* *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Biennial Pattern Recognition Journal Awards 2017 and 2018
* *FG
* *International Conference on Computer Vision, Image and Deep Learning
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing:
* 2-dimensional human-like driver model for autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic
* 2D to 3D Evolutionary Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Medical Image Segmentation
* 3-D Imaging Method for Aerospace Targets Based on Linear Array Radar, A
* 3D Deep Learning for Biological Function Prediction from Physical Fields
* 3D Face Mask Anti-spoofing via Deep Fusion of Dynamic Texture and Shape Clues
* 3D Fingerprint Recognition based on Ridge-Valley-Guided 3D Reconstruction and 3D Topology Polymer Feature Extraction
* 3D Landmark Localization in Point Clouds for the Human Ear
* 3D LiDAR Map Compression for Efficient Localization on Resource Constrained Vehicles
* 3D Object Representation Learning: A Set-to-Set Matching Perspective
* 3D-Aware Ellipse Prediction for Object-Based Camera Pose Estimation
* 3D-CNN Autoencoder for Plenoptic Image Compression
* 3D-GAT: 3D-Guided adversarial transform network for person re-identification in unseen domains
* 4D-DCT Hardware Architecture for JPEG Pleno Light Field Coding
* Ability to Recognize Microexpression and Detect Deception in the Elderly, The
* Absolute 3D Human Pose Estimation via Weakly-supervised Learning
* Accuracy Improvements to Pixel-Based and Object-Based LULC Classification with Auxiliary Datasets from Google Earth Engine
* Accuracy of a Model-Free Algorithm for Temporal InSAR Tropospheric Correction
* Accurate and Lightweight Method for Human Body Image Super-Resolution, An
* Achieving Better Kinship Recognition Through Better Baseline
* Achieving High Reliability in Data Acquisition
* Acoustic Mapping of Submerged Stone Age Sites: A HALD Approach
* Adaptive Color Transform in VVC Standard
* Adaptive Mask for Region-based Facial Micro-Expression Recognition
* Adaptive Resolution Change for Versatile Video Coding
* Adaptive Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Motor Imagery Classification
* Adaptive Visual Inspection Method for Transparent Label Defect Detection of Curved Glass Bottle
* Adaptive Weighting Landmark-Based Group-Wise Registration on Lung DCE-MRI Images
* Adiabatic Quantum Graph Matching with Permutation Matrix Constraints
* Adopting Difference-in-Differences Method to Monitor Crop Response to Agrometeorological Hazards with Satellite Data: A Case Study of Dry-Hot Wind
* Adversarial Attack Type I: Cheat Classifiers by Significant Changes
* Adversarial Distillation for Learning with Privileged Provisions
* Adversarial Self-Supervised Scene Flow Estimation
* Adversarial Training for Solving Inverse Problems in Image Processing
* Affective Expression Analysis in-the-wild using Multi-Task Temporal Statistical Deep Learning Model
* Affinity Space Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation Across Domains
* Age Estimation Using Aging/Rejuvenation Features With Device-Edge Synergy
* Air Combat Strategies Generation of CGF Based on MADDPG and Reward Shaping
* Airborne LiDAR Intensity Correction Based on a New Method for Incidence Angle Correction for Improving Land-Cover Classification
* Airborne LiDAR point cloud classification with global-local graph attention convolution neural network
* ALANet:Autoencoder-LSTM for pain and protective behaviour detection
* Altitude on Cartographic Materials and Its Correction According to New Measurement Techniques
* Analysing Affective Behavior in the First ABAW 2020 Competition
* Analysis and Discussion on the Optimal Noise Model of Global GNSS Long-Term Coordinate Series Considering Hydrological Loading
* Analysis and Study of Egg Quality Based on Hyperspectral Image Data of Different Forms of Egg Yolks
* Analysis of Amazon Market Product Satisfaction Based on LDA Theme Model
* Analysis of Bare Soil Occurrence in Arable Croplands for Remote Sensing Topsoil Applications, An
* Analysis of Computer Information Processing Technology Under the Background of Intelligent Big Data
* Analysis of E-business teaching platform mode in the era of Internet plus
* Analysis on the Construction of Personalized Teaching System Based on Cloud Computing Platform
* Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Uncertainty in Urbanization Predictions
* Ant-Q Algorithm Applied to the Ship Lock Arrangement Problem
* AP-CNN: Weakly Supervised Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Apathy Classification by Exploiting Task Relatedness
* APL: Adaptive Preloading of Short Video with Lyapunov Optimization
* Application and analysis of image recognition technology based on Artificial Intelligence -- machine learning algorithm as an example
* Application and research of enterprise level contract system based on localization platform
* Application and research progress of machine learning in Bioinformatics
* Application of adaptive generalized S transform in formation Q value extraction, A
* Application of Brain-Computer Interface and Virtual Reality in Advancing Cultural Experience
* Application of Computer Vision in Responding to the Emergencies of Autonomous Driving, The
* Application of Computer-supported Mind Map in College English Reading Teaching, The
* Application of Convolutional Neural Network in multi-channel Scenario D2D Communication Transmitting Power Control
* Application of Fish-swarm and Genetic Algorithm in Optimization of Chaotic Image Encryption
* Application of improved SURF algorithm in real scene matching and recognition
* application of kernel Fisher identification method based on face symmetry in face recognition, The
* Application of Nonlinear Convolutional Neural Network in Small Samples Bearing Fault Classification
* Application of Optical Remote Sensing in Rubber Plantations: A Systematic Review
* Application of Terrestrial LiDAR for Geohazard Mapping, Monitoring and Modelling in the British Geological Survey, The
* Application of Wireless Sensor Network Technology Based on Forest Ecological Environment Monitoring
* Application Research of Docker Based on Mesos Application Container Cluster
* Application Research of Interactive Packaging Design Based on Computer Graphics Technology and GIS Model
* Applying Deep Learning to Clear-Sky Radiance Simulation for VIIRS with Community Radiative Transfer Model: Part 2: Model Architecture and Assessment
* Approximate Graph Laplacians for Multimodal Data Clustering
* Are Large-Scale 3D Models Really Necessary for Accurate Visual Localization?
* Artificial Light at Night Advances Spring Phenology in the United States
* ASK: Adaptively Selecting Key Local Features for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* Assessing Geomorphic Change in Restored Coastal Dune Ecosystems Using a Multi-Platform Aerial Approach
* Assessing Remote Sensing Vegetation Index Sensitivities for Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
* Assessing the Potential of Geostationary Himawari-8 for Mapping Surface Total Suspended Solids and Its Diurnal Changes
* Assessing the Potential of the DART Model to Discrete Return LiDAR Simulation: Application to Fuel Type Mapping
* ATFaceGAN: Single Face Image Restoration and Recognition from Atmospheric Turbulence
* Attention Fusion for Audio-Visual Person Verification Using Multi-Scale Features
* Attention-Based Unsupervised Adversarial Model for Movie Review Spam Detection, An
* Attention-guided aggregation stereo matching network
* Attention-Guided Fusion Network of Point Cloud and Multiple Views for 3D Shape Recognition
* Attenuation Coefficient Guided Two-Stage Network for Underwater Image Restoration
* Attribute Mix: Semantic Data Augmentation for Fine Grained Recognition
* Attributes based skin lesion detection and recognition: A mask RCNN and transfer learning-based deep learning framework
* Augmented Adversarial Training for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Automated diagnosis system for age-related macular degeneration using hybrid features set from fundus images
* Automated digital elevation model (DEM) generation from very-high-resolution Planet SkySat triplet stereo and video imagery
* Automated segmentation of the optic disc from fundus images using an asymmetric deep learning network
* Automated System for Generating Tactical Performance Statistics for Individual Soccer Players From Videos, An
* Automatic breast cancer detection based on optimized neural network using whale optimization algorithm
* Automatic Building Detection from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Joint Optimization and Decision Fusion of Morphological Attribute Profiles
* Automatic COVID-19 CT segmentation using U-Net integrated spatial and channel attention mechanism
* Automatic Detection of Optical Signatures within and around Floating Tonga-Fiji Pumice Rafts Using MODIS, VIIRS, and OLCI Satellite Sensors
* Automatic Detection of Self-Adaptors for Psychological Distress
* Automatic Image-Based Event Detection for Large-N Seismic Arrays Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Automatic Localization and Segmentation of the Ventricles in Magnetic Resonance Images
* Automatic Localization of Elevation Values in a Poor Quality Topographic Map
* Automatic Pain Detection on Horse and Donkey Faces
* Automatic Recognition of Low-Back Chronic Pain Level and Protective Movement Behaviour using Physical and Muscle Activity Information
* Automatic Sheep Counting by Multi-object Tracking
* Automatic stress detection evaluating models of facial action units
* Automatic Urinary Sediments Visible Component Detection Based on Improved YOLO Algorithm
* Autonomous Vehicle Localization with Prior Visual Point Cloud Map Constraints in GNSS-Challenged Environments
* Averaging GPS segments competition 2019
* Balance-batch: An Optimized Method for Semantic Segmentation Loss Functions
* Bayesian Active Learning for Choice Models With Deep Gaussian Processes
* Bayesian Approach for a Robust Speed-of-Sound Reconstruction Using Pulse-Echo Ultrasound
* Bayesian Post-Model-Selection Estimation
* Behavior regularized prototypical networks for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* Benchmarking Image Retrieval Diversification Techniques for Social Media
* Benchmarking Image Retrieval for Visual Localization
* Benchmarking the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation Models with Respect to Common Corruptions
* Better Patch Stitching for Parametric Surface Reconstruction
* Beyond Covariance: SICE and Kernel Based Visual Feature Representation
* Beyond MAGIC: Matching Collaborative Gestures using an optimization-based Approach
* Beyond Vision: A Multimodal Recurrent Attention Convolutional Neural Network for Unified Image Aesthetic Prediction Tasks
* Bidirectional Consistency Constrained Template Update Learning for Siamese Trackers
* Binarized Neural Architecture Search for Efficient Object Recognition
* Block Mobilenet: Align Large-Pose Faces with <1MB Model Size
* Bone microarchitecture characterization based on fractal analysis in spatial frequency domain imaging
* BP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-Stereo
* Brain Implants and Wearables Reroute Signals to Restore Movement and Sensation
* Breast cancer diagnosis from mammographic images using optimized feature selection and neural network architecture
* Breast cancer histopathology image classification using kernelized weighted extreme learning machine
* BR^2 Net: Defocus Blur Detection Via a Bidirectional Channel Attention Residual Refining Network
* Bézier curve-based trajectory planning for autonomous vehicles with collision avoidance
* C3Net: Cross-Modal Feature Recalibrated, Cross-Scale Semantic Aggregated and Compact Network for Semantic Segmentation of Multi-Modal High-Resolution Aerial Images
* CA-Net: Comprehensive Attention Convolutional Neural Networks for Explainable Medical Image Segmentation
* Calculation on Bond Default Probability Based on Monte Carlo Simulation KMV Model
* CameraNet: A Two-Stage Framework for Effective Camera ISP Learning
* Can We Read Speech Beyond the Lips? Rethinking RoI Selection for Deep Visual Speech Recognition
* Candidate fusion: Integrating language modelling into a sequence-to-sequence handwritten word recognition architecture
* CapsField: Light Field-Based Face and Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Capsule Routing
* Cascaded Deep Convolutional Network for Vehicle Logo Recognition From Frontal and Rear Images of Vehicles, A
* CBI + R: A Fusion Approach to Assist Dermatological Diagnoses
* CenterNet++ model for ship detection in SAR images, A
* Chain Code-Based Occupancy Map Coding for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* ChaLearn LAP 2020 Challenge on Identity-preserved Human Detection: Dataset and Results
* Challenge report Recognizing Families In the Wild Data Challenge
* Challenge report: Compound Emotion challenge
* Characterising Termite Mounds in a Tropical Savanna with UAV Laser Scanning
* Characteristics of Saline Soil in Extremely Arid Regions: A Case Study Using GF-3 and ALOS-2 Quad-Pol SAR Data in Qinghai, China
* Characterization of regional differences in cerebral vascular response to breath holding using BOLD fMRI
* Characterizing urban land changes of 30 global megacities using nighttime light time series stacks
* China's Land Cover Fraction Change during 2001-2015 Based on Remote Sensed Data Fusion between MCD12 and CCI-LC
* Chinese Character Captcha Sequential Selection System Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* Class-unbalanced domain adaptation for object detection via dynamic weighting mechanism
* Classification Method of Breast Pathological Image Based on Residual Learning, A
* Classification of Coronavirus (COVID-19) from X-ray and CT images using shrunken features
* Classification of Diabetic Foot Based on Faster, The
* Classification of Mammogram Abnormalities Using Legendre Moments
* Classification of Tidal Flat Wetland Vegetation Combining Phenological Features with Google Earth Engine, A
* Classification of Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Aerial Images Based on Multiscale Features with Limited Semantic Information
* Classification Scheme for Sediments and Habitats on Exposed Intertidal Flats with Multi-Frequency Polarimetric SAR, A
* Client-specific anomaly detection for face presentation attack detection
* CLIFER: Continual Learning with Imagination for Facial Expression Recognition
* Climate Hyperspectral Infrared Radiance Product (CHIRP) Combining the AIRS and CrIS Satellite Sounding Record, A
* Climatology of Cloud Phase, Cloud Radiative Effects and Precipitation Properties over the Tibetan Plateau
* Closing the Gap Between Deep Neural Network Modeling and Biomedical Decision-Making Metrics in Segmentation via Adaptive Loss Functions
* Cloud-assisted Augmented Reality Streaming Service System: Architecture Design and Implementation
* Clustering based Contrastive Learning for Improving Face Representations
* Clustering-Based Approach for Designing Low Complexity FIR Filters, A
* CNN-Based Anomaly Detection for Face Presentation Attack Detection with Multi-Channel Images
* COALESCE: Component Assembly by Learning to Synthesize Connections
* Color Enhancement Method to Improve the Colors of the Images Perceived by the Elderly People
* combination approach to forecast the spare parts faults of shipboard aircraft, A
* Combined Spiral Transformation and Model-Driven Multi-Modal Deep Learning Scheme for Automatic Prediction of TP53 Mutation in Pancreatic Cancer
* Combining Sentinel-1 Interferometry and Ground-Based Geomatics Techniques for Monitoring Buildings Affected by Mass Movements
* Compact class-conditional domain invariant learning for multi-class domain adaptation
* Comparative Analysis of the Global Forest/Non-Forest Maps Derived from SAR and Optical Sensors. Case Studies from Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado Biomes
* Comparison between Three Registration Methods in the Case of Non-Georeferenced Close Range of Multispectral Images
* Complementary Discriminative Correlation Filters Based on Collaborative Representation for Visual Object Tracking
* Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation On Person Re-Identification
* Complex Principal Component Analysis of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance
* Complex-Valued Disparity: Unified Depth Model of Depth from Stereo, Depth from Focus, and Depth from Defocus Based on the Light Field Gradient
* Comprehensive Analysis of Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Different Image Domains, A
* comprehensive review on deep learning-based methods for video anomaly detection, A
* Compressing Facial Makeup Transfer Networks by Collaborative Distillation and Kernel Decomposition
* Compression and Completion of Animated Point Clouds using Topological Properties of the Manifold
* Computational View of the Emotional Regulation of Disgust using Multimodal Sensors, A
* Condition-Aware Comparison Scheme for Gait Recognition
* Conditional Generative ConvNets for Exemplar-Based Texture Synthesis
* Connectivity-based convolutional neural network for classifying point clouds
* Consensus-Based Distributed Computation of Link-Based Network Metrics
* Considering Spherical Refraction in Visual Ocean Gas Release Quantification
* Consistent Long-Term Monthly Coastal Wetland Vegetation Monitoring Using a Virtual Satellite Constellation
* Construction of Public Information Service in Anhui Characteristic Tourism Town for the Aged with Internet
* Content-aware Hybrid Equi-angular Cubemap Projection for Omnidirectional Video Coding
* Content-Based Gastric Image Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Continuous Car Driving Intent Detection Using Structural Pattern Recognition
* Continuous Multi-Angle Remote Sensing and Its Application in Urban Land Cover Classification
* Contrast Enhancement of Multiple Tissues in MR Brain Images With Reversibility
* Controller area network reliability: overview of design challenges and safety related perspectives of future transportation systems
* Convolutional Autoencoders for Human Motion Infilling
* Convolutional Neural Networks for Literature Retrieval
* Cooperative control of connected hybrid electric vehicles and traffic signals at isolated intersections
* Coordinated decisions of discretionary lane change between connected and automated vehicles on freeways: a game theory-based lane change strategy
* Corn Nitrogen Status Diagnosis with an Innovative Multi-Parameter Crop Circle Phenom Sensing System
* Correcting Higher Order Aberrations Using Image Processing
* Correspondence Matrices are Underrated
* Cost-Profit Trade-Off for Optimally Locating Automotive Service Firms Under Uncertainty
* CPM: A general feature dependency pattern mining framework for contrast multivariate time series
* CrackGAN: Pavement Crack Detection Using Partially Accurate Ground Truths Based on Generative Adversarial Learning
* Crop Height Estimation of Corn from Multi-Year RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric Observables Using Machine Learning
* Cross-modal discriminant adversarial network
* Crowd Behavior Simulation With Emotional Contagion in Unexpected Multihazard Situations
* Crowd Scene Analysis Encounters High Density and Scale Variation
* CSCNet: A Shallow Single Column Network for Crowd Counting
* Cubemap-Based Perception-Driven Blind Quality Assessment for 360-degree Images
* Cuepervision: self-supervised learning for continuous domain adaptation without catastrophic forgetting
* Current Status and Variation since 1964 of the Glaciers around the Ebi Lake Basin in the Warming Climate
* Curriculum Learning Approach for Pain Intensity Recognition from Facial Expressions, A
* Curriculum self-paced learning for cross-domain object detection
* Curvature-Enhanced Random Walker Segmentation Method for Detailed Capture of 3D Cell Surface Membranes, A
* Customized VGG19 Architecture for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays
* Cycle-Consistent Generative Rendering for 2D-3D Modality Translation
* Damage detection using SAR coherence statistical analysis, application to Beirut, Lebanon
* Dark-Aware Network For Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* Data-Driven Parameter Choice for Illumination Artifact Correction of Digital Images
* Decoupled Two-Stage Crowd Counting and Beyond
* Decreased Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions during the COVID-19 Pandemic Estimated from FTS and MAX-DOAS Measurements at Urban Beijing
* Deep Automated Text Scoring Model Based on Memory Network
* Deep Blind Video Quality Assessment for User Generated Videos
* Deep chest X-ray: Detection and classification of lesions based on deep convolutional neural networks
* Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Extraction for Image Denoising
* Deep Depth Estimation on 360° Images with a Double Quaternion Loss
* Deep Entwined Learning Head Pose and Face Alignment Inside an Attentional Cascade with Doubly-Conditional fusion
* Deep Fusion Siamese Network for Automatic Kinship Verification
* Deep Hashing with Hash-Consistent Large Margin Proxy Embeddings
* Deep Inter Coding with Interpolated Reference Frame for Hierarchical Coding Structure
* deep Kalman filter network for hand kinematics estimation using sEMG, A
* Deep Learning Based EBCOT Source Symbol Prediction Technique for JPEG2000 Image Compression Architecture
* Deep Learning Based Single-Photon 3D Imaging with Multiple Returns
* deep learning model integrating convolution neural network and multiple kernel K means clustering for segmenting brain tumor in magnetic resonance images, A
* Deep Learning-Based Nonlinear Transform for HEVC Intra Coding
* Deep LiDAR localization using optical flow sensor-map correspondences
* Deep Likelihood Network for Image Restoration With Multiple Degradation Levels
* Deep Local and Global Spatiotemporal Feature Aggregation for Blind Video Quality Assessment
* Deep mutual learning for visual object tracking
* Deep Near Infrared Colorization with Semantic Segmentation and Transfer Learning
* Deep NRSfM++: Towards Unsupervised 2D-3D Lifting in the Wild
* Deep residual pooling network for texture recognition
* Deep SAR Imaging and Motion Compensation
* Deep Sketch-Based Modeling: Tips and Tricks
* Deep Sub-Region Network for Salient Object Detection
* Deep SVBRDF Estimation on Real Materials
* Deep Temporal Color Constancy for AC Light Sources
* Deep Transfer Hashing for Image Retrieval
* Deep transfer learning based hepatitis B virus diagnosis using spectroscopic images
* Deep Weakly Supervised Domain Adaptation for Pain Localization in Videos
* Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy Management Strategy for Supercapacitor Energy Storage Systems in Urban Rail Transit
* DeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction
* DeepCADRME: A deep neural model for complex adverse drug reaction mentions extraction
* Deeply supervised U-Net for mass segmentation in digital mammograms
* DeepVI: A Novel Framework for Learning Deep View-Invariant Human Action Representations using a Single RGB Camera
* DeeSCo: Deep heterogeneous ensemble with Stochastic Combinatory loss for gaze estimation
* Deformable Kernel Networks for Joint Image Filtering
* Deformation Flow Based Two-Stream Network for Lip Reading
* DEN: Disentanglement and Enhancement Networks for Low Illumination Images
* DENESTO: A Tool for Video Decoding Energy Estimation and Visualization
* Denoising-Based Turbo Message Passing for Compressed Video Background Subtraction
* Dense Point Diffusion for 3D Object Detection
* Dense-Gated U-Net for Brain Lesion Segmentation, A
* DenseNet-CTC: An end-to-end RNN-free architecture for context-free string recognition
* Depth Completion Using a View-constrained Deep Prior
* Depth-Quality-Aware Salient Object Detection
* Depthwise Separable Temporal Convolutional Network for Action Segmentation
* Design and Application of Smart Vocational Education Platform Based on New Generation Information Technology
* Design and Implementation of a Mobile Context-aware Model of Traditional Chinese Medical Health Preserving Based on Ontology
* Design and Implementation ofUE4 Natural Phenomenon Simulation System
* Design of a Didactical Activity for the Analysis of Uncertainties in Thermography through the Use of Robust Statistics as Teacher-Oriented Approach
* Detecting Dynamic Community Structure in Functional Brain Networks Across Individuals: A Multilayer Approach
* Detection of a Potato Disease (Early Blight) Using Artificial Intelligence
* Detection of Forest Windstorm Damages with Multitemporal SAR Data: A Case Study: Finland
* Detection of Ground Materials Using Normalized Difference Indices with a Threshold: Risk and Ways to Improve
* Detection of Natural Gas Leakages Using a Laser-Based Methane Sensor and UAV
* Detection of pneumonia in chest X-ray images by using 2D discrete wavelet feature extraction with random forest
* Deterministic Approximate Methods for Maximum Consensus Robust Fitting
* development and comparison of face recognition algorithms based on different technical characteristics, The
* Development and Pre-Clinical Analysis of Spatiotemporal-Aware Augmented Reality in Orthopedic Interventions
* Development of Machine Learning Models to Predict Compressed Sward Height in Walloon Pastures Based on Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Meteorological Data Using Multiple Data Transformations
* Differences in Cloud Radar Phase and Power in Co- and Cross-Channel: Indicator of Lightning
* Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation, A
* Differential Photometric Consistency
* Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia using radiomics of chest computed tomography and clinical features
* Directionality-centric bus transit network segmentation for on-demand public transit
* Discrete Cosine Model of Light Field Sampling for Improving Rendering Quality of Views, A
* Discriminative Feature Learning for Thorax Disease Classification in Chest X-ray Images
* Discussion on the elastic optical network technology of the centralized control architecture of the power data communication network
* Disparity compensation of light fields for improved efficiency in 4D transform-based encoders
* Displacement Analysis of Geothermal Field Based on PSInSAR And SOM Clustering Algorithms A Case Study of Brady Field, Nevada USA
* Distance-Intensity Image Strategy for Pulsed LiDAR Based on the Double-Scale Intensity-Weighted Centroid Algorithm
* Distortion-Aware Monocular Depth Estimation for Omnidirectional Images
* Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment
* Divide et Impera Approach for 3D Shape Reconstruction from Multiple Views, A
* Do End-to-end Stereo Algorithms Under-utilize Information?
* Do We Need Depth in State-Of-The-Art Face Authentication?
* DOA Refinement Through Complex Parabolic Interpolation of a Sparse Recovered Signal
* DOVE: Decomposition Oriented Video super-rEsolution
* Downscaling Groundwater Storage Data in China to a 1-km Resolution Using Machine Learning Methods
* Driver identification using 1D convolutional neural networks with vehicular CAN signals
* Driver Intervention Detection via Real-Time Transfer Function Estimation
* Driver Yawning Detection Based on Subtle Facial Action Recognition
* DriverMHG: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Dynamic Recognition of Driver Micro Hand Gestures and a Real-Time Recognition Framework
* Drivers of Bornean Orangutan Distribution across a Multiple-Use Tropical Landscape
* Driving Behavior Evaluation for Future Mobility: Application of Online Transition Probability Estimation
* Drone-Based Car Counting via Density Map Learning
* Dual-Attention GAN for Large-Pose Face Frontalization
* Dual-Channel Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm Incorporating the BRDF Effect from AVHRR over Eastern Asia, A
* Dual-Model Architecture with Grouping-Attention-Fusion for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Dual-pathway DenseNets with fully lateral connections for multimodal brain tumor segmentation
* Dual-Stream Multi-Path Recursive Residual Network for JPEG Image Compression Artifacts Reduction
* Dual-Weighted Kernel Extreme Learning Machine for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* Dynamic Load Balancing of Multiple Controller based on Intelligent Collaboration in SDN
* Dynamic spectral residual superpixels
* Dynamic versus Static Facial Expressions in the Presence of Speech
* Dynamics Analysis on T chaotic systems with absolute
* DynOcc: Learning Single-View Depth from Dynamic Occlusion Cues
* EACNet: Enhanced Asymmetric Convolution for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* EACOFT: An energy-aware correlation filter for visual tracking
* Earth Observation-Informed Risk Maps of the Lyme Disease Vector Ixodes scapularis in Central and Eastern Canada
* ECG steganography based on tunable Q-factor wavelet transform and singular value decomposition
* Ecological Monitoring with Spy Satellite Images: The Case of Red Wood Ants in Romania
* Edge-Guided Non-Local Fully Convolutional Network for Salient Object Detection
* Editorial for the Special Issue: Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Data for Mineral Exploration and Environmental Monitoring of Mined Areas
* EEG-Based Multi-Modal Emotion Database with Both Posed and Authentic Facial Actions for Emotion Analysis, An
* EF-Net: A novel enhancement and fusion network for RGB-D saliency detection
* Effect of interpolation on specular reflections in texture-based automatic colonic polyp detection
* Effectively Extracting Iceberg Freeboard Using Bi-Temporal Landsat-8 Panchromatic Image Shadows
* Effects of Training Set Size on Supervised Machine-Learning Land-Cover Classification of Large-Area High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Data
* Efficient dispatching system of railway vehicles based on internet of things technology
* Efficient global color correction for large-scale multiple-view images in three-dimensional reconstruction
* Efficient Industrial System for Vehicle Tyre (Tire) Detection and Text Recognition Using Deep Learning, An
* Efficient Light Deep Network for Street Scene Parsing
* Efficient RTM-based training of machine learning regression algorithms to quantify biophysical and biochemical traits of agricultural crops
* Efficient Scene Compression for Visual-based Localization
* Elastic mechanism of cross layer and multi domain communication network
* Ellipse R-CNN: Learning to Infer Elliptical Object From Clustering and Occlusion
* Ellipse Recovery From Blurred Binary Images
* Elman short-term traffic flow prediction model based on association rules
* Embedding deep networks into visual explanations
* EMOPAIN Challenge 2020: Multimodal Pain Evaluation from Facial and Bodily Expressions
* Emotion or expressivity? An automated analysis of nonverbal perception in a social dilemma
* Empirical Study of Emotion Recognition from Thermal Video Based on Deep Neural Networks, An
* End-to-end Facial and Physiological Model for Affective Computing and Applications
* End-to-End Learning Deep CRF Models for Multi-Object Tracking Deep CRF Models
* End-to-end Spatial Attention Network with Feature Mimicking for Head Detection
* Energy Planning for Autonomous Driving of an Over-Actuated Road Vehicle
* Energy-Efficient Distributed Learning With Coarsely Quantized Signals
* Enhanced Saliency Prediction via Orientation Selectivity
* Enhanced Synchronization of 5G integrated Satellite Systems in Multipath Channels
* Enhanced trajectory estimation of mobile laser scanners using aerial images
* Enhancement of Underexposed Images with Blurred Reflectance, The
* Enhancing in-tree-based clustering via distance ensemble and kernelization
* EnlightenGAN: Deep Light Enhancement Without Paired Supervision
* Enriching Optical Flow with Appearance Information for Action Recognition
* Entropy Optimized Deep Feature Compression
* Epilepsy Classification for Mining Deeper Relationships between EEG Channels based on GCN
* Equirectangular Projection Oriented Intra Prediction for 360-Degree Video Coding
* ERP-Based CTU Splitting Early Termination for Intra Prediction of 360 videos
* Error Bounds of Projection Models in Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation
* Establishment of Color Proportion and Color Schemes Database of Shaanxi Fengxiang Wood Engraving New Year Painting, The
* Estimating Forest Structure from UAV-Mounted LiDAR Point Cloud Using Machine Learning
* Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Information Fusion of Multiple-Sensor Imagery from UAV
* Estimation and Analysis of BDS2 and BDS3 Differential Code Biases and Global Ionospheric Maps Using BDS Observations
* Estimation of Field-Level NOx Emissions from Crop Residue Burning Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Hubei, China
* Estimation of link-cost function for cyclists based on stochastic optimisation and GPS traces
* Estimation of Orofacial Kinematics in Parkinson's Disease: Comparison of 2D and 3D Markerless Systems for Motion Tracking
* European Wide Forest Classification Based on Sentinel-1 Data
* EV-Action: Electromyography-Vision Multi-Modal Action Dataset
* Evaluation of Penman-Monteith Model Based on Sentinel-2 Data for the Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in Vineyards
* Evaluation of Pre-Earthquake Anomalies of Borehole Strain Network by Using Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve
* Evaluation of quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI parameters using a reference region model in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) patients
* Experiment Research on Mobile Terminal Image Scene Recognition Based on optimization
* Explainable Early Stopping for Action Unit Recognition
* Explanation and Probabilistic Prediction of Hydrological Signatures with Statistical Boosting Algorithms
* Exploit Camera Raw Data for Video Super- Resolution via Hidden Markov Model Inference
* Exploiting Local Degradation Characteristics and Global Statistical Properties for Blind Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped HDR Images
* Exploiting structured high-level knowledge for domain-specific visual classification
* Exploration of Interactive Foreign Language Teaching Mode Based on Artificial Intelligence
* Exploring Multidimensional Measurements for Pain Evaluation using Facial Action Units
* Exploring the Potential of Statistical Modeling to Retrieve the Cloud Base Height from Geostationary Satellites: Applications to the ABI Sensor on Board of the GOES-R Satellite Series
* Extended Scheme for Shape Matching with Local Descriptors, An
* Extending CCSDS 123.0-B-1 for Lossless 4D Image Compression
* Extraction and Analysis of Finer Impervious Surface Classes in Urban Area
* Fabric defect detection using deep learning: An Improved Faster R-approach
* Face Attributes as Cues for Deep Face Recognition Understanding
* Face Denoising and 3D Reconstruction from A Single Depth Image
* Face Image Inpainting With Evolutionary Generators
* Face Image Reflection Removal
* Face Video Generation from a Single Image and Landmarks
* FaceChannel: A Light-weight Deep Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition., The
* Facial Expression Recognition for In-the-wild Videos
* Facial micro-expressions as a soft biometric for person recognition
* Fair Self-Adaptive Clustering for Hybrid Cellular-Vehicular Networks
* Fake face detection via adaptive manipulation traces extraction network
* FaME-ML: Fast Multirate Encoding for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Using Machine Learning
* Fast Aerial Image Geolocalization Using the Projective-Invariant Contour Feature
* Fast compressed sensing recovery using generative models and sparse deviations modeling
* Fast Discontinuity-Aware Subpixel Correspondence in Structured Light
* Fast Geometry Estimation for Phase-coding Structured Light Field
* Fast hard negative mining for deep metric learning
* Fast Hyper-Spectral Radiative Transfer Model Based on the Double Cluster Low-Streams Regression Method
* Fast Hyperspectral Image Encoder Based on Supervised Multimodal Scheme
* Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for Depth Map with End-to-End Edge Detection Network
* Fast Multi-View Clustering via Nonnegative and Orthogonal Factorization
* Fast Recolor Prediction Scheme in Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Fast Simultaneous Gravitational Alignment of Multiple Point Sets
* Fast Single Image Fog Removal Method Using Geometric Mean Histogram Equalization, A
* Fast Variational Bayesian Inference for Temporally Correlated Sparse Signal Recovery
* Fast Video Saliency Detection based on Feature Competition
* FastSCCNet: Fast Mode Decision in VVC Screen Content Coding via Fully Convolutional Network
* FC-vSLAM: Integrating Feature Credibility in Visual SLAM
* Feasibility Analysis of Openstack and Dynamips Application Fusion
* Feasibility of Joint Power Optimization of Multiple Source-Destinations in an AF Relay Network
* Feature Maps Channel Augmentation for Object Detection
* Feature Selection for Zero-Shot Gesture Recognition
* Feature selection using bare-bones particle swarm optimization with mutual information
* Feature-preserving 3D mesh simplification for urban buildings
* Finding EFL and EQL Allocations of Indivisible Goods
* Finding the Skeleton of 2D Shape and Contours: Implementation of Hamilton-Jacobi Skeleton
* Fine-Grained Crowd Counting
* Fine-grained image inpainting with scale-enhanced generative adversarial network
* Fine-Grained Instance-Level Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* FineHand: Learning Hand Shapes for American Sign Language Recognition
* Finite-Length Bounds on Hypothesis Testing Subject to Vanishing Type I Error Restrictions
* Finite-time active shimmy control based on uncertain disturbance observer for electric vehicle with independent suspension
* Fire Occurrences and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
* First Investigation into the Use of Deep Learning for Continuous Assessment of Neonatal Postoperative Pain
* FishUI: Interactive Fisheye Distortion Visualization
* Fixed Viewpoint Mirror Surface Reconstruction Under an Uncalibrated Camera
* Foliage Biophysical Trait Prediction from Laboratory Spectra in Norway Spruce Is More Affected by Needle Age Than by Site Soil Conditions
* Forecasting the Onset of Traffic Congestions on Circular Roads
* Forest Height Estimation Using a Single-Pass Airborne L-Band Polarimetric and Interferometric SAR System and Tomographic Techniques
* Forest Road Detection Using LiDAR Data and Hybrid Classification
* Forward-Looking Multimodal Endoscopic System Based on Optical Multispectral and High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Tumor Detection
* Framework for Accounting Reference Levels for REDD+ in Tropical Forests: Case Study from Xishuangbanna, China
* Framework for Reconstruction of Pseudo Quad Polarimetric Imagery from General Compact Polarimetry
* framework of human action recognition using length control features fusion and weighted entropy-variances based feature selection, A
* Frequency-Dependent Depth Map Enhancement via Iterative Depth-Guided Affine Transformation and Intensity-Guided Refinement
* From Low to Super Resolution and Beyond
* From the Semantic Point Cloud to Heritage-Building Information Modeling: A Semiautomatic Approach Exploiting Machine Learning
* FT-RCNN: Real-time Visual Face Tracking with Region-based Convolutional Neural Networks
* Full Bayesian Before-After Analysis of Safety Effects of Variable Speed Limit System
* Full-Reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment Using a Motion Sensitive HVS Model
* Fully automatic brain tumor extraction and tissue segmentation from multimodal MRI brain images
* Fully automatic spatiotemporal segmentation of 3D LiDAR time series for the extraction of natural surface changes
* Fully Neural Network Mode Based Intra Prediction of Variable Block Size
* fuzzy logic-based meningioma tumor detection in magnetic resonance brain images using CANFIS and U-Net CNN classification, A
* GAMesh: Guided and Augmented Meshing for Deep Point Networks
* GAN-Based Day-to-Night Image Style Transfer for Nighttime Vehicle Detection
* Gap Filling for Historical Landsat NDVI Time Series by Integrating Climate Data
* Gated Path Selection Network for Semantic Segmentation
* Gated Variational AutoEncoders: Incorporating Weak Supervision to Encourage Disentanglement
* General Remote Photoplethysmography Estimator with Spatiotemporal Convolutional Network, A
* Generalized Pose-and-Scale Estimation using 4-Point Congruence Constraints
* Generative Model-Based Loss to the Rescue: A Method to Overcome Annotation Errors for Depth-Based Hand Pose Estimation
* Generative Video Face Reenactment by AUs and Gaze Regularization
* Geodesic Disparity Compensation for Inter-View Prediction in VR180
* Geodetic and UAV Monitoring in the Sustainable Management of Shallow Landslides and Erosion of a Susceptible Urban Environment
* Geometric-visual descriptor for improved image based localization
* Geometrically Editable Face Image Translation With Adversarial Networks
* Geometry-Based Camera Calibration Using Closed-Form Solution of Principal Line
* Gesture Agreement Assessment Using Description Vectors
* Giant Panda Identification
* GIF: Generative Interpretable Faces
* Global Climatology of Dust Aerosols Based on Satellite Data: Spatial, Seasonal and Inter-Annual Patterns over the Period 2005-2019, A
* Global Context Aware Convolutions for 3D Point Cloud Understanding
* Global-Local Feature Fusion Mechanism for Sentiment Classification
* GNSS NLOS Exclusion Based on Dynamic Object Detection Using LiDAR Point Cloud
* GNSS Receiver-Related Pseudorange Biases: Characteristics and Effects on Wide-Lane Ambiguity Resolution
* Graph Grouping Loss for Metric Learning of Face Image Representations
* Graph-Based Approach for Making Consensus-Based Decisions in Image Search and Person Re-Identification, A
* Graph-Based Multi-Interaction Network for Video Question Answering
* Graph-Embedded Lane Detection
* GraphAIR: Graph representation learning with neighborhood aggregation and interaction
* Graphite: Graph-Induced Feature Extraction for Point Cloud Registration
* graphkit-learn: A Python library for graph kernels based on linear patterns
* GraphTTE: Travel Time Estimation Based on Attention-Spatiotemporal Graphs
* Grasping Field: Learning Implicit Representations for Human Grasps
* Grassland Mowing Detection Using Sentinel-1 Time Series: Potential and Limitations
* Green LAI Mapping and Cloud Gap-Filling Using Gaussian Process Regression in Google Earth Engine
* GreenSea: Visual Soccer Analysis Using Broad Learning System
* GRNet: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks based on Graph Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation
* Ground-Based MAX-DOAS Observations of Tropospheric NO2 and HCHO During COVID-19 Lockdown and Spring Festival Over Shanghai, China
* Group Reidentification with Multigrained Matching and Integration
* Growing status observation for oil palm trees using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images
* GWO Model for Optimal Localization of IoT-Enabled Sensor Nodes in Smart Parking Systems
* Hand Gestures Recognition Using Radar Sensors for Human-Computer-Interaction: A Review
* Hand tracking from monocular RGB with dense semantic labels
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Application Based on Improved Naive Bayes Method
* Harmonized Multimodal Learning with Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* HDR Deghosting Using Motion-Registration-Free Fusion in the Luminance Gradient Domain
* HDR Image Compression with Convolutional Autoencoder
* Head2Head: Video-based Neural Head Synthesis
* Health Index Methodology of Integrated Energy System, The
* Heterogeneous ensemble selection for evolving data streams
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Based on Nonsymmetry and Anti-Packing Pattern Representation Model
* Hierarchical Long Short-Term Concurrent Memory for Human Interaction Recognition
* Hierarchical Temporal Modeling With Mutual Distance Matching for Video Based Person Re-Identification
* Hierarchical Visual Feature-Based Approach For Image Sonification, A
* hierarchical weighted low-rank representation for image clustering and classification, A
* High-accuracy vehicle lamp detection for real-time night-time traffic surveillance
* High-Dimensional Dense Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Reconstruction
* High-Dynamic-Range Lighting Estimation From Face Portraits
* High-Quality R-CNN Object Detection Using Multi-Path Detection Calibration Network
* High-Throughput Lossy-to-Lossless 3D Image Compression
* Highway Exiting Planner for Automated Vehicles Using Reinforcement Learning
* HOReID: Deep High-Order Mapping Enhances Pose Alignment for Person Re-Identification
* HOTA: A Higher Order Metric for Evaluating Multi-object Tracking
* Hotelling Model based Computation Offloading in Multi-access Edge Computing Assisted Mobile Network
* Hough-Based Multibeamlet Transform, The
* How are attributes expressed in face DCNNs?
* How are you feeling? Multimodal Emotion Learning for Socially-Assistive Robot Navigation
* How Can Microwave Observations at 23.8 GHz Help in Acquiring Water Vapor in the Atmosphere over Land?
* Hybrid Differential Algorithm for Image Enhancement, A
* Hybrid method combining superpixel, supervised learning, and random walk for glioma segmentation
* Hybrid Model for Natural Face De-Identiation with Adjustable Privacy, A
* Hybrid Video and Image Hashing for Robust Face Retrieval
* Hyperchaotic Synchronization Secure Communication Based on State Observer
* Hypergraph Neural Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* HyperSLAM: A Generic and Modular Approach to Sensor Fusion and Simultaneous Localization And Mapping in Continuous-Time
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Multi-Scale Residual Network with Attention Mechanism
* Hyperspectral image classification via discriminative convolutional neural network with an improved triplet loss
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with Localized Graph Convolutional Filtering
* Hyperspectral Image Enhancement by Two Dimensional Quaternion Valued Singular Spectrum Analysis for Object Recognition
* Hyperspectral Reflectance and Indices for Characterizing the Dynamics of Crop-Weed Competition for Water
* Hypersphere Fitting From Noisy Data Using an EM Algorithm
* IBC-Mirror Mode for Screen Content Coding for the Next Generation Video Coding Standards
* Icon Colorization Based On Triple Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* IDE: Image Dehazing and Exposure Using an Enhanced Atmospheric Scattering Model
* Identification and Portrait of Urban Functional Zones Based on Multisource Heterogeneous Data and Ensemble Learning
* Identification of Multiple Image Steganographic Methods Using Hierarchical ResNets
* Identification of the Characteristic Scale of Fine Ground Objects: A Case Study of the Core Observation Area in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin
* Identifying brain regions contributing to Alzheimer's disease using self regulating particle swarm optimization
* IF Receiver of LFMCW Radar Based on Time Delayer, The
* IF-GAN: Generative Adversarial Network for Identity Preserving Facial Image Inpainting and Frontalization
* Illumination normalized based technique for retinal blood vessel segmentation
* Image captioning with transformer and knowledge graph
* Image Co-Skeletonization via Co-Segmentation
* Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Combination of Chaos and DNA Encoding, An
* Image Enhancement for Remote Photoplethysmography in a Low-Light Environment
* Image Matching Across Wide Baselines: From Paper to Practice
* Image quality improvement of 8K LCD displays via process optimization
* Image stabilization algorithm based on KLT motion tracking
* Image super-resolution via channel attention and spatial graph convolutional network
* Image-based Pose Representation for Action Recognition and Hand Gesture Recognition
* Image-Guided Tethering Spine Surgery With Outcome Prediction Using Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Networks
* Impact of Assimilating Satellite Radiance Observations in the Copernicus European Regional Reanalysis (CERRA), The
* Impacts of Heat and Drought on Gross Primary Productivity in China
* Impairments in decoding facial and vocal emotional expressions in high functioning autistic adults and adolescents
* Implementation and Validation of a High Accuracy UAV-Photogrammetry Based Rail Track Inspection System
* Implementation of an Improved Water Change Tracking (IWCT) Algorithm: Monitoring the Water Changes in Tianjin over 1984-2019 Using Landsat Time-Series Data
* Implementation of convolutional neural network categorizers in coronary ischemia detection
* Imprecise Gaussian discriminant classification
* Improved Color Doppler for Cerebral Blood Flow Axial Velocity Imaging
* Improved Hu Moment and Its Application in Gesture Recognition, The
* Improved Method Combining ANN and 1D-Var for the Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature Profiles from FY-4A/GIIRS Hyperspectral Data, An
* Improved Modeling of 3D Shapes with Multi-view Depth Maps
* Improved Segmentation Method for Automatic Mapping of Cone Karst from Remote Sensing Data Based on DeepLab V3+ Model, An
* Improving Anomaly Detection Fusion Method of Rotating Machinery Based on ANN and Isolation Forest
* Improving Compression Artifact Reduction via End-to-End Learning of Side Information
* Improving medical image fusion method using fuzzy entropy and nonsubsampling contourlet transform
* Improving Robustness of DNNs against Common Corruptions via Gaussian Adversarial Training
* Improving Single Shot Object Detection With Feature Scale Unmixing
* Improving Structure from Motion with Reliable Resectioning
* Improving the On-Vehicle Experience of Passengers Through SC-M*: A Scalable Multi-Passenger Multi-Criteria Mobility Planner
* Improving the Retrieval of Crop Canopy Chlorophyll Content Using Vegetation Index Combinations
* In Silico Phase-Contrast X-Ray Imaging of Anthropomorphic Voxel-Based Phantoms
* Indian COSMOS Network (ICON): Validating L-Band Remote Sensing and Modelled Soil Moisture Data Products, The
* Inferring Near-Surface PM2.5 Concentrations from the VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Product in China: A Spatiotemporally Weighted Random Forest Model
* Influence of the Calibration Interval on Simulating Non-Stationary Urban Growth Dynamic Using CA-Markov Model, The
* Infrared small target detection via adaptive M-estimator ring top-hat transformation
* Instant recovery of shape from spectrum via latent space connections
* Integral-Based Approach to Orthogonal AMP, An
* integrated feature frame work for automated segmentation of COVID-19 infection from lung CT images, An
* Integrity for Multi-Sensor Cooperative Positioning
* Intelligent Frequency Assignment Algorithm Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
* Inter-Slice Context Residual Learning for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
* Interaction-Integrated Network for Natural Language Moment Localization
* Intermittent Contextual Learning for Keyfilter-Aware UAV Object Tracking Using Deep Convolutional Feature
* Interpretable and Effective Learning for 3D Point Cloud Registration, Classification and Segmentation
* Interpretable Detail-Fidelity Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Interpretable Visual Question Answering by Reasoning on Dependency Trees
* Intrinsic Autoencoders for Joint Deferred Neural Rendering and Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* Intrinsic Dynamic Shape Prior for Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
* Introducing Latent Space Correlation to Conditional Autoencoders for Intra Prediction
* Introducing Pose Consistency and Warp-Alignment for Self-Supervised 6D Object Pose Estimation in Color Images
* Introduction and Analysis of an Event-Based Sign Language Dataset
* Inversion of Terrain Slope and Roughness with Satellite Laser Altimeter Full-Waveform Data Assisted by Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission
* Investigation of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes Using Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Investigation on the Difficulties and Challenges of Teachers Online Teaching in Primary and Middle Schools of Guangxi Middle School
* IoU-uniform R-CNN: Breaking through the limitations of RPN
* IPTV Channel Zapping Recommendation With Attention Mechanism
* iSAM: Personalizing an Artificial Intelligence Model for Emotion with Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance in Immersive Virtual Reality
* Island Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on FC_U-Net Network, An
* Joint adaptive manifold and embedding learning for unsupervised feature selection
* Joint Anchor-Feature Refinement for Real-Time Accurate Object Detection in Images and Videos
* Joint Hapke Model and Spatial Adaptive Sparse Representation with Iterative Background Purification for Martian Serpentine Detection
* Joint Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow and Egomotion with Bi-Level optimization
* JÂA-Net: Joint Facial Action Unit Detection and Face Alignment Via Adaptive Attention
* KAPLAN: A 3D Point Descriptor for Shape Completion
* KeystoneDepth: History in 3D
* Kinematic Tracking of Rehabilitation Patients With Markerless Pose Estimation Fused with Wearable Inertial Sensors
* Label group diffusion for image and image pair segmentation
* Label Propagation from camera image to point cloud BEV
* Landmarks-assisted Collaborative Deep Framework for Automatic 4D Facial Expression Recognition
* Landscape Similarity Analysis Using Texture Encoded Deep-Learning Features on Unclassified Remote Sensing Imagery
* LaSOT: A High-quality Large-scale Single Object Tracking Benchmark
* Latent-Based Adversarial Neural Networks for Facial Affect Estimations
* LCD: Line Clustering and Description for Place Recognition
* Learned image and video compression with deep neural networks
* Learned Resolution Scaling Powered Gaming-as-a-Service at Scale
* Learning 3D Faces from Photo-Realistic Facial Synthesis
* Learning a Privacy-Preserving Global Feature Set for Mood Classification Using Smartphone Activity and Sensor Data
* Learning Convolution Feature Aggregation via Edge Attention Convolution Network for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Crisp Boundaries Using Deep Refinement Network and Adaptive Weighting Loss
* Learning deep features for task-independent EEG-based biometric verification
* Learning Distribution Independent Latent Representation for 3D Face Disentanglement
* Learning Diverse Models for End-to-End Ensemble Tracking
* Learning From Paired and Unpaired Data: Alternately Trained CycleGAN for Near Infrared Image Colorization
* Learning Graph Topology Representation with Attention Networks
* Learning Guided Attention Masks for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* Learning Implicit Surface Light Fields
* Learning Matching Behavior Differences for Compressing Vehicle Re-identification Models
* Learning Monocular Dense Depth from Events
* Learning Monocular Face Reconstruction using Multi-View Supervision
* Learning Part-based Convolutional Features for Person Re-Identification
* Learning Person Re-Identification Models From Videos With Weak Supervision
* Learning Photometric Stereo via Manifold-based Mapping
* Learning privacy-enhancing face representations through feature disentanglement
* Learning Redundant Sparsifying Transform based on Equi-Angular Frame
* Learning Rotation-Invariant Representations of Point Clouds Using Aligned Edge Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning Self-Supervised Space-Time CNN for Fast Video Style Transfer
* Learning Steering Kernels for Guided Depth Completion
* Learning the Connectivity: Situational Graph Convolution Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Learning to encode user-generated short videos with lower bitrate and the same perceptual quality
* Learning to Guide Local Feature Matches
* Learning to Infer Semantic Parameters for 3D Shape Editing
* Learning to transfer focus of graph neural network for scene graph parsing
* Learning to Zoom-In via Learning to Zoom-Out: Real-World Super-Resolution by Generating and Adapting Degradation
* Learning Wasserstein Isometric Embedding for Point Clouds
* Leveraging Shared and Divergent Facial Expression Behavior Between Genders in Deception Detection
* LFNet: Local Rotation Invariant Coordinate Frame for Robust Point Cloud Analysis
* LiDAR Observations of Multi-Modal Swash Probability Distributions on a Dissipative Beach
* LiDAR-based Recurrent 3D Semantic Segmentation with Temporal Memory Alignment
* LightGBM-based model for metro passenger volume forecasting
* Lightweight Color Image Demosaicking with Multi-Core Feature Extraction
* Lightweight Depth Estimation Network for Wide-Baseline Light Fields, A
* Linear Approach to Absolute Pose Estimation for Light Fields, A
* Linguistically-aware attention for reducing the semantic gap in vision-language tasks
* LM-Reloc: Levenberg-Marquardt Based Direct Visual Relocalization
* LMSCNet: Lightweight Multiscale 3D Semantic Completion
* Local Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network for Spotting Macro- and Micro-expression Intervals in Long Video Sequences
* Localising In Complex Scenes Using Balanced Adversarial Adaptation
* location of mobile logistics is arranged by the method of RFID tag separation, The
* Loss Decomposition and Centroid Estimation for Positive and Unlabeled Learning
* Low Complexity Trellis-Coded Quantization in Versatile Video Coding
* Low Resolution Facial Manipulation Detection
* Low-Latency Infrastructure-Based Cellular V2V Communications for Multi-Operator Environments With Regional Split
* LSTM based trajectory prediction model for cyclist utilizing multiple interactions with environment
* LSTM-DNN based Approach for Pain Intensity and Protective Behaviour Prediction
* M2H-Net: A Reconstruction Method For Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Imagery
* M3F: Multi-Modal Continuous Valence-Arousal Estimation in the Wild
* Machine Learning Based Algorithms for Global Dust Aerosol Detection from Satellite Images: Inter-Comparisons and Evaluation
* Machine learning based feature selection and knowledge reasoning for CBR system under big data
* Machine Learning for Photometric Redshift Estimation of Quasars with Different Samples
* MAGIC of E-Health: A Gesture-Based Approach to Estimate Understanding and Performance in Remote Ultrasound Tasks, The
* Magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction via non-convex total variation regularization
* Mapping 20 Years of Urban Expansion in 45 Urban Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa
* Mapping and Semantic Modeling of Underground Parking Lots Using a Backpack LiDAR System
* Mapping coastal salt marshes in China using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR
* Mapping Data Prediction Algorithm based On Generalized Regression Neural Network, A
* Mapping Drainage Structures Using Airborne Laser Scanning by Incorporating Road Centerline Information
* Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Beijing with a Fast Area of Interest (AOI)-Based Method
* Marked Point Process Model For Visual Perceptual Groups Extraction, A
* Mask Cross-Modal Hashing Networks
* Mask Detection Method for Shoppers Under the Threat of COVID-19 Coronavirus, A
* MaskNet: A Fully-Convolutional Network to Estimate Inlier Points
* Matching with GUISAC-Guided Sample Consensus
* Matching-space Stereo Networks for Cross-domain Generalization
* Maximum-Likelihood TDOA Localization Algorithm Using Difference-of-Convex Programming, A
* MDECNN: A Multiscale Perception Dense Encoding Convolutional Neural Network for Multispectral Pan-Sharpening
* Measurements and Analysis of the Doppler Signature of a Human Moving within the Forest in UHF-Band
* MEGC2020 - The Third Facial Micro-Expression Grand Challenge
* MEMC-Net: Motion Estimation and Motion Compensation Driven Neural Network for Video Interpolation and Enhancement
* MetaInv-Net: Meta Inversion Network for Sparse View CT Image Reconstruction
* Method For Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based On GCN-LSTM, A
* Metric-Scale Truncation-Robust Heatmaps for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* MFQE 2.0: A New Approach for Multi-Frame Quality Enhancement on Compressed Video
* Military Tests that Jam and Spoof GPS Signals are an Accident Waiting to Happen
* MIND-Net: A Deep Mutual Information Distillation Network for Realistic Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* Mining Larger Class Activation Map with Common Attribute Labels
* Mixed Appearance-based and Coding Distortion-based CNN Fusion Approach for In-loop Filtering in Video Coding, A
* MixNet: A Better Promising Approach for Chromosome Classification based on Aggregated Residual Architecture
* MobileGCN applied to low-dimensional node feature learning
* Modeling Smart Cloud Computing Resource Allocation in E-Learning
* Modelling Accessibility to Urban Green Areas Using Open Earth Observations Data: A Novel Approach to Support the Urban SDG in Four European Cities
* Modelling and Comparing Shading Effects of 3D Tree Structures with Virtual Leaves
* Modelling Daily Gross Primary Productivity with Sentinel-2 Data in the Nordic Region: Comparison with Data from MODIS
* Modelling the Statistics of Cyclic Activities by Trajectory Analysis on the Manifold of Positive-Semi-Definite Matrices
* modified capsule network algorithm for oct corneal image segmentation, A
* Modified Global Flower Pollination Algorithm-based image fusion for medical diagnosis using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
* Modified Rider Optimization-Based V Channel Magnification for Enhanced Video Super Resolution
* MoDuL: Deep Modal and Dual Landmark-wise Gated Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* Monitoring 2019 Forest Fires in Southeastern Australia with GNSS Technique
* Monitoring Key Forest Structure Attributes across the Conterminous United States by Integrating GEDI LiDAR Measurements and VIIRS Data
* Monitoring of Power Towers' Movement Using Persistent Scatterer SAR Interferometry in South West of Tehran
* Monitoring spatiotemporal variation in beach surface moisture using a long-range terrestrial laser scanner
* Monitoring System of OpenStack Cloud Platform Based on Prometheus
* Monitoring the Coastal Changes of the Po River Delta (Northern Italy) since 1911 Using Archival Cartography, Multi-Temporal Aerial Photogrammetry and LiDAR Data: Implications for Coastline Changes in 2100 A.D.
* Monitoring Wet Snow Over an Alpine Region Using Sentinel-1 Observations
* Mono is Enough: Instance Segmentation from Single Annotated Sample
* MonoClothCap: Towards Temporally Coherent Clothing Capture from Monocular RGB Video
* Mood Versus Identity: Studying the Influence of Affective States on Mobile Biometrics
* Morphology of Evolved Urban Fabric around Farm Ponds, The
* Morphometric Analysis of Pluto's Impact Craters
* Motion Annotation Programs: A Scalable Approach to Annotating Kinematic Articulations in Large 3D Shape Collections
* Motion Estimation for Spike Camera Data Sequence via Spike Interval Analysis
* Motion-Aware Feature Enhancement Network for Video Prediction
* Moving Target Detection and Parameter Estimation via a Modified Imaging STAP with a Large Baseline in Multistatic GEO SAR
* MSB-FCN: Multi-Scale Bidirectional FCN for Object Skeleton Extraction
* MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Multi-Block Mixed Sample Semi-Supervised Learning for SAR Target Recognition
* Multi-face detection algorithm suitable for video surveillance
* Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Multi-modal Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Sequence Modeling
* Multi-modal Sequence-to-sequence Model for Continuous Affect Prediction in the Wild Using Deep 3D Features
* Multi-Model Adaptive Control for CACC Applications
* Multi-Model Fusion Framework for NIR-to-RGB Translation, A
* Multi-Parameter Regularization Method for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometers
* Multi-perspective cross-class domain adaptation for open logo detection
* Multi-Pose Image Fusion Research Based on Structured Block and Edge Superposition, A
* Multi-scale attention network for image inpainting
* Multi-Scale LG-Mod Analysis for a More Reliable SAR Sea Surface Wind Directions Retrieval
* Multi-Scale Point-Wise Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Object Segmentation From LiDAR Point Clouds in Large-Scale Environments
* Multi-Scale Video Inverse Tone Mapping with Deformable Alignment
* Multi-Sensor InSAR Assessment of Ground Deformations around Lake Mead and Its Relation to Water Level Changes
* Multi-Sentence Auxiliary Adversarial Networks for Fine-Grained Text-to-Image Synthesis
* Multi-Stage Feature Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Multi-Task Comparator Framework for Kinship Verification, A
* Multi-task deep learning with optical flow features for self-driving cars
* Multi-User Adaptive Video Delivery Over Wireless Networks: A Physical Layer Resource-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
* Multi-view content-based mammogram retrieval using dynamic similarity and locality sensitive hashing
* Multi-view Deep Features for Robust Facial Kinship Verification
* Multi-View Spatial Attention Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification
* Multiatlas-based segmentation of female pelvic organs: Application for computer-aided diagnosis of cervical cancer
* Multicamera pedestrian detection using logic minimization
* Multimodal Deep Learning Framework for Mental Disorder Recognition
* Multimodal Fusion of Physiological Signals and Facial Action Units for Pain Recognition
* Multimodal Learning of Social Image Representation by Exploiting Social Relations
* Multimodal medical image fusion based on the spectral total variation and local structural patch measurement
* Multimodal Multilevel Fusion for Sequential Protective Behavior Detection and Pain Estimation
* Multimodal(Audio, Facial and Gesture) based Emotion Recognition challenge
* Multimodality Pain and related Behaviors Recognition based on Attention Learning
* Multiple discriminant analysis for collaborative representation-based classification
* Multiple Target Tracking Based on Position Matching and Feature Correlation
* Multiple Target Tracking With Unresolved Measurements
* Multitask Emotion Recognition with Incomplete Labels
* Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Prediction
* Mutual Information Maximization for Effective Lip Reading
* Mutual Information-Based Disentangled Neural Networks for Classifying Unseen Categories in Different Domains: Application to Fetal Ultrasound Imaging
* Mutual Interference Suppression Using Wavelet Denoising in Automotive FMCW Radar Systems
* Network embedding from the line graph: Random walkers and boosted classification
* Network Update Compression for Federated Learning
* Neural Architecture Search for Convolutional Neural Networks with Attention
* Neural random subspace
* Neural Ray Surfaces for Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Ego-motion
* Neural Sign Language Translation by Learning Tokenization
* New Bounding Box based Pseudo Annotation Generation Method for Semantic Segmentation, A
* New Combined Adjustment Model for Geolocation Accuracy Improvement of Multiple Sources Optical and SAR Imagery, A
* New Distributional Ranking Loss With Uncertainty: Illustrated in Relative Depth Estimation, A
* New Individual Tree Species Recognition Method Based on a Convolutional Neural Network and High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* New Method to Predict Gully Head Erosion in the Loess Plateau of China Based on SBAS-InSAR, A
* New Mutually Orthogonal Complementary Sets With Non-Power-of-Two Lengths
* News Image Steganography: A Novel Architecture Facilitates the Fake News Identification
* night-time outdoor data set for low-light enhancement, A
* Nighttime Stereo Depth Estimation using Joint Translation-Stereo Learning: Light Effects and Uninformative Regions
* NIR Image Colorization Using SPADE Generator and Grayscale Approximated Self-Reconstruction
* NIR Image Colorization with Graph-Convolutional Neural Networks
* NMF with feature relationship preservation penalty term for clustering problems
* No-Reference Objective Quality Assessment Method of Display Products
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based on Convolutional Neural Network with A Long-Term Feature Fusion
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Based On Visual Attention Mechanism
* No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Considering Multi-loss Constraints
* NOAA-20 and S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands On-Orbit Calibration Algorithm Update and Long-Term Performance Inter-Comparison
* Nocal-Siam: Refining Visual Features and Response With Advanced Non-Local Blocks for Real-Time Siamese Tracking
* NodeSLAM: Neural Object Descriptors for Multi-View Shape Reconstruction
* Noise Robust Hard Example Mining for Human Detection with Efficient Depth-Thermal Fusion
* Noise-Aware Texture-Preserving Low-Light Enhancement
* Non-coherent accumulation algorithm of non-cooperative radiation source radar signals based on dynamic programming
* Nonlinear Regression via Deep Negative Correlation Learning
* Nonparametric variational learning of multivariate beta mixture models in medical applications
* Nonverbal Behavioral Patterns Predict Social Rejection Elicited Aggression
* Novel Approach to Estimating Missing Pairs of On/Off Ramp Flows, A
* Novel Deeplabv3+ Network for SAR Imagery Semantic Segmentation Based on the Potential Energy Loss Function of Gibbs Distribution, A
* Novel Depth from Defocus Framework Based on a Thick Lens Camera Model, A
* novel dimension reduction and dictionary learning framework for high-dimensional data classification, A
* Novel dual-layer-oriented strategy for fully automated vehicles' lane-keeping system
* Novel Microwave Temperature Vegetation Drought Index (MTVDI) Captures Canopy Seasonality across Amazonian Tropical Evergreen Forests, The
* Novel Multicamera System for High-Speed Touchless Palm Recognition, A
* Novel Perspective to Zero-Shot Learning: Towards an Alignment of Manifold Structures via Semantic Feature Expansion, A
* Novel Quality Enhanced Low Complexity Rate Control Algorithm for HEVC, A
* Novel Rate and Distortion Estimation Method Using Particle Filtering Based Prediction for Intra-Predictive Coding of Deep Block Partitioning Structures, A
* Novel Squeeze-and-Excitation W-Net for 2D and 3D Building Change Detection with Multi-Source and Multi-Feature Remote Sensing Data, A
* Novel Two-path Backbone Network for Object Detection, A
* Novel Unsupervised Classification Method for Sandy Land Using Fully Polarimetric SAR Data, A
* Novel Visual Analysis Oriented Rate Control Scheme for HEVC, A
* OAENet: Oriented attention ensemble for accurate facial expression recognition
* Observed HIRS and Aqua MODIS Thermal Infrared Moisture Determinations in the 2000s
* On 2D-3D Image Feature Detections for Image-To-Geometry Registration in Virtual Dental Model
* On finite mixture modeling and model-based clustering of directed weighted multilayer networks
* On parameterizing higher-order motion for behaviour recognition
* On Segmentation of Maxillary Sinus Membrane using Automatic Vertex Screening
* On the Detection and Long-Term Path Visualisation of A-68 Iceberg
* On the Global Geometry of Sphere-Constrained Sparse Blind Deconvolution
* On-Array Compressive Acquisition in CMOS Image Sensors Using Accumulated Spatial Gradients
* One-Class Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detection Using Auto-Encoder Network
* Online EM-Based Ensemble Classification With Correlated Agents
* Online Personal Credit System Design Based on Public Block Chains
* Optical Flow Estimation Between Images of Different Resolutions via Variational Method
* Optimization of Sliding-DCT Based Gaussian Filtering for Hardware Accelerator
* Optimization of Structural Parameters of Spark Gap Switch Based on ANSYS
* Optimized Graph Convolution Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Prediction
* Optimized Video Encoder Implementation with Screen Content Coding Tools, An
* Orthogonal Coded Multi-view Structured Light for Inter-view Interference Elimination
* Orthogonal Features Fusion Network for Anomaly Detection
* Overview of Deepfake: The Sword of Damocles in AI, An
* PanoNet3D: Combining Semantic and Geometric Understanding for LiDAR Point Cloud Detection
* Panoramic Video Quality Assessment Based on Non-Local Spherical CNN
* Parallel Transport Tractography
* Pareto-Optimal Transit Route Planning With Multi-Objective Monte-Carlo Tree Search
* Part-Aware Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Pedestrian Detection, A
* PAS-Net: Pose-based and Appearance-based Spatiotemporal Networks Fusion for Action Recognition
* Patch Based Video Summarization With Block Sparse Representation
* PBNet: Part-based convolutional neural network for complex composite object detection in remote sensing imagery
* PCG-TAL: Progressive Cross-Granularity Cooperation for Temporal Action Localization
* PeeledHuman: Robust Shape Representation for Textured 3D Human Body Reconstruction
* Phase Plane Analysis of Traffic Flow Evolution Based on Sticky Payne Model
* Phenology estimation of subtropical bamboo forests based on assimilated MODIS LAI time series data
* Photogrammetry-Based Workflow for the Accurate 3D Construction and Visualization of Museums Assets, A
* Pixel Prediction-Based Image Steganography Using Crow Search Algorithm-Based Deep Belief Network Approach
* Pixel-wise ordinal classification for salient object grading
* PLACE: Proximity Learning of Articulation and Contact in 3D Environments
* Plant leaf recognition by integrating shape and texture features
* plug-in attribute correction module for generalized zero-shot learning, A
* PMS-GAN: Parallel Multi-Stream Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-Material Decomposition in Spectral Computed Tomography
* Point Cloud Attribute Compression via Successive Subspace Graph Transform
* Point cloud classification with deep normalized Reeb graph convolution
* point cloud compression framework via spherical projection, A
* Point Cloud Geometry Prediction Across Spatial Scale using Deep Learning
* Point Cloud Inversion: A Novel Approach for the Localization of Trees in Forests from TLS Data
* Point Set Registration With Similarity and Affine Transformations Based on Bidirectional KMPE Loss
* PointNet++ Network Architecture with Individual Point Level and Global Features on Centroid for ALS Point Cloud Classification
* PolSAR Image Classification Using a Superpixel-Based Composite Kernel and Elastic Net
* PoseNet3D: Learning Temporally Consistent 3D Human Pose via Knowledge Distillation
* Potential Game Based Distributed Optimization Strategy for Considering Power Grid Demand Response, A
* Power/QoS-Adaptive HEVC FME Hardware using Machine Learning-Based Approximation Control
* Practical Satellite-Derived Vegetation Drought Index for Arid and Semi-Arid Grassland Drought Monitoring, A
* Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Reflectance and Lighting Estimation
* Predicting Content Similarity via Multimodal Modeling for Video-In-Video Advertising
* Predicting Plant Growth from Time-Series Data Using Deep Learning
* Predicting Spatio-Temporal Entropic Differences for Robust No Reference Video Quality Assessment
* Prediction-Aware Quality Enhancement of VVC Using CNN
* Predictive Adaptive Streaming to Enable Mobile 360-Degree and VR Experiences
* Predictive kinetic energy management for an add-on driver assistance eco-driving of heavy vehicles
* Preliminary Archeological Site Survey by UAV-Borne Lidar: A Case Study
* Probabilistic Analysis on a Political Career
* Progressive Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Generating Dense and Colored 3D Point Clouds, A
* Progressive Fast CU Split Decision Scheme for AVS3, A
* Progressive Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Tracklet Association With Spatio-Temporal Regularization
* Projection-dependent input processing for 3D object recognition in human robot interaction systems
* Property of Frequency Shift in 2D-FRFT Domain With Application to Image Encryption, The
* Proportional Trends of Continuous Rainfall in Indian Summer Monsoon
* Pruning by Training: A Novel Deep Neural Network Compression Framework for Image Processing
* Pseudo-Convolutional Policy Gradient for Sequence-to-Sequence Lip-Reading
* Pyramidal Multiple Instance Detection Network With Mask Guided Self-Correction for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* Quality Control of Outsourced LiDAR Data Acquired with a UAV: A Case Study
* Quality of Experience Evaluation for Streaming Video Using CGNN
* Quiet Ionospheric D-Region (QIonDR) Model Based on VLF/LF Observations
* Radiometric Calibration Evaluation for FY3D MERSI-II Thermal Infrared Channels at Lake Qinghai
* Rain Rendering for Evaluating and Improving Robustness to Bad Weather
* Random forest and rotation forest ensemble methods for classification of epileptic EEG signals based on improved 1D-LBP feature extraction
* Random-access-aware Light Field Video Coding using Tree Pruning Method
* Randomized Subspace Newton Convex Method Applied to Data-Driven Sensor Selection Problem
* RANP: Resource Aware Neuron Pruning at Initialization for 3D CNNs
* Rapid Recognition Method for Pedestrian Abnormal Behavior, A
* Ray-Space-Based Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Audio Source Separation
* Real-Time Action Representation With Temporal Encoding and Deep Compression, A
* Real-time Action Unit Intensity Detection
* Real-time Detection and Tracking Network with Feature Sharing
* Real-time estimation and prediction of lateral stability of coaches: A hybrid approach based on EKF, BPNN, and online autoregressive integrated moving average algorithm
* Real-time Facial Expression Recognition In The Wild by Disentangling 3D Expression from Identity
* Real-time sufficient dimension reduction through principal least squares support vector machines
* Recalibration of Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* Recent Advances in End-to-End Learned Image and Video Compression
* Recent advances in traffic optimisation: systematic literature review of modern models, methods and algorithms
* Recognition and Information Extraction of Grid Wiring Diagram Based on Convolutional Neural Network, The
* Recognizing Families In the Wild (RFIW): The 4th Edition
* Recognizing Families through Images with Pretrained Encoder
* Recognizing Gestures from Videos using a Network with Two-branch Structure and Additional Motion Cues
* Recognizing Perceived Emotions from Facial Expressions
* Recommendation for Ridesharing Groups Through Destination Prediction on Trajectory Data
* Reconstructing Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning
* Reconstruction by inpainting for visual anomaly detection
* Reconstruction of Periodic Signals From Asynchronous Trains of Samples
* recurrent cycle consistency loss for progressive face-to-face synthesis, A
* Recursive Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Method With a Very High Payload, A
* Reduced-Complexity End-to-End Variational Autoencoder for on Board Satellite Image Compression
* Reducing Drift in Structure From Motion Using Extended Features
* ReenactNet: Real-time Full Head Reenactment
* RefineDet++: Single-Shot Refinement Neural Network for Object Detection
* Refractive Multi-view Stereo
* Region segmentation of sheep ribs based on fully convolutional neural network
* Region-Based Feature Extraction Method for Rs-fMRI of Depressive Disorder Classification, A
* Regional Maize Yield Hierarchical Linear Model Combining Landsat 8 Vegetative Indices and Meteorological Data: Case Study in Jilin Province, A
* Registration Loss Learning for Deep Probabilistic Point Set Registration
* ReinforcementDriving: Exploring Trajectories and Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles
* relation between financial industry agglomeration and industrial economic growth in Hubei province based on big data analysis, The
* Relation between the Arrangements of the Information on the Sign and the Cognitive Levels of the Sign, The
* Reliability Improvement Top-Gate Self-Aligned IGZO TFTs with Cu Electrode For AMOLED Display
* ReMOT: A model-agnostic refinement for multiple object tracking
* Remote Sensing and Machine Learning in Crop Phenotyping and Management, with an Emphasis on Applications in Strawberry Farming
* Remote Sensing Applications for Landslide Monitoring and Investigation in Western Canada
* Remote Sensing for International Peace and Security: Its Role and Implications
* Remote sensing image registration based on fusion of spatial transformation and dense convolution
* Remote sensing image segmentation advances: A meta-analysis
* Repeatability of Linear and Nonlinear Elastic Modulus Maps From Repeat Scans in the Breast
* Research Advances and Challenges of Autonomous and Connected Ground Vehicles
* Research and Application of BIM Engineering Management Platform Combining Big Data
* Research and Design of CAS Protocol Identity Authentication
* Research and design of collimating prism that can obtain parallel light
* Research and Design of Smart Home Speech Recognition System Based on Deep Learning
* Research and Practice of Virtual Simulation Experiment of Computer Major in Colleges
* Research Hotspots Analysis of E-commerce Security in China
* Research on and Application of GNSS Assisted MINS Multiscale Learning Method Based on Chaotic Neural Network
* Research on Application of Weighted Sampling Bayesian Network Parameter Learning in Bridge Condition Assessment
* Research on Automatic Dish Recognition Algorithm Based on Deep Learning
* Research on Camera Calibration Technology Based on Deep Neural Network in Mine Environment
* Research on Cyberpunk Images in the Visual Digital Media
* Research on Feature Importance of Gait Mechanomyography Signal Based on Random Forest
* Research on Image Processing Technology of Computer Vision Algorithm
* Research on intelligent campus construction based on virtual reality technology
* Research on Kinect Calibration and Depth Error Compensation Based on BP Neural Network
* Research on Ordering Recommendation System of Traditional Chinese Medical Health Preserving Ontology Model based on Context-aware Environment
* Research On Path Planning Of Hull Decontamination Robot Based On Q-Learning
* Research on Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of Agricultural Standardization Construction in Jingmen in the Era of Big Data
* Research on Public Opinion Hot Spot Acquisition Method Based on Reverse Relation in Social Network
* Research on Quality Evaluation Algorithm of Flight Training for National Day Parade Air Echelon
* Research on Rapid Identification of Water Ponding in Tunnels Based on Multi-frame Fusion and Improved SSD Algorithm
* Research on roaming and interaction in VR game based on Unity 3D
* Research on the algorithm of urban waste classification and recycling based on deep learning technology
* Research on the Application of Digital Animation Technology in Petrochemical Simulation Teaching Platform
* Research on the Functions of Tai Chi Stripping and SanDa Wrestling Based on the Analysis of Image
* Research on the Metaphorical Features of Computer Language in English from the Perspective of Cognition
* Research on the Problems of Equipment Dynamic Maintenance Dispatch to Make the Amount of Restoration Maximum
* Research on Tree Classification Algorithm Based on Morphology and Leaf
* Research on weather radar nowcasting extrapolation
* Research Progress in Speech Enhancement Technology
* Restoration of Motion Blur in Time-of-Flight Depth Image Using Data Alignment
* Rethinking PointNet Embedding for Faster and Compact Model
* Retrieval of Family Members Using Siamese Neural Network
* Retrieval of Urban Aerosol Optical Depth from Landsat 8 OLI in Nanjing, China
* review of data preprocessing modules in digital image forensics methods using deep learning, A
* Review of Domain Adaptation without Target Labels, A
* review of the comparative studies on traditional and intelligent face recognition methods, A
* Review of Tree Species Classification Based on Airborne LiDAR Data and Applied Classifiers, A
* Review on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in vegetation remote sensing
* Revisiting Hard Example for Action Recognition
* RidgeSfM: Structure from Motion via Robust Pairwise Matching Under Depth Uncertainty
* Risk-Aware Multi-Armed Bandits With Refined Upper Confidence Bounds
* Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images Using the Inner Convolution Integrated Encoder-Decoder Network and Directional Conditional Random Fields
* Road Marking Detection Based on Mask R-CNN Instance Segmentation Model
* Robust Bayesian Analysis of Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease Progression Using DaTscan Images
* Robust control point estimation with an out-of-focus camera calibration pattern
* Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Low Rank Representation for Subspace Clustering
* Robust Kernel Correlation Based Bi-Channel Signal Detection With Correlated Non-Gaussian Noise
* Robust Minimum Error Entropy Based Cubature Information Filter With Non-Gaussian Measurement Noise
* Robust Multilinear Mixing Model with l2,1 norm for Unmixing Hyperspectral Images, A
* Robust unsupervised small area change detection from SAR imagery using deep learning
* Robust Video Frame Interpolation With Exceptional Motion Map
* Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
* Robust visual tracking via spatio-temporal adaptive and channel selective correlation filters
* Robustness Analysis of Face Obscuration
* RocNet: Recursive Octree Network for Efficient 3D Deep Representation
* Role of Weather Radar in Rainfall Estimation and Its Application in Meteorological and Hydrological Modelling: A Review, The
* Rotation-Invariant Point Convolution With Multiple Equivariant Alignments.
* RotPredictor: Unsupervised Canonical Viewpoint Learning for Point Cloud Classification
* Route-Based Transit Signal Priority Using Connected Vehicle Technology to Promote Bus Schedule Adherence
* RSU-Assisted Adaptive Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Data Sharing in Bidirectional Road Scenarios
* Safety assessment of local cooperative warnings and speed limit information
* Saliency Guided Subdivision for Single-View Mesh Reconstruction
* SAMM Long Videos: A Spontaneous Facial Micro- and Macro-Expressions Dataset
* SAN: Selective Alignment Network for Cross-Domain Pedestrian Detection
* SAR Ship Target Detection for SSDv2 under Complex Backgrounds
* Satellite-Based Land Use Regression Model of Ambient NO2 with High Spatial Resolution in a Chinese City, A
* Scalable Point Cloud-based Reconstruction with Local Implicit Functions
* Scale variance minimization for unsupervised domain adaptation in image segmentation
* Scene Flow from Point Clouds with or without Learning
* SCFusion: Real-time Incremental Scene Reconstruction with Semantic Completion
* ScPnP: A non-iterative scale compensation solution for PnP problems
* Screen Content Coding in Recently Developed Video Coding Standards
* Screen-space Regularization on Differentiable Rasterization
* Scrutinizing Relationships between Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Upstream Areas Using Thermal Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Northern Persian Gulf
* SDGH-Net: Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Gaussian Heatmap Regression
* Sea Surface Salinity Response to Tropical Cyclones Based on Satellite Observations
* Sea-land Segmentation of Infrared Remote Sensing Image Based on Complex Background
* Secure Adaptive Control for Cooperative Driving of Autonomous Connected Vehicles in the Presence of Heterogeneous Communication Delays and Cyberattacks, A
* Secure V2V and V2I Technologies for the Next-Generation Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Security of Digital Images Based on 3D Arnold Cat Map and Elliptic Curve
* segmentation processing method for effectively solving the problem of partial covering of angiography images., A
* Seismic facies pattem recognition based on 3D Gabor transform and two-step clustering analysis
* Self-attention binary neural tree for video summarization
* Self-Supervised 2D Image to 3D Shape Translation with Disentangled Representations
* Self-supervised Deformation Modeling for Facial Expression Editing
* Self-supervised Depth Denoising Using Lower- and Higher-quality RGB-D sensors
* Self-Supervised Learning of Non-Rigid Residual Flow and Ego-Motion
* Self-Supervised Learning of Point Clouds via Orientation Estimation
* Self-Training Approach for Point-Supervised Object Detection and Counting in Crowds, A
* SEM Image Quality Assessment Based on Texture Inpainting
* Semantic Deep Face Models
* Semantic Implicit Neural Scene Representations With Semi-Supervised Training
* Semantic Information Oriented No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* semantic labeling framework for ALS point clouds based on discretization and CNN, A
* Semantic Segmentation for Buildings of Large Intra-Class Variation in Remote Sensing Images with O-GAN
* Semantics-Aware Spatial-Temporal Binaries for Cross-Modal Video Retrieval
* Semantics-guided reconstruction of indoor navigation elements from 3D colorized points
* Semi-Physical Approach for Downscaling Satellite Soil Moisture Data in a Typical Cold Alpine Area, Northwest China, A
* Semi-supervised blockwisely architecture search for efficient lightweight generative adversarial network
* Semi-supervised Emotion Recognition using Inconsistently Annotated Data
* Semi-supervised kernel matrix learning using adaptive constraint-based seed propagation
* Semi-Supervised Low-Rank Semantics Grouping for Zero-Shot Learning
* Semi-Supervised Scene Text Recognition
* Seniors' ability to decode differently aged facial emotional expressions
* Sensitivity-Aware Bit Allocation for Intermediate Deep Feature Compression
* Sentinel-2 and WorldView-3 atmospheric correction and signal normalization based on ground-truth spectroradiometric measurements
* Sequence-to-Segments Networks for Detecting Segments in Videos
* Set Operation Aided Network for Action Units Detection
* SEWA DB: A Rich Database for Audio-Visual Emotion and Sentiment Research in the Wild
* SF-UDA3D: Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection
* SFace: Sigmoid-Constrained Hypersphere Loss for Robust Face Recognition
* Shadow Detection and Restoration for Hyperspectral Images Based on Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing
* Shape from Tracing: Towards Reconstructing 3D Object Geometry and SVBRDF Material from Images via Differentiable Path Tracing
* Shape-Driven EIT Reconstruction Using Fourier Representations
* Shore Evidences of a High Antarctic Ocean Wave Event: Geomorphology, Event Reconstruction and Coast Dynamics through a Remote Sensing Approach
* Siamese networks with distractor-reduction method for long-term visual object tracking
* Sifting Convolution on the Sphere
* Sign Language Recognition in Virtual Reality
* Signal Processing Circuit Design of Nonlinear Magnetization Detection System Used for Magnetic Immune Analysis
* SILFA: Sign Language Facial Action Database for the Development of Assistive Technologies for the Deaf
* Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover's Distance
* Simple and Effective Approaches for Uncertainty Prediction in Facial Action Unit Intensity Regression
* simple calibration method for line-structured light vision sensor based on planar target of different positions, A
* simple graph embedding for anomaly detection in a stream of heterogeneous labeled graphs, A
* simulated annealing algorithm with a dual perturbation method for clustering, A
* Simulated Annealing for 3D Shape Correspondence
* Simulation Study on the Effect of Torque Load on the Temperature Distribution of TRP
* Single image dehazing algorithm using generative adversarial network based on feature pyramid network
* Single-shot 3D multi-person pose estimation in complex images
* Sketch-Guided Scenery Image Outpainting
* Skills training and intelligent development in college sports under the Internet
* SLAM Loop Closure Algorithm of BoW Incorporating the Gray Level of Pixel, A
* Slim-CNN: A Light-Weight CNN for Face Attribute Prediction
* Smart Time-Multiplexing of Quads Solves the Multicamera Interference Problem
* SMOTE-Based Weighted Deep Rotation Forest for the Imbalanced Hyperspectral Data Classification
* SMPLy Benchmarking 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild
* Solving the same-different task with convolutional neural networks
* SPADE-E2VID: Spatially-Adaptive Denormalization for Event-Based Video Reconstruction
* SPAM-Net: A CNN-Based SAR Target Recognition Network With Pose Angle Marginalization Learning
* Sparse Representation-Based Intra Prediction for Lossless/Near Lossless Video Coding
* Sparse Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images using Expectation-Propagation
* Sparsely-labeled source assisted domain adaptation
* Spatial Allocation Method from Coarse Evapotranspiration Data to Agricultural Fields by Quantifying Variations in Crop Cover and Soil Moisture
* Spatial Attention Improves Iterative 6D Object Pose Estimation
* Spatial Distribution of Soil Moisture in Mongolia Using SMAP and MODIS Satellite Data: A Time Series Model (2010-2025)
* Spatial Information Guided Convolution for Real-Time RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* Spatial relation learning for explainable image classification and annotation in critical applications
* Spatial Temporal Graph Deconvolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Spatial-Channel Context-Based Entropy Modeling for End-to-end Optimized Image Compression
* Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Spatio-Temporal Attention and Magnification for Classification of Parkinson's Disease from Videos Collected via the Internet
* Spatio-temporal fusion for Macro- and Micro-expression Spotting in Long Video Sequences
* Spatio-Temporal Variability of Frost Blisters in a Perennial Frozen Lake along the Antarctic Coast as Indicator of the Groundwater Supply, The
* Spatio-Temporal Variations and Driving Forces of Harmful Algal Blooms in Chaohu Lake: A Multi-Source Remote Sensing Approach
* Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Trend Analysis of Two Evapotranspiration-Based Drought Products and Their Mechanisms in Sub-Saharan Africa
* Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Net Primary Productivity in China's Urban Lands during 1982-2015
* Spatiotemporal Guided Self-Supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera
* Spatiotemporal Variability in the Glacier Snowline Altitude across High Mountain Asia and Potential Driving Factors
* Special Cane with Visual Odometry for Real-time Indoor Navigation of Blind People
* Spectral Correspondence Framework for Building a 3D Baby Face Model
* Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting in Transparent Object through MSPLFI
* Speech Content Retrieval Model Based on Integrated Neural Network for Natural Language Description, A
* Spherical-Patches Extraction for Deep-Learning-Based Critical Points Detection in 3D Neuron Microscopy Images
* Spotting Macro-and Micro-expression Intervals in Long Video Sequences
* SSAP: Single-Shot Instance Segmentation With Affinity Pyramid
* SSIM Compliant Modeling Framework With Denoising and Deblurring Applications
* SSS-PR: A short survey of surveys in person re-identification
* Stable feature selection using copula based mutual information
* Stacked Autoencoders Driven by Semi-Supervised Learning for Building Extraction from near Infrared Remote Sensing Imagery
* Stand Delineation of Pinus sylvestris L. Plantations Suffering Decline Processes Based on Biophysical Tree Crown Variables: A Necessary Tool for Adaptive Silviculture
* Status of Air Quality in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Remote Sensing Perspective, The
* SteeringLoss: A Cost-Sensitive Loss Function for the End-to-End Steering Estimation
* Stereo Image Quality Assessment Considering the Asymmetry of Statistical Information in Early Visual Pathway
* Stereoscopic image reflection removal based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
* Structural Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Study on the Testing Method of Aerial Blast Point based on Shock Wave Overpressure
* Style Transfer for Keypoint Matching Under Adverse Conditions
* Sub-Auroral, Mid-Latitude, and Low-Latitude Troughs during Severe Geomagnetic Storms
* Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of the SoftCast Video Transmission Scheme
* Summarizing Driving Behavior to Support Driver Stress Analysis
* Super Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Remote Sensing Images of Transmission Tower Based on Multi-map Residual Network and Wavelet Transform
* Super-Resolution Based on Residual Learning and Optimized Phase Stretch Transform
* Superpixel-Based Quality Assessment of Multi-Exposure Image Fusion for Both Static and Dynamic Scenes
* Supervised learning for parameterized Koopmans-Beckmann's graph matching
* Supervised Segmentation Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Support Vector Machine-Based Blind Equalization for High-Order QAM With Short Data Length
* Surface Albedo Retrieval from 40-Years of Earth Observations through the EUMETSAT/LSA SAF and EU/C3S Programmes: The Versatile Algorithm of PYALUS
* Surface-Aware Blind Image Deblurring
* Survey of College Students' Recognition of Live Broadcast Platform, A
* Survey of Deep Learning Applications to Autonomous Vehicle Control, A
* Survey on Object Detection for the Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) using Deep Learning and Event-based Middleware: Approaches, Challenges, and Future Directions, A
* SVMs multi-class loss feedback based discriminative dictionary learning for image classification
* Symmetry of GPS Orbit Ascending Nodes, The
* Synthesising 3D Facial Motion from In-the-Wild Speech
* Taking Control of Intra-class Variation in Conditional GANs Under Weak Supervision
* TCLiVi: Transmission Control in Live Video Streaming Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Teaching Quality Assessment and Feasibility Analysis of Surgical Nursing Based on Network Teaching Software
* Temperature network for few-shot learning with distribution-aware large-margin metric
* Template Enhancement and Mask Generation for Siamese Tracking
* Temporal Action Proposal Generation via Multi-Task Feature Learning
* Temporal LiDAR Frame Prediction for Autonomous Driving
* Temporal Triplet Mining for Personality Recognition
* Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Vegetation Analyses with a Special Focus on Savannas
* Text-to-Image Generation via Semi-Supervised Training
* Theoretical Uncertainty Analysis of Satellite Retrieved Aerosol Optical Depth Associated with Surface Albedo and Aerosol Optical Properties
* Theory and Implementation of linear regression
* Theory of Occlusion for Improving Rendering Quality of Views, A
* Thermal Summer Diurnal Hot-Spot Analysis: The Role of Local Urban Features Layers
* Three-Dimensional Cooperative Positioning in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
* Three-Dimensional Multi-Frequency Shear Wave Absolute Vibro-Elastography (3D S-WAVE) With a Matrix Array Transducer: Implementation and Preliminary In Vivo Study of the Liver
* Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Single Pipeline Radiographic Image
* Three-level Training of Multi-Head Architecture for Pain Detection
* Time Shifted IMU Preintegration for Temporal Calibration in Incremental Visual-Inertial Initialization
* Time-delayed collective flow diffusion models for inferring latent people flow from aggregated data at limited locations
* Time-series averaging and local stability-weighted dynamic time warping for online signature verification
* To See in the Dark: N2DGAN for Background Modeling in Nighttime Scene
* Topology-Aware Non-Rigid Point Cloud Registration
* Torch-Points3D: A Modular Multi-Task Framework for Reproducible Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds
* Toward Efficient City-Scale Patrol Planning Using Decomposition and Grafting
* Toward fast and accurate human pose estimation via soft-gated skip connections
* Towards 3D VR-Sketch to 3D Shape Retrieval
* Towards a MEMS-based Adaptive LIDAR
* Towards a visual Sign Language dataset for home care services
* Towards Audio-Visual Saliency Prediction for Omnidirectional Video with Spatial Audio
* Towards automatic monitoring of disease progression in sheep: A hierarchical model for sheep facial expressions analysis from video
* Towards Better Railway Service: Passengers Counting in Railway Compartment
* Towards Fine-Grained Human Pose Transfer With Detail Replenishing Network
* Towards Geometry Guided Neural Relighting with Flash Photography
* Towards Quantized DCT Coefficients Restoration for Compressed Images
* Towards Rear-End Collision Avoidance: Adaptive Beaconing for Connected Vehicles
* Towards Semantic SLAM: 3D Position and Velocity Estimation by Fusing Image Semantic Information with Camera Motion Parameters for Traffic Scene Analysis
* Traceability of the Sentinel-3 SLSTR Level-1 Infrared Radiometric Processing
* Traffic Demand Prediction Based on Dynamic Transition Convolutional Neural Network
* Training deep retrieval models with noisy datasets: Bag exponential loss
* Trajectory prediction for intelligent vehicles using spatial-attention mechanism
* Transferability of Convolutional Neural Network Models for Identifying Damaged Buildings Due to Earthquake
* Transformer-Based Network for Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* Transit Signal Priority Controlling Method Considering Non-Transit Traffic Benefits and Coordinated Phase States for Multi-Rings Timing Plan at Isolated Intersections
* Transition characteristics of driver's intentions triggered by emotional evolution in two-lane urban roads
* TRANSPR: Transparency Ray-Accumulating Neural 3D Scene Point Renderer
* Travel Mode Identification With GPS Trajectories Using Wavelet Transform and Deep Learning
* Tropical Forest and Wetland Losses and the Role of Protected Areas in Northwestern Belize, Revealed from Landsat and Machine Learning
* Tunable and Electrically Small Antenna for Compact GNSS Receivers, A
* TV White Spaces Handover Scheme for Enabling Unattended Track Geometry Monitoring From In-Service Trains
* Two recent advances on normalization methods for deep neural network optimization
* Two Stage Emotion Recognition using Frame-level and Video-level Features
* Two-stage Recognition and Beyond for Compound Facial Emotion Recognition
* Two-Stage Relation Constraint for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Two-Stream Aural-Visual Affect Analysis in the Wild
* Two-Stream Encoder GAN With Progressive Training for Co-Saliency Detection
* Type-reduced vague possibilistic fuzzy clustering for medical images
* Typical and Reverse Other-Race Effect on Tibetan Students' Emotional Face Recognition
* UAV Data as an Alternative to Field Sampling to Monitor Vineyards Using Machine Learning Based on UAV/Sentinel-2 Data Fusion
* UAV-Thermal imaging and agglomerative hierarchical clustering techniques to evaluate and rank physiological performance of wheat genotypes on sodic soil
* UGNet: Underexposed Images Enhancement Network based on Global Illumination Estimation
* Understanding consumer attention on mobile devices
* Understanding Vine Hyperspectral Signature through Different Irrigation Plans: A First Step to Monitor Vineyard Water Status
* Underwater Scene Recovery Using Wavelength-Dependent Refraction of Light
* Unified Single Image De-raining Model via Region Adaptive Coupled Network, A
* Unique Class Group Based Multi-Label Balancing Optimizer for Action Unit Detection
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Depth Inversion to Monitor River-Mouth Bar Dynamics
* Unstructured Road Segmentation Based on Road Boundary Enhancement Point-Cylinder Network Using LiDAR Sensor
* Unsupervised Cross Domain Person Re-Identification by Multi-Loss Optimization Learning
* Unsupervised deep hashing with node representation for image retrieval
* Unsupervised Deep Representation Learning for Real-Time Tracking
* Unsupervised Dense Shape Correspondence using Heat Kernels
* Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in the Wild via Disentangling Representation Learning
* Unsupervised Embedding Learning by Noisy Similarity Label Optimization
* Unsupervised face Frontalization for pose-invariant face recognition
* Unsupervised Feedforward Feature (UFF) Learning for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
* Unsupervised learning framework for interest point detection and description via properties optimization
* Unsupervised Multitemporal Building Change Detection Framework Based on Cosegmentation Using Time-Series SAR
* Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration via Salient Points Analysis (SPA)
* Using a Skeleton Gait Energy Image for Pathological Gait Classification
* Using Channel-Wise Attention for Deep CNN Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation With Class-Aware Edge Information
* Using Deep 3D Features and an LSTM Based Sequence Model for Automatic Pain Detection in the Wild
* Using Image Sequences for Long-Term Visual Localization
* Using Satellite Data to Analyse Raw Material Consumption in Hanoi, Vietnam
* Utilization of Smartphone Data for Driving Cycle Synthesis Based on Electric Two-Wheelers in Shanghai
* Utilizing Two-Phase Processing With FBLS for Single Image Deraining
* Utterance Verification-Based Dysarthric Speech Intelligibility Assessment Using Phonetic Posterior Features
* Validation and Comparison of Physical Models for Soil Salinity Mapping over an Arid Landscape Using Spectral Reflectance Measurements and Landsat-OLI Data
* Variational posterior approximation using stochastic gradient ascent with adaptive stepsize
* Variations of Water Transparency and Impact Factors in the Bohai and Yellow Seas from Satellite Observations
* Vector Magnetometry Using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems: An Example of Application for Planetary Exploration
* Vector-to-Vector Regression via Distributional Loss for Speech Enhancement
* Vegetation Cover Change and Its Attribution in China from 2001 to 2018
* Vehicle automatic driving system based on embedded and machine learning
* Vehicle Position Correction: A Vehicular Blockchain Networks-Based GPS Error Sharing Framework
* Vehicle Re-Identification Using Distance-Based Global and Partial Multi-Regional Feature Learning
* Vehicle safety analysis at non-signalised intersections at different penetration rates of collision warning systems
* Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Arrives
* Versatile Video Coding: Algorithms and Specification
* vessel segmentation technique for retinal images, A
* Vessel trajectory prediction based on AIS data and bidirectional GRU
* Video Anomaly Detection Using Open Data Filter and Domain Adaptation
* Video Anomaly Detection with Sparse Coding Inspired Deep Neural Networks
* Video Compressed Sensing Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* video is worth more than 1000 lies. Comparing 3DCNN approaches for detecting deepfakes, A
* Video Super Resolution Using Temporal Encoding ConvLSTM and Multi-Stage Fusion
* Video-based person re-identification by intra-frame and inter-frame graph neural network
* Video2Report: A Video Database for Automatic Reporting of Medical Consultancy Sessions
* View-Action Representation Learning for Active First-Person Vision
* View-Dependent Dynamic Point Cloud Compression
* Viewport-Dependent Saliency Prediction in 360° Video
* VIPNet: A Fast and Accurate Single-View Volumetric Reconstruction by Learning Sparse Implicit Point Guidance
* Virtual-Real Interaction Approach to Object Instance Segmentation in Traffic Scenes, A
* Vision Based Fish Processing System, A
* Vision Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Vision-based Individual Factors Acquisition for Thermal Comfort Assessment in a Built Environment
* Visual Map-Based Localization for Intelligent Vehicles From Multi-View Site Matching
* Visual Saliency Detection guided by Neural Signals
* Visualizing Spectral Bundle Adjustment Uncertainty
* Vocabulary-Wide Credit Assignment for Training Image Captioning Models
* Volume Sweeping: Learning Photoconsistency for Multi-View Shape Reconstruction
* Volumetric Analysis of the Landslide in Abe Barek, Afghanistan Based on Nonlinear Mapping of Stereo Satellite Imagery-Derived DEMs
* Volumetric End-to-End Optimized Compression for Brain Images
* Water Vapor Retrievals from Spectral Direct Irradiance Measured with an EKO MS-711 Spectroradiometer: Intercomparison with Other Techniques
* Wavelet Decomposition optimization via Exponential Decay Constraint for Compressively Sensed Image Reconstruction
* Weak signal detection based on Duffing oscillator phase transition rate
* Weakly Supervised Deep Learning-Based Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography
* Weakly-supervised sensor-based activity segmentation and recognition via learning from distributions
* Wearable Visually Assistive Device for Blind People to Appreciate Real-world Scene and Screen Image
* Weight-Adapted Convolution Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction
* Weighted Aggregating Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* Weighted Mean Absolute Error Metric for Image Quality Assessment, A
* weightless regression system for predicting multi-modal empathy, A
* Window-Based Morphometric Indices as Predictive Variables for Landslide Susceptibility Models
* WTS: A Weakly towards Strongly Supervised Learning Framework for Remote Sensing Land Cover Classification Using Segmentation Models
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