* *Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from the 25th ITS World Congress Copenhagen 2018
* *Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition
* 2DIGH: a polar invariant local image descriptor based on joint histogram
* 3-D Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks With Attention Model for Speech Emotion Recognition
* 3-D Imaging Based on Combination of the ISAR Technique and a MIMO Radar System
* 3-D Radar Imaging of E-Region Field-Aligned Plasma Irregularities by Using Multireceiver and Multifrequency Techniques
* 3-D+t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in Low SNR Fluorescence Images
* 3D Active Vessel Tracking Using an Elliptical Prior
* 3D Ego-Pose Estimation via Imitation Learning
* 3D Face Reconstruction from Light Field Images: A Model-Free Approach
* 3D Façade Labeling over Complex Scenarios: A Case Study Using Convolutional Neural Network and Structure-From-Motion
* 3D Object-Camera and 3D Face-Camera Pose Estimation for Quadcopter Control: Application to Remote Labs
* 3D objects classification based on $P recogniser
* 3D Point Cloud Semantic Modelling: Integrated Framework for Indoor Spaces and Furniture
* 3D Reconstruction of In-the-Wild Faces in Images and Videos
* 3D Recurrent Neural Networks with Context Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 3D Scene Flow from 4D Light Field Gradients
* 3D Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction in Monocular Video Data Using Environment Structure Constraints
* 3D-CODED: 3D Correspondences by Deep Deformation
* 3DFeat-Net: Weakly Supervised Local 3D Features for Point Cloud Registration
* 3DMV: Joint 3D-Multi-view Prediction for 3D Semantic Scene Segmentation
* 55-Year Time Series Station for Primary Production in the Adriatic Sea: Data Correction, Extraction of Photosynthesis Parameters and Regime Shifts, A
* A+D Net: Training a Shadow Detector with Adversarial Shadow Attenuation
* A-Contrario Horizon-First Vanishing Point Detection Using Second-Order Grouping Laws
* Accelerating Dynamic Programs via Nested Benders Decomposition with Application to Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* Accessible Melanoma Detection Using Smartphones and Mobile Image Analysis
* Accuracy Assessment of Point Clouds from LiDAR and Dense Image Matching Acquired Using the UAV Platform for DTM Creation
* Accurate Modeling and Efficient Estimation of the Print-Capture Channel With Application in Barcoding
* Accurate Scene Text Detection Through Border Semantics Awareness and Bootstrapping
* Achieving Complete and Near-Lossless Conversion from IFC to CityGML
* Acquisition of Localization Confidence for Accurate Object Detection
* Action Anticipation with RBF Kernelized Feature Mapping RNN
* Action Search: Spotting Actions in Videos and Its Application to Temporal Action Localization
* ActiveStereoNet: End-to-End Self-supervised Learning for Active Stereo Systems
* Activity Recognition for a Smartphone and Web-Based Human Mobility Sensing System
* Actor-Centric Relation Network
* Adaptive Affinity Fields for Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptive Centralized/Decentralized Control and Identification of 1-D Heterogeneous Vehicular Platoons Based on Constant Time Headway Policy
* Adaptive Deep Sparse Semantic Modeling Framework for High Spatial Resolution Image Scene Classification
* Adaptive Hierarchical Multinomial Latent Model With Hybrid Kernel Function for SAR Image Semantic Segmentation
* Adaptively Transforming Graph Matching
* Adding Attentiveness to the Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks
* Advanced accident prediction models and impacts assessment
* Advances in Crowd Analysis for Urban Applications Through Urban Event Detection
* Adversarial Approach to Hard Triplet Generation, An
* Adversarial Geometry-Aware Human Motion Prediction
* Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification
* Adversarial Spatio-Temporal Learning for Video Deblurring
* ADVIO: An Authentic Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry
* ADVISE: Symbolism and External Knowledge for Decoding Advertisements
* Aesthetics-Driven Stereoscopic 3-D Image Recomposition With Depth Adaptation
* Affine Correspondences Between Central Cameras for Rapid Relative Pose Estimation
* Affinity Derivation and Graph Merge for Instance Segmentation
* Age of Artificial Emotional Intelligence, The
* Aggregation of Binary Feature Descriptors for Compact Scene Model Representation in Large Scale Structure-from-Motion Applications
* AGIL: Learning Attention from Human for Visuomotor Tasks
* AIPNet: Image-to-Image Single Image Dehazing With Atmospheric Illumination Prior
* Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data for the Assessment of Standing and Lying Deadwood: Current Situation and New Perspectives
* Algorithms for Random Maps Generation and Their Implementation as a Python Library
* Algorithms for semantic segmentation of multispectral remote sensing imagery using deep learning
* Allocation of Wireless Power Transfer System From Viewpoint of Optimal Control Problem for Autonomous Driving Electric Vehicles
* AMC: AutoML for Model Compression and Acceleration on Mobile Devices
* Analysis and Implementation of the Harris Corner Detector, An
* Analysis of Factors Influencing the Relationship between Satellite-Derived AOD and Ground-Level PM10, An
* Analysis of Landsat-8 OLI Imagery for Estimating Exposed Bedrock Fractions in Typical Karst Regions of Southwest China Using a Karst Bare-Rock Index
* Analysis of Neural Codes for Near-Duplicate Detection
* Analysis of Structural Characteristics for Quality Assessment of Multiply Distorted Images
* Analysis Ready Data: Enabling Analysis of the Landsat Archive
* Analyzing Clothing Layer Deformation Statistics of 3D Human Motions
* Analyzing Spatial and Temporal User Behavior in Participatory Sensing
* Analyzing the Effect of Fluorescence Characteristics on Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Estimation
* Analyzing Time Series from Chinese Financial Market Using a Linear-Time Graph Kernel
* Antarctic Snowmelt Detected by Diurnal Variations of AMSR-E Brightness Temperature
* Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation via Evaluation-Guided Asymmetric Regression
* Application of Data Compression Models to Handwritten Digit Classification, An
* Application of Industrial Risk Management Practices to Control Natural Hazards, Facilitating Risk Communication
* Applications of DINEOF to Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a from a Productive Coastal Region
* Applications of Internet of Things
* Approximating GED Using a Stochastic Generator and Multistart IPFP
* Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals
* ArticulatedFusion: Real-Time Reconstruction of Motion, Geometry and Segmentation Using a Single Depth Camera
* Ask, Acquire, and Attack: Data-Free UAP Generation Using Class Impressions
* Assessing Image Retrieval Quality at the First Glance
* Assessing L-Band GNSS-Reflectometry and Imaging Radar for Detecting Sub-Canopy Inundation Dynamics in a Tropical Wetlands Complex
* Assessing the Resilience of Coastal Wetlands to Extreme Hydrologic Events Using Vegetation Indices: A Review
* Assessing the Variability of Corn and Soybean Yields in Central Iowa Using High Spatiotemporal Resolution Multi-Satellite Imagery
* Assessment of Aquarius Sea Surface Salinity
* Assessment of Forest above Ground Biomass Estimation Using Multi-Temporal C-band Sentinel-1 and Polarimetric L-band PALSAR-2 Data
* Assessment of ITS architectures
* Assessment of MODIS, OMI, MISR and CALIOP Aerosol Products for Estimating Surface Visual Range: A Mathematical Model for Hong Kong
* Associating Inter-image Salient Instances for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* Asymmetric 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for action recognition
* Asynchronous, Photometric Feature Tracking Using Events and Frames
* Atmospheric Correction Using the Information From the Short Blue Band
* Atmospheric Effect Correction for InSAR With Wavelet Decomposition-Based Correlation Analysis Between Multipolarization Interferograms
* Attend and Rectify: A Gated Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Recovery
* Attention CoupleNet: Fully Convolutional Attention Coupling Network for Object Detection
* Attention-Aware Deep Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Attention-Based Ensemble for Deep Metric Learning
* Attention-GAN for Object Transfiguration in Wild Images
* Attentive Semantic Alignment with Offset-Aware Correlation Kernels
* Attribute CNNs for word spotting in handwritten documents
* Attribute-Guided Face Generation Using Conditional CycleGAN
* Attributes as Operators: Factorizing Unseen Attribute-Object Compositions
* Audio-Visual Event Localization in Unconstrained Videos
* Audio-Visual Scene Analysis with Self-Supervised Multisensory Features
* AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-Based Data Augmentation
* Augmented Homogeneous Coordinates Matrix-Based Projective Mismatch Removal for Partial-Duplicate Image Search, The
* Augmented incremental recognition of online handwritten mathematical expressions
* AutoLoc: Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos
* Automated Driving: The Cyber-Physical Perspective
* Automated Method for the Study of Human Reliability in Railway Supervision Systems, An
* Automated Non-Invasive Measurement of Single Sperm's Motility and Morphology
* Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic detection and segmentation of optic disc and fovea in retinal images
* Automatic Ensemble Diffusion for 3D Shape and Image Retrieval
* Automatic identification of butterfly species based on HoMSC and GLCMoIB
* Automatic Seam-Line Detection in UAV Remote Sensing Image Mosaicking by Use of Graph Cuts
* Automatic Segmentation of Retinal Layer in OCT Images With Choroidal Neovascularization
* Automatic Semantic Parsing of the Ground Plane in Scenarios Recorded With Multiple Moving Cameras
* Automatically Selecting the Best Pictures for an Individualized Child Photo Album
* Background Modeling and Referencing for Moving Cameras-Captured Surveillance Video Coding in HEVC
* Backtracking Spatial Pyramid Pooling-Based Image Classifier for Weakly Supervised Top-Down Salient Object Detection
* Bags of Graphs for Human Action Recognition
* Barcoding in Biometrics and Its Development
* BAT algorithm inspired retinal blood vessel segmentation
* Bayesian Approach to Subkilometer Crater Shape Analysis Using Individual HiRISE Images, A
* Bayesian Framework for the Analog Reconstruction of Kymographs From Fluorescence Microscopy Data, A
* Bayesian Semantic Instance Segmentation in Open Set World
* Bayesian Vehicle Detection Using Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Beam Hardening Correction Using Cone Beam Consistency Conditions
* Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
* Benefits of the Successive GPM Based Satellite Precipitation Estimates IMERG-V03, -V04, -V05 and GSMaP-V06, -V07 Over Diverse Geomorphic and Meteorological Regions of Pakistan
* Beyond Local Reasoning for Stereo Confidence Estimation with Deep Learning
* Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and A Strong Convolutional Baseline)
* Beyond Spatial Proximity: Classifying Parks and Their Visitors in London Based on Spatiotemporal and Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data
* Bi-box Regression for Pedestrian Detection and Occlusion Estimation
* Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-Bit CNNs with Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training Algorithm
* Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attention Residual Modules for Shadow Detection
* BiggerSelfie: Selfie Video Expansion With Hand-Held Camera
* Binary Codification Design for Compressive Imaging by Uniform Sensing
* Biometrics and forensics integration using deep multi-modal semantic alignment and joint embedding
* BiSeNet: Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* Blind image quality assessment based on Benford's law
* Blind image splicing detection via noise level function
* Blind Quality Index for Multiply Distorted Images Using Biorder Structure Degradation and Nonlocal Statistics
* Blind Source Separation-Based Motion Detector for Imaging Super-Paramagnetic Iron Oxide (SPIO) Particles in Magnetomotive Ultrasound Imaging
* Block Iteratively Reweighted Algorithms for Robust Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Bobrovsky-Zakai-Type Bound for Periodic Stochastic Filtering
* BodyNet: Volumetric Inference of 3D Human Body Shapes
* Boosted Attention: Leveraging Human Attention for Image Captioning
* BOP: Benchmark for 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Bottleneck Channels Algorithm for Satellite Data Dimension Reduction: A Case Study for IASI
* Broadcasting Convolutional Network for Visual Relational Reasoning
* BSN: Boundary Sensitive Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* Building efficient CNN architecture for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Building Emotional Machines: Recognizing Image Emotions Through Deep Neural Networks
* Building instance classification using street view images
* BULC-U: Sharpening Resolution and Improving Accuracy of Land-Use/Land-Cover Classifications in Google Earth Engine
* Bundled Object Context for Referring Expressions
* Burst Image Deblurring Using Permutation Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks
* BusterNet: Detecting Copy-Move Image Forgery with Source/Target Localization
* BVI-HD: A Video Quality Database for HEVC Compressed and Texture Synthesized Content
* C-WSL: Count-Guided Weakly Supervised Localization
* Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting with the Double Obstacle Potential
* Calibration Changes to Terra MODIS Collection-5 Radiances for CERES Edition 4 Cloud Retrievals
* Camera Placement Based on Vehicle Traffic for Better City Security Surveillance
* Camera Sensor Traces Analysis in Image Forgery Detection Problem
* Can Multispectral Information Improve Remotely Sensed Estimates of Total Suspended Solids? A Statistical Study in Chesapeake Bay
* Capturing Flood Risk Perception via Sketch Maps
* Capturing the Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* CAR-Net: Clairvoyant Attentive Recurrent Network
* Categorization of RNA Molecules Using Graph Methods
* CBAM: Convolutional Block Attention Module
* CDVSec: Privacy-preserving biometrical user authentication in the cloud with CDVS descriptors
* CGIntrinsics: Better Intrinsic Image Decomposition Through Physically-Based Rendering
* Change detection in Landsat images based on local neighbourhood information
* Channel Measurement, Simulation, and Analysis for High-Speed Railway Communications in 5G Millimeter-Wave Band
* Chaotic Sensing
* Character Recognition Based on Skeleton Analysis
* Characterizing Adversarial Examples Based on Spatial Consistency Information for Semantic Segmentation
* Choose Your Neuron: Incorporating Domain Knowledge Through Neuron-Importance
* Choosing an Optimal Bracketing Sequence for HDR Imaging
* CIRL: Controllable Imitative Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Self-driving
* City-wide emissions modelling using fleet probe vehicles
* Close-Range Photogrammetry and Infrared Imaging for Non-Invasive Honeybee Hive Population Assessment
* Closed-Form Approximation for the Convergence Time of pth-Order Kalman Filters
* Closed-Form Solution to Photorealistic Image Stylization, A
* Clustering Based Reference Normal Pose for Improved Expression Recognition
* Clustering Convolutional Kernels to Compress Deep Neural Networks
* Clustering Quality Measures for Point Cloud Segmentation Tasks
* CNN-Based Distributed Adaptive Control for Vehicle-Following Platoon With Input Saturation
* CNN-PS: CNN-Based Photometric Stereo for General Non-convex Surfaces
* CNNs-Based RGB-D Saliency Detection via Cross-View Transfer and Multiview Fusion
* Co-Salient Object Detection Based on Deep Saliency Networks and Seed Propagation Over an Integrated Graph
* Co-Seismic and Postseismic Fault Models of the 2018 Mw 6.4 Hualien Earthquake Occurred in the Junction of Collision and Subduction Boundaries Offshore Eastern Taiwan
* Coded Illumination and Imaging for Fluorescence Based Classification
* Coded Two-Bucket Cameras for Computer Vision
* COGL: Coefficient Graph Laplacians for Optimized JPEG Image Decoding
* Coherent Deep-Net Fusion To Classify Shots In Concert Videos
* Collaborative Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-object Tracking
* Collaborative Scheduling-Based Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding on Multicore Platforms, A
* Color Object Retrieval Using Local Features Based on Opponent-Process Theory
* Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-Based Palette Generation
* combined strategy of analysis for the localization of heterogeneous form fields in ancient pre-printed records, A
* Combining 3D Model Contour Energy and Keypoints for Object Tracking
* Combining UAV-Based Vegetation Indices and Image Classification to Estimate Flower Number in Oilseed Rape
* Comment on Tompalski et al. Combining Multi-Date Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Photogrammetric Data for Forest Growth and Yield Modelling. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 347
* Compact Upwind Flux With More Physical Insight for Wave Propagation in 3-D Poroelastic Media, A
* Comparator Networks
* Comparing the Performance of Neural Network and Deep Convolutional Neural Network in Estimating Soil Moisture from Satellite Observations
* Comparison of C-Band Quad-Polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar Wind Retrieval Models
* Comparison of Co-segmentation Methods for Wildlife Photo-identification
* Comparison of Three Methods for Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Landsat 8-TIRS Sensor Data
* Component Analysis of Errors in Four GPM-Based Precipitation Estimations over Mainland China
* Compositing-Aware Image Search
* Composition Loss for Counting, Density Map Estimation and Localization in Dense Crowds
* Compositional Learning for Human Object Interaction
* Compound Memory Networks for Few-Shot Video Classification
* comprehensive study of hybrid neural network hidden Markov model for offline handwritten Chinese text recognition, A
* Compressing the Input for CNNs with the First-Order Scattering Transform
* Concept Mask: Large-Scale Segmentation from Semantic Concepts
* Conditional Image-Text Embedding Networks
* Conditional Prior Networks for Optical Flow
* Configuration of a min-cost flow network for data association in multi-object tracking
* Connecting Gaze, Scene, and Attention: Generalized Attention Estimation via Joint Modeling of Gaze and Scene Saliency
* Consensus-Driven Propagation in Massive Unlabeled Data for Face Recognition
* Consistent Calibration of VIRR Reflective Solar Channels Onboard FY-3A, FY-3B, and FY-3C Using a Multisite Calibration Method
* Constrained Optimization Based Low-Rank Approximation of Deep Neural Networks
* Constraint-Aware Deep Neural Network Compression
* Construction of efficient and structural chaotic sensing matrix for compressive sensing
* Contemplating Visual Emotions: Understanding and Overcoming Dataset Bias
* Context Free Band Reduction Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Context Refinement for Object Detection
* Contextual Loss for Image Transformation with Non-aligned Data, The
* Contextual-Based Image Inpainting: Infer, Match, and Translate
* ContextVP: Fully Context-Aware Video Prediction
* Continuous 3D Label Stereo Matching Using Local Expansion Moves
* Contour Knowledge Transfer for Salient Object Detection
* Contour Propagation in CT Scans with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Contour-Seed Pairs Learning-Based Framework for Simultaneously Detecting and Segmenting Various Overlapping Cells/Nuclei in Microscopy Images
* Contribution of Land Surface Temperature (TCI) to Vegetation Health Index: A Comparative Study Using Clear Sky and All-Weather Climate Data Records
* Contribution of Terrestrial Laser Scanning to the Analysis of Cliff Slope Stability in Sugano (Central Italy), The
* Convergent Image Fusion Algorithm Using Scene-Adapted Gaussian-Mixture-Based Denoising, A
* ConvNets and ImageNet Beyond Accuracy: Understanding Mistakes and Uncovering Biases
* Convolutional Networks with Adaptive Inference Graphs
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Action Recognition on Depth Maps
* Copula Based Classifier Fusion Under Statistical Dependence
* Coreset-Based Neural Network Compression
* Corneal Endothelial Cell Segmentation by Classifier-Driven Merging of Oversegmented Images
* CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints
* Correcting the Triplet Selection Bias for Triplet Loss
* Cost-Distortion Optimization and Resource Control in Pseudo-Analog Visual Communications
* CPlaNet: Enhancing Image Geolocalization by Combinatorial Partitioning of Maps
* Critical Contours: An Invariant Linking Image Flow with Salient Surface Organization
* Critical Review of Methods to Estimate PM2.5 Concentrations within Specified Research Region
* Crop Classification Based on Differential Characteristics of H/alpha Scattering Parameters for Multitemporal Quad- and Dual-Polarization SAR Images
* Cross-Domain Building Models: A Step towards Interoperability
* Cross-Modal and Hierarchical Modeling of Video and Text
* Cross-Modal Hamming Hashing
* Cross-Modal Ranking with Soft Consistency and Noisy Labels for Robust RGB-T Tracking
* Cross-Model Retrieval with Reconstruct Hashing
* Cross-Pol Transponder with Frequency Shifter for Bistatic Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Cross-View Multi-Lateral Filter for Compressed Multi-View Depth Video
* CrossNet: An End-to-End Reference-Based Super Resolution Network Using Cross-Scale Warping
* CTAP: Complementary Temporal Action Proposal Generation
* CubeNet: Equivariance to 3D Rotation and Translation
* CurriculumNet: Weakly Supervised Learning from Large-Scale Web Images
* Data-Driven Lightweight Interest Point Selection for Large-Scale Visual Search
* Data-Driven Sparse Structure Selection for Deep Neural Networks
* Data-free metrics for Dirichlet and generalized Dirichlet mixture-based HMMs: A practical study
* Dataset and Architecture for Visual Reasoning with a Working Memory, A
* Dataset for Lane Instance Segmentation in Urban Environments, A
* Dataset of Flash and Ambient Illumination Pairs from the Crowd, A
* DCAN: Dual Channel-Wise Alignment Networks for Unsupervised Scene Adaptation
* DDRNet: Depth Map Denoising and Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras Using Cascaded CNNs
* Dealing with Topological Information Within a Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* Deblurring Natural Image Using Super-Gaussian Fields
* Decentralized Truncated One-Sided Sequential Detection of a Noncooperative Moving Target
* Decouple Learning for Parameterized Image Operators
* Dedicated 36-Channel Receive Array for Fetal MRI at 3T, A
* Deep Adaptive Attention for Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment
* Deep Adversarial Attention Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation: The Benefit of Target Expectation Maximization
* Deep Attention Neural Tensor Network for Visual Question Answering
* Deep Autoencoder for Combined Human Pose Estimation and Body Model Upscaling
* Deep Bilevel Learning
* Deep Bilinear Learning for RGB-D Action Recognition
* Deep Boosting for Image Denoising
* Deep Burst Denoising
* Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features
* Deep Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Image Recognition
* Deep Component Analysis via Alternating Direction Neural Networks
* Deep Continuous Fusion for Multi-sensor 3D Object Detection
* Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Characterization of Arctic Ice-Wedge Polygons in Very High Spatial Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Deep Cross-Modal Projection Learning for Image-Text Matching
* Deep Cross-Modality Adaptation via Semantics Preserving Adversarial Learning for Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* Deep D-Bar: Real-Time Electrical Impedance Tomography Imaging With Deep Neural Networks
* Deep Directional Statistics: Pose Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification
* Deep Discrete Supervised Hashing
* Deep Discriminative Model for Video Classification
* Deep Domain Generalization via Conditional Invariant Adversarial Networks
* Deep Expander Networks: Efficient Deep Networks from Graph Theory
* Deep Factorised Inverse-Sketching
* Deep Feature Alignment Neural Networks for Domain Adaptation of Hyperspectral Data
* Deep Feature Factorization for Concept Discovery
* Deep Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration for Object Detection
* Deep Fundamental Matrix Estimation
* Deep Generative Models for Weakly-Supervised Multi-Label Classification
* Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging with Large Foreground Motions
* Deep Homography Estimation with Pairwise Invertibility Constraint
* Deep Image Demosaicking Using a Cascade of Convolutional Residual Denoising Networks
* Deep Imbalanced Attribute Classification Using Visual Attention Aggregation
* Deep Kalman Filtering Network for Video Compression Artifact Reduction
* deep learning approach for iris sensor model identification, A
* Deep Learning Approach to Hair Segmentation and Color Extraction from Facial Images, A
* Deep learning for remotely sensed data
* deep learning framework for remote sensing image registration, A
* Deep learning methods in transportation domain: a review
* Deep learning-based approach to latent overlapped fingerprints mask segmentation
* Deep Metric Learning with Hierarchical Triplet Loss
* Deep Model-Based 6D Pose Refinement in RGB
* Deep Multi-Modal CNN for Multi-Instance Multi-Label Image Classification, A
* Deep Multi-task Learning to Recognise Subtle Facial Expressions of Mental States
* Deep Neural Network Architecture to Estimate Node Assignment Costs for the Graph Edit Distance, A
* Deep Pictorial Gaze Estimation
* Deep Randomized Ensembles for Metric Learning
* Deep Recursive HDRI: Inverse Tone Mapping Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Deep Regionlets for Object Detection
* Deep Regression Tracking with Shrinkage Loss
* Deep Reinforcement Learning with Iterative Shift for Visual Tracking
* Deep Shape Matching
* Deep Structure Inference Network for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Deep Supervised Hashing with Information Loss
* Deep Texture and Structure Aware Filtering Network for Image Smoothing
* Deep Unsupervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution with Generative Adversarial Network
* Deep Variational Metric Learning
* Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences
* Deep Video Quality Assessor: From Spatio-Temporal Visual Sensitivity to a Convolutional Neural Aggregation Network
* Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry: Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry
* Deep Volumetric Video from Very Sparse Multi-View Performance Capture
* Deep&Dense Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* DeepGUM: Learning Deep Robust Regression with a Gaussian-Uniform Mixture Model
* DeepIM: Deep Iterative Matching for 6D Pose Estimation
* DeepJDOT: Deep Joint Distribution Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* DeepKSPD: Learning Kernel-Matrix-Based SPD Representation For Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* Deeply Learned Compositional Models for Human Pose Estimation
* Deeply-Initialized Coarse-to-fine Ensemble of Regression Trees for Face Alignment, A
* DeepPhys: Video-Based Physiological Measurement Using Convolutional Attention Networks
* DeepTAM: Deep Tracking and Mapping
* DeepVS: A Deep Learning Based Video Saliency Prediction Approach
* DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling
* Deformable Faster R-CNN with Aggregating Multi-Layer Features for Partially Occluded Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* Deformable Pose Traversal Convolution for 3D Action and Gesture Recognition
* Deforming Autoencoders: Unsupervised Disentangling of Shape and Appearance
* DEM Generation from Multi Satellite PlanetScope Imagery
* Denoising AMP for MRI Reconstruction: BM3D-AMP-MRI
* Dense Pose Transfer
* Dense Semantic and Topological Correspondence of 3D Faces without Landmarks
* Dependency-Aware Attention Control for Unconstrained Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Depth Assisted Adaptive Workload Balancing for Parallel View Synthesis
* Depth Estimation via Affinity Learned with Convolutional Spatial Propagation Network
* Depth-Aware CNN for RGB-D Segmentation
* Derivative Half Gaussian Kernels and Shock Filter
* Descending, Lifting or Smoothing: Secrets of Robust Cost Optimization
* Design and Processing of Invertible Orientation Scores of 3D Images
* Design Automation for Smart Building Systems
* Detecting and Locating Gastrointestinal Anomalies Using Deep Learning and Iterative Cluster Unification
* Detecting and Recognizing Salient Object in Videos
* Detecting Building Edges from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Richer Convolution Features Network
* Detecting USM image sharpening by using CNN
* Detection and analysis of large-scale WT blade surface cracks based on UAV-taken images
* Detection and Correction of Mislabeled Training Samples for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Detection of Pollen Grains in Digital Microscopy Images by Means of Modified Histogram Thresholding
* Detection of reactions to sound via gaze and global eye motion analysis using camera streaming
* Determination of Soil Salt Content Using a Probability Neural Network Model Based on Particle Swarm Optimization in Areas Affected and Non-Affected by Human Activities
* Determining Optimal Video Length for the Estimation of Building Height through Radial Displacement Measurement from Space
* Determining Subarctic Peatland Vegetation Using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)
* Deterministic Consensus Maximization with Biconvex Programming
* DetNet: Design Backbone for Object Detection
* Development of Raman Lidar for Remote Sensing of CO2 Leakage at an Artificial Carbon Capture and Storage Site
* Development of Shoreline Extraction Method Based on Spatial Pattern Analysis of Satellite SAR Images
* Devil of Face Recognition Is in the Noise, The
* DF-Net: Unsupervised Joint Learning of Depth and Flow Using Cross-Task Consistency
* DFT-based Transformation Invariant Pooling Layer for Visual Classification
* Diagnosing Error in Temporal Action Detectors
* Diffie-Hellman process and its use in secure and authenticated VC networks
* Diffuse Low Grade Glioma NMR Assessment for Better Intra-operative Targeting Using Fuzzy Logic
* Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Analysis of the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso Landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy): Results from a Multi-Dataset Investigation
* Digital Image Forensics Technique for Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using DoG and ORB
* Digital video stabilization based on multilayer gray projection
* Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter
* Directed Network Analysis Using Transfer Entropy Component Analysis
* Directional Beams of Dense Trajectories for Dynamic Texture Recognition
* Dirichlet Densifiers: Beyond Constraining the Spectral Gap
* Discovering Fine-Grained Spatial Pattern From Taxi Trips: Where Point Process Meets Matrix Decomposition and Factorization
* Discrete Theory and Efficient Algorithms for Forward-and-Backward Diffusion Filtering, A
* Discriminative Region Proposal Adversarial Networks for High-Quality Image-to-Image Translation
* Discriminative representation combinations for accurate face spoofing detection
* Disentangling Factors of Variation with Cycle-Consistent Variational Auto-encoders
* Disentangling the Modes of Variation in Unlabelled Data
* Dist-GAN: An Improved GAN Using Distance Constraints
* Distance Functions Based on Multiple Types of Weighted Steps Combined with Neighborhood Sequences
* Distortion-Aware Convolutional Filters for Dense Prediction in Panoramic Images
* Distractor-Aware Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking
* Distributed Adaptive Filtering of alpha-Stable Signals
* Distributed Estimation of Vector Fields
* Diverse and Coherent Paragraph Generation from Images
* Diverse Conditional Image Generation by Stochastic Regression with Latent Drop-Out Codes
* Diverse Feature Visualizations Reveal Invariances in Early Layers of Deep Neural Networks
* Diverse Image-to-Image Translation via Disentangled Representations
* Dividing and Aggregating Network for Multi-view Action Recognition
* DOCK: Detecting Objects by Transferring Common-Sense Knowledge
* Does Haze Removal Help CNN-Based Image Classification?
* Does the Research Question Structure Impact the Attention Model? User Study Experiment
* Domain Adaptation Through Synthesis for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
* Domain Transfer Through Deep Activation Matching
* Double JPEG Detection in Mixed JPEG Quality Factors Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* DPP-Net: Device-Aware Progressive Search for Pareto-Optimal Neural Architectures
* Driver's dashboard- using social media data as additional information for motorway operators
* Drought-Induced Reduction in Net Primary Productivity across Mainland China from 1982 to 2015
* Dual Low-Rank Decompositions for Robust Cross-View Learning
* Dual-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Deformable Face Tracking
* DYAN: A Dynamical Atoms-Based Network for Video Prediction
* Dynamic Conditional Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* Dynamic Filtering with Large Sampling Field for ConvNets
* Dynamic Multimodal Instance Segmentation Guided by Natural Language Queries
* Dynamic Resource Allocation by Batch Optimization for Value-Added Video Services Over SDN
* Dynamic Task Prioritization for Multitask Learning
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Time-Causal and Time-Recursive Spatio-Temporal Receptive Fields
* Dynamic traffic diversion model based on dynamic traffic demand estimation and prediction
* Dynamic Voting in Multi-view Learning for Radiomics Applications
* Dynamics of Permafrost Coasts of Baydaratskaya Bay (Kara Sea) Based on Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* EAC-Net: Deep Nets with Enhancing and Cropping for Facial Action Unit Detection
* EC-Net: An Edge-Aware Point Set Consolidation Network
* ECO: Efficient Convolutional Network for Online Video Understanding
* Economic Assessment of Fire Damage to Urban Forest in the Wildland-Urban Interface Using Planet Satellites Constellation Images
* Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimedia Big Data for Extreme Events
* Effective Guided Image Filtering for Contrast Enhancement
* Effective Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Insect Image Recognition
* Effective Use of Synthetic Data for Urban Scene Semantic Segmentation
* Effects of Forest Canopy Vertical Stratification on the Estimation of Gross Primary Production by Remote Sensing
* Effects of Spatiotemporal Filtering on the Periodic Signals and Noise in the GPS Position Time Series of the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China
* Efficient 6-DoF Tracking of Handheld Objects from an Egocentric Viewpoint
* Efficient Agglomerative Algorithm Cooperating with Louvain Method for Implementing Image Segmentation, An
* Efficient and Robust Direct Image Registration Based on Joint Geometric and Photometric Lie Algebra
* Efficient and Robust Framework for SAR Target Recognition by Hierarchically Fusing Global and Local Features, An
* Efficient Audio Rendering Using Angular Region-Wise Source Enhancement for 360° Video
* Efficient coding mode and partition decision for screen content intra coding
* Efficient Correlation Tracking via Center-Biased Spatial Regularization
* Efficient Dense Point Cloud Object Reconstruction Using Deformation Vector Fields
* Efficient Global Point Cloud Registration by Matching Rotation Invariant Features Through Translation Search
* Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Task-Oriented Multi-Modal Scene Data Organization, An
* Efficient Group-n Encoding and Decoding for Facial Age Estimation
* Efficient interpolated compressed sensing reconstruction scheme for 3D MRI
* Efficient Method for Boundary Detection from Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* Efficient Relative Attribute Learning Using Graph Neural Networks
* Efficient Semantic Scene Completion Network with Spatial Group Convolution
* Efficient Sliding Window Computation for NN-Based Template Matching
* Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Semantic Segmentation in Videos
* Ego-Surfing: Person Localization in First-Person Videos Using Ego-Motion Signatures
* Egocentric Activity Prediction via Event Modulated Attention
* Eigendecomposition-Free Training of Deep Networks with Zero Eigenvalue-Based Losses
* Electromagnetic Waves in Multilayered Generalized Anisotropic Media
* ELEGANT: Exchanging Latent Encodings with GAN for Transferring Multiple Face Attributes
* Eliminating the Blind Spot: Adapting 3D Object Detection and Monocular Depth Estimation to 360° Panoramic Imagery
* Embedded Vision System for Automated Drone Landing Site Detection
* Embedding Spatial Context into Spectral Angle Based Nonlinear Mapping for Hyperspectral Image Analysis
* Empirical Algorithm to Retrieve Significant Wave Height from Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Collected under Cyclonic Conditions, An
* Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
* End-to-End Deep Structured Models for Drawing Crosswalks
* End-to-End Incremental Learning
* End-to-End Joint Semantic Segmentation of Actors and Actions in Video
* End-to-End Learning of Driving Models with Surround-View Cameras and Route Planners
* End-to-End Temporal Attention Extraction and Human Action Recognition
* End-to-End View Synthesis for Light Field Imaging with Pseudo 4DCNN
* Energy-Aware Mobile Edge Computing and Routing for Low-Latency Visual Data Processing
* Engineering Deep Representations for Modeling Aesthetic Perception
* Enhanced Codebook Model and Fusion for Object Detection with Multispectral Images
* Enhanced Line Local Binary Patterns (EL-LBP): An Efficient Image Representation for Face Recognition
* Enhancement of dim targets in a sea background based on long-wave infrared polarisation features
* Enhancing the Image Quality via Transferred Deep Residual Learning of Coarse PET Sinograms
* Enhancing the Laws filter descriptor on DTCWT coefficients by thresholding approach for texture classification
* Equivalent Scanning Network of Unpadded CNNs
* ERN: Edge Loss Reinforced Semantic Segmentation Network for Remote Sensing Images
* Error-Tolerant Geometric Graph Similarity
* Escaping from Collapsing Modes in a Constrained Space
* ESPNet: Efficient Spatial Pyramid of Dilated Convolutions for Semantic Segmentation
* Estimating an Image's Blur Kernel Using Natural Image Statistics, and Deblurring it: An Analysis of the Goldstein-Fattal Method
* Estimating Depth from RGB and Sparse Sensing
* Estimating Depth-Salient Edges and Its Application to Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
* Estimating Fire Background Temperature at a Geostationary Scale: An Evaluation of Contextual Methods for AHI-8
* Estimating the Success of Unsupervised Image to Image Translation
* Estimation of Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in the Mekong Delta Based on Land Surface Dynamics Characterization with Remote Sensing
* Estimation of Rice Height and Biomass Using Multitemporal SAR Sentinel-1 for Camargue, Southern France
* Estimation of River Discharge Solely from Remote-Sensing Derived Data: An Initial Study Over the Yangtze River
* Estimation of Size-Fractionated Primary Production from Satellite Ocean Colour in UK Shelf Seas
* Estimation of sparse O-D matrix accounting for demand volatility
* Estimation of Terrestrial Global Gross Primary Production (GPP) with Satellite Data-Driven Models and Eddy Covariance Flux Data
* Evaluating a Fit-For-Purpose Integrated Service-Oriented Land and Climate Change Information System for Mountain Community Adaptation
* Evaluating a Static Multibeam Sonar Scanner for 3D Surveys in Confined Underwater Environments
* Evaluating Capability of Deep Neural Networks for Image Classification via Information Plane
* Evaluating the Performance of Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and Pléiades-1 in Mapping Mangrove Extent and Species
* Evaluating the Potential of ALS Data to Increase the Efficiency of Aboveground Biomass Estimates in Tropical Peat-Swamp Forests
* Evaluation and Stability Analysis of Video-Based Navigation System for Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery onIn VivoClinical Data
* Evaluation framework for mobile ticketing applications in public transit: a case study
* Evaluation of Detection Approaches for Road Anomalies Based on Accelerometer Readings: Addressing Who's Who
* Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Scalable Classification of Tree Types and Tree Species Based on Sentinel-2 Data
* Evaluation of Geolocation Errors of the Chinese HY-2A Satellite Microwave Scatterometer
* Evaluation of local descriptors and CNNs for non-adult detection in visual content
* Evaluation of MODIS-Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth over AERONET Sites in Alaska, An
* Evaluation of PROBA-V Collection 1: Refined Radiometry, Geometry, and Cloud Screening
* Evaluation of Pseudonym Changes for Vehicular Networks in Large-Scale, Realistic Traffic Scenarios, An
* Evaluation of Semi-Analytical Algorithms to Retrieve Particulate and Dissolved Absorption Coefficients in Gulf of California Optically Complex Waters
* Evaluation of SMAP Freeze/Thaw Retrieval Accuracy at Core Validation Sites in the Contiguous United States
* Evaluation of the Stability of the Darbandikhan Dam after the 12 November 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol-e Zahab (Iran-Iraq Border) Earthquake
* ExFuse: Enhancing Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation
* Expanding Frontier of Artificial Intelligence, The
* Explainable Neural Computation via Stack Neural Module Networks
* ExplainGAN: Model Explanation via Decision Boundary Crossing Transformations
* Exploiting Clustering Manifold Structure for Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution
* Exploiting Color Volume and Color Difference for Salient Region Detection
* Exploiting multiplex data relationships in Support Vector Machines
* Exploiting Temporal Information for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Exploiting Vector Fields for Geometric Rectification of Distorted Document Images
* Exploring lane change safety issues for manually driven vehicles in vehicle platooning environments
* Exploring the Factors Driving Changes in Farmland within the Tumen/Tuman River Basin
* Exploring the Inclusion of Small Regenerating Trees to Improve Above-Ground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Geospatial Data
* Exploring the Limits of Weakly Supervised Pretraining
* Exploring Visual Relationship for Image Captioning
* Exploring Web Images to Enhance Skin Disease Analysis Under A Computer Vision Framework
* Extending Layered Models to 3D Motion
* Extracting Building Boundaries from High Resolution Optical Images and LiDAR Data by Integrating the Convolutional Neural Network and the Active Contour Model
* Extracting Privileged Information for Enhancing Classifier Learning
* Extracting Textual Overlays from Social Media Videos Using Neural Networks
* Extreme Network Compression via Filter Group Approximation
* Face De-spoofing: Anti-spoofing via Noise Modeling
* Face Detection in Painting Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Face Recognition with Contrastive Convolution
* Face Super-Resolution Guided by Facial Component Heatmaps
* Faces as Lighting Probes via Unsupervised Deep Highlight Extraction
* Facial Dynamics Interpreter Network: What Are the Important Relations Between Local Dynamics for Facial Trait Estimation?
* Facial Expression Recognition with Inconsistently Annotated Datasets
* Facial marks for improving face recognition
* Factorizable Net: An Efficient Subgraph-Based Framework for Scene Graph Generation
* Factual or Emotional: Stylized Image Captioning with Adaptive Learning and Attention
* Fast Affine Invariant Image Matching
* Fast Algorithm for Quaternion-Based 4D Rotation, A
* Fast and Accurate Basis Pursuit Denoising Algorithm With Application to Super-Resolving Tomographic SAR, A
* Fast and Accurate Camera Covariance Computation for Large 3D Reconstruction
* Fast and Accurate Intrinsic Symmetry Detection
* Fast and Adaptive Empirical Mode Decomposition for Multidimensional, Multivariate Signals
* Fast Kernel Smoothing by a Low-Rank Approximation of the Kernel Toeplitz Matrix
* Fast Light Field Inpainting Propagation Using Angular Warping and Color-Guided Disparity Interpolation
* Fast Light Field Reconstruction with Deep Coarse-to-Fine Modeling of Spatial-Angular Clues
* Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Super-Resolution with Cascading Residual Network
* Fast-Tracking Application for Traffic Signs Recognition
* Feature Extraction and Selection of Sentinel-1 Dual-Pol Data for Global-Scale Local Climate Zone Classification
* Feature-based prediction of streaming video QoE: Distortions, stalling and memory
* Features selection for offline handwritten signature verification: state of the art
* Few-Example Affine Invariant Ear Detection in the Wild
* Few-Shot Human Motion Prediction via Meta-learning
* Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with Historical Models
* Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency
* Find and Focus: Retrieve and Localize Video Events with Natural Language Queries
* Finding Important People in a Video Using Deep Neural Networks with Conditional Random Fields
* Fine-Grained Video Categorization with Redundancy Reduction Attention
* Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Using Meta-learning Optimization with Sample Selection of Auxiliary Data
* Fingerprint Classification Using Conic Radon Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks
* FIRE-DES++: Enhanced online pruning of base classifiers for dynamic ensemble selection
* FishEyeRecNet: A Multi-context Collaborative Deep Network for Fisheye Image Rectification
* Fixed-sized representation learning from offline handwritten signatures of different sizes
* Floating Voxels Provide New Hope for 3D Displays
* FloorNet: A Unified Framework for Floorplan Reconstruction from 3D Scans
* Flow-Grounded Spatial-Temporal Video Prediction from Still Images
* Focus, Segment and Erase: An Efficient Network for Multi-label Brain Tumor Segmentation
* Folded Recurrent Neural Networks for Future Video Prediction
* Foreground Background Segmentation in Front of Changing Footage on a Video Screen
* Forest Attribute Mapping Framework: A Pilot Study in a Northern Boreal Forest, Northwest Territories, Canada, A
* Forest Variable Estimation Using a High Altitude Single Photon Lidar System
* ForestHash: Semantic Hashing with Shallow Random Forests and Tiny Convolutional Networks
* Foveation-Based Wireless Soft Image Delivery
* Framework for Evaluating 6-DOF Object Trackers, A
* Framework for Mapping Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil
* From BoVW to VLAD with KAZE features: Offline signature verification considering cognitive processes of forensic experts
* From Face Recognition to Models of Identity: A Bayesian Approach to Learning About Unknown Identities from Unsupervised Data
* Full-Reference Stability Assessment of Digital Video Stabilization Based on Riemannian Metric
* Fully automated brain tumour segmentation system in 3D-MRI using symmetry analysis of brain and level sets
* Fully convolutional network with dilated convolutions for handwritten text line segmentation
* Fully Motion-Aware Network for Video Object Detection
* Fully-Convolutional Point Networks for Large-Scale Point Clouds
* Fundamental Trajectory Reconstruction Results of Ground Moving Target From Single-Channel CSAR Geometry, The
* Fused Estimation of Sparse Connectivity Patterns From Rest fMRI: Application to Comparison of Children and Adult Brains
* Fusing Omnidirectional Visual Data for Probability Matching Prediction
* FVI: A Floating Vegetation Index Formed with Three Near-IR Channels in the 1.0-1.24 µm Spectral Range for the Detection of Vegetation Floating over Water Surfaces
* GAL: Geometric Adversarial Loss for Single-View 3D-Object Reconstruction
* GANimation: Anatomically-Aware Facial Animation from a Single Image
* Gaze-based biometrics: An introduction to forensic applications
* Gaze-Dependent Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
* General Bernoulli Filter for Arbitrary Clutter and Target Measurement Processes
* Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing With Flexible Index Modulation Numerology
* Generalized Loss-Sensitive Adversarial Learning with Manifold Margins
* Generalized Semantic Preserving Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generalizing a Person Retrieval Model Hetero- and Homogeneously
* Generating 3D Faces Using Convolutional Mesh Autoencoders
* Generating a High-Precision True Digital Orthophoto Map Based on UAV Images
* Generative Adversarial Network with Spatial Attention for Face Attribute Editing
* Generative Domain-Migration Hashing for Sketch-to-Image Retrieval
* Generative Model With Coordinate Metric Learning for Object Recognition Based on 3D Models
* Generative Semantic Manipulation with Mask-Contrasting GAN
* generic tool for interactive complex image editing, A
* GeoDesc: Learning Local Descriptors by Integrating Geometry Constraints
* Geodesic Distances in Probabilistic Spaces for Patch-Based Ultrasound Image Processing
* Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis of the Underlying Factors Related to the Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomenon, A
* Geography of Taste: Using Yelp to Study Urban Culture, The
* Geolocation Estimation of Photos Using a Hierarchical Model and Scene Classification
* Geometric Constrained Joint Lane Segmentation and Lane Boundary Detection
* Geometric Perspective on Structured Light Coding, A
* Geospatial Assessment of the Post-Earthquake Hazard of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Considering Seismic Site Effects
* GIS-Assisted Prediction and Risk Zonation of Wildlife Attacks in the Chitwan National Park in Nepal
* Global Decoding Strategy with a Reduced-Reference Metric Designed for the Wireless Transmission of JPWL, A
* GNSS-Based SAR Interferometry for 3-D Deformation Retrieval: Algorithms and Feasibility Study
* Goal-Oriented Visual Question Generation via Intermediate Rewards
* Good Line Cutting: Towards Accurate Pose Tracking of Line-Assisted VO/VSLAM
* Gradation of diabetic retinopathy on reconstructed image using compressed sensing
* Gradient Descent for Gaussian Processes Variance Reduction
* Graininess-Aware Deep Feature Learning for Pedestrian Detection
* Graph Adaptive Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* Graph Distillation for Action Detection with Privileged Modalities
* Graph Edit Distance in the Exact Context
* Graph R-CNN for Scene Graph Generation
* Graph Time Series Analysis Using Transfer Entropy
* Graph-Based Rate Control in Pathology Imaging With Lossless Region of Interest Coding
* Graphical Interface Design for Chatbots for the Needs of Artificial Intelligence Support in Web and Mobile Applications
* Grassmann Pooling as Compact Homogeneous Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Gray-Box Adversarial Training
* GridFace: Face Rectification via Learning Local Homography Transformations
* Grounding Visual Explanations
* Group Normalization
* Guest Editorial: Scale Space and Variational Methods
* Guest Editorial: The Computational Face
* HairNet: Single-View Hair Reconstruction Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hand Pose Estimation via Latent 2.5D Heatmap Regression
* HandMap: Robust Hand Pose Estimation via Intermediate Dense Guidance Map Supervision
* Handwritten Hindi character recognition: a review
* Hard-Aware Point-to-Set Deep Metric for Person Re-identification
* Harnessing the Temporal Dimension to Improve Object-Based Image Analysis Classification of Wetlands
* Hashing with Binary Matrix Pursuit
* HBE: Hand Branch Ensemble Network for Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* HeadFusion: 360° Head Pose Tracking Combining 3D Morphable Model and 3D Reconstruction
* Hemispherical Gaussians for Accurate Light Integration
* Heterogeneous Face Attribute Estimation: A Deep Multi-Task Learning Approach
* HGMR: Hierarchical Gaussian Mixtures for Adaptive 3D Registration
* HiDDeN: Hiding Data With Deep Networks
* Hierarchical Association Framework for Multi-Object Tracking in Airborne Videos, A
* Hierarchical Bayesian image analysis: From low-level modeling to robust supervised learning
* Hierarchical Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* Hierarchical Extended Bilateral Motion Estimation-Based Frame Rate Upconversion Using Learning-Based Linear Mapping
* Hierarchical hub location problem for freight network design
* Hierarchical Metric Learning and Matching for 2D and 3D Geometric Correspondences
* Hierarchical Parsing Net: Semantic Scene Parsing From Global Scene to Objects
* Hierarchical Relational Networks for Group Activity Recognition and Retrieval
* Hierarchy of Alternating Specialists for Scene Recognition
* High dynamic range image tone mapping based on asymmetric model of retinal adaptation
* High-Quality Bayesian Pansharpening
* High-Resolution Forest Mapping from TanDEM-X Interferometric Data Exploiting Nonlocal Filtering
* High-Resolution PolSAR Scene Classification With Pretrained Deep Convnets and Manifold Polarimetric Parameters
* High-sensitivity analysis of polarization by surface reflection
* Highly Accurate Image Reconstruction for Multimodal Noise Suppression Using Semisupervised Learning on Big Data
* Highly Corrupted Image Inpainting Through Hypoelliptic Diffusion
* Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalable Image Clustering
* HIRS Outgoing Longwave Radiation: Daily Climate Data Record: Application toward Identifying Tropical Subseasonal Variability
* Holistic 3D Scene Parsing and Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
* Holographic representation: Hologram plane vs. object plane
* How Good Is My GAN?
* How Local Is the Local Diversity? Reinforcing Sequential Determinantal Point Processes with Dynamic Ground Sets for Supervised Video Summarization
* How Long should the MISR Record Be when Evaluating Aerosol Optical Depth Climatology in Climate Models?
* Human activity recognition using dynamic representation and matching of skeleton feature sequences from RGB-D images
* Human Motion Analysis with Deep Metric Learning
* Hurricane Maria in the U.S. Caribbean: Disturbance Forces, Variation of Effects, and Implications for Future Storms
* Hybrid Joint Diagonalization Algorithms
* Hybrid LSTM/MaxEnt Networks for Arabic Syntactic Diacritics Restoration
* Hybrid machine learning and optimisation method to solve a tri-level road network protection problem
* Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement, A
* HybridFusion: Real-Time Performance Capture Using a Single Depth Sensor and Sparse IMUs
* HybridNet: Classification and Reconstruction Cooperation for Semi-supervised Learning
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Parameter-Optimized 3D-CNNs Combined with Transfer Learning and Virtual Samples
* Hyperspectral Image Classification via Superpixel Spectral Metrics Representation
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Stacking Spectral Patches and Convolutional Neural Networks
* Hyperspectral Target Detection via Adaptive Information-Theoretic Metric Learning with Local Constraints
* Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Sparsity-Constrained Deep Nonnegative Matrix Factorization With Total Variation
* I-HAZE: A Dehazing Benchmark with Real Hazy and Haze-Free Indoor Images
* Iceland's consumers try drone delivery: The startup Aha takes on Amazon with basic drones bearing burgers
* ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images
* Identification of Saimaa Ringed Seal Individuals Using Transfer Learning
* Illumination-aware faster R-CNN for robust multispectral pedestrian detection
* image analogy approach for multi-scale image segmentation, An
* Image Annotation Using a Semantic Hierarchy
* Image Co-Saliency Detection and Co-Segmentation via Progressive Joint Optimization
* Image Generation from Sketch Constraint Using Contextual GAN
* Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions
* Image Manipulation with Perceptual Discriminators
* Image Provenance Analysis at Scale
* Image Reassembly Combining Deep Learning and Shortest Path Problem
* Image Regularizations Based on the Sparsity of Corner Points
* Image Retargeting via Beltrami Representation
* Image segmentation algorithm based on superpixel clustering
* Image Segmentation Parameter Selection and Ant Colony Optimization for Date Palm Tree Detection and Mapping from Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Image Stacks as Parametric Surfaces: Application to Image Registration
* Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Residual Channel Attention Networks
* Image Superresolution Using Densely Connected Residual Networks
* Image-Based Representation for Graph Classification, An
* Imagine This! Scripts to Compositions to Videos
* Imaging Simulation for Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Full-Wave Approach
* Impact assessments of intelligent transport system performance in a freight transport corridor
* Impact of Radiance Data Assimilation on the Prediction of Heavy Rainfall in RMAPS: A Case Study
* Impact of Road Configuration in V2V-Based Cooperative Localization: Mathematical Analysis and Real-World Evaluation, The
* Impact of Viewing Distance on Task Performance and Its Properties
* Impact of Wavelength Shift in Relative Spectral Response at High Angles of Incidence in Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager and Future Landsat Design Concepts
* Implementation and evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruise control functionalities
* Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images
* Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and Artwork
* Improved Detection of Tiny Macroalgae Patches in Korea Bay and Gyeonggi Bay by Modification of Floating Algae Index
* Improved Digital Elevation Model of the Lunar Mons Rümker Region Based on Multisource Altimeter Data, An
* Improved Method for Impervious Surface Mapping Incorporating LiDAR Data and High-Resolution Imagery at Different Acquisition Times, An
* Improved MODIS-Aqua Chlorophyll-a Retrievals in the Turbid Semi-Enclosed Ariake Bay, Japan
* Improved Spatial and Temporal Reflectance Unmixing Model to Synthesize Time Series of Landsat-Like Images, An
* Improved Statistic for the Pooled Triangle Test Against PRNU-Copy Attack, An
* Improved Structure from Motion Using Fiducial Marker Matching
* Improving a Switched Vector Field Model for Pedestrian Motion Analysis
* Improving Data Quality for the Australian High Frequency Ocean Radar Network through Real-Time and Delayed-Mode Quality-Control Procedures
* Improving Deep Visual Representation for Person Re-identification by Global and Local Image-language Association
* Improving DNN Robustness to Adversarial Attacks Using Jacobian Regularization
* Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis
* Improving RGB Descriptors Using Depth Cues
* Improving Sequential Determinantal Point Processes for Supervised Video Summarization
* Improving Shape Deformation in Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Improving Spatiotemporal Self-supervision by Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Improving the experimental analysis of tampered image detection algorithms for biometric systems
* Improving Video Saliency Detection via Localized Estimation and Spatiotemporal Refinement
* In Situ Volumetric SAR
* In the Eye of Beholder: Joint Learning of Gaze and Actions in First Person Video
* In-Flight Calibration and Performance of the OSIRIS-REx Visible and IR Spectrometer (OVIRS)
* In-Situ and Remote Sensing Platforms for Mapping Fine-Fuels and Fuel-Types in Sonoran Semi-Desert Grasslands
* Incremental Multi-graph Matching via Diversity and Randomness Based Graph Clustering
* Incremental Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion with Unknown Focal Length
* Individuality-Preserving Gait Pattern Prediction Based on Gait Feature Transitions
* Inductive Multi-Hypergraph Learning and Its Application on View-Based 3D Object Classification
* Inertial Measurement Units-Based Probe Vehicles: Automatic Calibration, Trajectory Estimation, and Context Detection
* Infimal Convolution of Oscillation Total Generalized Variation for the Recovery of Images with Structured Texture
* Influences of the Shadow Inventory on a Landslide Susceptibility Model
* Inner Space Preserving Generative Pose Machine
* Instance-Level Human Parsing via Part Grouping Network
* Instrumental Variable Based Kalman Filter Algorithm for Three-Dimensional AOA Target Tracking
* Integral Human Pose Regression
* Integrated Analyses of PALSAR and Landsat Imagery Reveal More Agroforests in a Typical Agricultural Production Region, North China Plain
* Integrated Procedure for Calibrating and Distortion Correction of the Structure Sensor and Stereo-Vision Depth Sensors, An
* Integrating Egocentric Videos in Top-View Surveillance Videos: Joint Identification and Temporal Alignment
* Integrating scattering feature maps with convolutional neural networks for Malayalam handwritten character recognition
* Integrating UAV in IoT for RoI Classification in Remote Images
* Integration of Local and Global Support Vector Machines to Improve Urban Growth Modelling
* Integration of Low-Resolution ALS and Ground-Based SfM Photogrammetry Data. A Cost-Effective Approach Providing an Enhanced 3D Model of the Hound Tor Archaeological Landscapes (Dartmoor, South-West England)
* Integration of Terrestrial and Drone-Borne Hyperspectral and Photogrammetric Sensing Methods for Exploration Mapping and Mining Monitoring
* Intelligent plankton image classification with deep learning
* Interaction-Aware Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Attention Networks for Action Classification
* Interactive Boundary Prediction for Object Selection
* Intercalibration of Cross-Track Scanners in GPM Constellation
* Interpolating Convolutional Neural Networks Using Batch Normalization
* interpolation method for strong barrel lens distortion, An
* Interpolation of Missing Samples in Sound Signals Based on Autoregressive Modeling
* Interpolation of the MacAdam Ellipses
* Interpretable Basis Decomposition for Visual Explanation
* Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model
* Into the Twilight Zone: Depth Estimation Using Joint Structure-Stereo Optimization
* INTRALOG- intelligent autonomous truck applications in logistics; single and double articulated autonomous rearward docking on DCs
* Intrinsic Calibration of a Camera to a Line-Structured Light Using a Single View of Two Spheres
* Introduction to the special issue on integrating biometrics and forensics
* Introduction to the Special Issue: State-of-the-Art Virtual/Augmented Reality and 3D Modeling Techniques for Virtual Urban Geographic Experiments
* Investigation of Ground Deformation in Taiyuan Basin, China from 2003 to 2010, with Atmosphere-Corrected Time Series InSAR
* Investigation of older driver's takeover performance in highly automated vehicles in adverse weather conditions
* Investigation of the Fetch Effect Using Onshore and Offshore Vertical LiDAR Devices
* Investigations on the Coregistration of Sentinel-1 TOPS with the Conventional Cross-Correlation Technique
* Irrigation Mapping Using Sentinel-1 Time Series at Field Scale
* Is Robustness the Cost of Accuracy?: A Comprehensive Study on the Robustness of 18 Deep Image Classification Models
* ISNN: Impact Sound Neural Network for Audio-Visual Object Classification
* Iterative Crowd Counting
* Iterative Deep Subspace Clustering
* JAXA High-Resolution Land Use/Land Cover Map for Central Vietnam in 2007 and 2017
* Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Alignment with Position Map Regression Network
* Joint 3D Tracking of a Deformable Object in Interaction with a Hand
* Joint Alternate Small Convolution and Feature Reuse for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Joint and Progressive Learning from High-Dimensional Data for Multi-label Classification
* Joint Blind Motion Deblurring and Depth Estimation of Light Field
* Joint Camera Spectral Sensitivity Selection and Hyperspectral Image Recovery
* Joint Cover-Selection and Payload-Allocation by Steganographic Distortion Optimization
* Joint Learning of Intrinsic Images and Semantic Segmentation
* Joint Map and Symmetry Synchronization
* Joint Multi-Criteria Utility-Based Network Selection Approach for Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Networking, A
* Joint Optimization for Compressive Video Sensing and Reconstruction Under Hardware Constraints
* Joint Person Segmentation and Identification in Synchronized First- and Third-Person Videos
* Joint Representation and Truncated Inference Learning for Correlation Filter Based Tracking
* Joint representation learning of appearance and motion for abnormal event detection
* Joint SAR Image Time Series and PSInSAR Data Analytics: An LDA Based Approach
* Joint Sequence Fusion Model for Video Question Answering and Retrieval, A
* Joint Task-Recursive Learning for Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation
* Joint Video Object Discovery and Segmentation by Coupled Dynamic Markov Networks
* Jointly Discovering Visual Objects and Spoken Words from Raw Sensory Input
* Jointly Sparse Hashing for Image Retrieval
* JPEG blocking artifact detector for image forensics, A
* JPEG Image Encryption with Improved Format Compatibility and File Size Preservation
* K-convexity Shape Priors for Segmentation
* KERTAS: dataset for automatic dating of ancient Arabic manuscripts
* Key-frame selection for automatic summarization of surveillance videos: a method of multiple change-point detection
* Key-Word-Aware Network for Referring Expression Image Segmentation
* Keypoints based enhanced multiple copy-move forgeries detection system using density-based spatial clustering of application with noise clustering algorithm
* Kinematic Gesture Representation Based on Shape Difference VLAD for Sign Language Recognition, A
* L-Infinite Predictive Coding of Depth
* Labelling and evaluation of 3D objects segmentation using multiclass boosting algorithm
* Lambda Twist: An Accurate Fast Robust Perspective Three Point (P3P) Solver
* Land cover mapping at very high resolution with rotation equivariant CNNs: Towards small yet accurate models
* Land Surface Temperature and Urban Density: Multiyear Modeling and Relationship Analysis Using MODIS and Landsat Data
* Land-Use Carbon Emissions Estimation for the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Using 1994-2016 Landsat Image Data
* Landmark-Based Re-topology of Stereo-Pair Acquired Face Meshes
* LAPRAN: A Scalable Laplacian Pyramid Reconstructive Adversarial Network for Flexible Compressive Sensing Reconstruction
* Large Parallax Image Stitching Using an Edge-Preserving Diffeomorphic Warping Process
* Large Scale Urban Scene Modeling from MVS Meshes
* Late Fusion via Subspace Search With Consistency Preservation
* Layer-Structured 3D Scene Inference via View Synthesis
* Learn-to-Score: Efficient 3D Scene Exploration by Predicting View Utility
* Learnable PINs: Cross-modal Embeddings for Person Identity
* Learning 3D Human Pose from Structure and Motion
* Learning 3D Keypoint Descriptors for Non-rigid Shape Matching
* Learning 3D Shapes as Multi-layered Height-Maps Using 2D Convolutional Networks
* Learning and Matching Multi-View Descriptors for Registration of Point Clouds
* Learning Blind Video Temporal Consistency
* Learning Building Extraction in Aerial Scenes with Convolutional Networks
* Learning Category-Specific Mesh Reconstruction from Image Collections
* Learning Class Prototypes via Structure Alignment for Zero-Shot Recognition
* Learning Compression from Limited Unlabeled Data
* Learning Cost Functions for Graph Matching
* Learning Data Terms for Non-blind Deblurring
* Learning Deep Embeddings via Margin-Based Discriminate Loss
* Learning Deep Representations with Probabilistic Knowledge Transfer
* Learning Discriminative Video Representations Using Adversarial Perturbations
* Learning Dynamic Memory Networks for Object Tracking
* Learning Efficient Single-Stage Pedestrian Detectors by Asymptotic Localization Fitting
* Learning From Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Descriptors for Micro-Expression Recognition
* Learning Human-Object Interactions by Graph Parsing Neural Networks
* Learning Local Descriptors by Optimizing the Keypoint-Correspondence Criterion: Applications to Face Matching, Learning From Unlabeled Videos and 3D-Shape Retrieval
* Learning Match Kernels on Grassmann Manifolds for Action Recognition
* Learning Monocular Depth by Distilling Cross-Domain Stereo Networks
* Learning Morphological Operators for Depth Completion
* Learning Priors for Semantic 3D Reconstruction
* Learning Region Features for Object Detection
* Learning Rigidity in Dynamic Scenes with a Moving Camera for 3D Motion Field Estimation
* Learning Rotation-Invariant and Fisher Discriminative Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection
* Learning Shape Priors for Single-View 3D Completion And Reconstruction
* Learning Single-View 3D Reconstruction with Limited Pose Supervision
* Learning SO(3) Equivariant Representations with Spherical CNNs
* Learning the Sub-optimal Graph Edit Distance Edit Costs Based on an Embedded Model
* Learning to Anonymize Faces for Privacy Preserving Action Detection
* Learning to Blend Photos
* Learning to Capture Light Fields Through a Coded Aperture Camera
* Learning to Detect and Track Visible and Occluded Body Joints in a Virtual World
* Learning to detect, localize and recognize many text objects in document images from few examples
* Learning to Dodge A Bullet: Concyclic View Morphing via Deep Learning
* Learning to Forecast and Refine Residual Motion for Image-to-Video Generation
* Learning to Fuse Proposals from Multiple Scanline Optimizations in Semi-Global Matching
* Learning to Look around Objects for Top-View Representations of Outdoor Scenes
* Learning to Navigate for Fine-Grained Classification
* Learning to Predict Crisp Boundaries
* Learning to Reconstruct High-Quality 3D Shapes with Cascaded Fully Convolutional Networks
* Learning to Segment Object Candidates via Recursive Neural Networks
* Learning to Segment via Cut-and-Paste
* Learning to Separate Object Sounds by Watching Unlabeled Video
* Learning to Solve Nonlinear Least Squares for Monocular Stereo
* Learning to Zoom: A Saliency-Based Sampling Layer for Neural Networks
* Learning Type-Aware Embeddings for Fashion Compatibility
* Learning Visual Question Answering by Bootstrapping Hard Attention
* Learning Warped Guidance for Blind Face Restoration
* Learning with Biased Complementary Labels
* Learning-Based Video Motion Magnification
* Less Is More: Picking Informative Frames for Video Captioning
* Level-Set Based Algorithm for Automatic Feature Extraction on 3D Meshes: Application to Crater Detection on Mars
* Leveraging Motion Priors in Videos for Improving Human Segmentation
* License Plate Detection and Recognition in Unconstrained Scenarios
* Lifelong Learning via Progressive Distillation and Retrospection
* Lifting Layers: Analysis and Applications
* Light Field Coding With Field-of-View Scalability and Exemplar-Based Interlayer Prediction
* Light Structure from Pin Motion: Simple and Accurate Point Light Calibration for Physics-Based Modeling
* Line Voronoi Diagrams Using Elliptical Distances
* Linear RGB-D SLAM for Planar Environments
* Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
* Lip Movements Generation at a Glance
* Liquid Pouring Monitoring via Rich Sensory Inputs
* Local AM/FM Parameters Estimation: Application to Sinusoidal Modeling and Blind Audio Source Separation
* Local Binary Patterns Based on Subspace Representation of Image Patch for Face Recognition
* Local Detection of Moving Targets in SAR Image Based on NRS Hypotheses
* Local Orthogonal-Group Testing
* Local Pairwise Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speaker Verification
* Local Patterns and Supergraph for Chemical Graph Classification with Convolutional Networks
* Local Spectral Graph Convolution for Point Set Feature Learning
* Localization of 3D objects using model-constrained SLAM
* Localization Recall Precision (LRP): A New Performance Metric for Object Detection
* Localizing Characteristic Points on a Vertebra Contour by Using Shape Language
* Long-Term Changes in Water Clarity in Lake Liangzi Determined by Remote Sensing
* Long-Term Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark
* Look Before You Leap: Bridging Model-Free and Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Planned-Ahead Vision-and-Language Navigation
* Look Deeper into Depth: Monocular Depth Estimation with Semantic Booster and Attention-Driven Loss
* Low Bit-Rate Compression Image Restoration through Subspace Joint Regression Learning
* Low rank matrix completion using truncated nuclear norm and sparse regularizer
* Low-Shot Learning for the Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* LQ-Nets: Learned Quantization for Highly Accurate and Compact Deep Neural Networks
* LSQ++: Lower Running Time and Higher Recall in Multi-codebook Quantization
* Lytic Region Recognition in Hip Radiograms by Means of Statistical Dominance Transform
* Machine Vision to Alert Roadside Personnel of Night Traffic Threats
* Machine vision to curb pig pugnacity: 3D cameras can help predict when pigs are about to nip each other's tails
* Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing
* Making Deep Heatmaps Robust to Partial Occlusions for 3D Object Pose Estimation
* Malignant Brain Tumor Classification Using the Random Forest Method
* Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-Identification
* Mapping and Classification of Ecologically Sensitive Marine Habitats Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA)
* Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SAR Observations
* Mapping Individual Tree Species and Vitality along Urban Road Corridors with LiDAR and Imaging Sensors: Point Density versus View Perspective
* Mapping Inter-Annual Land Cover Variations Automatically Based on a Novel Sample Transfer Method
* Mapping Maize Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using SEBAL: A Comparison with the FAO Method and Soil-Plant Model Simulations
* Mapping Mangrove Extent and Change: A Globally Applicable Approach
* Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Mapping of truck traffic in New Jersey using weigh-in-motion data
* Mapping Population Distribution from High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery in a Data Poor Setting
* Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes
* MaskConnect: Connectivity Learning by Gradient Descent
* Mass Evidence Accumulation and Traveler Risk Scoring Engine in e-Border Infrastructure
* Massively Parallel Video Networks
* Materials for Masses: SVBRDF Acquisition with a Single Mobile Phone Image
* Matrix Descriptor of Changes (MDC): Activity Recognition Based on Skeleton
* Matrix Regression-Based Classification for Face Recognition
* Max-Margin Deep Generative Models for (Semi-)Supervised Learning
* Maximum Margin Metric Learning over Discriminative Nullspace for Person Re-identification
* Maximum-Likelihood Retrieval of Volcanic Ash Concentration and Particle Size From Ground-Based Scanning Lidar
* Measure-Valued Variational Models with Applications to Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
* Mellin polar coordinate moment and its affine invariance
* Memory Aware Synapses: Learning What (not) to Forget
* Merging safety and cybersecurity analysis in product design
* Merging Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Imagery and Echo Soundings with an Adaptive Sampling Technique for Bathymetric Surveys
* Mesoscale Resolution Radar Data Assimilation Experiments with the Harmonie Model
* Meta-tracker: Fast and Robust Online Adaptation for Visual Object Trackers
* Metal-Cased Oil Well Inspection Using Near-Field UWB Radar Imaging
* Method Combining Probability Integration Model and a Small Baseline Subset for Time Series Monitoring of Mining Subsidence
* Metric Driven Classification: A Non-Parametric Approach Based on the Henze-Penrose Test Statistic
* Microwave Tomography Strategy for Underwater Imaging via Ground Penetrating Radar, A
* MIMO Radar Imaging With Nonorthogonal Waveforms Based on Joint-Block Sparse Recovery
* Minimal Closed-Form Solution for Multi-perspective Pose Estimation using Points and Lines, A
* MiRTaW: An Algorithm for Atmospheric Temperature and Water Vapor Profile Estimation from ATMS Measurements Using a Random Forests Technique
* Mixed Entropy Local-Global Reproducing Kernel for Attributed Graphs, A
* Mixed Gaussian-impulse noise reduction from images using convolutional neural network
* Mixture of counting CNNs
* ML-LocNet: Improving Object Localization with Multi-view Learning Network
* Modality Distillation with Multiple Stream Networks for Action Recognition
* Model Adaptation with Synthetic and Real Data for Semantic Dense Foggy Scene Understanding
* Model-Based Six-Component Scattering Matrix Power Decomposition
* Model-free Consensus Maximization for Non-Rigid Shapes
* Modeling and Rendering of Volumetric Clouds in Real-Time with Unreal Engine 4
* Modeling Multimodal Clues in a Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Video Classification
* Modeling the Perceptual Quality of Immersive Images Rendered on Head Mounted Displays: Resolution and Compression
* Modeling Varying Camera-IMU Time Offset in Optimization-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry
* Modeling Visual Context Is Key to Augmenting Object Detection Datasets
* Modelling the Generalised Median Correspondence Through an Edit Distance
* Modelling the L-Band Snow-Covered Surface Emission in a Winter Canadian Prairie Environment
* Modular Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modulation Module for Multi-task Learning with Applications in Image Retrieval, A
* Monitoring and Analysis of Surface Deformation in Mining Area Based on InSAR and GRACE
* Monitoring of the 2015 Villarrica Volcano Eruption by Means of DLR's Experimental TET-1 Satellite
* Monitoring of Thermal Activity at the Hatchobaru-Otake Geothermal Area in Japan Using Multi-Source Satellite Images: With Comparisons of Methods, and Solar and Seasonal Effects
* Monitoring Retreat of Coastal Sandy Systems Using Geomatics Techniques: Somo Beach (Cantabrian Coast, Spain, 1875-2017)
* Monitoring the Impact of Land Cover Change on Surface Urban Heat Island through Google Earth Engine: Proposal of a Global Methodology, First Applications and Problems
* Monocular Depth Estimation Using Whole Strip Masking and Reliability-Based Refinement
* Monocular Depth Estimation with Affinity, Vertical Pooling, and Label Enhancement
* More is Better: Precise and Detailed Image Captioning Using Online Positive Recall and Missing Concepts Mining
* Morphing of Manifold-Valued Images Inspired by Discrete Geodesics in Image Spaces
* Motion Feature Network: Fixed Motion Filter for Action Recognition
* Motion planning and coordination of multi-agent systems
* Move Forward and Tell: A Progressive Generator of Video Descriptions
* MPLP++: Fast, Parallel Dual Block-Coordinate Ascent for Dense Graphical Models
* MRF Optimization with Separable Convex Prior on Partially Ordered Labels
* MT-VAE: Learning Motion Transformations to Generate Multimodal Human Dynamics
* MugNet: Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Limited Samples
* Multi-Atlas Segmentation of MR Tumor Brain Images Using Low-Rank Based Image Recovery
* Multi-Attention Multi-Class Constraint for Fine-grained Image Recognition
* multi-biometric system for continuous student authentication in e-learning platforms, A
* Multi-camera Photometric Simulation for Creation of 3D Object Reconstruction System
* Multi-class Model Fitting by Energy Minimization and Mode-Seeking
* Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
* Multi-modal Cycle-Consistent Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Multi-object Tracking with Neural Gating Using Bilinear LSTM
* Multi-organ Segmentation of Chest CT Images in Radiation Oncology: Comparison of Standard and Dilated UNet
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation via Multi-Layer Fractal Network and Joints Kinship Pattern
* Multi-Resolution Compressive Spectral Imaging Reconstruction from Single Pixel Measurements
* Multi-scale Context Intertwining for Semantic Segmentation
* Multi-scale deep neural network for salient object detection
* Multi-scale object detection in remote sensing imagery with convolutional neural networks
* Multi-scale Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-scale Spatially-Asymmetric Recalibration for Image Classification
* Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-Stream Convolutional Neural Network for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* Multi-view photometric stereo using surface deformation
* Multi-view to Novel View: Synthesizing Novel Views With Self-learned Confidence
* Multifrequency and Full-Polarimetric SAR Assessment for Estimating Above Ground Biomass and Leaf Area Index in the Amazon Várzea Wetlands
* Multilabel Image Classification With Regional Latent Semantic Dependencies
* Multimodal Dual Attention Memory for Video Story Question Answering
* Multimodal Framework for Analyzing the Affect of a Group of People
* Multimodal Image Alignment Through a Multiscale Chain of Neural Networks with Application to Remote Sensing
* Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Multiple-Feature Reuse Network to Extract Buildings from Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* Multiple-Gaze Geometry: Inferring Novel 3D Locations from Gazes Observed in Monocular Video
* multiplicative video watermarking robust to H.264/AVC compression standard, A
* MultiPoseNet: Fast Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Pose Residual Network
* Multiresolution Tree Networks for 3D Point Cloud Processing
* Multiscale Deep Alternative Neural Network for Large-Scale Video Classification
* Multiscale Frame-Based Kernels for Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping
* Multispectral target detection based on the space-spectrum structure constraint with the multi-scale hierarchical model
* Multistage Pooling for Blind Quality Prediction of Asymmetric Multiply-Distorted Stereoscopic Images
* Multiview Multimodal System for Monitoring Patient Sleep, A
* Muon Tracing and Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Cosmic Ray Muon Computed Tomography
* Museum Exhibit Identification Challenge for the Supervised Domain Adaptation and Beyond
* Music Popularity: Metrics, Characteristics, and Audio-Based Prediction
* Mutex Watershed: Efficient, Parameter-Free Image Partitioning, The
* Mutual Learning to Adapt for Joint Human Parsing and Pose Estimation
* MVSNet: Depth Inference for Unstructured Multi-view Stereo
* MVTec D2S: Densely Segmented Supermarket Dataset
* NAM: Non-Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Mapping
* Nesting Patterns of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): Development of a Multiple Regression Model Tested in North Carolina, USA
* NetAdapt: Platform-Aware Neural Network Adaptation for Mobile Applications
* Neural Graph Matching Networks for Fewshot 3D Action Recognition
* Neural Network Encapsulation
* Neural Procedural Reconstruction for Residential Buildings
* Neural Stereoscopic Image Style Transfer
* neural-based method for optical flow estimation using phase correlation, A
* New Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* New Large Scale Dynamic Texture Dataset with Application to ConvNet Understanding, A
* new two-stage mesh surface segmentation method, A
* NNEval: Neural Network Based Evaluation Metric for Image Captioning
* Noise Removal Based on Tensor Modelling for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* NoiseNet: Signal-Dependent Noise Variance Estimation with Convolutional Neural Network
* Nondimensionalized Univariate Equation Characterizing Optimal State Feedback Control for Collision Avoidance
* Nonlocal Myriad Filters for Cauchy Noise Removal
* Nonquadratic Algorithm Based on the Extended Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm, A
* NonSTOP: A NonSTationary Online Prediction Method for Time Series
* Normalisation of handwriting speed for online Arabic characters recognition
* Normalized Blind Deconvolution
* Novel Cyber Attack Detection Method in Networked Control Systems, A
* Novel Diffeomorphic Model for Image Registration and Its Algorithm, A
* novel ensemble method for k-nearest neighbor, A
* Novel Measure for Categorization and Optimal Phase History Retrieval of Distributed Scatterers for InSAR Applications, A
* Novel Method for Virtual Restoration of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometric Structure Based on Multiscale Spatial Geometry
* Novel Observability Gramian-Based Fast Covariance Intersection Rule, A
* novel pore extraction method for heterogeneous fingerprint images using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* novel quaternary pattern of local maximum quotient for heterogeneous face recognition, A
* Numerical Analysis of Microwave Scattering from Layered Sea Ice Based on the Finite Element Method
* Oasis: A Mobile Cyber-Physical System for Accessible Location Exploration
* Object Detection in Video with Spatiotemporal Sampling Networks
* Object Level Visual Reasoning in Videos
* Object-Centered Image Stitching
* Objects that Sound
* Observations and Recommendations for the Calibration of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel 2 MSI for Improved Data Interoperability
* Observing Water Vapour in the Planetary Boundary Layer from the Short-Wave Infrared
* Occlusion-Aware Hand Pose Estimation Using Hierarchical Mixture Density Network
* Occlusion-Aware R-CNN: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd
* Occlusion-robust object tracking based on the confidence of online selected hierarchical features
* Occlusions, Motion and Depth Boundaries with a Generic Network for Disparity, Optical Flow or Scene Flow Estimation
* Offline Signature Verification by Combining Graph Edit Distance and Triplet Networks
* Offset-Compensated Nonlocal Filtering of Interferometric Phase, The
* OmniDepth: Dense Depth Estimation for Indoors Spherical Panoramas
* On Association Graph Techniques for Hypergraph Matching
* On Fast Sample Preselection for Speeding up Convolutional Neural Network Training
* On GPU Connected Components and Properties: A Systematic Evaluation of Connected Component Labeling Algorithms and Their Extension for Property Extraction
* On Offline Evaluation of Vision-Based Driving Models
* On Regularized Losses for Weakly-supervised CNN Segmentation
* On the Complexity of the Weighted Fused Lasso
* On the Lessons Learned From the Operations of the ERBE Nonscanner Instrument in Space and the Production of the Nonscanner TOA Radiation Budget Data Set
* On the Risk Assessment of Terrorist Attacks Coupled with Multi-Source Factors
* On the Solvability of Viewing Graphs
* On the Very High-Resolution Radar Image Statistics of the Exponentially Correlated Rough Surface: Experimental and Numerical Studies
* One-Pass Learning with Incremental and Decremental Features
* One-two-one networks for compression artifacts reduction in remote sensing
* Online Detection of Action Start in Untrimmed, Streaming Videos
* Online Dictionary Learning for Approximate Archetypal Analysis
* Online local pool generation for dynamic classifier selection
* Online Multi-Object Tracking with Dual Matching Attention Networks
* Online Multimodal Multiexpert Learning for Social Event Tracking
* Open Set Domain Adaptation by Backpropagation
* Open Set Learning with Counterfactual Images
* Open-set human activity recognition based on micro-Doppler signatures
* Open-World Stereo Video Matching with Deep RNN
* Operational Land Surface Temperature Product for Landsat Thermal Data: Methodology and Validation, An
* Optimal 2-D Spectrum Matching Method for SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging, An
* Optimal Clustering Framework for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Optimal Transmission Topology Construction and Secure Linear Network Coding Design for Virtual-Source Multicast With Integral Link Rates
* Optimal Z-Complementary Sequence Sets With Good Peak-to-Average Power-Ratio Property
* Optimal-Dimensionality Sampling for Spin-s-Functions on the Sphere, An
* Optimising Data for Exemplar-Based Inpainting
* Optimization for the Following Operation of a High-Speed Train Under the Moving Block System
* Optimized Fourier Bilateral Filtering
* Optimizing the Link Directions of Personal Rapid Transit Network
* Optimum Network/Framework Selection from High-Level Specifications in Embedded Deep Learning Vision Applications
* Orthogonal Deep Features Decomposition for Age-Invariant Face Recognition
* Orthogonally-Divergent Fisheye Stereo
* Out-of-Distribution Detection Using an Ensemble of Self Supervised Leave-Out Classifiers
* Pairwise Body-Part Attention for Recognizing Human-Object Interactions
* Pairwise Confusion for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Pairwise Relational Networks for Face Recognition
* Pan-sharpening via deep metric learning
* Parallel and Distributed Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis to Reduce Hyperspectral Images on Cloud Computing Architectures
* Parallel Attentive Correlation Tracking
* Parallel Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* PARN: Pyramidal Affine Regression Networks for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Part-Activated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Action Prediction
* Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-identification
* Partial Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* Pattern Recognition in Financial Data Using Association Rule
* Pattern Recognition Method for Classification of Agricultural Scientific Papers in Polish
* PatternNet: A benchmark dataset for performance evaluation of remote sensing image retrieval
* PD2T: Person-Specific Detection, Deformable Tracking
* PDE patch-based spectral method for progressive mesh compression andm esh denoising, A
* Pedestrian Detection via Body Part Semantic and Contextual Information With DNN
* Penalizing Top Performers: Conservative Loss for Semantic Segmentation Adaptation
* Performance evaluation on image fusion techniques for face recognition
* Performance Evaluations of Rain Microphysical Retrieval Using Gpm Dual-Wavelength Radar by Way of Comparison With the Self-Consistent Numerical Method
* Person Re-identification Using Group Context
* Person Re-Identification with a Body Orientation-Specific Convolutional Neural Network
* Person Re-identification with Deep Similarity-Guided Graph Neural Network
* Person Search by Multi-Scale Matching
* Person Search in Videos with One Portrait Through Visual and Temporal Links
* Person Search via a Mask-Guided Two-Stream CNN Model
* Personalized Classifier for Food Image Recognition
* PersonLab: Person Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation with a Bottom-Up, Part-Based, Geometric Embedding Model
* Perturbation Robust Representations of Topological Persistence Diagrams
* Phase-Space Sketching for Crystal Image Analysis Based on Synchrosqueezed Transforms
* Phonocardiogram Signal Denoising Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and Adaptive Contour Representation Computation
* Photorealistic Monocular Gaze Redirection Using Machine Learning
* Physical Primitive Decomposition
* Piggyback: Adapting a Single Network to Multiple Tasks by Learning to Mask Weights
* Pivot Correlational Neural Network for Multimodal Video Categorization
* Pixel2Mesh: Generating 3D Mesh Models from Single RGB Images
* Place and City: Toward Urban Intelligence
* Plane Object-Based High-Level Map Representation for SLAM
* PlaneMatch: Patch Coplanarity Prediction for Robust RGB-D Reconstruction
* Plenoptic Imaging for Seeing Through Turbulence
* PLT-based spectral features for texture image retrieval
* Plug-and-Play Unplugged: Optimization-Free Reconstruction Using Consensus Equilibrium
* PM-GANs: Discriminative Representation Learning for Action Recognition Using Partial-Modalities
* Point-to-Point Regression PointNet for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Polarimetric Three-View Geometry
* Pose Guided Human Video Generation
* Pose Partition Networks for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* Pose Proposal Networks
* Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-Identification
* Potential of Cost-Efficient Single Frequency GNSS Receivers for Water Vapor Monitoring
* Potential of Red Edge Spectral Bands in Future Landsat Satellites on Agroecosystem Canopy Green Leaf Area Index Retrieval
* Potential of Spectral Indices in Detecting Various Stages of Afforestation over the Loess Plateau Region of China, The
* Power Spectrum Equalized Scalar Representation of Wide-Angle Optical Field Propagation
* PPF-FoldNet: Unsupervised Learning of Rotation Invariant 3D Local Descriptors
* Practical Black-Box Attacks on Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Query Mechanisms
* Predicting Future Instance Segmentation by Forecasting Convolutional Features
* Predicting Gaze in Egocentric Video by Learning Task-Dependent Attention Transition
* Prediction of energy consumption for new electric vehicle models by machine learning
* Prediction of partially observed human activity based on pre-trained deep representation
* Prediction Smooth Method for Blending Landsat and Moderate Resolution Imagine Spectroradiometer Images, A
* Predictor-Based Adaptive Cruise Control Design
* Preliminary Survey of Analyzing Dynamic Time-Varying Financial Networks Using Graph Kernels, A
* Priors with Coupled First and Second Order Differences for Manifold-Valued Image Processing
* Probabilistic Diffusion for Interactive Image Segmentation
* Probabilistic Video Generation Using Holistic Attribute Control
* Product Quantization Network for Fast Image Retrieval
* Programmable Triangulation Light Curtains
* Progressive Neural Architecture Search
* Progressive Structure from Motion
* Propagating LSTM: 3D Pose Estimation Based on Joint Interdependency
* Proposal of a new virtual evaluation approach of preventive safety applications and advanced driver assistance functions- application: AEB system
* Protein Remote Homology Detection Using Dissimilarity-Based Multiple Instance Learning
* Proximal Dehaze-Net: A Prior Learning-Based Deep Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Proxy Clouds for Live RGB-D Stream Processing and Consolidation
* PS-FCN: A Flexible Learning Framework for Photometric Stereo
* PSANet: Point-wise Spatial Attention Network for Scene Parsing
* PSDF Fusion: Probabilistic Signed Distance Function for On-the-fly 3D Data Fusion and Scene Reconstruction
* Pseudo low rank video representation
* Pyramid Dilated Deeper ConvLSTM for Video Salient Object Detection
* PyramidBox: A Context-Assisted Single Shot Face Detector
* Quadtree Convolutional Neural Networks
* Quality Assessment of the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function for NIR Imagery Sequences from UAV
* Quality Evaluation of 3D Printed Surfaces Based on HOG Features
* Quality Improvement of Satellite Soil Moisture Products by Fusing with In-Situ Measurements and GNSS-R Estimates in the Western Continental U.S.
* Quality-of-Experience for Adaptive Streaming Videos: An Expectation Confirmation Theory Motivated Approach
* Quantifying Surface Urban Heat Island Formation in the World Heritage Tropical Mountain City of Sri Lanka
* Quantitative Responses of Satellite-Derived Nighttime Lighting Signals to Anthropogenic Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes across China
* Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Detection
* Quantized Densely Connected U-Nets for Efficient Landmark Localization
* Quantum Edge Entropy for Alzheimer's Disease Analysis
* Quaternion Convolutional Neural Networks
* Query Adaptive Multiview Object Instance Search and Localization Using Sketches
* Question Type Guided Attention in Visual Question Answering
* Question-Guided Hybrid Convolution for Visual Question Answering
* r2p2: A ReparameteRized Pushforward Policy for Diverse, Precise Generative Path Forecasting
* Radar Signals With ZACZ Based on Pairs of D-Code Sequences and Their Compression Algorithm
* Raising Semantics-Awareness in Geospatial Metadata Management
* Random neighbourhood dynamic clustering
* Rate-Invariant Analysis of Covariance Trajectories
* RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search
* RDCRMG: A Raster Dataset Clean & Reconstitution Multi-Grid Architecture for Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Dryness
* Real-Time Actor-Critic Tracking
* Real-time geometric fitting and pose estimation for surface of revolution
* Real-Time Hair Rendering Using Sequential Adversarial Networks
* Real-Time Localization for Underwater Moving Object Using Precalculated DC Electric Field Template
* Real-Time MDNet
* Real-Time Multimedia Social Event Detection in Microblog
* Real-Time Prediction of Seasonal Heteroscedasticity in Vehicular Traffic Flow Series
* Real-Time Simulation of Animated Characters Crowd in Unreal Engine 4
* Real-to-Virtual Domain Unification for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* Realtime Time Synchronized Event-Based Stereo
* Recent Progress and Developments in Imaging Spectroscopy
* Recent Progress in Quantitative Land Remote Sensing in China
* Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection
* Recognition in Terra Incognita
* Recognition of Emotions in User-Generated Videos With Kernelized Features
* Reconfigurable FPGA Implementation of the AVC Quantiser and De-quantiser Blocks
* Reconstructing Fine Details of Small Objects by Using Plasmonic Spectroscopic Data. Part II: The Strong Interaction Regime
* Reconstructing three-dimensional models of objects using a Kinect sensor
* Reconstruction-Based Pairwise Depth Dataset for Depth Image Enhancement Using CNN
* Recovering 3D Planes from a Single Image via Convolutional Neural Networks
* Recovering Accurate 3D Human Pose in the Wild Using IMUs and a Moving Camera
* Recovering Joint and Individual Components in Facial Data
* Recovery from Errors Due to Domain Truncation in Magnetic Particle Imaging: Approximation Error Modeling Approach
* Recovery of the Starting Times of Delayed Signals
* Recovery Rates of Wetland Vegetation Greenness in Severely Burned Ecosystems of Alaska Derived from Satellite Image Analysis
* Recurrent Convolutional Shape Regression
* Recurrent Fusion Network for Image Captioning
* Recurrent Spatial Pyramid CNN for Optical Flow Estimation
* Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
* Recurrent Tubelet Proposal and Recognition Networks for Action Detection
* Recursive Chaining of Reversible Image-to-Image Translators for Face Aging
* Recycle-GAN: Unsupervised Video Retargeting
* Red light, green light, no light: Tomorrow's communicative cars could take turns at intersections
* Reducing Navigators in Free-Breathing Abdominal MRI via Temporal Interpolation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Reducing the Uncertainty of Lidar Measurements in Complex Terrain Using a Linear Model Approach
* ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer
* RefocusGAN: Scene Refocusing Using a Single Image
* Regression-then-Fusion or Fusion-then-Regression? A Theoretical Analysis for Generating High Spatiotemporal Resolution Land Surface Temperatures
* Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for Depth-Based Person Re-identification
* Relative CNN-RNN: Learning Relative Atmospheric Visibility From Images
* Relaxation-Free Deep Hashing via Policy Gradient
* Reliable Crowdsourcing and Deep Locality-Preserving Learning for Unconstrained Facial Expression Recognition
* Relocated Colour Contrast Occurrence Matrix and Adapted Similarity Measure for Colour Texture Retrieval
* RelocNet: Continuous Metric Learning Relocalisation Using Neural Nets
* Remote Photoplethysmography Correspondence Feature for 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection
* Remote Sensing Approach to Detect Burn Severity Risk Zones in Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica
* Remote Sensing Derived Built-Up Area and Population Density to Quantify Global Exposure to Five Natural Hazards over Time
* Remote Sensing of Antarctic Glacier and Ice-Shelf Front Dynamics: A Review
* Remote Sensing of Leaf and Canopy Nitrogen Status in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Based on N-PROSAIL Model
* Remotely Estimating Beneficial Arthropod Populations: Implications of a Low-Cost Small Unmanned Aerial System
* Rendering Portraitures from Monocular Camera and Beyond
* Repeatability Is Not Enough: Learning Affine Regions via Discriminability
* Reply to Vauhkonen: Comment on Tompalski et al. Combining Multi-Date Airborne Laser Scanning and Digital Aerial Photogrammetric Data for Forest Growth and Yield Modelling. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 347
* Representative Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* RESOUND: Towards Action Recognition Without Representation Bias
* Rethinking Spatiotemporal Feature Learning: Speed-Accuracy Trade-offs in Video Classification
* Rethinking the Form of Latent States in Image Captioning
* Retrospective Encoders for Video Summarization
* Revealing Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Communities in Social Networks
* Reverse Attention for Salient Object Detection
* RevHashNet: Perceptually de-hashing real-valued image hashes for similarity retrieval
* Review of Ten-Year Advances of Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry Using TerraSAR-X Data, A
* Review on the effects of age, gender, and race demographics on automatic face recognition
* Revisiting Autofocus for Smartphone Cameras
* Revisiting RCNN: On Awakening the Classification Power of Faster RCNN
* Revisiting the Inverted Indices for Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbors
* Revisiting the Role of Place in Geographic Information Science
* RIDI: Robust IMU Double Integration
* Riemannian Walk for Incremental Learning: Understanding Forgetting and Intransigence
* Ring Based Approximation of Graph Edit Distance
* Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Learning
* Road Extraction from VHR Remote-Sensing Imagery via Object Segmentation Constrained by Gabor Features
* Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person re-IDentification in the Wild
* Robust and Fast Decoding of High-Capacity Color QR Codes for Mobile Applications
* Robust and Long-Term Object Tracking With an Application to Vehicles
* Robust and Unobtrusive Display-to-Camera Communications via Blue Channel Embedding
* Robust Detection of Extreme Events Using Twitter: Worldwide Earthquake Monitoring
* Robust Feature Descriptors for Object Segmentation Using Active Shape Models
* Robust Fitting in Computer Vision: Easy or Hard?
* Robust Geodesic Skeleton Estimation from Body Single Depth
* Robust Image Stitching with Multiple Registrations
* Robust Optical Flow in Rainy Scenes
* Robust procedural model fitting with a new geometric similarity estimator
* Robust Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on Sparsity Adaptive Correntropy Matching Pursuit Method for Stem Cell Distribution
* Robust Visual Tracking via Smooth Manifold Kernel Sparse Learning
* Rolling Shutter Pose and Ego-Motion Estimation Using Shape-from-Template
* Rotationally Invariant Bark Recognition
* RT-GENE: Real-Time Eye Gaze Estimation in Natural Environments
* Rule-based searching for collision test cases of autonomous vehicles simulation
* SaaS: Speed as a Supervisor for Semi-supervised Learning
* Safety-Assured Model-Driven Design of the Multifunction Vehicle Bus Controller
* Saliency Benchmarking Made Easy: Separating Models, Maps and Metrics
* Saliency Detection in 360° Videos
* Saliency Preservation in Low-Resolution Grayscale Images
* Salient object detection based on compactness and foreground connectivity
* Salient Objects in Clutter: Bringing Salient Object Detection to the Foreground
* Sampling Algebraic Varieties for Robust Camera Autocalibration
* SAN: Learning Relationship Between Convolutional Features for Multi-scale Object Detection
* Satellite-Based Water Consumption Dynamics Monitoring in an Extremely Arid Area
* Scalability of Vehicular M2M Communications in a 4G Cellular Network
* Scalable Exemplar-Based Subspace Clustering Algorithm for Class-Imbalanced Data, A
* Scalable Spectral Clustering Algorithm Based on Landmark-Embedding and Cosine Similarity, A
* Scale Aggregation Network for Accurate and Efficient Crowd Counting
* Scale Matters: Spatially Partitioned Unsupervised Segmentation Parameter Optimization for Large and Heterogeneous Satellite Images
* Scale-Awareness of Light Field Camera Based Visual Odometry
* Scaling Egocentric Vision: The Epic Kitchens Dataset
* Scanner Model Identification of Official Documents Using Noise Parameters Estimation in the Wavelet Domain
* Scene Recognition for Indoor Localization of Mobile Robots Using Deep CNN
* Scenes-Objects-Actions: A Multi-task, Multi-label Video Dataset
* Scheme for Characterizing Clutter Statistics in SAR Amplitude Images by Combining Two Parametric Models
* Script identification in natural scene image and video frames using an attention based Convolutional-LSTM network
* Script invariant handwritten digit recognition using a simple feature descriptor
* SDC-Net: Video Prediction Using Spatially-Displaced Convolution
* Sea Surface Kinematics From Near-Nadir Radar Measurements
* Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Variability of the Eastern Coastal Zone of the Gulf of California
* SeaShips: A Large-Scale Precisely Annotated Dataset for Ship Detection
* Second-Order Algebraic Surfaces and Two Image Photometric Stereo
* Second-Order Democratic Aggregation
* Secure Quaternion Feistel Cipher for DICOM Images
* Seeing Deeply and Bidirectionally: A Deep Learning Approach for Single Image Reflection Removal
* Seeing Tree Structure from Vibration
* Segmentation-Aware Deep Fusion Network for Compressed Sensing MRI, A
* SegStereo: Exploiting Semantic Information for Disparity Estimation
* Seismological Observations of Ocean Swells Induced by Typhoon Megi Using Dispersive Microseisms Recorded in Coastal Areas
* Selective and Simple Graph Structures for Better Description of Local Point-Based Image Features
* Selective capture based high-speed optical vehicular signaling system
* Selective Zero-Shot Classification with Augmented Attributes
* Self-Calibrating Isometric Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion
* Self-calibration of Cameras with Euclidean Image Plane in Case of Two Views and Known Relative Rotation Angle
* Self-produced Guidance for Weakly-Supervised Object Localization
* Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Self-Supervised Low-Rank Representation (SSLRR) for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Self-Supervised Relative Depth Learning for Urban Scene Understanding
* Selfie Video Stabilization
* Semantic image segmentation using an improved hierarchical graphical model
* Semantic labeling in very high resolution images via a self-cascaded convolutional neural network
* Semantic Match Consistency for Long-Term Visual Localization
* Semantically Aware Urban 3D Reconstruction with Plane-Based Regularization
* Semi-Automatic 3D City Model Generation from Large-Format Aerial Images
* Semi-convolutional Operators for Instance Segmentation
* Semi-dense 3D Reconstruction with a Stereo Event Camera
* Semi-supervised Adversarial Learning to Generate Photorealistic Face Images of New Identities from 3D Morphable Model
* Semi-supervised Clustering Framework Based on Active Learning for Real Data
* Semi-supervised Deep Learning with Memory
* Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Via Fredholm Integral Based Kernel Methods
* Semi-supervised FusedGAN for Conditional Image Generation
* Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Hashing for Image Retrieval
* semi-supervised generative framework with deep learning features for high-resolution remote sensing image scene classification, A
* Sensitivity of Sentinel-1 Backscatter to Vegetation Dynamics: An Austrian Case Study
* Sentinel-1 SAR Interferometry for Surface Deformation Monitoring in Low-Land Permafrost Areas
* Separating Reflection and Transmission Images in the Wild
* Sequential Clique Optimization for Video Object Segmentation
* Shallow Convolutional Neural Network and Viterbi Algorithm for Dim Line Tracking
* Shape Reconstruction Using Volume Sweeping and Learned Photoconsistency
* ShapeCodes: Self-supervised Feature Learning by Lifting Views to Viewgrids
* ShapeStacks: Learning Vision-Based Physical Intuition for Generalised Object Stacking
* Share Our Cultural Heritage (SOCH): Worldwide 3D Heritage Reconstruction and Visualization via Web and Mobile GIS
* Shift-Net: Image Inpainting via Deep Feature Rearrangement
* Shortest Paths from a Group Perspective: A Note on Selfish Routing Games with Cognitive Agents
* Show, Tell and Discriminate: Image Captioning by Self-retrieval with Partially Labeled Data
* Shuffle-Then-Assemble: Learning Object-Agnostic Visual Relationship Features
* ShuffleNet V2: Practical Guidelines for Efficient CNN Architecture Design
* Sidekick Policy Learning for Active Visual Exploration
* Silhouette-Based Action Recognition Using Simple Shape Descriptors
* Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* Simulating deployment of connectivity and automation on the Antwerp ring road
* Simulation of Bidirectional Reflectance in Broken Clouds: From Individual Realization to Averaging over an Ensemble of Cloud Fields
* Simulation Study of Predicting Real-Time Conflict-Prone Traffic Conditions, A
* Simultaneous 3D Reconstruction for Water Surface and Underwater Scene
* Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
* Simultaneous Radio Frequency and Wideband Interference Suppression in SAR Signals via Sparsity Exploitation in Time-Frequency Domain
* Single Image Highlight Removal with a Sparse and Low-Rank Reflection Model
* Single Image Intrinsic Decomposition Without a Single Intrinsic Image
* Single Image Super Resolution via Neighbor Reconstruction
* Single Image Super-Resolution via Multiple Mixture Prior Models
* Single Image Water Hazard Detection Using FCN with Reflection Attention Units
* Single Sample Face Recognition by Sparse Recovery of Deep-Learned LDA Features
* Single Shot Scene Text Retrieval
* Single-Tree Detection in High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images Based on a Cascade Neural Network
* Sino-InSpace: A Digital Simulation Platform for Virtual Space Environments
* Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Spatial Reasoning and Temporal Stack Learning
* SketchyScene: Richly-Annotated Scene Sketches
* SkipNet: Learning Dynamic Routing in Convolutional Networks
* Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Topological Line Localization and Temporal Feature Aggregation
* Snap Angle Prediction for 360° Panoramas
* Snowflake Removal for Videos via Global and Local Low-Rank Decomposition
* SNR-Constrained Heuristics for Optimizing the Scaling Parameter of Robust Audio Watermarking
* SOD-MTGAN: Small Object Detection via Multi-Task Generative Adversarial Network
* Solving Fractional Polynomial Problems by Polynomial Optimization Theory
* Sound of Pixels, The
* Source camera model identification based on convolutional neural networks with local binary patterns coding
* Source Model and Stress Disturbance of the 2017 Jiuzhaigou Mw 6.5 Earthquake Constrained by InSAR and GPS Measurements
* Space-Time Analysis of Vehicle Theft Patterns in Shanghai, China
* Sparse Recovery From Multiple Measurement Vectors Using Exponentiated Gradient Updates
* Sparsely Aggregated Convolutional Networks
* Sparsification of Indefinite Learning Models
* Spatial and Structured SVM for Multilabel Image Classification
* Spatial Assessment of the Potential Impact of Infrastructure Development on Biodiversity Conservation in Lowland Nepal
* Spatial Discontinuity-Weighted Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* Spatial pyramid face feature representation and weighted dissimilarity matching for improved face recognition
* Spatial-scale-regularized blur kernel estimation for blind image deblurring
* Spatial-Spectral Total Variation Regularized Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Denoising
* Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Human Dynamics on Urban Land Use Patterns Using Social Media Data by Gender
* Spatialising uncertainty in image segmentation using weakly supervised convolutional neural networks: a case study from historical map processing
* Spatially Consistent Supervoxel Correspondences of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images
* Spatially Explicit Age Segregation Index and Self-Rated Health of Older Adults in US Cities
* Spatio-temporal Channel Correlation Networks for Action Classification
* Spatio-temporal super-resolution for multi-videos based on belief propagation
* Spatio-Temporal Transformer Network for Video Restoration
* Special issue on deep learning for document analysis and recognition
* Speckle Filtering Method Based on Hypothesis Testing for Time-Series SAR Images, A
* Spectral Angiography Material Decomposition Using an Empirical Forward Model and a Dictionary-Based Regularization
* Spectral Methods for Passive Imaging: Nonasymptotic Performance and Robustness
* Spectral-Spatial Unified Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
* SphereNet: Learning Spherical Representations for Detection and Classification in Omnidirectional Images
* SpiderCNN: Deep Learning on Point Sets with Parameterized Convolutional Filters
* SRDA: Generating Instance Segmentation Annotation via Scanning, Reasoning and Domain Adaptation
* SRFeat: Single Image Super-Resolution with Feature Discrimination
* Stacked Cross Attention for Image-Text Matching
* stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity Recognition
* Standard-Compliant Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* STAR: A Segmentation-Based Approximation of Point-Based Sampling Milano Retinex for Color Image Enhancement
* StarMap for Category-Agnostic Keypoint and Viewpoint Estimation
* Start, Follow, Read: End-to-End Full-Page Handwriting Recognition
* Statistical characterisation of block variance and AC DCT coefficients for power law enhanced images
* Statistical Machine Learning Methods and Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development Goals: A Review
* Statistical Properties of Marine Surface Slopes Using Glitter Patterns: The 2-D Case
* Statistically-Motivated Second-Order Pooling
* Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for dermoscopic image segmentation
* Stereo Computation for a Single Mixture Image
* Stereo Relative Pose from Line and Point Feature Triplets
* Stereo Vision-Based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-Motion Tracking for Autonomous Driving
* StereoNet: Guided Hierarchical Refinement for Real-Time Edge-Aware Depth Prediction
* Stochastic collective model of public transport passenger arrival process
* Straight to the Facts: Learning Knowledge Base Retrieval for Factual Visual Question Answering
* Stroke Controllable Fast Style Transfer with Adaptive Receptive Fields
* Structural Consistency and Controllability for Diverse Colorization
* Structure-from-Motion-Aware PatchMatch for Adaptive Optical Flow Estimation
* Structured Siamese Network for Real-Time Visual Tracking
* Studies on Three-Dimensional (3D) Modeling of UAV Oblique Imagery with the Aid of Loop-Shooting
* Study on Image Comparison Metrics for Atmospheric Scattering Phenomenon Rendering, A
* Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-Time HD Style Transfer, A
* Sub-GAN: An Unsupervised Generative Model via Subspaces
* Suitability of recent hardware accelerators (DSPs, FPGAs, and GPUs) for computer vision and image processing algorithms
* Summarizing First-Person Videos from Third Persons' Points of Views
* Super-Identity Convolutional Neural Network for Face Hallucination
* Super-Resolution and Fusion Approach to Enhancing Hyperspectral Images, A
* Super-Resolution and Sparse View CT Reconstruction
* Superpixel Sampling Networks
* Superpixel-Based Single Nighttime Image Haze Removal
* Supervised Classification of Multisensor Remotely Sensed Images Using a Deep Learning Framework
* Supervised Classification Using Feature Space Partitioning
* Supervising the New with the Old: Learning SFM from SFM
* Suppression of Azimuth Ambiguities in Spaceborne SAR Images Using Spectral Selection and Extrapolation
* Surface Moisture and Vegetation Cover Analysis for Drought Monitoring in the Southern Kruger National Park Using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat-8
* Surface NMR Responses of Typical 3-D Water-Bearing Structures Evaluated by a Vector Finite-Element Method
* survey of sketch-based image retrieval, A
* Survey on MIMO Transmission With Finite Input Signals: Technical Challenges, Advances, and Future Trends, A
* Susceptibility to Translational Slide-Type Landslides: Applicability of the Main Scarp Upper Edge as a Dependent Variable Representation by Reduced Chi-Square Analysis
* SwapNet: Image Based Garment Transfer
* Switchable Temporal Propagation Network
* Sylvester and Bézout Resultant Matrices for Blind Image Deconvolution, The
* Symmetric Gauss-Seidel Technique-Based Alternating Direction Methods of Multipliers for Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures Problem
* Synthetically Supervised Feature Learning for Scene Text Recognition
* System for Automatic Town Sign Recognition for Driver Assistance Systems, A
* Systematic DNN Weight Pruning Framework Using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, A
* T2Net: Synthetic-to-Realistic Translation for Solving Single-Image Depth Estimation Tasks
* Tackling 3D ToF Artifacts Through Learning and the FLAT Dataset
* Task-Aware Image Downscaling
* Task-Driven Webpage Saliency
* TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Binary Weights
* Teaching Machines to Understand Baseball Games: Large-Scale Baseball Video Database for Multiple Video Understanding Tasks
* Temporal and Spatial Analyses of the Landscape Pattern of Wuhan City Based on Remote Sensing Images
* Temporal Colored Coded Aperture Design in Compressive Spectral Video Sensing
* Temporal Means and Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Melt and Freeze Season Climate Indicators Using a Satellite Climate Data Record
* Temporal Modular Networks for Retrieving Complex Compositional Activities in Videos
* Temporal Relational Reasoning in Videos
* Tensor Completion From One-Bit Observations
* TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes
* Textual Explanations for Self-Driving Vehicles
* Thermal Imaging for the Archaeological Investigation of Historic Buildings
* Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Based Liquid Animation
* Three-Dimensional Attention-Based Deep Ranking Model for Video Highlight Detection
* Time-Varying SAR Interference Suppression Based on Delay-Doppler Iterative Decomposition Algorithm
* To Learn Image Super-Resolution, Use a GAN to Learn How to Do Image Degradation First
* Tomographic Image Reconstruction with a Spatially Varying Gamma Mixture Prior
* Tools and Methodologies for Autonomous Driving Systems
* Total Generalized Variation for Manifold-Valued Data
* Toward Characteristic-Preserving Image-Based Virtual Try-On Network
* Toward Long-Term Aquatic Science Products from Heritage Landsat Missions
* Toward Scale-Invariance and Position-Sensitive Region Proposal Networks
* Towards End-to-End License Plate Detection and Recognition: A Large Dataset and Baseline
* Towards Human-Level License Plate Recognition
* Towards Modelling Future Trends of Quebec's Boreal Birds' Species Distribution under Climate Change
* Towards Musicologist-Driven Mining of Handwritten Scores
* Towards Privacy-Preserving Visual Recognition via Adversarial Training: A Pilot Study
* Towards Realistic Predictors
* Towards Robust Neural Networks via Random Self-Ensemble
* Tracking Emerges by Colorizing Videos
* Tracking Fine-Scale Structural Changes in Coastal Dune Morphology Using Kite Aerial Photography and Uncertainty-Assessed Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
* Tracking Gaze and Visual Focus of Attention of People Involved in Social Interaction
* TrackingNet: A Large-Scale Dataset and Benchmark for Object Tracking in the Wild
* Training Binary Weight Networks via Semi-Binary Decomposition
* Trajectories as Topics: Multi-Object Tracking by Topic Discovery
* Transductive Centroid Projection for Semi-supervised Large-Scale Recognition
* Transductive Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Using Min-Max Features
* Transferability and Upscaling of Fuzzy Classification for Shoreline Change over 30 Years
* Transferable Adversarial Perturbations
* Transferring GANs: Generating Images from Limited Data
* Trilateral Weighted Sparse Coding Scheme for Real-World Image Denoising, A
* TripImputor: Real-Time Imputing Taxi Trip Purpose Leveraging Multi-Sourced Urban Data
* Triple Verification Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* Triplet Loss in Siamese Network for Object Tracking
* Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization Based Group Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* TS-ICNN: Time Sequence-Based Interval Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Detection and Recognition
* TS2C: Tight Box Mining with Surrounding Segmentation Context for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Two at Once: Enhancing Learning and Generalization Capacities via IBN-Net
* Two improved extension of local binary pattern descriptors using wavelet transform for texture classification
* Two-Camera Synchronization and Trajectory Reconstruction for a Touch Screen Usability Experiment
* Two-Layered Mechanism of Online Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Conflict Detection and Resolution
* Two-stage modality-graphs regularized manifold ranking for RGB-T tracking
* Two-step evidential fusion approach for accurate breast region segmentation in mammograms
* Two-Stream Transformer Networks for Video-Based Face Alignment
* Twofold Correlation Filtering for Tracking Integration
* U-CatcHCC: An Accurate HCC Detector in Hepatic DCE-MRI Sequences Based on an U-Net Framework
* U-PC: Unsupervised Planogram Compliance
* UAV First View Landmark Localization via Deep Reinforcement Learning
* UAV Remote Sensing for Biodiversity Monitoring: Are Forest Canopy Gaps Good Covariates?
* Ulam Spiral and Prime-Rich Polynomials
* Ultrawideband Software-Defined Microwave Radiometer: Instrument Description and Initial Campaign Results, The
* Uncertainty Estimates and Multi-hypotheses Networks for Optical Flow
* Uncertainty-Based Active Learning via Sparse Modeling for Image Classification
* Underground Object Classification for Urban Roads Using Instantaneous Phase Analysis of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Data
* Understanding Degeneracies and Ambiguities in Attribute Transfer
* Understanding People Flow in Transportation Hubs
* Understanding Perceptual and Conceptual Fluency at a Large Scale
* Unified Framework for Multi-view Multi-class Object Pose Estimation, A
* Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding
* Universal Sketch Perceptual Grouping
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Benchmark: Object Detection and Tracking, The
* Unmixing Polarimetric Radar Images Based on Land Cover Type Identified by Higher Resolution Optical Data Before Target Decomposition: Application to Forest and Bare Soil
* Unpaired Image Captioning by Language Pivoting
* Unsupervised Caries Detection in Non-standardized Periapical Dental X-Rays
* Unsupervised Change Detection Using Fast Fuzzy Clustering for Landslide Mapping from Very High-Resolution Images
* Unsupervised Class-Specific Deblurring
* Unsupervised Classification of Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data Using Spatially Variant Wishart Mixture Model with Double Constraints
* Unsupervised CNN-Based Co-saliency Detection with Graphical Optimization
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for 3D Keypoint Estimation via View Consistency
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via Class-Balanced Self-training
* Unsupervised Geometry-Aware Representation for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Unsupervised Hard Example Mining from Videos for Improved Object Detection
* Unsupervised Holistic Image Generation from Key Local Patches
* Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with Stacked Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks
* Unsupervised Learning of Multi-Frame Optical Flow with Occlusions
* Unsupervised Perception Model for UAVs Landing Target Detection and Recognition
* Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Using Motion Saliency-Guided Spatio-Temporal Propagation
* Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation with Motion-Based Bilateral Networks
* Unveiling the Power of Deep Tracking
* Urban Zoning Using Higher-Order Markov Random Fields on Multi-View Imagery Data
* Using a generalised method of moment approach and 2D-generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelling for denoising ultrasound images
* Using APAR to Predict Aboveground Plant Productivity in Semi-Arid Rangelands: Spatial and Temporal Relationships Differ
* Using brain prints as new biometric feature for human recognition
* Using Eye Tracking to Explore Differences in Map-Based Spatial Ability between Geographers and Non-Geographers
* Using feature points and angles between them to recognise facial expression by a neural network approach
* Using LIP to Gloss Over Faces in Single-Stage Face Detection Networks
* Using Object Information for Spotting Text
* Using Remote Sensing to Analyse Net Land-Use Change from Conflicting Sustainability Policies: The Case of Amsterdam
* Using SAR-Derived Vegetation Descriptors in a Water Cloud Model to Improve Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Validation of Aerosol Products from AATSR and MERIS/AATSR Synergy Algorithms: Part 1: Global Evaluation
* Validation of CryoSat-2 SARIn Data over Austfonna Ice Cap Using Airborne Laser Scanner Measurements
* Value-Aware Quantization for Training and Inference of Neural Networks
* Value-based deep reinforcement learning for adaptive isolated intersection signal control
* Variable Ring Light Imaging: Capturing Transient Subsurface Scattering with an Ordinary Camera
* Variation of Net Primary Production and Its Correlation with Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities over the Tibetan Plateau
* Variational Fusion of Time-of-Flight and Stereo Data for Depth Estimation Using Edge-Selective Joint Filtering
* Variational Reflectance Estimation from Multi-view Images
* Variational Wasserstein Clustering
* Vehicle Tracking at Nighttime by Kernelized Experts With Channel-Wise and Temporal Reliability Estimation
* Vehicle-Based Bi-Objective Crowdsourcing
* Verisimilar Image Synthesis for Accurate Detection and Recognition of Texts in Scenes
* Versatile Low-Cost Volumetric 3-D Ultrasound Platform for Existing Clinical 2-D Systems
* VF3-Light Subgraph Isomorphism Algorithm: When Doing Less Is More Effective, The
* Video Compression Through Image Interpolation
* Video Object Detection with an Aligned Spatial-Temporal Memory
* Video Object Segmentation by Learning Location-Sensitive Embeddings
* Video Object Segmentation with Joint Re-identification and Attention-Aware Mask Propagation
* Video Re-localization
* Video Summarization Using Fully Convolutional Sequence Networks
* VideoMatch: Matching Based Video Object Segmentation
* Videos as Space-Time Region Graphs
* View synthesis method for 3D video coding based on temporal and inter view correlation
* View-Graph Selection Framework for SfM
* Viewpoint Estimation: Insights and Model
* Virtual Background Reference Frame Based Satellite Video Coding
* Visual Coreference Resolution in Visual Dialog Using Neural Module Networks
* Visual Kinship Recognition of Families in the Wild
* Visual Psychophysics for Making Face Recognition Algorithms More Explainable
* Visual Question Answering as a Meta Learning Task
* Visual Question Generation for Class Acquisition of Unknown Objects
* Visual Reasoning with Multi-hop Feature Modulation
* Visual Text Correction
* Visual tracking of resident space objects via an RFS-based multi-Bernoulli track-before-detect method
* Visual tracking using Locality-constrained Linear Coding and saliency map for visible light and infrared image sequences
* Visual Tracking via Patch-Based Absorbing Markov Chain
* Visual Tracking via Spatially Aligned Correlation Filters Network
* Visual-Inertial Object Detection and Mapping
* Visualizing the Spatiotemporal Trends of Thermal Characteristics in a Peatland Plantation Forest in Indonesia: Pilot Test Using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs)
* Vocabulary for Growth: Topic Modeling of Content Popularity Evolution, A
* Volumetric Performance Capture from Minimal Camera Viewpoints
* VQA-E: Explaining, Elaborating, and Enhancing Your Answers for Visual Questions
* VSO: Visual Semantic Odometry
* W-TALC: Weakly-Supervised Temporal Activity Localization and Classification
* Wasserstein Divergence for GANs
* Wasserstein-Distance-Based Gaussian Mixture Reduction
* Watermarking image encryption using deterministic phase mask and singular value decomposition in fractional Mellin transform domain
* Wavelet Based Image Fusion Method Using Local Multiscale Image Regularity, A
* Weak-structure-aware visual object tracking with bottom-up and top-down context exploration
* Weakly Supervised Facial Action Unit Recognition With Domain Knowledge
* Weakly Supervised Region Proposal Network and Object Detection
* Weakly- and Semi-supervised Panoptic Segmentation
* Weakly-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Monocular RGB Images
* Weakly-Supervised Video Summarization Using Variational Encoder-Decoder and Web Prior
* Wearables and Medical Interoperability: The Evolving Frontier
* Weather Characterization from Outdoor Scene Images
* WeedMap: A Large-Scale Semantic Weed Mapping Framework Using Aerial Multispectral Imaging and Deep Neural Network for Precision Farming
* Weighted Large Margin Nearest Center Distance-Based Human Depth Recovery With Limited Bandwidth Consumption
* Weighted Local Mutual Information for 2D-3D Registration in Vascular Interventions
* What Do I Annotate Next? An Empirical Study of Active Learning for Action Localization
* Where Are the Blobs: Counting by Localization with Point Supervision
* Where Will They Go? Predicting Fine-Grained Adversarial Multi-agent Motion Using Conditional Variational Autoencoders
* Whiteness Constraints in a Unified Variational Framework for Image Restoration
* Wideband Sparse Reconstruction for Scanning Radar
* WildDash: Creating Hazard-Aware Benchmarks
* Wind Direction Inversion from Narrow-Beam HF Radar Backscatter Signals in Low and High Wind Conditions at Different Radar Frequencies
* Women Also Snowboard: Overcoming Bias in Captioning Models
* X-Ray Computed Tomography Through Scatter
* X-Ray Enhancement Based on Component Attenuation, Contrast Adjustment, and Image Fusion
* X2Face: A Network for Controlling Face Generation Using Images, Audio, and Pose Codes
* YouTube-VOS: Sequence-to-Sequence Video Object Segmentation
* Zero Deforestation Agreement Assessment at Farm Level in Colombia Using ALOS PALSAR
* Zero-Annotation Object Detection with Web Knowledge Transfer
* Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation
* Zero-Shot Framework for Sketch Based Image Retrieval, A
* Zero-Shot Keyword Spotting for Visual Speech Recognition In-the-wild
* Zero-Shot Object Detection
* Zoom-Net: Mining Deep Feature Interactions for Visual Relationship Recognition
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