based on NSS-RPCA in Heterogeneous Environments for SAR-GMTI, A
* CNN-Based Intra-Prediction for Lossless HEVC
* Co-Prediction-Based Compression Scheme for Correlated Images, A
* Collaborative model tracking with robust occlusion handling
* Collaborative similarity metric learning for face recognition in the wild
* Collaborative Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Diagnosis
* Color Inference from Semantic Labeling for Person Search in Videos
* Combined land surface emissivity and temperature estimation from Landsat 8 OLI and TIRS
* Combining and Comparing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Multiple Remote Sensing Satellites to Calculate Long-Term River Discharge in an Ungauged Water Source Region on the Tibetan Plateau
* Combining Asynchronous Events and Traditional Frames for Steering Angle Prediction
* Combining highlight removal and low-light image enhancement technique for HDR-like image generation
* Combining Mixture Models and Spectral Clustering for Data Partitioning
* Combining polar harmonic transforms and 2D compound chaotic map for distinguishable and robust color image zero-watermarking algorithm
* Combining Satellite Multispectral Imagery and Topographic Data for the Detection and Mapping of Fluvial Avulsion Processes in Lowland Areas
* Communications and Sensing: An Opportunity for Automotive Systems
* Compact reconfigurable triple notch ultra-wideband bandpass filter for cognitive radio system
* Comparative Assessment of the Built-Up Area Expansion Based on Corine Land Cover and Landsat Datasets: A Case Study of a Post-Socialist City
* Comparative Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Table and a HoloLens-Based Augmented Reality System for Anatomy Training, A
* Comparative Study of Estimating Auroral Electron Energy from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and DMSP-SSJ5 Particle Data, A
* Comparing Groundwater Storage Changes in Two Main Grain Producing Areas in China: Implications for Sustainable Agricultural Water Resources Management
* Comparison of Different Cropland Classification Methods under Diversified Agroecological Conditions in the Zambezi River Basin
* Comparison of Object Detection and Patch-Based Classification Deep Learning Models on Mid- to Late-Season Weed Detection in UAV Imagery
* Comparison of Recurrent Neural Networks for Wind Power Forecasting
* Comprehensive Benchmark for Single Image Compression Artifact Reduction, A
* Compressed Image Restoration via Artifacts-Free PCA Basis Learning and Adaptive Sparse Modeling
* Computer Vision for Autonomous Vehicles: Problems, Datasets and State of the Art
* Computer-Generated Holograms for 3D Imaging: A Survey
* Conditional Random Field based salient proposal set generation and its application in content aware seam carving
* Confidence-Based Large-Scale Dense Multi-View Stereo
* Consensus Based Distributed Spectral Radius Estimation
* Constrained Design of Deep Iris Networks
* Contactless Biometric Identification Using 3D Finger Knuckle Patterns
* Content Delivery Networks: State of the Art, Trends, and Future Roadmap
* Context-Aware Convolutional Neural Network for Grading of Colorectal Cancer Histology Images
* Continuation Method for Graph Matching Based Feature Correspondence, A
* Continuous Approximation Based Dimension-Reduced Estimation for Arbitrary Sampling
* Continuous Daily Evapotranspiration with Optical Spaceborne Observations at Sub-Kilometre Spatial Resolution
* Contrast Enhancement Using Novel White Balancing Parameter Optimization for Perceptually Invisible Images
* Contribution of Remote Sensing Technologies to a Holistic Coastal and Marine Environmental Management Framework: A Review
* Contributions to a Quantitative Unsupervised Processing and Analysis of Tongue in Ultrasound Images
* Convergence of the Time Discrete Metamorphosis Model on Hadamard Manifolds
* Conversion of Agricultural Land for Urbanization Purposes: A Case Study of the Suburbs of the Capital of Warmia and Mazury, Poland
* Convexification for a Three-Dimensional Inverse Scattering Problem with the Moving Point Source
* Convexity Shape Prior for Level Set-Based Image Segmentation Method
* Convolution neural network joint with mixture of extreme learning machines for feature extraction and classification of accident images
* Convolutional Neural Network Based Bi-Prediction Utilizing Spatial and Temporal Information in Video Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Intra-Predicted Residues
* Cooperative bypassing algorithm for connected and autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic
* Correcting the Side Effects of ADC Filtering in MR Image Reconstruction
* Correction of Canopy Shadow Effects on Reflectance in an Evergreen Conifer Forest Using a 3D Point Cloud
* Coupled: Calibration of a LIDAR and Camera Rig Using Automatic Plane Detection
* Cross-Entropy Adversarial View Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* Cross-Modality Matching for Evaluating User Experience of Emerging Mobile EEG Technology
* Crouzeix-Raviart Approximation of the Total Variation on Simplicial Meshes
* Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
* Curriculum Domain Adaptation Approach to the Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes, A
* CVA2E: A Conditional Variational Autoencoder With an Adversarial Training Process for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Cycle-IR: Deep Cyclic Image Retargeting
* DANCE-NET: Density-aware convolution networks with context encoding for airborne LiDAR point cloud classification
* Dark and Bright Channel Prior Embedded Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring
* Data encryption based blockchain and privacy preserving mechanisms towards big data
* Data-Driven Model Free Adaptive Perimeter Control for Multi-Region Urban Traffic Networks With Route Choice
* Data-Driven Model-Based Regression Applied to Panchromatic Sharpening, A
* Deep Frame Prediction for Video Coding
* Deep Gaussian processes for biogeophysical parameter retrieval and model inversion
* Deep Image Prior
* Deep Joint Deinterlacing and Denoising for Single Shot Dual-ISO HDR Reconstruction
* Deep Journey into Super-Resolution: A Survey, A
* Deep Learning Approach to Urban Street Functionality Prediction Based on Centrality Measures and Stacked Denoising Autoencoder, A
* Deep Learning Based Pipeline for Efficient Oral Cancer Screening on Whole Slide Images, A
* Deep Learning for Partial Fingerprint Inpainting and Recognition
* Deep Learning Inversion of Electrical Resistivity Data
* Deep Learning Models for Segmentation of Mobile-acquired Dermatological Images
* Deep learning networks for selection of measurement pixels in multi-temporal SAR interferometric processing
* Deep Learning with Open Data for Desert Road Mapping
* Deep Learning-Based Development of Personalized Human Head Model With Non-Uniform Conductivity for Brain Stimulation
* Deep learning-based intelligent surveillance model for detection of anomalous activities from videos
* Deep Multi-Scale Context Aware Feature Aggregation for Curved Scene Text Detection
* Deep Multi-Scale Mesh Feature Learning for Automated Labeling of Raw Dental Surfaces From 3D Intraoral Scanners
* Deep Neural Networks for Chronological Age Estimation From OPG Images
* Deep Pyramidal Pooling With Attention for Person Re-Identification
* Deep Ranking for Image Zero-Shot Multi-Label Classification
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Image Hashing
* Deep Residual 3d U-net for Joint Segmentation and Texture Classification of Nodules in Lung
* Deep Retinal Diseases Detection and Explainability Using OCT Images
* Deep Semantic Segmentation of Center Pivot Irrigation Systems from Remotely Sensed Data
* Deep-Learning-Based Lossless Image Coding
* DeepInSAR: A Deep Learning Framework for SAR Interferometric Phase Restoration and Coherence Estimation
* Deeply Supervised Image Fusion Network for Change Detection in High Resolution Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, A
* DeepSCC: Deep Learning-Based Fast Prediction Network for Screen Content Coding
* Defocus Blur Detection via Multi-Stream Bottom-Top-Bottom Network
* Dehazing Evaluation: Real-World Benchmark Datasets, Criteria, and Baselines
* Delineation of Tree Patches in a Mangrove-Marsh Transition Zone by Watershed Segmentation of Aerial Photographs
* Denoising framework based on external prior guided rotational clustering
* Denoising Recurrent Neural Networks for Classifying Crash-Related Events
* Dense Disparity Maps from RGB and Sparse Depth Information Using Deep Regression Models
* Derivative-Based Steganographic Distortion and its Non-additive Extensions for Audio
* Design of Variable Traffic Light Control Systems for Preventing Two-Way Grid Network Traffic Jams Using Timed Petri Nets
* Detecting abandoned farmland using harmonic analysis and machine learning
* Detecting abnormal events in traffic video surveillance using superorientation optical flow feature
* Detecting Defects in Materials Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Detecting Macroblocking in Images Caused by Transmission Error
* Detection and Avoidance of Atmospheric Aviation Hazards Using Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging
* Detection and Recognition of Food in Photo Galleries for Analysis of User Preferences
* Detection of Parking Cars in Stereo Satellite Images
* Detection of Very Small Tree Plantations and Tree-Level Characterization Using Open-Access Remote-Sensing Databases
* Detection, Classification and Boundary Regularization of Buildings in Satellite Imagery Using Faster Edge Region Convolutional Neural Networks
* Determination of Planetary Boundary Layer height with Lidar Signals Using Maximum Limited Height Initialization and Range Restriction (MLHI-RR)
* Developing a Remote Sensing-Based Combined Drought Indicator Approach for Agricultural Drought Monitoring over Marathwada, India
* Development and application of a new mangrove vegetation index (MVI) for rapid and accurate mangrove mapping
* Development of Geo-KOMPSAT-2A Algorithm for Sea-Ice Detection Using Himawari-8/AHI Data
* Development of the Chinese Space-Based Radiometric Benchmark Mission LIBRA
* DID: Disentangling-Imprinting-Distilling for Continuous Low-Shot Detection
* Digital Assisted Image Correlation for Metal Sheet Strain Measurement
* Digital Humans on the Big Screen
* Dilated Inception Network for Visual Saliency Prediction, A
* Dimensionality Reduction With Enhanced Hybrid-Graph Discriminant Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Distinguishing Glaciers between Surging and Advancing by Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Eastern Karakoram
* Diurnal Variation in Cloud Liquid Water Path Derived from Five Cross-Track Microwave Radiometers Onboard Polar-Orbiting Satellites
* Diverse receptive field network with context aggregation for fast object detection
* Document Image Binarization Using Dual Discriminator Generative Adversarial Networks
* Does the Intra-Arctic Modification of Long-Range Transported Aerosol Affect the Local Radiative Budget? (A Case Study)
* Double Graph Regularized Double Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Downscale MODIS Land Surface Temperature Based on Three Different Models to Analyze Surface Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of Hangzhou
* DRGAN: a deep residual generative adversarial network for PET image reconstruction
* Driver Emotion Recognition for Intelligent Vehicles: A Survey
* Driver emotion recognition of multiple-ECG feature fusion based on BP network and D-S evidence
* Drought Impacts on Vegetation in Southeastern Europe
* DSN: A New Deformable Subnetwork for Object Detection
* Dual Back-Projection-Based Internal Learning for Blind Super-Resolution
* Dynamic Sampling Networks for Efficient Action Recognition in Videos
* Dynamics of the Estuarine Turbidity Maximum Zone from Landsat-8 Data: The Case of the Maroni River Estuary, French Guiana
* E-DBPN: Enhanced Deep Back-Projection Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Image Superresolution
* EANet: Edge-Aware Network for the Extraction of Buildings from Aerial Images
* Early Identification of Seed Maize and Common Maize Production Fields Using Sentinel-2 Images
* Earthquake Risk Assessment for Tehran, Iran
* EDF-LPR: a new encoder-decoder framework for license plate recognition
* Editorial for Special Issue Convective and Volcanic Clouds (CVC)
* Editorial for Special Issue High Resolution Active Optical Remote Sensing Observations of Aerosols, Clouds and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions and Their Implication to Climate
* Editorial for the Special Issue Ecosystem Services with Remote Sensing
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Components and Water Vapor
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Flow Velocity, Channel Bathymetry, and River Discharge
* Effect of Lockdown Measures on Atmospheric Nitrogen Dioxide during SARS-CoV-2 in Spain
* Effect of Menopause on the Sexual Dimorphism in the Human Retina: Texture Analysis of Optical Coherence Tomography Data, The
* Effect of Room Complexity on Physical Object Selection Performance in 3-D Mobile User Interfaces, The
* Effective Cloud Detection Method for Gaofen-5 Images via Deep Learning, An
* effective hybrid pruning architecture of dynamic convolution for surveillance videos, An
* Effective Super-Resolution Methods for Paired Electron Microscopic Images
* Efficient CIEDE2000-Based Color Similarity Decision for Computer Vision
* Efficient complex ISAR object recognition using adaptive deep relation learning
* efficient framework for visible-infrared cross modality person re-identification, An
* Efficient Joint Localization and Synchronization in Distributed MIMO Radars
* Efficient Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Bridge Distillation
* Efficient Noise-Level Estimation Based on Principal Image Texture
* Efficient Prediction of Gold Prices Using Hybrid Deep Learning
* Efficient Supervised Discrete Multi-View Hashing for Large-Scale Multimedia Search
* efficient tensor completion method via truncated nuclear norm, An
* Efficient Tracking of Sparse Signals via an Earth Mover's Distance Dynamics Regularizer
* Efficient Wavefield Inversion With Outer Iterations and Total Variation Constraint
* Efficiently Testing Digital Convexity and Recognizing Digital Convex Polygons
* Ego-Vision System for Discovering Human Joint Attention, An
* Elucidating the Life Cycle of Warm-Season Mesoscale Convective Systems in Eastern China from the Himawari-8 Geostationary Satellite
* Enabling Efficient Offline Mobile Access to Online Social Media on Urban Underground Metro Systems
* End-to-End Blind Image Quality Prediction With Cascaded Deep Neural Network
* End-to-end DeepNCC framework for robust visual tracking
* End-to-End Single Image Fog Removal Using Enhanced Cycle Consistent Adversarial Networks
* Enhanced 3DTV Regularization and Its Applications on HSI Denoising and Compressed Sensing
* Enhanced Balanced Min Cut
* Enhanced multicore-manycore interaction in high-performance video encoding
* Enhancement of Noisy and Compressed Videos by Optical Flow and Non-Local Denoising
* Enhancement of Retinal Fundus Images via Pixel Color Amplification
* Enhancing the Prediction of Lung Cancer Survival Rates Using 2d Features from 3d Scans
* ensemble of neural networks for nonlinear segmentation of overlapped cursive script, An
* EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Transportation Mode Detection
* Erosion Process and Temporal Variations in the Soil Surface Roughness of Spoil Heaps under Multi-Day Rainfall Simulation
* Error Correction Regression Framework for Enhancing the Decoding Accuracies of Ear-EEG Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Essential secret image sharing scheme with small and equal sized shadows
* Estimates of Spaceborne Precipitation Radar Pulsewidth and Beamwidth Using Sea Surface Echo Data
* Estimating Chlorophyll-a of Inland Water Bodies in Greece Based on Landsat Data
* Estimating Near Real-Time Hourly Evapotranspiration Using Numerical Weather Prediction Model Output and GOES Remote Sensing Data in Iowa
* Estimating the Number of Sinusoids in Additive Sub-Gaussian Noise With Finite Measurements
* Estimating Wheat Grain Yield Using Sentinel-2 Imagery and Exploring Topographic Features and Rainfall Effects on Wheat Performance in Navarre, Spain
* Estimation of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Phenology of a Short-Rotation Plantation Using Remotely Sensed Indices Derived from Sentinel-2 Images
* Estimation of Soil Moisture Applying Modified Dubois Model to Sentinel-1; A Regional Study from Central India
* Estimation of Surface Shortwave Radiation From Himawari-8 Satellite Data Based on a Combination of Radiative Transfer and Deep Neural Network
* Evaluation and Normalization of Topographic Effects on Vegetation Indices
* Evaluation of Fengyun-3C Radio Occultation Atmospheric Profiles Over 2015-2018, An
* Evaluation of Inter-System Bias between BDS-2 and BDS-3 Satellites and Its Impact on Precise Point Positioning
* Evaluation of Nearshore and Offshore Water Quality Assessment Using UAV Multispectral Imagery
* Evaluation of Remote Sensing Reflectance Derived From the Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument Observations Using POLYMER Atmospheric Correction
* Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-Order Ionospheric Delay on GPS Precise Point Positioning Time Transfer
* Evaluation of the TRMM Product for Monitoring Drought over Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil: A Statistical Analysis
* Event-Based Inventory Approach in Landslide Hazard Assessment: The Case of the Skolis Mountain, Northwest Peloponnese, Greece, An
* Event-Based Neuromorphic Vision for Autonomous Driving: A Paradigm Shift for Bio-Inspired Visual Sensing and Perception
* Experimental Study on Transfer Learning in Denoising Autoencoders for Speech Enhancement
* Explicit Inversion Formulas for the Two-Dimensional Wave Equation from Neumann Traces
* Exploitation of Dense MLS City Maps for 3d Object Detection
* Exploiting architectural features of a computer vision platform towards reducing memory stalls
* Exploiting Semantics for Face Image Deblurring
* Exploiting Vulnerabilities of Deep Neural Networks for Privacy Protection
* Exploration of OpenStreetMap missing built-up areas using twitter hierarchical clustering and deep learning in Mozambique
* Exploring Information Theory and Gaussian Markov Random Fields for Color Texture Classification
* Exploring the Cognitive Load of Expert and Novice Map Users Using EEG and Eye Tracking
* Exploring the Factors Controlling Nighttime Lights from Prefecture Cities in Mainland China with the Hierarchical Linear Model
* Exploring Workout Repetition Counting and Validation Through Deep Learning
* Extended Reality in Spatial Sciences: A Review of Research Challenges and Future Directions
* Extreme Events of Precipitation over Complex Terrain Derived from Satellite Data for Climate Applications: An Evaluation of the Southern Slopes of the Pyrenees
* Extreme Gradient Boosting Model for Rain Retrieval using Radar Reflectivity from Various Elevation Angles
* FADE: Feature Aggregation for Depth Estimation With Multi-View Stereo
* Falling Mixed-Phase Ice Virga and their Liquid Parent Cloud Layers as Observed by Ground-Based Lidars
* Fast 3D image reconstruction by cuboids and 3D Charlier's moments
* Fast and accurate line detection with GPU-based least median of squares
* Fast and Accurate Tensor Completion With Total Variation Regularized Tensor Trains
* Fast background removal of JPEG images based on HSV polygonal cuts for a foot scanner device
* Fast Bistatic ISAR Imaging Approach for Rapidly Spinning Targets via Exploiting SAR Technique, A
* Fast Depth Map Intra Coding for 3D Video Compression-Based Tensor Feature Extraction and Data Analysis
* Fast fractal image compression algorithm using specific update search
* Fast Image Fusion With Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Fast Learning of Spatially Regularized and Content Aware Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Fast Optical Flow Extraction From Compressed Video
* Fast parallel blur detection on GPU
* Fast prediction mode selection and CU partition for HEVC intra coding
* Fast restoration of geometric details of automobile castings scanned by RGB-D sensor
* Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
* Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Aware Cascaded Networks
* Fast video encoding based on random forests
* FastScan: Robust Low-Complexity Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Video Streaming Over HTTP
* Feasibility of Using the Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Images to Analyze the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Vine Water Status in a Vineyard
* Feature Matching With Intra-Group Sparse Model
* Feature-Flow Interpretation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Few-Shot Text Style Transfer via Deep Feature Similarity
* FFTMI: Features Fusion for Natural Tone-Mapped Images Quality Evaluation
* Filter Model Based on Hidden Generalized Mixture Transition Distribution Model for Intrusion Detection System in Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks, A
* Filtration Simplification for Persistent Homology via Edge Contraction
* Fine-Grained Spatial Alignment Model for Person Re-Identification With Focal Triplet Loss
* Fingerprint liveness detection based on guided filtering and hybrid image analysis
* Fire Blight Disease Detection for Apple Trees: Hyperspectral Analysis of Healthy, Infected and Dry Leaves
* First Evidence of Peat Domes in the Congo Basin using LiDAR from a Fixed-Wing Drone
* First Measurements of Gas Flux with a Low-Cost Smartphone Sensor-Based UV Camera on the Volcanoes of Northern Chile
* First Pi2 Pulsation Observed by China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, The
* Fixed Point Analysis of Douglas-Rachford Splitting for Ptychography and Phase Retrieval
* flexible targetless LiDAR-GNSS/INS-camera calibration method for UAV platforms, A
* Flowchroma: A Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Video Colorization
* Focusing of MEO SAR Data Based on Principle of Optimal Imaging Coordinate System
* Forest Inventory and Diversity Attribute Modelling Using Structural and Intensity Metrics from Multi-Spectral Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* FoveaBox: Beyound Anchor-Based Object Detection
* FPGA-Based Signal Processor for FMCW Doppler Radar and Spectroscopy, An
* FPGA: Fast Patch-Free Global Learning Framework for Fully End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fractional Power Spectrum and Fractional Correlation Estimations for Nonuniform Sampling
* Framelet Representation of Tensor Nuclear Norm for Third-Order Tensor Completion
* Framework for Fusion of T1-weighted and Dynamic MRI Sequences, A
* Frequency-Domain Entropy-Based Blind Support Recovery from Multiple Measurement Vectors
* Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR, A
* From pyramids to state-of-the-art: a study and comprehensive comparison of visible-infrared image fusion techniques
* Fruit Classification for Retail Stores Using Deep Learning
* Fully automatic smartphone-based photogrammetric 3D modelling of infant's heads for cranial deformation analysis
* Fully-automatic raw G-band chromosome image segmentation
* Fundamental Climate Data Record Derived from AMSR-E, MWRI, and AMSR2, A
* Fusion of Multi-Satellite Data and Artificial Neural Network for Predicting Total Discharge
* FusionNet: An Unsupervised Convolutional Variational Network for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* Fuzzy Least Squares Support Vector Machine With Adaptive Membership for Object Tracking
* Fuzzy Static Output Feedback Control for Path Following of Autonomous Vehicles With Transient Performance Improvements
* Fuzzy weighted sparse reconstruction error-steered semi-supervised learning for face recognition
* Gamification-Based Approach on Indoor Wayfinding Research, A
* Gas Emission Craters and Mound-Predecessors in the North of West Siberia, Similarities and Differences
* Gender Identification in Social Media Using Transfer Learning
* General generative model-based image compression method using an optimisation encoder
* Generalized Feedback Loop for Joint Hand-Object Pose Estimation
* Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach to Assess Emerald Ash Borer Diffusion, A
* generalized multi-task learning approach to stereo DSM filtering in urban areas, A
* Generalized Multiple Instance Learning for Cancer Detection in Digital Histopathology
* Generalized Subspace Learning by Roweis Discriminant Analysis
* Generalizing Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation to Unseen Domains via Deep Stacked Transformation
* Generalizing the Statistical Analysis of Objects' Spatial Coupling in Bioimaging
* Generating and Mapping Amazonian Urban Regions Using a Geospatial Approach
* Generation of a Global Spatially Continuous TanSat Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Product by Considering the Impact of the Solar Radiation Intensity
* Generation of crowd arrival and destination locations/times in complex transit facilities
* Generation of differential topographic images for surface inspection of long products
* Generative image inpainting via edge structure and color aware fusion
* Generic and Extensible Core and Prototype of Consistent, Distributed, and Resilient LIS, A
* Geo-Spatial Analysis in Hydrology
* Geographical and Economic Factors Affecting the Spatial Distribution of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Study of The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region in Poland
* GeohashTile: Vector Geographic Data Display Method Based on Geohash
* Geospatial Virtual Reality for Cyberlearning in the Field of Topographic Surveying: Moving Towards a Cost-Effective Mobile Solution
* Gestural flick input-based non-touch interface for character input
* GIS-Based Mapping of Seismic Parameters for the Pyrenees
* Global Detection of Long-Term (1982-2017) Burned Area with AVHRR-LTDR Data
* Global Forecast Impact of Low Data Latency Infrared and Microwave Sounders Observations from Polar Orbiting Satellites
* Global Gravity Reconstruction Method for Mercury Employing Deep Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Global Optimization for Recovery of Clipped Signals Corrupted With Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* Global Topology Constraint Network for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Global Wildfire Outlook Forecast with Neural Networks
* Going From RGB to RGBD Saliency: A Depth-Guided Transformation Model
* GPU-accelerated 2D OTSU and 2D entropy-based thresholding
* Gram-Schmidt-Based Sparsification for Kernel Dictionary
* Gramian-Based Optimization for the Analysis and Control of Traffic Networks
* Graph Laplacian Regularization With Sparse Coding for Image Restoration and Representation
* Gray Level Indicator-Based Regularized Telegraph Diffusion Model: Application to Image Despeckling, A
* Gray Level Indicator-Based Regularized Telegraph Diffusion Model: Application to Image Despeckling, A
* Grid-Based Object Tracking With Nonlinear Dynamic State and Shape Estimation
* Ground Vehicle Navigation in GNSS-Challenged Environments Using Signals of Opportunity and a Closed-Loop Map-Matching Approach
* Group Feedback Capsule Network
* GSPnP: simple and geometric solution for PnP problem
* Gudalur Spectral Target Detection (GST-D): A New Benchmark Dataset and Engineered Material Target Detection in Multi-Platform Remote Sensing Data
* Guest Editorial Introduction to Special Section on Learning-Based Image and Video Compression
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue in Memory of Mila Nikolova
* Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery
* H-WordNet: a holistic convolutional neural network approach for handwritten word recognition
* HAM: Hidden Anchor Mechanism for Scene Text Detection
* Hand pose estimation in object-interaction based on deep learning for virtual reality applications
* Haze Removal by Modeling the Scattering Properties of the Medium
* Heterogeneous Deep Neural Network Processor With a Non-von Neumann Architecture, The
* Hierarchical Deep-Learning Approach for Rapid Windthrow Detection on PlanetScope and High-Resolution Aerial Image Data, A
* Hierarchical Modeling of Street Trees Using Mobile Laser Scanning
* Hierarchical neural network for hand pose estimation
* Hierarchical Prototype Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Hierarchical quantitative analysis to evaluate unsafe driving behaviour from massive trajectory data
* Hierarchical Radar Data Analysis for Activity and Personnel Recognition
* Hierarchical Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing with Spectral Variability
* High Resolution Viewscape Modeling Evaluated Through Immersive Virtual Environments
* High-Definition Video Compression System Based on Perception Guidance of Salient Information of a Convolutional Neural Network and HEVC Compression Domain
* High-Efficiency Determination of Coastline by Combination of Tidal Level and Coastal Zone DEM from UAV Tilt Photogrammetry
* High-performance intra-mode accelerator for HEVC
* High-Precision and High-Accuracy Column Dry-Air Mixing Ratio Measurement of Carbon Dioxide Using Pulsed 2-mu_m IPDA Lidar
* High-Precision Soil Moisture Mapping Based on Multi-Model Coupling and Background Knowledge, Over Vegetated Areas Using Chinese GF-3 and GF-1 Satellite Data
* High-Resolution Coherency Functionals for Improving the Velocity Analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
* High-Resolution SAR Image Classification Using Context-Aware Encoder Network and Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model
* High-Speed Rail Suspension System Health Monitoring Using Multi-Location Vibration Data
* Highly parallel steered mixture-of-experts rendering at pixel-level for image and light field data
* Histopathological Image Classification Through Discriminative Feature Learning and Mutual Information-Based Multi-Channel Joint Sparse Representation
* Human experts vs. machines in taxa recognition
* Human-computer interaction based on face feature localization
* Hybrid Approach Integrating Entropy-AHP and GIS for Suitability Assessment of Urban Emergency Facilities, A
* Hydrometeor Distribution and Linear Depolarization Ratio in Thunderstorms
* Hydrometeor Identification Using Multiple-Frequency Microwave Links: A Numerical Simulation
* HyNet: Hyper-Scale Object Detection Network Framework for Multiple Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Hyperspectral Image Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Using Subspace-Based Nonlocal Tensor Ring Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Image Recovery Using Non-Convex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration Using Weighted Group Sparsity-Regularized Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in Irrigation Pond Water
* Identification of Short-Rotation Eucalyptus Plantation at Large Scale Using Multi-Satellite Imageries and Cloud Computing Platform
* Identifying and Correcting Signal Shift in DMSP-OLS Data
* Identifying floods and flood-affected paddy rice fields in Bangladesh based on Sentinel-1 imagery and Google Earth Engine
* Identifying Hydro-Geomorphological Conditions for State Shifts from Bare Tidal Flats to Vegetated Tidal Marshes
* Identity-Preserved Model for Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis, An
* ILP Model for Multi-Label MRFs With Connectivity Constraints, An
* ImaAtCor: A Physically Based Tool for Combined Atmospheric and Topographic Corrections of Remote Sensing Images
* Image Restoration Using Joint Patch-Group-Based Sparse Representation
* Image super-resolution reconstruction based on sparse representation and deep learning
* Image-to-Images Translation for Multi-Task Organ Segmentation and Bone Suppression in Chest X-Ray Radiography
* Improve Person Re-Identification With Part Awareness Learning
* Improved Covariance Matrix Estimation With an Application in Portfolio Optimization
* Improved curriculum learning using SSM for facial expression recognition
* Improved Multi-Sensor MTI Time-Series Fusion Method to Monitor the Subsidence of Beijing Subway Network during the Past 15 Years, An
* Improved Multi-View Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Object Retrieval, An
* Improved OpenCL-Based Implementation of Social Field Pedestrian Model
* Improved Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Parametric Binary Tree Labeling, An
* Improvement of the Turajlic Method for the Estimation of Gaussian Noise in Images
* Improving Faster R-CNN Framework for Multiscale Chinese Character Detection and Localization
* Improving Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Boundaries Segmentation by Convolutional Neural Networks with Focal Learning
* Improving on MODIS MCD64A1 Burned Area Estimates in Grassland Systems: A Case Study in Kansas Flint Hills Tall Grass Prairie
* Improving Urban Land Cover/Use Mapping by Integrating A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and An Automatic Training Sample Expanding Strategy
* Inferring Salient Objects from Human Fixations
* Inferring Species Diversity and Variability over Climatic Gradient with Spectral Diversity Metrics
* Influence of Soil Properties on Maize and Wheat Nitrogen Status Assessment from Sentinel-2 Data
* Inspecting the Food-Water Nexus in the Ogallala Aquifer Region Using Satellite Remote Sensing Time Series
* Integer DCT Approximation With Arbitrary Size and Adjustable Precision
* Integrated Approach to Study Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Land Cover Within Urban Functional Units: A Multi-City Comparative Study in China, An
* Integrating MNF and HHT Transformations into Artificial Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Integrating Neural Networks Into the Blind Deblurring Framework to Compete With the End-to-End Learning-Based Methods
* Intelligent Real-Time Earthquake Detection by Recurrent Neural Networks
* intelligent video analytics model for abnormal event detection in online surveillance video, An
* Intentions of Vulnerable Road Users: Detection and Forecasting by Means of Machine Learning
* Interactive Web-Map of the European Freeway Junction A1/A4 Development with the Use of Archival Cartographic Sources
* Intercomparison of Satellite-Derived Solar Irradiance from the GEO-KOMSAT-2A and HIMAWARI-8/9 Satellites by the Evaluation with Ground Observations
* Internet Provisioning in VANETs: Performance Modeling of Drive-Thru Scenarios
* Interpret Neural Networks by Extracting Critical Subnetworks
* Interpretable Data-driven Score for the Assessment of Fundus Images Quality, An
* Interpretable Fast Multi-Scale Deep Decoder for the Standard HEVC Bitstreams, The
* Intersection traffic signal optimisation considering the impact of upstream curbside bus stops
* Interseismic Coupling beneath the Sikkim-Bhutan Himalaya Constrained by GPS Measurements and Its Implication for Strain Segmentation and Seismic Activity
* Interweaved Prediction for Video Coding
* Intraseasonal Vertical Cloud Regimes Based on CloudSat Observations over the Tropics
* Intrusion Detection System Using Deep Learning and Its Application to Wi-Fi Network
* Investigating Live Fuel Moisture Content Estimation in Fire-Prone Shrubland from Remote Sensing Using Empirical Modelling and RTM Simulations
* Investigating Task-Driven Latent Feasibility for Nonconvex Image Modeling
* Investigation of Vertically Distributed Aerosol Optical Properties over Pakistan Using CALIPSO Satellite Data, An
* Ionospheric Responses to the June 2015 Geomagnetic Storm from Ground and LEO GNSS Observations
* IrrMapper: A Machine Learning Approach for High Resolution Mapping of Irrigated Agriculture Across the Western U.S.
* Is There Anything New to Say About SIFT Matching?
* Iterative Atmospheric Phase Screen Compensation for Near-Real-Time Ground-Based InSAR Measurements Over a Mountainous Slope
* Iterative Deep Neural Network Quantization With Lipschitz Constraint
* iWave: CNN-Based Wavelet-Like Transform for Image Compression
* Joint Markov Model for Communities, Connectivity and Signals Defined Over Graphs, A
* Joint Over and Under Exposures Correction by Aggregated Retinex Propagation for Image Enhancement
* Joint Radar-Communication Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles: Combining Two Key Automotive Technologies
* Joint Transmission Map Estimation and Dehazing Using Deep Networks
* Jointly Learning Commonality and Specificity Dictionaries for Person Re-Identification
* Jointly Learning Kernel Representation Tensor and Affinity Matrix for Multi-View Clustering
* JPEG Steganography With Estimated Side-Information
* Just Noticeable Distortion-Based Perceptual Rate Control in HEVC
* Knowledge Transfer in Vision Recognition: A Survey
* Knowledge-based automatic extraction of multi-structured light stripes
* Knowledge-Based Topic Model for Multi-Modal Social Event Analysis
* L-Band Radar Experiment and Modeling of a Corn Canopy Over a Full Growing Season
* Land Cover Changes and Flows in the Polish Baltic Coastal Zone: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach
* Land-cover classification of multispectral LiDAR data using CNN with optimized hyper-parameters
* Landsat-Based Estimation of the Glacier Surface Temperature of Hailuogou Glacier, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Between 1990 and 2018
* Lane Keeping Control of Autonomous Vehicles With Prescribed Performance Considering the Rollover Prevention and Input Saturation
* Large-Scale Detection and Categorization of Oil Spills from SAR Images with Deep Learning
* LASDU: A Large-Scale Aerial LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Labeling in Dense Urban Areas
* Latent transformations neural network for object view synthesis
* Lattice-Constrained Stratified Sampling for Point Cloud Levels of Detail
* Leaf Area Index Estimation Algorithm for GF-5 Hyperspectral Data Based on Different Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods
* Learning Blind Pixelwise Affine Image Denoiser With Single Noisy Images
* Learning Clasiffier Systems with Hebbian Learning for Autonomus Behaviors
* Learning discriminative and meaningful samples for generalized zero shot classification
* Learning From Synthetic Images via Active Pseudo-Labeling
* Learning from the 2018 Western Japan Heavy Rains to Detect Floods during the 2019 Hagibis Typhoon
* Learning latent geometric consistency for 6D object pose estimation in heavily cluttered scenes
* Learning Normal Patterns via Adversarial Attention-Based Autoencoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* Learning of Gaussian Processes in Distributed and Communication Limited Systems
* Learning Recurrent 3D Attention for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Learning Reliable Visual Saliency For Model Explanations
* Learning Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Pixel Aggregations for Image and Video Denoising
* Learning spatial hierarchies of high-level features in deep neural network
* Learning Symmetry Consistent Deep CNNs for Face Completion
* Learning Temporal Relations from Semantic Neighbors for Acoustic Scene Classification
* Learning to Align via Wasserstein for Person Re-Identification
* Learning to Classify Structures in ALS-Derived Visualizations of Ancient Maya Settlements with CNN
* Learning to Index for Nearest Neighbor Search
* Learning to Search for Objects in Images from Human Gaze Sequences
* Learning-Based User Clustering and Link Allocation for Content Recommendation Based on D2D Multicast Communications
* Least Squared Relative Error Estimator for RSS Based Localization With Unknown Transmit Power
* Lesion Localization in Paediatric Epilepsy Using Patch-based Convolutional Neural Network
* Level set formulation for automatic medical image segmentation based on fuzzy clustering
* Leveraging photogrammetric mesh models for aerial-ground feature point matching toward integrated 3D reconstruction
* Lidar for Autonomous Driving: The Principles, Challenges, and Trends for Automotive Lidar and Perception Systems
* LiDAR-Aided Interior Orientation Parameters Refinement Strategy for Consumer-Grade Cameras Onboard UAV Remote Sensing Systems
* LiDAR/RISS/GNSS Dynamic Integration for Land Vehicle Robust Positioning in Challenging GNSS Environments
* Light Field Compression Using Global Multiplane Representation and Two-Step Prediction
* Light Field Image Quality Assessment via the Light Field Coherence
* Light Field Synthesis by Training Deep Network in the Refocused Image Domain
* Light Structure from Pin Motion: Geometric Point Light Source Calibration
* Lightening Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* Lightning Distance Estimation Using LF Lightning Radio Signals via Analytical and Machine-Learned Models
* Lightweight Spectral-Spatial Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Bag-of-Features Learning for Hyperspectral Classification
* Local Drivers of Anthropogenic Climate Change: Quantifying the Impact through a Remote Sensing Approach in Brisbane
* Local Flatness Based Variational Approach to Retinex, A
* Local Turn-Boundedness: A Curvature Control for Continuous Curves with Application to Digitization
* Locality preserving projection based on Euler representation
* Localization of Fluorescent Targets in Deep Tissue With Expanded Beam Illumination for Studies of Cancer and the Brain
* Localization of Near-Field Sources for Exact Source-Sensor Spatial Geometry
* Long-Term Action Dependence-Based Hierarchical Deep Association for Multi-Athlete Tracking in Sports Videos
* Long-Term Grass Biomass Estimation of Pastures from Satellite Data
* Long-Term Tracking With Deep Tracklet Association
* Long-Term Video Prediction via Criticization and Retrospection
* Longitudinal and lateral control of autonomous vehicles in multi-vehicle driving environments
* Low overhead spatiotemporal video compression over smartphone based Delay Tolerant Network
* Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Image and Video Applications
* Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Imaging Using Sensitivity Functions and Beamforming
* Macadamia Orchard Planting Year and Area Estimation at a National Scale
* Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Tree-Related Microhabitats using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Machine Learning Approach to Delineating Neighborhoods from Geocoded Appraisal Data, A
* Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Pine Wilt Disease Using Airborne Spectral Imagery, A
* Machine Learning Techniques for Identity Document Verification in Uncontrolled Environments: A Case Study
* Machine learning techniques for regional scale estimation of high-resolution cloud-free daily sea surface temperatures from MODIS data
* Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogonal Basis of Magnetic Tensor Contraction
* Manifold Sensitivity Analysis of Frequency Diverse Array
* MAP Inference Via L_2-Sphere Linear Program Reformulation
* Map Metadata: the Basis of the Retrieval System of Digital Collections
* Mapping Benthic Habitats by Extending Non-Negative Matrix Factorization to Address the Water Column and Seabed Adjacency Effects
* Mapping Coastal Dune Landscape through Spectral Rao's Q Temporal Diversity
* Mapping of Eucalyptus in Natura 2000 Areas Using Sentinel 2 Imagery and Artificial Neural Networks
* marker-free method for registering multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning data in forest environments, A
* Massive-scale image retrieval based on deep visual feature representation
* Massive-scale visual information retrieval towards city residential environment surveillance
* Matched Filter for Spaceborne GNSS-R Based Sea-Target Detection, A
* Matching Image and Sentence With Multi-Faceted Representations
* Maximizing Temporal Correlations in Long-Term Global Satellite Soil Moisture Data-Merging
* Measures of Structure and Operation of Automated Transit Networks
* Measuring Accessibility to Various ASFs from Public Transit using Spatial Distance Measures in Indian Cities
* Mechanical Energy Harvesting Taxonomy for Industrial Environments: Application to the Railway Industry
* Medical image fusion using the PCNN based on IQPSO in NSST domain
* MEF-GAN: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion via Generative Adversarial Networks
* MetaSearch: Incremental Product Search via Deep Meta-Learning
* Method for Estimating Driving Factors of Illicit Trade Using Node Embeddings and Clustering, A
* Microlocal Analysis of a Compton Tomography Problem
* MIMO Radar for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving: Advantages and Challenges
* MiniNet: An extremely lightweight convolutional neural network for real-time unsupervised monocular depth estimation
* Mining Evolution Patterns from Complex Trajectory Structures: A Case Study of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea
* Minkowski-Algebra-Based Super-Sparse Array Design for Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging
* Mitigating errors of predicted delays of a train at neighbouring stops
* Mnemonic Kalman Filter for Non-Linear Systems With Extensive Temporal Dependencies, A
* Model Comparison Metrics Require Adaptive Correction if Parameters Are Discretized: Proof-of-Concept Applied to Transient Signals in Dynamic PET
* Model for Range Estimation and Energy-Efficient Routing of Electric Vehicles in Real-World Conditions, A
* Model-Guided Multi-Path Knowledge Aggregation for Aerial Saliency Prediction
* Modeling and Multi-Temporal Characterization of Total Suspended Matter by the Combined Use of Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 8-OLI Data: The Pertusillo Lake Case Study (Italy)
* Modeling Generalized Rate-Distortion Functions
* Modeling Major Rural Land-Use Changes Using the GIS-Based Cellular Automata Metronamica Model: The Case of Andalusia (Southern Spain)
* Modeling Salt Marsh Vegetation Height Using Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion
* Modelling large vehicles operating speed characteristics on freeway alignment based on aggregated GPS data
* Modelling Taxi Drivers' Behaviour for the Next Destination Prediction
* Modulenet: A Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Vision
* Monitoring and Predicting Drought Based on Multiple Indicators in an Arid Area, China
* Monitoring LAI, Chlorophylls, and Carotenoids Content of a Woodland Savanna Using Hyperspectral Imagery and 3D Radiative Transfer Modeling
* Monitoring Land Surface Deformation Associated with Gold Artisanal Mining in the Zaruma City (Ecuador)
* Monitoring Residual Soil Moisture and Its Association to the Long-Term Variability of Rainfall over the Upper Blue Nile Basin in Ethiopia
* Monitoring the Ice Phenology of Qinghai Lake from 1980 to 2018 Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data and Google Earth Engine
* Monitoring Vineyard Canopy Management Operations Using UAV-Acquired Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* Motion Dependent and Spatially Variant Resolution Modeling for PET Rigid Motion Correction
* Motion-Guided Cascaded Refinement Network for Video Object Segmentation
* Moving Target's Scattering Matrix Estimation With a Polarimetric Radar
* Mspnet: Multi-level Semantic Pyramid Network for Real-time Object Detection
* Multi-Atlas Brain Parcellation Using Squeeze-and-Excitation Fully Convolutional Networks
* Multi-Attribute Blind Quality Evaluator for Tone-Mapped Images, A
* Multi-camera Motion Estimation with Affine Correspondences
* Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
* Multi-dataset Approach for DME Risk Detection in Eye Fundus Images, A
* Multi-Decadal Changes in Mangrove Extent, Age and Species in the Red River Estuaries of Viet Nam
* Multi-domain Document Layout Understanding Using Few-shot Object Detection
* Multi-Exponential Transverse Relaxation Times Estimation From Magnetic Resonance Images Under Rician Noise and Spatial Regularization
* Multi-Image Super Resolution of Remotely Sensed Images Using Residual Attention Deep Neural Networks
* Multi-Modal Recurrent Attention Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
* Multi-Needle Detection in 3D Ultrasound Images Using Unsupervised Order-Graph Regularized Sparse Dictionary Learning
* Multi-objectives optimisation of features selection for the classification of thyroid nodules in ultrasound images
* Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network-Based Intra Prediction for Video Coding
* Multi-Target Track-Before-Detect Particle Filter Using Superpositional Data in Non-Gaussian Noise, A
* Multi-Temporal UAV Data and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) for Estimation of Substrate Changes in a Post-Bleaching Scenario on a Maldivian Reef
* multiclass TrAdaBoost transfer learning algorithm for the classification of mobile lidar data, A
* Multidimensional Variational Line Spectra Estimation
* Multidimensional Visualization and Processing of Big Open Urban Geospatial Data on the Web
* Multilayer Joint Segmentation Using MRF and Graph Cuts
* Multimedia Intelligence: When Multimedia Meets Artificial Intelligence
* Multimodal image feature detection with ROI-based optimization for image registration
* Multimodal Target Detection by Sparse Coding: Application to Paint Loss Detection in Paintings
* Multipass SAR Interferometry Based on Total Variation Regularized Robust Low Rank Tensor Decomposition
* Multiple object tracking using a dual-attention network for autonomous driving
* Multiresolution Technique for the Classification of Precipitation Echoes in Radar Data, A
* Multiscale Energy-based Time-domain Approach for Interference Detection in Non-stationary Signals, A
* Multiscale Self-Adaptive Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Multiscale Surface Roughness for Improved Soil Moisture Estimation
* Multistep-Ahead Solar Radiation Forecasting Scheme Based on the Light Gradient Boosting Machine: A Case Study of Jeju Island
* Multivariate Correlated Rayleigh Fading With MRC and Applications to Wireless Secrecy
* Mutual Bootstrapping Model for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation and Classification, A
* Mutual Context Network for Jointly Estimating Egocentric Gaze and Action
* MV-GNN: Multi-View Graph Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction
* MVSNet++: Learning Depth-Based Attention Pyramid Features for Multi-View Stereo
* Narrow-to-Broadband Conversion for Albedo Estimation on Urban Surfaces by UAV-Based Multispectral Camera
* Near-real time forecasting and change detection for an open ecosystem with complex natural dynamics
* Nested QR Code, The
* Neural network-based image quality comparator without collecting the human score for training
* New and Simplified Approach for Estimating the Daily River Discharge of the Tibetan Plateau Using Satellite Precipitation: An Initial Study on the Upper Brahmaputra River, A
* New Diffusion Variable Spatial Regularized QRRLS Algorithm, A
* New GNSS-Derived Water Vapor Tomography Method Based on Optimized Voxel for Large GNSS Network, A
* New Hybrid Level Set Approach, A
* New Insights on the Optimality Conditions of the L2-L0 Minimization Problem
* New Method for Extreme Color Detection in Images
* New Method of De-Aliasing Large-Scale High-Frequency Barotropic Signals in the Mediterranean Sea, A
* New Polarization Image Demosaicking Algorithm by Exploiting Inter-Channel Correlations With Guided Filtering, A
* New Sample Consensus Based on Sparse Coding for Improved Matching of SIFT Features on Remote Sensing Images, A
* Nighttime Mobile Laser Scanning and 3D Luminance Measurement: Verifying the Outcome of Roadside Tree Pruning with Mobile Measurement of the Road Environment
* No Reference Quality Assessment for 3D Synthesized Views by Local Structure Variation and Global Naturalness Change
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment: An Attention Driven Approach
* No-reference real-time video transmission artifact detection for video signals
* Noise Adaptation Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Image Analysis
* Noise-sensitivity Analysis and Improvement of Automatic Retrieval of Temperature and Emissivity Using Spectral Smoothness
* Non-convex Total Variation Regularization for Convex Denoising of Signals
* Non-Local Low-Rank Algorithm for Sub-Bottom Profile Sonar Image Denoising, A
* Nonlinear Hybrid Impedance Control for Steering Control of Rack-Mounted Electric Power Steering in Autonomous Vehicles
* Nonlinear PCA for Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Earth Observation Data
* Nonlocal Band-Weighted Iterative Spectral Mixture Model for Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising
* Nonlocal Laplacian-Based Model for Bituminous Surfacing Crack Recovery and its MPI Implementation, A
* Not All Swear Words Are Used Equal: Attention over Word n-grams for Abusive Language Identification
* Novel Approach for Satellite-Based Turbulence Nowcasting for Aviation, A
* Novel Azimuth Spectrum Reconstruction and Imaging Method for Moving Targets in Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic Multichannel SAR, A
* Novel Communication Channel Model for Signal Propagation and Loss Through Layered Earth
* Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detection In Fluorescein Angiography, A
* novel deep neural network for noise removal from underwater image, A
* Novel distortion free and histogram based data hiding scheme
* Novel Feature Extension Method for the Forest Disaster Monitoring Using Multispectral Data, A
* Novel fuzzy clustering-based bias field correction technique for brain magnetic resonance images
* Novel Gaming Video Encoding Process Using In-Game Motion Vectors, A
* novel haze image steganography method via cover-source switching, A
* novel image retrieval method based on multi-features fusion, A
* Novel Modified Mel-DCT Filter Bank Structure With Application to Voice Activity Detection, A
* Novel Regional Activity Representation With Constrained Canonical Correlation Analysis for Brain Connectivity Network Estimation
* Novel Set of Moment Invariants for Pattern Recognition Applications Based on Jacobi Polynomials, A
* Novel Ship Imaging Method with Multiple Sinusoidal Functions to Match Rotation Effects in Geosynchronous SAR, A
* Novel Time-Frequency Technique for Mode Retrieval Based on Linear Chirp Approximation, A
* NPSA: Nonorthogonal Principal Skewness Analysis
* Numbers on Thematic Maps: Helpful Simplicity or Too Raw to Be Useful for Map Reading?
* Object Context Integrated Network for Joint Learning of Depth and Optical Flow, An
* Object Tracking Through Residual and Dense LSTMS
* Occluded Thermal Face Recognition Using Bag of CNN (BoCNN)
* Occlusion Pattern Discovery for Object Detection and Occlusion Reasoning
* OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Automatic Dense Volumetric 3D Intracranial Blood Vessels Segmentation
* On Anisotropic Optical Flow Inpainting Algorithms
* On Decomposition Models in Imaging Sciences and Multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi Partial Differential Equations
* On Multi-Layer Basis Pursuit, Efficient Algorithms and Convolutional Neural Networks
* On Recoverability of Randomly Compressed Tensors With Low CP Rank
* On the Duality Between Network Flows and Network Lasso
* On-Demand Greenwave for Emergency Vehicles in a Time-Varying Road Network With Uncertainties
* On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS VIS Bands Using Polarization-Corrected Desert Observations
* Onboard CNN-based Processing for Target Detection and Autonomous Landing for MAVs
* One-Shot Learning for Deformable Medical Image Registration and Periodic Motion Tracking
* Ontology-Based Global and Collective Motion Patterns for Event Classification in Basketball Videos
* Open Images Dataset V4, The
* Open Source Multipurpose Multimedia Annotation Tool
* OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for Upper 2000 Meters from Remote Sensing Data
* Optic Disc and Fovea Detection in Color Eye Fundus Images
* Optimal Hierarchical Clustering Approach to Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds, An
* Optimal weighted bilateral filter with dual-range kernel for Gaussian noise removal
* Optimal, Generative Model for Estimating Multi-Label Probabilistic Maps, An
* Optimisation-based training of evolutionary convolution neural network for visual classification applications
* Optimised multi-wavelet domain for decomposed electrooculogram-based eye movement classification
* Optimization of Computational Intelligence Models for Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation
* Optimized Framework for Plane-Probing Algorithms, An
* Optimizing Signalized Intersections Performance Under Conventional and Automated Vehicles Traffic
* Optimum Cuts in Graphs by General Fuzzy Connectedness with Local Band Constraints
* Orthogonal Local Image Descriptors with Convolutional Autoencoders
* Orthogonal random projection for tensor completion
* OSLNet: Deep Small-Sample Classification With an Orthogonal Softmax Layer
* Overview of De-Identification Techniques and Their Standardization Directions, An
* Parallel Implementation of the Drlse Algorithm
* Parallelism exploration for 3D high-efficiency video coding depth modeling mode one
* Partition-Based Detection of Urban Villages Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery in Guangzhou, China, A
* PDE Model for Smooth Surface Reconstruction from 2D Parallel Slices, A
* PercepPan: Towards Unsupervised Pan-Sharpening Based on Perceptual Loss
* Perceptual visual quality assessment using deeply-learned gaze shifting kernel
* Performance Evaluation of GIS-Based Artificial Intelligence Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling and Spatial Patterns Analysis
* Performance Metrics and Validation Methods for Vehicle Position Estimators
* Performance of a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential and Eye Gaze Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface on Participants With and Without a Brain Injury
* Perimeter Control of Multiregion Urban Traffic Networks With Time-Varying Delays
* Persistent Vegetation Greening and Browning Trends Related to Natural and Human Activities in the Mount Elgon Ecosystem
* Phase and Baseline Calibration for Microwave Interferometric Radiometers Using Beacons
* Photography and Exploration of Tourist Locations Based on Optimal Foraging Theory
* Photometric Multi-View Mesh Refinement for High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Physical Parameterization of Hyperspectral Reflectance in the Oxygen A-Band for Single-Layer Water Clouds
* Physics-Constrained Deep Learning of Geomechanical Logs
* PiCANet: Pixel-Wise Contextual Attention Learning for Accurate Saliency Detection
* Pilot Measurement of Illuminance in the Context of Light Pollution Performed with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Pixel-Level View Synthesis Distortion Estimation for 3D Video Coding
* PixelHop: A successive subspace learning (SSL) method for object recognition
* PixelRL: Fully Convolutional Network With Reinforcement Learning for Image Processing
* PMBANet: Progressive Multi-Branch Aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution
* PMHLD: Patch Map-Based Hybrid Learning DehazeNet for Single Image Haze Removal
* Point Cloud vs. Mesh Features for Building Interior Classification
* PointHop: An Explainable Machine Learning Method for Point Cloud Classification
* Polarimetric SAR Image Semantic Segmentation With 3D Discrete Wavelet Transform and Markov Random Field
* Polyp detection using CNNs in colonoscopy video
* Population Trends and Urbanization: Simulating Density Effects Using a Local Regression Approach
* Port Bathymetry Mapping Using Support Vector Machine Technique and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery
* Pose Anchor: A Single-Stage Hand Keypoint Detection Network
* Pose-invariant face recognition based on matching the occlusion free regions aligned by 3D generic model
* PoseGAN: A pose-to-image translation framework for camera localization
* Post-Earthquake Recovery Phase Monitoring and Mapping Based on UAS Data
* Potential Approach for Single-Peak Extinction Fitting of Aerosol Profiles Based on In Situ Measurements for the Improvement of Surface PM2.5 Retrieval from Satellite AOD Product
* Power-Law Processor Over Segmentation for Variable Length Transients Detection
* Practical Methodology for Generating High-Resolution 3D Models of Open-Pit Slopes Using UAVs: Flight Path Planning and Optimization, A
* Pre-Emptive Detection of Mature Pine Drought Stress Using Multispectral Aerial Imagery
* Precipitation Diurnal Cycle Assessment of Satellite-Based Estimates over Brazil
* Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the Geostationary Orbit: Part 2: Precipitation Rates with Elektro-L2 and Insat-3D
* Preclinical Imaging Using Single Track Location Shear Wave Elastography: Monitoring the Progression of Murine Pancreatic Tumor Liver Metastasis In Vivo
* Predicting and Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Northern Iran
* Prediction of Individual Tree Diameter and Height to Crown Base Using Nonlinear Simultaneous Regression and Airborne LiDAR Data
* Prediction of the Kiwifruit Decline Syndrome in Diseased Orchards by Remote Sensing
* Predictive Quantization for Data Volume Reduction in Staggered SAR Systems
* Preliminary Study on Score-based Hyper-heuristics for Solving the Bin Packing Problem, A
* Privacy as a Feature for Body-Worn Cameras
* Probabilistic color visual cryptography schemes for black and white secret images
* Problem of Mismatch between the CORINE Land Cover Data Classification and the Development of Settlement in Poland, The
* Progressive Content-Based Image Retrieval in JPEG 2000 Compressed Remote Sensing Archives, A
* Progressive Feature Matching: Incremental Graph Construction and Optimization
* Projected Gradient Descent for Non-Convex Sparse Spike Estimation
* Proximal Interior Point Algorithm with Applications to Image Processing, A
* Pruning 3D Filters For Accelerating 3D ConvNets
* Psychological and environmental factors affecting driver's frequent lane-changing behaviour: a national sample of drivers in China
* Pulmonary-nodule Detection Using an Ensemble of 3d Se-resnet18 and Dpn68 Models
* pyModeS: Decoding Mode-S Surveillance Data for Open Air Transportation Research
* Quantifying Aboveground Biomass of Shrubs Using Spectral and Structural Metrics Derived from UAS Imagery
* Quantifying Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration of Sorghum from Hyperspectral Data Using Derivative Calculus and Machine Learning
* Quantitative Relationship Between Localization Accuracy and Location Privacy Level in Wireless Localization System
* Radar Interference Mitigation for Automated Driving: Exploring Proactive Strategies
* Radar-Based Non-Contact Continuous Identity Authentication
* Rain O'er Me: Synthesizing Real Rain to Derain With Data Distillation
* Random Forest Algorithm Improves Detection of Physiological Activity Embedded within Reflectance Spectra Using Stomatal Conductance as a Test Case
* Range-Doppler Sidelobe Suppression for Pulsed Radar Based on Golay Complementary Codes
* Ranking Station Importance With Human Mobility Patterns Using Subway Network Datasets
* Rapid Flood Mapping and Evaluation with a Supervised Classifier and Change Detection in Shouguang Using Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Optical Data
* Rapid Mangrove Forest Loss and Nipa Palm (Nypa fruticans) Expansion in the Niger Delta, 2007-2017
* Real Time Automatic Urban Traffic Management Framework Based on Convolutional Neural Network Under Limited Resources Constraint
* Real-Time Constant Objective Quality Video Coding Strategy in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Real-Time Illumination and Visual Coherence for Photorealistic Augmented/Mixed Reality
* Real-Time Quality Assessment of Pediatric MRI via Semi-Supervised Deep Nonlocal Residual Neural Networks
* Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Using Unsupervised Feature Learning
* Recalibrating 3D ConvNets With Project Excite
* Recent advances in shape correspondence
* Recognition-Driven Compressed Image Generation Using Semantic-Prior Information
* Recognizing Material Properties from Images
* Reconstruction and Efficient Visualization of Heterogeneous 3D City Models
* Reconstruction of 3D human motion in real-time using particle swarm optimization with GPU-accelerated fitness function
* Reconstruction of the High Resolution Phase in a Closed Loop Adaptive Optics System
* Recurrent Prediction With Spatio-Temporal Attention for Crowd Attribute Recognition
* Recursive Residual Convolutional Neural Network- Based In-Loop Filtering for Intra Frames
* Reduced Order Model Approach to Inverse Scattering
* Reduced Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Sparse Representation and Natural Scene Statistics
* Refinement and Universal Approximation via Sparsely Connected ReLU Convolution Nets
* Region-Enhanced Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Regional Mapping and Spatial Distribution Analysis of Canopy Palms in an Amazon Forest Using Deep Learning and VHR Images
* Regularising neural networks for future trajectory prediction via inverse reinforcement learning framework
* Relative view based holistic-separate representations for two-person interaction recognition using multiple graph convolutional networks
* Reliability of Global Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Products over Amazon, The
* remote sensing-based model of tidal marsh aboveground carbon stocks for the conterminous United States, A
* Remove Cosine Window From Correlation Filter-Based Visual Trackers: When and How
* Removing Arbitrary-Scale Rain Streaks via Fractal Band Learning With Self-Supervision
* Research on the Colors of Military Symbols in Digital Situation Maps Based on Event-Related Potential Technology
* Residual Networks for Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation and Texture Characterization
* Residual Pyramid Learning for Single-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* Restoration of Range Images by the Gaussian Pyramid Method, Testing Different Interpolation Techniques to Select the Best Performance
* Restricted Entropy and Spectrum Properties for the Compressively Sensed Domain in Hyperspectral Imaging
* Results from Verification of Reference Irradiance and Radiance Sources Laboratory Calibration Experiment Campaign
* Retrieval of High-Resolution Soil Moisture through Combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Retrieval of Soil Moisture Content Based on a Modified Hapke Photometric Model: A Novel Method Applied to Laboratory Hyperspectral and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* Retrieving Crop Leaf Chlorophyll Content Using an Improved Look-Up-Table Approach by Combining Multiple Canopy Structures and Soil Backgrounds
* Retrieving Root-Zone Soil Moisture Profile From P-Band Radar via Hybrid Global and Local Optimization
* Reversible data hiding in binary images by flipping pattern pair with opposite center pixel
* Reweighted infrared patch image model for small target detection based on non-convex Lp-norm minimisation and TV regularisation
* Ridgeline-Based Terrain Co-Registration for Satellite LiDAR Point Clouds in Rough Areas, A
* RN-VID: A Feature Fusion Architecture for Video Object Detection
* ROAM: A Rich Object Appearance Model with Application to Rotoscoping
* robust blind watermarking algorithm for depth-image-based rendering 3D images, A
* Robust Estimation of Absolute Camera Pose via Intersection Constraint and Flow Consensus
* Robust Geometric Model Estimation Based on Scaled Welsch q-Norm
* Robust graph regularised sparse matrix regression for two-dimensional supervised feature selection
* Robust Method for Generating High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Surface Reflectance by Fusing MODIS and Landsat Data, A
* Robust Regularizer for Multiphase CT, A
* Robust Single-Image Haze Removal Using Optimal Transmission Map and Adaptive Atmospheric Light
* Robust Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Data
* Romanian Natura 2000 Network: Evaluation of the Threats and Pressures through the Corine Land Cover Dataset
* Rotational Libra R-CNN Method for Ship Detection, A
* Route Control Strategies for Autonomous Vehicles Exiting to Off-Ramps
* RTL3D: real-time LIDAR-based 3D object detection with sparse CNN
* SABER: A Systems Approach to Blur Estimation and Reduction in X-Ray Imaging
* SACNN: Self-Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Low-Dose CT Denoising With Self-Supervised Perceptual Loss Network
* Saliency Analysis and Gaussian Mixture Model-Based Detail Extraction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Pansharpening
* Sample-Adaptive GANs: Linking Global and Local Mappings for Cross-Modality MR Image Synthesis
* Sampled-Data Control for Connected Vehicles With Markovian Switching Topologies and Communication Delay
* SAR Image Speckle Filtering With Context Covariance Matrix Formulation and Similarity Test
* Satellite Imagery-Based SERVES Soil Moisture for the Analysis of Soil Moisture Initialization Input Scale Effects on Physics-Based Distributed Watershed Hydrologic Modelling
* Satellite-Based Drought Impact Assessment on Rice Yield in Thailand with SIMRIW-RS
* Scanning Imaging Restoration of Moving or Dynamically Deforming Objects
* SCRATCH: A Scalable Discrete Matrix Factorization Hashing Framework for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Scripted Video Generation With a Bottom-Up Generative Adversarial Network
* Sea Ice Freeboard in the Ross Sea from Airborne Altimetry IcePod 2016-2017 and a Comparison with IceBridge 2013 and ICESat 2003-2008
* Sea Level Variability in the Red Sea: A Persistent East-West Pattern
* Seasonal Variability of Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in the Pearl River Estuary from Long-Term Remote Sensing Imagery
* Security of MVD-based 3D video in 3D-HEVC using data hiding and encryption
* Segmentation method of multiple sclerosis lesions based on 3D-CNN networks
* Segmentation of MR Brain Images Through Hidden Markov Random Field and Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm
* Segmentation techniques for early cancer detection in red blood cells with deep learning-based classifier'a comparative approach
* Self-Supervised Feature Augmentation for Large Image Object Detection
* Self-tuning fast adaptive algorithm for impulsive noise suppression in color images
* Semantic Neighborhood-Aware Deep Facial Expression Recognition
* Semantic Segmentation for SAR Image Based on Texture Complexity Analysis and Key Superpixels
* Semantic Segmentation of Large-Size VHR Remote Sensing Images Using a Two-Stage Multiscale Training Architecture
* Semantics-guided Warping for Semi-supervised Video Object Instance Segmentation, A
* Semi-Automated Roadside Image Data Collection for Characterization of Agricultural Land Management Practices
* Semi-automatic 2D-to-3D video conversion based on background sprite generation
* Semi-automatic Tool to Identify Heterogeneity Zones in LGE-CMR and Incorporate the Result into a 3D Model of the Left Ventricle
* Semi-Automatization of Support Vector Machines to Map Lithium (Li) Bearing Pegmatites
* Semi-online Multi-people Tracking by Re-identification
* Semi-Supervised Texture Filtering With Shallow to Deep Understanding
* Semisupervised Dictionary Learning with Graph Regularized and Active Points
* Sensing Performance of Multi-Antenna Energy Detector With Temporal Signal Correlation in Cognitive Vehicular Networks
* Sensitive Stylistic Approach to Identify Fake News on Social Networking, A
* Sensitivity Study of POD Using Dual-Frequency GPS for CubeSats Data Limitation and Resources, A
* Sentinel-2 Data for Land Cover/Use Mapping: A Review
* SFNet: A Computationally Efficient Source Filter Model Based Neural Speech Synthesis
* Sharp Feature Detection as a Useful Tool in Smart Manufacturing
* Shearlet Enhanced Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* Short-term prediction of traffic flow under incident conditions using graph convolutional recurrent neural network and traffic simulation
* Show, Tell, and Polish: Ruminant Decoding for Image Captioning
* Sightseeing Spot Recommendation System That Takes into Account the Visiting Frequency of Users, A
* Similarity-Aware and Variational Deep Adversarial Learning for Robust Facial Age Estimation
* Simple and Fast Algorithm for L1-Norm Kernel PCA, A
* Simple Methodology for 2d Reconstruction Using a CNN Model, A
* Simulating Multi-Directional Narrowband Reflectance of the Earth's Surface Using ADAM (A Surface Reflectance Database for ESA's Earth Observation Missions)
* Simultaneous Reconstruction and Moving Object Detection From Compressive Sampled Surveillance Videos
* Single Image Deraining Using Bilateral Recurrent Network
* Single Image Deraining Using Time-Lapse Data
* Single-Image Blind Deblurring Using Multi-Scale Latent Structure Prior
* Single-image super-resolution via patch-based and group-based local smoothness modeling
* Site-Adaptation of Modeled Solar Radiation Data: The SiteAdapt Procedure
* Skeleton-based attention-aware spatial-temporal model for action detection and recognition
* SLAM integrated mobile mapping system in complex urban environments
* SLAM-based Multistate Tracking System for Mobile Human-robot Interaction
* Slicing and Dicing Soccer: Automatic Detection of Complex Events from Spatio-temporal Data
* Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Deep Neural Network
* SMAT: Smart Multiple Affinity Metrics for Multiple Object Tracking
* Snow Cover Estimation Underneath the Clouds Based on Multitemporal Correlation Analysis in Historical Time-Series Imagery
* Soft Computing Approach for Selecting and Combining Spectral Bands, A
* Soil Conservation Service Spatiotemporal Variability and Its Driving Mechanism on the Guizhou Plateau, China
* Soil Moisture Estimate Uncertainties from the Effect of Soil Texture on Dielectric Semiempirical Models
* Space-Interconnection Algorithm for Satellite Constellation Based on Spatial Grid Model, A
* Spaceborne L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Geoscientific Analyses in Coastal Land Applications: A Review
* Spaceborne P-Band SAR Imaging Degradation by Anisotropic Ionospheric Irregularities: A Comprehensive Numerical Study
* Sparse Conjugate Gradient Adaptive Filter, A
* Sparse Domain Gaussianization for Multi-Variate Statistical Modeling of Retinal OCT Images
* Sparsity Reduction Technique Using Grouping Method for Matrix Factorization in Differentially Private Recommendation Systems
* Spatial a: Trimmed Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm to Image Segmentation
* Spatial and Temporal Changes of Tidal Inlet Using Object-Based Image Analysis of Multibeam Echosounder Measurements: A Case from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy
* Spatial and Temporal Distribution of PM2.5 Pollution over Northeastern Mexico: Application of MERRA-2 Reanalysis Datasets
* Spatial Attraction Models Coupled with Elman Neural Networks for Enhancing Sub-Pixel Urban Inundation Mapping
* Spatial Data Science
* Spatial Exploration of Economic Data: Insight into Attitudes of Students towards Interdisciplinary Knowledge
* Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Land Deformation as a Factor Contributing to Relative Sea Level Rise in Coastal Urban and Natural Protected Areas Using Multi-Source Earth Observation Data
* Spatio-Temporal Memory Attention for Image Captioning
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Aerosol Optical Depth, Total Ozone and NO2 Over East Asia: Strategy for the Validation to the GEMS Scientific Products
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Chlorophyll-A and Environmental Variables in the Panama Bight
* Spatio-Temporal VLAD Encoding of Visual Events Using Temporal Ordering of the Mid-Level Deep Semantics
* Specific Category Region Proposal Network for Text Detection in Natural Scene
* Speckle suppression in medical ultrasound images through Schur decomposition
* Spectral and Radiometric Measurement Requirements for Inland, Coastal and Reef Waters
* Spectral Embedding Norm: Looking Deep into the Spectrum of the Graph Laplacian
* Spectral-Similarity-Based Kernel of SVM for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spectrum Management for Multi-Access Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicular Networks
* Speed harmonisation and merge control using connected automated vehicles on a highway lane closure: a reinforcement learning approach
* Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
* SSIM Based Signature of Facial Micro-expressions
* SST Comparison of AVHRR and MODIS Time Series in the Western Mediterranean Sea
* Stable Backward Diffusion Models that Minimise Convex Energies
* Statistical Characteristics of Cloud Occurrence and Vertical Structure Observed by a Ground-Based Ka-Band Cloud Radar in South Korea
* Statistical Modeling of Visual Attention of Junior and Senior Anesthesiologists During the Induction of General Anesthesia in Real and Simulated Cases
* STDC-Flow: large displacement flow field estimation using similarity transformation-based dense correspondence
* Sterescopic System to Measure Water Waves in Laboratories, A
* Stochastic Data-Based Traffic Model Applied to Vehicles Energy Consumption Estimation, A
* Stochastic Distance Transform: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
* Stratifying Forest Overstory for Improving Effective LAI Estimation Based on Aerial Imagery and Discrete Laser Scanning Data
* Structure from motion for complex image sets
* Structure from Motion of Multi-Angle RPAS Imagery Complements Larger-Scale Airborne Lidar Data for Cost-Effective Snow Monitoring in Mountain Forests
* Structured Dictionary Learning for Image Denoising Under Mixed Gaussian and Impulse Noise
* Structured dictionary learning using mixed-norms and group-sparsity constraint
* Structured Pointcloud Segmentation for Individual Mangrove Tree Modeling
* study on the trustworthiness of store rating in restaurant recommendation O2O service, A
* Studying the Effect of Digital Stain Separation of Histopathology Images on Image Search Performance
* Suboptimal Kalman Filtering in Triplet Markov Models Using Model Order Reduction
* Super Resolution by Deep Learning Improves Boulder Detection in Side Scan Sonar Backscatter Mosaics
* Supervised and Unsupervised Detections for Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenes: A Comparative Study
* Surface segmentation and environment change analysis using band ratio phenology index method- supervised aspect
* Survey of 8 UAV Set-Covering Algorithms for Terrain Photogrammetry
* Survey of Human Action Analysis in HRI Applications, A
* Survey of Preprocessing Techniques and Classification Approaches in Online Signature Verification
* Survey on Fuzzy Deep Neural Networks, A
* Swift distance transformed belief propagation using a novel dynamic label pruning method
* Switchable Deep Learning Approach for In-Loop Filtering in Video Coding, A
* Synergy of High-Resolution Radar and Optical Images Satellite for Identification and Mapping of Wetland Macrophytes on the Danube Delta
* t-Distribution Based Operator for Enhancing Out of Distribution Robustness of Neural Network Classifiers, A
* Task Decomposition and Synchronization for Semantic Biomedical Image Segmentation
* Task-Oriented Network for Image Dehazing
* Temporal Repetition Detector for Time Series of Spectrally Limited Satellite Imagers
* Tensor Factorization with Total Variation and Tikhonov Regularization for Low-Rank Tensor Completion in Imaging Data
* Tensor Graphical Model: Non-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference
* Testing that a Local Optimum of the Likelihood is Globally Optimum Using Reparameterized Embeddings
* Textual-Visual Reference-Aware Attention Network for Visual Dialog
* Texture-aware total variation-based removal of sun glint in hyperspectral images
* Theoretical Insights into the Use of Structural Similarity Index in Generative Models and Inferential Autoencoders
* Thin cloud removal in optical remote sensing images based on generative adversarial networks and physical model of cloud distortion
* Three Dimensional Root CT Segmentation Using Multi-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Time-Domain Multi-Modal Bone/Air Conducted Speech Enhancement
* Toward Measuring the Level of Spatiotemporal Clustering of Multi-Categorical Geographic Events
* Toward Robust Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles: An Adversarial Perspective
* Toward the Ghosting Phenomenon in a Stereo-Based Map With a Collaborative RGB-D Repair
* Toward Variable-Rate Generative Compression by Reducing the Channel Redundancy
* Towards a semi-automated mapping of Australia native invasive alien Acacia trees using Sentinel-2 and radiative transfer models in South Africa
* Towards Dendrite Spherical Neurons for Pattern Classification
* Towards Efficient U-Nets: A Coupled and Quantized Approach
* Towards Improving Robustness of Deep Neural Networks to Adversarial Perturbations
* Towards Inpainting and Denoising Latent Fingerprints: A Study on the Impact in Latent Fingerprint Identification
* Towards Selecting Reducts for Building Decision Rules for Rule-based Classifiers
* Tracking Rates of Forest Disturbance and Associated Carbon Loss in Areas of Illegal Amber Mining in Ukraine Using Landsat Time Series
* Transfer Learning for SAR Image Classification Via Deep Joint Distribution Adaptation Networks
* Transferable and Effective Method for Monitoring Continuous Cover Forestry at the Individual Tree Level Using UAVs, A
* Transform Domain Precoding (TDP) for 5G Evolution and 6G
* Tri-level optimization-based image rectification for polydioptric cameras
* Triple Collocation-Based Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture Products with In Situ Measurements in China: Understanding the Error Sources
* Triple-Frequency GPS Un-Differenced and Uncombined PPP Ambiguity Resolution Using Observable-Specific Satellite Signal Biases
* TROPOMI NO2 Tropospheric Column Data: Regridding to 1 km Grid-Resolution and Assessment of their Consistency with In Situ Surface Observations
* Truncated Low-Rank and Total p Variation Constrained Color Image Completion and its Moreau Approximation Algorithm
* TVp Regularized Mumford-Shah Model for Image Labeling and Segmentation, The
* Two Polynomial Time Graph Labeling Algorithms Optimizing Max-Norm-Based Objective Functions
* Two-attribute e-commerce image classification based on a convolutional neural network
* two-stage method for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images, A
* Two-stream Framework for Activity Recognition with 2d Human Pose Estimation
* UAV + BIM: Incorporation of Photogrammetric Techniques in Architectural Projects with Building Information Modeling Versus Classical Work Processes
* Ultra-Compact Microsystems-Based Confocal Endomicroscope
* Uncovering Dryland Woody Dynamics Using Optical, Microwave, and Field Data: Prolonged Above-Average Rainfall Paradoxically Contributes to Woody Plant Die-Off in the Western Sahel
* Understanding Public Speakers' Performance: First Contributions to Support a Computational Approach
* Understanding the Land Surface Phenology and Gross Primary Production of Sugarcane Plantations by Eddy Flux Measurements, MODIS Images, and Data-Driven Models
* Unified Deep Model for Joint Facial Expression Recognition, Face Synthesis, and Face Alignment, A
* Unified Intra Mode Coding Based on Short and Long Range Correlations
* Universal Frame Thresholding
* Unordered Image Stitching Method Based on Binary Tree and Estimated Overlapping Area, An
* Unpaired Multi-Modal Segmentation via Knowledge Distillation
* Unsupervised Assignment Flow: Label Learning on Feature Manifolds by Spatially Regularized Geometric Assignment
* Unsupervised Bidirectional Cross-Modality Adaptation via Deeply Synergistic Image and Feature Alignment for Medical Image Segmentation
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images Using Zero-Bias Convolutional Auto-Encoders and Context-Based Feature Augmentation
* Unsupervised Learning of a Hierarchical Spiking Neural Network for Optical Flow Estimation: From Events to Global Motion Perception
* Unsupervised Multi-View Constrained Convolutional Network for Accurate Depth Estimation
* Unsupervised Real-Time Framework of Human Pose Tracking From Range Image Sequences, An
* Unsupervised Scale-Driven Change Detection With Deep Spatial-Spectral Features for VHR Images
* Upscaling from Instantaneous to Daily Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) for Satellite Products
* Urban Ageing in Europe: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Determinants
* Urban-Rural Heterogeneity of Air Pollution in 35 Metropolitan Regions across China, The
* Usability Study of Low-Cost Wireless Brain-Computer Interface for Cursor Control Using Online Linear Model, A
* Use of LiDAR-Derived DEM in Flood Applications: A Review, The
* Use of UAV-Photogrammetry for Quasi-Vertical Wall Surveying
* User Experience in Using Graphical User Interfaces of Web Maps
* Using Artificial Neural Networks and Remotely Sensed Data to Evaluate the Relative Importance of Variables for Prediction of Within-Field Corn and Soybean Yields
* Using External Knowledge to Improve Zero-shot Action Recognition in Egocentric Videos
* Using Linear Regression, Random Forests, and Support Vector Machine with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Images to Predict Canopy Nitrogen Weight in Corn
* Using Satellite Gravity and Hydrological Data to Estimate Changes in Evapotranspiration Induced by Water Storage Fluctuations in the Three Gorges Reservoir of China
* Using Sky-pointing fish-eye camera and LiDAR to aid GNSS single-point positioning in urban canyons
* Using Social Networks to Analyze the Spatiotemporal Patterns of the Rolling Stock Manufacturing Industry for Countries in the Belt and Road Initiative
* Validation of Sentinel-3A/3B and Jason-3 Altimeter Wind Speeds and Significant Wave Heights Using Buoy and ASCAT Data
* Validation of the EGSIEM-REPRO GNSS Orbits and Satellite Clock Corrections
* Validation of Wind Speeds From Brown-Peaky Retracker in the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast of North America
* Variability and Uncertainty of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity in the Subpolar North Atlantic (2010-2019)
* Variation of Perceived Colour Difference Under Different Surround Luminance
* Variational Denoising Autoencoders and Least-Squares Policy Iteration for Statistical Dialogue Managers
* Variational Image Segmentation Model Based on Normalized Cut with Adaptive Similarity and Spatial Regularization, A
* Variational Pansharpening Method Based on Gradient Sparse Representation, A
* Velocity Estimation of Multiple Moving Targets in Single-Channel Geosynchronous SAR
* Vertical Deflections and Gravity Disturbances Derived from HY-2A Data
* Video Based Live Tracking of Fishes in Tanks
* Video coding for OFDM systems with imperfect CSI: A hybrid digital-analog approach
* Video Object Segmentation Using Convex Optimization of Foreground and Background Distributions
* Video Salient Object Detection via Robust Seeds Extraction and Multi-Graphs Manifold Propagation
* Video Tampering Detection for Decentralized Video Transcoding Networks
* Video-Based Social Behavior Recognition Based on Kernel Relevance Analysis
* VINet: A Visually Interpretable Image Diagnosis Network
* Virtual Nested MIMO Array Exploiting Fourth Order Difference Coarray, A
* VIS-NIR, Red-Edge and NIR-Shoulder Based Normalized Vegetation Indices Response to Co-Varying Leaf and Canopy Structural Traits in Heterogeneous Grasslands
* Vision-based Blind Spot Warning System by Deep Neural Networks
* Visual Font Pairing
* Visual object tracking using sparse context-aware spatio-temporal correlation filter
* Visual Perception Framework to Analyse Neonatal Pain in Face Images, A
* Visual Perception Ranking of Chess Players
* Visual Question Generation: The State of the Art
* Visualization Tool for Flood Dynamics Monitoring Using a Graph-Based Approach, A
* Voronoi-based image representation applied to binary visual cryptography
* Wasserstein-Type Distance in the Space of Gaussian Mixture Models, A
* Water Balance Analysis Based on a Quantitative Evapotranspiration Inversion in the Nukus Irrigation Area, Lower Amu River Basin
* Watershed Modeling with Remotely Sensed Big Data: MODIS Leaf Area Index Improves Hydrology and Water Quality Predictions
* Watershed-Based Superpixels With Global and Local Boundary Marching
* Wavelet based medical image super resolution using cross connected residual-in-dense grouped convolutional neural network
* Wavelet-based Retinal Image Enhancement
* Weighted Fisher Discriminant Analysis in the Input and Feature Spaces
* Well-Logging Constrained Seismic Inversion Based on Closed-Loop Convolutional Neural Network
* Wetland Mapping with Landsat 8 OLI, Sentinel-1, ALOS-1 PALSAR, and LiDAR Data in Southern New Brunswick, Canada
* Wetland Monitoring Using SAR Data: A Meta-Analysis and Comprehensive Review
* What Image Features Boost Housing Market Predictions?
* What the Appearance Channel from Two-stream Architectures for Activity Recognition Is Learning?
* Wheat Yield Estimation from NDVI and Regional Climate Models in Latvia
* Whitecap Observations by Microwave Radiometers: With Discussion on Surface Roughness and Foam Contributions
1095 for 2007