Index for qin_

Qin, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bandoh, Y.: Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification via...
     with: Gao, C.Q.: Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images vi...
     with: Gao, C.Q.: Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification via ...
     with: Gao, C.Q.: Global-local prompts guided image-text embedding, alignment...
     with: Gao, C.Q.: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Sh...
     with: Hiwasaki, Y.: Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification v...
     with: Huang, Y.: Global-local prompts guided image-text embedding, alignment...
     with: Liu, F.: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Shar...
     with: Meng, D.Y.: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through S...
     with: Ran, J.: Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images via ...
     with: Shu, W.Q.: Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images vi...
     with: Song, T.C.: Global-local prompts guided image-text embedding, alignmen...
     with: Sun, Y.Q.: Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification via ...
     with: Sun, Y.Q.: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Sh...
     with: Yang, F.: Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images via...
     with: Yang, F.: Global-local prompts guided image-text embedding, alignment ...
     with: Yang, F.: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Sha...
     with: Yuan, X.Y.: Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images v...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Accurate Instance Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images via...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Global-local prompts guided image-text embedding, alignment ...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Sha...
21 for Qin, A.

Qin, A.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bailey, J.: Adversarial Camouflage: Hiding Physical-World Attacks With...
     with: Chen, S.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Ob...
     with: Chen, Y.F.: AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
     with: Chen, Y.F.: Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Multivariate Image Segmentation Using Semantic Region Gr...
     with: Clausi, D.A.: Unsupervised Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation and Cla...
     with: Dia, H.: Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Consid...
     with: Duan, R.: Adversarial Camouflage: Hiding Physical-World Attacks With N...
     with: Duan, R.J.: AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
     with: Duan, R.J.: Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to...
     with: Fan, X.L.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Lea...
     with: Fei, X.: Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Pruni...
     with: Feng, K.Y.: Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Pr...
     with: Gao, Y.: Attention-Based Unsupervised Adversarial Model for Movie Revi...
     with: Gao, Y.: Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Network S...
     with: Gao, Y.: Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in S...
     with: Gong, M.: Attention-Based Unsupervised Adversarial Model for Movie Rev...
     with: Gong, M.: Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Prun...
     with: Gong, M.: Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in ...
     with: Gong, M.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Lear...
     with: Gong, M.: Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
     with: Gong, M.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Ob...
     with: Gong, M.G.: Deep Image Inpainting With Enhanced Normalization and Cont...
     with: Gong, M.G.: Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Networ...
     with: Gong, P.R.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Le...
     with: Grzybowska, H.: Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing...
     with: He, T.T.: Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
     with: He, Y.: AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
     with: He, Y.: Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to DNN...
     with: Huang, G.B.: Evolutionary extreme learning machine
     with: Jiang, F.: Deep Image Inpainting With Enhanced Normalization and Conte...
     with: Li, H.: Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Prunin...
     with: Li, H.: Deep Image Inpainting With Enhanced Normalization and Contextu...
     with: Li, H.: Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in Su...
     with: Li, H.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Obje...
     with: Li, M.Z.: Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning for Hypersp...
     with: Liang, Y.F.: Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classifica...
     with: Liu, J.L.: Deep Image Inpainting With Enhanced Normalization and Conte...
     with: Liu, J.M.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Lea...
     with: Loog, M.: Efficient Feature Extraction Based on Regularized Uncorrelat...
     with: Loog, M.: Generalized null space uncorrelated Fisher discriminant anal...
     with: Loog, M.: Uncorrelated heteroscedastic LDA based on the weighted pairw...
     with: Lu, K.: Robust road detection from a single image
     with: Lu, K.Y.: Road detection via unsupervised feature learning
     with: Ma, W.P.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Lear...
     with: Ma, X.: Adversarial Camouflage: Hiding Physical-World Attacks With Nat...
     with: Mao, W.J.: FedKT: Federated learning with knowledge transfer for non-I...
     with: Mao, X.F.: Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to ...
     with: Miao, Q.G.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Le...
     with: Niu, D.: AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
     with: Niu, Z.X.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of O...
     with: Ong, Y.S.: Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Network...
     with: Ong, Y.S.: Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in...
     with: Ong, Y.S.: Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
     with: Pa, H.S.: Personal Identification System based on Multiple Palmprint F...
     with: Pan, H.: Face Clustering in Photo Album
     with: Pan, H.: genetics-motivated unsupervised model for tri-subject kinship...
     with: Pan, H.: Mining heterogeneous class-specific codebook for categorical ...
     with: Pan, H.: Robust road detection from a single image
     with: Schneider, J.G.: Hyper-parameter optimization in classification: To-do...
     with: Shafiei, S.: Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Co...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Efficient Feature Extraction Based on Regularized Unc...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Enhanced neural gas network for prototype-based clust...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Evolutionary extreme learning machine
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Generalized null space uncorrelated Fisher discrimina...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Initialization insensitive LVQ algorithm based on cos...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Kernel neural gas algorithms with application to clus...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Linear dimensionality reduction using relevance weigh...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: novel kernel prototype-based learning algorithm, A
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Personal Identification System based on Multiple Palm...
     with: Suganthan, P.N.: Uncorrelated heteroscedastic LDA based on the weighte...
     with: Tang, E.K.: Linear dimensionality reduction using relevance weighted LDA
     with: Tang, K.: Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning for Hypersp...
     with: Tang, Z.D.: Deep Image Inpainting With Enhanced Normalization and Cont...
     with: Tay, C.H.: Personal Identification System based on Multiple Palmprint ...
     with: Tran, N.: Hyper-parameter optimization in classification: To-do or not...
     with: Wan, L.J.: Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning for Hypers...
     with: Wang, Y.: Adversarial Camouflage: Hiding Physical-World Attacks With N...
     with: Weber, I.: Hyper-parameter optimization in classification: To-do or no...
     with: Wu, W.: Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Conside...
     with: Wu, Y.: Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Prunin...
     with: Wu, Y.: Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Network Sa...
     with: Wu, Y.: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Learni...
     with: Wu, Y.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Obje...
     with: Xia, L.Z.: Mining heterogeneous class-specific codebook for categorica...
     with: Xia, S.: Face Clustering in Photo Album
     with: Xia, S.: genetics-motivated unsupervised model for tri-subject kinship...
     with: Xia, S.: Road detection via unsupervised feature learning
     with: Xia, S.: Robust road detection from a single image
     with: Xie, Y.: Attention-Based Unsupervised Adversarial Model for Movie Revi...
     with: Xie, Y.: FedKT: Federated learning with knowledge transfer for non-IID...
     with: Xie, Y.: Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in S...
     with: Xie, Y.: Semisupervised Graph Neural Networks for Graph Classification
     with: Yang, Y.: AdvDrop: Adversarial Attack to DNNs by Dropping Information
     with: Yang, Y.: Adversarial Camouflage: Hiding Physical-World Attacks With N...
     with: Yang, Y.: Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to D...
     with: Yang, Z.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Ob...
     with: Yao, X.: Linear dimensionality reduction using relevance weighted LDA
     with: Ye, S.: Adversarial Laser Beam: Effective Physical-World Attack to DNN...
     with: Yu, B.: FedKT: Federated learning with knowledge transfer for non-IID ...
     with: Yu, P.: Unsupervised Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation and Classific...
     with: Zhang, C.: FedKT: Federated learning with knowledge transfer for non-I...
     with: Zhang, J.: genetics-motivated unsupervised model for tri-subject kinsh...
     with: Zhang, J.: Robust road detection from a single image
     with: Zhang, J.K.: Road detection via unsupervised feature learning
     with: Zhang, S.: Influence-Aware Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Netwo...
     with: Zhong, Y.F.: Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning for Hype...
     with: Zhou, Y.: ShiftAttack: Toward Attacking the Localization Ability of Ob...
     with: Zhu, Q.Y.: Evolutionary extreme learning machine
     with: Zhu, Y.P.: Mining heterogeneous class-specific codebook for categorica...
111 for Qin, A.K.

Qin, A.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Shang, Z.W.: Learning the Distribution Preserving Semantic Subspace fo...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Learning the Distribution Preserving Semantic Subspace for...
     with: Tian, J.Y.: Learning the Distribution Preserving Semantic Subspace for...
     with: Zhang, T.P.: Learning the Distribution Preserving Semantic Subspace fo...

Qin, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, X.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Ang, M.H.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Percepti...
     with: Chong, Z.J.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Percep...
     with: Ding, S.: Locating X-Ray Coronary Angiogram Keyframes via Long Short-T...
     with: Ding, T.: Aperiodic Coordination Scheduling of Multiple PPLs in Shipbo...
     with: Ding, X.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrect...
     with: Domingo Ferrer, J.: Distributed Aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentic...
     with: Du, L.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrect S...
     with: Fei, B.: Phase Asymmetry Ultrasound Despeckling With Fractional Anisot...
     with: Feng, S.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Tran...
     with: Feng, S.: Multiple Superpixel Graphs Learning Based on Adaptive Multis...
     with: Feng, Z.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Frazzoli, E.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perce...
     with: Fu, Y.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Gao, J.L.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrec...
     with: Gao, Y.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Gu, Z.: Registration of Images With Outliers Using Joint Saliency Map
     with: Hu, B.: Phase Asymmetry Ultrasound Despeckling With Fractional Anisotr...
     with: Hu, C.: Distributed Aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VAN...
     with: Jia, X.P.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Tra...
     with: Jiang, J.: Extracting contrast-filled vessels in X-ray angiography by ...
     with: Jiang, Z.D.: Three-Phase Approach to Photometric Calibration for Multi...
     with: Jin, M.X.: Extracting contrast-filled vessels in X-ray angiography by ...
     with: Kim, S.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perception...
     with: Li, F.: Aperiodic Coordination Scheduling of Multiple PPLs in Shipboar...
     with: Li, J.L.: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarca...
     with: Li, R.: Extracting contrast-filled vessels in X-ray angiography by gra...
     with: Li, S.: Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for Gra...
     with: Li, W.: Aperiodic Coordination Scheduling of Multiple PPLs in Shipboar...
     with: Li, W.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Transf...
     with: Liang, B.: Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for...
     with: Liang, D.: Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for ...
     with: Liang, S.Y.: Three-Phase Approach to Photometric Calibration for Multi...
     with: Liu, Q.: Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for Gr...
     with: Liu, Q.: Texture Variation Adaptive Image Denoising With Nonlocal PCA
     with: Liu, T.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrect ...
     with: Liu, W.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perception...
     with: Lu, X.: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarcasm...
     with: Lv, Y.: Registration of Images With Outliers Using Joint Saliency Map
     with: Lv, Y.: Texture Variation Adaptive Image Denoising With Nonlocal PCA
     with: Lv, Y.S.: Locating X-Ray Coronary Angiogram Keyframes via Long Short-T...
     with: Mei, K.: Phase Asymmetry Ultrasound Despeckling With Fractional Anisot...
     with: Meng, F.: CAU: A Causality Attention Unit for Spatial-Temporal Sequenc...
     with: Mu, B.: CAU: A Causality Attention Unit for Spatial-Temporal Sequence ...
     with: Rus, D.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perception...
     with: Shen, X.: Multivehicle Cooperative Driving Using Cooperative Perceptio...
     with: Sheng, J.: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarc...
     with: Sun, W.W.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Tra...
     with: Sun, X.: Registration of Images With Outliers Using Joint Saliency Map
     with: Tang, M.J.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorre...
     with: Wang, H.Z.: Aperiodic Coordination Scheduling of Multiple PPLs in Ship...
     with: Wang, Q.L.: Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration fo...
     with: Wang, W.: Aperiodic Coordination Scheduling of Multiple PPLs in Shipbo...
     with: Wang, Y.: Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for G...
     with: Wen, Z.Y.: Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for...
     with: Wu, L.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Wu, Q.: Distributed Aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VAN...
     with: Wu, T.T.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrect...
     with: Wu, Y.: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarcasm...
     with: Xiao, J.: Multi-Channel and Multi-Model-Based Autoencoding Prior for G...
     with: Xiao, Y.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Xu, H.L.: Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for ...
     with: Xu, R.F.: Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for ...
     with: Yang, M.: Image-to-Text Conversion and Aspect-Oriented Filtration for ...
     with: You, C.S.: Fast Distance Sampling for Uniform Circular Array in Near-F...
     with: Yuan, S.: CAU: A Causality Attention Unit for Spatial-Temporal Sequenc...
     with: Zhang, D.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Mach...
     with: Zhang, H.: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrec...
     with: Zhang, L.: Distributed Aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentication in ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Three-Phase Approach to Photometric Calibration for Multi-p...
     with: Zhang, M.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Mach...
     with: Zhang, R.P.: Locating X-Ray Coronary Angiogram Keyframes via Long Shor...
     with: Zhang, W.: Fast Distance Sampling for Uniform Circular Array in Near-F...
     with: Zhao, C.H.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Tr...
     with: Zhao, C.H.: Multiple Superpixel Graphs Learning Based on Adaptive Mult...
     with: Zhao, J.: Locating X-Ray Coronary Angiogram Keyframes via Long Short-T...
     with: Zhao, W.: Texture Variation Adaptive Image Denoising With Nonlocal PCA
     with: Zhao, Y.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sar...
     with: Zheng, B.: Fast Distance Sampling for Uniform Circular Array in Near-F...
     with: Zhou, F.S.: Fast Distance Sampling for Uniform Circular Array in Near-...
     with: Zhu, W.X.: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Tra...
     with: Zhu, W.X.: Multiple Superpixel Graphs Learning Based on Adaptive Multi...
     with: Zhu, X.: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
     with: Zhu, Y.: Locating X-Ray Coronary Angiogram Keyframes via Long Short-Te...
86 for Qin, B.

Qin, B.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, Y.H.: Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing...
     with: Liu, B.S.: Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing ...
     with: Qian, J.B.: Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing...
     with: Xin, Y.: Distracted Driver Detection Based on a CNN With Decreasing Fi...

Qin, B.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, J.: Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside Asyn...
     with: Du, Y.C.: Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside Asy...
     with: Ji, Y.X.: Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside Asy...
     with: Zhao, C.: Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside Asy...
     with: Zhu, Y.F.: Novel Spatio-Temporal Synchronization Method of Roadside As...

Qin, B.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ext...
     with: Ding, S.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgrou...
     with: Ding, S.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ext...
     with: Fei, B.W.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgro...
     with: Hao, D.D.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgro...
     with: Hohne, K.H.: Localization of acupoints on a head based on a 3D virtual...
     with: Jin, M.X.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgro...
     with: Li, S.Q.: WpmDecolor: weighted projection maximum solver for contrast-...
     with: Liu, Q.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgroun...
     with: Liu, Q.: WpmDecolor: weighted projection maximum solver for contrast-p...
     with: Liu, Y.M.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ex...
     with: Lv, Y.S.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgrou...
     with: Lv, Y.S.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ext...
     with: Mao, H.H.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ex...
     with: Tiede, U.: Localization of acupoints on a head based on a 3D virtual b...
     with: Xiong, J.J.: WpmDecolor: weighted projection maximum solver for contra...
     with: Zhao, J.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgrou...
     with: Zhao, J.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ext...
     with: Zheng, L.: Localization of acupoints on a head based on a 3D virtual b...
     with: Zhu, Y.Q.: Accurate vessel extraction via tensor completion of backgro...
     with: Zhu, Y.Q.: Robust PCA Unrolling Network for Super-Resolution Vessel Ex...
     with: Zhuang, T.G.: Localization of acupoints on a head based on a 3D virtua...
22 for Qin, B.J.

Qin, B.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, L.G.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Ch...
     with: Lee, Z.P.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters...
     with: Li, Y.M.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Chan...
     with: Lin, J.F.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters...
     with: Liu, X.H.: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic La...
     with: Liu, X.H.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters...
     with: Shi, K.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Chang...
     with: Shi, K.: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic Lake...
     with: Shi, K.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters a...
     with: Shi, Y.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Chang...
     with: Sun, Z.H.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters...
     with: Tang, X.M.: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic L...
     with: Xu, Y.F.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Chan...
     with: Zhang, Y.L.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter C...
     with: Zhang, Y.L.: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic ...
     with: Zhang, Y.L.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Wate...
     with: Zhou, Y.Q.: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic L...
     with: Zhou, Y.Q.: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Water...
     with: Zhu, G.W.: High Temporal Resolution Monitoring of Suspended Matter Cha...
     with: Zhu, G.W.: Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Large, Shallow Eutrophic La...
20 for Qin, B.Q.

Qin, B.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, H.J.: Deep Residual Weight-Sharing Attention Network With Low-Rank...
     with: Li, J.C.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual I...
     with: Pang, L.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual I...
     with: Tang, S.L.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual...
     with: Tian, Q.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual I...
     with: Wei, L.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual In...
     with: Ye, W.T.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual I...
     with: Yu, Q.F.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual I...
     with: Zhuang, Y.T.: Deep Residual Weight-Sharing Attention Network With Low-...
     with: Zhuang, Y.T.: HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visu...
10 for Qin, B.S.

Qin, B.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, J.H.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Up...
     with: Bian, Z.J.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperatur...
     with: Bian, Z.J.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface U...
     with: Bian, Z.J.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surfac...
     with: Bian, Z.J.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Cro...
     with: Cao, B.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature U...
     with: Cao, B.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Upwa...
     with: Cao, B.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface U...
     with: Cao, B.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop C...
     with: Dong, Z.: Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR Imag...
     with: Du, Y.M.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature ...
     with: Du, Y.M.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Upw...
     with: Du, Y.M.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface ...
     with: Du, Y.M.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop ...
     with: Hu, T.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface Up...
     with: Ji, Y.F.: Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR Imag...
     with: Li, H.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature Us...
     with: Li, H.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Upwar...
     with: Li, H.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface Up...
     with: Li, H.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop Ca...
     with: Liu, Q.H.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature...
     with: Liu, Q.H.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Up...
     with: Liu, Q.H.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface...
     with: Liu, Q.H.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop...
     with: Mo, F.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature Us...
     with: Na, Q.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature Us...
     with: Na, Q.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Upwar...
     with: Su, Z.B.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop ...
     with: Xiao, Q.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperature ...
     with: Xiao, Q.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface Upw...
     with: Xiao, Q.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surface ...
     with: Xiao, Q.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Crop ...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Evaluation of Six High-Spatial Resolution Clear-Sky Surfac...
     with: Yu, L.: Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR Images...
     with: Zeng, Y.J.: Modeling Directional Brightness Temperature (DBT) over Cro...
     with: Zhang, Q.L.: Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR I...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Measuring Ionospheric Scintillation Parameters From SAR I...
     with: Zheng, L.M.: Correcting an Off-Nadir to a Nadir Land Surface Temperatu...
     with: Zheng, L.M.: Estimation and Evaluation of 15 Minute, 40 Meter Surface ...
39 for Qin, B.X.

Qin, B.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, Z.T.: Fast single image dehazing with domain transformation-bas...
     with: Ji, Y.F.: Fast single image dehazing with domain transformation-based ...
     with: Li, S.Y.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SAR...
     with: Liu, K.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SAR ...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SA...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SA...
     with: Tan, H.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SAR ...
     with: Zeng, F.X.: Fast single image dehazing with domain transformation-base...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir ...
     with: Zhou, Z.: Mapping High Mountain Lakes Using Space-Borne Near-Nadir SAR...
10 for Qin, B.Y.

Qin, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, Z.: Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Anthocyan...
     with: Arandjelovic, R.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image...
     with: Bai, W.J.: Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization for ...
     with: Bai, W.J.: MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking From...
     with: Bai, W.J.: TIP: Tabular-Image Pre-Training for Multimodal Classificati...
     with: Bai, Y.: Generative View-Correlation Adaptation for Semi-Supervised Mu...
     with: Barkhof, F.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter H...
     with: Bowles, C.: large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of white...
     with: Bowles, C.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter Hy...
     with: Bunel, R.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Classi...
     with: Caballero, J.: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR ...
     with: Cao, F.: Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image With...
     with: Cao, F.: New Paradigm for Self-embedding Image Watermarking with Poiss...
     with: Cao, F.: Screen-shooting resistant image watermarking based on lightwe...
     with: Cao, F.: Visible watermark removal scheme based on reversible data hid...
     with: Cemgil, T.: Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing Wi...
     with: Chang, C.: Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BT...
     with: Chang, C.C.: adaptive prediction-error expansion oriented reversible i...
     with: Chang, C.C.: hierarchical threshold secret image sharing, A
     with: Chang, C.C.: Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Usin...
     with: Chang, C.C.: multi-threshold secret image sharing scheme based on MSP, A
     with: Chang, C.C.: Novel Joint Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on S...
     with: Chang, C.C.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Shar...
     with: Chellappa, R.: 5th Recognizing Families in the Wild Data Challenge: Pr...
     with: Chen, B.W.: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imag...
     with: Chen, C.: Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization for M...
     with: Chen, C.C.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual E...
     with: Chen, K.J.: Distribution-Preserving-Based Automatic Data Augmentation ...
     with: Chen, L.: large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of white m...
     with: Chen, Z.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Edi...
     with: Chen, Z.: SQ-LLAVA: Self-questioning for Large Vision-language Assistant
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image...
     with: Chiu, Y.P.: Novel Joint Data-Hiding and Compression Scheme Based on SM...
     with: Coleman, S.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly S...
     with: Coleman, S.A.: LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Sal...
     with: de Marvao, A.: MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking ...
     with: Di, H.: Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Classif...
     with: Dickie, D.A.: large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of whi...
     with: Ding, Z.M.: Generative View-Correlation Adaptation for Semi-Supervised...
     with: Dong, J.: Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image Wit...
     with: Dong, J.: Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC...
     with: Dong, X.Y.: Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
     with: Dou, Q.: Joint Optimization of Class-Specific Training- and Test-Time ...
     with: Du, S.: TIP: Tabular-Image Pre-Training for Multimodal Classification ...
     with: Duan, X.T.: DUIANet: A double Layer U-Net Image Hiding Method Based on...
     with: Dvijotham, K.: Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing...
     with: Dvijotham, K.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Cl...
     with: Ermon, S.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image ...
     with: Ermon, S.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Ed...
     with: Fang, Y.D.: Perceptual Authentication Hashing for Digital Images With ...
     with: Feng, G.R.: CADW: CGAN-Based Attack on Deep Robust Image Watermarking
     with: Feng, G.R.: Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Cluster...
     with: Feng, G.R.: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Image...
     with: Feng, G.R.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Netwo...
     with: Feng, G.R.: Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based ...
     with: Feng, G.R.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogona...
     with: Feng, G.R.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise ...
     with: Feng, G.R.: Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensic...
     with: Feng, W.: Power Allocation Scheme for Multi-Static Radar to Stably Tra...
     with: Feng, Y.H.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual E...
     with: Fu, X.D.: Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Bas...
     with: Fu, Y.: 5th Recognizing Families in the Wild Data Challenge: Predictin...
     with: Fu, Y.: Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resolution
     with: Fu, Y.: Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias?
     with: Fu, Y.: Generative View-Correlation Adaptation for Semi-Supervised Mul...
     with: Fu, Y.: Generatively Inferential Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain A...
     with: Fu, Y.: Global Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Imag...
     with: Fu, Y.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image Gen...
     with: Fu, Y.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
     with: Fu, Y.: Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Classif...
     with: Gao, G.P.: Perceptual Authentication Hashing for Digital Images With C...
     with: Gao, L.P.: Visible watermark removal scheme based on reversible data h...
     with: Gao, M.F.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation witho...
     with: Gao, S.Y.: CADW: CGAN-Based Attack on Deep Robust Image Watermarking
     with: Glocker, B.: Joint Optimization of Class-Specific Training- and Test-T...
     with: Glocker, B.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter H...
     with: Gowal, S.: Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing Wit...
     with: Gowal, S.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Classi...
     with: Guerrero Moreno, R.: large margin algorithm for automated segmentation...
     with: Guerrero Moreno, R.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White ...
     with: Guo, C.: hierarchical threshold secret image sharing, A
     with: Guo, C.: multi-threshold secret image sharing scheme based on MSP, A
     with: Guo, D.: Joint Lossless Compression and Encryption for Medical Images
     with: Guo, D.: Screen-shooting resistant image watermarking based on lightwe...
     with: Guo, Y.: Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Steganogr...
     with: Hajnal, J.V.: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR I...
     with: Han, Y.F.: DNN self-embedding watermarking: Towards tampering detectio...
     with: Hassan, M.A.: Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogramm...
     with: He, Z.H.: Visible watermark removal scheme based on reversible data hi...
     with: Henon, Y.: Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias?
     with: Hou, D.D.: Reversible visual transformation via exploring the correlat...
     with: Hu, H.: Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
     with: Hu, J.C.: JPEG Image Encryption With Adaptive DC Coefficient Predictio...
     with: Huang, L.: Robust Hashing for Neural Network Models via Heterogeneous ...
     with: Huang, P.: Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing Wit...
     with: Huang, Y.H.: Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Usin...
     with: Ji, P.: Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC f...
     with: Jiang, C.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharin...
     with: Kamnitsas, K.: Joint Optimization of Class-Specific Training- and Test...
     with: Kerr, D.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Supe...
     with: Kerr, D.: LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Salient ...
     with: Kohli, P.: Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing Wit...
     with: Kohli, P.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Classi...
     with: Kong, P.: Joint Lossless Compression and Encryption for Medical Images
     with: Le, Y.F.: Efficient image noise estimation based on skewness invarianc...
     with: Le, Y.F.: Recaptured screen image identification based on vision trans...
     with: Ledig, C.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter Hyp...
     with: Lee, W.B.: Copyright Management Using Progressive Image Delivery, Visi...
     with: Lemstra, A.W.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter...
     with: Li, A.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Dete...
     with: Li, A.: Joint Lossless Compression and Encryption for Medical Images
     with: Li, C.: DUIANet: A double Layer U-Net Image Hiding Method Based on Imp...
     with: Li, D.: Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Based...
     with: Li, D.: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery ...
     with: Li, D.: River Extraction under Bankfull Discharge Conditions Based on ...
     with: Li, F.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise Simu...
     with: Li, F.Y.: Ensemble Stego Selection for Enhancing Image Steganography
     with: Li, F.Y.: Image Manipulation Localization Using Multi-Scale Feature Fu...
     with: Li, F.Y.: iSCMIS:Spatial-Channel Attention Based Deep Invertible Netwo...
     with: Li, F.Y.: JPEG Image Encryption With Adaptive DC Coefficient Predictio...
     with: Li, F.Y.: JPEG Reversible Data Hiding Using Dynamic Distortion Optimiz...
     with: Li, F.Y.: Progressive Histogram Modification for JPEG Reversible Data ...
     with: Li, F.Y.: TASTNet: An end-to-end deep fingerprinting net with two-dime...
     with: Li, G.H.: Recaptured screen image identification based on vision trans...
     with: Li, J.: Screen-shooting resistant image watermarking based on lightwei...
     with: Li, S.: Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization for Med...
     with: Li, S.: Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
     with: Li, W.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Li, W.: Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
     with: Li, W.: Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
     with: Li, X.M.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise Si...
     with: Li, X.R.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogonal ...
     with: Li, Z.: Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization for Med...
     with: Li, Z.: DUIANet: A double Layer U-Net Image Hiding Method Based on Imp...
     with: Li, Z.: Joint Optimization of Class-Specific Training- and Test-Time D...
     with: Liang, J.: Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
     with: Liao, L.T.: adaptive prediction-error expansion oriented reversible in...
     with: Liao, L.T.: Inpainting-Assisted Reversible Steganographic Scheme Using...
     with: Liu, C.H.: Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
     with: Liu, E.: Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based on ...
     with: Liu, F.: Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Steganogr...
     with: Liu, H.J.: Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Anthoc...
     with: Liu, J.: Coil-agnostic Attention-based Network for Parallel MRI Recons...
     with: Liu, J.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Liu, J.M.: Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Anthoc...
     with: Liu, M.J.: Power Allocation Scheme for Multi-Static Radar to Stably Tr...
     with: Liu, T.R.: MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking From...
     with: Liu, Y.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Super...
     with: Liu, Y.: LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Salient O...
     with: Liu, Y.D.: Semantic loop closure detection based on graph matching in ...
     with: Liu, Y.Y.: Generative View-Correlation Adaptation for Semi-Supervised ...
     with: Liu, Y.Y.: Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Clas...
     with: Livitz, G.: Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias?
     with: Luh, J.Y.S.: Ambiguity Reduction by Relaxation Labeling
     with: Luo, X.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Det...
     with: Luo, X.: Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Steganogr...
     with: Luo, X.J.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Lv, F.R.: Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
     with: Lv, G.H.: Semantic loop closure detection based on graph matching in m...
     with: Ma, B.: Efficient image noise estimation based on skewness invariance ...
     with: Ma, Q.Q.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
     with: Ma, W.P.: Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification via Spati...
     with: Mann, T.: Achieving Robustness in the Wild via Adversarial Mixing With...
     with: Mann, T.A.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Class...
     with: Meng, L.H.: Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Antho...
     with: Meng, Q.J.: MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking Fro...
     with: Miao, Q.G.: Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification via Spa...
     with: Mo, Q.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing B...
     with: Mu, G.F.: Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification via Spati...
     with: Ni, D.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Dete...
     with: Niebles, J.C.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation w...
     with: O'Regan, D.P.: MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking ...
     with: O'Regan, D.P.: TIP: Tabular-Image Pre-Training for Multimodal Classifi...
     with: Ouyang, C.: Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization for...
     with: Patel, V.M.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation wit...
     with: Pei, Z.J.: Image Manipulation Localization Using Multi-Scale Feature F...
     with: Pfister, H.: Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resol...
     with: Price, A.N.: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR Im...
     with: Qi, D.L.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Networks
     with: Qi, Z.: JPEG Reversible Data Hiding Using Dynamic Distortion Optimizin...
     with: Qi, Z.: Progressive Histogram Modification for JPEG Reversible Data Hi...
     with: Qian, Z.X.: JPEG Image Encryption With Adaptive DC Coefficient Predict...
     with: Qian, Z.X.: New Paradigm for Self-embedding Image Watermarking with Po...
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensic...
     with: Qiao, T.: JPEG quantization step estimation with coefficient histogram...
     with: Qin, Y.: Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Clustering
     with: Qin, Y.L.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Networks
     with: Qiu, F.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Super...
     with: Rhodius Meester, H.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White ...
     with: Robinson, J.P.: 5th Recognizing Families in the Wild Data Challenge: P...
     with: Robinson, J.P.: Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias?
     with: Rueckert, D.: Causality-Inspired Single-Source Domain Generalization f...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR I...
     with: Rueckert, D.: large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of whi...
     with: Rueckert, D.: MulViMotion: Shape-Aware 3D Myocardial Motion Tracking F...
     with: Rueckert, D.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter ...
     with: Savarese, S.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual...
     with: Scheltens, P.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter...
     with: Schlemper, J.: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Dynamic MR ...
     with: Shao, M.: 5th Recognizing Families in the Wild Data Challenge: Predict...
     with: Sheng, Y.: iSCMIS:Spatial-Channel Attention Based Deep Invertible Netw...
     with: Stanforth, R.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Cl...
     with: Sun, A.: Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry ...
     with: Sun, G.: Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Classi...
     with: Sun, G.H.: SQ-LLAVA: Self-questioning for Large Vision-language Assist...
     with: Sun, X.: Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC ...
     with: Tang, D.Q.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Tang, Z.J.: Guided filtering based color image reversible data hiding
     with: Tang, Z.J.: real-time reversible image authentication method using uni...
     with: Tang, Z.J.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Secret Sha...
     with: Tao, Y.T.: Robust Hashing for Neural Network Models via Heterogeneous ...
     with: Tao, Z.Q.: SQ-LLAVA: Self-questioning for Large Vision-language Assist...
     with: Tian, Y.: Guided filtering based color image reversible data hiding
     with: Tijms, B.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White Matter Hyp...
     with: Timoner, S.: Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias?
     with: Turk, M.A.: 5th Recognizing Families in the Wild Data Challenge: Predi...
     with: Uesato, J.: Scalable Verified Training for Provably Robust Image Class...
     with: Valdes Hernandez, M.D.C.: large margin algorithm for automated segment...
     with: van der Flier, W.M.: Semi-supervised Large Margin Algorithm for White ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Global Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Effici...
     with: Vibashan, V.S.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation ...
     with: Wang, G.: River Extraction under Bankfull Discharge Conditions Based o...
     with: Wang, H.: Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resolution
     with: Wang, H.: Global Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Im...
     with: Wang, H.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Edi...
     with: Wang, H.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
     with: Wang, H.D.: When Robust Reversible Watermarking Meets Cropping Attacks
     with: Wang, J.: SQ-LLAVA: Self-questioning for Large Vision-language Assistant
     with: Wang, L.: Generatively Inferential Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain...
     with: Wang, L.C.: Generative View-Correlation Adaptation for Semi-Supervised...
     with: Wang, L.C.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
     with: Wang, L.C.: Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Cla...
     with: Wang, N.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer De...
     with: Wang, S.Q.: Height Measurement for Meter-Wave MIMO Radar Based on Spar...
     with: Wang, S.Z.: Copyright Management Using Progressive Image Delivery, Vis...
     with: Wang, T.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer De...
     with: Wang, T.J.: Screen-shooting resistant image watermarking based on ligh...
     with: Wang, Y.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer De...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Antho...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imag...
     with: Wang, Y.S.: TIP: Tabular-Image Pre-Training for Multimodal Classificat...
     with: Wang, Z.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogonal ...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Su...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Salien...
     with: Wardlaw, J.: large margin algorithm for automated segmentation of whit...
     with: Wei, D.L.: Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resolut...
     with: Wei, H.B.: JPEG quantization step estimation with coefficient histogra...
     with: Wei, H.B.: real-time reversible image authentication method using unif...
     with: Wu, B.: Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Based...
     with: Wu, B.S.: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imager...
     with: Wu, B.S.: River Extraction under Bankfull Discharge Conditions Based o...
     with: Wu, G.M.: DUIANet: A double Layer U-Net Image Hiding Method Based on I...
     with: Wu, L.: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Image Ret...
     with: Wu, T.W.: New Paradigm for Self-embedding Image Watermarking with Pois...
     with: Wu, Y.: Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification via Spatial...
     with: Xie, J.W.: Power Allocation Scheme for Multi-Static Radar to Stably Tr...
     with: Xie, M.: Semantic Concentration for Domain Adaptation
     with: Xing, C.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image G...
     with: Xing, C.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation withou...
     with: Xiong, C.M.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Imag...
     with: Xiong, C.M.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual ...
     with: Xu, M.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Dete...
     with: Xu, R.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image Gen...
     with: Xu, R.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Editing
     with: Xu, R.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation without ...
     with: Xu, R.: SQ-LLAVA: Self-questioning for Large Vision-language Assistant
     with: Xue, Y.: Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Base...
     with: Xue, Y.: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery...
     with: Yaghoobi, M.: Coil-agnostic Attention-based Network for Parallel MRI R...
     with: Yang, F.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly Supe...
     with: Yang, X.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer De...
     with: Yang, X.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Edi...
     with: Yao, H.: Comprehensive Analysis Method for Reversible Data Hiding in S...
     with: Yao, H.: DNN self-embedding watermarking: Towards tampering detection ...
     with: Yao, H.: Efficient image noise estimation based on skewness invariance...
     with: Yao, H.: Guided filtering based color image reversible data hiding
     with: Yao, H.: JPEG quantization step estimation with coefficient histogram ...
     with: Yao, H.: real-time reversible image authentication method using unifor...
     with: Yao, H.: Recaptured screen image identification based on vision transf...
     with: Yao, H.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image via Secret Sharing ...
     with: Yao, H.: Reversible data hiding in encrypted images without additional...
     with: Yao, H.: Reversible Data Hiding in Palette Images
     with: Yao, H.: Signal-Dependent Noise Estimation for a Real-Camera Model via...
     with: Yao, H.: TASTNet: An end-to-end deep fingerprinting net with two-dimen...
     with: Yao, H.: Visible watermark removal scheme based on reversible data hid...
     with: Yao, H.: When Robust Reversible Watermarking Meets Cropping Attacks
     with: Yao, J.C.: Efficient image noise estimation based on skewness invarian...
     with: Yin, Y.: Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptive Structure Learning
     with: Yu, C.Q.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Secret Shari...
     with: Yu, J.: Deeply-Supervised Networks With Threshold Loss for Cancer Dete...
     with: Yu, M.J.: Comprehensive Analysis Method for Reversible Data Hiding in ...
     with: Yu, M.J.: Reversible data hiding in encrypted images without additiona...
     with: Yu, M.J.: Reversible Data Hiding in Palette Images
     with: Yu, N.: Direct Adversarial Attack on Stego Sandwiched Between Black Bo...
     with: Yu, N.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image Gen...
     with: Yu, N.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Editing
     with: Yu, N.: Mask-Free OVIS: Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation without ...
     with: Yu, N.: Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
     with: Yu, N.H.: Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
     with: Yu, N.H.: Distribution-Preserving-Based Automatic Data Augmentation fo...
     with: Yu, N.H.: Reversible visual transformation via exploring the correlati...
     with: Yuan, Y.Q.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Zeng, Y.: Ensemble Stego Selection for Enhancing Image Steganography
     with: Zha, H.: Direct Adversarial Attack on Stego Sandwiched Between Black B...
     with: Zha, H.Y.: Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
     with: Zhang, C.: Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetr...
     with: Zhang, G.: Height Measurement for Meter-Wave MIMO Radar Based on Spars...
     with: Zhang, G.S.: Power Allocation Scheme for Multi-Static Radar to Stably ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Power Allocation Scheme for Multi-Static Radar to Stably Tr...
     with: Zhang, J.S.: Distribution-Preserving-Based Automatic Data Augmentation...
     with: Zhang, L.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Zhang, Q.: Height Measurement for Meter-Wave MIMO Radar Based on Spars...
     with: Zhang, S.: GlueGen: Plug and Play Multi-Modal Encoders for X-to-Image ...
     with: Zhang, S.: HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Ed...
     with: Zhang, W.: Direct Adversarial Attack on Stego Sandwiched Between Black...
     with: Zhang, W.: Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
     with: Zhang, W.M.: Adversarial steganography based on sparse cover enhancement
     with: Zhang, W.M.: Distribution-Preserving-Based Automatic Data Augmentation...
     with: Zhang, W.M.: Reversible visual transformation via exploring the correl...
     with: Zhang, X.: Enhanced Blue Band Vegetation Index (The Re-Modified Anthoc...
     with: Zhang, X.: Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image Wi...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: CADW: CGAN-Based Attack on Deep Robust Image Watermarking
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Comprehensive Analysis Method for Reversible Data Hiding ...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Copyright Management Using Progressive Image Delivery, Vi...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Cluste...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Effective Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image with ...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Imag...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Ensemble Stego Selection for Enhancing Image Steganography
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Image Manipulation Localization Using Multi-Scale Feature...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: iSCMIS:Spatial-Channel Attention Based Deep Invertible Ne...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: JPEG Image Encryption With Adaptive DC Coefficient Predic...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: JPEG Reversible Data Hiding Using Dynamic Distortion Opti...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: New Paradigm for Self-embedding Image Watermarking with P...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Netw...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogon...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Progressive Histogram Modification for JPEG Reversible Da...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Reversible Data Hiding in Palette Images
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Robust Hashing for Neural Network Models via Heterogeneou...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Signal-Dependent Noise Estimation for a Real-Camera Model...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensi...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: When Robust Reversible Watermarking Meets Cropping Attacks
     with: Zhang, X.Q.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images With Secret Sh...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification via Sp...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Generatively Inferential Co-Training for Unsupervised Domai...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Global Aligned Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient I...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Multiple Robustness Enhancements for Image Adaptive Stegano...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Image...
     with: Zhang, Y.L.: Context Reasoning Attention Network for Image Super-Resol...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Complementary Characteristics Fusion Network for Weakly S...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: LARNet: Towards Lightweight, Accurate and Real-Time Salie...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Semantic loop closure detection based on graph matching i...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise S...
     with: Zhao, G.: DNN self-embedding watermarking: Towards tampering detection...
     with: Zhao, G.J.: TASTNet: An end-to-end deep fingerprinting net with two-di...
     with: Zheng, G.M.: Height Measurement for Meter-Wave MIMO Radar Based on Spa...
     with: Zheng, S.M.: TIP: Tabular-Image Pre-Training for Multimodal Classifica...
     with: Zhou, L.: Joint Lossless Compression and Encryption for Medical Images
     with: Zhou, Q.: Flexible Lossy Compression for Selective Encrypted Image Wit...
     with: Zhou, W.: Shortening the Cover for Fast JPEG Steganography
     with: Zhou, Y.D.: Perceptual Authentication Hashing for Digital Images With ...
     with: Zhu, J.: Osprey: Pixel Understanding with Visual Instruction Tuning
     with: Zou, M.: Signal-Dependent Noise Estimation for a Real-Camera Model via...
367 for Qin, C.

Qin, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, J.B.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Imag...
     with: Chen, Q.C.: Automatic Road Marking Extraction and Vectorization from V...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Image...
     with: Feng, M.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images ...
     with: Huang, B.S.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Imag...
     with: Jiang, J.A.: CGC-Net: A Context-Guided Constrained Network for Remote-...
     with: Li, H.M.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images ...
     with: Li, Z.H.: CGC-Net: A Context-Guided Constrained Network for Remote-Sen...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images...
     with: Wang, R.Z.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Image...
     with: Wu, D.S.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images ...
     with: Wu, H.B.: Automatic Road Marking Extraction and Vectorization from Veh...
     with: Yao, J.H.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images...
     with: Yao, L.: Automatic Road Marking Extraction and Vectorization from Vehi...
     with: Zeng, C.X.: CGC-Net: A Context-Guided Constrained Network for Remote-S...
     with: Zhang, Q.H.: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Imag...
     with: Zhang, Y.: CGC-Net: A Context-Guided Constrained Network for Remote-Se...
     with: Zheng, P.C.: CGC-Net: A Context-Guided Constrained Network for Remote-...
18 for Qin, C.C.

Qin, C.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fang, Y.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Wat...
     with: Feng, J.C.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved biolumine...
     with: Han, Z.X.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Wa...
     with: Ji, W.B.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Wat...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for W...
     with: Li, W.B.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Wat...
     with: Liu, K.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminesce...
     with: Ren, Y.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for Wate...
     with: Tian, J.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminesc...
     with: Wang, T.H.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for W...
     with: Xu, M.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminescen...
     with: Yan, G.R.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved biolumines...
     with: Yang, X.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminesc...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: EDWNet: A Novel Encoder-Decoder Architecture Network for ...
     with: Zhu, S.P.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved biolumines...
15 for Qin, C.H.

Qin, C.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, C.L.: Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling...
     with: Huang, K.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream S...
     with: Huang, Z.L.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream...
     with: Huang, Z.L.: Confidence-based Global Attention Guided Network for Imag...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling ...
     with: Li, L.: Confidence-based Global Attention Guided Network for Image Inp...
     with: Liang, Q.M.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream...
     with: Lin, X.: Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling f...
     with: Liu, R.X.: Confidence-based Global Attention Guided Network for Image ...
     with: Liu, Z.: Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling f...
     with: Park, H.H.: Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modelin...
     with: Wu, R.Q.: Restore Anything with Masks: Leveraging Mask Image Modeling ...
     with: Yang, W.M.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream ...
     with: Yu, Y.J.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream Su...
     with: Zheng, X.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream S...
     with: Zhou, Z.: Bilateral Event Mining and Complementary for Event Stream Su...
     with: Zhu, Y.S.: Confidence-based Global Attention Guided Network for Image ...
17 for Qin, C.J.

Qin, C.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, S.W.: Use of Social Media for the Detection and Analysis of Infect...
     with: Yang, X.N.: Use of Social Media for the Detection and Analysis of Infe...
     with: Ye, X.Y.: Use of Social Media for the Detection and Analysis of Infect...

Qin, C.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, M.Y.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis and Future Scenario Predic...
     with: Qian, C.H.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis and Future Scenario Pred...
     with: Qiang, H.Q.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis and Future Scenario Pre...
     with: Wang, Z.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Analysis and Future Scenario Predic...

Qin, C.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, W.L.: Selective Learning of Human Pose Estimation Based on Multi-...
     with: Burt, J.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope ...
     with: Chen, D.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for ...
     with: Cheng, C.X.: Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Usi...
     with: Choi, W.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope ...
     with: Deng, X.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for ...
     with: Dong, H.X.: Selective Learning of Human Pose Estimation Based on Multi...
     with: Fan, N.Q.: Digital Soil Mapping over Large Areas with Invalid Environm...
     with: He, T.T.: Improved Submerged Mangrove Recognition Index-Based Method f...
     with: Hou, Z.W.: Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Ge...
     with: Hou, Z.W.: From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Preparat...
     with: Huang, C.: Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resoluti...
     with: Huang, J.Z.: Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Usi...
     with: Huang, Y.F.: High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Organic Matter at the Fie...
     with: Ji, W.J.: High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Organic Matter at the Field ...
     with: Jia, M.M.: Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove sp...
     with: Jiang, J.C.: Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Usi...
     with: Li, B.G.: High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Organic Matter at the Field ...
     with: Li, B.L.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope ...
     with: Li, H.: Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resolution ...
     with: Li, Z.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for AL...
     with: Liang, P.: Digital Soil Mapping over Large Areas with Invalid Environm...
     with: Liang, P.: Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Ge...
     with: Liang, P.: From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Preparat...
     with: Liu, J.Z.: Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccess...
     with: Liu, J.Z.: Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Using...
     with: Liu, W.K.: Selective Learning of Human Pose Estimation Based on Multi-...
     with: Ma, T.W.: Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccessi...
     with: Mao, D.H.: Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove sp...
     with: Pei, T.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope G...
     with: Qi, F.: Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccessibl...
     with: Shi, X.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope G...
     with: Su, F.Z.: Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resolutio...
     with: Sun, T.C.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for...
     with: Teng, J.K.: Mapping large-area tidal flats without the dependence on t...
     with: Wang, R.X.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slop...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent G...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Prepara...
     with: Wang, Y.Q.: Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove s...
     with: Wang, Z.M.: Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove s...
     with: Wei, T.F.: Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccess...
     with: Wu, M.L.: Selective Learning of Human Pose Estimation Based on Multi-S...
     with: Xia, Q.: Improved Submerged Mangrove Recognition Index-Based Method fo...
     with: Xia, Q.: Mapping Mangrove Forests Based on Multi-Tidal High-Resolution...
     with: Xiao, W.: Improved Submerged Mangrove Recognition Index-Based Method f...
     with: Xing, X.M.: Improved Submerged Mangrove Recognition Index-Based Method...
     with: Xu, Y.: High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Organic Matter at the Field Sc...
     with: Xu, Z.X.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for ...
     with: Yan, Y.: High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Organic Matter at the Field S...
     with: Yang, J.J.: High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Organic Matter at the Fiel...
     with: Yu, J.: Obtaining Urban Waterlogging Depths from Video Images Using Sy...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction f...
     with: Zhao, C.P.: 10-m-resolution mangrove maps of China derived from multi-...
     with: Zhao, C.P.: Decision surface optimization in mapping exotic mangrove s...
     with: Zhao, C.P.: Key Reason of False Positive Misclassification for Accurat...
     with: Zhao, C.P.: Mapping large-area tidal flats without the dependence on t...
     with: Zhao, F.H.: Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inacces...
     with: Zhong, R.F.: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction f...
     with: Zhu, A.X.: Digital Soil Mapping over Large Areas with Invalid Environm...
     with: Zhu, A.X.: Dynamic Recommendation of Substitute Locations for Inaccess...
     with: Zhu, A.X.: Experiment Using a Circular Neighborhood to Calculate Slope...
     with: Zhu, A.X.: Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Ge...
     with: Zhu, A.X.: From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Preparat...
     with: Zhu, Y.Q.: Formalizing Parameter Constraints to Support Intelligent Ge...
     with: Zhu, Y.Q.A.: From Manual to Intelligent: A Review of Input Data Prepar...
66 for Qin, C.Z.

Qin, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bu, J.J.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Dist...
     with: Chung, W.: Unsupervised Moving Object Segmentation with Atmospheric Tu...
     with: Dai, H.F.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Dis...
     with: Gu, J.J.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Dist...
     with: Jayasuriya, S.: Turb-Seg-Res: A Segment-then-Restore Pipeline for Dyna...
     with: Jayasuriya, S.: Unsupervised Moving Object Segmentation with Atmospher...
     with: Jin, Z.Z.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone,...
     with: Li, N.: Turb-Seg-Res: A Segment-then-Restore Pipeline for Dynamic Vide...
     with: Li, N.: Unsupervised Moving Object Segmentation with Atmospheric Turbu...
     with: Li, Y.Z.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, ...
     with: Liu, Y.S.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone,...
     with: Liu, Z.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Disti...
     with: Qin, X.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, W...
     with: Saha, R.K.: Turb-Seg-Res: A Segment-then-Restore Pipeline for Dynamic ...
     with: Saha, R.K.: Unsupervised Moving Object Segmentation with Atmospheric T...
     with: Shen, X.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Dist...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Di...
     with: Wu, L.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Distil...
     with: Xue, L.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, W...
     with: Ye, J.: Turb-Seg-Res: A Segment-then-Restore Pipeline for Dynamic Vide...
     with: Ye, J.: Unsupervised Moving Object Segmentation with Atmospheric Turbu...
     with: Zhou, S.: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Dist...
22 for Qin, D.

Qin, D.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aggarwal, V.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Akin, B.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Banbury, C.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Berent, J.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for ...
     with: Berent, J.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for...
     with: Bossard, L.: Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-reciproc...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: Learning to Rank Histograms for Object Retrieval
     with: Delakis, M.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Fornoni, M.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Gammeter, S.: Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-recipro...
     with: Gong, B.Q.: Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-supervised ...
     with: Guillaumin, M.: Learning to Rank Histograms for Object Retrieval
     with: Howard, A.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Huang, D.: Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-supervised S...
     with: Kovashka, A.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision fo...
     with: Kovashka, A.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision f...
     with: Leichner, C.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Li, W.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for Obje...
     with: Li, W.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for Obj...
     with: Li, Y.D.: Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-supervised Se...
     with: Luo, S.X.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Moro, D.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Quack, T.: Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-reciprocal...
     with: Thomas, C.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for ...
     with: Thomas, C.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for...
     with: Unal, M.E.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for ...
     with: Unal, M.E.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Hello neighbor: Accurate object retrieval with k-recip...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Learning to Rank Histograms for Object Retrieval
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Query Adaptive Similarity for Large Scale Object Retri...
     with: Wang, L.Q.: Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-supervised ...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Wengert, C.: Query Adaptive Similarity for Large Scale Object Retrieval
     with: Yang, F.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Ye, C.X.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
     with: Ye, K.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for Obje...
     with: Ye, K.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for Obj...
     with: Zhang, M.: Cap2Det: Learning to Amplify Weak Caption Supervision for O...
     with: Zhang, M.: Learning to Overcome Noise in Weak Caption Supervision for ...
     with: Zhu, T.: Mobilenetv4: Universal Models for the Mobile Ecosystem
40 for Qin, D.F.

Qin, D.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, W.B.: New LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Multi-Layer Two-Class Se...
     with: Tian, Y.G.: New LiDAR Filtering Method Based on Multi-Layer Two-Class ...

Qin, D.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recognitio...
     with: Chen, C.: Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Base...
     with: Cheng, K.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recogniti...
     with: Cheng, K.: Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Bas...
     with: Jian, J.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recognitio...
     with: Kan, Y.Z.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recogniti...
     with: Liao, G.L.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recognit...
     with: Lv, C.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recognition ...
     with: Sun, D.: Deep Learning Approach for Driver Speed Intention Recognition...
     with: Sun, D.Y.: Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Bas...
     with: Wang, K.: Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Base...
11 for Qin, D.T.

Qin, D.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ai, Y.F.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection St...
     with: Bai, J.A.: Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Map Pre-Sampling Con...
     with: Berhane, T.M.: Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual ...
     with: Bie, H.: Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Suppres...
     with: Bie, H.: Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Informa...
     with: Bie, H.: UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic Seg...
     with: Di, D.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection Stag...
     with: Feng, G.Y.: Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Construc...
     with: Gao, Y.: Evaluation of FY-4A Temperature Profile Products and Applicat...
     with: Guo, R.L.: Indoor Floor Localization Based on Multi-Intelligent Sensors
     with: Han, B.: Modeling and Performance Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehi...
     with: Han, B.: Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual Positi...
     with: Lan, T.T.: Joint Optimization on Trajectory, Cache Placement, and Tran...
     with: Li, B.: Deep Learning-Based Radar Composite Reflectivity Factor Estima...
     with: Li, G.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection Stag...
     with: Li, J.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection Stag...
     with: Li, Y.: Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Informat...
     with: Li, Z.L.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection St...
     with: Lin, Y.J.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection S...
     with: Liu, Z.J.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection S...
     with: Ma, L.: Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Constructed ...
     with: Ma, L.: Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Map Pre-Sampling Constr...
     with: Ma, L.: Modeling and Performance Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehic...
     with: Ma, L.: Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual Positio...
     with: Ma, L.: Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Suppress...
     with: Ma, L.: Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Informat...
     with: Ma, L.: UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic Segm...
     with: Mao, D.Y.: Evaluation of FY-4A Temperature Profile Products and Applic...
     with: Min, M.: Deep Learning-Based Radar Composite Reflectivity Factor Estim...
     with: Min, M.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection Sta...
     with: Sun, F.L.: Deep Learning-Based Radar Composite Reflectivity Factor Est...
     with: Sun, F.L.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection S...
     with: Sun, G.Y.: Joint Optimization on Trajectory, Cache Placement, and Tran...
     with: Tan, X.Z.: Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Construct...
     with: Tang, H.: Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Inform...
     with: Tang, H.: UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic Se...
     with: Tang, H.P.: Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Supp...
     with: Teklu, M.B.: Modeling and Performance Optimization of Unmanned Aerial ...
     with: Wang, X.: Evaluation of FY-4A Temperature Profile Products and Applica...
     with: Wang, X.X.: Indoor Floor Localization Based on Multi-Intelligent Sensors
     with: Yan, M.: Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Suppres...
     with: Yan, M.: UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic Seg...
     with: Yang, J.Q.: Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Supp...
     with: Yang, J.Q.: Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Info...
     with: Yang, J.Q.: UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic ...
     with: Zhang, G.X.: Target Localization Method Based on Image Degradation Sup...
     with: Zhang, G.X.: UAV Low-Altitude Aerial Image Stitching Based on Semantic...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection...
     with: Zhao, M.: Indoor Floor Localization Based on Multi-Intelligent Sensors
     with: Zheng, P.: Image Retrieval Method Based on Visual Map Pre-Sampling Con...
     with: Zheng, P.: Modeling and Performance Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Zheng, P.: Research on Feature Extraction Method of Indoor Visual Posi...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Target Search for Joint Local and High-Level Semantic Informa...
53 for Qin, D.Y.

Qin, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, Y.: Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Sequest...
     with: Chen, C.L.P.: MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network fo...
     with: Chen, D.: Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation Method for Typhoon E...
     with: Chen, L.M.: self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining maske...
     with: Chen, Y.F.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture...
     with: Chi, X.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: Cui, C.: Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS for ...
     with: Ding, N.: Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Sp...
     with: Ding, N.: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Base...
     with: Du, J.: MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network for Mult...
     with: Du, J.J.: Improving the ERA5-Land Temperature Product through a Deep S...
     with: Fang, M.: MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network for Mu...
     with: Fu, P.: Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS for S...
     with: Guo, J.: self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked i...
     with: Guo, P.F.: Coupled MOP and PLUS-SA Model Research on Land Use Scenario...
     with: Guo, Z.X.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture ...
     with: Han, H.S.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Fractional Vegetation Cover an...
     with: Han, Y.K.: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, China...
     with: Han, Z.: Unsupervised person re-identification via re-ranking enhanced...
     with: Han, Z.G.: Land Use Classification Model Based on Conditional Random F...
     with: Han, Z.G.: Mapping an Urban Boundary Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-...
     with: Han, Z.G.: Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS fo...
     with: Hannaford, B.: Object-Agnostic Vision Measurement Framework Based on O...
     with: Hao, T.T.: Object-Agnostic Vision Measurement Framework Based on One-S...
     with: He, Y.J.: ELSD: Efficient Line Segment Detector and Descriptor
     with: He, Y.J.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: He, Z.L.: NRN-RSSEG: A Deep Neural Network Model for Combating Label N...
     with: Hu, J.Y.: Improving the ERA5-Land Temperature Product through a Deep S...
     with: Hu, J.Y.: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, China ...
     with: Hu, Q.: Improving the ERA5-Land Temperature Product through a Deep Spa...
     with: Huang, G.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: Huang, Y.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture ...
     with: Huang, Y.F.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architectur...
     with: Jiao, J.B.: Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
     with: Jiao, X.H.: Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Sequ...
     with: Ke, W.: Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
     with: Ke, Y.Z.: self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked ...
     with: Lang, F.: Superpixel Segmentation of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture R...
     with: Li, J.: NRN-RSSEG: A Deep Neural Network Model for Combating Label Noi...
     with: Li, J.G.: Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Sp...
     with: Li, P.: MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network for Mult...
     with: Li, Q.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture wit...
     with: Li, X.J.: Deriving Urban Boundaries of Henan Province, China, Based on...
     with: Li, Z.: Unsupervised person re-identification via re-ranking enhanced ...
     with: Liang, Q.S.: Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green...
     with: Liang, Q.S.: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space B...
     with: Lin, W.: Skeleton extraction of hard-pen regular script based on strok...
     with: Liu, C.: Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
     with: Liu, C.: Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Sequest...
     with: Liu, X.: Contour Primitives of Interest Extraction Method for Microsco...
     with: Liu, X.: ELSD: Efficient Line Segment Detector and Descriptor
     with: Liu, Y.N.: Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS fo...
     with: Luo, Y.C.: ELSD: Efficient Line Segment Detector and Descriptor
     with: Ma, L.Q.: Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation Method for Typhoon E...
     with: Miao, C.H.: Coupled MOP and PLUS-SA Model Research on Land Use Scenari...
     with: Miao, C.H.: Mapping an Urban Boundary Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel...
     with: Motagh, M.: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, Chin...
     with: Mu, W.C.: Improving the ERA5-Land Temperature Product through a Deep S...
     with: Pan, Y.: Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Spa...
     with: Pan, Y.: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Based...
     with: Pan, Z.: Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Spa...
     with: Pan, Z.: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Based...
     with: Ren, J.: Improving the ERA5-Land Temperature Product through a Deep Sp...
     with: Shen, F.: Contour Primitives of Interest Extraction Method for Microsc...
     with: Shi, H.Y.: Skeleton extraction of hard-pen regular script based on str...
     with: Wan, F.: Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
     with: Wang, C.M.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture...
     with: Wang, G.: self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Coupled MOP and PLUS-SA Model Research on Land Use Scenari...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Deriving Urban Boundaries of Henan Province, China, Based ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Land Use Classification Model Based on Conditional Random ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Mapping an Urban Boundary Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Feature Fusion Approach for Temporal Land Use Mapping in C...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, Chin...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Sequ...
     with: Wang, L.J.: Feature Fusion Approach for Temporal Land Use Mapping in C...
     with: Wang, L.J.: Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Sequ...
     with: Wang, L.L.: Mr4Soil: A MapReduce-Based Framework Integrated with GIS f...
     with: Wang, X.F.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: Wang, X.G.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: Wang, Z.: Mapping an Urban Boundary Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2...
     with: Wang, Z.: self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked ...
     with: Wei, P.X.: Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
     with: Wei, X.H.: MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network for M...
     with: Wen, J.: MsgFusion: Medical Semantic Guided Two-Branch Network for Mul...
     with: Wu, L.Y.: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Base...
     with: Wu, W.H.: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, China ...
     with: Xi, M.F.: NRN-RSSEG: A Deep Neural Network Model for Combating Label N...
     with: Xie, Z.: Evolution Patterns of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Spa...
     with: Xie, Z.: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Based...
     with: Xiong, N.: Skeleton extraction of hard-pen regular script based on str...
     with: Xu, D.: Contour Primitives of Interest Extraction Method for Microscop...
     with: Xu, D.: Object-Agnostic Vision Measurement Framework Based on One-Shot...
     with: Xu, L.: Improving the ERA5-Land Temperature Product through a Deep Spa...
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: Skeleton extraction of hard-pen regular script based on stro...
     with: Yan, S.Y.: Superpixel Segmentation of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture ...
     with: Yang, J.: Superpixel Segmentation of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture R...
     with: Yang, S.: self-supervised image aesthetic assessment combining masked ...
     with: Ye, Q.X.: Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
     with: Ye, Q.X.: Linear Span Network for Object Skeleton Detection
     with: Ye, Y.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: Yin, Y.H.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Fractional Vegetation Cover an...
     with: Yu, M.M.: NRN-RSSEG: A Deep Neural Network Model for Combating Label N...
     with: Zhang, D.: Contour Primitives of Interest Extraction Method for Micros...
     with: Zhang, F.F.: Coupled MOP and PLUS-SA Model Research on Land Use Scenar...
     with: Zhang, H.T.: ELSD: Efficient Line Segment Detector and Descriptor
     with: Zhang, J.C.: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, Chi...
     with: Zhang, J.R.: Skeleton extraction of hard-pen regular script based on s...
     with: Zhao, C.H.: Deriving Urban Boundaries of Henan Province, China, Based ...
     with: Zhao, H.: Unsupervised person re-identification via re-ranking enhance...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Spatiotemporal Variations in Fractional Vegetation Cover and...
     with: Zheng, K.: Deriving Urban Boundaries of Henan Province, China, Based o...
     with: Zheng, K.: Land Use Classification Model Based on Conditional Random F...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation Method for Typhoon ...
     with: Zhou, Z.: Transferable Learning Classification Model and Carbon Seques...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Correlated Topic Vector for Scene Classification
     with: Zhu, Z.: MVSTER: Epipolar Transformer for Efficient Multi-view Stereo
     with: Zou, B.F.: SCUNet++: Swin-UNet and CNN Bottleneck Hybrid Architecture ...
118 for Qin, F.

Qin, F.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, N.: TP-LSD: Tri-points Based Line Segment Detector
     with: He, Y.J.: TP-LSD: Tri-points Based Line Segment Detector
     with: Huang, S.: TP-LSD: Tri-points Based Line Segment Detector
     with: Liu, X.: TP-LSD: Tri-points Based Line Segment Detector
     with: Xiong, P.F.: TP-LSD: Tri-points Based Line Segment Detector

Qin, F.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Han, Y.: Analysis of the Influence of Different Reference Models on Re...
     with: Qian, L.Y.: Analysis of the Influence of Different Reference Models on...
     with: Wei, H.W.: Analysis of the Influence of Different Reference Models on ...
     with: Zhu, F.S.: Analysis of the Influence of Different Reference Models on ...

Qin, F.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, W.: Learning features from covariance matrix of gabor wavelet f...
     with: Huang, Y.Y.: Learning features from covariance matrix of gabor wavelet...
     with: Huang, Y.Y.: RNDiff: Rainfall nowcasting with Condition Diffusion Model
     with: Huang, Y.Y.: TU2Net-GAN: A temporal precipitation nowcasting model wit...
     with: Li, C.: RNDiff: Rainfall nowcasting with Condition Diffusion Model
     with: Li, C.R.: Learning features from covariance matrix of gabor wavelet fo...
     with: Li, C.R.: TU2Net-GAN: A temporal precipitation nowcasting model with m...
     with: Ling, X.D.: RNDiff: Rainfall nowcasting with Condition Diffusion Model
     with: Ling, X.D.: TU2Net-GAN: A temporal precipitation nowcasting model with...
     with: Yang, P.: RNDiff: Rainfall nowcasting with Condition Diffusion Model
     with: Yang, P.: TU2Net-GAN: A temporal precipitation nowcasting model with m...
11 for Qin, F.Q.

Qin, F.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, X.C.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive ...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for ...
     with: Cong, F.Y.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magne...
     with: Cui, C.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive Sa...
     with: Dong, Y.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magneti...
     with: Fu, K.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive Sam...
     with: Guo, Y.F.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive ...
     with: Hao, X.Y.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magnet...
     with: Huang, S.: Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for T...
     with: Jin, S.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magnetic...
     with: Li, M.H.: Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for Th...
     with: Niu, B.X.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive ...
     with: Peng, L.B.: Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for ...
     with: Peng, Z.M.: Mask Sparse Representation Based on Semantic Features for ...
     with: Wang, C.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive S...
     with: Wang, M.Z.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive...
     with: Wang, Z.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive S...
     with: Xu, H.M.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magneti...
     with: Xu, Q.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magnetic ...
     with: Yang, L.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive S...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Automatic cervical cancer segmentation in multimodal magnetic...
     with: Zhuo, J.M.: Improving Graph Contrastive Learning via Adaptive Positive...
22 for Qin, F.Y.

Qin, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amin, M.G.: DOA Estimation Exploiting Moving Dilated Nested Arrays
     with: Bai, H.L.: TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fusion
     with: Chang, X.F.: TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fus...
     with: Dong, Y.: TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fusion
     with: Ge, A.: Knowledge-based gear-position decision
     with: Gillam, L.: Background Filtering for Improving of Object Detection in ...
     with: Gu, C.J.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervised...
     with: Ji, J.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Samplin...
     with: Jiang, K.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B A...
     with: Lee, J.J.: Knowledge-based gear-position decision
     with: Li, M.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B Alti...
     with: Li, S.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervised N...
     with: Li, W.W.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B Al...
     with: Liang, Y.H.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient ob...
     with: Liang, Y.H.: Salient object detection based on edge-interior feature f...
     with: Lin, M.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B Alt...
     with: Liu, M.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervised ...
     with: Ma, W.: Contextualizing MLP-Mixers Spatiotemporally for Urban Traffic ...
     with: Mei, Y.: Contextualizing MLP-Mixers Spatiotemporally for Urban Traffic...
     with: Nie, T.: Contextualizing MLP-Mixers Spatiotemporally for Urban Traffic...
     with: Peng, H.L.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B ...
     with: Qin, J.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object...
     with: Shi, Y.: Salient object detection based on edge-interior feature fusion
     with: Sun, J.: Contextualizing MLP-Mixers Spatiotemporally for Urban Traffic...
     with: Sun, L.J.: Contextualizing MLP-Mixers Spatiotemporally for Urban Traff...
     with: Sun, M.H.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient obje...
     with: Tao, K.: TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fusion
     with: Vrusias, B.: Background Filtering for Improving of Object Detection in...
     with: Wang, F.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervised...
     with: Wang, F.: Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extraction ...
     with: Wang, F.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sampl...
     with: Wang, J.M.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sam...
     with: Wang, L.: TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fusion
     with: Wang, S.X.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervis...
     with: Wang, S.X.: Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extractio...
     with: Wang, S.X.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sam...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Salient object detection based on edge-interior feature fu...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B ...
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervis...
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extractio...
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sam...
     with: Xiong, Y.B.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sa...
     with: Yan, J.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object...
     with: Yan, J.: Salient object detection based on edge-interior feature fusion
     with: You, D.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sampli...
     with: Zhang, J.W.: TV Program Segmentation using Multi-Modal Information Fus...
     with: Zhang, Y.D.: DOA Estimation Exploiting Moving Dilated Nested Arrays
     with: Zhang, Z.: Salient object detection based on edge-interior feature fus...
     with: Zhang, Z.H.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient ob...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervised...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Reduced-Dynamic Precise Orbit Determination of Haiyang-2B Al...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extraction ...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Sampl...
     with: Zhu, J.F.: Flooded Infrastructure Change Detection in Deeply Supervise...
     with: Zhu, J.F.: Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extraction...
     with: Zou, W.J.: Multi-Scale Edge Constraint Network for the Fine Extraction...
     with: Zou, W.J.: Novel Intelligent Method Based on the Gaussian Heatmap Samp...
57 for Qin, G.

Qin, G.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, W.G.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis U...
     with: He, Z.L.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Usi...
     with: Jiang, G.F.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis ...
     with: Lu, Y.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Using...
     with: Wei, J.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Usin...
     with: Wu, J.F.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Usi...
     with: Xu, Y.S.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Usi...
     with: Zeng, H.: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Usi...
8 for Qin, G.G.

Qin, G.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Batelaan, O.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrare...
     with: Boyer, E.W.: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Qua...
     with: Guan, H.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Re...
     with: Guo, L.: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Quantif...
     with: Guo, L.: Integration of Satellite Precipitation Data and Deep Learning...
     with: Huang, Y.Y.: Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over...
     with: Lan, P.: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Quantif...
     with: Li, H.X.: Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Co...
     with: Li, H.X.: Integration of Satellite Precipitation Data and Deep Learnin...
     with: Liu, B.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Rem...
     with: Long, D.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Re...
     with: Luo, P.P.: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Quant...
     with: Mello, C.R.: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Qua...
     with: Qi, Y.L.: Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Co...
     with: Qin, J.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Rem...
     with: Tang, X.: Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over Co...
     with: Tang, X.: Integration of Satellite Precipitation Data and Deep Learnin...
     with: Yang, Y.T.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared ...
     with: Yin, Z.R.: Integration of Satellite Precipitation Data and Deep Learni...
     with: Zhang, L.P.: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products to Qua...
20 for Qin, G.H.

Qin, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cui, J.: Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Y...
     with: Li, J.: Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Ye...
     with: Liang, Y.: Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the...
     with: Liu, Y.H.: Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the...
     with: Zhu, M.S.: Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the...

Qin, G.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ma, X.K.: Nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms for link predict...
     with: Sun, P.G.: Nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms for link predic...

Qin, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azad Hossain, A.K.M.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Forest in Chatt...
     with: Bai, F.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Bai, J.X.: Interactive animation generation of virtual characters usin...
     with: Cai, L.: MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Se...
     with: Cai, M.X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Chan, S.C.: New Probabilistic Representation of Color Image Pixels and...
     with: Chang, T.: Context-Interactive CNN for Person Re-Identification
     with: Chang, T.: Cross-View Contextual Relation Transferred Network for Unsu...
     with: Chang, T.: Dynamic attention augmented graph network for video acciden...
     with: Chang, Y.: Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
     with: Chen, C.: Accurate and Robust Video Saliency Detection via Self-Paced ...
     with: Chen, C.: Bilevel Feature Learning for Video Saliency Detection
     with: Chen, C.: Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for R...
     with: Chen, C.: Depth-Quality-Aware Salient Object Detection
     with: Chen, C.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animations ...
     with: Chen, C.: Improved Robust Video Saliency Detection Based on Long-Term ...
     with: Chen, C.: Improved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase ...
     with: Chen, C.: Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Joint Re-Lear...
     with: Chen, C.I.: Deeper Look at Image Salient Object Detection: Bi-Stream N...
     with: Chen, C.I.: Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing
     with: Chen, C.J.: Compressing animated meshes with fine details using local ...
     with: Chen, C.L.Z.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Mot...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: From Semantic Categories to Fixations: A Novel Weakly-supe...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Novel Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Method for Video With D...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Plug-and-Play Scheme to Adapt Image Saliency Deep Model fo...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Real-Time and Robust Object Tracking in Video via Low-Rank...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Se...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Robust salient motion detection in non-stationary videos v...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Structure-Sensitive Saliency Detection via Multilevel Rank...
     with: Chen, C.Z.: Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and L...
     with: Chen, L.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages wi...
     with: Chen, L.J.: Automatic skinning and weight retargeting of articulated c...
     with: Chen, X.: Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urban ...
     with: Chen, Y.: Procedural modeling of rivers from single image toward natur...
     with: Chen, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Chen, Z.: Promptiqa: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for N...
     with: Chen, Z.: RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Body...
     with: Chen, Z.C.: Impact of Meteorological Drought at Different Time Scales ...
     with: Chen, Z.X.: MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic...
     with: Cheng, J.: Structure-Preserving View-Invariant Skeleton Representation...
     with: Cheng, Q.: Structure-Preserving View-Invariant Skeleton Representation...
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Phot...
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an ...
     with: Cho, M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Choi, U.J.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Chu, T.: Joints-Centered Spatial-Temporal Features Fused Skeleton Conv...
     with: Conde, M.V.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning,...
     with: Deng, S.T.: Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object D...
     with: Deng, X.M.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classif...
     with: Ding, D.: Extraction of Submarine Gas Plume Based on Multibeam Water C...
     with: Dong, F.M.: Dense sampling and detail enhancement network: Improved sm...
     with: Dong, M.C.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Du, X.B.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classific...
     with: Du, Z.Q.: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Re...
     with: Duan, Y.: Novel Modeling Algorithm for Shape Recovery of Unknown Topol...
     with: Duan, Y.: Shape Reconstruction from 3D and 2D Data Using PDE-Based Def...
     with: Duan, Y.H.: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photo...
     with: El Yacoubi, M.A.: Deep Representation for Finger-Vein Image-Quality As...
     with: Ershov, E.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Fan, D.P.: From Semantic Categories to Fixations: A Novel Weakly-super...
     with: Fan, Z.H.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Fang, W.: Deep Learning Integration of Multi-Model Forecast Precipitat...
     with: Fang, Y.: Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for R...
     with: Fang, Y.M.: Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions...
     with: Fang, Z.: Long-Short Temporal-Spatial Clues Excited Network for Robust...
     with: Feng, C.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Feng, S.: Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
     with: Fu, J.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Colorec...
     with: Gao, C.X.: D2T: A Framework For transferring detection to tracking
     with: Gao, Y.: efficient FLIP and shape matching coupled method for fluid-so...
     with: Gao, Y.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animations U...
     with: Gao, Y.: Procedural modeling of rivers from single image toward natura...
     with: Gao, Y.: Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using meshfr...
     with: Gao, Z.: Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representatio...
     with: Gaol, C.: Spatially Attentive Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
     with: Ge, P.: Real-Time Tracking of Corneal Contour in Dalk Surgical Navigat...
     with: Geng, T.: Analysis of Forward Model, Data Type, and Prior Information ...
     with: Geng, T.: GAN-Based Inversion of Crosshole GPR Data to Characterize Su...
     with: Geng, T.: RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tunn...
     with: Gu, X.F.: Brain Image Analysis Using Spherical Splines
     with: Gu, X.F.: Manifold T-Spline
     with: Gu, X.F.: Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
     with: Gu, X.F.D.: Automatic non-rigid registration of 3D dynamic data for fa...
     with: Gu, Y.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics of ...
     with: Guan, H.Z.: Towards a more flexible demand responsive transit service ...
     with: Guan, Z.Q.: Multi-Label Visual Feature Learning with Attentional Aggre...
     with: Guan, Z.Q.: Non-Blind Deblurring for Fluorescence: A Deformable Latent...
     with: Guo, J.: Distributed Compressed Video Sensing with Joint Optimization ...
     with: Guo, J.: Perception of Image Characteristics with Compressive Measurem...
     with: Guo, J.: Texture classification with cross-covariance matrices in comp...
     with: Guo, J.W.: Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urban...
     with: Guo, Q.Q.: RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Bod...
     with: Guo, X.H.: Shape and Appearance Repair for Incomplete Point Surfaces
     with: Guo, Y.T.: Automatic Generation of 3D Scene Animation Based on Dynamic...
     with: Guo, Y.T.: Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UAV...
     with: Guo, Z.: Adaptive fixed-time fault-tolerant fuzzy control of AUVs with...
     with: Han, L.F.: Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in I...
     with: Han, L.F.: Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge f...
     with: Hao, A.: Accurate and Robust Video Saliency Detection via Self-Paced D...
     with: Hao, A.: Adaptive appearance modeling via hierarchical entropy analysi...
     with: Hao, A.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Motion L...
     with: Hao, A.: Automatic Generation of 3D Scene Animation Based on Dynamic K...
     with: Hao, A.: Compressing animated meshes with fine details using local spe...
     with: Hao, A.: Context-Interactive CNN for Person Re-Identification
     with: Hao, A.: Contextualized CNN for Scene-Aware Depth Estimation From Sing...
     with: Hao, A.: Cross-View Contextual Relation Transferred Network for Unsupe...
     with: Hao, A.: Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for RG...
     with: Hao, A.: Deep variance network: An iterative, improved CNN framework f...
     with: Hao, A.: Deeper Look at Image Salient Object Detection: Bi-Stream Netw...
     with: Hao, A.: Dynamic attention augmented graph network for video accident ...
     with: Hao, A.: efficient FLIP and shape matching coupled method for fluid-so...
     with: Hao, A.: From Semantic Categories to Fixations: A Novel Weakly-supervi...
     with: Hao, A.: Graph Diffusion Convolutional Network for Skeleton Based Sema...
     with: Hao, A.: Hierarchical Object Relationship Constrained Monocular Depth ...
     with: Hao, A.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animations U...
     with: Hao, A.: Joints-Centered Spatial-Temporal Features Fused Skeleton Conv...
     with: Hao, A.: Learning from Weakly-Labeled Clinical Data for Automatic Thyr...
     with: Hao, A.: Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UAV V...
     with: Hao, A.: Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs f...
     with: Hao, A.: Multi-scale, multi-level, heterogeneous features extraction a...
     with: Hao, A.: Multi-view multi-scale CNNs for lung nodule type classificati...
     with: Hao, A.: Novel Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Method for Video With Dyna...
     with: Hao, A.: Novel Material-Aware Feature Descriptor for Volumetric Image ...
     with: Hao, A.: parallelized 4D reconstruction algorithm for vascular structu...
     with: Hao, A.: Plug-and-Play Scheme to Adapt Image Saliency Deep Model for V...
     with: Hao, A.: Real-Time and Robust Object Tracking in Video via Low-Rank Co...
     with: Hao, A.: Real-time dissection of organs via hybrid coupling of geometr...
     with: Hao, A.: Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust sa...
     with: Hao, A.: Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Seman...
     with: Hao, A.: Robust salient motion detection in non-stationary videos via ...
     with: Hao, A.: Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing
     with: Hao, A.: Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Joint Re-Learn...
     with: Hao, A.: SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expressio...
     with: Hao, A.: Structure-Sensitive Saliency Detection via Multilevel Rank An...
     with: Hao, A.: Super-Resolution of Multi-Observed RGB-D Images Based on Nonl...
     with: Hao, A.: Unsupervised Multi-Class Co-Segmentation via Joint-Cut Over L...
     with: Hao, A.: Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low-...
     with: Hao, A.M.: Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object De...
     with: Hao, A.M.: Long-Short Temporal-Spatial Clues Excited Network for Robus...
     with: Hao, F.: Structure-Preserving View-Invariant Skeleton Representation f...
     with: Hao, Z.: Scale-Aware Face Detection
     with: Hau, X.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animations U...
     with: He, X.X.: Graph Diffusion Convolutional Network for Skeleton Based Sem...
     with: He, Y.: Brain Image Analysis Using Spherical Splines
     with: He, Y.: Manifold T-Spline
     with: Hong, W.: Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
     with: Hou, F.: Multi-view multi-scale CNNs for lung nodule type classificati...
     with: Hou, F.: parallelized 4D reconstruction algorithm for vascular structu...
     with: Hou, F.: Procedure-based component and architecture modeling from a si...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Active lighting learning for 3D model based vehicle tracking
     with: Hou, T.B.: Bag-of-feature-graphs: A new paradigm for non-rigid shape r...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Diffusion-driven high-order matching of partial deformable ...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Efficient Computation of Scale-Space Features for Deformabl...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Illumination learning from a single image with unknown shap...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Image deconvolution using multigrid natural image prior and...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Image Deconvolution With Multi-Stage Convex Relaxation and ...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Multi-scale anisotropic heat diffusion based on normal-driv...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Novel Material-Aware Feature Descriptor for Volumetric Imag...
     with: Hou, T.B.: Vehicle matching and recognition under large variations of ...
     with: Hou, X.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Motion L...
     with: Hou, X.H.: Bag-of-feature-graphs: A new paradigm for non-rigid shape r...
     with: Hu, J.: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoacou...
     with: Hu, J.P.: Efficient EMD and Hilbert spectra computation for 3D geometr...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Im...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge fo...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Train...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Promptiqa: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for N...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
     with: Hu, X.: Scale-Aware Face Detection
     with: Hu, Y.: Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences Wi...
     with: Hu, Z.X.: Stacked graph bone region U-net with bone representation for...
     with: Huang, H.: Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urban...
     with: Huang, X.J.: Non-Blind Deblurring for Fluorescence: A Deformable Laten...
     with: Huang, X.W.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Tr...
     with: Hui, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Hung, W.: Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
     with: Hunt, N.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Forest in Chattanooga, Tenn...
     with: Ignatov, A.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning,...
     with: Jia, B.: Deep Learning Integration of Multi-Model Forecast Precipitati...
     with: Jia, J.: Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
     with: Jiang, H.Y.: Wavelength Cut-Off Error of Spectral Density from MTF3 of...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Motion...
     with: Jin, Z.Y.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Colo...
     with: Kang, N.: Interactive animation generation of virtual characters using...
     with: Kim, J.H.: Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
     with: Kong, D.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Kong, F.L.: Hybrid particle-grid fluid animation with enhanced details
     with: Kwon, M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Lai, Y.K.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classifi...
     with: Lei, J.: Novel Effectively Optimized One-Stage Network for Object Dete...
     with: Lei, L.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Li, B.: Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Imag...
     with: Li, B.: Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge for ...
     with: Li, B.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Trainin...
     with: Li, B.: Promptiqa: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for No-...
     with: Li, B.: Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
     with: Li, C.: Example-based rapid generation of vegetation on terrain via CN...
     with: Li, C.: Novel adaptive SPH with geometric subdivision for brittle frac...
     with: Li, C.P.: Adaptive neural network-based fault-tolerant trajectory-trac...
     with: Li, F.: Real-Time Tracking of Corneal Contour in Dalk Surgical Navigat...
     with: Li, G.X.: Extraction of Submarine Gas Plume Based on Multibeam Water C...
     with: Li, H.C.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and C...
     with: Li, N.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Motion La...
     with: Li, N.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animations Us...
     with: Li, N.N.: Joints-Centered Spatial-Temporal Features Fused Skeleton Con...
     with: Li, R.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Li, R.: Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences Wi...
     with: Li, S.: Accurate and Robust Video Saliency Detection via Self-Paced Di...
     with: Li, S.: Adaptive appearance modeling via hierarchical entropy analysis...
     with: Li, S.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Motion La...
     with: Li, S.: Automatic Generation of 3D Scene Animation Based on Dynamic Kn...
     with: Li, S.: Bilevel Feature Learning for Video Saliency Detection
     with: Li, S.: Compressing animated meshes with fine details using local spec...
     with: Li, S.: Context-Interactive CNN for Person Re-Identification
     with: Li, S.: Contextualized CNN for Scene-Aware Depth Estimation From Singl...
     with: Li, S.: Cross-View Contextual Relation Transferred Network for Unsuper...
     with: Li, S.: Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for RGB...
     with: Li, S.: Deep variance network: An iterative, improved CNN framework fo...
     with: Li, S.: Deeper Look at Image Salient Object Detection: Bi-Stream Netwo...
     with: Li, S.: Dynamic attention augmented graph network for video accident a...
     with: Li, S.: efficient FLIP and shape matching coupled method for fluid-sol...
     with: Li, S.: Graph Diffusion Convolutional Network for Skeleton Based Seman...
     with: Li, S.: Hierarchical Object Relationship Constrained Monocular Depth E...
     with: Li, S.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animations Us...
     with: Li, S.: Joints-Centered Spatial-Temporal Features Fused Skeleton Convo...
     with: Li, S.: Learning from Weakly-Labeled Clinical Data for Automatic Thyro...
     with: Li, S.: Long-Short Temporal-Spatial Clues Excited Network for Robust P...
     with: Li, S.: Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UAV Vi...
     with: Li, S.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Trainin...
     with: Li, S.: Multi-scale, multi-level, heterogeneous features extraction an...
     with: Li, S.: Novel Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Method for Video With Dynam...
     with: Li, S.: Novel Material-Aware Feature Descriptor for Volumetric Image R...
     with: Li, S.: Plug-and-Play Scheme to Adapt Image Saliency Deep Model for Vi...
     with: Li, S.: Real-Time and Robust Object Tracking in Video via Low-Rank Coh...
     with: Li, S.: Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust sal...
     with: Li, S.: Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Semant...
     with: Li, S.: Robust salient motion detection in non-stationary videos via n...
     with: Li, S.: Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing
     with: Li, S.: Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Joint Re-Learning
     with: Li, S.: SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expression...
     with: Li, S.: Structure-Sensitive Saliency Detection via Multilevel Rank Ana...
     with: Li, S.: Super-Resolution of Multi-Observed RGB-D Images Based on Nonlo...
     with: Li, S.: Unsupervised Multi-Class Co-Segmentation via Joint-Cut Over L_...
     with: Li, S.: Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low-R...
     with: Li, S.A.: Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object Det...
     with: Li, S.Q.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Li, S.Q.: Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UAV ...
     with: Li, W.J.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Train...
     with: Li, X.: Brain Image Analysis Using Spherical Splines
     with: Li, X.: Scale-Aware Face Detection
     with: Li, X.J.: Adaptive fixed-time fault-tolerant fuzzy control of AUVs wit...
     with: Li, X.X.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and C...
     with: Li, Y.: Accurate and Robust Video Saliency Detection via Self-Paced Di...
     with: Li, Y.: Multi-Objective Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Problem W...
     with: Li, Y.: Novel Bottom-Up Saliency Detection Method for Video With Dynam...
     with: Li, Y.J.: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Imp...
     with: Li, Y.S.: Novel Effectively Optimized One-Stage Network for Object Det...
     with: Li, Y.W.: Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Im...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Plug-and-Play Scheme to Adapt Image Saliency Deep Model for ...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
     with: Liao, X.: Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object Det...
     with: Lin, Q.: Deep Learning Integration of Multi-Model Forecast Precipitati...
     with: Lin, Y.Q.: Research on the Protection of Haiyan Hall Earthen Stereobat...
     with: Lin, Z.: New Probabilistic Representation of Color Image Pixels and It...
     with: Liu, C.Y.: MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic ...
     with: Liu, F.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classifica...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Adaptive-ADMM Algorithm With Support and Signal Value Detec...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Dictionary learning based reconstruction for distributed co...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Distributed Compressed Video Sensing with Joint Optimizatio...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Joint Sampling Rate and Bit-Depth Optimization in Compressi...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Co...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Perception of Image Characteristics with Compressive Measur...
     with: Liu, H.X.: Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for direct current c...
     with: Liu, J.: Contextualized CNN for Scene-Aware Depth Estimation From Sing...
     with: Liu, J.: Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for direct current coe...
     with: Liu, J.: SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expressio...
     with: Liu, J.: Stacked graph bone region U-net with bone representation for ...
     with: Liu, J.Q.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Colo...
     with: Liu, J.W.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics ...
     with: Liu, J.Z.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics ...
     with: Liu, L.: SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expressio...
     with: Liu, S.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Liu, S.: Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
     with: Liu, X.: Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Comp...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Multi-view multi-scale CNNs for lung nodule type classifica...
     with: Liu, X.L.: parallelized 4D reconstruction algorithm for vascular struc...
     with: Liu, Y.: Learning Robust Similarity Measures for 3D Partial Shape Retr...
     with: Liu, Y.: Scale-Aware Face Detection
     with: Liu, Y.: Shape Topics: A Compact Representation and New Algorithms for...
     with: Liu, Y.J.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classifi...
     with: Liu, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Lou, X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Lu, M.G.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages wi...
     with: Lu, M.T.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages wi...
     with: Lu, M.X.: MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic S...
     with: Lu, M.X.: RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Body...
     with: Lu, M.Y.: Twitter Data Credibility Framework: Hurricane Harvey as a Us...
     with: Luo, Y.X.: Wavelength Cut-Off Error of Spectral Density from MTF3 of S...
     with: Ma, C.X.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classific...
     with: Ma, G.: Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Joint Re-Learning
     with: Ma, G.X.: Rethinking Image Salient Object Detection: Object-Level Sema...
     with: Ma, J.: Unsupervised Multi-Class Co-Segmentation via Joint-Cut Over L_...
     with: Ma, J.Z.: Adaptive appearance modeling via hierarchical entropy analys...
     with: Ma, L.: Extraction of Submarine Gas Plume Based on Multibeam Water Col...
     with: Ma, S.: MFNet: Multi-Feature Fusion Network for Real-Time Semantic Seg...
     with: Ma, W.T.: Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge fo...
     with: Ma, Y.Z.: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Imp...
     with: Mandal, C.: Shape Recovery Using Dynamic Subdivision Surfaces
     with: Maybank, S.: Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
     with: McDonnell, K.T.: Virtual Clay: Haptics-Based Deformable Solids of Arbi...
     with: Miao, F.: Multi-Path Encoder Network for GPR Data Inversion to Improve...
     with: Miller, R.L.: Image deconvolution using multigrid natural image prior ...
     with: Mix, C.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Forest in Chattanooga, Tenne...
     with: Mu, X.K.: Cruise Speed Model Based on Self-Attention Mechanism for Aut...
     with: Nan, L.L.: Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urban...
     with: No, A.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Ouyang, S.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and...
     with: Pan, J.: Real-Time Tracking of Corneal Contour in Dalk Surgical Naviga...
     with: Pan, J.: Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences W...
     with: Pan, J.J.: Automatic skinning and weight retargeting of articulated ch...
     with: Pan, J.J.: Interactive animation generation of virtual characters usin...
     with: Pan, J.J.: Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs...
     with: Pan, J.J.: Real-time dissection of organs via hybrid coupling of geome...
     with: Pan, J.J.: Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using mesh...
     with: Pan, S.: GAN-Based Inversion of Crosshole GPR Data to Characterize Sub...
     with: Pan, Z.: Bilevel Feature Learning for Video Saliency Detection
     with: Pang, C.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Park, S.: Shape and Appearance Repair for Incomplete Point Surfaces
     with: Peng, C.: Depth-Quality-Aware Salient Object Detection
     with: Peng, C.: Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions f...
     with: Peng, C.: Improved Robust Video Saliency Detection Based on Long-Term ...
     with: Peng, C.: Improved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase ...
     with: Peng, C.: Salient Object Detection via Multiple Instance Joint Re-Lear...
     with: Perevozchikov, G.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Lea...
     with: Pi, Z.: Spatially Attentive Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
     with: Qi, L.: Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
     with: Qi, Y.: novel, integrated smoke simulation design method supporting lo...
     with: Qi, Y.: Procedure-based component and architecture modeling from a sin...
     with: Qiu, T.: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoaco...
     with: Qiu, Z.L.: Adaptive-ADMM Algorithm With Support and Signal Value Detec...
     with: Qiu, Z.L.: Dictionary learning based reconstruction for distributed co...
     with: Qu, C.X.: RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tunn...
     with: Ramesh, B.: Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representa...
     with: Ren, M.Y.: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Im...
     with: Ren, M.Y.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Colo...
     with: Ren, X.: Extraction of Submarine Gas Plume Based on Multibeam Water Co...
     with: Samaras, D.: Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
     with: Samaras, D.: Shape Reconstruction from 3D and 2D Data Using PDE-Based ...
     with: Sang, N.: D2T: A Framework For transferring detection to tracking
     with: Sang, N.: Spatially Attentive Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
     with: Shen, K.: Deep Learning Integration of Multi-Model Forecast Precipitat...
     with: Shi, J.: Path Aggregation Network for Instance Segmentation
     with: Shi, J.Y.: Hierarchical Object Relationship Constrained Monocular Dept...
     with: Shi, J.Y.: Long-Short Temporal-Spatial Clues Excited Network for Robus...
     with: Shi, K.M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Shi, W.: Real-Time Tracking of Corneal Contour in Dalk Surgical Naviga...
     with: Shin, H.: Shape and Appearance Repair for Incomplete Point Surfaces
     with: Shu, Y.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classifica...
     with: Si, Y.: Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences Wi...
     with: Si, Y.Q.: Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using meshf...
     with: Song, B.: Adaptive-ADMM Algorithm With Support and Signal Value Detect...
     with: Song, B.: Dictionary learning based reconstruction for distributed com...
     with: Song, B.: Distributed Compressed Video Sensing with Joint Optimization...
     with: Song, B.: Face verification based on deep Bayesian convolutional neura...
     with: Song, B.: Joint Sampling Rate and Bit-Depth Optimization in Compressiv...
     with: Song, B.: Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Com...
     with: Song, B.: Perception of Image Characteristics with Compressive Measure...
     with: Song, B.: Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for direct current co...
     with: Song, B.: Texture classification with cross-covariance matrices in com...
     with: Song, C.Q.: Structure-Preserving View-Invariant Skeleton Representatio...
     with: Song, W.: Context-Interactive CNN for Person Re-Identification
     with: Song, W.: Contextualized CNN for Scene-Aware Depth Estimation From Sin...
     with: Song, W.: Cross-View Contextual Relation Transferred Network for Unsup...
     with: Song, W.: Learning from Weakly-Labeled Clinical Data for Automatic Thy...
     with: Song, W.F.: Arbitrary Motion Style Transfer with Multi-Condition Motio...
     with: Song, W.F.: Automatic Generation of 3D Scene Animation Based on Dynami...
     with: Song, W.F.: Deep variance network: An iterative, improved CNN framewor...
     with: Song, W.F.: Dynamic attention augmented graph network for video accide...
     with: Song, W.F.: Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object D...
     with: Song, W.F.: Graph Diffusion Convolutional Network for Skeleton Based S...
     with: Song, W.F.: Hierarchical Object Relationship Constrained Monocular Dep...
     with: Song, W.F.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animation...
     with: Song, W.F.: Joints-Centered Spatial-Temporal Features Fused Skeleton C...
     with: Song, W.F.: Long-Short Temporal-Spatial Clues Excited Network for Robu...
     with: Song, W.F.: Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UA...
     with: Song, W.F.: SC-GAN: Subspace Clustering based GAN for Automatic Expres...
     with: Stuart, W.: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Forest in Chattanooga, Te...
     with: Su, Z.X.: Multi-scale anisotropic heat diffusion based on normal-drive...
     with: Sun, H.W.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages w...
     with: Sun, H.W.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and ...
     with: Sun, S.F.: Dense sampling and detail enhancement network: Improved sma...
     with: Sun, X.L.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and ...
     with: Sun, Y.C.: Adaptive neural network-based fault-tolerant trajectory-tra...
     with: Tang, Y.: Analysis of Forward Model, Data Type, and Prior Information ...
     with: Tang, Y.: RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tunn...
     with: Tang, Y.: Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representati...
     with: Tian, F.: Distributed Compressed Video Sensing with Joint Optimization...
     with: Tian, F.: Joint Sampling Rate and Bit-Depth Optimization in Compressiv...
     with: Tian, F.: Optimal-Correlation-Based Reconstruction for Distributed Com...
     with: Tian, F.: Perception of Image Characteristics with Compressive Measure...
     with: Tian, F.: Texture classification with cross-covariance matrices in com...
     with: Timofte, R.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning,...
     with: Tsai, E.H.R.: Non-Blind Deblurring for Fluorescence: A Deformable Late...
     with: Tsai, Y.: Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
     with: Vemuri, B.C.: Shape Recovery Using Dynamic Subdivision Surfaces
     with: Wang, C.: Video-based fluid reconstruction and its coupling with SPH s...
     with: Wang, C.B.: Example-based rapid generation of vegetation on terrain vi...
     with: Wang, C.B.: Hybrid particle-grid fluid animation with enhanced details
     with: Wang, C.B.: Novel adaptive SPH with geometric subdivision for brittle ...
     with: Wang, C.B.: Procedural modeling of rivers from single image toward nat...
     with: Wang, C.B.: Video-based fluid reconstruction and its coupling with SPH...
     with: Wang, G.: From Semantic Categories to Fixations: A Novel Weakly-superv...
     with: Wang, G.: Improved Robust Video Saliency Detection Based on Long-Term ...
     with: Wang, G.T.: Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interactions...
     with: Wang, H.A.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classif...
     with: Wang, H.F.: Towards a more flexible demand responsive transit service ...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Learning Robust Similarity Measures for 3D Partial Shape R...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Manifold T-Spline
     with: Wang, J.: Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in Im...
     with: Wang, J.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Wang, J.: Learning from Weakly-Labeled Clinical Data for Automatic Thy...
     with: Wang, J.: Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge fo...
     with: Wang, J.: Promptiqa: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for N...
     with: Wang, K.X.: Manifold T-Spline
     with: Wang, L.: Promptiqa: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for N...
     with: Wang, P.: Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representati...
     with: Wang, Q.: Super-Resolution of Multi-Observed RGB-D Images Based on Non...
     with: Wang, S.: Active lighting learning for 3D model based vehicle tracking
     with: Wang, S.: Automatic non-rigid registration of 3D dynamic data for faci...
     with: Wang, S.: Illumination learning from a single image with unknown shape...
     with: Wang, S.: Image deconvolution using multigrid natural image prior and ...
     with: Wang, S.: Image Deconvolution With Multi-Stage Convex Relaxation and I...
     with: Wang, S.: Novel Material-Aware Feature Descriptor for Volumetric Image...
     with: Wang, S.: Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
     with: Wang, S.: Vehicle matching and recognition under large variations of p...
     with: Wang, S.D.: Impact of Meteorological Drought at Different Time Scales ...
     with: Wang, S.F.: Multi-scale anisotropic heat diffusion based on normal-dri...
     with: Wang, S.F.: Multi-scale, multi-level, heterogeneous features extractio...
     with: Wang, X.: Data-Level Recombination and Lightweight Fusion Scheme for R...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Efficient EMD and Hilbert spectra computation for 3D geome...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Learning Robust Similarity Measures for 3D Partial Shape R...
     with: Wang, X.T.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Wang, Y.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Color...
     with: Wang, Y.: Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
     with: Wang, Y.: Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Multi-Path Encoder Network for GPR Data Inversion to Impro...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tu...
     with: Wang, Z.: Cruise Speed Model Based on Self-Attention Mechanism for Aut...
     with: Wang, Z.: Novel Effectively Optimized One-Stage Network for Object Det...
     with: Wang, Z.M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Wang, Z.Z.: Analysis of Forward Model, Data Type, and Prior Informatio...
     with: Wang, Z.Z.: GAN-Based Inversion of Crosshole GPR Data to Characterize ...
     with: Wei, J.: Depth-Quality-Aware Salient Object Detection
     with: Wei, J.: Improved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase D...
     with: Wu, C.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Appro...
     with: Wu, C.: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Real...
     with: Wu, L.: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoacou...
     with: Wu, L.H.: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Imp...
     with: Wu, Q.M.J.: RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Bo...
     with: Wu, X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Wu, Y.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Wu, Y.R.: Dense sampling and detail enhancement network: Improved smal...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Deeper Look at Image Salient Object Detection: Bi-Stream Net...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust s...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing
     with: Xia, Q.: Compressing animated meshes with fine details using local spe...
     with: Xiang, Y.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Xiao, J.L.: Research on the Protection of Haiyan Hall Earthen Stereoba...
     with: Xie, K.: Dynamic attention augmented graph network for video accident ...
     with: Xie, K.: Global-Local Self-Adaptive Network for Drone-View Object Dete...
     with: Xie, W.Y.: Novel Effectively Optimized One-Stage Network for Object De...
     with: Xie, X.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Appr...
     with: Xing, D.: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Imp...
     with: Xiong, M.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and ...
     with: Xiong, W.H.: Learning to Exploit the Sequence-Specific Prior Knowledge...
     with: Xiong, W.H.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Tr...
     with: Xiong, W.H.: Ranking-Based Color Constancy With Limited Training Samples
     with: Xu, K.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Xu, Y.: Wavelength Cut-Off Error of Spectral Density from MTF3 of SWIM...
     with: Xu, Y.H.: efficient FLIP and shape matching coupled method for fluid-s...
     with: Xue, H.Z.: Impact of Meteorological Drought at Different Time Scales f...
     with: Xue, J.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages wit...
     with: Xue, Y.F.: Adaptive fixed-time fault-tolerant fuzzy control of AUVs wi...
     with: Yager, K.G.: Multi-Label Visual Feature Learning with Attentional Aggr...
     with: Yager, K.G.: Non-Blind Deblurring for Fluorescence: A Deformable Laten...
     with: Yan, B.: Specular Reflections Removal for Endoscopic Image Sequences W...
     with: Yan, D.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages wit...
     with: Yan, J.: Scale-Aware Face Detection
     with: Yan, S.Z.: Real-time dissection of organs via hybrid coupling of geome...
     with: Yan, X.: Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representatio...
     with: Yang, C.W.: Twitter Data Credibility Framework: Hurricane Harvey as a ...
     with: Yang, D.H.: RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve Tu...
     with: Yang, G.: Bilevel Feature Learning for Video Saliency Detection
     with: Yang, J.C.: Twitter Data Credibility Framework: Hurricane Harvey as a ...
     with: Yang, L.: Shape Reconstruction from 3D and 2D Data Using PDE-Based Def...
     with: Yang, M.: Image Hashing via Linear Discriminant Learning
     with: Yang, S.: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoac...
     with: Yang, W.J.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval A...
     with: Yang, Y.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages wi...
     with: Yang, Y.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty and C...
     with: Yang, Y.H.: Automatic skinning and weight retargeting of articulated c...
     with: Yang, Y.H.: Real-time simulation of electrocautery procedure using mes...
     with: Yang, Y.Q.: Deep Learning Integration of Multi-Model Forecast Precipit...
     with: Ye, X.Y.: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Re...
     with: Yi, Y.H.: Cruise Speed Model Based on Self-Attention Mechanism for Aut...
     with: Yi, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Yin, X.W.: Multi-Cue Semi-Supervised Color Constancy With Limited Trai...
     with: Yu, C.: Spatially Attentive Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
     with: Yu, C.Q.: D2T: A Framework For transferring detection to tracking
     with: Yu, D.T.: Multi-Label Visual Feature Learning with Attentional Aggrega...
     with: Yu, J.: Spatially Attentive Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
     with: Yu, M.Z.: Twitter Data Credibility Framework: Hurricane Harvey as a Us...
     with: Yuan, C.F.: Promptiqa: Boosting the Performance and Generalization for...
     with: Yue, Z.Y.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics ...
     with: Zeng, Y.: Ricci Flow for 3D Shape Analysis
     with: Zha, H.B.: Learning Robust Similarity Measures for 3D Partial Shape Re...
     with: Zha, H.B.: Shape Topics: A Compact Representation and New Algorithms f...
     with: Zhai, R.: Synergizing Appearance and Motion With Low Rank Representati...
     with: Zhang, B.: Learning from Weakly-Labeled Clinical Data for Automatic Th...
     with: Zhang, C.X.: Attention-Aware Learning for Hyperparameter Prediction in...
     with: Zhang, D.B.: Efficient EMD and Hilbert spectra computation for 3D geom...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: GAN-Based Inversion of Crosshole GPR Data to Characterize...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: RCE-GAN: A Rebar Clutter Elimination Network to Improve T...
     with: Zhang, D.W.: Exploring Rich and Efficient Spatial Temporal Interaction...
     with: Zhang, F.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Zhang, H.: Impact of Meteorological Drought at Different Time Scales f...
     with: Zhang, H.M.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Co...
     with: Zhang, J.: Example-based rapid generation of vegetation on terrain via...
     with: Zhang, J.: Procedural modeling of rivers from single image toward natu...
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristic...
     with: Zhang, K.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics ...
     with: Zhang, P.C.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval ...
     with: Zhang, Q.A.: Hybrid particle-grid fluid animation with enhanced details
     with: Zhang, S.: Quantitative Research on the Morphological Characteristics ...
     with: Zhang, S.X.: In Vivo Microwave-Induced Thermoacoustic Endoscopy for Co...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Video-based fluid reconstruction and its coupling with SP...
     with: Zhang, W.: Improved Saliency Detection in RGB-D Images Using Two-Phase...
     with: Zhang, W.X.: Different Vegetation Covers Leading to the Uncertainty an...
     with: Zhang, X.: Improved Robust Video Saliency Detection Based on Long-Term...
     with: Zhang, X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Zhang, X.F.: Impact of Meteorological Drought at Different Time Scales...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Automatic Generation of 3D Scene Animation Based on Dynam...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: HOIAnimator: Generating Text-Prompt Human-Object Animatio...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Face verification based on deep Bayesian convolutional neur...
     with: Zhang, Y.T.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval ...
     with: Zhang, Y.T.: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Multi-Objective Optimization for the Vehicle Routing Proble...
     with: Zhao, B.Q.: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages ...
     with: Zhao, C.K.: Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organ...
     with: Zhao, G.Z.: MMPosE: Movie-Induced Multi-Label Positive Emotion Classif...
     with: Zhao, M.J.: Face verification based on deep Bayesian convolutional neu...
     with: Zhao, P.F.: Towards a more flexible demand responsive transit service ...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Context-Interactive CNN for Person Re-Identification
     with: Zhao, Q.: Contextualized CNN for Scene-Aware Depth Estimation From Sin...
     with: Zhao, Q.: Cross-View Contextual Relation Transferred Network for Unsup...
     with: Zhao, Q.P.: Long-Short Temporal-Spatial Clues Excited Network for Robu...
     with: Zhao, Q.P.: Meta Transfer Learning for Adaptive Vehicle Tracking in UA...
     with: Zhao, Q.P.: Multi-scale, multi-level, heterogeneous features extractio...
     with: Zhao, Q.P.: Novel Material-Aware Feature Descriptor for Volumetric Ima...
     with: Zhao, X.: Metaballs-based physical modeling and deformation of organs ...
     with: Zheng, J.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Zheng, Z.W.: Stacked graph bone region U-net with bone representation ...
     with: Zhong, M.: Bag-of-feature-graphs: A new paradigm for non-rigid shape r...
     with: Zhong, M.: Diffusion-driven high-order matching of partial deformable ...
     with: Zhong, M.: Sparse approximation of 3D shapes via spectral graph wavelets
     with: Zhou, W.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval App...
     with: Zhou, Y.: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Re...
     with: Zhou, Y.C.: Fast Building Instance Proxy Reconstruction for Large Urba...
     with: Zhu, L.: Cruise Speed Model Based on Self-Attention Mechanism for Auto...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Appr...
     with: Zhu, Q.: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Rea...
     with: Zhu, Z.B.: Cruise Speed Model Based on Self-Attention Mechanism for Au...
     with: Zuo, Q.: novel, integrated smoke simulation design method supporting l...
588 for Qin, H.

Qin, H.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, G.C.: UAMD-Net: A Unified Adaptive Multimodal Neural Network for...
     with: Fang, Z.Y.: CFOR: Character-First Open-Set Text Recognition via Contex...
     with: Lin, J.L.: UAMD-Net: A Unified Adaptive Multimodal Neural Network for ...
     with: Liu, C.: CFOR: Character-First Open-Set Text Recognition via Context-F...
     with: Liu, C.: Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
     with: Liu, C.: Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype lear...
     with: Liu, C.L.: Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
     with: Liu, C.L.: Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype le...
     with: Tian, S.: Dynamic receptive field adaptation for scene text recognition
     with: Yang, C.: CFOR: Character-First Open-Set Text Recognition via Context-...
     with: Yang, C.: Dynamic receptive field adaptation for scene text recognition
     with: Yang, C.: Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
     with: Yang, C.: Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype lea...
     with: Yin, X.C.: CFOR: Character-First Open-Set Text Recognition via Context...
     with: Yin, X.C.: Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
     with: Yin, X.C.: Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype le...
     with: Zhu, K.X.: Dynamic receptive field adaptation for scene text recognition
     with: Zhu, X.B.: Open-Set Text Recognition via Character-Context Decoupling
     with: Zhu, X.B.: Towards open-set text recognition via label-to-prototype le...
19 for Qin, H.B.

Qin, H.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dai, Y.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouette fo...
     with: Dai, Y.R.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Target...
     with: Hong, S.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Target ...
     with: Jiang, Y.Q.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Targ...
     with: Jiang, Y.Q.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouett...
     with: Li, J.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Target Axis
     with: Li, J.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouette for...
     with: Liu, J.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouette fo...
     with: Wang, Z.J.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Targe...
     with: Yang, T.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Target ...
     with: Yang, T.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouette f...
     with: Zhang, C.B.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouett...
     with: Zhang, G.D.: GS-SFS: Joint Gaussian Splatting and Shape-From-Silhouett...
     with: Zhou, F.: Bullet-Time Video Synthesis Based on Virtual Dynamic Target ...
14 for Qin, H.D.

Qin, H.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: El Yacoubi, M.A.: Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Pal...
     with: El Yacoubi, M.A.: Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-V...
     with: El Yacoubi, M.A.: SUMix: Mixup with Semantic and Uncertain Information
     with: Gao, X.B.: Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein ...
     with: Gao, X.B.: Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Ide...
     with: Gao, X.B.: SUMix: Mixup with Semantic and Uncertain Information
     with: Hu, R.S.: Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Iden...
     with: Jin, X.: SUMix: Mixup with Semantic and Uncertain Information
     with: Li, Y.: Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein Ide...
     with: Li, Y.T.: comment on: Fast and numerically stable methods for the comp...
     with: Li, Y.T.: Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Iden...
     with: Liao, H.C.: SUMix: Mixup with Semantic and Uncertain Information
     with: Qin, L.: comment on: Fast and numerically stable methods for the compu...
     with: Wang, J.: Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein I...
     with: Xi, H.F.: Adversarial Learning-Based Data Augmentation for Palm-Vein I...
     with: Zhu, H.Y.: SUMix: Mixup with Semantic and Uncertain Information
16 for Qin, H.F.

Qin, H.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Antropov, O.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Arguello, H.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Chen, H.: Spectrum-Driven Mixed-Frequency Network for Hyperspectral Sa...
     with: Deng, R.F.: Non-Cooperative LEO Satellite Orbit Determination Using Si...
     with: Fang, Y.Q.: Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
     with: Jiang, M.: Design of Differential-Low Earth Orbit Opportunistically En...
     with: Jin, T.: Differential Kalman Filter Design for GNSS Open Loop Tracking
     with: Kang, J.R.: Differential Kalman Filter Design for GNSS Open Loop Track...
     with: Kun, Q.: Nonuniformity correction for an infrared focal plane array ba...
     with: Li, F.: Design of Differential-Low Earth Orbit Opportunistically Enhan...
     with: Li, J.: Infrared and visible image fusion with spectral graph wavelet ...
     with: Li, J.: Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Dictionary Learning with Rol...
     with: Li, J.A.: BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
     with: Li, J.A.: Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
     with: Li, J.A.: Spectrum-Driven Mixed-Frequency Network for Hyperspectral Sa...
     with: Liang, Y.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Ling, K.V.: Differential Kalman Filter Design for GNSS Open Loop Track...
     with: Liu, P.F.: Spectrum-Driven Mixed-Frequency Network for Hyperspectral S...
     with: Liu, X.: Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
     with: Liu, X.C.: BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
     with: Mao, J.: Design of Differential-Low Earth Orbit Opportunistically Enha...
     with: Praks, J.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Rauste, Y.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Rong, S.H.: Nonuniformity correction for an infrared focal plane array...
     with: Rui, L.: Nonuniformity correction for an infrared focal plane array ba...
     with: Su, Y.: Design of Differential-Low Earth Orbit Opportunistically Enhan...
     with: Wang, G.: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Virtual Diffrac...
     with: Wang, Y.: BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
     with: Wang, Y.: Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
     with: Xu, T.F.: BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
     with: Xu, T.F.: Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
     with: Xu, T.F.: Spectrum-Driven Mixed-Frequency Network for Hyperspectral Sa...
     with: Yan, X.: Fourier Domain Anomaly Detection and Spectral Fusion for Stri...
     with: Yan, X.: Infrared and visible image fusion with spectral graph wavelet...
     with: Yan, X.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Yan, X.: Mid-Wave Infrared Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imager with D...
     with: Yan, X.: Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Dictionary Learning with Ro...
     with: Yan, X.: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Virtual Diffract...
     with: Yang, S.: Mid-Wave Infrared Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imager with ...
     with: Yang, S.L.: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Virtual Diffr...
     with: Yang, S.W.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Yang, T.W.: Fourier Domain Anomaly Detection and Spectral Fusion for S...
     with: Yu, Y.: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Virtual Diffracti...
     with: Yu, Z.N.: BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
     with: Yuan, H.L.: Differential Kalman Filter Design for GNSS Open Loop Track...
     with: Yuan, S.: Mid-Wave Infrared Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imager with ...
     with: Yuan, X.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Yuan, X.Y.: BACTrack: Building Appearance Collection for Aerial Tracking
     with: Yuan, X.Y.: Multi-Step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking
     with: Zeng, Q.J.: Fourier Domain Anomaly Detection and Spectral Fusion for S...
     with: Zeng, Q.J.: Mid-Infrared Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
     with: Zeng, Q.J.: Mid-Wave Infrared Snapshot Compressive Spectral Imager wit...
     with: Zhang, X.: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement via Virtual Diffra...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Non-Cooperative LEO Satellite Orbit Determination Using Sin...
     with: Zhou, H.X.: Infrared and visible image fusion with spectral graph wave...
     with: Zhou, H.X.: Nonuniformity correction for an infrared focal plane array...
     with: Zhou, S.Y.: Spectrum-Driven Mixed-Frequency Network for Hyperspectral ...
     with: Zong, J.G.: Infrared and visible image fusion with spectral graph wave...
58 for Qin, H.L.

Qin, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, P.L.: Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nightt...
     with: Hu, T.X.: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via F...
     with: Hu, Z.Y.: Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Esti...
     with: Liu, D.: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via Fu...
     with: Nie, S.: Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Estim...
     with: Pang, Q.Q.: Analysis on cruising process for on-street parking using a...
     with: Qian, Y.G.: First Experience with Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Data for Urba...
     with: Shi, J.C.: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via ...
     with: Wang, C.: Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Esti...
     with: Wang, C.: Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nighttim...
     with: Wang, W.M.: Estimating Aboveground Carbon Stock at the Scale of Indivi...
     with: Wang, W.M.: First Experience with Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Data for Urba...
     with: Wang, Z.F.: Analysis on cruising process for on-street parking using a...
     with: Wu, S.L.: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via F...
     with: Xi, X.H.: Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Esti...
     with: Xi, X.H.: Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nighttim...
     with: Xiong, X.Y.: First Experience with Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Data for Urb...
     with: Yang, X.B.: Application and Validation of a Model for Terrain Slope Es...
     with: Yang, X.B.: Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nightt...
     with: Yao, Y.: Estimating Aboveground Carbon Stock at the Scale of Individua...
     with: Yao, Y.: First Experience with Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Data for Urban D...
     with: Yu, B.H.: Analysis on cruising process for on-street parking using an ...
     with: Zhao, K.: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via F...
     with: Zhao, K.G.: Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nightt...
     with: Zhao, T.J.: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via...
     with: Zhou, G.Q.: Assessing the Impact of the Built-Up Environment on Nightt...
     with: Zhou, W.Q.: Estimating Aboveground Carbon Stock at the Scale of Indivi...
     with: Zhou, W.Q.: First Experience with Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Data for Urba...
28 for Qin, H.M.

Qin, H.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Du, Q.: Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for hy...
     with: Jiang, K.: Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for...
     with: Lei, J.: Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for h...
     with: Li, Y.S.: Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for ...
     with: Xie, W.Y.: Weakly supervised adversarial learning via latent space for...

Qin, H.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, X.: Binary neural networks: A survey
     with: Chen, H.: Empirical study of Data-Free Quantization's Tuning Robustnes...
     with: Chen, X.Y.: Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Pertur...
     with: Ding, Y.: Distribution-Sensitive Information Retention for Accurate Bi...
     with: Ding, Y.: Diverse Sample Generation: Pushing the Limit of Generative D...
     with: Ding, Y.: Empirical study of Data-Free Quantization's Tuning Robustnes...
     with: Ding, Y.F.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quan...
     with: Fan, J.X.: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recogni...
     with: Gong, R.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quanti...
     with: Gong, R.H.: Binary neural networks: A survey
     with: Gong, R.H.: Distribution-Sensitive Information Retention for Accurate ...
     with: Gong, R.H.: Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Bi...
     with: Guo, J.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via Tr...
     with: Guo, Y.F.: Empirical study of Data-Free Quantization's Tuning Robustne...
     with: Hu, P.F.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical World
     with: Hu, S.: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
     with: Huang, L.: Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturb...
     with: Jiang, X.J.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Qual...
     with: Li, H.N.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Quality...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quanti...
     with: Liu, A.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical World
     with: Liu, A.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via Tr...
     with: Liu, A.: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognition
     with: Liu, A.: Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturbat...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Binary neural networks: A survey
     with: Liu, X.L.: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
     with: Liu, X.L.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical Wo...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Distribution-Sensitive Information Retention for Accurate B...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Diverse Sample Generation: Pushing the Limit of Generative ...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quant...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Bin...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via ...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recogni...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturb...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Qualit...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Diverse Sample Generation: Pushing the Limit of Generative D...
     with: Ma, Y.Q.: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
     with: Ma, Y.Q.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Quality...
     with: Sebe, N.: Binary neural networks: A survey
     with: Shen, M.: Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Bina...
     with: Song, J.: Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Bina...
     with: Song, J.K.: Binary neural networks: A survey
     with: Tang, S.Y.: Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Pertur...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical Wo...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Towards Defending Multiple-Norm Bounded Adversarial Perturb...
     with: Tao, R.S.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical Wo...
     with: Tao, R.S.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quant...
     with: Tao, R.S.: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recogni...
     with: Tao, R.S.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Qualit...
     with: Wang, J.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical World
     with: Wang, J.: Diverse Sample Generation: Pushing the Limit of Generative D...
     with: Wang, J.: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognit...
     with: Wang, J.K.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via...
     with: Wang, J.K.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Quali...
     with: Wang, M.: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via...
     with: Wei, Y.L.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Qualit...
     with: Wei, Z.: Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Binar...
     with: Wen, Y.X.: Empirical study of Data-Free Quantization's Tuning Robustne...
     with: Wu, Q.T.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via T...
     with: Wu, Y.: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
     with: Wu, Y.: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognition
     with: Xia, K.: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
     with: Xu, Y.: Distribution-Sensitive Information Retention for Accurate Bina...
     with: Yan, Q.H.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quant...
     with: Yang, Z.: Empirical study of Data-Free Quantization's Tuning Robustnes...
     with: Yin, Z.X.: Defensive Patches for Robust Recognition in the Physical Wo...
     with: Yin, Z.X.: Generate Transferable Adversarial Physical Camouflages via ...
     with: Yu, F.: Forward and Backward Information Retention for Accurate Binary...
     with: Yu, F.W.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Quanti...
     with: Zhang, L.: Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Qualit...
     with: Zhang, X.G.: Distribution-Sensitive Information Retention for Accurate...
     with: Zhang, X.G.: Diverse Sample Generation: Pushing the Limit of Generativ...
     with: Zhang, X.G.: Diversifying Sample Generation for Accurate Data-Free Qua...
74 for Qin, H.T.

Qin, H.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bian, W.K.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optica...
     with: Chen, Y.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Cheung, K.C.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretra...
     with: Cheung, K.C.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Cheung, K.C.: Learning Degradation Representations for Image Deblurring
     with: Cheung, K.C.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spati...
     with: Cheung, K.C.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Opti...
     with: Dai, J.F.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraini...
     with: Dai, J.F.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Dai, J.F.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optical...
     with: Dai, Q.H.: DEPT: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer for Single Sti...
     with: Dai, Q.H.: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer With a Lightweight M...
     with: Fan, R.: Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection
     with: Gao, C.J.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Ge, X.T.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditiona...
     with: Ge, X.T.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compression...
     with: Ge, X.T.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Geng, J.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compression...
     with: Geng, J.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Guo, L.: Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-Leve...
     with: Guo, L.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompression
     with: He, D.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditional ...
     with: He, D.: Checkerboard Context Model for Efficient Learned Image Compres...
     with: He, D.: ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Groupe...
     with: He, D.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compression b...
     with: He, D.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: He, D.L.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: He, D.L.: Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-Lev...
     with: Hu, X.L.: Joint Training of Cascaded CNN for Face Detection
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretrai...
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optic...
     with: Law, K.L.: Efficient Burst Raw Denoising with Variance Stabilization a...
     with: Law, K.L.: IDR: Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Ref...
     with: Li, D.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraining ...
     with: Li, D.: IDR: Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Refine...
     with: Li, D.: Learning Degradation Representations for Image Deblurring
     with: Li, D.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optical Fl...
     with: Li, D.S.: Efficient Burst Raw Denoising with Variance Stabilization an...
     with: Li, D.S.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spatial-T...
     with: Li, H.S.: Efficient Burst Raw Denoising with Variance Stabilization an...
     with: Li, H.S.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretrainin...
     with: Li, H.S.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Li, H.S.: IDR: Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Refi...
     with: Li, H.S.: Learning Degradation Representations for Image Deblurring
     with: Li, H.S.: Rethinking Noise Synthesis and Modeling in Raw Denoising
     with: Li, H.S.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spatial-T...
     with: Li, H.S.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optical ...
     with: Li, R.D.: Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection
     with: Li, X.: DEPT: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer for Single Still ...
     with: Li, X.: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer With a Lightweight Mode...
     with: Li, X.: Foreground Extraction of Underwater Videos via Sparse and Low-...
     with: Li, X.: Joint Training of Cascaded CNN for Face Detection
     with: Liang, F.: Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection
     with: Lu, G.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compression b...
     with: Lu, G.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Luo, J.X.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Luo, J.X.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Luo, J.X.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompression
     with: Ma, R.: ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Groupe...
     with: Ma, R.: Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-Level...
     with: Ouyang, W.L.: Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Det...
     with: Pan, X.Y.: Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Detect...
     with: Peng, W.: ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Grou...
     with: Peng, Y.G.: Foreground Extraction of Underwater Videos via Sparse and ...
     with: See, S.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraining...
     with: See, S.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spatial-Te...
     with: See, S.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optical F...
     with: Shao, Y.F.: Spatial Moment Pooling Improves Neural Image Assessment
     with: Shi, X.J.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Shi, X.J.: Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-Le...
     with: Shi, X.Y.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraini...
     with: Shi, X.Y.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Shi, X.Y.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spatial-...
     with: Shi, X.Y.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optical...
     with: Sun, B.C.: Checkerboard Context Model for Efficient Learned Image Comp...
     with: Wang, Q.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Wang, X.G.: Efficient Burst Raw Denoising with Variance Stabilization ...
     with: Wang, X.G.: IDR: Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Re...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Learning Degradation Representations for Image Deblurring
     with: Wang, X.G.: Rethinking Noise Synthesis and Modeling in Raw Denoising
     with: Wang, X.G.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spatial...
     with: Wang, Y.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditiona...
     with: Wang, Y.: Checkerboard Context Model for Efficient Learned Image Compr...
     with: Wang, Y.: ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Grou...
     with: Wang, Y.: Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection
     with: Wang, Y.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compression...
     with: Wang, Y.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Wang, Y.: Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-Lev...
     with: Wang, Y.: Spatial Moment Pooling Improves Neural Image Assessment
     with: Wang, Y.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Wang, Y.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompression
     with: Wang, Y.G.: DEPT: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer for Single St...
     with: Wang, Y.G.: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer With a Lightweight ...
     with: Wang, Y.Y.: Practical Learned Lossless JPEG Recompression with Multi-L...
     with: Wang, Y.Y.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompression
     with: Wang, Z.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompression
     with: Wei, Y.: Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Detection
     with: Xu, T.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditional ...
     with: Xu, T.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compression b...
     with: Xu, T.: Spatial Moment Pooling Improves Neural Image Assessment
     with: Xu, T.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Xu, T.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompression
     with: Xu, T.D.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Yan, J.J.: Fully Quantized Network for Object Detection
     with: Yan, J.J.: Joint Training of Cascaded CNN for Face Detection
     with: Yan, J.J.: Quantization Mimic: Towards Very Tiny CNN for Object Detect...
     with: Yang, R.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditiona...
     with: Yang, Z.M.: ELIC: Efficient Learned Image Compression with Unevenly Gr...
     with: Yang, Z.M.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Yu, H.J.: PO-ELIC: Perception-Oriented Efficient Learned Image Coding
     with: Zhang, C.: FlowFormer: A Transformer Architecture for Optical Flow
     with: Zhang, J.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Condition...
     with: Zhang, J.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compressio...
     with: Zhang, J.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Zhang, J.H.: Unified Learning-Based Lossy and Lossless JPEG Recompress...
     with: Zhang, M.: FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraini...
     with: Zhang, M.Y.: VideoFlow: Exploiting Temporal Cues for Multi-frame Optic...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: Boosting Neural Representations for Videos with a Conditi...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: Gaussianimage: 1000 Fps Image Representation and Compress...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: Task-Aware Encoder Control for Deep Video Compression
     with: Zhang, Y.: Efficient Burst Raw Denoising with Variance Stabilization a...
     with: Zhang, Y.: IDR: Self-Supervised Image Denoising via Iterative Data Ref...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Learning Degradation Representations for Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, Y.: Rethinking Noise Synthesis and Modeling in Raw Denoising
     with: Zhang, Y.: Simple Baseline for Video Restoration with Grouped Spatial-...
     with: Zhang, Y.B.: DEPT: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer for Single S...
     with: Zhang, Y.B.: Depth Estimation by Parameter Transfer With a Lightweight...
     with: Zheng, Y.Y.: Checkerboard Context Model for Efficient Learned Image Co...
129 for Qin, H.W.

Qin, H.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cui, J.T.: Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
     with: Huang, X.L.: Fast Global Image Smoothing via Quasi Weighted Least Squa...
     with: Li, W.S.: Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
     with: Liu, W.: Fast Global Image Smoothing via Quasi Weighted Least Squares
     with: Ng, M.: Fast Global Image Smoothing via Quasi Weighted Least Squares
     with: Wang, G.Y.: Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
     with: Xiao, B.: Moments and moment invariants in the Radon space
     with: Yang, J.: Fast Global Image Smoothing via Quasi Weighted Least Squares
     with: Zhang, P.P.: Fast Global Image Smoothing via Quasi Weighted Least Squa...
9 for Qin, H.X.

Qin, H.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, J.Y.: GLPanoDepth: Global-to-Local Panoramic Depth Estimation
     with: Bai, X.: Petri-Net Based Multi-Objective Optimization in Multi-UAV Aid...
     with: Chen, K.: R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
     with: Chen, Q.L.: Hybrid Differential Algorithm for Image Enhancement, A
     with: Guo, J.: GLPanoDepth: Global-to-Local Panoramic Depth Estimation
     with: Guo, J.Y.: CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillat...
     with: Guo, Q.S.: Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
     with: Guo, Y.: GLPanoDepth: Global-to-Local Panoramic Depth Estimation
     with: Hu, K.: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Recogn...
     with: Huang, G.: Hybrid Differential Algorithm for Image Enhancement, A
     with: Jordan, C.B.: Nemo: An Open-Source Transformer-Supercharged Benchmark ...
     with: Lai, S.: GLPanoDepth: Global-to-Local Panoramic Depth Estimation
     with: Liang, D.: CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillat...
     with: Liang, D.: Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
     with: Liang, D.: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Rec...
     with: Liang, D.: OneFace: One Threshold for All
     with: Liang, D.: R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
     with: Liu, J.H.: CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillat...
     with: Liu, J.H.: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Rec...
     with: Liu, J.H.: OneFace: One Threshold for All
     with: Liu, X.B.: R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
     with: Tian, J.Y.: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Re...
     with: Wu, Y.C.: CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillation
     with: Wu, Y.C.: Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
     with: Wu, Y.C.: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Reco...
     with: Wu, Y.C.: OneFace: One Threshold for All
     with: Wu, Y.C.: R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
     with: Xu, K.: CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillation
     with: Xu, K.: OneFace: One Threshold for All
     with: Xu, L.J.: Petri-Net Based Multi-Objective Optimization in Multi-UAV Ai...
     with: Yan, F.: Nemo: An Open-Source Transformer-Supercharged Benchmark for F...
     with: Yan, J.J.: Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
     with: Yan, J.J.: R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
     with: Yang, L.: Nemo: An Open-Source Transformer-Supercharged Benchmark for ...
     with: Yazdi, A.: Nemo: An Open-Source Transformer-Supercharged Benchmark for...
     with: Yu, Z.P.: Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
     with: Yu, Z.P.: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Reco...
     with: Yu, Z.P.: OneFace: One Threshold for All
     with: Zhao, B.: Petri-Net Based Multi-Objective Optimization in Multi-UAV Ai...
     with: Zhao, G.M.: OneFace: One Threshold for All
40 for Qin, H.Y.

Qin, H.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jia, H.Z.: Dual-stream mutually adaptive quality assessment for authen...
     with: Wang, T.H.: Dual-stream mutually adaptive quality assessment for authe...
     with: Zhou, H.B.: Dual-stream mutually adaptive quality assessment for authe...

Qin, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aviles Rivero, A.I.: Genuine Knowledge from Practice: Diffusion Test-T...
     with: Bai, H.H.: Multi-level augmented inpainting network using spatial simi...
     with: Bai, H.H.: Multi-scale attention network for image inpainting
     with: Bai, S.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Bai, S.: Disaggregation Distillation for Person Search
     with: Bao, X.: Unilaterally Aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarchica...
     with: Bao, X.: Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Temporal ...
     with: Batelaan, O.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrare...
     with: Ben Amor, B.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Denta...
     with: Bertozzi, A.L.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Vari...
     with: Bian, C.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetr...
     with: Cai, J.: Bridging MRI Cross-Modality Synthesis and Multi-Contrast Supe...
     with: Cai, L.R.: SVRGSA: a hybrid learning based model for short-term traffi...
     with: Cai, W.H.: SVRGSA: a hybrid learning based model for short-term traffi...
     with: Cai, W.W.: Contextual-Assisted Scratched Photo Restoration
     with: Cao, D.: BEV-LaneDet: An Efficient 3D Lane Detection Based on Virtual ...
     with: Cao, J.W.: Mixture correntropy for robust learning
     with: Chai, L.Y.: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Super...
     with: Chai, R.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion ...
     with: Chai, R.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentati...
     with: Chai, W.H.: Learning Diffusion Texture Priors for Image Restoration
     with: Chanussot, J.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Varia...
     with: Cheema, M.N.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled Wi...
     with: Cheema, M.N.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network fo...
     with: Chen, B.: Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Comp...
     with: Chen, B.D.: Common Spatial Patterns Based on the Quantized Minimum Err...
     with: Chen, B.D.: Granger Causality Analysis Based on Quantized Minimum Erro...
     with: Chen, B.D.: Incomplete Multi-View Clustering via Correntropy and Compl...
     with: Chen, B.D.: Mixture correntropy for robust learning
     with: Chen, B.D.: Sparse Support Matrix Machine
     with: Chen, C.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object De...
     with: Chen, C.: Binary Coding for Partial Action Analysis with Limited Obser...
     with: Chen, C.: Continual Nuclei Segmentation via Prototype-Wise Relation Di...
     with: Chen, C.: FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segm...
     with: Chen, C.: Federated Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Pro...
     with: Chen, C.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features fo...
     with: Chen, C.: Unsupervised Bidirectional Cross-Modality Adaptation via Dee...
     with: Chen, D.P.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dyn...
     with: Chen, F.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Trans...
     with: Chen, G.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Su...
     with: Chen, G.L.: Collaborative and Adversarial Learning of Focused and Disp...
     with: Chen, H.: Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very...
     with: Chen, H.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images v...
     with: Chen, H.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Uns...
     with: Chen, H.: Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodu...
     with: Chen, H.: ScanNet: A Fast and Dense Scanning Framework for Metastastic...
     with: Chen, H.: SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for ...
     with: Chen, H.: SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using Re...
     with: Chen, H.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural...
     with: Chen, H.: Unsupervised Bidirectional Cross-Modality Adaptation via Dee...
     with: Chen, H.H.: PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
     with: Chen, H.H.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Poi...
     with: Chen, H.H.: SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augment...
     with: Chen, H.X.: Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
     with: Chen, H.X.: Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection...
     with: Chen, H.Y.: Camouflaged Object Detection Via Style Transfer-Based Data...
     with: Chen, H.Y.: Disaggregation Distillation for Person Search
     with: Chen, J.: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object ...
     with: Chen, J.: Beyond Semantic Attributes: Discrete Latent Attributes Learn...
     with: Chen, J.: Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Error-Correcting Output Co...
     with: Chen, J.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and...
     with: Chen, J.X.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Chen, J.X.: Camouflaged Object Detection Via Style Transfer-Based Data...
     with: Chen, J.X.: Deep Sketch-Shape Hashing With Segmented 3D Stochastic Vie...
     with: Chen, J.X.: Embarrassingly Simple Binary Representation Learning
     with: Chen, J.X.: Fast Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Bi...
     with: Chen, J.X.: Learning Attentive and Hierarchical Representations for 3D...
     with: Chen, J.X.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-...
     with: Chen, J.X.: Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person...
     with: Chen, J.Y.: PH-Net: Semi-Supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation via Pat...
     with: Chen, K.: Deep Fusion Transformer Network with Weighted Vector-Wise Ke...
     with: Chen, Q.: SVRGSA: a hybrid learning based model for short-term traffic...
     with: Chen, R.: Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using a...
     with: Chen, R.: Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Solar ...
     with: Chen, S.: Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi...
     with: Chen, S.: Learning Diffusion Texture Priors for Image Restoration
     with: Chen, S.P.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for p...
     with: Chen, X.M.: Regularized Kaczmarz Algorithms for Tensor Recovery
     with: Chen, Y.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Au...
     with: Chen, Y.L.: Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minim...
     with: Chen, Y.Y.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Micro...
     with: Chen, Y.Y.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature ...
     with: Chen, Z.: Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Ba...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Triple-cooperative Video Shadow Detection
     with: Chen, Z.L.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Cheng, H.: Interactive Road Situation Analysis for Driver Assistance a...
     with: Cheng, H.: Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Com...
     with: Cheng, H.Y.: Study on the Polarization Pattern Induced by Wavy Water S...
     with: Cheng, J.Z.: Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Mu...
     with: Cheng, J.Z.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hyb...
     with: Cheng, J.Z.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neu...
     with: Cheng, K.T.: S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and...
     with: Cheng, L.: Breast Cancer Classification From Digital Pathology Images ...
     with: Cheng, M.: dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic sp...
     with: Cheng, S.: novel deep hashing method for fast image retrieval, A
     with: Cheng, X.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Chi, J.T.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation...
     with: Choi, K.: Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Imag...
     with: Choi, K.S.: Data Discernment for Affordable Training in Medical Image ...
     with: Choi, K.S.: Fast Gabor texture feature extraction with separable filte...
     with: Cui, Z.P.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features f...
     with: Dai, H.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Sur...
     with: Dai, H.: Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection wi...
     with: Dai, H.N.: Breast Cancer Classification From Digital Pathology Images ...
     with: Dai, N.: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration: ...
     with: Dang, Z.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network fo...
     with: Deng, B.: Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A N...
     with: Deng, S.: Bridging MRI Cross-Modality Synthesis and Multi-Contrast Sup...
     with: Deng, X.L.: MemSAM: Taming Segment Anything Model for Echocardiography...
     with: Deng, Y.F.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi...
     with: Deng, Z.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Deng, Z.J.: Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Atten...
     with: Deng, Z.J.: Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain St...
     with: Ding, B.H.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature ...
     with: Dong, J.Y.: Common Spatial Patterns Based on the Quantized Minimum Err...
     with: Dong, J.Y.: Editing Out-of-Domain GAN Inversion via Differential Activ...
     with: Dong, Q.: Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry D...
     with: Dong, Z.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features fo...
     with: Dou, H.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Trans...
     with: Dou, Q.: Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very ...
     with: Dou, Q.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images vi...
     with: Dou, Q.: Breast Cancer Classification From Digital Pathology Images vi...
     with: Dou, Q.: Deep Fusion Transformer Network with Weighted Vector-Wise Key...
     with: Dou, Q.: FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segme...
     with: Dou, Q.: Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodul...
     with: Dou, Q.: ScanNet: A Fast and Dense Scanning Framework for Metastastic ...
     with: Dou, Q.: SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using Rec...
     with: Dou, Q.: Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and Agg...
     with: Dou, Q.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural ...
     with: Dou, Q.: Unsupervised Bidirectional Cross-Modality Adaptation via Deep...
     with: Drumetz, L.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variati...
     with: Du, J.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Auto...
     with: Du, J.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learning A...
     with: Du, J.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Remo...
     with: Du, S.Y.: Granger Causality Analysis Based on Quantized Minimum Error ...
     with: Du, Y.: Editing Out-of-Domain GAN Inversion via Differential Activations
     with: Du, Y.: Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimum S...
     with: Du, Y.: Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Compon...
     with: Elazab, A.: deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classifi...
     with: Fan, D.P.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object D...
     with: Fan, Q.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object Det...
     with: Fan, W.C.: Wavelet-based image denoising in (digital) particle image v...
     with: Fang, M.S.: Adaptive Graph Convolution for Point Cloud Analysis
     with: Fang, R.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixe...
     with: Fang, Z.X.: VP-SAM: Taming Segment Anything Model for Video Polyp Segm...
     with: Fei, Z.D.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Tran...
     with: Feng, D.D.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With...
     with: Feng, D.D.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for ...
     with: Feng, D.D.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpi...
     with: Feng, P.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjectiv...
     with: Feng, W.: Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis Model ...
     with: Feng, Y.: Adaptive Graph Convolution for Point Cloud Analysis
     with: Feng, Y.: Bridging MRI Cross-Modality Synthesis and Multi-Contrast Sup...
     with: Feng, Y.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Uns...
     with: Fu, C.: ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical B...
     with: Fu, C.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Fu, C.W.: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object ...
     with: Fu, C.W.: Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attenti...
     with: Fu, C.W.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection
     with: Fu, C.W.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detectio...
     with: Fu, C.W.: SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using Re...
     with: Fu, H.: Triple-cooperative Video Shadow Detection
     with: Fu, H.Z.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object De...
     with: Fu, H.Z.: Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis Model ...
     with: Fu, W.M.: Deep RL-Based Algorithm for Coordinated Charging of Electric...
     with: Fu, W.M.: Game-Based Battery Swapping Station Recommendation Approach ...
     with: Gao, P.: CDFormer: When Degradation Prediction Embraces Diffusion Mode...
     with: Gao, P.: DSMIX: Distortion-induced Sensitivity Map Based Pre-training ...
     with: Gao, P.: Puff-Net: Efficient Style Transfer with Pure Content and Styl...
     with: Gao, R.: Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
     with: Gao, R.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot L...
     with: Gao, R.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and ...
     with: Gao, W.W.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for A...
     with: Ge, Y.X.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dynam...
     with: Gu, S.Q.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Model ...
     with: Guan, D.: Distilling heterogeneous knowledge with aligned biological e...
     with: Guan, H.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Re...
     with: Guo, C.: DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive Loss F...
     with: Guo, J.: Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogonal ...
     with: Guo, L.F.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Guo, T.D.: Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
     with: Guo, W.: New Detail-Preserving Regularization Scheme, A
     with: Guo, X.R.: Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Segme...
     with: Guo, Y.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Guo, Y.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video Inst...
     with: Guo, Z.T.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentat...
     with: Han, C.Y.: Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
     with: Han, G.: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Awa...
     with: Han, G.Q.: Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
     with: Han, G.Q.: Hybrid dual Kalman filtering model for short-term traffic f...
     with: Han, G.Q.: Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimu...
     with: Han, G.Q.: Single Image Reflection Removal Beyond Linearity
     with: Han, M.L.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microw...
     with: Han, T.: deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classificat...
     with: Han, Y.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learning ...
     with: Han, Y.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Rem...
     with: Han, Y.L.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Model...
     with: Han, Y.S.: Contextualized Relation Predictive Model for Self-Supervise...
     with: He, H.: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Awar...
     with: He, P.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjective ...
     with: He, S.: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Awar...
     with: He, S.: SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for Fa...
     with: He, S.F.: Beat-it: Beat-synchronized Multi-condition 3d Dance Generation
     with: He, S.F.: Contextual-Assisted Scratched Photo Restoration
     with: He, S.F.: Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
     with: He, S.F.: Editing Out-of-Domain GAN Inversion via Differential Activat...
     with: He, S.F.: Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A N...
     with: He, S.F.: Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimum...
     with: He, S.F.: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervi...
     with: He, S.F.: Single Image Reflection Removal Beyond Linearity
     with: He, S.F.: Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
     with: He, X.: SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augmentatio...
     with: He, X.H.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-A...
     with: Heng, P.: ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical...
     with: Heng, P.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Tran...
     with: Heng, P.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Heng, P.: Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodu...
     with: Heng, P.: SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for ...
     with: Heng, P.: Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Ba...
     with: Heng, P.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetr...
     with: Heng, P.A.: 3D FractalNet: Dense Volumetric Segmentation for Cardiovas...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Objec...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Ve...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Atten...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detect...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detect...
     with: Heng, P.A.: FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Se...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain St...
     with: Heng, P.A.: ScanNet: A Fast and Dense Scanning Framework for Metastast...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Sparse Support Matrix Machine
     with: Heng, P.A.: SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using ...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybr...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
     with: Heng, P.A.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neur...
     with: Heng, P.A.: Unsupervised Bidirectional Cross-Modality Adaptation via D...
     with: Hong, Z.H.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Mode...
     with: Hou, J.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on ...
     with: Hou, W.T.: Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network With Online Masked Autoe...
     with: Hou, X.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel...
     with: Hou, X.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and ...
     with: Hou, X.S.: Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
     with: Hou, X.S.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot...
     with: Hu, D.: Proactive Monitoring via Jamming in Amplify-and-Forward Relay ...
     with: Hu, F.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Hu, F.: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Energy Consumption Predic...
     with: Hu, T.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Hu, X.: ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical B...
     with: Hu, X.: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object De...
     with: Hu, X.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Transr...
     with: Hu, X.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Hu, X.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection
     with: Hu, X.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection ...
     with: Hu, X.: SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for Fa...
     with: Hu, X.W.: Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attenti...
     with: Hu, X.W.: Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain Stre...
     with: Huang, A.N.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature...
     with: Huang, D.: Action recognition based on kinematic representation of vid...
     with: Huang, D.: Joint Framework for Athlete Tracking and Action Recognition...
     with: Huang, D.: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised V...
     with: Huang, D.: Unilaterally Aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarchi...
     with: Huang, D.: Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Tempora...
     with: Huang, F.: Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Two-Dimensional Hi...
     with: Huang, H.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental S...
     with: Huang, J.: Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Rel...
     with: Huang, L.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subs...
     with: Huang, L.: Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows
     with: Huang, L.: Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning ...
     with: Huang, L.: Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Ana...
     with: Huang, L.: Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for...
     with: Huang, L.: S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and 1...
     with: Huang, L.: Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Ba...
     with: Huang, P.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjecti...
     with: Huang, X.: Robust AN-Aided Secure Transmission Scheme in MISO Channels...
     with: Huang, X.T.: Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Seg...
     with: Huang, Z.: Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection ...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: Beat-it: Beat-synchronized Multi-condition 3d Dance Gener...
     with: Ji, C.Q.: Capturing natural position relationships: A neural different...
     with: Ji, X.: Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi-T...
     with: Jia, B.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-Ar...
     with: Jia, Y.Z.: Disaggregation Distillation for Person Search
     with: Jiang, D.Z.: Hybrid dual Kalman filtering model for short-term traffic...
     with: Jiang, H.: Filling Gaps of Monthly Terra/MODIS Daytime Land Surface Te...
     with: Jiang, H.: Impact of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Structure on Ph...
     with: Jiang, H.P.: Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese U...
     with: Jiang, H.P.: PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Per...
     with: Jiang, J.M.: Surface Reconstruction From Normals: A Robust DGP-Based D...
     with: Jiang, M.: Secure Beamforming in Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal Multiple ...
     with: Jiang, S.: PH-Net: Semi-Supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation via Patc...
     with: Jiang, W.: Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint...
     with: Jiang, X.: MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology D...
     with: Jiang, X.D.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for ...
     with: Jin, H.: Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogonal ...
     with: Jin, R.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwav...
     with: Jin, X.B.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Jin, Y.M.: SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using R...
     with: Jin, Y.M.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video In...
     with: Jin, Z.X.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion...
     with: Jin, Z.X.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentat...
     with: Jung, Y.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Au...
     with: Kang, X.: Capturing natural position relationships: A neural different...
     with: Kang, Y.: Deep RL-Based Algorithm for Coordinated Charging of Electric...
     with: Kang, Y.: Game-Based Approximate Optimal Motion Planning for Safe Huma...
     with: Kang, Y.: Game-Based Battery Swapping Station Recommendation Approach ...
     with: Kang, Y.: Indoor Localization for Skid-Steering Mobile Robot by Fusing...
     with: Kim, J.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Aut...
     with: Kim, J.M.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Koike, T.: Improvement of the Radiative Transfer Model Component of a ...
     with: Kong, L.: Contextualized Relation Predictive Model for Self-Supervised...
     with: Kong, L.: Joint Framework for Athlete Tracking and Action Recognition ...
     with: Lai, H.: novel deep hashing method for fast image retrieval, A
     with: Lazhu: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on th...
     with: Lee, H.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation R...
     with: Lee, T.Y.: 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context G...
     with: Lei, B.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Aut...
     with: Lei, B.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Learn...
     with: Lei, B.: Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi-...
     with: Lei, B.: deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classificat...
     with: Lei, B.: Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Image...
     with: Lei, B.Y.: Data Discernment for Affordable Training in Medical Image S...
     with: Lei, B.Y.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for pl...
     with: Lei, H.J.: deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classific...
     with: Lei, L.: Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using a ...
     with: Lei, L.F.: Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Solar...
     with: Lei, Y.B.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature o...
     with: Li, A.: AL-MRIS: An Active Learning-Based Multipath Residual Involutio...
     with: Li, A.: KE-GAN: Knowledge Embedded Generative Adversarial Networks for...
     with: Li, A.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity and Indi...
     with: Li, A.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity Recognit...
     with: Li, B.: Semi-supervised local multi-manifold Isomap by linear embeddin...
     with: Li, B.X.: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Vi...
     with: Li, D.: Larger Receptive Field Based RGB Visual Relocalization Method ...
     with: Li, F.: Robust fuzzy local information and -norm distance-based image ...
     with: Li, F.Z.: Semi-supervised local multi-manifold Isomap by linear embedd...
     with: Li, G.Y.: Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and Ag...
     with: Li, H.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Auto...
     with: Li, H.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fus...
     with: Li, H.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Auto...
     with: Li, H.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Li, J.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learning A...
     with: Li, J.C.: Game-Based Approximate Optimal Motion Planning for Safe Huma...
     with: Li, J.H.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subsi...
     with: Li, J.H.: Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Bas...
     with: Li, J.P.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Li, J.P.: Efficient Person Search: An Anchor-Free Approach
     with: Li, K.: BEV-LaneDet: An Efficient 3D Lane Detection Based on Virtual C...
     with: Li, L.: dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic spine...
     with: Li, L.A.: Impact of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Structure on Pho...
     with: Li, M.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Dete...
     with: Li, M.: CNet: A Novel Seabed Coral Reef Image Segmentation Approach Ba...
     with: Li, M.: Game-Based Approximate Optimal Motion Planning for Safe Human-...
     with: Li, M.: Larger Receptive Field Based RGB Visual Relocalization Method ...
     with: Li, M.: Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight Semi...
     with: Li, P.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fus...
     with: Li, P.: FindNet: Can You Find Me? Boundary-and-Texture Enhancement Net...
     with: Li, P.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Auto...
     with: Li, P.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Li, Q.: Joint Beamforming and Antenna Subarray Formation for MIMO Cogn...
     with: Li, Q.: Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Relay ...
     with: Li, Q.: Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization for Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal ...
     with: Li, Q.: Secure Beamforming in Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal Multiple Acc...
     with: Li, S.: Does Regional Urbanization Promote Balanced Land Development? ...
     with: Li, S.: Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint Sp...
     with: Li, S.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetric...
     with: Li, S.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural N...
     with: Li, W.J.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network fo...
     with: Li, W.J.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for pla...
     with: Li, X.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subside...
     with: Li, X.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on t...
     with: Li, X.M.: Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
     with: Li, X.R.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-A...
     with: Li, Y.: BEV-LaneDet: An Efficient 3D Lane Detection Based on Virtual C...
     with: Li, Y.: Secure Beamforming in Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal Multiple Acc...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Common Spatial Patterns Based on the Quantized Minimum Error...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Energy Consumption Pred...
     with: Li, Z.: 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context Guid...
     with: Li, Z.: Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Attent...
     with: Liang, C.X.: Exswin-unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Win...
     with: Liang, M.: Object Classification in Traffic Scene Surveillance Based o...
     with: Liang, Y.: Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A ...
     with: Liang, Y.H.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient ob...
     with: Liang, Z.W.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learn...
     with: Liang, Z.W.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and...
     with: Liao, G.X.: Wavelet-based image denoising in (digital) particle image ...
     with: Liao, M.: Multiresolution Image Dynamic Thresholding
     with: Liao, M.: Multiresolution Image Motion Detection and Displacement Esti...
     with: Liao, S.C.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Liao, S.C.: Efficient Person Search: An Anchor-Free Approach
     with: Liao, X.: Larger Receptive Field Based RGB Visual Relocalization Metho...
     with: Liao, X.: Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Ba...
     with: Liao, Z.M.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Lin, C.F.: Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting De...
     with: Lin, C.X.: Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network With Online Masked Autoe...
     with: Lin, G.: Learning Diffusion Texture Priors for Image Restoration
     with: Lin, H.: ScanNet: A Fast and Dense Scanning Framework for Metastastic ...
     with: Lin, J.Y.: Exswin-unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Windo...
     with: Lin, M.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid ...
     with: Lin, Z.Z.: Hybrid dual Kalman filtering model for short-term traffic f...
     with: Liu, B.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Aut...
     with: Liu, B.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Rem...
     with: Liu, C.L.: WPS-SAM: Towards Weakly-supervised Part Segmentation with F...
     with: Liu, C.M.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Lea...
     with: Liu, F.: EEG source imaging based on spatial and temporal graph struct...
     with: Liu, G.: Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint S...
     with: Liu, G.C.: Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature R...
     with: Liu, H.Z.: Filling Gaps of Monthly Terra/MODIS Daytime Land Surface Te...
     with: Liu, J.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Liu, J.: Disaggregation Distillation for Person Search
     with: Liu, J.: Distilling heterogeneous knowledge with aligned biological en...
     with: Liu, J.Q.: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised V...
     with: Liu, J.S.: Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting De...
     with: Liu, K.J.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dyna...
     with: Liu, L.: ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical ...
     with: Liu, L.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Liu, L.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Liu, L.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Liu, L.: Beyond Semantic Attributes: Discrete Latent Attributes Learni...
     with: Liu, L.: Binary Coding for Partial Action Analysis with Limited Observ...
     with: Liu, L.: Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Labeling
     with: Liu, L.: Deep Sketch-Shape Hashing With Segmented 3D Stochastic Viewing
     with: Liu, L.: DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive Loss F...
     with: Liu, L.: Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Liu, L.: Embarrassingly Simple Binary Representation Learning
     with: Liu, L.: Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
     with: Liu, L.: Fast Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Binar...
     with: Liu, L.: Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence Analy...
     with: Liu, L.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalable ...
     with: Liu, L.: Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows
     with: Liu, L.: Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
     with: Liu, L.: Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning Dy...
     with: Liu, L.: Learning Attentive and Hierarchical Representations for 3D Sh...
     with: Liu, L.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-Ide...
     with: Liu, L.: Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person Re...
     with: Liu, L.: Multi-Task Deep Model With Margin Ranking Loss for Lung Nodul...
     with: Liu, L.: Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Analy...
     with: Liu, L.: Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for o...
     with: Liu, L.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Liu, L.: TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Bin...
     with: Liu, L.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot L...
     with: Liu, L.: Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Error-Correcting Output Codes
     with: Liu, L.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and ...
     with: Liu, M.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Liu, Q.: DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive Loss F...
     with: Liu, Q.: Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Image, A
     with: Liu, Q.C.: Game-Based Approximate Optimal Motion Planning for Safe Hum...
     with: Liu, Q.D.: FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Seg...
     with: Liu, Q.G.: CDFormer: When Degradation Prediction Embraces Diffusion Mo...
     with: Liu, Q.Z.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Liu, R.H.: Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urb...
     with: Liu, R.H.: PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perce...
     with: Liu, W.: Triple-cooperative Video Shadow Detection
     with: Liu, W.X.: Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
     with: Liu, W.X.: Monocular Depth Estimation for Glass Walls With Context: A ...
     with: Liu, W.X.: Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimu...
     with: Liu, W.X.: Single Image Reflection Removal Beyond Linearity
     with: Liu, W.X.: Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
     with: Liu, X.L.: Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network f...
     with: Liu, Y.: Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urban...
     with: Liu, Y.: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Energy Consumption Predi...
     with: Liu, Y.: Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry De...
     with: Liu, Y.: PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Percept...
     with: Liu, Y.H.: Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
     with: Liu, Y.T.: Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
     with: Liu, Y.T.: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Superv...
     with: Liu, Y.Z.: VP-SAM: Taming Segment Anything Model for Video Polyp Segme...
     with: Liu, Z.: Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging of MIMO Radar via Sp...
     with: Liu, Z.: S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and 1-b...
     with: Liu, Z.: SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Method Based on the Sc...
     with: Liu, Z.J.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-...
     with: Long, D.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared Re...
     with: Long, Y.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot ...
     with: Lou, Y.: Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Graph Total Variation R...
     with: Lu, C.X.X.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features ...
     with: Lu, D.N.: Camouflaged Object Detection Via Style Transfer-Based Data A...
     with: Lu, H.: Improvement of the Radiative Transfer Model Component of a Lan...
     with: Lu, J.P.: Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using a...
     with: Lu, J.P.: Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Solar ...
     with: Lu, N.: Common Spatial Patterns Based on the Quantized Minimum Error E...
     with: Lu, N.: Filling Gaps of Monthly Terra/MODIS Daytime Land Surface Tempe...
     with: Lu, N.: Impact of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Structure on Photo...
     with: Lu, N.: Mixture correntropy for robust learning
     with: Lu, Q.: Identifying Pine Wood Nematode Disease Using UAV Images and De...
     with: Lu, T.: Adaptive Graph Convolution for Point Cloud Analysis
     with: Lu, T.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Point C...
     with: Lu, W.G.: Improved Normed-Deformable Convolution for Crowd Counting, An
     with: Luo, D.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetri...
     with: Luo, J.: Semantics-Aware Spatial-Temporal Binaries for Cross-Modal Vid...
     with: Luo, J.B.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity and I...
     with: Luo, J.B.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity Recog...
     with: Luo, S.J.: Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urb...
     with: Luo, S.J.: PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perce...
     with: Luo, X.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid ...
     with: Lv, J.: Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and Aggr...
     with: Lv, L.: dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic spine...
     with: Lv, W.: Indoor Localization for Skid-Steering Mobile Robot by Fusing E...
     with: Lyu, J.: Bridging MRI Cross-Modality Synthesis and Multi-Contrast Supe...
     with: Ma, G.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for Auto...
     with: Ma, M.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjective ...
     with: Ma, R.J.: Granger Causality Analysis Based on Quantized Minimum Error ...
     with: Ma, S.J.: WPS-SAM: Towards Weakly-supervised Part Segmentation with Fo...
     with: Ma, Y.M.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwa...
     with: Ma, Y.X.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Trans...
     with: Ma, Y.Y.: Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using a...
     with: Ma, Y.Y.: Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Solar ...
     with: Mahdi, A.: extensive evaluation of deep features of convolutional neur...
     with: Markham, A.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features...
     with: Meng, W.T.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Mode...
     with: Mercaldo, F.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobje...
     with: Mo, S.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Mok, V.C.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images ...
     with: Nan, L.L.: PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
     with: Nazir, A.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Nazir, A.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for A...
     with: Ndayambaza, B.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in ...
     with: Ngan, K.N.: Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
     with: Ni, B.: Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Error-Correcting Output Codes
     with: Ni, B.B.: Binary Coding for Partial Action Analysis with Limited Obser...
     with: Ni, B.B.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-Id...
     with: Ni, D.: Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi-T...
     with: Ni, D.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Transr...
     with: Ni, D.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for place...
     with: Ni, D.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetric...
     with: Ni, D.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid P...
     with: Ni, D.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural N...
     with: Ni, J.C.: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Vi...
     with: Niu, X.: Global Performance of a Fast Parameterization Scheme for Esti...
     with: Ouyang, W.L.: Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Pan, J.: Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Atten...
     with: Pan, X.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Det...
     with: Pang, W.M.: Fast Gabor texture feature extraction with separable filte...
     with: Peng, X.J.: DSMIX: Distortion-induced Sensitivity Map Based Pre-traini...
     with: Peng, Z.: Camouflaged Object Detection Via Style Transfer-Based Data A...
     with: Pietikainen, M.: Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Qi, D.L.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dynam...
     with: Qi, M.: Imitative Non-Autoregressive Modeling for Trajectory Forecasti...
     with: Qi, M.: Semantics-Aware Spatial-Temporal Binaries for Cross-Modal Vide...
     with: Qi, M.S.: KE-GAN: Knowledge Embedded Generative Adversarial Networks f...
     with: Qi, M.S.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity and In...
     with: Qi, M.S.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity Recogn...
     with: Qian, J.X.: AL-MRIS: An Active Learning-Based Multipath Residual Invol...
     with: Qin, G.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object...
     with: Qin, G.H.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared R...
     with: Qin, J.H.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion...
     with: Qin, P.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion I...
     with: Qin, P.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentatio...
     with: Qiu, J.B.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Qiu, Z.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Learn...
     with: Qu, S.X.: Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry D...
     with: Qu, Y.H.: Upscaling Algorithm to Obtain the Representative Ground Trut...
     with: Quan, R.: Camouflaged Object Detection Via Style Transfer-Based Data A...
     with: Quan, R.: Disaggregation Distillation for Person Search
     with: Quan, R.: MTA-PS: Towards Practical Person Search in Videos
     with: Ran, L.: Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging of MIMO Radar via Sp...
     with: Ran, L.: Game-Based Battery Swapping Station Recommendation Approach f...
     with: Ran, L.: SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Method Based on the Sc...
     with: Ren, S.C.: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Superv...
     with: Rosenberger, J.: EEG source imaging based on spatial and temporal grap...
     with: Ryan, M.: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Energy Consumption Pred...
     with: Santone, A.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjec...
     with: Savvides, M.: S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real an...
     with: Schonlieb, C.B.: Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis...
     with: Shao, K.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learning...
     with: Shao, K.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Re...
     with: Shao, L.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Shao, L.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Shao, L.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Shao, L.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Su...
     with: Shao, L.: Beyond Semantic Attributes: Discrete Latent Attributes Learn...
     with: Shao, L.: Binary Coding for Partial Action Analysis with Limited Obser...
     with: Shao, L.: Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Labeling
     with: Shao, L.: Deep Sketch-Shape Hashing With Segmented 3D Stochastic Viewing
     with: Shao, L.: Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
     with: Shao, L.: Fast Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Bina...
     with: Shao, L.: Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence Anal...
     with: Shao, L.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalable...
     with: Shao, L.: Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows
     with: Shao, L.: Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning D...
     with: Shao, L.: Learning Attentive and Hierarchical Representations for 3D S...
     with: Shao, L.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-Id...
     with: Shao, L.: Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person R...
     with: Shao, L.: Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Anal...
     with: Shao, L.: Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for ...
     with: Shao, L.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Shao, L.: TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Bi...
     with: Shao, L.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot ...
     with: Shao, L.: Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Error-Correcting Output Co...
     with: Shao, L.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and...
     with: Shen, F.: Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Error-Correcting Output Co...
     with: Shen, F.M.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Shen, F.M.: Binary Coding for Partial Action Analysis with Limited Obs...
     with: Shen, F.M.: Deep Sketch-Shape Hashing With Segmented 3D Stochastic Vie...
     with: Shen, F.M.: Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence An...
     with: Shen, F.M.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalab...
     with: Shen, F.M.: TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and ...
     with: Shen, H.T.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalab...
     with: Shen, H.T.: TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and ...
     with: Shen, J.: Triple-cooperative Video Shadow Detection
     with: Shen, S.: Does Regional Urbanization Promote Balanced Land Development...
     with: Shen, Y.M.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Shen, Y.M.: Embarrassingly Simple Binary Representation Learning
     with: Shen, Y.M.: Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows
     with: Shen, Y.M.: Learning Attentive and Hierarchical Representations for 3D...
     with: Shen, Y.M.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Sho...
     with: Shen, Z.Q.: S2-BNN: Bridging the Gap Between Self-Supervised Real and ...
     with: Shen, Z.Y.: Embarrassingly Simple Binary Representation Learning
     with: Sheng, B.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Sheng, B.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for A...
     with: Sheng, B.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpix...
     with: Sheng, B.: Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Ima...
     with: Sheng, H.Q.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Su...
     with: Shi, J.S.: DSMIX: Distortion-induced Sensitivity Map Based Pre-trainin...
     with: Shi, L.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images vi...
     with: Shi, Y.: Game-Based Approximate Optimal Motion Planning for Safe Human...
     with: Shi, Y.C.: Upscaling Algorithm to Obtain the Representative Ground Tru...
     with: Shuai, J.W.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Tr...
     with: Si, H.J.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Si, J.H.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-A...
     with: Si, W.: Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Base...
     with: Song, G.Z.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Song, H.: Editing Out-of-Domain GAN Inversion via Differential Activat...
     with: Song, K.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Re...
     with: Song, K.S.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learni...
     with: Song, S.: Multiresolution Image Dynamic Thresholding
     with: Song, S.: Multiresolution Image Motion Detection and Displacement Esti...
     with: Song, Y.: Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting Den...
     with: Song, Y.: Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Imag...
     with: Song, Y.W.: Incomplete Multi-View Clustering via Correntropy and Compl...
     with: Song, Y.Y.: Cross-patch Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-supervised...
     with: Song, Y.Y.: Data Discernment for Affordable Training in Medical Image ...
     with: Sui, B.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Rem...
     with: Sui, B.R.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learnin...
     with: Sun, M.H.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient obje...
     with: Sun, P.: Low-Rank and Sparsity Analysis Applied to Speech Enhancement ...
     with: Sun, X.: Action recognition based on kinematic representation of video...
     with: Sun, Y.C.: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration...
     with: Sun, Z.: Global Performance of a Fast Parameterization Scheme for Esti...
     with: Sun, Z.A.: Contextualized Relation Predictive Model for Self-Supervise...
     with: Tai, Y.: Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person Re...
     with: Tai, Y.W.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object D...
     with: Tan, E.L.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for pl...
     with: Tan, Y.: Novel Channel Estimation for Non-orthogonal Multiple Access S...
     with: Tan, Y.: Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Image, A
     with: Tan, Y.J.: Single Image Reflection Removal Beyond Linearity
     with: Tang, C.K.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object ...
     with: Tang, J.: Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging of MIMO Radar via S...
     with: Tang, J.: SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Method Based on the S...
     with: Tang, S.X.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dyn...
     with: Tang, W.: Global Performance of a Fast Parameterization Scheme for Est...
     with: Tang, W.J.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Micro...
     with: Tang, X.D.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Tra...
     with: Teng, G.L.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dyn...
     with: Tian, M.: Robust AN-Aided Secure Transmission Scheme in MISO Channels ...
     with: Tian, M.: Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization for Downlink MIMO Nonorthogona...
     with: Tian, S.: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration:...
     with: Tian, S.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjectiv...
     with: Tian, Y.: Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and Ag...
     with: Trigoni, N.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features...
     with: van de Wetering, H.: Interactive Road Situation Analysis for Driver As...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Obj...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity ...
     with: Wan, D.W.: TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and B...
     with: Wan, L.: Triple-cooperative Video Shadow Detection
     with: Wan, Y.: Deep RL-Based Algorithm for Coordinated Charging of Electric ...
     with: Wan, Y.: Game-Based Battery Swapping Station Recommendation Approach f...
     with: Wan, Z.H.: Study on the Polarization Pattern Induced by Wavy Water Sur...
     with: Wang, B.: dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic spi...
     with: Wang, B.: Identifying Pine Wood Nematode Disease Using UAV Images and ...
     with: Wang, B.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features fo...
     with: Wang, B.: Real-Time Hierarchical Supervoxel Segmentation via a Minimum...
     with: Wang, B.Y.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi...
     with: Wang, C.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subsi...
     with: Wang, C.L.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi...
     with: Wang, C.Y.: Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and ...
     with: Wang, D.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images v...
     with: Wang, F.L.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for U...
     with: Wang, G.D.: Unilaterally Aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarch...
     with: Wang, G.D.: Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Tempor...
     with: Wang, H.: Incremental Nuclei Segmentation from Histopathological Image...
     with: Wang, H.: Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogonal...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video I...
     with: Wang, J.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Wang, J.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Uns...
     with: Wang, J.: PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
     with: Wang, J.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Point...
     with: Wang, J.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on...
     with: Wang, J.: Upscaling Algorithm to Obtain the Representative Ground Trut...
     with: Wang, J.C.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Tra...
     with: Wang, K.: Breast Cancer Classification From Digital Pathology Images v...
     with: Wang, K.: Distilling heterogeneous knowledge with aligned biological e...
     with: Wang, L.: Capturing natural position relationships: A neural different...
     with: Wang, L.: novel deep hashing method for fast image retrieval, A
     with: Wang, L.: Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature Re...
     with: Wang, L.: ScanNet: A Fast and Dense Scanning Framework for Metastastic...
     with: Wang, L.: XJU1: A Chinese Ethnic Minorities Face Database
     with: Wang, L.G.: AL-MRIS: An Active Learning-Based Multipath Residual Invol...
     with: Wang, L.S.: Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network With Online Masked Auto...
     with: Wang, L.S.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Tra...
     with: Wang, M.: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration:...
     with: Wang, M.: Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
     with: Wang, M.: Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature Re...
     with: Wang, M.H.: Surface Reconstruction From Normals: A Robust DGP-Based Di...
     with: Wang, P.Y.: MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology ...
     with: Wang, Q.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Uns...
     with: Wang, Q.: Thin-Feature-Aware Transport-Velocity Formulation for SPH-Ba...
     with: Wang, Q.: Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
     with: Wang, R.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object De...
     with: Wang, R.: BEV-LaneDet: An Efficient 3D Lane Detection Based on Virtual...
     with: Wang, R.: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Energy Consumption Pred...
     with: Wang, S.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Wang, S.: dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic spi...
     with: Wang, S.: EEG source imaging based on spatial and temporal graph struc...
     with: Wang, S.: Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection w...
     with: Wang, S.: Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis Model ...
     with: Wang, S.Q.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Le...
     with: Wang, S.Y.: Mixture correntropy for robust learning
     with: Wang, T.: Automatic Scoring of Multiple Semantic Attributes With Multi...
     with: Wang, T.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Tran...
     with: Wang, T.: Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogonal...
     with: Wang, T.F.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for ...
     with: Wang, T.F.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Le...
     with: Wang, T.F.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for p...
     with: Wang, W.: PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-Time...
     with: Wang, W.M.: SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augment...
     with: Wang, W.M.: Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
     with: Wang, W.S.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Wang, X.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object De...
     with: Wang, X.: Mixture correntropy for robust learning
     with: Wang, X.G.: MITPose: Multi-Granularity Feature Interaction for Human P...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Beyond Semantic Attributes: Discrete Latent Attributes Learn...
     with: Wang, Y.: Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Labeling
     with: Wang, Y.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Tran...
     with: Wang, Y.: DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive Loss ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Joint Framework for Athlete Tracking and Action Recognition ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Semantics-Aware Spatial-Temporal Binaries for Cross-Modal Vi...
     with: Wang, Y.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid...
     with: Wang, Y.: Zero-Shot Action Recognition with Error-Correcting Output Co...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Action recognition based on kinematic representation of vi...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Binary Coding for Partial Action Analysis with Limited Obs...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Cross-view action recognition via transductive transfer le...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Fast Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Bi...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: KE-GAN: Knowledge Embedded Generative Adversarial Networks...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Object Classification in Traffic Scene Surveillance Based ...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity and ...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: stagNet: An Attentive Semantic RNN for Group Activity Reco...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Unilaterally Aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarch...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Tempor...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmenta...
     with: Wang, Z.: Capturing natural position relationships: A neural different...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Sola...
     with: Wang, Z.Z.: Continual Nuclei Segmentation via Prototype-Wise Relation ...
     with: Wang, Z.Z.: Cross-patch Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-supervised...
     with: Wei, M.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Unst...
     with: Wei, M.Q.: Adaptive Graph Convolution for Point Cloud Analysis
     with: Wei, M.Q.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Wei, M.Q.: Bridging MRI Cross-Modality Synthesis and Multi-Contrast Su...
     with: Wei, M.Q.: FindNet: Can You Find Me? Boundary-and-Texture Enhancement ...
     with: Wei, M.Q.: PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
     with: Wei, M.Q.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Poin...
     with: Wei, M.Q.: Surface Reconstruction From Normals: A Robust DGP-Based Dis...
     with: Wei, M.Q.: SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augmenta...
     with: Wei, P.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Wei, W.W.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Wei, Z.Y.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Wei, Z.Y.: PathNet: Path-Selective Point Cloud Denoising
     with: Wen, H.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetri...
     with: Wen, J.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwav...
     with: Wen, Q.: Crowd Counting Via Cross-Stage Refinement Networks
     with: Wen, Q.A.: Single Image Reflection Removal Beyond Linearity
     with: Wen, Y.F.: Exswin-unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Windo...
     with: Wen, Z.: Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Atten...
     with: Wen, Z.K.: Collaborative and Adversarial Learning of Focused and Dispe...
     with: Wen, Z.K.: Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Segme...
     with: Wen, Z.K.: Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting De...
     with: Wen, Z.K.: PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-Tim...
     with: Weng, W.G.: Wavelet-based image denoising in (digital) particle image ...
     with: Wong, K.H.: Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
     with: Wu, D.: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Awar...
     with: Wu, H.: 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context Guid...
     with: Wu, H.: Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Attent...
     with: Wu, H.: Collaborative and Adversarial Learning of Focused and Dispersi...
     with: Wu, H.: Continual Nuclei Segmentation via Prototype-Wise Relation Dist...
     with: Wu, H.: Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Segmenta...
     with: Wu, H.: Cross-patch Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-supervised Seg...
     with: Wu, H.: Domesticating SAM for Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation via...
     with: Wu, H.: Exswin-unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Window a...
     with: Wu, H.: Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting Dense...
     with: Wu, H.: Federated Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Proto...
     with: Wu, H.: Incremental Nuclei Segmentation from Histopathological Images ...
     with: Wu, H.: MemSAM: Taming Segment Anything Model for Echocardiography Vid...
     with: Wu, H.: PH-Net: Semi-Supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation via Patch-W...
     with: Wu, H.: PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-Time P...
     with: Wu, H.: VP-SAM: Taming Segment Anything Model for Video Polyp Segmenta...
     with: Wu, H.J.: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervi...
     with: Wu, H.J.: Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
     with: Wu, H.T.: Genuine Knowledge from Practice: Diffusion Test-Time Adaptat...
     with: Wu, J.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Dete...
     with: Wu, J.: Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight Semi...
     with: Wu, L.: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural N...
     with: Wu, Q.: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Vide...
     with: Wu, Q.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Wu, X.J.: WPS-SAM: Towards Weakly-supervised Part Segmentation with Fo...
     with: Wu, Y.: Identifying Pine Wood Nematode Disease Using UAV Images and De...
     with: Wu, Y.: Imitative Non-Autoregressive Modeling for Trajectory Forecasti...
     with: Wu, Z.F.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentati...
     with: Xia, D.: dual channel and spatial attention network for automatic spin...
     with: Xian, L.X.: Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas B...
     with: Xiang, T.Y.: Editing Out-of-Domain GAN Inversion via Differential Acti...
     with: Xiang, T.Z.: Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detectio...
     with: Xiang, X.: Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Imag...
     with: Xiao, C.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Lear...
     with: Xiao, H.: ViT-AMC Network With Adaptive Model Fusion and Multiobjectiv...
     with: Xiao, X.F.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object ...
     with: Xiao, X.F.: Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight ...
     with: Xiao, X.H.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Le...
     with: Xiao, Y.: SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for ...
     with: Xie, G.S.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Xie, G.S.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Xie, H.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Unst...
     with: Xie, H.R.: Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain Str...
     with: Xie, H.R.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Poin...
     with: Xie, J.: Deep Sketch-Shape Hashing With Segmented 3D Stochastic Viewing
     with: Xie, R.: Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging of MIMO Radar via Sp...
     with: Xie, R.: SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Method Based on the Sc...
     with: Xie, W.: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration: ...
     with: Xie, W.: Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
     with: Xie, W.Y.: Surface Reconstruction From Normals: A Robust DGP-Based Dis...
     with: Xie, X.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid ...
     with: Xing, L.: Incomplete Multi-View Clustering via Correntropy and Complem...
     with: Xing, Z.: Learning Diffusion Texture Priors for Image Restoration
     with: Xiong, H.: Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection ...
     with: Xiong, H.: Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence Ana...
     with: Xiong, J.: Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
     with: Xiong, Z.: Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
     with: Xu, B.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video Instr...
     with: Xu, C.: Beat-it: Beat-synchronized Multi-condition 3d Dance Generation
     with: Xu, C.L.: Transformer-empowered Multi-scale Contextual Matching and Ag...
     with: Xu, D.: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervise...
     with: Xu, J.: DHA: Supervised Deep Learning to Hash with an Adaptive Loss Fu...
     with: Xu, J.T.: BEV-LaneDet: An Efficient 3D Lane Detection Based on Virtual...
     with: Xu, L.: Rate Constrained Multiple-QP Optimization for HEVC
     with: Xu, L.L.: Deep Fusion Transformer Network with Weighted Vector-Wise Ke...
     with: Xu, M.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Transr...
     with: Xu, M.: Towards Personalized Statistical Deformable Model and Hybrid P...
     with: Xu, X.: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object De...
     with: Xu, X.: Contextual-Assisted Scratched Photo Restoration
     with: Xu, X.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Xu, X.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network for ...
     with: Xu, X.: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Awar...
     with: Xu, X.: SINet: A Scale-Insensitive Convolutional Neural Network for Fa...
     with: Xu, X.M.: Beat-it: Beat-synchronized Multi-condition 3d Dance Generation
     with: Xu, X.M.: Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attenti...
     with: Xu, X.M.: Hybrid dual Kalman filtering model for short-term traffic fl...
     with: Xu, X.M.: Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain Stre...
     with: Xu, X.M.: SVRGSA: a hybrid learning based model for short-term traffic...
     with: Xu, Y.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalable I...
     with: Xue, G.T.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Yan, J.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object...
     with: Yan, S.: Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint S...
     with: Yan, X.F.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Yan, X.F.: FindNet: Can You Find Me? Boundary-and-Texture Enhancement ...
     with: Yan, Y.C.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Yan, Y.C.: Disaggregation Distillation for Person Search
     with: Yan, Y.C.: Efficient Person Search: An Anchor-Free Approach
     with: Yan, Y.C.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-I...
     with: Yan, Y.C.: Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person ...
     with: Yan, Y.C.: MTA-PS: Towards Practical Person Search in Videos
     with: Yan, Z.Y.: Improved Normed-Deformable Convolution for Crowd Counting, An
     with: Yan, Z.Y.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Model...
     with: Yang, G.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video Ins...
     with: Yang, J.H.: AL-MRIS: An Active Learning-Based Multipath Residual Invol...
     with: Yang, K.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwa...
     with: Yang, K.: Global Performance of a Fast Parameterization Scheme for Est...
     with: Yang, K.: Improvement of the Radiative Transfer Model Component of a L...
     with: Yang, K.: Strict Validation of MODIS Lake Surface Water Temperature on...
     with: Yang, L.: Cross-patch Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-supervised S...
     with: Yang, P.: 3D Multimodal Fusion Network With Disease-Induced Joint Lear...
     with: Yang, P.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Au...
     with: Yang, P.: Proactive Monitoring via Jamming in Amplify-and-Forward Rela...
     with: Yang, S.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Model ...
     with: Yang, X.: 3D FractalNet: Dense Volumetric Segmentation for Cardiovascu...
     with: Yang, X.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Tran...
     with: Yang, X.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetr...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Efficient Person Search: An Anchor-Free Approach
     with: Yang, X.K.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-...
     with: Yang, Y.: Imitative Non-Autoregressive Modeling for Trajectory Forecas...
     with: Yang, Y.: Semantics-Aware Spatial-Temporal Binaries for Cross-Modal Vi...
     with: Yang, Y.J.: Genuine Knowledge from Practice: Diffusion Test-Time Adapt...
     with: Yang, Y.T.: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture from Thermal Infrared ...
     with: Yao, L.: Filling Gaps of Monthly Terra/MODIS Daytime Land Surface Temp...
     with: Yao, Y.: Multi-modal and multi-layout discriminative learning for plac...
     with: Yao, Y.Z.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Yao, Y.Z.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Ye, Q.L.: Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature Re...
     with: Ye, T.: Learning Diffusion Texture Priors for Image Restoration
     with: Yi, D.S.: Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urba...
     with: Yi, D.S.: Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry D...
     with: Yi, D.S.: PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Percep...
     with: Yin, W.: New Detail-Preserving Regularization Scheme, A
     with: Ying, T.C.: MTA-PS: Towards Practical Person Search in Videos
     with: Yu, B.: Multi-Level Spatial Analysis for Change Detection of Urban Veg...
     with: Yu, C.Y.: Incomplete Multi-View Clustering via Correntropy and Complem...
     with: Yu, L.: Automated Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images via Very D...
     with: Yu, L.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images via...
     with: Yu, L.: Towards Automated Semantic Segmentation in Prenatal Volumetric...
     with: Yu, L.Q.: 3D FractalNet: Dense Volumetric Segmentation for Cardiovascu...
     with: Yu, L.Q.: Data Discernment for Affordable Training in Medical Image Se...
     with: Yu, L.Q.: Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network With Online Masked Autoen...
     with: Yu, L.Q.: SV-RCNet: Workflow Recognition From Surgical Videos Using Re...
     with: Yu, M.Y.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Yu, M.Y.: Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
     with: Yu, M.Y.: Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence Anal...
     with: Yu, R.S.: Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network With Online Masked Autoen...
     with: Yu, S.Y.: Granger Causality Analysis Based on Quantized Minimum Error ...
     with: Yu, W.J.: Does Regional Urbanization Promote Balanced Land Development...
     with: Yu, W.L.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learning...
     with: Yu, W.L.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Re...
     with: Yu, Z.: deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classificati...
     with: Yu, Z.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features for ...
     with: Yuan, F.: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration:...
     with: Yuan, J.H.: Deep-Learning-Based Rice Phenological Stage Recognition
     with: Yuan, Y.X.: MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology ...
     with: Zeng, F.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network fo...
     with: Zeng, J.C.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmenta...
     with: Zeng, R.: MemSAM: Taming Segment Anything Model for Echocardiography V...
     with: Zeng, X.: Joint Beamforming and Antenna Subarray Formation for MIMO Co...
     with: Zhang, B.: 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context G...
     with: Zhang, B.M.: Federated Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via ...
     with: Zhang, C.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and R...
     with: Zhang, C.M.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learn...
     with: Zhang, D.: Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Ba...
     with: Zhang, D.F.: Game-Based Battery Swapping Station Recommendation Approa...
     with: Zhang, D.M.: Unilaterally Aggregated Contrastive Learning with Hierarc...
     with: Zhang, D.M.: Video Anomaly Detection by Solving Decoupled Spatio-Tempo...
     with: Zhang, G.: Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Rel...
     with: Zhang, H.: Contextual-Assisted Scratched Photo Restoration
     with: Zhang, H.: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-A...
     with: Zhang, H.: Larger Receptive Field Based RGB Visual Relocalization Meth...
     with: Zhang, H.D.: Beat-it: Beat-synchronized Multi-condition 3d Dance Gener...
     with: Zhang, H.D.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network...
     with: Zhang, H.Q.: CNet: A Novel Seabed Coral Reef Image Segmentation Approa...
     with: Zhang, H.Q.: MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology...
     with: Zhang, J.: Exploring the Inter-Monthly Dynamic Patterns of Chinese Urb...
     with: Zhang, J.: Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry ...
     with: Zhang, J.: PM2SFCA: Spatial Access to Urban Parks, Based on Park Perce...
     with: Zhang, J.J.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segment...
     with: Zhang, K.: Contextual-Assisted Scratched Photo Restoration
     with: Zhang, L.: Semi-supervised local multi-manifold Isomap by linear embed...
     with: Zhang, L.M.: Cross-scene target detection based on feature adaptation ...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Zhang, Q.: Joint Beamforming and Antenna Subarray Formation for MIMO C...
     with: Zhang, Q.: PH-Net: Semi-Supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation via Patc...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Proactive Monitoring via Jamming in Amplify-and-Forward Rel...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Relay Beamforming for Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Antenna Rel...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Robust AN-Aided Secure Transmission Scheme in MISO Channels...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Robust Coverless Steganography Scheme Using Camouflage Imag...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization for Downlink MIMO Nonorthogon...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Secure Beamforming in Downlink MIMO Nonorthogonal Multiple ...
     with: Zhang, Q.L.: Study on the Polarization Pattern Induced by Wavy Water S...
     with: Zhang, R.: WPS-SAM: Towards Weakly-supervised Part Segmentation with F...
     with: Zhang, S.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video In...
     with: Zhang, W.J.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learn...
     with: Zhang, W.J.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and...
     with: Zhang, W.T.: Domesticating SAM for Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentatio...
     with: Zhang, X.: Interactive Road Situation Analysis for Driver Assistance a...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: FindNet: Can You Find Me? Boundary-and-Texture Enhancemen...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Po...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Genuine Knowledge from Practice: Diffusion Test-Time Adapta...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Research on Shore-Based River Flow Velocity Inversion Model...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Semi-supervised local multi-manifold Isomap by linear embed...
     with: Zhang, Y.K.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Po...
     with: Zhang, Y.T.: 3D Multi-Attention Guided Multi-Task Learning Network for...
     with: Zhang, Y.W.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learn...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Zhang, Z.: Compressive Sequential Learning for Action Similarity Label...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Deep RL-Based Algorithm for Coordinated Charging of Electri...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalabl...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
     with: Zhang, Z.: MITPose: Multi-Granularity Feature Interaction for Human Po...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Zhang, Z.: Robust Adaptive Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Feature R...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-SVD by Joint...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Semi-supervised local multi-manifold Isomap by linear embed...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Visual-Semantic Aligned Bidirectional Network for Zero-Shot...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized an...
     with: Zhang, Z.H.: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient ob...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Cross-view action recognition via transductive transfer l...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Object Classification in Traffic Scene Surveillance Based...
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Study on the Polarization Pattern Induced by Wavy Water S...
     with: Zhao, F.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Zhao, H.R.: Spatial-Spectral-Associative Contrastive Learning for Sate...
     with: Zhao, L.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwa...
     with: Zhao, L.: Automatic Detection of Cerebral Microbleeds From MR Images v...
     with: Zhao, L.: Improvement of the Radiative Transfer Model Component of a L...
     with: Zhao, P.C.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmenta...
     with: Zhao, P.J.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features ...
     with: Zhao, S.: Secrecy Sum Rate Optimization for Downlink MIMO Nonorthogona...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Multi-level augmented inpainting network using spatial simil...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Multi-scale attention network for image inpainting
     with: Zhao, Y.Z.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Sub...
     with: Zhao, Z.B.: Continual Nuclei Segmentation via Prototype-Wise Relation ...
     with: Zhao, Z.B.: PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-Ti...
     with: Zheng, C.X.: Beat-it: Beat-synchronized Multi-condition 3d Dance Gener...
     with: Zheng, F.: Breast Cancer Classification From Digital Pathology Images ...
     with: Zheng, F.Y.: Distilling heterogeneous knowledge with aligned biologica...
     with: Zheng, M.: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object D...
     with: Zheng, M.: Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight S...
     with: Zheng, N.: Interactive Road Situation Analysis for Driver Assistance a...
     with: Zheng, N.N.: 3D Scene Graph Generation From Point Clouds
     with: Zheng, P.: Efficient Person Search: An Anchor-Free Approach
     with: Zheng, P.: GCoNet+: A Stronger Group Collaborative Co-Salient Object D...
     with: Zheng, P.: MTA-PS: Towards Practical Person Search in Videos
     with: Zheng, Q.Q.: Sparse Support Matrix Machine
     with: Zheng, S.: Puff-Net: Efficient Style Transfer with Pure Content and St...
     with: Zheng, W.S.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dyna...
     with: Zhong, J.: CNet: A Novel Seabed Coral Reef Image Segmentation Approach...
     with: Zhong, J.: Larger Receptive Field Based RGB Visual Relocalization Meth...
     with: Zhong, J.F.: PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-T...
     with: Zhong, X.: Improved Normed-Deformable Convolution for Crowd Counting, An
     with: Zhou, B.C.: Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
     with: Zhou, D.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-A...
     with: Zhou, F.: deeply supervised residual network for HEp-2 cell classifica...
     with: Zhou, H.: Geometry and Learning Co-Supported Normal Estimation for Uns...
     with: Zhou, H.R.: Adaptive Graph Convolution for Point Cloud Analysis
     with: Zhou, H.R.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Zhou, H.R.: Refine-Net: Normal Refinement Neural Network for Noisy Poi...
     with: Zhou, J.: Deep Fusion Transformer Network with Weighted Vector-Wise Ke...
     with: Zhou, J.: Novel Channel Estimation for Non-orthogonal Multiple Access ...
     with: Zhou, J.H.: Multi-Level Spatial Analysis for Change Detection of Urban...
     with: Zhou, L.: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Land Subsi...
     with: Zhou, L.: Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Bas...
     with: Zhou, N.: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Vi...
     with: Zhou, N.: Robust High-Order Manifold Constrained Sparse Principal Comp...
     with: Zhou, P.: Puff-Net: Efficient Style Transfer with Pure Content and Sty...
     with: Zhou, Q.C.: XBound-Former: Toward Cross-Scale Boundary Modeling in Tra...
     with: Zhou, T.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental Su...
     with: Zhou, T.: Hybrid dual Kalman filtering model for short-term traffic fl...
     with: Zhou, T.: SVRGSA: a hybrid learning based model for short-term traffic...
     with: Zhou, W.M.: Automatic Detection of Tooth-Gingiva Trim Lines on Dental ...
     with: Zhou, W.Q.: Does Regional Urbanization Promote Balanced Land Developme...
     with: Zhou, W.T.: Contextualized Relation Predictive Model for Self-Supervis...
     with: Zhou, Y.: EFSCNN: Encoded Feature Sphere Convolution Neural Network fo...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Anal...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
     with: Zhu, F.: Anchor-Free Person Search
     with: Zhu, F.: Attentive Region Embedding Network for Zero-Shot Learning
     with: Zhu, F.: Auto-Encoding Twin-Bottleneck Hashing
     with: Zhu, F.: Deep Sketch-Shape Hashing With Segmented 3D Stochastic Viewing
     with: Zhu, F.: Embarrassingly Simple Binary Representation Learning
     with: Zhu, F.: Generalized Method for Binary Optimization: Convergence Analy...
     with: Zhu, F.: Highly-Economized Multi-view Binary Compression for Scalable ...
     with: Zhu, F.: Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows
     with: Zhu, F.: Joint Generative Model for Zero-Shot Learning, A
     with: Zhu, F.: Layer-wise Conditioning Analysis in Exploring the Learning Dy...
     with: Zhu, F.: Learning Attentive and Hierarchical Representations for 3D Sh...
     with: Zhu, F.: Learning Multi-Attention Context Graph for Group-Based Re-Ide...
     with: Zhu, F.: Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person Re...
     with: Zhu, F.: Normalization Techniques in Training DNNs: Methodology, Analy...
     with: Zhu, F.: P2-Net: Joint Description and Detection of Local Features for...
     with: Zhu, F.: Projection based weight normalization: Efficient method for o...
     with: Zhu, F.: Region Graph Embedding Network for Zero-shot Learning
     with: Zhu, F.: TBN: Convolutional Neural Network with Ternary Inputs and Bin...
     with: Zhu, F.: Zero-VAE-GAN: Generating Unseen Features for Generalized and ...
     with: Zhu, F.Y.: Sparse Support Matrix Machine
     with: Zhu, H.C.: Identifying Pine Wood Nematode Disease Using UAV Images and...
     with: Zhu, H.W.: FindNet: Can You Find Me? Boundary-and-Texture Enhancement ...
     with: Zhu, H.Y.: SAR Image Automatic Target Recognition Method Based on the ...
     with: Zhu, L.: ?-Net: Stacking Densely Convolutional LSTMs for Sub-Cortical ...
     with: Zhu, L.: Aggregating Attentional Dilated Features for Salient Object D...
     with: Zhu, L.: Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwav...
     with: Zhu, L.: Bidirectional Feature Pyramid Network with Recurrent Attentio...
     with: Zhu, L.: Deep Attentive Features for Prostate Segmentation in 3D Trans...
     with: Zhu, L.: Deep Multi-Model Fusion for Single-Image Dehazing
     with: Zhu, L.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection
     with: Zhu, L.: Direction-Aware Spatial Context Features for Shadow Detection...
     with: Zhu, L.: Genuine Knowledge from Practice: Diffusion Test-Time Adaptati...
     with: Zhu, L.: Learning Diffusion Texture Priors for Image Restoration
     with: Zhu, L.: Learning Gated Non-Local Residual for Single-Image Rain Strea...
     with: Zhu, L.: Measurement of Solar Absolute Brightness Temperature Using a ...
     with: Zhu, L.: Observing the Microwave Radiation of the Sun during a Solar E...
     with: Zhu, L.: Rethinking Video Rain Streak Removal: A New Synthesis Model a...
     with: Zhu, L.: Segmentation of Overlapping Cytoplasm in Cervical Smear Image...
     with: Zhu, L.: Triple-cooperative Video Shadow Detection
     with: Zhu, L.: Ultrasound Speckle Reduction via L0 Minimization
     with: Zhu, L.: Video-Instrument Synergistic Network for Referring Video Inst...
     with: Zhu, M.: MGIML: Cancer Grading With Incomplete Radiology-Pathology Dat...
     with: Zhu, X.: Assessment of Land Desertification and Its Drivers in Semi-Ar...
     with: Zhu, Z.: AGConv: Adaptive Graph Convolution on 3D Point Clouds
     with: Zhu, Z.: Surface Deformation Mechanism Analysis in Shanghai Areas Base...
     with: Zhu, Z.: SVDFormer: Complementing Point Cloud via Self-view Augmentati...
     with: Zhuang, C.: CDFormer: When Degradation Prediction Embraces Diffusion M...
     with: Zhuang, Z.: Magnetic Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Orthogon...
     with: Zhuo, K.: Evaluating Maize Residue Cover Using Machine Learning and Re...
     with: Zhuo, K.Z.: Comparative Analysis of Tillage Indices and Machine Learni...
     with: Zou, B.: Cross-scene target detection based on feature adaptation and ...
     with: Zou, J.: MITPose: Multi-Granularity Feature Interaction for Human Pose...
     with: Zuo, H.: XJU1: A Chinese Ethnic Minorities Face Database
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Improved Normed-Deformable Convolution for Crowd Counting, An
1109 for Qin, J.

Qin, J.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, K.L.: Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Clas...
     with: Liu, B.: Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Classi...
     with: Liu, B.: Self-Supervised Denoising for Real Satellite Hyperspectral Im...
     with: Tan, X.: Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Classi...
     with: Yu, X.C.: Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Class...
     with: Zhang, P.Q.: Deep Relation Network for Hyperspectral Image Few-Shot Cl...
     with: Zhao, H.R.: Self-Supervised Denoising for Real Satellite Hyperspectral...
7 for Qin, J.C.

Qin, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Du, J.: Adaptive Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Event-Triggered Contr...
     with: Li, J.: Adaptive Finite-Time Trajectory Tracking Event-Triggered Contr...
     with: Wan, R.: Intercomparison of Cloud Vertical Structures over Four Differ...
     with: Wan, X.: Intercomparison of Cloud Vertical Structures over Four Differ...
     with: Xu, G.R.: Intercomparison of Cloud Vertical Structures over Four Diffe...
     with: Yi, L.: Intercomparison of Cloud Vertical Structures over Four Differe...
     with: Zheng, J.F.: Intercomparison of Cloud Vertical Structures over Four Di...
7 for Qin, J.F.

Qin, J.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agustsson, E.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smart...
     with: Bao, L.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Chai, R.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion ...
     with: Chai, R.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Chen, J.H.: privacy-preserving image retrieval method based on deep le...
     with: Chen, K.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Chen, Q.P.: ALAN: Self-Attention Is Not All You Need for Image Super-R...
     with: Chen, T.S.: Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Towards An End-to-End Framework for Flow-Guided Video Inp...
     with: Choi, J.S.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Dai, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Dan, Z.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: de Stoutz, E.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smart...
     with: Deng, L.R.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Dong, C.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Dong, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Du, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: El Sakka, M.R.: new wavelet-based method for contrast-edge enhancement...
     with: Feng, R.C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Feng, R.C.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Gao, Q.Q.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Geng, M.R.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Gu, S.H.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Guo, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Guo, C.L.: Towards An End-to-End Framework for Flow-Guided Video Inpai...
     with: Han, B.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Hu, F.S.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Hu, J.H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Huang, J.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Huang, Z.Z.: Stripe Observation Guided Inference Cost-free Attention M...
     with: Huang, Z.Z.: Understanding Self-attention Mechanism via Dynamical Syst...
     with: Hui, Z.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Ignatov, A.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartph...
     with: Jiang, J.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Meth...
     with: Jiang, K.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Jin, X.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Jin, Z.X.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion...
     with: Jo, H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: Jung, C.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Kandula, P.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartph...
     with: Kim, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Kim, M.C.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Kim, Y.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Kobyshev, N.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartp...
     with: Kong, X.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Li, C.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Li, G.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones:...
     with: Li, H.: Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Learning
     with: Li, R.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: Li, X.M.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Li, Y.W.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Li, Z.: Towards An End-to-End Framework for Flow-Guided Video Inpainting
     with: Liang, M.: Understanding Self-attention Mechanism via Dynamical System...
     with: Lin, L.: Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-Lab...
     with: Lin, L.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Lin, L.: Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Learning
     with: Lin, L.: Stripe Observation Guided Inference Cost-free Attention Mecha...
     with: Lin, L.: Understanding Self-attention Mechanism via Dynamical System P...
     with: Liu, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Liu, H.W.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Liu, J.: Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-Lab...
     with: Liu, J.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Liu, Q.A.: Coverless real-time image information hiding based on image...
     with: Liu, Z.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Loy, C.C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Lu, C.Z.: Towards An End-to-End Framework for Flow-Guided Video Inpain...
     with: Luo, W.H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Luo, Y.J.: Coverless Image Steganography Based on Multi-Object Recogni...
     with: Luo, Y.J.: Coverless real-time image information hiding based on image...
     with: Luu, T.M.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Ma, W.T.: privacy-preserving image retrieval method based on deep lear...
     with: Madam, N.T.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartph...
     with: Meng, R.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Michelini, P.N.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Sma...
     with: Nguyen, C.V.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartp...
     with: Nie, K.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Pan, J.S.: Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Lear...
     with: Park, H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Pham, T.X.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Pu, T.: Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-Labe...
     with: Qiao, M.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Qiao, Y.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Qin, J.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion I...
     with: Qin, P.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion I...
     with: Qin, P.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on S...
     with: Ran, J.W.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Ruan, W.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Shi, Y.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Shi, Y.: Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Learning
     with: Song, S.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Sun, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Sun, H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Tan, G.: Enhancing Vision and Language Navigation With Prompt-Based Sc...
     with: Tan, J.F.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Tan, Y.: Coverless Image Steganography Based on Multi-Object Recognition
     with: Tan, Y.: Coverless real-time image information hiding based on image b...
     with: Tan, Y.: privacy-preserving image retrieval method based on deep learn...
     with: Timofte, R.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartph...
     with: Tong, T.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smar...
     with: Vasu, S.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Vu, T.V.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Wang, J.: privacy-preserving image retrieval method based on deep lear...
     with: Wang, P.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Wang, W.: Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-La...
     with: Wang, X.M.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Wang, Z.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Wei, P.X.: Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Lear...
     with: Wen, W.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones...
     with: Wen, W.: SPEM: Self-adaptive Pooling Enhanced Attention Module for Ima...
     with: Wen, W.: Stripe Observation Guided Inference Cost-free Attention Mecha...
     with: Wen, W.S.: ALAN: Self-Attention Is Not All You Need for Image Super-Re...
     with: Wu, J.L.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Wu, S.X.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Xi Ang, X.: Coverless real-time image information hiding based on imag...
     with: Xiang, L.Y.: Coverless real-time image information hiding based on ima...
     with: Xiang, X.: Coverless Image Steganography Based on Multi-Object Recogni...
     with: Xiang, X.Y.: privacy-preserving image retrieval method based on deep l...
     with: Xiao, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Xing, C.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Xing, X.X.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Xue, Y.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Yang, J.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Yang, P.Q.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Yang, Z.J.: Dynamic Correlation Learning and Regularization for Multi-...
     with: Yang, Z.J.: Real-World Image Super-Resolution by Exclusionary Dual-Lea...
     with: Yue, Z.S.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Zhan, Z.H.: Enhancing Vision and Language Navigation With Prompt-Based...
     with: Zhao, Y.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphone...
     with: Zhong, S.S.: SPEM: Self-adaptive Pooling Enhanced Attention Module for...
     with: Zhong, S.S.: Stripe Observation Guided Inference Cost-free Attention M...
     with: Zhong, S.S.: Understanding Self-attention Mechanism via Dynamical Syst...
     with: Zhou, S.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Zhou, X.G.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartpho...
     with: Zhu, P.F.: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphon...
     with: Zhuo, W.: Enhancing Vision and Language Navigation With Prompt-Based S...
137 for Qin, J.H.

Qin, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, E.H.: fast partial distortion search algorithm for motion estimat...
     with: Liu, E.H.: Improved SAP based on adaptive directional prediction for H...
     with: Poolla, K.: Mobile Storage for Demand Charge Reduction
     with: Varaiya, P.: Mobile Storage for Demand Charge Reduction
     with: Xia, X.P.: fast partial distortion search algorithm for motion estimat...
     with: Xia, X.P.: Improved SAP based on adaptive directional prediction for H...

Qin, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fan, D.L.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Imag...
     with: Fu, B.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Images ...
     with: Gao, E.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Images...
     with: He, H.J.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mate...
     with: Jiang, Y.K.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using M...
     with: Li, S.Z.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Image...
     with: Luo, C.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mater...
     with: Niu, T.Y.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mat...
     with: Qin, W.J.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mat...
     with: Tsui, T.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mate...
     with: Wang, L.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mate...
     with: Xie, S.Y.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Imag...
     with: Xie, Y.Q.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mat...
     with: Xue, Y.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mater...
     with: Yang, P.F.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Ma...
     with: Yao, H.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Images...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Combination of Hyperspectral and Quad-Polarization SAR Imag...
17 for Qin, J.L.

Qin, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, Y.: FastFaceCLIP: A lightweight text-driven high-quality face ima...
     with: Ma, Q.L.: FastFaceCLIP: A lightweight text-driven high-quality face im...
     with: Ma, Q.L.: Stealthy Frequency-Domain Backdoor Attacks: Fourier Decompos...
     with: Ren, J.Q.: FastFaceCLIP: A lightweight text-driven high-quality face i...
     with: Sun, H.: Stealthy Frequency-Domain Backdoor Attacks: Fourier Decomposi...
     with: Wang, L.: Stealthy Frequency-Domain Backdoor Attacks: Fourier Decompos...
     with: Yan, K.: Stealthy Frequency-Domain Backdoor Attacks: Fourier Decomposi...
7 for Qin, J.P.

Qin, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, Y.: Hole Filling of Single Building Point Cloud Considering Loc...
     with: Min, X.Q.: Hole Filling of Single Building Point Cloud Considering Loc...
     with: Sheng, Y.: Hole Filling of Single Building Point Cloud Considering Loc...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Hole Filling of Single Building Point Cloud Considering Lo...
     with: Zhang, K.: Hole Filling of Single Building Point Cloud Considering Loc...

Qin, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.Y.: Real-Time Video Matting Based on RVM and Mobile ViT
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: Real-Time Video Matting Based on RVM and Mobile ViT
     with: Wu, C.Y.: Real-Time Video Matting Based on RVM and Mobile ViT
     with: Zhan, A.: Real-Time Video Matting Based on RVM and Mobile ViT

Qin, J.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baek, I.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform ...
     with: Chan, D.E.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platfor...
     with: Hisadome, Y.: Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi...
     with: Kim, G.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform t...
     with: Kim, M.S.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platform...
     with: Pachepsky, Y.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Plat...
     with: Shimoyama, T.: Learning-by-Novel-View-Synthesis for Full-Face Appearan...
     with: Smith, J.E.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Platfo...
     with: Stocker, M.D.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating Plat...
     with: Sugano, Y.: Learning-by-Novel-View-Synthesis for Full-Face Appearance-...
     with: Sugano, Y.: Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-V...
     with: van Tassell, A.L.: Hyperspectral Imaging from a Multipurpose Floating ...
     with: Wu, T.Y.: Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-Vie...
13 for Qin, J.W.

Qin, J.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahmed, Z.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Source...
     with: Ali, S.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Source W...
     with: Azmat, M.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Source...
     with: Castro Pareja, C.R.: Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3...
     with: Chen, Y.N.: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in the...
     with: Chen, Y.N.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Sourc...
     with: Chen, Z.: Design of Scanning Units for the Underwater Circumferential-...
     with: Duan, W.: Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively en...
     with: Ghaffar, A.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Sour...
     with: Gu, Y.M.: Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Fiel...
     with: He, B.: Incremental Road Network Update Method with Trajectory Data an...
     with: Hong, H.R.: Automatic Extraction of Water Inundation Areas Using Senti...
     with: Hu, S.S.: Automatic Extraction of Water Inundation Areas Using Sentine...
     with: Huang, J.: Broadband Source Localization Using Asynchronous Distribute...
     with: Huang, W.J.: Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively...
     with: Jin, R.: Integrating Gaussian Mixture Dual-Clustering and DBSCAN for E...
     with: Kayumba, P.M.: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in ...
     with: Kayumba, P.M.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-So...
     with: Li, H.: Broadband Source Localization Using Asynchronous Distributed H...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in the A...
     with: Li, Z.L.: Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Fiel...
     with: Lin, J.Y.: Suppressing Shot Noise Using Quadratic Variable Step-Size Q...
     with: Lu, S.Z.: Suppressing Shot Noise Using Quadratic Variable Step-Size Qu...
     with: Meng, X.Y.: Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively ...
     with: Mind'je, R.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Sour...
     with: Ren, J.: Automatic Extraction of Water Inundation Areas Using Sentinel...
     with: Ren, J.C.: Automatic Extraction of Water Inundation Areas Using Sentin...
     with: Shekhar, R.: Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Echoc...
     with: Song, J.M.: Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Echoca...
     with: Sun, F.: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in the Ar...
     with: Tan, Y.: Design of Scanning Units for the Underwater Circumferential-S...
     with: Tang, L.: Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively en...
     with: Tariq, A.: Long-Term Performance Evaluation of the Latest Multi-Source...
     with: Walimbe, V.: Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Echoc...
     with: Wan, Y.L.: Integrating Gaussian Mixture Dual-Clustering and DBSCAN for...
     with: Wan, Y.L.: TOST: A Topological Semantic Model for GPS Trajectories Ins...
     with: Wang, F.Q.: Image similarity-based gap filling method can effectively ...
     with: Wang, M.Y.: Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Fi...
     with: Wang, Y.: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in the A...
     with: Wang, Y.: Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Fiel...
     with: Wu, S.L.: Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Fiel...
     with: Wu, T.: Incremental Road Network Update Method with Trajectory Data an...
     with: Wu, T.: Integrating Gaussian Mixture Dual-Clustering and DBSCAN for Ex...
     with: Wu, T.: TOST: A Topological Semantic Model for GPS Trajectories Inside...
     with: Wu, Y.S.: Mesoscale Eddy Effects on Vertical Correlation of Sound Fiel...
     with: Xiang, L.G.: Incremental Road Network Update Method with Trajectory Da...
     with: Xiao, T.: Integrating Gaussian Mixture Dual-Clustering and DBSCAN for ...
     with: Xu, G.B.: Design of Scanning Units for the Underwater Circumferential-...
     with: Xu, Z.: Broadband Source Localization Using Asynchronous Distributed H...
     with: Yang, K.: Broadband Source Localization Using Asynchronous Distributed...
     with: Yang, W.J.: Incremental Road Network Update Method with Trajectory Dat...
     with: Zagrodsky, V.: Registration-Assisted Segmentation of Real-Time 3-D Ech...
     with: Zha, B.T.: Design of Scanning Units for the Underwater Circumferential...
     with: Zhang, H.: Design of Scanning Units for the Underwater Circumferential...
     with: Zhang, Q.F.: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in th...
     with: Zhao, H.M.: Automatic Extraction of Water Inundation Areas Using Senti...
56 for Qin, J.X.

Qin, J.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, J.Y.: Study on the Relationship between Groundwater and Land Subs...
     with: Cao, Y.F.: Study on the Relationship between Groundwater and Land Subs...
     with: Chen, F.: Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
     with: Chen, L.: Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for Den...
     with: Chen, S.L.: Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
     with: Chen, S.L.: Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for D...
     with: Fang, Z.Y.: Semi-supervised domain adaptation via subspace exploration
     with: Fei, L.: Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Moda...
     with: Fei, L.: Joint Specifics and Consistency Hash Learning for Large-Scale...
     with: Fei, L.: Jointly Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palmpri...
     with: Gong, S.G.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Res...
     with: Han, Z.: Learning Correction Filter via Degradation-Adaptive Regressio...
     with: Han, Z.: Semi-supervised domain adaptation via subspace exploration
     with: He, Y.: Study on the Relationship between Groundwater and Land Subside...
     with: Hong, J.C.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Res...
     with: Huang, G.F.: Joint Time Switching and Power Allocation for Multicarrie...
     with: Huang, J.L.: Robust Parallel Analog Function Computation via Wireless ...
     with: Huang, S.: Robust Proactive Monitoring via Jamming With Deterministica...
     with: Jiao, J.N.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Res...
     with: Jin, Z.X.: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual...
     with: Lai, J.H.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Reso...
     with: Li, D.R.: Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine UAV...
     with: Li, D.R.: Survey on Visual Navigation and Positioning for Autonomous U...
     with: Li, M.: Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of ORB-SL...
     with: Li, M.: Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine UAV R...
     with: Li, M.: Combining Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Semantic Segment...
     with: Li, M.: Real-Time Infrared Stereo Matching Algorithm for RGB-D Cameras...
     with: Li, M.: Revolutionize the Oceanic Drone RGB Imagery with Pioneering Su...
     with: Li, M.: Survey on Visual Navigation and Positioning for Autonomous UUV...
     with: Li, Q.Z.: Robust Parallel Analog Function Computation via Wireless Mul...
     with: Li, Q.Z.: Robust Proactive Monitoring via Jamming With Deterministical...
     with: Liang, M.: Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
     with: Liang, M.: HFENet: Hybrid Feature Enhancement Network for Detecting Te...
     with: Liang, M.: LayoutFormer: Hierarchical Text Detection Towards Scene Tex...
     with: Liang, M.: Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for De...
     with: Liao, X.: Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of ORB-...
     with: Liao, X.: Real-Time Infrared Stereo Matching Algorithm for RGB-D Camer...
     with: Liu, D.N.: Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Mo...
     with: Liu, P.: Jointly Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palmpri...
     with: Ma, J.W.: Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
     with: Ma, J.W.: LayoutFormer: Hierarchical Text Detection Towards Scene Text...
     with: Ma, J.W.: Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for Den...
     with: Ouyang, L.: Study on the Relationship between Groundwater and Land Sub...
     with: Teng, S.H.: Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-M...
     with: Tian, C.W.: Jointly Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palm...
     with: Tian, S.: Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
     with: Tian, S.: Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for Den...
     with: Wen, J.: Joint Specifics and Consistency Hash Learning for Large-Scale...
     with: Wen, J.: Jointly Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palmpri...
     with: Wu, A.C.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Resol...
     with: Wu, H.: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual Qu...
     with: Wu, Y.C.: Variational Inference-based Joint Interference Mitigation an...
     with: Xiao, L.: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual ...
     with: Xu, Y.: Joint Specifics and Consistency Hash Learning for Large-Scale ...
     with: Yang, C.: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual ...
     with: Yang, C.: Semi-supervised domain adaptation via subspace exploration
     with: Yang, K.: Survey on Visual Navigation and Positioning for Autonomous U...
     with: Yin, X.C.: Depth-Guided Progressive Network for Object Detection
     with: Yin, X.C.: HFENet: Hybrid Feature Enhancement Network for Detecting Te...
     with: Yin, X.C.: LayoutFormer: Hierarchical Text Detection Towards Scene Tex...
     with: Yin, X.C.: Learning Correction Filter via Degradation-Adaptive Regress...
     with: Yin, X.C.: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual...
     with: Yin, X.C.: Sample Weighting with Hierarchical Equalization Loss for De...
     with: Yin, X.C.: Semi-supervised domain adaptation via subspace exploration
     with: Yuan, H.L.: Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-M...
     with: Zhang, B.: Jointly Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palmp...
     with: Zhang, D.: Joint Specifics and Consistency Hash Learning for Large-Sca...
     with: Zhang, H.Q.: Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine ...
     with: Zhang, H.Q.: Combining Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Semantic Se...
     with: Zhang, H.Q.: Revolutionize the Oceanic Drone RGB Imagery with Pioneeri...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Joint Time Switching and Power Allocation for Multicarrier ...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Robust Parallel Analog Function Computation via Wireless Mu...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Robust Proactive Monitoring via Jamming With Deterministica...
     with: Zhang, S.X.: Learning Correction Filter via Degradation-Adaptive Regre...
     with: Zhang, W.: Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-Mo...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Joint Specifics and Consistency Hash Learning for Large-Sca...
     with: Zhao, G.P.: Discrete Semantic Matrix Factorization Hashing for Cross-M...
     with: Zhao, J.: Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine UAV...
     with: Zhao, J.: Revolutionize the Oceanic Drone RGB Imagery with Pioneering ...
     with: Zhao, S.P.: Jointly Learning Multiple Curvature Descriptor for 3D Palm...
     with: Zhao, Z.F.: Study on the Relationship between Groundwater and Land Sub...
     with: Zheng, W.S.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Re...
     with: Zhong, J.G.: Accumulative Errors Optimization for Visual Odometry of O...
     with: Zhong, J.G.: Advancing sun glint correction in high-resolution marine ...
     with: Zhong, J.G.: Combining Photogrammetric Computer Vision and Semantic Se...
     with: Zhong, J.G.: Real-Time Infrared Stereo Matching Algorithm for RGB-D Ca...
     with: Zhong, J.G.: Revolutionize the Oceanic Drone RGB Imagery with Pioneeri...
     with: Zhong, J.G.: Survey on Visual Navigation and Positioning for Autonomou...
     with: Zhou, D.: Study on the Relationship between Groundwater and Land Subsi...
     with: Zhou, F.: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual ...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: HFENet: Hybrid Feature Enhancement Network for Detecting T...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: Learning Correction Filter via Degradation-Adaptive Regres...
     with: Zhou, J.R.: Variational Inference-based Joint Interference Mitigation ...
     with: Zhu, J.Q.: Learning Correction Filter via Degradation-Adaptive Regress...
     with: Zhu, X.B.: HFENet: Hybrid Feature Enhancement Network for Detecting Te...
     with: Zhu, X.B.: LayoutFormer: Hierarchical Text Detection Towards Scene Tex...
     with: Zhu, X.B.: Learning Correction Filter via Degradation-Adaptive Regress...
     with: Zhu, X.B.: Semi-supervised domain adaptation via subspace exploration
     with: Zhu, X.T.: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Reso...
99 for Qin, J.Y.

Qin, J.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Deng, F.: Scene categorization based on local-global feature fusion an...
     with: Huang, S.: Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extr...
     with: Li, M.: Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extract...
     with: Li, Y.Q.: Improved Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine Based Transl...
     with: Liu, X.W.: Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extr...
     with: Song, G.Q.: Method of railway shunting operation sheet information ext...
     with: Yung, N.H.C.: Category-specific incremental visual codebook training f...
     with: Yung, N.H.C.: Feature fusion within local region using localized maxim...
     with: Yung, N.H.C.: Scene categorization based on local-global feature fusio...
     with: Yung, N.H.C.: Scene Categorization by Introducing Contextual Informati...
     with: Yung, N.H.C.: Scene categorization via contextual visual words
     with: Zhang, B.J.: Method of railway shunting operation sheet information ex...
     with: Zhang, L.: Method of railway shunting operation sheet information extr...
13 for Qin, J.Z.

Qin, K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alberti, C.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine ...
     with: Bai, Y.: Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extreme...
     with: Bai, Y.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-Easte...
     with: Bai, Y.: Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for G...
     with: Bi, Q.: Deep Multiple Instance Convolutional Neural Networks for Learn...
     with: Bi, Q.: Landscape Patterns and Building Functions for Urban Land-Use C...
     with: Bi, Q.: Local Semantic Enhanced ConvNet for Aerial Scene Recognition
     with: Bi, Q.: Multi-Scale Filtering Building Index for Building Extraction i...
     with: Bi, Q.: Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Network f...
     with: Bi, Q.: Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scene C...
     with: Bian, Z.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Bilal, M.: Estimation of Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentration Based...
     with: Campbell, J.R.: Editorial for Special Issue High Resolution Active Opt...
     with: Cao, L.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggr...
     with: Chang, J.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned ...
     with: Che, Y.H.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Base...
     with: Chen, C.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of E...
     with: Chen, D.H.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai T...
     with: Chen, P.H.: Attention-Guided Siamese Fusion Network for Change Detecti...
     with: Chen, X.J.: Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentrati...
     with: Chen, Y.J.: Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentrati...
     with: Chen, Y.X.: Detecting Anomalous Trajectories and Behavior Patterns Usi...
     with: Chen, Y.X.: Feature Modelling of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images...
     with: Cohen, J.B.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China...
     with: Cui, F.Z.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7....
     with: Cui, J.Y.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared ...
     with: Cui, W.H.: Landscape Patterns and Building Functions for Urban Land-Us...
     with: Cui, Y.: Estimation of Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentration Based o...
     with: Dai, S.Q.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of ...
     with: Dai, S.Q.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic...
     with: Dai, W.J.: Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating ...
     with: Dang, Q.: SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Network ...
     with: de Leeuw, G.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improv...
     with: Deng, F.: Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentration...
     with: Ding, N.: Simulating the Impact of Urban Surface Evapotranspiration on...
     with: Dong, Q.Y.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned...
     with: Fan, C.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Based ...
     with: Fan, H.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned Ae...
     with: Fan, W.: Estimation of Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentration Based o...
     with: Fan, W.Z.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote ...
     with: Fang, J.X.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine A...
     with: Feng, L.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional ...
     with: Gan, S.Z.: Feature Modelling of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images ...
     with: Gao, Y.P.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7....
     with: Ge, L.L.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned A...
     with: Gong, M.: Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing
     with: Gu, J.C.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Guan, L.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Guang, J.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Base...
     with: Guo, L.: Attention-Guided Siamese Fusion Network for Change Detection ...
     with: Gupta, A.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional...
     with: Han, L.F.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7....
     with: Han, Y.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned Ae...
     with: Hao, N.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-Easte...
     with: Hase, F.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: He, H.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-res...
     with: He, L.: SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Network fo...
     with: He, Q.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: Opt...
     with: He, Y.W.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned A...
     with: Hu, C.L.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-r...
     with: Hu, G.M.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4...
     with: Huang, C.: Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks fo...
     with: Huang, X.L.: Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks ...
     with: Ji, J.W.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of E...
     with: Jia, P.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of Ec...
     with: Jia, P.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic C...
     with: Jiang, C.C.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai ...
     with: Jiang, Y.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Ag...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Attention-Guided Siamese Fusion Network for Change Detecti...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Networ...
     with: Kang, C.G.: Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
     with: Kang, H.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Kang, H.: Investigating the Long-Term Variation Trends of Absorbing Ae...
     with: Kwan, M.P.: Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
     with: Lei, Y.P.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned ...
     with: Letu, H.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote S...
     with: Li, C.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic Co...
     with: Li, D.: Estimation of Hourly Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentration Based on...
     with: Li, D.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote Sen...
     with: Li, D.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved Tim...
     with: Li, D.: Investigating the Long-Term Variation Trends of Absorbing Aero...
     with: Li, G.: Landscape Patterns and Building Functions for Urban Land-Use C...
     with: Li, H.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Tibet...
     with: Li, J.Y.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4...
     with: Li, L.: Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentration i...
     with: Li, L.F.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned A...
     with: Li, M.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic Co...
     with: Li, S.S.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-East...
     with: Li, X.S.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Tib...
     with: Li, Y.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned Aer...
     with: Li, Y.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Based o...
     with: Li, Y.C.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic ...
     with: Li, Y.F.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved T...
     with: Li, Z.: Deep Multiple Instance Convolutional Neural Networks for Learn...
     with: Li, Z.: Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Network f...
     with: Li, Z.: Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scene C...
     with: Li, Z.L.: Multi-Scale Filtering Building Index for Building Extraction...
     with: Lian, X.G.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned...
     with: Liu Zeng, J.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw...
     with: Liu, S.J.: Deviation-Time-Space-Thermal (DTS-T) Method for Global Eart...
     with: Liu, S.J.: GEOSS-Based Thermal Parameters Analysis for Earthquake Anom...
     with: Liu, S.S.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Ti...
     with: Liu, W.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggr...
     with: Liu, W.F.: Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentratio...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7....
     with: Liu, Y.: Feature Modelling of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Co...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Ti...
     with: Liu, Y.Q.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Ag...
     with: Liu, Z.J.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7....
     with: Liu, Z.X.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of ...
     with: Lolli, S.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: ...
     with: Lolli, S.: Editorial for Special Issue High Resolution Active Optical ...
     with: Lu, D.H.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Tib...
     with: Lu, F.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggre...
     with: Lu, H.Y.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of E...
     with: Lu, L.X.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Lu, M.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of Eco...
     with: Ma, W.T.: Attention-Guided Siamese Fusion Network for Change Detection...
     with: Ma, Y.Y.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-r...
     with: Mei, L.L.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved ...
     with: Miao, Q.G.: Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing
     with: Oommen, B.J.: Chaotic Pattern Recognition: The Spectrum of Properties ...
     with: Pan, H.: Improved generic categorical object detection fusing depth cu...
     with: Qiu, G.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic C...
     with: Rao, L.L.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-Eas...
     with: Shan, X.J.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared...
     with: Shan, Y.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Shao, Y.X.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7...
     with: She, L.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Based ...
     with: Shen, G.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-r...
     with: Shen, X.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4...
     with: Shen, Y.L.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine...
     with: Shen, Y.Y.: Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model fo...
     with: Shi, L.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned Ae...
     with: Shi, W.Z.: Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extre...
     with: Shi, Y.N.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved ...
     with: Shi, Y.Y.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic...
     with: Si, H.J.: SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Network ...
     with: Si, Y.Z.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Agg...
     with: Sobolevsky, S.: Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
     with: Song, D.M.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared...
     with: Sun, Y.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Tibe...
     with: Tan, K.C.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional...
     with: Tang, X.: SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Network ...
     with: Tiwari, P.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China:...
     with: Tiwari, P.: Satellite-Based Estimation of Near-Surface NO2 Concentrati...
     with: Tong, X.: Data Field Method For Urban Remotely Sensed Imagery Classifi...
     with: Tu, H.W.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4...
     with: Tu, Q.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggre...
     with: Tugui, A.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Base...
     with: Wang, B.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared A...
     with: Wang, C.R.: Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks f...
     with: Wang, H.: Investigating the Long-Term Variation Trends of Absorbing Ae...
     with: Wang, J.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-r...
     with: Wang, L.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote S...
     with: Wang, L.: Investigating the Long-Term Variation Trends of Absorbing Ae...
     with: Wang, Q.: High-Precision, Permanently Stable, Modulated Hopping Discre...
     with: Wang, S.H.: Editorial for Special Issue High Resolution Active Optical...
     with: Wang, W.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4...
     with: Wang, W.X.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7...
     with: Wang, Y.: Moving Indoor: Unsupervised Video Depth Learning in Challeng...
     with: Wang, Y.: Unsupervised High-Resolution Depth Learning From Videos With...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Simulating the Impact of Urban Surface Evapotranspiration ...
     with: Wang, Y.L.: Detecting Anomalous Trajectories and Behavior Patterns Usi...
     with: Wang, Z.J.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7...
     with: Wang, Z.P.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemi...
     with: Wang, Z.X.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Bas...
     with: Wen, Y.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Based ...
     with: Wong, M.S.: Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extr...
     with: Wu, F.F.: image segmentation method based on Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian Mix...
     with: Wu, L.X.: Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extrem...
     with: Wu, L.X.: Deviation-Time-Space-Thermal (DTS-T) Method for Global Earth...
     with: Wu, L.X.: Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for ...
     with: Wu, L.X.: GEOSS-Based Thermal Parameters Analysis for Earthquake Anoma...
     with: Wu, L.X.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved T...
     with: Wu, Y.: Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing
     with: Xia, G.S.: Local Semantic Enhanced ConvNet for Aerial Scene Recognition
     with: Xia, G.S.: Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Networ...
     with: Xia, G.S.: Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scen...
     with: Xia, S.: Improved generic categorical object detection fusing depth cu...
     with: Xiao, W.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanned A...
     with: Xiao, W.: STEPSBI: Quick spatiotemporal fusion with coarse- and fine-r...
     with: Xie, J.: Deep Multiple Instance Convolutional Neural Networks for Lear...
     with: Xie, R.H.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared ...
     with: Xie, X.: Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating Te...
     with: Xie, Y.Q.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Base...
     with: Xu, J.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-Easter...
     with: Xu, J.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote Sen...
     with: Xu, K.: Deep Multiple Instance Convolutional Neural Networks for Learn...
     with: Xu, K.: image segmentation method based on Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian Mixtu...
     with: Xu, K.: Multi-Scale Filtering Building Index for Building Extraction i...
     with: Xu, K.: Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Network f...
     with: Xu, K.: Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for F...
     with: Xu, K.: Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scene C...
     with: Xu, Q.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggre...
     with: Xu, Y.Q.: Modeling Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Urban Crowd Flows
     with: Xue, B.: Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating Te...
     with: Xue, Y.: Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating Te...
     with: Xue, Y.: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved Ti...
     with: Xue, Y.: Hourly PM2.5 Estimation over Central and Eastern China Based ...
     with: Xue, Y.: Investigating the Long-Term Variation Trends of Absorbing Aer...
     with: Yan, X.: High-Precision, Permanently Stable, Modulated Hopping Discret...
     with: Yang, S.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic ...
     with: Yang, X.Y.: Simulating the Impact of Urban Surface Evapotranspiration ...
     with: Yang, Z.H.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis of...
     with: Yao, W.Q.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7....
     with: Ye, C.: COCCON Measurements of XCO2, XCH4 and XCO over Coal Mine Aggre...
     with: Yin, C.: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Air Pollutants over the Epidemic C...
     with: Yin, J.Y.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared ...
     with: Yu, C.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-Easter...
     with: Yue, M.X.: Data Field Method For Urban Remotely Sensed Imagery Classif...
     with: Zang, L.: New Algorithm for the Characterization of Thermal Infrared A...
     with: Zeng, C.: Data Field Method For Urban Remotely Sensed Imagery Classifi...
     with: Zeng, W.: Moving Indoor: Unsupervised Video Depth Learning in Challeng...
     with: Zeng, W.: Unsupervised High-Resolution Depth Learning From Videos With...
     with: Zeng, X.: Mapping of Soil Liquefaction Associated with the 2021 Mw 7.4...
     with: Zhan, Y.: Feature Modelling of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images C...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai ...
     with: Zhang, E.B.: Data Field Method For Urban Remotely Sensed Imagery Class...
     with: Zhang, H.: Local Semantic Enhanced ConvNet for Aerial Scene Recognition
     with: Zhang, H.: Multi-Scale Filtering Building Index for Building Extractio...
     with: Zhang, H.: Multiple Instance Dense Connected Convolution Neural Networ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Multiple-Instance Densely-Connected ConvNet for Aerial Scen...
     with: Zhang, H.L.: Biomass Calculations of Individual Trees Based on Unmanne...
     with: Zhang, K.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote ...
     with: Zhang, W.W.: Long-Term Dynamic Monitoring and Driving Force Analysis o...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Attention-Guided Siamese Fusion Network for Change Detect...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: SMD-Net: Siamese Multi-Scale Difference-Enhancement Netwo...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Aloft Transport of Haze Aerosols to Xuzhou, Eastern China: ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Data Field Method For Urban Remotely Sensed Imagery Classif...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Landscape Patterns and Building Functions for Urban Land-Us...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Multi-Scale Filtering Building Index for Building Extractio...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Simulating the Impact of Urban Surface Evapotranspiration o...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model f...
     with: Zhao, P.X.: Detecting Anomalous Trajectories and Behavior Patterns Usi...
     with: Zhao, Y.J.: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai T...
     with: Zheng, S.: Deviation-Time-Space-Thermal (DTS-T) Method for Global Eart...
     with: Zhong, J.H.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasion...
     with: Zhou, J.: Moving Indoor: Unsupervised Video Depth Learning in Challeng...
     with: Zhou, J.: Unsupervised High-Resolution Depth Learning From Videos With...
     with: Zhou, L.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional ...
     with: Zhou, X.: Bag of Geomorphological Words: A Framework for Integrating T...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for ...
     with: Zhu, Y.P.: Improved generic categorical object detection fusing depth ...
     with: Zhu, Z.X.: Solving Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem With Occasional...
     with: Zou, J.H.: Estimating Ground Level NO2 Concentrations over Central-Eas...
     with: Zou, J.H.: Haze Optical Properties from Long-Term Ground-Based Remote ...
247 for Qin, K.

Qin, K.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.: Adaptable-Multilayer Fractional Fourier Transform Approach f...
     with: Pan, W.: Adaptable-Multilayer Fractional Fourier Transform Approach fo...
     with: Xiong, X.: Linearly Estimating All Parameters of Affine Motion Using R...

Qin, K.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, H.: Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene S...
     with: Li, S.G.: Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene Se...
     with: Li, Z.: Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene Sema...
     with: Peng, Z.: Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene Se...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene Se...
     with: Zheng, K.: Depth Estimation via Sparse Radar Prior and Driving Scene S...

Qin, K.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, D.: Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object detec...
     with: Wang, F.: Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object dete...
     with: Yang, J.X.: Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object de...
     with: Zhang, W.S.: Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object d...
     with: Zhou, J.C.: Improved YOLOv7 model for underwater sonar image object de...

Qin, K.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, Z.C.: Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Coas...
     with: Huang, H.J.: Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Co...
     with: Liu, Y.L.: Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Coas...
     with: Song, D.Y.: AoI Analysis of Satellite-UAV Synergy Real-Time Remote Sen...
     with: Wang, L.: AoI Analysis of Satellite-UAV Synergy Real-Time Remote Sensi...
     with: Wang, Z.W.: AoI Analysis of Satellite-UAV Synergy Real-Time Remote Sen...
     with: Xiang, Q.A.: Convolution, correlation, and sampling theorems for the o...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: AoI Analysis of Satellite-UAV Synergy Real-Time Remote Se...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Co...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Coas...
     with: Zhou, J.Y.: AoI Analysis of Satellite-UAV Synergy Real-Time Remote Sen...
     with: Zhou, X.H.: Correlation Analysis between Land-Use/Cover Change and Coa...
12 for Qin, K.Y.

Qin, L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abdallah, F.: Cascaded Generative and Discriminative Learning for Visu...
     with: Akin, O.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Al Shakarji, N.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Alatan, A.A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Arens, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Baek, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bai, H.: Generalized Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes: New Observations...
     with: Bai, W.G.: Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved f...
     with: Bastos, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Batista, J.P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Battistone, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Becker, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bertinetto, L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bi, Y.G.: BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road S...
     with: Bischof, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bischof, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bowden, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bowden, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Bunyak, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cai, Z.X.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cao, K.Y.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Cao, M.: Visual Grounding With Dual Knowledge Distillation
     with: Cehovin, L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cehovin, L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chang, C.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chang, H.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, B.Q.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction ...
     with: Chen, D.P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Chen, L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Chen, S.D.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in...
     with: Chen, Y.: Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved fr...
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: RSO-SLAM: A Robust Semantic Visual SLAM With Optical Flow ...
     with: Chen, Z.Z.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in...
     with: Cheng, J.: Spatiotemporal Analytics of Environmental Sounds and Influe...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architectur...
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: Human Daily Action Analysis with Multi-view and Color-Dep...
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: Set-based classification for person re-identification uti...
     with: Cheng, Z.W.: Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via seque...
     with: Chi, Z.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cho, J.I.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, J.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, J.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Choi, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Cui, M.P.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Cui, Y.: Weakly Supervised Fixated Object Detection in Traffic Videos ...
     with: Dai, C.G.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Danelljan, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Danelljan, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Demiris, Y.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Deng, T.: How Do Drivers Allocate Their Potential Attention? Driving F...
     with: Deng, T.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Dri...
     with: Dimitriev, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ding, G.C.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in...
     with: Ding, Z.W.: real-time webcam-based method for assessing upper-body pos...
     with: Dong, S.Y.: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning w...
     with: Drummond, I.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Du, D.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Duffner, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Erdem, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Erdem, E.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fan, N.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fan, Y.T.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree...
     with: Felsberg, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Felsberg, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Feng, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fernandez, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Fernandez, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gao, W.: Image Matching Based on A Local Invariant Descriptor
     with: Gao, W.: Unsupervised texture classification: Automatically discover a...
     with: Garcia Martin, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Garcia, C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ghanem, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Golodetz, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Golodetz, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Gruen, A.: Assessing the Performance of ICESat-2/ATLAS Multi-Channel P...
     with: Gu, Y.: Improved Bayesian Combination Model for Short-Term Traffic Pre...
     with: Guan, Q.J.: Variational Bayesian image restoration with multi-structur...
     with: Guan, Q.S.: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning w...
     with: Gundogdu, E.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Guo, W.L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Guo, X.M.: Variational Bayesian image restoration with multi-structure...
     with: Guo, Y.L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Gupta, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hadfield, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hadfield, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hager, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hager, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Han, B.H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Han, B.H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Han, G.J.: BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road ...
     with: Hare, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hayat, M.: Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Dama...
     with: He, Y.: Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Damage ...
     with: He, Y.H.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Dri...
     with: He, Z.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Heng, C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Henriques, J.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Henriques, J.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hong, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hu, Q.: Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
     with: Hu, Q.Y.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Hu, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hu, W.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Hu, Y.: Visual Grounding With Dual Knowledge Distillation
     with: Huang, J.P.: Assessing the Performance of ICESat-2/ATLAS Multi-Channel...
     with: Huang, J.P.: Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorit...
     with: Huang, L.Y.: Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg...
     with: Huang, Q.: Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajector...
     with: Huang, Q.: Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene ...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribu...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photogra...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense ...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detect...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Coupling Multiple Alignments and Re-ranking for Low-Laten...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Coupling Reranking and Structured Output SVM Co-Train for...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architectur...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: efficient occlusion detection method to improve object tr...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Hedged Deep Tracking
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Human Daily Action Analysis with Multi-view and Color-Dep...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Human tracking by structured body parts
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Online Discriminative Structured Output SVM Learning for ...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object ...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Set-based classification for person re-identification uti...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness o...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: SSOCBT: A Robust Semisupervised Online CovBoost Tracker T...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Stochastic boosting for large-scale image classification
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via col...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classi...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supe...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with s...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Unsupervised Texture Classification: Automatically Discov...
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Huang, Q.M.: Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via seque...
     with: Hubner, W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jeong, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Jeong, J.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ji, R.: Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribute-aw...
     with: Ji, R.: Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajectory L...
     with: Ji, R.: Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of Int...
     with: Jiang, G.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Jiang, R.: EAS-SNN: End-to-end Adaptive Sampling and Representation fo...
     with: Jiang, S.: Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene ...
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detect...
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Human tracking by structured body parts
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object ...
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: SSOCBT: A Robust Semisupervised Online CovBoost Tracker T...
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supe...
     with: Jiang, S.Q.: Unsupervised texture classification: Automatically discov...
     with: Jiang, S.X.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tr...
     with: Kakanuru, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kang, J.R.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction ...
     with: Khan, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Khan, F.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Khan, M.H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, D.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kim, J.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kong, L.Y.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in...
     with: Kong, X.T.: RSO-SLAM: A Robust Semantic Visual SLAM With Optical Flow ...
     with: Krah, S.B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kristan, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Kristan, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Laganiere, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lan, X.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lang, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lebeda, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lebeda, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lee, J.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lei, Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Leonardis, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Leonardis, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, C.L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Li, G.R.: efficient occlusion detection method to improve object track...
     with: Li, G.R.: Online Discriminative Structured Output SVM Learning for Mul...
     with: Li, G.R.: Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object tra...
     with: Li, G.R.: SSOCBT: A Robust Semisupervised Online CovBoost Tracker That...
     with: Li, G.R.: Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supervi...
     with: Li, H.: EAS-SNN: End-to-end Adaptive Sampling and Representation for E...
     with: Li, H.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Using...
     with: Li, H.D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, J.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Q.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree Ri...
     with: Li, S.: BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road Sce...
     with: Li, S.K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, S.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, S.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, W.B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, W.Q.: real-time webcam-based method for assessing upper-body postu...
     with: Li, X.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Y.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sat...
     with: Li, Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Li, Y.J.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Dri...
     with: Li, Y.T.: comment on: Fast and numerically stable methods for the comp...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction in...
     with: Liang, C.: Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with spa...
     with: Liao, S.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lim, J.W.: Hedged Deep Tracking
     with: Lim, J.W.: Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
     with: Lim, S.Y.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lin, B.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sa...
     with: Lin, W.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Liu, G.: Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In A...
     with: Liu, G.Y.: Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection
     with: Liu, H.: Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Change...
     with: Liu, H.: Set-based classification for person re-identification utilizi...
     with: Liu, J.: Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with spars...
     with: Liu, L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sa...
     with: Liu, W.Z.: BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road ...
     with: Liu, X.: Causal And-Or Graph Model for Visibility Fluent Reasoning in ...
     with: Liu, Y.: DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architecture of...
     with: Liu, Y.: Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg-Sui...
     with: Liu, Y.: Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via sequentia...
     with: Liu, Z.: Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In A...
     with: Long, M.: Face morphing attack detection and attacker identification b...
     with: Long, M.: Face presentation attack detection based on chromatic co-occ...
     with: Long, M.: Face spoofing detection based on color texture Markov featur...
     with: Lu, H.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lu, W.: Improved Bayesian Combination Model for Short-Term Traffic Pre...
     with: Lu, X.S.: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photographi...
     with: Lu, X.S.: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via collab...
     with: Lukezic, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Lukezic, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Luo, J.: Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajectory ...
     with: Lv, Z.: RSO-SLAM: A Robust Semantic Visual SLAM With Optical Flow in C...
     with: Lyu, S.W.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, A.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ma, D.: EAS-SNN: End-to-end Adaptive Sampling and Representation for E...
     with: Ma, J.M.: Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorithm ...
     with: Ma, L.: Medical image blind super-resolution based on improved degrada...
     with: Manjunath, B.S.: How Do Drivers Allocate Their Potential Attention? Dr...
     with: Mao, P.: Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Damage...
     with: Maresca, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Maresca, M.E.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Martin Nieto, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Martinez, B.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Martinez, J.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Matas, J.G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Matas, J.G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mauthner, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mauthner, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Medeiros, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Melzi, S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Memarmoghadam, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mikolajczyk, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Miksik, O.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mishra, D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Moallem, P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Montero, A.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Mueller, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Nam, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Nam, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Nebehay, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ngo, T.: How Do Drivers Allocate Their Potential Attention? Driving Fi...
     with: Ni, R.R.: Robust Multi-Bit Watermarking for Free-View Television Using...
     with: Ni, R.R.: Spread Spectrum-Based Multi-bit Watermarking for Free-View V...
     with: Niu, Z.H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ofjall, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ogunbona, P.: real-time webcam-based method for assessing upper-body p...
     with: Oven, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Palaniappan, K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pang, J.: Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene A...
     with: Pang, J.B.: Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection
     with: Pang, J.B.: Online selection of the best k-feature subset for object t...
     with: Pang, J.B.: Stochastic boosting for large-scale image classification
     with: Pang, J.B.: Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classif...
     with: Pang, J.B.: Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-super...
     with: Pang, J.B.: Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with sp...
     with: Pangersic, D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pelapur, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Peng, F.: Face morphing attack detection and attacker identification b...
     with: Peng, F.: Face presentation attack detection based on chromatic co-occ...
     with: Peng, F.: Face spoofing detection based on color texture Markov featur...
     with: Peng, Y.: Visual Grounding With Dual Knowledge Distillation
     with: Petrosino, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Petrosino, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pflugfelder, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pflugfelder, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Poostchi, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Porikli, F.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Possegger, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Possegger, H.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Pridmore, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qi, H.G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qi, X.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sat...
     with: Qi, Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qi, Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Qi, Y.K.: Hedged Deep Tracking
     with: Qi, Y.K.: Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
     with: Qi, Y.K.: Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
     with: Qian, Y.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Usi...
     with: Qin, H.F.: comment on: Fast and numerically stable methods for the com...
     with: Qiu, G.Y.: Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Dama...
     with: Rapuru, M.K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Robinson, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Roffo, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ruan, L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Rueda, L.: Improved Clustering-Based Approach for DNA Microarray Image...
     with: Rueda, L.: New Method for DNA Microarray Image Segmentation, A
     with: Saffari, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Santopietro, V.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Seetharaman, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Senna, P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Shang, G.F.: Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Ch...
     with: Shang, H.M.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tr...
     with: Shao, D.G.: Medical image blind super-resolution based on improved deg...
     with: Shao, Z.: Improved Bayesian Combination Model for Short-Term Traffic P...
     with: Shen, Q.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Shi, X.Q.: BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road ...
     with: Shi, Y.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Driv...
     with: Shi, Y.: Weakly Supervised Fixated Object Detection in Traffic Videos ...
     with: Snoussi, H.: Cascaded Generative and Discriminative Learning for Visua...
     with: Stolkin, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Subrahmanyam, G.R.K.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Resul...
     with: Sun, C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Sun, X.: Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved fro...
     with: Sun, X.S.: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photograph...
     with: Sun, X.S.: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via colla...
     with: Sun, Y.H.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Tan, Z.Y.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Us...
     with: Tang, H.: EAS-SNN: End-to-end Adaptive Sampling and Representation for...
     with: Tang, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tian, H.: Generalized Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes: New Observation...
     with: Tian, H.: Robust Multi-Bit Watermarking for Free-View Television Using...
     with: Tian, H.: Spread Spectrum-Based Multi-bit Watermarking for Free-View V...
     with: Tian, J.: Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorithm ...
     with: Tian, Q.: Action Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Context
     with: Tian, Q.: Group Activity Recognition by Gaussian Processes Estimation
     with: Tian, Q.: Human Daily Action Analysis with Multi-view and Color-Depth ...
     with: Tian, Y.G.: Spatial Distribution Estimates of the Urban Population Usi...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Tu, K.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sat...
     with: Valmadre, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Valstar, M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: van de Weijer, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Varfolomieiev, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Vedaldi, A.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Vineet, V.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Vojir, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Vojir, T.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Walsh, R.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, D.: Stochastic boosting for large-scale image classification
     with: Wang, D.: Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classific...
     with: Wang, G.L.: Variational Bayesian image restoration with multi-structur...
     with: Wang, H.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Wang, L.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, N.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, Q.Y.: Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection
     with: Wang, S.H.: Spatiotemporal Analytics of Environmental Sounds and Influ...
     with: Wang, W.Q.: Unsupervised Texture Classification: Automatically Discove...
     with: Wang, X.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wang, Z.: EAS-SNN: End-to-end Adaptive Sampling and Representation for...
     with: Wang, Z.: Robust Multi-Bit Watermarking for Free-View Television Using...
     with: Wang, Z.: Spread Spectrum-Based Multi-bit Watermarking for Free-View V...
     with: Wang, Z.: Variational Bayesian image restoration with multi-structured...
     with: Wang, Z.M.: EAS-SNN: End-to-end Adaptive Sampling and Representation f...
     with: Wei, Y.: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning with...
     with: Wen, L.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wen, L.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Wu, C.: RSO-SLAM: A Robust Semantic Visual SLAM With Optical Flow in C...
     with: Wu, G.: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning with ...
     with: Wu, W.: Visual Grounding With Dual Knowledge Distillation
     with: Wu, X.: Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg-Suit...
     with: Xiang, Y.: Medical image blind super-resolution based on improved degr...
     with: Xiao, C.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Xiao, J.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xiao, Y.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Xie, J.: Causal And-Or Graph Model for Visibility Fluent Reasoning in ...
     with: Xie, J.: Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In A...
     with: Xing, J.L.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xing, M.G.: Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Cha...
     with: Xing, Y.Q.: Assessing the Performance of ICESat-2/ATLAS Multi-Channel ...
     with: Xing, Y.Q.: Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorith...
     with: Xu, C.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sat...
     with: Xu, C.S.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, H.: Medical image blind super-resolution based on improved degrada...
     with: Xu, P.F.: Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense cro...
     with: Xu, P.F.: Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory gr...
     with: Xu, W.: Spatial Distribution Estimates of the Urban Population Using D...
     with: Xu, X.: Improved Bayesian Combination Model for Short-Term Traffic Pre...
     with: Xu, Y.: Causal And-Or Graph Model for Visibility Fluent Reasoning in T...
     with: Xu, Y.K.: Coupling Multiple Alignments and Re-ranking for Low-Latency ...
     with: Xu, Y.K.: Coupling Reranking and Structured Output SVM Co-Train for Mu...
     with: Xu, Y.K.: efficient occlusion detection method to improve object track...
     with: Xu, Y.K.: Human tracking by structured body parts
     with: Xu, Y.K.: Online Discriminative Structured Output SVM Learning for Mul...
     with: Xu, Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Xu, Z.B.: Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Damag...
     with: Xue, C.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sa...
     with: Yan, C.H.: Accurate Measurement and Assessment of Typhoon-Related Dama...
     with: Yan, H.: How Do Drivers Allocate Their Potential Attention? Driving Fi...
     with: Yan, H.M.: Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Chan...
     with: Yan, H.M.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the Dr...
     with: Yan, H.M.: Weakly Supervised Fixated Object Detection in Traffic Video...
     with: Yan, S.: Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene Ad...
     with: Yang, C.: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning wit...
     with: Yang, H.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Usi...
     with: Yang, J.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Yang, J.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction in...
     with: Yang, K.: Weakly Supervised Fixated Object Detection in Traffic Videos...
     with: Yang, M.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Usi...
     with: Yang, M.H.: Hedged Deep Tracking
     with: Yang, M.H.: Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
     with: Yang, M.H.: Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
     with: Yang, W.Y.: Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved ...
     with: Yao, H.X.: Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribute...
     with: Yao, H.X.: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photograph...
     with: Yao, H.X.: Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense cr...
     with: Yao, H.X.: Hedged Deep Tracking
     with: Yao, H.X.: Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
     with: Yao, H.X.: Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory g...
     with: Yao, H.X.: Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness of ...
     with: Yao, H.X.: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via colla...
     with: Yao, S.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Ye, Y.T.: Human Daily Action Analysis with Multi-view and Color-Depth ...
     with: Yeung, D.Y.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yi, K.M.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yin, B.C.: Stochastic boosting for large-scale image classification
     with: Yin, B.C.: Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classifi...
     with: Yin, Q.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sa...
     with: Yin, Q.: Visual Grounding With Dual Knowledge Distillation
     with: Yin, Z.Y.: BSSNet: A Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network for Road ...
     with: You, H.T.: Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Noise Filtering Algorithm...
     with: Yu, H.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction in C...
     with: Yu, S.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree Ri...
     with: Yu, Y.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction in C...
     with: Yuan, Y.Y.: Effects of Production-Living-Ecological Space Patterns Cha...
     with: Yuan, Z.J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, C.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Us...
     with: Zhang, C.J.: Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with s...
     with: Zhang, F.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Improved Bayesian Combination Model for Short-Term Traffic ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree...
     with: Zhang, J.: Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
     with: Zhang, J.L.: Spatial Distribution Estimates of the Urban Population Us...
     with: Zhang, J.R.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Monitoring Method of Color Decaying for Colored Patterns In...
     with: Zhang, L.B.: Face spoofing detection based on color texture Markov fea...
     with: Zhang, M.D.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, R.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree...
     with: Zhang, S.P.: Hedged Deep Tracking
     with: Zhang, S.P.: Hedging Deep Features for Visual Tracking
     with: Zhang, S.P.: Structure-Aware Local Sparse Coding for Visual Tracking
     with: Zhang, S.P.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, T.: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning wi...
     with: Zhang, T.: Snowpack Dynamics Influence Tree Growth and Signals in Tree...
     with: Zhang, T.Z.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhang, W.G.: DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architectur...
     with: Zhang, W.G.: Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via seque...
     with: Zhang, X.: Spatiotemporal Analytics of Environmental Sounds and Influe...
     with: Zhang, X.: Time-Varying Surface Deformation Retrieval and Prediction i...
     with: Zhang, X.S.: ID-YOLO: Real-Time Salient Object Detection Based on the ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajector...
     with: Zhang, Y.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in ...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Undoing the codebook bias by linear transformation with s...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribu...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photogra...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense ...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architectur...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Social Attribute-Aware Force Model: Exploiting Richness o...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via col...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via seque...
     with: Zhao, F.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhao, M.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Zhao, S.: Exploring Coherent Motion Patterns via Structured Trajectory...
     with: Zhao, S.: Weakly Supervised Fixated Object Detection in Traffic Videos...
     with: Zhao, S.C.: Beyond particle flow: Bag of Trajectory Graphs for dense c...
     with: Zhao, S.C.: Representing dense crowd patterns using bag of trajectory ...
     with: Zhao, S.H.: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photograp...
     with: Zhao, S.H.: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via coll...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Generalized Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes: New Observation...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Robust Multi-Bit Watermarking for Free-View Television Using...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Spread Spectrum-Based Multi-bit Watermarking for Free-View V...
     with: Zhao, Y.J.: Spatiotemporal Analytics of Environmental Sounds and Influ...
     with: Zhao, Z.C.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in...
     with: Zhao, Z.Q.: RSO-SLAM: A Robust Semantic Visual SLAM With Optical Flow ...
     with: Zheng, H.: Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved f...
     with: Zheng, J.L.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking i...
     with: Zheng, Q.F.: Unsupervised texture classification: Automatically discov...
     with: Zhou, Q.: Empirical Study and Analysis of Text-to-image Generation Usi...
     with: Zhou, Z.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in S...
     with: Zhu, C.: Generalized Gradient Vector Flow for Snakes: New Observations...
     with: Zhu, G.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, J.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, J.K.: Visual Object Tracking VOT2014 Challenge Results, The
     with: Zhu, S.: Causal And-Or Graph Model for Visibility Fluent Reasoning in ...
     with: Zhu, S.: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Sa...
     with: Zou, Y.L.: Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg-S...
511 for Qin, L.

Qin, L.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lu, T.: new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection and reco...
     with: Lu, T.: Video Scene Text Frames Categorization for Text Detection and ...
     with: Pal, U.: new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection and rec...
     with: Pal, U.: Video Scene Text Frames Categorization for Text Detection and...
     with: Raghavendra, R.: new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection...
     with: Raja, K.B.: new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection and ...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: new multi-modal approach to bib number/text detection...
     with: Shivakumara, P.: Video Scene Text Frames Categorization for Text Detec...
     with: Tan, C.L.: Video Scene Text Frames Categorization for Text Detection a...
9 for Qin, L.F.

Qin, L.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.N.: Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting...
     with: Chen, J.Z.: Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting...
     with: Hua, C.: Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting-ba...
     with: Ju, Z.W.: Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting-b...
     with: Li, R.: Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting-bas...
     with: Ma, B.P.: Accelerated implementation of adaptive directional lifting-b...

Qin, L.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, J.J.: How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite ob...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Gao, Y.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Ima...
     with: Hu, L.S.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Huang, F.: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natu...
     with: Jiang, B.Q.: How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite o...
     with: Li, B.: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natural...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing I...
     with: Mao, P.: How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite obser...
     with: Qi, H.: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natural...
     with: Qin, M.J.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing I...
     with: Qiu, G.Y.: How can UAV bridge the gap between ground and satellite obs...
     with: Sun, N.: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natura...
     with: Zhang, F.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing I...
14 for Qin, L.J.

Qin, L.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Chen, L.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Chen, T.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Chi, C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Chi, J.N.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Feng, M.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Gao, X.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Gu, L.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments:...
     with: Guo, C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Guo, H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Guo, Y.D.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: He, L.Z.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Hong, C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Huang, J.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Jiang, H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Lei, Z.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Li, S.Z.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Li, X.C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Li, Y.Z.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Liang, J.X.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Liao, W.J.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Lin, T.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Liu, B.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Liu, J.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Liu, R.Z.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Liu, X.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Liu, Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Liu, Y.X.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Lu, F.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments:...
     with: Pu, S.L.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Qu, X.C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Qu, Y.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Quan, Y.H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Ren, W.Q.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Scheirer, W.J.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Envir...
     with: Su, T.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Sun, Q.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Wan, P.F.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Wang, H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Wang, J.W.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Wang, K.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Wang, S.Z.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Xie, D.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments...
     with: Xie, Y.H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Xu, Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments:...
     with: Yang, J.F.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Yang, J.G.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Yang, S.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Yang, W.H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Yi, D.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments:...
     with: Yuan, Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Zhang, S.F.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Zhang, T.H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environment...
     with: Zheng, S.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Zheng, Y.Q.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Zhong, H.C.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Zhong, M.H.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Zhong, Q.Y.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environm...
     with: Zhou, L.G.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Zhou, S.D.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environme...
     with: Zhu, Z.F.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
     with: Zhuang, C.B.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environ...
     with: Zuo, Z.M.: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environmen...
67 for Qin, L.K.

Qin, L.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, Y.: Robust Cruise Control for the Heavy Haul Train Subject to Dis...
     with: Li, X.L.: LDFT-Based Watermarking Resilient to Local Desynchronization...
     with: Liu, W.T.: Robust Cruise Control for the Heavy Haul Train Subject to D...
     with: Ni, R.R.: LDFT-Based Watermarking Resilient to Local Desynchronization...
     with: Su, S.: Robust Cruise Control for the Heavy Haul Train Subject to Dist...
     with: Tian, H.W.: LDFT-Based Watermarking Resilient to Local Desynchronizati...
     with: Wang, X.: Robust Cruise Control for the Heavy Haul Train Subject to Di...
     with: Zhao, Y.: LDFT-Based Watermarking Resilient to Local Desynchronization...
8 for Qin, L.M.

Qin, L.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, X.: Sensor layout strategy and sensitivity analysis for macrosc...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Dynamic platoon dispersion model based on real-time link tr...
     with: Jia, L.M.: Sensor layout strategy and sensitivity analysis for macrosc...
     with: Jiang, Y.S.: Dynamic platoon dispersion model based on real-time link ...
     with: Li, H.J.: Sensor layout strategy and sensitivity analysis for macrosco...
     with: Ran, B.: Dynamic platoon dispersion model based on real-time link trav...
     with: Ran, B.: Sensor layout strategy and sensitivity analysis for macroscop...
     with: Rong, J.: Sensor layout strategy and sensitivity analysis for macrosco...
     with: Xu, T.R.: Dynamic platoon dispersion model based on real-time link tra...
     with: Yao, Z.H.: Dynamic platoon dispersion model based on real-time link tr...
10 for Qin, L.Q.

Qin, L.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, X.L.: New JPEG Image Watermarking Method Exploiting Spatial Jnd Mo...
     with: Zhao, Y.: New JPEG Image Watermarking Method Exploiting Spatial Jnd Mo...

Qin, L.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.: SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Exp...
     with: Deng, C.: SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Exp...
     with: Deng, W.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Deng, W.H.: Enhancing Generalization of Universal Adversarial Perturba...
     with: Deng, W.H.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Deng, W.H.: SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, E...
     with: Hu, J.: SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Expre...
     with: Lin, W.Y.: GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor De...
     with: Liu, X.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Liu, X.N.: Enhancing Generalization of Universal Adversarial Perturbat...
     with: Shen, R.M.: GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor D...
     with: Sheng, B.: GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor De...
     with: Song, X.S.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Wang, K.: SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Exp...
     with: Wang, M.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Wang, M.: SwinFace: A Multi-Task Transformer for Face Recognition, Exp...
     with: Wu, W.: GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor Detec...
     with: Xu, W.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Enhancing Generalization of Universal Adversarial Perturb...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Faceptor: A Generalist Model for Face Perception
     with: Zhong, Y.Y.: Enhancing Generalization of Universal Adversarial Perturb...
21 for Qin, L.X.

Qin, L.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, W.J.: Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator: Mine the Non-causal ...
     with: Chen, W.J.: Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object De...
     with: Chen, Y.D.: Dynamic Channel Selection of Microwave Temperature Soundin...
     with: Chen, Y.D.: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River...
     with: Gao, Y.F.: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River ...
     with: Gu, T.W.: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River B...
     with: Guo, Y.: Dynamic Channel Selection of Microwave Temperature Sounding C...
     with: Lang, Q.H.: Layer-Wise Customized Weak Segmentation Block and AIoU Los...
     with: Li, Y.: Significant Wave Height Estimation Using Multi-Satellite Obser...
     with: Ma, G.: Dynamic Channel Selection of Microwave Temperature Sounding Ch...
     with: Pu, S.L.: Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator: Mine the Non-causal Fa...
     with: Pu, S.L.: Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object Dete...
     with: Song, W.L.: Layer-Wise Customized Weak Segmentation Block and AIoU Los...
     with: Wang, K.Y.: Layer-Wise Customized Weak Segmentation Block and AIoU Los...
     with: Wu, Y.Q.: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River B...
     with: Wu, Y.Z.: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River B...
     with: Xu, M.J.: Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator: Mine the Non-causal Fa...
     with: Xu, M.J.: Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object Dete...
     with: Yu, T.L.: Dynamic Channel Selection of Microwave Temperature Sounding ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Layer-Wise Customized Weak Segmentation Block and AIoU Loss...
     with: Zhang, L.: Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator: Mine the Non-causal F...
     with: Zhang, L.: Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object Det...
     with: Zhang, P.: Dynamic Channel Selection of Microwave Temperature Sounding...
     with: Zhang, W.S.: Randomized Spectrum Transformations for Adapting Object D...
24 for Qin, L.Y.

Qin, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Afghah, F.: Data Overfitting for On-device Super-resolution with Dynam...
     with: Afghah, F.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution ...
     with: Bian, Y.: Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Slip Properties Associated with ...
     with: Chen, X.H.: access icon openaccess Hybrid NSS features for no-referenc...
     with: Chen, Y.: Learning in the Frequency Domain
     with: Chen, Y.Y.: Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Slip Properties Associated wit...
     with: Di, H.: Background Basis Selection-Based Foreground Detection Method, A
     with: Di, H.: Contour Flow: Middle-Level Motion Estimation by Combining Moti...
     with: Duan, J.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Fang, W.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Gao, W.: Open Dataset for Video Coding for Machines Standardization, An
     with: Gui, H.Q.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differentia...
     with: Guo, L.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via...
     with: Han, B.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Hu, F.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS O...
     with: Hu, J.Q.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Huang, W.: Background Basis Selection-Based Foreground Detection Metho...
     with: Ji, J.: Data Overfitting for On-device Super-resolution with Dynamic A...
     with: Ji, J.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via ...
     with: Jiang, Q.Z.: BlindLight: High Robustness Reinforcement Learning Method...
     with: Li, G.: Data Overfitting for On-device Super-resolution with Dynamic A...
     with: Li, G.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via ...
     with: Liao, Z.T.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differenti...
     with: Liu, S.: Open Dataset for Video Coding for Machines Standardization, An
     with: Liu, W.Q.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differentia...
     with: Liu, W.Q.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOA...
     with: Lu, Y.: Background Basis Selection-Based Foreground Detection Method, A
     with: Lu, Y.: Contour Flow: Middle-Level Motion Estimation by Combining Moti...
     with: Lv, F.: Contour Flow: Middle-Level Motion Estimation by Combining Moti...
     with: Lv, X.X.: access icon openaccess Hybrid NSS features for no-reference ...
     with: Lv, Y.S.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS...
     with: Ma, X.L.: Data Overfitting for On-device Super-resolution with Dynamic...
     with: Ma, X.L.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution vi...
     with: Meng, F.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Niu, W.: Data Overfitting for On-device Super-resolution with Dynamic ...
     with: Niu, W.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via...
     with: Ren, B.: Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via...
     with: Ren, F.: Learning in the Frequency Domain
     with: Shao, D.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential...
     with: Shi, Q.: Contour Flow: Middle-Level Motion Estimation by Combining Mot...
     with: Shi, Z.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Shu, Z.H.: Data Overfitting for On-device Super-resolution with Dynami...
     with: Sun, F.: Learning in the Frequency Domain
     with: Sun, W.W.: BlindLight: High Robustness Reinforcement Learning Method t...
     with: Tian, X.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS...
     with: Wang, W.D.: access icon openaccess Hybrid NSS features for no-referenc...
     with: Wang, Y.: Learning in the Frequency Domain
     with: Xiang, Y.F.: Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Slip Properties Associated wi...
     with: Xie, P.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differential ...
     with: Xie, P.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS ...
     with: Xing, Y.: Co-Seismic and Post-Seismic Slip Properties Associated with ...
     with: Xu, J.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOAS O...
     with: Xu, K.: Learning in the Frequency Domain
     with: Xu, X.Z.: Open Dataset for Video Coding for Machines Standardization, An
     with: Yang, H.N.: Detection of Aircraft Emissions Using Long-Path Differenti...
     with: Zhang, H.: BlindLight: High Robustness Reinforcement Learning Method t...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive DOA...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: BlindLight: High Robustness Reinforcement Learning Method...
     with: Zhang, Z.D.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive D...
     with: Zheng, J.Y.: Research on Automatic Wavelength Calibration of Passive D...
60 for Qin, M.

Qin, M.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, S.E.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN T...
     with: Chen, H.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influence...
     with: Chen, Y.K.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Chen, Y.K.: Learning from the CNN-based Compressed Domain
     with: Dong, P.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Trai...
     with: Dong, P.Y.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Awa...
     with: Fang, Z.M.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Tr...
     with: Gong, Y.F.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Re...
     with: Guan, J.X.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Ef...
     with: Hofmann, J.: DISCO: Distributed Inference with Sparse Communications
     with: Hou, Z.J.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Hua, W.J.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influenc...
     with: Huang, Q.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influenc...
     with: Jin, Q.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Train...
     with: Jin, R.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Kong, Z.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Trai...
     with: Kong, Z.L.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Awa...
     with: Kung, S.Y.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Li, P.H.: Gaussian in the Wild: 3d Gaussian Splatting for Unconstraine...
     with: Li, W.: LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting
     with: Li, X.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influences ...
     with: Li, Y.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real-t...
     with: Li, Y.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effici...
     with: Li, Y.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Traini...
     with: Lin, X.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effic...
     with: Ling, Y.G.: Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Recon...
     with: Lu, A.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Traini...
     with: Lu, M.: Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Reconstru...
     with: Ma, H.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influences ...
     with: Ma, X.L.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Ma, X.L.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware...
     with: Ma, X.L.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Trai...
     with: Meng, X.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware...
     with: Niu, W.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real-...
     with: Niu, W.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effic...
     with: Niu, W.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware ...
     with: Pfister, H.: LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting
     with: Ren, B.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real-...
     with: Ren, B.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effic...
     with: Ren, B.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware ...
     with: Shen, X.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware...
     with: Sun, C.: DISCO: Distributed Inference with Sparse Communications
     with: Sun, F.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Sun, M.S.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Awar...
     with: Sun, S.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influences...
     with: Tang, H.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real...
     with: Tang, H.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effi...
     with: Tang, H.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware...
     with: Tang, X.L.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Tr...
     with: Vucinic, D.: DISCO: Distributed Inference with Sparse Communications
     with: Wang, C.: Gaussian in the Wild: 3d Gaussian Splatting for Unconstraine...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Recon...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Gaussian in the Wild: 3d Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrai...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting
     with: Wang, W.T.: Gaussian in the Wild: 3d Gaussian Splatting for Unconstrai...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Re...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Ef...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Awa...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Tr...
     with: Wang, Z.Z.: Learning from the CNN-based Compressed Domain
     with: Wu, Y.S.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real...
     with: Wu, Y.S.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Trai...
     with: Xie, Y.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Xie, Y.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Train...
     with: Xie, Z.H.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influenc...
     with: Xu, Y.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Yang, C.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effi...
     with: Yuan, G.: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware...
     with: Yuan, G.: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Trai...
     with: Yuan, K.: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
     with: Zhan, Z.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real...
     with: Zhang, C.R.: Category-level Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Reco...
     with: Zhang, D.B.: Gaussian in the Wild: 3d Gaussian Splatting for Unconstra...
     with: Zhao, P.: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real...
     with: Zhao, P.: Pruning Parameterization with Bi-level Optimization for Effi...
     with: Zhou, J.W.: LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting
     with: Zhou, L.M.: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influen...
77 for Qin, M.H.

Qin, M.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, C.: 3D Octave and 2D Vanilla Mixed Convolutional Neural Network f...
     with: Chen, Z.: Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Based...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Based...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Pred...
     with: Du, Z.H.: GSA-SiamNet: A Siamese Network with Gradient-Based Spatial A...
     with: Du, Z.H.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A D...
     with: Du, Z.H.: RSCNN: A CNN-Based Method to Enhance Low-Light Remote-Sensin...
     with: Feng, Y.C.: 3D Octave and 2D Vanilla Mixed Convolutional Neural Networ...
     with: Fu, Z.Y.: Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Based...
     with: Gao, Y.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Ima...
     with: Gao, Y.: GSA-SiamNet: A Siamese Network with Gradient-Based Spatial At...
     with: Hu, L.: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Predic...
     with: Hu, L.S.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Hu, L.S.: Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Based...
     with: Hu, L.S.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A D...
     with: Hu, L.S.: RSCNN: A CNN-Based Method to Enhance Low-Light Remote-Sensin...
     with: Liang, S.: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Pre...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing I...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Base...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Pre...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A ...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: RSCNN: A CNN-Based Method to Enhance Low-Light Remote-Sensi...
     with: Mavromatis, S.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Usi...
     with: Qin, L.J.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing I...
     with: Sequeira, J.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using...
     with: Wu, S.: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Predic...
     with: Wu, S.: GSA-SiamNet: A Siamese Network with Gradient-Based Spatial Att...
     with: Zhang, F.: Achieving Higher Resolution Lake Area from Remote Sensing I...
     with: Zhang, F.: Dynamic Pyramid Tilling Method for Traffic Data Stream Base...
     with: Zhang, F.: GSA-SiamNet: A Siamese Network with Gradient-Based Spatial ...
     with: Zhang, F.: Remote Sensing Single-Image Resolution Improvement Using A ...
     with: Zhang, F.: RSCNN: A CNN-Based Method to Enhance Low-Light Remote-Sensi...
     with: Zhang, J.L.: 3D Octave and 2D Vanilla Mixed Convolutional Neural Netwo...
     with: Zhao, A.: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Pred...
     with: Zheng, J.W.: 3D Octave and 2D Vanilla Mixed Convolutional Neural Netwo...
36 for Qin, M.J.

Qin, M.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, L.: Improved Method of Low Light Image Enhancement Based on Retin...
     with: Song, J.Q.: Improved Method of Low Light Image Enhancement Based on Re...
     with: Wu, Q.: Improved Method of Low Light Image Enhancement Based on Retine...

Qin, M.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duan, Y.Z.: Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams ...
     with: Liu, Q.P.: Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams B...
     with: Sun, W.B.: Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams B...
     with: Xie, W.: Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams Bas...
     with: Zhao, X.S.: Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams ...

Qin, M.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, J.Z.: Single image dehazing based on multi-label graph cuts
     with: Zhou, F.: Single image dehazing based on multi-label graph cuts

Qin, M.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Sun, H.J.: Orthogonal Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust Image Fe...
     with: Tan, Z.: Orthogonal Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust Image Feat...
     with: Wang, Z.G.: Orthogonal Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust Image F...
     with: Yu, J.M.: Fast and Lightweight Detection Network for Multi-Scale SAR S...
     with: Zhang, X.Q.: Orthogonal Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust Image ...
     with: Zhou, G.Y.: Fast and Lightweight Detection Network for Multi-Scale SAR...
     with: Zhou, S.B.: Fast and Lightweight Detection Network for Multi-Scale SAR...
7 for Qin, M.W.

Qin, M.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Zhang, Z.: Disentangled representation learning GANs for generalized a...
     with: Zhou, X.X.: Disentangled representation learning GANs for generalized ...

Qin, M.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, D.: Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Borne Ro...
     with: Li, W.J.: Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Borne ...
     with: Tang, X.H.: Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Born...
     with: Xu, L.Y.: Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Borne ...
     with: Zeng, C.: Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Borne ...

Qin, N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, G.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic S...
     with: Chen, C.R.: Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Lateral...
     with: Chen, J.P.: U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater ob...
     with: Chen, K.X.: U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater ob...
     with: Du, J.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Se...
     with: Gao, H.T.: Adaptive Subtraction Based on U-Net for Removing Seismic Mu...
     with: Huang, D.Q.: Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Latera...
     with: Li, J.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Se...
     with: Li, J.X.: U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater obje...
     with: Li, Y.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Se...
     with: Li, Z.C.: Adaptive Subtraction Based on U-Net for Removing Seismic Mul...
     with: Li, Z.X.: Adaptive Subtraction Based on U-Net for Removing Seismic Mul...
     with: Lin, Z.: FW-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using generative adversa...
     with: Liu, X.L.: FW-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using generative adver...
     with: Liu, X.L.: U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater obj...
     with: Lu, Q.H.: FW-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using generative advers...
     with: Lu, Q.H.: U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater obje...
     with: Ma, L.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic Se...
     with: Shi, Q.W.: FW-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using generative adver...
     with: Song, D.Z.: Aligning windows of live video from an imprecise pan-tilt-...
     with: Sun, N.: Adaptive Subtraction Based on U-Net for Removing Seismic Mult...
     with: Tan, W.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic S...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Lateral...
     with: Wu, J.J.: FW-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using generative advers...
     with: Wu, J.J.: U-ATSS: A lightweight and accurate one-stage underwater obje...
     with: Xu, Y.L.: Aligning windows of live video from an imprecise pan-tilt-zo...
     with: Yang, K.: Toronto-3D: A Large-scale Mobile LiDAR Dataset for Semantic ...
     with: Zhang, K.: Modeling and Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for Lateral ...
28 for Qin, N.

Qin, N.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dai, H.M.: Deep fusion of multi-view and multimodal representation of ...
     with: Dai, H.M.: Deep Ground Filtering of Large-Scale ALS Point Clouds via I...
     with: Du, J.: RdmkNet and Toronto-RDMK: Large-Scale Datasets for Road Markin...
     with: Guan, H.Y.: Deep learning for filtering the ground from ALS point clou...
     with: Guan, H.Y.: RdmkNet and Toronto-RDMK: Large-Scale Datasets for Road Ma...
     with: Hu, X.Y.: Deep fusion of multi-view and multimodal representation of A...
     with: Hu, X.Y.: Deep Ground Filtering of Large-Scale ALS Point Clouds via It...
     with: Li, J.: Deep learning for filtering the ground from ALS point clouds: ...
     with: Li, J.: OpenGF: An Ultra-Large-Scale Ground Filtering Dataset Built Up...
     with: Li, J.: RdmkNet and Toronto-RDMK: Large-Scale Datasets for Road Markin...
     with: Ma, L.F.: Deep learning for filtering the ground from ALS point clouds...
     with: Ma, L.F.: OpenGF: An Ultra-Large-Scale Ground Filtering Dataset Built ...
     with: Ma, L.F.: RdmkNet and Toronto-RDMK: Large-Scale Datasets for Road Mark...
     with: Shu, Z.: Deep Ground Filtering of Large-Scale ALS Point Clouds via Ite...
     with: Tan, W.: Deep learning for filtering the ground from ALS point clouds:...
     with: Tan, W.: OpenGF: An Ultra-Large-Scale Ground Filtering Dataset Built U...
     with: Zelek, J.: RdmkNet and Toronto-RDMK: Large-Scale Datasets for Road Mar...
     with: Zhang, D.: Deep learning for filtering the ground from ALS point cloud...
     with: Zhang, D.: OpenGF: An Ultra-Large-Scale Ground Filtering Dataset Built...
     with: Zhang, J.M.: Deep Ground Filtering of Large-Scale ALS Point Clouds via...
21 for Qin, N.N.

Qin, N.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, L.: Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over Southeas...
     with: Shi, H.B.: Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over Southe...
     with: Tang, Q.H.: Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over South...
     with: Zhou, Y.Y.: Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over South...

Qin, P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bao, L.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Cai, Z.Y.: MADRL-Based URLLC-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Vehi...
     with: Chai, R.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion ...
     with: Chai, R.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Chai, R.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentati...
     with: Chen, D.: Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Retr...
     with: Chen, K.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Chen, L.: Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conv...
     with: Chen, P.: Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A fu...
     with: Chen, Q.: Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Retr...
     with: Chen, S.: Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A fu...
     with: Chen, W.: Synthesizing Coherent Story with Auto-Regressive Latent Diff...
     with: Chen, Y.Y.: Water Objects Extraction from Polarimetric SAR Imagery Bas...
     with: Dai, Q.: Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conve...
     with: Dai, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Deng, C.R.: Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Re...
     with: Dessailly, D.: Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products und...
     with: Dong, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Du, L.: Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
     with: Du, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: Duan, X.G.: Decouple Before Interact: Multi-Modal Prompt Learning for ...
     with: Fan, D.P.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Backgroun...
     with: Feng, R.C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Guo, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Guo, Z.T.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentat...
     with: Han, B.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Hoang, T.D.: Gradient Descent-Based Direction-of-Arrival Estimation fo...
     with: Hu, J.H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Huang, H.: Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A f...
     with: Huang, X.J.: Gradient Descent-Based Direction-of-Arrival Estimation fo...
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identi...
     with: Ji, X.: Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conver...
     with: Jia, G.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Background ...
     with: Jiang, J.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Meth...
     with: Jiang, K.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Jin, X.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Jin, Z.X.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion...
     with: Jin, Z.X.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentat...
     with: Jo, H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: Kim, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Kong, X.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Kwiatkowska, E.: Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products u...
     with: Li, C.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Li, J.H.: MADRL-Based URLLC-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Vehic...
     with: Li, R.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: Li, X.M.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Decouple Before Interact: Multi-Modal Prompt Learning for Co...
     with: Li, Y.H.: Synthesizing Coherent Story with Auto-Regressive Latent Diff...
     with: Liu, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Liu, J.Y.: MADRL-Based URLLC-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Vehi...
     with: Liu, M.: Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identifica...
     with: Liu, Z.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Loy, C.C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Lu, Q.T.: Two New Methods Based on Implicit Expressions and Correspond...
     with: Luo, W.H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Pan, X.C.: Synthesizing Coherent Story with Auto-Regressive Latent Dif...
     with: Pardo, S.: Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products under H...
     with: Park, H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Qian, Z.: Decouple Before Interact: Multi-Modal Prompt Learning for Co...
     with: Qiao, M.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Qin, J.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion I...
     with: Qin, J.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentatio...
     with: Qin, J.H.: EL2NM: Extremely Low-light Noise Modeling Through Diffusion...
     with: Qin, J.H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Ruan, W.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Selmes, N.: Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products under ...
     with: Shen, W.: Indoor Crowd Detection Network Framework Based on Feature Ag...
     with: Simis, S.G.H.: Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products und...
     with: Song, J.P.: Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
     with: Song, S.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Song, W.J.: Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
     with: Sun, C.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Sun, H.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods ...
     with: Tahsin, L.: Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identif...
     with: Tan, J.F.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Tang, H.L.: Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A ...
     with: Tilstone, G.H.: Consistency between Satellite Ocean Colour Products un...
     with: Wang, D.: Water Objects Extraction from Polarimetric SAR Imagery Based...
     with: Wang, J.: Reconstructing NDVI time series in cloud-prone regions: A fu...
     with: Wang, M.Y.: Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identif...
     with: Wang, P.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Wang, X.: Decouple Before Interact: Multi-Modal Prompt Learning for Co...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: MADRL-Based URLLC-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Veh...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmenta...
     with: Wang, Z.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Wu, J.L.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Wu, Q.: Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Retrie...
     with: Wu, Z.F.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmentati...
     with: Xiao, Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: Xing, X.X.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Xu, P.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Background K...
     with: Xu, Y.: Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
     with: Xue, H.: Synthesizing Coherent Story with Auto-Regressive Latent Diffu...
     with: Xue, Y.Y.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Yan, C.: Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conve...
     with: Yan, J.Y.: Two New Methods Based on Implicit Expressions and Correspon...
     with: Yang, J.F.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Backgrou...
     with: Yang, J.J.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Yang, P.Q.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Metho...
     with: Yu, Z.: Transformer-based feature interactor for person re-identificat...
     with: Yue, Z.S.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Method...
     with: Zeng, J.: Indoor Crowd Detection Network Framework Based on Feature Ag...
     with: Zeng, J.C.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmenta...
     with: Zhang, C.: Two New Methods Based on Implicit Expressions and Correspon...
     with: Zhang, J.J.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segment...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Weighted Convolutional Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Con...
     with: Zhang, Z.C.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Backgro...
     with: Zhao, P.C.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Backgrou...
     with: Zhao, P.C.: RFLSE: Joint radiomics feature-enhanced level-set segmenta...
     with: Zhao, X.W.: MADRL-Based URLLC-Aware Task Offloading for Air-Ground Veh...
     with: Zhou, B.: LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Background...
     with: Zhou, S.: MIPI 2024 Challenge on Few-shot RAW Image Denoising: Methods...
     with: zhou, W.: Immersive 3D user interface for 3D TVS
     with: Zhou, W.: Two New Methods Based on Implicit Expressions and Correspond...
     with: Zhu, W.W.: Decouple Before Interact: Multi-Modal Prompt Learning for C...
115 for Qin, P.

Qin, P.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chai, Y.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the So...
     with: Chen, H.P.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the ...
     with: Wang, G.X.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the ...
     with: Wang, H.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the So...
     with: Xing, C.C.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the ...
     with: Xu, C.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the Sout...
     with: Xu, M.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the Sout...
     with: Yu, H.T.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the So...
     with: Zhang, H.: Multilayer Densities of the Crust and Upper Mantle in the S...
9 for Qin, P.B.

Qin, P.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ge, M.F.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseline ...
     with: Lu, Z.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseline Ci...
     with: Wu, Z.T.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseline ...
     with: Xie, H.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseline C...
     with: Yi, S.L.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseline ...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseli...
     with: Zhu, N.N.: Improved Phase Gradient Autofocus Method for Multi-Baseline...
7 for Qin, P.C.

Qin, P.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, E.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relatio...
     with: Feng, F.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relatio...
     with: Hao, Y.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relation...
     with: Wu, S.W.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relatio...
     with: Xu, T.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relations...
     with: Zhu, C.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relation...

Qin, P.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bhandarkar, S.M.: Edge-Detection Technique Using Local Smoothing and S...
     with: Di, Z.H.: Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over the ...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over the...
     with: Ma, Q.: Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over the Ch...
     with: Zhang, S.L.: Evaluation of Six Satellite Precipitation Products over t...

Qin, P.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, T.: Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Based ...
     with: Gao, Z.H.: Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Base...
     with: Li, Y.: Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Based o...
     with: Sun, B.: Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Based ...
     with: Yan, Z.Y.: Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Base...

Qin, P.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, B.J.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
     with: Qin, W.C.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
     with: Zhong, D.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification

Qin, Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Basara, J.B.: Semiphysical Microwave Surface Emission Model for Soil M...
     with: Cai, B.: Visual-Textual Cross-Modal Interaction Network for Radiology ...
     with: Cai, Y.F.: RTMDet-MGG: A Multi-Task Model With Global Guidance
     with: Chen, J.J.: Patch Pattern and Ecological Risk Assessment of Alpine Gra...
     with: Chen, L.: RTMDet-MGG: A Multi-Task Model With Global Guidance
     with: Chen, S.: Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimat...
     with: Cong, R.M.: Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object De...
     with: Dai, J.Y.: Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Mod...
     with: Dong, J.: Improving Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval ...
     with: Dong, J.: Land Surface Temperature Estimate From Chinese Gaofen-5 Sate...
     with: Dou, J.F.: Background subtraction based on circulant matrix
     with: Han, J.G.: Bi-Directional Progressive Guidance Network for RGB-D Salie...
     with: Han, J.G.: Feature Calibrating and Fusing Network for RGB-D Salient Ob...
     with: Han, X.W.: Patch Pattern and Ecological Risk Assessment of Alpine Gras...
     with: He, L.: Soil Moisture Retrieval in Agricultural Fields Using Adaptive ...
     with: Hong, Y.: Bare Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Using Double-Angle and...
     with: Hong, Y.: Semiphysical Microwave Surface Emission Model for Soil Moist...
     with: Hu, J.M.: Visual-Textual Cross-Modal Interaction Network for Radiology...
     with: Hu, Y.: Image segmentation based on multiresolution Markov random fiel...
     with: Huang, L.: Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Sampling ...
     with: Huang, L.: Deep Neighborhood Structure-Preserving Hashing for Large-Sc...
     with: Huang, L.: Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Mod...
     with: Hui, J.: Anomaly Identification From Super-low Frequency Electromagnet...
     with: Hui, J.: Soil Moisture Estimation With SVR and Data Augmentation Based...
     with: Huo, Y.D.: Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Mod...
     with: Jiang, Q.P.: Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object D...
     with: Jiao, Q.: Feature Calibrating and Fusing Network for RGB-D Salient Obj...
     with: Kwong, S.: Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Det...
     with: Li, Y.C.: RTMDet-MGG: A Multi-Task Model With Global Guidance
     with: Liu, G.: Image segmentation based on multiresolution Markov random fie...
     with: Liu, J.: Patch Pattern and Ecological Risk Assessment of Alpine Grassl...
     with: Liu, R.: Improving Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval F...
     with: Liu, R.: Land Surface Temperature Estimate From Chinese Gaofen-5 Satel...
     with: Liu, Y.: Bi-Directional Progressive Guidance Network for RGB-D Salient...
     with: Liu, Y.: Land Surface Temperature Estimate From Chinese Gaofen-5 Satel...
     with: Long, Z.: Downscaling Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Based on ...
     with: Long, Z.: Soil Moisture Estimation With SVR and Data Augmentation Base...
     with: Luo, Y.J.: Bi-Directional Progressive Guidance Network for RGB-D Salie...
     with: Mao, K.: Bare Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Using Double-Angle and ...
     with: Mao, K.: Semiphysical Microwave Surface Emission Model for Soil Moistu...
     with: Panciera, R.: Soil Moisture Retrieval in Agricultural Fields Using Ada...
     with: Ren, H.: Improving Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval F...
     with: Ren, H.: Land Surface Temperature Estimate From Chinese Gaofen-5 Satel...
     with: Ren, H.: Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimati...
     with: Shen, X.: Bare Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Using Double-Angle and...
     with: Shen, X.: Semiphysical Microwave Surface Emission Model for Soil Moist...
     with: Sun, Y.: Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimati...
     with: Tanase, M.A.: Soil Moisture Retrieval in Agricultural Fields Using Ada...
     with: Tu, Z.M.: Background subtraction based on circulant matrix
     with: Walker, J.P.: Soil Moisture Retrieval in Agricultural Fields Using Ada...
     with: Wang, C.: Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Sampling f...
     with: Wang, C.: Deep Neighborhood Structure-Preserving Hashing for Large-Sca...
     with: Wang, C.: Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Moda...
     with: Wang, D.: Semiphysical Microwave Surface Emission Model for Soil Moist...
     with: Wang, H.: RTMDet-MGG: A Multi-Task Model With Global Guidance
     with: Wang, L.: Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-Moda...
     with: Wang, N.: Anomaly Identification From Super-low Frequency Electromagne...
     with: Wang, S.Q.: Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object De...
     with: Wei, Z.Q.: Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Sampling ...
     with: Xie, K.Z.: Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Sampling ...
     with: Xie, K.Z.: Deep Neighborhood Structure-Preserving Hashing for Large-Sc...
     with: Xie, K.Z.: Visual-Textual Cross-Modal Interaction Network for Radiolog...
     with: Xu, W.: Downscaling Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Based on Co...
     with: Xu, W.: Soil Moisture Estimation With SVR and Data Augmentation Based ...
     with: Yang, Y.: Bi-Directional Progressive Guidance Network for RGB-D Salien...
     with: Yang, Y.: Feature Calibrating and Fusing Network for RGB-D Salient Obj...
     with: Ye, X.: Anomaly Identification From Super-low Frequency Electromagneti...
     with: Ye, X.: Improving Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval Fr...
     with: Ye, X.: Land Surface Temperature Estimate From Chinese Gaofen-5 Satell...
     with: You, H.T.: Patch Pattern and Ecological Risk Assessment of Alpine Gras...
     with: Zhang, C.: Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Det...
     with: Zhang, G.: Bare Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Using Double-Angle an...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Bi-Directional Progressive Guidance Network for RGB-D Salie...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Feature Calibrating and Fusing Network for RGB-D Salient Ob...
     with: Zhang, T.: Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estima...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Deep Adaptive Quadruplet Hashing With Probability Samplin...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Deep Neighborhood Structure-Preserving Hashing for Large-...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Deep Semantic-Aware Proxy Hashing for Multi-Label Cross-M...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Visual-Textual Cross-Modal Interaction Network for Radiol...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Downscaling Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Based on...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Soil Moisture Estimation With SVR and Data Augmentation Bas...
     with: Zhao, S.S.: Anomaly Identification From Super-low Frequency Electromag...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Salient Object Dete...
     with: Zheng, C.: Image segmentation based on multiresolution Markov random f...
     with: Zhou, G.Q.: Patch Pattern and Ecological Risk Assessment of Alpine Gra...
85 for Qin, Q.

Qin, Q.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dai, J.Y.: Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spheric...
     with: Huang, L.: Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spheric...
     with: Huang, L.: Learning to Classify Weather Conditions from Single Images ...
     with: Huang, L.: Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
     with: Huang, L.: Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic St...
     with: Huo, Y.D.: Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spheric...
     with: Li, J.: Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
     with: Wei, Z.Q.: Learning to Classify Weather Conditions from Single Images ...
     with: Wei, Z.Q.: Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
     with: Wei, Z.Q.: Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic St...
     with: Xie, K.Z.: Learning to Classify Weather Conditions from Single Images ...
     with: Xie, K.Z.: Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic St...
     with: Zhang, H.H.: Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spher...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Deep Neighborhood-Preserving Hashing With Quadratic Spher...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Learning to Classify Weather Conditions from Single Image...
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Multi-task learning with deformable convolution
     with: Zhang, W.F.: Unsupervised Deep Multi-Similarity Hashing With Semantic ...
17 for Qin, Q.B.

Qin, Q.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.: Variable-Scale Visualization of High-Density Polygonal Build...
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Variable-Scale Visualization of High-Density Polygonal Bui...
     with: Lv, X.L.: Variable-Scale Visualization of High-Density Polygonal Build...
     with: Shen, Y.L.: Variable-Scale Visualization of High-Density Polygonal Bui...

Qin, Q.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.: Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on discr...
     with: Chen, S.J.: application of dyadic wavelet in the RS building image edg...
     with: Cheng, J.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based ...
     with: Du, C.: Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infrared...
     with: Du, C.: Practical Split-Window Algorithm for Estimating Land Surface T...
     with: Du, S.H.: Efficiently computing and deriving topological relation matr...
     with: Ersoy, O.K.: Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral R...
     with: Fan, W.J.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmo...
     with: Feng, X.: Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads Us...
     with: Gao, Z.L.: New Approach to Urban Road Extraction Using High-Resolution...
     with: Gong, S.H.: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental ...
     with: Guo, L.: Efficiently computing and deriving topological relation matri...
     with: Han, J.W.: probabilistic approach to detect mixed periodic patterns fr...
     with: Jia, K.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based Pr...
     with: Jindal, T.: probabilistic approach to detect mixed periodic patterns f...
     with: Li, J.: Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the Inter...
     with: Li, J.: Application of Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Images for Detecting the ...
     with: Li, J.: Identification of Factors Influencing Locations of Tree Cover ...
     with: Li, J.: probabilistic approach to detect mixed periodic patterns from ...
     with: Li, J.: Rural Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imag...
     with: Li, J.Z.: Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the Int...
     with: Li, M.Z.: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for Wint...
     with: Li, Y.P.: Rural Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Im...
     with: Li, Z.L.: Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infrar...
     with: Liang, S.L.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Base...
     with: Liang, Y.Z.: Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral R...
     with: Liang, Y.Z.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and At...
     with: Liu, H.C.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmo...
     with: Liu, J.: Rural Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Ima...
     with: Liu, M.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based Pr...
     with: Liu, R.Y.: Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infra...
     with: Liu, S.H.: Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral Ref...
     with: Liu, X.N.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on ...
     with: Meng, J.J.: Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infr...
     with: Meng, J.J.: Practical Split-Window Algorithm for Estimating Land Surfa...
     with: Meng, J.J.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atm...
     with: Nie, J.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmosp...
     with: Pei, Y.Q.: Application of Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Images for Detecting t...
     with: Qin, X.B.: Building Façade Recognition Using Oblique Aerial Images
     with: Qin, X.B.: Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads U...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral Ref...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Decameter Cropland LAI/FPAR Estimation From Sentinel-2 Imag...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infra...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Heat and Drought Stress Advanced Global Wheat Harvest Timin...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultu...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for Win...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Practical Split-Window Algorithm for Estimating Land Surfac...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmo...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Snow Cover Monitoring with Chinese Gaofen-4 PMS Imagery and...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on ...
     with: Ren, H.Z.: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental S...
     with: Ren, S.: Heat and Drought Stress Advanced Global Wheat Harvest Timing ...
     with: Ren, S.L.: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for Win...
     with: Sagan, V.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultu...
     with: Sui, J.: Heat and Drought Stress Advanced Global Wheat Harvest Timing ...
     with: Sui, J.: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental Str...
     with: Sun, Y.: Decameter Cropland LAI/FPAR Estimation From Sentinel-2 Imager...
     with: Sun, Y.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultura...
     with: Sun, Y.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on th...
     with: Sun, Y.H.: Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on disc...
     with: Sun, Y.H.: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for Win...
     with: Sun, Y.H.: Snow Cover Monitoring with Chinese Gaofen-4 PMS Imagery and...
     with: Sun, Y.H.: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental S...
     with: Wang, J.: Building Façade Recognition Using Oblique Aerial Images
     with: Wang, J.D.: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental ...
     with: Wang, J.H.: Building Façade Recognition Using Oblique Aerial Images
     with: Wang, J.H.: Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads ...
     with: Wang, J.H.: New Approach to Urban Road Extraction Using High-Resolutio...
     with: Wang, J.H.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on...
     with: Wang, J.J.: probabilistic approach to detect mixed periodic patterns f...
     with: Wang, Q.: Efficiently computing and deriving topological relation matr...
     with: Wang, W.J.: application of dyadic wavelet in the RS building image edg...
     with: Wang, X.: Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the Int...
     with: Wei, Z.Z.: Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the In...
     with: Wu, L.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on the...
     with: Wu, Z.H.: Framework of Generating Land Surface Reflectance of China Ea...
     with: Wu, Z.H.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultur...
     with: Xie, X.H.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based ...
     with: Xu, W.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultural...
     with: Yan, G.J.: Evaluation of Radiometric Performance for the Thermal Infra...
     with: Yang, X.C.: Building Façade Recognition Using Oblique Aerial Images
     with: Yang, X.C.: Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads ...
     with: Yao, Y.J.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based ...
     with: Ye, X.: Building Façade Recognition Using Oblique Aerial Images
     with: Ye, X.: Framework of Generating Land Surface Reflectance of China Earl...
     with: Ye, X.: Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads Usin...
     with: Ye, X.: New Approach to Urban Road Extraction Using High-Resolution Ae...
     with: Ye, X.: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature, Emissivity, and Atmosph...
     with: Ye, X.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on the...
     with: Yue, J.: Application of Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Images for Detecting the...
     with: Yue, J.: Deep Quadruplet Network for Hyperspectral Image Classificatio...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: Advancing the PROSPECT-5 Model to Simulate the Spectral R...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: Application of Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Images for Detecting...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: Deep Quadruplet Network for Hyperspectral Image Classific...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on di...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricul...
     with: Zhang, J.F.: probabilistic approach to detect mixed periodic patterns ...
     with: Zhang, N.N.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Base...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on di...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricul...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for W...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Snow Cover Monitoring with Chinese Gaofen-4 PMS Imagery a...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Application of GPS Trajectory Data for Investigating the In...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Decameter Cropland LAI/FPAR Estimation From Sentinel-2 Imag...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Heat and Drought Stress Advanced Global Wheat Harvest Timin...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Identification of Factors Influencing Locations of Tree Cov...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultu...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for Win...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based ...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricul...
     with: Zhao, C.: Framework of Generating Land Surface Reflectance of China Ea...
     with: Zhao, C.: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultur...
     with: Zhao, J.H.: Knowledge-Based Detection and Assessment of Damaged Roads ...
     with: Zhao, J.H.: New Approach to Urban Road Extraction Using High-Resolutio...
     with: Zhao, S.H.: Practical Split-Window Algorithm for Estimating Land Surfa...
     with: Zhao, S.H.: Validation and Application of the Modified Satellite-Based...
     with: Zheng, X.: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on ...
118 for Qin, Q.M.

Qin, Q.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, K.: Denet: Detection-driven Enhancement Network for Object Dete...
     with: Chang, K.: DLEN: Deep Laplacian Enhancement Networks for Low-Light Ima...
     with: Huang, M.Y.: Denet: Detection-driven Enhancement Network for Object De...
     with: Huang, M.Y.: DLEN: Deep Laplacian Enhancement Networks for Low-Light I...
     with: Li, G.Q.: Denet: Detection-driven Enhancement Network for Object Detec...
     with: Li, G.Q.: DLEN: Deep Laplacian Enhancement Networks for Low-Light Images
     with: Wei, X.J.: DLEN: Deep Laplacian Enhancement Networks for Low-Light Ima...
7 for Qin, Q.P.

Qin, Q.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, D.: Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Scale Detectors for Road Extraction...
     with: Chen, F.: Hybrid regularization image deblurring in the presence of im...
     with: Fei, F.: Scene Classification Based on a Deep Random-Scale Stretched C...
     with: Fu, Z.T.: HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination o...
     with: He, C.: Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Scale Detectors for Road Extraction f...
     with: Hu, Y.J.: Adaptive weighted real-time compressive tracking
     with: Jiao, Y.L.: Hybrid regularization image deblurring in the presence of ...
     with: Li, B.X.: Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-re...
     with: Lin, L.: Real-time Spatio-temporal Action Localization via Learning Mo...
     with: Liu, J.: Alike Scene Retrieval from Land-Cover Products Based on the L...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Scale Detectors for Road Extractio...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: Scene Classification Based on a Deep Random-Scale Stretched...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: Scene Classification Based on Multiscale Convolutional Neur...
     with: Liu, Y.Z.: Real-time Spatio-temporal Action Localization via Learning ...
     with: Luo, B.: Alike Scene Retrieval from Land-Cover Products Based on the L...
     with: Luo, B.: HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination of...
     with: Ma, G.R.: Hybrid regularization image deblurring in the presence of im...
     with: Ma, Y.: Adaptive weighted real-time compressive tracking
     with: Poppe, R.: Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-r...
     with: Sun, H.: HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination of...
     with: Tu, Z.G.: Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-re...
     with: Tu, Z.G.: Real-time Spatio-temporal Action Localization via Learning M...
     with: Veltkamp, R.C.: Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on hu...
     with: Wu, C.: HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination of ...
     with: Xie, W.: Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-rel...
     with: Xie, X.: Real-time Spatio-temporal Action Localization via Learning Mo...
     with: Xu, R.: Bayesian Fusion of Multi-Scale Detectors for Road Extraction f...
     with: Yang, G.P.: Alike Scene Retrieval from Land-Cover Products Based on th...
     with: Yuan, J.S.: Multi-stream CNN: Learning representations based on human-...
     with: Zheng, C.: Adaptive weighted real-time compressive tracking
     with: Zhong, Y.F.: Scene Classification Based on a Deep Random-Scale Stretch...
     with: Zhong, Y.F.: Scene Classification Based on Multiscale Convolutional Ne...
     with: Zhu, J.Z.: Adaptive weighted real-time compressive tracking
     with: Zhu, Q.Q.: Scene Classification Based on a Deep Random-Scale Stretched...
34 for Qin, Q.Q.

Qin, Q.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hao, A.: FaceCom: Towards High-fidelity 3D Facial Shape Completion via...
     with: Li, Y.L.: FaceCom: Towards High-fidelity 3D Facial Shape Completion vi...
     with: Wang, X.G.: FaceCom: Towards High-fidelity 3D Facial Shape Completion ...
     with: Wang, Y.: FaceCom: Towards High-fidelity 3D Facial Shape Completion vi...
     with: Wu, H.Y.: FaceCom: Towards High-fidelity 3D Facial Shape Completion vi...
     with: Zhao, Y.J.: FaceCom: Towards High-fidelity 3D Facial Shape Completion ...

Qin, R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Albanwan, H.: Adaptive and Non-adaptive Fusion Algorithms Analysis for...
     with: Boavida, J.: Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile Ma...
     with: Chen, D.L.: TLOF final approach methodology proposal utilizing dual la...
     with: Chen, T.: Holoscopic 3D Microgesture Recognition by Deep Neural Networ...
     with: Collin, A.: Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphometry for VHR Coast...
     with: Cremers, D.: DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image ...
     with: Cui, Z.: Geometry-Aware Satellite-to-Ground Image Synthesis for Urban ...
     with: Cui, Z.P.: Sat2Vid: Street-view Panoramic Video Synthesis from a Singl...
     with: Cui, Z.P.: Vis2Mesh: Efficient Mesh Reconstruction from Unstructured P...
     with: d'Angelo, P.: DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image...
     with: Du, H.: U-Shaped Convolution-Aided Transformer with Double Attention f...
     with: Du, T.: Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile Mapping...
     with: Elhashash, M.: Cross-view SLAM solver: Global pose estimation of monoc...
     with: Fang, W.: Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile Mappi...
     with: Fu, X.J.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High...
     with: Fu, X.J.: High-Speed Lightweight Ship Detection Algorithm Based on YOL...
     with: Gaus, Y.F.A.: Holoscopic 3D Micro-Gesture Database for Wearable Device...
     with: Gruen, A.: Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile Mapp...
     with: Gruen, A.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model ...
     with: Guan, J.H.: MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea ...
     with: He, L.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High-R...
     with: He, Z.H.: Human Action Recognition by Discriminative Feature Pooling a...
     with: He, Z.H.: Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipation via S...
     with: Hou, S.: MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea Sur...
     with: Huang, J.: Dual-Branch Adaptive Convolutional Transformer for Hyperspe...
     with: Huang, X.: 3D Data Generation Using Low-cost Cross-view Images
     with: Huang, X.: Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile Mapp...
     with: James, D.: Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphometry for VHR Coasta...
     with: Jian, S.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High...
     with: Jiang, J.H.: High-Speed Lightweight Ship Detection Algorithm Based on ...
     with: Karim, M.M.: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Anti...
     with: Karim, M.M.: Virtual-Reality-Based Training and Assessment System for ...
     with: Kuschk, G.: DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image M...
     with: Lei, Y.: TLOF final approach methodology proposal utilizing dual landi...
     with: Lei, Z.: Discriminant Analysis Method for Face Recognition in Heterosc...
     with: Lei, Z.: Heterogeneous Face Recognition from Local Structures of Norma...
     with: Lei, Z.: Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors
     with: Leu, M.C.: Human Action Recognition by Discriminative Feature Pooling ...
     with: Leu, M.C.: Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipation via ...
     with: Li, B.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High-R...
     with: Li, J.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model Gen...
     with: Li, M.Z.: Track fast-moving tiny flies by adaptive LBP feature and cas...
     with: Li, Q.: TLOF final approach methodology proposal utilizing dual landin...
     with: Li, S.Z.: Discriminant Analysis Method for Face Recognition in Heteros...
     with: Li, S.Z.: Heterogeneous Face Recognition from Local Structures of Norm...
     with: Li, S.Z.: Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors
     with: Li, W.G.: MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea Su...
     with: Li, Y.: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Anticipat...
     with: Li, Y.: Virtual-Reality-Based Training and Assessment System for Bridg...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High...
     with: Li, Z.: Geometry-Aware Satellite-to-Ground Image Synthesis for Urban A...
     with: Li, Z.Q.: Sat2Vid: Street-view Panoramic Video Synthesis from a Single...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Sat2Vid: Street-view Panoramic Video Synthesis from a Single...
     with: Liao, K.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High...
     with: Liao, S.C.: Discriminant Analysis Method for Face Recognition in Heter...
     with: Liao, S.C.: Heterogeneous Face Recognition from Local Structures of No...
     with: Liao, S.C.: Moving Cast Shadow Removal Based on Local Descriptors
     with: Ling, X.: graph-matching approach for cross-view registration of over-...
     with: Ling, X.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model G...
     with: Ling, X.: Urban Land-Cover Classification Using Side-View Information ...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea S...
     with: Liu, W.: MultiKernel Domain Adaptation Method for Unsupervised Transfe...
     with: Liu, X.: NCMNet: Neighbor Consistency Mining Network for Two-View Corr...
     with: Liu, X.: Progressive Neighbor Consistency Mining for Correspondence Pr...
     with: Liu, Y.: Holoscopic 3D Micro-Gesture Database for Wearable Device Inte...
     with: Liu, Y.: Holoscopic 3D Microgesture Recognition by Deep Neural Network...
     with: Lu, L.M.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High...
     with: Lu, X.: Geometry-Aware Satellite-to-Ground Image Synthesis for Urban A...
     with: Lv, M.Y.: Dual-Branch Adaptive Convolutional Transformer for Hyperspec...
     with: Lv, M.Y.: U-Shaped Convolution-Aided Transformer with Double Attention...
     with: Ma, Z.F.: High-Speed Lightweight Ship Detection Algorithm Based on YOL...
     with: Meng, H.Y.: Holoscopic 3D Micro-Gesture Database for Wearable Device I...
     with: Meng, H.Y.: Holoscopic 3D Microgesture Recognition by Deep Neural Netw...
     with: Moniruzzaman, M.: Human Action Recognition by Discriminative Feature P...
     with: Moniruzzaman, M.: Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipati...
     with: Mury, A.: Satellite-Derived Topography and Morphometry for VHR Coastal...
     with: Ninsalam, Y.: Application For 3d Scene Understanding In Detecting Disc...
     with: Nuesch, F.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model...
     with: Oliveira, A.: Joint Processing of UAV Imagery and Terrestrial Mobile M...
     with: Oswald, M.R.: Geometry-Aware Satellite-to-Ground Image Synthesis for U...
     with: Oswald, M.R.: Sat2Vid: Street-view Panoramic Video Synthesis from a Si...
     with: Peng, M.: Holoscopic 3D Microgesture Recognition by Deep Neural Networ...
     with: Poli, D.: DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image Mat...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Geometry-Aware Satellite-to-Ground Image Synthesis for ...
     with: Pollefeys, M.: Sat2Vid: Street-view Panoramic Video Synthesis from a S...
     with: Reinartz, P.: DSM Accuracy Evaluation for the ISPRS Commission I Image...
     with: Rekittke, J.: Application For 3d Scene Understanding In Detecting Disc...
     with: Schrotter, G.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Mo...
     with: Schubiger, S.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Mo...
     with: Song, S.: 3D Data Generation Using Low-cost Cross-view Images
     with: Song, S.: Vis2Mesh: Efficient Mesh Reconstruction from Unstructured Po...
     with: Sultana, J.: Seeing Through Expert's Eyes: Leveraging Radiologist Eye ...
     with: Sun, M.: New Dataset and Framework for Real-world Blurred Images Super...
     with: Swash, M.R.: Holoscopic 3D Micro-Gesture Database for Wearable Device ...
     with: Swash, M.R.: Holoscopic 3D Microgesture Recognition by Deep Neural Net...
     with: Thimgan, M.S.: Track fast-moving tiny flies by adaptive LBP feature an...
     with: Wang, B.: New Dataset and Framework for Real-world Blurred Images Supe...
     with: Wang, C.Z.: Dual-Branch Adaptive Convolutional Transformer for Hypersp...
     with: Wang, C.Z.: U-Shaped Convolution-Aided Transformer with Double Attenti...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: High-Speed Lightweight Ship Detection Algorithm Based on Y...
     with: Wang, Y.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV High...
     with: Wang, Z.F.: MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea ...
     with: Wu, Y.M.: Dual-Branch Adaptive Convolutional Transformer for Hyperspec...
     with: Wu, Y.M.: U-Shaped Convolution-Aided Transformer with Double Attention...
     with: Xiao, C.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model G...
     with: Xiao, C.L.: Urban Land-Cover Classification Using Side-View Informatio...
     with: Xiong, B.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model ...
     with: Yan, J.C.: NCMNet: Neighbor Consistency Mining Network for Two-View Co...
     with: Yan, J.C.: Progressive Neighbor Consistency Mining for Correspondence ...
     with: Yang, J.F.: NCMNet: Neighbor Consistency Mining Network for Two-View C...
     with: Yang, J.F.: Progressive Neighbor Consistency Mining for Correspondence...
     with: Yao, S.: Semantically Enriched High Resolution LOD 3 Building Model Ge...
     with: Yi, D.: Discriminant Analysis Method for Face Recognition in Heterosce...
     with: Yi, D.: Heterogeneous Face Recognition from Local Structures of Normal...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Attention Network for Early Antici...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Human Action Recognition by Discriminative Feature Pooling ...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Jointly-Learnt Networks for Future Action Anticipation via ...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Seeing Through Expert's Eyes: Leveraging Radiologist Eye Ga...
     with: Yin, Z.Z.: Track fast-moving tiny flies by adaptive LBP feature and ca...
     with: Zhang, J.L.: Extraction of Tobacco Planting Information Based on UAV H...
     with: Zhou, C.: New Dataset and Framework for Real-world Blurred Images Supe...
     with: Zhou, S.G.: MIMO: A Unified Spatio-Temporal Model for Multi-Scale Sea ...
122 for Qin, R.

Qin, R.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, K.J.: Target-Aware Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Context Attention
     with: Li, Z.X.: Target-Aware Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Context Attention
     with: Wang, Z.W.: Target-Aware Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Context Attent...
     with: Xie, S.: Target-Aware Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Context Attention
     with: Zhang, C.L.: Target-Aware Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Context Atten...

Qin, R.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akca, D.: Photogrammetry: The Science of Precise Measurements from Ima...
     with: Albanwan, H.: novel spectrum enhancement technique for multi-temporal,...
     with: Albanwan, H.: Remote Sensing-Based 3D Assessment of Landslides: A Revi...
     with: Albanwan, H.: Spatial Temporal Analysis of Traffic Patterns during the...
     with: Chen, M.: Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images ...
     with: Chen, X.Y.: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Remote Sensing Applications: A...
     with: Chen, Y.: Spatial Temporal Analysis of Traffic Patterns during the COV...
     with: Darmawan, M.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A C...
     with: Du, S.J.: Building Change Detection Using Old Aerial Images and New Li...
     with: Elhashash, M.: Bundle adjustment with motion constraints for uncalibra...
     with: Fan, C.: Building Change Detection Using Old Aerial Images and New LiD...
     with: Fang, T.: Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images ...
     with: Fang, Y.: Classification of Ultra-High Resolution Orthophotos Combined...
     with: Farella, E.M.: Uncertainty-Guided Depth Fusion from Multi-View Satelli...
     with: Ge, X.M.: Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images ...
     with: Gruen, A.: 3D change detection at street level using mobile laser scan...
     with: Gruen, A.: Flexible Inference Machine for Global Alignment of Wall Ope...
     with: Gruen, A.: supervised method for object-based 3D building change detec...
     with: Gui, S.X.: Automated LoD-2 model reconstruction from very-high-resolut...
     with: Gui, S.X.: Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A...
     with: Han, Y.L.: Stereo Dense Image Matching by Adaptive Fusion of Multiple-...
     with: Hashim, M.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Con...
     with: Helmi, M.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Conc...
     with: Huang, D.: Bundle adjustment with motion constraints for uncalibrated ...
     with: Huang, X.: Classification of Ultra-High Resolution Orthophotos Combine...
     with: Huang, X.: Stereo Dense Image Matching by Adaptive Fusion of Multiple-...
     with: Huang, X.: Super resolution of laser range data based on image-guided ...
     with: Jin, X.F.: Bispace Domain Adaptation Network for Remotely Sensed Seman...
     with: Karami, A.: Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Li, H.X.: Bispace Domain Adaptation Network for Remotely Sensed Semant...
     with: Li, J.Q.: Flexible Inference Machine for Global Alignment of Wall Open...
     with: Ling, X.: Uncertainty-Guided Depth Fusion from Multi-View Satellite Im...
     with: Liu, J.K.: Remote Sensing-Based 3D Assessment of Landslides: A Review ...
     with: Liu, L.: Classification of Ultra-High Resolution Orthophotos Combined ...
     with: Liu, T.: Review of Landcover Classification with Very-High Resolution ...
     with: Liu, W.: Bispace Domain Adaptation Network for Remotely Sensed Semanti...
     with: Liu, W.: Stereo Dense Image Matching by Adaptive Fusion of Multiple-Wi...
     with: Lu, X.H.: Super resolution of laser range data based on image-guided f...
     with: Mazzacca, G.: Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Rahadiati, A.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A ...
     with: Reinartz, P.: 3D change detection-Approaches and applications
     with: Remondino, F.: Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Remondino, F.: Photogrammetry: The Science of Precise Measurements fro...
     with: Remondino, F.: Uncertainty-Guided Depth Fusion from Multi-View Satelli...
     with: Rigon, S.: Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Shih, P.T.Y.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A C...
     with: Song, S.: general albedo recovery approach for aerial photogrammetric ...
     with: Song, S.: Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A ...
     with: Su, F.: Bispace Domain Adaptation Network for Remotely Sensed Semantic...
     with: Sutrisno, D.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A C...
     with: Tang, Y.: Remote Sensing Object Detection in the Deep Learning Era: A ...
     with: Tang, Y.Q.: Building Change Detection Using Old Aerial Images and New ...
     with: Tian, J.J.: 3D change detection-Approaches and applications
     with: Wang, S.G.: Stereo Dense Image Matching by Adaptive Fusion of Multiple...
     with: Xiao, C.L.: Super resolution of laser range data based on image-guided...
     with: Xiong, B.: Flexible Inference Machine for Global Alignment of Wall Ope...
     with: Xu, N.: Geospecific View Generation Geometry-Context Aware High-resolu...
     with: Yan, S.H.: Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images...
     with: Yan, Z.Y.: Critical Analysis of NeRF-Based 3D Reconstruction, A
     with: Yang, Z.H.: Building Change Detection Using Old Aerial Images and New ...
     with: Yao, H.: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Remote Sensing Applications: A Re...
     with: Yusmur, A.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Con...
     with: Zhang, G.X.: Spatial Temporal Analysis of Traffic Patterns during the ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Spatial-Planning-Based Ecosystem Adaptation (SPBEA): A Conc...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Classification of Ultra-High Resolution Orthophotos Combine...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Building Change Detection Using Old Aerial Images and New...
     with: Zhao, X.: Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images ...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Hierarchical line segment matching for wide-baseline images v...
     with: Zou, Z.R.: Building Change Detection Using Old Aerial Images and New L...
69 for Qin, R.J.

Qin, R.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chai, N.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassla...
     with: Cheng, H.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassl...
     with: Fang, Y.J.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grass...
     with: Feng, Q.S.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grass...
     with: Gao, J.L.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassl...
     with: Hou, M.J.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassl...
     with: Huang, J.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassl...
     with: Liang, T.G.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Gras...
     with: Liu, C.L.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassl...
     with: Liu, J.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grasslan...
     with: Wang, Y.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassla...
     with: Zhang, F.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Grassl...
     with: Zhang, K.P.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Gras...
     with: Zhang, W.J.: Can Machine Learning Algorithms Successfully Predict Gras...
14 for Qin, R.Z.

Qin, S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bissaco, A.: Towards Unconstrained End-to-End Text Spotting
     with: Chan, A.B.: Freediff: Progressive Frequency Truncation for Image Editi...
     with: Chan, W.K.: Simple accurate model-based phase diversity phase retrieva...
     with: Chang, L.W.: Timely Plastic-Mulched Cropland Extraction Method from Co...
     with: Chen, L.: Long-Term Historical Aerosol Optical Depth Data Record (1982...
     with: Chen, Z.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RG...
     with: Cheng, L.: Timely Plastic-Mulched Cropland Extraction Method from Comp...
     with: Cheng, Q.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV R...
     with: Chiew, K.: Scheduling and Routing of AMOs in an Intelligent Transport ...
     with: Ding, F.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RG...
     with: Dong, N.: Partimagenet++ Dataset: Scaling Up Part-based Models for Rob...
     with: Fan, Q.: Freediff: Progressive Frequency Truncation for Image Editing ...
     with: Fei, S.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RGB...
     with: Fu, C.H.: Timely Plastic-Mulched Cropland Extraction Method from Compl...
     with: Fujii, Y.: Towards Unconstrained End-to-End Text Spotting
     with: Gao, L.: Long-Term Historical Aerosol Optical Depth Data Record (1982-...
     with: Gu, H.: Freediff: Progressive Frequency Truncation for Image Editing w...
     with: He, Z.: Fine-Granularity Transmission Distortion Modeling for Video Pa...
     with: Heidinger, A.K.: Long-Term Historical Aerosol Optical Depth Data Recor...
     with: Hu, X.L.: Partimagenet++ Dataset: Scaling Up Part-based Models for Rob...
     with: Huang, Y.M.: Cramer-Rao Bound of Joint DOA-Range Estimation for Coprim...
     with: Kim, S.: Multi-planar Monocular Reconstruction of Manhattan Indoor Sce...
     with: Kim, S.: Robust and Accurate Text Stroke Segmentation
     with: Li, C.C.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RG...
     with: Li, J.: Long-Term Historical Aerosol Optical Depth Data Record (1982-2...
     with: Li, X.: Partimagenet++ Dataset: Scaling Up Part-based Models for Robus...
     with: Li, Y.F.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RG...
     with: Li, Z.P.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RG...
     with: Liu, P.: Timely Plastic-Mulched Cropland Extraction Method from Comple...
     with: Liu, S.H.: Cramer-Rao Bound of Joint DOA-Range Estimation for Coprime ...
     with: Liu, Y.: Partimagenet++ Dataset: Scaling Up Part-based Models for Robu...
     with: Manduchi, R.: fast and robust text spotter, A
     with: Manduchi, R.: Multi-planar Monocular Reconstruction of Manhattan Indoo...
     with: Manduchi, R.: Robust and Accurate Text Stroke Segmentation
     with: Mao, B.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV RGB...
     with: Mao, Z.H.: Cramer-Rao Bound of Joint DOA-Range Estimation for Coprime ...
     with: Raptis, M.: Towards Unconstrained End-to-End Text Spotting
     with: Ren, P.: Robust and Accurate Text Stroke Segmentation
     with: Tariq, A.: Timely Plastic-Mulched Cropland Extraction Method from Comp...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Simple accurate model-based phase diversity phase retrieva...
     with: Wu, W.: Freediff: Progressive Frequency Truncation for Image Editing w...
     with: Xiao, Y.: Towards Unconstrained End-to-End Text Spotting
     with: Xu, H.: Quaternion Product Units for Deep Learning on 3D Rotation Groups
     with: Xu, X.: Long-Term Historical Aerosol Optical Depth Data Record (1982-2...
     with: Xu, Y.: Quaternion Product Units for Deep Learning on 3D Rotation Groups
     with: Yu, D.Y.: Cascade Saliency Attention Network for Object Detection in R...
     with: Zhai, W.G.: Enhancing Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Estimation Using UAV ...
     with: Zhang, R.: Cascade Saliency Attention Network for Object Detection in ...
     with: Zhang, X.: Quaternion Product Units for Deep Learning on 3D Rotation G...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Fine-Granularity Transmission Distortion Modeling for Video...
     with: Zhang, Y.B.: Simple accurate model-based phase diversity phase retriev...
     with: Zhao, R.: Freediff: Progressive Frequency Truncation for Image Editing...
     with: Zou, K.: Timely Plastic-Mulched Cropland Extraction Method from Comple...
53 for Qin, S.

Qin, S.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, B.B.: Multi-Scale Temporal Information Extractor for Gait Recogni...
     with: Liu, Y.: Multi-Scale Temporal Information Extractor for Gait Recognition
     with: Zhang, S.L.: Multi-Scale Temporal Information Extractor for Gait Recog...
     with: Zhang, S.L.: Using Mask-Based Enhancement and Feature Aggregation for ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Using Mask-Based Enhancement and Feature Aggregation for Si...

Qin, S.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, G.: new extracting algorithm of k nearest neighbors searching fo...
     with: Ding, J.L.: Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a...
     with: Ding, J.L.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Sali...
     with: Ding, J.L.: Link between Surface Visible Light Spectral Features and W...
     with: Ding, J.L.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Dr...
     with: Gao, M.: New grouping and fitting methods for interactive overtraced s...
     with: Ge, C.Y.: Digital twin intelligent transportation system (DT-ITS): A s...
     with: Ge, X.Y.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salini...
     with: Ge, X.Y.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Driv...
     with: Han, L.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salinit...
     with: Han, L.: Link between Surface Visible Light Spectral Features and Wate...
     with: Han, L.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Drivi...
     with: Jordanov, I.N.: On-line segmentation of freehand sketches by knowledge...
     with: Li, R.: new extracting algorithm of k nearest neighbors searching for ...
     with: Li, X.: Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a Vis...
     with: Li, Y.K.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salini...
     with: Li, Z.S.: new extracting algorithm of k nearest neighbors searching fo...
     with: Liu, B.: Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a Vi...
     with: Na, J.F.: Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution analy...
     with: Ran, S.: Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a Vi...
     with: Sun, G.M.: Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution anal...
     with: Tan, J.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salinit...
     with: Tan, J.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Drivi...
     with: Wang, J.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salini...
     with: Wang, J.: Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution analy...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Automatic Pear Extraction from High-Resolution Images by a...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Link between Surface Visible Light Spectral Features and W...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Dr...
     with: Wang, R.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salini...
     with: Wang, R.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Driv...
     with: Wang, S.X.: New grouping and fitting methods for interactive overtrace...
     with: Wang, X.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salini...
     with: Wright, D.K.: On-line segmentation of freehand sketches by knowledge-b...
     with: Xu, H.T.: Fast Quaternion Product Units for Learning Disentangled Repr...
     with: Xu, Y.: Fast Quaternion Product Units for Learning Disentangled Repres...
     with: Zhang, X.: Fast Quaternion Product Units for Learning Disentangled Rep...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Link between Surface Visible Light Spectral Features and Wa...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Exploring PlanetScope Satellite Capabilities for Soil Salin...
     with: Zhao, S.: Link between Surface Visible Light Spectral Features and Wat...
     with: Zhu, C.: Link between Surface Visible Light Spectral Features and Wate...
     with: Zou, J.: Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Use Efficiency and Its Drivi...
41 for Qin, S.F.

Qin, S.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, H.S.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Du...
     with: Chen, X.C.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber D...
     with: Dai, G.Y.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Du...
     with: Li, D.R.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dua...
     with: Liu, J.T.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Du...
     with: Ren, C.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dual...
     with: Wang, Q.C.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber D...
     with: Wang, X.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dua...
     with: Wu, S.H.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dua...
     with: Yu, R.H.: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dua...
10 for Qin, S.G.

Qin, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Aoki, Y.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-...
     with: Cui, Y.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-T...
     with: Gonsamo, A.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynt...
     with: Hu, J.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-Ti...
     with: Huang, T.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real...
     with: Li, X.: Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based on M...
     with: Li, X.N.: Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Bounda...
     with: Li, Z.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-Ti...
     with: Liu, J.H.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real...
     with: Liu, P.R.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthe...
     with: Liu, X.J.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real...
     with: Lu, J.B.: Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by In...
     with: Ma, P.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthetic...
     with: Ma, Z.F.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-...
     with: Meng, P.Y.: Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based ...
     with: Meng, P.Y.: Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by ...
     with: Rogers, C.A.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosyn...
     with: Song, Z.L.: Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based ...
     with: Song, Z.L.: Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by ...
     with: Sun, J.: Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by Int...
     with: Tong, X.J.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynth...
     with: Wang, H.: Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Bounda...
     with: Wang, H.: Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based on...
     with: Wang, H.: Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by In...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Boun...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based ...
     with: Wei, S.J.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real...
     with: Xiao, J.F.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynth...
     with: Yang, Y.: Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Bounda...
     with: Yang, Y.: Building-Level Urban Functional Area Identification Based on...
     with: Yu, P.Y.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthet...
     with: Zhang, J.: Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence captures photosynthe...
     with: Zhou, C.: Towards big SAR data era: An efficient Sentinel-1 Near-Real-...
     with: Zhu, Y.F.: Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Bound...
34 for Qin, S.H.

Qin, S.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bi, Z.L.: Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System...
     with: Chang, L.W.: Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based ...
     with: Cheng, L.: Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based on...
     with: Fu, C.H.: Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based on ...
     with: Gu, J.: Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System W...
     with: Guo, X.: Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System ...
     with: Huang, C.: Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based on...
     with: Li, S.Q.: Extracting Urban Water Bodies from Landsat Imagery Based on ...
     with: Liu, G.J.: Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training Syste...
     with: Wang, J.: Metaverse-Based Teaching Building Evacuation Training System...
10 for Qin, S.J.

Qin, S.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jia, G.: Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Object Tr...
     with: Liu, D.X.: Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Object ...
     with: Ma, J.B.: Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Object T...
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Object T...
     with: Zhang, J.L.: Asymmetric Feature Enhancement Network for Multiple Objec...

Qin, S.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, Z.H.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on...
     with: Li, F.: Study on an Artificial Society of Urban Safety Livability Change
     with: Pan, L.: Study on an Artificial Society of Urban Safety Livability Cha...
     with: Peng, R.: Study on an Artificial Society of Urban Safety Livability Ch...
     with: Ren, W.X.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on ...
     with: Tan, Z.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on Mu...
     with: Wang, B.X.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on...
     with: Wang, J.F.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on...
     with: Yan, H.M.: Study on an Artificial Society of Urban Safety Livability C...
     with: Zhang, L.: Study on an Artificial Society of Urban Safety Livability C...
     with: Zhao, W.G.: Visual Inspection Method for Subway Tunnel Cracks Based on...
12 for Qin, S.P.

Qin, S.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Han, K.L.: Design of High-Speed Image Processing System for Weak-Dim T...
     with: Han, K.L.: Non-cooperative Space Target High-Speed Tracking Measuring ...
     with: Hao, Y.: Underwater Acoustic Localization of the Black Box Based on Ge...
     with: Huai, R.: Design of High-Speed Image Processing System for Weak-Dim Ta...
     with: Huang, T.: Design of High-Speed Image Processing System for Weak-Dim T...
     with: Huang, T.: Non-cooperative Space Target High-Speed Tracking Measuring ...
     with: Huang, Z.T.: Non-cooperative Space Target High-Speed Tracking Measurin...
     with: Pei, H.D.: Design of High-Speed Image Processing System for Weak-Dim T...
     with: Pei, H.D.: Non-cooperative Space Target High-Speed Tracking Measuring ...
     with: Sun, S.: Underwater Acoustic Localization of the Black Box Based on Ge...
     with: Zhang, G.P.: Underwater Acoustic Localization of the Black Box Based o...
     with: Zhao, C.H.: Underwater Acoustic Localization of the Black Box Based on...
12 for Qin, S.S.

Qin, S.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, Q.S.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Dis...
     with: Deng, Y.Y.: Multi-Scale Influence Analysis of Urban Shadow and Spatial...
     with: Guo, X.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Distant...
     with: Li, Z.: Robust 3D Shape Classification via Non-local Graph Attention N...
     with: Lin, L.Q.: Multi-Scale Influence Analysis of Urban Shadow and Spatial ...
     with: Liu, L.G.: Robust 3D Shape Classification via Non-local Graph Attentio...
     with: Peng, M.: Multi-Scale Influence Analysis of Urban Shadow and Spatial F...
     with: Qiao, S.S.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Dist...
     with: Sun, J.B.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Dista...
     with: Yao, J.Y.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Dista...
     with: Zhang, L.S.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Dis...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Dis...
     with: Zhen, L.X.: Multi-Scale Influence Analysis of Urban Shadow and Spatial...
13 for Qin, S.W.

Qin, S.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, M.M.: Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVID-...
     with: Cui, S.G.: Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target in...
     with: Guo, Y.: Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target in 3...
     with: Jiang, Y.C.: Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target ...
     with: Jiang, Y.S.: Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articul...
     with: Li, Z.: Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target in 3d...
     with: Liu, S.J.: Efficient and unified license plate recognition via lightwe...
     with: Luo, M.H.: Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVID-...
     with: Tan, B.: Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVID-19...
     with: Xiong, Q.Q.: Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVI...
     with: Yang, Y.P.: Retraction Notice: Model-based 3D tracking of an articula...
     with: Yue, Y.F.: Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the COVID-...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Apaunet: Axis Projection Attention Unet for Small Target ...
15 for Qin, S.X.

Qin, S.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, B.Y.: Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variable-...
     with: Bissacco, A.: Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and La...
     with: Bissacco, A.: Towards End-to-End Unified Scene Text Detection and Layo...
     with: Chen, B.: Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variable-...
     with: Dai, T.: Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variable-R...
     with: Fan, Y.H.: New Method of Image Classification Based on Local Appearanc...
     with: Fujii, Y.: Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and Layou...
     with: Fujii, Y.: Towards End-to-End Unified Scene Text Detection and Layout ...
     with: He, Z.: Delay-Bounded Priority-Driven Resource Allocation for Video Tr...
     with: He, Z.: Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resource Al...
     with: He, Z.H.: Rate-distortion optimized unequal loss protection for video ...
     with: Huang, P.P.: Boosting for transfer learning from multiple data sources
     with: Huang, P.P.: Novel Approach to Image Assessment by Seeking Unification...
     with: Huang, P.P.: novel learning approach to multiple tasks based on boosti...
     with: Itti, L.: Visual attention guided bit allocation in video compression
     with: Li, B.: Delay-Bounded Priority-Driven Resource Allocation for Video Tr...
     with: Li, B.: Rate-distortion optimized unequal loss protection for video tr...
     with: Li, L.W.: One-shot learning hand gesture recognition based on modified...
     with: Li, X.: Efficient fusion for infrared and visible images based on comp...
     with: Li, X.J.: One-shot learning hand gesture recognition based on modified...
     with: Li, Z.C.: Visual attention guided bit allocation in video compression
     with: Long, S.B.: Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and Layo...
     with: Long, S.B.: Towards End-to-End Unified Scene Text Detection and Layout...
     with: Lu, D.H.: Novel Approach to Image Assessment by Seeking Unification of...
     with: Lu, Z.: One-shot learning hand gesture recognition based on modified 3...
     with: Panteleev, D.: Towards End-to-End Unified Scene Text Detection and Lay...
     with: Raptis, M.: Hierarchical Text Spotter for Joint Text Spotting and Layo...
     with: Raptis, M.: Towards End-to-End Unified Scene Text Detection and Layout...
     with: Sun, S.X.: Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resource...
     with: Wang, G.: Boosting for transfer learning from multiple data sources
     with: Wang, G.: novel learning approach to multiple tasks based on boosting ...
     with: Wang, J.P.: Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variabl...
     with: Xia, S.T.: Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variable...
     with: Yousaf, S.: Closed-Loop Restoration Approach to Blurry Images Based on...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: One-shot learning hand gesture recognition based on modif...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Delay-Bounded Priority-Driven Resource Allocation for Vid...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resour...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Rate-distortion optimized unequal loss protection for vid...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Delay-Bounded Priority-Driven Resource Allocation for Vid...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resour...
     with: Zhou, Y.M.: Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variabl...
41 for Qin, S.Y.

Qin, S.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Chen, Q.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Chen, X.Y.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle...
     with: Feng, T.Y.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: He, L.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: He, Q.H.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Huang, C.P.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Mult...
     with: Kang, X.Y.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multi...
     with: Lei, X.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Li, Y.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Liu, Y.Z.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Lv, X.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multiple ...
     with: Lv, X.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle Hyp...
     with: Ma, L.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multiple ...
     with: Ma, L.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle Hyp...
     with: Mao, Y.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Qiu, J.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Sun, J.Z.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Wang, J.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multipl...
     with: Wang, L.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle H...
     with: Wang, X.Q.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Wei, D.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Yang, M.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multipl...
     with: Yang, M.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle H...
     with: Yang, W.J.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Yin, C.X.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle ...
     with: Yu, Y.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
     with: Zhang, Z.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multip...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle ...
     with: Zhou, X.T.: Early Monitoring of Cotton Verticillium Wilt by Leaf Multi...
     with: Zhou, X.T.: Estimation of Cotton Nitrogen Content Based on Multi-Angle...
     with: Zhuang, K.X.: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-1...
32 for Qin, S.Z.

Qin, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, K.: Lightweight Color Image Demosaicking with Multi-Core Featur...
     with: Chen, J.W.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Hu...
     with: Chen, K.: Learning Robust Shape Regularization for Generalizable Medic...
     with: Chen, W.D.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local...
     with: Chen, X.X.: EEG-Based Emotion Recognition With Emotion Localization vi...
     with: Chen, Z.B.: Conditional Image-to-Image Translation
     with: Chen, Z.B.: Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Dis...
     with: Chen, Z.B.: Image-to-Image Translation: Methods and Applications
     with: Chi, H.A.: Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
     with: Chin, T.J.: Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object...
     with: Cong, J.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Huma...
     with: Deng, J.J.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforceme...
     with: Deng, T.C.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local...
     with: Dong, C.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Fan, J.P.: Social Image-Text Sentiment Classification With Cross-Modal...
     with: Feng, B.W.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Att...
     with: Gao, Y.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Geng, X.: OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for Uppe...
     with: Guan, X.H.: SynSem-ASTE: An Enhanced Multi-Encoder Network for Aspect ...
     with: Guo, J.L.: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine ...
     with: Han, B.: Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
     with: Han, Z.X.: Dynamic Window Transformer for Image Super-resolution
     with: He, L.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Human-...
     with: Huo, J.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Lai, J.H.: Cross-level Attention and Ratio Consistency Network for Shi...
     with: Lan, L.: Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
     with: Lee, V.H.F.: Learning Robust Shape Regularization for Generalizable Me...
     with: Leng, Y.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Huma...
     with: Li, C.Z.: Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicles...
     with: Li, H.: Lightweight Color Image Demosaicking with Multi-Core Feature E...
     with: Li, H.L.: Evolving Domain Generalization via Latent Structure-Aware Se...
     with: Li, H.L.: Learning Robust Shape Regularization for Generalizable Medic...
     with: Li, H.Q.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcement...
     with: Li, J.T.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training f...
     with: Li, J.T.: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine T...
     with: Li, K.: Social Image-Text Sentiment Classification With Cross-Modal Co...
     with: Li, M.: Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicles f...
     with: Li, P.L.: Stereo Vision-Based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-Motion Tracki...
     with: Li, W.B.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Li, Y.F.: Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part labe...
     with: Liang, X.B.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Trainin...
     with: Lin, J.X.: Conditional Image-to-Image Translation
     with: Lin, J.X.: Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Dise...
     with: Lin, J.X.: Image-to-Image Translation: Methods and Applications
     with: Liu, F.: Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
     with: Liu, H.: EEG-Based Emotion Recognition With Emotion Localization via H...
     with: Liu, H.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Human...
     with: Liu, H.: Social Image-Text Sentiment Classification With Cross-Modal C...
     with: Liu, H.W.: Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicle...
     with: Liu, J.: CoG-DQA: Chain-of-Guiding Learning with Large Language Models...
     with: Liu, J.: Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part label...
     with: Liu, L.: SynSem-ASTE: An Enhanced Multi-Encoder Network for Aspect Sen...
     with: Liu, S.: Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Disent...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Conditional Image-to-Image Translation
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcemen...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Hum...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training ...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine ...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Time-constraint boost for TV commercials detection
     with: Liu, Y.Q.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Hum...
     with: Lu, W.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Attenti...
     with: Lu, W.F.: OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for Uppe...
     with: Lu, W.F.: Reconstructing Ocean Heat Content for Revisiting Global Ocea...
     with: Luo, J.B.: Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Dise...
     with: Luo, J.B.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Ma, W.Y.: active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
     with: Meng, Q.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training f...
     with: Pang, Y.X.: Image-to-Image Translation: Methods and Applications
     with: Peng, Z.C.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Att...
     with: Shen, G.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local t...
     with: Shen, S.J.: Stereo Vision-Based Semantic 3D Object and Ego-Motion Trac...
     with: Shi, Y.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Soong, F.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Hum...
     with: Su, H.: OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for Upper ...
     with: Su, H.: Reconstructing Ocean Heat Content for Revisiting Global Ocean ...
     with: Tan, X.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Human...
     with: Tan, Y.: Lightweight Color Image Demosaicking with Multi-Core Feature ...
     with: Tang, Z.: Lightweight Color Image Demosaicking with Multi-Core Feature...
     with: Tian, P.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Wan, S.W.: Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicle...
     with: Wang, A.: Reconstructing Ocean Heat Content for Revisiting Global Ocea...
     with: Wang, C.X.: SynSem-ASTE: An Enhanced Multi-Encoder Network for Aspect ...
     with: Wang, D.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local t...
     with: Wang, D.S.: active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
     with: Wang, H.Z.: Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object...
     with: Wang, J.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local t...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local...
     with: Wang, L.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Wang, Q.Y.: Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part la...
     with: Wang, S.Q.: Evolving Domain Generalization via Latent Structure-Aware ...
     with: Wang, S.W.: CoG-DQA: Chain-of-Guiding Learning with Large Language Mod...
     with: Wang, S.W.: Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part la...
     with: Wang, X.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Huma...
     with: Wang, Y.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training f...
     with: Wang, Z.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Wang, Z.X.: Dynamic Window Transformer for Image Super-resolution
     with: Wu, L.J.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcement...
     with: Wu, L.J.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training f...
     with: Wu, L.J.: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine T...
     with: Xia, Y.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcement ...
     with: Xia, Y.C.: Conditional Image-to-Image Translation
     with: Xia, Y.C.: Exploring Explicit Domain Supervision for Latent Space Dise...
     with: Xia, Z.H.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Atte...
     with: Xiao, J.: Self-Guided and Cross-Guided Learning for Few-Shot Segmentat...
     with: Xiao, Y.S.: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine...
     with: Xie, X.H.: Cross-level Attention and Ratio Consistency Network for Shi...
     with: Xie, Z.: Dynamic Window Transformer for Image Super-resolution
     with: Yan, C.X.: Social Image-Text Sentiment Classification With Cross-Modal...
     with: Yan, H.: Learning Robust Shape Regularization for Generalizable Medica...
     with: Yan, X.H.: OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for Upp...
     with: Yang, M.: Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicles...
     with: Yang, W.J.: Does Confusion Really Hurt Novel Class Discovery?
     with: Yang, X.S.: LibFewShot: A Comprehensive Library for Few-Shot Learning
     with: Yap, K.H.: CoG-DQA: Chain-of-Guiding Learning with Large Language Mode...
     with: Ye, B.: Cross-level Attention and Ratio Consistency Network for Ship D...
     with: Ye, H.Y.: Crowd-Sourced NeRF: Collecting Data From Production Vehicles...
     with: Yi, Y.H.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Huma...
     with: Zeng, X.B.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Att...
     with: Zhang, B.F.: Self-Guided and Cross-Guided Learning for Few-Shot Segmen...
     with: Zhang, C.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Hum...
     with: Zhang, D.L.: EEG-Based Emotion Recognition With Emotion Localization v...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
     with: Zhang, H.J.: OPEN: A New Estimation of Global Ocean Heat Content for U...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Time-constraint boost for TV commercials detection
     with: Zhang, L.L.: CoG-DQA: Chain-of-Guiding Learning with Large Language Mo...
     with: Zhang, L.L.: Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part l...
     with: Zhang, M.: Randomness Regularization With Simple Consistency Training ...
     with: Zhang, M.: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine ...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: active feedback framework for image retrieval, An
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: CoG-DQA: Chain-of-Guiding Learning with Large Language Mo...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: EEG-Based Emotion Recognition With Emotion Localization v...
     with: Zhao, S.: NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text-to-Speech Synthesis With Huma...
     with: Zhao, W.T.: PLGSLAM: Progressive Neural Scene Represenation with Local...
     with: Zheng, Q.H.: EEG-Based Emotion Recognition With Emotion Localization v...
     with: Zheng, Q.H.: Multi-view cognition with path search for one-shot part l...
     with: Zheng, Q.H.: Social Image-Text Sentiment Classification With Cross-Mod...
     with: Zhong, B.: Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object ...
     with: Zhou, H.J.: Cross-level Attention and Ratio Consistency Network for Sh...
     with: Zhou, R.: Dynamic Window Transformer for Image Super-resolution
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforceme...
     with: Zhou, Y.K.: SynSem-ASTE: An Enhanced Multi-Encoder Network for Aspect ...
     with: Zhu, J.H.: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcemen...
     with: Zhu, L.: CoG-DQA: Chain-of-Guiding Learning with Large Language Models...
144 for Qin, T.

Qin, T.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, K.: Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using int...
     with: Chen, C.: Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using inte...
     with: Jiang, J.J.: Reinforced Voxel-RCNN: An Efficient 3D Object Detection M...
     with: Liang, Y.: Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using int...
     with: Sun, H.M.: Reinforced Voxel-RCNN: An Efficient 3D Object Detection Met...
     with: Tang, Z.H.: Color image compressive sensing reconstruction by using in...
     with: Wang, Z.Q.: Reinforced Voxel-RCNN: An Efficient 3D Object Detection Me...
     with: Wanp, H.B.: Reinforced Voxel-RCNN: An Efficient 3D Object Detection Me...
8 for Qin, T.F.

Qin, T.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, F.F.: Research on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technique for ...
     with: Cheng, H.: Research on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technique for M...
     with: Feng, J.M.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of ...
     with: Li, W.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Lu, J.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Lv, X.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Wen, J.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the...
     with: Xu, S.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Yan, D.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the...
     with: Yang, Y.H.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of ...
     with: Yuan, Z.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of th...
11 for Qin, T.L.

Qin, T.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Z.: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization in SAR Image Sc...
     with: Cheng, B.: Semi-Autonomous Learning Algorithm for Remote Image Object ...
     with: Cheng, B.: Structured Object-Level Relational Reasoning CNN-Based Targ...
     with: Deng, J.Q.: Low Observable Radar Target Detection Method within Sea Cl...
     with: Ding, Z.Q.: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization in SAR Image ...
     with: Ding, Z.Q.: Optimal Polarization SAR Three-Component Target Decomposit...
     with: Ding, Z.Q.: Semi-Autonomous Learning Algorithm for Remote Image Object...
     with: Ding, Z.Q.: Structured Object-Level Relational Reasoning CNN-Based Tar...
     with: Jiang, P.H.: Optimal Polarization SAR Three-Component Target Decomposi...
     with: Li, H.: Semi-Autonomous Learning Algorithm for Remote Image Object Det...
     with: Li, Z.Z.: Improved GM-PHD Filter with Birth Intensity and Spawned Inte...
     with: Li, Z.Z.: Low Observable Radar Target Detection Method within Sea Clut...
     with: Li, Z.Z.: Semi-Autonomous Learning Algorithm for Remote Image Object D...
     with: Li, Z.Z.: Structured Object-Level Relational Reasoning CNN-Based Targe...
     with: Luo, Z.F.: Improved GM-PHD Filter with Birth Intensity and Spawned Int...
     with: Luo, Z.F.: Low Observable Radar Target Detection Method within Sea Clu...
     with: Suo, Z.Y.: Optimal Polarization SAR Three-Component Target Decompositi...
     with: Ti, J.J.: Optimal Polarization SAR Three-Component Target Decompositio...
     with: Wang, T.T.: Optimal Polarization SAR Three-Component Target Decomposit...
     with: Xu, B.T.: Structured Object-Level Relational Reasoning CNN-Based Targe...
     with: Yao, X.: Structured Object-Level Relational Reasoning CNN-Based Target...
     with: Zhang, C.: Improved GM-PHD Filter with Birth Intensity and Spawned Int...
     with: Zhang, C.: Low Observable Radar Target Detection Method within Sea Clu...
     with: Zhang, X.: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization in SAR Image S...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: Improving Out-of-Distribution Generalization in SAR Image...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Improved GM-PHD Filter with Birth Intensity and Spawned Inten...
26 for Qin, T.Q.

Qin, T.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, J.T.: New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors for...
     with: Jiang, T.C.: Side Scan Sonar Image Target Detection Algorithm Based on...
     with: Li, J.: New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors for Ve...
     with: Li, X.M.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speed from Spaceborne SAR over...
     with: Wang, X.: Side Scan Sonar Image Target Detection Algorithm Based on a ...
     with: Wu, K.: Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speed from Spaceborne SAR over t...
     with: Xie, H.Z.: New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors for...
     with: Zhang, C.Y.: New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors f...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors f...
     with: Zhao, J.H.: Side Scan Sonar Image Target Detection Algorithm Based on ...
     with: Zheng, H.Y.: New Method for Quantitative Analysis of Driving Factors f...
     with: Zhu, B.Y.: Side Scan Sonar Image Target Detection Algorithm Based on a...
13 for Qin, T.T.

Qin, T.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, X.C.: Contrastive Multi-View Learning for 3D Shape Clustering
     with: Lei, J.J.: Contrastive Multi-View Learning for 3D Shape Clustering
     with: Lin, G.T.: Contrastive Multi-View Learning for 3D Shape Clustering
     with: Ling, N.: Contrastive Multi-View Learning for 3D Shape Clustering
     with: Peng, B.: Contrastive Multi-View Learning for 3D Shape Clustering

Qin, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Askergaliyev, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Dete...
     with: Bai, F.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Betke, M.: Making scanned Arabic documents machine accessible using an...
     with: Bian, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Bian, X.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Bilal, M.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Bo, L.F.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Bo, L.F.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Cao, L.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signatu...
     with: Cao, M.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite to...
     with: Chai, G.Q.: Estimation and Simulation of Forest Carbon Stock in Northe...
     with: Che, H.Z.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Chen, A.: Towards Robust Semantic Segmentation of Land Covers in Foggy...
     with: Chen, C.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, L.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Chen, Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Chen, S.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signat...
     with: Chen, S.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, T.: Recent Development and Challenges in Spectroscopy and Machin...
     with: Chen, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Chen, X.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Chen, X.K.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, X.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, Y.F.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, Z.T.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Cheng, Q.S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Chennamsetty, S.S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object De...
     with: Chennamsetty, S.S.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object De...
     with: Cho, D.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Choi, J.W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Cong, D.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Dai, W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Dong, B.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Du, D.W.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Du, D.W.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Du, Q.: Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple Bi...
     with: Duan, Y.S.: Exterior Orientation Parameter Refinement of the First Chi...
     with: Elanwar, R.: Making scanned Arabic documents machine accessible using ...
     with: Fang, H.J.: Solar Brightening/Dimming over China's Mainland: Effects o...
     with: Fang, N.N.: Is It Reliable to Extract Gully Morphology Parameters Base...
     with: Fang, N.N.: Quantifying the Relationship between Slope Spectrum Inform...
     with: Feng, L.: Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models fo...
     with: Feng, T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Fu, B.: Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light Imag...
     with: Gao, G.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Gao, G.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Gastellu Etchegorry, J.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices W...
     with: Ge, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Ge, J.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in V...
     with: Han, B.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signatu...
     with: Han, Z.J.: MultiSubjects: A multi-subject video dataset for single-per...
     with: Hong, R.C.: Causal Interventional Training for Image Recognition
     with: Hong, S.G.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Hu, J.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Hu, J.R.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Hu, Q.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Hu, Q.H.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Hu, Z.Z.: Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
     with: Huang, J.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Huang, K.Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Huang, L.: Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light I...
     with: Huang, L.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Huo, C.L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Huo, L.: Joint Multi-Criteria Utility-Based Network Selection Approach...
     with: Jia, M.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Jiang, D.: Joint Multi-Criteria Utility-Based Network Selection Approa...
     with: Jin, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Jose, G.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Kang, S.I.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Kim, I.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Kim, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Kollerathu, V.A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Dete...
     with: Kollerathu, V.A.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Dete...
     with: Kruthiventi, S.S.S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object D...
     with: Kumar, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lang, Q.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite t...
     with: Lauer, M.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lee, B.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Lee, J.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Li, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Li, D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Li, D.L.: Recent Development and Challenges in Spectroscopy and Machin...
     with: Li, G.S.: Interpretable Feature Selection Based on Particle Swarm Opti...
     with: Li, H.L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Li, H.P.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite t...
     with: Li, J.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signatur...
     with: Li, L.: Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-Styl...
     with: Li, L.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite tot...
     with: Li, M.M.: Interpretable Feature Selection Based on Particle Swarm Opti...
     with: Li, W.Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Li, X.: Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light Imag...
     with: Li, Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in V...
     with: Li, Y.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Li, Y.P.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Lian, Y.C.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Lim, E.P.: Causal Interventional Training for Image Recognition
     with: Lin, A.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth o...
     with: Lin, A.: Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models for...
     with: Lin, A.: Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple B...
     with: Lin, H.B.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Ling, H.B.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Liu, C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Liu, G.Z.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Liu, G.Z.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Liu, Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Liu, Q.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Liu, Y.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth o...
     with: Liu, Y.: Interpretable Feature Selection Based on Particle Swarm Optim...
     with: Liu, Z.M.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Liu, Z.M.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lu, H.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Luo, Z.P.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Lv, Q.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Lv, Z.: Joint Multi-Criteria Utility-Based Network Selection Approach ...
     with: Mao, B.J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Mao, Q.: Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Adapt...
     with: Meier, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Miao, X.J.: Estimation of Gully Growth Rate and Erosion Amount Using U...
     with: Murefu, M.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Sign...
     with: Ni, F.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in V...
     with: Pailla, D.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detectio...
     with: Pailla, D.R.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detectio...
     with: Pan, C.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Pei, S.: Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light Ima...
     with: Peng, T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Peng, T.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Pi, Z.L.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Qi, H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Qiu, H.Q.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Schumann, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detectio...
     with: Shen, J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Shi, H.L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Shi, H.L.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Shi, S.X.: Is It Reliable to Extract Gully Morphology Parameters Based...
     with: Shi, W.P.: Towards Robust Semantic Segmentation of Land Covers in Fogg...
     with: Shi, Y.B.: MultiSubjects: A multi-subject video dataset for single-per...
     with: Shuai, Y.: Influences of Leaf-Specular Reflection on Canopy BRF Charac...
     with: Sommer, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Song, H.: Joint Multi-Criteria Utility-Based Network Selection Approac...
     with: Song, Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Song, Z.C.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Steinmann, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detecti...
     with: Su, X.: Enhancement of Photovoltaic Power Potential in China from 2010...
     with: Su, X.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite tot...
     with: Sun, J.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite to...
     with: Sun, J.F.: Estimation and Simulation of Forest Carbon Stock in Northea...
     with: Sun, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Sun, L.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Sun, Q.R.: Causal Interventional Training for Image Recognition
     with: Sun, T.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Sun, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Tan, J.H.: Wavelet-based Mamba with Fourier Adjustment for Low-light I...
     with: Tang, L.: Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-St...
     with: Tian, W.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Toh, Y.H.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Wang, C.: Fusing Wearable IMUs With Multi-View Images for Human Pose E...
     with: Wang, D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Wang, H.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, K.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, L.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth ...
     with: Wang, L.: Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models fo...
     with: Wang, L.: Enhancement of Photovoltaic Power Potential in China from 20...
     with: Wang, L.: Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple ...
     with: Wang, L.: Solar Brightening/Dimming over China's Mainland: Effects of ...
     with: Wang, L.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite t...
     with: Wang, M.: Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
     with: Wang, P.: Influences of Leaf-Specular Reflection on Canopy BRF Charact...
     with: Wang, Q.X.: MultiSubjects: A multi-subject video dataset for single-pe...
     with: Wang, W.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, X.R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, Y.: MultiSubjects: A multi-subject video dataset for single-pers...
     with: Wang, Y.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite t...
     with: Wang, Y.W.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, Z.K.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wang, Z.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Wei, S.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Wei, X.D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Wen, L.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Wen, L.Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Wu, J.Y.: Enhancement of Photovoltaic Power Potential in China from 20...
     with: Wu, T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Wu, T.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in V...
     with: Wu, Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in V...
     with: Xia, X.G.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Xiang, B.: Research on a DSRC-Based Rear-End Collision Warning Model
     with: Xiang, X.: Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Ada...
     with: Xiang, X.: Research on a DSRC-Based Rear-End Collision Warning Model
     with: Xiao, Z.B.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Xie, D.: Influences of Leaf-Specular Reflection on Canopy BRF Characte...
     with: Xiong, H.T.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Xiong, H.T.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Xu, C.C.: Quantifying the Relationship between Slope Spectrum Informat...
     with: Xu, F.: Is It Reliable to Extract Gully Morphology Parameters Based on...
     with: Xu, F.J.: Quantifying the Relationship between Slope Spectrum Informat...
     with: Xu, J.J.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Xu, M.L.: Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
     with: Xu, N.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Yan, G.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signatu...
     with: Yan, T.T.: Estimation of Gully Growth Rate and Erosion Amount Using UA...
     with: Yan, T.T.: Is It Reliable to Extract Gully Morphology Parameters Based...
     with: Yan, T.T.: Quantifying the Relationship between Slope Spectrum Informa...
     with: Yang, C.: Enhancement of Photovoltaic Power Potential in China from 20...
     with: Yang, F.: Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-St...
     with: Yang, L.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite t...
     with: Yang, X.F.: Solar Brightening/Dimming over China's Mainland: Effects o...
     with: Yao, Y.H.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Yu, D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in I...
     with: Zeng, D.N.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Zeng, W.: Fusing Wearable IMUs With Multi-View Images for Human Pose E...
     with: Zhang, D.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, G.: Estimation of Gully Growth Rate and Erosion Amount Using UA...
     with: Zhang, G.: Is It Reliable to Extract Gully Morphology Parameters Based...
     with: Zhang, G.H.: Quantifying the Relationship between Slope Spectrum Infor...
     with: Zhang, H.: Exterior Orientation Parameter Refinement of the First Chin...
     with: Zhang, H.: Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-S...
     with: Zhang, H.R.: Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
     with: Zhang, H.W.: Causal Interventional Training for Image Recognition
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, L.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, M.: Characteristic and Driving Factors of Aerosol Optical Depth...
     with: Zhang, M.: Comparison of Artificial Intelligence and Physical Models f...
     with: Zhang, M.: Solar Brightening/Dimming over China's Mainland: Effects of...
     with: Zhang, M.: Towards long-term, high-accuracy, and continuous satellite ...
     with: Zhang, P.: Recent Development and Challenges in Spectroscopy and Machi...
     with: Zhang, P.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, W.: Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Ada...
     with: Zhang, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, X.Z.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Estimation and Simulation of Forest Carbon Stock in Northea...
     with: Zhang, Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.: Enhancement of Photovoltaic Power Potential in China from...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Exterior Orientation Parameter Refinement of the First Chin...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Fusing Wearable IMUs With Multi-View Images for Human Pose ...
     with: Zhao, W.J.: Estimation of Gully Growth Rate and Erosion Amount Using U...
     with: Zhao, W.J.: Is It Reliable to Extract Gully Morphology Parameters Base...
     with: Zhao, W.J.: Quantifying the Relationship between Slope Spectrum Inform...
     with: Zhao, X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in...
     with: Zhao, X.J.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Zhen, Z.: Potentials and Limits of Vegetation Indices With BRDF Signat...
     with: Zheng, J.Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zheng, J.Y.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zheng, Q.B.: Interpretable Feature Selection Based on Particle Swarm O...
     with: Zhong, Y.X.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection...
     with: Zhou, J.K.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Zhou, J.K.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection ...
     with: Zhou, K.: Closed-Loop Speed Advisory Model With Driver's Behavior Adap...
     with: Zhou, Q.: Exterior Orientation Parameter Refinement of the First Chine...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Influences of Leaf-Specular Reflection on Canopy BRF Charact...
     with: Zhu, H.: Semantic 3D Modeling Based on CityGML for Ancient Chinese-Sty...
     with: Zhu, H.J.: Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple...
     with: Zhu, P.F.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhu, P.F.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection i...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Influences of Leaf-Specular Reflection on Canopy BRF Characte...
     with: Zhu, R.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Zhu, R.: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Zhu, Y.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in ...
     with: Zinollayev, A.: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detect...
     with: Zou, L.: Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple B...
266 for Qin, W.

Qin, W.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gomez, M.M.: Stability and Frequency Response Under Stochastic Communi...
     with: Insperger, T.: Application of Predictor Feedback to Compensate Time De...
     with: Molnar, T.G.: Application of Predictor Feedback to Compensate Time Del...
     with: Orosz, G.: Application of Predictor Feedback to Compensate Time Delays...
     with: Orosz, G.: Stability and Frequency Response Under Stochastic Communica...

Qin, W.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Huang, B.: Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-In...
     with: Huang, B.J.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-...
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
     with: Qin, P.Z.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
     with: Sun, D.M.: Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-In...
     with: Tahsin, L.: Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-I...
     with: Zhong, D.: Learning diverse and deep clues for person reidentification
8 for Qin, W.C.

Qin, W.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, C.: Natureness-preserving tone mapping operator based on improved ...
     with: Liu, P.P.: Natureness-preserving tone mapping operator based on improv...
     with: Wang, S.: Natureness-preserving tone mapping operator based on improve...

Qin, W.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bi, J.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI an...
     with: Cao, Y.J.: Semi-Empirical Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithm Considerin...
     with: Chen, H.L.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LA...
     with: Chen, S.B.: Semi-Empirical Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithm Consideri...
     with: Ding, B.Y.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LA...
     with: Duan, S.B.: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Driving Mec...
     with: He, L.: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Driving Mechani...
     with: Jia, X.P.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI...
     with: Li, J.: Semi-Empirical Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithm Considering t...
     with: Lu, T.Q.: Semi-Empirical Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithm Considering...
     with: Ma, C.H.: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Driving Mecha...
     with: Qiu, W.C.: AdaFuse: Adaptive Multiview Fusion for Accurate Human Pose ...
     with: Shang, S.S.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different L...
     with: Wang, C.Y.: AdaFuse: Adaptive Multiview Fusion for Accurate Human Pose...
     with: Wang, F.: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Driving Mecha...
     with: Yu, Y.: Semi-Empirical Chlorophyll-a Retrieval Algorithm Considering t...
     with: Zeng, W.J.: AdaFuse: Adaptive Multiview Fusion for Accurate Human Pose...
     with: Zhang, K.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI...
     with: Zhang, Z.: AdaFuse: Adaptive Multiview Fusion for Accurate Human Pose ...
     with: Zhao, N.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI ...
     with: Zhu, G.F.: Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI...
22 for Qin, W.H.

Qin, W.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, J.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Chen, Z.: Saliency-guided stairs detection on wearable RGB-D devices f...
     with: Dai, P.P.: BDS-3 Time Group Delay and Its Effect on Standard Point Pos...
     with: Dai, P.P.: Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time an...
     with: El Mowafy, A.: Integrity Monitoring of PPP-RTK Positioning; Part I: GN...
     with: Ge, Y.L.: BDS-3 Time Group Delay and Its Effect on Standard Point Posi...
     with: Ge, Y.L.: Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time and...
     with: Gu, J.: Saliency-guided stairs detection on wearable RGB-D devices for...
     with: He, H.J.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mate...
     with: He, J.: Saliency-guided stairs detection on wearable RGB-D devices for...
     with: Huang, T.W.: Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications i...
     with: Huang, T.W.: Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Rando...
     with: Jiang, Y.K.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using M...
     with: Kang, R.B.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Kong, W.C.: Low-Tubal-Rank tensor recovery with multilayer subspace pr...
     with: Li, X.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Liu, A.A.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Luo, C.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mater...
     with: Luo, X.: Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in Vi...
     with: Ma, W.J.: Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Randomiz...
     with: Meng, D.Y.: Guaranteed Tensor Recovery Fused Low-rankness and Smoothness
     with: Niu, T.Y.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mat...
     with: Peng, J.J.: Guaranteed Tensor Recovery Fused Low-rankness and Smoothness
     with: Qin, J.L.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mat...
     with: Sun, B.Q.: Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-Order Ionospheric Delay ...
     with: Sun, Z.F.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Tsui, T.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mate...
     with: Wang, H.L.: Guaranteed Tensor Recovery Fused Low-rankness and Smoothness
     with: Wang, H.L.: Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in...
     with: Wang, H.L.: Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Random...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Guaranteed Tensor Recovery Fused Low-rankness and Smoothness
     with: Wang, J.J.: Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Low-Tubal-Rank tensor recovery with multilayer subspace pr...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Random...
     with: Wang, K.: Integrity Monitoring of PPP-RTK Positioning; Part I: GNSS-Ba...
     with: Wang, L.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mate...
     with: Wang, S.L.: Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time a...
     with: Xie, Y.Q.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mat...
     with: Xu, N.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Xue, Y.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Mater...
     with: Yang, F.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Yang, H.Y.: Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-Order Ionospheric Delay...
     with: Yang, P.F.: Multi-Material Decomposition for Single Energy CT Using Ma...
     with: Yang, X.: Integrity Monitoring of PPP-RTK Positioning; Part I: GNSS-Ba...
     with: Yang, X.H.: BDS-3 Time Group Delay and Its Effect on Standard Point Po...
     with: Yang, X.H.: Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-Order Ionospheric Delay...
     with: Yang, X.H.: Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time a...
     with: Zhang, F.: Low-Rank High-Order Tensor Completion With Applications in ...
     with: Zhang, F.: Low-Tubal-Rank tensor recovery with multilayer subspace pri...
     with: Zhang, F.: Nonconvex Robust High-Order Tensor Completion Using Randomi...
     with: Zhang, J.Q.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Zhang, S.Y.: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
     with: Zhang, Z.: Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-Order Ionospheric Delay ...
     with: Zhao, X.W.: Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time a...
     with: Zheng, Z.W.: Saliency-guided stairs detection on wearable RGB-D device...
     with: Zhou, F.: Performance of Multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning Time and...
56 for Qin, W.J.

Qin, W.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, S.: Pathtr: Context-aware Memory Transformer for Tumor Localiza...
     with: Jiang, T.T.: Pathtr: Context-aware Memory Transformer for Tumor Locali...
     with: Luo, L.: Pathtr: Context-aware Memory Transformer for Tumor Localizati...
     with: Xu, R.: Pathtr: Context-aware Memory Transformer for Tumor Localizatio...

Qin, W.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, N.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat Dro...
     with: Li, F.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on Co...
     with: Li, W.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on Co...
     with: Ma, L.F.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on ...
     with: Ma, L.F.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat D...
     with: Sun, Z.C.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on...
     with: Sun, Z.C.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat ...
     with: Wang, F.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on ...
     with: Wang, F.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat D...
     with: Wang, J.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat D...
     with: Wang, Z.M.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based o...
     with: Wang, Z.M.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat...
     with: Xiao, Y.Y.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat...
     with: Yang, M.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on ...
     with: Yang, X.Y.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat...
     with: Yu, K.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on Co...
     with: Yu, K.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat Dro...
     with: Zhang, T.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based ...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Whea...
20 for Qin, W.L.

Qin, W.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bilal, M.: Improving the Estimation of Daily Aerosol Optical Depth and...
     with: Fang, H.J.: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar R...
     with: He, L.J.: Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5 Concentration: Evidence from C...
     with: Lin, A.: Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5 Concentration: Evidence from Ch...
     with: Lin, A.: Improving the Estimation of Daily Aerosol Optical Depth and A...
     with: Liu, Y.: Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5 Concentration: Evidence from Ch...
     with: Song, Y.: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar Rad...
     with: Su, X.: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar Radia...
     with: Wang, L.C.: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar R...
     with: Wang, L.C.: Improving the Estimation of Daily Aerosol Optical Depth an...
     with: Wu, J.Y.: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar Rad...
     with: Yang, Y.Z.: Effect of Urban Form on PM2.5 Concentration: Evidence from...
     with: Zhang, M.: Improving the Estimation of Daily Aerosol Optical Depth and...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar ...
14 for Qin, W.M.

Qin, W.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Song, Y.: Novel Shipyard Production State Monitoring Method Based on S...
     with: Tu, Y.H.: Novel Shipyard Production State Monitoring Method Based on S...
     with: Yu, X.: Novel Shipyard Production State Monitoring Method Based on Sat...
     with: Zhu, H.T.: Novel Shipyard Production State Monitoring Method Based on ...

Qin, W.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, H.Y.: Fully Deformable Convolutional Network for Ship Detection i...
     with: Bai, H.Y.: Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in ...
     with: Deng, T.Y.: Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in...
     with: Guo, H.W.: Fully Deformable Convolutional Network for Ship Detection i...
     with: Guo, H.W.: Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in ...
     with: Qian, Y.: Automatic Potential Safety Hazard Evaluation System for Envi...
     with: Qin, Y.: Automatic Potential Safety Hazard Evaluation System for Envir...
     with: Wu, P.: Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in Spa...
     with: Wu, X.L.: Automatic Potential Safety Hazard Evaluation System for Envi...
     with: Wu, Y.P.: Automatic Potential Safety Hazard Evaluation System for Envi...
     with: Yuan, Y.: Fully Deformable Convolutional Network for Ship Detection in...
     with: Yuan, Y.: Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in S...
     with: Zhang, H.: Automatic Potential Safety Hazard Evaluation System for Env...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Automatic Potential Safety Hazard Evaluation System for Envi...
14 for Qin, W.W.

Qin, W.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Dong, G.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of West...
     with: He, N.Z.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of West...
     with: Pang, H.Y.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of We...
     with: Wei, D.D.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of Wes...
     with: Yin, S.N.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of Wes...
     with: Zhang, A.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of Wes...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: Estimating Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Contents of W...
7 for Qin, W.X.

Qin, W.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gao, J.H.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mu...
     with: Li, J.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Multi...
     with: Li, X.Y.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mul...
     with: Li, Z.W.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mul...
     with: Liu, H.P.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mu...
     with: Wang, H.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mul...
     with: Wang, L.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mul...
     with: Yang, L.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mul...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D ...
     with: Zhu, L.: CAMO-MOT: Combined Appearance-Motion Optimization for 3D Mult...
10 for Qin, W.Y.

Qin, X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, M.S.: Adversarial Sample Attack and Defense Method for Encrypted ...
     with: Cao, X.: Superpixel Segmentation for Polsar Images Based on Hexagon In...
     with: Chai, X.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qili...
     with: Chen, D.J.: Adversarial Sample Attack and Defense Method for Encrypted...
     with: Chen, D.X.: Passenger Flow Prediction of Scenic Spots in Jilin Provinc...
     with: Chen, J.: Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticate...
     with: Chen, J.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from...
     with: Chen, J.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qili...
     with: Chen, J.Z.: efficient coding-based grayscale image automatic colorizat...
     with: Chen, L.: Deep semi-supervised clustering based on pairwise constraint...
     with: Chen, P.: Data-Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning by Reliable Edge Min...
     with: Chen, Z.: annotation rule extraction algorithm for image retrieval, An
     with: Chun, X.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification base...
     with: Dai, Y.: Deeply Supervised Depth Map Super-Resolution as Novel View Sy...
     with: Dehghan, M.: ByLabel: A Boundary Based Semi-Automatic Image Annotation...
     with: Deligiannis, N.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Sens...
     with: Ding, M.H.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 fr...
     with: Ding, Y.: Adversarial Sample Attack and Defense Method for Encrypted T...
     with: Do, T.H.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Sensor Data...
     with: Dong, X.G.: Passenger Flow Prediction of Scenic Spots in Jilin Provinc...
     with: Du, W.T.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from...
     with: Du, W.T.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qili...
     with: Fu, Y.Q.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification base...
     with: Guo, X.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification based...
     with: Harn, P.W.: overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteri...
     with: He, G.D.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification base...
     with: He, S.: ByLabel: A Boundary Based Semi-Automatic Image Annotation Tool
     with: He, S.: Incremental 3D Line Segment Extraction from Semi-dense SLAM
     with: Hofman, J.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Sensor Da...
     with: Hou, J.: annotation rule extraction algorithm for image retrieval, An
     with: Hou, Z.: Online Scale Adaptive Visual Tracking Based on Multilayer Con...
     with: Huai, B.J.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 fr...
     with: Huang, H.: Edge-guided depth map enhancement
     with: Huang, H.J.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification b...
     with: Huang, L.K.: Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophistic...
     with: Jagersand, M.: ByLabel: A Boundary Based Semi-Automatic Image Annotati...
     with: Jagersand, M.: Incremental 3D Line Segment Extraction from Semi-dense ...
     with: Jia, Y.: Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
     with: Jia, Y.: Structured-Patch Optimization for Dense Correspondence
     with: Jiang, C.: QoE-Oriented Multimedia Assessment: A Facial Expression Rec...
     with: Jiang, J.H.: Deep semi-supervised clustering based on pairwise constra...
     with: Jiang, X.F.: overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criter...
     with: Jiang, Y.Y.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Q...
     with: Jin, Z.: Online Scale Adaptive Visual Tracking Based on Multilayer Con...
     with: Jin, Z.Z.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone,...
     with: Kang, S.C.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qi...
     with: Ku, W.S.: overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria ...
     with: La Manna, V.P.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Senso...
     with: Li, J.: Weighted Outlier Detection of High-Dimensional Categorical Dat...
     with: Li, M.: efficient coding-based grayscale image automatic colorization ...
     with: Li, M.: Superpixel Segmentation for Polsar Images Based on Hexagon Ini...
     with: Li, W.: Automated 3D Crack Severity Assessment Using Surface Data for ...
     with: Li, X.: Estimation of Shortwave Solar Radiation on Clear-Sky Days for ...
     with: Li, X.: Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
     with: Li, X.: Structured-Patch Optimization for Dense Correspondence
     with: Li, X.S.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification base...
     with: Li, Y.J.: Automated 3D Crack Severity Assessment Using Surface Data fo...
     with: Li, Y.Z.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, ...
     with: Li, Z.: Automated 3D Crack Severity Assessment Using Surface Data for ...
     with: Liao, H.X.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification ba...
     with: Ling Ling, K.: Single image fast deblurring algorithm based on hyper-L...
     with: Liu, L.L.: Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticat...
     with: Liu, Y.: Estimation of Shortwave Solar Radiation on Clear-Sky Days for...
     with: Liu, Y.: QoE-Oriented Multimedia Assessment: A Facial Expression Recog...
     with: Liu, Y.H.: efficient coding-based grayscale image automatic colorizati...
     with: Liu, Y.S.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone,...
     with: Lu, H.: overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria op...
     with: Ma, Q.: Superpixel Segmentation for Polsar Images Based on Hexagon Ini...
     with: Ma, T.: Data-Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning by Reliable Edge Mining
     with: Ma, X.: Edge-guided depth map enhancement
     with: Mao, X.: Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
     with: Mao, X.: Structured-Patch Optimization for Dense Correspondence
     with: Nikolaou, M.E.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Senso...
     with: Pang, N.: Weighted Outlier Detection of High-Dimensional Categorical D...
     with: Philips, W.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Sensor D...
     with: Qian, L.B.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qi...
     with: Qiao, Z.: Gaussian Constrained Attention Network for Scene Text Recogn...
     with: Qin, D.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, W...
     with: Qin, Z.G.: Adversarial Sample Attack and Defense Method for Encrypted ...
     with: Qin, Z.Y.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification bas...
     with: Ren, L.Y.: Single image fast deblurring algorithm based on hyper-Lapla...
     with: Rodrigo, E.: Spatiotemporal Air Quality Inference of Low-cost Sensor D...
     with: Shao, Q.: Lightweight image matting algorithm based on deep learning
     with: Shen, J.: Robust Match Fusion Using Optimization
     with: Shen, J.: Structured-Patch Optimization for Dense Correspondence
     with: Song, X.: Deeply Supervised Depth Map Super-Resolution as Novel View S...
     with: Song, X.: Edge-guided depth map enhancement
     with: Sun, J.: Superpixel Segmentation for Polsar Images Based on Hexagon In...
     with: Sun, K.: Enhancing fine-detail image synthesis from text descriptions ...
     with: Sun, M.T.: overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria...
     with: Sun, W.J.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 fro...
     with: Sun, W.J.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qil...
     with: Sun, W.X.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qil...
     with: Sun, X.: Realistic image composite with best-buddy prior of natural im...
     with: Tao, X.: QoE-Oriented Multimedia Assessment: A Facial Expression Recog...
     with: Torbaghan, M.E.: Automated 3D Crack Severity Assessment Using Surface ...
     with: Wang, L.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from...
     with: Wang, S.: Antarctic Amplification Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperat...
     with: Wang, S.M.: Polar Amplification in the Earth's Three Poles Based on MO...
     with: Wang, W.J.: EPSViTs: A hybrid architecture for image classification ba...
     with: Wang, W.P.: Gaussian Constrained Attention Network for Scene Text Reco...
     with: Wang, X.: Online Scale Adaptive Visual Tracking Based on Multilayer Co...
     with: Wang, Y.: Realistic image composite with best-buddy prior of natural i...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 fr...
     with: Wang, Z.: QoE-Oriented Multimedia Assessment: A Facial Expression Reco...
     with: Wu, B.Y.: Fast and accurate compressed sensing model in magnetic reson...
     with: Wu, J.: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from 1...
     with: Wu, P.T.: Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticate...
     with: Wu, T.: Enhancing fine-detail image synthesis from text descriptions b...
     with: Xie, A.: Antarctic Amplification Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperatu...
     with: Xie, A.: Polar Amplification in the Earth's Three Poles Based on MODIS...
     with: Xu, W.: Data-Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning by Reliable Edge Mining
     with: Xu, Z.L.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qili...
     with: Xue, L.: Dynamic Monitoring of Laohugou Glacier No. 12 with a Drone, W...
     with: Yang, F.: Gaussian Constrained Attention Network for Scene Text Recogn...
     with: Yang, G.: Lightweight image matting algorithm based on deep learning
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Fast and accurate compressed sensing model in magnetic res...
     with: Ye, S.M.: Enhancing fine-detail image synthesis from text descriptions...
     with: Yin, D.M.: Passenger Flow Prediction of Scenic Spots in Jilin Province...
     with: Yu, W.: Online Scale Adaptive Visual Tracking Based on Multilayer Conv...
     with: Yuan, C.: Deep semi-supervised clustering based on pairwise constraint...
     with: Zha, Y.: Online Scale Adaptive Visual Tracking Based on Multilayer Con...