Update Dates 1608

1608 * *AMDO
* *HMDB: a large human motion database
* *Hollywood2 Human Actions and Scenes Dataset
* *Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop
* *International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization
* *International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing
* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* *Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
* 2D and 3D Iconography on Augmented Reality Interfaces
* 3-D color histogram equalization by principal component analysis
* 3-Dimensional Modeling and Simulation of the Cloud Based on Cellular Automata and Particle System
* 3D cartoon face generation by local deformation mapping
* 3D Ear Identification Using Block-Wise Statistics-Based Features and LC-KSVD
* 3D Morphable Face Models and Their Applications
* 3D Object Recognition Based on Volumetric Representation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Laryngeal Dynamics Based on Endoscopic High-Speed Recordings
* 3D Reconstruction of Human Motion from Monocular Image Sequences
* 3D Retinal Vessel Tree Segmentation and Reconstruction with OCT Images
* 3D Structured Light Scanner on the Smartphone
* 3DUI Electronic Syringe for Neonate Central Venous Access Procedure Simulation
* 50 years of biometric research: Accomplishments, challenges, and opportunities
* 6-DOF Image Localization From Massive Geo-Tagged Reference Images
* Abiotic Controls on Macroscale Variations of Humid Tropical Forest Height
* Abnormal Events Detection Based on Trajectory Clustering
* Abnormality Detection via Iterative Deformable Registration and Basis-Pursuit Decomposition
* Accurate Method for Frequency Estimation of a Real Sinusoid, An
* Action Recognition from Depth Maps Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Active Learning for Regression With Correlation Matching and Labeling Error Suppression
* Active Optical Sensing of Spring Maize for In-Season Diagnosis of Nitrogen Status Based on Nitrogen Nutrition Index
* Activity Recognition in Meetings with One and Two Kinect Sensors
* Adaptation Approaches in Unsupervised Learning: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* Adaptive Directional Haar Framelet-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging, An
* Adaptive image inpainting algorithm based on generalized principal component analysis
* Adaptive Objectness for Object Tracking
* adaptive people counting system with dynamic features selection and occlusion handling, An
* Adaptive scene-text binarisation on images captured by smartphones
* Adaptive transfer functions: Improved multiresolution visualization of medical models
* Adaptive undersampling for efficient mobile ray tracing
* Adjusting samples for obtaining better L2-norm minimization based sparse representation
* Advanced multimedia service provisioning based on efficient interoperability of adaptive streaming protocol and high efficient video coding
* Advanced SAR Interferometric Analysis to Support Geomorphological Interpretation of Slow-Moving Coastal Landslides (Malta, Mediterranean Sea)
* Advances and Tendencies: A Review of Recent Studies on Virtual Reality for Pain Management
* Age-Related Macular Degeneration Detection and Stage Classification Using Choroidal OCT Images
* Airborne 3D imaging possibilities for defense and security
* Airborne S-Band SAR for Forest Biophysical Retrieval in Temperate Mixed Forests of the UK
* Algorithm and architecture design of the motion estimation for the H.265/HEVC 4K-UHD encoder
* All-Zero Block Detection Scheme for Low-Complexity HEVC Encoders, An
* Ambiguity function of two-dimensional orthogonal complete complementary codes
* Analyses of Impact of Needle Surface Properties on Estimation of Needle Absorption Spectrum: Case Study with Coniferous Needle and Shoot Samples
* Analysis and Mapping of the Spectral Characteristics of Fractional Green Cover in Saline Wetlands (NE Spain) Using Field and Remote Sensing Data
* Analysis of Aerosol Radiative Forcing over Beijing under Different Air Quality Conditions Using Ground-Based Sun-Photometers between 2013 and 2015
* Analysis of influence on driver behaviour while using in-vehicle traffic lights with application of head-up display
* Analysis of Regional Deformation of the Heart's Left Ventricle Using Curvature Values with Hotelling T2 Metric
* Analysis of serious games based on pedagogical features and proposal of civil defence training game
* Analysis of Temporal Coherence in Videos for Action Recognition
* Analysis of the complexity of the HEVC motion estimation
* Analysis of the correlation properties of QOCCC
* Analysis of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Monsoon Evolution and Its Linkages with Soil Moisture
* Analytical expression for pixel-averaged point sources as observed by a focal plane array
* Analyzing the Impact of Highways Associated with Farmland Loss under Rapid Urbanization
* Analyzing Urban Human Mobility Patterns through a Thematic Model at a Finer Scale
* Animation Validation of Obese Virtual Pediatric Patients Using a FLACC Pain Scale
* ANSIBLE: A Virtual World Ecosystem for Improving Psycho-Social Well-being
* Antarctic Sea-Ice Thickness Retrieval from ICESat: Inter-Comparison of Different Approaches
* Apple disease classification using color, texture and shape features from images
* Application of AMSR-E and AMSR2 Low-Frequency Channel Brightness Temperature Data for Hurricane Wind Retrievals
* Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the Interaction between Human Activity and Landscape Pattern: A Case Study of the Lijiang River Basin, China
* Application of Helmert Variance Component Based Adaptive Kalman Filter in Multi-GNSS PPP/INS Tightly Coupled Integration
* Application of hyperpath strategy and driving experience to risk-averse navigation
* Application of Remote Sensing Data to Constrain Operational Rainfall-Driven Flood Forecasting: A Review
* Application of Virtual Environments for Infantry Soldier Skills Training: We are Doing it Wrong
* Applying Virtual Reality in City Planning
* Approach to Improve Accuracy of Photo-to-Sketch Matching, An
* ARMA digital filter design method for audio and musical purposes
* Aspects of Voice Interaction on a Mobile Augmented Reality Application
* Assessing the Accuracy of High Resolution Digital Surface Models Computed by PhotoScan® and MicMac® in Sub-Optimal Survey Conditions
* Assessment of Electromagnetic Absorption of Ice From Ice Core Measurements
* Assessment of HIRS Surface Air Temperature with USCRN Data, An
* Assessment of Kim's Game Strategy for Behavior Cue Detection: Engagement, Flow, & Performance Aspects
* Assessment of Several Empirical Relationships for Deriving Daily Means of UV-A Irradiance from Meteosat-Based Estimates of the Total Irradiance
* Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product
* Association Between Changes in Mammographic Image Features and Risk for Near-Term Breast Cancer Development
* Associations of Leaf Spectra with Genetic and Phylogenetic Variation in Oaks: Prospects for Remote Detection of Biodiversity
* Asymptotic Performance of Global Denoising
* Attacks against AODV Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
* Audio Recapture Detection With Convolutional Neural Networks
* Auditory and Visual Properties in the Virtual Reality Using Haptic Device
* Augmented Reality for the US Air Force
* Augmenting Reality Through Wearable Devices
* Automated Approach for Sub-Pixel Registration of Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) Imagery, An
* Automated cyclist data collection under high density conditions
* Automated estimation of tiller number in wheat by ribbon detection
* Automated Image Registration for Knee Pain Prediction in Osteoarthritis: Data from the OAI
* Automated Real-Time Conjunctival Microvasculature Image Stabilization
* Automated Segmentation of CBCT Image with Prior-Guided Sequential Random Forest
* Automated Subpixel Surface Water Mapping from Heterogeneous Urban Environments Using Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* Automatic Airport Recognition Based on Saliency Detection and Semantic Information
* Automatic alignment for virtual fitting using 3D garment stretching and human body relocation
* Automatic Bifurcation Detection in Coronary X-Ray Angiographies
* Automatic brain segmentation method based on supervoxels
* Automatic Cattle Identification Using Graph Matching Based on Local Invariant Features
* Automatic computation of histogram threshold for lip segmentation using feedback of shape information
* Automatic Construction of Radial-Basis Function Networks Through an Adaptive Partition Algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Blood Vessel in Retinal Images
* Automatic Detection of the Ice Edge in SAR Imagery Using Curvelet Transform and Active Contour
* Automatic Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
* Automatic Human Segmentation in Video Using Convex Active Contours
* Automatic image resizing in android application development
* Automatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Measurement in CT Images
* Automatic Nonlinear Filtering and Segmentation for Breast Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Optic Disc and Fovea Detection in Retinal Images Using Super-Elliptical Convergence Index Filters
* Automatic Rating of Perivascular Spaces in Brain MRI Using Bag of Visual Words
* Automatic Recognition of the Damages and Symptoms on Plant Leaves Using Parallel Combination of Two Classifiers
* Automatic Segmentation of Wrist Bones in CT Using a Statistical Wrist Shape+Pose Model
* Automatic Selection of the Optimal Local Feature Detector
* Automatic System for Zebrafish Counting in Fish Facility Tanks
* Automatic Tuning of the Pulse-Coupled Neural Network Using Differential Evolution for Image Segmentation
* Avatar Types Matter: Review of Avatar Literature for Performance Purposes
* Back-Pressure Traffic Signal Control With Fixed and Adaptive Routing for Urban Vehicular Networks
* Background Basis Selection-Based Foreground Detection Method, A
* Bag of visual words and fusion methods for action recognition: Comprehensive study and good practice
* Bag of Visual Words Approach for Bleeding Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
* Balance Clinical Measurement Using RGBD Devices
* Bayesian approach for the multifractal analysis of spatio-temporal data, A
* Bayesian Community Detection in the Space of Group-Level Functional Differences
* Bayesian Method for Building Frequent Landsat-Like NDVI Datasets by Integrating MODIS and Landsat NDVI
* Bibliographic Analysis and Collaboration Patterns of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Between 2000 and 2015, A
* Bijectivity Certification of 3D Digitized Rotations
* Binary codes K-modes clustering for HSI segmentation
* Binary error models for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Binary tomography reconstruction based on shape orientation
* Bio-inspired Boosting for Moving Objects Segmentation
* Bio-inspired computer vision: Towards a synergistic approach of artificial and biological vision
* Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Using an Extended Linear Mixing Model to Address Spectral Variability
* Blind restoration and resolution enhancement of images based on complex filtering
* Block Minorization-Maximization Algorithm for Heteroscedastic Regression, A
* Boosting local texture descriptors with Log-Gabor filters response for improved image retrieval
* Bounding Multiple Gaussians Uncertainty with Application to Object Tracking
* Bridging Music and Image via Cross-Modal Ranking Analysis
* Buildings Change Detection on Quickbird Imagery
* C++ Implementation of Otsu's Image Segmentation Method, A
* cached video content management method with priority estimation according to the content property in VCDS-MQ with scalable data, A
* Calibration and Validation of Landsat Tree Cover in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone
* Calibration of Compact Polarimetric SAR Images Using Distributed Targets and One Corner Reflector
* Calibration of Shared Flat Refractive Stereo Systems
* Calibrationless Parallel Dynamic MRI with Joint Temporal Sparsity
* Camera based estimation of respiration rate by analyzing shape and size variation of structured light
* case study of learning assessment, flow, satisfaction and expressiveness of the music game: focused on elementary students' music appreciation learning, A
* Cell Segmentation Using Level Set Methods with a New Variance Term
* Census regression classification for face recognition against different variations
* Central Medialness Adaptive Strategy for 3D Lung Nodule Segmentation in Thoracic CT Images
* CGI 2016 Editorial (TVCJ)
* Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using a Multiscale-Driven Approach
* Characteristic functionals in imaging and image-quality assessment: tutorial
* Characteristics and Diurnal Cycle of GPM Rainfall Estimates over the Central Amazon Region
* Characterization of Multiresolution Models for Real-Time Rendering in GPU-Limited Environments
* Characterizing Urban Fabric Properties and Their Thermal Effect Using QuickBird Image and Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared (TIR) Data: The Case of Downtown Shanghai, China
* Charging Electric Vehicles in the Smart City: A Survey of Economy-Driven Approaches
* Circulant Temporal Encoding for Video Retrieval and Temporal Alignment
* Classification and Monitoring of Reed Belts Using Dual-Polarimetric TerraSAR-X Time Series
* Classification and Recognition of Dental Images Using a Decisional Tree
* Classification of image degradation using Riesz transform
* Classification of Motor States from Brain Rhythms Using Lattice Neural Networks
* Classification of remotely sensed images using decimal coded morphological profiles
* client-driven media synchronization mechanism for RTP packet-based video streaming, A
* Clock Algorithm Analysis for Increasing Quality of Digital Images
* Cloud Computing-Enabled Spatio-Temporal Cyber-Physical Information Infrastructure for Efficient Soil Moisture Monitoring, A
* Cloud Motion Estimation in Satellite Image Sequences by Tracking Skeleton Critical Points Using Lucas-Kanade Method
* Clustering-aware structure-constrained low-rank representation model for learning human action attributes
* Clustering-Based Abnormal Event Detection: Experimental Comparison for Similarity Measures' Efficiency
* CNN-based in-loop filtering for coding efficiency improvement
* Coarse-grained reconfigurable hardware accelerator of machine learning classifiers
* Coastline Zones Identification and 3D Coastal Mapping Using UAV Spatial Data
* Coding of Focused Plenoptic Contents by Displacement Intra Prediction
* Coherent Matching Distance in 2D Persistent Homology, The
* Collaborative Design of Material Handling Systems Using Distributed Virtual Reality Environments
* Colocalization structures and eigenvalue spectra for colour image comparison
* Color Image Denoising via Cross-Channel Texture Transferring
* color intensity invariant low-level feature optimization framework for image quality assessment, A
* Combination of Topological and Local Shape Features for Writer's Gender, Handedness and Age Classification
* Combined Approach Based on Fuzzy Classification and Contextual Region Growing to Image Segmentation, A
* Combined Tensor Fitting and TV Regularization in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Based on a Riemannian Manifold Approach
* Combining 3D Shape and Color for 3D Object Recognition
* Combining Low-Level Features of Offline Questionnaires for Handwriting Identification
* Combining Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photochemical Reflectance Index Improves Diurnal Modeling of Gross Primary Productivity
* Comment on MAD-MEX: Automatic Wall-to-Wall Land Cover Monitoring for the Mexican REDD-MRV Program Using All Landsat Data
* comparative approach between cepstral features for human authentication using heart sounds, A
* Comparative Perspective of Human Behavior Patterns to Uncover Ownership Bias among Mobile Phone Users
* Comparative Study and Enhancement of Camera Tampering Detection Algorithms
* Comparative Study of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols Recognition, A
* Comparative Study of Urban Expansion in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan from the 1970s to 2013, A
* Comparative Study of Vision-Based Traffic Signs Recognition Methods, A
* Comparing Objective and Subjective Metrics Between Physical and Virtual Tasks
* Comparing Three Approaches of Evapotranspiration Estimation in Mixed Urban Vegetation: Field-Based, Remote Sensing-Based and Observational-Based Methods
* Comparing Threshold-Selection Methods for Image Segmentation: Application to Defect Detection in Automated Visual Inspection Systems
* Comparison between HEVC and Thor based on objective and subjective assessments
* Comparison of different PDE-based image compression methods with respect to the choice of PDE
* Comparison of Flow Cytometry and Image-Based Screening for Cell Cycle Analysis
* Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Mapping of Complex Surface-Mined and Agricultural Landscapes Using ZiYuan-3 Stereo Satellite Imagery, A
* Comparison of Tropical Rainforest Phenology Retrieved From Geostationary (SEVIRI) and Polar-Orbiting (MODIS) Sensors Across the Congo Basin, A
* Comparison of XH2O Retrieved from GOSAT Short-Wavelength Infrared Spectra with Observations from the TCCON Network
* comparison study on real-time tracking motorcycle license plates, A
* Composite Nonlinear Feedback Control for Path Following of Four-Wheel Independently Actuated Autonomous Ground Vehicles
* Composition of Binary Compressed Sensing Matrices
* Comprehensive survey on security services in vehicular ad-hoc networks
* Comprehensive View on Urban Spatial Structure: Urban Density Patterns of German City Regions, A
* Compression of 3D Point Clouds Using a Region-Adaptive Hierarchical Transform
* Computation of Cubical Steenrod Squares
* Computational expansion of imaging from visible to IR and gamma imaging systems
* Computer Aided Diagnosis of Abdomen Diseases Using Curvelet Transform
* Computing the Overlaps of Two Maps
* Conceptually Simple Modeling Approach for Jason-1 Sea State Bias Correction Based on 3 Parameters Exclusively Derived from Altimetric Information, A
* Connected Component Model for Multi-Object Tracking
* Connectivity supported dynamic routing of electric vehicles in an inductively coupled power transfer environment
* Constrained Statistical Modelling of Knee Flexion From Multi-Pose Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Construction of an Approximate 3D Orthogonal Convex Skull
* Content-weighted mean-squared error for quality assessment of compressed images
* Context-Aware Framework for Reducing Bandwidth Usage of Mobile Video Chats, A
* Context-aware hybrid classification system for fine-grained retail product recognition
* Contextualised learning-free three-dimensional body pose estimation from two-dimensional body features in monocular images
* Continuous User Authentication on Mobile Devices: Recent progress and remaining challenges
* Contour Completion Without Region Segmentation
* Contour Detection at Range Images Using Sparse Normal Detector
* Convolutional Neural Network Super Resolution for Face Recognition in Surveillance Monitoring
* Convolutional sparse representations as an image model for impulse noise restoration
* Copy-Move Detection Algorithm Using Binary Gradient Contours, A
* Correctness Prediction, Accuracy Improvement and Generalization of Stereo Matching Using Supervised Learning
* Correlated Logistic Model With Elastic Net Regularization for Multilabel Image Classification
* Correlation Detection for Adaptive Feedback Cancellation in Hearing Aids
* Counting People in Crowded Scenes via Detection and Regression Fusion
* Cramer-Rao Bounds for Underdetermined Source Localization
* Creating a Large-Scale Silver Corpus from Multiple Algorithmic Segmentations
* Creating a Regional MODIS Satellite-Driven Net Primary Production Dataset for European Forests
* Crime Detection via Crowdsourcing
* Critical Binocular Asymmetry Measure for the Perceptual Quality Assessment of Synthesized Stereo 3D Images in View Synthesis
* Crop Area Mapping Using 100-m Proba-V Time Series
* Crop Monitoring Based on SPOT-5 Take-5 and Sentinel-1A Data for the Estimation of Crop Water Requirements
* Cross-Calibration of GF-1 PMS Sensor With Landsat 8 OLI and Terra MODIS
* Cross-Frequency rs-fMRI Network Connectivity Patterns Manifest Differently for Schizophrenia Patients and Healthy Controls
* Cross-Modal Retrieval via Deep and Bidirectional Representation Learning
* Cryo-Balloon Catheter Localization Based on a Support-Vector-Machine Approach
* CU-Level Rate and Distortion Estimation Scheme for RDO of Hardware-Friendly HEVC Encoders Using Low-Complexity Integer DCTs, A
* CUDA Achievements and GPU Challenges Ahead
* Cuddly User Interfaces
* Cyclic Schemes for PDE-Based Image Analysis
* DASH-based HEVC multi-view video streaming system, A
* Database of Handwritten Arabic Mathematical Formula Images
* De-noising Scheme Based on the Null Hypothesis of Intrinsic Mode Functions, A
* Decimation Double-Phase Estimator: An Efficient and Unambiguous High-Order Binary Offset Carrier Tracking Algorithm
* Decoding hidden light-field information to see around corners
* Deconvolution methods for structured illumination microscopy
* Deep background subtraction with scene-specific convolutional neural networks
* Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
* Deep Independence Network Analysis of Structural Brain Imaging: Application to Schizophrenia
* Deep Learning Guided Partitioned Shape Model for Anterior Visual Pathway Segmentation
* Deep shape-aware descriptor for nonrigid 3D object retrieval
* DeepSaliency: Multi-Task Deep Neural Network Model for Salient Object Detection
* Deformable Graph Model for Tracking Epithelial Cell Sheets in Fluorescence Microscopy
* Deformable strokes towards temporally coherent video painting
* Deformation and Related Slip Due to the 2011 Van Earthquake (Turkey) Sequence Imaged by SAR Data and Numerical Modeling
* Defuzzification Strategies for Fuzzy Classifications of Remote Sensing Data
* Democratic Diffusion Aggregation for Image Retrieval
* Demosaicing Based on Directional Difference Regression and Efficient Regression Priors
* Denoising Multi-view Images Using Non-local Means with Different Similarity Measures
* Dense Lightfield Disparity Estimation Using Total Variation Regularization
* Depth extraction of partially occluded objects using deformable net
* Depth Perception in Virtual Environment: The Effects of Immersive System and Freedom of Movement
* Deriving Ice Motion Patterns in Mountainous Regions by Integrating the Intensity-Based Pixel-Tracking and Phase-Based D-InSAR and MAI Approaches: A Case Study of the Chongce Glacier
* Design a new visual cryptography for human-verifiable authentication in accessing a database
* Design and Comparison of Immersive Gesture Interfaces for HMD Based Virtual World Navigation
* Design and implementation of a teleconferencing system using improved HEVC coding
* Design Features and Mutual Compatibility Studies of the Time-of-Flight PET Capable GE SIGNA PET/MR System
* Design Framework of Image Sensor System Based on Dynamic Range Extension by Adding Noise for Saturated Conditions
* Design of a Multiagent System for Real-Time Traffic Control
* Designing a Topological Algorithm for 3D Activity Recognition
* Despeckling of interferometrie SAR data
* Detailed Evaluation of Five 3D Speckle Tracking Algorithms Using Synthetic Echocardiographic Recordings
* Detecting and positioning of traffic incidents via video-based analysis of traffic states in a road segment
* Detecting asymmetry in the presence of symmetry with maximum likelihood three-dimensional reconstructions of viruses from electron microscope images
* Detecting chemical threats at safe standoff distances
* Detecting Different Types of Directional Land Cover Changes Using MODIS NDVI Time Series Dataset
* Detecting Pneumatic Failures on Temporary Immersion Bioreactors
* Detecting Themed Streets Using a Location Based Service Application
* Detection and Tracking of the Moving Objects in a Video Sequence by Geodesic Active Contour
* Detection of Fragmented Rectangular Enclosures in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Detection of High-Density Crowds in Aerial Images Using Texture Classification
* Determination of Differential Code Bias of GNSS Receiver Onboard Low Earth Orbit Satellite
* Determination of the Optimal Mounting Depth for Calculating Effective Soil Temperature at L-Band: Maqu Case
* Deterministic Method of Visual Servoing: Robust Object Tracking by Drone
* Developing a blended learning approach for the effective teaching of electronic circuit analysis
* Developing a Comprehensive Spectral-Biogeochemical Database of Midwestern Rivers for Water Quality Retrieval Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Wabash River and Its Tributary, Indiana
* Developing and Validating a Statistical Model for Travel Mode Identification on Smartphones
* Development of Tactile Graph Generation Web Application Using R Statistics Software Environment
* Diagnosing Horizontal and Inter-Channel Observation Error Correlations for SEVIRI Observations Using Observation-Minus-Background and Observation-Minus-Analysis Statistics
* Diagnosis of Alzheimer Diseases in Early Step Using SVM (Support Vector Machine)
* Difference Expansion Based Robust Reversible Watermarking with Region Filtering
* DIG: Discrete Iso-contour Geodesics for Topological Analysis of Voxelized Objects
* Dimension reduction using global and local pattern information-based maximum margin criterion
* Dimension Reduction With Extreme Learning Machine
* Direct raytracing of a closed-form fluid meniscus
* Direct Unsupervised Text Line Extraction from Colored Historical Manuscript Images Using DCT
* Direct, Nonlinear Inversion Algorithm for Hyperbolic Problems via Projection-Based Model Reduction
* Directional Local Binary Pattern for Texture Analysis
* Directional SUSAN image boundary detection of breast thermogram
* Dirichlet Process Based Active Learning and Discovery of Unknown Classes for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Disaggregation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture in Heterogeneous Landscapes Using Holistic Structure-Based Models
* disagreement based co-active learning method for sleep stage classification, A
* Discovering Land Cover Web Map Services from the Deep Web with JavaScript Invocation Rules
* Discrimination between Ground Vegetation and Small Pioneer Trees in the Boreal-Alpine Ecotone Using Intensity Metrics Derived from Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Disruptive developments in document recognition
* Dissipative Time Reversal Technique for Photoacoustic Tomography in a Cavity, A
* Distinguishing Land Change from Natural Variability and Uncertainty in Central Mexico with MODIS EVI, TRMM Precipitation, and MODIS LST Data
* Distortion-free secret image sharing method with two meaningful shadows
* Distributed Sum Rate Maximization Algorithms for Nonregenerative MIMO Relay Networks
* Distribution of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Tapajós River Basin (Brazilian Amazon) over the Past 40 Years and Relationship with Water Siltation
* Disturbance elimination in near-infrared spectroscopy through L2-correlated empirical mode decomposition
* DNN-Based Feature Enhancement Using DOA-Constrained ICA for Robust Speech Recognition
* Do Red Edge and Texture Attributes from High-Resolution Satellite Data Improve Wood Volume Estimation in a Semi-Arid Mountainous Region?
* Do We Need More Training Data?
* Domain adaptation via transferring spectral properties of label functions on graphs
* Domain Adaptive Classification for Compensating Variability in Histopathological Whole Slide Images
* Domain-based structure-aware image inpainting
* Downscaling Meteosat Land Surface Temperature over a Heterogeneous Landscape Using a Data Assimilation Approach
* Drivers of Productivity Trends in Cork Oak Woodlands over the Last 15 Years
* DSL loop qualification by using noise margin
* Dual Diversified Dynamical Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Video Repairing
* dual modulation algorithm for accurate reproduction of high dynamic range video, A
* Dual-Polarization Radar Characteristics of Wind Turbines With Ground Clutter and Precipitation
* Dynamic Indoor Location Model for Smartphones Based on Magnetic Field: A Preliminary Approach, A
* Dynamic lapped texture for fluid simulations
* Dynamic Object Detection and Representation for Mobile Robot Application
* Dynamic Tree-Based Large-Deformation Image Registration for Multi-atlas Segmentation
* Early Detection of Summer Crops Using High Spatial Resolution Optical Image Time Series
* early split and skip algorithm for fast intra CU selection in HEVC, An
* Easy-to-Use Airborne LiDAR Data Filtering Method Based on Cloth Simulation, An
* Edge Detection in Time Variant Scenarios Based on a Novel Perceptual Method and a Gestalt Spiking Cortical Model
* Edge-Guided Image Object Detection in Multiscale Segmentation for High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Edge-preserving guided filtering based cost aggregation for stereo matching
* EEF: Exponentially Embedded Families with Class-Specific Features for Classification
* EEG Pattern Recognition: An Efficient Improvement Combination of ERD/ERS/Laterality Features to Create a Self-paced BCI System
* Effect of Agent Reasoning Transparency on Automation Bias: An Analysis of Response Performance, The
* Effective Comparison Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Effective Decompression of JPEG Document Images
* effective facial expression recognition approach for intelligent game systems, An
* Effective Foreground Detection Approach Using a Block-Based Background Modeling, An
* Effective Image De-noising Alternative Approach Based on Third Generation Neural Networks, An
* Effective Soft Multiple-Assignments Strategies for Enhancing the Accuracy of the Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems, An
* Effectiveness of Camouflage Make-Up Patterns Against Face Detection Algorithms
* Effects of Augmented-Reality Head-up Display System Use on Risk Perception and Psychological Changes of Drivers
* Effects of Automation Error Types on Operators' Trust and Reliance, The
* Effects of money simulation application on persons with intellectual disabilities with money transaction difficulties
* Effects of Per-Pixel Variability on Uncertainties in Bathymetric Retrievals from High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Effects of Spatial Sampling Interval on Roughness Parameters and Microwave Backscatter over Agricultural Soil Surfaces
* Efficient 4D Non-local Tensor Total-Variation for Low-Dose CT Perfusion Deconvolution
* Efficient algorithm for transferring a real-time HEVC stream with haptic data through the internet
* Efficient Algorithm for Video Superresolution Based on a Sequential Model, An
* Efficient and high-performance pedestrian detector implementation for intelligent vehicles
* Efficient Anonymous Batch Authentication Scheme Based on HMAC for VANETs, An
* Efficient Counting of the Number of Independent Sets on Polygonal Trees
* efficient delay-constrained ARQ scheme for MMT packet-based real-time video streaming over IP networks, An
* Efficient Framework for Automatic Highlights Generation from Sports Videos, An
* Efficient Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Content Aware Total Variation
* efficient intra-mode decision method for HEVC, An
* Efficient Labelling of Pedestrian Supervisions
* efficient layered simulation workflow for snow imprints, An
* Efficient Melanoma Detection Using Texture-Based RSurf Features
* Efficient method for vehicle license plate identification based on learning a morphological feature
* Efficient Multiple Feature Fusion With Hashing for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification: A Comparative Study
* Efficient multiple-example based super-resolution for symmetric mixed resolution stereoscopic video coding
* Efficient neural network training using curvelet features
* Efficient no-reference metric for sharpness mismatch artifact between stereoscopic views
* Efficient Object Indexing and Retrieval Using Partial Dominant Orientation Descriptor
* Efficient Solution to the Factorized Geometrical Autofocus Problem, An
* Efficient Temporal Redundancy Transformation for Wavelet Based Video Compression, An
* efficient unsupervised method for obtaining polygonal approximations of closed digital planar curves, An
* Efficient Video Summarization Based on Motion SIFT-Distribution Histogram
* Enabling Stem Cell Characterization from Large Microscopy Images
* Encryption algorithm for efficient transmission of HEVC media
* Energy Consumption Evaluation of Reactive and Proactive Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network, An
* energy-efficient video transport protocol for personal cloud-based computing, An
* Enhanced variable bandwidth progression optimisation model in arterial traffic signal control
* Enhanced visual appearance, punch-style weight and physical characteristics based Leap Motion game
* Enhancement of a Turbulent Degraded Frame Using 2D-DTW Averaging
* Enhancing EEG Surface Resolution by Using a Combination of Kalman Filter and Interpolation Method
* Entropy difference-based early skip detection technique for high-efficiency video coding
* Entropy-difference based stereo error detection
* Error Mitigation Technique for Erasure Channels Based on a Wavelet Representation of the Speech Excitation Signal, An
* Error-resilient packet-switched mobile video telephony with channel-adaptive rateless coding and early reference picture selection
* Erythrocytes Morphological Classification Through HMM for Sickle Cell Detection
* Estimating Ejection Fraction and Left Ventricle Volume Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* Estimating Snow Water Equivalent with Backscattering at X and Ku Band Based on Absorption Loss
* Estimating the mean manifold of a deformable object from noisy observations
* Estimation of aircraft state during landing by means of multiple observers
* Estimation of ATMS Antenna Emission From Cold Space Observations
* Estimation of Continuous Urban Sky View Factor from Landsat Data Using Shadow Detection
* Estimation of Daily Solar Radiation Budget at Kilometer Resolution over the Tibetan Plateau by Integrating MODIS Data Products and a DEM
* Estimation of Forest Topsoil Properties Using Airborne LiDAR-Derived Intensity and Topographic Factors
* Estimation of time-to-contact from Tau-margin and statistical analysis of behavior
* Estimation of Water Quality Parameters in Lake Erie from MERIS Using Linear Mixed Effect Models
* Evaluating Biosphere Model Estimates of the Start of the Vegetation Active Season in Boreal Forests by Satellite Observations
* Evaluating Trade Areas Using Social Media Data with a Calibrated Huff Model
* Evaluation of Deterministic and Complex Analytical Hierarchy Process Methods for Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis in a Changing Climate
* Evaluation of Different Irrigation Methods for an Apple Orchard Using an Aerial Imaging System
* Evaluation of IMERG and TRMM 3B43 Monthly Precipitation Products over Mainland China
* Evaluation of Information Visualization Interaction Techniques Using Gestures and Widgets in 3D Environments
* Evaluation of K-SVD Method in Facial Expression Recognition Based on Sparse Representation Problems
* Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 2: Validation and Intercomparison
* Evaluation of Semantic Similarity Using Vector Space Model Based on Textual Corpus
* Evaluation of Stochastic Gradient Descent Methods for Nonlinear Mapping of Hyperspectral Data
* Evapotranspiration Variations in the Mississippi River Basin Estimated From GPS Observations
* Event Notification in VANET With Capacitated Roadside Units
* Evolutionary Algorithm for Segmentation of Medical Images by Region Growing
* Exact Inversion of the Cone Transform Arising in an Application of a Compton Camera Consisting of Line Detectors
* Examination of Abiotic Drivers and Their Influence on Spartina alterniflora Biomass over a Twenty-Eight Year Period Using Landsat 5 TM Satellite Imagery of the Central Georgia Coast
* Examining Spectral Reflectance Saturation in Landsat Imagery and Corresponding Solutions to Improve Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation
* Examining the effect of body ownership in immersive virtual and augmented reality environments
* Excess Propagation Loss Modeling of Semiclosed Obstacles for Intelligent Transportation System
* EXMOVES: Mid-level Features for Efficient Action Recognition and Video Analysis
* Expert-Driven Perceptual Features for Modeling Style and Affect in Human Motion
* Explore Efficient Local Features from RGB-D Data for One-Shot Learning Gesture Recognition
* Exploring Behavioral Methods to Reduce Visually Induced Motion Sickness in Virtual Environments
* Exploring Latent Preferences for Context-Aware Personalized Recommendation Systems
* Exploring the Influence of Neighborhood Characteristics on Burglary Risks: A Bayesian Random Effects Modeling Approach
* Exploring the Relationship between Burn Severity Field Data and Very High Resolution GeoEye Images: The Case of the 2011 Evros Wildfire in Greece
* Exploring the Relationship between Remotely-Sensed Spectral Variables and Attributes of Tropical Forest Vegetation under the Influence of Local Forest Institutions
* Exposure fusion algorithm for scenes with an extremely high dynamic range
* Expressive chromatic accumulation buffering for defocus blur
* Extracting Canopy Surface Texture from Airborne Laser Scanning Data for the Supervised and Unsupervised Prediction of Area-Based Forest Characteristics
* Extracting Lineage Information from Hand-Drawn Ancient Maps
* Eye-Gaze Tracking Analysis of Driver Behavior While Interacting With Navigation Systems in an Urban Area
* Face and Hair Region Labeling Using Semi-Supervised Spectral Clustering-Based Multiple Segmentations
* Face Classification under Different Kernel Function Compared to KNN Classifier
* Face Recognition Based on City-Block and Mahalanobis Cosine Distance
* Face Recognition Using a Fuzzy Approach and a Multi-agent System from Video Sequences
* Face Recognition Using Local Binary Probabilistic Pattern (LBPP) and 2D-DCT Frequency Decomposition
* Facial expression recognition algorithm using LGC based on horizontal and diagonal prior principle
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Decision Trees
* Facial expression recognition using geometric features
* Facial expression recognition via sparse representation using positive and reverse templates
* Facial Sketch Synthesis Using 2D Direct Combined Model-Based Face-Specific Markov Network
* Facial video-based detection of physical fatigue for maximal muscle activity
* Fast algorithm for least-squares based image prediction
* Fast Algorithms and Efficient GPU Implementations for the Radon Transform and the Back-Projection Operator Represented as Convolution Operators
* Fast Algorithms and VLSI Architecture Design for HEVC Intra-Mode Decision
* Fast Binary Coding for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fast capture of textured full-body avatar with RGB-D cameras
* Fast coding unit partitioning method based on edge detection for HEVC intra-coding
* Fast Coding Unit Size Decision in HEVC Intra Coding
* Fast encoding algorithm for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) system based on spatio-temporal correlation
* Fast frame-rate up-conversion method for video enhancement
* Fast GPS-DR Sensor Fusion Framework: Removing the Geodetic Coordinate Conversion Process
* Fast HEVC I-frame coding based on strength of dominant direction of CUs
* Fast Holographic Image Reconstruction Using Phase-Shifting Assisted Depth Detection Scheme for Optical Scanning Holography
* Fast intra prediction algorithm based on texture analysis for 3D-HEVC encoders
* Fast Learning-Based Single Image Super-Resolution
* Fast motion estimation for HEVC on graphics processing unit (GPU)
* Fast motion estimation using priority-based inter-prediction mode decision method in high efficiency video coding
* Fast Multispectral Imaging by Spatial Pixel-Binning and Spectral Unmixing
* Fast projection mapping onto a moving planar surface
* Fast Search of a Similar Patch for Self-Similarity Based Image Super Resolution
* Fast Single Image Super-Resolution Using a New Analytical Solution for L_2- L_2 Problems
* Fast, Simple and Separable Computation of Betti Numbers on Three-Dimensional Cubical Complexes
* Feasibility of Swept Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* Feasibility study for super-resolution 3D integral imaging using time-multiplexed compressive coding
* Feature Extraction as Ellipse of Wild-Life Images
* Feature Selection Embedded Subspace Clustering
* Feature selection for the fusion of face and palmprint biometrics
* Feature Selection Using Genetic Algorithms for Hand Posture Recognition
* Features Selection Based on Modified PSO Algorithm for 2D Face Recognition
* Fiber Orientation Distribution Estimation Using a Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method
* Filling the Polar Data Gap in Sea Ice Concentration Fields Using Partial Differential Equations
* Filtering Chromatic Aberration for Wide Acceptance Angle Electrostatic Lenses II: Experimental Evaluation and Software-Based Imaging Energy Analyzer
* Finding Largest Rectangle Inside a Digital Object
* Finding local leaf vein patterns for legume characterization and classification
* Finite Algorithm to Compute Rank-1 Tensor Approximations, A
* Finite Element Simulation of 2.5/3D Shaped and Rigid Electronic Circuits
* FIR system identification based on a nonparametric Bayesian model using the Indian buffet process
* FIR system identification for correlated noise using the convolution matrix, an investigation
* First-Person Activity Recognition: Feature, Temporal Structure, and Prediction
* Fisher information theory for parameter estimation in single molecule microscopy: tutorial
* Fitting of Breast Data Using Free Form Deformation Technique
* Flexible 2D-3D Parametric Image Registration Algorithm for Cardiac MRI, A
* flexible technique based on fundamental matrix for camera self-calibration with variable intrinsic parameters from two views, A
* Flexible three-dimensional modeling of plants using low- resolution cameras and visual odometry
* Flickr Circles: Aesthetic Tendency Discovery by Multi-View Regularized Topic Modeling
* Flood Damage Analysis: First Floor Elevation Uncertainty Resulting from LiDAR-Derived Digital Surface Models
* Fold-based Kolmogorov-Smirnov Modulation Classifier
* Forecasting Adverse Weather Situations in the Road Network
* Forensic video solution using facial feature-based synoptic Video Footage Record
* Forward Procedure for HSMMs based on Expected Duration, The
* Four National Maps of Broad Forest Type Provide Inconsistent Answers to the Question of What Burns in Canada
* FPGA implementation of the RANSAC based image mosaicing algorithm using the Nios II softcore
* Fractal Perspective on Scale in Geography, A
* framework for the extraction of quantitative traits from 2D images of mature Arabidopsis thaliana, A
* Frenet Frame-Based Generalized Space Curve Representation for Pose-Invariant Classification and Recognition of 3-D Face
* FRESH: FRI-Based Single-Image Super-Resolution Algorithm
* From Interface to Interspace Conceptual Framework for Multimodal Flight Deck Controls
* Full-Body Portable Virtual Reality for Personal Protective Equipment Training
* Full-Body Pose Tracking: The Top View Reprojection Approach
* Fuzzy clustering in HMM-based triphone classes of 2DLDA in Slovak LVCSR
* Fuzzy Encoding Pattern for Stereo Matching Cost
* Fuzzy-based artificial bee colony optimization for gray image segmentation
* Game Theoretic Resource Allocation in Media Cloud With Mobile Social Users
* Gaze estimation using a webcam for region of interest detection
* Gender Recognition from Face Images Using a Fusion of SVM Classifiers
* Generalized Coupled Dictionary Learning Approach With Applications to Cross-Modal Matching
* generalized graph reduction framework for interactive segmentation of large images, A
* Generalized Metaphor of Chinese Restaurant Franchise to Fusing Both Panchromatic and Multispectral Images for Unsupervised Classification, A
* Generation and application of hyperspectral 3D plant models: Methods and challenges
* Generation of Land Cover Maps through the Fusion of Aerial Images and Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Areas
* Geometric divergence based fuzzy clustering with strong resilience to noise features
* Geometrical Calibration of X-Ray Imaging With RGB Cameras for 3D Reconstruction
* Geometry Explorer: Facilitating Geometry Education with Virtual Reality
* Geospatial Information Categories Mapping in a Cross-lingual Environment: A Case Study of 'Surface Water' Categories in Chinese and American Topographic Maps
* Gesture Interactions for Virtual Immersive Environments: Navigation, Selection and Manipulation
* Ghost Hunter: An Augmented Reality Ghost Busting Game
* GIS and Transport Modeling: Strengthening the Spatial Perspective
* GIS- and Fuzzy Set-Based Online Land Price Evaluation Approach Supported by Intelligence-Aided Decision-Making, A
* Glacier Remote Sensing Using Sentinel-2. Part I: Radiometric and Geometric Performance, and Application to Ice Velocity
* Glacier Remote Sensing Using Sentinel-2. Part II: Mapping Glacier Extents and Surface Facies, and Comparison to Landsat 8
* Glance to the Goldman's Testors from the Point of View of Rough Set Theory, A
* Global Variance in Speech Synthesis With Linear Dynamical Models
* Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of Public OGC Web Map Services
* GPU-assisted HEVC intra decoder
* GRACE-Derived Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Inter-Basin Region and Its Possible Influencing Factors: A Case Study of the Sichuan Basin, China
* Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time
* Graph Matching in Theory and Practice
* Graphical Instruction for Home Robots
* Graphical Password-Based User Authentication With Free-Form Doodles
* Green safety index representing traffic levels of service for online application
* Ground-Penetrating Radar Mapping Using Multiple Processing and Interpretation Methods
* Grouping K-Means Adjacent Regions for Semantic Image Annotation Using Bayesian Networks
* Grouping multi-vector streaklines for human activity identification
* Guest Editorial, Action Recognition
* Guest Editorial: Big Data
* Guest Editorial: Video Recognition
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimodal Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis
* GUI for interactive speech synthesis
* Guided Classification System for Conceptual Overlapping Classes in OpenStreetMap
* Guidelines for Graphical User Interface Design in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications
* Hand Tracking and Haptic-Based Jugular Neonate Central Venous Access Procedure
* Handling Occlusion and Large Displacement Through Improved RGB-D Scene Flow Estimation
* HandyDepth: Example-based stereoscopic hand depth estimation using Eigen Leaf Node Features
* Haptic Rendering of Curved Surface by Bending an Encountered-Type Flexible Plate
* HD(CP)2 Data Archive for Atmospheric Measurement Data, The
* Head-Pose Estimation In-the-Wild Using a Random Forest
* Heading Estimation with Real-time Compensation Based on Kalman Filter Algorithm for an Indoor Positioning System
* Hemodynamic Modeling in a Stenosed Internal Carotid Artery
* HEVC in wireless environments
* Hierarchical Adaptive Structural SVM for Domain Adaptation
* Hierarchical Location-Based Services for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approach for Signal Splits Optimization in Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, A
* Hierarchical Multi-Organ Segmentation Without Registration in 3D Abdominal CT Images
* High Scrambling Degree in Audio Through Imitation of an Unintelligible Signal
* High-Efficiency Method of Mobile Positioning Based on Commercial Vehicle Operation Data, A
* High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding Based on Pixel-Value-Ordering and Pairwise Prediction-Error Expansion
* High-Frame-Rate Echocardiography Using Coherent Compounding With Doppler-Based Motion-Compensation
* High-Frequency Spectral Energy Map Estimation Based Gait Analysis System Using a Depth Camera for Pathology Detection
* High-numerical-aperture microscopy with a rotating point spread function
* High-Order Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Traffic Flow Prediction
* High-performance depth map coding for 3D-AVC
* Highly reduced model of the cardiac function for fast simulation
* Highly Transparent Steganography Scheme of Speech Signals into Color Images Using Quantization Index Modulation
* Hippocampus Segmentation from MR Infant Brain Images via Boundary Regression
* Hirability in the Wild: Analysis of Online Conversational Video Resumes
* holistic approach for Off-line handwritten cursive word recognition using directional feature based on Arnold transform, A
* Holistic Evaluation of Task View Format for Training a Simulated Robot-Assisted EOD Task, A
* Holographic Humans
* Homography-based block motion estimation for video coding of PTZ cameras
* Homology Computation During an Incremental Construction Process
* How Do Vegetation Density and Transportation Network Density Affect Crime across an Urban Central-Peripheral Gradient? A Case Study in Kitchener, Waterloo, Ontario
* How to Utilize Interflow Network Coding in VANETs: A Backbone-Based Approach
* How Universal Is the Relationship between Remotely Sensed Vegetation Indices and Crop Leaf Area Index? A Global Assessment
* Human Action Recognition from Depth Videos Using Pool of Multiple Projections with Greedy Selection
* Human action recognition using histogram of motion intensity and direction from multiple views
* Human Detection Based on Infrared Images in Forestry Environments
* Human Identification Based on the Palmar Surface of the Hand
* Human Pose Estimation from Video and IMUs
* Hybrid Approach to Features Extraction for Online Arabic Character Recognition
* Hybrid Controller for Vision-Based Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles in Urban Environments, A
* Hybrid fur rendering: combining volumetric fur with explicit hair strands
* Hybrid Model for Extracting the Aortic Valve in 3D Computerized Tomography and Its Application to Calculate a New Calcium Score Index, A
* Hybrid Off-Line Handwritten Signature Verification Based on Artificial Immune Systems and Support Vector Machines
* Hybrid Optimal Control Approach to Fuel-Efficient Aircraft Conflict Avoidance, A
* Hybrid Segmentation and D-Bar Method for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Hybrid Top-Down Bottom-Up Approach for the Detection of Cuboid Shaped Objects, A
* Hybrid-Space SENSE Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multi-Slice MRI
* Hydrological Utility and Uncertainty of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products in the Mountainous Region of South Korea
* Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Iteratively Regularized Weighted Schatten p -Norm Minimization
* Hyperspectral Unmixing via Double Abundance Characteristics Constraints Based NMF
* Hyperspectral Unmixing With Endmember Variability via Alternating Angle Minimization
* Hyperspectral Unmixing with Robust Collaborative Sparse Regression
* Identification of Woodland Vernal Pools with Seasonal Change PALSAR Data for Habitat Conservation
* Image Alignment by Online Robust PCA via Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Image Analysis Using Disc-Harmonic Moments and Their RST Invariants in Pattern Recognition
* Image Authentication Based on Faber Schauder DWT
* Image classifier learning from noisy labels via generalized graph smoothness priors
* Image Database for Design and Evaluation of Visual Quality Metrics in Synthetic Scenarios, An
* Image Denoising Using Euler-Lagrange Equations for Function-Valued Mappings
* Image denoising using sparse representation classification and non-subsampled shearlet transform
* Image denoising via patch-based adaptive Gaussian mixture prior method
* Image inpainting through neural networks hallucinations
* Image Overlay Text Detection Based on JPEG Truncation Error Analysis
* Image processing based traffic sign detection and recognition with fuzzy integral
* Image protection method based on binary operations
* Image recommendation based on keyword relevance using absorbing Markov chain and image features
* Image sharpness assessment based on local phase coherence and LAD criterion
* Image super-resolution based on convolution neural networks using multi-channel input
* Image Zoom Completion
* Imaging Land Subsidence Induced by Groundwater Extraction in Beijing (China) Using Satellite Radar Interferometry
* Immersion in Cardboard VR Compared to a Traditional Head-Mounted Display
* Immersive Gatekeeper Training System for Suicide Prevention in HMD Based Virtual Environments
* Immersive Journalism in VR: Four Theoretical Domains for Researching a Narrative Design Framework
* Impact of Convergence Cameras in a Stereoscopic System for AUVs, The
* Impact of Initial Soil Temperature Derived from Remote Sensing and Numerical Weather Prediction Datasets on the Simulation of Extreme Heat Events
* Impact of Instructional Strategies on Workload, Stress, and Flow in Simulation-Based Training for Behavior Cue Analysis
* Impact of Visual-Haptic Spatial Discrepancy on Targeting Performance
* Implementation and evaluation of IPv6 to IPv4 transition mechanisms in network simulator 3
* Implementation of Geographical Conditions Monitoring in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China
* Implementation of the Midway Image Equalization
* Implementing Elements of Fear Invoking Anxiety Using a Game Platform
* Importance of recommendation system in modern forms of learning
* Improvable Structure for Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces: Application on Image Databases, An
* Improved DSP Matching with RPCA for Dense Correspondences
* Improved estimation of reflectance spectra by utilizing prior knowledge
* Improved image classification by proper patch size selection: TerraSAR-X vs. Sentinel-1A
* Improved probabilistic pseudo-morphology for noise reduction in colour images
* Improved Quality of MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Retrieval and Data Coverage Using Physical Deterministic Methods
* Improved tropical rainfall potential forecasting for mountainous regions
* Improvements in RF Shimming in High Field MRI Using High Permittivity Materials With Low Order Pre-Fractal Geometries
* Improving Intra Prediction in High-Efficiency Video Coding
* Improving Pedestrian Detection Using Support Vector Regression
* Improving QuickBundles to Extract Anatomically Coherent White Matter Fiber-Bundles
* Improving Streamflow Prediction Using Remotely-Sensed Soil Moisture and Snow Depth
* IMU based adaptive blur removal approach using image processing for railway inspection
* In Situ/Remote Sensing Integration to Assess Forest Health: A Review
* In-Orbit Radiometric Calibration and Stability Monitoring of the PROBA-V Instrument
* Incidental Delivery Based Method for Resolving Multirobot Pairwised Transportation Problems, An
* inclusive Conformal Geometric Algebra GPU animation interpolation and deformation algorithm, An
* Incoherent Target Scattering Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Vector Model Roll-Invariant Parameters
* Increasing the Accuracy and Automation of Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation from Digital Photographs
* Incremental reconstruction of planar B-Rep models from multiple point clouds
* Independent Component Analysis for Improved Defect Detection in Guided Wave Monitoring
* Indoor/outdoor navigation system based on possibilistic traversable area segmentation for visually impaired people
* influence of a lossy compression on the quality of estimated depth maps, The
* Information-Theoretic Clustering of Neuroimaging Metrics Related to Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
* Infrared dim small target detection with high reliability using saliency map fusion
* Initialization of deformable models in 3D magnetic resonance images guided by automatically detected phase congruency point landmarks
* Initialization of dynamic time warping using tree-based fast Nearest Neighbor
* InSAR-Based Model Parameter Estimation of Probability Integral Method and Its Application for Predicting Mining-Induced Horizontal and Vertical Displacements
* Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Kuafu-II Autonomous Vehicle
* Integrating Crowdsourced Data with a Land Cover Product: A Bayesian Data Fusion Approach
* Integrating Logistic Regression and Geostatistics for User-Oriented and Uncertainty-Informed Accuracy Characterization in Remotely-Sensed Land Cover Change Information
* Integrating serious games into the engineering curriculum - a game-based learning approach to power systems analysis
* Integrating Spatial and Attribute Characteristics of Extended Voronoi Diagrams in Spatial Patterning Research: A Case Study of Wuhan City in China
* Integration of Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Transportation Systems for Bridge Condition Assessment: Current Status and Future Direction
* Intelligent Condition Diagnosis Method for Rotating Machinery Based on Probability Density and Discriminant Analyses
* Intelligent Virtual Environment Using a Methodology Oriented to Agents
* Intelligent Vision-Based System Applied to Visual Quality Inspection of Beans, An
* Inter-Layer Prediction of Color in High Dynamic Range Image Scalable Compression
* Interaction Fidelity: The Uncanny Valley of Virtual Reality Interactions
* Interactive 3D Segmentation of Lymphatic Valves in Confocal Microscopic Images
* Interactive Acquisition of Apparel for Garment Modeling
* Interactive Augmented Reality Furniture Customization System, An
* Interactive Displays: The Next Omnipresent Technology
* Interactive Spiral Tape Video Summarization, An
* Interactive VR-based Visualization for Material Flow Simulations
* Interest of non-negativity constraint in perfusion DSC-MRI deconvolution for acute stroke
* Introduction to the Special Issue on Unmanned Intelligent Vehicles in China
* Inventive problem-solving puzzle game design and development
* Inverse lighting design using a coverage optimization strategy
* Investigating Low-Cost Virtual Reality Technologies in the Context of an Immersive Maintenance Training Application
* Investigation of signal-to-noise ratio in frequency-domain multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
* Involving multiple fingers in exploring a haptic surface: an evaluation study
* IPCC-Compliant Technique for Forest Carbon Stock Assessment Using Airborne LiDAR-Derived Tree Metrics and Competition Index, An
* ISauvola: Improved Sauvola's Algorithm for Document Image Binarization
* ITEA: interactive trajectories and events analysis: exploring sequences of spatio-temporal events in movement data
* Iterative illumination correction with implicit regularization
* Iterative Refinement of Possibility Distributions by Learning for Pixel-Based Classification
* Joint Content Replication and Request Routing for Social Video Distribution Over Cloud CDN: A Community Clustering Method
* Joint estimation of motion and radiometry of rotating camera for HDR global mosaic
* Joint Feature-Sample Selection and Robust Classification for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis
* Joint Inference in Weakly-Annotated Image Datasets via Dense Correspondence
* Joint Model and Observation Cues for Single-Image Shadow Detection
* Joint Multi-Image Saliency Analysis for Region of Interest Detection in Optical Multispectral Remote Sensing Images
* Joint Patch and Multi-label Learning for Facial Action Unit and Holistic Expression Recognition
* Joint Segmentation and Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model Based on Generalized Gaussian Priors
* Joint spatial variables nonnegative matrix factorization using constrained gradient method to pansharpen multispectral images
* Joint Terrestrial and Aerial Measurements to Study Ground Deformation: Application to the Sciara Del Fuoco at the Stromboli Volcano (Sicily)
* Just Noticeable Difference Estimation for Screen Content Images
* Kernel Likelihood Estimation for Superpixel Image Parsing
* Kernel Supervised Ensemble Classifier for the Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Few Labeled Samples
* Kinship Verification from Faces via Similarity Metric Based Convolutional Neural Network
* L1/2,1 group sparse regularization for compressive sensing
* Labeled Graph Kernel for Behavior Analysis
* Land Degradation States and Trends in the Northwestern Maghreb Drylands, 1998-2008
* Landscape-Level Associations of Wintering Waterbird Diversity and Abundance from Remotely Sensed Wetland Characteristics of Poyang Lake
* Large Array Null Steering Using Compressed Sensing
* Large Displacement Dynamic Scene Segmentation through Multiscale Saliency Flow
* Large scale Gaussian Process for overlap-based object proposal scoring
* Large Scale Retrieval and Generation of Image Descriptions
* Large-Area, High-Resolution Tree Cover Mapping with Multi-Temporal SPOT5 Imagery, New South Wales, Australia
* LASSI: A low-rank and adaptive sparse signal model for highly accelerated dynamic imaging
* Layered shape grammars for procedural modelling of buildings
* Leaf Recognition for Plant Classification Using Direct Acyclic Graph Based Multi-Class Least Squares Twin Support Vector Machine
* Learning a Transferable Change Rule from a Recurrent Neural Network for Land Cover Change Detection
* Learning and Calibrating Per-Location Classifiers for Visual Place Recognition
* Learning content-social influential features for influence analysis
* Learning Discriminatively Reconstructed Source Data for Object Recognition With Few Examples
* Learning of a robusted nearest neighbor classifier using multiple training data
* Learning Relevance Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Unstructured Group Activity and Event Understanding
* Letter-To-Sound conversion for speech synthesizer
* Leveraging Orientation Knowledge to Enhance Human Pose Estimation Methods
* LIBSVX: A Supervoxel Library and Benchmark for Early Video Processing
* Lidar measurements for water vapor vertical profiles up to the stratosphere
* Lifetime and Deployment Limits for Mobile, 3D-Perceptual Applications
* Light mixture intrinsic image decomposition based on a single RGB-D image
* Lighting-driven voxels for memory-efficient computation of indirect illumination
* Lightweight Face Tracking System for Video Surveillance, A
* Lightweight Mobile System for Crop Disease Diagnosis, A
* Lightweight Social Computing Approach to Emergency Management Policy Selection, A
* Linear Time Illumination Invariant Stereo Matching
* Local Characteristic Image Restoration Based on Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Local Dissimilarity Measures of Frames in Visual Substitution System for Blind People
* Local Fog Detection Based on Saturation and RGB-Correlation
* Local Land Use Competition Cellular Automata Model and Its Application, A
* Local Linear Convergence of the ADMM/Douglas-Rachford Algorithms without Strong Convexity and Application to Statistical Imaging
* Local Structure and Direction-Aware Optimization Approach for Three-Dimensional Tree Modeling, A
* Local Structure Prediction with Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Localized Verlet Integration Framework for Facial Models
* Locally Weighted Fixation Density-Based Metric for Assessing the Quality of Visual Saliency Predictions, A
* Long-Range Road Geometry Estimation Using Moving Vehicles and Roadside Observations
* Low complexity image registration techniques based on integral projections
* Low complexity implementation of slim: HEVC encoder design
* Low dose CT image reconstruction with learned sparsifying transform
* Low power HEVC software decoder for mobile devices
* Low rank matrix recovery via augmented lagrange multiplier with nonconvex minimization
* Low-Complexity and Context-Aware Estimation of Spatial and Temporal Activity Parameters for Automotive Camera Rate Control
* Low-complexity heterogeneous architecture for H.264/HEVC video transcoding
* Low-Cost Mixed Reality Simulator for Industrial Vehicle Environments
* Low-Latency Collaborative HARQ Scheme for Control/User-Plane Decoupled Railway Wireless Networks, A
* Low-rank Fourier interpolation for compressed sensing imaging
* LSB steganography with usage of Mojette Transform for secret image scrambling
* LSTM Deep Neural Networks Postfiltering for Improving the Quality of Synthetic Voices
* Machine Learning for Real Time Poses Classification Using Kinect Skeleton Data
* MAD-MEX: Automatic Wall-to-Wall Land Cover Monitoring for the Mexican REDD-MRV Program Using All Landsat Data
* Magnetic Induction-Based Positioning in Distorted Environments
* Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast
* Mapping and Characterization of Hydrological Dynamics in a Coastal Marsh Using High Temporal Resolution Sentinel-1A Images
* Mapping Crop Planting Quality in Sugarcane from UAV Imagery: A Pilot Study in Nicaragua
* Mapping Dynamics of Inundation Patterns of Two Largest River-Connected Lakes in China: A Comparative Study
* Mapping Forest Cover and Forest Cover Change with Airborne S-Band Radar
* Mapping Global Forest Aboveground Biomass with Spaceborne LiDAR, Optical Imagery, and Forest Inventory Data
* Mapping Historical Data: Recovering a Forgotten Floristic and Vegetation Database for Biodiversity Monitoring
* Mapping Presence and Predicting Phenological Status of Invasive Buffelgrass in Southern Arizona Using MODIS, Climate and Citizen Science Observation Data
* Markovian Segmentation of Color and Gray Level Images
* Matching cost function using robust soft rank transformations
* Mathematical Design of a Novel Gesture-Based Instruction/Input Device Using Wave Detection
* Matrix and Tensor Based Methods for Missing Data Estimation in Large Traffic Networks
* Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* MBSEM image acquisition and image processing in LabView FPGA
* Measuring Crack Movement in Reinforced Concrete Using Digital Image Correlation: Overview and Application to Shear Slip Measurements
* Medutainment-Based AR Rally: Disaster Medical Learning Tool for Citizens
* Merge Frame Design for Video Stream Switching Using Piecewise Constant Functions
* Merging Alternate Remotely-Sensed Soil Moisture Retrievals Using a Non-Static Model Combination Approach
* Merging Framework for Rainfall Estimation at High Spatiotemporal Resolution for Distributed Hydrological Modeling in a Data-Scarce Area, A
* MERIS Phytoplankton Time Series Products from the SW Iberian Peninsula (Sagres) Using Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Based on Loess
* Minimisation of local within-class variance for image segmentation
* Mining Road Network Correlation for Traffic Estimation via Compressive Sensing
* Mixed Reality Training of Military Tasks: Comparison of Two Approaches Through Reactions from Subject Matter Experts
* mixture model using Random Rotation Bounding Box to detect table region in document image, A
* MLP Neural Network Classifier for Medical Image Segmentation
* Mobile ear recognition application
* ModDrop: Adaptive Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition
* Model effectiveness prediction and system adaptation for photometric stereo in murky water
* Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Platooning Using Slope Information
* Modeling and Querying Moving Objects with Social Relationships
* Modeling Change of Topographic Spatial Structures with DEM Resolution Using Semi-Variogram Analysis and Filter Bank
* Modeling Human Comprehension of Data Visualizations
* Modeling of 2D Objects with Weighted-Quadratic Trigonometric Spline
* Modeling the Quality of Videos Displayed With Local Dimming Backlight at Different Peak White and Ambient Light Levels
* Modelisation of Raindrops Based on Declivity Principle
* MoFAP: A Multi-level Representation for Action Recognition
* MongoDB-Based Management of Planar Spatial Data with a Flattened R-Tree, A
* Monitoring Urban Areas with Sentinel-2A Data: Application to the Update of the Copernicus High Resolution Layer Imperviousness Degree
* Monitoring Urban Dynamics in the Southeast U.S.A. Using Time-Series DMSP/OLS Nightlight Imagery
* Morphological Operations to Extract Urban Curbs in 3D MLS Point Clouds
* Morphological Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Morphological Separation of Clustered Nuclei in Histological Images
* Morse Chain Complex from Forman Gradient in 3D with Z2 Coefficients
* Motorways in Metropolitan Areas: The Northwestern Growth of Florence and the Urban Use of Motorway A1
* MST Radars of Chinese Meridian Project: System Description and Atmospheric Wind Measurement
* Mulsemedia vs. Multimedia: State of the art and future trends
* Multi-class anisotropic blue noise sampling for discrete element pattern generation
* Multi-Data Source and Multi-Sensor Approach for the 3D Reconstruction and Web Visualization of a Complex Archaelogical Site: The Case Study of Tolmo De Minateda, A
* Multi-Decadal Monitoring of Lake Level Changes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by the TOPEX/Poseidon-Family Altimeters: Climate Implication
* Multi-Feature Object-Based Change Detection Using Self-Adaptive Weight Change Vector Analysis
* Multi-graph Based Salient Object Detection
* Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning Combining Hierarchical Context and its Application to Image Annotation
* Multi-lane detection based on omnidirectional camera using anisotropic steerable filters
* Multi-modality imagery database for plant phenotyping
* multi-object image segmentation C-V model based on region division and gradient guide, A
* Multi-object tracking using dominant sets
* Multi-reference combinatorial strategy towards longer long-term dense motion estimation
* Multi-Resolution Mapping and Accuracy Assessment of Forest Carbon Density by Combining Image and Plot Data from a Nested and Clustering Sampling Design
* Multi-speaker voice activity detection using a camera-assisted microphone array
* Multi-Temporal Evaluation of Soil Moisture and Land Surface Temperature Dynamics Using in Situ and Satellite Observations
* Multi-View Object Extraction With Fractional Boundaries
* Multibaseline Pol-InSAR Inversion Scheme for Crop Parameter Estimation at Different Frequencies, A
* Multiclass Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential Frequency Evaluation Using Chirp-Modulated Stimuli
* Multifluorophore localization as a percolation problem: limits to density and precision
* Multifractal-based texture segmentation using variational procedure
* Multimodal emotion recognition based on peak frame selection from video
* Multimodal Gaze-Controlled Virtual Keyboard, A
* Multinomial Sequence Based Estimation Using Contiguous Subsequences of Length Three
* Multiobjective Optimization Models for Locating Vehicle Inspection Stations Subject to Stochastic Demand, Varying Velocity and Regional Constraints
* Multiple deep features learning for object retrieval in surveillance videos
* Multiple Human Identification and Cosegmentation: A Human-Oriented CRF Approach With Poselets
* Multiple Object Scene Description for the Visually Impaired Using Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multiple Stage Residual Model for Image Classification and Vector Compression
* Multiple-Instance Learning for Anomaly Detection in Digital Mammography
* Multiple-Object Tracking in Large-Scale Scene
* multiplierless pruned DCT-like transformation for image and video compression that requires ten additions only, A
* Multiscale descriptors and metric learning for human body shape retrieval
* Multivariate Bayesian classification of epilepsy EEG signals
* Muscular Movement Model-Based Automatic 3D/4D Facial Expression Recognition
* Natural Optimization Algorithms for the Cross-Dock Door Assignment Problem
* new adaptive filtering method for removing salt and pepper noise based on multilayered PCNN, A
* New Approach of Visual Activity Measuring with Background Subtraction Algorithms
* New Approach to Urban Road Extraction Using High-Resolution Aerial Image, A
* New Emergency Medicine Paradigm via Augmented Telemedicine
* New forms of education for engineering professional schools
* New fusional framework combining sparse selection and clustering for key frame extraction
* new method for higher-order linear phase FIR digital filter using shifted Chebyshev polynomials, A
* New Neighboring Pixels Method for Reducing Aerosol Effects on the NDVI Images, A
* new normalized subband adaptive filter under minimum error entropy criterion, A
* New Shape Feature for Vehicle Classification in Thermal Video Sequences, A
* Noise Power Spectrum Measurements in Digital Imaging With Gain Nonuniformity Correction
* Non-Local Low-Rank Approach to Enforce Integrability, A
* Non-reference assessment of sharpness in blur/noise degraded images
* Non-stationary signal feature characterization using adaptive dictionaries and non-negative matrix factorization
* nonlinear fourth-order PDE-based image denoising technique, A
* nonlinear quantization scheme for two-layer HDR image encoding, A
* Nonparametric Feature Matching Based Conditional Random Fields for Gesture Recognition from Multi-Modal Video
* Nonrigid Registration of Remote Sensing Images via Sparse and Dense Feature Matching
* Normalized cross-correlation based global distortion correction in fingerprint image matching
* Note on the classification of super-resolution in far-field microscopy and information theory
* Note on Topology-Transparent Scheduling via the Chinese Remainder Theorem, A
* Novel Angular Texture Pattern (ATP) Extraction Method for Crop and Weed Discrimination Using Curvelet Transformation, A
* novel approach for characterizing multimedia 3D video streams by means of quasiperiodic processes, A
* Novel Approach for Semi-regular Mesh Based on Planar Proxies, A
* Novel approach to enhance face recognition using depth maps
* novel Computer-Aided Tree Species Identification method based on Burst Wind Segmentation of 3D bark textures, A
* Novel Hybrid Method for the Correction of the Theoretical Model Inversion in Bio/Geophysical Parameter Estimation, A
* novel image fusion algorithm based on nonsubsampled shearlet transform and morphological component analysis, A
* Novel Lambertian-RBFNN for Office Light Modeling, A
* Novel Performance Evaluation Method of the Fingerprinting-Based Indoor Positioning, The
* Novel Pilot Position Detection for SC-FDE Systems With Frequency Domain Pilot Multiplexing Technique
* Novel Regularization Technique for Microendoscopic Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* novel scheme based on local binary pattern for dynamic texture recognition, A
* novel steganographic method using 8-neighboring PVD (8nPVD) and LSB substitution, A
* Novel Successive Cancellation Method to Retrieve Sea Wave Components from Spatio-Temporal Remote Sensing Image Sequences, A
* Novel Synergetic Classification Approach for Hyperspectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Self-Learning, A
* Novel UEP Fountain Coding Scheme for Scalable Multimedia Transmission, A
* Nu-acceleration of statistical iterative methods for image restoration
* O-LEACH of Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Object Detection and Localization Using Deep Convolutional Networks with Softmax Activation and Multi-class Log Loss
* Object Manipulation by Virtual Menu Interaction Using Free-Hand Input in a Desktop Virtual Reality Maritime Situation Display
* Object Recognition With an Elastic Net-Regularized Hierarchical MAX Model of the Visual Cortex
* Object-Based Assessment of Satellite Precipitation Products
* Object-Based Greenhouse Mapping Using Very High Resolution Satellite Data and Landsat 8 Time Series
* Object-Based Paddy Rice Classification Using Multi-Spectral Data and Crop Phenology in Assam, Northeast India, An
* Objective Image Quality Measures of Degradation in Compressed Natural Images and their Comparison with Subjective Assessments
* Obstacle detection in single images with deep neural networks
* Occlusion-Aware Fragment-Based Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* occlusion-aware particle filter tracker to handle complex and persistent occlusions, An
* Occlusion-robust traffic sign detection via cascaded colour cubic feature
* Offline Chinese Handwriting Character Recognition through Feature Extraction
* Olfactory Stimuli Increase Presence During Simulated Exposure
* On Centralized and Decentralized Architectures for Traffic Applications
* On Combining Edge Detection Methods for Improving BSIF Based Facial Recognition Performances
* On Constructing z -Dimensional DIBR-Synthesized Images
* On convex relaxation of graph isomorphism
* On Homotopy Continuation for Speech Restoration
* On Performance Evaluation of Registration Algorithms for 3D Point Clouds
* On Precision Bound of Distributed Fault-Tolerant Sensor Fusion Algorithms
* On Some Local Topological Properties of Naive Discrete Sphere
* On the capacity of fractional frequency reuse with three power levels for non-uniform user distribution
* On the computation of integrals over fixed-size rectangles of arbitrary dimension
* On the coupled use of signal and semantic concepts to bridge the semantic and user intention gaps for visual content retrieval
* On the Definition and Existence of a Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator for Target Localization
* On the Importance of High-Resolution Time Series of Optical Imagery for Quantifying the Effects of Snow Cover Duration on Alpine Plant Habitat
* On the infinite clipping of handwritten signatures
* On the value of the Kullback-Leibler divergence for cost-effective spectral imaging of plants by optimal selection of wavebands
* On-Road Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using MMW Radar and Monovision Fusion
* Online algorithms for factorization-based structure from motion
* Online Deformable Object Tracking Based on Structure-Aware Hyper-Graph
* Online Discriminative Tracking With Active Example Selection
* Online hand gesture recognition using enhanced $N recogniser based on a depth camera
* Ontology-Based Approach for Online Arabic Character Recognition
* Open and free datasets for multimedia retrieval
* Open-Ended Coaxial Probe Technique for Dielectric Spectroscopy of Artificially Grown Sea Ice
* OpenCL Implementation of a Parallel Universal Kriging Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Interpolation on Heterogeneous Systems
* OpenCL-based optimization methods for utilizing forward DCT and quantization of image compression on a heterogeneous platform
* Operational Framework for Land Cover Classification in the Context of REDD+ Mechanisms. A Case Study from Costa Rica, An
* opinion on imaging challenges in phenotyping field crops, An
* Opportunistic WiFi Offloading in Vehicular Environment: A Game-Theory Approach
* Optic disc localization in fundus images
* optimal complexity H.264/AVC encoding for video streaming over next generation of wireless multimedia sensor networks, An
* Optimal depth recovery using image guided TGV with depth confidence for high-quality view synthesis
* Optimal Human-Machine Teaming for a Sequential Inspection Operation
* Optimal Rayleigh Approximation of the K-Distribution via the Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Optimal Sparsity Tradeoff in L_0-NLMS Algorithm
* Optimality of Greedy Algorithm for Generating Just-Noticeable Difference Surfaces
* Optimization Approach to the TWPVD Method for Digital Image Steganography, An
* Optimization of the Attribute Vector by Genetic Approach: Application to the Classification of Characters
* Optimization of time-frequency curve description via kernel smoothing
* Optimizing 3D Object Visualization on the Web
* Optimizing the color-to-grayscale conversion for image classification
* Optimizing the energy efficiency for future 5G networks
* Order Tracking by Square-Root Cubature Kalman Filter with Constraints
* OSSI-PET: Open-Access Database of Simulated 11C Raclopride Scans for the Inveon Preclinical PET Scanner: Application to the Optimization of Reconstruction Methods for Dynamic Studies
* Outlier filtering algorithm for travel time estimation using dedicated short-range communications probes on rural highways
* Overview of the 2015 Workshop on Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data (MCV 2015)
* Owl and Lizard: Patterns of head pose and eye pose in driver gaze classification
* Palm Print Identification and Verification Using a Genetic-Based Feature Extraction Technique
* Pansharpening by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Parallel BVH construction using k-means clustering
* Parallel Homology Computation of Meshes
* Parallel Landscape Driven Data Reduction &, Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Big LiDAR Data
* Parallel mesh simplification using embedded tree collapsing
* Parallelized deblocking filtering of HEVC decoders based on complexity estimation
* Parameterized ASCAT Measurement Spatial Response Function, A
* PARIGI: a Patch-based Approach to Remove Impulse-Gaussian Noise from Images
* Particle Filter Approach for Real-Time Estimation of Crop Phenological States Using Time Series of NDVI Images
* Partitioned Alternating Least Squares Technique for Canonical Polyadic Tensor Decomposition
* patch-based approach to 3D plant shoot phenotyping, A
* Pattern Matching Using Partial Fourier Spectrum
* PCA-Based Face Recognition: Similarity Measures and Number of Eigenvectors
* Pedestrian Density Analysis in Public Scenes With Spatiotemporal Tensor Features
* Pedestrian Segmentation in Infrared Images Based on Circular Shortest Path
* Perceptual Comparison of Multi-exposure High Dynamic Range and Single-Shot Camera RAW Photographs
* Performance Analysis of Streaming Video over Vehicular Ad-Hoc
* Performance-Based Training Evaluation for an Augmented Virtuality Call for Fire Training System, A
* Persistence Based on LBP Scale Space
* Persistence-Based Pooling for Shape Pose Recognition
* Persistent Homology on Grassmann Manifolds for Analysis of Hyperspectral Movies
* Person Profiling Using Image and Facial Attributes Analyses on Unconstrained Images Retrieved from Online Sources
* Person Re-identification by Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Cues and Multi-view Metric Learning
* Personalized Driver Assistance for Signalized Intersections Using V2I Communication
* Phase Extraction Method in Fringe Projection Profilometry Using Instantaneous Frequency
* Phenotypic Integrated Framework for Classification of ADHD Using fMRI
* Physics-Based Method to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature From MODIS Daytime Midinfrared Data, A
* Physics-inspired controllable flame animation
* PiCode: A New Picture-Embedding 2D Barcode
* Pictorial Human Spaces: A Computational Study on the Human Perception of 3D Articulated Poses
* Planning Collision-Free Trajectories for Reversing Multiply-Articulated Vehicles
* Point-Set-Based Footprint Model and Spatial Ranking Method for Geographic Information Retrieval, A
* Positioning Techniques in Indoor Environments Based on Stochastic Modeling of UWB Round-Trip-Time Measurements
* Posterior Probability Modeling and Image Classification for Archaeological Site Prospection: Building a Survey Efficacy Model for Identifying Neolithic Felsite Workshops in the Shetland Islands
* Potential of ENVISAT Radar Altimetry for Water Level Monitoring in the Pantanal Wetland
* Power-constrained contrast enhancement for organic light-emitting diode display using locality-preserving histogram equalisation
* Practical experience with CDN interconnection
* Practical Infrared Visual Odometry
* Practical Security Architecture for In-Vehicle CAN-FD, A
* Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions and Awareness toward Serious Games in the Classroom - Case of Morocco
* Predicting sex as a soft-biometrics from device interaction swipe gestures
* Prediction of Common Surface Soil Properties Based on Vis-NIR Airborne and Simulated EnMAP Imaging Spectroscopy Data: Prediction Accuracy and Influence of Spatial Resolution
* Predictive Communication Quality Control in Haptic Teleoperation With Time Delay and Packet Loss
* Preface: Remote Sensing of Biodiversity
* Preliminary Evaluation of the SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Product Over United States and Europe Using Ground-Based Measurements, A
* Preliminary Review of a Virtual World Usability Questionnaire
* Pretreatment Approaches for Texture Image Segmentation
* Privacy-Preserving Fall Detection in Healthcare Using Shape and Motion Features from Low-Resolution RGB-D Videos
* PROBA-V Mission Exploitation Platform
* Probabilistic Modeling of Imaging, Genetics and Diagnosis
* Probabilistic Social Behavior Analysis by Exploring Body Motion-Based Patterns
* Progress in Persistence for Shape Analysis
* Propagating Updates of Residential Areas in Multi-Representation Databases Using Constrained Delaunay Triangulations
* properties of the cornea based on hyperspectral imaging: Optical biomedical engineering perspective, The
* Proprioceptive Visual Tracking of a Humanoid Robot Head Motion
* Providing Physical Appearance and Behaviour to Virtual Characters
* Proximity-Based Asynchronous Messaging Platform for Location-Based Internet of Things Service
* Psoas Major Muscle Segmentation Using Higher-Order Shape Prior
* Pulse rate variability and blood oxidation content identification using miniature wearable wrist device
* qualitative spatial representation of string loops as holes, A
* Quality Assessment of Spectral Reproductions: The Camera's Perspective
* Quality inspection of printed texts
* Quality of Experience Driven Multi-User Video Streaming in Cellular Cognitive Radio Networks With Single Channel Access
* Quality-of-Experience-Oriented Autonomous Intersection Control in Vehicular Networks
* Quantifying Fertilizer Application Response Variability with VHR Satellite NDVI Time Series in a Rainfed Smallholder Cropping System of Mali
* Quantifying Freshwater Mass Balance in the Central Tibetan Plateau by Integrating Satellite Remote Sensing, Altimetry, and Gravimetry
* Quantifying Live Aboveground Biomass and Forest Disturbance of Mountainous Natural and Plantation Forests in Northern Guangdong, China, Based on Multi-Temporal Landsat, PALSAR and Field Plot Data
* Quantifying the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Vegetation Dynamics over Climatic and Management Gradients of Central Asia
* Quantifying the relation between perceived interest and visual salience during free viewing using trellis based optimization
* Quick and efficient definition of hangbefore and hangover criteria for voice activity detection
* Radiative Transfer Model for Heterogeneous Agro-Forestry Scenarios, A
* Radiometric Correction of Airborne Radar Images Over Forested Terrain With Topography
* Radiometric Cross-Calibration of the Chilean Satellite FASat-C Using RapidEye and EO-1 Hyperion Data and a Simultaneous Nadir Overpass Approach
* Range-space based identification of parametric linear systems
* Reading comprehension by content-related audiovisual feedback in children's story application (app)
* Real Time Gesture Recognition with Heuristic-Based Classification
* Real-time crash prediction on urban expressways: identification of key variables and a hybrid support vector machine model
* real-time detector for parked vehicles based on hybrid background modeling, A
* Real-Time Model-Based Inversion in Cross-Sectional Optoacoustic Tomography
* Real-time multi-class moving target tracking and recognition
* Real-time railway speed limit sign recognition from video sequences
* Real-Time Simultaneous Pose and Shape Estimation for Articulated Objects Using a Single Depth Camera
* Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Features Derived From Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements
* Realistic Crowds via Motion Capture and Cell Marking
* Realistic hair modeling from a hybrid orientation field
* Realistic Projection on Casual Dual-Planar Surfaces with Global Illumination Compensation
* Recent Advances in Camera Planning for Large Area Surveillance: A Comprehensive Review
* Recognition and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings on Roads from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Recognition of 3D Objects Using Heat Diffusion Equations and Random Forests
* Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Words with Dropout Applied in MDLSTM
* Recognition of Off-Line Arabic Handwriting Words Using HMM Toolkit (HTK)
* Recognizing Fine-Grained and Composite Activities Using Hand-Centric Features and Script Data
* Recursive Bayesian beamforming with uncertain projected steering vector and strong interferences
* Recursive Born Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Scattering, A
* recursive robust filtering approach for 3D registration, A
* Reference Information Based Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction with Generalized Nonconvex Low-Rank Approximation
* Reference-omitted affine soft correspondence algorithm
* Reflectance Transformation Imaging Method for Large-Scale Objects
* Registration of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds by Matching the Linear Plane Features of Building Roof Facets
* Relating the Age of Arctic Sea Ice to its Thickness, as Measured during NASA's ICESat and IceBridge Campaigns
* Relationship Induced Multi-atlas Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Relative distance features for gait recognition with Kinect
* Relative Trajectory Estimation During Chang'e-2 Probe's Flyby of Asteroid Toutatis Using Dynamics, Optical, and Radio Constraints
* Reliable Methodology to Collect Ground Truth Data of Image Aesthetic Appeal, A
* Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Using Multi-Scale Completed Local Binary Patterns and Fisher Vectors
* Remote Sensing Measures Restoration Successes, but Canopy Heights Lag in Restoring Floodplain Vegetation
* Remote Sensing of Black Lakes and Using 810 nm Reflectance Peak for Retrieving Water Quality Parameters of Optically Complex Waters
* Remote Sensing of Grass Response to Drought Stress Using Spectroscopic Techniques and Canopy Reflectance Model Inversion
* Remote Sensing of Sea Surface pCO2 in the Bering Sea in Summer Based on a Mechanistic Semi-Analytical Algorithm (MeSAA)
* Research on Motion Model for Technique Movements of Competitive Swimming in Virtual Interactive Environment
* Research on the Use of Puppeteering to Improve Realism in Army Simulations and Training Games
* Resource-Efficient Hardware Architecture for Connected Component Analysis, A
* restoration-segmentation algorithm based on flexible Arnoldi-Tikhonov method and Curvelet denoising, A
* Retinal Image Registration Via Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model
* Retrieval of Leaf, Sunlit Soil, and Shaded Soil Component Temperatures Using Airborne Thermal Infrared Multiangle Observations
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Reversible Image Transformation
* RGB-D Segmentation of Poultry Entrails
* River Basin Information System: Open Environmental Data Management for Research and Decision Making
* Roadmap for the Development of at-Home Telemonitoring Systems to Augment Occupational Therapy
* Roads Detection from Satellite Images Based on Active Contour Model and Distance Transform
* Robot-Aided Cloth Classification Using Depth Information and CNNs
* Robust and Efficient Video Representation for Action Recognition, A
* Robust Bayesian non-parametric dictionary learning with heterogeneous Gaussian noise
* Robust Bayesian Precoding for Mitigation of TDD Hardware Calibration Errors
* Robust Computations of Reeb Graphs in 2-D Binary Images
* Robust Correlated and Individual Component Analysis
* Robust Design for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting Over Line-of-Sight Channels, A
* Robust H_inf Path Following Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles With Delay and Data Dropout
* Robust IR attenuation measurement for non-invasive glucose level analysis
* robust keypoint extraction and matching algorithm based on wavelet transform and information theory for point-based registration in endoscopic sinus cavity data, A
* Robust Region Descriptors for Shape Classification
* Robust Scale Adaptive and Real-Time Visual Tracking with Correlation Filters
* Robust Scale Adaptive Kernel Correlation Filter Tracker With Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* Robust Second-Order Cone Relaxation for TW-TOA-Based Localization With Clock Imperfection
* Robust Segmentation for Large Volumes of Laser Scanning Three-Dimensional Point Cloud Data
* Robust Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Non-Negative Low-Rank Representation
* Robust techniques for abandoned and removed object detection based on Markov random field
* Robust Tracking via Locally Structured Representation
* Robust Visual Tracking via Sparse Representation Under Subclass Discriminant Constraint
* Robust X-Ray Phase Ptycho-Tomography
* ROI-based reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted medical images, A
* Role of Augmented Reality in Educational Contents: Intermediating Between Reality and Virtual Reality, A
* Role of network and platform functions virtualization in future telco networks
* Rotation Invariant Local Shape Descriptors for Classification of Archaeological 3D Models
* Rotation Tolerant Hand Pose Recognition Using Aggregation of Gradient Orientations
* Runtime Performance Enhancement of a Superpixel Based Saliency Detection Model
* SALIC: Social Active Learning for Image Classification
* Saliency Detection Based on Heuristic Rules
* Salient object detection fusing global and local information based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* SALSA: A Novel Dataset for Multimodal Group Behavior Analysis
* SARDH: A novel sharpening-aware reversible data hiding algorithm
* Satellite Image Restoration by Applying the Genetic Approach to the Wiener Deconvolution
* Satellite Objects Extraction and Classification Based on Similarity Measure
* Satellite Remote Sensing of Snow Depth on Antarctic Sea Ice: An Inter-Comparison of Two Empirical Approaches
* Satisficing Game Approach to Collaborative Decision Making Including Airport Management
* Scalable Video Event Retrieval by Visual State Binary Embedding
* Scattering From Inhomogeneous Dielectric Cylinders With Finite Length
* Schwarps: Locally Projective Image Warps Based on 2D Schwarzian Derivatives
* Screen Space Cone Tracing for Glossy Reflections
* Sea and Freshwater Ice Concentration from VIIRS on Suomi NPP and the Future JPSS Satellites
* Sea Ice Concentration Estimation During Melt From Dual-Pol SAR Scenes Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study
* Second-moment matrix adaptation for local orientation estimation
* Secrecy Capacity Region Maximization in Gaussian MISO Channels With Integrated Services
* Secrecy Outage Analysis for SIMO Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks over Generalized-K Fading Channels
* Security aspects in education oriented multimedia networks
* Segmentation and Classification of Geoenvironmental Zones of Interest in Aerial Images Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid
* Segmentation and root localization for analysis of dental radiographs
* Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels Based on Ultimate Elongation Opening
* Segmentation-based compression scheme for 3D animated models
* Segmented and directional impact detection for parked vehicles using mobile devices
* Seismic horizon and pseudo-geological time cube extraction based on a riemmanian geodesic search
* Selection of User-Dependent Cohorts Using Bezier Curve for Person Identification
* Self-learning Tumor Segmentation Method on DCE-MRI Images, A
* Semantic Discriminative Metric Learning for Image Similarity Measurement
* Semantic Event Fusion of Different Visual Modality Concepts for Activity Recognition
* Semantic Similarity/Relatedness for Cross Language Plagiarism Detection
* Semantics-Based Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction
* Semi-Analytic Model for Estimating Total Suspended Sediment Concentration in Turbid Coastal Waters of Northern Western Australia Using MODIS-Aqua 250 m Data, A
* Semi-supervised Dictionary Learning Based on Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion
* Semi-tight covariance matrices implementation in MASPER HMM training procedure
* Semidefinite Relaxations for MIMO Transmissions With High-Order QAM Constellations
* Semisupervised Subspace-Based DNA Encoding and Matching Classifier for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Sensitivity of L-Band SAR Backscatter to Aboveground Biomass of Global Forests
* Sentinel-2's Potential for Sub-Pixel Landscape Feature Detection
* Sentioscope: A Soccer Player Tracking System Using Model Field Particles
* Shadow-Based Hierarchical Matching for the Automatic Registration of Airborne LiDAR Data and Space Imagery
* Shape Matching of 3D Topologically Segmented Objects
* Short-Term Traffic Prediction Based on Dynamic Tensor Completion
* Sift Descriptors Modeling and Application in Texture Image Classification
* Signature Recognition: Human Performance Analysis vs. Automatic System and Feature Extraction via Crowdsourcing
* Significance Evaluation of Video Data Over Media Cloud Based on Compressed Sensing
* SIH: segmented intensity histogram for orientation estimation in image matching
* Similarity and Error Intercomparison of the GPM and Its Predecessor-TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis Using the Best Available Hourly Gauge Network over the Tibetan Plateau
* Similarity Fusion for Visual Tracking
* simple approach for biometrics: Finger-knuckle prints recognition based on a Sobel filter and similarity measures, A
* simple image-adaptive watermarking algorithm with blind extraction, A
* Simple Techniques Make Sense: Feature Pooling and Normalization for Image Classification
* Simulation and Evaluation of Urban Growth for Germany Including Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures
* Simulation of Forest Carbon Fluxes Using Model Incorporation and Data Assimilation
* simulation on grass swaying with dynamic wind force, A
* Simulation Tool for Examining the Effect of Communications on Disaster Response in the Oil and Gas Industry, A
* Simultaneous Encryption and Compression of Digital Images Based on Secure-JPEG Encoding
* Simultaneous reconstruction and calibration for multi-view structured light scanning
* Simultaneous vector-valued image segmentation and intensity nonuniformity correction using variational level set combined with Markov random field modeling
* Simultaneously Sparse and Low-Rank Abundance Matrix Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing
* Single Droplet Tracking in Jet Flow
* Single molecule image formation, reconstruction and processing: introduction
* Sinogram Restoration Using Confidence Maps to Reduce Metal Artifact in Computed Tomography
* Sixteen Years of Agricultural Drought Assessment of the BioBío Region in Chile Using a 250 m Resolution Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)
* Size Distribution, Scaling Properties and Spatial Organization of Urban Clusters: A Global and Regional Percolation Perspective, The
* Size-Invariant Detection of Cell Nuclei in Microscopy Images
* Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Salient Contour Reinforcement
* Skin Condition Estimation Using Mobile Handheld Camera
* Skull Optical Clearing Solution for Enhancing Ultrasonic and Photoacoustic Imaging
* Slums from Space: 15 Years of Slum Mapping Using Remote Sensing
* SMAP Supervised Classification of Landsat Images for Urban Sprawl Evaluation, A
* Smart Prototyping: Improving the Evaluation of Design Concepts Using Virtual Reality
* smARt.Assembly: Projection-Based Augmented Reality for Supporting Assembly Workers
* Smartphone and Mobile Image Processing for Assisted Living: Health-monitoring apps powered by advanced mobile imaging algorithms
* SMOTE-D a Deterministic Version of SMOTE
* Snow Extent Variability in Lesotho Derived from MODIS Data (2000-2014)
* Soil Moisture Retrieval in Agricultural Fields Using Adaptive Model-Based Polarimetric Decomposition of SAR Data
* Solving Distance Geometry Problem with Inexact Distances in Integer Plane
* Source localization on graphs via L_1 recovery and spectral graph theory
* Source Parameters of the 2003-2004 Bange Earthquake Sequence, Central Tibet, China, Estimated from InSAR Data
* Space Geodetic Observations and Modeling of 2016 Mw 5.9 Menyuan Earthquake: Implications on Seismogenic Tectonic Motion
* Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Focusing on Multicore-Based Architectures
* Sparse Kernel Reduced-Rank Regression for Bimodal Emotion Recognition From Facial Expression and Speech
* Sparse Multi-Response Tensor Regression for Alzheimer's Disease Study With Multivariate Clinical Assessments
* Sparse Output Coding for Scalable Visual Recognition
* Sparse Pose Regression via Componentwise Clustering Feature Point Representation
* Sparse representation based on vector extension of reduced quaternion matrix for multiscale image denoising
* Sparse Representation-Based Image Quality Index With Adaptive Sub-Dictionaries
* Sparse Signal Detection for Space Shift Keying Using the Monte Carlo EM Algorithm
* Sparse-View CT Reconstruction Using Curvelet and TV-Based Regularization
* Spatial Angular Compounding of Photoacoustic Images
* Spatial Assessment of the Bioclimatic and Environmental Factors Driving Mangrove Tree Species' Distribution along the Brazilian Coastline
* Spatial Autocorrelation and Uncertainty Associated with Remotely-Sensed Data
* Spatial Correlations in SMOS Antenna: The Role of Effective Point Spread Functions
* Spatial Resolution and Vacuum Channeling Phenomenon of the Neutron Transmission through Protection Screen, A
* Spatial Steganalysis Using Contrast of Residuals
* Spatially Explicit, Multi-Criteria Decision Support Model for Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat Suitability: A Remote Sensing-Based Approach, A
* Spatially Variant Resolution Modelling for Iterative List-Mode PET Reconstruction
* Spatio-Temporal Matching for Human Pose Estimation in Video
* spatio-temporal wavelet-based descriptor for dynamic 3D facial expression retrieval and recognition, A
* Spatiotemporal Facial Super-Pixels for Pain Detection
* Spatiotemporal feature extraction for facial expression recognition
* Special issue on architectures and algorithms of high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard for real-time video applications
* Special issue on computer vision and image analysis in plant phenotyping
* Speckle noise removal via nonlocal low-rank regularization
* Spectral Features Based on Local Hu Moments of Gabor Spectrograms for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Spectral Generalized Multi-dimensional Scaling
* Spectral Graph Matching for Printed Tifinagh Character
* Spectral image analysis of mutual illumination between florescent objects
* Spectral Indices Accurately Quantify Changes in Seedling Physiology Following Fire: Towards Mechanistic Assessments of Post-Fire Carbon Cycling
* Spectral multidimensional scaling
* Spectral Processing for Step Scanning Phased-Array Radars
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using ICA and Edge-Preserving Filter via an Ensemble Strategy
* Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Dimension Reduction and Deep Learning Approach
* Spectrum sensing under transmitter front-end constraints
* Splash detection in surveillance videos of offshore fish production plants
* Square-Root Lasso With Nonconvex Regularization: An ADMM Approach
* Square-type-first inter-CU tree search algorithm for acceleration of HEVC encoder
* SSPARED: Saliency and sparse code analysis for rare event detection in video
* status of the P versus NP problem, The
* Stereo and Active-Sensor Data Fusion for Improved Stereo Block Matching
* Stereo vision-based road estimation assisted by efficient planar patch calculation
* Stochastic stable buffer control for quality-adaptive HEVC video transmission in enterprise WLAN architectures
* Structural Optimization and Online Evolutionary Learning for Spoken Dialog Management
* Structure Specific Atlas Generation and Its Application to Pancreas Segmentation from Contrasted Abdominal CT Volumes
* Structure-Preserving Binary Representations for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Structure-Preserving Color Normalization and Sparse Stain Separation for Histological Images
* Study of a Virtual Conference in a Mirror World with Avatars and HMD
* Study of relationship between a session of video games with respect to the permanent time frames of gaming process
* study on the elements of game development using the content of the Nuri curriculum, A
* Study on the Traffic Predictive Cruise Control Strategy With Downstream Traffic Information, A
* study on user preference of high dynamic range over low dynamic range video, A
* Subband-dependent compressed sensing in local CT reconstruction
* Subject-Specific Estimation of Missing Cortical Thickness Maps in Developing Infant Brains
* Submerged Kelp Detection with Hyperspectral Data
* Subsidence Monitoring over the Southern Coalfield, Australia Using both L-Band and C-Band SAR Time Series Analysis
* SuMoTED: An intuitive edit distance between rooted unordered uniquely-labelled trees
* SUN Database: Exploring a Large Collection of Scene Categories
* Super-Resolution of Dynamic Scenes Using Sampling Rate Diversity
* Superior vision in nocturnal insects inspires new night vision technologies
* Surface Energy Balance of Fresh and Saline Waters: AquaSEBS
* Surface Tension and Wettability Modeling for Flowing Liquids
* Survey of Mathematical Structures for Extending 2D Neurogeometry to 3D Image Processing, A
* Survey on RGB, 3D, Thermal, and Multimodal Approaches for Facial Expression Recognition: History, Trends, and Affect-Related Applications
* Sustainability assessment approaches for intelligent transport systems: the state of the art
* Synergistic Use of Citizen Science and Remote Sensing for Continental-Scale Measurements of Forest Tree Phenology
* T-DesP: Destination Prediction Based on Big Trajectory Data
* Tag-Based Image Search by Social Re-ranking
* TagBook: A Semantic Video Representation Without Supervision for Event Detection
* Tangible Augmented Reality and Engineering Product Dissection
* Target Classification Using the Deep Convolutional Networks for SAR Images
* Target Position and Speed Estimation Using LiDAR
* Tasking Teams: Supervisory Control and Task Management of Autonomous Unmanned Systems
* taxonomy of mutual information in medical image registration, A
* Temporal Pyramid Matching of Local Binary Subpatterns for Hand-Gesture Recognition
* Tennis stroke detection and classification using miniature wearable IMU device
* Test-Bed for Integrated Ground Control Station Experimentation and Rehearsal: Crew Performance and Authority Pathway Concept Development
* Text Detection in Digital Images Captured with Low Resolution Under Nonuniform Illumination Conditions
* Texture aware image error concealment with fuzzy segmentation
* Texture filtering based physically plausible image dehazing
* Texture image classification with Riemannian fisher vectors issued from a Laplacian model
* Texture map generation for 3D reconstructed scenes
* Texture synthesis guided by a low-resolution image
* Theoretical Improvement of the Image Compression Method Based on Wavelet Transform
* Three-dimensional (3D) facial recognition and prediction
* Three-dimensional interpolation methods to spatiotemporal EEG mapping during various behavioral states
* Three-Dimensional Surface Displacement Field Associated with the 25 April 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, Earthquake: Solution from Integrated InSAR and GPS Measurements with an Extended SISTEM Approach
* Time Series Analysis of Garment Distributions via Street Webcam
* Time Series MODIS and in Situ Data Analysis for Mongolia Drought
* Tool for Assessing User Experience of Fit of a Virtual Workplace, A
* Topological Analysis of Amplicon Structure in Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) Data: An Application to ERBB2/HER2/NEU Amplified Tumors
* Topological Comparisons of Fluvial Reservoir Rock Volumes Using Betti Numbers: Application to CO 2 Storage Uncertainty Analysis
* Topological Descriptors for 3D Surface Analysis
* Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Application to Train Backbone Inauguration
* Total variation constrained graph regularized NMF for medical image registration
* Total Variation Minimization for Measure-Valued Images with Diffusion Spectrum Imaging as Motivation
* Total Variation on a Tree
* Toward a No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Using Statistics of Perceptual Color Descriptors
* Toward semantic image similarity from crowdsourced clustering
* Toward the Labeled Segmentation of Natural Images Using Rough-Set Rules
* Towards a Supervised Incremental Learning System for Automatic Recognition of the Skeletal Age
* Towards a theoretical framework for an active cyber situational awareness model
* Towards a Topological Fingerprint of Music
* Towards human-machine dialog in Slovak
* Towards Narrowing the Curation Gap: Theoretical Considerations and Lessons Learned from Decades of Practice
* Towards Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
* Tower-Based Validation and Improvement of MODIS Gross Primary Production in an Alpine Swamp Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau
* Trabecular Bone Radiograph Characterization Using Lacunarity Measurement
* Tracking with dynamic weighted compressive model
* Tracklet clustering for robust multiple object tracking using distance dependent Chinese restaurant processes
* Training a Multilayered Perceptron to Compute the Euler Number of a 2-D Binary Image
* Trajectory control for autonomous electric vehicles with in-wheel motors based on a dynamics model approach
* Transferring and Compressing Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Representations
* Transformation Model with Constraints for High-Accuracy of 2D-3D Building Registration in Aerial Imagery
* Transurethral Photoacoustic Endoscopy for Prostate Cancer: A Simulation Study
* Tree Species Classification Using Hyperspectral Imagery: A Comparison of Two Classifiers
* Turning on to speckle imaging
* Two-class clustering of nonlinearly separable data by using shape-specific points
* Two-layer discriminative model for human activity recognition
* Two-Year Comparison of Airborne Measurements of CO2 and CH4 With GOSAT at Railroad Valley, Nevada
* Type P63 Digitized Color Images Performs Better Identification than Other Stains for Ovarian Tissue Analysis
* Ultrafast Facial Tracker Using Generic Cameras with Applications in Intelligent Lifestyle
* Uncertainty principle and orthogonal condition for the short-time linear canonical transform
* Underground Incrementally Deployed Magneto-Inductive 3-D Positioning Network
* Understanding Deep Representations Learned in Modeling Users Likes
* Understanding Public Opinions from Geosocial Media
* Underwater image processing method for fish localization and detection in submarine environment
* Unified Algorithm for the Atmospheric Correction of Satellite Remote Sensing Data over Land and Ocean, A
* Unified Framework for Salient Structure Detection by Contour-Guided Visual Search, A
* Unsupervised abnormal crowd activity detection in surveillance systems
* Unwrapped wavefront evaluation in phase-shifting interferometry based on 3D dynamic fringe processing in state space
* Usability and Functionality Assessment of an Oculus Rift in Immersive and Interactive Systems Using Voice Commands
* Usability test of game-based learning in safe-medication education for older adults
* Use of Aerial RGB Imagery and LIDAR in Comparing Ecological Habitats and Geomorphic Features on a Natural versus Man-Made Barrier Island, The
* User Experience of Disney Infinity, The
* Using Different Regression Methods to Estimate Leaf Nitrogen Content in Rice by Fusing Hyperspectral LiDAR Data and Laser-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data
* Using iBeacons for Location-Based Tracking in Alternate Reality Games: A Pilot Study
* Using N-Grams of Quantized EEG Values for Happiness Detection
* Using Qualitative Data Analysis to Measure User Experience in a Serious Game for Premed Students
* Using the NASA EOS A-Train to Probe the Performance of the NOAA PATMOS-x Cloud Fraction CDR
* Utilizing Digital Game Environments for Training Prosthetic Use
* Validation of plant part measurements using a 3D reconstruction method suitable for high-throughput seedling phenotyping
* Variance Stabilization for Noisy+Estimate Combination in Iterative Poisson Denoising
* Variational scene flow and occlusion detection from a light field sequence
* Vegetation Indices for Mapping Canopy Foliar Nitrogen in a Mixed Temperate Forest
* Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Aerial Images Based on Fast Sparse Representation Classification and Multiorder Feature
* Vehicle detection, counting and classification in various conditions
* Vehicles detection in complex urban traffic scenes using Gaussian mixture model with confidence measurement
* Vehicular Networks: A New Challenge for Content-Delivery-Based Applications
* Verifying isolation in a mantrap portal via thermal imaging
* Video analytics revisited
* Video anomaly detection using deep incremental slow feature analysis network
* Video Based Group Tracking and Management
* Video coding using multi-reference motion-adaptive transforms based on graphs
* Video Object Segmentation Based on Superpixel Trajectories
* Video-based discomfort detection for infants using a Constrained Local Model
* View centered video-based object recognition for lightweight devices
* View synthesis with 3D object segmentation-based asynchronous blending and boundary misalignment rectification
* View-dependent 3-D mesh coding by rate allocation with the image rendering-based distortion measures
* Views selection for SIFT based object modeling and recognition
* Virtual Environments as Communication Technologies of Faith
* Virtual Humans as Centaurs: Melding Real and Virtual
* Virtual Reality Based Navigation Training for Astronaut Moving in a Simulated Space Station
* Virtual Tailor for Garment Design
* Virus image classification using multi-scale completed local binary pattern features extracted from filtered images by multi-scale principal component analysis
* Vision for Looking at Traffic Lights: Issues, Survey, and Perspectives
* Vision-based position computation from in-vehicle video log images for road sign inventory
* Visual analytics and rendering for tunnel crack analysis
* Visual Odometry Drift Reduction Using SYBA Descriptor and Feature Transformation
* Visual tracking for the recovery of multiple interacting plant root systems from X-ray CT images
* Visualizing Object Detection Features
* Volunteered Geographic Information in Natural Hazard Analysis: A Systematic Literature Review of Current Approaches with a Focus on Preparedness and Mitigation
* Volunteered Geographic Information System Design: Project and Participation Guidelines
* Wake Component Detection in X-Band SAR Images for Ship Heading and Velocity Estimation
* Wavelet Frame Method with Shape Prior for Ultrasound Video Segmentation, A
* Wavelet Speech Enhancement Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* web platform for analysis of multivariate heterogeneous biomedical time-series: A preliminary report, A
* web platform for analysis of multivariate heterogeneous biomedical time-series: A preliminary report, A
* What Men Say, What Women Hear: Finding Gender-Specific Meaning Shades
* Where Does the Driver Look? Top-Down-Based Saliency Detection in a Traffic Driving Environment
* Whispered Speech Detection Using Fusion of Group-Delay-Based Subband Modulation Spectrum and Correntropy Features
* White Matter Fiber-Bundle Analysis Using Non-negative Tensor Factorization
* White Matter MS-Lesion Segmentation Using a Geometric Brain Model
* WiGeR: WiFi-Based Gesture Recognition System
* Wind Speed Retrieval Algorithm for the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) Mission
* Window-Based Three-Dimensional Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signal Based on Guidance of Metal Pipes and Relay of Transceivers
* Woody Biomass Estimation in a Southwestern U.S. Juniper Savanna Using LiDAR-Derived Clumped Tree Segmentation and Existing Allometries
* X-Ray fluorescence image super-resolution using dictionary learning
1341 for 1608

Index for "1"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.