* 1D-HMM for face verification: model optimization using improved algorithm and intelligent selection of training images
* 2-D Shape Matching Using Asymmetric Wavelet-Based Dissimilarity Measure
* 2.5D Visual Speech Synthesis Using Appearance Models
* 2D Grey-Level Skeleton Computation: A Discrete 3D Approach
* 2D silhouette and 3D skeletal models for human detection and tracking
* 3D face pose tracking from an uncalibrated monocular camera
* 3D free-form object recognition in range images using local surface patches
* 3D hand reconstruction from a monocular view
* 3D head model classification by evolutionary optimization of the Extended Gaussian Image representation
* 3D head tracking using non-linear optimization
* 3D Meshes Registration: Application to Statistical Skull Model
* 3D model reconstruction by constrained bundle adjustment
* 3D modeling from turntable sequences using dense stereo carving and multi-view consistency
* 3D Object Recognition from Appearance: PCA Versus ICA Approaches
* 3D object reconstruction from non-parallel cross-sections
* 3d reconstruction and virtual forming in rotationally symmetric space
* 3D scanning using spatiotemporal orientation
* 3D Shape and Pose Estimation of Deformable Tapes from Multiple Views
* 3d shape reconstruction of template models using genetic algorithms
* 3D shape-based face recognition using automatically registered facial surfaces
* 3D surface inspection using coupled HMMs
* 3d surface reconstruction by self-consistent fusion of shading and shadow features
* Accelerating Multimedia Search by Visual Features
* Acceleration of similarity-based partial image retrieval using multistage vector quantization
* Accurate color synthesis of three-dimensional objects in an image
* Accurate Estimation of the Fisher Information Matrix for the PET Image Reconstruction Problem
* Accurate Method for Correction of Head Movement in PET, An
* accurate shape reconstruction from photometric stereo using four approximations of surface normal, An
* Action and simultaneous multiple-person identification using cubic higher-order local auto-correlation
* Active discriminant functions for handwriting recognition
* Active learning to recognize multiple types of plankton
* Active mass estimation with haptic vision
* Active modeling of articulated objects with haptic vision
* Active Wavelet Networks for Face Alignment
* Activity recognition based on multiple motion trajectories
* Activity summarisation and fall detection in a supportive home environment
* Adaptive application of feature detection operators based on image variance
* Adaptive Averaging for Improved SNR in Real-Time Coronary Artery MRI
* Adaptive clustering ensembles
* Adaptive Curved Feature Detection Based on Ridgelet
* adaptive data hiding technique for binary images, An
* Adaptive Dual-Point Hough Transform for Object Recognition
* Adaptive Estimation Method for Rigid Motion Parameters of 2D Curves, An
* Adaptive fusion for diurnal moving object detection
* Adaptive fuzzy inference neural network
* Adaptive fuzzy wavelet algorithm for text-independent speaker recognition
* Adaptive Hough transform for the detection of natural shapes under weak affine transformations
* Adaptive Methods for Motion Characterization and Segmentation of MPEG Compressed Frame Sequences
* Adaptive normalization of handwritten characters using GAT correlation and mixture models
* Adaptive Probabilistic Models of Wavelet Packets for the Analysis and Segmentation of Textured Remote Sensing Images
* Adaptive word style classification using a gaussian mixture model
* Adding Curvature to Minimum Description Length Shape Models
* Address-block extraction by bayesian rule
* Adjacent orientation vector based fingerprint minutiae matching system
* Adjustable Invariant Features by Partial Haar-Integration
* adjusted-purpose digital watermarking technique, An
* Advanced motion threading for 3D wavelet video coding
* advanced segmental semi-Markov model based online series pattern detection, An
* Affine Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Multiscale Autoconvolution
* Affine layer segmentation and adjacency graphs for vortex detection
* Affine propagation for surface reconstruction in wide baseline stereo
* Affine structure from translational motion with varying and unknown focal length
* Age-related skin analysis by capacitance images
* algebraic approach to symmetry detection, An
* Algorithm for Efficient and Exhaustive Template Matching, An
* algorithm for real time eye detection in face images, An
* algorithm for rule generation in fuzzy expert systems, An
* Alignment of multiple non-overlapping axially symmetric 3D datasets
* Alpha-Stable Noise Reduction in Video Sequences
* Analysis and Recognition of Facial Expression Based on Point-Wise Motion Energy
* Analysis and Synthesis of Textured Motion: Particles and Waves
* Analysis of Ambiguous Solutions in Linear Systems and its Application to Computer Vision, The
* Analysis of rotational robustness of hand detection with a Viola-Jones detector
* Analytical Mapping for LLE and Its Application in Multi-Pose Face Synthesis, An
* Appearance factorization based facial expression recognition and synthesis
* Appearance-based nude image detection
* Appearance-Based Object Detection in Space-Variant Images: A Multi-model Approach
* Application of Characteristic Function Method in Target Detection
* Application of non-negative and local non negative matrix factorization to facial expression recognition
* Application of Radon Transform to Lane Boundaries Tracking
* application of robust template matching to user location on wireless infrastructure, An
* Application of semiparametric density estimation to classification
* Applying a hybrid method to handwritten character recognition
* Applying the conjugate gradient method for text document categorization
* Approximate Bayesian estimation of a 3D point pattern from multiple views
* Approximate fingerprint matching using kd-tree
* Approximating high dimensional probability distributions
* Architectural design issues for bayesian contextual vision
* Architectural Reconstruction with Multiple Views and Geometric Constraints
* Area-Based Medial Axis of Planar Curves
* Arm-pointing gesture interface using surrounded stereo cameras system
* ART extension for description, indexing and retrieval of 3D objects
* Art of Scale-Space, The
* Articulate hand motion capturing based on a Monte Carlo nelder-mead simplex tracker
* Artifact Analysis and Reconstruction Improvement in Helical Cardiac Cone Beam CT
* Artificial images for classifying diffuse lung opacities in thin section computed tomography images
* Attribute relevance in multiclass data sets using the naive bayes rule
* Augmented reality through real-time tracking of video sequences using a panoramic view
* Auto-calibration by linear iteration using the DAC equation
* Auto-calibration of multi-projector display walls
* Automated detection of solar loops by the oriented connectivity method
* Automated Multichannel Procedure for cDNA Microarray Image Processing, An
* Automated recognition of highly complex human behavior
* Automated Registration of 3D Faces using Dense Surface Models
* Automated Seeded Region Growing Method for Document Image Binarization Based on Topographic Features
* Automated visual identification of characters in situation comedies
* Automated Visual Inspection of Glass Bottles Using Adapted Median Filtering
* Automatic color space selection for biological image segmentation
* Automatic Construction of Active Appearance Models as an Image Coding Problem
* Automatic Construction of Statistical Shape Models for Protein Spot Analysis in Electrophoresis Gels
* Automatic description of complex buildings from multiple images
* Automatic extraction of buildings utilizing geometric features of a scanned topographic map
* Automatic Extraction of the Retina AV Index
* Automatic fish age estimation from otolith images using statistical learning
* Automatic Image Segmentation Using a Deformable Model Based on Charged Particles
* Automatic Lane and Band Detection in Images of Thin Layer Chromatography
* Automatic lip contour extraction from color images
* Automatic microarray image segmentation based on watershed transformation
* Automatic morphological detection of otolith nucleus
* Automatic Pectoral Muscle Segmentation on Mediolateral Oblique View Mammograms
* Automatic recognition of blooming flowers
* Automatic Recognition of Impact Craters on the Surface of Mars
* Automatic segmentation of Zona pellucida in HMC images of human embryos
* Automatic Selection of Training Samples for Multitemporal Image Classification
* Automatic template matching method for tropical cyclone eye fix
* Automatic Text Extraction in Digital Video Based on Motion Analysis
* Automatic Tracking of Arabidopsis thaliana Root Meristem in Confocal Microscopy
* Automatic Visual Recognition of Deformable Objects for Grasping and Manipulation
* Automating GIS Image Retrieval Based on MCM
* B-spline snakes in two stages
* Background removal system for object movies
* Batch Recovery of Multiple Views with Missing Data Using Direct Sparse Solvers
* Bayesian approach for 3D models retrieval based on characteristic views, A
* Bayesian Approach to Joint Feature Selection and Classifier Design, A
* Bayesian approach with nonlinear kernels to feature extraction
* Bayesian denoising in the wavelet-domain using an analytical approximate alpha-stable prior
* Bayesian face recognition based on gaussian mixture models
* Bayesian face recognition using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method
* bayesian framework for automatic concept discovery in image collections, A
* bayesian framework for robust human detection and occlusion handling using human shape model, A
* Bayesian image segmentation based on an inhomogeneous hidden markov random field
* Bayesian network structure learning and inference in indoor vs. outdoor image classification
* Bayesian object-level change detection in grayscale imagery
* Bayesian Self-Calibration of a Moving Camera
* Bayesian Stochastic Mesh Optimization for 3D reconstruction
* BayesShrink Ridgelets for Image Denoising
* BBN byblos Japanese OCR system, The
* BEES: exploring Mars with bioinspired technologies
* Bernoulli mixture models for binary images
* Binarization of color images from an adaptation of possibilistic c-means algorithm
* Binary Halftone Image Resolution Increasing by Decision Tree Learning
* Binary image transformation using two-dimensional chaotic maps
* Biohashing: Two factor authentication featuring fingerprint data and tokenised random number
* Biometrics: A grand challenge
* Biomimetic robots
* Blind audio watermark decoding using independent component analysis
* Blind Source Separation Techniques for Detecting Hidden Texts and Textures in Document Images
* Blind super-resolution using a learning-based approach
* Block truncation coding using pattern fitting
* Boosting nested cascade detector for multi-view face detection
* Breast mass segmentation based on information theory
* BTF image space utmost compression and modelling method
* Building and registering parameterized 3D models of vessel trees for visualization during intervention
* Building detection by Dempster-Shafer fusion of lidar data and multispectral aerial imagery
* Camera calibration and reconstruction from the chain connection of mutual camera projections
* Camera Calibration Using Two Concentric Circles
* Camera Self-Calibration: A New Approach for Solving the Modulus Constraint
* Cancelable biometric filters for face recognition
* Car detection based on multi-cues integration
* Cascading classifiers for consumer image indexing
* Cast shadow segmentation using invariant color features
* Catadioptric Camera Calibration Using Geometric Invariants
* Catadioptric line features detection using Hough transform
* CBIR using perception based texture and colour measures
* Change-Detection Algorithm Enabling Intelligent Background Maintenance, A
* Channel-Adaptive Resource Allocation for Scalable Video Transmission Over 3G Wireless Network
* Character extraction from natural scene images by hierarchical classifiers
* Character Recognition Using Canonical Invariants
* characterization of classification problems by classifier disagreements, The
* Characterization of digital circles in triangular grid
* Chinese sign language recognition system based on SOFM/SRN/HMM, A
* Class-based Multiple Light Detection: An Application to Faces
* Classifer combination based on active learning
* Classification error rate for quantitative evaluation of content-based image retrieval systems
* Classification of bioacoustic time series based on the combination of global and local decisions
* Classification of Dune Vegetation from Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Images
* Classification of Machine-Printed and Handwritten Addresses on Korean Mail Piece Images Using Geometric Features
* Classification of Moving Targets Based on Motion and Appearance
* Classification probability analysis of principal component null space analysis
* Classifiers Combination for Improved Motion Segmentation
* Classifying non-uniformly sampled vector-valued curves
* Cluster center initialization algorithm for K-means clustering
* Co-histogram and Image Degradation Evaluation
* Coarse-to-Fine Classification Scheme for Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Coarse-to-fine multiscale affine invariant shape matching and classification
* Color calibration for a dermatological video camera system
* Color Constancy through Inverse-Intensity Chromaticity Space
* Color correction for the virtual recomposition of fragmented frescos
* Color decomposition of overlapped watercolors
* Color image coding based on embedded wavelet zerotree and scalar quantization
* Color Image Segmentation Using Energy Minimization on a Quadtree Representation
* Color texture signatures for art-paintings vs. scene-photographs based on human visual system
* color-based tracking by Kalman particle filter, A
* Combination of wavelet analysis and color applied to automatic color grading of ceramic tiles
* Combinatorial Color Edge Detector, A
* Combined face-body tracking in indoor environment
* Combined use of partial least squares regression and neural network for diagnosis tasks
* Combining data-closeness and fourier domain integrability constraints in shape-from-shading
* Combining Null Space-Based Gabor Features for Face Recognition
* Combining sensory and symbolic data for manipulative gesture recognition
* Combining visual features with semantics for a more effective image retrieval
* Compact representation of multidimensional data using tensor rank-one decomposition
* Comparative Frameworks for Directional Primitive Extraction
* Comparing decision boundary curvature
* Comparing optimal bounding ellipsoid and support vector machine active learning
* Comparing Robustness of Two-Dimensional PCA and Eigenfaces for Face Recognition
* Comparison of eigenface-based feature vectors under different impairments
* comparison of image enhancement techniques for explosive detection, A
* Comparison of Intelligent Classification Techniques Applied to Marble Classification
* comparison of junction tree and relaxation algorithms for point matching using different distance metrics, A
* Comparison of microarray-based predictive systems for early recurrence of cancer
* Comparison of multiwavelet, wavelet, Haralick, and shape features for microcalcification classification in mammograms
* Comparison of real and computer-simulated outcomes of LASIK refractive surgery
* Comparison of support vector machines with autocorrelation kernels for invariant texture classification
* comparison of the gender differentiation capability between facial parts, A
* Competitive coding scheme for palmprint verification
* Complete System for Detection and Identification of Tabular Structures from Document Images, A
* Complex human activity recognition for monitoring wide outdoor environments
* Compressed spatio-temporal descriptors for video matching and retrieval
* Compressing histogram representations for automatic colour photo categorization
* Computational analysis of mannerism gestures
* Computational method for document object locator combination
* Condensation tracking through a hough space
* Confidence-driven architecture for real-time vision processing and its application to efficient vision-based human motion sensing
* Conformal method for quantitative shape extraction: Performance Evaluation
* Connected pattern segmentation and title grouping in newspaper images
* Connected rotation-invariant size-shape granulometries
* Consensus-based identification of spectral signatures for classification of high-dimensional biomedical spectra
* Consistency-Based Model Selection for One-Class Classification, A
* Constituting origami models from sketches
* Constrained Variational Principle for Direct Estimation and Smoothing of the Diffusion Tensor Field From Complex DWI, A
* Constructing dense correspondences to analyze 3D facial change
* Constructing Diffeomorphic Representations for the Groupwise Analysis of Nonrigid Registrations of Medical Images
* Content-Based Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Methods for MPEG Repair
* Content-Based Movie Analysis and Indexing Based on Audio-Visual Cues
* continuous Formulation of intrinsic Dimension, A
* Contour Description Through Set Operations on Dynamic Reference Shapes
* Convergence and Application of Online Active Sampling Using Orthogonal Pillar Vectors
* Conversation detection in feature films using finite state machines
* Convex set-based estimation of image flows
* Coordinate systems reconstruction for graphical documents by hough-feature clustering and geometric analysis
* Coplanar light sweep-surface supported uncalibrated photometric stereo
* Corner detection using support vector machines
* Cost and Information-Driven Algorithm Selection for Vision Systems
* CPM: A Deformable Model for Shape Recovery and Segmentation Based on Charged Particles
* Critical vector learning to construct RBF classifiers
* Curvature scale space corner detector with adaptive threshold and dynamic region of support
* CVML: An XML-based computer vision markup language
* CVPIC Compressed Domain Image Retrieval by Colour and Shape
* Data dependent classifer fusion for construction of stable effective algorithms
* De-interlacing Algorithm Based on Motion Objects
* dead reckoning signed distance transform, The
* Decoder Banks: Versatility, Automation, and High Accuracy without Supervised Training
* Decomposing chinese characters into stroke segments using SOGD filters and orientation normalization
* Defect Detection in Textile Images Using Gabor Filters
* Deformable geometry model matching by topological and geometric signatures
* Deformable model based data compression for gesture recognition
* deformable model driven method for handling clothes, A
* Defuzzification of discrete objects by optimizing area and perimeter similarity
* Delta-MSE dissimilarity in suboptimal K-means clustering
* Dense 3-D Structure from Image Sequences Using Probabilistic Depth Carving
* Dense estimation of surface reflectance properties based on inverse global illumination rendering
* Dense Matching Using Correlation: New Measures That Are Robust Near Occlusions
* Dense stereo matching using kernel maximum likelihood estimation
* Dense stereo using pivoted dynamic programming
* Dense wide-baseline disparities from conventional stereo for immersive videoconferencing
* Density-based retrieval from high-similarity image databases
* Depth Extraction System Using Stereo Pairs
* Depth vs. intensity: which is more important for face recognition?
* description and retrieval of a sequence of moving objects using a shape variation map, The
* Design and implementation of a card reader based on build-in camera
* Detecting abnormal regions in colonoscopic images by patch-based classifier ensemble
* Detecting deformable objects with flexible shape priors
* Detecting femur fractures by texture analysis of trabeculae
* Detecting Foreground Components in Grey Level Images for Shift Invariant and Topology Preserving Pyramids
* Detecting human motion with support vector machines
* Detecting rare events in video using semantic primitives with HMM
* Detection and recognition of lung abnormalities using deformable templates
* Detection and Tracking of Eyes for Gaze-camera Control
* Detection of artificial structures in natural-scene images using dynamic trees
* Detection of microcalcifications clusters in mammograms through TS-MRF segmentation and SVM-based classification
* Detection of moving shadows using mean shift clustering and a significance test
* Detection of Rib Borders on X-ray Chest Radiographs
* Detection of Vehicles in a Motorway Environment by Means of Telemetric and Visual Data
* Determination of image bimodality thresholds for different intensity distributions
* Determining pose of a human face from a single monocular image
* Deterministic Surface Registration at 10Hz Based on Landmark Graphs With Prediction
* Developing Assistant Tools for Geometric Camera Calibration: Assessing the Quality of Input Images
* Development of a guide dog system for the blind people with character recognition ability
* Development of a Temporal Extension to Query Travel Behavior Time Paths Using an Object-Oriented GIS
* Development of neural network committee machines for automatic forest fire detection using lidar
* Diagnosis and treatment of film tear in degraded archived media
* Did the great masters use optical projections while painting? perspective comparison of paintings and photographs of renaissance chandeliers
* Differences in the optical properties of vertebrate photoreceptor classes leading to axial polarization sensitivity
* Differentiation of alphabets in handwritten texts
* Digital image restoration by exposure-splitting and registration
* Dimension Reduction and Pre-emphasis for Compression of Hyperspectral Images
* Dining activity analysis using a hidden markov model
* Direct condensing: an efficient voronoi condensing algorithm for nearest neighbor classifiers
* Discovery of the tri-edge inequality with binary vector dissimilarity measures
* Discriminant Analysis by Locally Linear Transformations
* Discriminant Feature Selection for Texture Classification
* Discriminant features for model-based image databases
* Discrimination of machine-printed from handwritten text using simple structural characteristics
* Discriminative distance measures for image matching
* Discriminatory power of handwritten words for writer recognition
* Distance based kernel PCA image reconstruction
* Distance between 2d-scenes based on oriented matroid theory
* Distance Map Retrieval
* Distance-Preserving Projection of High-Dimensional Data for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction
* Distribution of Watermark According to Image Complexity for Higher Stability
* Diversity/accuracy and ensemble classifier design
* Divide-and-conquer algorithm for creating neighborhood graph for clustering
* Document image ground truth generation from electronic text
* Drift Detection and Removal for Sequential Structure from Motion Algorithms
* Druide: a real-time system for robust multiple face detection, tracking and hand posture recognition in color video sequences
* dynamic approach to learning vector quantization, A
* dynamic bayesian network approach to multi-cue based visual tracking, A
* Dynamic Content Adaptive Super-Resolution
* Dynamic learning from multiple examples for semantic object segmentation and search
* Dynamic mutual calibration and view planning for cooperative mobile robots with panoramic virtual stereo vision
* Dynamic Pedobarography Transitional Objects by Lagrange's Equation with FEM, Modal Matching and Optimization Techniques
* Dynamic training of hand gesture recognition system
* ECOC and boosting with multi-layer perceptrons
* Edge detection in range images of piled box-like objects
* Edge model based segmentation
* Effect of noise on model selection criteria in visual applications
* effective and fast soccer ball detection and tracking method, An
* Effective Detail Preserving Filter for Impulse Noise Removal, An
* Efficient Algorithms for Achieving Euclidean Distance Transformation, The
* efficient automatic redeye detection and correction algorithm, An
* Efficient calculation of the complete optimal classification set
* Efficient Classification Method for Autonomous Driving Application
* Efficient clustering of radial basis perceptron neural network for pattern recognition
* Efficient coding of stroke-rendered paintings
* Efficient disparity vector coding for multiview sequences
* Efficient Energies and Algorithms for Parametric Snakes
* efficient image-based rendering method, An
* Efficient Implementation of Accurate Geometric Transformations for 2-D and 3-D Image Processing
* efficient method to detect facial fiducial points for face recognition, An
* Efficient model selection for kernel logistic regression
* Efficient multimodal features for automatic soccer highlight generation
* efficient rectification method for trinocular stereovision, An
* Efficient Removal of Noisy Borders from Monochromatic Documents
* efficient renovation on kernel Fisher discriminant analysis and face recognition experiments, An
* Efficient Representation of Hand Sketch Graphic Messages Using Recursive Bezier Curve Approximation, An
* efficient technique for protein sequence clustering and classification, An
* efficient three-stage classifier for handwritten digit recognition, An
* Efficient Vector Sensor Configuration for Source Localization, An
* Efficiently Segmenting Images with Dominant Sets
* Eigen nodule: view-based recognition of lung nodule in chest X-ray CT images using subspace method
* Eigenphases vs. eigenfaces
* Elastic face, an anatomy-based biometrics beyond visible cue
* Embedded Image Compression Based on Wavelet Pixel Classification and Sorting
* embedded real-time vision system for 24-hour indoor/outdoor car-counting applications, An
* Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking
* energy minimisation approach to stereo-temporal dense reconstruction, An
* enhanced appearance model for ultrasound image segmentation, An
* Enhanced interframe wavelet video coding considering the interrelation of spatio-temporal transform and motion compensation
* Enhancements for local feature based image classification
* Enhancing low-resolution facial images using error back-projection for human identification at a distance
* Entropy-based measures for clustering and SOM topology preservation applied to content-based image indexing and retrieval
* Environment Authentication Through 3D Structural Analysis
* Epipolar geometry estimation via RANSAC benefits from the oriented epipolar constraint
* epipolar geometry of the log-polar image plane, The
* error bound of relative image blur analysis, An
* Error Equalisation for Sparse Image Mosaic Construction
* Error-less colour correction
* Essence of kernel Fisher discriminant: KPCA plus LDA
* Estimating rigid motions via the conformal model of Euclidean space
* Estimating surface shape and extending known structure using specular reflections
* Estimating the stretching characteristics of fiber bundles in microscopic images
* Estimation of 3D motion trajectory and velocity from monocular image sequences in the context of human gait recognition
* Estimation of 3D shape of warped document surface for image restoration
* Estimation of arbitrary camera motion in MPEG videos
* Estimation of Common Groundplane Based on Co-motion Statistics
* Estimation of Directional and Ambient Illumination Parameters by Means of a Calibration Object
* Estimation of distance to planar surfaces and type of material with infrared sensors
* Estimation of surface properties of art paintings using a multi-band camera
* Estimation of the bayesian network architecture for object tracking in video sequences
* Estimation of the Hemodynamic Response in Event-Related Functional MRI: Bayesian Networks as a Framework for Efficient Bayesian Modeling and Inference
* Estimation of the size and location of multiple area light sources
* Euclidean Group Invariant Computation of Stochastic Completion Fields Using Shiftable-Twistable Functions
* Evaluating colour morphological scale-spaces
* Evaluation of correspondence errors for stereo
* evaluation of ensemble methods in handwritten word recognition based on feature selection, An
* evaluation of error confidence interval estimation methods, An
* Evaluation of fingerprint orientation field registration algorithms
* Evaluation of model-based interactive flower recognition
* Evaluation of nine similarity measures used in rigid registration
* Evaluation of Some Reordering Techniques for Image VQ Index Compression
* Evaluation of three optical flow-based observation models for tracking
* Evaluation of tracking reliability metrics based on information theory and normalized correlation
* Event classification for automatic visual-based surveillance of parking lots
* Event driven video tracking system
* Event semantics in two-person interactions
* event-based execution model for efficient image processing on workstation clusters and the grid, An
* Evolutionary Active Contours for Muscle Recognition
* Evolutionary Design of a Fuzzy Classifier From Data
* evolutionary rough partitive clustering, An
* Exact polyhedral visual hulls
* Expectation-maximization for a linear combination of Gaussians
* Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Vision, An
* Exploratory Sparse Models for Face Recognition
* Exploring human eye behaviour using a model of visual attention
* Extending dynamic range of two color images under different exposures
* Extracting a gaze region with the history of view directions
* Extraction and clustering of motion trajectories in video
* Extraction and recognition of license plates of motorcycles and vehicles on highways
* Extraction of Shift Invariant Wavelet Features for Classification of Images with Different Sizes
* Extraction of video object with complex motion
* Eye tracking using Markov models
* Face and head detection for a real-time surveillance system
* Face authentication test on the BANCA database
* Face Class Modeling Using Mixture of SVMs
* Face Detection Based on Multiple Regression and Recognition Support Vector Machines
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and support vector machine in video
* Face Model Adaptation for Tracking and Active Appearance Model Training
* Face pose estimation and its application in video shot selection
* Face recognition based on discriminative manifold learning
* Face recognition based on the appearance of local regions
* Face recognition by using discriminative common vectors
* Face recognition from face profile using dynamic time warping
* Face Recognition Using Fuzzy Integral and Wavelet Decomposition Method
* Face Recognition Using Improved-LDA
* Face recognition using shading-based curvature attributes
* Face Recognition with Generalized Entropy Measurements
* Face tracking in meeting room scenarios using omnidirectional views
* Face verification system architecture using smart cards
* FACE: fast active-contour curvature-based evolution
* Facial feature detection using AdaBoost with shape constraints
* Facial Feature Extraction and Principal Component Analysis for Face Detection in Color Images
* Facial image retrieval based on demographic classification
* Factorization Method Using Interpolated Feature Tracking via Projective Geometry
* Factorization-based planar mapping method for generating intermediate views
* Fast and accurate facial pose estimation by aligning a 3D appearance model
* Fast and Reliable Active Appearance Model Search for 3-D Face Tracking
* Fast and robust search method for short video clips from large video collection
* Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
* Fast Block-Based Motion Estimation Using Integral Frames
* Fast color image quantization using squared euclidean distance of adjacent color points along the highest color variance axis
* Fast Computation of 2-D Cubic-Spline Interpolation, A
* Fast Computation of Variant Templates for Parallel Image Processing
* fast discriminant approach to active object recognition and pose estimation, A
* Fast exact euclidean distance (FEED) transformation
* Fast Face Detection Using QuadTree Based Color Analysis and Support Vector Verification
* Fast leave-one-out evaluation and improvement on inference for LS-SVMs
* Fast Motion Estimation Using Bidirectional Gradient Methods
* Fast Moving Region Detection Scheme in Ad Hoc Sensor Network
* fast multiscale edge detection algorithm based on a new edge preserving PDE resolution scheme, A
* Fast object and pose recognition through minimum entropy coding
* Fast object localization using multi-scale image relevance function
* Fast polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Fast Probabilistic Bidirectional Texture Function Model, A
* fast recursive 3d model reconstruction algorithm for multimedia applications, A
* Fast removal of line scratches in old movies
* Fast robust GA-based ellipse detection
* fast template matching algorithm with adaptive skipping using inner-subtemplates' distances, A
* Fast tone mapping for high dynamic range images
* Fast Video Registration Method for Video Quality Assessment
* Fast visual search using simplified pruning rules: Streamlined Active Search
* Faxed form identification using histogram of the hough-space
* FCM-Based Model Selection Algorithms for Determining the Number of Clusters
* feasibility study of on-board data compression for infrared cameras of space observatories, A
* Feature comparison between fractal codes and wavelet transform in handwritten alphanumeric recognition using SVM classifier
* Feature Extraction for Improved Profile HMM Based Biological Sequence Analysis
* Feature Fusion Based Face Recognition Using EFM
* Feature fusion for image texture segmentation
* Feature selection algorithms for the generation of multiple classifier systems and their application to handwritten word recognition
* Feature selection and gene clustering from gene expression data
* Feature selection based on a black hole model of data reorganization
* Feature selection in the independent component subspace for face recognition
* Feature selection using tabu search for improving the classification rate of prostate needle biopsies
* Feature subset selection using ICA for classifying emphysema in HRCT images
* FFT snake: a robust and efficient method for the segmentation of arbitrarily shaped objects in image sequences
* fibre bundle model of surfaces and its generalization, A
* Fiducial point localization in color images of face foregrounds
* Film grain reduction on colour images using undecimated wavelet transform
* Filter algorithm for 3D pose estimation of maneuvering target
* Filtering with gray-code kernels
* Finding region correspondences for wide baseline stereo
* Finding Significant Points for a Handwritten Classification Task
* Fingerprint classification based on extraction and analysis of singularities and pseudo ridges
* Fingerprint Enhancement Using Circular Gabor Filter
* Fingerprint enhancement with dyadic scale-space
* Fingerprint image enhancement using a parallel ridge filter
* Fingerprint Verification by Fusion of Optical and Capacitive Sensors
* First Absolute Moment and Variance Estimators Used in JPEG Reconstruction
* First- and second-order information in natural images: A Filter-Based Approach to Image Statistics
* FloatBoost Learning and Statistical Face Detection
* Flooding-based watershed algorithm and its prototype hardware architecture
* Formalization of On-Line Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition Free from Line Direction Constraint, A
* Four metrics for efficiently comparing attributed trees
* Fovea Based Coding for Video Streaming
* FPGA based real-time visual servoing
* FPGA-based architecture for real time image feature extraction, An
* Fragile watermarking scheme exploiting non-deterministic block-wise dependency
* Frame grouping measure for factorization-based projective reconstruction
* framework for grid-based image retrieval, A
* Free form shape matching using deterministic annealing and softassign
* Frequency domain classification of cyclic and dihedral symmetries of finite 2-D patterns
* From massively parallel image processors to fault-tolerant nanocomputers
* From Min Tree to Watershed Lake Tree: Evaluation
* From Min Tree to Watershed Lake Tree: Theory and Implementation
* From Onto-GeoNoesis to Onto-Genesis: The Design of Geographic Ontologies
* From spatiotemporal curves to reconstructed depth
* Frontal Face Authentication Through Creaseness-Driven Gabor Jets
* Fully Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Algorithm, A
* Fundamental Performance Limits in Image Registration
* Fusing Complementary Operators to Enhance Foreground/Background Segmentation
* Fusion of frequency and spatial domain information for motion analysis
* Fusion of vision, 3D Gyro and GPS for camera dynamic registration
* Fuzzy clustering of categorical data using fuzzy centroids
* Fuzzy direction field method for fringe and tree-like patterns analysis
* fuzzy min-max neural network classifier with compensatory neuron architecture, A
* Fuzzy-Snake Segmentation of Anatomical Structures Applied to CT Images
* Gabor wavelets and kernel direct discriminant analysis for face .recognition
* Galilean-diagonalized spatio-temporal interest operators
* Gaussian energy functions for registration without correspondences
* gaussian mixture-based colour texture model, A
* Gaussian noise elimination in colour images by vector-connected filters
* General Framework for Trajectory Triangulation, A
* General Reconstruction Theory for Multislice X-ray Computed Tomography With a Gantry Tilt
* Generalised transform factorisation for massive parallelism
* Generating High-Speed Dynamic Running Gaits in a Quadruped Robot Using an Evolutionary Search
* Generating omnifocus images using graph cuts and a new focus measure
* generic camera calibration method for fish-eye lenses, A
* Genus Zero Surface Conformal Mapping and Its Application to Brain Surface Mapping
* Geodesic closest point constrained inter-subject non-rigid registration
* Geodesic Colour Active Contour Resistent to Weak Edges and Noise
* Geographic hypermedia using search space transformation
* Geometric approach for simultaneous projective reconstruction of points, lines, planes, quadrics, plane conics and degenerate quadrics
* Geometric Surface Inspection of Raw Milled Steel Blocks
* Geometrical effects of positional errors in integral photography
* Gesture Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction Through a Knowledge Based Software Platform
* Gesture recognition using temporal template based trajectories
* Gesture tracking and recognition for lecture video editing
* Glasses detection by boosting simple wavelet features
* Global geometry extraction for fuzzy logic based handwritten character recognition
* Global localization and relative pose estimation based on scale-invariant features
* Globally Stabilized 3L Curve Fitting
* goal-oriented verification-based approach for target text line extraction from a document image captured by a pen scanner, A
* Gradient Based Dense Stereo Matching
* Gradient Pile up Algorithm for Edge Enhancement and Detection
* Grading Textured Surfaces with Automated Soft Clustering in a Supervised SOM
* Graph based image matching
* Graph Clustering using Symmetric Polynomials and Local Linear Embedding
* Graph database filtering using decision trees
* graph decomposition approach to least squares attributed graph matching, A
* Graph manifolds from spectral polynomials
* Graph Matching Using Manifold Embedding
* Graph matching using random walks
* Graph matching using spectral embedding and alignment
* Graph method for generating affine moment invariants
* Graph Pattern Spaces from Laplacian Spectral Polynomials
* graph-based approach to corner matching using mutual information as a local similarity measure, A
* Grass Field Segmentation, the First Step Toward Player Tracking, Deep Compression, and Content Based Football Image Retrieval
* Grey scale image skeletonisation from noise-damped vector potential
* Group-based relevance feedback with support vector machine ensembles
* Grouping with bias for distribution-free mixture model estimation
* Guaranteeing the probability of success using repeated runs of genetic algorithm
* Guiding Optical Flow Estimation
* Hand gesture recognition: self-organising maps as a graphical user interface for the partitioning of large training data sets
* hand-based personal authentication using a coarse-to-fine strategy, A
* hand-held approach to 3D reconstruction using light stripe projections onto a cube frame, A
* Handwriting authentication by envelopes of sound signatures
* Handwritten Numeral String Recognition: Character-Level vs. String-Level Classifier Training
* Handwritten Syriac character recognition using order structure invariance
* Hardware Implementation of Fingerprint Verification for Secure Biometric Authentication Systems, A
* Head pose estimation by nonlinear manifold learning
* Hidden markov bayesian texture segmentation using complex wavelet transform
* Hidden Markov Model Based Events Detection in Soccer Video
* Hidden markov models for couples of letters applied to handwriting recognition
* Hiding multiple data in color images by histogram modification
* Hierarchical Framework for Shape Recognition Using Articulated Shape Mixtures, A
* Hierarchical MCMC Sampling
* Hierarchical object indexing and sequential learning
* Hierarchical probabilistic models for video object segmentation and tracking
* hierarchical projection pursuit clustering algorithm, A
* Hierarchical Regions for Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical Watersheds with Inter-pixel Boundaries
* High accuracy classification of EEG signal
* High frequency component compensation based super-resolution algorithm for face video enhancement
* High quality isosurface generation from volumetric data and its application to visualization of medical CT data
* High Quality-Speed Dilemma: A Comparison Between Segmentation Methods for Traffic Monitoring Applications
* Highly Scalable Video Compression with Scalable Motion Coding
* Historical document image enhancement using background light intensity normalization
* HMM-based handwritten word recognition: on the optimization of the number of states, training iterations and Gaussian components
* Hough transform in log-polar image including foveal and peripheral information
* How human visual systems recognize objects: A Novel Computational Model
* Human action segmentation via controlled use of missing data in HMMs
* Human detection in outdoor scene using spatio-temporal motion analysis
* Human ear detection from side face range images
* Human face recognition based on multi-features using neural networks committee
* Human perception based color image quantization
* Human tracking using floor sensors based on the Markov chain Monte Carlo method
* Human-robot eye contact through observations and actions
* hybrid face recognition method using markov random fields, A
* hybrid license plate extraction method based on edge statistics and morphology, A
* hybrid SOM-SVM method for analyzing zebra fish gene expression, A
* hybrid watermarking scheme for H.264/AVC video, A
* ICA filters for lighting invariant face recognition
* ICA-FX features for classification of singing voice and instrumental sound
* Identification of embedded mathematical expressions in scanned documents
* Identification of Humans Using Gait
* Illumination and Expression Invariant Face Recognition with One Sample Image
* Illumination Normalization with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images for Video Surveillance
* Image acquisition enhancement for active video surveillance
* Image Analysis for Core Geological Descriptions: Strata and Granulometry Detection
* Image analysis through local information measures
* Image and feature co-clustering
* Image De-noising via Overlapping Wavelet Atoms
* Image disocclusion using a probabilistic gradient orientation
* Image formation by use of the geometrical theory of diffraction
* Image interpolation by high dimensional projection based on subspace method
* Image mosaicing from a set of images without configuration information
* Image Object Localization by AdaBoost Classifier
* Image Recognition Applied to Robot Control Using Fuzzy Modeling
* Image Registration in Electron Microscopy: A Stochastic Optimization Approach
* Image Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Documents
* Image Restoration Subject to a Total Variation Constraint
* Image retrieval by local evaluation of nonlinear kernel functions around salient points
* Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Based on Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation
* Image Salt-Pepper Noise Elimination by Detecting Edges and Isolated Noise Points
* Image Segmentation by a Robust Clustering Algorithm Using Gaussian Estimator
* Image segmentation by shape particle filtering
* Image Segmentation of Historical Documents: Using a Quality Index
* Image segmentation through energy minimization based subspace fusion
* image watermarking scheme using HVS characteristics and spread transform, An
* Image-Based Three-Dimensional Digitizer for Pre-Decorating Thermoformed Parts, An
* Image-recognition technologies towards advanced automated teller machines
* Imaging Mass Lesions by Vibro-Acoustography: Modeling and Experiments
* Imaging of voids by means of a physical-optics-based shape-reconstruction algorithm
* immersive telepresence system with a locomotion interface using high-resolution omnidirectional movies, An
* impact of radial distortion on the self-calibration of rotating cameras, The
* Implementation of a modular real-time feature-based architecture applied to visual face tracking
* implicit motion likelihood for tracking with particle filters, An
* Improved 3D head reconstruction system based on combining shape-from-silhouette with two-stage stereo algorithm
* Improved adaptive gaussian mixture model for background subtraction
* Improved Clustering-Based Approach for DNA Microarray Image Segmentation, An
* Improved fast fractional-Fourier-transform algorithm
* Improved Method of Handwritten Digit Recognition Tested on MNIST Database
* Improved N-division output coding for multiclass learning problems
* Improved Poisson Intensity Estimation: Denoising Application Using Poisson Data
* Improved temporal correspondences in stereo-vision by RANSAC
* Improvement of bidirectional recurrent neural network for learning long-term dependencies
* Improvement of ICA based probability density estimation for pattern recognition
* Improvements of volume computation from non-parallel cross-sections
* Improving clustering algorithms through constrained convex optimization
* Improving cut detection in MPEG videos by GOP-oriented frame difference normalization
* Improving DTW for Online Handwritten Signature Verification
* Improving Height Recovery from a Single Image of a Face Using Local Shape Indicators
* Improving MMI with enhanced-FCM for the fusion of brain MR and SPECT images
* Improving non-negative matrix factorizations through structured initialization
* Improving RBF-DDA performance on optical character recognition through parameter selection
* Improving seismic horizon matching by ordinal measures
* Improving the Boosted Correlogram
* In-band motion compensated temporal filtering
* Incorporating prior knowledge into SVM for image retrieval
* Incorporating temporal context with content for classifying image collections
* Incremental mixtures of factor analysers
* Incremental statistical geo-temporal structuring of a personal camera phone image collection
* Indexing and retrieval of 3D models by unsupervised clustering with hierarchical SOM
* Indexing with musical events and its application to content-based music identification
* Inertial snake for contour detection in ultrasonography images
* Inference of Reversible Tree Languages
* Influence of language models and candidate set size on contextual postprocessing for chinese script recognition
* Influence of Task and Scene Content on Subjective Video Quality
* influence of the noise in the restoration of solar radio images using adaptive regularization techniques based on clustering, The
* Information fusion in face identification
* Information hiding based on search-order coding for VQ indices
* Informational classifier fusion
* Inspecting Colour Tonality on Textured Surfaces
* integrated decoding framework for audio watermark extraction, An
* Integrating automatic and interactive brain tumor segmentation
* Integrating independent components and support vector machines for gender classification
* Integration frameworks for large scale cognitive vision systems: An Evaluative Study
* Integration of feature distributions for colour texture segmentation
* Integration of range images in a multi-view stereo system
* Integration of shape and a multihypotheses fisher color model for figure-ground segmentation in non-stationary environments
* intelligent real-time vision system for surface defect detection, An
* Inter-frame Differential Energy Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Compressed Domain
* Inter-stage feature propagation in cascade building with adaboost
* Inter-subspace distance: a new method for face recognition with multiple samples
* Interactive tools for pattern discovery
* Interactive Volume Segmentation With Differential Image Foresting Transforms
* Interleaved Object Categorization and Segmentation
* Introduction to the concept of structural HMM: Application to Mining Customers' Preferences in Automotive Design
* Invariant Fitting of Two View Geometry
* Invariants to convolution with circularly symmetric PSF
* Invertible Temporal Subband/Wavelet Filter Banks With Half-Pixel-Accurate Motion Compensation
* Iris identification using wavelet packets
* iris image synthesis method based on PCA and super-resolution, An
* Iris individuality: A partial iris model
* Iris recognition using collarette boundary localization
* Isosurface-Based Level Set Framework for MRA Segmentation
* Isotropic Energies, Filters and Splines for Vector Field Regularization
* Italic font recognition using stroke pattern analysis on wavelet decomposed word images
* Iterative Decoding of Differentially Space-Time Coded Multiple Descriptions of Images
* Iterative figure-ground discrimination
* Iterative Multimodel Subimage Binarization for Handwritten Character Segmentation
* Jet based feature classification
* Joint Orientation of Epipoles
* Joint spatial and temporal structure learning for task based control
* K-edge connected neighborhood graph for geodesic distance estimation and nonlinear data projection
* Kanji recognition in scene images without detection of text fields: robust against variation of viewpoint, contrast, and background texture
* Kernel autoassociator with applications to visual classification
* kernel fractional-step nonlinear discriminant analysis for pattern recognition, A
* Kernel neural gas algorithms with application to cluster analysis
* Kernel sample space projection classifier for pattern recognition
* Kernel scatter-difference based discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Kernel-Bandwidth Adaptation for Tracking Object Changing in Size
* Kernel-based method for tracking objects with rotation and translation
* Key-based melody segmentation for popular songs
* Landscape of clustering algorithms
* Landweber Algorithm for 3D Confocal Microscopy Restoration, A
* Large Display Interaction Using Video Avatar and Hand Gesture Recognition
* Large scale feature selection using modified random mutation hill climbing
* Large scene reconstruction with local details recovery
* Laser stripe peak detector for 3D scanners. A FIR filter approach
* Latest research in computer vision: A special issue on VI 2002
* Lattice-Based Minimal Gray-Scale Switching Algorithm for Obtaining the Optimal Increasing Filter from the Optimal Filter, A
* Learned probabilistic image motion models for event detection in videos
* Learning a Kinematic Prior for Tree-Based Filtering
* Learning an Information Theoretic Transform for Object Detection
* Learning Based Resolution Enhancement of Iris Images
* Learning classes for video interpretation with a robust parallel clustering method
* Learning effective classifiers with Z-value measure based on genetic programming
* Learning high-level independent components of images through a spectral representation
* Learning in hidden annotation-based image retrieval
* Learning integrated perception-based speed control
* learning model for multiple-prototype classification of strings, A
* Learning optimal classifier through fuzzy recognition rate maximization
* Learning prototypes and distances: A prototype reduction technique based on nearest neighbor error minimization
* Learning sample subspace with application to face detection
* Learning spatial context from tracking using penalised likelihoods
* Level set methods, distance function and image segmentation
* Level-Set Based Volumetric CT Segmentation Technique: A Case Study with Pulmonary Air Bubbles, A
* Levels of detail control based on correlation analysis between surface position and direction
* Levenshtein distance for graph spectral features
* Lie algebra template tracking
* Lightsphere: Fast Lighting Compensation for Matching a 2D Image to a 3D Model
* limited-memory, quasi-Newton preconditioner for nonnegatively constrained image reconstruction, A
* Linear and non-linear geometric object matching with implicit representation
* Linear discriminant analysis and discriminative log-linear modeling
* Linear Structures in Mammographic Images: Detection and Classification
* Linear Trinocular Rectification Method for Accurate Stereoscopic Matching, A
* Linking Sequences of Active Appearance Sub-Models via Constraints: An Application in Automated Vertebral Morphometry
* Lipreading Using Recurrent Neural Prediction Model
* Local context in non-linear deformation models for handwritten character recognition
* Local Fisher Embedding
* Local identification and removal of scatter artifacts based on the temporal information in dynamic SPECT images
* Local Multiple Orientation Estimation: Isotropic and Recursive Oriented Network
* Local Straightness: A Contrast Independent Statistical Edge Measure for Color and Gray Level Images
* Local Structure Matching Approach for Large Image Database Retrieval, A
* Localization of saliency through iterative voting
* locally adaptive algorithm for measuring blocking artifacts in images and videos, A
* Locating Destination Address Block in Korean Mail Images
* Location and recognition of flashlight projections for visual interfaces
* LOD Canny Edge Based Boundary Edge Selection for Human Body Tracking
* Lossless compression methods for hyperspectral images
* Lossless Compression of Color-Quantized Images Using Block-Based Palette Reordering
* Lossless data compression for image decomposition with recursive IDP algorithm
* M-estimator based robust kernels for support vector machines
* MAP Estimation for Hyperspectral Image Resolution Enhancement Using an Auxiliary Sensor
* MAP Signal Reconstruction with Non Regular Grids
* Markov random field approach to microarray image gridding, A
* Matching Algorithm Based on Local Topologic Structure, A
* Maximizing validity in 2d motion analysis
* Maximum Likelihood Approach for Image Registration Using Control Point And Intensity, A
* mean shift algorithm and the unified framework, The
* Measurement of shape and refractive index of transparent object
* Media content and type selection from always-on wearable video
* Membershipmap: data transformation based on membership aggregation
* Memory consistency validation in a cognitive vision system
* Method and apparatus for calibrating an image acquisition system
* Method for Dominant Points Detection and Matching 2D Object Identification, A
* Method for early diagnostics of lymphatic system tumors on the basis of the analysis of chromatin constitution in cell nucleus images
* method of gender classification by integrating facial, hairstyle, and clothing images, A
* method to add Hidden Markov Models with application to learning articulated motion, A
* Metric measurement on arbitrary planes in 2 images using the conformal point
* Metric mixtures for mutual information (M3I) tracking
* Midway Image Equalization
* miniature stereo vision machine (MSVM-III) for dense disparity mapping, A
* Minimal Projective Reconstruction for Combinations of Points and Lines in Three Views
* Minimal Representations of 3D Models in Terms of Image Parameters under Calibrated and Uncalibrated Perspective
* Minimizing the description length using steepest descent
* Minimum Delay Spread TEQ Design in Multicarrier Systems
* Missing microarray data estimation based on projection onto convex sets method
* Mixture clustering using multidimensional histograms for skin detection
* Modality Independent Elastography (MIE): A New Approach to Elasticity Imaging
* Model based object recognition by robust information fusion
* model selection criteria as merging criteria, The
* Model-Based Global and Local Motion Estimation for Videoconference Sequences
* Model-Based Texture Segmentation
* Model-free augmented reality by virtual visual servoing
* Modeling multimodal human-computer interaction
* Modeling the Space of Camera Response Functions
* Modelling of Overlapping Circular Objects Based on Level Set Approach
* Modelling Talking Head Behaviour
* Modification of watershed transformation for images, containing small objects
* Modification table form generation system based on the form recognition
* modified fuzzy inference system for pattern classification, A
* Modified Nearest Neighbor Method for Image Reconstruction in Fluorescence Microscopy, A
* Monocular lie algebra approach for 3d motion estimation
* Monogenic Scale-Space: A Unifying Approach to Phase-Based Image Processing in Scale-Space, The
* Morphological analysis of spatio-temporal patterns for the segmentation of cyclic human activities
* Morphological tagging approach in document analysis of invoices
* morphological top-hat operator generalised to multi-channel images, The
* Morphology analysis of physiological signals using hidden Markov models
* Morse Description and Geometric Encoding of Digital Elevation Maps
* Morse homology descriptor for shape characterization
* Motion analysis using frame differences with spatial gradient measures
* Motion capture based on color error maps in a distributed collaborative environment
* Motion compensation and scalability in lifting-based video coding
* Motion Compensation Assisted Motion Adaptive Interlaced-to-Progressive Conversion
* Motion estimation using dynamic programming with selective path search
* Motion Estimation Using Spatio-Temporal Contextual Information
* Motion imagery navigation using terrain estimates
* Motion information scalability for MC-EZBC
* Motion-Compensated Wavelet Video Denoising
* Moving object detection with mobile stereo omni-directional system (SOS) based on motion compensatory inter-frame depth subtraction
* Moving object extraction with a localized pyramid
* Moving shadow detection with support vector domain description in the color ratios space
* MPM-MAP algorithm for motion segmentation, The
* MRF Based Segmentatiom Approach to Classification Using Dempster Shafer Fusion for Multisensor Imagery, A
* Multi feature path modeling for video surveillance
* Multi-camera real-time depth estimation with discontinuity handling on PC graphics hardware
* multi-cameras 3D volumetric method for outdoor scenes: A Road Traffic Monitoring Application., A
* Multi-class extensions of the GLDB feature extraction algorithm for spectral data
* Multi-class pattern classification using neural networks
* multi-expert approach for robust face detection, A
* Multi-expert Approach for Shot Classification in News Videos, A
* multi-label front propagation approach for object segmentation, A
* Multi-level anchorperson detection using multimodal association
* Multi-Modal Matching Applied to Stereo
* Multi-model Adaptive Estimation for Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences
* multi-object tracking system for surveillance video analysis, A
* Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for Fast Motion Estimation in an MPEG-2 Video Encoder
* Multi-resolution dyadic wavelet denoising approach for extraction of visual evoked potentials in the brain
* Multi-resolution template kernels
* Multi-view face detection under complex scene based on combined SVMs
* Multiband segmentation based on a hierarchical Markov model
* multibit geometrically robust image watermark based on Zernike moments, A
* Multiblock-fusion scheme for face recognition
* Multinational License Plate Recognition System: Segmentation and Classification
* Multioriented and Curved Text Lines Extraction From Indian Documents
* Multiple classifier implementation of a divide-and-conquer approach using appearance-based statistical methods for face recognition
* Multiple pedestrian detection and tracking based on weighted temporal texture features
* Multiple target tracking by appearance-based condensation tracker using structure information
* Multiple View Layered Representation for Dynamic Novel View Synthesis, A
* Multiple Wavelet Basis Image Denoising Using Besov Ball Projections
* multiple-classifier system for recognition of printed mathematical symbols, A
* Multiple-exemplar discriminant analysis for face recognition
* Multiplierless Winograd and Prime Factor FFT Implementation
* multiresolution approach to on-line handwriting segmentation and feature extraction, A
* Multiresolution Approach to Visual Pattern Partitioning of 3D Images
* Multiresolution polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Multiresolution Segmentation of Natural Images: From Linear to Nonlinear Scale-Space Representations
* Multiresolution Spatial Partitioning for Shape Representation
* Multiresolution Threshold Selection Method Based on Training, A
* multiscale elastic registration scheme for retinal angiograms, A
* Multiscale fourier descriptor for shape-based image retrieval
* multistage approach to information extraction in degraded document images, The
* Multistage Image Segmentation and Denoising Method: Based on the Mumford and Shah Variational Approach, A
* Mutual information aspects of scale space images
* MV-MAP: Multiresolution Video Visualization and Summarization on MAPs
* N-Feature Neural Network Human Face Recognition
* Natural, salient image patches for robot localization
* Nearest intra-class space classifier for face recognition
* Nearest neighbor ensemble
* Nearest-prototype relevance feedback for content based image retrieval
* Neighbor-Constrained Segmentation With Level Set Based 3-D Deformable Models
* Neural network based modeling and color rendering for mixed reality
* Neural network-based proper names extraction in fax images
* Neural Networks vs. Logistic Regression: A Comparative Study on a Large Data Set
* Neural-edge-based vehicle detection and traffic parameter extraction
* Neuro-Fuzzy Method for Automated Defect Detection in Aluminium Castings
* New Affine Invariant Fitting Algorithm for Algebraic Curves, A
* new algorithm for skew detection and correction, A
* New Algorithm for Skew Detection in Images of Documents, A
* new approach for relevance feedback through positive and negative samples, A
* new approach for the registration of images with inconsistent differences, A
* New Approach to Unsupervised Image Segmentation Based on Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Tree Models, A
* new attributed relational graph matching algorithm using the nested structure of earth mover's distance, A
* new classification rule based on nearest neighbour search, A
* New Color Filter Array Interpolation Approach for Single-Sensor Imaging, A
* new color image segmentation algorithm based on watershed transformation, A
* new direct LDA (D-LDA) algorithm for feature extraction in face recognition, A
* New File Format for Decorative Tiles, A
* New Gabor Filter Based Kernel for Texture Classification with SVM, A
* new iris segmentation method for recognition, A
* new method for quantification of age-related brain changes, A
* New method for sparse point-sets matching with underlying non-rigidity
* new method in locating and segmenting palmprint into region-of-interest, A
* New Methods to Produce High Quality Color Anaglyphs for 3-D Visualization
* New Multiwavelet-Based Approach to Image Fusion, A
* New Numerical Scheme for Anisotropic Diffusion, A
* New operators of genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problem
* new optimised de_Bruijn coding strategy for structured light patterns, A
* new predictive full-search block motion estimation, A
* New Rate-Distortion Model for Video Transmission Using Multiple Logarithmic Functions, A
* New Sammon Algorithm for Sparse Data Visualization, A
* Noisy Text Categorization
* Non stationary Bayesian image restoration
* Non-contrast based edge descriptor for image segmentation
* Non-isotropic regularization of the correspondence space in stereo-vision
* Non-iterative approach to multiple 2D motion estimation
* Non-linear reflectance model for bidirectional texture function synthesis
* Non-parametric Performance Comparison in Pictorial Query by Content Systems
* non-random data sampling method for classification model assessment, A
* Non-rigid registration and geometric approach for tracking in neurosurgery
* Nonlinear Filter Design Using Envelopes
* Nonparametric discriminant analysis in relevance feedback for content-based image retrieval
* Nonparametric Impulsive Noise Removal
* Nonrigid medical image registration technique as a composition of local warpings
* Nouse use your nose as a mouse perceptual vision technology for hands-free games and interfaces
* novel 3D planar object reconstruction from multiple uncalibrated images using the plane-induced homographies, A
* Novel Adaptive Filtering for Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal from Binary Document Images
* novel adaptive image enhancement algorithm for face detection, A
* novel approach to automatically extracting basic units from Chinese sign language, A
* novel approach to detecting adult images, A
* novel energy minimization criterion for color image segmentation, A
* novel kernel prototype-based learning algorithm, A
* Novel seed selection for multiple objects detection and tracking
* Novel Shape Descriptor Based on Interrelation Quadruplet, A
* Novel Shape Feature for Image Classification and Retrieval, A
* novel video caption detection approach using multi-frame integration, A
* Novel VLSI Architecture for Multidimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, A
* Novelty detection employing an L2 optimal non-parametric density estimator
* Object Boundary Edge Selection for Accurate Contour Tracking Using Multi-level Canny Edges
* Object boundary edge selection using normal direction derivatives of a contour in a complex scene
* Object categorization via local kernels
* Object class recognition using images of abstract regions
* Object classification with multi-scale autoconvolution
* Object detection using background context
* Object detection using feature subset selection
* Object reacquisition using invariant appearance model
* Object recognition using composed receptive field histograms of higher dimensionality
* Object recognition using local information content
* Object recognition using segmentation for feature detection
* Object recognition with adaptive Gabor features
* Object segmentation and feature estimation using shadows
* Object Tracking Algorithm Combining Different Cost Functions, An
* Object tracking by the mean-shift of regional color distribution combined with the particle-filter algorithm
* Object Tracking Using Incremental Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Object-based and event-based semantic video adaptation
* Object-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex
* Object-based video coding using pixel state analysis
* Objects Velocity Estimation on Images Sequences by Hough Transform with Projection (HTP)
* Obstacle detection using millimeter-wave radar and its visualization on image sequence
* Off-line handwriting identification using HMM based recognizers
* Off-line handwritten textline recognition using a mixture of natural and synthetic training data
* Omnidirectional stereo vision with a hyperbolic double lobed mirror
* On 3d mosaicing of rotationally symmetric ceramic fragments
* On Ambiguities in Super-Resolution Modeling
* On classifier domains of competence
* On cluster validity index for estimation of the optimal number of fuzzy clusters
* On Combining Support Vector Machines and Simulated Annealing in Stereovision Matching
* On estimation of secret message length in jsteg-like steganography
* On performance evaluation of face detection and localization algorithms
* On Symmetry and Multiple-View Geometry: Structure, Pose, and Calibration from a Single Image
* On the Automatic Creation of Customized Video Content
* On the Axioms of Scale Space Theory
* On the Choice of Band-Pass Quadrature Filters
* On the distortion of shape recovery from motion
* On the influence of fixing the principal point in frame-by-frame multiplanar calibration
* On the Influence of Scale Selection on Feature Detection for the Case of Linelike Structures
* On the use of anthropometry in the invariant analysis of human actions
* On-line adaptive background modelling for audio surveillance
* On-line cursive hangul recognition that uses DP matching to detect key segmentation points
* On-line Face Tracking Using a Feature Driven Level Set
* Online appearance-based face and facial feature tracking
* online handwritten music score recognition system, An
* Online learning of color transformation for interactive object recognition under various lighting conditions
* Online multicamera tracking with a switching state-space model
* Online Sauter Diameter Measurement of Air Bubbles and Oil Drops in Stirred Bioreactors by Using Hough Transform
* Online Structure Based Chinese Character Pre-Classification
* Ontodoc: An Ontology-Based Query System for Digital Libraries
* Ontology and taxonomy collaborated framework for meeting classification
* Optimal Filters with Multiresolution Apertures
* Optimal inference for hierarchical skeleton abstraction
* Optimal Mass Transport for Registration and Warping
* Optimal Transform in Perceptually Uniform Color Space and Its Application in Image Coding
* Optimally Regularised Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Optimizing nearest neighbour in random subspaces using a multi-objective genetic algorithm
* Optimizing Texture Primitives Description Based on Variography and Mathematical Morphology
* Optimizing the integration of a statistical language model in HMM based offline handwritten text recognition
* Optimum block size detection for image quality measure
* Optimum word length allocation of integer DCT and its error analysis
* Order-preserving clustering and its application to gene expression data
* Orientation-improved minutiae for fingerprint matching
* Outdoor Activity Recognition using Multi-Linked Temporal Processes
* Outlier detection using k-nearest neighbour graph
* P-AFLC: a parallel scalable fuzzy clustering algorithm
* Palmprint classification using principal lines
* Palmprint recognition using directional line energy feature
* Panoramic video
* Parallel Computation of Optical Flow
* Parallel pattern recognition computations within a wireless sensor network
* parallel pipelined implementation of LOCO-I for JPEG-LS, A
* Parallel tracking of all soccer players by integrating detected positions in multiple view images
* Parallel volume segmentation with tetrahedral adaptive grid
* Parallelizing motion segmentation by perceptual organization of XYT
* Parameterisation invariant statistical shape models
* Parameterized Hierarchical Annealing for Scientific Models
* particle filter for tracking densely populated objects based on explicit multiview occlusion analysis, A
* pattern classification based on the nearest feature midpoints, The
* Pattern matching by sequential subdivision of transformation space
* Pattern perception in animals remote from man
* pattern recognition approach to automated coronary calcium scoring, A
* Pattern Recognition in Interrelated Data: The Problem, Fundamental Assumptions, Recognition Algorithms
* Pattern recognition using average patterns of categorical k-nearest neighbors
* pattern synthesis technique with an efficient nearest neighbor classifier for binary pattern recognition, A
* People Action Recognition in Image Sequences Using a 3D Articulated Object
* People tracking by integrating multiple features
* Perceptual criterion based fragile audio watermarking using adaptive wavelet packets
* Perceptual distance normalization for appearance detection
* Perceptual grouping for contour extraction
* Perceptual Organization in Range Data: Robust Detection of Low Order Surfaces in Heavy Clutter
* Perceptually-Weighted Evaluation Criteria for Segmentation Masks in Video Sequences
* Perfect perspective projection using a varifocal mirror and its application to three-dimensional close-up imaging
* Performance evaluation metrics for motion detection and tracking
* Performance-Based Classifier Combination in Atlas-Based Image Segmentation Using Expectation-Maximization Parameter Estimation
* Periodic human motion description for sports video databases
* Periodic nonlinear principal component neural networks for humanoid motion segmentation, generalization, and generation
* Personalized face verification system using owner-specific cluster-dependent LDA-subspace
* Photo classification by integrating image content and camera metadata
* Photometric stereo under blurred observations
* Physics-based extraction of intrinsic images from a single image
* Pipelined Real-Time Optical Flow Algorithm, A
* Pixel Position Regression: Application to Medical Image Segmentation
* Planar metric rectification by algebraically estimating the image of the absolute conic
* Planar motion of a parabolic catadioptric camera
* Plane Segmentation from Two Views in Reciprocal-Polar Image Space
* Point pattern matching for articulated or multiple objects
* Pollen classification using brightness-based and shape-based descriptors
* Polygonal representation of digital planar curves through dominant point detection: A nonparametric algorithm
* Pose clustering guided by short interpretation trees
* Pose estimation for multiple camera systems
* Pose Evaluation Based on Bayesian classification Error
* Pose invariant affect analysis using thin-plate splines
* Powerful finite mixture model based on the generalized dirichlet distribution: unsupervised learning and applications
* Practical Generation of Video Textures using the Auto-Regressive Process
* practical stereo scheme for obstacle detection in automotive use, A
* Precise estimation of high-dimensional distribution and its application to face recognition
* Precise radial un-distortion of images
* Prediction of fingerprint orientation
* Prescient Paper: Multimedia Document Creation with Document Image Matching
* Primary-Consistent Soft-Decision Color Demosaicking for Digital Cameras (Patent Pending)
* Principal component analysis for online handwritten character recognition
* Principal curve analysis for temporal data
* Principal flow for tubular objects with non-circular cross-sections
* Principal Geodesic Analysis for the Study of Nonlinear Statistics of Shape
* Prioritized Region of Interest Coding in JPEG2000
* Prioritized Region of Interest Coding in JPEG2000
* probabilistic approach to learning costs for graph edit distance, A
* Probabilistic classication between foreground objects and background
* Probabilistic combination of multiple modalities to detect interest
* probabilistic framework for joint head tracking and pose estimation, A
* Probabilistic image processing based on the Q-ising model by means of the mean field method and loopy belief propagation
* Probabilistic localization for mobile robots using incomplete maps
* Probabilistic object tracking using multiple features
* Probabilistic people tracking for occlusion handling
* Probabilistic shape-based image indexing and retrieval
* Probabilistic tracking with adaptive feature selection
* Probability table compression using distributional clustering for scanning N-tuple classifiers
* Probablistic phase based sparse stereo
* Problem of image superresolution with a negative-refractive-index slab
* Procedure for Automatically Estimating Model Parameters in Optical Motion Capture, A
* Proceedings of the 13th British Machine Vision Conference
* Product Approximation by Minimizing the Upper Bound of Bayes Error Rate for Bayesian Combination of Classifiers
* Progressive decoding method for fractal image compression
* Projection and visualization based on synchronization of coupled oscillators
* Projection Profile Based Algorithm for Slant Removal
* Projective Moment Invariants
* Propagating segmented regions during a camera saccade
* Propagation of Errors From the Sensitivity Image in List Mode Reconstruction
* Proposal of a parallel architecture for a motion detection algorithm
* proposal of neural network architecture for non-linear function approximation, A
* Prototype setting for elastic matching-based image pattern recognition
* Pruning local feature correspondences using shape context
* Pruning the vocabulary for better context recognition
* Pulling, Pushing, and Grouping for Image Segmentation
* Quantification Tool to Analyse Stained Cell Cultures, A
* Quantum-Inspired Genetic Algorithm for Multi-source Affine Image Registration, A
* Quasi-equiripple approximation of minimum phase FIR filters by updating desired response
* quick video search method based on local and global feature clustering, A
* Radial segmentation
* Randomized RANSAC with Td,d test
* Range image registration preserving local structures of object surfaces
* Range image segmentation based on split-merge clustering
* Range Image Segmentation by an Effective Jump-Diffusion Method
* Ranklets on hexagonal pixel lattices
* Rapid rendering of apparent contours of implicit surfaces for real-time tracking
* Rapid spline-based kernel density estimation for bayesian networks
* Rate adaptive video streaming under lossy network conditions
* Re-evaluating colour constancy algorithms
* Real Time Facial Expression Recognition with AdaBoost
* Real Time Multiple Object Tracking Based on Active Contours
* Real time tracking with occlusion and illumination variations
* Real-Time Chip Implementation for Adaptive Video Coding Control, A
* Real-Time Error Protection of Embedded Codes for Packet Erasure and Fading Channels
* Real-time estimation of light source environment for photorealistic augmented reality
* Real-time face detection using boosting in hierarchical feature spaces
* Real-Time Face Recognition using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization for LDA
* Real-Time Facial Feature Extraction by Cascaded Parameter Prediction and Image Optimization
* Real-time human motion sensing based on vision-based inverse kinematics for interactive applications
* Real-Time Image Stabilization System Based on Fourier-Mellin Transform, A
* real-time multi face detection technique using positive-negative lines-of-face template, A
* Real-Time Tracking for Visual Interface Applications in Cluttered and Occluding Situations
* Real-time traffic parameter extraction using entropy
* real-time vehicle detection and tracking system in outdoor traffic scenes, A
* Real-time, 3-D-multi object position estimation and tracking
* Recognition of 3D Object from One Image Based on Projective and Permutative Invariants
* Recognition of airborne fungi spores in digital microscopic images
* Recognition of expression variant faces using weighted subspaces
* Recognition of non-negative patterns
* Recognition of symbols in grey level line-drawings from an adaptation of the radon transform
* Recognition of unconstrained legal amounts handwritten on Chinese bank checks
* Recognizing frontal face images using hidden markov models with one training image per person
* Recognizing hand gesture using fourier descriptors
* Recognizing human actions: a local SVM approach
* Recognizing Plankton Images From the Shadow Image Particle Profiling Evaluation Recorder
* Reconstructing a dynamic surface from video sequences using graph cuts in 4d space-time
* Reconstruction of Medical Images by Perspective Shape-from-Shading
* Reconstruction of Order Parameters Based on Immunity Clonal Strategy for Image Classification
* Reconstruction of segmentally articulated structure in freeform movement with low density feature points
* Reconstruction of Surfaces of Revolution from Single Uncalibrated Views
* Recovery of Surface Height from Diffuse Polarisation
* Reducing artifacts in BDCT-coded images by adaptive pixel-adjustment
* Reference point detection for fingerprint recognition
* Reflectance estimation from motion under complex illumination
* Region based alpha-semantics graph driven image retrieval
* Region Filling and Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* Region of Interest Based Prostate Tissue Characterization Using Least Square Support Vector Machine LS-SVM
* Registration and Fusion of Blurred Images
* Registration of an uncalibrated image pair to a 3d surface model
* Registration of digital retinal images using landmark correspondence by expectation maximization
* Registration of range and color images using gradient constraints and range intensity images
* Registration of Real-Time 3-D Ultrasound Images of the Heart for Novel 3-D Stress Echocardiography
* Regression analysis and automorphic orbits in free groups of rank 2
* Regularized Image Reconstruction Algorithms for Positron Emission Tomography
* Regularized image restoration based on adaptively selecting parameter and operator
* Regularized RBF Networks for Hyperspectral Data Classification
* Rehashing for Bayesian geometric hashing
* Reinforcement learning-based feature learning for object tracking
* Rejection strategies for offline handwritten sentence recognition
* Relative range camera calibration
* Relaxation labeling processes for protein secondary structure prediction
* Relevant linear feature extraction using side-information and unlabeled data
* Reliable Dual-Band Based Contour Detection: A Double Dynamic Programming Approach
* Rendering Almost Perspective Views from a Sparse Set of Omnidirectional Images
* Representing cultural heritage in digital forms for VR systems through computer vision techniques
* Resampling for face detection by self-adaptive genetic algorithm
* Resolution enhancement by AdaBoost
* Resolution independent deformable model
* Respiratory Motion of the Heart From Free Breathing Coronary Angiograms
* Resuming Shapes with Applications
* Retrieval method for multi-category images
* Retrieval of on-line hand-drawn sketches
* Retrieving images by content from strong relational graph matching
* Reverse Engineering the Human Vision System: A Possible Explanation for the Role of Microsaccades
* Reversible Watermark Using the Difference Expansion of a Generalized Integer Transform
* Review the strength of gabor features for face recognition from the angle of its robustness to mis-alignment
* Reward-punishment editing
* Ribcage Boundary Delineation in Chest X-ray Images
* Ridgelets Frame
* Rigid motion estimation from non-central catadioptric images
* Rigorous accuracy bounds for calibrated stereo reconstruction
* rival penalized EM algorithm towards maximizing weighted likelihood for density mixture clustering with automatic model selection, A
* Road extraction by snake with inertia and differential features
* Robot Navigation Using Panoramic Tracking
* robust algorithm for image principal curve detection, A
* Robust algorithm for pupil-glint vector detection in a video-oculography eyetracking system
* robust algorithm of principal curve detection, A
* Robust appearance-based human action recognition
* Robust appearance-based tracking of moving object from moving platform
* Robust background subtraction and maintenance
* Robust carving for non-Lambertian objects
* Robust detection of people in thermal imagery
* Robust Dichromatic Colour Constancy
* Robust direction estimation of gradient vector field for iris recognition
* Robust extraction of planar and quadric surfaces from range images
* Robust face recognition under lighting variations
* Robust facet model for application to speckle noise removal
* Robust feature matching across widely separated color images
* Robust Feature Selection by Weighted Fisher Criterion for Multiclass Prediction in Gene Expression Profiling
* Robust Fitting of a Point Distribution Model of the Prostate Using Genetic Algorithms
* Robust image denoising using kernel-induced measures
* Robust Image Segmentation Using FCM With Spatial Constraints Based on New Kernel-Induced Distance Measure
* Robust Iterative Shape-From-Shading Algorithm with Modified Transforming Matrix, A
* Robust KLT tracking with Gaussian and laplacian of Gaussian weighting functions
* Robust local max-min filters by normalized power-weighted filtering
* robust method of recognizing multi-font rotated characters, A
* Robust modelling of local image structures and its application to medical imagery
* Robust Motion Segmentation by Spectral Clustering
* Robust multi-body segmentation
* Robust multihypothesis discrimination of controlled I.I.D. processes
* Robust omniview-based probabilistic self-localization for mobile robots in large maze-like environments
* Robust phase correlation
* Robust playfield segmentation using map adaptation
* Robust real time tracking of 3D objects
* Robust real-time detection, tracking, and pose estimation of faces in video streams
* Robust real-time face tracker for cluttered environments
* robust regularised restoration algorithm based on Topkis-Veinott optimisation method, A
* Robust Shape Retrieval Using Maximum Likelihood Theory
* Robust subspace mixture models using t-distributions
* Robust Tracking and Object Classification Towards Automated Video Surveillance
* Robust transmit pulse design
* Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
* Robustness and specificity in object detection
* Rotated complex wavelet based texture features for content based image retrieval
* Rotation estimation from spherical images
* Rough Surface Analysis using Kirchhoff Theory
* Sammon's nonlinear mapping using geodesic distances
* Sample size estimation using the receiver operating characteristic curve
* SAR Image Classification Based on Immune Clonal Feature Selection
* Scalable video compression via overcomplete motion compensated wavelet coding
* Scene recognition based on relationship between human actions and objects
* Scene text extraction in natural scene images using hierarchical feature combining and verification
* Scheimpflug and high-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the anterior segment: a comparative study
* Screen Pattern Removal for Character Pattern Extraction from High-Resolution Color Document Images
* Seamless video editing
* Sector-based diffusion filtering
* Secure and Localizing Watermarking Technique for Image Authentication, A
* Segmentation and classification of meeting events using multiple classifier fusion and dynamic programming
* Segmentation and Denoising via an Adaptive Threshold Mumford-Shah-Like Functional
* Segmentation and recognition of vocalized outlines in Pitman shorthand
* Segmentation and typography extraction in document images using geodesic active regions
* Segmentation Based Environment Modeling Using a Single Image
* segmentation method for touching italic characters, A
* Segmentation of range data based on a stochastic clustering method with competitive process
* Segmentation of the Comet Assay Images
* Segmentation of the Face and Hands in Sign Language Video Sequences Using Color and Motion Cues
* Segmentation Using Saturation Thresholding and Its Application in Content-Based Retrieval of Images
* segmentation-free approach to recognise printed Sinhala script using linear symmetry, A
* Selecting canonical views for view-based 3-d object recognition
* Selecting models from videos for appearance-based face recognition
* Selection of statistical features based on mutual information for classification of human coding and non-coding DNA sequences
* Selective sampling based on the variation in label assignments
* Self-supervised writer adaptation using perceptive concepts: application to on-line text recognition
* Semantic Browsing and Retrieval in Image Libraries
* Semantic feature extraction using genetic programming in image retrieval
* Semantic Image Analysis Based on the Representation of the Spatial Relations Between Objects in Images
* Semantic object segmentation by a spatio-temporal MRF model
* Sensor fusion as optimization: maximizing mutual information between sensory signals
* Separating Reflection Components Based on Chromaticity and Noise Analysis
* Separating shape and pose variations
* Sequence recognition with scanning N-tuple ensembles
* Serialized unsupervised classifier for adaptative color image segmentation: application to digitized ancient manuscripts
* shadow elimination method for vehicle analysis, A
* Shape and motion from simultaneous equations with closed-loop solution
* Shape Descriptor for Shapes with Boundary Noise and Texture, A
* Shape metamorphism using p-Laplacian equation
* Shape recognition with edge-based features
* Shape reconstruction and image restoration for non-flat surfaces of documents with a stereo vision system
* Shape retrieval using concavity trees
* Shape similarity image retrieval by hypothesis and test
* Sharpening of CT images by cubic interpolation using B-spline
* Shooting the lecture scene using computer-controlled cameras based on situation understanding and evaluation of video images
* Short-Term Memory-Based Object Tracking
* Shot reconstruction degree: a novel criterion for key frame selection
* Signal discrimination using a support vector machine for genetic syndrome diagnosis
* Significance Test for Feature Subset Selection on Image Recognition
* Significant Perceptual Regions by Active-Nets
* Similarity measure of labelled images
* Similarity-Based Classification of Sequences Using Hidden Markov Models
* Simple and practical cyclostationary beamforming algorithms
* Simple calibration without metric information using an isoceles trapezoid
* Simple Technique for Improving Camera Displacement Estimation in Eye-in-Hand Visual Servoing, A
* Simplest representation yet for gait recognition: averaged silhouette
* Simulating classifier ensembles of fixed diversity for studying plurality voting performance
* Simultaneous determination of object shape and color by Moire analysis using a reflection model
* Simultaneous Feature Selection and Clustering Using Mixture Models
* Simultaneous optimization of class configuration and feature space for object recognition
* Simultaneous Pose Estimation of Multiple People using Multiple-View Cues with Hierarchical Sampling
* Simultaneous surface texture classification and illumination tilt angle prediction
* Simultaneous Two-View Epipolar Geometry Estimation and Motion Segmentation by 4D Tensor Voting
* Singer identification based on vocal and instrumental models
* Single camera stereo using planar parallel plate
* Sketched symbol recognition using zernike moments
* Skin color detection in low bit-rate 3-D multiwavelet-based videos
* Skin color detection using multiple cues
* Skin detection A bayesian network approach
* Skin reflectance modelling for face recognition
* Sky-ground representation for local scene description
* Small-world approximations in spectral segmentation
* Snake-based technique for plasmapause tracking
* Soccer Field Detection in Video Images Using Color and Spatial Coherence
* SOFM improves a real time quality assurance machine vision system, A
* Software Algorithm Prototype for Optical Recognition of Embossed Braille, A
* Some Computational Aspects of Discrete Orthonormal Moments
* Sparse IBR Using Range Space Rendering
* Sparse Kernel Density Construction Using Orthogonal Forward Regression With Leave-One-Out Test Score and Local Regularization
* Sparse scene structure recovery from atmospheric degradation
* Sparse, variable-representation active contour models
* Spatial Access-Oriented Implementation of a 3-D GIS Topological Data Model for Urban Entities, A
* Spatial Discriminant Function with Minimum Error Rate for Image Segmentation
* Spatial Transformation of Motion and Deformation Fields Using Nonrigid Registration
* Spatially Adaptive Filter Reducing Arc Stripe Noise for Sector Scan Medical Ultrasound Imaging, A
* Spatio-temporal Primitive Extraction Using Hermite and Laguerre Filters for Early Vision Video Indexing
* Spatio-Temporal Semantic Object Segmentation using Probabilistic Sub-Object Regions
* Speaker Tracking Algorithm Based on Audio and Visual Information Fusion Using Particle Filter, A
* Special issue on subband/wavelet interframe video coding
* Special Section: Selection of Papers From IPMI 2003
* Spectral characterization of orientation data along curvilinear structures
* Spectral image distortion map
* Spectral sound gap filling
* Speech driven facial animation using a hidden markov coarticulation model
* Speech music discrimination using class-specific features
* Spherical objects based motion estimation for catadioptric cameras
* Spin images for retrieval of 3D objects by local and global similarity
* Spine posture estimation method from human images using 3D spine model: computation of the rough approximation of the physical forces working on vertebral bodies
* Split and merge data association filter for dense multi-target tracking
* Spoken document classification with SVMs using linguistic unit weighting and probabilistic couplers
* Spontaneous handwriting recognition and classification
* Spotting Scene Change for Indexing Surveillance Video
* Stabilizing route panoramas
* Stable Fitting of 2D Curves and 3D Surfaces by Implicit Polynomials
* Stable Real-Time 3D Tracking Using Online and Offline Information
* Static posterior probability fusion for signal detection: Applications in the detection of interstitial diseases in chest radiographs
* Statistical classification of raw textile defects
* Statistical landscape features for texture classification
* Statistical modelling of the wavelet coefficients with different bases and decomposition levels
* statistical shape model without using landmarks, A
* statistically based flow for image segmentation, A
* Stealth vision for protecting privacy
* Steerable kernels for arbitrarily-sampled spaces
* Steganalysis of data hiding in binary images
* steganographic method for digital images using side match, A
* Stereo Confidence Metric Using Single View Imagery with Comparison to Five Alternative Approaches, A
* stochastic optimization approach for parameter tuning of support vector machines, A
* Stochastic Search Algorithm to Optimize an N-tuple Classifier by Selecting Its Inputs, A
* Strain Quantification In Ultrasound Sequences
* Stratified Dense Matching for Stereopsis in Complex Scenes
* strongly coupled architecture for contextual object and scene identification, A
* structural approach to recognizing incomplete graphic objects, A
* Structural description of textile and tile pattern designs using image processing
* Structural graph matching with polynomial bounds on memory and on worst-case effort
* Structural representation of speech for phonetic classification
* Structure relaxation method for self-organizing neural networks
* study of symbol segmentation method for handwritten mathematical formula recognition using mathematical structure information, A
* Sub)Graph Isomorphism Algorithm for Matching Large Graphs, A
* Subband noise estimation for adaptive wavelet shrinkage
* Successive-least-squares error algorithm on minimum description length neural networks for time series prediction
* Super-resolution under image deformation
* Super-resolving compressed video with large artifacts
* Supervised nonparametric information theoretic classification
* Support vector clustering combined with spectral graph partitioning
* Support vector machine with local summation kernel for robust face recognition
* Support vector machines for face recognition with two-layer generated virtual data
* Surface sculpting with stochastic deformable 3d surfaces
* Surface skeletons in grids with non-cubic voxels
* survey of approaches to three-dimensional face recognition, A
* Survey on Visual Surveillance of Object Motion and Behaviors, A
* SVM training time reduction using vector quantization
* SVM vs regularized least squares classification
* SVM-based classifier design with controlled confidence
* SVM-based salient region(s) extraction method for image retrieval
* Switching particle filters for efficient real-time visual tracking
* symmetric convexity measure, A
* Synchronization and calibration of camera networks from silhouettes
* Synchronization of oscillations for machine perception of gaits
* Synchronizing Image Sequences of Non-Rigid Objects
* Synthesis of Photographic Quality Facial Composites using Evolutionary Algorithms
* System and method for face detection through geometric distribution of a non-intensity image property
* System for Handwritten Symbol and Signature Recognition Using FPGA Computing, The
* system identification approach for video-based face recognition, A
* system to detect houses and residential street networks in multispectral satellite images, A
* systematic design procedure for scalable near-circular laplacian of gaussian operators, A
* Systematic static shadow detection
* Talking Faces: Technologies and Applications
* Tangent vector kernels for invariant image classification with SVMs
* Task-Independent Robotic Uncalibrated Hand-Eye Coordination Based on the Extended State Observer
* Template Update Problem, The
* Tensor voting toward feature space analysis
* Text Detection from Natural Scene Images: Towards a System for Visually Impaired Persons
* Text detection in images based on unsupervised classification of high-frequency wavelet coefficients
* Text extraction from web images based on a split-and-merge segmentation method using colour perception
* Texture analysis using level-crossing statistics
* Texture based segmentation: Automatic Selection of Co-occurrence Matrices
* Texture classification through directional empirical mode decomposition
* Texture Classification Using Kernel Independent Component Analysis
* Texture Edge Detection Using the Compass Operator
* Texture feature extraction and indexing by hermite filters
* Texture segmentation comparison using grey level co-occurrence probabilities and markov random fields
* Textures and Wavelet-Domain Joint Statistics
* Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Graph Theoretical Measures for Land Development in Satellite Imagery, A
* Thermal face recognition over time
* Three-Dimensional Face Recognition: A Fishersurface Approach
* Three-dimensional model based face recognition
* Three-Dimensional Object Recognition Using a Modified Exoskeleton and Extended Hausdorff Distance Matching Algorithm
* Three-dimensional Structure Calculation: Achieving Accuracy without Calibration
* Thresholding based on linear diffusion for feature segmentation
* Tightly integrated sensor fusion for robust visual tracking
* To FRAME or not to FRAME in probabilistic texture modelling?
* Tooth contour extraction for matching dental radiographs
* Topological Active Volumes for Segmentation and Shape Reconstruction of Medical Images
* Topological segmentation of discrete human body shapes in various postures based on geodesic distance
* Towards a Complete Dense Geometric and Photometric Reconstruction under Varying Pose and Illumination
* Towards Bayesian real-time optical flow
* Towards correlation-based matching algorithms that are robust near occlusions
* Towards image retrieval for eight percent of color-blind men
* Towards shape from shading under realistic photographic conditions
* Towards surface regularization via medial axis transitions
* Towards Temporal Dynamic Segmentation
* Tracheal and Central Bronchial Aerodynamics Using Virtual Bronchoscopy and Computational Fluid Dynamics
* Tracking Algorithms Evaluation in Feature Points Image Sequences
* Tracking in a Hough Space with the Extended Kalman Filter
* Tracking Multiple Humans in Complex Situations
* Tracking of point target in IR image sequence using multiple model based particle filtering and MRF based data association
* Tracking of Points in a Calibrated and Noisy Image Sequence
* Tracking Pedestrians Under Occlusion Using Multiple Cameras
* Tracking people through occlusions
* Tracking periodic motion using Bayesian estimation
* Tracking soccer players using the graph representation
* trainable low-level feature detector, A
* Training of classifiers using virtual samples only
* Transitions of the pre-symmetry set
* Tree-like data structures for effective recognition of 2-D solids
* Triangular mesh intersection
* Two-dimensional Fourier transform of scaled Dirac delta curves
* two-stage approach for segmentation and recognition of handwritten digit strings collected from mail pieces, A
* Two-stage classification system combining model-based and discriminative approaches
* two-step method for preprocessing volume data, A
* Type-2 fuzzy hidden markov models to phoneme recognition
* Uncalibrated two-view metrology
* Uncalibrated visual servoing from projective reconstruction of control values
* Uncertainty Modeling and Model Selection for Geometric Inference
* undecimated wavelet transform based denoising, PPCAa based pulse modeling and detection-classification of PD signals, An
* Underline detection and removal in a document image using multiple strategies
* Underline Removal on Old Documents
* Understanding In-Plane Face Rotations Using Integral Projections
* Understanding inexplicit utterances using vision for helper robots
* unification framework for tree and block wavelet encoders, A
* Unified Framework for Subspace Face Recognition, A
* unified information-theoretic approach to the correspondence problem in image registration, A
* Unified model for omnidirectional vision using the conformal geometric algebra framework
* universal method for single character type recognition, A
* Unsupervised band selection for multispectral images using information theory
* Unsupervised Color-Texture Segmentation
* Unsupervised evaluation of image segmentation application to multi-spectral images
* Unsupervised image segmentation using a simple MRF model with a new implementation scheme
* Unsupervised image segmentation using a simple MRF model with a new implementation scheme
* Unsupervised learning of a finite gamma mixture using MML: Application to SAR image analysis
* Use of Size Functions for Comparison of Shapes Through Differential Invariants, The
* Useful Computer Vision Techniques for Human-Robot Interaction
* Using adapted Levenshtein distance for on-line signature authentication
* Using attention for video segmentation
* Using B-spline curves for hand recognition
* Using Distributed Partial Memories to Improve Self-Organizing Collective Movements
* Using Local Context To Improve Face Detection
* Using multiple graphics cards as a general purpose parallel computer: applications to computer vision
* using of thermal images of palm-dorsa vein-patterns for biometric verification, The
* Utilization of Hierarchical, Stochastic Relationship Modeling for Hangul Character Recognition
* Variable-Branch Tree-Structured Vector Quantization
* variational approach for color image segmentation, A
* Vector field smoothing via heat flow
* Vectorization-Free Reconstruction of 3D CAD Models from Paper Drawings
* Vehicle Tracking at Traffic Scene with Modified RLS
* Vehicle type recognition with match refinement
* Velocity adaptation of space-time interest points
* Video Analysis for Cartoon-like Special Effects
* Video Coding with Motion-Compensated Lifted Wavelet Transforms
* Video Indexing using Motion Estimation
* Video modelling and segmentation using Gaussian mixture models
* Video motion estimation using prediction based hybrid approach
* Video Segmentation Through Multiscale Texture Analysis
* Video sequence matching with spatio-temporal constraints
* Video shot interpretation using principles of perceptual prominence and perceptual grouping in spatio-temporal domain
* Video summaries and cross-referencing through mosaic-based representation
* View-based detection of 3-D interaction between hands and real objects
* Viewpoint Independent Detection of Vehicle Trajectories and Lane Geometry from Uncalibrated Traffic Surveillance Cameras
* Vignetting distortion correction method for high quality digital imaging
* Virtual Recomposition of Frescos: Separating Fragments from the Background
* Vision based fire detection
* Vision-Based Augmentation of a Sentient Computing World Model
* Vision-based traffic measurement system
* vision-based vehicle identification system, A
* visual attention estimator applied to image subject enhancement and colour and grey level compression, A
* Visual Cortex Frontend: Integrating Lines, Edges, Keypoints, and Disparity
* Visual Golf Club Tracking for Enhanced Swing Analysis
* Visual keywords labeling in soccer video
* Visual learning and recognition of a probabilistic spatio-temporal model of cyclic human locomotion
* Visual line estimation from a single image of two eyes
* Visual Object Recognition Through One-Class Learning
* Visual pattern recognition in the years ahead
* Visually steerable sound beam forming system based on face tracking and speaker array
* W-boost and its application to web image classification
* Watermarking text document images using edge direction histograms
* Watershed lines suppression by waterfall marker improvement and lineneighbourhood analysis
* Wavelet based robust sub-band features for phoneme recognition
* Wavelet Video Coding With Dependent Optimization
* Weakly Constrained Minimization: Application to the Estimation of Images and Signals Involving Constant Regions
* Weighted loss functions to make risk-based language identification fused decisions
* Who are you?
* Wide baseline matching through homographic transformation
* Wide Baseline Stereo Matching by Corner-Edge-Regions
* Wideband enhancement of television images for people with visual impairments
* WillHunter: Interactive Image Retrieval with Multilevel Relevance Measurement
* Wrapper-Based Approach to Image Segmentation and Classification, A
* XML based framework for cognitive vision architectures, An
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