Update Dates 2406

2406 * 3D Geometry Modeling and Safety Compliance Assessment of In-Service Roads Using Massive LiDAR Point Clouds
* 3D hand pose estimation and reconstruction based on multi-feature fusion
* 3D Person Re-Identification Based on Global Semantic Guidance and Local Feature Aggregation
* 3D surface segmentation from point clouds via quadric fits based on DBSCAN clustering
* 3D Vascular Segmentation Supervised by 2D Annotation of Maximum Intensity Projection
* 3sG: Three-stage guidance for indoor human action recognition
* 4D Trajectory Planning Based on Fast Marching Square for UAV Teams
* 6-DoF grasp estimation method that fuses RGB-D data based on external attention
* A2 GSTran: Depth Map Super-Resolution via Asymmetric Attention With Guidance Selection
* Accelerated Risk Assessment for Highly Automated Vehicles: Surrogate-Based Monte Carlo Method
* Accurate and Efficient 3D Panoptic Mapping Using Diverse Information Modalities and Multidimensional Data Association
* Accurate Calculation of Upper Biomass Volume of Single Trees Using Matrixial Representation of LiDAR Data
* Accurate Mapping and Evaluation of Small Impact Craters within the Lunar Landing Area
* Accurate Quantification of 0-30 cm Soil Organic Carbon in Croplands over the Continental United States Using Machine Learning
* Activated Sparsely Sub-Pixel Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Active Scene Flow Estimation for Autonomous Driving via Real-Time Scene Prediction and Optimal Decision
* Active Task Cognition Method for Home Service Robot Using Multi-Graph Attention Fusion Mechanism, An
* Acute lymphocytic leukemia detection and subtype classification via extended wavelet pooling based-CNNs and statistical-texture features
* AdaCS: Adaptive Compressive Sensing With Restricted Isometry Property-Based Error-Clamping
* Adaptive Background Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Subpixel Object Detection
* Adaptive Formation Tracking Control of Multiple Vertical Takeoff and Landing UAVs With Bearing-Only Measurements
* Adaptive HEVC video steganograhpy based on PU partition modes
* Adaptive knowledge transfer for class incremental learning
* Adaptive Leading Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic Considering Human Behavioral Diversity
* Adaptive Learnable Spectral-Spatial Fusion Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Adaptive Multi-Hypothesis Marginal Bayes Filter for Tracking Multiple Targets
* Adaptive Multiple Distributed Bidirectional Spiral Path Planning for Foraging Robot Swarms
* Adaptive propagation deep graph neural networks
* Adaptive Region Proposal Network With Progressive Attention Propagation for Tiny Person Detection From UAV Images, An
* Advance One-Shot Multispectral Instance Detection With Text's Supervision
* Advanced Feature Learning on Point Clouds Using Multi-Resolution Features and Learnable Pooling
* Advanced Terrain Vegetation Signal Detection Approach for Forest Structural Parameters Estimation Using ICESat-2 Data, An
* Advancements in Remote Sensing for Evapotranspiration Estimation: A Comprehensive Review of Temperature-Based Models
* Advances and Challenges in Meta-Learning: A Technical Review
* Advancing Accuracy in Sea Level Estimation with GNSS-R: A Fusion of LSTM-DNN-Based Deep Learning and SNR Residual Sequences
* Advancing Physically Informed Autoencoders for DTM Generation
* Advancing Sea Surface Height Retrieval through Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry: A Model Interaction Approach with Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System and FengYun-3E Measurements
* Advancing the Limits of InSAR to Detect Crustal Displacement from Low-Magnitude Earthquakes through Deep Learning
* Adversarial Attacks on Video Object Segmentation With Hard Region Discovery
* Adversarial Domain Generalized Transformer for Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition
* Adversarial learning-based camera pose-to-image mapping network for synthesizing new view in real indoor environments
* Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein Identification
* Adversarial regularized attributed network embedding for graph anomaly detection
* Adversarial Source Generation for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* Aerial-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks: A UAV-Vehicle Collaboration Perspective
* AFCN: An attention-directed feature-fusion ConvNeXt network for low-voltage apparatus assembly quality inspection
* Afternoon/Morning Ratio of Tower-Based Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Can Be Used to Monitor Drought in a Chinese Cork Oak Plantation, The
* Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad
* Agricultural Drought Monitoring Using an Enhanced Soil Water Deficit Index Derived from Remote Sensing and Model Data Merging
* Algorithm-Dependent Generalization of AUPRC Optimization: Theory and Algorithm
* Aligned Intra Prediction and Hyper Scale Decoder Under Multistage Context Model for JPEG AI
* Along Similar Lines: Local Obstacle Avoidance for Long-Term Autonomous Path Following
* AM-BQA: Enhancing blind image quality assessment using attention retractable features and multi-dimensional learning
* AMGNet: Aligned Multilevel Gabor Convolution Network for Palmprint Recognition
* Analog Beamforming for In-Band Full-Duplex Phased Arrays With Quantized Phase Shifters Under a Per-Antenna Received Power Constraint
* Analysing the Spatio-Temporal Variations of Urban Street Summer Solar Radiation through Historical Street View Images: A Case Study of Shanghai, China
* Analysis of Cassini Altimetric Crossovers on Titan
* Analysis of Coding Gain Due to In-Loop Reshaping
* Analysis of Lake Area Dynamics and Driving Forces in the Jianghan Plain Based on GEE and SEM for the Period 1990 to 2020
* Analysis of Road Surface Texture for Asphalt Pavement Adhesion Assessment Using 3D Laser Technology
* Analysis of Seismic Methane Anomalies at the Multi-Spatial and Temporal Scales
* Analyzing Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Influencing Mechanisms of Landscape Changes in the Context of Comprehensive Urban Expansion Using Remote Sensing
* Analyzing Spatiotemporal Variations and Driving Factors of Grassland in the Arid Region of Northwest China Surrounding the Tianshan Mountains
* Analyzing the Problems of a District-Based Administration Using Monte Carlo Simulation: The Case of Sex Offender Notifications in Korea
* Anatomically Guided PET Image Reconstruction Using Conditional Weakly-Supervised Multi-Task Learning Integrating Self-Attention
* Angle Effect Correction Method for High-Resolution Satellite Side-View Imaging Data to Improve Crop Monitoring Accuracy, An
* Angle Tracking and Fault-Tolerant Control of Steer-by-Wire System With Dual Three-Phase Motor for Autonomous Vehicle
* Angular Isotonic Loss Guided Multi-Layer Integration for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* Annual and Seasonal Dynamics of CO2 Emissions in Major Cities of China (2019-2022)
* Annual Review of In Situ Observations of Tropical Cyclone-Ocean Interaction in the Western North Pacific during 2023
* Anomaly-background separation and particle swarm optimization based band selection for hyperspectral anomaly detection
* Anti-Jamming Imaging Method for Carrier-Free Ultra-Wideband Airborne SAR Based on Variational Modal Decomposition
* Application of Multi-Temporal and Multisource Satellite Imagery in the Study of Irrigated Landscapes in Arid Climates
* Application of Satellite Data for Estimating Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Potential
* Applications of Ground-Penetrating Radar in Asteroid and Comet Exploration
* Aquaculture Ponds Identification Based on Multi-Feature Combination Strategy and Machine Learning from Landsat-5/8 in a Typical Inland Lake of China
* Are 3D Face Shapes Expressive Enough for Recognising Continuous Emotions and Action Unit Intensities?
* Are Multi-view Edges Incomplete for Depth Estimation?
* Array PPP-RTK: A High Precision Pose Estimation Method for Outdoor Scenarios
* ASF-YOLO: A novel YOLO model with attentional scale sequence fusion for cell instance segmentation
* Assessing Contamination in Transitional Waters Using Geospatial Technologies: A Review
* Assessing Ecological Impacts and Recovery in Coal Mining Areas: A Remote Sensing and Field Data Analysis in Northwest China
* Assessing Ice Break-Up Trends in Slave River Delta through Satellite Observations and Random Forest Modeling
* Assessing Risks in Cross-Regional Tourism Corridors: A Case Study of Tibetan Plateau Tourism
* Assessing Slip Rates on the Xianshuihe Fault Using InSAR with Emphasis on Phase Unwrapping Error and Atmospheric Delay Corrections
* Assessment of Accuracy of Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Sea Surface Temperature at High Latitudes Using Saildrone Data
* Assessment of C-Band Polarimetric Radar for the Detection of Diesel Fuel in Newly Formed Sea Ice
* AST-GCN: Augmented Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Gait Emotion Recognition
* Atmospheric Heating Mechanism over the Tharsis Bulge of Mars and the Impact of Global Dust Storms, The
* Attention-Guided Complex-Valued Transformer for Intra-Pulse Retransmission Interference Suppression, An
* Attributing the Decline of Evapotranspiration over the Asian Monsoon Region during the Period 1950-2014 in CMIP6 Models
* Audiovisual Affect Recognition for Autonomous Vehicles: Applications and Future Agendas
* Augmentation Method for Weighted Mean Temperature and Precipitable Water Vapor Based on the Refined Air Temperature at 2 m above the Surface of Land from ERA5
* Authentication and Key Management Framework for Secure and Intelligent Transportation of Internet of Space Things, An
* aUToLights: A Robust Multi-Camera Traffic Light Detection and Tracking System
* Automated Approach for Mapping Mining-Induced Fissures Using CNNs and UAS Photogrammetry, An
* Automatic Context-Aware Inference of Engagement in HMI: A Survey
* Automatic Design of Optimal Actuated Traffic Signal Plans With Active Transit Priority
* Automatic Extraction and Cluster Analysis of Natural Disaster Metadata Based on the Unified Metadata Framework
* Automatic measurement of slug flow processes from in-line videos
* Automatic Tracking Method for 3D Human Motion Pose Using Contrastive Learning
* BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
* BAMFORESTS: Bamberg Benchmark Forest Dataset of Individual Tree Crowns in Very-High-Resolution UAV Images
* Bayesian Framework to Quantify Uncertainty in Aerosol Optical Model Selection Applied to TROPOMI Measurements, A
* Bayesian Gaussian Mixture Model for Probabilistic Modeling of Car-Following Behaviors, A
* Bayesian Selective Median Filtering for Reduction of Impulse Noise in Digital Color Images
* Belief Mining in Persian Texts Based on Deep Learning and Users' Opinions
* Benchmarking and Analysis of Unsupervised Object Segmentation from Real-World Single Images
* Benchmarking the Robustness of LiDAR Semantic Segmentation Models
* Beyond Prediction: On-Street Parking Recommendation Using Heterogeneous Graph-Based List-Wise Ranking
* Bi-Fusion of Structure and Deformation at Multi-Scale for Joint Segmentation and Registration
* Bi-Source Reconstruction-Based Classification Network for Face Forgery Video Detection
* Binary Classification Based Monte Carlo Simulation
* Bio-Optical Properties near a Coastal Convergence Zone Derived from Aircraft Remote Sensing Imagery and Modeling
* Biomass Burning in Northeast China over Two Decades: Temporal Trends and Geographic Patterns
* Biomass Estimation and Saturation Value Determination Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Biomass Estimation of Milk Vetch Using UAV Hyperspectral Imagery and Machine Learning
* Black-box reversible adversarial examples with invertible neural network
* Blessing few-shot segmentation via semi-supervised learning with noisy support images
* Blind cartoon image quality assessment based on local structure and chromatic statistics
* Blind deblurring text images via Beltrami regularization
* Blind Edge-Retention Indicator for Assessing the Quality of Filtered (Pol)SAR Images Based on a Ratio Gradient Operator and Confidence Interval Estimation
* Blind Face Restoration for Under-Display Camera via Dictionary Guided Transformer
* Block-Circulant Approximation of the Precision Matrix for Assimilating SWOT Altimetry Data
* Blockchain-Enabled Sustainable Safety Management Framework for Connected Vehicles, A
* BMFNet: Bifurcated Multi-Modal Fusion Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* BoNuS: Boundary Mining for Nuclei Segmentation With Partial Point Labels
* Boosting Knowledge Distillation via Intra-Class Logit Distribution Smoothing
* Box2Mask: Box-Supervised Instance Segmentation via Level-Set Evolution
* Bridge Gap in Pixel and Feature Level for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* Brief Analysis of SLAVC method for Sound Source Localization, A
* Building an Open-Vocabulary Video CLIP Model With Better Architectures, Optimization and Data
* Building Point Cloud Extraction Algorithm in Complex Scenes, A
* Burrow Opening Measurements of Intertidal Macroinvertebrates from Optical Drone Images
* C2FResMorph: A high-performance framework for unsupervised 2D medical image registration
* CABnet: A channel attention dual adversarial balancing network for multimodal image fusion
* CANDID: Correspondence AligNment for Deep-burst Image Denoising
* Cartography and Neural Networks: A Scientometric Analysis Based on CiteSpace
* Catalogue of Impact Craters and Surface Age Analysis in the Chang'e-6 Landing Area, A
* Category-based depth incorporation for salient object ranking
* Challenges in Geocoding: An Analysis of R Packages and Web Scraping Approaches
* Changes in Global Aviation Turbulence in the Remote Sensing Era (1979-2018)
* Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO-OTFS System in Asymmetrical Architecture
* Channel-Wise Feature Decorrelation for Enhanced Learned Image Compression
* Channel-Wise Interactive Learning for Remote Heart Rate Estimation From Facial Video
* Characteristics of Cloud and Aerosol Derived from Lidar Observations during Winter in Lhasa, Tibetan Plateau
* Characterization and Validation of ECOSTRESS Sea Surface Temperature Measurements at 70 m Spatial Scale
* Characterizing Canopy Structure Variability in Amazonian Secondary Successions with Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR
* Characterizing foliar phenolic compounds and their absorption features in temperate forests using leaf spectroscopy
* Chat3D: Interactive understanding 3D scene-level point clouds by chatting with foundation model for urban ecological construction
* Checking the Sufficiently Scattered Condition Using a Global Non-Convex Optimization Software
* Chinese Title Generation for Short Videos: Dataset, Metric and Algorithm
* Chlorophyll-a Estimation in 149 Tropical Semi-Arid Reservoirs Using Remote Sensing Data and Six Machine Learning Methods
* Clarifying Myths About the Relationship Between Shape Bias, Accuracy, and Robustness
* Class Instance Balanced Learning for Long-Tailed Classification
* Classification and Analysis of Pistachio Species Through Neural Embedding-Based Feature Extraction and Small-Scale Machine Learning Techniques
* Classification of Crop Area Using PALSAR, Sentinel-1, and Planet Data for the NISAR Mission
* Classification of Grapevine Varieties Using UAV Hyperspectral Imaging
* CLIP-Driven Few-Shot Species-Recognition Method for Integrating Geographic Information
* CLIP-guided Prototype Modulating for Few-shot Action Recognition
* Closed-Form IIR Approximation of Fractional Operator s^nu Around a Prescribed Low Frequency, A
* CMONOC II Common Mode Error Analysis and Structural Region Division Research
* Coarse-to-Fine Cell Division Approach for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* coarse-to-fine visual geo-localization method for GNSS-denied UAV with oblique-view imagery, A
* Collaborative brightening and amplification of low-light imagery via bi-level adversarial learning
* Collaborative compensative transformer network for salient object detection
* CollaborativeBEV: Collaborative bird eye view for reconstructing crowded environment
* Color matching in the wild
* Combined Coherent and Non-Coherent Long-Time Integration Method for High-Speed Target Detection Using High-Frequency Radar
* Combined Geophysical Methods in Extreme Environments: An Example from the Dead Sea
* Combined Use of Nonlinear Measures for Analyzing Pathological Voices
* Combining Deep Learning and Physically Constrained Neural Networks to Derive Complex Glaciological Change Processes from Modern High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: Application of the GEOCLASS-Image System to Create VarioCNN for Glacier Surges
* Combining deep learning with physical parameters in POC and PIC inversion from spaceborne lidar CALIOP
* Comparative Study on Multi-Parameter Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with the 2015 Mw 7.5 and 2023 Mw 6.3 Earthquakes in Afghanistan, A
* Complete Contextual Information Extraction for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Complete Region of Interest for Unconstrained Palmprint Recognition
* Compositionally Equivariant Representation Learning
* Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Effects on Surface Water Resources in the Lake Urmia Basin, Iran, A
* Comprehensive Ecological Risk Changes and Their Relationship with Ecosystem Services of Alpine Grassland in Gannan Prefecture from 2000-2020
* Comprehensive Overview Regarding the Impact of GIS on Property Valuation, A
* Comprehensive Study on the 143 A.D. West Gangu Earthquake in the West Qinling Area, Northeastern Margin of Tibetan Plateau
* Compressed Video Quality Enhancement With Temporal Group Alignment and Fusion
* Compressing Vehicle Trajectory Data Using Hybrid Coding With Kinematic Motion Prediction
* Computing Through Time: Biometrics
* Conceptual Model for Integrated Meso-Scale Fire Risk Assessment in the Coastal Catchments in Croatia
* Confidence Calibration of a Medical Imaging Classification System That is Robust to Label Noise
* Confidence-Aware Sentiment Quantification via Sentiment Perturbation Modeling
* Consistent graph learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* Consistent Valid Physically-Realizable Adversarial Attack Against Crowd-Flow Prediction Models
* Contactless X-Band Detection of Steel Bars in Cement: A Preliminary Numerical and Experimental Analysis
* Continent-wide urban tree canopy fine-scale mapping and coverage assessment in South America with high-resolution satellite images
* Continual Learning for Image Segmentation With Dynamic Query
* Continual Multiview Spectral Clustering via Multilevel Knowledge
* Continuity and Enhancements in Sea Surface Salinity Estimation in the East China Sea Using GOCI and GOCI-II: Challenges and Further Developments
* Continuous-Time Range-Only Pose Estimation
* Contour Counts: Restricting Deformation for Accurate Animation Interpolation
* Contrastive learning for deep tone mapping operator
* Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Pre-Training of Point Cloud Segmentation Networks With Image Data
* Contrastive visual clustering for improving instance-level contrastive learning as a plugin
* Contribution from the Western Pacific Subtropical High Index to a Deep Learning Typhoon Rainfall Forecast Model
* Convolution-transformer blend pyramid network for underwater image enhancement
* Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Antimony Quantification via Soil Laboratory Reflectance Spectroscopy in Northern Portugal: Opportunities and Challenges
* Cooling Potential of Urban Tree Species during Extreme Heat and Drought: A Thermal Remote Sensing Assessment
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in the Presence of Communication and Radar Stochastic Data Loss
* Cooperative Jamming Resource Allocation with Joint Multi-Domain Information Using Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning
* Cooperative Sensing and Heterogeneous Information Fusion in VCPS: A Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Cooperative task allocation method for multi-unmanned aerial vehicles based on the modified genetic algorithm
* Correlation-Guided Semantic Consistency Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Cost of Urban Renewal: Annual Construction Waste Estimation via Multi-Scale Target Information Extraction and Attention-Enhanced Networks in Changping District, Beijing, The
* Cost-Optimal Charging Strategies for Electric Bus Fleets Considering Battery Degradation and Nonlinear Charging
* CPR++: Object Localization via Single Coarse Point Supervision
* CrackCLF: Automatic Pavement Crack Detection Based on Closed-Loop Feedback
* Cross Time-Frequency Transformer for Temporal Action Localization
* Cross-Attention and Cycle-Consistency-Based Haptic to Image Inpainting
* Cross-Border Sand and Dust Storms between Mongolia and Northern China in Spring and Their Driving Weather Systems
* Cross-contrast mutual fusion network for joint MRI reconstruction and super-resolution
* Cross-Domain Classification Based on Frequency Component Adaptation for Remote Sensing Images
* Cross-Video Contextual Knowledge Exploration and Exploitation for Ambiguity Reduction in Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* CrossMoCo: Multi-Modal Momentum Contrastive Learning for Point Cloud
* CRTrack: Learning Correlation-Refine network for visual object tracking
* CSAN-UNet: Channel Spatial Attention Nested UNet for Infrared Small Target Detection
* CSRNet: Focusing on critical points for depth completion
* Ct-LVI: A Framework Toward Continuous-Time Laser-Visual-Inertial Odometry and Mapping
* CTVSR: Collaborative Spatial-Temporal Transformer for Video Super-Resolution
* Cyber-Physical Intrusion Detection System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* DAENet: Deformable Attention Edge Network for Automatic Coastline Extraction from Satellite Imagery
* DAM-Net: Flood detection from SAR imagery using differential attention metric-based vision transformers
* DAMF-Net: Unsupervised Domain-Adaptive Multimodal Feature Fusion Method for Partial Point Cloud Registration
* data augmentation approach that ensures the reliability of foregrounds in medical image segmentation, A
* Data Augmentation for Low-Level Vision: CutBlur and Mixture-of-Augmentation
* Data-agnostic Face Image Synthesis Detection using Bayesian CNNs
* Data-Driven Framework for Improving Public EV Charging Infrastructure: Modeling and Forecasting, A
* Data-Driven Geofencing Design for Point-Of-Interest Notifiers Utilizing Genetic Algorithm
* Data-Enabled Tire-Road Friction Estimation Based on Explainable Dynamics Mechanism Under Straight Stationary Driving Maneuvers
* DBGANet: Dual-Branch Geometric Attention Network for Accurate 3D Tooth Segmentation
* DCID: A divide and conquer approach to solving the trade-off problem between artifacts caused by enhancement procedure in image downscaling
* DCL: Dipolar Confidence Learning for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Decentralized Pricing Mechanism for Traffic and Charging Station Management of EVs in Smart Cities
* Decline in Ice Coverage and Ice-Free Period Extension in the Kara and Laptev Seas during 1979-2022
* Decoder Structure Guided CNN-Transformer Network for face super-resolution, A
* Decorrelation Time Mapping as an Analysis Tool for Nanobubble-Based Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging
* Decouple and weight semi-supervised semantic segmentation of remote sensing images
* Deep Depth from Focal Stack with Defocus Model for Camera-Setting Invariance
* Deep graph layer information mining convolutional network
* Deep Learning Based Prediction of Pulmonary Hypertension in Newborns Using Echocardiograms
* Deep Learning Hyperspectral Pansharpening on Large-Scale PRISMA Dataset
* Deep Learning With Physics-Embedded Neural Network for Full Waveform Ultrasonic Brain Imaging
* Deep learning-based efficient diagnosis of periapical diseases with dental X-rays
* Deep learning-based harmonization and super-resolution of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images
* Deep Learning-Based Image and Video Inpainting: A Survey
* Deep Method: Towards Computational Modeling of the Social Emotion Shame Driven by Theory, Introspection, and Social Signals, The
* Deep Multi-Order Spatial-Spectral Residual Feature Extractor for Weak Information Mining in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Deep network with double reuses and convolutional shortcuts
* Deep neural network based distortion parameter estimation for blind quality measurement of stereoscopic images
* Deep Tensor Spectral Clustering Network via Ensemble of Multiple Affinity Tensors
* Deep-Learning-Based Daytime COT Retrieval and Prediction Method Using FY4A AGRI Data
* Deepfake face discrimination based on self-attention mechanism
* Deepfake: Risks and Opportunities
* Defense and Tolerance Technique Against Attacks and Faults on Leader-Following Multi-USVs
* Deformation Characteristics and Activation Dynamics of the Xiaomojiu Landslide in the Upper Jinsha River Basin Revealed by Multi-Track InSAR Analysis
* Deformation Modeling for the Robotic Manipulation of 3D Elastic Objects using Physics-Informed Graph Neural Networks
* Delaunay triangulation based dynamic pricing approach to profit-driven crowdsourced package delivery, A
* Delving into Identify-Emphasize Paradigm for Combating Unknown Bias
* Dense Continuous-Time Optical Flow From Event Cameras
* Dense Supervision Propagation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation on 3D Point Clouds
* Depth assisted novel view synthesis using few images
* Depth-Guided Dehazing Network for Long-Range Aerial Scenes
* Design of Scanning Units for the Underwater Circumferential-Scanning LiDAR Based on Pyramidal-Shaped Reflectors and a Rapid Detection Method for Target Orientation
* Detecting Melt Pond Onset on Landfast Arctic Sea Ice Using a Dual C-Band Satellite Approach
* Detecting Road Intersections from Crowdsourced Trajectory Data Based on Improved YOLOv5 Model
* Detection Accuracy Improvement on One-Stage Object Detection Using AP-Loss-Based Ranking Module and ResNet-152 Backbone
* Detection and attribution of cereal yield losses using Sentinel-2 and weather data: A case study in South Australia
* Detection and Quantification of Arnica montana L. Inflorescences in Grassland Ecosystems Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Drone-Based Remote Sensing
* Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulation Targets Based on Multi-Scale Amplitude-Phase Features
* Detection of objects in satellite and aerial imagery using channel and spatially attentive YOLO-CSL for surveillance
* Detection of Surface Rocks and Small Craters in Permanently Shadowed Regions of the Lunar South Pole Based on YOLOv7 and Markov Random Field Algorithms in SAR Images
* Detection of tuberculosis using customized MobileNet and transfer learning from chest X-ray image
* Detection Performance Analysis of Marine Wind by Lidar and Radar under All-Weather Conditions
* Developing A Novel Dynamic Bus Lane Control Strategy With Eco-Driving Under Partially Connected Vehicle Environment
* Development and 3-D Path-Following Control of an Agile Robotic Manta With Flexible Pectoral Fins
* Development of a Proof-of-Concept A-DInSAR-Based Monitoring Service for Land Subsidence
* DGECN++: A Depth-Guided Edge Convolutional Network for End-to-End 6D Pose Estimation via Attention Mechanism
* Difficulty-Aware Dynamic Network for Lightweight Exposure Correction
* DiffuPrompter: Pixel-Level Automatic Annotation for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images with Foundation Models
* Diffusion Dataset Generation: Towards Closing the Sim2Real Gap for Pedestrian Detection
* Diffusion tensor imaging from past to present: A bibliometric analysis with trending topics and global productivity during 1980-2022
* Digital Emotion Regulation on Social Media
* Digital image defogging using joint Retinex theory and independent component analysis
* DipG-Seg: Fast and Accurate Double Image-Based Pixel-Wise Ground Segmentation
* Disagreement Matters: Exploring Internal Diversification for Redundant Attention in Generic Facial Action Analysis
* Discriminative label correlation based robust structure learning for multi-label feature selection
* Disentangled Generation With Information Bottleneck for Enhanced Few-Shot Learning
* Disentangled Variational Autoencoder for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
* Disentangling the Influential Factors Driving NPP Decrease in Shandong Province: An Analysis from Time Series Evaluation Using MODIS and CASA Model
* Disparity in Normalized Difference Vegetarian Index Response to Climate Warming and Humidification in the Tibetan Plateau before and after 1998, The
* Distributed Composite Learning Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Multiple Marine Vehicles With Event-Triggered Communication
* Distributed Data-Driven Event-Triggered Fault-Tolerant Control for a Connected Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon With Sensor Faults
* Distributional Soft Actor-Critic-Based Multi-AUV Cooperative Pursuit for Maritime Security Protection
* Diverse Mountainous Landslide Dataset (DMLD): A High-Resolution Remote Sensing Landslide Dataset in Diverse Mountainous Regions, The
* diversified-equal loss for image translation tasks, The
* DMF-Net: A Dual-Encoding Multi-Scale Fusion Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* DPCIAN: A Novel Dual-Channel Pedestrian Crossing Intention Anticipation Network
* DPDU-Net: Double Prior Deep Unrolling Network for Pansharpening
* DQDG: Data-Free Quantization With Dual Generators for Keyword Spotting
* Driver Fatigue Detection Using Measures of Heart Rate Variability and Electrodermal Activity
* Driving Factors and Trade-Offs/Synergies Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Changes of Multiple Ecosystem Services in the Han River Basin, China
* Drought Monitoring and Prediction in Agriculture: Employing Earth Observation Data, Climate Scenarios and Data Driven Methods; a Case Study: Mango Orchard in Tamale, Ghana
* Dry-Wet Changes in a Typical Agriculture and Pasture Ecotone in China between 1540 and 2019
* DS-UKF-Based Positioning Method for Intelligent Connected Vehicles in Urban Intersection Scenarios
* DSFusion: Infrared and visible image fusion method combining detail and scene information
* Dual Enrichment Synergistic Strategy to Handle Data Heterogeneity for Domain Incremental Cardiac Segmentation, A
* Dual-domain joint optimization for universal JPEG steganography
* Dynamic Alignment and Fusion of Multimodal Physiological Patterns for Stress Recognition
* Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams Based on Ordered Dilation
* Dynamic Degradation Intensity Estimation for Adaptive Blind Super-Resolution: A Novel Approach and Benchmark Dataset
* Dynamic Delay-Sensitive Observation-Data-Processing Task Offloading for Satellite Edge Computing: A Fully-Decentralized Approach
* Dynamic Functional Connectivity Neural Network for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Using Multi-Channel EEG Signal
* Dynamic Monitoring and Change Analysis of Lake Area on the Inner-Mongolian Plateau over the Past 22 Years
* Dynamic Perception-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using a Memory-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Graph Network
* Dynamic Slicing and Reconstruction Algorithm for Precise Canopy Volume Estimation in 3D Citrus Tree Point Clouds
* Dynamic Tracking Matched Filter with Adaptive Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Accurate and Stable Ship Extraction in UAV Remote Sensing Images
* Dynamics of the Net Precipitation in China from 2001 to 2020
* DySPN: Learning Dynamic Affinity for Image-Guided Depth Completion
* E-Gaze: Gaze Estimation With Event Camera
* Early Detection of Rice Sheath Blight Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* EarthVQANet: Multi-task visual question answering for remote sensing image understanding
* EBMICQL: Improving Efficiency of Blockchain Miner Pools via Incremental and Continuous Q-Learning Framework
* Edge-Aware Correlation Learning for Unsupervised Progressive Homography Estimation
* Editorial for Special Issue: Monitoring Terrestrial Water Resource Using Multiple Satellite Sensors
* Editorial for the Special Issue Processing and Application of Weather Radar Data, An
* EDLRDPL_Net: A New Deep Dictionary Learning Network for SAR Image Classification
* Effect of Argo Salinity Drift since 2016 on the Estimation of Regional Steric Sea Level Change Rates
* Effect of intra-year Landsat scene availability in land cover land use classification in the conterminous United States using deep neural networks
* Effective Training and Inference Strategies for Point Classification in LiDAR Scenes
* Effectiveness of Adjacent and Bivariate Maps in Communicating Global Sensitivity Analysis for Geodiversity Assessment
* Effects of Climatic Disturbance on the Trade-Off between the Vegetation Pattern and Water Balance Based on a Novel Model and Accurately Remotely Sensed Data in a Semiarid Basin
* Effects of the Architectural Layout of the Sanctuary of Pachacamac (2nd-16th Century CE, Peru) on the Exposure to Rain, Wind, and Solar Radiation from the Morphometric Analysis of Digital Surface Models
* Efficient and Rapid Modeling of Radar Echo Responses for Complex Targets under Arbitrary Wideband Excitation
* efficient blur kernel estimation method for blind image Super-Resolution, An
* Efficient Ground Moving Target Imaging Method for Synthetic Aperture Radar Based on Scaled Fourier Transform and Scaled Inverse Fourier Transform, An
* Efficient Image-Text Retrieval via Keyword-Guided Pre-Screening
* Efficient label-free pruning and retraining for Text-VQA Transformers
* Efficient Liveness Analysis Method for Petri Nets via Maximally Good-Step Graphs, An
* Efficient Method With Guaranteed Convergence for Window Sidelobe Magnitude Reduction, An
* Efficient multi-task progressive learning for semantic segmentation and disparity estimation
* Efficient Threshold Acceptance-Based Multi-Layer Search Algorithm for Capacitated Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, An
* Efficient Visual Computing With Camera RAW Snapshots
* Elevating adaptive traffic signal control in semi-autonomous traffic dynamics by using connected and automated vehicles as probes
* Embedding Tasks Into the Latent Space: Cross-Space Consistency for Multi-Dimensional Analysis in Echocardiography
* Emotion Recognition Based on Handwriting Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Deep Learning
* Emotion-aware hierarchical interaction network for multimodal image aesthetics assessment
* Empirical Thresholding on Spatio-Temporal Autoencoders Trained on Surveillance Videos in a Dementia Care Unit
* Employing Machine Learning for Seismic Intensity Estimation Using a Single Station for Earthquake Early Warning
* Encoding Syntactic Information into Transformers for Aspect-Based Sentiment Triplet Extraction
* End-to-End Framework for the Automatic Matching of Omnidirectional Street Images and Building Data and the Creation of 3D Building Models
* End-to-End Label Uncertainty Modeling in Speech Emotion Recognition Using Bayesian Neural Networks and Label Distribution Learning
* Energy Management Strategy of a Green Port Serving Emission-Free Ferries Considering EV Parking Lot Availability
* Energy-Efficient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control for Electric Vehicle Platooning
* energy-efficient timetable optimization method for express/local train with on-board passenger number considered, An
* Enhanced Feature Extraction Framework for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval, An
* Enhanced Land-Cover Classification through a Multi-Stage Classification Strategy Integrating LiDAR and SIF Data
* Enhanced Wind Field Spatial Downscaling Method Using UNET Architecture and Dual Cross-Attention Mechanism
* Enhancing Atmospheric Monitoring Capabilities: A Comparison of Low- and High-Cost GNSS Networks for Tropospheric Estimations
* Enhancing Satellite Trail Detection in Night Sky Imagery with Automatic Salience Thresholding
* Enhancing Seasonal PM2.5 Estimations in China through Terrain-Wind-Rained Index (TWRI): A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach
* Enhancing Subsurface Phytoplankton Layer Detection in LiDAR Data through Supervised Machine Learning Techniques
* Ensemble filter-transfer learning algorithm
* Ensemble Machine Learning Model to Estimate Urban Water Quality Parameters Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multispectral Imagery, An
* Ensemble Mean Method for Remote Sensing of Actual Evapotranspiration to Estimate Water Budget Response across a Restoration Landscape, An
* EOF-Based Global Plasmaspheric Electron Content Model and Its Potential Role in Vertical-Slant TEC Conversion, An
* Erasing, Transforming, and Noising Defense Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Error Analysis and Correction of FENGYUN-4A GIIRS Temperature Profile Products in Summer over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* ESatSR: Enhancing Super-Resolution for Satellite Remote Sensing Images with State Space Model and Spatial Context
* Estimating Evapotranspiration in the Qilian Mountains Using GRACE/GRACE-FO Satellite Data
* Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using a Combination of Geographical Random Forest and Empirical Bayesian Kriging Models
* Estimating Pavement Condition by Leveraging Crowdsourced Data
* Estimation of Antarctic Ice Sheet Thickness Based on 3D Density Interface Inversion Considering Terrain and Undulating Observation Surface Simultaneously
* Estimation of Biochemical Compounds in Tradescantia Leaves Using VIS-NIR-SWIR Hyperspectral and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Sensors
* Estimation of Chlorophyll Content in Apple Leaves Infected with Mosaic Disease by Combining Spectral and Textural Information Using Hyperspectral Images
* Estimation of Infrared Stellar Flux Based on Star Catalogs with I-GWO for Stellar Calibration
* Estimation of Rice Leaf Area Index Utilizing a Kalman Filter Fusion Methodology Based on Multi-Spectral Data Obtained from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
* Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Based on Spectral Indices Combined with Water Removal Algorithm
* Evaluating 3D Shape Analysis Methods for Robustness to Rotation Invariance
* Evaluating Machine-Learning Algorithms for Mapping LULC of the uMngeni Catchment Area, KwaZulu-Natal
* Evaluating School Location Based on a Territorial Spatial Planning Knowledge Graph
* Evaluating the Performance of the Enhanced Ross-Li Models in Characterizing BRDF/Albedo/NBAR Characteristics for Various Land Cover Types in the POLDER Database
* Evaluating the spatial-temporal transferability of models for agricultural land cover mapping using Landsat archive
* Evaluating Tropical Cyclone-Induced Flood and Surge Risks for Vanuatu by Assessing Location Hazard Susceptibility
* Evaluating Visible-Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Imagery for Developing Near-Real-Time Nationwide Vegetation Cover Monitoring in Indonesia
* Evaluation and Drivers of Four Evapotranspiration Products in the Yellow River Basin
* Evaluation of Data Sufficiency for Interannual Knowledge Transfer of Crop Type Classification Models
* Evaluation of IMERG Data over Open Ocean Using Observations of Tropical Cyclones
* Evaluation of Soybean Drought Tolerance Using Multimodal Data from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Machine Learning
* Evaluation of Two Satellite Surface Solar Radiation Products in the Urban Region in Beijing, China
* Every Problem, Every Step, All in Focus: Learning to Solve Vision-Language Problems With Integrated Attention
* Evolution of Digital Twin Frameworks in Bridge Management: Review and Future Directions
* Evolving Order Based Affine Projection Sign Algorithm For Enhanced Adaptive Filtering
* Examining the Capability of the VLF Technique for Nowcasting Solar Flares Based on Ground Measurements in Antarctica
* Expanding and Refining Hybrid Compressors for Efficient Object Re-Identification
* Expanding the Application of Sentinel-2 Chlorophyll Monitoring across United States Lakes
* Experimental Co-Polarimetric GPR Survey on Artificial Vertical Concrete Cracks by the Improved Time-Varying Centroid Frequency Scheme
* Experimental Study of Static and Dynamic Loading Effects on Guided Wave-Based Intelligent Monitoring of Welded Rail Joints
* Exploiting Label Uncertainty for Enhanced 3D Object Detection From Point Clouds
* Exploiting Optical Flow Guidance for Transformer-Based Video Inpainting
* Exploring Spatial Patterns of Tropical Peatland Subsidence in Selangor, Malaysia Using the APSIS-DInSAR Technique
* Exploring Static-Dynamic ID Matching and Temporal Static ID Inconsistency for Generalizable Deepfake Detection
* Exploring the Effects of Light and Dark on Crime in London
* Exploring the influence of attention for whole-image mammogram classification
* Exploring the Influence of Terrain Blockage on Spatiotemporal Variations in Land Surface Temperature from the Perspective of Heat Energy Redistribution
* Exploring the Potential of PRISMA Satellite Hyperspectral Image for Estimating Soil Organic Carbon in Marvdasht Region, Southern Iran
* Expression-aware neural radiance fields for high-fidelity talking portrait synthesis
* Extraction of Factors Strongly Correlated with Lightning Activity Based on Remote Sensing Information
* Extraction of Terrestrial Water Storage Anomaly from GRACE in the Region with Medium Scale and Adjacent Weak Signal Area: A Case for the Dnieper River Basin, The
* FaceCLIP: Facial Image-to-Video Translation via a Brief Text Description
* Fashion Customization: Image Generation Based on Editing Clue
* Fast and Accurate Log-Determinant Approximations
* Fast Fine-Tuning Using Curriculum Domain Adaptation
* Fast Fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Time Series over Rangelands
* Fast, Nondestructive and Precise Biomass Measurements Are Possible Using Lidar-Based Convex Hull and Voxelization Algorithms
* FATE: Learning Effective Binary Descriptors With Group Fairness
* FCNet: Flexible Convolution Network for Infrared Small Ship Detection
* Feasibility Evaluation of Oversize Load Transportation Using Conditional Rewarded Deep Q-Networks
* Feature alignment via mutual mapping for few-shot fine-grained visual classification
* Feature comparison residuals for foreign fibre classification model
* Feature selection for multilabel classification with missing labels via multi-scale fusion fuzzy uncertainty measures
* feature selection method for multimodal multispectral LiDAR sensing, A
* Feature-Based Object Detection and Tracking: A Systematic Literature Review
* feature-enhanced hybrid attention network for traffic sign recognition in real scenes, A
* Federated Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Few-shot defect classification via feature aggregation based on graph neural network
* Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation via Generating Multiple Representative Descriptors
* Few-Shot Personality-Specific Image Captioning via Meta-Learning
* FFEDet: Fine-Grained Feature Enhancement for Small Object Detection
* Filtering Limited Automatic Vehicle Identification Data for Real-Time Path Travel Time Estimation Without Ground Truth
* Fine-Grained Interpretability for EEG Emotion Recognition: Concat-Aided Grad-CAM and Systematic Brain Functional Network
* First Analyses of the TIMELINE AVHRR SST Product: Long-Term Trends of Sea Surface Temperature at 1 km Resolution across European Coastal Zones
* First Look at Internal Waves in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, A
* Fisheye Object Detection with Visual Prompting-Aided Fine-Tuning
* Fixed-Time Collision-Free Fault-Tolerant Formation Control of Multi-UAVs Under Actuator Faults
* Flashlight-Net: A Modular Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery EEG Classification
* Flexible Paths: A Path Planning Approach to Dynamic Navigation
* Flight Arrival Time Prediction Method Based on Cluster Clustering-Based Modular With Deep Neural Network, A
* FlowX: Towards Explainable Graph Neural Networks via Message Flows
* Focus for Free in Density-Based Counting
* Focus on the Crop Not the Weed: Canola Identification for Precision Weed Management Using Deep Learning
* Font transformer for few-shot font generation
* Forest 3D Radar Reflectivity Reconstruction at X-Band Using a Lidar Derived Polarimetric Coherence Tomography Basis
* Forest feature LiDAR SLAM (F2-LSLAM) for backpack systems
* Forest Structure Mapping of Boreal Coniferous Forests Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Freeway congestion management on multiple consecutive bottlenecks with RL-based headway control of autonomous vehicles
* Frequency Diversity Array Radar and Jammer Intelligent Frequency Domain Power Countermeasures Based on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
* From Dawn to Dusk: High-Resolution Tree Shading Model Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* From Fossil Fuel to Electricity: Studying the Impact of EVs on the Daily Mobility Life of Users
* From the Lab to the Wild: Affect Modeling Via Privileged Information
* From What You See to What We Smell: Linking Human Emotions to Bio-Markers in Breath
* FSErasing: Improving Face Recognition with Data Augmentation Using Face Parsing
* FSRDiff: A fast diffusion-based super-resolution method using GAN
* Fully Unsupervised Deepfake Video Detection Via Enhanced Contrastive Learning
* Fully Unsupervised Domain-Agnostic Image Retrieval
* Fusion of Google Street View, LiDAR, and Orthophoto Classifications Using Ranking Classes Based on F1 Score for Building Land-Use Type Detection
* G-TRACE: Grouped temporal recalibration for video object segmentation
* GANN: Graph Alignment Neural Network for semi-supervised learning
* Gazing After Glancing: Edge Information Guided Perception Network for Video Moment Retrieval
* Gender Recognition Based on Hand Images Employing Local and Global Shape Information
* General Forensics for Aligned Double JPEG Compression Based on the Quantization Interference
* Generalized Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Generalized Kronecker-based Adapters for Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning of Vision Transformers
* Generating 10-Meter Resolution Land Use and Land Cover Products Using Historical Landsat Archive Based on Super Resolution Guided Semantic Segmentation Network
* Generating Different Gaussian Multivariate Processes With Identical Graphs
* Generating Multiple 4D Expression Transitions by Learning Face Landmark Trajectories
* Generating Urban Road Networks with Conditional Diffusion Models
* Generation of High-Resolution Mapping Products for the Lunar South Pole Using Photogrammetry and Photoclinometry, The
* Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry 4.0: A Review
* Geocomplexity Statistical Indicator to Enhance Multiclass Semantic Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Data with Less Sampling Bias
* Geometric Prior Guided Feature Representation Learning for Long-Tailed Classification
* Geometry Calibration for Deformable Linear Microphone Arrays With Bézier Curve Fitting
* Geophysical Survey as Part of Rescue Archaeological Excavation on Large Construction Projects: Case Study: Road I/16 Slaný-Velvary (Czech Republic)
* GeoSparseNet: A Multi-Source Geometry-Aware CNN for Urban Scene Analysis
* Geospatial Crowd: Emerging Trends and Challenges in Crowdsourced Spatial Analytics, The
* Geostationary Satellite-Based Overshooting Top Detections and Their Relationship to Severe Weather over Eastern China
* Giving loss a personal course: Universal loss reweighting to improve stereo matching via uncertainty guidance
* Global Navigation Satellite System/Inertial Measurement Unit/Camera/HD Map Integrated Localization for Autonomous Vehicles in Challenging Urban Tunnel Scenarios
* Global to multi-scale local architecture with hardwired CNN for 1-ms tomato defect detection
* Gloss Prior Guided Visual Feature Learning for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
* GoA4 Control Architecture for the Autonomous Driving of High-Speed Trains Over ETCS: Design and Experimental Validation, A
* Goal-Oriented Pedestrian Motion Prediction
* GPU-Based Integration Method from Raster Data to a Hexagonal Discrete Global Grid, A
* Gradient-Based Maximally Interfered Retrieval for Domain Incremental 3D Object Detection
* Graph Representation and Prototype Learning for webly supervised fine-grained image recognition
* Ground-Based Hyperspectral Estimation of Maize Leaf Chlorophyll Content Considering Phenological Characteristics
* Grounded Affordance from Exocentric View
* Groundwater Storage Variations across Climate Zones from Southern Poland to Arctic Sweden: Comparing GRACE-GLDAS Models with Well Data
* Guest Editorial Best of ACII 2021
* Guest Editorial: Advanced image restoration and enhancement in the wild
* GyroFlow+: Gyroscope-Guided Unsupervised Deep Homography and Optical Flow Learning
* HA-Bins: Hierarchical Adaptive Bins for Robust Monocular Depth Estimation Across Multiple Datasets
* HandFormer: Hand pose reconstructing from a single RGB image
* Harmonic Source Depth Estimation by a Single Hydrophone under Unknown Seabed Geoacoustic Property
* Harnessing Machine Learning and Data Fusion for Accurate Undocumented Well Identification in Satellite Images
* HASI: Hierarchical Attention-Aware Spatio-Temporal Interaction for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Hazard Assessment of Rocky Slopes: An Integrated Photogrammetry-GIS Approach Including Fracture Density and Probability of Failure Data
* HDR or SDR? A Subjective and Objective Study of Scaled and Compressed Videos
* Heterogeneity constrained color ellipsoid prior image dehazing algorithm
* Heterogeneous Machine Learning Ensembles for Predicting Train Delays
* Hierarchical Distributed Coordination Framework for Flexible and Resilient Vehicle Platooning, A
* Hierarchical LiDAR Simulation Framework Incorporating Physical Attenuation Response in Autonomous Driving Scenarios, A
* high-precision ellipse detection method based on quadrant representation and top-down fitting, A
* High-Quality Animatable Dynamic Garment Reconstruction From Monocular Videos
* High-Quality Fusion and Visualization for MR-PET Brain Tumor Images via Multi-Dimensional Features
* High-Security-Level Iris Recognition System Based on Multi-Scale Dominating Feature Points, A
* Higher-Order Convolutional Neural Networks for Essential Climate Variables Forecasting
* Highlighting the Use of UAV to Increase the Resilience of Native Hawaiian Coastal Cultural Heritage
* Hilbert Curve Projection Distance for Distribution Comparison
* Holistic Processing of Color Images Using Novel Quaternion-Valued Wavelets on the Plane: A promising transformative tool
* Hourglass cascaded recurrent stereo matching network
* HSCNet++: Hierarchical Scene Coordinate Classification and Regression for Visual Localization with Transformer
* HSNet: An Intelligent Hierarchical Semantic-Aware Network System for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Hub-Based Platoon Formation: Optimal Release Policies and Approximate Solutions
* Human Versus Machine Intelligence: Assessing Natural Language Generation Models Through Complex Systems Theory
* HV-YOLOv8 by HDPconv: Better lightweight detectors for small object detection
* HVConv: Horizontal and Vertical Convolution for Remote Sensing Object Detection
* HVDistill: Transferring Knowledge from Images to Point Clouds via Unsupervised Hybrid-View Distillation
* Hybrid CNN-Transformer Network With Circular Feature Interaction for Acute Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation on Non-Contrast CT Scans
* Hybrid Model Coupling Physical Constraints and Machine Learning to Estimate Daily Evapotranspiration in the Heihe River Basin, A
* Hydraulic Fracturing Shear/Tensile/Compressive Crack Investigation Using Microseismic Data
* Hypercomplex Processing of Vector Field Seismic Data: Toward vector-valued signal processing
* Hypercomplex Techniques in Signal and Image Processing Using Network Graph Theory: Identifying core research directions
* HyperMODEST: Self-Supervised 3D Object Detection with Confidence Score Filtering
* Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via Low-Rank Representation with Dual Graph Regularizations and Adaptive Dictionary
* Hyperspectral Data for Early Identification and Classification of Potassium Deficiency in Soybean Plants (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)
* Hyperspectral Estimation of Chlorophyll Content in Grape Leaves Based on Fractional-Order Differentiation and Random Forest Algorithm
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Adaptive Global-Local Feature Fusion
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Double-Branch Multi-Scale Dual-Attention Network
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Multi-Scale Convolutional Features and Multi-Attention Mechanisms
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Two-Branch Multiscale Spatial Spectral Feature Fusion with Self-Attention Mechanisms
* Hyperspectral Image Compression Using Implicit Neural Representations
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Based on Deep and Total Variation Priors
* Hyperspectral Leaf Area Index and Chlorophyll Retrieval over Forest and Row-Structured Vineyard Canopies
* HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameter Recommendation for Training and Compression
* Ice Thickness Measurement and Volume Modeling of Muztagh Ata Glacier No.16, Eastern Pamir
* Identification Method of Corner Reflector Array Based on Mismatched Filter through Changing the Frequency Modulation Slope, An
* Identification of Typhoon-Vulnerable Areas and Countermeasures in High-Density Coastal Cities: The Case of Macau
* Identifying Critical Links in Urban Transportation Networks Based on Spatio-Temporal Dependency Learning
* Identifying Cropland Non-Agriculturalization with High Representational Consistency from Bi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: From Benchmark Datasets to Real-World Application
* Identifying Editions of the Ptolemy of Rome Maps (1478/90-1507/08) by Copper Plates Changes
* Identifying Heterogeneity in SAR Data with New Test Statistics
* Identifying Light Interference in Event-Based Vision
* Identifying Plausible Labels from Noisy Training Data for a Land Use and Land Cover Classification Application in Amazônia Legal
* Identifying the Hierarchical Structure of Nighttime Economic Agglomerations Based on the Fusion of Multisource Data
* Identifying the Spatial Range of the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration by Fusing Nighttime Light Data with Weibo Sign-In Data
* IfCMD: A Novel Method for Radar Target Detection under Complex Clutter Backgrounds
* IGIE-net: Cross-modality person re-identification via intermediate modality image generation and discriminative information enhancement
* Image dehazing using non-local haze-lines and multi-exposure fusion
* image-based runway detection method for fixed-wing aircraft based on deep neural network, An
* Imagery Time Series Cloud Removal and Classification Using Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks
* Impact of Annotation Modality on Label Quality and Model Performance in the Automatic Assessment of Laughter In-the-Wild
* Impact of Satellite Wind on Improving Simulation of the Upper Ocean Response to Tropical Cyclones
* Impacts of Drought Changes on Alpine Vegetation during the Growing Season over the Tibetan Plateau in 1982-2018, The
* Implementing Immersive Worlds for Metaverse-Based Participatory Design through Photogrammetry and Blockchain
* Improved Approach to Estimate Stocking Rate and Carrying Capacity Based on Remotely Sensed Phenology Timings, An
* Improved Classification of Coastal Wetlands in Yellow River Delta of China Using ResNet Combined with Feature-Preferred Bands Based on Attention Mechanism
* Improved COVID-19 Lung X-Ray Image Classification Algorithm Based on ConvNeXt Network, An
* Improved Gap-Filling Method for Reconstructing Dense Time-Series Images from LANDSAT 7 SLC-Off Data, An
* Improved Gross Primary Production Model Considering Atmospheric CO2 Fertilization: The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a Case Study, An
* Improved Identification of Forest Types in the Loess Plateau Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, Transfer Learning, and Neural Residual Networks
* Improved Propagation Prediction Method of Low-Frequency Skywave Fusing Fine Channel Parameters, An
* Improved Transcranial Plane-Wave Imaging With Learned Speed-of-Sound Maps
* Improvement of High-Resolution Daytime Fog Detection Algorithm Using GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/Advanced Meteorological Imager Data with Optimization of Background Field and Threshold Values
* Improving Artificial-Intelligence-Based Individual Tree Species Classification Using Pseudo Tree Crown Derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* Improving Efficiency and Generalisability of Motion Predictions With Deep Multi-Agent Learning and Multi-Head Attention
* Improving Hyperspectral Image Classification with Compact Multi-Branch Deep Learning
* Improving license plate recognition via diverse stylistic plate generation
* Improving QoE-Privacy Tradeoff in XR Streaming
* Improving radial lens distortion correction with multi-task learning
* Improving semantic video retrieval models by training with a relevance-aware online mining strategy
* Improving the Accuracy of Digital Terrain Models Using Drone-Based LiDAR for the Morpho-Structural Analysis of Active Calderas: The Case of Ischia Island, Italy
* IMU-Assisted Accurate Blur Kernel Re-Estimation in Non-Uniform Camera Shake Deblurring
* iMVS: Integrating multi-view information on multiple scales for 3D object recognition
* Inception-YOLO: Computational cost and accuracy improvement of the YOLOv5 model based on employing modified CSP, SPPF, and inception modules
* Incremental registration towards large-scale heterogeneous point clouds by hierarchical graph matching
* Indian Ocean Dipole Modulates the Phytoplankton Size Structure in the Southern Tropical Indian Ocean, The
* Influence maximization for heterogeneous networks based on self-supervised clustered heterogeneous graph transformer
* Influence of Image Compositing and Multisource Data Fusion on Multitemporal Land Cover Mapping of Two Philippine Watersheds
* Information Gap Narrowing for Point Cloud Few-Shot Segmentation
* Infrared Adversarial Patches with Learnable Shapes and Locations in the Physical World
* infrared and visible image fusion network based on multi-scale feature cascades and non-local attention, An
* Inner Niger Delta Inundation Extent (2010-2022) Based on Landsat Imagery and the Google Earth Engine
* Innovative Correction-Fusion Approach for Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products Conditioned by Gauge Background Fields over the Lancang River Basin, An
* Innovative Rotating SAR Mode for 3D Imaging of Buildings
* InSAR- and PCA-Based Inversion Reveals the Surface Deformation and Earthquake Sequence in the Weiyuan-Rongxian Shale Gas Field
* Instrument Overview and Radiometric Calibration Methodology of the Non-Scanning Radiometer for the Integrated Earth-Moon Radiation Observation System (IEMROS)
* INSURE: An Information Theory iNspired diSentanglement and pURification modEl for Domain Generalization
* Integrated Multisource and Multiscale Monitoring Technique for Assessing the Health Status of High-Speed Railway Subgrade, An
* Integrated of Decision Making and Motion Planning Framework for Enhanced Oscillation-Free Capability, An
* Integrating Cross-Domain Feature Representation and Semantic Guidance for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Integrating Satellite Images and Machine Learning for Flood Prediction and Susceptibility Mapping for the Case of Amibara, Awash Basin, Ethiopia
* Integration of Handheld and Airborne Lidar Data for Dicranopteris Dichotoma Biomass Estimation in a Subtropical Region of Fujian Province, China
* Integration of High-Rate GNSS and Strong Motion Record Based on Sage-Husa Kalman Filter with Adaptive Estimation of Strong Motion Acceleration Noise Uncertainty
* Integration of Radar Sequential Images and AIS for Ship Speed and Heading Estimation Under Uncertainty
* Integration of Spatial and Co-Existence Relationships to Improve Administrative Region Target Detection in Map Images
* Inter-Comparison of SST Products from iQuam, AMSR2/GCOM-W1, and MWRI/FY-3D
* InterCap: Joint Markerless 3D Tracking of Humans and Objects in Interaction from Multi-view RGB-D Images
* Interpolation and Prediction Algorithm for XCO2 Based on Multi-Source Time Series Data, An
* interpretable deep learning Bayesian optimized random forest framework for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease in structural magnetic resonance images, An
* Interpretable Task-inspired Adaptive Filter Pruning for Neural Networks Under Multiple Constraints
* Interpretation of Hot Spots in Wuhan New Town Development and Analysis of Influencing Factors Based on Spatio-Temporal Pattern Mining
* InterTrack: Interaction Transformer for 3D Multi-Object Tracking
* Inversion of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Regions with Complex Terrain Based on PolSAR Data and a Machine Learning Model: Radiometric Terrain Correction Assessment
* Investigating Wind Characteristics and Temporal Variations in the Lower Troposphere over the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using a Doppler LiDAR
* Is Endmember Extraction a Critical Step in the Analysis of Hyperspectral Images in Mining Environments?
* JGULF: Joint Global and Unilateral Local Feature Network for Micro-Expression Recognition
* Joint Learning of Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction and Sound Source Localization on Multi-face Videos
* Joint learning of latent subspace and structured graph for multi-view clustering
* Joint Lossless Compression and Encryption for Medical Images
* Joint negative-positive-learning based sample reweighting for hyperspectral image classification with label noise
* Joint Optimization of Communication and Storage Latencies for Vehicular Edge Computing
* Joint resource allocation and security redundancy for autonomous driving based on deep reinforcement learning algorithm
* Joint Target and Transmitter Localization With AOA and DTD Using Passive Sensors
* Joint Variational Inference Network for domain generalization
* Joint-individual fusion structure with fusion attention module for multi-modal skin cancer classification
* JPEG Quantized Coefficient Recovery via DCT Domain Spatial-Frequential Transformer
* Kaskade-CNN and NB-KDE-CNN: CNN Architectures with KDE and Probabilistic Reasoning Layers
* KepSalinst: Using Peripheral Points to Delineate Salient Instances
* Knowledge-Enhanced and Topic-Guided Domain Adaptation Model for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis, A
* L1RR: Model Pruning Using Dynamic and Self-Adaptive Sparsity for Remote-Sensing Target Detection to Prevent Target Feature Loss
* Lake Environmental Data Harvester (LED) for Alpine Lake Monitoring with Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs)
* Land Cover Disaggregated Fire Occurrence and Particulate Matter2.5 Relationship in the Mekong Region: A Comprehensive Study
* Land-Corrected ASCAT Coastal Wind Product, A
* Land-Use Composition, Distribution Patterns, and Influencing Factors of Villages in the Hehuang Valley, Qinghai, China, Based on UAV Photogrammetry
* Landsat-8/9 Atmospheric Correction Reliability Using Scene Statistics
* Landslide Hazard Analysis Combining BGA-Net-Based Landslide Susceptibility Perception and Small Baseline Subset Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar in the Baige Section in the Upper Reaches of Jinsha River
* Language guided 3D object detection in point clouds for MEP scenes
* Laplace-Based 3D Human Mesh Sequence Compression
* Largest Geodetic Coseismic Assessment of the 2020 Mw = 6.4 Petrinja Earthquake, The
* LatentKeypointGAN: Controlling Images via Latent Keypoints
* Lateral Wind Estimation and Backstepping Compensation for Safer Self-Driving Racecars
* LDDMM-Face: Large deformation diffeomorphic metric learning for cross-annotation face alignment
* Learnable fusion mechanisms for multimodal object detection in autonomous vehicles
* Learnable Graph Matching: A Practical Paradigm for Data Association
* Learning a complex network representation for shape classification
* Learning a Deep Demosaicing Network for Spike Camera With Color Filter Array
* Learning Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Inference Transformer for Coarse-to-Fine Animal Visual Tracking: Algorithm and Benchmark
* Learning Attention in the Frequency Domain for Flexible Real Photograph Denoising
* Learning by Asking Questions for Knowledge-Based Novel Object Recognition
* Learning Compact Hyperbolic Representations of Latent Space for Old Photo Restoration
* Learning content-aware feature fusion for guided depth map super-resolution
* Learning De-biased prototypes for Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation
* Learning Depth Representation From RGB-D Videos by Time-Aware Contrastive Pre-Training
* Learning Discriminative Features for Crowd Counting
* Learning Effective Geometry Representation from Videos for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation
* Learning Relation in Crowd Using Gated Graph Convolutional Networks for DRL-Based Robot Navigation
* Learning Robust and Sparse Principal Components With the alpha-Divergence
* Learning Spherical Radiance Field for Efficient 360° Unbounded Novel View Synthesis
* Learning With Constraint Learning: New Perspective, Solution Strategy and Various Applications
* Learning-to-Count by Learning-to-Rank
* LGNet: Local and global point dependency network for 3D object detection
* Lidar Biomass Index of Tidal Marshes from Drone Lidar Point Cloud, A
* LiDAR Point Cloud Augmentation for Adverse Conditions Using Conditional Generative Model
* Light dual hypergraph convolution for collaborative filtering
* Lightweight and rotation-invariant place recognition network for large-scale raw point clouds
* Lightweight JPEG image steganalysis using dilated blind-spot network
* Lightweight Pyramid Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction, A
* Linearly interpolating missing values in time series helps little for land cover classification using recurrent or attention networks
* Living in a Material World: Learning Material Properties from Full-Waveform Flash Lidar Data for Semantic Segmentation
* Local Region-to-Region Mapping-based Approach to Classify Articulated Objects
* Localized Particle Filtering Approach to Advance Flood Frequency Estimation at Large Scale Using Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Collection and Hydrodynamic Modelling, A
* Logit Normalization for Long-Tail Object Detection
* Long-Range Transport of a Dust Event and Impact on Marine Chlorophyll-a Concentration in April 2023
* Looking beyond input frames: Self-supervised adaptation for video super-resolution
* Lossy Compression of Single-channel Noisy Images by Modern Coders
* Low-Cost 3D SLAM System Integration of Autonomous Exploration Based on Fast-ICP Enhanced LiDAR-Inertial Odometry, A
* Low-cost orthogonal basis-core extraction for classification and reconstruction using tensor ring
* Low-Overlap Point Cloud Registration With Transformer
* Low-severity spruce beetle infestation mapped from high-resolution satellite imagery with a convolutional network
* Low-Sidelobe Imaging Method Utilizing Improved Spatially Variant Apodization for Forward-Looking Sonar
* LPI Sequences Optimization Method against Summation Detector Based on FFT Filter Bank
* LRMSNet: A New Lightweight Detection Algorithm for Multi-Scale SAR Objects
* LUCA: A Sentinel-1 SAR-Based Global Forest Land Use Change Alert
* LUFFD-YOLO: A Lightweight Model for UAV Remote Sensing Forest Fire Detection Based on Attention Mechanism and Multi-Level Feature Fusion
* Lunar High Alumina Basalts in Mare Imbrium
* LVP-net: A deep network of learning visual pathway for edge detection
* Machine Learning Analysis of Human Skin by Optoacoustic Mesoscopy for Automated Extraction of Psoriasis and Aging Biomarkers
* Machine Learning to Solve Vehicle Routing Problems: A Survey
* Machine Learning Vegetation Filtering of Coastal Cliff and Bluff Point Clouds
* Manifold information through neighbor embedding projection for image retrieval
* Map-Adaptive Multimodal Trajectory Prediction via Intention-Aware Unimodal Trajectory Predictors
* Mapping Debris-Covered Glaciers Using High-Resolution Imagery (GF-2) and Deep Learning Algorithms
* Mapping Topsoil Carbon Storage Dynamics of Croplands Based on Temporal Mosaicking Images of Landsat and Machine Learning Approach
* Mapping Water Quality in Nearshore Reef Environments Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy
* Mask-Guided Discriminative Feature Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Masked Image Modeling Auxiliary Pseudo-Label Propagation with a Clustering Central Rectification Strategy for Cross-Scene Classification
* Matrix normal PCA for interpretable dimension reduction and graphical noise modeling
* Matte anything: Interactive natural image matting with segment anything model
* Maximum open-set entropy optimization via uncertainty measure for universal domain adaptation
* MCT-VHD: Multi-modal contrastive transformer for video highlight detection
* Measurement Refinements of Ground-Based Radar Interferometry in Bridge Load Test Monitoring: Comprehensive Analysis on a Multi-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge
* Measuring Urban and Landscape Change Due to Sea Level Rise: Case Studies in Southeastern USA
* MECOM: A Meta-Completion Network for Fine-Grained Recognition With Incomplete Multi-Modalities
* Medium-Scale Soil Moisture Retrievals Using an ELBARA L-Band Radiometer Using Time-Dependent Parameters for Wetland-Meadow-Cropland Site
* Memory Augmentation and Non-Local Spectral Attention for Hyperspectral Denoising
* Memory-guided representation matching for unsupervised video anomaly detection
* MeSat Mission: Exploring Martian Environment with THz Radiometer Payload and Optimal Trajectory
* Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Field and Array Gain Performance
* Meta-Calib: A generic, robust and accurate camera calibration framework with ArUco-encoded meta-board
* Method and Analysis of Improving the Transport Capacity of Mixed Running Line Based on Incremental Adaptive Dynamic Coding of Track Circuit, A
* Method for Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition Based on the Delay-Doppler Joint Feature, A
* Methodology for Severe Convective Cloud Identification Using Lightweight Neural Network Model Ensembling
* MetroBUX: A Topology-Based Visual Analytics for Bus Operational Uncertainty EXploration
* MFPANet: Multi-Scale Feature Perception and Aggregation Network for High-Resolution Snow Depth Estimation
* MGEED: A Multimodal Genuine Emotion and Expression Detection Database
* MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology Data via Memory Learning and Gradient Homogenization
* Microphysical Characteristics of Melting Layers in North China Revealed by Aircraft and Radar
* Mind the Gap: Open Set Domain Adaptation via Mutual-to-Separate Framework
* Misclassification in Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Mixed Vehicle Group Merging Control in the Vicinity of Traffic Signals: A Cyber-Physical Perspective
* MLENet: Multi-Level Extraction Network for video action recognition
* MOD-YOLO: Multispectral object detection based on transformer dual-stream YOLO
* MODCN: Fine-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network with GAN Deployed to Forecast Diabetic Eye Damage in Fundus Retinal Images
* Mode-Matching Approach for Acoustic Vortex Generation in Circular Array Configurations, A
* Model-Free Learning of Corridor Clearance: A Near-Term Deployment Perspective
* Modeling the Effect of Vegetation Coverage on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Based Object Detection: A Study in the Minefield Environment
* Modeling with Hysteresis Better Captures Grassland Growth in Asian Drylands
* Modified ESRGAN with Uformer for Video Satellite Imagery Super-Resolution
* Module-based graph pooling for graph classification
* Monitoring Chlorophyll-a Concentration Variation in Fish Ponds from 2013 to 2022 in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
* Monitoring Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Coastal Waters of Zhejiang Using Landsat-8/9 Imagery
* Monitoring Land Use Changes in the Yellow River Delta Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning from 2000 to 2020
* Monitoring Long-Term Land Cover Change in Central Yakutia Using Sparse Time Series Landsat Data
* Monitoring Monthly Net-Pen Aquaculture Dynamics of Shallow Lakes Using Sentinel-1 Data: Case Study of Shallow Lakes in Jiangsu Province, China
* Motion Compression Using Structurally Connected Neural Network
* MResCaps: Enhancing capsule networks with parallel lanes and residual blocks for high-performance medical image classification
* MSFNet-2SE: A multi-scale fusion convolutional network for Alzheimer's disease classification on magnetic resonance images
* MSSD-Net: Multi-Scale SAR Ship Detection Network
* Multi-Agent Constrained Policy Optimization for Conflict-Free Management of Connected Autonomous Vehicles at Unsignalized Intersections
* Multi-dataset Detection with Transformers
* Multi-hop graph transformer network for 3D human pose estimation
* Multi-Instance Multi-Task Learning for Joint Clinical Outcome and Genomic Profile Predictions From the Histopathological Images
* Multi-Layer NMPC for Battery Thermal Management Optimization Strategy of Connected Electric Vehicle Integrated With Waste Heat Recovery
* Multi-Level Information Aggregation Based Graph Attention Networks Towards Fake Speech Detection
* Multi-Level Interpretable Sleep Stage Scoring System by Infusing Experts' Knowledge Into a Deep Network Architecture, A
* Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation with a Space-Time Memory Network
* Multi-Objective Multi-Picking-Robot Task Allocation: Mathematical Model and Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
* Multi-Person Pose Tracking With Sparse Key-Point Flow Estimation and Hierarchical Graph Distance Minimization
* Multi-Robot Environmental Coverage With a Two-Stage Coordination Strategy via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Multi-Scale Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Interaction and Gaussian Distribution
* Multi-scale recurrent attention gated fusion network for single image dehazing
* Multi-Scale Window Spatiotemporal Attention Network for Subsurface Temperature Prediction and Reconstruction
* Multi-Shot Simultaneous Deghosting for Virtual-Shot Gathers via Integrated Sparse and Nuclear Norm Constraint Inversion
* Multi-Step Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Image and Feature Space for Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Terrain Classification
* Multi-Task Deep Learning Methods for Determining Railway Major Technical Standards
* Multi-Task Learning of Object States and State-Modifying Actions From Web Videos
* Multi-Task Momentum Distillation for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* Multi-View Graph Embedding Learning for Image Co-Segmentation and Co-Localization
* Multiclass Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease Analysis Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
* Multimodal Brain-Computer Interface for In-Vehicle Driver Cognitive Load Measurement: Dataset and Baselines
* Multimodal Human Action Recognition for Rehabilitation Exercise of Upper Body for Individuals With Cerebral Palsy
* Multimodal Imbalance-Aware Gradient Modulation for Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* Multimodal parallel attention network for medical image segmentation
* Multiphysics-Constrained Fast Charging of Lithium-Ion Battery With Active Set Predictive Control
* Multiple Information Embedded Hashing for Large-Scale Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multiple SNC-ZCZ Sequence Sets With Optimal Correlations Based on Zak Transforms
* Multiple-Level Distillation for Video Fine-Grained Accident Detection
* Multiscale collaborative representation for face recognition via class-information fusion
* Multitask Learning Method for Rail Corrugation Detection Using In-Vehicle Responses and Noise Data, A
* multitask tensor-based relation network for cloth-changing person re-identification, A
* Multivariate Normal Distribution Data Generative Model in Small-Sample-Based Fault Diagnosis: Taking Traction Circuit Breaker as an Example, A
* MuscleParseNet: A Novel Framework for Parsing Muscles of Drosophila Larva in Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Naive Scene Graphs: How Visual is Modern Visual Relationship Detection?
* National-scale nighttime high-temperature anomalies from Landsat-8 OLI images
* Navigation Resource Allocation Algorithm for LEO Constellations Based on Dynamic Programming
* NCART: Neural Classification and Regression Tree for tabular data
* Near-Surface Dispersion and Current Observations Using Dye, Drifters, and HF Radar in Coastal Waters
* Network-Based Modeling and Sampling Guaranteed Cost Control for Unmanned Surface Vehicle Systems Under Stochastic Cyber-Attacks
* Neural implicit shape modeling for small planetary bodies from multi-view images using a mask-based classification sampling strategy
* Neural Network-Based Motion Cueing Algorithm Using the Classical Washout Filter for Comprehensive Driving Scenarios, A
* Neuro or Symbolic? Fine-Tuned Transformer With Unsupervised LDA Topic Clustering for Text Sentiment Analysis
* New 3-D Fluorescence Spectral Indices for Multiple Pigment Inversions of Plant Leaves via 3-D Fluorescence Spectra
* New Dual-Branch Embedded Multivariate Attention Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Classification, A
* New Grid Zenith Tropospheric Delay Model Considering Time-Varying Vertical Adjustment and Diurnal Variation over China, A
* New Method Based on Lattice Boltzmann Method and Unsupervised Clustering for Identification of Urban-Scale Ventilation Corridors, A
* New Trajectory Clustering Method for Mining Multiple Periodic Patterns from Complex Oceanic Trajectories, A
* Next-Best-View Selection for Robot Eye-in-Hand Calibration
* Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Colorization With Feedback-Based Object Appearance Learning
* Non-convex tensorial multi-view clustering by integrating L1-based sliced-Laplacian regularization and L2,p-sparsity
* Non-Destructive Monitoring of Peanut Leaf Area Index by Combing UAV Spectral and Textural Characteristics
* Non-Uniform Spatial Partitions and Optimized Trajectory Segments for Storage and Indexing of Massive GPS Trajectory Data
* Nonconvex submodule clustering via joint sliced sparse gradient and cluster-aware approach
* Normal Image Guided Segmentation Framework for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* novel and robust method for large-scale single-season rice mapping based on phenology and statistical data, A
* Novel Approach to Urban Village Extraction and Generalization from Digital Line Graphics Using the Computational Geometric Method and the Modified Hausdorff Distance, A
* novel extended secret image sharing scheme based on sharing matrix, A
* Novel Hybrid Fusion Combining Palmprint and Palm Vein for Large-Scale Palm-Based Recognition, A
* novel non-pretrained deep supervision network for polyp segmentation, A
* Novel Rock Mass Discontinuity Detection Approach with CNNs and Multi-View Image Augmentation, A
* Novel UNet 3+ Change Detection Method Considering Scale Uncertainty in High-Resolution Imagery, A
* Novel Visually-Lossless Compression Model for Low-Latency Interaction, A
* OA-Pose: Occlusion-aware monocular 6-DoF object pose estimation under geometry alignment for robot manipulation
* Object detection in drone video based on recurrent motion attention
* Observation weights matching approach for causal inference
* Observations, Remote Sensing, and Model Simulation to Analyze Southern Brazil Antarctic Ozone Hole Influence
* OCHJRNChain: A Blockchain-Based Security Data Sharing Framework for Online Car-Hailing Journey
* Octonion Phase Retrieval
* On the Number of Linear Regions of Convolutional Neural Networks With Piecewise Linear Activations
* On the use of GNN-based structural information to improve CNN-based semantic image segmentation
* On-Demand Multiplexing of eMBB/URLLC Traffic in a Multi-UAV Relay Network
* One-Dimensional Light Detection and Ranging Array Scanner for Mapping Turfgrass Quality, A
* One-Shot Action Recognition via Multi-Scale Spatial-Temporal Skeleton Matching
* One-Shot Multiple Object Tracking With Robust ID Preservation
* Ontology for Describing Wind Lidar Concepts, An
* OPT-SAR-MS2Net: A Multi-Source Multi-Scale Siamese Network for Land Object Classification Using Remote Sensing Images
* Optical Detection Model for Stratospheric Airships, An
* Optimal Dispatcher Number for One-Way Carsharing Services Considering Break Requirement
* Optimal Task and Motion Planning and Execution for Multiagent Systems in Dynamic Environments
* Optimization of Scheduling and Timetabling for Multiple Electric Bus Lines Considering Nonlinear Energy Consumption Model
* Optimized Deep Neuro-Fuzzy Network with MapReduce Architecture for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Classification and Severity Analysis
* Optimized Parameters for Detecting Multiple Forest Disturbance and Recovery Events and Spatiotemporal Patterns in Fast-Regrowing Southern China
* Optimized ResUNet++-Enabled Blood Vessel Segmentation for Retinal Fundus Image Based on Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Improvement
* Optimized Transfer Learning for Chlorophyll Content Estimations across Datasets of Different Species Using Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Reflectance
* Optimizing the Matching Area for Underwater Gravity Matching Navigation Based on a New Gravity Field Feature Parameters Selection Method
* Optimizing the Numerical Simulation of the Dust Event of March 2021: Integrating Aerosol Observations through Multi-Scale 3D Variational Assimilation in the WRF-Chem Model
* Oriented R-CNN and Beyond
* OSRE: Object-to-Spot Rotation Estimation for Bike Parking Assessment
* Oxygen and Air Density Retrieval Method for Single-Band Stellar Occultation Measurement
* Palette-Based Color Harmonization via Color Naming
* PAMK: Prototype Augmented Multi-Teacher Knowledge Transfer Network for Continual Zero-Shot Learning
* Parallel Inversion of 3D Airborne Transient Electromagnetic Data Using an Approximate Jacobi Matrix
* Parameter Extraction of Accelerated Moving Targets under Non-Quasi-Axial Incidence Conditions Based on Vortex Electromagnetic Wave Radar
* Passenger Comfort Quantification for Automated Vehicle Based on Stacking of Psychophysics Mechanism and Encoder-Transformer Model
* Passenger-based adaptive transit signal priority for BRT systems with multiple loading areas
* Patch-based probabilistic identification of plant roots using convolutional neural networks
* Patch-based tendency camera multi-constraint learning for unsupervised person re-identification
* Path tracking control of automated vehicles based on adaptive MPC in variable scenarios
* PD-LL-Transformer: An Hourly PM2.5 Forecasting Method over the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China
* Perception-Aware Texture Similarity Prediction
* Performance Analysis of Blockchain-Enabled Security and Privacy Algorithms in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: A Comprehensive Review
* Performance Analysis of Moving Target Shadow Detection in Video SAR Systems
* Performance Enhancement and Evaluation of a Vector Tracking Receiver Using Adaptive Tracking Loops
* Performance of Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Tracking the Movement of Road Vehicles, The
* Performance of Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 Data for Water Body Extraction Based on Various Water Indices: A Comparative Analysis, The
* Perimeter Traffic Flow Control for a Multi-Region Large-Scale Traffic Network With Markov Decision Process
* Periocular Biometrics: A Modality for Unconstrained Scenarios
* Persistent Scatterer Point Selection Method for Deformation Monitoring of Under-Construction Cross-Sea Bridges Using Statistical Theory and GMM-EM Algorithm, A
* Physiology of Betula glandusa on Two Sunny Summer Days in the Arctic and Linkages with Optical Imagery, The
* PIPE: Parallelized inference through ensembling of residual quantization expansions
* Plug-and-Play Split Gibbs Sampler: Embedding Deep Generative Priors in Bayesian Inference
* PND-Net: Physics-Inspired Non-Local Dual-Domain Network for Metal Artifact Reduction
* Point cloud registration method for indoor depth sensor acquisition system based on dual graph computation with irregular shape factors
* point-image fusion network for event-based frame interpolation, A
* Polar Stratospheric Cloud Observations at Concordia Station by Remotely Controlled Lidar Observatory
* Polarimetric Helmholtz Stereopsis
* Polarization Characteristics Distortion for L-Band Fully Polarimetric Radar Subject to Magnetized Plasma Sheath
* Post-Quantum Authentication Against Cyber-Physical Attacks in V2X-Based Autonomous Vehicle Platoon
* Potential of Earth Observation to Assess the Impact of Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events in Temperate Forests: A Review
* PPF-Det: Point-Pixel Fusion for Multi-Modal 3D Object Detection
* PR-PL: A Novel Prototypical Representation Based Pairwise Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition Using EEG Signals
* Pre-Launch Assessment of PACE OCI's Polarization Sensitivity
* Pre-Launch Polarization Assessment of JPSS-3 and -4 VIIRS VNIR Bands and Comparison with Previous Builds
* Pre-trained low-light image enhancement transformer
* Precipitation Characteristics at Different Developmental Stages of the Tibetan Plateau Vortex in July 2021 Based on GPM-DPR Data
* Predicting the Global Potential Suitable Distribution of Fall Armyworm and Its Host Plants Based on Machine Learning Models
* Predicting Winter Wheat Yield with Dual-Year Spectral Fusion, Bayesian Wisdom, and Cross-Environmental Validation
* Prediction Method for Dynamic Subsidence Basin in Mining Area Based on SBAS-InSAR and Time Function
* Predictive Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation in DT-Empowered Vehicular Networks
* Preliminary Application of Spectral Microphysics in Numerical Study of the Effects of Aerosol Particles on Thunderstorm Development, The
* Preliminary Exploration of Coverage for Moon-Based/HEO Spaceborne Bistatic SAR Earth Observation in Polar Regions
* Prior-Guided Adversarial Learning With Hypergraph for Predicting Abnormal Connections in Alzheimer's Disease
* Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme for Connected Autonomous Vehicles
* Privacy-Preserving Synthetic Continual Semantic Segmentation for Robotic Surgery
* Pro-Tuning: Unified Prompt Tuning for Vision Tasks
* Proactive hybrid learning framework for real-time multi-vehicle detection in unregulated traffic environments
* Probabilistic 3D motion model for object tracking in aerial applications
* Probabilistic Principal Curves on Riemannian Manifolds
* Probabilistic Shaped Joint Source-Channel Polar-Coded Modulation
* Probabilistic-Based Feature Embedding of 4-D Light Fields for Compressive Imaging and Denoising
* ProPanDL: A Modular Architecture for Uncertainty-Aware Panoptic Segmentation
* Prototype learning based generic multiple object tracking via point-to-box supervision
* Pseudo-Label-Assisted Subdomain Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* PW-NeRF: Progressive wavelet-mask guided neural radiance fields view synthesis
* Q-EANet: Implicit social modeling for trajectory prediction via experience-anchored queries
* Quantifying the Impact of Aerosols on Geostationary Satellite Infrared Radiance Simulations: A Study with Himawari-8 AHI
* Quantitative Analysis of the Vertical Interactions between Dust, Zonal Wind, and Migrating Diurnal Tide on Mars and the Role of Gravity Waves
* Quantitative Assessment of Volcanic Thermal Activity from Space Using an Isolation Forest Machine Learning Algorithm
* Quantitative Inversion of Multiantenna Ground-Penetrating Radar Data with Modeling Error Correction Based on Long Short-Term Memory Cells
* Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using Weather Radar Data and Machine Learning Algorithms for the Southern Region of Brazil
* Quaternion-Based Arithmetic in Quantum Information Processing: A promising approach for efficient color quantum imaging
* Query-Guided Support Prototypes for Few-Shot 3D Indoor Segmentation
* R3ACWU: A Lightweight, Trustworthy Authentication Scheme for UAV-Assisted IoT Applications
* Radar Waveform Selection for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Clutter with PDA-RBPF and Max-Q-Based Criterion
* Radiation Feature Fusion Dual-Attention Cloud Segmentation Network
* Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation in Data and Image Bi-Domains for an Aperture Synthesis Radiometer
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF6-PMS and WFV Sensors with Sentinel 2-MSI and Landsat 9-OLI2
* RadWet-L: A Novel Approach for Mapping of Inundation Dynamics of Forested Wetlands Using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 L-Band Radar Imagery
* Railway Accident Prevention System Using an Intelligent Pilot Vehicle, A
* Random Forest-Based Soil Moisture Estimation Using Sentinel-2, Landsat-8/9, and UAV-Based Hyperspectral Data
* Ranking Information Based Network for Facial Beauty Prediction, A
* RAP-MAC: A Robust and Adaptive Pipeline MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic String Networks
* Rapid in-flight image quality check for UAV-enabled bridge inspection
* RCFL: Redundancy-Aware Collaborative Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks
* REACT: Remainder Adaptive Compensation for Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* Real-Time Instance Segmentation with Polygons Using an Intersection-Over-Union Loss
* Real-Time Three-Dimensional Tracking of Distant Moving Objects Using Non-Imaging Single-Pixel LiDAR
* Real-Time Video Matting Based on RVM and Mobile ViT
* Recent Cereal Phenological Variations under Mediterranean Conditions
* Recognition and Prediction of Safety Pattern for Tunnel Face of Shield Tunneling
* Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Target Three-Dimensional Localization with 2-D Radar
* Reconstruction of High-Resolution 3D GPR Data from 2D Profiles: A Multiple-Point Statistical Approach
* recurrent graph neural network for inductive representation learning on dynamic graphs, A
* Recursive Deformable Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Medical Image Registration
* Refined InSAR Mapping Based on Improved Tropospheric Delay Correction Method for Automatic Identification of Wide-Area Potential Landslides
* Registration Method of Overlap Aware Point Clouds Based on Transformer-to-Transformer Regression, A
* Regression model for speckled data with extreme variability
* Rehabilitation Exercise Repetition Segmentation and Counting Using Skeletal Body Joints
* Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control in Hybrid Action Space
* Relationship between the Construction of Transportation Infrastructure and the Development of New Urbanization, The
* Relative Norm Alignment for Tackling Domain Shift in Deep Multi-Modal Classification
* Reliability-Adaptive Consistency Regularization for Weakly-Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation
* Reliable Cross-Camera Learning in Random Camera Person Re-Identification
* Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Analysis of Pigment Migrations in Cave of Altamira's Prehistoric Paintings
* Remote Sensing Application in Ecological Restoration Monitoring: A Systematic Review
* Remote Sensing Image Harmonization Method for Fine-Grained Ship Classification
* Research on a local path planning algorithm based on multivehicle collaborative mapping and a potential field method
* Research on calculation Method of On-Orbit Instrumental Line Shape Function for the Greenhouse Gases Monitoring Instrument on the GaoFen-5B Satellite
* Research on Input Schemes for Polarimetric SAR Classification Using Deep Learning
* Research on Rural Environments' Effects on Well-Being: The Huizhou Area in China
* Research on surface defect detection model of steel strip based on MFFA-YOLOv5
* Research on the Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Forest Ecological Network Topological Features and Network Optimization Based on Modification Recognition in the Yellow River Basin Mining Area: A Case Study of Jincheng City
* Research on the Geographical Pattern, Evolution Model, and Driving Mechanism of Carbon Emission Density from Urban Industrial Land in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China
* Residual Ash Mapping and Coffee Plant Development Based on Multispectral RPA Images
* Resilient Factor Graph-Based GNSS/IMU/Vision/Odo Integrated Navigation Scheme Enhanced by Noise Approximate Gaussian Estimation in Challenging Environments
* Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm
* Response of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Snow Cover Changes on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Rethinking local-to-global representation learning for rotation-invariant point cloud analysis
* Rethinking Supervision in Document Unwarping: A Self-Consistent Flow-Free Approach
* Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data Based on TPE-MLP: Analysis of Retrieval Accuracy and Influencing Factors
* Retrieval of Crop Canopy Chlorophyll: Machine Learning vs. Radiative Transfer Model
* Revealing the Eco-Environmental Quality of the Yellow River Basin: Trends and Drivers
* Reversible data hiding with automatic contrast enhancement for color images
* Reversible Transformer for LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation, A
* Review of Deep Learning-Based Methods for Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* review on infrared and visible image fusion algorithms based on neural networks, A
* Reviewing Space-Borne GNSS-Reflectometry for Detecting Freeze/Thaw Conditions of Near-Surface Soils
* RGB-Thermal Image Segmentation Method Based on Parameter Sharing and Attention Fusion for Safe Autonomous Driving, A
* RIS-Based Vehicle DOA Estimation Method With Integrated Sensing and Communication System, A
* RLWOA-SOFL: A New Learning Model-Based Reinforcement Swarm Intelligence and Self-Organizing Deep Fuzzy Rules for fMRI Pain Decoding
* RNNPose: 6-DoF Object Pose Estimation via Recurrent Correspondence Field Estimation and Pose Optimization
* Robust Audio-Visual Contrastive Learning for Proposal-Based Self-Supervised Sound Source Localization in Videos
* Robust feature selection via central point link information and sparse latent representation
* Robust High-Accuracy Star Map Matching Algorithm for Dense Star Scenes, A
* Robust Mismatch Removal Method for Image Matching Based on the Fusion of the Local Features and the Depth, A
* Robust nuclei segmentation with encoder-decoder network from the histopathological images
* Robust Object Re-identification with Coupled Noisy Labels
* Robust Scuba Diver Tracking and Recovery in Open Water Using YOLOv7, SORT, and Spiral Search
* Robust Semi-Supervised 3D Medical Image Segmentation With Diverse Joint-Task Learning and Decoupled Inter-Student Learning
* Robust Stochastic Neural Ensemble Learning With Noisy Labels for Thoracic Disease Classification
* Robust Target Detection Algorithm Based on the Fusion of Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Radar and a Monocular Camera, A
* Robust Wideband Interference Suppression Method for GNSS Array Antenna Receiver via Hybrid Beamforming Technique
* RPPM: A Reputation-Based and Privacy-Preserving Platoon Management Scheme in Vehicular Networks
* RUIESR: Realistic Underwater Image Enhancement and Super Resolution
* Salient object detection in egocentric videos
* SAR Features and Techniques for Urban Planning: A Review
* Satellite Remote Sensing Tools for Drought Assessment in Vineyards and Olive Orchards: A Systematic Review
* SC-CNN: LiDAR point cloud filtering CNN under slope and copula correlation constraint
* Scale-Aware Graph Convolutional Network with Part-Level Refinement for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Scaling Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
* Scan-Specific Self-Supervised Bayesian Deep Non-Linear Inversion for Undersampled MRI Reconstruction
* Scattering power components from dual-pol Sentinel-1 SLC and GRD SAR data
* Scenario-Based Simulation of Impervious Surfaces for Detecting the Effects of Landscape Patterns on Urban Waterlogging
* Scientific mapping and bibliometric analysis of research advancements in underwater image enhancement
* ScribFormer: Transformer Makes CNN Work Better for Scribble-Based Medical Image Segmentation
* SDRnet: A Deep Fusion Network for ISAR Ship Target Recognition Based on Feature Separation and Weighted Decision
* Secure Sampled-Data Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems Under Asynchronous Deception Attacks With Application to Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* Segmentation assisted Prostate Cancer Grading with Multitask Collaborative Learning
* Select and Enhance: Masked-based image enhancement through tree-search theory and deep reinforcement learning
* Self-Calibration Strip Bundle Adjustment of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Self-ensembling depth completion via density-aware consistency
* Self-Paced Multi-Scale Joint Feature Mapper for Multi-Objective Change Detection in Heterogeneous Images
* Self-Prompting Perceptual Edge Learning for Dense Prediction
* Self-Supervised Deep Blind Video Super-Resolution
* Self-supervised feature-gate coupling for dynamic network pruning
* self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked image modeling and contrastive learning, A
* Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Monocular Depth Estimation for Dynamic Scenes
* Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Video Incoherence Detection
* Semantic-Aware Adaptive Prompt Learning for Universal Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
* Semi-Automatic-Based Approach to the Extraction of Underwater Archaeological Features from Ultra-High-Resolution Bathymetric Data: The Case of the Submerged Baia Archaeological Park, A
* Semi-Tightly Coupled Robust Model for GNSS/UWB/INS Integrated Positioning in Challenging Environments
* Sensitivity Decouple Learning for Image Compression Artifacts Reduction
* Separable Consistency and Diversity Feature Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* Shadow Segmentation With Image Thresholding for Describing the Harshness of Light Sources
* Shape Pattern Recognition of Building Footprints Using t-SNE Dimensionality Reduction Visualization
* Share-Aware Joint Model Deployment and Task Offloading for Multi-Task Inference
* Shared Latent Membership Enables Joint Shape Abstraction and Segmentation With Deformable Superquadrics
* shared-private sentiment analysis approach based on cross-modal information interaction, A
* Siamese Cooperative Learning for Unsupervised Image Reconstruction From Incomplete Measurements
* SIM-MultiDepth: Self-Supervised Indoor Monocular Multi-Frame Depth Estimation Based on Texture-Aware Masking
* Similar Formation Control via Range and Odometry Measurements
* Simple Normalization Technique Using Window Statistics to Improve the Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Medical Images, A
* Simplifying Land Cover-Geoprocessing-Model Migration with a PAMC-LC Containerization Strategy in the Open Web Environment
* Simulating the Net Primary Production of Even-Aged Forests by the Use of Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modelling Techniques
* Simulation of cross-pedestrian flow in intersection based on direction fuzzy visual field
* Simultaneous Activity and Attenuation Estimation in TOF-PET With TV-Constrained Nonconvex Optimization
* Simultaneously Recovering Multi-Person Meshes and Multi-View Cameras With Human Semantics
* SLR Validation and Evaluation of BDS-3 MEO Satellite Precise Orbits
* Small Target Radiometric Performance of Drone-Based Hyperspectral Imaging Systems
* SMART: Syntax-Calibrated Multi-Aspect Relation Transformer for Change Captioning
* Smiling in the Face and Voice of Avatars and Robots: Evidence for a Smiling McGurk Effect
* Social robot in service of the cognitive therapy of elderly people: Exploring robot acceptance in a real-world scenario
* Soft Actor-Critic Deep Reinforcement-Learning-Based Robot Navigation Method Using LiDAR, A
* Sound Source Localization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Environments
* Spaceborne HRWS-SAR-GMTI System Design Method with Optimal Configuration
* Spach Transformer: Spatial and Channel-Wise Transformer Based on Local and Global Self-Attentions for PET Image Denoising
* Sparse Shape Encoding for Topologically Improved Instance Segmentation
* Sparsely-Supervised Object Tracking
* Spatial and Temporal Changes and Influencing Factors of Capital Cities in Five Provinces of the Underdeveloped Regions of Northwest China
* Spatial Downscaling of Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review
* Spatial feature embedding for robust visual object tracking
* Spatial Prediction of Diameter Distributions for the Alpine Protection Forests in Ebensee, Austria, Using ALS/PLS and Spatial Distributional Regression Models
* Spatial Spectrum Estimation of Weak Scattering Wave Signal in Range-Doppler Domain
* Spatial-Temporal Evolution Characteristics Analysis of Color Steel Buildings in Lanzhou City
* Spatially-Varying Illumination-Aware Indoor Harmonization
* Spatio-Temporal Graph Hubness Propagation Model for Dynamic Brain Network Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Transferability of Drone-Based Models to Predict Forage Supply in Drier Rangelands
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Ecological Security Based on Landscape Patterns
* Spatiotemporal Gated Graph Transformer for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
* Spatiotemporal Mechanism-Based Spacetimeformer Network for InSAR Deformation Prediction and Identification of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the Chumar River Basin
* Spatiotemporal Variability of Gross Primary Productivity in Türkiye: A Multi-Source and Multi-Method Assessment
* SpecTr: Spectral Transformer for Microscopic Hyperspectral Pathology Image Segmentation
* Spectral and Spatial Comparison of Satellite-Based Hyperspectral Data for Geological Mapping, A
* Spectral-Spatial Center-Aware Bottleneck Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spherical Neural Operator Network for Global Weather Prediction
* Spike Camera Image Reconstruction Using Deep Spiking Neural Networks
* Split-Quaternions for Perceptual White Balance: A quantum information-based chromatic adaptation transform
* SPLIT: Statistical Positronium Lifetime Image Reconstruction via Time-Thresholding
* SPT: Spatial Pyramid Transformer for Image Captioning
* SRBPSwin: Single-Image Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing Images Using a Global Residual Multi-Attention Hybrid Back-Projection Network Based on the Swin Transformer
* STCC-Filter: A space-time-content correlation-based noise filter with self-adjusting threshold for event camera
* Steering-Vector-Based Matrix Information Geometry Method for Space-Time Adaptive Detection in Heterogeneous Environments, A
* Stereo Image Restoration via Attention-Guided Correspondence Learning
* Strategy for Neighboring Pixel Collaboration in Landslide Susceptibility Prediction, A
* StructLane: Leveraging Structural Relations for Lane Detection
* Structural and positional ensembled encoding for Graph Transformer
* Structure based transmission estimation in single image dehazing
* Study of Fast and Reliable Time Transfer Methods Using Low Earth Orbit Enhancement
* Study on the Identification, Failure Mode, and Spatial Distribution of Bank Collapses after the Initial Impoundment in the Head Section of Baihetan Reservoir in Jinsha River, China
* Study on the Spatial and Temporal Trends of Ecological Environment Quality and Influencing Factors in Xinjiang Oasis
* Style-A-Video: Agile Diffusion for Arbitrary Text-Based Video Style Transfer
* Sub-Nyquist Frequency and DOA Estimation With DOF Extension Arrayed MWC
* Supplementary Dam Site Selection Using a Geospatial Approach: A Case Study of Wivenhoe Dam
* Suppression of Subpixel Jitter in Resonant Scanning Systems With Phase-locked Sampling
* Survey of Machine Learning-Based Ride-Hailing Planning, A
* SWPanGAN: A hybrid generative adversarial network for pansharpening
* SyDog-Video: A Synthetic Dog Video Dataset for Temporal Pose Estimation
* Synergistic Use of Multi-Temporal Radar and Optical Remote Sensing for Soil Organic Carbon Prediction
* Synergy between Artificial Intelligence, Remote Sensing, and Archaeological Fieldwork Validation, The
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Change Detection Based on Principal Component Analysis and Two-Level Clustering
* Synthetic Aperture Radar in Vineyard Monitoring: Examples, Demonstrations, and Future Perspectives
* Synthetic Aperture Radar-Based Robust Satellite Technique (RST) for Timely Mapping of Floods, A
* Synthetic Data in Human Analysis: A Survey
* Synthetic Optical Coherence Tomography Angiographs for Detailed Retinal Vessel Segmentation Without Human Annotations
* System for Automated Vehicle Damage Localization and Severity Estimation Using Deep Learning, A
* Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Semantic Segmentation Models in Land Cover Mapping, A
* S^2P^3: Self-Supervised Polarimetric Pose Prediction
* S^3Seg: A Three-Stage Unsupervised Foreground and Background Segmentation Network
* Take a prior from other tasks for severe blur removal
* Target Localization Algorithm for a Single-Frequency Doppler Radar Based on an Improved Subtractive Average Optimizer, A
* Task Bias in Contrastive Vision-Language Models
* Task-Driven Controllable Scenario Generation Framework Based on AOG
* TCFAP-Net: Transformer-based Cross-feature Fusion and Adaptive Perception Network for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation
* TCTL-Net: Template-Free Color Transfer Learning for Self-Attention Driven Underwater Image Enhancement
* Temporal refinement network: Combining dynamic convolution and multi-scale information for fine-grained action recognition
* temporal shift reconstruction network for compressive video sensing, A
* Terrain Shadow Interference Reduction for Water Surface Extraction in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Using a Transformer-Based Network
* Testing the Performance of LSTM and ARIMA Models for In-Season Forecasting of Canopy Cover (CC) in Cotton Crops
* Text to image synthesis with multi-granularity feature aware enhancement Generative Adversarial Networks
* Text-Based Fine-Grained Emotion Prediction
* Three-Dimensional Rockslide Analysis Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and LiDAR: The Castrocucco Case Study, Southern Italy
* Three-Dimensional Structure and Transport Properties of Dust Aerosols in Central Asia: New Insights from CALIOP Observations, 2007-2022
* Three-Dimensional Structure of Mesoscale Eddies and Their Impact on Diapycnal Mixing in a Standing Meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
* Three-Dimensional Surface Deformation of the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan Earthquake from InSAR and GF-7 Stereo Satellite Images
* Three-Stage Relief Network Design Approach for Predictable Disasters Considering Time-Dependent Uncertainty, A
* three-stream fusion and self-differential attention network for multi-modal crowd counting, A
* Time Lag Effects and Interaction among Climate, Soil Moisture, and Vegetation from In Situ Monitoring Measurements across China, The
* Time Phase Selection and Accuracy Analysis for Predicting Winter Wheat Yield Based on Time Series Vegetation Index
* Time-Based Utilization Rate of the Fleet: Measuring Deep Inefficiencies in E-Scooter Services in Atlanta and Rome
* Time-Consistency Curriculum for Learning From Instance-Dependent Noisy Labels, A
* Time-Series Analysis of Mining-Induced Subsidence in the Arid Region of Mongolia Based on SBAS-InSAR
* ToTem NRSfM: Object-Wise Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion with a Topological Template
* Toulouse Hyperspectral Data Set: A benchmark data set to assess semi-supervised spectral representation learning and pixel-wise classification techniques
* Toward Compact and Robust Model Learning Under Dynamically Perturbed Environments
* Toward deep drum source separation
* Toward Ground-Truth Optical Coherence Tomography via Three-Dimensional Unsupervised Deep Learning Processing and Data
* Toward Large-Scale Palmprint Image Analysis by a Rich Orientation Code
* Towards a Transitional Weather Scene Recognition Approach for Autonomous Vehicles
* Towards accurate unsupervised video captioning with implicit visual feature injection and explicit
* Towards Asynchronous Multimodal Signal Interaction and Fusion via Tailored Transformers
* Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturbations via Gated Batch Normalization
* Towards Emotion-Aware Agents for Improved User Satisfaction and Partner Perception in Negotiation Dialogues
* Towards Human-Compatible Autonomous Car: A Study of Non-Verbal Turing Test in Automated Driving With Affective Transition Modelling
* Towards intelligent transportation system: A comprehensive review of electronic toll collection systems
* Towards Low-Cost Learning-based Camera ISP via Unrolled Optimization
* Towards multi-views cloud retrieval accounting for the 3-D structure collected by directional polarization camera
* Towards Open Vocabulary Learning: A Survey
* Towards Open World NeRF-Based SLAM
* Towards real-time processing for UAV-mounted GPR-SAR imaging systems
* Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: A New Baseline and Benchmark
* Towards Urban Digital Twins: A Workflow for Procedural Visualization Using Geospatial Data
* TQRFormer: Tubelet query recollection transformer for action detection
* Tracking Loop Current Eddies in the Gulf of Mexico Using Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a
* Tracking of Rectangular Object Using Key Points With Regionally Concentrated Measurements
* Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Federated Learning and Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks
* Trajectory Compression with Spatio-Temporal Semantic Constraints
* Transfer Learning-Based Specific Emitter Identification for ADS-B over Satellite System
* Transformer-Augmented Network With Online Label Correction for Facial Expression Recognition
* Transformer-Based Human Action Recognition with Dynamic Feature Selection
* Tree Health Assessment from UAV Images: Improving Object Detection and Classification Using Hard Negative Mining and Semi-Supervised Autoencoder
* Trends of Key Greenhouse Gases as Measured in 2009-2022 at the FTIR Station of St. Petersburg State University
* Triggering of Land Subsidence in and Surrounding the Hangjiahu Plain Based on Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Monitoring
* TSAR-MVS: Textureless-aware segmentation and correlative refinement guided multi-view stereo
* TSI-Siamnet: A Siamese network for cloud and shadow detection based on time-series cloudy images
* TTMRI: Multislice texture transformer network for undersampled MRI reconstruction
* TV-Net: A Structure-Level Feature Fusion Network Based on Tensor Voting for Road Crack Segmentation
* Twenty-Year Climatology of Solar UV and PAR in Cyprus: Integrating Satellite Earth Observations with Radiative Transfer Modeling
* Two-Dimensional Autofocus for Ultra-High-Resolution Squint Spotlight Airborne SAR Based on Improved Spectrum Modification
* Two-Dimensional Space-Variant Motion Compensation Algorithm for Multi-Hydrophone Synthetic Aperture Sonar Based on Sub-Beam Compensation
* Two-Stage Adaptive Network for Semi-Supervised Cross-Domain Crater Detection under Varying Scenario Distributions
* Two-Stage Noise-Tolerant Paradigm for Label Corrupted Person Re-Identification, A
* Two-Stage Path Planning for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Planning Based on Terrain Data
* Two-Stage SAR Image Generation Algorithm Based on GAN with Reinforced Constraint Filtering and Compensation Techniques, A
* two-stage substation equipment classification method based on dual-scale attention, A
* Two-Step Method of Pavement Pothole and Raveling Detection and Segmentation Based on Deep Learning, The
* Type of Scale-Oriented Terrain Pattern Derived from Normalized Topographic Relief Layers and Its Interpretation, A
* Type-Specific Modality Alignment for Multi-Modal Information Extraction
* U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater object detection network
* U-Net Ensemble for Enhanced Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Imagery
* UAV-Spherical Data Fusion Approach to Estimate Individual Tree Carbon Stock for Urban Green Planning and Management
* ULG-SLAM: A Novel Unsupervised Learning and Geometric Feature-Based Visual SLAM Algorithm for Robot Localizability Estimation
* UM-GAN: Underground mine GAN for underground mine low-light image enhancement
* UMCGL: Universal Multi-View Consensus Graph Learning With Consistency and Diversity
* Underwater Temperature and Salinity Measurement by Rayleigh-Brillouin Spectroscopy Using Fizeau Interferometer and PMT Array
* Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor Interactions
* Universal deep demosaicking for sparse color filter arrays
* Universal Software Only Radar with All Waveforms Simultaneously on a Single Platform
* Unmixing-based radiometric and spectral harmonization for consistency of multi-sensor reflectance time-series data
* Unsupervised Color-Based Flood Segmentation in UAV Imagery
* Unsupervised Deep Triplet Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Contrastive Learning-Based Discriminative Feature Augmentation for RS Image Classification
* Unsupervised face image deblurring via disentangled representation learning
* Unsupervised Image Blind Super Resolution via Real Degradation Feature Learning
* Unsupervised Test-Time Adaptation Learning for Effective Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With Unknown Degeneration
* Unveiling Deviations from IPCC Temperature Projections through Bayesian Downscaling and Assessment of CMIP6 General Circulation Models in a Climate-Vulnerable Region
* Unveiling Glacier Mass Balance: Albedo Aggregation Insights for Austrian and Norwegian Glaciers
* Unveiling the Accuracy of New-Generation Satellite Rainfall Estimates across Bolivia's Complex Terrain
* Upscaling Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Waveform-Calibrated GEDI Spaceborne LiDAR and Sentinel-2 Data
* Using Geostationary Satellite Observations to Improve the Monitoring of Vegetation Phenology
* Using Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Investigate the Exceptionally Thick Deposits from the Storegga Tsunami in Northeastern Scotland
* Using Maximum Weighted Likelihood to Derive Lehmer and Hölder Families of Means
* Using Sentinel-2 Imagery to Measure Spatiotemporal Changes and Recovery across Three Adjacent Grasslands with Different Fire Histories
* Using the Improved YOLOv5-Seg Network and Sentinel-2 Imagery to Map Glacial Lakes in High Mountain Asia
* Utilizing the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich Equivalent Number of Looks for Sea State Applications
* VAE-GAN3D: Leveraging image-based semantics for 3D zero-shot recognition
* Validation of Gross Primary Production Estimated by Remote Sensing for the Ecosystems of Doñana National Park through Improvements in Light Use Efficiency Estimation
* Validation of Multisource Altimeter SWH Measurements for Climate Data Analysis in China's Offshore Waters
* Validation of Red-Edge Vegetation Indices in Vegetation Classification in Tropical Monsoon Region: A Case Study in Wenchang, Hainan, China
* VALNet: Vision-Based Autonomous Landing with Airport Runway Instance Segmentation
* Variable Doppler Starting Point Keystone Transform for Radar Maneuvering Target Detection
* Variational Distillation for Multi-View Learning
* Vectorized building extraction from high-resolution remote sensing images using spatial cognitive graph convolution model
* Vegetation Influences on Cloud Cover in Typical Plain and Plateau Regions of Eurasia: 2001-2021
* Vehicle Trajectory Estimation Using a High-Gain Multi-Output Nonlinear Observer
* Vertical Accuracy Assessment and Improvement of Five High-Resolution Open-Source Digital Elevation Models Using ICESat-2 Data and Random Forest: Case Study on Chongqing, China
* Vertical Distribution of Optical Turbulence at the Peak Terskol Observatory and Mount Kurapdag
* VGA-Net: Vessel graph based attentional U-Net for retinal vessel segmentation
* Video Coding for Machines: Compact Visual Representation Compression for Intelligent Collaborative Analytics
* Video frame interpolation via spatial multi-scale modelling
* Video Text Detection With Robust Feature Representation
* View-Invariant Skeleton Action Representation Learning via Motion Retargeting
* VNVC: A Versatile Neural Video Coding Framework for Efficient Human-Machine Vision
* Vulnerability of Wetlands Due to Projected Sea-Level Rise in the Coastal Plains of the South and Southeast United States
* WBNet: Weakly-supervised salient object detection via scribble and pseudo-background priors
* Weakly Supervised AUC Optimization: A Unified Partial AUC Approach
* Weakly supervised semantic segmentation based on superpixel affinity
* Weakly Supervised Training of Universal Visual Concepts for Multi-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* Wearable Eye-Tracking System for Synchronized Multimodal Data Acquisition
* Web Publication of Schmitt's Map of Southern Germany (1797): The Projection of the Map Based on Archival Documents and Geospatial Analysis
* WebGIS-Based System for Supporting Saline-Alkali Soil Ecological Monitoring: A Case Study in Yellow River Delta, China, A
* What Does a Model Really Look at?: Extracting Model-Oriented Concepts for Explaining Deep Neural Networks
* What does the Occluding Contour Tell us about Quantitative Shape?
* When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relationship Evolution via Attentive GNN
* Where Are Business Incubators Built? County-Level Spatial Distribution and Rationales Based on the Big Data of Chinese Yangtze River Delta Region
* Wind Wave Effects on the Doppler Spectrum of the Ka-Band Spaceborne Doppler Measurement
* WindTrans: Transformer-Based Wind Speed Forecasting Method for High-Speed Railway
* Worst Perception Scenario Search via Recurrent Neural Controller and K-Reciprocal Re-Ranking
* X-Band Radar Detection of Small Garbage Islands in Different Sea State Conditions
* YOLIC: An efficient method for object localization and classification on edge devices
* YOLO-Ships: Lightweight ship object detection based on feature enhancement
* Zero-Shot SAR Target Recognition Based on a Conditional Generative Network with Category Features from Simulated Images
1195 for 2406

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.