Update Dates 1609

1609 * 100 lines of code for shape-based object localization
* 135-frames/s 1080p 87.5-mW Binary-Descriptor-Based Image Feature Extraction Accelerator, A
* 2-Line Exhaustive Searching for Real-Time Vanishing Point Estimation in Manhattan World
* 3D descriptor to detect task-oriented grasping points in clothing, A
* 3D facial landmark localization using texture regression via conformal mapping
* 3D Human pose estimation: A review of the literature and analysis of covariates
* 3D model perceptual feature metric based on global height field, A
* 3D Pictorial Structures Revisited: Multiple Human Pose Estimation
* 3D Pose Tracking With Multitemplate Warping and SIFT Correspondences
* 3D Semantic Segmentation of Modular Furniture Using rjMCMC
* 3D-Brain Segmentation Using Deep Neural Network and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Abrupt Change in Forest Height along a Tropical Elevation Gradient Detected Using Airborne Lidar
* Absolute and relative height-pixel accuracy of SRTM-GL1 over the South American Andean Plateau
* Accelerating Convolutional Sparse Coding for Curvilinear Structures Segmentation by Refining SCIRD-TS Filter Banks
* Accelerating Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Classification and Detection
* Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Image Sequences with Severe Occlusions
* Accurate and Robust Artificial Marker Based on Cyclic Codes, An
* Accurate and robust feature-based homography estimation using HALF-SIFT and feature localization error weighting
* Accurate Image Search with Multi-Scale Contextual Evidences
* Accurate Image-Guided Stereo Matching With Efficient Matching Cost and Disparity Refinement
* Accurate keyframe selection and keypoint tracking for robust visual odometry
* Accurately estimating rigid transformations in registration using a boosting-inspired mechanism
* Acquiring 4D Light Fields of Self-Luminous Extended Light Sources Using Programmable Filter
* Action Recognition in Still Images Using Word Embeddings from Natural Language Descriptions
* Action recognition using edge trajectories and motion acceleration descriptor
* Action recognition using saliency learned from recorded human gaze
* Active colloids segmentation and tracking
* Active contour evolved by joint probability classification on Riemannian manifold
* Active Online Anomaly Detection Using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model and Gaussian Process Classification
* Adaptive Block Coding Order for Intra Prediction in HEVC
* Adaptive Content Condensation Based on Grid Optimization for Thumbnail Image Generation
* Adaptive enhancement of compressed SAR images
* adaptive local binary pattern for 3D hand tracking, An
* Adaptive maintenance scheme for codebook-based dynamic background subtraction
* Adaptive maximum margin analysis for image recognition
* Adaptive noise dictionary construction via IRRPCA for face recognition
* adaptive over-split and merge algorithm for page segmentation, An
* Adaptive Retrodiction Particle PHD Filter for Multiple Human Tracking
* Adaptive reversible video watermarking based on motion-compensated prediction error expansion with pixel selection
* Adaptive ship detection in SAR images using variance WIE-based method
* Adaptive shock filter for image super-resolution and enhancement
* Adherent Raindrop Modeling, Detection and Removal in Video
* Adobe Boxes: Locating Object Proposals Using Object Adobes
* Advanced Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of a Slow Landslide through the Exploitation of DInSAR Measurements and in Situ Surveys
* Aerial image sequence geolocalization with road traffic as invariant feature
* Affine Motion Model for Removing Rolling Shutter Distortions, An
* Agriculture drones are finally cleared for takeoff [News]
* Airborne Lidar Estimation of Aboveground Forest Biomass in the Absence of Field Inventory
* Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Edge-Directed Image Upscaling for 4k Display System
* Alpine Forest Drought Monitoring in South Tyrol: PCA Based Synergy between scPDSI Data and MODIS Derived NDVI and NDII7 Time Series
* Ambiguity Optimization for Frequency-Hopping Waveforms in MIMO Radars With Arbitrary Antenna Separations
* Amplitude Preserving S-Transform for Seismic Data Attenuation Compensation, An
* Analysis of Landslide Evolution Affecting Olive Groves Using UAV and Photogrammetric Techniques
* Analysis of the Factors Affecting Keypoint Stability in Scale-Space, An
* Analytics-Driven Visualization on Digital Directory via Screen-Smart Device Interactions
* Analyzing Landscape Trends on Agriculture, Introduced Exotic Grasslands and Riparian Ecosystems in Arid Regions of Mexico
* Animal-Vehicle Collision Mitigation System for Automated Vehicles
* Anisotropic diffusion noise filtering using region adaptive smoothing strength
* Anomalous Diffusion in Cardiac Tissue as an Index of Myocardial Microstructure
* Antivibration Time-Delay Integration CMOS Image Sensor With Online Deblurring Algorithm, An
* Aortic Valve Tract Segmentation From 3D-TEE Using Shape-Based B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces
* Application of Monte Carlo simulation with block-spin transformation based on the Mumford-Shah segmentation model to three-dimensional biomedical images
* Approach to Extended Fresnel Scattering for Modeling of Depolarizing Soil-Trunk Double-Bounce Scattering, An
* Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach for Simulating Pedestrian Movement, An
* Artistic Movement Recognition by Boosted Fusion of Color Structure and Topographic Description
* Assessing a Temporal Change Strategy for Sub-Pixel Land Cover Change Mapping from Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Imagery
* Assessing Global Forest Land-Use Change by Object-Based Image Analysis
* Assessment of Peanut Pod Maturity
* Assessment of Pre- and Post Fire Near Surface Fuel Hazard in an Australian Dry Sclerophyll Forest Using Point Cloud Data Captured Using a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, An
* Asymptotic Performance of the Geometric Mean Detector in Pareto Distributed Clutter
* Auto-Scaling of Geo-Based Image Processing in an OpenStack Cloud Computing Environment
* Automated Detection of DCIS in Whole-Slide H E Stained Breast Histopathology Images
* Automated Ortho-Rectification of UAV-Based Hyperspectral Data over an Agricultural Field Using Frame RGB Imagery
* Automatic Calibration of a Multiple-Projector Spherical Fish Tank VR Display
* Automatic classification of flying bird species using computer vision techniques
* Automatic cloud detection for high resolution satellite stereo images and its application in terrain extraction
* Automatic Defect Recognition in X-Ray Testing Using Computer Vision
* Automatic Detection of Object-Based Forgery in Advanced Video
* Automatic Methods for the Detection of Accelerative Cardiac Defense Response
* Automatic Recognition of Long Period Events From Volcano Tectonic Earthquakes at Cotopaxi Volcano
* Automatic Video Annotation System for Archival Sports Video
* Available parking slot recognition based on slot context analysis
* Averaged Properties of the Residual Error in Sparse Signal Reconstruction
* Backward Registration-Based Aspect Ratio Similarity for Image Retargeting Quality Assessment
* Bag-of-features for image memorability evaluation
* Bandwidth Limited Object Recognition in High Resolution Imagery
* Bayesian approach to simultaneously recover camera pose and non-rigid shape from monocular images, A
* Bayesian Exponential Inverse Document Frequency and Region-of-Interest Effect for Enhancing Instance Search Accuracy
* Bayesian Traffic Light Parameter Tracking Based on Semi-Hidden Markov Models
* BDD-Based Synthesis of Fail-Safe Supervisory Controllers for Safety-Critical Discrete Event Systems
* Beacon-Guided Structure from Motion for Smartphone-Based Navigation
* BESAC: Binary External Symmetry Axis Constellation for unconstrained handwritten character recognition
* Best Accuracy Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Classification to Derive Crop Types Using Multitemporal, Multisensor, and Multi-Polarization SAR Satellite Images
* Best of Bodynets 2014: Editorial
* Besta-Divergence-Based Variational Model for Speckle Reduction
* Beyond accuracy: Learning selective Bayesian classifiers with minimal test cost
* Beyond Semantic Attributes: Discrete Latent Attributes Learning for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Beyond Spatial Auto-Regressive Models: Predicting Housing Prices with Satellite Imagery
* Bi-level Protected Compressive Sampling
* Big Data Analysis for Media Production
* Big Data for Remote Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities
* BIG-CCA: Beacon-Less, Infrastructure-Less, and GPS-Less Cooperative Collision Avoidance Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks
* Bispectrum estimation using a MISO autoregressive model
* Blind Deblurring and Denoising of Images Corrupted by Unidirectional Object Motion Blur and Sensor Noise
* Blind image motion deblurring with -regularized priors
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on High Order Statistics Aggregation
* Blind image restoration with sparse priori regularization for passive millimeter-wave images
* Blind Quality Index for Camera Images with Natural Scene Statistics and Patch-Based Sharpness Assessment
* Blind Quality Metric for Multidistortion Images Based on Cartoon and Texture Decomposition
* Boosted Convolutional Neural Networks (BCNN) for Pedestrian Detection
* Bottom-up saliency detection with sparse representation of learnt texture atoms
* Box Refinement: Object Proposal Enhancement and Pruning
* Brain image segmentation using a combination of expectation-maximization algorithm and watershed transform
* Brain-Network Paradigm: Using Functional Imaging Data to Study How the Brain Works, The
* Breathing Rate Monitoring during Sleep from a Depth Camera under Real-Life Conditions
* Built-up Area Extraction from PolSAR Imagery with Model-Based Decomposition and Polarimetric Coherence
* Calibration Technique for Underwater Active Oneshot Scanning System with Static Pattern Projector and Multiple Cameras
* Camera Self-Calibration Based on Nonlinear Optimization and Applications in Surveillance Systems
* Can Affordances Guide Object Decomposition into Semantically Meaningful Parts?
* Can Hawaii Meet Its Renewable Fuel Target? Case Study of Banagrass-Based Cellulosic Ethanol
* Cancellable fuzzy vault with periodic transformation for biometric template protection
* Case Study of Land-Surface-Temperature Impact from Large-Scale Deployment of Wind Farms in China from Guazhou, A
* Categorizing plant images at the variety level: Did you say fine-grained?
* Category co-occurrence modeling for large scale scene recognition
* Catenary System Detection, Localization and Classification Using Mobile Scanning Data
* Caveats Concerning the Use of SRTM DEM Version 4.1 (CGIAR-CSI)
* Center-Focusing Multi-task CNN with Injected Features for Classification of Glioma Nuclear Images
* Centralized and Localized Data Congestion Control Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Using a Machine Learning Clustering Algorithm
* Changes in Mountain Glaciers, Lake Levels, and Snow Coverage in the Tianshan Monitored by GRACE, ICESat, Altimetry, and MODIS
* CHP Toolkit: Case Study of LAIe Sensitivity to Discontinuity of Canopy Cover in Fruit Plantations
* Chro-Ring: A time-oriented visual approach to represent writer's history
* Class centroid alignment based domain adaptation for classification of remote sensing images
* Class Relatedness Oriented-Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Multiclass Image Classification
* Class-specific mid-level feature learning with the Discriminative Group-wise Beta-Bernoulli process restricted Boltzmann machines
* Classification of Big Data With Application to Imaging Genetics
* classification of endoscopy images with persistent homology, The
* Classification of human actions using pose-based features and stacked auto encoder
* Closed form line-segment extraction using the Hough transform
* Clothing and carrying condition invariant gait recognition based on rotation forest
* Cloud-Based Actor Identification With Batch-Orthogonal Local-Sensitive Hashing and Sparse Representation
* Cloud-Based Evaluation of Anatomical Structure Segmentation and Landmark Detection Algorithms: VISCERAL Anatomy Benchmarks
* Cloudmaps from static ground-view video
* CLRIC: Collecting Lane-Based Road Information Via Crowdsourcing
* Clustering of cell populations in flow cytometry data using a combination of Gaussian mixtures
* Clustering Tree-Structured Data on Manifold
* Co-spectral for robust shape clustering
* Coastal Altimetry Products in the Strait of Gibraltar
* Coastal Subsidence Monitoring Associated with Land Reclamation Using the Point Target Based SBAS-InSAR Method: A Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* Cognitive Chaotic UWB-MIMO Detect-Avoid Radar for Autonomous UAV Navigation
* Coincidence of Maximal Invariants for Two Adaptive Radar Detection Problems
* Collaborative Intrusion Detection System against DDoS for SDN, A
* Collaborative probabilistic labels for face recognition from single sample per person
* Collect Earth: Land Use and Land Cover Assessment through Augmented Visual Interpretation
* Combining inconsistent textures using convolutional neural networks
* Comments on and corrections to Hardware: software co-design architecture for joint photo expert graphic XR encoder
* Comparing Road-Kill Datasets from Hunters and Citizen Scientists in a Landscape Context
* comparison of deep multilayer networks and Markov random field matching models for face recognition in the wild, A
* Comparison of Different Regression Algorithms for Downscaling Monthly Satellite-Based Precipitation over North China, A
* Comparison of Four Machine Learning Methods for Generating the GLASS Fractional Vegetation Cover Product from MODIS Data
* Comparison of Methods for Estimating Fractional Cover of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation in the Otindag Sandy Land Using GF-1 Wide-Field View Data
* Comparison of quasi-spherical surfaces: Application to corneal biometry
* Complex Event Recognition from Images with Few Training Examples
* Compositional models and Structured learning for visual recognition
* Comprehensive Statistical Study on Daytime Surface Urban Heat Island during Summer in Urban Areas, Case Study: Cairo and Its New Towns, A
* Compressive sensing reconstruction via decomposition
* Computational complexity allocation and control for inter-coding of high efficiency video coding with fast coding unit split decision
* computational fluid mechanics solution to the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem, A
* Computational Model for Amodal Completion, A
* Computational Modeling of Affective Qualities of Abstract Paintings
* Computationally Efficient Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Computer assisted diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma using Z-transform features
* Computer-Aided Classification of Gastrointestinal Lesions in Regular Colonoscopy
* Computing Egomotion with Local Loop Closures for Egocentric Videos
* Con-Patch: When a Patch Meets Its Context
* Conditional Multiscale Locally Gaussian Texture Synthesis Algorithm, A
* Conflict Management Considering a Smooth Transition of Aircraft Into Adjacent Airspace
* Congestion Avoidance Routing Based on Large-Scale Social Signals
* Consistent Classification of Landsat Time Series with an Improved Automatic Adaptive Signature Generalization Algorithm
* Consistent Estimation of Randomly Sampled Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process Long-Run Mean for Long-Term Target State Prediction
* Contextual-based top-down saliency feature weighting for target detection
* Continuous action segmentation and recognition using hybrid convolutional neural network-hidden Markov model model
* Continuous Road Network Generalization throughout All Scales
* ContlensNet: Robust Iris Contact Lens Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Contrast-dependent surround suppression models for contour detection
* Contrasting Responses of Planted and Natural Forests to Drought Intensity in Yunnan, China
* Control Strategies and Artificial Intelligence in Rehabilitation Robotics
* Convergence Rate Analysis of the Majorize: Minimize Subspace Algorithm
* Conversational In-Vehicle Dialog Systems: The past, present, and future
* Convex hull indexed Gaussian mixture model (CH-GMM) for 3D point set registration
* Convex Image Denoising via Non-convex Regularization with Parameter Selection
* Convex Low Rank Approximation
* Convex regularized inverse filtering methods for blind image deconvolution
* Convolutional Edge Diffusion for Fast Contrast-guided Image Interpolation
* Convolutional neural random fields for action recognition
* Convolutional Sparse and Low-Rank Coding-Based Rain Streak Removal
* Coordination of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles: Toward safer and more efficient road transportation
* Correcting color and hyperspectral images with identification of distortion model
* Cost-sensitive dictionary learning for face recognition
* Cost-Sensitive Large margin Distribution Machine for classification of imbalanced data
* Counting people by RGB or depth overhead cameras
* Crack Segmentation by Leveraging Multiple Frames of Varying Illumination
* Cramer-Rao Bounds for a Coupled Mixture of Polynomial Phase and Sinusoidal FM Signals
* Cropping Intensity in the Aral Sea Basin and Its Dependency from the Runoff Formation 2000-2012
* Cross Array and Rank-1 MUSIC Algorithm for Acoustic Highway Lane Detection
* Cross-Scenario Transfer Person Reidentification
* Cross-View Action Recognition Based on a Statistical Translation Framework
* CSV: Image quality assessment based on color, structure, and visual system
* Cyclic Prefix-Based Universal Filtered Multicarrier System and Performance Analysis
* Cyclical Learning Rates for Training Neural Networks
* Data-Driven Detection of Prominent Objects
* Data-driven techniques for smoothing histograms of local binary patterns
* DCT Inspired Feature Transform for Image Retrieval and Reconstruction
* Decoupled Algorithm for MRI Reconstruction Using Nonlocal Block Matching Model: BM3D-MRI
* Deep and Structured Robust Information Theoretic Learning for Image Analysis
* Deep Context Modeling for Semantic Segmentation
* Deep Feature Consistent Variational Autoencoder
* Deep Heterogeneous Feature Fusion for Template-Based Face Recognition
* Deep Image Set Hashing
* Deep Label Distribution Learning With Label Ambiguity
* Deep Learning Frame-Work for Recognizing Developmental Disorders, A
* Deep Learning Logo Detection with Data Expansion by Synthesising Context
* Deep Learning Paradigm for Detection of Harmful Algal Blooms, A
* Deep Metric Learning for Visual Tracking
* Deep Moving Poselets for Video Based Action Recognition
* Deep Multi-modal Vehicle Detection in Aerial ISR Imagery
* Deep Multitask Metric Learning for Offline Signature Verification
* Deep Object Ranking for Template Matching
* Deep Relative Attributes
* Deep Salient Object Detection by Integrating Multi-level Cues
* Deep Spatio-Temporal Features for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
* DeepIris: Learning pairwise filter bank for heterogeneous iris verification
* DeepMatching: Hierarchical Deformable Dense Matching
* Degradation of Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation in a Semi-Arid Rangeland
* Dense Batch Non-Rigid Structure from Motion in a Second
* Densification of Semi-Dense Reconstructions for Novel View Generation of Live Scenes
* Density aware anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* Density-ratio based clustering for discovering clusters with varying densities
* Depolarization Ratio Anomaly Detector to Identify Icebergs in Sea Ice Using Dual-Polarization SAR Images, A
* Describing Unseen Classes by Exemplars: Zero-Shot Learning Using Grouped Simile Ensemble
* Description and validation of a new set of object-based temporal geostatistical features for land-use/land-cover change detection
* Design and Implementation of a Robust Decision Support System for Marine Space Resource Utilization
* Design of Recursive Digital Filters in Parallel Form by Linearly Constrained Pole Optimization
* Design of self-adaptive and equilibrium differential evolution optimized radial basis function neural network classifier for imputed database
* Detecting bugweed (Solanum mauritianum) abundance in plantation forestry using multisource remote sensing
* Detecting keypoint sets on 3D point clouds via Histogram of Normal Orientations
* Detecting Sexually Provocative Images
* Detecting Social Insects in Videos Using Spatiotemporal Regularization
* Detecting the Boundaries of Urban Areas in India: A Dataset for Pixel-Based Image Classification in Google Earth Engine
* Detection of Co-salient Objects by Looking Deep and Wide
* Detection of stationary foreground objects: A survey
* Detection of the mandibular canal in orthopantomography using a Gabor-filtered anisotropic generalized Hough transform
* Detection of Urban Damage Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithms: Revisiting the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
* Detection-Free Multiobject Tracking by Reconfigurable Inference With Bundle Representations
* Development of a Kinematic-Based Forward Collision Warning Algorithm Using an Advanced Driving Simulator
* Dictionary Alignment for Low-Resolution and Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Direct Estimation of Land Surface Albedo From Simultaneous MISR Data
* Direct Estimation of Optical Parameters From Photoacoustic Time Series in Quantitative Photoacoustic Tomography
* Direction-adaptive fixed length discrete cosine transform framework for efficient H.264/AVC video coding
* Discernibility of Burial Mounds in High-Resolution X-Band SAR Images for Archaeological Prospections in the Altai Mountains
* Discovering object aspects from video
* Discovering similar Chinese characters in online handwriting with deep convolutional neural networks
* Discrimination of Settlement and Industrial Area Using Landscape Metrics in Rural Region
* Discriminative Bayesian Dictionary Learning for Classification
* discriminative representation for human action recognition, A
* Discriminative saliency propagation with sink points
* Discriminative Tracking Using Tensor Pooling
* Discriminative Unsupervised Feature Learning with Exemplar Convolutional Neural Networks
* Disparity map enhancement in pixel based stereo matching method using distance transform
* Disparity-Based Adaptive Multihomography Method for Moving Target Detection Based on Global Motion Compensation, A
* Distance Penalization and Fusion for Person Re-identification
* Distributed Adaptive Integrated-Sliding-Mode Controller Synthesis for String Stability of Vehicle Platoons
* Distributed-Temperature-Sensing Using Optical Methods: A First Application in the Offshore Area of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Southern Italy) for Volcano Monitoring
* Do Agrometeorological Data Improve Optical Satellite-Based Estimations of the Herbaceous Yield in Sahelian Semi-Arid Ecosystems?
* Do Personality and Culture Influence Perceived Video Quality and Enjoyment?
* DOA Estimation From One-Bit Compressed Array Data via Joint Sparse Representation
* Double Detector for Sparse Signal Detection From One-Bit Compressed Sensing Measurements
* Double Low Rank Matrix Recovery for Saliency Fusion
* Double-random-phase encryption with photon counting for image authentication using only the amplitude of the encrypted image
* Doubly Sparse Relevance Vector Machine for Continuous Facial Behavior Estimation
* Driver Status Monitoring Systems for Smart Vehicles Using Physiological Sensors: A safety enhancement system from automobile manufacturers
* Driver-Behavior Modeling Using On-Road Driving Data: A new application for behavior signal processing
* Dual autoencoders features for imbalance classification problem
* Dual Group Structured Tracking
* Dual-Objective Scheduling of Rescue Vehicles to Distinguish Forest Fires via Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization Combined Algorithm
* Dynamic background estimation and complementary learning for pixel-wise foreground/background segmentation
* Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition With Leap Motion Controller
* dynamic niching clustering algorithm based on individual-connectedness and its application to color image segmentation, A
* Dynamic saliency-driven associative memories based on network potential field
* Dynamic Scene Classification Using Redundant Spatial Scenelets
* Dynamic Scene Recognition with Complementary Spatiotemporal Features
* Dynamic Snow Plow Fleet Management Under Uncertain Demand and Service Disruption
* Dynamical Spectral Unmixing of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
* Earlier detection of cancer regions from MR image features and SVM classifiers
* Edge-Guided Image Gap Interpolation Using Multi-Scale Transformation
* EEG-Based Classification of Implicit Intention During Self-Relevant Sentence Reading
* Effect of Protection Level in the Hydroperiod of Water Bodies on Doñana's Aeolian Sands
* Effective homology of filtered digital images
* Effective homology of k-D digital objects (partially) calculated in parallel
* Effectively clustering by finding density backbone based-on kNN
* Effects of image compression on ear biometrics
* Effects of Urbanization and Seasonal Cycle on the Surface Urban Heat Island Patterns in the Coastal Growing Cities: A Case Study of Casablanca, Morocco
* Efficient 3D dental identification via signed feature histogram and learning keypoint detection
* Efficient Action Detection in Untrimmed Videos via Multi-task Learning
* Efficient Adaptive Fuzzy Switching Weighted Mean Filter for Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal, An
* Efficient Adjoint Computation for Wavelet and Convolution Operators
* Efficient Algorithm for Small Gene Prediction in DNA Sequences, An
* Efficient algorithms for robust estimation of relative translation
* Efficient and Robust Path Openings Using the Scale-Invariant Rank Operator
* Efficient approach for iris recognition
* Efficient Driving on Multilane Roads Under a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Efficient Fast Mode Decision Method for Inter Prediction in HEVC, An
* efficient parameter estimation method for generalized Dirichlet priors in naïve Bayesian classifiers with multinomial models, An
* Efficient Real-Time Train Operation Algorithms With Uncertain Passenger Demands
* Efficient shape representation, matching, ranking, and its applications
* Egocentric Height Estimation
* EI3D: Expression-invariant 3D face recognition based on feature and shape matching
* Electronic Crosstalk in Aqua MODIS Long-Wave Infrared Photovoltaic Bands
* EM Algorithms for Weighted-Data Clustering with Application to Audio-Visual Scene Analysis
* Empirical Estimation of Near-Surface Air Temperature in China from MODIS LST Data by Considering Physiographic Features
* Empirical mode decomposition for online handwritten signature verification
* Employing structural and statistical information to learn dictionary(s) for single image super-resolution in sparse domain
* Emulation of Leaf, Canopy and Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Models for Fast Global Sensitivity Analysis
* Encrypted JPEG image retrieval using block-wise feature comparison
* Energy Management System for an Electric Vehicle With a Rental Range Extender: A Least Costly Approach
* Energy-based automatic recognition of multiple spheres in three-dimensional point cloud
* Energy-Based Tree Illustration System: ETIS
* Energy-Efficient and Secure Beamforming for Self-Sustainable Relay-Aided Multicast Networks
* Enhanced analysis of thermographic images for monitoring of district heat pipe networks
* Enhanced Local Gradient Order Features and Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
* Enhanced Statistical Estimation of Air Temperature Incorporating Nighttime Light Data
* Enhancement of Vascular Structures in 3D and 2D Angiographic Images
* Enhancing information discriminant analysis: Feature extraction with linear statistical model and information-theoretic criteria
* Enhancing inverse halftoning via coupled dictionary training
* Enriched Deep Recurrent Visual Attention Model for Multiple Object Recognition
* Entropy-based window selection for detecting dim and small infrared targets
* Estimating 3D Gaze Directions Using Unlabeled Eye Images via Synthetic Iris Appearance Fitting
* Estimating accurate water levels for rivers and reservoirs by using SAR products: A multitemporal analysis
* Estimating Potential Demand of Bicycle Trips from Mobile Phone Data: An Anchor-Point Based Approach
* Estimating the frequency of trains approaching red signals: A case study for improving the understanding of SPAD risk
* Estimating the Solar Transmittance of Urban Trees Using Airborne LiDAR and Radiative Transfer Simulation
* Estimating the Total Nitrogen Concentration of Reed Canopy with Hyperspectral Measurements Considering a Non-Uniform Vertical Nitrogen Distribution
* Estimating Understory Temperatures Using MODIS LST in Mixed Cordilleran Forests
* Estimation of Energy Balance Components over a Drip-Irrigated Olive Orchard Using Thermal and Multispectral Cameras Placed on a Helicopter-Based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
* Estimation of Feret's diameter from pixel coverage representation of a shape
* Estimation of Gaussian, Poissonian: Gaussian, and Processed Visual Noise and Its Level Function
* Estimation of glacier surface motion by robust phase correlation and point like features of SAR intensity images
* Estimation of Paddy Rice Variables with a Modified Water Cloud Model and Improved Polarimetric Decomposition Using Multi-Temporal RADARSAT-2 Images
* Estimation of Pine Forest Height and Underlying DEM Using Multi-Baseline P-Band PolInSAR Data
* Evaluating Location Privacy in Vehicular Communications and Applications
* Evaluating the Effectiveness of Conservation on Mangroves: A Remote Sensing-Based Comparison for Two Adjacent Protected Areas in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, China
* Evaluating the Use of an Object-Based Approach to Lithological Mapping in Vegetated Terrain
* Evaluation of Aqua MODIS Collection 6 AOD Parameters for Air Quality Research over the Continental United States
* Evaluation of the Initial Thematic Output from a Continuous Change-Detection Algorithm for Use in Automated Operational Land-Change Mapping by the U.S. Geological Survey
* Evaluation of the Performance of Three Satellite Precipitation Products over Africa
* Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas
* Evaluation of visual saliency analysis algorithms in noisy images
* evidence-based model of saliency feature extraction for scene text analysis, An
* Exact Distribution for the Product of Two Correlated Gaussian Random Variables
* example-based approach to 3D man-made object reconstruction from line drawings, An
* Experimental analysis regarding the influence of iris segmentation on the recognition rate
* Experimental implementation of a passive imaging sensor at 94 GHz
* Experimental Study on Microwave Radiation From Deforming and Fracturing Rock Under Loading Outdoor
* Experiments on a Ground-Based Tomographic Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Explicit discriminative representation for improved classification of manifold features
* Exploiting Hierarchical Dense Structures on Hypergraphs for Multi-Object Tracking
* Exploiting Large Image Sets for Road Scene Parsing
* Exploring illumination robust descriptors for human epithelial type 2 cell classification
* Exploring Local Context for Multi-target Tracking in Wide Area Aerial Surveillance
* Expression-assisted facial action unit recognition under incomplete AU annotation
* Extended common molecular and discriminative atom dictionary based sparse representation for face recognition
* Extended compressed tracking via random projection based on MSERs and online LS-SVM learning
* Extended nearest neighbor chain induced instance-weights for SVMs
* Extraction and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings from High Resolution Aerial Images
* Extraction of breathing features using MS Kinect for sleep stage detection
* Extraction of informative regions of a face for facial expression recognition
* Eye movements during scene understanding for biometric identification
* Face alignment by robust discriminative Hough voting
* Face Alignment Using K-Cluster Regression Forests With Weighted Splitting
* Face Association for Videos Using Conditional Random Fields and Max-Margin Markov Networks
* Face recognition using linear representation ensembles
* Facial action unit recognition under incomplete data based on multi-label learning with missing labels
* Facial expression recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks: Coping with few data and the training sample order
* Facial Image Hallucination Through Coupled-Layer Neighbor Embedding
* Factorized Graph Matching
* Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representation
* family of the subgradient algorithm with several cosparsity inducing functions to the cosparse recovery problem, A
* Fast and accurate fuzzy C-means algorithm for MR brain image segmentation
* Fast and automatic city-scale environment modelling using hard and/or weak constrained bundle adjustments
* Fast and Robust Eyelid Outline and Aperture Detection in Real-World Scenarios
* Fast approximate DCT with GPU implementation for image compression
* Fast binary image set operations on a run-based representation
* Fast Covariant VLAD for Image Search
* Fast CU size and prediction mode decision method for HEVC encoder based on spatial features
* Fast Deep Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images
* Fast Intra Mode Decision for Screen Contents Coding in HEVC
* Fast Orientation Estimation Approach of Natural Images, A
* Fast Pedestrian Detection via Random Projection Features with Shape Prior
* fast persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds with provable guarantees, A
* Fast Phase Retrieval for High Dimensions: A Block-Based Approach
* fast projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, A
* Fast Semi Dense Epipolar Flow Estimation
* Fast structural ensemble for One-Class Classification
* Fast Summarization of User-Generated Videos: Exploiting Semantic, Emotional, and Quality Clues
* Fast, Accurate, Small-Scale 3D Scene Capture Using a Low-Cost Depth Sensor
* feasibility study of an autoencoder meta-model for improving generalization capabilities on training sets of small sizes, A
* Feature detection and matching on atmospheric nuclear detonation video
* Feature Extraction in the North Sinai Desert Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: Potential Archaeological Applications
* Feature Quality-Based Dynamic Feature Selection for Improving Salient Object Detection
* Feature representation of RGB-D images using joint spatial-depth feature pooling
* Feature selection for linear SVM with provable guarantees
* Feature selection using Forest Optimization Algorithm
* feature weighted penalty based dissimilarity measure for k-nearest neighbor classification with missing features, A
* Filter-based compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* Finding one face in a million
* Fine-Scale Sea Ice Structure Characterized Using Underwater Acoustic Methods
* Fine-structured object segmentation via neighborhood propagation
* FIRE: Fast Iris REcognition on mobile phones by combining colour and texture features
* First Experiences in Mapping Lake Water Quality Parameters with Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery
* First Ionospheric Radio-Occultation Measurements From GNSS Occultation Sounder on the Chinese Feng-Yun 3C Satellite
* First-Person Action Decomposition and Zero-Shot Learning
* Fisher discrimination-based L_2,1-norm sparse representation for face recognition
* Fitting Generalized Multivariate Huber Loss Functions
* Fixing the root node: Efficient tracking and detection of 3D human pose through local solutions
* Flash Flood Monitoring with an Inclined Lidar Installed at a River Bank: Proof of Concept
* Flexible constrained sparsity preserving embedding
* Flexible Sequence Matching technique: An effective learning-free approach for word spotting
* Flowdometry: An Optical Flow and Deep Learning Based Approach to Visual Odometry
* Focusing Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Using Keystone Transform and Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling
* Fourier transform-based windowed adaptive switching minimum filter for reducing periodic noise from digital images
* Foveated Nonlocal Self-Similarity
* Frame Rate Upconversion Using Optical Flow and Patch-Based Reconstruction
* framework for liveness detection for direct attacks in the visible spectrum for multimodal ocular biometrics, A
* Free Space Estimation on Nonflat Plane Based on V-Disparity
* Free-text keystroke dynamics authentication for Arabic language
* From Affine Rank Minimization Solution to Sparse Modeling
* Full-Reference Video Quality Estimation for Videos With Different Spatial Resolutions
* Fully Automated Data-Driven Respiratory Signal Extraction From SPECT Images Using Laplacian Eigenmaps
* Fully automatized parallel segmentation of the optic disc in retinal fundus images
* Fundamental Analyses on Layered Media Reconstruction Using GPR and Full-Wave Inversion in Near-Field Conditions
* Fused DNN: A Deep Neural Network Fusion Approach to Fast and Robust Pedestrian Detection
* Fusing Incomplete Multisensor Heterogeneous Data to Estimate Urban Traffic
* Fusion of operators for heterogeneous periocular recognition at varying ranges
* Fusion of time series representations for plant recognition in phenology studies
* Fusion of WorldView-2 and LiDAR Data to Map Fuel Types in the Canary Islands
* Future of Learning at the Workplace Is Augmented Reality, The
* Fuzzy based affinity learning for spectral clustering
* Fuzzy mathematical morphology for color images defined by fuzzy preference relations
* game-theoretic approach to sub-vertex registration, A
* GameFlow: Narrative Visualization of NBA Basketball Games
* Gaussian Mixture Models for Temporal Depth Fusion
* Gaze Estimation Based on Eyeball-Head Dynamics
* GbLN-PSO and Model-Based Particle Filter Approach for Tracking Human Movements in Large View Cases
* Gender-from-Iris or Gender-from-Mascara?
* General Simulation Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning, A
* General, Nested, and Constrained Wiberg Minimization
* General-Purpose Spatial Survey Design for Collaborative Science and Monitoring of Global Environmental Change: The Global Grid, A
* Generalized Image Scene Decomposition-Based System for Supervised Classification of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Generalized Pooling for Robust Object Tracking
* Generalized rational Bézier curves for the rigid body motion design
* Generalized Signal Utility for LMMSE Signal Estimation With Application to Greedy Quantization in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Generating Believable Mixed-Traffic Animation
* Generating synthetic test matrices as a benchmark for the computational behavior of typical testor-finding algorithms
* Genetic algorithm-optimised structure of convolutional neural network for face recognition applications
* Geostatistical and Statistical Classification of Sea-Ice Properties and Provinces from SAR Data
* GeoWeb Crawler: An Extensible and Scalable Web Crawling Framework for Discovering Geospatial Web Resources
* GIS-Based Assessment of Vulnerability to Aeolian Desertification in the Source Areas of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, A
* Global Consistency Priors for Joint Part-Based Object Tracking and Image Segmentation
* Global Model with Local Interpretation for Dynamic Shape Reconstruction
* global study of NDVI difference among moderate-resolution satellite sensors, A
* Global-Shutter Centroiding Measurement CMOS Image Sensor With Star Region SNR Improvement for Star Trackers, A
* GNSS Interferometric Radio Occultation
* GOOD: A global orthographic object descriptor for 3D object recognition and manipulation
* GOP-level fuzzy rate control algorithm for high-delay applications of HEVC, A
* GPD+ Wet Tropospheric Corrections for CryoSat-2 and GFO Altimetry Missions
* GPU-Accelerated Real-Time Stixel Computation
* GPUs Reshape Computing
* Gradient-layer feature transform for action detection and recognition
* Graph Embedded One-Class Classifiers for media data classification
* Graph-Based Approach to Measuring the Efficiency of an Urban Taxi Service System, A
* graph-based ranked-list model for unsupervised distance learning on shape retrieval, A
* Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Graph-Boolean Map for salient object detection
* Ground Moving Target Detection and Imaging Using a Virtual Multichannel Scheme in HRWS Mode
* Ground Subsidence in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region from 1992 to 2014 Revealed by Multiple SAR Stacks
* group matching pursuit for image reconstruction, A
* GSVD-Based Precoding in MIMO Systems With Integrated Services
* Guaranteed Bounds on the Kullback-Leibler Divergence of Univariate Mixtures
* Guaranteed Parameter Estimation for Discrete Energy Minimization
* Guest Editorial: Scale-Space and Variational Methods
* Guest Editorial: Visual Analytics in Multimedia: Opportunities and Research Challenges
* Guest editors' introduction: Perception, Aesthetics, and Emotion in Multimedia Quality Modeling
* Guidance Index for Shallow Landslide Hazard Analysis
* Göttingen eResearch Alliance: A Case Study of Developing and Establishing Institutional Support for Research Data Management, The
* Hand-Eye Calibration in Visually-Guided Robot Grinding
* Hardware-Centric Vision Processing for Mobile IoT Environment Exploiting Approximate Graph Cut in Resistor Grid
* Harmonic mean normalized Laplace-Beltrami spectral descriptor
* HCP: A Flexible CNN Framework for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Hiding color watermarks in halftone images using maximum-similarity binary patterns
* Hierarchical image simplification and segmentation based on Mumford-Shah-salient level line selection
* Hierarchical mixing linear support vector machines for nonlinear classification
* Hierarchical semantic model and scattering mechanism based PolSAR image classification
* Hierarchical Visualization of Video Search Results for Topic-Based Browsing
* High Confidence Intervals Applied to Aircraft Altitude Prediction
* High-Fidelity Haze Removal Method Based on HOT for Visible Remote Sensing Images, A
* High-Level Concepts for Affective Understanding of Images
* High-Resolution Image Classification Integrating Spectral-Spatial-Location Cues by Conditional Random Fields
* High-Spatial-Resolution Aerosol Optical Properties Retrieval Algorithm Using Chinese High-Resolution Earth Observation Satellite I
* Higher-Order Graph Principles towards Non-Rigid Surface Registration
* Higher-Order Pooling of CNN Features via Kernel Linearization for Action Recognition
* Highlighting Biome-Specific Sensitivity of Fire Size Distributions to Time-Gap Parameter Using a New Algorithm for Fire Event Individuation
* Highly accurate optical flow estimation on superpixel tree
* highly adaptive directional time-frequency distribution, A
* Histogram of Oriented Principal Components for Cross-View Action Recognition
* Historical manuscript dating based on temporal pattern codebook
* HMM-based Indic handwritten word recognition using zone segmentation
* How to Apply a Filter Defined in the Frequency Domain by a Continuous Function
* How to run a successful mobile crowdsourcing project developers must respect the quirks of smartphone culture
* Human action recognition using genetic algorithms and convolutional neural networks
* Human action recognition with skeleton induced discriminative approximate rigid part model
* Human Pose Estimation Using Deep Structure Guided Learning
* HW/SW Codesign and FPGA Acceleration of Visual Odometry Algorithms for Rover Navigation on Mars
* hybrid approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval based on Fast Beta Wavelet network and fuzzy decision support system, A
* Hybrid Approach for Segmentation and Tracking of Myxococcus Xanthus Swarms, A
* Hybrid ASIC/FPGA System for Fully Automatic Stereo-to-Multiview Conversion Using IDW
* hybrid classification algorithm by subspace partitioning through semi-supervised decision tree, A
* Hybrid Deep Learning for Face Verification
* Hybrid-SAR Technique: Joint Analysis Using Phase-Based and Amplitude-Based Methods for the Xishancun Giant Landslide Monitoring
* Hydrogen fuel cell and kinetic energy recover systems technologies for powering urban bus with zero emission energy cycle
* Hyper-Temporal C-Band SAR for Baseline Woody Structural Assessments in Deciduous Savannas
* Hypergraph modelling for geometric model fitting
* Hypergraph+: An Improved Hypergraph-Based Task-Scheduling Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Processing on Master-Slave Platforms
* Hyperlink-Aware Object Retrieval
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Spectral-Spatial One-Dimensional Manifold Embedding
* Image camouflage by reversible image transformation
* Image Co-segmentation via Saliency Co-fusion
* Image Coding Using Generalized Predictors Based on Sparsity and Geometric Transformations
* Image de-fencing framework with hybrid inpainting algorithm
* Image encryption scheme based on block-based confusion and multiple levels of diffusion
* Image encryption via discrete fractional Fourier-type transforms generated by random matrices
* Image fusion based on visual salient features and the cross-contrast
* Image fusion via feature residual and statistical matching
* Image Interpolation Based on Non-local Geometric Similarities and Directional Gradients
* Image Matching Algorithm Integrating Global SRTM and Image Segmentation for Multi-Source Satellite Imagery, An
* Image morphing with conformal welding
* Image retrieval based on image-to-class similarity
* Image segmentation model based on adaptive adjustment of global and local information
* Image segmentation using the level set and improved-variation smoothing
* Image Set Classification Using Sparse Bayesian Regression
* Image-Based Investigation of Human in Vivo Myofibre Strain
* Imagine All the Plants: Evaluation of a Light-Field Camera for On-Site Crop Growth Monitoring
* Imaging the Propagation of Light Through Scenes at Picosecond Resolution
* Impact of the Soil Moisture Distribution in the Top Layer on the Accuracy Moisture Retrieval by Microwave Radiometer Data
* Impacts of Building Orientation on Polarimetric Orientation Angle Estimation and Model-Based Decomposition for Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data in Urban Areas, The
* improved anisotropic hierarchical fuzzy c-means method based on multivariate student t-distribution for brain MRI segmentation, An
* Improved Biogeography-Based Optimization Based on Affinity Propagation
* Improved Deep Learning of Object Category Using Pose Information
* Improved road centerlines extraction in high-resolution remote sensing images using shear transform, directional morphological filtering and enhanced broken lines connection
* Improved Urban Flooding Mapping from Remote Sensing Images Using Generalized Regression Neural Network-Based Super-Resolution Algorithm
* Improved visual information fidelity based on sensitivity characteristics of digital images
* Improving Action Recognition Using Collaborative Representation of Local Depth Map Feature
* Improving data field hierarchical clustering using Barnes-Hut algorithm
* Improving Depth, Energy and Timing Estimation in PET Detectors with Deconvolution and Maximum Likelihood Pulse Shape Discrimination
* Improving facial analysis and performance driven animation through disentangling identity and expression
* Improving Nocturnal Fire Detection With the VIIRS Day: Night Band
* Improving retail efficiency through sensing technologies: A survey
* Improving retrieval of plane geometry figure with learning to rank
* Improving semi-supervised learning through optimum connectivity
* Improving the Correlation Lower Bound for Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* IMU-Driven Rider-on-Saddle Detection System for Electric-Power-Assisted Bicycles, An
* In Memorium: Thomas Hilker
* Incorporating Diversity into Self-Learning for Synergetic Classification of Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images
* Incorporating higher-order point distribution model priors into MRFs using convex quadratic programming
* Incremental relevance sample-feature machine: A fast marginal likelihood maximization approach for joint feature selection and classification
* Indicators for Assessing Habitat Values and Pressures for Protected Areas: An Integrated Habitat and Land Cover Change Approach for the Udzungwa Mountains National Park in Tanzania
* Indoor Global Positioning System with Centimeter Accuracy Using Wi-Fi
* Inductive and flexible feature extraction for semi-supervised pattern categorization
* Inertial BSN-Based Characterization and Automatic UPDRS Evaluation of the Gait Task of Parkinsonians
* Inevitable Collision States for Motorcycle-to-Car Collision Scenarios
* Inferring Passenger Travel Demand to Improve Urban Mobility in Developing Countries Using Cell Phone Data: A Case Study of Senegal
* Infinite Factorial Unbounded-State Hidden Markov Model
* Influence of the Analysis Window on the Metrological Performance of the Grid Method
* Influences of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Dynamics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* InSAR Observation and Numerical Modeling of the Earth-Dam Displacement of Shuibuya Dam (China)
* insight on eye biometrics, An
* Integrated Global-Local Metric Learning for Person Re-identification
* Integrated Simplification Approach for 3D Buildings with Sloped and Flat Roofs, An
* Integrated Time and Phase Synchronization Strategy for a Multichannel Spaceborne-Stationary Bistatic SAR System
* Integration of Aerial Thermal Imagery, LiDAR Data and Ground Surveys for Surface Temperature Mapping in Urban Environments
* Intelligent Building Occupancy Detection System Based on Sparse Auto-Encoder, An
* Intensity non-uniformity correction of aerothermal images via L_p-regularized minimization
* Inter-Prediction Optimizations for Video Coding Using Adaptive Coding Unit Visiting Order
* Interactive removal and ground truth for difficult shadow scenes
* Interactive Stereo Image Segmentation With RGB-D Hybrid Constraints
* Interannual Variability in Dry Mixed-Grass Prairie Yield: A Comparison of MODIS, SPOT, and Field Measurements
* International Benchmarking of the Individual Tree Detection Methods for Modeling 3-D Canopy Structure for Silviculture and Forest Ecology Using Airborne Laser Scanning
* Intrinsic sample mean in the space of planar shapes
* Inverse Compositional Algorithm for Parametric Registration, The
* Investigation of Customer Behavior Analysis Based on Top-View Depth Camera
* Investigation of Spectral Band Requirements for Improving Retrievals of Phytoplankton Functional Types
* iParker: A New Smart Car-Parking System Based on Dynamic Resource Allocation and Pricing
* Iris liveness detection using regional features
* Iris matching by means of Machine Learning paradigms: A new approach to dissimilarity computation
* Iris recognition through machine learning techniques: A survey
* Issue of reliability: exploitation evaluation of electronic transport systems used in the railway environment with consideration of electromagnetic interference
* Iterative ADMM for Inverse FE: BI Problem: A Potential Solution to Radio Tomography of Asteroids
* Iterative Approach to Ground Penetrating Radar at the Maya Site of Pacbitun, Belize, An
* Iterative Maximum Likelihood and Outlier-robust Bipercentile Estimation of Parameters of Compound-Gaussian Clutter With Inverse Gaussian Texture
* Joint Antenna Selection and Energy-Efficient Beamforming Design
* Joint Chroma Downsampling and Upsampling for Screen Content Image
* Joint Depth and Semantic Inference from a Single Image via Elastic Conditional Random Field
* Joint Design of Fronthaul and Access Links for C-RAN With Wireless Fronthauling
* Joint Detection and Decoding in the Presence of Prior Information With Uncertainty
* Joint Epipolar Tracking (JET): Simultaneous Optimization of Epipolar Geometry and Feature Correspondences
* Joint Feature Selection and Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Joint fingerprinting and decryption method for color images based on quaternion rotation with cipher quaternion chaining
* Joint Head Pose/Soft Label Estimation for Human Recognition In-The-Wild
* Joint Regression and Ranking for Image Enhancement
* Joint Tracking and Ground Plane Estimation
* JPEG XT: A New Family of JPEG Backward-Compatible Standards
* Kaczmarz Method for Solving Quadratic Equations
* Keypoint Detection in RGBD Images Based on an Anisotropic Scale Space
* Keypoint-Based Region Duplication Forgery Detection Algorithm, A
* Kinship-Guided Age Progression
* Knowledge-Based Coding of Objects for Multisource Surveillance Video Data
* knowledge-based recognition system for historical Mongolian documents, A
* L1-norm-based principal component analysis with adaptive regularization
* L2,1-norm-based unsupervised optimal feature selection with applications to action recognition, The
* l2-norm-based prior for haze-removal from single image
* Labeled dataset for integral evaluation of moving object detection algorithms: LASIESTA
* Lagrangian relaxation graph matching
* Land Surface Temperature Differences within Local Climate Zones, Based on Two Central European Cities
* Landmark Reranking for Smart Travel Guide Systems by Combining and Analyzing Diverse Media
* Landsat and Local Land Surface Temperatures in a Heterogeneous Terrain Compared to MODIS Values
* Landsat Imagery Spectral Trajectories: Important Variables for Spatially Predicting the Risks of Bark Beetle Disturbance
* Landscape Effects of Wildfire on Permafrost Distribution in Interior Alaska Derived from Remote Sensing
* Landslide Displacement Monitoring by a Fully Polarimetric SAR Offset Tracking Method
* LAR-LLC: A Low-Complexity Multiresolution Lossless Image Codec
* Large Deformation Multiresolution Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Multiresolution Cortical Surfaces: A Coarse-to-Fine Approach
* Large scale face identification by combined iconic features and 3D joint invariant signatures
* Large-Scale Data for Multiple-View Stereopsis
* LBO-Shape densities: A unified framework for 2D and 3D shape classification on the hypersphere of wavelet densities
* Learn How to Choose: Independent Detectors Versus Composite Visual Phrases
* Learning a discriminative deformation-invariant 3D shape descriptor via many-to-one encoder
* Learning And-Or Model to Represent Context and Occlusion for Car Detection and Viewpoint Estimation
* Learning Attributes from Human Gaze
* Learning Change from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: Performance Evaluation of a Support Vector Machine to Detect Earthquake and Tsunami-Induced Changes
* Learning deep architectures for AI
* Learning Depth from Single Monocular Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Fields
* Learning Dictionary of Discriminative Part Detectors for Image Categorization and Cosegmentation
* Learning discriminability-preserving histogram representation from unordered features for multibiometric feature-fused-template protection
* Learning Discriminative Features via Label Consistent Neural Network
* Learning Effective Binary Descriptors via Cross Entropy
* Learning feature fusion strategies for various image types to detect salient objects
* Learning Geographical Hierarchy Features via a Compositional Model
* Learning Group-Based Sparse and Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning Mutual Visibility Relationship for Pedestrian Detection with a Deep Model
* Learning scale-variant and scale-invariant features for deep image classification
* Learning simultaneous adaptive clustering and classification via MOEA
* Learning Spatial Transforms for Refining Object Segment Proposals
* Learning Stacked Image Descriptor for Face Recognition
* Learning structure of stereoscopic image for no-reference quality assessment with convolutional neural network
* Learning to Diffuse: A New Perspective to Design PDEs for Visual Analysis
* Learning to Recognize Objects by Retaining Other Factors of Variation
* Learning to segment with image-level annotations
* Learning With Privacy in Consensus + Obfuscation
* Least square geometric iterative fitting method for generalized B-spline curves with two different kinds of weights
* Least Squares Time-Series Synchronization in Image Acquisition Systems
* Leave-One-Out Kernel Optimization for Shadow Detection and Removal
* Lightfield Recovery from Its Focal Stack
* Likelihood-Field-Model-Based Dynamic Vehicle Detection and Tracking for Self-Driving
* Linear discrimination dictionary learning for shape descriptors
* Linear Precoder Design for MIMO-ISI Broadcasting Channels Under Channel Shortening Detection
* Linguistic Dynamic Analysis of Traffic Flow Based on Social Media: A Case Study
* Literature review of fingerprint quality assessment and its evaluation
* Local binary features for texture classification: Taxonomy and experimental study
* Local energy-based multimodal medical image fusion in curvelet domain
* Local Feature Discriminant Projection
* Local line directional pattern for palmprint recognition
* Local Volumetric Hybrid-Map-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping With Moving Object Tracking
* Localization of a mobile laser scanner via dimensional reduction
* Locally Adaptive Frames in the Roto-Translation Group and Their Applications in Medical Imaging
* Long-CPI Multichannel SAR-Based Ground Moving Target Indication
* Long-range trajectories from global and local motion representations
* Long-Time-Series Global Land Surface Satellite Leaf Area Index Product Derived From MODIS and AVHRR Surface Reflectance
* Looking Into Saliency Model via Space-Time Visualization
* Lossless and Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Public-Key Cryptography
* Lossless Compression of Public Transit Schedules
* Low-Complexity Design of Noninteger Fractionally Spaced Adaptive Equalizers for Coherent Optical Receivers
* Low-Complexity Hand Gesture Recognition System for Continuous Streams of Digits and Letters
* low-cost and calibration-free gaze estimator for soft biometrics: An explorative study, A
* Low-Rank Decomposition-Based Restoration of Compressed Images via Adaptive Noise Estimation
* LSI: Latent semantic inference for natural image segmentation
* Lunar surface crater topology generation using adaptive edge detection algorithm
* M-Estimator for Robust Centroid Estimation on the Manifold of Covariance Matrices, An
* Macro-analysis of the evolution of motorised mobility and relationships with the development of motionless communication systems
* Making Trillion Correlations Feasible in Feature Grouping and Selection
* Manifold Learning Co-Location Decision Tree for Remotely Sensed Imagery Classification
* Manifold regularized matrix completion for multilabel classification
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass by Integrating Optical and SAR Imagery: A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park, China
* Mapping Clearances in Tropical Dry Forests Using Breakpoints, Trend, and Seasonal Components from MODIS Time Series: Does Forest Type Matter?
* Mapping Decadal Land Cover Changes in the Woodlands of North Eastern Namibia from 1975 to 2014 Using the Landsat Satellite Archived Data
* Mapping Indigenous Settlement Topography in the Caribbean Using Drones
* Mapping Smallholder Wheat Yields and Sowing Dates Using Micro-Satellite Data
* Mapping Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield Using Time Series Data Blended from PROBA-V 100- and 300-m S1 Products
* Margin Losses for Training Conditional Random Fields
* Markov Chains for unsupervised segmentation of degraded NIR iris images for person recognition
* Masking Strategies for Image Manifolds
* Mass classification in mammograms based on two-concentric masks and discriminating texton
* Material Classification under Natural Illumination Using Reflectance Maps
* Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Speech Warning Characteristics on Human Performance and Its Application in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems
* MAVEN: An Algorithm for Multi-Parametric Automated Segmentation of Brain Veins From Gradient Echo Acquisitions
* Max-Margin Action Prediction Machine
* Maximizing the Diversity of Ensemble Random Forests for Tree Genera Classification Using High Density LiDAR Data
* Measurement of Eyeball Rotational Movements in the Dark Environment
* Measuring Grasp Posture Using an Embedded Camera
* Measuring Land Take: Usability of National Topographic Databases as Input for Land Use Change Analysis: A Case Study from Germany
* Measuring Visual Surprise Jointly from Intrinsic and Extrinsic Contexts for Image Saliency Estimation
* Media-Friendly and TCP-Friendly Rate Control Protocols for Multimedia Streaming
* Melanoma Detection Based on Mahalanobis Distance Learning and Constrained Graph Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* MELT: Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Low-Rank Toeplitz Covariance Matrix
* Mesh saliency detection via double absorbing Markov chain in feature space
* Method for Exploring the Link between Urban Area Expansion over Time and the Opportunity for Crime in Saudi Arabia, A
* Method for hue plane preserving color correction
* method for solving the multiple ellipses detection problem, A
* Methodology for Detection and Interpretation of Ground Motion Areas with the A-DInSAR Time Series Analysis
* Methodology for Evaluating the Quality of Ecosystem Maps: A Case Study in the Andes
* Methodology for the Reconstruction of 2D Horizontal Wind Fields of Wind Turbine Wakes Based on Dual-Doppler Lidar Measurements, A
* Mi-Xing Oscillators for Phase Noise Reduction
* Mid-Season High-Resolution Satellite Imagery for Forecasting Site-Specific Corn Yield
* MIND Demons: Symmetric Diffeomorphic Deformable Registration of MR and CT for Image-Guided Spine Surgery
* Minimum Entropy Rate Simplification of Stochastic Processes
* Mining intricate temporal rules for recognizing complex activities of daily living under uncertainty
* Mixed Confidence Estimation for Iterative CT Reconstruction
* Mixing tone mapping operators on the GPU by differential zone mapping based on psychophysical experiments
* Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation part II (MICHE II)
* Mobility Viewer: An Eulerian Approach for Studying Urban Crowd Flow
* Mode seeking on graphs for geometric model fitting via preference analysis
* Model-Based Target Scattering Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Tomography
* Model-Driven Simulations for Computer Vision
* Modeling 3D Environments through Hidden Human Context
* Modeling Dynamics of Online Video Popularity
* Modeling of Crowd Evacuation With Assailants via a Fuzzy Logic Approach
* Modified Three-Stage Inversion Algorithm Based on R-RVoG Model for Pol-InSAR Data, A
* Monet: A System for Reliving Your Memories by Theme-Based Photo Storytelling
* Monitoring Deforestation at Sub-Annual Scales as Extreme Events in Landsat Data Cubes
* Monitoring Hydrological Patterns of Temporary Lakes Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Models: Case Study of La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve in Central Spain
* Monocular catadioptric panoramic depth estimation via caustics-based virtual scene transition
* Morphological Counterparts of Linear Shift-Invariant Scale-Spaces
* Morphological path filtering at the region scale for efficient and robust road network extraction from satellite imagery
* MoshViz: A Detail+Overview Approach to Visualize Music Elements
* Moving Target Localization in Multistatic Sonar by Differential Delays and Doppler Shifts
* Moving Target's HRRP Synthesis With Sparse Frequency-Stepped Chirp Signal via Atomic Norm Minimization
* MR image bias field harmonic approximation with histogram statistical analysis
* MR Image Reconstruction Using a Combination of Compressed Sensing and Partial Fourier Acquisition: ESPReSSo
* MUG: A Parameterless No-Reference JPEG Quality Evaluator Robust to Block Size and Misalignment
* Multi-Camera Action Dataset for Cross-Camera Action Recognition Benchmarking
* Multi-Camera Piecewise Planar Object Tracking with Mutual Information
* Multi-patch deep sparse histograms for iris recognition in visible spectrum using collaborative subspace for robust verification
* Multi-planar Fitting in an Indoor Manhattan World
* Multi-Probe Based Artificial DNA Encoding and Matching Classifier for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Multi-Resolution Blending Considering Changed Regions for Orthoimage Mosaicking, A
* Multi-scale context for scene labeling via flexible segmentation graph
* Multi-shot Person Re-Identification Using Part Appearance Mixture
* Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* Multi-Target Tracking by Discrete-Continuous Energy Minimization
* Multi-task Curriculum Transfer Deep Learning of Clothing Attributes
* Multi-Tissue Decomposition of Diffusion MRI Signals via L_0 Sparse-Group Estimation
* Multi-View Dense Image Matching Method for High-Resolution Aerial Imagery Based on a Graph Network, A
* Multi-view RGB-D Approach for Human Pose Estimation in Operating Rooms, A
* Multiattribute Sparse Coding Approach for Action Recognition From a Single Unknown Viewpoint, A
* Multichannel Decoded Local Binary Patterns for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Multicuts and Perturb and MAP for Probabilistic Graph Clustering
* Multimedia Hashing and Networking
* Multimedia Pivot Tables for Multimedia Analytics on Image Collections
* Multimodal authentication on smartphones: Combining iris and sensor recognition for a double check of user identity
* Multimodal Multipart Learning for Action Recognition in Depth Videos
* Multiple clusters parts-based sparse representation for single example face identification
* Multiple Granularity Modeling: A Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Fine-grained Action Analysis
* Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation-Based Orthogonal Discriminative Projection and Its Cost-Sensitive Extension
* Multiplicative Noise and Blur Removal by Framelet Decomposition and l_1 -Based L-Curve Method
* Multiresolution Supervised Classification of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images by Markov Random Fields and Graph Cuts
* Multiscale and Multidirectional Multilooking for SAR Image Enhancement
* Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging Artifact Removal and Denoising Using Time Series Model-Based Spectral Noise Estimation
* Multistage Approach for Image Registration, A
* Multitarget Tracking Using Hough Forest Random Field
* Multivariate Median Filters and Partial Differential Equations
* Multivariate mutual information for audio video fusion
* Multiview Differential Geometry of Curves
* Multiview Skeletal Interaction Recognition Using Active Joint Interaction Graph
* Music staff removal with supervised pixel classification
* mutual local-ternary-pattern based method for aligning differently exposed images, A
* Natural neighbor: A self-adaptive neighborhood method without parameter K
* Naturalistic Recognition of Activities and Mood Using Wearable Electronics
* Near-Optimal Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Via Receding-Horizon Dual Heuristic Programming
* Nearest neighbour estimators of density derivatives, with application to mean shift clustering
* NetRAD: Monostatic and Bistatic Sea Clutter Texture and Doppler Spectra Characterization at S-Band
* Network Consistent Data Association
* neural implementation of the Hough transform and the advantages of explaining away, A
* Neural-Network-Based Beamformer for Phased Array Weather Radar, A
* new adaptive coupled diffusion PDE for MRI Rician noise, A
* new approach for face hallucination based on a two-dimensional direct combined model, A
* new approach to contextual learning using interval arithmetic and its applications for land-use classification, A
* new cryptographic primitive for noise tolerant template security, A
* new detector for contourlet domain multiplicative image watermarking using Bessel K form distribution, A
* new fast normal-based interpolating subdivision scheme by cubic Bézier curves, A
* new fine-grained classification strategy for solar daily radiation patterns, A
* New Framework for Measuring 2D and 3D Visual Information in Terms of Entropy, A
* New Hardware-in-the-Loop Traffic Signal Simulation Framework to Bridge Traffic Signal Research and Practice, A
* New Hermite orthogonal polynomial kernel and combined kernels in Support Vector Machine classifier
* new hyperspectral band selection and classification framework based on combining multiple classifiers, A
* New Image Processing Procedure Integrating PCI-RPC and ArcGIS-Spline Tools to Improve the Orthorectification Accuracy of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* new method combining enhanced resolution and pattern identification, A
* new method for fingerprint matching using phase-only auto- and cross-bispectrum, A
* New Method for Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multiattribute Decision Making, A
* New Methodology Based on Level Sets for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* new multi-level approach to EEG based human authentication using eye blinking, A
* new multi-scale framework for convolutive blind source separation, A
* new multiplicative watermark detector in the contourlet domain using t Location-Scale distribution, A
* New Reference-Based Edge Map Quality Measure, A
* New SAR: GMTI High-Accuracy Focusing and Relocation Method Using Instantaneous Interferometry, A
* No spare parts: Sharing part detectors for image categorization
* No-reference image quality assessment using statistical wavelet-packet features
* No-Reference Retargeted Image Quality Assessment Based on Pairwise Rank Learning
* Noise Removal From Hyperspectral Image With Joint Spectral-Spatial Distributed Sparse Representation
* Non-Equispaced System Matrix Acquisition for Magnetic Particle Imaging Based on Lissajous Node Points
* Non-rigid registration of 3D point clouds under isometric deformation
* Nonlinear Coordinated Steering and Braking Control of Vision-Based Autonomous Vehicles in Emergency Obstacle Avoidance
* Nonlinear Model for InSAR Baseline Error
* Nonlinear Spectral Analysis via One-Homogeneous Functionals: Overview and Future Prospects
* Nonnegative Matrix Cofactorization for Weakly Supervised Image Parsing
* Note on Estimating Dynamic Queue Distribution in a Signalized Network Through a Probability Generating Model, A
* Novel Absolute Orientation Method Using Local Similarities Representation, A
* Novel Ant Colony Optimization Methods for Simplifying Solution Construction in Vehicle Routing Problems
* Novel Chroma Subsampling Strategy Based on Mathematical Optimization for Compressing Mosaic Videos With Arbitrary RGB Color Filter Arrays in H.264/AVC and HEVC
* novel comprehensive database for offline Persian handwriting recognition, A
* Novel Line-Scan Palmprint Acquisition System, A
* novel method for image classification based on bag of visual words, A
* novel method of multimodal medical image fusion using fuzzy transform, A
* Novel Power Allocation Scheme Under Outage Constraints in NOMA Systems, A
* Novel Simplified Algorithm for Bare Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using L-Band Radiometer, A
* Number of Different Digital N-Discs, The
* Object detection in SAR image based on bandlet transform
* Object detection using boosted local binaries
* Object recognition using local invariant features for robotic applications: A survey
* Object recognition using rotation invariant local binary pattern of significant bit planes
* Occlusion-Aware Stereo Matching
* Occlusion-Free Visualization of Important Geographic Features in 3D Urban Environments
* Occlusions are Fleeting - Texture is Forever: Moving Past Brightness Constancy
* Oil Droplet Clouds Suspended in the Sea: Can They Be Remotely Detected?
* On Branded Handbag Recognition
* On Crater Verification Using Mislocalized Crater Regions
* On designing practical long range near infrared-based face recognition systems
* On Evaluating Perceptual Quality of Online User-Generated Videos
* On Geometric Features for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Multilayer LSTM Networks
* On the Characterization of Absentee-Voxels in a Spherical Surface and Volume of Revolution in Z3
* On the effective subkey space of some image encryption algorithms using external key
* On the Optimal Presentation Duration for Subjective Video Quality Assessment
* On the Throughput of Large MIMO Beamforming Systems With Channel Aging
* On using periocular biometric for gender classification in the wild
* Online Cost Efficient Customer Recognition System for Retail Analytics
* Online learning of mixture experts for real-time tracking
* Online multi-object tracking by detection based on generative appearance models
* Online recognition of sketched arrow-connected diagrams
* Online signature verification based on writer dependent features and classifiers
* Online Unmixing of Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images Accounting for Spectral Variability
* Online view-invariant human action recognition using RGB-D spatio-temporal matrix
* Open-Source Platform for Underwater Image and Video Analytics, An
* Optic Disc Localization Using Directional Models
* OptiFuzz: a robust illumination invariant face recognition system and its implementation
* Optimal Auction Design With Quantized Bids
* Optimal configuration of static polarization imagers for target detection
* Optimal Control for Congestion Pricing: Theory, Simulation, and Evaluation
* Optimal Gaussian Weight Predictor and Sorting Using Genetic Algorithm for Reversible Watermarking Based on PEE and HS
* Optimal Joint Detection and Estimation That Maximizes ROC-Type Curves
* Optimal Power Allocation for OFDMA Systems Under I/Q Imbalance
* Optimal Threshold and LoG Based Feature Identification and Tracking of Bat Flapping Flight
* Optimal Use of Space-Borne Advanced Infrared and Microwave Soundings for Regional Numerical Weather Prediction
* Optimisation of automatic face annotation system used within a collaborative framework for online social networks
* Optimizing Flip Angles for Metabolic Rate Estimation in Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI
* Optimum Graph Cuts for Pruning Binary Partition Trees of Polarimetric SAR Images
* Order-Preserving Condensation of Moving Objects in Surveillance Videos
* Ordered Pooling of Optical Flow Sequences for Action Recognition
* Orthogonal optimal reverse prediction for semi-supervised learning
* Orthogonal polynomial function fitting for hyperspectral data representation and discrimination
* OSIRIS: An open source iris recognition software
* PAC-bayesian analysis of distribution dependent priors: tighter risk bounds and stability analysis
* Page segmentation using minimum homogeneity algorithm and adaptive mathematical morphology
* Pain intensity estimation by a self-taught selection of histograms of topographical features
* Palmprint recognition with Local Micro-structure Tetra Pattern
* Pano2CAD: Room Layout from a Single Panorama Image
* Panoramic Mosaics from Chang'E-3 PCAM Images at Point A
* parallel Homological Spanning Forest framework for 2D topological image analysis, A
* Parametrization and calibration of a quasi-analytical algorithm for tropical eutrophic waters
* Pareto-Based Method for High Efficiency Video Coding With Limited Encoding Time
* Part based bit error analysis of iris codes
* Partial Discreteness: A Novel Prior for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
* partial Hadamard transform approach to the design of cancelable fingerprint templates containing binary biometric representations, A
* Partial Occlusion Handling in Pedestrian Detection With a Deep Model
* PASCAL Boundaries: A Semantic Boundary Dataset with a Deep Semantic Boundary Detector
* Patch-Set-Based Representation for Alignment-Free Image Set Classification
* Patchwork Stereo: Scalable, Structure-Aware 3D Reconstruction in Man-Made Environments
* Path to Path-Traced Movies, The
* PCA Based Computation of Illumination-Invariant Space for Road Detection
* Pedestrian Behavior Modeling From Stationary Crowds With Applications to Intelligent Surveillance
* Pedestrian detection aided by fusion of binocular information
* Pedestrian Detection in Binocular Stereo Sequence Based on Appearance Consistency
* Pedestrian re-identification via coarse-to-fine ranking
* Per-packet rate adaptation for wireless video
* Perceptual quality evaluation for image defocus deblurring
* Performance comparison of fully adaptive and static passive polarimetric imagers in the presence of intensity and polarization contrast
* Person re-identification based on multi-region-set ensembles
* Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking
* Person-Centered Multimedia Computing: A New Paradigm Inspired by Assistive and Rehabilitative Applications
* Personalized Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment by Joint Regression and Ranking
* PET Reconstruction With an Anatomical MRI Prior Using Parallel Level Sets
* Phase Field Variational Model with Arctangent Regularization for Saliency Detection, A
* Phenological visual rhythms: Compact representations for fine-grained plant species identification
* PhenoTree: Interactive Visual Analytics for Hierarchical Phenotyping From Large-Scale Electronic Health Records
* Physically Constrained Calibration Database for Land Surface Temperature Using Infrared Retrieval Algorithms, A
* Piecewise Linear Dynamical Model for Action Clustering from Real-World Deployments of Inertial Body Sensors
* pocket camera with many eyes, A
* Point Context: An Effective Shape Descriptor for RST-Invariant Trajectory Recognition
* Polar Sea Ice Monitoring Using HY-2A Scatterometer Measurements
* Polarimetric: Anisotropic Decomposition and Anisotropic Entropies of High-Resolution SAR Images
* Polynomial Approximation Motion Estimation Model for Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation, A
* Portable and fast text detection
* Pose-Robust Face Verification by Exploiting Competing Tasks
* Post-Fire Changes in Forest Biomass Retrieved by Airborne LiDAR in Amazonia
* Post-Segmentation Swallowing Accelerometry Signal Trimming and False Positive Reduction
* Pothole detection using spatio-temporal saliency
* Power Allocation and Relay Selection for Multisource Multirelay Cooperative Vehicular Networks
* Power-Weighted Divergences for Relative Attenuation and Delay Estimation
* Predicting Grassland Leaf Area Index in the Meadow Steppes of Northern China: A Comparative Study of Regression Approaches and Hybrid Geostatistical Methods
* Predicting the Perceptual Demands of Urban Driving with Video Regression
* Predictive ability of anthropomorphic metrics in determining age and sex of children
* Preface: Remote Sensing in Coastal Environments
* PREVENTER, a Selection Mechanism for Just-in-Time Preventive Interventions
* Principal Curves on Riemannian Manifolds
* Probabilistic approach for maximum likelihood estimation of pose using lines
* Probabilistic Framework for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Probabilistic Model for Designing Multimodality Landmine Detection Systems to Improve Rates of Advance, A
* probabilistic sparse skeleton based object detection, A
* Probabilistic Surface Inference for Industrial Inspection Planning
* Probability-based method for boosting human action recognition using scene context
* Probe Oscillation Shear Elastography (PROSE): A High Frame-Rate Method for Two-Dimensional Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography
* Progressive subspace ensemble learning
* Projected Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm for Tight Frames in Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Projection Algorithm for Gradient Waveforms Design in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* proposal for supervised clustering with Dirichlet Process using labels, A
* Proposed face recognition system after plastic surgery
* Providing Video Annotations in Multimedia Containers for Visualization and Research
* Proximal Sensing and Digital Terrain Models Applied to Digital Soil Mapping and Modeling of Brazilian Latosols (Oxisols)
* Purchase behavior analysis through gaze and gesture observation
* PVBMT: A Principal Verb based Approach for English to Bangla Machine Translation
* Pyramid coding based rate control for variable bit rate video streaming
* QoS-Aware Multigranularity Service Composition: Modeling and Optimization
* Quantifying Surface Water Dynamics at 30 Meter Spatial Resolution in the North American High Northern Latitudes 1991-2011
* Quantifying the Effect of Aerial Imagery Resolution in Automated Hydromorphological River Characterisation
* Quantitative Analysis of Automatic Image Cropping Algorithms: A Dataset and Comparative Study
* Quantitative Comparison of Total Suspended Sediment Algorithms: A Case Study of the Last Decade for MODIS and Landsat-Based Sensors, A
* Quantitative evaluation of margin sharpness of pulmonary nodules in lung CT images
* Quantitative phase imaging method based on an analytical nonparaxial partially coherent phase optical transfer function
* Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Structural Feature Based Collaborative Reconstruction (SFCR) in the Human Brain
* R-FUSE: Robust Fast Fusion of Multiband Images Based on Solving a Sylvester Equation
* R3DG features: Relative 3D geometry-based skeletal representations for human action recognition
* Race to Improve Radar Imagery: An overview of recent progress in statistical sparsity-based techniques, The
* Rapid Assessments of Amazon Forest Structure and Biomass Using Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
* Rate Control via Adjustment of Lagrange Multiplier for Video Coding
* Rating Prediction Based on Social Sentiment From Textual Reviews
* RBA: Reduced Bundle Adjustment for oblique aerial photogrammetry
* Ready-to-Use Methods for the Detection of Clouds, Cirrus, Snow, Shadow, Water and Clear Sky Pixels in Sentinel-2 MSI Images
* Real Estate Image Classification
* Real-time ballistocardiographic artifact reduction using the k-teager energy operator detector and multi-channel referenced adaptive noise cancelling
* Real-Time Charging Station Recommendation System for Electric-Vehicle Taxis
* Real-time facial action unit intensity prediction with regularized metric learning
* Real-Time Head Pose Tracking with Online Face Template Reconstruction
* Real-Time Lexicon-Free Scene Text Localization and Recognition
* Real-Time Online Action Detection Forests Using Spatio-Temporal Contexts
* Real-Time Public-Transport Operational Tactics Using Synchronized Transfers to Eliminate Vehicle Bunching
* Real-Time Rear-End Collision-Warning System Using a Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network
* Real-Time Tele-Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Heart-Failure Using a Smartphone: Lessons Learned
* Real-Time Through-Wall Situation Awareness Using a Microwave Doppler Radar Sensor
* Real-Time Vehicle Make and Model Recognition Based on a Bag of SURF Features
* Real-time video chroma keying: a parallel approach based on local texture and global colour distribution
* Recent trends in gesture recognition: How depth data has improved classical approaches
* Recognition of Group Activities in Videos Based on Single-and Two-Person Descriptors
* Recognizing an Action Using Its Name: A Knowledge-Based Approach
* Recognizing blurred, nonfrontal, illumination, and expression variant partially occluded faces
* Reconstructing Curvilinear Networks Using Path Classifiers and Integer Programming
* Reconstruction of 7T-Like Images From 3T MRI
* Reconstruction of GF-1 Soil Moisture Observation Based on Satellite and In Situ Sensor Collaboration Under Full Cloud Contamination
* Recovering hard-to-find object instances by sampling context-based object proposals
* Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks for Video Segmentation
* Recursive Band Processing of Automatic Target Generation Process for Finding Unsupervised Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery
* Region matching based on colour invariants in RGB orthogonal space
* Regional Estimation of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Using the Surface Energy Balance-Advection (SEB-A) Method
* Registration and Modeling From Spaced and Misaligned Image Volumes
* Registration of eye reflection and scene images using an aspherical eye model
* Regression Facial Attribute Classification via simultaneous dictionary learning
* Regression Wavelet Analysis for Lossless Coding of Remote-Sensing Data
* Regularized set-to-set distance metric learning for hyperspectral image classification
* Relasphone: Mobile and Participative In Situ Forest Biomass Measurements Supporting Satellite Image Mapping
* Relating Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence to Mowing Events on Grasslands
* Relative Forest for Visual Attribute Prediction
* Remote Sensing Exploration of Nb-Ta-LREE-Enriched Carbonatite (Epembe/Namibia)
* Remote Sensing from Ground to Space Platforms Associated with Terrain Attributes as a Hybrid Strategy on the Development of a Pedological Map
* Remote Sensing of 3-D Geometry and Surface Moisture of a Peat Production Area Using Hyperspectral Frame Cameras in Visible to Short-Wave Infrared Spectral Ranges Onboard a Small Unmanned Airborne Vehicle (UAV)
* Remote Sensing of Particle Cross-Sectional Area in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Algorithm Development and Application Implications
* Removal of salt-and-pepper noise in corrupted image using three-values-weighted approach with variable-size window
* Renal Segmentation From 3D Ultrasound via Fuzzy Appearance Models and Patient-Specific Alpha Shapes
* Repeated Pattern Detection Using CNN Activations
* Representation learning for very short texts using weighted word embedding aggregation
* Response for light scattered in the ocular fundus from double-pass and Hartmann-Shack estimations
* Results from MICHE II-Mobile Iris CHallenge Evaluation II
* Retiling scheme: a novel approach of direct anisotropic quad-dominant remeshing
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Progressive Recovery
* Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images
* Review and Perspective for Distance-Based Clustering of Vehicle Trajectories
* Review of Automatic Feature Extraction from High-Resolution Optical Sensor Data for UAV-Based Cadastral Mapping
* Review of Image Fusion Algorithms Based on the Super-Resolution Paradigm, A
* Revision of multifractal descriptors for texture classification based on mathematical morphology
* RGB-D-based action recognition datasets: A survey
* Riemannian Bayesian Framework for Estimating Diffusion Tensor Images, A
* Road Map Inference: A Segmentation and Grouping Framework
* Road Network Extraction from VHR Satellite Images Using Context Aware Object Feature Integration and Tensor Voting
* Road Risk Modeling and Cloud-Aided Safety-Based Route Planning
* Road traffic predictions across major city intersections using multilayer perceptrons and data from multiple intersections located in various places
* Road vanishing point detection using weber adaptive local filter and salient-block-wise weighted soft voting
* Robotic Assistance by Impedance Compensation for Hand Movements While Manual Welding
* Robust 3D Patch-Based Face Hallucination
* Robust and affordable retail customer profiling by vision and radio beacon sensor fusion
* Robust arbitrary view gait recognition based on parametric 3D human body reconstruction and virtual posture synthesis
* Robust cancellable biometrics scheme based on neural networks
* Robust color texture descriptor for material recognition
* Robust control of heterogeneous vehicular platoon with uncertain dynamics and communication delay
* Robust deformable shape reconstruction from monocular video with manifold forests
* Robust Discontinuity Preserving Optical Flow Methods
* Robust DT CWT-Based DIBR 3D Video Watermarking Using Chrominance Embedding
* Robust Elastic-Net Subspace Representation
* Robust face recognition based on dynamic rank representation
* Robust Hand Gestural Interaction for Smartphone Based AR/VR Applications
* robust iterative super-resolution mosaicking algorithm using an adaptive and directional Huber-Markov regularization, A
* Robust Lane Detection using Two-stage Feature Extraction with Curve Fitting
* Robust multitask learning with three-dimensional empirical mode decomposition-based features for hyperspectral classification
* Robust natural image segmentation by using spatially constrained multivariate mixed Student's t-distribution and TV flow edge
* Robust Non-Parametric Template Matching with Local Rigidity Constraints
* Robust Projective Template Matching
* Robust Road Marking Detection and Recognition Using Density-Based Grouping and Machine Learning Techniques
* robust similarity measure for volumetric image registration with outliers, A
* Robust Sparse Signal Recovery in the Presence of the S alpha-S Noise
* Robust Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping for Multibaseline SAR Interferograms: A Two-Stage Programming Approach
* Robust Visual Tracking via Least Soft-Threshold Squares
* Robust watermarking scheme for color image based on quaternion-type moment invariants and visual cryptography
* ROC representation for the discriminability of multi-classification markers
* Rotation-Aided Arctangent Phase Discriminator With One-Bit Quantization, A
* Salient object detection via images frequency domain analyzing
* SAMP: Shape and Motion Priors for 4D Vehicle Reconstruction
* SAR Image Segmentation With Renyi's Entropy
* SAR Target Recognition via Supervised Discriminative Dictionary Learning and Sparse Representation of the SAR-HOG Feature
* Satellite Survey of Inner Seas: Oil Pollution in the Black and Caspian Seas
* Satellite-Based Run-Off Model for Monitoring Drought in Peninsular Malaysia
* Saying What You're Looking For: Linguistics Meets Video Search
* Scale-Aware Pansharpening Algorithm for Agricultural Fragmented Landscapes
* Scale-Aware Spatially Guided Mapping
* Scenario-Based Modeling of the On-Board of a Satellite-Based Train Control System With Colored Petri Nets
* Scene Depth Perception Based on Omnidirectional Structured Light
* Scene parsing using inference Embedded Deep Networks
* score level fusion method for eye movement biometrics, A
* Seasonal to Interannual Variability of Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimates in the Pacific Ocean Associated with ENSO from 1998 to 2014
* Second-Order Polynomial Equation-Based Block Adjustment for Orthorectification of DISP Imagery
* Secondary Fault Activity of the North Anatolian Fault near Avcilar, Southwest of Istanbul: Evidence from SAR Interferometry Observations
* Security Enhancement via Device-to-Device Communication in Cellular Networks
* Segmentation of overlapping cells in cervical smears based on spatial relationship and Overlapping Translucency Light Transmission Model
* Segmentation of RGB-D indoor scenes by stacking random forests and conditional random fields
* Segmenting Retinal Blood Vessels With Deep Neural Networks
* Seismic Simultaneous Source Separation via Patchwise Sparse Representation
* Selecting Canopy Zones and Thresholding Approaches to Assess Grapevine Water Status by Using Aerial and Ground-Based Thermal Imaging
* Self-organizing maps and Gestalt organization as components of an advanced system for remotely sensed data: An example with thermal hyper-spectra
* Semantic Text Summarization of Long Videos
* Semi global boundary detection
* Semi-Coupled Two-Stream Fusion ConvNets for Action Recognition at Extremely Low Resolutions
* Semi-supervised hyperspectral classification from a small number of training samples using a co-training approach
* Semiblind Hyperspectral Unmixing in the Presence of Spectral Library Mismatches
* Separability Analysis of Sentinel-2A Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) Data for Burned Area Discrimination
* Separation Surfaces in the Spectral TV Domain for Texture Decomposition
* Sequence Prediction of Driving Behavior Using Double Articulation Analyzer
* Service-Based Approach to Traffic Sensor Data Integration and Analysis to Support Community-Wide Green Commute in China, A
* Severe: Segmenting vessels in retina images
* Shape Distributions of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems for Video-Based Inference
* Shape recognition by bag of skeleton-associated contour parts
* Shape Retrieval of Non-rigid 3D Human Models
* Shape similarity assessment based on partial feature aggregation and ranking lists
* Shape-Adjusted Tridimensional Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using a Miniature Quadrotor, A
* Shape-based object matching using interesting points and high-order graphs
* Short-Term Change Detection in Wetlands Using Sentinel-1 Time Series
* Shortest Path Problem on a Time-Dependent Network With Mixed Uncertainty of Randomness and Fuzziness, The
* Signal Processing at the Heart of a Health-Care Renaissance: As people live longer, new technologies promise better and less costly diagnostic services
* Signal Processing for Smart Vehicle Technologies
* Signature test as statistical testing in clustering
* Signatures verification based on PNN classifier optimised by PSO algorithm
* Simultaneous Quantitative Imaging of Electrical Properties and Proton Density From B_1 Maps Using MRI
* Single image dehazing via reliability guided fusion
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Joint GMM Method
* Single-Image Super-Resolution via an Iterative Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Method
* Size and Texture-Based Classification of Lung Tumors with 3D CNNs
* Skeletal camera network embedded structure-from-motion for 3D scene reconstruction from UAV images
* Smart Driver Monitoring: When Signal Processing Meets Human Factors: In the driver's seat
* Social Grouping for Multi-Target Tracking and Head Pose Estimation in Video
* Social network model for crowd anomaly detection and localization
* Soft Biometrics in Online Social Networks: A Case Study on Twitter User Gender Recognition
* Soft Hough Forest-ERTs: Generalized Hough Transform based object detection from soft-labelled training data
* Soil Sealing and the Complex Bundle of Influential Factors: Germany as a Case Study
* Solving Occlusion Problem in Pedestrian Detection by Constructing Discriminative Part Layers
* Solving Robust Regularization Problems Using Iteratively Re-weighted Least Squares
* Space-Time Adaptive Processing With Vertical Frequency Diverse Array for Range-Ambiguous Clutter Suppression
* Spaceborne/Stationary Bistatic SAR Imaging With TerraSAR-X as an Illuminator in Staring-Spotlight Mode
* Sparse conditional copula models for structured output regression
* Sparse Dictionary Learning for Identifying Grasp Locations
* Sparse exponential family Principal Component Analysis
* Sparse Multiscale Algorithm for Dense Optimal Transport, A
* Sparse tree structured representation for re-identification
* Sparsity-Based InSAR Phase Denoising Algorithm Using Nonlocal Wavelet Shrinkage, A
* Sparsity-Based Regularization Approach for Deconvolution of Full-Waveform Airborne Lidar Data, A
* Sparsity-inducing dictionaries for effective action classification
* Spatial contextual superpixel model for natural roadside vegetation classification
* spatial domain scar removal strategy for fingerprint image enhancement, A
* Spatial Downscaling Algorithm for Satellite-Based Precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau Based on NDVI, DEM, and Land Surface Temperature, A
* Spatial Sensor Selection via Gaussian Markov Random Fields
* Spatial-Temporal Motion Field Analysis for Pixelwise Crack Detection on Concrete Surfaces
* Spatially misaligned HEVC transcoding with computational-complexity scalability
* Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detection for Industrial Robots through Prediction in Unsupervised Feature Space
* Spatiotemporal Modeling of Urban Growth Predictions Based on Driving Force Factors in Five Saudi Arabian Cities
* Spatiotemporal representation of 3D skeleton joints-based action recognition using modified spherical harmonics
* spatiotemporal restoration of partial color artifacts in archival films, A
* Spatiotemporal Subpixel Mapping of Time-Series Images
* Spatiotemporal Variations of Lake Surface Temperature across the Tibetan Plateau Using MODIS LST Product
* Speaker Identification Based on Integrated Face Direction in a Group Conversation
* Special issue on 'Video analytics for audience measurement in retail and digital signage'
* Special issue on advances in pattern recognition in remote sensing
* Special issue on Fine-grained categorization in ecological multimedia
* Special issue on GeToHa
* Special section on 19th Scandinavian conference on image analysis (SCIA 2015)
* Spectral and Spatial Approach of Coarse-to-Fine Blurred Image Region Detection, A
* Spectral Discrimination of Vegetation Classes in Ice-Free Areas of Antarctica
* spectral graph wavelet approach for nonrigid 3D shape retrieval, A
* Spectral Indices to Improve Crop Residue Cover Estimation under Varying Moisture Conditions
* Spectral Method for Generating Surrogate Graph Signals, A
* Spectral-spatial hyperspectral image ensemble classification via joint sparse representation
* Spin Contour
* spoof resistant multibiometric system based on the physiological and behavioral characteristics of fingerprint, A
* Statistical Approach to Continuous Self-Calibrating Eye Gaze Tracking for Head-Mounted Virtual Reality Systems, A
* Statistical graph space analysis
* Statistical Test of Phase Closure to Detect Influences on DInSAR Deformation Estimates Besides Displacements and Decorrelation Noise: Two Case Studies in High-Latitude Regions, A
* Stochastic discretized learning-based weak estimation: A novel estimation method for non-stationary environments
* Stochastic Emergency Response Location Model Considering Secondary Incidents on Freeways, A
* Stochastic Fuzzy Modeling for Ear Imaging Based Child Identification
* Strong Tracking Square Root Central Difference FastSLAM for Unmanned Intelligent Vehicle With Adaptive Partial Systematic Resampling, A
* Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels
* Structural nonparallel support vector machine for pattern recognition
* Structure-aware image inpainting using patch scale optimization
* Structure-Constrained Low-Rank and Partial Sparse Representation with Sample Selection for image classification
* study of how gaze angle affects the performance of iris recognition, A
* Study on using individual differences in facial expressions for a face recognition system immune to spoofing attacks
* StuffNet: Using Stuff to Improve Object Detection
* Subcategory-Aware Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Proposals and Detection
* Subclass representation-based face-recognition algorithm derived from the structure scatter of training samples
* Subjective Assessment of Super Multiview Video with Coding Artifacts
* Super-Twisting-Like Algorithm and Its Application to Train Operation Control With Optimal Utilization of Adhesion Force, A
* Superpixel-Based Classification Using K Distribution and Spatial Context for Polarimetric SAR Images
* Supervised Approach to Delineate Built-Up Areas for Monitoring and Analysis of Settlements, A
* Support for reduced presentation durations in subjective video quality assessment
* Surface geodesic pattern for 3D deformable texture matching
* Surface Regions of Interest for Viewpoint Selection
* Surface Water Mapping from Suomi NPP-VIIRS Imagery at 30 m Resolution via Blending with Landsat Data
* Survey on 3D Hand Gesture Recognition
* survey on curvilinear object segmentation in multiple applications, A
* survey on heterogeneous face recognition: Sketch, infra-red, 3D and low-resolution, A
* survey on periocular biometrics research, A
* Survey on real-time facial expression recognition techniques
* survey on representation-based classification and detection in hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, A
* Survey on Visual Analytics of Social Media Data, A
* Switching Linear Inverse-Regression Model for Tracking Head Pose
* Symmetry-aware graph matching
* Synergistic Use of LiDAR and APEX Hyperspectral Data for High-Resolution Urban Land Cover Mapping
* System Characterization of a Highly Integrated Preclinical Hybrid MPI-MRI Scanner
* T-LESS: An RGB-D Dataset for 6D Pose Estimation of Texture-Less Objects
* Taking Advantage of the ESA G-POD Service to Study Ground Deformation Processes in High Mountain Areas: A Valle d'Aosta Case Study, Northern Italy
* Tasks of the Crowd: A Typology of Tasks in Geographic Information Crowdsourcing and a Case Study in Humanitarian Mapping, The
* Techniques for Gradient-Based Bilevel Optimization with Non-smooth Lower Level Problems
* Telecom Inventory Management via Object Recognition and Localisation on Google Street View Images
* Temporal Robust Features for Violence Detection
* Temporally Coded Illumination for Rolling Shutter Motion De-blurring
* Tensor Block-Sparsity Based Representation for Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Tensor-Driven Temporal Correlation Model for Video Sequence Classification, A
* Testing a Modified PCA-Based Sharpening Approach for Image Fusion
* Text-Edge-Box: An Object Proposal Approach for Scene Texts Localization
* Texture Attribute Synthesis and Transfer Using Feed-Forward CNNs
* Thermal Imagery-Derived Surface Inundation Modeling to Assess Flood Risk in a Flood-Pulsed Savannah Watershed in Botswana and Namibia
* Three-Dimensional Body and Centre of Mass Kinematics in Alpine Ski Racing Using Differential GNSS and Inertial Sensors
* Three-Step Approach for TLS Point Cloud Classification, A
* Tiling in Interactive Panoramic Video: Approaches and Evaluation
* Time series-based classifier fusion for fine-grained plant species recognition
* Time Varying Metric Learning for visual tracking
* Time-Dependent Afterslip of the 2009 Mw 6.3 Dachaidan Earthquake (China) and Viscosity beneath the Qaidam Basin Inferred from Postseismic Deformation Observations
* Time-Optimal Maneuver Planning in Automatic Parallel Parking Using a Simultaneous Dynamic Optimization Approach
* topological 4-coordinate system for the face centered cubic grid, A
* Topological Attribute Patterns for texture recognition
* Total Variation Regularized Tensor RPCA for Background Subtraction From Compressive Measurements
* Toward semantic attributes in dictionary learning and non-negative matrix factorization
* Towards a mean body for apparel design
* Towards a Unified Framework for Pose, Expression, and Occlusion Tolerant Automatic Facial Alignment
* Towards an Improved Environmental Understanding of Land Surface Dynamics in Ukraine Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Time-Series Datasets from 1982 to 2013
* Towards demographic categorization using gaze analysis
* Towards eco-aware timetabling: evolutionary approach and cascading initialisation strategy for the bi-objective optimisation of train running times
* Towards effective codebookless model for image classification
* Towards Fine-Grained Open Zero-Shot Learning: Inferring Unseen Visual Features from Attributes
* Towards hand gesture based writing support system for blinds
* Towards Operational Detection of Forest Ecosystem Changes in Protected Areas
* Towards parameter-independent data clustering and image segmentation
* Tracking All Road Users at Multimodal Urban Traffic Intersections
* Tracking multiple persons under partial and global occlusions: Application to customers' behavior analysis
* Tracking the Seasonal Dynamics of Boreal Forest Photosynthesis Using EO-1 Hyperion Reflectance: Sensitivity to Structural and Illumination Effects
* Trajectory analysis for parking lot vacancy detection system
* Transfer Latent SVM for Joint Recognition and Localization of Actions in Videos
* Transfer Learning and Deep Feature Extraction for Planktonic Image Data Sets
* Transformation invariant subspace clustering
* Transport Between RGB Images Motivated by Dynamic Optimal Transport
* Trinocular Geometry Revisited
* Tropical Mean Fluxes: A Tool for Calibration and Validation of CERES Radiometers
* True scaled 6 DoF egocentric localisation with monocular wearable systems
* TSS &, TSB: Tensor scale descriptors within circular sectors for fast shape retrieval
* Turbo Equalization Using Partial Gaussian Approximation
* Two Stream LSTM: A Deep Fusion Framework for Human Action Recognition
* Two-dimension principal component analysis-based motion detection framework with subspace update of background
* Two-dimensional discrete fractional Fourier transform-based content removal algorithm
* Two-Dimensional Whitening Reconstruction for Enhancing Robustness of Principal Component Analysis
* Two-Layer Model for Taxi Customer Searching Behaviors Using GPS Trajectory Data, A
* Ultrasound Tracking Using ProbeSight: Camera Pose Estimation Relative to External Anatomy by Inverse Rendering of a Prior High-Resolution 3D Surface Map
* Uncertainty in Bus Arrival Time Predictions: Treating Heteroscedasticity With a Metamodel Approach
* Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recognition
* Understanding human activity patterns based on space-time-semantics
* unified Bayesian mixture model framework via spatial information for grayscale image segmentation, A
* Unifying Registration Based Tracking: A Case Study with Structural Similarity
* Universal Framework for Salient Object Detection, A
* Universal Skin Detection Without Color Information
* Unlinkable minutiae-based fuzzy vault for multiple fingerprints
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics
* Unsupervised feature learning with C-SVDDNet
* Unsupervised Freeview Groupwise Cardiac Segmentation Using Synchronized Spectral Network
* Unsupervised Joint Mining of Deep Features and Image Labels for Large-Scale Radiology Image Categorization and Scene Recognition
* Unsupervised Local Feature Hashing for Image Similarity Search
* Unsupervised manifold alignment using soft-assign technique
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Markov Random Fields Corrupted by Nonstationary Noise
* Unsupervised Tracking With the Doubly Stochastic Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
* Updated version of an interim connection space LabPQR for spectral color reproduction: LabLab
* Urban Built-up Areas in Transitional Economies of Southeast Asia: Spatial Extent and Dynamics
* Urban Heat Islands as Viewed by Microwave Radiometers and Thermal Time Indices
* Urban Land Cover Change Modelling Using Time-Series Satellite Images: A Case Study of Urban Growth in Five Cities of Saudi Arabia
* Use of a GPS-Derived Troposphere Model to Improve InSAR Deformation Estimates in the San Gabriel Valley, California
* usefulness of diffusion-weighted readout-segmented EPI and fast spin echo with BLADE (PROPELLER) k-space sampling: A comparison with single-shot EPI for diffusion-weighted imaging in ischemic stroke patients, The
* Using Google Earth Surface Metrics to Predict Plant Species Richness in a Complex Landscape
* Using High Spatio-Temporal Optical Remote Sensing to Monitor Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Arctic River Yenisei
* Using iris and sclera for detection and classification of contact lenses
* Using Ordinary Digital Cameras in Place of Near-Infrared Sensors to Derive Vegetation Indices for Phenology Studies of High Arctic Vegetation
* Utilizing Multiple Lines of Evidence to Determine Landscape Degradation within Protected Area Landscapes: A Case Study of Chobe National Park, Botswana from 1982 to 2011
* Variable Exponent P-Laplace Variational Model Preserving Texture for Image Interpolation, A
* Variational Aggregation Framework for Patch-Based Optical Flow Estimation, A
* Variational Inference for Watson Mixture Model
* Variational Inference-Based Frequency-Domain Equalization for Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling in Doubly Selective Channels
* variety of local structure patterns and their hybridization for accurate eye detection, A
* Vehicle Detection Using Local Size-Specific Classifiers
* Vehicle routing in urban areas based on the Oil Consumption Weight -Dijkstra algorithm
* Vibrational analysis of angle measurement comparator
* Video anomaly detection based on locality sensitive hashing filters
* Video Anomaly Detection in Real Time on a Power-Aware Heterogeneous Platform
* Video Background Completion Using Motion-Guided Pixel Assignment Optimization
* Video Classification via Weakly Supervised Sequence Modeling
* Video Extrapolation Method Based on Time-Varying Energy Optimization and CIP
* Virtual dynamic message signs: A future mode for basic public traveller information
* Virtual Restoration Approach for Ancient Plank Road Using Mechanical Analysis with Precision 3D Data of Heritage Site, A
* Vision-Based Human Tracking Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Robot
* Visual Analytics of Political Networks From Face-Tracking of News Video
* Visual attention based on a joint perceptual space of color and brightness for improved video tracking
* Visual Movie Analytics
* Visual saliency detection based on homology similarity and an experimental evaluation
* Visual tracking via adaptive multi-task feature learning with calibration and identification
* Visual Tracking via Random Walks on Graph Model
* Visualization-Based Active Learning for Video Annotation
* Visualizing and Analyzing Video Content With Interactive Scalable Maps
* Visualizing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Natural Pre-images
* Wavelet Based Analysis of TanDEM-X and LiDAR DEMs across a Tropical Vegetation Heterogeneity Gradient Driven by Fire Disturbance in Indonesia
* Weakly Supervised Learning Based on Coupled Convolutional Neural Networks for Aircraft Detection
* Weakly supervised object localization and segmentation in videos
* Wearable Sensor System with Circadian Rhythm Stability Estimation for Prototyping Biomedical Studies, A
* Weighted Constrained Hue-Plane Preserving Camera Characterization
* What Is Happening in the Video? Annotate Video by Sentence
* When Was That Made?
* Who Moved My Cheese? Automatic Annotation of Rodent Behaviors with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Wideband image demodulation via bi-dimensional multirate frequency transformations
* Wildlife recognition in nature documentaries with weak supervision from subtitles and external data
* Wirtinger Flow Method With Optimal Stepsize for Phase Retrieval
* Workflow for Automatic Quantification of Structure and Dynamic of the German Building Stock Using Official Spatial Data, A
* Writer Identification in Noisy Handwritten Documents
* X-Ray PoseNet: 6 DoF Pose Estimation for Mobile X-Ray Devices
* X-Ray Scattering Image Classification Using Deep Learning
* ZebraRecognizer: Pedestrian crossing recognition for people with visual impairment or blindness
* Zero-shot learning by exploiting class-related and attribute-related prior knowledge
* Überatlas: Fast and robust registration for multi-atlas segmentation
1308 for 1609

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.