Index for wu__

Wu, A. * 1981: Relative Effectiveness of Selected Texture Primitive Statistics for Texture Discrimination
* 1989: Models for Neighbor Dependency in Planar Point Patterns
* 1998: Centers of Pixels
* 2000: Virtual 3D Blackboard: 3D Finger Tracking using a Single Camera, A
* 2008: Depth from Distortions
* 2008: Multiyear On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Terra MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
* 2009: MODIS Onboard Blackbody Function and Performance
* 2013: Characterization of Terra and Aqua MODIS VIS, NIR, and SWIR Spectral Bands' Calibration Stability
* 2013: Derive a MODIS-Based Calibration for the AVHRR Reflective Solar Channels of the NOAA KLM Operational Satellites
* 2013: Multitemporal Cross-Calibration of the Terra MODIS and Landsat 7 ETM+ Reflective Solar Bands
* 2014: Evaluation of Radiometric Improvements With Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Terra MODIS Band 27
* 2014: Initial Stability Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Band Calibration Using Invariant Desert and Deep Convective Cloud Targets
* 2014: Time-Dependent Response Versus Scan Angle for MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2015: Radiometric Stability and Scaling of Collection 6 Terra- and Aqua-MODIS VIS, NIR, and SWIR Spectral Bands, The
* 2015: Sensitivity of Intercalibration Uncertainty of the CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer Features
* 2015: Terra and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
* 2016: Evaluation of VIIRS and MODIS Thermal Emissive Band Calibration Stability Using Ground Target
* 2016: Noise Characterization and Performance of MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
* 2016: Spectral clustering steered low-rank representation for subspace segmentation
* 2016: Top-Push Video-Based Person Re-identification
* 2017: Aqua and Terra MODIS RSB Calibration Comparison Using BRDF Modeled Reflectance
* 2017: Assessment of Terra MODIS On-Orbit Polarization Sensitivity Using Pseudoinvariant Desert Sites
* 2017: Cross-View Asymmetric Metric Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* 2017: Development and Implementation of an Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Bands 27-30 in Terra MODIS Collection 6
* 2017: Monitoring the On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous Terra MISR Observations
* 2017: New Scheme for Validating Remote-Sensing Land Surface Temperature Products with Station Observations
* 2017: Optimization of a Deep Convective Cloud Technique in Evaluating the Long-Term Radiometric Stability of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2017: Robust Depth-Based Person Re-Identification
* 2018: Action-Conditioned Convolutional Future Regression Models for Robot Imitation Learning
* 2018: Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification
* 2018: Does A Body Image Tell Age?
* 2018: Impact of Blackbody Warm-Up Cool-Down Cycle on the Calibration of Aqua MODIS and S-NPP VIIRS Thermal Emissive Bands
* 2018: Light Person Re-Identification by Multi-Cue Tiny Net
* 2018: Results From the Deep Convective Clouds-Based Response Versus Scan-Angle Characterization for the MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2019: Aqua MODIS Electronic Crosstalk Survey: Mid-Wave Infrared Bands
* 2019: Capturing the spatio-temporal continuity for video semantic segmentation
* 2019: Deep asymmetric video-based person re-identification
* 2019: Distilled Person Re-Identification: Towards a More Scalable System
* 2019: Patch-Based Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Similarity Consistency Learning
* 2019: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Soft Multilabel Learning
* 2020: Comparison of the MODIS and VIIRS Thermal Emissive Band Radiometric Calibration
* 2020: Convolutional Reconstruction-to-Sequence for Video Captioning
* 2020: Fine-Grained Person Re-identification
* 2020: Model-Based Robot Imitation with Future Image Similarity
* 2020: Model-Based Robot Imitation with Future Image Similarity
* 2020: MODIS and VIIRS Calibration and Characterization in Support of Producing Long-Term High-Quality Data Products
* 2020: On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS VIS Bands Using Polarization-Corrected Desert Observations
* 2020: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Deep Asymmetric Metric Embedding
* 2021: Accessibility Assessment of Buildings Based on Multi-Source Spatial Data: Taking Wuhan as a Case Study
* 2021: Errors of Airborne Bathymetry LiDAR Detection Caused by Ocean Waves and Dimension-Based Laser Incidence Correction
* 2021: Fine-Grained Shape-Appearance Mutual Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Hierarchical Memory Decoder for Visual Narrating
* 2021: MRSSC: A Benchmark Dataset for Multimodal Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* 2021: Person Re-Identification by Contour Sketch Under Moderate Clothing Change
* 2021: Truck and Trailer Classification With Deep Learning Based Geometric Features
* 2021: Universal-Prototype Enhancing for Few-Shot Object Detection
* 2021: Vector-Decomposed Disentanglement for Domain-Invariant Object Detection
* 2022: Analysis of Internal Angle Error of UAV LiDAR Based on Rotating Mirror Scanning
* 2022: Assessment of SNPP and NOAA20 VIIRS RSB Calibration Performance in NASA SIPS Reprocessed Collection-2 L1B Data Products, An
* 2022: Camera-Conditioned Stable Feature Generation for Isolated Camera Supervised Person Re-IDentification
* 2022: Development of a Single-Wavelength Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR: System Design and Data Processing
* 2022: Divide and Conquer: Compositional Experts for Generalized Novel Class Discovery
* 2022: Instance-Invariant Domain Adaptive Object Detection Via Progressive Disentanglement
* 2022: L(1/2) Regularization for ISAR Imaging and Target Enhancement of Complex Image
* 2022: Learning Multi-Context Dynamic Listwise Relation for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Nighttime Image Dehazing Based on Variational Decomposition Model
* 2022: Scene Aware Semantic Crack Segmentation from Oblique Drone Imagery
* 2022: Single-Domain Generalized Object Detection in Urban Scene via Cyclic-Disentangled Self-Distillation
* 2023: Correlation between Frequency-Divided Magnetic Field and Channel-Base Current for Rocket-Triggered Lightning
* 2023: Decomposable Causal View of Compositional Zero-Shot Learning, A
* 2023: Deep Feature Deblurring Diffusion for Detecting Out-of-Distribution Objects
* 2023: Discriminating Known from Unknown Objects via Structure-Enhanced Recurrent Variational AutoEncoder
* 2023: Environment-Invariant Curriculum Relation Learning for Fine-Grained Scene Graph Generation
* 2023: Rewarded Semi-Supervised Re-Identification on Identities Rarely Crossing Camera Views
* 2023: Shape-Erased Feature Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2024: TIB: Detecting Unknown Objects via Two-Stream Information Bottleneck
* 2024: Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Object Detection via PCA-Driven Dynamic Prototype Enhancement
Includes: Wu, A. Wu, A.[Angela] Wu, A.[Andrew] Wu, A.[Ao] Wu, A.[Aisheng] Wu, A.[Aihua] Wu, A.[Ancong] Wu, A.[Adan] Wu, A.[Aming] Wu, A.[Anqi] Wu, A.[Anlei] Wu, A.[Aotian] Wu, A.[Anwen] Wu, A.[Aimin] Wu, A.[Aodi] Wu, A.[Ankun]
78 for Wu, A.

Wu, A.C. * 1995: Robust Algorithms for Finding the Center of an Arc, The
* 2016: enhanced deep feature representation for person re-identification, An
* 2017: RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-identification
* 2020: RGB-IR Person Re-identification by Cross-Modality Similarity Preservation
* 2021: Letter-Level Online Writer Identification
* 2021: Semi-supervised Person Re-identification by Attribute Similarity Guidance
* 2022: Joint Bilateral-Resolution Identity Modeling for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
Includes: Wu, A.C. Wu, A.C.[An-Cong]
7 for Wu, A.C.

Wu, A.G. * 2007: Generalized PID Observer Design for Descriptor Linear Systems
* 2023: Multi-Scale Correspondence Learning for Person Image Generation
Includes: Wu, A.G. Wu, A.G.[Ai-Guo]

Wu, A.J.H.[Alex Jia Hao] * 2023: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
Includes: Wu, A.J.H.[Alex Jia Hao] Wu, A.J.H.[Alex Jia-Hao]

Wu, A.M.[An Ming] * 2006: Projection Method for Geometric Modeling of High Resolution Satellite Images Applying Different Approximations
* 2010: Vicarious Calibration of the Formosat-2 Remote Sensing Instrument
Includes: Wu, A.M.[An Ming] Wu, A.M.[An-Ming] Wu, A.M.

Wu, A.N.[Abraham Noah] * 2023: InstantCITY: Synthesising morphologically accurate geospatial data for urban form analysis, transfer, and quality control

Wu, A.S.[Ai Sheng] * 2016: Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration and Performance
* 2016: Assessment of SNPP VIIRS VIS/NIR Radiometric Calibration Stability Using Aqua MODIS and Invariant Surface Targets
* 2016: Inter-Comparison of S-NPP VIIRS and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands Using Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder Measurements as a Transfer Reference
* 2016: Using Ground Targets to Validate S-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band Calibration
* 2018: Improvements in the On-Orbit Response Versus Scan Angle Characterization of the Aqua MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2020: Response Versus Scan-Angle Assessment of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands in Collection 6.1 Calibration
Includes: Wu, A.S.[Ai Sheng] Wu, A.S.[Ai-Sheng]

Wu, A.X.[An Xin] * 2016: Unbalanced JPEG image steganalysis via multiview data match
Includes: Wu, A.X.[An Xin] Wu, A.X.[An-Xin]

Wu, A.Y. * 1980: Feature Value Smoothing as an Aid in Texture Analysis
* 1981: Image Approximation from Gray Scale Medial Axes
* 1981: Parallel Computation of Contour Properties
* 1981: Parallel Region Property Computation by Active Quadtree Networks
* 1982: Image Processing on MPP:1
* 1982: Medial Axis Transformation for Grayscale Pictures, A
* 1982: Multispectral Texture
* 1982: Parallel computers for region-level image processing
* 1982: Threshold Selection Using Quadtrees
* 1983: Top-Down Cellular Pyramids
* 1986: Computation of Geometric Properties from the Medial Axis Transform in O(n log n) Time
* 1987: Recognition and Characterization of Digitized Curves
* 1988: Parallel Computation of Geometric Properties from the Medial Axis Transform
* 1988: Parallel processing of encoded bit strings
* 1988: Parallel Processing of Regions Represented by Linear Quadtrees
* 1989: Parallel Processing of Region Boundaries
* 1994: On the Area of Overlap of Translated Polygons
* 1995: Parallel programmable video co-processor design
* 1996: On the Area of Overlap of Translated Polygons
* 1997: Geodesic Visibility in Graphs
* 1998: Quantile Approximation for Robust Statistical Estimation and k-enclosing Problems
* 1999: Approximating large convolutions in digital images
* 2000: Analysis of a Simple k-means Clustering Algorithm, The
* 2001: Approximating large convolutions in digital images
* 2001: Parallel Image Processing
* 2002: Efficient k-Means Clustering Algorithm: Analysis and Implementation, An
* 2021: Sharper N-D Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
Includes: Wu, A.Y. Wu, A.Y.[Angela Y.] Wu, A.Y.[An-Yeu] Wu, A.Y.[An-Yang]
27 for Wu, A.Y.

Wu, A.Y.A.[An Yeu Andy] * 2022: Face Recognition for Fisheye Images
Includes: Wu, A.Y.A.[An Yeu Andy] Wu, A.Y.A.[An-Yeu Andy]

Wu, B.[Bo] * 2003: LUT-Based AdaBoost for Gender Classification
* 2004: Boosting nested cascade detector for multi-view face detection
* 2004: Face pose estimation and its application in video shot selection
* 2004: Facial image retrieval based on demographic classification
* 2004: Fast rotation invariant multi-view face detection based on real adaboost
* 2004: Glasses detection by boosting simple wavelet features
* 2004: Omni-directional face detection based on real adaboost
* 2004: Real Time Facial Expression Recognition with AdaBoost
* 2005: Detection of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans in a Single Image by Bayesian Combination of Edgelet Part Detectors
* 2005: Extended Application of Scalable Video Coding Methods
* 2006: Boosted Markov Chain Monte Carlo Data Association for Multiple Target Detection and Tracking
* 2006: Left-Luggage Detection using Bayesian Inference
* 2006: Tracking of Multiple Humans in Meetings
* 2006: Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans based on Static Body Part Detection
* 2007: CLEAR'07 Evaluation of USC Human Tracking System for Surveillance Videos
* 2007: Cluster Boosted Tree Classifier for Multi-View, Multi-Pose Object Detection
* 2007: Detection and Tracking of Multiple Humans with Extensive Pose Articulation
* 2007: Detection and Tracking of Multiple, Partially Occluded Humans by Bayesian Combination of Edgelet based Part Detectors
* 2007: Filtering Strategy for Interest Point Detecting to Improve Repeatability and Information Content, A
* 2007: Improving Part based Object Detection by Unsupervised, Online Boosting
* 2007: Pedestrian Detection in Infrared Images based on Local Shape Features
* 2007: Propagation strategies for stereo image matching based on the dynamic triangle constraint
* 2007: Simultaneous Object Detection and Segmentation by Boosting Local Shape Feature based Classifier
* 2008: Automated analysis of differential interference contrast microscopy images of the foveal cone mosaic
* 2008: Human detection by searching in 3d space using camera and scene knowledge
* 2008: Local patterns constrained image histograms for image retrieval
* 2008: New Ground-Based Stereo Panoramic Scanning System, A
* 2008: Optimizing discrimination-efficiency tradeoff in integrating heterogeneous local features for object detection
* 2008: Pedestrian Tracking by Associating Tracklets using Detection Residuals
* 2008: Probabilistic tracking on Riemannian manifolds
* 2008: Robust Object Tracking based on Detection with Soft Decision
* 2008: Robust Object Tracking by Hierarchical Association of Detection Responses
* 2008: Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Humans in Crowded Environments
* 2008: Segmentation of multiple, partially occluded objects by grouping, merging, assigning part detection responses
* 2008: Towards Autonomous Mars Rover Localization: Operations in 2003 MER Mission and New Developments for Future Missions
* 2009: Detection and Control Algorithm of Multi-Color Printing Registration Based on Computer Vision
* 2009: Detection and Segmentation of Multiple, Partially Occluded Objects by Grouping, Merging, Assigning Part Detection Responses
* 2009: Harmonic Enhancement with Noise Reduction of Speech Signal by Comb Filtering
* 2009: Impact of Imaging Geometry on 3D Geopositioning Accuracy of Stereo Ikonos Imagery
* 2009: Large-scale privacy protection in Google Street View
* 2009: Spatial-Aided Low-Delay Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* 2009: statistical method for display and segmentation of 3D image data, A
* 2010: Photogrammetric techniques for power line ranging
* 2010: Shielded Microstrip Array for 7T Human MR Imaging
* 2011: Correlative multi-label multi-instance image annotation
* 2011: Fast Pedestrian Detection with Laser and Image Data Fusion
* 2011: hierarchical conditional random field model for labeling and segmenting images of street scenes, A
* 2011: Improved accuracy assessment indices for object-based high resolution remotely sensed imagery classification
* 2011: Improved spatial aided low delay Wyner-Ziv video coding by wavelet shrinkage
* 2011: LEGION-Based Automatic Road Extraction From Satellite Imagery
* 2011: Mathematical Modeling of the Human Cognitive System in Two Serial Processing Stages With Its Applications in Adaptive Workload-Management Systems
* 2011: Performance Experiment of Classification Using Chinese Airborne Multi-Band and Multi-Polar SAR Data
* 2011: synthetic digital signal processing method of ultrasonic guided wave pipeline inspection, A
* 2012: Adaptive Perona-Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image Denoising
* 2012: Comparison of Lunar Topographic Models Derived from Multiple Sources Based on Least Squares Matching
* 2012: Integrated point and edge matching on poor textural images constrained by self-adaptive triangulations
* 2012: Multi-Channel Microstrip Transceiver Arrays Using Harmonics for High Field MR Imaging in Humans
* 2012: Unified Image Registration Framework for ITK, A
* 2012: Visualization And Analysis Of Light Pollution: A Case Study In Hong Kong
* 2013: Adaptive geo-information processing service evolution: Reuse and local modification method
* 2013: Modeling and animation of fracture of heterogeneous materials based on CUDA
* 2013: On Random Field Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart Generation
* 2013: unified framework for spatiotemporal salient region detection, A
* 2013: Voxel-Based Method for Automated Identification and Morphological Parameters Estimation of Individual Street Trees from Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* 2014: adaptive surface filter for airborne laser scanning point clouds by means of regularization and bending energy, An
* 2014: Feature Selection via Cramer's V-Test Discretization for Remote-Sensing Image Classification
* 2014: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Mu Us Sandy Land, China, Using the Change Vector Analysis Technique
* 2015: Analysing the impact of weather on bus ridership using smart card data
* 2015: Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging via Sparse Tensor and Nonlinear Compressed Sensing
* 2015: Error-Bound-Regularized Sparse Coding for Spatiotemporal Reflectance Fusion, An
* 2015: Estimating Roof Solar Energy Potential in the Downtown Area Using a GPU-Accelerated Solar Radiation Model and Airborne LiDAR Data
* 2015: Geometric integration of high-resolution satellite imagery and airborne LiDAR data for improved geopositioning accuracy in metropolitan areas
* 2015: Modeling Emotion Influence in Image Social Networks
* 2016: Combined adjustment of multi-resolution satellite imagery for improved geo-positioning accuracy
* 2016: Comparison and Co-registration of DEMS Generated From Hirise And Ctx Images
* 2016: Comparison of delay estimation models for signalised intersections using field observations in Shanghai
* 2016: Feature discovering for image classification via wavelet-like pattern decomposition
* 2016: Integration Of GIS and BIM for Indoor Geovisual Analytics
* 2016: Mining Spatial Temporal Saliency Structure for Action Recognition
* 2016: Robust and Adaptive Object Tracking via Correspondence Clustering
* 2016: Shape And Albedo From Shading (safs) For Pixel-level Dem Generation From Monocular Images Constrained By Low-resolution Dem
* 2016: Stable least-squares matching for oblique images using bound constrained optimization and a robust loss function
* 2016: Webpage saliency prediction with multi-features fusion
* 2017: Calibration of boresight offset of LROC NAC imagery for precision lunar topographic mapping
* 2017: Graph-Based Approach for 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* 2017: Hierarchical Regularization of Polygons for Photogrammetric Point Clouds of Oblique Images
* 2017: Inferring Emotional Tags From Social Images With User Demographics
* 2017: Learning Unified Embedding for Apparel Recognition
* 2017: Robust point cloud classification based on multi-level semantic relationships for urban scenes
* 2017: Rural Settlement Subdivision by Using Landscape Metrics as Spatial Contextual Information
* 2017: SqueezeDet: Unified, Small, Low Power Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
* 2017: Structure-Regularized Compressive Tracking With Online Data-Driven Sampling
* 2017: Zero-Shot Learning Posed as a Missing Data Problem
* 2018: Automatic Building Rooftop Extraction From Aerial Images via Hierarchical RGB-D Priors
* 2018: Automatic Classification of Major Urban Land Covers Based on Novel Spectral Indices
* 2018: CNN in MRF: Video Object Segmentation via Inference in a CNN-Based Higher-Order Spatio-Temporal MRF
* 2018: Construction of pixel-level resolution DEMs from monocular images by shape and albedo from shading constrained with low-resolution DEM
* 2018: Effects of illumination differences on photometric stereo shape-and-albedo-from-shading for precision lunar surface reconstruction
* 2018: Fast Open-World Person Re-Identification
* 2018: Hierarchical Regularization of Building Boundaries in Noisy Aerial Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* 2018: Integration of aerial oblique imagery and terrestrial imagery for optimized 3D modeling in urban areas
* 2018: Multi-stream Fusion Model for Social Relation Recognition from Videos
* 2018: Remote Estimation of Nitrogen Vertical Distribution by Consideration of Maize Geometry Characteristics
* 2018: RGB-to-RGBG conversion algorithm with adaptive weighting factors based on edge detection and minimal square error
* 2018: Robust ECG Biometrics Using Two-Stage Model
* 2018: SqueezeNext: Hardware-Aware Neural Network Design
* 2018: Text Image Deblurring via Intensity Extremums Prior
* 2019: Active Machine Learning Approach for Crater Detection From Planetary Imagery and Digital Elevation Models
* 2019: Algorithm and Architecture Design of a Hardware-Efficient Image Dehazing Engine
* 2019: Atmospherically Compensated Shape From Shading On The Martian Surface: Towards The Perfect Digital Terrain Model of Mars
* 2019: Attentive Sequences Recurrent Network for Social Relation Recognition from Video
* 2019: ChamNet: Towards Efficient Network Design Through Platform-Aware Model Adaptation
* 2019: Dressing for Attention: Outfit Based Fashion Popularity Prediction
* 2019: FW-GAN: Flow-Navigated Warping GAN for Video Virtual Try-On
* 2019: Image-Guided Registration of Unordered Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Urban Scenes
* 2019: Inferring Emotions From Large-Scale Internet Voice Data
* 2019: Learning With Unsure Data for Medical Image Diagnosis
* 2019: Multi-Primitive-Based Hierarchical Optimal Approach for Semantic Labeling of ALS Point Clouds, A
* 2019: Multi-Task Bayesian Deep Neural Net for Detecting Life-Threatening Infant Incidents From Head Images, A
* 2019: Multiplicative Noise Removal for Texture Images Based on Adaptive Anisotropic Fractional Diffusion Equations
* 2019: New Framework for Modelling and Monitoring the Conversion of Cultivated Land to Built-up Land Based on a Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model Using Satellite Image Time Series, A
* 2019: Optimal control problem of multi-vehicle cooperative autonomous parking trajectory planning in a connected vehicle environment
* 2019: Regular and Small Target Detection
* 2019: Spatio-Temporal Attention Model Based on Multi-view for Social Relation Understanding
* 2019: Structural segmentation and classification of mobile laser scanning point clouds with large variations in point density
* 2020: Deep Learning for 3d Reconstruction of the Martian Surface Using Monocular Images: A First Glance
* 2020: Eagleeye: Fast Sub-net Evaluation for Efficient Neural Network Pruning
* 2020: Fashion Editing With Adversarial Parsing Learning
* 2020: FBNetV2: Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Spatial and Channel Dimensions
* 2020: Fundamental Climate Data Record Derived from AMSR-E, MWRI, and AMSR2, A
* 2020: integrated photogrammetric and photoclinometric approach for illumination-invariant pixel-resolution 3D mapping of the lunar surface, An
* 2020: Integration of Aerial, MMS, and Backpack Images for Seamless 3d Mapping In Urban Areas
* 2020: Learning Latent Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* 2020: MemNAS: Memory-Efficient Neural Architecture Search With Grow-Trim Learning
* 2020: Method for the Estimation of Finely-Grained Temporal Spatial Human Population Density Distributions Based on Cell Phone Call Detail Records, A
* 2020: New Global Catalogue of Lunar Craters (=1 Km) with 3d Information And Preliminary Results of Global Analysis, A
* 2020: Nondestructive Conductivity Estimating Method for Saline-Alkali Land Based on Ground Penetrating Radar, A
* 2020: OSED: Object-specific edge detection
* 2020: Real-time Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Human Movement Dynamics, A
* 2020: Squeezesegv3: Spatially-adaptive Convolution for Efficient Point-cloud Segmentation
* 2020: Topographic Mapping of the Moon In the 21st Century: From Hectometer To Millimeter Scales
* 2020: What Deep CNNs Benefit From Global Covariance Pooling: An Optimization Perspective
* 2021: Adaptive Human Activity-Aided Hand-Held Smartphone-Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Positioning System, An
* 2021: Causal Hidden Markov Model for Time Series Disease Forecasting
* 2021: Efficient Deployment of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Simultaneous Optimization of Charging Station Placement and Charging Pile Assignment
* 2021: Feature Interactive Representation for Point Cloud Registration
* 2021: Forecasting Irreversible Disease via Progression Learning
* 2021: Frame Aggregation and Multi-Modal Fusion Framework for Video-Based Person Recognition
* 2021: Greedy Hierarchical Variational Autoencoders for Large-Scale Video Prediction
* 2021: Image Comes Dancing With Collaborative Parsing-Flow Video Synthesis
* 2021: Improving Satellite Waveform Altimetry Measurements With a Probabilistic Relaxation Algorithm
* 2021: Influence of solar incidence angle on single-image photoclinometry for precision lunar topographic mapping
* 2021: Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification of Radar Emitter Signals Based on a 1-D Selective Kernel Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Mars3DNet: CNN-Based High-Resolution 3D Reconstruction of the Martian Surface from Single Images
* 2021: Monitoring the Vertical Distribution of Maize Canopy Chlorophyll Content Based on Multi-Angular Spectral Data
* 2021: Relation-Constrained 3D Reconstruction of Buildings in Metropolitan Areas from Photogrammetric Point Clouds
* 2021: Semi-Supervised Learning for Seismic Impedance Inversion Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: Sparse structure deep network embedding for transforming brain functional network in early mild cognitive impairment classification
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Change Detection Method for Monitoring Pine Wilt Disease in a Complex Landscape Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Wetland Eco-Hydrological Connectivity in the Poyang Lake Area Based on Long Time-Series Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Using Multi-Angular Hyperspectral Data to Estimate the Vertical Distribution of Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Wheat
* 2021: Visual Transformers: Where Do Transformers Really Belong in Vision Models?
* 2022: Adaptive Focal Loss Function Based on Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Radar Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification, An
* 2022: Analysis of the Characteristics and Evolution Mechanisms of a Bow-Shaped Squall Line in East China Observed with Dual-Polarization Doppler Radars
* 2022: Assessment of More Suitable Image Spatial Resolutions for Offshore Aquaculture Areas Automatic Monitoring Based on Coupled NDWI and Mask R-CNN, The
* 2022: Automatic Extraction of Mountain River Surface and Width Based on Multisource High-Resolution Satellite Images
* 2022: Cross-Domain Adaptive Teacher for Object Detection
* 2022: CRTransSar: A Visual Transformer Based on Contextual Joint Representation Learning for SAR Ship Detection
* 2022: Development Status and Service Performance Preliminary Analysis for BDSBAS
* 2022: Enhanced DeepLabv3+ for Urban Land Use Classification Based on UAV-Borne Images
* 2022: External Tropospheric Corrections by Using Kriging Interpolation for Improving PPP-RTK Positioning Solutions
* 2022: Few-Shot Learning for Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Improved Prototypical Network
* 2022: Few-Shot Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Attention-Balanced Prototypical Network
* 2022: Image2Point: 3D Point-Cloud Understanding with 2D Image Pretrained Models
* 2022: Initial In-Flight Spectral Calibration of the Near-Infrared Spectra Acquired by the MarSCoDe Onboard the Zhurong Rover
* 2022: Learning Social Relationship From Videos via Pre-Trained Multimodal Transformer
* 2022: Lightweight Position-Enhanced Anchor-Free Algorithm for SAR Ship Detection, A
* 2022: MDAN: Multi-level Dependent Attention Network for Visual Emotion Analysis
* 2022: Moderating Effect of a Cross-Level Social Distancing Policy on the Disparity of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2022: Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: RCBSR: Re-parameterization Convolution Block for Super-resolution
* 2022: Robust Collaborative Learning of Patch-Level and Image-Level Annotations for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading From Fundus Image
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Classification for Intra-Pulse Modulation of Radar Emitter Signals Using Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Public Electric Vehicle Fleet Charging Station Operations
* 2022: Text-instance graph: Exploring the relational semantics for text-based visual question answering
* 2022: Towards Efficient Adversarial Training on Vision Transformers
* 2022: Towards Single-Component and Dual-Component Radar Emitter Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer
* 2022: Two-Stream Swin Transformer with Differentiable Sobel Operator for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* 2023: Anchor-Free Detection Algorithm for SAR Ship Targets with Deep Saliency Representation, An
* 2023: Atmosphere-aware photoclinometry for pixel-wise 3D topographic mapping of Mars
* 2023: Castling-ViT: Compressing Self-Attention via Switching Towards Linear-Angular Attention at Vision Transformer Inference
* 2023: CLIP is Also an Efficient Segmenter: A Text-Driven Approach for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Concept Parser With Multimodal Graph Learning for Video Captioning
* 2023: Correlation between Frequency-Divided Magnetic Field and Channel-Base Current for Rocket-Triggered Lightning
* 2023: Correlation between the Channel Discharge Current and Spectrum of a Single-Stroke Lightning Flash to Canton Tower
* 2023: DS-Net: Dual supervision neural network for image manipulation localization
* 2023: ensemble learning method for low visibility prediction on freeway using meteorological data, An
* 2023: Exploring the Relationship Between Architectural Design and Adversarially Robust Generalization
* 2023: Faster OreFSDet: A lightweight and effective few-shot object detector for ore images
* 2023: Fault Detection via 2.5D Transformer U-Net with Seismic Data Pre-Processing
* 2023: Feature Aggregation via Attention Mechanism for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
* 2023: FPC-Net: Learning to detect face forgery by adaptive feature fusion of patch correlation with CG-Loss
* 2023: FPT: Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on the Feature Pyramid Vision Transformer
* 2023: Fusion of aerial, MMS and backpack images and point clouds for optimized 3D mapping in urban areas
* 2023: GD-MAE: Generative Decoder for MAE Pre-Training on LiDAR Point Clouds
* 2023: Graph clustering network with structure embedding enhanced
* 2023: Kinematic and Microphysical Characteristics of Extremely Heavy Rainfall in Zhengzhou City on 20 July 2021 Observed with Dual-Polarization Radars and Disdrometers, The
* 2023: Learning Situation Hyper-Graphs for Video Question Answering
* 2023: Mapping Forage Biomass and Quality of the Inner Mongolia Grasslands by Combining Field Measurements and Sentinel-2 Observations
* 2023: Multi-order similarity learning for multi-view spectral clustering
* 2023: NeRF-Det: Learning Geometry-Aware Volumetric Representation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Novel Ship Speed and Heading Estimation Approach Using Radar Sequential Images, A
* 2023: One-shot Implicit Animatable Avatars with Model-based Priors
* 2023: Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation with Mask-adapted CLIP
* 2023: Overall-Distinctive GCN for Social Relation Recognition on Videos
* 2023: Prediction of Depression Severity Based on the Prosodic and Semantic Features With Bidirectional LSTM and Time Distributed CNN
* 2023: RavenGaze: A Dataset for Gaze Estimation Leveraging Psychological Experiment Through Eye Tracker
* 2023: Recognizing Social Relationships in Long Videos via Multimodal Character Interaction
* 2023: Scene Graph Refinement Network for Visual Question Answering
* 2023: Social Relation Graph Generation on Untrimmed Video
* 2023: Tightly Coupled INS/APS Passive Single Beacon Navigation
* 2023: Time Delay Calibration Technique for Improving Broadband Lightning Interferometer Locating, A
* 2023: Utilizing Building Offset and Shadow to Retrieve Urban Building Heights with ICESat-2 Photons
* 2023: Weakly Supervised Pedestrian Segmentation for Person Re-Identification
* 2024: Anti-occlusion person re-identification via body topology information restoration and similarity evaluation
* 2024: Attention-Enhanced Dual-Branch Residual Network with Adaptive L-Softmax Loss for Specific Emitter Identification under Low-Signal-to-Noise Ratio Conditions
* 2024: CrossFormer++: A Versatile Vision Transformer Hinging on Cross-Scale Attention
* 2024: DPPMask: Masked Image Modeling with Determinantal Point Processes
* 2024: Nonlinear circumference-based robust ellipse detection in low-SNR images
* 2024: Optimal Space-Borne ISAR Imaging of Space Objects with Co-Maximization of Doppler Spread and Spacecraft Component Area
* 2024: Radar Emitter Signal Intra-Pulse Modulation Open Set Recognition Based on Deep Neural Network
* 2024: Temporal Feature Fusion for 3D Detection in Monocular Video
* 2024: Unsupervised Domain-Adaptive SAR Ship Detection Based on Cross-Domain Feature Interaction and Data Contribution Balance
Includes: Wu, B.[Bo] Wu, B.[Biao] Wu, B. Wu, B.[Bing] Wu, B.[Bian] Wu, B.[Buwei] Wu, B.[Bin] Wu, B.[Bocai] Wu, B.[Baohua] Wu, B.[Bowen] Wu, B.[Bichen] Wu, B.[Boya] Wu, B.[Bang] Wu, B.[Botong] Wu, B.[Bingli] Wu, B.[Bohan] Wu, B.[Bangyu] Wu, B.[Bona] Wu, B.[Bobo] Wu, B.[Baosheng] Wu, B.[Bochun] Wu, B.[Binghong] Wu, B.[Boxi] Wu, B.[Bofeng] Wu, B.[Baotai] Wu, B.[Benyu] Wu, B.[Bizhu]
234 for Wu, B.

Wu, B.B.[Bei Bei] * 2022: Method for Detecting Feature-Sparse Regions and Matching Enhancement, A
Includes: Wu, B.B.[Bei Bei] Wu, B.B.[Bei-Bei]

Wu, B.C.[Bi Chen] * 2018: Shift: A Zero FLOP, Zero Parameter Alternative to Spatial Convolutions
* 2019: FBNet: Hardware-Aware Efficient ConvNet Design via Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: Data-Efficient Language-Supervised Zero-Shot Learning with Self-Distillation
* 2021: FBNetV3: Joint Architecture-Recipe Search using Predictor Pretraining
* 2021: Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: FP-NAS: Fast Probabilistic Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: Mesh Completion with Virtual Scans
* 2021: Rethinking the Self-Attention in Vision Transformers
* 2022: INGeo: Accelerating Instant Neural Scene Reconstruction with Noisy Geometry Priors
Includes: Wu, B.C.[Bi Chen] Wu, B.C.[Bi-Chen] Wu, B.C.[Bo-Cai] Wu, B.C.[Bai-Chuan]
9 for Wu, B.C.

Wu, B.F. * 1998: On Stationarizability for Nonstationary 2-D Random-Fields Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms
* 2000: Low computational complexity enhanced zerotree coding for wavelet-based image compression
* 2003: efficient VLSI implementation of the discrete wavelet transform using embedded instruction codes for symmetric filters, An
* 2003: low memory zerotree coding for arbitrarily shaped objects, A
* 2004: Algorithms for compressing compound document images with large text/background overlap
* 2005: Discriminant Analysis Based Recursive Automatic Thresholding Approach for Image Segmentation, A
* 2005: high-performance and memory-efficient pipeline architecture for the 5/3 and 9/7 discrete wavelet transform of JPEG2000 codec, A
* 2006: Nighttime Vehicle Detection for Driver Assistance and Autonomous Vehicles
* 2006: Real-Time Multiple-Vehicle Detection and Tracking System with Prior Occlusion Detection and Resolution, and Prior Queue Detection and Resolution, A
* 2007: Extracting characters from real vehicle licence plates out-of-doors
* 2008: Comparison of Estimating Forest Canopy Height Integrating Multi-sensor data Synergy: A Case Study in Mountain Area of Three Gorges, A
* 2008: Heterogeneous Systems Integration Design and Implementation for Lane Keeping on a Vehicle, The
* 2009: multi-plane approach for text segmentation of complex document images, A
* 2009: Range and Size Estimation Based on a Coordinate Transformation Model for Driving Assistance Systems
* 2010: Human-in-the-Loop Design Approach to the Longitudinal Automation System for an Intelligent Vehicle, The
* 2012: Adaptive Vehicle Detector Approach for Complex Environments
* 2013: New Approach to Video-Based Traffic Surveillance Using Fuzzy Hybrid Information Inference Mechanism, A
* 2013: Reasoning-Based Framework for Driving Safety Monitoring Using Driving Event Recognition
* 2014: Crop Condition Assessment with Adjusted NDVI Using the Uncropped Arable Land Ratio
* 2014: Driving behaviour-based event data recorder
* 2014: Improving Estimates of Grassland Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on a Pixel Dichotomy Model: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China
* 2014: Regional Water Balance Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Irrigation: An Assessment of the Haihe Plain, China
* 2015: Building a Data Set over 12 Globally Distributed Sites to Support the Development of Agriculture Monitoring Applications with Sentinel-2
* 2015: Global Crop Monitoring: A Satellite-Based Hierarchical Approach
* 2015: Image Segmentation Based on Constrained Spectral Variance Difference and Edge Penalty
* 2016: Crop Mapping Using PROBA-V Time Series Data at the Yucheng and Hongxing Farm in China
* 2016: Mapping Winter Wheat Biomass and Yield Using Time Series Data Blended from PROBA-V 100- and 300-m S1 Products
* 2016: Motion Robust Remote-PPG Approach to Driver's Health State Monitoring, A
* 2016: Object-Based Paddy Rice Classification Using Multi-Spectral Data and Crop Phenology in Assam, Northeast India, An
* 2016: Optimal Leaf Biochemical Selection for Mapping Species Diversity Based on Imaging Spectroscopy, The
* 2017: Method for Estimating the Aerodynamic Roughness Length with NDVI and BRDF Signatures Using Multi-Temporal Proba-V Data, A
* 2017: Suitability Assessment of Satellite-Derived Drought Indices for Mongolian Grassland
* 2018: Mapping up-to-Date Paddy Rice Extent at 10 M Resolution in China through the Integration of Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* 2018: Regional Daily ET Estimates Based on the Gap-Filling Method of Surface Conductance
* 2018: Satellite-Based Water Consumption Dynamics Monitoring in an Extremely Arid Area
* 2018: Sensitivity of BRDF, NDVI and Wind Speed to the Aerodynamic Roughness Length over Sparse Tamarix in the Downstream Heihe River Basin
* 2018: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Actual Evapotranspiration and Its Causes in the Hai Basin
* 2019: 30 m Resolution Global Annual Burned Area Mapping Based on Landsat Images and Google Earth Engine
* 2019: Determination of Appropriate Remote Sensing Indices for Spring Wheat Yield Estimation in Mongolia
* 2019: Efficient Identification of Corn Cultivation Area with Multitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar and Optical Images in the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform
* 2019: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation in the Sparsely Gauged Zambezi River Basin Using Remote Sensing and Google Earth Engine
* 2020: Comparison of Different Cropland Classification Methods under Diversified Agroecological Conditions in the Zambezi River Basin
* 2020: Downscaling TRMM Monthly Precipitation Using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Computing
* 2020: Predicting Wheat Yield at the Field Scale by Combining High-Resolution Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery and Crop Modelling
* 2020: Regional Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation with Land and Meteorological Variables Derived from Multi-Source Satellite Data
* 2021: Domain Adapting Ability of Self-Supervised Learning for Face Recognition
* 2021: Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using RapidEye Imagery Based on a Novel Band Attention Deep Learning Method in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
* 2021: Practical Satellite-Derived Vegetation Drought Index for Arid and Semi-Arid Grassland Drought Monitoring, A
* 2021: Quantifying the Contributions of Environmental Factors to Wind Characteristics over 2000-2019 in China
* 2021: Spatial Allocation Method from Coarse Evapotranspiration Data to Agricultural Fields by Quantifying Variations in Crop Cover and Soil Moisture
* 2021: Synthesizing a Regional Territorial Evapotranspiration Dataset for Northern China
* 2022: Active Pairwise Constraint Learning in Constrained Time-Series Clustering for Crop Mapping from Airborne SAR Imagery
* 2022: Assessing the Impact of Soil on Species Diversity Estimation Based on UAV Imaging Spectroscopy in a Natural Alpine Steppe
* 2022: Contactless Blood Pressure Measurement via Remote Photoplethysmography with Synthetic Data Generation Using Generative Adversarial Network
* 2022: Evolution of Irrigation Effects on Agricultural Drought Mitigation in North China, The
* 2022: Incorporation of Net Radiation Model Considering Complex Terrain in Evapotranspiration Determination with Sentinel-2 Data
* 2022: Interannual Transfer Learning Approach for Crop Classification in the Hetao Irrigation District, China, An
* 2022: Performance and the Optimal Integration of Sentinel-1/2 Time-Series Features for Crop Classification in Northern Mongolia
* 2022: Towards Knowledge-Aware Video Captioning via Transitive Visual Relationship Detection
* 2023: Recognizing, Fast and Slow: Complex Emotion Recognition With Facial Expression Detection and Remote Physiological Measurement
Includes: Wu, B.F. Wu, B.F.[Bing-Fei] Wu, B.F.[Bing-Fang] Wu, B.F.[Bo-Feng]
60 for Wu, B.F.

Wu, B.G.[Bang Gu] * 2020: ECA-Net: Efficient Channel Attention for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Research On Path Planning Of Hull Decontamination Robot Based On Q-Learning
Includes: Wu, B.G.[Bang Gu] Wu, B.G.[Bang-Gu] Wu, B.G.[Bai-Gong]

Wu, B.H.[Bo Hom] * 1997: Integration of Multiple Levels of Contour Information for Chinese-Character Stroke Extraction
* 1998: Chinese Character Stroke Extraction Algorithm Based on Contour Information, A
* 2010: UWB Through-Wall Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* 2010: UWB Through-Wall Imaging Based on Compressive Sensing
* 2015: Synthesis of Oil-Style Paintings
Includes: Wu, B.H.[Bo Hom] Wu, B.H.[Bo-Hom] Wu, B.H.[Bing-Heng] Wu, B.H.[Bo-Hui]

Wu, B.J.[Bo Jian] * 2022: Homography Loss for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Parts2Words: Learning Joint Embedding of Point Clouds and Texts by Bidirectional Matching Between Parts and Words
Includes: Wu, B.J.[Bo Jian] Wu, B.J.[Bo-Jian]

Wu, B.L.[Bing Li] * 2021: Attention-Based Local Region Aggregation Network for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning
* 2022: High Quality Object Detection for Multiresolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Cascaded Multi-Stage Detectors
* 2023: Feature Enhancement Using Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry-Correlated Synthesis Images for Power Transmission Tower Detection in Mountain Layover Area
Includes: Wu, B.L.[Bing Li] Wu, B.L.[Bing-Li] Wu, B.L.[Bing-Long] Wu, B.L.[Bao-Long]

Wu, B.R.[Bin Ray] * 2021: Efficient Two-stream Action Recognition on FPGA
Includes: Wu, B.R.[Bin Ray] Wu, B.R.[Bin-Ray]

Wu, B.S.[Bing Sheng] * 2009: Wavelet Denoising and Its Implementation in LabVIEW
* 2020: Open-Surface River Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery and DEM Data: Case Study of the Upper Yellow River
* 2021: River Extraction under Bankfull Discharge Conditions Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery and DEM Data
Includes: Wu, B.S.[Bing Sheng] Wu, B.S.[Bing-Sheng] Wu, B.S.[Bao-Sheng]

Wu, B.T. * 2009: Dynamic Quality-Adjustable H.264 Video Encoder for Power-Aware Video Applications, A

Wu, B.W.[Bo Wen] * 2008: Prediction of the Thermal Imaging Minimum Resolvable (Circle) Temperature Difference with Neural Network Application
Includes: Wu, B.W.[Bo Wen] Wu, B.W.[Bo-Wen]

Wu, B.X.[Bao Xin] * 2014: Human Action Recognition Based on Context-Dependent Graph Kernels
* 2014: Human Action Recognition Based on Oriented Motion Salient Regions
* 2015: Multi-feature max-margin hierarchical Bayesian model for action recognition
* 2016: Fusing R Features and Local Features with Context-Aware Kernels for Action Recognition
* 2018: Context-Dependent Random Walk Graph Kernels and Tree Pattern Graph Matching Kernels With Applications to Action Recognition
* 2020: Improved Convolution Neural Network-Based Model for Classifying Foliage and Woody Components from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data, An
* 2020: Local Median Filtering Method for Correcting the Laser Return Intensity Information from Discrete Airborne Laser Scanning Data, The
Includes: Wu, B.X.[Bao Xin] Wu, B.X.[Bao-Xin] Wu, B.X.[Bing-Xiao]
7 for Wu, B.X.

Wu, B.Y.[Bao Yong] * 1988: experimental system for the waveform recognition of impedance plethysmography, An
* 2009: New Robust Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT, A
* 2012: Visual UAV Trajectory Plan System Based on Network Map
* 2013: Constrained Clustering and Its Application to Face Clustering in Videos
* 2013: Simultaneous Clustering and Tracklet Linking for Multi-face Tracking in Videos
* 2014: Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels
* 2014: note on convex image segmentation model based on local and global intensity fitting energy, A
* 2015: Doubly Degenerate Diffusion Model Based on the Gray Level Indicator for Multiplicative Noise Removal, A
* 2015: ML-MG: Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using a Mixed Graph
* 2015: Multi-label learning with missing labels for image annotation and facial action unit recognition
* 2015: Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal via Local Hölder Seminorm and Nonlocal Operator for Natural and Texture Image
* 2016: Coupled Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Simultaneous Face Clustering and Naming in Videos, A
* 2016: Facial action unit recognition under incomplete data based on multi-label learning with missing labels
* 2017: Coupled Hidden Markov Random Field model for simultaneous face clustering and tracking in videos, A
* 2017: Diverse Image Annotation
* 2018: Bi-Real Net: Enhancing the Performance of 1-Bit CNNs with Improved Representational Capability and Advanced Training Algorithm
* 2018: Linear Reaction-Diffusion System with Interior Degeneration for Color Image Compression, A
* 2018: Multi-label Learning with Missing Labels Using Mixed Dependency Graphs
* 2018: Tagging Like Humans: Diverse and Distinct Image Annotation
* 2019: Compressing Convolutional Neural Networks via Factorized Convolutional Filters
* 2019: Context-Aware Feature and Label Fusion for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation With Partially Labeled Data
* 2019: Efficient Decision-Based Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition
* 2019: Exact Adversarial Attack to Image Captioning via Structured Output Learning With Latent Variables
* 2019: Fast and accurate compressed sensing model in magnetic resonance imaging with median filter and split Bregman method
* 2019: Joint Representation and Estimator Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation
* 2019: Learning to Compose Dynamic Tree Structures for Visual Contexts
* 2019: L_p-L_p-Box ADMM: A Versatile Framework for Integer Programming
* 2019: Residual Regression With Semantic Prior for Crowd Counting
* 2019: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* 2019: Target-Aware Deep Tracking
* 2020: Bi-Real Net: Binarizing Deep Network Towards Real-Network Performance
* 2020: Boosting Decision-based Black-box Adversarial Attacks with Random Sign Flip
* 2020: MAP Inference Via L_2-Sphere Linear Program Reformulation
* 2020: Simultaneous segmentation and correction model for color medical and natural images with intensity inhomogeneity
* 2020: Sparse Adversarial Attack via Perturbation Factorization
* 2020: SPL-MLL: Selecting Predictable Landmarks for Multi-label Learning
* 2020: Unsupervised Multi-View Constrained Convolutional Network for Accurate Depth Estimation
* 2021: Invisible Backdoor Attack with Sample-Specific Triggers
* 2021: Meta-Attack: Class-agnostic and Model-agnostic Physical Adversarial Attack
* 2021: Parallel Rectangle Flip Attack: A Query-based Black-box Attack against Object Detection
* 2021: Probabilistic Modeling of Semantic Ambiguity for Scene Graph Generation
* 2021: Prototype-supervised Adversarial Network for Targeted Attack of Deep Hashing
* 2021: Teacher-Student Competition for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2021: TediGAN: Text-Guided Diverse Face Image Generation and Manipulation
* 2022: Boosting Black-Box Attack with Partially Transferred Conditional Adversarial Distribution
* 2022: Boosting Fast Adversarial Training With Learnable Adversarial Initialization
* 2022: Large-Scale Multiple-Objective Method for Black-box Attack Against Object Detection, A
* 2022: LAS-AT: Adversarial Training with Learnable Attack Strategy
* 2022: Prior-Guided Adversarial Initialization for Fast Adversarial Training
* 2022: Rich global feature guided network for monocular depth estimation
* 2022: Semi-supervised robust training with generalized perturbed neighborhood
* 2022: StyleHEAT: One-Shot High-Resolution Editable Talking Face Generation via Pre-trained StyleGAN
* 2023: ALVLS: Adaptive local variances-Based levelset framework for medical images segmentation
* 2023: DropMAE: Masked Autoencoders with Spatial-Attention Dropout for Tracking Tasks
* 2023: Enhancing Fine-Tuning based Backdoor Defense with Sharpness-Aware Minimization
* 2023: Global Balanced Experts for Federated Long-Tailed Learning
* 2023: Robust Physical-World Attacks on Face Recognition
* 2023: TAT: Targeted backdoor attacks against visual object tracking
* 2023: ToonTalker: Cross-Domain Face Reenactment
* 2023: UCF: Uncovering Common Features for Generalizable Deepfake Detection
* 2023: Versatile Weight Attack via Flipping Limited Bits
* 2024: Generalizable Black-Box Adversarial Attack With Meta Learning
Includes: Wu, B.Y.[Bao Yong] Wu, B.Y.[Bao-Yong] Wu, B.Y.[Bo-Ying] Wu, B.Y. Wu, B.Y.[Bao-Yuan] Wu, B.Y.[Bing-Yuan]
62 for Wu, B.Y.

Wu, B.Z.[Bo Zong] * 2009: Lossless Compression Using Joint Predictor for Astronomical Images
* 2019: P3SGD: Patient Privacy Preserving SGD for Regularizing Deep CNNs in Pathological Image Classification
* 2020: S2dnas: Transforming Static Cnn Model for Dynamic Inference via Neural Architecture Search
* 2022: Frequency-driven Imperceptible Adversarial Attack on Semantic Similarity
* 2023: Post-Training Quantization on Diffusion Models
Includes: Wu, B.Z.[Bo Zong] Wu, B.Z.[Bo-Zong] Wu, B.Z.[Bing-Zhe] Wu, B.Z.[Bi-Zhu]

Wu, C. * 1986: New Shape Recognition System, A
* 1987: Motion Constraint Equation under Space-Varying or Time-Varying Illumination, A
* 1999: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Applications, A
* 2005: Vessel Tree Reconstruction in Thoracic CT Scans With Application to Nodule Detection
* 2007: Mapping Vision Algorithms on SIMD Architecture Smart Cameras
* 2007: Model-based human posture estimation for gesture analysis in an opportunistic fusion smart camera network
* 2007: Model-Based Image Segmentation for Multi-view Human Gesture Analysis
* 2007: Nonstationary Background Removal Via Multiple Camera Collaboration
* 2007: Pose and Gaze Estimation in Multi-camera Networks for Non-restrictive HCI
* 2008: Head pose and trajectory recovery in uncalibrated camera networks: Region of interest tracking in smart home applications
* 2008: Human Pose Estimation in Vision Networks Via Distributed Local Processing and Nonparametric Belief Propagation
* 2008: Real-Time Human Pose Estimation: A Case Study in Algorithm Design for Smart Camera Networks
* 2009: Application of Image Processing and Discrete Analysis Method in Simulation of Oil and Gas Migration and Accumulation
* 2009: User-centric speaker report: Ranking-based effectiveness evaluation and feedback
* 2010: Hierarchical preference learning for light control from user feedback
* 2010: Recognizing Objects in Smart Homes Based on Human Interaction
* 2011: Discovering social interactions in real work environments
* 2011: Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme without Distortion
* 2011: KLT Feature Based Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Airborne Videos
* 2011: Perceptual multi-cues 2D-to-3D conversion system
* 2011: Real-time social interaction analysis
* 2011: Reciprocal and Extensible Architecture for Multiple-Target Tracking in a Smart Home, A
* 2011: Same frame rate IR to enhance visible video conference lighting
* 2011: User-Centric Environment Discovery With Camera Networks in Smart Homes
* 2011: Vehicle Detection and Motion Analysis in Low-Altitude Airborne Video Under Urban Environment
* 2011: Visual framing feedback for desktop video conferencing
* 2012: Depth measurement using single camera with fixed camera parameters
* 2012: Queueing Model Based Intelligent Human-Machine Task Allocator, A
* 2012: Robust mean-shift tracking with corrected background-weighted histogram
* 2012: Scale and orientation adaptive mean shift tracking
* 2013: Brain-Inspired Framework for Fusion of Multiple Depth Cues
* 2013: CloudMoV: Cloud-Based Mobile Social TV
* 2013: Development of a Remotely Operated Vehicle Test-bed
* 2013: Learning-Based, Automatic 2D-to-3D Image and Video Conversion
* 2013: Mathematical Model for the Prediction of Speeding with its Validation, A
* 2013: Mathematical Modeling of Driver Speed Control With Individual Differences
* 2013: Modeling Pedestrian Crossing Paths at Unmarked Roadways
* 2013: second order cone programming approach for semi-supervised learning, A
* 2014: Acoustic Echo Control with Frequency-Domain Stage-Wise Regression
* 2014: Automatic Radiometric Normalization for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery With Iterative Slow Feature Analysis
* 2014: Slow Feature Analysis for Change Detection in Multispectral Imagery
* 2015: Coordination between Understanding Historic Buildings and BIM Modelling: A 3D-Output Oriented and typological Data Capture Method
* 2015: Documentation of cultural heritage; techniques, potentials, and constraints
* 2015: GIS-Based Cultural Heritage Study Framework on Continuous Scales: A Case Study on 19th Century Military Industrial Heritage, A
* 2015: Introduction to the Special Section on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Fundamentals and Applications
* 2015: Joint Fuzzy Relays and Network-Coding-Based Forwarding for Multihop Broadcasting in VANETs
* 2015: Joint Online Transcoding and Delivery Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, A
* 2015: Online Prediction of Driver Distraction Based on Brain Activity Patterns
* 2016: How to Utilize Interflow Network Coding in VANETs: A Backbone-Based Approach
* 2016: Mathematical Modeling of the Effects of Speech Warning Characteristics on Human Performance and Its Application in Transportation Cyberphysical Systems
* 2016: Multisite Remote Sensing for Tsunami-Induced Waves
* 2017: Analysing acoustic model changes for active learning in automatic speech recognition
* 2017: Application of Typology Method in Historical Building Information Modelling (HBIM) Taking the Information Surveying And Mapping Of Jiayuguan Fortress Town As An Example, The
* 2017: Compact DNN: Approaching GoogLeNet-Level Accuracy of Classification and Domain Adaptation, A
* 2017: Coordinating Filters for Faster Deep Neural Networks
* 2017: Cost-Effective Low-Delay Design for Multiparty Cloud Video Conferencing
* 2017: Hainan Coherent Scatter Phased Array Radar (HCOPAR): System Design and Ionospheric Irregularity Observations
* 2017: Kernel Slow Feature Analysis for Scene Change Detection
* 2017: New Variational Method for Bias Correction and Its Applications to Rodent Brain Extraction, A
* 2017: NoSQL-SQL Hybrid Organization and Management Approach for Real-Time Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Public Security Video Surveillance, A
* 2017: Object-Based Linear Weight Assignment Fusion Scheme to Improve Classification Accuracy Using Landsat and MODIS Data at the Decision Level, An
* 2017: Probabilistic Prediction Model for the Safety Assessment of HDVs Under Complex Driving Environments, A
* 2017: Recording Information On Architectural Heritage Should Meet The Requirements for Conservation Digital Recording Practices at the Summer Palace
* 2017: Recording Information On Architectural Heritage Should Meet The Requirements for Conservation Digital Recording Practices at the Summer Palace
* 2017: Semantic Image Synthesis via Adversarial Learning
* 2018: Compressed Video Action Recognition
* 2018: Domain Invariant and Class Discriminative Feature Learning for Visual Domain Adaptation
* 2018: Effects of Lead Time of Take-Over Request and Nondriving Tasks on Taking-Over Control of Automated Vehicles, The
* 2018: Exploration and evaluation of individual difference to driving fatigue for high-speed railway: a parametric SVM model based on multidimensional visual cue
* 2018: Fast Single Image Dehazing via Positive Correlation
* 2018: Frustum PointNets for 3D Object Detection from RGB-D Data
* 2018: GPS/BDS Medium/Long-Range RTK Constrained with Tropospheric Delay Parameters from NWP Model
* 2018: HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination of Magnitude and Phase Congruency Information for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Images
* 2018: Hyperspectral anomalous change detection based on joint sparse representation
* 2018: Improved Method for Impervious Surface Mapping Incorporating LiDAR Data and High-Resolution Imagery at Different Acquisition Times, An
* 2018: Learning Patch Reconstructability for Accelerating Multi-view Stereo
* 2018: Mapping Urban Land Cover of a Large Area Using Multiple Sensors Multiple Features
* 2018: Modeling Facial Geometry Using Compositional VAEs
* 2018: Movement-Oriented Objectified Organization and Retrieval Approach for Heterogeneous GeoVideo Data
* 2018: Robust Shortest Path Problem With Distributional Uncertainty
* 2018: Urban Change Detection Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory for Multitemporal Very High-Resolution Imagery
* 2018: Using the TensorFlow Deep Neural Network to Classify Mainland China Visitor Behaviours in Hong Kong from Check-in Data
* 2018: Vehicle Re-identification with the Space-Time Prior
* 2019: Algorithm Modeling of Ancient Architecture for Heritage Documentation
* 2019: artificial intelligence based data-driven approach for design ideation, An
* 2019: Can We Track Targets From Space? A Hybrid Kernel Correlation Filter Tracker for Satellite Video
* 2019: Color-Sensitivity-Based Combined PSNR for Objective Video Quality Assessment
* 2019: Connecting Subspace Learning and Extreme Learning Machine in Speech Emotion Recognition
* 2019: Detection of abnormal behavior in narrow scene with perspective distortion
* 2019: Determining the Boundary and Probability of Surface Urban Heat Island Footprint Based on a Logistic Model
* 2019: Discussion On The Problem of Regularized Reconstruction in HBIM
* 2019: Enhancing Video QoE Over High-Speed Train Using Segment-Based Prefetching and Caching
* 2019: Fashion++: Minimal Edits for Outfit Improvement
* 2019: Fast 3-D Imaging Algorithm Based on Unitary Transformation and Real-Valued Sparse Representation for MIMO Array SAR
* 2019: Fusing Object Semantics and Deep Appearance Features for Scene Recognition
* 2019: GeoNet: Deep Geodesic Networks for Point Cloud Analysis
* 2019: Improved Superpixel-Based Fast Fuzzy C-Means Clustering for Image Segmentation
* 2019: Non-Lipschitz Models for Image Restoration with Impulse Noise Removal
* 2019: Object detection and localization in 3D environment by fusing raw fisheye image and attitude data
* 2019: Path Planning and Cooperative Control for Automated Vehicle Platoon Using Hybrid Automata
* 2019: Process-oriented Spatiotemporal Clustering Method for Complex Trajectories, A
* 2019: Realizing Railway Cognitive Radio: A Reinforcement Base-Station Multi-Agent Model
* 2019: Regularized Reconstruction of Grid System for Traditional Chinese Timber Structure Building in HBIM
* 2019: Salient Building Outline Enhancement and Extraction Using Iterative L0 Smoothing and Line Enhancing
* 2019: Sequential Classifiers Combination Method to Reduce False Negative for Intrusion Detection System, A
* 2019: SIMGAN: Photo-Realistic Semantic Image Manipulation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2019: Spatial Residual Layer and Dense Connection Block Enhanced Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2019: Time-Asymmetric 3d Convolutional Neural Networks for Action Recognition
* 2019: Towards Faster and Better Federated Learning: A Feature Fusion Approach
* 2019: Tracking Objects From Satellite Videos: A Velocity Feature Based Correlation Filter
* 2019: Train Speed Trajectory Optimization With On-Board Energy Storage Device
* 2019: Ultra-Low Complexity Block-Based Lane Detection and Departure Warning System
* 2019: Unsupervised Deep Slow Feature Analysis for Change Detection in Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: Variational Regularized Transmission Refinement for Image Dehazing
* 2019: VisionISP: Repurposing the Image Signal Processor for Computer Vision Applications
* 2020: Adaptive Weighted Attention Network with Camera Spectral Sensitivity Prior for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* 2020: Block Simplex Signal Recovery: Methods, Trade-Offs, and an Application to Routing
* 2020: Change Detection in Multisource VHR Images via Deep Siamese Convolutional Multiple-Layers Recurrent Neural Network
* 2020: City-scale Taxi Demand Prediction Using Multisource Urban Geospatial Data
* 2020: Convolutional Neural Network with Spatial-Variant Convolution Kernel
* 2020: Detecting Unipolar and Bipolar Depressive Disorders from Elicited Speech Responses Using Latent Affective Structure Model
* 2020: Exploring the Spatial Characteristics of Typhoon-Induced Vegetation Damages in the Southeast Coastal Area of China from 2000 to 2018
* 2020: Extended Motion Diffusion-Based Change Detection for Airport Ground Surveillance
* 2020: FY-3D HIRAS Radiometric Calibration and Accuracy Assessment
* 2020: Generative Feature Replay For Class-Incremental Learning
* 2020: Graph Embedding Framework for Maximum Mean Discrepancy-Based Domain Adaptation Algorithms, A
* 2020: High Spectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS): System Overview and On-Orbit Performance Assessment
* 2020: MEBOW: Monocular Estimation of Body Orientation in the Wild
* 2020: MonoClothCap: Towards Temporally Coherent Clothing Capture from Monocular RGB Video
* 2020: Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Joint Referring Expression Comprehension and Segmentation
* 2020: N-FINDER for Finding Endmembers in Compressively Sensed Band Domain
* 2020: Novel Centroid Update Approach For Clustering-Based Superpixel Methods And Superpixel-Based Edge Detection, A
* 2020: Patient-Specific Characterization of Breast Cancer Hemodynamics Using Image-Guided Computational Fluid Dynamics
* 2020: PhraseCut: Language-Based Image Segmentation in the Wild
* 2020: Post-Stimulus Time-Dependent Event Descriptor
* 2020: Reinforced Axial Refinement Network for Monocular 3d Object Detection
* 2020: ResUNet-a: A deep learning framework for semantic segmentation of remotely sensed data
* 2020: Superpixel Based Hierarchical Segmentation for Color Image
* 2020: TailorGAN: Making User-Defined Fashion Designs
* 2020: Tunable Detector for Distributed Target Detection in the Situation of Signal Mismatch, A
* 2020: Video Compression Framework Using an Overfitted Restoration Neural Network, A
* 2021: Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching by Log-Angle and Pyramid-Tree
* 2021: Analysis of a Record-Breaking Rainfall Event Associated With a Monsoon Coastal Megacity of South China Using Multisource Data
* 2021: Attention-guided aggregation stereo matching network
* 2021: Building Damage Detection Using U-Net with Attention Mechanism from Pre- and Post-Disaster Remote Sensing Datasets
* 2021: Challenges of the Polarimetric Update on Operational Radars in China: Ground Clutter Contamination of Weather Radar Observations
* 2021: Continuous Detection of Surface-Mining Footprint in Copper Mine Using Google Earth Engine
* 2021: Crowd density detection method based on crowd gathering mode and multi-column convolutional neural network
* 2021: Detail Fusion GAN: High-Quality Translation for Unpaired Images with GAN-based Data Augmentation
* 2021: Double constrained bag of words for human action recognition
* 2021: Dynamic information enhancement for video classification
* 2021: Enhanced Multiscale Feature Fusion Network for HSI Classification
* 2021: Estimation of Magnetite Prospective Resources Based on Aeromagnetic Data: A Case Study of Qihe Area, Shandong Province, China, The
* 2021: Fuzzy SLIC: Fuzzy Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
* 2021: Guest Editorial Introduction of the Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Internet of Vehicles
* 2021: HRSiam: High-Resolution Siamese Network, Towards Space-Borne Satellite Video Tracking
* 2021: Kalman Filter for Spatial-Temporal Regularized Correlation Filters
* 2021: Multi-Modal Video Reasoning and Analyzing Competition, The
* 2021: Multi-Temporal Scene Classification and Scene Change Detection With Correlation Based Fusion
* 2021: Real-time semantic segmentation with weighted factorized-depthwise convolution
* 2021: Reducing-Over-Time Tree for Event-based Data
* 2021: Research Advances and Challenges of Autonomous and Connected Ground Vehicles
* 2021: ROT-Harris: A Dynamic Approach to Asynchronous Interest Point Detection
* 2021: Small Object Detection by Generative and Discriminative Learning
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Variation of the Burned Area and Its Relationship with Climatic Factors in Central Kazakhstan
* 2021: Task-Adaptive Embedding Learning with Dynamic Kernel Fusion for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* 2021: Techniques for the Automatic Detection and Hiding of Sensitive Targets in Emergency Mapping Based on Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Visualization Analysis of Intelligent Vehicles Research Field Based on Mapping Knowledge Domain
* 2021: Whether normalized or not? Towards more robust iris recognition using dynamic programming
* 2022: ADS-B-Based Spatiotemporal Alignment Network for Airport Video Object Segmentation
* 2022: Adversarial Examples for Good: Adversarial Examples Guided Imbalanced Learning
* 2022: AGVS: A New Change Detection Dataset for Airport Ground Video Surveillance
* 2022: C3P: Cross-Domain Pose Prior Propagation for Weakly Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2022: Camera-Conditioned Stable Feature Generation for Isolated Camera Supervised Person Re-IDentification
* 2022: Caption Generation From Road Images for Traffic Scene Modeling
* 2022: CRAB: Certified Patch Robustness Against Poisoning-Based Backdoor Attacks
* 2022: Data-driven Latent Graph Structure Learning for Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Syndrome
* 2022: Deep Anomaly Discovery from Unlabeled Videos via Normality Advantage and Self-Paced Refinement
* 2022: Density Map-based vehicle counting in remote sensing images with limited resolution
* 2022: Fast robust fuzzy clustering based on bipartite graph for hyper-spectral image classification
* 2022: Feature difference for single-shot object detection
* 2022: Graph2Net: Perceptually-Enriched Graph Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2022: Hybrid video coding scheme based on VVC and spatio-temporal attention convolution neural network
* 2022: Identifying Urban Functional Regions from High-Resolution Satellite Images Using a Context-Aware Segmentation Network
* 2022: Inferring Edges from Weights in the Debye Model
* 2022: Landslide Extraction Using Mask R-CNN with Background-Enhancement Method
* 2022: Learning from Noisy Labels with Coarse-to-fine Sample Credibility Modeling
* 2022: Learning Temporal Video Procedure Segmentation from an Automatically Collected Large Dataset
* 2022: Motion Blur Removal for UAV-Based Wind Turbine Blade Images Using Synthetic Datasets
* 2022: Novel Method for Ground-Based Cloud Image Classification Using Transformer, A
* 2022: Parameter Adaptation and Situation Awareness of LTE-R Handover for High-Speed Railway Communication
* 2022: Regularizing Deep Networks With Semantic Data Augmentation
* 2022: ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
* 2022: Self-Supervised Discovering of Interpretable Features for Reinforcement Learning
* 2022: Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network Development and Applications in High-Speed Railways: A Survey
* 2022: Spectrum Situation Awareness Based on Time-Series Depth Networks for LTE-R Communication System
* 2022: Temporal-Spatial Causal Interpretations for Vision-Based Reinforcement Learning
* 2022: Towards Efficient Data Free Blackbox Adversarial Attack
* 2022: Trip Purposes Mining From Mobile Signaling Data
* 2022: Unsupervised Change Detection in Multitemporal VHR Images Based on Deep Kernel PCA Convolutional Mapping Network
* 2022: VL-InterpreT: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Interpreting Vision-Language Transformers
* 2022: Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Visual Words Learning and Hybrid Pooling
* 2022: Widar3.0: Zero-Effort Cross-Domain Gesture Recognition With Wi-Fi
* 2023: A2J-Transformer: Anchor-to-Joint Transformer Network for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image
* 2023: Accurate video saliency prediction via hierarchical fusion and temporal recurrence
* 2023: Action Probability Calibration for Efficient Naturalistic Driving Action Localization
* 2023: Apprenticeship Learning Approach for Adaptive Video Streaming Based on Chunk Quality and User Preference, An
* 2023: Binary Change Guided Hyperspectral Multiclass Change Detection
* 2023: Caching in Dynamic Environments: A Near-Optimal Online Learning Approach
* 2023: Communication Resources Management Based on Spectrum Sensing for Vehicle Platooning
* 2023: Dual-Channel Semi-Supervised Adversarial Network for Building Segmentation from UAV-Captured Images
* 2023: Exchange means change: An unsupervised single-temporal change detection framework based on intra- and inter-image patch exchange
* 2023: Fast Matching Method for the SAR Images with Large Viewing Angles Based on Inertial Navigation Information and Neighborhood Structure Consensus, A
* 2023: Fully Convolutional Change Detection Framework With Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised, Weakly Supervised and Regional Supervised Change Detection
* 2023: Impacts of advanced driver assistance systems on commercial truck driver behaviour performance using naturalistic data
* 2023: Integrated Convective Characteristic Extraction Algorithm for Dual Polarization Radar: Description and Application to a Convective System
* 2023: Markov random field based method for removing invalid unwrapping phase points in 3D reconstruction, A
* 2023: MixSynthFormer: A Transformer Encoder-like Structure with Mixed Synthetic Self-attention for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* 2023: Multi-Scale Estimation for Omni-Directional Saliency Maps Using Learnable Equator Bias
* 2023: No Fear of Classifier Biases: Neural Collapse Inspired Federated Learning with Synthetic and Fixed Classifier
* 2023: Quaternary Crustal Shortening of the Houyanshan Structure in the Eastern Chinese Tian Shan: Constrained from Geological and Geomorphological Analyses
* 2023: ReCo: Region-Controlled Text-to-Image Generation
* 2023: Reversible adversarial steganography for security enhancement
* 2023: Style and content separation network for remote sensing image cross-scene generalization
* 2023: Target-Discriminability-Induced Multi-Source-Free Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Universal Domain Adaptation via Compressive Attention Matching
* 2023: Unsupervised Multi-Subclass Saliency Classification for Salient Object Detection
* 2024: GSD-YOLOX: Lightweight and more accurate object detection models
* 2024: Improving Semantic Segmentation via Efficient Self-Training
* 2024: Joint Collaborative Big Spectrum Data Sensing and Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Internet of Vehicles
* 2024: Joint representation learning for text and 3D point cloud
* 2024: Kernel correlation-dissimilarity for Multiple Kernel k-Means clustering
* 2024: Mapping Street Patterns with Network Science and Supervised Machine Learning
* 2024: MineGAN++: Mining Generative Models for Efficient Knowledge Transfer to Limited Data Domains
* 2024: Motion Complement and Temporal Multifocusing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2024: MotionGPT: Human Motion Synthesis with Improved Diversity and Realism via GPT-3 Prompting
* 2024: Multi-perspective thought navigation for source-free entity linking
* 2024: Physics inspired hybrid attention for SAR target recognition
* 2024: SAAN: Similarity-Aware Attention Flow Network for Change Detection With VHR Remote Sensing Images
* 2024: Scene adaptive mechanism for action recognition
* 2024: SFDA-CD: A Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for VHR Image Change Detection
* 2024: Toward Real-Time Pricing and Allocation for Surplus Resources in Electric Bus Charging Stations
Includes: Wu, C. Wu, C.[Chen] Wu, C.[Chonglong] Wu, C.[ChuanKun] Wu, C.[Chien] Wu, C.[Chao] Wu, C.[Cheng] Wu, C.[Chun] Wu, C.[Changshan] Wu, C.[Chihao] Wu, C.[Celimuge] Wu, C.[Cong] Wu, C.[Cathy] Wu, C.[Chuyi] Wu, C.[Chufan] Wu, C.[Chong] Wu, C.[Chengdong] Wu, C.[Cifang] Wu, C.[Chuan] Wu, C.[Chengping] Wu, C.[Chentao] Wu, C.[Chenglai] Wu, C.[Chanyue] Wu, C.[Chaozhong] Wu, C.[Cunlin] Wu, C.[Chengkun] Wu, C.[Chengmao] Wu, C.[Caifeng] Wu, C.[Chang] Wu, C.[Cai] Wu, C.[Chenfei] Wu, C.[Chongruo] Wu, C.[Chuheng] Wu, C.[Chenshu] Wu, C.[Cunyu] Wu, C.[Chuliang] Wu, C.[Changyue] Wu, C.[Chuna] Wu, C.[Chengbai] Wu, C.[Chenjunlin] Wu, C.[Chuanyong] Wu, C.[Chunwang] Wu, C.[Caiying] Wu, C.[Chenshen] Wu, C.[Chengfu]
242 for Wu, C.

Wu, C.B.[Chung Bin] * 2003: Adaptive postprocessors with DCT-based block classifications
* 2005: DCT-Based Adaptive Thresholding Algorithm for Binary Motion Estimation
* 2017: Extrusion Approach Based on Non-Overlapping Footprints (EABNOF) for the Construction of Geometric Models and Topologies in 3D Cadasters
* 2019: Novel Process-Oriented Graph Storage for Dynamic Geographic Phenomena, A
* 2020: Measuring Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities for Populations with Multiple Transportation Modes Considering Residential Transportation Mode Choice
* 2020: Quantile Approach for Retrieving the Core Urban-Suburban-Rural (USR) Structure Based on Nighttime Light, A
* 2020: Validation and Calibration of CAMS PM2.5 Forecasts Using In Situ PM2.5 Measurements in China and United States
* 2022: Approach for Retrieving Consistent Time Series Urban Core-Suburban-Rural (USR) Structure Using Nighttime Light Data from DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS, An
* 2022: ICD: VHR-Oriented Interactive Change-Detection Algorithm
* 2022: PoSDMS: A Mining System for Oceanic Dynamics with Time Series of Raster-Formatted Datasets
Includes: Wu, C.B.[Chung Bin] Wu, C.B.[Chung-Bin] Wu, C.B. Wu, C.B.[Chang-Bin] Wu, C.B.[Cheng-Bin] Wu, C.B.[Cheng-Bo]
10 for Wu, C.B.

Wu, C.C.[Chai Che] * 2001: Using color histogram normalization for recovering chromatic illumination-changed images
* 2002: Discriminant Waveletfaces and Nearest Feature Classifiers for Face Recognition
* 2006: Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image
* 2006: Stereo Correspondence Using Stripe Adjacency Graph
* 2008: 3D model matching with Viewpoint-Invariant Patches (VIP)
* 2008: 3D model search and pose estimation from single images using VIP features
* 2008: Image Localization in Satellite Imagery with Feature-Based Indexing
* 2008: machine-learning approach for analyzing document layout structures with two reading orders, A
* 2008: Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs .
* 2008: Simple Steps for Simply Stepping
* 2009: 3D Reconstruction of architectural scenes from uncalibrated video sequences
* 2009: Improved Two-Level Model Averaging Techniques in Drosophila Brain Modeling
* 2009: Quad-splitting algorithm for a window query on a Hilbert curve
* 2010: Building Rome on a Cloudless Day
* 2010: Combining Monocular and Stereo Cues for Mobile Robot Localization Using Visual Words
* 2010: Detecting Large Repetitive Structures with Salient Boundaries
* 2010: Fast robust large-scale mapping from video and internet photo collections
* 2010: Improved Radiometric Based Method for Suppressing Impulse Noise from Corrupted Images
* 2010: Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis Based Approaches to Estimation of Virtual Dimensionality in Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2010: Methods for Combined Monocular and Stereo Mobile Robot Localization
* 2010: Real-Time Simplex Growing Algorithms for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
* 2011: Component Analysis-Based Unsupervised Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis for Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2011: Contact-free hand geometry identification system
* 2011: Modeling and Recognition of Landmark Image Collections Using Iconic Scene Graphs
* 2011: Multicore bundle adjustment
* 2011: Random N-Finder (N-FINDR) Endmember Extraction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2011: Repetition-based dense single-view reconstruction
* 2012: Approximately even partition algorithm for coding the Hilbert curve of arbitrary-sized image
* 2012: Enhanced Matrix-Based Secret Image Sharing Scheme
* 2012: k Out of n Region Incrementing Scheme in Visual Cryptography
* 2012: Real-time N-finder processing algorithms for hyperspectral imagery
* 2012: Schematic surface reconstruction
* 2013: 3D thin-plate spline registration for Drosophila brain surface model
* 2013: Cheating Immune Block-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
* 2013: Crowdsourcing Multimedia QoE Evaluation: A Trusted Framework
* 2013: Essential secret image sharing scheme with different importance of shadows
* 2013: Field-Programmable Gate Array Design of Implementing Simplex Growing Algorithm for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
* 2013: Towards Linear-Time Incremental Structure from Motion
* 2014: Accurate Geo-Registration by Ground-to-Aerial Image Matching
* 2014: Critical Configurations for Radial Distortion Self-Calibration
* 2014: Fast 3D Object Alignment from Depth Image with 3D Fourier Moment Matching on GPU
* 2015: Constructions and Properties of General (k, n) Block-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
* 2015: P3.5P: Pose estimation with unknown focal length
* 2015: Reducing shadow size in essential secret image sharing by conjunctive hierarchical approach
* 2015: Structure from Motion Using Structure-Less Resection
* 2016: Feature descriptor based on local intensity order relations of pixel group
* 2016: Low complexity depth intra coding combining fast intra mode and fast CU size decision in 3D-HEVC
* 2017: Speaker Identification System Based on Lip-Motion Feature
* 2019: Editorial for Special Issue Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications
* 2019: Fast intra mode decision and fast CU size decision for depth video coding in 3D-HEVC
* 2019: k Out of n Region-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
* 2021: Memory-Augmented Capsule Network for Adaptable Lung Nodule Classification
* 2022: Pedtrans: A Fine-grained Visual Classification Model for Self-attention Patch Enhancement and Dropout
Includes: Wu, C.C.[Chai Che] Wu, C.C.[Chai-Che] Wu, C.C.[Chia-Chen] Wu, C.C.[Chun-Chih] Wu, C.C.[Chang-Chang] Wu, C.C.[Chung-Chih] Wu, C.C.[Cheng-Chi] Wu, C.C. Wu, C.C.[Chang-Cheng] Wu, C.C.[Chao-Cheng] Wu, C.C.[Chia-Chu] Wu, C.C.[Chih-Cheng] Wu, C.C.[Chin-Chia] Wu, C.C.[Chao-Chun] Wu, C.C.[Chen-Chen] Wu, C.C.[Carol C.] Wu, C.C.[Cai-Cong]
53 for Wu, C.C.

Wu, C.D.[Chien Da] * 2009: Efficient inter/intra mode decision for H.264/AVC inter frame transcoding
* 2010: Efficient Algorithm for H.264/AVC Intra Frame Video Coding
* 2013: Development of a 3-D urbanization index using digital terrain models for surface urban heat island effects
* 2015: Conjugate gradient algorithm for efficient covariance tracking with Jensen-Bregman LogDet metric
* 2016: Visual saliency detection: From space to frequency
* 2018: Developing Land-Use Regression Models to Estimate PM2.5-Bound Compound Concentrations
* 2019: Salient object detection based on novel graph model
* 2020: Bagging-based saliency distribution learning for visual saliency detection
* 2020: Non-uniform image blind deblurring by two-stage fully convolution network
* 2021: Augmented two stream network for robust action recognition adaptive to various action videos
* 2021: Efficient and robust unsupervised inverse intensity compensation for stereo image registration under radiometric changes
* 2021: Underwater image super-resolution using multi-stage information distillation networks
* 2022: MID-UNet: Multi-input directional UNet for COVID-19 lung infection segmentation from CT images
* 2023: Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Concentrations Using Optical Satellite Images and Geographic Information System
* 2023: Cross-modal co-feedback cellular automata for RGB-T saliency detection
* 2023: Cross-view information interaction and feedback network for face hallucination
Includes: Wu, C.D.[Chien Da] Wu, C.D.[Chien-Da] Wu, C.D.[Chih-Da] Wu, C.D.[Cheng-Dong] Wu, C.D.[Chu-Dan]
16 for Wu, C.D.

Wu, C.E.[Cheng En] * 2022: Self-supervised Video Representation Learning with Cascade Positive Retrieval
* 2023: Why Is Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models Robust to Noisy Labels?
Includes: Wu, C.E.[Cheng En] Wu, C.E.[Cheng-En]

Wu, C.F.[Cheng Feng] * 2008: Example-Based Depth Generation from Single Image for 3D Content
* 2012: Applying a Functional Neurofuzzy Network to Real-Time Lane Detection and Front-Vehicle Distance Measurement
* 2012: Locating Text in Images Based on the Smooth Gray-Level Detection
* 2019: LADM-Based Model for Natural Resource Administration in China
* 2020: Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR, A
* 2020: Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR, A
* 2021: Factors Underlying Spatiotemporal Variations in Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentrations in Zhejiang Province, China
* 2021: Modelling Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects of Natural and Socioeconomic Factors, and Their Interactions, on Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentrations in China from 2000-2015
* 2022: Evaluating Impacts of Bus Route Map Design and Dynamic Real-Time Information Presentation on Bus Route Map Search Efficiency and Cognitive Load
* 2022: NÜWA: Visual Synthesis Pre-training for Neural visUal World creAtion
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Changes in Ecological-Environmental Quality Caused by Farmland Consolidation Using Google Earth Engine: A Case Study from Liaoning Province in China, The
* 2022: Trace Controlled Text to Image Generation
* 2023: Negative Air Ion (NAI) Dynamics over Zhejiang Province, China, Based on Multivariate Remote Sensing Products
* 2023: Performance Assessment of Four Data-Driven Machine Learning Models: A Case to Generate Sentinel-2 Albedo at 10 Meters
* 2024: Analysis of the Influence of Polarization Measurement Errors on the Parameter and Characteristics Measurement of the Fully Polarized Entomological Radar
* 2024: Monitoring Dynamically Changing Migratory Flocks Using an Algebraic Graph Theory-Based Clustering Algorithm
Includes: Wu, C.F.[Cheng Feng] Wu, C.F.[Cheng-Feng] Wu, C.F. Wu, C.F.[Chi-Feng] Wu, C.F.[Ci-Fang] Wu, C.F.[Chun-Feng] Wu, C.F.[Chao-Fan] Wu, C.F.[Chih-Fu] Wu, C.F.[Chen-Fei]
16 for Wu, C.F.

Wu, C.G.[Chun Guo] * 2016: Self-adaptive SVDD integrated with AP clustering for one-class classification
* 2020: Blood flow imaging of high frame rate two-dimensional vector in cardiovascular ultrasound detection
* 2021: Cloud Transform Algorithm Based Model for Hydrological Variable Frequency Analysis
* 2021: Crossed-time Delay Neural Network for Speaker Recognition
* 2021: Deep Retinex Network for Single Image Dehazing
* 2023: DVHN: A Deep Hashing Framework for Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification
Includes: Wu, C.G.[Chun Guo] Wu, C.G.[Chun-Guo] Wu, C.G.[Cun-Gang] Wu, C.G.[Cheng-Guo] Wu, C.G.[Chen-Gdong] Wu, C.G.[Cheng-Gang]

Wu, C.H.[Chung Hsien] * 1991: shunting multilayer perceptron network for confusing/composite pattern recognition, A
* 1992: Dynamic Scene Analysis Using Path and Shape Coherence
* 1993: Introducing Rotation Invariance into the Neocognitron Model for Target Recognition
* 1994: Bayesian spatial classifiers based on tree approximations to Markov random fields
* 1994: Computation of Bayesian estimators for Markov random field image models using the cluster approximation
* 1995: Application of the cluster approximation for the simultaneous restoration and segmentation of tomographic images
* 1995: Cluster Expansions for the Deterministic Computation of Bayesian Estimators Based on Markov Random Fields
* 1995: Texture-Based Segmentation Using Markov Random Field Models and Approximate Bayesian Estimators Based on Trees
* 1995: Tree Approximations to Markov Random-Fields
* 1996: Segmentation of Planar Curves into Circular Arcs and Line Segments
* 1997: Weighted least-squares reconstruction methods for positron emission tomography
* 1998: Chinese Handwritten Character Segmentation in Form Documents
* 1998: Iterative methods for correcting attenuation in positron emission tomography
* 1998: Method for Quantization Scale Factor Selection in MPEG2 Video Sequence Encoding Using a Bilayer Fuzzy Expert-System, A
* 2000: Designing scalable and efficient parallel clustering algorithms on arrays with reconfigurable optical buses
* 2000: Integration of phonetic and prosodic information for robust utterance verification
* 2001: new computation of shape moments via quadtree decomposition, A
* 2004: Error-tolerant sign retrieval using visual features and maximum a posteriori estimation
* 2004: hybrid-based texture synthesis approach, A
* 2004: Run-Length Chain Coding and Scalable Computation of a Shape's Moments Using Reconfigurable Optical Buses
* 2004: Systematic Approach for Feature Extraction in Fingerprint Images, A
* 2004: Travel-time prediction with support vector regression
* 2005: Probabilistic Modeling-Based Vessel Enhancement in Thoracic CT Scans
* 2006: Movement Epenthesis Generation Using NURBS-Based Spatial Interpolation
* 2006: Singularity Preserving Fingerprint Image Adaptive Filtering
* 2007: Iterative Methods for Searching Optimal Classifier Combination Function
* 2007: Joint Optimization of Word Alignment and Epenthesis Generation for Chinese to Taiwanese Sign Synthesis
* 2007: Robust Point-Based Feature Fingerprint Segmentation Algorithm
* 2008: 3D Robust Reconstruction using A Hand-Held Digital Camera
* 2008: Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
* 2008: Fast Multi-template Matching Using a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for PCB Inspection
* 2008: Image vector quantization codec indices recovery using Lagrange interpolation
* 2009: new impulse detection and filtering method for removal of wide range impulse noises, A
* 2010: development of a direct georeferencing ready UAV based photogrammetry platform, The
* 2010: On the analysis and design of motion sampling structure for advanced motion-compensated prediction
* 2011: Bi-prediction combining template and block motion compensations
* 2011: Emotion Recognition of Affective Speech Based on Multiple Classifiers Using Acoustic-Prosodic Information and Semantic Labels
* 2011: Unsupervised Alignment of News Video and Text Using Visual Patterns and Textual Concepts
* 2011: Viewpoint-Independent Object Detection Based on Two-Dimensional Contours and Three-Dimensional Sizes
* 2012: 3D Gesture Touchless Control Based on Real-Time Stereo Matching
* 2012: Error Weighted Semi-Coupled Hidden Markov Model for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* 2012: Pedestrian tracking in low contrast regions using aggregated background model and Silhouette Components
* 2013: Speaking Effect Removal on Emotion Recognition From Facial Expressions Based on Eigenface Conversion
* 2013: Stereo matching architecture for 3D pose/gesture recognition and distance-measuring application
* 2013: Two-Level Hierarchical Alignment for Semi-Coupled HMM-Based Audiovisual Emotion Recognition With Temporal Course
* 2015: MCL-V: A streaming video quality assessment database
* 2015: Superpixel-based image noise variance estimation with local statistical assessment
* 2016: Design And Implement An Interoperable Internet Of Things Application Based on an Extended OGC Sensor Things API Standard
* 2016: Object tracking with temporal prediction and spatial refinement (TPSR)
* 2017: Boosted Convolutional Neural Networks (BCNN) for Pedestrian Detection
* 2017: Comparison and Evolution of Extreme Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Taiwan
* 2017: Interaction Style Recognition Based on Multi-Layer Multi-View Profile Representation
* 2018: Online object tracking via motion-guided convolutional neural network (MGNet)
* 2019: Attention-based convolutional neural network and long short-term memory for short-term detection of mood disorders based on elicited speech responses
* 2020: Candidate-based matching of 3-D point clouds with axially switching pose estimation
* 2020: Fashion Captioning: Towards Generating Accurate Descriptions with Semantic Rewards
* 2021: Exploring Macroscopic and Microscopic Fluctuations of Elicited Facial Expressions for Mood Disorder Classification
* 2021: Generating facial expression adversarial examples based on saliency map
* 2021: Local binary pattern encoding schemes for computed tomography image segmentation: An experimental and comparative study
* 2021: SDP-GAN: Saliency Detail Preservation Generative Adversarial Networks for High Perceptual Quality Style Transfer
* 2022: Certainty Factor Analyses and Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Landslide Evolution: Case Studies in the Chishan River Watershed in Taiwan
* 2022: FedX: Unsupervised Federated Learning with Cross Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: TBAL: Two-stage batch-mode active learning for image classification
* 2022: Two-Step Matching Method Based on Co-Occurrence Scale Space Combined with Second-Order Gaussian Steerable Filter
* 2023: Applying Segment-Level Attention on Bi-Modal Transformer Encoder for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
* 2023: Architecture Alternative Deep Multi-View Clustering
* 2023: GNSS/LiDAR/IMU Pose Estimation System Based on Collaborative Fusion of Factor Map and Filtering, A
* 2023: ITI-Gen: Inclusive Text-to-Image Generation
* 2023: Latent Space of Stochastic Diffusion Models for Zero-Shot Image Editing and Guidance, A
* 2023: PATMAT: Person Aware Tuning of Mask-Aware Transformer for Face inpainting
* 2023: Planar Constraint Assisted LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Based on Manhattan World Assumption
* 2023: Quantitative Comparison of Point Cloud Compression Algorithms With PCC Arena
* 2023: Zero-Shot Model Diagnosis
* 2024: Learning Universal Trajectory Representation via a Siamese Geography-Aware Transformer
* 2024: Personalized Face Inpainting with Diffusion Models by Parallel Visual Attention
Includes: Wu, C.H.[Chung Hsien] Wu, C.H.[Chung-Hsien] Wu, C.H.[Chi-Hou] Wu, C.H. Wu, C.H.[Chi-Hsin] Wu, C.H.[Chih-Hang] Wu, C.H.[Chih-Hung] Wu, C.H.[Chen-Hsien] Wu, C.H.[Chin-Hsiung] Wu, C.H.[Chang-Hsing] Wu, C.H.[Chao-Hang] Wu, C.H.[Chun-Hsin] Wu, C.H.[Chang-Hua] Wu, C.H.[Chao-Hong] Wu, C.H.[Chang-Hao] Wu, C.H.[Chun-Ho] Wu, C.H.[Chia-Hao] Wu, C.H.[Cheng-Hao] Wu, C.H.[Chang-Huei] Wu, C.H.[Chung-Hao] Wu, C.H.[Chi-Hao] Wu, C.H.[Chien-Hung] Wu, C.H.[Cheng-Ho] WU, C.H.[Chun-Hung] Wu, C.H.[Chia-Hung] Wu, C.H.[Chun-Hua] Wu, C.H.[Chun-Hung] Wu, C.H.[Chu-Han] Wu, C.H.[Chen Henry] Wu, C.H.[Chen-Hao]
75 for Wu, C.H.

Wu, C.I. * 1985: Parallel Processing of Iconic to Symbolic Transformation of Images

Wu, C.J.[Chyuan Jy] * 1990: Human Face Profile Recognition by Computer
* 1994: Learning Fuzzy Algorithm for Motion Planning of Mobile Robots
* 2011: Texture classification based low order local binary pattern for face recognition
* 2012: Fusion of Multiple Behaviors Using Layered Reinforcement Learning
* 2012: Space-Mapping Method for Object Location Estimation Adaptive to Camera Setup Changes for Vision-Based Automation Applications, A
* 2018: Octagonal Mapping Scheme for Panoramic Video Encoding
* 2020: Spatio-Temporal Mapping of Multi-Satellite Observed Column Atmospheric CO2 Using Precision-Weighted Kriging Method
* 2021: Impacts of Orbital and Constellation Parameters on the Number and Spatiotemporal Coverage of LEO-LEO Occultation Events
* 2021: Mapping Multi-Temporal Population Distribution in China from 1985 to 2010 Using Landsat Images via Deep Learning
* 2021: Radical Counter Network for Robust Chinese Character Recognition
* 2021: Stroke Based Posterior Attention for Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* 2021: Transformer-based Radical Analysis Network for Chinese Character Recognition, A
* 2022: Tree-based data augmentation and mutual learning for offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* 2023: Tree-Structure Analysis Network on Handwritten Chinese Character Error Correction, A
Includes: Wu, C.J.[Chyuan Jy] Wu, C.J. Wu, C.J.[Cyuan-Jhe] Wu, C.J.[Chih-Jen] Wu, C.J.[Cheng-Jia] Wu, C.J.[Chang-Jiang] Wu, C.J.[Chun-Jun] Wu, C.J.[Chang-Jie]
14 for Wu, C.J.

Wu, C.K. * 1984: Acquiring 3-D Spatial Data of a Real Object
* 1986: Fast Shape Descriptor, A
* 1990: effective regional descriptor and its application to target recognition, An
* 1991: Image Representation by Integrating Curvatures and Delaunay Triangulations
* 1998: Geometry Based Computer Vision
* 2000: Multiplication-free fast codeword search algorithm using Haar transform with squared-distance measure
* 2000: Resolving Ambiguities of Self-calibration in Turntable Motion
* 2000: robust algorithm to estimate the fundamental matrix, A
* 2002: Image dense matching based on region growth with adaptive window
* 2002: Layered set partitioning in hierarchical tree for image coding
* 2002: Practical Approach For 3d Building Modeling From Uncalibrated Video Sequences, A
* 2003: new image rectification algorithm, A
* 2004: new multiple description layered coding method over ad-hoc network, A
* 2005: Iterative Factorization Method Based on Rank 1 for Projective Structure and Motion, An
* 2005: Low complexity multiple description coding method for networked video
* 2006: Bi-directional error-resilient entropy coding (BEREC)
* 2006: Efficient Line-Based VLSI Architecture for 2-D Lifting DWT
* 2006: New Active Contour Model: Curvature Gradient Vector Flow, A
* 2006: Spatio-Temporal Fuzzy Interpolation Algorithm for Video Deinterlacing, A
* 2007: Improved Algorithm of Error-Resilient Entropy Coding Using State Information
* 2007: NGVF: An improved external force field for active contour model
* 2007: Video transmission using advanced partial backward decodable bit stream (APBDBS)
* 2009: Mean-Shift Tracking of Variable Kernel Based on Projective Geometry
* 2010: Camera Calibration Using Lengths of Corresponding Line Segments
* 2010: Interactive image segmentation by maximal similarity based region merging
* 2010: Super-resolution image reconstruction based on guided cost function
* 2011: Progressive correlation noise refinement for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* 2012: Camera calibration using identical objects
* 2012: Improving the visual quality of size invariant visual cryptography scheme
* 2012: new fast motion estimation algorithm based on the loop-epipolar constraint for multiview video coding, A
* 2012: Representative Segment-Based Emotion Analysis and Classification with Automatic Respiration Signal Segmentation
* 2014: Optimal XOR Based (2,n)-Visual Cryptography Schemes
* 2017: Hardware efficient multiplier-less multi-level 2D DWT architecture without off-chip RAM
* 2022: Development of Frequency Multipliers for Terahertz Remote Sensing System, The
Includes: Wu, C.K. Wu, C.K.[Cheng-Ke] Wu, C.K.[Chung-Kun] Wu, C.K.[Cheng Ke] Wu, C.K.[Chuan-Kun] Wu, C.K.[Chi-Keng] Wu, C.K.[Chang-Kun] Wu, C.K.[Cheng-Kai]
34 for Wu, C.K.

Wu, C.L.[Cheng Lei] * 2008: Novel Method for Semi-automatic 2D to 3D Video Conversion, A
* 2009: Accurate 3D reconstruction via surface-consistency
* 2009: Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods and Split Bregman Iteration for ROF Model
* 2009: Scale-Space Analysis of Discrete Filtering Over Arbitrary Triangulated Surfaces
* 2010: Augmented Lagrangian Method, Dual Methods, and Split Bregman Iteration For ROF, Vectorial TV, and High Order Models
* 2011: High-quality shape from multi-view stereo and shading under general illumination
* 2011: Shading-Based Dynamic Shape Refinement from Multi-View Video under General Illumination
* 2012: Design and Realization of a Framework for Human-System Interaction in Smart Homes
* 2012: Full Body Performance Capture under Uncontrolled and Varying Illumination: A Shading-Based Approach
* 2013: Hybrid Feature Based Method for Distinguishing Computer Graphics and Photo-Graphic Image, A
* 2014: Simultaneous bias correction and image segmentation via L0 regularized Mumford-Shah model
* 2015: L_0 Regularized Mumford-Shah Model for Bias Correction and Segmentation of Medical Images, The
* 2015: Multi-instance Hidden Markov Model for facial expression recognition
* 2015: Posed and spontaneous expression recognition through modeling their spatial patterns
* 2016: Capturing global spatial patterns for distinguishing posed and spontaneous expressions
* 2016: Implicit hybrid video emotion tagging by integrating video content and users' multiple physiological responses
* 2016: Posed and Spontaneous Expression Recognition Through Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* 2016: Reversible SMVQ Image Hiding Using Adaptive Search Order Coding
* 2018: DDRNet: Depth Map Denoising and Refinement for Consumer Depth Cameras Using Cascaded CNNs
* 2018: Modeling visual and word-conditional semantic attention for image captioning
* 2018: new two-stage mesh surface segmentation method, A
* 2018: Piecewise Smooth Segmentation with Sparse Prior
* 2019: Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals for Exploring Gold Deposits Based on SVM and PCA Using ASTER Data: A Case Study of Gulong
* 2019: Iterative Support Shrinking Algorithm for Non-Lipschitz Optimization in Image Restoration, An
* 2019: new adaptive boosting total generalized variation (TGV) technique for image denoising and inpainting, A
* 2019: Strand-Accurate Multi-View Hair Capture
* 2020: TVp Regularized Mumford-Shah Model for Image Labeling and Segmentation, The
* 2021: Evolving Fully Automated Machine Learning via Life-Long Knowledge Anchors
* 2021: Generate classical Chinese poems with theme-style from images
* 2021: Past is important: Improved image captioning by looking back in time
* 2021: Spherical Mixture Model Approach for 360 Video Virtual Cinematography, A
* 2021: Winning Solutions and Post-Challenge Analyses of the ChaLearn AutoDL Challenge 2019
* 2022: Anti-Jamming Heart Rate Estimation Using a Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network
* 2022: Comparison of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Cloud Amounts over China Derived from Different Satellite Datasets
* 2022: General Non-Lipschitz Infimal Convolution Regularized Model: Lower Bound Theory and Algorithm, A
* 2022: Neural Architecture Search with Representation Mutual Information
* 2022: Neural Strands: Learning Hair Geometry and Appearance from Multi-view Images
* 2022: Region Reinforcement Network With Topic Constraint for Image-Text Matching
* 2022: Spatial-Temporal Variation in Paddy Evapotranspiration in Subtropical Climate Regions Based on the SEBAL Model: A Case Study of the Ganfu Plain Irrigation System, Southern China
* 2023: Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attributes and Markov Decision Process
* 2023: Automatic Network Pruning via Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion Lasso under Information Bottleneck Principle
* 2023: Contactless Respiratory Rate Monitoring For ICU Patients Based On Unsupervised Learning
* 2023: Dynamic Pruning of Regions for Image-Sentence Matching
Includes: Wu, C.L.[Cheng Lei] Wu, C.L.[Cheng-Lei] Wu, C.L.[Chun-Lin] Wu, C.L. Wu, C.L.[Chan-Le] Wu, C.L.[Chong-Liang] Wu, C.L.[Chun-Lei] Wu, C.L.[Chong-Long] Wu, C.L.[Cheng-Lin] Wu, C.L.[Cheng-Lai] Wu, C.L.[Cong-Lin] Wu, C.L.[Cheng-Liang] Wu, C.L.[Chieh-Liang]
43 for Wu, C.L.

Wu, C.M.[Chung Ming] * 1990: Detecting myocardial boundaries of left ventricle from a single frame 2DE image
* 1992: Statistical Feature Matrix for Texture Analysis
* 1993: Multi-Threshold Dimension Vector for Texture Analysis and Its Application to Liver Tissue Classification
* 2010: Fast exact k nearest neighbors search using an orthogonal search tree
* 2013: Multi-level tamper detection and recovery with tamper type identification
* 2019: Representation learning by hierarchical ELM auto-encoder with double random hidden layers
* 2020: Adversarial examples detection through the sensitivity in space mappings
* 2020: Intraseasonal Vertical Cloud Regimes Based on CloudSat Observations over the Tropics
* 2022: Total Bregman divergence-driven possibilistic fuzzy clustering with kernel metric and local information for grayscale image segmentation
* 2022: Ultra-High-Resolution Unpaired Stain Transformation via Kernelized Instance Normalization
* 2023: Towards desirable decision boundary by Moderate-Margin Adversarial Training
Includes: Wu, C.M.[Chung Ming] Wu, C.M.[Chung-Ming] Wu, C.M. Wu, C.M.[Chien-Min] Wu, C.M.[Chao-Ming] Wu, C.M.[Chong-Ming] Wu, C.M.[Chun-Ming] Wu, C.M.[Chien-Ming] Wu, C.M.[Cheng-Mao] Wu, C.M.[Che-Ming]
11 for Wu, C.M.

Wu, C.N.[Chu Na] * 2010: new moving sound source localization method based on the time difference of arrival, A
Includes: Wu, C.N.[Chu Na] Wu, C.N.[Chu-Na]

Wu, C.P.[Chun Peng] * 2011: Visual Conspicuity Index: Spatial Dissimilarity, Distance, and Central Bias
* 2011: Visual saliency detection by spatially weighted dissimilarity
* 2012: Cascaded heterogeneous convolutional neural networks for handwritten digit recognition
* 2016: Examining Spectral Reflectance Saturation in Landsat Imagery and Corresponding Solutions to Improve Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation
* 2022: Quantitative Personality Predictions From a Brief EEG Recording
* 2023: First Demonstration of Compton Camera Used for X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging
Includes: Wu, C.P.[Chun Peng] Wu, C.P.[Chun-Peng] Wu, C.P.[Chu-Ping] Wu, C.P.[Cheng-Peng] Wu, C.P.[Chuan-Peng]

Wu, C.Q.[Cheng Qian] * 2009: Contour Grouping with Partial Shape Similarity
* 2017: Scientometric Visualization Analysis for Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Research from 1991 to 2016, A
* 2018: Effective Deep Learning Based Scheme for Network Intrusion Detection, An
* 2018: Night-Time Light Dynamics during the Iraqi Civil War
* 2020: Label-Based Trajectory Clustering in Complex Road Networks
* 2021: Automated Characterization of Yardangs Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2021: HA-MPPNet: Height Aware-Multi Path Parallel Network for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Solar Contamination on HIRAS Cold Calibration View and the Corrected Radiance Assessment
* 2022: Automatic Generalization Method for a Dense Road Network Area Considering Spatial Structural Features as Constraints, An
* 2024: Assimilation of Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder Data of FengYun-3E Satellite and Assessment of Its Impact on Analyses and Forecasts
* 2024: Retrieval of Desert Microwave Land Surface Emissivity Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Includes: Wu, C.Q.[Cheng Qian] Wu, C.Q.[Cheng-Qian] Wu, C.Q.[Chuan-Qing] Wu, C.Q. Wu, C.Q.[Chase Q.] Wu, C.Q.[Chao-Qun] Wu, C.Q.[Chun-Qiang] Wu, C.Q.[Chuang-Qi]
11 for Wu, C.Q.

Wu, C.R.[Chau Ron] * 2016: Sediment-Mass Accumulation Rate and Variability in the East China Sea Detected by GRACE
* 2019: Disassociation of the Kuroshio Current with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Since 1999
* 2019: Enhanced Warming and Intensification of the Kuroshio Extension, 1999-2013
* 2019: HPLFlowNet: Hierarchical Permutohedral Lattice FlowNet for Scene Flow Estimation on Large-Scale Point Clouds
* 2019: Not All Areas Are Equal: Transfer Learning for Semantic Segmentation via Hierarchical Region Selection
* 2021: Predicting ASD diagnosis in children with synthetic and image-based eye gaze data
* 2021: Unified Efficient Pyramid Transformer for Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2023: Geometric-aware dense matching network for 6D pose estimation of objects from RGB-D images
Includes: Wu, C.R.[Chau Ron] Wu, C.R.[Chau-Ron] Wu, C.R.[Chong-Ruo] Wu, C.R.[Chen-Rui]
8 for Wu, C.R.

Wu, C.S.[Cheng Shong] * 2003: Clustering source output bits and equalizing bit error sensitivity to improve the quality and robustness of transmitted images over wireless channels
* 2007: Seasonal Sensitivity Analysis of Impervious Surface Estimation with Satellite Imagery
* 2008: Comparison of Spectral Analysis Techniques for Impervious Surface Estimation Using Landsat Imagery
* 2008: Evaluation of an Eye Tracking Technology for 3D Display Applications
* 2008: interactive grading and learning system for chinese calligraphy, An
* 2010: Development of an autostereoscopic display system using projectors array
* 2011: practical design of digital video watermarking in H.264/AVC for content authentication, A
* 2013: Development of a Coordinate Transformation method for direct georeferencing in map projection frames
* 2013: Transition effect detection for extracting highlights in baseball videos
* 2013: use of single-date MODIS imagery for estimating large-scale urban impervious surface fraction with spectral mixture analysis and machine learning techniques, The
* 2014: Direct georeferencing of oblique and vertical imagery in different coordinate systems
* 2015: Incorporating land use land cover probability information into endmember class selections for temporal mixture analysis
* 2015: MODIS-Based Fractional Crop Mapping in the U.S. Midwest with Spatially Constrained Phenological Mixture Analysis
* 2016: Development of a Class-Based Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis (C-MESMA) Approach for Analyzing Urban Environments
* 2018: Hydrological Regime Monitoring and Mapping of the Zhalong Wetland through Integrating Time Series Radarsat-2 and Landsat Imagery
* 2018: Transferring GANs: Generating Images from Limited Data
* 2019: Examining the Deep Belief Network for Subpixel Unmixing with Medium Spatial Resolution Multispectral Imagery in Urban Environments
* 2021: Long-Term Dynamics of Different Surface Water Body Types and Their Possible Driving Factors in China
* 2021: Wetland Mapping Using HJ-1A/B Hyperspectral Images and an Adaptive Sparse Constrained Least Squares Linear Spectral Mixture Model
* 2023: Density Map Distillation for Incremental Object Counting
Includes: Wu, C.S.[Cheng Shong] Wu, C.S.[Cheng-Shong] Wu, C.S.[Chang-Shan] Wu, C.S.[Chang-Shuo] Wu, C.S.[Chung-Shiou] Wu, C.S.[Chin-Song] Wu, C.S.[Chen-Shen] Wu, C.S.[Chun-Sheng]
20 for Wu, C.S.

Wu, C.T.[Ching Tung] * 2002: DPF: A perceptual distance function for image retrieval
* 2004: Adaptive learning of an accurate skin-color model
* 2004: unified adaptive approach to accurate skin detection, A
* 2005: Using Visual Features for Anti-Spam Filtering
* 2006: Adaptive ICP Registration for Facial Point Data, An
* 2007: Remote Virtual-Surgery Training and Teaching System, A
* 2008: Neural-Fuzzy Gap Control for a Current/Voltage-Controlled 1/4-Vehicle MagLev System
* 2014: Improving Handover and Drop-off Performance on High-Speed Trains With Multi-RAT
* 2015: Captured open book image de-warping using depth information
* 2018: Automatic ISP Image Quality Tuning Using Nonlinear Optimization
* 2020: SemifreddoNets: Partially Frozen Neural Networks for Efficient Computer Vision Systems
* 2021: Novel All-In-One Grid Network for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* 2022: Zero-Shot Scene Graph Generation with Relational Graph Neural Networks
Includes: Wu, C.T.[Ching Tung] Wu, C.T.[Ching-Tung] Wu, C.T.[Chien-Tsai] Wu, C.T. Wu, C.T.[Chien-Ting] Wu, C.T.[Chyuan-Tyng] Wu, C.T.[Chen-Tao]
13 for Wu, C.T.

Wu, C.W. * 1991: Bit-level pipelined 2-D digital filters for real-time image processing
* 1997: New Results and Measurements Related to Some Tasks in Object-Oriented Dynamic Image-Coding Using GNN Universal Chips
* 2002: Multimedia Data Hiding and Authentication via Halftoning and Coordinate Projection
* 2005: JPEG 2000 Error Resilience Method Using Uneven Block-Sized Information Included Markers, A
* 2009: Fuzzy Synthesis-Decision Model of Software Optimum Design
* 2012: Direct multi-bit search (DMS) screen algorithm
* 2015: Refined Composite Multiscale Permutation Entropy to Overcome Multiscale Permutation Entropy Length Dependence
* 2017: Efficient local and global contour detection based on superpixels
* 2017: Track-Clustering Error Evaluation for Track-Based Multi-camera Tracking System Employing Human Re-identification
* 2018: experimental comparison of superpixels detection methods for contour detection, An
* 2020: Hybrid Wine Classification Model for Quality Prediction, A
* 2020: Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network
* 2020: Space-Time Guided Association Learning For Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* 2023: Influence-Driven Data Poisoning for Robust Recommender Systems
Includes: Wu, C.W. Wu, C.W.[Chai Wah] Wu, C.W.[Cheng-Wen] Wu, C.W.[Chiu-Wen] Wu, C.W.[Chang-Wei] Wu, C.W.[Chien-Wen] Wu, C.W.[Chih-Wei] Wu, C.W.[Chen-Wang]
14 for Wu, C.W.

Wu, C.W.W.[Chang Wei W.] * 2013: Variations in BOLD response latency estimated from event-related fMRI at 3T: Comparisons between gradient-echo and Spin-echo
Includes: Wu, C.W.W.[Chang Wei W.] Wu, C.W.W.[Chang-Wei W.]

Wu, C.X.[Chang Xia] * 2011: Linear SVM classification using boosting HOG features for vehicle detection in low-altitude airborne videos
* 2012: content-based video copy detection method with randomly projected binary features, A
* 2012: Convolutional Treelets Binary Feature Approach to Fast Keypoint Recognition, A
* 2015: Image segmentation framework based on multiple feature spaces
* 2015: Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multimodal Manual Signal Control Under Event Occurrences
* 2015: Treelets Binary Feature Retrieval for Fast Keypoint Recognition
* 2015: Watch-n-patch: Unsupervised understanding of actions and relations
* 2018: Watch-n-Patch: Unsupervised Learning of Actions and Relations
* 2019: Estimation of Alpine Grassland Forage Nitrogen Coupled with Hyperspectral Characteristics during Different Growth Periods on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2019: Modeling alpine grassland forage phosphorus based on hyperspectral remote sensing and a multi-factor machine learning algorithm in the east of Tibetan Plateau, China
* 2020: Mapping the Forage Nitrogen-Phosphorus Ratio Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Data and a Random Forest Algorithm in an Alpine Grassland Ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image
* 2020: Path tracking control based on tube MPC and time delay motion prediction
* 2020: Potential of hyperspectral data and machine learning algorithms to estimate the forage carbon-nitrogen ratio in an alpine grassland ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau
* 2021: Hybrid 2-D-3-D Deep Residual Attentional Network With Structure Tensor Constraints for Spectral Super-Resolution of RGB Images
* 2021: Residual Augmented Attentional U-Shaped Network for Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* 2022: Cognitive Computational Model of Driver Warning Response Performance in Connected Vehicle Systems, A
* 2022: DRCR Net: Dense Residual Channel Re-calibration Network with Non-local Purification for Spectral Super Resolution
* 2022: Edge Guided Context Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
* 2022: Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
* 2022: Sensitivity of Electrodermal Activity Features for Driver Arousal Measurement in Cognitive Load: The Application in Automated Driving Systems
* 2023: Economic Fruit Forest Classification Based on Improved U-Net Model in UAV Multispectral Imagery
* 2023: Human-Centered Comprehensive Measure of Take-Over Performance Based on Multiple Objective Metrics, A
* 2023: Learning Transformation-Predictive Representations for Detection and Description of Local Features
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Pedestrian reported activity and information preference while waiting at a red light
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of NDVI and Its Influencing Factors Based on the ESTARFM in the Loess Plateau of China
Includes: Wu, C.X.[Chang Xia] Wu, C.X.[Chang-Xia] Wu, C.X.[Chen-Xia] Wu, C.X.[Chun-Xue] Wu, C.X.[Chang-Xu] Wu, C.X.[Cai-Xia] Wu, C.X.[Chao-Xiong] Wu, C.X.[Chao-Xian] Wu, C.X.[Chun-Xiao] Wu, C.X.[Chun-Xu] Wu, C.X.[Cheng-Xu] Wu, C.X.[Chang-Xue]
28 for Wu, C.X.

Wu, C.Y. * 1998: VLSI for Moment Computation and Its Application to Breast Cancer Detection
* 2002: Learning-based cursive handwriting synthesis
* 2002: Orientation analysis for rotated human face detection
* 2003: Robust crease detection in fingerprint images
* 2004: Automatic eyeglasses removal from face images
* 2004: Comparison Study of Four Texture Synthesis Algorithms on Regular and Near-regular Textures, A
* 2004: Improving Fingerprint Recognition Based on Crease Detection
* 2005: Combining shape and physical models for online cursive handwriting synthesis
* 2006: Quantitative Evaluation of Near Regular Texture Synthesis Algorithms
* 2009: Crease detection from fingerprint images and its applications in elderly people
* 2010: 3D Reconstruction of Anatomical Structures from Endoscopic Images
* 2010: Channel Awareness Vehicle Detector, A
* 2010: Multi-Image Shape-from-Shading Framework for Near-Lighting Perspective Endoscopes, A
* 2011: practical design of digital video watermarking in H.264/AVC for content authentication, A
* 2012: Automated human identification using ear imaging
* 2013: Fast Intra-Coding for H.264/AVC by Using Projection-Based Predicted Block Residuals
* 2014: Content-Adaptive Distortion-Quantization Model for H.264/AVC and its Applications, A
* 2014: Delineation of Rain Areas with TRMM Microwave Observations Based on PNN
* 2014: potential of the greenness and radiation (GR) model to interpret 8-day gross primary production of vegetation, The
* 2014: Soil respiration mapped by exclusively use of MODIS data for forest landscapes of Saskatchewan, Canada
* 2017: Fusion of Deep Learning and Compressed Domain Features for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* 2017: Reasoning About Fine-Grained Attribute Phrases Using Reference Games
* 2017: Sampling Matters in Deep Embedding Learning
* 2017: Spring green-up date derived from GIMMS3g and SPOT-VGT NDVI of winter wheat cropland in the North China Plain
* 2018: new algorithm predicting the end of growth at five evergreen conifer forests based on nighttime temperature and the enhanced vegetation index, A
* 2018: Occluded face recognition using low-rank regression with generalized gradient direction
* 2018: Seamless Upscaling of the Field-Measured Grassland Aboveground Biomass Based on Gaussian Process Regression and Gap-Filled Landsat 8 OLI Reflectance
* 2018: Video Compression Through Image Interpolation
* 2019: Long-Term Feature Banks for Detailed Video Understanding
* 2019: new algorithm for the estimation of leaf unfolding date using MODIS data over China's terrestrial ecosystems, A
* 2020: Describing Textures Using Natural Language
* 2020: Grid-GCN for Fast and Scalable Point Cloud Learning
* 2020: Multi-region saliency-aware learning for cross-domain placenta image segmentation
* 2020: Multigrid Method for Efficiently Training Video Models, A
* 2020: Vertex Concavity-Convexity Detection Method for Three-Dimensional Spatial Objects Based on Geometric Algebra, A
* 2021: Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* 2021: Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry
* 2021: Towards Long-Form Video Understanding
* 2021: Tunable and Electrically Small Antenna for Compact GNSS Receivers, A
* 2022: Comprehensive Risk Assessment of Urban Waterlogging Disaster Based on MCDA-GIS Integration: The Case Study of Changchun, China
* 2022: ConvNet for the 2020s, A
* 2022: Cross-Modal Perceptionist: Can Face Geometry be Gleaned from Voices?
* 2022: DPANet: Dual Pooling-aggregated Attention Network for fish segmentation
* 2022: How Well Can Matching High Spatial Resolution Landsat Data with Flux Tower Footprints Improve Estimates of Vegetation Gross Primary Production
* 2022: Mapping Impervious Surface Using Phenology-Integrated and Fisher Transformed Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis
* 2022: Masked Feature Prediction for Self-Supervised Visual Pre-Training
* 2022: MeMViT: Memory-Augmented Multiscale Vision Transformer for Efficient Long-Term Video Recognition
* 2022: Modelling Impacts of Environmental Water on Vegetation of a Semi-Arid Floodplain-Lakes System Using 30-Year Landsat Data
* 2022: MViTv2: Improved Multiscale Vision Transformers for Classification and Detection
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Image Inpainting Challenge: Report
* 2022: Reversible Vision Transformers
* 2022: Toward Practical Monocular Indoor Depth Estimation
* 2023: Geological Hazard Assessment of Secondary Collapses Due to Volcanic Earthquakes on Changbai Mountain in China
* 2023: HSR-Diff: Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Conditional Diffusion Models
* 2023: MedKLIP: Medical Knowledge Enhanced Language-Image Pre-Training for X-ray Diagnosis
* 2023: Multiview Compressive Coding for 3D Reconstruction
* 2023: robust and unified land surface phenology algorithm for diverse biomes and growth cycles in China by using harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery, A
* 2023: SA-BiSeNet: Swap attention bilateral segmentation network for real-time inland waterways segmentation
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Agglomeration and Its Impact on Landscape Patterns in the Pearl River Delta, China
* 2023: Unlocking the Emotional World of Visual Media: An Overview of the Science, Research, and Impact of Understanding Emotion
* 2023: Unsupervised Camouflaged Object Segmentation as Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Urban Treetop Detection and Tree-Height Estimation from Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Images
* 2024: Hierarchical Diffusion Autoencoders and Disentangled Image Manipulation
* 2024: Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion Network for Video Saliency Prediction
* 2024: Prospecting Prediction for the Yulong Metallogenic Belt in Tibet Based on Remote Sensing Alteration Information and Structural Interpretation
Includes: Wu, C.Y. Wu, C.Y.[Chen-Yu] Wu, C.Y.[Cheng-Ying] Wu, C.Y.[Ching-Yu] Wu, C.Y.[Chen-Ye] Wu, C.Y.[Chao-Yang] Wu, C.Y.[Chen-Yun] Wu, C.Y.[Cho Ying] Wu, C.Y.[Chao-Yuan] Wu, C.Y.[Cho-Ying] Wu, C.Y.[Chen-Yan] Wu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yan] Wu, C.Y.[Chang-Ying] Wu, C.Y.[Chen-Yang] Wu, C.Y.[Chao-Yi] Wu, C.Y.[Cai-Yan] Wu, C.Y.[Chun-Ying] Wu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yue] Wu, C.Y.[Chan-Yue] Wu, C.Y.[Cheng-Yi] Wu, C.Y.[Cun-Yu] Wu, C.Y.[Chang-Yu]
65 for Wu, C.Y.

Wu, C.Z.[Chang Zhu] * 2008: Motion estimation approach based on dual-tree complex wavelets
* 2010: Comprehensive Evaluation on Non-deterministic Motion Estimation, A
* 2015: Evaluation of the effectiveness of auditory speeding warnings for commercial passenger vehicles: A field study in Wuhan, China
* 2017: Curve speed model for driver assistance based on driving style classification
* 2017: On-road experimental study on driving anger identification model based on physiological features by ROC curve analysis
* 2017: Vehicle Behavior Learning via Sparse Reconstruction with L_2-L_p Minimization and Trajectory Similarity
* 2019: Determination of fractional pixel location via an optimal group delay estimation approach
* 2019: Predicting drivers' direction sign reading reaction time using an integrated cognitive architecture
* 2019: Rollover risk assessment and automated control for heavy duty vehicles based on vehicle-to-infrastructure information
* 2021: 3D AffordanceNet: A Benchmark for Visual Object Affordance Understanding
* 2021: Exploring longitudinal driving behaviour on a freeway deceleration lane using field operational test data
* 2021: Extraction of optimal fatigue-driving steering indicators considering individual differences
* 2022: Eco-Driving: A Scientometric and Bibliometric Analysis
* 2022: Improving Semantic Analysis on Point Clouds via Auxiliary Supervision of Local Geometric Priors
* 2022: Perimeter Control With State-Dependent Delays: Optimal Control Model and Computational Method
* 2022: Probabilistic Model for Driving-Style-Recognition-Enabled Driver Steering Behaviors, A
* 2022: Smoothing Method for Ramp Metering, A
* 2022: Time Series Surface Deformation of Changbaishan Volcano Based on Sentinel-1B SAR Data and Its Geological Significance
* 2022: Vehicle Trajectory Prediction and Cut-In Collision Warning Model in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* 2023: Attention-based Part Assembly for 3D Volumetric Shape Modeling
* 2023: Attention-Based Point Cloud Edge Sampling
* 2023: Deep Koopman Traffic Modeling for Freeway Ramp Metering
* 2023: Longitudinal Velocity CF-MPC Model for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platooning, A
* 2023: Sim2real Transfer Learning for Point Cloud Segmentation: An Industrial Application Case on Autonomous Disassembly
* 2024: Spectrum Attention Mechanism for a Complex Neural Network
Includes: Wu, C.Z.[Chang Zhu] Wu, C.Z.[Chang-Zhu] Wu, C.Z.[Chao-Zhong] Wu, C.Z. Wu, C.Z.[Chang-Zhi] Wu, C.Z.[Chao-Zheng] Wu, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi] Wu, C.Z.[Cong-Zhong]
25 for Wu, C.Z.

Wu, D.[Daniel] * 1996: Efficient Retrieval for Browsing Large Image Databases
* 2001: Modeling Segmentation Via Geometric Deformable Regularizers, Pde And Level Sets In Still And Motion Imagery: A Revisit
* 2002: comparison of state-of-the-art diffusion imaging techniques for smoothing medical/non-medical image data, A
* 2004: implemented architecture of deblocking filter for H.264/AVC, An
* 2005: Fast Intermode Decision in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2005: Power-Rate-Distortion Analysis for Wireless Video Communication Under Energy Constraints
* 2006: Perceptually lossless medical image coding
* 2007: Adaptive Thresholding Technique for the Detection of All-Zeros Blocks in H. 264, An
* 2008: TrustStream: A Secure and Scalable Architecture for Large-Scale Internet Media Streaming
* 2009: Bare Hand Gesture Recognition with a Single Color Camera
* 2009: efficient VLSI architecture for CBAC of AVS HDTV decoder, An
* 2009: Joint Source Coding and Network-Supported Distributed Error Control for Video Streaming in Wireless Multihop Networks
* 2009: min-max framework of cascaded classifier with multiple instance learning for computer aided diagnosis, A
* 2009: Resilient Subclass Discriminant Analysis
* 2009: Uninformation Variable Elimination and Successive Projections Algorithm in Mid-Infrared Spectral Wavenumber Selection
* 2010: Application-Centric Routing for Video Streaming Over MultiHop Wireless Networks
* 2010: Digital Rock Engineering System based on 3D GIS Technology, The
* 2010: Optimal Arousal Identification and Classification for Affective Computing Using Physiological Signals: Virtual Reality Stroop Task
* 2010: Sign ambiguity resolution for phase demodulation in interferometry with application to prelens tear film analysis
* 2010: Stratified learning of local anatomical context for lung nodules in CT images
* 2010: Texture based prelens tear film segmentation in interferometry images
* 2011: Action recognition using Correlogram of Body Poses and spectral regression
* 2011: AdaBoost on low-rank PSD matrices for metric learning
* 2011: Cross-Layer Design for the Performance Improvement of Real-Time Video Transmission of Secondary Users Over Cognitive Radio Networks, A
* 2011: Markov random field based phase demodulation of interferometric images
* 2012: Automatic detection of liver lesion from 3D computed tomography images
* 2012: Cascade Learning Method for Liver Lesion Detection in CT Images, A
* 2012: Decomposing Global Light Transport Using Time of Flight Imaging
* 2012: Frequency Analysis of Transient Light Transport with Applications in Bare Sensor Imaging
* 2012: Improved Estimation of Transmission Distortion for Error-Resilient Video Coding
* 2012: learning based deformable template matching method for automatic rib centerline extraction and labeling in CT images, A
* 2012: One shot learning gesture recognition from RGBD images
* 2012: Prediction of Transmission Distortion for Wireless Video Communication: Analysis
* 2012: Rate-Distortion Optimized Cross-Layer Rate Control in Wireless Video Communication
* 2012: Self-Organizing-Queue Based Clustering
* 2012: Target detection for very high-frequency synthetic aperture radar ground surveillance
* 2013: Balancing Performance and Fairness in P2P Live Video Systems
* 2013: Computer Aided Diagnosis Using Multilevel Image Features on Large-Scale Evaluation
* 2013: Flatten a Curved Space by Kernel
* 2013: Joint Social and Content Recommendation for User-Generated Videos in Online Social Network
* 2013: Location-Based Crowdsourcing for Vehicular Communication in Hybrid Networks
* 2013: Location-Based Crowdsourcing for Vehicular Communication in Hybrid Networks
* 2013: Semantic Context Forests for Learning-Based Knee Cartilage Segmentation in 3D MR Images
* 2013: Silhouette Analysis-Based Action Recognition Via Exploiting Human Poses
* 2013: Toward Optimal Deployment of Cloud-Assisted Video Distribution Services
* 2014: CBM: Online Strategies on Cost-Aware Buffer Management for Mobile Video Streaming
* 2014: Decomposing Global Light Transport Using Time of Flight Imaging
* 2014: Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
* 2014: iCloudAccess: Cost-Effective Streaming of Video Games From the Cloud With Low Latency
* 2014: Leveraging Hierarchical Parametric Networks for Skeletal Joints Based Action Segmentation and Recognition
* 2014: Multi-modality Gesture Detection and Recognition with Un-supervision, Randomization and Discrimination
* 2014: On the Cost-QoE Tradeoff for Cloud-Based Video Streaming Under Amazon EC2's Pricing Models
* 2014: Ultra-fast Lensless Computational Imaging through 5D Frequency Analysis of Time-resolved Light Transport
* 2015: Automatic Segmentation of Spinal Canals in CT Images via Iterative Topology Refinement
* 2015: Condition Monitoring for Image-Based Visual Servoing Using Kalman Filter
* 2015: Delay-Rate-Distortion Model for Real-Time Video Communication
* 2015: Fast Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* 2015: Measuring Collectiveness in Crowded Scenes via Link Prediction
* 2015: On Achieving Cost-Effective Adaptive Cloud Gaming in Geo-Distributed Data Centers
* 2015: Playing High-End Video Games in the Cloud: A Measurement Study
* 2016: Active Optical Sensing of Spring Maize for In-Season Diagnosis of Nitrogen Status Based on Nitrogen Nutrition Index
* 2016: Deep Dynamic Neural Networks for Multimodal Gesture Segmentation and Recognition
* 2016: Differentially Private Online Learning for Cloud-Based Video Recommendation With Multimedia Big Data in Social Networks
* 2016: Efficient Upstream Bandwidth Multiplexing for Cloud Video Recording Services
* 2016: Guest Editorial: Cloud-Based Video Processing and Content Sharing
* 2016: Image Sharpness Assessment by Sparse Representation
* 2016: Imaging the Propagation of Light Through Scenes at Picosecond Resolution
* 2016: Interference-Aware Cross-Layer Design for Distributed Video Transmission in Wireless Networks
* 2016: Interferometric phase reconstruction using simplified coherence network
* 2016: Scenario-Based Modeling of the On-Board of a Satellite-Based Train Control System With Colored Petri Nets
* 2016: Temporally subsampled detection for accurate and efficient face tracking and diarization
* 2017: 3D MRI image super-resolution for brain combining rigid and large diffeomorphic registration
* 2017: Bidirectional Polarized Reflectance Factors of Vegetation Covers: Influence on the BRF Models Results
* 2017: BNB Method for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2017: Coefficient-group level modeling for low complexity RDO in HEVC
* 2017: Guest Editorial Special Issue on Visual Computing in the Cloud: Mobile Computing
* 2017: Iterative Low-Dose CT Reconstruction With Priors Trained by Artificial Neural Network
* 2017: Kernalised Multi-resolution Convnet for Visual Tracking
* 2017: Multi-modal metric learning for vehicle re-identification in traffic surveillance environment
* 2017: Multi-View Representation Learning for Multi-View Action Recognition
* 2017: Multiple Laplacian graph regularised low-rank representation with application to image representation
* 2017: Online Cloud Transcoding and Distribution for Crowdsourced Live Game Video Streaming
* 2017: Polarized Remote Sensing: A Note on the Stokes Parameters Measurements From Natural and Man-Made Targets Using a Spectrometer
* 2017: Predictive Lossless Compression of Regions of Interest in Hyperspectral Images With No-Data Regions
* 2017: Proactive Drone-Cell Deployment: Overload Relief for a Cellular Network Under Flash Crowd Traffic
* 2017: Social Attribute Aware Incentive Mechanism for Device-to-Device Video Distribution
* 2017: Social Attribute Aware Incentive Mechanism for Device-to-Device Video Distribution
* 2017: Social-Aware Rate Based Content Sharing Mode Selection for D2D Content Sharing Scenarios
* 2017: Socially Aware Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Collaboration for Video Distribution
* 2017: Socially Aware Energy-Efficient Mobile Edge Collaboration for Video Distribution
* 2018: Cache Behavior Characterization and Validation Over Large-Scale Video Data
* 2018: Effect of Black Carbon Concentration on the Reflection Property of Snow: A Comparison With Model Results
* 2018: End-to-End Hierarchical Classification Approach for Similar Gesture Recognition, An
* 2018: Estimating Changes in Leaf Area, Leaf Area Density, and Vertical Leaf Area Profile for Mango, Avocado, and Macadamia Tree Crowns Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* 2018: Focal Text: an Accurate Text Detection with Focal Loss
* 2018: Interpreting Video Recommendation Mechanisms by Mining View Count Traces
* 2018: Penalized PET Reconstruction Using Deep Learning Prior and Local Linear Fitting
* 2018: Replicating Coded Content in Crowdsourcing-Based CDN Systems
* 2018: Statistical Study of View Preferences for Online Videos With Cross-Platform Information
* 2019: Cache Less for More: Exploiting Cooperative Video Caching and Delivery in D2D Communications
* 2019: Deep Incremental Hashing Network for Efficient Image Retrieval
* 2019: Did Ecological Restoration Hit Its Mark? Monitoring and Assessing Ecological Changes in the Grain for Green Program Region Using Multi-source Satellite Images
* 2019: Differentially-Private and Trustworthy Online Social Multimedia Big Data Retrieval in Edge Computing
* 2019: Emotion-Aware Multimedia Systems Security
* 2019: Multipoint Cooperative Transmission for Virtual Reality in 5G New Radio
* 2019: Novel Car-Following Control Model Combining Machine Learning and Kinematics Models for Automated Vehicles, A
* 2019: Optical Properties of Reflected Light From Leaves: A Case Study From One Species
* 2019: ParkCrowd: Reliable Crowdsensing for Aggregation and Dissemination of Parking Space Information
* 2019: Probability Index of Low Stratus and Fog at Dawn using Dual Geostationary Satellite Observations from COMS and FY-2D near the Korean Peninsula
* 2019: Review of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-Based Dynamic Monitoring Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring, A
* 2019: Socially Aware Trust Framework for Multimedia Delivery in D2D Cooperative Communication
* 2019: Sparsity-Driven GMTI Processing Framework With Multichannel SAR
* 2019: Video Big Data Retrieval Over Media Cloud: A Context-Aware Online Learning Approach
* 2020: Analyzing the Influence of Urban Street Greening and Street Buildings on Summertime Air Pollution Based on Street View Image Data
* 2020: Diagnosis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with Structured Latent Multi-View Representation Learning
* 2020: Double-Attentive Principle Component Analysis
* 2020: Dual-Sampling Attention Network for Diagnosis of COVID-19 From Community Acquired Pneumonia
* 2020: Enabling Efficient Offline Mobile Access to Online Social Media on Urban Underground Metro Systems
* 2020: Exploring Individual Travel Patterns Across Private Car Trajectory Data
* 2020: Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Aware Cascaded Networks
* 2020: Fusion Framework Based on Sparse Gaussian-Wigner Prediction for Vehicle Localization Using GDOP of GPS Satellites, A
* 2020: Learning-Based User Clustering and Link Allocation for Content Recommendation Based on D2D Multicast Communications
* 2020: Mapping the condition of macadamia tree crops using multi-spectral UAV and WorldView-3 imagery
* 2020: Monitoring Surface Soil Moisture Content over the Vegetated Area by Integrating Optical and SAR Satellite Observations in the Permafrost Region of Tibetan Plateau
* 2020: Optimising drone flight planning for measuring horticultural tree crop structure
* 2020: R2SN: Refined Semantic Segmentation Network of City Remote Sensing Image
* 2020: Slice-Based Instance and Semantic Segmentation for Low-Channel Roadside LiDAR Data
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Guided Self-Supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera
* 2020: Suitability of Airborne and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Mapping Tree Crop Structural Metrics for Improved Orchard Management
* 2021: Boosting Video Representation Learning with Multi-Faceted Integration
* 2021: Distributed Fusion Framework of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Residual Network, A
* 2021: Driving Performance Forecasting System Based on Brain Dynamic State Analysis Using 4-D Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* 2021: EEG-Based Driver Drowsiness Estimation Using an Online Multi-View and Transfer TSK Fuzzy System
* 2021: GI-AEE: GAN Inversion Based Attentive Expression Embedding Network for Facial Expression Editing
* 2021: Gradient-based conditional generative adversarial network for non-uniform blind deblurring via DenseResNet
* 2021: Multi-objective Cluster Head Selection Optimization Algorithm for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* 2021: Optimal Location Privacy Preserving and Service Quality Guaranteed Task Allocation in Vehicle-Based Crowdsensing Networks
* 2021: Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 Observations for Harmful Algae Blooms in a Small Eutrophic Lake
* 2021: Sparkle: User-Aware Viewport Prediction in 360-Degree Video Streaming
* 2021: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Precipitable Water Vapor and Horizontal Tropospheric Gradients from GPS during Typhoon Lekima
* 2021: TVG-Streaming: Learning User Behaviors for QoE-Optimized 360-Degree Video Streaming
* 2021: Unsupervised Gaze: Exploration of Geometric Constraints for 3d Gaze Estimation
* 2022: AutoMix: Unveiling the Power of Mixup for Stronger Classifiers
* 2022: Batch feature standardization network with triplet loss for weakly-supervised video anomaly detection
* 2022: Cascaded Residual Attention Enhanced Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Corrected rank residual constraint model for image denoising
* 2022: DLME: Deep Local-Flatness Manifold Embedding
* 2022: Dominant Modes of Tibetan Plateau Summer Surface Sensible Heating and Associated Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies
* 2022: Geometrical Segmentation of Multi-Shape Point Clouds Based on Adaptive Shape Prediction and Hybrid Voting RANSAC
* 2022: Human as a Service: Towards Resilient Parking Search System With Sensorless Sensing
* 2022: Human-Machine Interaction in Intelligent and Connected Vehicles: A Review of Status Quo, Issues, and Opportunities
* 2022: Inconsistency-Based Multi-Task Cooperative Learning for Emotion Recognition
* 2022: Infrared Small-Target Detection Based on Radiation Characteristics with a Multimodal Feature Fusion Network
* 2022: Method for Designated Target Anti-Interference Tracking Combining YOLOv5 and SiamRPN for UAV Tracking and Landing Control, A
* 2022: Multi-View correlation distillation for incremental object detection
* 2022: Multiple Positives Enhanced NCE Loss for Image-Text Retrieval, A
* 2022: Object Localization under Single Coarse Point Supervision
* 2022: Object Tracking in Satellite Videos Based on Improved Kernel Correlation Filter Assisted by Road Information
* 2022: Qualitative and Quantitative Safety Evaluation of Train Control Systems (CTCS) With Stochastic Colored Petri Nets
* 2022: Research on Cross-Regional Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping Based on Transfer Learning, A
* 2022: Responses of Soil Freeze-Thaw Processes to Climate on the Tibetan Plateau from 1980 to 2016
* 2022: Retrieving the Infected Area of Pine Wilt Disease-Disturbed Pine Forests from Medium-Resolution Satellite Images Using the Stochastic Radiative Transfer Theory
* 2022: Seasonal and Microphysical Characteristics of Fog at a Northern Airport in Alberta, Canada
* 2022: Single-Channel Speech Separation Focusing on Attention DE
* 2022: TIF: Trajectory and Information Flow Coupling Mechanism for Behavior Analysis in Autonomous Driving
* 2022: Train Time Delay Prediction for High-Speed Train Dispatching Based on Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network
* 2022: Uncertainty-Aware and Multigranularity Consistent Constrained Model for Semi-Supervised Hashing
* 2022: Vehicle Trajectory Interpolation Based on Ensemble Transfer Regression
* 2022: Video anomaly detection using CycleGan based on skeleton features
* 2023: AFFIRM: Affinity Fusion-Based Framework for Iteratively Random Motion Correction of Multi-Slice Fetal Brain MRI
* 2023: AREA: Adaptive Reweighting via Effective Area for Long-Tailed Classification
* 2023: CGAN BeiDou Satellite Short-Message-Encryption Scheme Using Ship PVT
* 2023: Comparison of Three Active Microwave Models of Forest Growing Stock Volume Based on the Idea of the Water Cloud Model
* 2023: Context-aware Siamese network for object tracking
* 2023: Coordination Analysis between the Development of Urban Built-Up Areas and Urban Environmental Factors through Remote Sensing of Nighttime Lights: A Case Study in Nanjing, China
* 2023: Detection of the Monitoring Window for Pine Wilt Disease Using Multi-Temporal UAV-Based Multispectral Imagery and Machine Learning Algorithms
* 2023: Dual Alignment Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Video-Text Retrieval
* 2023: efficient EM algorithm for two-layer mixture model of gaussian process functional regressions, An
* 2023: Exploiting spatial and temporal context for online tracking with improved transformer
* 2023: Fast Matching Method for the SAR Images with Large Viewing Angles Based on Inertial Navigation Information and Neighborhood Structure Consensus, A
* 2023: Federated Multidomain Learning With Graph Ensemble Autoencoder GMM for Emotion Recognition
* 2023: High Signal-to-Noise Ratio MEMS Noise Listener for Ship Noise Detection
* 2023: How Can Ecological Land Be Deployed to Cool the Surface Thermal Environment? A Case Study from the Perspectives of Patch and Network
* 2023: Infrared Moving Small Target Detection Based on Space-Time Combination in Complex Scenes
* 2023: Intelligent Fabric Enabled 6G Semantic Communication System for In-Cabin Scenarios
* 2023: LiveSR: Enabling Universal HD Live Video Streaming With Crowdsourced Online Learning
* 2023: MetaProbformer for Charging Load Probabilistic Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
* 2023: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Policy Clipping and Average Evaluation for UAV-Assisted Communication Markov Game
* 2023: Multi-Attention Transformer for Naturalistic Driving Action Recognition
* 2023: Multi-branch Segmentation-guided Attention Network for crowd counting
* 2023: NeuralPCI: Spatio-Temporal Neural Field for 3D Point Cloud Multi-Frame Non-Linear Interpolation
* 2023: Novel Device-Free Positioning Method Based on Wi-Fi CSI with NLOS Detection and Bayes Classification, A
* 2023: Relightable Neural Human Assets from Multi-view Gradient Illuminations
* 2023: Self-Supervised Learning With Data-Efficient Supervised Fine-Tuning for Crowd Counting
* 2023: Spaceborne Relative Radiometer: Instrument Design and Pre-Flight Test
* 2023: Spatial Self-Distillation for Object Detection with Inaccurate Bounding Boxes
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Variability in the Radiative Forcing of Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow of 2003-2018 over the Northern Hemisphere from MODIS, The
* 2023: STANet: Spatiotemporal Adaptive Network for Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: ToThePoint: Efficient Contrastive Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Recycling
* 2024: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery Segmentation, An
* 2024: Global and Local Spatio-Temporal Encoder for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2024: Hyperspectral Image Classification on Large-Scale Agricultural Crops: The Heilongjiang Benchmark Dataset, Validation Procedure, and Baseline Results
* 2024: Meta-Transfer Metric Learning for Time Series Classification in 6G-Supported Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2024: Model of Ship Navigation Risk Field for Risk Assessment of Icebreaker Convoy Operations, The
* 2024: novel camera calibration method based on known rotations and translations, A
* 2024: Toward General Cross-Modal Signal Reconstruction for Robotic Teleoperation
Includes: Wu, D.[Daniel] Wu, D.[Dee] Wu, D. Wu, D.[Di] Wu, D.[David] Wu, D.[Dijia] Wu, D.[Defu] Wu, D.[Dongrui] Wu, D.[Denglu] Wu, D.[Dali] Wu, D.[Dong] Wu, D.[Dan] Wu, D.[Dufan] Wu, D.[Dayan] Wu, D.[Dewen] Wu, D.[Dayong] Wu, D.[Dehao] Wu, D.[Daohua] Wu, D.[Dewei] Wu, D.[Danke] Wu, D.[Da] Wu, D.[Daiyue] Wu, D.[Danni] Wu, D.[Duo] Wu, D.[Dongyou] Wu, D.[Dun] Wu, D.[Doudou]
206 for Wu, D.

Wu, D.C.[Da Chun] * 2000: Spatial-domain image hiding in using image differencing
* 2003: steganographic method for images by pixel-value differencing, A
* 2007: Parallel CBIR Implementation using Perceptual Grouping of Block-Based Visual Patterns, A
* 2008: histogram based data-reducing algorithm for the fixed-point independent component analysis, A
* 2010: novel 3D mesh compression using mesh segmentation with multiple principal plane analysis, A
* 2013: Dynamically Constrained Vector Field Convolution for Active Contour Model
* 2016: Improved Edge Boxes with Object Saliency and Location Awards
* 2018: Groundwater Depletion in the West Liaohe River Basin, China and Its Implications Revealed by GRACE and In Situ Measurements
* 2020: Data Hiding in Computer-Generated Stained Glass Images and Its Applications to Information Protection
* 2021: Parameter Simulation and Design of an Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging LiDAR System
* 2023: Applying Reconstructed Daily Water Storage and Modified Wetness Index to Flood Monitoring: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Basin
* 2024: Trans-Boundary Dust Transport of Dust Storms in Northern China: A Study Utilizing Ground-Based Lidar Network and CALIPSO Satellite
Includes: Wu, D.C.[Da Chun] Wu, D.C.[Da-Chun] Wu, D.C.[Dien-Chi] Wu, D.C.[Dong-Cheng] Wu, D.C.[Ding-Cheng] Wu, D.C.[De-Cheng]
12 for Wu, D.C.

Wu, D.D.[Dong Dong] * 2009: New Method Based on Treatment of Singular Integration in Computation of Acoustic Scattering, A
* 2020: Magnitude Agreement, Occurrence Consistency, and Elevation Dependency of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Leveraging Multimodal Semantic Fusion for Gastric Cancer Screening via Hierarchical Attention Mechanism
Includes: Wu, D.D.[Dong Dong] Wu, D.D.[Dong-Dong] Wu, D.D.[Dan-Dan] Wu, D.D.[Desheng Dash]

Wu, D.F.[Di Fei] * 2022: ConTrack Distress Dataset: A Continuous Observation for Pavement Deterioration Spatio-Temporal Analysis
* 2022: Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning: A Review
* 2022: Meticulous Land Cover Classification of High-Resolution Images Based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network with Gaussian Regression Model
* 2022: Reconstruction of Vehicle-Induced Vibration on Concrete Pavement Using Distributed Fiber Optic
* 2022: Response-Type Road Anomaly Detection and Evaluation Method for Steady Driving of Automated Vehicles, A
* 2022: UAV-assisted data dissemination based on network coding in vehicular networks
* 2024: Continuous and Periodic Event-Triggered Sliding-Mode Control for Path Following of Underactuated Surface Vehicles
Includes: Wu, D.F.[Di Fei] Wu, D.F.[Di-Fei] Wu, D.F.[Dong-Fang] Wu, D.F.[Dan-Feng] Wu, D.F.[De-Feng]
7 for Wu, D.F.

Wu, D.H.[Dong Hui] * 1999: Tracking vehicles in image sequence for avoiding obstacles
* 2006: Spatial Smoothness and Image Analysis in Statistical Brain Mapping for functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
* 2008: Panoramic maker engine for a low profile system
* 2013: Vague C-means clustering algorithm
* 2014: Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Variations of Global Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on GIMMS NDVI Data from 1982 to 2011
* 2015: Responses of Natural Vegetation to Different Stages of Extreme Drought during 2009-2010 in Southwestern China
* 2017: Assessment of the Daily Cloud-Free MODIS Snow-Cover Product for Monitoring the Snow-Cover Phenology over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* 2017: Observed Impacts of Wind Farms on Local Vegetation Growth in Northern China, The
* 2018: Assessing the Impacts of Urbanization on Albedo in Jing-Jin-Ji Region of China
* 2018: Effects of Warming Hiatuses on Vegetation Growth in the Northern Hemisphere
* 2019: Effects of Climate Factors and Human Activities on the Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency throughout Northern China
* 2019: Impact of Urbanization and Climate on Vegetation Coverage in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China
* 2019: Long Time Series Land Cover Classification in China from 1982 to 2015 Based on Bi-LSTM Deep Learning
* 2020: Quantitatively Assessing and Attributing Land Use and Land Cover Changes on China's Loess Plateau
* 2021: Developing Long Time Series 1-km Land Cover Maps From 5-km AVHRR Data Using a Super-Resolution Method
* 2021: Dynamic Cooling Effects of Permanent Urban Green Spaces in Beijing, China
* 2021: Mapping Large-Scale Forest Disturbance Types with Multi-Temporal CNN Framework
* 2021: UAV Open Dataset of Rice Paddies for Deep Learning Practice, A
* 2021: Vegetation Cover Change and Its Attribution in China from 2001 to 2018
* 2022: Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Resilience and Resistance of Global Vegetation Responses to Climate Change
* 2022: Rice Seedling Detection in UAV Images Using Transfer Learning and Machine Learning
Includes: Wu, D.H.[Dong Hui] Wu, D.H.[Dong-Hui] Wu, D.H. Wu, D.H.[Ding-Hai] Wu, D.H.[Dong-Hai] Wu, D.H.[Ding-Hui] Wu, D.H.[Dong-Hong]
21 for Wu, D.H.

Wu, D.J.[Da Jun] * 2003: Head modeling using color unequal phase stepping method
* 2005: Fast Intra 4X4 Mode Elimination Approaches for H.264
* 2005: Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2011: Text Detection and Character Recognition in Scene Images with Unsupervised Feature Learning
* 2012: End-to-end text recognition with convolutional neural networks
* 2021: Reducing magnetic resonance image spacing by learning without ground-truth
* 2021: Scalable Differential Privacy with Sparse Network Finetuning
* 2023: novel head network and group normalisation help track more accurately, A
Includes: Wu, D.J.[Da Jun] Wu, D.J.[Da-Jun] Wu, D.J.[David J.] Wu, D.J.[Di-Jia] Wu, D.J.[Daniel J.] Wu, D.J.[Dong-Jie]
8 for Wu, D.J.

Wu, D.K.[De Kun] * 2022: Sports Video Analysis on Large-Scale Data
Includes: Wu, D.K.[De Kun] Wu, D.K.[De-Kun]

Wu, D.L.[Da Lei] * 2010: End-to-end optimized TCP-friendly rate control for real-time video streaming over wireless multi-hop networks
* 2012: wireless video surveillance system with an active camera, A
* 2016: Regional Changes in Earth's Color and Texture as Observed From Space Over a 15-Year Period
* 2018: MISR Radiance Anomalies Induced by Stratospheric Volcanic Aerosols
* 2018: MISR-GOES 3D Winds: Implications for Future LEO-GEO and LEO-LEO Winds
* 2019: Joint 3D-Wind Retrievals with Stereoscopic Views from MODIS and GOES
* 2019: Modeling Quiet Solar Luminosity Variability from TSI Satellite Measurements and Proxy Models during 1980-2018
* 2020: GEO-GEO Stereo-Tracking of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) from the Geostationary Ring
* 2020: Interannual Variations of TOA Albedo over the Arctic, Antarctic and Tibetan Plateau in 2000-2019
* 2020: Ionospheric S4 Scintillations from GNSS Radio Occultation (RO) at Slant Path
* 2020: Long-Term Cloud Albedo Data Record Since 1980 from UV Satellite Sensors, A
* 2021: Animal Migration Patterns Extraction Based on Atrous-Gated CNN Deep Learning Model
* 2021: Compact Thermal Imager (CTI) for Atmospheric Remote Sensing
* 2021: enhanced pixel-based phenological feature for accurate paddy rice mapping with Sentinel-2 imagery in Google Earth Engine, An
* 2021: Investigation on Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles of TOA Shortwave Radiations from DSCOVR/EPIC, CERES, MERRA-2, and ERA5, An
* 2022: Compact Midwave Imaging System: Results from an Airborne Demonstration
* 2022: Comprehensive Machine Learning Study to Classify Precipitation Type over Land from Global Precipitation Measurement Microwave Imager (GPM-GMI) Measurements, A
* 2022: Demonstration of Three-Satellite Stereo Winds, A
* 2022: Global GNSS-RO Electron Density in the Lower Ionosphere
* 2022: Slip Models of the 2016 and 2022 Menyuan, China, Earthquakes, Illustrating Regional Tectonic Structures
* 2023: GEO-GEO Stereo-Tracking of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) from the Geostationary Ring
* 2023: Multi-LEO Satellite Stereo Winds
* 2023: Optimal Estimation Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density from GNSS-POD Limb Measurements: Part I-Algorithm and Morphology
* 2023: Optimal Estimation Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density from GNSS-POD Limb Measurements: Part II-Validation and Comparison Using NmF2 and hmF2
* 2024: Coseismic Deformation Obtained by Various Technical Methods and Its Constraint Ability to Slip Models of Maduo Earthquake
* 2024: GEO-GEO Stereo Observation of Diurnal Cloud Variations over the Eastern Pacific, A
Includes: Wu, D.L.[Da Lei] Wu, D.L.[Da-Lei] Wu, D.L. Wu, D.L.[Dong L.] Wu, D.L.[Dong-Li] Wu, D.L.[Dong-Lin]
26 for Wu, D.L.

Wu, D.M.[Dong Mei] * 2019: Fast velocity trajectory planning and control algorithm of intelligent 4WD electric vehicle for energy saving using time-based MPC
* 2019: Quadruplet Network With One-Shot Learning for Fast Visual Object Tracking
* 2022: Multi-Level Representation Learning with Semantic Alignment for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* 2022: Satellite and Machine Learning Monitoring of Optically Inactive Water Quality Variability in a Tropical River
* 2023: OnlineRefer: A Simple Online Baseline for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* 2023: Referring Multi-Object Tracking
Includes: Wu, D.M.[Dong Mei] Wu, D.M.[Dong-Mei] Wu, D.M.[Dong-Ming]

Wu, D.O. * 2006: Resource Allocation and Performance Analysis of Wireless Video Sensors
* 2008: Linear Rate Control and Optimum Statistical Multiplexing for H.264 Video Broadcast
* 2013: NetClust: A Framework for Scalable and Pareto-Optimal Media Server Placement
* 2014: CBM: Online Strategies on Cost-Aware Buffer Management for Mobile Video Streaming
* 2015: Modularity-Based Image Segmentation
* 2017: New Word Extraction From Chinese Financial Documents
* 2018: Joint Dynamic Rate Control and Transmission Scheduling for Scalable Video Multirate Multicast Over Wireless Networks
* 2020: Rate-Distortion-Complexity Optimized Coding Mode Decision for HEVC
* 2020: Real-Time Constant Objective Quality Video Coding Strategy in High Efficiency Video Coding
9 for Wu, D.O.

Wu, D.P.[Da Peng] * 1999: End-to-End Architecture for MPEG-4 Video Streaming over the Internet, An
* 2000: On End-to-End Architecture for Transporting MPEG-4 Video Over the Internet
* 2000: Transporting real-time video over the Internet: Challenges and approaches
* 2001: Scalable video coding and transport over broadband wireless networks
* 2001: Streaming video over the internet: Approaches and directions
* 2005: model-based adaptive motion estimation scheme using Renyi's entropy for wireless video, A
* 2008: Hyper-Trellis Decoding of Pixel-Domain Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
* 2008: Image representation by compressed sensing
* 2009: Sparsity-based deartifacting filtering in video compression
* 2010: Image representation by compressive sensing for visual sensor networks
* 2010: Prediction of transmission distortion for wireless video communication: Algorithm and application
* 2010: Ripplet: A new transform for image processing
* 2010: Video retargeting with nonlinear spatial-temporal saliency fusion
* 2010: Video retargeting: A visual-friendly dynamic programming approach
* 2011: 3D dense reconstruction from 2D video sequence via 3D geometric segmentation
* 2011: Extrapolation Algorithm for (a,b,c,d) -Bandlimited Signals, An
* 2011: Stabilization and optimization of PLUS factorization and its application in image coding
* 2012: Adaptive quantization using piecewise companding and scaling for Gaussian mixture
* 2012: Addressing Visual Consistency in Video Retargeting: A Refined Homogeneous Approach
* 2012: Depth-based image registration via three-dimensional geometric segmentation
* 2012: Kernel-based feature extraction under maximum margin criterion
* 2012: Minimum Norm Least Squares Extrapolation Estimate for Discrete (a,b,c,d)-Bandlimited Signals
* 2012: Ripplet transform type II transform for feature extraction
* 2014: Delay: Power-Rate-Distortion Model for Wireless Video Communication Under Delay and Energy Constraints
* 2014: Estimation of accurate effective loss rate for FEC video transmission
* 2014: Gamma rate theory for causal rate control in source coding and video coding
* 2014: Maximally concentrated sequences in both time and linear canonical transform domains
* 2015: motion-texture aware denoising for economic hardware design, A
* 2015: Video rate control strategies for cloud gaming
* 2019: Deep spectral feature pyramid in the frequency domain for long-term action recognition
* 2021: Compositional Graph Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2021: Edge-Cloud Collaboration Enabled Video Service Enhancement: A Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence Scheme
* 2022: PTR-CNN for in-loop filtering in video coding
* 2023: Device-Edge-Cloud Collaborative Acceleration Method Towards Occluded Face Recognition in High-Traffic Areas
* 2023: Dynamic convolutional capsule network for In-loop filtering in HEVC video codec
* 2024: End-to-End Distortion Modeling for Error-Resilient Screen Content Video Coding
* 2024: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Slicing Resource Allocation in Vehicular Networks
* 2024: Texture and motion aware perception in-loop filter for AV1
Includes: Wu, D.P.[Da Peng] Wu, D.P.[Da-Peng] Wu, D.P.
38 for Wu, D.P.

Wu, D.P.O.[Da Peng Oliver] * 2010: Guest Editorial: Network Technologies for Emerging Broadband Multimedia Services
* 2014: Delay-rate-distortion optimized rate control for wireless video communication
* 2015: Delay-Rate-Distortion Optimized Rate Control for End-to-End Video Communication Over Wireless Channels
* 2021: Novel Video Coding Strategy in HEVC for Object Detection, A
* 2021: Statistical Properties and Airspace Capacity for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks Subject to Sense-and-Avoid Safety Protocols
* 2023: Cross-Modal Orthogonal High-Rank Augmentation for RGB-Event Transformer-trackers
Includes: Wu, D.P.O.[Da Peng Oliver] Wu, D.P.O.[Da-Peng Oliver]

Wu, D.Q.[Dan Qin] * 2017: High Precision DEM Generation Algorithm Based on InSAR Multi-Look Iteration
* 2021: Evaluations of Surface PM10 Concentration and Chemical Compositions in MERRA-2 Aerosol Reanalysis over Central and Eastern China
* 2024: Feature First: Advancing Image-Text Retrieval Through Improved Visual Features
* 2024: GhostFormer: Efficiently amalgamated CNN-transformer architecture for object detection
* 2024: Rethinking Object Saliency Ranking: A Novel Whole-Flow Processing Paradigm
Includes: Wu, D.Q.[Dan Qin] Wu, D.Q.[Dan-Qin] Wu, D.Q.[Dong-Qiao] Wu, D.Q.[Dong-Qing] Wu, D.Q.[Deng-Quan] Wu, D.Q.[Dun-Quan]

Wu, D.R.[Dong Rui] * 2020: mDixon-based synthetic CT generation via transfer and patch learning
* 2021: Impacts of the Kuroshio Intrusion through the Luzon Strait on the Local Precipitation Anomaly
* 2021: Mapping Threats of Spring Frost Damage to Tea Plants Using Satellite-Based Minimum Temperature Estimation in China
* 2021: Pool-based unsupervised active learning for regression using iterative representativeness-diversity maximization (iRDM)
* 2021: Spring Frost Damage to Tea Plants Can Be Identified with Daily Minimum Air Temperatures Estimated by MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products
* 2021: Unsupervised learning framework for interest point detection and description via properties optimization
* 2022: Affect Estimation in 3D Space Using Multi-Task Active Learning for Regression
* 2022: Facial Expression Recognition In-the-wild with Deep Pre-trained Models
* 2023: Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (aBCIs): A Tutorial
* 2023: BoostTree and BoostForest for Ensemble Learning
Includes: Wu, D.R.[Dong Rui] Wu, D.R.[Dong-Rui] Wu, D.R.[Ding-Rong]
10 for Wu, D.R.

Wu, D.S.[Dong Shing] * 2014: Decentralized Positioning Method Based on Recursive Weighted Least Absolute Value Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* 2022: Automatic Brain Midline Surface Delineation on 3D CT Images With Intracranial Hemorrhage
Includes: Wu, D.S.[Dong Shing] Wu, D.S.[Dong-Shing] Wu, D.S.[Da-Sheng]

Wu, D.W. * 1994: New Dynamic Approach for Finding the Contour of Bi-Level Images, A
* 2010: Image labeling via incremental model learning
* 2019: Multispectral Image Segmentation Based on a Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Combined with Tsallis Entropy and a Gaussian Mixture Model
Includes: Wu, D.W. Wu, D.W.[Di-Wei] Wu, D.W.[De-Wen]

Wu, D.X.[Ding Xue] * 2006: New Efficient SVM-based Image Registration Method, A
* 2011: On Comparison Of Pilot-Aided OFDM channel estimation algorithms
* 2011: Selected mapping and partial transmit sequence schemes to reduce PAPR in OFDM systems
* 2020: Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Retrieval
* 2021: Multiparameter Estimation From Landsat Observations With Topographic Consideration
* 2023: Not All Samples Are Born Equal: Towards Effective Clean-Label Backdoor Attacks
* 2023: Towards Robust Model Watermark via Reducing Parametric Vulnerability
Includes: Wu, D.X.[Ding Xue] Wu, D.X.[Ding-Xue] Wu, D.X.[Di-Xiao] Wu, D.X.[Dong-Xian] Wu, D.X.[Dong-Xing]
7 for Wu, D.X.

Wu, D.Y.[Dan Yang] * 2012: Image deconvolution using incomplete Fourier measurements
* 2020: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of PM2.5, PM10, and AOD over Canal Head Taocha Station, Henan Province
* 2021: Multi-View Clustering Based on Invisible Weights
* 2022: Adaptive-order proximity learning for graph-based clustering
* 2022: attention-based framework for multi-view clustering on Grassmann manifold, An
* 2022: Coordinate Descent Method for k-means
* 2022: Speech Emotion Recognition via Multi-Level Attention Network
* 2022: Truncated Robust Principle Component Analysis With A General Optimization Framework
* 2023: Conditional Boundary Loss for Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Randomized Adversarial Training via Taylor Expansion
* 2023: Sparse PCA via L_2,p-Norm Regularization for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* 2024: domain generalized person re-identification algorithm based on meta-bond domain alignment?, A
* 2024: Novel Normalized-Cut Solver With Nearest Neighbor Hierarchical Initialization, A
Includes: Wu, D.Y.[Dan Yang] Wu, D.Y.[Dan-Yang] Wu, D.Y.[Dong-Yu] Wu, D.Y.[Dong-Ya] Wu, D.Y.[Dong-Yue] Wu, D.Y.[Deng-Yu] Wu, D.Y.[Dong-Yang]
13 for Wu, D.Y.

Wu, E.[Enhua] * 2006: Relief Texture Mapping On Field Programmable Gate Array
* 2010: Differential geometry images: remeshing and morphing with local shape preservation
* 2010: GPU-based matting Laplacian solver for high resolution image matting, A
* 2010: Real-time coherent stylization for augmented reality
* 2012: Closed-Form Solution to Retinex with Nonlocal Texture Constraints, A
* 2013: Accurate and efficient cross-domain visual matching leveraging multiple feature representations
* 2013: Combining Boundary-Based Methods With Tensor-Based Morphometry in the Measurement of Longitudinal Brain Change
* 2013: Constant Time Weighted Median Filtering for Stereo Matching and Beyond
* 2013: Robust image metamorphosis immune from ghost and blur
* 2014: Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* 2014: Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* 2014: Real-time and robust hand tracking with a single depth camera
* 2015: Adaptive multi-task learning for fine-grained categorization
* 2015: Handling motion blur in multi-frame super-resolution
* 2015: iterated randomized search algorithm for large-scale texture synthesis and manipulations, An
* 2015: Multi-Level Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Application to Large Scale Image Classification
* 2015: Structure-aware QR Code abstraction
* 2017: Incremental collision-free feathering for animated surfaces
* 2017: novel surface tension formulation for SPH fluid simulation, A
* 2017: Temporal Coherence-Based Deblurring Using Non-Uniform Motion Optimization
* 2018: Structure-preserving image completion with multi-level dynamic patches
* 2019: FuturePose - Mixed Reality Martial Arts Training Using Real-Time 3D Human Pose Forecasting With a RGB Camera
* 2019: Multilevel Model for Video Object Segmentation Based on Supervision Optimization
* 2020: Depth-Aware Motion Deblurring Using Loopy Belief Propagation
* 2020: Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
* 2020: VR Alpine Ski Training Augmentation using Visual Cues of Leading Skier
* 2021: new two-stage method for single image rain removal, A
* 2021: Overfitting the Data: Compact Neural Video Delivery via Content-aware Feature Modulation
* 2022: GhostNets on Heterogeneous Devices via Cheap Operations
* 2022: Learning Versatile Convolution Filters for Efficient Visual Recognition
* 2022: Meta-transfer-adjustment learning for few-shot learning
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ecological Condition in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Remotely Sensed Ecological Index
* 2022: Temporal Dynamics of the Goose Habitat in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* 2022: Unlocking the Potential of Deep Learning for Migratory Waterbirds Monitoring Using Surveillance Video
* 2023: Boundary-Aware Network for Shadow Removal, A
* 2023: Combined Retrievals of Turbidity from Sentinel-2A/B and Landsat-8/9 in the Taihu Lake through Machine Learning
* 2023: Discriminative Model for Early Detection of Anthracnose in Strawberry Plants Based on Hyperspectral Imaging Technology, A
* 2023: Elastic Aggregation for Federated Optimization
* 2023: Marker-removal Networks to Collect Precise 3D Hand Data for RGB-based Estimation and its Application in Piano
* 2023: OpenFed: A Comprehensive and Versatile Open-Source Federated Learning Framework
* 2023: RadarVerses in Metaverses: A CPSI-Based Architecture for 6S Radar Systems in CPSS
* 2023: Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters in Dianshan Lake Based on Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery and Machine Learning: Algorithm Evaluation and Spatiotemporal Change Research
* 2023: Spatial constraint for efficient semi-supervised video object segmentation
* 2024: Dual Branch Multi-Level Semantic Learning for Few-Shot Segmentation
* 2024: Learning self-target knowledge for few-shot segmentation
* 2024: SliNet: Slicing-Aided Learning for Small Object Detection
Includes: Wu, E.[Enhua] Wu, E. Wu, E.[Entao] Wu, E.[Enuo] Wu, E.[Ejiao] Wu, E.[Erwin] Wu, E.[Er]
46 for Wu, E.

Wu, E.C.H.[Eddy Chi Hao] * 2015: Challenges in cloud based ingest and encoding for high quality streaming media
Includes: Wu, E.C.H.[Eddy Chi Hao] Wu, E.C.H.[Eddy Chi-Hao]

Wu, E.H.[En Hua] * 2003: Single-pass Approach To Adaptive Simplification Of Out-of-core Models, A
* 2005: Projective Volume Rendering By Excluding Occluded Voxels
* 2008: Shape Feature Based Simplification Method for Deforming Meshes, A
* 2009: Generation Of Optimal Multiresolution Models For Deforming Mesh Sequence
* 2014: Sharing model with multi-level feature representations
Includes: Wu, E.H.[En Hua] Wu, E.H.[En-Hua]

Wu, E.H.K. * 2007: Scene-Change Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Real-Time VBR Video Transmission Over IEEE 802.15.3 Wireless Home Networks
* 2008: Admission Control Scheme Based on Online Measurement for VBR Video Streams Over Wireless Home Networks, An
* 2011: Binary-Partition-Assisted MAC-Layer Broadcast for Emergency Message Dissemination in VANETs
* 2013: BAHG: Back-Bone-Assisted Hop Greedy Routing for VANET's City Environments
* 2013: Congestion-Controlled-Coordinator-Based MAC for Safety-Critical Message Transmission in VANETs

Wu, E.Q. * 2020: Novel Nonlinear Approach for Real-Time Fatigue EEG Data: An Infinitely Warped Model of Weighted Permutation Entropy
* 2021: Rotated Sphere Haar Wavelet and Deep Contractive Auto-Encoder Network With Fuzzy Gaussian SVM for Pilot's Pupil Center Detection
* 2022: Detecting Dynamic Behavior of Brain Fatigue Through 3-D-CNN-LSTM
* 2022: Emission Monitoring Dispatching of Drones Under Vessel Speed Fluctuation
* 2022: Fatigue Detection of Pilots' Brain Through Brains Cognitive Map and Multilayer Latent Incremental Learning Model
* 2022: Inferring Cognitive State of Pilot's Brain Under Different Maneuvers During Flight
* 2022: Inferring Flight Performance Under Different Maneuvers With Pilot's Multi-Physiological Parameters
* 2022: Monitoring Scheduling of Drones for Emission Control Areas: An Ant Colony-Based Approach
* 2022: Nonparametric Hierarchical Hidden Semi-Markov Model for Brain Fatigue Behavior Detection of Pilots During Flight
* 2022: Normal Assisted Pixel-Visibility Learning With Cost Aggregation for Multiview Stereo
* 2022: Scalable Gamma-Driven Multilayer Network for Brain Workload Detection Through Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
* 2022: Self-Paced Dynamic Infinite Mixture Model for Fatigue Evaluation of Pilots' Brains
* 2023: AGV-Based Vehicle Transportation in Automated Container Terminals: A Survey
* 2023: Distance-Based Elliptical Circumnavigation Control for Non-Holonomic Robots With Event-Triggered Unknown System Dynamics Estimators
* 2023: FlightBERT: Binary Encoding Representation for Flight Trajectory Prediction
* 2023: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning With Policy Clipping and Average Evaluation for UAV-Assisted Communication Markov Game
* 2023: Multisensor Anomaly Detection and Interpretable Analysis for Linear Induction Motors
* 2023: Parameter Estimation and Anti-Sideslip Line-of-Sight Method-Based Adaptive Path-Following Controller for a Multijoint Snake Robot
* 2023: State Prediction and Anti-Interference-Based Flight Path-Following for UAVs
* 2023: Vessel Monitoring in Emission Control Areas: A Preliminary Exploration of Rental-Based Operations
* 2024: Two-Stage OD Flow Prediction for Emergency in Urban Rail Transit
Includes: Wu, E.Q. Wu, E.Q.[Edmond Q.]
21 for Wu, E.Q.

Wu, E.X. * 2001: Realizations of fast 2-D/3-D image filtering and enhancement
* 2003: Combined MR data acquisition of multicontrast images using variable acquisition parameters and K -space data sharing
* 2006: Diffusion Tensor-Based Fiber Tracking in Cervical Spinal Cord with a 3T MRI
* 2010: Higher Order Positive Semidefinite Diffusion Tensor Imaging
* 2023: Fast and Calibrationless Low-Rank Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Through Unrolled Deep Learning Estimation of Multi-Channel Spatial Support Maps
Includes: Wu, E.X. Wu, E.X.[Ed X.]

Wu, E.Y.[Er Yong] * 2009: MSV-Based Face Detection in Color Images
* 2009: Road Segmentation and Road Type Identification Approach Based on New-Type Histogram Calculation, A
Includes: Wu, E.Y.[Er Yong] Wu, E.Y.[Er-Yong]

Wu, F.[Feng] * 2000: DCT-prediction Based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalability Coding
* 2001: framework for efficient progressive fine granularity scalable video coding, A
* 2001: Macroblock-based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable (PFGS) Video Coding with Flexible Temporal-SNR Scalablilities
* 2001: Sprite Generation for Frame-based Video Coding
* 2002: Efficient and universal scalable video coding
* 2002: High efficient sprite coding with directional spatial prediction
* 2002: Optimal Rate Allocation for Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable Video Coding
* 2002: Very Fast Template Matching
* 2003: 3D motion retrieval with motion index tree
* 2003: Efficient background video coding with static sprite generation and arbitrary-shape spatial prediction techniques
* 2003: improved SP frame coding technique for the JVT standard, The
* 2003: Layer-correlated motion estimation and motion vector coding for the 3d-wavelet video coding
* 2003: Linear Trinocular Rectification Method for Accurate Stereoscopic Matching, A
* 2003: Macroblock-based progressive fine granularity scalable video coding
* 2003: Rate control for JVT video coding scheme with urd considerations
* 2003: Rate distortion optimized mode decision in the scalable video coding
* 2004: Advanced motion threading for 3D wavelet video coding
* 2004: Energy distributed update steps(edu) in lifting based motion compensated video coding
* 2004: Flexible p-picture (FLEXP) coding for tue efficient fine-granular scalability (FGS)
* 2004: Layered motion estimation and coding for fully scalable 3D wavelet video coding
* 2004: Relevant linear feature extraction using side-information and unlabeled data
* 2004: Two-Step Approach to Multiple Facial Feature Tracking: Temporal Particle Filter and Spatial Belief Propagation, A
* 2004: Variable block-size transform and entropy coding at the enhancement layer of FGS
* 2005: Direct Mode Coding for Bipredictive Slices in the H.264 Standard
* 2005: Fast Selection of Linear Features in Image Data
* 2005: H.264-Compatible Spatially Scalable Video Coding with In-band Prediction
* 2005: Spatio-temporal Video Error Concealment using Priority-ranked Region-matching
* 2005: Steerable pyramid-based face hallucination
* 2006: 4-D Wavelet-Based Multiview Video Coding
* 2006: Drift-Free Switching of Compressed Video Bitstreams at Predictive Frames
* 2006: Efficient FGS Coding Scheme for Interlaced Scalable Video Coding, An
* 2006: extension of direct macroblock coding in Predictive (P) slices of the H.264 standard, An
* 2006: Inter-View Direct Mode for Multiview Video Coding
* 2006: Learning Semantic Correlations for Cross-Media Retrieval
* 2006: Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform Supporting Non-Dyadic Spatial Scalability, A
* 2006: Practical Wyner-Ziv Switching Scheme for Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming
* 2006: Transcoding to FGS Streams from H.264/AVC Hierarchical B-Pictures
* 2006: Video-Based Facial Expression Hallucination: A Two- Level Hierarchical Fusion Approach
* 2006: Wyner-Ziv Video Coding Based on Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree
* 2007: 3-D Object-Based Scalable Wavelet Video Coding With Boundary Effect Suppression
* 2007: Adaptive Directional Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform for Image Coding
* 2007: Barbell-Lifting Based 3-D Wavelet Coding Scheme
* 2007: Enable Efficient Compound Image Compression in H.264/AVC Intra Coding
* 2007: evolutionary system for near-regular texture synthesis, An
* 2007: Hallucinating faces: LPH super-resolution and neighbor reconstruction for residue compensation
* 2007: Image Coding using 2-D Anisotropic Dual-Tree Discrete Wavelet Transform
* 2007: Image Coding with Parameter-Assistant Inpainting
* 2007: Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting
* 2007: Incorporating Primal Sketch Based Learning Into Low Bit-Rate Image Compression
* 2007: Lifting-Based Directional DCT-Like Transform for Image Coding
* 2007: Lifting-Based Directional DCT-Like Transform for Image Coding
* 2007: Prediction Error Compression Method with Tensor-PCA in Video Coding, A
* 2007: Research of 3D Chinese Calligraphic Handwriting Recur System and Its Key Algorithm
* 2007: Subband Coupling Aware Rate Allocation for Spatial Scalability in 3-D Wavelet Video Coding
* 2008: 3-D Shape-Adaptive Directional Wavelet Transform for Object-Based Scalable Video Coding
* 2008: Adaptive and compact shape descriptor by progressive feature combination and selection with boosting
* 2008: Adaptive CPU Scheduling to Conserve Energy in Real-Time Mobile Graphics Applications
* 2008: B-picture coding in AVS video compression standard
* 2008: Clustering by evidence accumulation on affinity propagation
* 2008: Cross-Resolution Leaky Prediction Scheme for In-Band Wavelet Video Coding With Spatial Scalability, A
* 2008: Edge-Oriented Uniform Intra Prediction
* 2008: Efficient Multiple-Description Image Coding Using Directional Lifting-Based Transform
* 2008: Fast H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Transcoding Using Power-Spectrum Based Rate-Distortion Optimization
* 2008: FGS Coding Using Cycle-Based Leaky Prediction Through Multiple Leaky Factors
* 2008: Image representation by compressed sensing
* 2008: In-Scale Motion Compensation for Spatially Scalable Video Coding
* 2008: post-compensation scheme for Nonlocal Means filter based image restoration, A
* 2008: Three-tiered network model for image hallucination
* 2008: Wyner-Ziv Switching Scheme for Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming
* 2008: Wyner-Ziv-Based Multiview Video Coding
* 2009: Classified patch learning for spatially scalable video coding
* 2009: Complexity-Constrained H.264 Video Encoding
* 2009: efficient protocol for private and accurate mining of support counts, An
* 2009: Image hallucination with feature enhancement
* 2009: Level embedded medical image compression based on value of interest
* 2009: Novel Method of Binaural Sound Localization Based on Dominant Frequency Separation, A
* 2009: On the coding gain of intra-predictive transforms
* 2009: Real-time screen image scaling and its GPU acceleration
* 2009: Tensor-Based Transductive Learning for Multimodality Video Semantic Concept Detection
* 2009: Web cartoon video hallucination
* 2010: Automatic annotation of geo-information in panoramic street view by image retrieval
* 2010: Block-Based Image Compression With Parameter-Assistant Inpainting
* 2010: Compress Compound Images in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC by Exploiting Spatial Correlation
* 2010: Cross-media retrieval using query dependent search methods
* 2010: Directional Filtering Transform for Image/Intra-Frame Compression
* 2010: Directional Lapped Transforms for Image Coding
* 2010: Image representation by compressive sensing for visual sensor networks
* 2010: Intra frame coding with template matching prediction and adaptive transform
* 2010: Joint decoding of stereo JPEG image Pairs
* 2010: Multi-Label Transfer Learning With Sparse Representation
* 2010: Robust Web Image/Video Super-Resolution
* 2010: Sparse representation using nonnegative curds and whey
* 2011: Channel Distortion Modeling for Multi-View Video Transmission Over Packet-Switched Networks
* 2011: efficient key-frame-free prediction method for MGS of H.264/SVC, An
* 2011: efficient VLSI architecture for 4X4 intra prediction in the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, An
* 2011: Exploiting inter-frame correlations in compound video coding
* 2011: Inverse-degree Sampling for Spectral Clustering
* 2011: MixCast modulation for layered video multicast over WLANs
* 2011: Witsenhausen-Wyner Video Coding
* 2012: 3D visual phrases for landmark recognition
* 2012: Civilian vessel classification with COSMO-SkyMed images based on feature analysis
* 2012: Content-adaptive deblocking for high efficiency video coding
* 2012: Depth sensing with focus and exposure adaptation
* 2012: Graph-guided sparse reconstruction for region tagging
* 2012: heterogeneous feature selection with structural sparsity for multimedia annotation and hashing: a survey, The
* 2012: Highly Parallel Line-Based Image Coding for Many Cores
* 2012: Hybrid structured light for scalable depth sensing
* 2012: Image Annotation by Input-Output Structural Grouping Sparsity
* 2012: Inpainting with image patches for compression
* 2012: Iterative Learning Control for 2-D linear discrete systems with Roessor's model
* 2012: Object-based coding for Kinect depth and color videos
* 2012: Robust stability with general decay rate for stochastic neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays
* 2012: Ship detection based on eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition and OS-CFAR detector
* 2012: Sparse spectral hashing
* 2012: Sparse Unsupervised Dimensionality Reduction for Multiple View Data
* 2012: Spatially Scalable Video Coding For HEVC
* 2012: Spline Regression Hashing for Fast Image Search
* 2012: Visually Summarizing Web Pages Through Internal and External Images
* 2012: WaveCast: Wavelet based wireless video broadcast using lossy transmission
* 2012: Web and Personal Image Annotation by Mining Label Correlation With Relaxed Visual Graph Embedding
* 2012: Weighted Similarity-Invariant Linear Algorithm for Camera Calibration With Rotating 1-D Objects
* 2013: Accurate 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes with Fourier transform assisted phase shifting
* 2013: Cloud-Based Image Coding for Mobile Devices: Toward Thousands to One Compression
* 2013: Dense single-shot 3D scanning via stereoscopic fringe analysis
* 2013: Depth Acquisition from Density Modulated Binary Patterns
* 2013: Distributed Wireless Visual Communication with Power Distortion Optimization
* 2013: Efficient 2D-to-3D Correspondence Filtering for Scalable 3D Object Recognition
* 2013: Example-Based Super-Resolution With Soft Information and Decision
* 2013: Extracting semantics from multi-spectrum video
* 2013: Image annotation by semi-supervised cross-domain learning with group sparsity
* 2013: Landmark Image Super-Resolution by Retrieving Web Images
* 2013: Large scale image retrieval with visual groups
* 2013: Multi-model prediction for image set compression
* 2013: Multiple feature fusion for face recognition
* 2013: Power-distortion optimization for wireless image/video SoftCast by transform coefficients energy modeling with adaptive chunk division
* 2013: Variational Model for Image Segmentation
* 2014: 1-D dictionary mode for screen content coding
* 2014: Attribute prediction with long-range interactions via path coding
* 2014: Change Detection of Multilook Polarimetric SAR Images Using Heterogeneous Clutter Models
* 2014: CID: Combined Image Denoising in Spatial and Frequency Domains Using Web Images
* 2014: Cloud-Based Distributed Image Coding
* 2014: Compressive image broadcasting in MIMO systems with receiver antenna heterogeneity
* 2014: Efficient Parallel Framework for HEVC Motion Estimation on Many-Core Processors
* 2014: High quality image reconstruction via non-local collaborative estimation for wireless image/video softcast
* 2014: Highly Parallel Framework for HEVC Coding Unit Partitioning Tree Decision on Many-core Processors, A
* 2014: LineCast: Line-Based Distributed Coding and Transmission for Broadcasting Satellite Images
* 2014: Lossless compression of JPEG coded photo albums
* 2014: Multiple kernel learning with NOn-conVex group spArsity
* 2014: ParCast+: Parallel Video Unicast in MIMO-OFDM WLANs
* 2014: Real-Time Scalable Depth Sensing With Hybrid Structured Light Illumination
* 2014: Robust depth sensing with adaptive structured light illumination
* 2014: Separable Kernel for Image Deblurring
* 2014: Sparse Multi-Modal Hashing
* 2014: unified framework of hash-based matching for screen content coding, A
* 2015: Background Prior-Based Salient Object Detection via Deep Reconstruction Residual
* 2015: classification of multi-modal data with hidden conditional random field, The
* 2015: Classification of Vessels in Single-Pol COSMO-SkyMed Images Based on Statistical and Structural Features
* 2015: Cloud-Based Distributed Image Coding
* 2015: Compact and Discriminative Descriptor Inference Using Multi-Cues
* 2015: Compressive sensing based image transmission with side information at the decoder
* 2015: Cross-Modal Learning to Rank via Latent Joint Representation
* 2015: Deblurring Saturated Night Image With Function-Form Kernel
* 2015: Enhancing nighttime surveillance video via gradient fusion
* 2015: HEVC Encoding Optimization Using Multicore CPUs and GPUs
* 2015: High-speed hyperspectral video acquisition with a dual-camera architecture
* 2015: Image Denoising by Exploring External and Internal Correlations
* 2015: Incremental SfM based lossless compression of JPEG coded photo album
* 2015: Layered Soft Video Broadcast for Heterogeneous Receivers
* 2015: Progressive pseudo-analog transmission for mobile video live streaming
* 2015: Structure-Preserving Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Delivery in Wireless Networks
* 2015: Structured Visual Feature Learning for Classification via Supervised Probabilistic Tensor Factorization
* 2015: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled Low-Rank Discriminant Dictionary Learning
* 2015: Weighted rate-distortion optimization for screen content intra coding
* 2016: 3-D motion recovery via low rank matrix analysis
* 2016: Active contour evolved by joint probability classification on Riemannian manifold
* 2016: Analysis of Decorrelation Transform Gain for Uncoded Wireless Image and Video Communication
* 2016: Aspect Learning for Multimedia Summarization via Nonparametric Bayesian
* 2016: Combining directional intra prediction and intra block copy with block partition for HEVC
* 2016: Compressive hyperspectral imaging with complementary RGB measurements
* 2016: DAC-Mobi: Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support
* 2016: Deep Learning Driven Visual Path Prediction From a Single Image
* 2016: Deeply Exploit Depth Information for Object Detection
* 2016: DeepSaliency: Multi-Task Deep Neural Network Model for Salient Object Detection
* 2016: Diagonal motion partitions for inter prediction in HEVC
* 2016: Earthquake-Induced Building Damage Detection with Post-Event Sub-Meter VHR TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight Imagery
* 2016: Estimation of Virtual View Synthesis Distortion Toward Virtual View Position
* 2016: FPGA Design and Implementation of Kinect-Like Depth Sensing
* 2016: Hierarchical quadtree-based flexible block ordering in HEVC intra coding
* 2016: Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Encoder for Video Representation with Application to Captioning
* 2016: Hybrid Distortion Ranking Tuned Bitstream-Layer Video Quality Assessment
* 2016: Image Denoising via Bandwise Adaptive Modeling and Regularization Exploiting Nonlocal Similarity
* 2016: Joint Multilabel Classification With Community-Aware Label Graph Learning
* 2016: Learning of Multimodal Representations With Random Walks on the Click Graph
* 2016: Lossless Compression of JPEG Coded Photo Collections
* 2016: Multi-Label Dictionary Learning for Image Annotation
* 2016: Multi-Spectral Low-Rank Structured Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* 2016: Multi-View Low-Rank Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* 2016: New Simplification Approach Based on the Oblique-Dividing-Curve Method for Contour Lines, A
* 2016: Scalable Video Multicast for MU-MIMO Systems With Antenna Heterogeneity
* 2016: Subpixel Image Quality Assessment Syncretizing Local Subpixel and Global Pixel Features
* 2016: Towards Real-Time Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
* 2016: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recognition
* 2017: Adaptive Nonlocal Sparse Representation for Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2017: Automatic Detection of Low-Rise Gable-Roof Building from Single Submeter SAR Images Based on Local Multilevel Segmentation
* 2017: Background-Driven Salient Object Detection
* 2017: Block-Composed Background Reference for High Efficiency Video Coding
* 2017: Computational Depth Sensing: Toward high-performance commodity depth cameras
* 2017: Contrast Enhancement Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* 2017: Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Post-Processing in HEVC Intra Coding, A
* 2017: Data-Dependent Label Distribution Learning for Age Estimation
* 2017: Depth Map Super-Resolution Considering View Synthesis Quality
* 2017: Depth-Preserving Stereo Image Retargeting Based on Pixel Fusion
* 2017: Determining the Pixel-to-Pixel Uncertainty in Satellite-Derived SST Fields
* 2017: Distributed Compressive Sensing for Cloud-Based Wireless Image Transmission
* 2017: Efficient DWT and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Based Multimodality Medical Image Fusion, An
* 2017: Fast encoding of surveillance videos based on HEVC
* 2017: Graph-Based Min-# and Error-Optimal Trajectory Simplification Algorithm and Its Extension towards Online Services, A
* 2017: Graph-Theoretic Spatiotemporal Context Modeling for Video Saliency Detection
* 2017: HSCNN: CNN-Based Hyperspectral Image Recovery from Spectrally Undersampled Projections
* 2017: Identifying Different Transportation Modes from Trajectory Data Using Tree-Based Ensemble Classifiers
* 2017: Image super-resolution based on adaptive joint distribution modeling
* 2017: LF-fusion: Dense and accurate 3D reconstruction from light field images
* 2017: Light field super-resolution using internal and external similarities
* 2017: Low rank regularization exploiting intra and inter patch correlation for image denoising
* 2017: Neural network-based arithmetic coding of intra prediction modes in HEVC
* 2017: new motion model for panoramic video coding, A
* 2017: Power Distortion Optimization for Uncoded Linear Transformed Transmission of Images and Videos
* 2017: Progressive Pseudo-analog Transmission for Mobile Video Streaming
* 2017: Quality Assessment Method for Linear Feature Simplification Based on Multi-Scale Spatial Uncertainty
* 2017: Quality Assessment Method for Linear Feature Simplification Based on Multi-Scale Spatial Uncertainty
* 2017: Rapid Localization and Extraction of Street Light Poles in Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds: A Supervoxel-Based Approach
* 2017: Regularized Deep Belief Network for Image Attribute Detection
* 2017: Snapshot Hyperspectral Light Field Imaging
* 2017: Structure-Based Low-Rank Model With Graph Nuclear Norm Regularization for Noise Removal
* 2017: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled Low-Rank Discriminant Dictionary Learning
* 2017: Surveillance video coding with vehicle library
* 2017: Textured Image Demoireing via Signal Decomposition and Guided Filtering
* 2017: Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Super-Resolution
* 2017: UDNet: Up-Down Network for Compact and Efficient Feature Representation in Image Super-Resolution
* 2017: Wireless image and video soft transmission via perception-inspired power distortion optimization
* 2018: 3D CNN-Based Soma Segmentation from Brain Images at Single-Neuron Resolution
* 2018: Body Structure Aware Deep Crowd Counting
* 2018: Cayley- Klein Metric Learning with Shrinkage-Expansion Constraints
* 2018: CNN-Based DCT-Like Transform for Image Compression
* 2018: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding of DC Coefficients for HEVC Intra Coding
* 2018: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for Intra Frame Coding
* 2018: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Invertible Half-Pixel Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* 2018: Cost-Distortion Optimization and Resource Control in Pseudo-Analog Visual Communications
* 2018: Deep Boosting for Image Denoising
* 2018: Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-Structured Modeling
* 2018: Deep Residual Attention Network for Spectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2018: Efficient Four-Parameter Affine Motion Model for Video Coding, An
* 2018: Fast Hash-Based Inter-Block Matching for Screen Content Coding
* 2018: Fast Image Super-Resolution via Local Adaptive Gradient Field Sharpening Transform
* 2018: Fast Mode Decision Based on Grayscale Similarity and Inter-View Correlation for Depth Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* 2018: Graph-based Semi-supervised Classification with CRF and RNN
* 2018: HSCNN+: Advanced CNN-Based Hyperspectral Recovery from RGB Images
* 2018: HSVCNN: CNN-Based Hyperspectral Reconstruction from RGB Videos
* 2018: Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Delivery With Shannon-Kotel'nikov Mapping
* 2018: Image Captioning using Adversarial Networks and Reinforcement Learning
* 2018: Image Denoising via Low Rank Regularization Exploiting Intra and Inter Patch Correlation
* 2018: Improving the GNSS-R Specular Reflection Point Positioning Accuracy Using the Gravity Field Normal Projection Reflection Reference Surface Combination Correction Method
* 2018: Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Alignment with Position Map Regression Network
* 2018: Joint Semi-supervised Learning and Re-ranking for Vehicle Re-identification
* 2018: Multimodal Deep Embedding via Hierarchical Grounded Compositional Semantics
* 2018: Object Tracking Via Online Multiple Instance Learning with Reliable Components
* 2018: Permafrost Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Multi-Temporal TerraSAR-X Data in Beiluhe of Northern Tibet, China
* 2018: Person Re-identification with Cascaded Pairwise Convolutions
* 2018: PIRM2018 Challenge on Spectral Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2018: Practical Hybrid Digital-Analog Scheme for Wireless Video Transmission, A
* 2018: Region Adaptive R-lambda Model-Based Rate Control for Depth Maps Coding
* 2018: Shape Similarity Assessment Method for Coastline Generalization
* 2018: Simultaneous Depth and Spectral Imaging With a Cross-Modal Stereo System
* 2018: Superimposed Modulation for Soft Video Delivery With Hidden Resources
* 2018: Thermal to Visible Facial Image Translation Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Traffic Sign Image Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Traffic Sign Recognition Using a Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network
* 2018: Unequal Error Protection for Scalable Video Storage in the Cloud
* 2018: Variable Block-Sized Signal-Dependent Transform for Video Coding
* 2018: Weighted Rate-Distortion Optimization for Screen Content Coding
* 2019: 3-D Reconstruction of Human Body Shape From a Single Commodity Depth Camera
* 2019: Accurate Segmentation of Synaptic Cleft with Contour Growing Concatenated with a Convnet
* 2019: Algorithm based on the Weighted Network Voronoi Diagram for Point Cluster Simplification, An
* 2019: Application of entropy-based multi-attribute decision-making method to structured selection of settlement
* 2019: Camera Lens Super-Resolution
* 2019: CNN-Based Image Compression Scheme Compatible with JPEG-2000, A
* 2019: Compact Feature Learning for Multi-Domain Image Classification
* 2019: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Block Up-Sampling for HEVC
* 2019: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Fractional-Pixel Motion Compensation
* 2019: Deep Group-Wise Fully Convolutional Network for Co-Saliency Detection With Graph Propagation
* 2019: Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geometry-Aware U-Net
* 2019: Extracting Main Center Pattern from Road Networks Using Density-Based Clustering with Fuzzy Neighborhood
* 2019: High ISO JPEG Image Denoising by Deep Fusion of Collaborative and Convolutional Filtering
* 2019: High-Speed Hyperspectral Video Acquisition By Combining Nyquist and Compressive Sampling
* 2019: Image-Image Translation to Enhance Near Infrared Face Recognition
* 2019: Improving the Positioning Accuracy of Satellite-Borne GNSS-R Specular Reflection Point on Sea Surface Based on the Ocean Tidal Correction Positioning Method
* 2019: Increasing the Number of Sea Surface Reflected Signals Received by GNSS-Reflectometry Altimetry Satellite Using the Nadir Antenna Observation Capability Optimization Method
* 2019: Invertibility-Driven Interpolation Filter for Video Coding
* 2019: JPEG Artifacts Reduction via Deep Convolutional Sparse Coding
* 2019: Learning a Convolutional Neural Network for Image Compact-Resolution
* 2019: Learning to Assemble Neural Module Tree Networks for Visual Grounding
* 2019: Long-Form Video Question Answering via Dynamic Hierarchical Reinforced Networks
* 2019: Long-Term Variations in the Pixel-to-Pixel Variability of NOAA AVHRR SST Fields from 1982 to 2015
* 2019: Multi-Task Structure-Aware Context Modeling for Robust Keypoint-Based Object Tracking
* 2019: Multi-View Synthesis and Analysis Dictionaries Learning for Classification
* 2019: Reference Clip for Inter Prediction in Video Coding
* 2019: Ship Detection in Optical Satellite Images via Directional Bounding Boxes Based on Ship Center and Orientation Prediction
* 2019: Single-Image De-Raining With Feature-Supervised Generative Adversarial Network
* 2019: Stem-Leaf Segmentation and Phenotypic Trait Extraction of Individual Maize Using Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* 2019: Time-Series InSAR Monitoring of Permafrost Freeze-Thaw Seasonal Displacement over Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Using Sentinel-1 Data
* 2019: Traffic surveillance video coding with libraries of vehicles and background
* 2019: Urban Building Change Detection in SAR Images Using Combined Differential Image and Residual U-Net Network
* 2019: User-Ranking Video Summarization With Multi-Stage Spatio-Temporal Representation
* 2020: Adaptive Graph Representation Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Adversarial Attribute-Text Embedding for Person Search With Natural Language Query
* 2020: Attentive Sequence to Sequence Translator for Localizing Video Clips by Natural Language, An
* 2020: Camera Trace Erasing
* 2020: CF Distance: A New Domain Discrepancy Metric and Application to Explicit Domain Adaptation for Cross-Modality Cardiac Image Segmentation
* 2020: Chain Code-Based Occupancy Map Coding for Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* 2020: Class-Oriented Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* 2020: Compressed Image Restoration via Artifacts-Free PCA Basis Learning and Adaptive Sparse Modeling
* 2020: Compressed Pseudo-Analog Transmission System for Remote Sensing Images Over Bandwidth-Constrained Wireless Channels
* 2020: Context-Aware Deep Spatiotemporal Network for Hand Pose Estimation From Depth Images
* 2020: Context-Aware Graph Label Propagation Network for Saliency Detection
* 2020: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Arithmetic Coding for HEVC Intra-Predicted Residues
* 2020: Convolutional Reconstruction-to-Sequence for Video Captioning
* 2020: Deep Learning-Based Nonlinear Transform for HEVC Intra Coding
* 2020: Deep Learning-Based Technology in Responses to the Joint Call for Proposals on Video Compression With Capability Beyond HEVC
* 2020: Deep Learning-Based Video Coding: A Review and a Case Study
* 2020: Deep Metric Learning with Triplet-Margin-Center Loss for Sketch Face Recognition
* 2020: Deep Structure-Revealed Network for Texture Recognition
* 2020: DRPL: Deep Regression Pair Learning for Multi-Focus Image Fusion
* 2020: Enriching Optical Flow with Appearance Information for Action Recognition
* 2020: Frame Augmented Alternating Attention Network for Video Question Answering
* 2020: Graph-Based Non-Convex Low-Rank Regularization for Image Compression Artifact Reduction
* 2020: Human-Centric Clothing Segmentation via Deformable Semantic Locality-Preserving Network
* 2020: IENet: Internal and External Patch Matching ConvNet for Web Image Guided Denoising
* 2020: Image Retargetability
* 2020: Improving Compression Artifact Reduction via End-to-End Learning of Side Information
* 2020: iWave: CNN-Based Wavelet-Like Transform for Image Compression
* 2020: Learning for Video Compression
* 2020: Low-rank tensor completion for visual data recovery via the tensor train rank-1 decomposition
* 2020: M-LVC: Multiple Frames Prediction for Learned Video Compression
* 2020: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
* 2020: Movie Question Answering via Textual Memory and Plot Graph
* 2020: Multi-Modality Cross Attention Network for Image and Sentence Matching
* 2020: Neuronal Population Reconstruction From Ultra-Scale Optical Microscopy Images via Progressive Learning
* 2020: New Approach for Estimating Soil Salinity Using A Low-Cost Soil Sensor In Situ: A Case Study in Saline Regions of China's East Coast, A
* 2020: Partition-Aware Adaptive Switching Neural Networks for Post-Processing in HEVC
* 2020: Pixel-RRT*: A Novel Skeleton Trajectory Search Algorithm for Hepatic Vessels
* 2020: Real-World Image Denoising with Deep Boosting
* 2020: RiFeGAN: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From Prior Knowledge
* 2020: Robust multi-objective vehicle routing problem with time windows for hazardous materials transportation
* 2020: Self-Supervised Agent Learning for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Self-Supervised Domain-Aware Generative Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* 2020: Semantically Scalable Image Coding With Compression of Feature Maps
* 2020: Separating the Structural Components of Maize for Field Phenotyping Using Terrestrial LiDAR Data and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Spaceborne SAR Data for Regional Urban Mapping Using a Robust Building Extractor
* 2020: Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction for 3D Motion Recovery
* 2020: Toward Driver Face Recognition in the Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Systems
* 2020: Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning of Transferable Meta-Skills for Embodied Navigation
* 2020: Video Dialog via Multi-Grained Convolutional Self-Attention Context Multi-Modal Networks
* 2020: WaveletStereo: Learning Wavelet Coefficients of Disparity Map in Stereo Matching
* 2021: Action Unit Memory Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* 2021: Adaptive Hierarchical Graph Reasoning with Semantic Coherence for Video-and-Language Inference
* 2021: Consistency Graph Modeling for Semantic Correspondence
* 2021: Decomposable Winograd Method for N-D Convolution Acceleration in Video Analysis, A
* 2021: Deep Network-Based Frame Extrapolation With Reference Frame Alignment
* 2021: Deeply Modulated Scheme for Variable-Rate Video Compression, A
* 2021: DeVLBert: Out-of-distribution Visio-Linguistic Pretraining with Causality
* 2021: Diverse Part Discovery: Occluded Person Re-identification with Part-Aware Transformer
* 2021: Dynamic Attention Guided Multi-Trajectory Analysis for Single Object Tracking
* 2021: Effective Charging Planning Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Electric Vehicles
* 2021: Efficient Cross-Modality Graph Reasoning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Ensemble Learning-Based Rate-Distortion Optimization for End-to-End Image Compression
* 2021: Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations
* 2021: FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks
* 2021: Foreground Activation Maps for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2021: FREE: A Fast and Robust End-to-End Video Text Spotter
* 2021: Graph-Based Multi-Interaction Network for Video Question Answering
* 2021: Grounded, Controllable and Debiased Image Completion with Lexical Semantics
* 2021: Improving GNSS-R Sea Surface Altimetry Precision Based on the Novel Dual Circularly Polarized Phased Array Antenna Model
* 2021: Improving Strawberry Yield Prediction by Integrating Ground-Based Canopy Images in Modeling Approaches
* 2021: Improving the iGNSS-R Ocean Altimetric Precision Based on the Coherent Integration Time Optimization Model
* 2021: Interaction-Integrated Network for Natural Language Moment Localization
* 2021: Knowledge Distillation from End-To-End Image Compression to VVC Intra Coding for Perceptual Quality Enhancement
* 2021: Learning to Anticipate Egocentric Actions by Imagination
* 2021: Lesion-Aware Transformers for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
* 2021: LLM: Learning Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Low-Rank Local Matching
* 2021: Local Correspondence Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Sentence Grounding
* 2021: Multi-Scale Structure-Aware Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* 2021: Multimodal Local-Global Attention Network for Affective Video Content Analysis
* 2021: Multiset Feature Learning for Highly Imbalanced Data Classification
* 2021: Multitemporal Water Extraction of Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake Based on an Automatic Water Extraction and Dynamic Monitoring Framework
* 2021: NDN-MMRA: Multi-Stage Multicast Rate Adaptation in Named Data Networking WLAN
* 2021: On Feature Normalization and Data Augmentation
* 2021: On-Board Real-Time Ship Detection in HISEA-1 SAR Images Based on CFAR and Lightweight Deep Learning
* 2021: Optimal Storage Allocation for Delay Sensitivity Data in Electric Vehicle Network
* 2021: Paddy Rice Mapping in Thailand Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 Data and Deep Learning Model
* 2021: Pattern Recognition of Complex Distributed Ditches
* 2021: QoS-Aware Multicast for Scalable Video Streaming in Software-Defined Networks
* 2021: ResKD: Residual-Guided Knowledge Distillation
* 2021: Scalability vs. Utility: Do We Have to Sacrifice One for the Other in Data Importance Quantification?
* 2021: Semantic Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Modal Hashing
* 2021: Semi-supervised Active Learning for Semi-supervised Models: Exploit Adversarial Examples with Graph-based Virtual Labels
* 2021: Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for multi-spectral face recognition
* 2021: SSSIC: Semantics-to-Signal Scalable Image Coding With Learned Structural Representations
* 2021: Successive Graph Convolutional Network for Image De-raining
* 2021: Task-aware Part Mining Network for Few-Shot Learning
* 2021: Towards More Flexible and Accurate Object Tracking with Natural Language: Algorithms and Benchmark
* 2021: Training Robust Object Detectors From Noisy Category Labels and Imprecise Bounding Boxes
* 2021: Uncertainty Guided Collaborative Training for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Detection
* 2021: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Via Global-Level and Patch-Level Discriminative Feature Learning
* 2021: Visual Scanpath Prediction Using IOR-ROI Recurrent Mixture Density Network
* 2021: Weakly Supervised Neuron Reconstruction From Optical Microscopy Images With Morphological Priors
* 2022: Adversarial Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2022: Affective Video Content Analysis via Multimodal Deep Quality Embedding Network
* 2022: Application of Multi-Source Data for Mapping Plantation Based on Random Forest Algorithm in North China
* 2022: AVLSM: Adaptive Variational Level Set Model for Image Segmentation in the Presence of Severe Intensity Inhomogeneity and High Noise
* 2022: Background Activation Suppression for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2022: Backpressure-Based Distributed Dynamic Route Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles
* 2022: BDU-net: Toward accurate segmentation of dental image using border guidance and feature map distortion
* 2022: Behavior2vector: Embedding Users' Personalized Travel Behavior to Vector
* 2022: Boosting RGB-D Saliency Detection by Leveraging Unlabeled RGB Images
* 2022: Built-Up Area Extraction from GF-3 SAR Data Based on a Dual-Attention Transformer Model
* 2022: Cattle behavior recognition based on feature fusion under a dual attention mechanism
* 2022: Compositional Temporal Grounding with Structured Variational Cross-Graph Correspondence Learning
* 2022: Context-Aware Visual Policy Network for Fine-Grained Image Captioning
* 2022: Cross-Modality Transformer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Cross-Resolution Distillation for Efficient 3D Medical Image Registration
* 2022: Deep Guided Context-aware Network for Anomaly Detection in Musculoskeletal Radiographs
* 2022: Deep-PCAC: An End-to-End Deep Lossy Compression Framework for Point Cloud Attributes
* 2022: DF-GAN: A Simple and Effective Baseline for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* 2022: Disentangled Sequential Autoencoder with Local Consistency for Infectious Keratitis Diagnosis
* 2022: Diverse Complementary Part Mining for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2022: End-to-End Optimized 360° Image Compression
* 2022: End-to-End Optimized Versatile Image Compression With Wavelet-Like Transform
* 2022: Estimation of Winter Wheat Tiller Number Based on Optimization of Gradient Vegetation Characteristics
* 2022: Extraction of Photovoltaic Plants Using Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study of the Pilot Energy City of Golmud, China
* 2022: Improving the SSH Retrieval Precision of Spaceborne GNSS-R Based on a New Grid Search Multihidden Layer Neural Network Feature Optimization Method
* 2022: Individual Tree Segmentation and Tree Height Estimation Using Leaf-Off and Leaf-On UAV-LiDAR Data in Dense Deciduous Forests
* 2022: Iterative Seeded Region Growing for Brain Tissue Segmentation
* 2022: JSPNet: Learning joint semantic and instance segmentation of point clouds via feature self-similarity and cross-task probability
* 2022: LensCast: Robust Wireless Video Transmission Over MmWave MIMO With Lens Antenna Array
* 2022: Local-Global Graph Pooling via Mutual Information Maximization for Video-Paragraph Retrieval
* 2022: Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection
* 2022: Motion-modulated Temporal Fragment Alignment Network For Few-Shot Action Recognition
* 2022: MSL-Net: An Efficient Network for Building Extraction from Aerial Imagery
* 2022: Multi-grained Spatio-Temporal Features Perceived Network for Event-based Lip-Reading
* 2022: Multiscale and Multitask Deep Learning Framework for Automatic Building Extraction, A
* 2022: OakInk: A Large-scale Knowledge Repository for Understanding Hand-Object Interaction
* 2022: Progressive Training Enabled Fine-Grained Recognition
* 2022: Resource-Efficient Pipelined Architecture for Real-Time Semi-Global Stereo Matching, A
* 2022: RiFeGAN2: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From Constrained Prior Knowledge
* 2022: SecretGen: Privacy Recovery on Pre-trained Models via Distribution Discrimination
* 2022: Secure and Efficient Blockchain-Based Knowledge Sharing for Intelligent Connected Vehicles
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Neuron Segmentation via Reinforced Consistency Learning
* 2022: Simulator Attack+ for Black-Box Adversarial Attack
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Urban Thermal Environment Effect and Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Generative Adversarial Network-Based Dynamic Texture Synthesis for Surveillance Video Coding
* 2022: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation Tapping Into Compressed-Domain Knowledge
* 2022: TDPN: Texture and Detail-Preserving Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Towards Predicting the Measurement Noise Covariance with a Transformer and Residual Denoising Autoencoder for GNSS/INS Tightly-Coupled Integrated Navigation
* 2022: Two-Step Fast Mode Decision for Intra Coding of Screen Content
* 2022: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification With Modality-Specific Memory Network
* 2022: Water Surface Mapping from Sentinel-1 Imagery Based on Attention-UNet3+: A Case Study of Poyang Lake Region
* 2022: Wnet: Audio-Guided Video Object Segmentation via Wavelet-Based Cross- Modal Denoising Networks
* 2023: Active Service Recommendation Model for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Information Using Fusion of Attention and Multi-Perspective, An
* 2023: Adaptive Part Mining for Robust Visual Tracking
* 2023: Adaptive Spot-Guided Transformer for Consistent Local Feature Matching
* 2023: AFL-Net: Attentional Feature Learning Network for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Alignment Before Aggregation: Trajectory Memory Retrieval Network for Video Object Segmentation
* 2023: All-Solid-State Narrowband Lidar Developed by Optical Parametric Oscillator/Amplifier (OPO/OPA) Technology for Simultaneous Detection of the Ca and Ca+ Layers, The
* 2023: ANetQA: A Large-scale Benchmark for Fine-grained Compositional Reasoning over Untrimmed Videos
* 2023: Boosting 3-DoF Ground-to-Satellite Camera Localization Accuracy via Geometry-Guided Cross-View Transformer
* 2023: CA-UNet: Convolution and attention fusion for lung nodule segmentation
* 2023: Camouflaged Instance Segmentation via Explicit De-Camouflaging
* 2023: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Soil Total Nitrogen Content Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and Sentinel-2 Images
* 2023: Construction and Analysis of the EMC Evaluation Model for Vehicular Communication Systems Based on Digital Maps
* 2023: Continual Image Deraining With Hypergraph Convolutional Networks
* 2023: cuRL: A Generic Framework for Bi-Criteria Optimum Path-Finding Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: D2Former: Jointly Learning Hierarchical Detectors and Contextual Descriptors via Agent-Based Transformers
* 2023: Domain-Specific Bias Filtering for Single Labeled Domain Generalization
* 2023: Duality-Induced Regularizer for Semantic Matching Knowledge Graph Embeddings
* 2023: DualRel: Semi-Supervised Mitochondria Segmentation from A Prototype Perspective
* 2023: Efficient and Physically Secure Privacy-Preserving Key-Agreement Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network, An
* 2023: Extended Polar Format Algorithm (EPFA) for High-Resolution Highly Squinted SAR
* 2023: GET: Group Event Transformer for Event-Based Vision
* 2023: HIPA: Hierarchical Patch Transformer for Single Image Super Resolution
* 2023: Image De-Raining Transformer
* 2023: Implementation Method of Automotive Video SAR (ViSAR) Based on Sub-Aperture Spectrum Fusion
* 2023: InDecGAN: Learning to Generate Complex Images From Captions via Independent Object-Level Decomposition and Enhancement
* 2023: Information Fusion for Spaceborne GNSS-R Sea Surface Height Retrieval Using Modified Residual Multimodal Deep Learning Method
* 2023: JDSR-GAN: Constructing an Efficient Joint Learning Network for Masked Face Super-Resolution
* 2023: Joint Task Offloading and Resource Allocation for Vehicular Edge Computing Based on V2I and V2V Modes
* 2023: Language-Based Image Manipulation Built on Language-Guided Ranking
* 2023: Learning Cross-Representation Affinity Consistency for Sparsely Supervised Biomedical Instance Segmentation
* 2023: Lightweight and Efficient Infrared Pedestrian Semantic Segmentation Method, A
* 2023: Locality Preserving Property Constrained Contrastive Learning for Object Classification in SAR Imagery
* 2023: Method for Intelligent Road Network Selection Based on Graph Neural Network, A
* 2023: MFGNet: Dynamic Modality-Aware Filter Generation for RGB-T Tracking
* 2023: Modeling Spatial-Temporal Constraints and Spatial-Transfer Patterns for Couriers' Package Pick-up Route Prediction
* 2023: New Framework of Swarm Learning Consolidating Knowledge From Multi-Center Non-IID Data for Medical Image Segmentation, A
* 2023: Occluded Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2023: Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC Intra-Frame Coding
* 2023: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
* 2023: Recent Trends in Task and Motion Planning for Robotics: A Survey
* 2023: Rectified Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks for Perceptual Image Restoration
* 2023: Self-Distilled Hierarchical Network for Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration
* 2023: Semi-supervised cross-modal hashing via modality-specific and cross-modal graph convolutional networks
* 2023: SIVED: A SAR Image Dataset for Vehicle Detection Based on Rotatable Bounding Box
* 2023: Source-free and black-box domain adaptation via distributionally adversarial training
* 2023: Structure-Fusion Network for Medical Image Classification, A
* 2023: SUES-200: A Multi-Height Multi-Scene Cross-View Image Benchmark Across Drone and Satellite
* 2023: Survey on Video Action Recognition in Sports: Datasets, Methods and Applications, A
* 2023: Task-Aware Weakly Supervised Object Localization With Transformer
* 2023: Tempo-Spatial Landslide Susceptibility Assessment from the Perspective of Human Engineering Activity
* 2023: Tempo-Spatial Landslide Susceptibility Assessment from the Perspective of Human Engineering Activity
* 2023: Towards Task-Generic Image Compression: A Study of Semantics-Oriented Metrics
* 2023: U-Turn: Crafting Adversarial Queries with Opposite-Direction Features
* 2023: Uncertainty Guided Collaborative Training for Weakly Supervised and Unsupervised Temporal Action Localization
* 2023: Uncertainty-aware iterative learning for noisy-labeled medical image segmentation
* 2023: Unsupervised Underexposed Image Enhancement via Self-Illuminated and Perceptual Guidance
* 2023: Variational Cross-Graph Reasoning and Adaptive Structured Semantics Learning for Compositional Temporal Grounding
* 2023: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Cross-Modality Interaction Transformer
* 2023: WINNER: Weakly-supervised hIerarchical decompositioN and aligNment for spatio-tEmporal video gRounding
* 2024: Background Activation Suppression for Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Semantic Segmentation
* 2024: Correlation-aware active learning for surgery video segmentation
* 2024: DDOD: Dive Deeper into the Disentanglement of Object Detector
* 2024: Decoupled Cross-Modal Phrase-Attention Network for Image-Sentence Matching
* 2024: EI-MVSNet: Epipolar-Guided Multi-View Stereo Network With Interval-Aware Label
* 2024: Enhancing Adversarial Learning-Based Change Detection in Imbalanced Datasets Using Artificial Image Generation and Attention Mechanism
* 2024: High-low level task combination for object detection in foggy weather conditions
* 2024: Investigation of Light-Scattering Properties of Non-Spherical Sea Salt Aerosol Particles at Varying Levels of Relative Humidity
* 2024: Learning to Coordinate Traffic Signals With Adaptive Network Partition
* 2024: MFECLIP: CLIP With Mapping-Fusion Embedding for Text-Guided Image Editing
* 2024: MgSvF: Multi-Grained Slow versus Fast Framework for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* 2024: MS-RadarFormer: A Transformer-Based Multi-Scale Deep Learning Model for Radar Echo Extrapolation, The
* 2024: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network with Symmetric Attention for Land Cover Classification Using SAR and Optical Images
* 2024: Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2024: Optimizing the Deployment of Ground Tracking Stations for Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations Based on Evolutionary Algorithms
* 2024: Prototype-Augmented Self-Supervised Generative Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* 2024: Regional Aerosol Model for the Oceanic Area around Eastern China Based on Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), A
* 2024: Spatial and Temporal Variation Patterns of NO 5.3 µm Infrared Radiation during Two Consecutive Auroral Disturbances
* 2024: Two-stage feature distribution rectification for few-shot point cloud semantic segmentation
* 2024: VisEvent: Reliable Object Tracking via Collaboration of Frame and Event Flows
Includes: Wu, F.[Feng] Wu, F. Wu, F.[Fei] Wu, F.[Fan] Wu, F.[Fang] Wu, F.[Fuke] Wu, F.[Fa] Wu, F.[Fuxiang] Wu, F.[Felix] Wu, F.[Fuli] Wu, F.[Fanyou] Wu, F.[Fayun] Wu, F.[Fubin] Wu, F.[Fenghua] Wu, F.[Fulin] Wu, F.[Fuen] Wu, F.[Fuping] Wu, F.[Fayou] Wu, F.[Falin] Wu, F.[Fangli] Wu, F.[Fanlu]
546 for Wu, F.

Wu, F.C.[Fu Chao] * 2002: new approach to solving Kruppa equations for camera self-calibration, A
* 2002: Note on the Number of Solutions of the Noncoplanar P4P Problem, A
* 2003: Identifying painters from color profiles of skin patches in painting images
* 2003: impossibility of affine reconstruction from perspective image pairs obtained by a translating camera with varying parameters, The
* 2003: Method of image processing using three facial feature points in three-dimensional head motion tracking
* 2004: Camera Calibration from the Quasi-affine Invariance of Two Parallel Circles
* 2004: Implementation and Experimental Study on Fast Object Modeling Based on Multiple Structured Stripes
* 2005: 8-Point Algorithm Revisited: Factorized 8-Point Algorithm
* 2005: Camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from a single view based on scene constraints
* 2005: Camera calibration with moving one-dimensional objects
* 2005: Single view metrology from scene constraints
* 2006: Affine Invariant of Parallelograms and Its Application to Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction, An
* 2006: Behavior Modeling and Recognition Based on Space-Time Image Features
* 2006: Coplanar circles, quasi-affine invariance and calibration
* 2006: Euclidean reconstruction of a circular truncated cone only from its uncalibrated contours
* 2006: LLE and a linear mapping, The
* 2007: FOE estimation: Can image measurement errors be totally corrected by the geometric method?
* 2007: MAPACo-Training: A Novel Online Learning Algorithm of Behavior Models
* 2007: Multi-Camera Calibration with One-Dimensional Object under General Motions
* 2007: note on the convergence of the mean shift, A
* 2008: factorization algorithm for trifocal tensor estimation, A
* 2008: Harris feature vector descriptor (HFVD)
* 2008: new linear algorithm for calibrating central catadioptric cameras, A
* 2008: Pose determination and plane measurement using a trapezium
* 2008: Visual metrology with uncalibrated radial distorted images
* 2009: Cayley Transformation and Numerical Stability of Calibration Equation
* 2009: Easy Technique for Fisheye Camera Calibration, An
* 2009: Image Content Based Curve Matching Using HMCD Descriptor
* 2009: MSLD: A robust descriptor for line matching
* 2010: Feature vector field and feature matching
* 2010: Line matching leveraged by point correspondences
* 2011: Aggregating gradient distributions into intensity orders: A novel local image descriptor
* 2011: Calibration of central catadioptric camera with one-dimensional object undertaking general motions
* 2011: Efficient Suboptimal Solutions to the Optimal Triangulation
* 2011: Local Intensity Order Pattern for feature description
* 2011: Towards reliable matching of images containing repetitive patterns
* 2012: Calibrating effective focal length for central catadioptric cameras using one space line
* 2012: Robust line matching through line-point invariants
* 2012: Rotationally Invariant Descriptors Using Intensity Order Pooling
* 2012: Self-calibration of hybrid central catadioptric and perspective cameras
* 2013: FRIF: Fast Robust Invariant Feature
* 2013: Self-Calibration Under the Cayley Framework
* 2014: Affine Subspace Representation for Feature Description
* 2014: Euclidean upgrading from segment lengths: DLT-like algorithm and its variants
* 2015: Beyond Mahalanobis metric: Cayley-Klein metric learning
* 2015: Exploring Prior Knowledge for Pedestrian Detection
* 2015: Fast and Robust Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation
* 2016: Exploring Local and Overall Ordinal Information for Robust Feature Description
* 2016: Triangulation and metric of lines based on geometric error
* 2017: L2-Net: Deep Learning of Discriminative Patch Descriptor in Euclidean Space
* 2019: SOSNet: Second Order Similarity Regularization for Local Descriptor Learning
* 2022: Learning Semantic-Aware Local Features for Long Term Visual Localization
* 2023: Seeing Through Darkness: Visual Localization at Night via Weakly Supervised Learning of Domain Invariant Features
Includes: Wu, F.C.[Fu Chao] Wu, F.C.[Fu-Chao] Wu, F.C. Wu, F.C.[Fang-Cheng] Wu, F.C.[Fu-Che]
53 for Wu, F.C.

Wu, F.D.[Fan Ding] * 2022: EFINet: Restoration for Low-Light Images via Enhancement-Fusion Iterative Network
Includes: Wu, F.D.[Fan Ding] Wu, F.D.[Fan-Ding]

Wu, F.F.[Fang Fang] * 2010: image segmentation method based on Type-2 fuzzy Gaussian Mixture Models, An
* 2015: Segmenting tree crowns from terrestrial and mobile LiDAR data by exploring ecological theories
* 2018: Lightweight Deep Residue Learning for Joint Color Image Demosaicking and Denoising
* 2019: Denoising Prior Driven Deep Neural Network for Image Restoration
* 2021: Lidar sheds new light on plant phenomics for plant breeding and management: Recent advances and future prospects
* 2021: Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Multi-camera traffic scene mosaic based on camera calibration
* 2021: Robust subspace clustering network with dual-domain regularization
* 2021: Sea Surface Salinity Estimation and Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity Analysis in the Gulf of Mexico
* 2023: Deep Unfolding Network for Efficient Mixed Video Noise Removal
* 2023: FedCL: Federated contrastive learning for multi-center medical image classification
* 2023: Low-Light Image Enhancement with Multi-stage Residue Quantization and Brightness-aware Attention
* 2023: Memory Based Temporal Fusion Network for Video Deblurring
* 2023: Self-supervised Non-uniform Kernel Estimation with Flow-based Motion Prior for Blind Image Deblurring
* 2023: Spatially Varying Prior Learning for Blind Hyperspectral Image Fusion
Includes: Wu, F.F.[Fang Fang] Wu, F.F.[Fang-Fang] Wu, F.F. Wu, F.F.[Fei-Fan] Wu, F.F.[Feng-Feng]
15 for Wu, F.F.

Wu, F.G.[Feng Ge] * 2018: Context-Aware and Depthwise-based Detection on Orbit for Remote Sensing Image
* 2022: Learning to Generate High-Quality Images for Homography Estimation
* 2023: GSGAN: Learning controllable geospatial images generation
Includes: Wu, F.G.[Feng Ge] Wu, F.G.[Feng-Ge]

Wu, F.H.[Fu Heng] * 2018: Enhancing multi-factor cheating prevention in visual cryptography based minimum (k, n)-connected graph
Includes: Wu, F.H.[Fu Heng] Wu, F.H.[Fu-Heng]

Wu, F.L.[Fan Lu] * 2016: Panoramic Mosaics from Chang'E-3 PCAM Images at Point A
* 2019: Mitigation of Ionospheric Scintillation Effects on GNSS Signals with VMD-MFDFA
* 2021: Improved Oriented Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on a Three-Point Regression Method
* 2022: Tracking Small and Fast Moving Objects: A Benchmark
Includes: Wu, F.L.[Fan Lu] Wu, F.L.[Fan-Lu] Wu, F.L.[Fa-Lin] Wu, F.L.[Fu-Liang]

Wu, F.M.[Fang Ming] * 2021: Land Use and Land Cover Mapping Using RapidEye Imagery Based on a Novel Band Attention Deep Learning Method in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Includes: Wu, F.M.[Fang Ming] Wu, F.M.[Fang-Ming]

Wu, F.P.[Fu Ping] * 2021: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation With Variational Approximation for Cardiac Segmentation
* 2023: Minimizing Estimated Risks on Unlabeled Data: A New Formulation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
Includes: Wu, F.P.[Fu Ping] Wu, F.P.[Fu-Ping]

Wu, F.Q.[Fa Quan] * 2017: Recognition and Geological Model of a Deep-Seated Ancient Landslide at a Reservoir under Construction, A
* 2021: In-Situ Block Characterization of Jointed Rock Exposures Based on a 3D Point Cloud Model
* 2023: Spatial Pattern and Drivers of China's Public Cultural Facilities between 2012 and 2020 Based on POI and Statistical Data
Includes: Wu, F.Q.[Fa Quan] Wu, F.Q.[Fa-Quan] Wu, F.Q.[Feng-Qi]

Wu, F.R.[Fang Rui] * 2021: RLStereo: Real-Time Stereo Matching Based on Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Wu, F.R.[Fang Rui] Wu, F.R.[Fang-Rui]

Wu, F.W.[Fang Wen] * 2024: Masked Collaborative Contrast for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Wu, F.W.[Fang Wen] Wu, F.W.[Fang-Wen]

Wu, F.X.[Fu Xiang] * 2022: Image Hallucination From Attribute Pairs
* 2022: Multi-scale GAN with residual image learning for removing heterogeneous blur
* 2022: Text-to-Image Synthesis based on Object-Guided Joint-Decoding Transformer
* 2023: Class-Aware Patch Embedding Adaptation for Few-Shot Image Classification
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* 2024: OIF-Net: An Optical Flow Registration-Based PET/MR Cross-Modal Interactive Fusion Network for Low-Count Brain PET Image Denoising
Includes: Wu, F.X.[Fu Xiang] Wu, F.X.[Fu-Xiang] Wu, F.X.[Fang-Xiang]

Wu, F.Y. * 1992: Algorithms for a Fast Confocal Optical Inspection System
* 1993: Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection
* 1994: Machine Vision Applications in Industrial Inspection II
* 1997: Automatic Defect Classification for Semiconductor Manufacturing
* 2019: Anomaly Detection for Hyperspectral Imagery Based on the Regularized Subspace Method and Collaborative Representation
* 2019: Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Image with Nonlocal Low-Rank Prior
* 2019: Vehicle re-identification in still images: Application of semi-supervised learning and re-ranking
* 2020: Attentive Prototype Few-shot Learning with Capsule Network-based Embedding
* 2020: Estimating Forest Stock Volume in Hunan Province, China, by Integrating In Situ Plot Data, Sentinel-2 Images, and Linear and Machine Learning Regression Models
* 2020: Novel Framework to Automatically Fuse Multiplatform LiDAR Data in Forest Environments Based on Tree Locations, A
* 2021: I2UV-HandNet: Image-to-UV Prediction Network for Accurate and High-fidelity 3D Hand Mesh Modeling
* 2021: Pose-robust Face Recognition by Deep Meta Capsule network-based Equivariant Embedding
* 2022: Dual-Branch Remote Sensing Spatiotemporal Fusion Network Based on Selection Kernel Mechanism
* 2022: Hadamard-Viterbi Joint Soft Decoding for MFSK Underwater Acoustic Communications
* 2023: Fine-grained Image-Text Matching by Cross-modal Hard Aligning Network
* 2023: Markov random field based method for removing invalid unwrapping phase points in 3D reconstruction, A
* 2024: Channel Estimation for Underwater Acoustic Communications in Impulsive Noise Environments: A Sparse, Robust, and Efficient Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers-Based Approach
* 2024: RPCANet: Deep Unfolding RPCA Based Infrared Small Target Detection
Includes: Wu, F.Y. Wu, F.Y.[Fu-Yu] Wu, F.Y.[Fei-Yang] Wu, F.Y.[Fang-Yu] Wu, F.Y.[Fa-Yun] Wu, F.Y.[Fang-Yin] Wu, F.Y.[Feng-Yan] Wu, F.Y.[Fei-Yun] Wu, F.Y.[Feng-Yuan] Wu, F.Y.[Feng-Yi]
18 for Wu, F.Y.

Wu, F.Z.[Fu Zhang] * 2016: Feature-aware natural texture synthesis
* 2016: Model-based face reconstruction using SIFT flow registration and spherical harmonics
* 2019: Cascaded regression using landmark displacement for 3D face reconstruction
* 2019: MVF-Net: Multi-View 3D Face Morphable Model Regression
* 2020: Self-Supervised Learning of Detailed 3D Face Reconstruction
* 2022: FedX: Unsupervised Federated Learning with Cross Knowledge Distillation
* 2023: Towards Attack-tolerant Federated Learning via Critical Parameter Analysis
* 2024: Spatial-Enhanced Multi-Level Wavelet Patching in Vision Transformers
Includes: Wu, F.Z.[Fu Zhang] Wu, F.Z.[Fu-Zhang] Wu, F.Z.[Fan-Zi] Wu, F.Z.[Fang-Zhao] Wu, F.Z.[Fu-Zhi]
8 for Wu, F.Z.

Wu, G.[Gang] * 1988: X-ray image processing using fuzzy technology
* 2003: CBSA: content-based soft annotation for multimodal image retrieval using bayes point machines
* 2003: Explicit Index for Assessing the Accuracy of Cover-Class Areas, An
* 2003: Invariant feature extraction and biased statistical inference for video surveillance
* 2003: Statistical learning for effective visual information retrieval
* 2004: land use classification method based on region and edge information fusion, A
* 2005: Band-Weighted Landuse Classification Method for Multispectral Images, A
* 2006: Identifying Color in Motion in Video Sensors
* 2006: Quality-Aware Images
* 2007: Shape Detection Method Based on the Radial Symmetry Nature and Direction-Discriminated Voting, A
* 2009: QX-LMS Adaptive FIR Filters For System Identification
* 2010: Natural Visible and Infrared Facial Expression Database for Expression Recognition and Emotion Inference, A
* 2013: representation of time series based on implicit polynomial curve, A
* 2014: Development and Evaluation of an Intelligent Energy-Management Strategy for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* 2015: Inexact and incremental bilinear Lanczos components algorithms for high dimensionality reduction and image reconstruction
* 2015: new Chebyshev polynomials descriptor applicable to open curves, A
* 2016: Consistent Spatial-Temporal Longitudinal Atlas Construction for Developing Infant Brains
* 2016: Coordinated Planning of Heterogeneous Earth Observation Resources
* 2016: Novel Fractional Implicit Polynomial Approach for Stable Representation of Complex Shapes, A
* 2016: Power-Based Optimal Longitudinal Control for a Connected Eco-Driving System
* 2016: Robust Fingertip Detection in a Complex Environment
* 2016: Scalable Vision System for Mouse Homecage Ethology
* 2017: Development and Evaluation of an Evolutionary Algorithm-Based OnLine Energy Management System for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
* 2017: Exploiting superpixel and hybrid hash for kernel-based visual tracking
* 2017: FCN-rLSTM: Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Vehicle Counting in City Cameras
* 2017: Inexact implementation using Krylov subspace methods for large scale exponential discriminant analysis with applications to high dimensionality reduction problems
* 2017: Modeling and Partitioning of Regional Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Driven Water-Carbon Coupling Model
* 2017: Understanding Traffic Density from Large-Scale Web Camera Data
* 2017: Vision-Based Fingertip Tracking Utilizing Curvature Points Clustering and Hash Model Representation
* 2018: Connected Cooperative Ecodriving System Considering Human Driver Error
* 2018: Privileged Multi-Target Support Vector Regression
* 2018: Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Correction
* 2019: Connected Vehicle-Based Lane Selection Assistance Application
* 2019: Dynamic Hyper-Graph Inference Framework for Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases
* 2019: Eco-Approach and Departure (EAD) Application for Actuated Signals in Real-World Traffic
* 2019: Endless Fluctuations: Temporal Dynamics of the Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations
* 2019: Person Re-Identification by Ranking Ensemble Representations
* 2019: PRED: A Parallel Network for Handling Multiple Degradations via Single Model in Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Prediction-Based Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections With Speed Forecasting on Preceding Vehicles
* 2019: Shape description and recognition by implicit Chebyshev moments
* 2019: Unsupervised Deep Video Hashing via Balanced Code for Large-Scale Video Retrieval
* 2020: Assessment of Freeze-Thaw Hazards and Water Features along the China-Russia Crude Oil Pipeline in Permafrost Regions
* 2020: Context R-CNN: Long Term Temporal Context for Per-Camera Object Detection
* 2020: Cooperative Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersections in a Partially Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* 2020: Cooperative Eco-Driving at Signalized Intersections in a Partially Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* 2020: Fast and incremental algorithms for exponential semi-supervised discriminant embedding
* 2020: Performance of TRMM Product in Quantifying Frequency and Intensity of Precipitation during Daytime and Nighttime across China
* 2021: Boosting Single Image Super-Resolution Learnt From Implicit Multi-Image Prior
* 2021: Collaborative Optimization and Aggregation for Decentralized Domain Generalization and Adaptation
* 2021: Combined Depth Space based Architecture Search For Person Re-identification
* 2021: HighlightMe: Detecting Highlights from Human-Centric Videos
* 2021: LocalTrans: A Multiscale Local Transformer Network for Cross-Resolution Homography Estimation
* 2021: SMSIR: Spherical Measure Based Spherical Image Representation
* 2021: Spatial-Temporal Attention Approach for Traffic Prediction, A
* 2021: Striking a Balance between Stability and Plasticity for Class-Incremental Learning
* 2022: Auto Arborist Dataset: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Multiview Urban Forest Monitoring Under Domain Shift, The
* 2022: Comparison of the Potential Impact to the Prediction of Typhoons of Various Microwave Sounders Onboard a Geostationary Satellite
* 2022: Cooperative Caching Scheme for VCCN With Mobility Prediction and Consistent Hashing, A
* 2022: Deep Learning on Traffic Prediction: Methods, Analysis, and Future Directions
* 2022: Distributed Offloading for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Under Heterogeneous Networks
* 2022: Earthquake-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using a Novel Model Based on Gradient Boosting Machine Learning and Class Balancing Methods
* 2022: Fast algorithms for incremental and decremental semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* 2022: GLaMa: Joint Spatial and Frequency Loss for General Image Inpainting
* 2022: IntentVizor: Towards Generic Query Guided Interactive Video Summarization
* 2022: Learning hybrid ranking representation for person re-identification
* 2022: Learning Unbiased Transferability for Domain Adaptation by Uncertainty Modeling
* 2022: LiTMNet: A deep CNN for efficient HDR image reconstruction from a single LDR image
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Image Inpainting Challenge: Report
* 2022: Robust Space-Time Joint Sparse Processing Method with Airborne Active Array for Severely Inhomogeneous Clutter Suppression
* 2023: Bibliometric Analysis of the Permafrost Research: Developments, Impacts, and Trends
* 2023: Distribution and Degradation Processes of Isolated Permafrost near Buried Oil Pipelines by Means of Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Ground Temperature Monitoring: A Case Study of Da Xing'anling Mountains, Northeast China
* 2023: Document Binarization with Multi-Branch Gated Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2023: Focal Distillation From High-Resolution Data to Low-Resolution Data for 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Improved Gravity Inversion Method Based on Deep Learning with Physical Constraint and Its Application to the Airborne Gravity Data in East Antarctica
* 2023: Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Assessment of Ecological Environment Quality and Its Driving Factors in Watersheds: A Case Study of Huashan Creek Watershed in China
* 2023: MV-DeepSDF: Implicit Modeling with Multi-Sweep Point Clouds for 3D Vehicle Reconstruction in Autonomous Driving
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Preliminary Study on InSAR-Based Uplift or Subsidence Monitoring and Stability Evaluation of Ground Surface in the Permafrost Zone of the Qinghai-Tibet Engineering Corridor, China
* 2023: PSLT: A Light-Weight Vision Transformer With Ladder Self-Attention and Progressive Shift
* 2023: Research on the Characteristics of Thermosyphon Embankment Damage and Permafrost Distribution Based on Ground-Penetrating Radar: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway
* 2023: Significant Disparity in Spatiotemporal Changes of Terrestrial Evapotranspiration across Reanalysis Datasets in China from 1982 to 2020
* 2023: simple and effective patch-Based method for frame-level face anti-spoofing, A
* 2023: Towards Universal LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection by Multi-Domain Knowledge Transfer
* 2023: TripLe: Revisiting Pretrained Model Reuse and Progressive Learning for Efficient Vision Transformer Scaling and Searching
* 2024: Feature fusion over hyperbolic graph convolution networks for video summarisation
* 2024: Federated Learning Enabled Credit Priority Task Processing for Transportation Big Data
* 2024: GDB: Gated Convolutions-based Document Binarization
* 2024: Sensitivities of Vegetation Gross Primary Production to Precipitation Frequency in the Northern Hemisphere from 1982 to 2015
Includes: Wu, G.[Gang] Wu, G. Wu, G.[Guichu] Wu, G.[Guanhang] Wu, G.[Guile] Wu, G.[Genan] Wu, G.[Guocan] Wu, G.[Gaojie] Wu, G.[Gaochang] Wu, G.[Genze] Wu, G.[Guangwei] Wu, G.[Guowei] Wu, G.[Guangfu] Wu, G.[Guang] Wu, G.[Guande] Wu, G.[Guotao] Wu, G.[Guangen] Wu, G.[Guibin] Wu, G.[Guanhao] Wu, G.[Guochao] Wu, G.[Guirong] Wu, G.[GuangLi] Wu, G.[Guangjun]
88 for Wu, G.

Wu, G.B.[Guo Bing] * 2013: Analyses of a Multimodal Spontaneous Facial Expression Database
* 2017: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Robust Deep Logistic Regression
Includes: Wu, G.B.[Guo Bing] Wu, G.B.[Guo-Bing] Wu, G.B.[Guang-Bin]

Wu, G.C.[Gao Chang] * 2017: Light Field Reconstruction Using Deep Convolutional Network on EPI
* 2019: Learning Sheared EPI Structure for Light Field Reconstruction
* 2019: Light Field Reconstruction Using Convolutional Network on EPI and Extended Applications
* 2021: Cross-MPI: Cross-scale Stereo for Image Super-Resolution using Multiplane Images
* 2021: Spatial-Angular Attention Network for Light Field Reconstruction
* 2022: Revisiting Light Field Rendering With Deep Anti-Aliasing Neural Network
* 2023: Disentangling Light Fields for Super-Resolution and Disparity Estimation
* 2023: LFNAT 2023 Challenge on Light Field Depth Estimation: Methods and Results
* 2023: Tectonic Implications for the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica, from Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Data
Includes: Wu, G.C.[Gao Chang] Wu, G.C.[Gao-Chang] Wu, G.C.[Guo-Chao]
9 for Wu, G.C.

Wu, G.D.[Guang Dong] * 2012: context adaptive predictor of sensor pattern noise for camera source identification, A
* 2017: Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Deep Pixel-Pair Features
Includes: Wu, G.D.[Guang Dong] Wu, G.D.[Guang-Dong] Wu, G.D.[Guo-Dong]

Wu, G.F.[Guo Feng] * 2013: approach for developing Landsat-5 TM-based retrieval models of suspended particulate matter concentration with the assistance of MODIS, An
* 2015: comparison of waveform processing algorithms for single-wavelength LiDAR bathymetry, A
* 2015: Evaluating Different Methods for Grass Nutrient Estimation from Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance
* 2015: Wavelet-Based Area Parameter for Indirectly Estimating Copper Concentration in Carex Leaves from Canopy Reflectance, A
* 2016: Bilevel Scale-Sets Model for Hierarchical Representation of Large Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2016: GIS Study of the Influences of Warm Ocean Eddies on the Intensity Variations of Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea, A
* 2016: Impacts of Building Orientation on Polarimetric Orientation Angle Estimation and Model-Based Decomposition for Multilook Polarimetric SAR Data in Urban Areas, The
* 2016: Mitigation of Reflection Symmetry Assumption and Negative Power Problems for the Model-Based Decomposition
* 2016: Representation of Block-Based Image Features in a Multi-Scale Framework for Built-Up Area Detection
* 2017: Adaptive Two-Component Model-Based Decomposition for Polarimetric SAR Data Without Assumption of Reflection Symmetry
* 2017: Application of Sentinel 2 MSI Images to Retrieve Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations in Poyang Lake
* 2017: Bias Compensation for Rational Polynomial Coefficients of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery by Local Polynomial Modeling
* 2017: Decomposition of LiDAR waveforms by B-spline-based modeling
* 2017: Improving Land Use/Land Cover Classification by Integrating Pixel Unmixing and Decision Tree Methods
* 2017: Improving Spectral Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content through Semi-Supervised Regression
* 2017: Trajectory Data Mining via Cluster Analyses for Tropical Cyclones That Affect the South China Sea
* 2018: Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques in Inferring Phytoplankton Size Classes
* 2018: Comparison of Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Size Classes Using In-Situ Measurements in the South China Sea
* 2019: Continuous Wavelet Analysis of Leaf Reflectance Improves Classification Accuracy of Mangrove Species
* 2019: Detecting Spatiotemporal Features and Rationalities of Urban Expansions within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area of China from 1987 to 2017 Using Time-Series Landsat Images and Socioeconomic Data
* 2019: Determining switching threshold for NIR-SWIR combined atmospheric correction algorithm of ocean color remote sensing
* 2019: Mapping Tidal Flats with Landsat 8 Images and Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of the China's Eastern Coastal Zone circa 2015
* 2020: Exploring Annual Urban Expansions in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area: Spatiotemporal Features and Driving Factors in 1986-2017
* 2020: Exploring Impact of Spatial Unit on Urban Land Use Mapping with Multisource Data
* 2020: High-Frequency Variations in Pearl River Plume Observed by Soil Moisture Active Passive Sea Surface Salinity
* 2020: Improving Urban Land Cover/Use Mapping by Integrating A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and An Automatic Training Sample Expanding Strategy
* 2020: Robust Motion Control for UAV in Dynamic Uncertain Environments Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2021: Fuor-Step Method for Estimating Suspended Particle Size Based on In Situ Comprehensive Observations in the Pearl River Estuary in China, A
* 2021: Mapping Aquaculture Areas with Multi-Source Spectral and Texture Features: A Case Study in the Pearl River Basin (Guangdong), China
* 2022: Detecting Spatiotemporal Features and Rationalities of Urban Expansions within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area of China from 1987 to 2017 Using Time-Series Landsat Images and Socioeconomic Data
* 2022: Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigorous spatial endmember modeling
* 2022: Logical consistency verification of state sensing in safety-critical decision: A case study of train routing selection
* 2022: Mapping Seasonal Leaf Nutrients of Mangrove with Sentinel-2 Images and XGBoost Method
* 2022: Small Water Body Detection and Water Quality Variations with Changing Human Activity Intensity in Wuhan
* 2022: Stepwise Fusion of Hyperspectral, Multispectral and Panchromatic Images with Spectral Grouping Strategy: A Comparative Study Using GF5 and GF1 Images
* 2022: Variability of Marine Particle Size Distributions and the Correlations with Inherent Optical Properties in the Coastal Waters of the Northern South China Sea
* 2023: Transfer Learning with Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Prediction
* 2024: Lightning Optical Automatic Detection Method Based on a Deep Neural Network, A
* 2024: Ocean Colour Atmospheric Correction for Optically Complex Waters under High Solar Zenith Angles: Facilitating Frequent Diurnal Monitoring and Management
* 2024: Propagation Dynamics from Meteorological Drought to GRACE-Based Hydrological Drought and Its Influencing Factors
Includes: Wu, G.F.[Guo Feng] Wu, G.F.[Guo-Feng] Wu, G.F.[Gao-Feng] Wu, G.F.[Guan-Feng] Wu, G.F.[Guang-Fu]
40 for Wu, G.F.

Wu, G.H.[Gao Hong] * 1999: Wavelet Transform-based Texture Classification with Feature Weighting
* 2020: Measuring Spatial Accessibility of Urban Fire Services Using Historical Fire Incidents in Nanjing, China
* 2021: Iterative Two-Phase Optimization Method Based on Divide and Conquer Framework for Integrated Scheduling of Multiple UAVs, An
* 2021: Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Urban Tourism Travel by Taxi: A Case Study of Shenzhen
* 2021: Two-Phase Coordinated Planning Approach for Heterogeneous Earth-Observation Resources to Monitor Area Targets, A
* 2022: Application of Hyperspectral Image Clustering Based on Texture-Aware Superpixel Technique in Deep Sea, An
* 2022: Autonomous Path Planning Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on a Tangent Intersection and Target Guidance Strategy, An
* 2022: Collaborative Truck-Drone Routing for Contactless Parcel Delivery During the Epidemic
* 2022: Generic Markov Decision Process Model and Reinforcement Learning Method for Scheduling Agile Earth Observation Satellites, A
* 2022: Hybrid Multi-Objective Optimization Approach With Pareto Local Search for Collaborative Truck-Drone Routing Problems Considering Flexible Time Windows
* 2022: Orbital Maneuver Optimization of Earth Observation Satellites Using an Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm
* 2022: TDT: Teaching Detectors to Track without Fully Annotated Videos
* 2023: Logistics in the Sky: A Two-Phase Optimization Approach for the Drone Package Pickup and Delivery System
* 2023: Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm With Adaptive Resource Allocation for Truck-Drone Collaborative Delivery and Pick-Up Services
* 2023: Tangent-Based Path Planning for UAV in a 3-D Low Altitude Urban Environment
* 2024: GBCA: Graph Convolution Network and BERT combined with Co-Attention for fake news detection
Includes: Wu, G.H.[Gao Hong] Wu, G.H.[Gao-Hong] Wu, G.H.[Guo-Hao] Wu, G.H.[Guo-Hua] Wu, G.H.[Guang-Hai] Wu, G.H.[Guan-Hang]
16 for Wu, G.H.

Wu, G.J.[Guang Jun] * 2019: Novel Method of Missing Road Generation in City Blocks Based on Big Mobile Navigation Trajectory Data, A
* 2022: Influence of Climate Change on Forest Fires in Yunnan Province, Southwest China Detected by GRACE Satellites, The
* 2023: Learning Lightweight Neural Networks via Channel-Split Recurrent Convolution
Includes: Wu, G.J.[Guang Jun] Wu, G.J.[Guang-Jun] Wu, G.J.[Gui-Ju] Wu, G.J.[Guo-Jun]

Wu, G.K. * 1999: Image Sequence Processing Using Spatiotemporal Segmentation

Wu, G.L. * 2010: Efficient Spatial-Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm and Hardware Architecture Design for H.264/AVC
* 2011: Algorithm and Architecture Design of Image Inpainting Engine for Video Error Concealment Applications
* 2011: Algorithm and Architecture Design of Perception Engine for Video Coding Applications
* 2011: Automatic Classification of Ultraviolet Aurora Images Based on Texture and Shape Features
* 2012: Combination of SSIM and JND with content-transition classification for image quality assessment
* 2012: Iris recognition using ordinal encoding of Log-Euclidean covariance matrices
* 2012: Region-Based perceptual quality regulable bit allocation and rate control for video coding applications
* 2013: Graph-based semi-supervised learning with multi-modality propagation for large-scale image datasets
* 2013: Perceptual Quality-Regulable Video Coding System With Region-Based Rate Control Scheme
* 2013: Scalable Mobile Video Retrieval with Sparse Projection Learning and Pseudo Label Mining
* 2014: Online image search result grouping with MapReduce-based image clustering and graph construction for large-scale photos
* 2017: Accurate Feature Point Matching Algorithm for Automatic Remote Sensing Image Registration, An
* 2020: Shear-Wave Tomography Using Ocean Ambient Noise with Interference
* 2022: LiDAR-Based Hatch Localization
Includes: Wu, G.L. Wu, G.L.[Guang-Li] Wu, G.L.[Guan-Lin] Wu, G.L.[Guo-Long] Wu, G.L.[Guan-Long] Wu, G.L.[Guo-Li]
14 for Wu, G.L.

Wu, G.M.[Guang Ming] * 2018: Automatic Building Segmentation of Aerial Imagery Using Multi-Constraint Fully Convolutional Networks
* 2018: Boundary Regulated Network for Accurate Roof Segmentation and Outline Extraction, A
* 2019: Aerial imagery for roof segmentation: A large-scale dataset towards automatic mapping of buildings
* 2019: Stacked Fully Convolutional Networks with Feature Alignment Framework for Multi-Label Land-cover Segmentation, A
* 2020: Learn to Extract Building Outline from Misaligned Annotation through Nearest Feature Selector
* 2020: Learn to Recover Visible Color for Video Surveillance in a Day
* 2020: Optimal weighted bilateral filter with dual-range kernel for Gaussian noise removal
* 2021: Retrieval of Boreal Forest Heights Using an Improved Random Volume over Ground (RVoG) Model Based on Repeat-Pass Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: The Case Study of Saihanba, China
* 2022: Potential of Fully Polarized ALOS-2 Data for Estimating Forest Above-Ground Biomass, The
* 2022: TMN: Temporal-guided Multiattention Network for Action Recognition
* 2024: DUIANet: A double layer U-Net image hiding method based on improved Inception module and attention mechanism
Includes: Wu, G.M.[Guang Ming] Wu, G.M.[Guang-Ming] Wu, G.M.[Ge-Ming] Wu, G.M.[Guo-Ming]
11 for Wu, G.M.

Wu, G.N.[Guang Ning] * 2017: Discriminant Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Fast Kernel Sparse and Low-Rank Graph
* 2020: Bi-Directional Attention for Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation in Point Clouds
Includes: Wu, G.N.[Guang Ning] Wu, G.N.[Guang-Ning] Wu, G.N.[Guang-Nan]

Wu, G.P.[Gong Ping] * 2009: Obstacle Recognition and Localization Based on the Monocular Vision for Double Split Transmission Lines Inspection Robot
* 2011: Image feature detection from phase congruency based on two-dimensional Hilbert transform
* 2015: Combining Multispectral Imagery with in situ Topographic Data Reveals Complex Water Level Variation in China's Largest Freshwater Lake
* 2015: Downscaling Surface Water Inundation from Coarse Data to Fine-Scale Resolution: Methodology and Accuracy Assessment
* 2015: Temporal Variability of Uncertainty in Pixel-Wise Soil Moisture: Implications for Satellite Validation
* 2016: Mapping Dynamics of Inundation Patterns of Two Largest River-Connected Lakes in China: A Comparative Study
* 2017: Assessment of the Hydro-Ecological Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam on China's Largest Freshwater Lake
* 2017: Novel Method to Reconstruct Overhead High-Voltage Power Lines Using Cable Inspection Robot LiDAR Data, A
* 2019: Using CYGNSS Data to Monitor China's Flood Inundation during Typhoon and Extreme Precipitation Events in 2017
* 2020: Compositing the Minimum NDVI for Daily Water Surface Mapping
* 2021: Topology-Preserving Simplification Method for 3D Building Models, A
* 2023: Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Coverage in the Sub-Lakes of Poyang Lake Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* 2023: Developing a High-Resolution Seamless Surface Water Extent Time-Series over Lake Victoria by Integrating MODIS and Landsat Data
Includes: Wu, G.P.[Gong Ping] Wu, G.P.[Gong-Ping] Wu, G.P.[Gui-Ping] Wu, G.P.[Guo-Ping]
13 for Wu, G.P.

Wu, G.Q.[Guo Qiang] * 2002: Volume rendering on the Internet
* 2018: Exploration in Mapping Kernel-Based Home Range Models from Remote Sensing Imagery with Conditional Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Sparse Representation-Based Radiomics for the Diagnosis of Brain Tumors
* 2021: Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition with Refined Double-Bounce Orientation Angle and Scattering Model
* 2022: CNN-Based Fast CU Partitioning Algorithm for VVC Intra Coding
* 2022: Orbit Determination for All-Electric GEO Satellites Based on Space-Borne GNSS Measurements
* 2023: ACGAN: Age-compensated makeup transfer based on homologous continuity generative adversarial network model
* 2023: Improved General Polarimetric Model-Based Decomposition for Coherency Matrix
* 2023: Makeup transfer: A review
Includes: Wu, G.Q.[Guo Qiang] Wu, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang] Wu, G.Q.[Guo-Qing]
9 for Wu, G.Q.

Wu, G.R.[Guo Rong] * 2006: Learning-based deformable registration of MR brain images
* 2009: TIMER: Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic Registration
* 2010: ABSORB: Atlas building by Self-Organized Registration and Bundling
* 2010: F-TIMER: Fast Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic Registration
* 2011: Directed Graph Based Image Registration
* 2011: Segmenting Hippocampus from 7.0 Tesla MR Images by Combining Multiple Atlases and Auto-Context Models
* 2012: Dense Deformation Reconstruction via Sparse Coding
* 2012: General Fast Registration Framework by Learning Deformation-Appearance Correlation, A
* 2012: Group Sparsity Constrained Automatic Brain Label Propagation
* 2012: Hierarchical Patch-Based Sparse Representation: A New Approach for Resolution Enhancement of 4D-CT Lung Data
* 2012: Reconstruction of super-resolution lung 4D-CT using patch-based sparse representation
* 2012: Robust Anatomical Correspondence Detection by Graph Matching with Sparsity Constraint
* 2012: Sparse Patch-Based Label Fusion for Multi-Atlas Segmentation
* 2012: Sparse Patch-Guided Deformation Estimation for Improved Image Registration
* 2013: Groupwise Registration via Graph Shrinkage on the Image Manifold
* 2013: Robust Anatomical Correspondence Detection by Hierarchical Sparse Graph Matching
* 2014: Atlas-Guided Multi-channel Forest Learning for Human Brain Labeling
* 2014: Joint Segmentation and Registration for Infant Brain Images
* 2014: Learning of Atlas Forest Hierarchy for Automatic Labeling of MR Brain Images
* 2014: Learning to Rank Atlases for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* 2014: Learning to Rank Atlases for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* 2014: Learning-Based Atlas Selection for Multiple-Atlas Segmentation
* 2014: Novel Multi-Atlas Segmentation by Matrix Completion
* 2014: Sparse Discriminative Feature Selection for Multi-class Alzheimer's Disease Classification
* 2014: Sparsity-Learning-Based Longitudinal MR Image Registration for Early Brain Development
* 2015: Dynamic Tree-Based Large-Deformation Image Registration for Multi-atlas Segmentation
* 2015: Hierarchical Multi-modal Image Registration by Learning Common Feature Representations
* 2015: Identifying Abnormal Network Alterations Common to Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer's Disease Patients Using Functional Connectome Data
* 2015: Multi-view Classification for Identification of Alzheimer's Disease
* 2016: Dual-Layer Groupwise Registration for Consistent Labeling of Longitudinal Brain Images
* 2016: Identifying High Order Brain Connectome Biomarkers via Learning on Hypergraph
* 2016: Joint Discriminative and Representative Feature Selection for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* 2016: Learning Appearance and Shape Evolution for Infant Image Registration in the First Year of Life
* 2017: Brain Atlas Fusion from High-Thickness Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Images by Learning-Based Super-Resolution
* 2017: Robust multi-atlas label propagation by deep sparse representation
* 2019: Semi-Supervised Discriminative Classification Robust to Sample-Outliers and Feature-Noises
* 2021: Learning Common Harmonic Waves on Stiefel Manifold: A New Mathematical Approach for Brain Network Analyses
* 2021: Multi-Band Brain Network Analysis for Functional Neuroimaging Biomarker Identification
* 2022: Group-Wise Hub Identification by Learning Common Graph Embeddings on Grassmannian Manifold
* 2022: Learning Brain Dynamics of Evolving Manifold Functional MRI Data Using Geometric-Attention Neural Network
* 2024: Developing Explainable Deep Model for Discovering Novel Control Mechanism of Neuro-Dynamics
Includes: Wu, G.R.[Guo Rong] Wu, G.R.[Guo-Rong]
41 for Wu, G.R.

Wu, G.S.[Gang Shan] * 2010: Automatic image retargeting evaluation based on user perception
* 2010: Rapid image retargeting based on curve-edge grid representation
* 2011: Image Annotation with Multiple Quantization
* 2011: Robust and Compact Descriptor Based on Center-Symmetric LBP, A
* 2012: Semiconducting bilinear deep learning for incomplete image recognition
* 2012: Tai Chi Training System Based on Fast Skeleton Matching Algorithm, A
* 2013: Integrating image segmentation and annotation using supervised PLSA
* 2014: Depth saliency based on anisotropic center-surround difference
* 2014: Image Relevance Prediction Using Query-Context Bag-of-Object Retrieval Model
* 2015: Depth-aware salient object detection using anisotropic center-surround difference
* 2015: Flat3D: Browsing Stereo Images on a Conventional Screen
* 2015: Saliency cuts based on adaptive triple thresholding
* 2015: StereoSnakes: Contour Based Consistent Object Extraction for Stereo Images
* 2017: Multi-modal deep feature learning for RGB-D object detection
* 2018: Human-Centric Visual Relation Segmentation Using Mask R-CNN and VTransE
* 2018: Robust and Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on Complementary Learners
* 2019: Learning Actor Relation Graphs for Group Activity Recognition
* 2019: LIP: Local Importance-Based Pooling
* 2019: Personalized Recommendation of Photography Based on Deep Learning
* 2019: Translate-to-Recognize Networks for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* 2020: Actions as Moving Points
* 2020: Boundary-aware Cascade Networks for Temporal Action Segmentation
* 2020: Context-aware RCNN: A Baseline for Action Detection in Videos
* 2020: On Aggregation of Unsupervised Deep Binary Descriptor With Weak Bits
* 2020: Residual Feature Aggregation Network for Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Anchor-based Plain Net for Mobile Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: CGA-Net: Category Guided Aggregation for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Cross-Modal Pyramid Translation for RGB-D Scene Recognition
* 2021: MGSampler: An Explainable Sampling Strategy for Video Action Recognition
* 2021: MultiSports: A Multi-Person Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Sports Actions
* 2021: Mutual Supervision for Dense Object Detection
* 2021: Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* 2021: Relaxed Transformer Decoders for Direct Action Proposal Generation
* 2021: SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction
* 2021: Self Supervision to Distillation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* 2021: Target Adaptive Context Aggregation for Video Scene Graph Generation
* 2021: TDN: Temporal Difference Networks for Efficient Action Recognition
* 2022: Cross-Domain Gated Learning for Domain Generalization
* 2022: Fast and Memory-Efficient Network Towards Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Fully convolutional online tracking
* 2022: MixFormer: End-to-End Tracking with Iterative Mixed Attention
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2022: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: APP-Net: Auxiliary-Point-Based Push and Pull Operations for Efficient Point Cloud Recognition
* 2023: Efficient Video Action Detection with Token Dropout and Context Refinement
* 2023: Extracting Motion and Appearance via Inter-Frame Attention for Efficient Video Frame Interpolation
* 2023: First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: LinK: Linear Kernel for LiDAR-based 3D Perception
* 2023: LIP: Local Importance-Based Pooling
* 2023: Machine Learning Model-Based Retrieval of Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles Measured by Microwave Radiometer
* 2023: Robust Object Modeling for Visual Tracking
* 2023: SportsMOT: A Large Multi-Object Tracking Dataset in Multiple Sports Scenes
* 2023: STMixer: A One-Stage Sparse Action Detector
* 2023: Temporal Perceiver: A General Architecture for Arbitrary Boundary Detection
* 2023: Webly-supervised semantic segmentation via curriculum learning
* 2024: Dual Graph Networks for Pose Estimation in Crowded Scenes
Includes: Wu, G.S.[Gang Shan] Wu, G.S.[Gang-Shan] Wu, G.S.[Geng-Shen] Wu, G.S.[Guang-Sheng]
56 for Wu, G.S.

Wu, G.T.[Guang Tao] * 2009: Theoretical Study on the Properties of a Composite Film with the Interface Between Two Ferroelectrics
* 2022: UAV-LiDAR Measurement of Vegetation Canopy Structure Parameters and Their Impact on Land-Air Exchange Simulation Based on Noah-MP Model
Includes: Wu, G.T.[Guang Tao] Wu, G.T.[Guang-Tao] Wu, G.T.[Guo-Tong]

Wu, G.W.[Guo Wei] * 2002: Optimal Detection of Transform Domain Additive Watermark by Using Low Density Diversity
* 2004: generalized S-K algorithm for learning [nu]-SVM classifiers, A
* 2005: new maximum margin algorithm for one-class problems and its boosting implementation, A
* 2006: theoretical analysis of FDA and applications, The
* 2007: Learning linear PCA with convex semi-definite programming
* 2008: general soft method for learning SVM classifiers with L1-norm penalty, A
* 2023: Double Deep Q-Network for Hyperspectral Image Band Selection in Land Cover Classification Applications
Includes: Wu, G.W.[Guo Wei] Wu, G.W.[Guo-Wei] Wu, G.W.[Gao-Wei] Wu, G.W.[Guo-Wen]
7 for Wu, G.W.

Wu, G.X.[Guang Xin] * 2021: Improved MSR-Based Data-Driven Detection Method Using Smoothing Pre-Processing, An
* 2021: Non-maximum suppression for object detection based on the chaotic whale optimization algorithm
* 2023: Editorial for the Topic A Themed Issue in Memory of Academician Duzheng Ye (1916-2013)
Includes: Wu, G.X.[Guang Xin] Wu, G.X.[Guang-Xin] Wu, G.X.[Gui-Xian] Wu, G.X.[Guo-Xiong]

Wu, G.Y.[Guan Yong] * 2008: Modular BDPCA based visual feature representation for lip-reading
* 2009: hybrid visual feature extraction method for audio-visual speech recognition, A
* 2017: Modal Activity-Based Stochastic Model for Estimating Vehicle Trajectories from Sparse Mobile Sensor Data
* 2019: Vehicle Energy/Emissions Estimation Based on Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction Using Sparse Mobile Sensor Data
* 2022: Cooperative Ramp Merging Design and Field Implementation: A Digital Twin Approach Based on Vehicle-to-Cloud Communication
* 2022: Game Theory-Based Ramp Merging for Mixed Traffic With Unity-SUMO Co-Simulation
* 2022: Intersection and Stop Bar Position Extraction From Vehicle Positioning Data
* 2022: Learn to Search a Lightweight Architecture for Target-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* 2022: Target-aware Dual Adversarial Learning and a Multi-scenario Multi-Modality Benchmark to Fuse Infrared and Visible for Object Detection
* 2023: AccFlow: Backward Accumulation for Long-Range Optical Flow
* 2023: Connected eco-driving for electric buses along signalized arterials with bus stops
* 2023: Cyber Mobility Mirror: A Deep Learning-Based Real-World Object Perception Platform Using Roadside LiDAR
* 2023: Multi-interactive Feature Learning and a Full-time Multi-modality Benchmark for Image Fusion and Segmentation
* 2023: Multi-Lane Coordinated Control Strategy of Connected and Automated Vehicles for On-Ramp Merging Area Based on Cooperative Game
Includes: Wu, G.Y.[Guan Yong] Wu, G.Y.[Guan-Yong] Wu, G.Y.[Guo-Yuan] Wu, G.Y.[Guan-Yao] Wu, G.Y.[Guang-Yang]
14 for Wu, G.Y.

Wu, G.Z. * 1997: Fast Algorithm for Point Pattern-Matching: Invariant to Translations, Rotations and Scale Changes
* 2004: Enhanced motion estimation for interframe wavelet video coding
* 2019: High-resolution direct position determination based on eigenspace using a single moving ULA
* 2023: Novel Method of Modeling Grassland Wildfire Dynamics Based on Cellular Automata: A Case Study in Inner Mongolia, China, A
Includes: Wu, G.Z. Wu, G.Z.[Guo-Zua] Wu, G.Z.[Guo-Zhou]

Wu, H.[Hong] * 1992: Decomposition of Geometric-Shaped Structuring Elements Using Morphological Transformations on Binary Images
* 1992: Optimization on Euclidean Distance Transformation Using Grayscale Morphology
* 1996: Active Face Observation System
* 1996: Face and facial feature extraction from color image
* 1998: 3D Head Pose Estimation without Feature Tracking
* 1998: Fast Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Image Registration on a Multiprocessing Digital Signal Processor
* 2000: Head Pose Estimation Using Both Color and Feature Information
* 2000: Improvement of Continuous Dynamic Programming for Human Gesture Recognition
* 2001: Automatic Facial Feature Points Detection with SUSAN Operator
* 2001: Detection of Train Platform Curb with Image Sensor
* 2002: Echocardiogram videos: summarization, temporal segmentation and browsing
* 2003: Sensor Fusion for Context-Aware Computing Using Dempster-Shafer Theory
* 2004: Automatic view recognition in echocardiogram videos using parts-based representation
* 2004: WillHunter: Interactive Image Retrieval with Multilevel Relevance Measurement
* 2005: Photogrammetric reconstruction of free-form objects with curvilinear structures
* 2006: Automatic Skin Segmentation for Gesture Recognition Combining Region and Support Vector Machine Active Learning
* 2006: Coupled Bayesian Framework for Dual Energy Image Registration
* 2006: Modeling the Activity Pattern of the Constellation of Cardiac Chambers in Echocardiogram Videos
* 2007: In Situ Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms Using Time Reversed Chains
* 2007: Robust Visual Tracking Using the Time-Reversibility Constraint
* 2008: Face alignment via boosted ranking model
* 2008: Robust Model for Traffic Signs Recognition Based on Support Vector Machines, A
* 2008: Support vector machines for traffic signs recognition
* 2009: Motion Estimation for a Mobile Robot Based on Real-Time Stereo Vision System
* 2009: Simulated Joint Robot-Hand System Based on Java3D
* 2009: Weighted Distance Based Sensor Selection for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2010: Online Empirical Evaluation of Tracking Algorithms
* 2011: Automated Detection of Major Thoracic Structures with a Novel Online Learning Method
* 2011: New Method for Extracting Glacier Area Using SAR Interferometry, A
* 2012: Dense Corresponding Pixel Matching Using A Fixed Window with RGB Independent Information
* 2012: Galvanic Intrabody Communication for Affective Acquiring and Computing
* 2012: Geospatial Web Services Composition Framework Supporting Real-time Status Monitoring, A
* 2012: Land Cover Change Knowledge Representation Using Temporal Logic And Operation Relations
* 2012: Locally discriminative topic modeling
* 2012: Monitoring of Glacial Change in the Head of the Yangtze River From 1997 To 2007 Using Insar Technique
* 2012: Research on the Three Angular Resolution of Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* 2013: Directional histogram ratio at random probes: A local thresholding criterion for capillary images
* 2013: Edge-Directed Single-Image Super-Resolution Via Adaptive Gradient Magnitude Self-Interpolation
* 2013: Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices
* 2013: Face Illumination Manipulation Using a Single Reference Image by Adaptive Layer Decomposition
* 2013: Fast and robust symmetry detection for brain images based on parallel scale-invariant feature transform matching and voting
* 2013: Manifold Regularized Sparse NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* 2013: Monitoring of Glacier Volume Variation from Multi-Source Data over Geladandong Area
* 2013: novel online boosting algorithm for automatic anatomy detection, A
* 2013: Numerical Conditioning Problems and Solutions for Nonparametric I.I.D. Statistical Active Contours
* 2013: Spatial-Temporal Context for Action Recognition Combined with Confidence and Contribution Weight
* 2013: Temporal logic and operation relations based knowledge representation for land cover change web services
* 2014: Compressive data fusion for multi-sensor image analysis
* 2014: Detecting new classes via infinite warped mixture models for hyperspectral image analysis
* 2014: Double Constrained NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* 2014: Efficient Strategy for Bit-Quad-Based Euler Number Computing Algorithm, An
* 2014: Estimation of Diurnal Cycle of Land Surface Temperature at High Temporal and Spatial Resolution from Clear-Sky MODIS Data
* 2014: Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Variations of Global Fractional Vegetation Cover Based on GIMMS NDVI Data from 1982 to 2011
* 2014: Exploring the geo-dependence of human face appearance
* 2014: Improved Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Emissivity and Temperature From MSG-2/SEVIRI Data, An
* 2014: Lossless compression of JPEG coded photo albums
* 2014: Multi-view Recognition Using Weighted View Selection
* 2014: Real-time background subtraction-based video surveillance of people by integrating local texture patterns
* 2014: Surface Soil Water Content Estimation from Thermal Remote Sensing based on the Temporal Variation of Land Surface Temperature
* 2015: Active Collection of Land Cover Sample Data from Geo-Tagged Web Texts
* 2015: Estimation and Validation of Land Surface Temperatures from Chinese Second-Generation Polar-Orbit FY-3A VIRR Data
* 2015: Fast Aircraft Detection in Satellite Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2015: Geometry-based ranking for mobile 3D visual search using hierarchically structured multi-view features
* 2015: Hierarchical Ensemble of Background Models for PTZ-Based Video Surveillance
* 2015: Incremental SfM based lossless compression of JPEG coded photo album
* 2015: Kinship Verification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2015: Optimized recognition with few instances based on semantic distance
* 2015: Real time railway extraction by angle alignment measure
* 2015: Recognition improvement through the optimisation of learning instances
* 2015: Robust regression on image manifolds for ordered label denoising
* 2015: web-based system for supporting global land cover data production, A
* 2016: Capillary extraction by detecting polarity in circular profiles
* 2016: cloud-based large-scale distributed video analysis system, A
* 2016: Consensus Guided Multiple Match Removal for Geometry Verification in Image Retrieval
* 2016: Contrasting Responses of Planted and Natural Forests to Drought Intensity in Yunnan, China
* 2016: Creative and high-quality image composition based on a new criterion
* 2016: Dirichlet Process Based Active Learning and Discovery of Unknown Classes for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2016: Discovering Land Cover Web Map Services from the Deep Web with JavaScript Invocation Rules
* 2016: Hierarchical Coding Vectors for Scene Level Land-Use Classification
* 2016: Hybrid-Space SENSE Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multi-Slice MRI
* 2016: Knowledge-based Approach On Globeland30 Incremental Updating: A Case Study Of Built-up Area, A
* 2016: Lossless Compression of JPEG Coded Photo Collections
* 2016: new sampling algorithm for high-quality image matting, A
* 2016: Online multi-object tracking based on global and local features
* 2016: Pragmatics Driven Land Cover Service Composition Utilizing Behavior-intention Model
* 2016: Registration of Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds by Matching the Linear Plane Features of Building Roof Facets
* 2016: Video anomaly detection using deep incremental slow feature analysis network
* 2016: Visual Tools For Crowdsourcing Data Validation Within The Globeland30 Geoportal
* 2017: CCA and ICA-Based Mixture Model for Identifying Major Depression Disorder, A
* 2017: Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Data Classification
* 2017: Distortion-Aware Correlation Tracking
* 2017: Estimation of Downwelling Surface Longwave Radiation under Heavy Dust Aerosol Sky
* 2017: FM0 decode for collided RFID tag signals with frequency drift
* 2017: FPGA Implementation of High Frame Rate and Ultra-Low Delay Tracking with Local-Search Based Block Matching
* 2017: Imbalance Compensation Framework for Background Subtraction, An
* 2017: Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval from Field-Measured Hyperspectral Thermal Infrared Data Using Wavelet Transform
* 2017: S3Pool: Pooling with Stochastic Spatial Sampling
* 2017: Scene text detection using adaptive color reduction, adjacent character model and hybrid verification strategy
* 2017: Sector-ring HOG for rotation-invariant human detection
* 2017: Semi-supervised multi-output image manifold regression
* 2017: service relation model for web-based land cover change detection, A
* 2017: Social Media: New Perspectives to Improve Remote Sensing for Emergency Response
* 2018: Determination of Minimum Detectable Deformation of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Based on Error Entropy Model
* 2018: Development of a Minimal-Intervention-Based Admittance Control Strategy for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton
* 2018: End-to-end learning for image-based air quality level estimation
* 2018: Ensemble Reversible Data Hiding
* 2018: Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for Understanding Urban Mobility
* 2018: Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter
* 2018: Joint entropy based learning model for image retrieval
* 2018: MorphNet: Fast & Simple Resource-Constrained Structure Learning of Deep Networks
* 2018: Recognition and Detection of Two-Person Interactive Actions Using Automatically Selected Skeleton Features
* 2018: Rotation-invariant object detection using Sector-ring HOG and boosted random ferns
* 2018: Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Using Pseudo Labels for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2018: Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction of hyperspectral imagery using pseudo-labels
* 2018: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Storage Using National Geography Census Data in Wuhan, China
* 2019: Agent-based Model Simulation of Human Mobility Based on Mobile Phone Data: How Commuting Relates to Congestion, An
* 2019: Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms for Instantaneous Net Surface Shortwave Radiation Retrieval Using Remote Sensing Data
* 2019: Capacity Building for Geo-information Driven Emergency Response In China
* 2019: Cascade Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* 2019: DCSN-Cast: Deep compressed sensing network for wireless video multicast
* 2019: Designing Constant Modulus Complete Complementary Sequence With High Doppler Tolerance for Simultaneous Polarimetric Radar
* 2019: Detecting 11K Classes: Large Scale Object Detection Without Fine-Grained Bounding Boxes
* 2019: Extending Accuracy Assessment Procedures of Global Coverage Land Cover Maps Through Spatial Association Analysis
* 2019: Fleet Size and Rebalancing Analysis of Dockless Bike-Sharing Stations Based on Markov Chain
* 2019: Flow Guided Short-Term Trackers with Cascade Detection for Long-Term Tracking
* 2019: Heritage Landscape Information Model (HLIM): Towards a Contextualised Framework for Digital Landscape Conservation in China
* 2019: higher-order tensor voting-based approach for road junction detection and delineation from airborne LiDAR data, A
* 2019: HighEr-Resolution Network for Image Demosaicing and Enhancing
* 2019: Improved Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Based on the Land Parameter Retrieval Model for Water-Land Mixed Pixels Using AMSR-E Data, An
* 2019: Improvement of Split-Window Algorithm for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Sentinel-3A SLSTR Data Over Barren Surfaces Using ASTER GED Product
* 2019: Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Non-Convex Optimization with Lp-Norm Constraint
* 2019: Locally Low-Rank Regularized Video Stabilization With Motion Diversity Constraints
* 2019: Multiscale Symmetric Dense Micro-Block Difference for Texture Classification
* 2019: Non-Contact Photoplethysmogram and Instantaneous Heart Rate Estimation from Infrared Face Video
* 2019: Normalization of the temporal effect on the MODIS land surface temperature product using random forest regression
* 2019: Novel Method of Missing Road Generation in City Blocks Based on Big Mobile Navigation Trajectory Data, A
* 2019: Quantitative Phenotyping of Northern Leaf Blight in UAV Images Using Deep Learning
* 2019: Recovery of urban 3D road boundary via multi-source data
* 2019: Robust Target Detection Within Sea Clutter Based on Graphs
* 2019: Sequence Level Semantics Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* 2019: SparseMask: Differentiable Connectivity Learning for Dense Image Prediction
* 2019: Temporal Disaggregation Approach for TRMM Monthly Precipitation Products Using AMSR2 Soil Moisture Data, A
* 2019: Unified Visual-Semantic Embeddings: Bridging Vision and Language With Structured Meaning Representations
* 2019: Unsupervised SAR Change Detection Method Based on Stochastic Subspace Ensemble Learning, An
* 2019: VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2019: Web Service-Oriented Geoprocessing System for Supporting Intelligent Land Cover Change Detection, A
* 2019: Weighted-learning-instance-based retrieval model using instance distance
* 2020: Analysis of the Status and Trend of GIS Research In the Past Ten Years From 2010 to 2019
* 2020: Annual Urban Built-up Change Area Online Extraction Using Landsat Time Series Data
* 2020: Application of CEM Algorithm in the Field of Tunnel Crack Identification
* 2020: Assessing Safety and Suitability of Old Trails for Hiking Using Ground and Drone Surveys
* 2020: City-scale Taxi Demand Prediction Using Multisource Urban Geospatial Data
* 2020: Comprehensive Study on Loss Functions for Cross-Factor Face Recognition, A
* 2020: Convolutional Networks With Channel and STIPs Attention Model for Action Recognition in Videos
* 2020: Design and Experiment of A High Payload Fixed Wing VTOL UAV System For Emergency Response
* 2020: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accelerating Spatiotemporal Point Pattern Analysis
* 2020: Direct Sparse Visual Odometry with Structural Regularities for Long Corridor Environments
* 2020: Discriminative Clip Mining for Video Anomaly Detection
* 2020: Enhanced Matrix CFAR Detection With Dimensionality Reduction of Riemannian Manifold
* 2020: Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Satellite Passive Microwave Observations with the Traditional Neural Network, Deep Belief Network, and Convolutional Neural Network
* 2020: Exploring Urban Spatial Features of COVID-19 Transmission in Wuhan Based on Social Media Data
* 2020: Fine-Scale Dasymetric Population Mapping with Mobile Phone and Building Use Data Based on Grid Voronoi Method
* 2020: Hit-Detector: Hierarchical Trinity Architecture Search for Object Detection
* 2020: Hygroscopicity of Different Types of Aerosol Particles: Case Studies Using Multi-Instrument Data in Megacity Beijing, China
* 2020: JNR: Joint-based Neural Rig Representation for Compact 3d Face Modeling
* 2020: Knowledge Transfer Dehazing Network for NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* 2020: Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Passive Microwave Satellite Observations: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
* 2020: Learning to Reconstruct and Understand Indoor Scenes From Sparse Views
* 2020: Localisation algorithm for security access control in railway communications
* 2020: METEOR: Measurable Energy Map Toward the Estimation of Resampling Rate via a Convolutional Neural Network
* 2020: Method to Improve the Lining Images Quality in Complex Tunnel Scenes, A
* 2020: optimal sampling method for multi-temporal land surface temperature validation over heterogeneous surfaces, An
* 2020: Polarimetric Calibration of the Spaceborne Directional Polarimetric Camera Installed on the Gf-5 Satellite
* 2020: Probing Tissue Microarchitecture of the Baby Brain via Spherical Mean Spectrum Imaging
* 2020: Real-time Robust Approach for Tracking UAVs in Infrared Videos, A
* 2020: ReDA: Reinforced Differentiable Attribute for 3D Face Reconstruction
* 2020: Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration in Hydrological Model Calibration
* 2020: Structured Multi-Hashing for Model Compression
* 2020: Trident Dehazing Network
* 2021: Adaptive Network Detector for Radar Target in Changing Scenes
* 2021: Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation Via an Adaptive Dual Attention Module
* 2021: Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest
* 2021: Collaborative and Adversarial Learning of Focused and Dispersive Representations for Semi-supervised Polyp Segmentation
* 2021: Condition-Aware Comparison Scheme for Gait Recognition
* 2021: Conditional generative adversarial network for EEG-based emotion fine-grained estimation and visualization
* 2021: Cross-Regional Attention Network for Point Cloud Completion
* 2021: Deep Learning Based Semi-Supervised Control for Vertical Security of Maglev Vehicle With Guaranteed Bounded Airgap
* 2021: Deep Neural Network Based Vehicle and Pedestrian Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey
* 2021: Deep Texture Exemplar Extraction Based on Trimmed T-CNN
* 2021: Distilling Object Detectors via Decoupled Features
* 2021: Enhanced three-dimensional U-Net with graph-based refining for segmentation of gastrointestinal stromal tumours
* 2021: Evaluation of Multi-Source Soil Moisture Datasets over Central and Eastern Agricultural Area of China Using In Situ Monitoring Network
* 2021: Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards Retrieving Images by Natural Language Feedback
* 2021: fMRI Brain Networks as Statistical Mechanical Ensembles
* 2021: Heterogeneous Clutter Suppression for Airborne Radar STAP Based on Matrix Manifolds
* 2021: Learning Deep Local Features with Multiple Dynamic Attentions for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* 2021: Learning the Best Pooling Strategy for Visual Semantic Embedding
* 2021: Linguistic Steganalysis With Graph Neural Networks
* 2021: Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Opium Poppy Image Detection Based on Modified YOLOv3
* 2021: Modeling Mean Radiant Temperature Distribution in Urban Landscapes Using DART
* 2021: Multi-source material image optimized selection based multi-option composition
* 2021: PEMCNet: An Efficient Multi-Scale Point Feature Fusion Network for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Classification
* 2021: Photoacoustic-Guided Laparoscopic and Open Hysterectomy Procedures Demonstrated With Human Cadavers
* 2021: Pixel Contrastive-Consistent Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Point cloud completion using multiscale feature fusion and cross-regional attention
* 2021: Positive-Unlabeled Data Purification in the Wild for Object Detection
* 2021: Radiometric Cross-Calibration of Large-View-Angle Satellite Sensors Using Global Searching to Reduce BRDF Influence
* 2021: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature With Topographic Effect Correction From Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Data in Mountainous Areas
* 2021: Semantically Robust Unpaired Image Translation for Data with Unmatched Semantics Statistics
* 2021: Separating Skills and Concepts for Novel Visual Question Answering
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Interaction Effect of COVID-19 Transmission in the United States, The
* 2021: Thermal Characterisation of Unweighted and Weighted Networks
* 2021: Total Variation Constrained Graph-Regularized Convex Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation
* 2021: Underwater image super-resolution using multi-stage information distillation networks
* 2021: Visual Map-Based Localization for Intelligent Vehicles From Multi-View Site Matching
* 2022: 3D Multi-Object Tracking in Point Clouds Based on Prediction Confidence-Guided Data Association
* 2022: Adaptive and Accurate Method for Rotational Angular Velocity Estimation of Rotor Targets via Fourier Coefficient Interpolation, An
* 2022: Aspect-Driven User Preference and News Representation Learning for News Recommendation
* 2022: Characteristics of Precipitation and Floods during Typhoons in Guangdong Province
* 2022: CMT: Convolutional Neural Networks Meet Vision Transformers
* 2022: coarse-refine segmentation network for COVID-19 CT images, A
* 2022: Combine unlabeled with labeled MR images to measure acute ischemic stroke lesion by stepwise learning
* 2022: Contextual Similarity Distillation for Asymmetric Image Retrieval
* 2022: Contrastive Vision-Language Pre-training with Limited Resources
* 2022: Cross-patch Dense Contrastive Learning for Semi-supervised Segmentation of Cellular Nuclei in Histopathologic Images
* 2022: Decoupled R-CNN: Sensitivity-Specific Detector for Higher Accurate Localization
* 2022: deep learning network based end-to-end image composition, A
* 2022: Deformation Monitoring of Tailings Reservoir Based on Polarimetric Time Series InSAR: Example of Kafang Tailings Reservoir, China
* 2022: Design and Verification of a Double-Grating Spectrometer System (DGSS) for Simultaneous Observation of Aerosols, Water Vapor and Clouds
* 2022: Distinctive Image Captioning via Clip Guided Group Optimization
* 2022: Dual Contrastive Learning with Anatomical Auxiliary Supervision for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
* 2022: Edge YOLO: Real-Time Intelligent Object Detection System Based on Edge-Cloud Cooperation in Autonomous Vehicles
* 2022: Exponential Filter Model-Based Root-Zone Soil Moisture Estimation Methodology from Multiple Datasets, An
* 2022: Exswin-unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Window and External Attentions for Fetal Brain MRI Image Segmentation
* 2022: Few-Shot Head Swapping in the Wild
* 2022: Flood Detection in Dual-Polarization SAR Images Based on Multi-Scale Deeplab Model
* 2022: FusionLane: Multi-Sensor Fusion for Lane Marking Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks
* 2022: General Expansion-Shifting Model for Reversible Data Hiding: Theoretical Investigation and Practical Algorithm Design
* 2022: GraphFit: Learning Multi-scale Graph-Convolutional Representation for Point Cloud Normal Estimation
* 2022: Ground Positioning Method of Spaceborne SAR High-Resolution Sliding-Spot Mode Based on Antenna Pointing Vector
* 2022: High-Resolution Inversion Method for the Snow Water Equivalent Based on the GF-3 Satellite and Optimized EQeau Model
* 2022: Hire-MLP: Vision MLP via Hierarchical Rearrangement
* 2022: Improved LiDAR Localization Method for Mobile Robots Based on Multi-Sensing
* 2022: improved sliding mode control (SMC) approach for enhancement of communication delay in vehicle platoon system, An
* 2022: Improving IQA Performance Based on Deep Mutual Learning
* 2022: Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks Through Both Front and Rear Vector Method
* 2022: Indoor 3D Human Trajectory Reconstruction Using Surveillance Camera Videos and Point Clouds
* 2022: Infrared and visible light dual-camera super-resolution imaging with texture transfer network
* 2022: Localized Downscaling of Urban Land Surface Temperature: A Case Study in Beijing, China
* 2022: LPIN: A Lightweight Progressive Inpainting Network for Improving the Robustness of Remote Sensing Images Scene Classification
* 2022: Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communications in C-V2X Networks
* 2022: Moquad: Motion-focused Quadruple Construction for Video Contrastive Learning
* 2022: Multiscale Effects of Multimodal Public Facilities Accessibility on Housing Prices Based on MGWR: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* 2022: Novel Approach to Large-Scale Dynamically Weighted Directed Network Representation, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2022: One-Shot Multiple Object Tracking in UAV Videos Using Task-Specific Fine-Grained Features
* 2022: Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Relationship between Topological Structure and Ecosystem Services of Forest Grass Ecospatial Network in China
* 2022: Sim VQA: Exploring Simulated Environments for Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Single infrared image super-resolution based on lightweight multi-path feature fusion network
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Multimodal Learning With 3D CNNs for Video Action Recognition
* 2022: Spatiotemporal pattern and long-term trend of global surface urban heat islands characterized by dynamic urban-extent method and MODIS data
* 2022: Spreading Fine-Grained Prior Knowledge for Accurate Tracking
* 2022: Success Probability Analysis of Cooperative C-V2X Communications
* 2022: Survey of Battery Swapping Stations for Electric Vehicles: Operation Modes and Decision Scenarios, A
* 2022: Towards Knowledge-Aware Video Captioning via Transitive Visual Relationship Detection
* 2022: Traffic Inflow and Outflow Forecasting by Modeling Intra- and Inter-Relationship Between Flows
* 2023: Asymmetric Feature Fusion for Image Retrieval
* 2023: CoIn: Contrastive Instance Feature Mining for Outdoor 3D Object Detection with Very Limited Annotations
* 2023: Consistency and Accuracy of CelebA Attribute Values
* 2023: Continual Nuclei Segmentation via Prototype-Wise Relation Distillation and Contrastive Learning
* 2023: Cross-Image Dependency Modeling for Breast Ultrasound Segmentation
* 2023: Cross-modal co-feedback cellular automata for RGB-T saliency detection
* 2023: Cross-view information interaction and feedback network for face hallucination
* 2023: Data Assimilation Method Combined with Machine Learning and Its Application to Anthropogenic Emission Adjustment in CMAQ, A
* 2023: Decomposition Dynamic graph convolutional recurrent network for traffic forecasting, A
* 2023: Design and Application of a UAV Autonomous Inspection System for High-Voltage Power Transmission Lines
* 2023: Development of a Spectral Index for the Detection of Yellow-Flowering Vegetation
* 2023: Double Inversion Layers Affect Fog-Haze Events over Eastern China: Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Observation
* 2023: ERNIE-ViLG 2.0: Improving Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Knowledge-Enhanced Mixture-of-Denoising-Experts
* 2023: Evaluation and Applicability Analysis of GPM Satellite Precipitation over Mainland China
* 2023: Exploring Video Quality Assessment on User Generated Contents from Aesthetic and Technical Perspectives
* 2023: Extraction of Cotton Information with Optimized Phenology-Based Features from Sentinel-2 Images
* 2023: Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a Light Into the Problem
* 2023: Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting Dense Cells in Blood Smear Image
* 2023: GMSS: Graph-Based Multi-Task Self-Supervised Learning for EEG Emotion Recognition
* 2023: hierarchical multiview registration framework of TLS point clouds based on loop constraint, A
* 2023: HiFace: High-Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction by Learning Static and Dynamic Details
* 2023: Hypergraph Collaborative Network on Vertices and Hyperedges
* 2023: Identification and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bikesharing-Metro Integration Cycling
* 2023: Influence of Ocean Processes on Fine-Scale Changes in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass Boundary Area Structure Based on Acoustic Observations, The
* 2023: Influencing Pedestrians' Route Choice Using Route Shape Simplification
* 2023: lightweight image splicing tampering localization method based on MobileNetV2 and SRM, A
* 2023: Logical Consistency and Greater Descriptive Power for Facial Hair Attribute Learning
* 2023: LPCUNet: A Lightweight Pure CNN UNet for Efficient Urban Scene Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Machine Learning Model-Based Retrieval of Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles Measured by Microwave Radiometer
* 2023: Measuring Urban Poverty Spatial by Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data: A Fine-Scale Empirical Study from Zhengzhou
* 2023: MetaPortrait: Identity-Preserving Talking Head Generation with Fast Personalized Adaptation
* 2023: ModeRNN: Harnessing Spatiotemporal Mode Collapse in Unsupervised Predictive Learning
* 2023: Multi-level channel attention excitation network for human action recognition in videos
* 2023: NeRFInvertor: High Fidelity NeRF-GAN Inversion for Single-Shot Real Image Animation
* 2023: New Method for Crop Type Mapping at the Regional Scale Using Multi-Source and Multi-Temporal Sentinel Imagery, A
* 2023: New Method for Hour-by-Hour Bias Adjustment of Satellite Precipitation Estimates over Mainland China, A
* 2023: New Outlier Removal Strategy Based on Reliability of Correspondence Graph for Fast Point Cloud Registration, A
* 2023: Novel Video Stabilization Model With Motion Morphological Component Priors, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Light Field Image Super-Resolution: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Quality Assessment of Video Enhancement Challenge
* 2023: Optimal Transport-Based Patch Matching for Image Style Transfer
* 2023: Optimization algorithm for low-light image enhancement based on Retinex theory
* 2023: Parametric Instantaneous Frequency Estimation via PWSR with Adaptive QFM Dictionary
* 2023: Pavement Temperature Forecasts Based on Model Output Statistics: Experiments for Highways in Jiangsu, China
* 2023: PolypSeg+: A Lightweight Context-Aware Network for Real-Time Polyp Segmentation
* 2023: PredRNN: A Recurrent Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning
* 2023: Research on the Monitoring Ability of Fengyun-Based Quantitative Precipitation Estimates for Capturing Heavy Precipitation: A Case Study of the 7-20 Rainstorm in Henan Province, China
* 2023: Revealing Schematic Map Designs with Preservation of Relativity in Node Position and Segment Length in Existing Official Maps
* 2023: Riemannian representation learning for multi-source domain adaptation
* 2023: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity Sampling Strategy for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: RUArt: A Novel Text-Centered Solution for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
* 2023: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Frequency-Based Recurrent Refinement
* 2023: Semantic Scene Completion with Point Cloud Representation and Transformer-based feature fusion
* 2023: Simple Framework for Text-Supervised Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2023: Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Characteristics of Spatially Aggregated Elements in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* 2023: Spatial Reconstruction of Quantitative Precipitation Estimates Derived from Fengyun-2G Geostationary Satellite in Northeast China
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal Evolutions of Ecological Environment Quality and Ecological Resilience Pattern in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Regional Ionospheric TEC Prediction Using Multi-Factor NeuralProphet Model under Disturbed Conditions
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Agglomeration and Its Impact on Landscape Patterns in the Pearl River Delta, China
* 2023: Stable and compact face recognition via unlabeled data driven sparse representation-based classification
* 2023: Statistical Bias Correction of Precipitation Forecasts Based on Quantile Mapping on the Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Scale
* 2023: Synchronize Feature Extracting and Matching: A Single Branch Framework for 3D Object Tracking
* 2023: Unsupervised Multi-Subclass Saliency Classification for Salient Object Detection
* 2023: Urban Treetop Detection and Tree-Height Estimation from Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Images
* 2023: Validation of Nadir SWH and Its Variance Characteristics from CFOSAT in China's Offshore Waters
* 2023: Vertical Layering of Quantized Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Inference
* 2023: Vertical Profiles of Particle Number Size Distribution and Variation Characteristics at the Eastern Slope of the Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: Virtual Sparse Convolution for Multimodal 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Vision-Aided Hyperspectral Full-Waveform LiDAR System to Improve Detection Efficiency
* 2024: 3DSN-Net: A 3-D Scale-Aware convNet With Nonlocal Context Guidance for Kidney and Tumor Segmentation From CT Volumes
* 2024: 6G IoV Networks Driven by RF Digital Twin Modeling
* 2024: Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Charging Based on Multisource Data
* 2024: Collaborative contrastive learning for hypergraph node classification
* 2024: Distillation embedded absorbable pruning for fast object re-identification
* 2024: Enhanced Micro-Doppler Feature Extraction Using Adaptive Short-Time Kernel-Based Sparse Time-Frequency Distribution
* 2024: Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: Small Size, Big Effect
* 2024: Federated Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Prototype-Based Pseudo-Labeling and Contrastive Learning
* 2024: Hierarchical Multi-Modal Attention Network for Time-Sync Comment Video Recommendation
* 2024: intelligent remote sensing image quality inspection system, An
* 2024: Learning Robust Point Representation for 3D Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval
* 2024: LiDeNeRF: Neural radiance field reconstruction with depth prior provided by LiDAR point cloud
* 2024: MFCANet: A Road Scene Segmentation Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Context Information Aggregation
* 2024: Pairwise difference relational distillation for object re-identification
* 2024: Perceptual Quality Assessment of Retouched Face Images
* 2024: Regional Assessment of Soil Moisture Active Passive Enhanced L3 Soil Moisture Product and Its Application in Agriculture
* 2024: Simplicial Complex Neural Networks
* 2024: SSGAM-Net: A Hybrid Semi-Supervised and Supervised Network for Robust Semantic Segmentation Based on Drone LiDAR Data
* 2024: Structure Similarity Preservation Learning for Asymmetric Image Retrieval
* 2024: TOPIQ: A Top-Down Approach from Semantics to Distortions for Image Quality Assessment
* 2024: Transferable graph auto-encoders for cross-network node classification
Includes: Wu, H.[Hong] Wu, H. Wu, H.[Hai] Wu, H.[Hao] Wu, H.[Henry] Wu, H.[Hong'an] Wu, H.[Huok] Wu, H.[Hulin] Wu, H.[Huisi] Wu, H.[Hua] Wu, H.[Hui] Wu, H.[Hefeng] Wu, H.[Hanwei] Wu, H.[Hang] Wu, H.[Hangbin] Wu, H.[Hehe] Wu, H.[Harvey] Wu, H.[Han] Wu, H.[HsiangTao] Wu, H.[Huan] Wu, H.[Houfa] Wu, H.[Huarui] Wu, H.[Heng] Wu, H.[Harold] Wu, H.[Hejun] Wu, H.[Huaming] Wu, H.[Hemao] Wu, H.[Huapeng] Wu, H.[Haorui] Wu, H.[Huaiyu] Wu, H.[Haimeng] Wu, H.[Honglv] Wu, H.[Huilei] Wu, H.[HaoDong] Wu, H.[Hanbo] Wu, H.[Haiyu] Wu, H.[Huifeng] Wu, H.[Haoning] Wu, H.[Hanrui] Wu, H.[Huizhu] Wu, H.[Haixu] Wu, H.[Huicong] Wu, H.[Heran] Wu, H.[Haowei] Wu, H.[Huanping] Wu, H.[Hanxiao]
357 for Wu, H.

Wu, H.A. * 2015: Ground subsidence monitoring over Jiaxing region, Zhejiang province from 2006 to 2010 using time series InSAR technique
* 2016: Ground Subsidence in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region from 1992 to 2014 Revealed by Multiple SAR Stacks
* 2016: Monitoring Ground Subsidence In Areas Covered By Dense Vegetation Using Terrasar-x Images: A Case Study Of Hangzhou
* 2021: Investigating Ground Subsidence and the Causes over the Whole Jiangsu Province, China Using Sentinel-1 SAR Data
Includes: Wu, H.A. Wu, H.A.[Hong-An]

Wu, H.B.[Hang Bin] * 2008: Data Fusion with Integration of Airborne Laser Scanning Data and Ortho-aerial Photos
* 2008: Research on Positioning and Posing of Mobile Mapping in Metropolis
* 2011: Biomass Estimation Based on the Fusion of ICESat GLAS and MODIS Data in the Chongming Eastern Tidal Flat of the Yangtze River
* 2011: Residential Area Recognition Using Oscillatory Correlation Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2013: Landslide Investigation with Remote Sensing and Sensor Network: From Susceptibility Mapping and Scaled-down Simulation towards in situ Sensor Network Design
* 2014: UL-Isomap based nonlinear dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral imagery classification
* 2016: Hybrid-SAR Technique: Joint Analysis Using Phase-Based and Amplitude-Based Methods for the Xishancun Giant Landslide Monitoring
* 2017: Dynamic Spatiotemporal Analysis Model for Traffic Incident Influence Prediction on Urban Road Networks, A
* 2017: Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns of Long-Distance Taxi Rides in Shanghai
* 2019: GAN-based Steganography with the Concatenation of Multiple Feature Maps
* 2019: Robust real-time image encryption with aperiodic chaotic map and random-cycling bit shift
* 2020: Classification of Point Clouds for Indoor Components Using Few Labeled Samples
* 2020: Tunnel Monitoring and Measuring System Using Mobile Laser Scanning: Design and Deployment
* 2020: Urban Land Cover Classification of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery Using a Relation-Enhanced Multiscale Convolutional Network
* 2021: Automatic Road Marking Extraction and Vectorization from Vehicle-Borne Laser Scanning Data
* 2021: cross-correction LiDAR SLAM method for high-accuracy 2D mapping of problematic scenario, A
* 2022: Hyperspectral Image Classification Method Based on Adaptive Spectral Spatial Kernel Combined with Improved Vision Transformer, A
* 2022: Precise Crop Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Multi-Branch Feature Fusion and Dilation-Based MLP
* 2022: Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns
* 2023: Hyperspectral Images Weakly Supervised Classification with Noisy Labels
* 2023: Incorporating Attention Mechanism, Dense Connection Blocks, and Multi-Scale Reconstruction Networks for Open-Set Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2023: Novel Dual-Encoder Model for Hyperspectral and LiDAR Joint Classification via Contrastive Learning, A
Includes: Wu, H.B.[Hang Bin] Wu, H.B.[Hang-Bin] Wu, H.B.[Hai-Bin]
22 for Wu, H.B.

Wu, H.C.[Houn Chien] * 2005: Effects of JPEG2000 on the Information and Geometry Content of Aerial Photo Compression
* 2005: Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods
* 2006: minute lossy method for 2D-gel images compression, A
* 2008: Adaptive lossless steganographic scheme with centralized difference expansion
* 2008: Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
* 2011: New Approach for Optimal Multiple Watermarks Injection, A
* 2015: Robust Pilot Detection Techniques for Channel Estimation and Symbol Detection in OFDM Systems
* 2017: Video stabilisation with total warping variation model
* 2019: Gaussian probability bi-histogram equalization for enhancement of the pathological features in medical images
* 2020: Extracting Seasonal Signals in GNSS Coordinate Time Series via Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization
* 2021: Efficient Recoverable Cryptographic Mosaic Technique by Permutations
* 2021: Simultaneous Video Stabilization and Rolling Shutter Removal
* 2022: Insights into the Landslides Triggered by the 2022 Lushan Ms 6.1 Earthquake: Spatial Distribution and Controls
* 2022: Novel Dynamic Segmentation for Human-Posture Learning System Using Hidden Logistic Regression
* 2022: Tensor Quantization: High-Dimensional Data Compression
* 2023: MDF-Net: A Multi-Scale Dynamic Fusion Network for Breast Tumor Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
* 2023: Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC in China's Region, A
* 2023: Tensor Extended Kalman Filter and its Application to Traffic Prediction
* 2024: Identifying Seismic Anomalies via Wavelet Maxima Analysis of Satellite Microwave Brightness Temperature Observations
Includes: Wu, H.C.[Houn Chien] Wu, H.C.[Houn-Chien] Wu, H.C. Wu, H.C.[Hsien-Chu] Wu, H.C.[Hui-Cong] Wu, H.C.[Han-Cheng] Wu, H.C.[Hao-Chen] Wu, H.C.[Hsiao-Chun]
19 for Wu, H.C.

Wu, H.D.[Hai Dong] * 2018: Modeling Gross Primary Production of a Typical Coastal Wetland in China Using MODIS Time Series and CO2 Eddy Flux Tower Data
Includes: Wu, H.D.[Hai Dong] Wu, H.D.[Hai-Dong]

Wu, H.F.[He Feng] * 2012: Online boosted tracking with discriminative feature selection and scale adaptation
* 2014: Weighted attentional blocks for probabilistic object tracking
* 2015: Capture-Aware Estimation for Large-Scale RFID Tags Identification
* 2015: Cascaded probabilistic tracking with supervised dictionary learning
* 2015: Robust tracking via discriminative sparse feature selection
* 2016: Boosting Zero-Shot Image Classification via Pairwise Relationship Learning
* 2017: Data-driven image completion for complex objects
* 2017: Laser-Based Bidirectional Pedestrian Counting via Height Map Guided Regression and Voting
* 2018: Learning deep similarity models with focus ranking for fabric image retrieval
* 2018: Weak-structure-aware visual object tracking with bottom-up and top-down context exploration
* 2019: ADCrowdNet: An Attention-Injective Deformable Convolutional Network for Crowd Understanding
* 2019: Instance-aware representation learning and association for online multi-person tracking
* 2019: Learning Semantic-Specific Graph Representation for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* 2021: Cross-Modal Collaborative Representation Learning and a Large-Scale RGBT Benchmark for Crowd Counting
* 2021: DTMNet: A Discrete Tchebichef Moments-based Deep Neural Network for Multi-focus Image Fusion
* 2021: Exploiting Knowledge Embedded Soft Labels for Image Recognition
* 2021: Fine-Grained Image Captioning With Global-Local Discriminative Objective
* 2021: Grain for Green Program Intensifies Trade-Offs between Ecosystem Services in Midwestern Shanxi, China, The
* 2022: Convex Optimization Approach For NLOS Error Mitigation in TOA-Based Localization, A
* 2022: Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition: A Unified Evaluation Benchmark and Adversarial Graph Learning
* 2022: Knowledge-Guided Multi-Label Few-Shot Learning for General Image Recognition
* 2022: Low-Delay and Energy-Efficient Opportunistic Routing for Maritime Search and Rescue Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2022: Natural Language-Based Vehicle Retrieval with Explicit Cross-Modal Representation Learning
* 2022: Physical-Virtual Collaboration Modeling for Intra- and Inter-Station Metro Ridership Prediction
* 2022: Trajectory Optimization of Autonomous Surface Vehicles with Outliers for Underwater Target Localization
* 2024: Spatial-Temporal Knowledge-Embedded Transformer for Video Scene Graph Generation
* 2024: Trend Classification of InSAR Displacement Time Series Using SAE-CNN
Includes: Wu, H.F.[He Feng] Wu, H.F.[He-Feng] Wu, H.F.[Hai-Feng] Wu, H.F.[Hui-Feng] Wu, H.F.[Hua-Feng] Wu, H.F.[Han-Fei]
27 for Wu, H.F.

Wu, H.G.[Hong Gang] * 2020: Extended Motion Diffusion-Based Change Detection for Airport Ground Surveillance
* 2022: ADS-B-Based Spatiotemporal Alignment Network for Airport Video Object Segmentation
Includes: Wu, H.G.[Hong Gang] Wu, H.G.[Hong-Gang]

Wu, H.H. * 2000: Wavelet-Frame Based Image Force Model for Active Contouring Algorithms, A
* 2006: Robust Clustering based on Winner-Population Markov Chain
* 2008: ARMOR: A system for adjusting repair and media scaling for video streaming
* 2011: Modeling and optimization of dynamic signal processing in resource-aware sensor networks
* 2012: Design and Synthesis for Multimedia Systems Using the Targeted Dataflow Interchange Format
* 2016: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
* 2018: Design of Optimal Fixed-Rate Unrestricted Polar Quantizer for Bivariate Circularly Symmetric Sources
* 2019: Feasibility Study on Hyperspectral LiDAR for Ancient Huizhou-Style Architecture Preservation
* 2019: Joint Calibration Method of 3d Images Acquired By Common Optical Path Payload, A
* 2019: Reversible Data Hiding Based on Partitioning the Prediction Values
* 2019: Study of a High Spectral Resolution Hyperspectral LiDAR in Vegetation Red Edge Parameters Extraction
* 2020: Analyzing the Angle Effect of Leaf Reflectance Measured by Indoor Hyperspectral Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
* 2020: Anisotropic Convolution for Image Classification
* 2021: Hyperspectral LiDAR-Based Plant Spectral Profiles Acquisition: Performance Assessment and Results Analysis
* 2021: Reproducibility of Left Ventricular CINE DENSE Strain in Pediatric Subjects with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
* 2022: SLPR: A Deep Learning Based Chinese Ship License Plate Recognition Framework
* 2022: verification framework for behavioral safety of self-driving cars, A
* 2023: Ship License Plate Super-Resolution in the Wild
Includes: Wu, H.H. Wu, H.H.[Hung-Hsuan] Wu, H.H.[Hua-Hui] Wu, H.H.[Hsiang-Huang] Wu, H.H.[Han-Hui] Wu, H.H.[Hui-Hui] Wu, H.H.[Hao-Hao] Wu, H.H.[Hai-Hang] Wu, H.H.[Holden H.] Wu, H.H.[Hua-Hua]
18 for Wu, H.H.

Wu, H.H.P.[Hsien Huang P.] * 2004: Patient information extraction in digitized X-ray imagery
* 2005: Projective rectification based on relative modification and size extension for stereo image pairs
* 2005: Trademark Retrieval Based On Block Feature Index Code
* 2006: License Plate Extraction in Low Resolution Video
* 2007: Rectification of Stereoscopic Video for Planar Catadioptric Stereo Systems
* 2009: Epipolar geometry of catadioptric stereo systems with planar mirrors
* 2010: Fundamental matrix of planar catadioptric stereo systems
Includes: Wu, H.H.P.[Hsien Huang P.] Wu, H.H.P.[Hsien-Huang P.] Wu, H.H.P.
7 for Wu, H.H.P.

Wu, H.J.[Hai Jun] * 2009: Method for Nondestructive Testing of Blockboard Based on Morphological Double-Gradient Algorithm, A
* 2017: Weighted Low-Rank Decomposition for Robust Grayscale-Thermal Foreground Detection
* 2019: Cross-Modal Attentional Context Learning for RGB-D Object Detection
* 2021: Delving Deep into Many-to-many Attention for Few-shot Video Object Segmentation
* 2021: Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Two-Branch Spectral-Spatial-Feature Attention Network
* 2022: Multi-label video classification via coupling attentional multiple instance learning with label relation graph
* 2022: SMART: Semantic-Aware Masked Attention Relational Transformer for Multi-label Image Recognition
* 2023: Pure graph-guided multi-view subspace clustering
* 2023: Reconstruction with robustness: A semantic prior guided face super-resolution framework for multiple degradations
* 2023: Reducing Spatial Labeling Redundancy for Active Semi-Supervised Crowd Counting
* 2023: Single-View View Synthesis with Self-Rectified Pseudo-Stereo
Includes: Wu, H.J.[Hai Jun] Wu, H.J.[Hai-Jun] Wu, H.J.[He-Jun] Wu, H.J.[Han-Jie] Wu, H.J.[Hong-Jun] Wu, H.J.[Hong-Jie]
11 for Wu, H.J.

Wu, H.K.[Hong Kun] * 2017: Image De-hazing Based on Polynomial Estimation and Steepest Descent Concept
* 2018: A2-RL: Aesthetics Aware Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* 2019: Fast A3RL: Aesthetics-Aware Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* 2021: Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on Fingerprint and Mobility Prediction in RSS Fluctuation-Prone WLANs, An
* 2023: Point Cloud Registration Based on Fast Point Feature Histogram Descriptors for 3D Reconstruction of Trees
Includes: Wu, H.K.[Hong Kun] Wu, H.K.[Hong-Kun] Wu, H.K.[Hui-Kai] Wu, H.K.

Wu, H.L. * 1990: Bayesian Decision Theoretic Approach for Adaptive Goal-Directed Sensing, A
* 2016: Distortion-free secret image sharing method with two meaningful shadows
* 2016: High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Scheme Based upon Permutation Vectors, A
* 2020: Impact of Three Gorges Reservoir Water Impoundment on Vegetation-Climate Response Relationship
* 2020: SD-FB-GAN: Saliency-Driven Feedback GAN for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction
* 2021: Afdn: Attention-Based Feedback Dehazing Network for UAV Remote Sensing Image Haze Removal
* 2022: Deformable Alignment And Scale-Adaptive Feature Extraction Network For Continuous-Scale Satellite Video Super-Resolution
* 2022: Grayscale-Invariant Reversible Data Hiding Based on Multiple Histograms Modification
* 2022: Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Saliency-Guided Feedback GANs
Includes: Wu, H.L. Wu, H.L.[Hsin-Lung] Wu, H.L.[Hui-Ling] Wu, H.L.[Han-Lin]
9 for Wu, H.L.

Wu, H.M.[Han Ming] * 2007: Iterative sliced inverse regression for segmentation of ultrasound and MR images
* 2015: Radiometric Block Adjustment for Multi-Strip Airborne Waveform Lidar Data
* 2018: Convolutional neural network with nonlinear competitive units
* 2018: Feedback weight convolutional neural network for gait recognition
* 2018: Research on Ergonomics Design of the Height and Operation Force for Furniture Lockset
* 2019: Deep compact discriminative representation for unconstrained face recognition
* 2021: Performance Comparison of Filtering Algorithms for High-Density Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds over Complex LandScapes
* 2023: Adaptive coarse-to-fine clustering and terrain feature-aware-based method for reducing LiDAR terrain point clouds
* 2023: Compete to Win: Enhancing Pseudo Labels for Barely-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation
* 2023: DCACorrCapsNet: A deep channel-attention correlative capsule network for COVID-19 detection based on multi-source medical images
* 2023: FedMix: Mixed Supervised Federated Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2023: Randomized Quantization: A Generic Augmentation for Data Agnostic Self-supervised Learning
* 2024: adaptive fuzzy control technique for a high-speed vehicular platoon experiencing communication delays, An
Includes: Wu, H.M.[Han Ming] Wu, H.M.[Han-Ming] Wu, H.M.[Hsien-Ming] Wu, H.M.[Hua-Ming] Wu, H.M.[Hui-Min] Wu, H.M.[Hai-Mei] Wu, H.M.[Hui-Ming] Wu, H.M.[Hai-Meng]
13 for Wu, H.M.

Wu, H.N. * 2007: Finite-Dimensional Constrained Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear Distributed Process Systems
* 2015: Optimization of LED light spectrum to enhance colorfulness of illuminated objects with white light constraints
* 2016: Increasing color saturation by optimizing light spectra constrained on color rendering properties
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2022: FAST-VQA: Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment with Fragment Sampling
* 2022: LAR-SR: A Local Autoregressive Model for Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Multi-Robot Source Location of Scalar Fields by a Novel Swarm Search Mechanism With Collision/Obstacle Avoidance
* 2022: Multiobjective Control Design for Human-Machine Systems With Safety Performance Constraints
* 2022: Online Learning Human Behavior for a Class of Human-in-the-Loop Systems via Adaptive Inverse Optimal Control
* 2023: DisCoVQA: Temporal Distortion-Content Transformers for Video Quality Assessment
* 2023: Multi-Robot Plume Source Localization by Distributed Quantum-Inspired Guidance With Formation Behavior
* 2023: Neighbourhood Representative Sampling for Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment
Includes: Wu, H.N. Wu, H.N.[Hai-Ning] Wu, H.N.[Hao-Ning] Wu, H.N.[Huai-Ning]
12 for Wu, H.N.

Wu, H.P.[Hai Ping] * 2018: Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking
* 2021: Contrastive Learning of Image Representations with Cross-Video Cycle-Consistency
* 2021: CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers
* 2021: Multi-Grained Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: From Individual to Whole: Reducing Intra-class Variance by Feature Aggregation
* 2022: Pyramidal dense attention networks for single image super-resolution
* 2023: Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: HR-Net: A Landmark Based High Realistic Face Reenactment Network
* 2024: hybrid U-shaped and transformer network for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images, A
Includes: Wu, H.P.[Hai Ping] Wu, H.P.[Hai-Ping] Wu, H.P.[Hua-Peng] Wu, H.P.[Hao-Peng]
9 for Wu, H.P.

Wu, H.Q. * 1995: Translational Motion Compensation in ISAR Image-Processing
* 2021: Group-wise Feature Orthogonalization and Suppression for GAN based Facial Attribute Translation
* 2021: Group-wise Inhibition based Feature Regularization for Robust Classification
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* 2022: Adaptive Resource Allocation for Diverse Safety Message Transmissions in Vehicular Networks
* 2022: Asian Rice Calendar Dynamics Detected by Remote Sensing and Their Climate Drivers
* 2022: Decoupled Mixup for Out-of-distribution Visual Recognition
* 2022: Efficient and Anonymous Authentication With Succinct Multi-Subscription Credential in SAGVN
* 2022: Fingerprint Presentation Attack Detector Using Global-Local Model
* 2022: Improving the accuracy of neural networks in analog computing-in-memory systems by analog weight
* 2022: Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Data-Based Tourism Structure Analysis of Demonstration City for Global Tourism: Case Study of Liyang, China
* 2022: Scene Consistency Representation Learning for Video Scene Segmentation
* 2022: See Finer, See More: Implicit Modality Alignment for Text-based Person Retrieval
* 2022: Service-Oriented Dynamic Resource Slicing and Optimization for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks
* 2022: Triplet Loss With Multistage Outlier Suppression and Class-Pair Margins for Facial Expression Recognition
* 2023: AdaptiveMix: Improving GAN Training via Feature Space Shrinkage
* 2023: Collaborative Noisy Label Cleaner: Learning Scene-aware Trailers for Multi-modal Highlight Detection in Movies
* 2023: High-Efficiency Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Traceability
* 2023: NeFII: Inverse Rendering for Reflectance Decomposition with Near-Field Indirect Illumination
* 2023: NewsNet: A Novel Dataset for Hierarchical Temporal Segmentation
* 2023: Towards Unbiased Volume Rendering of Neural Implicit Surfaces with Geometry Priors
Includes: Wu, H.Q. Wu, H.Q.[Hao-Qian] Wu, H.Q.[Hao-Qiang] Wu, H.Q.[Hua-Qing] Wu, H.Q.[Hua-Qiang] Wu, H.Q.[Hao-Qi] Wu, H.Q.[Han-Qing]
21 for Wu, H.Q.

Wu, H.R. * 1995: Performance Evaluation of Spatial Dynamic Motion Compensation Algorithms
* 1997: Generalized Block Edge Impairment Metric for Video Coding, A
* 1998: Comments on Fast Algorithms and Implementation of 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform
* 1998: Restoration-Based Loop Filtering in Hybrid Motion-Compensated Differential-Pulse Code Modulation Discrete Cosine Transform Video Coding
* 1998: Survey of Hybrid MC/DPCM/DCT Video Coding Distortions, A
* 1999: Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Prediction of VBR MPEG Video Sources
* 2000: New Class of Median Based Impulse Rejecting Filters, A
* 2001: Adaptive Impulse Detection Using Center-Weighted Median Filters
* 2001: Adaptive postfiltering of transform coefficients for the reduction of blocking artifacts
* 2001: Application of partition-based median type filters for suppressing noise in images
* 2001: Recursive LMS L Filters for Noise Removal in Images
* 2002: Adaptive noise detection for image restoration with a multiple window configuration
* 2002: Vision-model-based impairment metric to evaluate blocking artifacts in digital video
* 2004: Perceptual Coding of Digital Monochrome Images
* 2005: neighborhood evaluated adaptive vector filter for suppression of impulse noise in color images, A
* 2005: novel objective no-reference metric for digital video quality assessment, A
* 2005: Robust Structure-Adaptive Hybrid Vector Filter for Color Image Restoration, A
* 2006: Adaptive Region Growing Impulse Noise Estimator for Color Images
* 2006: Partition-Based Vector Filtering Technique for Suppression of Noise in Digital Color Images
* 2006: Perceptually lossless medical image coding
* 2007: Fuzzy vector partition filtering technique for color image restoration
* 2009: Geometric Features-Based Filtering for Suppression of Impulse Noise in Color Images
* 2009: Shape Signature for Retinal Biometrics
* 2010: No-Reference Quality Assessment for Networked Video via Primary Analysis of Bit Stream
* 2010: Perceptual Color Image Coding With JPEG2000
* 2010: Robust Filtering Technique for Reduction of Temporal Fluctuation in H.264 Video Sequences
* 2010: Spatial and temporal statistical information based motion estimation
* 2011: Impairment Metric For Video Temporal Fluctuation Measure, An
* 2012: Facial Expression Recognition in Perceptual Color Space
* 2013: Adaptive progressive filter to remove impulse noise in highly corrupted color images
* 2013: Perceptual Visual Signal Compression and Transmission
* 2015: Efficient Lagrange multiplier selection for scalable video coding using temporal inter-layer dependency
* 2015: frame level metric for just noticeable temporal pumping artifact in videos encoded with the hierarchical prediction structure, A
* 2015: Perceptual based SAO rate-distortion optimization method with a simplified JND model for H.265/HEVC
* 2016: Detection and estimation of supra-threshold distortion levels of pictures based on just-noticeable difference
* 2016: QoE Evaluation of Multimedia Services Based on Audiovisual Quality and User Interest
* 2016: Reduction of temporal distortion in video coding based on detection of just-noticeable temporal pumping artifact
* 2017: Automatic Recognition of Human Emotions Induced by Visual Contents of Digital Images Based on Color Histogram
* 2017: efficient Lagrangian multiplier selection method based on temporal dependency for rate-distortion optimization in H.265/HEVC, An
* 2018: Event-Based Perceptual Quality Assessment for HTTP-Based Video Streaming With Playback Interruption
* 2018: Security Consideration for Deep Learning-Based Image Forensics
* 2019: Color Moments-Based System for Recognition of Emotions Induced by Color Images, A
* 2019: Efficient Rate-Distortion Optimization Method for Low-Delay Configuration in H.265/HEVC Based on Temporal Layer Rate and Distortion Dependence, An
* 2019: Improved reversible data hiding based on PVO and adaptive pairwise embedding
* 2019: Temporal-Layer-Motivated Lambda Domain Picture Level Rate Control for Random-Access Configuration in H.265/HEVC
* 2021: Exploring longitudinal driving behaviour on a freeway deceleration lane using field operational test data
* 2021: Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation by Information Capturing and Distribution Matching
* 2021: Quantization Parameter Cascading for Surveillance Video Coding Considering All Inter Reference Frames
* 2021: Roadside pedestrian motion prediction using Bayesian methods and particle filter
* 2022: Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Inspection Method on Rural Living Environments Based on a Modified YOLOv5s-ViT, A
* 2022: Spatial-Driven Features Based on Image Dependencies for Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Two-Stage Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Papaver Somniferum Image Detection System Based on YOLOv5s+DenseNet121, A
* 2023: Depth Perception Assessment of 3D Videos Based on Stereoscopic and Spatial Orientation Structural Features
* 2023: Novel Imaging Algorithm for Wide-Beam Multiple-Receiver Synthetic Aperture Sonar Systems, A
* 2024: AttentionTrack: Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenarios Using Features Attention
* 2024: Semi-Supervised Imbalanced Multi-Label Classification with Label Propagation
Includes: Wu, H.R. Wu, H.R.[Hong Ren] Wu, H.R.[Hon Ren] Wu, H.R.[Hao-Rui] Wu, H.R.[H. Ren] Wu, H.R.[Hao-Ran] Wu, H.R.[Han-Rui] Wu, H.R.[Hua-Rui]
56 for Wu, H.R.

Wu, H.S. * 1998: Minimum Entropy Restoration of Star Field Images
* 1998: Optimal Segmentation of Cell Images
* 2004: extension of statistical face detection to face tracking, The
* 2009: Acquiring 3D motion trajectories of large numbers of swarming animals
* 2009: Reconstructing 3D Motion Trajectories of Particle Swarms by Global Correspondence Selection
* 2011: Segmentation of textured cell images based on frequency analysis
* 2011: Wide-angle distortion correction by Hough transform and gradient estimation
* 2012: Simulation of the Abdominal Wall and Its Arteries after Pneumoperitoneum for Guidance of Port Positioning in Laparoscopic Surgery
* 2021: Automatic Symmetry Detection From Brain MRI Based on a 2-Channel Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Component-based metric learning for fully automatic kinship verification
* 2021: Spatially Modeling the Synergistic Impacts of Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise on Coral Reefs in the South China Sea
Includes: Wu, H.S. Wu, H.S.[Hai-Sheng] Wu, H.S.[Hai Shan] Wu, H.S.[Hurng-Sheng] Wu, H.S.[Hui-Si] Wu, H.S.[Hui-Shan] Wu, H.S.[Hui-Sheng]
11 for Wu, H.S.

Wu, H.T.[Hong Tao] * 2005: Hybrid Swipe Fingerprint Mosaicing Scheme, A
* 2006: Fingerprint Matching Based on Octantal Nearest-Neighbor Structure and Core Points
* 2007: Sequential Quantization Strategy for Data Embedding and Integrity Verification, A
* 2010: Principal axis and crease detection for slap fingerprint segmentation
* 2010: Slap Fingerprint Segmentation for Live-Scan Devices and Ten-Print Cards
* 2011: Secure JPEG steganography by LSB+ matching and multi-band embedding
* 2013: Accurate and Robust 3D Facial Capture Using a Single RGBD Camera
* 2013: Two-Dimensional Tomography from Noisy Projections Taken at Unknown Random Directions
* 2014: Improved steganalysis algorithm against motion vector based video steganography
* 2014: Reversible Data Hiding by Median-Preserving Histogram Modification for Image Contrast Enhancement
* 2015: Biometric Identification Using JPEG2000 Compressed ECG Signals
* 2015: reversible data hiding method with contrast enhancement for medical images, A
* 2015: Reversible Image Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement
* 2016: Reversible data hiding in Paillier cryptosystem
* 2017: Adaptive image segmentation algorithm under the constraint of edge posterior probability
* 2017: Image Quality Assessment in Reversible Data Hiding with Contrast Enhancement
* 2018: 3D cartoon face rigging from sparse examples
* 2018: novel reversible data hiding method with image contrast enhancement, A
* 2018: VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2018: VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2018: VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results
* 2019: High-Capacity Reversible Data Hiding Method for Homomorphic Encrypted Images, A
* 2019: Physically-Based Simulation of Cosmetics via Intrinsic Image Decomposition with Facial Priors
* 2020: Novel 3D Surface Reconstruction Method with Posterior Constraints of Edge Detection, A
* 2020: Reversible contrast enhancement for medical images with background segmentation
* 2020: Solving Jigsaw Puzzles by the Graph Connection Laplacian
* 2021: Contrast Enhancement of Multiple Tissues in MR Brain Images With Reversibility
* 2021: Cramér-Rao Bound for DOA Estimation Exploiting Multiple Frequency Pairs
* 2021: DOA Estimation With Nonuniform Moving Sampling Scheme Based on a Moving Platform
* 2021: LSG-CPD: Coherent Point Drift with Local Surface Geometry for Point Cloud Registration
* 2021: Predicting Trust Using Automated Assessment of Multivariate Interactional Synchrony
* 2022: Dual Spoof Disentanglement Generation for Face Anti-Spoofing With Depth Uncertainty Learning
* 2022: GGViT: Multistream Vision Transformer Network in Face2Face Facial Reenactment Detection
* 2022: Reversible Data Hiding With Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement by Two-Dimensional Histogram Modification
* 2022: Single underwater image haze removal with a learning-based approach to blurriness estimation
* 2022: Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Variation in Urban Surface Albedo Detected by High-Resolution Satellite Data
* 2023: Lossless Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Compatible With Homomorphic Processing
* 2023: Satellite Navigation Signal Authentication in GNSS: A Survey on Technology Evolution, Status, and Perspective for BDS
* 2023: Snow Removal in Video: A New Dataset and A Novel Method
* 2024: Orthogonal Spatial Binary Coding Method for High-Speed 3D Measurement
Includes: Wu, H.T.[Hong Tao] Wu, H.T.[Hong-Tao] Wu, H.T. Wu, H.T.[Hao-Tian] Wu, H.T.[Hsiang-Tao] Wu, H.T.[Hung-Tsai] Wu, H.T.[Hau-Tieng] Wu, H.T.[Han-Tian] Wu, H.T.[Hang-Tong] Wu, H.T.[Hai-Tao]
40 for Wu, H.T.

Wu, H.W.[Hai Wei] * 2021: GIID-NET: Generalizable Image Inpainting Detection Network
* 2022: Deep Generative Model for Image Inpainting With Local Binary Pattern Learning and Spatial Attention
* 2022: IID-Net: Image Inpainting Detection Network via Neural Architecture Search and Attention
* 2022: Multistage Curvature-Guided Network for Progressive Single Image Reflection Removal
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* 2022: Robust Image Forgery Detection over Online Social Network Shared Images
* 2024: Transformer-Based Image Inpainting Detection via Label Decoupling and Constrained Adversarial Training
Includes: Wu, H.W.[Hai Wei] Wu, H.W.[Hai-Wei]
7 for Wu, H.W.

Wu, H.X.[Hui Xin] * 2006: New Integrated Data Structure for 3D GIS, A
* 2017: improved image defogging method based on dark channel prior, An
* 2018: VLSI implementation of an ultra-low-cost and low-power image compressor for wireless camera networks
* 2021: Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination via Mutual Information Disentanglement
* 2021: LAMP-HQ: A Large-Scale Multi-pose High-Quality Database and Benchmark for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* 2021: MotionRNN: A Flexible Model for Video Prediction with Spacetime-Varying Motions
* 2022: Coprime Nested Arrays for DOA Estimation: Exploiting the Nesting Property of Coprime Array
* 2022: Metallic debossed characters industrial online non-segmentation identification based on improved multi-scale image fusion enhancement and deep neural network
* 2022: sample-proxy dual triplet loss function for object re-identification, A
* 2023: Visible-infrared person re-identification using high utilization mismatch amending triplet loss
Includes: Wu, H.X.[Hui Xin] Wu, H.X.[Hui-Xin] Wu, H.X.[Hong-Xin] Wu, H.X.[Hai-Xia] Wu, H.X.[Hao-Xue] Wu, H.X.[Hai-Xu] Wu, H.X.[Hua-Xiong] Wu, H.X.[Han-Xiao]
10 for Wu, H.X.

Wu, H.Y.[Hai Yuan] * 1995: Face Detection by Fuzzy Pattern Matching
* 1996: Facial Feature Extraction and Face Verification
* 1996: Fuzzy Theory Based Face Detector, An
* 1997: 3-D object positioning from monocular image brightnesses
* 1998: Recognition Algorithm Based on Wavelet Transform for Handprinted Chinese Characters
* 1998: Robust Algorithm for 3D Head Pose Estimation, A
* 1998: Spotting Recognition of Head Gestures from Color Image Series
* 1999: Face Detection from Color Images Using a Fuzzy Pattern Matching Method
* 1999: Object Recognition Based on 3-D Moment Invariants from Monocular Intensity Image
* 1999: Segmentation and object detection with Gabor filters and cumulative histograms
* 2000: Object Detection with Gabor Filters and Cumulative Histograms
* 2001: Image analysis of crosswalk
* 2002: Glasses frame detection with 3D hough transform
* 2002: Optimal gabor filters for high speed face identification
* 2003: Detection of Vehicles Using Gabor Filters and Affine Moment Invariants from an Image
* 2003: Segmentation and Free Space Detection Using Gabor Filters
* 2004: Camera Calibration with Two Arbitrary Coplanar Circles
* 2004: Conic-based algorithm for visual line estimation from one image
* 2004: Visual line estimation from a single image of two eyes
* 2005: Visual Direction Estimation from a Monocular Image
* 2006: General Framework For Tracking People, A
* 2006: Pixel-wise Object Tracking Algorithm with Target and Background Sample, A
* 2007: Consistent Correspondence between Arbitrary Manifold Surfaces
* 2007: Noise-Insensitive Object Tracking Algorithm, A
* 2007: Object Tracking with Target and Background Samples
* 2007: Tracking Iris Contour with a 3D Eye-Model for Gaze Estimation
* 2008: Adaptive Building Edge Detection by Combining LIDAR Data and Aerial Images
* 2008: Adaptive selection of non-target cluster centers for K-means tracker
* 2008: GA based feature generation for training cascade object detector
* 2008: RK-Means Clustering: K-Means with Reliability
* 2008: Training high dimension ternary features with GA in boosting cascade detector for object detection
* 2009: Accelerating Face Detection by Using Depth Information
* 2009: Crease Detection on Noisy Meshes via Probabilistic Scale Selection
* 2009: Mean-Shift Object Tracking with a Novel Back-Projection Calculation Method
* 2010: Adaptive e-LBP for Background Subtraction
* 2010: Global and local isometry-invariant descriptor for 3D shape comparison and partial matching
* 2010: Multi-environment model adaptation based on vector Taylor series for robust speech recognition
* 2011: Robust consistent correspondence between 3D non-rigid shapes based on Dual Shape-DNA
* 2012: Improved Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Side Match, An
* 2012: Ping-pong robotics with high-speed vision system
* 2013: Forward-Backward Mean-Shift for Visual Tracking With Local-Background-Weighted Histogram
* 2013: Iris Outline Tracker: For Various Eye Shapes in a Single Video Camera without Infrared Illumination, An
* 2013: Planar Segmentation from Point Clouds via Graph Laplacian Regularized K-Planes
* 2013: Region-based image segmentation with local signed difference energy
* 2013: Tone-aware sparse representation for face recognition
* 2013: Video-Rate Hair Tracking System Using Kinect
* 2014: 3D object tracking via boundary constrained region-based model
* 2014: Fast Image Upsampling via the Displacement Field
* 2014: Improved Top-Hat Filter with Sloped Brim for Extracting Ground Points from Airborne Lidar Point Clouds, An
* 2015: iterative convergence algorithm for single/multi ground plane detection and angle estimation with RGB-D camera, An
* 2015: Learning Templates for Artistic Portrait Lighting Analysis
* 2015: Manifold Regularized Local Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
* 2016: 4D-SAS: A Distributed Dynamic-Data Driven Simulation and Analysis System for Massive Spatial Agent-Based Modeling
* 2016: Developing A Cloud-based Online Geospatial Information Sharing And Geoprocessing Platform To Facilitate Collaborative Education And Research
* 2016: Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of Public OGC Web Map Services
* 2016: Hypergraph+: An Improved Hypergraph-Based Task-Scheduling Algorithm for Massive Spatial Data Processing on Master-Slave Platforms
* 2016: Impact Of Building Heights On 3d Urban Density Estimation From Spaceborne Stereo Imagery
* 2016: visual attention-based method to address the midas touch problem existing in gesture-based interaction, A
* 2017: Airborne LiDAR Data Filtering Based on Geodesic Transformations of Mathematical Morphology
* 2017: Combining hidden Markov model and fuzzy neural network for continuous recognition of complex dynamic gestures
* 2017: Eulerian Video Magnification and Analysis
* 2017: Hybrid Parallel Spatial Interpolation Algorithm for Massive LiDAR Point Clouds on Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Systems, A
* 2017: Multi-Task Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* 2017: Multiscale Deeply Described Correlatons-Based Model for Land-Use Scene Classification, A
* 2017: New Stereo Pair Disparity Index (SPDI) for Detecting Built-Up Areas from High-Resolution Stereo Imagery, A
* 2017: Novel k-Means Clustering Based Task Decomposition Method for Distributed Vector-Based CA Models, A
* 2017: Recognition of road type for unmanned vehicle based on texture and color features
* 2017: rotation invariant 3D indoor scene labeling approach based on conditional random fields, A
* 2017: Scientometric Visualization Analysis for Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Research from 1991 to 2016, A
* 2018: Concentric Circle Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* 2018: Imaging manifestations of sepsis-associated encephalopathy
* 2018: On the Statistical Distribution of the Nonzero Spatial Autocorrelation Parameter in a Simultaneous Autoregressive Model
* 2019: Adaptive End-to-End Classification Approach for Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Knowledge in Urban Scenes, An
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on RAW to RGB Mapping: Methods and Results
* 2019: Concept and Technologies of Quality of Geographic Information Service: Improving User Experience of GIServices in a Distributed Computing Environment, The
* 2019: Mapping Foliar Nutrition Using WorldView-3 and WorldView-2 to Assess Koala Habitat Suitability
* 2019: Saccade Information Based Directional Heat Map Generation for Gaze Data Visualization
* 2019: Spatial Filtering in DCT Domain-Based Frameworks for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* 2019: Spectral DWT Multilevel Decomposition with Spatial Filtering Enhancement Preprocessing-Based Approaches for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* 2020: Developing Non-Negative Spatial Autoregressive Models for Better Exploring Relation Between Nighttime Light Images and Land Use Types
* 2020: Image retrieval based on ASIFT features in a Hadoop clustered system
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* 2021: CLEAR: Clean-up Sample-Targeted Backdoor in Neural Networks
* 2021: Contrastive Learning for Compact Single Image Dehazing
* 2021: Cryo-Ralib: A Modular Library for Accelerating Alignment in CRYO-EM
* 2021: Data-Driven Quasi-Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Integrating Multi-Source Traffic Sensor Data on the Expressway Network, A
* 2021: Evaluation of the Simulation of Typhoon Lekima (2019) Based on Different Physical Parameterization Schemes and FY-3D Satellite's MWHS-2 Data Assimilation
* 2021: Exploring the Influences of Point-of-Interest on Traffic Crashes during Weekdays and Weekends via Multi-Scale Geographically Weighted Regression
* 2021: hierarchical self-attention augmented Laplacian pyramid expanding network for change detection in high-resolution remote sensing images, A
* 2021: Joint Face Alignment and 3D Face Reconstruction with Efficient Convolution Neural Networks
* 2021: Pose-Guided and Style-Transferred Face Reenactment
* 2021: Rotation Invariance Regularization for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2021: Single Object Tracking in Satellite Videos: Deep Siamese Network Incorporating an Interframe Difference Centroid Inertia Motion Model
* 2021: Social graph convolutional LSTM for pedestrian trajectory prediction
* 2021: TWC-Net: A SAR Ship Detection Using Two-Way Convolution and Multiscale Feature Mapping
* 2022: Augmented Geospatial Service Web Based on QoS Constraints and Geospatial Service Semantic Relationships, An
* 2022: Billion-Scale Pretraining with Vision Transformers for Multi-Task Visual Representations
* 2022: Deducing Flood Development Process Using Social Media: An Event-Based and Multi-Level Modeling Approach
* 2022: Domain Constraints-Driven Automatic Service Composition for Online Land Cover Geoprocessing
* 2022: Dual-Generator Face Reenactment
* 2022: Facial Expression Recognition In-the-wild with Deep Pre-trained Models
* 2022: Graph Neural Networks Based Multi-granularity Feature Representation Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* 2022: Most and Least Retrievable Images in Visual-Language Query Systems
* 2022: Multiscale Spectral-Spatial Cross-Extraction Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: On the Link Between Emotion, Attention and Content in Virtual Immersive Environments
* 2022: Residual Graph Attention Network and Expression-Respect Data Augmentation Aided Visual Grounding
* 2022: Scientometric Analysis for Spatial Autocorrelation-Related Research from 1991 to 2021
* 2022: Symbolic sequence representation with Markovian state optimization
* 2022: Variations of Urban NO2 Pollution during the COVID-19 Outbreak and Post-Epidemic Era in China: A Synthesis of Remote Sensing and In Situ Measurements
* 2023: Detecting Turning Relationships and Time Restrictions of OSM Road Intersections from Crowdsourced Trajectories
* 2023: EmoTalk: Speech-Driven Emotional Disentanglement for 3D Face Animation
* 2023: Improving 3D Digital Soil Mapping Based on Spatialized Lab Soil Spectral Information
* 2023: LBS Tag Cloud: A Centralized Tag Cloud for Visualization of Points of Interest in Location-Based Services
* 2023: Planar Constraint Assisted LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Based on Manhattan World Assumption
* 2023: S-VolSDF: Sparse Multi-View Stereo Regularization of Neural Implicit Surfaces
* 2023: Vehicle Recognition Based on Region Growth of Relative Tension and Similarity Measurement of Side Projection Profile of Vehicle Body
* 2024: Differences in Urban Development in China from the Perspective of Point of Interest Spatial Co-Occurrence Patterns
* 2024: YOLOH: You Only Look One Hourglass for Real-Time Object Detection
Includes: Wu, H.Y.[Hai Yuan] Wu, H.Y.[Hai-Yuan] Wu, H.Y. Wu, H.Y.[Huai-Yu] Wu, H.Y.[Hua-Yi] Wu, H.Y.[Hai-Yang] Wu, H.Y.[Han-Yan] Wu, H.Y.[Hai-Yan] Wu, H.Y.[Hong-Yu] Wu, H.Y.[Hui-Yue] Wu, H.Y.[Hao-Yu] Wu, H.Y.[Hao-Ying] Wu, H.Y.[Hui-Ying] Wu, H.Y.[Huan-Yu] Wu, H.Y.[Hong-Yi] Wu, H.Y.[Hung-Yi] Wu, H.Y.[Hai-Ying] Wu, H.Y.[Hong-Yan] Wu, H.Y.[Hui-Yin] Wu, H.Y.[Hua-Yong] Wu, H.Y.[Hong-Yue]
118 for Wu, H.Y.

Wu, H.Z.[Hui Zhong] * 2004: Compute visibility without depth in multi-reference images
* 2004: Inverse image warping without searching
* 2009: Cropping Robust Geometric Distortion Correcting Algorithm for Watermarked Image Based on SIFT, A
* 2014: Efficient Reversible Data Hiding Based on Prefix Matching and Directed LSB Embedding
* 2016: Structural Design of Convolutional Neural Networks for Steganalysis
* 2017: Separable Reversible Data Hiding for Encrypted Palette Images With Color Partitioning and Flipping Verification
* 2019: Broadcasting Steganography in the Blockchain
* 2019: Ensemble Steganalysis Based on Deep Residual Network
* 2020: Rethinking the Distribution Gap of Person Re-identification with Camera-Based Batch Normalization
* 2021: Exploiting texture characteristics and spatial correlations for robustness metric of data hiding with noisy transmission
* 2021: Learning Efficient Photometric Feature Transform for Multi-view Stereo
* 2021: Watermarking Neural Networks With Watermarked Images
* 2022: ALiSa: Acrostic Linguistic Steganography Based on BERT and Gibbs Sampling
* 2022: Enforced block diagonal subspace clustering with closed form solution
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Structured Subspace Learning for Multi-View Clustering
* 2023: Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernike Moments, A
* 2023: Hiding data hiding
* 2023: Unified Spatial-Angular Structured Light for Single-View Acquisition of Shape and Reflectance, A
* 2024: EDMC: Efficient Multi-View Clustering via Cluster and Instance Space Learning
Includes: Wu, H.Z.[Hui Zhong] Wu, H.Z.[Hui-Zhong] Wu, H.Z.[Han-Zhou] Wu, H.Z. Wu, H.Z.[Hao-Zhe] Wu, H.Z.[Hong-Zhi]
19 for Wu, H.Z.

Wu, I. * 2019: Stochastic Gradient Descent With Hyperbolic-Tangent Decay on Classification

Wu, I.C.[I Chen] * 1989: Architecture Independent Programming Language for Low-Level Vision, An
* 1989: Machine-Independent Image Processing: Performance of Apply on Diverse Architectures

Wu, J. * 1986: 3-D Motion Recovery from Time-Varying Optical Flows
* 1988: Convected Activation Profiles and the Measurement of Visual Motion
* 1989: Contour-based Recovery of Image Flow: Iterative Method, A
* 1990: Estimating the Finite Displacement Using Moments
* 1991: Contour-Based Recovery of Image Flow: Iterative Transformation Method, A
* 1991: On the Deformation of Image Intensity and Zero-Crossing Contours under Motion
* 1993: Models for Map Building and Navigation
* 1995: Handwritten numeral recognition using self-organizing maps and fuzzy rules
* 1996: Recognition by Recall
* 1997: Off-Line Writer Verification Utilizing Multiple Neural Networks
* 2000: Rotation Invariant Classification of 3D Surface Textures using Photometric Stereo and Surface Magnitude Spectra
* 2001: Embedded Zerotree Runlength Wavelet Image Coding
* 2002: Fast tracking of semantic video object based on motion prediction and subregion extraction
* 2003: Face recognition: component-based versus global approaches
* 2005: Cerebral Perfusion Imaging of Live Mice by Fluorescent X-Ray CT
* 2005: Segmentation Method Using Compound Markov Random Fields Based on a General Boundary Model, A
* 2005: three-dimensional registration method for automated fusion of micro PET-CT-SPECT whole-body images, A
* 2006: Bootstrap Methods for Reject Rules of Fisher LDA
* 2006: Efficient Low-Frequency Inversion of 3-D Buried Objects With Large Contrasts
* 2006: Euclidean Quality Assessment for Binary Images
* 2006: Gender Classification Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Gaussian Mixture Models
* 2006: Hierarchical Palmprint Identification Method Using Hand Geometry and Grayscale Distribution Features, A
* 2006: Shape-Based Image Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts
* 2007: Camera Sensor Model for Visual SLAM
* 2007: Face Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Manifold Learning
* 2007: Gender Classification using Shape from Shading
* 2007: Image Restoration And Detail Preservation By Bayesian Estimation
* 2007: Learning Mixture Models for Gender Classification Based on Facial Surface Normals
* 2007: Segmentation Model Using Compound Markov Random Fields Based on a Boundary Model, A
* 2007: Single-Pass Rate-Smoothed Video Encoding With Quality Constraint
* 2007: Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis for Facial Gender Classification
* 2008: convergence theorem for the fuzzy subspace clustering (FSC) algorithm, A
* 2008: Facial Gender Classification Using Shape from Shading and Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis
* 2008: feature-based robust digital image watermarking against geometric attacks, A
* 2008: Gender classification based on facial surface normals
* 2008: Improving image segmentation by gradient vector flow and mean shift
* 2008: Independent Gabor Analysis of Multiscale Total Variation-Based Quotient Image
* 2008: Moving object segmentation using the 9/7-10/8 dual-tree complex filter bank
* 2008: Palmprint identification based on non-separable wavelet filter banks
* 2008: Supervised Principal Geodesic Analysis on Facial Surface Normals for Gender Classification
* 2009: Application of Retinex in Color Restoration of Image Enhancement to Night Image
* 2009: Extracting gender discriminating features from facial needle-maps
* 2009: Improved 3D Depth Image Estimation Algorithm for Visual Camera
* 2009: K-Means Clustering Versus Validation Measures: A Data-Distribution Perspective
* 2009: New Medical Segmentation Method Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Region Growing, A
* 2009: Semi-supervised Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* 2009: Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data
* 2010: Asymmetric semi-supervised boosting for SVM active learning in CBIR
* 2010: Enhancing SVM Active Learning for Image Retrieval Using Semi-supervised Bias-Ensemble
* 2010: Experimental Study on Approximation Algorithms for Guarding Sets of Line Segments
* 2010: Facial Gender Classification Using Shape-from-Shading
* 2010: Genre-specific semantic video indexing
* 2010: POSIT: Part-based object segmentation without intensive training
* 2010: Segmentation of Brain MR Images Using Reformative Expectation-maximization Algorithm, The
* 2010: Snake-based approach for segmenting pedicles in radiographs and its application in three-dimensional vertebrae reconstruction
* 2011: Compressive Sensing SAR Image Reconstruction Based on Bayesian Framework and Evolutionary Computation
* 2011: efficient decision-based and edge-preserving method for salt-and-pepper noise removal, An
* 2011: Gender discriminating models from facial surface normals
* 2011: Gradient-based edge detection for motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* 2011: information theoretic approach to gender feature selection, An
* 2011: integration of directional information and local region information for accurate image segmentation, The
* 2011: Maximum Margin Clustering Based Statistical VAD With Multiple Observation Compound Feature
* 2011: MRG-OHTC Database for Online Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition
* 2011: Multivariate Compressive Sensing for Image Reconstruction in the Wavelet Domain: Using Scale Mixture Models
* 2011: PDE-Based Random-Valued Impulse Noise Removal Based on New Class of Controlling Functions
* 2011: Quantitative Analysis of Virtual Endmembers' Increased Impact on the Collinearity Effect in Spectral Unmixing, A
* 2011: Robust Automatic Rodent Brain Extraction Using 3-D Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks (PCNN)
* 2011: Supervised relevance maps for increasing the distinctiveness of facial images
* 2012: Adaboost-based Feature Relevance Assessment in Fusing LIDAR and Image Data for Classification of Trees and Vehicles in Urban Scenes
* 2012: Co-registration Between Multisource Remote-sensing Images
* 2012: Component-Based On-Line Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition Method Using Conditional Random Field, A
* 2012: Disturbance attenuation for a class of uncertain polynomial discrete-time systems: An integrator approach
* 2012: Efficient Genre-Specific Semantic Video Indexing
* 2012: Estimating Surface Characteristics and Extracting Features from Polarisation
* 2012: evidential reasoning based classification algorithm and its application for face recognition with class noise, An
* 2012: Fast Radix-3 Algorithm for the Generalized Discrete Hartley Transform of Type II
* 2012: Nonlinear robust state feedback control of uncertain polynomial discrete-time systems: An integral action approach
* 2012: Robust H-inf state feedback control of networked control systems with congestion control
* 2013: Comparison of Two Phase Unwrapping Methods for PSP Time Series Analysis
* 2013: Efficient collision detection for composite finite element simulation of cuts in deformable bodies
* 2013: Gestalt saliency: Salient region detection based on Gestalt principles
* 2013: Learning a hybrid similarity measure for image retrieval
* 2013: Recurrent Leaky Bucket
* 2013: Rendering realistic spectral bokeh due to lens stops and aberrations
* 2013: Semi-automatic Tibetan Component Annotation from Online Handwritten Tibetan Character Database by Optimizing Segmentation Hypotheses
* 2013: Voxel-Based Method for Automated Identification and Morphological Parameters Estimation of Individual Street Trees from Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* 2014: Bone segmentation and 3D visualization of CT images for traumatic pelvic injuries
* 2014: Cooperative vehicle-actuator system: a sequence-based framework of cooperative intersections management
* 2014: Early detection of all-zero blocks in High Efficiency Video Coding
* 2014: Efficient, simultaneous detection of multi-class geospatial targets based on visual saliency modeling and discriminative learning of sparse coding
* 2014: Feasibility Study on Kinematic Feature Extraction from the Human Interventricular Septum toward Hypertension Classification, A
* 2014: Learning High-Level Feature by Deep Belief Networks for 3-D Model Retrieval and Recognition
* 2014: Learning to Rank the Severity of Unrepaired Cleft Lip Nasal Deformity on 3D Mesh Data
* 2014: Local Maximal Homogeneous Region Search for SAR Speckle Reduction With Sketch-Based Geometrical Kernel Function
* 2014: Multi-Label Active Learning for Image Classification
* 2014: New Network-Based Algorithm for Human Activity Recognition in Videos, A
* 2014: Random-valued impulse noise removal using fuzzy weighted non-local means
* 2014: Sparse Patch Coding for 3D Model Retrieval
* 2014: Value of Multiple Viewpoints in Gesture-Based User Authentication, The
* 2015: Action Recognition based on Subdivision-Fusion Model
* 2015: Boosting for Multi-Graph Classification
* 2015: CHCF: A Cloud-Based Heterogeneous Computing Framework for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* 2015: Deep Label Distribution Learning for Apparent Age Estimation
* 2015: Deep Spatial Pyramid Ensemble for Cultural Event Recognition
* 2015: Driving Safety Field Based on Driver-Vehicle-Road Interactions, The
* 2015: Estimating Roof Solar Energy Potential in the Downtown Area Using a GPU-Accelerated Solar Radiation Model and Airborne LiDAR Data
* 2015: Finding the best not the most: regularized loss minimization subgraph selection for graph classification
* 2015: Global Correlation Descriptor: A novel image representation for image retrieval
* 2015: Graph Ensemble Boosting for Imbalanced Noisy Graph Stream Classification
* 2015: Imaging Analysis and First Results of the Geostationary Interferometric Microwave Sounder Demonstrator
* 2015: Intelligent speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion algorithm for automated 3-D ultrasound images
* 2015: Leveraging shape and depth in user authentication from in-air hand gestures
* 2015: Multi-Label Active Learning with Label Correlation for Image Classification
* 2015: Online handwritten Tibetan syllable recognition based on component segmentation method
* 2015: Real-Time Human Movement Retrieval and Assessment With Kinect Sensor
* 2015: Video denoising algorithm via multi-scale joint luma-chroma bilateral filter
* 2015: Visual Orientation Selectivity Based Structure Description
* 2016: accurate eye pupil localization approach based on adaptive gradient boosting decision tree, An
* 2016: Action Recognition in Still Images With Minimum Annotation Efforts
* 2016: Adaptive Hybrid Digital-Analog Video Transmission in Wireless Fading Channel
* 2016: Bayer Demosaicking With Polynomial Interpolation
* 2016: Branching Path Following for Graph Matching
* 2016: Covert Video Classification by Codebook Growing Pattern
* 2016: DAC-Mobi: Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support
* 2016: DAC-Mobi: Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support
* 2016: Discriminative Transfer Subspace Learning via Low-Rank and Sparse Representation
* 2016: Estimating head pose orientation using extremely low resolution images
* 2016: Generalized Metaphor of Chinese Restaurant Franchise to Fusing Both Panchromatic and Multispectral Images for Unsupervised Classification, A
* 2016: Hierarchical semantic model and scattering mechanism based PolSAR image classification
* 2016: High quality impulse noise removal via non-uniform sampling and autoregressive modelling based super-resolution
* 2016: High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Mapping Of Beijing Using Lansat8 Imagery
* 2016: Incidence Angle Correction of SAR Sea Ice Data Based on Locally Linear Mapping
* 2016: Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Wearable Computers for Assisted Living Applications: A signal processing perspective
* 2016: Memetic Extreme Learning Machine
* 2016: Modeling Dynamics of Online Video Popularity
* 2016: Modeling the impact of spatial resolutions on perceptual quality of immersive image/video
* 2016: new database for online handwritten Mongolian word recognition, A
* 2016: No-reference quality assessment for contrast-distorted image
* 2016: Perceptual sparse representation for compressed sensing of image
* 2016: SAR Image Segmentation Based on Hierarchical Visual Semantic and Adaptive Neighborhood Multinomial Latent Model
* 2016: Self-calibration method for rotating laser positioning system using interscanning technology and ultrasonic ranging
* 2016: SODE: Self-Adaptive One-Dependence Estimators for classification
* 2016: Spectral and Spatial Approach of Coarse-to-Fine Blurred Image Region Detection, A
* 2016: Stacked Sparse Autoencoder (SSAE) for Nuclei Detection on Breast Cancer Histopathology Images
* 2016: Trading Delay for Distortion in One-Way Video Communication Over the Internet
* 2016: Two-Stream CNNs for Gesture-Based Verification and Identification: Learning User Style
* 2016: Visual information measurement with quality assessment
* 2016: What is the Appropriate Temporal Distance Range for Driving Style Analysis?
* 2017: Active Learning with Label Correlation Exploration for Multi-Label Image Classification
* 2017: Adaptive Feeding: Achieving Fast and Accurate Detections by Adaptively Combining Object Detectors
* 2017: Adaptive Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Videos Based on Entropy and the Cumulative Distribution of Gray Levels, An
* 2017: Airplane wing deformation and flight flutter detection method by using three-dimensional speckle image correlation technology
* 2017: Analog Coded SoftCast: A Network Slice Design for Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast
* 2017: Color-Guided Depth Recovery via Joint Local Structural and Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* 2017: Discriminative Elastic-Net Regularized Linear Regression
* 2017: Enhanced Just Noticeable Difference Model for Images With Pattern Complexity
* 2017: Enhanced Minutiae Extraction for High-Resolution Palmprint Recognition
* 2017: Establishing Keypoint Matches on Multimodal Images With Bootstrap Strategy and Global Information
* 2017: In Defense of Shallow Learned Spectral Reconstruction from RGB Images
* 2017: Instance cloned extreme learning machine
* 2017: Joint Compression of Near-Duplicate Videos
* 2017: Knowledge-Enhanced Mobile Video Broadcasting Framework With Cloud Support
* 2017: MomentsNet: A simple learning-free method for binary image recognition
* 2017: Multi-modality Network with Visual and Geometrical Information for Micro Emotion Recognition
* 2017: Neural Scene De-rendering
* 2017: New Approach for Detecting Urban Centers and Their Spatial Structure With Nighttime Light Remote Sensing, A
* 2017: Nonlocaly Multi-Morphological Representation for Image Reconstruction From Compressive Measurements
* 2017: Novel Two-Compartment Model for Calculating Bone Volume Fractions and Bone Mineral Densities From Computed Tomography Images, A
* 2017: Performance Analysis of Circular Antenna Array for Microwave Interferometric Radiometers
* 2017: pipeline for reconstructing cross-shredded English document, A
* 2017: Raster-to-Vector: Revisiting Floorplan Transformation
* 2017: Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA
* 2017: Research on Adaptive Cruise Control based on curve radius prediction
* 2017: SALE: Self-adaptive LSH encoding for multi-instance learning
* 2017: Saliency Pattern Detection by Ranking Structured Trees
* 2017: Selective Convolutional Descriptor Aggregation for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* 2017: Spectral analysis of amazon canopy phenology during the dry season using a tower hyperspectral camera and modis observations
* 2017: Stacked Convolutional Denoising Auto-Encoders for Feature Representation
* 2017: Synthesizing 3D Shapes via Modeling Multi-view Depth Maps and Silhouettes with Deep Generative Networks
* 2017: ThiNet: A Filter Level Pruning Method for Deep Neural Network Compression
* 2017: Use of Tencent Street View Imagery for Visual Perception of Streets
* 2018: Accuracy of CHIRPS Satellite-Rainfall Products over Mainland China
* 2018: Adaptive Hierarchical Multinomial Latent Model With Hybrid Kernel Function for SAR Image Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Adaptive Locality Preserving based Discriminative Regression
* 2018: Applications of hyperspectral and optical scattering imaging technique in the detection of food microorganism
* 2018: Attention Clusters: Purely Attention Based Local Feature Integration for Video Classification
* 2018: Collaborative Scheduling-Based Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding on Multicore Platforms, A
* 2018: Cost-Distortion Optimization and Resource Control in Pseudo-Analog Visual Communications
* 2018: Degrees of Freedom of a MIMO Multipair Two-Way Relay Channel With Delayed Channel State Information
* 2018: efficient all-zero block detection algorithm for high efficiency video coding with RDOQ, An
* 2018: FloorNet: A Unified Framework for Floorplan Reconstruction from 3D Scans
* 2018: Gaze Prediction in Dynamic 360° Immersive Videos
* 2018: Hybrid Method of SAR Speckle Reduction Based on Geometric-Structural Block and Adaptive Neighborhood, A
* 2018: Improving Multipath Video Transmission With Raptor Codes in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* 2018: Interpreting Video Recommendation Mechanisms by Mining View Count Traces
* 2018: Jointly Sparse Hashing for Image Retrieval
* 2018: Light CNN based Method for Hand Detection and Orientation Estimation, A
* 2018: Local Compact Binary Patterns for Background Subtraction in Complex Scenes
* 2018: Method Based on Floating Car Data and Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree Classification for the Detection of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Intersections
* 2018: Multi-Label Nonlinear Matrix Completion With Transductive Multi-Task Feature Selection for Joint MGMT and IDH1 Status Prediction of Patient With High-Grade Gliomas
* 2018: Nonsystematic Range Cell Migration Analysis and Autofocus Correction for Bistatic Forward-looking SAR
* 2018: Optimal 2-D Spectrum Matching Method for SAR Ground Moving Target Imaging, An
* 2018: Optimal, Recursive and Sub-Optimal Linear Solutions to Attitude Determination from Vector Observations for GNSS/Accelerometer/Magnetometer Orientation Measurement
* 2018: Partitioning of Terrain Features Based on Roughness
* 2018: Pix3D: Dataset and Methods for Single-Image 3D Shape Modeling
* 2018: Probabilistic Graph Embedding for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2018: Robust Foreground Estimation via Structured Gaussian Scale Mixture Modeling
* 2018: SAR Target Configuration Recognition via Two-Stage Sparse Structure Representation
* 2018: Study of Rank Defect and Network Effect in Processing the CMONOC Network on Bernese, A
* 2018: Unsupervised Saliency Detection in 3-D-Video Based on Multiscale Segmentation and Refinement
* 2018: Vertex-level three-dimensional shape deformability measurement based on line segment advection
* 2018: Video Captioning via Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
* 2019: Anomaly Detection in Road Networks Using Sliding-Window Tensor Factorization
* 2019: Atmospheric Correction of GOCI Using Quasi-Synchronous VIIRS Data in Highly Turbid Coastal Waters
* 2019: Automatic Vehicle Tracking With Roadside LiDAR Data for the Connected-Vehicles System
* 2019: Azimuth Signal Multichannel Reconstruction and Channel Configuration Design for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* 2019: Bi-Objective Timetable Optimization Model for Urban Rail Transit Based on the Time-Dependent Passenger Volume, A
* 2019: CCDA: a concise corner detection algorithm
* 2019: Comparative Study of Spatial and Temporal Preferences for Waterfronts in Wuhan based on Gender Differences in Check-In Behavior, A
* 2019: Cooperative distributed predictive control for collision-free vehicle platoons
* 2019: DeblurGAN-v2: Deblurring (Orders-of-Magnitude) Faster and Better
* 2019: Deep Comprehensive Correlation Mining for Image Clustering
* 2019: Deep Self-Learning Network for Adaptive Pansharpening
* 2019: Discovery of Critical Nodes in Road Networks Through Mining From Vehicle Trajectories
* 2019: Dual-Attention Dilated Residual Network for Liver Lesion Classification and Localization on CT Images, A
* 2019: Effective Autofocus Method for Fast Factorized Back-Projection, An
* 2019: Efficient Object Detection Framework and Hardware Architecture for Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: End-to-End Partial Convolutions Neural Networks for Dunhuang Grottoes Wall-Painting Restoration
* 2019: Essential Tensor Learning for Multi-View Spectral Clustering
* 2019: Exemplar-based depth inpainting with arbitrary-shape patches and cross-modal matching
* 2019: Expectation-Maximization Attention Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Fatigue driving recognition network: fatigue driving recognition via convolutional neural network and long short-term memory units
* 2019: Floor-SP: Inverse CAD for Floorplans by Sequential Room-Wise Shortest Path
* 2019: Four Models for Automatic Recognition of Left and Right Eye in Fundus Images
* 2019: Human Eye Movements Reveal Video Frame Importance
* 2019: Incorporating Temporary Coherent Scatterers in Multi-Temporal InSAR Using Adaptive Temporal Subsets
* 2019: Increasing Compactness of Deep Learning Based Speech Enhancement Models With Parameter Pruning and Quantization Techniques
* 2019: ISRF: interest semantic reasoning based fog firewall for information-centric Internet of Vehicles
* 2019: Joint Retrieval of Growing Season Corn Canopy LAI and Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Fusing Sentinel-2 and MODIS Images
* 2019: Joint Sparsity-Based Imaging and Motion Error Estimation for BFSAR
* 2019: Learning Generator Networks for Dynamic Patterns
* 2019: Least-Squares Gaussian Beam Transform for Seismic Noise Attenuation
* 2019: MBR: A Map-Based Relaying Algorithm For Reliable Data Transmission Through Intersection in VANETs
* 2019: Method of Watershed Delineation for Flat Terrain Using Sentinel-2A Imagery and DEM: A Case Study of the Taihu Basin, A
* 2019: Monitoring Deformation along Railway Systems Combining Multi-Temporal InSAR and LiDAR Data
* 2019: Multi-Grained Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding on Heterogeneous Platforms, A
* 2019: Multi-Stream Scale-Insensitive Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for Liver Tumor Detection in Dynamic Ct Images
* 2019: No-Reference Quality Assessment for View Synthesis Using DoG-Based Edge Statistics and Texture Naturalness
* 2019: PFA for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Mounted on High-Speed Maneuvering Platforms
* 2019: Piecewise Classifier Mappings: Learning Fine-Grained Learners for Novel Categories With Few Examples
* 2019: Precision direction and compact surface type representation for 3D palmprint identification
* 2019: Program-Guided Image Manipulators
* 2019: Progressive Differentiable Architecture Search: Bridging the Depth Gap Between Search and Evaluation
* 2019: Quality Assessment for Video With Degradation Along Salient Trajectories
* 2019: Reference-free Adaptive Attitude Determination Method Using Low-cost Marg Sensors
* 2019: Retrieval of Oil-Water Mixture Ratio at Ocean Surface Using Compact Polarimetry Synthetic Aperture Radar
* 2019: Robust Rotation Interpolation Based on So(n) Geodesic Distance
* 2019: Robust Single-Shot T2 Mapping via Multiple Overlapping-Echo Acquisition and Deep Neural Network
* 2019: Salient Subsequence Learning for Time Series Clustering
* 2019: Semi-Supervised Metric Learning-Based Anchor Graph Hashing for Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* 2019: Sparse Subspace Clustering With Sequentially Ordered and Weighted L1-Minimization†
* 2019: Terrain Representation and Distinguishing Ability of Roughness Algorithms Based on DEM with Different Resolutions
* 2019: Time series feature learning with labeled and unlabeled data
* 2019: U-Module: Better Parameters Initialization of Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Classification
* 2019: Unsupervised Graph Association for Person Re-Identification
* 2019: VaTeX: A Large-Scale, High-Quality Multilingual Dataset for Video-and-Language Research
* 2019: X2CT-GAN: Reconstructing CT From Biplanar X-Rays With Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2020: 3D Convolutional Neural Network based on memristor for video recognition
* 2020: Absolute LoScalization of Corner Reflectors with Terrasar-x Spotlight Images
* 2020: Absolute phase unwrapping with SVM for fringe-projection profilometry
* 2020: Accurate and Reliable Facial Expression Recognition Using Advanced Softmax Loss With Fixed Weights
* 2020: Adaptive Detection Algorithm for Hazardous Clouds Based on Infrared Remote Sensing Spectroscopy and the LASSO Method
* 2020: Adaptive Visual Inspection Method for Transparent Label Defect Detection of Curved Glass Bottle
* 2020: Analysis of Response and Recovery of Vegetation to Forest Fire
* 2020: Approaches of Satellite Remote Sensing for the Assessment of Above-Ground Biomass across Tropical Forests: Pan-tropical to National Scales
* 2020: Attennet: Deep Attention Based Retinal Disease Classification in OCT Images
* 2020: Automated quality classification of colour fundus images based on a modified residual dense block network
* 2020: Automatic Measurement of Fetal Cavum Septum Pellucidum From Ultrasound Images Using Deep Attention Network
* 2020: Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR MP-DPCA Method for Space-Time Extension Clutter Suppression
* 2020: Circular Shift: An Effective Data Augmentation Method For Convolutional Neural Network On Image Classification
* 2020: Cloud Detection Method Using Convolutional Neural Network Based on Gabor Transform and Attention Mechanism with Dark Channel Subnet for Remote Sensing Image, A
* 2020: Coarse-Resolution Satellite Images Overestimate Urbanization Effects on Vegetation Spring Phenology
* 2020: Community enhanced graph convolutional networks
* 2020: Constrained Discriminative Projection Learning for Image Classification
* 2020: Constrained Sparse-Representation-Based Spatio-Temporal Anomaly Detector for Moving Targets in Hyperspectral Imagery Sequences, A
* 2020: DaST: Data-Free Substitute Training for Adversarial Attacks
* 2020: DAVID: Dual-Attentional Video Deblurring
* 2020: Deep Fusion Feature Representation Learning With Hard Mining Center-Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Deformed Phase Prediction Using Svm for Structured Light Depth Generation
* 2020: Depth occlusion perception feature analysis for person re-identification
* 2020: Developing Apache Spark Based Ripley's K Functions for Accelerating Spatiotemporal Point Pattern Analysis
* 2020: Direct List Mode Parametric Reconstruction for Dynamic Cardiac SPECT
* 2020: Double Relaxed Regression for Image Classification
* 2020: Efficient Noise-Level Estimation Based on Principal Image Texture
* 2020: End-to-End Blind Image Quality Prediction With Cascaded Deep Neural Network
* 2020: End-to-End Optimization of Scene Layout
* 2020: End-to-end Optimized Video Compression with MV-Residual Prediction
* 2020: Exploring the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Emotions of Weibo Users in Wuhan Waterfront Based on Gender Differences Using Social Media Texts
* 2020: Fast and Efficient Facial Expression Recognition Using a Gabor Convolutional Network
* 2020: Fast Geometry Estimation for Phase-coding Structured Light Field
* 2020: FPB: Improving Multi-Scale Feature Representation Inside Convolutional Layer Via Feature Pyramid Block
* 2020: Group Low-Rank Representation-Based Discriminant Linear Regression
* 2020: Hierarchical Graph Network for 3D Object Detection on Point Clouds, A
* 2020: Large Uncertainty on Forest Area Change in the Early 21st Century among Widely Used Global Land Cover Datasets
* 2020: Latent Elastic-Net Transfer Learning
* 2020: Learning Sparse Neural Networks Through Mixture-Distributed Regularization
* 2020: marker-free method for registering multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning data in forest environments, A
* 2020: MeMu: Metric Correlation Siamese Network and Multi-Class Negative Sampling for Visual Tracking
* 2020: MLCVNet: Multi-Level Context VoteNet for 3D Object Detection
* 2020: Multi-Granularity Tracking with Modularlized Components for Unsupervised Vehicles Anomaly Detection
* 2020: Multispectral Interlaced Sparse Sampling Photoacoustic Tomography
* 2020: Multistage Refinement Network for Salient Object Detection, A
* 2020: Neural Network Pruning With Residual-Connections and Limited-Data
* 2020: Nonparametric Structure Regularization Machine for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
* 2020: Optimized Faster R-CNN Method Based on DRNet and RoI Align for Building Detection in Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2020: Perspective Plane Program Induction From a Single Image
* 2020: Probabilistic Video Prediction From Noisy Data With a Posterior Confidence
* 2020: Projective Double Reconstructions Based Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Cross-Domain Recognition
* 2020: Recent Crustal Deformation Based on Interpolation of GNSS Velocity in Continental China
* 2020: Reliability of Global Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Products over Amazon, The
* 2020: Reliability of Gridded Precipitation Products in the Yellow River Basin, China
* 2020: Remote sensing image segmentation using geodesic-kernel functions and multi-feature spaces
* 2020: Research on roaming and interaction in VR game based on Unity 3D
* 2020: Rethinking the Route Towards Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2020: Semi-discrete Matrix Factorization
* 2020: Sentinel-2 Sharpening via Parallel Residual Network
* 2020: Shonan Rotation Averaging: Global Optimality by Surfing So(p)n
* 2020: Special Issue on Situation Awareness in Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction for Time Critical Decision Making
* 2020: Spring Point Detection of High Resolution Image Based on Yolov3
* 2020: SQE: a Self Quality Evaluation Metric for Parameters Optimization in Multi-Object Tracking
* 2020: Temporal-Context Enhanced Detection of Heavily Occluded Pedestrians
* 2020: Two-Step Processing Method for Diving-Mode Squint SAR Imaging With Subaperture Data, A
* 2020: User Recruitment System for Efficient Photo Collection in Mobile Crowdsensing
* 2020: Variations of Mass Balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 2002 to 2019
* 2020: Video semantic segmentation via feature propagation with holistic attention
* 2020: Vital Sign Extraction in the Presence of Radar Mutual Interference
* 2020: Which Precipitation Product Works Best in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Multi-Source Blended Data, Global/Regional Reanalysis Data, or Satellite Retrieved Precipitation Data?
* 2021: Analysis of Crustal Movement and Deformation in Mainland China Based on CMONOC Baseline Time Series
* 2021: Analyzing Pixel-Level Relationships between Luojia 1-01 Nighttime Light and Urban Surface Features by Separating the Pixel Blooming Effect
* 2021: Asymmetric Supervised Consistent and Specific Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2021: Automatic Diagnosis of Glaucoma on Color Fundus Images Using Adaptive Mask Deep Network
* 2021: Binocular Mutual Learning for Improving Few-shot Classification
* 2021: Bistatic-Range-Doppler-Aperture Wavenumber Algorithm for Forward-Looking Spotlight SAR With Stationary Transmitter and Maneuvering Receiver
* 2021: Box-Level Tube Tracking and Refinement for Vehicles Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Brain segmentation based on multi-atlas and diffeomorphism guided 3D fully convolutional network ensembles
* 2021: Bridging the Gap Between Computational Photography and Visual Recognition
* 2021: CDAda: A Curriculum Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Deep Image Coding Scheme With Generative Network to Learn From Correlated Images, A
* 2021: Detection of the Minute Variations of Total Suspended Matter in Strong Tidal Waters Based on GaoFen-4 Satellite Data
* 2021: Digital breast tomosynthesis improves diagnostic accuracy of breast microcalcifications
* 2021: Distinguishing between natural and recolored images via lateral chromatic aberration
* 2021: End-to-end Piece-wise Unwarping of Document Images
* 2021: Feasibility Verification of Virtual Reference Station Technology In Geological Hazard Monitoring
* 2021: Fine-Grained Image Captioning With Global-Local Discriminative Objective
* 2021: Fine-Grained Tidal Flat Waterbody Extraction Method (FYOLOv3) for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Data Focusing Using a Novel Range Model Based on One-Stationary Equivalence
* 2021: HDR-GAN: HDR Image Reconstruction From Multi-Exposed LDR Images With Large Motions
* 2021: Illuminance Compensation and Texture Enhancement via the Hodge Decomposition
* 2021: Improved Swin Transformer-Based Model for Remote Sensing Object Detection and Instance Segmentation, An
* 2021: Incremental Generative Occlusion Adversarial Suppression Network for Person ReID
* 2021: Interactive Few-Shot Learning: Limited Supervision, Better Medical Image Segmentation
* 2021: Learning Calibrated Medical Image Segmentation via Multi-rater Agreement Modeling
* 2021: Learning Compact Multifeature Codes for Palmprint Recognition From a Single Training Image per Palm
* 2021: Manifold Alignment for Semantically Aligned Style Transfer
* 2021: MLVSNet: Multi-level Voting Siamese Network for 3D Visual Tracking
* 2021: Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations
* 2021: Multi-modality fusion learning for the automatic diagnosis of optic neuropathy
* 2021: Multiple Ship Tracking in Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning
* 2021: MW-GAN: Multi-Warping GAN for Caricature Generation With Multi-Style Geometric Exaggeration
* 2021: Nonambiguous Image Formation for Low-Earth-Orbit SAR With Geosynchronous Illumination Based on Multireceiving and CAMP
* 2021: Online Multi-Granularity Distillation for GAN Compression
* 2021: Photoacoustic Tomography Image Restoration With Measured Spatially Variant Point Spread Functions
* 2021: Progressive DARTS: Bridging the Optimization Gap for NAS in the Wild
* 2021: Refined Method of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Machine Learning for Newly Constructed Building Areas, A
* 2021: Research on adaptive cruise control algorithm considering road conditions
* 2021: Service quality evaluation of bus lines based on improved momentum back-propagation neural network model: A study of Hangzhou in China
* 2021: Shape and Material Capture at Home
* 2021: Simulation of Earth's Outward Radiative Flux and Its Radiance in Moon-Based View
* 2021: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ecological Vulnerability and Driving Factor Analysis in the Dongjiang River Basin, China, in the Recent 20 Years
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Water Quality and Its Multiscale Relationship with Land Use in the Yangtze River Basin
* 2021: Stacked Homography Transformations for Multi-View Pedestrian Detection
* 2021: Task-aware Part Mining Network for Few-Shot Learning
* 2021: Time-Domain Simulation System of MICAP L-Band Radiometer for Pre-Launch RFI Processing Study, A
* 2021: Triple-Input-Unsupervised neural Networks for deformable image registration
* 2021: Trustworthy Edge Storage Orchestration in Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Reinforcement Learning
* 2021: VENet: Voting Enhancement Network for 3D Object Detection
* 2021: Vote-Based 3D Object Detection with Context Modeling and SOB-3DNMS
* 2022: 360-Degree Image Super-Resolution Based on Single Image Sample and Progressive Residual Generative Adversarial Network
* 2022: Air-Ground Multi-Source Image Matching Based on High-Precision Reference Image
* 2022: Analyzing the Spatially Heterogeneous Relationships between Nighttime Light Intensity and Human Activities across Chongqing, China
* 2022: ArithFusion: An Arithmetic Deep Model for Temporal Remote Sensing Image Fusion
* 2022: Artificial Intelligence for Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Protection: The Project and the Dataset
* 2022: Artificial Intelligence-Based Energy Efficient Communication System for Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Driven VANETs
* 2022: Attributions of Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Production Changes in Semi-Arid Region: A Case Study in the Water Source Area of the Xiong'an New Area in North China
* 2022: Auto-X3D: Ultra-Efficient Video Understanding via Finer-Grained Neural Architecture Search
* 2022: Biomedical image segmentation based on full-Resolution network
* 2022: Brain EEG Time-Series Clustering Using Maximum-Weight Clique
* 2022: BSCA-Net: Bit Slicing Context Attention network for polyp segmentation
* 2022: Can GPM IMERG Capture Extreme Precipitation in North China Plain?
* 2022: CART Decision Tree Based Human State Estimation Algorithm and Research
* 2022: CenterNet3D: An Anchor Free Object Detector for Point Cloud
* 2022: Charging-Expense Minimization Through Assignment Rescheduling of Movable Charging Stations in Electric Vehicle Networks
* 2022: Classification Method Study of Crops Remote Sensing with Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Google Earth Engine, The
* 2022: Context-Aware Feature Learning for Noise Robust Person Search
* 2022: DeepPatent: Large scale patent drawing recognition and retrieval
* 2022: Detecting Multiple Steganography Methods in Speech Streams Using Multi-Encoder Network
* 2022: Development and Evaluation of AMSU-A Cloud Detection over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Digital Twin Consensus for Blockchain-Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems in Smart Cities
* 2022: Distributed UAV Swarm Formation and Collision Avoidance Strategies Over Fixed and Switching Topologies
* 2022: Drift-Proof Tracking With Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2022: Efficient Person Clustering Algorithm for Open Checkout-free Groceries, An
* 2022: Efficient Video Instance Segmentation via Tracklet Query and Proposal
* 2022: Elastic and Inelastic Ground Deformation in Shanghai Lingang Area Revealed by Sentinel-1, Leveling, and Groundwater Level Data
* 2022: Exploring Fine-Grained Cluster Structure Knowledge for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Exploring Spatial Network Structure of the Metropolitan Circle Based on Multi-Source Big Data: A Case Study of Hanghou Metropolitan Circle
* 2022: Fuzzy Repair of Urban Building Facade Point Cloud Based on Distribution Regularity, The
* 2022: GIS Based Procedural Modeling in 3D Urban Design
* 2022: Graph label prediction based on local structure characteristics representation
* 2022: Improved Instance Discrimination and Feature Compactness for End-to-End Person Search
* 2022: Influence of Anisotropic Surface Reflection on Earth's Outgoing Shortwave Radiance in the Lunar Direction, The
* 2022: Influence of Open-Pit Coal Mining on Ground Surface Deformation of Permafrost in the Muli Region in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
* 2022: Interpreting Brain Biomarkers: Challenges and solutions in interpreting machine learning-based predictive neuroimaging
* 2022: Is Your Autonomous Vehicle as Smart as You Expected?
* 2022: Landslide Displacement Prediction via Attentive Graph Neural Network
* 2022: lateral trajectory tracking control method for intelligent commercial vehicles considering active anti-roll decision based on Stackelberg equilibrium, A
* 2022: Learning Representations for New Sound Classes With Continual Self-Supervised Learning
* 2022: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from 1980 to 2020, Western Qilian Mountains, China
* 2022: MDCS with fully encoding the information of local shape description for 3D Rigid Data matching
* 2022: Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
* 2022: Multi-granularity Distillation Scheme Towards Lightweight Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Nighttime Road Scene Parsing by Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Non-Local Means Filters for Full Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images with Stochastic Distances
* 2022: Novel Method for Long Time Series Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Downscaling over Central Tibet Plateau, A
* 2022: On Calibration of Scene-text Recognition Models
* 2022: Optimizing Nitrogen Management with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Crop Simulations
* 2022: Phase and Amplitude Calibrations of Rotating Equispaced Circular Array for Geostationary Microwave Interferometric Radiometers: Theory and Methods
* 2022: Polarization Aberrations in High-Numerical-Aperture Lens Systems and Their Effects on Vectorial-Information Sensing
* 2022: Progressive Tandem Learning for Pattern Recognition With Deep Spiking Neural Networks
* 2022: Real-Time Precise DGNSS/INS Integrated Relative Positioning with High Output Rate and Low Broadcast Rate for Kinematic-to-Kinematic Applications
* 2022: Region Reinforcement Network With Topic Constraint for Image-Text Matching
* 2022: Reinforcing Neuron Extraction from Calcium Imaging Data via Depth-Estimation Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* 2022: Research on Application of Bidirectional Thyristor in the Intelligent Air Filter
* 2022: Research on data classification and feature fusion method of cancer nuclei image based on deep learning
* 2022: Robust face alignment by dual-attentional spatial-aware capsule networks
* 2022: SA-CenterNet: Scale Adaptive CenterNet for X-RAY Luggage Image Detection
* 2022: SATMAC: Self-Adaptive TDMA-Based MAC Protocol for VANETs
* 2022: ScalableViT: Rethinking the Context-Oriented Generalization of Vision Transformer
* 2022: SE(n)++: An Efficient Solution to Multiple Pose Estimation Problems
* 2022: Serverless-Based, On-the-Fly Computing Framework for Remote Sensing Image Collection, A
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Evolution Pattern and Driving Mechanisms of Landslides in the Wenchuan Earthquake-Affected Region: A Case Study in the Bailong River Basin, China
* 2022: Task Decomposing and Cell Comparing Method for Cervical Lesion Cell Detection, A
* 2022: UAV Remote Sensing Prediction Method of Winter Wheat Yield Based on the Fused Features of Crop and Soil
* 2022: Understanding Tumor Micro Environment Using Graph Theory
* 2022: Underwater Image Enhancement With Hyper-Laplacian Reflectance Priors
* 2022: Unsupervised Representation Learning for Tissue Segmentation in Histopathological Images: From Global to Local Contrast
* 2022: V2V-Based Cooperative Control of Uncertain, Disturbed and Constrained Nonlinear CAVs Platoon
* 2022: Wavelet Transform LMS Algorithm Based Signal Noising Cancellation Research for Hydraulic System
* 2023: Adaptive Subgraph Neural Network With Reinforced Critical Structure Mining
* 2023: AFPSNet: Multi-Class Part Parsing based on Scaled Attention and Feature Fusion
* 2023: AlignDet: Aligning Pre-training and Fine-tuning in Object Detection
* 2023: Amazon forest spectral seasonality is consistent across sensor resolutions and driven by leaf demography
* 2023: Analysis of the E-Region Low-Altitude Quasi-Periodic Event in Low-Latitudes of China
* 2023: Assessment of Spatiotemporal Patterns and the Effect of the Relationship between Meteorological Drought and Vegetation Dynamics in the Yangtze River Basin Based on Remotely Sensed Data
* 2023: AutoDiffusion: Training-Free Optimization of Time Steps and Architectures for Automated Diffusion Model Acceleration
* 2023: Automated segmentation of diabetic macular edema in OCT B-scan images based on RCU-Net
* 2023: balanced random learning strategy for CNN based Landsat image segmentation under imbalanced and noisy labels, A
* 2023: Betrayed by Captions: Joint Caption Grounding and Generation for Open Vocabulary Instance Segmentation
* 2023: Blind Adaptive Beamforming for a Global Navigation Satellite System Array Receiver Based on Direction Lock Loop
* 2023: Broad Spectrum Image Deblurring via an Adaptive Super-Network
* 2023: Can Video as a Service Paradigm Lead to the Future Internet of Video Things?
* 2023: CenLight: Centralized traffic grid signal optimization via action and state decomposition
* 2023: Childhood Leukemia Classification via Information Bottleneck Enhanced Hierarchical Multi-Instance Learning
* 2023: Collaborative Tracking Learning for Frame-Rate-Insensitive Multi-Object Tracking
* 2023: Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* 2023: Deciphering China's Socio-Economic Disparities: A Comprehensive Study Using Nighttime Light Data
* 2023: Decomposition Dynamic graph convolutional recurrent network for traffic forecasting, A
* 2023: Dynamic Pruning of Regions for Image-Sentence Matching
* 2023: Efficient Layer Compression Without Pruning
* 2023: Efficient Light Field Angular Super-Resolution With Sub-Aperture Feature Learning and Macro-Pixel Upsampling
* 2023: Evaluating the Sand-Trapping Efficiency of Sand Fences Using a Combination of Wind-Blown Sand Measurements and UAV Photogrammetry at Tottori Sand Dunes, Japan
* 2023: Evaluation and Projection of Precipitation in CMIP6 Models over the Qilian Mountains, China
* 2023: Exploratory Adversarial Attacks on Graph Neural Networks for Semi-Supervised Node Classification
* 2023: Facial Expression Recognition on the High Aggregation Subgraphs
* 2023: Feature Proliferation: the Cancer in StyleGAN and its Treatments
* 2023: FGDNet: Fine-Grained Detection Network Towards Face Anti-Spoofing
* 2023: FreeSeg: Unified, Universal and Open-Vocabulary Image Segmentation
* 2023: Generating Sentinel-2 all-band 10-m data by sharpening 20/60-m bands: A hierarchical fusion network
* 2023: GNSS Spoofing Detection Using Q Channel Energy
* 2023: GraphRevisedIE: Multimodal information extraction with graph-revised network
* 2023: Guest Editorial Security, Reliability, and Safety in IoT-Enabled Maritime Transportation Systems
* 2023: HazardNet: Road Debris Detection by Augmentation of Synthetic Models
* 2023: Human-Guided Reinforcement Learning With Sim-to-Real Transfer for Autonomous Navigation
* 2023: Hybrid ENSO Prediction System Based on the FIO-CPS and XGBoost Algorithm, A
* 2023: Image segmentation technology based on transformer in medical decision-making system
* 2023: Lightweight Asymmetric Convolutional Distillation Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: LLM-Planner: Few-Shot Grounded Planning for Embodied Agents with Large Language Models
* 2023: Local Adaptive Illumination-Driven Input-Level Fusion for Infrared and Visible Object Detection
* 2023: Mapping and Influencing the Mechanism of CO2 Emissions from Building Operations Integrated Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* 2023: MASA-SegNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network for PolSAR Images
* 2023: Mask-and-Edge Co-Guided Separable Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* 2023: new algorithm for support vector regression with automatic selection of hyperparameters, A
* 2023: Novel Deep Learning Model for Mining Nonlinear Dynamics in Lake Surface Water Temperature Prediction, A
* 2023: Observed Equity and Driving Factors of Automated External Defibrillators: A Case Study Using WeChat Applet Data
* 2023: Ord2Seq: Regarding Ordinal Regression as Label Sequence Prediction
* 2023: PADCLIP: Pseudo-labeling with Adaptive Debiasing in CLIP for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Privacy-Preserving Cross-Area Traffic Forecasting in ITS: A Transferable Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network Approach
* 2023: RNGC-VIWO: Robust Neural Gyroscope Calibration Aided Visual-Inertial-Wheel Odometry for Autonomous Vehicle
* 2023: Robust Shape-Aware Rib Fracture Detection and Segmentation Framework With Contrastive Learning, A
* 2023: Self-Attention Memory-Augmented Wavelet-CNN for Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Driving Forces of Desertification in Otindag Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia, China, in Recent 30 Years
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Urban Agglomeration and Its Impact on Landscape Patterns in the Pearl River Delta, China
* 2023: spectral-temporal constrained deep learning method for tree species mapping of plantation forests using time series Sentinel-2 imagery, A
* 2023: Study of Human Activity Intensity from 2015 to 2020 Based on Remote Sensing in Anhui Province, China
* 2023: Swarm Learning-Based Dynamic Optimal Management for Traffic Congestion in 6G-Driven Intelligent Transportation System
* 2023: Temperature and Relative Humidity Profile Retrieval from Fengyun-3D/VASS in the Arctic Region Using Neural Networks
* 2023: Tracking With Mutual Attention Network
* 2023: Transport Path and Vertical Structure of Dust Storms in East Asia and the Impacts on Cities in Northern China, The
* 2023: Two-Level Scheduling Algorithms for Deep Neural Network Inference in Vehicular Networks
* 2023: UGC: Unified GAN Compression for Efficient Image-to-Image Translation
* 2023: VT-HMM-Based Framework for Countdown Timer Traffic Light State Estimation, A
* 2023: Vulnerability-Aware Task Scheduling for Edge Intelligence Empowered Trajectory Analysis in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2023: Wave Period Parameterization of Ocean Waves and Its Application to Ocean Wave Simulations, The
* 2023: YOLO for Penguin Detection and Counting Based on Remote Sensing Images
* 2024: AED Inequity among Social Groups in Guangzhou
* 2024: AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* 2024: Blockchain Data Mining With Graph Learning: A Survey
* 2024: Classification of Typical Static Objects in Road Scenes Based on LO-Net
* 2024: Confusable facial expression recognition with geometry-aware conditional network
* 2024: Deep Learning-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Architecture of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Data for 10 m Series Imagery
* 2024: Driving Visual Saliency Prediction of Dynamic Night Scenes via a Spatio-Temporal Dual-Encoder Network
* 2024: Fear-Neuro-Inspired Reinforcement Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving
* 2024: FINet: Frequency Injection Network for Lightweight Camouflaged Object Detection
* 2024: Fixated Object Detection Based on Saliency Prior in Traffic Scenes
* 2024: Flex-DLD: Deep Low-Rank Decomposition Model with Flexible Priors for Hyperspectral Image Denoising and Restoration
* 2024: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multiple Noise Estimation
* 2024: Hybrid Neural Coding Approach for Pattern Recognition With Spiking Neural Networks, A
* 2024: Knowledge-Enhanced Causal Reinforcement Learning Model for Interactive Recommendation
* 2024: Lightweight Neural Network for Enhancing Imaging Performance of Under-Display Camera
* 2024: Multi-Objective Resource Pre-Allocation Scheme Using SDN for Intelligent Transportation System, A
* 2024: PhenoNet: A two-stage lightweight deep learning framework for real-time wheat phenophase classification
* 2024: Plant-Denoising-Net (PDN): A plant point cloud denoising network based on density gradient field learning
* 2024: PointMM: Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation CNN under Multi-Spatial Feature Encoding and Multi-Head Attention Pooling
* 2024: Radiomic feature reliability of amide proton transfer-weighted MR images acquired with compressed sensing at 3?T
* 2024: Research on Remote-Sensing Identification Method of Typical Disaster-Bearing Body Based on Deep Learning and Spatial Constraint Strategy
* 2024: RSMPNet: Relationship Guided Semantic Map Prediction
* 2024: Semantic Disentanglement Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2024: Single Stage Adaptive Multi-Attention Network for Image Restoration
* 2024: Smoke-Aware Global-Interactive Non-Local Network for Smoke Semantic Segmentation
* 2024: Sparse Convolutional Networks for Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Point Clouds
* 2024: Spatial-Enhanced Multi-Level Wavelet Patching in Vision Transformers
* 2024: Towards efficient image and video style transfer via distillation and learnable feature transformation
* 2024: Tracking With Saliency Region Transformer
* 2024: Transformer-Based Knowledge Distillation Network for Cortical Cataract Grading, A
* 2024: Two-stage coarse-to-fine method for pathological images in medical decision-making systems
* 2024: Two-Stream Hybrid Convolution-Transformer Network Architecture for Clothing-Change Person Re-Identification, A
* 2024: Uncertainty Analysis and Data Fusion of Multi-Source Land Evapotranspiration Products Based on the TCH Method
* 2024: Understanding and Accelerating Neural Architecture Search With Training-Free and Theory-Grounded Metrics
Includes: Wu, J. Wu, J.[Jian] Wu, J.[Jing] Wu, J.[Jiang] Wu, J.[Jane] Wu, J.[Jin] Wu, J.[Jay] Wu, J.[Jie] Wu, J.[Jue] Wu, J.[Ji] Wu, J.[Jun] Wu, J.[Jonathan] Wu, J.[Jia] Wu, J.[Jimmy] Wu, J.[Jiao] Wu, J.[Jitao] Wu, J.[Jiaze] Wu, J.[Junhan] Wu, J.[Jianliang] Wu, J.[Jigang] Wu, J.[Jiexia] Wu, J.[Jiaye] Wu, J.[Jicang] Wu, J.[Jiemin] Wu, J.[Juan] Wu, J.[Jiayu] Wu, J.[Jinkui] Wu, J.[Junrong] Wu, J.[Jianan] Wu, J.[Jiong] Wu, J.[Junru] Wu, J.[Juekun] Wu, J.[Jiasheng] Wu, J.[Jon] Wu, J.[Jisen] Wu, J.[Junde] Wu, J.[Jialian] Wu, J.[Jiamin] Wu, J.[Jihao] Wu, J.[Jichun] Wu, J.[Jiagao] Wu, J.[Junyan] Wu, J.[Jiawen] Wu, J.[Jielin] Wu, J.[Jianshe] Wu, J.[Junyi] Wu, J.[Junkai] Wu, J.[Jiake] Wu, J.[Jingan] Wu, J.[Jibin] Wu, J.[Jianfang] Wu, J.[Jingbang] Wu, J.[Jiangmei] Wu, J.[Jialun] Wu, J.[Jiapei] Wu, J.[Jianzong] Wu, J.[Junrui] Wu, J.[Junta] Wu, J.[Jingda] Wu, J.[Jiaman] Wu, J.[Jinnan] Wu, J.[Jiesheng] Wu, J.[Jinran] Wu, J.[Jinchen] Wu, J.[Jiahui] Wu, J.[Jiale] Wu, J.[Jinbo] Wu, J.[Jiancan] Wu, J.[Jianeng] Wu, J.[Jingpu] Wu, J.[Jidong] Wu, J.[Jiasong] Wu, J.[Jiabing]
557 for Wu, J.

Wu, J.A.[Jian An] * 2021: DeFRCN: Decoupled Faster R-CNN for Few-Shot Object Detection
Includes: Wu, J.A.[Jian An] Wu, J.A.[Jian-An]

Wu, J.B.[Jin Bo] * 2007: Fast Multilevel Fuzzy Edge Detection of Blurry Images, The
* 2020: GeohashTile: Vector Geographic Data Display Method Based on Geohash
* 2020: Optimisation for image salient object detection based on semantic-aware clustering and CRF
* 2022: Estimating the Legacy Effect of Post-Cutting Shelterbelt on Crop Yield Using Google Earth and Sentinel-2 Data
* 2022: Identity-Sensitive Knowledge Propagation for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Style Decoupling and Uncertainty Modeling
* 2023: Learnable interpolation and extrapolation network for fuzzy pulmonary lobe segmentation
* 2023: Learning Concordant Attention via Target-aware Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
* 2023: Semantic Path Planning for Indoor Navigation Tasks Using Multi-View Context and Prior Knowledge
* 2024: MVSSC: Meta-reinforcement learning based visual indoor navigation using multi-view semantic spatial context
* 2024: Style-Agnostic Representation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
Includes: Wu, J.B.[Jin Bo] Wu, J.B.[Jin-Bo] Wu, J.B.[Jing-Bang] Wu, J.B.[Jian-Bin] Wu, J.B.[Jia-Bing] Wu, J.B.[Jian-Bing]
11 for Wu, J.B.

Wu, J.C.[Jin Chu] * 2007: Nonparametric analysis of fingerprint data on large data sets
* 2008: Morphology-based text line extraction
* 2009: APSK Optimization in the Presence of Phase Noise
* 2011: Collaborative Transcoding Strategy for Live Broadcasting Over Peer-to-Peer IPTV Networks, A
* 2011: Partial Least Squares based subwindow search for pedestrian detection
* 2012: International Comparison of Individual Tree Detection and Extraction Using Airborne Laser Scanning, An
* 2013: Deformation Trend Extraction Based on Multi-Temporal InSAR in Shanghai
* 2016: Analysis Of Multipath Pixels In SAR Images
* 2017: Elevation Extraction and Deformation Monitoring by Multitemporal InSAR of Lupu Bridge in Shanghai
* 2019: Cast Search via Two-Stream Label Propagation
* 2019: Learning Actor Relation Graphs for Group Activity Recognition
* 2019: Multi-cue combination network for action-based video classification
* 2020: Context-aware RCNN: A Baseline for Action Detection in Videos
* 2021: Learning Unsupervised Metaformer for Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Mapping Frozen Ground in the Qilian Mountains in 2004-2019 Using Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing
* 2021: One-class anomaly detection via novelty normalization
* 2022: Self-supervised Sparse Representation for Video Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Improved Medium Baseline RTK Positioning Performance Based on BDS/Galileo/GPS Triple-Frequency-Only Observations
* 2023: Pairwise DomMix Attentive Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection, A
* 2023: Planting Age Identification and Yield Prediction of Apple Orchard Using Time-Series Spectral Endmember and Logistic Growth Model
* 2023: Trends of Grassland Resilience under Climate Change and Human Activities on the Mongolian Plateau
Includes: Wu, J.C.[Jin Chu] Wu, J.C.[Jui-Chen] Wu, J.C.[Jin-Cheng] Wu, J.C. Wu, J.C.[Jin-Chen] Wu, J.C.[Jee-Cheng] Wu, J.C.[Ji-Cang] Wu, J.C.[Jhih-Ciang] Wu, J.C.[Jian-Chao] Wu, J.C.[Jia-Chen] Wu, J.C.[Ji-Chun] Wu, J.C.[Jia-Cheng] Wu, J.C.[Jie-Chen]
21 for Wu, J.C.

Wu, J.C.H. * 2013: Quality enhancement based on retinex and pseudo-HDR synthesis algorithms for endoscopic images

Wu, J.D.[Jin Dong] * 2008: comparison of illumination geometry-based methods for topographic correction of QuickBird images of an undulant area, A
* 2012: Estimating Net Primary Production of Turfgrass in an Urban-Suburban Landscape with QuickBird Imagery
* 2013: Evaluating the Effects of Shadow Detection on QuickBird Image Classification and Spectroradiometric Restoration
* 2015: novel light field super-resolution framework based on hybrid imaging system, A
* 2020: Airport Knowledge-Based Method for Accurate Change Analysis of Airport Runways in VHR Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2020: Integrating Neural Networks Into the Blind Deblurring Framework to Compete With the End-to-End Learning-Based Methods
* 2022: Driving Behavior Modeling Using Naturalistic Human Driving Data With Inverse Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Conditional Predictive Behavior Planning With Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Human-Like Autonomous Driving
* 2024: SVTNet: Automatic bone age assessment network based on TW3 method and vision transformer
Includes: Wu, J.D.[Jin Dong] Wu, J.D.[Jin-Dong] Wu, J.D.[Ju-Dong] Wu, J.D.[Ji-Dong] Wu, J.D.[Jun-De] Wu, J.D.[Jing-Da]
9 for Wu, J.D.

Wu, J.F.[Jun Feng] * 2009: Local Feature Based Robust Image Retrieval Algorithm, A
* 2012: Communication scheduling for decentralized state estimation
* 2015: Microwave Backscatter From Arctic Lake Ice and Polarimetric Implications
* 2019: Tangent-Normal Adversarial Regularization for Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2021: Cortical Surface Shape Analysis Based on Alexandrov Polyhedra
* 2021: Cross-Epoch Learning for Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
* 2021: Multi-Resemblance Multi-Target Low-Rank Coding for Prediction of Cognitive Decline With Longitudinal Brain Images
* 2021: Synthesis of Mammogram From Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network With Gradient Guided cGANs
* 2022: In Defense of Online Models for Video Instance Segmentation
* 2022: SeqFormer: Sequential Transformer for Video Instance Segmentation
* 2022: Small Low-Contrast Target Detection: Data-Driven Spatiotemporal Feature Fusion and Implementation
* 2023: Fish Detecting Using YOLOv4 and CVAE in Aquaculture Ponds with a Non-Uniform Strong Reflection Background
* 2023: InstMove: Instance Motion for Object-centric Video Segmentation
* 2023: Label Smoothing Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network with Triplet Loss for SAR Ship Classification
* 2023: Multi-Instrumental Observations of Midlatitude Plasma Irregularities over Eastern Asia during a Moderate Magnetic Storm on 16 July 2003
* 2023: Observed Quasi 16-Day Wave by Meteor Radar over 9 Years at Mengchxeng (33.4°N, 116.5°E) and Comparison with the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model Simulation
* 2023: Surface normal and Gaussian weight constraints for indoor depth structure completion
Includes: Wu, J.F.[Jun Feng] Wu, J.F.[Jun-Feng] Wu, J.F.[Jiang-Feng] Wu, J.F.[Jing-Feng] Wu, J.F.[Jian-Feng] Wu, J.F.[Jia-Fei] Wu, J.F.[Jie-Fang] Wu, J.F.[Jian-Fei] Wu, J.F.[Jiang-Fan]
17 for Wu, J.F.

Wu, J.G. * 1997: Efficient Search Algorithm on Compact S-Trees
* 1997: New Binary Image Representation: Logicodes, A
* 1998: Fast implementations for mirroring and rotating bincode-based images
* 1999: Level-Compressed Huffman Decoding
* 1999: Logical Representation of Bincode and its Applications in Manipulating Binary Images, The
* 2000: Improved Image Compression Using S-Tree and Shading Approach
* 2000: Simple Improved Full Search for Vector Quantization Based on Winograd's Identity, A
* 2003: Explicit Index for Assessing the Accuracy of Cover-Class Areas, An
* 2008: Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Deformation Monitoring of the Thermal Pipeline Traversed Subway Tunnel Engineering
* 2014: Convergent Projective Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* 2014: Sparse Representation Shape Models
* 2014: Sparse Representation Shape Models
* 2016: Multi-scale Colorectal Tumour Segmentation Using a Novel Coarse to Fine Strategy
* 2018: Impacts of Climate Change on Tibetan Lakes: Patterns and Processes
* 2019: Estimating Fine-Scale Heat Vulnerability in Beijing Through Two Approaches: Spatial Patterns, Similarities, and Divergence
* 2020: SODNet: Small object detection using deconvolutional neural network
* 2021: Coupled Knowledge Transfer for Visual Data Recognition
* 2021: Vehicle license plate recognition for fog-haze environments
* 2022: Generalized Multi-View Collaborative Subspace Clustering
* 2022: Load Balance Guaranteed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Computation Offloading for Min-Max Fairness in VANETs
* 2022: Low-rank inter-class sparsity based semi-flexible target least squares regression for feature representation
* 2023: Dual-Level Adaptive and Discriminative Knowledge Transfer for Cross-Domain Recognition
* 2023: Intrinsic and Complete Structure Learning Based Incomplete Multiview Clustering
* 2023: Regularized Multi-Output Gaussian Convolution Process with Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Tilt-to-Length Coupling Analysis of an Off-Axis Optical Bench Design for NGGM
Includes: Wu, J.G. Wu, J.G.[Jung-Gen] Wu, J.G.[Jian-Guo] Wu, J.G.[Ji-Gang] Wu, J.G.[Jia-Gao] Wu, J.G.[Jin-Gui]
25 for Wu, J.G.

Wu, J.H.[Jian Hua] * 1994: Video Database System for Digital Libraries, A
* 1997: Integrated System for Content-Based Video Retrieval and Browsing, An
* 1997: System for automatic video segmentation and key frame extraction for video sequences having both sharp and gradual transitions
* 2003: Combining gradient and albedo data for rotation invariant classification of 3d surface texture
* 2004: Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data
* 2004: Integration of range images in a multi-view stereo system
* 2004: secure image authentication algorithm with pixel-level tamper localization, A
* 2005: Joint mode selection and unequal error protection for bitplane coded video transmission over wireless channels
* 2007: Rate-distortion analysis of leaky prediction based FGS video for constant quality constrained rate adaptation
* 2009: Data Fusion Algorithm Design of GPS/IMU Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Federated Kalman Filter
* 2009: New Medical Segmentation Method Based on Voronoi Diagrams and Region Growing, A
* 2009: Research and Design of Navigation Simulator Dome Laboratory
* 2009: Research of Computer Assisted Astronomical Positioning Algorithm
* 2017: Analyzing the Potential Risk of Climate Change on Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada Using Time Series Remotely Sensed Temperature Data and Tick Population Modelling
* 2018: Binocular holographic three-dimensional display using a single spatial light modulator and a grating
* 2018: Developing an Integrated Remote Sensing Based Biodiversity Index for Predicting Animal Species Richness
* 2018: Global Decoding Strategy with a Reduced-Reference Metric Designed for the Wireless Transmission of JPWL, A
* 2018: Variation of Net Primary Production and Its Correlation with Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2019: Fast combination filtering based on weighted fusion
* 2019: Hyperspectral image classification with a class-dependent spatial-spectral mixed metric
* 2019: Multi-task learning for captioning images with novel words
* 2019: Reduced-reference image quality metric based on statistic model in complex wavelet transform domain
* 2020: Assessing Terrestrial Ecosystem Resilience using Satellite Leaf Area Index
* 2020: Atmospheric Correction Method over Bright and Stable Surfaces for Moderate to High Spatial-Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2021: Automatic Extraction Method for Hatched Residential Areas in Raster Maps Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion, An
* 2021: Capturing Relevant Context for Visual Tracking
* 2021: Compact Band Weighting Module Based on Attention-Driven for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2021: Detection of moving objects using adaptive multi-feature histograms
* 2021: Partitioned Centerpose Network for Bottom-Up Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* 2021: Water Conservation Estimation Based on Time Series NDVI in the Yellow River Basin
* 2021: Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation
* 2022: Analyzing the Spatiotemporal Vegetation Dynamics and Their Responses to Climate Change along the Ya'an-Linzhi Section of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway
* 2022: Downscaling land surface temperature: A framework based on geographically and temporally neural network weighted autoregressive model with spatio-temporal fused scaling factors
* 2022: Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-Time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* 2022: SMART: Vision-Based Method of Cooperative Surveillance and Tracking by Multiple UAVs in the Urban Environment
* 2022: Variability in the Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns of Greater Amberjack in Response to Environmental Factors in the Taiwan Strait Using Remote Sensing Data
* 2023: Capturing geometric structure change through deformation aware correlation
* 2023: Comparison of Different Important Predictors and Models for Estimating Large-Scale Biomass of Rubber Plantations in Hainan Island, China
* 2023: Dynamic Vectors-Based Attention Model for Chinese Mathematical Term Extraction, The
* 2023: Handling Multi-Class Problem by Intuitionistic Fuzzy Twin Support Vector Machines Based on Relative Density Information
* 2023: Interactive Two-Stream Network Across Modalities for Deepfake Detection
* 2023: TCM-Net: Mixed Global-Local Learning for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: UPL-SFDA: Uncertainty-Aware Pseudo Label Guided Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2024: Hierarchical Data-Driven Predictive Control of Image-Based Visual Servoing Systems With Unknown Dynamics, A
* 2024: Improving Geological Remote Sensing Interpretation via Optimal Transport-Based Point-Surface Data Fusion
* 2024: RBGAN: Realistic-generation and balanced-utility GAN for face de-identification
* 2024: RGB depth salient object detection via cross-modal attention and boundary feature guidance
* 2024: Robust spectral embedded bilateral orthogonal concept factorization for clustering
Includes: Wu, J.H.[Jian Hua] Wu, J.H.[Jian-Hua] Wu, J.H.[Jian H.] Wu, J.H.[Jia-Hua] Wu, J.H.[Jin-Hai] Wu, J.H.[Jian-Hong] Wu, J.H.[Jin-Hui] Wu, J.H.[Jia-Hui] Wu, J.H.[Jian-Hui] Wu, J.H.[Jia-Hong] Wu, J.H.[Jin-Hua] Wu, J.H.[Jia-Hao] Wu, J.H.[Jie-Hong] Wu, J.H.[Jun-Hong] Wu, J.H.[Jiu-Hao] Wu, J.H.[Jun-Hao] Wu, J.H.[Jiang-Hao] Wu, J.H.[Jing-Han]
49 for Wu, J.H.

Wu, J.H.P.[Jiun Huei Proty] * 2021: Spatially Characterizing Major Airline Alliances: A Network Analysis
Includes: Wu, J.H.P.[Jiun Huei Proty] Wu, J.H.P.[Jiun-Huei Proty]

Wu, J.J. * 1989: Recovery of the 3-D Location and Motion of a Rigid Object Through Camera Image (An Extended Kalman Filter Approach)
* 1997: Document Analysis and Recognition System, A
* 2005: Comparing Visual Features for Morphing Based Recognition
* 2008: Lossy to lossless image compression based on reversible integer DCT
* 2009: 3D medical image compression based on multiplierless low-complexity RKLT and shape-adaptive wavelet transform
* 2009: Image compression with downsampling and overlapped transform at low bit rates
* 2009: Training Asymmetry SVM in Image Retrieval Using Unlabeled Data
* 2010: Lossy-to-lossless image compression based on multiplier-less reversible integer time domain lapped transform
* 2010: Morphological dilation image coding with context weights prediction
* 2011: Unique Vertex Deleting Algorithm for Graph Isomorphism, A
* 2012: Non-local spatial redundancy reduction for bottom-up saliency estimation
* 2012: Self-similarity based structural regularity for just noticeable difference estimation
* 2012: Unsupervised Object Class Discovery via Saliency-Guided Multiple Class Learning
* 2013: Arithmetic coding for image compression with adaptive weight-context classification
* 2013: Harvesting Mid-level Visual Concepts from Large-Scale Internet Images
* 2013: Human-Attention Inspired Resource Allocation for Heterogeneous Sensors in the Web of Things
* 2013: Just Noticeable Difference Estimation for Images With Free-Energy Principle
* 2013: Pattern Masking Estimation in Image With Structural Uncertainty
* 2013: Perceptual Quality Metric With Internal Generative Mechanism
* 2013: Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment with Visual Information Fidelity
* 2014: Architectural Style Classification Using Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression
* 2014: Correlation based universal image/video coding loss recovery
* 2014: Generalized Omega-K Algorithm to Process Translationally Variant Bistatic-SAR Data Based on Two-Dimensional Stolt Mapping, A
* 2014: Image Quality Assessment with Degradation on Spatial Structure
* 2014: MILCut: A Sweeping Line Multiple Instance Learning Paradigm for Interactive Image Segmentation
* 2014: Omega-K Algorithm for Translational Invariant Bistatic SAR Based on Generalized Loffeld's Bistatic Formula, An
* 2014: Reverse Image Segmentation: A High-Level Solution to a Low-Level Task
* 2015: Deep multiple instance learning for image classification and auto-annotation
* 2015: Evaluating the Vegetation Recovery in the Damage Area of Wenchuan Earthquake Using MODIS Data
* 2015: Fast Radial Scanned Near-Field 3-D SAR Imaging System and the Reconstruction Method, A
* 2015: GridSAR: Grid strength and regularity for robust evaluation of blocking artifacts in JPEG images
* 2015: Hyperspectral image compression based on lapped transform and Tucker decomposition
* 2015: Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery via Clustered Differential Pulse Code Modulation with Removal of Local Spectral Outliers
* 2015: Unsupervised Object Class Discovery via Saliency-Guided Multiple Class Learning
* 2016: Ambient Sound Provides Supervision for Visual Learning
* 2016: Color Image Quality Assessment Based on Sparse Representation and Reconstruction Residual
* 2016: Color-Enriched Gradient Similarity for Retouched Image Quality Evaluation
* 2016: Focusing Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Using Keystone Transform and Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling
* 2016: Ground-Moving Target Imaging and Velocity Estimation Based on Mismatched Compression for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR
* 2016: Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Non-Negative Structured Sparse Representation
* 2016: Image Sharpness Assessment by Sparse Representation
* 2016: Inclined Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR: Performance Analysis and Mission Design
* 2016: Learning Representation for Histopathological Image with Quaternion Grassmann Average Network
* 2016: Motion Errors and Compensation for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR With Cubic-Order Processing
* 2016: Multinomial Latent Logistic Regression for Image Understanding
* 2016: Path Planning for GEO-UAV Bistatic SAR Using Constrained Adaptive Multiobjective Differential Evolution
* 2016: Physics 101: Learning Physical Object Properties from Unlabeled Videos
* 2016: Public Security Video and Image Analysis Challenge: A Retrospective
* 2016: Single Image 3D Interpreter Network
* 2016: Visual Structural Degradation Based Reduced-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2017: Generative Modeling of Audible Shapes for Object Perception
* 2017: Hierarchical Feature Degradation Based Blind Image Quality Assessment
* 2017: No-Reference Image Quality Assessment with Orientation Selectivity Mechanism
* 2017: No-reference quality assessment of compressive sensing image recovery
* 2017: Saliency Change Based Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2017: Three-Dimensional Localization Method for Multistatic SAR Based on Numerical Range-Doppler Algorithm and Entropy Minimization, A
* 2017: Uncertain clustering algorithms based on rough and fuzzy sets for real-time image segmentation
* 2018: 3D Interpreter Networks for Viewer-Centered Wireframe Modeling
* 2018: Blind Quality Index for Multiply Distorted Images Using Biorder Structure Degradation and Nonlocal Statistics
* 2018: FPGA implementation of collaborative representation algorithm for real-time hyperspectral target detection
* 2018: GPU-parallel interpolation using the edge-direction based normal vector method for terrain triangular mesh
* 2018: Image Super-Resolution With Parametric Sparse Model Learning
* 2018: Learning Shape Priors for Single-View 3D Completion And Reconstruction
* 2018: Learning Sight from Sound: Ambient Sound Provides Supervision for Visual Learning
* 2018: Metro timetable optimisation for minimising carbon emission and passenger time: a bi-objective integer programming approach
* 2018: No Reference Quality Assessment for Screen Content Images With Both Local and Global Feature Representation
* 2018: No-reference quality assessment of DIBR-synthesized videos by measuring temporal flickering
* 2018: Physical Primitive Decomposition
* 2018: Seeing Tree Structure from Vibration
* 2018: Study of infrared reflection characteristics of aerial target using MODIS data on GPU
* 2019: Blind Image Quality Assessment with Hierarchy: Degradation from Local Structure to Deep Semantics
* 2019: Blind image quality assessment with semantic information
* 2019: Exceptional Drought across Southeastern Australia Caused by Extreme Lack of Precipitation and Its Impacts on NDVI and SIF in 2018
* 2019: GPU-Based Lossless Compression of Aurora Spectral Data using Online DPCM
* 2019: HiXDraw: An Improved XDraw Algorithm Free of Chunk Distortion
* 2019: Impacts of Growth and Environmental Parameters on Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence at Seasonal and Diurnal Scales, The
* 2019: Large-Scale Station-Level Crowd Flow Forecast with ST-Unet
* 2019: Lossless compression codec of aurora spectral data using hybrid spatial-spectral decorrelation with outlier recognition
* 2019: Multilevel and Multiscale Network for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Parallel BRDF-based infrared radiation simulation of aerial targets implemented on Intel Xeon processor and Xeon Phi coprocessor
* 2019: Quaternion Grassmann average network for learning representation of histopathological image
* 2019: Sea Clutter Amplitude Prediction Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
* 2019: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* 2019: Two-Step Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Method for Multichannel GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Spectrum Reconstructing and Focusing, A
* 2019: Video Enhancement with Task-Oriented Flow
* 2019: Visual Dynamics: Stochastic Future Generation via Layered Cross Convolutional Networks
* 2020: Atmospheric Correction Method over Bright and Stable Surfaces for Moderate to High Spatial-Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* 2020: Comparative Study of Estimating Auroral Electron Energy from Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery and DMSP-SSJ5 Particle Data, A
* 2020: Integrated Approach for Detection and Prediction of Greening Situation in a Typical Desert Area in China and Its Human and Climatic Factors Analysis, An
* 2020: MetaIQA: Deep Meta-Learning for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2020: Multistation coordinated and dynamic passenger inflow control for a metro line
* 2020: Nonlinear Relationship Between the Yield of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthetic Efficiency in Senescent Crops
* 2020: Parallel binocular stereo-vision-based GPU accelerated pedestrian detection and distance computation
* 2020: Person Attribute Recognition by Sequence Contextual Relation Learning
* 2020: Subjective and objective quality assessment for image restoration: A critical survey
* 2020: When Deep Learning Meets Multi-Task Learning in SAR ATR: Simultaneous Target Recognition and Segmentation
* 2021: 3D Shape Generation and Completion through Point-Voxel Diffusion
* 2021: Analysis Ready Data of the Chinese GaoFen Satellite Data
* 2021: BeiDou-Based Passive Radar Vessel Target Detection: Method and Experiment via Long-Time Optimized Integration
* 2021: Blind Image Quality Assessment With Active Inference
* 2021: BSNet: Bi-Similarity Network for Few-shot Fine-grained Image Classification
* 2021: Carrier Phase-Based Precise Heading and Pitch Estimation Using a Low-Cost GNSS Receiver
* 2021: Data-Based Bi-Objective Approach to Explore the Accessibility of Multimodal Public Transport Networks, A
* 2021: De-rendering the World's Revolutionary Artefacts
* 2021: Deep Gaussian Scale Mixture Prior for Spectral Compressive Imaging
* 2021: Deep Maximum a Posterior Estimator for Video Denoising
* 2021: Dense-CNN: Dense convolutional neural network for stereo matching using multiscale feature connection
* 2021: DR-Net: An Improved Network for Building Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Image
* 2021: Dynamic Adaptive Low Power Adjustment Scheme for Single-Frequency GNSS/MEMS-IMU/Odometer Integrated Navigation in the Complex Urban Environment
* 2021: FEF-Net: A Deep Learning Approach to Multiview SAR Image Target Recognition
* 2021: generic, cluster-centred lossless compression framework for joint auroral data, A
* 2021: Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation by Information Capturing and Distribution Matching
* 2021: Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs
* 2021: Improved Adaptive Kalman Filter for a Single Frequency GNSS/MEMS-IMU/Odometer Integrated Navigation Module, An
* 2021: KeypointDeformer: Unsupervised 3D Keypoint Discovery for Shape Control
* 2021: Learning Temporal Dynamics from Cycles in Narrated Video
* 2021: Model-Guided Deep Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Multiscale Decomposition Prediction of Propagation Loss in Oceanic Tropospheric Ducts
* 2021: Multiview Deep Feature Learning Network for SAR Automatic Target Recognition
* 2021: Neural Radiance Flow for 4D View Synthesis and Video Processing
* 2021: Novel 2D-3D CNN with Spectral-Spatial Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2021: pi-GAN: Periodic Implicit Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-Aware Image Synthesis
* 2021: Predicting the Quality of View Synthesis With Color-Depth Image Fusion
* 2021: Quality Evaluation for Image Retargeting With Instance Semantics
* 2021: Quality Index for View Synthesis by Measuring Instance Degradation and Global Appearance
* 2021: Repopulating Street Scenes
* 2021: Robust subspace clustering network with dual-domain regularization
* 2021: Simultaneous Moving and Stationary Target Imaging for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Based on Sparse Separation
* 2021: Stroke Based Posterior Attention for Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* 2021: Temporal Reasoning Guided QoE Evaluation for Mobile Live Video Broadcasting
* 2021: Unsupervised Curriculum Domain Adaptation for No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* 2022: Assessing the Potential of Downscaled Far Red Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence from the Canopy to Leaf Level for Drought Monitoring in Winter Wheat
* 2022: Automated Road-Marking Segmentation via a Multiscale Attention-Based Dilated Convolutional Neural Network Using the Road Marking Dataset
* 2022: Bayesian Correlation Filter Learning With Gaussian Scale Mixture Model for Visual Tracking
* 2022: Blind Image Quality Index for Authentic Distortions With Local and Global Deep Feature Aggregation
* 2022: Classifying-Inversion Method of Offshore Atmospheric Duct Parameters Using AIS Data Based on Artificial Intelligence, A
* 2022: Comparison and Analysis of Stellar Occultation Simulation Results and SABER-Satellite-Measured Data in Near Space
* 2022: Contrastive Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Video Quality Assessment
* 2022: Deep Posterior Distribution-Based Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Discriminative Spectral-Spatial-Semantic Feature Network Based on Shuffle and Frequency Attention Mechanisms for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2022: Efficient Backprojection Algorithm Based on Wavenumber-Domain Spectral Splicing for Monostatic and Bistatic SAR Configurations, An
* 2022: Efficient Train Timetable Scheduling Approach With Regenerative-Energy Supplementation Strategy Responding to Potential Power Interruptions, An
* 2022: Estimation and Compensation Method for Motion Trajectory Error in Bistatic SAR, An
* 2022: Exploring the Ability of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence for Drought Monitoring Based on an Intelligent Irrigation Control System
* 2022: Fine-Grained Image Quality Caption With Hierarchical Semantics Degradation
* 2022: Full-Coupled Convolutional Transformer for Surface-Based Duct Refractivity Inversion
* 2022: FW-GAN: Underwater image enhancement using generative adversarial network with multi-scale fusion
* 2022: Generalizable No-Reference Image Quality Assessment via Deep Meta-Learning
* 2022: GPU-Accelerated Computation of EM Scattering of a Time-Evolving Oceanic Surface Model II: EM Scattering of Actual Oceanic Surface
* 2022: Hybrid-Order Spectral-Spatial Feature Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2022: Measuring the Similarity of Metro Stations Based on the Passenger Visit Distribution
* 2022: Methods of Sandy Land Detection in a Sparse-Vegetation Scene Based on the Fusion of HJ-2A Hyperspectral and GF-3 SAR Data
* 2022: MIL-Derived Transformer for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation, An
* 2022: Mode Recognition of Orbital Angular Momentum Based on Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: multimodal attention fusion network with a dynamic vocabulary for TextVQA, A
* 2022: Multimodal Tree Decoder for Table of Contents Extraction in Document Images
* 2022: Network Rebalance and Operational Efficiency of Sharing Transportation System: Multi-Objective Optimization and Model Predictive Control Approaches
* 2022: Novel Frequency-Domain Focusing Method for Geosynchronous Low-Earth-Orbit Bistatic SAR in Sliding-Spotlight Mode, A
* 2022: ObjectFolder 2.0: A Multisensory Object Dataset for Sim2Real Transfer
* 2022: Personalized Image Aesthetics Assessment via Meta-Learning With Bilevel Gradient Optimization
* 2022: Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature by Combining Interdimensional and Self-Attention with Neural Networks
* 2022: Programmatic Concept Learning for Human Motion Description and Synthesis
* 2022: RAANet: A Residual ASPP with Attention Framework for Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Random Forest Model for Drought: Monitoring and Validation for Grassland Drought Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2022: Robust GNSS/PDR Integration Scheme with GRU-Based Zero-Velocity Detection for Mass-Pedestrians, A
* 2022: Rotationally Equivariant 3D Object Detection
* 2022: RSMT: A Remote Sensing Image-to-Map Translation Model via Adversarial Deep Transfer Learning
* 2022: Saliency and Granularity: Discovering Temporal Coherence for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Scene Text Recognition with Self-supervised Contrastive Predictive Coding
* 2022: SDTGAN: Generation Adversarial Network for Spectral Domain Translation of Remote Sensing Images of the Earth Background Based on Shared Latent Domain
* 2022: Self-Feature Distillation with Uncertainty Modeling for Degraded Image Recognition
* 2022: SemiSANet: A Semi-Supervised High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Model Using Siamese Networks with Graph Attention
* 2022: SGBANet: Semantic GAN and Balanced Attention Network for Arbitrarily Oriented Scene Text Recognition
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Representation Learning for Blind Video Quality Assessment
* 2022: SPIQ: A Self-Supervised Pre-Trained Model for Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: Structural String Decoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* 2022: Structure-Aware Positional Transformer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Translating a Visual LEGO Manual to a Machine-Executable Plan
* 2022: Tree-based data augmentation and mutual learning for offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition
* 2022: Uncertainty Learning in Kernel Estimation for Multi-stage Blind Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Unsupervised Segmentation in Real-World Images via Spelke Object Inference
* 2022: Using Multi-Source Real Landform Data to Predict and Analyze Intercity Remote Interference of 5G Communication with Ducting and Troposcatter Effects
* 2022: Video Extrapolation in Space and Time
* 2022: Video Quality Assessment With Serial Dependence Modeling
* 2022: Visual Relationship Detection: A Survey
* 2023: 3D Neural Field Generation Using Triplane Diffusion
* 2023: Accidental Light Probes
* 2023: Adaptive Search-and-Training for Robust and Efficient Network Pruning
* 2023: Bayesian Deep Learning for Image Reconstruction: From structured sparsity to uncertainty estimation
* 2023: CIRCLE: Capture In Rich Contextual Environments
* 2023: Deep Gaussian Scale Mixture Prior for Image Reconstruction
* 2023: Depth Perception Assessment of 3D Videos Based on Stereoscopic and Spatial Orientation Structural Features
* 2023: Dynamic data-driven computation method for the number of waiting passengers and waiting time in the urban rail transit network
* 2023: Dynamic Expert-Knowledge Ensemble for Generalizable Video Quality Assessment
* 2023: ECSNet: Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning for Event Camera
* 2023: Ego-Body Pose Estimation via Ego-Head Pose Estimation
* 2023: Knowledge-Guided Blind Image Quality Assessment With Few Training Samples
* 2023: Locally-Enriched Cross-Reconstruction for Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* 2023: Memory Based Temporal Fusion Network for Video Deblurring
* 2023: Method of Multi-Angle Remote Sensing Observation Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Validation of BRDF, The
* 2023: Mission Planning for Energy-Efficient Passive UAV Radar Imaging System Based on Substage Division Collaborative Search
* 2023: Multi-Object Manipulation via Object-Centric Neural Scattering Functions
* 2023: Multi-Swin Mask Transformer for Instance Segmentation of Agricultural Field Extraction
* 2023: Novel Optimal Robust Adaptive Scheme for Accurate GNSS RTK/INS Tightly Coupled Integration in Urban Environments, A
* 2023: NS3D: Neuro-Symbolic Grounding of 3D Objects and Relations
* 2023: Object Folder Benchmark: Multisensory Learning with Neural and Real Objects, The
* 2023: Physically Plausible Animation of Human Upper Body from a Single Image
* 2023: Progressive Quadric Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Human Mesh Recovery, A
* 2023: Putting People in Their Place: Affordance-Aware Human Insertion into Scenes
* 2023: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimization
* 2023: Pyramid Feature Aggregation for Hierarchical Quality Prediction of Stitched Panoramic Images
* 2023: Quality Assessment of UGC Videos Based on Decomposition and Recomposition
* 2023: REALIMPACT: A Dataset of Impact Sound Fields for Real Objects
* 2023: Reassignment Algorithm of the Ride-Sourcing Market Based on Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Rendering Humans from Object-Occluded Monocular Videos
* 2023: Research on High-Resolution Reconstruction of Marine Environmental Parameters Using Deep Learning Model
* 2023: Revealing the Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Residential Travel Structure Based on Floating Car Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Nantong, China
* 2023: Searching Efficient Model-Guided Deep Network for Image Denoising
* 2023: Seeing a Rose in Five Thousand Ways
* 2023: Self-supervised Non-uniform Kernel Estimation with Flow-based Motion Prior for Blind Image Deblurring
* 2023: SemiRoadExNet: A semi-supervised network for road extraction from remote sensing imagery via adversarial learning
* 2023: Soil Moisture Monitoring and Evaluation in Agricultural Fields Based on NDVI Long Time Series and CEEMDAN
* 2023: Superresolution Image Reconstruction: Selective milestones and open problems
* 2023: Theme-Aware Visual Attribute Reasoning for Image Aesthetics Assessment
* 2023: Tree-Structured Shading Decomposition
* 2023: ULIP: Learning a Unified Representation of Language, Images, and Point Clouds for 3D Understanding
* 2023: Urban Tree Canopy Mapping Based on Double-Branch Convolutional Neural Network and Multi-Temporal High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
* 2023: View-Aware Salient Object Detection for 360° Omnidirectional Image
* 2023: VQ3D: Learning a 3D-Aware Generative Model on ImageNet
* 2024: Coordination Optimization for Train Operation and Energy Infrastructure Control in a Metro System, A
* 2024: Extracting Shrubland in Deserts from Medium-Resolution Remote-Sensing Data at Large Scale
* 2024: Quality Assessment for Stitched Panoramic Images via Patch Registration and Bidimensional Feature Aggregation
* 2024: SYRER: Synergistic Relational Reasoning for RGB-D Cross-Modal Re-Identification
Includes: Wu, J.J. Wu, J.J.[Jia Jane] Wu, J.J.[Jia-Ji] Wu, J.J.[Jun-Jie] Wu, J.J.[Jin-Jian] Wu, J.J.[Jia-Jun] Wu, J.J.[Jia-Jia] Wu, J.J.[Jian-Jun] Wu, J.J.[Jin-Jie] Wu, J.J.[Jin-Jing] Wu, J.J.[Jing-Jing] Wu, J.J.[Jiang-Jiang] Wu, J.J.[Jun-Jun] Wu, J.J.[Jun-Junb] Wu, J.J.[Ji-Jie] Wu, J.J.[Jia-Ju] Wu, J.J.[Jia-Jing] Wu, J.J.[Ji-Jia] Wu, J.J.[Jin-Jia]
233 for Wu, J.J.

Wu, J.K. * 1981: Adaptive Transform Image Data Compression Scheme Incorporating Pattern Recognition Procedures, An
* 1982: Adaptive Bit Allocation for Image Compression
* 1996: Content-Based Retrieval for Trademark Registration
* 1998: Face Detection Based on Color and Local Symmetry Information
* 1998: Robust Approach to Face and Eyes Detection from Images with Cluttered Background, A
* 2000: Labeling Update of Segmented Images using Conceptual Graphs and Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence
* 2004: Face direction estimation using a single gray-level image
* 2004: High accuracy classification of EEG signal
* 2004: Method and apparatus for cancelling lighting variations in object recognition
* 2005: Dynamic Hidden Markov Random Field Model for Foreground and Shadow Segmentation, A
* 2005: probabilistic approach for foreground and shadow segmentation in monocular image sequences, A
* 2005: Spatiotemporal Video Segmentation Based on Graphical Models
* 2006: Dynamic Conditional Random Field Model for Foreground and Shadow Segmentation, A
* 2006: Frequency tracking techniques of power systems in coloured noises
* 2006: GMM-Based Classification Method for Continuous Prediction in Brain-Computer Interface
* 2006: maximum margin discriminative learning algorithm for temporal signals, A
* 2006: Tracking a Variable Number of Human Groups in Video Using Probability Hypothesis Density
* 2007: Face direction estimation using a single gray-level image
* 2008: Data-Driven Probability Hypothesis Density Filter for Visual Tracking
* 2012: Adaptive Information Fusion for Human Upper Limb Movement Estimation
* 2021: Quantile-Matching Approach to Improving Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in South China, The
* 2022: Two-stream interactive network based on local and global information for No-Reference Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment
Includes: Wu, J.K. Wu, J.K.[Jian-Kang] Wu, J.K.[Jian Kang] Wu, J.K.[Jian-Kun] Wu, J.K.[Jing-Kai]
22 for Wu, J.K.

Wu, J.L.[Ja Ling] * 1992: Two-variable modularized fast polynomial transform algorithm for 2-D discrete Fourier transforms
* 1994: Real-time software-based moving picture coding (SBMPC) system
* 1996: Hidden signatures in images
* 1996: Model-Based Object Recognition Using Range Images by Combining Morphological Feature Extraction and Geometric Hashing
* 1996: Multiresolution Mosaic
* 1996: Multiresolution Mosaic
* 1996: New-Generation of Real-Time Software-Based Video Coder: Popular-Video-Coder-II (PVC-II)
* 1996: three-dimensional muscle-based facial expression synthesizer for model-based image coding, A
* 1997: Content-Based Rate Control Scheme for Very-Low Bit-Rate Video Coding
* 1997: DSRA: A Block Matching Algorithm for Near Real Time Video Encoding
* 1997: Range Data-Acquisition Using Color Structured Lighting and Stereo Vision
* 1997: Real Time PC Based Software Implementation of H.261 Video Codec
* 1998: DCT-Based Watermarking for Video
* 1998: Java-Based MPEG-4 Like Video Codec, A
* 1998: Lightweight Genetic Block Matching Algorithm for Video Coding, A
* 1998: Multiresolution Watermarking for Digital Images
* 1999: Automatic Facial Feature Extraction by Genetic Algorithms
* 1999: Hidden Digital Watermarks in Images
* 2002: efficient streaming and decoding architecture for stored fgs video, An
* 2004: Fidelity-Controlled Robustness Enhancement of Blind Watermarking Schemes Using Evolutionary Computational Techniques
* 2004: importance measurement for video and its application to TV news items distillation, An
* 2004: traceable content-adaptive fingerprinting for multimedia, A
* 2005: practical foveation-based rate-shaping mechanism for MPEG videos, A
* 2005: Software-Controlled Cache Architecture for Energy Efficiency
* 2006: Colorization Based Animation Broadcast System with Traitor Tracing Capability, A
* 2006: Semantic Context Detection Using Audio Event Fusion
* 2007: Efficient Matrix-Based DCT Splitter/Merger for MPEG-2-to-AVC/H.264 Transform Kernel Conversion, An
* 2007: Quality Enhancement of Frame Rate Up-Converted Video by Adaptive Frame Skip and Reliable Motion Extraction
* 2007: Unseen Visible Watermarking
* 2007: Video Adaptation for Small Display Based on Content Recomposition
* 2008: Collusion-resistant video fingerprinting based on temporal oscillation
* 2008: Memory Efficient Hierarchical Lookup Tables for Mass Arbitrary-Side Growing Huffman Trees Decoding
* 2008: Semantic Analysis for Automatic Event Recognition and Segmentation of Wedding Ceremony Videos
* 2009: Robust image watermarking against local geometric attacks using multiscale block matching method
* 2009: Video-Based Motion Capturing for Skeleton-Based 3D Models
* 2010: novel blind watermarking scheme for depth-image-based rendering 3D images, A
* 2010: Virtual spotlighted advertising for tennis videos
* 2011: Interactive two-scale color-to-gray
* 2011: Robust Camera Calibration and Player Tracking in Broadcast Basketball Video
* 2012: Batch-pipelining for multicore H.264 decoding
* 2012: Gait-Based Action Recognition via Accelerated Minimum Incremental Coding Length Classifier
* 2012: High efficient distributed video coding with parallelized design for LDPCA decoding on CUDA based GPGPU
* 2012: U-Drumwave: An Interactive Performance System for Drumming
* 2013: Appearance-Based QR Code Beautifier
* 2014: Depth sculpturing for 2D paintings: A progressive depth map completion framework
* 2014: Image Descriptor Based Digital Semi-blind Watermarking for DIBR 3D Images
* 2014: Quality Assessment of Stereoscopic 3D Image Compression by Binocular Integration Behaviors
* 2014: Semantic Based Background Music Recommendation for Home Videos
* 2014: TravelBuddy: Interactive Travel Route Recommendation with a Visual Scene Interface
* 2015: Secure Client Side Watermarking with Limited Key Size
* 2016: Road Network Extraction from DSM By Mathematical Morphology And Reasoning
* 2017: extraction of buildings on the basis of the prior shape, The
* 2017: Precise Orbit Determination of BeiDou Satellites with Contributions from Chinese National Continuous Operating Reference Stations
* 2018: Dynamic Filtering with Large Sampling Field for ConvNets
* 2018: Hybrid Motion Deblurring Strategy Using Patch Based Edge Restoration and Bilateral Filter, A
* 2018: Recurrent Squeeze-and-Excitation Context Aggregation Net for Single Image Deraining
* 2020: Local Correlation Consistency for Knowledge Distillation
* 2020: Practical algorithms for allocating the roadside units in VANET
* 2021: Graph Contrastive Clustering
* 2021: Model-Driven-to-Sample-Driven Method for Rural Road Extraction, A
* 2021: Reconstruction regularized low-rank subspace learning for cross-modal retrieval
* 2021: Track to Detect and Segment: An Online Multi-Object Tracker
* 2022: CAViT: Contextual Alignment Vision Transformer for Video Object Re-identification
* 2022: Discover Micro-Influencers for Brands via Better Understanding
* 2022: ForestDet: Large-Vocabulary Long-Tailed Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
* 2022: HEAD: HEtero-Assists Distillation for Heterogeneous Object Detectors
* 2022: High Quality Segmentation for Ultra High-Resolution Images
* 2022: Improving image captioning with Pyramid Attention and SC-GAN
* 2022: Multiattention Adaptation Network for Motor Imagery Recognition
* 2022: Stacked Hybrid-Attention and Group Collaborative Learning for Unbiased Scene Graph Generation
* 2022: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: Assessing the Nonlinear Changes in Global Navigation Satellite System Vertical Time Series with Environmental Loading in Mainland China
* 2023: CHMATCH: Contrastive Hierarchical Matching and Robust Adaptive Threshold Boosted Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2023: DualGNN: Dual Graph Neural Network for Multimedia Recommendation
* 2023: Gesture image recognition method based on DC-Res2Net and a feature fusion attention module
* 2023: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Video Transformers
* 2023: Knowledge-Guided Fusion Visualisation Method of Digital Twin Scenes for Mountain Highways, A
* 2023: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challenge Report
* 2023: Micro-Influencer Recommendation by Multi-Perspective Account Representation Learning
* 2023: Multi-Granularity Interaction and Integration Network for Video Question Answering
* 2023: NAFBET: Bokeh Effect Transformation with Parameter Analysis Block based on NAFNet
* 2023: Neighbor-Guided Consistent and Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* 2023: Polarized laser target detection system for smoky environment based on full-waveform decomposition and multiscale convolutional neural networks with attention
* 2023: Robust Image Hashing With Isomap and Saliency Map for Copy Detection
* 2023: Self-similarity Driven Scale-invariant Learning for Weakly Supervised Person Search
* 2023: Self-Supervised Correlation Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2023: Semantic-Aware Modular Capsule Routing for Visual Question Answering
* 2024: FRCSyn Challenge at WACV 2024: Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data
* 2024: Knowledge-Guided Intelligent Analysis Method of Geographic Digital Twin Models: A Case Study on the Diagnosis of Geometric Deformation in Tunnel Excavation Profiles, A
* 2024: Self-Training Boosted Multi-Factor Matching Network for Composed Image Retrieval
* 2024: SNP-S3: Shared Network Pre-Training and Significant Semantic Strengthening for Various Video-Text Tasks
Includes: Wu, J.L.[Ja Ling] Wu, J.L.[Ja-Ling] Wu, J.L. Wu, J.L.[Jiunn-Lin] Wu, J.L.[Jin-Liang] Wu, J.L.[Jian-Liang] Wu, J.L.[Jun-Li] Wu, J.L.[Jia-Lin] Wu, J.L.[Jian-Long] Wu, J.L.[Jing-Li] Wu, J.L.[Jia-Lian] Wu, J.L.[Jin-Lin] Wu, J.L.[Jia-Ling] Wu, J.L.[Jia-Lu] Wu, J.L.[Jian-Lin] Wu, J.L.[Jin-Long]
92 for Wu, J.L.

Wu, J.M.[Jia Ming] * 2019: Short-term FFBS demand prediction with multi-source data in a hybrid deep learning framework
* 2020: Correlation Filtering-Based Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* 2020: Self-Supervised Domain-Aware Generative Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
* 2020: Surgical Wounds Assessment System for Self-Care
* 2021: Face Mask Aware Robust Facial Expression Recognition During the Covid-19 Pandemic
* 2022: Attention in Attention: Modeling Context Correlation for Efficient Video Classification
* 2022: Deep Image-based Illumination Harmonization
* 2022: Face-mask-aware Facial Expression Recognition based on Face Parsing and Vision Transformer
* 2022: Melody Generation from Lyrics Using Three Branch Conditional LSTM-GAN
* 2022: Motion-modulated Temporal Fragment Alignment Network For Few-Shot Action Recognition
* 2023: Cooperative Incident Management in Mixed Traffic of CAVs and Human-Driven Vehicles
* 2023: Deep Learning Pipeline for Spotting Macro- and Micro-expressions in Long Video Sequences Based on Action Units and Optical Flow
* 2023: Deeply Supervised Attentive High-Resolution Network for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Intra-Inter View Interaction Network for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Question-aware dynamic scene graph of local semantic representation learning for visual question answering
* 2023: Switch and Refine: A Long-Term Tracking and Segmentation Framework
* 2023: Unsupervised Encoder-decoder Model for Anomaly Prediction Task
* 2024: Deep Progressive Asymmetric Quantization Based on Causal Intervention for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* 2024: Prototype-Augmented Self-Supervised Generative Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
Includes: Wu, J.M.[Jia Ming] Wu, J.M.[Jia-Ming] Wu, J.M.[Jin-Meng] Wu, J.M.[Jia-Min] Wu, J.M. Wu, J.M.[Jian-Ming] Wu, J.M.[Jin-Ming] Wu, J.M.[Jian-Min]
19 for Wu, J.M.

Wu, J.M.T.[Jimmy Ming Tai] * 2020: PSO-based Sanitization Process with Multi-thresholds Model, A
Includes: Wu, J.M.T.[Jimmy Ming Tai] Wu, J.M.T.[Jimmy Ming-Tai]

Wu, J.N.[Jia Ning] * 2008: Multiple view based 3D object classification using ensemble learning of local subspaces
* 2021: Watch Only Once: An End-to-End Video Action Detection Framework
* 2022: Language as Queries for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* 2023: Exploring Transformers for Open-world Instance Segmentation
* 2023: First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: Segment Every Reference Object in Spatial and Temporal Spaces
* 2023: Universal Instance Perception as Object Discovery and Retrieval
Includes: Wu, J.N.[Jia Ning] Wu, J.N.[Jia-Ning] Wu, J.N.[Jian-Nan]
7 for Wu, J.N.

Wu, J.P.[Jian Ping] * 2004: study on cyclist behavior at signalized intersections, A
* 2005: Automatic Roadway Geometry Measurement Algorithm Using Video Images
* 2005: Real-time Speed Limit Sign Recognition Based on Locally Adaptive Thresholding and Depth-First-Search
* 2014: Evaluating the Ability of NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data to Estimate the Gross Domestic Product and the Electric Power Consumption of China at Multiple Scales: A Comparison with DMSP-OLS Data
* 2014: Investigating the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Total Ozone Column in the Yangtze River Delta Using Satellite Data: 1978-2013
* 2014: One-dimensional voting scheme for circle and arc detection
* 2015: Estimating Roof Solar Energy Potential in the Downtown Area Using a GPU-Accelerated Solar Radiation Model and Airborne LiDAR Data
* 2015: Leveraging longitudinal driving behaviour data with data mining techniques for driving style analysis
* 2017: Graph-Based Approach for 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* 2017: Rainfall-integrated traffic speed prediction using deep learning method
* 2018: Capability of Remotely Sensed Drought Indices for Representing the Spatio-Temporal Variations of the Meteorological Droughts in the Yellow River Basin
* 2018: NPP-VIIRS DNB Daily Data in Natural Disaster Assessment: Evidence from Selected Case Studies
* 2019: Estimating Rainfall Interception of Vegetation Canopy from MODIS Imageries in Southern China
* 2019: Estimation of Poverty Using Random Forest Regression with Multi-Source Data: A Case Study in Bangladesh
* 2019: Spatial-Socioeconomic Urban Development Status Curve from NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data, A
* 2021: CODEs: Chamfer Out-of-Distribution Examples against Overconfidence Issue
* 2021: High-Accuracy Attitude Determination Using Single-Difference Observables Based on Multi-Antenna GNSS Receiver with a Common Clock
* 2021: Real-time Vanishing Point Detector Integrating Under-parameterized RANSAC and Hough Transform
* 2022: Application and Analysis of XCO2 Data from OCO Satellite Using a Synthetic DINEOF-BME Spatiotemporal Interpolation Framework
* 2022: Detecting Driver Cognition Alertness State From Visual Activities in Normal and Emergency Scenarios
* 2022: Evaluation of Vegetation Indexes and Green-Up Date Extraction Methods on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Extracting High-Precision Vehicle Motion Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Video Captured under Various Weather Conditions
* 2022: Identification of the Spring Green-Up Date Derived from Satellite-Based Vegetation Index over a Heterogeneous Ecoregion
* 2022: Impact of Snow Cover Phenology on the Vegetation Green-Up Date on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Improving Robustness of DASH Against Unpredictable Network Variations
* 2022: MILES: Visual BERT Pre-training with Injected Language Semantics for Video-Text Retrieval
* 2022: Orographic Construction of a Numerical Weather Prediction Spectral Model Based on ASTER Data and Its Application to Simulation of the Henan 20-7 Extreme Rainfall Event
* 2022: Synchronized Optimization for Service Scheduling, Train Parking and Routing at High-Speed Rail Maintenance Depot
* 2023: All in One: Exploring Unified Video-Language Pre-Training
* 2023: Developing a More Reliable Framework for Extracting Traffic Data From a UAV Video
* 2023: Fast Monocular Depth Estimation via Side Prediction Aggregation with Continuous Spatial Refinement
* 2023: Task-Aware Dual-Representation Network for Few-Shot Action Recognition
* 2023: ViLEM: Visual-Language Error Modeling for Image-Text Retrieval
* 2024: DARTScore: DuAl-Reconstruction Transformer for Video Captioning Evaluation
Includes: Wu, J.P.[Jian Ping] Wu, J.P.[Jian-Ping] Wu, J.P.[Jia-Peng] Wu, J.P.[Jian-Peng] Wu, J.P.[Jia-Ping] Wu, J.P.[Ji-Peng]
34 for Wu, J.P.

Wu, J.Q.[Jiang Qin] * 2000: Continuous Chinese Sign Language Recognition System, A
* 2007: Research of 3D Chinese Calligraphic Handwriting Recur System and Its Key Algorithm
* 2009: Latent Style Model: Discovering writing styles for calligraphy works
* 2011: D-Note: Computer-Aided Digital Note Taking System on Physical Book
* 2015: Efficient regression priors for post-processing demosaiced images
* 2015: Learned Collaborative Representations for Image Classification
* 2016: Chro-Ring: A time-oriented visual approach to represent writer's history
* 2016: Demosaicing Based on Directional Difference Regression and Efficient Regression Priors
* 2016: Generic 3D Convolutional Fusion for Image Restoration
* 2016: Sample selection for visual domain adaptation via sparse coding
* 2017: Chinese calligraphic style representation for recognition
* 2017: Learning Coupled Classifiers with RGB images for RGB-D object recognition
* 2018: CalliGAN: Unpaired Mutli-chirography Chinese Calligraphy Image Translation
* 2018: Wasserstein Divergence for GANs
* 2019: Data Registration with Ground Points for Roadside LiDAR Sensors
* 2019: Geometric Processing and Accuracy Verification of Zhuhai-1 Hyperspectral Satellites
* 2019: Prototype adjustment for zero shot classification
* 2019: Real-Time Kinematic Precise Orbit Determination for LEO Satellites Using Zero-Differenced Ambiguity Resolution
* 2019: Sliced Wasserstein Generative Models
* 2019: Trajectory tracking and prediction of pedestrian's crossing intention using roadside LiDAR
* 2019: Zero shot learning by partial transfer from source domain with L2,1 norm constraint
* 2020: Estimating River Sediment Discharge in the Upper Mississippi River Using Landsat Imagery
* 2020: Learning discriminative and meaningful samples for generalized zero shot classification
* 2020: Small Target Tracking in Satellite Videos Using Background Compensation
* 2020: Zero shot learning based on class visual prototypes and semantic consistency
* 2021: Energy Aware Offloading Scheme for Interdependent Applications in Software-Defined IoV With Fog Computing Architecture, An
* 2021: From Point to Region: Accurate and Efficient Hierarchical Small Object Detection in Low-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Evolution and Trend Prediction of Tourism Economic Vulnerability in China's Major Tourist Cities
* 2022: Bounds of Improvements Toward Real-Time Forecast of Multi-Scenario Train Delays, The
* 2022: On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration of Hyperspectral Sensors on Board Micro-Nano Satellite Constellation Based on RadCalNet Data
* 2022: Towards Generalizable DEEPFAKE Face Forgery Detection with Semi-Supervised Learning and Knowledge Distillation
* 2023: On-Orbit Relative Radiometric Calibration of the Bayer Pattern Push-Broom Sensor for Zhuhai-1 Video Satellites
* 2023: Target Detection Method Based on Adaptive Step-Size SAMP Combining Off-Grid Correction for Coherent Frequency-Agile Radar
* 2023: Watching the BiG artifacts: Exposing DeepFake videos via Bi-granularity artifacts
* 2024: Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Using U-Net Based Model
Includes: Wu, J.Q.[Jiang Qin] Wu, J.Q.[Jiang-Qin] Wu, J.Q.[Ji-Qing] Wu, J.Q.[Jin-Qiao] Wu, J.Q.[Jian-Qing] Wu, J.Q.[Jia-Qi] Wu, J.Q.[Joan Q.] Wu, J.Q.[Jing-Qian] Wu, J.Q.[Jun-Qian] Wu, J.Q.[Jun-Qiang] Wu, J.Q.[Jian-Qiang]
35 for Wu, J.Q.

Wu, J.R.[Jing Ren] * 2007: 3D Shape Recovery with Registration Assisted Stereo Matching
* 2008: 3D reconstruction by combining shape from silhouette with stereo
* 2009: Computer Vision-Based Human Body Segmentation and Posture Estimation
* 2019: Personalized Saliency and Its Prediction
* 2020: AP-GAN: Predicting skeletal activity to improve early activity recognition
* 2020: Skeleton-based attention-aware spatial-temporal model for action detection and recognition
* 2021: nested U-shape network with multi-scale upsample attention for robust retinal vascular segmentation, A
* 2023: Combining Satellite Imagery and a Deep Learning Algorithm to Retrieve the Water Levels of Small Reservoirs
* 2023: Urban Feature Extraction within a Complex Urban Area with an Improved 3D-CNN Using Airborne Hyperspectral Data
Includes: Wu, J.R.[Jing Ren] Wu, J.R.[Jing-Ren] Wu, J.R. Wu, J.R.[Jun-Ru] Wu, J.R.[Jing-Ran] Wu, J.R.[Jian-Rong] Wu, J.R.[Jia-Rui] Wu, J.R.[Jing-Ru]
9 for Wu, J.R.

Wu, J.S.[Jiann Shing] * 1992: Robot Operation Monitoring for Collision Avoidance by Image Sequence Analysis
* 1993: New Polygonal Approximation Schemes for Object Shape Representation
* 2013: Quaternion gyrator transform and its application to color image encryption
* 2014: Evaluating Saturation Correction Methods for DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data: A Case Study from China's Cities
* 2014: Quaternion Bessel-Fourier moments and their invariant descriptors for object reconstruction and recognition
* 2015: Effective computation-aware algorithm by inter-layer motion analysis for scalable video coding
* 2016: Rethinking big data: A review on the data quality and usage issues
* 2016: Robust watermarking scheme for color image based on quaternion-type moment invariants and visual cryptography
* 2017: Identifying the Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing to Both Direction and Magnitude of Alpine Grassland Productivity Dynamics from 1993 to 2011 on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
* 2017: Mapping Development Pattern in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* 2017: Saturation Correction for Nighttime Lights Data Based on the Relative NDVI
* 2017: Uncertainty of Nighttime Light Data in Estimating Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China: A Comparison between DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS, The
* 2018: Automatic Segmentation of Kidney and Renal Tumor in CT Images Based on 3D Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Pyramid Pooling Module
* 2018: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Vegetation Greenness Change and Associated Climatic and Anthropogenic Drivers on the Tibetan Plateau during 2000-2015
* 2019: Brain Tissue Segmentation based on Graph Convolutional Networks
* 2019: Estimating Daily PM2.5 Concentrations in Beijing Using 750-M VIIRS IP AOD Retrievals and a Nested Spatiotemporal Statistical Model
* 2019: Impacts of AOD Correction and Spatial Scale on the Correlation between High-Resolution AOD from Gaofen-1 Satellite and In Situ PM2.5 Measurements in Shenzhen City, China
* 2019: Quantifying the Spatio-Temporal Process of Township Urbanization: A Large-Scale Data-Driven Approach
* 2019: Spatial-Temporal Variation of ANPP and Rain-Use Efficiency Along a Precipitation Gradient on Changtang Plateau, Tibet
* 2019: spatially structured adaptive two-stage model for retrieving ground-level PM2.5 concentrations from VIIRS AOD in China, A
* 2019: Temporal Variability of Precipitation and Biomass of Alpine Grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
* 2020: Anisotropic tubular minimal path model with fast marching front freezing scheme
* 2020: Vegetation Expansion on the Tibetan Plateau and Its Relationship with Climate Change
* 2021: Analyzing the Contribution of Human Mobility to Changes in Air Pollutants: Insights from the COVID-19 Lockdown in Wuhan
* 2021: Joint adaptive manifold and embedding learning for unsupervised feature selection
* 2021: MobileGCN applied to low-dimensional node feature learning
* 2021: Protecting Existing Urban Green Space versus Cultivating More Green Infrastructures: Strategies Choices to Alleviate Urban Waterlogging Risks in Shenzhen
* 2021: Semi-Supervised Medical Image Semantic Segmentation with Multi-scale Graph Cut Loss
* 2021: Special issue on role of computer vision in smart cities
* 2021: Volunteer Assisted Collaborative Offloading and Resource Allocation in Vehicular Edge Computing
* 2022: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Contribution of Influencing Factors
* 2022: Climate Sensitivity of the Arid Scrublands on the Tibetan Plateau Mediated by Plant Nutrient Traits and Soil Nutrient Availability
* 2022: Decoupling Relationship between Urbanization and Carbon Sequestration in the Pearl River Delta from 2000 to 2020
* 2022: Divergent Climate Sensitivities of the Alpine Grasslands to Early Growing Season Precipitation on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Heterogeneous Urban Thermal Contribution of Functional Construction Land Zones: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China
* 2022: Node Representation Learning in Graph via Node-to-Neighbourhood Mutual Information Maximization
* 2022: Reinforcement Learning and Particle Swarm Optimization Supporting Real-Time Rescue Assignments for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
* 2022: Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Knowledge-Distilling Content Disentanglement
* 2023: 3DF-FCOS: Small object detection with 3D features based on FCOS
* 2023: CPSS-FAT: A consistent positive sample selection for object detection with full adaptive threshold
* 2023: Infrared and visible image fusion via mutual information maximization
* 2023: Multi-scale self-attention mixup for graph classification
* 2023: Remote Sensing of Planetary Boundary Layer Thermodynamic and Material Structures over a Large Steel Plant, China
* 2024: Joint Retrieval of Multiple Species of Ice Hydrometeor Parameters from Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Brightness Temperature Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2024: Transformer Fusion and Pixel-Level Contrastive Learning for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
Includes: Wu, J.S.[Jiann Shing] Wu, J.S.[Jiann-Shing] Wu, J.S.[Jia-Song] Wu, J.S.[Jian-Sheng] Wu, J.S.[Jian-Shuang] Wu, J.S.[Jin-Shui] Wu, J.S.[Jun-Sheng] Wu, J.S.[Jin-Song] Wu, J.S.[Jr-Shian] Wu, J.S.[Jun-Song] Wu, J.S.[Jia-Sheng] Wu, J.S.[Jie-Sheng]
45 for Wu, J.S.

Wu, J.T.[Jian Tong] * 1991: Neural network vowel-recognition jointly using voice features and mouth shape image
* 2013: Fast two-stage segmentation via non-local active contours in multiscale texture feature space
* 2014: Close range vehicle detection and tracking by vehicle lights
* 2014: Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition: Targetize Source Domain Bridged by Common Subspace
* 2019: Automatic Counting of in situ Rice Seedlings from UAV Images Based on a Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Network
* 2019: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Maize Using UAV-LiDAR Data
* 2021: Prototype-Based Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition, A
* 2022: Impacts of Arc Length and ECOM Solar Radiation Pressure Models on BDS-3 Orbit Prediction
* 2023: Deciphering China's Socio-Economic Disparities: A Comprehensive Study Using Nighttime Light Data
Includes: Wu, J.T.[Jian Tong] Wu, J.T.[Jian-Tong] Wu, J.T.[Ji-Tao] Wu, J.T.[Jun-Ting] Wu, J.T.[Jin-Tao] Wu, J.T.[Jin-Ting] Wu, J.T.[Jia-Tong] Wu, J.T.[Jing-Tao]
9 for Wu, J.T.

Wu, J.W.[Jun Wen] * 2004: High frequency component compensation based super-resolution algorithm for face video enhancement
* 2004: Resolution enhancement by AdaBoost
* 2005: Binary Tree for Probability Learning in Eye Detection, A
* 2005: Performance Characterization for Gaussian Mixture Model Based Motion Detection Algorithms
* 2006: Regression Model in Tensor PCA Subspace for Face Image Super-resolution Reconstruction, A
* 2008: Least Squares Matching with Airborne LIDAR Data for Strip Adjustment
* 2008: two-stage head pose estimation framework and evaluation, A
* 2009: Probabilistic-Based Semantic Image Feature Using Visual Words
* 2014: Application of Physically-Based Slope Correction for Maximum Forest Canopy Height Estimation Using Waveform Lidar across Different Footprint Sizes and Locations: Tests on LVIS and GLAS
* 2016: Prediction of Soil Moisture Content and Soil Salt Concentration from Hyperspectral Laboratory and Field Data
* 2018: Mapping Individual Tree Species and Vitality along Urban Road Corridors with LiDAR and Imaging Sensors: Point Density versus View Perspective
* 2020: Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition via Paired Adversarial Learning
* 2021: Assessing the Long-Term Evolution of Abandoned Salinized Farmland via Temporal Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Salient Object Detection in Stereoscopic 3D Images Using a Deep Convolutional Residual Autoencoder
* 2022: MixSKD: Self-Knowledge Distillation from Mixup for Image Recognition
* 2022: Primitive Contrastive Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* 2024: Enhancing Maritime Navigational Safety: Ship Trajectory Prediction Using ACoAtt-LSTM and AIS Data
* 2024: Information Transfer in Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2024: Monitoring Soil Salinity Classes through Remote Sensing-Based Ensemble Learning Concept: Considering Scale Effects
* 2024: Offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition with graph encoder and transformer decoder
Includes: Wu, J.W.[Jun Wen] Wu, J.W.[Jun-Wen] Wu, J.W.[Jian-Wei] Wu, J.W.[Jia-Wei] Wu, J.W.[Jing-Wei] Wu, J.W.[Jin-Wen] Wu, J.W.[Jun-Wei] Wu, J.W.[Ji-Wen]
20 for Wu, J.W.

Wu, J.X.[Jian Xiong] * 1991: Recognition of phonetic labels of the TIMIT speech corpus by means of an artificial neural network
* 1993: Isolated word recognition by neural network models with cross-correlation coefficients for speech dynamics
* 2002: Face recognition with one training image per person
* 2003: Efficient face candidates selector for face detection
* 2006: On the Design of Cascades of Boosted Ensembles for Face Detection
* 2007: Scalable Approach to Activity Recognition based on Object Use, A
* 2008: Fast Asymmetric Learning for Cascade Face Detection
* 2008: On the Design of Cascades of Boosted Ensembles for Face Detection
* 2008: Where am I: Place instance and category recognition using spatial PACT
* 2009: Beyond the Euclidean distance: Creating effective visual codebooks using the Histogram Intersection Kernel
* 2010: Fast Dual Method for HIK SVM Learning, A
* 2011: CENTRIST: A Visual Descriptor for Scene Categorization
* 2012: Efficient HIK SVM Learning for Image Classification
* 2012: Exclusive Visual Descriptor Quantization
* 2012: Object Templates for Visual Place Categorization
* 2012: Power mean SVM for large scale visual classification
* 2013: C^4: A Real-Time Object Detection Framework
* 2013: Heat-Map-Based Algorithm for Recognizing Group Activities in Videos, A
* 2013: Probabilistic classifiers with a generalized Gaussian scale mixture prior
* 2014: Compact Representation for Image Classification: To Choose or to Compress?
* 2014: Facial expression cloning with elastic and muscle models
* 2014: Fast and Accurate Image Matching with Cascade Hashing for 3D Reconstruction
* 2014: Finding Coherent Motions and Semantic Regions in Crowd Scenes: A Diffusion and Clustering Approach
* 2014: Flexible Image Similarity Computation Using Hyper-Spatial Matching
* 2014: mCENTRIST: A Multi-Channel Feature Generation Mechanism for Scene Categorization
* 2014: Optimizing Ranking Measures for Compact Binary Code Learning
* 2014: Towards Good Practices for Action Video Encoding
* 2015: Online sketching hashing
* 2015: Person Re-Identification with Correspondence Structure Learning
* 2016: Compact Representation of High-Dimensional Feature Vectors for Large-Scale Image Recognition and Retrieval
* 2016: Deep Bimodal Regression for Apparent Personality Analysis
* 2016: Diffusion and Clustering-Based Approach for Finding Coherent Motions and Understanding Crowd Scenes, A
* 2016: Exploit Bounding Box Annotations for Multi-Label Object Recognition
* 2016: Good Practices for Learning to Recognize Actions Using FV and VLAD
* 2016: Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Devices
* 2016: Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Categorization With Part-Based Image Representation
* 2017: Adaptive Dehaze Method for Aerial Image Processing
* 2017: Deep Label Distribution Learning With Label Ambiguity
* 2017: Editorial of the Special Issue on Multi-instance Learning in Pattern Recognition and Vision
* 2017: Learning Correspondence Structures for Person Re-Identification
* 2017: Structured Learning of Binary Codes with Column Generation for Optimizing Ranking Measures
* 2017: Tube-and-Droplet-Based Approach for Representing and Analyzing Motion Trajectories, A
* 2018: Coarse-to-Fine: A RNN-Based Hierarchical Attention Model for Vehicle Re-identification
* 2018: Deep Bimodal Regression of Apparent Personality Traits from Short Video Sequences
* 2018: Image Denoising Method Based on a Deep Convolution Neural Network
* 2018: Mask-CNN: Localizing parts and selecting descriptors for fine-grained bird species categorization
* 2019: Improving CNN linear layers with power mean non-linearity
* 2019: Probabilistic End-To-End Noise Correction for Learning With Noisy Labels
* 2019: ThiNet: Pruning CNN Filters for a Thinner Net
* 2019: Unsupervised object discovery and co-localization by deep descriptor transformation
* 2020: AutoPruner: An end-to-end trainable filter pruning method for efficient deep model inference
* 2020: Detonator coded character spotting based on convolutional neural networks
* 2020: Dynamic graph convolutional network for multi-video summarization
* 2020: Multi-scale Positive Sample Refinement for Few-shot Object Detection
* 2020: Simultaneous 3D hand detection and pose estimation using single depth images
* 2020: Vireo @ Video Browser Showdown 2020
* 2021: Distilling Virtual Examples for Long-tailed Recognition
* 2021: Edge/Structure-Preserving Texture Filter via Relative Bilateral Filtering With a Conditional Constraint
* 2021: Indoor Positioning and Tracking Algorithm Based on Angle-of-Arrival Using a Dual-Channel Array Antenna, An
* 2021: LR-TSDet: Towards Tiny Ship Detection in Low-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Neural random subspace
* 2021: Prediction of pediatric activity intensity with wearable sensors and bi-directional LSTM models
* 2021: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via Auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature Aggregation
* 2021: Residual Attention: A Simple but Effective Method for Multi-Label Recognition
* 2021: SQL-Like Interpretable Interactive Video Search
* 2021: SQL-Like Interpretable Interactive Video Search
* 2021: Toward Improving Image Retrieval via Global Saliency Weighted Feature
* 2021: Vegetation Phenology in the Qilian Mountains and Its Response to Temperature from 1982 to 2014
* 2021: Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition: Benchmark Datasets and an Approach
* 2022: ActionFormer: Localizing Moments of Actions with Transformers
* 2022: Beyond Crack: Fine-Grained Pavement Defect Segmentation Using Three-Stream Neural Networks
* 2022: Compressing Models with Few Samples: Mimicking then Replacing
* 2022: Cross Domain Object Detection by Target-Perceived Dual Branch Distillation
* 2022: Distilling Knowledge by Mimicking Features
* 2022: End-to-End Moving Target Indication for Airborne Radar Using Deep Learning
* 2022: Entropy-based Active Learning for Object Detection with Progressive Diversity Constraint
* 2022: Evaluation-oriented Knowledge Distillation for Deep Face Recognition
* 2022: Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey
* 2022: Joint Source Localization and Sensor Position Refinement With Extra Inter-Sensor Information
* 2022: Lifelong Learning for Text Steganalysis Based on Chronological Task Sequence
* 2022: Multimodal Framework for Automated Teaching Quality Assessment of One-to-many Online Instruction Videos, A
* 2022: On the Efficient Implementation of Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based STAP Algorithms
* 2022: Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition with Learnable Privacy Budgets in Frequency Domain
* 2022: Reinforcement Learning-Based Interactive Video Search
* 2022: Salvage of Supervision in Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* 2022: Spatial-Temporal Parallel Transformer for Arm-Hand Dynamic Estimation
* 2022: Synergistic Self-supervised and Quantization Learning
* 2022: Target-Relevant Knowledge Preservation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* 2022: Task Category Space for User-Centric Comparative Multimedia Search Evaluations, A
* 2022: Training Vision Transformers with only 2040 Images
* 2022: Versatile, full-spectrum, and swift network sampling for model generation
* 2022: Worst Case Matters for Few-Shot Recognition
* 2023: Airborne Radar Staggered PRF Coherent Processing Method for Down-Looking Target Detection
* 2023: Full-parameter adaptive fuzzy clustering for noise image segmentation based on non-local and local spatial information
* 2023: LiDAR-Based Local Path Planning Method for Reactive Navigation in Underground Mines
* 2023: Multi-Label Self-Supervised Learning with Scene Images
* 2023: No One Left Behind: Improving the Worst Categories in Long-Tailed Learning
* 2023: Perception-guided defocus blur detection based on SVD feature
* 2023: Practical Network Acceleration with Tiny Sets
* 2023: Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition Using Random Frequency Components
* 2023: Probabilistic Knowledge Distillation of Face Ensembles
* 2023: Reinforcement Learning Enhanced PicHunter for Interactive Search
* 2023: Salvage of Supervision in Weakly Supervised Object Detection and Segmentation
* 2023: Weakly Supervised Foreground Learning for Weakly Supervised Localization and Detection
* 2024: Tobias: A Random CNN Sees Objects
Includes: Wu, J.X.[Jian Xiong] Wu, J.X.[Jian-Xiong] Wu, J.X.[Jian-Xin] Wu, J.X. Wu, J.X.[Jia-Xiang] Wu, J.X.[Jia-Xin] Wu, J.X.[Ji-Xiu] Wu, J.X.[Jia-Xi] Wu, J.X.[Ji-Xiang] Wu, J.X.[Jun-Xu] Wu, J.X.[Jun-Xian] Wu, J.X.[Jia-Xuan] Wu, J.X.[Jia-Xian]
105 for Wu, J.X.

Wu, J.Y.[Ji Ying] * 2006: Combining Adaptive PDE and Wavelet Shrinkage in Image Denoising with Edge Enhancing Property
* 2006: Object Removal By Cross Isophotes Exemplar-based Inpainting
* 2006: Optimal finite impulse response approximate inverse of linear periodic filters
* 2007: Learning-Based Super-Resolution System Using Single Facial Image and Multi-resolution Wavelet Synthesis
* 2007: Using the Orthographic Projection Model to Approximate the Perspective Projection Model for 3D Facial Reconstruction
* 2008: Dual Two-Dimensional Fuzzy Class Preserving Projections for Facial Expression Recognition
* 2008: Gabor-based multi-scale Illumination Normalization model for face recognition
* 2009: Illumination Invariant Bimodal Method Employing Discriminant Features for Face Recognition, An
* 2009: Independent Gabor Analysis of Discriminant Features Fusion for Face Recognition
* 2009: Independent query refinement and feature re-weighting using positive and negative examples for content-based image retrieval
* 2010: illumination normalization model for face recognition under varied lighting conditions, An
* 2012: color grouping method for detection of object regions based on local saliency, A
* 2012: Recognition of occluded objects by reducing feature interactions
* 2012: Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2012: Spectral technique to recognise occluded objects
* 2012: Total-variation based picture reconstruction in multiple description image and video coding
* 2013: Fast Background Subtraction Based on a Multilayer Codebook Model for Moving Object Detection
* 2015: Enabling Adaptive High-Frame-Rate Video Streaming in Mobile Cloud Gaming Applications
* 2017: Method for Retrieving Vertical Air Velocities in Convective Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau from TIPEX-III Cloud Radar Doppler Spectra, A
* 2017: Streaming Mobile Cloud Gaming Video Over TCP With Adaptive Source-FEC Coding
* 2018: Energy-Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer for Real-Time Video Streaming Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* 2018: Neural Procedural Reconstruction for Residential Buildings
* 2019: Energy-Efficient Multipath TCP for Quality-Guaranteed Video Over Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
* 2019: Phenotyping of Corn Plants Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Images
* 2020: Generated Data With Sparse Regularized Multi-Pseudo Label for Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Discovering Human Interactions with Large-Vocabulary Objects via Query and Multi-Scale Detection
* 2021: Image Synthesis from Layout with Locality-Aware Mask Adaption
* 2021: Long-term rate control for concurrent multipath real-time video transmission in heterogeneous wireless networks
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part I: Low-Level Models, From Sensing to Tracking
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
* 2021: Pedestrian Models for Autonomous Driving Part II: High-Level Models of Human Behavior
* 2021: Wearable Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as a Physiological Monitoring Tool for Seals under Anaesthesia
* 2022: BRACE: The Breakdancing Competition Dataset for Dance Motion Synthesis
* 2022: Comprehensive Validation and Comparison of Three VIIRS Aerosol Products over the Ocean on a Global Scale
* 2022: Constructing High-Resolution (10 km) Daily Diffuse Solar Radiation Dataset across China during 1982-2020 through Ensemble Model
* 2022: Depth Repeated-Enhancement RGB Network for Rail Surface Defect Inspection
* 2022: Detection and Biomass Estimation of Phaeocystis globosa Blooms off Southern China From UAV-Based Hyperspectral Measurements
* 2022: Inter-Attribute awareness for pedestrian attribute recognition
* 2022: Learning a Latent Space with Triplet Network for Few-Shot Image Classification
* 2022: LSRML: A latent space regularization based meta-learning framework for MR image segmentation
* 2022: Redefining prior feature space via finetuning a triplet network for few-shot learning
* 2022: Restoration of Individual Tree Missing Point Cloud Based on Local Features of Point Cloud
* 2023: Enhancement of Photovoltaic Power Potential in China from 2010 to 2020: The Contribution of Air Pollution Control Policies
* 2023: Hybrid quantum-classical generative adversarial networks for image generation via learning discrete distribution
* 2023: Novel Markovian Framework for Integrating Absolute and Relative Ordinal Emotion Information, A
* 2023: Probabilistic Knowledge Distillation of Face Ensembles
* 2023: Surface Defect Detection of Nanjing City Wall Based on UAV Oblique Photogrammetry and TLS
* 2024: No-Reference Quality Assessment Method for Hyperspectral Sharpened Images via Benford's Law, A
* 2024: OPAL: Occlusion Pattern Aware Loss for Unsupervised Light Field Disparity Estimation
Includes: Wu, J.Y.[Ji Ying] Wu, J.Y.[Ji-Ying] Wu, J.Y. Wu, J.Y.[Jin-Yi] Wu, J.Y.[Jyun-Yue] Wu, J.Y.[Jia-Yun] Wu, J.Y.[Jia Yun] Wu, J.Y.[Jun-Yuan] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Yu] Wu, J.Y.[Ji-Yan] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Ya] Wu, J.Y.[Jia-Ye] Wu, J.Y.[Jia-Yu] Wu, J.Y.[Jun-Yi] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Yuan] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Yi] Wu, J.Y.[Jin-Yang] Wu, J.Y.[Jia-Ying] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Yun] Wu, J.Y.[Jia-Yi] Wu, J.Y.[Jun-Yun] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Yao] Wu, J.Y.[Jing-Ying]
50 for Wu, J.Y.

Wu, J.Z.[Jian Zhai] * 2014: Action recognition by hidden temporal models
* 2014: Learning Effective Event Models to Recognize a Large Number of Human Actions
* 2020: 3D human pose estimation by depth map
* 2020: Special Issue Retraction: Convolutional neural network based on differential privacy in exponential attenuation mode for image classification
* 2021: Extending Ordinary-Label Learning Losses to Complementary-Label Learning
* 2021: Image stitching method by multi-feature constrained alignment and colour adjustment
* 2021: Unsupervised person re-identification by Intra-Inter Camera Affinity Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Video-based person re-identification by intra-frame and inter-frame graph neural network
* 2022: Effects of Ecological Programs and Other Factors on Soil Wind Erosion between 1981-2020
* 2022: Generating and Restoring Private Face Images for Internet of Vehicles Based on Semantic Features and Adversarial Examples
* 2022: Iterative structure transformation and conditional random field based method for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* 2022: Novel Workflow for Seasonal Wetland Identification Using Bi-Weekly Multiple Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2022: Structured graph based image regression for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* 2023: Deformable Protein Shape Classification Based on Deep Learning, and the Fractional Fokker-Planck and Kähler-Dirac Equations
* 2023: Dual Neighborhood Hypergraph Neural Network for Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Nearest Neighboring Self-Supervised Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2023: RiDOP: A Rotation-Invariant Detector with Simple Oriented Proposals in Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Special Issue Retraction: Convolutional neural network based on differential privacy in exponential attenuation mode for image classification
* 2023: Unsupervised Change Detection for VHR Remote Sensing Images Based on Temporal-Spatial-Structural Graphs
* 2024: ADF-Net: An Attention-Guided Dual-Branch Fusion Network for Building Change Detection near the Shanghai Metro Line Using Sequences of TerraSAR-X Images
* 2024: Toward Robust Referring Image Segmentation
Includes: Wu, J.Z.[Jian Zhai] Wu, J.Z.[Jian-Zhai] Wu, J.Z.[Jin-Zhao] Wu, J.Z.[Jin-Zhou] Wu, J.Z.[Jun-Zheng] Wu, J.Z.[Jian-Zhong] Wu, J.Z.[Jian-Zong]
21 for Wu, J.Z.

Wu, J.Z.J.[Jay Zhang Jie] * 2023: Label-Efficient Online Continual Object Detection in Streaming Video
* 2023: Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation
Includes: Wu, J.Z.J.[Jay Zhang Jie] Wu, J.Z.J.[Jay Zhang-Jie]

Wu, K. * 1993: 3D Object Representation Using Parametric Geons
* 1994: Recovering Parametric Geons from Multiview Range Data
* 1994: Shape Approximation: From Multiview Range Images to Parametric Geons
* 1995: Live cell image segmentation
* 1995: Live cell image segmentation
* 2005: soft relevance framework in content-based image retrieval systems, A
* 2010: Comparative Study of Mobile-Based Landmark Recognition Techniques, A
* 2011: Prostate Segmentation in HIFU Therapy
* 2014: dual quaternion-based, closed-form pairwise registration algorithm for point clouds, A
* 2015: Distributed Online Hybrid Cloud Management for Profit-Driven Multimedia Cloud Computing
* 2015: Fire Detection in Videos of Violent Crowds Acquired with Handheld Devices
* 2015: Wi-Counter: Smartphone-Based People Counter Using Crowdsourced Wi-Fi Signal Data
* 2016: Analysis and Practical Minimization of Registration Error in a Spherical Fish Tank Virtual Reality System
* 2016: Classification of Complex Urban Fringe Land Cover Using Evidential Reasoning Based on Fuzzy Rough Set: A Case Study of Wuhan City
* 2016: Computer Vision-Based Detection of Violent Individual Actions Witnessed by Crowds
* 2016: Multi-Probe Based Artificial DNA Encoding and Matching Classifier for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2016: Research on the optimal planning of the battery switch station for electric vehicles
* 2017: Automatic Calibration of a Multiple-Projector Spherical Fish Tank VR Display
* 2017: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Internet of Things and Sensors Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2017: Hyperspectral Target Detection via Adaptive Joint Sparse Representation and Multi-Task Learning with Locality Information
* 2017: Pure endmember extraction using robust kernel archetypoid analysis for hyperspectral imagery
* 2017: Supervised Sub-Pixel Mapping for Change Detection from Remotely Sensed Images with Different Resolutions
* 2018: Automatic object extraction from images using deep neural networks and the level-set method
* 2018: Bikeshare Pool Sizing for Bike-and-Ride Multimodal Transit
* 2018: Consensus Ensemble System for Traffic Flow Prediction
* 2018: Deep Generative Adversarial Networks for the Sparse Signal Denoising
* 2018: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Connected Vehicles in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2019: Aligning Pixel Values of DMSP and VIIRS Nighttime Light Images to Evaluate Urban Dynamics
* 2019: Alternate Mapping Correlated k-Distribution Method for Infrared Radiative Transfer Forward Simulation
* 2019: EV-Gait: Event-Based Robust Gait Recognition Using Dynamic Vision Sensors
* 2019: GAN-based Steganography with the Concatenation of Multiple Feature Maps
* 2019: Near-Space Wind and Temperature Sensing Interferometer: Forward Model and Measurement Simulation, The
* 2019: Radiative Transfer Characteristics of the O2 Infrared Atmospheric Band in Limb-Viewing Geometry, The
* 2019: Real-Time Multi-Label Classification System for Short Videos, A
* 2019: Remotely-Sensed Identification of a Transition for the Two Ecosystem States Along the Elevation Gradient: A Case Study of Xinjiang Tianshan Bogda World Heritage Site
* 2020: AbolDeepIO: A Novel Deep Inertial Odometry Network for Autonomous Vehicles
* 2020: Improved JPEG Phase-Aware Steganalysis Features Using Multiple Filter Sizes and Difference Images
* 2020: Improved OpenCL-Based Implementation of Social Field Pedestrian Model
* 2020: Light-weight Calibrator: A Separable Component for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Retrieval Method of Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity for Migratory Animals Using Weather Radar, A
* 2020: Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Speed from Spaceborne SAR over the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone with a Neural Network
* 2020: Simple Artificial Neural Network for Fire Detection Using Landsat-8 Data, A
* 2020: Simulation Study of Moon-Based InSAR Observation for Solid Earth Tides
* 2020: Structural Elements Detection and Reconstruction (SEDR): A Hybrid Approach for Modeling Complex Indoor Structures
* 2021: Asymmetric Pattern of Population Mobility during the Spring Festival in the Yangtze River Delta Based on Complex Network Analysis: An Empirical Analysis of Tencent Migration Big Data, The
* 2021: Building Footprint Generation by Integrating U-Net with Deepened Space Module
* 2021: Cloud Seeding Evidenced by Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
* 2021: Effective Feature Fusion Network in BIFPN for Small Object Detection
* 2021: Estimating Rainfall with Multi-Resource Data over East Asia Based on Machine Learning
* 2021: Hierarchical Graph Attention Network for Few-shot Visual-Semantic Learning
* 2021: LightTrack: Finding Lightweight Neural Networks for Object Tracking via One-Shot Architecture Search
* 2021: Lithology Classification Using TASI Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Data with Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2021: Machine learning based feature selection and knowledge reasoning for CBR system under big data
* 2021: Novel Change Detection Approach Based on Spectral Unmixing from Stacked Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images with a Variability of Endmembers, A
* 2021: Novel Method for Density Analysis of Repaired Point Cloud with Holes Based on Image Data, A
* 2021: Rethinking and Improving Relative Position Encoding for Vision Transformer
* 2021: Two-Pathway Transformer Network for Video Action Recognition
* 2021: Using an Equivalence-Based Approach to Derive 2-D Spectrum of BiSAR Data and Implementation Into an RDA Processor
* 2022: Analysis of Comprehensive Multi-Factors on Station Selection for Moon-Based Earth Observation
* 2022: Class-Aware Contrastive Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2022: Cloud detection with boundary nets
* 2022: Comprehensive Analysis and Validation of the Atmospheric Weighted Mean Temperature Models in China
* 2022: Comprehensive Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval and Application Platform Based on Various Water Vapor Detection Techniques
* 2022: Design and Implementation of Geospatial Information Verification Middle Platform for Natural Resources Government Affairs, The
* 2022: Gaussian-Wiener Representation and Hierarchical Coding Scheme for Focal Stack Images
* 2022: High Spatiotemporal Resolution PM2.5 Concentration Estimation with Machine Learning Algorithm: A Case Study for Wildfire in California
* 2022: HiVT: Hierarchical Vector Transformer for Multi-Agent Motion Prediction
* 2022: Industrial Scene Text Detection With Refined Feature-Attentive Network
* 2022: Integrated Change Detection Method Based on Spectral Unmixing and the CNN for Hyperspectral Imagery, An
* 2022: Method for SRTM DEM Elevation Error Correction in Forested Areas Using ICESat-2 Data and Vegetation Classification Data, A
* 2022: MiniViT: Compressing Vision Transformers with Weight Multiplexing
* 2022: Novel Method of Monitoring Surface Subsidence Law Based on Probability Integral Model Combined with Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2022: Object-Based Automatic Mapping of Winter Wheat Based on Temporal Phenology Patterns Derived from Multitemporal Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery
* 2022: SAR Image Simulation Based on Effective View and Ray Tracing
* 2022: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense Image Prediction
* 2022: Semi-supervised thin cloud removal with mutually beneficial guides
* 2022: TinyViT: Fast Pretraining Distillation for Small Vision Transformers
* 2022: Turbulence Detection in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar and Microwave Radiometer
* 2022: Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth Measured by Sun Photometer at a Rural Site near Beijing during the 2017-2019 Period
* 2023: Analysis of the 20-Year Variability of Ocean Wave Hazards in the Northwest Pacific
* 2023: Brain Network Analysis of Schizophrenia Patients Based on Hypergraph Signal Processing
* 2023: Childhood Leukemia Classification via Information Bottleneck Enhanced Hierarchical Multi-Instance Learning
* 2023: Chord: Category-level Hand-held Object Reconstruction via Shape Deformation
* 2023: DMEF: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Based on a Novel Deep Decomposition Method
* 2023: Evaluating the Ability of the Pre-Launch TanSat-2 Satellite to Quantify Urban CO2 Emissions
* 2023: Fast SAR Image Simulation Based on Echo Matrix Cell Algorithm Including Multiple Scattering
* 2023: Focal Stack Image Compression Based on Basis-Quadtree Representation
* 2023: Fresh Yield Estimation of Spring Tea via Spectral Differences in UAV Hyperspectral Images from Unpicked and Picked Canopies
* 2023: High Dynamic Range Imaging Method for Short Exposure Multiview Images, A
* 2023: Learning-Based Discretionary Lane-Change Decision-Making Model With Driving Style Awareness, A
* 2023: POEM: Reconstructing Hand in a Point Embedded Multi-view Stereo
* 2023: Prnet: A Progressive Regression Network for No-Reference User-Generated-Content (UGC) Video Quality Assessment
* 2023: Pseudo Labels Refinement with Intra-Camera Similarity for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* 2023: RiSSNet: Contrastive Learning Network with a Relaxed Identity Sampling Strategy for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Self-Attention Memory-Augmented Wavelet-CNN for Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Source-free and black-box domain adaptation via distributionally adversarial training
* 2023: TinyCLIP: CLIP Distillation via Affinity Mimicking and Weight Inheritance
* 2023: Validation of the Ocean Wave Spectrum from the Remote Sensing Data of the Chinese-French Oceanography Satellite
* 2024: Cycle-Retinex: Unpaired Low-Light Image Enhancement via Retinex-Inline CycleGAN
* 2024: Geodetic-Data-Calibrated Ice Flow Model to Simulate Historical and Future Response of Glaciers in Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, A
* 2024: Hierarchical Independent Coding Scheme for Varifocal Multiview Images Based on Angular-Focal Joint Prediction
* 2024: Object-Enhanced YOLO Networks for Synthetic Aperture Radar Ship Detection
Includes: Wu, K. Wu, K.[Kui] Wu, K.[Kan] Wu, K.[Kai] Wu, K.[Ke] Wu, K.[Kang] Wu, K.[Kun] Wu, K.[Kuijun] Wu, K.[Keke] Wu, K.[Kangmin] Wu, K.[Kangle] Wu, K.[Kenan] Wu, K.[Kailin] Wu, K.[Kongyi] Wu, K.[Kejun] Wu, K.[Kaijie] Wu, K.[Kefu] Wu, K.[Kebin] Wu, K.[Kejian] Wu, K.[Kefei] Wu, K.[Kaihua] Wu, K.[Kangyi] Wu, K.[Kunhong] Wu, K.[Kunpeng]
102 for Wu, K.

Wu, K.B.[Ke Bin] * 2019: Joint learning for voice based disease detection
Includes: Wu, K.B.[Ke Bin] Wu, K.B.[Ke-Bin]

Wu, K.C.[Kuo Chen] * 2015: Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis
* 2016: Myocardial Infarct Segmentation From Magnetic Resonance Images for Personalized Modeling of Cardiac Electrophysiology
* 2017: Spatially Adaptive Multi-Scale Optimization for Local Parameter Estimation in Cardiac Electrophysiology
* 2022: Measuring Height Difference Using Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer
* 2022: Test of Determining Geopotential Difference between Two Sites at Wuhan Based on Optical Clocks' Frequency Comparisons
Includes: Wu, K.C.[Kuo Chen] Wu, K.C.[Kuo-Chen] Wu, K.C. Wu, K.C.[Kuang-Chao]

Wu, K.C.A.[Kai Chi Ang] * 2021: FOX-NAS: Fast, On-device and Explainable Neural Architecture Search
* 2024: FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Vision Transformer
Includes: Wu, K.C.A.[Kai Chi Ang] Wu, K.C.A.[Kai-Chi-Ang]

Wu, K.H.[Kuan Hsien] * 2010: Efficient VLSI Architecture for Transform-Based Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC, An
* 2020: Exploring the Optical Properties of Leaf Photosynthetic and Photo-Protective Pigments In Vivo Based on the Separation of Spectral Overlapping
* 2022: Rice False Smut Detection and Prescription Map Generation in a Complex Planting Environment, with Mixed Methods, Based on Near Earth Remote Sensing
* 2024: Alternative Approach to Tilt-to-Length Coupling Estimation for Laser Ranging Interferometers in Future Gravity Missions
Includes: Wu, K.H.[Kuan Hsien] Wu, K.H.[Kuan-Hsien] Wu, K.H.[Kai-Hua] Wu, K.H.[Kai-Hang]

Wu, K.J.[Kai Jun] * 2021: Full-Wave Modeling and Inversion of UWB Radar Data for Wave Propagation in Cylindrical Objects
* 2021: SVMs multi-class loss feedback based discriminative dictionary learning for image classification
* 2022: Ground-Penetrating Radar Full-Wave Inversion for Soil Moisture Mapping in Trench-Hill Potato Fields for Precise Irrigation
* 2022: Object Level Depth Reconstruction for Category Level 6D Object Pose Estimation from Monocular RGB Image
* 2023: Effect of UV Scattering on Detection Limit of SO2 Cameras
* 2023: Enhanced Neuron Attribution-Based Attack Via Pixel Dropping, An
* 2023: Influence of Scattered Sunlight for Wind Measurements with the O2(a1Deltag) Dayglow
* 2023: Spectral Calibration for SO2 Cameras with Light Dilution Effect Correction
Includes: Wu, K.J.[Kai Jun] Wu, K.J.[Kai-Jun] Wu, K.J.[Kai-Jie] Wu, K.J.[Ke-Jian] Wu, K.J.[Kui-Jun]
8 for Wu, K.J.

Wu, K.L.[Kuo Lung] * 2002: Alternative c-means clustering algorithms
* 2004: similarity-based robust clustering method, A
* 2005: cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering, A
* 2005: novel fuzzy clustering algorithm based on a fuzzy scatter matrix with optimality tests, A
* 2006: Alternative learning vector quantization
* 2006: Unsupervised possibilistic clustering
* 2007: Mean shift-based clustering
* 2009: Robust cluster validity indexes
* 2010: Mountain c-regressions method
* 2012: Analysis of parameter selections for fuzzy c-means
* 2019: Spectral-Spatial Gabor Surface Feature Fusion Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
* 2022: CoDriver ETA: Combine Driver Information in Estimated Time of Arrival by Driving Style Learning Auxiliary Task
* 2022: Dynamic Channel-Aware Subgraph Interactive Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2023: ACE-MEF: Adaptive Clarity Evaluation-Guided Network With Illumination Correction for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* 2023: Tilt-to-Length Coupling Analysis of an Off-Axis Optical Bench Design for NGGM
Includes: Wu, K.L.[Kuo Lung] Wu, K.L.[Kuo-Lung] Wu, K.L.[Kui-Lin] Wu, K.L.[Kai-Lun] Wu, K.L.[Kun-Lun] Wu, K.L.[Kang-Le] Wu, K.L.[Kai-Lan]
15 for Wu, K.L.

Wu, K.M.[Kong Ming] * 2019: Migratory Insect Multifrequency Radar Cross Sections for Morphological Parameter Estimation
* 2021: Insect Multifrequency Polarimetric Radar Cross Section: Experimental Results and Analysis
Includes: Wu, K.M.[Kong Ming] Wu, K.M.[Kong-Ming]

Wu, K.N.[Ke Nong] * 1995: 3D Part Segmentation: A New Physics-Based Approach
* 1995: Segmenting 3D objects into geons
* 1996: 2D Shape Segmentation: A New Approach
* 1996: 3D Part Segmentation Using Simulated Electrical Charge Distributions
* 1997: 3-D Shape Approximation Using Parametric Geons
* 1997: 3D Part Segmentation Using Simulated Electrical Charge Distributions
Includes: Wu, K.N.[Ke Nong] Wu, K.N.[Ke-Nong] Wu, K.N.

Wu, K.P.[Kuo Ping] * 2009: Choosing the kernel parameters for support vector machines by the inter-cluster distance in the feature space
* 2019: Continuous Wavelet Analysis of Leaf Reflectance Improves Classification Accuracy of Mangrove Species
* 2020: Distinguishing Glaciers between Surging and Advancing by Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the Eastern Karakoram
* 2020: Surging Dynamics of Glaciers in the Hunza Valley under an Equilibrium Mass State since 1990
* 2022: Evolution of the Glacier Surges in the Tuanjie Peak, the Qilian Mountains, The
* 2022: Monitoring the Surface Elevation Changes of a Monsoon Temperate Glacier with Repeated UAV Surveys, Mainri Mountains, China
Includes: Wu, K.P.[Kuo Ping] Wu, K.P.[Kuo-Ping] Wu, K.P.[Kai-Peng] Wu, K.P.[Kun-Peng]

Wu, K.S. * 1998: Fast Full Search in Motion Estimation by Hierarchical Use of Minkowski's Inequality (HUMI)
* 2000: Fast VQ Encoding by an Efficient Kick-Out Condition
* 2009: Fast connected-component labeling
* 2021: Coarse-to-Fine Contour Optimization Network for Extracting Building Instances from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* 2022: Context-Aware Taxi Dispatching at City-Scale Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Wu, K.S. Wu, K.S.[Ke-Sheng] Wu, K.S.[Kai-Shun]

Wu, K.W.[Ke Wei] * 2010: Beyond shape: incorporating color invariance into a biologically inspired feedforward model of category recognition
* 2014: new metric for measuring structure-preserving capability of despeckling of SAR images, A
* 2019: deep generative directed network for scene depth ordering, A
* 2019: Jointly social grouping and identification in visual dynamics with causality-induced hierarchical Bayesian model
* 2021: Deep social force network for anomaly event detection
* 2021: Learning continuous temporal embedding of videos using pattern theory
* 2023: Actor-centric Causality Graph for Asynchronous Temporal Inference in Group Activity, An
* 2023: Attentive spatial-temporal contrastive learning for self-supervised video representation
* 2023: Global Temporal Difference Network for Action Recognition
* 2024: Active Factor Graph Network for Group Activity Recognition
Includes: Wu, K.W.[Ke Wei] Wu, K.W.[Ke-Wei]
10 for Wu, K.W.

Wu, K.Y.[Ke Yu] * 2019: DeepDSAIR: Deep 6-DOF camera relocalization using deblurred semantic-aware image representation for large-scale outdoor environments
* 2021: Novel Fuzzy Logic-Based Text Classification Method for Tracking Rare Events on Twitter, A
* 2022: Achieving Real-Time Path Planning in Unknown Environments Through Deep Neural Networks
* 2022: NeuralHDHair: Automatic High-fidelity Hair Modeling from a Single Image Using Implicit Neural Representations
* 2022: Source-Free Video Domain Adaptation by Learning Temporal Consistency for Action Recognition
* 2023: Multi-Source Video Domain Adaptation With Temporal Attentive Moment Alignment Network
* 2023: Reinforced Adaptation Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Three-Stage Framework with Reliable Sample Pool for Long-Tailed Classification, A
Includes: Wu, K.Y.[Ke Yu] Wu, K.Y.[Ke-Yu] Wu, K.Y.[Ke-Yuan]
8 for Wu, K.Y.

Wu, K.Z.[Kan Zhi] * 2011: Tree-Structured MRF Based Image Segmentation Combined with Advanced Means Shift Mode Detection
* 2022: Novel All-Weather Method to Determine Deflection of the Vertical by Combining 3D Laser Tracking Free-Fall and Multi-GNSS Baselines, A
Includes: Wu, K.Z.[Kan Zhi] Wu, K.Z.[Kan-Zhi] Wu, K.Z.[Ke-Zhi]

Wu, L. * 1988: On Fingerprint Theorems
* 1990: Circuit implementation of block matching algorithm
* 1990: Scaling Theorems for Zero-Crossings
* 1994: Motion and Structure Based Image Segmentation for Object-Oriented Time-Varying Sequences Coding
* 1995: Spatio-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented low bit-rate image coding
* 1996: Focus of Attention in Video Conferencing
* 1996: Focus of Attention: Towards Low Bitrate Video Tele-Conferencing
* 1996: Spatio-temporal segmentation of image sequences for object-oriented low bit-rate image coding
* 1996: Telepresence for In-Situ Microscopy
* 1998: Efficient Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Structure Segmentation and Compensability Analysis
* 2005: Effective Multi-dimdimensional Index Strategy for Cluster Architectures, An
* 2006: Biologically Inspired Hierarchical Model for Feature Extraction and Localization
* 2006: H-inf mode reduction for two-dimensional discrete state-delayed systems
* 2007: Comments on A Separable Low Complexity 2D HMM with Application to Face Recognition
* 2008: Approximating a non-homogeneous HMM with Dynamic Spatial Dirichlet Process
* 2008: Mumford-Shah model on lattice, A
* 2008: probabilistic model for classifying segmented images, A
* 2009: Info-margin maximization for feature extraction
* 2009: Scale-Invariant Visual Language Modeling for Object Categorization
* 2010: Camera calibration and geo-location estimation from two shadow trajectories
* 2010: Compact projection: Simple and efficient near neighbor search with practical memory requirements
* 2010: Geo-location estimation from two shadow trajectories
* 2010: Integrating ILSR to Bag-of-Visual Words Model Based on Sparse Codes of SIFT Features Representations
* 2010: Multiscale geometric feature extraction and selection algorithms of similar objects
* 2010: Robust Photometric Stereo via Low-Rank Matrix Completion and Recovery
* 2010: Semantics-Preserving Bag-of-Words Models and Applications
* 2010: Video synchronization and its application to object transfer
* 2011: Action recognition using tri-view constraints
* 2011: Enhancing Bag-of-Words Models with Semantics-Preserving Metric Learning
* 2011: Millimetre-wave radiometric imaging for concealed contraband detection on personnel
* 2011: Optimized Pilot Placement for Sparse Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems
* 2012: Analysis of the fractal characteristic of the hyperspectral curves of the rice under plumbum pollution stress
* 2012: Detecting image forgeries using metrology
* 2012: Event-driven Observations And Comprehensive Evaluation For Natural Disaster Assessment In China
* 2012: Flickr Distance: A Relationship Measure for Visual Concepts
* 2012: Fusion Of Optical Data and SAR Data for the Estimation of Nitrogen Concentration in Pearl River Estuary Hong Kong Seas, China
* 2012: ISAR Imaging of Targets With Complex Motion Based on Discrete Chirp Fourier Transform for Cubic Chirps
* 2012: Two-View Underwater Structure and Motion for Cameras under Flat Refractive Interfaces
* 2013: Hidden Markov Models for Real-Time Estimation of Corn Progress Stages Using MODIS and Meteorological Data
* 2013: Maximum weight and minimum redundancy: A novel framework for feature subset selection
* 2013: Tag Completion for Image Retrieval
* 2014: Anomaly Detection through Spatio-temporal Context Modeling in Crowded Scenes
* 2014: Bird Flu Outbreak Prediction via Satellite Tracking
* 2014: Robust multi-view L2 triangulation via optimal inlier selection and 3D structure refinement
* 2015: Learning to rank in person re-identification with metric ensembles
* 2015: Lift: Multi-Label Learning with Label-Specific Features
* 2015: New Technique for Multi-Oriented Scene Text Line Detection and Tracking in Video, A
* 2015: Robust Subspace Clustering for Multi-View Data by Exploiting Correlation Consensus
* 2015: Robust User Community-Aware Landmark Photo Retrieval
* 2015: SOM: Semantic obviousness metric for image quality assessment
* 2016: Effective Active Skeleton Representation for Low Latency Human Action Recognition
* 2016: Experimental Study on Microwave Radiation From Deforming and Fracturing Rock Under Loading Outdoor
* 2016: Implicit Three-Dimensional Geo-Modelling Based on HRBF Surface
* 2016: Kernel Method Based On Topic Model For Very High Spatial Resolution (VHSR) Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* 2016: Micro-Expression Recognition by Regression Model and Group Sparse Spatio-Temporal Feature Learning
* 2016: Multiscale Segmentation Of Polarimetric Sar Image Based On Srm Superpixels
* 2016: Spaceborne/Stationary Bistatic SAR Imaging With TerraSAR-X as an Illuminator in Staring-Spotlight Mode
* 2016: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on the Fractal Theory
* 2016: Synchronization Algorithm for Spaceborne/Stationary BiSAR Imaging Based on Contrast Optimization With Direct Signal From Radar Satellite, A
* 2016: Three Dimentional Reconstruction Of Large Cultural Heritage Objects Based On UAV Video And TLS Data
* 2016: Topic Modelling For Object-based Classification of VHR Satellite Images Based on Multiscale Segmentations
* 2017: Deep linear discriminant analysis on fisher networks: A hybrid architecture for person re-identification
* 2017: Effective Multi-Query Expansions: Collaborative Deep Networks for Robust Landmark Retrieval
* 2017: Estimating FAPAR of Rice Growth Period Using Radiation Transfer Model Coupled with the WOFOST Model for Analyzing Heavy Metal Stress
* 2017: Fractals Based Multi-Oriented Text Detection System for Recognition in Mobile Video Images
* 2017: Frequency-Domain Intergroup Interference Coordination for V2V Communications
* 2017: FUIQA: Fetal Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment With Deep Convolutional Networks
* 2017: Hierarchical Model for the Similarity Measurement of a Complex Holed-Region Entity Scene
* 2017: Improved marching tetrahedra algorithm based on hierarchical signed distance field and multi-scale depth map fusion for 3D reconstruction
* 2017: Infrastructure-Assisted Message Dissemination for Supporting Heterogeneous Driving Patterns
* 2017: Knowledge-Driven Geospatially Enabled Framework for Geological Big Data, A
* 2017: Optimizing Cruising Routes for Taxi Drivers Using a Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Model
* 2017: Quantifying Tourist Behavior Patterns by Travel Motifs and Geo-Tagged Photos from Flickr
* 2017: Reducing noisy labels in weakly labeled data for visual sentiment analysis
* 2017: Riemannian Alternative Matrix Completion for Image-Based Flame Recognition
* 2017: Robust hashing for multi-view data: Jointly learning low-rank kernelized similarity consensus and hash functions
* 2017: Rotation Invariant Local Binary Convolution Neural Networks
* 2017: Slope-Restricted Multi-Scale Feature Matching for Geostationary Satellite Remote Sensing Images
* 2017: Structured learning of metric ensembles with application to person re-identification
* 2017: Topic Modelling for Object-Based Unsupervised Classification of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images Based on Multiscale Image Segmentation
* 2017: Two-view underwater 3D reconstruction for cameras with unknown poses under flat refractive interfaces
* 2017: Ultrasound Standard Plane Detection Using a Composite Neural Network Framework
* 2018: Analyzing Space-Time Dynamics of Theft Rates Using Exchange Mobility
* 2018: Building Extraction in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Deep Learning and Guided Filters
* 2018: Comparison of TMPA-3B42RT Legacy Product and the Equivalent IMERG Products over Mainland China
* 2018: Deep adaptive feature embedding with local sample distributions for person re-identification
* 2018: Discrimination of Algal-Bloom Using Spaceborne SAR Observations of Great Lakes in China
* 2018: High-Resolution RFI Localization Using Covariance Matrix Augmentation in Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometry
* 2018: Method for Mapping Rice Fields in Complex Landscape Areas Based on Pre-Trained Convolutional Neural Network from HJ-1 A/B Data
* 2018: Modified Spatiotemporal Fusion Algorithm Using Phenological Information for Predicting Reflectance of Paddy Rice in Southern China, A
* 2018: Structured deep hashing with convolutional neural networks for fast person re-identification
* 2018: Task-Oriented Knowledge Base for Geospatial Problem-Solving, A
* 2018: Visual Tracking by Combining the Structure-Aware Network and Spatial-Temporal Regression
* 2018: What-and-where to match: Deep spatially multiplicative integration networks for person re-identification
* 2019: Anisotropic Diffusion for Improved Crime Prediction in Urban China
* 2019: Coherent SVR Learning for Wideband Direction-of-Arrival Estimation
* 2019: Cycle-Consistent Deep Generative Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2019: Deep Attention-Based Spatially Recursive Networks for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition
* 2019: Deep Convolution Network for Direction of Arrival Estimation With Sparse Prior
* 2019: Directional tensor product complex tight framelets for compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* 2019: ECG arrhythmia classification using artificial intelligence and nonlinear and nonstationary decomposition
* 2019: Exclusive feature selection and multi-view learning for Alzheimer's Disease
* 2019: Galileo Augmenting GPS Single-Frequency Single-Epoch Precise Positioning with Baseline Constrain for Bridge Dynamic Monitoring
* 2019: High-Throughput VLSI Architecture for Real-Time Full-HD Gradient Guided Image Filter, A
* 2019: ILGNet: inception modules with connected local and global features for efficient image aesthetic quality classification using domain adaptation
* 2019: Intuitionistic Fuzzy Similarity Approach for Clustering Analysis of Polygons, An
* 2019: Long-Term Monitoring of Cropland Change near Dongting Lake, China, Using the LandTrendr Algorithm with Landsat Imagery
* 2019: Novel Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on Online Robust Dictionary Learning, A
* 2019: Path-Invariant Map Networks
* 2019: Quality-Aware Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* 2019: Robust Mutual Learning Hashing
* 2019: Saliency Detection via Topological Feature Modulated Deep Learning
* 2019: Saliency prediction by Mahalanobis distance of topological feature on deep color components
* 2019: Social sensing from street-level imagery: A case study in learning spatio-temporal urban mobility patterns
* 2019: Synthesizing Data to Explore the Dynamic Spatial Patterns of Hotel Development
* 2019: Varifocal-Net: A Chromosome Classification Approach Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* 2019: Where-and-When to Look: Deep Siamese Attention Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Additional Microwave Radiation From Experimentally Loaded Granite Covered With Sand Layers: Features and Mechanisms
* 2020: Blind Quality Metric of DIBR-Synthesized Images in the Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain
* 2020: Cross-Entropy Adversarial View Adaptation for Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Disturbance-Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Control of High-Speed Trains: A Markovian Jump System Model Approach
* 2020: Estimation of Vertical Datum Parameters Using the GBVP Approach Based on the Combined Global Geopotential Models
* 2020: Exemplar Normalization for Learning Deep Representation
* 2020: Few-Shot Deep Adversarial Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* 2020: GAN-based Tunable Image Compression System, A
* 2020: HAM: Hidden Anchor Mechanism for Scene Text Detection
* 2020: Identifying Port Calls of Ships by Uncertain Reasoning with Trajectory Data
* 2020: Impact of Compressive Stress on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Feldspar Specimen
* 2020: Mapping Water Quality Parameters in Urban Rivers from Hyperspectral Images Using a New Self-Adapting Selection of Multiple Artificial Neural Networks
* 2020: MaskGAN: Towards Diverse and Interactive Facial Image Manipulation
* 2020: Multi-Type Forest Change Detection Using BFAST and Monthly Landsat Time Series for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Forests in Subtropical Wetland
* 2020: Multimodal Categorization of Crisis Events in Social Media
* 2020: No-Reference Objective Quality Assessment Method of Display Products
* 2020: novel face presentation attack detection scheme based on multi-regional convolutional neural networks, A
* 2020: Novel Postprocessing Method for Robust Myoelectric Pattern-Recognition Control Through Movement Pattern Transition Detection, A
* 2020: Ontology-Based Global and Collective Motion Patterns for Event Classification in Basketball Videos
* 2020: Recall What You See Continually Using GridLSTM in Image Captioning
* 2020: Recognition of Urban Functions and Mixed Use Based on Residents' Movement and Topic Generation Model: The Case of Wuhan, China
* 2020: Reconfigurable Architecture for Discrete Cosine Transform in Video Coding, A
* 2020: Retrieval of Water Quality Parameters from Hyperspectral Images Using Hybrid Bayesian Probabilistic Neural Network
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Guided Self-Supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera
* 2020: Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection Using Forward-backward Cyclic Adaptation
* 2020: Unsupervised Haze Removal for High-Resolution Optical Remote-Sensing Images Based on Improved Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: Azimuth Signal-Reconstruction Method Based on Two-Step Projection Technology for Spaceborne Azimuth Multi-Channel High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR, An
* 2021: CFAR Detection Based on Adaptive Tight Frame and Weighted Group-Sparsity Regularization for OTHR
* 2021: Deep Residual Dual-Attention Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Detection of Subpixel Targets on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Background Endmember Extraction
* 2021: Discriminating Possible Causes of Microwave Brightness Temperature Positive Anomalies Related With May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Sequence
* 2021: Efficient Medical Image Segmentation Based on Knowledge Distillation
* 2021: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Image Retrieval
* 2021: Excitation-Reception Collinear Probe for Ultrasonic, Photoacoustic, and Thermoacoustic Tri-Modal Volumetric Imaging, An
* 2021: Influence of HNB Product Packaging Health Warning Design on Risk Perception Based on Eye Tracking
* 2021: Influence of the Color and Logo Position of HNB Products on User Experience Based on Eye Tracking
* 2021: Iterative Distillation for Better Uncertainty Estimates in Multitask Emotion Recognition
* 2021: Measuring the Service Capacity of Public Facilities Based on a Dynamic Voronoi Diagram
* 2021: Modelling Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stock of the Bohai Rim Coastal Wetlands by Integrating Remote Sensing, Terrain, and Climate Data
* 2021: Multi-Modal Visual Place Recognition in Dynamics-Invariant Perception Space
* 2021: Multi-Parameter Regularization Method for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Radiometers
* 2021: Novel Method for Layover Detection in Mountainous Areas with SAR Images, A
* 2021: Parameter-space-based robust control of event-triggered heterogeneous platoon
* 2021: Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine
* 2021: Potential Land Use Conflict Identification Based on Improved Multi-Objective Suitability Evaluation
* 2021: Pyramid Information Distillation Attention Network for Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Retraction: Optimal brain tumor diagnosis based on deep learning and balanced sparrow search algorithm
* 2021: Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Networks
* 2021: UnityShip: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for Ship Recognition in Aerial Images
* 2021: Variation in Microwave Brightness Temperature of Granite Pressed Under Weak Background Radiation, The
* 2021: WSGAN: An Improved Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Road Network Extraction by Weakly Supervised Processing
* 2022: Adaptive Unsupervised-Shadow-Detection Approach for Remote-Sensing Image Based on Multichannel Features
* 2022: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical Satellite Images by R3Det with Piecewise Linear Stretching
* 2022: coarse-to-fine approach for dynamic-to-static image translation, A
* 2022: Deep adaptive feature embedding with local sample distributions for person re-identification
* 2022: Estimating fund-raising performance for start-up projects from a market graph perspective
* 2022: Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass of Two Major Conifers in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, from PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2 Data
* 2022: FusionNet: A Convolution-Transformer Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Generating Salt-Affected Irrigated Cropland Map in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Geolocation of RFIs by Multiple Snapshot Difference Method for Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer
* 2022: IAF-LG: An Interactive Attention Fusion Network With Local and Global Perspective for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* 2022: Issues and Challenges of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey
* 2022: Land Surface Snow Phenology Based on an Improved Downscaling Method in the Southern Gansu Plateau, China
* 2022: Limb Pose Aware Networks for Monocular 3D Pose Estimation
* 2022: MIMO Radar Design for Extended Target Detection in a Spectrally Crowded Environment
* 2022: Novel High-Squint Spotlight SAR Raw Data Simulation Scheme in 2-D Frequency Domain, A
* 2022: Optimization Framework for Spatiotemporal Analysis Units Based on Floating Car Data
* 2022: Performance Evaluation and Requirement Analysis for Chronometric Leveling with High-Accuracy Optical Clocks
* 2022: Protecting Facial Privacy: Generating Adversarial Identity Masks via Style-robust Makeup Transfer
* 2022: Pseudo-Pair Based Self-Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Refined Gravity Field Models for Height System Unification in China, The
* 2022: Robust point clouds registration with point-to-point lp distance constraints in large-scale metrology
* 2022: Satellite Laser Altimetry Data-Supported High-Accuracy Mapping of GF-7 Stereo Images
* 2022: Shifted to the South, Shifted to the North, but No Expansion: Potential Suitable Habitat Distribution Shift and Conservation Gap of the Critically Endangered Baer's Pochard (Aythya baeri)
* 2022: Thematic Content and Visualization Strategy for Map Design of City-Specific Culture Based on Local Chronicles: A Case Study of Dengfeng City, China
* 2022: Tourist Behavior Analysis Framework Guided by Geo-Information Tupu Theory and Its Application in Dengfeng City, China, A
* 2022: Traffic Signal Control With Reinforcement Learning Based on Region-Aware Cooperative Strategy
* 2022: Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Using Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Transformer
* 2022: Water-Body Segmentation for SAR Images: Past, Current, and Future
* 2022: What-and-where to match: Deep spatially multiplicative integration networks for person re-identification
* 2022: Wide-Area and Real-Time Object Search System of UAV
* 2023: Adaptive Multi-View and Temporal Fusing Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2023: Analysis of Tourist Market Structure and Its Driving Factors in Small Cities before and after COVID-19
* 2023: Automotive Radar Optimization Design in a Spectrally Crowded V2I Communication Environment
* 2023: Beyond Single Reference for Training: Underwater Image Enhancement via Comparative Learning
* 2023: BFANet: Effective segmentation network for low altitude high-resolution urban scene image
* 2023: Camera Frame Misalignment in a Teleoperated Eye-in-Hand Robot: Effects and a Simple Correction Method
* 2023: Classification of Land Cover in Complex Terrain Using Gaofen-3 SAR Ascending and Descending Orbit Data
* 2023: Comparison of Three Active Microwave Models of Forest Growing Stock Volume Based on the Idea of the Water Cloud Model
* 2023: Cross-Radiometric Calibration and NDVI Application Comparison of FY-4A/AGRI Based on Aqua-MODIS
* 2023: Detecting Backdoors During the Inference Stage Based on Corruption Robustness Consistency
* 2023: Do Locations of Employment and Residence Influence whether People Use Virtual Social Networks? A Case Study of Residents in Wuhan, China
* 2023: Dynamic Field Retrieval and Analysis of Structural Evolution in Offshore Core Area of Typhoon Higos Based on Ground-Based Radar Observation
* 2023: Enhanced Bi-directional Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation
* 2023: EVA: Exploring the Limits of Masked Visual Representation Learning at Scale
* 2023: Evaluating the Losses and Recovery of GPP in the Subtropical Mangrove Forest Directly Attacked by Tropical Cyclone: Case Study in Hainan Island
* 2023: Face reenactment via generative landmark guidance
* 2023: Fast Point Cloud Generation with Straight Flows
* 2023: FlowGrad: Controlling the Output of Generative ODEs with Gradients
* 2023: High-Accuracy Gesture Recognition using Mm-Wave Radar Based on Convolutional Block Attention Module
* 2023: HoVer-Trans: Anatomy-Aware HoVer-Transformer for ROI-Free Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Ultrasound Images
* 2023: How Can Ecological Land Be Deployed to Cool the Surface Thermal Environment? A Case Study from the Perspectives of Patch and Network
* 2023: Hybrid Chlorophyll a Estimation Method for Oligotrophic and Mesotrophic Reservoirs Based on Optical Water Classification, A
* 2023: Integrating Holistic and Local Information to Estimate Emotional Reaction Intensity
* 2023: Intelligent Cockpit for Intelligent Vehicle in Metaverse: A Case Study of Empathetic Auditory Regulation of Human Emotion
* 2023: Is Ride-Hailing an Effective Tool for Improving Transportation Services in Suburban New Towns in China? Evidence from Wuhan Unicom Users' Mobile Phone Usage Big Data
* 2023: Land Cover Classification of SAR Based on 1DCNN-MRF Model Using Improved Dual-Polarization Radar Vegetation Index
* 2023: Light Field Surface Feature and Spherical Descriptor in the Surface Scale Space
* 2023: LipFormer: Learning to Lipread Unseen Speakers Based on Visual-Landmark Transformers
* 2023: Multiscale Representation of Radar Echo Data Retrieved through Deep Learning from Numerical Model Simulations and Satellite Images
* 2023: Portraying the Influence Factor of Urban Vibrancy at Street Level Using Multisource Urban Data
* 2023: Regional Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution from a Network of Disdrometers over Complex Terrain in Southern China
* 2023: Research on Human Body Features Extraction based on Attention Mechanism
* 2023: Secure Transmission Scheme Based on Joint Radar and Communication in Mobile Vehicular Networks
* 2023: Signal Processing for Brain-Computer Interfaces: A review and current perspectives
* 2023: Site Selection Prediction for Coffee Shops Based on Multi-Source Space Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
* 2023: SpatioTemporal focus for skeleton-based action recognition
* 2023: Two-Level Rectification Attention Network for Scene Text Recognition, A
* 2023: Unified Pyramid Recurrent Network for Video Frame Interpolation, A
* 2023: Water Stream Extraction via Feature-Fused Encoder-Decoder Network Based on SAR Images
* 2024: Brain-driven facial image reconstruction via StyleGAN inversion with improved identity consistency
* 2024: Color Enhanced Cross Correlation Net for Image Sentiment Analysis
* 2024: DocReal: Robust Document Dewarping of Real-Life Images via Attention-Enhanced Control Point Prediction
* 2024: Historical Dynamic Mapping of Eucalyptus Plantations in Guangxi during 1990-2019 Based on Sliding-Time-Window Change Detection Using Dense Landsat Time-Series Data
* 2024: Multi-source to multi-target domain adaptation method based on similarity measurement
* 2024: Response of Vegetation Phenology to Climate Change on the Tibetan Plateau Considering Time-Lag and Cumulative Effects
* 2024: Source-free domain adaptation with unrestricted source hypothesis
* 2024: Spatiotemporal Changes of Center Pivot Irrigation Farmland in the Mu Us Region and Its Impact on the Surrounding Vegetation Growth
* 2024: Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Driving Factors of Small and Micro Wetlands in the Yellow River Basin from 1990 to 2020
* 2024: Video-Based Fall Detection Using Human Pose and Constrained Generative Adversarial Network
* 2024: Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection via Self-Guided Temporal Discriminative Transformer
Includes: Wu, L. Wu, L.[Lancelot] Wu, L.[Leejay] Wu, L.[Li] Wu, L.[Liang] Wu, L.[Lenan] Wu, L.[Lide] Wu, L.[Lei] Wu, L.[Lin] Wu, L.[Lina] Wu, L.[Lun] Wu, L.[Ling] Wu, L.[Lingda] Wu, L.[Lishan] Wu, L.[Linmei] Wu, L.[Lu] Wu, L.[Lidan] Wu, L.[Long] Wu, L.[Longwen] Wu, L.[Laiyi] Wu, L.[Le] Wu, L.[Lemeng] Wu, L.[Lifang] Wu, L.[Liaoni] Wu, L.[Linghua] Wu, L.[Lele] Wu, L.[Lan] Wu, L.[Lian] Wu, L.[Lianhui] Wu, L.[Likang] Wu, L.[Lidong] Wu, L.[Lianwei] Wu, L.[Libing] Wu, L.[Lili] Wu, L.[Letian] Wu, L.[Liao] Wu, L.[Longhai] Wu, L.[Ledell] Wu, L.[Liangyu] Wu, L.[Liyu] Wu, L.[Lintai] Wu, L.[Lukun] Wu, L.[Luyao]
248 for Wu, L.

Wu, L.B.[Ling Bing] * 2022: Radar Imaging Statistics of Non-Gaussian Rough Surface: A Physics-Based Simulation Study
Includes: Wu, L.B.[Ling Bing] Wu, L.B.[Ling-Bing]

Wu, L.C.[Liang Chih] * 1997: Three-dimensional PET emission scan registration and transmission scan synthesis
* 2019: Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence System for Large-Scale Arrhythmia Screening
* 2021: Bathymetry Determination Based on Abundant Wavenumbers Estimated from the Local Phase Gradient of X-Band Radar Images
* 2023: Investigating the Storm Surge and Flooding in Shenzhen City, China
Includes: Wu, L.C.[Liang Chih] Wu, L.C.[Liang-Chih] Wu, L.C.[Li-Ching] Wu, L.C.[Li-Chung] Wu, L.C.[Liang-Chao]

Wu, L.D.[Li De] * 1980: On the Freeman's Conjecture About the Chain Code of a Line
* 1982: Consistent Piecewise Linear Approximation
* 1982: On the Chain Code of a Line
* 1984: Fast Piecewise Non-Linear Approximation
* 1984: Piecewise Linear Approximation Based on a Statistical Model, A
* 1990: matching algorithm based on hierarchical primitive structure, A
* 1990: Structural matching of multiresolution for stereo vision
* 1992: pattern recognition approach to detect oil/gas reservoirs in sand/shale sediments, A
* 1995: Robust Algorithms for Finding the Center of an Arc, The
* 2001: Automatic model-based semantic object extraction algorithm
* 2001: Automatic Moving Object Extraction toward Content-Based Video Representation and Indexing
* 2001: Spatiotemporal segmentation for compact video representation
* 2002: Page segmentation of Chinese newspapers
* 2003: generalized Foley-Sammon transform based on generalized Fisher discriminant criterion and its application to face recognition, A
* 2004: EDU: A Model of Video Summarization
* 2004: Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2004: News Video Mining Method Based on Statistical Analysis and Visualization, A
* 2004: novel video caption detection approach using multi-frame integration, A
* 2004: Structuring Soccer Video Based on Audio Classification and Segmentation Using Hidden Markov Model
* 2005: Face Recognition by Stepwise Nonparametric Margin Maximum Criterion
* 2005: Nonparametric Maximum Margin Criterion for Face Recognition
* 2005: Null Space-Based LDA Withweighted Dual Personal Subspaces for Face Recognition
* 2006: Null Foley-Sammon transform
* 2013: Practical structure and motion recovery from two uncalibrated images using Constrained Adaptive Differential Evolution
* 2013: RBRIEF: a robust descriptor based on random binary comparisons
* 2019: Research on Resource Allocation Method of Space Information Networks Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2021: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Learning in Low-Texture Areas
Includes: Wu, L.D.[Li De] Wu, L.D.[Li-De] Wu, L.D. Wu, L.D.[Le-De] Wu, L.D.[Ling-Da]
27 for Wu, L.D.

Wu, L.F.[Li Fang] * 2006: New Method of Object Segmentation in the Basketball Videos, A
* 2007: Cascade MR-ASM for Locating Facial Feature Points
* 2009: Offense-defense semantic analysis of basketball game based on motion vector
* 2016: Effective Face Verification Algorithm to Fuse Complete Features in Convolutional Neural Network, An
* 2016: User Profiling by Combining Topic Modeling and Pointwise Mutual Information (TM-PMI)
* 2017: Fast cloud image segmentation with superpixel analysis based convolutional networks
* 2017: KRNN: k Rare-class Nearest Neighbour classification
* 2018: Quantized Densely Connected U-Nets for Efficient Landmark Localization
* 2021: DuGAN: An effective framework for underwater image enhancement
* 2021: Global motion estimation with iterative optimization-based independent univariate model for action recognition
* 2021: Latent label mining for group activity recognition in basketball videos
* 2021: Multi-Perspective Features Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing
* 2021: Semantic manifold modularization-based ranking for image recommendation
* 2021: Simulating the Leaf Area Index of Rice from Multispectral Images
* 2021: Weakly-supervised video object localization with attentive spatio-temporal correlation
* 2022: High dynamic range imaging with short- and long-exposures based on artificial remapping using multiscale exposure fusion
* 2022: Novel Method for Long Time Series Passive Microwave Soil Moisture Downscaling over Central Tibet Plateau, A
* 2023: Active Spatial Positions Based Hierarchical Relation Inference for Group Activity Recognition
* 2023: Adversarial Domain Generalization for Surveillance Face Anti-Spoofing
* 2023: Bridging the Gap between Spatial and Spectral Domains: A Unified Framework for Graph Neural Networks
* 2023: Dual-stream correlation exploration for face anti-Spoofing
* 2023: Simple But Powerful, a Language-Supervised Method for Image Emotion Classification
* 2023: Simulation of Diffuse Solar Radiation with Tree-Based Evolutionary Hybrid Models and Satellite Data
* 2024: GLOCAL: A self-supervised learning framework for global and local motion estimation
* 2024: Learning Label Semantics for Weakly Supervised Group Activity Recognition
Includes: Wu, L.F.[Li Fang] Wu, L.F.[Li-Fang] Wu, L.F.[Ling-Fei] Wu, L.F.[Li-Feng] Wu, L.F.[Ling-Feng] Wu, L.F.[Long-Feng]
25 for Wu, L.F.

Wu, L.G.[Li Gang] * 2014: Atlas-Guided Multi-channel Forest Learning for Human Brain Labeling
* 2015: Soft-Split Random Forest for Anatomy Labeling
* 2017: general subspace ensemble learning framework via totally-corrective boosting and tensor-based and local patch-based extensions for gait recognition, A
* 2020: Visual computing resources distribution and balancing by multimodal cat swarm optimization
* 2022: Discrete curve model for non-elastic shape analysis on shape manifold
* 2022: Multi-Task SE-Network for Image Splicing Localization
* 2022: On Trajectory Homotopy to Explore and Penetrate Dynamically of Multi-UAV
* 2022: Reversible Data Hiding for Color Images Based on Adaptive 3D Prediction-Error Expansion and Double Deep Q-Network
* 2023: CNN-Transformer Based Generative Adversarial Network for Copy-Move Source/ Target Distinguishment
* 2023: Estimating the Secret Key of Spread Spectrum Watermarking Based on Equivalent Keys
* 2024: Multirobot Cooperative Path Optimization Approach for Multiobjective Coverage in a Congestion Risk Environment
Includes: Wu, L.G.[Li Gang] Wu, L.G.[Li-Gang]
11 for Wu, L.G.

Wu, L.H.[Lin Hui] * 2018: New Method for Mapping Aquatic Vegetation Especially Underwater Vegetation in Lake Ulansuhai Using GF-1 Satellite Data, A
* 2019: CNN-based two-stage cell segmentation improves plant cell tracking
* 2020: Channel-Spatial fusion aware net for accurate and fast object Detection
* 2021: Detecting Text in Scene and Traffic Guide Panels With Attention Anchor Mechanism
* 2021: Development of a Shoreline Detection Method Using an Artificial Neural Network Based on Satellite SAR Imagery
* 2021: SADRNet: Self-Aligned Dual Face Regression Networks for Robust 3D Dense Face Alignment and Reconstruction
* 2022: Handheld Microwave Thermoacoustic Imaging System With an Impedance Matching Microwave-Sono Probe for Breast Tumor Screening, A
* 2022: Improving End-to-End Text Image Translation From the Auxiliary Text Translation Task
* 2023: Comparative Analysis of Diurnal Thermal Radiation Variation among Lunar Craters of Different Ages Using CE-2 MRM Data
* 2024: High-Precision Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Method Based on Phase Measurement
Includes: Wu, L.H.[Lin Hui] Wu, L.H.[Lin-Hui] Wu, L.H.[Le-Hui] Wu, L.H.[Lin-Huang] Wu, L.H.[Long-Huang] Wu, L.H.[Lian-Hui] Wu, L.H.[Long-Hai] Wu, L.H.[Ling-Hua] Wu, L.H.[Ling-Hui] Wu, L.H.[Liang-Hai] Wu, L.H.[Ling-Hao]
10 for Wu, L.H.

Wu, L.J.[Li Jun] * 2015: Orderless and Blurred Visual Tracking via Spatio-temporal Context
* 2017: Research on the Construction of Corpus for Automatic Solution of Elementary Mathematics Statistics Applications
* 2022: Real Environment-Aware Multisource Data-Associated Cold Chain Logistics Scheduling: A Multiple Population-Based Multiobjective Ant Colony System Approach
* 2023: Masked Contrastive Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine Translation and Beyond, A
Includes: Wu, L.J.[Li Jun] Wu, L.J.[Li-Jun] Wu, L.J.[Lin-Jing] Wu, L.J.[Li-Jiao]

Wu, L.L. * 2008: Study on Application of Three-Dimensional Laser Scanning Imaging System in Tree Measuring
* 2009: Combination of Local Fuzzy-Entropy-Based Transition Region Extraction with Otsu Thresholding Method for Image Segmentation, The
* 2017: direction finding method for spatial optical beam-forming network based on sparse Bayesian learning, A
* 2019: Online source number estimation based on sequential hypothesis test and subspace tracking
* 2020: Building Extraction of Aerial Images by a Global and Multi-Scale Encoder-Decoder Network
* 2021: Adversarial Multi-Path Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Estimating the Characteristic Spatiotemporal Variation in Habitat Quality Using the InVEST Model: A Case Study from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Includes: Wu, L.L. Wu, L.L.[Li-Li] Wu, L.L.[Liu-Li] Wu, L.L.[Lin-Lin] Wu, L.L.[Lin-Lu]
7 for Wu, L.L.

Wu, L.M.[Lin Mei] * 2016: Image Quality Assessment for VHR Remote Sensing Image Classification
* 2021: RCNN-SliceNet: A Slice and Cluster Approach for Nuclei Centroid Detection in Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* 2022: 3D Centroidnet: Nuclei Centroid Detection with Vector Flow Voting
* 2022: Ensemble Learning and Slice Fusion Strategy for Three-Dimensional Nuclei Instance Segmentation, An
* 2023: Segmentation of Pericardial Adipose Tissue in CMR Images: A Benchmark Dataset MRPEAT and a Triple-Stage Network 3SUnet
Includes: Wu, L.M.[Lin Mei] Wu, L.M.[Lin-Mei] Wu, L.M.[Li-Ming] Wu, L.M.[Lian-Ming]

Wu, L.N.[Le Nan] * 1992: further reduction of multiplications in Wang's fast DCT algorithm, A
* 2009: Application of UKF Algorithm for Target Tracking in DTV-Based Passive Radar
* 2010: adaptive threshold for the Canny Operator of edge detection, An
Includes: Wu, L.N.[Le Nan] Wu, L.N.[Le-Nan]

Wu, L.P.[Lian Peng] * 2022: Interacting Attention Graph for Single Image Two-Hand Reconstruction
* 2022: UAV-LiDAR Measurement of Vegetation Canopy Structure Parameters and Their Impact on Land-Air Exchange Simulation Based on Noah-MP Model
Includes: Wu, L.P.[Lian Peng] Wu, L.P.[Lian-Peng] Wu, L.P.[Li-Ping]

Wu, L.Q.[Ling Qian] * 2023: KaryoNet: Chromosome Recognition With End-to-End Combinatorial Optimization Network
Includes: Wu, L.Q.[Ling Qian] Wu, L.Q.[Ling-Qian]

Wu, L.R.[Li Rong] * 2021: Foreground-Background Parallel Compression With Residual Encoding for Surveillance Video
* 2022: AutoMix: Unveiling the Power of Mixup for Stronger Classifiers
* 2022: Generalized Clustering and Multi-Manifold Learning with Geometric Structure Preservation
* 2022: Hyperspherical Consistency Regularization
* 2022: SimVP: Simpler yet Better Video Prediction
* 2023: Temporal Attention Unit: Towards Efficient Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning
Includes: Wu, L.R.[Li Rong] Wu, L.R.[Li-Rong]

Wu, L.S.[Lu Shen] * 2009: Precise Registration of Point Clouds for Projected Fringe Image
* 2010: 3D point clouds processing and precise surface reconstruction of the face
* 2010: Hypothesis Testing Approach for Fluorescent Blob Identification, A
* 2011: Ball Carrier Detection and Behavior Recognition in Basketball Match Using Covariance Descriptor
* 2016: RGBD Co-Saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Clustering
* 2016: Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: Deep Bilateral Filtering Network for Point-Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Identifying Crop Growth Stages from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data in Maize and Winter Wheat from Ground and Satellite Measurements
* 2023: Querying Labeled for Unlabeled: Cross-Image Semantic Consistency Guided Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Sparsely Annotated Semantic Segmentation with Adaptive Gaussian Mixtures
Includes: Wu, L.S.[Lu Shen] Wu, L.S.[Lu-Shen] Wu, L.S.[Le-Shin] Wu, L.S.[Lian-Shi] Wu, L.S.[Li-Shan] Wu, L.S.[Li-Sheng] Wu, L.S.[Lin-Shan] Wu, L.S.[Lin-Sheng]
10 for Wu, L.S.

Wu, L.T.[Lance T.] * 1995: Visual Communications and Image Processing '95
* 2021: Detecting phone-related pedestrian distracted behaviours via a two-branch convolutional neural network
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Interaction Pattern Recognition and Risk Evolution Analysis During Lane Changes
Includes: Wu, L.T.[Lance T.] Wu, L.T.[Ling-Tao]

Wu, L.W.[Li Wei] * 1997: Gaze Stabilization in Active Vision - I: Vergence Error Extraction
* 1997: Gaze Stabilization In Active Vision - II: Multirate Vergence Control
* 2012: Discrete-time repetitive control with ideal error dynamics
* 2021: Glancing at the Patch: Anomaly Localization with Global and Local Feature Comparison
* 2022: Adaptive Clustering-Based Algorithm for Automatic Path Planning of Heterogeneous UAVs, An
* 2022: Arbitrary Style Transfer with Attentional Networks Via Unbalanced Optimal Transport
* 2022: Detecting adversarial examples by additional evidence from noise domain
* 2022: DIVeR: Real-time and Accurate Neural Radiance Fields with Deterministic Integration for Volume Rendering
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Using Unreliable Pseudo-Labels
* 2022: Uni6D: A Unified CNN Framework without Projection Breakdown for 6D Pose Estimation
* 2022: UniVIP: A Unified Framework for Self-Supervised Visual Pre-training
* 2023: Balancing Logit Variation for Long-Tailed Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Factorized Inverse Path Tracing for Efficient and Accurate Material-Lighting Estimation
* 2023: MIAD: A Maintenance Inspection Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Overview of Emergency Communication Networks, An
Includes: Wu, L.W.[Li Wei] Wu, L.W.[Li-Wei] Wu, L.W.[Ling-Wei] Wu, L.W.[Lian-Wei] Wu, L.W.[Li-Wen]
15 for Wu, L.W.

Wu, L.X. * 2011: Infrared Imaging Detection of Water Permeation on Field Large-Scale Rock Relics
* 2012: GEOSS-Based Thermal Parameters Analysis for Earthquake Anomaly Recognition
* 2013: Deviation-Time-Space-Thermal (DTS-T) Method for Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)-Based Earthquake Anomaly Recognition: Criterions and Quantify Indices, A
* 2013: Extended NLCS Algorithm of BiSAR Systems With a Squinted Transmitter and a Fixed Receiver: Theory and Experimental Confirmation
* 2014: Tridimensional Reconstruction Applied to Cultural Heritage with the Use of Camera-Equipped UAV and Terrestrial Laser Scanner
* 2015: Advancing of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Using Extreme Learning Machine and Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Data Fusion Algorithm
* 2015: Mapping Two-Dimensional Deformation Field Time-Series of Large Slope by Coupling DInSAR-SBAS with MAI-SBAS
* 2016: Cloud/web mapping and geoprocessing services: Intelligently linking geoinformation
* 2016: Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model for Ground-Level PM2.5 Estimation from Satellite-Derived 500 m Resolution AOD, A
* 2016: Ground Deformation Extraction Using Visible Images And Lidar Data In Mining Area
* 2016: Multi-satellite Scheduling Approach For Dynamic Areal Tasks Triggered By Emergent Disasters
* 2016: Novel Tri-Training Technique for Semi-Supervised Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Diversity Measurement, A
* 2016: Skeletal camera network embedded structure-from-motion for 3D scene reconstruction from UAV images
* 2016: Towards Automatic and Topologically Consistent 3D Regional Geological Modeling from Boundaries and Attitudes
* 2017: Ground Deformation Detection Using China's ZY-3 Stereo Imagery in an Opencast Mining Area
* 2017: Multi-Objective Emergency Material Vehicle Dispatching and Routing under Dynamic Constraints in an Earthquake Disaster Environment
* 2018: Experimental Study of the Thermal Infrared Emissivity Variation of Loaded Rock and Its Significance
* 2018: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining from space-borne SAR interferometry
* 2019: Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Surveys Using Terrain-Invariant Regions for Measuring Exploitative Volumes over Open-Pit Mines
* 2020: Himawari-8-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Improved Time Series Algorithm Over Eastern China
* 2020: Integrated Mineral Spectral Library Using Shared Data For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Geological Mapping, An
* 2020: Investigating the Recent Surge in the Monomah Glacier, Central Kunlun Mountain Range with Multiple Sources of Remote Sensing Data
* 2020: Mining Seismic Thermal Anomalies From Massive Satellite Passive Microwave Images
* 2020: Multi-Camera Multi-Player Tracking with Deep Player Identification in Sports Video
* 2021: Anisotropy and Polarization of Stress-Induced Microwave Radiation Changes in Granite and Their Significance for Seismic Remote Sensing, The
* 2021: Estimating the Changes in Glaciers and Glacial Lakes in the Xixabangma Massif, Central Himalayas, between 1974 and 2018 from Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Experimental Study on the Thermal Infrared Spectral Variation of Fractured Rock
* 2021: Extraction and Discrimination of MBT Anomalies Possibly Associated with the Mw 7.3 Maduo (Qinghai, China) Earthquake on 21 May 2021
* 2021: Geohazards Monitoring and Assessment Using Multi-Source Earth Observation Techniques
* 2021: Improving the Robustness of the MTI-Estimated Mining-Induced 3D Time-Series Displacements with a Logistic Model
* 2021: Mapping Complete Three-Dimensional Ice Velocities by Integrating Multi-Baseline and Multi-Aperture InSAR Measurements: A Case Study of the Grove Mountains Area, East Antarctic
* 2021: Noise Augmented Double-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks for Image Captioning
* 2021: QRB-tree Indexing: Optimized Spatial Index Expanding upon the QR-tree Index
* 2022: Changes in Glaciers and Glacial Lakes in the Bosula Mountain Range, Southeast Tibet, over the past Two Decades
* 2022: Microwave Brightness Temperature (MBT) Background in Bayan Har Block, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Its Importance in Searching for Seismic MBT Anomalies
* 2022: Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies Associated With the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Dolakha Earthquakes in Nepal
* 2022: Prediction of Mining-Induced Kinematic 3-D Displacements From InSAR Using a Weibull Model and a Kalman Filter
* 2023: Experimental Investigation on Fragmentation Identification in Loose Slope Landslides by Infrared Emissivity Variability Features
* 2023: Horizontal Magnetic Anomaly Accompanying the Co-Seismic Earthquake Light of the M7.3 Fukushima Earthquake of 16 March 2022: Phenomenon and Mechanism
* 2023: Intrusion Detection for Maritime Transportation Systems With Batch Federated Aggregation
* 2023: Modeling Spatial-Temporal Constraints and Spatial-Transfer Patterns for Couriers' Package Pick-up Route Prediction
Includes: Wu, L.X. Wu, L.X.[Li-Xin] Wu, L.X.[Ling-Xiang] Wu, L.X.[Lian-Xiang] Wu, L.X.[Li-Xia]
41 for Wu, L.X.

Wu, L.Y.[Lei Yi] * 1988: contextual method for electroencephalogram recognition, A
* 2018: Deep Pipelined Implementation of Hyperspectral Target Detection Algorithm on FPGA Using HLS, A
* 2019: Effective quality metric for contrast-distorted images based on SVD
* 2019: Novel FPGA-Based Architecture for Fast Automatic Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images, A
* 2019: Synthesizing Data to Explore the Dynamic Spatial Patterns of Hotel Development
* 2021: BGT: A blind image quality evaluator via gradient and texture statistical features
* 2021: Common-covariance based person re-identification model
* 2022: Space-Air-Sea-Ground Integrated Monitoring Network-Based Maritime Transportation Emergency Forecasting
* 2023: Regional Climate Effects of Irrigation under Central Asia Warming by 2.0 °C
* 2023: Simulation of Cooling Island Effect in Blue-Green Space Based on Multi-Scale Coupling Model
* 2023: Simulation Study on the Effect of Elevated CO2 on Regional Temperature Change on the Loess Plateau
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Weighted for Improving the Satellite-Based High-Resolution Ground PM2.5 Estimation Using the Light Gradient Boosting Machine
* 2024: Pattern-Aware Transformer: Hierarchical Pattern Propagation in Sequential Medical Images
Includes: Wu, L.Y.[Lei Yi] Wu, L.Y.[Ling-Yun] Wu, L.Y.[Le-Yuan] Wu, L.Y.[Lai-Yun] Wu, L.Y.[Lin-Yu] Wu, L.Y.[Lun-Yu] Wu, L.Y.[Li-Yang]
13 for Wu, L.Y.

Wu, L.Y.B.[Lin Yuan Bo] * 2023: Asymmetric Cross-Scale Alignment for Text-Based Person Search
* 2023: CTVIS: Consistent Training for Online Video Instance Segmentation
* 2023: Learning Resolution-Adaptive Representations for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* 2024: Jacobian norm with Selective Input Gradient Regularization for interpretable adversarial defense
Includes: Wu, L.Y.B.[Lin Yuan Bo] Wu, L.Y.B.[Lin Yuan-Bo]

Wu, L.Z.[Li Zhen] * 2012: Building global image features for scene recognition
Includes: Wu, L.Z.[Li Zhen] Wu, L.Z.[Li-Zhen]

Wu, M.[Min] * 1998: algorithm for wipe detection, An
* 1998: Watermarking for image authentication
* 1999: Digital Watermarking Using Shuffling
* 2000: Dynamic Resource Allocation Via Video Content and Short-term Traffic Statistics
* 2000: Neural Network Based Classifier for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition, A
* 2000: Video Transcoding by Reducing Spatial Resolution
* 2001: Rotation, scale, and translation resilient watermarking for images
* 2002: Anti-collusion codes: multi-user and multimedia perspectives
* 2002: recognition algorithm for chinese characters in diverse fonts, A
* 2003: Classification-based spatial error concealment for images
* 2003: Data hiding in image and video. I. Fundamental issues and solutions
* 2003: Data hiding in image and video. II. Designs and applications
* 2003: Joint security and robustness enhancement for quantization based data embedding
* 2003: Joint security and robustness enhancement for quantization embedding
* 2004: Data hiding in curves for collusion-resistant digital fingerprinting
* 2004: Fingerprinting Curves
* 2004: Security evaluation for communication-friendly encryption of multimedia
* 2005: Anti-Collusion Forensics of Multimedia Fingerprinting Using Orthogonal Modulation
* 2005: Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Perceptual Shape Features
* 2005: Efficient Bandwidth Resource Allocation for Low-Delay Multiuser Video Streaming
* 2005: Forensic Analysis of Nonlinear Collusion Attacks for Multimedia Fingerprinting
* 2005: Multimedia Fingerprinting Forensics For Traitor Tracing
* 2006: Collusion-Resistant video Fingerprinting for Large User Group
* 2006: Cross-Path PDMA-Based Error Protection for Streaming Multiuser Video over Multiple Paths
* 2006: Direct Method for Building Sparse Kernel Learning Algorithms, A
* 2006: Image Tampering Identification using Blind Deconvolution
* 2006: Joint Signal Processing and Cryptographic Approach to Multimedia Encryption, A
* 2006: Local Learning Approach for Clustering, A
* 2006: Scalable Multiuser Framework for Video Over OFDM Networks: Fairness and Efficiency, A
* 2007: Adaptive Detection for Group-Based Multimedia Fingerprinting
* 2007: Analysis of Nonlinear Collusion Attacks on Fingerprinting Systems for Compressed Multimedia
* 2007: Improving Embedding Payload in Binary Images with Super-Pixels
* 2007: Model Based Book Dewarping Method to Handle 2D Images Captured by a Digital Camera, A
* 2007: Noise Features for Image Tampering Detection and Steganalysis
* 2009: High-Fidelity Data Embedding for Image Annotation
* 2010: Color constancy based on texture pyramid matching and regularized local regression
* 2010: Image inpainting based on scene transform and color transfer
* 2010: Multimedia forensic hash based on visual words
* 2010: Performance impact of ordinal ranking on content fingerprinting
* 2010: Security analysis for privacy preserving search of multimedia
* 2010: Texture-based color constancy using local regression
* 2011: Exploring compression effects for improved source camera identification using strongly compressed video
* 2011: Foreground estimation based on robust linear regression model
* 2012: Evaluating the quality of individual SIFT features
* 2012: Improved High Frequency Modulating Fusion Method Based On Modulation Transfer Function Filters, An
* 2012: Improved Multiband-Structured Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithm, An
* 2012: Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric via regularized LDA for scene recognition
* 2012: Reduced-reference quality assessment for retargeted images
* 2012: Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Suppression Based on Wiener Filter in the Short-Time Fourier Transform Domain
* 2012: Uniformly asymptotical stability of nonlinear time delay systems
* 2013: Effective stereo matching using reliable points based graph cut
* 2013: Spectrum Combining for ENF Signal Estimation
* 2014: Exploiting rolling shutter for ENF signal extraction from video
* 2014: Query-expanded collaborative representation based classification with class-specific prototypes for object recognition
* 2015: Automatic Music Mood Classification Based on Timbre and Modulation Features
* 2015: Edge-moment-based color constancy using illumination-coherent regularized regression
* 2015: Nonparametric Technique Based High-Speed Road Surface Detection
* 2015: Step Size Control Method for Deficient Length FBLMS Algorithm, A
* 2015: Study on PUF characteristics for counterfeit detection, A
* 2016: Digital Tomosynthesis System Geometry Analysis Using Convolution-Based Blur-and-Add (BAA) Model
* 2016: Exploiting Power Signatures for Camera Forensics
* 2016: Extraction and Simplification of Building Façade Pieces from Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds for 3D Street View Services
* 2016: Impact Analysis of Baseband Quantizer on Coding Efficiency for HDR Video
* 2016: Space-Frequency Coded Index Modulation With Linear-Complexity Maximum Likelihood Receiver in the MIMO-OFDM System
* 2017: Automatic cystocele severity grading in transperineal ultrasound by random forest regression
* 2017: Depth-Preserving Stereo Image Retargeting Based on Pixel Fusion
* 2017: Efficient Location Privacy-Preserving k-Anonymity Method Based on the Credible Chain
* 2017: Fitness heart rate measurement using face videos
* 2017: Framework for Fast and Robust Visual Odometry, A
* 2017: Multi-scale inherent variation features-based texture filtering
* 2017: Sketch-Based Cross-Domain Image Retrieval via Heterogeneous Network
* 2018: 4D Human Body Correspondences from Panoramic Depth Maps
* 2018: AI Benchmark: Running Deep Neural Networks on Android Smartphones
* 2018: D-LinkNet: LinkNet with Pretrained Encoder and Dilated Convolution for High Resolution Satellite Imagery Road Extraction
* 2018: Examining Land Cover and Greenness Dynamics in Hangzhou Bay in 1985-2016 Using Landsat Time-Series Data
* 2018: Impact of Exposure Settings in Digital Image Forensics, The
* 2018: Joint Identification-Verification Model for Visual Tracking
* 2018: Robust Reconstruction of Fluorescence Molecular Tomography Based on Sparsity Adaptive Correntropy Matching Pursuit Method for Stem Cell Distribution
* 2018: Simultaneous Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and FAPAR for Improving Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes at Multiple Sites Using CCDAS
* 2018: Threshold-Guided Design and Optimization for Harris Corner Detector Architecture
* 2019: AI Benchmark: All About Deep Learning on Smartphones in 2019
* 2019: Quantifying DOC and Its Controlling Factors in Major Arctic Rivers during Ice-Free Conditions using Sentinel-2 Data
* 2019: Revisiting Visual Odometry for Real-Time Performance
* 2019: Visual tracking based on semantic and similarity learning
* 2020: Benefits of Short-Distance Walking and Fast-Route Scheduling in Public Vehicle Service
* 2020: Deep Recognition of Vanishing-Point-Constrained Building Planes in Urban Street Views
* 2020: Devil is in the Channels: Mutual-Channel Loss for Fine-Grained Image Classification, The
* 2020: Extended Motion Diffusion-Based Change Detection for Airport Ground Surveillance
* 2020: GiNet: Graph Interaction Network for Scene Parsing
* 2020: Multi-View Neural Human Rendering
* 2020: New Diffusion Variable Spatial Regularized QRRLS Algorithm, A
* 2020: Online Semantic Subspace Learning with Siamese Network for UAV Tracking
* 2020: Registration and matching method for directed point set with orientation attributes and local information
* 2020: Robustness Guarantees for Deep Neural Networks on Videos
* 2021: AP-CNN: Weakly Supervised Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* 2021: Automatic Vertebra Localization and Identification in CT by Spine Rectification and Anatomically-constrained Optimization
* 2021: ChallenCap: Monocular 3D Capture of Challenging Human Performances using Multi-Modal References
* 2021: Frequency Diversity Gain of a Wideband Radar Signal
* 2021: GNeRF: GAN-based Neural Radiance Field without Posed Camera
* 2021: Laryngoscope8: Laryngeal image dataset and classification of laryngeal disease based on attention mechanism
* 2021: Neural Video Portrait Relighting in Real-time via Consistency Modeling
* 2021: new localization method for epileptic seizure onset zones based on time-frequency and clustering analysis, A
* 2021: Overfitting the Data: Compact Neural Video Delivery via Content-aware Feature Modulation
* 2021: Speech Personality Recognition Based on Annotation Classification Using Log-Likelihood Distance and Extraction of Essential Audio Features
* 2021: Weight-Adapted Convolution Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction
* 2022: Analysis and Correction of the Rolling Shutter Effect for a Star Tracker Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* 2022: Analysis of the Long-Term Characteristics of BDS On-Orbit Satellite Atomic Clock: Since BDS-3 Was Officially Commissioned
* 2022: Eyes of the Gods: A Survey of Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Methods Based on Remote Sensing Data, The
* 2022: Fourier PlenOctrees for Dynamic Radiance Field Rendering in Real-time
* 2022: Genetic Algorithm Captured the Informative Bands for Partial Least Squares Regression Better on Retrieving Leaf Nitrogen from Hyperspectral Reflectance
* 2022: HAP and UAVs Collaboration Framework for Uplink Secure Rate Maximization in NOMA-Enabled IoT Networks, An
* 2022: Integrity of Multimedia and Multimodal Data: From Capture to Use
* 2022: MVCM Car-Following Model for Connected Vehicles and Simulation-Based Traffic Analysis in Mixed Traffic Flow
* 2022: NeuralHOFusion: Neural Volumetric Rendering under Human-object Interactions
* 2022: NSGA-II Algorithm for Task Scheduling in UAV-Enabled MEC System, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: QLP: Deep Q-Learning for Pruning Deep Neural Networks
* 2022: Satellite Observation of the Long-Term Dynamics of Particulate Organic Carbon in the East China Sea Based on a Hybrid Algorithm
* 2022: Source-Free Video Domain Adaptation by Learning Temporal Consistency for Action Recognition
* 2022: Steady-State Performance Analysis of the Distributed FxLMS Algorithm for Narrowband ANC System With Frequency Mismatch
* 2022: Stochastic Task Scheduling in UAV-Based Intelligent On-Demand Meal Delivery System
* 2022: Two-Stage Fuzzy Fusion Based-Convolution Neural Network for Dynamic Emotion Recognition
* 2023: Augmenting and Aligning Snippets for Few-Shot Video Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Deep Reinforcement Learning and NOMA-Based Multi-Objective RIS-Assisted IS-UAV-TNs: Trajectory Optimization and Beamforming Design
* 2023: Efficient Joint Optimization of Layer-Adaptive Weight Pruning in Deep Neural Networks
* 2023: FaceScape: 3D Facial Dataset and Benchmark for Single-View 3D Face Reconstruction
* 2023: GFPose: Learning 3D Human Pose Prior with Gradient Fields
* 2023: Improved BlendMask: Nuclei instance segmentation for medical microscopy images
* 2023: Lumbar Bone Mineral Density Estimation From Chest X-Ray Images: Anatomy-Aware Attentive Multi-ROI Modeling
* 2023: Metagrad: Adaptive Gradient Quantization with Hypernetworks
* 2023: Multi-Objective Unsupervised Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Images Classification
* 2023: Multi-Source Video Domain Adaptation With Temporal Attentive Moment Alignment Network
* 2023: Near Real-Time Flood Mapping with Weakly Supervised Machine Learning
* 2023: Neural Residual Radiance Fields for Streamably Free-Viewpoint Videos
* 2023: Overlap Loss: Rethinking Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation in Crowded Scenes
* 2023: Pyramid Transformer Driven Multibranch Fusion for Polyp Segmentation in Colonoscopic Video Images
* 2023: Reinforced Adaptation Network for Partial Domain Adaptation
* 2023: RWSC-Fusion: Region-Wise Style-Controlled Fusion Network for the Prohibited X-ray Security Image Synthesis
* 2023: SeaMAE: Masked Pre-Training with Meteorological Satellite Imagery for Sea Fog Detection
* 2023: Self-Supervised Contrastive Representation Learning for Semi-Supervised Time-Series Classification
* 2023: Soil Moisture Assimilation Improves Terrestrial Biosphere Model GPP Responses to Sub-Annual Drought at Continental Scale
* 2024: automatic measurement method for ankle key angles based on point cloud segmentation network, An
* 2024: Convolutional Features-Based Broad Learning With LSTM for Multidimensional Facial Emotion Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction
* 2024: GPU Implementation of a Fast Multichannel Wiener Filter Algorithm for Active Noise Control
* 2024: Leveraging Human Mobility Data for Efficient Parameter Estimation in Epidemic Models of COVID-19
* 2024: Little Truth Injection But a Big Reward: Label Aggregation With Graph Neural Networks, A
* 2024: Relation fusion propagation network for transductive few-shot learning
* 2024: Revisiting Computer-Aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis
Includes: Wu, M.[Min] Wu, M. Wu, M.[Mei] Wu, M.[Meng] Wu, M.[Ming] Wu, M.[Mian] Wu, M.[Max] Wu, M.[Mousong] Wu, M.[Minye] Wu, M.[Manqing] Wu, M.[Mukun] Wu, M.[Mo] Wu, M.[Miao] Wu, M.[Minve] Wu, M.[Mengjuan] Wu, M.[Menghan] Wu, M.[Miyi] Wu, M.[Mingda] Wu, M.[Menghua] Wu, M.[Mingdong] Wu, M.[Minghu] Wu, M.[Meiliu] Wu, M.[Mengkun] Wu, M.[Mincheng]
148 for Wu, M.

Wu, M.B.[Ming Bo] * 2021: Clustering Indoor Positioning Data Using E-DBSCAN
* 2022: Serverless-Based, On-the-Fly Computing Framework for Remote Sensing Image Collection, A
Includes: Wu, M.B.[Ming Bo] Wu, M.B.[Ming-Bo]

Wu, M.C. * 1996: Analysis of Machined Feature Recognition Techniques Based on B-Rep
* 2022: Estimating the Legacy Effect of Post-Cutting Shelterbelt on Crop Yield Using Google Earth and Sentinel-2 Data
* 2022: Spatial-Temporal Neural Network for Rice Field Classification from SAR Images
* 2022: U-Net for Taiwan Shoreline Detection from SAR Images
Includes: Wu, M.C. Wu, M.C.[Min-Chao] Wu, M.C.[Meng-Che]

Wu, M.E.[Mu En] * 2014: Improved Visual Cryptography with Cheating Prevention, An
* 2024: MSF-Net: Multi-Scale Feedback Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution
Includes: Wu, M.E.[Mu En] Wu, M.E.[Mu-En]

Wu, M.F.[Ming Fang] * 1995: Fourier Descriptor Based Technique for Reconstructing 3D Contours from Stereo Images
* 1996: 3D Invariant Estimation of Axisymmetrical Objects Using Fourier Descriptors
* 1997: Contour-Based Correspondence Using Fourier Descriptors
* 1998: Representation of 3D Surfaces by Two-Variable Fourier Descriptors
* 2009: Improved Block Truncation Coding Based on the Void-and-Cluster Dithering Approach
* 2011: Complexity Reduced Face Detection Using Probability-Based Face Mask Prefiltering and Pixel-Based Hierarchical-Feature Adaboosting
* 2012: Modification and implementation of an edge-based fast intra prediction mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC high resolution real-time systems
* 2017: G-Super4PCS Registration Method for Photogrammetric and TLS Data in Geology, A
* 2020: Deep Learning for Multilabel Remote Sensing Image Annotation With Dual-Level Semantic Concepts
* 2020: MLRSNet: A multi-label high spatial resolution remote sensing dataset for semantic scene understanding
* 2020: Unified Framework for Depth Prediction from a Single Image and Binocular Stereo Matching, A
* 2020: Urbanization-Driven Changes in Land-Climate Dynamics: A Case Study of Haihe River Basin, China
* 2022: Sea Surface Salinity Inversion Model for Changjiang Estuary and Adjoining Sea Area with SMAP and MODIS Data Based on Machine Learning and Preliminary Application
* 2024: Real-Time LEO Satellite Clocks Based on Near-Real-Time Clock Determination with Ultra-Short-Term Prediction
* 2024: Sub-Nanosecond UTC Dissemination Based on BDS-3 PPP-B2b Service
Includes: Wu, M.F.[Ming Fang] Wu, M.F.[Ming-Fang] Wu, M.F. Wu, M.F.[Ming Feng] Wu, M.F.[Ming-Fei] Wu, M.F.[Meng-Fan] Wu, M.F.[Mei-Fang]
15 for Wu, M.F.

Wu, M.G.[Ming Guang] * 2017: Representation Method for Complex Road Networks in Virtual Geographic Environments, A
* 2018: Efficient Visualization Method for Polygonal Data with Dynamic Simplification, An
* 2022: High-Precision Dynamic Traffic Noise Mapping Based on Road Surveillance Video
Includes: Wu, M.G.[Ming Guang] Wu, M.G.[Ming-Guang]

Wu, M.H.[Ming Hui] * 2007: Page Content Independent Book Dewarping Method to Handle 2D Images Captured by a Digital Camera, A
* 2011: Bi-prediction combining template and block motion compensations
* 2011: TIR/VIS Correlation for Liveness Detection in Face Recognition
* 2012: Document Rectification Approach Dealing with Both Perspective Distortion and Warping Based on Text Flow Curve Fitting, A
* 2012: Real-time simulation of satellite attitude control based on low cost embedded system
* 2013: Feedback-free Wavelet Based Distributed Coding for Video
* 2018: Directed Network Analysis Using Transfer Entropy Component Analysis
* 2020: Indoor and Outdoor Low-Cost Seamless Integrated Navigation System Based on the Integration of INS/GNSS/LIDAR System
* 2020: Object detection based on RGC mask R-CNN
* 2020: Spectral bounding: Strictly satisfying the 1-Lipschitz property for generative adversarial networks
* 2021: Adaptive Distribution Learning with Statistical Hypothesis Testing for COVID-19 CT Scan Classification
* 2021: Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
* 2021: Increased Ecosystem Carbon Storage between 2001 and 2019 in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2021: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2021: LiDAR Odometry and Mapping Based on Semantic Information for Outdoor Environment
* 2021: Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System based on City-Scale Vehicle Re-ID and Spatial-Temporal Information, A
* 2022: Learning Contextually Fused Audio-Visual Representations for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition
* 2023: High-fidelity 3D Face Generation from Natural Language Descriptions
* 2024: Revisiting single-step adversarial training for robustness and generalization
* 2024: Variation Characteristics of Stratospheric Circulation under the Interdecadal Variability of Antarctic Total Column Ozone in Early Austral Spring, The
Includes: Wu, M.H.[Ming Hui] Wu, M.H.[Ming-Hui] Wu, M.H.[Mu-Hsuan] Wu, M.H.[Ming-Hong] Wu, M.H.[Ming-Hu] Wu, M.H.[Mei-Hong] Wu, M.H.[Meng-Hao] Wu, M.H.[Mei-Hsuan] Wu, M.H.[Mei-Hsuang] Wu, M.H.[Meng-Hua]
20 for Wu, M.H.

Wu, M.J.[Min Jin] * 1988: Fuzzy morphology and image analysis
* 2000: wavelet multiresolution compression technique for 3D stereoscopic image sequence based on mixed-resolution psychophysical experiments, A
* 2012: Finger-vein matching based on adaptive vector field estimation
* 2019: Mapping Hydrothermal Zoning Pattern of Porphyry Cu Deposit Using Absorption Feature Parameters Calculated from ASTER Data
* 2019: Two-Parts Step-by-Step Ionospheric Assimilation Based on Ground-Based/Spaceborne Observations and Its Verification, The
* 2019: Two-Parts Step-by-Step Ionospheric Assimilation Based on Ground-Based/Spaceborne Observations and Its Verification, The
* 2020: Background Segmentation for Vehicle Re-identification
* 2020: Water Identification from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Multidimensional Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2021: New Mapping Function for Spaceborne TEC Conversion Based on the Plasmaspheric Scale Height, A
* 2021: Retrieval of Particle Size of Natural Granite From Multiangular Bidirectional Reflectance Spectra Using the Hapke Model (June 2020)
* 2021: Unsupervised Learning Strategy for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Network
* 2022: Performance of BDS B1 Frequency Standard Point Positioning during the Main Phase of Different Classified Geomagnetic Storms in China and the Surrounding Area
* 2022: Proximal Remote Sensing-Based Vegetation Indices for Monitoring Mango Tree Stem Sap Flux Density
* 2023: Preliminary Estimations of Mars Atmospheric and Ionospheric Profiles from Tianwen-1 Radio Occultation One-Way, Two-Way, and Three-Way Observations
* 2024: Omnidirectional Monolithic Marker for Intra-Operative MR-Based Positional Sensing in Closed MRI
* 2024: Performance Evaluation and Application Field Analysis of Precise Point Positioning Based on Different Real-Time Augmentation Information
Includes: Wu, M.J.[Min Jin] Wu, M.J.[Min-Jin] Wu, M.J.[Meng-Jer] Wu, M.J.[Mei-Jing] Wu, M.J.[Meng-Juan] Wu, M.J.[Meng-Jie] Wu, M.J.[Ming-Jie] Wu, M.J.[Min-Jie] Wu, M.J.[Meng-Jun]
16 for Wu, M.J.

Wu, M.K.[Ming Kui] * 2019: Differential Inter-System Biases Estimation and Initial Assessment of Instantaneous Tightly Combined RTK with BDS-3, GPS, and Galileo
* 2021: Performance Assessment of BDS-2/BDS-3/GPS/Galileo Attitude Determination Based on the Single-Differenced Model with Common-Clock Receivers
* 2022: Attitude Determination with GPS L1/Galileo E1 Observations from Common-Clock Receiver: A Comparison of Four Different Models
* 2022: machine learning-based method for automatic diagnosis of ankle fracture using X-ray images, A
Includes: Wu, M.K.[Ming Kui] Wu, M.K.[Ming-Kui] Wu, M.K.[Meng-Kun]

Wu, M.L.[Meng Luen] * 2015: Vision-based identification extraction for freight containers
* 2017: Real-Time Professional Photographing Guiding System Through Image Composition Analysis, A
* 2019: level set method for brain MR image segmentation under asymmetric distributions, A
* 2021: High-Precision GNSS PWV and Its Variation Characteristics in China Based on Individual Station Meteorological Data
* 2021: Intelligent Photographing Guidance System Based on Compositional Deep Features and Intepretable Machine Learning Model, An
* 2021: Robust Image Outpainting With Learnable Image Margins
* 2022: Direct Handheld Burst Imaging to Simulated Defocus
* 2022: Scene Graph Expansion for Semantics-Guided Image Outpainting
* 2023: Consistent and Multi-Scale Scene Graph Transformer for Semantic-Guided Image Outpainting
* 2023: Selective Learning of Human Pose Estimation Based on Multi-Scale Convergence Network
Includes: Wu, M.L.[Meng Luen] Wu, M.L.[Meng-Luen] Wu, M.L.[Meng-Lin] Wu, M.L.[Ming-Liang] Wu, M.L.[Meng-Long]
10 for Wu, M.L.

Wu, M.M.[Min Min] * 2020: Detection of tomato organs based on convolutional neural network under the overlap and occlusion backgrounds
* 2022: Hierarchical Multi-Resolution Graph-Cuts for Water-Fat-Silicone Separation in Breast MRI
Includes: Wu, M.M.[Min Min] Wu, M.M.[Min-Min] Wu, M.M.[Ming-Ming]

Wu, M.P.[Mei Ping] * 2015: Airborne Gravity Data Denoising Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Case Study for SGA-WZ Greenland Test Data
Includes: Wu, M.P.[Mei Ping] Wu, M.P.[Mei-Ping]

Wu, M.Q.[Ming Quan] * 2004: Overlay and peer-to-peer multicast with network-embedded FEC
* 2004: Rate-constrained adaptive FEC for video over erasure channels with memory
* 2005: Network Embedded FEC (NEF) for Video Multicast in Presence of Packet Loss Correlation
* 2005: Network-embedded FEC for optimum throughput of multicast packet video
* 2012: Application of NPC in wireless networked control systems
* 2015: Reconstruction of Daily 30 m Data from HJ CCD, GF-1 WFV, Landsat, and MODIS Data for Crop Monitoring
* 2016: Classification of Small-Scale Eucalyptus Plantations Based on NDVI Time Series Obtained from Multiple High-Resolution Datasets
* 2016: Enhanced low-complexity pruning for corner detection
* 2016: Modified patch-based locally optimal Wiener method for interferometric SAR phase filtering
* 2017: Dynamic Monitoring of the Largest Freshwater Lake in China Using a New Water Index Derived from High Spatiotemporal Resolution Sentinel-1A Data
* 2017: Evaluation of Orthomosics and Digital Surface Models Derived from Aerial Imagery for Crop Type Mapping
* 2017: Evaluation of Sentinel-2A Satellite Imagery for Mapping Cotton Root Rot
* 2018: Compensation Method for Airborne SAR with Varying Accelerated Motion Error, A
* 2019: Data-path unrolling with logic folding for area-time-efficient FPGA-based FAST corner detector
* 2019: New Approaches for Robust and Efficient Detection of Persistent Scatterers in SAR Tomography
* 2019: Transformed Triangular Vegetation Index for Estimating Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index, A
* 2020: Correlation Studies between Land Cover Change and Baidu Index: A Case Study of Hubei Province
* 2020: Fusing Semantics and Motion State Detection for Robust Visual SLAM
* 2020: Group Cost-Sensitive BoostLR With Vector Form Decorrelated Filters for Pedestrian Detection
* 2021: Adaptive Privacy Preserving Deep Learning Algorithms for Medical Data
* 2021: Adaptive Threshold Model in Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Ulva prolifera Extraction in the South Yellow Sea, China
* 2021: CAP: Context-Aware Pruning for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Estimation and Compensation of Turbulent Tropospheric Delay in High-Resolution SAR Image
* 2022: Enhanced Multi-Task Learning Architecture for Detecting Pedestrian at Far Distance
* 2022: Fast Semantic-Aware Motion State Detection for Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environment
* 2022: Global Identification of Unelectrified Built-Up Areas by Remote Sensing
* 2022: Operation Status Comparison Monitoring of China's Southeast Asian Industrial Parks before and after COVID-19 Using Nighttime Lights Data
* 2022: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Ecological-Economic Impacts in the Belt and Road Initiatives Mining Project: A Case Study in Sino Iron and Taldybulak Levoberezhny
* 2022: Unified Multi-Task Learning Architecture for Fast and Accurate Pedestrian Detection, A
* 2022: Variable-Scale Coherent Integration Method for Moving Target Detection in Wideband Radar, A
* 2023: Multi-Factors Synthetically Contribute to Ulva prolifera Outbreaks in the South Yellow Sea of China
Includes: Wu, M.Q.[Ming Quan] Wu, M.Q.[Ming-Quan] Wu, M.Q.[Meng-Qi] Wu, M.Q.[Mei-Qing] Wu, M.Q.[Man-Qing] Wu, M.Q.[Mao-Qiang] Wu, M.Q.[Meng-Quan]
31 for Wu, M.Q.

Wu, M.R.[Ming Rui] * 2009: Small Sphere and Large Margin Approach for Novelty Detection Using Training Data with Outliers, A
* 2022: Combine unlabeled with labeled MR images to measure acute ischemic stroke lesion by stepwise learning
* 2022: DIFNet: Boosting Visual Information Flow for Image Captioning
* 2022: PINE: Universal Deep Embedding for Graph Nodes via Partial Permutation Invariant Set Functions
Includes: Wu, M.R.[Ming Rui] Wu, M.R.[Ming-Rui] Wu, M.R.[Meng-Ran]

Wu, M.S. * 1995: Bipartite Matching Approach to Feature Correspondence in Stereo Vision, A
* 2000: Gesture recognition using the multi-PDM method and hidden Markov model
* 2003: Large environment rendering using plenoptic primitives
* 2009: High dynamic range image reconstruction from hand-held cameras
* 2012: Term relevance dependency model for text classification
* 2014: Genetic algorithm based on discrete wavelet transformation for fractal image compression
* 2022: Temporally corrected long-term satellite solar-induced fluorescence leads to improved estimation of global trends in vegetation photosynthesis during 1995-2018
* 2022: Ultra-High-Resolution Unpaired Stain Transformation via Kernelized Instance Normalization
Includes: Wu, M.S. Wu, M.S.[Ming-Shan] Wu, M.S.[Min-Sheng] Wu, M.S.[Meng-Sung] Wu, M.S.[Ming-Sheng] Wu, M.S.[Mou-Song]
8 for Wu, M.S.

Wu, M.T.[Ming Ting] * 2013: Automatic classification for solitary pulmonary nodule in CT image by fractal analysis based on fractional Brownian motion model
* 2020: General generative model-based image compression method using an optimisation encoder
* 2021: Detection and Mapping of Active Landslides before Impoundment in the Baihetan Reservoir Area (China) Based on the Time-Series InSAR Method
* 2021: Representative null space LDA for discriminative dimensionality reduction
* 2022: Removing InSAR Topography-Dependent Atmospheric Effect Based on Deep Learning
* 2023: Time-Series InSAR with Deep-Learning-Based Topography-Dependent Atmospheric Delay Correction for Potential Landslide Detection
Includes: Wu, M.T.[Ming Ting] Wu, M.T.[Ming-Ting] Wu, M.T.[Meng-Tian] Wu, M.T.[Ming-Tang]

Wu, M.W.[Ming Wei] * 2017: Blind quality estimator for 3D images based on binocular combination and extreme learning machine
* 2018: Local and Global Feature Learning for Blind Quality Evaluation of Screen Content and Natural Scene Images
* 2021: Maximum-Likelihood, Magnitude-Based, Amplitude and Noise Variance Estimation
Includes: Wu, M.W.[Ming Wei] Wu, M.W.[Ming-Wei] Wu, M.W.

Wu, M.X. * 1995: Image Feature-Extraction with the Optical Haar Wavelet Transform
* 1995: Joint Wavelet-Transform Correlator for Image Feature-Extraction
* 1998: Real-Time Optoelectronic Morphological Processor for Human Face Recognition
* 2009: Motion Compensation Using Polyline Based Block Partition
* 2015: Analysis of Interactions Among Two Tropical Depressions and Typhoons Tembin and Bolaven (2012) in Pacific Ocean by Using Satellite Cloud Images
* 2015: Development and Test of Blimp-Based Compact LIDAR Powewr-Line Inspection System
* 2016: Generalized Empirical Formulas of Threshold Distance to Characterize Cyclone-Cyclone Interactions
* 2020: Optical Flow-Based Detection of Gas Leaks from Pipelines Using Multibeam Water Column Images
* 2022: 3D Point Cloud Completion with Geometric-Aware Adversarial Augmentation
* 2022: Fusing of Electroencephalogram and Eye Movement With Group Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis for Anxiety Detection
* 2022: Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Optimal Weighted Vegetation Index and BHT-ARIMA Model
* 2024: MRFA-Net: Multi-Scale Receptive Feature Aggregation Network for Cloud and Shadow Detection
Includes: Wu, M.X. Wu, M.X.[Mei-Xuan] Wu, M.X.[Meng-Xi] Wu, M.X.[Ming-Xing] Wu, M.X.[Man-Xi] Wu, M.X.[Meng-Xuan] Wu, M.X.[Ming-Xuan]
12 for Wu, M.X.

Wu, M.Y. * 1995: Modified and Parallelized Viterbi Algorithm on Hypercube Machines, A
* 2003: Method to Improve the Stego-Image Quality for Palette-Based Image Steganography, A
* 2004: Content-based retrieval for human motion data
* 2004: iterative method of palette-based image steganography, An
* 2004: Robust object-based watermarking scheme via shape self-similarity segmentation
* 2006: Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image
* 2016: Deep learning for integrated hand detection and pose estimation
* 2016: Public Vehicles for Future Urban Transportation
* 2017: Research on auto-calibration technology of intelligent vehicle camera based on machine vision
* 2018: Learning a deep network with spherical part model for 3D hand pose estimation
* 2020: Hand pose estimation in object-interaction based on deep learning for virtual reality applications
* 2020: Multiple Sound Sources Localization from Coarse to Fine
* 2020: Neural Opacity Point Cloud
* 2020: P-Linknet: Linknet with Spatial Pyramid Pooling for High-resolution Satellite Imagery
* 2020: Visual Tracking With Multiview Trajectory Prediction
* 2021: Application of UAV and GB-SAR in Mechanism Research and Monitoring of Zhonghaicun Landslide in Southwest China
* 2021: FloorLevel-Net: Recognizing Floor-Level Lines With Height-Attention-Guided Multi-Task Learning
* 2021: NeuralHumanFVV: Real-Time Neural Volumetric Human Performance Rendering using RGB Cameras
* 2021: Pose-aware Multi-feature Fusion Network for Driver Distraction Recognition
* 2023: Hybrid Driving Decision-Making System Integrating Markov Logic Networks and Connectionist AI, A
* 2023: M3AN: Multitask Multirange Multisubgraph Attention Network for Condition-Aware Traffic Prediction
* 2023: multi-attention dynamic graph convolution network with cost-sensitive learning approach to road-level and minute-level traffic accident prediction, A
* 2023: Risk Assessment and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors of Debris Flows in Typical Arid Mountain Environment: A Case Study of Central Tien Shan Mountains, China
* 2024: Retinal Layer Segmentation in OCT Images With Boundary Regression and Feature Polarization
Includes: Wu, M.Y. Wu, M.Y.[Mei-Yi] Wu, M.Y.[Ming-Yang] Wu, M.Y.[Min-Yu] Wu, M.Y.[Mao-You] Wu, M.Y.[Meng-Yue] Wu, M.Y.[Min-Ye] Wu, M.Y.[Mu-Yu] Wu, M.Y.[Meng-Yang] Wu, M.Y.[Ming-Yan] Wu, M.Y.[Meng-Yao] Wu, M.Y.[Ming-Yao] Wu, M.Y.[Ming-Yuan]
24 for Wu, M.Y.

Wu, N.[Nan] * 2005: Accelerated Motion Estimation of H.264 on Imagine Stream Processor
* 2010: Face image super resolution by linear transformation
* 2011: Fast Facial Image Super-Resolution via Local Linear Transformations for Resource-Limited Applications
* 2011: Multilevel Parallel Intra Coding for H.264/AVC Based on CUDA, A
* 2011: Petri Net Modeling of the Cooperation Behavior of a Driver and a Copilot in an Advanced Driving Assistance System
* 2012: Interest Point Selection with Spatio-temporal Context for Realistic Action Recognition
* 2014: Random-Noise Attenuation for Seismic Data by Local Parallel Radial-Trace TFPF
* 2016: Variational Inference-Based Frequency-Domain Equalization for Faster-Than-Nyquist Signaling in Doubly Selective Channels
* 2017: High-Speed Target Tracking System Based on a Hierarchical Parallel Vision Processor and Gray-Level LBP Algorithm
* 2017: Performance evaluation of vehicular platoons using Webots
* 2018: Heterogeneous Parallel Processor for High-Speed Vision Chip, A
* 2019: Distributed Weighted Balanced Control of Traffic Signals for Urban Traffic Congestion
* 2020: Convergence Analysis of Gaussian SPAWN Under High-Order Graphical Models
* 2020: Deep Neural Networks Improve Radiologists' Performance in Breast Cancer Screening
* 2020: Quantizing Oriented Object Detection Network via Outlier-Aware Quantization and IoU Approximation
* 2021: Analysing public acceptance of autonomous buses based on an extended TAM model
* 2021: Attribute-Based Double Constraint Denoising Network for Seismic Data
* 2021: Classification of Tidal Flat Wetland Vegetation Combining Phenological Features with Google Earth Engine, A
* 2021: Detail Information Prior Net for Remote Sensing Image Pansharpening
* 2021: Distributed Event-Triggered Model Predictive Control for Urban Traffic Lights
* 2022: Distributed Acoustic Sensing Vertical Seismic Profile Data Denoiser Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: Feature Nonlinear Transformation Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* 2022: Generating Salt-Affected Irrigated Cropland Map in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Impacts of a Large Water Transfer Project on a Waterbird Community in the Receiving Dam: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir, China, The
* 2022: Insights into Variations and Potential Long-Range Transport of Atmospheric Aerosols from the Aral Sea Basin in Central Asia
* 2022: Multiple Effects of Topographic Factors on Spatio-Temporal Variations of Vegetation Patterns in the Three Parallel Rivers Region, Southeast Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: UAV Mapping of the Chlorophyll Content in a Tidal Flat Wetland Using a Combination of Spectral and Frequency Indices
* 2023: Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for Pixel/Object-Based Classifications of Semi-Arid Grassland in Northern China Using Multisource Medium Resolution Imageries
* 2023: Estimating the Forest Carbon Storage of Chongming Eco-Island, China, Using Multisource Remotely Sensed Data
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Driving Forces of Aboveground Biomass in Desert Steppes of Inner Mongolia, China in the Past 20 Years
Includes: Wu, N.[Nan] Wu, N.[Ning] Wu, N. Wu, N.[Na] Wu, N.[Naiqi] Wu, N.[Nitu] Wu, N.[Niri]
30 for Wu, N.

Wu, N.I. * 2005: Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods

Wu, N.J.[Nan Jian] * 2022: Exploring Structural Sparsity in CNN via Selective Penalty
Includes: Wu, N.J.[Nan Jian] Wu, N.J.[Nan-Jian]

Wu, N.K.[Nan Kun] * 2021: UAV Based Estimation of Forest Leaf Area Index (LAI) through Oblique Photogrammetry
Includes: Wu, N.K.[Nan Kun] Wu, N.K.[Nan-Kun]

Wu, N.N.[Nan Nan] * 2004: Model based algorithm for singular point detection from fingerprint images
* 2009: Crease detection from fingerprint images and its applications in elderly people
* 2021: Deep Learning Triplet Ordinal Relation Preserving Binary Code for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Task
Includes: Wu, N.N.[Nan Nan] Wu, N.N.[Nan-Nan]

Wu, N.Q.[Nai Qi] * 2021: novel consensus learning approach to incomplete multi-view clustering, A
* 2021: scientometric review of research on traffic forecasting in transportation, A
* 2022: Route Choice Behavior Modeling for Emergency Evacuation and Efficiency Analysis Based on Type-II Fuzzy Theory
* 2022: Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Using Ensemble Approach Based on Deep Belief Networks
* 2022: Urban Road Network Partitioning Based on Bi-Modal Traffic Flows With Multiobjective Optimization
* 2023: Design of Safety Petri Net Controllers for Deadlock Prevention at a Class of Road Intersections
* 2023: Scheduling Eight-Phase Urban Traffic Light Problems via Ensemble Meta-Heuristics and Q-Learning Based Local Search
* 2024: Dynamic Confidence Sampling and Label Semantic Guidance Learning for Domain Adaptive Retrieval
* 2024: Scalable Discrete and Asymmetric Unequal Length Hashing Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Includes: Wu, N.Q.[Nai Qi] Wu, N.Q.[Nai-Qi]
9 for Wu, N.Q.

Wu, O.[Ou] * 2007: Recognition of Pornographic Web Pages by Classifying Texts and Images
* 2010: Horror Image Recognition Based on Emotional Attention
* 2010: Horror movie scene recognition based on emotional perception
* 2010: Local Outlier Detection Based on Kernel Regression
* 2011: Evaluating combinational color constancy methods on real-world images
* 2011: Learning to predict the perceived visual quality of photos
* 2011: Robust object tracking with boosted discriminative model via graph embedding
* 2014: Visual object tracking using spatial Context Information and Global tracking skills
* 2015: Horror Image Recognition Based on Context-Aware Multi-Instance Learning
* 2015: Region-based blood color detection and its application to bloody image filtering
* 2016: Fast kernel SVM training via support vector identification
* 2016: Multimodal Web Aesthetics Assessment Based on Structural SVM and Multitask Fusion Learning
* 2022: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis with New Target Representation and Dependency Attention
* 2022: Two-Level LSTM for Sentiment Analysis With Lexicon Embedding and Polar Flipping
Includes: Wu, O.[Ou] Wu, O.
14 for Wu, O.

Wu, P. * 1999: Texture Descriptor for Image Retrieval and Browsing, A
* 2000: Dimensionality Reduction for Image Retrieval
* 2000: texture descriptor for browsing and similarity retrieval, A
* 2001: Mpeg-7 Texture Descriptors
* 2001: Texture Descriptors in MPEG-7
* 2006: Scalable video summarization
* 2008: Efficient image matching using concentric sampling features and boosting process
* 2010: Human Smoking Event Detection Using Visual Interaction Clues
* 2015: Improved Exact epsilon-Constraint and Cut-and-Solve Combined Method for Biobjective Robust Lane Reservation, An
* 2015: Research on the Contribution of Urban Land Surface Moisture to the Alleviation Effect of Urban Land Surface Heat Based on Landsat 8 Data
* 2016: ANSIBLE: A Virtual World Ecosystem for Improving Psycho-Social Well-being
* 2016: Hierarchical and Adaptive Phase Correlation for Precise Disparity Estimation of UAV Images
* 2016: Novel Lip Descriptor for Audio-Visual Keyword Spotting Based on Adaptive Decision Fusion, A
* 2017: Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Rapid and Station Arrival-Time Guaranteed Bus Transportation via Lane Reservation
* 2017: Fast Neural Cell Detection Using Light-Weight SSD Neural Network
* 2017: Geometry Guided Multi-Scale Depth Map Fusion via Graph Optimization
* 2017: Image Fusion-Based Land Cover Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Satellite Images
* 2017: Integrated Approach for Monitoring and Information Management of the Guanling Landslide (China), An
* 2017: Trends and Opportunities of BIM-GIS Integration in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industry: A Review from a Spatio-Temporal Statistical Perspective
* 2017: Vision-Based Robot Path Planning with Deep Learning
* 2018: Automated Processing Method for Agglomeration Areas, An
* 2018: Bi-Objective Scheduling of Fire Engines for Fighting Forest Fires: New Optimization Approaches
* 2018: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Playing 2.5D Fighting Games
* 2018: Double Complete D-LBP with Extreme Learning Machine Auto-Encoder and Cascade Forest for Facial Expression Analysis
* 2018: Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in a Semiarid Region Based on GRACE Gravity Satellite Data: A Case Study in Loess Plateau
* 2018: Extraction of Terrain Feature Lines from Elevation Contours Using a Directed Adjacent Relation Tree
* 2018: Improved Jitter Elimination and Topology Correction Method for the Split Line of Narrow and Long Patches
* 2018: REVT: Robust and Efficient Visual Tracking by Region-Convolutional Regression Network
* 2018: Segment-Based Spatial Analysis for Assessing Road Infrastructure Performance Using Monitoring Observations and Remote Sensing Data
* 2018: Temporal-Spatial Characteristics of Drought in the Loess Plateau Using the Remote-Sensed TRMM Precipitation Data from 1998 to 2014, The
* 2018: two-step framework for reconstructing remotely sensed land surface temperatures contaminated by cloud, A
* 2019: Action recognition using dynamic hierarchical trees
* 2019: Adaptive Construction Method of Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Index for Vector Data under Peer-to-Peer Networks, An
* 2019: Converse Trends of The Terrestrial and Ground Water Storage Changes In Canada and The United States
* 2019: Determining Regional-Scale Groundwater Recharge with GRACE and GLDAS
* 2019: Nonlinear Guided Filter for Polarimetric SAR Image Despeckling, A
* 2019: RelGAN: Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation via Relative Attributes
* 2019: Skeleton Line Extraction Method in Areas with Dense Junctions Considering Stroke Features
* 2019: Traffic Volume Prediction With Segment-Based Regression Kriging and its Implementation in Assessing the Impact of Heavy Vehicles
* 2019: Urban Parcel Grouping Method Based on Urban Form and Functional Connectivity Characterisation
* 2019: Virtual Reality Video Quality Assessment Based on 3d Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Dual-Objective Optimization for Lane Reservation With Residual Capacity and Budget Constraints
* 2020: Fast sparse coding networks for anomaly detection in videos
* 2020: High resolution for software-defined GPS-based SAR imaging using waveform-modulated range-compressed pulse: field experimental demonstration
* 2020: Island Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on FC_U-Net Network, An
* 2020: MotionNet: Joint Perception and Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving Based on Bird's Eye View Maps
* 2020: Not only Look, But Also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection Under Weak Supervision
* 2020: Residual Group Channel and Space Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Selection Method of Dendritic River Networks Based on Hybrid Coding for Topographic Map Generalization
* 2020: Weakly Supervised Deep Nuclei Segmentation Using Partial Points Annotation in Histopathology Images
* 2021: Common Approach to Geo-Referencing Building Models in Industry Foundation Classes for BIM/GIS Integration, A
* 2021: Cost-Profit Trade-Off for Optimally Locating Automotive Service Firms Under Uncertainty
* 2021: Earth Observation for Sustainable Infrastructure: A Review
* 2021: Learning Causal Temporal Relation and Feature Discrimination for Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Multi-Feature Enhanced Building Change Detection Based on Semantic Information Guidance
* 2021: Semantics-Based Approach for Simplifying IFC Building Models to Facilitate the Use of BIM Models in GIS, A
* 2021: Spatial Heterogeneity-Based Segmentation Model for Analyzing Road Deterioration Network Data in Multi-Scale Infrastructure Systems, A
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Fusion of Land Surface Temperature Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Towards Effective BIM/GIS Data Integration for Smart City by Integrating Computer Graphics Technique
* 2021: Understanding Plum Rain's Effects on Urban Public Bicycle Unavailability Considering Both Place Semantics and Riding Distance
* 2022: AFFPN: Attention Fusion Feature Pyramid Network for Small Infrared Target Detection
* 2022: Automatic Generalization Method for a Dense Road Network Area Considering Spatial Structural Features as Constraints, An
* 2022: Dynamic Local Aggregation Network with Adaptive Clusterer for Anomaly Detection
* 2022: Exploiting foreground and background separation for prohibited item detection in overlapping X-Ray images
* 2022: Exploring Factors Affecting Transport Infrastructure Performance: Data-Driven Versus Knowledge-Driven Approaches
* 2022: Hybrid Nonlinear and Machine Learning Methods for Analyzing Factors Influencing the Performance of Large-Scale Transport Infrastructure
* 2022: Land Use Quantile Regression Modeling of Fine Particulate Matter in Australia
* 2022: Novel Formulations and Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm for Optimal Lane Reservation With Task Merging
* 2022: Optimizing Locations and Qualities of Multiple Facilities With Competition via Intelligent Search
* 2022: PACS: A Dataset for Physical Audiovisual CommonSense Reasoning
* 2022: Physical-Based Spatial-Spectral Deep Fusion Network for Chlorophyll-a Estimation Using MODIS and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* 2022: Spatiotemporally Continuous Reconstruction of Retrieved PM2.5 Data Using an Autogeoi-Stacking Model in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China
* 2022: Tropospheric Second-Order Horizontal Gradient Modeling for GNSS PPP
* 2022: Unified Chinese License Plate detection and recognition with high efficiency
* 2022: Unsupervised High-Resolution Portrait Gaze Correction and Animation
* 2022: WTM: The Site-Wise Empirical Wuhan University Tropospheric Model
* 2023: Detection of Atmospheric Hydrofluorocarbon-22 with Ground-Based Remote High-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy over Hefei and an Estimation of Emissions in the Yangtze River Delta
* 2023: Distributionally Robust Optimization for Reliability-Based Lane Reservation and Route Design Under Uncertainty, A
* 2023: Enhancing Path Planning Efficiency for Underwater Gravity Matching Navigation with a Novel Three-Dimensional Along-Path Obstacle Profiling Algorithm
* 2023: Ground-Based Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor Using High-Resolution FTIR Spectrometry
* 2023: Intelligent Detection Method for Small and Weak Objects in Space, An
* 2023: novel attention-based enhancement framework for face mask detection in complicated scenarios, A
* 2023: Video Event Restoration Based on Keyframes for Video Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Weakly Supervised Audio-Visual Violence Detection
* 2024: Electric-bus charging stations multi-objective optimization planning on coupled power and traffic networks
* 2024: Time of Arrival Estimation for Backscatter UWB
* 2024: Time-Series-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Network for Improving Crop Type Mapping
* 2024: Toward Video Anomaly Retrieval From Video Anomaly Detection: New Benchmarks and Model
Includes: Wu, P. Wu, P.[Peng] Wu, P.[Pin] Wu, P.[Peiyao] Wu, P.[Peggy] Wu, P.[Penghai] Wu, P.[Pengda] Wu, P.[Ping] Wu, P.[Pute] Wu, P.[Pei] Wu, P.[Peida] Wu, P.[Peter] Wu, P.[Peicheng] Wu, P.[Panlong] Wu, P.[Panfeng] Wu, P.[Peishu]
88 for Wu, P.

Wu, P.C.[Po Cheng] * 1996: Design Strategy for Three-Dimensional Subband Filter Banks
* 1997: Flexible High-Throughput VLSI Architecture with 2-D Data-Reuse for Full-Search Motion Estimation, A
* 1998: VLSI Implementation of the Motion Estimator with 2-Dimensional Data-Reuse
* 2001: Efficient Architecture for Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform, An
* 2012: Tennis Real Play
* 2014: Lane-mark extraction for automobiles under complex conditions
* 2015: Real-time eye localization, blink detection, and gaze estimation system without infrared illumination
* 2015: Uniformity-Approximated Histogram Equalization Algorithm for Image Enhancement, A
* 2016: Direct 3D pose estimation of a planar target
* 2018: Direct pose estimation for planar objects
* 2022: Application of 3D Error Diagram in Thermal Infrared Earthquake Prediction: Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: Neural Correspondence Field for Object Pose Estimation
* 2022: Safety Assured Online Guidance With Airborne Separation for Urban Air Mobility Operations in Uncertain Environments
* 2023: Social Diffusion: Long-term Multiple Human Motion Anticipation
Includes: Wu, P.C.[Po Cheng] Wu, P.C.[Po-Cheng] Wu, P.C. Wu, P.C.[Pei-Chen] Wu, P.C.[Po-Chen] Wu, P.C.[Peng-Cheng]
14 for Wu, P.C.

Wu, P.D. * 2019: Area Merging Method in Map Generalization Considering The Boundary Characteristics of Structured Geographic Objects, An
* 2019: Automated Bottom Up Hydrologic Coding System for Dendritic River System, An
* 2019: Dot Symbol Auto-Filling Method for Complex Areas Considering Shape Features
* 2021: Parallel Method for Open Hole Filling in Large-Scale 3D Automatic Modeling Based on Oblique Photography, A
Includes: Wu, P.D. Wu, P.D.[Peng-Da]

Wu, P.F.[Peng Fei] * 2015: Coarse-to-fine outlier correction with applications in structure from motion
* 2015: Robust Prostate Segmentation Using Intrinsic Properties of TRUS Images
* 2016: DFOB: Detecting and describing features by octagon filter bank for fast image matching
* 2017: Fast and Adaptive 3D Reconstruction With Extensively High Completeness
* 2018: Multiple rotation symmetry group detection via saliency-based visual attention and Frieze expansion pattern
* 2022: Distributed Feedback Interband Cascade Laser Based Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Column Density of HDO and CH4 Measurements at Dunhuang, Northwest of China
* 2022: Feedback Refined Local-Global Network for Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2022: Mining Cross-Domain Structure Affinity for Refined Building Segmentation in Weakly Supervised Constraints
* 2022: Optical Turbulence Profile in Marine Environment with Artificial Neural Network Model
* 2024: Atmospheric HDO Abundance Measurements in the Tibetan Plateau Based on Laser Heterodyne Radiometer
Includes: Wu, P.F.[Peng Fei] Wu, P.F.[Peng-Fei]
10 for Wu, P.F.

Wu, P.G.[Pin Ging] * 2014: Smile Detection in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features
Includes: Wu, P.G.[Pin Ging] Wu, P.G.[Pin-Ging]

Wu, P.H.[Ping Hsueh] * 2004: early fire-detection method based on image processing, An
* 2006: Rounding Mismatch Between Spatial-Domain and Transform-Domain Video Codecs
* 2007: Frame-Layer Constant-Quality Rate Control of Regions of Interest for Multiple Encoders With Single Video Source
* 2008: Tool Path Planning for 5-Axis Flank Milling Based on Dynamic Programming Techniques
* 2009: Detecting duplicate video based on camera transitional behavior
* 2011: Optimal Layered Video IPTV Multicast Streaming Over Mobile WiMAX Systems
* 2013: Salient Region Detection Improved by Principle Component Analysis and Boundary Information
* 2017: Spatial and Temporal Nonlocal Filter-Based Data Fusion Method, A
* 2018: Building Extraction in Very High Resolution Imagery by Dense-Attention Networks
* 2019: Cloud removal in remote sensing images using nonnegative matrix factorization and error correction
* 2019: Reconstructing Geostationary Satellite Land Surface Temperature Imagery Based on a Multiscale Feature Connected Convolutional Neural Network
* 2020: Evaluation of Seven Atmospheric Profiles from Reanalysis and Satellite-Derived Products: Implication for Single-Channel Land Surface Temperature Retrieval
* 2020: SAR Image Despeckling by Noisy Reference-Based Deep Learning Method
* 2022: Land Cover Classification Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on NDVI Deep Learning Fusion Network, A
* 2022: No-Reference Edge-Preservation Assessment Index for SAR Image Filters under a Bayesian Framework Based on the Ratio Gradient, A
* 2022: ST-P3: End-to-End Vision-Based Autonomous Driving via Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning
* 2023: HDGT: Heterogeneous Driving Graph Transformer for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction via Scene Encoding
* 2023: Remote Sensing Crop Recognition by Coupling Phenological Features and Off-Center Bayesian Deep Learning
* 2023: Think Twice before Driving: Towards Scalable Decoders for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
* 2024: DSS-Net: Dynamic Self-Supervised Network for Video Anomaly Detection
Includes: Wu, P.H.[Ping Hsueh] Wu, P.H.[Ping-Hsueh] Wu, P.H. Wu, P.H.[Ping-Han] Wu, P.H.[Ping-Hao] Wu, P.H.[Peng-Hai] Wu, P.H.[Peng-Hao] Wu, P.H.[Pei-Hao]
20 for Wu, P.H.

Wu, P.J. * 2009: Eliminating Packet Loss Accumulation in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
* 2022: SAR Pixelwise Registration via Multiscale Coherent Point Drift With Iterative Residual Map Minimization
* 2023: TSSRD: A Topic Sentiment Summarization Framework Based on Reaching Definition
Includes: Wu, P.J. Wu, P.J.[Peng-Jie] Wu, P.J.[Pang-Jing]

Wu, P.L.[Pei Lin] * 2021: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartphones, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2021: Fast and Accurate Single-Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2023: Spatiotemporal traffic data imputation by synergizing low tensor ring rank and nonlocal subspace regularization
* 2024: Semi-Supervised Imbalanced Multi-Label Classification with Label Propagation
Includes: Wu, P.L.[Pei Lin] Wu, P.L.[Pei-Lin] Wu, P.L.[Peng-Ling] Wu, P.L.[Pei-Liang]

Wu, P.P.[Ping Ping] * 2012: Comparison of methods for smile deceit detection by training AU6 and AU12 simultaneously
* 2014: Audio-visual Keyword Spotting for Mandarin Based on Discriminative Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors
* 2015: Regression based landmark estimation and multi-feature fusion for visual speech recognition
* 2015: Two-Level Multi-Task Metric Learning with Application to Multi-Classification
* 2021: Estimations of Global Horizontal Irradiance and Direct Normal Irradiance by Using Fengyun-4A Satellite Data in Northern China
* 2021: Geographies of Expatriates' Cultural Venues in Globalizing Shanghai: A Geo-Information Approach Applied to Social Media Data Platform, The
* 2022: Mining Type-beta Co-Location Patterns on Closeness Centrality in Spatial Data Sets
* 2022: Towards pen-holding hand pose recognition: A new benchmark and a coarse-to-fine PHHP recognition network
* 2024: Labelled Non-Zero Diffusion Particle Flow SMC-PHD Filtering for Multi-Speaker Tracking
Includes: Wu, P.P.[Ping Ping] Wu, P.P.[Ping-Ping] Wu, P.P.[Pei-Pei]
9 for Wu, P.P.

Wu, P.P.Y. * 2011: Multi-Objective Four-Dimensional Vehicle Motion Planning in Large Dynamic Environments

Wu, P.Q.[Pei Qiang] * 2021: Monitoring Changes to Arctic Vegetation and Glaciers at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard, Based on Time Series Remote Sensing
* 2021: New Gridded Product for the Total Columnar Atmospheric Water Vapor over Ocean Surface Constructed from Microwave Radiometer Satellite Data
Includes: Wu, P.Q.[Pei Qiang] Wu, P.Q.[Pei-Qiang]

Wu, P.S. * 1997: Pyramid Adaptive Dynamic Hough Transform to Detect Edges with Arbitrary Shapes
* 1997: Pyramid Edge-Detection Based on Stack Filter
* 1997: Pyramid Edge-Detection for Color Images
* 1999: Supervised and unsupervised fuzzy-adaptive Hamming net
* 2014: Using Heritage Risk Maps as an Approach for Estimating the Climate Impact to Cultural Heritage Materials in the Island of Taiwan
* 2022: FMD-Yolo: An efficient face mask detection method for COVID-19 prevention and control in public
Includes: Wu, P.S. Wu, P.S.[Paul S.] Wu, P.S.[Ping-Sheng] Wu, P.S.[Pei-Shu]

Wu, P.S.Y. * 1997: Learning Mechanism for Parts Recognition in an Intelligent Assembly System, A

Wu, P.T.[Pi Tuan] * 2017: Applicability Analysis of VTEC Derived from the Sophisticated Klobuchar Model in China
Includes: Wu, P.T.[Pi Tuan] Wu, P.T.[Pi-Tuan]

Wu, P.W. * 2011: On Data Collection Using Mobile Robot in Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2014: Image Quality Assessment by Quantifying Discrepancies of Multifractal Spectrums
* 2023: HyperSFormer: A Transformer-Based End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification Method for Crop Classification
Includes: Wu, P.W. Wu, P.W.[Peng Wei] Wu, P.W.[Pei-Wen]

Wu, P.X.[Peng Xiang] * 2017: 3D Motion Modeling and Reconstruction of Left Ventricle Wall in Cardiac MRI
* 2018: Instance Segmentation of Neural Cells
* 2019: ASSD: Attentive single shot multibox detector
* 2021: Object-Guided Instance Segmentation With Auxiliary Feature Refinement for Biological Images
* 2021: Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images with Box Boundary-Aware Vectors
* 2023: Gram-based Attentive Neural Ordinary Differential Equations Network for Video Nystagmography Classification
* 2023: NIRVANA: Neural Implicit Representations of Videos with Adaptive Networks and Autoregressive Patch-Wise Modeling
* 2024: Multimodality-guided Image Style Transfer using Cross-modal GAN Inversion
Includes: Wu, P.X.[Peng Xiang] Wu, P.X.[Peng-Xiang] Wu, P.X.[Pei-Xia]
8 for Wu, P.X.

Wu, P.Y.[Pei Yuan] * 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* 2022: Background Activation Suppression for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2022: Cloudformer: A Cloud-Removal Network Combining Self-Attention Mechanism and Convolution
* 2022: CTGAN: Cloud Transformer Generative Adversarial Network
* 2022: Mapping Asbestos-Cement Corrugated Roofing Tiles with Imagery Cube via Machine Learning in Taiwan
* 2023: Spatial-Aware Token for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2024: Background Activation Suppression for Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Wu, P.Y.[Pei Yuan] Wu, P.Y.[Pei-Yuan] Wu, P.Y.[Ping-Yu] Wu, P.Y.[Pei-Yang] Wu, P.Y.[Pei-Yun]
7 for Wu, P.Y.

Wu, Q. * 2001: Compression of M-fish Images Using 3-d Escot
* 2001: MCGE: Multi-candidate Based Group Evolution in Stereo Matching
* 2002: Robust pose estimation for 3D face modeling from stereo sequences
* 2005: On Object-Based Compression for a Class of Dynamic Image-Based Representations
* 2006: Convex Optimization-Based Frame-Level Rate Control Algorithm for Motion Compensated Hybrid DCT/DPCM Video Coding, A
* 2006: EigenExpress Approach in Recognition of Facial Expression Using GPU
* 2006: Frequency tracking techniques of power systems in coloured noises
* 2007: Hierarchical Tensor Approximation of Multidimensional Images
* 2007: Robust Self-calibration from Single Image Using RANSAC
* 2007: ScudWare: A Semantic and Adaptive Middleware Platform for Smart Vehicle Space
* 2008: Automatic bi-layer video segmentation based on sensor fusion
* 2008: Behaviour Analysis and Prediction in Image Sequences Using Rough Sets
* 2008: Example-Based Depth Generation from Single Image for 3D Content
* 2008: Robust Real-Time Bi-Layer Video Segmentation Using Infrared Video
* 2008: Skew detection for complex document images using robust borderlines in both text and non-text regions
* 2008: Wavelet-based hybrid multilinear models for multidimensional image approximation
* 2009: Bistatic SAR Data Focusing Using an Omega-K Algorithm Based on Method of Series Reversion
* 2010: Lazy texture selection based on active learning
* 2010: Object-Based Coding for Plenoptic Videos
* 2010: Structure preserving semantic coherent object segmentation
* 2011: Log-Polar Based Scheme for Revealing Duplicated Regions in Digital Images
* 2011: Research on Super-Resolution Objective Evaluation Index System of Visible Light Image
* 2012: Fast and Accurate Human Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted MS-LBP Features
* 2012: Prime Shapes in Natural Images
* 2012: Raindrop detection and removal using salient visual features
* 2013: CASME database: A dataset of spontaneous micro-expressions collected from neutralized faces
* 2013: Modelling Visual Objects Invariant to Depictive Style
* 2014: Active Contour Model Based on Texture Distribution for Extracting Inhomogeneous Insulators From Aerial Images, An
* 2014: Boosting Separability in Semisupervised Learning for Object Classification
* 2014: Different lighting processing and feature extraction methods for efficient face recognition
* 2014: efficient color quantization based on generic roughness measure, An
* 2014: Fast Object Detecting-Tracking Method in Compressed Domain, A
* 2014: Improved Wetland Classification Using Eight-Band High Resolution Satellite Imagery and a Hybrid Approach
* 2014: Learning Graphs to Model Visual Objects across Different Depictive Styles
* 2014: Remote Sensing-Based Biomass Estimation and Its Spatio-Temporal Variations in Temperate Grassland, Northern China
* 2014: Street view cross-sourced point cloud matching and registration
* 2014: Unsupervised Multiclass Region Cosegmentation via Ensemble Clustering and Energy Minimization
* 2015: Beyond Photo-Domain Object Recognition: Benchmarks for the Cross-Depiction Problem
* 2015: Dense Correspondence Using Non-Local DAISY Forest
* 2015: efficient face classification method based on shared and class-specific dictionary learning, An
* 2015: Phenology-Based Vegetation Index Differencing for Mapping of Rubber Plantations Using Landsat OLI Data
* 2015: Video Delivery Performance of a Large-Scale VoD System and the Implications on Content Delivery
* 2016: Ask Me Anything: Free-Form Visual Question Answering Based on Knowledge from External Sources
* 2016: Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Multichannel Feature Fusion and Label Transfer
* 2016: Coarse-to-Fine Algorithm for Registration in 3D Street-View Cross-Source Point Clouds, A
* 2016: Content Authoring Using Single Image in Urban Environments for Augmented Reality
* 2016: Explicit measurement on depth-color inconsistency for depth completion
* 2016: novel structural variation detection strategy for image quality assessment, A
* 2016: Part propagation for local part segmentation
* 2016: Q-DNN: A quality-aware deep neural network for blind assessment of enhanced images
* 2016: QoS-Aware Multigranularity Service Composition: Modeling and Optimization
* 2016: QualityNet: Segmentation quality evaluation with deep convolutional networks
* 2016: Real Time Complete Dense Depth Reconstruction for a Monocular Camera
* 2016: Real-time vehicle detection with foreground-based cascade classifier
* 2016: Robust weighted least squares for guided depth upsampling
* 2016: Space-Time Adaptive Processing and Motion Parameter Estimation in Multistatic Passive Radar Using Sparse Bayesian Learning
* 2016: Unified discriminating feature analysis for visual category recognition
* 2016: Unsupervised discriminative hashing
* 2016: What Value Do Explicit High Level Concepts Have in Vision to Language Problems?
* 2017: Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Rank-Order Regularized Regression
* 2017: Block-Wise Gaze Estimation Based on Binocular Images
* 2017: Distributed Aggregate Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VANETs
* 2017: Fast action localization based on spatio-temporal path search
* 2017: FengYun-3C VIRR Active Fire Monitoring: Algorithm Description and Initial Assessment Using MODIS and Landsat Data
* 2017: Joint nonlocal sparse representation for depth map super-resolution
* 2017: Joint Transceiver Optimization of MIMO SWIPT Systems for Harvested Power Maximization
* 2017: Learning Efficient Binary Codes From High-Level Feature Representations for Multilabel Image Retrieval
* 2017: Modified Planar Subarray Processing Algorithm Based on ISFT for Real-Time Imaging of Ice-Sounding Data
* 2017: Multiscale Sampling Based Texture Image Classification
* 2017: New Approach for Detecting Urban Centers and Their Spatial Structure With Nighttime Light Remote Sensing, A
* 2017: Part-Based Data Association for Visual Tracking
* 2017: PBC: Polygon-Based Classifier for Fine-Grained Categorization
* 2017: Post-Rectification Approach of Depth Images of Kinect v2 for 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes, A
* 2017: Robust Gait Recognition under Unconstrained Environments Using Hybrid Descriptions
* 2017: Robust Semisupervised Classification for PolSAR Image With Noisy Labels
* 2017: Segmentation quality evaluation based on multi-scale convolutional neural networks
* 2017: Self-Balanced Min-Cut Algorithm for Image Clustering, A
* 2017: Spatial Integration Analysis of Provincial Historical And Cultural Heritage Resources Based On Geographic Information System (GIS): A Case Study of Spatial Integration Analysis of Historical And Cultural Heritage Resources in Zhejiang Province
* 2017: Structural Variation Classification Model for Image Quality Assessment, A
* 2017: Systematic Approach for Cross-Source Point Cloud Registration by Preserving Macro and Micro Structures, A
* 2017: Variable Bandwidth Weighting for Texture Copy Artifact Suppression in Guided Depth Upsampling
* 2017: Visual question answering: A survey of methods and datasets
* 2017: Visual Question Answering: A Tutorial
* 2017: VQA-Machine: Learning How to Use Existing Vision Algorithms to Answer New Questions, The
* 2018: Access Types Effect on Internet Video Services and Its Implications on CDN Caching
* 2018: Are You Talking to Me? Reasoned Visual Dialog Generation Through Adversarial Learning
* 2018: Automated Virtual Navigation and Monocular Localization of Indoor Spaces from Videos
* 2018: Boundary-Guided Optimization Framework for Saliency Refinement
* 2018: Clinical Report Guided Retinal Microaneurysm Detection With Multi-Sieving Deep Learning
* 2018: Coarse-to-Fine Algorithm for Matching and Registration in 3D Cross-Source Point Clouds, A
* 2018: Depth Super-Resolution on RGB-D Video Sequences With Large Displacement 3D Motion
* 2018: Development of a Minimal-Intervention-Based Admittance Control Strategy for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton
* 2018: Explicit Edge Inconsistency Evaluation Model for Color-Guided Depth Map Enhancement
* 2018: Fine-Grained and Semantic-Guided Visual Attention for Image Captioning
* 2018: Generic Proposal Evaluator: A Lazy Learning Strategy Toward Blind Proposal Quality Assessment
* 2018: GII Representation-Based Cross-View Gait Recognition by Discriminative Projection With List-Wise Constraints
* 2018: Globally Measuring the Similarity of Superpixels by Binary Edge Maps for Superpixel Clustering
* 2018: Goal-Oriented Visual Question Generation via Intermediate Rewards
* 2018: Hierarchical Parsing Net: Semantic Scene Parsing From Global Scene to Objects
* 2018: Image Captioning and Visual Question Answering Based on Attributes and External Knowledge
* 2018: Kinect-Based Approach for 3D Pavement Surface Reconstruction and Cracking Recognition, A
* 2018: Learning Semantic Concepts and Order for Image and Sentence Matching
* 2018: Long-Term Person Re-identification Using True Motion from Videos
* 2018: Minimum Spanning Forest With Embedded Edge Inconsistency Measurement Model for Guided Depth Map Enhancement
* 2018: Multilabel Image Classification With Regional Latent Semantic Dependencies
* 2018: Parallel Attention: A Unified Framework for Visual Object Discovery Through Dialogs and Queries
* 2018: Perceptually Weighted Rank Correlation Indicator for Objective Image Quality Assessment, A
* 2018: Permafrost Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Multi-Temporal TerraSAR-X Data in Beiluhe of Northern Tibet, China
* 2018: Seeds-Based Part Segmentation by Seeds Propagation and Region Convexity Decomposition
* 2018: Single Image Dehazing Based on Dark Channel Prior and Energy Minimization
* 2018: Target-Oriented High-Resolution SAR Image Formation via Semantic Information Guided Regularizations
* 2018: Uniface: A Unified Network for Face Detection and Recognition
* 2018: Vision-and-Language Navigation: Interpreting Visually-Grounded Navigation Instructions in Real Environments
* 2018: Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* 2018: Visual Question Answering with Memory-Augmented Networks
* 2018: Wavelet-Based Correlation Identification of Scales and Locations between Landscape Patterns and Topography in Urban-Rural Profiles: Case of the Jilin City, China
* 2019: Attend and Imagine: Multi-Label Image Classification With Visual Attention and Recurrent Neural Networks
* 2019: Computational Model for Stereoscopic Visual Saliency Prediction, A
* 2019: Coupled Patch Alignment for Matching Cross-View Gaits
* 2019: Heritage image annotation via collective knowledge
* 2019: High-Quality Image Captioning With Fine-Grained and Semantic-Guided Visual Attention
* 2019: Instance Segmentation by Learning Deep Feature in Embedding Space
* 2019: Kpsnet: Keypoint Detection and Feature Extraction for Point Cloud Registration
* 2019: Mind Your Neighbours: Image Annotation With Metadata Neighbourhood Graph Co-Attention Networks
* 2019: Multi-Scale Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Landscape Pattern Based on Wavelet Coherence: The Case of Metropolitan Beijing, China
* 2019: Multiscale Symmetric Dense Micro-Block Difference for Texture Classification
* 2019: Neighbourhood Watch: Referring Expression Comprehension via Language-Guided Graph Attention Networks
* 2019: Polar-Spatial Feature Fusion Learning With Variational Generative-Discriminative Network for PolSAR Classification
* 2019: Pyramid Graph Networks With Connection Attentions for Region-Based One-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Pyramid-Structured Depth MAP Super-Resolution Based on Deep Dense-Residual Network
* 2019: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel Tree Detector
* 2019: SBAS-InSAR Based Deformation Detection of Urban Land, Created from Mega-Scale Mountain Excavating and Valley Filling in the Loess Plateau: The Case Study of Yan'an City
* 2019: SBSGAN: Suppression of Inter-Domain Background Shift for Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Underwater Image Restoration Using Color-Line Model
* 2019: Variational Learning of Mixture Wishart Model for PolSAR Image Classification
* 2019: What's to Know? Uncertainty as a Guide to Asking Goal-Oriented Questions
* 2020: Automatic Sheep Counting by Multi-object Tracking
* 2020: Beyond Scalar Neuron: Adopting Vector-Neuron Capsules for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Collaborative Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Diagnosis
* 2020: Cops-Ref: A New Dataset and Task on Compositional Referring Expression Comprehension
* 2020: Coupled Bilinear Discriminant Projection for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* 2020: Crowd counting by the dual-branch scale-aware network with ranking loss constraints
* 2020: Deep Matching Network for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* 2020: Depth Map Enhancement by Revisiting Multi-Scale Intensity Guidance Within Coarse-to-Fine Stages
* 2020: Distribution and Structure Match Generative Adversarial Network for SAR Image Classification, A
* 2020: Efficient Tiny Feature Map Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation, An
* 2020: Fine-Grained Video-Text Retrieval With Hierarchical Graph Reasoning
* 2020: Gold Seeker: Information Gain From Policy Distributions for Goal-Oriented Vision-and-Langauge Reasoning
* 2020: HeadNet: An End-to-End Adaptive Relational Network for Head Detection
* 2020: Image and Sentence Matching via Semantic Concepts and Order Learning
* 2020: Integration of TanDEM-X and SRTM DEMs and Spectral Imagery to Improve the Large-Scale Detection of Opencast Mining Areas
* 2020: Intelligent Home 3D: Automatic 3D-House Design From Linguistic Descriptions Only
* 2020: Land-Cover Changes to Surface-Water Buffers in the Midwestern USA: 25 Years of Landsat Data Analyses (1993-2017)
* 2020: Learning Interleaved Cascade of Shrinkage Fields for Joint Image Dehazing and Denoising
* 2020: Length-controllable Image Captioning
* 2020: Light Field Compression Using Global Multiplane Representation and Two-Step Prediction
* 2020: Modular Graph Attention Network for Complex Visual Relational Reasoning
* 2020: Mono is Enough: Instance Segmentation from Single Annotated Sample
* 2020: Multi-Scale Frequency Reconstruction for Guided Depth Map Super-Resolution via Deep Residual Network
* 2020: Object Detection in High-Resolution Panchromatic Images Using Deep Models and Spatial Template Matching
* 2020: Object-and-action Aware Model for Visual Language Navigation
* 2020: Offset Bin Classification Network for Accurate Object Detection
* 2020: Overlap Sampler for Region-Based Object Detection
* 2020: Performance Comparison of Geoid Refinement between XGM2016 and EGM2008 Based on the KTH and RCR Methods: Jilin Province, China
* 2020: Reasoning on the Relation: Enhancing Visual Representation for Visual Question Answering and Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2020: REVERIE: Remote Embodied Visual Referring Expression in Real Indoor Environments
* 2020: Say As You Wish: Fine-Grained Control of Image Caption Generation With Abstract Scene Graphs
* 2020: Scripted Video Generation With a Bottom-Up Generative Adversarial Network
* 2020: Semantic Equivalent Adversarial Data Augmentation for Visual Question Answering
* 2020: Soft Expert Reward Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2020: Structure Label Matrix Completion for PolSAR Image Classification
* 2020: Top-Push Constrained Modality-Adaptive Dictionary Learning for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Triple Attention For Robust Video Crowd Counting
* 2020: Unified Single Image De-raining Model via Region Adaptive Coupled Network, A
* 2020: VDFlow: Joint Learning for Optical Flow and Video Deblurring
* 2020: Vision Based Fish Processing System, A
* 2020: Visual saliency based global-local feature representation for skin cancer classification
* 2020: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation by a Class-Level Multiple Group Cosegmentation and Foreground Fusion Strategy
* 2021: Airborne LiDAR Intensity Correction Based on a New Method for Incidence Angle Correction for Improving Land-Cover Classification
* 2021: Automatic Sheep Behaviour Analysis Using Mask R-CNN
* 2021: Beyond Modality Alignment: Learning Part-Level Representation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Clothing Status Awareness for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Cost-Sensitive Latent Space Learning for Imbalanced PolSAR Image Classification
* 2021: DA-RefineNet: Dual-inputs Attention RefineNet for Whole Slide Image Segmentation
* 2021: Deformed contour segment matching for multi-source images
* 2021: Discover Cross-Modality Nuances for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: End-to-End Human Object Interaction Detection with HOI Transformer
* 2021: Exploring region relationships implicitly: Image captioning with visual relationship attention
* 2021: Grayscale and Normal Guided Depth Completion With A Low-Cost Lidar
* 2021: High-Quality R-CNN Object Detection Using Multi-Path Detection Calibration Network
* 2021: Image editing with varying intensities of processing
* 2021: Improved Method of Low Light Image Enhancement Based on Retinex, An
* 2021: Improving the Performance of Transportation Networks: A Semi-Centralized Pricing Approach
* 2021: Innovative Adaptive Cruise Control Method With Packet Dropout, An
* 2021: Jo-SRC: A Contrastive Approach for Combating Noisy Labels
* 2021: Joint Tracking and Identification Based on Constrained Joint Decision and Estimation
* 2021: Language-Guided Navigation via Cross-Modal Grounding and Alternate Adversarial Learning
* 2021: LCANet: Learnable Connected Attention Network for Human Identification Using Dental Images
* 2021: Learning Dual Encoding Model for Adaptive Visual Understanding in Visual Dialogue
* 2021: Learning from EPI-Volume-Stack for Light Field image angular super-resolution
* 2021: Learning Spatial-Temporal Representations Over Walking Tracklet for Long-Term Person Re-Identification in the Wild
* 2021: Low-Rank Pairwise Alignment Bilinear Network For Few-Shot Fine-Grained Image Classification
* 2021: Non-Salient Region Object Mining for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Oil Well Detection via Large-Scale and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved YOLO v4
* 2021: Optimistic Agent: Accurate Graph-Based Value Estimation for More Successful Visual Navigation
* 2021: Part-based Collaborative Spatio-temporal Feature Learning for Cloth-changing Gait Recognition
* 2021: Plan2Scene: Converting Floorplans to 3D Scenes
* 2021: Referring Expression Comprehension: A Survey of Methods and Datasets
* 2021: Road to Know-Where: An Object-and-Room Informed Sequential BERT for Indoor Vision-Language Navigation, The
* 2021: Robust gait recognition using hybrid descriptors based on Skeleton Gait Energy Image
* 2021: Room-and-Object Aware Knowledge Reasoning for Remote Embodied Referring Expression
* 2021: Sketch, Ground, and Refine: Top-Down Dense Video Captioning
* 2021: Towards Accurate Text-based Image Captioning with Content Diversity Exploration
* 2021: Trust-Aware Service Offloading for Video Surveillance in Edge Computing Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* 2021: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Background Shift Mitigating for Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Vector of Locally and Adaptively Aggregated Descriptors for Image Feature Representation
* 2021: View Synthesis with Multi-scale Cost Aggregation and Confidence Prior
* 2021: VLN_BERT: A Recurrent Vision-and-Language BERT for Navigation
* 2021: Weighted Adaptive Image Super-Resolution Scheme Based on Local Fractal Feature and Image Roughness
* 2022: Adversarial Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicles in Lane-Change Scenarios
* 2022: Alleviating Modality Bias Training for Infrared-Visible Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Bounds of Improvements Toward Real-Time Forecast of Multi-Scenario Train Delays, The
* 2022: Bridging the Gap Between Learning in Discrete and Continuous Environments for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2022: BSRT: Improving Burst Super-Resolution with SWIN Transformer and Flow-Guided Deformable Alignment
* 2022: Co-LDL: A Co-Training-Based Label Distribution Learning Method for Tackling Label Noise
* 2022: Collaborative Feature Learning for Gait Recognition Under Cloth Changes
* 2022: Data Processing of Gravity Base Network in Plateau Area: The Case of Qinghai Province, China
* 2022: Dense Oil Tank Detection and Classification via YOLOX-TR Network in Large-Scale SAR Images
* 2022: Disentangling Task-Oriented Representations for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Dual Attention on Pyramid Feature Maps for Image Captioning
* 2022: Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Enhanced Spatial-Temporal Salience for Cross-View Gait Recognition
* 2022: Estimation of Maximum Hail Diameters from FY-4A Satellite Data with a Machine Learning Method
* 2022: Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Trends of Global Warming and Extreme Ocean Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Canada, The
* 2022: Explore the Mitigation Mechanism of Urban Thermal Environment by Integrating Geographic Detector and Standard Deviation Ellipse (SDE)
* 2022: Exploring Pairwise Relationships Adaptively From Linguistic Context in Image Captioning
* 2022: Fast Nearest Convolution for Real-time Efficient Image Super-resolution
* 2022: Fine-Grained Image Classification With Global Information and Adaptive Compensation Loss
* 2022: ForeSI: Success-Aware Visual Navigation Agent
* 2022: Google Earth Engine and Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Comprehensive Review
* 2022: HOP: History-and-Order Aware Pretraining for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2022: Infrared and visible image fusion for ship targets based on scale-aware feature decomposition
* 2022: Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Question Answering
* 2022: MIG-Net: Multi-Scale Network Alternatively Guided by Intensity and Gradient Features for Depth Map Super-Resolution
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Fusion: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MixFormer: Mixing Features across Windows and Dimensions
* 2022: Motion Sensitive Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Video Representation
* 2022: MuKEA: Multimodal Knowledge Extraction and Accumulation for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Multi-scale feature aggregation and boundary awareness network for salient object detection
* 2022: Multidimensional Urban Vitality on Streets: Spatial Patterns and Influence Factor Identification Using Multisource Urban Data
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* 2022: On the Scale Effect of Relationship Identification between Land Surface Temperature and 3D Landscape Pattern: The Application of Random Forest
* 2022: PalQuant: Accelerating High-Precision Networks on Low-Precision Accelerators
* 2022: Partial Point Cloud Registration Via Soft Segmentation
* 2022: PTQ4ViT: Post-training Quantization for Vision Transformers with Twin Uniform Quantization
* 2022: Quantitative Analysis on Coastline Changes of Yangtze River Delta Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Robust Learning From Noisy Web Images Via Data Purification for Fine-Grained Recognition
* 2022: Show, Price and Negotiate: A Negotiator With Online Value Look-Ahead
* 2022: Simple and Robust Correlation Filtering Method for Text-Based Person Search, A
* 2022: Structural Differences of PM2.5 Spatial Correlation Networks in Ten Metropolitan Areas of China
* 2022: Structured Multimodal Attentions for TextVQA
* 2022: TOAN: Target-Oriented Alignment Network for Fine-Grained Image Categorization With Few Labeled Samples
* 2022: UniMiSS: Universal Medical Self-supervised Learning via Breaking Dimensionality Barrier
* 2022: Unsupervised Point Cloud Pre-Training Via Contrasting and Clustering
* 2022: V2C: Visual Voice Cloning
* 2022: Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* 2022: Vulnerability Identification and Cascading Failure Spatiotemporal Patterns on Road Network under the Rainstorm Disaster
* 2023: 3D-CSL: Self-Supervised 3D Context Similarity Learning for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval
* 2023: AerialVLN: Vision-and-Language Navigation for UAVs
* 2023: Airborne LiDAR Strip Adjustment Method Based on Point Clouds with Planar Neighborhoods
* 2023: Assessment of the Capability of Landsat and BiodivMapR to Track the Change of Alpha Diversity in Dryland Disturbed by Mining
* 2023: Characterizing Intercity Mobility Patterns for the Greater Bay Area in China
* 2023: DIPNet: Efficiency Distillation and Iterative Pruning for Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: GAMA: Geometric analysis based motion-aware architecture for moving object segmentation
* 2023: Guest Editorial: Learning from limited annotations for computer vision tasks
* 2023: HOP+: History-Enhanced and Order-Aware Pre-Training for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2023: Identifying Spatiotemporal Patterns of Multiscale Connectivity in the Flow Space of Urban Agglomeration in the Yellow River Basin
* 2023: Identity-Consistent Aggregation for Video Object Detection
* 2023: Image quality assessment based on self-supervised learning and knowledge distillation
* 2023: Improving Disentangled Representation Learning for Gait Recognition Using Group Supervision
* 2023: Learning to Dub Movies via Hierarchical Prosody Models
* 2023: March in Chat: Interactive Prompting for Remote Embodied Referring Expression
* 2023: MFNet: Panoptic segmentation network based on multiscale feature weighted fusion and frequency domain attention mechanism
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Fusion: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Remosaic: Methods and Results
* 2023: MixCycle: Mixup Assisted Semi-Supervised 3D Single Object Tracking with Cycle Consistency
* 2023: Multi-Granularity Aggregation Transformer for Joint Video-Audio-Text Representation Learning
* 2023: NeRF-LOAM: Neural Implicit Representation for Large-Scale Incremental LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* 2023: Parameter-Efficient Vision Transformer with Linear Attention
* 2023: Performance Comparison of Deterministic and Stochastic Modifications in Stokes's and Hotine's Formulas: The Case of Jilin Province, China
* 2023: Prompt Switch: Efficient CLIP Adaptation for Text-Video Retrieval
* 2023: Proposal-Free One-Stage Framework for Referring Expression Comprehension and Generation via Dense Cross-Attention, A
* 2023: Reaper: Articulated Object 6d Pose Estimation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Rethinking and Improving Feature Pyramids for One-Stage Referring Expression Comprehension
* 2023: S3C: Semi-Supervised VQA Natural Language Explanation via Self-Critical Learning
* 2023: Scaling Data Generation in Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2023: ShapeScaffolder: Structure-Aware 3D Shape Generation from Text
* 2023: Study on Development of Portrait Models of Scientific Research Innovators for Technology Transfer, A
* 2023: Unsupervised Deep Probabilistic Approach for Partial Point Cloud Registration
* 2023: VLN-PETL: Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2023: Weakly-Supervised 3D Spatial Reasoning for Text-Based Visual Question Answering
* 2024: Active Deformation Areas of Potential Landslide Mapping with a Generalized Convolutional Neural Network
* 2024: Bilateral Knowledge Interaction Network for Referring Image Segmentation
* 2024: Coseismic and Early Postseismic Deformation Mechanism Following the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake: Insights from Satellite Radar Interferometry and GPS
* 2024: CroplandCDNet: Cropland Change Detection Network for Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images Based on Multilayer Feature Transmission Fusion of an Adaptive Receptive Field
* 2024: Customized meta-dataset for automatic classifier accuracy evaluation
* 2024: Dual Modality Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Pre-Trained Model
* 2024: Enhancing Person Re-Identification Performance Through In Vivo Learning
* 2024: Entropy-guided contrastive learning for semi-supervised medical image segmentation
* 2024: Image Captioning With Controllable and Adaptive Length Levels
* 2024: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil Sensitivity and Image Estimation in Parallel MRI
* 2024: Improved SiamCAR with ranking-based pruning and optimization for efficient UAV tracking
* 2024: Light Field Salient Object Detection With Sparse Views via Complementary and Discriminative Interaction Network
* 2024: Lightweight Deep Neural Network Model With Padding-Free Downsampling
* 2024: Meta Clothing Status Calibration for Long-Term Person Re-Identification
* 2024: Miniaturization Design of High-Integration Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Borne Video Synthetic Aperture Radar Real-Time Imaging Processing Component
* 2024: Mutual Dual-Task Generator With Adaptive Attention Fusion for Image Inpainting
* 2024: Optimal and Multi-View Strategic Hybrid Deep Learning for Old Landslide Detection in the Loess Plateau, Northwest China
* 2024: Room-Object Entity Prompting and Reasoning for Embodied Referring Expression
* 2024: Test-Time Model Adaptation for Visual Question Answering With Debiased Self-Supervisions
Includes: Wu, Q. Wu, Q.[Qing] Wu, Q.[Qi] Wu, Q.[Qiong] Wu, Q.[Qiang] Wu, Q.[Qin] Wu, Q.[Qiusheng] Wu, Q.[Qun] Wu, Q.[Qian] Wu, Q.[Qingbai] Wu, Q.[Qianhan] Wu, Q.[Qiuxia] Wu, Q.[Qianrun] Wu, Q.[Quan] Wu, Q.[Qilun] Wu, Q.[Qisheng] Wu, Q.[Qirui] Wu, Q.[Qiman] Wu, Q.[Qinyu] Wu, Q.[Qunyong] Wu, Q.[Qiao] Wu, Q.[Qiner]
325 for Wu, Q.

Wu, Q.A. * 2001: Image Enhancement Using Multiscale Oriented Wavelets
* 2002: Image Rotation without Scaling on Spiral Architecture
* 2002: On optimal subspaces for appearance-based object recognition
* 2003: Chromosome image enhancement using multiscale differential operators
* 2003: Microarray Basics: Background Adjustment, Segmentation, Image Compression and Analysis of Microarray Images
* 2005: Non-Ubiquitous Digital Watermarking for Record Indexing and Integrity Protection of Medical Images
* 2005: Subspace-Based Prototyping and Classification of Chromosome Images
* 2006: Bilateral Edge Detection on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure
* 2006: Car Plate Detection Using Cascaded Tree-Style Learner Based on Hybrid Object Features
* 2006: Comparison of Histogram Based Image Matching Methods, A
* 2006: Estimation of Internal and External Parameters for Camera Calibration Using 1D Pattern
* 2006: Extended Depth-of-Field Microscope Imaging: MPP Image Fusion VS. Wavefront Coding
* 2006: Extended Fitting Methods of Active Shape Model for the Location of Facial Feature Points
* 2006: Gaussian Weighted Histogram Intersection for License Plate Classification
* 2006: Learning-Based License Plate Detection Using Global and Local Features
* 2006: Learning-Based Number Recognition on Spiral Architecture
* 2006: New Approach for Fractal Image Compression on a Virtual Hexagonal Structure, A
* 2006: New Approach for SA-Based Fractal Image Compression, A
* 2006: Symmetric Color Ratio in Spiral Architecture
* 2006: Uniformly Partitioning Images on Virtual Hexagonal Structure
* 2007: Applying Local Cooccurring Patterns for Object Detection from Aerial Images
* 2008: Adaptive Fusion of Gait and Face for Human Identification in Video
* 2008: approach of Canny edge detection with virtual hexagonal image structure, An
* 2008: Extracting key postures using radon transform
* 2008: Subspace Analysis Methods plus Motion History Image for Human Action Recognition
* 2009: Automatic Gait Recognition Using Weighted Binary Pattern on Video
* 2009: Face recognition using message passing based clustering method
* 2009: Facial expression recognition using histogram variances faces
* 2009: Image/video-based pattern analysis and HCI applications
* 2009: Multiple Views Gait Recognition Using View Transformation Model Based on Optimized Gait Energy Image
* 2010: Adaptive Stick-Like Features for Human Detection Based on Multi-scale Feature Fusion Scheme
* 2010: Canny Edge Detection Using Bilateral Filter on Real Hexagonal Structure
* 2010: Context-aware fusion: A case study on fusion of gait and face for human identification in video
* 2010: Feature Enhancement Using Gradient Salience on Thermal Image
* 2010: Learn Concepts in Multiple-Instance Learning with Diverse Density Framework Using Supervised Mean Shift
* 2010: Motion blur detection based on lowest directional high-frequency energy
* 2010: Multi-view Gait Recognition Based on Motion Regression Using Multilayer Perceptron
* 2010: Segmenting Characters from License Plate Images with Little Prior Knowledge
* 2010: Support vector regression for multi-view gait recognition based on local motion feature selection
* 2011: effective document image deblurring algorithm, An
* 2011: More on Weak Feature: Self-correlate Histogram Distances
* 2011: Pairwise Shape configuration-based PSA for gait recognition under small viewing angle change
* 2011: Speed-invariant gait recognition based on Procrustes Shape Analysis using higher-order shape configuration
* 2012: Cross-View and Multi-View Gait Recognitions Based on View Transformation Model Using Multi-Layer Perceptron
* 2012: Directional high-pass filter for blurry image analysis
* 2012: Empirical Mode Decomposition Analysis for Visual Stylometry
* 2012: Gait Recognition Across Various Walking Speeds Using Higher Order Shape Configuration Based on a Differential Composition Model
* 2012: Gait Recognition Under Various Viewing Angles Based on Correlated Motion Regression
* 2012: Object Categorization Based on a Supervised Mean Shift Algorithm
* 2012: On splitting dataset: Boosting Locally Adaptive Regression Kernels for car localization
* 2013: Generalized local N-ary patterns for texture classification
* 2013: Training boosting-like algorithms with semi-supervised subspace learning
* 2014: Completed Dense Scene Flow in RGB-D Space
* 2014: Efficient People Counting with Limited Manual Interferences
* 2014: Enhancing Person Re-identification by Integrating Gait Biometric
* 2014: Exploiting Universum data in AdaBoost using gradient descent
* 2014: Recognizing Gaits Across Views Through Correlated Motion Co-Clustering
* 2015: Local N-Ary Pattern and Its Extension for Texture Classification
* 2015: MRF-Based Depth Upsampling: Upsample the Depth Map With Its Own Property, An
* 2016: Handling Occlusion and Large Displacement Through Improved RGB-D Scene Flow Estimation
* 2017: Action Recognition Based on Correlated Codewords of Body Movements
* 2017: Robust Color Guided Depth Map Restoration
* 2018: Automatic choroid layer segmentation using normalized graph cut
* 2019: Adaptive rational fractal interpolation function for image super-resolution via local fractal analysis
* 2019: Heritage image annotation via collective knowledge
* 2019: Multi-Pseudo Regularized Label for Generated Data in Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Exploring Long-Short-Term Context For Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Generated Data With Sparse Regularized Multi-Pseudo Label for Person Re-Identification
Includes: Wu, Q.A. Wu, Q.A.[Qi-Ang]
68 for Wu, Q.A.

Wu, Q.B.[Qing Biao] * 2010: Nonhomogeneous scaling optimization for realtime image resizing
* 2013: Feature Adaptive Co-Segmentation by Complexity Awareness
* 2013: Improved Intra Prediction Coding Scheme Based on Minimum Distance Prediction for H.264/AVC
* 2013: Mode dependent down-sampling and interpolation scheme for high efficiency video coding
* 2013: Mode dependent loop filter for intra prediction coding in H.264/AVC
* 2014: Combing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Discriminative Dictionaries Learning for Non-specific Object Detection, A
* 2014: Fast and efficient inter CU decision for high efficiency video coding
* 2014: Fast HEVC Inter CU Selection Method Based on Pyramid Motion Divergence, A
* 2014: Foreground Segmentation via Dynamic Programming
* 2014: MRF-Based Fast HEVC Inter CU Decision With the Variance of Absolute Differences
* 2014: Noise-Robust Texture Description Using Local Contrast Patterns via Global Measures
* 2014: Novel Joint Rate Distortion Optimization Scheme for Intra Prediction Coding in H.264/AVC, A
* 2015: Discriminative Semantic Parts Learning for Object Detection
* 2015: Exploring space-frequency co-occurrences via local quantized patterns for texture representation
* 2015: Fast HEVC Inter CU Decision Based on Latent SAD Estimation
* 2015: highly efficient method for blind image quality assessment, A
* 2015: No reference image quality assessment metric via multi-domain structural information and piecewise regression
* 2016: Group MAD Competition? A New Methodology to Compare Objective Image Quality Models
* 2016: Mining Spatial Temporal Saliency Structure for Action Recognition
* 2017: Improving object proposals with top-down cues
* 2017: Manifold-ranking embedded order preserving hashing for image semantic retrieval
* 2017: Semi-supervised manifold-embedded hashing with joint feature representation and classifier learning
* 2017: Store classification using Text-Exemplar-Similarity and Hypotheses-Weighted-CNN
* 2017: Video Object Segmentation via Global Consistency Aware Query Strategy
* 2017: Waterloo Exploration Database: New Challenges for Image Quality Assessment Models
* 2017: Weakly Supervised Part Proposal Segmentation From Multiple Images
* 2018: Blind Image Quality Assessment Using Local Consistency Aware Retriever and Uncertainty Aware Evaluator
* 2018: Key-Word-Aware Network for Referring Expression Image Segmentation
* 2018: LETRIST: Locally Encoded Transform Feature Histogram for Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification
* 2018: Propagation Method for Multi Object Tracklet Repair, A
* 2018: Self-Supervised Learning of Video Representation for Anticipating Actions in Early Stage
* 2018: Unsupervised Method to Extract Video Object via Complexity Awareness and Object Local Parts, An
* 2019: A2RMNet: Adaptively Aspect Ratio Multi-Scale Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: Beyond Synthetic Data: A Blind Deraining Quality Assessment Metric Towards Authentic Rain Image
* 2019: Multi Information Fusion Network for Saliency Quality Assessment
* 2019: Scene Parsing via Integrated Classification Model and Variance-Based Regularization
* 2020: Accurate Transmission Estimation for Removing Haze and Noise From a Single Image
* 2020: Group Maximum Differentiation Competition: Model Comparison with Few Samples
* 2020: Hierarchical Context Features Embedding for Object Detection
* 2020: Learning with Noisy Class Labels for Instance Segmentation
* 2020: Mining Larger Class Activation Map with Common Attribute Labels
* 2020: Morphometric Analysis of Groundwater Icings: Intercomparison of Estimation Techniques
* 2020: New Bounding Box based Pseudo Annotation Generation Method for Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2020: New Local Transformation Module for Few-shot Segmentation, A
* 2020: Single Image Dehazing Via Artificial Multiple Shots And Multidimensional Context
* 2020: Subjective and Objective De-Raining Quality Assessment Towards Authentic Rain Image
* 2021: Behaviour detection in crowded classroom scenes via enhancing features robust to scale and perspective variations
* 2021: CrossDet: Crossline Representation for Object Detection
* 2021: Non-Homogeneous Haze Removal via Artificial Scene Prior and Bidimensional Graph Reasoning
* 2021: Query Reconstruction Network for Referring Expression Image Segmentation
* 2021: Single Image Dehazing Via Region Adaptive Two-Shot Network
* 2022: Bal-R2CNN: High Quality Recurrent Object Detection With Balance Optimization
* 2022: POS-Trends Dynamic-Aware Model for Video Caption
* 2022: SPIQ: A Self-Supervised Pre-Trained Model for Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: Bias-Correction Feature Learner for Semi-Supervised Instance Segmentation
* 2023: CafeBoost: Causal Feature Boost to Eliminate Task-Induced Bias for Class Incremental Learning
* 2023: Confusion Mixup Regularized Multimodal Fusion Network for Continual Egocentric Activity Recognition
* 2023: Cross-Modal Recurrent Semantic Comprehension for Referring Image Segmentation
* 2023: CrossDet++: Growing Crossline Representation for Object Detection
* 2023: Disturbed Augmentation Invariance for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning
* 2023: Elliptic Energy Loss for Rotated Object Detection in Aerial Images, The
* 2023: Forgetting to Remember: A Scalable Incremental Learning Framework for Cross-Task Blind Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: Impacts of National Highway G214 on Vegetation in the Source Area of Yellow and Yangtze Rivers on the Southern Qinghai Plateau, West China
* 2023: Incrementer: Transformer for Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation with Knowledge Distillation Focusing on Old Class
* 2023: Misaligned RGB-Infrared Object Detection via Adaptive Dual-Discrepancy Calibration
* 2023: Task-Specific Loss for Robust Instance Segmentation With Noisy Class Labels
* 2023: Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning via Multi-Dimensional Relationship Alignment
* 2023: What Happens in Crowd Scenes: A New Dataset About Crowd Scenes for Image Captioning
* 2024: CrowdCaption++: Collective-Guided Crowd Scenes Captioning
* 2024: Deep Progressive Asymmetric Quantization Based on Causal Intervention for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* 2024: Towards Continual Egocentric Activity Recognition: A Multi-Modal Egocentric Activity Dataset for Continual Learning
* 2024: Visual and Textual Prior Guided Mask Assemble for Few-Shot Segmentation and Beyond
Includes: Wu, Q.B.[Qing Biao] Wu, Q.B.[Qing-Biao] Wu, Q.B.[Qing-Bo] Wu, Q.B.[Qing-Bai]
72 for Wu, Q.B.

Wu, Q.C.[Qin Chun] * 2017: Burned Area Mapping Algorithm for Chinese FengYun-3 MERSI Satellite Data, A
* 2023: Broad Spectrum Image Deblurring via an Adaptive Super-Network
* 2023: Harnessing the Spatial-Temporal Attention of Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Text-to-Image Synthesis
* 2023: Uncovering the Disentanglement Capability in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
Includes: Wu, Q.C.[Qin Chun] Wu, Q.C.[Qin-Chun] Wu, Q.C.[Qiu-Cheng]

Wu, Q.F.[Qi Fan] * 2019: Determining Regional-Scale Groundwater Recharge with GRACE and GLDAS
* 2021: Multiple Ship Tracking in Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning
Includes: Wu, Q.F.[Qi Fan] Wu, Q.F.[Qi-Fan]

Wu, Q.G.[Qing Gang] * 2022: Local-Global Based High-Resolution Spatial-Spectral Representation Network for Pansharpening
Includes: Wu, Q.G.[Qing Gang] Wu, Q.G.[Qing-Gang]

Wu, Q.H. * 2002: pseudo top-hat mathematical morphological approach to edge detection in dark regions, A
* 2003: Online training of support vector classifier
* 2004: Leave one support vector out cross validation for fast estimation of generalization errors
* 2007: Harmonic Estimation Using a Global Search Optimiser
* 2007: Particle Swarm Optimizer Applied to Soft Morphological Filters for Periodic Noise Reduction, A
* 2008: Local prediction of non-linear time series using support vector regression
* 2011: class boundary preserving algorithm for data condensation, A
* 2012: Stability region of fractional-order PI-lambda-mu controller for fractional-order systems with time delay
* 2018: Identifying Emerging Reservoirs along Regulated Rivers Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Observations
* 2021: Full-Polarization Radar Image Reconstruction Method with Orthogonal Coding Apertures, A
* 2021: Parametric Decomposition of Pulsed Lidar Signals with Noise Corruption Using FRFT Spectrum Analysis
* 2022: Unabridged adjacent modulation for clothing parsing
* 2023: Bayesian Collaborative Learning for Whole-Slide Image Classification
* 2023: Effective Motorcycle Helmet Object Detection Framework for Intelligent Traffic Safety, An
* 2024: Channel-Wise Multi-Scale Network for Single Image Super-Resolution, A
* 2024: Self-Position Awareness Based on Cascade Direct Localization Over Multiple Source Data
Includes: Wu, Q.H. Wu, Q.H.[Qun-Hong] Wu, Q.H.[Qian-Han] Wu, Q.H.[Qi-Hua] Wu, Q.H.[Qi-Hui] Wu, Q.H.[Qian-Hao] Wu, Q.H.[Qi-Hang]
16 for Wu, Q.H.

Wu, Q.J.[Qi Jiunn] * 2005: Improved AdaBoost-Based Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback via Paired Feature Learning
* 2016: Fisher discrimination-based L_2,1-norm sparse representation for face recognition
* 2017: Improved Information Value Model Based on Gray Clustering for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping, An
* 2020: 3D CNN-LSTM-Based Image-to-Image Foreground Segmentation, A
* 2020: New Algorithm for Calculating the Flow Path Curvature (C) from the Square-Grid Digital Elevation Model (DEM), A
Includes: Wu, Q.J.[Qi Jiunn] Wu, Q.J.[Qi-Jiunn] Wu, Q.J.[Qian-Jun] Wu, Q.J.[Qian-Jiao] Wu, Q.J.

Wu, Q.L.[Qiao Li] * 2018: Impacts of Leaf Age on Canopy Spectral Signature Variation in Evergreen Chinese Fir Forests
* 2021: Robust online tracking via sparse gradient convolution networks
* 2023: Assessing Regional Development Balance Based on Zipf's Law: The Case of Chinese Urban Agglomerations
Includes: Wu, Q.L.[Qiao Li] Wu, Q.L.[Qiao-Li] Wu, Q.L.[Qi-Lin] Wu, Q.L.[Qing-Lin]

Wu, Q.M. * 1991: Fast Boundary Extraction for Industrial Inspection
* 1992: Boundary Feature Extraction and Structural Verification of Objects

Wu, Q.M.J. * 2000: Implementation of vision-based planar grasp planning
* 2000: Machine vision system for curved surface inspection
* 2001: Pyramid Approach to Motion Tracking, A
* 2002: Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences
* 2003: Binocular transfer methods for point-feature tracking of image sequences
* 2004: survey of motion-parallax-based 3-D reconstruction algorithms, A
* 2005: Real Time Head Tracking via Camera Saccade and Shape-Fitting
* 2006: Moving cast shadows detection based on ratio edge
* 2007: Deformation Weight Constraint and 3D Reconstruction of Nonrigid Objects
* 2007: Face Recognition by Curvelet Based Feature Extraction
* 2007: Moving Cast Shadows Detection Using Ratio Edge
* 2007: Pose Estimation from Circle or Parallel Lines in a Single Image
* 2008: Adaptive semantic Bayesian framework for image attention
* 2008: Camera Self-Calibration and Three Dimensional Reconstruction under Quasi-Perspective Projection
* 2008: Camera Self-calibration under the Constraint of Distant Plane
* 2008: Detection and Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects in Real-World Scenarios using Attributed Relational Graph
* 2008: Face recognition using curvelet based PCA
* 2008: Fast sum of absolute transformed difference based 4x4 intra-mode decision of H.264/AVC video coding standard
* 2008: improved real-time miniaturized embedded stereo vision system (MESVS-II), An
* 2008: Kruppa equation based camera calibration from homography induced by remote plane
* 2008: Maximum likelihood neural network based on the correlation among neighboring pixels for noisy image segmentation
* 2008: Multilevel Framework to Detect and Handle Vehicle Occlusion
* 2008: Multiple Object Tracking Based on Adaptive Depth Segmentation
* 2008: New Miniaturized Embedded Stereo-Vision System (MESVS-I), A
* 2008: Quasi-perspective projection with applications to 3D factorization from uncalibrated image sequences
* 2008: Rotation constrained power factorization for structure from motion of nonrigid objects
* 2008: Single view based pose estimation from circle or parallel lines
* 2008: Structure and motion factorization under quasi-perspective projection with missing data in tracking matrix
* 2009: 3D Shape from Focus and Depth Map Computation Using Steerable Filters
* 2009: Adaptive Variable Block-Size Early Motion Estimation Termination Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
* 2009: Efficient Segmentation of Lung Abnormalities in CT Images
* 2009: Face Recognition Based on Wavelet-Curvelet-Fractal Technique
* 2009: Fast block motion estimation by edge based partial distortion search
* 2009: generic fingerprint image compression technique based on wave atoms decomposition, A
* 2009: Generic Moment Invariants Based Supervised Learning Framework for Classification Using Partial Object Information, A
* 2009: Human Action Recognition Using Non-separable Oriented 3D Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets
* 2009: Human action recognition using Recursive Self Organizing map and longest common subsequence matching
* 2009: Novel Technique for Human Face Recognition Using Nonlinear Curvelet Feature Subspace, A
* 2009: Perspective 3-D Euclidean Reconstruction With Varying Camera Parameters
* 2009: Two-View Geometry and Reconstruction under Quasi-perspective Projection
* 2009: Vehicle Headlights Detection Using Markov Random Fields
* 2009: What can we learn about the scene structure from three orthogonal vanishing points in images
* 2010: Adaptive Computational Model for Salient Object Detection, An
* 2010: Application of Wave Atoms Decomposition and Extreme Learning Machine for Fingerprint Classification
* 2010: Image matching using enclosed region detector
* 2010: On the Design of a Class of Odd-Length Biorthogonal Wavelet Filter Banks for Signal and Image Processing
* 2010: Performance Evaluation of Multiresolution Methods in Disparity Estimation
* 2010: quasi-perspective model: Geometric properties and 3D reconstruction, The
* 2010: Quasi-perspective Projection Model: Theory and Application to Structure and Motion Factorization from Uncalibrated Image Sequences
* 2010: Real Time Human Visual System Based Framework for Image Fusion
* 2011: Affine Legendre Moment Invariants for Image Watermarking Robust to Geometric Distortions
* 2011: Dirichlet Gaussian mixture model: Application to image segmentation
* 2011: FPGA Implementation of Blob Recognition
* 2011: Fuzzy C-Means Based Spatial Pixel and Membership Relationships for Image Segmentation, A
* 2011: Guide to Three Dimensional Structure and Motion Factorization
* 2011: Human face classification based on localized blur descriptors
* 2011: Human face recognition based on multidimensional PCA and extreme learning machine
* 2011: Human Visual System Based Framework for Concealed Weapon Detection
* 2011: Novel Image Encryption Framework Based on Markov Map and Singular Value Decomposition, A
* 2011: novel rate-distortion optimization method of H.264/AVC intra coder, A
* 2011: Pattern recognition by affine Legendre moment invariants
* 2011: Shape from focus using fast discrete curvelet transform
* 2011: Spatial-and-Temporal-Weighted Structure from Motion
* 2012: Bayesian feature selection and model detection for student's t-mixture distributions
* 2012: Bilateral filter based mixture model for image segmentation
* 2012: Efficient Algorithm for Focus Measure Computation in Constant Time, An
* 2012: Incremental Learning in Human Action Recognition Based on Snippets
* 2012: New Fractional Random Wavelet Transform for Fingerprint Security, A
* 2012: robust non-symmetric mixture models for image segmentation, A
* 2012: Robust Student's-t Mixture Model With Spatial Constraints and Its Application in Medical Image Segmentation
* 2012: Robust watermarking using fractional wavelet packet transform
* 2012: Structure and Motion Recovery Based on Spatial-and-Temporal-Weighted Factorization
* 2012: Tracking and Pairing Vehicle Headlight in Night Scenes
* 2012: Tunable halfband-pair wavelet filter banks and application to multifocus image fusion
* 2012: two-dimensional Neighborhood Preserving Projection for appearance-based face recognition, A
* 2013: Directive Contrast Based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion in NSCT Domain
* 2013: Dynamic Bayesian Framework for Motion Segmentation, A
* 2013: efficient illumination invariant face recognition framework via illumination enhancement and DD-DTWT filtering, An
* 2013: Enhanced SATD-based cost function for mode selection of H.264/AVC intra coding
* 2013: Fast and Robust Spatially Constrained Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation
* 2013: Illumination invariant human face recognition: frequency or resonance?
* 2013: Image segmentation by a new weighted student's t-mixture model
* 2013: Image segmentation by a robust generalized fuzzy c-means algorithm
* 2013: Multiresolution Based Gaussian Mixture Model for Background Suppression
* 2013: Nonsymmetric Mixture Model for Unsupervised Image Segmentation, A
* 2013: novel framework for multi-focus image fusion, A
* 2013: Peak Valley Edge Patterns: A New Descriptor for Biomedical Image Indexing and Retrieval
* 2013: Robust Fuzzy Algorithm Based on Student's t-Distribution and Mean Template for Image Segmentation Application, A
* 2013: Robust rank-4 affine factorization for structure from motion
* 2013: Robust Structure from Motion of Nonrigid Objects in the Presence of Outlying and Missing Data
* 2014: Biometric Inspired Multimedia Encryption Based on Dual Parameter Fractional Fourier Transform
* 2014: Bounded generalized Gaussian mixture model
* 2014: Effective fuzzy clustering algorithm with Bayesian model and mean template for image segmentation
* 2014: Expert content-based image retrieval system using robust local patterns
* 2014: Image segmentation by dirichlet process mixture model with generalised mean
* 2014: Low-resolution face recognition: a review
* 2014: MRI and CT image indexing and retrieval using local mesh peak valley edge patterns
* 2014: Silhouettes versus skeletons in gesture-based authentication with Kinect
* 2014: Streaming spatio-temporal video segmentation using Gaussian Mixture Model
* 2014: Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Segmentation by Modified Student's t-Mixture Model
* 2014: Unsupervised Feature Selection Dynamic Mixture Model for Motion Segmentation, An
* 2015: comparative experimental study of image feature detectors and descriptors, A
* 2015: Feature Ranking in Dynamic Texture Clustering
* 2015: Label Fusion for Multi-atlas Segmentation Based on Majority Voting
* 2015: non-parametric Bayesian model for bounded data, A
* 2015: Online Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering and Its Application for Background Suppression, An
* 2015: Online Unsupervised Feature Selection and its Application for Background Suppression, An
* 2015: Quasi-Dense Matching Approach and its Calibration Application with Internet Photos, A
* 2015: Towards privacy-preserving activity recognition using extremely low temporal and spatial resolution cameras
* 2015: Towards privacy-preserving recognition of human activities
* 2015: Utilizing Image Scales Towards Totally Training Free Blind Image Quality Assessment
* 2016: Consensus Model for Motion Segmentation in Dynamic Scenes, A
* 2016: Human Action Recognition by Fusing the Outputs of Individual Classifiers
* 2016: improved anisotropic hierarchical fuzzy c-means method based on multivariate student t-distribution for brain MRI segmentation, An
* 2016: Local directional mask maximum edge patterns for image retrieval and face recognition
* 2016: Multi-view dynamic texture learning
* 2016: Multiple Kernel Point Set Registration
* 2017: Effect of wavelet and hybrid classification on action recognition
* 2017: High-order local normal derivative pattern (LNDP) for 3D face recognition
* 2017: Illumination and pose variable face recognition via adaptively weighted ULBP_MHOG and WSRC
* 2017: Multimodal 2D-3D face recognition using local descriptors: Pyramidal shape map and structural context
* 2017: Semi-Coupled Two-Stream Fusion ConvNets for Action Recognition at Extremely Low Resolutions
* 2017: survey of local feature methods for 3D face recognition, A
* 2018: Autoencoder With Invertible Functions for Dimension Reduction and Image Reconstruction
* 2018: Deep Learning-Based Automatic Clutter/Interference Detection for HFSWR
* 2018: Effect of fusing features from multiple DCNN architectures in image classification
* 2018: Encoding multiple contextual clues for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* 2018: State Identification of Duffing Oscillator Based on Extreme Learning Machine
* 2018: Traffic flow detection and statistics via improved optical flow and connected region analysis
* 2019: Deep Saliency With Channel-Wise Hierarchical Feature Responses for Traffic Sign Detection
* 2019: Real-time pedestrian detection with deep supervision in the wild
* 2019: Saliency object detection: integrating reconstruction and prior
* 2019: Two-stage local details restoration framework for face hallucination
* 2019: Weighted Extreme Sparse Classifier and Local Derivative Pattern for 3D Face Recognition
* 2020: 3D Parallel Fully Convolutional Networks for Real-Time Video Wildfire Smoke Detection
* 2020: Continuous Tracking of Targets for Stereoscopic HFSWR Based on IMM Filtering Combined with ELM
* 2020: Improved face super-resolution generative adversarial networks
* 2020: Motion Parameter Identification and Motion Compensation for Shipborne HFSWR by Using the Reference RF Signal Generated at the Shore
* 2020: Recomputation of the Dense Layers for Performance Improvement of DCNN
* 2020: Semi-supervised stacked autoencoder-based deep hierarchical semantic feature for real-time fingerprint liveness detection
* 2020: sEnDec: An Improved Image to Image CNN for Foreground Localization
* 2021: AMPNet: Average- and Max-Pool Networks for Salient Object Detection
* 2021: Analysis and Estimation of Shipborne HFSWR Target Parameters Under the Influence of Platform Motion
* 2021: Context-Aware Correlation Filter Learning Toward Peak Strength for Visual Tracking
* 2021: MAMA Net: Multi-Scale Attention Memory Autoencoder Network for Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Track Prediction for HF Radar Vessels Submerged in Strong Clutter Based on MSCNN Fusion with GRU-AM and AR Model
* 2022: CATFPN: Adaptive Feature Pyramid With Scale-Wise Concatenation and Self-Attention
* 2022: FRNet: Factorized and Regular Blocks Network for Semantic Segmentation in Road Scene
* 2022: Motion Compensation Method for Shipborne HFSWR by Using Dual Reference RF Signals Generated Onshore, A
* 2022: MRSDI-CNN: Multi-Model Rail Surface Defect Inspection System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2022: RPNet: Gait Recognition With Relationships Between Each Body-Parts
* 2022: Underwater Image Co-Enhancement With Correlation Feature Matching and Joint Learning
* 2022: Underwater image enhancement with latent consistency learning-based color transfer
* 2023: Cycle Consistency Based Pseudo Label and Fine Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2023: DETA: A Point-Based Tracker With Deformable Transformer and Task-Aligned Learning
* 2023: Review of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Methods, A
* 2023: Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on Neglected Coverless Image Dataset Construction
* 2023: Sequential Order-Aware Coding-Based Robust Subspace Clustering for Human Action Recognition in Untrimmed Videos
* 2023: Unsupervised self-attention lightweight photo-to-sketch synthesis with feature maps
* 2024: ARES: On Adversarial Robustness Enhancement for Image Steganographic Cost Learning
* 2024: BNDCNet: Bilateral nonlocal decoupled convergence network for semantic segmentation
Includes: Wu, Q.M.J. Wu, Q.M.J.[Q.M. Jonathan] Wu, Q.M.J.[Q. M. Jonathan] Wu, Q.M.J.[Qing-Ming Jonathan]
161 for Wu, Q.M.J.

Wu, Q.M.M.J.[Qing Ming M. Jonathan] * 2017: Image segmentation using a hierarchical student's-t mixture model
Includes: Wu, Q.M.M.J.[Qing Ming M. Jonathan] Wu, Q.M.M.J.[Qing-Ming M. Jonathan]

Wu, Q.Q. * 1988: processing and recognition of X-rays of spine tumor, The
* 2007: View Invariant Head Recognition by Hybrid PCA Based Reconstruction
* 2016: implicit skeleton-based method for the geometry reconstruction of vasculatures, An
* 2018: DSNet: Deep and Shallow Feature Learning for Efficient Visual Tracking
* 2018: Human pose estimation method based on single depth image
* 2020: Deep learning-based real-time VPN encrypted traffic identification methods
* 2021: Exploring the Factors of Intercity Ridesplitting Based on Observed and GIS Data: A Case Study in China
* 2021: Progressive Unsupervised Learning for Visual Object Tracking
* 2022: Deep Correlation Filter Tracking With Shepherded Instance-Aware Proposals
* 2023: Block Division Convolutional Network With Implicit Deep Features Augmentation for Micro-Expression Recognition
* 2023: DropMAE: Masked Autoencoders with Spatial-Attention Dropout for Tracking Tasks
* 2023: Energy-Efficient Backscatter Aided Uplink NOMA Roadside Sensor Communications Under Channel Estimation Errors
* 2023: Feature Elimination through Data Complexity for Error-Correcting Output Codes based micro-expression recognition
* 2023: First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: Lightweight and Detector-Free 3D Single Object Tracker on Point Clouds, A
* 2023: Modeling Noisy Annotations for Point-Wise Supervision
* 2023: Scalable Video Object Segmentation with Simplified Framework
* 2023: self-adaptive soft-recoding strategy for performance improvement of error-correcting output codes, A
* 2023: TORE: Token Reduction for Efficient Human Mesh Recovery with Transformer
* 2024: Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model with Adversarial Learning for Remote Sensing Super-Resolution
* 2024: Elevation Angle-Dependent 3D Trajectory Design for Aerial RIS-Aided Communication
* 2024: Examining the Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Measures on Patterns and Magnitudes of Vegetation Cover Change in a Subtropical Region Using Time Series Landsat Imagery
* 2024: Secure Wireless Communication via Movable-Antenna Array
Includes: Wu, Q.Q. Wu, Q.Q.[Qing-Quan] Wu, Q.Q.[Qing-Qiang] Wu, Q.Q.[Qiang-Qiang] Wu, Q.Q.[Qian-Qiong] Wu, Q.Q.[Qun-Qi] Wu, Q.Q.[Qing-Qing] Wu, Q.Q.[Qian-Qian] Wu, Q.Q.[Qin-Quan]
23 for Wu, Q.Q.

Wu, Q.Q.A.[Qing Qi Ang] * 2019: novel ECOC algorithm for multiclass microarray data classification based on data complexity analysis, A
Includes: Wu, Q.Q.A.[Qing Qi Ang] Wu, Q.Q.A.[Qing-Qi-Ang]

Wu, Q.R.[Qing Rong] * 2008: 3-D Deformation Guided On-Line Modification of Multi-leaf Collimators for Adaptive Radiation Therapy
* 2022: D 3 Net: A Unified Speaker-Listener Architecture for 3D Dense Captioning and Visual Grounding
Includes: Wu, Q.R.[Qing Rong] Wu, Q.R.[Qing-Rong] Wu, Q.R.[Qi-Rui]

Wu, Q.S.[Qiu Sheng] * 2014: Effective Method for Detecting Potential Woodland Vernal Pools Using High-Resolution LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery, An
* 2015: Multi-Task Bayesian Compressive Sensing Exploiting Intra-Task Dependency
* 2017: Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations
* 2017: Graph-Based Approach for 3D Building Model Reconstruction from Airborne LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* 2018: Comparing Pixel- and Object-Based Approaches in Effectively Classifying Wetland-Dominated Landscapes
* 2018: Decision-Tree, Rule-Based, and Random Forest Classification of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery for Wetland Mapping and Inventory
* 2018: Robust discriminative tracking via structured prior regularization
* 2020: Mapping Freshwater Chlorophyll-a Concentrations at a Regional Scale Integrating Multi-Sensor Satellite Observations with Google Earth Engine
* 2020: Multidimensional Assessment of Food Provisioning Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing and Agricultural Statistics
* 2020: Urban Building Type Mapping Using Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Beijing, China
* 2021: Enhanced Data-Driven Array Shape Estimation Method Using Passive Underwater Acoustic Data, An
* 2021: Multidimensional Assessment of Lake Water Ecosystem Services Using Remote Sensing
* 2021: Time-Frequency Joint Time-Delay Difference Estimation Method for Signal Enhancement in the Distorted towed Hydrophone Array, A
* 2022: Nonlinear Data-Driven Towed Array Shape Estimation Method Using Passive Underwater Acoustic Data, A
* 2022: Reweighted Robust Particle Filtering Approach for Target Tracking in Automotive Radar Application
* 2023: Enhancing Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring: An Interactive and Explainable Machine Learning Approach Using Google Earth Engine
* 2024: Zero-Redundancy Sparse Array Configuration Design Based on Sum-Difference Coarray
Includes: Wu, Q.S.[Qiu Sheng] Wu, Q.S.[Qiu-Sheng] Wu, Q.S.[Qi-Song] Wu, Q.S.[Qing-Song]
17 for Wu, Q.S.

Wu, Q.T.[Qing Tian] * 2020: Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
Includes: Wu, Q.T.[Qing Tian] Wu, Q.T.[Qing-Tian]

Wu, Q.W.[Quan Wang] * 2023: framework based on local cores and synthetic examples generation for self-labeled semi-supervised classification, A
Includes: Wu, Q.W.[Quan Wang] Wu, Q.W.[Quan-Wang]

Wu, Q.X. * 1995: Correlation-Relaxation-Labeling Framework for Computing Optical Flow: Template Matching from a New Perspective, A
* 2001: multi-scale technique for detecting forest-cover boundary from L-band SAR images, A
* 2009: Remembering Key Features of Visual Images Based on Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity of Spiking Neurons
* 2010: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Audio Context
* 2011: CCD performance model and noise control
* 2011: Performance analysis of object tracking algorithm
* 2011: Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Action Recognition
* 2013: Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic human action recognition
* 2013: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Feature Selection and Fusion
* 2014: new descriptor resistant to affine transformation and monotonic intensity change, A
* 2014: Pose-Invariant Hand Shape Recognition Based on Finger Geometry
* 2017: Temporal Evolution of Regional Drought Detected from GRACE TWSA and CCI SM in Yunnan Province, China
* 2018: Deep Unsupervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution with Generative Adversarial Network
* 2019: Adaptive dual fractional-order variational optical flow model for motion estimation
* 2019: Finger vein verification using a Siamese CNN
* 2020: Multitask Learning for Video-based Surgical Skill Assessment
* 2020: Search inliers based on redundant geometric constraints
* 2021: Attention-based Long-term Modeling for Deep Visual Odometry
* 2021: ERINet: Enhanced Rotation-Invariant Network for Point Cloud Classification
* 2022: Deep Clustering via Automatic Feature Embedded Learning for Human Activity Recognition, A
* 2022: Enhanced Local and Global Learning for Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Representation
* 2022: Multiapproximator-Based Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control for Unmanned Autonomous Helicopter With Input Saturation
* 2023: Distinguishing and Matching-Aware Unsupervised Point Cloud Completion
* 2023: TORE: Token Reduction for Efficient Human Mesh Recovery with Transformer
* 2024: GMHANN: A Novel Traffic Flow Prediction Method for Transportation Management Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Modeling
Includes: Wu, Q.X. Wu, Q.X.[Qing-Xiang] Wu, Q.X.[Qiu-Xia] Wu, Q.X.[Qian-Xin] Wu, Q.X.[Qing-Xiao] Wu, Q.X.[Qing-Xian] Wu, Q.X.[Qing-Xuan]
25 for Wu, Q.X.

Wu, Q.Y.[Quan Yuan] * 2007: Adaptive Algorithm for Failure Recovery During Dynamic Service Composition, An
* 2008: Transductive object cutout
* 2012: Integration of GIS/RS/GPS for urban fire response
* 2013: Stratified sampling for feature subspace selection in random forests for high dimensional data
* 2016: Online Heterogeneous Transfer Learning by Weighted Offline and Online Classifiers
* 2017: Three-Dimensional Modeling and Indoor Positioning for Urban Emergency Response
* 2018: Alive Caricature from 2D to 3D
* 2018: Automatic 3D reconstruction of electrical substation scene from LiDAR point cloud
* 2018: Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* 2019: Attend and Imagine: Multi-Label Image Classification With Visual Attention and Recurrent Neural Networks
* 2019: Auto-Embedding Generative Adversarial Networks For High Resolution Image Synthesis
* 2019: Breaking Winner-Takes-All: Iterative-Winners-Out Networks for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* 2019: Disentangled Representation Learning for 3D Face Shape
* 2019: Regression-Based Three-Dimensional Pose Estimation for Texture-Less Objects
* 2019: Tree-Based and Optimum Cut-Based Origin-Destination Flow Clustering
* 2020: Automatic Extraction of Grasses and Individual Trees in Urban Areas Based on Airborne Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* 2020: Ensemble of Generation- and Retrieval-Based Image Captioning With Dual Generator Generative Adversarial Network, An
* 2020: Graph Edit Distance Reward: Learning to Edit Scene Graph
* 2020: Human Interaction Learning on 3d Skeleton Point Clouds for Video Violence Recognition
* 2020: Mead: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face Generation
* 2020: New Identification Method for Surface Cracks from UAV Images Based on Machine Learning in Coal Mining Areas, A
* 2020: Scripted Video Generation With a Bottom-Up Generative Adversarial Network
* 2021: Accurate, Robust Visual Odometry and Detail-Preserving Reconstruction System, An
* 2021: Context Decoupling Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: CycleSegNet: Object Co-Segmentation With Cycle Refinement and Region Correspondence
* 2021: Fast Manifold Ranking With Local Bipartite Graph
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Learning the Super-Resolution Space Challenge
* 2021: Pose-Guided Inflated 3D ConvNet for action recognition in videos
* 2021: Selection of diverse features with a diverse regularization
* 2021: Self-supervised 3D Skeleton Action Representation Learning with Motion Consistency and Continuity
* 2022: Dense Semantics-Assisted Networks for Video Action Recognition
* 2022: Development of a Safety Prediction Method for Arterial Roads Based on Big-Data Technology and Stacked AutoEncoder-Gated Recurrent Unit
* 2022: General Object Pose Transformation Network from Unpaired Data
* 2022: Improving Generative Adversarial Networks With Local Coordinate Coding
* 2022: Learning Hierarchical Cross-Modal Association for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
* 2022: Object-Compositional Neural Implicit Surfaces
* 2022: Sem2NeRF: Converting Single-View Semantic Masks to Neural Radiance Fields
* 2022: Semantic-Aware Implicit Neural Audio-Driven Video Portrait Generation
* 2022: TransEditor: Transformer-Based Dual-Space GAN for Highly Controllable Facial Editing
* 2022: Visual Grounding Via Accumulated Attention
* 2023: ARNOLD: A Benchmark for Language-Grounded Task Learning With Continuous States in Realistic 3D Scenes
* 2023: Contrastive Generative Network with Recursive-Loop for 3D point cloud generalized zero-shot classification
* 2023: GLIGEN: Open-Set Grounded Text-to-Image Generation
* 2023: Multi-Mode Surface Wave Tomography of a Water-Rich Layer of the Jizhong Depression Using Beamforming at a Dense Array
* 2023: NeuralDome: A Neural Modeling Pipeline on Multi-View Human-Object Interactions
* 2023: ObjectSDF++: Improved Object-Compositional Neural Implicit Surfaces
* 2023: Unsharp Structure Guided Filtering for Self-Supervised Low-Dose CT Imaging
* 2024: Dynamic Task Planning Method for Multi-Source Remote Sensing Satellite Cooperative Observation in Complex Scenarios
* 2024: Multimodal multiscale dynamic graph convolution networks for stock price prediction
* 2024: Test-Time Model Adaptation for Visual Question Answering With Debiased Self-Supervisions
* 2024: Unified Transformer Framework for Group-Based Segmentation: Co-Segmentation, Co-Saliency Detection and Video Salient Object Detection, A
* 2024: Zero-Shot Single-View Point Cloud Reconstruction via Cross-Category Knowledge Transferring
Includes: Wu, Q.Y.[Quan Yuan] Wu, Q.Y.[Quan-Yuan] Wu, Q.Y.[Qi-Ying] Wu, Q.Y.[Qiu-Yun] Wu, Q.Y.[Qing-Yao] Wu, Q.Y.[Qian-Yu] Wu, Q.Y.[Qian-Yi] Wu, Q.Y.[Qiao-Yun] Wu, Q.Y.[Qun-Yong] Wu, Q.Y.[Qun-Ying] Wu, Q.Y.[Qi-Yu] Wu, Q.Y.[Qing-Yang] Wu, Q.Y.[Qing-Yu] Wu, Q.Y.[Qian-Yang]
52 for Wu, Q.Y.

Wu, Q.Z.[Quen Zong] * 1996: Online Chinese Character-Recognition with Effective Candidate Radical and Candidate Character Selections
* 1997: Online Signature Verification Based on Split and Merge Matching Mechanism
* 1997: Online Signature Verification Using LPC Cepstrum and Neural Networks
* 1998: On-line signature verification based on logarithmic spectrum
* 2002: Background subtraction based on logarithmic intensities
* 2005: Motion detection via change-point detection for cumulative histograms of ratio images
* 2023: Multiscale Representation of Radar Echo Data Retrieved through Deep Learning from Numerical Model Simulations and Satellite Images
Includes: Wu, Q.Z.[Quen Zong] Wu, Q.Z.[Quen-Zong] Wu, Q.Z. Wu, Q.Z.[Qi-Zhong]
7 for Wu, Q.Z.

Wu, R. * 2005: Time-Delay- and Time-Reversal-Based Robust Capon Beamformers for Ultrasound Imaging
* 2009: High-Capacity Steganography Scheme for JPEG2000 Baseline System, A
* 2009: Motion Compensation for UAV SAR Based on Raw Radar Data
* 2010: Radar mosaic based on the explicit radar ray paths
* 2011: Identifying computer generated graphics via histogram features
* 2012: new metric for measuring image-based 3D reconstruction, A
* 2013: Exact Support Recovery of Sparse Signals With Noise via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, The
* 2014: container-based elastic cloud architecture for real-time full-motion video (FMV) target tracking, A
* 2015: Harvesting Discriminative Meta Objects with Deep CNN Features for Scene Classification
* 2015: Knowledge as action: A cognitive framework for indoor scene classification
* 2015: Vehicle Logo Recognition System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks With a Pretraining Strategy
* 2016: Person re-identification by distance metric learning to discrete hashing
* 2018: Maximum Volume Inscribed Ellipsoid: A New Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization Framework via Facet Enumeration and Convex Optimization
* 2018: Prelaunch Calibration and Radiometric Performance of the Advanced MERSI II on FengYun-3D
* 2019: Attribute-Driven Spontaneous Motion in Unpaired Image Translation
* 2019: Frequency Controllable Envelope Operator and Its Application in Multiscale Full-Waveform Inversion
* 2019: Hybrid-Sparsity Constrained Dictionary Learning for Iterative Deblending of Extremely Noisy Simultaneous-Source Data
* 2019: MBR: A Map-Based Relaying Algorithm For Reliable Data Transmission Through Intersection in VANETs
* 2019: Ocean Response to Successive Typhoons Sarika and Haima (2016) Based on Data Acquired via Multiple Satellites and Moored Array
* 2019: Sequentially Aggregated Convolutional Networks
* 2020: Cascade EF-GAN: Progressive Facial Expression Editing With Local Focuses
* 2020: Cog: Consistent Data Augmentation for Object Perception
* 2020: Learning Enhanced Resolution-Wise Features For Human Pose Estimation
* 2020: MCEN: Bridging Cross-Modal Gap between Cooking Recipes and Dish Images with Latent Variable Model
* 2020: Multimodal Shape Completion via Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2020: PQ-NET: A Generative Part Seq2Seq Network for 3D Shapes
* 2020: Unpaired Image-to-image Translation Using Adversarial Consistency Loss
* 2021: DeepCAD: A Deep Generative Network for Computer-Aided Design Models
* 2021: Model Study of Transient Imaging With Multi-Frequency Time-of-Flight Sensors
* 2021: Multi-scale 2D Representation Learning for weakly-supervised moment retrieval
* 2021: Prior Aided Streaming Network for Multi-task Affective Analysis
* 2021: Statistical Characteristics of the Response of Sea Surface Temperatures to Westward Typhoons in the South China Sea
* 2021: Study on the Creep-Sliding Mechanism of the Giant Xiongba Ancient Landslide Based on the SBAS-InSAR Method, Tibetan Plateau, China
* 2021: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge - PBVS 2021
* 2021: Toward Human-Like Grasp: Dexterous Grasping via Semantic Representation of Object-Hand
* 2022: AdaAfford: Learning to Adapt Manipulation Affordance for 3D Articulated Objects via Few-Shot Interactions
* 2022: Adaptive gradients and weight projection based on quantized neural networks for efficient image classification
* 2022: Coupling an Ecological Network with Multi-Scenario Land Use Simulation: An Ecological Spatial Constraint Approach
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2023: Asynchronous Updating Boolean Network Encryption Algorithm
* 2023: Contributions of Various Temporal Components of Large-Scale Parameters in Tropical Cyclone Genesis over the North Indian Ocean
* 2023: CSANet: Contour and Semantic Feature Alignment Fusion Network for Rail Surface Defect Detection
* 2023: FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* 2023: GNOS-II on Fengyun-3 Satellite Series: Exploration of Multi-GNSS Reflection Signals for Operational Applications
* 2023: Learning Foresightful Dense Visual Affordance for Deformable Object Manipulation
* 2023: Leveraging SE(3) Equivariance for Learning 3D Geometric Shape Assembly
* 2023: MISC210K: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Instance Semantic Correspondence
* 2023: Multi-Source Multi-Label Learning for User Profiling in Online Games
* 2023: Multi-Task Consistency Enhancement Network for Semantic Change Detection in HR Remote Sensing Images and Application of Non-Agriculturalization, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on 360° Omnidirectional Image and Video Super-Resolution: Datasets, Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on 360° Omnidirectional Image and Video Super-Resolution: Datasets, Methods and Results
* 2023: Omni-Frequency Channel-Selection Representations for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Pose-Free Neural Radiance Fields via Implicit Pose Regularization
* 2023: Sensitivity of Grassland Coverage to Climate across Environmental Gradients on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2023: Toward Human-Like Grasp: Functional Grasp by Dexterous Robotic Hand Via Object-Hand Semantic Representation
* 2023: What Makes for Hierarchical Vision Transformer?
* 2023: Zero-1-to-3: Zero-shot One Image to 3D Object
* 2024: FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* 2024: Hyper-feature aggregation and relaxed distillation for class incremental learning
* 2024: Long-Term Dynamics of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide in Urban and Rural Regions of China: Urbanization and Policy Impacts
* 2024: Multi-Lane Unsignalized Intersection Cooperation Strategy Considering Platoons Formation in a Mixed Connected Automated Vehicles and Connected Human-Driven Vehicles Environment
Includes: Wu, R. Wu, R.[Rong] Wu, R.[Ruoyu] Wu, R.[Rui] Wu, R.[Renhao] Wu, R.[Rundi] Wu, R.[Ruihai] Wu, R.[Rihui] Wu, R.[Runze] Wu, R.[Ruian] Wu, R.[Rongyuan] Wu, R.[Rina] Wu, R.[Ran] Wu, R.[Renwu] Wu, R.[Renlong] Wu, R.[Renguang] Wu, R.[Ruiming] Wu, R.[Rusong] Wu, R.[Ruhan] Wu, R.[Runmin] Wu, R.[Ruijiao] Wu, R.[Rongliang] Wu, R.[Rihan] Wu, R.[Ruiyi]
62 for Wu, R.

Wu, R.B.[Ren Biao] * 2006: Adaptive Contour Construction for Face Regions
* 2007: Reducing Illumination Based on Nonlinear Gamma Correction
* 2010: Study on adaptive monopulse with reduced dimension STAP technique
* 2013: SCaLE: Supervised and Cascaded Laplacian Eigenmaps for Visual Object Recognition Based on Nearest Neighbors
* 2022: HollowBox: An anchor-free UAV detection method
* 2022: MV-GPRNet: Multi-View Subsurface Defect Detection Network for Airport Runway Inspection Based on GPR
* 2022: Structure-Awareness SAR Imagery by Exploiting Structure Tensor TV Regularization Under Multitask Learning Framework
Includes: Wu, R.B.[Ren Biao] Wu, R.B.[Ren-Biao] Wu, R.B.[Ruo-Bing]
7 for Wu, R.B.

Wu, R.C.[Ruei Cheng] * 2006: Fusion of Luma and Chroma GMMs for HMM-Based Object Detection
* 2010: Online Learning Method for Shadow Detection, An
* 2011: Automatic video activity detection using compressed domain motion trajectories for H.264 videos
* 2021: Deep learning based stereo cost aggregation on a small dataset
* 2021: Double color image encryption based on fractional order discrete improved Henon map and Rubik's cube transform
Includes: Wu, R.C.[Ruei Cheng] Wu, R.C.[Ruei-Cheng] Wu, R.C.[Rong-Cheng] Wu, R.C.[Ran-Chao]

Wu, R.F.[Ren Fen] * 2021: Predicting Skipjack Tuna Fishing Grounds in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean Based on High-Spatial-Temporal-Resolution Satellite Data
Includes: Wu, R.F.[Ren Fen] Wu, R.F.[Ren-Fen]

Wu, R.G.[Ri Geng] * 2002: Image description with Chebyshev-Fourier moments
* 2023: Reasons for East Siberia Winter Snow Water Equivalent Increase in the Recent Decades
Includes: Wu, R.G.[Ri Geng] Wu, R.G.[Ri-Geng] Wu, R.G.[Ren-Guang]

Wu, R.H.[Ren Hua] * 2010: improved locally linear embedding for sparse data sets, An
* 2013: Automatic Multi-resolution Joint Image Smoothing for Depth Map Refinement
* 2018: Seismological Observations of Ocean Swells Induced by Typhoon Megi Using Dispersive Microseisms Recorded in Coastal Areas
* 2020: Comparison of the Lunar Models Using the Hyper-Spectral Imager Observations in Lijiang, China
* 2020: survey on deep learning methods for scene flow estimation, A
* 2023: Cross-Comparison of Radiation Response Characteristics between the FY-4B/AGRI and GK-2A/AMI in China
* 2023: Fibonet: A Light-weight and Efficient Neural Network for Image Segmentation
Includes: Wu, R.H.[Ren Hua] Wu, R.H.[Ren-Hua] Wu, R.H.[Ru-Han] Wu, R.H.[Ren-Hao] Wu, R.H.[Rong-Hua] Wu, R.H.[Rui-Hong] Wu, R.H.[Ruo-Hao]
7 for Wu, R.H.

Wu, R.J.[Ruei Jan] * 2006: License Plate Extraction in Low Resolution Video
* 2016: jointly local structured sparse deep learning network for face recognition, A
* 2018: Sparse Graph Based Deep Learning Networks for Face Recognition
* 2021: Generic Sparse Graph Based Convolutional Networks for Face Recognition
* 2022: Faster VoxelPose: Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation by Orthographic Projection
* 2022: IOAM: A Novel Sensor Fusion-Based Wearable for Localization and Mapping
* 2024: FEGAN: A Feature-Oriented Enhanced GAN for Enhancing Thermal Image Super-Resolution
Includes: Wu, R.J.[Ruei Jan] Wu, R.J.[Ruei-Jan] Wu, R.J.[Ren-Jie] Wu, R.J.[Ru-Jie]
7 for Wu, R.J.

Wu, R.K.[Ran Kang] * 1996: Cluster-Based Color Matching for Image Retrieval

Wu, R.L.[Rang Liang] * 2009: Image Segmentation of Drosophila's Compound Eyes via Two-Dimensional Otsu Thresholding on the Basis of AGA
* 2020: LEED: Label-free Expression Editing via Disentanglement
* 2021: PNPDet: Efficient Few-shot Detection without Forgetting via Plug-and-Play Sub-networks
* 2022: Auto-regressive Image Synthesis with Integrated Quantization
* 2022: Bi-level Feature Alignment for Versatile Image Translation and Manipulation
* 2022: GMLight: Lighting Estimation via Geometric Distribution Approximation
* 2022: Marginal Contrastive Correspondence for Guided Image Generation
* 2022: Modulated Contrast for Versatile Image Synthesis
* 2023: Audio-driven talking face generation with diverse yet realistic facial animations
* 2023: Face Transformer: Towards High Fidelity and Accurate Face Swapping
* 2023: Multimodal Image Synthesis and Editing: The Generative AI Era
* 2023: POCE: Pose-Controllable Expression Editing
Includes: Wu, R.L.[Rang Liang] Wu, R.L.[Rang-Liang] Wu, R.L.[Rong-Liang]
12 for Wu, R.L.

Wu, R.M.[Run Min] * 2019: Mutual Learning Method for Salient Object Detection With Intertwined Multi-Supervision, A
* 2020: Synergistic Saliency and Depth Prediction for RGB-D Saliency Detection
Includes: Wu, R.M.[Run Min] Wu, R.M.[Run-Min]

Wu, R.Q.[Rui Qi] * 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
* 2023: Multi-directional broad learning system for the unsupervised stereo matching method
* 2023: RIDCP: Revitalizing Real Image Dehazing via High-Quality Codebook Priors
* 2024: Stereo Superpixel Segmentation via Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Embedding Fusion Network
Includes: Wu, R.Q.[Rui Qi] Wu, R.Q.[Rui-Qi]

Wu, R.S. * 2018: Damped Dreamlet Representation for Exploration Seismic Data Interpolation and Denoising
* 2019: Joint Multiscale Direct Envelope Inversion of Phase and Amplitude in the Time-Frequency Domain
* 2021: Elastic Full Waveform Inversion With Angle Decomposition and Wavefield Decoupling
* 2023: Strong-Scattering Multiparameter Reconstruction Based on Elastic Direct Envelope Inversion and Full-Waveform Inversion with Anisotropic Total Variation Constraint
Includes: Wu, R.S. Wu, R.S.[Ru-Shan]

Wu, R.W.[Rong Wei] * 2018: Regional Inequality in China Based on NPP-VIIRS Night-Time Light Imagery
* 2023: Cross-Modal Hierarchical Interaction Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
Includes: Wu, R.W.[Rong Wei] Wu, R.W.[Rong-Wei] Wu, R.W.[Ran-Wan]

Wu, R.X.[Rui Xia] * 2010: Evolutionary clustering based vector quantization and SPIHT coding for image compression
Includes: Wu, R.X.[Rui Xia] Wu, R.X.[Rui-Xia]

Wu, R.Y. * 1992: New One-Pass Parallel Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* 2020: Hyperspectral Super-Resolution via Global-Local Low-Rank Matrix Estimation
* 2022: distributed trajectory control strategy for the connected automated vehicle in an isolated roundabout, A
* 2022: IoV-Based Mathematic Model for Platoon Give Way to Emergency Vehicles Promptly
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge Results - PBVS 2022
* 2023: Masked Spectral Bands Modeling with Shifted Windows: An Excellent Self-Supervised Learner for Classification of Medical Hyperspectral Images
Includes: Wu, R.Y. Wu, R.Y.[Rui-Yuan] Wu, R.Y.[Rui-Yi] Wu, R.Y.[Rong-Yuan] Wu, R.Y.[Ruo-Yu]
7 for Wu, R.Y.

Wu, R.Z.[Rui Ze] * 2019: R-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2020: Deep Learning Method for Mapping Glacial Lakes from the Combined Use of Synthetic-Aperture Radar and Optical Satellite Images, A
* 2020: Learning evolving user's behaviors on location-based social networks
* 2020: Memory Selection Network for Video Propagation
* 2020: Particularity Beyond Commonality: Unpaired Identity Transfer with Multiple References
* 2021: Explainable Prediction of Renal Cell Carcinoma from Contrast-Enhanced CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Transfer Learning and the Shapley Additive Explanations Approach
* 2021: Video Instance Segmentation with a Propose-Reduce Paradigm
* 2022: Ground Deformation Pattern Analysis and Evolution Prediction of Shanghai Pudong International Airport Based on PSI Long Time Series Observations
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGB+TOF Depth Completion: Dataset and Report
* 2022: Video Frame Interpolation with Transformer
* 2022: Wildfire Risk Assessment in Liangshan Prefecture, China Based on An Integration Machine Learning Algorithm
* 2023: Cloud Removal from Satellite Images Using a Deep Learning Model with the Cloud-Matting Method
* 2023: Innovative Approach for Effective Removal of Thin Clouds in Optical Images Using Convolutional Matting Model, An
* 2023: Vegetation descriptors from Sentinel-1 SAR data for crop growth monitoring
Includes: Wu, R.Z.[Rui Ze] Wu, R.Z.[Rui-Ze] Wu, R.Z.[Ren-Zhe] Wu, R.Z.[Rui-Zhi] Wu, R.Z.[Rui-Zheng] Wu, R.Z.[Ren-Zhong]
14 for Wu, R.Z.

Wu, S. * 2002: degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video streaming, A
* 2002: router based unequal error control scheme for video over the internet, A
* 2002: Unequal error protection for motion compensated video streaming over the internet
* 2003: Automatic thresholding of gray-level using multi-stage approach
* 2003: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion compensated video over the internet
* 2003: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
* 2004: Clustering of the self-organizing map using a clustering validity index based on inter-cluster and intra-cluster density
* 2005: Content-based image retrieval using growing hierarchical self-organizing quadtree map
* 2005: Fast Intermode Decision in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2005: Fast Intra 4X4 Mode Elimination Approaches for H.264
* 2005: Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2005: Robust skew detection in mixed text/graphics documents
* 2005: Robust System For Thresholding And Skew Detection In Mixed Text/graphics Documents, A
* 2007: flexible multi-layer self-organizing map for generic processing of tree-structured data, A
* 2009: Collision Sensing by Stereo Vision and Radar Sensor Fusion
* 2009: Shape Derivative Based Approach for Crowd Flow Segmentation, A
* 2010: Automatic Detection and Analysis of Player Action in Moving Background Sports Video Sequences
* 2012: Crowd Motion Partitioning in a Scattered Motion Field
* 2012: Design and Synthesis for Multimedia Systems Using the Targeted Dataflow Interchange Format
* 2012: Joint segmentation of collectively moving objects using a bag-of-words model and level set evolution
* 2012: Multi-channel Shape-Flow Kernel Descriptors for Robust Video Event Detection and Retrieval
* 2012: Multimodal feature fusion for robust event detection in web videos
* 2012: Novel Method for Automatic Detection of Trapped Victims by Ultrawideband Radar, A
* 2012: Viewpoint-independent hand gesture recognition system
* 2013: Ridge Regression based classifiers for large scale class imbalanced datasets
* 2013: Scene image categorization and video event detection using Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor
* 2014: Bayesian Model for Crowd Escape Behavior Detection, A
* 2014: Discriminative Representative Selection via Structure Sparsity
* 2014: Parameterized AdaBoost: Introducing a Parameter to Speed Up the Training of Real AdaBoost
* 2014: Viewpoint-independent hand gesture recognition with Kinect
* 2014: Zero-Shot Event Detection Using Multi-modal Fusion of Weakly Supervised Concepts
* 2015: AgeNet: Deeply Learned Regressor and Classifier for Robust Apparent Age Estimation
* 2015: Discriminating features learning in hand gesture classification
* 2015: Enhanced Contour Description for Pedestrian Detection
* 2015: Enhanced facial expression recognition by age
* 2015: Expectation Propagation Perspective on Approximate Message Passing, An
* 2015: Hierarchical video summarization with loitering indication
* 2015: Improving pedestrian detection with selective gradient self-similarity feature
* 2015: Kernelized View Adaptive Subspace Learning for Person Re-identification
* 2015: Nonlocal Random Walks Algorithm for Semi-Automatic 2D-to-3D Image Conversion
* 2015: Partially tagged image clustering
* 2015: Scale and Orientation Invariant Text Segmentation for Born-Digital Compound Images
* 2016: Crowd semantic segmentation based on spatial-temporal dynamics
* 2016: Employing subjects' information as privileged information for emotion recognition from EEG signals
* 2016: enhanced deep feature representation for person re-identification, An
* 2016: Extension of Co-Prime Arrays Based on the Fourth-Order Difference Co-Array Concept
* 2016: Image Correspondences Matching Using Multiple Features Fusion
* 2016: Integrated Software Framework to Support Semantic Modeling and Reasoning of Spatiotemporal Change of Geographical Objects: A Use Case of Land Use and Land Cover Change Study, An
* 2016: Iterative BRDF/NDVI Inversion Algorithm Based on A Posteriori Variance Estimation of Observation Errors, An
* 2016: Manifold regularized matrix completion for multilabel classification
* 2016: Motion sketch based crowd video retrieval via motion structure coding
* 2016: Multiple Facial Action Unit recognition by learning joint features and label relations
* 2016: Multiple facial action unit recognition enhanced by facial expressions
* 2016: Progressive subspace ensemble learning
* 2017: Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz Imaging with compressive sensing
* 2017: Bilinear dynamics for crowd video analysis
* 2017: comprehensive evaluation of local detectors and descriptors, A
* 2017: Crowd Behavior Analysis via Curl and Divergence of Motion Trajectories
* 2017: Deep Facial Action Unit Recognition from Partially Labeled Data
* 2017: Deep Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network for Video-Based Person Re-identification
* 2017: Focused Compressive Sensing for Underdetermined Wideband DOA Estimation Exploiting High-Order Difference Coarrays
* 2017: GOFP: A Geometric-Optical Model for Forest Plantations
* 2017: Hybrid CS-DMRI: Periodic Time-Variant Subsampling and Omnidirectional Total Variation Based Reconstruction
* 2017: Joint dictionary and metric learning for person re-identification
* 2017: Modeling Canopy Reflectance Over Sloping Terrain Based on Path Length Correction
* 2017: SuperCut: Superpixel Based Foreground Extraction With Loose Bounding Boxes in One Cutting
* 2017: Unified subspace learning for incomplete and unlabeled multi-view data
* 2018: CAS(ME)^2: A Database for Spontaneous Macro-Expression and Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition
* 2018: Color Contrast-Preserving Decolorization
* 2018: Comparative Analysis of Chinese HJ-1 CCD, GF-1 WFV and ZY-3 MUX Sensor Data for Leaf Area Index Estimations for Maize
* 2018: Cross-domain Semantic Feature Learning via Adversarial Adaptation Networks
* 2018: Depolarization Ratio Profiles Calibration and Observations of Aerosol and Cloud in the Tibetan Plateau Based on Polarization Raman Lidar
* 2018: Ex Vivo and In Vivo Monitoring and Characterization of Thermal Lesions by High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound and Microwave Ablation Using Ultrasonic Nakagami Imaging
* 2018: Exploiting Target Data to Learn Deep Convolutional Networks for Scene-Adapted Human Detection
* 2018: Face Recognition with Contrastive Convolution
* 2018: Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-Scale CNN with Regularized Center Loss
* 2018: Improvement of Reflection Detection Success Rate of GNSS RO Measurements Using Artificial Neural Network
* 2018: Learning a Hierarchical Latent Semantic Model for Multimedia Data
* 2018: Maize Plant Phenotyping: Comparing 3D Laser Scanning, Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction, and 3D Digitizing Estimates
* 2018: Real-Time Rotation-Invariant Face Detection with Progressive Calibration Networks
* 2018: Rotational Rectification Network: Enabling Pedestrian Detection for Mobile Vision
* 2018: Scene Classification Based on the Sparse Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Topic Feature Model
* 2018: Semi-Supervised Image Classification With Self-Paced Cross-Task Networks
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Sparse Representation and Weighted Clustering Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
* 2018: Spatiotemporal Multi-View-Based Learning Method for Short-Term Traffic Forecasting, A
* 2018: Unified Bayesian Inference Framework for Generalized Linear Models, A
* 2018: Variant SemiBoost for Improving Human Detection in Application Scenes
* 2018: VisDrone-SOT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Single-Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2018: Weak Supervised Learning Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
* 2019: 6d Gripper Pose Estimation from RGB-D Image
* 2019: Ascending-Descending Bias Correction of Microwave Radiation Imager on Board FengYun-3C
* 2019: Capturing Feature and Label Relations Simultaneously for Multiple Facial Action Unit Recognition
* 2019: DeepLIMa: Deep Learning Based Lesion Identification in Mammograms
* 2019: Encoding sparse and competitive structures among tasks in multi-task learning
* 2019: Enhancing TripleGAN for Semi-Supervised Conditional Instance Synthesis and Classification
* 2019: Expression Conditional GAN for Facial Expression-to-Expression Translation
* 2019: Impacts and Contributors of Representativeness Errors of In~Situ Albedo Measurements for the Validation of Remote Sensing Products
* 2019: Indoor Location Prediction Method for Shopping Malls Based on Location Sequence Similarity
* 2019: Joint Learning of Self-Representation and Indicator for Multi-View Image Clustering
* 2019: Learning Deformable Hourglass Networks (DHGN) for Unconstrained Face Alignment
* 2019: Multi-Agent Deep Collaboration Learning for Face Alignment Under Different Perspectives
* 2019: Multi-view clustering via joint feature selection and partially constrained cluster label learning
* 2019: Mutual Learning of Complementary Networks via Residual Correction for Improving Semi-Supervised Classification
* 2019: Omega-K Algorithm for Near-Field 3-D Image Reconstruction Based on Planar SIMO/MIMO Array
* 2019: Personalized Radiotherapy Design for Glioblastoma: Integrating Mathematical Tumor Models, Multimodal Scans, and Bayesian Inference
* 2019: Pixel-Wise MTInSAR Estimator for Integration of Coherent Point Selection and Unwrapped Phase Vector Recovery
* 2019: Real-Time GNSS-Derived PWV for Typhoon Characterizations: A Case Study for Super Typhoon Mangkhut in Hong Kong
* 2019: Research on video classification method of key pollution sources based on deep learning
* 2019: Semi-Supervised Pedestrian Instance Synthesis and Detection With Mutual Reinforcement
* 2019: Towards Natural and Accurate Future Motion Prediction of Humans and Animals
* 2019: Unsupervised Multi-task Learning with Hierarchical Data Structure
* 2019: Weakly Supervised Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Attention-driven Two-stage Clustering Method for Unsupervised Person Re-identification, An
* 2020: Development of an Improved Model for Prediction of Short-Term Heavy Precipitation Based on GNSS-Derived PWV
* 2020: DSN: A New Deformable Subnetwork for Object Detection
* 2020: End-To-End Network For Detecting Multi-Domain Fractures On X-Ray Images, An
* 2020: Extending Hashing Towards Fast Re-Identification
* 2020: Generating Target Image-Label Pairs for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Hazy Image Decolorization With Color Contrast Restoration
* 2020: Learning to Track Aircraft in Infrared Imagery
* 2020: Machine Learning Approach to Delineating Neighborhoods from Geocoded Appraisal Data, A
* 2020: Model Adaptation: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Without Source Data
* 2020: Node-Based Optimization of GNSS Tomography with a Minimum Bounding Box Algorithm
* 2020: Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Image Steganalysis With Shared Normalization, A
* 2020: Novel Parameter Estimation for Polynomial Phase Signals Using the Spectrum Phase, A
* 2020: Regularizing Discriminative Capability of CGANs for Semi-Supervised Generative Learning
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Deep Coupled Ensemble Learning With Classification Landmark Exploration
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Human Detection via Region Proposal Networks Aided by Verification
* 2020: Similarity-Aware and Variational Deep Adversarial Learning for Robust Facial Age Estimation
* 2020: Simplified unsupervised image translation for semantic segmentation adaptation
* 2020: Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Their Driving Factors in the Desert/Grassland Biome Transition Zone of the Sahel Region of Africa
* 2020: Topographic Correction for Landsat 8 OLI Vegetation Reflectances Through Path Length Correction: A Comparison Between Explicit and Implicit Methods
* 2021: Adversarially Constrained Interpolation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Behavior regularized prototypical networks for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* 2021: DDAT: Dual domain adaptive translation for low-resolution face verification in the wild
* 2021: Deep Dual Consecutive Network for Human Pose Estimation
* 2021: Deep Facial Action Unit Recognition and Intensity Estimation from Partially Labelled Data
* 2021: Derivation of Geometrically and Semantically Annotated UAV Datasets at Large Scales from 3D City Models
* 2021: DmifNet: 3D Shape Reconstruction based on Dynamic Multi-Branch Information Fusion
* 2021: Enabling the Wireless Charging via Bus Network: Route Scheduling for Electric Vehicles
* 2021: Estimation of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Coverage in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River Based on Sentinel-2A Data
* 2021: Evaluation and Calibration of MODIS Near-Infrared Precipitable Water Vapor over China Using GNSS Observations and ERA-5 Reanalysis Dataset
* 2021: Frame-level Feature Tokenization Learning for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation
* 2021: Fusion of China ZY-1 02D Hyperspectral Data and Multispectral Data: Which Methods Should Be Used?
* 2021: Graph-Based 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation Using Multi-View Images
* 2021: GraphAIR: Graph representation learning with neighborhood aggregation and interaction
* 2021: Knowledge Exchange Between Domain-Adversarial and Private Networks Improves Open Set Image Classification
* 2021: KTransGAN: Variational Inference-Based Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Conditional Generative Learning
* 2021: Mask-Embedded Discriminator with Region-based Semantic Regularization for Semi-Supervised Class-Conditional Image Synthesis
* 2021: Motion Prediction using Trajectory Cues
* 2021: Multi-Attribute Regression Network for Face Reconstruction
* 2021: Multi-label semantics preserving based deep cross-modal hashing
* 2021: NetCalib: A Novel Approach for LiDAR-Camera Auto-calibration Based on Deep Learning
* 2021: New Method for Determining an Optimal Diurnal Threshold of GNSS Precipitable Water Vapor for Precipitation Forecasting, A
* 2021: On the Information of Feature Maps and Pruning of Deep Neural Networks
* 2021: Parameter Estimation for Sinusoidal Frequency-Modulated Signals Using Phase Modulation
* 2021: Replay Attention and Data Augmentation Network for 3D Dense Alignment and Face Reconstruction
* 2021: Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor from Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Using VMF1/VMF3 Forecasting Products
* 2021: Rice Yield Simulation and Planting Suitability Environment Pattern Recognition at a Fine Scale
* 2021: Robust and Efficient Graph Correspondence Transfer for Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Satellite-Based Mapping of High-Resolution Ground-Level PM2.5 with VIIRS IP AOD in China through Spatially Neural Network Weighted Regression
* 2021: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
* 2021: Semi-Supervised Single-Stage Controllable GANs for Conditional Fine-Grained Image Generation
* 2021: Single Image Brightening via Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion With Hybrid Learning
* 2021: Spatio-Temporal Encoder-Decoder Fully Convolutional Network for Video-Based Dimensional Emotion Recognition
* 2021: Study on Urban Spatial Pattern Based on DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS in Democratic People's Republic of Korea
* 2021: Suppression of Coherence Matrix Bias for Phase Linking and Ambiguity Detection in MTInSAR
* 2021: Transferable Adversarial Attacks for Deep Scene Text Detection
* 2021: Unsupervised Learning Strategy for Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Network
* 2021: Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Study the Seasonal Influence of Potential Risk Factors on the Incidence of HFMD on the Chinese Mainland
* 2021: Validation of COSMIC-2-Derived Ionospheric Peak Parameters Using Measurements of Ionosondes
* 2022: Attention regularized semi-supervised learning with class-ambiguous data for image classification
* 2022: Automatic Detection and Fitting of Ellipse Markers Using EllipseNet
* 2022: Change Analysis on the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Main Crop Planting in the Middle Yangtze Plain
* 2022: Deep learning of longitudinal mammogram examinations for breast cancer risk prediction
* 2022: Deformable Template Network (DTN) for Object Detection
* 2022: Detecting Camouflaged Object in Frequency Domain
* 2022: Development of a New Vertical Water Vapor Model for GNSS Water Vapor Tomography
* 2022: Effects of Climate Change on Corn Yields: Spatiotemporal Evidence from Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model
* 2022: Evaluation of Mangrove Wetlands Protection Patterns in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Using Time-Series Landsat Imageries
* 2022: Few-Shot Object Detection by Knowledge Distillation Using Bag-of-Visual-Words Representations
* 2022: Fire Monitoring Algorithm and Its Application on the Geo-Kompsat-2A Geostationary Meteorological Satellite
* 2022: House Price Valuation Model Based on Geographically Neural Network Weighted Regression: The Case Study of Shenzhen, China
* 2022: Intelligent train operation based on deep learning from excellent driver manipulation patterns
* 2022: Interday Stability of Taxi Travel Flow in Urban Areas
* 2022: Merged U-Net for Bone Tumors X-Ray Images Segmentation
* 2022: Monocular 6-DoF Pose Estimation for Non-cooperative Spacecrafts Using Riemannian Regression Network
* 2022: Multi-faceted Distillation of Base-Novel Commonality for Few-Shot Object Detection
* 2022: Novel Method of Monitoring Surface Subsidence Law Based on Probability Integral Model Combined with Active and Passive Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2022: Prediction of Field-Scale Wheat Yield Using Machine Learning Method and Multi-Spectral UAV Data
* 2022: residual generator: An improved divergence minimization framework for GAN, The
* 2022: Scene-Adaptive Instance Modification for Semisupervised Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: Semantic Regularized Class-Conditional GANs for Semi-Supervised Fine-Grained Image Synthesis
* 2022: Shape Matters: Deformable Patch Attack
* 2022: Ship Classification in SAR Imagery by Shallow CNN Pre-Trained on Task-Specific Dataset with Feature Refinement
* 2022: SphericGAN: Semi-Supervised Hyper-Spherical Generative Adversarial Networks for Fine-Grained Image Synthesis
* 2022: Superclass-aware network for few-shot learning
* 2022: Temporal Feature Alignment and Mutual Information Maximization for Video-Based Human Pose Estimation
* 2022: Towards Efficient Data Free Blackbox Adversarial Attack
* 2022: Towards Practical Certifiable Patch Defense with Vision Transformer
* 2022: Unreliability-aware Disentangling for Cross-domain Semi-supervised Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: Unreliable-to-Reliable Instance Translation for Semi-Supervised Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: Video Interpolation by Event-Driven Anisotropic Adjustment of Optical Flow
* 2023: Aligning Bag of Regions for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
* 2023: Anti-Rounding Image Steganography With Separable Fine-Tuned Network
* 2023: Bio-Inspired MEMS Wake Detector for AUV Tracking and Coordinated Formation, A
* 2023: Blemish-aware and Progressive Face Retouching with Limited Paired Data
* 2023: Boosting Detection in Crowd Analysis via Underutilized Output Features
* 2023: Coarse-to-fine Disentangling Demoiréing Framework for Recaptured Screen Images
* 2023: Collaborative Learning with Unreliability Adaptation for Semi-Supervised Image Classification
* 2023: Content-Aware Latent Semantic Direction Fusion for Multi-Attribute Editing
* 2023: Continuous learning deraining network based on residual FFT convolution and contextual transformer module
* 2023: Cross-Comparison of Radiation Response Characteristics between the FY-4B/AGRI and GK-2A/AMI in China
* 2023: Daily Sea Ice Concentration Product over Polar Regions Based on Brightness Temperature Data from the HY-2B SMR Sensor
* 2023: Domain adaptation in segmenting historical maps: A weakly supervised approach through spatial co-occurrence
* 2023: Enhancing Water Depth Estimation from Satellite Images Using Online Machine Learning: A Case Study Using Baidu Easy-DL with Acoustic Bathymetry and Sentinel-2 Data
* 2023: Exploring Intra-class Variation Factors with Learnable Cluster Prompts for Semi-supervised Image Synthesis
* 2023: Graph Memory Neural Network for Sea Surface Temperature Prediction, A
* 2023: Hierarchical cooperative eco-driving control for connected autonomous vehicle platoon at signalized intersections
* 2023: High-Resolution Land Surface Temperature Downscaling Method Based on Geographically Weighted Neural Network Regression, A
* 2023: Hint-Aug: Drawing Hints from Foundation Vision Transformers towards Boosted Few-shot Parameter-Efficient Tuning
* 2023: Improved Principal Component Analysis Method for the Interpolation of Missing Data in GNSS-Derived PWV Time Series, An
* 2023: Investigating Pose Representations and Motion Contexts Modeling for 3D Motion Prediction
* 2023: Joint TDOA, FDOA and PDOA Localization Approaches and Performance Analysis
* 2023: Length-sensitive Language-bound Recognition Network for Multilingual Text Recognition, A
* 2023: M6Doc: A Large-Scale Multi-Format, Multi-Type, Multi-Layout, Multi-Language, Multi-Annotation Category Dataset for Modern Document Layout Analysis
* 2023: ModelGiF: Gradient Fields for Model Functional Distance
* 2023: Multi Hybrid Extractor Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation
* 2023: Multi-Scale and Multi-Stream Fusion Network for Pansharpening
* 2023: Parametrical Model for Instance-Dependent Label Noise, A
* 2023: PRSeg: A Lightweight Patch Rotate MLP Decoder for Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Rethinking the Learning Paradigm for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
* 2023: Scene as Occupancy
* 2023: Semi-Supervised Stereo-Based 3D Object Detection via Cross-View Consensus
* 2023: Single-image snow removal algorithm based on generative adversarial networks
* 2023: Spatial Data Analysis of Determinants of U.S. Presidential Voting Results in the Rustbelt States during the COVID-19 Pandemic, The
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal Graph-Based AU Relationship Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection
* 2023: StructToken: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation With Structural Prior
* 2023: Study on the Regeneration Probability of Understory Coniferous Saplings in the Liangshui Nature Reserve Based on Four Modeling Techniques
* 2023: Text-Guided Unsupervised Latent Transformation for Multi-Attribute Image Manipulation
* 2023: Transformer for multiple object tracking: Exploring locality to vision
* 2023: Transformer-Based Multi-Scale Feature Integration Network for Video Saliency Prediction
* 2023: Two-stage Co-segmentation Network Based on Discriminative Representation for Recovering Human Mesh from Videos
* 2023: Unknown Class Feature Transformation for Open Set Domain Adaptation Without Source Data
* 2024: Dynamic Multimodal Information Bottleneck for Multimodality Classification
* 2024: Graph-Based Discriminator Architecture for Multi-Attribute Facial Image Editing, A
* 2024: GSA-SiamNet: A Siamese Network with Gradient-Based Spatial Attention for Pan-Sharpening of Multi-Spectral Images
* 2024: Inter-Calibration of Passive Microwave Satellite Brightness Temperature Observations between FY-3D/MWRI and GCOM-W1/AMSR2
* 2024: Lightweight-VGG: A Fast Deep Learning Architecture Based on Dimensionality Reduction and Nonlinear Enhancement for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2024: LLM-Based Inventory Construction Framework of Urban Ground Collapse Events with Spatiotemporal Locations, An
* 2024: Locating and Grading of Lidar-Observed Aircraft Wake Vortex Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2024: Payload-Independent Direct Cost Learning for Image Steganography
* 2024: Quantitative Study on American COVID-19 Epidemic Predictions and Scenario Simulations
* 2024: Resolving Zero-Shot and Fact-Based Visual Question Answering via Enhanced Fact Retrieval
* 2024: SAH-NET: Structure-Aware Hierarchical Network for Clustered Microcalcification Classification in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
* 2024: Self-Driven Dual-Path Learning for Reference-Based Line Art Colorization Under Limited Data
* 2024: Semi-supervised class-conditional image synthesis with Semantics-guided Adaptive Feature Transforms
* 2024: Transfer-Learning-Based Human Activity Recognition Using Antenna Array
Includes: Wu, S. Wu, S.[Sue] Wu, S.[Sitao] Wu, S.[Si] Wu, S.[Shuang] Wu, S.[Shen] Wu, S.[Shu] Wu, S.[Shan] Wu, S.[Sheng] Wu, S.[Song] Wu, S.[Shuai] Wu, S.[Shanlong] Wu, S.[Songhua] Wu, S.[Shuzhe] Wu, S.[Sihang] Wu, S.[Shun] Wu, S.[Suqin] Wu, S.[Sijie] Wu, S.[Stanley] Wu, S.[Shupu] Wu, S.[Sidi] Wu, S.[Suping] Wu, S.[Size] Wu, S.[Suya] Wu, S.[Sensen] Wu, S.[Sihua] Wu, S.[Suowei] Wu, S.[Shudeng] Wu, S.[Shaohuan] Wu, S.[Shandong] Wu, S.[Shuting] Wu, S.[Shixun] Wu, S.[Shenghui] Wu, S.[Shufan] Wu, S.[Siwen] Wu, S.[Shaowu] Wu, S.[Shufeng] Wu, S.[Shaokai] Wu, S.[Shengsen] Wu, S.[Sinan] Wu, S.[Suhui] Wu, S.[Shulei] Wu, S.[Simin] Wu, S.[Shang] Wu, S.[Shilian] Wu, S.[Sai] Wu, S.[Sitong] Wu, S.[Silei] Wu, S.[Shianghau] Wu, S.[Shiling] Wu, S.[Songhe] Wu, S.[Sijia] Wu, S.[Shihang] Wu, S.[Sen] Wu, S.[Shukai]
259 for Wu, S.

Wu, S.B.[Sheng Biao] * 2015: Extracting Leaf Area Index by Sunlit Foliage Component from Downward-Looking Digital Photography under Clear-Sky Conditions
* 2018: Characterizing Land Surface Anisotropic Reflectance over Rugged Terrain: A Review of Concepts and Recent Developments
* 2018: Modeling Anisotropic Reflectance Over Composite Sloping Terrain
* 2018: Multi-Scale Validation Strategy for Albedo Products over Rugged Terrain and Preliminary Application in Heihe River Basin, China, A
* 2018: Simulation and Analysis of the Topographic Effects on Snow-Free Albedo over Rugged Terrain
* 2018: Spectral Invariant Provides a Practical Modeling Approach for Future Biophysical Variable Estimations
* 2019: Modeling Discrete Forest Anisotropic Reflectance Over a Sloped Surface With an Extended GOMS and SAIL Model
* 2019: Road Extraction from Very High Resolution Images Using Weakly labeled OpenStreetMap Centerline
* 2020: Ground Deformation and Its Causes in Abbottabad City, Pakistan from Sentinel-1A Data and MT-InSAR
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Variability of Land Surface Albedo over the Tibet Plateau from 2001 to 2019
* 2021: Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations
* 2021: Semantic segmentation of 3D indoor LiDAR point clouds through feature pyramid architecture search
* 2021: Use of Multiplatform SAR Imagery in Mining Deformation Monitoring with Dense Vegetation Coverage: A Case Study in the Fengfeng Mining Area, China
* 2022: Estimating 10-m land surface albedo from Sentinel-2 satellite observations using a direct estimation approach with Google Earth Engine
* 2022: Extending the GOSAILT Model to Simulate Sparse Woodland Bi-Directional Reflectance with Soil Reflectance Anisotropy Consideration
* 2022: Monitoring leaf phenology in moist tropical forests by applying a superpixel-based deep learning method to time-series images of tree canopies
* 2022: Optical-Thermal Surface-Atmosphere Radiative Transfer Model Coupling Framework With Topographic Effects, An
* 2022: SW-GAN: Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery Using Semi-Weakly Supervised Adversarial Learning
* 2022: Vertical Ground Displacements and Its Impact on Erosion along the Karachi Coastline, Pakistan
* 2023: Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* 2024: Synergistic Application of Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms and Hyperparameter Optimization Strategies for Net Ecosystem Productivity Prediction in Southeast Asia
Includes: Wu, S.B.[Sheng Biao] Wu, S.B.[Sheng-Biao] Wu, S.B.[Song-Bing] Wu, S.B.[Song-Bo] Wu, S.B.[Shang-Bin]
21 for Wu, S.B.

Wu, S.C. * 1978: To Extract a Connected Object of Arbitrary Shape from its Background by Decision Tree Method
* 2012: Fast exact local-mean based classification algorithm using class rejection and initial distance assigning processes
* 2015: Eavesdropping-Based Gossip Algorithms for Distributed Consensus in Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2015: Remote-Sensing-Driven System for Mining Marine Spatiotemporal Association Patterns, A
* 2016: Accelerated H.264/AVC Encoder on Graphic Processing Unit for UAV Videos, An
* 2020: SCFusion: Real-time Incremental Scene Reconstruction with Semantic Completion
* 2021: AEnet: Automatic Picking of P-Wave First Arrivals Using Deep Learning
* 2021: GCNs-Based Context-Aware Short Text Similarity Model
* 2021: SceneGraphFusion: Incremental 3D Scene Graph Prediction from RGB-D Sequences
* 2022: Bending Graphs: Hierarchical Shape Matching using Gated Optimal Transport
* 2022: Gaze Target Estimation Inspired by Interactive Attention
* 2023: Dynamic Hyperbolic Attention Network for Fine Hand-object Reconstruction
* 2023: Evaluation of Simulated CO2 Point Source Plumes from High-Resolution Atmospheric Transport Model
* 2023: Fg-T2M: Fine-Grained Text-Driven Human Motion Generation via Diffusion Model
* 2023: High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Ground-Based Verification of Greenhouse Gases Satellites
* 2023: Incremental 3D Semantic Scene Graph Prediction from RGB Sequences
* 2024: Ozone Profile Retrieval Algorithm Based on GEOS-Chem Model in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
Includes: Wu, S.C. Wu, S.C.[Song-Chan] Wu, S.C.[Shao-Chuan] Wu, S.C.[Shu-Chao] Wu, S.C.[Shang-Che] Wu, S.C.[Shun-Chuan] Wu, S.C.[Shao-Chun] Wu, S.C.[Shun-Cheng] Wu, S.C.[Shi-Chao]
17 for Wu, S.C.

Wu, S.D.[Shan Dong] * 2009: Flexible signature descriptions for adaptive motion trajectory representation, perception and recognition
* 2010: Chaotic invariants of Lagrangian particle trajectories for anomaly detection in crowded scenes
* 2010: Motion trajectory reproduction from generalized signature description
* 2011: Action recognition in videos acquired by a moving camera using motion decomposition of Lagrangian particle trajectories
* 2015: Refined Composite Multiscale Permutation Entropy to Overcome Multiscale Permutation Entropy Length Dependence
* 2015: Visual tracking based on group sparsity learning
* 2017: Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
* 2018: Object tracking based on Huber loss function
* 2019: Robust UAV-Based Tracking Using Hybrid Classifiers
* 2021: Sample-aware Data Augmentor for Scene Text Recognition
* 2023: FedPerfix: Towards Partial Model Personalization of Vision Transformers in Federated Learning
* 2023: PGFed: Personalize Each Client's Global Objective for Federated Learning
Includes: Wu, S.D.[Shan Dong] Wu, S.D.[Shan-Dong] Wu, S.D.[Shuen-De] Wu, S.D.[Shu-Deng]
12 for Wu, S.D.

Wu, S.F. * 1990: differential method for simultaneous estimation of rotation, change of scale and translation, A
* 1993: Gradient-Based Method For General Motion Estimation And Segmentation, A
* 2014: Optimized Ultrasonic Sensors System, An
* 2018: Multi-image matching for object recognition
* 2019: Effect of subject's age and gender on face recognition results
* 2019: Robust shifting control of a motor-transmission integrated system considering anti-jerking and speed regulation for electric vehicles
* 2021: Revising the Observation Satellite Scheduling Problem Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2022: Road-Model-Based Road Boundary Extraction for High Definition Map via LIDAR
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Dynamic Forecasting and Analysis of Regional Traffic Flow in Urban Road Networks Using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network
* 2023: Energy Sensitive and Congestion Balance Routing Scheme for Non-Terrestrial-Satellite-Network (NTSN), An
* 2023: Optimised Region-Growing Algorithm for Extraction of the Loess Shoulder-Line from DEMs, An
Includes: Wu, S.F. Wu, S.F.[Shao-Fei] Wu, S.F.[Shu-Fang] wu, S.F.[Shi-Feng] Wu, S.F.[Shao-Fang] Wu, S.F.[Shu-Fan]
11 for Wu, S.F.

Wu, S.G.[Shu Guang] * 1998: Adaptive tree-structured subspace classification of hyperspectral images
* 2005: Hand tracking in a natural conversational environment by the interacting multiple model and probabilistic data association (IMM-PDA) algorithm
* 2006: Robust Pan, Tilt and Zoom Estimation for PTZ Camera by Using Meta Data and/or Frame-to-Frame Correspondences
* 2009: Pedestrian association and localization in monocular FIR video sequence
* 2019: Sub-Regional Extraction Method of Common Mode Components from IGS and CMONOC Stations in China, A
* 2020: Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Loading Series from GFZ and EOST on Long-Term GPS Height Time Series
* 2021: Analysis and Discussion on the Optimal Noise Model of Global GNSS Long-Term Coordinate Series Considering Hydrological Loading
* 2021: Landslide Deformation Prediction Based on a GNSS Time Series Analysis and Recurrent Neural Network Model
* 2021: Sequential Ambiguity Resolution Method for Poorly-Observed GNSS Data
* 2023: Application of the Fourier Series Expansion Method for the Inversion of Gravity Gradients using Gravity Anomalies
Includes: Wu, S.G.[Shu Guang] Wu, S.G.[Shu-Guang] Wu, S.G.[Shun-Guang] Wu, S.G.[Shim-Guang]
10 for Wu, S.G.

Wu, S.H.[Shuan Hu] * 2001: efficient wavelet-based deblocking algorithm for highly compressed images, An
* 2007: Pattern-Based Inter-/Extra-Polation Approach for Image Scaling, A
* 2013: Fraunhofer Lidar Prototype in the Green Spectral Region for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observations
* 2014: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
* 2015: Interannual Variations in Growing-Season NDVI and Its Correlation with Climate Variables in the Southwestern Karst Region of China
* 2016: Main Directional Maximal Difference Analysis for Spotting Micro-expressions, A
* 2017: combined filtering search for DTW, A
* 2017: Guided point cloud denoising via sharp feature skeletons
* 2018: Integrating support vector machine and graph cuts for medical image segmentation
* 2018: Region-Semantics Preserving Image Synthesis
* 2018: Specular-to-Diffuse Translation for Multi-view Reconstruction
* 2018: Structure-Aware Data Consolidation
* 2019: Optical and Geometrical Properties of Cirrus Clouds over the Tibetan Plateau Measured by LiDAR and Radiosonde Sounding during the Summertime in 2014
* 2019: Patch-Based Progressive 3D Point Set Upsampling
* 2019: Winter Wheat Green-up Date Variation and its Diverse Response on the Hydrothermal Conditions over the North China Plain, Using MODIS Time-Series Data
* 2020: Dual-Wavelength Ocean Lidar for Vertical Profiling of Oceanic Backscatter and Attenuation, A
* 2020: Precise detection of Chinese characters in historical documents with deep reinforcement learning
* 2020: Revealing the Fingerprint of Climate Change in Interannual NDVI Variability among Biomes in Inner Mongolia, China
* 2021: Estimation of the PM2.5 and PM10 Mass Concentration over Land from FY-4A Aerosol Optical Depth Data
* 2021: Improved Bi-Angle Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm from AHI Data Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* 2021: Iso-Points: Optimizing Neural Implicit Surfaces with Hybrid Representations
* 2021: Retrieval and Calculation of Vertical Aerosol Mass Fluxes by a Coherent Doppler Lidar and a Sun Photometer
* 2021: Risk Assessment of Population Loss Posed by Earthquake-Landslide-Debris Flow Disaster Chain: A Case Study in Wenchuan, China
* 2021: Small Angle Scattering Intensity Measurement by an Improved Ocean Scheimpflug Lidar System
* 2022: Adaptive Ant Colony System Based on Variable Range Receding Horizon Control for Berth Allocation Problem, An
* 2022: Bridging the Gap Between Few-Shot and Many-Shot Learning via Distribution Calibration
* 2022: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in Southwest China
* 2022: On the Prediction Policy for Timely Status Updates in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Transportation Systems
* 2022: Simple Band Ratio Library (BRL) Algorithm for Retrieval of Hourly Aerosol Optical Depth Using FY-4A AGRI Geostationary Satellite Data, A
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Ecological Condition in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on Remotely Sensed Ecological Index
* 2022: Unleashing the Potential of Adaptation Models via Go-getting Domain Labels
* 2023: Compound Effects of Highway Reconstruction and Climate Change on Vegetation Activity over the Qinghai Tibet Plateau: The G318 Highway as a Case Study, The
* 2023: Design and Performance Evaluation of a 1550 nm All-Fiber Dual-Polarization Coherent Doppler Lidar for Atmospheric Aerosol Measurements, The
* 2023: Efficient 6-DoF camera pose tracking with circular edges
* 2023: Feature Interaction Learning Network for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* 2023: Optical character correction of large-curvature annular sector text in polar coordinate system
* 2024: Estimation of PM2.5 and PM10 Mass Concentrations in Beijing Using Gaofen-1 Data at 100 m Resolution
* 2024: Flood Risk Assessment of Areas under Urbanization in Chongqing, China, by Integrating Multi-Models
Includes: Wu, S.H.[Shuan Hu] Wu, S.H.[Shuan-Hu] Wu, S.H.[Szu-Hui] Wu, S.H.[Song-Hua] Wu, S.H.[Shao-Hong] Wu, S.H.[Shu-Hang] Wu, S.H.[Shi-Hui] Wu, S.H.[Shi-Hao] Wu, S.H.[Shan-Hung] Wu, S.H.[Si-Hang] Wu, S.H.[Shu-Hui] Wu, S.H.[Sheng-Hao] Wu, S.H.[Shao-Hua] Wu, S.H.[Shu-Hong] Wu, S.H.[Shao-Huan] Wu, S.H.[Shi-Hong]
38 for Wu, S.H.

Wu, S.I. * 2007: Information Preserving Color Transformation for Protanopia and Deuteranopia

Wu, S.J.[Shun Jun] * 2004: new pixel-level multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on evolutionary strategy, A
* 2006: Diagnostic Application of Brain Image Processing and Analysis System for Ischemic Stroke, The
* 2006: General Weighted Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm, A
* 2008: Heterogeneous Systems Integration Design and Implementation for Lane Keeping on a Vehicle, The
* 2008: Neural-Fuzzy Gap Control for a Current/Voltage-Controlled 1/4-Vehicle MagLev System
* 2009: Array Pattern Synthesis Method with the Constraint of Weight Amplitude Dynamic Range, An
* 2010: Constant Bit-Rate Multi-Stage Rate Control for Rate-Distortion Optimized H.264/AVC Encoders
* 2010: Human-in-the-Loop Design Approach to the Longitudinal Automation System for an Intelligent Vehicle, The
* 2017: Aircraft Tracking Method in Simulated Infrared Image Sequences Based on Regional Distribution, An
* 2020: Remotely Sensed Mid-Channel Bar Dynamics in Downstream of the Three Gorges Dam, China
* 2021: Accurate Compensation Makes the World More Clear for the Visually Impaired
* 2021: Disentangling Climatic Factors and Human Activities in Governing the Old and New Forest Productivity
* 2022: BodyGAN: General-purpose Controllable Neural Human Body Generation
* 2022: BoundaryFace: A Mining Framework with Noise Label Self-correction for Face Recognition
* 2022: IOU-enhanced Attention for End-to-end Task Specific Object Detection
* 2022: Modelling the Mobility Changes Caused by Perceived Risk and Policy Efficiency
* 2022: Similarity Measurement Human Actions with GNN
* 2023: GANHead: Towards Generative Animatable Neural Head Avatars
* 2024: Nearshore Ship Detection in PolSAR Images by Integrating Superpixel-Level GP-PNF and Refined Polarimetric Decomposition
Includes: Wu, S.J.[Shun Jun] Wu, S.J.[Shun-Jun] Wu, S.J.[Shwu-Jiuan] Wu, S.J. Wu, S.J.[Shui-Jiong] Wu, S.J.[Shinq-Jen] Wu, S.J.[Si-Jie] Wu, S.J.[Sheng-Jun] Wu, S.J.[Si-Jing] Wu, S.J.[Sheng-Jie] Wu, S.J.[Shi-Jie] Wu, S.J.[Sheng-Jian] Wu, S.J.[Si-Jin] Wu, S.J.[Shu-Jie]
19 for Wu, S.J.

Wu, S.K.[Song Kuaw] * 2001: Optimal Gabor filter design for texture segmentation using stochastic optimization
* 2012: Probe-Vehicle-Based Evaluation of Adaptive Traffic Signal Control, A
* 2020: IoU-aware single-stage object detector for accurate localization
* 2022: Faster, Lighter, Robuster: A Weakly-Supervised Crowd Analysis Enhancement Network and A Generic Feature Extraction Framework
* 2022: Gaussian guided IoU: A better metric for balanced learning on object detection
* 2022: IoU-Balanced loss functions for single-stage object detection
* 2023: Monitoring Cropland Abandonment in Southern China from 1992 to 2020 Based on the Combination of Phenological and Time-Series Algorithm Using Landsat Imagery and Google Earth Engine
Includes: Wu, S.K.[Song Kuaw] Wu, S.K.[Song-Kuaw] Wu, S.K.[Seung Kook] Wu, S.K.[Sheng-Kai] Wu, S.K.[Shao-Kai] Wu, S.K.[Shi-Kun]
7 for Wu, S.K.

Wu, S.L.[Si Liang] * 2009: Compensation Method of Acquisition for High Dynamic DSSS Signal
* 2010: Theme-Based Multi-class Object Recognition and Segmentation
* 2014: Combining computer vision and video processing to achieve immersive mobile videoconferencing
* 2014: Inter-Calibration of Satellite Passive Microwave Land Observations from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Using Overlapping FY3B-MWRI Sensor Measurements
* 2015: Cross-Calibration of GF-1/WFV over a Desert Site Using Landsat-8/OLI Imagery and ZY-3/TLC Data
* 2015: Evaluation of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from FY-3B/VIRR Data in an Arid Area of Northwestern China
* 2015: Leaf Area Index Retrieval Combining HJ1/CCD and Landsat8/OLI Data in the Heihe River Basin, China
* 2017: Fractional Snow Cover Mapping from FY-2 VISSR Imagery of China
* 2017: High-Resolution Mapping of Freeze/Thaw Status in China via Fusion of MODIS and AMSR2 Data
* 2017: Improved Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm for Moderate to High Spatial Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* 2017: Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 in Multispectral Bands
* 2018: Assessment of Methods for Passive Microwave Snow Cover Mapping Using FY-3C/MWRI Data in China
* 2018: Efficient VR Video Representation and Quality Assessment
* 2019: Consistency of SSM/I vs. SSMIS and the Influence on Snow Cover Detection and Snow Depth Estimation over China, The
* 2019: Development of a Snow Depth Estimation Algorithm over China for the FY-3D/MWRI
* 2019: PixTextGAN: structure aware text image synthesis for license plate recognition
* 2020: Atmospheric Correction Method over Bright and Stable Surfaces for Moderate to High Spatial-Resolution Optical Remotely Sensed Imagery, An
* 2020: Comparison of Different Machine Learning Methods for Debris Flow Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study in the Sichuan Province, China
* 2020: sub-pixel image registration algorithm based on SURF and M-estimator sample consensus, A
* 2021: Analysis Ready Data of the Chinese GaoFen Satellite Data
* 2021: Global Soil Moisture Retrievals From the Chinese FY-3D Microwave Radiation Imager
* 2021: Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS
* 2022: Comparison of Machine Learning-Based Snow Depth Estimates and Development of a New Operational Retrieval Algorithm over China
* 2022: HG-FCN: Hierarchical Grid Fully Convolutional Network for Fast VVC Intra Coding
* 2023: Dynamic Characteristics of Vegetation Change Based on Reconstructed Heterogenous NDVI in Seismic Regions
* 2023: General Paradigm for Retrieving Soil Moisture and Surface Temperature from Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data Based on Artificial Intelligence, A
* 2023: Learning scalable dynamic filter in convolutional networks
* 2023: Simplified Coastline Inflection Method for Correcting Geolocation Errors in FengYun-3D Microwave Radiation Imager Images, A
* 2023: Theme Transformer: Symbolic Music Generation With Theme-Conditioned Transformer
Includes: Wu, S.L.[Si Liang] Wu, S.L.[Si-Liang] Wu, S.L.[Shi-Lin] Wu, S.L.[Sin Lin] Wu, S.L.[Sheng-Li] Wu, S.L.[Shan-Long] Wu, S.L.[Shi-Lian] Wu, S.L.[Shao-Lin] Wu, S.L.[Shu-Lei] Wu, S.L.[Shuang-Lin] Wu, S.L.[Shih-Lun]
29 for Wu, S.L.

Wu, S.M. * 2019: Development of Smart Cities in Taiwan From The Perspective of Cloud Computing Security

Wu, S.N.[Sheng Nan] * 2022: Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Considering Spatial Agglomeration and Dispersion Characteristics: A Case Study of Bijie City in Guizhou Province, China
* 2023: Development of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons With Combined Spacing Policy
* 2023: Task-Oriented Feature Hallucination for Few-Shot Image Classification
Includes: Wu, S.N.[Sheng Nan] Wu, S.N.[Sheng-Nan] Wu, S.N.[Shi-Ning] Wu, S.N.[Si-Ning]

Wu, S.P.[Su Ping] * 2020: Learning Reasoning-Decision Networks for Robust Face Alignment
* 2020: Literature Explorer: effective retrieval of scientific documents through nonparametric thematic topic detection
* 2021: Graph Structure Reasoning Network for Face Alignment and Reconstruction
Includes: Wu, S.P.[Su Ping] Wu, S.P.[Su-Ping] Wu, S.P.[Shao-Peng]

Wu, S.Q.[Shi Qian] * 2003: Head modeling using color unequal phase stepping method
* 2004: Illumination compensation and normalization using logarithm and discrete cosine transform
* 2005: Infrared Face Recognition by Using Blood Perfusion Data
* 2005: PCA and LDA in DCT domain
* 2006: Illumination Compensation and Normalization for Robust Face Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform in Logarithm Domain
* 2006: robust method for detecting facial orientation in infrared images, A
* 2007: Image Quality Measure using Curvature Similarity
* 2008: Skin heat transfer model of facial thermograms and its application in face recognition
* 2009: Blind blur assessment for vision-based applications
* 2010: Movement detection for the synthesis of high dynamic range images
* 2010: robust and fast anti-ghosting algorithm for high dynamic range imaging, A
* 2012: Anti-ghost of differently exposed images with moving objects
* 2013: Detection of salient objects in computer synthesized images based on object-level contrast
* 2013: Hybrid Patching for a Sequence of Differently Exposed Images With Moving Objects
* 2014: Exposure-Robust Alignment of Differently Exposed Images
* 2014: Saliency detection in computer rendered images based on object-level contrast
* 2014: Selectively Detail-Enhanced Fusion of Differently Exposed Images With Moving Objects
* 2015: Real-time image smoke detection using staircase searching-based dual threshold AdaBoost and dynamic analysis
* 2015: Weighted Guided Image Filtering
* 2016: mutual local-ternary-pattern based method for aligning differently exposed images, A
* 2017: Gaussian Noise Detection and Adaptive Non-local Means Filter
* 2017: New non-negative sparse feature learning approach for content-based image retrieval
* 2017: Scene Semantic Understanding Based on the Spatial Context Relations of Multiple Objects
* 2018: Multi-Scale Fusion of Two Large-Exposure-Ratio Images
* 2020: Weighted aggregation for guided image filtering
* 2021: Adaptive Rank Estimate in Robust Principal Component Analysis
* 2021: Assessment of the Homogeneity of Long-Term Multi-Mission RO-Based Temperature Climatologies
* 2021: Double-Weighted Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Based on Rank Estimation
* 2021: Edge/Structure-Preserving Texture Filter via Relative Bilateral Filtering With a Conditional Constraint
* 2021: INS Error Estimation Based on an ANFIS and Its Application in Complex and Covert Surroundings
* 2021: Process-Mode-Driving Force of Cropland Expansion in Arid Regions of China Based on the Land Use Remote Sensing Monitoring Data, The
* 2022: Adaptive weighted guided image filtering for depth enhancement in shape-from-focus
* 2022: Dual-Scale Single Image Dehazing via Neural Augmentation
* 2022: Evaluation of the Emissions State of a Satellite Laser Altimeter Based on Laser Footprint Imaging
* 2022: Improved Method for Rainfall Forecast Based on GNSS-PWV, An
* 2022: Investigation of a Multidimensional CNN Combined with an Attention Mechanism Model to Resolve Small-Sample Problems in Hyperspectral Image Classification, An
* 2022: Investigation of Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index Fitting Model Using Spectral and Canopy Height Model Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery, An
* 2022: Single Image Dehazing via Model-Based Deep-Learning
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Variations of Aerosols in China during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
* 2023: Efficient Robust Principal Component Analysis via Block Krylov Iteration and CUR Decomposition
* 2023: Neural Augmented Exposure Interpolation for HDR Imaging
* 2023: Perception-guided defocus blur detection based on SVD feature
Includes: Wu, S.Q.[Shi Qian] Wu, S.Q.[Shi-Qian] Wu, S.Q. Wu, S.Q.[Si-Qi] Wu, S.Q.[Su-Qin] Wu, S.Q.[Sheng-Qin] Wu, S.Q.[Shu-Qi]
42 for Wu, S.Q.

Wu, S.R. * 2005: Flexible Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures for Versatile Media Processing Via Customized Long Instruction Words
* 2013: fast rate-distortion optimization algorithm for H.264/AVC codec, A
* 2015: Mapping Spatial Distribution of Larch Plantations from Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 OLI Imagery and Multi-Scale Textures Using Random Forests
* 2020: Approach to High-Resolution Rice Paddy Mapping Using Time-Series Sentinel-1 SAR Data in the Mun River Basin, Thailand, An
* 2021: Comparison of Regional Winter Wheat Mapping Results from Different Similarity Measurement Indicators of NDVI Time Series and Their Optimized Thresholds
* 2021: Evaluation of Winter Wheat Yield Simulation Based on Assimilating LAI Retrieved From Networked Optical and SAR Remotely Sensed Images Into the WOFOST Model
* 2021: Study of Two Impactful Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains during Early 2020, Part II; Regional Overview, Rainfall Evolution, and Satellite QPE Utility, A
* 2022: Dynamic Harvest Index Estimation of Winter Wheat Based on UAV Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Considering Crop Aboveground Biomass Change and the Grain Filling Process
* 2022: full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data, A
* 2022: Generating Salt-Affected Irrigated Cropland Map in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* 2024: How Land Use Transitions Contribute to the Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation from 1990 to 2020
Includes: Wu, S.R. Wu, S.R.[Shih-Ren] Wu, S.R.[Shang-Rong] Wu, S.R.[Shao-Rong]
11 for Wu, S.R.

Wu, S.S.[Shuo Sheng] * 2006: Urban Land-use Classification Using Variogram-based Analysis with an Aerial Photograph
* 2014: Learning image manifold using neighboring similarity integration
* 2014: Study on a Fire Detection System Based on Support Vector Machine
* 2015: Kernel subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
* 2016: Locality-constrained matrix regression for position-patch based face hallucination
* 2016: Uncorrelated multi-set feature learning for color face recognition
* 2021: CMWMF: Constant Memory Architecture of Weighted Mode/Median Filter for Extremely Large Label Depth Refinement
* 2021: GloVe-Based POI Type Embedding Model for Extracting and Identifying Urban Functional Regions, A
* 2021: Hardware- and Memory-Efficient Architecture for Disparity Estimation of Large Label Counts
* 2021: Progressive split-merge super resolution for hyperspectral imagery with group attention and gradient guidance
* 2021: Threshold Definition for Monitoring Gapa Landslide under Large Variations in Reservoir Level Using GNSS
* 2022: Cross-view panorama image synthesis with progressive attention GANs
* 2022: Quantitative Inversion of Lunar Surface Chemistry Based on Hyperspectral Feature Bands and Extremely Randomized Trees Algorithm
* 2023: Cross-View Panorama Image Synthesis
* 2023: Dual-Tuning: Joint Prototype Transfer and Structure Regularization for Compatible Feature Learning
* 2023: High-Resolution Daily Spatiotemporal Distribution and Evaluation of Ground-Level Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Based on TROPOMI Data
* 2023: Switchable Representation Learning Framework with Self-Compatibility
* 2024: Geomorphology, Mineralogy, and Chronology of Mare Basalts in the Oceanus Procellarum Region
* 2024: Two-stage fine-grained image classification model based on multi-granularity feature fusion
Includes: Wu, S.S.[Shuo Sheng] Wu, S.S.[Shuo-Sheng] Wu, S.S.[Song-Song] Wu, S.S.[Sha-Sha] Wu, S.S.[Sih-Sian] Wu, S.S.[Sen-Sen] Wu, S.S.[Shuang-Shuang] Wu, S.S.[Sheng-Sen] Wu, S.S.[Shan-Shan]
19 for Wu, S.S.

Wu, S.T.[Shih Tung] * 2005: Inverse halftoning algorithm using edge-based lookup table approach
* 2016: Analyzing Spectral Characteristics Of Shadow Area From Ads-40 High Radiometric Resolution Aerial Images
* 2016: Study and implementation of the LED headlight driver with auto-start function in specific location
* 2022: Full-scale Selective Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Wu, S.T.[Shih Tung] Wu, S.T.[Shih-Tung] Wu, S.T.[Shou-Tsung] Wu, S.T. Wu, S.T.[Si-Tong]

Wu, S.W.[Siu Wai] * 1994: Joint estimation of forward and backward motion vectors for interpolative prediction of video
* 1995: Vector restoration for video coding
* 1998: Additive Vector Decoding of Transform Coded Images
* 2000: Fade detector for digital video
* 2003: Logo insertion on an HDTV encoder
* 2010: On the Results of the First Mobile Biometry (MOBIO) Face and Speaker Verification Evaluation
* 2010: Probabilistic Facial Trait Code for face recognition
* 2010: Robust Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Facial Trait Code
* 2012: Illumination Compensation Using Oriented Local Histogram Equalization and its Application to Face Recognition
* 2017: Tactile modeling and rendering image-textures based on electrovibration
* 2018: Optimal Z-Complementary Sequence Sets With Good Peak-to-Average Power-Ratio Property
* 2021: Is Heuristic Sampling Necessary in Training Deep Object Detectors?
* 2022: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Based on Deep Decomposition Network and Saliency Analysis
* 2023: Efficient Variational Bayes Learning of Graphical Models With Smooth Structural Changes
Includes: Wu, S.W.[Siu Wai] Wu, S.W.[Siu-Wai] Wu, S.W. Wu, S.W.[Si-Wei] Wu, S.W.[Szu-Wei] Wu, S.W.[Sai-Wen] Wu, S.W.[Shing-Wei] Wu, S.W.[Shi-Wei] Wu, S.W.[Shao-Wu] Wu, S.W.[Song-Wei]
14 for Wu, S.W.

Wu, S.X.[Shi Xin] * 2012: Night Removal by Color Estimation and sparse representation
* 2015: Rank-Two Beamforming and Stochastic Beamforming for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting with Finite-Alphabet Inputs
* 2016: Robust Design for MISO Physical-Layer Multicasting Over Line-of-Sight Channels, A
* 2017: NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2018: ESRGAN: Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Online multi-label streaming feature selection based on neighborhood rough set
* 2018: PIRM Challenge on Perceptual Image Enhancement on Smartphones: Report
* 2018: Review of Distributed Algorithms for Principal Component Analysis, A
* 2021: Analysis of the Impacts of Environmental Factors on Rat Hole Density in the Northern Slope of the Tienshan Mountains with Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Manifold learning with structured subspace for multi-label feature selection
* 2021: Robust CAPTCHAs Towards Malicious OCR
* 2022: Factors Influencing Seasonal Changes in Inundation of the Daliyaboyi Oasis, Lower Keriya River Valley, Central Tarim Basin, China
* 2022: Phenological Changes and Driving Forces of Lake Ice in Central Asia from 2002 to 2020
* 2022: UAV-Mounted GPR for Object Detection Based on Cross-Correlation Background Subtraction Method
* 2022: Where Anthropogenic Activity Occurs, Anthropogenic Activity Dominates Vegetation Net Primary Productivity Change
* 2023: Blind Image Restoration Based on Cycle-Consistent Network
* 2023: Eco-CSAS: A Safe and Eco-Friendly Speed Advisory System for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon Using Consortium Blockchain
* 2024: How Land Use Transitions Contribute to the Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation from 1990 to 2020
Includes: Wu, S.X.[Shi Xin] Wu, S.X.[Shi-Xin] Wu, S.X. Wu, S.X.[Shi-Xiang] Wu, S.X.[Shun-Xiang] Wu, S.X.[Shang-Xi] Wu, S.X.[Shu-Xian] Wu, S.X.[Si-Xing]
18 for Wu, S.X.

Wu, S.Y. * 1992: Surface Parameterization and Curvature Measurement of Arbitrary 3-D Objects: Five Practical Methods
* 1998: Optimization Method for the Topological Structures of Feedforward Multilayer Neural Networks, An
* 2008: Enhancing Color Representation for the Color Vision Impaired
* 2008: new Pixel-Chaotic-Shuffle method for image encryption, A
* 2009: Efficient motion data indexing and retrieval with local similarity measure of motion strings
* 2012: SLTP: A Fast Descriptor for People Detection in Depth Images
* 2012: Tensorized Feature Extraction Technique for Multimodality Preserving Manifold Visualization
* 2013: Framelet features for pedestrian detection in noisy depth images
* 2014: HEp-2 image classification using intensity order pooling based features and bag of words
* 2015: Non-negative Low-Rank and Group-Sparse Matrix Factorization
* 2017: Exploring Spatiotemporal Patterns of Long-Distance Taxi Rides in Shanghai
* 2018: Progressive (k,n) secret image sharing Scheme with meaningful shadow images by GEMD and RGEMD
* 2018: Progressive (k,n) secret image sharing schemes based on Boolean operations and covering codes
* 2019: Enhanced embedding capacity for the SMSD-based data-hiding method
* 2020: Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2021: Adaptive 3D Imaging for Moving Targets Based on a SIMO InISAR Imaging System in 0.2 THz Band
* 2021: Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intra Encoding of the 3rd Generation Audio Video Coding Standard
* 2021: Human behaviour recognition with mid-level representations for crowd understanding and analysis
* 2021: Improved Back-Projection Algorithm for GNSS-R BSAR Imaging Based on CPU and GPU Platform, An
* 2021: Interband Registration Method for Hyperspectral Images Based on Adaptive Iterative Clustering, An
* 2021: Phase Shift Migration with Modified Coherent Factor Algorithm for MIMO-SAR 3D Imaging in THz Band
* 2021: Projecting Future Vegetation Change for Northeast China Using CMIP6 Model
* 2021: Semi-Automatic Method for Extracting Small Ground Fissures from Loess Areas Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images, A
* 2022: Convective Entrainment Rate over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Adjacent Regions in the Boreal Summer Using SNPP-VIIRS
* 2022: Using Range Split-Spectrum Interferometry to Reduce Phase Unwrapping Errors for InSAR-Derived DEM in Large Gradient Region
* 2023: Attention-Aware Spectral Difference Representation for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Shape-Aware Monocular 3D Object Detection
* 2023: SiamCLIM: Text-Based Pedestrian Search Via Multi-Modal Siamese Contrastive Learning
* 2023: Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images for Ocean Ship Wakes
* 2023: Triangular Grid Filter Method Based on the Slope Filter, A
Includes: Wu, S.Y. Wu, S.Y.[Shou Yi] Wu, S.Y.[Sih-Ying] Wu, S.Y.[Shuang-Yuan] Wu, S.Y.[Sheng-Yin] Wu, S.Y.[Si-Yuan] Wu, S.Y.[Shu-Yi] Wu, S.Y.[Sheng-Yuan] Wu, S.Y.[Song-Yu] Wu, S.Y.[Shi-You] Wu, S.Y.[Shi-Yu] Wu, S.Y.[Shi-Yong] Wu, S.Y.[Shuang-Ye] Wu, S.Y.[Shuai-Ying] Wu, S.Y.[Shi-Ying] Wu, S.Y.[Song-Yuan] Wu, S.Y.[Shu-Yang] Wu, S.Y.[Shu-Ya] Wu, S.Y.[Si-Yi]
30 for Wu, S.Y.

Wu, S.Y.T.[Scott Yi Ta] * 2003: Combinational image watermarking in the spatial and frequency domains
* 2004: adjusted-purpose digital watermarking technique, An
* 2005: Enhancement of image watermark retrieval based on genetic algorithms
* 2007: Digital watermarking based on chaotic map and reference register
Includes: Wu, S.Y.T.[Scott Yi Ta] Wu, S.Y.T.[Scott Yi-Ta]

Wu, S.Z.[Si Zhong] * 2009: Research and Application of Digital Media Exhibition Technology (DMET) in the Small City's Museum, The
* 2018: Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging with Large Foreground Motions
* 2018: Face Anti-Spoofing with Multi-Scale Information
* 2018: Image Generation from Sketch Constraint Using Contextual GAN
* 2019: Hierarchical Attention for Part-Aware Face Detection
* 2020: Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects From Images in the Wild
* 2021: De-rendering the World's Revolutionary Artefacts
* 2022: Attribute Group Editing for Reliable Few-shot Image Generation
* 2022: De-rendering 3D Objects in the Wild
* 2022: Interpreting the Trends of Extreme Precipitation in Florida through Pressure Change
* 2022: Personalized Convolution for Face Recognition
* 2023: DOVE: Learning Deformable 3D Objects by Watching Videos
* 2023: MagicPony: Learning Articulated 3D Animals in the Wild
* 2023: Seeing a Rose in Five Thousand Ways
* 2023: Unsupervised Learning of Probably Symmetric Deformable 3D Objects From Images in the Wild
* 2024: CGOF++: Controllable 3D Face Synthesis With Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields
Includes: Wu, S.Z.[Si Zhong] Wu, S.Z.[Si-Zhong] Wu, S.Z.[Shang-Zhe] Wu, S.Z.[Shu-Zhe] Wu, S.Z.[Song-Zi]
16 for Wu, S.Z.

Wu, T.[Tony] * 2006: Diagnostic Application of Brain Image Processing and Analysis System for Ischemic Stroke, The
* 2007: Character Independent Font Recognition on a Single Chinese Character
* 2009: Recognition of quantized still face images
* 2010: Real-Time Detection of Small Surface Objects Using Weather Effects
* 2011: Automated Identification of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* 2011: Coherent Scatterers Detection with Polarimetric SAR Sub-Aperture Analysis
* 2011: Fast detection of small infrared objects in maritime scenes using local minimum patterns
* 2011: Highway Bridge Detection Based on PCA Fusion in Airborne Multiband High Resolution SAR Images
* 2011: Illumination robust dictionary-based face recognition
* 2011: Machine Learning Approaches for the Neuroimaging Study of Alzheimer's Disease
* 2011: New Tree Structure for Weighted Dynamic Programming Based Stereo Algorithm, A
* 2011: Performance Experiment of Classification Using Chinese Airborne Multi-Band and Multi-Polar SAR Data
* 2011: Sea-surface image super-resolution based on sparse representation
* 2011: Smoothing Descent Method for Nonconvex TV q -Models, A
* 2011: Stereo matching-based low-textured scene reconstruction for ALV navigation
* 2012: Age Invariant Face Verification with Relative Craniofacial Growth Model
* 2012: Stereo matching using weighted dynamic programming on a single-direction four-connected tree
* 2013: Automated Identification of Thoracolumbar Vertebrae Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* 2013: Change Detection of Multi-Polarimetric SAR Data Based on Principal Component Analysis
* 2013: Nonconvex TVq-Models in Image Restoration: Analysis and a Trust-Region Regularization-Based Superlinearly Convergent Solver
* 2013: Painting analysis using wavelets and probabilistic topic models
* 2013: Robust road detection from a single image using road shape prior
* 2013: Sparse Structure Learning Algorithm for Gaussian Bayesian Network Identification from High-Dimensional Data, A
* 2014: Automated Graph Regularized Projective Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Document Clustering
* 2015: Comparison of the Continuity of Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat 8 OLI and Landsat 7 ETM+ Data among Different Vegetation Types
* 2015: framework for generating anatomically detailed subject-specific human facial models for biomechanical simulations, A
* 2015: H.264/AVC HDTV watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording, An
* 2015: Hierarchical Union-of-Subspaces Model for Human Activity Summarization
* 2015: Limiting Aspects of Nonconvex TV-phi Models
* 2015: Recovering intrinsic images from image sequences using total variation models
* 2015: Robust Principal Component Pursuit via Inexact Alternating Minimization on Matrix Manifolds
* 2016: Automatic cloud detection for high resolution satellite stereo images and its application in terrain extraction
* 2016: Clustering-aware structure-constrained low-rank representation model for learning human action attributes
* 2016: Efficient Small Blob Detection Based on Local Convexity, Intensity and Shape Information
* 2016: Extracting Stops from Noisy Trajectories: A Sequence Oriented Clustering Approach
* 2016: Fast and Accurate Plane Segmentation of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Using Cross-Line Elements
* 2016: Histogram equalization and optimal profile compression based approach for colour image enhancement
* 2016: Learning deep compact channel features for object detection in traffic scenes
* 2016: Line segment matching: A benchmark
* 2016: Monocular Depth-Ordering Reasoning with Occlusion Edge Detection and Couple Layers Inference
* 2016: Multi-lane detection based on omnidirectional camera using anisotropic steerable filters
* 2016: Remote Sensing Image Stripe Noise Removal: From Image Decomposition Perspective
* 2016: Self-adaptive SVDD integrated with AP clustering for one-class classification
* 2016: Updating Road Networks by Local Renewal from GPS Trajectories
* 2017: Mobile Live Video Streaming Optimization via Crowdsourcing Brokerage
* 2017: Non-convex Variational Approach to Photometric Stereo under Inaccurate Lighting, A
* 2017: Optimal Selection of the Regularization Function in a Weighted Total Variation Model. Part II: Algorithm, Its Analysis and Numerical Tests
* 2017: PageRank-based analysis and visualization of ethnic entrepreneurship and innovation
* 2017: Performance of Minimum Mean-Square Error Beam Forming for Polarimetric Phased Array Weather Radar
* 2017: Real-time 3D face reconstruction from one single image by displacement mapping
* 2017: Semi-calibrated Near-Light Photometric Stereo
* 2017: Web service ranking and visualization based on QoS properties and invocation relationships
* 2017: Zero-Shot Learning Posed as a Missing Data Problem
* 2018: Automatic Seam-Line Detection in UAV Remote Sensing Image Mosaicking by Use of Graph Cuts
* 2018: Detection of morphology defects in pipeline based on 3D active stereo omnidirectional vision sensor
* 2018: Extrinsic Calibration of 2D Laser Rangefinders Based on a Mobile Sphere
* 2018: LED-Based Photometric Stereo: Modeling, Calibration and Numerical Solution
* 2018: Low Tensor-Rank Representation Approach for Clustering of Imaging Data, A
* 2019: Context-Anchors for Hybrid Resolution Face Detection
* 2019: Detail-Preserving Trajectory Summarization Based on Segmentation and Group-Based Filtering
* 2019: Histograms of the Normalized Inverse Depth and Line Scanning for Urban Road Detection
* 2019: Indoor Depth Completion with Boundary Consistency and Self-Attention
* 2019: Interactive Context-Aware Anomaly Detection Guided by User Feedback
* 2019: QuatNet: Quaternion-Based Head Pose Estimation With Multiregression Loss
* 2019: Taxi Drivers' Cruising Patterns: Insights from Taxi GPS Traces
* 2019: TOST: A Topological Semantic Model for GPS Trajectories Inside Road Networks
* 2019: Towards Interpretable Object Detection by Unfolding Latent Structures
* 2019: Variational Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Under General Lighting
* 2019: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2019: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
* 2020: Caption-supervised Face Recognition: Training a State-of-the-Art Face Model Without Manual Annotation
* 2020: Deep Multi-Level Wavelet-CNN Denoiser Prior for Restoring Blurred Image With Cauchy Noise
* 2020: DeOccNet: Learning to See Through Foreground Occlusions in Light Fields
* 2020: Distributed Photometric Bundle Adjustment
* 2020: Distribution-balanced Loss for Multi-label Classification in Long-tailed Datasets
* 2020: Explainable Object-Induced Action Decision for Autonomous Vehicles
* 2020: Generating, Storing, Updating and Disseminating A Countrywide 3d Model
* 2020: Graph regularized low-rank representation for submodule clustering
* 2020: HCNN-PSI: A hybrid CNN with partial semantic information for space target recognition
* 2020: Hierarchical Pyramid Diverse Attention Networks for Face Recognition
* 2020: Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing
* 2020: Hygroscopicity of Different Types of Aerosol Particles: Case Studies Using Multi-Instrument Data in Megacity Beijing, China
* 2020: Improved Anchor-Free Instance Segmentation for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: Learning Ordered Top-k Adversarial Attacks via Adversarial Distillation
* 2020: Moving Objects Aware Sensor Mesh Fusion for Indoor Reconstruction From A Couple of 2d Lidar Scans
* 2020: Wavelet-Based Quality-Constrained ECG Data Compression System Without Decoding Process
* 2021: Adaptive-Parameter Pixel Unmixing Method for Mapping Evergreen Forest Fractions Based on Time-Series NDVI: A Case Study of Southern China, An
* 2021: Adversarial Robustness under Long-Tailed Distribution
* 2021: Can Optical Trojans Assist Adversarial Perturbations?
* 2021: Deep Fully Convolutional Embedding Networks for Hyperspectral Images Dimensionality Reduction
* 2021: Embedded Discriminative Attention Mechanism for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: Fine-Grained Shape-Appearance Mutual Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Micro-Topography Mapping through Terrestrial LiDAR in Densely Vegetated Coastal Environments
* 2021: Modelling Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects of Natural and Socioeconomic Factors, and Their Interactions, on Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentrations in China from 2000-2015
* 2021: New Stereo Dense Matching Benchmark Dataset for Deep Learning, A
* 2021: Sliced Sparsity Measure for Tensor To Multispectral Image Denoising
* 2021: Spectral-Locational-Spatial Manifold Learning for Hyperspectral Images Dimensionality Reduction
* 2021: Three-Dimensional Lip Motion Network for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition
* 2021: Towards Evaluating and Training Verifiably Robust Neural Networks
* 2022: Adaptive Spatial-BCE Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Adversarial Robustness of Deep Sensor Fusion Models
* 2022: Assessment of Different Complementary-Relationship-Based Models for Estimating Actual Terrestrial Evapotranspiration in the Frozen Ground Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: Attentions Help CNNs See Better: Attention-based Hybrid Image Quality Assessment Network
* 2022: Efficient CADNet for Classification of High-frequency Oscillations in Magnetoencephalography, An
* 2022: FD-CAM: Improving Faithfulness and Discriminability of Visual Explanation for CNNs
* 2022: GPU-Accelerated Computation of EM Scattering of a Time-Evolving Oceanic Surface Model II: EM Scattering of Actual Oceanic Surface
* 2022: Graph-Based Deep Multitask Few-Shot Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Heterogeneous Representation Learning and Matching for Few-Shot Relation Prediction
* 2022: Human as a Service: Towards Resilient Parking Search System With Sensorless Sensing
* 2022: Incremental Road Network Update Method with Trajectory Data and UAV Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2022: Integrating Gaussian Mixture Dual-Clustering and DBSCAN for Exploring Heterogeneous Characteristics of Urban Spatial Agglomeration Areas
* 2022: Interactive Image Synthesis with Panoptic Layout Generation
* 2022: Machine learning based on automated breast volume scanner (ABVS) radiomics for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant BI-RADS 4 lesions
* 2022: MANIQA: Multi-dimension Attention Network for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: New Method for Continuous Monitoring of Black and Odorous Water Body Using Evaluation Parameters: A Case Study in Baoding, A
* 2022: novel JAYA algorithm for optic disc localisation in eye fundus images, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: Phenology-Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) Method for Crop Information Extraction in Areas Sensitive to Non-Point Source Pollution and Its Influence on Pollution Intensity
* 2022: Pulse Parameters and Peak Currents of Return Strokes Observed by the Ningxia FALMA in the Chinese Inland Areas
* 2022: Rayleigh Lidar Signal Denoising Method Combined with WT, EEMD and LOWESS to Improve Retrieval Accuracy
* 2022: Robust Automatic Method to Extract Building Facade Maps from 3D Point Cloud Data, A
* 2022: Robust Watermarking Scheme for Vector Geographic Data Based on the Ratio Invariance of DWT-CSVD Coefficients
* 2022: SAR Ship Object Detection Algorithm Based on Feature Information Efficient Representation Network, An
* 2022: Soil Texture and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of the Global Skylight Polarization Vector Field
* 2022: Terrain Skeleton Construction and Analysis in Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi
* 2022: Using Multi-Source Real Landform Data to Predict and Analyze Intercity Remote Interference of 5G Communication with Ducting and Troposcatter Effects
* 2022: Vegetation Mapping in the Permafrost Region: A Case Study on the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: Zonation of Mountain Frozen Ground under Aspect Adjustment Revealed by Ground-Penetrating Radar Survey: A Case Study of a Small Catchment in the Upper Reaches of the Yellow River, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* 2023: 3D Interferometer-Type Lightning Mapping Array for Observation of Winter Lightning in Japan, A
* 2023: Brain tumor image segmentation based on prior knowledge via transformer
* 2023: Channel Activity Remote Sensing Retrieval Model: A Case Study of the Lower Yellow River
* 2023: CITS-MEW: Multi-Party Entangled Watermark in Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System
* 2023: ECM-EFS: An ensemble feature selection based on enhanced co-association matrix
* 2023: Evaluating the Impact of Soil Enthalpy upon the Thawing Process of the Active Layer in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using CLM5.0
* 2023: Gluing Atmospheric Lidar Signals Based on an Improved Gray Wolf Optimizer
* 2023: GNP Attack: Transferable Adversarial Examples Via Gradient Norm Penalty
* 2023: Illumination Guided Attentive Wavelet Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* 2023: Low-Carbon Charging Facilities Planning for Electric Vehicles Based on a Novel Travel Route Choice Model
* 2023: Measuring Metro Accessibility: An Exploratory Study of Wuhan Based on Multi-Source Urban Data
* 2023: Methods to Improve the Accuracy and Robustness of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry through Processing of Optically Deep Waters
* 2023: Object-Oriented Deep Multi-Sphere Support Vector Data Description Method for Impervious Surfaces Extraction Based on Multi-Sourced Data, An
* 2023: Off-Road Drivable Area Detection: A Learning-Based Approach Exploiting LiDAR Reflection Texture Information
* 2023: OmniObject3D: Large-Vocabulary 3D Object Dataset for Realistic Perception, Reconstruction and Generation
* 2023: Online Tensor Low-Rank Representation for Streaming Data Clustering
* 2023: P3DC-shot: Prior-driven discrete data calibration for nearest-neighbor few-shot classification
* 2023: Prediction of Sea Surface Reflectivity under Different Sea Conditions Based on the Clustering of Marine Environmental Parameters
* 2023: PSMNet-FusionX3: LiDAR-Guided Deep Learning Stereo Dense Matching On Aerial Images
* 2023: Research on focal segmentation of bone scan based on Swin Transformer
* 2023: RIFormer: Keep Your Vision Backbone Effective But Removing Token Mixer
* 2023: Shaping Deep Feature Space Towards Gaussian Mixture for Visual Classification
* 2023: SLAN: Self-Locator Aided Network for Vision-Language Understanding
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal and Driving Factors of Land Use/Cover Change in Mongolia from 1990 to 2021
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Regional Differences in Soil Thermal Conductivity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2023: STAR-TM: STructure Aware Reconstruction of Textured Mesh From Single Image
* 2023: STMixer: A One-Stage Sparse Action Detector
* 2023: Uncertainty Evaluation on Temperature Detection of Middle Atmosphere by Rayleigh Lidar
* 2023: Uncertainty-Aware Scene Graph Generation
* 2023: Unsupervised detection of contrast enhanced highlight landmarks
* 2023: Urban Road Lane Number Mining from Low-Frequency Floating Car Data Based on Deep Learning
* 2023: V3Det: Vast Vocabulary Visual Detection Dataset
* 2024: Brainomaly: Unsupervised Neurologic Disease Detection Utilizing Unannotated T1-weighted Brain MR Images
* 2024: Enhancing fine-detail image synthesis from text descriptions by text aggregation and connection fusion module
* 2024: Mapping Multi-Modal Brain Connectome for Brain Disorder Diagnosis via Cross-Modal Mutual Learning
* 2024: Ordinal Classification with Distance Regularization for Robust Brain Age Prediction
* 2024: Proceedings of the Workshop on 3D Geometry Generation for Scientific Computing
* 2024: Semi-Supervised 3D Shape Segmentation via Self Refining
Includes: Wu, T.[Tony] Wu, T.[Tao] Wu, T.[Teresa] Wu, T. Wu, T.[Tong] Wu, T.[Taixia] Wu, T.[Tim] Wu, T.[Ting] Wu, T.[Tieru] Wu, T.[Teng] Wu, T.[Tonghai] Wu, T.[Tan] Wu, T.[Tongle] Wu, T.[Tonghua] Wu, T.[Tianhe] Wu, T.[Taiqiang]
168 for Wu, T.

Wu, T.C. * 1994: Application of Geometric Hashing to Iconic Database Retrieval
* 1995: Exact Match Retrieval Scheme Based Upon Principal Component Analysis, An
* 1997: Retrieving Similar Pictures from Iconic Databases Using G-Tree
* 2013: 3D Digital Simulation of Minnan Temple Architecture Caisson's Craft Techniques
* 2013: Improving Traditional Building Repair Construction Quality Using Historic Building Information Modeling Concept
* 2017: new method of moving object detection using adaptive filter, A
Includes: Wu, T.C. Wu, T.C.[Tsung-Cheng]

Wu, T.C.A.[Tsung Chi Ang] * 2014: Integrated Application of Digital Technologies for Transmitting Values of Cultural Heritage in Remote Mountains
* 2016: Study of 3D Digital Simulation Analysis of Fire Charring Degree of Wood Construction of Chinese Traditional Architecture, A
Includes: Wu, T.C.A.[Tsung Chi Ang] Wu, T.C.A.[Tsung-Chi-Ang] Wu, T.C.A.[Tsung Chi-Ang]

Wu, T.D.[Tzong Der] * 1999: Dynamic Bit Rate Conversion in Multipoint Video Transcoding
* 2003: Object-based analysis and interpretation of human motion in sports video sequences by dynamic bayesian networks
Includes: Wu, T.D.[Tzong Der] Wu, T.D.[Tzong-Der]

Wu, T.F.[Tian Fu] * 2007: Bayesian Inference for Layer Representation with Mixed Markov Random Field
* 2007: Compositional Boosting for Computing Hierarchical Image Structures
* 2008: Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox
* 2008: Deformable template combining alignable and non-alignable sketches
* 2008: Design sparse features for age estimation using hierarchical face model
* 2008: Object-of-interest extraction by integrating stochastic inference with learnt active shape sketch
* 2009: 3D Multichannel Active Neural Microelectrode with Single-Supply Integrate Signal Processing Circuitry
* 2009: Evaluating information contributions of bottom-up and top-down processes
* 2009: Image parsing with stochastic grammar: The Lotus Hill dataset and inference scheme
* 2009: stochastic graph grammar for compositional object representation and recognition, A
* 2010: Facial expression recognition using Gabor motion energy filters
* 2010: Three-layer Spatial Sparse Coding for Image Classification
* 2011: Action unit recognition transfer across datasets
* 2011: computer expression recognition toolbox (CERT), The
* 2011: motion in emotion: A CERT based approach to the FERA emotion challenge, The
* 2011: Numerical Study of the Bottom-Up and Top-Down Inference Processes in And-Or Graphs, A
* 2012: Coupling-and-Decoupling: A Hierarchical Model for Occlusion-Free Car Detection
* 2012: Exploring Bag of Words Architectures in the Facial Expression Domain
* 2012: Learning reconfigurable scene representation by tangram model
* 2012: Multilayer Architectures for Facial Action Unit Recognition
* 2012: Robust tracking by accounting for hard negatives explicitly
* 2012: Tracking Pedestrian with Multi-component Online Deformable Part-Based Model
* 2013: Discriminatively Trained And-Or Tree Models for Object Detection
* 2013: Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Policy for Object Detection
* 2013: Modeling Occlusion by Discriminative AND-OR Structures
* 2014: Coupling-and-decoupling: A hierarchical model for occlusion-free object detection
* 2014: Integrating Context and Occlusion for Car Detection by Hierarchical And-Or Model
* 2014: Online Object Tracking, Learning and Parsing with And-Or Graphs
* 2015: Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Policy for Object Detection
* 2016: Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model
* 2016: Learning And-Or Model to Represent Context and Occlusion for Car Detection and Viewpoint Estimation
* 2016: Recognizing Car Fluents from Video
* 2016: Reconfigurable Tangram Model for Scene Representation and Categorization, A
* 2017: Online Object Tracking, Learning and Parsing with And-Or Graphs
* 2018: Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Semantic Segmentation in Videos
* 2018: Leveraging Motion Priors in Videos for Improving Human Segmentation
* 2018: Neural Abstract Style Transfer for Chinese Traditional Painting
* 2019: AOGNets: Compositional Grammatical Architectures for Deep Learning
* 2019: Image Synthesis From Reconfigurable Layout and Style
* 2019: Jointly social grouping and identification in visual dynamics with causality-induced hierarchical Bayesian model
* 2019: Learning Attraction Field Representation for Robust Line Segment Detection
* 2020: Attentive Normalization
* 2020: Inducing Hierarchical Compositional Model by Sparsifying Generator Network
* 2021: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Integration Framework for Online Object Tracking, A
* 2021: Learning Regional Attraction for Line Segment Detection
* 2021: Local Clustering with Mean Teacher for Semi-supervised learning
* 2021: PlaneTR: Structure-Guided Transformers for 3D Plane Recovery
* 2022: Learning Layout and Style Reconfigurable GANs for Controllable Image Synthesis
* 2022: Learning Local-Global Contextual Adaptation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation
* 2022: Refining Self-Supervised Learning in Imaging: Beyond Linear Metric
* 2023: CGBA: Curvature-aware Geometric Black-box Attack
* 2023: Holistically-Attracted Wireframe Parsing: From Supervised to Self-Supervised Learning
* 2023: Learning Spatially-Adaptive Squeeze-Excitation Networks for Few Shot Image Synthesis
* 2023: Learning Spatially-Adaptive Style-Modulation Networks for Single Image Synthesis
* 2023: Level-S2fM: Structure from Motion on Neural Level Set of Implicit Surfaces
* 2023: Monocular 3D Object Detection with Bounding Box Denoising in 3D by Perceiver
* 2023: NOPE-SAC: Neural One-Plane RANSAC for Sparse-View Planar 3D Reconstruction
* 2023: PaCa-ViT: Learning Patch-to-Cluster Attention in Vision Transformers
Includes: Wu, T.F.[Tian Fu] Wu, T.F.[Tian-Fu] Wu, T.F.[Ting-Fan] Wu, T.F.[Teng-Fei]
58 for Wu, T.F.

Wu, T.H. * 1993: 3-D Recovery of Structural and Kinematic Parameters from Long Sequences of Noisy Images
* 1993: Point Correspondence and Motion Detection in Long Image Sequences
* 1993: Simple Kinematic Model Based Approach for 3-D Motion and Structure Estimation, A
* 1994: Stereoscopic Recovery of Egomotion and Structure: Models, Uniqueness and Experimental Results
* 1995: Electronic Image Stabilization Using Multiple Visual Cues
* 1995: Experiments on Estimating Egomotion and Structure Parameters Using Long Monocular Image Sequences
* 1998: Scene Adaptive Hybrid Video Coding Scheme Based on the LOT, A
* 2007: Dynamics Monitoring and Disaster Assessment for Watershed Management Using Time-Series Satellite Images
* 2007: Mean shift algorithm equipped with the intersection of confidence intervals rule for image segmentation
* 2010: Efficient Spatial-Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm and Hardware Architecture Design for H.264/AVC
* 2011: Algorithm and Architecture Design of Perception Engine for Video Coding Applications
* 2016: Three Dimentional Reconstruction Of Large Cultural Heritage Objects Based On UAV Video And TLS Data
* 2019: Estimating Surface Soil Heat Flux in Permafrost Regions Using Remote Sensing-Based Models on the Northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau under Clear-Sky Conditions
* 2019: Investigation of a Small Landslide in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by InSAR and Absolute Deformation Model
* 2020: Assessment of Using Remote Sensing-based Models to Estimate Ground Surface Soil Heat Flux on the Tibetan Plateau during the Freeze-thaw Process, An
* 2020: Deep Multi-Scale Mesh Feature Learning for Automated Labeling of Raw Dental Surfaces From 3D Intraoral Scanners
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2021: Light Field Image Super-Resolution Using Deformable Convolution
* 2021: ReDAL: Region-based and Diversity-aware Active Learning for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: S3: Learnable Sparse Signal Superdensity for Guided Depth Estimation
* 2022: Activity and Kinematics of Two Adjacent Freeze-Thaw-Related Landslides Revealed by Multisource Remote Sensing of Qilian Mountain
* 2022: Crowdsourcing-Based Road Surface Evaluation and Indexing
* 2022: D2ADA: Dynamic Density-Aware Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Domain Randomization-Enhanced Depth Simulation and Restoration for Perceiving and Grasping Specular and Transparent Objects
* 2022: Evaluation of the Performance of CLM5.0 in Soil Hydrothermal Dynamics in Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
* 2022: MonoDTR: Monocular 3D Object Detection with Depth-Aware Transformer
* 2022: Multi-Scale Patch-Based Representation Learning for Image Anomaly Detection and Segmentation
* 2022: Two-Stage Mesh Deep Learning for Automated Tooth Segmentation and Landmark Localization on 3D Intraoral Scans
* 2023: Fair Robust Active Learning by Joint Inconsistency
* 2023: PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimization
* 2024: Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework
Includes: Wu, T.H. Wu, T.H.[Ti-Hua] Wu, T.H.[Tong-Hua] Wu, T.H.[Tai-Hsien] Wu, T.H.[Timothy Haoning] Wu, T.H.[Tian-Hao] Wu, T.H.[Tsung-Han] Wu, T.H.[Tsung-Hsiang] Wu, T.H.[Tsung-Hsuan] Wu, T.H.[Ting-Hai]
32 for Wu, T.H.

Wu, T.J.[Tian Jun] * 2015: WTLS-Based Method for Remote Sensing Imagery Registration, A
* 2017: Geo-Parcel Based Crop Identification by Integrating High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Imagery from Multi-Source Satellite Data
* 2017: Online hash tracking with spatio-temporal saliency auxiliary
* 2020: Geo-Object-Based Land Cover Map Update for High-Spatial-Resolution Remote Sensing Images via Change Detection and Label Transfer
* 2021: Dynamic Wide and Deep Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2021: Geo-Object-Based Vegetation Mapping via Machine Learning Methods with an Intelligent Sample Collection Scheme: A Case Study of Taibai Mountain, China
* 2021: Identification and Portrait of Urban Functional Zones Based on Multisource Heterogeneous Data and Ensemble Learning
* 2021: Wide Sliding Window and Subsampling Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Wide and Deep Fourier Neural Network for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* 2023: Abandoned Land Mapping Based on Spatiotemporal Features from PolSAR Data via Deep Learning Methods
* 2023: Contrastive-Learning-Based Time-Series Feature Representation for Parcel-Based Crop Mapping Using Incomplete Sentinel-2 Image Sequences
Includes: Wu, T.J.[Tian Jun] Wu, T.J.[Tian-Jun]
11 for Wu, T.J.

Wu, T.L.[Tung Lin] * 2003: Embedding Color Watermarks in Color Images
* 2003: Feature extraction by hierarchical overlapped elastic meshing for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* 2005: Subpixel edge detection of color images by principal axis analysis and moment-preserving principle
* 2006: Fast indexing method for image retrieval using k nearest neighbors searches by principal axis analysis
* 2006: Scene-adaptive video partitioning by semantic object tracking
* 2006: Speeding up the similarity search in high-dimensional image database by multiscale filtering and dynamic programming
* 2017: Binocular stereovision system for three-dimensional reconstruction of aluminum alloy weld pool in pulsed GMA welding
* 2017: Feedback Networks
* 2018: Demo2Vec: Reasoning Object Affordances from Online Videos
Includes: Wu, T.L.[Tung Lin] Wu, T.L.[Tung-Lin] Wu, T.L.[Tian-Lei] Wu, T.L.[Tian-Luu] Wu, T.L.[Tong-Li] Wu, T.L. Wu, T.L.[Te-Lin]
9 for Wu, T.L.

Wu, T.N.[Tong Ning] * 2019: Landmark-based multi-region ensemble convolutional neural networks for bone age assessment
* 2024: SVTNet: Automatic bone age assessment network based on TW3 method and vision transformer
Includes: Wu, T.N.[Tong Ning] Wu, T.N.[Tong-Ning]

Wu, T.P.[Tai Pang] * 2004: Separating Specular, Diffuse, and Subsurface Scattering Reflectances from Photometric Images
* 2004: Video Repairing: Inference of Foreground and Background Under Severe Occlusion
* 2005: Bayesian Approach for Shadow Extraction from a Single Image, A
* 2005: Dense Photometric Stereo Using a Mirror Sphere and Graph Cut
* 2006: Dense Photometric Stereo by Expectation Maximization
* 2006: Dense Photometric Stereo: A Markov Random Field Approach
* 2006: Separating Subsurface Scattering from Photometric Image
* 2006: Video Repairing under Variable Illumination Using Cyclic Motions
* 2006: Visible Surface Reconstruction from Normals with Discontinuity Consideration
* 2007: Surface-from-Gradients with Incomplete Data for Single View Modeling
* 2008: Extracting smooth and transparent layers from a single image
* 2010: Photometric Stereo via Expectation Maximization
* 2010: Quasi-dense 3D reconstruction using tensor-based multiview stereo
* 2010: Surface-from-Gradients without Discrete Integrability Enforcement: A Gaussian Kernel Approach
* 2011: Adequate reconstruction of transparent objects on a shoestring budget
* 2012: Closed-Form Solution to Tensor Voting: Theory and Applications, A
* 2015: Normal Estimation of a Transparent Object Using a Video
* 2015: Photometric Stereo in the Wild
Includes: Wu, T.P.[Tai Pang] Wu, T.P.[Tai-Pang]
18 for Wu, T.P.

Wu, T.Q.[Tian Qi] * 2015: Discrete Conformal Deformation: Algorithm and Experiments
* 2022: Structure-Preserving Random Noise Attenuation Method for Seismic Data Based on a Flexible Attention CNN
* 2024: Multi-Scale Acoustic Velocity Inversion Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
Includes: Wu, T.Q.[Tian Qi] Wu, T.Q.[Tian-Qi]

Wu, T.R.[Tie Ru] * 2013: GA-based model selection for smooth twin parametric-margin support vector machine, A
* 2021: Compact learning for multi-label classification
* 2023: High Dynamic Range Imaging with Multi-Exposure Binning on Quad Bayer Color Filter Array
Includes: Wu, T.R.[Tie Ru] Wu, T.R.[Tie-Ru] Wu, T.R.[Tian-Ran]

Wu, T.S. * 2015: Reconstruction of Indoor Models Using Point Clouds Generated from Single-Lens Reflex Cameras and Depth Images
* 2023: Exploiting enhanced and robust RGB-D face representation via progressive multi-modal learning
Includes: Wu, T.S. Wu, T.S.[Tian-Shu]

Wu, T.T.[Tang Ting] * 2019: Gravity Field Model Determination Based on GOCE Satellite Point-Wise Accelerations Estimated from Onboard Carrier Phase Observations
* 2019: Image denoising via a new anisotropic total-variation-based model
* 2019: Learning Human Cognition via fMRI Analysis Using 3d Cnn and Graph Neural Network
* 2021: Colour image segmentation based on a convex K-means approach
* 2021: Multi-Feature Based Network Revealing the Structural Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder
* 2021: Saline-Soil Deformation Extraction Based on an Improved Time-Series InSAR Approach
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Drought and Driving Factors Based on the GRACE-Derived Total Storage Deficit Index: A Case Study in Southwest China
* 2021: study on attention-based LSTM for abnormal behavior recognition with variable pooling, A
* 2022: Efficient Boosted DC Algorithm for Nonconvex Image Restoration with Rician Noise
* 2022: Quaternion Screened Poisson Equation for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* 2022: Quaternion-Based Dictionary Learning and Saturation-Value Total Variation Regularization for Color Image Restoration
* 2022: Quaternion-based weighted nuclear norm minimization for color image restoration
* 2023: Head/Tail Breaks-Based Approach to Characterizing Space-Time Risks of COVID-19 Epidemic in China's Cities, A
* 2023: Single-particle reconstruction in cryo-EM based on three-dimensional weighted nuclear norm minimization
* 2024: DiscrimLoss: A Universal Loss for Hard Samples and Incorrect Samples Discrimination
Includes: Wu, T.T.[Tang Ting] Wu, T.T.[Tang-Ting] Wu, T.T.[Ting-Ting] Wu, T.T.[Ting-Tao]
15 for Wu, T.T.

Wu, T.W.[Tian Wei] * 2019: New Paradigm for Self-embedding Image Watermarking with Poisson Equation
* 2021: Deep Context-Encoding Network for Retinal Image Captioning
* 2021: DeepOpht: Medical Report Generation for Retinal Images via Deep Models and Visual Explanation
* 2022: Non-local Attention Improves Description Generation for Retinal Images
* 2022: Simulation Performance and Case Study of Extreme Events in Northwest China Using the BCC-CSM2 Model
* 2023: Expert-defined Keywords Improve Interpretability of Retinal Image Captioning
Includes: Wu, T.W.[Tian Wei] Wu, T.W.[Tian-Wei] Wu, T.W.[Ting-Wei] Wu, T.W.[Tong-Wen]

Wu, T.X. * 2010: Comparison of Two Frame Rate Conversion Schemes for Reducing LCD Motion Blurs
* 2014: Evaluation of Multiple Spring Phenological Indicators of Yearly GPP and NEP at Three Canadian Forest Sites
* 2015: Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States
* 2016: Evaluation of the Chinese Fine Spatial Resolution Hyperspectral Satellite TianGong-1 in Urban Land-Cover Classification
* 2016: Monitoring and Assessing the 2012 Drought in the Great Plains: Analyzing Satellite-Retrieved Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Drought Indices, and Gross Primary Production
* 2017: Exploring the Potential of Spectral Classification in Estimation of Soil Contaminant Elements
* 2020: Fractional evergreen forest cover mapping by MODIS time-series FEVC-CV methods at sub-pixel scales
* 2021: Ecological Safety Assessment and Analysis of Regional Spatiotemporal Differences Based on Earth Observation Satellite Data in Support of SDGs: The Case of the Huaihe River Basin
* 2021: Mixed Noise Estimation Model for Optimized Kernel Minimum Noise Fraction Transformation in Hyperspectral Image Dimensionality Reduction
* 2021: novel surface water index using local background information for long term and large-scale Landsat images, A
* 2021: Talk-to-Edit: Fine-Grained Facial Editing via Dialog
* 2022: Assessment of the Combined Risk of Drought and High-Temperature Heat Wave Events in the North China Plain during Summer
* 2022: Detecting and Recovering Sequential DeepFake Manipulation
* 2022: Quantifying the Effects of Climate Variability, Land-Use Changes, and Human Activities on Drought Based on the SWAT-PDSI Model
* 2023: Detecting and Grounding Multi-Modal Media Manipulation
* 2024: Talk-to-Edit: Fine-Grained 2D and 3D Facial Editing via Dialog
Includes: Wu, T.X. Wu, T.X.[Tai-Xia] Wu, T.X.[Tian-Xiao] Wu, T.X.[Tian-Xing]
16 for Wu, T.X.

Wu, T.Y.[Ting Yao] * 2002: On the use of nearest feature line for speaker identification
* 2014: Factor Selection for Reinforcement Learning in HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* 2015: Unsupervised hierarchical image segmentation based on Bayesian sequential partitioning
* 2017: Anticipating Daily Intention Using On-wrist Motion Triggered Sensing
* 2018: Liquid Pouring Monitoring via Rich Sensory Inputs
* 2020: Exploit Clues From Views: Self-Supervised and Regularized Learning for Multiview Object Recognition
* 2020: Feature Consistency Training With JPEG Compressed Images
* 2020: GiNet: Graph Interaction Network for Scene Parsing
* 2020: Ice Monitoring in Swiss Lakes from Optical Satellites and Webcams Using Machine Learning
* 2020: Solving Long-tailed Recognition with Deep Realistic Taxonomic Classifier
* 2021: CGNet: A Light-Weight Context Guided Network for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Learning of Visual Relations: The Devil is in the Tails
* 2021: Sparse to Dense Motion Transfer for Face Image Animation
* 2022: Class-Incremental Learning with Strong Pre-trained Models
* 2022: Consensus Feature Network for Scene Parsing
* 2022: Continual Learning for Visual Search with Backward Consistent Feature Embedding
* 2022: Learning Video-independent Eye Contact Segmentation from In-the-wild Videos
* 2022: Temporal and Spatial Changes and GLOF Susceptibility Assessment of Glacial Lakes in Nepal from 2000 to 2020
* 2024: Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-View Appearance-based Gaze Estimation
Includes: Wu, T.Y.[Ting Yao] Wu, T.Y.[Ting-Yao] Wu, T.Y.[Tung-Yu] Wu, T.Y.[Tz-Ying] Wu, T.Y.[Tian-Yi] Wu, T.Y.[Tian-Yu] Wu, T.Y.[Tzer-Yi] Wu, T.Y.[Tong-Yu]
19 for Wu, T.Y.

Wu, T.Z.[Ting Zhao] * 2015: Azimuthal Perceptual Resolution Model Based Adaptive 3D Spatial Parameter Coding
* 2016: Analysis and Comparison of Inter-Channel Level Difference and Interaural Level Difference
* 2020: Multi-step Coding Structure of Spatial Audio Object Coding
Includes: Wu, T.Z.[Ting Zhao] Wu, T.Z.[Ting-Zhao]

Wu, V. * 1995: Extracting Text From Greyscale Images
* 1997: Automatic Text Detection and Recognition
* 1997: Finding Text In Images
* 1998: Text Image Clean-Up and Thresholding: A Comparative Study
* 1999: TextFinder
* 1999: TextFinder: An Automatic System to Detect and Recognize Text in Images
* 2015: Assessment of Septal Motion Abnormalities in Left Bundle Branch Block Patients Using Computer Simulations
* 2023: Multisensor Interface to Improve the Learning Experience in Arc Welding Training Tasks, A
Includes: Wu, V. Wu, V.[Victor] Wu, V.[Vincent]
8 for Wu, V.

Wu, V.K.Y.[Victor K.Y.] * 2012: Efficient real-time similarity detection for video caching and streaming

Wu, W.[Wen] * 1900: Incremental Detection of Text on Road Signs
* 1992: Algorithms for Recognizing Planar Polygonal Configurations Using Perspective Images
* 1999: Compression of MPEG-4 Facial Animation Parameters for Transmission of Talking Heads
* 2002: Fusion algorithm for multisensor images based on discrete multiwavelet transform
* 2004: Modeling and decoding motor cortical activity using a switching Kalman filter
* 2005: Bayesian population coding of motor cortical activity using a Kalman filter
* 2005: Detection of text on road signs from video
* 2007: Evaluation of MODIS Land Cover and LAI Products in Cropland of North China Plain Using In Situ Measurements and Landsat TM Images
* 2008: Semi-supervised learning of object categories from paired local features
* 2009: Discriminant analysis based on modified generalised singular value decomposition and its numerical error analysis
* 2009: Improving Wavelet De-Noise By Means of Shifting-Scale-Method
* 2009: PFID: Pittsburgh fast-food image dataset
* 2009: Semi-Automatically Labeling Objects in Images
* 2010: Interactive Video Layer Decomposition and Matting
* 2011: Design of wide-band array with frequency invariant beam pattern by using adaptive synthesis method
* 2011: Hidden-Markov-Model-Based Segmentation Confidence Applied to Container Code Character Extraction
* 2011: Learning-based hypothesis fusion for robust catheter tracking in 2D X-ray fluoroscopy
* 2011: Learning-based super resolution using kernel partial least squares
* 2011: one-pass estimation algorithm for real-time video coding, A
* 2012: new metric for measuring image-based 3D reconstruction, A
* 2012: Objective Assessment of Multiresolution Image Fusion Algorithms for Context Enhancement in Night Vision: A Comparative Study
* 2012: Stereo matching using graph cuts: A 3D-Hough transformation approach
* 2013: Classification and Analysis of 3D Teleimmersive Activities
* 2013: hierarchical graph model for object cosegmentation, A
* 2013: new trajectory clustering algorithm using temporal smoothness for motion segmentation, A
* 2013: Robust Trajectory Clustering for Motion Segmentation
* 2013: Temporally Coherent Video Saliency Using Regional Dynamic Contrast
* 2014: Analyzing sedentary behavior in life-logging images
* 2014: Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* 2014: Dynamic BFECC Characteristic Mapping method for fluid simulations
* 2014: Integrated 3S Technology Used in Urban Grid Management
* 2015: Biologically Inspired Visual Model With Preliminary Cognition and Active Attention Adjustment
* 2015: GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor Detector
* 2015: iterated randomized search algorithm for large-scale texture synthesis and manipulations, An
* 2015: Learning Spatial and Temporal Extents of Human Actions for Action Detection
* 2015: Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion on Degenerate Deformations With Low-Rank Shape Deformation Model
* 2015: Probabilistic Common Spatial Patterns for Multichannel EEG Analysis
* 2015: Reconstruction of three-dimensional flame with color temperature
* 2015: Robust object tracking using semi-supervised appearance dictionary learning
* 2015: Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images via Spatial Translation-Invariant Wavelet-Based Sparse Representation
* 2015: Structure-aware QR Code abstraction
* 2015: Two-Way Arterial Signal Coordination Method With Queueing Process Considered, A
* 2016: Bayer Demosaicking With Polynomial Interpolation
* 2016: Bayesian Machine Learning: EEG/MEG signal processing measurements
* 2016: Biologically Inspired Model for Visual Cognition Achieving Unsupervised Episodic and Semantic Feature Learning
* 2016: Control strategies for solving the problem of traffic congestion
* 2016: Disparity refinement based on segment-tree and fast weighted median filter
* 2016: Extending the Pairwise Separability Index for Multicrop Identification Using Time-Series MODIS Images
* 2016: Hierarchical Model Predictive Control Approach for Signal Splits Optimization in Large-Scale Urban Road Networks, A
* 2016: Hyperspectral Image Restoration via Iteratively Regularized Weighted Schatten p -Norm Minimization
* 2016: Multimodal BCIs: Target Detection, Multidimensional Control, and Awareness Evaluation in Patients With Disorder of Consciousness
* 2016: Network-Coding-Assisted Data Dissemination via Cooperative Vehicle-to-Vehicle/-Infrastructure Communications
* 2016: Novel Rate Control Scheme for Low Delay Video Coding of HEVC
* 2017: ActiveCrowd: A Framework for Optimized Multitask Allocation in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems
* 2017: Application of PCRTM Physical Retrieval Methodology for IASI Cloudy Scene Analysis, The
* 2017: Burned Area Mapping Algorithm for Chinese FengYun-3 MERSI Satellite Data, A
* 2017: Combined Use of Remote Sensing and Social Sensing Data in Fine-Grained Urban Land Use Mapping: A Case Study in Beijing, China, The
* 2017: Computational modeling of spectral data fitting with nonlinear distortions
* 2017: Electric Vehicle Charging Station Placement for Urban Public Bus Systems
* 2017: FengYun-3C VIRR Active Fire Monitoring: Algorithm Description and Initial Assessment Using MODIS and Landsat Data
* 2017: Geo-Parcel Based Crop Identification by Integrating High Spatial-Temporal Resolution Imagery from Multi-Source Satellite Data
* 2017: GPU-accelerated SPH fluids surface reconstruction using two-level spatial uniform grids
* 2017: YOLSE: Egocentric Fingertip Detection from Single RGB Images
* 2018: Combining UAV-Based Vegetation Indices and Image Classification to Estimate Flower Number in Oilseed Rape
* 2018: Distractor-Aware Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking
* 2018: Dynamic Clustering and Cooperative Scheduling for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Bidirectional Road Scenarios
* 2018: Elastic Handling of Predictor Phase in Functional Regression Models
* 2018: End-to-End Flow Correlation Tracking with Spatial-Temporal Attention
* 2018: Facial Expression Recognition for Different Pose Faces Based on Special Landmark Detection
* 2018: High Performance Visual Tracking with Siamese Region Proposal Network
* 2018: High-Resolution PolSAR Scene Classification With Pretrained Deep Convnets and Manifold Polarimetric Parameters
* 2018: Light Person Re-Identification by Multi-Cue Tiny Net
* 2018: Look at Boundary: A Boundary-Aware Face Alignment Algorithm
* 2018: Motion Tracking of the Carotid Artery Wall From Ultrasound Image Sequences: a Nonlinear State-Space Approach
* 2018: Multi-Attribute Driven Vehicle Re-Identification with Spatial-Temporal Re-Ranking
* 2018: Multi-instance multi-label learning of natural scene images: via sparse coding and multi-layer neural network
* 2018: Multi-oriented Scene Text Detection via Corner Localization and Region Segmentation
* 2018: Orientation-Guided Similarity Learning for Person Re-identification
* 2018: Practical Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* 2018: Reconstruction Method for Broken Contour Lines Based on Similar Contours, A
* 2018: ReenactGAN: Learning to Reenact Faces via Boundary Transfer
* 2018: SeaShips: A Large-Scale Precisely Annotated Dataset for Ship Detection
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Spectral-Temporal Patch-Based Missing Area Reconstruction for Time-Series Images, A
* 2018: Subspace Clustering With K-Support Norm
* 2018: Thin-Cloud Mask Method for Remote Sensing Images Based on Sparse Dark Pixel Region Detection, A
* 2018: Two-Step Urban Water Index (TSUWI): A New Technique for High-Resolution Mapping of Urban Surface Water
* 2019: Aggregation via Separation: Boosting Facial Landmark Detector With Semi-Supervised Style Translation
* 2019: AM-LFS: AutoML for Loss Function Search
* 2019: Corresponding Points Screening Algorithm Based On Gaussian Kernel Fuzzy Clustering, The
* 2019: Development of Dynamic Platoon Dispersion Models for Predictive Traffic Signal Control
* 2019: Dynamic Curriculum Learning for Imbalanced Data Classification
* 2019: FAB: A Robust Facial Landmark Detection Framework for Motion-Blurred Videos
* 2019: fast single-image super-resolution method implemented with CUDA, A
* 2019: Feedback Network for Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Implementing real-time RCF-Retinex image enhancement method using CUDA
* 2019: Investigation of Remote Sensing Imageries for Identifying Soil Texture Classes Using Classification Methods
* 2019: IRLAS: Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Architecture Search
* 2019: Low-cost biometric recognition system based on NIR palm vein image
* 2019: Low-cost Wheeled Robot-borne Laser Scanning System for Indoor And Outdoor 3d Mapping Application
* 2019: Make a Face: Towards Arbitrary High Fidelity Face Manipulation
* 2019: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Frame Sampling for Effective Untrimmed Video Recognition
* 2019: Non-Local Low-Rank Cube-Based Tensor Factorization for Spectral CT Reconstruction
* 2019: Online Hyper-Parameter Learning for Auto-Augmentation Strategy
* 2019: Region-wise Modeling of Facial Skin Age using Deep CNNs
* 2019: Saliency Detection via Topological Feature Modulated Deep Learning
* 2019: Selective Sensor Fusion for Neural Visual-Inertial Odometry
* 2019: Short-term passenger flow forecast of urban rail transit based on GPR and KRR
* 2019: SiamRPN++: Evolution of Siamese Visual Tracking With Very Deep Networks
* 2019: Simultaneous Dimensionality Reduction and Classification via Dual Embedding Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* 2019: Skeleton Line Extraction Method in Areas with Dense Junctions Considering Stroke Features
* 2019: STM: SpatioTemporal and Motion Encoding for Action Recognition
* 2019: Subspace Clustering Under Complex Noise
* 2019: TransGaGa: Geometry-Aware Unsupervised Image-To-Image Translation
* 2019: Weighted Double-Logistic Function Fitting Method for Reconstructing the High-Quality Sentinel-2 NDVI Time Series Data Set
* 2020: Adaptive Dilated Network With Self-Correction Supervision for Counting
* 2020: Asymmetric Foveated Just-Noticeable-Difference Model for Images With Visual Field Inhomogeneities
* 2020: Background Noise Filtering and Distribution Dividing for Crowd Counting
* 2020: Bi-directional Cross-modality Feature Propagation with Separation-and-aggregation Gate for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Boosting the Transferability of Adversarial Samples via Attention
* 2020: Class-wise Dynamic Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: DeeperForensics-1.0: A Large-Scale Dataset for Real-World Face Forgery Detection
* 2020: Dynamic Inference: A New Approach Toward Efficient Video Action Recognition
* 2020: Hierarchical Feature Embedding for Attribute Recognition
* 2020: IHS-GTF: A Fusion Method for Optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
* 2020: Improving One-Shot NAS by Suppressing the Posterior Fading
* 2020: Localin Reshuffle Net: Toward Naturally and Efficiently Facial Image Blending
* 2020: Mapping Rice Paddy Based on Machine Learning with Sentinel-2 Multi-Temporal Data: Model Comparison and Transferability
* 2020: Mapping Without Dynamic: Robust Lidar-SLAM for UGV Mobile Mapping In Dynamic Environments
* 2020: Mead: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking-face Generation
* 2020: No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Based On Similarity Map Estimation
* 2020: Optimal Petri-Net Controller for Avoiding Collisions in a Class of Automated Guided Vehicle Systems
* 2020: Partitioned Relief-F Method for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images
* 2020: Radiometrically Consistent Climate Fingerprinting Using CrIS and AIRS Hyperspectral Observations
* 2020: Review of palm vein recognition
* 2020: Saliency-Aware Convolution Neural Network for Ship Detection in Surveillance Video
* 2020: Segment-based Lidar Odometry for Less Structured Outdoor Scene
* 2020: Selection Method of Dendritic River Networks Based on Hybrid Coding for Topographic Map Generalization
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Human Detection via Region Proposal Networks Aided by Verification
* 2020: Survey of Intrusion Detection for In-Vehicle Networks, A
* 2020: Towards Global Explanations of Convolutional Neural Networks With Concept Attribution
* 2020: TransMoMo: Invariance-Driven Unsupervised Video Motion Retargeting
* 2021: Audio-Driven Emotional Video Portraits
* 2021: BlockQNN: Efficient Block-Wise Neural Network Architecture Generation
* 2021: deep fusion framework for unlabeled data-driven tumor recognition, A
* 2021: Detail Information Prior Net for Remote Sensing Image Pansharpening
* 2021: Detecting high-temperature anomalies from Sentinel-2 MSI images
* 2021: Focal Frequency Loss for Image Reconstruction and Synthesis
* 2021: Identifying Dynamic Changes in Water Surface Using Sentinel-1 Data Based on Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning Techniques
* 2021: Improved Bilinear Pooling Method for Image-Based Action Recognition, An
* 2021: Incorporating Convolution Designs into Visual Transformers
* 2021: Integrated Mapping of Spatial Urban Dynamics: A European-Chinese Exploration. Part 1: Methodology for Automatic Land Cover Classification Tailored towards Spatial Allocation of Ecosystem Services Features
* 2021: Learning Statistical Texture for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Meta Generalized Network for Few-Shot Classification
* 2021: Pareidolia Face Reenactment
* 2021: Pose Variation Adaptation for Person Re-identification
* 2021: Pose-Controllable Talking Face Generation by Implicitly Modularized Audio-Visual Representation
* 2021: Predicting Bus Passenger Flow and Prioritizing Influential Factors Using Multi-Source Data: Scaled Stacking Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
* 2021: Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon under Different Land Use Types Using Sentinel-1/-2 Data in a Small Watershed
* 2021: Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Based on Global Self-Attention Module
* 2021: Risk Assessment and Development Cost Optimization in Software Defined Vehicles
* 2021: Security Enhancement for Real-Time Parallel In-Vehicle Applications by CAN FD Message Authentication
* 2021: Semantic Information Oriented No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
* 2021: Spatial-Temporal Correlation and Topology Learning for Person Re-Identification in Videos
* 2021: Spatiotemporal-Filtering-Based Channel Selection for Single-Trial EEG Classification
* 2021: SRL: Separation-and-Recombination Learning for Video Facial Landmark Detection with Limited Data
* 2021: SVM-Based Nested Sliding Window Approach for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images, An
* 2021: TAM: Temporal Adaptive Module for Video Recognition
* 2021: Temporal Context Aggregation Network for Temporal Action Proposal Refinement
* 2022: Attention-Guided Collaborative Counting
* 2022: Autonomous Intersection Management for Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Lane-Based Method
* 2022: Backbone is All Your Need: A Simplified Architecture for Visual Object Tracking
* 2022: Boosting Camouflaged Object Detection with Dual-Task Interactive Transformer
* 2022: CAR-Net: A Deep Learning-Based Deformation Model for 3D/2D Coronary Artery Registration
* 2022: CAT: Re-Conv Attention in Transformer for Visual Question Answering
* 2022: CelebV-HQ: A Large-Scale Video Facial Attributes Dataset
* 2022: Complementarity-aware cross-modal feature fusion network for RGB-T semantic segmentation
* 2022: Context Relation Fusion Model for Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Contrastive Learning-based Robust Object Detection under Smoky Conditions
* 2022: Covert Wireless Communication With Noise Uncertainty in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Networks
* 2022: Cross Domain Object Detection by Target-Perceived Dual Branch Distillation
* 2022: Deep Active Learning for Cryo-Electron Tomography Classification
* 2022: Differences in Urban Morphology between 77 Cities in China and Europe
* 2022: Discrete space reinforcement learning algorithm based on twin support vector machine classification
* 2022: European-Chinese Exploration: Part 2: Urban Ecosystem Service Patterns, Processes, and Contributions to Environmental Equity under Different Scenarios, A
* 2022: Exploring the Influencing Factors in Identifying Soil Texture Classes Using Multitemporal Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data
* 2022: Failure Mechanism Analysis of Mining-Induced Landslide Based on Geophysical Investigation and Numerical Modelling Using Distinct Element Method
* 2022: Fast-Vid2Vid: Spatial-Temporal Compression for Video-to-Video Synthesis
* 2022: HFF6D: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network for Robust 6D Object Pose Tracking
* 2022: Hierarchical Motion Learning for Goal-Oriented Movements With Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff of a Musculoskeletal System
* 2022: Joint-Modal Label Denoising for Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* 2022: L-Tracing: Fast Light Visibility Estimation on Neural Surfaces by Sphere Tracing
* 2022: Learning Hierarchical Cross-Modal Association for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
* 2022: Learning Video Representations of Human Motion from Synthetic Data
* 2022: Light-weight shadow detection via GCN-based annotation strategy and knowledge distillation
* 2022: Multifunctional Signal Design for Measurement, Navigation and Communication Based on BOC and BPSK Modulation
* 2022: Postprocessing Method Based on Regions and Boundaries Using Convolutional Neural Networks and a New Dataset for Building Extraction, A
* 2022: Progressive Attention on Multi-Level Dense Difference Maps for Generic Event Boundary Detection
* 2022: Semantic-Aware Implicit Neural Audio-Driven Video Portrait Generation
* 2022: Shadow detection via multi-scale feature fusion and unsupervised domain adaptation
* 2022: Single image shadow detection via uncertainty analysis and GCN-based refinement strategy
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Distribution Patterns and Exposure Risks of PM2.5 Pollution in China
* 2022: StyleGAN-Human: A Data-Centric Odyssey of Human Generation
* 2022: Target-Relevant Knowledge Preservation for Multi-Source Domain Adaptive Object Detection
* 2022: Temporal Complementarity-Guided Reinforcement Learning for Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification
* 2022: TransEditor: Transformer-Based Dual-Space GAN for Highly Controllable Facial Editing
* 2022: TransMarker: A Pure Vision Transformer for Facial Landmark Detection
* 2022: Unsupervised Learning of Accurate Siamese Tracking
* 2022: Using Simulated Training Data of Voxel-Level Generative Models to Improve 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* 2023: 3DHumanGAN: 3D-Aware Human Image Generation with 3D Pose Mapping
* 2023: Accurate edge-preserving stereo matching by enhancing anisotropy
* 2023: ActFormer: A GAN-based Transformer towards General Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Generation
* 2023: Audio-Driven Dubbing for User Generated Contents via Style-Aware Semi-Parametric Synthesis
* 2023: Bayesian Adaptive Beamformer for Robust Electromagnetic Brain Imaging of Correlated Sources in High Spatial Resolution
* 2023: Bayesian Algorithms for Joint Estimation of Brain Activity and Noise in Electromagnetic Imaging
* 2023: CelebV-Text: A Large-Scale Facial Text-Video Dataset
* 2023: Characterizing Spring Phenological Changes of the Land Surface across the Conterminous United States from 2001 to 2021
* 2023: Collision-Free Adaptive Fuzzy Formation Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Multiagent Systems
* 2023: CrossFuser: Multi-Modal Feature Fusion for End-to-End Autonomous Driving Under Unseen Weather Conditions
* 2023: Deformation Monitoring and Dynamic Analysis of Long-Runout Bedding Landslide Based on InSAR and Particle Flow Code
* 2023: Dependence-Aware Edge Intelligent Function Offloading for 6G-Based IoV
* 2023: Dilated high-resolution network driven RGB-T multi-modal crowd counting
* 2023: DNA-Rendering: A Diverse Neural Actor Repository for High-Fidelity Human-centric Rendering
* 2023: Estimating the Uncertainty in Emotion Class Labels With Utterance-Specific Dirichlet Priors
* 2023: Feature Adversarial Distillation for Point Cloud Classification
* 2023: GNSS/LiDAR/IMU Pose Estimation System Based on Collaborative Fusion of Factor Map and Filtering, A
* 2023: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Transformer for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: How Many Annotations Do We Need for Generalizing New-Coming Shadow Images?
* 2023: Learning Unified Decompositional and Compositional NeRF for Editable Novel View Synthesis
* 2023: LidarGait: Benchmarking 3D Gait Recognition with Point Clouds
* 2023: Lightweight Siamese Neural Network for Building Change Detection Using Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Long-Time Coherent Integration for Marine Targets Based on Segmented Compensation
* 2023: MCANet: Multiscale Cross-Modality Attention Network for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
* 2023: MD-VQA: Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment for UGC Live Videos
* 2023: Monitoring the Area Change in the Three Gorges Reservoir Riparian Zone Based on Genetic Algorithm Optimized Machine Learning Algorithms and Sentinel-1 Data
* 2023: MonoHuman: Animatable Human Neural Field from Monocular Video
* 2023: MotionBERT: A Unified Perspective on Learning Human Motion Representations
* 2023: MuRCL: Multi-Instance Reinforcement Contrastive Learning for Whole Slide Image Classification
* 2023: Neurofeedback Training With an Electroencephalogram-Based Brain-Computer Interface Enhances Emotion Regulation
* 2023: Noise-Sensitive Adversarial Learning for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection
* 2023: Novel Saliency-Based Decomposition Strategy for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion, A
* 2023: OmniObject3D: Large-Vocabulary 3D Object Dataset for Realistic Perception, Reconstruction and Generation
* 2023: OrthoPlanes: A Novel Representation for Better 3D-Awareness of GANs
* 2023: PatchAugNet: Patch feature augmentation-based heterogeneous point cloud place recognition in large-scale street scenes
* 2023: Perceptual quality assessment for fine-grained compressed images
* 2023: Planar Constraint Assisted LiDAR SLAM Algorithm Based on Manhattan World Assumption
* 2023: Potential Game Based Task Offloading in the High-Speed Railway With Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Regularized Mask Tuning: Uncovering Hidden Knowledge in Pre-trained Vision-Language Models
* 2023: Scalable Video Object Segmentation with Simplified Framework
* 2023: Semantic-Supervised Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Via a Dual-Discriminator Generative Adversarial Network
* 2023: Sparse Bayesian Learning for End-to-End EEG Decoding
* 2023: Subband Differentiated Learning Network for Rain Streak Removal
* 2023: SynBody: Synthetic Dataset with Layered Human Models for 3D Human Perception and Modeling
* 2023: Text2Performer: Text-Driven Human Video Generation
* 2023: Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model for Estimating the Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Using Digital and Multispectral Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images at Various Growth Stages, A
* 2023: UnitedHuman: Harnessing Multi-Source Data for High-Resolution Human Generation
* 2023: Urban Impervious Surface Extraction Based on Deep Convolutional Networks Using Intensity, Polarimetric Scattering and Interferometric Coherence Information from Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* 2023: Using the InVEST-PLUS Model to Predict and Analyze the Pattern of Ecosystem Carbon storage in Liaoning Province, China
* 2023: Video Quality Assessment Based on Swin Transformer with Spatio-Temporal Feature Fusion and Data Augmentation
* 2024: Agent-Based Simulation Approach for Urban Road Pricing Considering the Integration of Autonomous Vehicles With Public Transport, An
* 2024: Developing a Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Fusion to Generate MODIS-like Data Using AVHRR and Landsat Images
* 2024: Discriminative features enhancement for low-altitude UAV object detection
* 2024: Feature rectification and enhancement for no-reference image quality assessment
* 2024: MIVC: Multiple Instance Visual Component for Visual-Language Models
* 2024: Omni-supervised shadow detection with vision foundation model
* 2024: Similarity- and Quality-Guided Relation Learning for Joint Detection and Tracking
* 2024: Spectral Fingerprinting of Methane from Hyper-Spectral Sounder Measurements Using Machine Learning and Radiative Kernel-Based Inversion
Includes: Wu, W.[Wen] Wu, W. Wu, W.[Wei] Wu, W.[Wanmin] Wu, W.[Wensong] Wu, W.[Weikang] Wu, W.[Wayne] Wu, W.[Wenfu] Wu, W.[Wan] Wu, W.[Wenming] Wu, W.[Wanben] Wu, W.[Wanrong] Wu, W.[Wenyan] Wu, W.[Wenguo] Wu, W.[Weile] Wu, W.[Weiren] Wu, W.[Weishang] Wu, W.[Weili] Wu, W.[Weitong] Wu, W.[Wenge] Wu, W.[Wenyi]
267 for Wu, W.

Wu, W.B. * 2000: Exact Distribution of Edge-Preserving MAP Estimators for Linear Signal Models with Gaussian Measurement Noise
* 2011: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Detection Based on Object-Oriented Theory
* 2013: Exploring the Use of Google Earth Imagery and Object-Based Methods in Land Use/Cover Mapping
* 2015: Fusion of a panoramic camera and 2D laser scanner data for constrained bundle adjustment in GPS-denied environments
* 2015: Particle filtering methods for georeferencing panoramic image sequence in complex urban scenes
* 2016: Monitoring Plastic-Mulched Farmland by Landsat-8 OLI Imagery Using Spectral and Textural Features
* 2017: Copy-move forgery detection based on multi-radius PCET
* 2017: In-Season Crop Mapping with GF-1/WFV Data by Combining Object-Based Image Analysis and Random Forest
* 2018: Estimating Sub-Pixel Soybean Fraction from Time-Series MODIS Data Using an Optimized Geographically Weighted Regression Model
* 2019: Comparison of Two Synergy Approaches for Hybrid Cropland Mapping
* 2019: Towards Automatic Segmentation and Recognition of Multiple Precast Concrete Elements in Outdoor Laser Scan Data
* 2019: Using the Bayesian Network to Map Large-Scale Cropping Intensity by Fusing Multi-Source Data
* 2019: Vision-Based Target Objects Recognition and Segmentation for Unmanned Systems Task Allocation
* 2020: Estimation of Sugarcane Yield Using a Machine Learning Approach Based on UAV-LiDAR Data
* 2020: Joint Effect of Spartina alterniflora Invasion and Reclamation on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Tidal Flats in Yangtze River Estuary
* 2021: Efficient Method for Estimating Wheat Heading Dates Using UAV Images, An
* 2021: Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples with Adversarial Transformations
* 2021: Wheat Yellow Rust Detection Using UAV-Based Hyperspectral Technology
* 2022: Assessing the Impacts of Tidal Creeks on the Spatial Patterns of Coastal Salt Marsh Vegetation and Its Aboveground Biomass
* 2022: Efficient Dual-Branch Bottleneck Networks of Semantic Segmentation Based on CCD Camera
* 2022: full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data, A
* 2022: Genetic Programming for High-Level Feature Learning in Crop Classification
* 2022: Improving Adversarial Transferability via Neuron Attribution-based Attacks
* 2022: In-Depth Assessment of the Drivers Changing China's Crop Production Using an LMDI Decomposition Approach, An
* 2022: Object-Based Genetic Programming Approach for Cropland Field Extraction, An
* 2022: Spatial-Temporal Parallel Transformer for Arm-Hand Dynamic Estimation
* 2023: Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Relative Heavy Metal Content in Pennisetum sinese Roxb via EEMD-db3 Algorithm
* 2023: Hyperspectral Prediction Model of Nitrogen Content in Citrus Leaves Based on the CEEMDAN-SR Algorithm
* 2023: Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Samples by Path-Augmented Method
* 2023: Mapping Crop Leaf Area Index and Canopy Chlorophyll Content Using UAV Multispectral Imagery: Impacts of Illuminations and Distribution of Input Variables
* 2023: robust approach for large-scale cropping intensity mapping in smallholder farms from vegetation, brownness indices and SAR time series, A
* 2023: Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Vision Transformers with Token Gradient Regularization
* 2023: Visual Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance Control for Agricultural Robots via LiDAR and Camera
* 2024: Mapping the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cropland Abandonment and Recultivation across the Yangtze River Basin
Includes: Wu, W.B. Wu, W.B.[Wen-Bo] Wu, W.B.[Wen-Bin] Wu, W.B.[Wan-Ben] Wu, W.B.[Wei-Bin]
34 for Wu, W.B.

Wu, W.C. * 1996: Camera Calibration with a Near-Parallel (Ill-Conditioned) Calibration Board Configuration
* 2006: Hiding secret data adaptively in vector quantisation index tables
* 2007: Effects of Flow Dispersion and Cardiac Pulsation in Arterial Spin Labeling, The
* 2007: Fast Planar-Oriented Ripple Search Algorithm for Hyperspace VQ Codebook
* 2007: Lossless recovery of a VQ index table with embedded secret data
* 2007: Mutual Information Based Automatic Registration and Analysis Algorithm for Defect Identification in Printed Documents, A
* 2007: Reversible Quantization-Index Modulation Using Neighboring Correlation
* 2007: Vascular Space Occupancy Weighted Imaging With Control of Residual Blood Signal and Higher Contrast-to-Noise Ratio
* 2009: lossless data embedding technique by joint neighboring coding, A
* 2009: Physiological Modulations in Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 2013: Edge curve scaling and smoothing with cubic spline interpolation
* 2014: Generalized Difference Vegetation Index (GDVI) for Dryland Characterization, The
* 2015: Pseudo-Multiple-Exposure-Based Tone Fusion With Local Region Adjustment
* 2016: Model-less and model-based computationally efficient motion estimation for video compression in transportation applications
* 2016: SVD-based self-embedding image authentication scheme using quick response code features
* 2018: Direct Impacts of Climate Change and Indirect Impacts of Non-Climate Change on Land Surface Phenology Variation across Northern China
* 2018: Variation of Net Primary Production and Its Correlation with Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2020: Coastline Vulnerability Assessment through Landsat and Cubesats in a Coastal Mega City
* 2020: First Experiences with the Landsat-8 Aquatic Reflectance Product: Evaluation of the Regional and Ocean Color Algorithms in a Coastal Environment
* 2020: Mapping Landslide Hazard Risk Using Random Forest Algorithm in Guixi, Jiangxi, China
* 2020: McFlow: Monte Carlo Flow Models for Data Imputation
* 2020: Mining and Restoration Monitoring of Rare Earth Element (REE) Exploitation by New Remote Sensing Indicators in Southern Jiangxi, China
* 2021: High-Resolution Mining-Induced Geo-Hazard Mapping Using Random Forest: A Case Study of Liaojiaping Orefield, Central China
* 2021: Point Projection Network: A Multi-View-Based Point Completion Network with Encoder-Decoder Architecture
* 2022: Assessment of the Effectiveness of Sand-Control and Desertification in the Mu Us Desert, China
* 2022: Editorial for the Special Issue: Integrated Applications of Geo-Information in Environmental Monitoring
* 2022: Editorial on Special Issue Geo-Information Technology and Its Applications
* 2022: RG-GCN: A Random Graph Based on Graph Convolution Network for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Evaluating Landslide Susceptibility Using Sampling Methodology and Multiple Machine Learning Models
* 2023: Recent progress in image denoising: A training strategy perspective
* 2024: Dual Residual Attention Network for Image Denoising
Includes: Wu, W.C. Wu, W.C.[Wen-Chuan] Wu, W.C.[Wen-Cheng] Wu, W.C.[Wen-Chau] Wu, W.C.[Wei-Chen] Wu, W.C.[Wei-Cheng] Wu, W.C.[Wen-Chen] Wu, W.C.[Wei-Chao] Wu, W.C.[Wen-Cong]
31 for Wu, W.C.

Wu, W.D.[Wen Dan] * 2009: Design of a New Kind of LDPC Decoder
Includes: Wu, W.D.[Wen Dan] Wu, W.D.[Wen-Dan]

Wu, W.F.[Wei Feng] * 2011: Fast Local Scale Control Based Blur Edge Detection
* 2016: HEP-2 cell image classification using local features and K-means clustering based joint sparse representation
* 2022: Ocean Wave Inversion Based on a Ku/Ka Dual-Band Airborne Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter
Includes: Wu, W.F.[Wei Feng] Wu, W.F.[Wei-Feng] Wu, W.F.[Wen-Feng]

Wu, W.G.[Wei Guo] * 2008: Directional entropy feature for human detection
* 2010: How context helps: A discriminative codeword selection method for object detection
* 2010: Robust Object Tracking via Combining Observation Models
* 2021: review on key challenges in intelligent vehicles: Safety and driver-oriented features, A
* 2022: Towards Hit-Interruption Tradeoff in Vehicular Edge Caching: Algorithm and Analysis
Includes: Wu, W.G.[Wei Guo] Wu, W.G.[Wei-Guo] Wu, W.G.[Wen-Guang] Wu, W.G.[Wei-Gang]

Wu, W.H.[Wen Horng] * 1991: shunting multilayer perceptron network for confusing/composite pattern recognition, A
* 1996: Recursive Hierarchical Scheme for Radical Extraction of Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* 1997: Recursive Hierarchical Radical Extraction for Handwritten Chinese Characters
* 2000: Run-length Coding Based Approach to Stroke Extraction of Chinese Characters, A
* 2000: Run-length Coding Based Approach to Stroke Extraction of Chinese Characters, A
* 2002: symmetry-based coarse classification method for chinese characters, A
* 2018: Mask TextSpotter: An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Spotting Text with Arbitrary Shapes
* 2018: New Approaches to Processing Ground-Based SAR (GBSAR) Data for Deformation Monitoring
* 2018: TextSnake: A Flexible Representation for Detecting Text of Arbitrary Shapes
* 2019: Recent Surface Deformation in the Tianjin Area Revealed by Sentinel-1A Data
* 2019: Semi-Supervised Pedestrian Instance Synthesis and Detection With Mutual Reinforcement
* 2020: Attention-driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-label Image Recognition
* 2020: Face Denoising and 3D Reconstruction from A Single Depth Image
* 2020: New Weighting Method by Considering the Physical Characteristics of Atmospheric Turbulence and Decorrelation Noise in SBAS-InSAR, A
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Perceptual Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2021: ASCNet: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Appearance-Speed Consistency
* 2021: Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation
* 2021: Karst Collapse Risk Zonation and Evaluation in Wuhan, China Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process, Logistic Regression, and InSAR Angular Distortion Approaches
* 2021: KTransGAN: Variational Inference-Based Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Conditional Generative Learning
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* 2021: Positive and Negative Label-Driven Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* 2021: Practices and A Strong Baseline for Traffic Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Robust GMTI Scheme for Highly Squinted Hypersonic Vehicle-Borne Multichannel SAR in Dive Mode
* 2022: Adversarial Evolving Neural Network for Longitudinal Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction
* 2022: CODER: Coupled Diversity-Sensitive Momentum Contrastive Learning for Image-Text Retrieval
* 2022: Data-Driven Model on Google Earth Engine for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the Hengduan Mountains, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, A
* 2022: Detection Capability Analysis for AWACS Based on the Doppler Blind Zone Map
* 2022: Extended Social Force Model via Pedestrian Heterogeneity Affecting the Self-Driven Force, An
* 2022: Ground Deformation in Yuxi Basin Based on Atmosphere-Corrected Time-Series InSAR Integrated with the Latest Meteorological Reanalysis Data
* 2022: Identification and Analysis of Landslides in the Ahai Reservoir Area of the Jinsha River Basin Using a Combination of DS-InSAR, Optical Images, and Field Surveys
* 2022: Maximum Spatial Perturbation Consistency for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* 2022: Modeling Crowd Evacuation via Behavioral Heterogeneity-Based Social Force Model
* 2022: NSNet: Non-saliency Suppression Sampler for Efficient Video Recognition
* 2022: Temporal Saliency Query Network for Efficient Video Recognition
* 2022: Towards Bidirectional Arbitrary Image Rescaling: Joint Optimization and Cycle Idempotence
* 2022: Unreliability-aware Disentangling for Cross-domain Semi-supervised Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: Unreliable-to-Reliable Instance Translation for Semi-Supervised Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: URetinex-Net: Retinex-based Deep Unfolding Network for Low-light Image Enhancement
* 2023: 3D Hierarchical Refinement and Augmentation for Unsupervised Learning of Depth and Pose From Monocular Video
* 2023: Asymmetric cost aggregation network for efficient stereo matching
* 2023: Atmospheric Scattering Model Induced Statistical Characteristics Estimation for Underwater Image Restoration
* 2023: Bidirectional Cross-Modal Knowledge Exploration for Video Recognition with Pre-trained Vision-Language Models
* 2023: Cap4Video: What Can Auxiliary Captions Do for Text-Video Retrieval?
* 2023: Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation: A Survey
* 2023: Distributed Coordination of Space-Ground Multiresources for Remote Sensing Missions
* 2023: Effective Invertible Arbitrary Image Rescaling
* 2023: Fault Detection via 2.5D Transformer U-Net with Seismic Data Pre-Processing
* 2023: Hyperspectral Prediction Model of Nitrogen Content in Citrus Leaves Based on the CEEMDAN-SR Algorithm
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* 2023: Modeling the Mutual Anticipation in Human Crowds With Attention Distractions
* 2023: Modification to Phase Estimation for Distributed Scatterers in InSAR Data Stacks, A
* 2023: Multi-Stream Network for Mesh Denoising Via Graph Neural Networks with Gaussian Curvature, A
* 2023: Research on Prediction of Surface Deformation in Mining Areas Based on TPE-Optimized Integrated Models and Multi-Temporal InSAR
* 2023: Rethinking 3D cost aggregation in stereo matching
* 2023: Semi-supervised adaptive kernel concept factorization
* 2023: Semi-Supervised Stereo-Based 3D Object Detection via Cross-View Consensus
* 2023: UATVR: Uncertainty-Adaptive Text-Video Retrieval
* 2023: Untrained Low-Rank Neural Network Prior for Multi-Dimensional Image Recovery
* 2023: What Can Simple Arithmetic Operations Do for Temporal Modeling?
* 2024: Automatic Identification of Human Subgroups in Time-Dependent Pedestrian Flow Networks
* 2024: Stereo Superpixel Segmentation via Decoupled Dynamic Spatial-Embedding Fusion Network
* 2024: Systematic Analysis of Subgroup Research in Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, A
* 2024: Transferring Vision-Language Models for Visual Recognition: A Classifier Perspective
Includes: Wu, W.H.[Wen Horng] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Horng] Wu, W.H.[Wei-Hsien] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Hao] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Hai] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Han] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Hui] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Hua] Wu, W.H.[Wen-Huan] Wu, W.H.[Wei-Hua] Wu, W.H.[Wei-Hao]
63 for Wu, W.H.

Wu, W.J.[Wen Jun] * 2011: adaptive H.264 video protection scheme for video conferencing, An
* 2015: Urban Land Use Information Extraction Using the Ultrahigh-Resolution Chinese Airborne SAR Imagery
* 2017: Ecological Security Pattern and Its Constraint on Urban Expansion of a Black Soil Farming Area in Northeast China, The
* 2017: Reflectance-Elevation Relationships and Their Seasonal Patterns over Twelve Glaciers in Western China Based on Landsat 8 Data
* 2018: Urban Area Tomography Using a Sparse Representation Based Two-Dimensional Spectral Analysis Technique
* 2018: Zipf's Law-Based Method for Mapping Urban Areas Using NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data, A
* 2019: Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Semantic Analysis Based on a Global Perspective
* 2020: Landslide Image Captioning Method Based on Semantic Gate and Bi-Temporal LSTM
* 2020: Synthetic-to-real Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Scene Text Detection in the Wild
* 2021: Identification of the Characteristic Scale of Fine Ground Objects: A Case Study of the Core Observation Area in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin
* 2021: Knowledge and Spatial Pyramid Distance-Based Gated Graph Attention Network for Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Residual Multi-Attention Classification Network for A Forest Dominated Tropical Landscape Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2021: Tree Species Classification of Forest Stands Using Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Vegetation Abundance and Health Mapping Over Southwestern Antarctica Based on WorldView-2 Data and a Modified Spectral Mixture Analysis
* 2022: Polygon-Free: Unconstrained Scene Text Detection with Box Annotations
* 2023: BiViT: Extremely Compressed Binary Vision Transformers
* 2023: comprehensive evaluation framework for deep model robustness, A
* 2023: DiffuMask: Synthesizing Images with Pixel-level Annotations for Semantic Segmentation Using Diffusion Models
* 2023: Generative Prompt Model for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2023: Improving traffic time-series predictability by imputing continuous non-random missing data
* 2023: RPMG-FSS: Robust Prior Mask Guided Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: VSGD-Net: Virtual Staining Guided Melanocyte Detection on Histopathological Images
* 2024: Binarizing by Classification: Is Soft Function Really Necessary?
* 2024: Coordinating explicit and implicit knowledge for knowledge-based VQA
* 2024: DSText V2: A comprehensive video text spotting dataset for dense and small text
* 2024: Individual High-Rise Building Extraction from Single High-Resolution SAR Image Based on Part Model
* 2024: Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landmark Semantic Constraints
Includes: Wu, W.J.[Wen Jun] Wu, W.J.[Wen-Jun] Wu, W.J.[Wen-Jin] Wu, W.J.[Wen-Jia] Wu, W.J.[Wei-Jie] Wu, W.J.[Wei-Jia] Wu, W.J.[Wen-Jian] Wu, W.J.[Wei-Jiang]
27 for Wu, W.J.

Wu, W.K.[Wei Kun] * 2018: VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2019: Wind Field Distribution of Multi-rotor UAV and Its Influence on Spectral Information Acquisition of Rice Canopies
Includes: Wu, W.K.[Wei Kun] Wu, W.K.[Wei-Kun] Wu, W.K.[Wei-Kang]

Wu, W.K.H.[William K.H.] * 2012: Multi-resolution LC-MS images alignment using dynamic time warping and Kullback-Leibler distance

Wu, W.L.[Wei Ling] * 2013: Opportunistic Scheduling With BIA Under Block Fading Broadcast Channels
* 2014: Statistical-CSI-Based Scheme for Multiple Description Coding Multicast in CRNs, A
* 2017: Locality-constrained max-margin sparse coding
* 2017: Recursive Spatial Transformer (ReST) for Alignment-Free Face Recognition
* 2022: tSF: Transformer-Based Semantic Filter for Few-Shot Learning
* 2023: Aboveground Biomass Dynamics of a Coastal Wetland Ecosystem Driven by Land Use/Land Cover Transformation
* 2023: Adaptive Assignment for Geometry Aware Local Feature Matching
Includes: Wu, W.L.[Wei Ling] Wu, W.L.[Wei-Ling] Wu, W.L.[Wei-Liang] Wu, W.L.[Wang-Long] Wu, W.L.[Wen-Long] Wu, W.L.[Wen-Li]
7 for Wu, W.L.

Wu, W.M.[Wei Min] * 2014: Parameter-Free Inter-view Depth Propagation for Mobile Free-View Video
* 2016: Investigation of mobile surroundings for visual attention based on image perception model
* 2018: Salient object detection via spectral graph weighted low rank matrix recovery
* 2019: Cooperative distributed predictive control for collision-free vehicle platoons
* 2019: integrated inverse space sparse representation framework for tumor classification, An
* 2019: Saliency prediction by Mahalanobis distance of topological feature on deep color components
* 2022: Petri-net-based deadlock detection and recovery for control of interacting equipment in automated container terminals
Includes: Wu, W.M.[Wei Min] Wu, W.M.[Wei-Min] Wu, W.M.[Wen-Ming]
7 for Wu, W.M.

Wu, W.N.[Wei Ning] * 2013: Effective constructing training sets for object detection
* 2020: Multi-camera 3D ball tracking framework for sports video
* 2020: Multi-Camera Multi-Player Tracking with Deep Player Identification in Sports Video
* 2021: Multi-camera Sports Players 3D Localization with Identification Reasoning
Includes: Wu, W.N.[Wei Ning] Wu, W.N.[Wei-Ning] Wu, W.N.[Wan-Neng]

Wu, W.P.[Wen Po] * 2014: Clustering Faces in Movies Using an Automatically Constructed Social Network
Includes: Wu, W.P.[Wen Po] Wu, W.P.[Wen-Po]

Wu, W.Q.[Wen Qi] * 2018: Identity-Enhanced Network for Facial Expression Recognition
* 2019: Face Detection With Different Scales Based on Faster R-CNN
* 2019: Handwritten pattern recognition for early Parkinson's disease diagnosis
* 2020: Fusion of public DEMs based on sparse representation and adaptive regularization variation model
* 2021: Density-aware and background-aware network for crowd counting via multi-task learning
* 2021: Enhancement of Detecting Permanent Water and Temporary Water in Flood Disasters by Fusing Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Deep Learning Algorithms: Demonstration of Sen1Floods11 Benchmark Datasets
* 2022: Extraction of Agricultural Fields via DASFNet with Dual Attention Mechanism and Multi-scale Feature Fusion in South Xinjiang, China
* 2022: Weight-Dependent Gates for Network Pruning
* 2023: Investigating Deformation Mechanism of Earth-Rock Dams with InSaR and Numerical Simulation: Application to Liuduzhai Reservoir Dam, China
Includes: Wu, W.Q.[Wen Qi] Wu, W.Q.[Wen-Qi] Wu, W.Q.[Wan-Qing] Wu, W.Q.[Wen-Qing] Wu, W.Q.[Wei-Qun] Wu, W.Q.[Wen-Qiang]
9 for Wu, W.Q.

Wu, W.R. * 1996: Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
* 1998: Rotation and Gray-Scale Transform-Invariant Texture Classification Using Spiral Resampling, Subband Decomposition, and Hidden Markov Model
* 2020: Design of Tracking, Telemetry, Command (TT&C) and Data Transmission Integrated Signal in TDD Mode
Includes: Wu, W.R. Wu, W.R.[Wei-Ren]

Wu, W.S. * 2004: Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2022: Data-Driven Approach to Assess Street Safety: Large-Scale Analysis of the Microscopic Design
Includes: Wu, W.S. Wu, W.S.[Wan-Shu]

Wu, W.T.[Wu Ting] * 2005: ARM Based Microcontroller for Image Capturing in FPGA Design
* 2008: Structure-based graph distance measures of high degree of precision
* 2010: Improved intra prediction for high definition video using localized horizontal spatial prediction
* 2019: Virtual Restoration of Stained Chinese Paintings Using Patch-Based Color Constrained Poisson Editing with Selected Hyperspectral Feature Bands
* 2021: Estimating Coastal Chlorophyll-A Concentration from Time-Series OLCI Data Based on Machine Learning
* 2022: 3D-CSTM: A 3D continuous spatio-temporal mapping method
* 2022: Framework for Assessing the Dynamic Coastlines Induced by Urbanization Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Fujian, China, A
* 2022: Network-Based Line-of-Sight Path Tracking of Underactuated Unmanned Surface Vehicles With Experiment Results
* 2022: Online EV Charge Scheduling Based on Time-of-Use Pricing and Peak Load Minimization: Properties and Efficient Algorithms
* 2022: RaftNet: A New Deep Neural Network for Coastal Raft Aquaculture Extraction from Landsat 8 OLI Data
* 2022: Vegetation Monitoring of Protected Areas in Rugged Mountains Using an Improved Shadow-Eliminated Vegetation Index (SEVI)
* 2023: AFLI-Calib: Robust LiDAR-IMU extrinsic self-calibration based on adaptive frame length LiDAR odometry
* 2023: Collaborative Uncertainty Benefits Multi-Agent Multi-Modal Trajectory Forecasting
* 2023: Mapping intertidal topographic changes in a highly turbid estuary using dense Sentinel-2 time series with deep learning
* 2023: Tide2Topo: A new method for mapping intertidal topography accurately in complex estuaries and bays with time-series Sentinel-2 images
* 2023: UAV Photogrammetry in Intertidal Mudflats: Accuracy, Efficiency, and Potential for Integration with Satellite Imagery
* 2024: Tracking the 2D/3D Morphological Changes of Tidal Flats Using Time Series Remote Sensing Data in Northern China
* 2024: Transient-Reinforced Tunnel Coordinated Control of Underactuated Marine Surface Vehicles With Actuator Faults
Includes: Wu, W.T.[Wu Ting] Wu, W.T.[Wu-Ting] Wu, W.T.[Wen-Tao] Wu, W.T.[Wen-Ting] Wu, W.T.[Wang-Ting] Wu, W.T.[Wei-Tong] Wu, W.T.[Wei-Tiao] Wu, W.T.[Wei-Tao]
18 for Wu, W.T.

Wu, W.W.[Wei Wei] * 2017: Characterizing the Seasonal Crustal Motion in Tianshan Area Using GPS, GRACE and Surface Loading Models
* 2018: Crustal Deformation on the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau from Continuous GPS Observations
* 2018: Crustal Deformation Prior to the 2017 Jiuzhaigou, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau (China), Ms 7.0 Earthquake Derived from GPS Observations
* 2018: Study of Rank Defect and Network Effect in Processing the CMONOC Network on Bernese, A
* 2019: Crustal Deformation of Northeastern China Following the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake Estimated from GPS Observations: Strain Heterogeneity and Seismicity
* 2020: Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Loading Induced Displacement Products for Correcting GNSS Time Series in CMONOC
* 2020: Recent Crustal Deformation Based on Interpolation of GNSS Velocity in Continental China
* 2020: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Exploration
* 2021: Analysis of Crustal Movement and Deformation in Mainland China Based on CMONOC Baseline Time Series
* 2021: DRONE: Dual-Domain Residual-based Optimization NEtwork for Sparse-View CT Reconstruction
* 2022: Network-Flow-Based Efficient Vehicle Dispatch for City-Scale Ride-Hailing Systems
* 2023: Adaptive Feature Fusion Networks for Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Prediction in Metro Systems
* 2023: Analysis of Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling Associated with the 2022 Luding Ms6.8 Earthquake, The
* 2023: Holocene Activity of the Wudaoliang-Changshagongma Fault of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: Kernel-based feature aggregation framework in point cloud networks
* 2023: Noise Suppression With Similarity-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning
* 2024: Iterative Residual Optimization Network for Limited-Angle Tomographic Reconstruction
* 2024: Multiscale Spatiotemporal Variations of GNSS-Derived Precipitable Water Vapor over Yunnan
* 2024: Wavelet-Improved Score-Based Generative Model for Medical Imaging
Includes: Wu, W.W.[Wei Wei] Wu, W.W.[Wei-Wei] Wu, W.W.[Wei-Wen]
19 for Wu, W.W.

Wu, W.X.[Wei Xin] * 2008: Markov chain local binary pattern and its application to video concept detection
* 2008: One step beyond histograms: Image representation using Markov stationary features
* 2018: Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification With Temporally Memorized Similarity Learning
* 2019: PointConv: Deep Convolutional Networks on 3D Point Clouds
* 2020: Estimation of Sugarcane Yield Using a Machine Learning Approach Based on UAV-LiDAR Data
* 2020: Pointpwc-net: Cost Volume on Point Clouds for (self-)supervised Scene Flow Estimation
* 2021: 8-Day and Daily Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature Estimation via Machine Learning Method on a Climate Zone to Global Scale
* 2021: Application of Combining YOLO Models and 3D GPR Images in Road Detection and Maintenance
* 2021: Deep Superpixel Convolutional Network for Image Recognition
* 2021: Novel Strategy to Reconstruct NDVI Time-Series with High Temporal Resolution from MODIS Multi-Temporal Composite Products, A
* 2022: Automatic Detection of Pothole Distress in Asphalt Pavement Using Improved Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2022: Comparison of Multi-Methods for Identifying Maize Phenology Using PhenoCams
* 2023: Improving the Generalization of MAML in Few-Shot Classification via Bi-Level Constraint
* 2023: Improving the Robustness of Point Convolution on k-Nearest Neighbor Neighborhoods with a Viewpoint-Invariant Coordinate Transform
* 2023: Method to Detect Pavement Surface Distress Based on Improved U-Net Semantic Segmentation Network, A
* 2023: PointConvFormer: Revenge of the Point-based Convolution
* 2024: Query-centric distance modulator for few-shot classification
Includes: Wu, W.X.[Wei Xin] Wu, W.X.[Wei-Xin] Wu, W.X.[Wen-Xi] Wu, W.X.[Wen-Xuan] Wu, W.X.[Wei-Xiong] Wu, W.X.[Wen-Xiu] Wu, W.X.[Wen-Xiang] Wu, W.X.[Wen-Xiao]
17 for Wu, W.X.

Wu, W.Y.[Wen Yen] * 1992: Performance Evaluation of Some Noise Reduction Methods
* 1993: Detecting the Dominant Points by the Curvature-Based Polygonal Approximation
* 1993: Elliptical Object Detection by Using Its Geometric Properties
* 1994: New Edge Detection Method Through Template Matching, A
* 1995: Corner Detection Using Bending Value
* 1999: Two-Dimensional Object Recognition Through Two-Stage String Matching
* 2002: dynamic method for dominant point detection, A
* 2003: adaptive method for detecting dominant points, An
* 2003: Dominant point detection using adaptive bending value
* 2010: DEM-Aided Block Adjustment for Satellite Images With Weak Convergence Geometry
* 2017: Leveraging Intra and Inter-Dataset Variations for Robust Face Alignment
* 2021: Deep features for person re-identification on metric learning
* 2022: High-Performance Convolutional Neural Network for Ground-Level Ozone Estimation in Eastern China, A
* 2022: Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder (HIRAS) Atmospheric Sounding System
* 2022: Shape-Preserving Simplification Method for Urban Building Models, A
* 2023: Improving Representation Learning for Histopathologic Images with Cluster Constraints
* 2023: X-Band Radar Attenuation Correction Method Based on LightGBM Algorithm
* 2024: Enhancing open-set domain adaptation through unknown-filtering multi-classifier adversarial network
Includes: Wu, W.Y.[Wen Yen] Wu, W.Y.[Wen-Yen] Wu, W.Y. Wu, W.Y.[Wen-Yan] Wu, W.Y.[Wan-Yin] Wu, W.Y.[Wen-Yu] Wu, W.Y.[Wei-Yi] Wu, W.Y.[Wang-Yuchen]
18 for Wu, W.Y.

Wu, W.Z.[Wen Zhe] * 2014: Background Subtraction: Model-Sharing Strategy Based on Temporal Variation Analysis
* 2018: Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Targets with Complex Motion based on Optimized Non-Uniform Rotation Transform
* 2019: Research on infrared image enhancement and segmentation of power equipment based on partial differential equation
* 2020: Cross-regional oil palm tree counting and detection via a multi-level attention domain adaptation network
* 2020: Cross-Regional Oil Palm Tree Detection
* 2020: Salient object detection based on backbone enhanced network
* 2021: AIS and VBD Data Fusion for Marine Fishing Intensity Mapping and Analysis in the Northern Part of the South China Sea
* 2021: Global Fisheries Responses to Culture, Policy and COVID-19 from 2017 to 2020
* 2021: Growing status observation for oil palm trees using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) images
* 2021: Micro-Motion Parameter Extraction for Ballistic Missile with Wideband Radar Using Improved Ensemble EMD Method
* 2021: Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploitation Observations from VIIRS NTL Images: Analyzing the Intensity Changes and Development Trends in the South China Sea from 2012 to 2019
* 2021: Transresnet: Transferable Resnet for Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Improved Phase-Derived Range Method Based on High-Order Multi-Frame Track-Before-Detect for Warhead Detection, An
* 2022: Reconstructing High-Precision Coral Reef Geomorphology from Active Remote Sensing Datasets: A Robust Spatial Variability Modified Ordinary Kriging Method
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Partial Multi-Label Classification via Consistency Learning
* 2023: Fresh Yield Estimation of Spring Tea via Spectral Differences in UAV Hyperspectral Images from Unpicked and Picked Canopies
* 2023: Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploitation Target Extraction Based on Time-Series Night Light Remote Sensing Images and Machine Learning Models: A Comparison of Six Machine Learning Algorithms and Their Multi-Feature Importance
* 2024: Open-set domain adaptation for scene classification using multi-adversarial learning
Includes: Wu, W.Z.[Wen Zhe] Wu, W.Z.[Wen-Zhe] Wu, W.Z.[Wen-Zhen] Wu, W.Z.[Wen Zhuo] Wu, W.Z.[Wen-Zhao] Wu, W.Z.[Wei-Zeng] Wu, W.Z.[Wen-Zhou] Wu, W.Z.[Wei-Zhi]
18 for Wu, W.Z.

Wu, X. * 1990: tree-structured locally optimal vector quantizer, A
* 1992: segmentation method for multi-connected particle delineation, A
* 1993: Adaptive Split-and-Merge Segmentation Based on Piecewise Least-Square Approximation
* 1994: System for Aircraft Recognition in Perspective Aerial Images, A
* 1994: Target Recognition Using Multi-Scale Gabor Filters
* 1995: Gabor Wavelets for 3-D Object Recognition
* 1997: Gabor Wavelet Representation for 3-D Object Recognition
* 1997: VQ Index Coding for High-Fidelity Medical Image Compression
* 1998: Adaptation to nonstationarity of embedded wavelet code stream
* 1998: Improved techniques for lossless image compression with reversible integer wavelet transforms
* 1999: Conditional Entropy Coding of VQ Indexes for Image Compression
* 1999: Wavelet Image Coding Using Trellis Coded Space-Frequency Quantization
* 2000: Scalable Lossy to Lossless Video Coding Via Adaptive 3d Wavelet Transform and Context Modeling
* 2002: Generation, visualization, and editing of 3D video
* 2004: Optimal Context Quantization in Lossless Compression of Image Data Sequences
* 2004: Real-time 3D shape reconstruction, dynamic 3D mesh deformation, and high fidelity visualization for 3D video
* 2005: Multiscale LMMSE-Based Image Denoising With Optimal Wavelet Selection
* 2005: Optimal Cloud-Clearing for AIRS Radiances Using MODIS
* 2005: Wavelet Coding of Volumetric Medical Images for High Throughput and Operability
* 2006: Context Quantization by Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* 2006: On Interpolation and Resampling of Discrete Data
* 2007: Adaptive Directional Lifting-Based Wavelet Transform for Image Coding
* 2007: Color Reproduction From Noisy CFA Data of Single Sensor Digital Cameras
* 2007: Near-Duplicate Keyframe Identification With Interest Point Matching and Pattern Learning
* 2007: Near-duplicate keyframe retrieval with visual keywords and semantic context
* 2008: Bayesian Tensor Approach for 3-D Face Modeling
* 2008: Hierarchical Scheme for Rapid Video Copy Detection, A
* 2008: Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Optimal 3-D Graph Search
* 2008: Invariant visual patterns for video copy detection
* 2008: Measuring novelty and redundancy with multiple modalities in cross-lingual broadcast news
* 2008: Modeling timing structures in gait image sequences using bottom-up clustering
* 2008: Simplified Ortho-Rectification Approach for Satellite Imagery, A
* 2009: Automated 3-D Intraretinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* 2009: Comments on 'new family of lapped biorthogonal transform via lifting steps'
* 2009: Hierarchical spatio-temporal context modeling for action recognition
* 2009: Image Segmentation Based on GrabCut Framework Integrating Multiscale Nonlinear Structure Tensor
* 2009: Low Bit-Rate Image Compression via Adaptive Down-Sampling and Constrained Least Squares Upconversion
* 2009: PCA-Based Spatially Adaptive Denoising of CFA Images for Single-Sensor Digital Cameras
* 2009: Real-Time Near-Duplicate Elimination for Web Video Search With Content and Context
* 2009: Study on Gait-Based Gender Classification, A
* 2010: Data-Driven Approaches to Community-Contributed Video Applications
* 2010: Efficient human action detection: a coarse-to-fine strategy
* 2010: Multiscale Information Fusion by Graph Cut through Convex Optimization
* 2010: On the Annotation of Web Videos by Efficient Near-Duplicate Search
* 2010: Retinopathy Online Challenge: Automatic Detection of Microaneurysms in Digital Color Fundus Photographs
* 2010: Techniques for BRDF Correction of Hyperspectral Mosaics
* 2010: Tensor-based projection using ridge regression and its application to action classification
* 2011: Adaptive Sequential Prediction of Multidimensional Signals With Applications to Lossless Image Coding
* 2011: Empirical Models for Radiometric Calibration of Digital Aerial Frame Mosaics
* 2011: Global optimization of wavelet-domain hidden Markov tree for image segmentation
* 2011: Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping, A
* 2011: Mining Event Structures from Web Videos
* 2011: Region Detection by Minimizing Intraclass Variance With Geometric Constraints, Global Optimality, and Efficient Approximation
* 2012: Binned Progressive Quantization for Compressive Sensing
* 2012: Comparative Study With New Accuracy Metrics for Target Volume Contouring in PET Image Guided Radiation Therapy
* 2012: Cooperative Sparse Representation in Two Opposite Directions for Semi-Supervised Image Annotation
* 2012: Edge-Based Perceptual Image Coding
* 2012: Model-Assisted Adaptive Recovery of Compressed Sensing with Imaging Applications
* 2012: Temporal Psychovisual Modulation: A New Paradigm of Information Display
* 2012: To Track or To Detect? An Ensemble Framework for Optimal Selection
* 2013: Automatic Quantitative Assessment of the Small Bowel Motility with Cine-MRI Sequence Analysis
* 2013: Correction for GOES Imager Spectral Response Function Using GSICS. Part I: Theory
* 2013: Correction for GOES Imager Spectral Response Function Using GSICS. Part II: Applications
* 2013: Diurnal and Scan Angle Variations in the Calibration of GOES Imager Infrared Channels
* 2013: Double-Channel Bistatic SAR System With Spaceborne Illuminator for 2-D and 3-D SAR Remote Sensing
* 2013: Effects of Ice Decontamination on GOES-12 Imager Calibration
* 2013: GSICS Inter-Calibration of Infrared Channels of Geostationary Imagers Using Metop/IASI
* 2013: Optimal Graph Search Based Segmentation of Airway Tree Double Surfaces Across Bifurcations
* 2013: Optimal Local Dimming for LC Image Formation With Controllable Backlighting
* 2013: Optimal Multiple Surface Segmentation With Shape and Context Priors
* 2013: Overview of Intercalibration of Satellite Instruments
* 2013: Radiometric Calibration Accuracy of GOES Sounder Infrared Channels
* 2013: Visual-Textual Joint Relevance Learning for Tag-Based Social Image Search
* 2014: Modeling of SSIM-based end-to-end distortion for error-resilient video coding
* 2014: Quasi Cosine Similarity Metric Learning
* 2014: Structure preserving bilateral filtering for PolSAR data
* 2014: Study of the Mainlobe Misorientation of the First-Order Steerable Differential Array in the Presence of Microphone Gain and Phase Errors
* 2015: Adaptive Scalable Video Transmission Strategy in Energy Harvesting Communication System
* 2015: Fast Catheter Segmentation From Echocardiographic Sequences Based on Segmentation From Corresponding X-Ray Fluoroscopy for Cardiac Catheterization Interventions
* 2015: Predicting Standard-Dose PET Image from Low-Dose PET and Multimodal MR Images Using Mapping-Based Sparse Representation
* 2015: Road Congestion Detection System Using Undedicated Mobile Phones, A
* 2015: State-Driven Priority Scheduling Mechanisms for Driverless Vehicles Approaching Intersections
* 2015: Video Restoration Against Yin-Yang Phasing
* 2016: Assessment of the SMAP Passive Soil Moisture Product
* 2016: Automatic Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images
* 2016: Clothing Cosegmentation for Shopping Images With Cluttered Background
* 2016: Data-Driven Soft Decoding of Compressed Images in Dual Transform-Pixel Domain
* 2016: Detection of bird nests in overhead catenary system images for high-speed rail
* 2016: efficient method for image dehazing, An
* 2016: Estimation of Vegetation Water Content From the Radar Vegetation Index at L-Band
* 2016: Extraction and Simplification of Building Façade Pieces from Mobile Laser Scanner Point Clouds for 3D Street View Services
* 2016: Integration of Visual Temporal Information and Textual Distribution Information for News Web Video Event Mining
* 2016: Optic Disc Localization Using Directional Models
* 2016: Patch-Based Hippocampus Segmentation Using a Local Subspace Learning Method
* 2016: Single image haze removal using Gaussian mixture model and sparse optimization
* 2016: Supervised within-class-similar discriminative dictionary learning for face recognition
* 2017: Array Beamforming Algorithm for Estimating Waves and Currents From Marine X-Band Radar Image Sequences
* 2017: Content-Adaptive Sketch Portrait Generation by Decompositional Representation Learning
* 2017: Depth map super-resolution via multiclass dictionary learning with geometrical directions
* 2017: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Sensor Array Error Calibration Based on Blind Signal Separation
* 2017: Diversified Visual Attention Networks for Fine-Grained Object Classification
* 2017: Enhanced Viola-Jones Vehicle Detection Method From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Imagery, An
* 2017: Extraction of Wind Direction Spreading Factor From Broad-Beam High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar Data
* 2017: Fast action localization based on spatio-temporal path search
* 2017: Fast Image Dehazing Method Based on Linear Transformation
* 2017: Fovea weighting of multiview computational displays for enhanced user experience
* 2017: Illumination invariant feature based on neighboring radiance ratio
* 2017: Integration of Diverse Data Sources for Spatial PM2.5 Data Interpolation
* 2017: Local Adaptive Binary Patterns Using Diamond Sampling Structure for Texture Classification
* 2017: Medium-Resolution Soil Moisture Retrieval Using the Bayesian Merging Method
* 2017: Memory-Augmented Attribute Manipulation Networks for Interactive Fashion Search
* 2017: model-based approach for human head-and-shoulder segmentation, A
* 2017: Modeling Gross Primary Production for Sunlit and Shaded Canopies Across an Evergreen and a Deciduous Site in Canada
* 2017: Monitoring Bare Soil Freeze-Thaw Process Using GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry: Simulation and Validation
* 2017: Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Classification in Alzheimer's Disease
* 2017: Multi-Feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning for Face Recognition
* 2017: Multichannel guided image filter
* 2017: Multimodal medical image fusion based on discrete Tchebichef moments and pulse coupled neural network
* 2017: Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images
* 2017: Scene Text Detection and Segmentation Based on Cascaded Convolution Neural Networks
* 2017: study on quantization effects of DCT based compression, A
* 2017: Unsupervized Image Clustering With SIFT-Based Soft-Matching Affinity Propagation
* 2017: Video eCommerce: Toward Large Scale Online Video Advertising
* 2017: Video2Shop: Exact Matching Clothes in Videos to Online Shopping Images
* 2018: Adaptive probability filter for removing salt and pepper noises
* 2018: CUNet: A Compact Unsupervised Network For Image Classification
* 2018: Dense Deconvolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Detecting and Removing Visual Distractors for Video Aesthetic Enhancement
* 2018: Dual-SVM tracker via Multiple Support Instance and LEVER Strategy
* 2018: Extracting Key Segments of Videos for Event Detection by Learning From Web Sources
* 2018: Fast Screening Algorithm for Rotation Invariant Template Matching
* 2018: Fourier Transform based Features for Clean and Polluted Water Image Classification
* 2018: Gamma Mixture Models for Outlier Removal
* 2018: General Recurrent Attention Model for Jointly Multiple Object Recognition and Weakly Supervised Localization
* 2018: Hierarchical Video Frame Sequence Representation with Deep Convolutional Graph Network
* 2018: Hookworm Detection in Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images With Deep Learning
* 2018: Interpretable Video Captioning via Trajectory Structured Localization
* 2018: Investigation of SMAP Active-Passive Downscaling Algorithms Using Combined Sentinel-1 SAR and SMAP Radiometer Data
* 2018: Joint Feature Selection and Classification for Multilabel Learning
* 2018: Learning Collaborative Model for Visual Tracking
* 2018: Learning From Short Text Streams With Topic Drifts
* 2018: Learning to Segment Object Candidates via Recursive Neural Networks
* 2018: MsRi-CCF: Multi-Scale and Rotation-Insensitive Convolutional Channel Features for Geospatial Object Detection
* 2018: Multi-scale Direct Sparse Visual Odometry for Large-Scale Natural Environment
* 2018: Multispectral Image Restoration via Inter- and Intra-Block Sparse Estimation Based on Physically-Induced Joint Spatiospectral Structures
* 2018: Noise Robust Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Multiscale Image Pyramid
* 2018: Novel Weighted Boundary Matching Error Concealment Schema for HEVC, A
* 2018: PCA-based magnification method for revealing small signals in video
* 2018: Piecewise Linear Units for Fast Self-Normalizing Neural Networks
* 2018: Pose-Guided Photorealistic Face Rotation
* 2018: Practical Convolutional Neural Network as Loop Filter for Intra Frame, A
* 2018: Predicting Long-Term Trajectories of Connected Vehicles via the Prefix-Projection Technique
* 2018: Recursive Inception Network for Super-Resolution
* 2018: Restoration of Unevenly Illuminated Images
* 2018: Riemannian kernel based Nyström method for approximate infinite-dimensional covariance descriptors with application to image set classification
* 2018: Robust Multimodal Image Registration Using Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning
* 2018: Salient Object Detection Via Deformed Smoothness Constraint
* 2018: Scene Text Detection Using Superpixel-Based Stroke Feature Transform and Deep Learning Based Region Classification
* 2018: Sea Surface Kinematics From Near-Nadir Radar Measurements
* 2018: Segmentation-Guided Tracking with Prior Map Decision
* 2018: Selective Multi-Convolutional Region Feature Extraction based Iterative Discrimination CNN for Fine-Grained Vehicle Model Recognition
* 2018: Semi-supervised Hashing for Semi-Paired Cross-View Retrieval
* 2018: Using an ARIMA-GARCH Modeling Approach to Improve Subway Short-Term Ridership Forecasting Accounting for Dynamic Volatility
* 2018: Utilizing Multilevel Features for Cloud Detection on Satellite Imagery
* 2018: VITAL: VIsual Tracking via Adversarial Learning
* 2019: 3D Auto-Context-Based Locality Adaptive Multi-Modality GANs for PET Synthesis
* 2019: BranchGAN: Unsupervised Mutual Image-to-Image Transfer With A Single Encoder and Dual Decoders
* 2019: DAGMapper: Learning to Map by Discovering Lane Topology
* 2019: Deep Restoration of Vintage Photographs From Scanned Halftone Prints
* 2019: Deep Self-Paced Learning for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification Using Multi-View Self-Paced Clustering
* 2019: DenseFuse: A Fusion Approach to Infrared and Visible Images
* 2019: Dual Attention MobDenseNet(DAMDNet) for Robust 3D Face Alignment
* 2019: Edge Video Analytics for Public Safety: A Review
* 2019: FaultNet3D: Predicting Fault Probabilities, Strikes, and Dips With a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* 2019: Generative Adversarial Networks with Enhanced Symmetric Residual Units for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Hankel Low-Rank Approximation for Seismic Noise Attenuation
* 2019: Impacts and Contributors of Representativeness Errors of In~Situ Albedo Measurements for the Validation of Remote Sensing Products
* 2019: Improved Open Set Domain Adaptation with Backpropagation
* 2019: Joint Acne Image Grading and Counting via Label Distribution Learning
* 2019: Joint Demosaicking and Blind Deblurring Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* 2019: Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Multi-Task Learning with Extended Multi-Attribute Profile for Hyperspectral Target Detection
* 2019: Joint Syntax Representation Learning and Visual Cue Translation for Video Captioning
* 2019: Learning a bi-level adversarial network with global and local perception for makeup-invariant face verification
* 2019: Learning Cascaded Context-Aware Framework for Robust Visual Tracking
* 2019: Learning Local-Global Multi-Graph Descriptors for RGB-T Object Tracking
* 2019: Learning Spatial Awareness to Improve Crowd Counting
* 2019: M2FPA: A Multi-Yaw Multi-Pitch High-Quality Dataset and Benchmark for Facial Pose Analysis
* 2019: Mining Hard Augmented Samples for Robust Facial Landmark Localization With CNNs
* 2019: Motion-resistant heart rate measurement from face videos using patch-based fusion
* 2019: Multi-Video Temporal Synchronization by Matching Pose Features of Shared Moving Subjects
* 2019: ORSIm Detector: A Novel Object Detection Framework in Optical Remote Sensing Imagery Using Spatial-Frequency Channel Features
* 2019: Saliency Detection via Multi-Scale Global Cues
* 2019: Semantic Stereo Matching With Pyramid Cost Volumes
* 2019: SNR-Adaptive OCT Angiography Enabled by Statistical Characterization of Intensity and Decorrelation With Multi-Variate Time Series Model
* 2019: Spatial Correspondence With Generative Adversarial Network: Learning Depth From Monocular Videos
* 2019: Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos Using Action Pattern Trees
* 2019: Temporal Information Services in Large-Scale Vehicular Networks Through Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
* 2019: Unconstrained Offline Handwritten Word Recognition by Position Embedding Integrated ResNets Model
* 2019: Wasserstein CNN: Learning Invariant Features for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* 2019: Wireless Charging Facilities Deployment Problem Considering Optimal Traffic Delay and Energy Consumption on Signalized Arterial, A
* 2020: AsNet: Asymmetrical Network for Learning Rich Features in Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Calibrank: Effective Lidar-Camera Extrinsic Calibration By Multi-Modal Learning To Rank
* 2020: Confidence-Guided Self Refinement for Action Prediction in Untrimmed Videos
* 2020: DAVD-Net: Deep Audio-Aided Video Decompression of Talking Heads
* 2020: DCM: A Dense-Attention Context Module For Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Deep label refinement for age estimation
* 2020: Deep Portrait Image Completion and Extrapolation
* 2020: Detail-Enhanced Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion in YUV Color Space
* 2020: Development of platoon-based actuated signal control systems to coordinated intersections: application in corridors in Houston
* 2020: Dtvnet: Dynamic Time-lapse Video Generation via Single Still Image
* 2020: End-to-end Optimized Video Compression with MV-Residual Prediction
* 2020: Functional neural interactions during adaptive reward learning: An functional magnetic resonance imaging study
* 2020: HAMBox: Delving Into Mining High-Quality Anchors on Face Detection
* 2020: Hierarchical Face Aging Through Disentangled Latent Characteristics
* 2020: High-Frequency Component Helps Explain the Generalization of Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition-Based Radio Frequency Interference Mitigation Method on High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar, A
* 2020: Image Enhancement for Remote Photoplethysmography in a Low-Light Environment
* 2020: Imbalance Robust Softmax for Deep Embeeding Learning
* 2020: Invariant Attribute Profiles: A Spatial-Frequency Joint Feature Extractor for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Learning an Evolutionary Embedding via Massive Knowledge Distillation
* 2020: Learning Multi-View Camera Relocalization With Graph Neural Networks
* 2020: Learning Normal Patterns via Adversarial Attention-Based Autoencoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* 2020: MDLatLRR: A Novel Decomposition Method for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* 2020: Modeling Arterial Traffic Dynamics With Actuated Signal Control Using a Simplified Shockwave Model
* 2020: Phantom Studies of Fused-Data TREIT Using Only Biopsy-Probe Electrodes
* 2020: Rapid Recognition Method for Pedestrian Abnormal Behavior, A
* 2020: Real-Time ATC Safety Monitoring Framework Using a Deep Learning Approach, A
* 2020: Remove Cosine Window From Correlation Filter-Based Visual Trackers: When and How
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Texture Filtering With Shallow to Deep Understanding
* 2020: Spatial-spectral Manifold Embedding of Hyperspectral Data
* 2020: Style Transfer of Urban Road Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks With Structural Details
* 2020: Supervised Descent Learning Technique for Solving Directional Electromagnetic Logging-While-Drilling Inverse Problems, A
* 2020: TF-NAS: Rethinking Three Search Freedoms of Latency-constrained Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
* 2020: Upscaling of Single-Site-Based Measurements for Validation of Long-Term Coarse-Pixel Albedo Products
* 2020: Vehicle detection of multi-source remote sensing data using active fine-tuning network
* 2021: ADDCNN: An Attention-Based Deep Dilated Convolutional Neural Network for Seismic Facies Analysis With Interpretable Spatial-Spectral Maps
* 2021: Adversarial Multimodal Network for Movie Story Question Answering
* 2021: CM-NAS: Cross-Modality Neural Architecture Search for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Contrastive Learning in Frequency Domain for Non-I.I.D. Image Classification
* 2021: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Grouping Structure for Scene Classification, A
* 2021: Coupled adversarial learning for semi-supervised heterogeneous face recognition
* 2021: Cross-Domain Image Captioning via Cross-Modal Retrieval and Model Adaptation
* 2021: DANNet: A One-Stage Domain Adaptation Network for Unsupervised Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Dynamic Cross Feature Fusion for Remote Sensing Pansharpening
* 2021: Energy recovery strategy for regenerative braking system of intelligent four-wheel independent drive electric vehicles
* 2021: Exploring and Distilling Posterior and Prior Knowledge for Radiology Report Generation
* 2021: From Shadow Generation to Shadow Removal
* 2021: Generalizing to the Open World: Deep Visual Odometry with Online Adaptation
* 2021: geographic information-driven method and a new large scale dataset for remote sensing cloud/snow detection, A
* 2021: Hierarchical Generation of Human Pose With Part-Based Layer Representation
* 2021: Imperceptible Adversarial Examples for Fake Image Detection
* 2021: Joint Hapke Model and Spatial Adaptive Sparse Representation with Iterative Background Purification for Martian Serpentine Detection
* 2021: MGSeg: Multiple Granularity-Based Real-Time Semantic Segmentation Network
* 2021: Modelling Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stock of the Bohai Rim Coastal Wetlands by Integrating Remote Sensing, Terrain, and Climate Data
* 2021: MoNuSAC2020: A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge
* 2021: Nanjing's Intracity Tourism Flow Network Using Cellular Signaling Data: A Comparative Analysis of Residents and Non-Local Tourists
* 2021: New Method for Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Discontinuities Based on TIN on Rock Mass Surfaces, A
* 2021: Reflectance-Guided Histogram Equalization and Comparametric Approximation
* 2021: Rock Location and Property Analysis of Lunar Regolith at Chang'E-4 Landing Site Based on Local Correlation and Semblance Analysis
* 2021: Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments: Validation of the SMAP Products in Australia, The
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Changes of Coastline over the Yellow River Delta in the Previous 40 Years with Optical and SAR Remote Sensing
* 2021: Statistical mechanical analysis for unweighted and weighted stock market networks
* 2021: Vehicle Re-Identification With Image Processing and Car-Following Model Using Multiple Surveillance Cameras From Urban Arterials
* 2022: 3-D Multi-Object Path Planning Method for Electric Vehicle Considering the Energy Consumption and Distance, A
* 2022: Active Suspension Control of Quarter-Car System With Experimental Validation
* 2022: Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning
* 2022: ASMFS: Adaptive-Similarity-Based Multi-Modality Feature Selection for Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* 2022: Background-Insensitive Scene Text Recognition with Text Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: BANet: Boundary-Assistant Encoder-Decoder Network for Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Calibration and Validation of CYGNSS Reflectivity through Wetlands' and Deserts' Dielectric Permittivity
* 2022: City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking based on Space-Time-Appearance Features
* 2022: Combining ExtremeNet with Shape Constraints and Re-Discrimination to Detect Cells from CD56 Images
* 2022: DDNet: 3D densely connected convolutional networks with feature pyramids for nasopharyngeal carcinoma segmentation
* 2022: DE-GAN: Domain Embedded GAN for High Quality Face Image Inpainting
* 2022: Deep momentum uncertainty hashing
* 2022: DPNET: Dual-Path Network for Efficient Object Detection with Lightweight Self-Attention
* 2022: DRBANET: A Lightweight Dual-Resolution Network for Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Auxiliary
* 2022: DVG-Face: Dual Variational Generation for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
* 2022: Efficient and Accurate 3D SLAM Method for Dynamic Environment, An
* 2022: EFFNet: Enhanced Feature Foreground Network for Video Smoke Source Prediction and Detection
* 2022: Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video
* 2022: Fault-Tolerant Control for Path-Following of Independently Actuated Autonomous Vehicles Using Tube-Based Model Predictive Control
* 2022: Identification of the Spring Green-Up Date Derived from Satellite-Based Vegetation Index over a Heterogeneous Ecoregion
* 2022: Identifying Cortical Brain Directed Connectivity Networks From High-Density EEG for Emotion Recognition
* 2022: Integrated Data Envelopment Analysis and Non-Cooperative Game Approach for Public Transportation Incentive Subsidy Allocation, An
* 2022: IOAM: A Novel Sensor Fusion-Based Wearable for Localization and Mapping
* 2022: Ionospheric Assimilation of GNSS TEC into IRI Model Using a Local Ensemble Kalman Filter
* 2022: Ionospheric TEC Forecasting Model Based on a CNN-LSTM-Attention Mechanism Neural Network, An
* 2022: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobile Ai & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Learning a deep dual-level network for robust DeepFake detection
* 2022: Learning Selective Assignment Network for Scene-Aware Vehicle Detection
* 2022: Learning to Joint Remosaic and Denoise in Quad Bayer CFA via Universal Multi-scale Channel Attention Network
* 2022: Local Persistent Ionospheric Positive Responses to the Geomagnetic Storm in August 2018 Using BDS-GEO Satellites over Low-Latitude Regions in Eastern Hemisphere
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: Mixed-Integer Program (MIP) for One-Way Multiple-Type Shared Electric Vehicles Allocation With Uncertain Demand, A
* 2022: New Deep Learning Neural Network Model for the Identification of InSAR Anomalous Deformation Areas, A
* 2022: Novel Nonlocal-Aware Pyramid and Multiscale Multitask Refinement Detector for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
* 2022: Occlusion and Deformation Handling Visual Tracking for UAV via Attention-Based Mask Generative Network
* 2022: On-Ramp Merging Strategies of Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering Communication Delay
* 2022: Plmcl: Partial-label Momentum Curriculum Learning for Multi-label Image Classification
* 2022: Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions with Graph Attention Network
* 2022: Probabilistic Approach for Cooperative Computation Offloading in MEC-Assisted Vehicular Networks, A
* 2022: Recognition of Multiple Anxiety Levels Based on Electroencephalograph, The
* 2022: Remote Sensing Data Fusion to Evaluate Patterns of Regional Evapotranspiration: A Case Study for Dynamics of Film-Mulched Drip-Irrigated Cotton in China's Manas River Basin over 20 Years
* 2022: Residual Feature Distillation Channel Spatial Attention Network for ISP on Smartphone
* 2022: Rethinking Spatial Invariance of Convolutional Networks for Object Counting
* 2022: SC-wLS: Towards Interpretable Feed-forward Camera Re-localization
* 2022: SiamDoGe: Domain Generalizable Semantic Segmentation Using Siamese Network
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Driving Factors of Ecological Vulnerability on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on the Google Earth Engine
* 2022: Spectroscopic and Petrographic Investigations of Lunar Mg-Suite Meteorite Northwest Africa 8687
* 2022: Style-Guided Shadow Removal
* 2022: SWNet: A Deep Learning Based Approach for Splashed Water Detection on Road
* 2022: Train Positioning Method Based-On Vision and Millimeter-Wave Radar Data Fusion, A
* 2022: Trends in Forest Greening and Its Spatial Correlation with Bioclimatic and Environmental Factors in the Greater Mekong Subregion from 2001 to 2020
* 2022: Unsupervised Low-Light Image Enhancement by Extracting Structural Similarity and Color Consistency
* 2022: User-Guided Deep Human Image Matting Using Arbitrary Trimaps
* 2022: Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth Measured by Sun Photometer at a Rural Site near Beijing during the 2017-2019 Period
* 2022: Weather-degraded image semantic segmentation with multi-task knowledge distillation
* 2023: AA-Trans: Core Attention Aggregating Transformer with Information Entropy Selector for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* 2023: Accurate Discharge Estimation Based on River Widths of SWOT and Constrained At-Many-Stations Hydraulic Geometry
* 2023: Assessing Temporal Trade-Offs of Ecosystem Services by Production Possibility Frontiers
* 2023: Coupling Control of Traffic Signal and Entry Lane at Isolated Intersections Under the Mixed-Autonomy Traffic Environment
* 2023: Dilated Convolutional Transformer for High-Quality Image Deraining
* 2023: EEG Feature Selection via Global Redundancy Minimization for Emotion Recognition
* 2023: Fast Wideband Beamforming Using Convolutional Neural Network
* 2023: Federated Active Learning for Multicenter Collaborative Disease Diagnosis
* 2023: Forecasting Regional Ionospheric TEC Maps over China Using BiConvGRU Deep Learning
* 2023: Green Space Compactness and Configuration to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Energy Use in Buildings
* 2023: Hard Sample Matters a Lot in Zero-Shot Quantization
* 2023: Harnessing the Power of Text-image Contrastive Models for Automatic Detection of Online Misinformation
* 2023: IAC-ReCAM: Two-dimensional attention modulation and category label guidance for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* 2023: Improving Medical Vision-Language Contrastive Pretraining With Semantics-Aware Triage
* 2023: Iterative embedding distillation for open world vehicle recognition
* 2023: Joint Demosaicing and Denoising with Gradient Guidance in Quad Bayer CFA
* 2023: Learning CLIP Guided Visual-Text Fusion Transformer for Video-based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* 2023: Learning to See in Nighttime Driving Scenes with Inter-frequency Priors
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Remosaic: Methods and Results
* 2023: Model Predictive Path Planning of AGVs: Mixed Logical Dynamical Formulation and Distributed Coordination
* 2023: Monitoring Inland Water Quantity Variations: A Comprehensive Analysis of Multi-Source Satellite Observation Technology Applications
* 2023: Multi-level progressive transfer learning for cervical cancer dose prediction
* 2023: Multi-scale deep feature fusion based sparse dictionary selection for video summarization
* 2023: Near-Real-Time Flood Detection Method Based on Deep Learning and SAR Images, A
* 2023: novel decoder based on Bayesian rules for task-driven object segmentation, A
* 2023: Novel Method for Obstacle Detection in Front of Vehicles Based on the Local Spatial Features of Point Cloud, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Observation of Near-Inertial Internal Gravity Waves in the Southern South China Sea
* 2023: One-Stage Domain Adaptation Network With Image Alignment for Unsupervised Nighttime Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2023: OTST: A Two-Phase Framework for Joint Denoising and Remosaicing in RGBW CFA
* 2023: Pix2Map: Cross-Modal Retrieval for Inferring Street Maps from Images
* 2023: Pluralistic Face Inpainting With Transformation of Attribute Information
* 2023: PointCNT: A One-Stage Point Cloud Registration Approach Based on Complex Network Theory
* 2023: Quaternary Crustal Shortening of the Houyanshan Structure in the Eastern Chinese Tian Shan: Constrained from Geological and Geomorphological Analyses
* 2023: Recognition of pear leaf disease under complex background based on DBPNet and modified mobilenetV2
* 2023: Remote-Vision-Based Safety Helmet and Harness Monitoring System Based on Attribute Knowledge Modeling, A
* 2023: Saliency-Induced Moving Object Detection for Robust RGB-D Vision Navigation Under Complex Dynamic Environments
* 2023: Spatial Development of Strong Storm-Induced Ionospheric Perturbations during 25-27 August 2018
* 2023: UIU-Net: U-Net in U-Net for Infrared Small Object Detection
* 2023: Vibration-Theoretic Approach to Vulnerability Analysis of Nonlinear Vehicle Platoons
* 2023: Werewolf-XL: A Database for Identifying Spontaneous Affect in Large Competitive Group Interactions
* 2024: CAGAN: Classifier-augmented generative adversarial networks for weakly-supervised COVID-19 lung lesion localisation
* 2024: Characterizing the Water Storage Variation of Kusai Lake by Constructing Time Series from Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* 2024: CS-net: Conv-simpleformer network for agricultural image segmentation
* 2024: Dual-granularity feature fusion in visible-infrared person re-identification
* 2024: MRG-T: Mask-Relation-Guided Transformer for Remote Vision-Based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition in Aerial Imagery
* 2024: Novel SV-PRI Strategy and Signal Processing Approach for High-Squint Spotlight SAR, A
* 2024: Regional context-based recalibration network for cataract recognition in AS-OCT
* 2024: Semi-supervised medical image segmentation via hard positives oriented contrastive learning
* 2024: Submesoscale Short-Lived Eddies in the Southwestern Taiwan Strait Observed by High-Frequency Surface-Wave Radars
* 2024: TDFPI: A Three-Dimensional and Full Parameter Inversion Model and Its Application for Building Damage Assessment in Guotun Coal Mining Areas, Shandong, China
* 2024: Towards Automated Infographic Authoring From Natural Language Statement With Multiple Proportional Facts
* 2024: Vehicle-Based Machine Vision Approaches in Intelligent Connected System
Includes: Wu, X. Wu, X.[Xing] Wu, X.[Xiao] Wu, X.[Xian] Wu, X.[Xuqing] Wu, X.[Xiang] Wu, X.[Xiu] Wu, X.[Xi] Wu, X.[Xuan] Wu, X.[Xia] Wu, X.[Xuerui] Wu, X.[Xiaocui] Wu, X.[Xingda] Wu, X.[Xin] Wu, X.[Xu] Wu, X.[Xinyi] Wu, X.[Xiuheng] Wu, X.[Xiuchen] Wu, X.[Xiyi] Wu, X.[Xinkai] Wu, X.[Xiru] Wu, X.[Xiaofu] Wu, X.[Xuehui] Wu, X.[Xindi] Wu, X.[Xitao] Wu, X.[Xiong] Wu, X.[Xuequn] Wu, X.[Xun] Wu, X.[Xiyan] Wu, X.[Xiaopo] Wu, X.[Xue] Wu, X.[Xianhao] Wu, X.[Xiangmiao] Wu, X.[Xiaohao] Wu, X.[Xuwen] Wu, X.[Xialai] Wu, X.[Xiangbai] Wu, X.[Xiancan] Wu, X.[Xinda] Wu, X.[Xiayi] Wu, X.[Xiongbin] Wu, X.[Xiaohu]
372 for Wu, X.

Wu, X.B.[Xiong Bin] * 2017: Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents from MODIS and VIIRS Satellite Imagery
* 2017: Computing Ocean Surface Currents From GOCI Ocean Color Satellite Imagery
* 2018: Ocean Surface Current Extraction Scheme With High-Frequency Distributed Hybrid Sky-Surface Wave Radar System
* 2019: Fractional Fourier Transform-Based Radio Frequency Interference Suppression for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* 2019: Remotely-Observed Early Spring Warming in the Southwestern Yellow Sea Due to Weakened Winter Monsoon
* 2021: Coordinated formation control for intelligent and connected vehicles in multiple traffic scenarios
* 2021: negotiation-based right-of-way assignment strategy to ensure traffic safety and efficiency in lane changes, A
* 2021: Remote Sensing Image Destriping Model Based on Low-Rank and Directional Sparse Constraint, A
* 2021: Study on the application of improved DIC method in deformation testing of geotechnical materials
* 2022: Analysis of Video Quality Induced Spatio-Temporal Saliency Shifts
* 2022: Blind Remote Sensing Image Deblurring Using Local Binary Pattern Prior
* 2022: Calibration of Phased-Array High-Frequency Radar on an Anchored Floating Platform
* 2022: Context-Aware Dynamic Feature Extraction for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* 2022: Estimating Rangeland Fine Fuel Biomass in Western Texas Using High-Resolution Aerial Imagery and Machine Learning
* 2022: Fusing Spatial Attention with Spectral-Channel Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Encoder-Decoder Networks
* 2022: Radiation Sensitivity Analysis of Ocean Wake Information Detection System Based on Visible Light Remote Sensing
* 2022: Research on a Simulation Model of a Skywave Over-the-Horizon Radar Sea Echo Spectrum
* 2022: Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Agricultural Land Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Determination of Meteor Vector Velocity Using MU Interferometry Measurements of Head Echoes
* 2023: Exploring Effective Detection and Spatial Pattern of Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia Genus) from Airborne Imagery before and after Prescribed Fires in the Edwards Plateau
* 2023: Imbalanced Malware Family Classification Using Multimodal Fusion and Weight Self-Learning
* 2023: Low-Illumination Image Enhancement Using Local Gradient Relative Deviation for Retinex Models
* 2023: Single-Image Simultaneous Destriping and Denoising: Double Low-Rank Property
* 2024: SST Forecast Skills Based on Hybrid Deep Learning Models: With Applications to the South China Sea
Includes: Wu, X.B.[Xiong Bin] Wu, X.B.[Xiong-Bin] Wu, X.B.[Xiang-Bai] Wu, X.B.[Xiang-Bin] Wu, X.B.[Xia-Bin] Wu, X.B.[Xin-Bo] Wu, X.B.[X. Ben] Wu, X.B.[Xiao-Bo]
24 for Wu, X.B.

Wu, X.C.[Xue Chun] * 2011: Motion Capture of Hand Movements Using Stereo Vision for Minimally Invasive Vascular Interventions
* 2012: Multi-functional intelligent access control system based on hand vein recognition
* 2015: Performance of Linear and Nonlinear Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Models at Different Temporal Scales
* 2017: Fast Face Recognition Method Based on Fractal Coding, A
* 2017: Improved Estimation of Regional Fractional Woody/Herbaceous Cover Using Combined Satellite Data and High-Quality Training Samples, An
* 2018: Artificial Mangrove Species Mapping Using Pléiades-1: An Evaluation of Pixel-Based and Object-Based Classifications with Selected Machine Learning Algorithms
* 2018: Evaluating the Performance of Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and Pléiades-1 in Mapping Mangrove Extent and Species
* 2018: Regional Crop Gross Primary Productivity and Yield Estimation Using Fused Landsat-MODIS Data
* 2019: Efficiency of Extreme Gradient Boosting for Imbalanced Land Cover Classification Using an Extended Margin and Disagreement Performance
* 2019: Laser-based SLAM automatic parallel parking path planning and tracking for passenger vehicle
* 2019: Mapping Height and Aboveground Biomass of Mangrove Forests on Hainan Island Using UAV-LiDAR Sampling
* 2019: Real-time vehicle type classification with deep convolutional neural networks
* 2020: Grassland Wildfires in the Southern Great Plains: Monitoring Ecological Impacts and Recovery
* 2020: Modeling the Effects of Global and Diffuse Radiation on Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity in China Based on a Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model
* 2021: FDA-MIMO Radar With Long-Baseline Transmit Array Using ESPRIT
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Changes of Winter Wheat Planted and Harvested Areas, Photosynthesis and Grain Production in the Contiguous United States from 2008-2018
* 2022: CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptron
* 2022: Deep Learning Aided Time-Frequency Analysis Filter Framework for Suppressing Ionosphere Clutter
* 2022: First Observations of Mars Atmosphere and Ionosphere with Tianwen-1 Radio-Occultation Technique on 5 August 2021
* 2023: Forest Age Mapping Using Landsat Time-Series Stacks Data Based on Forest Disturbance and Empirical Relationships between Age and Height
* 2023: Research on Stellar Occultation Detection with Bandpass Filtering for Oxygen Density Retrieval
* 2024: MISL: Multi-grained image-text semantic learning for text-guided image inpainting
Includes: Wu, X.C.[Xue Chun] Wu, X.C.[Xue-Chun] Wu, X.C.[Xun-Chi] Wu, X.C.[Xiao-Cui] Wu, X.C.[Xiao-Cheng] Wu, X.C.[Xiu-Chen] Wu, X.C.[Xin-Cai] Wu, X.C.[Xun-Cheng] Wu, X.C.[Xiao-Chuan] Wu, X.C.[Xiang-Chen] Wu, X.C.[Xiao-Can] Wu, X.C.[Xing-Cai]
22 for Wu, X.C.

Wu, X.D.[Xin Dong] * 1998: RIEVL: Recursive Induction Learning in Hand Gesture Recognition
* 2004: Globally optimal segmentation of interacting surfaces with geometric constraints
* 2006: Asymmetric Bagging and Random Subspace for Support Vector Machines-Based Relevance Feedback in Image Retrieval
* 2006: Human Carrying Status in Visual Surveillance
* 2006: Optimal Surface Segmentation in Volumetric Images: A Graph-Theoretic Approach
* 2006: Scalable Representative Instance Selection and Ranking
* 2007: General Tensor Discriminant Analysis and Gabor Features for Gait Recognition
* 2007: Generic object recognition with regional statistical models and layer joint boosting
* 2008: Globally optimal surface segmentation using regional properties of segmented objects
* 2009: Geometric Mean for Subspace Selection
* 2009: Optimal multiple surfaces searching for video/image resizing: A graph-theoretic approach
* 2009: Regional category parsing in undirected graphical models
* 2010: LOGISMOS: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces: Cartilage Segmentation in the Knee Joint
* 2010: Motion Artifact Reduction in 4D Helical CT: Graph-Based Structure Alignment
* 2010: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on Orthogonal Subspace
* 2010: Optimal multiple-seams search for image resizing with smoothness and shape prior
* 2010: Simultaneous searching of globally optimal interacting surfaces with shape priors
* 2011: Faster Segmentation Algorithm for Optical Coherence Tomography Images with Guaranteed Smoothness
* 2011: Feature guided motion artifact reduction with structure-awareness in 4D CT images
* 2012: Fast dynamic programming for labeling problems with ordering constraints
* 2012: Multimodal Graph-Based Reranking for Web Image Search
* 2013: Online Feature Selection with Streaming Features
* 2013: Optimal Co-Segmentation of Tumor in PET-CT Images With Context Information
* 2014: Error-Tolerant Scribbles Based Interactive Image Segmentation
* 2014: Fully Automatic Segmentation of Hip CT Images via Random Forest Regression-Based Atlas Selection and Optimal Graph Search-Based Surface Detection
* 2014: How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis and its Kernel Version?
* 2014: Image Annotation by Multiple-Instance Learning With Discriminative Feature Mapping and Selection
* 2014: Multi-Surface and Multi-Field Co-Segmentation of 3-D Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography
* 2014: Plant Leaf Identification via a Growing Convolution Neural Network with Progressive Sample Learning
* 2014: Recursive projected sparse matrix recovery (ReProSMR) with application in real-time video layer separation
* 2015: Cross-domain sentiment classification-feature divergence, polarity divergence or both?
* 2015: Expanding dictionary for robust face recognition: Pixel is not necessary while sparsity is
* 2015: Optimal Nodes Selectiveness from WSN to Fit Field Scale Albedo Observation and Validation in Long Time Series in the Foci Experiment Areas, Heihe
* 2015: Penalized partial least square discriminant analysis with for multi-label data
* 2015: Plant identification using triangular representation based on salient points and margin points
* 2016: Corrupted and occluded face recognition via cooperative sparse representation
* 2016: Expanding dictionary for robust face recognition: Pixel is not necessary while sparsity is
* 2016: Trust Agent-Based Behavior Induction in Social Networks
* 2017: Image set classification based on cooperative sparse representation
* 2017: SALE: Self-adaptive LSH encoding for multi-instance learning
* 2018: Accuracy Assessment on MODIS (V006), GLASS and MuSyQ Land-Surface Albedo Products: A Case Study in the Heihe River Basin, China
* 2018: Multi-Scale Validation Strategy for Albedo Products over Rugged Terrain and Preliminary Application in Heihe River Basin, China, A
* 2018: pDisVPL: Probabilistic Discriminative Visual Part Learning for Image Classification
* 2019: CT lesion recognition algorithm based on improved particle reseeding method
* 2019: Investigation of a Small Landslide in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau by InSAR and Absolute Deformation Model
* 2019: Long-Term Trends of Atmospheric CH4 Concentration across China from 2002 to 2016
* 2019: OFS-Density: A novel online streaming feature selection method
* 2020: Soil Moisture Calibration Equations for Active Layer GPR Detection: A Case Study Specially for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Permafrost Regions
* 2021: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Adaptive Region Search
* 2021: Context-Dependent Propagating-Based Video Recommendation in Multimodal Heterogeneous Information Networks
* 2021: Mapping Surficial Soil Particle Size Fractions in Alpine Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2021: Method for Quantifying the Impacts of Human Activities on Net Primary Production of Grasslands in Northwest China, A
* 2021: Spatial, Phenological, and Inter-Annual Variations of Gross Primary Productivity in the Arctic from 2001 to 2019
* 2022: Activity and Kinematics of Two Adjacent Freeze-Thaw-Related Landslides Revealed by Multisource Remote Sensing of Qilian Mountain
* 2022: Combining embedding-based and symbol-based methods for entity alignment
* 2022: Dynamic Self-Tuning Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter for Wireless Sensors Networks Positioning Systems, A
* 2022: Evaluation of the Performance of CLM5.0 in Soil Hydrothermal Dynamics in Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: Multi-Attribute Discriminative Representation Learning for Prediction of Adverse Drug-Drug Interaction
* 2022: Representation learning with deep sparse auto-encoder for multi-task learning
* 2022: SIF-Based GPP Is a Useful Index for Assessing Impacts of Drought on Vegetation: An Example of a Mega-Drought in Yunnan Province, China
* 2022: Soil Texture and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2022: User Behavior Analysis Based on Stacked Autoencoder and Clustering in Complex Power Grid Environment
* 2022: Vegetation Mapping in the Permafrost Region: A Case Study on the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2023: Are Graph Convolutional Networks With Random Weights Feasible?
* 2023: BLoG: Bootstrapped Graph Representation Learning with Local and Global Regularization for Recommendation
* 2023: Evaluating the Impact of Soil Enthalpy upon the Thawing Process of the Active Layer in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using CLM5.0
* 2023: Performance Assessment of Four Data-Driven Machine Learning Models: A Case to Generate Sentinel-2 Albedo at 10 Meters
* 2023: Potential Routes Extraction for Urban Customized Bus Based on Vehicle Trajectory Clustering
* 2023: Recent advances in using Chinese Earth observation satellites for remote sensing of vegetation
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal and Driving Factors of Land Use/Cover Change in Mongolia from 1990 to 2021
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Differences in Snow Density between the Tibet Plateau and the Arctic
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Regional Differences in Soil Thermal Conductivity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2024: Data-efficient 3D instance segmentation by transferring knowledge from synthetic scans
* 2024: Shared Manifold Regularized Joint Feature Selection for Joint Classification and Regression in Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* 2024: Validating GEDI tree canopy cover product across forest types using co-registered aerial LiDAR data
Includes: Wu, X.D.[Xin Dong] Wu, X.D.[Xin-Dong] Wu, X.D.[Xiao-Dong] Wu, X.D. Wu, X.D.[Xiao-Dan] Wu, X.D.[Xiao-Di] Wu, X.D.[Xian-De] Wu, X.D.[Xiang-Dong]
75 for Wu, X.D.

Wu, X.F.[Xiao Fu] * 2013: Verification-Based Interval-Passing Algorithm for Compressed Sensing
* 2019: Interactions among the Phenological Events of Winter Wheat in the North China Plain-Based on Field Data and Improved MODIS Estimation
* 2019: Lednet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Prediction of High-Quality MODIS-NPP Product Data
* 2020: Towards capsule routing as reconstruction with sparsity constraints
* 2020: Urban Ecological Corridor Network Construction: An Integration of the Least Cost Path Model and the InVEST Model
* 2021: Learning Causal Representation for Training Cross-Domain Pose Estimator via Generative Interventions
* 2022: Contextual ensemble network for semantic segmentation
* 2022: Densely Semantic Enhancement for Domain Adaptive Region-Free Detectors
* 2022: Oriented Object Detection Based on Foreground Feature Enhancement in Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: R-IMNet: Spatial-Temporal Evolution Analysis of Resource-Exhausted Urban Land Based on Residual-Intelligent Module Network
* 2022: Universal multi-Source domain adaptation for image classification
* 2023: Air-Ground Coordinated Sensing, Relay and Offloading for Emergency Disposal in ITS System, An
* 2023: Functional Zoning Method in Rural Landscape Based on High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* 2023: Hybrid Discrete Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Label Similarity for Solving Point-Feature Label Placement Problem, A
* 2024: Linearized alternating direction method of multipliers for elastic-net support vector machines
Includes: Wu, X.F.[Xiao Fu] Wu, X.F.[Xiao-Fu] Wu, X.F.[Xi-Fang] Wu, X.F.[Xiao-Fang] Wu, X.F.[Xue-Fei] Wu, X.F.[Xiao-Fei] Wu, X.F.[Xiao-Feng]
16 for Wu, X.F.

Wu, X.G.[Xue Gang] * 2018: Exponential Neighborhood Preserving Embedding for Face Recognition
* 2018: Simple and Effective Generalization of Exponential Matrix Discriminant Analysis and Its Application to Face Recognition, A
* 2019: Boundary Node Identification in Three Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks for Surface Coverage
* 2020: Segmentation Algorithm of the Valid Region in Fisheye Images Using Edge and Region Information
* 2023: In-air Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition with Attention Convolutional Recurrent Network
Includes: Wu, X.G.[Xue Gang] Wu, X.G.[Xue-Gang] Wu, X.G.[Xuan-Gou]

Wu, X.H.[Xiang Hai] * 2004: Application of markerless image-based arm tracking to robot-manipulator teleoperation
* 2006: Fuzzy discriminant analysis with kernel methods
* 2006: Improved Possibilistic C-Means Algorithm Based on Kernel Methods, An
* 2018: Joint Representation and Truncated Inference Learning for Correlation Filter Based Tracking
* 2018: Learning pairwise SVM on hierarchical deep features for ear recognition
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation from Shared Deep Space
* 2019: Learning Support Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* 2020: Downscaling TRMM Monthly Precipitation Using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Computing
* 2020: Identification of crop diseases using improved convolutional neural networks
* 2020: Unpaired Learning of Deep Image Denoising
* 2021: Building crack identification and total quality management method based on deep learning
* 2021: Infrared imaging enhancement through local window-based saliency extraction with spatial weight
* 2021: Quantifying the Contributions of Environmental Factors to Wind Characteristics over 2000-2019 in China
* 2022: Gridless DOA Estimation Method Based on Convolutional Neural Network With Toeplitz Prior, A
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Fusion: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* 2022: Partial-Fréchet-Distance-Based Framework for Bus Route Identification, A
* 2022: Quantify the Road Link Performance and Capacity Using Deep Learning Models
* 2022: Robust Sparse Imaging Algorithm Using Joint MIMO Array Manifold and Array Channel Outliers, A
* 2022: Unidirectional Video Denoising by Mimicking Backward Recurrent Modules with Look-Ahead Forward Ones
* 2023: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for Real-World Video Super-Resolution
* 2023: Bold but Cautious: Unlocking the Potential of Personalized Federated Learning through Cautiously Aggressive Collaboration
* 2023: Inferring and Leveraging Parts from Object Shape for Improving Semantic Image Synthesis
* 2023: Meta OOD Learning For Continuously Adaptive OOD Detection
* 2023: On better detecting and leveraging noisy samples for learning with severe label noise
* 2023: Real Image Denoising via Guided Residual Estimation and Noise Correction
* 2023: Spatial-temporal graph attention network for video anomaly detection
* 2024: Learning Diverse Tone Styles for Image Retouching
* 2024: MARVEL: Raster Gray-Level Manga Vectorization via Primitive-Wise Deep Reinforcement Learning
Includes: Wu, X.H.[Xiang Hai] Wu, X.H.[Xiang-Hai] Wu, X.H.[Xiao-Hong] Wu, X.H.[Xiao-He] Wu, X.H.[Xue-Hui] Wu, X.H.[Xing-Hua] Wu, X.H.[Xin-Hua] Wu, X.H.[Xiao-Hui] Wu, X.H.[Xiao-Huan] Wu, X.H.[Xing-Hui] Wu, X.H.[Xing-Hao] Wu, X.H.[Xin-Heng] Wu, X.H.[Xin-Hong]
31 for Wu, X.H.

Wu, X.I.[Xing Iiao] * 2021: TCATD: Text Contour Attention for Scene Text Detection
Includes: Wu, X.I.[Xing Iiao] Wu, X.I.[Xing-Iiao]

Wu, X.J.[Xue Jing] * 1999: fast recurring two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm, A
* 2004: analytical algorithm for determining the generalized optimal set of discriminant vectors, An
* 2004: new direct LDA (D-LDA) algorithm for feature extraction in face recognition, A
* 2004: New Kernel Direct Discriminant Analysis (KDDA) Algorithm for Face Recognition, A
* 2004: Real-time dynamic 3-D object shape reconstruction and high-fidelity texture mapping for 3-D video
* 2004: Regularized image restoration based on adaptively selecting parameter and operator
* 2006: Complete and Rapid Feature Extraction Method for Face Recognition, A
* 2006: Effective classification image space which can solve small sample size problem
* 2006: Human Tracking by Particle Filtering Using Full 3D Model of Both Target and Environment
* 2006: Parallel Pipeline Volume Intersection for Real-Time 3D Shape Reconstruction on a PC Cluster
* 2007: Application of image correction and bit-plane fusion in generalized PCA based face recognition
* 2007: MCMC based multi-body tracking using full 3D model of both target and environment
* 2008: Model based human motion tracking using probability evolutionary algorithm
* 2008: Narrow-Band Based Radial Basis Functions Implicit Surface Reconstruction
* 2009: Crowd Target Extraction and Density Analysis Based on FTLE and GLCM
* 2009: Gait Recognition Using Procrustes Shape Analysis and Shape Context
* 2009: Image Warping Method Based on Level Set, An
* 2010: Volumetric stereo and silhouette fusion for image-based modeling
* 2011: Human Body Shape and Motion Tracking by Hierarchical Weighted ICP
* 2011: novel contour descriptor for 2D shape matching and its application to image retrieval, A
* 2012: Accurate camera calibration for hand-held camera in multi-view stereo reconstruction
* 2012: Automatic face annotation by multilinear AAM with Missing Values
* 2012: image fusion method based on region segmentation and Cauchy convolution, An
* 2012: Quasi Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots
* 2014: Blind image quality assessment using a reciprocal singular value curve
* 2014: Image Fusion Using Region Segmentation and Sigmoid Function
* 2014: No-reference image blur index based on singular value curve
* 2014: Statistical Modeling of Multi-modal Medical Image Fusion Method Using C-CHMM and M-PCNN
* 2015: Blind Multiply Distorted Image Quality Assessment Using Relevant Perceptual Features
* 2015: Cascaded Collaborative Regression for Robust Facial Landmark Detection Trained Using a Mixture of Synthetic and Real Images With Dynamic Weighting
* 2015: Multi-scale contour flexibility shape signature for Fourier descriptor
* 2015: Random Cascaded-Regression Copse for Robust Facial Landmark Detection
* 2016: Fast Intra Mode Decision for Screen Contents Coding in HEVC
* 2016: Multi-focus image fusion using quaternion wavelet transform
* 2016: VLAD Is not Necessary for CNN
* 2017: Dynamic Attention-Controlled Cascaded Shape Regression Exploiting Training Data Augmentation and Fuzzy-Set Sample Weighting
* 2017: Face Detection, Bounding Box Aggregation and Pose Estimation for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation in the Wild
* 2017: Fully Convolutional Networks for Surface Defect Inspection in Industrial Environment
* 2017: Half-Face Dictionary Integration for Representation-Based Classification
* 2017: Multi-focus image fusion using HOSVD and edge intensity
* 2017: Multiple Laplacian graph regularised low-rank representation with application to image representation
* 2017: Surface Defect Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network, A
* 2018: Estimation of Snow Depth over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Based on AMSR-E and MODIS Data
* 2018: Evaluation of Dense 3D Reconstruction from 2D Face Images in the Wild
* 2018: Gaussian mixture 3D morphable face model
* 2018: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion using a Deep Learning Framework
* 2018: Multiple Manifolds Metric Learning with Application to Image Set Classification
* 2018: Non-negative Subspace Representation Learning Scheme for Correlation Filter Based Tracking
* 2018: Novel Model for Multi-label Image Annotation, A
* 2018: Robust Pedestrian Detection for Semi-automatic Construction of a Crowded Person Re-Identification Dataset
* 2018: Single Image Super Resolution via a Refined Densely Connected Inception Network
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Wing Loss for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: Collaborative representation based face classification exploiting block weighted LBP and analysis dictionary learning
* 2019: Discriminative Supervised Hashing for Cross-Modal Similarity Search
* 2019: Investigating Surface Urban Heat Islands in South America Based on MODIS Data from 2003-2016
* 2019: Joint Group Feature Selection and Discriminative Filter Learning for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* 2019: Learning Adaptive Discriminative Correlation Filters via Temporal Consistency Preserving Spatial Feature Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* 2019: More About Covariance Descriptors for Image Set Coding: Log-Euclidean Framework Based Kernel Matrix Representation
* 2019: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* 2019: sparse regularized nuclear norm based matrix regression for face recognition with contiguous occlusion, A
* 2019: Sparse subspace clustering via smoothed LP minimization
* 2019: Spatial Residual Layer and Dense Connection Block Enhanced Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2019: VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2020: accelerated correlation filter tracker, An
* 2020: Classification of motor imagery electroencephalography signals using continuous small convolutional neural network
* 2020: Content-aware Hybrid Equi-angular Cubemap Projection for Omnidirectional Video Coding
* 2020: Covariance descriptors on a Gaussian manifold and their application to image set classification
* 2020: Discriminative block-diagonal covariance descriptors for image set classification
* 2020: Feature channel enhancement for crowd counting
* 2020: Generating adversarial examples with elastic-net regularized boundary equilibrium generative adversarial network
* 2020: Learning Low-Rank and Sparse Discriminative Correlation Filters for Coarse-to-Fine Visual Object Tracking
* 2020: Noise-robust dictionary learning with slack block-Diagonal structure for face recognition
* 2020: Peeking into Occluded Joints: A Novel Framework for Crowd Pose Estimation
* 2020: Rectified Wing Loss for Efficient and Robust Facial Landmark Localisation with Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Singular value decomposition-based virtual representation for face recognition
* 2020: Sparse Representation-Based Intra Prediction for Lossless/Near Lossless Video Coding
* 2020: Tri-Clustering Based Exploration of Temporal Resolution Impacts on Spatio-Temporal Clusters in Geo-Referenced Time Series
* 2021: 2D progressive fusion module for action recognition
* 2021: Adaptive Channel Selection for Robust Visual Object Tracking with Discriminative Correlation Filters
* 2021: Adaptive Context-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* 2021: Adaptive feature fusion for visual object tracking
* 2021: Blind image quality assessment in the contourlet domain
* 2021: Complementary Discriminative Correlation Filters Based on Collaborative Representation for Visual Object Tracking
* 2021: Completely blind image quality assessment via contourlet energy statistics
* 2021: Dual-Branch Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion, A
* 2021: Dynamic information enhancement for video classification
* 2021: Fast Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Label Relaxation and Matrix Factorization
* 2021: Graph Embedding Multi-Kernel Metric Learning for Image Set Classification With Grassmannian Manifold-Valued Features
* 2021: Image Based Coding of Spatial Probability Distribution on Human Dynamics Data
* 2021: Learning Alternating Deep-Layer Cascaded Representation
* 2021: MOON: Multi-hash codes joint learning for cross-media retrieval
* 2021: Multiple channels local binary pattern for color texture representation and classification
* 2021: Ninth Visual Object Tracking VOT2021 Challenge Results, The
* 2021: Prediction of Maize Yield at the City Level in China Using Multi-Source Data
* 2021: Quantitative Assessment of the Influences of Snow Drought on Forest and Grass Growth in Mid-High Latitude Regions by Using Remote Sensing
* 2021: Robust Method for Filling the Gaps in MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Data, A
* 2021: Subjective Quality Database and Objective Study of Compressed Point Clouds With 6DoF Head-Mounted Display
* 2021: Subspace Clustering via Joint Unsupervised Feature Selection
* 2022: 3D Clues Guided Convolution for Depth Completion
* 2022: Assessment of Effective Roughness Parameters for Simulating Sentinel-1A Observation and Retrieving Soil Moisture over Sparsely Vegetated Field
* 2022: DCA-CycleGAN: Unsupervised single image dehazing using Dark Channel Attention optimized CycleGAN
* 2022: Differentiable neural architecture learning for efficient neural networks
* 2022: Document Layout Analysis Via Positional Encoding
* 2022: DreamNet: A Deep Riemannian Manifold Network for SPD Matrix Learning
* 2022: Feature Alignment for Robust Acoustic Scene Classification Across Devices
* 2022: FEXNet: Foreground Extraction Network for Human Action Recognition
* 2022: FPNFuse: A lightweight feature pyramid network for infrared and visible image fusion
* 2022: Graph2Net: Perceptually-Enriched Graph Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2022: Homogeneous Multi-modal Feature Fusion and Interaction for 3D Object Detection
* 2022: Identification of Co-Clusters with Coherent Trends in Geo-Referenced Time Series
* 2022: Implementation of Two-Stream Emission Model for L-Band Retrievals on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: MP2020: Visual quality assessment database for macro photography images
* 2022: No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment on both complex contourlet and spatial domain via Kernel ELM
* 2022: Novel Error Criterion of Fundamental Matrix Based on Principal Component Analysis, A
* 2022: Recent Progress on Modeling Land Emission and Retrieving Soil Moisture on the Tibetan Plateau Based on L-Band Passive Microwave Remote Sensing
* 2022: Robust and discrete matrix factorization hashing for cross-modal retrieval
* 2022: Robust Visual Object Tracking Via Adaptive Attribute-Aware Discriminative Correlation Filters
* 2022: Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep Learning Algorithm under Terrain-Restriction
* 2022: Scalable Discrete Matrix Factorization and Semantic Autoencoder for Cross-Media Retrieval
* 2022: Spatial Trend and Impact of Snowmelt Rate in Spring across China's Three Main Stable Snow Cover Regions over the Past 40 Years Based on Remote Sensing
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Changes and Driver Analysis of Ecosystem Respiration in the Tibetan and Inner Mongolian Grasslands
* 2022: Substitute Meta-Learning for Black-Box Adversarial Attack
* 2022: Target-Cognisant Siamese Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* 2022: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* 2022: Two-Stage Supervised Discrete Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2022: Using global information to refine local patterns for texture representation and classification
* 2023: Action Probability Calibration for Efficient Naturalistic Driving Action Localization
* 2023: Assimilating AMSU-A Radiance Observations with an Ensemble Four-Dimensional Variational (En4DVar) Hybrid Data Assimilation System
* 2023: Attention-guided evolutionary attack with elastic-net regularization on face recognition
* 2023: COMIM-GAN: Improved Text-to-Image Generation via Condition Optimization and Mutual Information Maximization
* 2023: Fast Self-Guided Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* 2023: First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: IFSepR: A General Framework for Image Fusion Based on Separate Representation Learning
* 2023: Infrared and visible image fusion based on Multi-State contextual hidden Markov Model
* 2023: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanization on Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China Using Nighttime Light Data
* 2023: Learning Motion-Perceive Siamese Network for Robust Visual Object Tracking
* 2023: LoGoNet: Towards Accurate 3D Object Detection with Local-to-Global Cross-Modal Fusion
* 2023: Low-light image enhancement based on virtual exposure
* 2023: LRRNet: A Novel Representation Learning Guided Fusion Network for Infrared and Visible Images
* 2023: Modeling Stroke Mask for End-to-End Text Erasing
* 2023: novel complex-valued convolutional network for real-world single image dehazing, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
* 2023: Progressive scene text erasing with self-supervision
* 2023: Toward Robust Visual Object Tracking With Independent Target-Agnostic Detection and Effective Siamese Cross-Task Interaction
* 2023: Visibility and Distortion Measurement for No-Reference Dehazed Image Quality Assessment via Complex Contourlet Transform
* 2024: Deep Metric Learning on the SPD Manifold for Image Set Classification
* 2024: Distillation, Ensemble and Selection for Building a Better and Faster Siamese Based Tracker
* 2024: Dual-Stream Complex-Valued Convolutional Network for Authentic Dehazed Image Quality Assessment
* 2024: Feature enhancement and coarse-to-fine detection for RGB-D tracking
* 2024: full-scale hierarchical encoder-decoder network with cascading edge-prior for infrared and visible image fusion, A
* 2024: HeadDiff: Exploring Rotation Uncertainty With Diffusion Models for Head Pose Estimation
* 2024: HFA-GTNet: Hierarchical Fusion Adaptive Graph Transformer network for dance action recognition
* 2024: Motion Complement and Temporal Multifocusing for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2024: Robust online hashing with label semantic enhancement for cross-modal retrieval
* 2024: Scene adaptive mechanism for action recognition
* 2024: Simple contrastive learning in a self-supervised manner for robust visual question answering
* 2024: Simple Primitives With Feasibility- and Contextuality-Dependence for Open-World Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* 2024: Unified Referring Expression Generation for Bounding Boxes and Segmentations
Includes: Wu, X.J.[Xue Jing] Wu, X.J.[Xue-Jing] Wu, X.J.[Xiao-Jun] Wu, X.J.[Xian-Jin] Wu, X.J.[Xiao-Juan] Wu, X.J. Wu, X.J.[Xiang-Jian] Wu, X.J.[Xue-Jiao] Wu, X.J.[Xin-Jian] Wu, X.J.[Xin-Ju] Wu, X.J.[Xing-Jiao] Wu, X.J.[Xiao-Jing] Wu, X.J.[Xi-Jin] Wu, X.J.[Xiang-Jun] Wu, X.J.[Xiao-Jin] Wu, X.J.[Xiang-Juan]
159 for Wu, X.J.

Wu, X.K.[Xiao Kun] * 2014: 3D Model Retargeting Using Offset Statistics
* 2015: Energy-Optimal Speed Control for Electric Vehicles on Signalized Arterials
* 2018: HandMap: Robust Hand Pose Estimation via Intermediate Dense Guidance Map Supervision
* 2020: Hierarchical quantitative analysis to evaluate unsafe driving behaviour from massive trajectory data
* 2022: DevNet: Deviation Aware Network for Lane Detection
* 2023: Dynamic Programming Model for Joint Optimization of Electric Drayage Truck Operations and Charging Stations Planning at Ports, A
Includes: Wu, X.K.[Xiao Kun] Wu, X.K.[Xiao-Kun] Wu, X.K.[Xin-Kai] Wu, X.K.[Xin-Ke] Wu, X.K.[Xuan-Ke]

Wu, X.L.[Xiao Lin] * 1987: Double-Step Incremental Generation of Lines and Circles
* 1989: On Properties of Discretized Convex Curves
* 1995: Adaptive binary vector quantization using Hamming codes
* 1995: segmentation-based predictive multiresolution image coder, A
* 1996: YIQ Vector Quantization in a New Color Palette Architecture
* 1997: Lossless Compression of Continuous-Tone Images via Context Selection, Quantization, and Modeling
* 1997: Non-Embedded Wavelet Image Coding Scheme
* 1997: Recent Developments in Context Based Predictive Techniques for Lossless Image Compression
* 1998: Piecewise 2D autoregression for predictive image coding
* 1999: Image compression based on multi-scale edge compensation
* 1999: Resynchronization Properties of Arithmetic Coding
* 2000: Context-Based Lossless Interband Compression--Extending CALIC
* 2000: L-infinity Constrained High-Fidelity Image Compression via Adaptive Context Modeling
* 2002: Fast Trellis-Coded Color Quantization of Images
* 2002: On steganalysis of random LSB embedding in continuous-tone images
* 2002: recognition algorithm for chinese characters in diverse fonts, A
* 2003: Hierarchical modeling via optimal context quantization
* 2003: Hybrid inter- and intra-wavelet scale image restoration
* 2003: Lossy-to-lossless compression of medical volumetric data using three-dimensional integer wavelet transforms
* 2003: On optimal m of JPEG 2000 code stream
* 2003: On Optimality of Context Modeling for Bit-Plane Entropy Coding in the JPEG2000 Standard
* 2003: Primary-consistent soft-decision color demosaic for digital cameras
* 2004: classification approach to color demosaicking, A
* 2004: Lossless Compression of Color Mosaic Images
* 2004: Multiresolution polygonal approximation of digital curves
* 2004: Primary-Consistent Soft-Decision Color Demosaicking for Digital Cameras (Patent Pending)
* 2004: Quantitative steganalysis of binary images
* 2004: simple technique for estimating message lengths for additive noise steganography, A
* 2004: Temporal color video demosaicking via motion estimation and optimal data fusing
* 2005: Canny Edge Detection Enhancement by Scale Multiplication
* 2005: Clustering Based on Principal Curve
* 2005: Color Demosaicking Via Directional Linear Minimum Mean Square-Error Estimation
* 2005: Image Interpolation Using Texture Orientation Map and Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* 2005: Joint Spatial-Temporal Color Demosaicking
* 2005: On Multirate Optimality of JPEG2000 Code Stream
* 2005: Real-time lossless compression of mosaic video sequences
* 2006: Edge-Guided Image Interpolation Algorithm via Directional Filtering and Data Fusion, An
* 2006: Improvement of Color Video Demosaicking in Temporal Domain
* 2006: Lossless Compression of Color Mosaic Images
* 2006: Measuring the distance of vegetation from powerlines using stereo vision
* 2006: Temporal color video demosaicking via motion estimation and data fusion
* 2007: Fast Generalized Motion Estimation and Superresolution
* 2007: On Rate-Distortion Models for Natural Images and Wavelet Coding Performance
* 2007: Structure Preserving Image Interpolation via Adaptive 2D Autoregressive Modeling
* 2008: Automatic tonal harmonization for multi-spectral mosaics
* 2008: Efficient Multiple-Description Image Coding Using Directional Lifting-Based Transform
* 2008: Image Interpolation by Adaptive 2-D Autoregressive Modeling and Soft-Decision Estimation
* 2008: Video denoising using 3-D Hybrid Wavelets and Directional filter banks
* 2009: Compressive-uniform hybrid sensing for image acquisition and communication
* 2009: Context-based bias removal of statistical models of wavelet coefficients for image denoising
* 2009: Context-based entropy coding in AVS video coding standard
* 2009: MDL context modeling of images with application to denoising
* 2009: Nonlocal back-projection for adaptive image enlargement
* 2009: Robust Color Demosaicking With Adaptation to Varying Spectral Correlations
* 2010: Color demosaicking with sparse representations
* 2010: Directional image interpolation with ANOVA methodology
* 2010: Edge-based image coding at low bit-rate
* 2010: Fast image segmentation based on multilevel banded closed-form method
* 2010: High frame rate video capture by multiple cameras with coded exposure
* 2010: Improvement of H.264 SVC by model-based adaptive resolution upconversion
* 2010: Joint Color Decrosstalk and Demosaicking for CFA Cameras
* 2010: Joint Color Decrosstalk and Demosaicking for CFA Cameras
* 2010: New Algorithmic Approach for Contrast Enhancement, A
* 2010: Spatial-Temporal Color Video Reconstruction From Noisy CFA Sequence
* 2011: Fine-Scale Monitoring of Complex Environments Using Remotely Sensed Aerial, Satellite, and Other Spatial Data
* 2011: hidden Markov model-based methodology for intra-field video deinterlacing, A
* 2011: Hybrid parametric-nonparametric modeling with application to natural image upsampling
* 2011: Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution by Adaptive Sparse Domain Selection and Adaptive Regularization
* 2011: L2 restoration of L_inf-decoded images with context modeling
* 2011: Layered Multicast With Inter-Layer Network Coding for Multimedia Streaming
* 2011: Multiple description video coding against both erasure and bit errors by compressive sensing
* 2011: Noise estimation using statistics of natural images
* 2011: On sparse representations of color images
* 2011: Sparsity-based image deblurring with locally adaptive and nonlocally robust regularization
* 2011: Sparsity-based image denoising via dictionary learning and structural clustering
* 2011: Texture segmentation using independent-scale component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian mixture model in KL measure based multi-scale nonlinear structure tensor space
* 2012: Color demosaicking with an image formation model and adaptive PCA
* 2012: Image dependent energy-constrained local backlight dimming
* 2012: Image reconstruction with locally adaptive sparsity and nonlocal robust regularization
* 2012: Joint Processing of Landsat and ALOS-PALSAR Data for Forest Mapping and Monitoring
* 2012: Low bit-rate video coding via mode-dependent adaptive regression for wireless visual communications
* 2012: L_2 Restoration of L_inf -Decoded Images Via Soft-Decision Estimation
* 2012: Model-based adaptive resolution upconversion of degraded images
* 2012: Psychovisual Quality Metric in Free-Energy Principle, A
* 2013: Feature selection for reliable data association in visual SLAM
* 2013: Image enhancement revisited: From first order to second order statistics
* 2013: learning-based method for compressive image recovery, A
* 2013: LED Backlight Adjustment for Backward-Compatible Stereoscopic Display
* 2013: L_2 Optimized Predictive Image Coding With L_inf Bound
* 2013: Sparsity-based soft decoding of compressed images in transform domain
* 2014: Coded Acquisition of High Frame Rate Video
* 2014: Contrast enhancement with chromaticity error bound
* 2014: Demo: DLP based anti-piracy display system
* 2014: DLP based anti-piracy display system
* 2014: Generalized Equalization Model for Image Enhancement
* 2014: GPU-aided real-time image/video super resolution based on error feedback
* 2014: Image Enhancement by Entropy Maximization and Quantization Resolution Upconversion
* 2014: Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiments (SMAPEx): Toward Soil Moisture Retrieval From the SMAP Mission, The
* 2014: Sparsity Fine Tuning in Wavelet Domain With Application to Compressive Image Reconstruction
* 2015: Analysis on spectral effects of dark-channel prior for haze removal
* 2015: Data-driven sparsity-based restoration of JPEG-compressed images in dual transform-pixel domain
* 2015: Inter-block consistent soft decoding of JPEG images with sparsity and graph-signal smoothness priors
* 2015: On display-camera synchronization for visible light communication
* 2015: Order Picking with Head-Up Displays
* 2015: Simulation of the SMAP Data Stream From SMAPEx Field Campaigns in Australia
* 2015: Sparsity-based depth image restoration using surface priors and RGB-D correlations
* 2016: Digital Terrain From A Two-step Segmentation And Outlier-based Algorithm
* 2016: Geographic Analysis Of Optimal Signage Location Selection In Scenic Area, A
* 2016: Image Enhancement by Entropy Maximization and Quantization Resolution Upconversion
* 2017: Intersection workspace visualization of multi-finger hands
* 2017: Random Walk Graph Laplacian-Based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images
* 2018: Learning-Based Restoration of Backlit Images
* 2019: High Joint Spectral-Spatial Resolution Imaging via Nanostructured Random Broadband Filtering
* 2019: Learning-Based Multi-Frame Video Quality Enhancement
* 2020: Exaggerated Learning for Clean-and-Sharp Image Restoration
* 2021: Algorithm for Real-Time Cycle Slip Detection and Repair for Low Elevation GPS Undifferenced Data in Different Environments
* 2021: Attention-guided Image Compression by Deep Reconstruction of Compressive Sensed Saliency Skeleton
* 2021: Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartphones, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2021: High Frequency Detail Accentuation in CNN Image Restoration
* 2021: Real-Time Deep Image Retouching Based on Learnt Semantics Dependent Global Transforms
* 2021: Soil Moisture Retrieval Depth of P- and L-Band Radiometry: Predictions and Observations
* 2021: StyleFormer: Real-time Arbitrary Style Transfer via Parametric Style Composition
* 2021: Ultra High Fidelity Deep Image Decompression with L-Infinity-Constrained Compression
* 2022: Data Acquisition and Preparation for Dual-Reference Deep Learning of Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Mapping Heat-Health Vulnerability Based on Remote Sensing: A Case Study in Karachi
* 2022: Numerical Prediction of Duality Principle with Bloch-Floquet Periodic Boundary Condition in Fully Anisotropic FDTD
* 2022: TelecomNet: Tag-Based Weakly-Supervised Modally Cooperative Hashing Network for Image Retrieval
* 2023: Clover: Towards A Unified Video-Language Alignment and Fusion Model
* 2023: Comparative Study of Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Bagging PU Learning in Class-Prior Probability Shift Datasets, A
* 2023: Data-Driven Models Informed by Spatiotemporal Mobility Patterns for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics
* 2023: DiffIR: Efficient Diffusion Model for Image Restoration
* 2023: Haar wavelet downsampling: A simple but effective downsampling module for semantic segmentation
* 2023: LVQAC: Lattice Vector Quantization Coupled with Spatially Adaptive Companding for Efficient Learned Image Compression
* 2023: MCAFNet: A Multiscale Channel Attention Fusion Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Multi-Modality Deep Restoration of Extremely Compressed Face Videos
* 2023: Revisiting Temporal Modeling for CLIP-Based Image-to-Video Knowledge Transferring
* 2023: Test-Time Adaptation for Optical Flow Estimation Using Motion Vectors
* 2023: TSDN: Two-Stage Raw Denoising in the Dark
* 2024: Deep Lossy Plus Residual Coding for Lossless and Near-Lossless Image Compression
* 2024: Evolution of Wetland Patterns and Key Driving Forces in China's Drylands
* 2024: KBStyle: Fast Style Transfer Using a 200 KB Network With Symmetric Knowledge Distillation
* 2024: Low-complexity L_inf-compression of light field images with a deep-decompression stage
Includes: Wu, X.L.[Xiao Lin] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Lin] Wu, X.L. Wu, X.L.[Xian-Li] Wu, X.L.[Xio-Lin] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Liang] Wu, X.L.[Xiang-Lin] Wu, X.L.[Xian-Liang] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Ling] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Long] Wu, X.L.[Xiao Ling] Wu, X.L.[Xin-Li] Wu, X.L.[Xi-Lin] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Li] Wu, X.L.[Xing-Long] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Lei] Wu, X.L.[Xun-Lian] Wu, X.L.[Xue-Ling] Wu, X.L.[Xiao-Lan]
142 for Wu, X.L.

Wu, X.M.[Xiao Ming] * 1988: contextual method for electroencephalogram recognition, A
* 2011: Commercial mining basedon temporal recurrence hashing algorithm and bag-of-fingerprints model
* 2012: Segmentation using superpixels: A bipartite graph partitioning approach
* 2013: Ultrahigh-Speed TV Commercial Detection, Extraction, and Matching
* 2014: Comparison of different approaches to visual terrain classification for outdoor mobile robots
* 2014: Image Retrieval Based on Anisotropic Scaling and Shearing Invariant Geometric Coherence
* 2014: Locally Linear Hashing for Extracting Non-linear Manifolds
* 2014: Optimum inpainting for depth map based on L_0 total variation
* 2014: Tell Me about TV Commercials of This Product
* 2014: Tri-Map Self-Validation Based on Least Gibbs Energy for Foreground Segmentation
* 2015: Adaptive Dither Voting for Robust Spatial Verification
* 2015: New insights into Laplacian similarity search
* 2015: Robust Spatial Matching as Ensemble of Weak Geometric Relations
* 2015: Second-Order Configuration of Local Features for Geometrically Stable Image Matching and Retrieval
* 2015: Trademark Image Retrieval Using Inverse Total Feature Frequency and Multiple Detectors
* 2016: Scene text recognition with CNN classifier and WFST-based word labeling
* 2017: Block-Wise Gaze Estimation Based on Binocular Images
* 2017: Contrast-accumulated histogram equalization for image enhancement
* 2017: Intelligent detail enhancement for differently exposed images
* 2017: Learning aggregated features and optimizing model for semantic labeling
* 2017: LSTM network: a deep learning approach for short-term traffic forecast
* 2018: Detail Preserving Multi-Scale Exposure Fusion
* 2018: High-quality face image generated with conditional boundary equilibrium generative adversarial networks
* 2018: Intelligent Detail Enhancement for Exposure Fusion
* 2018: Label Propagation with Ensemble of Pairwise Geometric Relations: Towards Robust Large-Scale Retrieval of Object Instances
* 2018: Multi-class indoor semantic segmentation with deep structured model
* 2018: Weighted Generalized Mean Pooling for Deep Image Retrieval
* 2019: Label Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning via Graph Filtering
* 2020: Adaptive Spotting: Deep Reinforcement Object Search in 3d Point Clouds
* 2020: Analytical Framework for Trusted Machine Learning and Computer Vision Running with Blockchain, An
* 2020: Study on intelligent algorithm of guide partition for emergency evacuation of a subway station
* 2021: ASCNet: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Appearance-Speed Consistency
* 2021: Deep Reinforcement Image Matching with Self-Termination
* 2021: S&CNet: A lightweight network for fast and accurate depth completion
* 2021: Total Whitening for Online Signature Verification Based on Deep Representation
* 2022: Aerial Image Segmentation via Noise Dispelling and Content Distilling
* 2022: Bidirectional Posture-Appearance Interaction Network for Driver Behavior Recognition
* 2022: Closer Look at Blind Super-Resolution: Degradation Models, Baselines, and Performance Upper Bounds, A
* 2022: Deep Joint Demosaicing and High Dynamic Range Imaging Within a Single Shot
* 2022: Deep Learning for Simultaneous Seismic Image Super-Resolution and Denoising
* 2022: Depth Completion Using Laplacian Pyramid-based Depth Residuals
* 2022: Discrete online cross-modal hashing
* 2022: Discriminative and semantic feature selection for place recognition towards dynamic environments
* 2022: DSRGAN: Detail Prior-Assisted Perceptual Single Image Super-Resolution via Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2022: Implicit Motion-Compensated Network for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation
* 2022: Personalized knowledge-aware recommendation with collaborative and attentive graph convolutional networks
* 2022: Probabilistic Spatial Distribution Prior Based Attentional Keypoints Matching Network
* 2023: ALIKE: Accurate and Lightweight Keypoint Detection and Descriptor Extraction
* 2023: Deep attentive time warping
* 2023: Estimator Meets Equilibrium Perspective: A Rectified Straight Through Estimator for Binary Neural Networks Training
* 2023: Generating Anomalies for Video Anomaly Detection with Prompt-based Feature Mapping
* 2023: Medical Visual Question Answering via Conditional Reasoning and Contrastive Learning
* 2023: NDDepth: Normal-Distance Assisted Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2023: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Self-Reference Distillation and Disparity Offset Refinement
* 2023: Towards Comprehensive Monocular Depth Estimation: Multiple Heads are Better Than One
* 2023: Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation for Differently Exposed Images in LDR Domain
* 2024: AG-Meta: Adaptive graph meta-learning via representation consistency over local subgraphs
* 2024: Online Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Contrastive Motion Clustering
Includes: Wu, X.M.[Xiao Ming] Wu, X.M.[Xiao-Meng] Wu, X.M.[Xiao-Ming] Wu, X.M.[Xing-Ming] Wu, X.M.[Xue-Mei] Wu, X.M.[Xin-Min] Wu, X.M.[Xi-Meng] Wu, X.M.[Xiang-Miao] Wu, X.M.[Xin-Ming]
58 for Wu, X.M.

Wu, X.O.[Xia Ohong] * 2020: Detection of tomato organs based on convolutional neural network under the overlap and occlusion backgrounds
Includes: Wu, X.O.[Xia Ohong] Wu, X.O.[Xia-Ohong]

Wu, X.P.[Xiao Pei] * 2010: novel eye movement detection algorithm for EOG driven human computer interface, A
* 2019: IP102: A Large-Scale Benchmark Dataset for Insect Pest Recognition
* 2021: BiSPL: Bidirectional Self-Paced Learning for Recognition From Web Data
* 2021: Full-Wave Modeling and Inversion of UWB Radar Data for Wave Propagation in Cylindrical Objects
* 2021: LCSegNet: An Efficient Semantic Segmentation Network for Large-Scale Complex Chinese Character Recognition
* 2021: LSTM-Based Realtime Signal Quality Assessment for Photoplethysmogram and Remote Photoplethysmogram, A
* 2022: deep learning network based end-to-end image composition, A
* 2022: DID-M3D: Decoupling Instance Depth for Monocular 3D Object Detection
* 2022: Effect of Drought on Vegetation Gross Primary Productivity under Different Vegetation Types across China from 2001 to 2020, The
* 2022: Graph R-CNN: Towards Accurate 3D Object Detection with Semantic-Decorated Local Graph
* 2022: Remote Heart Rate Estimation by Signal Quality Attention Network
* 2022: Research of Scoliosis Detection Method Based on Kinect
* 2022: Sparse Fuse Dense: Towards High Quality 3D Detection with Depth Completion
* 2023: Airborne Radar Staggered PRF Coherent Processing Method for Down-Looking Target Detection
* 2023: DETRs with Hybrid Matching
* 2023: Foreground and Text-lines Aware Document Image Rectification
* 2023: Graph Convolution Based Cross-Network Multiscale Feature Fusion for Deep Vessel Segmentation
* 2023: Proactive integrated traffic control to mitigate congestion at toll plazas
Includes: Wu, X.P.[Xiao Pei] Wu, X.P.[Xiao-Pei] Wu, X.P.[Xiao-Ping] Wu, X.P.[Xiang-Ping] Wu, X.P.[Xiu-Ping] Wu, X.P.[Xiao-Peng] Wu, X.P.[Xi-Peng] Wu, X.P.[Xian-Peng]
18 for Wu, X.P.

Wu, X.Q.[Xiang Qi] * 1988: processing and recognition of X-rays of spine tumor, The
* 2002: Fuzzy directional element energy feature (FDEEF) based palmprint identification
* 2003: Fisherpalms based palmprint recognition
* 2004: HMMs Based Palmprint Identification
* 2004: Palmprint classification using principal lines
* 2004: Palmprint recognition using directional line energy feature
* 2005: Fusion of Phase And Orientation Information for Palmprint Authentication
* 2005: Palmprint Authentication Based on Orientation Code Matching
* 2006: Automatic Video Genre Categorization using Hierarchical SVM
* 2006: Palm line extraction and matching for personal authentication
* 2007: Combining Left and Right Irises for Personal Authentication
* 2007: Palmprint Cryptosystem, A
* 2007: Temporally Consistent Gaussian Random Field for Video Semantic Analysis
* 2008: cryptosystem based on palmprint feature, A
* 2008: Tongue line extraction
* 2008: Video Annotation Based on Kernel Linear Neighborhood Propagation
* 2009: Biometric cryptographic key generation based on city block distance
* 2009: Differential Feature Analysis for Palmprint Authentication
* 2009: Multigraph-Based Query-Independent Learning for Video Search
* 2009: Style modeling for tagging personal photo collections
* 2010: Active Reranking for Web Image Search
* 2010: Detection of microaneurysms using multi-scale correlation coefficients
* 2010: Level Set with Embedded Conditional Random Fields and Shape Priors for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects
* 2010: Typicality-Based Visual Search Reranking
* 2011: Bayesian Visual Reranking
* 2011: Ice Sheet Bed Mapping With Airborne SAR Tomography
* 2011: transductive multi-label learning approach for video concept detection, A
* 2012: Bayesian Visual Reranking
* 2012: Retinal vessel segmentation via Iterative Geodesic Time Transform
* 2013: Contactless palmprint verification based on SIFT and iterative RANSAC
* 2013: level set method for very high resolution airborne sar image segmentation, A
* 2014: Exploration of classification confidence in ensemble learning
* 2014: Regularized Multi-view Multi-metric Learning for Action Recognition
* 2014: SIFT-based contactless palmprint verification approach using iterative RANSAC and local palmprint descriptors, A
* 2015: Deformed Palmprint Matching Based on Stable Regions
* 2015: Postlaunch Calibration Update of MetOp-B AVHRR Reflective Solar Channels Using MetOp-A
* 2016: Comparison of the Calibration Algorithms and SI Traceability of MODIS, VIIRS, GOES, and GOES-R ABI Sensors
* 2016: Radiometric Inter-Calibration between Himawari-8 AHI and S-NPP VIIRS for the Solar Reflective Bands
* 2016: Saliency Detection via Combining Region-Level and Pixel-Level Predictions with CNNs
* 2017: Optic disc segmentation based on variational model with multiple energies
* 2018: Compressive-Sensing-Based Structure Identification for Multilayer Networks
* 2018: Drought-Induced Reduction in Net Primary Productivity across Mainland China from 1982 to 2015
* 2018: From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced Baseline Imager
* 2019: Assessment of Individual Tree Detection and Canopy Cover Estimation using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based Light Detection and Ranging (UAV-LiDAR) Data in Planted Forests
* 2019: Mapping Water Surface Elevation and Slope in the Mississippi River Delta Using the AirSWOT Ka-Band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
* 2019: Pyramid Feature Attention Network for Saliency Detection
* 2019: Salient Object Detection Using Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks and Adversarial Learning
* 2020: Adaptive Period Embedding for Representing Oriented Objects in Aerial Images
* 2020: Automatic First Arrival Picking via Deep Learning With Human Interactive Learning
* 2020: Fingerprint liveness detection based on guided filtering and hybrid image analysis
* 2020: Hierarchical Point Matching Method Based on Triangulation Constraint and Propagation
* 2021: CapsuleRRT: Relationships-aware Regression Tracking via Capsules
* 2022: Advanced Framework for Multi-Scale Forest Structural Parameter Estimations Based on UAS-LiDAR and Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery in Forest Plantations of Northern China, An
* 2022: Atmospheric turbulence degraded image restoration using a modified dilated convolutional network
* 2022: Convective Entrainment Rate over the Tibetan Plateau and Its Adjacent Regions in the Boreal Summer Using SNPP-VIIRS
* 2022: Interactiveness Field in Human-Object Interactions
* 2022: Latent Space Semantic Supervision Based on Knowledge Distillation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2022: Mining Cross-Person Cues for Body-Part Interactiveness Learning in HOI Detection
* 2022: Multi-task framework based on feature separation and reconstruction for cross-modal retrieval
* 2022: Optical Turbulence Characteristics in the Upper Troposphere-Lower Stratosphere over the Lhasa within the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone
* 2022: Quantitative Evaluation of Reclamation Intensity Based on Regional Planning Theory and Human-Marine Coordination Since 1974: A Case Study of Shandong, China
* 2022: Transferable Interactiveness Knowledge for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* 2023: Assimilating GNSS TEC with an LETKF over Yunnan, China
* 2023: Blind Restoration of a Single Real Turbulence-Degraded Image Based on Self-Supervised Learning
* 2023: Capsule-Based Regression Tracking via Background Inpainting
* 2023: Characterization of the East-West Spatial Uniformity for GOES-16/17 ABI Bands Using the Moon
* 2023: HAKE: A Knowledge Engine Foundation for Human Activity Understanding
* 2023: Tracking by Natural Language Specification with Long Short-term Context Decoupling
Includes: Wu, X.Q.[Xiang Qi] Wu, X.Q.[Xiang-Qi] Wu, X.Q.[Xiang-Qian] Wu, X.Q.[Xiu-Qing] Wu, X.Q.[Xu-Qing] Wu, X.Q.[Xiao-Qing] Wu, X.Q.[Xiao-Qun] Wu, X.Q.[Xue-Qing] Wu, X.Q.[Xiang-Qiong] Wu, X.Q.[Xiao-Qian] Wu, X.Q.[Xue-Qun]
68 for Wu, X.Q.

Wu, X.R.[Xin Ran] * 2011: Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting with Collaborative Filtering
* 2020: First Measurement of Soil Freeze/Thaw Cycles in the Tibetan Plateau Using CYGNSS GNSS-R Data
* 2020: Models and Theoretical Analysis of SoOp Circular Polarization Bistatic Scattering for Random Rough Surface
* 2021: Hierarchical Attention Learning of Scene Flow in 3D Point Clouds
* 2021: PWCLO-Net: Deep LiDAR Odometry in 3D Point Clouds Using Hierarchical Embedding Mask Optimization
* 2021: Recent Progress on Vegetation Remote Sensing Using Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry
* 2021: Spaceborne GNSS-R Soil Moisture Retrieval: Status, Development Opportunities, and Challenges
* 2022: Evaluation of CYGNSS Observations for Snow Properties, a Case Study in Tibetan Plateau, China
* 2022: Investigation of Potential of GNSS-R Polarization: Theoretical Simulations
* 2023: DELFlow: Dense Efficient Learning of Scene Flow for Large-Scale Point Clouds
* 2023: Efficient 3D Deep LiDAR Odometry
* 2023: Evaluation and Comparison of Six High-Resolution Daily Precipitation Products in Mainland China
* 2023: LAGRS-Soil: A Full-Polarization GNSS-Reflectometry Model for Bare Soil Applications in FY-3E GNOS-R Payload
Includes: Wu, X.R.[Xin Ran] Wu, X.R.[Xin-Ran] Wu, X.R.[Xue-Rui] Wu, X.R.[Xin-Rui] Wu, X.R.[Xiao-Ran]
13 for Wu, X.R.

Wu, X.S.[Xiao Sheng] * 2007: Shape Retrieval Based on the Relativity of Chain Codes
* 2009: New Method for Bar Code Localization and Recognition, A
* 2013: New local edge binary patterns for image retrieval
* 2014: Concave-convex local binary features for automatic target recognition in infrared imagery
* 2017: Joint-scale LBP: a new feature descriptor for texture classification
* 2020: Star-Discriminative dictionary learning algorithm based on sample diversity and locality of atoms for face recognition
* 2021: Deep Snapshot HDR Reconstruction Based on the Polarization Camera
* 2021: Evaluation of TMPA 3B42-V7 Product on Extreme Precipitation Estimates
* 2021: Towers of Babel: Combining Images, Language, and 3D Geometry for Learning Multimodal Vision
* 2022: Modeling the CO2+ Ultraviolet Doublet Emission from Mars with a Multi-Instrument MAVEN Data Set
* 2022: Uni-Perceiver: Pre-training Unified Architecture for Generic Perception for Zero-shot and Few-shot Tasks
* 2023: CORA: Adapting CLIP for Open-Vocabulary Detection with Region Prompting and Anchor Pre-Matching
* 2023: FAMM: Facial Muscle Motions for Detecting Compressed Deepfake Videos Over Social Networks
* 2023: Human Preference Score: Better Aligning Text-to-image Models with Human Preference
Includes: Wu, X.S.[Xiao Sheng] Wu, X.S.[Xiao-Sheng] Wu, X.S.[Xin-Sheng] Wu, X.S.[Xue-Song] Wu, X.S.[Xu-Shu] Wu, X.S.[Xiao-Shi] Wu, X.S.[Xiao-Shu] Wu, X.S.[Xiao-Shuai]
14 for Wu, X.S.

Wu, X.T.[Xin Tao] * 2006: Exploring gene causal interactions using an enhanced constraint-based method
* 2013: Improved Tagged Visual Cryptograms by Using Random Grids
* 2013: Improving the visual quality of random grid-based visual secret sharing via error diffusion
* 2013: Random grid-based visual secret sharing with abilities of OR and XOR decryptions
* 2013: Secret Sharing in Images Based on Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding and Error Diffusion
* 2014: Bioinspired Focal-Plane Polarization Image Sensor Design: From Application to Implementation
* 2016: Kinship Verification from Faces via Similarity Metric Based Convolutional Neural Network
* 2016: Reversible data hiding for encrypted signals by homomorphic encryption and signal energy transfer
* 2017: Analyzing the Potential Risk of Climate Change on Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada Using Time Series Remotely Sensed Temperature Data and Tick Population Modelling
* 2017: Constructions of general reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography with two decryption options
* 2018: Hydrologic Evaluation of Multi-Source Satellite Precipitation Products for the Upper Huaihe River Basin, China
* 2018: Improving recovered image quality in secret image sharing by simple modular arithmetic
* 2018: Reversible data hiding in encrypted images with private-key homomorphism and public-key homomorphism
* 2018: Trend representation based log-density regularization system for portfolio optimization
* 2019: combination of color-black-and-white visual cryptography and polynomial based secret image sharing, A
* 2019: Invertible secret image sharing with steganography and authentication for AMBTC compressed images
* 2019: k,n) threshold partial reversible AMBTC-based visual cryptography using one reference image, A
* 2019: Random grid based color visual cryptography scheme for black and white secret images with general access structures
* 2019: UAV-Based Biomass Estimation for Rice-Combining Spectral, TIN-Based Structural and Meteorological Features
* 2020: Probabilistic color visual cryptography schemes for black and white secret images
* 2020: Semantic Neighborhood-Aware Deep Facial Expression Recognition
* 2020: Triple Collocation-Based Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture Products with In Situ Measurements in China: Understanding the Error Sources
* 2021: Combining Spectral and Texture Features of UAV Images for the Remote Estimation of Rice LAI throughout the Entire Growing Season
* 2021: Encode Imaging System Parameters as Distribution to Improve Reflection Generation and Removal
* 2021: F³A-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: Monitoring Hybrid Rice Phenology at Initial Heading Stage Based on Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Multi-Objective Timetabling Optimization for a Two-Way Metro Line Under Dynamic Passenger Demand
* 2021: UAV Remote Sensing Estimation of Rice Yield Based on Adaptive Spectral Endmembers and Bilinear Mixing Model
* 2022: AMBTC-based secret image sharing by simple modular arithmetic
* 2022: Block-based progressive visual cryptography scheme with uniform progressive recovery and consistent background
* 2022: Facial Kinship Verification: A Comprehensive Review and Outlook
* 2022: Saliency Hierarchy Modeling via Generative Kernels for Salient Object Detection
* 2022: Slope-Unit Scale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on the Random Forest Model in Deep Valley Areas
* 2022: Two-stage aware attentional Siamese network for visual tracking
* 2023: Contrast Optimization for Size Invariant Visual Cryptography Scheme
* 2023: Sharing Multiple Secrets in XOR-Based Visual Cryptography by Non-Monotonic Threshold Property
* 2023: Sharing Visual Secrets Among Multiple Groups With Enhanced Performance
* 2024: Audio-Visual Kinship Verification: A New Dataset and a Unified Adaptive Adversarial Multimodal Learning Approach
* 2024: Low-Light Enhancement Method Based on a Retinex Model for Structure Preservation
* 2024: Omni-supervised shadow detection with vision foundation model
* 2024: Size Invariant Visual Cryptography Schemes With Evolving Threshold Access Structures
Includes: Wu, X.T.[Xin Tao] Wu, X.T.[Xin-Tao] Wu, X.T.[Xiao-Tian] Wu, X.T.[Xiao-Tie] Wu, X.T.[Xiao-Ting] Wu, X.T.[Xiao-Tao] Wu, X.T.[Xian-Ting] Wu, X.T.[Xin-Tian] Wu, X.T.[Xing-Tang] Wu, X.T.[Xian-Tan] Wu, X.T.[Xing-Tai] Wu, X.T.[Xian-Tao]
41 for Wu, X.T.

Wu, X.W. * 1997: Image Matching Using a Three-Line Scanner
* 2007: hardware architecture for real-time image compression using a searchless fractal image coding method, A
* 2015: Secure Lightweight Texture Encryption Scheme, A
* 2019: Research on regional energy efficiency based on GIS technology and image quality processing
* 2021: SP-CIDS: Secure and Private Collaborative IDS for VANETs
* 2021: Strong Kuroshio Intrusion into the South China Sea and Its Accompanying Cold-Core Anticyclonic Eddy in Winter 2020-2021, A
* 2022: Class Re-Activation Maps for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Determination of the Stability of a High and Steep Highway Slope in a Basalt Area Based on Iron Staining Anomalies
* 2024: Learning Universal Trajectory Representation via a Siamese Geography-Aware Transformer
Includes: Wu, X.W. Wu, X.W.[Xian-Wei] Wu, X.W.[Xin-Wen] Wu, X.W.[Xiao-Wei] Wu, X.W.[Xue-Wen] Wu, X.W.[Xiong-Wei] Wu, X.W.[Xiang-Wen]
9 for Wu, X.W.

Wu, X.X.[Xin Xiao] * 2008: Human action recognition using discriminative models in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* 2009: Action recognition feedback-based framework for human pose reconstruction from monocular images
* 2009: Incremental discriminative-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* 2009: Tracking articulated objects by learning intrinsic structure of motion
* 2010: Discriminative human action recognition in the learned hierarchical manifold space
* 2010: Incremental discriminant-analysis of canonical correlations for action recognition
* 2011: Action recognition using context and appearance distribution features
* 2012: Action recognition with discriminative mid-level features
* 2012: Annotating videos from the web images
* 2012: View-Invariant Action Recognition Using Latent Kernelized Structural SVM
* 2013: Action Recognition Using Multilevel Features and Latent Structural SVM
* 2013: Cross-View Action Recognition Over Heterogeneous Feature Spaces
* 2014: Modeling the Relationship of Action, Object, and Scene
* 2014: Multi-group Adaptation for Event Recognition from Videos
* 2014: Video Annotation by Incremental Learning from Grouped Heterogeneous Sources
* 2014: Video Annotation via Image Groups from the Web
* 2014: Weakly Supervised Action Recognition and Localization Using Web Images
* 2015: Cross-View Action Recognition Over Heterogeneous Feature Spaces
* 2016: Bridging Music and Image via Cross-Modal Ranking Analysis
* 2016: Feasibility study for super-resolution 3D integral imaging using time-multiplexed compressive coding
* 2016: Hierarchical Video Description for Complex Activity Understanding, A
* 2016: Multi-group-multi-class domain adaptation for event recognition
* 2016: Transfer Latent SVM for Joint Recognition and Localization of Actions in Videos
* 2017: Heterogeneous domain adaptation method for video annotation
* 2018: Content-Attention Representation by Factorized Action-Scene Network for Action Recognition
* 2018: Holo3DGIS: Leveraging Microsoft HoloLens in 3D Geographic Information
* 2019: Exploiting Images for Video Recognition: Heterogeneous Feature Augmentation via Symmetric Adversarial Learning
* 2019: Modelling and Visualizing Holographic 3D Geographical Scenes with Timely Data Based on the HoloLens
* 2020: Deep Transferring Quantization
* 2020: Incremental transfer learning for video annotation via grouped heterogeneous sources
* 2020: Inverse Mapping with Manifold Alignment for Zero-shot Learning, An
* 2021: Accurate Estimation of the Proportion of Mixed Land Use at the Street-Block Level by Integrating High Spatial Resolution Images and Geospatial Big Data
* 2021: Sequential Instance Refinement for Cross-Domain Object Detection in Images
* 2021: Spatial-Temporal Relation Reasoning for Action Prediction in Videos
* 2022: Bootstrap Generalization Ability from Loss Landscape Perspective
* 2022: Exploiting Informative Video Segments for Temporal Action Localization
* 2022: Exploring Spatial-temporal Instance Relationships in an Intermediate Domain for Image-to-video Object Detection
* 2022: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (Southwest China) Based on InSAR and BOI Datasets, An
* 2022: Learning Cooperative Neural Modules for Stylized Image Captioning
* 2023: Adaptive Latent Graph Representation Learning for Image-Text Matching
* 2023: Estimating the Uncertainty in Emotion Class Labels With Utterance-Specific Dirichlet Priors
* 2023: Meta-Causal Learning for Single Domain Generalization
* 2023: On-Orbit Relative Sensor Normalization for Unbalance Images from the Ice Pathfinder Satellite (BNU-1), An
* 2023: Sentimental Visual Captioning using Multimodal Transformer
* 2023: Topic-aware video summarization using multimodal transformer
* 2023: weakly supervised inpainting-based learning method for lung CT image segmentation, A
* 2024: Boosting Entity-Aware Image Captioning With Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph
* 2024: DiffCLIP: Leveraging Stable Diffusion for Language Grounded 3D Classification
* 2024: Dynamic Pathway for Query-Aware Feature Learning in Language-Driven Action Localization
Includes: Wu, X.X.[Xin Xiao] Wu, X.X.[Xin-Xiao] Wu, X.X.[Xi-Xuan] Wu, X.X.[Xiong-Xiong] Wu, X.X.[Xing-Xing] Wu, X.X.[Xi-Xian] Wu, X.X.[Xi-Xun] Wu, X.X.[Xin-Xin] Wu, X.X.[Xiong-Xiao] Wu, X.X.[Xi-Xin] Wu, X.X.[Xiao-Xu] Wu, X.X.[Xiao-Xin]
49 for Wu, X.X.

Wu, X.Y.[Xiao Yun] * 2000: Model for Multimodal Information Retrieval, A
* 2002: hybrid approach of wavelet packet and directional decomposition for image compression, A
* 2004: Assessment of perfusion by dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging using a deconvolution approach based on regression and singular value decomposition
* 2008: Monocular video foreground segmentation system
* 2009: Application of Fractal Technique in Nonlinear Geophysical Signal Processing
* 2009: Monocular Real-Time Foreground Cut Based on Multiple Cues
* 2009: Video Background Segmentation Using Adaptive Background Models
* 2010: Taxonomic classification for web-based videos
* 2011: Intelligent Surveillance Systems
* 2013: Hierarchical activity discovery within spatio-temporal context for video anomaly detection
* 2013: Online adaptive dictionary learning and weighted sparse coding for abnormality detection
* 2014: adaptive transfer scheme based on sparse representation for figure-ground segmentation, An
* 2014: Multi-Scale Analysis of Contextual Information Within Spatio-Temporal Video Volumes for Anomaly Detection
* 2014: View-Invariant Gesture Recognition Using Nonparametric Shape Descriptor
* 2015: Kernel optimization using nonparametric Fisher criterion in the subspace
* 2015: Regularized single-image super-resolution based on progressive gradient estimation
* 2015: Trajectory-based view-invariant hand gesture recognition by fusing shape and orientation
* 2016: Chinese traditional Visual Cultural Symbols recognition based on SPM muti-feature extraction
* 2016: Point Context: An Effective Shape Descriptor for RST-Invariant Trajectory Recognition
* 2016: Quality Assessment for Reassembled Image Files
* 2017: Contextual aerial image categorization using codebook
* 2017: Learning explicit video attributes from mid-level representation for video captioning
* 2017: Novel Visual Detecting and Positioning Method for Screw Holes, A
* 2018: JPEG image width estimation for file carving
* 2018: novel multi-graph framework for salient object detection, A
* 2018: Saliency propagation with perceptual cues and background-excluded seeds
* 2019: Generative Adversarial Networks with Enhanced Symmetric Residual Units for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Salient object detection via reliable boundary seeds and saliency refinement
* 2019: Underwater Image Restoration Based on a Parallel Convolutional Neural Network
* 2020: Exploring Annual Urban Expansions in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area: Spatiotemporal Features and Driving Factors in 1986-2017
* 2020: Global multi-scale grid integer coding and spatial indexing: A novel approach for big earth observation data
* 2020: Hyperspectral Pansharpening Using Deep Prior and Dual Attention Residual Network
* 2020: Integration of Constructive Solid Geometry and Boundary Representation (CSG-BRep) for 3D Modeling of Underground Cable Wells from Point Clouds
* 2020: marker-free method for registering multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning data in forest environments, A
* 2020: Perceive, Predict, and Plan: Safe Motion Planning Through Interpretable Semantic Representations
* 2020: Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
* 2021: Accelerating Haze Removal Algorithm Using CUDA
* 2021: Adaptive Word Embedding Module for Semantic Reasoning in Large-scale Detection
* 2021: Identification of the Characteristic Scale of Fine Ground Objects: A Case Study of the Core Observation Area in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin
* 2021: Multi-Scale Deep Pixel Distribution Learning for Concrete Crack Detection
* 2021: Self-Supervised Multiscale Adversarial Regression Network for Stereo Disparity Estimation
* 2021: Vision-Assisted Autonomous Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Robot
* 2022: Asymmetric Contrastive Learning for Audio Fingerprinting
* 2022: Dictionary Learning- and Total Variation-Based High-Light-Efficiency Snapshot Multi-Aperture Spectral Imaging
* 2022: Few-Shot Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Attention-Balanced Prototypical Network
* 2022: infodemiological framework for tracking the spread of SARS-CoV-2 using integrated public data, An
* 2022: Is It Necessary to Transfer Temporal Knowledge for Domain Adaptive Video Semantic Segmentation?
* 2022: Novel Vehicle Destination Prediction Model With Expandable Features Using Attention Mechanism and Variational Autoencoder, A
* 2022: Quaternion-based improved cuckoo algorithm for colour UAV image edge detection
* 2022: Ques-to-Visual Guided Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Rethinking Shared Features and Re-ranking for Cross-Modality Person Re-identification
* 2022: Review of Deep Learning in Multiscale Agricultural Sensing, A
* 2022: TSA-SCC: Text Semantic-Aware Screen Content Coding With Ultra Low Bitrate
* 2023: Geo-Environment Vulnerability Assessment of Multiple Geohazards Using VWT-AHP: A Case Study of the Pearl River Delta, China
* 2023: Hierarchical Dense Correlation Distillation for Few-Shot Segmentation
* 2023: Lightweight Siamese Neural Network for Building Change Detection Using Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: MarS3D: A Plug-and-Play Motion-Aware Model for Semantic Segmentation on Multi-Scan 3D Point Clouds
* 2023: Masked Scene Contrast: A Scalable Framework for Unsupervised 3D Representation Learning
* 2023: Multi-Target Markov Boundary Discovery: Theory, Algorithm, and Application
* 2023: Recent Advances for Quantum Neural Networks in Generative Learning
* 2023: Robot Motion Learning Method Using Broad Learning System Verified by Small-Scale Fish-Like Robot, A
* 2023: Spectral Clustering Super-Resolution Imaging Based on Multispectral Camera Array
* 2023: Speech4Mesh: Speech-Assisted Monocular 3D Facial Reconstruction for Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation
* 2023: Understanding Imbalanced Semantic Segmentation Through Neural Collapse
* 2023: Visual Footsteps Planning System for Exoskeleton Robots Under Complex Terrain, The
* 2024: DGW-YOLOv8: A small insulator target detection algorithm based on deformable attention backbone and WIoU loss function
* 2024: FedSH: Towards Privacy-Preserving Text-Based Person Re-Identification
* 2024: Violent Video Recognition Based on Global-Local Visual and Audio Contrastive Learning
Includes: Wu, X.Y.[Xiao Yun] Wu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yun] Wu, X.Y.[Xiang-You] Wu, X.Y. Wu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Wu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yang] Wu, X.Y.[Xin-Yu] Wu, X.Y.[Xian-Yan] Wu, X.Y.[Xing-Yu] Wu, X.Y.[Xi-Yin] Wu, X.Y.[Xian-Yu] Wu, X.Y.[Xian-Yun] Wu, X.Y.[Xiang-Yin] Wu, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu] Wu, X.Y.[Xue-Yu] Wu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yong] Wu, X.Y.[Xiu-Yi] Wu, X.Y.[Xuan-Yi] Wu, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying] Wu, X.Y.[Xin-Yi] Wu, X.Y.[Xiang-Yang] Wu, X.Y.[Xiao-Yan] Wu, X.Y.[Xin-Yue] Wu, X.Y.[Xing-Yao] Wu, X.Y.[Xian-Yong]
68 for Wu, X.Y.

Wu, X.Z.[Xi Zeng] * 2008: Development of a dual detector phase x-ray imaging system: Design considerations
* 2010: Preliminary investigation on the effect of x-ray beam hardening on detective quantum efficiency and radiation dose
* 2016: Bayesian rule based fast TU depth decision algorithm for high efficiency video coding
* 2016: Optimal stopping theory based fast coding tree unit decision for high efficiency video coding
* 2017: SCMDOT: Spatial Clustering with Multiple Density-Ordered Trees
* 2022: Fine-Grain Batching-Based Task Allocation Algorithm for Spatial Crowdsourcing, A
* 2023: Speech2Lip: High-fidelity Speech to Lip Generation by Learning from a Short Video
Includes: Wu, X.Z.[Xi Zeng] Wu, X.Z.[Xi-Zeng] Wu, X.Z.[Xiu-Zhe] Wu, X.Z.[Xiao-Zhu]
7 for Wu, X.Z.

Wu, Y. * 1988: ARG Representation for Chinese Characters and a Radical Extraction Based on the Representation, An
* 1990: Registration of a SPOT Image and a SAR Image Using Multiresolution Representation of a Coastline
* 1993: constrained approach to multifont Chinese character recognition, A
* 1997: Handwritten Numeral Recognition Using MFNN Based Multiexpert Combination Strategy
* 1997: Minimax Entropy Principles and Its Application to Texture Modeling
* 1997: Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Crossing Line Feature
* 1997: Recognizing On-Line Handwritten Chinese Character via FARG Matching
* 1998: Classification of Rotated and Scaled Textured Images Using Invariants Based on Spectral Moments
* 1999: Capturing Articulated Human Hand Motion: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach
* 1999: Human hand modeling, analysis, and animation in the context of HCI
* 1999: Robust Real-Time Human Hand Localization by Self-Organizing Color Segmentation
* 1999: Vision-Based Gesture Recognition: A Review
* 2000: Bootstrap Initialization of Nonparametric Texture Models for Tracking
* 2000: Color Tracking by Transductive Learning
* 2000: Combine User Defined Region-of-interest and Spatial Layout for Image Retrieval
* 2000: Discriminant-EM Algorithm with Application to Image Retrieval
* 2000: Incorporate Discriminant Analysis with EM Algorithm in Image Retrieval
* 2000: Integrating Unlabeled Images for Image Retrieval Based on Relevance Feedback
* 2000: Minutia Matching Algorithm in Fingerprint Verification, A
* 2000: Modeling the Constraints of Human Hand Motion
* 2000: View-Independent Recognition of Hand Postures
* 2000: Wide-Range, Person- and Illumination-Insensitive Head Orientation Estimation
* 2001: Capturing Natural Hand Articulation
* 2001: Co-inference Approach to Robust Visual Tracking, A
* 2001: Multibody Grouping via Orthogonal Subspace Decomposition
* 2001: Multistatic Passive Radar Imaging Using the Smoothed Pseudo Wigner-ville Distribution
* 2001: Self-Supervised Learning for Object Recognition based on Kernel Discriminant-EM Algorithm
* 2002: Capturing human hand motion in image sequences
* 2003: Invariant feature extraction and biased statistical inference for video surveillance
* 2003: Switching observation models for contour tracking in clutter
* 2003: Tracking appearances with occlusions
* 2003: Tracking articulated body by dynamic markov network
* 2004: 3D model-based hand tracking using stochastic direct search method
* 2004: Articulate hand motion capturing based on a Monte Carlo nelder-mead simplex tracker
* 2004: Collaborative tracking of multiple targets
* 2004: Concealment of interpolation errors for low bit-rate motion compensated interpolation
* 2004: Image fusion by means of A trous discrete wavelet decomposition
* 2004: Inference of multiple subspaces from high-dimensional data and application to multibody grouping
* 2004: Multi-scale visual tracking by sequential belief propagation
* 2004: Multibody motion segmentation based on simulated annealing
* 2004: Multimodal information fusion for video concept detection
* 2004: new pixel-level multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on evolutionary strategy, A
* 2004: Robust Visual Tracking by Integrating Multiple Cues Based on Co-Inference Learning
* 2004: System and method for estimating the orientation of an object
* 2005: Analyzing and Capturing Articulated Hand Motion in Image Sequences
* 2005: Decentralized Multiple Target Tracking Using Netted Collaborative Autonomous Trackers
* 2005: Highlight Detection and Removal Based on Chromaticity
* 2005: IPODLAS: A software architecture for coupling temporal simulation systems, VR, and GIS
* 2005: Learning to Estimate Human Pose with Data Driven Belief Propagation
* 2005: Multiple Collaborative Kernel Tracking
* 2005: Optimal threshold selection algorithm in edge detection based on wavelet transform
* 2005: Security of an Ill-Posed Operator for Image Authentication
* 2005: Self-supervised learning based on discriminative nonlinear features for image classification
* 2005: Sequential mean field variational analysis of structured deformable shapes
* 2005: Statistical Field Model for Pedestrian Detection, A
* 2005: Tracking Non-Stationary Appearances and Dynamic Feature Selection
* 2005: Variational Maximum A Posteriori by Annealed Mean Field Analysis
* 2006: 3D Feature-Based Binocular Tracking Algorithm, A
* 2006: Automatic Business Card Scanning with a Camera
* 2006: Differential Tracking based on Spatial-Appearance Model (SAM)
* 2006: Efficient Optimal Kernel Placement for Reliable Visual Tracking
* 2006: Face detection for automatic exposure control in handheld camera
* 2006: Field Model for Human Detection and Tracking, A
* 2006: Intelligent Collaborative Tracking by Mining Auxiliary Objects
* 2006: Iterative Local-Global Energy Minimization for Automatic Extraction of Objects of Interest
* 2006: Measurement integration under inconsistency for robust tracking
* 2006: Multibody Grouping by Inference of Multiple Subspaces from High-Dimensional Data Using Oriented-Frames
* 2006: Neighborhood Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition
* 2006: Tracking Motion-Blurred Targets in Video
* 2007: Abnormal Event Detection from Surveillance Video by Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering
* 2007: Classification of recreational boat types based on trajectory patterns
* 2007: Common Spatial Pattern Discovery by Efficient Candidate Pruning
* 2007: decentralized probabilistic approach to articulated body tracking, A
* 2007: Detector Ensemble
* 2007: Discovery of Collocation Patterns: from Visual Words to Visual Phrases
* 2007: Extension of the ICP Algorithm Considering Scale Factor, An
* 2007: Game-Theoretic Multiple Target Tracking
* 2007: Mining Auxiliary Objects for Tracking by Multibody Grouping
* 2007: Monocular Video Foreground/Background Segmentation by Tracking Spatial-Color Gaussian Mixture Models
* 2007: Multiple Collaborative Kernel Tracking
* 2007: Neighborhood Discriminant Projection for Face Recognition
* 2007: Object Recognition by Learning Informative, Biologically Inspired Visual Features
* 2007: Query-Driven Locally Adaptive Fisher Faces and Expert-Model for Face Recognition
* 2007: Robust lip Localization on Multi-View Faces in Video
* 2007: Scalable Motion Vector Coding Based on CABAC for MC-EZBC
* 2007: Soft Edge Smoothness Prior for Alpha Channel Super Resolution
* 2007: Spatial Random Partition for Common Visual Pattern Discovery
* 2007: Spatial selection for attentional visual tracking
* 2007: Unsupervised Segmentation With an Adaptive Number of Clusters Using the SPAN/H/alpha/A Space and the Complex Wishart Clustering for Fully Polarimetric SAR Data Analysis, An
* 2008: Aliasing Reduction via Frequency Roll-Off for Scalable Image/Video Coding
* 2008: Automatic Reconstruction for Small Archeology Based on Close-Range Photogrammetry
* 2008: Automatic skin decomposition based on single image
* 2008: bi-subspace model for robust visual tracking, A
* 2008: Bit-depth scalability compatible to H.264/avc-scalable extension
* 2008: Boosted Interactively Distributed Particle Filter for automatic multi-object tracking
* 2008: Context-aware clustering
* 2008: Contour Context Selection for Object Detection: A Set-to-Set Contour Matching Approach
* 2008: Cutting and Fracturing Models without Remeshing
* 2008: Distributed data association and filtering for multiple target tracking
* 2008: Enhanced MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coder
* 2008: Estimating space-variant motion blur without deblurring
* 2008: Granularity and elasticity adaptation in visual tracking
* 2008: Locality Versus Globality: Query-Driven Localized Linear Models for Facial Image Computing
* 2008: Mining compositional features for boosting
* 2008: Mining Recurring Events Through Forest Growing
* 2008: Motion from blur
* 2008: practical and adaptive framework for super-resolution, A
* 2008: Probabilistic tracking on Riemannian manifolds
* 2008: Saliency Based Opportunistic Search for Object Part Extraction and Labeling
* 2008: Space-Time Curve Analogies for Motion Editing
* 2008: Vital sign estimation from passive thermal video
* 2009: Coherence-Improving Algorithm for Image Pairs of Bistatic SARs With Nonparallel Trajectories
* 2009: Context-Aware Visual Tracking
* 2009: Contextual flow
* 2009: Detecting contextual anomalies of crowd motion in surveillance video
* 2009: Discriminative structured outputs prediction model and its efficient online learning algorithm
* 2009: Discriminative subvolume search for efficient action detection
* 2009: Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering Method for Trajectory-Based Unusual Video Event Detection, A
* 2009: Enhanced MC-EZBC Scalable Video Coder
* 2009: H.264/Advanced Video Coding (AVC) Backward-Compatible Bit-Depth Scalable Coding
* 2009: Learning an Orthogonal and Smooth Subspace for Image Classification
* 2009: Multimodal Partial Estimates Fusion
* 2009: Pointwise Motion Image (PMI): A Novel Motion Representation and Its Applications to Abnormality Detection and Behavior Recognition
* 2009: Real-time Visual Tracking via Incremental Covariance Tensor Learning
* 2009: Removing partial blur in a single image
* 2009: SoftCuts: A Soft Edge Smoothness Prior for Color Image Super-Resolution
* 2009: Stable local dimensionality reduction approaches
* 2009: Template Model for Defect Simulation for Evaluating Nondestructive Testing in X-Radiography, A
* 2009: Tracking Nonstationary Visual Appearances by Data-Driven Adaptation
* 2009: Visual Tracking Using Particle Filters with Gaussian Process Regression
* 2010: AdaBoost-based face detection for embedded systems
* 2010: Automatic video-based analysis of animal behaviors
* 2010: Chameleon-Like Vision System, The
* 2010: Closed-Loop Adaptation for Robust Tracking
* 2010: Complete neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition
* 2010: Cooperative Peer-to-Peer Streaming: An Evolutionary Game-Theoretic Approach
* 2010: Discriminative Spatial Attention for Robust Tracking
* 2010: Error concealment for motion-compensated interpolation
* 2010: Evolutionary games for cooperative P2P video streaming
* 2010: Exploiting sparsity in dense optical flow
* 2010: Face recognition using Intrinsicfaces
* 2010: L1 matting
* 2010: Mining Compositional Features From GPS and Visual Cues for Event Recognition in Photo Collections
* 2010: Multi-font printed Mongolian document recognition system
* 2010: Multiple view semi-supervised dimensionality reduction
* 2010: Part-based initialization for hand tracking
* 2010: Sparsity model for robust optical flow estimation at motion discontinuities
* 2010: Video Analytics for Surveillance: Theory and Practice
* 2011: Action recognition with multiscale spatio-temporal contexts
* 2011: Adaptive and discriminative metric differential tracking
* 2011: Adaptive incremental video super-resolution with temporal consistency
* 2011: Blurred target tracking by Blur-driven Tracker
* 2011: Contextual saliency
* 2011: Discovering the Thematic Object in Commercial Videos
* 2011: Discriminative Video Pattern Search for Efficient Action Detection
* 2011: Fast Local Scale Control Based Blur Edge Detection
* 2011: Focus Improvement of Highly Squinted Data Based on Azimuth Nonlinear Scaling
* 2011: Hessian optimal design for image retrieval
* 2011: Kernel-Based Motion-Blurred Target Tracking
* 2011: Learning Adaptive Metric for Robust Visual Tracking
* 2011: Learning spatio-temporal dependency of local patches for complex motion segmentation
* 2011: Minimum error bounded efficient L1 tracker with occlusion detection
* 2011: Mining discriminative co-occurrence patterns for visual recognition
* 2011: Motion divergence fields for dynamic hand gesture recognition
* 2011: New Approach for Optimal Multiple Watermarks Injection, A
* 2011: Nonlocal matting
* 2011: Object detection using discriminative photogrammetric context
* 2011: Optimizing Mean Reciprocal Rank for person re-identification
* 2011: Special Issue on Video Analysis on Resource-Limited Systems
* 2011: Tracking low resolution objects by metric preservation
* 2011: Unsupervised multi-class segmentation of SAR images using triplet Markov fields models based on edge penalty
* 2011: Visual Tracking Based on Log-Euclidean Riemannian Sparse Representation
* 2011: Wavelet Band-pass Filters for Matching Multiple Templates in Real-time
* 2012: Class-Specified Segmentation with Multi-scale Superpixels
* 2012: Collaborative Sparse Approximation for Multiple-Shot Across-Camera Person Re-identification
* 2012: Common-near-neighbor analysis for person re-identification
* 2012: Decomposing and regularizing sparse/non-sparse components for motion field estimation
* 2012: Discovering Thematic Objects in Image Collections and Videos
* 2012: Discriminative Metric Preservation for Tracking Low-Resolution Targets
* 2012: Dynamic hand gesture recognition: An exemplar-based approach from motion divergence fields
* 2012: Echo Model Analyses and Imaging Algorithm for High-Resolution SAR on High-Speed Platform
* 2012: IAIR-CarPed: A psychophysically annotated dataset with fine-grained and layered semantic labels for object recognition
* 2012: Improved Particle Filter Algorithm Based on Markov Random Field Modeling in Stationary Wavelet Domain for SAR Image Despeckling, An
* 2012: Joint H.264/scalable video coding-multiple input multiple output rate control for wireless video applications
* 2012: Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras
* 2012: Mining Visual Collocation Patterns via Self-Supervised Subspace Learning
* 2012: Mobile Product Image Search by Automatic Query Object Extraction
* 2012: Object retrieval and localization with spatially-constrained similarity measure and k-NN re-ranking
* 2012: Online robust image alignment via iterative convex optimization
* 2012: Order determination and sparsity-regularized metric learning adaptive visual tracking
* 2012: Real time robust L1 tracker using accelerated proximal gradient approach
* 2012: Real-Time Probabilistic Covariance Tracking With Efficient Model Update
* 2012: Robust 3D Action Recognition with Random Occupancy Patterns
* 2012: Robust object recognition via third-party collaborative representation
* 2012: Scribble Tracker: A Matting-Based Approach for Robust Tracking
* 2012: Set Based Discriminative Ranking for Recognition
* 2012: Spatially Adaptive Block-Based Super-Resolution
* 2012: Study of X-ray imaging with toroidally bent crystal
* 2012: Super-Resolution Without Dense Flow
* 2012: Triplet Markov Fields with Edge Location for Fast Unsupervised Multi-Class Segmentation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* 2012: unified approach to salient object detection via low rank matrix recovery, A
* 2012: Unsupervised multi-class segmentation of SAR images using fuzzy triplet Markov fields model
* 2013: Beam Steering SAR Data Processing by a Generalized PFA
* 2013: Bi-level Relative Information Analysis for Multiple-Shot Person Re-Identification
* 2013: Can feature-based inductive transfer learning help person re-identification?
* 2013: CloudMoV: Cloud-Based Mobile Social TV
* 2013: Constructing Adaptive Complex Cells for Robust Visual Tracking
* 2013: Detecting and Aligning Faces by Image Retrieval
* 2013: Efficient Image Classification via Multiple Rank Regression
* 2013: Efficient Method for Detecting Slow-Moving Weak Targets in Sea Clutter Based on Time-Frequency Iteration Decomposition, An
* 2013: Efficient Minimum Error Bounded Particle Resampling L1 Tracker with Occlusion Detection
* 2013: Efficient Normal-Error Iterative Algorithm for Line Triangulation, An
* 2013: Facial Feature Tracking Under Varying Facial Expressions and Face Poses Based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* 2013: Fast and Robust Edge-Guided Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* 2013: James-Stein Type Center Pixel Weights for Non-Local Means Image Denoising
* 2013: Large Displacement Optical Flow from Nearest Neighbor Fields
* 2013: Learning Maximum Margin Temporal Warping for Action Recognition
* 2013: Locality based discriminative measure for multiple-shot person re-identification
* 2013: Locality-Constrained Collaborative Sparse Approximation for Multiple-Shot Person Re-identification
* 2013: Multichannel Full-Aperture Azimuth Processing for Beam Steering SAR
* 2013: Multichannel Full-Aperture Azimuth Processing for Beam Steering SAR
* 2013: Multiple Non-rigid Surface Detection and Registration
* 2013: Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark
* 2013: Predicting User-Topic Opinions in Twitter with Social and Topical Context
* 2013: Probabilistic Non-Local Means
* 2013: Probabilistic salient object contour detection based on superpixels
* 2013: Robust Dictionary Learning by Error Source Decomposition
* 2013: Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach C
* 2013: Single image super-resolution based on space structure learning
* 2013: Unified Focusing Algorithm for Several Modes of SAR Based on FrFT, A
* 2013: What Are We Tracking: A Unified Approach of Tracking and Recognition
* 2014: Automatic, fast, online calibration between depth and color cameras
* 2014: Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several Modes
* 2014: Blur-Resilient Tracking Using Group Sparsity
* 2014: Compressed Sensing Detector for Wideband Radar Using the Dominant Scatterer
* 2014: Confusion Network Based Recurrent Neural Network Language Modeling for Chinese OCR Error Detection
* 2014: Context-Aware Discovery of Visual Co-Occurrence Patterns
* 2014: Cross-Layer Forward Error Correction Scheme Using Raptor and RCPC Codes for Prioritized Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels
* 2014: Cross-View Action Modeling, Learning, and Recognition
* 2014: Description-Discrimination Collaborative Tracking
* 2014: Discriminative Collaborative Representation for Classification
* 2014: Discriminative vessel segmentation in retinal images by fusing context-aware hybrid features
* 2014: Hierarchical Probabilistic Model for Facial Feature Detection, A
* 2014: Human Action Recognition with Depth Cameras
* 2014: Learning Actionlet Ensemble for 3D Human Action Recognition
* 2014: Learning Fine-Grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking
* 2014: Learning the Deep Features for Eye Detection in Uncontrolled Conditions
* 2014: Metric Learning Based Structural Appearance Model for Robust Visual Tracking
* 2014: Mining discriminative 3D Poselet for cross-view action recognition
* 2014: Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification
* 2014: New Asia Dust Storm Detection Method Based on the Thermal Infrared Spectral Signature
* 2014: Online multi-person tracking via robust collaborative model
* 2014: Person Re-Identification by Common-Near-Neighbor Analysis
* 2014: Prediction of Standard-Dose PET Image by Low-Dose PET and MRI Images
* 2014: Prostate Segmentation Based on Variant Scale Patch and Local Independent Projection
* 2014: Regularized Simultaneous Forward-Backward Greedy Algorithm for Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* 2014: Spatially-Constrained Similarity Measure for Large-Scale Object Retrieval
* 2014: Suboptimal Solutions to the Algebraic-Error Line Triangulation
* 2014: Synthetic aperture radar image segmentation using fuzzy label field-based triplet Markov fields model
* 2014: Unifying Spatial and Attribute Selection for Distracter-Resilient Tracking
* 2014: Unsupervised SAR Image Segmentation Using Higher Order Neighborhood-Based Triplet Markov Fields Model
* 2014: Visual Tracking via Online Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* 2015: Atomic decomposition based anisotropic non-local structure tensor
* 2015: Collaborative Correlation Tracking
* 2015: Dielectric Properties of Saline Soils and an Improved Dielectric Model in C-Band
* 2015: Discriminative Deep Face Shape Model for Facial Point Detection
* 2015: Ensemble Color Model for Human Re-identification, An
* 2015: Evaluation of Polarized Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval over China
* 2015: Heteroscedastic max-min distance analysis
* 2015: Hierarchical Conditional Random Fields Model for Semisupervised SAR Image Segmentation
* 2015: Hierarchical Registration Method for Airborne and Vehicle LiDAR Point Cloud
* 2015: Mapping Impervious Surface Distribution with Integration of SNNP VIIRS-DNB and MODIS NDVI Data
* 2015: MoVieUp: Automatic Mobile Video Mashup
* 2015: new ring radius transform-based thinning method for multi-oriented video characters, A
* 2015: No Reference Uneven Illumination Assessment for Dermoscopy Images
* 2015: novel unsupervised approach to discovering regions of interest in traffic images, A
* 2015: Object Tracking Benchmark
* 2015: Real-time multi-scale tracking based on compressive sensing
* 2015: Relaxing from Vocabulary: Robust Weakly-Supervised Deep Learning for Vocabulary-Free Image Tagging
* 2015: Robust Facial Landmark Detection Under Significant Head Poses and Occlusion
* 2015: Robust Facial Landmark Detection Under Significant Head Poses and Occlusion
* 2015: SAR Image Change Detection Based on Iterative Label-Information Composite Kernel Supervised by Anisotropic Texture
* 2015: Saturation-preserving specular reflection separation
* 2015: Shape Augmented Regression Method for Face Alignment
* 2015: Shiftable Leading Point Method for High Accuracy Registration of Airborne and Terrestrial LiDAR Data
* 2015: Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data Using Spectral A Priori Information
* 2015: Vehicle Type Classification Using a Semisupervised Convolutional Neural Network
* 2016: Building Point Detection from Vehicle-Borne LiDAR Data Based on Voxel Group and Horizontal Hollow Analysis
* 2016: Computationally efficient template-based face recognition
* 2016: Constrained Deep Transfer Feature Learning and Its Applications
* 2016: Constrained Joint Cascade Regression Framework for Simultaneous Facial Action Unit Recognition and Facial Landmark Detection
* 2016: Constrained Joint Cascade Regression Framework for Simultaneous Facial Action Unit Recognition and Facial Landmark Detection
* 2016: Contour Restoration of Text Components for Recognition in Video/Scene Images
* 2016: Discriminative Action States Discovery for Online Action Recognition
* 2016: Dual Group Structured Tracking
* 2016: EvaToon: A novel graph matching system for evaluating cartoon drawings
* 2016: Face recognition using deep multi-pose representations
* 2016: Fast Localization in Large-Scale Environments Using Supervised Indexing of Binary Features
* 2016: Finding the right exemplars for reconstructing single image super-resolution
* 2016: Geometry-based PSF estimation and deblurring of defocused images with depth information
* 2016: Guest Editorial: Visual Analytics in Multimedia: Opportunities and Research Challenges
* 2016: Hierarchical Dynamic Parsing and Encoding for Action Recognition
* 2016: Image super-resolution based on the pairwise dictionary selected learning and improved bilateral regularisation
* 2016: improved GPGPU-Accelerated parallelization for rotation invariant thinning algorithm, An
* 2016: Learning Reconstruction-Based Remote Gaze Estimation
* 2016: Learning weighted part models for object tracking
* 2016: Learning-by-synthesis for accurate eye detection
* 2016: Long-Range Motion Trajectories Extraction of Articulated Human Using Mesh Evolution
* 2016: Monet: A System for Reliving Your Memories by Theme-Based Photo Storytelling
* 2016: moon Mapping Project To Promote Cooperation Between Students Of Italy And China, The
* 2016: Multimodal Spontaneous Emotion Corpus for Human Behavior Analysis
* 2016: NUS-PRO: A New Visual Tracking Challenge
* 2016: Optimal Energy Harvesting-Ratio and Beamwidth Selection in Millimeter Wave Communications
* 2016: Orthogonal discriminant analysis revisited
* 2016: Preliminary Analyses Of Beidou Signal-in-space Anomaly Since 2013
* 2016: Processing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne Sliding Spotlight SAR Data Using Velocity Scaling
* 2016: Quadtree Degeneration for HEVC
* 2016: Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks Without Training
* 2016: SAR Image Change Detection Based on Correlation Kernel and Multistage Extreme Learning Machine
* 2016: Shape Augmented Regression for 3D Face Alignment
* 2016: Short-Term Traffic Prediction Based on Dynamic Tensor Completion
* 2016: Speckle noise removal via nonlocal low-rank regularization
* 2016: Survey on Visual Analytics of Social Media Data, A
* 2016: Unsupervised SAR image segmentation using high-order conditional random fields model based on product-of-experts
* 2017: Adaptive Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model for SAR Image Segmentation
* 2017: Computation of heterogeneous object co-embeddings from relational measurements
* 2017: Coupled cascade regression for simultaneous facial landmark detection and head pose estimation
* 2017: CoupleNet: Coupling Global Structure with Local Parts for Object Detection
* 2017: Cross-Modality Binary Code Learning via Fusion Similarity Hashing
* 2017: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust Hand Gesture Recognition
* 2017: Discriminative Transformation for Multi-Dimensional Temporal Sequences
* 2017: Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation via Negative Samples for Person Re-identification
* 2017: Egocentric Gesture Recognition Using Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Transformer Modules
* 2017: EPAT: Euclidean Perturbation Analysis and Transform - An Agnostic Data Adaptation Framework for Improving Facial Landmark Detectors
* 2017: FreeScup: A Novel Platform for Assisting Sculpture Pose Design
* 2017: Frequency-Domain Intergroup Interference Coordination for V2V Communications
* 2017: Full-Aperture Focusing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne-Squinted Sliding Spotlight SAR Data
* 2017: HOPE: Hierarchical Object Prototype Encoding for Efficient Object Instance Search in Videos
* 2017: joint cascaded framework for simultaneous eye detection and eye state estimation, A
* 2017: Joint Hierarchical Category Structure Learning and Large-Scale Image Classification
* 2017: local start search algorithm to compute exact Hausdorff Distance for arbitrary point sets, A
* 2017: Low-Rank Discriminant Embedding for Multiview Learning
* 2017: Low-Shot Face Recognition with Hybrid Classifiers
* 2017: L_1 -Regularization-Based SAR Imaging and CFAR Detection via Complex Approximated Message Passing
* 2017: Moving Object Detection With a Freely Moving Camera via Background Motion Subtraction
* 2017: Multi-glimpse LSTM with color-depth feature fusion for human detection
* 2017: New Point Matching Algorithm Using Sparse Representation of Image Patch Feature for SAR Image Registration
* 2017: Nonconvex Weighted L_p Minimization Based Group Sparse Representation Framework for Image Denoising
* 2017: Online Variable Coding Length Product Quantization for Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in Mobile Retrieval
* 2017: Re-identification by neighborhood structure metric learning
* 2017: RFVTM: A Recovery and Filtering Vertex Trichotomy Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* 2017: Self-Organized Text Detection with Minimal Post-processing via Border Learning
* 2017: Simultaneous Facial Landmark Detection, Pose and Deformation Estimation Under Facial Occlusion
* 2017: Structured Domain Adaptation
* 2017: Synthetic aperture radar image segmentation using non-linear diffusion-based hierarchical triplet Markov fields model
* 2017: Text-Independent Online Writer Identification Using Hidden Markov Models
* 2017: Toward Optimal Manifold Hashing via Discrete Locally Linear Embedding
* 2017: Towards a Unified Compositional Model for Visual Pattern Modeling
* 2017: Transferring CNNS to multi-instance multi-label classification on small datasets
* 2017: Unsupervised Hierarchical Dynamic Parsing and Encoding for Action Recognition
* 2017: Visual Robotic Object Grasping Through Combining RGB-D Data and 3D Meshes
* 2017: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures in Balise-Based Train Control Systems
* 2018: Active target tracking: A simplified view aligning method for binocular camera model
* 2018: Adaptive patched L0 gradient minimisation model applied on image smoothing
* 2018: Applying hand gesture recognition and joint tracking to a TV controller using CNN and Convolutional Pose Machine
* 2018: Approach to Accelerating Dissolved Vector Buffer Generation in Distributed In-Memory Cluster Architecture
* 2018: Automatic Registration of Images With Inconsistent Content Through Line-Support Region Segmentation and Geometrical Outlier Removal
* 2018: Bidirectional Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: BusterNet: Detecting Copy-Move Image Forgery with Source/Target Localization
* 2018: CapsuleGAN: Generative Adversarial Capsule Network
* 2018: Cloud Effective Emissivity Retrievals Using Combined Ground-Based Infrared Cloud Measuring Instrument and Ceilometer Observations
* 2018: Collective Density Clustering for Coherent Motion Detection
* 2018: Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction
* 2018: Deeply Learned Compositional Models for Human Pose Estimation
* 2018: Depth-Based 3D Hand Pose Estimation: From Current Achievements to Future Goals
* 2018: Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-Dimensional Sequences
* 2018: Dynamic Ensemble Active Learning: A Non-Stationary Bandit with Expert Advice
* 2018: Easy Identification from Better Constraints: Multi-shot Person Re-identification from Reference Constraints
* 2018: Em-SLAM: a Fast and Robust Monocular SLAM Method for Embedded Systems
* 2018: End-To-End Chromosome Karyotyping with Data Augmentation Using GAN
* 2018: Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-identification by Stepwise Learning
* 2018: Exploiting Vector Fields for Geometric Rectification of Distorted Document Images
* 2018: Facial Landmark Detection with Tweaked Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2018: Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with Historical Models
* 2018: Fused Discriminative Metric Learning for Low Resolution Pedestrian Detection
* 2018: Generating Synthetic X-Ray Images of a Person from the Surface Geometry
* 2018: Group-Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Reidentification
* 2018: GroupCap: Group-Based Image Captioning with Structured Relevance and Diversity Constraints
* 2018: Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Learning with Shared Information for Computer Vision and Multimedia Analysis
* 2018: Head Pose Estimation on Low-Quality Images
* 2018: Heteroscedastic Max-Min Distance Analysis for Dimensionality Reduction
* 2018: HiBuffer: Buffer Analysis of 10-Million-Scale Spatial Data in Real Time
* 2018: Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection via an End-to-End Deep Neural Network
* 2018: Image Style Classification Based on Learnt Deep Correlation Features
* 2018: Image-to-GPS Verification Through a Bottom-Up Pattern Matching Network
* 2018: Improving face representation learning with center invariant loss
* 2018: Influence of Leaf Specular Reflection on Canopy Radiative Regime Using an Improved Version of the Stochastic Radiative Transfer Model
* 2018: Joint Video Object Discovery and Segmentation by Coupled Dynamic Markov Networks
* 2018: Kinship Classification through Latent Adaptive Subspace
* 2018: Mixture WG Gamma-MRF Model for PolSAR Image Classification
* 2018: Modulation Module for Multi-task Learning with Applications in Image Retrieval, A
* 2018: Motion Correlation Discovery for Visual Tracking
* 2018: Multi-layer CNN Features Aggregation for Real-time Visual Tracking
* 2018: Multi-scale Voxel Hashing and Efficient 3D Representation for Mobile Augmented Reality
* 2018: Multisensor Data Synergy of Terra-MODIS, Aqua-MODIS, and Suomi NPP-VIIRS for the Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth and Land Surface Reflectance Properties
* 2018: New colour morphological operators on hypergraph
* 2018: Optical Satellite Image Geo-Positioning with Weak Convergence Geometry
* 2018: Patch Optimization for Surface Light Field Reconstruction
* 2018: Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-Identification
* 2018: Predicting CT Image From MRI Data Through Feature Matching With Learned Nonlinear Local Descriptors
* 2018: Robust 3D Surface Reconstruction in Real-Time with Localization Sensor
* 2018: SAR and Optical Image Registration Using Nonlinear Diffusion and Phase Congruency Structural Descriptor
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2018: Suppression of Azimuth Ambiguities in Spaceborne SAR Images Using Spectral Selection and Extrapolation
* 2018: Survey on MIMO Transmission With Finite Input Signals: Technical Challenges, Advances, and Future Trends, A
* 2018: Temporal Action Detection by Joint Identification-Verification
* 2018: Utilizing Pansharpening Technique to Produce Sub-Pixel Resolution Thematic Map from Coarse Remote Sensing Image
* 2018: Visual Kinship Recognition of Families in the Wild
* 2018: Weighted Feature Pooling Network in Template-Based Recognition
* 2019: Adversarial Deep Tracking
* 2019: AIRD: Adversarial Learning Framework for Image Repurposing Detection
* 2019: Auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-Aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Auto-Retoucher(ART): A Framework for Background Replacement and Foreground Adjustment
* 2019: Automatic Generation of An Adaptive Navigation Model for Indoor Map Matching, The
* 2019: Automatic Motion-Blurred Hand Matting for Human Soft Segmentation in Videos
* 2019: Automatically Extract Semi-Transparent Motion-Blurred Hand From a Single Image
* 2019: Bayesian Relational Memory for Semantic Visual Navigation
* 2019: Bayesian Relational Memory for Semantic Visual Navigation
* 2019: Box-level segmentation supervised deep neural networks for accurate and real-time multispectral pedestrian detection
* 2019: Cellular automaton simulation of vehicles in the contraflow left-turn lane at signalised intersections
* 2019: Change Detection Based on Multi-Grained Cascade Forest and Multi-Scale Fusion for SAR Images
* 2019: Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images Based on Image Mapping and a Deep Capsule Network
* 2019: Classification Assisted Segmentation Network for Human Parsing
* 2019: Codebook-Free Compact Descriptor for Scalable Visual Search
* 2019: Complementary Features with Reasonable Receptive Field for Road Scene 3D Object Detection
* 2019: Correlation Congruence for Knowledge Distillation
* 2019: Deep Covariance Estimation Hashing for Image Retrieval
* 2019: DeepDetect: A Cascaded Region-Based Densely Connected Network for Seismic Event Detection
* 2019: Descriptor System Approach for Estimation of Incipient Faults With Application to High-Speed Railway Traction Devices, A
* 2019: Detection and Analysis of C-Band Radio Frequency Interference in AMSR2 Data over Land
* 2019: Does Learning Specific Features for Related Parts Help Human Pose Estimation?
* 2019: Double-Branch Multi-Attention Mechanism Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2019: Dual Attention Matching for Audio-Visual Event Localization
* 2019: Enhancing In-Vehicle Driving Assistance Information Under Connected Vehicle Environment
* 2019: Facial Landmark Detection: A Literature Survey
* 2019: Fast Image Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Entropy-Preserving Mapping Prior, A
* 2019: Foxnet: A Multi-Face Alignment Method
* 2019: Fuzziness Modeling of Polarized Scattering Mechanisms and PolSAR Image Classification Using Fuzzy Triplet Discriminative Random Fields
* 2019: Geometry Guided Feature Aggregation in Video Face Recognition
* 2019: Hepatic Lesion Segmentation by Combining Plain and Contrast-Enhanced CT Images with Modality Weighted U-Net
* 2019: Initial Results of Microwave Radiometric Imaging With Mirrored Aperture Synthesis
* 2019: Interactive and Online Buffer-Overlay Analytics of Large-Scale Spatial Data
* 2019: Large Scale Incremental Learning
* 2019: Large-Scale Station-Level Crowd Flow Forecast with ST-Unet
* 2019: Learn to Detect: Improving the Accuracy of Earthquake Detection
* 2019: Learning Pose-Aware Models for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
* 2019: Learning Robust Facial Landmark Detection via Hierarchical Structured Ensemble
* 2019: ManTra-Net: Manipulation Tracing Network for Detection and Localization of Image Forgeries With Anomalous Features
* 2019: Microwave Land Emissivity Calculations over the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Using FY-3B/MWRI Measurements
* 2019: Multi-Correlation Filters With Triangle-Structure Constraints for Object Tracking
* 2019: Multi-Site Harmonization of Diffusion MRI Data via Method of Moments
* 2019: New Approximate Distributions for the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test Detection in Passive Radar
* 2019: New Global View of Above-Cloud Absorbing Aerosol Distribution Based on CALIPSO Measurements
* 2019: Novel Multi-Model Decision Fusion Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2019: Novel Spatial and Temporal Context-Aware Approach for Drone-Based Video Object Detection, A
* 2019: Novel Two-Step Registration Method for Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep and Local Features, A
* 2019: Online Asymmetric Metric Learning With Multi-Layer Similarity Aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2019: Order-Preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis
* 2019: Pixel-Wise PolSAR Image Classification via a Novel Complex-Valued Deep Fully Convolutional Network
* 2019: Pose-Guided Feature Alignment for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Progressive Learning for Person Re-Identification With One Example
* 2019: QATM: Quality-Aware Template Matching for Deep Learning
* 2019: Real-Time Dense Monocular SLAM With Online Adapted Depth Prediction Network
* 2019: Recognizing Part Attributes With Insufficient Data
* 2019: River channel extraction from synthetic aperture radar images based on region-based active contour model
* 2019: Scoot: A Perceptual Metric for Facial Sketches
* 2019: Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning for Image Rain Removal
* 2019: Spatial Keyword Query of Region-Of-Interest Based on the Distributed Representation of Point-Of-Interest
* 2019: Temporal Action Localization in Untrimmed Videos Using Action Pattern Trees
* 2019: Tropical Cyclone Center Automatic Determination Model Based on HY-2 and QuikSCAT Wind Vector Products
* 2019: Universal Adversarial Perturbation via Prior Driven Uncertainty Approximation
* 2019: Unsupervised Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Images Based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network
* 2019: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Estimation for Depth-Based Instance Segmentation
* 2019: VelocityGAN: Subsurface Velocity Image Estimation Using Conditional Adversarial Networks
* 2019: Vertical Structures of Dust Aerosols over East Asia Based on CALIPSO Retrievals
* 2019: VIASEG: Visual Information Assisted Lightweight Point Cloud Segmentation
* 2019: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
* 2019: Visual Query Answering by Entity-Attribute Graph Matching and Reasoning
* 2019: Weighted Tensor Rank-1 Decomposition for Nonlocal Image Denoising
* 2019: Why Does Data-Driven Beat Theory-Driven Computer Vision?
* 2020: 3D Mapping and 6D Pose Computation for Real Time Augmented Reality on Cylindrical Objects
* 2020: 3S Technologies and Application for Dynamic Monitoring Soil and Water Loss In the Yangtze River Basin, China
* 2020: Active contour model for inhomogenous image segmentation based on Jeffreys divergence
* 2020: adaptive active contour model driven by weighted local and global image fitting constraints for image segmentation, An
* 2020: Adversarial Light Projection Attacks on Face Recognition Systems: A Feasibility Study
* 2020: Angle Distance-Based Hierarchical Background Separation Method for Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection
* 2020: Attention Convolutional Binary Neural Tree for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
* 2020: Automatic Measurement of Fetal Cavum Septum Pellucidum From Ultrasound Images Using Deep Attention Network
* 2020: Baselines Extraction from Curved Document Images via Slope Fields Recovery
* 2020: Bidirectional Graph Reasoning Network for Panoptic Segmentation
* 2020: Cascaded Revision Network for Novel Object Captioning
* 2020: Chained-tracker: Chaining Paired Attentive Regression Results for End-to-end Joint Multiple-object Detection and Tracking
* 2020: Classified Adversarial Network for Multi-Spectral Remote Sensing Image Change Detection, A
* 2020: Climatology of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures in Tropical Cyclones and their Relations to Storm Intensities as Seen by FY-3B/MWRI
* 2020: Coarse-to-Fine Network for Ship Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2020: Color-Constrained Dehazing Model
* 2020: Concentrated Local Part Discovery With Fine-Grained Part Representation for Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Constraint-Aware Importance Estimation for Global Filter Pruning under Multiple Resource Constraints
* 2020: Context-Aware Deep Spatiotemporal Network for Hand Pose Estimation From Depth Images
* 2020: Correlation between the Jobs-Housing Relationship and the Innovative Development of Sci-Tech Parks in New Urban Districts: A Case Study of the Hangzhou West Hi-Tech Corridor in China, The
* 2020: Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification With Shared-Specific Feature Transfer
* 2020: Cross-Validation of Radio-Frequency-Interference Signature in Satellite Microwave Radiometer Observations over the Ocean
* 2020: CSPNet: A New Backbone that can Enhance Learning Capability of CNN
* 2020: CUID: A New Study Of Perceived Image Quality And Its Subjective Assessment
* 2020: Data-driven Methods for Solving Large-scale Inverse Problems with Applications to Subsurface Imaging
* 2020: Deep-Learning-Based Image Reconstruction and Enhancement in Optical Microscopy
* 2020: Dense Dual-path Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Describing Unseen Videos via Multi-Modal Cooperative Dialog Agents
* 2020: Dual Mixup Regularized Learning for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Dynamic Face Video Segmentation via Reinforcement Learning
* 2020: Dynamic Object-Aware Monocular Visual Odometry With Local And Global Information Aggregation
* 2020: Efficient Range-Doppler Domain ISAR Imaging Approach for Rapidly Spinning Targets, An
* 2020: Enhanced generative adversarial network for 3D brain MRI super-resolution
* 2020: Exploring the Properties of Points Generation Network
* 2020: FDBP-InSAR: An Efficient Algorithm for InSAR Imaging via Frequency Domain Back Projection
* 2020: Forkgan: Seeing into the Rainy Night
* 2020: From Image to Video Face Inpainting: Spatial-Temporal Nested GAN (STN-GAN) for Usability Recovery
* 2020: From Theory to Application: Real-Time Sparse SAR Imaging
* 2020: Future Video Synthesis With Object Motion Prediction
* 2020: Gated Channel Transformation for Visual Recognition
* 2020: Gesture Recognition Based on Deep Deformable 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: GPU-Based Soil Parameter Parallel Inversion for PolSAR Data
* 2020: GRNet: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks based on Graph Reasoning for Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: High-Resolution SAR Image Classification Using Context-Aware Encoder Network and Hybrid Conditional Random Field Model
* 2020: Hypothesis Testing Based Tracking With Spatio-Temporal Joint Interaction Modeling
* 2020: Imitative Non-Autoregressive Modeling for Trajectory Forecasting and Imputation
* 2020: Interlacing Orchard Canopy Separation and Assessment using UAV Images
* 2020: Learned Video Compression with Feature-level Residuals
* 2020: Learning Low-Dimensional Temporal Representations with Latent Alignments
* 2020: Learning Sparse and Identity-Preserved Hidden Attributes for Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Learning to Optimize on SPD Manifolds
* 2020: Learning Visual Instance Retrieval from Failure: Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation from Negative Samples
* 2020: Learning-Based User Clustering and Link Allocation for Content Recommendation Based on D2D Multicast Communications
* 2020: Long-Term Tracking With Deep Tracklet Association
* 2020: Modeling and Optimizing of the Multi-Layer Nearest Neighbor Network for Face Image Super-Resolution
* 2020: MSFSR: A Multi-Stage Face Super-Resolution with Accurate Facial Representation via Enhanced Facial Boundaries
* 2020: Multi-Task Deep Dual Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* 2020: Object Detection with a Unified Label Space from Multiple Datasets
* 2020: On Isometry Robustness of Deep 3D Point Cloud Models Under Adversarial Attacks
* 2020: Online Fast Adaptive Low-Rank Similarity Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2020: Online Joint Multi-Metric Adaptation From Frequent Sharing-Subset Mining for Person Re-Identification
* 2020: PointRend: Image Segmentation As Rendering
* 2020: Practical algorithms for allocating the roadside units in VANET
* 2020: Practical Effectiveness of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems at Different Roadway Facilities: System Limitation, Adoption, and Usage, The
* 2020: Probing Tissue Microarchitecture of the Baby Brain via Spherical Mean Spectrum Imaging
* 2020: Radar-based multipoint displacement measurements of a 1200-m-long suspension bridge
* 2020: Recent advances in small object detection based on deep learning: A review
* 2020: Rethinking Classification and Localization for Object Detection
* 2020: Rethinking Computer-Aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis
* 2020: Retrieval of Sea Surface Wind Fields Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
* 2020: Revisiting EmbodiedQA: A Simple Baseline and Beyond
* 2020: Robust Face Super-Resolution via Position Relation Model Based on Global Face Context
* 2020: Robust Infrared Small Target Detection via Jointly Sparse Constraint of l1/2-Metric and Dual-Graph Regularization
* 2020: Rotation Consistent Margin Loss for Efficient Low-Bit Face Recognition
* 2020: Rotation Consistent Margin Loss for Efficient Low-Bit Face Recognition
* 2020: SaccadeNet: A Fast and Accurate Object Detector
* 2020: Saliency detection using adversarial learning networks
* 2020: Scene-Unified Image Translation For Visual Localization
* 2020: Self-Orthogonality Module: A Network Architecture Plug-in for Learning Orthogonal Filters
* 2020: Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Temporal Prediction
* 2020: Semantically-guided low-light image enhancement
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification via Spatial-Regulated Self-Training
* 2020: Studying the Regional Transmission and Inferring the Local/External Contribution of Fine Particulate Matter Based on Multi-Source Observation: A Case Study in the East of North China Plain
* 2020: TA-Student VQA: Multi-Agents Training by Self-Questioning
* 2020: Temperature and Humidity Profile Retrieval from FY4-GIIRS Hyperspectral Data Using Artificial Neural Networks
* 2020: Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieval in a Plain Area from Fengyun-3D/HIRAS Sensor Using a 1D-VAR Assimilation Scheme
* 2020: Topological Nomenclature for 3D Shape Analysis in Connectomics, A
* 2020: Uncertainty-Aware Score Distribution Learning for Action Quality Assessment
* 2020: Unsupervised Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Similarity Exploration
* 2020: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification via Softened Similarity Learning
* 2020: Unsupervised Real-Time Framework of Human Pose Tracking From Range Image Sequences, An
* 2020: When Person Re-identification Meets Changing Clothes
* 2021: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
* 2021: Advanced SAR Image Despeckling Method by Bernoulli-Sampling-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning, An
* 2021: Adversarial Mask Generation for Preserving Visual Privacy
* 2021: ATCC: Accurate tracking by criss-cross location attention
* 2021: Attentional Feature Fusion
* 2021: Augmented Adversarial Training for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2021: Blockchain-Enabled Trustworthy Group Communications in UAV Networks
* 2021: Boosting Temporal Binary Coding for Large-Scale Video Search
* 2021: Class-agnostic Object Detection
* 2021: Contrastive Learning for Label Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Deep Triplet Complex-Valued Network for PolSAR Image Classification
* 2021: Dynamic Control of Fraud Information Spreading in Mobile Social Networks
* 2021: Dynamic Low-Light Image Enhancement for Object Detection via End-to-End Training
* 2021: Edge Learning for Surveillance Video Uploading Sharing in Public Transport Systems
* 2021: Embedding Novel Views in a Single JPEG Image
* 2021: Estimation of PM2.5 Concentration Using Deep Bayesian Model Considering Spatial Multiscale
* 2021: Exploring Heterogeneous Clues for Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* 2021: Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing via Bi-Direction Alignment Networks
* 2021: Few-Shot Learning by a Cascaded Framework With Shape-Constrained Pseudo Label Assessment for Whole Heart Segmentation
* 2021: FLAR: A Unified Prototype Framework for Few-sample Lifelong Active Recognition
* 2021: Full Lifecycle Monitoring on Drought-Converted Catastrophic Flood Using Sentinel-1 SAR: A Case Study of Poyang Lake Region during Summer 2020
* 2021: General Recurrent Tracking Framework without Real Data, A
* 2021: High-Order Triplet CRF-PCANet for Unsupervised Segmentation of Nonstationary SAR Image
* 2021: High-Resolution SAR Image Classification Using Multi-Scale Deep Feature Fusion and Covariance Pooling Manifold Network
* 2021: Holistic LSTM for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
* 2021: Human-Object Interaction Detection with Missing Objects
* 2021: Human-Object Interaction Detection with Missing Objects
* 2021: Identifying Pine Wood Nematode Disease Using UAV Images and Deep Learning Algorithms
* 2021: Image Reconstruction Based on Deep Iterative Shrinkage Network
* 2021: Instance-Level Heterogeneous Domain Adaptation for Limited-Labeled Sketch-to-Photo Retrieval
* 2021: Learning to Anticipate Egocentric Actions by Imagination
* 2021: Linecounter: Learning Handwritten Text Line Segmentation By Counting
* 2021: Local minima found in the subparameter space can be effective for ensembles of deep convolutional neural networks
* 2021: MLRMV: Multi-layer representation for multi-view action recognition
* 2021: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
* 2021: Modeling Incongruity between Modalities for Multimodal Sarcasm Detection
* 2021: Morphable Detector for Object Detection on Demand
* 2021: Multi-Feature Enhanced Building Change Detection Based on Semantic Information Guidance
* 2021: Multi-Scale Low-Discriminative Feature Reactivation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
* 2021: Multi-scale relation reasoning for multi-modal Visual Question Answering
* 2021: Multi-scale Relational Reasoning with Regional Attention for Visual Question Answering
* 2021: Multi-Source Hydrological Data Products to Monitor High Asian River Basins and Regional Water Security
* 2021: Multiple attention encoded cascade R-CNN for scene text detection
* 2021: Novel Mosaic Method for Spaceborne ScanSAR Images Based on Homography Matrix Compensation, A
* 2021: Pareto-Optimal Transit Route Planning With Multi-Objective Monte-Carlo Tree Search
* 2021: Personal Fixations-Based Object Segmentation With Object Localization and Boundary Preservation
* 2021: PolSAR Image Classification Using a Superpixel-Based Composite Kernel and Elastic Net
* 2021: Progressive Text-to-Face Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Network
* 2021: Progressive Transfer Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing
* 2021: Real Time Video Object Segmentation in Compressed Domain
* 2021: ReMOT: A model-agnostic refinement for multiple object tracking
* 2021: Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds: A Purely Point-Based Framework
* 2021: SDWNet: A Straight Dilated Network with Wavelet Transformation for Image Deblurring
* 2021: Sequential alignment attention model for scene text recognition
* 2021: Signature features with the visibility transformation
* 2021: SKFAC: Training Neural Networks with Faster Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature
* 2021: Spatial-Channel Collaborative Attention Network for Enhancement of Multiresolution Classification, A
* 2021: Spatially Constrained GAN for Face and Fashion Synthesis
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Fusion of Land Surface Temperature Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Student Break Behavior Recognition Dataset
* 2021: Studying the Regional Transmission and Inferring the Local/External Contribution of Fine Particulate Matter Based on Multi-Source Observation: A Case Study in the East of North China Plain
* 2021: Style-Aware Normalized Loss for Improving Arbitrary Style Transfer
* 2021: Three-Dimensional Embedded Attentive RNN (3D-EAR) Segmentor for Left Ventricle Delineation from Myocardial Velocity Mapping
* 2021: Towards Category and Domain Alignment: Category-Invariant Feature Enhancement for Adversarial Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Towards Unconstrained Facial Landmark Detection Robust to Diverse Cropping Manners
* 2021: Towards Vivid and Diverse Image Colorization with Generative Color Prior
* 2021: Uniformity in Heterogeneity: Diving Deep into Count Interval Partition for Crowd Counting
* 2021: VSPW: A Large-scale Dataset for Video Scene Parsing in the Wild
* 2022: ArCo: Attention-reinforced transformer with contrastive learning for image captioning
* 2022: AssistQ: Affordance-Centric Question-Driven Task Completion for Egocentric Assistant
* 2022: Auto-weighted sample-level fusion with anchors for incomplete multi-view clustering
* 2022: Automatic Defect Detection of Pavement Diseases
* 2022: Automatically Layer-Wise Searching Strategy for Channel Pruning Based on Task-Driven Sparsity Optimization, An
* 2022: Balancing Between Forgetting and Acquisition in Incremental Subpopulation Learning
* 2022: CE-text: A context-Aware and embedded text detector in natural scene images
* 2022: Communication-Efficient Federated Data Augmentation on Non-IID Data
* 2022: CRAFT: Cross-Attentional Flow Transformer for Robust Optical Flow
* 2022: Deep learning-based detection from the perspective of small or tiny objects: A survey
* 2022: Dynamic manifold Boltzmann optimization based on self-supervised learning for human motion estimation
* 2022: Efficient Feature Extraction Network for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Change Detection, An
* 2022: Enhancing Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Three Pinus Forests in Yunnan, SW China, Using Landsat 8
* 2022: Estimating Rainfall from Surveillance Audio Based on Parallel Network with Multi-Scale Fusion and Attention Mechanism
* 2022: Evaluating the Hydrus-1D Model Optimized by Remote Sensing Data for Soil Moisture Simulations in the Maize Root Zone
* 2022: Extendable Multiple Nodes Recurrent Tracking Framework with RTU++
* 2022: FashionVLP: Vision Language Transformer for Fashion Retrieval with Feedback
* 2022: Fixed-Time Control for a Quadrotor With a Cable-Suspended Load
* 2022: Gaze Estimation via Modulation-Based Adaptive Network With Auxiliary Self-Learning
* 2022: Group Guided Data Association for Multiple Object Tracking
* 2022: Improving Generalization of Reinforcement Learning Using a Bilinear Policy Network
* 2022: Infrared and visible light dual-camera super-resolution imaging with texture transfer network
* 2022: Introduction to the Special Section of CVPR 2017
* 2022: Investigation of the Sensitivity of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity to Soil Texture in MLEM
* 2022: L(1/2) Regularization for ISAR Imaging and Target Enhancement of Complex Image
* 2022: Large-scale Video Panoptic Segmentation in the Wild: A Benchmark
* 2022: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobile Ai & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Learning Efficient Multi-Agent Cooperative Visual Exploration
* 2022: Learning From Synthetic Data for Crowd Instance Segmentation in the Wild
* 2022: Learning Meta-Distance for Sequences by Learning a Ground Metric via Virtual Sequence Regression
* 2022: Learning to Learn by Jointly Optimizing Neural Architecture and Weights
* 2022: Linear and Deep Order-Preserving Wasserstein Discriminant Analysis
* 2022: Load Balance Guaranteed Vehicle-to-Vehicle Computation Offloading for Min-Max Fairness in VANETs
* 2022: Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Rescue Requests from Social Media, A
* 2022: Mask Guided Spatial-Temporal Fusion Network for Multiple Object Tracking
* 2022: Method to Determine the Centroid of Non-Homogeneous Polygons Based on Suspension Theory
* 2022: Metric Learning Based Interactive Modulation for Real-World Super-Resolution
* 2022: Multi-Query Video Retrieval
* 2022: Multi-Task Convolution Operators with Object Detection for Visual Tracking
* 2022: Near-Surface NO2 Concentration Estimation by Random Forest Modeling and Sentinel-5P and Ancillary Data
* 2022: Neural Style Transfer With Adaptive Auto-Correlation Alignment Loss
* 2022: One-Stage Object Referring with Gaze Estimation
* 2022: Optimizing Video Prediction via Video Frame Interpolation
* 2022: Path Planning of Spacecraft Cluster Orbit Reconstruction Based on ALPIO
* 2022: Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction at Red-Light Using Pose Estimation
* 2022: Personalized recommendation of collective points-of-interest with preference and context awareness
* 2022: Physical-Based Spatial-Spectral Deep Fusion Network for Chlorophyll-a Estimation Using MODIS and Sentinel-2 MSI Data
* 2022: Quantized GAN for Complex Music Generation from Dance Videos
* 2022: Residual Feature Distillation Channel Spatial Attention Network for ISP on Smartphone
* 2022: SAGA: Stochastic Whole-Body Grasping with Contact
* 2022: Sample-Centric Feature Generation for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning
* 2022: Saying the Unseen: Video Descriptions via Dialog Agents
* 2022: Self-Calibrated Efficient Transformer for Lightweight Super-Resolution
* 2022: SiRi: A Simple Selective Retraining Mechanism for Transformer-Based Visual Grounding
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Land Use/Land Cover Mapping and Prediction Based on Hybrid Modeling Approach: A Case Study of Kano Metropolis, Nigeria (2020-2050)
* 2022: Stripe Noise Detection of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning Method
* 2022: Subspace Adversarial Training
* 2022: Superpixel-Based Attention Graph Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images
* 2022: Surface Subsidence Monitoring Induced by Underground Coal Mining by Combining DInSAR and UAV Photogrammetry
* 2022: Tackling multiple object tracking with complicated motions: Re-designing the integration of motion and appearance
* 2022: Target Detection Method of UAV Aerial Imagery Based on Improved YOLOv5
* 2022: TICNet: A Target-Insight Correlation Network for Object Tracking
* 2022: UAV Assisted Traffic Offloading in Air Ground Integrated Networks With Mixed User Traffic
* 2022: UMT: Unified Multi-modal Transformers for Joint Video Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection
* 2022: Uncertainty-Based Spatial-Temporal Attention for Online Action Detection
* 2022: Understanding and Modeling Urban Mobility Dynamics via Disentangled Representation Learning
* 2022: Using Machine Learning Algorithm to Detect Blowing Snow and Fog in Antarctica Based on Ceilometer and Surface Meteorology Systems
* 2022: Using Vision Transformers for Spatial-Context-Aware Rain and Road Surface Condition Detection on Freeways
* 2022: Water Level Change Monitoring Based on a New Denoising Algorithm Using Data from Landsat and ICESat-2: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing
* 2022: YOLOD: A Target Detection Method for UAV Aerial Imagery
* 2022: Zero-Shot Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Based on a Re-Degradation Haze Imaging Model
* 2023: ACNet: Approaching-and-Centralizing Network for Zero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* 2023: Active Learning With Complementary Sampling for Instructing Class-Biased Multi-Label Text Emotion Classification
* 2023: Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Coverage in the Sub-Lakes of Poyang Lake Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing
* 2023: Asynchronous Generative Adversarial Network for Asymmetric Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
* 2023: Avoiding Lingering in Learning Active Recognition by Adversarial Disturbance
* 2023: black-box reversible adversarial example for authorizable recognition to shared images, A
* 2023: CDText: Scene text detector based on context-aware deformable transformer
* 2023: Co-Salient Object Detection with Uncertainty-Aware Group Exchange-Masking
* 2023: CoGAN: Cooperatively trained conditional and unconditional GAN for person image generation
* 2023: Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing
* 2023: Cooperation or Competition: Avoiding Player Domination for Multi-Target Robustness via Adaptive Budgets
* 2023: Decompose More and Aggregate Better: Two Closer Looks at Frequency Representation Learning for Human Motion Prediction
* 2023: Deep Object Co-Segmentation and Co-Saliency Detection via High-Order Spatial-Semantic Network Modulation
* 2023: Dense Hybrid Proposal Modulation for Lane Detection
* 2023: Depth Information Precise Completion-GAN: A Precisely Guided Method for Completing Ill Regions in Depth Maps
* 2023: Detecting Changes in Impervious Surfaces Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning Methodology in a Metropolitan Area
* 2023: Discriminative Self-Paced Group-Metric Adaptation for Online Visual Identification
* 2023: Distributed SLAM with UWB-VIO Fusion Framework for Enhanced Relative Localization of Multi-UAVs System, A
* 2023: DVIS: Decoupled Video Instance Segmentation Framework
* 2023: Effects of Multi-Growth Periods UAV Images on Classifying Karst Wetland Vegetation Communities Using Object-Based Optimization Stacking Algorithm
* 2023: Efficient View Synthesis with Neural Radiance Distribution Field
* 2023: Estimating the Aboveground Biomass of Various Forest Types with High Heterogeneity at the Provincial Scale Based on Multi-Source Data
* 2023: ETR: An Efficient Transformer for Re-ranking in Visual Place Recognition
* 2023: Exploring viewport features for semi-supervised saliency prediction in omnidirectional images
* 2023: Face Clustering via Graph Convolutional Networks with Confidence Edges
* 2023: FashionNTM: Multi-turn Fashion Image Retrieval via Cascaded Memory
* 2023: Features kept generative adversarial network data augmentation strategy for hyperspectral image classification
* 2023: Few-shot learning for dermatological conditions with Lesion Area Aware Swin Transformer
* 2023: Few-Shot Learning of Compact Models via Task-Specific Meta Distillation
* 2023: Fine-Grained Domain Adaptation for Aspect Category Level Sentiment Analysis
* 2023: Flexible Visual Recognition by Evidential Modeling of Confusion and Ignorance
* 2023: FlightBERT: Binary Encoding Representation for Flight Trajectory Prediction
* 2023: Fuel Rate Prediction for Heavy-Duty Trucks
* 2023: FuF-Det: An Early Forest Fire Detection Method under Fog
* 2023: GDRL: An interpretable framework for thoracic pathologic prediction
* 2023: Good is Bad: Causality Inspired Cloth-debiasing for Cloth-changing Person Re-identification
* 2023: Greenhouse Gases Monitoring Instrument on GaoFen-5 Satellite-II: Optical Design and Evaluation
* 2023: Grounded Image Text Matching with Mismatched Relation Reasoning
* 2023: Heterogeneity-Enhancement and Homogeneity-Restraint Network (HEHRNet) for Change Detection from Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* 2023: Heterogeneous Multi-Party Learning With Data-Driven Network Sampling
* 2023: IAC-ReCAM: Two-dimensional attention modulation and category label guidance for weakly supervised semantic segmentation
* 2023: INENet: Inliers Estimation Network With Similarity Learning for Partial Overlapping Registration
* 2023: Influence of Horizontal Thermal Advection on Near-Surface Energy Budget Closure over the Zoige Alpine Wetland, China, The
* 2023: Joint Wavelet Sub-Bands Guided Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Learning to Segment Every Referring Object Point by Point
* 2023: Lighting Consistency Technique for Outdoor Augmented Reality Systems Based on Multi-Source Geo-Information, A
* 2023: Markov clustering regularized multi-hop graph neural network
* 2023: MetaGCD: Learning to Continually Learn in Generalized Category Discovery
* 2023: Modeling the Fundamental Diagram of Mixed Traffic Flow With Dedicated Lanes for Connected Automated Vehicles
* 2023: Multi-Zone Transformer Based on Self-Distillation for Facial Attribute Recognition
* 2023: Operation Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping and Charging Systems: A Bilevel Optimization Approach
* 2023: Path Planning of Spacecraft Cluster Orbit Reconstruction Based on ALPIO
* 2023: PDPP: Projected Diffusion for Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos
* 2023: Polarimetric Scattering Characteristics-Guided Adversarial Learning Approach for Unsupervised PolSAR Image Classification, A
* 2023: Prediction of Land Surface Temperature Considering Future Land Use Change Effects under Climate Change Scenarios in Nanjing City, China
* 2023: Prompt-aligned Gradient for Prompt Tuning
* 2023: Radar Characteristics and Causal Analysis of Two Consecutive Tornado Events Associated with Heavy Precipitation during the Mei-Yu Season
* 2023: Reduction in Uncertainty in Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Sentinel-2 Images: A Case Study of Pinus densata Forests in Shangri-La City, China
* 2023: Remote Sensing Crop Recognition by Coupling Phenological Features and Off-Center Bayesian Deep Learning
* 2023: Remote Sensing of Watershed: Towards a New Research Paradigm
* 2023: Rethinking PASCAL-VOC and MS-COCO dataset for small object detection
* 2023: Retrieving Sub-Canopy Terrain from ICESat-2 Data Based on the RNR-DCM Filtering and Erroneous Ground Photons Correction Approach
* 2023: Review of Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Based on Deep Learning
* 2023: SACF-Net: Skip-Attention Based Correspondence Filtering Network for Point Cloud Registration
* 2023: Self-structured pyramid network with parallel spatial-channel attention for change detection in VHR remote sensed imagery
* 2023: Self-Supervised Remote Sensing Image Dehazing Network Based on Zero-Shot Learning
* 2023: Semantic-Aware Graph Matching Mechanism for Multi-Label Image Recognition
* 2023: SOAR: Scene-debiasing Open-set Action Recognition
* 2023: SortedAP: Rethinking evaluation metrics for instance segmentation
* 2023: Spatial Information Extraction Method Based on Multi-Modal Social Media Data: A Case Study on Urban Inundation, A
* 2023: Specialized re-ranking: A novel retrieval-verification framework for cloth changing person re-identification
* 2023: Speech2Lip: High-fidelity Speech to Lip Generation by Learning from a Short Video
* 2023: SSTNet: Saliency sparse transformers network with tokenized dilation for salient object detection
* 2023: Switchable Novel Object Captioner
* 2023: Symbiotic Attention for Egocentric Action Recognition With Object-Centric Alignment
* 2023: Target Detection of Passive Bistatic Radar under the Condition of Impure Reference Signal
* 2023: Temporal Feature Enhancement Dilated Convolution Network for Weakly-supervised Temporal Action Localization
* 2023: Toward Source-Free Cross Tissues Histopathological Cell Segmentation via Target-Specific Finetuning
* 2023: Two-Level Scheduling Algorithms for Deep Neural Network Inference in Vehicular Networks
* 2023: two-stage algorithm for vehicle routing problem with charging relief in post-disaster, A
* 2023: Uncurated Image-Text Datasets: Shedding Light on Demographic Bias
* 2023: unified low-order information-theoretic feature selection framework for multi-label learning, A
* 2023: Unsupervised video segmentation for multi-view daily action recognition
* 2023: Video Region Annotation with Sparse Bounding Boxes
* 2023: Vision-Based Human Pose Estimation via Deep Learning: A Survey
* 2023: Visually-Prompted Language Model for Fine-Grained Scene Graph Generation in an Open World
* 2023: Wheel-INS2: Multiple MEMS IMU-Based Dead Reckoning System With Different Configurations for Wheeled Robots
* 2023: Zero-Shot Generative Model Adaptation via Image-Specific Prompt Learning
* 2024: Camouflaged Instance Segmentation From Global Capture to Local Refinement
* 2024: Climate Interprets Saturation Value Variations Better Than Soil and Topography in Estimating Oak Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
* 2024: CSEF-Net: Cross-Scale SAR Ship Detection Network Based on Efficient Receptive Field and Enhanced Hierarchical Fusion
* 2024: Describe Images in a Boring Way: Towards Cross-Modal Sarcasm Generation
* 2024: Exploring the Application of Large-Scale Pre-Trained Models on Adverse Weather Removal
* 2024: Exploring the Spatiotemporal Effects of the Built Environment on the Nonlinear Impacts of Metro Ridership: Evidence from Xi'an, China
* 2024: Fast anchor graph preserving projections
* 2024: GRASP-based request allocation and MDP-based vehicle routing in home pick-up service with service continuity consideration
* 2024: Improving Aboveground Biomass Estimation in Lowland Tropical Forests across Aspect and Age Stratification: A Case Study in Xishuangbanna
* 2024: Inter-Modal Masked Autoencoder for Self-Supervised Learning on Point Clouds
* 2024: Layer-Specific Knowledge Distillation for Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* 2024: Micro-expression spotting with a novel wavelet convolution magnification network in long videos
* 2024: Monitoring-Based Traffic Participant Detection in Urban Mixed Traffic: A Novel Dataset and A Tailored Detector
* 2024: MPCT: Multiscale Point Cloud Transformer With a Residual Network
* 2024: Multi-Branch Enhanced Discriminative Network for Vehicle Re-Identification
* 2024: Multi-view daily action recognition based on Hooke balanced matrix and broad learning system
* 2024: Multiple object detection and tracking from drone videos based on GM-YOLO and multi-tracker
* 2024: Multisource High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Vegetation Extraction with Comprehensive Multifeature Perception
* 2024: NODE-ImgNet: A PDE-informed effective and robust model for image denoising
* 2024: Pose-Aware Facial Expression Recognition Assisted by Expression Descriptions
* 2024: Prediction of Myopia Eye Axial Elongation With Orthokeratology Treatment via Dense I2I Based Corneal Topography Change Analysis
* 2024: Primary Impact Evaluation of Surface Temperature Observations for Microwave Temperature Sounding Data Assimilation over Land
* 2024: Promote knowledge mining towards open-world semi-supervised learning
* 2024: Self-Supervised Adversarial Learning for Domain Adaptation of Pavement Distress Classification
* 2024: Self-Supervised Intra-Modal and Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning for Point Cloud Understanding
* 2024: Sparse self-attention transformer for image inpainting
* 2024: Spatial-Temporal Traffic Modeling With a Fusion Graph Reconstructed by Tensor Decomposition
* 2024: TAG-Net: Target Attitude Angle-Guided Network for Ship Detection and Classification in SAR Images
* 2024: Time-Series-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Network for Improving Crop Type Mapping
* 2024: Time-Series-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Network for Improving Crop Type Mapping
* 2024: Towards robust neural networks via orthogonal diversity
* 2024: Transformer Driven Matching Selection Mechanism for Multi-Label Image Classification
* 2024: Universal Semi-supervised Model Adaptation via Collaborative Consistency Training
* 2024: What Local Environments Drive Opportunities for Social Events? A New Approach Based on Bayesian Modeling in Dallas, Texas, USA
* 2024: YOLOPX: Anchor-free multi-task learning network for panoptic driving perception
Includes: Wu, Y. Wu, Y.[Ying] Wu, Y.[Yi] Wu, Y.[Yan] Wu, Y.[Yin] Wu, Y.[Yong] Wu, Y.[Yue] Wu, Y.[Yang] Wu, Y.[Yuan] Wu, Y.[Yuwen] Wu, Y.[Yongle] Wu, Y.[Youshou] Wu, Y.[Yufen] Wu, Y.[Yu] Wu, Y.[Yun] Wu, Y.[Ye] Wu, Y.[Yao] Wu, Y.[Yueru] Wu, Y.[Yanlan] Wu, Y.[Yirui] Wu, Y.[Yunxia] Wu, Y.[Yulian] Wu, Y.[Yiqi] Wu, Y.[Yabei] Wu, Y.[Yiquan] Wu, Y.[Yulun] Wu, Y.[Yuli] Wu, Y.[Yinan] Wu, Y.[You] Wu, Y.[Yalei] Wu, Y.[Yilin] Wu, Y.[Yiyue] Wu, Y.[Yuanhang] Wu, Y.[Yulei] Wu, Y.[Yulu] Wu, Y.[Yanran] Wu, Y.[Yubin] Wu, Y.[Yuezhou] Wu, Y.[Yerong] Wu, Y.[Yinzhe] Wu, Y.[Yanze] Wu, Y.[Yingna] Wu, Y.[Yuhu] Wu, Y.[Yumao] Wu, Y.[Yaqi] Wu, Y.[Yalan] Wu, Y.[Yunhua] Wu, Y.[Yina] Wu, Y.[Yiyu] Wu, Y.[Yike] Wu, Y.[Yingwen] Wu, Y.[Yanru] Wu, Y.[Yuankai] Wu, Y.[Yunong] Wu, Y.[Yongtuo] Wu, Y.[Yihan] Wu, Y.[Yuejian] Wu, Y.[Yuewan] Wu, Y.[Yutao] Wu, Y.[Yushuang] Wu, Y.[Yuechu] Wu, Y.[Yueyue] Wu, Y.[Yuang] Wu, Y.[Yanan] Wu, Y.[Yilu] Wu, Y.[Yuquan] Wu, Y.[Yangyi] Wu, Y.[Yenan] Wu, Y.[Yankun] Wu, Y.[Yibin] Wu, Y.[Yiwen] WU, Y.[Yu] Wu, Y.[Yongchuang] Wu, Y.[Yanwen] Wu, Y.[Youming] Wu, Y.[Yejun]
844 for Wu, Y.

Wu, Y.B.[Yu Bao] * 2009: Printer forensics based on page document's geometric distortion
* 2010: EEG-based Personal Identification: from Proof-of-Concept to A Practical System
* 2019: Deep multi-path convolutional neural network joint with salient region attention for facial expression recognition
* 2020: Age Factor Removal Network Based on Transfer Learning and Adversarial Learning for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* 2020: Self-adaptive weighted synthesised local directional pattern integrating with sparse autoencoder for expression recognition based on improved multiple kernel learning strategy
* 2020: Single Image Glare Removal Using Deep Convolutional Networks
* 2021: EACOFT: An energy-aware correlation filter for visual tracking
* 2021: Parallel Multi-Path Age Distinguish Network for Cross-Age Face Recognition
* 2022: Marine Mixed Layer Height Detection Using Ship-Borne Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar Based on Constant Turbulence Threshold
* 2022: Real-Time Synchronous 3-D Detection of Air Pollution and Wind Using a Solo Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar
* 2023: Semantic Segmentation of China's Coastal Wetlands Based on Sentinel-2 and Segformer
Includes: Wu, Y.B.[Yu Bao] Wu, Y.B.[Yu-Bao] Wu, Y.B.[Yi-Bing] Wu, Y.B.[Yong-Bo] Wu, Y.B.[Yun-Bing] Wu, Y.B.[Yuan-Bo] Wu, Y.B.[Yun-Bin]
11 for Wu, Y.B.

Wu, Y.C.[Yi Ching] * 2005: Automatic Roadway Geometry Measurement Algorithm Using Video Images
* 2006: Focus + Context Visualization with Animation
* 2006: Fusing Features in Direct Volume Rendered Images
* 2006: New Passage Ranking Algorithm for Video Question Answering, A
* 2006: Retrieval and constraint-based human posture reconstruction from a single image
* 2006: Viewpoint Selection for Angiographic Volume
* 2008: Computation of Diffusion Function Measures in q-Space Using Magnetic Resonance Hybrid Diffusion Imaging
* 2008: Robust and efficient multiclass SVM models for phrase pattern recognition
* 2008: Robust Passage Retrieval Algorithm for Video Question Answering, A
* 2008: VoxelBars: An Informative Interface for Volume Visualization
* 2011: practical design of digital video watermarking in H.264/AVC for content authentication, A
* 2014: survey on information visualization: recent advances and challenges, A
* 2015: Evaluation of neural network language models in handwritten Chinese text recognition
* 2015: Variational Inference-based Joint Interference Mitigation and OFDM Equalization Under High Mobility
* 2016: Filter-based compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* 2017: Improving handwritten Chinese text recognition using neural network language models and convolutional neural network shape models
* 2017: Intersection workspace visualization of multi-finger hands
* 2019: Construction and Optimization of Feature Descriptor Based on Dynamic Local Intensity Order Relations of Pixel Group
* 2019: Development of Smart Cities in Taiwan From The Perspective of Cloud Computing Security
* 2019: Dynamic Recursive Neural Network
* 2019: Knowledge Distillation via Route Constrained Optimization
* 2019: R3 Adversarial Network for Cross Model Face Recognition
* 2019: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Morphological Characteristics of Ulva prolifera Distribution in the Yellow Sea, China in 2016-2018
* 2019: User Study on the Capability of Three Geo-Based Features in Analyzing and Locating Trajectories, A
* 2020: Freecam3d: Snapshot Structured Light 3d with Freely-moving Cameras
* 2020: Light field all-in-focus image fusion based on spatially-guided angular information
* 2020: Online Knowledge Distillation via Collaborative Learning
* 2021: Analysis and Correction of the Rank-Deficient Error for 2-D Mirrored Aperture Synthesis
* 2021: Block Proposal Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: CodedStereo: Learned Phase Masks for Large Depth-of-field Stereo
* 2021: DAM: Discrepancy Alignment Metric for Face Recognition
* 2021: Dynamic Multi-path Neural Network
* 2021: Energy-Based Periodicity Mining With Deep Features for Action Repetition Counting in Unconstrained Videos
* 2021: Evaluation of Operational Monsoon Moisture Surveillance and Severe Weather Prediction Utilizing COSMIC-2/FORMOSAT-7 Radio Occultation Observations
* 2021: Face Image Quality Assessment for Model and Human Perception
* 2021: How to Train Neural Networks for Flare Removal
* 2021: Toward Text-independent Cross-lingual Speaker Recognition Using English-Mandarin-Taiwanese Dataset
* 2021: Towards Better Detection and Analysis of Massive Spatiotemporal Co-Occurrence Patterns
* 2022: 3D Photo Stylization: Learning to Generate Stylized Novel Views from a Single Image
* 2022: AR-Based 3D Virtual Reconstruction of Brick Details
* 2022: Contactless Blood Pressure Measurement via Remote Photoplethysmography with Synthetic Data Generation Using Generative Adversarial Network
* 2022: CoupleFace: Relation Matters for Face Recognition Distillation
* 2022: Dual Adaptive Transformations for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation
* 2022: Gestalt-guided Image Understanding for Few-shot Learning
* 2022: Non-Uniform Synthetic Aperture Radiometer Image Reconstruction Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: On the Robustness of Cross-lingual Speaker Recognition using Transformer-based Approaches
* 2022: OneFace: One Threshold for All
* 2022: ProposalCLIP: Unsupervised Open-Category Object Proposal Generation via Exploiting CLIP Cues
* 2022: PseCo: Pseudo Labeling and Consistency Training for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* 2022: Seeing Far in the Dark with Patterned Flash
* 2023: Array Configuration Design for Mirrored Aperture Synthesis Radiometers Based on Dual-Polarization Measurements
* 2023: CBA: Improving Online Continual Learning via Continual Bias Adaptor
* 2023: Contactless Respiratory Rate Monitoring For ICU Patients Based On Unsupervised Learning
* 2023: Contrastive-ACE: Domain Generalization Through Alignment of Causal Mechanisms
* 2023: Energy-Efficient Adaptive 3D Sensing
* 2023: ICD-Face: Intra-class Compactness Distillation for Face Recognition
* 2023: Recognizing, Fast and Slow: Complex Emotion Recognition With Facial Expression Detection and Remote Physiological Measurement
* 2023: Remote Sensing Crop Recognition by Coupling Phenological Features and Off-Center Bayesian Deep Learning
* 2023: Remote Sensing Method for Crop Mapping Based on Multiscale Neighborhood Feature Extraction, A
* 2023: Tensor train factorization under noisy and incomplete data with automatic rank estimation
* 2023: Virtual Try-On With Garment Self-Occlusion Conditions
* 2024: Increased Warming Efficiencies of Lake Heatwaves Enhance Dryland Lake Warming over China
* 2024: Near-Field Imaging Method Based on the Near-Field Distance for an Aperture Synthesis Radiometer, A
* 2024: Symmetric Double-Supplemented Nested Array for Passive Localization of Mixed Near-Field and Far-Field Sources
Includes: Wu, Y.C.[Yi Ching] Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Ching] Wu, Y.C.[Ying-Cai] Wu, Y.C.[Yu-Chieh] Wu, Y.C.[Yao-Cyuan] Wu, Y.C. Wu, Y.C.[Ying-Chang] Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Chao] Wu, Y.C.[Yik-Chung] Wu, Y.C.[Ye-Cun] Wu, Y.C.[Yue-Cheng] Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Chieh] Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Chen] Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Cheng] Wu, Y.C.[Ying-Chun] Wu, Y.C.[Yuan-Chao] Wu, Y.C.[Yan-Chun] Wu, Y.C.[Yu-Chen] Wu, Y.C.[Yi-Chiao] Wu, Y.C.[Yu-Cheng] Wu, Y.C.[Yong-Chuang]
64 for Wu, Y.C.

Wu, Y.D.[Yong Dong] * 2004: Compliant encryption of JPEG2000 codestreams
* 2004: Progressive protection of jpeg2000 codestreams
* 2006: Tamper-Localization Watermarking with Systematic Error Correcting Code
* 2007: Variational PDE based image restoration using neural network
* 2008: Local patterns constrained image histograms for image retrieval
* 2008: Wavelet Speckle Reduction for SAR Imagery Based on Edge Detection
* 2009: Document Image Retrieval with Local Feature Sequences
* 2011: Zero-error watermarking on jpeg images by shuffling huffman tree nodes
* 2012: scalable and format-compliant encryption scheme for H.264/SVC bitstreams, A
* 2013: Attribute-Based Access to Scalable Media in Cloud-Assisted Content Sharing Networks
* 2014: novel total variation based frame layer rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* 2015: Multidimensional Context Awareness in Mobile Devices
* 2015: Novel Graph Cuts Method for Multi-Frame Super-Resolution
* 2018: Combining 2D and 3D features to improve road detection based on stereo cameras
* 2018: Robust Transform Estimator Based on Residual Analysis and Its Application on UAV Aerial Images, A
* 2019: High-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Image Registration via Reweighted Random Walk Based Hyper-Graph Matching
* 2021: DAM: Discrepancy Alignment Metric for Face Recognition
* 2021: Face Image Quality Assessment for Model and Human Perception
* 2022: Connectivity-aware Graph: A planar topology for 3D building surface reconstruction
* 2023: Lightweight Trustworthy Message Exchange in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks
Includes: Wu, Y.D.[Yong Dong] Wu, Y.D.[Yong-Dong] Wu, Y.D. Wu, Y.D.[Ya-Dong] Wu, Y.D.[Ying-Dan] Wu, Y.D.[Yun-Dong] Wu, Y.D.[Yu-Dong]
20 for Wu, Y.D.

Wu, Y.F.[Yi Feng] * 1987: Improving Dynamic Programming to Solve Image Registration
* 1988: Elastic Matching Versus Rigid Matching by Use of Dynamic Programming
* 1988: New Dynamic Programming Method for Stereovision Ignoring Epipolar Geometry, A
* 2005: Traffic object detections and its action analysis
* 2007: Research of 3D Chinese Calligraphic Handwriting Recur System and Its Key Algorithm
* 2008: Invariant visual patterns for video copy detection
* 2014: Mechanics-Based Nonrigid Registration Method for Liver Surgery Using Sparse Intraoperative Data, A
* 2018: L0-regularized discrete variational level set method for image segmentation, The
* 2018: real-time unsupervised background extraction-based target detection method for hyperspectral imagery, A
* 2019: Aerial imagery for roof segmentation: A large-scale dataset towards automatic mapping of buildings
* 2019: Approximate computing for onboard anomaly detection from hyperspectral images
* 2019: Comparison of Bi-Hemispherical and Hemispherical-Conical Configurations for In Situ Measurements of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
* 2020: Does Ecological Water Replenishment Help Prevent a Large Wetland from Further Deterioration? Results from the Zhalong Nature Reserve, China
* 2020: Evaluating Multi-Angle Photochemical Reflectance Index and Solar-Induced Fluorescence for the Estimation of Gross Primary Production in Maize
* 2021: Classification of breast cancer histopathological image with deep residual learning
* 2021: DEN: Disentangling and Exchanging Network for Depth Completion
* 2021: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Localized Graph Convolutional Filtering
* 2021: Improved Aggregated-Mosaic Method for the Sparse Object Detection of Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* 2021: Investigating Attention Mechanism in 3D Point Cloud Object Detection
* 2021: Quantization in Relative Gradient Angle Domain For Building Polygon Estimation
* 2021: Structure and Illumination Constrained GAN for Medical Image Enhancement
* 2022: Camouflaged Object Detection via Context-Aware Cross-Level Fusion
* 2022: Design Eye-Tracking Augmented Reality Headset to Reduce Cognitive Load in Repetitive Parcel Scanning Task
* 2022: Multi-instance inflated 3D CNN for classifying urine red blood cells from multi-focus videos
* 2022: NODEO: A Neural Ordinary Differential Equation Based Optimization Framework for Deformable Image Registration
* 2022: Robust age estimation model using group-aware contrastive learning
* 2022: Staged Adaptive Blind Watermarking Scheme
* 2022: Vegetation Monitoring for Mountainous Regions Using a New Integrated Topographic Correction (ITC) of the SCS + C Correction and the Shadow-Eliminated Vegetation Index
* 2023: Abstract Visual Reasoning: An Algebraic Approach for Solving Raven's Progressive Matrices
* 2023: Accurate and Efficient BP Algorithm Based on Precise Slant Range Model and Rapid Range History Construction Method for GEO SAR, An
* 2023: Adaptor: Improving the Robustness and Imperceptibility of Watermarking by the Adaptive Strength Factor
* 2023: Comparing Water Indices for Landsat Data for Automated Surface Water Body Extraction under Complex Ground Background: A Case Study in Jilin Province
* 2023: Fast GraspNeXt: A Fast Self-Attention Neural Network Architecture for Multi-task Learning in Computer Vision Tasks for Robotic Grasping on the Edge
* 2023: Fused Speech Enhancement Framework for Robust Speaker Verification, A
* 2023: Identifying Crop Growth Stages from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data in Maize and Winter Wheat from Ground and Satellite Measurements
* 2023: Improvement of Ice Surface Temperature Retrieval by Integrating Landsat 8/TIRS and Operation IceBridge Observations
* 2023: OEST: Outlier Exposure by Simple Transformations for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* 2023: Shallow Detail and Semantic Segmentation Combined Bilateral Network Model for Lane Detection
* 2023: Wheat Yield Prediction Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle RGB-Imagery-Based Convolutional Neural Network and Limited Training Samples
* 2024: Changes in Surface and Terrestrial Waters in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Due to Climate Change and Human Activities
* 2024: Estimating the CSLE Biological Conservation Measures' B-Factor Using Google Earth's Engine
* 2024: FINet: Frequency Injection Network for Lightweight Camouflaged Object Detection
* 2024: Spatiotemporal Variation in Water Deficit- and Heatwave-Driven Flash Droughts in Songnen Plain and Its Ecological Impact
Includes: Wu, Y.F.[Yi Feng] Wu, Y.F.[Yi-Feng] Wu, Y.F. Wu, Y.F.[You-Fu] Wu, Y.F.[Ying-Fei] Wu, Y.F.[Yu-Feng] Wu, Y.F.[Yi-Fei] Wu, Y.F.[Yong-Fei] Wu, Y.F.[Yuan-Feng] Wu, Y.F.[Yi-Fan] Wu, Y.F.[Yun-Fei] Wu, Y.F.[Yan-Feng] Wu, Y.F.[You-Feng] Wu, Y.F.[Yun-Fan] Wu, Y.F.[Yu-Fei] Wu, Y.F.[Ya-Feng] Wu, Y.F.[Yong-Feng]
43 for Wu, Y.F.

Wu, Y.G.[Yong Ge] * 1994: Auto image analysis of particle holograms
* 1997: Low Bit-Rate Subband DCT Image Compression
* 1998: Efficient etc Image Compression Technique, An
* 1998: Medical Image Compression Using 2x2 Discrete Cosine Transform
* 2004: GA-based DCT quantisation table design procedure for medical images
* 2007: Improvement of the Background Subtraction and Shadow Detection in Grayscale Video Sequences, The
* 2008: Image vector quantization codec indices recovery using Lagrange interpolation
* 2009: Approach for Navigation in 3D Models on mobile Devices, An
* 2011: Motion vector generation for video coding by gray prediction
* 2017: Integration of GIS and Moving Objects in Surveillance Video
* 2017: Surveillance Video Synopsis in GIS
* 2019: Potential Geologic Issues of Von Kármán Crater Revealed By Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Monitoring the Work Cycles of Earthmoving Excavators in Earthmoving Projects Using UAV Remote Sensing
* 2023: Integration of Residual Terrain Modelling and the Equivalent Source Layer Method in Gravity Field Synthesis for Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Test Site Determination
Includes: Wu, Y.G.[Yong Ge] Wu, Y.G. Wu, Y.G.[Yung-Gi] Wu, Y.G.[Yu-Guo.] Wu, Y.G.[Yi-Guang] Wu, Y.G.[Yan-Gang]
14 for Wu, Y.G.

Wu, Y.H.[Yi Hwa] * 2000: GIS Software for Measuring Space-Time Accessibility in Transportation Planning and Analysis
* 2002: novel approach for single view based plane metrology, A
* 2003: invariant representations of a quadric cone and a twisted cubic, The
* 2004: Camera Calibration from the Quasi-affine Invariance of Two Parallel Circles
* 2004: Image formation by use of the geometrical theory of diffraction
* 2004: Selection of statistical features based on mutual information for classification of human coding and non-coding DNA sequences
* 2005: Geometric Invariants and Applications under Catadioptric Camera Model
* 2005: new constraint on the imaged absolute conic from aspect ratio and its application, A
* 2006: Behavior Modeling and Recognition Based on Space-Time Image Features
* 2006: Camera Calibration and Direct Reconstruction from Plane with Brackets
* 2006: Coplanar circles, quasi-affine invariance and calibration
* 2006: Detecting Critical Configuration of Six Points
* 2006: Euclidean reconstruction of a circular truncated cone only from its uncalibrated contours
* 2006: Euclidean Structure from N^2 Parallel Circles: Theory and Algorithms
* 2006: Gesture Recognition Using Quadratic Curves
* 2006: Gesture Segmentation from a Video Sequence Using Greedy Similarity Measure
* 2006: Novel Framework for Urban Change Detection Using VHR Satellite Images, A
* 2006: PnP Problem Revisited
* 2006: robust method to recognize critical configuration for camera calibration, A
* 2007: MAPACo-Training: A Novel Online Learning Algorithm of Behavior Models
* 2007: Self-recalibration of a structured light system via plane-based homography
* 2007: Where Are Focused Places of a Photo?
* 2008: Detecting and Handling Unreliable Points for Camera Parameter Estimation
* 2008: new linear algorithm for calibrating central catadioptric cameras, A
* 2008: Quasi-Dense Matching between Perspective and Omnidirectional Images
* 2008: Visual metrology with uncalibrated radial distorted images
* 2009: Model Based Method for Overall Well Focused Catadioptric Image Acquisition with Multi-focal Images, A
* 2009: Research on Design of Antennae Tacking-Pointing Control System for Airborne Platform
* 2009: Twisted Cubic: Degeneracy Degree and Relationship with General Degeneracy
* 2010: Optimal multiresolution dynamic models generation based on triangle importance
* 2010: Parameters analysis for polarimetric SAR Based on classification accuracy
* 2010: PCA-based structure refinement for reconstruction of urban scene
* 2011: Calibration of central catadioptric camera with one-dimensional object undertaking general motions
* 2011: CCD performance model and noise control
* 2011: Graph Partition Based Bundle Adjustment for Structured Dataset
* 2011: Infrared Imaging Detection of Water Permeation on Field Large-Scale Rock Relics
* 2011: Paracatadioptric camera calibration using sphere images
* 2012: calibration method for paracatadioptric camera from sphere images, A
* 2012: Novel Fast Method for L-inf Problems in Multiview Geometry, A
* 2012: Self-calibration of hybrid central catadioptric and perspective cameras
* 2012: U.S. speed limit sign detection and recognition from image sequences
* 2014: Accuracy and Effort of Interpolation and Sampling: Can GIS Help Lower Field Costs?
* 2014: Benchmarking 3D Pose Estimation for Face Recognition
* 2014: Online Learning of Binary Feature Indexing for Real-Time SLAM Relocalization
* 2014: Radial distortion invariants and lens evaluation under a single-optical-axis omnidirectional camera
* 2014: Robust 3D Face Shape Reconstruction from Single Images via Two-Fold Coupled Structure Learning and Off-the-Shelf Landmark Detectors
* 2014: Using lidar networks to explore aloft plume properties
* 2015: efficient approach for 2D to 3D video conversion based on structure from motion, An
* 2015: Scattering Mechanism Extraction by a Modified Cloude-Pottier Decomposition for Dual Polarization SAR
* 2016: 3d Documentation And Data Management In The Dazu Thousand-hand Bodhisattva Statue In China
* 2016: New Method of Gold Foil Damage Detection in Stone Carving Relics Based on Multi-Temporal 3D LiDAR Point Clouds, A
* 2017: Real-time SLAM relocalization with online learning of binary feature indexing
* 2017: Study of PBLH and Its Correlation with Particulate Matter from One-Year Observation over Nanjing, Southeast China
* 2017: Surface Motion and Structural Instability Monitoring of Ming Dynasty City Walls by Two-Step Tomo-PSInSAR Approach in Nanjing City, China
* 2018: Annotated face model-based alignment: a robust landmark-free pose estimation approach for 3D model registration
* 2018: GoDP: Globally Optimized Dual Pathway deep network architecture for facial landmark localization in-the-wild
* 2018: Monocular 3D facial shape reconstruction from a single 2D image with coupled-dictionary learning and sparse coding
* 2018: Novel Method for Virtual Restoration of Cultural Relics with Complex Geometric Structure Based on Multiscale Spatial Geometry
* 2018: Saliency detection integrating global and local information
* 2018: Saliency detection via local structure propagation
* 2018: Uncertainty and Variation of Remotely Sensed Lake Ice Phenology across the Tibetan Plateau
* 2019: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Trends in the Central Himalayan Region Based on MODIS Products, An
* 2019: Approach to Moho Topography Recovery Using the On-Orbit GOCE Gravity Gradients and Its Applications in Tibet, An
* 2019: CIE Color Purity Algorithm to Detect Black and Odorous Water in Urban Rivers Using High-Resolution Multispectral Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2019: Efficient conic fitting with an analytical Polar-N-Direction geometric distance
* 2019: Intelligent vehicle safety system based on BeiDou satellite navigation system
* 2019: Low light image enhancement based on non-uniform illumination prior model
* 2019: Separation and Recovery of Geophysical Signals Based on the Kalman Filter with GRACE Gravity Data
* 2020: Application of Nonlinear Convolutional Neural Network in Small Samples Bearing Fault Classification
* 2020: Bagging-based saliency distribution learning for visual saliency detection
* 2020: Boosting Image-Based Localization Via Randomly Geometric Data Augmentation
* 2020: Image interpolation with adaptive k-nearest neighbours search and random non-linear regression
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2021: 3DCaricShop: A Dataset and A Baseline Method for Single-view 3D Caricature Face Reconstruction
* 2021: Adversarial Example Detection Using Latent Neighborhood Graph
* 2021: Capabilities of an Automatic Lidar Ceilometer to Retrieve Aerosol Characteristics within the Planetary Boundary Layer
* 2021: DOTS: Decoupling Operation and Topology in Differentiable Architecture Search
* 2021: JCS: An Explainable COVID-19 Diagnosis System by Joint Classification and Segmentation
* 2021: Multi-Scale Neighborhood Feature Extraction and Aggregation for Point Cloud Segmentation
* 2021: Non-uniform low-light image enhancement via non-local similarity decomposition model
* 2021: Rapid glacier Shrinkage and Glacial Lake Expansion of a China-Nepal Transboundary Catchment in the Central Himalayas, between 1964 and 2020
* 2021: Regularized Densely-Connected Pyramid Network for Salient Instance Segmentation
* 2021: Salient object detection via a boundary-guided graph structure
* 2021: Sensitivity Assessment of Spatial Resolution Difference in DEM for Soil Erosion Estimation Based on UAV Observations: An Experiment on Agriculture Terraces in the Middle Hill of Nepal
* 2021: Single-Image HDR Reconstruction with Task-specific Network based on Channel Adaptive RDN
* 2021: Trajectory Tracking and Load Monitoring for Moving Vehicles on Bridge Based on Axle Position and Dual Camera Vision
* 2021: Unconstrained Facial Expression Recogniton Based on Cascade Decision and Gabor Filters
* 2022: Automatic Detection and Fitting of Ellipse Markers Using EllipseNet
* 2022: BE-STI: Spatial-Temporal Integrated Network for Class-agnostic Motion Prediction with Bidirectional Enhancement
* 2022: Blood Vessel Segmentation from Low-Contrast and Wide-Field Optical Microscopic Images of Cranial Window by Attention-Gate-Based Network
* 2022: Cascade Defense Method for Multidomain Adversarial Attacks under Remote Sensing Detection, A
* 2022: Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography Recovery Based on Multivariate Objective Analysis by Combining Data from Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter
* 2022: Comparison of Mean Dynamic Topography Modeling from Multivariate Objective Analysis and Rigorous Least Squares Method
* 2022: DexMV: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation from Human Videos
* 2022: Driver Distraction Detection Using Octave-Like Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: Dynamics of Mixing Layer Height and Homogeneity from Ceilometer-Measured Aerosol Profiles and Correlation to Ground Level PM2.5 in New York City
* 2022: EDN: Salient Object Detection via Extremely-Downsampled Network
* 2022: Fast Tree Skeleton Extraction Using Voxel Thinning Based on Tree Point Cloud
* 2022: Learn to Search a Lightweight Architecture for Target-Aware Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* 2022: Leveraging Instance-, Image- and Dataset-Level Information for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation
* 2022: Leveraging local and global descriptors in parallel to search correspondences for visual localization
* 2022: Local Enhancement of Marine Gravity Field over the Spratly Islands by Combining Satellite SAR Altimeter-Derived Gravity Data
* 2022: MobileSal: Extremely Efficient RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* 2022: Pavement crack detection using non-local theory and iterative sampling
* 2022: Smoothing Method for Ramp Metering, A
* 2022: SRK-Net: Learning to Detect Repeatable Keypoints with Local Saliency Knowledge
* 2023: Breaking Free From Fusion Rule: A Fully Semantic-Driven Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* 2023: Efficient 6-DoF camera pose tracking with circular edges
* 2023: Fast Tailings Pond Mapping Exploiting Large Scene Remote Sensing Images by Coupling Scene Classification and Sematic Segmentation Models
* 2023: Growth Simulations of Urban Underground Space with Ecological Constraints Using a Patch-Based Cellular Automaton
* 2023: Learning Semantic-Aware Knowledge Guidance for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* 2023: Learning to Reduce Scale Differences for Large-Scale Invariant Image Matching
* 2023: Methods to Improve the Accuracy and Robustness of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry through Processing of Optically Deep Waters
* 2023: Modelling Heat Balance of a Large Lake in Central Tibetan Plateau Incorporating Satellite Observations
* 2023: P2T: Pyramid Pooling Transformer for Scene Understanding
* 2023: Research on Human Body Features Extraction based on Attention Mechanism
* 2023: RIATIG: Reliable and Imperceptible Adversarial Text-to-Image Generation with Natural Prompts
* 2023: SlowLiDAR: Increasing the Latency of LiDAR-Based Detection Using Adversarial Examples
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Self-Supervised Learning for Point Clouds in the Wild
* 2023: Sustainable and Transferable Traffic Sign Recognition for Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2023: VILA: Learning Image Aesthetics from User Comments with Vision-Language Pretraining
* 2024: Covariant Peak Constraint for Accurate Keypoint Detection and Keypoint-Specific Descriptor Learning
* 2024: How Does the 2D/3D Urban Morphology Affect the Urban Heat Island across Urban Functional Zones? A Case Study of Beijing, China
* 2024: PVO-Based Reversible Data Hiding Using Global Sorting and Fixed 2D Mapping Modification
* 2024: Revisiting Computer-Aided Tuberculosis Diagnosis
* 2024: SCCMDet: Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks Based on Class Maps for Real-Time Onboard Detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing Images
* 2024: Spatio-Temporal Variation of Cyanobacteria Blooms in Taihu Lake Using Multiple Remote Sensing Indices and Machine Learning
* 2024: Training With Uncertain Annotations for Semantic Segmentation of Basal Cell Carcinoma From Full-Field OCT Images
Includes: Wu, Y.H.[Yi Hwa] Wu, Y.H.[Yi-Hwa] Wu, Y.H.[Yi-Hong] Wu, Y.H. Wu, Y.H.[Yong-Hui] Wu, Y.H.[Yan-Hong] Wu, Y.H.[Yuan-Hao] Wu, Y.H.[Yong-Hua] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Hang] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Hua] Wu, Y.H.[Yun-He] Wu, Y.H.[Yi-Hao] Wu, Y.H.[Yun-Hua] Wu, Y.H.[Ya-Hong] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Hui] Wu, Y.H.[Yus-Huang] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Huan] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Hao] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Han] Wu, Y.H.[Yun-Heng] Wu, Y.H.[Yueh-Hua] Wu, Y.H.[Yue-Hong] Wu, Y.H.[Yong-Hong] Wu, Y.H.[Yan-Hua] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Heng] Wu, Y.H.[Yan-Hao] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Hong] Wu, Y.H.[Ya-Hui] Wu, Y.H.[Yu-Hung]
128 for Wu, Y.H.

Wu, Y.J.[Yi Jun] * 2003: Face Authentication Based on Multiple Profiles Extracted from Range Data
* 2003: Stochastic active contour for cardiac MR image segmentation
* 2005: Multiresolution Histograms for SVM-Based Texture Classification
* 2007: MSD-HMM Approach to Pen Trajectory Modeling for Online Handwriting Recognition, A
* 2009: Studies on Micropatterning and Photoreaction of Copolymer LB Films Containing Nonionic Photoacid Generator
* 2013: Dilemma zone avoidance development: an on-board approach
* 2014: patch analysis method to detect seam carved images, A
* 2016: Dynamic Monitoring Of Soil And Water Losses Using Remote Sensing And GIS Techniques: A Case Study Of Jialing River, Yangtze River, China
* 2016: ROC representation for the discriminability of multi-classification markers
* 2016: Spatial and Anatomical Regularization Based on Multiple Kernel Learning for Neuroimaging Classification
* 2017: Tensorial Kernel Based on Spatial Structure Information for Neuroimaging Classification
* 2018: ShapeCreator: 3D Shape Generation from Isomorphic Datasets Based on Autoencoder
* 2018: Systematic clustering method to identify and characterise spatiotemporal congestion on freeway corridors
* 2019: Cyclic Guidance for Weakly Supervised Joint Detection and Segmentation
* 2019: Exploiting Kernel Sparsity and Entropy for Interpretable CNN Compression
* 2019: Extraction of Rivers and Lakes On Tibetan Plateau Based On Google Earth Engine
* 2019: Group-Wise Deep Object Co-Segmentation With Co-Attention Recurrent Neural Network
* 2019: Hybrid data-driven approach for truck travel time imputation
* 2020: 3-D Context Entropy Model for Improved Practical Image Compression
* 2020: Interpretable Neural Network Decoupling
* 2020: Learning Disentangled Feature Representation for Hybrid-Distorted Image Restoration
* 2020: Learning Semantic Neural Tree for Human Parsing
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Adversarial Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2020: Spatial Attention Pyramid Network for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Towards interpretable and robust hand detection via pixel-wise prediction
* 2021: Aggregating Global and Local Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-IDentification
* 2021: Aha! Adaptive History-driven Attack for Decision-based Black-box Models
* 2021: ChipQA: No-Reference Video Quality Prediction via Space-Time Chips
* 2021: Discover Cross-Modality Nuances for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Dynamic Scene Video Deblurring Using Robust Incremental Weighted Fourier Aggregation
* 2021: Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement
* 2021: Iterative Knowledge Distillation for Automatic Check-Out
* 2021: MagnifierNet: Learning Efficient Small-scale Pedestrian Detector towards Multiple Dense Regions
* 2021: Parallel Detection-and-Segmentation Learning for Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation
* 2021: Perceptual Friendly Variable Rate Image Compression
* 2021: RegARD: Symmetry-Based Coarse Registration of Smartphone's Colorful Point Clouds with CAD Drawings for Low-Cost Digital Twin Buildings
* 2021: RSTNet: Captioning with Adaptive Attention on Visual and Non-Visual Words
* 2021: SiamCAN: Real-Time Visual Tracking Based on Siamese Center-Aware Network
* 2021: Toward Joint Thing-and-Stuff Mining for Weakly Supervised Panoptic Segmentation
* 2021: Towards Real-World Prohibited Item Detection: A Large-Scale X-ray Benchmark
* 2022: Black-Box Dissector: Towards Erasing-Based Hard-Label Model Stealing Attack
* 2022: Comparison of Vegetation Phenology Derived from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Enhanced Vegetation Index, and Their Relationship with Climatic Limitations
* 2022: DP-CSM: Efficient Differentially Private Synthesis for Human Mobility Trajectory with Coresets and Staircase Mechanism
* 2022: Dynamic Dual Trainable Bounds for Ultra-low Precision Super-Resolution Networks
* 2022: Fine-grained Data Distribution Alignment for Post-Training Quantization
* 2022: Knowing What to Learn: A Metric-Oriented Focal Mechanism for Image Captioning
* 2022: Knowledge-Driven Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* 2022: LD-ConGR: A Large RGB-D Video Dataset for Long-Distance Continuous Gesture Recognition
* 2022: Learned Block-Based Hybrid Image Compression
* 2022: Learning Semantic Segmentation on Unlabeled Real-World Indoor Point Clouds via Synthetic Data
* 2022: Multi-Granularity Alignment Domain Adaptation for Object Detection
* 2022: Study of the Subjective and Objective Quality of High Motion Live Streaming Videos
* 2022: Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of High-Motion Sports Videos at Low-Bitrates
* 2022: Subjective Assessment Of High Dynamic Range Videos Under Different Ambient Conditions
* 2022: Super-Resolution Range and Velocity Estimations for SFA-OFDM Radar
* 2022: Towards Lightweight Transformer Via Group-Wise Transformation for Vision-and-Language Tasks
* 2022: Transform Skip Inspired End-to-End Compression for Screen Content Image
* 2023: Bridging Multi-Scale Context-Aware Representation for Object Detection
* 2023: Cyclic Learning: Bridging Image-Level Labels and Nuclei Instance Segmentation
* 2023: DBH Estimation for Individual Tree: Two-Dimensional Images or Three-Dimensional Point Clouds?
* 2023: DDPNAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Dynamic Distribution Pruning
* 2023: Distributed Signal Control of Arterial Corridors Using Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Dual Transformer With Multi-Grained Assembly for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* 2023: Feature-Level Point Cloud Fusion Method for Timber Volume of Forest Stands Estimation, A
* 2023: Knowing What it is: Semantic-Enhanced Dual Attention Transformer
* 2023: Making Video Quality Assessment Models Robust to Bit Depth
* 2023: National-Standards- and Deep-Learning-Oriented Raster and Vector Benchmark Dataset (RVBD) for Land-Use/Land-Cover Mapping in the Yangtze River Basin
* 2023: QVRF: A Quantization-Error-Aware Variable Rate Framework for Learned Image Compression
* 2023: Robust visual tracking based on modified mayfly optimization algorithm
* 2023: Static Adjustment Method of Secondary Suspension Load for Six-Axle Locomotives via Modified Mayfly Optimization Algorithm, The
* 2023: Subjective and Objective Video Quality Assessment of High Dynamic Range Sports Content
* 2023: Transit Arrival Time Prediction Using Interaction Networks
* 2024: Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Compound Interrupted Sampling and Repeating Jamming
* 2024: AED Inequity among Social Groups in Guangzhou
* 2024: Radar-Infrared Sensor Fusion Based on Hierarchical Features Mining
* 2024: Robust visual tracking via modified Harris hawks optimization
* 2024: Study of Subjective and Objective Quality Assessment of HDR Videos, A
* 2024: Towards Language-Guided Visual Recognition via Dynamic Convolutions
* 2024: Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Multimodal Representation Learning for Wearable Emotion Recognition
Includes: Wu, Y.J.[Yi Jun] Wu, Y.J.[Yi-Jun] Wu, Y.J.[Yi-Jen] Wu, Y.J.[Yong-Jun] Wu, Y.J. Wu, Y.J.[Yang-Jie] Wu, Y.J.[Yi-Jing] Wu, Y.J.[Yun-Jhong] Wu, Y.J.[Ying-Jiang] Wu, Y.J.[Yun-Jie] Wu, Y.J.[Yao-Jan] Wu, Y.J.[Yong-Jian] Wu, Y.J.[Yao-Jun] Wu, Y.J.[Yan-Jun] Wu, Y.J.[Yu-Jie] Wu, Y.J.[Ying-Jie] Wu, Y.J.[Yi-Jie] Wu, Y.J.[Yi-Jin] Wu, Y.J.[Yi-Jia] Wu, Y.J.[Yan-Jie] Wu, Y.J.[Yun-Jing] Wu, Y.J.[Yu-Jin]
79 for Wu, Y.J.

Wu, Y.J.L. * 2005: STACS: New Active Contour Scheme for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation

Wu, Y.K.[Yan Kun] * 2012: Modeling and design of feedback control systems based state observers over network
* 2020: Using Local Toponyms to Reconstruct the Historical River Networks in Hubei Province, China
* 2021: Deep Collocative Learning for Immunofixation Electrophoresis Image Analysis
* 2021: Deep Learning Framework of Autonomous Pilot Agent for Air Traffic Controller Training, A
* 2021: Rail transit OD-matrix completion via manifold regularized tensor factorisation
* 2022: Bayesian Kernelized Matrix Factorization for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation and Kriging
* 2022: Detection of Train Driver Fatigue and Distraction Based on Forehead EEG: A Time-Series Ensemble Learning Method
* 2023: Low-Rank Hankel Tensor Completion for Traffic Speed Estimation
* 2024: Multi-Scale Tokens-Aware Transformer Network for Multi-Region and Multi-Sequence MR-to-CT Synthesis in a Single Model
Includes: Wu, Y.K.[Yan Kun] Wu, Y.K.[Yan-Kun] Wu, Y.K.[Yu-Kun] Wu, Y.K.[Yong-Kang] Wu, Y.K.[Yuan-Kai] Wu, Y.K.[Yuan-Kui]
9 for Wu, Y.K.

Wu, Y.L.[Yi Leh] * 2004: Adaptive learning of an accurate skin-color model
* 2005: Using Visual Features for Anti-Spam Filtering
* 2008: Automatic Detection of Regional Heart Rejection in USPIO-Enhanced MRI
* 2008: Modified Deterministic Annealing Algorithm for Robust Image Segmentation, A
* 2010: Boosting image object retrieval and indexing by automatically discovered pseudo-objects
* 2011: Robust Orthogonal Particle Swarm Optimization for estimating the fundamental matrix
* 2011: Robust refinement methods for camera calibration and 3D reconstruction from multiple images
* 2013: Robust trifocal tensor constraints for structure from motion estimation
* 2017: Characterizing the Seasonal Crustal Motion in Tianshan Area Using GPS, GRACE and Surface Loading Models
* 2017: Online Asymmetric Similarity Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2018: Building Extraction in Very High Resolution Imagery by Dense-Attention Networks
* 2018: Deformation Response of Seismogenic Faults to the Wenchuan MS 8.0 Earthquake: A Case Study for the Southern Segment of the Longmenshan Fault Zone
* 2018: Identifying Flood Events over the Poyang Lake Basin Using Multiple Satellite Remote Sensing Observations, Hydrological Models and In Situ Data
* 2019: Multi-Mode Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method to Measure the Potential Spatial Accessibility of Healthcare Services
* 2019: Reconstructing Geostationary Satellite Land Surface Temperature Imagery Based on a Multiscale Feature Connected Convolutional Neural Network
* 2019: Water level changes of Hulun Lake in Inner Mongolia derived from Jason satellite data
* 2020: Evaluating a Suitable Aquaculture Site Selection Model for Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) during Extreme Events in the Inner Bay of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan
* 2021: Evaluation of GRACE/GRACE Follow-On Time-Variable Gravity Field Models for Earthquake Detection above Mw8.0s in Spectral Domain
* 2021: Gradient Normalization for Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: HSiPu2: A New Human Physical Fitness Action Dataset for Recognition and 3D Reconstruction Evaluation
* 2021: Nightlight as a Proxy of Economic Indicators: Fine-Grained GDP Inference Around Mainland China via Attention-Augmented CNN from Daytime Satellite Imagery
* 2021: Nightlight as a Proxy of Economic Indicators: Fine-Grained GDP Inference Around Mainland China via Attention-Augmented CNN from Daytime Satellite Imagery
* 2021: Siamese Visual Tracking with Dual-Pipeline Correlated Fusion Network
* 2021: Stacked Sparse Autoencoder for Audio Object Coding
* 2022: Analysis of Regional and Residual Gravity Disturbance of Major Fault Belts in the Tarim Basin, Western China
* 2022: Comparison of Mean Dynamic Topography Modeling from Multivariate Objective Analysis and Rigorous Least Squares Method
* 2022: Land Cover Classification Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on NDVI Deep Learning Fusion Network, A
* 2022: Natural- and Human-Induced Influences on Terrestrial Water Storage Change in Sichuan, Southwest China from 2003 to 2020
* 2022: PCAF-Net: A liver segmentation network based on deep learning
* 2022: Rice Planting Area Identification Based on Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 SAR Images and an Attention U-Net Model
* 2022: Route Planning and Tracking Control of an Intelligent Automatic Unmanned Transportation System Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
* 2022: SST-Wind Causal Relationship during the Development of the IOD in Observations and Model Simulations, The
* 2023: Applying Reconstructed Daily Water Storage and Modified Wetness Index to Flood Monitoring: A Case Study in the Yangtze River Basin
* 2023: Characterizing the 2022 Extreme Drought Event over the Poyang Lake Basin Using Multiple Satellite Remote Sensing Observations and In Situ Data
* 2023: Customized bus scheme design of large transport terminals with jointly optimization of departure time, vehicle allocation and routing
* 2023: Isostatic Anomaly and Isostatic Additional Force Analysis by Multiple Geodetic Observations in Qinling Area
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Quality Assessment of the Atmospheric Radio Occultation Profiles from FY-3E/GNOS-II BDS and GPS Measurements
* 2023: Remote Sensing Method for Crop Mapping Based on Multiscale Neighborhood Feature Extraction, A
* 2023: Spatial Information Extraction Method Based on Multi-Modal Social Media Data: A Case Study on Urban Inundation, A
* 2023: Systematic Approach for Inertial Sensor Calibration of Gravity Recovery Satellites and Its Application to Taiji-1 Mission, A
* 2023: Urban Flood Dynamic Risk Assessment Based on Typhoon Rainfall Process: A Case Study of Typhoon Lupit (2109) in Fuzhou, China
* 2024: Semantic Fusion Augmentation and Semantic Boundary Detection: A Novel Approach to Multi-Target Video Moment Retrieval
Includes: Wu, Y.L.[Yi Leh] Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Leh] Wu, Y.L. Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Lei] Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Lun] Wu, Y.L.[Yun-Long] Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Ling] Wu, Y.L.[Yan-Lan] Wu, Y.L.[Yanq-Liang] Wu, Y.L.[Yong-Liang] Wu, Y.L.[Yan-Lun] Wu, Y.L.[Yu-Liang] Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Lin] Wu, Y.L.[Yu-Lin] Wu, Y.L.[Yan-Lin] Wu, Y.L.[Ying-Lei] Wu, Y.L.[Ya-Lin] Wu, Y.L.[Yan-Ling] Wu, Y.L.[Yue-Lin] Wu, Y.L.[Yi-Long] Wu, Y.L.[Yue-Liang]
43 for Wu, Y.L.

Wu, Y.M. * 1998: Segmentation and Recognition of Continuous Handwriting Chinese Text
* 2002: feature re-weighting approach for relevance feedback in image retrieval, A
* 2003: Adaptive pattern discovery for interactive multimedia retrieval
* 2004: Color interpolation for single CCD color camera
* 2004: Face recognition based on discriminative manifold learning
* 2004: Feature selection for classifying high-dimensional numerical data
* 2006: Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* 2008: Transductive optimal component analysis
* 2008: Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis
* 2011: Hardware encoder and decoder for 3-D stereo video streaming applications
* 2015: Characteristics of Surface Deformation Detected by X-band SAR Interferometry over Sichuan-Tibet Grid Connection Project Area, China
* 2019: ChamNet: Towards Efficient Network Design Through Platform-Aware Model Adaptation
* 2019: FBNet: Hardware-Aware Efficient ConvNet Design via Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
* 2019: Multi-Task Structure-Aware Context Modeling for Robust Keypoint-Based Object Tracking
* 2019: Statistical Model-Based Detector via Texture Weight Map: Application in Re-Sampling Authentication
* 2020: Adaptive Graph Representation Learning for Video Person Re-Identification
* 2020: Automatic 3D point cloud registration algorithm based on triangle similarity ratio consistency
* 2020: BANet: Bidirectional Aggregation Network With Occlusion Handling for Panoptic Segmentation
* 2021: F³A-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: Object SLAM-Based Active Mapping and Robotic Grasping
* 2021: Risk Assessment of Population Loss Posed by Earthquake-Landslide-Debris Flow Disaster Chain: A Case Study in Wenchuan, China
* 2022: Reparameterized attention for convolutional neural networks
* 2022: Simple Method of Mapping Landslides Runout Zones Considering Kinematic Uncertainties, A
* 2023: EDA: Explicit Text-Decoupling and Dense Alignment for 3D Visual Grounding
* 2023: Implicit Neural Representation for Cooperative Low-light Image Enhancement
* 2023: Multi-layer capsule network with joint dynamic routing for fire recognition
* 2023: Panoptic Compositional Feature Field for Editable Scene Rendering with Network-Inferred Labels via Metric Learning
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Ice-Snow Freezing and Its Impact on Subtropical Forest Fires in China
* 2024: U-Shaped Convolution-Aided Transformer with Double Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
Includes: Wu, Y.M. Wu, Y.M.[Yi-Min] Wu, Y.M.[Yi-Ming] Wu, Y.M.[Yu-Min] Wu, Y.M.[Yu-Ming] Wu, Y.M.[Yue-Ming] Wu, Y.M.[Yan-Min] Wu, Y.M.[Yong-Mei]
29 for Wu, Y.M.

Wu, Y.N. * 1996: FRAME: Filters, Random fields and Maximum Entropy: Towards the Unified Theory for Texture Modeling
* 1998: Filters, Random-Fields and Maximum-Entropy (Frame): Towards a Unified Theory for Texture Modeling
* 1999: Equivalence of Julesz and Gibbs Texture Ensembles
* 2000: Equivalence of Julesz Ensembles and FRAME Models
* 2000: Exploring Texture Ensembles by Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Toward a Trichromacy Theory of Texture
* 2000: Order Parameters for Minimax Entropy Distributions: When does High Level Knowledge Help?
* 2001: Dynamic Texture Recognition
* 2001: Dynamic Textures
* 2001: Order Parameters for Detecting Target Curves in Images: When Does High Level Knowledge Help?
* 2001: Visual Learning by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Methods
* 2002: 3-D wavelet compression and progressive inverse wavelet synthesis rendering of concentric mosaic
* 2002: Concentric Mosaic Compression with Rebinning of Slits (ROSS)
* 2002: Statistical Modeling of Texture Sketch
* 2003: Dynamic Textures
* 2003: Modeling Visual Patterns by Integrating Descriptive and Generative Methods
* 2003: Towards a mathematical theory of primal sketch and sketchability
* 2004: Information Scaling Laws in Natural Scenes
* 2007: Deformable Template As Active Basis
* 2007: Primal sketch: Integrating structure and texture
* 2009: Learning mixed templates for object recognition
* 2009: Novel Framework for Frame Rate Up Conversion by Predictive Variable Block-Size Motion Estimated Optical Flow, A
* 2010: Learning Active Basis Model for Object Detection and Recognition
* 2011: Image representation by active curves
* 2013: Cosegmentation and Cosketch by Unsupervised Learning
* 2014: Learning Inhomogeneous FRAME Models for Object Patterns
* 2014: Unsupervised Learning of Dictionaries of Hierarchical Compositional Models
* 2015: Learning Sparse FRAME Models for Natural Image Patterns
* 2015: Mining And-Or Graphs for Graph Matching and Object Discovery
* 2017: Generative Hierarchical Learning of Sparse FRAME Models
* 2017: Mining Object Parts from CNNs via Active Question-Answering
* 2017: Synthesizing Dynamic Patterns by Spatial-Temporal Generative ConvNet
* 2018: Interpretable Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2018: Learning Descriptor Networks for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis
* 2018: Learning Generative ConvNets via Multi-grid Modeling and Sampling
* 2018: Learning Multi-view Generator Network for Shared Representation
* 2018: Mining deep And-Or object structures via cost-sensitive question-answer-based active annotations
* 2018: VisDrone-VDT2018: The Vision Meets Drone Video Detection and Tracking Challenge Results
* 2019: Divergence Triangle for Joint Training of Generator Model, Energy-Based Model, and Inferential Model
* 2019: Interpreting CNNs via Decision Trees
* 2019: Learning Generator Networks for Dynamic Patterns
* 2019: Multi-Agent Tensor Fusion for Contextual Trajectory Prediction
* 2019: Unsupervised Disentangling of Appearance and Geometry by Deformable Generator Network
* 2020: Cooperative Training of Descriptor and Generator Networks
* 2020: Flow Contrastive Estimation of Energy-Based Models
* 2020: Inducing Hierarchical Compositional Model by Sparsifying Generator Network
* 2020: Joint Training of Variational Auto-Encoder and Latent Energy-Based Model
* 2020: Learning Multi-layer Latent Variable Model via Variational Optimization of Short Run MCMC for Approximate Inference
* 2021: Extraction of an Explanatory Graph to Interpret a CNN
* 2021: Generative PointNet: Deep Energy-Based Learning on Unordered Point Sets for 3D Generation, Reconstruction and Classification
* 2021: Interpretable CNNs for Object Classification
* 2021: L4Net: An anchor-free generic object detector with attention mechanism for autonomous driving
* 2021: Learning Energy-Based Spatial-Temporal Generative ConvNets for Dynamic Patterns
* 2021: Learning Neural Representation of Camera Pose with Matrix Representation of Pose Shift via View Synthesis
* 2021: Mining Interpretable AOG Representations From Convolutional Networks via Active Question Answering
* 2021: Trajectory Prediction with Latent Belief Energy-Based Model
* 2022: Cooperative Training of Fast Thinking Initializer and Slow Thinking Solver for Conditional Learning
* 2022: Deformable Generator Networks: Unsupervised Disentanglement of Appearance and Geometry
* 2022: Generative VoxelNet: Learning Energy-Based Models for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis
* 2022: Learning Algebraic Representation for Systematic Generalization in Abstract Reasoning
* 2022: Model Level Ensemble for Facial Action Unit Recognition at the 3rd ABAW Challenge
* 2022: Transform-Retrieve-Generate: Natural Language-Centric Outside-Knowledge Visual Question Answering
* 2023: Learning Hierarchical Features with Joint Latent Space Energy-Based Prior
* 2023: Learning Joint Latent Space EBM Prior Model for Multi-layer Generator
Includes: Wu, Y.N. Wu, Y.N.[Ying Nian] Wu, Y.N.[Ying-Nian] Wu, Y.N.[Yun-Nan] Wu, Y.N.[Yan-Nan] Wu, Y.N.[Yi-Nan] Wu, Y.N.[Ya-Nan]
63 for Wu, Y.N.

Wu, Y.P.[Yan Ping] * 2014: Fingerprint Compression Based on Sparse Representation
* 2020: Facial Expression Restoration Based on Improved Graph Convolutional Networks
* 2020: Parameter Optimization for Uncertainty Reduction and Simulation Improvement of Hydrological Modeling
* 2020: Region Based Adversarial Synthesis of Facial Action Units
* 2021: Impact of connected vehicle environment on driving performance: A case of an extra-long tunnel scenario
* 2021: Multi-level features extraction network with gating mechanism for crowd counting
* 2021: Quantifying the Responses of Evapotranspiration and Its Components to Vegetation Restoration and Climate Change on the Loess Plateau of China
* 2021: Recent Advancement in Remote Sensing Technology for Hydrology Analysis and Water Resources Management
* 2021: Tighten the Bolts and Nuts on GPP Estimations from Sites to the Globe: An Assessment of Remote Sensing Based LUE Models and Supporting Data Fields
* 2021: Water Availability on the Chinese Loess Plateau since the Implementation of the Grain for Green Project as Indicated by the Evaporative Stress Index, The
* 2022: Cotton Cultivated Area Extraction Based on Multi-Feature Combination and CSSDI under Spatial Constraint
* 2022: Interactive Geological Data Visualization in an Immersive Environment
* 2022: Synchronization, Decoupling, and Regime Shift of Urban Thermal Conditions in Xi'an, an Ancient City in China under Rapid Expansion
* 2023: Improved Surface Soil Organic Carbon Mapping of SoilGrids250m Using Sentinel-2 Spectral Images in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: Joint face completion and super-resolution using multi-scale feature relation learning
* 2023: Landslide Dynamic Susceptibility Mapping Base on Machine Learning and the PS-InSAR Coupling Model
* 2023: Skip Connection YOLO Architecture for Noise Barrier Defect Detection Using UAV-Based Images in High-Speed Railway
* 2024: Correlation-attention guided regression network for efficient crowd counting
* 2024: Exploring the impacts of traffic flow states on freeway normal crashes, primary crashes, and secondary crashes
Includes: Wu, Y.P.[Yan Ping] Wu, Y.P.[Yan-Ping] Wu, Y.P.[Yun-Peng] Wu, Y.P.[Yi-Ping]
19 for Wu, Y.P.

Wu, Y.Q.[Ying Quan] * 2002: Improved k-nearest neighbor classification
* 2009: Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Transform and Fuzzy Logic
* 2009: Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Combining Global and Local Shape Features
* 2010: Pulse-coupled neural networks and one-class support vector machines for geometry invariant texture retrieval
* 2013: Multiple View Geometry in Dynamic Environment
* 2014: Dynamic Multiple View Geometry with Affine Cameras
* 2014: Image Retrieval by Using Non-subsampled Shearlet Transform and Krawtchouk Moment Invariants
* 2015: Synthesis of light-field raw data from RGB-D images
* 2017: novel active contour model based on modified symmetric cross entropy for remote sensing river image segmentation, A
* 2018: Cross Connected Network for Efficient Image Recognition
* 2018: GPS-Derived Fault Coupling of the Longmenshan Fault Associated with the 2008 Mw Wenchuan 7.9 Earthquake and Its Tectonic Implications
* 2018: Small target detection based on reweighted infrared patch-image model
* 2019: Active contours driven by global and local weighted signed pressure force for image segmentation
* 2019: Detection of Small Target Using Schatten 1/2 Quasi-Norm Regularization with Reweighted Sparse Enhancement in Complex Infrared Scenes
* 2019: Person re-identification based on re-ranking with expanded k-reciprocal nearest neighbors
* 2019: Scene Classification from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using Generalized Compact Channel-Boosted High-Order Orderless Pooling Network
* 2020: Improved Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Parametric Binary Tree Labeling, An
* 2020: JSNet: A simulation network of JPEG lossy compression and restoration for robust image watermarking against JPEG attack
* 2020: MRFF-YOLO: A Multi-Receptive Fields Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Target Detection
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Real Image Denoising: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2020: Part-based visual tracking with spatially regularized correlation filters
* 2020: Uncertainty Analysis of Remote Sensing Pretreatment for Biomass Estimation on Landsat OLI and Landsat ETM+
* 2021: Asymmetric Contextual Modulation for Infrared Small Target Detection
* 2021: Attention as Activation
* 2021: Attentional Local Contrast Networks for Infrared Small Target Detection
* 2021: FE-YOLO: A Feature Enhancement Network for Remote Sensing Target Detection
* 2021: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River Basin with Coupled WRF and WRF-Hydro: Effects of Radar Data Assimilation
* 2022: Adversarial UV-Transformation Texture Estimation for 3D Face Aging
* 2022: BiN-Flow: Bidirectional Normalizing Flow for Robust Image Dehazing
* 2022: Context Feature Enhancement Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* 2022: Covered Style Mining via Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Anti-spoofing
* 2022: Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Evaluation of Multi-Incidence Angle Polarimetric Gaofen-3 SAR Wave Mode Data for Significant Wave Height Retrieval
* 2022: Feature fusion for object detection at one map
* 2022: FPX-NIC: An FPGA-Accelerated 4K Ultra-High-Definition Neural Video Coding System
* 2022: HairMapper: Removing Hair from Portraits Using GANs
* 2022: ICPR 2022 Challenge on Multi-Modal Subtitle Recognition
* 2022: Learning to Joint Remosaic and Denoise in Quad Bayer CFA via Universal Multi-scale Channel Attention Network
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
* 2022: RE-Det3D: RoI-enhanced 3D object detector
* 2022: Sparsity-Based Time Delay Estimation Through the Matched Filter Outputs
* 2023: Automated Method for Generating Prefabs of AR Map Point Symbols Based on Object Detection Model, An
* 2023: Balanced Sample Assignment and Objective for Single-Model Multi-Class 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Effects of Directional Wave Spectra on the Modeling of Ocean Radar Backscatter at Various Azimuth Angles by a Modified Two-Scale Method
* 2023: Effects of Wind Wave Spectra, Non-Gaussianity, and Swell on the Prediction of Ocean Microwave Backscatter with Facet Two-Scale Model
* 2023: Hybrid Binary Dragonfly Algorithm with an Adaptive Directed Differential Operator for Feature Selection, A
* 2023: Improved prototypical network for active few-shot learning
* 2023: Joint Demosaicing and Denoising with Gradient Guidance in Quad Bayer CFA
* 2023: LPFF: A Portrait Dataset for Face Generators Across Large Poses
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Remosaic: Methods and Results
* 2023: Multi-Granularity Context Network for Efficient Video Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: novel Siamese network object tracking algorithm based on tensor space mapping and memory-learning mechanism, A
* 2023: OTST: A Two-Phase Framework for Joint Denoising and Remosaicing in RGBW CFA
* 2023: Research on Vision of Intelligent Car Based on Broad Learning System
* 2023: Robust Multi-Local to Global with Outlier Filtering for Point Cloud Registration, A
* 2023: Significant Wave Height Retrieval Using XGBoost from Polarimetric Gaofen-3 SAR and Feature Importance Analysis
* 2023: Simplification and Regularization Algorithm for Right-Angled Polygon Building Outlines with Jagged Edges
* 2023: Spatial-Semantic Collaborative Graph Network for Textbook Question Answering
* 2023: Traffic-Driven Epidemic Spreading in Networks: Considering the Transition of Infection From Being Mild to Severe
* 2024: Ship Target Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on E2YOLOX-VFL
Includes: Wu, Y.Q.[Ying Quan] Wu, Y.Q.[Ying-Quan] Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Quan] Wu, Y.Q.[Yong-Qing] Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Qun] Wu, Y.Q.[Ying-Qi] Wu, Y.Q.[Yan-Qiang] Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Qiang] Wu, Y.Q.[You-Qing] Wu, Y.Q.[Yun-Qing] Wu, Y.Q.[Ya-Qi] Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Qi] Wu, Y.Q.[Yu-Qing] Wu, Y.Q.[Yu-Qi] Wu, Y.Q.[Yuan-Qing] Wu, Y.Q.[Ya-Qiang] Wu, Y.Q.[Yi-Qian] Wu, Y.Q.[Yong-Qiang] Wu, Y.Q.[Yan-Qing]
61 for Wu, Y.Q.

Wu, Y.R.[Yan Ru] * 2009: Natural Object Recognition Using the Combination of Gaussian Model and Region Growing
* 2010: Efficient and Flexible Statistical Model Based on Generalized Gamma Distribution for Amplitude SAR Images, An
* 2013: Airborne Downward Looking Sparse Linear Array 3-D SAR Heterogeneous Parallel Simulation
* 2013: Autonomous Navigation Airborne Forward-Looking SAR High Precision Imaging with Combination of Pseudo-Polar Formatting and Overlapped Sub-Aperture Algorithm
* 2013: Bayesian Wavelet Shrinkage With Heterogeneity-Adaptive Threshold for SAR Image Despeckling Based on Generalized Gamma Distribution
* 2013: Robust Ground Moving-Target Imaging Using Deramp-Keystone Processing
* 2015: Adaptive Total Variation Regularization Based SAR Image Despeckling and Despeckling Evaluation Index
* 2016: Sensitivity of AOD Retrieval to Aerosol Type and Vertical Distribution over Land with MODIS Data, The
* 2018: Cloud of Line Distribution and Random Forest Based Text Detection from Natural/Video Scene Images
* 2018: Deep Memory Connected Neural Network for Optical Remote Sensing Image Restoration
* 2018: Improved dual-mode compressive tracking integrating balanced colour and texture features
* 2018: Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for Flood Prediction
* 2018: Novel 3D Human Action Recognition Framework for Video Content Analysis, A
* 2018: Retrieval of Hyperspectral Surface Reflectance Based on Machine Learning
* 2019: Automatic System for Generating Artificial Fake Character Images, An
* 2019: Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Incremental Model for Flood Prediction
* 2019: Modified grey world method to detect and restore colour cast images
* 2020: Context-aware Residual Network with Promotion Gates for Single Image Super-resolution
* 2020: FGATR-Net: Automatic Network Architecture Design for Fine-Grained Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: SAR Target Classification Based on Sample Spectral Regularization
* 2020: Tk-text: Multi-shaped Scene Text Detection via Instance Segmentation
* 2021: Dynamic Dual Sampling Module for Fine-Grained Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Memory-Augmented Transformer for Remote Sensing Image Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Sparse SAR Imaging and Quantitative Evaluation Based on Nonconvex and TV Regularization
* 2021: TomoSAR 3D Reconstruction for Buildings Using Very Few Tracks of Observation: A Conditional Generative Adversarial Network Approach
* 2021: Weibull-distribution-based hybrid total variation method for speckle reduction in ultrasound images, A
* 2022: Automatic Supraglacial Lake Extraction in Greenland Using Sentinel-1 SAR Images and Attention-Based U-Net
* 2022: Complex-Valued Sparse SAR-Image-Based Target Detection and Classification
* 2022: Dense sampling and detail enhancement network: Improved small object detection based on dense sampling and detail enhancement
* 2022: Few-Shot SAR-ATR Based on Instance-Aware Transformer
* 2022: novel forget-update module for few-shot domain generalization, A
* 2022: Novel Jamming Method against SAR Using Nonlinear Frequency Modulation Waveform with Very High Sidelobes, A
* 2022: Reference-Based Multi-Level Features Fusion Deblurring Network for Optical Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: SAR image classification based on spiking neural network through spike-time dependent plasticity and gradient descent
* 2023: Deep Semantic-Visual Alignment for zero-shot remote sensing image scene classification
* 2023: Efficient Channel Imbalance Estimation Method Based on Subadditivity of Linear Normed Space of Sub-Band Spectrum for Azimuth Multichannel SAR, An
* 2023: High-Resolution and Wide-Swath 3D Imaging for Urban Areas Based on Distributed Spaceborne SAR
* 2023: Multi-baseline SAR 3D reconstruction of vehicle from very sparse aspects: A generative adversarial network based approach
* 2023: Performance Analysis of Channel Imbalance Control and Azimuth Ambiguity Suppression in Azimuth Dual Receiving Antenna Mode of LT-1 Spaceborne SAR System
* 2024: Sparse SAR Imaging Method for Low-Oversampled Staggered Mode via Compound Regularization, A
Includes: Wu, Y.R.[Yan Ru] Wu, Y.R.[Yan-Ru] Wu, Y.R. Wu, Y.R.[Yi-Rong] Wu, Y.R.[Ye-Rong] Wu, Y.R.[Yi-Rui] Wu, Y.R.[Yan-Ran]
40 for Wu, Y.R.

Wu, Y.S.[Yuo Shou] * 1988: estimation of error bounds and feature selection in large character set recognition, The
* 1988: Recursively Estimating Optical Flow from a Noisy Image Sequence
* 1992: Isothetic Polygon Representation for Contours
* 1998: Adaptive Confidence Transform Based Classifier Combination for Chinese Character Recognition
* 2001: Automatic text location in natural scene images
* 2002: Chinese handwriting recognition using hidden Markov models
* 2004: Sharing and hiding secret images with size constraint
* 2005: Linear Algorithm and Hexagonal Search Based Two-Pass Algorithm for Motion Estimation
* 2005: Linear Hashtable Method Predicted Hexagonal Search Algorithm with Spatial Related Criterion
* 2005: Two-pass hexagonal algorithm with improved hashtable structure for motion estimation
* 2006: Control Patches for Automatic Single Photo Orientation
* 2006: Iris Localization with Dual Coarse-to-fine Strategy
* 2008: Adaptive particle filter with body part segmentation for full body tracking
* 2008: Full body tracking-based human action recognition
* 2010: Action and Gait Recognition From Recovered 3-D Human Joints
* 2020: Enabling Deep Residual Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* 2021: Achieving on-Mobile Real-Time Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture and Pruning Search
* 2021: LapsCore: Language-guided Person Search via Color Reasoning
* 2022: Compiler-Aware Neural Architecture Search for On-Mobile Real-time Super-Resolution
* 2022: Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning
* 2022: You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Training Framework Using Stochastic Rounding
* 2023: DDPNAS: Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Dynamic Distribution Pruning
* 2023: MVImgNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Images
* 2023: Research on seamless image stitching based on fast marching method
* 2023: SCoDA: Domain Adaptive Shape Completion for Real Scans
* 2024: Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Global Dependencies of Multi-Scale Features, A
Includes: Wu, Y.S.[Yuo Shou] Wu, Y.S.[Yuo-Shou] Wu, Y.S. Wu, Y.S.[You-Shou] Wu, Y.S.[Yu-Shan] Wu, Y.S.[Yun-Song] Wu, Y.S.[Yi-Shen] Wu, Y.S.[Yun-Sheng] Wu, Y.S.[Yu-Shu] Wu, Y.S.[Yu-Shuang] Wu, Y.S.[Yu-Sheng] Wu, Y.S.[Yu-Song]
26 for Wu, Y.S.

Wu, Y.T.[Yu Te] * 1998: Optical Flow Estimation Using Wavelet Motion Model
* 2000: Calibration-free Gaze Tracking Technique, A
* 2000: Image Registration Using Wavelet-Based Motion Model
* 2003: Discrete signal matching using coarse-to-fine wavelet basis functions
* 2004: Efficient Algorithms for Achieving Euclidean Distance Transformation, The
* 2004: Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation in Two Scans Using a 3X3 Neighborhood
* 2004: Three-dimensional Euclidean distance transformation and its application to shortest path planning
* 2005: Decomposition of arbitrary gray-scale morphological structuring elements
* 2005: Decomposition of binary morphological structuring elements based on genetic algorithms
* 2006: Genetic Algorithm Based Methodology for Breaking the Steganalytic Systems
* 2008: top-down region dividing approach for image segmentation, A
* 2008: top-down region dividing approach for image segmentation, A
* 2009: Motion-focusing key frame extraction and video summarization for lane surveillance system
* 2009: Unsupervised Pedestrian Re-identification for Loitering Detection
* 2013: Multi-camera invariant appearance modeling for non-rigid object identification in a real-time environment
* 2014: Multi-factor cheating prevention in visual secret sharing by hybrid codebooks
* 2015: Biometric Identification Using JPEG2000 Compressed ECG Signals
* 2019: Learning a multi-level guided residual network for single image deraining
* 2020: Weakly supervised single image dehazing
* 2021: Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations
* 2021: Multi-scale Self-calibrated Network for Image Light Source Transfer
* 2021: Multi-View Texture Learning for Face Super-Resolution
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Depth Guided Image Relighting Challenge
* 2021: Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploitation Observations from VIIRS NTL Images: Analyzing the Intensity Changes and Development Trends in the South China Sea from 2012 to 2019
* 2021: Split-Attention Networks with Self-Calibrated Convolution for Moon Impact Crater Detection from Multi-Source Data
* 2022: Bayesian Posterior-Based Winter Wheat Yield Estimation at the Field Scale through Assimilation of Sentinel-2 Data into WOFOST Model
* 2022: Building Extraction from High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved Mask R-CNN
* 2022: From Simulated to Visual Data: A Robust Low-Rank Tensor Completion Approach Using L_p-Regression for Outlier Resistance
* 2022: High-accuracy Three-dimensional Depth Measurement Using Light Field Camera via Correlation Spectrum Phase
* 2022: Intelligent Flower Detection System Based on YOLOv5s
* 2022: Joint Design of Transmit Waveform and Receive Beamforming for LPI FDA-MIMO Radar
* 2022: Sensing Tourist Distributions and Their Sentiment Variations Using Social Media: Evidence from 5A Scenic Areas in China
* 2023: 360MVSNet: Deep Multi-view Stereo Network with 360° Images for Indoor Scene Reconstruction
* 2023: Computation and Data Efficient Backdoor Attacks
* 2023: Influential Topographic Factor Identification of Soil Heavy Metals Using GeoDetector: The Effects of DEM Resolution and Pollution Sources
* 2024: Elevation-Dependent Contribution of the Response and Sensitivity of Vegetation Greenness to Hydrothermal Conditions on the Grasslands of Tibet Plateau from 2000 to 2021
* 2024: Enhanced Temporal Consistency for Global Patch Allocation in Video-Based Point Cloud Compression
* 2024: Integrated Detection and Multi-Object Tracking Pipeline for Satellite Video Analysis of Maritime and Aerial Objects, An
Includes: Wu, Y.T.[Yu Te] Wu, Y.T.[Yu-Te] Wu, Y.T. Wu, Y.T.[Yi-Ta] Wu, Y.T.[Yih-Tyng] Wu, Y.T.[Yan-Ting] Wu, Y.T.[Yi-Ting] Wu, Y.T.[Yu-Tong] Wu, Y.T.[Yun-Tao] Wu, Y.T.[Yi-Tian] Wu, Y.T.[Yan-Tong] Wu, Y.T.[Yu-Ting] Wu, Y.T.[Ya-Ting] Wu, Y.T.[Ya-Tang] Wu, Y.T.[Yu-Tze]
38 for Wu, Y.T.

Wu, Y.W.[Yu Wei] * 2009: Wavelet-Domain Structure Similarity for Image Quality Assessment, A
* 2010: Adaptive Diffusion Flow for Parametric Active Contours
* 2010: Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Predicting Aesthetic Image Labels, The
* 2011: Covariance Matching for PDE-based Contour Tracking
* 2013: Adaptive diffusion flow active contours for image segmentation
* 2013: Segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac cine MRI using a shape-constrained snake model
* 2014: Coupling Semi-supervised Learning and Example Selection for Online Object Tracking
* 2014: Landmark-Based Inductive Model for Robust Discriminative Tracking
* 2015: Manifold Kernel Sparse Representation of Symmetric Positive-Definite Matrices and Its Applications
* 2015: Online visual tracking by integrating spatio-temporal cues
* 2015: Robust Discriminative Tracking via Landmark-Based Label Propagation
* 2016: Online Discriminative Tracking With Active Example Selection
* 2017: Compact discriminative object representation via weakly supervised learning for real-time visual tracking
* 2017: Hybrid Data Association Framework for Robust Online Multi-Object Tracking, A
* 2018: BPGrad: Towards Global Optimality in Deep Learning via Branch and Pruning
* 2018: MDCN: Multi-Scale, Deep Inception Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Object Detection
* 2018: Minimizing Reconstruction Bias Hashing via Joint Projection Learning and Quantization
* 2018: VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2019: 3D Shape Reconstruction From Images in the Frequency Domain
* 2019: Deep convolutional network with locality and sparsity constraints for texture classification
* 2019: Learning a robust representation via a deep network on symmetric positive definite manifolds
* 2019: Robust Distracter-Resistive Tracker via Learning a Multi-Component Discriminative Dictionary
* 2019: Unsupervised Deep Feature Transfer for Low Resolution Image Classification
* 2020: MDFN: Multi-scale deep feature learning network for object detection
* 2020: Variations in Winter Surface Temperature of the Purog Kangri Ice Field, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, 2001-2018, Using MODIS Data
* 2021: Adversarial 3D Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* 2021: Curvature Generation in Curved Spaces for Few-Shot Learning
* 2021: Decomposition Model for Stereo Matching, A
* 2021: Hyperbolic-to-Hyperbolic Graph Convolutional Network, A
* 2021: Impacts of Human Activities on the Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage of the Aral Sea Basin
* 2021: Recent Spatiotemporal Trends in Glacier Snowline Altitude at the End of the Melt Season in the Qilian Mountains, China
* 2021: SFCN: Symmetric feature comparison network for detecting ischemic stroke lesions on CT images
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Variability in the Glacier Snowline Altitude across High Mountain Asia and Potential Driving Factors
* 2022: Automated Glacier Snow Line Altitude Calculation Method Using Landsat Series Images in the Google Earth Engine Platform
* 2022: CD_HIEFNet: Cloud Detection Network Using Haze Optimized Transformation Index and Edge Feature for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2022: Global-Aware Registration of Less-Overlap RGB-D Scans
* 2022: Infinite-dimensional feature aggregation via a factorized bilinear model
* 2022: Maintaining Reasoning Consistency in Compositional Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Primitive-Based Shape Abstraction via Nonparametric Bayesian Inference
* 2022: Primitive3D: 3D Object Dataset Synthesis from Randomly Assembled Primitives
* 2022: Robust and Accurate Superquadric Recovery: a Probabilistic Approach
* 2022: SG-Net: Syntax Guided Transformer for Language Representation
* 2023: Adapting an Existing Empirical Algorithm for Microwave Land Surface Temperature Retrieval in China for AMSR2 Data
* 2023: Characterizing the Survival-Associated Interactions Between Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumors From Pathological Images and Multi-Omics Data
* 2023: Curvature-Adaptive Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation to Manifold Data
* 2023: Emerging Signal of Englacial Debris on One Clean Surface Glacier Based on High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: Exploring Data Geometry for Continual Learning
* 2023: Exploring the Effect of Primitives for Compositional Generalization in Vision-and-Language
* 2023: Greenland-Ice-Sheet Surface Temperature and Melt Extent from 2000 to 2020 and Implications for Mass Balance
* 2023: Learning to Optimize on Riemannian Manifolds
* 2023: Marching-Primitives: Shape Abstraction from Signed Distance Function
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Image Shadow Removal Challenge Report
* 2023: Parameterized Cost Volume for Stereo Matching
* 2023: Sparse Point Guided 3D Lane Detection
* 2023: Video Anomaly Detection via Sequentially Learning Multiple Pretext Tasks
* 2024: Efficient Spatial-Temporal Trajectory Planner for Autonomous Vehicles in Unstructured Environments, An
Includes: Wu, Y.W.[Yu Wei] Wu, Y.W.[Yu-Wei] Wu, Y.W.[Yao-Wen] Wu, Y.W.[Yuan-Wei] Wu, Y.W.[Yue-Wei] Wu, Y.W.[Ye-Wei] Wu, Y.W.[Ya-Wen] Wu, Y.W.[Yin-Wei]
57 for Wu, Y.W.

Wu, Y.X.[Yue Xin] * 2016: Human behavior recognition based on 3D features and hidden markov models
* 2016: Remote Sensing of Soil Alkalinity and Salinity in the Wuyu'er-Shuangyang River Basin, Northeast China
* 2017: Finding the faster path in vehicle routing
* 2018: Group Normalization
* 2019: Dynamic 3D Simulation of Flood Risk Based on the Integration of Spatio-Temporal GIS and Hydrodynamic Models
* 2019: Equivalent Constraints for Two-View Geometry: Pose Solution/Pure Rotation Identification and 3D Reconstruction
* 2019: Feature Denoising for Improving Adversarial Robustness
* 2019: Methods and Application of Archeological Cloud Platform for Grand Sites Based on Spatio-Temporal Big Data
* 2019: StoryGAN: A Sequential Conditional GAN for Story Visualization
* 2020: Graph-based Heuristic Search for Module Selection Procedure in Neural Module Network
* 2020: Group Normalization
* 2020: Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning
* 2020: New Insights in Regional Climate Change: Coupled Land Albedo Change Estimation in Greenland from 1981 to 2017
* 2020: Remote Sensing-Informed Zonation for Understanding Snow, Plant and Soil Moisture Dynamics within a Mountain Ecosystem
* 2021: Advanced SAR Image Despeckling Method by Bernoulli-Sampling-Based Self-Supervised Deep Learning, An
* 2021: LAST: Location-Appearance-Semantic-Temporal Clustering Based POI Summarization
* 2021: Product1M: Towards Weakly Supervised Instance-Level Product Retrieval via Cross-Modal Pretraining
* 2021: Viewpoint Recommendation Based on Object-Oriented 3D Scene Reconstruction
* 2021: Wetlands Cool Land Surface Temperature in Tropical Regions but Warm in Boreal Regions
* 2022: Annular-Graph Attention Model for Personalized Sequential Recommendation
* 2022: Dual-attention guided network for facial action unit detection
* 2022: FAM: Visual Explanations for the Feature Representations from Deep Convolutional Networks
* 2022: M5Product: Self-harmonized Contrastive Learning for E-commercial Multi-modal Pretraining
* 2022: Salient object detection based on global to local visual search guidance
* 2022: SAPNet: Segmentation-Aware Progressive Network for Perceptual Contrastive Deraining
* 2022: SE(n)++: An Efficient Solution to Multiple Pose Estimation Problems
* 2023: Advancing Referring Expression Segmentation Beyond Single Image
* 2023: Learning Detail-Structure Alternative Optimization for Blind Super-Resolution
* 2023: lightweight bus passenger detection model based on YOLOv5, A
* 2023: Multisample-Based Contrastive Loss for Top-K Recommendation
* 2023: Neural Airport Ground Handling
* 2023: Pose-Only Solution to Visual Reconstruction and Navigation, A
* 2023: Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
* 2023: State Graph Reasoning for Multimodal Conversational Recommendation
* 2024: Reason Generation for Point of Interest Recommendation Via a Hierarchical Attention-Based Transformer Model
* 2024: Transferable graph auto-encoders for cross-network node classification
Includes: Wu, Y.X.[Yue Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yue-Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yue-Xiang] Wu, Y.X.[Yao-Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yu-Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yong-Xing] Wu, Y.X.[Yuan-Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan] Wu, Y.X.[Yan-Xia] Wu, Y.X.[Yu-Xia] Wu, Y.X.[Yang-Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yu-Xi] Wu, Y.X.[Yang-Xi] Wu, Y.X.[Yu-Xiong] Wu, Y.X.[Yi-Xuan] Wu, Y.X.[Ying-Xin] Wu, Y.X.[Yan-Xin]
36 for Wu, Y.X.

Wu, Y.Y. * 1993: Shape from Perspective Trihedral Angle Constraint
* 1994: New Generalized Computational Framework for Finding Object Orientation Using Perspective Trihedral Angle Constraint, A
* 2009: Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Combining Global and Local Shape Features
* 2010: Compressive blind source separation
* 2013: Adaptive regularization-based space-time super-resolution reconstruction
* 2014: Adaptive MAP Sub-Pixel Mapping Model Based on Regularization Curve for Multiple Shifted Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2015: Adaptive Subpixel Mapping Method Based on MAP Model and Class Determination Strategy for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery, An
* 2016: Nonlocal Total Variation Subpixel Mapping for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2016: Single Image Super-Resolution Using Local Geometric Duality and Non-Local Similarity
* 2017: Conversion Method to Determine the Regional Vegetation Cover Factor from Standard Plots Based on Large Sample Theory and TM Images: A Case Study in the Eastern Farming-Pasture Ecotone of Northern China, A
* 2018: AugGAN: Cross Domain Adaptation with GAN-Based Data Augmentation
* 2021: Deep Image Compression with Latent Optimization and Piece-wise Quantization Approximation
* 2021: Distributed Fusion Framework of Multispectral and Panchromatic Images Based on Residual Network, A
* 2021: GAN-Based Day-to-Night Image Style Transfer for Nighttime Vehicle Detection
* 2021: Outfit compatibility prediction with multi-layered feature fusion network
* 2021: Regression Analysis of Errors of SAR-based DEMs and Controlling Factors
* 2022: Different Impacts of Climate Variability and Human Activities on NPP in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, The
* 2022: H-ProMed: Ultrasound image segmentation based on the evolutionary neural network and an improved principal curve
* 2022: H-SegMed: A Hybrid Method for Prostate Segmentation in TRUS Images via Improved Closed Principal Curve and Improved Enhanced Machine Learning
* 2022: New Analysis Method for Magnetic Disturbances Possibly Related to Earthquakes Observed by Satellites, A
* 2022: Three Stages Detail Injection Network for Remote Sensing Images Pansharpening, A
* 2022: UNFusion: A Unified Multi-Scale Densely Connected Network for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion
* 2022: Unsupervised Multi-scale Generative Adversarial Network for Remote Sensing Image Pan-Sharpening, An
* 2023: Fourier-based augmentation with applications to domain generalization
* 2023: NPP Variability Associated with Natural and Anthropogenic Factors in the Tropic of Cancer Transect, China
* 2023: SimDE: A Simple Domain Expansion Approach for Single-source Domain Generalization
* 2023: Uncertainty Quantification of Human Electromagnetic Exposure From Electric Vehicle Wireless Power Transfer System
* 2024: Error Sources of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellites
* 2024: Federated Adversarial Domain Hallucination for Privacy-Preserving Domain Generalization
* 2024: From Denoising Training to Test-Time Adaptation: Enhancing Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2024: Reconstructing Randomly Masked Spectra Helps DNNs Identify Discriminant Wavenumbers
Includes: Wu, Y.Y. Wu, Y.Y.[Yan-Yan] Wu, Y.Y.[Yi-Yue] Wu, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan] Wu, Y.Y.[Yun-Yun] Wu, Y.Y.[Yao-Yao] Wu, Y.Y.[Yen-Yi] Wu, Y.Y.[Yu-Yang] Wu, Y.Y.[Ying-Ying] Wu, Y.Y.[Yi-Yun] Wu, Y.Y.[Ying-Yan] Wu, Y.Y.[Yi-Yan] Wu, Y.Y.[Yang-Yun]
31 for Wu, Y.Y.

Wu, Y.Y.X.[Yuan Yan Xu] * 2023: LSTFE-Net: Long Short-Term Feature Enhancement Network for Video Small Object Detection
Includes: Wu, Y.Y.X.[Yuan Yan Xu] Wu, Y.Y.X.[Yuan-Yan-Xu]

Wu, Y.Z.[Ye Zhou] * 2014: Optimal local community detection in social networks based on density drop of subgraphs
* 2018: Method Based on Floating Car Data and Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree Classification for the Detection of Auxiliary Through Lanes at Intersections
* 2019: LADM-Based Model for Natural Resource Administration in China
* 2019: Potential Geologic Issues of Von Kármán Crater Revealed By Multisource Remote Sensing Data
* 2020: Massive-scale visual information retrieval towards city residential environment surveillance
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Variations of City-Level Carbon Emissions in China during 2000-2017 Using Nighttime Light Data
* 2021: Boosting Ensemble Accuracy by Revisiting Ensemble Diversity Metrics
* 2021: Improved Streamflow Forecast in a Small-Medium Sized River Basin with Coupled WRF and WRF-Hydro: Effects of Radar Data Assimilation
* 2021: Self-Supervised Patch Localization for Cross-Domain Facial Action Unit Detection
* 2022: 3D Instances as 1D Kernels
* 2022: Adaptive Feature Denoising Based Deep Convolutional Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Infrared and Visible Image Fusion with Deep Neural Network in Enhanced Flight Vision System
* 2022: Mining Cross-Person Cues for Body-Part Interactiveness Learning in HOI Detection
* 2022: Regional Disparity of Urban Spatial Expansion Is Greater than That of Urban Socioeconomic Expansion in China: A New Perspective from Nighttime Light Remotely Sensed Data and Urban Land Datasets, The
* 2022: Vote from the Center: 6 DoF Pose Estimation in RGB-D Images by Radial Keypoint Voting
* 2023: Forecasting Precipitation from Radar Wind Profiler Mesonet and Reanalysis Using the Random Forest Algorithm
* 2023: Improving autonomous detection in dynamic environments with robust monocular thermal SLAM system
* 2023: Infrared and Visible Image Homography Estimation Based on Feature Correlation Transformers for Enhanced 6G Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network Perception
* 2023: PSO-Based Sparse Source Location in Large-Scale Environments With a UAV Swarm
* 2023: STDLens: Model Hijacking-Resilient Federated Learning for Object Detection
* 2024: Adaptive Deep Neural Network Inference Optimization with EENet
* 2024: fuel consumption model for mixed traffic flow in multiple connected and autonomous scenarios, A
* 2024: Learning Better Keypoints for Multi-Object 6DoF Pose Estimation
* 2024: Robust Diffusion Modeling Framework for Radar Camera 3D Object Detection, A
Includes: Wu, Y.Z.[Ye Zhou] Wu, Y.Z.[Ye-Zhou] Wu, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhen] Wu, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhe] Wu, Y.Z. Wu, Y.Z.[Yan-Zhao] Wu, Y.Z.[Ya-Zhen] Wu, Y.Z.[Yi-Zhen] Wu, Y.Z.[Yi-Zheng] Wu, Y.Z.[Yue-Zhou] Wu, Y.Z.[Yang-Zheng] Wu, Y.Z.[Yi-Zhi] Wu, Y.Z.[Yun-Zhe]
24 for Wu, Y.Z.

Wu, Z. * 1985: Multidimensional State-Space Model Kalman Filtering with Applications to Image Restoration
* 1992: Image segmentation via edge contour finding: a graph theoretic approach
* 1993: Approximate Method of Evaluating the Joint Likelihood for First-Order GMRFs, An
* 1993: Homogeneity Testing for Unlabeled Data: A Performance Evaluation
* 1993: Optimal Graph Theoretic Approach to Data Clustering: Theory and Its Application to Image Segmentation, An
* 1999: Joint Spatial-Frequency Quantization of Zerotree Wavelet Video Coding
* 2004: Wavelet image coding by dilation-run algorithm
* 2005: Stereopsis-Guided Brain Shift Compensation
* 2006: Efficient Rate-Control System With Three Stages for JPEG2000 Image Coding
* 2006: Extended Fitting Methods of Active Shape Model for the Location of Facial Feature Points
* 2006: Modeling of Transmission-Loss-Induced Distortion in Decoded Video
* 2007: ScudWare: A Semantic and Adaptive Middleware Platform for Smart Vehicle Space
* 2008: Blur Identification and Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Using an Approach Similar to Variable Projection
* 2008: Dilation-run wavelet image coding
* 2008: Tracking with Dynamic Hidden-State Shape Models
* 2009: Bundling features for large scale partial-duplicate web image search
* 2009: Directed assistance for ink-bleed reduction in old documents
* 2009: Interactive degraded document binarization: An example (and case) for interactive computer vision
* 2009: multi-sample, multi-tree approach to bag-of-words image representation for image retrieval, A
* 2009: Smart Car Control Model for Brake Comfort Based on Car Following, A
* 2009: Study of Objectionable Sound Recognition Based on Histogram Features and SVM
* 2009: Tracking a Large Number of Objects from Multiple Views
* 2009: Tracking of cell populations to understand their spatio-temporal behavior in response to physical stimuli
* 2009: Tracking-reconstruction or reconstruction-tracking? Comparison of two multiple hypothesis tracking approaches to interpret 3D object motion from several camera views
* 2010: Detection of the Invasion of Bladder Tumor into Adjacent Wall Based on Textural Features Extracted from MRI Images
* 2010: High Performance, Low Complexity Video Coding and the Emerging HEVC Standard
* 2010: Ink-bleed reduction using functional minimization
* 2010: New Hybrid DCT-Wiener-Based Interpolation Scheme for Video Intra Frame Up-Sampling, A
* 2010: Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multireference Reranking
* 2011: Efficient track linking methods for track graphs using network-flow and set-cover techniques
* 2011: Rectangle Detection Method for Real-Time Extraction of Large Panel Edge, A
* 2011: Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multireference Reranking
* 2012: Adaptive Image Registration via Hierarchical Voronoi Subdivision
* 2012: Automated Cropland Classification Algorithm (ACCA) for Tajikistan by Combining Landsat, MODIS, and Secondary Data, An
* 2012: Coupling detection and data association for multiple object tracking
* 2012: Framework For Online Spatio-temporal Data Visualization Based On HTML5, A
* 2012: novel level set framework for LOD2 building modeling, A
* 2012: Superpixel-based Unsupervised Change Detection Using Multi-dimensional Change Vector Analysis and Svm-based Classification
* 2013: Calibrating Photometric Stereo by Holistic Reflectance Symmetry Analysis
* 2013: Establishing Point Correspondence of 3D Faces Via Sparse Facial Deformable Model
* 2013: Improving Accuracy of the Vehicle Attitude Estimation for Low-Cost INS/GPS Integration Aided by the GPS-Measured Course Angle
* 2013: Land-Use Classification Using Taxi GPS Traces
* 2013: Motion pattern analysis in crowded scenes based on hybrid generative-discriminative feature maps
* 2013: Multi-view Photometric Stereo with Spatially Varying Isotropic Materials
* 2013: Online Motion Agreement Tracking
* 2013: Randomized Ensemble Tracking
* 2013: Table of Contents Recognition and Extraction for Heterogeneous Book Documents
* 2014: Edge-preserving colour-to-greyscale conversion
* 2014: Feature Coding in Image Classification: A Comprehensive Study
* 2014: PSPGC: Part-Based Seeds for Parametric Graph-Cuts
* 2014: Thermal Infrared Video Benchmark for Visual Analysis, A
* 2015: feature-based solution for 3D registration of CT and MRI images of human knee, A
* 2015: Inferring the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups for Better Understanding of Passengers
* 2015: Projection selection hashing
* 2015: Security and Privacy Review of VANETs, A
* 2015: Selecting Relevant Web Trained Concepts for Automated Event Retrieval
* 2015: Semi-Supervised Image Classification Based on Local and Global Regression
* 2015: TripPlanner: Personalized Trip Planning Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Digital Footprints
* 2016: Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images Based on Low-Rank and Sparse Representation
* 2016: Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation for Non-Lambertian and Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo, A
* 2016: Container Port Performance Measurement and Comparison Leveraging Ship GPS Traces and Maritime Open Data
* 2016: Exploiting Differential Vegetation Phenology for Satellite-Based Mapping of Semiarid Grass Vegetation in the Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico
* 2016: GAS plume detection in hyperspectral video sequence using low rank representation
* 2016: Global optimization for coupled detection and data association in multiple object tracking
* 2016: hierarchical fast coding unit depth decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding, A
* 2016: Weakly Supervised Metric Learning for Traffic Sign Recognition in a LIDAR-Equipped Vehicle
* 2016: Webpage saliency prediction with multi-features fusion
* 2017: Automatic Spatially-Aware Fashion Concept Discovery
* 2017: From the Lab to the Real World: Re-identification in an Airport Camera Network
* 2017: Novel Method for Low-Contrast and High-Noise Vessel Segmentation and Location in Venipuncture, A
* 2017: Probabilistic Prediction of Bus Headway Using Relevance Vector Machine Regression
* 2017: Weakly Supervised Summarization of Web Videos
* 2018: BlockDrop: Dynamic Inference Paths in Residual Networks
* 2018: End-to-End Learning of Keypoint Detector and Descriptor for Pose Invariant 3D Matching
* 2018: Estimating Depth From Monocular Images as Classification Using Deep Fully Convolutional Residual Networks
* 2018: From Macro to Micro Expression Recognition: Deep Learning on Small Datasets Using Transfer Learning
* 2018: Global for Coarse and Part for Fine: A Hierarchical Action Recognition Framework
* 2018: Learning Affine Hull Representations for Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification
* 2018: Learning Compositional Visual Concepts with Mutual Consistency
* 2018: Low-Rank Decomposition and Total Variation Regularization of Hyperspectral Video Sequences
* 2018: Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Geometric Characteristics of Bilinear Mixture Models
* 2018: Passive Indoor Localization Based on CSI and Naive Bayes Classification
* 2018: Research on Analytical Solution Tensor Voting
* 2018: Tell Me Where to Look: Guided Attention Inference Network
* 2018: VITON: An Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network
* 2018: VITON: An Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network
* 2019: ACE: Adapting to Changing Environments for Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Adaptive Construction Method of Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Index for Vector Data under Peer-to-Peer Networks, An
* 2019: Benchmark Dataset and Evaluation for Non-Lambertian and Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo, A
* 2019: Cascaded Partial Decoder for Fast and Accurate Salient Object Detection
* 2019: Cross-Line Pedestrian Counting Based on Spatially-Consistent Two-Stage Local Crowd Density Estimation and Accumulation
* 2019: Deep Metric Transfer for Label Propagation with Limited Annotated Data
* 2019: Delving Into Robust Object Detection From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Deep Nuisance Disentanglement Approach
* 2019: Depth Corrected Edge Detection of Magnetic Data
* 2019: Driving Safety Risk Prediction Using Cost-Sensitive With Nonnegativity-Constrained Autoencoders Based on Imbalanced Naturalistic Driving Data
* 2019: Efficient and Scalable Framework for Processing Remotely Sensed Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments, An
* 2019: EyeNet: A Multi-Task Deep Network for Off-Axis Eye Gaze Estimation
* 2019: FiNet: Compatible and Diverse Fashion Image Inpainting
* 2019: Global 3D Non-Rigid Registration of Deformable Objects Using a Single RGB-D Camera
* 2019: Infant Brain Development Prediction With Latent Partial Multi-View Representation Learning
* 2019: Learning Coupled Convolutional Networks Fusion for Video Saliency Prediction
* 2019: Learning Local RGB-to-CAD Correspondences for Object Pose Estimation
* 2019: MMAct: A Large-Scale Dataset for Cross Modal Human Action Understanding
* 2019: Monitoring Landscape Dynamics in Central U.S. Grasslands with Harmonized Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Time Series Data
* 2019: Multi-Video Temporal Synchronization by Matching Pose Features of Shared Moving Subjects
* 2019: On-Device Image Classification with Proxyless Neural Architecture Search and Quantization-Aware Fine-Tuning
* 2019: Online Regularization by Denoising with Applications to Phase Retrieval
* 2019: PARN: Position-Aware Relation Networks for Few-Shot Learning
* 2019: Robust Kalman Filters Based on Gaussian Scale Mixture Distributions With Application to Target Tracking
* 2019: Safe-Net: Solid and Abstract Feature Extraction Network for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition
* 2019: Scene-Based Augmented Reality Framework for Exhibits, A
* 2019: Semantic Stereo Matching With Pyramid Cost Volumes
* 2019: Spatial Correspondence With Generative Adversarial Network: Learning Depth From Monocular Videos
* 2019: Stacked Cross Refinement Network for Edge-Aware Salient Object Detection
* 2019: SVM-CNN-Based Fusion Algorithm for Vehicle Navigation Considering Atypical Observations
* 2019: Validation of 7 Years in-Flight HY-2A Calibration Microwave Radiometer Products Using Numerical Weather Model and Radiosondes
* 2020: 3d High-efficiency and High-precision Model-driven Modelling for Power Transmission Tower
* 2020: 3D Reconstruction and Object Detection for HoloLens
* 2020: Acoustic Deep-Sea Seafloor Characterization Accounting for Heterogeneity Effect
* 2020: BiDet: An Efficient Binarized Object Detector
* 2020: Characterizing Land Surface Phenology and Exotic Annual Grasses in Dryland Ecosystems Using Landsat and Sentinel-2 Data in Harmony
* 2020: Disentangled-Multimodal Adversarial Autoencoder: Application to Infant Age Prediction With Incomplete Multimodal Neuroimages
* 2020: ESRGAN-based DEM Super-Resolution for Enhanced Slope Deformation Monitoring In Lantau Island of Hong Kong
* 2020: Exploring Bottom-Up and Top-Down Cues With Attentive Learning for Webly Supervised Object Detection
* 2020: Guided Attention Inference Network
* 2020: High-Resolution Chest X-Ray Bone Suppression Using Unpaired CT Structural Priors
* 2020: Imaging Hydraulic Fractures Under Energized Steel Casing by Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Label Decoupling Framework for Salient Object Detection
* 2020: Learning From Noisy Anchors for One-Stage Object Detection
* 2020: Method for Extracting Substation Equipment Based on UAV Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* 2020: Methodology of Sub-Catchment Division Considering Land Uses and Flow Directions
* 2020: Multi-View Photometric Stereo: A Robust Solution and Benchmark Dataset for Spatially Varying Isotropic Materials
* 2020: Nonlocal Coupled Tensor CP Decomposition for Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
* 2020: Power Transmission Line Reconstruction From Sequential Oblique UAV Images
* 2020: Range-Doppler Sidelobe Suppression for Pulsed Radar Based on Golay Complementary Codes
* 2020: Reverse Perspective Network for Perspective-Aware Object Counting
* 2020: Semianalytical Algorithm for Mapping Proportion of Cyanobacterial Biomass in Eutrophic Inland Lakes Based on OLCI Data, A
* 2020: SMOKE: Single-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection via Keypoint Estimation
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Variation of NDVI in the Vegetation Growing Season in the Source Region of the Yellow River, China
* 2020: Stacked Local Feature Detector for Hyperspectral Image
* 2020: TAL EmotioNet Challenge 2020 Rethinking the Model Chosen Problem in Multi-Task Learning
* 2020: Towards Visually Explaining Variational Autoencoders
* 2020: Training with Noise Adversarial Network: A Generalization Method for Object Detection on Sonar Image
* 2020: Transductive Approach for Video Object Segmentation, A
* 2020: Truncated Matrix Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* 2020: Understanding Individual Mobility Pattern and Portrait Depiction Based on Mobile Phone Data
* 2020: Weakly-supervised Crowd Counting Learns from Sorting Rather Than Locations
* 2021: 3-D Path Planning With Multiple Motions for a Gliding Robotic Dolphin
* 2021: Adaptive Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Motor Imagery Classification
* 2021: Changes of Spatiotemporal Pattern and Network Characteristic in Population Flow under COVID-19 Epidemic
* 2021: Decomposition and Completion Network for Salient Object Detection
* 2021: Drivers and Environmental Impacts of Vegetation Greening in a Semi-Arid Region of Northwest China since 2000
* 2021: EdgeFlow: Achieving Practical Interactive Segmentation with Edge-Guided Flow
* 2021: Exploring the Influence Mechanism of Attractiveness on Wuhan's Urban Commercial Centers by Modifying the Classic Retail Model
* 2021: Exploring Visual Engagement Signals for Representation Learning
* 2021: Full-Duplex Strategy for Video Object Segmentation
* 2021: General Instance Distillation for Object Detection
* 2021: Hyperspectral Computational Imaging via Collaborative Tucker3 Tensor Decomposition
* 2021: Identifying and Mapping the Responses of Ecosystem Services to Land Use Change in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions: A Case Study in Foshan City, China
* 2021: Image Retargeting Quality Assessment Based on Registration Confidence Measure and Noticeability-Based Pooling
* 2021: Instance Similarity Learning for Unsupervised Feature Representation
* 2021: Intentonomy: a Dataset and Study towards Human Intent Understanding
* 2021: Inversion for Inhomogeneous Surface Duct without a Base Layer Based on Ocean-Scattered Low-Elevation BDS Signals
* 2021: Joint Anchor-Feature Refinement for Real-Time Accurate Object Detection in Images and Videos
* 2021: Local descriptor-based multi-prototype network for few-shot Learning
* 2021: Multiscale CNN With Autoencoder Regularization Joint Contextual Attention Network for SAR Image Classification
* 2021: Recurrent neural networks for atmospheric noise removal from InSAR time series with missing values
* 2021: Study on Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Yellow River Delta Coastline from 1976 to 2020
* 2021: VideoLT: Large-scale Long-tailed Video Recognition
* 2021: VideoSSL: Semi-Supervised Learning for Video Classification
* 2022: BEVT: BERT Pretraining of Video Transformers
* 2022: Comparing the Ability of Burned Area Products to Detect Crop Residue Burning in China
* 2022: Comparison of Spectral Bin Microphysics versus Bulk Parameterization in Forecasting Typhoon In-Fa (2021) before, during, and after Its Landfall, A
* 2022: Evaluate Radar Data Assimilation in Two Momentum Control Variables and the Effect on the Forecast of Southwest China Vortex Precipitation
* 2022: Exploring Fine-Grained Cluster Structure Knowledge for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: FalCon: Fine-grained Feature Map Sparsity Computing with Decomposed Convolutions for Inference Optimization
* 2022: Framework to Extract Extreme Phytoplankton Bloom Events with Remote Sensing Datasets: A Case Study
* 2022: Increasing Streamflow in Poor Vegetated Mountain Basins Induced by Greening of Underlying Surface
* 2022: Integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Characterize the Three-Dimensional (3
* 2022: Inverse Synthetic Aperture LiDAR Imaging of Rough Targets under Small Rotation Angles
* 2022: LDGAN: Latent Determined Ensemble Helps Removing IID Data Assumption and Cross-Node Sampling in Distributed GANs
* 2022: Learning Efficient Binarized Object Detectors With Information Compression
* 2022: Network Rebalance and Operational Efficiency of Sharing Transportation System: Multi-Objective Optimization and Model Predictive Control Approaches
* 2022: ObjectFormer for Image Manipulation Detection and Localization
* 2022: PP-HumanSeg: Connectivity-Aware Portrait Segmentation with a Large-Scale Teleconferencing Video Dataset
* 2022: RBFNN-Based Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon Consensus
* 2022: Robust Optimization as Data Augmentation for Large-scale Graphs
* 2022: Semi-supervised Single-View 3D Reconstruction via Prototype Shape Priors
* 2022: Spatial-Temporal Graphs for Cross-Modal Text2Video Retrieval
* 2022: Spatio-Temporal Evolution of a Typical Sandstorm Event in an Arid Area of Northwest China in April 2018 Based on Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakutsk High-Latitude Station
* 2022: Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management Based on Genetic Algorithm: A Case in Zhengzhou, China
* 2022: Tracking Objects as Pixel-Wise Distributions
* 2023: 3D Spatial Multimodal Knowledge Accumulation for Scene Graph Prediction in Point Cloud
* 2023: Alignment-free HDR Deghosting with Semantics Consistent Transformer
* 2023: Asymmetric cost aggregation network for efficient stereo matching
* 2023: Background Reconstruction via 3D-Transformer Network for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Bayesian Collaborative Learning for Whole-Slide Image Classification
* 2023: Cross-Domain Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Digital Mapping of Root-Zone Soil Moisture Using UAV-Based Multispectral Data in a Kiwifruit Orchard of Northwest China
* 2023: Enhancing the Self-Universality for Transferable Targeted Attacks
* 2023: FBN: Federated Bert Network with client-server architecture for cross-lingual signature verification
* 2023: FIT-Net: Feature Interaction Transformer Network for Pathologic Myopia Diagnosis
* 2023: FT-TDR: Frequency-Guided Transformer and Top-Down Refinement Network for Blind Face Inpainting
* 2023: GlobalMatch: Registration of forest terrestrial point clouds by global matching of relative stem positions
* 2023: Implicit Temporal Modeling with Learnable Alignment for Video Recognition
* 2023: Is Spectral Unmixing Model or Nonlinear Statistical Model More Suitable for Shrub Coverage Estimation in Shrub-Encroached Grasslands Based on Earth Observation Data? A Case Study in Xilingol Grassland, China
* 2023: LA-Net: Landmark-Aware Learning for Reliable Facial Expression Recognition under Label Noise
* 2023: Land Subsidence Monitoring and Building Risk Assessment Using InSAR and Machine Learning in a Loess Plateau City: A Case Study of Lanzhou, China
* 2023: Learning Spatial-Frequency Transformer for Visual Object Tracking
* 2023: Longitudinal prediction of postnatal brain magnetic resonance images via a metamorphic generative adversarial network
* 2023: Look Before You Match: Instance Understanding Matters in Video Object Segmentation
* 2023: MDFD: Study of Distributed Non-IID Scenarios and Frechet Distance-Based Evaluation
* 2023: Multi-Featured Sea Ice Classification with SAR Image Based on Convolutional Neural Network
* 2023: Neumann Network with Recursive Kernels for Single Image Defocus Deblurring
* 2023: Online Metro Origin-Destination Prediction via Heterogeneous Information Aggregation
* 2023: Prototypical Residual Networks for Anomaly Detection and Localization
* 2023: QaQ: Robust 6D Pose Estimation via Quality-Assessed RGB-D Fusion
* 2023: Reconstructing the Geometry of the Yushu Fault in the Tibetan Plateau Using TLS, GPR and Trenching
* 2023: Research on the Extraction Method Comparison and Spatial-Temporal Pattern Evolution for the Built-Up Area of Hefei Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion
* 2023: ResFormer: Scaling ViTs with Multi-Resolution Training
* 2023: RFGAN: RF-Based Human Synthesis
* 2023: RFMask: A Simple Baseline for Human Silhouette Segmentation With Radio Signals
* 2023: Robust and Hierarchical Spatial Relation Analysis for Traffic Forecasting
* 2023: Robust graph fusion and recognition framework for fingerprint and finger-vein
* 2023: SDWD: Style Diversity Weighted Distance Evaluates the Intra-Class Data Diversity of Distributed GANs
* 2023: Self-Supervised Learning for Semi-Supervised Temporal Language Grounding
* 2023: Spatial Structure and Driving Mechanisms of Multi-Source Networks in the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle of China, The
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal Graph Network for Video Crowd Counting
* 2023: SVFormer: Semi-supervised Video Transformer for Action Recognition
* 2023: Tensor completion via convolutional sparse coding with small samples-based training
* 2023: Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Progressive Graph Matching and Alternate Learning
* 2023: Vertical Characteristics of Vegetation Distribution in Wuyishan National Park Based on Multi-Source High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Data
* 2023: Vision Transformers are Good Mask Auto-Labelers
* 2024: Channel Augmentation for Visible-Infrared Re-Identification
* 2024: Decoupling and Integration Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* 2024: Estimating Scattering Coefficient in a Large and Complex Terrain through Multifactor Association
* 2024: Global and local multi-modal feature mutual learning for retinal vessel segmentation
* 2024: Information-Theoretic Generalization Analysis for Topology-Aware Heterogeneous Federated Edge Learning Over Noisy Channels
* 2024: Lane-Keeping Control of Automatic Steering Systems via Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Approach
* 2024: Lightweight Delivery Detection on Doorbell Cameras
* 2024: Measuring Dam Deformation of Long-Distance Water Transfer Using Multi-Temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: A Case Study in South-to-North Water Diversion Project, China
* 2024: MobiRFPose: Portable RF-Based 3D Human Pose Camera
* 2024: PETS-Nets: Joint Pose Estimation and Tissue Segmentation of Fetal Brains Using Anatomy-Guided Networks
* 2024: RPM 2.0: RF-Based Pose Machines for Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
* 2024: RPM: RF-Based Pose Machines
Includes: Wu, Z. Wu, Z.[Zheng] Wu, Z.[Zhong] Wu, Z.[Zhen] Wu, Z.[Zhide] Wu, Z.[Zhe] Wu, Z.[Zhilu] Wu, Z.[Zhaohui] Wu, Z.[Ziran] Wu, Z.[Zifeng] Wu, Z.[Zuyi] Wu, Z.[Zimevg] Wu, Z.[Zhou] Wu, Z.[Zhuoting] Wu, Z.[Zequn] Wu, Z.[Zhouting] Wu, Z.[Zhitao] Wu, Z.[Zhenzong] Wu, Z.[Zewu] Wu, Z.[Zuxuan] Wu, Z.[Zhao] Wu, Z.[Zhuo] Wu, Z.[Ziyi] Wu, Z.[Zhensen] Wu, Z.[Zhangkai] Wu, Z.[Zherong] Wu, Z.[Zehao] Wu, Z.[Zuhang] Wu, Z.[Zhuanghui] Wu, Z.[Zelun] Wu, Z.[Zhenhui] Wu, Z.[Zhonghai] Wu, Z.[Ziwen] Wu, Z.[Zhibei] Wu, Z.[Zhiyu] Wu, Z.[Zekang] Wu, Z.[Ze] Wu, Z.[Ziiie] Wu, Z.[Zongwei] Wu, Z.[Ziyu] Wu, Z.[Zihao] Wu, Z.[Zongjun] Wu, Z.[Zhongcheng] Wu, Z.[Zhenquan] Wu, Z.[Zhenlun] Wu, Z.[Zhengwang] Wu, Z.[Ziyin] Wu, Z.[Zicong] Wu, Z.[Zhaofu] Wu, Z.[Zhi] Wu, Z.[Zhebin] Wu, Z.[Zesen] Wu, Z.[Zuohang] Wu, Z.[Zhicong] Wu, Z.[Zheshun]
246 for Wu, Z.

Wu, Z.B.[Ze Bin] * 2012: Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Combining Sparse Unmixing and Spatial Constraint
* 2015: Supervised Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification With Weighted Markov Random Fields
* 2016: Probabilistic-Kernel Collaborative Representation for Spatial-Spectral Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2017: Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Kernel Fully Constrained Least Squares
* 2017: novel subspace spatial-spectral low rank learning method for hyperspectral denoising, A
* 2018: Hyperspectral Classification via Superpixel Kernel Learning-Based Low Rank Representation
* 2018: Hyperspectral Denoising Via Cross Total Variation-Regularized Unidirectional Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
* 2018: Hyperspectral Mixed Denoising via Spectral Difference-Induced Total Variation and Low-Rank Approximation
* 2018: Joint Reconstruction and Anomaly Detection From Compressive Hyperspectral Images Using Mahalanobis Distance-Regularized Tensor RPCA
* 2018: Novel 3D Anisotropic Total Variation Regularized Low Rank Method for Hyperspectral Image Mixed Denoising, A
* 2018: Optimization of minimum volume constrained hyperspectral image unmixing on CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform
* 2018: Spatial Discontinuity-Weighted Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
* 2019: Hyperspectral Image Restoration Based on Low-Rank Recovery With a Local Neighborhood Weighted Spectral-Spatial Total Variation Model
* 2019: Nonlocal Patch Tensor Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Spatiotemporal Fusion of Satellite Images via Very Deep Convolutional Networks
* 2020: Generalized Tensor Regression for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Hyperspectral Image Recovery Using Non-Convex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
* 2020: Low Rank Component Induced Spatial-Spectral Kernel Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Polygonal approximation based on coarse-grained parallel genetic algorithm
* 2021: From Local to Global: Class Feature Fused Fully Convolutional Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2021: Parallel Unmixing-Based Content Retrieval System for Distributed Hyperspectral Imagery Repository on Cloud Computing Platforms, A
* 2021: Scheduling-Guided Automatic Processing of Massive Hyperspectral Image Classification on Cloud Computing Architectures
* 2021: SSCNN-S: A Spectral-Spatial Convolution Neural Network with Siamese Architecture for Change Detection
* 2022: Bayesian Unmixing of Hyperspectral Image Sequence With Composite Priors for Abundance and Endmember Variability
* 2022: Learning Pairwise Potential CRFs in Deep Siamese Network for Change Detection
* 2022: Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification via Self-Supervised Learning and Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: Temporal-Reliable Method for Change Detection in High-Resolution Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Bayesian Nonlocal Patch Tensor Factorization for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Based on Regularized Background Abundance Tensor Decomposition
* 2023: Mask R-CNN-Based Landslide Hazard Identification for 22.6 Extreme Rainfall Induced Landslides in the Beijiang River Basin, China
* 2023: Tensor Cascaded-Rank Minimization in Subspace: A Unified Regime for Hyperspectral Image Low-Level Vision
* 2024: Driving Visual Saliency Prediction of Dynamic Night Scenes via a Spatio-Temporal Dual-Encoder Network
* 2024: Fixated Object Detection Based on Saliency Prior in Traffic Scenes
* 2024: Two-stage fine-grained image classification model based on multi-granularity feature fusion
* 2024: Weakly Supervised Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images via Progressive Image-Level and Instance-Level Feature Refinement
Includes: Wu, Z.B.[Ze Bin] Wu, Z.B.[Ze-Bin] Wu, Z.B.[Zhao-Bin] Wu, Z.B.[Zhi-Bo] Wu, Z.B.[Zhang-Bi]
35 for Wu, Z.B.

Wu, Z.C.[Zhong Cheng] * 2006: Online Signature Verification Based on Global Feature of Writing Forces
* 2009: Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Spatial Correlation of Motion Vectors, A
* 2010: Edge Embedded Marker-Based Watershed Algorithm for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, An
* 2010: Marker-based watershed segmentation embedded with edge information
* 2012: Scale-Synthesis Method for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation, A
* 2014: Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat 8 TIRS: Comparison between Radiative Transfer Equation-Based Method, Split Window Algorithm and Single Channel Method
* 2015: Moving object detection and tracking from video captured by moving camera
* 2016: No-reference Image Quality Assessment For Zy3 Imagery In Urban Areas Using Statistical Model
* 2017: Unsupervised Simplification of Image Hierarchies via Evolution Analysis in Scale-Sets Framework
* 2019: Global Ionospheric Model Accuracy Analysis Using Shipborne Kinematic GPS Data in the Arctic Circle
* 2020: Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery Using Object-based Markov Random Field Based on Hierarchical Segmentation Tree With Auxiliary Labels
* 2020: Thin cloud removal in optical remote sensing images based on generative adversarial networks and physical model of cloud distortion
* 2021: Deep Learning Based Thin Cloud Removal Fusing Vegetation Red Edge and Short Wave Infrared Spectral Information for Sentinel-2A Imagery
* 2021: Stand-Off Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) System Applicable for Martian Rocks Studies, A
* 2021: Using Artificial Intelligence to Estimate the Probability of Forest Fires in Heilongjiang, Northeast China
* 2022: CCANet: Class-Constraint Coarse-to-Fine Attentional Deep Network for Subdecimeter Aerial Image Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Cloud Detection of Gaofen-2 Multi-Spectral Imagery Based on the Modified Radiation Transmittance Map
* 2022: Forest Fire Spread Monitoring and Vegetation Dynamics Detection Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Learning Accurate, Speedy, Lightweight CNNs via Instance-Specific Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation for Distracted Driver Posture Identification
* 2022: MAM: A multipath attention mechanism for image recognition
* 2022: Martian Analogues Library (MAL) Applicable for Tianwen-1 MarSCoDe-LIBS Data Interpretation, A
* 2022: Multilevel wavelet-based hierarchical networks for image compressed sensing
* 2022: New Spectral Transformation Approach and Quantitative Analysis for MarSCoDe Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Data, A
* 2022: New Unsupervised Deep Learning Algorithm for Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction, A
* 2023: 100-Driver: A Large-Scale, Diverse Dataset for Distracted Driver Classification
* 2023: CarDD: A New Dataset for Vision-Based Car Damage Detection
* 2023: Driver distraction detection via multi-scale domain adaptation network
* 2023: Dual Conditional Normalization Pyramid Network for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis
* 2023: Enabling Manageable and Secure Hybrid P2P-CDN Video-on-Demand Streaming Services Through Coordinating Blockchain and Zero Knowledge
* 2023: FPT: Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on the Feature Pyramid Vision Transformer
* 2023: LRTCFPan: Low-Rank Tensor Completion Based Framework for Pansharpening
* 2023: YOLOv4-dense: A smaller and faster YOLOv4 for real-time edge-device based object detection in traffic scene
* 2024: MIFI: MultI-Camera Feature Integration for Robust 3D Distracted Driver Activity Recognition
Includes: Wu, Z.C.[Zhong Cheng] Wu, Z.C.[Zhong-Cheng] Wu, Z.C.[Zu-Cheng] Wu, Z.C.[Zhao-Cong] Wu, Z.C.[Zong-Che] Wu, Z.C. Wu, Z.C.[Zhao-Cai] Wu, Z.C.[Zhong-Chen] Wu, Z.C.[Ze-Chuan] Wu, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao] Wu, Z.C.[Zi-Cheng]
33 for Wu, Z.C.

Wu, Z.D.[Zhi Dong] * 2021: Architecture of Mass Customization-Social Internet of Things System: Current Research Profile, The
Includes: Wu, Z.D.[Zhi Dong] Wu, Z.D.[Zhi-Dong]

Wu, Z.F.[Zhong Fu] * 2006: Hybrid Method of Unsupervised Feature Selection Based on Ranking, A
* 2008: Fuzzy feature selection based on min-max learning rule and extension matrix
* 2012: Contextual Pooling in Image Classification
* 2012: Data Decomposition and Spatial Mixture Modeling for Part Based Model
* 2012: Group encoding of local features in image classification
* 2012: Spatial Graph for Image Classification
* 2014: Early Hierarchical Contexts Learned by Convolutional Networks for Image Segmentation
* 2015: Learning Representative Deep Features for Image Set Analysis
* 2016: Delineating Urban Fringe Area by Land Cover Information Entropy: An Empirical Study of Guangzhou-Foshan Metropolitan Area, China
* 2017: Comprehensive Study on Cross-View Gait Based Human Identification with Deep CNNs, A
* 2019: Interannual Calibration and Global Nighttime Light Fluctuation Assessment Based on Pixel-Level Linear Regression Analysis, The
* 2019: Long-Term Changes of Open-Surface Water Bodies in the Yangtze River Basin Based on the Google Earth Engine Cloud Platform
* 2019: Parameterization of Urban Sensible Heat Flux from Remotely Sensed Surface Temperature: Effects of Surface Structure
* 2019: Spatial Variation of NO2 and Its Impact Factors in China: An Application of Sentinel-5P Products
* 2019: Wetland Loss Identification and Evaluation Based on Landscape and Remote Sensing Indices in Xiong'an New Area
* 2019: Wider or Deeper: Revisiting the ResNet Model for Visual Recognition
* 2020: Blind motion deblurring with cycle generative adversarial networks
* 2020: Determination of the Key Comparison Reference Value from Multiple Field Calibration of Sentinel-2B/MSI over the Baotou Site
* 2020: Farmland Parcel Mapping in Mountain Areas Using Time-Series SAR Data and VHR Optical Images
* 2020: Handling Missing Data in Large-Scale MODIS AOD Products Using a Two-Step Model
* 2020: Integration of GF2 Optical, GF3 SAR, and UAV Data for Estimating Aboveground Biomass of China's Largest Artificially Planted Mangroves
* 2021: Coarse-to-Fine Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation with Photometric Alignment and Category-Center Regularization
* 2021: Error Analysis of LAI Measurements with LAI-2000 Due to Discrete View Angular Range Angles for Continuous Canopies
* 2021: Integrating Spectral and Textural Information for Monitoring the Growth of Pear Trees Using Optical Images from the UAV Platform
* 2021: Investigating the Role of Green Infrastructure on Urban WaterLogging: Evidence from Metropolitan Coastal Cities
* 2021: NGC: A Unified Framework for Learning with Open-World Noisy Data
* 2021: Understanding the Impact of Vertical Canopy Position on Leaf Spectra and Traits in an Evergreen Broadleaved Forest
* 2021: Vegetation Greenness Variations and Response to Climate Change in the Arid and Semi-Arid Transition Zone of the Mongo-Lian Plateau during 1982-2015
* 2022: Assessing Surface Water Losses and Gains under Rapid Urbanization for SDG 6.6.1 Using Long-Term Landsat Imagery in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China
* 2022: Different Impacts of Climate Variability and Human Activities on NPP in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, The
* 2022: Estimates of Power Shortages and Affected Populations during the Initial Period of the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict
* 2022: Tree Species Classification Using Plant Functional Traits and Leaf Spectral Properties along the Vertical Canopy Position
* 2022: Using Multi-Source Geospatial Information to Reduce the Saturation Problem of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data
* 2023: Abandoned Land Mapping Based on Spatiotemporal Features from PolSAR Data via Deep Learning Methods
* 2023: NPP Variability Associated with Natural and Anthropogenic Factors in the Tropic of Cancer Transect, China
Includes: Wu, Z.F.[Zhong Fu] Wu, Z.F.[Zhong-Fu] Wu, Z.F.[Zi-Feng] Wu, Z.F.[Zhi-Feng] Wu, Z.F.[Zhe-Fu] Wu, Z.F.[Zhao-Fu] Wu, Z.F.[Zhao-Fei] Wu, Z.F.[Zhi-Fan] Wu, Z.F.[Zheng-Fang]
35 for Wu, Z.F.

Wu, Z.G.[Zhi Gang] * 2006: Object Tracking Using Genetic Evolution Based Kernel Particle Filter
* 2021: Multialgorithm Fusion Image Processing for High Speed Railway Dropper Failure-Defect Detection
* 2022: A3C-Based Intelligent Event-Triggering Control of Networked Nonlinear Unmanned Marine Vehicles Subject to Hybrid Attacks
* 2023: Off-Policy Learning-Based Following Control of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles Under Distributed Attacks
* 2024: Data-Driven Distributed Vehicle Platoon Control for Heterogeneous Nonlinear Vehicle Systems
* 2024: Modeling and simulation of charging characteristics of electric vehicle group under the mode of autonomous driving-shared travel
* 2024: Nonlinear Disturbance Observer-Based Fault-Tolerant Sliding-Mode Control for 2-D Plane Vehicular Platoon With UTVFD and ANAS
Includes: Wu, Z.G.[Zhi Gang] Wu, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang] Wu, Z.G.[Zheng-Guang]
7 for Wu, Z.G.

Wu, Z.H.[Zong Han] * 1999: Extraction and Linking of Brink Points in an Image, The
* 2003: Face Authentication Based on Multiple Profiles Extracted from Range Data
* 2004: 3d face recognition using local shape map
* 2004: Human Face Orientation Detection Using Power Spectrum Based Measurements
* 2005: 3d Face Recognition From Range Data
* 2005: 3D Face Recognition using Mapped Depth Images
* 2005: Constructing the Discriminative Kernels Using GMM for Text-Independent Speaker Identification
* 2005: Exploiting Glottal Information in Speaker Recognition Using Parallel GMMs
* 2005: Representing images using points on image surfaces
* 2005: Robust Metric and Alignment for Profile-Based Face Recognition: An Experimental Comparison
* 2005: Speaker Identification Using the VQ-Based Discriminative Kernels
* 2006: Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Audio-Visual Speaker Recognition
* 2006: Exploring Facial Expression Effects in 3D Face Recognition Using Partial ICP
* 2006: Finding Symmetry Plane of 3D Face Shape
* 2006: Super-Resolution of 3D Face
* 2006: UBM-Based Reference Space for Speaker Recognition, An
* 2007: 3D Face Recognition in the Presence of Expression: A Guidance-based Constraint Deformation Approach
* 2007: Blinking-Based Live Face Detection Using Conditional Random Fields
* 2007: Eyeblink-based Anti-Spoofing in Face Recognition from a Generic Webcamera
* 2008: Hallucinating 3D facial shapes
* 2010: Removal of 3D facial expressions: A learning-based approach
* 2012: A-Optimal Non-negative Projection for image representation
* 2012: Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Image Representation
* 2012: On the generation and pruning of skeletons using generalized Voronoi diagrams
* 2013: skeleton pruning algorithm based on information fusion, A
* 2013: Symmetry Detection from RealWorld Images Competition 2013: Summary and Results
* 2014: Constrained Concept Factorization for Image Representation
* 2014: Reconstruction of a Complex Mirror Surface from a Single Image
* 2014: Shape from Specular Flow with Near-Field Environment Motion Field
* 2015: Accelerometer-Based Gait Recognition by Sparse Representation of Signature Points With Clusters
* 2015: Cauchy-Based State-Space Model for Seizure Detection in EEG Monitoring Systems, A
* 2015: Reconstruction of three-dimensional flame with color temperature
* 2015: Understanding Taxi Service Strategies from Taxi GPS Traces
* 2017: versatile homography computation method based on two real points, A
* 2019: AEM: Attentional Ensemble Model for personalized classifier weight learning
* 2019: High-speed tracking based on multi-CF filters and attention mechanism
* 2019: Impacts of Large-Scale Open-Pit Coal Base on the Landscape Ecological Health of Semi-Arid Grasslands
* 2019: Increase of Atmospheric Methane Observed from Space-Borne and Ground-Based Measurements
* 2019: Keypoint based weakly supervised human parsing
* 2020: Datamix: Efficient Privacy-preserving Edge-cloud Inference
* 2020: High-speed tracking based on multi-CF filters and attention mechanism
* 2020: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
* 2020: Novel Rapid Method for Viewshed Computation on DEM through Max-Pooling and Min-Expected Height, A
* 2020: SDRNet: An end-to-end shadow detection and removal network
* 2021: ASCNet: Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Appearance-Speed Consistency
* 2021: Augmented Queue-Based Transmission and Transcoding Optimization for Livecast Services Based on Cloud-Edge-Crowd Integration
* 2021: Learning Meta-class Memory for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultural Drought
* 2021: RCSANet: A Full Convolutional Network for Extracting Inland Aquaculture Ponds from High-Spatial-Resolution Images
* 2022: Automatic geo-localization framework without GNSS data
* 2022: Comparison of Convective and Stratiform Precipitation Microphysics of the Record-breaking Typhoon In-Fa (2021), A
* 2022: Dual Adaptive Transformations for Weakly Supervised Point Cloud Segmentation
* 2022: FBNet: Feedback Network for Point Cloud Completion
* 2022: Framework of Generating Land Surface Reflectance of China Early Landsat MSS Images by Visibility Data and Its Evaluation, A
* 2022: FSRDD: An Efficient Few-Shot Detector for Rare City Road Damage Detection
* 2022: Learnable Pixel Clustering Via Structure and Semantic Dual Constraints for Unsupervised Image Segmentation
* 2022: Mapping Soil Organic Carbon in Low-Relief Farmlands Based on Stratified Heterogeneous Relationship
* 2022: Mining Factors Affecting Taxi Detour Behavior from GPS Traces at Directional Road Segment Level
* 2022: Multi-scale visual attention for attribute disambiguation in zero-shot learning
* 2022: Real-Time Phaseless Microwave Frequency-Diverse Imaging with Deep Prior Generative Neural Network
* 2022: Traffic Inflow and Outflow Forecasting by Modeling Intra- and Inter-Relationship Between Flows
* 2022: UC-OWOD: Unknown-Classified Open World Object Detection
* 2022: Uncovering Factors Affecting Taxi Income from GPS Traces at the Directional Road Segment Level
* 2023: Anomaly-Based Ship Detection Using SP Feature-Space Learning with False-Alarm Control in Sea-Surface SAR Images
* 2023: Fast Frequency-Diverse Radar Imaging Based on Adaptive Sampling Iterative Soft-Thresholding Deep Unfolding Network
* 2023: FGCVQA: Fine-Grained Cross-Attention for Medical VQA
* 2023: Highly Confident Local Structure Based Consensus Graph Learning for Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
* 2023: In-air Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition with Attention Convolutional Recurrent Network
* 2023: Interpretable Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2023: Learning Relative Feature Displacement for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition
* 2023: Localized Sparse Incomplete Multi-View Clustering
* 2023: Multiple Instance Detection Networks With Adaptive Instance Refinement
* 2023: Novel Atmospheric Correction for Turbid Water Remote Sensing, A
* 2023: Precipitation Microphysics of Locally-Originated Typhoons in the South China Sea Based on GPM Satellite Observations
* 2023: Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature over Mountainous Areas Using Fengyun-3D MERSI-II Data
* 2023: Scale-Aware Modulation Meet Transformer
* 2023: Selecting High-Quality Proposals for Weakly Supervised Object Detection With Bottom-Up Aggregated Attention and Phase-Aware Loss
* 2023: Skill-Based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Target Visual Navigation
* 2024: Agent-Centric Relation Graph for Object Visual Navigation
* 2024: Graph Convolutional Network with elastic topology
* 2024: Harmonizing Base and Novel Classes: A Class-Contrastive Approach for Generalized Few-Shot Segmentation
* 2024: LCReg: Long-tailed image classification with Latent Categories based Recognition
Includes: Wu, Z.H.[Zong Han] Wu, Z.H.[Zong-Han] Wu, Z.H.[Zhao-Hui] Wu, Z.H.[Zhong-Hai] Wu, Z.H.[Ze-Huan] Wu, Z.H.[Zhan-Hao] Wu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hao] Wu, Z.H.[Zhen-Hua] Wu, Z.H.[Zhao-Hua] Wu, Z.H.[Zhong-Hua] Wu, Z.H.[Zhang-Hao] Wu, Z.H.[Zi-Han] Wu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hu] Wu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hua] Wu, Z.H.[Zhong-Hui] Wu, Z.H.[Zi-Hua] Wu, Z.H.[Zhong-Heng] Wu, Z.H.[Zu-Hang] Wu, Z.H.[Zhi-Hong] Wu, Z.H.[Zi-Hao] Wu, Z.H.[Zhou-Hao] Wu, Z.H.[Zhi-Heng] Wu, Z.H.[Zi-Heng]
82 for Wu, Z.H.

Wu, Z.J.[Zhao Jing] * 2012: Adaptive tracking control for a class of stochastic mechanical systems
* 2013: SR-LLA: A novel spectral reconstruction method based on locally linear approximation
* 2015: Pose-invariant face recognition using 3D multi-depth generic elastic models
* 2016: Illumination-Recovered Pose Normalization for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* 2016: Socio-Spatial Distribution of Leisure Venues: A Case Study of Karaoke Bars in Nanjing, China, The
* 2017: Comparison of Spatial Interpolation and Regression Analysis Models for an Estimation of Monthly Near Surface Air Temperature in China
* 2017: DSP Applications in Engine Control and Onboard Diagnostics: Enabling greener automobiles
* 2017: Lighting-aware face frontalization for unconstrained face recognition
* 2018: From one to many: Pose-Aware Metric Learning for single-sample face recognition
* 2019: Edge guided compressive sensing for image reconstruction based on two-stage L_0 minimization
* 2020: fast global matching pursuit algorithm for sparse reconstruction by L0 minimization, A
* 2021: Beyond ITQ: Efficient binary multi-view subspace learning for instance retrieval
* 2021: Fusion of GF and MODIS Data for Regional-Scale Grassland Community Classification with EVI2 Time-Series and Phenological Features
* 2021: Image Cropping Assisted By Modeling Inter-Patch Relations
* 2021: Multi-label feature selection via manifold regularization and dependence maximization
* 2021: Superpixel-Based Regional-Scale Grassland Community Classification Using Genetic Programming with Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Images
* 2022: CCPL: Contrastive Coherence Preserving Loss for Versatile Style Transfer
* 2022: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models Combined Time-Series Satellite Data for Multiple Crop Types Classification over a Large-Scale Region
* 2022: Towards Multi-domain Single Image Dehazing via Test-time Training
* 2022: Towards Predicting the Measurement Noise Covariance with a Transformer and Residual Denoising Autoencoder for GNSS/INS Tightly-Coupled Integrated Navigation
* 2023: Data-Centric Solution to NonHomogeneous Dehazing via Vision Transformer, A
* 2023: GridDehazeNet+: An Enhanced Multi-Scale Network with Intra-Task Knowledge Transfer for Single Image Dehazing
* 2023: MCL: A Contrastive Learning Method for Multimodal Data Fusion in Violence Detection
* 2023: Multi-Source Interactive Stair Attention for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* 2023: Neural Fourier Filter Bank
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* 2023: SFHN: Spatial-Frequency Domain Hybrid Network for Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Sketch and Text Guided Diffusion Model for Colored Point Cloud Generation
* 2024: Genetic Programming Guided Mapping of Forest Canopy Height by Combining LiDAR Satellites with Sentinel-1/2, Terrain, and Climate Data
Includes: Wu, Z.J.[Zhao Jing] Wu, Z.J.[Zhao-Jing] Wu, Z.J.[Zhu-Jing] Wu, Z.J.[Zhong-Jun] Wu, Z.J.[Zhong-Jie] Wu, Z.J.[Zhi-Jie] Wu, Z.J. Wu, Z.J.[Zhao-Jun] Wu, Z.J.[Zhi-Jian] Wu, Z.J.[Zhen-Jiang] Wu, Z.J.[Zi-Jin] Wu, Z.J.[Zhe-Jun] Wu, Z.J.[Zi-Jie] Wu, Z.J.[Zi-Jun] Wu, Z.J.[Zi-Jian] Wu, Z.J.[Zhen-Jie] Wu, Z.J.[Zhao-Ji]
30 for Wu, Z.J.

Wu, Z.K.[Zhong Ke] * 2009: Automatic Dense Point Registration Method for 3D Face Animation, An
* 2010: 3D craniofacial reconstruction using reference skull-face database
* 2011: Weighted Landmark-Based Algorithm for Skull Identification, The
* 2013: Active contour model combining region and edge information
* 2016: CUDA-based real-time hand gesture interaction and visualization for CT volume dataset using leap motion
* 2019: 3D Nose shape net for human gender and ethnicity classification
* 2019: Nasal similarity measure of 3D faces based on curve shape space
* 2020: Ethnicity classification by the 3D Discrete Landmarks Model measure in Kendall shape space
* 2021: Improved Speaker and Navigator for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2022: robust intrinsic feature of images derived from the tensor manifold, A
* 2023: LayoutFormer++: Conditional Graphic Layout Generation via Constraint Serialization and Decoding Space Restriction
Includes: Wu, Z.K.[Zhong Ke] Wu, Z.K.[Zhong-Ke] Wu, Z.K.[Zong-Kai] Wu, Z.K.[Zhong-Kai]
11 for Wu, Z.K.

Wu, Z.L.[Zhi Lin] * 2002: Audio-visual continuous speech recognition using MPEG-4 compliant visual features
* 2002: Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using MPEG-4 Compliant Visual Features
* 2006: Semi-supervised SVM for Manifold Learning, A
* 2008: Application and Analyses of Airborne LIDAR Technology in Topographic Survey of Tidal Flat And Coastal Zone
* 2008: Calibration of Constant Angular Error for CBERS-2 Imagery with Few Ground Control Points
* 2016: Dual Adaptive Regularization Method to Remove Mixed Gaussian-Poisson Noise, A
* 2019: Hierarchy Denoising Recursive Autoencoders for 3D Scene Layout Prediction
* 2020: General Point-Based Method for Self-Calibration of Terrestrial Laser Scanners Considering Stochastic Information, A
* 2020: Image stabilization algorithm based on KLT motion tracking
* 2020: Introspective Learning by Distilling Knowledge from Online Self-explanation
* 2021: DAPC-Net: Deformable Alignment and Pyramid Context Completion Networks for Video Inpainting
* 2021: Popularity-Based and Version-Aware Caching Scheme at Edge Servers for Multi-Version VoD Systems
* 2022: CFNet: Context Fusion Network for Multi-Focus Images
* 2022: Fuzzy Repair of Urban Building Facade Point Cloud Based on Distribution Regularity, The
* 2022: Proposal-based Paradigm for Self-supervised Sound Source Localization in Videos, A
* 2023: Adaptive Deep PnP Algorithm for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* 2023: Classification of High-Altitude Flying Objects Based on Radiation Characteristics with Attention-Convolutional Neural Network and Gated Recurrent Unit Network
* 2023: Deep Stereo Video Inpainting
* 2023: Divide-and-Conquer Completion Network for Video Inpainting
* 2023: Divide-and-conquer model based on wavelet domain for multi-focus image fusion
* 2023: PFTA-Net: Progressive Feature Alignment and Temporal Attention Fusion Networks for Video Inpainting
* 2023: Semi-Supervised Video Inpainting with Cycle Consistency Constraints
* 2023: ULAN: A Universal Local Adversarial Network for SAR Target Recognition Based on Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation
Includes: Wu, Z.L.[Zhi Lin] Wu, Z.L.[Zhi-Lin] Wu, Z.L.[Zhi-Li] Wu, Z.L.[Zhuo-Lei] Wu, Z.L.[Zhen-Li] Wu, Z.L.[Zi-Ling] Wu, Z.L.[Zhe-Lun] Wu, Z.L.[Zhen-Lun] Wu, Z.L.[Zong-Ling] Wu, Z.L.[Zhi-Liang] Wu, Z.L.[Zi-Li] Wu, Z.L.[Zong-Liang] Wu, Z.L.[Zhao-Long] Wu, Z.L.[Zi-Long]
23 for Wu, Z.L.

Wu, Z.M.[Zhong Mou] * 2009: Combined adaptive-fixed interpolation with multi-directional filters
* 2010: refined motion estimation strategy for adaptive interpolation filter, A
* 2014: Human action recognition using action bank and RBFNN trained by L-GEM
* 2015: Efficient person re-identification by hybrid spatiogram and covariance descriptor
* 2015: Person Re-Identification Based on Spatiogram Descriptor and Collaborative Representation
* 2017: New Automated Method for Evaluating Mental Workload Using Handwriting Features, A
* 2018: Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-Based Palette Generation
* 2018: Unsupervised Nonlinear Hyperspectral Unmixing Based on Bilinear Mixture Models via Geometric Projection and Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* 2021: Global Analysis of the Relationship between Reconstructed Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) and Gross Primary Production (GPP)
* 2022: Convolutional Neural Network for Large-Scale Greenhouse Extraction from Satellite Images Considering Spatial Features, A
Includes: Wu, Z.M.[Zhong Mou] Wu, Z.M.[Zhong-Mou] Wu, Z.M.[Zi-Ming] Wu, Z.M.[Ze-Min] Wu, Z.M.[Zhi-Ming] Wu, Z.M.[Zong-Min] Wu, Z.M.[Zhen-Ming] Wu, Z.M.[Zhao-Ming]
10 for Wu, Z.M.

Wu, Z.N.[Zhi Nan] * 2013: geometric strategy for computing intersections of two spatial parametric curves, A
* 2022: LR-SVM+: Learning Using Privileged Information with Noisy Labels
* 2022: Urban Flood Risk Assessment in Zhengzhou, China, Based on a D-Number-Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process and a Self-Organizing Map Algorithm
* 2024: Conditional Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Image Classification
* 2024: Parallel Sequential SBAS Processing Framework Based on Hadoop Distributed Computing, A
Includes: Wu, Z.N.[Zhi Nan] Wu, Z.N.[Zhi-Nan] Wu, Z.N.[Zheng-Ning] Wu, Z.N.[Ze-Ning] Wu, Z.N.[Zhen-Ning]

Wu, Z.P.[Zheng Ping] * 2002: Detection and location of people in video streams by fusion of color, edge and motion information
* 2009: Transfer pedestrian detector towards view-adaptiveness and efficiency
* 2010: Adding Affine Invariant Geometric Constraint for Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval
* 2013: Partial-Duplicate Image Retrieval via Saliency-Guided Visual Matching
* 2014: Self-similarity-based partial near-duplicate video retrieval and alignment
* 2019: Exploiting Incidence Relation Between Subgroups for Improving Clustering-Based Recommendation Model
* 2022: Diurnal Variations of Water Ice in the Martian Atmosphere Observed by Mars Climate Sounder
* 2022: Novel Predictor with Optimized Sampling Method for Hardware-aware NAS, A
* 2023: Comparative Analysis of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Atmospheric Duct Inversion Using Automatic Identification System Signals
* 2023: Research on Face recognition based on Grey Wolf algorithm optimization
Includes: Wu, Z.P.[Zheng Ping] Wu, Z.P.[Zheng-Ping] Wu, Z.P.[Zhi-Peng] Wu, Z.P.[Zhao-Peng] Wu, Z.P.[Zheng-Peng]
10 for Wu, Z.P.

Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong Quan] * 1982: Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* 1983: Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* 1983: Filtered Projections as an Aid in Corner Detection
* 1984: Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* 1988: Line-Integration Based Method for Depth Recovery from Surface Normals, A
* 1988: Line-Integration Based Method for Depth Recovery from Surface Normals, A
* 1988: Recursively Estimating Optical Flow from a Noisy Image Sequence
* 1995: Robust Algorithms for Finding the Center of an Arc, The
* 2006: Mechanism analysis of highly overlapped interpolation contrast enhancement
* 2008: Effective features based on normal linear structures for detecting microcalcifications in mammograms
* 2018: Image Appearance-Based Facial Expression Recognition
* 2020: Analytical derivatives for differentiable renderer: 3D pose estimation by silhouette consistency
* 2021: City Intelligence Quotient Evaluation System Using Crowdsourced Social Media Data: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta Region, China
* 2021: FAIEr: Fidelity and Adequacy Ensured Image Caption Evaluation
* 2021: Integrating Multiple Datasets and Machine Learning Algorithms for Satellite-Based Bathymetry in Seaports
* 2021: Local Global Relational Network for Facial Action Units Recognition
* 2021: Orthogonal Jacobian Regularization for Unsupervised Disentanglement in Image Generation
* 2021: UAV Recognition Based on Micro-Doppler Dynamic Attribute-Guided Augmentation Algorithm
* 2022: All-In-One Image Restoration for Unknown Corruption
* 2022: Research on the Impact of BDS-2/3 Receiver ISB on LEO Satellite POD
* 2022: Retrieval-based Spatially Adaptive Normalization for Semantic Image Synthesis
* 2022: Single-Image Specular Highlight Removal via Real-World Dataset Construction
* 2022: Syntax-Aware Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* 2022: Unsupervised anomaly detection via dual transformation-aware embeddings
* 2023: CDF-net: A convolutional neural network fusing frequency domain and spatial domain features
* 2023: Cost-Efficient Multi-Instance Multi-Label Active Learning Via Correlation of Features
* 2023: Enhancing Water Depth Estimation from Satellite Images Using Online Machine Learning: A Case Study Using Baidu Easy-DL with Acoustic Bathymetry and Sentinel-2 Data
* 2023: Observations of the Impacts of Hong Kong International Airport on Water Quality from 1986 to 2022 Using Landsat Satellite
* 2023: Refined Knowledge Transfer for Language-Based Person Search
* 2023: Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning of Global and Local Representation for 3d Medical Image Segmentation
* 2023: Task-Aware Graph Convolutional Network for Active Learning
* 2023: WLQRP: A Weighting Link-Quality-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Sensor Networks
* 2024: Identification of Ground Fissure Development in a Semi-Desert Aeolian Sand Area Induced from Coal Mining: Utilizing UAV Images and Deep Learning Techniques
Includes: Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong Quan] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong-Quan] Wu, Z.Q. Wu, Z.Q.[Zhao-Qi] Wu, Z.Q.[Zai-Qiang] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qiang] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qin] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qiang] Wu, Z.Q.[Zi-Qian] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qi] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhao-Qing] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhang-Quan] Wu, Z.Q.[Zi-Qiang] Wu, Z.Q.[Zhuo-Qian] Wu, Z.Q.[Zuo-Qi]
33 for Wu, Z.Q.

Wu, Z.R.[Zhong Ru] * 2009: Multi-Object Tracking Based on Improved Mean-Shift Algorithm
* 2015: 3D ShapeNets: A deep representation for volumetric shapes
* 2016: Deep Markov Random Field for Image Modeling
* 2017: Temporal Action Detection with Structured Segment Networks
* 2018: Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis
* 2018: Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-parametric Instance Discrimination
* 2019: No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Rank Learning
* 2019: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* 2020: Temporal Action Detection with Structured Segment Networks
* 2021: Instance Localization for Self-supervised Detection Pretraining
* 2022: Animation from Blur: Multi-modal Blur Decomposition with Motion Guidance
* 2022: Bringing Rolling Shutter Images Alive with Dual Reversed Distortion
* 2022: Debiased Learning from Naturally Imbalanced Pseudo-Labels
* 2022: Simple Multi-Modality Transfer Learning Baseline for Sign Language Translation, A
* 2023: Bootstrapping Objectness from Videos by Relaxed Common Fate and Visual Grouping
* 2023: ClipCrop: Conditioned Cropping Driven by Vision-Language Model
* 2023: One-Shot Generative Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Randomized Quantization: A Generic Augmentation for Data Agnostic Self-supervised Learning
* 2024: Coupling Downscaling and Calibrating Methods for Generating High-Quality Precipitation Data with Multisource Satellite Data in the Yellow River Basin
Includes: Wu, Z.R.[Zhong Ru] Wu, Z.R.[Zhong-Ru] Wu, Z.R.[Zhi-Rong] Wu, Z.R.[Zu-Rong] Wu, Z.R.[Zheng-Rong]
19 for Wu, Z.R.

Wu, Z.S.[Zhen Sen] * 2011: Automatic Classification of Ultraviolet Aurora Images Based on Texture and Shape Features
* 2011: Fast EPILE Combined With FBM for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Targets Above and Below the Dielectric Rough Surface, The
* 2012: Analytical model of a laser range profile from rough convex quadric bodies of revolution
* 2018: Study of infrared reflection characteristics of aerial target using MODIS data on GPU
* 2019: Parallel BRDF-based infrared radiation simulation of aerial targets implemented on Intel Xeon processor and Xeon Phi coprocessor
* 2019: Sea Clutter Amplitude Prediction Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
* 2020: Training algorithm for perceptron with multi-pulse type activation function
* 2021: Multiscale Decomposition Prediction of Propagation Loss in Oceanic Tropospheric Ducts
* 2021: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness at Guam Magnetic Equatorial Location
* 2022: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitudes of East Asia
* 2022: GPU-Accelerated Computation of EM Scattering of a Time-Evolving Oceanic Surface Model II: EM Scattering of Actual Oceanic Surface
* 2022: Mode Recognition of Orbital Angular Momentum Based on Attention Pyramid Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: Using Multi-Source Real Landform Data to Predict and Analyze Intercity Remote Interference of 5G Communication with Ducting and Troposcatter Effects
* 2023: Research on High-Resolution Reconstruction of Marine Environmental Parameters Using Deep Learning Model
* 2023: Validation of MODIS Temperature and Emissivity Products Based on Ground-Based Mid-Wave Hyperspectral Imaging Measurement in the Northwestern Plateau Region of Qinghai, China
Includes: Wu, Z.S.[Zhen Sen] Wu, Z.S.[Zhen-Sen] Wu, Z.S.[Zi-Sheng]
15 for Wu, Z.S.

Wu, Z.T.[Zhuo Ting] * 2019: Assessment of the Impacts of Image Signal-to-Noise Ratios in Impervious Surface Mapping
* 2020: Power charging management strategy for electric vehicles based on a Stackelberg game
* 2021: Deep Detection Network Based on Interaction of Instance Segmentation and Object Detection for SAR Images, A
* 2021: Evaluation of SWIR Crop Residue Bands for the Landsat Next Mission
* 2022: Multi-View Graph Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
* 2022: Optimizing Landsat Next Shortwave Infrared Bands for Crop Residue Characterization
* 2022: Prob-POS: A Framework for Improving Visual Explanations from Convolutional Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Image Classification
* 2023: FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-Free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection
Includes: Wu, Z.T.[Zhuo Ting] Wu, Z.T.[Zhuo-Ting] Wu, Z.T.[Zheng-Tian] Wu, Z.T.[Zi-Tong]
8 for Wu, Z.T.

Wu, Z.W.[Zheng Wang] * 2015: Exact solution to median surface problem using 3D graph search and application to parameter space exploration
* 2016: Automatic Hippocampal Subfield Segmentation from 3T Multi-modality Images
* 2016: Regression Guided Deformable Models for Segmentation of Multiple Brain ROIs
* 2018: semantic HTML based approach for geosensor media, A
* 2019: Benchmark on Automatic Six-Month-Old Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2017 Challenge
* 2020: Deep morphological simplification network (MS-Net) for guided registration of brain magnetic resonance images
* 2020: Depth-adapted CNN for RGB-D Cameras
* 2020: Head/Tail Breaks-Based Method for Efficiently Estimating the Absolute Boltzmann Entropy of Numerical Raster Data, A
* 2021: Development and Evaluation of a New Method for AMSU-A Cloud Detection over Land
* 2021: Modality-Guided Subnetwork for Salient Object Detection
* 2021: Multi-Site Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2019 Challenge
* 2021: Object-Aware Multimodal Named Entity Recognition in Social Media Posts With Adversarial Learning
* 2021: S3Reg: Superfast Spherical Surface Registration Based on Deep Learning
* 2021: Spherical Deformable U-Net: Application to Cortical Surface Parcellation and Development Prediction
* 2022: Brain Connectivity Based Graph Convolutional Networks and Its Application to Infant Age Prediction
* 2022: cascaded nested network for 3T brain MR image segmentation guided by 7T labeling, A
* 2022: Development and Evaluation of AMSU-A Cloud Detection over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Effects of Forest Fire Prevention Policies on Probability and Drivers of Forest Fires in the Boreal Forests of China during Different Periods
* 2022: Low-Cost Attitude Estimation Using GPS/IMU Fusion Aided by Land Vehicle Model Constraints and Gravity-Based Angles
* 2022: Path Signature Neural Network of Cortical Features for Prediction of Infant Cognitive Scores
* 2022: Recurrent Tissue-Aware Network for Deformable Registration of Infant Brain MR Images
* 2023: AO2-DETR: Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection Transformer
* 2023: Bidirectional Collaborative Mentoring Network for Marine Organism Detection and Beyond
* 2023: HiDAnet: RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Hierarchical Depth Awareness
* 2023: Source-free Depth for Object Pop-out
* 2024: Assessing the Suitability of Fractal Dimension for Measuring Graphic Complexity Change in Schematic Metro Networks
* 2024: simple transformer-based baseline for crowd tracking with Sequential Feature Aggregation and Hybrid Group Training, A
Includes: Wu, Z.W.[Zheng Wang] Wu, Z.W.[Zheng-Wang] Wu, Z.W.[Zhan-Wei] Wu, Z.W.[Zong-Wei] Wu, Z.W.[Zhi-Wei] Wu, Z.W.[Zhi-Wen] Wu, Z.W.[Ze-Wei]
27 for Wu, Z.W.

Wu, Z.X. * 1996: Very-Low Bit-Rate Coding Based on Wavelet, Edge-Detection, and Motion Interpolation/Extrapolation
* 1999: Tree Adaptive Wavelet Coding
* 2014: From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape Retrieval via Regression Tree Fields
* 2015: Spatio-temporal prediction of leaf area index of rubber plantation using HJ-1A/1B CCD images and recurrent neural network
* 2016: Harnessing Object and Scene Semantics for Large-Scale Video Understanding
* 2017: mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* 2018: DCAN: Dual Channel-Wise Alignment Networks for Unsupervised Scene Adaptation
* 2018: Exploiting Feature and Class Relationships in Video Categorization with Regularized Deep Neural Networks
* 2018: Identifying Establishment Year and Pre-Conversion Land Cover of Rubber Plantations on Hainan Island, China Using Landsat Data during 1987-2015
* 2018: Modeling Multimodal Clues in a Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Video Classification
* 2019: AdaFrame: Adaptive Frame Selection for Fast Video Recognition
* 2019: Regretful Agent: Heuristic-Aided Navigation Through Progress Estimation, The
* 2019: Weakly-Supervised Spatial Context Networks
* 2020: High-Precision Stand Age Data Facilitate the Estimation of Rubber Plantation Biomass: A Case Study of Hainan Island, China
* 2020: Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors
* 2020: Simple and Effective Framework for Pairwise Deep Metric Learning, A
* 2020: Variable Urbanization Warming Effects across Metropolitans of China and Relevant Driving Factors
* 2021: 2D or not 2D? Adaptive 3D Convolution Selection for Efficient Video Recognition
* 2021: Coarse-to-Fine Framework for Resource Efficient Video Recognition, A
* 2021: Cooperative Target Tracking in Aquatic Environment Using Dual Robotic Dolphins
* 2021: Efficient Object Embedding for Spliced Image Retrieval
* 2021: Impacts of Spatial Configuration of Land Surface Features on Land Surface Temperature across Urban Agglomerations, China
* 2021: IWSCR: An Intelligent Water Surface Cleaner Robot for Collecting Floating Garbage
* 2021: Modeling Emotion in Complex Stories: The Stanford Emotional Narratives Dataset
* 2021: Underwater Target Tracking Control of an Untethered Robotic Fish With a Camera Stabilizer
* 2022: AdaViT: Adaptive Vision Transformers for Efficient Image Recognition
* 2022: Cross-Modal Transferable Adversarial Attacks from Images to Videos
* 2022: Dynamic Frame Selection Framework for Fast Video Recognition, A
* 2022: Efficient Video Transformers with Spatial-Temporal Token Selection
* 2022: FM*-Based Comprehensive Path Planning System for Robotic Floating Garbage Cleaning, An
* 2022: High-Precision Stand Age Data Facilitate the Estimation of Rubber Plantation Biomass: A Case Study of Hainan Island, China
* 2022: M3DETR: Multi-representation, Multi-scale, Mutual-relation 3D Object Detection with Transformers
* 2022: Range-Ambiguous Clutter Suppression via FDA MIMO Planar Array Radar with Compressed Sensing
* 2022: SAM: Modeling Scene, Object and Action With Semantics Attention Modules for Video Recognition
* 2022: Semi-supervised Vision Transformers
* 2022: UC-OWOD: Unknown-Classified Open World Object Detection
* 2023: Barrier-Based Adaptive Line-of-Sight 3-D Path-Following System for a Multijoint Robotic Fish With Sideslip Compensation
* 2023: Comparison of Different Important Predictors and Models for Estimating Large-Scale Biomass of Rubber Plantations in Hainan Island, China
* 2023: Detection Hub: Unifying Object Detection Datasets via Query Adaptation on Language Embedding
* 2023: Frequency Increment Design Method of MR-FDA-MIMO Radar for Interference Suppression
* 2023: HDTC: Hybrid Model of Dual-Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network from RGB-D for Detection of Lettuce Growth Traits
* 2023: HybrUR: A Hybrid Physical-Neural Solution for Unsupervised Underwater Image Restoration
* 2023: Masked Video Distillation: Rethinking Masked Feature Modeling for Self-supervised Video Representation Learning
* 2023: Towards Scalable Neural Representation for Diverse Videos
* 2023: Towards Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Image and Video Transformers
* 2024: Adaptive Cross-Modal Transferable Adversarial Attacks From Images to Videos
* 2024: Binary Similarity Few-Shot Object Detection With Modeling of Hard Negative Samples
* 2024: Integrated Tracking Control of an Underwater Bionic Robot Based on Multimodal Motions
* 2024: Spatial-temporal hypergraph based on dual-stage attention network for multi-view data lightweight action recognition
Includes: Wu, Z.X. Wu, Z.X.[Zhi-Xiong] Wu, Z.X.[Zhi-Xiang] Wu, Z.X.[Zu-Xuan] Wu, Z.X.[Zi-Xuan] Wu, Z.X.[Zheng-Xing] Wu, Z.X.[Zheng-Xuan] Wu, Z.X.[Zhi-Xia] Wu, Z.X.[Zheng-Xian] Wu, Z.X.[Zhi-Xuan]
49 for Wu, Z.X.

Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen Yu] * 2002: Unequal error protection for transmission of JPEG2000 codestreams over noisy channels
* 2004: Image enhancement based on the statistics of visual representation
* 2005: Color image denoising with wavelet thresholding based on human visual system model
* 2005: Joint source/channel coding for image transmission with JPEG2000 over memoryless channels
* 2006: Multi-level Fusion of Audio and Visual Features for Speaker Identification
* 2006: Natural color image enhancement and evaluation algorithm based on human visual system
* 2006: Optimal Frame Selection for H.264/AVC FMO Coding
* 2007: Error Resilient Decoding of JPEG2000
* 2007: LDPC-Based Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding for JPEG2000
* 2008: Phase retrieval from a single near-field diffraction pattern with a large Fresnel number
* 2009: 2.4kbps Multiband Characteristic Waveform Interpolation Speech Coding Algorithm, A
* 2009: Study on Structural Damage Detection Method Based on Model Updating, A
* 2009: Transcoding Scheme between AMR-WB and VMR-WB
* 2010: Comparison of Syllable/Phone HMM Based Mandarin TTS
* 2010: Multi-environment model adaptation based on vector Taylor series for robust speech recognition
* 2011: Real-time airport security checkpoint surveillance using a camera network
* 2011: Towards Improved Paper-Based Election Technology
* 2012: Estimation of signal-dependent sensor noise via sparse representation of noise level functions
* 2012: Using scene features to improve wide-area video surveillance
* 2013: Keeping a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera Calibrated
* 2014: Hybrid Method for Human Interaction Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Interest Points, A
* 2014: Improving counterflow detection in dense crowds with scene features
* 2014: Realistic human action recognition by Fast HOG3D and self-organization feature map
* 2014: Toward Experiential Mobile Media Processing
* 2014: Tracking deformable parts via dynamic conditional random fields
* 2014: Virtual Insertion: Robust Bundle Adjustment over Long Video Sequences
* 2015: Estimation of Signal-Dependent Noise Level Function in Transform Domain via a Sparse Recovery Model
* 2015: Multi-Shot Human Re-Identification Using Adaptive Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* 2015: Multi-shot Re-identification with Random-Projection-Based Random Forests
* 2015: Robust Superpixel Tracking with Weighted Multiple-Instance Learning
* 2015: Robust video segment proposals with painless occlusion handling
* 2015: Viewpoint Invariant Human Re-Identification in Camera Networks Using Pose Priors and Subject-Discriminative Features
* 2017: Movie Recommendation via BLSTM
* 2017: Ranking video segments with LSTM and determinantal point processes
* 2018: Hydrologic Evaluation of Multi-Source Satellite Precipitation Products for the Upper Huaihe River Basin, China
* 2018: Keep it Unreal: Bridging the Realism Gap for 2.5D Recognition with Geometry Priors Only
* 2018: Towards Privacy-Preserving Visual Recognition via Adversarial Training: A Pilot Study
* 2018: Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation
* 2019: Global Ionospheric Model Accuracy Analysis Using Shipborne Kinematic GPS Data in the Arctic Circle
* 2019: Learning Without Memorizing
* 2019: Re-Identification With Consistent Attentive Siamese Networks
* 2019: Sharpen Focus: Learning With Attention Separability and Consistency
* 2019: Systematic Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets, A
* 2020: Driving policies of V2X autonomous vehicles based on reinforcement learning methods
* 2020: Filtering of airborne LiDAR bathymetry based on bidirectional cloth simulation
* 2020: Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery
* 2020: Low rank and collaborative representation for hyperspectral anomaly detection via robust dictionary construction
* 2020: Modality-specific and shared generative adversarial network for cross-modal retrieval
* 2020: Non-uniform image blind deblurring by two-stage fully convolution network
* 2020: Not only Look, But Also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection Under Weak Supervision
* 2020: Towards Contactless Patient Positioning
* 2020: Triple Collocation-Based Assessment of Satellite Soil Moisture Products with In Situ Measurements in China: Understanding the Error Sources
* 2021: Analysing public acceptance of autonomous buses based on an extended TAM model
* 2021: Can We Characterize Tasks Without Labels or Features?
* 2021: CASIA-SURF CeFA: A Benchmark for Multi-modal Cross-Ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing
* 2021: Channel-Wise Dense Connection Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2021: Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
* 2021: DANNet: A One-Stage Domain Adaptation Network for Unsupervised Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Dynamic Attentive Graph Learning for Image Restoration
* 2021: E2VTS: Energy-Efficient Video Text Spotting from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* 2021: Ensemble Attention Distillation for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning
* 2021: From Shadow Generation to Shadow Removal
* 2021: Improved Swin Transformer-Based Model for Remote Sensing Object Detection and Instance Segmentation, An
* 2021: Incremental Learning via Rate Reduction
* 2021: Kernel low-rank representation with elastic net for China coastal wetland land cover classification using GF-5 hyperspectral imagery
* 2021: Learning Hierarchical Attention for Weakly-Supervised Chest X-Ray Abnormality Localization and Diagnosis
* 2021: Learning Local Recurrent Models for Human Mesh Recovery
* 2021: Peek Into the Reasoning of Neural Networks: Interpreting with Structural Visual Concepts, A
* 2021: Random Subspace-Based k-Nearest Class Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2021: Semantic Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Modal Hashing
* 2021: Spatio-Temporal Representation Factorization for Video-based Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Study of the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Using Shipborne Multi-GNSS Data: A Case Analysis (120-150°E, Western Pacific Ocean, 2014-2015)
* 2022: Agricultural Drought Assessment in a Typical Plain Region Based on Coupled Hydrology-Crop Growth Model and Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Background-Insensitive Scene Text Recognition with Text Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Bi-HRNet: A Road Extraction Framework from Satellite Imagery Based on Node Heatmap and Bidirectional Connectivity
* 2022: Classification of hyperspectral images via improved cycle-MLP
* 2022: Deeper Look at Image Salient Object Detection: Bi-Stream Network With a Small Training Dataset
* 2022: Effects of Human Activities on Urban Vegetation: Explorative Analysis of Spatial Characteristics and Potential Impact Factors
* 2022: Efficient Maximal Coding Rate Reduction by Variational Forms
* 2022: Evaluating the Potential of Different Evapotranspiration Datasets for Distributed Hydrological Model Calibration
* 2022: Exploiting foreground and background separation for prohibited item detection in overlapping X-Ray images
* 2022: Is It Necessary to Transfer Temporal Knowledge for Domain Adaptive Video Semantic Segmentation?
* 2022: Learning from Designers: Fashion Compatibility Analysis Via Dataset Distillation
* 2022: Multi-motion and Appearance Self-Supervised Moving Object Detection
* 2022: Plmcl: Partial-label Momentum Curriculum Learning for Multi-label Image Classification
* 2022: PREF: Predictability Regularized Neural Motion Fields
* 2022: Privacy-Preserving Deep Action Recognition: An Adversarial Learning Framework and A New Dataset
* 2022: PseudoClick: Interactive Image Segmentation with Click Imitation
* 2022: Recursive multi-model complementary deep fusion for robust salient object detection via parallel sub-networks
* 2022: Salient Object Detection via Dynamic Scale Routing
* 2022: Self-supervised Human Mesh Recovery with Cross-Representation Alignment
* 2022: SiamDoGe: Domain Generalizable Semantic Segmentation Using Siamese Network
* 2022: SMPL-A: Modeling Person-Specific Deformable Anatomy
* 2022: Style-Guided Shadow Removal
* 2022: Urban Intersection Management Strategies for Autonomous/Connected/Conventional Vehicle Fleet Mixtures
* 2022: VGGNet-Based Method for Refined Bathymetry from Satellite Altimetry to Reduce Errors, A
* 2022: Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation With Common Representation Learning
* 2023: Adaptive dynamic networks for object detection in aerial images
* 2023: CMDA: Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
* 2023: Evolution of Winning Solutions in the 2021 Low-Power Computer Vision Challenge
* 2023: Federated Learning With Privacy-Preserving Ensemble Attention Distillation
* 2023: HB-YOLO: An Improved YOLOv7 Algorithm for Dim-Object Tracking in Satellite Remote Sensing Videos
* 2023: Lite-RTSE: Exploring a Cost-Effective Lite DNN Model for Real-Time Speech Enhancement in RTC Scenarios
* 2023: Low-Dose CT Image Synthesis for Domain Adaptation Imaging Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Noise Encoding Transfer Learning
* 2023: Multi-Purpose Realistic Haze Benchmark With Quantifiable Haze Levels and Ground Truth, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: One-Stage Domain Adaptation Network With Image Alignment for Unsupervised Nighttime Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2023: Provenance in GIServices: A Semantic Web Approach
* 2023: QPGesture: Quantization-Based and Phase-Guided Motion Matching for Natural Speech-Driven Gesture Generation
* 2023: Research on Photon-Integrated Interferometric Remote Sensing Image Reconstruction Based on Compressed Sensing
* 2023: SOAR: Scene-debiasing Open-set Action Recognition
* 2023: Statistical Analysis of Mesovortices during the First Rainy Season in Guangdong, South China
* 2023: UCDnet: Double U-Shaped Segmentation Network Cascade Centroid Map Prediction for Infrared Weak Small Target Detection
* 2023: VAST: Vivify Your Talking Avatar via Zero-Shot Expressive Facial Style Transfer
* 2023: Vehicular Task Offloading and Job Scheduling Method Based on Cloud-Edge Computing
* 2023: Video Event Restoration Based on Keyframes for Video Anomaly Detection
Includes: Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen Yu] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yu] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yang] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yong] Wu, Z.Y.[Zi-Yu] Wu, Z.Y.[Zi-Yan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yang] Wu, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yang] Wu, Z.Y.[Zi-Yin] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yue] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhang-Yong] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhong-Yi] Wu, Z.Y.[Zi-Yang] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhuo-Yuan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yao] Wu, Z.Y.[Zeng-Yan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zi-Yun] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhong-Yuan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yuan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zong-Yuan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yan] Wu, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yuan]
117 for Wu, Z.Y.

Wu, Z.Z.[Zheng Zhi] * 2009: Analysis of Effects of Natural Cerebrolysin on the Gene Expression Profile of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rats by Genome Chip and Bioinformatics
* 2012: Mixture of Factor Analyzers Using Priors From Non-Parallel Speech for Voice Conversion
* 2013: Co-segmentation of 3D shapes via multi-view spectral clustering
* 2013: Forest Stand Delineation Using a Hybrid Segmentation Approach Based on Airborne Laser Scanning Data
* 2013: Segmentation of Skin Spectral Images Using Simulated Illuminations
* 2017: Subspace clustering via independent subspace analysis network
* 2018: improved proportionate least mean p-power algorithm for adaptive filtering, An
* 2018: Roadside unit location for information propagation promotion on two parallel roadways with a general headway distribution
* 2018: Subspace Clustering via Learning an Adaptive Low-Rank Graph
* 2019: Correntropy based scale ICP algorithm for robust point set registration
* 2021: Brain Age Estimation From MRI Using Cascade Networks With Ranking Loss
* 2021: Fine-grained Foreground Retrieval via Teacher-Student Learning
* 2021: L4Net: An anchor-free generic object detector with attention mechanism for autonomous driving
* 2021: Semi-supervised multi-Layer convolution kernel learning in credit evaluation
* 2021: StyleCLIP: Text-Driven Manipulation of StyleGAN Imagery
* 2021: StyleSpace Analysis: Disentangled Controls for StyleGAN Image Generation
* 2021: Subspace clustering via stacked independent subspace analysis networks with sparse prior information
* 2022: Controllable Facial Caricaturization With Localized Deformation and Personalized Semantic Attentions
* 2022: Convolution of Convolution: Let Kernels Spatially Collaborate
* 2022: Detecting owner-member relationship in fisheye camera system with graph convolution network
* 2022: EU-Net: A novel semantic segmentation architecture for surface defect detection of mobile phone screens
* 2022: fusion representation for face learning by low-rank constrain and high-frequency texture components, A
* 2022: Human-Lead-Platooning Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* 2022: Novel Framework for Road Side Unit Location Optimization for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation, A
* 2022: Optimal Trajectory Planning of Connected and Automated Vehicles at On-Ramp Merging Area
* 2022: Optimal Trajectory Planning of Connected and Automated Vehicles at On-Ramp Merging Area
* 2022: PatchFormer: An Efficient Point Transformer with Patch Attention
* 2022: Third Time's the Charm? Image and Video Editing with Stylegan3
* 2023: CAT: Learning to collaborate channel and spatial attention from multi-information fusion
* 2023: FVP: Fourier Visual Prompting for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation of Medical Image Segmentation
* 2023: HDGN: Heat diffusion graph network for few-shot learning
* 2023: Memory-Friendly Scalable Super-Resolution via Rewinding Lottery Ticket Hypothesis
* 2023: Multistep Multiagent Reinforcement Learning for Optimal Energy Schedule Strategy of Charging Stations in Smart Grid
* 2023: Position-aware spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition
* 2023: Towards Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker Multi-Accent Text-to-Speech Synthesis
* 2023: Trajectory-Aware Body Interaction Transformer for Multi-Person Pose Forecasting
* 2023: TTS-Guided Training for Accent Conversion Without Parallel Data
* 2024: Robust Diffusion Modeling Framework for Radar Camera 3D Object Detection, A
Includes: Wu, Z.Z.[Zheng Zhi] Wu, Z.Z.[Zheng-Zhi] Wu, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zheng] Wu, Z.Z.[Zhuang-Zhi] Wu, Z.Z.[Zheng-Zhe] Wu, Z.Z.[Zong-Ze] Wu, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zhou] Wu, Z.Z.[Zhen-Zhou] Wu, Z.Z.[Zi-Zhang] Wu, Z.Z.[Zhi-Ze] Wu, Z.Z.[Zi-Zhao] Wu, Z.Z.[Zhen-Zhi]
38 for Wu, Z.Z.

Index for "w"

Last update: 2-May-24 21:08:06
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