Update Dates 1209

1209 * *ACIVS
* *Advances in Visual Computing
* *Annals of the BMVA, The
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* 1-D and 2-D digital fractional-order Savitzky-Golay differentiator
* 3-D Feature-based Matching by RSTG Approach
* 3D Action Classification Using Sparse Spatio-temporal Feature Representations
* 3D Building Change Detection Using High Resolution Stereo Images and a GIS Database
* 3D Building Modeling Based on Low Altitude Mapping System
* 3d Capabilities of Pleiades Satellite
* 3d Classification Of Crossroads From Multiple Aerial Images Using Markov Random Fields
* 3d Geovisualization: Definition and Structures for the Assessment of Usefulness
* 3D Imaging for Museum Artefacts: A Portable Test Object for Heritage and Museum Documentation of Small Objects
* 3D Modeling From Gnomonic Projections
* 3D Modeling of Architecture by Edge-Matching and Integrating the Point Clouds of Laser Scanner and Those of Digital Camera
* 3D modeling using miniscule volume elements
* 3d Modelling and Accuracy Assessment of Granite Quarry Using Unmmanned Aerial Vehicle
* 3d Object Recognition and Pose Estimation for Multiple Objects Using Multi-Prioritized Ransac and Model Updating
* 3D Parallel Thinning Algorithms Based on Isthmuses
* 3D Photogrammetric Processing of Worldview-2 Data Without GCP
* 3D Shape from Focus Using LULU Operators
* 3D Texture Mapping in Multi-view Reconstruction
* 3D wide baseline correspondences using depth-maps
* Accelerated Centre-of-Gravity Calculation for Massive Numbers of Image Patches
* Accuracy Analysis of a Low-Cost Platform for Positioning and Navigation
* Accuracy Analysis of HRSI-based Geopositioning Using Least Squares Collocation
* Accuracy Aspects of Utilizing Raw Imagery In Photogrammetric Measurement
* Accuracy Assessment of Automated Photogrammetric Techniques for 3D Modeling of Complex Interiors, An
* Accuracy Assessment Of Building Models Created From Laser Scanning Data
* Accuracy Assessment of Georeferenced Point Clouds Produced Via Multi-view Stereo Techniques Applied to Imagery Acquired Via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, An
* Accuracy Evaluation Of Stereo Camera Systems With Generic Camera Models
* Accuracy Evaluation Of Two Global Land Cover Data Sets Over Wetlands Of China
* Accuracy Improvement of Change Detection Based on Color Analysis
* Accuracy Improvement Of DEM For Generating Orthophoto By Reverse Projection Method
* Accuracy Potential And Applications Of Midas Aerial Oblique Camera System
* Accuracy Test of Microsoft Kinect for Human Morphologic Measurements
* Accuracy Verification of GPS-INS Method in Indonesia
* Accuracy-efficiency Evaluation of Adaptive Support Weight Techniques for Local Stereo Matching
* Accurate Computation of Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments
* Achieving robust face recognition from video by combining a weak photometric model and a learnt generic face invariant
* Active Learning of Ensemble Classifiers for Gesture Recognition
* Active Metric Learning for Object Recognition
* Active Range Imaging Dataset for Indoor Surveillance
* Active Visual-Based Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects from Clustering and Classification Methods
* Activities of Asian Students and Young Scientists on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
* Activities of The Student Forum of The Geoinformation Forum Japan
* Adaboost-based Feature Relevance Assessment in Fusing LIDAR and Image Data for Classification of Trees and Vehicles in Urban Scenes
* Adaptive Appearance Modeling for Video Tracking: Survey and Evaluation
* Adaptive Exemplar-based Particle Filter for 2d Human Pose Estimation
* Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model for Non-rigid Image Registration, An
* Adaptive key frame extraction for video summarization using an aggregation mechanism
* Adaptive Metering Algorithm for Electronic Commercial Vehicle Preclearance Systems
* Adaptive Multi-Cue 3D Tracking of Arbitrary Objects
* Adaptive Multi-Objective Sub-Pixel Mapping Framework Based on Memetic Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive psychometric scaling for video quality assessment
* Adaptive quantization using piecewise companding and scaling for Gaussian mixture
* Adaptive Spectral Mapping for Real-time Dispersive Refraction
* Advanced Coincidence Processing of 3D Laser Radar Data
* Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radometer (ASTER) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) Products from Global Earth Observation (GE
* Advances of Flash Lidar Development Onboard UAV
* Advancing The Documentation Of Buried Archaeological Landscapes
* Aerial Images and Lidar Data Fusion for Disaster Change Detection
* Aerial Images from an UAV System: 3D Modeling and Tree Species Classification in a Park Area
* Aerial Terrain Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Approach
* African Geospatial Sciences Institute (AGSI): A New Approach To Geospatial Training In North Africa, The
* Airborne X-hh Incidence Angle Impact On Canopy Height Retreival: Implications For Spaceborne X-hh Tandem-x Global Canopy Height Model
* Albedo Pattern Recognition And Time-series Analyses In Malaysia
* Algorithm for Coastline Detection using SAR Images, An
* Algorithm for Efficient and Effective Evaluation of Scattering From Fractal Surfaces, An
* Algorithm for Highlights Identification and Summarization of Broadcast Soccer Videos, An
* Alternative Methodologies for The Estimation of Local Point Density Index: Moving Towards Adaptive Lidar Data Processing
* Analysing And Quantifying Vegetation Responses To Rainfall With High Resolution Spatio-temporal Time Series Data For Different Ecosystems And Ecotones In Queensland
* Analysis of Concrete Reflectance Characteristics Using Spectrometer and VNIR Hyperspectral Camera
* Analysis of Deformation of Mining Chains Based on Motion Tracking
* Analysis of financial indices by means of the windowed Fourier transform
* Analysis of Light Intensity Data by the DMSP/OLS Satellite Image Using Existing Spatial Data for Monitoring Human Activity In Japan
* Analysis of Mobile Laser Scanning Data and Multi-View Image Reconstruction
* Analysis of Multitemporal and Multisensor Remote Sensing Data for Crop Rotation Mapping
* Analysis of muscle length effect on an S type motor-unit fractional multi-model
* Analysis of the contour structural irregularity of skin lesions using wavelet decomposition
* Analysis of The Effects of Image Quality On Digital Map Generation From Satellite Images
* Analysis of the Multifractal Nature of Speech Signals
* Analysis of the Relationship Between Intra-urban Vegetation Change and Socio-Economic Data
* Analysis on the Utility of Satellite Imagery for Detection of Agricultural Facility
* Analyzing the Shape Characteristics of Land Use Classes in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Animating Lip-Sync Characters With Dominated Animeme Models
* Anisotropic Range Image Integration
* Annotating Images with Suggestions: User Study of a Tagging System
* Anomaly Detection And Comparative Analysis Of Hydrothermal Alteration Materials Trough Hyperspectral Multisensor Data In The Turrialba Volcano
* Anti-Jamming GPS Receiver With Reduced Phase Distortions
* Appearance Similarity Flow for Quantification of Anatomical Landmark Uncertainty in Medical Images
* Application of Digital Line Graphs and Map in the Network Environment, The
* Application of Fusion with SAR and Optical Images in Land Use Classification Based on SVM
* Application Of Mobile Lidar Mapping For Damage Survey After Great East Japan Earthquake
* Application of MODIS Data to Assess the Latest Forest Cover Changes of Sri Lanka
* Application Of Spatial Modelling Approaches, Sampling Strategies And 3s Technology Within An Ecolgocial Framwork
* Application Of Surface Matching For Improved Measurements Of Historic Glacier Volume Change In The Antarctic Peninsula
* Application of UAV System for Low Altitude Photogrammetry in Shanxi
* Application Possibility of Smartphone As Payload for Photogrammetric UAV System
* Applications of Mobile GIS in Forestry South Australia
* Applied Geospatial Education: Acquisition And Processing Of High Resolution Airborne Lidar And Orthoimages For The Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Southeastern United States
* Applying CCD Cameras in Stereo Panorama Systems for 3D Environment Reconstruction
* Approach to Find Localization of Non-Existent Historical Buildings By Terrestrial Photogrammetry, An
* Approach to Mapping Forest Growth Stages in Queensland, Australia through Integration of ALOS PALSAR and Landsat Sensor Data, An
* Approximate realization of digital fractional forward operator using digital IIR filter
* Approximate Regularization for Structural Optical Flow Estimation
* Arabic handwriting recognition using structural and syntactic pattern attributes
* Arcgis Data Models for Managing and Procesing Imagery
* Archaeological Site Monitoring: UAV Photogrammetry Can Be an Answer
* Architectural Style Classification of Domes
* Are we making real progress in computer vision today?
* Artefact Mobile Data Model To Support Cultural Heritage Data Collection And Interpretation
* As Time Goes by: Anytime Semantic Segmentation with Iterative Context Forests
* Assessing Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices for Estimating Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration of Summer Barley
* Assessing the Feasibility of UAV-Based LIDAR for High Resolution Forest Change Detection
* Assessing the Mobility and Environmental Benefits of Reservation-Based Intelligent Intersections Using an Integrated Simulator
* Assessing the Photogrammetric Potential of Cameras in Portable Devices
* Assessing the quality of sensory experience for multimedia presentations
* Assessing The Significance Of Hyperion Spectral Bands In Forest Classification
* Assessment of Coastal Vulnerability To Sea Level Rise of Bolinao, Pangasinan Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
* Assessment Of Indian Carbon Cycle Components Using Earth Observation Systems And Ground Inventory
* Assessment Of Sea Ice Freeboard And Thickness In Mcmurdo Sound, Antarctica, Derived By Ground Validated Satellite Altimeter Data
* Assessment Of Shadow Enhanced Urban Remote Sensing Imagery Of A Complex City: Hong Kong, An
* Assessment of Soil Surface Roughness Statistics for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications Using a Simple Photogrammetric Acquisition System
* Assessment Of The Homogeneity Of Volunteered Geographic Information In South Africa
* Assessment of Three-Dimensional Models Derived from Lidar and TLS Data
* Assisted Control Point Measurement for Close Range Photogrammetry.
* Asynchronous Occlusion Culling on Heterogeneous PC Clusters for Distributed 3D Scenes
* Atmospheric Correction Comparison of Spot-5 Image Based On Model Flaash And Model Quac
* Atmospheric Lidar Noise Reduction Based On Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
* Attention-Based Colour Correction
* Attitude Assessment Using Pleiades-HR Capabilities
* Augmented Multitouch Interaction upon a 2-DoF Rotating Disk
* Augmenting 3d City Model Components By Geodata Joins To Facilitate Ad-hoc Geometric-topologically Sound Integration
* Auto-calibration of Pan-tilt Cameras Including Radial Distortion and Zoom
* Automated 3d Road Sign Mapping With Stereovision-based Mobile Mapping Exploiting Disparity Information From Dense Stereo Matching
* Automated Blur Detection And Removal In Airborne Imaging Systems Using Imu Data
* Automated Construction Of Coverage Catalogues Of Aster Satellite Image For Urban Areas Of The World
* Automated Data Production For A Novel Airborne Multiangle Spectropolarimetric Imager (AIRMSPI)
* Automated End-to-End Multi-Agent QoS Based Architecture for Selection of Geospatial Web Services, An
* Automated Feature Based Tls Data Registration For 3d Building Modeling
* Automated Image Forgery Detection through Classification of Jpeg Ghosts
* Automated Low-cost Photogrammetry for Flexible Structure Monitoring
* Automated Matching Crowdsourcing Road Networks Using Probabilistic Relaxation
* Automated Method For 3d Roof Outline Generation And Regularization In Airbone Laser Scanner Data, An
* Automated Modeling Of 3d Building Roofs Using Image And Lidar Data
* Automated Motion Estimation for 2-D Cine DENSE MRI
* Automated Mounting Bias Calibration For Airborne Lidar System
* Automated Multi-source Remote Sensing Image Registration Based On Phase Congruency
* Automated Reconstruction of Walls from Airborne LIDAR Data for Complete 3D Building Modelling
* Automatic 3d Building Model Generation From Lidar And Image Data Using Sequential Minimum Bounding Rectangle
* Automatic and Generic Mosaicing of Multisensor Images: An Application to Pleiades HR
* Automatic Building Outlining From Multi-view Oblique Images
* Automatic Calculation of Oil Slick Area from Multiple SAR Acquisitions for Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
* Automatic Calibration of Stereo-Cameras Using Ordinary Chess-Board Patterns
* Automatic Camera Pose Recognition in Planar View Scenarios
* Automatic Classification of Volcanic Earthquakes in HMM-Induced Vector Spaces
* Automatic Cloud Detection From Multi-temporal Satellite Images: Towards the Use of PlÉiades Time Series
* Automatic Design of Binary W-operators Using Artificial Feed-forward Neural Networks Based on the Weighted Mean Square Error Cost Function
* Automatic detection of road traffic signs from natural scene images based on pixel vector and central projected shape feature
* Automatic Exterior Orientation Procedure For Low-cost Uav Photogrammetry Using Video Image Tracking Technique and GPS Information
* Automatic Extraction Of Building Roofs From Pictometry's Orthogonal And Oblique Images
* Automatic Extraction Of Water In High-resolution Sar Images Based On Multi-scale Level Set Method And Otsu Algorithm
* Automatic Fusion of Partial Reconstructions
* Automatic Human Body Parts Detection in a 2d Anthropometric System
* Automatic Improvement of Graph Based Image Segmentation
* Automatic Model Selection in Archetype Analysis
* Automatic Moving Vehicle's Information Extraction From One-pass Worldview-2 Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Powerline Scene Classification And Reconstruction Using Airborne Lidar Data
* Automatic Procedure for Combining Digital Images and Laser Scanner Data, An
* Automatic Procedure for The Registration of Thermographic Images With Point Clouds
* Automatic Processing Of Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds For Building Façade Detection
* Automatic Reconstruction Of Building Roofs Through Effective Integration Of Lidar And Multispectral Imagery
* Automatic Reference Selection for Parametric Color Correction Schemes for Panoramic Video Stitching
* Automatic Refinement of Training Data for Classification of Satellite Imagery
* Automatic Registration of Multi-source Data Using Mutual Information
* Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Point Clouds Using Natural Planar Surfaces
* Automatic Roof Outlines Reconstruction from Photogrammetric DSM
* Automatic Scale Selection of Superimposed Signals
* Automatic Segmentation Approach of Epithelial Cells Nuclei, An
* Automatic Segmentation of Wood Logs by Combining Detection and Segmentation
* Automatic Texture Mapping of Architectural and Archaeological 3D Models
* Automatic Texture Mapping With An Omnidirectional Camera Mounted On A Vehicle Towards Large Scale 3d City Models
* Automating Mapping Production for The Enterprise: From Contract To Delivery
* Automating The Photogrammetric Workflow In A National Mapping Agency
* Autonomous Star Identification Algorithm Based On The Directed Circularity Pattern, An
* Bag of Features for Automatic Classification of Alzheimer's Disease in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Bathymetric Extraction Using Worldview-2 High Resolution Images
* Bayesian Restoration Approach for Hyperspectral Images, A
* Beam-search Formant Tracking Algorithm Based on Trajectory Functions for Continuous Speech
* BEHAVE video dataset: Ground truthed video for multi-person behavior classification, The
* Benchmarking Mobile Laser Scanning Systems Using A Permanent Test Field
* Bi-scale analysis of multitemporal land cover fractions for wetland vegetation mapping
* Bilateral Markov mesh random field and its application to image restoration
* Biomarker discovery for sparse classification of brain images in Alzheimer's disease
* Biomass Estimation Using Vertical Forest Structure From Sar Tomograghy: A Case Study In Canadian Boreal Forest.
* biorthogonal wavelets that are redundant-free and nearly shift-insensitive, The
* Bispectrum as a Source of Phase-Sensitive Invariants for Fourier Descriptors: A Group-Theoretic Approach, The
* Boolean-based fractional order SMC for switching systems: Application to a DC-DC buck converter
* Boosted translation-tolerable classifiers for fast object detection
* Bottom-up Approach for Learning Visual Object Detection Models from Unreliable Sources, A
* bottom-up approach for the analysis of haustral fold ridges in CTC-CAD, A
* Bottom-up Geosptial Data Update Mechanism For Spatial Data Infrastructure Updating, A
* Brain tissue MR-image segmentation via optimum-path forest clustering
* Branch-and-Mincut: Global Optimization for Image Segmentation with High-Level Priors
* Brazilian Amazonia Deforestation Detection Using Spatio-temporal Scan Statistics
* Bubble Identification Based on High Speed Videometry Data: Algorithm and Validation
* Building an Effective Visual Codebook: Is K-means Clustering Useful?
* Building An Integrated Web-based Environment for Exploratory Spatiotemporal Data Analysis
* Building Analysis For Urban Energy Planning Using Key Indicators On Virtual 3d City Models: The Energy Atlas Of Berlin
* Building Change Detection from Uniform Regions
* Building Edge Detection Using Small-footprint Airborne Full-waveform Lidar Data
* Building Façade Separation In Vertical Aerial Images
* Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning
* Building Interactivity In Higher Education To Support Student Engagement In Spatial Problem Solving and Programming
* Building Reliable and Reusable Test Collections for Image Retrieval: The Wikipedia Task at ImageCLEF
* Bundle Adjustment Constrained Smoothing for Multi-view Point Cloud Data
* Bundle Adjustment For Multi-camera Systems With Points At Infinity
* Bundle adjustment with additional constraints applied to imagery of the Dunhuang wall paintings
* Bundle Block Adjustment With Self-calibration Of Long Orbit Cbers-02b Imagery
* Bundle Visualization Strategies for HARDI Characteristics
* Burn Severity Mapping In Australia 2009
* Bus-Stop Control Strategies Based on Fuzzy Rules for the Operation of a Public Transport System
* Bushfires In The Krachi District: The Socio-economic And Environmental Implications
* Cache Design Method For Spatial Information Visualization in 3D Real-Time Rendering Engine, A
* CAD Construction Method of 3D Building Models for GIS Analysis
* Calibration and Epipolar Geometry of Generic Heterogenous Camera Systems
* Calibration Of Low Cost Digital Camera Using Data From Simultaneous Lidar And Photogrammetric Surveys
* Calibration Procedures In Mid Format Camera Setups
* Can the World-Wide Web Bridge the Semantic Gap?
* Capabilities of Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Images for The Detection Of Lead Contamination: A Review
* Car License Plate Detection under Large Variations Using Covariance and Hog Descriptors
* CAR-NF+: An Improved Version of CAR-NF Classifier
* Cardinal Direction Relations Query Modeling Based on Geo-Ontology
* Case Study of a Forest Carbon Stock Monitoring System for Redd+ in Lao P.D.R., A
* Cell Nuclei Detection Using Globally Optimal Active Contours with Shape Prior
* Cell Segmentation: 50 Years Down the Road
* Cest Analysis: Automated Change Detection From Very-high-resolution Remote Sensing Images
* CFAR Detection of Ground Moving Targets Based on a Joint Metric of SAR Interferogram's Magnitude and Phase, The
* Challenge Of Automated Change Detection: Developing A Method For The Updating Of Land Parcels, The
* Challenges and opportunities in immersive vehicular sensing: Lessons from urban deployments
* Change Analysis of the Spectral Characteristics of Rubber Trees at Canopy and Leaf Scales During The Brazilian Autumn
* Change Detection in Land-Use and Land-Cover Dynamics at a Regional Scale from Modis Time-Series Imagery
* Change Detection Method for Remote Sensing Image Based on Multi-Feature Differencing Kernel SVM, A
* Channel Estimation for AF-Type Cooperative OFDM Systems With Low Pilot Overhead
* Characterising Upland Swamps Using Object-based Classification Methods And Hyper-spatial Resolution Imagery Derived From An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Characterising Vegetated Surfaces Using Modis Multiangular Satellite Data
* Characterization of Similar Areas of Two 2d Point Clouds
* Characterizing land-use classes in remote sensing imagery by shape metrics
* Class of Regression-cum-ratio Estimators In Two-phase Sampling For Utilizing Information From High Resolution Satellite Data, A
* Class-specific metrics for multidimensional data projection applied to CBIR
* Classification Algorithm for Hyperspectral Data Based On Synergetics Theory, A
* Classification and Modelling of Urban Micro-Climates Using Multisensoral and Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data
* Classification By Using Multispectral Point Cloud Data
* Classification of 10m-resolution SPOT data using a combined Bayesian Network Classifier-shape adaptive neighborhood method
* Classification of Active Microwave and Passive Optical Data Based on Bayesian Theory and MRF
* Classification of Airborne Laser Scanning Data In Wadden Sea Areas Using Conditional Random Fields
* Classification of Hyperspectral Data over Urban Areas Based on Extended Morphological Profile with Partial Reconstruction
* Classification of MRI Brain Scan Data Using Shape Criteria
* Classification of Roof Materials Using Hyperspectral Data
* Classification with Global, Local and Shared Features
* Classifier Combination Using Random Walks on the Space of Concepts
* Classifying Plant Leaves from Their Margins Using Dynamic Time Warping
* Climate and Lulc Change Scenarios To Study Its Impact On Hydrological Regime
* Close Range Hyperspectral Imaging Integrated With Terrestrial Lidar Scanning Applied To Rock Characterisation At Centimetre Scale
* Cloud Detection Based On Decision Tree Over Tibetan Plateau With Modis Data
* Clustered Deep Shadow Maps for Integrated Polyhedral and Volume Rendering
* Clustering of Incomplete Data and Evaluation of Clustering Quality
* Co-registration Between Multisource Remote-sensing Images
* Co-Registration of 3D Point Clouds by Using an Errors-in-Variables Model
* Coastal Currents Monitoring Using Radar Satellites Based On Wave Tracking Approach
* Coastal Ocean Observing Network: Open Source Architecture for Data Management and Web-based Data Services
* Collaborative Web GIS Platform for Systematic Exploration of Lake Geneva
* Collecting Large, Richly Annotated Facial-Expression Databases from Movies
* Color demosaicking with an image formation model and adaptive PCA
* Color remapping turns night into day
* Colour Assessment in Dentistry
* Colour Filtering: Colour Bleeding and Related Accuracy Issues
* Colour Image Segmentation Using Texems
* Colour in Vision Analysis
* Comb-Push Ultrasound Shear Elastography (CUSE): A Novel Method for Two-Dimensional Shear Elasticity Imaging of Soft Tissues
* Combination Of Genetic Algorithm And Dempster-shafer Theory Of Evidence For Land Cover Classification Using Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery
* Combination of Sinusoidal and Single Binary Pattern Projection for Fast 3d Surface Reconstruction
* Combination of Virtual Tours, 3d Model and Digital Data In A 3d Archaeological Knowledge and Information System
* Combine Markov Random Fields And Marked Point Processes To Extract Building From Remotely Sensed Images
* Combined Geometric/radiometric Point Cloud Matching for Shear Analysis
* Combined Multi-View Matching Algorithm With Long-Strips of Satellite Imagery from Different Orbits
* Combining Face and Facial Feature Detectors for Face Detection Performance Improvement
* Combining heterogeneous classifiers for relational databases
* Combining Local Features And Progressive Support Vector Machine For Urban Change Detection of VHR Images
* Combining Re-Ranking and Rank Aggregation Methods
* Comments on Probabilities of false alarm and detection for the NAMF operating in Gaussian clutter
* Compact and adaptive spatial pyramids for scene recognition
* Comparative Analysis of Four Models to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Case-2 Waters Using MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Imagery
* Comparative Analysis of Thermal and Visual Modalities for Automated Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Comparative Performance Analysis Of A Hyper-temporal NDVI Analysis Approach and a Landscape-Ecological Mapping Approach
* Comparative performance analysis of three classifiers for acoustic signal-based recognition of motorcycles using time- and frequency-domain features
* Comparative Study on Methods for 3D Modelling of Urban Areas
* Comparing 3d Descriptors for Local Search of Craniofacial Landmarks
* Comparisom Of Wavelet-Based and HHT-Based Feature Extraction Methods for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Comparison And Analysis Of Nonlinear Least Squares Methods For Vision Based Navigation (VBN) Algorithms
* Comparison Of Accuracies of the RPC Models: Homo- And Hetero-type Stereo Pairs Of Geoeye And Worldview Images, A
* Comparison Of Discrete Return And Waveform Terrestrial Laser Scanning For Dense Vegetation Filtering
* Comparison of driver behaviour and saturation flow in china and the netherlands
* Comparison of Laser Scanning, Photogrammetry and SFM-MVS Pipeline Applied in Structures and Artificial Surfaces
* Comparison Of Low Altitude Photogrammetric Methods For Obtaining Dems And Orthoimages Of Archaeological Sites
* Comparison of Lunar Topographic Models Derived from Multiple Sources Based on Least Squares Matching
* comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval, A
* Comparison Of Microwave Backscatter Anisotropy Parameterisations Over The Antarctic Ice Sheet
* Comparison Of Multi-scale Digital Elevation Models For Defining Waterways And Catchments Over Large Areas
* Comparison Of Particle Swarm Optimization And Genetic Algorithm In Rational Function Model Optimization
* Comparison of Semantic Similarity Models In Evaluating Concept Similarity, A
* Comparison of the Spectral Properties Of Pansharpened Images Generated from AVNIR-2 and Prism Onboard Alos
* Comparison of Two Different Approaches of Point Cloud Classification Based on Full-Waveform Lidar Data, A
* Comparitive Study Using Geometric And Vertical Profile Features Derived From Airborne Lidar For Classifying Tree Genera, A
* complete and fully automated face verification system on mobile devices, A
* Complete Processing Chain for Shadow Detection and Reconstruction in VHR Images, A
* Completed Local Binary Count for Rotation Invariant Texture Classification
* Complex Event Detection In Pedestrian Groups From UAVs
* Comprehensible and Interactive Visualizations of GIS Data in Augmented Reality
* Comprehensive Evaluation And Analysis Of China's Mainstream Online Map Service Websites
* Compressive Matting
* Compressive Video Sampling With Approximate Message Passing Decoding
* Computer vision needs a core and foundations
* Concatenational Graph Evolution Aging Model, A
* Concealing Damaged Coded Images Using Improved FSE with Critical Support Area
* Concepts, Models and Implementation of The Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure in Germany (MDI-DE)
* Conditional Random Fields For Lidar Point Cloud Classification In Complex Urban Areas
* Confidence Measurements for Adaptive Bayes Decision Classifier Cascades and Their Application to Us Speed Limit Detection
* Conic-like subdivision curves on surfaces
* Conjugate-order systems for signal processing: Stability, causality, boundedness, compactness
* Consensus Multi-view Photometric Stereo
* Conservation Monitoring Of A Heritage Ceiling By Photometric Stereo
* Consistency Matching in the Integration of Contour and River Data by Spatial Knowledge
* Construction of a System for Defining Areas Which Are Not Obtained Data from Stereo Images
* Construction Of Disaster Prevention Map Based On Digital Imagery
* contactless biometric system using multiple hand features, A
* Content-based image retrieval using color difference histogram
* Context Models for CRF-Based Classification of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data
* Context-based Urban Terrain Reconstruction From Images And Videos
* Context-preserving Volumetric Data Set Exploration Using a 3D Painting Metaphor
* Continuous Multi-way Shape Measure for Dissimilarity Representation
* Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation from Facial Expressions
* Continuously Deformation Monitoring of Subway Tunnel Based On Terrestrial Point Clouds
* Contour Detection by Image Analogies
* Contribution Of The New Worldview-2 Spectral Bands For Urban Mapping In Coastal Areas: Case Study São Luís (Maranhão State, Brazil)
* Contribution-Guided Peer Selection for Reliable Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming Over Mesh Networks
* Controlling Virtual Clouds And Making It Rain Particle Systems In Real Spaces Using Situated Augmented Simulation And Portable Virtual Environments
* Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Implementation of Team Mekar at the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Cooperative Competition for Future Mobility
* Cooperative Driving With a Heavy-Duty Truck in Mixed Traffic: Experimental Results
* Coordinate-descent super-resolution and registration for parametric global motion models
* Coordinated Direct and Relay Transmission With Linear Non-Regenerative Relay Beamforming
* Correction of Faulty Lines in Muscle Model, To Be Used in 3D Building Network Construction
* Correction, Stitching and Blur Estimation of Micro-graphs Obtained at High Speed
* Cost Analysis Of Spatial Data Production As Part Of Business Intelligence Within The Mapping Department
* Costless Platform For High Resolution Stereoscopic Images Of A High Gothic Facade
* Coupled Observation Decomposed Hidden Markov Model for Multiperson Activity Recognition
* Critical Metadata Protocols in Hyperspectral Field Campaigns for Building Robust Hyperspectral Datasets
* Cross-calibration Of The Rapideye Multispectral Imager Payloads Using Pseudo-invariant Test Sites
* Cross-Channel Co-occurrence Matrices for Robust Characterization of Surface Disruptions in 21/2D Rail Image Analysis
* Crowd Motion Partitioning in a Scattered Motion Field
* Crowd simulation: applying mobile grids to the social force model
* Crowded pedestrian counting at bus stops from perspective transformations of foreground areas
* Crown Delineation Influence On Standing Volume Calculations In Protected Area
* Curb-based Street Floor Extraction From Mobile Terrestrial Lidar Point Cloud
* Curvature Prior for MRF-based Segmentation and Shape Inpainting
* Customizable Time-Oriented Visualizations
* CVC-MUSCIMA: a ground truth of handwritten music score images for writer identification and staff removal
* Cylinder-based Self-calibration Of A Panoramic Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* Data Acquisition Strategies for ASTER Global DEM Generation
* Data Updating Methods for Spatial Data Infrastructure That Maintain Infrastructure Quality and Enable Its Sustainable Operation
* Data-oriented Algorithm For Route Choice Set Generation In A Metropolitan Area With Mobile Phone GPS Data
* Database Organisation In A Web-enabled Free And Open-source Software (FOSS) Environment For Spatio-temporal Landslide Modelling
* Datum Transformation of Spatial Data and Application In Cadastre
* Decision Tree Ensembles in Biomedical Time-series Classification
* Defining Densities For Urban Residential Texture, Through Land Use Classification, From Landsat Tm Imagery: Case Study Of Spanish Mediterranean Coast
* Deformable multimodal registration with gradient orientation based on structure tensors
* Deformation Detection In Piping Installations Using Profiling Techniques
* Deformation Monitoring of Motorway Underpasses Using Laser Scanning Data
* Delaunay Triangulation Parallel Construction Method And Its Application In Map Generalization
* Dem Assessment Derived From Close Range Photogrammetry: A Case Study From Kadavur Area, Karur District, Tamil Nadu, India
* DEM Generation with Worldview-2 Images
* DEM Registration Based on Mutual Information
* Dense 3d Reconstruction with a Hand-held Camera
* Dense Corresponding Pixel Matching Using A Fixed Window with RGB Independent Information
* Dense Multiple Stereo Matching Of Highly Overlapping Uav Imagery
* Depth Auto-calibration for Range Cameras Based on 3d Geometry Reconstruction
* Depth from Vergence and Active Calibration for Humanoid Robots
* Design and Experimental Validation of a Cooperative Driving System in the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Design Framework for an Integrated Sensor Orientation Simulator, A
* Design of Livestock Management Tool for Climate Change Risk In Mongolia
* Detailed Primitive-Based 3D Modeling of Architectural Elements
* Detecting And Correcting Motion Blur from Images Shot with Channel-Dependent Exposure Time
* Detecting Objectionable Images Using a New Skin Detection Method
* Detecting Periodicity in Serial Data through Visualization
* Detecting Slums From Quick Bird Data In Pune Using An Object Oriented Approach
* Detection and Classification of Vehicles From Video Using Multiple Time-Spatial Images
* Detection and Correction of Changes In Exterior and Interior Orientations While Estimating 3-d Object Deformations From Multiple Images With Weak Or Strong Imaging Geometry
* Detection and Estimation With RADARSAT-2 Moving-Object Detection Experiment Modes
* Detection and Evaluation of Skin Disorders By One of Photogrammetric Image Analysis Methods
* Detection and Normalization of Blown-out Illumination Areas in Grey-scale Images
* Detection and Quantification of Morphological Changes Using Multi-resolution Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Detection And Quantification Of Rock Glacier Creep Using High-resolution Orthoimages Of Virtual Globes
* Detection of Chickenpox Vesicles in Digital Images of Skin Lesions
* Detection of Double Scatterers in SAR Tomography
* Detection of HF First-Order Sea Clutter and Its Splitting Peaks with Image Feature: Results in Strong Current Shear Environment
* Detection of Moving Targets With Continuous-Wave Noise Radar: Theory and Measurements
* Detection of Near-Duplicate Patches in Random Images Using Keypoint-Based Features
* Determination Of Exterior Orientation Parameters Through Direct Geo-referencing In A Real-time Aerial Monitoring System
* Determination Of Magnitude And Direction Of Land Use/ Land Cover Changes In Terkos Water Basin, Istanbul
* Determination of the UAV Position by Automatic Processing of Thermal Images
* Determining Pull-Out Deformations of Bonded Metal Anchors Embedded In Concrete by Means of Photogrammetry
* Determining The Technical Standards of Ping Pong Table By Using Close Range Photogrammetry
* Developing a 3D Waveform Lidar Simulator FOR Forest
* Developing and Testing a 3D Cadastral Data Model a Case Study in Australia
* Developing Species Specific Vegetation Maps Using Multi-spectral Hyperspatial Imagery From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* Development and Evaluation of Technology Education Using Earth Observation Technique
* Development of a Cooperative Heavy-Duty Vehicle for the GCDC 2011: Team Scoop, The
* Development of A Metadata Management System for An Interdisciplinary Research Project
* Development of A Model To Correct Multi-view Angle Above Water Measurements for The Analysis of The Bidirectional Reflectance of Coral And Other Reef Substrates
* Development of A New Geospatial Data Sharing/overlay System for Land Environmental Studies: Ceres Gaia
* Development of A Service Oriented Architecture Based Geographic Information System In Earth Sciences
* Development of A Spatial Information Consulting Method for Merged Local Governments
* Development of A Wind Observation System Using Photogrammetry
* Development of Cadastral Domain Model Oriented At Unified Real Estate Registration of China Based On Ontology, The
* Development Of Camera Model And Geometric Calibration/validation Of Xsat Iris Imagery
* Development of Four Vision Camera System for a Micro-UAV
* Development Of Photogrammetry System For Grasping Forest Resources Information
* Developments In Monitoring Rangelands Using Remotely-sensed Cross-fence Comparisons
* Diagnostic-Robust Statistical Analysis for Local Surface Fitting In 3d Point Cloud Data
* Diffeomorphic Atlas Estimation using Geodesic Shooting on Volumetric Images
* Differentiating Alcohol-Induced Driving Behavior Using Steering Wheel Signals
* Diffusion-based Image Compression in Steganography
* Digital Archiving of People Flow by Recycling Large-Scale Social Survey Data of Developing Cities
* Digital Camera as a GPS Compass: Location Matching Using Point Clouds, The
* Digital Elevation Models and Derived Products from LROC NAC Stereo Observations
* Direct Georeferencing With On Board Navigation Components Of Light Weight Uav Platforms
* Direct Georeferencing: A New Standard In Photogrammetry For High Accuracy Mapping
* Direct Registration of Lidar Point Clouds and High Resolution Image Based On Linear Feature By Introducing An Unknown Parameter, The
* Discrepancy Norm as Fitness Function for Defect Detection on Regularly Textured Surfaces
* Disparity Confidence Measures on Engineered and Outdoor Data
* Dissimilarity Representations Based on Multi-Block LBP for Face Detection
* Distributed Infrastructure Enabling Effective Integration of Earth Observation Information Resources for Collective Solution of Archiving, Searching, Processing and Eo Data Analyzing Tasks
* Distributed RANSAC for the robust estimation of three-dimensional reconstruction
* Distributed STBC With Soft Information Relay Based on Gaussian Approximation
* Do Additional Bands (coastal, Nir-2, Red-edge And Yellow) In Worldview-2 Multispectral Imagery Improve Discrimination Of An Invasive Tussock, Buffel Grass (cenchrus Ciliaris)?
* Drivers' Adaptation to Adaptive Cruise Control: Examination of Automatic and Manual Braking
* DSM Based Orientation of Large Stereo Satellite Image Blocks
* Dsm Extraction And Evaluation From Geoeye-1 Stereo Imagery
* DSP Embedded Smart Surveillance Sensor with Robust SWAD-Based Tracker
* DTM Cross Validation and Merging: Problems and Solutions for a Case Study Within the Heli-DEM Project
* Dual Method for Constructing Multi-material Solids from Ray-reps, A
* Duplicate-Search-Based Image Annotation Using Web-Scale Data
* Dynamic Concrete Beam Deformation Measuremnet With 3d Range Cameras
* Dynamic Modeling of Driver Control Strategy of Lane-Change Behavior and Trajectory Planning for Collision Prediction
* Dynamic near-term traffic flow prediction: systemoriented approach based on past experiences
* Dynamic Textures Segmentation with GPU
* Dynamical analysis of fractional order Uçar prototype delayed system
* Dynamical SVM for Time Series Classification
* E-learning Applications for Urban Modelling and OGC Standards Using Html5 Capabilities
* E-learning: Best Practice In Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing And Gis - Status And Challenges
* Early Visual Processing for Pattern Recognition in Natural Environments
* Earth Observation Data Interoperability Arrangement With Ontology Registry
* Earth Observation Technology Cluster, The
* Edge Detection and Smoothing-filter of Volumetric Data
* Edge Feature Matching of Remote Sensing Images Via Parameter Decomposition of Affine Transformation Model
* Edge-based Registration for Airborne Imagery and Lidar Data
* Eduserv: The Education Service of Eurosdr: Sharing Experience for Capacity Building
* effect of a new intercity expressway based on travel time reliability using electronic toll collection data, The
* Effect of Display Technology on the Crosstalk Perception in Stereoscopic Video Content
* efficient 3D face recognition approach based on the fusion of novel local low-level features, An
* Efficient Algorithm for Nonconvex Minimization and Its Application to PM Regularization
* Efficient Algorithm For The Convex Hull Of Planar Scattered Point Set, An
* Efficient and Globally Optimal Multi View Dense Matching for Aerial Images
* Efficient computation of 3D Morse-Smale complexes and persistent homology using discrete Morse theory
* Efficient Euclidean distance transform algorithm of binary images in arbitrary dimensions
* Efficient Extraction Method of the Change of Buildings for Fixed Property Investigation
* Efficient HIK SVM Learning for Image Classification
* efficient illumination invariant face recognition framework via illumination enhancement and DD-DTWT filtering, An
* efficient matrix factorization based low-rank representation for subspace clustering, An
* Efficient Reconstruction of Large Unordered Image Datasets for High Accuracy Photogrammetric Applications
* Efficient Scale and Rotation Invariant Object Detection Based on HOGs and Evolutionary Optimization Techniques
* Ego-motion Estimation Using Rectified Stereo and Bilateral Transfer Function
* Embedding Retrieval of Articulated Geometry Models
* Empirical Accuracy Assessment of MMS Laser Point Clouds
* empirical comparison of real-time dense stereo approaches for use in the automotive environment, An
* Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis for Visual Stylometry
* Enhancing the Performance of Adaboost Algorithms by Introducing a Frequency Counting Factor for Weight Distribution Updating
* Entities and Features for Classifcation of Airborne Laser Scanning Data In Urban Area
* Entropy Based Supervised Merging for Visual Categorization
* Environmental Changes Analysis In Bucharest City Using Corona, Spot Hrv And Ikonos Images
* Error Distribution Evaluation of The Third Vanishing Point Based On Random Statistical Simulation
* Establishing Crop Productivity Using Radarsat-2
* Estimating Biochemical Parameters Of Tea (camellia Sinensis (l.)) Using Hyperspectral Techniques
* Estimating Mixed Broadleaves Forest Stand Volume Using DSM Extracted From Digital Aerial Images
* Estimation and Prediction of the Vehicle's Motion Based on Visual Odometry and Kalman Filter
* Estimation of Camera Extrinsic Parameters of Indoor Omni-Directional Images Acquired by a Rotating Line Camera
* Estimation Of Radiometric Calibration Coefficients Of Egyptsat-1 Sensor
* Estimation of Rapidly Time-Varying Harmonic Noise for Speech Enhancement
* Estimation Of The Accuracy of the SRTM Terrain Model on the Area of Poland
* Estimation of the Repeat-Pass ALOS PALSAR Interferometric Baseline Through Direct Least-Square Ellipse Fitting
* Estimation Of Tree Stem Attributes Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry
* Estimation Of Vegetation Height Through Satellite Image Texture Analysis
* European Snow Cover Characteristics between 2000 and 2011 Derived from Improved MODIS Daily Snow Cover Products
* Evaluatin Of Potential Slope Failure Of Forest Roads Using Artificial Neural Network and GIS, The
* Evaluating Photogrammetric Approach of Image-Based Positioning
* Evaluating The Consistency Of Remote Sensing Based Snow Depth Products In Arid Zone Of Western China
* Evaluating the Effects of MJPEG Compression on Motion Tracking in Metro Railway Surveillance
* Evaluating The Novel Methods On Species Distribution Modeling In Complex Forest
* Evaluating Three Interface Technologies In Assisting Pedestrians' Spatial Knowledge Acquisition
* Evaluation and Development of E-learning Tools and Methods In Digital Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing for Non Experts From Academia And Industry
* Evaluation and Selection of Morphological Procedures for Automatic Detection of Micro-calcifications in Mammography Images
* Evaluation Of Area-based Image Matching Applied To DTM Generation With Hirise Images
* Evaluation of Aster GDEM V.2 Using GPS Checkpoints, OSGB DEM Values and Photogammetrically Derived DEMS
* Evaluation of Aster GDEM Ver2 Using GPS Measurements and SRTM Ver4.1 in China
* Evaluation of ASTER GDEM2 in Comparison with GDEM1, SRTM DEM and Topographic-Map-Derived DEM Using Inundation Area Analysis and RTK-dGPS Data
* Evaluation Of Aster Images For Characterization And Mapping Of Amethyst Mining Residues
* Evaluation Of Catrosat 1pan Stereo And Resourcesat Liss 4 Mss Merged Data For Morphometric Analysis, Delineation Of Drainage Basins And Codification In Tamil Nadu, India And Australia
* Evaluation of Correction Methods of Chromatic Aberration In Digital Camera Images
* Evaluation of Elevation, Slope and Stream Network Quality of Spot DEMS
* Evaluation of Feature Learning Methods for High Resolution Image Classification, An
* Evaluation of Filters for Envisat ASAR Speckle Suppression in Pasture Area
* Evaluation of Open Source Physics Engines for Use in Virtual Reality Assembly Simulations, An
* Evaluation of Penalty Functions for Semi-global Matching Cost Aggregation
* Evaluation of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Rice Growth Monitoring
* Evaluation Of Wheat Growth Monitoring Methods Based On Hyperspectral Data Of Later Grain Filling And Heading Stages In Western Australia
* Evaluative Review of Simulated Dynamic Smart 3d Objects, An
* Event-driven Observations And Comprehensive Evaluation For Natural Disaster Assessment In China
* Experimental Evaluation of LIDAR Data Visualization Schemes
* Exploiting 3d Digital Representations of Ancient Inscriptions to Identify Their Writer
* Exploring Climate Change Effects On Watershed Sediment Yield And Land Cover-based Mitigation Measures Using Swat Model, Rs And Gis: Case Of Cagayan River Basin, Philippines
* Exploring the Application of Volunteered Geographic Information to Catchment Management: A Survey Approach
* Exploring The Moon With The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
* Exploring Weak and Overlapped Returns of a Lidar Waveform with a Wavelet-Based Echo Detector
* Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm for High-Resolution Highly Squint SAR Data Focusing
* extensive comparative study of cluster validity indices, An
* Extracting Precise and Affordable Dems Despite of the Clouds. Ajax: The Joining Of Radar And Optical Strengths
* Extracting Semantic Building Models From Aerial Stereo Images And Conversion To Citygml
* Extracting Temporal And Spatial Distributions Information About Algal Blooms Based On Multitemporal Modis
* Extracting Understandable 3D Object Groups with Multiple Similarity Metrics
* Extraction of Benthic Cover Information From Video Tows and Photographs Using Object-based Image Analysis
* Extraction Of Forest Stands Parameters From Aster Data In Open Forest
* Extraction of Spatial Parameters From Classified Lidar Data and Aerial Photograph for Sound Modeling
* Extraction of Stationary Spectral Components Using Stochastic Variability
* Extraction Of Vineyards Out Of Aerial Ortho-image Using Texture Information
* Eye Localization Using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform
* Face colour synthesis using partial least squares and the luminance-alpha-colour transform
* Face Recognition: Would Going Back to Functional Nature Be a Good Idea?
* Facial Analytics: From Big Data to Law Enforcement
* Facial Expression Recognition via Sparse Representation
* Facilitated Gesture Recognition Based Interfaces for People with Upper Extremity Physical Impairments
* Facilitating Integrated Spatio-temporal Visualization and Analysis Of Heterogeneous Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Research Data
* Fairness-oriented multi-stream rate adaptation using scalable video coding
* Fast and Accurate Human Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted MS-LBP Features
* Fast Higher-Order MR Image Reconstruction Using Singular-Vector Separation
* Fast Illustrative Visualization of Fiber Tracts
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Using the Angle of the Pixel Differences along the Horizontal and Vertical Direction for H.264/avc
* Fast Matching Approach of Polygon Features, A
* Fast Mean-shift Based Classification Of Very High Resolution Images: Application To Forest Cover Mapping
* Fast Method for Segmenting Images with Additive Intensity Value, A
* fast multi-scale covariance descriptor for object re-identification, A
* Fast Non-parametric Action Recognition
* Fast Occlusion And Shadow Detection For High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Combined With Lidar Point Cloud
* Fast person re-identification based on dissimilarity representations
* Fast Power Line Detection and Localization Using Steerable Filter For Active Uav Guidance
* Fast Recursive Computation of 3D Geometric Moments from Surface Meshes
* Fast Tracking Algorithm with Borders 1-D Histogram Correlation
* fast tri-factorization method for low-rank matrix recovery and completion, A
* Fatal Flaws: Uncertainty in the Interpretation of Colour in CCTV Images
* Feasibility to Detect Signs of Potential CO2 Leakage with Multi-Temporal Spot Satellite Vegetation Imagery in Otway, Victoria
* Feature Analysis for Multi-Window Matching
* Feature Evaluation For Building Facade Images: An Empirical Study
* Feature Extraction and Classification for Insect Footprint Recognition
* Feature Modelling of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Considering Spatial Autocorrelation
* Feature Positioning On Google Street View Panoramas
* Feature Selection by Relevance Analysis for Abandoned Object Classification
* Feature-based Digital Watermarking for Remote Sensing Images
* Feature-based Multi-video Synchronization with Subframe Accuracy
* Features of the Geodetic Reference of Satellite Images, The
* Field Ground Truthing Data Collector: A Mobile Toolkit For Image Analysis And Processing
* Filtering in the Diffeomorphism Group and the Registration of Point Sets
* Finding Cuboid-based Building Models In Point Clouds
* Finding Edges by a Contrario Detection of Periodic Subsequences
* Finding Landmarks in the Functional Brain using Feature Reduction and Alignment Techniques
* Finite Rank Series Modeling for Discrimination of Non-stationary Signals
* Fitting the Multitemporal Curve: A Fourier Series Approach to the Missing Data Problem in Remote Sensing Analysis
* Flow Equilibrium Under Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Signal Control: An Illustration of Pretimed and Actuated Signal Control Policies
* Fluorescent Analysis of Photosynthetic Microbes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Linked To Optical Remote Sensing
* Fmfinder: Search and Filter Your Favorite Songs
* Focal Liver Lesion Tracking in Ceus for Characterisation Based on Dynamic Behaviour
* Forest Disturbance Leads To The Rapid Spread Of The Invasive Leucaena Leucocephala In Taiwan
* Forest Resource Management System By Standing Tree Volume Estimation Using Aerial Stereo Photos
* Forest Resources Study In Mongolia Using Advanced Spatial Technologies
* Formal Language Modeling and Simulations of Incident Management
* Four Methods for LIDAR Retrieval of Microscale Wind Fields
* Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition Algorithm with Rotation of Covariance Matrix Using ALOS-PALSAR Polarimetric Data
* Four-point-algorithm for the recovery of the pose of a one-dimensional camera with unknown focal length
* fractional calculus approach for the evaluation of the golf lip-out, A
* Fractional calculus approach to the acoustic wave propagation with space-dependent sound speed
* Fractional calculus in 13C separation column control
* Fractional Fourier transforms of hypercomplex signals
* Fractional reset control
* Fractional-order simulation tool for the brainstem vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
* Fragile Bits in Palmprint Recognition
* Frame Cache Management for Multi-frame Rate Systems
* Framework for Classifier Adaptation for Large-Scale Multimedia Data, A
* Framework For Online Spatio-temporal Data Visualization Based On HTML5, A
* Framework for Robust Online Video Contrast Enhancement Using Modularity Optimization, A
* Framework for User Tests in a Virtual Environment, A
* From Geometry to Diagnosis: Experiences of Geomatics in Structural Engineering
* From Image Contours To Pixels
* From Point Cloud To 3d Model, Modelling Methods Based On Architectural Knowledge Applied To Fortress Of ChÂtel-sur-Moselle (France)
* Full Multiresolution Active Shape Models
* Full Waveform Active Hyperspectral Lidar
* Full Waveform Lidar Exploitation Technique And Its Evaluation In The Mixed Forest Hilly Region
* Fully Automated Generation of Accurate Digital Surface Models With Sub-meter Resolution From Satellite Imagery
* Fully Automated Image Orientation in the Absence of Targets
* Function Field Analysis for the Visualization of Flow Similarity in Time-varying Vector Fields
* Functional Imaging of Tendon
* fundamental theory of optimal Anti-Bayesian parametric pattern classification using order statistics criteria, The
* Fusing Low-resolution Depth Maps into High-resolution Stereo Matching
* Fusing Passive And Active Sensed Images To Gain Infrared-Textured 3D Models
* Fusion Of Active And Passive Microwave Observations To Create An Essential Climate Variable Data Record On Soil Moisture
* Fusion of Airborne and Terrestrial Image-based 3D Modelling for Road Infrastructure Management: Vision and First Experiments
* Fusion of electrocardiogram with unobtrusive biometrics: An efficient individual authentication system
* Fusion of Local and Global Descriptors for Content-based Image and Video Retrieval
* Fusion Of Multi Precursors Earthquake Parameters To Estimate The Date, Magnitude And Affected Area Of The Forthcoming Powerful Earthquakes
* Fusion Of Optical Data and SAR Data for the Estimation of Nitrogen Concentration in Pearl River Estuary Hong Kong Seas, China
* Future Spaceborne Hyperspectral Imager Enmap: Its In-flight Radiometric And Geometric Calibration Concept, The
* Fuzzy Connectedness Image Segmentation in Graph Cut Formulation: A Linear-Time Algorithm and a Comparative Analysis
* Fuzzy spatial constraints and ranked partitioned sampling approach for multiple object tracking
* Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured image denoising
* Gait Recognition Based on Normalized Walk Cycles
* Game-Theoretic Framework for Landmark-Based Image Segmentation, A
* Gap Filling In Road Extraction Using Radon Transformation
* Gaussian Mixture Background Modelling Optimisation for Micro-controllers
* Gaussian Selection for Speaker Recognition Using Cumulative Vectors
* Gaze Fixation System for the Evaluation of Driver Distractions Induced by IVIS
* Gaze-dependent Ambient Occlusion
* Gender Classification in Large Databases
* Gender Recognition from Face Images with Dyadic Wavelet Transform and Local Binary Pattern
* General Mathematical Model of Least Squares 3D Surface Matching and Its Application of Strip Adjustment
* Generalisation of Submarine Features On Nautical Charts
* Generalized EM-Type Reconstruction Algorithms for Emission Tomography
* Generalized Statistical Complexity of SAR Imagery
* Generating optimal drawings of physically realizable symbol maps with integer programming
* Generation Of High Resolution And High Precision Orthorectified Road Imagery From Mobile Mapping System
* Generation of the Australian Geographic Reference Image Through Long-Strip Alos Prism Orientation
* Generative 2d and 3d Human Pose Estimation with Vote Distributions
* Genre identification for office document search and browsing
* Geo-visual Analytics Approach To Biological Shepherding: Modelling Animal Movements And Impacts, A
* Geographical Information Analysis Of Tsunami Flooded Area By The Great East Japan Earthquake Using Mobile Mapping System
* Geometric Correction Model Based On Areal Features For Multisource Images Rectification, The
* Geometric Moments and Their Invariants
* Geometric Properties of A Mechanical Forward Motion Compensation System Controlled By A Piezoelectric Drive
* Geometrical Adjustment Towards The Alignment of Vector Databases
* Geometrical Correlation And Matching Of 2d Image Shapes
* Geospatial Data Integration For Assessing Landslide Hazard On Engineered Slopes
* Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real-time Status Monitoring, A
* Geostatistical Analysis of Surface Temperature and in-situ Soil Moisture Using Lst Time-series From Modis
* Gestalt Grouping On Façade Textures From IR Image Sequences: Comparing Different Production Systems
* GIS-based Multi-criteria Evaluation System For Selection Of Landfill Sites: a case study from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, A
* GIS-Based Spatial Statistical Analysis of College Graduates Employment
* Glacier Surface Monitoring By Maximizing Mutual Information
* Global Burned Area Mapping From European Satellites: The Esa Fire_cci Project
* Global Land Cover Classification Using Modis Surface Reflectance Products
* Global Mapping Project: Applications and Development of Version 2 Dataset
* Global Monitoring For Food Security And Sustainable Land Management - Recent Advances Of Remote Sensing Applications To African And Siberian Show Cases
* Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry as a Remote Sensing Tool for Agriculture
* Global Tandem-X DEM: Production Status and First Validation Results, The
* Google Maps For Crowdsourced Emergency Routing
* GPU Optimization of Convolution for Large 3-D Real Images
* GPU-based Multi-resolution Image Analysis for Synthesis of Tileable Textures
* GPU-Based Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Generating Daily Activity Plans, A
* Gradual Iris Code Construction from Close-Up Eye Video
* Graph-based Urban Land Use Mapping From High Resolution Satellite Images
* Ground Object Recognition Using Combined High Resolution Airborne Images and DSM
* Ground-based Cloud Observation For Satellite-based Cloud Discrimination And Its Validation
* Groupwise Shape Registration Based on Entropy Minimization
* Guest Editorial: Scenes, Images and Objects
* Guided Sampling in Multiple View Robust Motion Estimation Using Regression Diagnostics
* Gullies, Google Earth And The Great Barrier Reef: A Remote Sensing Methodology For Mapping Gullies Over Extensive Areas
* H.264/SVC vs. H.264/AVC video quality comparison under QoE-driven seamless handoff
* Haiti Earthquake Damage Assessment: Review Of The Remote Sensing Role
* Hand Posture Classification by Means of a New Contour Signature
* Hand Posture Recognition with Multiview Descriptors
* Hand Shape and 3d Pose Estimation Using Depth Data from a Single Cluttered Frame
* Hardware Implementation of a Configurable Motion Estimator for Adjusting the Video Coding Performances
* Hardware-Independent Colour Calibration Technique, A
* Hardware/software Co-design for Real Time Embedded Image Processing: A Case Study
* HBF49 feature set: A first unified baseline for online symbol recognition
* Helmet presence classification with motorcycle detection and tracking
* Hierarchical Algorithm in DTM Generation And Automatic Extraction Of Road From Lidar Data
* Hierarchical Classification of Polarimetric SAR Image Based on Statistical Region Merging
* Hierarchical Elastic Graph Matching for Hand Gesture Recognition
* Hierarchical Matching of Uncertain Building Models with Oblique View Airborne IR Image Sequences
* hierarchical method combining gait and phase of motion with spatiotemporal model for person re-identification, A
* Hierarchical Optimization Model On Geonetwork
* Hierarchical Visualization of BGP Routing Changes Using Entropy Measures
* Hierarchies and Climbing Energies
* Hierarchy in Anatomical Brain Networks Derived from Diffusion Weighted Images in 64 and 15 Directions
* Hierarchy of Localized Random Forests for Video Annotation
* High Performance Photogrammetric Processing On Computer Clusters
* High Precision Texture Reconstruction For 3d Sculpture Model
* High Resolution 3D Modeling of the Behaim Globe
* High Resolution Airborne Shallow Water Mapping
* High Resolution Deformation Time Series Estimation For Distributed Scatterers Using Terrasar-x Data
* High Resolution Survey of Phaistos Palace (Crete) By TLS and Terrestrial Photogrammetry
* High Temporal Frequency Biophysical And Structural Vegetation Information From Multiple Remote Sensing Sensors Can Support Modelling Of Event Based Hillslope Erosion In Queensland
* High-Order Regularized Regression in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* High-Precision DEM Production for Spaceborne Stereo SAR Images Based on Sift Matching and Region-Based Least Squares Matching
* High-resolution Surface Reconstruction From Imagery For Close Range Cultural Heritage Applications
* Higher Education in Balkan Region and Its Contribution to the Earth Observation
* Higher Rank Support Tensor Machines
* Histogram-based Motion Segmentation and Characterisation of Focal Liver Lesions in CEUS
* Housediff: A Map-based Building Change Detection From High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Geometric Optimization Method
* How Well Do Filter-Based MRFs Model Natural Images?
* Huaihe Basin Water Resource And Water Quality Management Platform Implemented With A Spatio-temporal Data Model, The
* Human Activity Recognition by Class Label LLE
* Human Activity Recognition with 2d and 3d Cameras
* Human Body Orientation Estimation in Multiview Scenarios
* Human Gait Identification Using Persistent Homology
* Human Identification Using Temporal Information Preserving Gait Template
* Human Pose Co-Estimation and Applications
* Human Relative Position Detection Based on Mutual Occlusion
* Human-computer Interface Using Facial Gestures for the Game of Truco, An
* Hybrid Algorithm for Procedural Generation of Virtual Scene Components, The
* Hybrid of Principal Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares for Face Recognition across Pose, A
* Hybrid Pull-push System for Near Real-time Notifications On Sensor Web, A
* Hydrologic And Feature-based Surface Analysis For Tool Mark Investigation On Archaeological Finds
* Hydrologic Modelling Of Katsina-ala River Basin: An Emerging Scenario From Lake Nyos Threat
* Hydroperiod Classification Of Cervantes Coolimba Coastal Wetlands Using Landsat Time Series Imagery
* Hyperspectral Analysis Of Rice Phenological Stages In Northeast China
* Hyperspectral Data Classification Using Factor Graphs
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising with Cubic Total Variation Model
* Hyperspectral Reflectance Signatures and Point Clouds for Precision Agriculture by light Weight UAV Imaging System
* ICA with Reconstruction Cost for Efficient Overcomplete Feature Learning
* Identification and classification of microaneurysms for early detection of diabetic retinopathy
* Identification of atrophy patterns in Alzheimer's disease based on SVM feature selection and anatomical parcellation
* Identification Of Geomorphic Signatures Of Neotectonic Activity Using Dem In The Precambrian Terrain Of Western Ghats, India
* Identification Of Land Cover In The Past Using Infrared Images At Present
* Identifying Building Change Using High Resolution Point Clouds: An Object-based Approach
* Identifying Standing Dead Trees In Forest Areas Based On 3d Single Tree Detection From Full Waveform Lidar Data
* Identifying Virus-Cell Fusion in Two-Channel Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences Based on a Layered Probabilistic Approach
* Illumination Normalization for Sift Based Finger Vein Authentication
* Image Acquisition Constraints for Panoramic Frame Camera Imaging
* Image Change Detection Using Paradoxical Theory for Patient Follow-Up Quantitation and Therapy Assessment
* Image Classification Using Frequent Approximate Subgraphs
* Image Completion Optimised for Realistic Simulations of Wound Development
* Image Fusion Applied To Satellite Imagery For The Improved Mapping And Monitoring Of Coral Reefs: A Proposal
* Image Interpretation Of Coastal Areas
* Image quality assessment based on edge preservation
* Image Reconstruction From Highly Undersampled (k,t)-Space Data With Joint Partial Separability and Sparsity Constraints
* Image Registration Using Terrain Relief Correction Based On The Rigorous Sensor Models
* Image Retrieval Using Low Level Features of Object Regions with Application to Partially Occluded Images
* Image To Point Cloud Method of 3d-modeling
* Image-based 3d Reconstruction And Analysis For Orthodontia
* Image-based Deformation Monitoring Of Statically And Dynamically Loaded Beams
* Image-Based Navigation of Forest Harvesters
* Image-based Topography Reconstruction by Minimizing the Reprojection-Error over a Surface
* Imaging a Sustainable Future in 3D
* Imaging Below Irregular Terrain Using RF Tomography
* Impact Assessment of Watershed In Desert Region
* Impact Of Different Topographic Corrections On Prediction Accuracy Of Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) in a Topographically Complex Terrain
* Impact of Model Shape Mismatch on Reconstruction Quality in Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Impact of no GCP on elevation extraction from WorldView stereo data
* Impact of the AtatÜrk Dam Lake On Agro-meteorological Aspects of the Southeastern Anatolia Region Using Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis
* Impact of Unfocused Vickers Indentation Images on the Segmentation Performance, The
* Implementation and Analysis of Jpeg2000 System on a Chip
* Implementation And Evaluation Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On Integrated Range And Intensity Images For Traffic Signs Localization
* Implementation And Evaluation Of A Mobile Mapping System Based On Integrated Range And Intensity Images For Traffic Signs Localization
* Implementation Of An Agricultural Environmental Information System (aeis) For The Sanjiang Plain, Ne-china
* Implementation of The Distributed Parallel Program for Geoid Heights Computation Using MPI and Openmp
* Implementation Of Zoom-dependent Camera Calibration In Close-range Photogrammetry
* Implementing An Adaptive Approach For Dense Stereo-matching
* Implicit Regularization For 3d Building Rooftop Modeling Using Airborne Lidar Data, An
* Implicit Shape Models for Object Detection In 3d Point Clouds
* Implicitly Weighted Methods in Robust Image Analysis
* Important of TOPONYM in the Middle of Maps and Imagery for Disaster Management, The
* Improved Algorithm Used In Automatic Matching for Low-altitude Aerial Image, An
* Improved B-Picture Coding Scheme for Next Generation Video Compression
* Improved High Frequency Modulating Fusion Method Based On Modulation Transfer Function Filters, An
* Improved HSI Color Space for Color Image Segmentation
* Improved Multi-class Spectral Clustering Based on Normalized Cuts, An
* Improved Multiband-Structured Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithm, An
* Improvement Of Thermal Estimation At Land Cover Boundary By Using Quantile
* Improving 3D Lidar Point Cloud Registration Using Optimal Neighborhood Knowledge
* Improving Convergence of Restricted Boltzmann Machines via a Learning Adaptive Step Size
* Improving Hidden Markov Model Inferences With Private Data From Multiple Observers
* Improving HOG with Image Segmentation: Application to Human Detection
* Improving Image Acquisition: A Fish-Inspired Solution
* Improving Markov Random Field Based Super Resolution Mapping Through Fuzzy Parameter Integration
* Improving Spider Recognition Based on Biometric Web Analysis
* In Situ Measurement of Bedrock Erosion
* In-database Raster Analytics: Map Algebra and Parallel Processing In Oracle Spatial Georaster
* In-flight Geometric Calibration of The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera
* Incorporating Load Balancing Spatial Analysis into XML-Based Webgis
* Increase Of Readability And Accuracy Of 3d Models Using Fusion Of Close Range Photogrammetry And Laser Scanning
* Increasing Robustness of Postclassification Change Detection Using Time Series of Land Cover Maps
* Incremental Import Vector Machines for Classifying Hyperspectral Data
* Indexing Large Online Multimedia Repositories Using Semantic Expansion and Visual Analysis
* Indexing of Satellite Images of Different Spatial Resolutions Using Multi Features
* Infant Cry Classification Using Genetic Selection of a Fuzzy Model
* Influence Of Spectral Wavelength On The Quality Of Pansharpened Image Simulated Using Hyperspectral Data, The
* Influence of Surface Topography on ICESat/GLAS Forest Height Estimation and Waveform Shape
* Information Fusion in the Redundant-Wavelet-Transform Domain for Noise-Robust Hyperspectral Classification
* Information Management Systems For Monitoring And Documenting World Heritage: The Silk Roads Chris
* Information Theoretic Clustering Using Minimum Spanning Trees
* Information-Gain View Planning for Free-Form Object Reconstruction with a 3D ToF Camera
* Initialization of Model-based Camera Tracking with Analysis-by-Synthesis
* Innovation Approach for Developing a 3D Model by Registering A Mono Image on a DTM, An
* Insar Atmospheric Delay Migitigation By GPS; Case Study Izmit Eartquake Interferograms
* Insar Of Aquatic Bodies
* Inshape: In-situ Shape-based Interactive Multiple-view Exploration of Diffusion MRI Visualizations
* InstanceRank based on borders for instance selection
* Integer Linear Programming Approach for Radio-Based Localization of Shipping Containers in the Presence of Incomplete Proximity Information, An
* Integrate tool for online analysis and offline mining of people trajectories
* Integrated Fusion Method For Multiple Temporal-spatial-spectral Images
* Integrated Georeferencing Of Stereo Image Sequences Captured With A Stereovision Mobile Mapping System: Approaches And Practical Results
* Integrated Management of Heterogeneous Geodata With A Hybrid 3d Geoinformation System
* Integrated Spatial Indexing of Huge Point Image Model, An
* Integrated Traffic and Communication Performance Evaluation of an Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) System for Online Travel-Time Prediction
* Integrated Web-based 3d Modeling And Visualization Platform To Support Sustainable Cities, An
* Integrating Binary Mask Estimation With MRF Priors of Cochleagram for Speech Separation
* Integrating Instance Selection, Instance Weighting, and Feature Weighting for Nearest Neighbor Classifiers by Coevolutionary Algorithms
* Integration Of Genetic Algorithms And Fuzzy Logic For Urban Growth Modeling
* Integration of Video Images and CAD Wireframes for 3d Object Localization
* Integrity and Continuity for Automated Surface Conflict-Detection Monitoring
* Intensity and Range Image Based Features for Object Detection In Mobile Mapping Data
* Intention, Context and Gesture Recognition for Sterile MRI Navigation in the Operating Room
* interactive 3D video system for human facial reconstruction and expression modeling, An
* Interactive Control of Mesh Topology in Quadrilateral Mesh Generation Based on 2d Tensor Fields
* Interactive Labeling of Image Segmentation Hierarchies
* Interactive Lesion Segmentation with Shape Priors From Offline and Online Learning
* Interactive Tool for Analysis and Optimization of Texture Parameters in Photorealistic Virtual 3D Models, An
* Intercomparison Of Passive Terrestrial Remote Sensing Technologies to Derive LAI and Canopy Cover Metrics, An
* Interior Orientation Error Modelling And Correction For Precise Georeferencing Of Satellite Imagery
* International Summer Student Seminar (3s), From Idea To Realization
* Interpolation of Reference Images in Sparse Dictionary for Global Image Registration
* Intrinsic Dimensionality of Attractiveness: A Study in Face Profiles, The
* Introducing A Low-cost Mini-uav For Thermal- And Multispectral-imaging
* Introducing the fractional-order Darwinian PSO
* Introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines, An
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2011 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Investigating the Capability of IRS-P6-LISS IV Satellite Image for Pistachio Forests Density Mapping (case Study: Northeast Of Iran)
* Investigating The Dynamics of Wandoo Crown Decline With Time Series Landsat Imagery
* Investigation Of Automatic Change Detection For Topographic Map Updating, An
* Investigation of Local Effects on Surface Warming with Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), An
* Investigations on a Combined RGB/Time-of-flight Approach for Close Range Applications
* INVIS: integrated night vision surveillance and observation system
* IPS: A System for Real-time Navigation and 3d Modeling
* Iranian National Geodata Revision Strategy And Realization Based On Geodatabase, The
* Iris Recognition in Image Domain: Quality-metric Based Comparators
* Isotropic Kernels for Two-Dimensional Image Interpolation
* ISPRS Benchmark On Urban Object Classification And 3d Building Reconstruction, The
* ISPRS Student Consortium: The Network Of Youth In Geoinformation Society
* Issues And Challenges In Geomatics Education In Haryana State, India
* Iterative Determination of Camera Pose From Line Features
* Iterative Terrain Recovery Approach to Automated DTM Generation from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds, An
* Jigsaw: The Isis3 Bundle Adjustment For Extraterrestrial Photogrammetry
* Joint CFO and Channel Estimation for Asynchronous Cooperative Communication Systems
* Joint filtering estimation of Stokes vector images based on a nonlocal means approach
* Joint Optimization for Object Class Segmentation and Dense Stereo Reconstruction
* Joint Pixel and Region Based Multiscale Markov Random Field for Image Classification, A
* JPSearch: Metadata Interoperability During Image Exchange
* Kal-Haiti: A Research Database For Risks Management And Sustainable Reconstruction In Haiti
* Kernel Similarity Based AAMs for Face Recognition
* Kernel-composition For Change Detection In Medium Resolution Remote Sensing Data
* Keypoint Detection Based on the Unimodality Test of HOGs
* Kilimanjaro Ice Cliff Monitoring With Close Range Photogrammetry
* Kinect-Based Real-Time RGB-D Image Fusion Method
* Kinetic Algorithms For Harbour Management
* Kml-based Approach for Distributed Collaborative Interpretation Of Remote Sensing Images In The Geo-browser, A
* Knot Detection in X-Ray CT Images of Wood
* Knowledge-based Object Detection In Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* L1 norm based KPCA for novelty detection
* Laboratory Flume Experiment with a Coded Structured Light System
* Lagrangian multipliers and split Bregman methods for minimization problems constrained on S^(n-1)
* Land Cover Change Knowledge Representation Using Temporal Logic And Operation Relations
* Land Cover Classification of Multi-sensor Images by Decision Fusion Using Weights of Evidence Model
* Land Cover Information Extraction Using Lidar Data
* Land Survey From Unmaned Aerial Veichle
* Landsafe: Landing Site Risk Analysis Software Framework
* Landscape Visualisation on the Internet
* Landslide Monitoring Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner: Georeferencing And Canopy Filtering Issues In A Case Study
* Large Area Land Cover Classification With Landsat Etm+ Images Based On Decision Tree
* Large Scale Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Patch Hashing
* Laser Scanner Survey To Cultural Heritage Conservation And Restoration
* Learning A Compositional Representation For Facade Object Categorization
* Learning Approach Towards Detection and Tracking of Lane Markings, A
* Learning Image Similarity from Flickr Groups Using Fast Kernel Machines
* Learning the Relative Importance of Objects from Tagged Images for Retrieval and Cross-Modal Search
* Legion Sementation For Building Extraction From Lidar Based Dsm Data
* Legume Identification by Leaf Vein Images Classification
* Librjmcmc: An Open-source Generic C++ Library For Stochastic Optimization
* LIDAR and VHRS Data for Assessing Living Quality in Cities: An Approach Based on 3D Spatial Indices
* Lidar Waveform Simulation Over Complex Targets
* Line Matching Using Appearance Similarities and Geometric Constraints
* Line-based 3d Roof Model Reconstruction Algorithm: Tin-Merging and Reshaping (TMR), A
* Line-based Multi-image Matching For Façade Reconstruction
* LinkFCM: Relation integrated fuzzy c-means
* Local Alignment of Gradient Features for Face Sketch Recognition
* Local phase quantization for blur-insensitive image analysis
* Local similarity measures for lesion registration in DCE-MRI of the breast
* Location based abstraction of user generated mobile videos
* Location Determination In Urban Environment from Image Sequences
* Location-tracking Testbed Using Vision-assisted Scheme For Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Loop Reversal Rule in Block Diagram and Signal Flow Graph Manipulation
* Lossless and Sufficient Psi-Invariant Decomposition of Random Reciprocal Target
* Low Backscattering Targets Classification In Urban Areas, The
* Low-Complexity Spectrum Shaping for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Systems
* Low-cost Optical Camera System for Disaster Monitoring
* Low-cost, Ultra-high Spatial And Temporal Resolution Mapping Of Intertidal Rock Platforms
* Low-Dose X-ray CT Reconstruction via Dictionary Learning
* LS-SVM based image segmentation using color and texture information
* Lunar Cartography: Progress In The 2000s And Prospects For The 2010s
* L_p Norm Localized Multiple Kernel Learning via Semi-Definite Programming
* M-VIVIE: A multi-thread video indexer via identity extraction
* Machine Vision Moves into Traffic: Part II
* Making a Shallow Network Deep: Conversion of a Boosting Classifier into a Decision Tree by Boolean Optimisation
* Manhole Cover Detection Using Vehicle-based Multi-sensor Data
* Manifold-Manifold Distance and its Application to Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Mapping Crop Status From An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle For Precision Agriculture Applications
* Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba imagery using multiple endmember unmixing
* Mapping Major Cropping Patterns In Southeast Asia From Modis Data Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks
* Mapping The Risks of Malaria, Dengue and Influenza Using Satellite Data
* Mapping The Wetland Vegetation Communities Of The Australian Great Artesian Basin Springs Using Sam, Mtmf And Spectrally Segmented Pca Hyperspectral Analyses
* Mapping Thermal Habitat Of Ectotherms Based On Behavioral Thermoregulation In A Controlled Thermal Environment
* Maritime Traffic Monitoring Based on Vessel Detection, Tracking, State Estimation, and Trajectory Prediction
* Marked Point Process Model For Vehicle Detection In Aerial Lidar Point Clouds, A
* Mass Detection in Digital Mammograms Using Optimized Gabor Filter Bank
* Matching Persistent Scatterers To Buildings
* Mathematical statistics and computer vision
* Maximum Entropy Model Of The Bearded Capuchin Monkey Habitat Incorporating Topography And Spectral Unmixing Analysis, A
* Mean Boundary Curve of Anatomical Objects, The
* Mean Field for Continuous High-order MRFs
* Measurement of Large-scale Solar Power Plant by Using Images Acquired by Non-metric Digital Camera on Board UAV
* Measuring the Objectness of Image Windows
* Measuring The Particulate Backscattering Of Inland Waters: A Comparison Of Techniques
* Medium-format Cameras and Their Use In Topographic Mapping
* Memory Efficient Semi-Global Matching
* method for clipping splats on sharp edges and corners, A
* Method for Reducing the Cardinality of the Pareto Front, A
* Method For Stereo Mapping Based On Objectarx And Pipeline Technology
* Method for The Registration of Hemispherical Photographs and TLS Intensity Images, A
* Method For True Orthophoto Generation Based On Projection And Iteration Strategy, A
* Method Of 3d Measurement And Reconstruction For Cultural Relics In Museums, A
* Method To Obtain Position Using GNSS and RFID for Realization of Indoor and Outdoor Seamless Positioning, The
* Methodological Approach for Estimating Temporal and Spatial Extent of Delays Caused by Freeway Accidents, A
* Methodology For Landslide Monitoring In A Road Cut By Means Of Terrestrial Laser-scanning Techniques
* Methods for Approximating Loop Subdivision Using Tessellation Enabled GPUs
* Methods For Multitemporal Analysis Of Satellite Data Aimed At Environmental Risk Monitoring
* Microsoft Global Ortho Program, The
* Microvasculature Segmentation of Co-Registered Retinal Angiogram Sequences
* MIFT: A framework for feature descriptors to be mirror reflection invariant
* Min-cut Based Segmentation of Airborne Lidar Point Clouds
* Minimal Solution for the Extrinsic Calibration of a Camera and a Laser-Rangefinder, A
* Minimum-Distortion Isometric Shape Correspondence Using EM Algorithm
* Misalignment Calibration Of Ultracam D And Xp
* Mobile Media in Action: Remote Target Localization and Tracking
* Mobile multipath cooperative network for real-time streaming
* Mode seeking over permutations for rapid geometric model fitting
* Model Of Wheat Yield Forecast Based On Modis-ndvi: A Case Study Of Xinxiang, The
* Model-based adaptive resolution upconversion of degraded images
* Model-Based Sequence Similarity with Application to Handwritten Word Spotting, A
* Modeling of Sparsely Sampled Tubular Surfaces Using Coupled Curves
* Modeling of The plan Da Mattun Archaeological Site Using A Combination of Different Sensors
* Modeling Spatial Distribution Of A Rare And Endangered Plant Species (brainea insignis) In Central Taiwan
* Modeling Strategic Route Choice and Real-Time Information Impacts in Stochastic and Time-Dependent Networks
* Modelling Vague Knowledge for Decision Support In Planning Archaeological Prospections
* Modification of the Lernmatrix for Real Valued Data Processing, A
* Modified Bilateral Filter for the Restoration of Noisy Color Images
* Modified Stochastic Neighbor Embedding For Combining Multiple Features For Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* Modis Time Series For Land Use Change Detection In Fields Of The Amazon Soy Moratorium
* Modular CACC System Integration and Design, A
* Monitoring Environment With Gis For Part Of Thiruvallur Town Using Cartosat 1 Stereo, Pan & Resourcesat Liss 4 Mss Merged Data
* Monitoring Glacier Variations In The Southern Patagonia Icefield Utilizing Images Landsat 7 Etm+
* Monitoring Of Agricultural Landscape In Norway
* Monitoring of Glacial Change in the Head of the Yangtze River From 1997 To 2007 Using Insar Technique
* Monitoring Spatial Patterns Of Vegetation Phenology In An Australian Tropical Transect Using Modis Evi
* Mono-temporal GIS Update Assistance System Based on Unsupervised Coherence Analysis and Evolutionary Optimisation
* Monte Carlo cluster refinement for noise robust image segmentation
* Monte-carlo- Simulation for Accuracy Assessment of A Single Camera Navigation System
* Morphological Hit-or-miss Transform Based Approach for Building Damage Estimation from VHR Airborne Imagery in 2011 Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami
* Motion Coherent Tracking Using Multi-label MRF Optimization
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation with a Symmetric Optical Flow Constraint
* Motion History of Skeletal Volumes for Human Action Recognition
* Motor Intention Recognition in EEG: In Pursuit of a Relevant Feature Set
* Moving Object Detection by Robust PCA Solved via a Linearized Symmetric Alternating Direction Method
* Moving Object Detection via Robust Low Rank Matrix Decomposition with Irls Scheme
* Moving Window Segmentation Framework for Point Clouds
* Multi Times Images Fusion Based On Wavelet Theory
* Multi-channel 4D Probabilistic Atlas of the Developing Brain: Application to Fetuses and Neonates, A
* Multi-criteria Path Finding
* Multi-description multipath video streaming in wireless ad hoc networks
* Multi-dimensional Medical Image Segmentation with Partial Volume and Gradient Modelling
* Multi-level Building Reconstruction For Automatic Enhancement Of High Resolution Dsms
* Multi-level Modeling of Manuscripts for Authorship Identification with Collective Decision Systems
* Multi-modal, Multi-touch Interaction with Maps in Disaster Management Applications
* Multi-object Segmentation with Coupled Deformable Models
* Multi-scale Integral Modified Census Transform for Eye Detection
* Multi-sensor Approach To Semi-Global Matching, A
* Multi-temporal Analysis Of Landscapes And Urban Areas
* Multi-temporal and Multi-sensor Image Matching Based On Local Frequency Information
* Multi-temporal Sar Change Detection And Monitoring
* Multi-view Gait Fusion for Large Scale Human Identification in Surveillance Videos
* Multi-View Image Matching Method for Feature Points Based on the Moving Z-Plane Constraint, A
* Multi-View Structure-from-Motion for Hybrid Camera Scenarios
* Multidimensional Roughness Characterization for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications Using A Simple Photogrammetric Acquisition System
* Multigrid Narrow Band Surface Reconstruction via Level Set Functions
* Multimedia Semantics: Interactions Between Content and Community
* Multimedia streaming in Multi-Homed Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks: A model of network connectivity
* Multiplatform Approach To Mobile Laser Scanning
* Multiple Aerosol Unmixing by the Split Bregman Algorithm
* Multiple Endmember Unmixing of CHRIS/Proba Imagery for Mapping Impervious Surfaces in Urban and Suburban Environments
* Multiple Human Tracking In Complex Situation By Data Assimilation With Pedestrian Behavior Model
* Multiple-camera lane departure warning system for the automotive environment
* Multiple-Model Based Verification of Road Data
* Multiresolution Fourier Descriptors for Multiresolution Shape Analysis
* Multiresolution Motion Planning for Autonomous Agents via Wavelet-Based Cell Decompositions
* Multiscale And Multitemporal Urban Remote Sensing
* Multiscale Path Optimization for the Reduced Environmental Impact of Air Transportation
* Multispectral scleral patterns for ocular biometric recognition
* Multitemporal Quality Assessment of Grassland and Cropland Objects of a Topographic Dataset
* Multitouching the Fourth Dimension
* Multiyear Arctic Sea Ice Classification Using QuikSCAT
* Mutual Information for Multi-modal, Discontinuity-preserving Image Registration
* National Land Cover And Resource Statistics
* Natural User Interface Sensors for Human Body Measurement
* NDVI from Active Optical Sensors As A Measure Of Canopy Cover And Biomass
* Nearest neighbor classifier generalization through spatially constrained filters
* Nearness to Local Subspace Algorithm for Subspace and Motion Segmentation
* Need And Keys For A New Generation Network Adjustment Software, The
* Nested Dichotomies Based on Clustering
* Network Snakes For Adapting GIS Roads To Height Data Of Different Data Sources: Performance Analysis Using Als Data And Stereo Images
* Neural Network Based Methodology for Automatic Detection of Whale Blows in Infrared Video
* New Airborne Sensors and Platforms for Solving Specific Tasks In Remote Sensing
* New Approach for Subway Tunnel Deformation Monitoring: High-resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning, A
* New Approach For The Semi-automatic Texture Generation Of The Buildings Facades, From Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data, A
* New Approach of Digital Bridge Surface Model Generation, A
* New Classifier Combination Scheme Using Clustering Ensemble, A
* New Combined Pixel/object-based Technique For Efficient Urban Classsification Using Worldview-2 Data
* New Effective Way On Vegetation Mornitoring Using Multi-spectral Canopy Lidar, A
* New Fuzzy Texture Features for Robust Detection of Moving Objects
* New Level-Set Based Algorithm for Bimodal Depth Segmentation, A
* New Method for the Calibration of Multi-Camera Mobile Mapping Systems
* New Methodology for Detecting Ice Sheet Surface Elevation Changes From Laser Altimetry Data, A
* New Metrics to Evaluate Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* New Models for Emergency Evacuation under the Disaster Condition, A
* New Morphological Measure of Histogram Bimodality, A
* New Multi-Resolution Algorithm To Store and Transmit Compressed DTM, A
* New Object Based Method for Automated Extraction of Urban Objects From Airborne Sensors Data, A
* new PDE-based approach for singularity-preserving regularization: application to degraded characters restoration, A
* New Persistent Scatter Network Construction Algorithm For Persistent Scatter Insar And Its Application To The Detection of Urban Subsidence, A
* New Strategies for Evaluating the Performance of Typical Testor Algorithms
* New Three-dimensional Visualization Method Of Heritage Sites By Lidar Data, The
* New Visibility Walk Algorithm for Point Location in Planar Triangulation, A
* Next generation of broadcast multimedia services to mobile receivers in urban environments
* Night-Time Lights and Levels of Development: A Study Using Dmspols Night Time Images at the Sub-National Level
* Non Bayesian Predictive Approach for Functional Calibration, A
* Non-local spatial redundancy reduction for bottom-up saliency estimation
* Non-rigid and Partial 3d Model Retrieval Using Hybrid Shape Descriptor and Meta Similarity
* Non-rigid chest image registration with preservation of topology and rigid structures
* Non-spatial and Geospatial Semantic Query of Health Information
* Noninvasive Mapping of Transmural Potentials During Activation in Swine Hearts From Body Surface Electrocardiograms
* Nonlocal Active Contours
* Nonparametric Image Segmentation Using Rényi's Statistical Dependence Measure
* Novel 3d City Modelling Approach For Satellite Stereo Data Using 3d Active Shape Models On Dsms, A
* Novel Algorithm for Computing Riemannian Geodesic Distance in Rectangular 2d Grids, A
* Novel Approach For Segmentation Of Airborne Laser Scanning Point Cloud Located On Roof Structure, A
* Novel Approach To Super Resolution Mapping of Multispectral Imagery Based On Pixel Swapping Technique, A
* Novel Color Transfer Algorithm for Impressionistic Paintings, A
* Novel Gait Recognition System Based on Hidden Markov Models, A
* novel gray image representation using overlapping rectangular NAM and extended shading approach, A
* Novel Image Acquisition and Processing Procedure for Fast Tunnel DSM Production, A
* Novel Locally Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach for Color Structured Light System, A
* Novel Object of Interest Extraction Method for Mobile Mapping Systems, A
* Novel pattern recognition-based methods for re-identification in biometric context
* novel ring radius transform for video character reconstruction, A
* Object and Gesture Recognition to Assist Children with Autism during the Discrimination Training
* Object Detection from Multiple Images Based on the Graph Cuts
* Object Detection in Multi-view X-ray Images
* Object Detection using Geometrical Context Feedback
* Object Recognition for Service Robots through Verbal Interaction about Multiple Attribute Information
* Object recognition using Gabor co-occurrence similarity
* Object Recognition Using Radon Transform-Based RST Parameter Estimation
* Object Tracking via Partial Least Squares Analysis
* Object-based Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Object-based Change Detection Using High-resolution Remotely Sensed Data And Gis
* Object-based Classification Of Urban Airborne Lidar Point Clouds With Multiple Echoes Using Svm
* Object-Based Classification of Urban Areas Using VHR Imagery and Height Points Ancillary Data
* Object-based Image Analysis Of Worldview-2 Satellite Data For The Classification Of Mangrove Areas In The City Of São Luís, Maranhão State, Brazil
* Object-level Change Detection Based On High-resolution Remote-sensing Images and Its Application in Japanese Earthquake on March 11, 2011
* Object-oriented CRONE toolbox for fractional differential signal processing
* Object-space Multi-image Matching of Mobile-mapping-system Image Sequences
* Objective assessment of the WebP image coding algorithm
* Obtaining Approximate Values of Exterior Orientation Elements Of Multi-Intersection Images Using Particle Swarm Optimization
* Octree-Based SIMD Strategy for ICP Registration and Alignment of 3D Point Clouds
* Off-line Vs. On-line Calibration of A Panoramic-based Mobile Mapping System
* Off-road Terrain Mapping Based on Dense Hierarchical Real-time Stereo Vision
* On achieving semi-supervised pattern recognition by utilizing tree-based SOMs
* On Combining Multiple Features for Cartoon Character Retrieval and Clip Synthesis
* On Land Slide Detection Using Terrasar-x Over Earthen Levees
* On Making Projector Both a Display Device and a 3d Sensor
* On Object Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data And Digital Images for 3D Modelling
* On Speeding up Frequent Approximate Subgraph Mining
* On stop conditions about methods to obtain polygonal approximations relied on break point suppression
* On the Comparison of Structured Data
* On the Convergence of Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Algorithms for Total Variation Image Restoration
* On The National Geographical Condition Monitoring Several Strategic Issues
* On the Robustness of Kernel-based Clustering
* On the Use of Dual-Co-Polarized Terrasar-X Data for Wetland Monitoring
* On the Vulnerability of Iris-based Systems to a Software Attack Based on a Genetic Algorithm
* On Using Anisotropic Diffusion for Skeleton Extraction
* On Using Asymmetry Information for Classification in Extended Dissimilarity Spaces
* One-Bit Measurements With Adaptive Thresholds
* One-step And Two-step Calibration Of A Portable Panoramic Image Mapping System
* Online and offline handwritten Chinese character recognition: Benchmarking on new databases
* Online Maps and Cloud-Supported Location-Based Services Across a Manifold of Devices
* Online Matrix Factorization for Multimodal Image Retrieval
* Online Signature Verification Based on Legendre Series Representation. Consistency Analysis of Different Feature Combinations
* Ontological Standardization for Historical Map Collections: Studying The Greek Borderlines of 1881
* Opals Data Manager: Efficient Data Management for Processing Large Airborne Laser Scanning Projects, The
* Open Source Geovisual Analytics Toolbox for Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data in Environmental Change Modelling, An
* openemotionmap.org: Emotional response to space as an additional concept in cartography
* Openwebglobe: An Open Source SDK for Creating Large-Scale Virtual Globes on a WEBGL Basis
* Operational Observation Of Australian Bioregions With Bands 8-19 Of Modis
* Optical advantages and function of multifocal spherical fish lenses
* Optical Flow For Glacier Motion Estimation
* Optical-to-SAR Image Registration Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* Optimal anti-bayesian Parametric Pattern Classification Using Order Statistics Criteria
* Optimal Camera Network Design for 3d Modeling of Cultural Heritage
* Optimal Filters from Calibration Data for Image Deconvolution with Data Acquisition Error
* Optimal Imaging-scheduling Algorithm For The Multi-strip Imaging-mode Of The High-resolution Agile Satellites Based On Certain Step-size Search, An
* Optimal Parameters for Locality-Sensitive Hashing
* Optimal solutions for semantic image decomposition
* Optimisation of Fuzzy Based Soft Classifiers for Remote Sensing Data
* Optimization Based Framework for Human Pose Estimation in Monocular Videos, An
* Optimization of Decision-making for Spatial Sampling in the North China Plain, Based on Remote-Sensing a Priori Knowledge
* Optimization of Decision-making for Spatial Sampling in the North China Plain, Based on Remote-Sensing a Priori Knowledge
* Optimization of Land Use Suitability for Agriculture Using Integrated Geospatial Model and Genetic Algorithms
* Optimizing Object-based Classification In Urban Environments Using Very High Resolution Geoeye-1 Imagery
* Oracle Inequalities and Minimax Rates for Nonlocal Means and Related Adaptive Kernel-Based Methods
* Orfeo, The Pleiades Accompaniment Program and Its Users Thematic Commissioning
* Orientation and Dense Reconstruction of Unordered Terrestrial And Aerial Wide Baseline Image Sets
* Orientation Based Building Outline Extraction In Aerial Images
* Orientation Strategies For Aerial Oblique Images
* Ortho-rectification of HJ-1A/1B Multi-spectral Image Based on the GCP Image Database
* Orthorectification By Using GPGPU Method
* OUR-CVFH: Oriented, Unique and Repeatable Clustered Viewpoint Feature Histogram for Object Recognition and 6dof Pose Estimation
* Outreach Programmes for Education and Training: Contributions from the International Cartographic Association
* Overlapping Local Phase Feature (OLPF) for Robust Face Recognition in Surveillance
* Panorama Image Construction Using Multiple-photos Stitching from Biological Data
* Panoramic Epipolar Image Generation for Mobile Mapping System
* Pansharpening Of Hyperspectral Images In Urban Areas
* Parallel and Adaptive Uniform-distributed Registration Method For Chang'e-1 Lunar Remote Sensed Imagery
* Parallel Implementation Framework For Remotely Sensed Image Fusion, A
* Part-based spatio-temporal model for multi-person re-identification
* Participatory GIS for Soil Conservation In Phewa Watershed Of Nepal
* Particle Swarm Optimization with Soft Search Space Partitioning for Video-Based Markerless Pose Tracking
* Pattern Classification Approaches To Matching Building Polygons At Multiple Scales
* Pattern classification of dermoscopy images: A perceptually uniform model
* Pattern Recognition in Transportation
* PCA-enhanced Stochastic Optimization Methods
* Pedestrian Accessible Position Extraction Method Of Existing 3d Files For Large Building Evacuations, A
* Pedestrian Detection Using a Feature Space Based on Colored Level Lines
* Perceiving Ribs in Single-view Wireframe Sketches of Polyhedral Shapes
* Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Odd Prime Length
* Performance Analysis of a 3D Map Embedded INS/GPS Fusion Algorithm for Seamless Vehicular Navigation in Elevated Highway Environments, The
* Performance Analysis of A Low-cost Triangulation-based 3d Camera: Microsoft Kinect System
* Performance Analysis of a UAV Based Mobile Mapping System, The
* Performance Analysis of an AKF Based Tightly-Coupled INS/GPS Integrated Positioning And Orientation Scheme With Odometer And Non-holonomic Constraints, The
* Performance Analysis of Fast AT for Corridor Aerial Mapping
* Performance Assessment Of Fully Automatic Three-dimensional City Model Reconstruction Methods
* Performance Degradation Monitoring for Onboard Speed Sensors of Trains
* Performance Evaluation of HMM and DTW for Gesture Recognition, A
* Performance Evaluation of Tracking for Public Transport Surveillance
* Performance of a 2D-3D Image Registration System using (Lossy) Compressed X-ray CT
* Performance of a Tight INS/GNSS/Photogrammetric Integration Scheme for Land Based MMS Applications in GNSS Denied Environments, The
* Performing Improved Two-step Camera Calibration With Weighted Total Least-squares
* Persistent Object Tracking With Randomized Forests
* Person re-identification in crowd
* Phase retrieval with random phase illumination
* Photogrammetric And Lidar Documentation Of The Royal Chapel (cathedral-mosque Of Cordoba, Spain)
* Photogrammetric Measurements in Fixed Wing UAV Imagery
* Photogrammetric Model Based Method of Automatic Orientation of Space Cargo Ship Relative To The International Space Station
* Photogrammetric Network for Evaluation of Human Faces for Face Reconstruction Purpose
* Photogrammetry and Laser Scanning for The Earth Sciencesworking Group V6
* Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing: New German Standards (DIN) Setting Quality Requirements Of Products Generated By Digital Cameras, Pan-sharpening And Classification
* Photogrammetry For Mapping Underground Utility Lines With Ground Penetrating Radar In Urban Areas
* Photogrammetry: Remote Sensing and Geoinformation
* Pilot Studies With A Photogrammetric Glacier Lake Outburst Flood Early Warning System
* Pixel-Wise Spatial Pyramid-Based Hybrid Tracking
* Planar Projection of Mobile Laser Scanning Data In Tunnels
* Plane Matching With Object-space Searching Using Independently Rectified Images
* Planialtimetric Accuracy Evaluation Of Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Obtained from Aerial Survey with Lidar
* Planialtimetric Evaluation of a CARTOSAT-1 Stereo Pair: Case Study: São Sebastião, Sp, Brazil
* Planning Tripoli Metro Network By The Use Of Remote Sensing Imagery
* Plant Species Monitoring In The Canary Islands Using Worldview-2 Imagery
* Pleiades Absolute Calibration: Inflight Calibration Sites And Methodology
* Pleiades HR in Flight Geometrical Calibration: Location and Mapping of The Focal Plane
* Pleiades System Architecture And Main Performances
* Pleiades-HR Image Quality Commissioning
* Pleiades-HR Innovative Techniques For Geometric Image Quality Commissioning
* Pleiades-HR Innovative Techniques For Radiometric Image Quality Commissioning
* Pleiades-HR System Products Performance After In-orbit Commissioning Phase
* PlÉiades: Responsiveness, Flexibility, Reactivity
* Point-based registration of high-resolution histological slices for navigation purposes in virtual microscopy
* Point-to-plane registration of terrestrial laser scans
* Poisson Reconstruction of Extreme Submersed Environments: The Endurance Exploration of an Under-ice Antarctic Lake
* Polarimetric Decomposition Analysis of ALOS PALSAR Observation Data before and after a Landslide Event
* Polarimetric SAR Image Smoothing with Stochastic Distances
* Polinsar Experiments Of Multi-mode X-band Data Over South Area Of China
* Polynomiography via Ishikawa and Mann Iterations
* Portable real-time color night vision
* Post-classification Approach Based On Geostatistics To Remote Sensing Images: Spectral And Spatial Information Fusion
* Pottics: The Potts Topic Model for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Practical Implementation of a Graphics Turing Test
* Practical Volume Rendering in Mobile Devices
* Predicting noise filtering efficacy with data complexity measures for nearest neighbor classification
* Prediction of Individual's Movement Based On Interesting Places
* Predictive Traffic Controller for Sustainable Mobility Using Parameterized Control Policies, A
* Preface: Secial Issue on SIBGRAPI 2011
* Preliminary Estimation On Pointing Accuracy Of Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite-1 (michibiki) L1-saif
* Preliminary Results Of The Comparison Of Satellite Imagers Using Tuz GÖlÜ As A Reference Standard
* Preliminary Study Of Web-based Spatial Data Analysis Feasibility: One Of Possible Solutions For Disaster Response And Management, A
* Preliminary Study on Mechanism of LAI Inversion Saturation, A
* Primitive-based 3d Building Reconstruction Method Tested By Reference Airborne Data
* Probabilistic classifiers with a generalized Gaussian scale mixture prior
* Probabilistic Feature Matching Applied To Primitive Based Registration of TLS Data
* Procedure for the Registration and Segmentation of Heterogeneous Lidar Data, A
* Processing of UAV Based Range Imaging Data To Generate Detailed Elevation Models Of Complex Natural Structures
* Producing A Linear Laser System for 3d Modelimg of Small Objects
* Profile-based Feature Representation Based on Guide Curve Approximation Using Line and Arc Segments
* Progress in color night vision
* Progressive Densification and Region Growing Methods for Lidar Data Classification
* Property of the Large Format Digital Aerial Camera Dmc II
* Proposed Framework To Unmix Scattering Mechanisms of Polarimetric Radar Images Using Very High Resolution Optical Images, A
* Proposed New Vegetation Index, The Total Ratio Vegetation Index (trvi), For Arid And Semi-arid Regions, A
* Protecting Unesco World Heritage Properties's Integrity: The Role Of Recording And Documentation In Risk Management For Petra
* Protrusion Fields for 3d Model Search and Retrieval Based on Range Image Queries
* Proximity-Based Frameworks for Generating Embeddings from Multi-Output Data
* Qtrajectories: Improving the Quality of Object Tracking Using Self-Organizing Camera Networks
* Quality Analysis of Vehicle-based Sequence Images Relative Orientation Based On Computer Vision
* Quality Analysis On Ransac-based Roof Facets Extraction From Airborne Lidar Data
* Quality Assessment Of Mapping Building Textures From Infrared Image Sequences
* Quality Assurance for Document Image Collections in Digital Preservation
* Quality Monitoring Of Large Steel Buildings Using Terrestrial Lidar Technique
* Quantifying Land Use/cover Change And Landscape Fragmentation In Danang City, Vietnam: 1979-2009
* Quantitative Analysis Of Urban Expansion In Central China
* Quantitative Evaluation of Confidence Measures for Stereo Vision, A
* Quantitative evaluation of different aspects of motion trackers under various challenges
* Quaternionic Analytic Signal Using Atomic Functions
* Questioning Naturalism in 3D User Interfaces
* Queueing Model Based Intelligent Human-Machine Task Allocator, A
* Radar Backscatter And Optical Textural Indices Fusion For Pine Plantation Structure Mapping
* Radargrammetric Digital Surface Models Generation From Terrasar-x Imagery: Case Studies, Problems And Potentialities
* Radiometric Calibration Of Multi-wavelength Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* Railmapper: A Dedicated Mobile Lidar Mapping System for Railway Networks, The
* Random Forests-based Feature Selection For Land-Use Classification Using Lidar Data And Orthoimagery
* Randomized Face Recognition on Partially Occluded Images
* Rapid Change Detection Algorithm For Disaster Management
* Rapid Disaster Damage Estimation
* RASL: Robust Alignment by Sparse and Low-Rank Decomposition for Linearly Correlated Images
* real regularised fractional derivative, A
* Real Time Data Processing for Optical Remote Sensing Payloads
* Real Time Semantic Interoperability in Ad Hoc Networks of Geospatial Data Sources: Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives
* Real Time Speed Estimation From Monocular Video
* Real-time Algorithms Optimization Based on a Gaze-point Position
* Real-time Camera Guidance for 3d Scene Reconstruction
* Real-Time Dance Pattern Recognition Invariant to Anthropometric and Temporal Differences
* Real-time Illumination for Two-level Volume Rendering
* Real-Time MRF Based Approach for Binary Segmentation, A
* Real-time object detection and localization with SIFT-based clustering
* Real-time On-board Image Processing Using an Embedded GPU for Monocular Vision-based Navigation
* Real-time Rendering of Teeth with No Preprocessing
* Real-Time Segmentation of Stereo Videos on a Portable System With a Mobile GPU
* Real-time Semantic Clothing Segmentation
* Real-time Simulation of Ship Motions in Waves
* Real-Time Visual Tracking Via Online Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
* Real-time Visualization of a Sparse Parametric Mixture Model for BTF Rendering
* Recent Advances of Large-Scale Linear Classification
* Recognition and Real-time Detection of Blinking Eyes on Electroencephalographic Signals Using Wavelet Transform
* Recognition Method for Airplane Targets Using 3D Point Cloud Data, A
* Recognition of Patterns of Health Problems and Falls in the Elderly Using Data Mining
* Recognizing Gestures by Learning Local Motion Signatures of HOG Descriptors
* Reconstructing Three-dimensional Specific Curve Building Models From A Single Perspective View Image
* Reconstruction Of Building Outlines in Dense Urban Areas Based on LIDAR Data and Address Points
* Reconstruction of Rectangular Windows In Multi-looking Oblique View ALS Data
* Reconstruction of Sky Illumination Domes From Ground-based Panoramas
* Recording Approach Of Heritage Sites Based On Merging Point Clouds From High Resolution Photogrammetry And Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Recovering Missing Slices of the Discrete Fourier Transform Using Ghosts
* Recovering Projective Transformations between Binary Shapes
* Rectangular Decomposition of Binary Images
* Reduced set density estimator for object segmentation based on shape probabilistic representation
* reduced-complexity image coding scheme using decision-directed wavelet-based contourlet transform, A
* Refining Method For Building Object Aggregation And Footprint Modelling Using Multi-source Data, A
* Reflectance Calibration Scheme for Airborne Frame Camera Images
* Regionalization of Agricultural Management by Using the Multi-Data Approach (MDA)
* Registration of cardiac MSCT and optical tracking data: Image-guided CABG at the arrested heart
* Registration of Laser Scanning Point Clouds and Aerial Images Using Either Artificial Or Natural Tie Features
* Relative Orientation In Low Altitude Photogrammetry Survey
* Relative Pose Estimation From Airborne Image Sequences
* Reliable and Practical City Map generation at 1:1000 or 1:500 scale based on five control points recification of digitized images
* Reliable ear identification using 2-D quadrature filters
* Remote identification of faces: Problems, prospects, and progress
* Remote Sensing Image Subpixel Mapping Based on Adaptive Differential Evolution
* Remote Sensing In A Changing Climate and Environment: The Rift Valley Fever Case
* Remote sensing of forage nutrients: Combining ecological and spectral absorption feature data
* Remote Sensing Of Water Quality In Optically Complex Lakes
* Remote Sensing Techniques As A Tool For Environmental Monitoring
* Remote-sensing-based Biophysical Models For Estimating LAI of Irrigated Crops In Murry Darling Basin
* Removal Of Tree Offsets from SRTM and Other Digital Surface Models
* Removing Shadows From High-resolution Urban Aerial Images Based On Color Constancy
* Request Analysis of DGPS/IMU on the Air-Borne INSAR System
* Research of Image Matching Algorithm Based On Rotation Vector Field
* Research of Line Matching Algorithm Under The Improved Homograph Matrix Constraint Condition, The
* Research On Differential Coding Method For Satellite Remote Sensing Data Compression
* Research on Image Translation Between SAR and Optical Imagery
* Research On Spatial Topological Association Rules Mining, A
* Research On The Improved Image Dodging Algorithm Based On Mask Technique
* Research On The Prototype of Rail Clearance Measurement System
* Research on the Three Angular Resolution of Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Restoration Technique for Pleiades-HR Panchromatic Images
* Results of an Evaluation of the Orchestration Capabilities of the Zoo Project and the 52° North Framework for an Intelligent Geoportal
* Retrieval-based cartoon gesture recognition and applications via semi-supervised heterogeneous classifiers learning
* Retrieving Forest Structure Variables From Very High Resolution Satellite Images Using An Automatic Method
* Retrieving Surface Soil Moisture From Modis and Amsr-e Data: A Case Study In Taiwan
* Revised Coordinates for Apollo Hardware
* Revisiting The Procedures for The Vector Data Quality Assurance In Practice
* Ridge Network Detection in Crumpled Paper via Graph Density Maximization
* Rigorous And Flexible Calibration Method For Digital Airborne Camera Systems, A
* Rigorous Image Formation From Airborne And Spaceborne Digital Array Scanners
* Rigorous Photogrammetric Processing Of Chang'e-1 And Chang'e-2 Stereo Imagery For Lunar Topographic Mapping
* Rigorous Point-to-plane Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scans
* Riparian Vegetation Status and Rates of Water Use From Satellite Data
* Risk Zone Modelling And Early Warning System For Visceral Leishmaniasis (kala-azar) Disease In Bihar, India Using Remote Sensing And Gis
* Road Classification And Condition Determination Using Hyperspectral Imagery
* Road Detection By Neural And Genetic Algorithm In Urban Environment
* Road Extraction From High Resolution Satellite Images
* road to intelligence, The
* Robot, Pass Me the Scissors! How Robots Can Assist Us in the Operating Room
* Robust 2d/3d Calibration Using RANSAC Registration
* Robust and Scalable Graph-Based Semisupervised Learning
* Robust Asymmetric Adaboost
* Robust ear identification using sparse representation of local texture descriptors
* Robust Hand Tracking with Hough Forest and Multi-cue Flocks of Features
* Robust Local Optical Flow for Feature Tracking
* Robust Metric based Anomaly Detection in Kernel Feature Space
* Robust Multiperson Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service and Social Robots
* Robust Parallel Framework for Massive Spatial Data Processing On High Performance Clusters, A
* Robust Person Tracking With Multiple Non-overlapping Cameras In An Outdoor Environment
* Robust Preconditioned GMRES Method for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Rough Surfaces, A
* robust probabilistic Braille recognition system, A
* Robust re-identification using randomness and statistical learning: Quo vadis
* robust real-time algorithm for facial shape recovery from a single image containing cast shadow under general, unknown lighting, A
* Robust Real-time And Rotation-invariant American Sign Language Alphabet Recognition Using Range Camera
* Robust Road Detection and Tracking in Challenging Scenarios Based on Markov Random Fields With Unsupervised Learning
* Robust sparse bounding sphere for 3D face recognition
* Robust twin support vector machine for pattern classification
* Robust Video Hashing via Multilinear Subspace Projections
* Robust Weighted Graph Transformation Matching for Rigid and Nonrigid Image Registration
* Robustness evaluation of fractional order control for varying time delay processes
* Role Assessment of GIS Analysis and Its Reliability While Ranking Urban Sustainability Using Scenarios Specific to Regional Climate, Community and Culture
* role of computer vision in prosthetic vision, The
* Role Of Remote Sensing For Sustainable Elephant Management In South Africa. Four Medium Sized Game Reserves As Case Studies, The
* rotation and scale invariant technique for ear detection in 3D, A
* Rotation Invariant Texture Recognition Using Discriminant Feature Transform
* Route Backtracking Method Based On Video And Road Network, A
* Runoff simulation using distributed hydrological modeling approach, remote sensing and Gis techniques: A case study from an Indian agricultural watershed
* SAC-D Aquarius A Satellite for Ocean, Climate and Environment: One Year of Data
* Safe Driving Using Mobile Phones
* Saliency Filtering of SIFT Detectors: Application to CBIR
* Salient Pattern Detection Using W2 on Multivariate Normal Distributions
* Sampling Pattern Cube: A Representation and Evaluation Tool for Optical Capturing Systems, The
* SAR Polarimetric Signatures For Urban Targets: Polarimetric Signature Calculation And Visualization
* Satellite Based Education And Training In Remote Sensing And Geo-information: An E-learning Approach To Meet The Growing Demands In India
* Satellite Canopus-V Image Processing Technology Development For Cartography Purposes Based On Prelaunch Simulation
* Satellite Perspectives On Highland-Lowland Human Interaction in Ancient Syria
* Satellite-based Measurements For Benchmarking Regional Irrigation Performance In Goulburn-murray Catchment
* Scalable Active Learning for Multiclass Image Classification
* Scanning Photogrammetry, The
* Scar: Dynamic Adaptation for Person Detection and Persistence Analysis in Unconstrained Videos
* Scene classification using a multi-resolution bag-of-features model
* Sea Surface Altimetry Based On Airborne GNSS Signal Measurements
* Seamless Navigation Using Various Sensors: An Overview of The Seamless Navigation Campaign
* Searching Lost People with UAVs: The System and Results of the Close-Search Project
* Seasonal Differences in Spatial Scales of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Lake Taihu, China
* Seasonal Trends In Tibetan Lake Level Changes As Observed By Icesat Laser Altimetry
* Sediment Yield Estimation And Prioritization Of Watershed Using Remote Sensing and GIS
* Segmentation by Classification for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging Using Polarization Signatures
* Segmentation of Brain Tumors in CT Images Using Level Sets
* Segmentation of Building Facade Domes
* Segmentation of Parasites for High-content Screening Using Phase Congruency and Grayscale Morphology
* Segmentation of the Hippocampus for Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
* Segmentation of the Midbrain in Transcranial Sonographies using a Two-Component Deformable Mode
* Seismic-Based Feature Extraction Algorithm for Robust Ground Target Classification, A
* Selecting feature subset for high dimensional data via the propositional FOIL rules
* Selective Color Image Retrieval Based on the Gaussian Mixture Model
* Self-calibration Algorithm Based on a Unified Framework for Constraints on Multiple Views, A
* Self-calibration of wireless cameras with restricted degrees of freedom
* Self-Clustering Symmetry Detection
* Self-taught dimensionality reduction on the high-dimensional small-sized data
* Semantic Graph of Traffic Scenes for Intelligent Vehicle Systems, A
* Semantic Representation of Geospatial Objects Using Multiples Knowledge Domains
* Semi-automated Cloud/shadow Removal And Land Cover Change Detection Using Satellite Imagery
* Semi-automatic Co-registration Of Photogrammetric And Lidar Data Using Buildings
* Semi-supervised action recognition in video via Labeled Kernel Sparse Coding and sparse L1 graph
* Semi-supervised manifold learning based on 2-fold weights
* Semi-supervised Marginal Fisher Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Semi-Supervised Methods to Identify Individual Crowns of Lowland Tropical Canopy Species Using Imaging Spectroscopy and LiDAR
* Semi-variational Registration of Range Images by Non-rigid Deformations
* Semiautomatic Anomalous Change Detection Method For Monitoring Aims, A
* Semiautomatic Approach for Generation of Site Models From Cartosat-2 Multiview Images, A
* Sensitivity Analysis In The Retrieval Of Turbid Coastal Water Bathymetry Using Worldview-2 Satellite Data
* Sensitivity Analysis of an Evolutionary-Based Time-Dependent Origin/Destination Estimation Framework
* Sensitivity/robustness Flexible Ellipticity Measures
* Sensor Calibration of Three-Line CCD Scanners on ZY-3
* Sensor Correction And Radiometric Calibration Of A 6-band Multispectral Imaging Sensor For Uav Remote Sensing
* Sensor Noise Effects of the SWIR Bands on MODIS-Derived Ocean Color Products
* Sensor Web Services For Early Flood Warnings Based On Soil Moisture Profiles
* Sensor++: Simulation Of Remote Sensing Systems From Visible To Thermal Infrared
* Sentinel-2 Level 1 Products and Image Processing Performances
* Separate Magnitude and Phase Regularization via Compressed Sensing
* Separation and Classification of Harmonic Sounds for Singing Voice Detection
* Service Oriented Architecture For Wireless Sensor Networks In Agriculture
* Shadow Effect On Photovoltaic Potentiality Analysis Using 3d City Models
* Shadow Removal Using Bilateral Filtering
* Shallow-water Bathymetry Over Variable Bottom Types Using Multispectral Worldview-2 Image
* Shape (self-)similarity and Dissimilarity Rating for Segmentation and Matching
* Shape Similarity Based Change Detection Approach of Multi-resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* Sift for Dense Point Cloud Matching and Aero Triangulation
* SIFT Keypoint Descriptors for Range Image Analysis
* Signal Extrapolation for Image and Video Error Concealment Using Gaussian Processes With Adaptive Nonstationary Kernels
* Signal Noise Reduction Based on Wavelet Transform in Two-Wavelength Lidar System
* Significative Learning Using Alpha-beta Associative Memories
* Similarity Registration for Shapes Based on Signed Distance Functions
* Simple Extension of Stability Feature Selection, A
* Simple Free-Flow Traffic Model for Vehicular Intermittently Connected Networks, A
* Simple Hybrid Method for Semi-supervised Learning, A
* Simple Room Shape Modeling With Sparse 3d Point Information Using Photogrammetry And Application Software
* Simplified 3d City Models From Lidar
* Simulation of Image Performance Characteristics of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS)
* Simulation of the Abdominal Wall and Its Arteries after Pneumoperitoneum for Guidance of Port Positioning in Laparoscopic Surgery
* Simulation-Assignment-Based Travel Time Prediction Model for Traffic Corridors
* Simultaneous discriminative projection and dictionary learning for sparse representation based classification
* Simultaneous Estimation of Material Properties and Pose for Deformable Objects from Depth and Color Images
* Simultaneous MR-Compatible Emission and Transmission Imaging for PET Using Time-of-Flight Information
* Simultaneous Orientation And Calibration Of Images And Laser Point Clouds With Straight Segments
* Simultaneous Segmentation and Filtering via Reduced Graph Cuts
* Simultaneous Visualization Of Different Utility Networks For Disaster Management
* Sketch-line Interactions for 3D Image Visualization and Analysis
* Sketchable Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Object Detection
* Skills Assessment of Users in Medical Training Based on Virtual Reality Using Bayesian Networks
* SLIC Superpixels Compared to State-of-the-Art Superpixel Methods
* Smart Software Secures Surveillance Systems
* Smooth Signed Distance Surface Reconstruction and Applications
* Soft Computing Approach for Liquefaction Identification Using Landsat-7 Temporal Indices Data
* Soil Spectral Imaging: Moving From Proximal Sensing To Spatial Quantitative Domain
* Solar Radiation Estimation On Building Roofs And Web-based Solar Cadastre
* Solving MRF Minimization by Mirror Descent
* Sources Of Artefacts In Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Data Sets
* Soybean Crop Area Estimation And Mapping In Mato Grosso State, Brazil
* Space-time Analysis Of Crime Patterns In Central London
* Spaceborne SAR Imagery Stereo Positioning Based on Range-Coplanarity Equation
* Sparse Contour Representations of Sound
* Sparse Point Estimation for Bayesian Regression via Simulated Annealing
* Sparsely Connected Autoassociative Lattice Memories with an Application for the Reconstruction of Color Images
* Spatial Analysis Based Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Linear Construction Projects
* Spatial Analysis for Colon Biopsy Classification from Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spatial Colour Gamut Mapping by Orthogonal Projection of Gradients onto Constant Hue Lines
* Spatial Comparison Between Densely Built-up Districts From The Viewpoint Of Vulnerability To Road Blockades With Respect To Evacuation Behavior
* Spatial Interpolation As A Tool For Spectral Unmixing Of Remotely Sensed Images
* Spatial Uncertainty In Line-surface Intersections With Applications To Photogrammetry
* Spatial-based Approach for Groups of Objects, A
* Spatio-temporal Clustering of Movement Data: An Application to Trajectories Generated by Human-Computer Interaction
* Spatio-temporal MODIS EVI gap filling under cloud cover: An example in Scotland
* Spatio-Temporally Coherent Interactive Video Object Segmentation via Efficient Filtering
* Spatter Tracking in Laser Machining
* Speaker Recognition Using a Binary Representation and Specificities Models
* Special issue on pervasive mobile multimedia
* Special issue: Fractional signals and systems
* Species-specific Forest Variable Estimation Using Non-parametric Modeling Of Multi-spectral Photogrammetric Point Cloud Data
* Speckle Reduction Using Stochastic Distances
* Spectral Analysis Of Different Vegetation Cover Using The Hyperion Sensor: A Case Study In The State Of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
* Spectral Characteristics Of Selected Hermatypic Corals From Gulf Of Kachchh, India
* Spectral Clustering and Label Fusion For 3D Tissue Classification: Sensitivity and Consistency Analysis
* Spectral Difference in the Image Domain for Large Neighborhoods, a GEOBIA Pre-Processing Step for High Resolution Imagery
* Spectral imaging by synchronizing capture and illumination
* Spectral Information Retrieval For Sub-pixel Building Edge Detection
* Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spectral Unmixing Of Blended Reflectance For Denser Time-series Mapping Of Wetlands
* Spectrum-based Object Detection and Tracking Technique for Digital Video Surveillance
* Speed Estimation Thanks to Two Images from One Stationary Camera
* Spline Regression Hashing for Fast Image Search
* Stagewise K-SVD to Design Efficient Dictionaries for Sparse Representations
* Star-based Methods For Pleiades HR Commissioning
* State-Driven Particle Filter for Multi-person Tracking
* Statistical Entity Extraction From the Web
* Step Towards Dynamic Scene Analysis With Active Multi-view Range Imaging Systems, A
* Stereo Derived Cloud Top Height Climatology Over Greenland From 20 Years Of The Along Track Scanning Radiometer (atsr) Instruments
* Stereo Fusion from Multiple Viewpoints
* Stereo matching based on nonlinear diffusion with disparity-dependent support weights
* Stereo Matching Using Epipolar Distance Transform
* Stereometric Modelling
* Stereovision Mobile Mapping: System Design and Performance Evaluation
* Stochastic Approaches of Minimum Distance Method for Region Based Classification
* Stochastic-Resonance Based Iterative Detection for Serially-Concatenated Turbo Codes
* Stop: Space-time Occupancy Patterns for 3d Action Recognition from Depth Map Sequences
* Strategic Multiple Sensor Data Fusion For Time-critical Natural Disaster Response
* Streamed Vertical Rectangle Detection In Terrestrial Laser Scans For Facade Database Production
* Street Detection with Asymmetric Haar Features
* Structure Line Detection From Lidar Point Clouds Using Topological Elevation Analysis
* Structure-based Approach For Matching Road Junctions With Different Coordinate Systems, A
* Study of Influence of Effluent on Ground Water Using Remote Sensing, GIS and Modeling Techniques
* Study of the effects of structural uncertainties on a fractional system of the first kind: application in vibration isolation with the CRONE suspension
* Study of the Fourth-Order Small Perturbation Method for Scattering From Two-Layer Rough Surfaces, A
* Study Of Urban Intensive Land Evaluating System, A
* Study Of Variables Characterizing Drainage Patterns In River Networks, A
* Study On Automatic UAV Image Mosaic Method For Paroxysmal Disaster, A
* Study on Construction of 3D Building Based on UAV Images
* Study On Extracting Thin Sea Ice Area From Space, A
* Study on Oil-Gas Reservoir Detecting Methods Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Study On Shadow Effects of Various Features On Close Range Thermal Images
* Study On The Comprehensive Simulation Of Nonpoint Source Pollution For Er-hai Lake's Watershed In Dali Of China, A
* Study on the Feasibility of RGB Substitute CIR for Automatic Removal Vegetation Occlusion Based On Ground Close-range Building Images
* Study on the Line Scan CCD Camera Calibration of Vehicle-Borne 3D Data Acquisition System
* Studying Glacial Melt Processes Using Sub-Centimeter DEM Extraction and Digital Close-range Photogrammetry
* Sub-surface Growing And Boundary Generalization For 3d Building Reconstruction
* Subdivision of Pantanal Quaternary Wetlands: Modis NDVI Timeseries in The Indirect Detection Of Sediments Granulometry
* Subject-Specific and Pose-Oriented Facial Features for Face Recognition Across Poses
* Summary of The Validation of The Second Version of The Aster Gdem
* Super-Resolution for Multiview Images Using Depth Information
* Super-resolution of Hyperspectral Images Using Compressive Sensing Based Approach
* Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Spatio-Temporal Resolution Enhancement of Video Sequences
* Super-resolution texture synthesis using stochastic PAR/NL model
* Superpixel-based Unsupervised Change Detection Using Multi-dimensional Change Vector Analysis and Svm-based Classification
* Supervised Biometric System Using Multimodal Compression Scheme
* Supervised Learning Framework for Automatic Prostate Segmentation in Trans Rectal Ultrasound Images, A
* Support Vector Machine Classification Of Object-based Data For Crop Mapping, Using Multi-temporal Landsat Imagery
* Surface Complexity Component of LIDAR Point Cloud Error Characterization
* Surface Complexity Component of LIDAR Point Cloud Error Characterization
* Surface Construction with Fewer Patches
* Surface Quality Inspection of Deformable Parts with Variable B-spline Surfaces
* Surface Temperature Estimation Of Gangotri Glacier Using Thermal Remote Sensing
* Survey Of Landnet Sites Focusing On Tuz GÖlÜ Salt Lake, Turkey, A
* Survey of state melding in virtual worlds
* Susceptibility Evaluation And Mapping Of China's Landslide Disaster Based On Multi-temporal Ground And Remote Sensing Satellite Data
* SVMTOCP: A Binary Tree Base SVM Approach through Optimal Multi-class Binarization
* Symmetric image registration with directly calculated inverse deformation field
* Synergy-based Learning of Facial Identity
* Synthesis of a face image at a desired pose from a given pose
* Synthesis-and-analysis Approach to Image Based Lighting, A
* Synthetic aperture imaging using pixel labeling via energy minimization
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Imagery Data Fusion: Crop Yield Analysis in Southeast Asia
* Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry For Digital Elevation Model Of Kuwait Desert: Analysis Of Errors
* System Identification: 3D Measurement Using Structured Light System
* Systematic Bundle Adjustment of HRSC Image Data
* TCAS: A Multiclass Object Detector for Robot and Computer Vision Applications
* Team AnnieWAY's Entry to the 2011 Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge
* Technique to Compute Smooth Amplitude, Phase, and Frequency Modulations From the Analytic Signal, A
* Template-based Completion Framework for Videos with Dynamic Backgrounds, A
* Temporal Correlation Of Metadata Errors For Commercial Satellite Images: Representation And Effects On Stereo Extraction Accuracy
* Temporal Indices Data For Specific Crop Discrimination Using Fuzzy Based Noise Classifier
* Temporal mixture analysis for estimating impervious surface area from multi-temporal MODIS NDVI data in Japan
* Tensor rank one differential graph preserving analysis for facial expression recognition
* Tensor scale: An analytic approach with efficient computation and applications
* Tensor-based Quality Prediction For Building Model Reconstruction From Lidar Data And Topographic Map
* Tensorized Feature Extraction Technique for Multimodality Preserving Manifold Visualization
* TerraSAR-X Data in Cut Slope Soil Stability Monitoring in Malaysia
* Terrasar-x Insar Processing In Northern Bohemian Coal Basin Using Corner Reflectors (preliminary Results)
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Coastal Geomorphologic Research In Western Greece
* Testfield Trento: Geometric Evaluation Of Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Testing The Generalization Efficiency Of Oil Slick Classification Algorithm Using Multiple Sar Data For Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
* Text line extraction in graphical documents using background and foreground information
* Texture Analysis Based Fusion Experiments Using High-resolution SAR and Optical Imagery
* Texture Analysis for Classification of RISAT-II Images
* Texture Image Retrieval Based on Log-Gabor Features
* Texturing 3D models from sequential photos
* Thiele's continued fractions in digital implementation of noninteger differintegrators
* Three-dimensional curve reconstruction from multiple images
* Three-dimensional Maps For Disaster Management
* Three-dimensional reconstruction based on multiple virtual planes by using fusion-based camera network
* Threefold Dataset for Activity and Workflow Recognition in Complex Industrial Environments, A
* Time-series Analysis Of Coastal Erosion In The Sundarbans Mangrove
* Time-Series Dimensionality Reduction via Granger Causality
* Tomographic SAR Inversion from Mixed Repeat- and Single-Pass Data Stacks: The Terrasar-X/Tandem-X Case
* Topology on Digital Label Images
* Total Column Methane Retrievals Using The Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometer Over Sunglint
* Toward A Global Bundle Adjustment Of Spot 5-Hrs Images
* Toward a unified framework of motion understanding
* Toward Automated Façade Texture Generation For 3d Photorealistic City Modelling With Smartphones Or Tablet Pcs
* Towards an automatic enforcement for speeding: Enhanced model and intelligent transportation systems realisation
* Towards an Urban DEM Generation With Satellite SAR Interferometry
* Towards Detecting Swath Events in TerraSAR-X Time Series to Establish NATURA 2000 Grassland Habitat Swath Management as Monitoring Parameter
* Towards the Usage of Optical Flow Temporal Features for Facial Expression Classification
* Towards Thematic Web Services For Generic Data Visualization And Analysis
* Towards Transparent Quality Measures In Surface Based Registration Processes: Effects of Deformation Onto Commercial and Scientific Implementations
* Tracking Technical Objects in Outdoor Environment Based on Cad Models
* Tracking Vehicle in GSM Network to Support Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Trade-off between context and objectivity in an analytic approach to the evaluation of in-vehicle interfaces
* Traffic Flow Estimation Models Using Cellular Phone Data
* Traffic Sign Detection Based On Biologically Visual Mechanism
* Training of Classifiers for Quality Control of On-Line Laser Brazing Processes with Highly Imbalanced Datasets
* Trajectory Analysis Of Forest Changes In Northern Area Of Changbai Mountains, China From Landsat Tm Image
* Trajectory-based Registration of 3d Lidar Point Clouds Acquired With A Mobile Mapping System
* Transfer Of Technology For Cadastral Mapping In Tajikistan Using High Resolution Satellite Data
* Transformation From Tilted Image To Horizontal Image Based On The Rational Function Model, The
* Transformation Method for Texture Feature Description Under Different Imagine Conditions, A
* Transients of fractional-order integrator and derivatives
* Translation, Scale, and Deformation Weighted Polar Active Contours
* Travel Information: Time to Drop the Labels?
* Trees Detection From Laser Point Clouds Acquired In Dense Urban Areas By A Mobile Mapping System
* TRICLOBS portable triband low-light color observation system
* True 3D Images and Their Applications
* Trust-Region Algorithm for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Alpha- and Beta-Divergences
* TV Content Analysis: Techniques and Applications
* TV white spaces exploitation for multimedia signal distribution
* TV-L1 Optical Flow Estimation with Image Details Recovering Based on Modified Census Transform
* TV-L1 Optical Flow Method with Occlusion Detection, A
* Two Methods For Self Calibration Of Digital Camera
* Two-Phase Method of Detecting Abnormalities in Aircraft Flight Data and Ranking Their Impact on Individual Flights, A
* Two-way Spatial Extrapolation And Validation On Ecological Patterns Of Elaeocarpus Japonicus Between Main Watersheds In Huisun Of Central Taiwan
* UAV Borne Low Altitude Photogrammetry System
* UAV Photogrammetry in Remote Areas: 3D Modeling of Drapham Dzong Bhutan
* Ultracam Eagle, Details and Insight
* Ultracam Story, The
* Ultramap V3: A Revolution In Aerial Photogrammetry
* Ultramap: The All In One Photogrammetric Solution
* Ultrashort-baseline Persistent Scatterer Radar Interferometry For Subsidence Detection
* Uncertainty Reduction for Knowledge Discovery and Information Extraction on the World Wide Web
* Understanding the Basis of the Kalman Filter Via a Simple and Intuitive Derivation
* Understanding The Past, Managing The Future: Remotely sensed analysis of the urban sprawl of Istanbul for supporting decision making for a sustainable future
* Uniform query formalization in mobile visual search: From standards to practice
* Unsupervised Evaluation Measure of Image Segmentation: Application to Flower Image Segmentation, An
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Random Discrete Data Hidden With Switching Noise Distributions
* Unsupervised Shape Clustering using Diffusion Maps
* Updating Building Maps Based On Object Extraction And Building Height Estimation
* Updating Production Line System for National Topographical Database At 1:50k of China Based On Digital Map Generalization, An
* Upgrading To Postgis 2.0 In The Brazilian Federal Police Forensics Gis
* Upward-fusion urban DTM generating method using airborne Lidar data
* Urban Detection, Delimitation And Morphology: Comparative Analysis Of Selective megacities
* Urban Object Extraction From Digital Surface Model And Digital Aerial Images
* Usage of Stereo Orthoimage in GIS: Old Concept, Modern Solution
* Use of Existing Global Elevation Dataset for Absolute Orientation Of High Resolution Image Without Gcps, The
* Use of Landsat and SRTM Data to Detect Broad-Scale Biodiversity Patterns in Northwestern Amazonia
* Use Of LIDAR and Volunteered Geographic Information To Map Flood Extents And Inundation, The
* Use of Modis Data To Define Natural Boundaries and Regions In The Marine Water Column, The
* Use Of Satellite Imagery To Guide Field Plot Sampling Scheme For Biomass Estimation In Ghanaian Forest, The
* User Driven 3d Reconstruction Environment
* User Friendly Open GIS Tool for Large Scale Data Assimilation: A Case Study of Hydrological Modelling
* Using a Micro-UAV for Ultra-High Resolution Multi-sensor Observations Of Antarctic Moss Beds
* Using Detailed Independent 3d Sub-models to Improve Facial Feature Localisation and Pose Estimation
* Using Modis Normalized Difference Vegetation Index to monitor seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of wetland vegetation in the Great Artesian Basin: a baseline for assessment of future changes in a unique ecosystem
* Using Relative Orientation Constraints To Produce Virtual Images From Oblique Frames
* Using Rough Sets and Maximum Similarity Graphs for Nearest Prototype Classification
* Using Stereo Vision To Support The Automated Analysis Of Surveillance Videos
* Using Synthetic Data for Planning, Development and Evaluation of Shape-from-silhouette Based Human Motion Capture Methods
* Using Vision Metrology System for Quality Control In Automotive Industries
* Using Word Graphs as Intermediate Representation of Uttered Sentences
* Utilizing the Hungarian Algorithm for Improved Classification of High-Dimension Probability Density Functions in an Image Recognition Problem
* Validation of DEMS Derived from High Resolution SAR Data: A Case Study on Barcelona
* Validation of The Aster Global Digital Elevation Model Version 2 Over The Conterminous United States
* Validation Study on Alos Prism DSM Mosaic and Aster GDEM 2
* Valorisation Of Como Historical Cadastral Maps Through Modern Web Geoservices
* Variational Algorithms to Remove Stationary Noise: Applications to Microscopy Imaging
* Variometric Tests for Accelerometer Sensors
* Vector Transition Classes Generation from Fuzzy Overlapping Classes
* Vectorization of Linear Features In Scanned Topographic Maps Using Adaptive Image Segmentation and Sequential Line Tracking
* Vehicle-based sensor technologies for winter highway operations
* Vehicular Traffic Density State Estimation Based on Cumulative Road Acoustics
* Vein pattern extraction based on vectorgrams of maximal intra-neighbor difference
* Verification And Risk Assessment For Landslides In The Shimen Reservoir Watershed Of Taiwan Using Spatial Analysis And Data Mining
* Verification Of 3d Building Models Using Mutual Information In Airborne Oblique Images
* Verification of Image Based Augmented Reality for Urban Visualization
* Vertebrae Tracking in Lumbar Spinal Video-fluoroscopy Using Particle Filters with Semi-automatic Initialisation
* VHRS Stereo Images for 3D Modelling Of Buildings
* Vibrations of a Gyrocopter: An Analysis Using IMUS
* Video Analysis Algorithms for Automated Categorization of Fly Behaviors
* Video Compression with 3-D Pose Tracking, PDE-Based Image Coding, and Electrostatic Halftoning
* Video Sequence Matching Based on the Invariance of Color Correlation
* Video Super-Resolution Using Codebooks Derived From Key-Frames
* Virtual Cultural Landscape Laboratory Based on Internet GIS Technology
* Visibility in three-dimensional cluttered scenes
* Visibility-Based Approach for Occupancy Grid Computation in Disparity Space, A
* Vision-aided Context-aware Framework for Personal Navigation Services
* Vision-based hand pose estimation through similarity search using the earth mover's distance
* Vision-based Tracking of Complex Macroparasites for High-content Phenotypic Drug Screening
* Vision-Based Vehicle Detection System With Consideration of the Detecting Location
* ViSOR: Video Surveillance Online Repository
* Visual And Statistical Analysis Of Digital Elevation Models Generated Using Idw Interpolator With Varying Powers
* Visual Classification With Multitask Joint Sparse Representation
* Visual Cross-database Comparison of Metabolic Networks, A
* Visual Rating for Given Deployments of Graphical User Interface Elements Using Shadows Algorithm
* Visual Tour Based On Panaromic Images For Indoor Places In Campus
* Visual UAV Trajectory Plan System Based on Network Map
* Visualisation Support For Exploring Urban Space And Place
* Visualization And Analysis Of Light Pollution: A Case Study In Hong Kong
* Visualization Method of the 3D Concentration Distribution of Asian Dust in the Google Earth, The
* Visualization of Taxi Drivers' Income and Mobility Intelligence
* Volume rendering of unstructured hexahedral meshes
* VOMR-tree Based Parallel Range Query Method On Distributed Spatial Database, A
* Voxel-based Approach For Estimating Urban Tree Volume From Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* Water Body Extraction From Multi Spectral Image By Spectral Pattern Analysis
* Water Region Detection Supporting Ship Identification in Port Surveillance
* Waveform Analysis For The Extraction Of Post-fire Vegetation Characteristics
* Wavelet-FFT Filter Applied to Non Uniformity Correction in Infrared Imaging System
* We Can Deliver Messages to Far Vehicles
* Web Mapping Services In A Crowdsource Environment For Disaster Management: State-of-the-art And Further Development
* Web-based Delivery System For Disaster Prevention Informationan Using A New Jma Dpi Xml Format And Amedas Data
* Web-Scale Media Recommendation Systems
* Web-Scale Multimedia Information Networks
* Web-Scale Multimedia Processing and Applications
* What the Eye Did Not See: A Fusion Approach to Image Coding
* Wide Field of View Kinect Undistortion for Social Navigation Implementation
* Word-Gesture Keyboard: Reimagining Keyboard Interaction, The
* Working With Spatio-temporal Data Type
* Writer verification using texture-based features
* Yangon River Geomorphology Identification And Its Enviromental Imapacts Analsysis by Optical and Radar Sensing Techniques
* Zoom Dependent Lens Distortion Mathematical Models
* Zoom Motion Estimation Using Block-Based Fast Local Area Scaling
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.