Update Dates 1809

1809 * *2018 JVCI Best Paper Award Winners Announced
* *Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop
* 100+ Times Faster Video Completion by Optical-Flow-Guided Variational Refinement
* 2.5D Approach to 360 Panorama Video Stabilization, A
* 3-D Consistent and Robust Segmentation of Cardiac Images by Deep Learning With Spatial Propagation
* 3-D Contrast Source Inversion-Electrical Properties Tomography
* 30-m landsat-derived cropland extent product of Australia and China using random forest machine learning algorithm on Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* 3D cartoon face rigging from sparse examples
* 3D CNN-Based Soma Segmentation from Brain Images at Single-Neuron Resolution
* 3D convolutional neural network method for land cover classification using LiDAR and multi-temporal Landsat imagery, A
* 3D Convolutional Neural Networks Based Speaker Identification and Authentication
* 3D human pose estimation from depth maps using a deep combination of poses
* 3D Human Pose Estimation Using Stochastic Optimization in Real Time
* 3D Interpreter Networks for Viewer-Centered Wireframe Modeling
* 3D Leaf Tracking for Plant Growth Monitoring
* 3D Mesh Inpainting Using Matrix Completion via Augmented Lagrange Multiplier Method
* 3D motion capture system for assessing patient motion during Fugl-Meyer stroke rehabilitation testing
* 3D Multi-Scale Convolutional Networks for Glioma Grading Using MR Images
* 3D Reconstruction of Phase Contrast Images Using Focus Measures
* 3D reconstruction system based on incremental structure from motion using a camera with varying parameters
* 3D Steganalysis Using the Extended Local Feature Set
* 3D Thermal Model for Real-Time Condition Monitoring of Electrochemical Processes, A
* 3D-CNN Approach for the Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Surface Deterioration Phenomena, A
* 3DQoE-Oriented and Energy-Efficient 2D plus Depth Based 3D Video Streaming Over Centrally Controlled Networks
* 4-Row Serpentine Tone Dependent Fast Error Diffusion
* 4D DCT-Based Lenslet Light Field Codec, A
* A-CCNN: Adaptive CCNN for Density Estimation and Crowd Counting
* AAM: AN Assessment Metric of Axial Chromatic Aberration
* Abnormal Event Detection in Videos Using Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Autoencoder
* Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles Using Piecewise Mixture Models
* Accelerated Gradient Descent Method for Projections onto the L_1-Ball
* Accelerated low-rank sparse metric learning for person re-identification
* Accelerated RAPID Model Using Heterogeneous Porous Objects
* Accelerated Wirtinger Flow for Multiplexed Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy
* Accelerating Proposal Generation Network for Fast Face Detection on Mobile Devices
* Accelerating Similarity-Based Discriminant Analysis Using Class-Specific Prototypes
* Acceleration Approaches for Big Data Analysis
* Accuracy Assessment of GlobeLand30 2010 Land Cover over China Based on Geographically and Categorically Stratified Validation Sample Data
* Accurate and Efficient Fixed Point Inference for Deep Neural Networks
* Accurate Dictionary Learning with Direct Sparsity Control
* Accurate High-Order Errors Suppression and Cancellation Method for High-Precision Airborne POS, An
* Action Recognition Based on Discriminative Embedding of Actions Using Siamese Networks
* Action Recognition with Spatial-Temporal Representation Analysis Across Grassmannian Manifold and Euclidean Space
* Action Recognition: First-and Second-Order 3D Feature in Bi-Directional Attention Network
* Active Action Proposal Method Based on Reinforcement Learning, An
* Activity Recognition Using Deep Recurrent Neural Network on Translation and Scale-Invariant Features
* Activity Recognition with Evolving Data Streams: A Review
* Adaptive Effective Wiener Filter- and Regression-Based Upsampling for Asymmetric Resolution Stereoscopic Video Coding
* Adaptive Local Image Enhancement Based on Logarithmic Mappings
* Adaptive Multi-Resolution Encoding for ABR Streaming
* Adaptive Neural Network Control for Robotic Manipulators With Unknown Deadzone
* Adaptive Patch Based Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Dehazing
* Adaptive Patch Prior for Single Image Blind Deblurring, An
* Adaptive patched L0 gradient minimisation model applied on image smoothing
* Adaptive Ship Detection in Hybrid-Polarimetric SAR Images Based on the Power-Entropy Decomposition
* Adaptive spatio-temporal background subtraction using improved Wronskian change detection scheme in Gaussian mixture model framework
* Adaptive Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting in Colonoscopy Video Frames
* Adaptive transform via quantum signal processing: Application to signal and image denoising
* Adult Image Classification by a Local-Context Aware Network
* Advanced Multimedia Power-Saving Method Using a Dynamic Pixel Dimmer on AMOLED Displays
* Advanced Visibility Restoration Technique for Underwater Images, An
* Advancing Precipitation Estimation and Streamflow Simulations in Complex Terrain with X-Band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations
* Adversarial Domain Adaptation with a Domain Similarity Discriminator for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Areas
* Adversarial Spatial Frequency Domain Critic Learning for Age and Gender Classification
* Aerial-CAM: Salient Structures and Textures in Network Class Activation Maps of Aerial Imagery
* Aerodrome situational awareness of unmanned aircraft: an integrated self-learning approach with Bayesian network semantic segmentation
* Aesthetics Assessment of Images Containing Faces
* Affine Invariant Image Comparison Under Repetitive Structures
* Affine Moment Invariants of Vector Fields
* Affinity learning via a diffusion process for subspace clustering
* Air Quality Context Information Model for Ubiquitous Public Access to Geographic Information
* Airborne Remote Sensing of the Upper Ocean Turbulence during CASPER-East
* Algorithmic Chain for Lightning Detection and False Event Filtering Based on the MTG Lightning Imager
* Algorithms for electric vehicle scheduling in large-scale mobility-on-demand schemes
* Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis with FDG-PET Brain Images By Using Multi-Level Features
* AMIFT: Affine-Mirror Invariant Feature Transform
* Analysis of cosine distance features for speaker verification
* Analysis of low-correlated spatial gene expression patterns: a clustering approach in the mouse brain data hosted in the Allen Brain Atlas
* Analyzing the feasibility of a space-borne sensor (SPOT-6) to estimate the height of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in inland waters
* Analyzing the Tagging Quality of the Spanish OpenStreetMap
* Anchored Neighborhood Index for Face Sketch Synthesis
* Angle of Arrival-Based Cooperative Positioning for Smart Vehicles
* Angular Radon spectrum for rotation estimation
* Animatable 3D Model Generation from 2D Monocular Visual Data
* Anisotropic Partial Differential Equation Based Video Saliency Detection
* Anisotropic Spatiotemporal Regularization in Compressive Video Recovery by Adaptively Modeling the Residual Errors as Correlated Noise
* Anonymous Gastritis Image Generation via Adversarial Learning from Gastric X-Ray Images
* Ant colony optimisation for coloured travelling salesman problem by multi-task learning
* Anti-Occlusion Particle Filter Object-Tracking Method Based on Feature Fusion
* Application of Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Models to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
* Application of Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Exploration of Zn-Pb Sulfide Mineralization in the Franklinian Basin, North Greenland
* Application of Range and Color Imaging Sensors for Spatial Orientation Tracking
* Appraisal of Instantaneous Phase-Based Functions in Adjoint Waveform Inversion
* AR in VR: Simulating Infrared Augmented Vision
* Architecture and Noise Analysis for Block-Based Compressive Imaging
* Are the Poor Digitally Left Behind? Indications of Urban Divides Based on Remote Sensing and Twitter Data
* Artifact Detection Maps Learned using Shallow Convolutional Networks
* Artistic Style Transfer for Videos and Spherical Images
* Assessing and refining the satellite-derived massive green macro-algal coverage in the Yellow Sea with high resolution images
* Assessing Coastal SMAP Surface Salinity Accuracy and Its Application to Monitoring Gulf of Maine Circulation Dynamics
* Assessing Performance of the RSTVOLC Multi-Temporal Algorithm in Detecting Subtle Hot Spots at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania, Africa) for Comparison with MODLEN
* Assessing the Impact of the Deceived Non Local Means Filter as a Preprocessing Stage in a Convolutional Neural Network Based Approach for Age Estimation Using Digital Hand X-Ray Images
* Assessing the Pattern Differences between Satellite-Observed Upper Tropospheric Humidity and Total Column Water Vapor during Major El Niño Events
* Assessment of Radiometric Resolution Impact on Remote Sensing Data Classification Accuracy
* Assessment of the SMAP-Derived Soil Water Deficit Index (SWDI-SMAP) as an Agricultural Drought Index in China
* Assisting Flood Disaster Response with Earth Observation Data and Products: A Critical Assessment
* Atmospheric correction of geostationary Himawari-8 satellite data for Total Suspended Sediment mapping: A case study in the Coastal Waters of Western Australia
* Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation for Sequences with Moving Objects Using Recursive Image Fusion
* Attention-Aware Generative Adversarial Networks (ATA-GANs)
* Attention-Enhanced Sensorimotor Object Recognition
* Attentive Linear Transformation for Image Captioning
* Attribute annotation on large-scale image database by active knowledge transfer
* Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Multidimensional Convolutional Neural Network
* Augmented Reality Meets Computer Vision: Efficient Data Generation for Urban Driving Scenes
* Augmented Sparse Representation Classifier for Blurred Face Recognition
* Automated approach for indirect immunofluorescence images classification based on unsupervised clustering method
* Automated class identification of modes of travel in shared spaces: A case study from India
* Automated Cobble Mapping of a Mixed Sand-Cobble Beach Using a Mobile LiDAR System
* Automated Eardrum Registration from Light-Field Data
* Automatic 3-D Skeleton-Based Segmentation of Liver Vessels from MRI and CT for Couinaud Representation
* automatic and serialized ROI extraction framework for the slow-motion video frames, An
* Automatic Assessment of Hoarding Clutter from Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Automatic Detection of Early Esophageal Cancer with CNNS Using Transfer Learning
* Automatic Exposure Compensation for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* automatic feature extraction and fusion model: Application to electromyogram (EMG) signal classification, An
* Automatic Generation of Epipolar Curves
* Automatic Group Affect Analysis in Images via Visual Attribute and Feature Networks
* Automatic ISP Image Quality Tuning Using Nonlinear Optimization
* Automatic Learning of Image Representations Combining Content and Metadata
* Automatic Optic Disk and Cup Segmentation of Fundus Images Using Deep Learning
* Automatic Parametrization and Shadow Analysis of Roofs in Urban Areas from ALS Point Clouds with Solar Energy Purposes
* Automatic Segmentation of Acute Ischemic Stroke From DWI Using 3-D Fully Convolutional DenseNets
* Automatic Segmentation of Lumen Intima Layer in Transverse Mode Ultrasound Images
* Automatic Segmentation of Shoulder Joint in MRI Using Patch-Based and Fully Convolutional Networks
* Automatic skinning and weight retargeting of articulated characters using extended position-based dynamics
* Automating Parameter Learning for Classifying Terrestrial LiDAR Point Cloud Using 2D Land Cover Maps
* Automation of Building Permission by Integration of BIM and Geospatial Data
* Automotive radar system for multiple-vehicle detection and tracking in urban environments
* Auxiliary Demographic Information Assisted Age Estimation With Cascaded Structure
* Background Light Estimation for Depth-Dependent Underwater Image Restoration
* Background subtraction using Gaussian-Bernoulli restricted Boltzmann machine
* Backprojection inverse filtration for laminographic reconstruction
* Bacterial Image Analysis and Single-Cell Analytics to Decipher the Behavior of Large Microbial Communities
* Balancing Incident and Ambient Light for Illumination Compensation in Video Applications
* Band selection using variational mode decomposition applied in sparsity-based hyperspectral unmixing algorithms
* Bayesian Approach for Anti-Scatter Grid Extraction in x-ray Imaging, A
* Bayesian Approach for Automatic Joint Parameter Estimation in 3D Image Reconstruction from Multi-Focus Microscope
* Bayesian Approach to Eigenspectra Optoacoustic Tomography, A
* Benchmark database for fine-grained image classification of benthic macroinvertebrates
* Benchmark Dataset for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Label Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* Benchmarking Binarisation Schemes for Deep Face Templates
* Benchmarking of Image Registration Methods for Differently Stained Histological Slides
* Best Sources Forward: Domain Generalization through Source-Specific Nets
* Better Way to Attend: Attention With Trees for Video Question Answering, A
* Beyond Context: Exploring Semantic Similarity for Tiny Face Detection
* Bi-Rads Classification of Breast Cancer: A New Pre-Processing Pipeline for Deep Models Training
* Bias Impact Analysis and Calibration of Terrestrial Mobile LiDAR System With Several Spinning Multibeam Laser Scanners
* Bias-Based Binary Fingerprinting Code Under Erasure Channel
* Bibliographic and Coauthorship Analysis of IEEE T-ITS Literature Between 2014 and 2016, A
* Big Data for transportation and mobility: Recent advances, trends and challenges
* Billboard Saliency Detection in Street Videos for Adults and Elderly
* BIM-GIS Integration as Dedicated and Independent Course for Geoinformatics Students: Merits, Challenges, and Ways Forward
* Binary image steganalysis based on local texture pattern
* Binary Partition Tree construction from multiple features for image segmentation
* Binary Segmentation Based Class Extension in Semantic Image Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Biological modeling of human visual system for object recognition using GLoP filters and sparse coding on multi-manifolds
* Bioluminescence Tomography Based on Gaussian Weighted Laplace Prior Regularization for In Vivo Morphological Imaging of Glioma
* Blind Color Deconvolution of Histopathological Images Using a Variational Bayesian Approach
* Blind forensics of image gamma transformation and its application in splicing detection
* Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Local Consistency Aware Retriever and Uncertainty Aware Evaluator
* Blind Image Quality Assessment with a Probabilistic Quality Representation
* Blind Quality Estimation by Disentangling Perceptual and Noisy Features in High Dynamic Range Images
* Blind Quality Measure for Industrial 2D Matrix Symbols Using Shallow Convolutional Neural Network, A
* Block-Based Motion Estimation Speedup for Dynamic Voxelized Point Clouds
* Boosting image classification through semantic attention filtering strategies
* Bottom-Up Attention Guidance for Recurrent Image Recognition
* Boundary Regulated Network for Accurate Roof Segmentation and Outline Extraction, A
* Brain source localization using reduced EEG sensors
* Brain Tumor Type Classification via Capsule Networks
* Broadband Seismic Inversion for Low-Frequency Component of the Model Parameter
* BSCGAN: Deep Background Subtraction with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Building Descriptors From Local Feature Neighborhoods for Applications in Semi-Dense 3D Reconstruction
* Building Detection from VHR Remote Sensing Imagery Based on the Morphological Building Index
* Bulged Eardrum Detection From 3D Data
* Calibrating Human Perception Threshold of Video Distortion Using EEG
* Camera-Assisted Video Saliency Prediction and Its Applications
* Can DNNs Learn to Lipread Full Sentences?
* Can Micro-Expression be Recognized Based on Single Apex Frame?
* Can we teach computers to understand art? Domain adaptation for enhancing deep networks capacity to de-abstract art
* Canopy Hyperspectral Sensing of Paddy Fields at the Booting Stage and PLS Regression can Assess Grain Yield
* CARISI: Convolutional Autoencoder-Based Inter-Slice Interpolation of Brain Tumor Volumetric Images
* Cascaded Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Robust Face Alignment
* Cascaded Random Forests for Fast Image Super-Resolution
* Catheter Detection in 3D Ultrasound Using Triplanar-Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* Causative Fault of the 2016 Mwp 6.1 Petermann Ranges Intraplate Earthquake (Central Australia) Retrieved by C- and L-Band InSAR Data, The
* Celeb-500K: A Large Training Dataset for Face Recognition
* Cell Segmentation Via Region-Based Ellipse Fitting
* Centralised versus decentralised signal control of large-scale urban road networks in real time: a simulation study
* CFD: A Collaborative Feature Difference Method for Spontaneous Micro-Expression Spotting
* Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images Based on an Imaging Modality-Invariant MDS Representation
* Changing Background to Foreground: An Augmentation Method Based on Conditional Generative Network for Stingray Detection
* Characterization of Color Images with Multiscale Monogenic Maxima
* Characterizing Images by the Gromov-Hausdorff Distances Between Derived Hierarchies
* Characterizing Robustness and Sensitivity of Convolutional Neural Networks in Segmentation of Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Characterizing the Trabecular Bone Tissue of the Toco Toucan Bill
* Chat biometrics
* Circular mesh-based shape and margin descriptor for object detection
* Circular trace transform and its PCA-based fusion features for image representation
* Class Specific Coders for Hyper-Spectral Image Classification
* Class-Aware Fully Convolutional Gaussian and Poisson Denoising
* Classification of Ceramic Shards Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Classification of Primary Cilia in Microscopy Images Using Convolutional Neural Random Forests
* Classification of Pulmonary Emphysema in CT Images Based on Multi-Scale Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Closed-Form Solution of Simultaneous Denoising and Hole Filling of Depth Image
* Cloud/shadow detection based on spectral indices for multi/hyperspectral optical remote sensing imagery
* Clustering Trajectories in Heterogeneous Representations for Video Event Detection
* CNN Based CU Partition Mode Decision Algorithm for HEVC Inter Coding
* CNN-based Denoising of Time-Of-Flight Depth Images
* CNN-Based Detection of Generic Contrast Adjustment with JPEG Post-Processing
* CNN-SIFT Hybrid Pedestrian Navigation Method Based on First-Person Vision, A
* Co-Occurrence Matrix Analysis-Based Semi-Supervised Training for Object Detection
* Co-Segmentation of Non-Homogeneous Image Sets
* Co-segmentation via visualization
* Coarse to Fine Training for Low-Resolution Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* Coarse-to-Fine Face Hallucination Method by Exploiting Facial Prior Knowledge, A
* Coarse-to-Fine PatchMatch for Dense Correspondence
* coarse-to-fine scene text detection method based on Skeleton-cut detector and Binary-Tree-Search based rectification, A
* Coding Trajectory: Enable Video Coding for Video Denoising
* Coding unit complexity-based predictions of coding unit depth and prediction unit mode for efficient HEVC-to-SHVC transcoding with quality scalability
* Coherence Difference Analysis of Sentinel-1 SAR Interferogram to Identify Earthquake-Induced Disasters in Urban Areas
* Collabonet: Collaboration of Generative Models by Unsupervised Classification
* Collaborative Projection and Reconstruction Using Intrinsic Structure of Compressive Light Field Sensing
* Collaborative Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing Using L_0 Norm
* Collision Risk Assessment Algorithm via Lane-Based Probabilistic Motion Prediction of Surrounding Vehicles
* Color Channel-Based Smoke Removal Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Static Images
* Color Contrast-Preserving Decolorization
* Color Image Demosaicking Using a 3-Stage Convolutional Neural Network Structure
* Color Selection and Editing for Palette-Based Photo Recoloring
* Color-independent classification of animation video
* Colour Classification of 1486 Lakes across a Wide Range of Optical Water Types
* Colour image encryption via fractional chaotic state estimation
* Combination of local feature detection methods for digital video stabilization
* Combined Convolutional Neural Networks and Fuzzy Spectral Clustering for Real Time Crack Detection in Tunnels
* Combining an Active Shape and Motion Models for Object Segmentation in Image Sequences
* Combining the use of CNN classification and strength-driven compression for the robust identification of bacterial species on hyperspectral culture plate images
* Common Crucial Feature for Crowdsourcing Based Mobile Visual Location Recognition
* Compact and Configurable Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Hardware Architecture, A
* Compactification of Affine Transformation Filter Using Tensor Decomposition
* Comparative Study of Global and Deep Features for the Analysis of User-Generated Natural Disaster Related Images, A
* Comparative Study of Three Non-Geostatistical Methods for Optimising Digital Elevation Model Interpolation, A
* Comparing Unobtrusive Gaze Guiding Stimuli in Head-Mounted Displays
* Comparison of Column Subset Selection Methods for Unsupervised Band Subset Selection in Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* Comparison of Communication Viewsheds Derived from High-Resolution Digital Surface Models Using Line-of-Sight, 2D Fresnel Zone, and 3D Fresnel Zone Analysis
* Comparison of Optimized Mathematical Methods in the Improvement of Raster Data and Map Display Resolution of Sentinel-2 Images
* Comparison of Patch-Based Models in Video Denoising, A
* Comparison of Seven Inversion Models for Estimating Plant and Woody Area Indices of Leaf-on and Leaf-off Forest Canopy Using Explicit 3D Forest Scenes
* Complete Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multiview Learning, A
* Complex Correntropy Induced Metric Applied to Compressive Sensing with Complex-Valued Data
* Complex-Image-Based Sparse SAR Imaging and its Equivalence
* Complexity Control for HEVC Inter Coding Based on Two-Level Complexity Allocation and Mode Sorting
* complexity of Bayesian networks specified by propositional and relational languages, The
* Comprehensive accuracy assessment of MODIS daily snow cover products and gap filling methods
* Comprehensive computer-aided diagnosis for breast T1-weighted DCE-MRI through quantitative dynamical features and spatio-temporal local binary patterns
* Compression for Multiple Reconstructions
* Compression of Plenoptic Point Clouds Using the Region-Adaptive Hierarchical Transform
* Compressive 4D Light Field Reconstruction Using Orthogonal Frequency Selection
* Compressive Sensing Based Classification in the Presence of Intra-and Inter-Signal Correlation
* Computer Graphics Identification Combining Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
* ConcatNet: A Deep Architecture of Concatenation-Assisted Network for Dense Facial Landmark Alignment
* Concept of Stimuli-Induced Equilibrium Point and Its Application in Ramp-Merging Control, The
* Conditional convolution neural network enhanced random forest for facial expression recognition
* Conditional Distribution Learning with Neural Networks and its Application to Universal Image Denoising
* Confidence Analysis for Breast Mass Image Classification
* Confidence Intervals for Tracking Performance Scores
* Configurable 3D Scene Synthesis and 2D Image Rendering with Per-pixel Ground Truth Using Stochastic Grammars
* Conjointly Space and 2D Frequency Localized Filterbanks
* Connected-Tube MPP Model for Object Detection with Application to Materials and Remotely-Sensed Images, A
* Connectivity-Preserving Approach for Distributed Adaptive Synchronized Tracking of Networked Uncertain Nonholonomic Mobile Robots
* Constant Quality Control Based on Temporal Distortion Backpropagation in HEVC
* Contactless Finger Recognition Using Invariants from Higher Order Spectra of Ridge Orientation Profiles
* Content Based Video Summarization: Finding Interesting Temporal Sequences of Frames
* Content-based image retrieval model based on cost sensitive learning
* Context Propagation from Proposals for Semantic Video Object Segmentation
* Context-Assisted 3D (C3D) Object Detection from RGB-D Images
* Context-Aware Forgery Localization in Social-Media Images: A Feature-Based Approach Evaluation
* Context-Sensitive Human Activity Classification in Collaborative Learning Environments
* Context-Sensitive Single-Modality Image Emotion Analysis: A Unified Architecture from Dataset Construction to CNN Classification
* Contributions of Operational Satellites in Monitoring the Catastrophic Floodwaters Due to Hurricane Harvey
* Control design for stable connected cruise control systems to enhance safety and traffic efficiency
* Controllable Image Illumination Enhancement with an Over-Enhancement Measure
* Convolutional Neural Network and Saliency Selection for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Convolutional Neural Network Cascade Based Neuron Termination Detection in 3D Image Stacks
* Convolutional Neural Network for Blind Mesh Visual Quality Assessment Using 3D Visual Saliency
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding of DC Coefficients for HEVC Intra Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for Intra Frame Coding
* convolutional neural network-based flame detection method in video sequence, A
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Invertible Half-Pixel Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* Convolutional Neural Network-Based Synthesized View Quality Enhancement for 3D Video Coding
* Convolutional neural networks for gender prediction from smartphone-based ocular images
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Subjective Face Attributes
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Information Analysis with Limited Computing Resources
* Cooperative Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission in D2D Networks
* Cooperative Motion Generation in a Distributed Network of Redundant Robot Manipulators With Noises
* Copy Sensitive Graphical Code Quality Improvement Using a Super-Resolution Technique
* Correlation filter tracker based on sparse regularization
* Correntropy-based robust multilayer extreme learning machines
* Counting Fish in Sonar Images
* Coupled Dictionary Learning for Multi-Contrast MRI Reconstruction
* Coupled Tuff-Bff Algorithm for Automatic 3D Segmentation of Microglia, The
* Crop Classification in a Heterogeneous Arable Landscape Using Uncalibrated UAV Data
* Cross- View Gait Recognition Using Non-Linear View Transformations of Spatiotemporal Features
* Cross-channel regularisation for joint demosaicking and intrinsic lens deblurring
* Cross-Layer Based Network for Faster Image Generation, A
* Cross-Media Similarity Evaluation for Web Image Retrieval in the Wild
* Cross-Modal Scene Networks
* Cross-Modal Style Transfer
* Cross-regional driver-vehicle interaction design: an interview study on driving risk perceptions, decisions, and ADAS function preferences
* Cross-View Discriminative Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification
* Crowd Counting with Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* CS Projects Involving Geoinformatics: A Survey of Implementation Approaches
* CS-VQA: Visual Question Answering with Compressively Sensed Images
* cTADA: The Design of a Crowdsourcing Tool for Online Food Image Identification and Segmentation
* Curvature Augmented Deep Learning for 3D Object Recognition
* Cut set-based Dynamic Key frame selection and Adaptive Layer-based Background Modeling for background subtraction
* Cycle-Consistency Based Hierarchical Dense Semantic Correspondence
* Cyclic Annealing Training Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification with Noisy Labels
* Cyclopean Image Based Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment by Using Sparse Representation
* DA-VLAD: Discriminative Action Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors for Action Recognition
* Data-dependent multiple kernel learning algorithm based on soft-grouping
* Data-driven approach for identifying spatiotemporally recurrent bottlenecks
* Data-Driven Background Subtraction Algorithm for In-Camera Acceleration in Thermal Imagery
* Data-driven multimedia forensics and security
* Data-Free/Data-Sparse Softmax Parameter Estimation With Structured Class Geometries
* Daubechies wavelet-based local feature descriptor for multimodal medical image registration
* DCDM-Intra: Dynamically Configurable 3D-HEVC Depth Maps Intra-Frame Prediction Algorithm
* DDT: Decentralized event Detection and Tracking using an ensemble of vertex-reinforced walks on a graph
* Deblurring Images via Dark Channel Prior
* Deblurring Low-Light Images with Light Streaks
* Deconvolution Based Light Field Extraction from a Single Image Capture
* Deep 3D Human Pose Estimation Under Partial Body Presence
* Deep BCD-Net Using Identical Encoding-Decoding CNN Structures for Iterative Image Recovery
* Deep Bimodal Regression of Apparent Personality Traits from Short Video Sequences
* Deep Binary Representation of Facial Expressions: A Novel Framework for Automatic Pain Intensity Recognition
* Deep Blind Video Quality Assessment Based on Temporal Human Perception
* Deep Camera Pose Regression Using Motion Vectors
* Deep Convolutional Auto-Encoder with Embedded Clustering, A
* Deep Convolutional Particle Filter with Adaptive Correlation Maps for Visual Tracking
* Deep dictionary learning application in GPR B-scan images
* Deep Discriminative Representation Learning for Face Verification and Person Re-Identification on Unconstrained Condition
* Deep Disentangling Siamese Network for Frontal Face Synthesis Under Neutral Illumination
* Deep domain similarity Adaptation Networks for across domain classification
* Deep Feature Based End-to-End Transportation Network for Multi-Target Tracking
* Deep Feature Compression for Collaborative Object Detection
* Deep Image Clustering Using Convolutional Autoencoder Embedding with Inception-Like Block
* Deep Image Compression with Iterative Non-Uniform Quantization
* Deep Learning Based Super Resolution Using Significant and General Regions
* Deep Learning Based Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Electron Cryo-Subtomograms
* Deep Learning for Biometrics: A Survey
* Deep Learning for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images
* Deep Learning-Based Sinogram Completion for Low-Dose CT
* Deep Manifold-to-Manifold Transforming Network
* Deep Match Tracker: Classifying when Dissimilar, Similarity Matching when Not
* Deep Metric Learning and Image Classification with Nearest Neighbour Gaussian Kernels
* Deep MR Image Super-Resolution Using Structural Priors
* Deep Multi-Scale Architectures for Monocular Depth Estimation
* Deep Multi-Spectral Registration Using Invariant Descriptor Learning
* Deep multi-task learning for a geographically-regularized semantic segmentation of aerial images
* Deep Networks with Shape Priors for Nucleus Detection
* Deep Neural Network Based Sparse Measurement Matrix for Image Compressed Sensing
* Deep Neural Network for Oil Spill Semantic Segmentation in Sar Images, A
* Deep Neural Networks for Ultrasound Beamforming
* Deep Recurrent Neural Network for Agricultural Classification using multitemporal SAR Sentinel-1 for Camargue, France
* Deep Reinforcement Learning for Playing 2.5D Fighting Games
* Deep Residual Network for Enhancing Quality of the Decoded Intra Frames of HEVC
* Deep Residual Network with Subclass Discriminant Analysis for Crowd Behavior Recognition
* Deep self-guided cost aggregation for stereo matching
* Deep Smoke Removal from Minimally Invasive Surgery Videos
* Deep Spectral Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Deep Visual Discomfort Predictor for Stereoscopic 3D Images
* Deep-Learning-Based Pipe Leak Detection Using Image-Based Leak Features
* Deepagent: An Algorithm Integration Approach for Person Re-Identification
* Deepdiary: Lifelogging image captioning and summarization
* DeepSSH: Deep Semantic Structured Hashing for Explainable Person Re-Identification
* Deformable Motion 3D Reconstruction by Union of Regularized Subspaces
* Denoising hyperspectral images using Hilbert vibration decomposition with cluster validation
* Dense Bynet: Residual Dense Network for Image Super Resolution
* Dense Chained Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition
* Dense Convolution for Semantic Segmentation
* Dense Deconvolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Dense Optical Flow Variation Based 3D Face Reconstruction from Monocular Video
* Dense Relation Network: Learning Consistent and Context-Aware Representation for Semantic Image Segmentation
* Dense Scene Reconstruction from Spherical Light Fields
* Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Semantic Membrane Segmentation in Microscopy Images
* Depth Estimation from Stereoscopic 360-Degree Video
* Depth Estimation Network for Dual Defocused Images with Different Depth-of-Field
* Depth Estimation of Non-Rigid Objects for Time-Of-Flight Imaging
* Depth Estimation with Occlusion Handling from a Sparse Set of Light Field Views
* Depth extraction method with subpixel matching for light-coding-based depth camera
* Depth from Gaze
* Depth from Satellite Images: Depth Retrieval Using a Stereo and Radiative Transfer-Based Hybrid Method
* Depth Human Action Recognition Based on Convolution Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis
* Depth Prediction From a Single Image with 3D Consistency
* Depth sensing with coding-free pattern based on topological constraint
* Depth-Adaptive Deep Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation: Methods, Data, and Challenges
* DepthCut: improved depth edge estimation using multiple unreliable channels
* Deriving Bathymetry From Optical Images With a Localized Neural Network Algorithm
* Deriving scale normalisation factors for a GLoG detector
* Design and FPGA-Based Realization of a Chaotic Secure Video Communication System
* Design of hardware-efficient digital hearing aids using non-uniform MDFT filter banks
* Design of Sampling Kernels and Sampling Rates for Two-Dimensional Finite Rate of Innovation Signals
* Design of Sampling Matrices in Graph Frequency Domain for Graph Signal Processing
* Designing Coded Aperture Camera Based on PCA and NMF for Light Field Acquisition
* Detail Preserving Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion
* Detail-preserved real-time hand motion regression from depth
* Detailed Land Cover Mapping from Multitemporal Landsat-8 Data of Different Cloud Cover
* Detecting Double JPEG Compression with Same Quantization Matrix Based on Dense CNN Feature
* Detecting Small Objects in High Resolution Images with Integral Fisher Score
* Detecting Socially Significant Music Events Using Temporally Noisy Labels
* Detection and classification of cancer in whole slide breast histopathology images using deep convolutional networks
* Detection and Tracking of Astral Microtubules in Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Detection of architectural distortion from the ridges in a digitized mammogram
* Detection of Frozen Soil Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
* Detection of Methane Plumes Using Airborne Midwave Infrared (3-5 µm) Hyperspectral Data
* Detection of Sparse Signals in Sensor Networks via Locally Most Powerful Tests
* Detection of Temporary Flooded Vegetation Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Data
* Determination of the minimum sampling frequency in bandpass sampling by geometric approach and geometric programming
* Development of a Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix-Based Texture Orientation Estimation Method and Its Application in Sea Surface Wind Direction Retrieval From SAR Imagery
* Development of an ENVISAT Altimetry Processor Providing Sea Level Continuity Between Open Ocean and Arctic Leads
* DFF-DEN: Deep Feature Flow with Detail Enhancement Network for Hand Segmentation in Depth Video
* Dictionary-Free MRI PERK: Parameter Estimation via Regression with Kernels
* Difference and Potential of the Upward and Downward Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence on Detecting Leaf Nitrogen Concentration in Wheat
* Differential-Based Approach for Vessel Type Classification in Retinal Images, A
* Diffuse Skylight as a Surrogate for Shadow Detection in High-Resolution Imagery Acquired Under Clear Sky Conditions
* Diffusion sensitivity enhancement filter for raw DWIs
* DIFS: Distributed Interest Forwarder Selection in Vehicular Named Data Networks
* Direct 3D Object Tracking Method Based on Dynamic Textured Model Rendering and Extended Dense Feature Fields, A
* Direct Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation to Improve the Carrier Estimation Performance in Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing Flight
* Direct: Deep Discriminative Embedding for Clustering of Ligo Data
* Directional statistical Gabor features for texture classification
* Discover the Effective Strategy for Face Recognition Model Compression by Improved Knowledge Distillation
* Discrete Locally-Linear Preserving Hashing
* Discriminant Analysis via Joint Euler Transform and L_2,1-Norm
* Discriminative Autoencoder
* Discriminative body part interaction mining for mid-level action representation and classification
* Discriminative embedded unsupervised feature selection
* Discriminative Hallucination for Multi-Modal Few-Shot Learning
* Discriminative Multiple Instance Hyperspectral Target Characterization
* Discriminative Pixel-Pairwise Constraint-Guided Extreme Learning Machine for Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Distinctiveness, complexity, and repeatability of online signature templates
* Distortion-Robust Spherical Camera Motion Estimation via Dense Optical Flow
* Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for the Monitoring of a Tunnel Crossing a Landslide
* Distributed Kalman filter based on Metropolis-Hastings sampling strategy
* Distributed One-Class Learning
* Diversity in Fashion Recommendation Using Semantic Parsing
* DJAM: Distributed Jacobi Asynchronous Method for Learning Personal Models
* DMCNN: Dual-Domain Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Compression Artifacts Removal
* Do Deep-Learning Saliency Models Really Model Saliency?
* DoA Reliability for Distributed Acoustic Tracking
* Double Complete D-LBP with Extreme Learning Machine Auto-Encoder and Cascade Forest for Facial Expression Analysis
* Double Diffeomorphism: Combining Morphometry and Structural Connectivity Analysis
* Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Constructed Dense 3D Map in Indoor Environments
* Drive-Net: Convolutional Network for Driver Distraction Detection
* Drivers of Landscape Changes in Coastal Ecosystems on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska
* Drone HDR Infrared Video Coding via Aerial Map Prediction
* Drought and Flood Monitoring of the Liao River Basin in Northeast China Using Extended GRACE Data
* Dual Link Image Coding for Earth Observation Satellites
* Dual PHD Filter for Effective Occupancy Filtering in a Highly Dynamic Environment, A
* Dual Sticky Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Hidden Markov Model and Its Application to Natural Language Description of Motions
* Dual Tissue-Doppler Optical-Flow Method for Speckle Tracking Echocardiography at High Frame Rate, A
* Dual-Graph Regularized Discriminative Multitask Tracker
* Dyfusion: Dynamic IR/RGB Fusion for Maritime Vessel Recognition
* Dynamic 3D reconstruction improvement via intensity video guided 4D fusion
* Dynamic Color Lines
* Dynamic Eco-Driving's Fuel Saving Potential in Traffic: Multi-Vehicle Simulation Study Comparing Three Representative Methods
* Dynamic Match Kernel With Deep Convolutional Features for Image Retrieval
* Dynamic Regression Approach for Frequency-Domain Partial Coherence and Causality Analysis of Functional Brain Networks, A
* Dynamic Robust Sequencing and Scheduling Under Uncertainty for the Point Merge System in Terminal Airspace
* Dynamic Video Deblurring Using a Locally Adaptive Blur Model
* Early Intra Block Partition Decision for Depth Maps in 3D-HEVC
* Earth observation based multi-scale assessment of logging activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* Ecological Interface Design for Vehicle Locomotion Control
* Edge-Coupled and Multi-Dropout Face Alignment
* Editorial for Special Issue Advances in SAR: Sensors, Methodologies, and Applications
* Effect of Respiratory Motion Correction in Perfusion SPECT Imaging
* effect of spatial resolution on radiometric and geometric performances of a UAV-mounted hyperspectral 2D imager, The
* Effective Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation Based Bleeding Zone Detection in Capsule Endoscopy Images
* Effective integration of morphological analysis and named entity recognition based on a recurrent neural network
* Effective Local Airlight Estimation for Image Dehazing
* effective motion object detection method using optical flow estimation under a moving camera, An
* Effective Strategy for Early Skip Mode Decision in HEVC, An
* Effects and Applications of Satellite Radiometer 2.25-mu-m Channel on Cloud Property Retrievals
* Effects of Linear Perspective on Human Use of Preview in Manual Control
* Effects of Preview Time in Manual Tracking Tasks
* Efficient 3D mesh salient region detection using local homogeneity measure
* Efficient Algorithm for Convolutional Dictionary Learning via Accelerated Proximal Gradient Consensus
* Efficient approach for non-ideal iris segmentation using improved particle swarm optimisation-based multilevel thresholding and geodesic active contours
* Efficient approach for the automatic detection of haemorrhages in colour retinal images
* Efficient direction-oriented search algorithm for block motion estimation
* Efficient Face And Gesture Recognition For Time Sensitive Application
* Efficient feature-based image registration by mapping sparsified surfaces
* Efficient Gain Estimation in the Calibration of Noise-Adding Total Power Radiometers for Radiometric Resolution Improvement, An
* Efficient GPU-based implementation of the median filter based on a multi-pixel-per-thread framework
* Efficient graph cut optimization for shape from focus
* Efficient Indexing For Past and Current Position of Moving Objects on Road Networks
* Efficient Recovery of Essential Matrix From Two Affine Correspondences
* Efficient SfM for Oblique UAV Images: From Match Pair Selection to Geometrical Verification
* Effnet: An Efficient Structure for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Elastic Alignment of Triangular Surface Meshes
* Elastic Path2Path: Automated Morphological Classification of Neurons by Elastic Path Matching
* Embedding the node-to-node mappings to learn the Graph edit distance parameters
* Emotion Analysis for Personality Inference from EEG Signals
* Emotion Recognition Using Wireless Signals
* Empirical Studies on Phase Retrieval
* Enabling Saccade Latency Measurements with Consumer-Grade Cameras
* End-To-End Chromosome Karyotyping with Data Augmentation Using GAN
* End-to-End Deep Neural Architecture for Optical Character Verification and Recognition in Retail Food Packaging, An
* End-User Development for Interactive Data Analytics: Uncertainty, Correlation and User Confidence
* Energy-constraint rate distortion optimization for compressive sensing-based image coding
* Enhanced Ctu-Level Inter Prediction with Deep Frame Rate Up-Conversion for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Enhanced Single-Pair Learning-Based Reflectance Fusion Algorithm with Spatiotemporally Extended Training Samples, An
* Enhancing HEVC Compressed Videos with a Partition-Masked Convolutional Neural Network
* Enhancing human action recognition via structural average curves analysis
* Enhancing multi-factor cheating prevention in visual cryptography based minimum (k, n)-connected graph
* Enhancing Product Images for Click-Through Rate Improvement
* Enhancing Temporal Quality Measurements in a Globally Deployed Streaming Video Quality Predictor
* Entropy-based variational Bayes learning framework for data clustering
* Error Characterization of Sea Surface Salinity Products Using Triple Collocation Analysis
* Error-Correcting Factorization
* Estimates of the Change in the Oceanic Precipitation Off the Coast of Europe due to Increasing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
* Estimating Plant Centers Using A Deep Binary Classifier
* Estimating the leaf area of an individual tree in urban areas using terrestrial laser scanner and path length distribution model
* Estimating urban traffic states using iterative refinement and Wardrop equilibria
* Estimation of Position and Intensity of Dynamic Light Sources Using Cast Shadows on Textured Real Surfaces
* Estimation of Space-Varying Covariance Matrices
* Estimation of the directional and whole apparent clumping index (ACI) from indirect optical measurements
* Evaluating Metal Effects on the Reflectance Spectra of Plant Leaves during Different Seasons in Post-Mining Areas, China
* Evaluating the Best Spectral Indices for the Detection of Burn Scars at Several Post-Fire Dates in a Mountainous Region of Northwest Yunnan, China
* Evaluating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images for Estimating Forest Canopy Fuels in a Ponderosa Pine Stand
* Evaluation Metric for Object Detection Algorithms in Autonomous Navigation Systems and its Application to a Real-Time Alerting System, An
* Evaluation of Disaster Response System Using Agent-Based Model With Geospatial and Medical Details
* Evaluation of Five Satellite-Based Precipitation Products in Two Gauge-Scarce Basins on the Tibetan Plateau
* Evaluation of Forest Health Insect and Disease Survey Data and Satellite-Based Remote Sensing Forest Change Detection Methods: Case Studies in the United States, An
* Evaluation of Levenberg-Marquardt neural networks and stacked autoencoders clustering for skin lesion analysis, screening and follow-up
* Evaluation of Three Long Time Series for Global Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) Products
* Evaluation on the Compactness of Supervoxels
* Event Detection on Roads Using Perceptual Video Summarization
* Event-Based, 6-DOF Camera Tracking from Photometric Depth Maps
* Event-Guided Structured Output Tracking of Fast-Moving Objects Using a CeleX Sensor
* Evolution modeling with multi-scale smoothing for action recognition
* Examining the Accuracy of GlobCurrent Upper Ocean Velocity Data Products on the Northwestern Atlantic Shelf
* Examining the Influence of Tidal Stage on Salt Marsh Mapping Using High-Spatial-Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing and Topobathymetric LiDAR
* Examining the Performance of PARACUDA-II Data-Mining Engine versus Selected Techniques to Model Soil Carbon from Reflectance Spectra
* Example-Based 3D Trajectory Extraction of Objects From 2D Videos
* Example-Based Super-Resolution for Point-Cloud Video
* Existence Question for Maximum-Likelihood Estimators in Time-of-Arrival-Based Localization, The
* Experiences in Using the Pepper Robotic Platform for Museum Assistance Applications
* Experimentally Defined Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Variants for Non-Temporal Real-Time Fire Detection
* Exploiting alternative acoustic sensors for improved noise robustness in speech communication
* Exploiting Pseudo-Quadtree Structure for Accelerating HEVC Spatial Resolution Downscaling Transcoder
* Exploiting Texture Cues for Clothing Parsing in Fashion Images
* Exploiting the Spatio-Temporal Attributes of HD Videos: A Bandwidth Efficient Approach
* Exploiting Web Images for Video Highlight Detection With Triplet Deep Ranking
* Exploring CNN-Based Architectures for Multimodal Salient Event Detection in Videos
* Exploring Railway Network Dynamics in China from 2008 to 2017
* Exploring Scene Geometry for Scale Adaptive Object Tracking in Surveillance Videos
* Expression-targeted feature learning for effective facial expression recognition
* Extended sparse representation-based classification method for face recognition
* Extended-alphabet finite-context models
* Extracting discriminative features using task-oriented gaze maps measured from observers for personal attribute classification
* Extracting Indoor Space Information in Complex Building Environments
* Extraction of Residential Building Instances in Suburban Areas from Mobile LiDAR Data
* Extraction of Sample Plot Parameters from 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction Based on Combined RTK and CCD Continuous Photography
* Extremal curves and surfaces in symmetric tensor fields
* Extrinsic Calibration of 2D Laser Rangefinders Based on a Mobile Sphere
* Extrinsic Camera Calibration Without Visible Corresponding Points Using Omnidirectional Cameras
* Extrinsic Parameters Calibration Method of Cameras with Non-Overlapping Fields of View in Airborne Remote Sensing
* F-NSP+: A fast negative sequential patterns mining method with self-adaptive data storage
* f-Sim: A quasi-realistic fMRI simulation toolbox using digital brain phantom and modeled noise
* Face age classification based on a deep hybrid model
* Face Alignment by Combining Residual Features in Cascaded Hourglass Network
* Face Hallucination Using Manifold-Regularized Group Locality-Constrained Representation
* Face Recognition from Multiple Stylistic Sketches: Scenarios, Datasets, and Evaluation
* Face Recognition via Collaborative Representation: Its Discriminant Nature and Superposed Representation
* Face recognition with compressed Fisher vector on multiscale convolutional features
* Face-iris multi-modal biometric system using multi-resolution Log-Gabor filter with spectral regression kernel discriminant analysis
* Face-mask recognition for fraud prevention using Gaussian mixture model
* faceted approach to reachability analysis of graph modelled collections, A
* Facial Expression Recognition with Data Augmentation and Compact Feature Learning
* Facilitation of air traffic control via optical character recognition-based aircraft registration number extraction
* Fast Algorithm for Occlusion Detection and Removal, A
* Fast and Parallel Computation of the Discrete Periodic Radon Transform on GPUs, Multicore CPUs and FPGAs
* Fast and Robust Disparity Estimation for Noisy Light Fields
* Fast and Robust Vanishing Point Detection on Un-Calibrated Images
* Fast CU Termination Algorithm with AdaBoost Classifier in HEVC Encoder
* Fast Depth Map Intra Coding Based Structure Tensor Data Analysis
* Fast enhancement algorithm of highway tunnel image based on constraint of imaging model
* Fast Heuristic for Tile Partitioning and Processor Assignment in HEVC, A
* Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for Spatial Scalability in SHVC, A
* Fast Intra CU Size Decision Algorithm Based on Canny Operator and SVM Classifier, A
* Fast Lifting for 3D Hand Pose Estimation in AR/VR Applications
* Fast matching pursuit for sparse representation-based face recognition
* Fast Non-Linear Methods for Dynamic Texture Prediction
* Fast Palette Reordering Technique Based on GPU-Optimized Genetic Algorithms, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Convolutional Sparse Coding, A
* Fast Partitional Clustering Algorithm based on Nearest Neighbours Heuristics, A
* Fast Piecewise-Affine Motion Estimation Without Segmentation
* Fast QTBT Partitioning Decision for Interframe Coding with Convolution Neural Network
* fast robust geometric fitting method for parabolic curves, A
* Fast Screening Algorithm for Rotation Invariant Template Matching
* Fast Signal Recovery From Saturated Measurements by Linear Loss and Nonconvex Penalties
* Fast Surface Defect Detection Using Improved Gabor Filters
* fast valley-based segmentation for detection of slowly moving objects, A
* Fast Vehicle Detection Using a Disparity Projection Method
* Fast, Trainable, Multiscale Denoising
* Fast-Converging Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis
* Faster Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
* FD-Mobilenet: Improved Mobilenet with a Fast Downsampling Strategy
* Feature Dimensionality Reduction with Graph Embedding and Generalized Hamming Distance
* Feature Fusion Network for Scene Text Detection
* Feature Learning for One-Shot Face Recognition
* Feature proposal model on multidimensional data clustering and its application
* Feature selection considering the composition of feature relevancy
* Feature Selection via Incorporating Stiefel Manifold in Relaxed K-Means
* Feedback weight convolutional neural network for gait recognition
* Fidelity-Embedded Regularization Method for Robust Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Field-of-Experts Filters Guided Tensor Completion
* Filtering and Interpolation of Inaccurate and Incomplete Depth Maps
* Filtering Stems and Branches from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds Using Deep 3-D Fully Convolutional Networks
* First Person Action Recognition via Two-stream ConvNet with Long-term Fusion Pooling
* FiToViz: A Visualisation Approach for Real-Time Risk Situation Awareness
* Fitting Facial Models to Spatial Points: Blendshape Approaches and Benchmark
* FiVES: an aspect-oriented approach for shared virtual environments in the web
* Flash Flood Hazard Using Optical, Radar, and Stereo-Pair Derived DEM: Eastern Desert, Egypt
* Flexible and Robust Threshold Selection Method, A
* Flexible Network Binarization with Layer-Wise Priority
* Flexible Rate Allocation for Local Binary Feature Compression
* Flexible Solution to the Osmosis Equation for Seamless Cloning and Shadow Removal, A
* Flood Prevention and Emergency Response System Powered by Google Earth Engine
* Flooding-based segmentation for contactless hand biometrics oriented to mobile devices
* Flow Guided Siamese Network for Visual Tracking
* FlowFields++: Accurate Optical Flow Correspondences Meet Robust Interpolation
* Fly-In Visualization for Virtual Colonoscopy
* Focal Flow: Velocity and Depth from Differential Defocus Through Motion
* Focal Text: an Accurate Text Detection with Focal Loss
* Focus model for metric depth estimation in standard plenoptic cameras
* Focusing High-Resolution Airborne SAR with Topography Variations Using an Extended BPA Based on a Time/Frequency Rotation Principle
* Fog and Low Cloud Frequency and Properties from Active-Sensor Satellite Data
* Food Image Recognition by Personalized Classifier
* Foreground Detection in Surveillance Video with Fully Convolutional Semantic Network
* Foreground segmentation using convolutional neural networks for multiscale feature encoding
* Forensic Camera Model Identification: Highlights from the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2018 Student Competition [SP Competitions]
* Formation Learning Control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles With Heterogeneous Nonlinear Uncertain Dynamics
* Four-Stage Inversion Algorithm for Forest Height Estimation Using Repeat Pass Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Data
* Fourier Mellin transform characterisation in the automotive environment
* FPR using machine learning with multi-feature method
* Fractal-Based Local Range Slope Estimation from Single SAR Image with Applications to SAR Despeckling and Topographic Mapping
* Frame Interpolation via Refined Deep Voxel Flow
* Frame Stitching in Indoor Environment Using Drone Captured Images
* Frame Theory for Optimal Sensor Augmentation Problem of AOA Localization
* Framework for Surface Light Field Compression, A
* Front Seat Child Occupancy Detection Using Road Surveillance Camera Images
* Fully Automatic Baseline Correction in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
* Fully Automatic Camera Calibration for Principal Point Using Flat Monitors
* Fully automatic prostate segmentation in MR images using a new hybrid active contour-based approach
* Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Tissue Histopathology Image Classification and Segmentation
* Fully Convolutional Siamese Fusion Networks for Object Tracking
* Fully Convolutional Siamese Networks for Change Detection
* Fully Unsupervised Optimization of CNN Features Towards Content Based Image Retrieval
* Functional Connectivity in Parkinson Disease Through Mixture Modelling
* Functional Framework for Ultrasound Imaging, A
* Fundamental Climate Data Records of Microwave Brightness Temperatures
* Fundamental visual features for aesthetic classification of photographs across datasets
* Fused Discriminative Metric Learning for Low Resolution Pedestrian Detection
* Fused Reasoning under Uncertainty for Soldier Centric Human-Agent Decision Making
* Fusing Geometric Features for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Using Multilayer LSTM Networks
* Fusion Algorithm: Fully Convolutional Networks and Student's T Mixture Model for Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Segmentation, A
* Fusion Network for Face-Based Age Estimation
* Fusion of Compound Queries with Multiple Modalities for Known Item Video Search
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images with guided filter
* Fusion of TanDEM-X and Cartosat-1 elevation data supported by neural network-predicted weight maps
* Fusion of Template Matching and Foreground Detection for Robust Visual Tracking
* Fuzzy averaging filter for impulse noise reduction in colour images with a correction step
* G-Eyenet: A Convolutional Autoencoding Classifier Framework for the Detection of Glaucoma from Retinal Fundus Images
* Gabor Binary Layer in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Gait Recognition from Incomplete Gait Cycle
* Gait Recognition Method for Human Following in Service Robots, A
* Gait recognition on the basis of markerless motion tracking and DTW transform
* Gamma Mixture Models for Outlier Removal
* Gated Square-Root Pooling for Image Instance Retrieval
* Gender Recognition Based on Social Networks for Multimedia Production
* General Recurrent Attention Model for Jointly Multiple Object Recognition and Weakly Supervised Localization
* Generalized Bilinear Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Multimodal Biometric Identification
* Generalized Fuzzy Peer Group for Removal of Mixed Noise from Color Image
* Generalized Multi-View Embedding for Visual Recognition and Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for PolSAR Land Cover Classification, A
* Generating a Perspective Image from a Panoramic Image by the Swung-to-Cylinder Projection
* Generating Manifold-Aligned Semantic Feature for Zero-Shot Learning
* Generating Reliable Online Adaptive Templates for Visual Tracking
* Generative Adversarial Networks and Perceptual Losses for Video Super-Resolution
* Generative Adversarial Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Generic and Automatic Markov Random Field-Based Registration for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Using Grayscale and Gradient Information
* Geodesic registration for interactive atlas-based segmentation using learned multi-scale anatomical manifolds
* Geometry-Based Facial Expression Recognition via Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Curve Mapping
* GeoStreams: A Survey
* Gestalt Interest Points with a Neural Network for Makeup-Robust Face Recognition
* Ghost Numbers
* GII Representation-Based Cross-View Gait Recognition by Discriminative Projection With List-Wise Constraints
* GL-PAM RGB-D Gesture Recognition
* Global Estimation of Biophysical Variables from Google Earth Engine Platform
* Global for Coarse and Part for Fine: A Hierarchical Action Recognition Framework
* Global Satellite Retrievals of the Near-Surface Atmospheric Vapor Pressure Deficit from AMSR-E and AMSR2
* GNSS Position Integrity in Urban Environments: A Review of Literature
* Golden Number Sampling Applied to Compressive Sensing
* GPU Based Motion-Compensated Frame Interpolation Acceleration for Future Video Coding
* GRACE-Based Terrestrial Water Storage in Northwest China: Changes and Causes
* Gradient Based Evolution to Optimize the Structure of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Gradient Regression for Brain Landmark Localization on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* GRANet: Global Refinement Atrous Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Scene Segmentation
* Granulometry-Based Descriptor for Pathological Tissue Discrimination in Histopathological Images
* Graph Modularity and Randomness Measures: A Comparative Study
* Graph Summarization Methods and Applications: A Survey
* Graph-Based Early-Fusion for Flood Detection
* Graph-Based Saliency Fusion with Superpixel-Level Belief Propagation for 3D Fixation Prediction
* Graph-Laplacian Correlated Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
* Greening and Browning of the Hexi Corridor in Northwest China: Spatial Patterns and Responses to Climatic Variability and Anthropogenic Drivers
* Grey Wolf optimisation-based feature selection and classification for facial emotion recognition
* Grid-Based Crime Prediction Using Geographical Features
* Ground Truth Annotated Video Dataset for Moving Object Detection in Degraded Atmospheric Outdoor Scenes, A
* Ground-Truth Fusion Method for Image Segmentation Evaluation, A
* Group-Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Reidentification
* Guest Editorial: Apparent Personality Analysis
* Guided filtering based data fusion for light field depth estimation with L0 gradient minimization
* Hadamard Coded Discrete Cross Modal Hashing
* Hadamard Coding for Supervised Discrete Hashing
* Hand gesture recognition using DWT and F-ratio based feature descriptor
* Handwritten Signature Verification via Deep Sparse Coding Architecture
* Head Pose Estimation for an Omnidirectional Camera Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* HESCNET: A Synthetically Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Colony Classification
* Hierarchical Context Encoding for Events Captioning in Videos
* Hierarchical convolutional features for end-to-end representation-based visual tracking
* Hierarchical Palette Extraction Based on Local Distinctiveness and Cluster Validation for Image Recoloring
* Hierarchical registration of unordered TLS point clouds based on binary shape context descriptor
* Hierarchical Relational Attention for Video Question Answering
* Hierarchical Sparse Modeling for Representative Selection in Choreographic Time Series
* hierarchical stereo matching algorithm based on adaptive support region aggregation method, A
* Hierarchical Training for Large Scale Face Recognition with Few Samples Per Subject
* Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awareness Model
* High Dynamic Range Light Fields via Weighted Low Rank Approximation
* High-homogeneity functional parcellation of human brain for investigating robust functional connectivity
* High-Performance Optic Disc Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* High-precision co-registration of orbiter imagery and digital elevation model constrained by both geometric and photometric information
* High-Precision LiDAR-Based Method for Surveying and Classifying Coastal Notches, A
* High-Precision Low-Area Unified Architecture for Lossy and Lossless 3D Multi-Level Discrete Wavelet Transform, A
* High-Quality Virtual View Synthesis for Light Field Cameras Using Multi-Loss Convolutional Neural Networks
* High-Resolution Lidar Using Random Demodulation
* High-Spatial Resolution Monitoring of Phycocyanin and Chlorophyll-a Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
* Highly accurate frequency estimation of brief duration signals in noise
* Histogram-based local descriptors for facial expression recognition (FER): A comprehensive study
* HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination of Magnitude and Phase Congruency Information for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Images
* How Old Do You Look? Inferring Your Age from Your Gaze
* How Should we Handle 4D Light Fields with CNNS?
* How the Region of Interest Impacts Contact Free Heart Rate Estimation Algorithms
* How to Learn the Effect of Non-Uniform Distortion on Perceived Visual Quality? Case Study Using Convolutional Sparse Coding for Quality Assessment of Synthesized Views
* HSVCNN: CNN-Based Hyperspectral Reconstruction from RGB Videos
* HTTP/2 Push-Based Low-Delay Live Streaming Over Mobile Networks With Stream Termination
* HUE-Preserving Color Contrast Enhancement Method Without Gamut Problem by Using Histogram Specification
* Human-Centered Neural Network Model with Discriminative Locality Preserving Canonical Correlation Analysis for Image Classification, A
* Human-level face verification with intra-personal factor analysis and deep face representation
* hybrid feature extraction method for SAR image registration, A
* Hybrid generative-discriminative training of Gaussian mixture models
* Hybrid Neural Network for Chroma Intra Prediction, A
* Hybrid Prior Model for Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Tomography, A
* Hyper-Hue and EMAP on Hyperspectral Images for Supervised Layer Decomposition of Old Master Drawings
* Hyper-parameters optimisation of deep CNN architecture for vehicle logo recognition
* Hyperspectral Denoising Via Cross Total Variation-Regularized Unidirectional Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
* Hyperspectral Image Classification With Deep Learning Models
* Hyperspectral image super-resolution under misaligned hybrid camera system
* Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution With a Mosaic RGB Image
* Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising via Reweighed Sparse Low-Rank Nonnegative Tensor Factorization
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution: Combining Low Rank Tensor and Matrix Structure
* Identification of Painted Rock-Shelter Sites Using GIS Integrated with a Decision Support System and Fuzzy Logic
* Identifying activities and trips with GPS data
* Identifying Establishment Year and Pre-Conversion Land Cover of Rubber Plantations on Hainan Island, China Using Landsat Data during 1987-2015
* Identifying Modes of Driving Railway Trains from GPS Trajectory Data: An Ensemble Classifier-Based Approach
* IGGtrop_SH and IGGtrop_rH: Two Improved Empirical Tropospheric Delay Models Based on Vertical Reduction Functions
* Illuminant Color Estimation Method Based on Pseudo-Detection of Specular Reflection
* Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Composite Features from off-the-Shelf Deep Models
* Image Captioning with Word Level Attention
* Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Kernel Extreme Learning Machines
* Image Compression: Sparse Coding vs. Bottleneck Autoencoders
* Image Declipping with Deep Networks
* Image decomposition and denoising based on Shearlet and nonlocal data fidelity term
* Image dehazing using morphological opening, dilation and Gaussian filtering
* Image Denoising for Image Retrieval by Cascading a Deep Quality Assessment Network
* Image Filtering with Advectors
* Image Fusion and Reconstruction of Compressed Data: A Joint Approach
* Image Fusion of X-Ray and Electron Tomograms
* Image Memorability: The Role of Depth and Motion
* Image quality assessment using block-based weighted SVD
* Image Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography Based on Structure-Aware Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Image Reconstruction with Smoothed Mixtures of Regressions
* Image Sharpness Metric Based on Maxpol Convolution Kernels
* Image smoothing via a scale-aware filter and L_0 norm
* Image splicing detection based on Markov features in discrete octonion cosine transform domain
* Image Splicing Detection Through Illumination Inconsistencies and Deep Learning
* Image Stitching for Dual Fisheye Cameras
* Image Style Classification Based on Learnt Deep Correlation Features
* Image-Based 3D Model Retrieval for Indoor Scenes by Simulating Scene Context
* Image-Based Synthesis for Deep 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Image-Dependent Local Entropy Models for Learned Image Compression
* Impact of Exposure Settings in Digital Image Forensics, The
* Impact of Reduced Video Quality on Visual Speech Recognition, The
* Impact of Seasonal Variations on Foliage Penetration Experiment: A WSN-Based Device-Free Sensing Approach
* Improved 4-DVar Simulation of Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones Using a Regional Model
* Improved Albedo Estimates Implemented in the METRIC Model for Modeling Energy Balance Fluxes and Evapotranspiration over Agricultural and Natural Areas in the Brazilian Cerrado
* Improved Approach to the Cubic-Spline Interpolation, An
* Improved BDS Satellite-Induced Code Bias Correction Model Considering the Consistency of Multipath Combinations, An
* Improved Method for GLONASS Long Baseline Ambiguity Resolution without Inter-Frequency Code Bias Calibration
* Improved Object Detection With Iterative Localization Refinement in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Improved Pairwise Pixel-Value-Ordering for High-Fidelity Reversible Data Hiding
* Improved Prediction Via Thresholding Transform Coefficients
* Improved Solution to the L_0 Regularized Optimization Problem via Dictionary-Reduced Initial Guess
* Improved visual/infrared colour fusion method with double-opponency colour constancy mechanism
* Improvement in Surface Solar Irradiance Estimation Using HRV/MSG Data
* Improvement of image description using bidirectional LSTM
* Improving detection speed in video by exploiting frame correlation
* Improving LIDAR Depth Resolution with Dither
* Improving multiclass classification by deep networks using DAGSVM and Triplet Loss
* Improving Performance of Source-Camera Identification By Suppressing Peaks and Eliminating Low-Frequency Defects of Reference SPN
* Improving Person Re-Identification by Adaptive Hard Sample Mining
* Improving Proposal-Based Object Detection Using Convolutional Context Features
* Improving Socially-Aware Recommendation Accuracy Through Personality
* Improving the Visual Quality of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-Generated Images Using the Multi-Scale Structural Similarity Index
* Improving Time-of-Flight Sensor for Specular Surfaces with Shape from Polarization
* Improving Tree Species Classification Using UAS Multispectral Images and Texture Measures
* In-between and cross-frequency dependence-based summarization of resting-state fMRI data
* In-Capture Mobile Video Distortions: A Study of Subjective Behavior and Objective Algorithms
* Increasing Training Stability for Deep CNNS
* Increasingly Specialized Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks for Fine-Grained Recognition
* Incremental generalized multiple maximum scatter difference with applications to feature extraction
* Individual Tree Crown Segmentation and Classification of 13 Tree Species Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
* Indoor Dense Depth Map at Drone Hovering
* Indoor Depth Estimation from Single Spherical Images
* Inertia Sensor Aided Alignment for Burst Pipeline in Low Light Conditions
* Inextensible Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion by Second-Order Cone Programming
* Influence of Snow on the Magnitude and Seasonal Variation of the Clumping Index Retrieved from MODIS BRDF Products
* Influence of Spatial Aggregation on Prediction Accuracy of Green Vegetation Using Boosted Regression Trees
* Information Fusion for Human Action Recognition via Biset/Multiset Globality Locality Preserving Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Information-Maximizing Sampling to Promote Tracking-By-Detection
* Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Compressive Sensing and OSS-ICA-Bases
* Infrared and Visible Image Registration Using Transformer Adversarial Network
* Infrared Image Colorization Using a S-Shape Network
* Infrared Pedestrian Segmentation Through Background Likelihood and Object-Biased Saliency
* Innovative 3D Adaptive Patient-Related Atlas for Automatic Segmentation of Retina Layers from Oct Images, An
* INS/Floor-Plan Indoor Localization System Using the Firefly Particle Filter, An
* Instance Enhancing Loss: Deep Identity-Sensitive Feature Embedding for Person Search
* Integral Contour Angle: An Invariant Shape Descriptor for Classification and Retrieval of Leaf Images
* Integrating Drone Imagery into High Resolution Satellite Remote Sensing Assessments of Estuarine Environments
* Integrating Multi-Level Convolutional Features for Correlation Filter Tracking
* Integrating Sparse Reconstruction Saliency and Target-Aware Active Contour Model for Airport Extraction
* Integrating support vector machine and graph cuts for medical image segmentation
* Integrity monitoring for Positioning of intelligent transport systems using integrated RTK-GNSS, IMU and vehicle odometer
* Intelligent Bandwidth Manager for CNN Applications on Embedded Devices, An
* Intensity-Guided Depth Upsampling Using Edge Sparsity and Weighted L_0 Gradient Minimization
* Inter-Calibration of HY-1B/COCTS Thermal Infrared Channels with MetOp-A/IASI
* Interactive Content-Based 3D Shape Retrieval System for on-Site Cultural Heritage Analysis, An
* Interior Point Method for Nonnegative Sparse Signal Reconstruction, An
* Intermediate shadow maps for interactive many-light rendering
* Internal Generative Mechanism Driven Blind Quality Index for Deblocked Images
* International benchmarking of terrestrial laser scanning approaches for forest inventories
* Interval type-2 fuzzy-logic-based decision fusion system for air-lane monitoring
* Intra-Frame Context-Based Octree Coding for Point-Cloud Geometry
* Intra-Retinal Layer Segmentation of Optical Coherence Tomography Using 3D Fully Convolutional Networks
* Introduction to the special issue: Egocentric Vision and Lifelogging
* Inventory of Glaciers in the Shaksgam Valley of the Chinese Karakoram Mountains, 1970-2014
* Inverse Model for Raindrop Size Distribution Retrieval with Polarimetric Variables, An
* Inverse Source Problem for a Host Medium Having Pointlike Inhomogeneities
* Investigating Cross-Dataset Abnormality Detection in Endoscopy with A Weakly-Supervised Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network
* Investigating Nuisances in DCNN-Based Face Recognition
* Investigating the Best Performing Task Conditions of a Multi-Tasking Learning Model in Healthcare Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Evidence from a Parkinson'S Disease Database
* Is gender encoded in the smile? A computational framework for the analysis of the smile driven dynamic face for gender recognition
* Isometric Non-Rigid Shape-from-Motion with Riemannian Geometry Solved in Linear Time
* Iterative applications of image completion with CNN-based failure detection
* Iterative Denoising and Backwards Projections Method and its Advantages for Blind Deblurring, An
* Iterative Optimization of Quarter Sampling Masks for Non-Regular Sampling Sensors
* Iterative Residual Network for Structured Edge Detection
* Iterative Support Vector Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Jigsaw Puzzle Solving Using Local Feature Co-Occurrences in Deep Neural Networks
* Joint Contour Filtering
* Joint Denoising and Demosaicking of Raw Video Sequences
* Joint DOA and Frequency Estimation With Sub-Nyquist Sampling in the Sparse Array System
* Joint entropy based learning model for image retrieval
* Joint Estimation of Local Variance and Local Regularity for Texture Segmentation. Application to Multiphase Flow Characterization
* Joint HDR and Super-Resolution Imaging in Motion Blur
* Joint Multi-Task CNN for Cross-Age Face Recognition, A
* Joint Optimization of Radio and Virtual Machine Resources With Uncertain User Demands in Mobile Cloud Computing
* Joint Pairwise Learning and Image Clustering Based on a Siamese CNN
* Joint Residual Learning for Underwater Image Enhancement
* Joint Sparsity Based Sparse Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Images
* Joint spatial-temporal attention for action recognition
* Joint Spatio-Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos with Per-Frame Segmentation
* Journey-to-Crime Distances of Residential Burglars in China Disentangled: Origin and Destination Effects
* KalmanFlow: Efficient Kalman Filtering for Video Optical Flow
* Key Joints Selection and Spatiotemporal Mining for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Key Parts Context and Scene Geometry in Human Head Detection
* Keypoint Matching for Non-Rigid Object via Locally Consistent Visual Pattern Mining
* Kinect Modelling of Chest Compressions: A Feasibility Study for Chest Compression Depth Measurement Using Digital Strategies
* Kinematic Spline Curves: A temporal invariant descriptor for fast action recognition
* Kinshipgan: Synthesizing of Kinship Faces from Family Photos by Regularizing a Deep Face Network
* Knot Magnify Loss for Face Recognition
* Knowledge-Aided 2-D Autofocus for Spotlight SAR Range Migration Algorithm Imagery
* Label Propagation on Facial Images Using Similarity and Dissimilarity Labelling Constraints
* Land Cover Change Detection Using Multiple Shape Parameters of Spectral and NDVI Curves
* Land Cover Change in the Lower Yenisei River Using Dense Stacking of Landsat Imagery in Google Earth Engine
* Land Subsidence in Coastal Environments: Knowledge Advance in the Venice Coastland by TerraSAR-X PSI
* Land Surface Albedo Derived on a Ten Daily Basis from Meteosat Second Generation Observations: The NRT and Climate Data Record Collections from the EUMETSAT LSA SAF
* Landscape Change Detected over a Half Century in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery
* Large Scale Subjective Video Quality Study
* Large-Area Land Use and Land Cover Classification With Quad, Compact, and Dual Polarization SAR Data by PALSAR-2
* Lead Detection in Polar Oceans: A Comparison of Different Classification Methods for Cryosat-2 SAR Data
* Learning an event-oriented and discriminative dictionary based on an adaptive label-consistent K-SVD method for event detection in soccer videos
* Learning an video frame-based face detection system for security fields
* Learning Based Single Image Blur Detection and Segmentation
* Learning CNNs from weakly annotated facial images
* Learning deep facial expression features from image and optical flow sequences using 3D CNN
* Learning Discriminative Representations for Big Data Clustering Using Similarity-Based Dimensionality Reduction
* Learning from a Handful Volumes: MRI Resolution Enhancement with Volumetric Super-Resolution Forests
* Learning From Short Text Streams With Topic Drifts
* Learning from Weakly-Labeled Clinical Data for Automatic Thyroid Nodule Classification in Ultrasound Images
* Learning Illuminant Estimation from Object Recognition
* Learning Local and Deep Features for Efficient Cell Image Classification Using Random Forests
* Learning maximum excluding ellipsoids from imbalanced data with theoretical guarantees
* Learning Multi-Graph Regularization for SVM Classification
* Learning Optical Flow via Dilated Networks and Occlusion Reasoning
* Learning Parseval Frames for Sparse Representation with Frame Perspective
* Learning Semantics-Guided Visual Attention for Few-Shot Image Classification
* Learning Sensitive Images Using Generative Models
* Learning Sight from Sound: Ambient Sound Provides Supervision for Visual Learning
* Learning spatial relations and shapes for structural object description and scene recognition
* Learning Spatial-Spectral Features for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Learning spatial-temporal features for video copy detection by the combination of CNN and RNN
* Learning to Boost Bottom-Up Fixation Prediction in Driving Environments via Random Forest
* Learning to Predict where the Children with ASD Look
* Learning visual and textual representations for multimodal matching and classification
* Learning with A Generative Adversarial Network From a Positive Unlabeled Dataset for Image Classification
* LED: Localization-Quality Estimation Embedded Detector
* Lens flare prediction based on measurements with real-time visualization
* Leveraging Implicit Spatial Information in Global Features for Image Retrieval
* Leveraging multi-modal fusion for graph-based image annotation
* Leveraging Skeleton Structure and Time Dependencies in the Scope of Action Recognition
* Leveraging the Google Earth Engine for Drought Assessment Using Global Soil Moisture Data
* LF-CAE: Context-Adaptive Encoding for Lenslet Light Fields Using HEVC
* Lidar Studies of Wind Turbulence in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
* Light Field Denoising via Anisotropic Parallax Analysis in a CNN Framework
* Light Field Image Compression Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Linear Approximation
* Light Field Image Restoration for Vision in Scattering Media
* Light Field Stitching for Parallax Tolerance
* Light Field Super-Resolution via LFBM5D Sparse Coding
* Light Person Re-Identification by Multi-Cue Tiny Net
* Light YOLO for High-Speed Gesture Recognition
* Light-Field Image Superresolution Using a Combined Deep CNN Based on EPI
* line- and block-like structures extraction via ingenious snake, The
* Line-Based Intra Prediction for Next-Generation Video Coding
* Linking Heat Source-Sink Landscape Patterns with Analysis of Urban Heat Islands: Study on the Fast-Growing Zhengzhou City in Central China
* Listen and Look: Audio-Visual Matching Assisted Speech Source Separation
* Liver Segmentation in CT Images Using Three Dimensional to Two Dimensional Fully Convolutional Network
* Local Image Descriptors with Statistical Losses
* Local Neuron Radius Estimation in Volumetric Microscopy Images
* Local Representation Learning with A Convolutional Autoencoder
* Locality-Based Discriminant Feature Selection with Trace Ratio
* Location-Directed Image Modeling and its Application to Image Interpolation
* Locking Depth of the Cholame Section of the San Andreas Fault from ERS2-Envisat InSAR, The
* Long-term correlation tracking using multi-layer hybrid features in sparse and dense environments
* Long-Term Fine-Resolution Record of AVHRR Surface Temperatures for the Laurentian Great Lakes, A
* Long-Term Video Generation with Evolving Residual Video Frames
* Lossless Compression of CFA-Sampled Images Using YDGCOCG Transforms with CDF Wavelets
* Low bit-rate cloud-based image coding in the wavelet transform domain
* Low Complexity Convolutional Neural Network for Vessel Segmentation in Portable Retinal Diagnostic Devices
* Low Light Image Denoising Based on Poisson Noise Model and Weighted TV Regularization
* Low Light Image Enhancement Using Grover's Algorithm on Superposed Luminance Levels
* Low Memory Image Reconstruction Algorithm from RAW Images
* Low-Complexity Joint Temporal-Quality Scalability Rate Control for H.264/SVC
* Low-Complexity Order-64 Integer Cosine Transform Design and its Application in HEVC
* Low-cost triboelectric sensor for speed measurement and weight estimation of vehicles
* Low-Delay HEVC Adaptive Quantization Parameter Selection through Temporal Propagation Length Estimation
* Low-Dimensional Feature Transform for Keypoint Matching and Classification of Point Clouds without Normal Computation, A
* Low-Frequency Image Noise Removal Using White Noise Filter
* Low-Light Color Image Super-Resolution Using RGB/NIR Sensor
* Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Via Robust Outlier Estimation
* Low-Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Models for Light-field Reconstruction from Focal Stack Data
* Low-rank sparse coding and region of interest pooling for dynamic 3D facial expression recognition
* Low-Rank Sparse Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* LSTM Multiple Object Tracker Combining Multiple Cues
* L_0 Smoothing Based on Gradient Constraints
* Machine Learning Approach to Accurate Sequence-Level Rate Control Scheme for Video Coding, A
* Machine learning for big visual analysis
* Machine Learning Using Hyperspectral Data Inaccurately Predicts Plant Traits Under Spatial Dependency
* Machine Learning-Based Fast Angular Prediction Mode Decision Technique in Video Coding
* Macro-Pixel Prediction Based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Lossless Compression of Light Field Images
* Magnetic energy-based feature extraction for low-quality fingerprint images
* Making Deep Neural Network Fooling Practical
* Making machine intelligence less scary for criminal analysts: reflections on designing a visual comparative case analysis tool
* Making Third Person Techniques Recognize First-Person Actions in Egocentric Videos
* Manifold-based constraint Laplacian score for multi-label feature selection
* Mapping Damage-Affected Areas after Natural Hazard Events Using Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series
* Mapping Mining Areas in the Brazilian Amazon Using MSI/Sentinel-2 Imagery (2017)
* Mapping paddy rice agriculture over China using AMSR-E time series data
* Mapping Rural Road Networks from Global Positioning System (GPS) Trajectories of Motorcycle Taxis in Sigomre Area, Siaya County, Kenya
* Mapping up-to-Date Paddy Rice Extent at 10 M Resolution in China through the Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* Margin-Based Sample Filtering for Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Margin-Embedding Canonical Correlation Analysis with Feature Selection for Person Re-Identification
* Markerless Active Trunk Shape Modelling for Motion Tolerant Remote Respiratory Assessment
* Markerless Closed-Loop Projection Plane Tracking for Mobile Projector-Camera Systems
* Market basket analysis from egocentric videos
* Matching Filtering by Region-Based Attributes on Hierachical Structures for Image Co-Segmentation
* Matching Pursuit Based on Kernel Non-Second Order Minimization
* Matrix-Free Reconstruction Method for Compressive Focal Plane Array Imaging, A
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Regularisation Parameters
* Measurement of Planetary Boundary Layer Winds with Scanning Doppler Lidar
* Measuring the Effect of High-Level Visual Masking in Subjective Image Quality Assessment with Priming
* Memory-efficient architecture of circle Hough transform and its FPGA implementation for iris localisation
* Merged region based image retrieval
* Method Based on Floating Car Data and Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree Classification for the Detection of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Intersections
* Method for Anisotropic Crystal-Orientation Fabrics Detection Using Radio-Wave Depolarization in Radar Sounding of Mars Polar Layered Deposits
* Method for the Analysis and Visualization of Similar Flow Hotspot Patterns between Different Regional Groups
* Methodology for Planar Representation of Frescoed Oval Domes: Formulation and Testing on Pisa Cathedral, A
* Methods for quantification of systematic distance deviations under incidence angle with scanning total stations
* MFCNET: End-to-End Approach for Change Detection in Images
* Microlocation for Smart Buildings in the Era of the Internet of Things: A Survey of Technologies, Techniques, and Approaches
* Million-Pixel Computational Imaging Model
* MindCamera: Interactive Image Retrieval and Synthesis
* MINTIN: Maxout-Based and Input-Normalized Transformation Invariant Neural Network
* Mislgan: An Anti-Forensic Camera Model Falsification Framework Using A Generative Adversarial Network
* MixedEmotions: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multimodal Emotion Analysis
* Mixture of Deep Regression Networks for Head Pose Estimation
* Modality-Specific Cross-Modal Similarity Measurement With Recurrent Attention Network
* Model Corrected Low Rank Ptychography
* Model-based learning for point pattern data
* Modeling of Macroscopic Building Evacuation Using IFC Data
* Modeling Realistic Degradations in Non-Blind Deconvolution
* Modeling the Imperfect Driver: Incorporating Human Factors in a Microscopic Traffic Model
* Modeling Thermal Sequence Signal Decreasing for Dual Modal Password Breaking
* Modeling Words for Qualitative Distance Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
* Modelling of Material Ageing with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Modified Algorithm Based on Smoothed L0 Norm in Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction, A
* modified spectral conjugate gradient projection method for signal recovery, A
* modified technique for face recognition under degraded conditions, A
* MoE-SPNet: A mixture-of-experts scene parsing network
* Monitoring and Assessment of Drought Focused on Its Impact on Sorghum Yield over Sudan by Using Meteorological Drought Indices for the Period 2001-2011
* Monitoring of an Indonesian Tropical Wetland by Machine Learning-Based Data Fusion of Passive and Active Microwave Sensors
* Monte Carlo Localization on Gaussian Process Occupancy Maps for Urban Environments
* MORB: A Multi-Scale Binary Descriptor
* Morphological classifiers
* Morphology-Retained Non-Linear Image Registration of Serial Electron Microscopy Sections
* Mosaicing of Images with Few Textures and Strong Illumination Changes: Application to Gastroscopic Scenes
* Motion and illumination defiant cut detection based on Weber features
* Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation of Occlusion and Motion Ambiguity Regions Using Color-Plus-Depth Information
* Motion Estimation and Deblurring of Fast Moving Objects
* Motion Inpainting by an Image-Based Geodesic AMLE Method
* Motion Occlusions for Automatic Generation of Relative Depth Maps
* Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Field Referencing for Video Compression, A
* Move, Attend and Predict: An attention-based neural model for people's movement prediction
* Movement Classification in Video Using Kinematics-Driven Change Detection and Local Kinematics Shape Pattern
* Moving cast shadow detection using scale-relation multi-layer pooling features
* Moving-Camera Video Surveillance in Cluttered Environments Using Deep Features
* MR Performance in the Presence of a Radio Frequency-Penetrable Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI
* MR-Srnet: Transformation of Low Field MR Images to High Field MR Images
* MSKVS: Adaptive mean shift-based keyframe extraction for video summarization and a new objective verification approach
* Multi-Attribute Driven Vehicle Re-Identification with Spatial-Temporal Re-Ranking
* Multi-Channel Acquisition for Isotropic Resolution in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Snowpack Simulations in Complex Alpine Terrain Using Satellite and In Situ Observations
* Multi-Exposure Fusion with CNN Features
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on Information-Theoretic Channel
* Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on the Adaptive Weights Reflecting the Relative Pixel Intensity and Global Gradient, A
* Multi-Hypothesis Prediction Based on Implicit Motion Vector Derivation for Video Coding
* Multi-Label Action Unit Detection on Multiple Head Poses with Dynamic Region Learning
* Multi-Label Classification Scheme Based on Local Regression for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
* Multi-Label Deep Active Learning with Label Correlation
* Multi-Label learning in the independent label sub-spaces
* Multi-level pedestrian signalisation at large four-leg roundabouts
* Multi-Look in GLRT-Based Detection of Single and Double Persistent Scatterers
* Multi-Modal Feature Fusion Network for Ghost Imaging Object Detection
* Multi-modality-based Arabic sign language recognition
* Multi-Object Tracking Using Online Metric Learning with Long Short-Term Memory
* Multi-Oriented and Multi-Lingual Scene Text Detection With Direct Regression
* Multi-part segmentation for porcine offal inspection with auto-context and adaptive atlases
* Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overlapping Cervical Cells
* Multi-Person Pose Estimation with LIMB Detection Heatmaps
* Multi-Representations Encoding Framework for Adaptive HTTP Streaming
* Multi-Resolutional Ensemble of Stacked Dilated U-Net for Inner Cell Mass Segmentation in Human Embryonic Images
* Multi-scale counting and difference representation for texture classification
* Multi-Scale Deep Networks for Image Compressed Sensing
* Multi-Scale Piecewise Line Integral Strategy for Structure Integral Transform
* Multi-Scale Supervised Network for Human Pose Estimation
* Multi-Sensor InSAR Analysis of Progressive Land Subsidence over the Coastal City of Urayasu, Japan
* Multi-Spectral Database for NIR Heart Rate Estimation, A
* Multi-task based object tracking via a collaborative model
* Multi-Task Learning for Predicting Parkinson's Disease Based on Medical Imaging Information
* Multi-Task Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Multi-Temporal Image Analysis for Fluvial Morphological Characterization with Application to Albanian Rivers
* Multi-Threshold LIP Contour Detection
* Multi-View Autoencoder for Image Feature Learning with Structured Nonnegative Low Rank
* multi-view camera-based anti-fraud system and its applications, A
* Multi-View Fusion for Action Recognition in Child-Robot Interaction
* Multi-View Fusion Through Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-view label embedding
* Multi-Year Analyses of Columnar Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties in Xi'an, a Megacity in Northwestern China
* Multiclass Weighted Loss for Instance Segmentation of Cluttered Cells
* Multicore Convex Optimization Algorithm with Applications to Video Restoration, A
* Multidimensional Arrays for Analysing Geoscientific Data
* Multilevel Illumination Coding for Fourier Transform Interferometry in Fluorescence Spectroscopy
* Multimedia analysis with collective intelligence
* Multimodal First Impression Analysis with Deep Residual Networks
* Multimodal Image Denoising Based on Coupled Dictionary Learning
* Multimodal medical image fusion using non-subsampled shearlet transform and pulse coupled neural network incorporated with morphological gradient
* Multimodal Reconstruction Using Vector Representation
* Multipath-based transmission scheme for improving the QoE of HTTP adaptive streaming
* multiphase level set formulation for image segmentation using a MRF-based nonsymmetric Student's-t mixture model, A
* Multiple Combined Constraints for Image Stitching
* Multiple disjoint dictionaries for representation of histopathology images
* Multiple Feature Kernel Sparse Representation Classifier for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Multiple human tracking in wearable camera videos with informationless intervals
* Multiple Layers of Contrasted Images for Robust Feature-Based Visual Tracking
* Multiple Level Feature-Based Universal Blind Image Quality Assessment Model
* Multiple Skip Connections of Dilated Convolution Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Multiresolution Contourlet Transform Fusion Based Depth Map Super Resolution
* Multiscale and Multifeature Segmentation of High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Superpixels with Mutual Optimal Strategy
* multiscale directional neighborhood filter and its application to clutter removal in GPR data, The
* Multiscale estimation of multiple orientations based on morphological directional openings
* Multispectral Image Analysis for Patient Tissue Tracking During Complex Interventions
* Multispectral Pansharpening with Radiative Transfer-Based Detail-Injection Modeling for Preserving Changes in Vegetation Cover
* Multitask learning for neural generative question answering
* Multivariate Statistics for Blind Image Quality Applications
* Muscle Type Classification on Ultrasound Imaging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Natural Scene Statistics for Noise Estimation
* Near InfraRed Imagery Colorization
* Near-Constant Time Bilateral Filter for High Dimensional Images
* Negative Effects of Alcohol Establishment Size and Proximity on the Frequency of Violent and Disorder Crime across Block Groups of Victoria, British Columbia, The
* Nested Normalizations for Decoupling Global Features
* Networks Effectively Utilizing 2D Spatial Information for Accurate 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* Neural Cell Segmentation in Large-Scale 3D Color Fluorescence Microscopy Images for Developemental Neuroscience
* Neural Network-Based Estimation of Distortion Sensitivity for Image Quality Prediction
* Neuro-Inspired Quantization
* new algorithm predicting the end of growth at five evergreen conifer forests based on nighttime temperature and the enhanced vegetation index, A
* new approach to selecting coherent pixels for ground-based SAR deformation monitoring, A
* new clustering validity index for arbitrary shape of clusters, A
* new deep representation for large-scale scene classification, A
* New Hardware Architecture for the Ridge Regression Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* New Joint Watermarking-Encryption-JPEG-LS Compression Method for a Priori amp; a Posteriori Image Protection, A
* new kernel development algorithm for edge detection using singular value ratios, A
* new method for 3D individual tree extraction using multispectral airborne LiDAR point clouds, A
* new method for detecting texture defects based on modified local binary pattern, A
* New Method for Mapping Aquatic Vegetation Especially Underwater Vegetation in Lake Ulansuhai Using GF-1 Satellite Data, A
* New Method for the Assessment of Spatial Accuracy and Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints, A
* new multi-resolution based method for estimating local surface roughness from point clouds, A
* New Satellite Image Fusion Method Based on Distributed Compressed Sensing, A
* New Sparse Subspace Clustering by Rotated Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, A
* New spatial-organization-based scale and rotation invariant features for heterogeneous-content camera-based document image retrieval
* New Vehicle Classification Method Based on Hybrid Classifiers
* new video magnification technique using complex wavelets with Radon transform application, A
* No-reference quality assessment of DIBR-synthesized videos by measuring temporal flickering
* No-Reference Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic Images Based on Binocular Combination of Local Features Statistics
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment Algorithm Using Joint Motion and Depth Statistics
* Noise Robust Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Multiscale Image Pyramid
* Noise-Aware Super-Resolution of Depth Maps Via Graph-Based Plug-And-Play Framework
* Non Local Multifocus Image Fusion Scheme for Dynamic Scenes, A
* Non-Local Graph-Based Prediction for Reversible Data Hiding in Images
* Non-Local Kalman: A Recursive Video Denoising Algorithm
* Non-Local Patch-Based Regularization for Image Restoration
* Non-negative matrix factorization via discriminative label embedding for pattern classification
* Non-parametric mixture model with TV spatial regularisation and its dual expectation maximisation algorithm
* Non-rigid point set registration by high-dimensional representation
* Non-subsampled shearlet transform based MRI and PET brain image fusion using simplified pulse coupled neural network and weight local features in YIQ colour space
* Nonlinear Shape Regression for Filtering Segmentation Results from Calcium Imaging
* Nonparametric blind SAR image super resolution based on combination of the compressive sensing and sparse priors
* Nonseparable Filters for Images in the Block DCT Domain
* Nonsmooth Graph-Based Approach to Light Field Super-Resolution, A
* Nonstationary Seismic Random Noise Attenuation by EPLL
* Normal Similarity Network for Generative Modelling
* Novel approaches to human activity recognition based on accelerometer data
* Novel Autoencoder-Based Diagnostic System for Early Assessment of Lung Cancer, A
* Novel Class of Complete Complementary Codes and Their Applications for APU Matrices, A
* Novel CNN Segmentation Framework Based on Using New Shape and Appearance Features, A
* Novel Confidence Measure for Disparity Maps by Pixel-Wise Cost Function Analysis, A
* Novel Finger Vein Recognition System Based on Enhanced Maximum Curvature Points, A
* novel formulation of orthogonal polynomial kernel functions for SVM classifiers: The Gegenbauer family, A
* novel framework for background subtraction and foreground detection, A
* Novel Measurements of Fine-Scale Albedo: Using a Commercial Quadcopter to Measure Radiation Fluxes
* Novel Method for Deformation Estimation Based on Multibaseline InSAR Phase Unwrapping, A
* Novel No-Reference Metric for Estimating the Impact of Frame Freezing Artifacts on Perceptual Quality of Streamed Videos, A
* novel optimized neutrosophic k-means using genetic algorithm for skin lesion detection in dermoscopy images, A
* Novel Semi-Supervised Detection Approach with Weak Annotation, A
* Novel Weighted Boundary Matching Error Concealment Schema for HEVC, A
* Novel Weighted Doppler Centroid Estimation Approach Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Model for Multichannel in Azimuth HRWS SAR System, A
* Numerical Simulation of Landscape Evolution Models
* Object Bounding Box-Critic Networks for Occlusion-Robust Object Detection in Road Scene
* Object detection from dynamic scene using joint background modeling and fast deep learning classification
* Object Discovery and Localization Via Structural Contrast
* Object Geolocation Using MRF Based Multi-Sensor Fusion
* Object Localization Without Bounding Box Information Using Generative Adversarial Reinforcement Learning
* Object Segmentation Ensuring Consistency Across Multi-Viewpoint Images
* Object-Based Image Analysis for Sago Palm Classification: The Most Important Features from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
* Object-Based Image Analysis Workflow for Monitoring Shallow-Water Aquatic Vegetation in Multispectral Drone Imagery, An
* Objectness-Aware Tracking via Double-Layer Model
* Occlusion Handling in Tracking Multiple People Using RNN
* Ocean Wave Measurement Using Short-Range K-Band Narrow Beam Continuous Wave Radar
* Octagonal Mapping Scheme for Panoramic Video Encoding
* Oil Spill Segmentation via Adversarial f-Divergence Learning
* On connections between Rényi entropy Principal Component Analysis, kernel learning and graph embedding
* On Minimum Spanning Tree Streaming for Image Analysis
* On Regression Losses for Deep Depth Estimation
* On the correlation of chaotic signals generated by multimodal skew tent map
* On the exact minimization of saturated loss functions for robust regression and subspace estimation
* On the Fusion of RGB and Depth Information for Hand Pose Estimation
* On the generalization of color texture-based face anti-spoofing
* On the Impact of Varying Region Proposal Strategies for Raindrop Detection and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* On the Natural Statistics of Chromatic Images
* On the Stability of the K-Max Distance to the Position of Seeds
* On Unifying Multi-view Self-Representations for Clustering by Tensor Multi-rank Minimization
* Online Algorithm for Constrained Face Clustering in Videos, An
* Online Filter Clustering and Pruning for Efficient Convnets
* Online multi-label streaming feature selection based on neighborhood rough set
* Online signature verification using i-vector representation
* Only-Reference Video Quality Assessment for Video Coding Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Opinion-Unaware Blind Quality Assessment of Multiply and Singly Distorted Images via Distortion Parameter Estimation
* Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for Telugu: Database, Algorithm and Application
* Optimal Billboard Deformation via 3D Voxel for Free-Viewpoint System
* Optimal Charging Schemes for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid: A Contract Theoretic Approach
* Optimal location and sizing of fast charging stations for electric vehicles by incorporating traffic and power networks
* Optimal Type-2 Fuzzy System For Arterial Traffic Signal Control
* Optimising departure intervals for multiple bus lines with a multi-objective model
* Optimising the public transport priority at road intersections
* Optimization of Occlusion-Inducing Depth Pixels in 3-D Video Coding
* Optimized Location-Allocation of Earthquake Relief Centers Using PSO and ACO, Complemented by GIS, Clustering, and TOPSIS
* Optimized Transcoding for Large Scale Adaptive Streaming Using Playback Statistics
* Optimizing kNN for Mapping Vegetation Cover of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas Using Landsat Images
* Optimum Encoding Approaches on Video Resolution Changes: A Comparative Study
* Orthogonal filter banks with region Log-Tied Rank covariance matrices for face recognition
* Orthogonal gradient measurement matrix optimisation method
* OSLO: Automatic Cell Counting and Segmentation for Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells
* Outlier and Artifact Removal Filters for Multi-View Stereo
* Outliers Removal and Consolidation of DYNAMIC Point Cloud
* Overview of Digital Video Watermarking, An
* PAC-Net: Pairwise Aesthetic Comparison Network for Image Aesthetic Assessment
* Palm vein recognition using a high dynamic range approach
* Panchromatic and multi-spectral image fusion for new satellites based on multi-channel deep model
* Panel Data Model-Based Multi-Factor Predictive Model of Highway Electromechanical Equipment Faults, A
* Panoramic Image and Three-Axis Laser Scanner Integrated Approach for Indoor 3D Mapping
* Parallel Mean Shift Accuracy and Performance Trade-Offs
* Parallel N-Dimensional Space-Filling Curve Library and Its Application in Massive Point Cloud Management, A
* Parameter estimation for Hammerstein control autoregressive systems using differential evolution
* Parameter k search strategy in outlier detection
* Parametric and nonparametric context models: A unified approach to scene parsing
* Part-Based Co-Difference Object Tracking Algorithm for Infrared Videos
* Particle Pollution Estimation from Images Using Convolutional Neural Network and Weather Features
* Partition Level Constrained Clustering
* Passive Indoor Localization Based on CSI and Naive Bayes Classification
* Patch Based Latent Fingerprint Matching Using Deep Learning
* Patch-Based Stereo Matching Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Path Coding on Geometric Planar Graph for 2D/3D Visual Data Partitioning
* Pattern Optimization for 3D Surface Reconstruction with an Active Line Scan Camera System
* PCA-based magnification method for revealing small signals in video
* PCCA: A Projection CCA Method for Effective FMRI Data Analysis
* Pedestrian Detection from Lidar Data via Cooperative Deep and Hand-Crafted Features
* Pedestrian Detection in Aerial Images Using Vanishing Point Transformation and Deep Learning
* Peekaboo-Where are the Objects? Structure Adjusting Superpixels
* People and Vehicles in Danger: A Fire and Flood Detection System in Social Media
* Perception Preserving Decolorization
* Perception-Based Framework for Wide Color Gamut Content Selection, A
* Perceptual Evaluation of Light Field Image
* Performance Analysis of Multi-Source Multi-Destination Cooperative Vehicular Networks With the Hybrid Decode-Amplify-Forward Cooperative Relaying Protocol
* Performance Analysis of Space-Time Array Processing Using Ultrawideband-Throb Signals for High-Resolution Imaging
* Performance Evaluation of a Geo-Spatial Image Processing Service Based on Open Source PaaS Cloud Computing Using Cloud Foundry on OpenStack, A
* Performance of Supervised Classifiers for Damage Scoring of Zebrafish Neuromasts
* Performance of two Multiscale Texture Algorithms in Classifying Silver Gelatin Paper via K-Nearest Neighbors
* Persistent homology for object segmentation in multidimensional grayscale images
* Person Re-Identification by Deep Learning Muti-Part Information Complementary
* Person re-identification by discriminant analytical least squares metric learning
* Person Reidentification via Discrepancy Matrix and Matrix Metric
* Personalized Variable Gain Control With Tremor Attenuation for Robot Teleoperation
* Phenology Response to Climatic Dynamic across China's Grasslands from 1985 to 2010
* Phenology-Based Backscattering Model for Corn at L-Band
* Phenology-Based Method to Map Cropping Patterns under a Wheat-Maize Rotation Using Remotely Sensed Time-Series Data, A
* Photo Realistic Image Completion via Dense Correspondence
* Photographic composition classification and dominant geometric element detection for outdoor scenes
* Photomontage for Robust HDR Imaging with Hand-Held Cameras
* Physics-Based Optimization of Access Point Placement for Train Communication Systems
* Piecewise Smooth Segmentation with Sparse Prior
* Pipeline for Lenslet Light Field Quality Enhancement, A
* Plane detection in 3D point cloud using octree-balanced density down-sampling and iterative adaptive plane extraction
* Planting attack on latent fingerprints
* Plateau limit-based tri-histogram equalisation for image enhancement
* Plenoptic 2.0 Toolbox: Benchmarking of Depth Estimation Methods for MLA-Based Focused Plenoptic Cameras, The
* Point Cloud Inpainting on Graphs from Non-Local Self-Similarity
* Point Spread and Illumination Analysis of Lightfield Cameras
* Point-wise saliency detection on 3D point clouds via covariance descriptors
* Poisson noise removal of images on graphs using tight wavelet frames
* Polarization-Based Car Detection
* Portable Personality Recognizer Based on Affective State Classification Using Spectral Fusion of Features, A
* Portrait-Aware Artistic Style Transfer
* Pose Aware Fine-Grained Visual Classification Using Pose Experts
* Pose transforming network: Learning to disentangle human posture in variational auto-encoded latent space
* Potential Applications of GNSS-R Observations over Agricultural Areas: Results from the GLORI Airborne Campaign
* Potential of Multi-Temporal ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 ScanSAR Data for Vegetation Height Estimation in Tropical Forests of Mexico
* Potential of Photochemical Reflectance Index for Indicating Photochemistry and Light Use Efficiency in Leaves of European Beech and Norway Spruce Trees
* Power-Aware HEVC Compression Through Asymmetric JPEG XS Frame Buffer Compression
* Practical Convolutional Neural Network as Loop Filter for Intra Frame, A
* Practical Evaluation of Video Codecs for Large-Scale HTTP Adaptive Streaming Services, A
* practical sampling method for assessing accuracy of detected land cover/land use change: Theoretical analysis and simulation experiments, A
* precision of triangulation in monocular visual odometry, The
* Predicting the future location of cars on urban street network by chaining spatial web services
* Presentation Attack Detection for Iris Recognition: An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art
* Prior-Free Respiratory Motion Estimation in Rotational Angiography
* Prioritizing Abandoned Mine Lands Rehabilitation: Combining Landscape Connectivity and Pattern Indices with Scenario Analysis Using Land-Use Modeling
* Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Based Video Surveillance with Adjustable Granularity of Privacy Protection
* Privileged Semi-Supervised Learning
* Probabilistic binary similarity distance for quick binary image matching
* Probabilistic collaborative representation based orthogonal discriminative projection for image set classification
* Probabilistic Matrix Completion for Image Phase Retrieval
* Processing BIM and GIS Models in Practice: Experiences and Recommendations from a GeoBIM Project in The Netherlands
* Profile Hidden Markov Models for Foreground Object Modelling
* Progressive (k,n) secret image sharing Scheme with meaningful shadow images by GEMD and RGEMD
* Progressive Degradation of an Ice Rumple in the Thwaites Ice Shelf, Antarctica, as Observed from High-Resolution Digital Elevation Models
* Progressive Sub-Aperture Image Recovery for Interactive Light Field Data Streaming
* Projection learning with local and global consistency constraints for scene classification
* Propagation Method for Multi Object Tracklet Repair, A
* Propagation-based marching cubes algorithm using open boundary loop
* Proposals for local basis selection for the sparse representation-based classifier
* Prototype Towards Modeling Visual Data Using Decentralized Generative Adversarial Networks, A
* Proximity-Aware Hierarchical Clustering of unconstrained faces
* PSGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Pan-Sharpening
* Pyramid Pooling of Convolutional Feature Maps for Image Retrieval
* Pyramid Structured Optical Flow Learning with Motion Cues
* Pyramid Sub-Region Sensitive Network for Object Detection
* Quality Assurance Framework Development Based on Six New ECV Data Products to Enhance User Confidence for Climate Applications
* Quality Robust Mixtures of Deep Neural Networks
* Quality-Guided Fusion-Based Co-Saliency Estimation for Image Co-Segmentation and Colocalization
* Quantifying Drought Propagation from Soil Moisture to Vegetation Dynamics Using a Newly Developed Ecohydrological Land Reanalysis
* Quantitative Evaluation of Salient Deep Neural Network Features Using Random Forests
* Query-Adaptive Image Retrieval by Deep-Weighted Hashing
* R-Covnet: Recurrent Neural Convolution Network for 3D Object Recognition
* Radar and Rain Gauge Merging-Based Precipitation Estimation via Geographical-Temporal Attention Continuous Conditional Random Field
* Radar ECCM based on phase-aid distributed compressive sensing
* Radial Function Based Ab-Initio Tomographic Reconstruction for Cryo Electron Microscopy
* Radiative Transfer Modeling of Phytoplankton Fluorescence Quenching Processes
* Radio Galaxy Morphology Generation using Residual Convolutional Autoencoder and Gaussian Mixture Models
* RAIC: Robust Adaptive Image Clustering
* Railway freight volume forecast using an ensemble model with optimised deep belief network
* Randomized Sampling-Based Fly Local Sensitive Hashing
* Rank-sparsity balanced representation for subspace clustering
* Rate Control Optimization of X265 Using Information from Quarter-Resolution Pre-Motion-Estimation
* Rate-Accuracy Trade-Off in Video Classification With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Rate-Distortion Driven Adaptive Partitioning for Octree-Based Point Cloud Geometry Coding
* Rate-Distortion Theory for Affine Global Motion Compensation in Video Coding
* RD-Optimized 3D Planar Model Reconstruction & Encoding for Video Compression
* Real Time Hand Segmentation on Frugal Headmounted Device for Gestural Interface
* Real- Time Hyperspectral Stereo Processing for the Generation of 3D Depth Information
* Real- Time Video Denoising on Mobile Phones
* Real-Time Document Detection in Smartphone Videos
* Real-Time FPGA Implementation of Visible/Near Infrared Fusion Based Image Enhancement, A
* Real-Time High-Resolution Cone-Beam CT Using GPU-Based Multi-Resolution Sampling
* Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Correction
* Real-Time Multi-Task Single Shot Face Detector, A
* Real-Time Registration of RGB-D Image Pair for See-Through System
* Real-time robust individual X point localization for stereoscopic tracking
* Real-Time Underwater Fish Tracking Based on Adaptive Multi-Appearance Model
* Realistic Rendering of Material Aging for Artwork Objects
* Realistic Texture Reconstruction Incorporating Spectrophotometric Color Correction
* Reasonable Effectiveness of Synthetic Visual Data, The
* Reasoning about discrete and continuous noisy sensors and effectors in dynamical systems
* Reassembly of fractured objects using surface signature
* Recognition From Web Data: A Progressive Filtering Approach
* Recognizing Fine Facial Micro-Expressions Using Two-Dimensional Landmark Feature
* Recommendation System Regarding Meeting Places for Groups during Events, A
* Reconstructed Densenets for Image Super-Resolution
* Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional (3D) Indoor Interiors with Multiple Stories via Comprehensive Segmentation
* Recovering Texture of Denoised Image via its Statistical Analysis
* Recovery of Lost Color and Depth Frames in Multiview Videos
* Recovery of UWB Radar Signals in Spectrally Restricted Environments
* Recurrent Global Convolutional Network for Scene Text Detection
* Recurrent Knowledge Distillation
* Recurrent neural networks for remote sensing image classification
* Recurrent semi-supervised classification and constrained adversarial generation with motion capture data
* RED-Net: A Recurrent Encoder-Decoder Network for Video-Based Face Alignment
* Reduced Interference Vertex-Frequency Distributions
* Reducing Anomaly Detection in Images to Detection in Noise
* Reduction of Poisson Noise in Coded Exposure Photography
* Refining Land Cover Classification Maps Based on Dual-Adaptive Majority Voting Strategy for Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Reflectance Based Method For Shadow Detection and Removal, A
* Reflection Removal Using RGB-D Images
* Region ensemble network: Towards good practices for deep 3D hand pose estimation
* Region Proposal Ranking via Fusion Feature for Object Detection
* Region-Aware Image Denoising by Exploring Parameter Preference
* Region-Based Epipolar and Planar Geometry Estimation in Low-Textured Environments
* Regional Patterns and Asynchronous Onset of Ice-Wedge Degradation since the Mid-20th Century in Arctic Alaska
* Regional Scale Mapping of Grassland Mowing Frequency with Sentinel-2 Time Series
* Registration and Fusion of Multi-Spectral Images Using a Novel Edge Descriptor
* Regularisation learning of correlation filters for robust visual tracking
* Regularized Gradient Descent Training of Steered Mixture of Experts for Sparse Image Representation
* Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injured Patients: Patient Mood Analysis from Multimodal Video
* Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies in Public Health
* Remotely Sensed Analysis of Channel Bar Morphodynamics in the Middle Yangtze River in Response to a Major Monsoon Flood in 2002
* Removal of impulse noise from color images based on the localized image characteristics and noise level
* Removing Haze Particles From Single Image via Exponential Inference With Support Vector Data Description
* Representative Fashion Feature Extraction by Leveraging Weakly Annotated Online Resources
* Representing Images in 200 Bytes: Compression via Triangulation
* Research on the Etalon Effect in Dispersive Hyperspectral VNIR Imagers Using Back-Illuminated CCDs
* Residual Inception: A New Module Combining Modified Residual with Inception to Improve Network Performance
* Residual Signals Modeling for Layered Image/Video Softcast with Hybrid Digital-Analog Transmission
* Resilience and Self-Healing of Deep Convolutional Object Detectors
* Response to Ghost Numbers
* Restoration of Unevenly Illuminated Images
* Retina-Inspired Encoder: An Innovative Step on Image Coding Using Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons, A
* Retinal Vessel Detection in Wide-Field Fluorescein Angiography with Deep Neural Networks: A Novel Training Data Generation Approach
* Retraction: A method of multi-criteria set recognition based on deep feature representation
* Retraction: Cross-camera multi-person tracking by leveraging fast graph mining algorithm
* Retraction: Deep network for visual saliency prediction by encoding image composition
* Retrieval of 30-m Resolution LAI from Landsat Data by Combining MODIS Products, The
* Reversible Color-to-Gray Mapping with Resistance to JPEG Encoding
* Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Color Images Based on Vacating Room After Encryption and Pixel Prediction
* Review of wavelet-based unsupervised texture segmentation, advantage of adaptive wavelets
* Revisiting Column-Wise Vector Quantization for Memory-Efficient Matrix Multiplication
* Riesz Fractional Based Model for Enhancing License Plate Detection and Recognition
* Road Centerline Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Aerial Image and LiDAR Data Based on Road Connectivity
* Robust 3-D Human Detection in Complex Environments With a Depth Camera
* Robust Adaptive Filtering With q-Gaussian Kernel Mean p-Power Error
* Robust Adaptive Sparse Learning Method for Graph Clustering
* Robust and Fast Object Tracking Method Using a Dynamic Mask and an Adaptive Search, A
* Robust Blood Flow Velocity Estimation from 3D Rotational Angiography
* Robust Edge Detection Approach in the Presence of High Impulse Noise Intensity Through Switching Adaptive Median and Fixed Weighted Mean Filtering, A
* Robust eye detection using deeply-learned gaze shifting path
* Robust Facial Pose Estimation Using Landmark Selection Method for Binocular Stereo Vision
* Robust Head Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments Using AM-FM Representations
* Robust Image Reconstruction for Block-Based Compressed Sensing Using a Binary Measurement Matrix
* Robust in-plane and out-of-plane face detection algorithm using frontal face detector and symmetry extension
* Robust Index Code to Distribute Digital Images and Digital Contents Together
* Robust Light Field Depth Estimation Using Occlusion-Noise Aware Data Costs
* Robust Longitudinal Control of Multi-Vehicle Systems: A Distributed H-Infinity Method
* Robust Low Rank Approxiamtion via Inliers Selection
* Robust Map Alignment for Cooperative Visual SLAM
* Robust Multiview Synthesis for Wide-Baseline Camera Arrays
* robust non-rigid point set registration method based on inhomogeneous Gaussian mixture models, A
* Robust one-class support vector machine with rescaled hinge loss function
* Robust PCA via Alternating Iteratively Reweighted Low-Rank Matrix Factorization
* Robust RGB-D Hand Tracking Using Deep Learning Priors
* Robust Room Layout Estimation from a Single Image with Geometric Hints
* Robust Salient Object Detection via Fusing Foreground and Background Priors
* Robust Scoring and Ranking of Object Tracking Techniques
* Robust Single-Shot Fringe Projection Profilometry Based on Morphological Component Analysis
* Robust Visual Tracking in Low-Resolution Sequence
* Robust Visual Tracking via Online Discriminative and Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
* Rock Model for the Cold and Hot Spots in the Chang'E Microwave Brightness Temperature Map, A
* Role of Integrating Diffusion MR Image-Markers with Clinical-Biomarkers For Early Assessment of Renal Transplants
* RTSeg: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Comparative Study
* S-CNN: Subcategory-Aware Convolutional Networks for Object Detection
* S3D: Stacking Segmental P3D for Action Quality Assessment
* Safe Nonlinear Trajectory Generation for Parallel Autonomy With a Dynamic Vehicle Model
* safe sample screening rule for Laplacian twin parametric-margin support vector machine, A
* Safety monitor for train-centric CBTC system
* Salient Object Detection Via Deformed Smoothness Constraint
* Salient Target Detection Based on the Combination of Super-Pixel and Statistical Saliency Feature Analysis for Remote Sensing Images
* Sampling strategies for performance improvement in cascaded face regression
* Sampling Technique for Defining Segmentation Error Margins with Application to Structural Brain MRI
* SAR and Optical Image Registration Using Nonlinear Diffusion and Phase Congruency Structural Descriptor
* Satellite-Derived Bathymetry for Improving Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts
* Scalable Light Field Coding Using Weighted Binary Images
* Scalable Multi-Consistency Feature Matching with Non-Cooperative Games
* Scale Mapping and Dynamic Re-Detecting in Dense Head Detection
* Scale-Adaptive Real-Time Crowd Detection and Counting for Drone Images
* Scene Text Detection Using Superpixel-Based Stroke Feature Transform and Deep Learning Based Region Classification
* Scene-Adaptive Image Acquisition for Focus Stacking
* SCK: A Sparse Coding Based Key-Point Detector
* Score-level fusion using generalized extreme value distribution and DSmT, for multi-biometric systems
* Screen Content Image Quality Assessment Using Multi-Scale Difference of Gaussian
* Seabed Mapping in Coastal Shallow Waters Using High Resolution Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
* Seafloor Description in Sonar Images Using the Monogenic Signal and the Intrinsic Dimensionality
* Search Area Reduction Fast-RCNN for Fast Vehicle Detection in Large Aerial Imagery
* Segmentation of Lung Tumor in Cone Beam CT Images Based on Level-Sets
* Segmentation of the lumen and media-adventitial borders in intravascular ultrasound images using a geometric deformable model
* Segmented Processing Approach of Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Regression for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in Central China, A
* Seizure onset detection based on frequency domain metric of empirical mode decomposition
* Selecting Informative Frames for Action Recognition with Partial Observations
* self-adaptive approach for producing clear-sky composites from VIIRS surface reflectance datasets, A
* Self-Calibration of Traffic Surveillance Cameras Based on Moving Vehicle Appearance and 3-D Vehicle Modeling
* Self-Similarity Constrained Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Self-Weighted Adaptive Locality Discriminant Analysis
* Semantic Conditional Random Field for Object Based SAR Image Segmentation
* Semantic Foggy Scene Understanding with Synthetic Data
* Semantic Organ Segmentation in 3D Whole-Body MR Images
* Semantic Preserving Hash Coding Through VAE-GAN
* Semantic-Fusion GANs for Semi-Supervised Satellite Image Classification
* Semantically Interpretable and Controllable Filter Sets
* Semantically Invariant Text-to-Image Generation
* Semi-Blind Spatially-Variant Deconvolution in Optical Microscopy with Local Point Spread Function Estimation by Use of Convolutional Neural Networks
* Semi-Supervised Automatic Layer and Fluid Region Segmentation of Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Adversarial Learning
* Semi-supervised Deep Domain Adaptation via Coupled Neural Networks
* Semi-Supervised Learning of Camera Motion from A Blurred Image
* Sentinel-2 Image Fusion Using a Deep Residual Network
* Sequential Knowledge Transfer in Teacher-Student Framework Using Densely Distilled Flow-Based Information
* Sequential Recognition of Manipulation Actions Using Discriminative Superpixel Group Mining
* Sequential SAR Coherence Method for the Monitoring of Buildings in Sarpole-Zahab, Iran
* Server-Side Rate Adaptation for Multi-User 360-Degree Video Streaming
* Shade: Information-Based Regularization for Deep Learning
* Shape Adaptive Accelerated Parameter Optimization
* Sharpness Mismatch Detection in Stereoscopic Content with 360-Degree Capability
* Shift-Enabled Graphs: Graphs Where Shift-Invariant Filters are Representable as Polynomials of Shift Operations
* Shining a light on global winds: The Aeolus satellite uses powerful lidar to measure wind speeds
* Ship Detection Using Compact Polarimetric SAR Based on the Notch Filter
* Shortest Path with Backtracking Based Automatic Layer Segmentation in Pathological Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Shot Scale Analysis in Movies by Convolutional Neural Networks
* Shp2graph: Tools to Convert a Spatial Network into an Igraph Graph in R
* SHPD: Surveillance Human Pose Dataset and Performance Evaluation for Coarse-Grained Pose Estimation
* Signal Adaptive Diffusion Filter for Video Coding Using Directional Total Variation, A
* Signal-to-noise ratio in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
* Silhouette Enhancement in Light Field Disparity Estimation Using the Structure Tensor
* Sim4CV: A Photo-Realistic Simulator for Computer Vision Applications
* Similarity Learning with Listwise Ranking for Person Re-Identification
* Simple Measure for Acuity in Medical Images, A
* Simulation and Design of Fast Charging Infrastructure for a University-Based e-Carsharing System
* Simultaneous Cascaded Regression
* Simultaneous Facial Landmark and 3D Action Estimation Based on Probabilistic Random Forest
* Simultaneous joint and object trajectory templates for human activity recognition from 3-D data
* Simultaneous Learning of Affinity Matrix and Laplacian Regularized Least Squares for Semi-Supervised Classification
* Single Fog Image Restoration with Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* Single Image Dehazing Via a Joint Deep Modeling
* Single Image Super Resolution Based on Deep Residual Network via Lateral Modules
* Single Image Super Resolution via a Refined Densely Connected Inception Network
* Single image super-resolution via adaptive sparse representation and low-rank constraint
* Single-Image Rain Removal Using Residual Deep Learning
* Single-shot underwater image restoration: A visual quality-aware method based on light propagation model
* Single-View Food Portion Estimation: Learning Image-to-Energy Mappings Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Singularity Power Spectra: A Method to Assess Geophysical Consistency of Gridded Products: Application to Sea-Surface Salinity Remote Sensing Maps
* Sipakmed: A New Dataset for Feature and Image Based Classification of Normal and Pathological Cervical Cells in Pap Smear Images
* Skeletal Movement to Color Map: A Novel Representation for 3D Action Recognition with Inception Residual Networks
* Sketch Based Reduced Memory Hough Transform
* Sketchpointnet: A Compact Network for Robust Sketch Recognition
* SLALOM: An All-Surface Snow Water Path Retrieval Algorithm for the GPM Microwave Imager
* Sleep Analysis Using Motion and Head Detection
* Small Sample Image Recognition Using Improved Convolutional Neural Network
* Smart parking sensors, technologies and applications for open parking lots: a review
* SnowCloudHydro: A New Framework for Forecasting Streamflow in Snowy, Data-Scarce Regions
* Sobel Heuristic Kernel for Aerial Semantic Segmentation
* Soft Mask Correlation Filter for Visual Object Tracking
* Software Systems Approach to Multi-Scale GIS-BIM Utility Infrastructure Network Integration and Resource Flow Simulation
* Solving 3-D PDEs by Tensor B-Spline Methodology: A High Performance Approach Applied to Optical Diffusion Tomography
* Some computational aspects of Tchebichef moments for higher orders
* Sound event detection in real-life audio using joint spectral and temporal features
* sound-based video clipping framework toward sports scenes, A
* Sparse Graph Based Deep Learning Networks for Face Recognition
* Sparse Representation Wavelet Based Classification
* Sparse Tikhonov-Regularized Hashing for Multi-Modal Learning
* sparsity-based Bayesian approach for hyperspectral unmixing using normal compositional model, A
* Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Vegetation and Poverty, A
* Spatial Image Steganography Method Based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, A
* Spatial Morphing Kernel Regression for Feature Interpolation
* Spatial-Temporal Adaptive Neighborhood-Based Ratio Approach for Change Detection in SAR Images, A
* Spatial-Temporal Data Augmentation Based on LSTM Autoencoder Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Spatially Attentive Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* Spatially Regularized Low Rank Tensor Optimization for Visual Data Completion
* Spatio-temporal constrained tone mapping operator for HDR video compression
* Spatio-Temporal Super-Resolution Land Cover Mapping Based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
* Spatio-Temporal Variations of Soil Active Layer Thickness in Chinese Boreal Forests from 2000 to 2015
* Spatiotemporal Pyramid Pooling in 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition
* Spectral analysis of wetlands using multi-source optical satellite imagery
* Spectral and Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Random Multi-Graphs
* Spectral Diversity Enhancement for Pansharpening
* Spectral Eigen Index: Military vehicle fingerprinting using Eigen analysis in spectral domain
* Spectral Graph Wavelet based Nonrigid Image Registration
* Speech Activity Detection in Naturalistic Audio Environments: Fearless Steps Apollo Corpus
* Speed-Up of Object Detection Neural Network with GPU
* speedup scheme for MRF stereo using local label hierarchy, A
* Spherical target-based calibration of terrestrial laser scanner intensity. Application to colour information computation
* Spherically contoured exponential scale mixture prior based nonlocal image restoration with ADMM framework
* Spontaneous and Non-Spontaneous 3D Facial Expression Recognition Using a Statistical Model with Global and Local Constraints
* Spontaneous Expression Recognition Using Universal Attribute Model
* SRIANN: Sphere Ring Intersection for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in Videos
* SSF-CNN: Spatial and Spectral Fusion with CNN for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* Stand age estimation of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations using an integrated pixel- and object-based tree growth model and annual Landsat time series
* Static and Dynamic Synthesis of Bengali and Devanagari Signatures
* Statistical evaluation of corner detectors: does the statistical test have an effect?
* Statistical geometric components of straight lines (SGCSL) feature extraction method for offline Arabic/Persian handwritten words recognition
* Statistical Modeling for 3-D DFT Coefficients of Moving-Image Sequences and its Application to Denoising
* Statistical Models of Signal and Noise and Fundamental Limits of Segmentation Accuracy in Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* Stereo Generation from a Single Image Using Deep Residual Network
* Stochastic traffic modelling and decentralised signal control based on a state transition probability model
* Strategies for Quality-Aware Video Content Analytics
* Stroke-based splatting: an efficient multi-resolution point cloud visualization technique
* Structural Compact Core Tensor Dictionary Learning for Multispec-Tral Remote Sensing Image Deblurring
* Structural Domain Adaptation with Latent Graph Alignment
* Structurally Incoherent Low-Rank Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Classification
* Structure Adaptive Total Variation Minimization-Based Image Decomposition
* Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
* Structure-based interpolation method for restoring the intensity of low-density impulse noise
* Structured deep Fisher pruning for efficient facial trait classification
* Structured Scene Decoding with Finite State Machines
* Structured Semantic Representation for Visual Question Answering
* Structured sparse K-means clustering via Laplacian smoothing
* Study of Subjective Video Quality at Various Spatial Resolutions, A
* Study of the relative magnitude in the wavelet domain for texture characterization
* Study on the 4D Sparsity of JPEG Pleno Light Fields Using the Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Study on the method of colour image noise reduction based on optimal channel-processing
* Subgraph spotting in graph representations of comic book images
* Subject-Specific prior shape knowledge in feature-oriented probability maps for fully automatized liver segmentation in MR volume data
* Subjectively correlated estimation of noise due to blurriness distortion based on auto-regressive model using the Yule-Walker equations
* Subpixel Edge Localization Based on Adaptive Weighting of Gradients
* Subpixel Land Cover Mapping Using Multiscale Spatial Dependence
* Subpixel-Level-Accurate Algorithm for Removing Double-Layered Reflections from a Single Image
* Subspace clustering with the multivariate-t distribution
* Subspace Learning by L0-Induced Sparsity
* Subspace Segmentation Based Metric Learning
* Super resolution of laser range data based on image-guided fusion and dense matching
* Super-Resolution Using Convolutional Neural Networks Without Any Checkerboard Artifacts
* Superimposed Modulation for Soft Video Delivery With Hidden Resources
* Superpixel Convolution for Segmentation
* Superpixel-Based Classification of Occlusal Caries Photography
* Superpixel-Based Foreground Extraction With Fast Adaptive Trimaps
* Superpixel-Enhanced Pairwise Conditional Random Field for Semantic Segmentation
* Superresolution Contour Reconstruction Approach to a Linear Thermal Expansion Measurement
* Supervised Committee of Convolutional Neural Networks in Automated Facial Expression Analysis
* Supervised Deep Sparse Coding Networks
* Supervised Hashing with End-to-End Binary Deep Neural Network
* Support vector correlation filter with long-term tracking
* Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using Optical/Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Data
* Survey on automatic lip-reading in the era of deep learning
* survey on image data analysis through clustering techniques for real world applications, A
* Survey on Smart Homes for Aging in Place: Toward Solutions to the Specific Needs of the Elderly, A
* Survey on various lane and driver detection techniques based on image processing for hilly terrain
* Swim Stroke Analytic: Front Crawl Pulling Pose Classification
* Switching impulse noise filter based on Laplacian convolution and pixels grouping for color images
* Symmetric Double-Eye Structure in Hurricane Bertha (2008) Imaged by SAR
* Symmetric sum-based biometric score fusion
* Symmetry-Based Analysis of Diffusion MRI for the Detection of Brain Impairments
* Symmetry-Based Graph Fourier Transforms for Image Representation
* Synchro-Compensating Chirplet Transform
* Synergetic Use of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data for Soil Moisture Mapping at Plot Scale
* Synthesis of Shaking Video Using Motion Capture Data and Dynamic 3D Scene Modeling
* Synthesizing a Scene-Specific Pedestrian Detector and Pose Estimator for Static Video Surveillance
* Synthesizing Photo-Realistic 3D Talking Head: Learning Lip Synchronicity and Emotion from Audio and Video
* Systematic clustering method to identify and characterise spatiotemporal congestion on freeway corridors
* Systematic Comparison of Power Line Classification Methods from ALS and MLS Point Cloud Data
* Target-Adaptive CNN-Based Pansharpening
* Targeted Grassland Monitoring at Parcel Level Using Sentinels, Street-Level Images and Field Observations
* Task-Oriented Visualization Approaches for Landscape and Urban Change Analysis
* Temporal Attention Network for Action Proposal
* Temporal Consistency for Still Image Based Defocus Blur Estimation Methods
* Temporal Filter Design for Encoder-Oriented Video Generation Based on Bayesian Optimization
* Temporal Motion Smoothness and the Impact of Frame Rate Variation on Video Quality
* Temporal Pyramid Relation Network for Video-Based Gesture Recognition
* Ten Years of Experience with Scientific TerraSAR-X Data Utilization
* Tensor-Based Light Field Denoising by Integrating Super-Resolution
* Text2Sketch: Learning Face Sketch from Facial Attribute Text
* Text2Video: An End-to-end Learning Framework for Expressing Text With Videos
* Texture Characterization via Projections onto a Klein Bottle Topology
* Thermal Image Enhancement Algorithm Using Local And Global Logarithmic Transform Histogram Matching With Spatial Equalization
* Three Dimensional Energy Parametrized Generative Adversarial Networks for Electromagnetic Shower Simulation
* Three-Category Face Detector with Contextual Information on Finding Tiny Faces, A
* Three-dimensional image registration using distributed parallel computing
* Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Soybean Canopies Using Multisource Imaging for Phenotyping Analysis
* Three-dimensional spatio-temporal trajectory descriptor for human action recognition
* TICNN: A Hierarchical Deep Learning Framework for Still Image Action Recognition Using Temporal Image Prediction
* Time warp invariant kSVD: Sparse coding and dictionary learning for time series under time warp
* Tissues Classification for Pressure Ulcer Images Based on 3D Convolutional Neural Network
* Tomographic Reconstruction Via 3D Convolutional Dictionary Learning
* Top-Down Neural Attention by Excitation Backprop
* Topic-Guided Attention for Image Captioning
* Topological Eulerian Synthesis of Slow Motion Periodic Videos
* Total Variation Regularized Reweighted Low-rank Tensor Completion for Color Image Inpainting
* Toward a Blind Quality Predictor for Screen Content Images
* Toward a Dataset-Agnostic Word Segmentation Method
* Toward a unified scheme for fast interactive segmentation
* Toward Encrypted Video Tampering Detection and Localization Based on POB Number System Over Cloud
* Towards a Generic Compression Solution for Densely and Sparsely Sampled Light Field Data
* Towards a polyalgorithm for land use change detection
* Towards A Semantic Perceptual Image Metric
* Towards A Theory of JPEG Block Convergence
* Towards Camera Identification from Cropped Query Images
* Towards Fast and Accurate Ellipse and Semi-Ellipse Detection
* Towards Global-Scale Seagrass Mapping and Monitoring Using Sentinel-2 on Google Earth Engine: The Case Study of the Aegean and Ionian Seas
* Towards Mathematical Reasoning: A Multimodal Deep Learning Approach
* Towards View-Independent Viseme Recognition Based on CNNS and Synthetic Data
* Track Fusion and Behavioral Reasoning for Moving Vehicles Based on Curvilinear Coordinates of Roadway Geometries
* Tracking occluded objects using chromatic co-occurrence matrices and particle filter
* Trained Perceptual Transform for Quality Assessment of High Dynamic Range Images and Video
* Training Drift Counteraction Optimal Control Policies Using Reinforcement Learning: An Adaptive Cruise Control Example
* Training-Based Gradient LBP Feature Models for Multiresolution Texture Classification
* Transfer Learning from Synthetic to Real Images Using Variational Autoencoders for Precise Position Detection
* Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural Network for Early Gastric Cancer Classification on Magnifiying Narrow-Band Imaging Images
* Transferability of Random Forest in Canopy Height Estimation from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, The
* Transform Coding Strategy for Voxelized Dynamic Point Clouds, A
* Tree Hierarchical CNNs for Object Parsing
* Tree of Shapes Turned into a Max-Tree: A Simple and Efficient Linear Algorithm, The
* Tree-Shaped Sampling Based Hybrid Multi-Scale Feature Extraction for Texture Classification
* Trimmed Median PCA for Robust Plane Fitting
* Tropical and Morphological Operators for Signals on Graphs
* Troposphere Water Vapour Tomography: A Horizontal Parameterised Approach
* Tropospheric Moisture Sounding Using Microwave Imaging Channels: Application to GCOM-W1/AMSR2
* TS-NET: Combining Modality Specific and Common Features for Multimodal Patch Matching
* Tunnel inspection using photogrammetric techniques and image processing: A review
* Twitter-Based Sensing of City-Level Air Quality
* Two View Constraints on the Epipoles from Few Correspondences
* Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Ship and Spill Detection Using SLAR Images
* Two-Step Learning Method for Detecting Landmarks on Faces from Different Domains, A
* Two-Stream Designed 2D/3D Residual Networks with LSTMS for Action Recognition in Videos
* Two-stream person re-identification with multi-task deep neural networks
* U-Segnet: Fully Convolutional Neural Network Based Automated Brain Tissue Segmentation Tool
* UAV Cinematography Constraints Imposed by Visual Target Tracking
* UAV Multispectral Imagery Can Complement Satellite Data for Monitoring Forest Health
* UFSM VO: Stereo Odometry Based on Uniformly Feature Selection and Strictly Correspondence Matching
* Ultrasound Image Enhancement Using Structure Oriented Adversarial Network
* Unbiased Temporal Representation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification, An
* Underpinnings of Workload in Unmanned Vehicle Systems, The
* Underwater Image Restoration using Deep Networks to Estimate Background Light and Scene Depth
* Unified Approach for Conventional Zero-Shot, Generalized Zero-Shot, and Few-Shot Learning, A
* Unified Approach of Multitemporal SAR Data Filtering Through Adaptive Estimation of Complex Covariance Matrix, A
* Unified Framework for Fault Detection of Freight Train Images Under Complex Environment, A
* Uniform Embedding for Efficient Steganography of H.264 Video
* Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation from Shared Deep Space
* Unrestricted LR detection for biomedical applications using coarse-to-fine hierarchical approach
* Unsupervised Deep Feature Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* Unsupervised Detection of Periodic Segments in Videos
* Unsupervised Detection of White Matter Fiber Bundles with Stochastic Neural Networks
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Regularized Hyper-Graph Matching
* Unsupervised face recognition in the wild using high-dimensional features under super-resolution and 3D alignment effect
* Unsupervised Feature Selection with Local Structure Learning
* Unsupervised Learning for Forecasting Action Representations
* Unsupervised Patch-Based Approach for Exoplanet Detection by Direct Imaging, An
* Unsupervised Saliency Detection in 3-D-Video Based on Multiscale Segmentation and Refinement
* Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation Using Area-Weighted Variance and Jeffries-Matusita Distance for Remote Sensing Images
* Unsupervised Temporal Segmentation of Human Action Using Community Detection
* Unsupervised Trajectory Modeling Based on Discrete Descriptors for Classifying Moving Objects in Video Sequences
* Use of SMOS L3 Soil Moisture Data: Validation and Drought Assessment for Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil
* Use of the SAR Shadowing Effect for Deforestation Detection with Sentinel-1 Time Series
* Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Updating Farmland Cadastral Data in Areas Subject to Landslides
* Using Dual-Polarization Interferograms to Correct Atmospheric Effects for InSAR Topographic Mapping
* Using fuzzy least squares support vector machine with metric learning for object tracking
* Using Multi-Angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer Aerosol Mixture Properties for Air Quality Assessment in Mongolia
* Using Near-Infrared-Enabled Digital Repeat Photography to Track Structural and Physiological Phenology in Mediterranean Tree-Grass Ecosystems
* Using Satellite-Derived Vegetation Products to Evaluate LDAS-Monde over the Euro-Mediterranean Area
* Using suprathreshold color-difference ellipsoids to estimate any perceptual color-difference
* Using the Spatial Knowledge of Map Users to Personalize City Maps: A Case Study with Tourists in Madrid, Spain
* Utilization of Aspect Angle Information in Synthetic Aperture Images
* VADASE Reliability and Accuracy of Real-Time Displacement Estimation: Application to the Central Italy 2016 Earthquakes
* Variational closed-Form deep neural net inference
* Variational Formulation for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion, A
* Variational Model for Sea Image Enhancement, A
* Variational-Bayesian Single-Image Devignetting
* Vehicle Detection and Classification in Aerial Imagery
* Vehicle scheduling approach and its practice to optimise public bicycle redistribution in Hangzhou
* Vehicle Type Recognition in Surveillance Images From Labeled Web-Nature Data Using Deep Transfer Learning
* Vein Enhancement Using a Dark Diffusion Prior
* VIAL: a unified process for visual interactive labeling
* Video abstraction using density-based clustering algorithm
* Video Based Person Re-Identification by Re-Ranking Attentive Temporal Information in Deep Recurrent Convolutional Networks
* Video Captioning by Adversarial LSTM
* Video Codec Forensics Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Video Deconfounding: Hearing-Aid Inspired Video Enhancement
* Video Error Concealment Using Deep Neural Networks
* Video Object Co-Segmentation from Noisy Videos by a Multi-Level Hypergraph Model
* Video oriented filter for impulse noise reduction
* Video Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Cues
* Video semantic object segmentation by self-adaptation of DCNN
* Video Summarization via Weighted Neighborhood Based Representation
* Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Simultaneously Learning Intra-Video and Inter-Video Distance Metrics
* Vigilance detection method for high-speed rail using wireless wearable EEG collection technology based on low-rank matrix decomposition
* Viola-Jones Algorithm for Automatic Detection of Hyperbolic Regions in GPR Profiles of Bridge Decks
* Virtual reality's effect on parameter optimisation for crowd-sourced procedural animation
* Virtual Structural Analysis of Jokisivu Open Pit Using Structure-from-Motion Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Photogrammetry: Implications for Structurally-Controlled Gold Deposits in Southwest Finland
* Virtual Training for a Real Application: Accurate Object-Robot Relative Localization Without Calibration
* Virtual View Color Estimation for Free Viewpoint TV Applications Using Gaussian Mixture Model
* Vision-Based Parking-Slot Detection: A DCNN-Based Approach and a Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset
* Visual adaptive tracking for monocular omnidirectional camera
* Visual analysis of retinal changes with optical coherence tomography
* Visual glare limits of HDR displays in medical imaging
* Visual Preference Prediction for Enhanced Images on Ultra-High-Definition Display
* Visual Saliency Analysis for Common Region of Interest Detection in Multiple Remote Sensing Images
* Visual Sampling Processes Revisited: Replicating and Extending Senders (1983) Using Modern Eye-Tracking Equipment
* Visual Sentiment Prediction Based on Automatic Discovery of Affective Regions
* Visual tracking via Graph Regularized Kernel Correlation Filer and Multi-Memory Voting
* Visual Tracking with Dynamic Model Update and Results Fusion
* Visual-Quality-Driven Learning for Underwater Vision Enhancement
* Visualizing Network Connectivity in Parkinson'S Disease
* Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Risk Reduction: The Missing Maps Approach and Its Potential within the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
* WAMI Object Tracking Using L1 Tracker Integrated with a Deep Detector
* Wave Equation of Suppressed Traffic Flow Instabilities
* Wavelet Denoising Using a Conjointly Space and 2D Frequency Localized Filterbank
* wavelet-assisted subband denoising for tomographic image reconstruction, A
* Weak Signal Watermark Detection Through Rao-T Hypothesis and Lightweight Detection
* Weakly Supervised Fog Detection
* Weakly-supervised object detection via mining pseudo ground truth bounding-boxes
* Wearable sensor detects stress in sweat: Cortisol is key to tracking stress, but it's tough to measure in an instant-[News]
* Weighted Chroma Downsampling and Luma-Referenced Chroma Upsampling for HDR/WCG Video Coding
* Weighted Generalized Mean Pooling for Deep Image Retrieval
* Weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis Based on Class Saliency Information
* WeSamBE: A Weight-Sample-Based Method for Background Subtraction
* What Makes Good Synthetic Training Data for Learning Disparity and Optical Flow Estimation?
* When Machine Learning is Facially Invalid
* Where to Place: A Real-Time Visual Saliency Based Label Placement for Augmented Reality Applications
* Which shirt for my first date? Towards a flexible attribute-based fashion query system
* Whole Slide Image Classification via Iterative Patch Labelling
* Whole-Slide Mitosis Detection in H&E Breast Histology Using PHH3 as a Reference to Train Distilled Stain-Invariant Convolutional Networks
* Wild Patterns: Ten Years After the Rise of Adversarial Machine Learning
* Window Detection from UAS-Derived Photogrammetric Point Cloud Employing Density-Based Filtering and Perceptual Organization
* XOR-Based Visual Cryptographic Schemes With Monotonously Increasing and Flawless Reconstruction Properties
* Zero-Shot Architecture for Action Recognition in Still Images, A
* Zero-Shot Learning Using Synthesised Unseen Visual Data with Diffusion Regularisation
* Zero-Shot Learning via Low-Rank-Representation Based Manifold Regularization
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Last update:18-Jul-24 21:30:26
Use price@usc.edu for comments.