* *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *Kimera
* 2-Look TOPS Mode: Design and Demonstration With TerraSAR-X, The
* 2.5D Convolution for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
* 200 FPS Constant-Time Bilateral Filter Using SVD and Tiling Strategy
* 2018 Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) Intercomparison Study
* 2D Image-To-3D Model: Knowledge-Based 3D Building Reconstruction (3DBR) Using Single Aerial Images and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
* 3-D Display Pipeline from Coded-Aperture Camera to Tensor Light-Field Display Through CNN, A
* 360-Degree Image Completion by Two-Stage Conditional GANs
* 360° Video Stitching for Dual Fisheye Cameras
* 3D articulated skeleton extraction using a single consumer-grade depth camera
* 3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with A Two-Layer Particle Filter
* 3D Body Pose and Shape Estimation from Multi-View Images With Limb Geometric Constraint
* 3D Colored Mesh Structure-Preserving Filtering with Adaptive P-Laplacian on Directed Graphs
* 3D Coseismic Deformation Field and Source Parameters of the 2017 Iran-Iraq Mw7.3 Earthquake Inferred from DInSAR and MAI Measurements
* 3D Cross-Hemisphere Neighborhood Difference Convnet for Chronic Stroke Lesion Segmentation, A
* 3D Deep Attention Network for Survival Prediction from Magnetic Resonance Images in Glioblastoma
* 3D driver pose estimation based on joint 2D-3D network
* 3d Face Modeling Approach for in-The-Wild Facial Expression Recognition on Image Datasets, A
* 3D Non-rigid Registration of Deformable Object Using GPU
* 3D Point Cloud Attribute Compression Using Geometry-Guided Sparse Representation
* 3D Point Cloud Super-Resolution via Graph Total Variation on Surface Normals
* 3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery from Its Point Cloud
* 3D Semantic Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image Using Adversarial Training
* 3D Shape Retrieval through Multilayer RBF Neural Network
* 4D Light Field Superpixel and Segmentation
* 5D Video Stabilization through Sensor Vision Fusion
* AB Initio Tomography With Object Heterogeneity and Unknown Viewing Parameters
* AccAnn: A New Subjective Assessment Methodology for Measuring Acceptability and Annoyance of Quality of Experience
* Accelerated Detail-Enhanced Ambient Occlusion
* Accelerating Framework for Simultaneous Optimization of Model Architectures and Training Hyperparameters
* Accelerating Redundant DCT Filtering for Deblurring and Denoising
* Acceleration of Kvazaar HEVC Intra Encoder With Machine Learning
* Accurate 3D Cell Segmentation Using Deep Features and CRF Refinement
* Accurate Edge Location Identification Based on Location-Directed Image Modeling
* Accurate Eye Pupil Localization Using Heterogeneous CNN Models
* Accurate Segmentation of Synaptic Cleft with Contour Growing Concatenated with a Convnet
* ACNET: Attention Based Network to Exploit Complementary Features for RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* ACPNP: an Efficient Solution for Absolute Camera Pose Estimation from Two Affine Correspondences
* Action Coherence Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Adaptive Cyclopean Image-Based Stereoscopic Image-Quality Assessment Using Ensemble Learning
* Adaptive Filter for Deep Learning Networks on Large-Scale Point Cloud, An
* Adaptive Fitting Approach for the Visual Detection and Counting of Small Circular Objects in Manufacturing Applications, An
* Adaptive Fusion of RGB/NIR Signals Based on Face/Background Cross-Spectral Analysis for Heart Rate Estimation
* Adaptive Fusion-Based 3D Keypoint Detection for RGB Point Clouds
* Adaptive Hard Example Mining for Image Captioning
* Adaptive Inference Using Hierarchical Convolutional Bag-of-Features for Low-Power Embedded Platforms
* Adaptive Labeling For Hash Code Learning Via Neural Networks
* Adaptive Occlusion Boundary Extraction for Depth Inference
* Adaptively Tuning a Convolutional Neural Network by Gating Process for Image Denoising
* Addressing the Big Data Multi-class Imbalance Problem with Oversampling and Deep Learning Neural Networks
* Adjusting Emergent Herbaceous Wetland Elevation with Object-Based Image Analysis, Random Forest and the 2016 NLCD
* Advanced 3D Motion Prediction for Video-Based Dynamic Point Cloud Compression
* Advanced CNN Based Motion Compensation Fractional Interpolation
* Adversarial Face De-Identification
* Adversarial Noise Layer: Regularize Neural Network by Adding Noise
* Adversarial Representation Learning for Dynamic Scene Deblurring: A Simple, Fast and Robust Approach
* AE-GAN-Net: Learning Invariant Feature Descriptor to Match Ground Camera Images and a Large-Scale 3D Image-Based Point Cloud for Outdoor Augmented Reality
* Affine-Linear Intra Prediction With Complexity Constraints, An
* Age Estimation Using Trainable Gabor Wavelet Layers In A Convolutional Neural Network
* Aggregation of Deep Features for Image Retrieval Based on Object Detection
* Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Submerged Archaeological Mapping in Shallow Water Environments
* Algorithms and Systems for Low Power Time-of-Flight Imaging
* Americas' Spatial Data Infrastructure, The
* Analysis of Changes in Forest Structure using Point Clouds from Historical Aerial Photographs
* Analysis of Urban Drivable and Walkable Street Networks of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
* Analyzing human-human interactions: A survey
* Antinoise Hyperspectral Image Fusion by Mining Tensor Low-Multilinear-Rank and Variational Properties
* Application for Terrestrial LiDAR on Mudstone Erosion Caused by Typhoons
* Application Guided Image Quality Estimation Based on Classification
* Application of LiDAR Data for the Solar Potential Analysis Based on Urban 3D Model, The
* Approaching End-to-End Optical Music Recognition for Homophonic Scores
* Approximate 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac-Gated Spect Images Using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network
* Approximating the Ideal Observer and Hotelling Observer for Binary Signal Detection Tasks by Use of Supervised Learning Methods
* Arc-Support Line Segments Revisited: An Efficient High-Quality Ellipse Detection
* Architecture-Aware Network Pruning for Vision Quality Applications
* Arterial Spin Labeling Images Synthesis From sMRI Using Unbalanced Deep Discriminant Learning
* Artifact-Free Thin Cloud Removal Using Gans
* Artificial Vision Based Method for Vehicle Detection and Classification in Urban Traffic, An
* Assessing Legacy Effects of Wildfires on the Crown Structure of Fire-Tolerant Eucalypt Trees Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* Assessing Multiple Years' Spatial Variability of Crop Yields Using Satellite Vegetation Indices
* Assessing Spatiotemporal Variations of Landsat Land Surface Temperature and Multispectral Indices in the Arctic Mackenzie Delta Region between 1985 and 2018
* Assessment of Hyperspectral Sharpening Methods for the Monitoring of Natural Areas Using Multiplatform Remote Sensing Imagery
* Assessment of IMERG-V06 Precipitation Product over Different Hydro-Climatic Regimes in the Tianshan Mountains, North-Western China
* Assessment of Phytoecological Variability by Red-Edge Spectral Indices and Soil-Landscape Relationships
* Assessment of the Accuracy of MODIS Land Surface Temperature over Egypt Using Ground-Based Measurements, An
* Assessment of the Hotspot Effect for the PROSAIL Model With POLDER Hotspot Observations Based on the Hotspot-Enhanced Kernel-Driven BRDF Model
* Atrous Temporal Convolutional Network for Video Action Segmentation
* Attempt to Improve Snow Depth Retrieval Using Satellite Microwave Radiometry for Rough Antarctic Sea Ice, An
* Attentional Road Safety Networks
* Attentive Layer Separation for Object Classification and Object Localization in Object Detection
* Attributes-aided part detection and refinement for person re-identification
* Augmented Visual-Semantic Embeddings for Image and Sentence Matching
* AUTO-G: Gesture Recognition in the Crowd for Autonomous Vehicle
* Auto-weighted multi-view clustering via deep matrix decomposition
* AUTODEPTH: Single Image Depth Map Estimation via Residual CNN Encoder-Decoder and Stacked Hourglass
* Autoencoder based novelty detection for generalized zero shot learning
* Automated Catheter Localization in Volumetric Ultrasound Using 3D Patch-Wise U-Net with Focal Loss
* Automated Mapping of Typical Cropland Strips in the North China Plain Using Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Photogrammetry
* Automatic Detection of Objects in 3D Point Clouds Based on Exclusively Semantic Guided Processes
* Automatic Detection of Spatiotemporal Urban Expansion Patterns by Fusing OSM and Landsat Data in Kathmandu
* Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis Bacilli from Microscopic Sputum Smear Images Using Faster R-CNN, Transfer Learning and Augmentation
* Automatic Fault Detection in a Cascaded Transformer Multilevel Inverter Using Pattern Recognition Techniques
* Automatic Generation of Photorealistic Training Data for Detection of Industrial Components
* Automatic Inundation Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Data Applicable to Both Camargue and Doñana Biosphere Reserves
* Automatic Motion-Blurred Hand Matting for Human Soft Segmentation in Videos
* Automatic Neural Network Search Method for Open Set Recognition
* Automatic Vision Based Calibration System for Planar Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
* Autonomous Airborne 3D SAR Imaging System for Subsurface Sensing: UWB-GPR on Board a UAV for Landmine and IED Detection
* Autonomous Choice of Deep Neural Network Parameters by a Modified Generative Adversarial Network
* AV1 in-loop Filtering using a Wide-Activation Structured Residual Network
* AVARAC: An Availability-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for Vehicular Cloud
* Baseline for Multi-Label Image Classification Using an Ensemble of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Bayer Pattern Compression with JPEG XS
* Bayesian Inversion of Logging-While-Drilling Extra-Deep Directional Resistivity Measurements Using Parallel Tempering Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling
* Bayesian Reconstruction of Undersampled Multicoil HARDI
* Beholder-Gan: Generation and Beautification of Facial Images with Conditioning on Their Beauty Level
* BELID: Boosted Efficient Local Image Descriptor
* Belif: Blind Quality Evaluator Of Light Field Image With Tensor Structure Variation Index
* Benchmark Data and Method for Real-Time People Counting in Cluttered Scenes Using Depth Sensors
* Benefits of a Closely-Spaced Satellite Constellation of Atmospheric Polarimetric Radio Occultation Measurements
* Beyond Bounding Box: Fine-Grained Vehicle Detection via Single Stage Detector with Hierarchical output
* Beyond Ranking Loss: Deep Holographic Networks for Multi-Label Video Search
* Beyond Synthetic Data: A Blind Deraining Quality Assessment Metric Towards Authentic Rain Image
* Bidirectional Analysis Method for Extracting Glacier Crevasses from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* Bidirectional Convolutional LSTM Neural Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* Bidirectional Single-Stream Temporal Sentence Query Localization in Untrimmed Videos
* BiGeo: A Foundational PaaS Framework for Efficient Storage, Visualization, Management, Analysis, Service, and Migration of Geospatial Big Data: A Case Study of Sichuan Province, China
* Bilateral Histogram Equalization for X-Ray Image Tone Mapping
* Binoboost: Boosting Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Prediction with Binocular Guidance
* Biometric Identification Using Facial Motion Amplification
* Bipolar GAN: Double Check the Solution Space and Lighten False Positive Errors in Generative Adversarial Nets
* BiRA-Net: Bilinear Attention Net for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
* Bistatic Landmine and IED Detection Combining Vehicle and Drone Mounted GPR Sensors
* BLAST-NET: Semantic Segmentation of Human Blastocyst Components via Cascaded Atrous Pyramid and Dense Progressive Upsampling
* Blind Deblurring of Text Images Using a Text-Specific Hybrid Dictionary
* Blind Image Blur Assessment Based on Markov-Constrained FCM and Blur Entropy
* Blind Image Quality Assessment by Learning from Multiple Annotators
* Blind Robust 3-D Mesh Watermarking Based on Mesh Saliency and QIM Quantization for Copyright Protection
* Blind Stereopair Quality Assessment Using Statistics of Monocular and Binocular Image Structures
* Blind Utility and Quality Assessment Using a Convolutional Neural Network and a Patch Selection
* Block Randomized Optimization for Adaptive Hypergraph Learning
* Blocksize-QP Dependent Intra Interpolation Filters
* Blurring-Effect-Free CNN for Optimization of Structural Edges in Focus Stacking
* BODYFITR: Robust Automatic 3D Human Body Fitting
* Boosting Correlation Filter Based Tracking Using Multi Convolutional Features
* Boundary Layer Heights as Derived From Ground-Based Radar Wind Profiler in Beijing
* Brain Tissue Segmentation based on Graph Convolutional Networks
* Breaking Text-Based CAPTCHA with Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks
* Building an Active Palmprint Recognition System
* Bundle Adjustment for Monocular Visual Odometry Based on Detected Traffic Sign Features
* Burn Severity and Post-Fire Land Surface Albedo Relationship in Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems
* Burst Ranking for Blind Multi-Image Deblurring
* Calibrating Sensing Drift in Tomographic Inversion
* Calibration Method For Automotive Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays Based On A Consumer-Grade Mono-Camera, A
* Can Data Assimilation of Surface PM2.5 and Satellite AOD Improve WRF-Chem Forecasting? A Case Study for Two Scenarios of Particulate Air Pollution Episodes in Poland
* Cannygan: Edge-Preserving Image Translation with Disentangled Features
* Capsule Networks' Interpretability for Brain Tumor Classification Via Radiomics Analyses
* Capture and 3D Video Processing of Volumetric Video
* Capturing Long-Range Dependencies in Video Captioning
* Carried Object Recognition via Location Relation with Body Parts
* Cascade Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Cascade Attention: Multiple Feature Based Learning for Image Captioning
* Cascaded Noise-Robust Deep CNN for Face Recognition, A
* Cascaded Residual Density Network for Crowd Counting
* Case for a Single Channel Composite Arctic Sea Surface Temperature Algorithm, The
* Catastrophic Interference in Disguised Face Recognition
* Category-Aware Spatial Constraint for Weakly Supervised Detection
* Causal Markov Mesh Hierarchical Modeling for the Contextual Classification of Multiresolution Satellite Images
* CE-Net: Context Encoder Network for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
* Change Detection via Graph Matching and Multi-View Geometric Constraints
* Change Vector Analysis, Tasseled Cap, and NDVI-NDMI for Measuring Land Use/Cover Changes Caused by a Sudden Short-Term Severe Drought: 2011 Texas Event
* Channel-Wise and Feature-Points Reweights DenseNet for Image Classification
* Characteristic Views Extraction Modal Based-on Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D Model Retrieval
* Characterization and Trends of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Fire Emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado during 2002-2017
* Characterization of Cardiac and Respiratory System of Healthy Subjects in Supine and Sitting Position
* Characterization of Wind Turbine Wakes with Nacelle-Mounted Doppler LiDARs and Model Validation in the Presence of Wind Veer
* Characterizing Seasonally Rainfall-Driven Movement of a Translational Landslide using SAR Imagery and SMAP Soil Moisture
* Class Reconstruction Driven Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Class-Based Variational Representation Learning For Robust Image Retrieval
* Classification Assisted Segmentation Network for Human Parsing
* Classification of hyperspectral images with convolutional neural networks and probabilistic relaxation
* Classification of Non-Tumorous Facial Pigmentation Disorders Using Improved Smote and Transfer Learning
* Classification of Structural MRI Images in ADHD Using 3D Fractal Dimension Complexity Map
* Classifier Refinement for Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Class-Specific Activation Map
* Cloud Removal of Satellite Images Using Convolutional Neural Network With Reliable Cloudy Image Synthesis Model
* CloudFCN: Accurate and Robust Cloud Detection for Satellite Imagery with Deep Learning
* Cloudmaskgan: A Content-Aware Unpaired Image-To-Image Translation Algorithm for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Cluster Regularized Quantization for Deep Networks Compression
* Cluster-Wise Removal of Reflection Artifacts in Large-Scale 3d Point Clouds Using Superpixel-Based Glass Region Estimation
* Clustering Images by Unmasking: A New Baseline
* CNN-Based Blind Quality Prediction On Stereoscopic Images Via Patch To Image Feature Pooling
* CNN-Based Deghosting in High Dynamic Range Imaging
* CNN-Based Image Compression Scheme Compatible with JPEG-2000, A
* CNN-Based Indoor Occupant Localization via Active Scene Illumination
* CNN-Based Luminance And Color Correction For ILL-Exposed Images
* CNN-Based Multi-Focus Image Fusion with Light Field Data
* Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Learned Color Enhancement with Non-Local Attention, A
* Coarse-to-Fine Semantic Segmentation From Image-Level Labels
* Coding of Image Intra Prediction Residuals Using Symmetric Graphs
* Coding Prior Based High Efficiency Restoration for Compressed Video
* Cogni-Net: Cognitive Feature Learning Through Deep Visual Perception
* Coherency Matrix Decomposition-Based Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry
* Collaborative Algorithmic Framework to Track Objects and Events, A
* Collaborative Method for Incremental Learning on Classification and Generation
* Collaborative Representation-Based Multiscale Superpixel Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Collision Anticipation via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Visual Navigation
* Color Face Hallucination Using Neighbor Locality Representation and Inter-Channel Correlation
* Color Image Denoising Using Quaternion Adaptive Non-Local Coupled Means
* Colornet - Estimating Colorfulness in Natural Images
* Combination of Appearance and License Plate Features for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Combining Advanced Image Signal Processing With Accelerated Edge Inference for Automotive Viewing and Sensing Camera
* Combining InSAR and GNSS to Track Magma Transport at Basaltic Volcanoes
* Combining Machine Learning and Compact Polarimetry for Estimating Soil Moisture from C-Band SAR Data
* Combining Online Clustering and Rank Pooling Dynamics for Action Proposals
* COMIC: Toward A Compact Image Captioning Model With Attention
* Comments on Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
* Comparative Analysis of 3D Shape Recognition in the Presence of Data Inaccuracies
* Comparative Review of Recent Kinect-Based Action Recognition Algorithms, A
* Comparative Study for the Nuclear Norms Minimization Methods, A
* Comparative Study of DNN-Based Models for Blind Image Quality Prediction, A
* Comparison and Assessment of Regional and Global Land Cover Datasets for Use in CLASS over Canada
* Comparison of Main Approaches for Extracting Behavior Features from Crowd Flow Analysis
* Comparison of the MuSyQ and MODIS Collection 6 Land Surface Temperature Products Over Barren Surfaces in the Heihe River Basin, China
* Compensation Method for a Time-Space Variant Atmospheric Phase Applied to Time-Series GB-SAR Images, A
* Complementary Features with Reasonable Receptive Field for Road Scene 3D Object Detection
* Complexity Reduction of Multi-Level DP Quantization Through Inter-Level Redundancy Elimination
* Composite Long-Term Reference Coding for Versatile Video Coding(VVC)
* Compound Neural Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation, A
* Compressed Image Quality Assessment Based on Saak Features
* Compressed Sensing MRI with Joint Image-Level and Patch-Level Priors
* Compression Artifact Removal with Stacked Multi-Context Channel-Wise Attention Network
* Compression of Hyperspectral Scenes through Integer-to-Integer Spectral Graph Transforms
* Compressive Color Pattern Detection Using Partial Orthogonal Circulant Sensing Matrix
* Compressive Phase Retrieval under Poisson Noise
* Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Based on Standardized Group Sparse Representation
* Computational UAV Cinematography for Intelligent Shooting Based on Semantic Visual Analysis
* Computing Vessel Velocity from Single Perspective Projection Images
* Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) for Near Real-Time Precipitation Estimation from Multispectral GOES-16 Satellite Imageries: PERSIANN-cGAN
* Constrained Discriminative Projection Learning for Image Classification
* Content-Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation Via Image Transformation
* Content-Aware Image Resizing Detection Using Deep Neural Network
* Content-Based Approach for Saliency Estimation in 360 Images, A
* Context Aggregation Network for Semantic Labeling in Aerial Images 2
* Context Driven Optimized Perceptual Video Summarization and Retrieval
* Context-Adaptive Neural Network-Based Prediction for Image Compression
* Context-Anchors for Hybrid Resolution Face Detection
* Context-Aware Automatic Occlusion Removal
* Context-Aware Natural Integration of Advertisement Object
* Context-Patch Face Hallucination Based on Thresholding Locality-Constrained Representation and Reproducing Learning
* Contextual Classification of Sea-Ice Types Using Compact Polarimetric SAR Data
* Contextualized Spatial-Temporal Network for Taxi Origin-Destination Demand Prediction
* Continual Palmprint Recognition Without Forgetting
* Continuous Hand Gesture Spotting and Classification Using 3D Finger Joints Information
* Continuous Sign Language Recognition via Reinforcement Learning
* Continuous-Scale 3D Terrain Visualization Based on a Detail-Increment Model
* Contour Covariance: A Fast Descriptor for Classification
* Contribution to Sandy Site Characterization: Spectro-Directional Signature, Grain Size Distribution and Mineralogy Extracted from Sand Samples
* Convective/Stratiform Precipitation Classification Using Ground-Based Doppler Radar Data Based on the K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
* Convolutional Autoencoder For Single Image Dehazing
* Convolutional Deblurring for Natural Imaging
* Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Geometric Matching
* Convolutional Neural Network Classifier Identifies Tree Species in Mixed-Conifer Forest from Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Convolutional Neural Network for Pavement Surface Crack Segmentation Using Residual Connections and Attention Gating, A
* Convolutional Neural Networks Considering Local and Global Features for Image Enhancement
* Convolutional Neural Networks with Layer Reuse
* Coral Reef Mapping of UAV: A Comparison of Sun Glint Correction Methods
* Correction Method for Thermal Deformation Positioning Error of Geostationary Optical Payloads, A
* Correlation-Weighted Sparse Representation for Robust Liver DCE-MRI Decomposition Registration
* Cortical Network of Emotion Regulation: Insights From Advanced EEG-fMRI Integration Analysis, The
* Coupling Two-Stream RGB-D Semantic Segmentation Network by Idempotent Mappings
* Covariance Analysis of Real-Time Precise GPS Orbit Estimated from Double-Differenced Carrier Phase Observations
* Creating 3D Bounding Box Hypotheses From Deep Network Score-Maps
* Crop Growth Condition Assessment at County Scale Based on Heat-Aligned Growth Stages
* Crop Yield Estimation Using Time-Series MODIS Data and the Effects of Cropland Masks in Ontario, Canada
* Cross Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Cross Domain Adaptation for on-Road Object Detection Using Multimodal Structure-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation
* Cross-Connected Networks for Multi-Task Learning of Detection and Segmentation
* Cross-Domain Palmprint Recognition Based on Transfer Convolutional Autoencoder
* Cross-Generation Kinship Verification with Sparse Discriminative Metric
* Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Action Recognition
* Cross-Modality Augmentation of Brain MR Images Using a Novel Pairwise Generative Adversarial Network for Enhanced Glioma Classification
* Cross-Modality Bridging and Knowledge Transferring for Image Understanding
* Cross-Training Deep Neural Networks for Learning from Label Noise
* Cyclone Intensity Estimate with Context-Aware Cyclegan
* CYGNSS Surface Heat Flux Product Development
* DAnet: Depth-Aware Network for Crowd Counting
* Data Augmentation of Minority Class with Transfer Learning for Classification of Imbalanced Breast Cancer Dataset Using Inception-V3
* Data Augmentation via Image Registration
* Data Embedding Technique for Spatial Scalable Coded Video Using Motion Vector Predictor, A
* Dataset Culling: Towards Efficient Training of Distillation-Based Domain Specific Models
* DCT Based Information-Preserving Pooling for Deep Neural Networks
* DCVGAN: Depth Conditional Video Generation
* DDLPS: Detail-Based Deep Laplacian Pansharpening for Hyperspectral Imagery
* DE-Net: Deep Encoding Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Decision Trees for Complexity Reduction in Video Compression
* Decoder-Side Intra Mode Derivation with Texture Analysis in VVC Test Model
* Decoding High-Throughput Jpeg2000 (HTJ2K) On A G
* Decomposed slice sampling for factorized distributions
* Decomposing Infrared Images of Wind Waves for Quantitative Separation Into Characteristic Flow Processes
* Decomposing Multispectral Face Images into Diffuse and Specular Shading and Biophysical Parameters
* Decreasing Trend of Geohazards Induced by the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Inferred from Time Series NDVI Data
* Deep and Embedded Learning Approach for Traffic Flow Prediction in Urban Informatics
* Deep Blind Synthesized Image Quality Assessment with Contextual Multi-Level Feature Pooling
* Deep Covariance Estimation Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep Enhancement for 3D HDR Brain Image Compression
* Deep Evaluator for Image Retargeting Quality by Geometrical and Contextual Interaction, A
* Deep Face Verification for Spherical Images
* Deep Feature Factorization for Content-Based Image Retrieval and Localization
* Deep Inspection: An Electrical Distribution Pole Parts Study VIA Deep Neural Networks
* Deep Inter Prediction Via Pixel-Wise Motion Oriented Reference Generation
* Deep Jpeg Image Deblocking Using Residual Maxout Units
* Deep Kinship Verification VIA Appearance-Shape Joint Prediction and Adaptation-Based Approach
* Deep Learning for Fast and Spatially Constrained Tissue Quantification From Highly Accelerated Data in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
* Deep Learning For Inter-Observer Congruency Prediction
* Deep Learning of Visual and Textual Data for Region Detection Applied to Item Coding
* Deep Learning Versus Classic Methods for Multi-taxon Diatom Segmentation
* Deep Learning-Based Classification of Illumination Maps for Exposing Face Splicing Forgeries in Images
* Deep Learning-Based Obstacle Detection and Depth Estimation
* Deep Learning-Based Picture-Wise Just Noticeable Distortion Prediction Model for Image Compression
* Deep Multi-Stage Learning for HDR With Large Object Motions
* Deep Multigrained Cascade Forest for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Deep Network Pruning for Object Detection
* Deep Neural Network Regression for Automated Retinal Layer Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Deep Neural Networks for No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* Deep Objective Assessment Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Perception of 360-Degree Video for VR Sickness Prediction
* Deep Progressive Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Super-Resolution With Multiple Degradations
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Video Prediction
* Deep Salient Object Detection with Contextual Information Guidance
* Deep Self-Learning Network for Adaptive Pansharpening
* Deep Self-Paced Learning for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification Using Multi-View Self-Paced Clustering
* Deep Semantic Segmentation Using NIR as Extra Physical Information
* Deep Spatial-Temporal 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Traffic Data Forecasting
* Deep U-Net Regression and Hand-Crafted Feature Fusion for Accurate Blood Vessel Segmentation
* Deep Unsupervised Learning for Simultaneous Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation
* Deep Vesselness Measure from Scale-Space Analysis of Hessian Matrix Eigenvalues
* Deep Zero-Shot Learning for Scene Sketch
* Deep, Robust and Single Shot 3D Multi-Person Human Pose Estimation from Monocular Images
* Deeply Supervised Multimodal Attentional Translation Embeddings for Visual Relationship Detection
* DEEPPOREID: An Effective Pore Representation Descriptor in Direct Pore Matching
* Deepsub: A Novel Subset Selection Framework for Training Deep Learning Architectures
* Defectnet: Multi-Class Fault Detection on Highly-Imbalanced Datasets
* Deformable Mesh Evolved by Similarity of Image Patches
* Degraded Image Semantic Segmentation With Dense-Gram Networks
* Degraf-Flow: Extending Degraf Features for Accurate and Efficient Sparse-To-Dense Optical Flow Estimation
* Delegated Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Delving Deep into Interpreting Neural Nets with Piece-Wise Affine Representation
* Denoising Adversarial Networks for Rain Removal and Reflection Removal
* Dense Correspondence of 3d Facial Point Clouds Via Neural Network Fitting
* Dense Image-Matching via Optical Flow Field Estimation and Fast-Guided Filter Refinement
* Dense Optical Flow for the Reconstruction of Weakly Textured and Structured Surfaces: Application to Endoscopy
* Dense-Haze: A Benchmark for Image Dehazing with Dense-Haze and Haze-Free Images
* Densely connected deep U-Net for abdominal multi-organ segmentation
* Depression Detection Based on Deep Distribution Learning
* Depression Detection Based on Reaction Time and Eye Movement
* Depth Estimation with Occlusion Prediction in Light Field Images
* Depth from Spectral Defocus Blur
* Depth-Assisted Demosaicing for Light Field Data in Layered Object Space
* DepthLearn: Learning to Correct the Refraction on Point Clouds Derived from Aerial Imagery for Accurate Dense Shallow Water Bathymetry Based on SVMs-Fusion with LiDAR Point Clouds
* Derivation and Evaluation of a New Extinction Coefficient for Use With the n-HUT Snow Emission Model
* Derivation of Hyperspectral Profile of Extended Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (EPICS) for Use in Sensor Calibration
* Deriving a Forest Cover Map in Kyrgyzstan Using a Hybrid Fusion Strategy
* Deriving High-Resolution Reservoir Bathymetry From ICESat-2 Prototype Photon-Counting Lidar and Landsat Imagery
* Dermoscopic Image Segmentation Through the Enhanced High-Level Parsing and Class Weighted Loss
* Description and Recognition of Activity Patterns Using Sparse Vector Fields
* Designing Recurrent Neural Networks by Unfolding an L1-L1 Minimization Algorithm
* Detail-Preserving Signal Fitting for Pulse Wave Detection from Smartphone-Based Fingertip Videos
* Detecting and Localizing Prostate Cancer from Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Detecting Arbitrarily Rotated Faces for Face Analysis
* Detecting Building Changes between Airborne Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Data
* Detecting Curves in Very Noisy Images Using Fourier-Argand Moments
* Detecting Ecological Changes with a Remote Sensing Based Ecological Index (RSEI) Produced Time Series and Change Vector Analysis
* Detecting GAN-Generated Imagery Using Saturation Cues
* Detecting Generated Image Based on a Coupled Network with Two-Step Pairwise Learning
* Detecting Spatiotemporal Features and Rationalities of Urban Expansions within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area of China from 1987 to 2017 Using Time-Series Landsat Images and Socioeconomic Data
* Detecting Targets above the Earth's Surface Using GNSS-R Delay Doppler Maps: Results from TDS-1
* Detecting Winter Wheat Irrigation Signals Using SMAP Gridded Soil Moisture Data
* Detection and Synchronization of Video Sequences for Event Reconstruction
* Detection of Archaeological Looting from Space: Methods, Achievements and Challenges
* Detection of Earthquake-Induced Landslides during the 2018 Kumamoto Earthquake Using Multitemporal Airborne Lidar Data
* Detection of Fake Images Via The Ensemble of Deep Representations from Multi Color Spaces
* Detection of Geothermal Potential Zones Using Remote Sensing Techniques
* Detection of Small Anomalies on Moving Background
* Detection of Stone Circles in Periglacial Regions of Antarctica in UAV Datasets
* Determination of Global Geodetic Parameters Using Satellite Laser Ranging Measurements to Sentinel-3 Satellites
* Development of a Fire Detection Based on the Analysis of Video Data by Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
* DFT-Net: Disentanglement of Face Deformation and Texture Synthesis for Expression Editing
* Dhff: Robust Multi-Scale Person Search by Dynamic Hierarchical Feature Fusion
* Diatom Classification Including Morphological Adaptations Using CNNs
* Difference of Convolution for Deep Compressive Sensing
* Direct Adversarial Attack on Stego Sandwiched Between Black Boxes
* Directional-Aware Automatic Defect Detection in High-Speed Railway Catenary System
* Disam: Density Independent and Scale Aware Model for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Discrepancy Steered Conditional Adversarial Network For Deep Feature Based Malignancy Characterization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
* Discriminant Analysis Regularization in Lightweight Deep CNN Models
* Discriminative Analysis Dictionary and Classifier Learning for Pattern Classification
* Discriminative Features for Incremental Learning Classifier
* Disentangled Feature Based Adversarial Learning for Facial Expression Recognition
* Distorted Representation Space Characterization Through Backpropagated Gradients
* Distortion Robust Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Discrete Cosine Transform
* Distributed Weighted Balanced Control of Traffic Signals for Urban Traffic Congestion
* Distribution Padding in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Do I Know You? A Two-Stage Framework for Novelty Detection
* Does Income Inequality Explain the Geography of Residential Burglaries? The Case of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
* Domain Adaptation for Handwritten Symbol Recognition: A Case of Study in Old Music Manuscripts
* Domain-Adaptive Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Images
* Domain-Agnostic Video Prediction from Motion Selective Kernels
* Don't You Forget About Me: A Study on Long-Term Performance in ECG Biometrics
* Drawback in the Change Detection Approach: False Detection during the 2018 Western Japan Floods
* Dressing for Attention: Outfit Based Fashion Popularity Prediction
* Driver Pose Estimation Using Recurrent Lightweight Network and Virtual Data Augmented Transfer Learning
* Dual Recursive Network for Fast Image Deraining
* Dual Reverse Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification
* Dual-Attention Dilated Residual Network for Liver Lesion Classification and Localization on CT Images, A
* Dual-Domain Single Image De-Raining Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Dual-stream Shallow Networks for Facial Micro-expression Recognition
* Duodepth: Static Gesture Recognition Via Dual Depth Sensors
* DVDNET: A Fast Network for Deep Video Denoising
* Dynamic Facial Features for Inherently Safer Face Recognition
* Dynamic graph convolutional networks
* Dynamic Multicontext Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Based on Convolutional Networks
* Dynamic Non-Regular Sampling Sensor Using Frequency Selective Reconstruction
* Dynamic Recommendation of POI Sequence Responding to Historical Trajectory
* Dynamic Spatial Predicted Background for Video Surveillance
* Early Action Prediction by Soft Regression
* Early Assessment of Renal Transplants Using BOLD-MRI: Promising Results
* Early Signs Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Scans Based on 3D Multi-Path Convolutional Neural Network
* Earthquake-Induced Landslide Mapping for the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake Using PALSAR-2 Data
* EDCNN: A Novel Network for Image Denoising
* Edge-Computing Convolutional Neural Network with Homography-Augmented Data for Facial Emotion Recognition
* Editorial for: Remote Sensing Methods and Applications for Traffic Meteorology
* Editorial of Special Issue Remote Sensing for Land Cover/Land Use Mapping at Local and Regional Scales
* Editorial to Special Issue Multispectral Image Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis
* Effect of Architectures and Training Methods on the Performance of Learned Video Frame Prediction
* Effect of Mineral Sediments on Satellite Chlorophyll-a Retrievals from Line-Height Algorithms Using Red and Near-Infrared Bands, The
* Effective Adversarial Training Based Spatial-Temporal Network for Abnormal Behavior Detection, An
* Effective Background Estimation Method for Shadows Removal of Document Images, An
* Effects of Ground Manifold Modeling on the Accuracy of Stixel Calculations
* Efficacy Analysis of Determining the Wooded and Shrubbed Area Based on Archival Aerial Imagery Using Texture Analysis, The
* Efficient Algorithm for SAR Refocusing of Ground Fast-Maneuvering Targets
* Efficient Algorithm for the Piecewise Affine-Linear Mumford-Shah Model Based on a Taylor Jet Splitting, An
* Efficient and Accurate Face Shape Reconstruction by Fusion of Multiple Landmark Databases
* Efficient Binary Descriptor to Describe Retinal Bifurcation Point for Image Registration, An
* Efficient Catheter Segmentation in 3D Cardiac Ultrasound using Slice-Based FCN With Deep Supervision and F-Score Loss
* Efficient Codebook and Factorization for Second Order Representation Learning
* Efficient Coding of 360° Videos Exploiting Inactive Regions in Projection Formats
* Efficient Dilated-Winograd Convolutional Neural Networks
* Efficient Fine-Tuning of Neural Networks for Artifact Removal in Deep Learning for Inverse Imaging Problems
* Efficient GPU-Based Inter Prediction for Video Decoder
* Efficient Human Activity Classification from Egocentric Videos Incorporating Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning
* Efficient Image Set Compression
* Efficient Motion Deblurring with Feature Transformation and Spatial Attention
* Efficient Object Detection Framework and Hardware Architecture for Remote Sensing Images
* Efficient Person Re-Identification in Videos Using Sequence Lazy Greedy Determinantal Point Process (SLGDPP)
* Efficient Preconditioner for Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration, An
* Efficient Random Access Light Field Video Compression Utilizing Diagonal Inter-View Prediction, An
* Efficient Screen Content Coding Based on Convolutional Neural Network Guided by a Large-Scale Database
* Efficient Training for Positive Unlabeled Learning
* Egocentric Action Anticipation by Disentangling Encoding and Inference
* Embedded Cyclegan For Shape-Agnostic Image-To-Image Translation
* Emotion Recognition Based on Multi-View Body Gestures
* Emotion Recognition by Edge-Weighted Hypergraph Neural Network
* Empirical Assessment of the MODIS Land Cover Dynamics and TIMESAT Land Surface Phenology Algorithms, An
* Empirical Study Investigating the Relationship between Land Prices and Urban Geometry, An
* Encoding Efficiency and Computational Cost Assessment of State-Of-The-Art Point Cloud Codecs
* End to End Framework to High Performance Geometry-Aware Multi-Scale Keypoint Detection and Matching in Fisheye Imag, An
* End-To-End Convolutional Network for Video Rain Streaks Removal
* End-to-End Multi-Scale Residual Reconstruction Network for Image Compressive Sensing, An
* End-To-End Person Search Sequentially Trained On Aggregated Dataset
* End-To-End Visual Place Recognition Based on Deep Metric Learning and Self-Adaptively Enhanced Similarity Metric
* Energy Minimization Based Alternate Sampling and Clustering for Geometric Model Fitting
* Energy-Aware Bit-Serial Streaming Deep Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator, An
* Enhanced Fuzzy-Based Local Information Algorithm for Sonar Image Segmentation
* Enhanced Grassmann discriminant analysis with randomized time warping for motion recognition
* Enhanced Video Compression Based on Effective Bit Depth Adaptation
* Enhancement of a CNN-Based Denoiser Based on Spatial and Spectral Analysis
* Enhancement of Weakly Illuminated Images by Deep Fusion Networks
* Enhancing Denoised Image Via Fusion With a Noisy Image
* Enhancing Image Watermarking With Adaptive Embedding Parameter and PSNR Guarantee
* Enhancing Patch-Based Methods with Inter-Frame Connectivity for Denoising Multi-Frame Images
* Enhancing Quality for VVC Compressed Videos by Jointly Exploiting Spatial Details and Temporal Structure
* Ensemble Neural Networks for Modeling DEM Error
* Ensemble-Based Systems to Monitor Algal Bloom With Remote Sensing
* Ensembles of Feedforward-Designed Convolutional Neural Networks
* Error Budget in the Validation of Radiometric Products Derived from OLCI around the China Sea from Open Ocean to Coastal Waters Compared with MODIS and VIIRS
* Esnet: Edge-Based Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation in Traffic Scenes
* Estimating 2009-2017 Impervious Surface Change in Gwadar, Pakistan Using the HJ-1A/B Constellation, GF-1/2 Data, and the Random Forest Algorithm
* Estimating Fine-Scale Heat Vulnerability in Beijing Through Two Approaches: Spatial Patterns, Similarities, and Divergence
* Estimating Forest Canopy Height Using MODIS BRDF Data Emphasizing Typical-Angle Reflectances
* Estimating Gravimetric Water Content of a Winter Wheat Field from L-Band Vegetation Optical Depth
* Estimating High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Rainfall from MSG1 and GPM IMERG Based on Machine Learning: Case Study of Iran
* Estimating Human Shape Under Clothing from Single Frontal View Point Cloud of a Dressed Human
* Estimating Pasture Biomass and Canopy Height in Brazilian Savanna Using UAV Photogrammetry
* Estimating Physical Activity Intensity And Energy Expenditure Using Computer Vision On Videos
* Estimating the Aboveground Biomass for Planted Forests Based on Stand Age and Environmental Variables
* Estimating The Spatial Resolution of Overhead Imagery Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Estimation of Correspondent Trajectories in Multiple Overlapping Synchronized Videos Using Correlation of Activity Functions
* Estimation of Emotion Labels via Tensor-Based Spatiotemporal Visual Attention Analysis
* Estimation of Multiple Atmospheric Pollutants Through Image Analysis
* Estimation of Sulfonamides Concentration in Water Based on Digital Colourimetry
* Estimation of Usable Area of Flat-Roof Residential Buildings Using Topographic Data with Machine Learning Methods
* Evaluating Crowd Density Estimators Via Their Uncertainty Bounds
* Evaluating the Impact of Color Information in Deep Neural Networks
* Evaluation Framework for 360-Degree Visual Content Compression with User View-Dependent Transmission
* Evaluation of Approaches for Mapping Tidal Wetlands of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
* Evaluation of Deep Learning Techniques for Qr Code Detection, An
* Evaluation of Gaze Tracking Calibration for Longitudinal Biomedical Imaging Studies
* Evaluation of MWHS-2 Using a Co-located Ground-Based Radar Network for Improved Model Assimilation
* Evaluation of TsHARP Utility for Thermal Sharpening of Sentinel-3 Satellite Images Using Sentinel-2 Visual Imagery
* Evidence of Mid- and Low-Latitude Nighttime Ionospheric E-F Coupling: Coordinated Observations of Sporadic E Layers, F-Region Field-Aligned Irregularities, and Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
* Evolutionary Camera Pose Estimation of a Multi-Camera Setup for Computed Tomography
* Exact Incremental and Decremental Learning for LS-SVM
* Exact Transform-Domain Noise Variance for Collaborative Filtering of Stationary Correlated Noise
* Exceptionally High 2018 Equilibrium Line Altitude on Taku Glacier, Alaska
* Exemplar-Based Recursive Instance Segmentation With Application to Plant Image Analysis
* Expandable Deep Learning Inference Framework With Adjustability to Workload Requirement, An
* Experimental Dynamic Impact Factor Assessment of Railway Bridges through a Radar Interferometer
* Explicit Learning of Feature Orientation Estimation
* Exploiting CNN Layer Activations to Improve Adversarial Image Classification
* Exploiting Mid-Level Semantics for Large-Scale Complex Video Classification
* Exploiting Related and Unrelated Tasks for Hierarchical Metric Learning and Image Classification
* Exploring Discriminative Features in Mueller Matrix Images for Electrospinning Classification
* Exploring Feature Representation and Training Strategies in Temporal Action Localization
* Exploring Hardware Friendly Bottleneck Architecture in CNN for Embedded Computing Systems
* Exploring Housing Rent by Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression: A Case Study in Nanjing
* Exploring the Utility of Machine Learning-Based Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Data Assimilation over Terrestrial Snow in High Mountain Asia
* Expression Conditional GAN for Facial Expression-to-Expression Translation
* Extended Linear Quadratic Model Predictive Control Approach for Multi-Destination Urban Traffic Networks, An
* Extending Adversarial Attacks and Defenses to Deep 3D Point Cloud Classifiers
* Extending LBP and Convolution-Like Operations on the Mesh
* Extending XBAER Algorithm to Aerosol and Cloud Condition
* Extracting Khmer Rouge Irrigation Networks from Pre-Landsat 4 Satellite Imagery Using Vegetation Indices
* Eye-Tracking Database of Video Advertising, An
* Face Alignment by Discriminative Feature Learning
* Face Identification Using Local Ternary Tree Pattern Based Spatial Structural Components
* Face It!: A Pipeline for Real-Time Performance-Driven Facial Animation
* Face Recognition with Disentangled Facial Representation Learning and Data Augmentation
* Facet-Based Numerical Model for Simulating SAR Altimeter Echoes From Heterogeneous Sea Ice Surfaces, A
* Facial Affect Analysis System for Autism Spectrum Disorder, A
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Adaptive Robust Local Complete Pattern
* Facial Expression Recognition with Skip-Connection to Leverage Low-Level Features
* Facial Pore Detection Based on Characteristics of Skin Pigment Distribution
* Factored Convolutional Neural Network for Amharic Character Image Recognition
* FAMED-Net: A Fast and Accurate Multi-Scale End-to-End Dehazing Network
* FaRE: Open Source Face Recognition Performance Evaluation Package
* Fashion Recommendation on Street Images
* Fashion Style Recognition Using Component-Dependent Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast 6DOF Pose Estimation with Synthetic Textureless CAD Model for Mobile Applications
* Fast Adaptive Bilateral Filtering of Color Images
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution with Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks
* Fast and Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Based on Dense Residuals Two-Channel Network
* Fast and Robust Homography Estimation by Adaptive Graduated non-Convexity
* Fast Approximation of Non-Negative Sparse Recovery via Deep Learning
* Fast Bright-Pass Bilateral Filtering for Low-Light Enhancement
* Fast Collective Activity Recognition Under Weak Supervision
* Fast Fourier-Domain Optimization Using Hybrid L1-/L_p-Norm for Autofocus in Airborne SAR Imaging
* Fast Ground Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Iterative Scan-Line Spline Interpolation
* Fast HEVC-to-AV1 Transcoding Based On Coding Unit Depth Inheritance
* Fast Image Enhancement Based on Maximum and Guided Filters
* Fast Inpainting-Based Compression: Combining Shepard Interpolation with Joint Inpainting and Prediction
* Fast Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning
* Fast Palette Mode Decision Methods for Coding Game Videos With HEVC-SCC
* Fast Partitioning Decision Strategies for The Upcoming Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard
* Fast Reproducible Pansharpening Based on Instrument and Acquisition Modeling: AWLP Revisited
* Fast Super-Resolution in MRI Images Using Phase Stretch Transform, Anchored Point Regression and Zero-Data Learning
* Fast: Flow-Assisted Shearlet Transform for Densely-Sampled Light Field Reconstruction
* Faster training of Mask R-CNN by focusing on instance boundaries
* Faster Unsupervised Semantic Inpainting: A GAN Based Approach
* Feature Aggregation Convolution Network for Haze Removal
* Feature Aggregation Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Feature Aligned Recurrent Network for Causal Video Object Detection
* Feature Extraction and Tracking of CNN Segmentations for Improved Road Detection from Satellite Imagery
* Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Patch-to-Patch CNN
* Feature Fusion of Face and Body for Engagement Intensity Detection
* Feature-Attentioned Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Few-Shot Associative Domain Adaptation for Surface Normal Estimation
* FFBNet: Lightweight Backbone for Object Detection Based Feature Fusion Block
* Fidelity or Quality? A Region-Aware Framework for Enhanced Image Decoding via Hybrid Neural Networks
* Fidelity-Assured Rate Distortion Optimization Method for Perceptual-Based Video Coding, A
* Field-Scale Rice Yield Estimation Using Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data in Coastal Saline Region of Jiangsu Province, China
* Filter for SAR Image Despeckling Using Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network Model, A
* Fine-Grained Action Detection and Classification in Table Tennis with Siamese Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network
* Fine-Grained Classification of Endoscopic Tympanic Membrane Images
* Fingerprint Pore Comparison Using Local Features and Spatial Relations
* Fish Tracking and Segmentation From Stereo Videos on the Wild Sea Surface for Electronic Monitoring of Rail Fishing
* Fit-me: Image-Based Virtual Try-on With Arbitrary Poses
* Fitness Based Layer Rank Selection Algorithm for Accelerating CNNs by Candecomp/Parafac (CP) Decompositions
* FIVR: Fine-Grained Incident Video Retrieval
* Fixed-Point Quantization Technique for Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Weight Scaling, A
* Flash Lightens Gray Pixels
* Flood Mapping with Convolutional Neural Networks Using Spatio-Contextual Pixel Information
* Focus Estimation in Academic Environments Using Computer Vision
* Food Recognition by Integrating Local and Flat Classifiers
* Forecasting Short-Term Passenger Flow: An Empirical Study on Shenzhen Metro
* Forest Connectivity, Host Assemblage Characteristics of Local and Neighboring Counties, and Temperature Jointly Shape the Spatial Expansion of Lyme Disease in United States
* Format-Compliant Perceptual Encryption Method for JPEG XT
* Four Dimensional Mapping of Vegetation Moisture Content Using Dual-Wavelength Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Foxnet: A Multi-Face Alignment Method
* FracL: A Tool for Characterizing the Fractality of Landscape Gradients from a New Perspective
* Frame Attention Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
* Frame by Frame Pain Estimation Using Locally Spatial Attention Learning
* Frame Interpolation Using Phase and Amplitude Feature Pyramids
* Frame Rate Conversion Method Based on a Virtual Shutter Angle, A
* Frame Stitching in Human Oral Cavity Environment Using Intraoral Camera
* Framework of Reversible Color-to-Grayscale Conversion With Watermarking Feature, A
* Free-Breathing Ungated Cardiac MRI Using Iterative SToRM (i-SToRM)
* From Difference to Similarity: A Manifold Ranking-Based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Framework
* From Features to Attribute Graphs for Point Set Registration
* From Mapping to Localization: A Complete Framework to Visually Estimate Position and Attitude for Autonomous Vehicles
* Full-Reference Metric Adaptive Image Denoising
* Full-Waveform Airborne LiDAR Data Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Functional Phenology of a Texas Post Oak Savanna from a CHRIS PROBA Time Series
* Fusion of Heterogeneous Earth Observation Data for the Classification of Local Climate Zones
* Gait Energy Image Restoration Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Gamut-Extension Method Considering Color Information Restoration using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* Gan Based Multi-Exposure Inverse Tone Mapping
* GAN-Based Video Super-Resolution With Direct Regularized Inversion of the Low-Resolution Formation Model
* Gastritis Detection from Gastric X-Ray Images Via Fine-Tuning of Patch-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Gaussian Process Graph-Based Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* General and Balanced Region-Based Metric for Evaluating Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Generating Adversarial Examples By Makeup Attacks on Face Recognition
* Generating High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Fractional Vegetation Cover by Fusing GF-1 WFV and MODIS Data
* Generation of Head Models for Brain Stimulation Using Deep Convolution Networks
* Generation of Homogeneous VHR Time Series by Nonparametric Regression of Multisensor Bitemporal Images
* Generative Adversarial Multi-Task Learning for Face Sketch Synthesis and Recognition
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Facilitating Stain-Independent Supervised and Unsupervised Segmentation: A Study on Kidney Histology
* Generative Guiding Block: Synthesizing Realistic Looking Variants Capable of Even Large Change Demands
* Generic Multi-Projection-Center Model and Calibration Method for Light Field Cameras, A
* Geographical Analysis on the Projection and Distortion of INO's Tokyo Map in 1817
* Geometric Camera Pose Refinement with Learned Depth Maps
* Geometric Characterization of Vines from 3D Point Clouds Obtained with Laser Scanner Systems
* Geometric Interpretation of CNNs' Last Layer
* Geometry Coding for Dynamic Voxelized Point Clouds Using Octrees and Multiple Contexts
* Geometry-Aware GAN for Face Attribute Transfer
* Geometry-Aware Graph Transforms for Light Field Compact Representation
* Geostatistical Approach to Estimate High Resolution Nocturnal Bird Migration Densities from a Weather Radar Network, A
* Gesture Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Deformable Convolutional Representation
* GHRNet: Guided Hierarchical Refinement Network for Stereo Matching
* Giant Panda Face Recognition Using Small Dataset
* Gicoface: Global Information-Based Cosine Optimal Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* GIS-Based Water Balance Approach Using a LiDAR-Derived DEM Captures Fine-Scale Vegetation Patterns, A
* Glasses-Free Led Holoscopic 3D Wall with Effective Pixel Mapping
* Glidar3DJ: a View-Invariant Gait Identification via Flash Lidar Data Correction
* Global Method for Non-Rigid Registration of Cell Nuclei in Live Cell Time-Lapse Images, A
* Global Sensitivity Analysis of the SCOPE Model in Sentinel-3 Bands: Thermal Domain Focus
* Glyph and Position Classification of Music Symbols in Early Music Manuscripts
* GNSS Radio Occultation Advances the Monitoring of Volcanic Clouds: The Case of the 2008 Kasatochi Eruption
* Going Back to Basics on Volumetric Segmentation of the Lungs in CT: A Fully Image Processing Based Technique
* Golden Ratio: The Attributes of Facial Attractiveness Learned By CNN
* Graph Based Non-Uniform Sampling and Reconstruction of Depth Maps
* Graph Based Skeleton Modeling for Human Activity Analysis
* Graph Embedding Framework for Maximum Mean Discrepancy-Based Domain Adaptation Algorithms, A
* Graph Regularization Network with Semantic Affinity for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Graph Regularized Multilinear Mixing Model for Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing, A
* Graph Transform Optimization With Application to Image Compression
* Graph-Based Detection of Seams In 360-Degree Images
* Greening Implication Inferred from Vegetation Dynamics Interacted with Climate Change and Human Activities over the Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* Greenspace Pattern and the Surface Urban Heat Island: A Biophysically-Based Approach to Investigating the Effects of Urban Landscape Configuration
* Group Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Group Re-Identification with Hybrid Attention Model and Residual Distance
* Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Intelligent Transportation Systems Empowered by AI Technologies
* Guided Cyclegan Via Semi-Dual Optimal Transport for Photo-Realistic Face Super-Resolution
* Guided Next Best View for 3D Reconstruction of Large Complex Structures
* Gun and Knife Detection Based on Faster R-CNN for Video Surveillance
* HA-CCN: Hierarchical Attention-Based Crowd Counting Network
* Hallucinating A Cleanly Labeled Augmented Dataset from A Noisy Labeled Dataset Using GAN
* HAR Enhanced Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Coupled with Adversarial Learning
* Hardware-Friendly Compressive Imaging Based on Random Modulations Permutations for Image Acquisition and Classification
* Health Monitoring of Tree Trunks Using Ground Penetrating Radar
* Help by Predicting What to Do
* Hemelb Acceleration and Visualization for Cerebral Aneurysms
* Hepatic Lesion Segmentation by Combining Plain and Contrast-Enhanced CT Images with Modality Weighted U-Net
* HEVC-Compliant Fast Screen Content Transcoding Framework Based on Mode Mapping, An
* Hierarchical Airport Detection Method Using Spatial Analysis and Deep Learning, A
* Hierarchical Classification Framework of Satellite Multispectral/Hyperspectral Images for Mapping Coastal Wetlands, A
* Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach for Plant Disease Detection
* Hierarchical Features Fusion for Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Hierarchical Graph-RNNS for Action Detection of Multiple Activities
* Hierarchical Learning Approach for Detection of Clustered Microcalcifications in Mammograms, A
* Hierarchical Model for Human Action Recognition From Body-Parts, A
* Hierarchical Multi-Task Network For Race, Gender and Facial Attractiveness Recognition
* High Joint Spectral-Spatial Resolution Imaging via Nanostructured Random Broadband Filtering
* High Quality Monocular Depth Estimation Via A Multi-Scale Network And A Detail-Preserving Objective
* High Spatio-Temporal Resolution CYGNSS Soil Moisture Estimates Using Artificial Neural Networks
* High Throughput Block Coding in the HTJ2K Compression Standard
* High-Accuracy Automatic Person Segmentation with Novel Spatial Saliency Map
* High-Dimensional Embedding Denoising Autoencoding Prior for Color Image Restoration
* High-Fidelity Face Sketch-To-Photo Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Network
* High-Frequency Electromagnetic Induction (HFEMI) Sensor Results from IED Constituent Parts
* High-performance Cross-platform Map Rendering Engine for Mobile Geographic Information System (GIS), A
* High-Resolution Class Activation Mapping
* High-Resolution Encoder-Decoder Networks for Low-Contrast Medical Image Segmentation
* High-Resolution Face Recognition Via Deep Pore-Feature Matching
* High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity in Coastal Areas Worldwide from Raw Satellite Data
* Hippocampus Segmentation Based on Iterative Local Linear Mapping With Representative and Local Structure-Preserved Feature Embedding
* Holistic Multi-Modal Memory Network for Movie Question Answering
* Holistic Recognition Approach for Woodblock-Print Mongolian Words Based on Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Homocentric Hypersphere Feature Embedding for Person Re-Identification
* How Effectively can Indoor Wireless Positioning Relieve Visual Tracking Pains: A Cramer-Rao Bound Viewpoi
* Hue-Preserving Color Image Enhancement on a Vector Space of Convex Combination Coefficients
* Human Lights
* Human Pose Estimation Using Deep Convolutional Densenet Hourglass Network with Intermediate Points Voting
* Hybrid Framework for High-Performance Modeling of Three-Dimensional Pipe Networks, A
* Hybrid L2 -LP Variational Model For Single Low-Light Image Enhancement With Bright Channel Prior, A
* Hybrid Noise Removal in Hyperspectral Imagery with a Spatial-Spectral Gradient Network
* hybrid OSVM-OCNN Method for Crop Classification from Fine Spatial Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Hybrid Scratchpad Video Memory Architecture for Energy-Efficient Parallel HEVC
* Hybrid Synthesis for Exposure Fusion from Hand-Held Camera Inputs
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Generative Adversarial Network with Dropblock
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Compressive Sensing
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Small Training Sample Size Using Superpixel-Guided Training Sample Enlargement
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with Tensor-Based Rank-R Learning Models
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising Using Global Weighted Tensor Norm Minimum and Nonlocal Low-Rank Approximation
* Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Matrix Factorization and Deep Prior Regularization
* Hyperspectral Image Fusion Using Fast High-Dimensional Denoising
* Hyperspectral Images Denoising via Nonconvex Regularized Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* Hyperspectral Unmixing with Gaussian Mixture Model and Spatial Group Sparsity
* Identification and Mapping of Soil Erosion Processes Using the Visual Interpretation of LiDAR Imagery
* Identification Of Buildings In Street Images Using Map Information
* Identifying Vegetation in Arid Regions Using Object-Based Image Analysis with RGB-Only Aerial Imagery
* Image Analysis and Processing in the Encrypted Domain
* Image and Spectrum Based Deep Feature Analysis for Particle Matter Estimation with Weather Informatio
* Image Anonymization Detection with Deep Handcrafted Features
* Image Based Estimation of Fruit Phytopathogenic Lesions Area
* Image Based Prediction Model for Sleep Stage Identification, An
* Image Captioning with Attribute Refinement
* Image Compressed Sensing Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Image Decolorization Based on Information Theory
* Image Decolorization Combining Local Features and Exposure Features
* Image Decomposition and Classification Through a Generative Model
* Image Denoising with Graph-Convolutional Neural Networks
* Image Feature Detection Based on Phase Congruency by Monogenic Filters with New Noise Estimation
* Image Features for Automated Colorectal Polyp Classification Based on Clinical Prediction Models
* Image Identification Scheme of Encrypted JPEG Images for Privacy-Preserving Photo Sharing Services, An
* Image Inpainting For Random Areas Using Dense Context Features
* Image Lightness Conversion and Sharpening Taking Account of Visual Features of Elderly Person
* Image Pre-Transformation for Recognition-Aware Image Compression
* Image Processing Method for Epidermal Cells Detection and Measurement in Arabidopsis Thaliana Leaves
* Image Representations With Spatial Object-to-Object Relations for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* Image Semantic Segmentation With Edge and Feature Level Attenuators
* Image Smoothing Via Gradient Sparsity and Surface Area Minimization
* Image Super-Resolution Using CNN Optimised By Self-Feature Loss
* Image Super-Resolution Using Complex Dense Block on Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image Synthesis in Multi-Contrast MRI With Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network with Structural Coherence
* Image-Evoked Affect and its Impact on Eeg-Based Biometrics
* Image-Image Translation to Enhance Near Infrared Face Recognition
* Impact of Enhancement for Coronary Artery Segmentation Based on Deep Learning Neural Network
* Impact of EU Grants Absorption on Land Cover Changes: The Case of Poland, The
* Impact of Fused Visible-Infrared Video Streams on Visual Tracking
* Impact of Pre-Processing on Recognition of Cursive Video Text
* Impact of the Radar-Sampling Volume on Multiwavelength Spaceborne Radar Measurements Using Airborne Radar Observations, The
* Impact of Ultrasound Image Reconstruction Method on Breast Lesion Classification with Deep Learning
* Impact of Urbanization and Climate on Vegetation Coverage in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China
* Impacts of AOD Correction and Spatial Scale on the Correlation between High-Resolution AOD from Gaofen-1 Satellite and In Situ PM2.5 Measurements in Shenzhen City, China
* Implicit Background Estimation For Semantic Segmentation
* Importance of Truncation Activation in Pre-Processing for Spatial and Jpeg Image Steganalysis
* Impression Estimation for Deformed Portraits With a Landmark-Based Ranking Network
* Improved Fourier Mellin Invariant for Robust Rotation Estimation with Omni-Cameras
* Improved Hand Gesture Recognition with Two-Stage Convolution Neural Networks Using a Hand Color Image and its Pseudo-Depth Image, An
* Improved Local Ternary Pattern for Texture Classification, An
* Improved Multiobjective Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction, An
* Improved Open Set Domain Adaptation with Backpropagation
* Improved Piecewise Linear Transformation for Precise Warping of Very-High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Improved POLSAR Model-Based Decomposition Interpretation Under Scintillation Conditions
* Improved Quantization and Transform Coefficient Coding for the Emerging Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard
* Improved Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Land Parameter Retrieval Model for Water-Land Mixed Pixels Using AMSR-E Data, An
* Improved Spatial-Spectral Superpixel Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Improved Superpixel-Based Fast Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Improvement for Capsule Networks Using Depthwise Separable Convolution, An
* Improving Document Binarization Via Adversarial Noise-Texture Augmentation
* Improving Domain Adaptation by Source Selection
* Improving Field-Scale Wheat LAI Retrieval Based on UAV Remote-Sensing Observations and Optimized VI-LUTs
* Improving Human Parsing by Extracting Global Information Using the Non-Local Operation
* Improving Robustness to Adversarial Examples by Encouraging Discriminative Features
* Improving Super Resolution Methods Via Incremental Residual Learning
* Impulse Response of Negatively Focused Spherical Ultrasound Detectors and Its Effect on Tomographic Optoacoustic Reconstruction, The
* In-air handwritten Chinese text recognition with temporal convolutional recurrent network
* Incorporating Luminance, Depth and Color Information by a Fusion-Based Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Incorporating Spectral Unmixing in Satellite Imagery Semantic Segmentation
* Incorporating Temporary Coherent Scatterers in Multi-Temporal InSAR Using Adaptive Temporal Subsets
* Incremental Learning for Football Match Outcomes Prediction
* Incremental Learning Techniques Within a Self-updating Approach for Face Verification in Video-Surveillance
* Influence of Viewpoint on Visual Saliency Models for Volumetric Content
* Information Fusion via Multimodal Hashing With Discriminant Correlation Maximization
* Information-Theoretic Approach to Transferability in Task Transfer Learning, An
* Informative Frame Classification of Endoscopic Videos Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models
* Infrared Optical Observability of an Earth Entry Orbital Test Vehicle Using Ground-Based Remote Sensors
* Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrored Aperture Synthesis
* Inpainting Versus Denoising for Dose Reduction in Scanning-Beam Microscopies
* Input-Perturbation-Sensitivity for Performance Analysis of CNNS on Image Recognition
* Insect Classification Using Squeeze-and-Excitation and Attention Modules: a Benchmark Study
* Instance Segmentation by Learning Deep Feature in Embedding Space
* Instance Selection for the Nearest Neighbor Classifier: Connecting the Performance to the Underlying Data Structure
* Integrating Geovisual Analytics with Machine Learning for Human Mobility Pattern Discovery
* Integrating Stereo Images and Laser Altimeter Data of the ZY3-02 Satellite for Improved Earth Topographic Modeling
* Integration of a Landsat Time-Series of NBR and Hydrological Modeling to Assess Pinus pinaster Aiton. Forest Defoliation in South-Eastern Spain
* Integration of Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data and Single-Channel Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images by SAR-Based Ship Velocity Estimation for Maritime Situational Awareness
* Integration of ZiYuan-3 Multispectral and Stereo Data for Modeling Aboveground Biomass of Larch Plantations in North China
* Intelligence-Based Approach for Prediction of Microscopic Pedestrian Walking Behavior, An
* Intelligent Interaction with Virtual Geographical Environments Based on Geographic Knowledge Graph
* Intelligent Positioning Approach for High Speed Trains Based on Ant Colony Optimization and Machine Learning Algorithms
* Interactions between Bus, Metro, and Taxi Use before and after the Chinese Spring Festival
* Interactive-Predictive Neural Multimodal Systems
* Interpretable Generative Model for Handwritten Digits Synthesis, An
* Interweaved Prediction for Affine Motion Compensation
* Intra Block-DPCM with Layer Separation of Screen Content in VVC
* Intra Subpartition Coding Mode for VVC, An
* Introducing WIW for Detecting the Presence of Water in Wetlands with Landsat and Sentinel Satellites
* Introspective GAN for Meshface Recognition
* Investigating Schema-Free Encoding of Categorical Data Using Prime Numbers in a Geospatial Context
* Investigating the Impact of Land Parcelization on Forest Composition and Structure in Southeastern Ohio Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Data
* Iotbench: A Benchmark Suite for Intelligent Internet of Things Edge Devices
* Iris Center Localization Using Geodesic Distance and CNN
* Iterative Dataset Filtering for Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Depth Images
* Iterative Joint Ptychography-Tomography with Total Variation Regularization
* Iterative Optical Flow Refinement for High Resolution Images
* Iterative Sure-Let Deconvolution Algorithm Based on BM3D Denoiser, An
* JAXA Annual Forest Cover Maps for Vietnam during 2015-2018 Using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 and Auxiliary Data
* Jittered Exposures for Light Field Super-Resolution
* Joint Deep and Depth for Object-Level Segmentation and Stereo Tracking in Crowds
* Joint Demosaicking and Blind Deblurring Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Joint Feature and Texture Coding: Toward Smart Video Representation via Front-End Intelligence
* Joint Image Restoration and Matching Based on Hierarchical Sparse Representation
* Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi-View Image Clustering
* Joint Lightweight Object Tracking and Detection for Unmanned Vehicles
* Joint Object and State Recognition Using Language Knowledge
* Joint Regression Modeling and Sparse Spatial Refinement for High-Quality Reconstruction of Distorted Color Images
* Joint Retrieval of Growing Season Corn Canopy LAI and Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Fusing Sentinel-2 and MODIS Images
* Joint Vessel Segmentation and Deformable Registration on Multi-Modal Retinal Images Based on Style Transfer
* Jointly Using Low-Rank and Sparsity Priors for Sparse Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
* Joints Relation Inference Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* JPSS-1/NOAA-20 VIIRS Day-Night Band Prelaunch Radiometric Calibration and Performance
* Kernel Anomalous Change Detection for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Kernel Mean P Power Error Loss for Robust Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
* Kernel-Based Image Filtering: Fast Algorithms and Applications
* Keystroke Mobile Authentication: Performance of Long-Term Approaches and Fusion with Behavioral Profiling
* Knowledge Transfer for Face Verification Using Heterogeneous Generalized Operational Perceptrons
* KOMPSAT-3 Digital Elevation Model Correction Based on Point-to-Surface Matching
* Kpsnet: Keypoint Detection and Feature Extraction for Point Cloud Registration
* L1-Subspace Tracking for Streaming Data
* Labanotation Generation Based on Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units with Joint and Line Features
* label noise tolerant random forest for the classification of remote sensing data based on outdated maps for training, A
* Laboratory and Crowdsourcing Studies of Lip Sync Effect on the Audio-Video Quality Assessment for Videoconferencing Application
* LADM-Based Model for Natural Resource Administration in China
* LAM: Remote Sensing Image Captioning with Label-Attention Mechanism
* Land Form Classification and Similar Land-Shape Discovery by Using Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Networks
* Land Surface Temperature Variation Following the 2017 Mw 7.3 Iran Earthquake
* Landsat-8, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer, and WorldView-3 Multispectral Satellite Imagery for Prospecting Copper-Gold Mineralization in the Northeastern Inglefield Mobile Belt (IMB), Northwest Greenland
* Landsats 1-5 Multispectral Scanner System Sensors Radiometric Calibration Update
* Landslide Deformation Monitoring by Adaptive Distributed Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Language and Visual Relations Encoding for Visual Question Answering
* Lap-Based Video Frame Interpolation
* Large-Scale Low-Rank Matrix Learning with Nonconvex Regularizers
* Large-Scale Mode Impacts on the Sea Level over the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
* Latent Representation Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Incomplete Multi-Modality Neuroimaging and Genetic Data
* Layered Conceptual Image Compression Via Deep Semantic Synthesis
* Layout and Context Understanding for Image Synthesis with Scene Graphs
* Lcuts: Linear Clustering of Bacteria Using Recursive Graph Cuts
* Leafing Patterns and Drivers across Seasonally Dry Tropical Communities
* Learnable Masks for Pose-Guided View Synthesis
* Learnable Scatternet: Locally Invariant Convolutional Layers, A
* Learned Image Compression with Soft Bit-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Learned Image Deblurring by Unfolding a Proximal Interior Point Algorithm
* Learned Multimodal Convolutional Sparse Coding for Guided Image Super-Resolution
* Learned Quality Enhancement via Multi-Frame Priors for HEVC Compliant Low-Delay Applications
* Learning a Cascade Regression for No-Reference Super-Resolution Image Quality Assessment
* Learning Cascaded Siamese Networks for High Performance Visual Tracki
* Learning Chan-Vese
* Learning Choreographic Primitives Through A Bayesian Optimized Bi-Directional LSTM Model
* Learning Convolutional Transforms for Lossy Point Cloud Geometry Compression
* Learning Correlation Filter With Detection Response For Visual Tracking
* Learning Coupled Convolutional Networks Fusion for Video Saliency Prediction
* Learning Deformable Hourglass Networks (DHGN) for Unconstrained Face Alignment
* Learning Dense Correspondences for Video Objects
* Learning Depth Cues from Focal Stack for Light Field Depth Estimation
* Learning Discriminative Compact Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Learning Fashion Compatibility Across Apparel Categories for Outfit Recommendation
* Learning Geographically Distributed Data for Multiple Tasks Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Learning Global Brain Microstructure Maps Using Trainable Sparse Encoders
* Learning Hierarchical Features for Visual Object Tracking With Recursive Neural Networks
* Learning Hierarchical Self-Attention for Video Summarization
* Learning Intra-Video Difference for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Iteration-Dependent Denoisers for Model-Consistent Compressive Sensing
* Learning Latent Global Network for Skeleton-Based Action Prediction
* Learning Lightweight Pedestrian Detector with Hierarchical Knowledge Distillation
* Learning Local-Global Multi-Graph Descriptors for RGB-T Object Tracking
* Learning Modality-Specific Representations for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* Learning Optimal Phase-Coded Aperture for Depth of Field Extension
* Learning Prediction of Emotional Change on Behaviors
* Learning Quaternion Graph for Color Face Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Rich Part Hierarchies With Progressive Attention Networks for Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Learning Spatial and Spectral Features via 2D-1D Generative Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Learning Super-Resolution Coherent Facial Features Using Nonlinear Multiset PLS for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Learning Target-Oriented Dual Attention for Robust RGB-T Tracking
* Learning the Set Graphs: Image-Set Classification Using Sparse Graph Convolutional Networks
* Learning to Create Cartoon Images from a Very Small Dataset
* Learning to Focus and Discriminate for Fine-Grained Classification
* Learning to Perform Visual Tasks from Human Demonstrations
* Learning to Plan Semantic Free-Space Boundary
* Learning to Reconstruct Computed Tomography Images Directly From Sinogram Data Under A Variety of Data Acquisition Conditions
* Learning to Remember Past to Predict Future for Visual Tracking
* Learning to Render Better Image Previews
* Learning Visually Aligned Semantic Graph for Cross-Modal Manifold Matching
* Learning Visually Consistent Label Embeddings for Zero-Shot Learning
* Learning What and Where from Attributes to Improve Person Re-Identification
* Learning-Based Multi-Frame Video Quality Enhancement
* Learning-Based Prediction Model for Baby Accidents, A
* Lednet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Lesion Detection in Breast Ultrasound Images Using a Machine Learning Approach and Genetic Optimization
* Leveraging the Discrete Cosine Basis for Better Motion Modelling in Highly Textured Video Sequences
* Lidar Prediction of Small Mammal Diversity in Wisconsin, USA
* Life Signs Detector Using a Drone in Disaster Zones
* Light Field Compression Using Fourier Disparity Layers
* Light Field Stitching Targeting Focal Length Inconsistency
* Light Field Synthesis Using Inexpensive Surveillance Camera Systems
* Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Visual Tracking with Mutual Learning
* Lightweight Monocular Depth Estimation Model by Joint End-to-End Filter Pruning
* Lightweight Neural Network For Crowd Analysis Of Images With Congested Scenes, A
* Line Segmentation Free Probabilistic Keyword Spotting and Indexing
* Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity: Part I: Soil Characteristics
* Lip Image Segmentation in Mobile Devices Based on Alternative Knowledge Distillation
* Liquid Water Detection under the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach
* Liver Vessels Segmentation Based on 3d Residual U-NET
* Llrnet: A Multiscale Subband Learning Approach for Low Light Image Restoration
* Local Climate Zone (LCZ) Map Accuracy Assessments Should Account for Land Cover Physical Characteristics that Affect the Local Thermal Environment
* Local Region Proposing for Frame-Based Vehicle Detection in Satellite Videos
* Local Spectral Similarity Preserving Regularized Robust Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Local Texture and Geometry Descriptors for Fast Block-Based Motion Estimation of Dynamic Voxelized Point Clouds
* Local to Global with Multi-Scale Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* Locally Low-Rank Regularized Video Stabilization With Motion Diversity Constraints
* Location2Vec: A Situation-Aware Representation for Visual Exploration of Urban Locations
* Log-Gabor Feature-Based Quality Assessment Model for Screen Content Images, A
* Logistical Planning for Electric Vehicles Under Time-Dependent Stochastic Traffic
* LOL: Learning To Optimize Loss Switching Under Label Noise
* Long and Short Memory Balancing in Visual Co-Tracking Using Q-Learning
* Long Short Term Memory Networks for Light Field View Synthesis
* Long-Term Changes of Open-Surface Water Bodies in the Yangtze River Basin Based on the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform
* Long-Term Spatial and Temporal Monitoring of Cyanobacteria Blooms Using MODIS on Google Earth Engine: A Case Study in Taihu Lake
* Long-Term Traffic Speed Prediction Based on Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning Network
* Look-Ahead Prediction Based Coding Unit Size Pruning for VVC Intra Coding
* Looking-Ahead: Neural Future Video Frame Prediction
* Loss Switching Fusion with Similarity Search for Video Classification
* Lossless Light Field Compression Using 4D Wavelet Transforms
* Low Dose Abdominal CT Image Reconstruction: An Unsupervised Learning Based Approach
* Low Latency Scalable Point Cloud Communication
* Low Power Adaptive Time-of-Flight Imaging for Multiple Rigid Objects
* Low-Complexity Scalable Encoder Based on Local Adaptation of the Spatial Resolution
* Low-Complexity Transform Adjustments for Video Coding
* Low-Dose CT Reconstruction with Multiclass Orthogonal Dictionaries
* Low-Light Face Image Enhancement Based on Dynamic Face Part Selection
* Low-Lightgan: Low-Light Enhancement Via Advanced Generative Adversarial Network With Task-Driven Training
* Low-Resolution Face Recognition Based on Identity-Preserved Face Hallucination
* LSTM-MA: A LSTM Method with Multi-Modality and Adjacency Constraint for Brain Image Segmentation
* Machine Learning Accelerated Partition Search for Video Encoding
* Machine Learning Approach for Improving Near-Real-Time Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates by Integrating Soil Moisture, A
* Machine Learning Methods for Classification of the Green Infrastructure in City Areas
* Machine Vision System for Stacked Substrates Counting With a Robust Stripe Detection Algorithm, A
* Machine-Assisted Annotation of Forensic Imagery
* Mammographic Mass Detection by Bilateral Analysis Based on Convolution Neural Network
* Mangan: Assisting Colorization Of Manga Characters Concept Art Using Conditional GAN
* Mapping Impact of Tidal Flooding on Solar Salt Farming in Northern Java using a Hydrodynamic Model
* Mapping Time-Space Brickfield Development Dynamics in Peri-Urban Area of Dhaka, Bangladesh
* Mask Captioning Network
* MBR: A Map-Based Relaying Algorithm For Reliable Data Transmission Through Intersection in VANETs
* Mean-Variance Loss for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Measuring Marine Plastic Debris from Space: Initial Assessment of Observation Requirements
* Measuring Sand Dune Migration Rates with COSI-Corr and Landsat: Opportunities and Challenges
* Measuring Student Engagement Level Using Facial Information
* Memory-Based Parameterized Skills Learning for Mapless Visual Navigation
* Meta-Learning Perspective for Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment
* Method for Handling Multi-Occlusion in Depth Estimation of Light Field, A
* Method for the Evaluation and Classification of the Orange Peel Effect on Painted Injection Moulded Part Surfaces, A
* Methodology for Processing of 3D Multibeam Sonar Big Data for Comparative Navigation
* Methodology to Assess Land Use Development, Flooding, and Wetland Change as Indicators of Coastal Vulnerability, A
* Metrological Measurement of Texture in Hyperspectral Images Using Relocated Spectral Difference Occurrence Matrix, A
* Microwave Land Emissivity Calculations over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Using FY-3B/MWRI Measurements
* Minimalistic Image Signal Processing for Deep Learning Applications
* Minimum Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* Mitigation of Radio Frequency Interference in Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: Current Status and Future Trends
* Mitigation of Unmodeled Error to Improve the Accuracy of Multi-GNSS PPP for Crustal Deformation Monitoring
* Mixed Noise Removal for Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Spatio-Spectral Total Variati
* MLSNet: Resource-Efficient Adaptive Inference with Multi-Level Segmentation Networks
* MMT-Cam: A New Miniature Multispectral Thermal Infrared Camera System for Capturing Dynamic Earth Processes
* Model Based Recursive Partitioning for Customized Price Optimization Analytics
* Model-Free Tracker for Multiple Objects Using Joint Appearance and Motion Inference
* Modeling Human Perception for Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Context for Video Object Detection
* Modeling of Multilayered Media Green's Functions With Rough Interfaces
* Modeling the Effect of Environmental and Topographic Variables Affecting the Height Increment of Norway Spruce Stands in Mountainous Conditions with the Use of LiDAR Data
* Modelling and Simulation of Selected Real Estate Market Spatial Phenomena
* Modelling Large Scale Datasets Using Partitioning-Based PCA
* Modified DBSCAN Algorithm for Microscopic Image Analysis of Wood
* MODIS and PROBA-V NDVI Products Differ when Compared with Observations from Phenological Towers at Four Tropical Dry Forests in the Americas
* MODIS Aqua Reflective Solar Band Calibration for NASA's R2018 Ocean Color Products
* Modular Processing Chain for Automated Flood Monitoring from Multi-Spectral Satellite Data, A
* Monitoring Beach Topography and Nearshore Bathymetry Using Spaceborne Remote Sensing: A Review
* Monitoring Deformation along Railway Systems Combining Multi-Temporal InSAR and LiDAR Data
* Monitoring of Urban Black-Odor Water Based on Nemerow Index and Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Regression Using UAV-Borne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Monitoring of Urbanization and Analysis of Environmental Impact in Stockholm with Sentinel-2A and SPOT-5 Multispectral Data
* Monitoring Urban-Freight Transport Based on GPS Trajectories of Heavy-Goods Vehicles
* Monocular Segment-Wise Depth: Monocular Depth Estimation Based on a Semantic Segmentation Prior
* Morphological Characteristics of Tidal Creeks in the Central Coastal Region of Jiangsu, China, Using LiDAR
* Morphology-Based Noise Reduction: Structural Variation and Thresholding in the Bitonic Filter
* Mosquito Larvae Image Classification Based on DenseNet and Guided Grad-CAM
* Motion Saliency Based Generative Adversarial Network for Underwater Moving Object Segmentation
* Multi-Agent Deep Collaboration Learning for Face Alignment Under Different Perspectives
* Multi-Branch Context-Aware Network for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for Grayscale Image Restoration
* Multi-Channel Multi-Loss Deep Learning Based Compression Model of Color Images
* Multi-Channel Weather Radar Echo Extrapolation with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks
* Multi-Components Low Dimensional Manifold Model For Photonlimited Poisson Noisy Image Reconstruction
* Multi-Dimensional Analysis of El Niño on Twitter: Spatial, Social, Temporal, and Semantic Perspectives, A
* Multi-Domain Attentive Detection Network
* Multi-Frame Super Resolution with Deep Residual Learning on Flow Registered Non-Integer Pixel Images
* Multi-Image Blind Deconvolution Using Low-Rank Representation
* Multi-Kernel Prediction Networks for Denoising of Burst Images
* Multi-label Logo Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning With Transfer-Aware Label Embedding Projection
* Multi-Level Network for High-Speed Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Multi-Level Residual Up-Projection Activation Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-Level Texture Encoding and Representation (Multer) Based on Deep Neural Networks
* Multi-Loss-Aware Channel Pruning of Deep Networks
* Multi-Modal Learning With Generalizable Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Multi-Objective Agent-Based Control Approach With Application in Intelligent Traffic Signal System, A
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Bounding Box Constraint and LSTM
* Multi-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks for Tiny-Scale Pedestrian Detection
* Multi-Resolution Spectral Graph Matching
* Multi-Scale Attention Deep Neural Network for Fast Accurate Object Detection
* Multi-Scale Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Face Sketch Synthesis, A
* Multi-Scale Defense of Adversarial Images
* Multi-Scale Multi-View Deep Feature Aggregation for Food Recognition
* Multi-Scale Regularized Deep Network for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Multi-Similarity Re-Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Multi-Speaker Tracking From an Audio-Visual Sensing Device
* Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Action Recognition
* Multi-Stream Scale-Insensitive Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Liver Tumor Detection in Dynamic Ct Images
* Multi-Task Bayesian Deep Neural Net for Detecting Life-Threatening Infant Incidents From Head Images, A
* Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network for Renal Tumor Segmentation and Classification Using Multi-Phasic CT Images, A
* Multi-Task Deep Relative Attribute Learning for Visual Urban Perception
* Multi-task Layout Analysis of Handwritten Musical Scores
* Multi-Task Learning for Segmentation of Building Footprints with Deep Neural Networks
* Multi-Task Learning of Depth from Tele and Wide Stereo Image Pairs
* Multi-Task Learning of Emotion Recognition and Facial Action Unit Detection with Adaptively Weights Sharing Network
* Multi-Task Learning with Compressible Features for Collaborative Intelligence
* Multi-View Frustum Pointnet for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving
* Multi-View Geometric Mean Metric Learning for Kinship Verification
* Multi-View Image Classification With Visual, Semantic and View Consistency
* Multi-View Imaging System Using Paraboloidal Mirror Arrays for Efficient Acquisition of Dynamic Light Fields
* Multi-View Metric Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Multi-View Video Synopsis via Simultaneous Object-Shifting and View-Switching Optimization
* Multi-Weights Intra Prediction with Double Reference Lines
* Multilevel Mapping Strategy to Calculate the Information Content of Remotely Sensed Imagery, A
* Multilinear Compressive Sensing With Tensor Ring Factorization
* Multimodal Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using an Unsupervised Pixel Pairwise-Based Markov Random Field Model
* Multimodal Point Distribution Model for Anthropological Landmark Detection
* Multipatch Unbiased Distance Non-Local Adaptive Means With Wavelet Shrinkage
* Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Network for Aerial Image Scene Classification
* Multiple Motion Fields for Multiple Types of Agents
* Multiple-Object-Tracking Algorithm Based on Dense Trajectory Voting in Aerial Videos
* Multiresolution Localization With Temporal Scanning for Super-Resolution Diffuse Optical Imaging of Fluorescence
* Multiscale Assimilation Approach to Improve Fine-Resolution Leaf Area Index Dynamics, A
* Multiscale Deep Convolutional Networks for Characterization and Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using MR images
* Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Convolutional Network with Image-Based Framework for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Multitemporal Hyperspectral Data Fusion with Topographic Indices: Improving Classification of Natura 2000 Grassland Habitats
* Mutual Noise Estimation Algorithm for Video Denoising
* N-RPN: Hard Example Learning For Region Proposal Networks
* Naturalness-Aware Deep No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Neural Compatibility Modeling With Probabilistic Knowledge Distillation
* Neural Multimodal Cooperative Learning Toward Micro-Video Understanding
* Neural Network Guided Perceptually Optimized Bit-Allocation for Block-Based Image and Video Compression
* Neural Network Maximizing Ordinally Supervised Multi-View Canonical Correlation for Deterioration Level Estimation
* New Algorithm to Estimate Chlorophyll-A Concentrations in Turbid Yellow Sea Water Using a Multispectral Sensor in a Low-Altitude Remote Sensing System, A
* new approach for reduction of attributes based on stripped quotient sets, A
* New Automatic Cancer Colony Forming Units Counting Method, A
* New Backdoor Attack in CNNS by Training Set Corruption Without Label Poisoning, A
* New Data Selection Strategy for One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification, A
* New Framework for Studying Tubes Rearrangement Strategies in Surveillance Video Synopsis, A
* New Global View of Above-Cloud Absorbing Aerosol Distribution Based on CALIPSO Measurements
* New No-Reference Method for Judder Artifact Assessment, A
* New On-Orbit Calibration Approach of SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Using the Full Profile of Direct Solar Illumination of Solar Diffuser
* New Pansharpening Method Using Objectness Based Saliency Analysis and Saliency Guided Deep Residual Network, A
* New Processing Chain for Real-Time Ground-Based SAR (RT-GBSAR) Deformation Monitoring, A
* New Stereo High Dynamic Range Imaging Method Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* New Study On Wood Fibers Textures: Documents Authentication Through LBP Fingerprint, A
* New Tools for the Classification and Filtering of Historical Maps
* NMF-Based Comprehensive Latent Factor Learning with Multiview Data
* No-Reference Autoencoder Video Quality Metric, A
* No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Rank Learning
* Non-Contact Photoplethysmogram and Instantaneous Heart Rate Estimation from Infrared Face Video
* Non-destructively Prediction of Quality Parameters of Dry-Cured Iberian Ham by Applying Computer Vision and Low-Field MRI
* Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping Clustering
* Non-ideal iris segmentation using Polar Spline RANSAC and illumination compensation
* Non-Local CNN for Video Denoising, A
* Non-Local Hierarchical Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Non-Local Operational Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
* Non-Planar Inside-Out Dense Light-Field Dataset and Reconstruction Pipeline
* Nonconvex Bayesian Restoration of Blurred Foreground Images
* Nonlinear Asymmetric Multi-Valued Hashing
* Nonlinear Blind Compressed Sensing Under Signal-Dependent Noise
* Nonparametric Learning Via Successive Subspace Modeling (SSM)
* Nonuniform Rotation Parameter Estimation in ISAR Imaging by Multiple Scattering Point Set Matching
* Note on Gradient-Based Intensity Normalization, A
* Novel Attribute Selection Mechanism for Video Captioning, A
* Novel Blind Image Quality Assessment Method Based on Refined Natural Scene Statistics, A
* Novel BoVW Mimicking End-To-End Trainable CNN Classification Framework Using Optimal Transport Theory, A
* Novel CT-Based Descriptors for Precise Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules, A
* Novel Graph-Based Approach for Seriation of Mouse Brain Cross-Section from Images, A
* Novel Hyperspectral Image Simulation Method Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, A
* Novel Key-Point Detector Based on Sparse Coding, A
* Novel Monocular Disparity Estimation Network with Domain Transformation and Ambiguity Learning, A
* Novel No-Reference Quality Assessment Model of Tone-Mapped HDR Image, A
* Novel Octree-Based 3-D Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Classification in Road Environment, A
* Novel Projective-Consistent Plane Based Image Stitching Method, A
* Novel Real-Time Moving Target Tracking and Path Planning System for a Quadrotor UAV in Unknown Unstructured Outdoor Scenes, A
* Novel Weakly Supervised Multitask Architecture for Retinal Lesions Segmentation on Fundus Images, A
* Object Bounding Transformed Network for End-to-End Semantic Segmentation
* Object Recognition Under Multifarious Conditions: A Reliability Analysis and a Feature Similarity-Based Performance Estimation
* Observation and Intercomparison of Wave Motion and Wave Measurement Using Shore-Based Coherent Microwave Radar and HF Radar
* Occluded Pedestrian Detection with Visible IoU and Box Sign Predictor
* Occupancy-Map-Based Rate Distortion Optimization for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* Ocean Response to Successive Typhoons Sarika and Haima (2016) Based on Data Acquired via Multiple Satellites and Moored Array
* Ocean Surface Foam and Microwave Emission: Dependence on Frequency and Incidence Angle
* OCT Volumetric Data Restoration with Latent Distribution of Refractive Index
* Offline Coarse-To-Fine Precision Optimization Algorithm for 3D Laser SLAM Point Cloud, An
* Offline Signature Verification Using Textural Descriptors
* Oil Tank Detection Based on Linear Clustering Saliency Analysis for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Oil Tank Detection Using Co-Spatial Residual and Local Gradation Statistic in SAR Images
* On Accuracy of Objective Metrics for Assessment of Perceptual Pre-Processing for Video Coding
* On C-Band Quad-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar Properties of Ocean Surface Currents
* On the Analysis of the Phase Unwrapping Process in a D-InSAR Stack with Special Focus on the Estimation of a Motion Model
* On the Applicability of Laboratory Thermal Infrared Emissivity Spectra for Deconvolving Satellite Data of Opaque Volcanic Ash Plumes
* On the Direction Guidance in Structure Tensor Total Variation Based Denoising
* On the Use of a Convolutional Neural Network to Predict Perceptual Quality of Images without Reference for Different Viewing Distances
* Online Crowd Semantic Segmentation Method Based on Reinforcement Learning, An
* Online learning using projections onto shrinkage closed balls for adaptive brain-computer interface
* Online Multi-Expert Learning for Visual Tracking
* Online Vehicle Routing With Neural Combinatorial Optimization and Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Online-Learning-Based Bayesian Decision Rule for Fast Intra Mode and CU Partitioning Algorithm in HEVC Screen Content Coding
* Optic Disc Segmentation Using Cascaded Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks
* Optical Flow Based Line Drawing Frame Interpolation Using Distance Transform to Support Inbetweenings
* Optical Flow Estimation Using Spatial-Channel Combinational Attention-Based Pyramid Networks
* Optimal Choice of Motion Estimation Methods for Fine-Grained Action Classification with 3D Convolutional Networks
* Optimizing the Bit Allocation for Compression of Weights and Activations of Deep Neural Networks
* Optimizing Wireless Sensor Network Installations by Visibility Analysis on 3D Point Clouds
* Outer-Points shaver: Robust graph-based clustering via node cutting
* Outlier-Robust Neural Aggregation Network for Video Face Identification
* Outlier-Suppressed Triplet Loss with Adaptive Class-Aware Margins for Facial Expression Recognition
* P-Minder: A CNN Based Sidewalk Segmentation Approach for Phubber Safety Applications
* P3D-CTN: Pseudo-3D Convolutional Tube Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Detection in Videos
* Parallel Cellular Automata Markov Model for Land Use Change Prediction over MapReduce Framework
* Parallel Temporal Encoder For Sign Language Translation
* Parametric Registration for Mobile Phone Images
* Parasitic GAN for Semi-Supervised Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Partition Tree Guided Progressive Rethinking Network for in-Loop Filtering of HEVC
* Patch-Level Regularizer for Convolutional Neural Network
* PCCN:POINT Cloud Colorization Network
* PCT: Large-Scale 3d Point Cloud Representations Via Graph Inception Networks with Applications to Autonomous Driving
* PDH: Probabilistic Deep Hashing Based on Map Estimation of Hamming Distance
* Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-Identification
* Pedestrian Attribute Recognition Based on Mtcnn with Online Batch Weighted Loss
* Pencil Drawing of Microscopic Images Through Edge Preserving Filtering
* People Re-Identification by Multi-Branch CNN with Multi-Scale Features
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of 3d Point Clouds
* Perceptual Quality Assessment of UHD-HDR-WCG Videos
* Perceptual Quality Study on Deep Learning Based Image Compression
* Perceptual Representations of Structural Information in Images: Application to Quality Assessment of Synthesized View in FTV Scenario
* Perceptual Video Coding with Block-Level Staircase Just Noticeable Distortion
* Performance of Change Detection Algorithms Using Heterogeneous Images and Extended Multi-attribute Profiles (EMAPs)
* Performance Prediction of Multichannel Coherence Detector for Sonar Imagery
* Persistent Scatterer Densification Through the Application of Capon- and APES-Based SAR Reprocessing Algorithms
* Person Re-Identification by Ranking Ensemble Representations
* Person-Specific Joy Expression Synthesis with Geometric Method
* Personalised Aesthetics with Residual Adapters
* Photo Shot-Type Disambiguation by Multi-Classifier Semi-Supervised Learning
* Photo Style Transfer With Consistency Losses
* Photorealistic Image Synthesis for Object Instance Detection
* Physiological Fusion Net: Quantifying Individual VR Sickness with Content Stimulus and Physiological Response
* Pixel Objectness: Learning to Segment Generic Objects Automatically in Images and Videos
* Plenoptic Camera Calibration Based on Sub-Aperture Images
* Point Cloud Attribute Inpainting in Graph Spectral Domain
* Point Cloud Compression Incorporating Region of Interest Coding
* Point Cloud Deformation for Single Image 3d Reconstruction
* Point Cloud Denoising Based on Tensor Tucker Decomposition
* Point of Interest Matching between Different Geospatial Datasets
* Polar Coordinate Convolutional Neural Network: From Rotation-Invariance to Translation-Invariance
* Polarimetric Radar Signatures and Performance of Various Radar Rainfall Estimators during an Extreme Precipitation Event over the Thousand-Island Lake Area in Eastern China
* PolSAR-Decomposition-Based Extended Water Cloud Modeling for Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation
* Pooling Scores of Neighboring Points for Improved 3D Point Cloud Segmentation
* Population-guided large margin classifier for high-dimension low-sample-size problems
* Portrait Segmentation by Deep Refinement of Image Matting
* Pose Guided Global and Local GAN for Appearance Preserving Human Video Prediction
* Pose-Weighted GAN for Photorealistic Face Frontalization
* Post-Disaster Building Database Updating Using Automated Deep Learning: An Integration of Pre-Disaster OpenStreetMap and Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
* Potential for Discriminating Microphysical Processes in Numerical Weather Forecasts Using Airborne Polarimetric Radio Occultations, The
* Potential of Open Geodata for Automated Large-Scale Land Use and Land Cover Classification, The
* Potential of Passive Microwave around 183 GHz for Snowfall Detection in the Arctic
* Potential of Smartphone SfM Photogrammetry to Measure Coastal Morphodynamics
* Pothole Detection Based on Disparity Transformation and Road Surface Modeling
* Precipitation Retrieval over the Tibetan Plateau from the Geostationary Orbit: Part 1: Precipitation Area Delineation with Elektro-L2 and Insat-3D
* Precise Adjacent Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
* PRED: A Parallel Network for Handling Multiple Degradations via Single Model in Single Image Super-Resolution
* Predicting Head Movement in Panoramic Video: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Prediction of Multiple 3D Tissue Structures Based on Single-Marker Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Prediction of Soil Nutrient Contents Using Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy
* Predictive Cruise Control Using Radial Basis Function Network-Based Vehicle Motion Prediction and Chance Constrained Model Predictive Control
* Predictor of Moving Objects for First-Person Vision, A
* Prior Knowledge Guided Small Object Detection on High-Resolution Images
* Privacy Protection for Social Media Based on A Hierarchical Secret Image Sharing Scheme
* Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Networks with Pixel-Based Image Encryption Considering Data Augmentation in the Encrypted Domain
* PRNU Pattern Alignment for Images and Videos Based on Scene Content
* Prnu-Based Method to Expose Video Device Compositions in Open-Set Setups, A
* Probenet: Probing Deep Networks
* Progressive Pose Normalization Generative Adversarial Network for Frontal Face Synthesis and Face Recognition Under Large Pose
* Project-Based Learning Applied to Unmanned Aerial Systems and Remote Sensing
* Projection Based Approach for Reflection Symmetry Detection
* Projection Design for Compressive Source Separation Using Mean Errors and Cross-Validation
* Proposal of Neural Networks with Intermediate Outputs, A
* Pulsed Excitation in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* pyjeo: A Python Package for the Analysis of Geospatial Data
* QoE Evaluation for Live Broadcasting Video
* Quadruplet Selection Methods for Deep Embedding Learning
* Quality Assessment for Natural and Screen Visual Contents
* Quality Assessment of Synthetic Fluorescence Microscopy Images for Image Segmentation
* Quality-Aware Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* Quality-Based Pulse Estimation from NIR Face Video with Application to Driver Monitoring
* Quantifying Below-Water Fluvial Geomorphic Change: The Implications of Refraction Correction, Water Surface Elevations, and Spatially Variable Error
* Quantifying Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Column-Integrated Algal Biomass in Nonbloom Conditions Based on OLCI Data: A Case Study of Lake Dianchi, China
* Quantifying the Robustness of Vegetation Indices through Global Sensitivity Analysis of Homogeneous and Forest Leaf-Canopy Radiative Transfer Models
* Quantifying Tidal Fluctuations in Remote Sensing Infrared SST Observations
* Quantifying Trends of Land Change in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during 2001-2015
* Quantitative Phenotyping of Northern Leaf Blight in UAV Images Using Deep Learning
* Radar Radial Velocity Dealiasing Algorithm for Radar Data Assimilation and its Evaluation with Observations from Multiple Radar Networks, A
* RadCalNet: A Radiometric Calibration Network for Earth Observing Imagers Operating in the Visible to Shortwave Infrared Spectral Range
* Radiative Transfer Model for MW Cold and IR Hot Spots of Chang'e and Diviner Observations, A
* Radiogenomics: Lung Cancer-Related Genes Mutation Status Prediction
* Radiometric and Atmospheric Corrections of Multispectral µMCA Camera for UAV Spectroscopy
* Radiometric Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Consistency Assessment for Landsat 8/OLI, Sentinel-2/MSI, PROBA-V, and DEIMOS-1 over Libya-4 and RadCalNet Calibration Sites
* Railway Ballast Monitoring by GPR: A Test-Site Investigation
* Rain Monitoring with Polarimetric GNSS Signals: Ground-Based Experimental Research
* Rain Streaks Removal for Single Image Via Directional Total Variation Regularization
* Random Forests for Simultaneous-Multislice (SMS) Undersampled HARDI Reconstruction and Uncertainty Estimation
* Random Part Localization Model for Fine Grained Image Classification
* Range Image Based Point Cloud Colorization Using Conditional Generative Model
* Ranking Based Attention Approach for Visual Tracking, A
* Rapid and Accurate Monitoring of Intertidal Oyster Reef Habitat Using Unoccupied Aircraft Systems and Structure from Motion
* Rate-Distortion Driven Separation of Diffuse and Specular Components in Multiview Imagery
* Rate-Distortion Optimization Using Adaptive Lagrange Multipliers
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Tree-Structured Point-Lattice Vector Quantization for Compression of 3D Point Clouds Geometry
* Ratio-Based Nonlocal Anisotropic Despeckling Approach for SAR Images
* Re-Caption: Saliency-Enhanced Image Captioning Through Two-Phase Learning
* Re-Weighted L_1 Algorithms within the Lagrange Duality Framework
* Real-Time Displacement of Point Symbols Based on Spatial Distribution Characteristics
* Real-Time HDR Video Tone Mapping Using High Efficiency Video Coding
* Real-Time Head Pose Estimation and Face Modeling From a Depth Image
* Real-Time Light Field Depth Estimation via GPU-Accelerated Muti-View Semi-Global Matching
* Real-Time Medical Ultrasound Simulator Based on a Generative Adversarial Network Model, A
* Real-Time Multi-Label Classification System for Short Videos, A
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Network with High Accuracy
* Real-Time Tracking of Corneal Contour in Dalk Surgical Navigation Using Deep Neural Networks
* Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Occlusion Handling
* Real-Time Traffic Speed Estimation With Graph Convolutional Generative Autoencoder
* Real-Time Vehicle Detection Using an Effective Region Proposal-Based Depth and 3-Channel Pattern
* Recaspia: Recognizing Carrying Actions in Single Images Using Privileged Information
* Recognition of Arabic Handwritten Literal Amounts Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Recognizing Chinese Texts with 3D Convolutional Neural Network
* Recognizing Fall Actions from Videos Using Reconstruction Error of Variational Autoencoder
* Recognizing Fish Species Captured Live on Wild Sea Surface in Videos by Deep Metric Learning with a Temporal Constraint
* Recognizing Material of a Covered Object: A Case Study With Graffiti
* Recoloring Image For Color Vision Deficiency By GANS
* Reconstructing Aircraft Trajectories from Multi-Return Airborne Laser-Scanning Data
* Reconstruction of Objects from Their Averaged Finite Crystal Diffraction Intensity
* Reconstruction of Privacy-Sensitive Data from Protected Templates
* Recovery of Subspace Structure from High-Rank Data with Missing Entries
* Referenceless Quality Assessment for Contrast Distorted Image Using Hybrid Features
* Refocusing and Zoom-In Polar Format Algorithm for Curvilinear Spotlight SAR Imaging on Arbitrary Region of Interest
* Regional Atmospheric Aerosol Pollution Detection Based on LiDAR Remote Sensing
* Regionalization and Partitioning of Soil Health Indicators for Nigeria Using Spatially Contiguous Clustering for Economic and Social-Cultural Developments
* Regression Tree CNN for Estimation of Ground Sampling Distance Based on Floating-Point Representation
* Reinforcement Learning and Neuroevolution in Flappy Bird Game
* Reinforcement-Learning-Based Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control of Buses in the Lincoln Tunnel Corridor with Time-Varying Topology
* Reinforcing the Robustness of a Deep Neural Network to Adversarial Examples by Using Color Quantization of Training Image Data
* Relaxed Oriented Image Foresting Transform for Seeded Image Segmentation
* Reliable Line Segment Matching for Multispectral Images Guided by Intersection Matches
* Relief Dependent Evaluation of Digital Elevation Models on Different Scales for Northern Chile, A
* Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters and Its Application with MERIS Data
* Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere by the Ultraviolet Detector TUS Onboard the Lomonosov Satellite
* Remote Sensing of Urban Forests
* Removal of Covariant Errors from Altimetric Wave Height Data
* Removing Intra-1-Hz Covariant Error to Improve Altimetric Profiles of sigma0 and Sea Surface Height
* Rendering-Aware Point Cloud Coding for Mixed Reality Devices
* Reply to Comments on Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
* Residual Dilation Based Feature Pyramid Network
* Residual U-Net for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* RESLS: Region and Edge Synergetic Level Set Framework for Image Segmentation
* Response to Variations in River Flowrate by a Spaceborne GNSS-R River Width Estimator
* Rethinking Temporal Structure Modeling Method for Temporal Action Localization
* Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation: A Semi-supervised Approach
* Retrieval of 500 m Aerosol Optical Depths from MODIS Measurements over Urban Surfaces under Heavy Aerosol Loading Conditions in Winter
* Retrieval of Snow Properties from the Sentinel-3 Ocean and Land Colour Instrument
* Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter in Inland Waters with Widely Differing Optical Properties Using a Semi-Analytical Scheme
* Reve: Regularizing Deep Learning with Variational Entropy Bound
* Reverse Imaging Pipeline for Raw RGB Image Augmentation
* Review of Protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of Water-Leaving Radiance for Validation of Satellite Remote-Sensing Data over Water, A
* Review of Visual Saliency Detection With Comprehensive Information
* Revisiting Multi-Level Feature Fusion: A Simple Yet Effective Network for Salient Object Detection
* RFI Suppression Based on Atomic Norm Minimization in SAR Signal Recovery
* Richly Activated Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition with Incomplete Skeletons
* Robust and Accurate Hybrid Structure-From-Motion
* Robust and Efficient Sparse Time-Invariant Radon Transform in the Mixed Time-Frequency Domain, A
* Robust Feature Matching Using Spatial Clustering With Heavy Outliers
* Robust Learning for Deep Monocular Depth Estimation
* Robust Mutual Learning Hashing
* Robust Seismic Image Interpolation With Mathematical Morphological Constraint
* Robust Shipping Label Recognition and Validation for Logistics by Using Deep Neural Networks
* Robust Space-Frequency Joint Representation for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* Robust Sparse Learning Based on Kernel Non-Second Order Minimization
* Robust Visual Tracking based on Adversarial Unlabeled Instance Generation with Label Smoothing Loss Regularization
* Robust Visual Tracking via Hierarchical Convolutional Features
* Robustification of Deep Net Classifiers by Key Based Diversified Aggregation with Pre-Filtering
* Robustness of Saak Transform Against Adversarial Attacks
* Role of Surface Melt and Icing Events in Livestock Mortality across Mongolia's Semi-Arid Landscape
* Rotation Invariant CNN Using Scattering Transform for Image Classification
* Rough segmentation of coherent local intensity for bias induced 3-D MR brain images
* RRPN: Radar Region Proposal Network for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles
* RYF-Net: Deep Fusion Network for Single Image Haze Removal
* S-NPP VIIRS On-Orbit Calibration Coefficient Improvements With Yaw Maneuver Reanalysis
* Safe-Net: Solid and Abstract Feature Extraction Network for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* Salience Guided Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks
* Saliency Computational Model for Foggy Images by Fusing Frequency and Spatial Cues
* Saliency Detection via Topological Feature Modulated Deep Learning
* Saliency Driven Perceptual Quality Metric for Omnidirectional Visual Content
* Saliency Tubes: Visual Explanations for Spatio-Temporal Convolutions
* Saliency-Guided Deep Neural Networks for SAR Image Change Detection
* Salient Building Outline Enhancement and Extraction Using Iterative L0 Smoothing and Line Enhancing
* Salient Object Detection via Deep Hierarchical Context Aggregation and Multi-Layer Supervision
* Salient Object Detection With Capsule-Based Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* Salient video object detection using a virtual border and guided filter
* Satellite Monitoring of Thermal Performance in Smart Urban Designs
* Satellite Remote Sensing of Precipitation and the Terrestrial Water Cycle in a Changing Climate
* Satellite Remote Sensing of the Greenland Ice Sheet Ablation Zone: A Review
* Saturation-Based Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Employing Local Color Correction
* Scalable Coding Framework for a View-Dependent Streaming of Digital Holograms
* Scalable Facial Image Compression with Deep Feature Reconstruction
* Scalable Framework for Trajectory Prediction, A
* Scalable Graph-Based Clustering With Nonnegative Relaxation for Large Hyperspectral Image
* Scalable logo detection by self co-learning
* Scene Context-Driven Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Aerial Images
* Scene Retrieval for Video Summarization Based on Text-to-Image GAN
* Sea Ice Extent Detection in the Bohai Sea Using Sentinel-3 OLCI Data
* Sea Surface Temperature in Global Analyses: Gains from the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer
* Seamless 3D Surround View with a Novel Burger Model
* Seamless Stitching Dual Fisheye Images For 360° Free View
* Segmentation in Corridor Environments: Combining Floor and Ceiling Detection
* Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Fluorescence Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Segmentation of Cortical Spreading Depression Wavefronts Through Local Similarity Metric
* Segmentation of Knee Thermograms for Detecting Inflammation
* Segmentation of Lesion in Dermoscopy Images Using Dense-Residual Network with Adversarial Learning
* Segmentation of Retinal Arterial Bifurcations in 2D Adaptive Optics Ophthalmoscopy Images
* Segmenting Cellular Retinal Images by Optimizing Super-Pixels, Multi-Level Modularity, and Cell Boundary Representation
* Segmenting Hepatic Lesions Using Residual Attention U-Net with an Adaptive Weighted Dice Loss
* Self-Adaptive Generalized S-Transform and Its Application in Seismic Time-Frequency Analysis
* Self-Refining Deep Symmetry Enhanced Network for Rain Removal
* Self-Supervised Audio Spatialization with Correspondence Classifier
* Semantic Perceptual Image Compression With a Laplacian Pyramid of Convolutional Networks
* Semantics-Guided Data Hallucination for Few-Shot Visual Classification
* Semi-Supervised Deep Coupled Ensemble Learning With Classification Landmark Exploration
* Semi-Supervised Deep Vision-Based Localization Using Temporal Correlation Between Consecutive Frames
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation by Covariance Matching
* Semi-Supervised Learning Via Feedforward-Designed Convolutional Neural Networks
* Semi-Supervised Robust One-Class Classification in RKHS for Abnormality Detection in Medical Images
* Sensor Reliability in Cyber-Physical Systems Using Internet-of-Things Data: A Review and Case Study
* Sentinel-1 Data for Winter Wheat Phenology Monitoring and Mapping
* Sequentially Refined Spatial and Channel-Wise Feature Aggregation in Encoder-Decoder Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Serious Game Controlled by a Human-Computer Interface for Upper Limb Motor Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Study
* Server-Side Optimized Hybrid Multicast-Unicast Strategy for Multi-User Adaptive 360-Degree Video Streaming, A
* SF-CNN: A Fast Compression Artifacts Removal via Spatial-To-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks
* SFM And Semantic Information Based Online Targetless Camera-LIDAR Self-Calibration
* Shape Based Speckle Removal for Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Shape Matching Based on Rectangularized Curvature Scale-Space Maps
* Shape-Aware Structure-Preserving Texture Smoothing Algorithm, A
* Shared Coded Picture Technique for Tile-Based Viewport-Adaptive Streaming of Omnidirectional Video
* Sharp Attention Network via Adaptive Sampling for Person Re-Identification
* Shift R-CNN: Deep Monocular 3D Object Detection With Closed-Form Geometric Constraints
* Show, Translate and Tell
* Showcasing Deeply Supervised Multimodal Attentional Translation Embeddings: a Demo for Visual Relationship Detection
* Siamese Ballistics Neural Network
* SIFT-AID: Boosting Sift With an Affine Invariant Descriptor Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* SIMGAN: Photo-Realistic Semantic Image Manipulation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Similarity learning with joint transfer constraints for person re-identification
* Simple Algorithm for Non-Negative Sparse Principal Component Analysis, A
* Simulation Framework for a Visual-Inertial Navigation System
* Simultaneous Imaging Scheme of Stationary Clutter and Moving Targets for Maritime Scenarios with the First Chinese Dual-Channel Spaceborne SAR Sensor, A
* Simultaneous Nonlocal Self-Similarity Prior for Image Denoising
* Single Image Colorization Via Modified Cyclegan
* Single Image Depth Estimation Using Deep Adversarial Training
* Single Image Haze Removal via Region Detection Network
* Single Image Noise Level Estimation Using Dark Channel Prior
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Cascaded Parallel Multisize Receptive Field
* Single View Facial Hair 3D Reconstruction
* Single-Fusion Detector: Towards Faster Multi-Scale Object Detection
* Single-Image Rain Removal Via Multi-Scale Cascading Image Generation
* Single-Perspective Warps in Natural Image Stitching
* Single-Shot Detector with Multiple Inference Paths
* Single-Shot Object Detector with Feature Aggregation and Enhancement, A
* Sinogram Image Completion for Limited Angle Tomography With Generative Adversarial Networks
* Smaller Object Detection for Real-Time Embedded Traffic Flow Estimation Using Fish-Eye Cameras
* Smart: A Sensor-Triggerred Interactive MR Display
* Smooth-Invariant Gaussian Features for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Snow-Covered Area Retrieval from Himawari-8 AHI Imagery of the Tibetan Plateau
* Social Relation Recognition in Egocentric Photostreams
* Soft Tissue Removal in X-Ray Images by Half Window Dark Channel Prior
* Solving Transit Network Design Problem Using Many-Objective Evolutionary Approach
* Source-Constraint Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Sparse Representation-Based Video Quality Assessment for Synthesized 3D Videos
* sparse structure for fast circle detection, A
* Sparse Subspace Clustering With Sequentially Ordered and Weighted L1-Minimization†
* Sparse to Dense Scene Flow Estimation From Light Fields
* Spatial and Angular Reconstruction of Light Field Based on Deep Generative Networks
* Spatial and Seasonal Patterns in Vegetation Growth-Limiting Factors over Europe
* Spatial Constraint Multiple Granularity Attention Network For Clothes retrieval
* Spatial Mapping of the Groundwater Potential of the Geum River Basin Using Ensemble Models Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Spatial Pattern of Soil Erosion Drivers and the Contribution Rate of Human Activities on the Loess Plateau from 2000 to 2015: A Boundary Line from Northeast to Southwest
* Spatial Prediction of Aftershocks Triggered by a Major Earthquake: A Binary Machine Learning Perspective
* Spatial Resolution Matching of Microwave Radiometer Data with Convolutional Neural Network
* Spatial Temporal Attentional Glimpse for Human Activity Classification in Video
* Spatial Upscaling of Tree-Ring-Based Forest Response to Drought with Satellite Data
* Spatial-Aware Tracker, A
* Spatial-Socioeconomic Urban Development Status Curve from NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data, A
* Spatial-spectral feature based approach towards convolutional sparse coding of hyperspectral images
* Spatial-Spectral Fusion in Different Swath Widths by a Recurrent Expanding Residual Convolutional Neural Network
* Spatial-Spectral Multiple Manifold Discriminant Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Spatially Regularized Multi-Exponential Transverse Relaxation Times Estimation from Magnitude Magnetic Resonance Images Under Rician Noise
* Spatially-Aware Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes
* Spatially-Varying Sharpness Map Estimation Based on the Quotient of Spectral Bands
* Spatio-Temporal Measures Of Naturalness
* Special Section Guest Editorial: Change Detection Using Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Imagery
* Spectral Band Subset Selection for Discrimination of Healthy Skin and Cutaneous Leishmanial Ulcers
* Spectral Invariance Hypothesis Study of Polarized Reflectance With the Ground-Based Multiangle Spectro-Polarimetric Imager
* Spectral Reflectance Based Heart Rate Measurement from Facial Video
* Spectral-Spatial Cascaded 3D Convolutional Neural Network with a Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Spectral-Spatial Classification from Multi-Sensor Compressive Measurements Using Superpixels
* Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using a Multiscale Conservative Smoothing Scheme and Adaptive Sparse Representation
* Spectral-Spatial Robust Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* SPI-Optimizer: An Integral-Separated PI Controller for Stochastic Optimization
* Squeeze-and-Excitation Wide Residual Networks in Image Classification
* SSSDET: Simple Short and Shallow Network for Resource Efficient Vehicle Detection in Aerial Scenes
* Stable Pore Detection for High-Resolution Fingerprint based on a CNN Detector
* Stampnet: Unsupervised Multi-Class Object Discovery
* Standard Plenoptic Camera Calibration for a Range of Zoom and Focus Levels
* Statistical Characterization of the Observed Cold Wake Induced by North Atlantic Hurricanes
* Statistical Shape-Constrained Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Steadiface: Real-Time Face-Centric Stabilization On Mobile Phones
* Stereo Depth Mapping via Axis-Aligned Warping
* Stop-and-Wait: Discover Aggregation Effect Based on Private Car Trajectory Data
* Strengths of Exaggerated Tsunami-Originated Placenames: Disaster Subculture in Sanriku Coast, Japan
* Structural 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Space for 5G Signal Simulation with Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds
* Structural Texture Similarity for Material Recognition
* Structurally Regularized Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification Using Wavelet-Based Subband Decomposition, A
* Structure Tensor Based Voronoi Decomposition Technique for Optic Cup Segmentation, A
* Structure-Preserving Neural Style Transfer
* Study of Light Field Streaming for An Interactive Refocusing Application, A
* Study of the Impact of Pre-processing Applied to Images Acquired by the Cygno Experiment
* Study of the Perceptually Weighted Peak Signal-To-Noise Ratio (WPSNR) for Image Compression, A
* Study on Oil Palm Remote Sensing at L-Band With Dense Medium Microwave Backscattering Model, A
* sUAS-Based Remote Sensing of River Discharge Using Thermal Particle Image Velocimetry and Bathymetric Lidar
* Sub-Daily Temperature Heterogeneity in a Side Channel and the Influence on Habitat Suitability of Freshwater Fish
* Subjective Assessment of Image Quality Induced Saliency Variation
* Subjective Comparison of AV1 and HEVC for Adaptive Video Streaming, A
* Subjective Image Fidelity Assessment: Effect of the Spatial Distance Between Stimuli
* Subjective Study of Viewing Experience for Drone Videos Using Simulated Content, A
* Summit Navigator: A Novel Approach for Local Maxima Extraction
* Super-Resolution for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Accounting for Seasonal Spectral Variability
* Super-Resolution of Single Remote Sensing Image Based on Residual Dense Backprojection Networks
* Superpixel Segmentation Based on Square-Wise Asymmetric Partition and Structural Approximation
* Superpixel-Based Relational Auto-Encoder for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images, A
* Supervised Deep Sparse Coding Networks for Image Classification
* Supervised Fine-Grained Cloud Detection and Recognition in Whole-Sky Images
* Supervised fuzzy partitioning
* Supervised Method for Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing, A
* Supervised Polsar Image Classification by Combining Multiple Features
* Supply and Demand Assessment of Solar PV as Off-Grid Option in Asia Pacific Region with Remotely Sensed Data
* Survey on 3D Object Detection Methods for Autonomous Driving Applications, A
* Synergetic Analysis of Sentinel-1 and -2 for Mapping Historical Landslides Using Object-Oriented Random Forest in the Hyrcanian Forests, A
* Synergistic Modern Global 1 Km Cropland Dataset Derived from Multi-Sets of Land Cover Products
* Synergistic Use of a High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Model and High-Resolution Earth Observation Products to Improve Precipitation Forecast, A
* Synthesizing Data to Explore the Dynamic Spatial Patterns of Hotel Development
* Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Compact Polarimetry for Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Synthetic Video Dataset for Video Compression Evaluation, A
* System Construction for Both Lunar Obstacle Detection and Annotation Support Based on Neurons' Decision Validity
* Taking Me to the Correct Place: Vision-Based Localization for Autonomous Vehicles
* Taxi-Based Mobility Demand Formulation and Prediction Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network-Driven Learning Approaches
* TCANet for Domain Adaptation of Hyperspectral Images
* Temporal Convolutional Network with Complementary Inner Bag Loss for Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection
* Temporal Feature Correlation for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Temporal Feature Enhancing Network for Human Pose Estimation in Videos
* Temporal Interframe Pattern Analysis for Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition
* Temporal Regularized Spatial Attention for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Temporal Segment Networks for Action Recognition in Videos
* Temporally Coherent Video Harmonization Using Adversarial Networks
* Tensor-Factorization-Based 3d Single Image Super-Resolution with Semi-Blind Point Spread Function Estimation
* Text Recognition in Images Based on Transformer with Hierarchical Attention
* Texture Analysis Via Hierarchical Spatial-Spectral Correlation (HSSC)
* Texture Classification Using Capsule Networks
* Texture Representation Using Local Binary Encoding Across Scales, Frequency Bands and Image Domains
* Texture-Aware Superpixel Segmentation
* Texture-Based Region Tracking Using Gaussian Markov Random Fields for Cilia Motion Analysis
* Texture-driven parametric snakes for semi-automatic image segmentation
* Thermal Face Recognition Based on Physiological Information
* Thin Dielectric Sheet-Based Surface Integral Equation for the Scattering Simulation of Fractures in a Layered Medium
* Thin Ice Detection in the Barents and Kara Seas Using AMSR2 High-Frequency Radiometer Data
* Three Orthogonal Vanishing Points Estimation in Structured Scenes Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Pruning with Regularization-Based Method
* Three-Fold Urban Expansion in Saudi Arabia from 1992 to 2013 Observed Using Calibrated DMSP-OLS Night-Time Lights Imagery
* Threshold-Free Attribute Profile for Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* Ticker: An Adaptive Single-Switch Text Entry Method for Visually Impaired Users
* Time series classification using local distance-based features in multi-modal fusion networks
* Time Series GIS Map Dataset of Demolished Buildings in Mashiki Town after the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan Earthquake
* Time-Asymmetric 3d Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition
* Time-Series Analysis Reveals Intensified Urban Heat Island Effects but without Significant Urban Warming
* Topological Data Analysis Approach to Video Summarization, A
* Total Variation Regularization of Pose Signals With an Application to 3D Freehand Ultrasound
* Toward Quantifying Oil Contamination in Vegetated Areas Using Very High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Imagery
* Toward Robust Fully 3D Filopodium Segmentation and Tracking in Time-Lapse Fluorescence Microscopy
* Toward Visual Voice Activity Detection for Unconstrained Videos
* Towards a Joint Approach to Produce Decisions and Explanations Using CNNs
* Towards Automatic and Robust Particle Tracking in Microrheology Studies
* Towards Automatic Rat's Gait Analysis Under Suboptimal Illumination Conditions
* Towards Explainable Face Aging with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Towards Faster and Better Federated Learning: A Feature Fusion Approach
* Towards Modelling of Visual Saliency in Point Clouds for Immersive Applications
* Towards Object Shape Translation Through Unsupervised Generative Deep Models
* Towards Real-Time Crack Detection Using a Deep Neural Network With a Bayesian Fusion Algorithm
* Towards Robust Retrieval for Imperfectly Scanned Point Cloud Objects
* Towards Unified Aesthetics and Emotion Prediction in Images
* Towards Unsupervised Single Image Dehazing With Deep Learning
* Tracking Multiple Vehicles Using a Variational Radar Model
* Tracking Objects From Satellite Videos: A Velocity Feature Based Correlation Filter
* Training a CNN for Guidewire Detection
* Training Accurate Binary Neural Networks from Scratch
* Training-Free Method for Generating Motion Video Clones From A Still Image Considering Self-Occlusion of Human Body
* Transfer Learning Based Wildlife Recognition for Tele-Observation in Field Occlusion Environment
* Transfer Learning of Wi-Fi Handwritten Signature Signals for Identity Verification based on the Kernel and the Range Space Projection
* Transform Learning Based Deconvolution Technique with Super-Resolution and Microscanning Applications, A
* Tream Single Shot Spatial-Temporal Action Detection
* Trends in Remote Sensing Accuracy Assessment Approaches in the Context of Natural Resources
* Triplet Transform Learning for Automated Primate Face Recognition
* TSM: Tracing Surface Motion: A Generic Toolbox for Analyzing Ground-Based Image Time Series of Slope Deformation
* TU-VDN: Tripura University Video Dataset at Night Time in Degraded Atmospheric Outdoor Conditions for Moving Object Detection
* Tunable CNN Compression Through Dimensionality Reduction
* Turbulence Measurements with Dual-Doppler Scanning Lidars
* Two Images Comparison with Invariance to Illumination Properties
* Two-Dimensional Tomography from Noisy Projection Tilt Series Taken at Unknown View Angles with Non-Uniform Distributi
* Two-Layer Near-Lossless HDR Coding with Backward Compatibility to JPEG
* Two-Pass Bi-Directional Optical Flow Via Motion Vector Refinement
* Two-Phase Segmentation Method for Drosophila Olfactory Glomeruli, A
* Two-Stage Fusion Framework to Generate a Spatio-Temporally Continuous MODIS NDSI Product over the Tibetan Plateau, A
* Two-Stage Unsupervised Learning Method for Affine and Deformable Medical Image Registration
* Two-Stream Multi-Task Network for Fashion Recognition
* Two-Stream Network for Detecting Double Compression of H.264 Videos
* Two-Stream Refinement Network for RGB-D Saliency Detection
* Two-Stream Siamese Neural Network for Vehicle Re-Identification by Using Non-Overlapping Cameras, A
* TwohandsMusic: Multitask Learning-Based Egocentric Piano-Playing Gesture Recognition System for Two Hands
* U-Module: Better Parameters Initialization of Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Classification
* UDFNET: Unsupervised Disparity Fusion with Adversarial Networks
* UHD Video Coding: A Light-Weight Learning-Based Fast Super-Block Approach
* Ultrasonic Proximal Sensing of Pasture Biomass
* Unambiguous Scene Text Segmentation With Referring Expression Comprehension
* Uncertainty Estimation for Black-Box Classification Models: A Use Case for Sentiment Analysis
* Unconstrained Flood Event Detection Using Adversarial Data Augmentation
* Understanding Lateral Marsh Edge Erosion with Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS)
* Understanding the Combined Effect of k-Space Undersampling and Transient States Excitation in MR Fingerprinting Reconstructions
* Underwater Image Synthesis from RGB-D Images and its Application to Deep Underwater Image Restoration
* Underwater Stereo Using Refraction-Free Image Synthesized From Light Field Camera
* Unified Object Detection Framework for Intelligent Retail Container Commodities, A
* Unified Region-Based Template Matching Approach for Intra and Inter Prediction in VVC, A
* Unified Unsupervised Learning Framework for Stereo Matching and Ego-Motion Estimation, A
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Monitoring Macroalgal Biodiversity: Comparison of RGB and Multispectral Imaging Sensors for Biodiversity Assessments
* Unpaired Cross-Spectral Pedestrian Detection Via Adversarial Feature Learning
* Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Image Classification With Weak Semantic Consistency
* Unsupervised Cluster-Based VANET-Oriented Evolving Graph (CVoEG) Model and Associated Reliable Routing Scheme, An
* Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification: A New Framework
* Unsupervised Domain-Adaptive Person Re-Identification Based on Attributes
* Unsupervised Image Retrieval With Mask-Based Prominent Feature Accumulation
* Unsupervised Motion Saliency Map Estimation Based On Optical Flow Inpainting
* Unsupervised Online Video Object Segmentation With Motion Property Understanding
* Unsupervised Single Image Deraining with Self-Supervised Constraints
* Unsupervised Single Image Underwater Depth Estimation
* Unsupervised Three-Dimensional Image Registration Using a Cycle Convolutional Neural Network
* UoNGBR: A Regional Assimilation Barotropic Tidal Model for the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea Based on Satellite, Coastal and Marine Data
* UPDCNN: A New Scheme for Image Upsampling and Deblurring Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Upper Ocean Response to Two Sequential Tropical Cyclones over the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
* Urban Flood Mapping Using SAR Intensity and Interferometric Coherence via Bayesian Network Fusion
* Urban surface reconstruction in SAR tomography by graph-cuts
* Use of Infrared Satellite Observations for the Surface Temperature Retrieval over Land in a NWP Context
* Use of SMAP-Reflectometry in Science Applications: Calibration and Capabilities, The
* Use of Very High-Resolution Optical Data for Landslide Mapping and Susceptibility Analysis along the Karnali Highway, Nepal
* User Independent Emotion Recognition with Residual Signal-Image Network
* User Modeling on Mobile Device Based on Facial Clustering and Object Detection in Photos and Videos
* Using C3D to Detect Rear Overtaking Behavior
* Using Copies to Remove Sensitive Data: A Case Study on Fair Superhero Alignment Prediction
* Using Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data for the Generation of Continuously Updated Forest Type Information Layers in a Cross-Border Region
* Using Long-Term SAR Backscatter Data to Monitor Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery in Tundra Environment
* Using Neural Network to Identify the Severity of Wheat Fusarium Head Blight in the Field Environment
* Using Optical Water Types to Monitor Changes in Optically Complex Inland and Coastal Waters
* Validation of Portable Mobile Mapping System for Inspection Tasks in Thermal and Fluid-Mechanical Facilities
* Variability of Major Aerosol Types in China Classified Using AERONET Measurements
* Variable-Length Quantization Strategy for Hashing
* Variational Regularized Transmission Refinement for Image Dehazing
* Variational Representation Learning for Vehicle Re-Identificati
* Variations in Water Vapor From AIRS and MODIS in Response to Arctic Sea Ice Change in December 2002-November 2016
* Vector Addressing for Non-Sequential Sampling in FIR Image Filtering
* Vegetation Mapping by Using GPM/DPR over the Mongolian Land
* Vehicle Re-Identification by Multi-Grain Learni
* Very Deep Residual Network for Image Matting
* VIASEG: Visual Information Assisted Lightweight Point Cloud Segmentation
* Video Action Recognition Via Neural Architecture Searching
* Video Processing and Learning in Assistive Robotic Applications
* Video Super-Resolution Based on 3D-CNNS with Consideration of Scene Change
* Viewpoint Estimation in Images by a Key-Point Based Deep Neural Network
* Virtual Reality Video Quality Assessment Based on 3d Convolutional Neural Networks
* Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis of a Coastal Soil Chronosequence
* Vision-Based Heart Rate Estimation Via A Two-Stream CNN
* VisionISP: Repurposing the Image Signal Processor for Computer Vision Applications
* Visual Attention-Driven Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Visual Localization Using Sparse Semantic 3D Map
* Visual Odometry based on Semantic Supervision
* Visual Tracking and Depth Estimation of Mobile Robots Without Desired Velocity Information
* Visual Tracking via Dynamic Graph Learning
* Visual Tracking Via Siamese Network With Global Similarity
* Visual Violence Rating with Pairwise Comparison
* Visual-Textual Sentiment Analysis in Product Reviews
* VLF Measurements and Modeling of the D-Region Response to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
* Voronoi tree models for distribution-preserving sampling and generation
* Wacnet: Word Segmentation Guided Characters Aggregation Net for Scene Text Spotting With Arbitrary Shapes
* WaSP Encoder with Breakpoint Adaptive DWT Coding of Disparity Maps
* Wave Front Tracking in High Speed Videos Using a Dynamic Template Matching
* Wavelet U-Net and the Chromatic Adaptation Transform for Single Image Dehazing
* Wavelet-Based Spectral-Spatial Transforms for CFA-Sampled Raw Camera Image Compression
* Wavenumber Domain Algorithm-Based FMCW SAR Sparse Imaging
* Weaklier Supervised Semantic Segmentation With Only One Image Level Annotation per Category
* Weakly Semantic Guided Action Recognition
* Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Cracks on Solar Cells Using Normalized Lp Norm
* Weakly Supervised Triplet Learning of Canonical Plane Transformation for Joint Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
* Weakly-Supervised Approach for Discovering Common Objects in Airport Video Surveillance Footage, A
* Weakly-Supervised Caricature Face Parsing Through Domain Adaptation
* Weakly-Supervised Learning for Attention-Guided Skull Fracture Classification In Computed Tomography Imaging
* Weapon Detection for Particular Scenarios Using Deep Learning
* WEB-VC: Visual Cryptography for Web Image
* Weighted Double-Logistic Function Fitting Method for Reconstructing the High-Quality Sentinel-2 NDVI Time Series Data Set
* Weighted Guided Image Filtering With Steering Kernel
* Weighted Multisource Tradaboost
* Weighted Schatten P-Norm Minimization with Local and Nonlocal Constraints for Noisy Image Completion
* Wetland Classification Based on a New Efficient Generative Adversarial Network and Jilin-1 Satellite Image
* What Is the Role of Annotations in the Detection of Dermoscopic Structures?
* What's There in the Dark
* When Causal Intervention Meets Adversarial Examples and Image Masking for Deep Neural Networks
* When Spatially-Variant Filtering Meets Low-Rank Regularization: Exploiting Non-Local Similarity for Single Image Interpolation
* Where's the Rock: Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Improve Land Cover Classification
* Wide-Area InSAR Survey of Surface Deformation in Urban Areas and Geothermal Fields in the Eastern Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Mexico
* Wideband Models for the Electromagnetic Induction Signatures of Thin Conducting Shells
* Wildcat: In-The-Wild Color-And-Thermal Patch Comparison with Deep Residual Pseudo-Siamese Networks
* Wildfires on the Mongolian Plateau: Identifying Drivers and Spatial Distributions to Predict Wildfire Probability
* YogaNet: 3-D Yoga Asana Recognition Using Joint Angular Displacement Maps With ConvNets
* Zero-Shot Detection with Transferable Object Proposal Mechanism
* Zero-Shot Learning Using Stacked Autoencoder with Manifold Regularizations
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