* *International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics
* 100MHz hardware-efficient boost cascaded face detection design, A
* 1080P 60HZ intra-frame CODEC based on RGB color space for wireless AV streaming
* 2-D Order-16 Integer Transforms for HD Video Coding
* 2-D shape representation using improved Fourier descriptors
* 2D Log-Gabor Wavelet Based Action Recognition
* 2D tree detection in large urban landscapes using aerial LiDAR data
* 2D-3D registration of deformable shapes with manifold projection
* 3-D structure recovery from 2-D observations
* 3D Active Surface Model for the Accurate Segmentation of Drosophila Schneider Cell Nuclei and Nucleoli, A
* 3D and Appearance Modeling from Images
* 3D and multispectral imaging for subcutaneous veins detection
* 3D arm movement tracking using adaptive particle filter
* 3D discrete curvelet based method for segmenting dynamic textures, A
* 3D display dependent quality evaluation and rate allocation using scalable video coding
* 3D facial visualization through adaptive spread spectrum synchronous scalable (A4S) data hiding
* 3D Images of Materials Structures: Processing and Analysis
* 3D Lunar Terrain Reconstruction from Apollo Images
* 3D medical image compression based on multiplierless low-complexity RKLT and shape-adaptive wavelet transform
* 3D Model Reconstruction from Turntable Sequence with Multiple-View Triangulation
* 3D Object Mapping by Integrating Stereo SLAM and Object Segmentation Using Edge Points
* 3D scalable lossless compression of medical images based on global and local symmetries
* 3D surface reconstruction using HMH algorithm
* 3D Topology Preserving Flows for Viewpoint-Based Cortical Unfolding
* 3D Visualisation to Enhance Cognition in Software Product Line Engineering, A
* 3D-aided profile-based face recognition
* About the Complexity of Timetables and 3-Dimensional Discrete Tomography: A Short Proof of NP-Hardness
* Accurate 3D shape estimation based on combinatorial optimization
* accurate algorithm for color to gray and back, An
* Accurate and Efficient Computation of Gabor Features in Real-Time Applications
* Accurate Real-Time Disparity Estimation with Variational Methods
* Accurate semantic image labeling by fast Geodesic Propagation
* Action Recognition Based on Non-parametric Probability Density Function Estimation
* Active Contour Approach for a Mumford-Shah Model in X-Ray Tomography, An
* active contours method based on intensity and reduced Gabor features for texture segmentation, An
* Active Learning Image Spam Hunter
* Active vector graph for regularized tesselation
* Adapted processing of catadioptric images using polarization imaging
* adaptive and progressive approach for efficient Gradient-based multiresolution color image segmentation, An
* Adaptive appearance compensated view synthesis prediction for Multiview Video Coding
* Adaptive Constant Modulus Blind Equalization Algorithm and Its Stochastic Stability Analysis, An
* Adaptive Contextual Energy Parameterization for Automated Image Segmentation
* Adaptive correlation estimation for general Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive Cutaway with Volume Context Preservation, An
* Adaptive Deblurring for Camera-Based Document Image Processing
* Adaptive Digital Makeup
* Adaptive Directional-Wavelet Transform Using Pre-Directional Filtering
* adaptive divide-and-predict coding for intra-frame of H.264/AVC, An
* Adaptive interpolation with flexible filter structures for video coding
* Adaptive lattices on the unit sphere. Application to remote sensing
* Adaptive linear prediction for block-based lossy image coding
* Adaptive mathematical morphology: A unified representation theory
* adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminescence tomography, An
* Adaptive Partitioning of Vertex Shader for Low Power High Performance Geometry Engine
* Adaptive Physics-Inspired Facial Animation
* Adaptive pixel classifier for binary structured light: A probabilistic kernel approach
* Adaptive Pixel Resizing for Multiscale Recognition and Reconstruction
* Adaptive quantization with balanced distortion distribution and its application to H.264 intra coding
* adaptive reference frame selection method for multiple reference frame motion estimation in the H.264/AVC, An
* Adaptive Sample Consensus for Efficient Random Optimization
* Adaptive source representation for distributed video coding
* Adaptive spatialwavelets for motion-compensated orthogonal video transforms
* Adaptive Tuboid Shapes for Action Recognition
* Adaptive video streaming with long term feedbacks
* Adaptive-Neuro Fuzzy Inference System for Human Posture Classification Using a Simplified Shock Graph
* Adaptivity and group invariance in mathematical morphology
* Adding Gaussian noise to denoise JPEG for detecting image resizing
* Additional Cues Derived from Three Dimensional Image Processing to Aid Customised Reconstruction for Medical Applications
* Advances in Rotation-Invariant Texture Analysis
* Advertise gently: In-image advertising with low intrusiveness
* Aerial image segmentation for flood risk analysis
* Affine alignment of compound objects: A direct approach
* AffTrack: Robust tracking of features in variable-zoom videos
* Age regression from faces using random forests
* Agent-based reconfigurable architecture for real-time object tracking
* Airway Tree Segmentation from CT Scans Using Gradient-Guided 3D Region Growing
* algorithm for automatic skin smoothing in digital portraits, An
* algorithm for mean pyramids vector quantization using Hadamard transform and tree structure, An
* Algorithm for Treating Uncertainties in the Visualization of Pipeline Sensors' Datasets, An
* Aligned matching: An efficient image matching technique
* Aligning the frames of a non stationary imaging Fourier transform spectrometer for spectrum retrieval
* All phase biorthogonal transform and its application in JPEG-like image compression
* Analysis of appearance space attributes for texture synthesis and morphing
* Analysis of green noise error diffusion
* Analysis of Non-Local Image Denoising Methods
* Analysis of Numerical Methods for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
* Analysis of the GRNs Inference by Using Tsallis Entropy and a Feature Selection Approach
* Analysis of the Security of Perceptual Image Hashing Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* Analysis on the Spectrum of a Stereoscopic 3-D Image and Disparity-Adaptive Anti-Aliasing Filter
* Animated Classic Mosaics from Video
* Application of bilateral filtering and Gaussian Mixture modeling for the retrieval of paintings
* Application of DSM theory for SAR image change detection
* Application of Information Visualization Techniques in Representing Patients' Temporal Personal History Data
* Application of tabu search optimization in realtime video tracking
* Applying Affect Recognition in Serious Games: The PlayMancer Project
* Applying Virtual Rehearsal Principle in Developing a Persuasive Multimedia Learning Environment (PMLE)
* Appraisal of an enhanced Particale Filter for object tracking
* Approach to Derive Parametric L-System Using Genetic Algorithm, An
* Approaching Artery Rigid Dynamics in IVUS
* Approximated Curvature Penalty in Non-rigid Registration Using Pairwise MRFs
* AQT-DVC: Adaptive Quantization for transform-domain distributed video coding
* Architecture design for a low-cost and low-complexity foreground object segmentation with Multi-model Background Maintenance algorithm
* Architecture design of a high-performance dual-symbol binary arithmetic coder for JPEG2000
* Architectures for Fast Transcoding of H.264/AVC to Quality-Scalable SVC Streams
* Are Visual Informatics Actually Useful in Practice: A Study in a Film Studies Context
* Asbestos Detection Method with Frequency Analysis for Microscope Images
* Assessment of digital elevation model accuracy using ALOS-PRISM stereo imagery
* Assessment of exercise-induced immune cell apoptosis using morphological image processing
* Assessment of Ulcer Wounds Size Using 3D Skin Surface Imaging
* Assistive Courseware for Visually-Impaired
* Asymmetric 3D/2D face recognition based on LBP facial representation and canonical correlation analysis
* Asymmetric anisotropic diffusion
* Asymmetry-Based Quality Assessment of Face Images
* attention model for extracting components that merit identification, An
* Augmented Reality as a Remedial Paradigm for Negative Numbers: Content Aspect
* Augmenting Exercise Systems with Virtual Exercise Environment
* Automated Segmentation and Retrieval System for CT Head Images
* Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumors in MRI Using Force Data Clustering Algorithm
* Automatic and adaptive network-aware macroblock intra refresh for error-resilient H.264/AVC video coding
* Automatic and efficient 3D face feature segmentation with active contours
* Automatic Choice of the Number of Nearest Neighbors in Locally Linear Embedding
* Automatic Classification of Spatial Relationships among Mathematical Symbols Using Geometric Features
* Automatic closed eye correction
* Automatic Data-Driven Parameterization for Phase-Based Bone Localization in US Using Log-Gabor Filters
* Automatic depth profiling of 2D cinema - and photographic images
* Automatic discovery of image families: Global vs. local features
* Automatic estimation of fine terrain models from multiple high-resolution satellite images
* Automatic freeze frame detection for video preservation
* Automatic frontal face annotation and AAM building for arbitrary expressions from a single frontal image only
* Automatic Image Annotation Using Color K-Means Clustering
* Automatic joint and skeleton computation for the animation of sketch-based 3D objects
* Automatic lung segmentation in HRCT images with diffuse parenchymal lung disease using graph-cut
* Automatic Optical Flow Based Method for the Detection and Restoration of Non-repetitive Damaged Zones in Image Sequences, An
* Automatic scale selection for corners and junctions
* Automatic scene relighting for video conferencing
* Automatic scoring of CDMAM using a model of the recognition threshold of the human visual system: R*
* Automatic screening of bladder cells for cancer diagnosis
* Automatic skeleton extraction and splitting of target objects
* automatic Structure-Aware image extrapolation applied to error concealment, An
* Automatic Target Recognition by Means of Polarimetric ISAR Images and Neural Networks
* Automatic Vertebral Fracture Assessment System (AVFAS) for Spinal Pathologies Diagnosis Based on Radiograph X-Ray Images
* Autonomous Lighting Agents in Photon Mapping
* B-Mode Ultrasound Image Simulation in Deformable 3-D Medium
* Background Subtraction in Video Using Recursive Mixture Models, Spatio-Temporal Filtering and Shadow Removal
* Bag of Features Approach for 3D Shape Retrieval, A
* Bag-of-Words Speedometer for single camera SLAM, A
* Bagging based plankton image classification
* Band selection based gaussian processes for hyperspectral remote sensing images classification
* Bandwidth-aware multiple multicast tree formation for P2P scalable video streaming using hierarchical clusters
* Base selection in estimating sparse foreground in video
* Baseline Image Classification Approach Using Local Minima Selection
* Basics of Geomatics
* Bayesian Blind Deconvolution From Differently Exposed Image Pairs
* Bayesian foreground segmentation and tracking using pixel-wise background model and region based foreground model
* bayesian formulation for sub-pixel refinement in stereo orbital imagery, A
* Bayesian image segmentation with mean shift
* Best basis denoising with non-stationary wavelet packets
* Beta mixture models and the application to image classification
* Better computer vision under video compression, an example using mean shift tracking
* Beyond ICONDENSATION: AICONDENSATION and AFCONDENSATION for visual tracking with low-level and high-level cues
* Bidirectional Scalable Motion for Scalable Video Coding
* Bilateral enhancers
* Bilateral Filtered Shadow Maps
* Bilayer representation for three dimensional visual communication
* Bilinear Models for Spatio-Temporal Point Distribution Analysis: Application to Extrapolation of Left Ventricular, Biventricular and Whole Heart Cardiac Dynamics
* BIM: Image matching using biological gene sequence alignment
* Binarization Method for a Scenery Image with the Fractal Dimension, A
* bio-inspired CNN with re-indexing engine for lossless DNA microarray compression and segmentation, A
* Bio-Inspired Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition
* BioLab-ICAO: A new benchmark to evaluate applications assessing face image compliance to ISO/IEC 19794-5 standard
* Biometric Recognition: When Is Evidence Fusion Advantageous?
* Bit allocation for joint spatial-quality scalability in H.264/SVC
* Blind and robust mesh watermarking using manifold harmonics
* Blind deblurring of foreground-background images
* Blind separation of position varying mixed images
* block based encoding algorithm for matching pursuit image coding, A
* Block compressed sensing of images using directional transforms
* Block-based threshold modulation error diffusion
* Block-Matching Translation And Zoom Motion-Compensated Prediction by sub-sampling
* Block-wise implementation of directional GenLOT
* Blocking effect reduction in low bitrate video on a mobile platform
* Blurred Segments in Gray Level Images for Interactive Line Extraction
* Boosted dynamic Active Shape Model
* Boosting Discriminant Learners for Gait Recognition Using MPCA Features
* Boosting minimalist classifiers for blemish detection in potatoes
* Boosting object retrieval by estimating pseudo-objects
* BR: A New Method for Computing All Typical Testors
* Breaking the Ton: Achieving 1% depth accuracy from stereo in real time
* Brief Index for Proximity Searching, A
* Browsing an image database utilizing the associations between images and features
* CA-LOD: Collision Avoidance Level of Detail for Scalable, Controllable Crowds
* Calibration of the relative poses of multiple cameras
* Camera brand and model identification using moments of 1-D and 2-D characteristic functions
* Camera orientation based on matching road networks
* Camera placement using particle swarm optimization in visual surveillance applications
* Camera Planning in Virtual Environments Using the Corridor Map Method
* Camera shading calibration using a spatially modulated field
* Can You See Me Now? Sensor Positioning for Automated and Persistent Surveillance
* Caption text extraction for indexing purposes using a hierarchical region-based image model
* Capturing human activity by a curve
* Cardiac C-Arm CT: A Unified Framework for Motion Estimation and Dynamic CT
* Cardiac perfusion defect detection using gated dynamic SPECT imaging
* Cartoon Animation Style Rendering of Water
* Cat face detection with two heterogeneous features
* Category sensitive codebook construction for object category recognition
* CCTV Video Analytics: Recent Advances and Limitations
* Cellular proteomic characterization using Active Shape and Non-Gaussinan stochastic texture models
* Challenges and Opportunities for Extracting Cardiovascular Risk Biomarkers from Imaging Data
* Channel Coding for Progressive Images in a 2-D Time-Frequency OFDM Block With Channel Estimation Errors
* Channelized hotelling observers for the detection of 2D signals in 3D simulated images
* Character Identification in Feature-Length Films Using Global Face-Name Matching
* Characterisation of Feature Points in Eye Fundus Images
* Characterization of difference detection thresholds in AWGN-degraded images by using full reference metrics
* Characterizing elegance of curves computationally for distinguishing Morrisseau paintings and the imitations
* Charge sharing between pixels in the spectral Medipix2 x-ray detector
* Chromosome image recognition with subregion search iteration
* Circular Blurred Shape Model for symbol spotting in documents
* Circular Degree Hough Transform
* Classification of Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery Using Mathematical Morphology and Support Vector Machines
* Classification of water regions in SAR images using level sets and non-parametric density estimation
* Classified patch learning for spatially scalable video coding
* Classifier Selection in a Family of Polyhedron Classifiers
* Classifying urban landscape in aerial LiDAR using 3D shape analysis
* Client side embedding for ST-DM watermarks
* Closing Curves with Riemannian Dilation: Application to Segmentation in Automated Cervical Cancer Screening
* Clustering Ensemble Method for Heterogeneous Partitions
* Codebook-Based Background Subtraction to Generate Photorealistic Avatars in a Walkthrough Simulator
* Coding and intermediate view synthesis of multiview video plus depth
* Coding Long Contour Shapes of Binary Objects
* Collaborative Augmented Reality: Multi-user Interaction in Urban Simulation
* Collapses and Watersheds in Pseudomanifolds
* Collision Avoidance between Avatars of Real and Virtual Individuals
* Color constancy in the compressed domain
* Color constancy using denoising methods and cepstral analysis
* Color constancy using stage classification
* Color image dehazing using the near-infrared
* Color image enhancement using retinex with robust envelope
* Color Image Magnification: Geometrical Pattern Classification Approach
* Color Image Registration under Illumination Changes
* Color laser printer identification by analyzing statistical features on discrete wavelet transform
* Color Matching for Metallic Coatings
* Color Monogenic Signal: A new framework for color image processing. application to color optical flow, The
* Color quantization by 3D spherical Fibonacci lattices
* Color quantization using principal components for initialization of Kohonen SOFM
* Color texture classification by a discrete statistical model and feature selection
* Color-image decomposition utilizing inter-channel color cross-correlations with its application to denoising
* Color-image watermarking using multivariate power-exponential distribution
* Colorization of grayscale images and videos using a semiautomatic approach
* Colour saliency-based parameter optimisation for adaptive colour segmentation
* Combating desynchronization attacks on blind watermarking systems: A message passing approach
* Combination of kernels applied to face verification
* Combinatorial Color Space Models for Skin Detection in Sub-continental Human Images
* Combinatorial Preconditioners and Multilevel Solvers for Problems in Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Combine-Correct-Combine Scheme for Optimizing Dissimilarity-Based Classifiers, A
* Combining Appearance and Range Based Information for Multi-class Generic Object Recognition
* Combining Functional Data Projections for Time Series Classification
* Combining image-level and object-level inference for weakly supervised object recognition. Application to fisheries acoustics
* Combining multimodal and temporal contextual information for semantic video analysis
* Combining PCA-based datasets without retraining of the basis vector set
* Common Motion Map Based on Codebooks
* compact format for coding of texture in 3D urban models, A
* compact optical flow based motion representation for real-time action recognition in surveillance scenes, A
* Comparative Review of Reactive Behaviour Models as Proposed in Computer Graphics and Cognitive Sciences, A
* Comparative study of features for fingerprint indexing
* comparative study of texture coarseness measures, A
* comparative study on attention-based rate adaptation for scalable video coding, A
* Comparison of ICA approaches for facial expression recognition
* Comparison of Optimisation Algorithms for Deformable Template Matching
* Comparison of Segmentation Algorithms for the Zebrafish Heart in Fluorescent Microscopy Images
* comparison of terrain classification using local feature measurements of 3-dimensional colour point-cloud data, A
* Comparison of watermarking algorithms via a GA-based benchmarking tool
* Complete Video Quality-Preserving Data Hiding
* Complex diffusion on image graphs
* Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity: A New Image Similarity Index
* Complexity regularized pattern matching
* Complexity scalable rate-distortion optimization for H.264/AVC
* Component-based image coding using non-local means filtering and an autoregressive texture model
* Compressed sensing for Synthetic Aperture Radar imaging
* Compressed sensing image reconstruction based on morphological component analysis
* Compressed Sensing in microscopy with random projections in the Fourier domain
* Compression and Key Feature Extraction for Video Transmission
* Compressive image sampling with side information
* Compressive sensing of light fields
* Compressive sensing-based image hashing
* compressive-sensing based watermarking scheme for sparse image tampering identification, A
* Compressive-uniform hybrid sensing for image acquisition and communication
* Computational filter-aperture approach for single-view multi-focusing
* Computational inverse coherent wave field imaging
* Computational primitives of visual perception
* Computer aided diagnosis in digital mammography using combined support vector machine and linear discriminant analyasis classification
* Computer graphics classification based on Markov process model and boosting feature selection technique
* computer-aided distinction of borderline grades of oral cancer, A
* Computer-Assisted Colorization Approach Based on Efficient Belief Propagation and Graph Matching, A
* Computing the Weights of Polynomial Cellular Neural Networks Using Quadratic Programming
* Concept model-based unsupervised web image re-ranking
* Concurrent CT Reconstruction and Visual Analysis Using Hybrid Multi-resolution Raycasting in a Cluster Environment
* Concurrent transition and shot detection in football videos using Fuzzy Logic
* Conditions for Segmentation of Motion with Affine Fundamental Matrix
* Connected component based technique for automatic ear detection
* Connected Viscous Filters
* Consistency Clustering: A Robust Algorithm for Group-wise Registration, Segmentation and Automatic Atlas Construction in Diffusion MRI
* Construction of a linear unbiased diffeomorphic probabilistic liver atlas from CT images
* Content adaptive gop size control with feedback channel suppression in distributed video coding
* Content-Adaptive Macroblock Partitioning scheme for error concealment of H.264/AVC coded video
* content-adaptive wavelet-like transform for aliasing suppression in image and video compression, A
* Content-based 3D object retrieval using 2D views
* Content-based authentication algorithm for binary images
* Content-based image retrieval: An application to tattoo images
* Context based lossless coder based on RLS predictor adaption scheme
* Context ranking machine and its application to rigid localization of deformable objects
* Context-adaptive hybrid variable length coding in H.264/AVC
* Context-based bias removal of statistical models of wavelet coefficients for image denoising
* Context-conditioned composite coding of 3D meshes based on wavelets on surfaces
* Contextual image filtering
* Continuous Skeleton-driven Skinning: A General Approach for Modeling Skin Deformation
* Contour Reconstruction for Multiple 2D Regions Based on Adaptive Boundary Samples
* Contour tracking with abrupt motion
* contrario hierarchical image segmentation, A
* Contrast Constrained Local Binary Fitting for Image Segmentation
* Contrast enhancement in dermoscopy images by maximizing a histogram bimodality measure
* Contrast Enhancement-Based Filter for Removal of Random Valued Impulse Noise, A
* Contribution of airborne full-waveform lidar and image data for urban scene classification
* Convenient Closure Operators on Z2
* convergent solution to two dimensional linear discriminant analysis, A
* Copula-based statistical models for multicomponent image retrieval in the wavelet transform domain
* Copula-set measures on topographic maps for change detection
* Corner-based background segmentation using Adaptive Resonance Theory
* Correction for Susceptibility-Induced Distortion in Echo-Planar Imaging Using Field Maps and Model-Based Point Spread Function
* Correlation Pattern Recognition in Nonoverlapping Scene Using a Noisy Reference
* Cost models for Failure Management on a Peer to peer VoD system
* Cramer-Rao Bound for MIMO Radar Target Localization With Phase Errors
* Cross-Correlation and Rotation Estimation of Local 3D Vector Field Patches
* Crossing-Preserving Coherence-Enhancing Diffusion on Invertible Orientation Scores
* Crowd counting and segmentation in visual surveillance
* Cubic-splines neural network- based system for Image Retrieval
* Current work in the ENPEDA project
* Curve Enhancement Using Orientation Fields
* Cyclorotation Models for Eyes and Cameras
* Data Based Steering of Virtual Human Using a Velocity-Space Approach
* Data Driven Evaluation of Crowds
* Data fusion of Left Ventricle Electro-Anatomical Mapping and Multislice Computerized Tomography
* Data Vases: 2D and 3D Plots for Visualizing Multiple Time Series
* De-Quantizing Compressed Sensing with non-Gaussian constraints
* Dealing with Inaccurate Face Detection for Automatic Gender Recognition with Partially Occluded Faces
* Deblocking method using a percpetual recursive filter
* Decision Fusion for the Classification of Hyperspectral Data: Outcome of the 2008 GRS-S Data Fusion Contest
* decision step for Shape Context matching, A
* Decoder Description Syntax for fully configurable video coding
* Deconvolving Active Contours for Fluorescence Microscopy Images
* Deformable 2D Shape Matching Based on Shape Contexts and Dynamic Programming
* Deformable Proximity Queries and Their Application in Mobile Manipulation Planning
* Degraded partial palmprint recognition for forensic investigations
* Demosaicing using variable-size classifiers and proportional weights
* Dense Depth Maps from Low Resolution Time-of-Flight Depth and High Resolution Color Views
* Dense disparity map representations for stereo image coding
* Dense Estimation of Optical Flow Field Within the Mpeg-2 Compressed Domain
* Depth based object prioritisation for 3D video communication over Wireless LAN
* Depth estimation based on multiview matching with depth/color segmentation and memory efficient Belief Propagation
* Depth from Encoded Sliding Projections
* Depth image-based rendering with low resolution depth
* Depth map compression via compressed sensing
* Depth map distortion analysis for view rendering and depth coding
* Depth map enhanced macroblock partitioning for H.264 video coding of computer graphics content
* Design Architecture for IMPlayer as a Tool for Supporting Visual Education Presentation
* Design Framework for Sketch Based Technique in 3D Navigation of Cluttered Virtual Environment
* Design of high capacity 3D print codes aiming for robustness to the PS channel and external distortions
* Design of Hilbert transform pairs of orthonormal wavelet bases using Remez exchange algorithm
* Design of Searchable Commemorative Coins Image Library
* Design of three-channel filter banks for lossless image compression
* Designing 3 Dimensional Virtual Reality Using Panoramic Image
* Designing color filter arrays for the joint capture of visible and near-infrared images
* Designing of Roaming Protocol for Bluetooth Equipped Multi Agent Systems
* Detecting and eliminating chromatic aberration in digital images
* Detecting and recognizing numerical strings in Farsi document images
* Detecting contextual anomalies of crowd motion in surveillance video
* Detecting duplicate video based on camera transitional behavior
* Detecting Emotions from Connected Action Sequences
* Detecting image points of general imbalance
* Detecting motion from noisy scenes using Genetic Programming
* Detection of asymmetric eye action units in spontaneous videos
* Detection of forgery in paintings using supervised learning
* Detection of high frequency regions in multiresolution
* Detection of Unusual Objects and Temporal Patterns in EEG Video Recordings
* Determination of the method of drawing of prehistoric wall-paintings via original methods of pattern recognition and image analysis
* Determination of the Number of Suspicious Clustered Micro Calcifications on ROI of Mammogram Images, The
* Determining discriminative anatomical point pairings using adaboost for 3D face recognition
* Determining the scale of interest regions in videos
* Development and characterisation of an easily configurable range imaging system
* Development of an Augmented Reality Rare Book and Manuscript for Special Library Collection (AR Rare-BM)
* Development of Total Knee Replacement Digital Templating Software
* Device temporal forensics: An information theoretic approach
* Dexterous Cooperative Manipulation with Redundant Robot Arms
* Diffuse lung disease classification in HRCT lung images using generalized Gaussian density modeling of wavelets coefficients
* Digital camera IP-pipeline based on BV-G color-image decomposition
* Digital Circularity and Its Applications
* Dimensionality reduction in face detection: A genetic programming approach
* direct use of curvelets in multifocus fusion, The
* Directed correspondence search: Finding feature correspondences in images using the Harmony Search algorithm
* Direction-adaptive context modeling for sign coding in embedded wavelet image coder
* Direction-adaptive grey-level morphology. application to 3D vascular brain imaging
* Directional energy based palmprint identification using Non Subsampled Contourlet Transform
* Directional Mathematical Morphology for the Detection of the Road Network in Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Directional relationships to a reference object: A quantitative approach based on force fields
* Directional wavelet transforms for prediction residuals in video coding
* Directionally adaptive super-resolution
* Discrete curvature calculation for fast level set segmentation
* Discrete Integral Sliding Mode Control in Visual Object Tracking Using Differential Kinematics
* discrete orthonormal Stockwell transform for image restoration, The
* discrete-time algorithm for fast image restoration based on generalized least absolute deviation estimation, A
* Discriminant feature extraction based on center distance
* Discriminant Subspace Analysis: An Adaptive Approach for Image Classification
* Discriminative Orthogonal Neighborhood-Preserving Projections for Classification
* Discrminative Geometry Preserving Projections
* Distance Approximating Dimension Reduction of Riemannian Manifolds
* Distance Learning Based on Convex Clustering
* Distance measures for reduced ordering-based vector filters
* Distant face recognition based on sparse-stereo reconstruction
* Distortion invariant road sign detection
* Distortion metrics for predicting authentication functionality of printed security deterrents
* Distributed and Collective Approach for Curved Object-Based Range Image Segmentation, A
* Distributed compressed video sensing
* Distribution independent blind watermarking
* Distribution of Fiducial Registration Error in Rigid-Body Point-Based Registration
* Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization
* Diversity assisted GCIC for spread spectrum watermark detection using genetic algorithms
* Document Image Model and Estimation Algorithm for Optimized JPEG Decompression, A
* Document image sharpening using a new extension of the aperture filter
* Double embedding in the quantization index modulation framework
* Drawing Motion without Understanding It
* Drift-free multiple description intra video coding
* DRONE: A Flexible Framework for Distributed Rendering and Display
* Dynamic Chunking for Out-of-Core Volume Visualization Applications
* Dynamic Clustering of Interval-Valued Data Based on Adaptive Quadratic Distances
* Dynamic colour adaptation for colour object tracking
* Dynamic edge detection and analysis by multiple frame based derivative tensor
* Dynamic Image Segmentation Method Using Hierarchical Clustering
* Dynamic range compression based on statistical analysis
* Dynamic texture synthesis using a spatial temporal descriptor
* dynamics of image denoising viewed as damped elastic deformation, The
* E-LTW: An enhanced LTW encoder with sign coding and precise rate control
* Early terminating algorithms for Adaboost based detectors
* ECG biometric analysis in cardiac irregularity conditions
* Edge detection using morphological amoebas in noisy images
* Edge strength evaluation with reaction-diffusion systems
* Edge-Based Color Constancy via Support Vector Regression
* Edge-Preserving Colorization Using Data-Driven Random Walks with Restart
* Edge-Preserving Laplacian Pyramid
* Edge-preserving nonlinear iterative image resampling method
* Editorial, Papers from MMBIA
* Effect of combining Muller-Lyer and horizontal vertical illusions
* Effect of Visual of a Courseware towards Pre-University Students' Learning in Literature, The
* Effect of Voxel Size and Computation Method on Tc-99m MAA SPECT/CT-Based Dose Estimation for Y-90 Microsphere Therapy
* Effective Adaptation to Experience of Different-Sized Hand
* effective coherence measure to determine topical consistency in user-generated content, An
* Effective image splicing detection based on image chroma
* Effective initialization of k-means for color quantization
* Effective intra-only rate control for H.264/AVC
* Effective object tracking by matching object and background models using active contours
* Effectiveness of 2-D and 2.5-D FDTD Ground-Penetrating Radar Modeling for Bridge-Deck Deterioration Evaluated by 3-D FDTD
* Effectiveness of a strip-mining approach for VQ image coding using GPGPU implementation
* Effects of Different Imaging Models on Least-Squares Image Reconstruction Accuracy in Photoacoustic Tomography
* Efficiency improvements for a geometric-partition-based video coder
* efficient adaptive manipulation architecture for real time video coding in Frequency Domain, An
* efficient and fast mode decision method for inter slice of H.264/AVC, An
* efficient and robust sequential algorithm for background estimation in video surveillance, An
* efficient and selective image compression scheme using Huffman and adaptive interpolation, An
* efficient Bayesian framework for on-line action recognition, An
* Efficient coding of motion vector and mode information for H.264/AVC
* Efficient design and implementation of visual computing algorithms on the GPU
* Efficient design of 2-D nonseparable filters of low complexity
* Efficient distance estimation for fitting implicit quadric surfaces
* Efficient edge, motion and depth-range adaptive processing for enhancement of multi-view depth map sequences
* Efficient hierarchical graph matching
* efficient high-dimensional indexing method for content-based retrieval in large image databases, An
* Efficient Hypothesis Generation through Sub-categorization for Multiple Object Detection
* Efficient image concept indexing by harmonic and arithmetic profiles entropy
* Efficient image retrieval in DCT domain by hypothesis testing
* Efficient inter/intra mode decision for H.264/AVC inter frame transcoding
* efficient iris recognition using local feature descriptor, An
* Efficient Level and Zero Coding Methods for H.264/AVC Lossless Intra Coding
* efficient low random-access delay panorama-based multiview video coding scheme, An
* efficient method for eye tracking and eye-gazed FOV estimation, An
* efficient method for robust gradient estimation of RGB color images, An
* Efficient motion compensated frame rate upconversion using multiple interpolations and median filtering
* Efficient motion compensation using multiple warped reference pictures based on feature tracking and segmentation
* Efficient motion vector re-estimation for MPEG-2 TO H.264/AVC transcoding with arbitrary down-sizing ratios
* Efficient multi-scale retinex algorithm using multi-rate image processing
* Efficient multivariate Skellam shrinkage for denoising photon-limited image data: An Empirical Bayes approach
* Efficient numerical schemes for gradient vector flow
* Efficient Object Pixel-Level Categorization Using Bag of Features
* Efficient one-pass frame level rate control for H.264/AVC
* Efficient perceptual attentive super-resolution
* Efficient plane detection from a single moving camera
* Efficient Poisson denoising for photography
* Efficient quadtree based block-shift filtering for deblocking and deringing
* Efficient Random Sampling for Nonrigid Feature Matching
* Efficient reduction of support vectors in kernel-based methods
* efficient region-based skin color model for reliable face localization, An
* Efficient Strategies for Acceleration Structure Updates in Interactive Ray Tracing Applications on the Cell Processor
* Efficient Subwindow Search: A Branch and Bound Framework for Object Localization
* Efficient surface completion using principal curvature and its evaluation
* Efficient Video Indexing and Retrieval Algorithm Using the Luminance Field Trajectory Modeling, An
* Efficient VLSI architecture for bit plane encoder of JPEG 2000
* Ego-Vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance
* Eigendecomposition of Images Correlated on S^1, S^2, and SO(3) Using Spectral Theory
* Elastic block set reconstruction for face recognition
* Eliminating structure misalignments using robust matching and image editing based on seam carving
* EM Detection of Concealed Targets
* Embedded surface classification in digital sports
* Emotional identity of movies
* Empirical modeling for colorimetric characterization of digital cameras
* Empirical Study of Categorical Dataset Visualization Using a Simulated Bee Colony Clustering Algorithm, An
* Encoding scheme for multi-component images containing no-data regions
* Energetic Path Finding across Massive Terrain Data
* Enhanced DTW based on-line signature verification
* Enhanced gait recognition based on weighted dynamic feature
* Enhanced Lips Detection and Tracking System
* Enhanced low-light auto-focus system model in digital still and cell-phone cameras
* Enhanced Model Selection for motion segmentation
* Enhanced Probabilistic Neural Network Approach Applied to Text Classification, An
* Enhancement for temporal resolution of video based on multi-frame feature trajectory and occlusion compensation
* Enhancement of aerial images using threshold decomposition adaptive morphological filter
* Enhancement of interlaced images by fuzzy reasoning approach
* Enhancing robustness of digital image watermarks using Contourlet transform
* Enhancing sparsity using gradients for compressive sensing
* environment for vision science experiments, An
* Epitomic Location Recognition
* Equilibrium modeling for 3D curvilinear structure tracking of confocal microscopy images
* Erratum to: Visualization of Positive and Monotone Data by Rational Quadratic Spline
* Error Resilient Video Coding Using B Pictures in H.264
* Estimating Extremal Planes to Extract Crest Lines from Volumetric Data
* Estimating homographies without normalization
* Estimating traffic intensity using profile images on rectified images
* Estimation and analysis of urban traffic flow
* Estimation of discrete curvature based on chain-code pairing and digital straightness
* Estimation of the Equivalent Number of Looks in Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Evaluation of Affine Invariant-Based Classification for Image Matching, An
* Evaluation of Cardiac Ultrasound Data by Bayesian Probability Maps
* Evaluation of floating point image compression
* Evaluation of retinal vessel segmentation methods for microaneurysms detection
* Evaluation of three local descriptors on low resolution images for robot navigation
* Event Based Simulator for Parallel Computing over the Wide Area Network for Real Time Visualization
* Event detection using multiple event probability sequences
* Evolutionary image retrieval
* Evolved Controllers for Simulated Locomotion
* Exceptional motion frames detection by means of spatiotemporal region of interest features
* Expanded bag of words representation for object classification
* Expanding Irregular Graph Pyramid for an Approaching Object
* Experimental Assessment of Probabilistic Integrated Object Recognition and Tracking Methods
* Exploiting curvature to compute the medial axis with Constrained Centroidal Voronoi Diagram on discrete data
* Exploiting local structure for tracking plant cells in noisy images
* Exploiting Motion Capture to Enhance Avoidance Behaviour in Games
* Exploiting Mutual Camera Visibility in Multi-camera Motion Estimation
* Exploiting redundancy to solve the Poisson equation using local information
* Exploring the Bag-of-Words method for 3D shape retrieval
* extension of component-trees to partial orders, An
* Extracting gender discriminating features from facial needle-maps
* Extracting Principal Curvature Ridges from B-Spline Surfaces with Deficient Smoothness
* Extraction and Classification of Human Gait Features
* Extraction of contextual information for automotive applications
* Extraction of non-binary blotch mattes
* Extraction of retinal blood vessels by curvelet transform
* Eye reflection analysis and application to display-camera calibration
* Face detection directly from h.264 compressed video with convolutional neural network
* Face detection through compact classifier using Adaptive Look-Up-Table
* Face detection using generalised integral image features
* Face identification using linear regression
* Face image enhancement using 3D and spectral information
* Face recognition from single sample based on human face perception
* Face Recognition Scheme Based on Embedded Hidden Markov Model and Selective Ensemble Strategy, A
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Using Gradientfaces
* Face Recognition Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Features
* Face recognition using gender information
* Face recognition using HMAX method for feature extraction and support vector machine classifier
* Face recognition using message passing based clustering method
* Face recognition using sift features
* Face recognition with salient local gradient orientation binary patterns
* Face virtual pose generation using aligned locally linear regression for face recognition
* Facial expression recognition based on graph-preserving sparse non-negative matrix factorization
* Facial expressions using a Quadratic Deformation Model: Analysis and synthesis
* Facial marks: Soft biometric for face recognition
* Facial Shape Recovery from a Single Image with an Arbitrary Directional Light Using Linearly Independent Representation
* Factorization of Correspondence and Camera Error for Unconstrained Dense Correspondence Applications
* Falling snow motion estimation based on a semi-transparent and particle trajectory model
* Farey Sequences and the Planar Euclidean Medial Axis Test Mask
* Fast 2D intra prediction (2DIP) mode decision for image and video coding
* Fast 3D Reconstruction of the Spine Using User-Defined Splines and a Statistical Articulated Model
* Fast algorithms for the computation of Ranklets
* Fast and accurate extraction of moving object silhouette for personalized Virtual Reality Studio @ Home
* fast and accurate first-order algorithm for compressed sensing, A
* Fast and Accurate Structure and Motion Estimation
* fast and effective outlier detection method for matching uncalibrated images, A
* Fast and efficient 3D face recognition using wavelet networks
* Fast and efficient fractional pixel motion estimation for H.264/AVC video coding
* Fast and robust dominant points detection on digital curves
* Fast background subtraction algorithm using two-level sampling and silhouette detection
* Fast bilinear extrapolation of 3D ising field partition function. application to fMRI image analysis
* Fast binary partition tree based variable-size block-matching for video coding
* Fast block based connected components labeling
* Fast block motion estimation by edge based partial distortion search
* Fast color quantization using weighted sort-means clustering
* Fast Cube Cutting for Interactive Volume Visualization
* fast cube-based video shot retrieval using 3D moment-preserving technique, A
* fast decoder for Compressed Sensing based multiple description image coding, A
* Fast eye localization based on pixel differences
* fast first-scan algorithm for label-equivalence-based connected-component labeling, A
* Fast GL(n)-Invariant Framework for Tensors Regularization
* Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image Denoising and Deblurring Problems
* Fast image registration with non-stationary Gauss-Markov random field templates
* Fast implementation of vector directional filters
* Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical components
* Fast Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding
* Fast mode-decision for H.264/AVC based on inter-frame correlations
* Fast Non-Local algorithm for image denoising
* Fast Occlusion Sweeping
* Fast one-pass motion compensated frame interpolation in high-definition video processing
* Fast partial distortion elimination based on a maximum error constraint for motion estimation
* Fast Pattern Classification of Ventricular Arrhythmias Using Graphics Processing Units
* Fast pseudo-enhancement correction in CT colonography using linear shift-invariant filters
* Fast Reconstruction Method for Diffraction Imaging
* Fast Similarity Search for Learned Metrics
* Fast Spherical Mapping for Genus-0 Meshes
* Fast sub-pel motion vector prediction via block classification
* Fast subspace-based tensor data filtering
* Fast temporal prediction selection for H.264/AVC scalable video coding
* Fast Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Active Contours Model Driven by Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow
* Fast vignetting correction and color matching for panoramic image stitching
* Fea-Accu cascade for face detection
* feasible VLSI engine for soft-input-soft-output for joint source channel codes, A
* Feature clustering for vehicle detection and tracking in road traffic surveillance
* Feature correspondence with constrained global spatial structures
* Feature level fusion of range and intensity images of an object
* Feature Matching under Region-Based Constraints for Robust Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Feature Selection Based on Information Theory for Speaker Verification
* Feature space based image segmentation via density modification
* Feature-based registration of confocal fluorescence endomicroscopy images
* Feature-preserving kernel diffusion for surface denoising
* filter banks design using a multiobjecive genetic algorithm for an image coding scheme, A
* Filter Banks for Hyperspectral Pixel Classification of Satellite Images
* filter design technique for improving the directional selectivity of the first scale of the Dual-Tree complex wavelet transform, A
* Filter object categories using CoBoost with 1st and 2nd order features
* Finding Images with Similar Lighting Conditions in Large Photo Collections
* Finding Small Consistent Subset for the Nearest Neighbor Classifier Based on Support Graphs
* Fine Rate Control Algorithm With Adaptive Rounding Offsets (ARO), A
* Fine: Fractal indexing based on neighborhood estimation
* Finger-knuckle-print: A new biometric identifier
* Fingerprint Classification Based on Analysis of Singularities and Image Quality
* fingerprint matching algorithm using probabilistic graphical model, A
* Flexible image segmentation and quality assessment for real-time iris recognition
* Fluorescence diffuse optical image reconstruction with a priori information
* Fluorescence microscopy imaging denoising with log-Euclidean priors and photobleaching compensation
* FM filters for modulation domain image processing
* Focused Volumetric Visual Hull with Color Extraction
* food image recognition system with Multiple Kernel Learning, A
* Footprint tracking and recognition using a pressure sensing floor
* Fourier-based Rotation Invariant image features
* fractal dimension based optimal wavelet packet analysis technique for classification of meningioma brain tumours, A
* Fractal image compression based on spatial correlation and hybrid genetic algorithm
* Fractional Laplacian pyramids
* Frame-level heuristic scheduling Multi-view Video Coding on symmetric multi-core architecture
* Framework for Long Distance Face Recognition Using Dense and Sparse Stereo Reconstruction, A
* Framework for Object-Oriented Shader Design, A
* framework for the registration of color images with 3D models, A
* framework for video forensics based on local and temporal fingerprints, A
* From hemorrhage to midline shift: A new method of tracing the deformed midline in traumatic brain injury CT images
* Full rate distortion optimizaton of MPEG-2 video coding
* Fully automatic 3-D segmentation of knee bone compartments by iterative local branch-and-mincut on MR images from osteoarthritis initiative (OAI)
* Functional Feature Selection by Weighted Projections in Pathological Voice Detection
* Fungiform Papillae Hyperplasia (fph) Identification by Tongue Texture Analysis
* Fusing image representations for classification using support vector machines
* Fusion and inversion of SAR data to obtain a superresolution image
* Fusion of static image and dynamic information for signature verification
* Fuzzy Feature-Based Upper Body Tracking with IP PTZ Camera Control
* fuzzy logic method of feature representation for shot boundary detection, A
* Fuzzy Segmentation Method for Images of Heat-Emitting Objects, A
* Gabor wavelet based automatic coin classsification
* Gabor-based texture classification through efficient prototype selection via normalized cut
* game theory based classification for distributed downloading of multiple description coded video, A
* Gamut fitting for image composition applications
* Gender and ethnicity identification from silhouetted face profiles
* Gender classification in uncontrolled settings using additive logistic models
* genDMG: A Generic Graph Representation Layout to Visualize Existing Software Artifacts
* General Adaptive Neighborhood Mathematical Morphology
* General Bayesian Markov Random Field Model for Probabilistic Image Segmentation, A
* General traffic sign recognition by feature matching
* Generalised ambient reflection models for Lambertian and Phong surfaces
* Generalization of Moment Invariants on 2D Vector Fields to Tensor Fields of Arbitrary Order and Dimension, A
* Generalized Algorithms for Direct Reconstruction of Parametric Images From Dynamic PET Data
* Generalized Frequency-Domain SAR Processing
* generalized vector-valued total variation algorithm, A
* Generating 3D Visual Expression Using Semantic Simplification Description Based on Logical Representation
* Generating optimal look-up tables to achieve complex color space transformations
* Generating Video Textures by PPCA and Gaussian Process Dynamical Model
* Generation of an Importance Map for Visualized Images
* Generative model for abandoned object detection
* generic fingerprint image compression technique based on wave atoms decomposition, A
* generic variational approach for demosaicking from an arbitrary color filter array, A
* genetic algorithm for side information enhancement in distributed video coding, A
* Genetic algorithms for 3d reconstruction with supershapes
* Genetic programming for image classification with unbalanced data
* Geodesic neighborhoods for piecewise affine interpolation of sparse data
* Geometric and texture inpainting based on discrete regularization on graphs
* Geometric Approach to Hole Segmentation and Hole Closing in 3D Volumetric Objects
* Geometric registration of images with arbitrarily-shaped local intensity variations from shadows
* Geometric Transform Invariant Texture Analysis with Modified Chebyshev Moments Based Algorithm
* Geometrical plenoptic sampling
* geometrically intuitive marginal discriminant analysis method with application to face recognition, A
* Getting Topological Information for a 80-Adjacency Doxel-Based 4D Volume through a Polytopal Cell Complex
* Global Hand Pose Estimation by Multiple Camera Ellipse Tracking
* global probabilistic framework for the foreground, background and shadow classification task, A
* Global Stereo Reconstruction under Second-Order Smoothness Priors
* global-to-local scheme for imbalanced point matching, A
* Gloss and Normal Map Acquisition of Mesostructures Using Gray Codes
* GMM-based efficient foreground detection with adaptive region update
* GPU-Based Ray Casting of Multiple Multi-resolution Volume Datasets
* GPU-based vision system for real time detection of fastening elements in railway inspection, A
* Gradient angle histograms for efficient linear hough transform
* Graph Cut Based Point-Cloud Segmentation for Polygonal Reconstruction
* Graph-based foreground extraction in extended color space
* graph-cut based algorithm for approximate MRF optimization, A
* Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World Images
* Ground-plane detection using stereo depth values for wheelchair guidance
* Group Action Recognition Using Space-Time Interest Points
* Grouping and Summarizing Scene Images from Web Collections
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Section on Award Winning Papers from the IEEE CS Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
* H.264 video streaming with data-partitioning and Growth codes
* H.264/SVC memory architecture supporting spatial and course-grained quality scalabilities, An
* Hand trajectory-based gesture spotting and recognition using HMM
* Handbook of Data Compression
* Handwriting Recognition Algorithm in Different Languages: Survey
* Handwritten Word Recognition Using Multi-view Analysis
* Haptic Texture Rendering Based on Visual Texture Information: A Study to Achieve Realistic Haptic Texture Rendering
* hardcopy backup and reconstruction system for digital images, A
* Hardware Architecture for SIFT Candidate Keypoints Detection, A
* Hardware implementation of a cascade particle filter
* Hardware optimizations of variable block size Hadamard transform for H.264/AVC FRExt
* Hardware-efficient virtual high dynamic range image reproduction
* Hash-Based Identification of Sparse Image Tampering
* Head detection for video surveillance based on categorical hair and skin colour models
* Head pan angle estimation by a nonlinear regression on selected features
* Heat kernels of generalized laplacians-application to color image smoothing
* Height and Tilt Geometric Texture
* hidden property of the gradient vector flow diffusion process, A
* Hierarchical 3D perception from a single image
* Hierarchical Approach for Fast and Efficient Collision Detection in Urban Simulation
* Hierarchical block-based image registration for computing multiple image motions
* Hierarchical Discrete Medial Axis for Sphere-Tree Construction
* hierarchical graph-based markovian clustering approach for the unsupervised segmentation of textured color images, A
* hierarchical image kernel with application to pedestrian identification for video surveillance, A
* Hierarchical region-based representation for segmentation and filtering with depth in single images
* Hierarchical word image representation for parts-based object recognition
* High capacity, reversible data hiding in medical images
* High dynamic range compression by half quadratic regularization
* High dynamic range imaging for stereoscopic scene representation
* High dynamic range rendering for YUV images with a constraint on perceptual chroma preservation
* High Performance Computing for Visualisation and Image Analysis
* High Performance Implementation of License Plate Recognition in Image Sequences
* High resoluton image reconstruction: A new imager via movable random exposure
* high throughput CABAC algorithm using syntax element partitioning, A
* High-quality cardiac image dynamic visualization with feature enhancement and virtual surgical tool inclusion
* High-quality non-blind motion deblurring
* High-Quality Rendering of Varying Isosurfaces with Cubic Trivariate C1-Continuous Splines
* high-resolution image reconstuction method from low-resolution image sequence, A
* Higher order prediction for sub-pixel motion estimation
* Higher order Teager-Kaiser operators for image analysis: PART II: A multicomponent image demodulation
* Higher-order riesz transforms and steerable wavelet frames
* Highly-parallelized motion estimation for Scalable Video Coding
* Hill climbing algorithm for the transmission of layered jpeg2000 video under multiple rate constraints
* Hinge Angles for 3D Discrete Rotations
* Histogram computation based on image bitwise decomposition
* Homological Computation Using Spanning Trees
* How to apply spatial saliency into objective metrics for JPEG compressed images?
* How would you look as you age?
* Human Activity Recognition Based on R Transform and Fourier Mellin Transform
* Human Activity Recognition Using the 4D Spatiotemporal Shape Context Descriptor
* Human detection in a challenging situation
* Human identification from human movements
* Human Motion Analysis via Statistical Motion Processing and Sequential Change Detection
* Human motion capture and representation 3-D avatar interaction
* Human Understandable Features for Segmentation of Solid Texture
* HVS-aware ROI-based illumination and color restoration
* hybrid face detection approach for real-time depolyment on mobile devices, A
* hybrid model for digital camera source identification, A
* Hybrid particle swarm optimization for 3-D image registration
* hybrid visual feature extraction method for audio-visual speech recognition, A
* Hybrid Wyner-Ziv and intra video coding with partial matching motion estimation at the decoder
* Hyperspectral data classification using Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm
* Hyperspectral image enhancement with vector bilateral filtering
* hyperspectral image restoration technique, A
* Identification of Coherent Structures in Three-dimensional Simulations of a Fluid-Mix Problem
* Identification of JPEG 2000 images in encrypted domain for digital cinema
* Identifying cancer regions in vital-stained magnification endoscopy images using adapted color histograms
* Identity and expression recognition on low dimensional manifolds
* Illumination Compensation for Document Images Using Local-Global Block Analysis
* Illumination invariant and rotational insensitive textural representation
* Illumination invariant face recognition in logarithm Discrete Cosine Transform domain
* Illumination invariant unsupervised segmenter
* Illumination-robust face recognition using retina modeling
* Image adaptive selective encryption of vector quantization index compression
* Image and video colorization based on prioritized source propagation
* Image authentication and tamper detection using two complementary watermarks
* Image Authentication Scheme Based on Self-embedding Watermarking
* Image Based Auto-Focusing Algorithm for Digital Fundus Photography, An
* Image Characterization from Statistical Reduction of Local Patterns
* Image classification via SVM using in-between universum samples
* Image Compression Based on Visual Saliency at Individual Scales
* Image compression mismatch effect on color image based face recognition system
* Image Compression Using Stitching with Harris Corner Detector and SPIHT Coding
* Image compression with downsampling and overlapped transform at low bit rates
* Image deblurring by exploiting inherent bi-level regions
* Image deconvolution by stein block thresholding
* Image enhancement method via blur and noisy image fusion
* Image error concealment using edge map and linear prediction residue watermarking and spatial smoothing
* Image fusion algorithms and metrics duality index
* Image fusion in compressed sensing
* Image interpolation with edge-preserving differential motion refinement
* Image mosaicing via quadric surface estimation with priors for tunnel inspection
* Image multi-scale edge detection using 3-D Hidden Markov Model based on the non-decimated wavelet
* Image Processing Methods Applied in Mapping of Lubrication Parameters
* Image quality monitoring using spread spectrum watermarking
* Image Registration Approach for Accurate Satellite Attitude Estimation, An
* Image Registration Guided by Particle Filter
* Image restoration by mixture modelling of an overcomplete linear representation
* Image restoration through L0 analysis-based sparse optimization in tight frames
* Image restoration using a sparse quadtree decomposition representation
* Image restoration with broken curve prediction
* Image retargeting using importance diffusion
* Image retrieval based on bag of images
* Image segmentation in a kernel-induced space
* Image segmentation using iterative watersheding plus ridge detection
* Image tamper detection based on demosaicing artifacts
* Image Watermarking Based on the Hessenberg Transform
* Images within the Electronic Health Record
* Imaging Architecture Based on Derivative Estimation Sensors, An
* Impact of Image Choices on the Usability and Security of Click Based Graphical Passwords, The
* impact of nonlinear filtering and confidence information on optical flow estimation in a Lucas and Kanade framework, The
* Impact of quasi-expertise on knowledge acquisition in computer vision
* Implementation and application of local computation of wavelet coefficients in the dual-tree complex wavelets
* Implementation of Three Text to Speech Systems for Kurdish Language
* Implementing Fully Configurable Video Coding
* Improved Active Shape Model for automatic optical phase identification of microdrill bits in Printed Circuit Board production
* Improved Decoding Algorithm for DVC Over Multipath Error Prone Wireless Channels, An
* Improved global cardiac tractography with simulated annealing
* improved HDR image synthesis algorithm, An
* Improved Image Compression Based on Feed-forward Adaptive Downsampling Algorithm
* Improved layer processing for MRC compression of scanned documents
* improved lossless data hiding based on space filling curves, An
* Improved Online Support Vector Machines Spam Filtering Using String Kernels
* Improved parabolic prediction-based fractional search for H.264/AVC video coding
* Improved quality multiple description 3D mesh coding with optimal filtering
* Improved Resilience for Video Over Packet Loss Networks With MDC and Optimized Packetization
* Improved reversible integer-to-integer color transforms
* Improved watermark detection robust to camcorder capture based on quadrangle estimation
* Improvement of spatial resolution in magnetic resonance imaging using quadratic phase modulation
* Improvement on learning-based super-resolution by adopting residual information and patch reliability
* Improvement on optical flow based video deinterlacing by adopting Flow Vector And Intensity Reliabilities
* Improving embedding efficiency via matrix embedding: A case study
* Improving feature extraction for automatic medical image categorization
* Improving Fingerprint Matching Using an Orientation-Based Minutia Descriptor
* Improving multiscale recurrent pattern image coding with least-squares prediction mode
* Improving Recurrent CSVM Performance for Robot Navigation on Discrete Labyrinths
* Improving SVM classification accuracy using a hierarchical approach for hyperspectral images
* Improving the image quality of spectral CT volume rendering
* Improving the quality of depth image based rendering for 3D Video systems
* Improving the spatail resolution based on 4D light field data
* In Vivo High-Resolution Conductivity Imaging of the Human Leg Using MREIT: The First Human Experiment
* In vivo tracking of 3D organs using spherical harmonics and subspace clustering
* In-loop filter using block-based filter control for video coding
* Inclusion of Property Profile in the Production Rule Pattern for Visualization Software Design
* Incorporating Linguistic Information to Statistical Word-Level Alignment
* Incorporating prior information in the fuzzy C-mean algorithm with application to brain tissues segmentation in MRI
* Incremental Co-Boost for visual tracking
* incremental extremely random forest classifier for online learning and tracking, An
* Incremental Laplacian eigenmaps by preserving adjacent information between data points
* incremental learning framework combining sample confidence and discrimination with an application to automatic image annotation, An
* Incremental rate control for H.264/AVC video compression
* Incremental sparse saliency detection
* Independent component analysis based ring artifact reduction in cone-beam CT images
* Indexation of Syriac manuscripts using directional features
* Info-margin maximization for feature extraction
* Information Loss of the Mahalanobis Distance in High Dimensions: Application to Feature Selection
* Information System Development Model: Theories Analysis and Guidelines
* Informative frequent assembled feature for face detection
* Informative sensing of natural images
* ink texture descriptor for NIR-imaged medieval documents, An
* Inner and outer lip contour tracking using cubic curve parametric models
* Inscribed Square Conjecture in the Digital Plane, The
* Instability Problem of Region Growing Segmentation Algorithms and Its Set Median Solution, An
* Integral Active Contour Model for Convex Hull and Boundary Extraction, An
* Integral P-channels for fast and robust region matching
* Integrated Analytic and Linearized Inverse Kinematics for Precise Full Body Interactions
* Integrating local feature and global statistics for texture analysis
* Integrating perceptual level of detail with head-pose estimation and its uncertainty
* Intelligent Experiment Design-Based Virtual Remote Sensing Laboratory
* intelligent system for pet tumour detection and quantification, An
* Intensity compensation of the mitochondria tilted image sequence obtained from the transmission electron microscopy
* Inter mode selection for H.264/AVC using time-efficient learning-theoretic algorithms
* Inter-frame Enhancement of Ultrasound Images Using Optical Flow
* Interactive Assembly Guide Using Augmented Reality
* Interactive Image Inpainting Using DCT Based Exemplar Matching
* Interactive modeling of 3D facial expressions with hierarchical Gaussian process latent variable models
* Interactive Modeling, Simulation and Control of Large-Scale Crowds and Traffic
* Interactive rotoscoping: Extracting and tracking object sketch
* Interactive system for image based 3D modelling and rendering from single view perspective images
* Interest Points of General Imbalance
* Interpolating fine textures with fields of experts prior
* Intra prediction method based on the linear relationship between the channels for YUV 4:2:0 intra coding
* Intra-distance Derived Weighted distortion for error resilience
* Introducing shape priors in object-based tomographic reconstruction
* Invariant gait continuum based on the duty-factor
* IP-LSSVM: A two-step sparse classifier
* Isocentric color saliency in images
* Isolate Speech Recognition Based on Time-Frequency Analysis Methods
* Iterative Side-Information Generation in a Mixed Resolution Wyner-Ziv Framework
* Iterative soft color-shrinkage for color-image denoising
* JanusVF: Adaptive Fiducial Selection
* Joint bias and gain nonuniformity correction of infrared videos using tensorial-RLS technique
* Joint deconvolution and demosaicing
* Joint demosaicking and denoisingwith space-varying filters
* Joint image registration and super-resolution reconstruction based on regularized total least norm
* Joint image restoration and segmentation using Gauss-Markov-Potts prior models and variational Bayesian computation
* Joint learning for side information and correlation model based on linear regression model in distributed video coding
* joint model of complex wavelet coefficients for texture retrieval, A
* Joint particle filters and multi-mode anisotropic mean shift for robust tracking of video objects with partitioned areas
* Joint Rate-Distortion model for H.264/AVC rate control
* Joint recovery and segmentation of polarimetric images using a compound MRF and mixture modeling
* Joint Regularization of Phase and Amplitude of InSAR Data: Application to 3-D Reconstruction
* Joint rendering and segmentation of free-viewpoint images
* Joint resources allocation for cooperative video transmission
* Joint scalable modeling of motion and boundary geometry with quad-tree node merging
* Joint Source Coding and Network-Supported Distributed Error Control for Video Streaming in Wireless Multihop Networks
* Joint sparsity-based optimization of a set of orthonormal 2-D separable block transforms
* K-means based segmentation for real-time zenithal people counting
* K-Medoids-Based Random Biometric Pattern for Cryptographic Key Generation
* K-Space and Image-Space Combination for Motion-Induced Phase-Error Correction in Self-Navigated Multicoil Multishot DWI
* Kernel based sub-pixel motion estimation
* Kernel covariance image region description for object tracking
* Kernel Granger Causality Mapping Effective Connectivity on fMRI Data
* Kernel methods in orthogonalization of multi-and hypervariate data
* kernel particle filter multi-object tracking using gabor-based region covariance matrices, A
* Kernel PCA of HOG features for posture detection
* Keyframes detection and analysis in vocal folds recordings using hierarchical motion techniques and texture information
* L2 approximation for efficient deformable surface 3D tracking
* Labelfaces: Parsing facial features by multiclass labeling with an epitome prior
* Labelling color images by modelling the colors density using a linear combination of Gaussians and EM algorithm
* lacunarity of colour fractal images, The
* Lamp: Linear approach for matching points
* Landmark Real-Time Recognition and Positioning for Pedestrian Navigation
* Landmines recognition system using thermovision techniques
* Language independent unsupervised learning of short message service dialect
* Large-scale 3D scene modeling by registration of laser range data with Google Maps images
* Lattice Boltzmann Model for Rotationally Invariant Dithering, A
* Layered Volume Splatting
* LayerP2P: Using Layered Video Chunks in P2P Live Streaming
* LCD motion blur reduction using fir filter banks
* LDA based color information fusion for visual objects tracking
* Leaks Detection in a Pipeline Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Learning a color distance metric for region-based image segmentation
* Learning an Efficient Texture Model by Supervised Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Methods
* Learning Co-relations of Plausible Verb Arguments with a WSM and a Distributional Thesaurus
* Learning color image expansion filters
* Learning contextual rules for priming object categories in images
* Learning Higher-Order Markov Models for Object Tracking in Image Sequences
* Learning instance-to-class distance for human action recognition
* Learning large margin likelihoods for realtime head pose tracking
* Learning local models for 2D human motion tracking
* Learning Relational Grammars from Sequences of Actions
* Learning Science Using AR Book: A Preliminary Study on Visual Needs of Deaf Learners
* Learning to generate novel views of objects for class recognition
* Learning to tune level set methods
* Learning weighted similarity measurements for unconstrained face recognition
* Leave-One-Out-Training and Leave-One-Out-Testing Hidden Markov Models for a Handwritten Numeral Recognizer: The Implications of a Single Classifier and Multiple Classifications
* Level embedded medical image compression based on value of interest
* Level Set Gait Analysis for Synthesis and Reconstruction
* Lidar waveform modeling using a marked point process
* Lift-button detection and recognition for service robot in buildings
* Lifting Scheme DWT Implementation in a Wireless Vision Sensor Network
* Lifting-based design of reversible cellular automata for scalable coding of binary images
* Light Space Cascaded Shadow Maps for Large Scale Dynamic Environments
* Light Speed Labeling for RISC architectures
* Lighting-Aware Segmentation of Microscopy Images for In Vitro Fertilization
* LightShop: An Interactive Lighting System Incorporating the 2D Image Editing Paradigm
* Likelihood tuning for particle filter in visual tracking
* Linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction for face recognition
* Linear filtering and mathematical morphology on an image: A bridge
* Linked geometric features for modeling the fluid flow in developing embryonic vertebrate hearts
* Lip contour extraction for language learning in VEC3D
* Lipreading With Local Spatiotemporal Descriptors
* List decoding of Reed Solomon codes for wavelet based colour image watermarking scheme
* Local adaptive tone mapping with composite multiple gamma functions
* Local Bayesian image restoration using variational methods and Gamma-Normal distributions
* Local contour descriptors around scale-invariant keypoints
* Local feature extraction and matching on range images: 2.5D SIFT
* Local motion analysis in 4D lung CT using fast groupwise registration
* Local stereo matching using geodesic support weights
* Locality preserving constraints for super-resolution with neighbor embedding
* Localized Null Space representation for dynamic updating and downdating in image and video databases
* Locating Facial Features and Pose Estimation Using a 3D Shape Model
* Logical Heuristic Algorithm in Extracting 2D Structure Thinned Binary Image into Freeman Chain Code (FCC)
* Logo insertion transcoding for H.264/AVC compressed video
* Lossless Compression Using Joint Predictor for Astronomical Images
* Lossless image and video coding based on H.264/AVC intra predictions with simplified interpolations
* Low complexity algorithm for inter-layer residual prediction of H.264/SVC
* Low complexity error concealment scheme for intra-frames in H.264/AVC
* Low latency and high throughput dedicated loop of transforms and quantization focusing in the H.264/AVC Intra Prediction
* Low Memory Implementation of Saliency Map Using Strip-Based Method
* Low power DCT using highly scalable multipliers
* Low-complexity algorithm for fractional-pixel motion estimation
* Low-complexity digital filter bank for strongly aberrated optical systems having variable f-numbers
* Low-complexity enhanced lapped transform for image coding in JPEG XR / HD photo
* Low-complexity iris recognitionwith oriented wavelets
* Low-complexity near-lossless image coder for efficient bus traffic in very large size multimedia SoC
* low-complexity reduced-reference print identification algorithm, A
* Low-light imaging method with visible-band and wide-band image pair
* Low-Resolution Face Recognition via Coupled Locality Preserving Mappings
* Lung Nodule Modeling: A Data-Driven Approach
* M2SIR: A multi modal sequential importance resampling algorithm for particle filters
* Machine Learning and Geometric Technique for SLAM
* Macroblock feature and motion involved multi-stage fast inter mode decision algorithm in H.264/AVC video coding
* Macroblock sampling and mode ranking for complexity scalability in mobile H.264 video coding
* Magnitude- and Shape-Related Feature Integration in Hyperspectral Mixture Analysis to Monitor Weeds in Citrus Orchards
* Main subject detection via adaptive feature selection
* Map estimation of multiple description encoded video transmitted over noisy channels
* Map-MRF Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction using Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood parameter estimation
* Mapping motion vectors for A Wyner-Ziv video transcoder
* Margin and domain integrated classification
* Markov Random Field model for extracting near-circular shapes, A
* Markovian clustering for the non-local means image denoising
* Matching 2-D ellipses to 3-D circles with application to vehicle pose identification
* Matching Planar Features for Robot Localization
* Matching points in poor edge information images
* Mathematical analysis of the energy compaction affected by the dimensionality of Karhunen-Lòeve transform
* Maximum a posteriori super-resolution of compressed video using a new multichannel image prior
* Maximum Likelihood Blind Image Separation Using Nonsymmetrical Half-Plane Markov Random Fields
* Maximum Likelihood Estimation Sample Consensus with Validation of Individual Correspondences
* MDL context modeling of images with application to denoising
* Mean shift feature space warping for relevance feedback
* Meaningful 3D shape partitioning using Morse functions
* measure for change detection in very high resolution remote sensing images based on texture analysis, A
* Measured effects of temperature on illumination-independent camera noise
* Measurement of Pedestrian Groups Using Subtraction Stereo
* Measurement-based reclustering for multiple object tracking with particle filters
* Measuring conceptual relation of visual words for visual categorization
* Measuring Cubeness of 3D Shapes
* Medical imaging: An illustrated overview
* Memory-less bit-plane coder architecture for JPEG2000 with concurrent column-stripe coding
* Metric Rectification to Estimate the Aspect Ratio of Camera-Captured Document Images
* Microwave Subsurface Imaging Using Direct Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain-Based Inversion
* Minimum Description Length approximation of digital curves
* minimum entropy based switched adaptive predictor for lossless compression of images, A
* Minimum mean square error detector for multimessage spread spectrum embedding
* Minimum spanning tree adaptive image filtering
* Minimum Variance Gain Nonuniformity Estimation in Infrared Focal Plane Array Sensors
* Mining families of features for efficient object detection
* Mixed Reality Book: A Visualization Tool
* Model and hardware emulation of the first synapse of the retina using Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks
* Model based analysis for quantization parameter cascading in hierarchical video coding
* model-based facial expression recognition algorithm using Principal Components Analysis, A
* Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Radial Fast Spin-Echo MRI
* Model-based least squares optimal interpolation
* Model-based methods for developing color transformation between two display devices
* Model-based shape recovery from single images of general and unknown lighting
* Modeling and Rendering Physically-Based Wood Combustion
* Modeling and Visualization of Human Activities for Multicamera Networks
* Modeling latent aspects for automatic image annotation
* Modeling magnitudes of Gabor coefficients: The beta-Rayleigh distribution
* Modeling of Electromagnetic Waves Using Statistical and Numerical Techniques
* Modeling of image shutters and motion blur in analog and digital camera systems
* Modeling the pattern spectrum as a Markov process and its use for efficient shape classification
* Modelling of elastic deformation using stereo vision and smoothed particle hydrodynamics
* Modified compressive sensing for real-time dynamic MR imaging
* Modified grabcut for unsupervised object segmentation
* Modified H.264 intra prediction for compression of video and images captured with a color filter array
* Modified versions of Tian's Difference Expansion reversible watermarking
* Monocular Pedestrian Detection: Survey and Experiments
* Monotone operator splitting for optimization problems in sparse recovery
* Morphological Description of Color Images for Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Morphological segmentation of building façade images
* Morphological Shape Context: Semi-locality and Robust Matching in Shape Recognition
* Morse-Theory Based Method for Segmentation of Triangulated Freeform Surfaces, A
* Mosaicing of microscope images based on SURF
* Motion blur adaptive identification from natural image model
* Motion blur estimation of handheld camera using regular- and short-exposure image pair
* Motion compensation using geometry and an elastic motion model
* Motion detection: Fast and robust algorithms for embedded systems
* Motion Estimation Accelerator with User Search Strategy in an RVC Context
* Motion Pattern Encapsulation for Data-Driven Constraint-Based Motion Editing
* Motion Planning and Synthesis of Human-Like Characters in Constrained Environments
* Motion vector coding using optimal predictor
* Motion vector processing based on trajectory curve analysis for motion compensated frame interpolation
* Motion vector processing using the color information
* Motion-Based View-Invariant Articulated Motion Detection and Pose Estimation Using Sparse Point Features
* Motion-compensated temporal filtering with optimized motion estimation
* Motion-focusing key frame extraction and video summarization for lane surveillance system
* Movement Detection and Tracking Using Video Frames
* Moving Camera Moving Object Segmentation in Compressed Video Sequences
* Multi-band color image deblurring using contourlets for fluid lens camera systems
* Multi-class Kernel Alignment Method for Image Collection Summarization, A
* Multi-class SVM for forestry classification
* Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on Fuzzy and Wavelet Transform
* Multi-kernel SVM based classification for brain tumor segmentation of MRI multi-sequence
* Multi-label MRF Optimization via a Least Squares s-t Cut
* Multi-layer filtering approach for map images
* Multi-level Learning and Classification of Multi-class Parts-Based Representations of U.S. Marine Postures, The
* multi-modal automatic image registration technique based on complex wavelets, A
* Multi-modal ear and face modeling and recognition
* Multi-modal image registration using fuzzy kernel regression
* Multi-object tracking in non-stationary video using bacterial foraging swarms
* Multi-primitive Analysis of Digital Curves
* Multi-Resolution Illumination Compensation for foreground extraction
* multi-resolution particle filter tracking in a multi-camera environment, A
* Multi-scale Analysis of Discrete Contours for Unsupervised Noise Detection
* Multi-Sensor Image Fusion Using Subband Decomposed Multiscale Retinex
* Multi-sensor image registration based-on local phase coherence
* Multi-target and Multi-camera Object Detection with Monte-Carlo Sampling
* Multi-tiered S-SOA, Parameter-Driven New Islamic Syariah Products of Holistic Islamic Banking System (HiCORE): Virtual Banking Environment
* Multi-view depth estimation based on visual-hull enhanced Hybrid Recursive Matching for 3D video conference systems
* Multi-view object matching and tracking using canonical correlation analysis
* Multi-view Reconstruction of Unknown Objects within a Known Environment
* Multichannel dual domain infrared target tracking for highly evolutionary target signatures
* Multiclass object classification for computer vision using Linear Genetic Programming
* multidimensional smoothing algorithm with applications to digital color printer calibration, A
* Multiframe image restoration in the presence of noisy blur kernel
* Multilateral filtering: A novel framework for generic similarity-based image denoising
* Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Normalized Cut
* Multimedia Mining on Manycore Architectures: The Case for GPUs
* Multimodal Algorithm for Iris Recognition with Local Topological Descriptors
* Multiphase active contour segmentation constrained by evolving medial axes
* multiphase region-based framework for image segmentation based on least square method, A
* Multiple channel division for efficient distributed video coding
* Multiple curvature based approach to human upper body parts detection with connected ellipse model fine-tuning
* Multiple Description Distributed Video Coding Using Redundant Slices and Lossy Syndromes
* Multiple description for robust Scalable Video Coding
* Multiple hypothesis tracking in cluttered condition
* Multiple Kernel Maximum Margin Criterion
* Multiple object decomposition based on independent component analysis of multi-energy x-ray projections
* Multiple shape models for simultaneous object classification and segmentation
* Multiple-Target Tracking by Spatiotemporal Monte Carlo Markov Chain Data Association
* Multiple-view Video Coding Using Depth Map in Projective Space
* Multiregion level-set segmentation of synthetic aperture radar images
* Multiresolution decomposition for triangular mesh geometry coding based on structuring surrounding vertices
* Multiresolution Monogenic Signal Analysis Using the Riesz-Laplace Wavelet Transform
* Multiscale AM-FM analysis of pneumoconiosis x-ray images
* Multiscale and local search methods for real time region tracking with particle filters: local search driven by adaptive scale estimation on GPUs
* multiscale image enhancement method for calcification detection in screening mammograms, A
* Multiscale skewed heavy tailed model for texture analysis
* Multivariate statistical modeling of images in wavelet and curvelet domain using the Bessel K Form densities
* Multl-resolution background subtraction for dynamic scenes
* Mutual information-based SVM-RFE for diagnostic classification of digitized mammograms
* Natural and Seamless Image Composition With Color Control
* Natural Facial Expression Recognition Using Dynamic and Static Schemes
* Natural image utility assessment using image contours
* Natural Pose Generation from a Reduced Dimension Motion Capture Data Space
* Natural Rendering of Color Image based on Retinex
* Near Real Time Enhancement of Remote Sensing Imagery Based on a Network of Systolic Arrays
* Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid: Algorithms with Four Neighbors
* Neighborhood Sequences on nD Hexagonal/Face-Centered-Cubic Grids
* Neighboring Image Patches Embedding for background modeling
* Neighbourhood preserving discriminant embedding in face recognition
* Nested state indexing in pairwise Markov networks for fast handwritten document image rule-line removal
* Neural Network Ensembles from Training Set Expansions
* Neurocontroller for Power Electronics-Based Devices
* New Algorithm for Inverse Consistent Image Registration, A
* New Algorithm for Robust Estimation of the Signal Subspace in Hyperspectral Images in the Presence of Rare Signal Components, A
* New Approach of Skull Fracture Detection in CT Brain Images, A
* New CAVLC design for lossless intra coding
* new color filter array with optimal sensing properties, A
* new colour space for skin tone detection, A
* new cross-diamond search algorithm for fast block motion estimation, A
* new decision fusion technique for image classification, A
* New Denoising System for SONAR Images, A
* New digital camera sensor architecture for low light imaging
* New Distortion Model for Strong Inhomogeneity Problems in Echo-Planar MRI, A
* new efficient nonlinear filter based on support vector machines for image denoising, A
* new feature extraction method for image recognition using structural two-dimensional locality preserving projections, A
* new feature selection algorithm for multispectral and polarimetric vehicle images, A
* New H.264 intra-rate estimation and inter-rate control driven by improved MAD-based Contrast Sensitivity
* new homogeneity-based approach to edge detection using PSO, A
* New image processing challenges for jointly designed electro-optical imaging systems
* new inconsistency measure for linear systems and two applications in motion analysis, A
* New Incremental Algorithm for Overlapped Clustering, A
* new method for stereo matching using pixel cooperative optimization, A
* new methodology for evaluation of edge detectors, A
* New motion compensation model via frequency classification for fast video super-resolution
* new Probabilistic Local Binary Pattern for face verification, A
* new random color filter array with good spectral properties, A
* new representation method of head images for head pose estimation, A
* New results on performance analysis of super-resolution image reconstruction
* New Scalar Measures for Diffusion-Weighted MRI Visualization
* new scheme of sharing secrets in stego images with authentication, A
* new segmentation and fuzzy logic based multi-sensor image fusion, The
* New Segmentation Approach for Old Fractured Pieces, A
* New Steganography Based on L2 Technic, A
* new tracking method for small infrared targets, A
* New Unsupervised Learning for Clustering Using Geometric Associative Memories, A
* NL-Means and aggregation procedures
* no-reference perceptual blur metric using histogram of gradient profile sharpness, A
* No-reference temporal quality metric for video impaired by frame freezing artefacts
* Noise Detection Fuzzy (NDF) Filter for Removing Salt and Pepper Noise
* Noise estimation and adaptive filtering during visual tracking
* Noise-Residue Filtering Based on Unsupervised Clustering for Phase Unwrapping
* Noise-Resistant Wavelet-Based Bayesian Fusion of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images
* Non separable 2D factorization of separable 2D DWT for lossless image coding
* Non-linear rate control for H.264/AVC video encoder with multiple picture types using image-statistics and motion-based Macroblock Prioritization
* Non-local image smoothing by applying anisotropic diffusion PDE's in the space of patches
* Non-parametric Adaptive Approach for the Detection of Dominant Points on Boundary Curves Based on Non-symmetric Region of Support
* Non-parametric natural image matting
* non-rigid motion estimation algorithm for yawn detection in human drivers, A
* Non-uniform backlighting computation for high dynamic range displays
* Nonlinear cardiac deformation recovery from medical images
* Nonlinear post-beamforming filtering of pulse-echo ultrasound for contrast enhancement
* Nonlinear registration of binary shapes
* Nonlocal back-projection for adaptive image enlargement
* Nonstandard diffusion in image restoration and decomposition
* Nonsubsampled higher-density discrete wavelet transform: Filter design and application in image contrast enhancement
* Normalized scoring of Hidden Markov Models by on-line learning and its application to gesture-sequence perception
* note on the Bregmanized Total Variation and dual forms, A
* Notes on the opensurf library
* Novel 3D Segmentation of Vertebral Bones from Volumetric CT Images Using Graph Cuts, A
* novel approach for computing and pooling Structural SIMilarity index in the discrete wavelet domain, A
* novel approach for polygonal rooftop detection in satellite/aerial imageries, A
* novel approach for salient image regions detection and description, A
* Novel Approach to Robust Background Subtraction, A
* Novel boosting framework for subunit-based sign language recognition
* Novel face recognition approach based on steerable pyramid feature extraction
* novel feature extraction method using Pyramid Histogram of Orientation Gradients for smile recognition, A
* novel finger-vein recognition method with feature combination, A
* novel framework for imaging using compressed sensing, A
* Novel Method for Enhanced Needle Localization Using Ultrasound-Guidance, A
* novel method for multi-focus image fusion, A
* novel moments generation inspired by 3D spherical harmonics for robust 2D shape description, A
* novel public key self-embedding fragile watermarking technique for image authentication, A
* Novel residual prediction scheme for hybrid video coding
* novel semantic model for video concept detection, A
* novel template matching method for human detection, A
* Novel Template Matching Scheme for Fast Full-Search Boosted by an Integral Image, A
* novel two sources ultrasound modulated optical tomographic system for screening breast cancer through elasticity characterization, A
* novel two-tier Bayesian based method for hair segmentation, A
* novel universal steganalyser design: LogSv, A
* Novel Vision-Based Approach for Autonomous Space Navigation Systems, A
* novel wavelet domain statistical approach for denoising SAR images, A
* Object categorization using boosting within Hierarchical Bayesian model
* Object Contour Tracking Using Foreground and Background Distribution Matching
* Object Detection and Localization in Clutter Range Images Using Edge Features
* Object detection and tracking for night surveillance based on salient contrast analysis
* Object detection via boosted deformable features
* Object extraction from high resolution SAR images using a birth and death dynamics
* Object oriented hierarchical classification of high resolution remote sensing images
* Object segmentation by traversing a pose-shape manifold
* Object tracking by bidirectional learning with feature selection
* Object tracking in surveillance videos using compressed domain features from scalable bit-streams
* object tracking method using particle filter and scale space model, An
* Object tracking using multiple fragments
* Object trajectory clustering via tensor analysis
* object-based non-blind watermarking that is robust to non-linear geometrical distortion attacks, An
* Objective Function to Evaluate Performance of Human-Robot Collaboration in Target Recognition Tasks, An
* Objective perceptual video quality measurement method based on hybrid no reference framework
* objective video quality metric based on spatiotemporal distortion, An
* Obstacle avoidance on a mobile inverted pendulum robot
* Omega-Arithmetization: A Discrete Multi-resolution Representation of Real Functions
* Omnidirectional image processing using geodesic metric
* On clinical validation of Fly-Over visualization technique for virtual colonoscopy
* On Environmental Model-Based Visual Perception for Humanoids
* On interest point detection under a landmark-based medical image registration context
* On low-complexity video encoding through feedback
* On Parsing Visual Sequences with the Hidden Markov Model
* On Segmentation of Touching Characters and Overlapping Lines in Degraded Printed Gurmukhi Script
* On the coding gain of intra-predictive transforms
* On the Computation of the Common Labelling of a Set of Attributed Graphs
* On the Convex Hull of the Integer Points in a Bi-circular Region
* On the empirical rate-distortion performance of Compressive Sensing
* On the method of multicopy video enhancement in transform domain
* On the optimality of mutual information as an image registration objective function
* On the role of context in probabilistic models of visual saliency
* On the use of color appearance modeling for efficient compressed-domain image enhancement
* On Using Projective Relations for Calibration and Estimation in a Structured-Light Scanner
* On-line modeling for real-time 3D target tracking
* One scan shadow compensation and visual enhancement of color images
* Online detection of snow coverage and swing angles of electrical insulators on power transmission lines using videos
* Online subjective feature selection for occlusion management in tracking applications
* Online Video Textures Generation
* Open Framework for Developing, Evaluating, and Sharing Steering Algorithms, An
* Opinion mining from noisy text data
* Optical character recognition errors and their effects on natural language processing
* Optical flow and depth from motion for omnidirectional images using a TV-L1 variational framework on graphs
* Optical flow approximation based motion object extraction for MPEG-2 video stream
* Optical Flow Based Detection in Mixed Human Robot Environments
* Optical Flow Computation from an Asynchronised Multiresolution Image Sequence
* Optical imaging with scanning MEMS mirror: A single photodetector approach
* Optimal color spaces for image demosaicing
* Optimal detection and tracking of feature points using mutual information
* Optimal Discrete Wavelet Frames Features for Texture-Based Image Retrieval Applications
* Optimal dynamic tomography for wide-sense stationary spatial random fields
* Optimal linear detector for spread spectrum based multidimensional signal watermarking
* Optimal motion compensated spatio-temporal filter for quality enhancement of H.264/AVC compressed video sequences
* Optimal Packet Loss Protection of Progressively Compressed 3-D Meshes
* Optimal power allocation for minimizing visual distortion over MIMO communication systems
* Optimal Reconstruction of Approximate Planar Surfaces Using Photometric Stereo
* Optimal wavelet differencing method for robust motion detection
* Optimal Weights for Convex Functionals in Medical Image Segmentation
* Optimisation and comparison framework for monocular camera-based face tracking
* Optimization of encoding configuration in scalable multiple description coding for rate-adaptive P2P video multicasting
* Optimization on active learning strategy for object category retrieval
* Optimization Strategies for High-Performance Computing of Optical-Flow in General-Purpose Processors
* Optimizations and Performance of a Robotics Grasping Algorithm Described in Geometric Algebra
* Optimized energy allocation in battery powered image sensor networks
* Optimized frame structure using distributed source coding for interactive multiview video streaming
* Optimizing Classification Accuracy of Remotely Sensed Imagery with DT-CWT Fused Images
* Optimum kernel function design from scale space features for object detection
* Options for a new efficient, compatible, flexible 3D standard
* Options in using graphics for evaluating correspondence algorithms
* Order-Independent Sequential Thinning Algorithm, An
* Ordinal Measures for Iris Recognition
* Orientation Features-Based Face Detection by Using Local Orientation Histogram Framework
* Overlap elimination for registered range images
* Oversegment an image to get the candidate detection windows
* Overview of adaptive morphology: Trends and perspectives
* overview of inverse problem regularization using sparsity, An
* Palmprint Recognition Algorithm Using Phase-Based Correspondence Matching, A
* palmprint recognition algorithm using Principal Component Analysis of phase information, A
* Palmprint recognition using coarse-to-fine statistical image representation
* Palmprint verification using consistent orientation coding
* Pansharpening of Hyperspectral images using spatial distortion optimization
* Pansharpening Quality Assessment Using the Modulation Transfer Functions of Instruments
* Parallel 3D Image Segmentation of Large Data Sets on a GPU Cluster
* Parallel and element-reduced Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding
* Parallel Contextual Hexagonal Array Grammars and Languages
* Parallel Coordinates: Visual Multidimensional Geometry and Its Applications
* Parallel high resolution real-time Visual Hull on GPU
* parallel implementation of a Magnetic Induction Tomography: Image reconstruction algorithm on the ClearSpeed Advance accelerator board, A
* parallel mapping of optical flow to Compute Unified Device Architecture for motion-based image segmentation, A
* Parallel Poisson Surface Reconstruction
* Parallel rate-distortion optimized intra mode decision on multi-core graphics processors using greedy-based encoding orders
* Parallelogrammic neighborhood (PN) system for nonparametric MRF based texture synthesis
* Parametric interpolation filter for motion compensated prediction
* Parking space detection from video by augmenting training dataset
* part-based template matching method for multi-view human detection, A
* Partially occluded face completion and recognition
* Particle Swarm Model Selection for Authorship Verification
* Particle tracking in fluorescent microscopy images improved by morphological source separation
* Patch-based face recognition from video
* Path Abstraction for Combined Navigation and Animation
* Path Following Algorithm for the Graph Matching Problem, A
* PCA Gaussianization for image processing
* PCIF: An Algorithm for Lossless True Color Image Compression
* PDE model for 2D intrinsic mode functions, A
* PECSI: A Practical Perceptually-enhanced Compression Framework for Still Images
* PedVed: Pseudo Euclidian Distances for Video Events Detection
* Perception-based high dynamic range compression in gradient domain
* Perception-oriented video coding based on texture analysis and synthesis
* Perceptual quality evaluation for texture and motion based video coding
* Perceptually-friendly H.264/AVC video coding
* Perfomance analysis of the Fridrich-Goljan self-embedding authentication method
* PET image reconstruction using prior information from CT or MRI
* PFID: Pittsburgh fast-food image dataset
* Phase-Correlation Guided Search for Realtime Stereo Vision
* Photo-consistent surface reconstruction from noisy point clouds
* Photometric correction of retinal images by polynomial interpolation
* Photometric Recovery of Ortho-Images Derived from Apollo 15 Metric Camera Imagery
* Physics-based illuminant color estimation as an image semantics clue
* Picture Collage
* Piecewise linear aging function for facial age estimation
* Piecewise Smooth Mumford-Shah Functional on an Arbitrary Graph, The
* Pigment identification by analytical imaging using multispectral images
* Pigmented Skin Lesions Classification Using Dermatoscopic Images
* Pitch tracking of acoustic signals based on average squared mean difference function
* Planar background elimination in range images: A practical approach
* Plane metric rectification from a single view of multiple coplanar circles
* Poisson-Haar Transform: A nonlinear multiscale representation for photon-limited image denoising
* Polar snakes: A fast and robust parametric active contour model
* Pollution-resistant peer-to-peer live streaming using trust management
* Pose estimation of femur fracture segments for image guided orthopedic surgery
* Postprocessing MPEG based on estimated quantization parameters
* Power and Distortion Optimization for Pervasive Video Coding
* Practical and Scalable Transmission of Segmented Video Sequences to Multiple Players Using H.264
* Practical Guide to Large Tiled Displays, A
* Pre-fetching based on video analysis for interactive region-of-interest streaming of soccer sequences
* Precise ellipse estimation without contour point extraction
* Precise head segmentation on arbitrary backgrounds
* Prediction of Sequential Values for Debt Recovery
* Predictive Collision Avoidance Model for Pedestrian Simulation, A
* Pricing-based decentralized rate allocation for multiple video streams
* Principal line based ICP alignment for palmprint verification
* Principal moments for efficient representation of 2D shape
* Printer forensics based on page document's geometric distortion
* probabilistic Demons algorithm for texture-rich image registration, A
* Probabilistic estimation of Braille document parameters
* Probabilistic Facial Feature Extraction Using Joint Distribution of Location and Texture Information
* Probabilistic matching of lines for their homography
* Probabilistic Model of Visual Attention and Perceptual Organization for Constructive Object Recognition, A
* probabilistic shape filter for online contour tracking, A
* Processing and Visualization of Light Microscope Images
* Processing of Microarray Images
* Progressive Presentation of Large Hierarchies Using Treemaps
* Propagation of Pixel Hypotheses for Multiple Objects Tracking
* Proposed Biologically Inspired Model for Object Recognition, A
* proposedmulti-scale approach with automatic scale selection for image change detection, A
* Protected Progressive Meshes
* Pulse Coupled Neural Networks for Automatic Urban Change Detection at Very High Spatial Resolution
* Quad-splitting algorithm for a window query on a Hilbert curve
* Quality evaluation of progressive lossy-to-lossless remote-sensing image coding
* Quality Pre-processor for Biological Cell Images, A
* Quality-based dynamic threshold for iris matching
* Quantifying color image distortions based on adaptive spatio-chromatic signal decompositions
* Quantitative assessment of breast dense tissue on mammograms
* Quantization based nearest-neighbor-preserving metric approximation
* quasi blind watermark extraction of watermarked Natural Preserve Transform images, A
* Quasi Monte Carlo partitioned filtering for Visual Human Motion Capture
* Quasi-Affine Transformation in 3-D: Theory and Algorithms
* Quasi-Gaussian DCT Filter for Speckle Reduction of Ultrasound Images
* Random Projections for face detection under resource constraints
* Random Set Framework for Context-Based Classification With Hyperspectral Imagery
* Random swap EM algorithm for finite mixture models in image segmentation
* Randomized Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for Scene Recognition
* Randomized Tree Ensembles for Object Detection in Computational Pathology
* Randomness-in-Structured Ensembles for compressed sensing of images
* Rapid and robust human detection and tracking based on omega-shape features
* Rapid Dynamic Image Registration of the Beating Heart for Diagnosis and Surgical Navigation
* Rapid stereo-vision enhanced face detection
* Rapidly Trainable and Global Illumination Invariant Object Detection System, A
* Rate distortion optimized curve determination for curved wavelet image coding
* Rate-distortion optimization for automatic sprite video coding using H.264/AVC
* Rate-Distortion Optimized JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV) with Motion and Quantization Bin Side-Information
* RAW tool identification through detected demosaicing regularity
* Ray Traced Virtual Reality
* Reaction Centric Layout for Metabolic Networks
* Real Time Hot Spot Detection Using FPGA
* Real time stereo vision using exponential step cost aggregation on GPU
* Real World Issues in Developing a Malaysian Forest Battlefield Environment for Small Unit Tactics Using 3D Graphics
* Real-Time 3D Reconstruction for Occlusion-Aware Interactions in Mixed Reality
* Real-Time Articulated Hand Detection and Pose Estimation
* Real-Time Character Control for Wrestling Games
* Real-time correlogram tracking for airborne traffic surveillance
* Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkles of Face for Animated Skinned Mesh
* Real-Time Feature Acquisition and Integration for Vision-Based Mobile Robots
* Real-time FPGA architecture of modified Stable Euler-Number algorithm for image binarization
* Real-Time Hand Detection and Gesture Tracking with GMM and Model Adaptation
* Real-Time Object-Based Video Segmentation Using Colour Segmentation and Connected Component Labeling
* Real-time optimal-memory image rotation for embedded systems
* Real-Time Parallel Implementation of SSD Stereo Vision Algorithm on CSX SIMD Architecture
* Real-Time Road Sign Detection Using Bilateral Chinese Transform, A
* Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
* Real-time screen image scaling and its GPU acceleration
* Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
* Real-Time Stereo Matching Using Memory-Efficient Belief Propagation for High-Definition 3D Tele-Presence Systems
* Real-time video object segmentation in H.264 compressed domain
* Realistic HDR tone-mapping based on contrast perception matching
* Recent advances in remote sensing image processing
* Recognition and Quantification of Area Damaged by Oligonychus Perseae in Avocado Leaves
* Recognition Driven Page Orientation Detection
* Recognition of expression variant faces from one sample image per enrolled subject
* Recognition of Semantic Basketball Events Based on Optical Flow Patterns
* Recognizability of Polyhexes by Tiling and Wang Systems
* Recognizing human actions by fusing spatio-temporal appearance and motion descriptors
* Reconfigurable video coding: Objectives and technologies
* Reconstructing FT-IR spectroscopic imaging data with a sparse prior
* Reconstruction Algorithm for Photoacoustic Imaging Based on the Nonuniform FFT, A
* Reconstruction of Canonical hv-Convex Discrete Sets from Horizontal and Vertical Projections
* Reconstruction of degraded images using genetic algoritm for archive film restoration
* Reconstruction of Facial Shape from Freehand Multi-viewpoint Snapshots
* Recovering high dynamic range by Multi-Exposure Retinex
* Rectified Surface Mosaics
* Recyclable Waste Paper Sorting Using Template Matching
* Red blood cell segmentation from SEM images
* Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on perceptual image hashing
* Reducing Artifacts between Adjacent Bricks in Multi-resolution Volume Rendering
* Reduction of computational complexity of Hough transforms using a convolution approach
* Region adaptive spectral transformation For wavelet based color image compression
* Region Graph Spectra as Geometric Global Image Features
* Region-based all-in-focus light field rendering
* Region-Based Color Transfer from Multi-Reference with Graph-Theoretic Region Correspondence Estimation
* Region-based motion-compensated frame rate up-conversion by homography parameter interpolation
* Region-of-Interest intra prediction for H.264/AVC error resilience
* Registration of Anatomical Images Using Paths of Diffeomorphisms Parameterized with Stationary Vector Field Flows
* Registration of high-dimensional remote sensing data based on a new dimensionality reduction rule
* Registration of Images With Outliers Using Joint Saliency Map
* Regularized single-kernel conditional density estimation for face description
* Relighting Forest Ecosystems
* Remote Sensing with Imaging Radar
* Removal of abdominal wall for 3D visualization and segmentation of organs in CT volume
* Removing shadows from a single real-world color image
* Rendering Virtual Objects with High Dynamic Range Lighting Extracted Automatically from Unordered Photo Collections
* Rendition-based video editing for public contents authoring
* Representation of Chemical Spectral Data for Classification, The
* Representing images of a rotating object with cyclic permutation for view-based pose estimation
* Residential Building Reconstruction Based on the Data Fusion of Sparse LiDAR Data and Satellite Imagery
* Resilient transmission of motion data in multiple description coding of video
* resource allocation framework for summarizing team sport videos, A
* Resource prediction and quality control for parallel execution of heterogeneous medical imaging tasks
* Restoration of digitized video sequences: An efficient drop-out detection and removal framework
* Retracted: Visualization of Positive and Monotone Data by Rational Quadratic Spline
* Retrieval of shoemarks using Harris points and SIFT descriptor
* Retrieving dental radiographs for post-mortem identification
* Reversible data hiding for ordered dithered halftone images
* Reversible image watermarking based on full context prediction
* Revisiting the PnP Problem with a GPS
* Rigid Part Decomposition in a Graph Pyramid
* RiverLand: An Efficient Procedural Modeling System for Creating Realistic-Looking Terrains
* Robot Command Interface Using an Audio-Visual Speech Recognition System
* Robust 3D Marker Localization Using Multi-Spectrum Sequences
* Robust 3D pose estimation from multiple video cameras
* Robust affine invariant shape image retrieval using the ICA Zernike Moment Shape Descriptor
* Robust color edge detection through tensor voting
* Robust Estimation of Camera Motion Using Optical Flow Models
* Robust extraction of urinary stones from CT data using attribute filters
* Robust Facial Feature Detection and Tracking for Head Pose Estimation in a Novel Multimodal Interface for Social Skills Learning
* Robust feature correspondences from a large set of unsorted wide baseline images
* robust framework for aligning lecture slides with video, A
* Robust fuzzy statistical modeling of dynamic backgrounds in IR videos
* Robust Harris-Laplace Detector by Scale Multiplication
* Robust Initial Detection of Landmarks in Film-Screen Mammograms Using Multiple FFDM Atlases
* Robust Inter-Scale Non-Blind Image Motion Deblurring
* Robust lane detection and tracking with ransac and Kalman filter
* Robust low-resolution face identification and verification using high-resolution features
* Robust object tracking using correspondence voting for smart surveillance visual sensing nodes
* Robust Radio Broadcast Monitoring Using a Multi-Band Spectral Entropy Signature
* Robust Reference-watermarking Scheme Using Wavelet Packet Transform and Bidiagonal-singular Value Decomposition
* Robust Registration of Aerial Image Sequences
* Robust rigid image registration with arbitrary extrinsic photometric noise
* robust road profile estimation method for low texture stereo images, A
* Robust SIFT-based feature matching using Kendall's rank correlation measure
* Robust stereo matching with fast Normalized Cross-Correlation over shape-adaptive regions
* Robust Video Mining Based on Local Similarity Alignment of Motion Trajectories
* Robust visual tracking based on simplified biologically inspired features
* Rooftop Detection and 3D Building Modeling from Aerial Images
* Rough compressed domain camera pose estimation through object motion
* Rough-DBSCAN: A fast hybrid density based clustering method for large data sets
* rule-based hierarchical framework for video parsing in compressed domain, A
* RVC dataflow description of the AVC Constrained Baseline Profile decoder, An
* Saliency detection for content-aware image resizing
* Saliency-based automatic target detection in forward looking infrared images
* Saliency-enhanced image aesthetics class prediction
* Salt and Pepper Noise Removal from Document Images
* SAR image classification using the InSar coherence for soil degradation cartography in the south of Tunisia
* SAR image despeckling using undecimated directional filter banks and mean shift
* SAR Image Segmentation Using Level Sets and Region Competition under the GHGH Model
* SAR sea ice image segmentation using an edge-preserving region-based MRF
* Scale Analysis of Several Filter Banks for Color Texture Classification
* Scale invariant descriptors in pattern analysis of melanocytic lesions
* Scale-space approach for the comparison of HK and SC curvature descriptions as applied to object recognition
* Scale-space method of image ringing estimation
* Scaling Peer-to-Peer Video-on-Demand systems using helpers
* Scene Categorization by Introducing Contextual Information to the Visual Words
* Scene classification based on local autocorrelation of similarities with subspaces
* Scene image segmentation based on Perceptual Organization
* Scene Retrieval of Natural Images
* Scene text detection suitable for parallelizing on multi-core
* Scheduling and Resource Allocation for SVC Streaming Over OFDM Downlink Systems
* Scratch detection supported by coherency analysis of motion vector fields
* Secure distortion computation among untrusting parties using homomorphic encryption
* Secure image hashing via minimum distortion estimation
* secure media streaming mechanism combining encryption, authentication, and transcoding, A
* Secure Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Templates Using Random Triangle Hashing
* Security enhancement by adopting the chaotic system for wavelet tree based digital image watermarking
* Security evaluation of informed watermarking schemes
* Seed Image Selection in interactive cosegmentation
* Segmentation and registration based analysis of microscopy images
* Segmentation and tracking individual Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in dense populations of motile cells
* Segmentation in 2D and 3D Image Using Tissue-Like P System
* Segmentation of Chinese Postal Envelope Images for Address Block Location
* Segmentation of medical images using geo-theoretic distance matrix in fuzzy clustering
* Segmentation of motion objects from surveillance video sequences using partial correlation
* Segmentation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells Nuclei within 3-D Neurospheres
* Segmentation of Sinus Images for Grading of Severity of Sinusitis
* Segmentation of the Left Ventricle in Myocardial Perfusion SPECT Using Active Shape Model
* Segmentation of trabecular bones from Vertebral bodies in volumetric CT spine images
* Segmentation on surfaces with the Closest Point Method
* Segmentation using the edge strength function as a shape prior within a local deformation model
* Segmentation, tracking, and analysis of focal adhesion dynamics in cellular microscopy imaging
* Seismic fault detection using marked point processes
* Selecting relevant visual features for speechreading
* Selecting representative and distinctive descriptors for efficient landmark recognition
* Selection of regularization parameter in total variation image restoration
* Selective and scalable encryption of enhancement layers for dyadic scalable H.264/AVC by scrambling of scan patterns
* Selective Change-Driven Image Processing: A Speeding-Up Strategy
* Self-calibration from Planes Using Differential Evolution
* Self-Similarity Inpainting
* Semantic annotation of personal video content using an image folksonomy
* Semantic keyword extraction via adaptive text binarization of unstructured unsourced video
* Semantic labeling of track events using time series segmentation and shape analysis
* Semantic Navigation Model for Video Games, A
* Semi Adaptive Appearance Models for lip tracking
* Semi-Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Semi-supervised Robust Alternating AdaBoost
* sensor-based approach to linear blur identification for real-time video enhancement, A
* Sequential particle filtering for conditional density propagation on graphs
* Shadow detection in video surveillance by maximizing agreement between independent detectors
* Shadow edge detection using geometric and photometric features
* Shadows Removal by Edges Matching
* Shape and Energy Based Approach to Vertical People Separation in Video Surveillance, A
* shape descriptors comparison for organs deformation sequence characterization in MRI sequences, A
* Shape from focus using kernel regression
* Shape geodesics for boundary-based object recognition and retrieval
* Shape prior criterion based on Tchebichef moments in variational region growing
* Shape-from-recognition: Recognition enables meta-data transfer
* Shapes as empirical distributions
* SIFT-based object recognition with fast alphabet creation and reduced curse of dimensionality
* Sign language analysis and recognition: A preliminary investigation
* Signal Analysis for Assessment and Prediction of the Artificial Habitat in Shrimp Aquaculture
* Signatures of Combinatorial Maps
* silhouette based technique for locating and rendering foot movements over a plane, A
* simple and efficient approach for 3D mesh approximate convex decomposition, A
* Simple Method for Eccentric Event Espial Using Mahalanobis Metric, A
* Simple Noise Robust Feature Vector Selection Method for Speaker Recognition
* Simple Sample Consensus Algorithm to Find Multiple Models, A
* Simplification of color images using semi-flat morphological operators and statistical metrics
* Single channel 2-D and 3-D blind image deconvolution for circularly symmetric fir blurs
* Single image defocus map estimation using local contrast prior
* Single image face orientation and gaze detection
* Single-Image Vignetting Correction
* Sketch recognition using particle swarm algorithms
* Sketch-Based Spatial Queries for Retrieving Human Locomotion Patterns From Continuously Archived GPS Data
* Skewed log-stable model for natural images pixel block-variance
* Skewness as feature for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease using SPECT images
* Skin and non-skin probability approximation based on discriminative tree distribution
* Skin lesion extraction in dermoscopic images based on colour enhancement and iterative segmentation
* Skin Paths for Contextual Flagging Adult Videos
* Smart wheelchair guidance using optical flow
* SMARViz: Soft Maximal Association Rules Visualization
* Smooth Control of Adaptive Media Playout for Video Streaming
* Soccer video summarization using enhanced logo detection
* soft multiphase segmentation model via Gaussian mixture, A
* Solidity based local threshold for oil sand image segmentation
* Sorting of rice grains using Zernike moments
* Source camera identification using enahnced sensor pattern noise
* Space-variant deblurring using one blurred and one underexposed image
* Sparse approximation with adaptive dictionary for image prediction
* Sparse image representations with shift-invariant tree-structured dictionaries
* Sparse representation based iterative incremental image deblurring
* Sparsity and morphological diversity for hyperspectral data analysis
* Sparsity-based deartifacting filtering in video compression
* Spatial and temporal up-conversion technique for depth video
* Spatial Configuration of Local Shape Features for Discriminative Object Detection
* Spatial distribution modeling for detection of clustered microcalcifications
* Spatial Gaussian Mixture Model for gender recognition
* Spatial non-stationary correlation noise modeling for Wyner-Ziv error resilience video coding
* Spatial reasoning for robot navigation using the Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition of omnidirectional optical flow
* Spatial relationships over sparse representations
* Spatial self-synchronizing video watermarking technique
* Spatial-spectral endmember extraction from hyperspectral imagery using multi-band morphology and volume optimization
* Spatial-Temporal Junction Extraction and Semantic Interpretation
* spatially aware generative model for image classification, topic discovery and segmentation, A
* Spatio-temporal constraints for on-line 3D object recognition in videos
* Spatio-temporal scalability based on motion-compensated DCT temporal filters
* Spatio-Temporal Tube Kernel for actor retrieval
* SPC without Control Limits and Normality Assumption: A New Method
* Special issue on 3D representation for object and scene recognition
* Special Issue on Noisy Text Analytics, II
* Spectral Estimation of Digital Signals by the Orthogonal Kravchenko Wavelets {ha(t)~}
* spectral method for context based disambiguation of image annotations, A
* Specular and diffuse reflectance in microfacet models
* Specularity removal for enhancing face recognition
* Speech-Driven Facial Animation Using a Shared Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model
* Speed-Up Hierarchical Compact Clustering Algorithm for Dynamic Document Collections, A
* Speeded-Up Local Descriptor for dense stereo matching, A
* Sports Video Mining via Multichannel Segmental Hidden Markov Models
* SRAD and optical flow based external energy for echocardiograms with primitive shape priors
* Stationary video camera auto-exposure conditioning
* statistical analysis of the effects of CT acquisition parameters on low-level features extracted from CT images of the lung, A
* statistical method for display and segmentation of 3D image data, A
* Statistical Model for Daylight Spectra, A
* Statistical Motion Information Extraction and Representation for Semantic Video Analysis
* Statistical region selection for robust image stabilization using feature-histogram
* Statistical Sinogram Restoration in Dual-Energy CT for PET Attenuation Correction
* Statistical video analysis for crowds counting
* Statistical-based linear vessel structure detection in medical images
* Stereo accuracy for collision avoidance
* Stereo matching using hierarchical belief propagation along ambiguity gradient
* Stereoscopic video error concealment for missing frame recovery using disparity-based frame difference projection
* Still image coding using a wavelet-like transform
* Stochastic Approach to Estimate the Uncertainty Involved in B-Spline Image Registration, A
* Stochastic Method for Face Image Super-Resolution, A
* stochastic model-based approach to image and texture interpolation, A
* Stochastic Optimization for Rigid Point Set Registration
* Structural similarity metrics for texture analysis and retrieval
* Structure-oriented Gaussian filter for seismic detail preserving smoothing
* Structure-preserving speckle reduction of SAR images using nonlocal means filters
* Structured pursuits for geometric super-resolution
* Students Perception towards the Implementation of Computer Graphics Technology in Class via Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model
* study on an evolutionary pixel predictor and its properties, A
* Study on nonlocal morphological operators
* Study on Representations for Face Recognition from Thermal Images, A
* Studying the added value of visual attention in objective image quality metrics based on eye movement data
* Sub clustering K-SVD: Size variable dictionary learning for sparse representations
* Sub-pixel Segmentation with the Image Foresting Transform
* Subclass linear discriminant analysis for video-based face recognition
* Subjective evaluation of a NO-reference video quality Monitoring algorithm for H.264/AVC video over a noisy channel
* Subsampling strategies to improve learning-based retina vessel segmentation
* Subspace clustering of images using Ant colony Optimisation
* Successfully detecting and correcting false friends using channel profiles
* Super resolution of time-of-flight depth images under consideration of spatially varying noise variance
* super-resolution based method to synthesize visual images from near infrared, A
* Super-resolution by prediction based sub-pel motion estimation
* Super-resolution with continuous scan shift
* Support Vector Machine Approach for Detection and Localization of Transmission Errors Within Standard H.263++ Decoders, A
* Surface projection for mixed pixel restoration
* Surface reconstruction from multiple images filtering non-Lambert regions
* Surface Thinning in 3D Cubical Complexes
* Survey of Biologically Inspired Image Processing for Objects Recognition, A
* SUSAN 3D operator, principal saliency degrees and directions extraction and a brief study on the robustness to noise
* Symmetry-integrated injury detection for brain MRI
* Syntactic Matching of Trajectories for Ambient Intelligence Applications
* Synthesis-in-the-loop for video texture coding
* Tangible Interaction in Learning Astronomy through Augmented Reality Book-Based Educational Tool
* Target Detection With Semisupervised Kernel Orthogonal Subspace Projection
* Task-oriented camera assignment in a video network
* Taxonomy of Directing Semantics for Film Shot Classification
* Techniques for efficient and effective transformed image identification
* Temporal down-sampling algorithm of high frame-rate video for reducing inter-frame prediction error
* temporal error concealment algorithm for H.264/AVC based on edge directions, A
* Temporal video structuring for preservation and annotation of video content
* Temporally consistent caption detection in videos using a spatiotemporal 3D method
* Text detection from natural scene images using topographic maps and sparse representations
* Text extraction from images captured via mobile and digital devices
* Text segmentation in natural scenes using Toggle-Mapping
* Textline information extraction from grayscale camera-captured document images
* Textual description of shapes
* Texture analysis using Nakagami-MRF model: Preliminary results on ultrasound images of primary choroidal melanomas
* Texture Characterization Using a Curvelet Based Descriptor
* Texture dependent feature selection for panorama
* Texture features corresponding to human touch feeling
* texture recognition system of real shoe marks taken from crime scenes, A
* Theoretical Issues of Cluster Pattern Interfaces
* Theory and application of image neighborhood parallel processing
* Thickness Characterization of 3D Skin Surface Images Using Reference Line Construction Approach
* Time-Space-Activity Conflict Detection Using 4D Visualization in Multi-storied Construction Project
* Time-Varying Radiometric Bias Correction for the TRMM Microwave Imager, A
* TOCSAC: TOpology Constraint SAmple Consensus for Fast and Reliable Feature Correspondence
* Tomographic Imaging of Rock Conditions Ahead of Mining Using the Shearer as a Seismic Source: A Feasibility Study
* Tongue tracking in Ultrasound images with Active Appearance Models
* Top-Down Segmentation of Histological Images Using a Digital Deformable Model
* Total Variation Projection With First Order Schemes
* Total variation restoration of speckled images using a split-bregman algorithm
* Toward optimal real-time transcoding using requantization in the DCT domain
* Towards a comprehensive assessment of wound-composition using color-image processing
* Towards a comprehensive RVC VTL: A CAL description of an efficient AVC baseline encoder
* Towards a generalized colour image segmentation for kiwifruit detection
* Towards a low cost multi-camera marker based human motion capture system
* Towards a visual-hull based multi-agent surveillance system
* Towards an Iterative Algorithm for the Optimal Boundary Coverage of a 3D Environment
* Towards automatic tree crown detection and delineation in spectral feature space using PCNN and morphological reconstruction
* Tracking a group of highly correlated targets
* Tracking articulated objects with physics engines
* Tracking hand-off in large surveillance networks
* Tracking occluded targets in high-similarity background: An online training, non-local appearance model and periodic hybrid particle filter with projective transformation
* Tracking of multiple interacting objects using a novel prediction model
* Training an Active Random Field for Real-Time Image Denoising
* Trajectory analysis in natural images using mixtures of vector fields
* Transcoding in the block DCT space
* Transcoding of H.264/AVC to SVC with motion data refinement
* Tree-Based Encoding for Cancellations on Morse Complexes
* Triangle-Fan-based approach for low complexity 3D mesh compression, A
* Trinocular stereo matching with composite disparity space image
* True Motion-Compensated De-Interlacing Algorithm
* TurboPixels: Fast Superpixels Using Geometric Flows
* TV-regularized generation of planar images from omnicams
* Two Algorithms for Measuring Human Breathing Rate Automatically
* Two dimensional compressive classifier for sparse images
* Two Dimensional Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Two Step Variational Method for Subpixel Optical Flow Computation
* Two-Dimensional Fast Orthogonal Neural Network for Image Recognition
* Two-dimensional geometric lifting
* Two-Frame Optical Flow Formulation in an Unwarping Multiresolution Scheme
* two-level rate control approach for video transcoding, A
* Two-level regression of body mass distribution from X-ray image database
* Two-stage registration of substrcutures in magnetic resonance brain images
* Ufeel: Using haptics and stereo to place landmarks in three-dimensional volumetric images
* Ultrafast optic disc localization using projection of image features
* Ultrasound despeckling for active contour segmentation
* Undue influence: Mitigating range-intensity coupling in AMCW flash lidar using scene texture
* Unequal loss-protected multiple description coding of scalable source streams using a progressive approach
* Unification of Multichannel Motion Feature Using Boolean Polynomial
* Unified Experiment Design, Bayesian Minimum Risk and Convex Projection Regularization Method for Enhanced Remote Sensing Imaging
* unified gradient domain method for seamless image processing, A
* Unifying View of Contour Length Bias Correction, A
* United Zernike Invariants for Character Images
* Unsupervised classification of hyperspectral images by using linear unmixing algorithm
* Unsupervised endmember extraction: Application to hyperspectral images from Mars
* Unsupervised image compression using graphcut texture synthesis
* unsupervised image segmentation algorithm based on the machine learning of appropriate features, An
* Unsupervised Object Discovery from Images by Mining Local Features Using Hashing
* Unsupervised seabed segmentation of synthetic aperture sonar imagery via wavelet features and spectral clustering
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using active contours driven by the Chernoff gradient flow
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using feature selection and fusion
* Unsupervised Video Analysis for Counting of Wood in River during Floods
* Usability Evaluation of Multimedia Courseware (MEL-SindD)
* Usage-Centered Design Approach in Design of Malaysia Sexuality Education (MSE) Courseware
* Use of Ultrasound and Computer Vision for 3D Reconstruction
* User-driven lossy compression for images and video
* Using a Virtual World to Design a Simulation Platform for Vision and Robotic Systems
* Using Animation in Active Learning Tool to Detect Possible Attacks in Cryptographic Protocols
* Using Coplanar Circles to Perform Calibration-Free Planar Scene Analysis under a Perspective View
* Using Maximum Similarity Graphs to Edit Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
* Using Membrane Computing for Obtaining Homology Groups of Binary 2D Digital Images
* Using silhouette for pose estimation of object with surface of revolution
* Using sparse regression to learn effective projections for face recognition
* Using Stereo Matching with General Epipolar Geometry for 2D Face Recognition across Pose
* Using Subspace Multiple Linear Regression for 3D Face Shape Prediction from a Single Image
* Using topic models for OCR correction
* Using Wavelet Extraction for Haptic Texture Classification
* Utilisation of edge adaptive upsampling in compression of depth map videos for enhanced free-viewpoint rendering
* Utilizing affective analysis for efficient movie browsing
* V-Volcano: Addressing Students' Misconceptions in Earth Sciences Learning through Virtual Reality Simulations
* V2S: Voice to Sign Language Translation System for Malaysian Deaf People
* Validation of a polynomial camera model for generic cameras: Calibration of catadioptric, fish-eye, short- and long focal length cameras
* variational approach to automatic segmentation of RNFL on OCT data sets of the retina, A
* Variational Approach to Semiautomatic Generation of Digital Terrain Models, A
* Variational Curve Skeletons Using Gradient Vector Flow
* variational framework for 3D colonic polyp visualization in virtual colonoscopy, A
* Variational level set method and game theory applied for nonideal iris recognition
* Variational level-set with gaussian shape model for cell segmentation
* variational method for designing adaptive bandlimited wavelets, A
* Variational model-based 3d building extraction from remote sensing data
* Variety Is the Spice of (Virtual) Life
* Vector field fitting for real-time environment matting of transparent objects
* Vector Lifting Schemes for Stereo Image Coding
* Velocity-Curvature Space Approach for Walking Motions Analysis, A
* Video coding using global motion temporal filtering
* Video Condensation by Ribbon Carving
* Video copy recognition by Oriented PCA and statistical analysis
* Video Denoising by Fuzzy Directional Filter Using the DSP EVM DM642
* Video Forgery and Special Effect Production
* Video object inpainting using posture mapping
* video retrieval algorithm using random projections, A
* Video stabilization based on a 3D perspective camera model
* Video stabilization for a hand-held camera based on 3D motion model
* Video Super-Resolution by Adaptive Kernel Regression
* View Interpolation using defocused stereo images: A space-invariant filtering approach
* View-dependent geometry coding of 3D scenes
* View-invariant action recognition using cross ratios across frames
* Viewpoint Manifolds for Action Recognition
* Virtual resolution enhancement of scale invariant textured images using stochastic processes
* Virtual view rendering using super-resolution with multiview images
* Virtual view synthesis using multi-view video sequences
* Virtual Visualisation Laboratory for Science and Mathematics Content (Vlab-SMC) with Special Reference to Teaching and Learning of Chemistry
* VisEL: Visualisation of Expertise Level in a Special Interest Group Knowledge Portal
* Visibility-Based Observation Model for 3D Tracking with Non-parametric 3D Particle Filters
* Vision-Based Mobile Robot Navigation Using Image Processing and Cell Decomposition
* Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance Using SIFT Features
* Vision-based road detection using road models
* ViSTREET: An Educational Virtual Environment for the Teaching of Road Safety Skills to School Students
* Visual Computing for Scattered Electromagnetic Fields
* Visual Data Exploration Framework for Complex Problem Solving Based on Extended Cognitive Fit Theory, A
* Visual Intention Detection for Wheelchair Motion
* Visual Language Framework for Plant Modeling Using L-System
* Visual Learning in Application of Integration
* Visual Pattern Analysis in Histopathology Images Using Bag of Features
* Visual Perception for Manipulation and Imitation in Humanoid Robots
* Visual tracking of object silhouettes
* Visualisation Enhancement of HoloCatT Matrix
* Visualization of Gene Regulatory Networks
* Visualization of JPEG Metadata
* Visualization of the Molecular Dynamics of Polymers and Carbon Nanotubes
* Visualization of the Newly Designed Jig and Fixture for Computer-Assisted Knee Replacement Surgery
* Visualized Index-Based Search for Digital Libraries
* Visualizing Arcs of Implicit Algebraic Curves, Exactly and Fast
* Visyllable-specific facial transition motion embedding and extraction
* Voodoo error prediction for bit-depth scalable video coding
* voting approach to learn affinity matrix for robust clustering, A
* Watermarking 3D models using spectral mesh compression
* Watermarking for depth-image-based rendering
* Wavelet based denoising by correlation analysis for high dynamic range imaging
* Wavelet based fuzzy perceptual mask for images
* Wavelet based seam carving for content-aware image resizing
* Wavelet based statistical detection of salient points by the exploitation of the interscale redundancies
* Wavelet Leader Multifractal Analysis for Texture Classification
* Wavelet-based colour texture retrieval using the kullback-leibler divergence between bivariate generalized Gaussian models
* Wavelet-Based EM Algorithm for Multispectral-Image Restoration
* Wavelet-based parallel MRI regularization using bivariate sparsity promoting priors
* Wavelet-Based Representation of Biological Shapes
* Web cartoon video hallucination
* Web community-based video retrieval method using canonical correlation analysis, A
* Weight, Sex, and Facial Expressions: On the Manipulation of Attributes in Generative 3D Face Models
* Weighted average denoising with Sparse Orthonormal Transforms
* Weighted prediction methods for improved motion compensation
* What Does Digital Straightness Tell about Digital Convexity?
* What we see is most likely to be what matters: Visual attention and applications
* When Pyramids Learned Walking
* Which Shape Representation Is the Best for Real-Time Hand Interface System?
* whole mesh Deformation Model for 2D and 3D image segmentation, The
* Windows and facades retrieval using similarity on graph of contours
* Woolz IIP: A Tiled On-the-Fly Sectioning Server for 3D Volumetric Atlases
* Writer Identification Using Super Paramagnetic Clustering and Spatio Temporal Neural Network
* Wyner-Ziv to H.264 video transcoder
* Zero and infinity images in multi-scale image fusion
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