* *Autonomous trucks need people
* *ISPRS 3D-ARCH: 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
* *ISPRS Underwater 3D Recording and Modeling
* *Multidisciplinary Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring
* *Underwater Vision Workshop
* 2D-3D Object Detection System for Updating Building Information Models with Mobile Robots, A
* 3-D Convolution-Recurrent Networks for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* 3-D Reconstruction Method for Complex Pore Structures of Rocks Using a Small Number of 2-D X-Ray Computed Tomography Images
* 3d and 4d Modelling in Building Site Working Control
* 3d Cameras Acquisitions for the Documentation of Cultural Heritage
* 3d Data Processing Toward Maintenance and Conservation. the Integrated Digital Documentation of Casa De Vidro
* 3D Detection and Reconstruction Experiments in River Basins
* 3D Digital Models for A Widespread Museum: the Renon's BauernhÖfe
* 3d Habitat Complexity of Coral Reefs in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Is Driven By Coral Assemblage Structure
* 3D Human Pose Estimation With 2D Marginal Heatmaps
* 3d Image Based Geometric Documentation of A Medieval Fortress
* 3d Modeling for Rock Art Documentation Using Lightweight Multispectral Camera
* 3d Modeling of Girifalco Fortress
* 3d Modeling of Rio Miera Wreck Ship Merging Optical and Multibeam High Resolution Points Cloud
* 3d Modelling and Medieval Lighting Reconstruction for Rupestrian Churches
* 3d Modelling and Virtual Reality Applied to Complex Architectures: An Application to Hospitals' Design
* 3D palmprint recognition using unsupervised convolutional deep learning network and SVM classifier
* 3D Reconstruction and Texture Optimization Using a Sparse Set of RGB-D Cameras
* 3D Structure Analysis: Architecture as an Expression of the Ties Between Geometry and Philosophy
* 3d Underwater Mine Modelling in the ¡ vamos ! Project
* 3DCapsule: Extending the Capsule Architecture to Classify 3D Point Clouds
* Access and Web-sharing of 3D Digital Documentation of Environmental And Architectural Heritage
* Accounting for Surface Roughness Scattering in the Characterization of Forest Litter with Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Accuracy Assessment of 3D Models Generated from Google Street View Imagery
* Accurate and Rapid Broadcast Ephemerides for Beidou-Maneuvered Satellites
* Across Date Species Detection Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* ACT: an ACTNet for visual tracking
* Action Quality Assessment Across Multiple Actions
* Action-Agnostic Human Pose Forecasting
* Active Learning with n-ary Queries for Image Recognition
* ADA: Adversarial Data Augmentation for Object Detection
* Adaptive convolutional layer selection based on historical retrospect for visual tracking
* Adaptive dual fractional-order variational optical flow model for motion estimation
* Adaptive importance sampling for estimating multi-component chirp signal parameters in colored noise
* Adaptive Polar Active Contour for Segmentation and Tracking in Ultrasound Videos
* Adaptive rational fractal interpolation function for image super-resolution via local fractal analysis
* Adaptive Rolling Smoothing With Heterogeneous Data for Traffic State Estimation and Prediction
* Adaptive Streaming in Interactive Multiview Video Systems
* AddressNet: Shift-Based Primitives for Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks
* Advanced Super-Resolution Using Lossless Pooling Convolutional Networks
* Aerosol Retrieval in the Autumn and Winter From the Red and 2.12~mum Bands of MODIS
* Age estimation in facial images through transfer learning
* Age progression by gender-specific 3D aging model
* Aggregating Randomized Clustering-Promoting Invariant Projections for Domain Adaptation
* Aggregation of Classifiers: A Justifiable Information Granularity Approach
* Agnostic attribute segmentation of dynamic scenes with limited spatio-temporal resolution
* Agroforestry Tree Density Estimation Based On Hemispherical Photos and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Image: A Case Study at Cidanau Watershed, Banten-indonesia
* Aleppo - Before and After
* Aligned to the Object, Not to the Image: A Unified Pose-Aligned Representation for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Alignment by Composition
* Alternative Vegetation States in Tropical Forests and Savannas: The Search for Consistent Signals in Diverse Remote Sensing Data
* Altimeter Observation-Based Eddy Nowcasting Using an Improved Conv-LSTM Network
* Analysis and Prediction of Regional Mobility Patterns of Bus Travellers Using Smart Card Data and Points of Interest Data
* Analysis and Speedup of the FALDOI Method for Optical Flow Estimation, An
* Analysis of Four Years of Global XCO2 Anomalies as Seen by Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2
* Analysis of Ku- and Ka-Band Sea Surface Backscattering Characteristics at Low-Incidence Angles Based on the GPM Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar Measurements
* Analysis of Light-Induced Changes in the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) in Leaves of Pea, Wheat, and Pumpkin Using Pulses of Green-Yellow Measuring Light
* Analysis of Relationship Between Vegetation Distribution and Land Price Using Multitemporal Data
* Analysis of the Early Regeneration of Mangrove Forests using Landsat Time Series in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia, An
* Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes of Ice Sheet Mass and Driving Factors in Greenland
* Analyzing Modern Camera Response Functions
* Anchor-Free Correlated Topic Modeling
* Ancient Painting to Natural Image: A New Solution for Painting Processing
* Ancient pelvis reconstruction from collapsed component bones using statistical shape models
* Angular Accuracy of Steerable Feature Detectors
* Application of A Simple Landsat-MODIS Fusion Model to Estimate Evapotranspiration over A Heterogeneous Sparse Vegetation Region
* Application of rank metric codes in digital image watermarking
* Approach to Improve Leaf Pigment Content Retrieval by Removing Specular Reflectance Through Polarization Measurements, An
* Approximate spectral clustering with eigenvector selection and self-tuned k
* Archaeological Analysis of Masonry for the Restoration Project In HBIM, The
* Articulated Deformable Structure Approach to Human Motion Segmentation and Shape Recovery from an Image Sequence
* As-built Reliability in Architectural HBIM Modeling
* AS-CRI: A New Metric of FTIR-Based Apparent Spectral-Contrast Radiant Intensity for Remote Thermal Signature Analysis
* AsiANet: Autoencoders in Autoencoder for Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Assessing the best edit in perturbation-based iterative refinement algorithms to compute the median string
* Assessing visual attributes of handwriting for prediction of neurological disorders: A case study on Parkinson's disease
* Assessment of Cloud Cover Characteristics Over Calibration Test Sites Using Modis Cloud Mask Products
* Assessment of Convolution Neural Networks for Wetland Mapping with Landsat in the Central Canadian Boreal Forest Region
* Assimilation of Earth Observation Data Over Cropland and Grassland Sites into a Simple GPP Model
* Attempt to Observe Vertical Land Motion along the Norwegian Coast by CryoSat-2 and Tide Gauges, An
* Attention Based Natural Language Grounding by Navigating Virtual Environment
* Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition With Event-Based Cameras
* Attentive and Adversarial Learning for Video Summarization
* Attentive Conditional Channel-Recurrent Autoencoding for Attribute-Conditioned Face Synthesis
* Augmented Experience to Disseminate Cultural Heritage: House of Commons Windows, Parliament Hill National Historic Site (Canada)
* Augmented Turin Baroque Atria: AR Experiences for Enhancing Cultural Heritage
* Automated Detection and Layout Regularization of Similar Features In Indoor Point Cloud
* Automated Rectification Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle LiDAR Point Cloud Data Based on Laser Intensity, An
* Automatic and Accurate 3D Measurement Based on RGBD Saliency Detection
* Automatic Building Extraction from High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Gated Residual Refinement Network
* Automatic detection and segmentation of blood vessels and pulmonary nodules based on a line tracking method and generalized linear regression model
* Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Lentil Crop Breeding Plots From Multi-Spectral Images Captured by UAV-Mounted Camera
* Automatic detection of passable roads after floods in remote sensed and social media data
* Automatic Detection of Small Icebergs in Fast Ice Using Satellite Wide-Swath SAR Images
* Automatic Flare Spot Artifact Detection and Removal in Photographs
* Automatic mapping of planting year for tree crops with Landsat satellite time series stacks
* Automatic Needle Segmentation and Localization in MRI With 3-D Convolutional Neural Networks: Application to MRI-Targeted Prostate Biopsy
* Automatic reconstruction of fully volumetric 3D building models from oriented point clouds
* Automatic Wheat Ear Counting Using Thermal Imagery
* Automating the Verification of Heritage Building Information Models Created from Point Cloud Data
* Autonomous Curiosity for Real-Time Training Onboard Robotic Agents
* Autonomous Optimization of Swimming Gait in a Fish Robot With Multiple Onboard Sensors
* Azimuth Signal Multichannel Reconstruction and Channel Configuration Design for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* Background-Free Ground Moving Target Imaging for Multi-PRF Airborne SAR
* Balancing prediction accuracy and generalization ability: A hybrid framework for modelling the annual dynamics of satellite-derived land surface temperatures
* Bathymetric Surveying in Lake Superior: 3D Modeling and Sonar Equipments Comparing
* Bayesian 3D Reconstruction of Complex Scenes from Single-Photon Lidar Data
* Bayesian Kriging Regression Method to Estimate Air Temperature Using Remote Sensing Data, A
* Behavior Monitoring Using Learning Techniques and Regular-Expressions-Based Pattern Matching
* Beyond Pixels: Image Provenance Analysis Leveraging Metadata
* Beyond saliency: Understanding convolutional neural networks from saliency prediction on layer-wise relevance propagation
* Beyond Site Detection: The Role of Satellite Remote Sensing in Analysing Archaeological Problems. A Case Study in Lithic Resource Procurement in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile
* Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Requests at Urban Arterials, A
* Bibliometric Analysis of Remote Sensing Research Trend in Crop Growth Monitoring: A Case Study in China
* BIM Approach for the Analysis of An Archaeological Monument, A
* Binary Constrained Deep Hashing Network for Image Retrieval Without Manual Annotation
* Binocular Fusion Net: Deep Learning Visual Comfort Assessment for Stereoscopic 3D
* Blind Image Deblurring using the l0 Gradient Prior
* Blind image quality assessment via learnable attention-based pooling
* Blind Ptychographic Phase Retrieval via Convergent Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Blind screen content image quality measurement based on sparse feature learning
* Brazilian Mangrove Status: Three Decades of Satellite Data Analysis
* BRDF Estimation of Complex Materials with Nested Learning
* Bringing Vision to the Blind: From Coarse to Fine, One Dollar at a Time
* Building Detection Method Based on Semi-Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means and Restricted Region Growing Using Airborne LiDAR, A
* Building Footprint Extraction from High-Resolution Images via Spatial Residual Inception Convolutional Neural Network
* Building shadow detection based on multi-thresholding segmentation
* C4Synth: Cross-Caption Cycle-Consistent Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Calibrating a Bayesian Transit Assignment Model Using Smart Card Data
* Calibration-Free B0 Correction of EPI Data Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Recovery
* Can An Inexpensive Phone App Compare to Other Methods When It Comes To 3d Digitization of Ship Models
* Canadian Wetland Inventory using Google Earth Engine: The First Map and Preliminary Results
* Cancelable fingerprint template design with randomized non-negative least squares
* Capsule Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Capture and Documentation: Kaga Park
* Cardinal color fusion network for single image haze removal
* CART-based fast CU size decision and mode decision algorithm for 3D-HEVC
* Cascade Attention Machine for Occluded Landmark Detection in 2D X-Ray Angiography
* CDNet: Single Image De-Hazing Using Unpaired Adversarial Training
* Centroid and Covariance Alignment-Based Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* Characteristics of bi-directional unimanual and bimanual drawing movements: The application of the Delta-Lognormal models and Sigma-Lognormal model
* Characteristics of Surface Albedo Change Trends over the Antarctic Sea Ice Region during Recent Decades, The
* Characteristics of the Degree of Grade in Grade-added Rough Set For Land Cover Classification
* Chimera: A Multi-Task Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Forest Classification and Structural Estimation
* Chlorophyll Estimation of Lake Water and Coastal Water Using Landsat-8 And Sentinel-2a Satellite
* Classification and Re-Identification of Fruit Fly Individuals Across Days With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Classification of 3D Digital Heritage
* Classification of myocardial infarction with multi-lead ECG signals and deep CNN
* Classification of North Africa for Use as an Extended Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (EPICS) for Radiometric Calibration and Stability Monitoring of Optical Satellite Sensors
* Clustering a union of low-rank subspaces of different dimensions with missing data
* Clustering based one-to-one hypergraph matching with a large number of feature points
* Clustering of Wall Geometry from Unstructured Point Clouds
* CNN Based Dense Underwater 3D Scene Reconstruction by Transfer Learning Using Bubble Database
* CNN-Based Semantic Segmentation Using Level Set Loss
* Collaborative Representation Cascade for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Colorful Trees: Visualizing Random Forests for Analysis and Interpretation
* Colorization-based image coding using graph Fourier transform
* Combined Approach for Surveying Complex Coastal Sites, A
* Combining MODIS and National Land Resource Products to Model Land Cover-Dependent Surface Albedo for Norway
* Community structure detection from networks with weighted modularity
* Comparative Analysis of Visual-Inertial SLAM for Assisted Wayfinding of the Visually Impaired, A
* Comparative Evaluations of Selected Tracking-by-Detection Approaches
* Comparative Study Among Three Registration Algorithms: Performance, Quality Assurance and Accuracy, A
* Comparison Between TLS and UAV Technologies for Historical Investigation, A
* Comparison of 2D and 3D Detectors for TLS Data Registration: Preliminary Results, The
* Comparison of Diver-operated Underwater Photogrammetric Systems For Coral Reef Monitoring
* Comparison of Multi-Resolution Optical Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Radar Sentinel-1 Data for Automatic Lineament Extraction: A Case Study of Alichur Area, SE Pamir
* Comparison of TanDEM-X DEM with LiDAR Data for Accuracy Assessment in a Coastal Urban Area
* Comparison With Accuracy of Terrestrial Laser Scanner By Using Point Cloud Aligned With Shape Matching and Best Fitting Methods
* Complementarity Between in Situ Studies and Photogrammetry: Methodological Feedback from A Roman Shipwreck in Caesarea, Israel
* Complete Framework Operating Spatially-oriented RTI in A 3D/2D Cultural Heritage Documentation and Analysis Tool, A
* Computing multiple aggregation levels and contextual features for road facilities recognition using mobile laser scanning data
* Conditional Deep Generative Model of People in Natural Images, A
* Conditional Generative Adversarial Refinement Networks for Unbalanced Medical Image Semantic Segmentation
* Connecting Inside and Outside Through 360° Imagery for Close-range Photogrammetry
* Considerations On the Use of Digital Tools for Documenting Ancient Wall Graffiti
* Constrained matrix factorization for semi-weakly learning with label proportions
* Constrained Sparse Representation Model for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection, A
* Contour-based smoky vehicle detection from surveillance video for alarm systems
* Controllable Success Fix Rate Threshold Determination Method for GNSS Ambiguity Acceptance Tests, A
* Convex Approach to Superresolution and Regularization of Lines in Images, A
* Convex Geodesic Selective Model for Image Segmentation, A
* Convexification Method for an Inverse Scattering Problem and Its Performance for Experimental Backscatter Data for Buried Targets
* Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Multi-Scale Additive Merging Layers for Visual Smoke Recognition
* Cooperative Method of Traffic Signal Optimization and Speed Control of Connected Vehicles at Isolated Intersections
* Coordinated Transit Signal Priority Model Considering Stochastic Bus Arrival Time
* Correlated Multi-Pixel Inversion Approach for Aerosol Remote Sensing, A
* Correspondence matching in unorganized 3D point clouds using Convolutional Neural Networks
* COSMO-SkyMed Staring Spotlight SAR Data for Micro-Motion and Inclination Angle Estimation of Ships by Pixel Tracking and Convex Optimization
* Coupled Generative Adversarial Network for Continuous Fine-Grained Action Segmentation
* Creating, Visualizing and Sharing High-poly and Multi-textures Models On the Web
* Cross Domain Residual Transfer Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Crowd Counting Using Scale-Aware Attention Networks
* DAC: Data-Free Automatic Acceleration of Convolutional Networks
* DAFE-FD: Density Aware Feature Enrichment for Face Detection
* Data Augmentation Using Part Analysis for Shape Classification
* Data Modeling for Museum Collections
* Data-Driven Approach to Classifying Wave Breaking in Infrared Imagery, A
* Data-Driven Interpolation of Sea Level Anomalies Using Analog Data Assimilation
* Data-Efficient Graph Embedding Learning for PCB Component Detection
* Decreasing the Uncertainty of the Target Center Estimation at Terrestrial Laser Scanning by Choosing the Best Algorithm and by Improving the Target Design
* Deep built-structure counting in satellite imagery using attention based re-weighting
* Deep Continuous Conditional Random Fields With Asymmetric Inter-Object Constraints for Online Multi-Object Tracking
* Deep convolutional network with locality and sparsity constraints for texture classification
* Deep feature extraction and its application for hailstorm detection in a large collection of radar images
* Deep Few-Shot Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Geodesic Learning for Segmentation and Anatomical Landmarking
* Deep learning approach to generate offline handwritten signatures based on online samples
* Deep Learning Approach to Solar-Irradiance Forecasting in Sky-Videos, A
* Deep Micro-Dictionary Learning and Coding Network
* Deep Mixture of Diverse Experts for Large-Scale Visual Recognition
* Deep Neural Networks in Fully Connected CRF for Image Labeling with Social Network Metadata
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Event-Driven Multi-Agent Decision Processes
* Deep Representation Learning Characterized by Inter-Class Separation for Image Clustering
* Deep Self-Taught Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Semantic Instance Segmentation of Tree-Like Structures Using Synthetic Data
* Deep-Hurricane-Tracker: Tracking and Forecasting Extreme Climate Events
* Deep-Learning Schemes for Full-Wave Nonlinear Inverse Scattering Problems
* DeepOtsu: Document enhancement and binarization using iterative deep learning
* Defocus Magnification Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* DELTA: A deep dual-stream network for multi-label image classification
* Demosaicking algorithm for white-RGB CFA images
* Dempster-Shafer evidence theory-based multi-feature learning and fusion method for non-rigid 3D model retrieval
* Demystifying Multi-Faceted Video Summarization: Tradeoff Between Diversity, Representation, Coverage and Importance
* Demystifying the Capability of Sublook Correlation Techniques for Vessel Detection in SAR Imagery
* Dense 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Using a Deep Pyramid Network
* Deployment Conscious Automatic Surface Crack Detection
* Depth matrix and adaptive Bayes classifier based dynamic hand gesture recognition
* Design and implementation of a novel low complexity symmetric orthogonal wavelet filter-bank
* Design and implementation of an efficient hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder
* Detecting Abnormal Events in Video Using Narrowed Normality Clusters
* Detecting and characterizing downed dead wood using terrestrial laser scanning
* Detecting Regions of Maximal Divergence for Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection
* Detection and Classification of Continuous Volcano-Seismic Signals With Recurrent Neural Networks
* Detection based long term tracking in correlation filter trackers
* Determination of Crop Water Stress Index by Infrared Thermometry in Grapefruit Trees Irrigated with Saline Reclaimed Water Combined with Deficit Irrigation
* Development and Testing of a Real-Time WiFi-Bluetooth System for Pedestrian Network Monitoring, Classification, and Data Extrapolation
* Development of Phenology Based Algorithm for Cropland and Crop Type Mapping With Multitemporal Landsat Image Data - Case Study in The Northwest of Vietnam
* Development of Virtual Reality Application for Cultural Heritage Visualization from Multi-source 3D Data
* DFP-ALC: Automatic video summarization using Distinct Frame Patch index and Appearance based Linear Clustering
* DGC-Net: Dense Geometric Correspondence Network
* diagnostic Survey: A Methodology for the Knowledge of A Complex Architectural Palimpsest, The
* Dictionary Learning-Based, Directional, and Optimized Prediction for Lenslet Image Coding
* Digging Deeper Into Egocentric Gaze Prediction
* Digital Contents for Enhancing the Communication of Museum Exhibition: The Pervival Project
* Digital Restitution of Lot 3317: Using Underwater Image Based Modelling to Generate Value in Virtual Heritage Experiences, The
* Digital Surveys and 3D Reconstructions for Augmented Accessibility of Archaeological Heritage
* DIMAL: Deep Isometric Manifold Learning Using Sparse Geodesic Sampling
* Dirichlet densifiers for improved commute times estimation
* Discrete Total Variation with Finite Elements and Applications to Imaging
* Discriminative Spatio-Temporal Pattern Discovery for 3D Action Recognition
* distortion-agnostic video quality metric based on multi-scale spatio-temporal structural information, A
* Diverse Adversarial Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Documentation and Monitoring of Underwater Archaeological Sites Using 3d Imaging Techniques: the Case Study of the Nymphaeum of Punta Epitaffio (Baiae, Naples)
* Domain Agnostic Normalization Layer for Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation, A
* Domain Randomization for Scene-Specific Car Detection and Pose Estimation
* Double coupled canonical polyadic decomposition of third-order tensors: Algebraic algorithm and relaxed uniqueness conditions
* Downscaling GRACE TWSA Data into High-Resolution Groundwater Level Anomaly Using Machine Learning-Based Models in a Glacial Aquifer System
* Driver and Passenger Identification From Smartphone Data
* Driving Performance Indicators of Electric Bus Driving Technique: Naturalistic Driving Data Multicriterial Analysis
* Dual Activation Function-Based Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) for Estimating Grapevine Berry Yield and Quality
* dual band algorithm for shallow water depth retrieval from high spatial resolution imagery with no ground truth, A
* Early Season Mapping of Sugarcane by Applying Machine Learning Algorithms to Sentinel-1A/2 Time Series Data: A Case Study in Zhanjiang City, China
* Editorial for Special Issue Ocean Radar
* Editorial for the Special Issue Optical and Laser Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere
* Editorial for the Special Issue Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Conditions for Wind Energy Applications
* Editorial to The Special Issue on Tensor Image Processing
* EEG motor movement classification based on cross-correlation with effective channel
* Efficient Data Dissemination for Urban Vehicular Environments
* Efficient Framework for Mobile Lidar Trajectory Reconstruction and Mo-norvana Segmentation, An
* efficient graph reduction framework for interactive texture segmentation, An
* Efficient Joint Image Reconstruction of Multi-Patch Data Reusing a Single System Matrix in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Efficient level-set segmentation model driven by the local GMM and split Bregman method
* Efficient Projection onto the Ll_(inf,1) Mixed-Norm Ball Using a Newton Root Search Method
* Efficient Rate-Distortion Optimization Method for Low-Delay Configuration in H.265/HEVC Based on Temporal Layer Rate and Distortion Dependence, An
* Efficient reference frame compression scheme for video coding systems: algorithm and VLSI design
* Efficient Registration of High-Resolution Feature Enhanced Point Clouds
* Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher-Order Potentials
* EGO-SLAM: A Robust Monocular SLAM for Egocentric Videos
* End-to-End Video Captioning With Multitask Reinforcement Learning
* Enhanced inter-mode decision algorithm for HEVC/H.265 video coding
* Enhancement of Underwater Cultural Heritage Assets Using Augmented Reality (AR), The
* Enhancing Communication-Based Train Control Systems Through Train-to-Train Communications
* Error-Controlled Model Approximation for Gaussian Process Morphable Models
* Estimating Daily PM2.5 Concentrations in Beijing Using 750-M VIIRS IP AOD Retrievals and a Nested Spatiotemporal Statistical Model
* Estimating the Volume of Oil Tanks Based on High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Estimation of Forest Structural Attributes Using Spectral Indices and Point Clouds from UAS-Based Multispectral and RGB Imageries
* Estimation of the forest stand mean height and aboveground biomass in Northeast China using SAR Sentinel-1B, multispectral Sentinel-2A, and DEM imagery
* Euclidean Invariant Recognition of 2D Shapes Using Histograms of Magnitudes of Local Fourier-Mellin Descriptors
* European Research Night: New Ways for Communicating Science With ICT and Videomapping, The
* Evaluating the Structural Integrity of the Saint Antonio Barrel Vault In the Fortress of Almeida By Combining Laser Scanner and Limit Analysis
* Evaluation and Analysis of AMSR2 and FY3B Soil Moisture Products by an In Situ Network in Cropland on Pixel Scale in the Northeast of China
* Evaluation and Analysis of the Seasonal Cycle and Variability of the Trend from GOSAT Methane Retrievals
* Evaluation of a Quantitative Method for Carpal Motion Analysis Using Clinical 3-D and 4-D CT Protocols
* Evaluation of children cursive handwritten words for e-education
* evaluation of deep learning based object detection strategies for threat object detection in baggage security imagery, An
* Evaluation of SMAP, SMOS-IC, FY3B, JAXA, and LPRM Soil Moisture Products over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Surrounding Areas
* Evaluation of Vision-based Localization and Mapping Techniques in A Subsea Metrology Scenario
* Exact window memoization: an optimization method for high-performance image processing
* Examining the Multi-Seasonal Consistency of Individual Tree Segmentation on Deciduous Stands Using Digital Aerial Photogrammetry (DAP) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
* Existing-BIM: Integrated Survey Procedures for the Management of Modern Architecture
* Exploiting spatial relation for fine-grained image classification
* Exploiting superior CNN-based iris segmentation for better recognition accuracy
* Exploring Classification of Histological Disease Biomarkers From Renal Biopsy Images
* Exploring semantic elements for urban scene recognition: Deep integration of high-resolution imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM)
* Extended deep neural network for facial emotion recognition
* Extraction of Primitives and Objects from Hshapes
* Eyemotion: Classifying Facial Expressions in VR Using Eye-Tracking Cameras
* Face analysis through semantic face segmentation
* Face template protection using deep LDPC codes learning
* Facial expression recognition with local prominent directional pattern
* Fading Affect Bias: Improving the Trade-Off Between Accuracy and Efficiency in Feature Clustering
* Fashion Attributes-to-Image Synthesis Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network
* Fashion Is Taking Shape: Understanding Clothing Preference Based on Body Shape From Online Sources
* Fast Algorithm of 3D Discrete Image Orthogonal Moments Computation Based on 3D Cuboid
* Fast and accurate computation of Racah moment invariants for image classification
* Fast and efficient contrast-enhanced super-resolution without real-world data using concatenated recursive compressor-decompressor network
* Fast Face Image Synthesis With Minimal Training
* Fast Geometrically-Perturbed Adversarial Faces
* Fast Indoor Mapping to Feed an Indoor DB for Building and Facility Management
* Fast Intra Prediction and CU Partition Algorithm for Virtual Reality 360 Degree Video Coding
* Fast Multilevel Algorithms for Compressive Principal Component Pursuit
* Fast semi-supervised discriminant analysis for binary classification of large data sets
* Fast spatio-temporal digital paths video filter
* Fast Superpixel Segmentation via Boundary Sampling and Interpolation
* Fast total least squares vectorization
* Faster-ADNet for Visual Tracking
* Feasibility of Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Environmental Heavy Metal Monitoring
* Feature Detection Performance Based Benchmarking of Motion Deblurring Methods: Applications to Vision for Legged Robots
* FgGAN: A Cascaded Unpaired Learning for Background Estimation and Foreground Segmentation
* Filter tensor analysis: A tool for multi-temporal remote sensing target detection
* Filter-in-Filter: Low Cost CNN Improvement by Sub-filter Parameter Sharing
* Fit-for-purpose Algorithm for Environmental Monitoring Based On Maximum Likelihood, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest, A
* Flooded Area Extraction of Rice Paddy Field in Indonesia Using Sentinel-1 Sar Data
* Foreground-Background-Based CTU Lambda Decision Algorithm for HEVC Rate Control of Surveillance Videos, A
* Forensic Engineering Surveys with UAV Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning Techniques
* Foveon Vs Bayer: Comparison of 3D Reconstruction Performances
* FPGA 2D-convolution unit based on the CAPH language, An
* FPGA implementation of an efficient similarity-based adaptive window algorithm for real-time stereo matching
* Fractal properties and morphological investigation of nano-amiodarone using image processing
* framework for automatically constructing a dataset for training a vehicle detector, A
* framework for retinal vessel segmentation from fundus images using hybrid feature set and hierarchical classification, A
* Framework Towards Domain Specific Video Summarization, A
* FreeLabel: A Publicly Available Annotation Tool Based on Freehand Traces
* frequency domain beamspace adaptive receive beamformer for ultrasound imaging systems: phantom simulation results, A
* From person to group re-identification via unsupervised transfer of sparse features
* From Survey to Model, Return. the Case of the Parma Baptistery
* From the Integrated Survey of Historic Settlements to the Pattern Book Within the BIM
* Fully Automated Incremental Photogrammetric Processing Dedicated For Collaborative Remote-computing Workflow, A
* Fully Automatic Spectral-Spatial Fuzzy Clustering Using an Adaptive Multiobjective Memetic Algorithm for Multispectral Imagery
* Fully-connected semantic segmentation of hyperspectral and LiDAR data
* Functional abilities as reflected through temporal handwriting measures among adolescents with neuro-developmental disabilities
* Fusing multi-stream deep neural networks for facial expression recognition
* Fusion Approach for Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Fusion of thermal imagery with point clouds for building façade thermal attribute mapping
* FuturePose - Mixed Reality Martial Arts Training Using Real-Time 3D Human Pose Forecasting With a RGB Camera
* Gabor phase response based scheme for accurate pectoral muscle boundary detection
* Gait representation and recognition from temporal co-occurrence of flow fields
* gamma-signal-regulated connected components labeling algorithm, A
* GAN-Based Pose-Aware Regulation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Gated Context Aggregation Network for Image Dehazing and Deraining
* Gauge-Adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation
* Gender and age classification using a new Poincare section-based feature set of ECG
* Generalization in Metric Learning: Should the Embedding Layer Be Embedding Layer?
* Generalized Hidden-Mapping Transductive Transfer Learning for Recognition of Epileptic Electroencephalogram Signals
* Generation of Gigapixel Orthophoto for the Maintenance of Complex Buildings. Challenges and Lesson Learnt
* Generative adversarial framework for depth filling via Wasserstein metric, cosine transform and domain transfer
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Photo 3D Reconstruction
* Generative Model of Worldwide Facial Appearance, A
* Geometric Validation of Continuous, Finely Sampled 3-D Reconstructions From aOCT and CT in Upper Airway Models
* Geospatial Object Detection on High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Double Multi-Scale Feature Pyramid Network
* Give Me a Hint! Navigating Image Databases Using Human-in-the-Loop Feedback
* GMD: geometric model-based local binary descriptor
* Goaf Locating Based on InSAR and Probability Integration Method
* Going Deeper With Semantics: Video Activity Interpretation Using Semantic Contextualization
* Good Choices for Deep Convolutional Feature Encoding
* Good Similar Patches for Image Denoising
* GPR Survey on an Iron Mining Area after the Collapse of the Tailings Dam I at the Córrego do Feijão Mine in Brumadinho-MG, Brazil
* Graph Based Image Interpretation Method Using A Priori Qualitative Inclusion and Photometric Relationships, A
* Graph-based keyword spotting in historical manuscripts using Hausdorff edit distance
* Graph-based particular object discovery
* Graph-Based Semisupervised Deep Learning Model for PolSAR Image Classification, A
* Graphonomics for the e-citizens: e-health, e-society and e-education
* Grayification: A meaningful grayscale conversion to improve handwritten historical documents analysis
* Greedy Approach to Ll_(0,inf)-Based Convolutional Sparse Coding, A
* GridDS: a hybrid data structure for residue computation in point set matching
* Ground Penetrating Radar Data Interpretation Using Electromagnetic Field Analysis for Sea Ice Thickness Measurement
* Guided Image Inpainting: Replacing an Image Region by Pulling Content From Another Image
* Gyroscope-Aided Motion Deblurring with Deep Networks
* Hamiltonian Fast Marching: A Numerical Solver for Anisotropic and Non-Holonomic Eikonal PDEs
* Handwriting analysis to support neurodegenerative diseases diagnosis: A review
* Handwriting recognition using sinusoidal model parameters
* HBIM and the 20th Century Steel Building Heritage: A Procedure Suitable for the Construction History in Italy
* HBIM for Archaeological Sites: From Sfm Based Survey to Algorithmic Modeling
* HDR Display Quality Evaluation by incorporating Perceptual Component Models into a Machine Learning framework
* Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
* Heterogeneous CPU-GPU tracking-learning-detection (H-TLD) for real-time object tracking
* Heteroscedastic watermark detector in the contourlet domain
* Heuristic-Learning Optimizer for Elastodynamic Waveform Inversion in Passive Seismics, A
* Heuristics approach to speeding up saliency detection
* HiBsteR: Hierarchical Boosted Deep Metric Learning for Image Retrieval
* Hidden States Exploration for 3D Skeleton-Based Gesture Recognition
* Hierarchical convolutional features for visual tracking via two combined color spaces with SVM classifier
* Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic-Based Variable Structure Control for Vehicles Platooning
* Hierarchical Gaussian descriptor based on local pooling for action recognition
* Hierarchical Grocery Store Image Dataset With Visual and Semantic Labels, A
* Hierarchy-Based Image Embeddings for Semantic Image Retrieval
* High Fidelity Semantic Shape Completion for Point Clouds Using Latent Optimization
* High Quality Texture Mapping Process Aimed At the Optimization of 3d Structured Light Models
* High speed on-chip multiple cosine transform generator
* High-order tensor completion via gradient-based optimization under tensor train format
* High-Quality Multi-View Image Extraction from a Light Field Camera Considering Its Physical Pixel Arrangement
* High-resolution DEM building with SAR interferometry and high-resolution optical image
* High-Resolution Urban Land Mapping in China from Sentinel 1A/2 Imagery Based on Google Earth Engine
* High-Speed Video from Asynchronous Camera Array
* Highly Paralleled Low-Cost Embedded HEVC Video Encoder on TI KeyStone Multicore DSP
* Horizontal and Vertical Nuclear Norm-Based 2DLDA for Image Representation
* How to utilize syllable distribution patterns as the input of LSTM for Korean morphological analysis
* Human action recognition based on the Grassmann multi-graph embedding
* Human-Centric Light Sensing and Estimation From RGBD Images: The Invisible Light Switch
* Hurst exponent estimation from short time series
* Hybrid Adaptive Phase Space Method for Reflection Traveltime Tomography, A
* hybrid image dataset toward bridging the gap between real and simulation environments for robotics, A
* Hybrid-Sparsity Constrained Dictionary Learning for Iterative Deblending of Extremely Noisy Simultaneous-Source Data
* Hyper-parameter optimization tools comparison for multiple object tracking applications
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Background and Potential Anomaly Dictionaries Construction
* Hyperspectral demosaicking and crosstalk correction using deep learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Fusion of Curvature Filter and Domain Transform Recursive Filter
* Hyperspectral Light Field Stereo Matching
* Hyperspectral Unmixing via Total Variation Regularized Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
* Ice Thickness Estimation from Geophysical Investigations on the Terminal Lobes of Belvedere Glacier (NW Italian Alps)
* IDD: A Dataset for Exploring Problems of Autonomous Navigation in Unconstrained Environments
* Identifying 2010 Xynthia Storm Signature in GNSS-R-Based Tide Records
* IEGAN: Multi-Purpose Perceptual Quality Image Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Network
* Illumination-Invariant Face Recognition With Deep Relit Face Images
* Illumination-Robust Subpixel Fourier-Based Image Correlation Methods Based on Phase Congruency
* Image denoising via a new anisotropic total-variation-based model
* Image Projective Invariants
* Image Quality Improvements in Low-cost Underwater Photogrammetry
* Image reconstruction for emission tomography using intensity normalised patch-based regularisation
* Image Recording Challenges for Photogrammetric Construction Site Monitoring
* Image retrieval using dictionary similarity measure
* image stitching algorithm based on aggregated star groups, The
* Image-attribute reciprocally guided attention network for pedestrian attribute recognition
* Images-to-images person ReID without temporal linking
* Imaging With 3-D Aperture Synthesis Radiometers
* Immersive Wayfinding: Virtual Reconstruction and Eye-tracking For Orientation Studies Inside Complex Architecture
* impact of class imbalance in classification performance metrics based on the binary confusion matrix, The
* Improved HEVC Lambda-domain rate control algorithm for HDR video
* improved method for single image super-resolution based on deep learning, An
* Improved Mixed-Example Data Augmentation
* Improved outlier detection using sparse coding-based methods
* Improved Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Method for TRMM Precipitation Datasets in Alpine Regions: A Case Study in Northwestern China's Qilian Mountains, An
* Improved Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Data Fusion Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Mapping, An
* Improved structure tensor for fine-grained texture inpainting
* Improved SVD-based initialization for nonnegative matrix factorization using low-rank correction
* Improvements in Lidar Bathymetry Data Analysis
* Improving 3D Human Pose Estimation Via 3D Part Affinity Fields
* Improving Aboveground Biomass Estimation of Pinus densata Forests in Yunnan Using Landsat 8 Imagery by Incorporating Age Dummy Variable and Method Comparison
* Improving Aboveground Forest Biomass Maps: From High-Resolution to National Scale
* Improving Arabic writer identification using score-level fusion of textural descriptors
* Improving Diversity of Image Captioning Through Variational Autoencoders and Adversarial Learning
* Improving Image Captioning by Leveraging Knowledge Graphs
* Improving Nighttime Light Imagery With Location-Based Social Media Data
* Improving relevant subjective testing for validation: Comparing machine learning algorithms for finding similarities in VQA datasets using objective measures
* Improving Robustness of Random Forest Under Label Noise
* Improving the Calibration of Suomi NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands During Blackbody Warm-Up/Cool-Down
* IMU/Magnetometer/Barometer/Mass-Flow Sensor Integrated Indoor Quadrotor UAV Localization with Robust Velocity Updates
* Incorporating Full Attenuation Mechanisms of Poroelastic Media for Realistic Subsurface Sensing
* Incremental models based on features persistence for object recognition
* Infant Brain Development Prediction With Latent Partial Multi-View Representation Learning
* Influence of the System MTF on the On-Board Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Raw Data
* Information Modeling and Landscape: Intervention Methodology For Reading Complex Systems
* Instance-Based Deep Transfer Learning
* Instantaneous frequency estimation of intersecting and close multi-component signals with varying amplitudes
* Integrated 3D Survey and Diagnostic Analysis for the Building Engineering: the Former Kindergarten San Filippo Neri in Dalmine
* Integrated 3D Survey for Planned Conservation: the Former Church and Convent of Sant'agostino in Bergamo, The
* Integrated 3D Survey for Underground Archaeological Environment, The
* Integrated Survey of Narrow Spaces and Underground Architecture: The Case Study of Campana Caves Bas-reliefs, The
* Integrating Growth and Environmental Parameters to Discriminate Powdery Mildew and Aphid of Winter Wheat Using Bi-Temporal Landsat-8 Imagery
* Integrating Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, and Citizen Science in Dutch Archaeological Prospection
* Integration and Comparison of Close-range SFM Methodologies for The Analysis and the Development of the Historical City Center of Bethlehem
* Integration of Surveying Techniques to Detect the Ideal Shape of A Dome: the Case of the Escuelas Pías Church in Valencia
* integrative approach for tracking of mobile robot with vision sensor, An
* Interactive Image Geolocalization in An Immersive Web Application
* Interactive Online Visualization of Complex 3D Geometries
* Intercomparisons of Long-Term Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrievals
* Interpolative AMBTC-based high-payload RDH scheme for encrypted images, An
* Interpretable Visual Question Answering by Visual Grounding From Attention Supervision Mining
* Inundation Extent Mapping by Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Review
* Iris Presentation Attack Detection Based on Photometric Stereo Features
* Iris Recognition: Comparing Visible-Light Lateral and Frontal Illumination to NIR Frontal Illumination
* Is Pose Really Solved? A Frontalization Study On Off-Angle Face Matching
* Iterative Refinement for Underwater 3D Reconstruction: Application To Disposed Underwater Munitions in the Baltic Sea
* Joint Event Detection and Description in Continuous Video Streams
* Joint Petrophysical and Structural Inversion of Electromagnetic and Seismic Data Based on Volume Integral Equation Method
* Joint Spectral Similarity Measure for Graphs Classification, A
* Joint-Sparse-Blocks and Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Keep Me In, Coach!: A Computer Vision Perspective on Assessing ACL Injury Risk in Female Athletes
* Keep Your Eye on the Puck: Automatic Hockey Videography
* Key frame extraction for video summarization using local description and repeatability graph clustering
* Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malignant Lung Nodule Classification on Chest CT
* Knowledge-based Framework for Automatic Semantisation And Reconstruction of Military Architecture On City-scale Models
* L-Band Passive Microwave Data from SMOS for River Gauging Observations in Tropical Climates
* Laplace Function Based Nonconvex Surrogate for Low-Rank Tensor Completion
* Large-scale and rotation-invariant template matching using adaptive radial ring code histograms
* Latent Fingerprint Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Layered-web Interface Based on HBIM and 360° Panoramas For Historical, Material and Geometric Analysis, A
* Learn-select-track: An approach to multi-object tracking
* Learning Bayesian networks using the constrained maximum a posteriori probability method
* Learning From Less Data: A Unified Data Subset Selection and Active Learning Framework for Computer Vision
* Learning Generator Networks for Dynamic Patterns
* Learning multi-layer coarse-to-fine representations for large-scale image classification
* Learning non-metric visual similarity for image retrieval
* Learning of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Models for Inconsistent Resolution Dataset Analysis
* Learning On-Road Visual Control for Self-Driving Vehicles With Auxiliary Tasks
* Learning Privacy Preserving Encodings Through Adversarial Training
* Learning Receptive Field Size by Learning Filter Size
* Learning Sports Camera Selection From Internet Videos
* Learning Support Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Learning to recognise 3D human action from a new skeleton-based representation using deep convolutional neural networks
* Learning to See the Invisible: End-to-End Trainable Amodal Instance Segmentation
* Learning to Segment With Image-Level Supervision
* LECARM: Low-Light Image Enhancement Using the Camera Response Model
* Lidar Cloud Detection With Fully Convolutional Networks
* Linked CP tensor decomposition algorithms for shared and individual feature extraction
* Local Azimuth Ambiguity-to-Signal Ratio Estimation Method Based on the Doppler Power Spectrum in SAR Images
* Local binary patterns for noise-tolerant sEMG classification
* Local Color Mapping Combined with Color Transfer for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Local Gradients Smoothing: Defense Against Localized Adversarial Attacks
* Local Phase Velocity Based Imaging: A New Technique Used for Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography
* Location-Velocity Attention for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* Long-Short-Term Features for Dynamic Scene Classification
* Long-Term Variations in the Pixel-to-Pixel Variability of NOAA AVHRR SST Fields from 1982 to 2015
* Looking for Ticks from Space: Using Remotely Sensed Spectral Diversity to Assess Amblyomma and Hyalomma Tick Abundance
* low complexity wavelet-based blind image quality evaluator, A
* Low-and Semantic-Level Cues for Forensic Splice Detection
* Low-cost biometric recognition system based on NIR palm vein image
* Low-Cost Portable Polycamera for Stereoscopic 360° Imaging, A
* Low-light image enhancement using Gaussian Process for features retrieval
* Low-resolution face recognition and feature selection based on multidimensional scaling joint L 2,1-norm regularisation
* Low-Shot Learning From Imaginary 3D Model
* LUCFER: A Large-Scale Context-Sensitive Image Dataset for Deep Learning of Visual Emotions
* M3Net: A multi-model, multi-size, and multi-view deep neural network for brain magnetic resonance image segmentation
* MAC: Mining Activity Concepts for Language-Based Temporal Localization
* Machine Learning Techniques for Tree Species Classification Using Co-Registered LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data
* Machine-learning regression in evolutionary algorithms and image registration
* Macro Photogrammetry in Inventory of Historical Engravings At the Royal Castle in Warsaw
* Mapping Irrigated Areas of Northeast China in Comparison to Natural Vegetation
* Mapping Paddy Rice Using Sentinel-1 SAR Time Series in Camargue, France
* Mapping Plantations in Myanmar by Fusing Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Data along with Systematic Error Quantification
* Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Colombia's Forest Aboveground Biomass Using SAR and Optical Data
* Mapping Winter Crops in China with Multi-Source Satellite Imagery and Phenology-Based Algorithm
* Marine Oil Slicks Quantification From L-band Dual-Polarization SAR Imagery
* Maritime Over the Horizon Sensor Integration: HFSWR Data Fusion Algorithm
* Marrying tracking with ELM: A Metric constraint guided multiple features fusion method
* Mask R-CNN With Pyramid Attention Network for Scene Text Detection
* Matching Disparate Image Pairs Using Shape-Aware ConvNets
* Measuring the Motion of Vulnerable Road Users Relative to Moving HGVs
* Memory Warps for Long-Term Online Video Representations and Anticipation
* Method to Reduce the Bias on Digital Terrain Model and Canopy Height Model from LiDAR Data
* Metric Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models from WorldView-3 Stereo-Pairs in Urban Areas
* Metrics of Lidar-Derived 3D Vegetation Structure Reveal Contrasting Effects of Horizontal and Vertical Forest Heterogeneity on Bird Species Richness
* Micro-Doppler Ambiguity Resolution With Variable Shrinkage Ratio Based on Time-Delayed Cross Correlation Processing for Wideband Radar
* Millimeter-Wave InSAR Target Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* MIMO Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging Through Multilayered Subsurface Using Total Variation Minimization
* minimal solution for plane motion and structure from two perspective views, A
* Mining Deformation Life Cycle in the Light of InSAR and Deformation Models
* model-free technique based on computer vision and sEMG for classification in Parkinson's disease by using computer-assisted handwriting analysis, A
* Model-Free Tracking With Deep Appearance and Motion Features Integration
* Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of Tropospheric Impact on Inclined Geosynchronous SAR Imaging
* Modeling Multifrequency Pol-InSAR Data From the Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet
* Modelling Building Costs from 3D Building Models: Estimating The Construction Effort from Image-based Surface Models of Dry-stone Shepherd Shelters (kras, Slovenia)
* modified intuitionistic fuzzy c-means algorithm incorporating hesitation degree, A
* Monitoring 3D Building Change and Urban Redevelopment Patterns in Inner City Areas of Chinese Megacities Using Multi-View Satellite Imagery
* Monitoring Cliff Erosion with LiDAR Surveys and Bayesian Network-based Data Analysis
* Monitoring Reservoir Drought Dynamics with Landsat and Radar/Lidar Altimetry Time Series in Persistently Cloudy Eastern Brazil
* Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Variabilities of Gross Primary Production Using MAIAC MODIS Data
* Monitoring the Effects of Water Stress in Cotton Using the Green Red Vegetation Index and Red Edge Ratio
* Motion-resistant heart rate measurement from face videos using patch-based fusion
* MRI denoising by nonlocal means on multi-GPU
* Multi-Component Image Translation for Deep Domain Generalization
* Multi-directional local gradient descriptor: A new feature descriptor for face recognition
* multi-feature selection approach for gender identification of handwriting based on kernel mutual information, A
* Multi-filters guided low-rank tensor coding for image inpainting
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion With a Natural Enhancement via a Joint Multi-Level Deeply Supervised Convolutional Neural Network
* multi-FPGA architecture-based real-time TFM ultrasound imaging, A
* Multi-layer discriminative dictionary learning with locality constraint for image classification
* Multi-Layer Pruning Framework for Compressing Single Shot MultiBox Detector
* Multi-Modal Detection Fusion on a Mobile UGV for Wide-Area, Long-Range Surveillance
* Multi-Modality Empowered Network for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Multi-Scale Aggregation Network for Direct Face Alignment
* Multi-Scale Aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposals
* Multi-scale Arithmetization of Linear Transformations
* Multi-Scale Convolution Aggregation and Stochastic Feature Reuse for DenseNets
* Multi-Scale Dense Networks for Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging
* multi-scale level set method based on local features for segmentation of images with intensity inhomogeneity, A
* Multi-Scale Optimal Fusion Model for Single Image Dehazing
* Multi-Script-Oriented Text Detection and Recognition in Video/Scene/Born Digital Images
* Multi-Source Data Fusion Based on Ensemble Learning for Rapid Building Damage Mapping during the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami in Palu, Indonesia
* Multi-stream 3D CNN structure for human action recognition trained by limited data
* Multi-task learning for captioning images with novel words
* Multi-temporal image change mining based on evidential conflict reasoning
* Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for Classification
* Multifrequency 3-D Inversion of GREATEM Data by BCGS-FFT-BIM
* MultiNet: Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning for Autonomous Driving
* Multiobject Tracking by Submodular Optimization
* Multipath Mitigation for GNSS Positioning in an Urban Environment Using Sparse Estimation
* multiscale bowler-hat transform for blood vessel enhancement in retinal images, The
* Multispectral Direct-Global Separation of Dynamic Scenes
* Multispectral Transforms Using Convolution Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Multispectral Image Compression
* MURAUER: Mapping Unlabeled Real Data for Label AUstERity
* Nesting-structured nuclear norm minimization for spatially correlated matrix variate
* new fully convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation of polarimetric SAR imagery in complex land cover ecosystem, A
* New Hybrid form of Krawtchouk and Tchebichef Polynomials: Design and Application, A
* new method of equiangular sectorial voxelization of single-scan terrestrial laser scanning data and its applications in forest defoliation estimation, A
* New Multi-Hop Clustering Algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* new simple and efficient density estimator that enables fast systematic search, A
* new sparse representation learning of complex data: Application to dynamic clustering of web navigation, A
* NLOS Mitigation in Sparse Anchor Environments with the Misclosure Check Algorithm
* No-Reference Image Quality Assessment: An Attention Driven Approach
* Non-Lipschitz Models for Image Restoration with Impulse Noise Removal
* Non-Local Low-Rank Cube-Based Tensor Factorization for Spectral CT Reconstruction
* Nonconvex Mixed TV/Cahn-Hilliard Functional for Super-Resolution/Segmentation of 3D Trabecular Bone Images
* Nonconvex Optimization for 3-Dimensional Point Source Localization Using a Rotating Point Spread Function
* Nonintrusive heart rate measurement using ballistocardiogram signals: A comparative study
* Nonlinear Guided Filter for Polarimetric SAR Image Despeckling, A
* Nonstationary harmonic signal extraction from strong chaotic interference based on synchrosqueezed wavelet transform
* note on the triangle inequality for the Jaccard distance, A
* Novel Completion Algorithm for Color Images and Videos Based on Tensor Train Rank, A
* novel database of children's spontaneous facial expressions (LIRIS-CSE), A
* Novel Fully Automated Mapping of the Flood Extent on SAR Images Using a Supervised Classifier, A
* novel incremental one-class support vector machine based on low variance direction, A
* Novel Motion Plane-Based Approach to Vehicle Speed Estimation, A
* Novel Multi-Model Decision Fusion Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* Novel Patch Variance Biased Convolutional Neural Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment, A
* novel secret image sharing with steganography scheme utilizing Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding and Information Dispersal Algorithms, A
* Novel Semicoupled Projective Dictionary Pair Learning Method for PolSAR Image Classification, A
* Novel Strategy for Road Lane Detection and Tracking Based on a Vehicle's Forward Monocular Camera, A
* Novel Weight-Shared Multi-Stage CNN for Scale Robustness, A
* Numerical Assessments of Leaf Area Index in Tropical Savanna Rangelands, South Africa Using Landsat 8 OLI Derived Metrics and In-Situ Measurements
* Numerical Framework for Efficient Motion Estimation on Evolving Sphere-Like Surfaces Based on Brightness and Mass Conservation Laws, A
* Object Tracking by Unified Semantic Knowledge and Instance Features
* Object-Based Classification Method to Detect Methane Ebullition Bubbles in Early Winter Lake Ice, An
* Observing Pianist Accuracy and Form with Computer Vision
* OFF-ApexNet on micro-expression recognition system
* Omega-K Algorithm for Near-Field 3-D Image Reconstruction Based on Planar SIMO/MIMO Array
* Omnidirectional Pedestrian Detection by Rotation Invariant Training
* On Capabilities of Tracking Marine Surface Currents Using Artificial Film Slicks
* On Measuring the Iconicity of a Face
* On Scale Definition Within Calibration of Multi-camera Systems In Multimedia Photogrammetry
* On semi-definiteness and minimal H-eigenvalue of a symmetric space tensor using nonnegative polynomial optimization techniques
* On the design of optimal 2D filters for efficient hardware implementations of image processing algorithms by using power-of-two terms
* On the Importance of Feature Aggregation for Face Reconstruction
* On the Reconstruction of Face Images from Deep Face Templates
* On the Use of Neumann Decomposition for Crop Classification Using Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric SAR Data
* On-Board Ship Detection in Micro-Nano Satellite Based on Deep Learning and COTS Component
* Onboard Radio Frequency Interference as the Origin of Inter-Satellite Biases for Microwave Humidity Sounders
* Online and Batch Supervised Background Estimation Via L1 Regression
* Online Data Thinning via Multi-Subspace Tracking
* Online Deconvolution for Industrial Hyperspectral Imaging Systems
* Online Multi-Object Tracking With Instance-Aware Tracker and Dynamic Model Refreshment
* Online multiple object tracking using confidence score-based appearance model learning and hierarchical data association
* Online source number estimation based on sequential hypothesis test and subspace tracking
* Online Video Summarization: Predicting Future to Better Summarize Present
* Ontology-based Web Tools for Retrieving Photogrammetric Cultural Heritage Models
* Optimal Speed Control of a Heavy-Duty Vehicle in Urban Driving
* Optimize Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Ternarized Weights and High Accuracy
* Optimized Contrast Enhancement for Infrared Images Based on Global and Local Histogram Specification
* Optimum FrFT domain cyclostationarity based adaptive beamforming
* Order-aware convolutional pooling for video based action recognition
* Ordinal Regression Using Noisy Pairwise Comparisons for Body Mass Index Range Estimation
* Overall Traffic Mode Prediction by VOMM Approach and AR Mining Algorithm With Large-Scale Data
* overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria optimal location queries, An
* Overview and evaluation of the JPEG XT HDR image compression standard
* Overview of efficient high-quality state-of-the-art depth enhancement methods by thorough design space exploration
* Pairwise coarse registration of point clouds in urban scenes using voxel-based 4-planes congruent sets
* Palazzo Ducale of Sabbioneta Architectural Survey of Some Decorated Rooms
* Pan-sharpening via a gradient-based deep network prior
* Parametric Surfaces for Augmented Architecture Representation
* Parametrical Analysis and Digital Fabrication of Thin Shell Structures: The Impact of Construction Technique On the Resulting Geometry of The Gaussian Vaults of Eladio Dieste
* Park marking-based vehicle self-localization with a fisheye topview system
* Parking Space Status Inference Upon a Deep CNN and Multi-Task Contrastive Network With Spatial Transform
* Partial face detection in the mobile domain
* Partially Asynchronous Distributed Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Patch match networks: Improved two-channel and Siamese networks for image patch matching
* Patchmatch-Based Robust Stereo Matching Under Radiometric Changes
* Path R-CNN for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Gleason Grading of Histological Images
* PDNet: Semantic segmentation integrated with a primal-dual network for document binarization
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of Pan-Sharpened Images
* Performance of Humans in Iris Recognition: The Impact of Iris Condition and Annotation-Driven Verification
* Person identification using ECG signal's symbolic representation and dynamic time warping adaptation
* Phase Linearity Measurement: A Novel Index for Brain Functional Connectivity
* Photo-Realistic Facial Texture Transfer
* Photo-Sketching: Inferring Contour Drawings From Images
* Photogrammetric Survey With Fisheye Lens for the Characterization Of The La Sassa Cave
* Photogrammetric Techniques for the Reconstruction of Underwater 3d Models of Seabed and Artifacts
* Pipeline leakage detection for district heating systems using multisource data in mid- and high-latitude regions
* Pixel-Wise Attentional Gating for Scene Parsing
* Planar surface detection for sparse and heterogeneous mobile laser scanning point clouds
* Point Cloud Segmentation and Semantic Annotation Aided by GIS Data for Heritage Complexes
* Postnatal gestational age estimation of newborns using Small Sample Deep Learning
* Potential of Forest Parameter Estimation Using Metrics from Photon Counting LiDAR Data in Howland Research Forest
* Power Normalizing Second-Order Similarity Network for Few-Shot Learning
* Precision Potential of Underwater Networks for Archaeological Excavation Through Trilateration and Photogrammetry
* Predicting Forest Inventory Attributes Using Airborne Laser Scanning, Aerial Imagery, and Harvester Data
* Predicting Gender From Iris Texture May Be Harder Than It Seems
* Predicting the EEG Level of a Driver Based on Driving Information
* Prediction-Based Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections With Speed Forecasting on Preceding Vehicles
* Predictive Maneuver Planning for an Autonomous Vehicle in Public Highway Traffic
* Predictive Modeling of Future Forest Cover Change Patterns in Southern Belize
* Preliminary Investigation of the Potential of Sentinel-1 Radar to Estimate Pasture Biomass in a Grazed Pasture Landscape, A
* Preliminary Studies on Atmospheric Monitoring by Employing a Portable Unmanned Mie-Scattering Scheimpflug Lidar System
* Principal component analysis with tensor train subspace
* probabilistic analysis of a common RANSAC heuristic, A
* Progress of Survey Techniques in Underwater Sites: The Case Study Of Cape Stoba Shipwreck, The
* Progressively-Trained Scale-Invariant and Boundary-Aware Deep Neural Network for the Automatic 3D Segmentation of Lung Lesions, A
* Proposal-Based Solution to Spatio-Temporal Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos, A
* Prototype adjustment for zero shot classification
* Prototypicality Effects in Global Semantic Description of Objects
* QDF: A face database with varying quality
* Quality assessment for view synthesis using low-level and mid-level structural representation
* Quality Assessment of UAV Photogrammetric Archaeological Survey
* Quality assessment tool for performance measurement of image contrast enhancement methods
* Quality Features for the Integration of Terrestrial and UAV Images
* Quantifying Canopy Tree Loss and Gap Recovery in Tropical Forests under Low-Intensity Logging Using VHR Satellite Imagery and Airborne LiDAR
* Quantitative Estimation of Soil Salinity Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral and Satellite Multispectral Images
* Query rewriting for semantic query optimization in spatial databases
* Radial correlations in iris patterns, and mutual information within IrisCodes
* Random Forest Method to Forecast Downbursts Based on Dual-Polarization Radar Signatures, A
* ranking-based feature selection approach for handwritten character recognition, A
* RANSAC lens boundary feature based kernel SVM for transparent contact lens detecTion
* Rapid Technique to Eliminate Moving Shadows for Accurate Vehicle Detection
* RAVAN: CubeSat Demonstration for Multi-Point Earth Radiation Budget Measurements
* Real in the Virtual. the 3D Model in the Cultural Heritage Sector: The Tip of the Iceberg, The
* Real time security framework for detecting abnormal events at ATM installations
* Real-time demographic profiling from face imagery with Fisher vectors
* Real-Time High-Quality Complete System for Depth Image-Based Rendering on FPGA, A
* Real-time identification of blood regions for hemostasis support in laparoscopic surgery
* Real-time implementation of an adaptive simultaneous dynamic range compression and local contrast enhancement algorithm on a GPU
* Real-time multi-class object detection using two-dimensional index
* Real-Time Progressive 3D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Scenes
* Realizing Railway Cognitive Radio: A Reinforcement Base-Station Multi-Agent Model
* Reassembly of Rock Segments, the Case of Areopagus Hill
* Recognizing Brain States Using Deep Sparse Recurrent Neural Network
* Recognizing Distractions for Assistive Driving by Tracking Body Parts
* Reconstruction of Lost Architectural Volumes By Integration Of Photogrammetry from Archive Imagery With 3-d Models of the Status Quo
* Reconstruction of Optical Vector-Fields With Applications in Endoscopic Imaging
* Reconstruction of Urban Sites from Photos
* Recovering Faces From Portraits with Auxiliary Facial Attributes
* Recovering tampered regions in encrypted video using POB number system
* Recreate the Ancient Urban Landscape. Multimedia and Interactive Tools To Improve Accessibility and Enhancement of the Archaeological Heritage Of Milan
* Recreating Cultural Heritage Environments for VR Using Photogrammetry
* Rectifying Transformation Networks for Transformation-Invariant Representations with Power Law
* Recurrent Flow-Guided Semantic Forecasting
* Recurrent Iterative Gating Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* Recurrent Shape Regression
* Reduced complexity diffusion filtered x least mean square algorithm for distributed active noise cancellation
* Reduced-reference image quality metric based on statistic model in complex wavelet transform domain
* Reduction in number of constraints in max-margin early event detectors
* Regional adaptive affinitive patterns (RADAP) with logical operators for facial expression recognition
* Regional Variations of Land-Use Development and Land-Use/Cover Change Dynamics: A Case Study of Turkey
* regularized approach for unsupervised multi-view multi-manifold learning, A
* Regularized Diffusion Process on Bidirectional Context for Object Retrieval
* Regulators seek ways to down rogue drones: Growing antidrone industry offers radar, remote ID, and other tools
* Remote Sensing Estimation of Sea Surface Salinity from GOCI Measurements in the Southern Yellow Sea
* Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity: Comparison of Satellite and In Situ Observations and Impact of Retrieval Parameters
* Remote sensing-based crop lodging assessment: Current status and perspectives
* Replacing the Red Band with the Red-SWIR Band (0.74 rho red+0.26 rho swir) Can Reduce the Sensitivity of Vegetation Indices to Soil Background
* Representation of online handwriting using multi-component sinusoidal model
* Representation of Synthetic Shadows On 3D Digital Models for The Volumetric Interpretation On Concave-convex Archaeological Artifacts
* Resolving Fine-Scale Surface Features on Polar Sea Ice: A First Assessment of UAS Photogrammetry Without Ground Control
* Resultant Based Incremental Recovery of Camera Pose From Pairwise Matches
* Retrieval of High Spatial Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from HJ-1 A/B CCD Data
* Retrieval of Oil-Water Mixture Ratio at Ocean Surface Using Compact Polarimetry Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speeds from Gaofen-3 Full Polarimetric Data
* Retrieving Sea Level and Freeboard in the Arctic: A Review of Current Radar Altimetry Methodologies and Future Perspectives
* Reverse Modeling of Cultural Heritage: Pipeline and Bottlenecks
* Review of 3D GIS for Use in Creating Virtual Historic Dublin, A
* Review of Recording Technologies for Digital Fabrication in Heritage Conservation, A
* Revisiting Maximum-a-Posteriori Estimation in Log-Concave Models
* Revisiting Single Image Depth Estimation: Toward Higher Resolution Maps With Accurate Object Boundaries
* RGBD2lux: Dense Light Intensity Estimation With an RGBD Sensor
* RNLp: Mixing Nonlocal and TV-Lp Methods to Remove Impulse Noise from Images
* RoadNet: Learning to Comprehensively Analyze Road Networks in Complex Urban Scenes From High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
* Robust and real-time stroke order evaluation using incremental stroke context for learners to write Kanji characters correctly
* Robust correlation filter tracking with deep semantic supervision
* Robust Energy Calibration Technique for Photon Counting Spectral Detectors
* Robust global and local color matching in stereoscopic omnidirectional content
* Robust Moving Object Detection in Multi-Scenario Big Data for Video Surveillance, A
* Robust multi-lane detection and tracking using adaptive threshold and lane classification
* Robust registration for remote sensing images by combining and localizing feature- and area-based methods
* Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Rock-ring detection accuracy improvement in infrared satellite image with sub-pixel edge detection
* RSDNet: Learning to Predict Remaining Surgery Duration from Laparoscopic Videos Without Manual Annotations
* SAF-BAGE: Salient Approach for Facial Soft-Biometric Classification - Age, Gender, and Facial Expression
* Saliency Driven Image Manipulation
* Saliency guided deep network for weakly-supervised image segmentation
* Salient object detection via reliable boundary seeds and saliency refinement
* Salient Object Detection via Two-Stage Graphs
* Sample size for maximum-likelihood estimates of Gaussian model depending on dimensionality of pattern space
* SAR Dataset of Ship Detection for Deep Learning under Complex Backgrounds, A
* Satellite Imagery Multiscale Rapid Detection with Windowed Networks
* Scalable Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification in Imaging Inverse Problems via Convex Optimization
* Scalable Logo Recognition Using Proxies
* Scale Pyramid Network for Crowd Counting
* Scan Line Intensity-Elevation Ratio (SLIER): An Airborne LiDAR Ratio Index for Automatic Water Surface Mapping
* Scan-to-BIM vs 3D Ideal Model Hbim: Parametric Tools to Study Domes Geometry
* Scene Categorization Using Deeply Learned Gaze Shifting Kernel
* Scene Parsing Via Dense Recurrent Neural Networks With Attentional Selection
* Sea Surface Ka-Band Doppler Measurements: Analysis and Model Development
* Seasonal Variability of Retroflection Structures and Transports in the Atlantic Ocean as Inferred from Satellite-Derived Salinity Maps
* Segmenting Sky Pixels in Images: Analysis and Comparison
* Self-driving tech for non-cars: From mall shuttles to monster trucks, Perrone Robotics is ready to debut its self-driving tech-[News]
* Self-Paced Adversarial Training for Multimodal Few-Shot Learning
* Self-Supervised Bootstrap Method for Single-Image 3D Face Reconstruction, A
* Sem-GAN: Semantically-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation
* Semantic Correspondence in the Wild
* Semantic Instance Meets Salient Object: Study on Video Semantic Salient Instance Segmentation
* Semantic Matching by Weakly Supervised 2D Point Set Registration
* Semantic Photogrammetry: Boosting Image-based 3D Reconstruction With Semantic Labeling
* Semantic Segmentation of Benthic Communities from Ortho-mosaic Maps
* Semantic segmentation-based parking space detection with standalone around view monitoring system
* Semantic Stereo for Incidental Satellite Images
* Semantic Web Technologies Meet BIM for Accessing and Understanding Cultural Heritage
* Semi-automatic Method of Fan Surface Assessment to Achieve Gorgonian Population Structure in Le Danois Bank, Cantabrian Sea
* Semi-Automatic Oil Spill Detection on X-Band Marine Radar Images Using Texture Analysis, Machine Learning, and Adaptive Thresholding
* Semi-Dense Stereo Matching Using Dual CNNs
* Semi-Supervised 3D Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation Via Deep Multi-Planar Co-Training
* Semi-supervised clustering of unknown expressions
* Semi-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for In-Situ Video Monitoring of Selective Laser Melting
* SemTra: A semi-supervised approach to traffic flow labeling with minimal human effort
* Sensitivity Analysis of the Standard Deviation of the Copolarized Phase Difference for Sea Oil Slick Observation, A
* Sensor Adaptation for Improved Semantic Segmentation of Overhead Imagery
* Sentinel-1 SAR Amplitude Imagery for Rapid Landslide Detection
* Separating Touching Cells Using Pixel Replicated Elliptical Shape Models
* SfMLearner++: Learning Monocular Depth Ego-Motion Using Meaningful Geometric Constraints
* Shadow Patching: Guided Image Completion for Shadow Removal
* Shallow Water Bathymetry Mapping from Uav Imagery Based On Machine Learning
* Shape geodesics for robust sign language recognition
* Ship Detection Based on YOLOv2 for SAR Imagery
* Ship Detection for PolSAR Images via Task-Driven Discriminative Dictionary Learning
* Ship Profile Imaging Using Multipath Backscattering
* signal-to-image transformation approach for EEG and MEG signal classification, A
* Simultaneous feature selection and discretization based on mutual information
* Simultaneous Reproduction of Reflectance and Transmittance of Ink Paintings
* Single Image Deblurring and Camera Motion Estimation With Depth Map
* Single Image Super-Resolution under Multi-Frame Method
* Single-Shot Analysis of Refractive Shape Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition of People Handling Objects
* Skin lesion segmentation using object scale-oriented fully convolutional neural networks
* Skip Residual Pairwise Networks With Learnable Comparative Functions for Few-Shot Learning
* SM-DTW: Stability Modulated Dynamic Time Warping for signature verification
* Smallholder Crop Area Mapped with a Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning Method
* Soft Transfer Learning via Gradient Diagnosis for Visual Relationship Detection
* Space-Time Event Clouds for Gesture Recognition: From RGB Cameras to Event Cameras
* SPARCOM: Sparsity Based Super-resolution Correlation Microscopy
* Sparse Bayesian Imaging of Solar Flares
* Sparse binarised statistical dynamic features for spatio-temporal texture analysis
* Sparse over-complete patch matching
* Sparse time-frequency distributions based on the L1-norm minimization with the fast intersection of confidence intervals rule
* Sparsity Optimization Method for Slow-Moving Landslides Detection in Satellite Image Time-Series
* SPaSe - Multi-Label Page Segmentation for Presentation Slides
* Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Pasture Ecological Quality: Sentinel-2-Based Estimation of Crude Protein and Neutral Detergent Fiber Contents
* Spatial data management in apache spark: the GeoSpark perspective and beyond
* Spatial Focal Loss for Pedestrian Detection in Fisheye Imagery
* Spatial Knowledge Distillation to Aid Visual Reasoning
* Spatial Pattern of Forest Carbon Storage in the Vertical and Horizontal Directions Based on HJ-CCD Remote Sensing Imagery
* Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Microwave Radiometer Data with Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network
* Spatial-Spectral Fusion Based on Conditional Random Fields for the Fine Classification of Crops in UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Spatial-Spectral Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* spatially structured adaptive two-stage model for retrieving ground-level PM2.5 concentrations from VIIRS AOD in China, A
* Spatially varying blur estimation from a single image
* Spatio-temporal access methods: a survey (2010-2017)
* Spatio-temporal attention mechanisms based model for collective activity recognition
* Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Land Use/Land Cover Change in the Heterogeneous Coastal Region of Bangladesh between 1990 and 2017
* Spatio-Temporal Variability in Remotely Sensed Vegetation Greenness Across Yellowstone National Park
* spatiotemporal approach for vision-based hand gesture recognition using Hough transform and neural network, A
* Spatiotemporal features of human motion for gait recognition
* Spatiotemporal Image Fusion in Remote Sensing
* Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urban Land Use Change in Typical Cities in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)
* Spatiotemporal Subpixel Geographical Evolution Mapping
* Speckle reduction of ultrasound medical images using Bhattacharyya distance in modified non-local mean filter
* Spontaneous facial expression database for academic emotion inference in online learning
* Spotting words in silent speech videos: a retrieval-based approach
* SSVD: Structural SVD-based image quality assessment
* Stability Based Filter Pruning for Accelerating Deep CNNs
* Stable and Flexible Multi-Vehicle Navigation Based on Dynamic Inter-Target Distance Matrix
* Starts Better and Ends Better: A Target Adaptive Image Signature Tracker
* Statistical Detection Theory Approach to Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Steerable Fourier number transform with application to image encryption
* Still Image Action Recognition by Predicting Spatial-Temporal Pixel Evolution
* Stochastic Gradient Descent With Hyperbolic-Tangent Decay on Classification
* Striping Noise Mitigation for Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager Observations
* Structural Connectivity Analysis Using Finsler Geometry
* Structured Graph Dictionary Learning and Application on the Seismic Denoising
* Student Attendance System in Crowded Classrooms Using a Smartphone Camera
* Study On Extraction Methodology of Rice Growth Characteristics in Field Using Terrestrial Laser Measurement Data
* Studying the plasticity in deep convolutional neural networks using random pruning
* Style and Content Disentanglement in Generative Adversarial Networks
* Submerged Heritage: A Virtual Journey in Our Seabed, The
* Subspace Clustering Under Complex Noise
* Suitability of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Building Survey and Mapping Applications, The
* Summary of Natural Disaster Responses By the Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 (ALOS-2)
* Super Descriptor Tensor Decomposition for Dynamic Scene Recognition, A
* Super-resolution based on self-example learning and guided filtering
* Supervised dynamic mode decomposition via multitask learning
* Supervised feature extraction method based on low-rank representation with preserving local pairwise constraints for hyperspectral images
* Survey of the San Francesco Bridge By Santiago Calatrava In Cosenza, Italy, The
* Survey on depth perception in head mounted displays: distance estimation in virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality
* Survey, Stratigraphy of the Elevations, 3D Modelling for the Knowledge And Conservation of Archaeological Parks: the Castle of Avella
* SynSeg-Net: Synthetic Segmentation Without Target Modality Ground Truth
* Synthesis of Leaf-on and Leaf-off Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Stereo Imagery for the Inventory of Aboveground Biomass of Deciduous Forests
* Systematic approach to binary classification of images in video streams using shifting time windows
* TAN: Temporal Aggregation Network for Dense Multi-Label Action Recognition
* Target Reconstruction with a Reference Point Scatterer using Phaseless Far Field Patterns
* Task Relation Networks
* Taylor Convolutional Networks for Image Classification
* technique to validate automatic generation of Büchi automata from UML 2 sequence diagrams based on multi layer transformations, A
* Temporal Up-Sampling of Planar Long-Range Doppler LiDAR Wind Speed Measurements Using Space-Time Conversion
* Tensor rank learning in CP decomposition via convolutional neural network
* Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Fast Characterization of Superficial Lesions in Architectural Diagnosis
* Text-independent writer identification using convolutional neural network
* TextCaps: Handwritten Character Recognition With Very Small Datasets
* TextContourNet: A Flexible and Effective Framework for Improving Scene Text Detection Architecture With a Multi-Task Cascade
* Thin Ice Area Extraction in the Seasonal Sea Ice Zones of the Northern Hemisphere Using Asmr2 Data
* Thinning of convolutional neural network with mixed pruning
* Three-dimensional Recording and Photorealistic Model Reconstruction For Virtual Museum Application: An Experience in Malaysia
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction Using Two-Dimensional Parallel Slices
* Three-Fast-Inter Incremental Association Markov Blanket learning algorithm
* thresholding algorithm for sparse recovery via Laplace norm, A
* ThunderNet: A Turbo Unified Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Time Series High-Resolution Land Surface Albedo Estimation Based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithm
* To Achieve Real Immersion: the 3D Virtual and Physical Reconstruction of Cave 3 and Cave 12 of Yungang Grottoes
* Tomb of Ipi: 3D Documentation in A Middle Kingdom Theban Necropolis (Egypt, 2000 Bce), The
* Top ten tech cars 2019: Self-driving and electric technologies are infiltrating everyday cars, slowly
* total variation and group sparsity based tensor optimization model for video rain streak removal, A
* Toward an objective benchmark for video completion
* Toward Computer Vision Systems That Understand Real-World Assembly Processes
* Towards A Digital Archaeological Archive: the Case Study of The Artefacts of the Area of Fori Imperiali
* Towards Deep Learning for Architecture: A Monument Recognition Mobile App
* Towards recovery of conditional vectors from conditional generative adversarial networks
* Towards Uniform Point Density: Evaluation of an Adaptive Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Tractable learning of Bayesian networks from partially observed data
* Traffic Data Reconstruction via Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Correlations
* Traffic Light Recognition With High Dynamic Range Imaging and Deep Learning
* Traffic Light Scheduling for Pedestrian-Vehicle Mixed-Flow Networks
* Training Adversarial Discriminators for Cross-Channel Abnormal Event Detection in Crowds
* Transfer metric learning for unsupervised domain adaptation
* Translating Fire Impacts in Southwestern Amazonia into Economic Costs
* Tukey-Inspired Video Object Segmentation
* Two-stage local details restoration framework for face hallucination
* Two-stage quality adaptive fingerprint image enhancement using Fuzzy C-means clustering based fingerprint quality analysis
* Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Based on Particle Swarm Optimization for Aircraft Sequencing and Scheduling
* UAV for Mapping Historic Buildings: from 3D Modelling to BIM
* UAV Photogrammetry for Cultural Heritage Preservation Modeling And Mapping Venetian Walls of Bergamo
* UAV-Based Automatic Detection and Monitoring of Chestnut Trees
* UAV-Based Biomass Estimation for Rice-Combining Spectral, TIN-Based Structural and Meteorological Features
* UAV-Based Photogrammetric Tree Height Measurement for Intensive Forest Monitoring
* Unbounded Sparse Census Transform Using Genetic Algorithm
* Uncertainty Visualization Approaches for 3D Models of Castles Restituted from Archeological Knowledge
* Understanding Image Quality and Trust in Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces
* Understanding Kernel Size in Blind Deconvolution
* Understanding Underwater Photogrammetry for Maritime Archaeology Through Immersive Virtual Reality
* Underwater Photogrammetry Digital Surface Model (DSM) of the Submerged Site of the Ancient Lighthouse Near Qaitbay Fort in Alexandria, Egypt
* unified multilingual handwriting recognition system using multigrams sub-lexical units, A
* Uniqueness and Direct Imaging Method for Inverse Scattering by Locally Rough Surfaces with Phaseless Near-Field Data
* Universal Image Attractiveness Ranking Framework, An
* Unsupervised Adversarial Visual Level Domain Adaptation for Learning Video Object Detectors From Images
* Unsupervised Difference Representation Learning for Detecting Multiple Types of Changes in Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images
* Unsupervised Feature Learning of Human Actions As Trajectories in Pose Embedding Manifold
* Unsupervised Feature-Learning for Hyperspectral Data with Autoencoders
* Unsupervised Hierarchical Land Classification Using Self-Organizing Feature Codebook for Decimeter-Resolution PolSAR
* Unsupervised Identification of Disease Marker Candidates in Retinal OCT Imaging Data
* Use of Digital Tools for the Preservation of Architectural, Artistic and Cultural Heritage, Through Three-dimensional Scanning And Digital Manufacturing, The
* Use of radial basis function network with discrete wavelet transform for speech enhancement
* Use of WorldView-2 Along-Track Stereo Imagery to Probe a Baltic Sea Algal Spiral
* Using CYGNSS Data to Monitor China's Flood Inundation during Typhoon and Extreme Precipitation Events in 2017
* Using Hyperspectral Crop Residue Angle Index to Estimate Maize and Winter-Wheat Residue Cover: A Laboratory Study
* Using Remote Sensing Data for Calculating the Coastal Erosion In Southern Thailand
* Value of Knowledge Through H-BIM Models: Historic Documentation with a Semantic Approach, The
* Value of SMAP for Long-Term Soil Moisture Estimation With the Help of Deep Learning, The
* Vault Modeling With Neural Networks
* VeGAN: Using GANs for Augmentation in Latent Space to Improve the Semantic Segmentation of Vehicles in Images From an Aerial Perspective
* Vegetation Index Weighted Canopy Volume Model (CVMVI) for soybean biomass estimation from Unmanned Aerial System-based RGB imagery
* Vehicle Localization at an Intersection Using a Traffic Light Map
* VelocityGAN: Subsurface Velocity Image Estimation Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* Ventral-Dorsal Neural Networks: Object Detection Via Selective Attention
* Video Action Recognition With an Additional End-to-End Trained Temporal Stream
* Video Jigsaw: Unsupervised Learning of Spatiotemporal Context for Video Action Recognition
* Video mining for facial action unit classification using statistical spatial-temporal feature image and LoG deep convolutional neural network
* Video Summarization Via Actionness Ranking
* Video-Based Face Alignment With Local Motion Modeling
* Video-Rate Video Inpainting
* Virtual Batcave: A Project for the Safeguard of A UNESCO WHL Fragile Ecosystem, The
* Virtual Heritage for the Dissemination of the Baratti in 3D Project
* Virtual Reality for Historical Architecture
* Virtual Reality to Allow Wheelchair Users Touring Complex Archaeological Sites in A Realistic Manner. Towards Their Actual Social Integration
* Virtual Support Vector Machines with self-learning strategy for classification of multispectral remote sensing imagery
* Virtual Tour in the Sunken villa Con Ingresso A Protiro Within The Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae
* Virtual Tours for Smart Cities: A Comparative Photogrammetric Approach For Locating Hot-spots in Spherical Panoramas
* Virtualising An Ottoman Fortress: Laser Scanning and 3D Modelling For The Development of An Interactive, Immersive Virtual Reality Application
* Visual cues-based deception detection using two-class neural network
* Visual Dialog
* Visual object tracking based on adaptive Siamese and motion estimation network
* Visual object tracking via a manifold regularized discriminative dual dictionary model
* Visualizing Deep Similarity Networks
* Volcanic Cloud Top Height Estimation Using the Plume Elevation Model Procedure Applied to Orthorectified Landsat 8 Data. Test Case: 26 October 2013 Mt. Etna Eruption
* Warping-Based Stereoscopic 3D Video Retargeting With Depth Remapping
* Waveatom transform-based multimodal medical image fusion
* Weakly-Supervised Spatial Context Networks
* Weighted-learning-instance-based retrieval model using instance distance
* What Makes Objects Similar: A Unified Multi-Metric Learning Approach
* Where to Focus on for Human Action Recognition?
* Which Body Is Mine?
* Which characteristics predict writing capabilities among adolescents with dysgraphia?
* Whole Brain Susceptibility Mapping Using Harmonic Incompatibility Removal
* Why Not a Single Image? Combining Visualizations to Facilitate Fieldwork and On-Screen Mapping
* Widening siamese architectures for stereo matching
* Wind Speed Estimation Using Acoustic Underwater Glider in a Near-Shore Marine Environment
* Wooden Trusses Reconstruction and Analysis Through Parametric 3d Modeling
* Zero Shot License Plate Re-Identification
* Zero-Shot Learning Via Recurrent Knowledge Transfer
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