Update Dates 1506

1506 * *3D from a Single Image
* *Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
* *Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision
* *International Symposium on Mathmatical Morphology and Its Application to Signal and Image Processing
* *Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision
* *Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
* *Scale-Space
* 3-D Adaptive Sparsity Based Image Compression With Applications to Optical Coherence Tomography
* 3-D Human Action Recognition by Shape Analysis of Motion Trajectories on Riemannian Manifold
* 3d discrete wavelet transform for computer aided diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using t1-weighted brain MRI
* 3D Mesh Compression: Survey, Comparisons, and Emerging Trends
* 3D Point Representation For Pose Estimation: Accelerated SIFT vs ORB
* 3D rotation invariants by complex moments
* 3D Sequential Thinning Scheme Based on Critical Kernels, A
* 3D-Guided Multiscale Sliding Window for Pedestrian Detection
* Accelerating Particle Filter Using Randomized Multiscale and Fast Multipole Type Methods
* Accuracy in Robot Generated Image Data Sets
* Accurate direct georeferencing of aerial imagery in national coordinates
* Accurate fibre orientation measurement for carbon fibre surfaces
* Accurate Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies and Processes Using Statistical Shape Decomposition and Conditional Models
* Acoustic Recognition of Multiple Bird Species Based on Penalized Maximum Likelihood
* Actions in the Eye: Dynamic Gaze Datasets and Learnt Saliency Models for Visual Recognition
* Active Collection of Land Cover Sample Data from Geo-Tagged Web Texts
* Activity Identification and Local Linear Convergence of Douglas-Rachford/ADMM under Partial Smoothness
* Acute lymphoid leukemia classification using two-step neural network classifier
* Adaptive blind calibration of timing offsets in a two-channel time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter through Lagrange interpolation
* Adaptive Control of Undetected Radio Frequency Interference With a Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer
* adaptive dynamic range compression with local contrast enhancement algorithm for real-time color image enhancement, An
* Adaptive Hit or Miss Transform
* Adaptive kernel for triangular meshes smoothing
* Adaptive Line Matching for Low-Textured Images
* Adaptive locomotion on slopes and stairs using pelvic rotation
* Adaptive Multiobjective Memetic Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Remote Sensing Imagery
* Adaptive Optimal Shape Prior for Easy Interactive Object Segmentation
* Adaptive Prioritized Random Linear Coding and Scheduling for Layered Data Delivery From Multiple Servers
* Adaptive rank weighted switching filter for impulsive noise removal in color images
* Adaptive skew-sensitive ensembles for face recognition in video surveillance
* Adaptive voids
* Adding discriminative power to a generative hierarchical compositional model using histograms of compositions
* Aggregation distance measure and its induced similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets
* Airborne LiDAR Detects Selectively Logged Tropical Forest Even in an Advanced Stage of Recovery
* ALOS/PALSAR InSAR Time-Series Analysis for Detecting Very Slow-Moving Landslides in Southern Kyrgyzstan
* Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier for Euler's Elastica-Based Denoising
* Ambient Assisted Living: Guest editors' introduction
* Amitran methodology framework for evaluating the impact of information and communication technology-based measures on CO2 emissions in the transport field
* Analysis of BRDF/BTDF for the texture representation of woven fabrics based on the impression-evaluation model
* Analysis of Expressiveness of Portuguese Sign Language Speakers
* Analysis of Reconstructions Obtained Solving l^p -Penalized Minimization Problems
* Analysis of the Land Surface Temperature Scaling Problem: A Case Study of Airborne and Satellite Data over the Heihe Basin
* Analysis of Thermal Video for Coarse to Fine Particle Tracking in Volcanic Explosion Plumes
* Analysis of uncertainty in multi-temporal object-based classification
* Analysis of X-Band SAR Sea-Clutter Distributions at Different Grazing Angles
* Anatomically Correct Surface Recovery: A Statistical Approach
* Ancient Coin Classification Using Reverse Motif Recognition: Image-based classification of Roman Republican coins
* Anisotropic clustering on surfaces for crack extraction
* Application of the Ultraviolet Scanning Elastic Backscatter LiDAR for the Investigation of Aerosol Variability
* Applying Basic Features from Sentiment Analysis for Automatic Irony Detection
* Appraisal and Evaluation of Interurban ITS: A European Survey
* Approach to Adaptive Quadratic Structuring Functions Based on the Local Structure Tensor, An
* Approach Toward Fast Gradient-Based Image Segmentation, An
* Approaches for automatic low-dimensional human shape refinement with priors or generic cues using RGB-D data
* Arabic Writer Identification Using Local Binary Patterns (LBP) of Handwritten Fragments
* Arbitrarily Shaped Periods in Multidimensional Discrete Time Periodicity
* Artifact-Free Variational MPEG Decompression
* ASCAT Wind Quality Control Near Rain
* Assessment and Comparison of TMPA Satellite Precipitation Products in Varying Climatic and Topographic Regimes in Morocco
* Assessment of Multiple Scattering in the Reflectance of Semiarid Shrublands
* Asymmetric Cyclical Hashing for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* Asymptotic Behaviour of Total Generalised Variation
* Atmospheric Effects Removal for the Infrared Image Sequences
* Author Topic Model-Based Collaborative Filtering for Personalized POI Recommendations
* Automated Assay for the Evaluation of Mortality in Fish Embryo, An
* Automated classification for HEp-2 cells based on linear local distance coding framework
* Automated Digital Hair Removal by Threshold Decomposition and Morphological Analysis
* Automated measurement of sintering degree in optical microscopy through image analysis of particle joins
* Automatic Analysis of Facial Affect: A Survey of Registration, Representation, and Recognition
* Automatic Detection of Clouds from Aerial Photographs of Snowy Volcanoes
* Automatic diacritization of Arabic text using recurrent neural networks
* Automatic Estimation of Oil Seep Locations in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Automatic Extraction of Railroad Centerlines from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic Eye Localization; Multi-block LBP vs. Pyramidal LBP Three-Levels Image Decomposition for Eye Visual Appearance Description
* Automatic Facial Expression Recognition Using Features of Salient Facial Patches
* Automatic Group Happiness Intensity Analysis
* Automatic ink mismatch detection for forensic document analysis
* Automatic Interpretation of Affective Facial Expressions in the Context of Interpersonal Interaction
* Automatic light control system using fish-eye lens camera
* Automatic Mosaicking Algorithm for the Generation of a Large-Scale Forest Height Map Using Spaceborne Repeat-Pass InSAR Correlation Magnitude, An
* Automatic Sea-Surface Obstacle Detection and Tracking in Forward-Looking Sonar Image Sequences
* Automatic Segmentation of Optic Disc in Eye Fundus Images: A Survey
* Automatic Segmentation of Regions of Interest in Breast Thermographic Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Spinal Canals in CT Images via Iterative Topology Refinement
* Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Canal Coupled With Vertebral Labeling
* Automatic Thread-Level Canvas Analysis: A machine-learning approach to analyzing the canvas of paintings
* Automatic Threshold Selection for Profiles of Attribute Filters Based on Granulometric Characteristic Functions
* Automating shockwave segmentation in low-contrast coherent shadowgraphy
* Autonomous flight system using marker recognition on drone
* Autonomous Reverse Parking System Based on Robust Path Generation and Improved Sliding Mode Control
* Auxiliary Noise Power Scheduling Algorithm for Active Noise Control with Online Secondary Path Modeling and Sudden Changes
* Averaged Stokes Vector Based Polarimetric SAR Data Interpretation
* AVScreen: a real-time video augmentation method
* Background modeling for generative image models
* Bag-of-phonemes Model for Homeplace Classification of Mandarin Speakers, A
* Bagging Stochastic Watershed on Natural Color Image Segmentation
* Band-Specific Shearlet-Based Hyperspectral Image Noise Reduction
* Bayesian Approach to Combine Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Time Series for Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection, A
* Bayesian Framework Based Direct Reconstruction of Fluorescence Parametric Images
* Being Aware of the World: Toward Using Social Media to Support the Blind With Navigation
* Berichte von Veranstaltungen
* Beyond the Sum of Parts: Voting with Groups of Dependent Entities
* Bezier Interpolation for 3-D Freehand Ultrasound
* Bi-temporal Change Detection, Change Trajectories and Time Series Analysis for Forest Monitoring
* Bijective Weighted Kernel with Connected Component Analysis for Visual Object Search
* Bilevel Image Denoising Using Gaussianity Tests
* Bilevel Optimization with Nonsmooth Lower Level Problems
* Binarization of music score images using line width transform
* Binary and Multi-class Parkinsonian Disorders Classification Using Support Vector Machines
* Binary Partition Trees-Based Spectral-Spatial Permutation Ordering
* BioHDD: a dataset for studying biometric identification on heavily degraded data
* Bistatic SAR Image Intensity Model for the Composite Ship-Ocean Scene, A
* Blended Emotion Detection for Decision Support
* Block Kaczmarz Method with Inequalities
* Block-iterative Richardson-Lucy methods for image deblurring
* Boosting Small-Data Performance of LBP: A Case Study in Celiac Disease Diagnosis
* Boosting the Permutation Based Index for Proximity Searching
* Braids of Partitions
* Brain Image Motion Correction: Impact of Incorrect Calibration and Noisy Tracking
* Brain Neural Data Analysis with Feature Space Defined by Descriptive Statistics
* Brain-Computer Interface for Neurorehabilitation of Upper Limb After Stroke
* Bridge: Mutual Reassurance for Autonomous and Independent Living
* Bridging from syntactic to statistical methods: Classification with automatically segmented features from sequences
* Building effective SVM concept detectors from clickthrough data for large-scale image retrieval
* Bundle adjustment using aerial images with two-stage geometric verification
* Bézier Curves in the Space of Images
* Calibration Algorithm for Multi-camera Visual Surveillance Systems Based on Single-View Metrology, A
* Calibration and Validation of ZY-3 Optical Sensors
* Calibration of Nonoverlapping In-Vehicle Cameras With Laser Pointers
* Canonical Views for Scene Recognition in Mobile Robotics
* Cartoon-Texture-Noise Decomposition with Transport Norms
* Case Study in Low-Complexity ECG Signal Encoding: How Compressing is Compressed Sensing?, A
* Categorisation of 3D Objects in Range Images Using Compositional Hierarchies of Parts Based on MDL and Entropy Selection Criteria
* Categorization of human actions with high dynamics in upper extremities based on arm pose modeling
* Category-Sensitive Hashing and Bloom Filter Based Descriptors for Online Keypoint Recognition
* Centralization problem of contacting interaction in multiple object tracking
* CFA local binary patterns for fast illuminant-invariant color texture classification
* CGI 2015 Conference
* Challenges in Content-Based Image Indexing of Cultural Heritage Collections: Support vector machine active learning with applications to text classification
* Change Point Geometry for Change Detection in Surveillance Video
* Change-Detection Map Learning Using Matching Pursuit
* Characterising the Land Surface Phenology of Europe Using Decadal MERIS Data
* Characteristics of the Multipath Scattering and the Application for Geometry Extraction in High-Resolution SAR Images, The
* Characterization and Correction of Multilook Effects on Eigendecomposition Parameters in PolSAR Images
* Characterization of Primary and Secondary Malignant Liver Lesions from B-Mode Ultrasound
* Characterizing Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D Printed Primitives
* Class-Specific Reference Discriminant Analysis With Application in Human Behavior Analysis
* Classification of Alzheimer's Disease from MRI Using Sulcal Morphology
* Classification of Hand Movements from Non-invasive Brain Signals Using Lattice Neural Networks with Dendritic Processing
* Classification of Multi-Frequency Polarimetric SAR Images Based on Multi-Linear Subspace Learning of Tensor Objects
* Classification of Vessels in Single-Pol COSMO-SkyMed Images Based on Statistical and Structural Features
* Clinical Evaluation of an Automatic Method for Segmentation and Characterization of the Thoracic Aorta with and Without Aneurysm Patients
* Cluster Based Vector Attribute Filtering
* Clustering of large data based on the relational analysis
* Clustering of Strokes from Pen-Based Music Notation: An Experimental Study
* Clutter map CFAR detector based on maximal resolution cell
* Collaborative part-based tracking using salient local predictors
* Color Correction for Image Stitching by Monotone Cubic Spline Interpolation
* Color Detection in Dermoscopy Images Based on Scarce Annotations
* Color palette generation for image classification by bag-of-colors
* Color saliency for object identification
* Color tracking with contextual switching: Real-time implementation on CPU
* Color Tree of Shapes with Illustrations on Filtering, Simplification, and Segmentation, A
* Coloring Channel Representations for Visual Tracking
* Colour compressed sensing imaging via sparse difference and fractal minimisation recovery
* Combination of Conventional and Advanced DInSAR to Monitor Very Fast Mining Subsidence with TerraSAR-X Data: Bytom City (Poland)
* Combination of H-Alpha Decomposition and Migration for Enhancing Subsurface Target Classification of GPR
* Combinatorial 4-Coordinate System for the Diamond Grid, A
* Combined MPEG7 Color Descriptors for Image Classification: Bypassing the Training Phase
* Combining Statistical and Semantic Knowledge for Sarcasm Detection in Online Dialogues
* Comments on Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles
* Compact Image Fingerprint Via Multiple Kernel Hashing
* comparative experimental study of image feature detectors and descriptors, A
* Comparative study and improvement of acoustic vectors extractors: Multiple streams applied to the recognition of Arabic numerals
* Comparative study between different bases of transformation for compressive sensing of images
* comparative study of computer-aided classification systems for focal hepatic lesions from B-mode ultrasound, A
* Comparative Study of Robust Segmentation Algorithms for Iris Verification System of High Reliability, A
* Comparative study of the process model of Serious Game Design through the generic model DICE
* Comparison and Validation of Long Time Serial Global GEOV1 and Regional Australian MODIS Fractional Vegetation Cover Products Over the Australian Continent
* Comparison Between Extinction Filters and Attribute Filters, A
* Comparison of Some Morphological Filters for Improving OCR Performance, A
* comparison of supervised classification methods for a statistical set of features: Application: Amazigh OCR, A
* Comparison of Theoretical Biases in Estimating Polarimetric Properties of Precipitation With Weather Radar Using Parabolic Reflector, or Planar and Cylindrical Arrays
* Comparison of three bounding regions with cubic convergence to planar freeform curves
* Compressed Sensing MRI Using Discrete Nonseparable Shearlet Transform and FISTA
* Compressed Sensing with Non-Gaussian Noise and Partial Support Information
* Compressing Images with Diffusion- and Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Computation and Visualization of Local Deformation for Multiphase Metallic Materials by Infimal Convolution of TV-Type Functionals
* Computation of graph edit distance: Reasoning about optimality and speed-up
* Computer Modeling and Simulation of Fruit Sunscald
* Computer Vision for Head Pose Estimation: Review of a Competition
* Computerized Face Recognition in Renaissance Portrait Art: A quantitative measure for identifying uncertain subjects in ancient portraits
* Computing Constructs by Using Typical Testor Algorithms
* Conditional Gaussian Models for Texture Synthesis
* Consensus Clustering Using kNN Mode Seeking
* Constrained Optimization on Hierarchies and Braids of Partitions
* Content-Based Video Quality Prediction for HEVC Encoded Videos Streamed Over Packet Networks
* Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding With Fixed-Length Codewords
* Context-Aware Activity Modeling Using Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields
* Contour-based corner detection via angle difference of principal directions of anisotropic Gaussian directional derivatives
* Control-Theoretic Approach to Adaptive Video Streaming in Dense Wireless Networks, A
* Convergence of a Fixed-Point Algorithm under Maximum Correntropy Criterion
* Convex Color Image Segmentation with Optimal Transport Distances
* Convex Denoising using Non-Convex Tight Frame Regularization
* Convex Image Denoising via Non-Convex Regularization
* Correction of Motion Artifacts for Real-Time Structured Light
* Correlation of Resampling Methods for Contrast Pattern Based Classifiers
* Correspondence, Matching and Recognition
* Crater Detection in Multi-ring Basins of Mercury
* Criteria and technique to choose a good rho parameter for the D-index
* Curvilinear-Coordinate-Based Object and Situation Assessment for Highly Automated Vehicles
* Data-Driven Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in SE(2)
* Decomposition by binary codes-based speedy image encryption algorithm for multiple applications
* Decremental Sparse Modeling Representative Selection for prototype selection
* Deep Neural Network Approaches to Speaker and Language Recognition
* Deep Semantic Pyramids for Human Attributes and Action Recognition
* Definitions and Mapping of East African Wetlands: A Review
* Deformable image registration based on elastodynamics
* Deformable Image Registration with Automatic Non-Correspondence Detection
* Deformation Parameter Estimation in Low Coherence Areas Using a Multisatellite InSAR Approach
* Degree Reduction in Labeled Graph Retrieval
* Democratic Tone Mapping Using Optimal K-means Clustering
* Demographic Estimation from Face Images: Human vs. Machine Performance
* Demystifying Quadrilateral Remeshing
* Dense 3D SLAM in Dynamic Scenes Using Kinect
* Dense Multiperson Tracking with Robust Hierarchical Linear Assignment
* Dense Stereo-Based Robust Vertical Road Profile Estimation Using Hough Transform and Dynamic Programming
* Depth extended online RPCA with spatiotemporal constraints for robust background subtraction
* Depth-Preserving Warping for Stereo Image Retargeting
* Depth-Reliability-Based Stereo-Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture Design
* Derivation of various transfer functions of ideal or aberrated imaging systems from the three-dimensional transfer function
* Design and implementation of a computer vision-guided greenhouse crop diagnostics system
* Design of a shift-and-add based hardware accelerator for color space conversion
* Design of Allpass Variable Fractional Delay Filter with Powers-of-Two Coefficients
* design of power management for passive UHF RFID tag in 90nm CMOS process, A
* Designing a New Framework Using Type-2 FLS and Cooperative-Competitive Genetic Algorithms for Road Detection from IKONOS Satellite Imagery
* Despeckling of ultrasound medical images using ripplet domain nonlinear filtering
* Detecting Change Dates from Dense Satellite Time Series Using a Sub-Annual Change Detection Algorithm
* Detecting partially occluded vehicles with geometric and likelihood reasoning
* Detecting Rails and Obstacles Using a Train-Mounted Thermal Camera
* Detection and Quantification of Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Fractures With Horizontal Borehole Resistivity Measurements
* Detection of Convective Initiation Using Meteorological Imager Onboard Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite Based on Machine Learning Approaches
* Detection of fallen trees in ALS point clouds using a Normalized Cut approach trained by simulation
* Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grid Communication Systems
* Detection of Moroccan coastal upwelling in SST images using the Expectation-Maximization
* Determinants of driver response to variable message sign information in Athens
* Determination of 3D object pose in point cloud with CAD model
* Developing a contactless palmprint authentication system by introducing a novel ROI extraction method
* Development and Evaluation of a River-Basin-Scale High Spatio-Temporal Precipitation Data Set Using the WRF Model: A Case Study of the Heihe River Basin
* Development of a Bi-National Great Lakes Coastal Wetland and Land Use Map Using Three-Season PALSAR and Landsat Imagery
* Development of an adaptation and interface model, for the information systems interoperability
* Development of an Optimal Operation Approach in the MPC Framework for Heavy-Haul Trains
* Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
* Development of Multi-Temporal Landslide Inventory Information System for Southern Kyrgyzstan Using GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing
* Dictionary Based Image Segmentation
* Dictionary Based Segmentation in Volumes
* Different Approach for Pruning Micro-clusters in Data Stream Clustering, A
* Diffuse sky radiation influences the relationship between canopy PRI and shadow fraction
* Digital Image Processing of The Ghent Altarpiece: Supporting the painting's study and conservation treatment
* Dimension Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Rare Event Preserving
* Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images With Sparse Discriminant Embedding
* Directed Connected Operators: Asymmetric Hierarchies for Image Filtering and Segmentation
* Direction-of-Arrival Estimation for Radar Ice Sounding Surface Clutter Suppression
* Discovering Beautiful Attributes for Aesthetic Image Analysis
* Discrete optimal Bayesian classification with error-conditioned sequential sampling
* Discrete Signal Reconstruction by Sum of Absolute Values
* Discrete Varifolds: A Unified Framework for Discrete Approximations of Surfaces and Mean Curvature
* Discrete-State Encoding in Hybrid-State Systems for Intelligent Vehicle Control and Estimation
* Discriminating Yogurt Microstructure Using Diffuse Reflectance Images
* Discriminative Deep Face Shape Model for Facial Point Detection
* Discriminative Dictionary Learning with Low-Rank Error Model for Robust Crater Recognition
* Discriminative structured dictionary learning with hierarchical group sparsity
* Disparity Estimation on Stereo Mammograms
* Disparity Vector Correction for View Synthesis Prediction-Based 3-D Video Transmission
* Dissimilarity-Based Learning from Imbalanced Data with Small Disjuncts and Noise
* Distributed cross-media multiple binary subspace learning
* Distributed Estimation Based on Observations Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Distributed Online Hybrid Cloud Management for Profit-Driven Multimedia Cloud Computing
* Distributed video coding supporting hierarchical GOP structures with transmitted motion vectors
* Document dewarping via text-line based optimization
* Document image binarization using local features and Gaussian mixture modeling
* Does gender make a difference to performing in-vehicle tasks?
* Downscaling Snow Cover Fraction Data in Mountainous Regions Based on Simulated Inhomogeneous Snow Ablation
* DTW-based kernel and rank-level fusion for 3D gait recognition using Kinect
* Duality Principle for Image Regularization and Perceptual Color Correction Models
* Dynamic approach for real-time skin detection
* DynaMoVis: visualization of dynamic models for urban modeling
* Early Detection and Quantification of Verticillium Wilt in Olive Using Hyperspectral and Thermal Imagery over Large Areas
* Edge detection in wavelet transform domain
* Edge-Preserving Integration of a Normal Field: Weighted Least-Squares, TV and L1 Approaches
* Editorial introduction to the CVIU special issue on 'Generative models in computer vision and medical imaging'
* Editorial, Introduction
* Effect of Cloud Fraction on Near-Cloud Aerosol Behavior in the MODIS Atmospheric Correction Ocean Color Product
* Effect of intelligent speed adaptation technology on older drivers: driving performance
* Effect of the Aerosol Model Assumption on the Atmospheric Correction over Land: Case Studies with CHRIS/PROBA Hyperspectral Images over Benelux
* Effect of the Polarization Leakage on the SMOS Image Reconstruction Algorithm: Validation Using Ocean Model and In Situ Soil Moisture Data
* Effect of Topography on Target Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Data, The
* Effective and Efficient Midlevel Visual Elements-Oriented Land-Use Classification Using VHR Remote Sensing Images
* effective real-time color quantization method based on divisive hierarchical clustering, An
* Effective structure restoration for image completion using internet resources
* Effects of Pulse Density on Digital Terrain Models and Canopy Metrics Using Airborne Laser Scanning in a Tropical Rainforest
* Effects of texture addition on optical flow performance in images with poor texture
* Efficient 3-D Scene Prefetching From Learning User Access Patterns
* Efficient and accurate set-based registration of time-separated aerial images
* Efficient and Robust Specular Highlight Removal
* Efficient and Robust System for Multiperson Event Detection in Real-World Indoor Surveillance Scenes, An
* Efficient Computation of Attributes and Saliency Maps on Tree-Based Image Representations
* Efficient Deconvolution of Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
* Efficient Dense Rigid-Body Motion Segmentation and Estimation in RGB-D Video
* Efficient EMD and Hilbert spectra computation for 3D geometry processing and analysis via space-filling curve
* Efficient feature selection method using contribution ratio by random forest
* Efficient height measurements in single images based on the detection of vanishing points
* Efficient image compression techniques for compressing multimodal medical images using neural network radial basis function approach
* Efficient In-Loop Filtering Across Tile Boundaries for Multi-Core HEVC Hardware Decoders With 4 K/8 K-UHD Video Applications
* Efficient Inter-View Bit Allocation Methods for Stereo Image Coding
* Efficient iris localisation using a guided filter
* Efficient multi-constrained optimization for example-based synthesis
* Efficient Multiple Importance Sampling Estimators
* Efficient naturalness restoration for non-uniform illumination images
* Efficient residual data coding in CABAC for HEVC lossless video compression
* Efficient Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Encoding of Visual Words for Image Classification
* Efficient Semi-Supervised Classifier Based on Block-Polynomial Mapping, An
* Efficient Unwrap Representation of Faces for Video Editing
* Elementary Morphological Operations on the Spherical CIELab Quantale
* Elementary Morphology for SO(2)- and SO(3)-Orientation Fields
* Elimination of Outliers from 2-D Point Sets Using the Helmholtz Principle
* Ellipse detection method based on the advanced three point algorithm
* Embedded web server for real-time remote control and monitoring of an FPGA-based on-board computer system
* Embedding color image watermark in color image based on two-level DCT
* Emission dynamic meso-simulation model to evaluate traffic strategies in congested urban networks
* Empirical Evaluation of Different Feature Representations for Social Circles Detection
* Empirical Radiometric Normalization of Road Points from Terrestrial Mobile Lidar System
* Empty vehicles management as a method for reducing passenger waiting time in Personal Rapid Transit networks
* Emulator Toolbox to Approximate Radiative Transfer Models with Statistical Learning, An
* Enabling Enriched TV Shopping Experience via Computational and Temporal Aware View-Centric Multimedia Abstraction
* Encoding Polysomnographic Signals into Spike Firing Rate for Sleep Staging
* Encryption of medical images based on the cosine number transform
* End-to-End Simulation for a Forest-Dedicated Full-Waveform Lidar Onboard a Satellite Initialized from Airborne Ultraviolet Lidar Experiments
* Enhanced Contour Description for Pedestrian Detection
* Enhancement of 3D reconstruction process in terms of beautification and efficiency using geometric constraints
* Enhancement of Lidar Planimetric Accuracy using Orthoimages
* Enhancement of Textural Differences Based on Morphological Component Analysis
* Enhancing transport data collection through social media sources: methods, challenges and opportunities for textual data
* EnMAP Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Mission for Earth Observation, The
* Ensemble of 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Tumor Segmentation, An
* Error Characterization of Coupled Land Surface-Radiative Transfer Models for Snow Microwave Radiance Assimilation
* Escaping Path Approach with Extended Neighborhood for Speckle Noise Reduction
* Escritoire: A Multi-touch Desk with e-Pen Input for Capture, Management and Multimodal Interactive Transcription of Handwritten Documents
* Estimating Fuel Consumption from GPS Data
* Estimating Position of Mobile Robots From Omnidirectional Vision Using an Adaptive Algorithm
* Estimating spectral reflectance of fabrics from high-resolution multi-band HDR images
* Estimation and Tracking of Partial Planar Templates to Improve VSLAM
* Estimation of bispectral Donaldson matrices of fluorescent objects by using two illuminant projections
* Estimation of Forest Biomass From Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass InSAR Data
* Estimation of Light Rainfall Using Ku-Band Dual-Polarization Radar
* Estimation of object functions using deformable part model
* Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Using an Improved Trapezoid Method
* Evaluating Different Methods for Grass Nutrient Estimation from Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance
* Evaluating freshness of produce using transfer learning
* Evaluating the Vegetation Recovery in the Damage Area of Wenchuan Earthquake Using MODIS Data
* Evaluation and Acceleration of High-Throughput Fixed-Point Object Detection on FPGAs
* Evaluation criterion of thermal light ghost imaging based on the receiver operating characteristic analysis
* Evaluation of a MISR-Based High-Resolution Aerosol Retrieval Method Using AERONET DRAGON Campaign Data
* Evaluation of background subtraction algorithms for video surveillance
* evaluation of fake fingerprint databases utilizing SVM classification, An
* Evaluation of foreground detection methodology for a moving camera
* Evaluation of Local Descriptors for Vision-Based Localization of Humanoid Robots
* Evaluation of Morphological Hierarchies for Supervised Segmentation
* Evaluation of Perceptual Classification led by Cognitive Models in Traffic Scenes, An
* Evaluation of Polarimetric SAR Decomposition for Classifying Wetland Vegetation Types
* Evaluation of the effectiveness of auditory speeding warnings for commercial passenger vehicles: A field study in Wuhan, China
* EventMask: A Game-Based Framework for Event-Saliency Identification in Images
* Exact Linear Time Euclidean Distance Transforms of Grid Line Sampled Shapes
* Experimental Comparison of Continuous-Wave and Frequency-Domain Fluorescence Tomography in a Commercial Multi-Modal Scanner
* Experimental study on dominant sets clustering
* Explicit Embeddings for Nearest Neighbor Search with Mercer Kernels
* Exploiting colour information for better scene text detection and recognition
* Exploiting Passive RFID Technology for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes
* Exploiting the Bin-Class Histograms for Feature Selection on Discrete Data
* Exploiting the Deep-Link Commentsphere to Support Non-Linear Video Access
* Exploiting the Direct Link in Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relaying Networks
* Exploring Compression Impact on Face Detection Using Haar-like Features
* Exploring human brain neuronal currents with phase MRI
* Exploring Issues of Training Data Imbalance and Mislabelling on Random Forest Performance for Large Area Land Cover Classification Using the Ensemble Margin
* Exploring synergy relationships between telematic services and functionalities using cluster analysis
* Exploring the heavy goods vehicle fleet behaviour through simulations: notes from the German toll system
* Exploring the Vertical Distribution of Structural Parameters and Light Radiation in Rice Canopies by the Coupling Model and Remote Sensing
* Extended Block-Lifting-Based Lapped Transforms
* Extended surface distance for local evaluation of 3D medical image segmentations
* ExtendedThumb: A Target Acquisition Approach for One-Handed Interaction With Touch-Screen Mobile Phones
* ExTraCT: Expediting Offloading Transfers Through Intervehicle Communication Transmissions
* Extracting Categories by Hierarchical Clustering Using Global Relational Features
* Extracting Major Lines by Recruiting Zero-Threshold Canny Edge Links along Sobel Highlights
* Extraction of Structural and Dynamic Properties of Forests From Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Data Affected by Temporal Decorrelation
* Extremely Overlapping Vehicle Counting
* Eye Gaze Tracking With a Web Camera in a Desktop Environment
* Face Recognition and Retrieval Using Cross-Age Reference Coding With Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset
* Face recognition under illumination variations based on eight local directional patterns
* Face recognition under pose variation with local Gabor features enhanced by Active Shape and Statistical Models
* Face Recognition Using Smoothed High-Dimensional Representation
* Face recognition: handling data misalignments implicitly by fusion of sparse representations
* Face Verification Based on Gabor Region Covariance Matrices
* Face Verification Based on the Age Progression Rules
* Facial expression recognition using LP-norm MKL multiclass-SVM
* Facial features extraction by accelerated implementation of circular hough transform and appearance evaluation
* Factorized appearances for object detection
* Fairness for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems
* Fashion Parsing With Video Context
* Fast and accurate scene text understanding with image binarization and off-the-shelf OCR
* fast and efficient computer aided diagnostic system to detect tumor from brain magnetic resonance imaging, A
* Fast and Robust linear motion deblurring
* Fast and robust visual inspection system for tire surface thin defect
* fast approach for perceptually-based fitting strokes into elliptical arcs, A
* Fast Classification Scheme in Raman Spectroscopy for the Identification of Mineral Mixtures Using a Large Database With Correlated Predictors, A
* Fast Computation of Greyscale Path Openings
* Fast computation of residual complexity image similarity metric using low-complexity transforms
* Fast convergence of regularised Region-based Mixture of Gaussians for dynamic background modelling
* Fast Edge-Aware Denoising by Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths
* fast encoder of frame-compatible format based on content similarity for 3D distribution, A
* Fast Estimation of Intrinsic Volumes in 3D Gray Value Images
* Fast Evaluation of the Robust Stochastic Watershed
* Fast Head Pose Estimation for Human-Computer Interaction
* fast hough transform based on C3TR using shift operation, A
* Fast large-scale image enlargement method with a novel evaluation approach: benchmark function-based peak signal-to-noise ratio
* Fast Minimization of Region-Based Active Contours Using the Shape Hessian of the Energy
* Fast MR brain image segmentation based on modified Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
* Fast multi-label feature selection based on information-theoretic feature ranking
* Fast nearest neighbor searching based on improved VP-tree
* Fast Object Retrieval Using Direct Spatial Matching
* Fast Online Computation of a Model Predictive Controller and Its Application to Fuel Economy-Oriented Adaptive Cruise Control
* Fast Simple Linear Iterative Clustering by Early Candidate Cluster Elimination
* Fast text line detection by finding linear connected components on Canny edge image
* Fast three-dimensional video coding encoding algorithms based on edge information of depth map
* Fast, Accurate, and Guaranteed Stable Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
* Fault Diagnosis in Discrete-Event Systems with Incomplete Models: Learnability and Diagnosability
* Feature representation for statistical-learning-based object detection: A review
* Feature Selection Based on Dependency Margin
* Feature selection for position estimation using an omnidirectional camera
* Feature selection in possibilistic modeling
* Feature Selection of Time Series MODIS Data for Early Crop Classification Using Random Forest: A Case Study in Kansas, USA
* Feature-Based Gaze Estimation Algorithm for Natural Light Scenarios, A
* Feature-Based Lucas-Kanade and Active Appearance Models
* Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PSO and ABC for abnormal brain detection
* Finding the best not the most: regularized loss minimization subgraph selection for graph classification
* Fingerprint verification using characteristic vectors based on planar graphics
* Fluctuating Target Detection in Fluctuating K-Distributed Clutter
* focus fusion framework with anisotropic depth map smoothing, A
* Focused Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing of Ice-Sounding Data Collected Over the East Antarctic Ice Sheet via the Modified Range Migration Algorithm Using Curvelets
* Fodder Biomass Monitoring in Sahelian Rangelands Using Phenological Metrics from FAPAR Time Series
* Force Field-Based Control of Dynamic Particles with User-Specified Paths
* Forest Data Collection Using Terrestrial Image-Based Point Clouds From a Handheld Camera Compared to Terrestrial and Personal Laser Scanning
* Formalization and Verification of Group Behavior Interactions
* FPGA implementation of particle swarm optimization based on new fitness function for MRI images segmentation
* Framework for Articulated Hand Pose Estimation and Evaluation, A
* Framework for Automated Spine and Vertebrae Interpolation-Based Detection and Model-Based Segmentation, A
* Framework for Efficient Structured Max-Margin Learning of High-Order MRF Models, A
* framework for real-time emissions trading in large-scale vehicle fleets, A
* framework of augmented reality for geotagged videos, A
* Free-Form Region Description with Second-Order Pooling
* Free-hand sketch recognition by multi-kernel feature learning
* FridgeNet: A Nutrition and Social Activity Promotion Platform for Aging Populations
* From circle to 3-sphere: Head pose estimation by instance parameterization
* From Pixels to Response Maps: Discriminative Image Filtering for Face Alignment in the Wild
* full linear 3X3 color correction between images, A
* Fully Automatic Roadside Camera Calibration for Traffic Surveillance
* Functional Rehabilitation of the Paralyzed Upper Extremity After Spinal Cord Injury by Noninvasive Hybrid Neuroprostheses
* Functions of Multiple Instances for Learning Target Signatures
* Fundamentals of Non-Local Total Variation Spectral Theory
* Fusion of a panoramic camera and 2D laser scanner data for constrained bundle adjustment in GPS-denied environments
* Fusion of Global and Local Motion Estimation Using Foreground Objects for Distributed Video Coding
* Future Ocean Scatterometry: On the Use of Cross-Polar Scattering to Observe Very High Winds
* Future of Smart Photography, The
* Fuzzy 3D filter for color video sequences contaminated by impulsive noise
* Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Fingerprint Segmentation, A
* Gaussian mixture model-based contrast enhancement
* Gaussian Process Emulator for Estimating the Volume of Tissue Activated During Deep Brain Stimulation, A
* GcsDecolor: Gradient Correlation Similarity for Efficient Contrast Preserving Decolorization
* gender classification approach based on 3D depth-radial curves and fuzzy similarity based classification, A
* Gender Classification by LUT Based Boosting of Overlapping Block Patterns
* Gene-expression-based cancer classification through feature selection with KNN and SVM classifiers
* general framework and related procedures for multiscale analyses of DInSAR data in subsiding urban areas, A
* Generalization Ability of SVM Classification Based on Markov Sampling, The
* Generalized Flows for Optimal Inference in Higher Order MRF-MAP
* Generating animated paper pop-ups from the motion of articulated characters
* generative restricted Boltzmann machine based method for high-dimensional motion data modeling, A
* Genetic Algorithm-Based Moving Object Detection for Real-time Traffic Surveillance, A
* Genetic Seam Carving: A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Content-Aware Image Retargeting
* Geodesic Atlas-Based Labeling of Anatomical Trees: Application and Evaluation on Airways Extracted From CT
* Geolocalized Modeling for Dish Recognition
* Georeferencing Multi-source Geospatial Data Using Multi-temporal TerraSAR-X Imagery: a Case Study in Qixing Farm, Northeast China
* Geostationary Satellite Observation of Precipitable Water Vapor Using an Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) based Reconstruction Technique over Eastern China
* gesture based TV control interface for visually impaired: Initial design and user study, A
* Glasses detection on real images based on robust alignment
* Global Binary Optimization on Graphs for Classification of High-Dimensional Data
* Global Land Surface Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation Using General Regression Neural Networks From MODIS Surface Reflectance
* Global optimal searching for textureless 3D object tracking
* Global-Scale Evaluation of Roughness Effects on C-Band AMSR-E Observations
* Globally Optimal Joint Image Segmentation and Shape Matching Based on Wasserstein Modes
* Glove-Based Continuous Arabic Sign Language Recognition in User-Dependent Mode
* Goal-Driven Phenotyping Through Spectral Imaging for Grape Aromatic Ripeness Assessment
* GPGPU-Perf: Efficient, interval-based DVFS algorithm for mobile GPGPU applications
* GPstruct: Bayesian Structured Prediction Using Gaussian Processes
* Gradient Intensity-Adapted Algorithm With Adaptive Selection Strategy for the Fast Decision of H.264/AVC Intra-Prediction Modes, A
* Graph-based deformable matching of 3D line with application in protein fitting
* Graph-Based Textual Entailment Method Aware of Real-World Knowledge, A
* GraphBPT: An Efficient Hierarchical Data Structure for Image Representation and Probabilistic Inference
* Graphical LASSO based Model Selection for Time Series
* grid-based tracker for erratic targets, A
* Guaranteed Performance in the FRI Setting
* Guest Editorial Special Issue on Spine Imaging, Image-Based Modeling, and Image Guided Intervention
* Guest Editorial: Deep Learning
* Guest Editorial: Mathematics and Image Analysis
* Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on Higher Order Graphical Models in Computer Vision
* Hallucination of facial details from degraded images using 3D face models
* Hand gesture recognition for automatic tap system
* Handwritten word image matching based on Heat Kernel Signature
* Hash function for 3D mesh model authentication
* Hash-Based Block Matching for Screen Content Coding
* Hausdorff Distances Between Distributions Using Optimal Transport and Mathematical Morphology
* Haze Removal for a Single Remote Sensing Image Based on Deformed Haze Imaging Model
* HDR-VQM: An objective quality measure for high dynamic range video
* Head detection using motion features and multi level pyramid architecture
* Head Motion Modeling for Human Behavior Analysis in Dyadic Interaction
* Heartbeat Signal from Facial Video for Biometric Recognition
* Heterogeneous Multi-Task Learning for Human Pose Estimation with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Heuristic Initialization for Active Contour Models in CT/MRI Image Processing
* Hidden Convexity in QCQP with Toeplitz-Hermitian Quadratics
* Hierarchical architecture for motion and depth estimations based on color cues
* Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields Model for Semisupervised SAR Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical temporal graphical model for head pose estimation and subsequent attribute classification in real-world videos
* High dynamic range imaging pipeline on the GPU
* High Efficiency Image File Format Standard, The
* High order structural image decomposition by using non-linear and non-convex regularizing objectives
* High-Order Statistics of Weber Local Descriptors for Image Representation
* High-performance on-road vehicle detection with non-biased cascade classifier by weight-balanced training
* High-Resolution Precipitation Datasets in South America and West Africa based on Satellite-Derived Rainfall, Enhanced Vegetation Index and Digital Elevation Model
* High-Speed Hand Tracking for Studying Human-Computer Interaction
* High-Speed Image Registration Algorithm with Subpixel Accuracy
* High-speed implementation of rate-distortion optimised quantisation for H.265/HEVC
* Hippocampal Shape Modeling Based on a Progressive Template Surface Deformation and its Verification
* Histogram-Based Two-Stage Adaptive Character Segmentation for Transcription of Inter-Point Hindi Braille to Text, A
* Homographic Class Template for Logo Localization and Recognition
* Hourglass Shapes in Rank Grey-Level Hit-or-miss Transform for Membrane Segmentation in HER2/neu Images
* How the Autonomic Nervous System and Driving Style Change With Incremental Stressing Conditions During Simulated Driving
* How to Make nD Functions Digitally Well-Composed in a Self-dual Way
* How to use Bag-of-Words model better for image classification
* Human Centered Scene Understanding Based on 3D Long-Term Tracking Data
* Human motion control with physically plausible foot contact models
* Human visual system consistent quality assessment for remote sensing image fusion
* Human-Like Behavior Generation Based on Head-Arms Model for Robot Tracking External Targets and Body Parts
* Hunting for Paper Moldmates Among Rembrandt's Prints: Chain-line pattern matching
* HY-2A Radar Altimeter Ultrastable Oscillator Drift Estimation Using Reconstructive Transponder With Its Validation By Multimission Cross Calibration
* Hybrid Mobile Visual Search System With Compact Global Signatures, A
* Hybrid model-and-object-based real-time conversational video coding
* Hypergraph-Based Reduction for Higher-Order Binary Markov Random Fields, A
* Hyperspectral images classification and Dimensionality Reduction using Homogeneity feature and mutual information
* Hyperspectral REE (Rare Earth Element) Mapping of Outcrops: Applications for Neodymium Detection
* Ice Freeze-up and Break-up Detection of Shallow Lakes in Northern Alaska with Spaceborne SAR
* Identification of damage in buildings based on gaps in 3D point clouds from very high resolution oblique airborne images
* Identifying multiple objects from their appearance in inaccurate detections
* Identifying visual attributes for object recognition from text and taxonomy
* Illumination invariant face recognition based on dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* illumination invariant framework for real-time foreground detection, An
* IllumiRoom: Immersive Experiences Beyond the TV Screen
* Image Alignment for Panorama Stitching in Sparsely Structured Environments
* Image Analysis-Based Automatic Detection of Transmission Towers using Aerial Imagery
* Image Analysis: The New Bottleneck in Plant Phenotyping
* Image denoising using common vector approach
* Image fusion based on pixel significance using cross bilateral filter
* Image matching by eigen template method for multi-class classification
* image registration framework for sliding motion with piecewise smooth deformations, An
* Image Registration of Cochlear micro-CT Data Using Heat Distribution Similarity
* Image restoration by applying the genetic approach to the iterative Wiener filter
* Image Segmentation Based on Constrained Spectral Variance Difference and Edge Penalty
* Image segmentation with arbitrary noise models by solving minimal surface problems
* Image Super-Resolution Based on Structure-Modulated Sparse Representation
* Image transmission using unequal error protected multi-fold turbo codes over a two-user power-line binary adder channel
* ImageCLEF annotation with explicit context-aware kernel maps
* imaging approach for the automatic thresholding of photo defects, An
* Imaging Compensation Algorithm for Correcting the Impact of Tropospheric Delay on Spaceborne High-Resolution SAR, An
* Imaging of Oil-Well Perforations Using UWB Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Impact of Communication Erasure Channels on the Safety of Highway Vehicle Platoons
* Impact of Sowing Date on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Wheat Analyzed through Spatial Modeling and FORMOSAT-2 Images
* Impact of System Effects on Estimates of Faraday Rotation From Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements, The
* Implementation of the OFDM Chirp Waveform on MIMO SAR Systems
* Improved Detection of Faint Extended Astronomical Objects Through Statistical Attribute Filtering
* Improved EMCF-SBAS Processing Chain Based on Advanced Techniques for the Noise-Filtering and Selection of Small Baseline Multi-Look DInSAR Interferograms
* Improved Endmember Selection Method Based on Vector Length for MODIS Reflectance Channels, An
* Improved entropy coding for quantized transform coefficients in HEVC screen content coding
* Improved Exact epsilon-Constraint and Cut-and-Solve Combined Method for Biobjective Robust Lane Reservation, An
* Improved fast mean shift algorithm for remote sensing image segmentation
* Improved filter algorithm using inequality fano to select bands for HSI classification
* Improved Gender Classification Using Nonpathological Gait Kinematics in Full-Motion Video
* Improved Learning Rule for LVQ Based on Granular Computing
* Improved Physics-Based Model for Topographic Correction of Landsat TM Images, An
* Improvement of Ionospheric Phase Correction by Multiple-Aperture Interferometry, An
* Improvement of Land Cover Classification by Thermal Remote Sensing, The
* Improvement of the Radiative Transfer Model Component of a Land Data Assimilation System and Its Validation on Different Land Characteristics, An
* Improving Bayesian Networks Breast Mass Diagnosis by Using Clinical Data
* Improving Diffusion Tensor Estimation Using Adaptive and Optimized Filtering Based on Local Similarity
* Improving image clarity using local feature dimension
* Improving Information Retrieval Through a Global Term Weighting Scheme
* Improving Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth over Land by Polarimetric Measurements at 1640 nm: Airborne Test in North China
* Improving scene attribute recognition using web-scale object detectors
* Improving skeletal shape abstraction using multiple optimal solutions
* Improving the Computational Performance of Ontology-Based Classification Using Graph Databases
* Improving the Minimum Description Length Inference of Phrase-Based Translation Models
* Impulse noise reduction using distance weighted average filter
* Incompressibility-preserving deformation for fluid flows using vector potentials
* Incorporating approximate rotational invariance into two-dimensional S-transform
* Incorporating Endmember Variability into Linear Unmixing of Coarse Resolution Imagery: Mapping Large-Scale Impervious Surface Abundance Using a Hierarchically Object-Based Spectral Mixture Analysis
* Incorporation of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures in the ECMWF Soil Moisture Analysis
* Incremental and Efficient Computation of Families of Component Trees
* Incremental probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for video retrieval
* Incremental Procedure for the Lateral Calibration of a Time-of-Flight Camera by One Image of a Flat Surface, An
* Indian topographical map symbols understanding system
* Infinite Dimensional Optimization Models and PDEs for Dejittering
* informed sampler: A discriminative approach to Bayesian inference in generative computer vision models, The
* Inner-Cheeger Opening and Applications
* Integrated 60-V class-D power output stage with 95% efficiency in a 0.13 micro-m SOI BCD process
* Integrated Control Model for Headway Regulation and Energy Saving in Urban Rail Transit, An
* Intelligent Acoustic Interfaces With Multisensor Acquisition for Immersive Reproduction
* Intelligent control in photovoltaic systems by neural network
* Intelligent Mobile Video Surveillance System as a Bayesian Coalition Game in Vehicular Sensor Networks: Learning Automata Approach
* Intelligent Object Detection Using Trees
* Intelligentocular artifacts removal in a noninvasive singlechannel EEG recording
* Interaction Between Faraday Rotation and System Effects in Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements of Backscatter and Biomass, The
* Interaction with Large Displays: A Survey
* Interactive interaction plot
* Interactive Multi-label Segmentation of RGB-D Images
* Interactive tracking of insect posture
* Intercalibration of Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2 (AMSR2) Brightness Temperature
* Intercomparison of Precipitation Estimates From WSR-88D Radar and TRMM Measurement Over Continental United States
* Interpolation Routines Assessment in ALS-Derived Digital Elevation Models for Forestry Applications
* Interval type-2 credibilistic clustering for pattern recognition
* interval type-2 fuzzy logic PSS with the optimal H-inf tracking control for multi-machine power system, An
* Introduction to the CVIU special issue on 'Parts and Attributes: Mid-level representation for object recognition, scene classification and object detection'
* Invariant chromatic descriptor for LADAR data processing
* Inverse Sparse Tracker With a Locally Weighted Distance Metric
* Inverse texture synthesis in wavelet packet trees
* Inverted Multi-Index, The
* Invertible Orientation Scores of 3D Images
* Investigating the Impact of Sound Angular Position on the Listener Affective State
* IODA: An input/output deep architecture for image labeling
* ISAR Imaging of Nonuniformly Rotating Target Based on a Fast Parameter Estimation Algorithm of Cubic Phase Signal
* Isotropic inverse-problem approach for two-dimensional phase unwrapping
* Iterative Receiver Design for ISI Channels Using Combined Belief- and Expectation-Propagation
* Iterative Versus Voting Method to Reach Consensus Given Multiple Correspondences of Two Sets
* Joint Fuzzy Relays and Network-Coding-Based Forwarding for Multihop Broadcasting in VANETs
* Joint Online Transcoding and Delivery Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, A
* Joint Quality Measure for Evaluation of Pansharpening Accuracy
* Joint Spatial-Depth Feature Pooling for RGB-D Object Classification
* Kernel methods for point symmetry-based clustering
* Kernel-Based Feature Relevance Analysis for ECG Beat Classification
* Kinect-Based System to Assess Lymphedema Impairments in Breast Cancer Patients, A
* Knowledge discovery in WSN using mobile agents
* L1-TV Algorithm for Robust Perspective Photometric Stereo with Spatially-Varying Lightings, A
* Label Embedding: A Frugal Baseline for Text Recognition
* Label Image Constrained Multiatlas Selection
* Labeled Multi-Bernoulli SLAM Filter, The
* Lagrangian Approach to Modeling and Analysis of a Crowd Dynamics, A
* Land Degradation Assessment Using Residual Trend Analysis of GIMMS NDVI3g, Soil Moisture and Rainfall in Sub-Saharan West Africa from 1982 to 2012
* Land subsidence, Ground Fissures and Buried Faults: InSAR Monitoring of Ciudad Guzmán (Jalisco, Mexico)
* Land Surface Albedo Estimation from Chinese HJ Satellite Data Based on the Direct Estimation Approach
* Landmark Classification With Hierarchical Multi-Modal Exemplar Feature
* Landslide deformation monitoring using point-like target offset tracking with multi-mode high-resolution TerraSAR-X data
* Large image modality labeling initiative using semi-supervised and optimized clustering
* Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Image Classification
* Large Scale Spectral Clustering Via Landmark-Based Sparse Representation
* Large-Area Landslides Monitoring Using Advanced Multi-Temporal InSAR Technique over the Giant Panda Habitat, Sichuan, China
* Latent Topic Encoding for Content-Based Retrieval
* Lateral Vehicle State and Environment Estimation Using Temporally Previewed Mapped Lane Features
* Layer the sphere
* Layered optical tomography of multiple scattering media with combined constraint optimization
* Learning 3D Object Templates by Quantizing Geometry and Appearance Spaces
* Learning a Nonnegative Sparse Graph for Linear Regression
* Learning analytics system for assessing students' performance quality and text mining in online communication
* Learning best views of 3D shapes from sketch contour
* Learning Compact Feature Descriptor and Adaptive Matching Framework for Face Recognition
* Learning Computational Models of Video Memorability from fMRI Brain Imaging
* Learning Feature Hierarchies: A Layer-Wise Tag-Embedded Approach
* Learning From More Than One Data Source: Data Fusion Techniques for Sensorimotor Rhythm-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Learning High-level Features for Satellite Image Classification With Limited Labeled Samples
* Learning Multiscale Active Facial Patches for Expression Analysis
* Learning representative and discriminative image representation by deep appearance and spatial coding
* Learning Sample Specific Weights for Late Fusion
* Learning the Information Divergence
* Learning to detect concepts with Approximate Laplacian Eigenmaps in large-scale and online settings
* Learning Watershed Cuts Energy Functions
* Learning Weighted Lower Linear Envelope Potentials in Binary Markov Random Fields
* Learning-Based Joint Super-Resolution and Deblocking for a Highly Compressed Image
* Lidars With Narrow FOV for Daylight Measurements
* Linear Scale-Space Theory for Continuous Nonlocal Evolutions, A
* LIRIS-ACCEDE: A Video Database for Affective Content Analysis
* Local 2D Pattern Spectra as Connected Region Descriptors
* Local Blur Estimation Based on Toggle Mapping
* Local Feature Integration Method Using Phase Congruency for Palm Print Authentication
* Local image descriptor based on spectral embedding
* Local neighbourhood-based robust colour occurrence descriptor for colour image retrieval
* Local selected features of dual-tree complex wavelet transform for single sample face recognition
* Localization and Segmentation of 3D Intervertebral Discs in MR Images by Data Driven Estimation
* Location Estimation of Predominant Sound Source with Embedded Source Separation in Amplitude-Panned Stereo Signal
* Logarithmical hopping encoding: A low computational complexity algorithm for image compression
* Loose L1/2 regularised sparse representation for face recognition
* low power 6-bit current-steering DAC in 0.18-micro-m CMOS process, A
* Low-cost and high-speed hardware implementation of contrast-preserving image dynamic range compression for full-HD video enhancement
* Low-quality fingerprint recognition using a limited ellipse-band-based matching method
* Luminance-Hue Specification in the RGB Space
* Manifold Adaptive Label Propagation for Face Clustering
* Mapping Above-Ground Biomass in a Tropical Forest in Cambodia Using Canopy Textures Derived from Google Earth
* Mapping Annual Precipitation across Mainland China in the Period 2001-2010 from TRMM3B43 Product Using Spatial Downscaling Approach
* Mapping Flooded Rice Paddies Using Time Series of MODIS Imagery in the Krishna River Basin, India
* Mapping Forest Canopy Height over Continental China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* Mapping Ground Subsidence Phenomena in Ho Chi Minh City through the Radar Interferometry Technique Using ALOS PALSAR Data
* Mapping of Agricultural Crops from Single High-Resolution Multispectral Images: Data-Driven Smoothing vs. Parcel-Based Smoothing
* Mapping of Daily Mean Air Temperature in Agricultural Regions Using Daytime and Nighttime Land Surface Temperatures Derived from TERRA and AQUA MODIS Data
* Mapping paddy rice planting area in cold temperate climate region through analysis of time series Landsat 8 (OLI), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and MODIS imagery
* Mapping Regional Inundation with Spaceborne L-Band SAR
* Mapping Robinia Pseudoacacia Forest Health Conditions by Using Combined Spectral, Spatial, and Textural Information Extracted from IKONOS Imagery and Random Forest Classifier
* Mapping Secondary Forest Succession on Abandoned Agricultural Land with LiDAR Point Clouds and Terrestrial Photography
* Mapping Species Composition of Forests and Tree Plantations in Northeastern Costa Rica with an Integration of Hyperspectral and Multitemporal Landsat Imagery
* Mapping the Precipitation Type Distribution Over the Contiguous United States Using NOAA/NSSL National Multi-Sensor Mosaic QPE
* Marginal Consistency: Upper-Bounding Partition Functions over Commutative Semirings
* MAS energy management of a microgrid based on fuzzy logic control
* Matrixized learning machine with modified pairwise constraints
* max,min)-convolution and Mathematical Morphology
* Maximum power point tracking for a photovoltaic water pumping system with sliding mode control and fuzzy wavelet network
* Measurement and Correction of Atmospheric Effects at Different Altitudes for Remote Sensing of Sun-Induced Fluorescence in Oxygen Absorption Bands
* Measurement-Based Stochastic Model for High-Speed Railway Channels, A
* Measuring Scene Detection Performance
* Measuring the Directional Variations of Land Surface Reflectance From MODIS
* Measuring the Effectiveness of Various Features for Thematic Information Extraction From Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Measuring the intensity of spontaneous facial action units with dynamic Bayesian network
* Measuring the Radius of Meniscus Ring During the Growth of Silicon Rods
* Measuring the Variance of the Vertical Orbital Velocity Component by an Acoustic Wave Gauge With a Single Transceiver Antenna
* Mechanism of vehicular periodic operation for optimal fuel economy in free-driving scenarios
* Mesh free estimation of the structure model index
* Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs for virtual surgery
* method for character and photograph segmentation using dynamic thresholding, A
* method of ball spin estimation using seams lines, A
* Methodology for Extracting Standing Human Bodies From Single Images, A
* Methodology to Determine Radio-Frequency Interference in AMSR2 Observations, A
* Metric Regression Forests for Correspondence Estimation
* Microscopy Image Enhancement for Cost-Effective Cervical Cancer Screening
* Minimizing the Disruption of Traffic Flow of Automated Vehicles During Lane Changes
* Minimum Volume Simplex Analysis: A Fast Algorithm for Linear Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Mining Latent Attributes From Click-Through Logs for Image Recognition
* Mixed-norm sparse representation for multi view face recognition
* Mixture of Subspaces Image Representation and Compact Coding for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Mobile Standards-Based Traffic Light Detection in Assistive Devices for Individuals with Color-Vision Deficiency
* Modal-based phase retrieval for adaptive optics
* Model of Population and Subject (MOPS) Intensities With Application to Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation, A
* Model selection for linear classifiers using Bayesian error estimation
* Model-Based Quantitative Cross-Borehole GPR Imaging via Virtual Experiments
* Modeling fruits and their internal structure using parametric 3Gmap L-systems
* Modeling of Physical Characteristics of Speech under Stress
* Modeling Social Influence on Activity-Travel Behaviors Using Artificial Transportation Systems
* Modeling the Affective Content of Music with a Gaussian Mixture Model
* Modeling the effective emissivity of the urban canopy using sky view factor
* Modelling folded garments by fitting foldable templates
* Modification of the TPVD Algorithm for Data Embedding, A
* Modified Binary Inertial Particle Swarm Optimization for Gene Selection in DNA Microarray Data
* Modified criterion to select useful unlabeled data for improving semi-supervised support vector machines
* MODIS EVI and LST Temporal Response for Discrimination of Tropical Land Covers
* Moment invariants under similarity transformation
* Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
* Monitoring Mining Subsidence Using A Combination of Phase-Stacking and Offset-Tracking Methods
* Monitoring Soil Salinization in Keriya River Basin, Northwestern China Using Passive Reflective and Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Rice Planting Area in the Yangtze River Delta Region Using MODIS Images
* Monitoring the Distribution and Dynamics of an Invasive Grass in Tropical Savanna Using Airborne LiDAR
* Mood from painting: Estimating the mood of painting by using color image scale
* Morphological Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms
* Morphological Equivalents of Relativistic and Alpha-Scale-Spaces, The
* Morphological mapping for non-linear dimensionality reduction
* Morphological PDE and Dilation/Erosion Semigroups on Length Spaces
* Morphological Scale-Space Operators for Images Supported on Point Clouds
* Morphologically Invariant Matching of Structures with the Complete Rank Transform
* Motion detection based on the combining of the background subtraction and spatial color information
* Motion detection using color structure-texture image decomposition
* Movement direction-based approaches for pedestrian detection in road scenes
* Moving Object Detection Revisited: Speed and Robustness
* Moving Voxel Method for Estimating Canopy Base Height from Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* MRF-Based Depth Upsampling: Upsample the Depth Map With Its Own Property, An
* Multi agent based incident management system according to ITIL
* Multi language text detection using fast stroke width transform
* Multi-agent system based on fuzzy control and prediction using NN for smart microgrid energy management
* Multi-Center MRI Carotid Plaque Component Segmentation Using Feature Normalization and Transfer Learning
* Multi-Class Active Learning by Uncertainty Sampling with Diversity Maximization
* Multi-class Boosting for Imbalanced Data
* Multi-Frequency Polarimetric SAR Classification Based on Riemannian Manifold and Simultaneous Sparse Representation
* Multi-image Segmentation: A Collaborative Approach Based on Binary Partition Trees
* Multi-manifold LLE learning in pattern recognition
* Multi-Modality Vertebra Recognition in Arbitrary Views Using 3D Deformable Hierarchical Model
* Multi-platform Graphical Software for Determining Reproductive Parameters in Fishes Using Histological Image Analysis, A
* Multi-Resolution Disparity Processing and Fusion for Large High-Resolution Stereo Image
* Multi-scale saliency detection via inter-regional shortest colour path
* Multi-Target Tracking With Time-Varying Clutter Rate and Detection Profile: Application to Time-Lapse Cell Microscopy Sequences
* Multi-temporal Analysis of RapidEye Data to Detect Natural Vegetation Phenology During Two Growing Seasons in the Northern Negev, Israel
* Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling MRI with Variable TR and Bolus Duration for Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Transit Time Mapping
* Multi-View Video Summarization Using Bipartite Matching Constrained Optimum-Path Forest Clustering
* Multiband compact texture unit descriptor for intra-band and inter-band texture analysis
* Multiclass feature learning for hyperspectral image classification: Sparse and hierarchical solutions
* Multilabel predictions with sets of probabilities: The Hamming and ranking loss cases
* Multimedia Analysis and Access of Ancient Maya Epigraphy: Tools to support scholars on Maya hieroglyphics
* Multimodal Object Recognition Using Random Clustering Trees
* Multipe/Single-View Human Action Recognition via Part-Induced Multitask Structural Learning
* Multiplatooning Leaders Positioning and Cooperative Behavior Algorithms of Communicant Automated Vehicles for High Traffic Capacity
* Multiple Description Coding for Stereoscopic Videos With Stagger Frame Order
* Multiple-concept feature generative models for multi-label image classification
* Multiscale Anisotropic Texture Analysis and Classification of Photographic Prints: Art scholarship meets image processing algorithms
* Multiscale Texture Orientation Analysis Using Spectral Total-Variation Decomposition
* Multispectral Stereo Odometry
* Multitask Reinforcement Learning in Nondeterministic Environments: Maze Problem Case
* Multitemporal Monitoring of the Morphodynamics of a Mid-Mountain Stream Using UAS Photogrammetry
* Multiview Depth Parameterisation with Second Order Regularisation
* Music Annotation and Retrieval using Unlabeled Exemplars: Correlation and Sparse Codes
* MVEM-Based Fault Diagnosis of Automotive Engines Using Dempster-Shafer Theory and Multiple Hypotheses Testing
* N-ary Mathematical Morphology
* National Forest Aboveground Biomass Mapping from ICESat/GLAS Data and MODIS Imagery in China
* Natural scene text detection with multi-layer segmentation and higher order conditional random field based analysis
* Near-Real-Time Estimation of Water Vapor Column From MSG-SEVIRI Thermal Infrared Bands: Implications for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval
* Neighborhood Discriminant Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Neural Autoregressive Approach to Attention-based Recognition, A
* Neural Best Fit Void Filling Scheduler in fixed time for optical burst switching
* Neural Network Ensemble Based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions from B-Mode Ultrasound
* neuroprotective effect of a traditional herbal (kyung-ok-ko) on transient middle cerebral artery occlusion-Induced ischemic rat brain, The
* Neutral Face Classification Using Personalized Appearance Models for Fast and Robust Emotion Detection
* New Algorithm of the FPAR Product in the Heihe River Basin Considering the Contributions of Direct and Diffuse Solar Radiation Separately, A
* new approach to build a geographical taxonomy of adjacency automatically using the latent semantic indexing method, A
* New Approximation of a Scale Space Kernel on SE(3) and Applications in Neuroimaging
* new arithmetic coding model for a block-based lossless image compression based on exploiting inter-block correlation, A
* New Characterizations of Minimum Spanning Trees and of Saliency Maps Based on Quasi-flat Zones
* New Hybrid Snow Light Scattering Model Based on Geometric Optics Theory and Vector Radiative Transfer Theory, A
* New Method Based on Graph Transformation for FAS Mining in Multi-graph Collections, A
* New Method for Obtaining Optimal Polygonal Approximations
* New model for aircraft landing scheduling using real time algorithms scheduling
* new modeling approach for Arabic opinion mining recognition, A
* New models of visual saliency: Contourlet transform based model and hybrid model
* new moving object tracking method using particle filter and probability product kernel, A
* new nonlocal variational bi-regularized image restoration model via split Bregman method, A
* New radiolocation technique for intelligent antennas
* new ring radius transform-based thinning method for multi-oriented video characters, A
* New Smoothing Method for Lexicon-Based Handwritten Text Keyword Spotting, A
* New Stochastic Optimization Algorithm to Decompose Large Nonnegative Tensors, A
* New Technique for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Line Detection and Tracking in Video, A
* New Trajectory Based Motion Segmentation Benchmark Dataset (UdG-MS15), A
* No Reference Quality Assessment for Multiply-Distorted Images Based on an Improved Bag-of-Words Model
* No-Reference Texture Regularity Metric Based on Visual Saliency, A
* Noise Decomposition Using Polynomial Approximation
* Non-adaptive and Amoeba Quantile Filters for Colour Images
* Non-linear dictionary learning with partially labeled data
* Non-negative matrix completion for action detection
* Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Sensorimotor Rhythms
* Nonlinear discriminant analysis using K nearest neighbor estimation
* Nonlocal Joint Segmentation Registration Model
* Nonrigid Structure From Motion via Sparse Representation
* Normalization of TanDEM-X DSM Data in Urban Environments With Morphological Filters
* Note on Model-Independent Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Output Tracking Control of 4WS4WD Road Vehicles, A
* novel 3D vorticity based approach for automatic registration of low resolution range images, A
* novel adaptive Gaussian restoration filter for reducing periodic noises in digital image, A
* Novel adaptive SPH with geometric subdivision for brittle fracture animation of anisotropic materials
* novel aggregate gene selection method for microarray data classification, A
* Novel Haar features for real-time hand gesture recognition using SVM
* Novel Image Representation via Local Frequency Analysis for Illumination Invariant Stereo Matching, A
* Novel JSCC Scheme for UEP-Based Scalable Video Transmission Over MIMO Systems, A
* Novel multi-scale retinex with color restoration on graphics processing unit
* Novel outline features for pedestrian detection system with thermal images
* Novel Rate Control Framework for SIFT/SURF Feature Preservation in H.264/AVC Video Compression, A
* novel semi-supervised hyperspectral image classification approach based on spatial neighborhood information and classifier combination, A
* novel simulation framework based on information asymmetry to evaluate evacuation plan, A
* Novel Subpixel Phase Correlation Method Using Singular Value Decomposition and Unified Random Sample Consensus, A
* Novel Two-Dimensional Singular Spectrum Analysis for Effective Feature Extraction and Data Classification in Hyperspectral Imaging
* novel validity index with dynamic cut-off for determining true clusters, A
* Novel Vehicle Reversing Speed Control Based on Obstacle Detection and Sparse Representation, A
* Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Terrestrial LiDAR for Parameterizing Centimeter-Scale Sea Ice Surface Roughness
* Numerical Methods for Parameter Estimation in Poisson Data Inversion
* NURBS Based Multi-objective Path Planning
* Object classification using CNN for video traffic detection system
* Object Discovery Using CNN Features in Egocentric Videos
* Object pose estimation using category information from a single image
* Object tracking using particle filter based on Lyapunov stability
* Object-Based Flood Mapping and Affected Rice Field Estimation with Landsat 8 OLI and MODIS Data
* Object-Based Image Analysis in Wetland Research: A Review
* Object-Distortion Based Image Quality Similarity, An
* Object-Level High-Order Contextual Descriptor Based on Semantic, Spatial, and Scale Cues, An
* Objective Consumer Device Photo Quality Evaluation
* Objective Quality Assessment for Multiexposure Multifocus Image Fusion
* Obscene video detection using mutiple-classifier fusion
* OMEG: Oulu Multi-Pose Eye Gaze Dataset
* Omni-directional 3D measurement using double fish-eye stereo vision
* On Achieving Short Channel Switching Delay and Playback Lag in IP-Based TV Systems
* On Closed-Loop Bicycle Availability Prediction
* On covariate factor detection and removal for robust gait recognition
* On Debiasing Restoration Algorithms: Applications to Total-Variation and Nonlocal-Means
* On group-wise regularization: Theory and efficient algorithms
* On Growing Persian Words with L-Systems: Visual Modeling of Neyname
* On Numerical Analysis of View-Dependent Derivatives in Computed Tomography
* On Reducing the Effect of Covariate Factors in Gait Recognition: A Classifier Ensemble Method
* On rendering synthetic images for training an object detector
* On Secrecy of a Multi-Antenna System with Eavesdropper in Close Proximity
* On Spectral Unmixing Resolution Using Extended Support Vector Machines
* On the effectiveness of soft biometrics for increasing face verification rates
* On the Exponential Convergence of the Kaczmarz Algorithm
* On the Feasibility of Characterizing Soil Properties From AVIRIS Data
* On the Impact of Distance Metrics in Instance-Based Learning Algorithms
* On the Importance of Training Data Sample Selection in Random Forest Image Classification: A Case Study in Peatland Ecosystem Mapping
* On the Modification of Binarization Algorithms to Retain Grayscale Information for Handwritten Text Recognition
* On the Null Space Constant for L_p Minimization
* On the Performance of Turbo Signal Recovery with Partial DFT Sensing Matrices
* On Wasserstein Barycenters and MMOSPA Estimation
* On-line signature recognition through the combination of real dynamic data and synthetically generated static data
* On-road multi-vehicle tracking algorithm based on an improved particle filter
* On-the-fly learning for visual search of large-scale image and video datasets
* Online Learning of Stochastic Bi-automaton to Model Dialogues
* Optimal design of second generation current conveyors by the Artificial Bee Colony technique
* Optimal exposure compression for high dynamic range content
* Optimal H-inf control without reaching phase with the differential evolution PID based on PSS for multi-machine power system
* Optimal perturb and observe control for MPPT based on least square support vector machines algorithm
* Optimization of Metro Train Schedules With a Dwell Time Model Using the Lagrangian Duality Theory
* Optimization of prediction approach for improving students orientation in university: Case of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdelah University (SMBAU)
* Optimization of the Antennas of the EISS Radar Designed to Perform Deep Martian Subsurface Sounding
* Optimized 3D Street Scene Reconstruction from Driving Recorder Images
* Optimized projection patterns for stereo systems
* Optimizing self-organizing method in traffic lights with PSO algorithm in a single junction modeled with a cellular automaton
* Optimizing the Relevance-Redundancy Tradeoff for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* Optimum Wirelessly Powered Relaying
* Order Picking with Head-Up Displays
* Ordering on the Probability Simplex of Endmembers for Hyperspectral Morphological Image Processing
* Oriented Shape Index Histograms for Cell Classification
* Orthogonal Golay Codes With Local Beam Pattern Correction in Ultrasonic Imaging
* Outlier detection using neighborhood rank difference
* overview of big data opportunities, applications and tools, An
* Pansharpening Algorithm Based on Morphological Filters, A
* Parameter Estimation and Energy Minimization for Region-Based Semantic Segmentation
* Parameter estimation of multi-component chirp signals based on discrete chirp Fourier transform and population Monte Carlo
* Part level transfer regularization for enhancing exemplar SVMs
* Part-Based Segmentation by Skeleton Cut Space Analysis
* Partial Differential Equations of Bivariate Median Filters
* Partial sparse shape constrained sector-driven bladder wall segmentation
* Partial-Duplicate Clustering and Visual Pattern Discovery on Web Scale Image Database
* Particle filter with spline resampling and global transition model
* Particle filtering methods for georeferencing panoramic image sequence in complex urban scenes
* Passenger Segmentation Using Smart Card Data
* path-based multi-agent navigation model, A
* Patrolling Routes Optimization Using Ant Colonies
* Patterns Used to Identify Relations in Corpus Using Formal Concept Analysis
* PCA-SVM based CAD System for Focal Liver Lesions using B-Mode Ultrasound Images
* PDE-Based Color Morphology Using Matrix Fields
* PDE-Based Graph Signal Processing for 3-D Color Point Clouds: Opportunities for cultural herihe arts and found promising.
* Pectoral Muscle Segmentation in Mammograms Based on Cartoon-Texture Decomposition
* Perceived Synchronization of Mulsemedia Services
* Perceptual color hit-or-miss transform: Application to dermatological image processing
* Perceptual grouping by tensor voting: A comparative survey of recent approaches
* Performance and security-enhanced fuzzy vault scheme based on ridge features for distorted fingerprints
* Performance Assessment of High Resolution Airborne Full Waveform LiDAR for Shallow River Bathymetry
* Performance evaluation of classification algorithms by k-fold and leave-one-out cross validation
* Performance evaluation of keypoint detection and matching techniques on grayscale data
* Performance evaluation of multi-criteria vertical handover for heterogeneous wireless networks
* Performance Improvement of Average Based Spatial Filters through Multilevel Preprocessing using Wavelets
* Peripheral Nerve Segmentation Using Speckle Removal and Bayesian Shape Models
* Peripheral Nerves Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Using Non-linear Wavelets and Gaussian Processes
* Permittivity Estimation Using Coupling of Commercial Ground Penetrating Radars
* Persistent Evidence of Local Image Properties in Generic ConvNets
* Person Enrollment by Face-Gait Fusion
* Person Re-Identification Based on Spatiogram Descriptor and Collaborative Representation
* Phase correlation with sub-pixel accuracy: A comparative study in 1D and 2D
* Phenology-Based Vegetation Index Differencing for Mapping of Rubber Plantations Using Landsat OLI Data
* Phonographic image recognition using fusion of scale invariant descriptor
* Photogrammetric Computer Vision 2014: Best Papers of the ISPRS Technical Commission III Symposium
* Piecewise Geodesics for Vessel Centerline Extraction and Boundary Delineation with Application to Retina Segmentation
* Plurality of Human Brain-Computer Interfacing, The
* Pornographic video classification using fast motion Features
* Portal Extraction Based on an Opening Labeling for Ray Tracing
* Pose Estimation Based on Pose Cluster and Candidates Recombination
* Pose-invariant vehicle identification in aerial electro-optical imagery
* Potential Energy of an Autoencoder, The
* Potential of C and X Band SAR for Shrub Growth Monitoring in Sub-Arctic Environments
* Potential of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Mitigating Adverse Weather Impacts on Road Mobility: A Review
* Power Laws of Geodesics in Some Random Sets with Dilute Concentration of Inclusions, The
* PPG Beat Reconstruction Based on Shape Models and Probabilistic Templates for Signals Acquired with Conventional Smartphones
* Practical and accurate calibration of RGB-D cameras using spheres
* Precision Enhancement of 3-D Surfaces from Compressed Multiview Depth Maps
* Precision Farming: Sensor Analytics
* Preconditioned Douglas-Rachford Algorithms for TV- and TGV-Regularized Variational Imaging Problems
* Prediction of Cirrhosis Based on Singular Value Decomposition of Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrix and a Neural Network Classifier
* Prediction of liver cirrhosis based on multiresolution texture descriptors from B-mode ultrasound
* Prediction of Macronutrients at the Canopy Level Using Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy and LiDAR Data in a Mixedwood Boreal Forest
* Predictive and Multirate Sensor-Based Planning Under Uncertainty
* Predictive Model of Vertebral Trabecular Anisotropy From Ex Vivo Micro-CT, A
* Preface: Robust Reading
* Preliminary study on automatic printing system for film package considering distortion
* Preprocessing phase for initializing the PRSOM architecture
* Principles for Human-Centered Interaction Design, Part 2: Can Humans and Machines Think Together?
* Privacy region protection for H.264/AVC with enhanced scrambling effect and a low bitrate overhead
* Privacy-aware average speed monitoring system for vehicular ad-hoc networks
* Probabilistic contour mapping using oriented gradient features and SVM-bagging
* Probabilistic Correlation Clustering and Image Partitioning Using Perturbed Multicuts
* Probabilistic Hierarchical Morphological Segmentation of Textures
* Procedural floor plan generation from building sketches
* Progressive Visual Object Detection with Positive Training Examples Only
* Promoting Truthful Behavior in Participatory-Sensing Mechanisms
* proposal of ambient light estimation methods for skin region detection, A
* PROSPECT Inversions of Leaf Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy: A Comparison of Spectral Range and Inversion Technique Influences
* Prototype Generation on Structural Data Using Dissimilarity Space Representation: A Case of Study
* Prototype Integrated Monitoring System for Pavement and Traffic Based on an Embedded Sensing Network, A
* Prototype Network for Remote Sensing Validation in China, A
* Prototype Selection for Graph Embedding Using Instance Selection
* Qatris iManager: a general purpose CBIR system
* QFuse: Online learning framework for adaptive biometric system
* QoE-Based Traffic and Resource Management for Adaptive HTTP Video Delivery in LTE
* Qualitative Review on 3D Coarse Registration Methods, A
* Quantification of Brain Access of Exendin-4 in the C57BL Mouse Model by SPIM Fluorescence Imaging and the Allen Mouse Brain Reference Model
* Quantitative Canvas Weave Analysis Using 2-D Synchrosqueezed Transforms: Application of time-frequency analysis to art investigation
* Quantitative model of the driver's reaction time during daytime fog: Application to a head up display-based advanced driver assistance system
* Query expansion with pairwise learning in object retrieval challenge
* R-Clustering for Egocentric Video Segmentation
* R-Letter disorder diagnosis (R-LDD): Arabic speech database development for automatic diagnosis of childhood speech disorders (Case study)
* Radiometric Stability and Scaling of Collection 6 Terra- and Aqua-MODIS VIS, NIR, and SWIR Spectral Bands, The
* Railway Fastener Inspection by Real-Time Machine Vision
* Raindrop-Tampered Scene Detection and Traffic Flow Estimation for Nighttime Traffic Surveillance
* Random Forest and Rotation Forest for fully polarized SAR image classification using polarimetric and spatial features
* Random Subspace Ensembles for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Extended Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Random Subspace Supervised Descent Method for Regression Problems in Computer Vision
* Rank-One Tensor Updating Algorithm for Tensor Completion, A
* Rank-Two Beamforming and Stochastic Beamforming for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting with Finite-Alphabet Inputs
* Ranking Orientation Responses of Path Operators: Motivations, Choices and Algorithmics
* Rapid Approach for Prediction of Liver Cirrhosis based on First Order Statistics, A
* RARE: people detection in crowded passages by range image reconstruction
* Real-time adaptive content retargeting for live multi-view capture and light field display
* Real-Time and Robust Object Tracking in Video via Low-Rank Coherency Analysis in Feature Space
* Real-time collision-free linear trajectory generation on GPU for crowd simulations
* Real-time color image segmentation based on mean shift algorithm using an FPGA
* Real-Time Estimation of Lane-to-Lane Turning Flows at Isolated Signalized Junctions
* Real-time event classification in field sport videos
* Real-time one-dimensional motion estimation and its application in computer vision
* Real-time tracking-with-detection for coping with viewpoint change
* Real-world gender classification via local Gabor binary pattern and three-dimensional face reconstruction by generic elastic model
* Reassembling 3D Thin Fragments of Unknown Geometry in Cultural Heritage
* Recognition of emotions from video using acoustic and facial features
* Recognizing Text-Based Traffic Signs
* Recommendation of Process Discovery Algorithms Through Event Log Classification
* Reconstruction of Surfaces from Point Clouds Using a Lagrangian Surface Evolution Model
* Recursive Hybrid Cramer-Rao Bound for Discrete-Time Markovian Dynamic Systems
* Reducing Interferences in VANETs
* Region change rate-driven seamline determination method
* Region-based Mixture of Gaussians modelling for foreground detection in dynamic scenes
* Region-Kernel-Based Support Vector Machines for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Regression Segmentation for M3 Spinal Images
* Regression-based parking space availability prediction for the Ubike system
* Regularization Approach to Blind Deblurring and Denoising of QR Barcodes, A
* Regularization with Sparse Vector Fields: From Image Compression to TV-type Reconstruction
* Regularizing Image Intensity Transformations Using the Wasserstein Metric
* Relational User Attribute Inference in Social Media
* Relative Hidden Markov Models for Video-Based Evaluation of Motion Skills in Surgical Training
* Relatively-Paired Space Analysis: Learning a Latent Common Space From Relatively-Paired Observations
* Relevance-redundancy feature selection based on ant colony optimization
* Reliable Crop Identification with Satellite Imagery in the Context of Common Agriculture Policy Subsidy Control
* ReLiSCE: Utilizing Resource-Limited Sensors for Office Activity Context Extraction
* Remote Sensing Based Spatial Statistics to Document Tropical Rainforest Transition Pathways
* Remote Sensing Best Paper Award for the Year 2015
* Remote Sensing Method for Estimating Surface Air Temperature and Surface Vapor Pressure on a Regional Scale, A
* Remote Sensing Observation of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Pearl River Estuary
* Remote Sensing of River Delta Inundation: Exploiting the Potential of Coarse Spatial Resolution, Temporally-Dense MODIS Time Series
* Remote-Sensing-Driven System for Mining Marine Spatiotemporal Association Patterns, A
* Representation and Spatially Adaptive Segmentation for PolSAR Images Based on Wedgelet Analysis
* Restoring camera-captured distorted document images
* Retinex by Higher Order Total Variation L1 Decomposition
* Retrieval of Aerosol Properties for Fine/Coarse Mode Aerosol Mixtures over Beijing from PARASOL Measurements
* Reversible data hiding in JPEG images utilising zero quantised coefficients
* Review and Meta-Analysis of Multimodal Affect Detection Systems, A
* Review of Classic Edge Detectors, A
* Review of Leukocyte Classification Techniques for Microscopic Blood Images
* Review of Online Dynamic Models and Algorithms for Railway Traffic Management, A
* Revised Temporal Scaling Method to Yield Better ET Estimates at a Regional Scale, A
* Reweighted sparse subspace clustering
* Rigid and non-rigid object image matching using deformable object image discrimination
* River Detection in Remotely Sensed Imagery Using Gabor Filtering and Path Opening
* Robotic Dance in Social Robotics: A Taxonomy
* Robust 3D Active Shape Model for the Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in MRI
* Robust active learning for the diagnosis of parasites
* robust approach for text detection from natural scene images, A
* Robust detection of mosaic masking region
* Robust Fixed Rank Kriging Method for Improving the Spatial Completeness and Accuracy of Satellite SST Products, A
* Robust Fuzzy Neural Network Model for Soil Lead Estimation from Spectral Features, A
* Robust High Dynamic Range Imaging by Rank Minimization
* robust intelligent control for a variable speed wind turbine based on general regression neural network, A
* Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
* Robust medical image watermarking technique for accurate detection of tampers inside region of interest and recovering original region of interest
* Robust object detection and adaptive background estimation based on radial reach correlation
* Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction
* Robust Prostate Segmentation Using Intrinsic Properties of TRUS Images
* Robust Rooftop Extraction From Visible Band Images Using Higher Order CRF
* Robust visual odometry estimation of road vehicle from dominant surfaces for large-scale mapping
* Robust Visual Tracking via Coupled Randomness
* Robust watermarking method in DFT domain for effective management of medical imaging
* Robust Wheel Torque Control for Traction/Braking Force Tracking Under Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Motion
* Rotated face recognition by manifold learning with auto-associative neural network
* Rotation Invariant Tracking Algorithm Based on Circular HOGs
* RPC Estimation via L_1-Norm-Regularized Least Squares (L1LS)
* RSD-HoG: A New Image Descriptor
* SAETA: A Smart Coaching Assistant for Professional Volleyball Training
* Sampled Weighted Min-Hashing for Large-Scale Topic Mining
* Savannah woody structure modelling and mapping using multi-frequency (X-, C- and L-band) Synthetic Aperture Radar data
* Scale-Space Representation Based on Levelings Through Hierarchies of Level Sets
* Scale-Space Theory for Auditory Signals
* Scattering Centers Detection and Tracking in Refocused Spaceborne SAR Images for Infrastructure Monitoring
* Scattering tomography using ellipsoidal mirror
* Scene Recognition Invariant to Symmetrical Reflections and Illumination Conditions in Robotics
* Scene text extraction based on edges and support vector regression
* Scene text recognition using a Hough forest implicit shape model and semi-Markov conditional random fields
* Second Order Minimum Energy Filtering on SE3 with Nonlinear Measurement Equations
* Secure and Privacy-Preserving Smartphone-Based Traffic Information Systems
* Secure and Robust Two-Phase Image Authentication
* Secure Transmission in Cooperative Networks with Weak Eavesdroppers
* Securing the architecture of the JPEG compression by an dynamic encryption
* Security analysis of a three-dimensional rotation-based image encryption
* Segmentation of Multimodal Images Based on Hierarchies of Partitions
* Segmentation of vehicle detector data for improved k-nearest neighbours-based traffic flow prediction
* Segmentation-Based PolSAR Image Classification Using Visual Features: RHLBP and Color Features
* Selection of optimized features and weights on face-iris fusion using distance images
* Selective Review and Analysis of Aging Effects in Biometric System Implementation
* Self-adaptive CodeBook (SACB) model for real-time background subtraction, A
* Self-Aware and Self-Expressive Camera Networks
* Self-duality and Digital Topology: Links Between the Morphological Tree of Shapes and Well-Composed Gray-Level Images
* Self-expressive tracking
* Semantic classification of urban buildings combining VHR image and GIS data: An improved random forest approach
* Semantic point cloud interpretation based on optimal neighborhoods, relevant features and efficient classifiers
* Semi-Analytical Model for Remote Sensing Retrieval of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Gulf of Bohai, China, A
* Semi-automatic annotation samples for vehicle type classification in urban environments
* Semi-Supervised Approach to Named Entity Recognition in Spanish Applied to a Real-World Conversational System
* Semi-Supervised Image Classification Based on Local and Global Regression
* Sensitivity of Aquarius Active and Passive Measurements Temporal Covariability to Land Surface Characteristics
* Sensitivity of Intercalibration Uncertainty of the CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer Features
* Sentence Clustering Using Continuous Vector Space Representation
* Sentiment Groups as Features of a Classification Model Using a Spanish Sentiment Lexicon: A Hybrid Approach
* Sentinel-1 Mission: New Opportunities for Ice Sheet Observations, The
* Sentinel-1A Product Geolocation Accuracy: Commissioning Phase Results
* Separable Time-Causal and Time-Recursive Spatio-Temporal Receptive Fields
* Sequential Spectral Change Vector Analysis for Iteratively Discovering and Detecting Multiple Changes in Hyperspectral Images
* Shape Description and Matching Using Integral Invariants on Eccentricity Transformed Images
* Shape-Based Analysis on Component-Graphs for Multivalued Image Processing
* Ship Detection with Spectral Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Comparison of New and Well-Known Algorithms
* Short-Term Forecasting of Surface Solar Irradiance Based on Meteosat-SEVIRI Data Using a Nighttime Cloud Index
* Signal intensity correction for multichannel MR images using radon transformation
* Signal Processing Approaches to Minimize or Suppress Calibration Time in Oscillatory Activity-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces
* Similarity Analysis of Archaeological Potsherds Using 3D Surfaces
* simple gray-edge automatic white balance method with FPGA implementation, A
* Simplification of meshes with digitized radiance
* simulation based method for vehicle motion prediction, A
* Simulation of Multiangular Radar Echoes for Speed Measurement During CE-3 Landing on the Lunar Sinus Iridum Surface
* Simultaneous image fusion and denoising with adaptive sparse representation
* Single Image Superresolution via Directional Group Sparsity and Directional Features
* Single Scatter Model for X-ray CT Energy Spectrum Estimation and Polychromatic Reconstruction, A
* Single- vs. multiple-instance classification
* Single-Channel Separation Between Stationary and Non-stationary Signals Using Relevant Information
* Sketch-Based Image Retrieval Through Hypothesis-Driven Object Boundary Selection With HLR Descriptor
* SLED: Semantic Label Embedding Dictionary Representation for Multilabel Image Annotation
* Sliding Window Framework for Word Spotting Based on Word Attributes, A
* Small Surrogate for the Golden Angle in Time-Resolved Radial MRI Based on Generalized Fibonacci Sequences, A
* Smoke detection for static cameras
* Snapshot Serengeti, high-frequency annotated camera trap images of 40 mammalian species in an African savanna
* Snow Depth Estimation Based on Multipath Phase Combination of GPS Triple-Frequency Signals
* Social Signaling Descriptor for Group Behaviour Analysis
* Soil Clay Content Mapping Using a Time Series of Landsat TM Data in Semi-Arid Lands
* Solution-Driven Adaptive Total Variation Regularization
* Solutions to Integrals Involving the Marcum Q-Function and Applications
* Solving Minimal Surface Problems on Surfaces and Point Clouds
* Some Nonlocal Filters Formulation Using Functional Rearrangements
* Source-Target-Source Classification Using Stacked Denoising Autoencoders
* Sparse Aggregation Framework for Optical Flow Estimation
* sparse algorithm for dense optimal transport, A
* Sparse alternating decision tree
* Sparse pixel sampling for appearance edit propagation
* Sparsity Basis Selection Method for Compressed Sensing, A
* Sparsity-Based Direction Finding of Coherent and Uncorrelated Targets Using Active Nonuniform Arrays
* Spatial Analysis of Wenchuan Earthquake-Damaged Vegetation in the Mountainous Basins and Its Applications
* Spatial Feature Reconstruction of Cloud-Covered Areas in Daily MODIS Composites
* Spatial Repulsion Between Markers Improves Watershed Performance
* Spatial-Dependent Similarity Metric Supporting Multi-atlas MRI Segmentation
* spatial-temporal framework based on histogram of gradients and optical flow for facial expression recognition in video sequences, A
* Spatially adaptive image defogging using color characteristics
* Spatially Sparse, Temporally Smooth MEG Via Vector L_0
* Spatially variant noise estimation in MRI: A homomorphic approach
* Spatio-temporal 3D surface matching for hand gesture recognition using ICP algorithm
* Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bluetooth Data: Application to a Large Urban Network
* Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Speaker identification using multimodal neural networks and wavelet analysis
* Special issue on concept detection with big data
* Special issue on real-time color image processing
* Spectral Clustering Using Friendship Path Similarity
* Spectral Index for Quantifying Leaf Area Index of Winter Wheat by Field Hyperspectral Measurements: A Case Study in Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan
* Spectral Ordering Assessment Using Spectral Median Filters
* Spectral Representations of One-Homogeneous Functionals
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images With a Superpixel-Based Discriminative Sparse Model
* Speech Emotion Recognition Using Fourier Parameters
* Speeded Up Low-Rank Online Metric Learning for Object Tracking
* Spelled sign word recognition using key frame
* SPHORB: A Fast and Robust Binary Feature on the Sphere
* Spiking Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Energy-Efficient Object Recognition
* Spinal Navigation and Imaging: History, Trends, and Future
* Spline-Based Trajectory Representation for Sensor Fusion and Rolling Shutter Cameras, A
* Sponges for Generalized Morphology
* Stacked Multilayer Self-Organizing Map for Background Modeling
* Stacked Predictive Sparse Decomposition for Classification of Histology Sections
* StaMPS Improvement for Deformation Analysis in Mountainous Regions: Implications for the Damavand Volcano and Mosha Fault in Alborz
* State-of-the-art and -practice review of public transport priority strategies
* Statistical Interspace Models (SIMs): Application to Robust 3D Spine Segmentation
* statistical method for line segment detection, A
* Statistical Tests for a Ship Detector Based on the Polarimetric Notch Filter
* Steganalysis of JPEG images using enhanced neighbouring joint density features
* stereo matching approach based on particle filters and scattered control landmarks, A
* Stereo matching-based definition of saliency via sample-based Kullback-Leibler divergence estimation
* Stochastic effects of traffic randomness on the determination of signal change and clearance intervals at signalised intersections
* Stratified feature sampling method for ensemble clustering of high dimensional data
* Structure-aware QR Code abstraction
* Structured Light System Calibration for Perception in Underwater Tanks
* Structured Output Prediction with Hierarchical Loss Functions for Seafloor Imagery Taxonomic Categorization
* Structuring Lecture Videos by Automatic Projection Screen Localization and Analysis
* Study of Binary Partition Tree Pruning Techniques for Polarimetric SAR Images
* study of brain networks driven by steady-state visual evoked potentials, The
* Study on performance of MPEG-7 visual descriptors for deformable object retrieval
* Study on Sensor Level LiDAR Waveform Data Compression Using JPEG-2000 Standard Multi-Component Transform
* Submodular Relaxation for Inference in Markov Random Fields
* Subspace clustering with automatic feature grouping
* Super Fast Event Recognition in Internet Videos
* Super-resolution by polar Newton-Thiele's rational kernel in centralized sparsity paradigm
* superparticle filter for lane detection, A
* Supervised Classification of Benthic Reflectance in Shallow Subtropical Waters Using a Generalized Pixel-Based Classifier across a Time Series
* Supervised locally linear embedding algorithm based on orthogonal matching pursuit
* Supervised Vicarious Calibration (SVC) of Multi-Source Hyperspectral Remote-Sensing Data
* Surface Shortwave Net Radiation Estimation from FengYun-3 MERSI Data
* survey on face detection in the wild: Past, present and future, A
* Sustainable Transportation Management System for a Fleet of Electric Vehicles
* SVM-based characterisation of liver cirrhosis by singular value decomposition of GLCM matrix
* SVM-Based Characterization of Liver Ultrasound Images Using Wavelet Packet Texture Descriptors
* Swarm reinforcement learning for traffic signal control based on cooperative multi-agent framework
* Synergistic Use of Satellite Observations and Numerical Weather Model to Study Atmospheric Occluded Fronts
* system architecture for real time traffic monitoring in foggy video, A
* System for Medical Mask Detection in the Operating Room Through Facial Attributes
* Tailoring Design for Embedded Computer Vision Applications
* Targeted-Tracking With Pointing Devices
* Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Structured Sparsity Constraints
* Tech giants bet on biometrics
* Temporal Hierarchical Adaptive Texture CRF for Automatic Detection of Gadolinium-Enhancing Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Brain MRI
* Temporal Segmentation of Digital Colposcopies
* Temporal Variability of Uncertainty in Pixel-Wise Soil Moisture: Implications for Satellite Validation
* Text and User Generic Model for Writer Verification Using Combined Pen Pressure Information From Ink Intensity and Indented Writing on Paper
* Text Detection and Recognition in Imagery: A Survey
* Texture advection on discontinuous flows
* Texture descriptor based on local combination adaptive ternary pattern
* Texture Generation for Photoacoustic Elastography
* Texture Removal Preserving Edges by Diffusion
* Theoretical Modeling and Analysis of L- and P-band Radar Backscatter Sensitivity to Soil Active Layer Dielectric Variations
* Theory of Two-Dimensional Signature Morphology for Arbitrarily Moving Surface Targets in Squinted Spotlight Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Thin Ice Detection in the Barents and Kara Seas With AMSR-E and SSMIS Radiometer Data
* Three-Dimensional Volume Reconstruction from Slice Data Using Phase-Field Models
* Threshold of Graph-Based Volumetric Segmentation
* thresholding algorithm for improved split-row decoding method of irregular LDPC codes, A
* Time-of-Flight Sensor Calibration for a Color and Depth Camera Pair
* Time-Series Prediction Based on Kernel Adaptive Filtering with Cyclostationary Codebooks
* TimeClassifier: a visual analytic system for the classification of multi-dimensional time series data
* To switch travel mode or not? Impact of Smartphone delivered high-quality multimodal information
* Top-Down Approach to the Estimation of Depth Maps Driven by Morphological Segmentations, A
* Topo-Bathymetric LiDAR for Monitoring River Morphodynamics and Instream Habitats: A Case Study at the Pielach River
* Topological Spatial Verification for Instance Search
* Total Variation Restoration of Images Corrupted by Poisson Noise with Iterated Conditional Expectations
* Toward an effective hybrid collaborative filtering: A new approach based on matrix factorization and heuristic-based neighborhood
* Toward Discovery of the Artist's Style: Learning to recognize artists by their artworks
* Towards 3D Face Recognition in the Real: A Registration-Free Approach Using Fine-Grained Matching of 3D Keypoint Descriptors
* Towards automatic image analysis and assessment of the multicellular apoptosis process
* Towards Cost-Efficient Video Transcoding in Media Cloud: Insights Learned From User Viewing Patterns
* Towards Detection of Cutting in Hay Meadows by Using of NDVI and EVI Time Series
* Towards Independence: A BCI Telepresence Robot for People With Severe Motor Disabilities
* Towards Noninvasive Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces: Framework, Practice, Clinical Application, and Beyond
* Towards reputation measurement in online social networks
* Tracking Sub-atomic Particles Through the Attribute Space
* Traffic incident duration analysis and prediction models based on the survival analysis approach
* Transceiver Optimization for Unicast/Multicast MIMO Cognitive Overlay/Underlay Networks
* Transcranial Assessment and Visualization of Acoustic Cavitation: Modeling and Experimental Validation
* Translation and scale invariants of three-dimensional Tchebichef moments
* Transmit Radiation Pattern Invariance in MIMO Radar With Application to DOA Estimation
* Transmit Signal and Receive Filter Design in Co-located MIMO Radar Using a Transmit Weighting Matrix
* TraPlan: An Effective Three-in-One Trajectory-Prediction Model in Transportation Networks
* TripPlanner: Personalized Trip Planning Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Digital Footprints
* Tumor detection on brain MR images using regional features: Method and preliminary results
* type-1 fuzzy logic algorithm to manage the flow of energy in a stand-alone PV/wind/battery hybrid system, A
* Ultrasound Volume Projection Imaging for Assessment of Scoliosis
* Undecimated Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transforms
* Understanding Boswellia papyrifera tree secondary metabolites through bark spectral analysis
* Unfolding Kernel embeddings of graphs: Enhancing class separation through manifold learning
* Unsupervised Approximation of Digital Planar Curves
* Unsupervised Celebrity Face Naming in Web Videos
* Unsupervised Learning Using the Tensor Voting Graph
* Unsupervised segmentation of highly dynamic scenes through global optimization of multiscale cues
* Unsupervised Web Topic Detection Using A Ranked Clustering-Like Pattern Across Similarity Cascades
* Uploader Intent for Online Video: Typology, Inference, and Applications
* Urban Growth Simulation of Atakum (Samsun, Turkey) Using Cellular Automata-Markov Chain and Multi-Layer Perceptron-Markov Chain Models
* Use of LUCAS LC Point Database for Validating Country-Scale Land Cover Maps
* Using Binocular Feature Combination for Blind Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images
* Using Lunar Observations to Validate In-Flight Calibrations of Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Instruments
* Using Motion Tracking to Detect Spontaneous Movements in Infants
* Using RFID to Detect Interactions in Ambient Assisted Living Environments
* Using the robust statistics for travel time estimation on highways
* Using the Surface Temperature-Albedo Space to Separate Regional Soil and Vegetation Temperatures from ASTER Data
* Utilization of optimally selected features for car detection in calibrated camera and LRF system
* Validation of the Surface Downwelling Solar Irradiance Estimates of the HelioClim-3 Database in Egypt
* Variance-preserving mosaicing of multiple satellite images for forest parameter estimation: Radiometric normalization
* Variation of edge detection uncertainty on fish-eye images
* Variational Approach to Simultaneous Image Segmentation and Bias Correction, A
* Variational Exposure Fusion with Optimal Local Contrast
* Variational Model for Color Assignment, A
* Variational Perspective Shape from Shading
* VecTree: Concepts for 3D modelling of deciduous trees from terrestrial Lidar
* Vehicle detection using PLS Hough transform
* Vehicle logo recognition by weighted multi-class support vector machine ensembles based on sharpness histogram features
* Vehicle-Intersection Coordination Scheme for Smooth Flows of Traffic Without Using Traffic Lights, A
* Vertebral body segmentation using a probabilistic and universal shape model
* Vertebroplasty Performance on Simulator for 19 Surgeons Using Hierarchical Task Analysis
* Very Fast Algorithm for Simultaneously Performing Connected-Component Labeling and Euler Number Computing, A
* Very Simple Safe-Bayesian Random Forest, A
* Vibrotactile Stimulation to Increase and Decrease Texture Roughness
* Video Delivery Performance of a Large-Scale VoD System and the Implications on Content Delivery
* Video Deraining and Desnowing Using Temporal Correlation and Low-Rank Matrix Completion
* Video Object Retrieval by Trajectory and Appearance
* Video Popularity Dynamics and Its Implication for Replication
* Video Summarization by an Innovative Method in Shot Detection
* Video-Based Dynamic Stagger Measurement of Railway Overhead Power Lines Using Rotation-Invariant Feature Matching
* Video-based facial expression recognition by removing the style variations
* Videogrammetry System for Wind Turbine Vibration Monitoring
* Virtual ball player
* Virtual cutting of deformable objects based on efficient topological operations
* Viscous-Hyperconnected Attribute Filters: A First Algorithm
* Vision-Based Humanoid Robot Navigation in a Featureless Environment
* Visual importance-based adaptive photon tracing
* Visual Object Tracking by Structure Complexity Coefficients
* Visual Saliency Detection With Free Energy Theory
* Visual Topic Network: Building better image representations for images in social media
* Visual tracking based on online sparse feature learning
* Visual tracking of non-rigid objects with partial occlusion through elastic structure of local patches and hierarchical diffusion
* Visual-Patch-Attention-Aware Saliency Detection
* VLSI implementation of a high-resolution depth-sensing SoC based on active structured light, The
* Waterfall Hierarchy on Weighted Graphs, The
* Watershed Algorithm Progressively Unveiling Its Optimality, A
* Wavelet-based blind deconvolution of near-field ultrasound scans
* Weighted Component Hashing of Binary Aggregated Descriptors for Fast Visual Search
* What Can Pictures Tell Us About Web Pages? Improving Document Search Using Images
* When Convex Analysis Meets Mathematical Morphology on Graphs
* Why Does Mutual-Information Work for Image Registration? A Deterministic Explanation
* Why so many people? Explaining Nonhabitual Transport Overcrowding With Internet Data
* Wi-Counter: Smartphone-Based People Counter Using Crowdsourced Wi-Fi Signal Data
* Wiener Index on Lines of Unit Cells of the Body-Centered Cubic Grid
* Wireless Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring in the Railway Industry: A Survey
* Wireless Video Multicast With Cooperative and Incremental Transmission of Parity Packets
* Wooden Knot Detection Using ConvNet Transfer Learning
* Word-Graph Based Applications for Handwriting Documents: Impact of Word-Graph Size on Their Performances
* Worldwide Ionospheric Model for Fast Precise Point Positioning, A
* YouTube Video Promotion by Cross-Network Association: @Britney to Advertise Gangnam Style
* Zero-Shot Object Recognition System Based on Topic Model
* Überatlas: Robust Speed-Up of Feature-Based Registration and Multi-Atlas Segmentation
1368 for 1506

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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.