Update Dates 1511

1511 * *Big Picture: This hotel is staffed by robots, The
* *Color in Texture and Material Recognition
* *Editorial: Special Issue on Unsupervised Feature Learning for Vision
* *Graph Based Representation for Pattern Recognition
* *Human Behavior Understanding
* *Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
* *Image-Based Smart City Application
* *International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence
* *International Workshop on Multimedia Assisted Dietary Management
* *International Workshop on Recent Advances in Digital Security: Biometrics and Forensics
* *Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
* *Medical Imaging in Rheumatology: Advanced Applications for the Analysis of Inflammation and Damage in the Rheumatoid Joint
* *Pre-Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement Hubble Space Telescope star-cluster dataset
* *Scene Background Modeling and Initialization
* *Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice
* *Workshop on Image and Video Processing for Quality of Multimedia Experience
* 13 Years of changes in the extent and physiognomy of mangroves after shrimp farming abandonment, Bali
* 3D displacement retrieval on glacial areas by airborne multi-view photogrammetry
* 3D dynamic facial expression recognition using low-resolution videos
* 3D Facial Landmark Detection: How to Deal with Head Rotations?
* 3D Geometric Analysis of Tubular Objects Based on Surface Normal Accumulation
* 3D Reconstruction of CFL Ligament Based on Ultrasonographic Images
* 3D Scene Flow Estimation with a Piecewise Rigid Scene Model
* 3D Texture Recognition for RGB-D Images
* 3D Trajectory Reconstruction under Perspective Projection
* 3D virtual hand pointing with EMS and vibration feedback
* 3D vision-based inspection method for pairwise comparison of locally deformable 3D models, A
* 3D visualization to mitigate weather hazards in the flight deck: Findings from a user study
* 3DUIdol: 6th annual 3DUI contest
* 4D Blood Flow Reconstruction Over the Entire Ventricle From Wall Motion and Blood Velocity Derived From Ultrasound Data
* 4D Filtering and Calibration Technique for Small-Scale Point Cloud Change Detection with a Terrestrial Laser Scanner, A
* Abnormal Behavioral Patterns Detection from Activity Records of Institutionalized Older Adults
* Abnormal behaviour detection on queue analysis from stereo cameras
* Abnormality Detection with Improved Histogram of Oriented Tracklets
* Accuracy Optimization for High Resolution Object-Based Change Detection: An Example Mapping Regional Urbanization with 1-m Aerial Imagery
* Accurate junction detection and characterization in line-drawing images
* Accurate Positioning and Orientation Estimation in Urban Environment Based on 3D Models
* Acoustic Event Detection in Speech Overlapping Scenarios Based on High-Resolution Spectral Input and Deep Learning
* Action recognition in video using a spatial-temporal graph-based feature representation
* Activity Patterns in Stroke Patients: Is There a Trend in Behaviour During Rehabilitation?
* Adapting off-the-shelf CNNs for word spotting & recognition
* Adaptive appearance model tracking for still-to-video face recognition
* Adaptive Background Modeling for Land and Water Composition Scenes
* Adaptive extended piecewise histogram equalisation for dark image enhancement
* Adaptive fine pollutant discharge control for motor vehicles tunnels under traffic state transition
* Adaptive Graph Learning for Unsupervised Feature Selection
* Adaptive Information Selection in Images: Efficient Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Adaptive Nonparametric Image Parsing
* Adaptive pooling over multiple trajectory attributes for action recognition
* Adaptive Saliency-Weighted 2D-to-3D Video Conversion
* Adaptive Slice Representation for Human Action Classification
* Adaptive Training for Robust Spoken Language Understanding
* Advanced Content Based Image Retrieval for Fashion
* Advantage of hyperspectral EO-1 Hyperion over multispectral IKONOS, GeoEye-1, WorldView-2, Landsat ETM+, and MODIS vegetation indices in crop biomass estimation
* Age, gender and handedness prediction from handwriting using gradient features
* Agricultural monitoring with polarimetric SAR time series
* Airborne Gravity Data Denoising Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Case Study for SGA-WZ Greenland Test Data
* ALIF: A dataset for Arabic embedded text recognition in TV broadcast
* Aligning transcript of historical documents using energy minimization
* ALIMC: Activity Landmark-Based Indoor Mapping via Crowdsourcing
* Alpine algorithms-time series of innovative remote sensing products for Alpine areas: Snow cover leaf area index and soil moisture
* Alternating Minimization Algorithm with Automatic Relevance Determination for Transmission Tomography under Poisson Noise
* alternative representation of coarse-resolution remote sensing images for time-series processing, An
* ALTID : Arabic/Latin Text Images Database for recognition research
* AMIGO - automatic indexing of lecture footage
* aMM: Towards adaptive ranking of multi-modal documents
* Analysing the Safe, Average and Border Samples on Two-Class Imbalance Problems in the Back-Propagation Domain
* Analysis of Albedo Influence on Surface Urban Heat Island by Spaceborne Detection and Airborne Thermography
* Analysis of AmpliSeq RNA-Sequencing Enrichment Panels
* Analysis of Compact Features for RGB-D Visual Search
* Analysis of HOG Suitability for Facial Traits Description in FER Problems
* Analysis of out-of-focus blur influence on fingerprint liveness detection system
* Analysis of the Magnetoacoustic Tomography with Magnetic Induction
* Analytical Curvature B-Spline Algorithm for Effective Curve Modeling, An
* Analytical Method and Research of Uyghur Language Chunks Based on Digital Forensics
* Annotating and Retrieving Videos of Human Actions Using Matrix Factorization
* annotation-free method for evaluating privacy protection techniques in videos, An
* Appearance-based indoor localization: A comparison of patch descriptor performance
* Application of Fuzzy Rough Sets to Financial Time Series Forecasting
* Application of High Resolution Satellite Imagery to Characterize Individual-Based Environmental Heterogeneity in a Wild Blue Tit Population
* Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Transportation Mode Recognition Using Mobile Phone Sensor Data
* Approach for reconstructing anisoplanatic adaptive optics images
* Approximate Graph Edit Distance Computation Combining Bipartite Matching and Exact Neighborhood Substructure Distance
* Approximate tight wavelet frame using Gabor wavelet
* Approximation of Graph Edit Distance in Quadratic Time
* Arabic characters recognition in natural scenes using sparse coding for feature representations
* Arabic handwritten document preprocessing and recognition
* Arabic handwritten texts clusterization based on Feature Relation Graph (FRG)
* Arabic handwritten words off-line recognition based on HMMs and DBNs
* Arabic ligatures: Analysis and application in text recognition
* Architecture Design of the H.264/AVC Encoder Based on Rate-Distortion Optimization
* ARGOS: Venice Boat Classification
* Arrays of single pixel time-of-flight sensors for privacy preserving tracking and coarse pose estimation
* Articulated pose estimation via multiple mixture parts model
* Assessing Optimal Flight Parameters for Generating Accurate Multispectral Orthomosaicks by UAV to Support Site-Specific Crop Management
* Assessing the Distinctiveness and Representativeness of Visual Vocabularies
* Assessing the Potential to Operationalize Shoreline Sensitivity Mapping: Classifying Multiple Wide Fine Quadrature Polarized RADARSAT-2 and Landsat 5 Scenes with a Single Random Forest Model
* Assessing the Suitability of Future Multi- and Hyperspectral Satellite Systems for Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Norway Spruce Timber Volume
* Assessment and Calibration of a RGB-D Camera (Kinect v2 Sensor) Towards a Potential Use for Close-Range 3D Modeling
* Assessment of an Operational System for Crop Type Map Production Using High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Satellite Optical Imagery
* Assessment of Snow Status Changes Using L-HH Temporal-Coherence Components at Mt. Dagu, China
* Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral Data into the DSSAT-CERES Model for Grain Yield and Quality Estimation
* Assistive Malaysian Sign Language Application for D/HH Learning Using Visual Phonics
* Attribute reduction approaches for general relation decision systems
* Attributed Graph Grammar for floor plan analysis
* Attributed Relational Graph Matching with Sparse Relaxation and Bistochastic Normalization
* Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Scheme Based on Wavelets and Random Forests Classification
* Audiovisual Liveness Detection
* Aughanded Virtuality: The hands in the virtual environment
* Augmented Reality System for Virtual Hijab Fitting
* Author identification by automatic learning
* Auto-Encoder-Based Shared Mid-Level Visual Dictionary Learning for Scene Classification Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* Automated analysis of line plots in documents
* Automated detection of newborn sleep apnea using video monitoring system
* Automated Fast Marching Method for Segmentation and Tracking of Region of Interest in Scintigraphic Images Sequences
* Automated Method for Annual Cropland Mapping along the Season for Various Globally-Distributed Agrosystems Using High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Time Series, An
* automated method for counting and characterizing red blood cells using mathematical morphology, An
* Automated Recognition of Social Behavior in Rats: The Role of Feature Quality
* Automated scoring of Bender Gestalt Test using image analysis techniques
* Automated segmentation and classification of chemical and other equations from document images
* Automatic and interactive rule inference without ground truth
* Automatic annotation extension and classification of documents using a probabilistic graphical model
* Automatic configuration and calibration of modular sensing floors
* Automatic Detection and Classification of Pole-Like Objects in Urban Point Cloud Data Using an Anomaly Detection Algorithm
* Automatic Detection of Good/Bad Colonies of iPS Cells Using Local Features
* Automatic detection of long term parked cars
* Automatic Detection of Nodules in Legumes by Imagery in a Phenotyping Context
* Automatic Differentiation of u- and n-serrated Patterns in Direct Immunofluorescence Images
* Automatic discrimination of text and non-text natural images
* Automatic extraction of correlation-entropy features for text document analysis directly in run-length compressed domain
* Automatic Eyes and Nose Detection Using Curvature Analysis
* Automatic Geometry Generation from Point Clouds for BIM
* Automatic Image Analysis and Classification for Urinary Bacteria Infection Screening
* Automatic Images Annotation Extension Using a Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Automatic measure of imitation during social interaction: A behavioral and hyperscanning-EEG benchmark
* Automatic Method for Metabolic Evaluation of Gamma Knife Treatments, An
* Automatic power line extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery based on an improved Radon transform
* Automatic script identification in the wild
* Automatic Summary Creation by Applying Natural Language Processing on Usntructured Medical Records
* Automatic vehicle tracking and recognition from aerial image sequences
* Automatic Video Summarization Using the Optimum-Path Forest Unsupervised Classifier
* Background Modeling by Weightless Neural Networks
* Bag of Graphs with Geometric Relationships Among Trajectories for Better Human Action Recognition
* Bag Oversampling Approach for Class Imbalance in Multiple Instance Learning, A
* Bag-of-word based brand recognition using Markov clustering algorithm for codebook generation
* Bagging by design for continuous Handwriting Recognition using multi-objective particle swarm optimization
* Balancing robustness and information abundance via self-diagnosing in traffic surveillance video analysis
* Bangla Talking Calculator for Visually Impaired Students in Bangladesh
* Barcode annotations for medical image retrieval: A preliminary investigation
* Bayesian Mixed Effect Atlas Estimation with a Diffeomorphic Deformation Model
* Bayesian Model Selection for Pathological Neuroimaging Data Applied to White Matter Lesion Segmentation
* Bayesian Networks-Based Defects Classes Discrimination in Weld Radiographic Images
* Behavior Analysis for Elderly
* Behaviour of dynamic and static feature dependences in constrained signatures
* Belief-propagation-based robust decoding for two-dimensional barcodes to overcome distortion and occlusion and its extension to multi-view decoding
* Bema: A multimodal interface for expert experiential analysis of political assemblies at the Pnyx in ancient Greece
* Benchmarking discriminative approaches for word spotting in handwritten documents
* Bias field estimation and segmentation of MR image using modified fuzzy-C means algorithms
* Big data classification based on multi-view method
* Big Data Processing by Volunteer Computing Supported by Intelligent Agents
* Bilateral Filtering of 3D Point Clouds for Refined 3D Roadside Reconstructions
* Binarization Driven Blind Deconvolution for Document Image Restoration
* Binarization of Multi-Spectral Document Images
* Binarization-free OCR for historical documents using LSTM networks
* Binarizing Change for Fast Trend Similarity Based Clustering of Time Series Data
* Binarizing complex scanned documents
* Biologically Inspired Visual Model With Preliminary Cognition and Active Attention Adjustment
* Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Application to MR-TRUS Fusion for Prostate Interventions
* Biometric Identification Using JPEG2000 Compressed ECG Signals
* Biometric Walk Recognizer
* Biternion Nets: Continuous Head Pose Regression from Discrete Training Labels
* Blind image watermarking via exploitation of inter-block prediction and visibility threshold in DCT domain
* Blind Spectrum Sensing Based on Cyclostationary Feature Detection
* Blind versus unblind performance evaluation of binarization methods
* Blob parameter selection for image representation
* Blood vessel extraction with optic disc removal in retinal images
* BLSTM-based handwritten text recognition using Web resources
* BMTDL for Scene Modeling on the SBI Dataset
* Bokeh Effects Based on Stereo Vision
* Boosting Convolutional Filters with Entropy Sampling for Optic Cup and Disc Image Segmentation from Fundus Images
* bottom-up method using texture features and a graph-based representation for lettrine recognition and classification, A
* Bounded Non-Local Means for Fast and Effective Image Denoising
* BoVW Model for Animal Recognition: An Evaluation on SIFT Feature Strategies
* Brain Fiber Clustering Using Non-negative Kernelized Matching Pursuit
* Brain-Source Imaging: From sparse to tensor models
* Bregman Divergence Applied to Hierarchical Segmentation Problems
* Bregman pooling: feature-space local pooling for image classification
* Bridge Performance Assessment Based on an Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Wavelet Filter for the GPS Measurements
* Brightness Clustering Transformand Locally Contrasting Keypoints, The
* BRISK Local Descriptors for Heavily Occluded Ball Recognition
* Building a Better Urban Picture: Combining Day and Night Remote Sensing Imagery
* Building facade detection via plane support points clustering
* Building Handwriting Recognizers by Leveraging Skeletons of Both Offline and Online Samples
* Building profile reconstruction using TerraSAR-X data time-series and tomographic techniques
* Bullish-bearish-based neural network stock trading decision supportano its application in Hong Kong stock market
* Bundle Adjustment with Implicit Structure Modeling Using a Direct Linear Transform
* BundleMAP: Anatomically Localized Features from dMRI for Detection of Disease
* Buyers satisfaction in a virtual fitting room scenario based on realism of avatar
* Calibration of Stereo 3D Scanners with Minimal Number of Views Using Plane Targets and Vanishing Points
* Camera-based document image retrieval system using local features - comparing SRIF with LLAH, SIFT, SURF and ORB
* Camera-based eye blinks pattern detection for intelligent mouse
* Can Computer Vision Problems Benefit from Structured Hierarchical Classification?
* Can RNNs reliably separate script and language at word and line level?
* Cancelable face verification using optical encryption and authentication
* Canopy Gap Mapping from Airborne Laser Scanning: An Assessment of the Positional and Geometrical Accuracy
* Capability of Spaceborne Hyperspectral EnMAP Mission for Mapping Fractional Cover for Soil Erosion Modeling
* Captured open book image de-warping using depth information
* Car crashes detection by audio analysis in crowded roads
* Carryover effects of calibration to visual and proprioceptive information on near field distance judgments in 3D user interaction
* CASE histogram: Privacy-aware processing of trajectory data using aggregates, The
* Causal Video Segmentation Using Superseeds and Graph Matching
* Cellular Network as a Sensor: From Mobile Phone Data to Real-Time Road Traffic Monitoring, The
* Cellular Skeletons: A New Approach to Topological Skeletons with Geometric Features
* Center symmetric local binary co-occurrence pattern for texture, face and bio-medical image retrieval
* Change analysis of dual polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR image time series using stationary wavelet transform and change detection matrix
* Change detection in bi-temporal data by canonical information analysis
* Change detection of coral reef habitats from multi-temporal and multi-source satellite imagery in Bunaken, Indonesia
* Change detection on light field for active video surveillance
* Change detection using multiscale segmentation and Kullback-Leibler divergence: Application on road damage extraction
* Change detection with texture segmentation and nonlinear filtering in optical remote sensing images
* character degradation model for color document images, A
* Character recognition for the machine reader zone of electronic identity cards
* Character retrieval of vectorized cuneiform script
* Characteristics of spatial-temporal sprawl in specific Chinese coastal cities from 1979 to 2013
* Characteristics of Surface Deformation Detected by X-band SAR Interferometry over Sichuan-Tibet Grid Connection Project Area, China
* Characterization and Distinction Between Closely Related South Slavic Languages on the Example of Serbian and Croatian
* Characterizing embodied interaction in First and Third Person Perspective viewpoints
* Chart classification by combining deep convolutional networks and deep belief networks
* Chinese character-level writer identification using path signature feature, DropStroke and deep CNN
* ChromaChord: A virtual musical instrument
* Cirque des bouteilles: The art of blowing on bottles
* Class-adaptive zoning methods for recognizing handwritten digits and characters
* Classification of Basic Human Emotions from Electroencephalography Data
* Classification of forms with similar layouts based on Mixed Gaussian Weighted Mask
* Classification of Low-Level Atmospheric Structures Based on a Pyramid Representation and a Machine Learning Method
* Classification schemes based on Partial Least Squares for face identification
* Classification-Selection Approach for Self Updating of Face Verification Systems Under Stringent Storage and Computational Requirements, A
* Classifier self-assessment: active learning and active noise correction for document classification
* CLICK TEATRO Project: Augmented Reality and Promotion of Theater Events
* Climate Network Based Index Discovery for Prediction of Indian Monsoon
* Cloud removal in image time series through unmixing
* Cloud-Based Geospatial 3D Image Spaces: A Powerful Urban Model for the Smart City
* CloudSim: A fair benchmark for comparison of methods for times series reconstruction from cloud and atmospheric contamination
* CLRF: Compressed Local Retinal Features for image description
* clump splitting based method to localize speech balloons in comics, A
* Clustering Analysis for Semi-supervised Learning Improves Classification Performance of Digital Pathology
* CNN based common approach to handwritten character recognition of multiple scripts
* CNN-Based Food Image Segmentation Without Pixel-Wise Annotation
* Co-occurrence Matrix of Oriented Gradients for word script and nature identification
* Coalition formation for distributed tracking in wireless camera networks
* Coffee Crop Recognition Using Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks
* Cognition Helps Vision: Recognizing Biological Motion Using Invariant Dynamic Cues
* Cognitive system for autonomous underwater intervention
* Coherence Enhancing Penalty for Diffusion MRI: Regularizing Property and Discrete Approximation, A
* Collaboration and spatialization for an efficient multi-person tracking via sparse representations
* Collaborative multi-camera face recognition and tracking
* Collective Activity Recognition by Attribute-Based Spatio-Temporal Descriptor
* Collective Visual Representation of Rainfall-Runoff Difference Model, The
* Color Fractal Descriptors for Adaxial Epidermis Texture Classification
* Color of Smiling: Computational Synaesthesia of Facial Expressions, The
* Color Spaces in Data Fusion of Multi-temporal Images
* Color structure recovering in strong specular text regions
* Colour image quality assessment using Laplacian pyramid decomposition
* Colour retinal fundus image registration by selecting stable extremum points in the scale-invariant feature transform detector
* Combination of Air- and Water-Calibration for a Fringe Projection Based Underwater 3D-Scanner
* Combination of contrast limited adaptive histogram equalisation and discrete wavelet transform for image enhancement
* Combination of multiple aligned recognition outputs using WFST and LSTM
* Combination Photometric Stereo Using Compactness of Albedo and Surface Normal in the Presence of Shadows and Specular Reflection
* combined Convolutional Neural Network and Dynamic Programming approach for text line normalization, A
* Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Estimating LAI and Biomass in Winter Wheat Using HJ and RADARSAR-2 Data
* Combining ARF and OR-PCA for Robust Background Subtraction of Noisy Videos
* Combining dynamic head pose-gaze mapping with the robot conversational state for attention recognition in human-robot interactions
* Combining EEG with Pupillometry to Improve Cognitive Workload Detection
* Combining Features for Texture Analysis
* Combining handwriting and speech recognition for transcribing historical handwritten documents
* Combining Hardwaremetry and Biometry for Human Authentication via Smartphones
* Combining Multispectral Imagery with in situ Topographic Data Reveals Complex Water Level Variation in China's Largest Freshwater Lake
* Combining Several ASR Outputs in a Graph-Based SLU System
* Comic frame extraction via line segments combination
* Comic Retrieval System Based on Multilayer Graph Representation and Graph Mining, A
* Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services
* Comparative Analysis of Different Versions of Association Rule Mining Algorithm on AWS-EC2
* Comparative Analysis of MODIS Time-Series Classification Using Support Vector Machines and Methods Based upon Distance and Similarity Measures in the Brazilian Cerrado-Caatinga Boundary
* Comparative Study of Computer Aided System Preoperative Planning for High Tibial Osteotomy, A
* comparative study of features for handwritten Bangla text recognition, A
* comparative study of local detectors and descriptors for mobile document classification, A
* Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems, A
* comparative view on exemplar tracking-by-detection approaches, A
* Comparing indirect and direct touch in a stereoscopic interaction task
* Comparing Persistence Diagrams Through Complex Vectors
* Comparing the performance of natural, semi-natural, and non-natural locomotion techniques in virtual reality
* Comparing wavelet transform with proper orthogonal decomposition
* Comparison between spatial and temporal estimation of entropy on polarimetric SAR images
* comparison of interest point and region detectors on structured, range and texture images, A
* Comparison of Matrix Completion Algorithms for Background Initialization in Videos
* Comparison of Multi-label Feature Selection Methods Using the Algorithm Adaptation Approach, A
* Comparison of NDVIs from GOCI and MODIS Data towards Improved Assessment of Crop Temporal Dynamics in the Case of Paddy Rice
* Comparison of positioning accuracy of a rigorous sensor model and two rational function models for weak stereo geometry
* Comparison of the Continuity of Vegetation Indices Derived from Landsat 8 OLI and Landsat 7 ETM+ Data among Different Vegetation Types
* Comparison of Two Approaches to Discretization: Multiple Scanning and C4.5, A
* complete automatic short answer assessment system with student identification, A
* Complex Network-Based Approach to the Analysis and Classification of Images, A
* Complexity Perception of Texture Images
* Complexity reduction in multi-dictionary based single-image superresolution reconstruction via phase congruency
* Composite of Features for Learning-Based Coronary Artery Segmentation on Cardiac CT Angiography, A
* Compression and Querying of Arbitrary Geodesic Distances
* Compressive Imaging and Characterization of Sparse Light Deflection Maps
* Compressive Sensing framework for simultaneous compression and despeckling of SAR images
* Compressive sensing measurement matrix construction based on improved size compatible array LDPC code
* Computation of tortuosity of two dimensional vessels
* Computational phase imaging for light microscopes
* Computer Aided Evaluation (CAE) of Morphologic Changes in Pigmented Skin Lesions
* Computer Vision Approach for Automatic Measurement of the Inter-plant Spacing, A
* Computer-Aided Prostate Cancer Detection Using Ultrasound RF Time Series: In Vivo Feasibility Study
* Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Lung Cancer Using Quantitative Topology Features
* comRAT-C: A computational compound Remote Associates Test solver based on language data and its comparison to human performance
* Concept Synthesis Using Logic of Prototypes and Counterexamples: A Graded Consequence Approach
* Conditional Random Field model for font forgery detection, A
* Confidence Based Rank Level Fusion for Multimodal Biometric Systems
* Confidence measures for seamless skew and orientation detection in document images
* Conflict resolution models on usefulness within multi-user collaborative virtual environments
* Confounding Factors in Keystroke Dynamics
* Consensus of Two Graph Correspondences Through a Generalisation of the Bipartite Graph Matching
* Consensus-Based Prediction of RNA and DNA Binding Residues from Protein Sequences
* Conservative Approximation-Based Full-Search Block Matching Algorithm Architecture for QCIF Digital Video Employing Systolic Array Architecture
* Consistent forest change maps 198-2000 from the AVHRR time series: Case studies for South America and Indonesia
* Consistent Sparse Representation for Abnormal Event Detection
* Constrained Directed Graph Clustering and Segmentation Propagation for Multiple Foregrounds Cosegmentation
* Constrained Ellipse Fitting with Center on a Line
* Construction of Computational Lexicon for Malay Language
* Constructions and Properties of General (k, n) Block-Based Progressive Visual Cryptography
* Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Modelling Human Visual Attention
* Content Extraction from Marketing Flyers
* Content-based comic retrieval using multilayer graph representation and frequent graph mining
* Content-independent font recognition on a single Chinese character using sparse representation
* Context-aware lattice based filler approach for key word spotting in handwritten documents
* Context-Based Semantic Tagging of Multimedia Data
* Context-driven hybrid image inpainting
* context-sensitive-chunk BPTT approach to training deep LSTM/BLSTM recurrent neural networks for offline handwriting recognition, A
* Contextualized Behavior Patterns for Ambient Assisted Living
* Continuous Authentication in a real world settings
* Continuous Exact L_0 Penalty (CEL0) for Least Squares Regularized Problem, A
* Continuous Learning Framework for Activity Recognition Using Deep Hybrid Feature Models, A
* Contrast enhancement influences the detection of gradient based local invariant features and the matching of their descriptors
* Contrast-Use Metrics for Tone Mapping Images
* Contribution of Telugu vowels in identifying emotions
* Conversion of neutral speech to storytelling style speech
* Convex Relaxation Approach to the Affine Subspace Clustering Problem, A
* Convolution and correlation theorems for continuous reduced biquaternion wavelet transform
* Convolved Multi-output Gaussian Processes for Semi-Supervised Learning
* Coordinated Adaptive Cruise Control System With Lane-Change Assistance
* Copula Archetypal Analysis
* Correction: Application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean to Phytoplankton Ecology Studies in Monterey Bay, CA, USA
* Correlating Words: Approaches and Applications
* Correspondence Framework for ALS Strip Adjustments based on Variants of the ICP Algorithm, A
* Cost-sensitive MQDF classifier for handwritten Chinese address recognition
* Countering anti-forensics of image resampling
* Counting and Classification of Highway Vehicles by Regression Analysis
* Counting Turkish Coins with a Calibrated Camera
* Coupled-Feature Hypergraph Representation for Feature Selection
* Coupling of phenological information and synthetically generated time-series for crop types as indicator for vegetation coverage information
* Craniofacial Reconstruction Using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
* Craniomaxillofacial Deformity Correction via Sparse Representation in Coherent Space
* Creating an impression of virtual liquid by modeling Japanese sake bottle vibrations
* Critical Comparison of Fingerprint Fuzzy Vault Techniques, A
* Critical Data Source; Tool or Even Infrastructure? Challenges of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Governance
* Cross Indexing With Grouplets
* Cross-domain sentiment classification-feature divergence, polarity divergence or both?
* Cross-Platform Multi-Modal Topic Modeling for Personalized Inter-Platform Recommendation
* Cross-pose face recognition based on multiple virtual views and alignment error
* Crosscale: A 3D virtual musical instrument interface
* Crossing the lines: making optimal use of context in line-based Handwritten Text Recognition
* Crosswalk Recognition Through Point-Cloud Processing and Deep-Learning Suited to a Wearable Mobility Aid for the Visually Impaired
* Crowdsearching Training Sets for Image Classification
* crowdsourced approach to student engagement recognition in e-learning environments, A
* Curriculum learning for printed text line recognition of ligature-based scripts
* Customising a qualitative colour description for adaptability and usability
* Cutting Edge Localisation in an Edge Profile Milling Head
* DaLI: Deformation and Light Invariant Descriptor
* DASyR(IR): document analysis system for systematic reviews (in Information Retrieval)
* Data assimilation in multiscale complex systems
* Data Assimilation of Satellite Soil Moisture into Rainfall-Runoff Modelling: A Complex Recipe?
* Data fusion approach for Urban area identification using multisensor information
* Data Graph Formulation as the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Entropy Problem
* Data Product Specification Proposal for Architectural Heritage Documentation with Photogrammetric Techniques: A Case Study in Brazil
* Data stream mining for multitemporal remote sensing data
* Data-augmentation for reducing dataset bias in person re-identification
* Data-Driven Approach to Benthic Cover Type Classification Using Bathymetric LiDAR Waveform Analysis
* Data-Gap Filling to Understand the Dynamic Feedback Pattern of Soil
* Database of Segmented MRI Images of the Wrist and the Hand in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases, A
* dataset for Arabic text detection, tracking and recognition in news videos- AcTiV, A
* Date field extraction from handwritten documents using HMMs
* Dealing whith occultation when accounting for observation error correlation in a wavelet space
* Dealing with frame cancellation for stereoscopic displays in 3D user interfaces
* Dealing with small data and training blind spots in the Manhattan world
* Deblurring of post-adaptive optics images
* Decision fusion and non-parametric classifiers for land use mapping using multi-temporal RapidEye data
* Decision-based neighborhood-referred unsymmetrical trimmed variants filter for the removal of high-density salt-and-pepper noise in images and videos
* Deep BLSTM neural networks for unconstrained continuous handwritten text recognition
* Deep Head Pose: Gaze-Direction Estimation in Multimodal Video
* Deep Learning and Music Adversaries
* Deep learning and recurrent connectionist-based approaches for Arabic text recognition in videos
* Deep learning based language and orientation recognition in document analysis
* Deep Learning for Feature Extraction of Arabic Handwritten Script
* Deep Learning, Sparse Coding, and SVM for Melanoma Recognition in Dermoscopy Images
* Deep Multimodal Learning for Affective Analysis and Retrieval
* Deep neural network based image annotation
* DeepBag: Recognizing Handbag Models
* Deepdocclassifier: Document classification with deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Deeper Look at Dataset Bias, A
* Deformation estimation on low coherence areas by means of polarimetric differential SAR interferometry
* Delay-Rate-Distortion Optimized Rate Control for End-to-End Video Communication Over Wireless Channels
* Demand-Driven Train Schedule Synchronization for High-Speed Rail Lines
* Denoising Autoencoder for Iris Recognition in Noncooperative Environments
* Density Based Cluster Extension and Dominant Sets Clustering
* Deriving Snow Cover Metrics for Alaska from MODIS
* Describing Multimedia Content Using Attention-Based Encoder-Decoder Networks
* Description and Characterization of a Novel Method for Partial Volume Simulation in Software Breast Phantoms
* Descriptor evaluation and feature regression for multimodal image analysis
* Design and evaluation of a visual acclimation aid for a semi-natural locomotion device
* Design and Implementation of 256-Point Radix-4 100 Gbit/s FFT Algorithm into FPGA for High-Speed Applications
* Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming System with a Buffer Aware Rate Selection Algorithm
* Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces for Attention-Aware Systems
* Detecting Abnormal Cell Division Patterns in Early Stage Human Embryo Development
* Detecting and Tracking the Tips of Fluorescently Labeled Mitochondria in U2OS Cells
* Detecting dense foreground stripes in Arabic handwriting for accurate baseline positioning
* Detecting Human Falls: A Vision-FSM Approach
* Detecting road user actions in traffic intersections using RGB and thermal video
* Detecting the Temporal Scaling Behavior of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Time Series in China Using a Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
* Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events
* Detection and Classification of Interesting Parts in Scanned Documents by Means of AdaBoost Classification and Low-Level Features Verification
* Detection of bifurcation angles in a retinal fundus image
* Detection of climate zones using multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis: A spatio-temporal data mining approach
* Detection of entry and exit zones in image sequences for automatic traffic analysis
* Detection of Human Movements with Pressure Floor Sensors
* Detection of social events in streams of social multimedia
* Determining Number of Clusters Using Firefly Algorithm with Cluster Merging for Text Clustering
* Determining OWA Operator Weights by Maximum Deviation Minimization
* Determining the effects of ENSO phenomena on Andean areas by applying radiometric indices on long time series
* Developing a Relative Ranking of Social Vulnerability of Governorates of Yemen to Humanitarian Crisis
* Developing Superfine Water Index (SWI) for Global Water Cover Mapping Using MODIS Data
* Developing Theoretical Marine Habitat Suitability Models from Remotely-Sensed Data and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
* Development of a Deceleration-Based Surrogate Safety Measure for Rear-End Collision Risk
* Development of a Driver Lateral Control Model by Integrating Neuromuscular Dynamics Into the Queuing Network-Based Driver Model
* Developmental Analysis of a Markerless Hybrid Tracking Technique for Mobile Augmented Reality Systems
* Diameter distribution estimation with laser scanning based multisource single tree inventory
* DicomPrint, an Application for Managing DICOM Images
* Dictionary-Based Approach for Estimating Shape and Spatially-Varying Reflectance, A
* Diffeomorphic Density Matching by Optimal Information Transport
* Diffeomorphic Metric Landmark Mapping Using Stationary Velocity Field Parameterization
* Difference Subspace and Its Generalization for Subspace-Based Methods
* Difference-Based Local Gradient Patterns for Image Representation
* Digital audio watermarking method based on wavelet transform
* Digital confocal microscopy through a multimode fiber
* Digital Filter Design with Time Constraints Based on Calculus of Variations
* Digital in-line particle holography: Twin-image suppression using sparse blind source separation
* digital Intonarumori, The
* Digital Preclinical PET/MRI Insert and Initial Results, A
* Digital Storytelling Tool for Education: An Analysis of Comic Authoring Environments
* direct approach for word and character segmentation in run-length compressed documents with an application to word spotting, A
* Direct hand pose estimation for immersive gestural interaction
* Direct Parametric Reconstruction Using Anatomical Regularization for Simultaneous PET/MRI Data
* Directional Super-Resolution by Means of Coded Sampling and Guided Upsampling
* Discrete Conformal Deformation: Algorithm and Experiments
* Discrete Optimization for Optical Flow
* Discrete Tomography with Unknown Intensity Levels Using Higher-Order Statistics
* Discriminant feature extraction for image recognition using complete robust maximum margin criterion
* Discriminating features learning in hand gesture classification
* Discriminative Analysis for Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices on Lie Groups
* Discriminative Local Binary Pattern for Image Feature Extraction
* Discriminative quadratic feature learning for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Discriminative Structured Feature Engineering for Macroscale Brain Connectomes
* Discriminative Training for Convolved Multiple-Output Gaussian Processes
* Dish Detection and Segmentation for Dietary Assessment on Smartphones
* Disparity Estimation for Image Fusion in a Multi-aperture Camera
* Distance perception during cooperative virtual locomotion
* Distance-Based 3D Face Reconstruction Using Regularization
* Distinctive Order Based Self-Similarity descriptor for multi-sensor remote sensing image matching
* Distortion Adaptive Descriptors: Extending Gradient-Based Descriptors to Wide Angle Images
* DMAP: Density Map Service in City Environments
* Document image analysis by a mobile robot for autonomous indoor navigation
* Document image OCR accuracy prediction via latent Dirichlet allocation
* Document image quality assessment based on improved gradient magnitude similarity deviation
* Document indexing framework for retrieval of degraded document images
* Document skew detection based on hough space derivatives
* Domain adaptation by aligning locality preserving subspaces
* Domain adaptation using weighted sub-space sampling for object categorization
* Dominant LBP Considering Pattern Type for Facial Image Representation
* Dominant Local Binary Patterns for Texture Classification: Labelled or Unlabelled?
* Don't overlook the human! Applying the principles of cognitive systems engineering to the design of intelligent video surveillance systems
* Double-constrained RPCA based on saliency maps for foreground detection in automated maritime surveillance
* Double-orientation code and nonlinear matching scheme for palmprint recognition
* Driver aggressiveness detection using visual information from forward camera
* Dual-Antenna Terrestrial Laser Scanner Georeferencing Using Auxiliary Photogrammetric Observations
* Dual-Domain Filtering
* Dynamic Approach and a New Dataset for Hand-detection in First Person Vision, A
* Dynamic Bayesian Network modeling for self- and cross-correcting tracking
* Dynamic camera scheduling for visual surveillance in crowded scenes using Markov random fields
* Dynamic focus control for preventing motion blur
* Dynamic Optimal Path Selection for 3D Triangulation with Multiple Cameras
* Dynamic Prediction of Vehicle Cluster Distribution in Mixed Traffic: A Statistical Mechanics-Inspired Method
* Dynamic visualization of complex flow fields using digital holographic interferometry
* dynamical model to classify the content of multitemporal images employing distributed computing techniques, A
* Dynamically Integrating OSM Data into a Borderland Database
* EA-Based Method for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix, An
* Ear Recognition Using Block-Based Principal Component Analysis and Decision Fusion
* Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases by Handwritten Signature Analysis
* Early Flood Detection for Rapid Humanitarian Response: Harnessing Near Real-Time Satellite and Twitter Signals
* Ecological Network Construction Based on Minimum Cumulative Resistance for the City of Nanjing, China
* Edge detection based on the Shannon Entropy by piecewise thresholding on remote sensing images
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel for Graphs Through the Directed Line Graphs, An
* Edge-Based Matching Kernel Through Discrete-Time Quantum Walks, An
* EEG Signal Pre-Processing for the P300 Speller
* EEG/ECG Signal Fusion Aimed at Biometric Recognition
* Effect of cirrus cloud on normalized difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Aerosol Free Vegetation Index (AFRI): A study based on LANDSAT 8 images
* Effect of Innovation Assumptions on Asymmetric GARCH Models for Volatility Forecasting, The
* Effective computation-aware algorithm by inter-layer motion analysis for scalable video coding
* Effective document image deblurring via gradient histogram preservation
* Effective Generation and Update of a Building Map Database Through Automatic Building Change Detection from LiDAR Point Cloud Data
* Effective Imbalanced Classification of Breast Thermogram Features
* Effects of clustering algorithms on typographic reconstruction
* Efficient 24/7 object detection in surveillance videos
* Efficient Algorithm for Calculating the Exact Hausdorff Distance, An
* efficient approach to 3D single tree-crown delineation in LiDAR data, An
* Efficient confusion-diffusion chaotic image cryptosystem using enhanced standard map
* Efficient estimation of character normal direction for Camera-based OCR
* Efficient indexing for Query By String text retrieval
* efficient line segmentation approach for handwritten Bangla document image, An
* Efficient Linearisation Approach for Variational Perspective Shape from Shading, An
* Efficient Moving Point Handling for Incremental 3D Manifold Reconstruction
* Efficient Multi Join Query Optimization for Relational Database Management System Using Two Phase Artificial Bess Colony Algorithm, An
* Efficient Polynomial Implementation of Several Multithresholding Methods for Gray-Level Image Segmentation
* Efficient Resolution Enhancement Algorithm for Compressive Sensing Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
* Efficient Scene text localization and recognition with local character refinement
* Efficient SIMD Implementation of the H.265 Decoder for Mobile Architecture, An
* Efficient text localization in born-digital images by local contrast-based segmentation
* Efficient Two-View Geometry Classification
* Efficient unsupervised abnormal crowd activity detection based on a spatiotemporal saliency detector
* Efficient Wetland Surface Water Detection and Monitoring via Landsat: Comparison with in situ Data from the Everglades Depth Estimation Network
* Efficient word image retrieval using fast DTW distance
* Efficiently computing the drainage network on massive terrains using external memory flooding process
* Egocentric Object Tracking: An Odometry-Based Solution
* Egocentric Video Personalization in Cultural Experiences Scenarios
* Egomotion Estimation and Reconstruction with Kalman Filters and GPS Integration
* Electronic Travel Aid to Assist Blind and Visually Impaired People to Avoid Obstacles, An
* Electrooculogram based blink detection to limit the risk of eye dystonia
* Elevation changes and X-band ice and snow penetration inferred from TanDEM-X data of the Mont-Blanc area
* Embedding Watermarking in Malaysia Halal Logo Using Spread Spectrum Watermarking
* Emotion recognition from mid-level features
* Emotion recognition from speech signals via a probabilistic echo-state network
* Emotions in Abstract Art: Does Texture Matter?
* Empirical Geometry-Based Random-Cluster Model for High-Speed-Train Channels in UMTS Networks
* Empirical Study of Audio-Visual Features Fusion for Gait Recognition
* En Plein Air Visual Agents
* Encountered haptic Augmented Reality interface for remote examination
* Encrypting only AC coefficient signs considered harmful
* end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using behavior, actions, and appearance with interactive query refinement, An
* Energy wasting at internet data centers due to fear
* Energy-Efficient Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Processing Unit for Multiple-Standard Video Decoding, An
* Energy-Optimal Speed Control for Electric Vehicles on Signalized Arterials
* Enhanced gesture-based human-computer interaction through a Compressive Sensing reduction scheme of very large and efficient depth feature descriptors
* Enhanced GPT Correlation for 2D Projection Transformation Invariant Template Matching
* Enhanced hierarchical model of object recognition based on a novel patch selection method in salient regions
* Enhanced Object Tracking in Real-Time Environment Using Dual Camera
* Enhanced Variational Image Dehazing
* Enhancing Signal Discontinuities with Shearlets: An Application to Corner Detection
* EnMAP-Box: A Toolbox and Application Programming Interface for EnMAP Data Processing, The
* ENP image and ground truth dataset of historical newspapers, The
* Ensemble of Hankel Matrices for Face Emotion Recognition
* Ensemble Prostate Tumor Classification in H&E Whole Slide Imaging via Stain Normalization and Cell Density Estimation
* Ensembles of exemplar-SVMs for video face recognition from a single sample per person
* Ensembles of random sphere cover classifiers
* Entropic Edge Assortativity Measure, An
* Entropy volumes for viewpoint-independent gait recognition
* Entropy-Based Automatic Segmentation and Extraction of Tumors from Brain MRI Images
* Enumeration of Shortest Isothetic Paths Inside a Digital Object
* Epigraphical projection and proximal tools for solving constrained convex optimization problems
* Epipolar Consistency in Transmission Imaging
* Epitome based transform domain Image Denoising
* Error concealment for the transmission of H.264/AVC-compressed 3D video in color plus depth format
* Establishing Style-Oriented Driver Models by Imitating Human Driving Behaviors
* Estimating Diffusion Propagator and Its Moments Using Directional Radial Basis Functions
* Estimating driver head pose using steerable pyramid and probabilistic learning
* Estimating smile intensity: A better way
* Estimating the Augmented Reflectance Ratio of the Ocean Surface When Whitecaps Appear
* Estimating the Nutrient Content of Commercial Foods from their Label Using Numerical Optimization
* Estimating the Perception of Physical Fatigue Among Older Adults Using Mobile Phones
* Estimating Vehicle Ego-Motion and Piecewise Planar Scene Structure from Optical Flow in a Continuous Framework
* Estimation of Signal Distortion Using Effective Sampling Density for Light Field-Based Free Viewpoint Video
* Evaluating Imputation Techniques for Missing Data in ADNI: A Patient Classification Study
* Evaluating stereo vision and user tracking in mixed reality tasks!
* Evaluating template rescaling in short-term single-object tracking
* Evaluating the temporal stability of synthetically generated time-series for crop types in Central Germany
* Evaluation and Monitoring of Service Quality illustrated by the Example of the German Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MDI-DE)
* Evaluation of 3D virtual cursor offset techniques for navigation tasks in a multi-display virtual environment
* Evaluation of a Backpack-Mounted 3D Mobile Scanning System
* Evaluation of a bimanual simultaneous 7DOF interaction technique in virtual environments
* Evaluation of Airborne Lidar Elevation Surfaces for Propagation of Coastal Inundation: The Importance of Hydrologic Connectivity
* Evaluation of deep convolutional nets for document image classification and retrieval
* Evaluation of face recognition technologies for identity verification in an eGate based on operational data of an airport
* Evaluation of Medium Spatial Resolution BRDF-Adjustment Techniques Using Multi-Angular SPOT4 (Take5) Acquisitions
* Evaluation of Multi-view 3D Reconstruction Software
* Evaluation of neural network language models in handwritten Chinese text recognition
* Evaluation of Polarized Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Thickness Retrieval over China
* Evaluation of Residual-Based Local Features for Camera Model Identification
* Evaluation of Signal Processing Methods for Attention Assessment in Visual Content Interaction
* Evaluation of techniques for signature classification from accelerometer and gyroscope data
* Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency Derived from MODIS Products against Eddy Variance Measurements in China
* Evaluation of Wearable Device for the Elderly (W-Emas)
* Event Detection from Business News
* Event extraction from cancer genetics literature
* Exact interactions executed with new technique estimating positions of virtual objects by using human body movements
* Exchange rate and interest rate differential: A conundrum re-examined via wavelet analysis
* ExCuSe: Robust Pupil Detection in Real-World Scenarios
* Exemplary Sequence Cardinality: An effective application for word spotting
* Expanding dictionary for robust face recognition: Pixel is not necessary while sparsity is
* Experimental Sentinel-2 LAI estimation using parametric, non-parametric and physical retrieval methods: A comparison
* Exploitation and Exploration Balanced Hierarchical Summary for Landmark Images
* Exploiting 3D geometric primitives for multicamera pedestrian detection
* Exploiting satelitte image time series for monitoring ecological quality parameters of french reservoirs
* Exploratory Method for Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction and Clustering: An Integrated Multi-Scale Framework
* Exploratory Testing of an Artificial Neural Network Classification for Enhancement of the Social Vulnerability Index
* Exploring Human Vision Driven Features for Pedestrian Detection
* Exploring spatial dependency of meteorological attributes for multivariate analysis: A granger causality test approach
* Exploring the self similar properties for monitoring of air quality information
* Exploring the Space of Abstract Textures by Principles and Random Sampling
* Exploring the validity of the long term data record V4 database for land surface monitoring
* Exploring the world of fonts for discovering the most standard fonts and the missing fonts
* exponential entropy on intuitionistic fuzzy sets, An
* Extended-State-Observer-Based Double-Loop Integral Sliding-Mode Control of Electronic Throttle Valve
* Extending the sGLOH Descriptor
* Extracting characteristics of satellite image time series with decision trees
* Extracting Graphics Information for Better Video Compression
* Extracting information from a query image, for content based image retrieval
* Extracting Leaf Area Index by Sunlit Foliage Component from Downward-Looking Digital Photography under Clear-Sky Conditions
* Extracting structured data from unstructured document with incomplete resources
* Extracting Urban Land Use from Linked Open Geospatial Data
* Extraction of Successive Patterns in Document Images by a New Concept Based on Force Histogram and Thick Discrete Lines
* eye as the window of the language ability: Estimation of English skills by analyzing eye movement while reading documents, The
* Eye-CU: Sleep pose classification for healthcare using multimodal multiview data
* Face Profile View Retrieval Using Time of Flight Camera Image Analysis
* Face Recognition from Robust SIFT Matching
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Learning Vector Quantization
* Facial Expression Recognition with Occlusions Based on Geometric Representation
* Facial expression transfer method based on frequency analysis
* Factored four way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines for activity recognition
* FADR: Functional-Anatomical Discriminative Regions for Rest fMRI Characterization
* Fall Detection Algorithm Based on Thresholds and Residual Events
* Familiarity in Team-Based Online Games: The Interplay Between Player Familiarity and the Concepts of Social Presence, Team Trust, and Performance
* Fast and accurate candidate reduction using the multiclass LDA for Japanese/Chinese character recognition
* Fast and Accurate Foreground Background Separation for Video Surveillance
* Fast and Accurate Gesture Recognition Based on Motion Shapes
* Fast Approximate GMM Soft-Assign for Fine-Grained Image Classification with Large Fisher Vectors
* Fast Brain MRI Registration with Automatic Landmark Detection Using a Single Template Image
* Fast C++ Implementation of Neural Network Backpropagation Training Algorithm: Application to Bayesian Optimal Image Demosaicing, A
* fast color barcode detection method through cross identification on mobile platforms, A
* Fast Image Classification with Reduced Multiclass Support Vector Machines
* fast iris localization using inversion transform and restricted circular Hough transform, A
* fast line-scanning-based detection algorithm for real-time SAR ship detection, A
* fast method for estimating transient scene attributes, A
* Fast Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Algorithms on Local Neighborhood Graph
* Fast Re-ranking of Visual Search Results by Example Selection
* Fast Superpixel-Based Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation
* Fast Techniques for Monocular Visual Odometry
* Feature Evaluation with High-Resolution Images
* Feature extraction based on stroke orientation estimation technique for handwritten numeral
* Feature extraction of handwritten Kannada characters using curvelets and principal component analysis
* Feature fusion for robust object tracking
* Feature regions based on graph optimization for robust reversible watermarking
* Feature Selection Approach for Evaluate the Inference of GRNs Through Biological Data Integration - A Case Study on A. Thaliana, A
* Feature selection for event extraction in biomedical text
* Feature Selection in Gait Classification Using Geometric PSO Assisted by SVM
* Feature structure fusion modelling for classification
* Feature subset selection using consensus clustering
* Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classification
* feature-based solution for 3D registration of CT and MRI images of human knee, A
* Feedback-Coordinated Ramp Control of Consecutive On-Ramps Using Distributed Modeling and Godunov-Based Satisfiable Allocation
* Few-Views Image Reconstruction with SMART and an Allowance for Contrast Structure Shadows
* Filter-Based Approach for Ornamentation Detection and Recognition in Singing Folk Music
* Filtering Non-Significant Quench Points Using Collision Impact in Grassfire Propagation
* Fine co-registration of VHR images for multitemporal Urban area analysis
* Fine registration of 3D point clouds fusing structural and photometric information using an RGB-D camera
* Fine-Motion Estimation Using Ego/Exo-Cameras
* Fine-Tuning Convolutional Neural Networks Using Harmony Search
* Finger-based manipulation in immersive spaces and the real world
* Fingerprint Matching Using a Geometric Subgraph Mining Approach
* Finite-Time Stabilization for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems With Hard Constraints
* Fire recognition based on correlation of segmentations by image processing techniques
* Firearms identification through partonomy
* First Polarimetric GNSS-R Measurements from a Stratospheric Flight over Boreal Forests
* First Step Towards Exact Graph Edit Distance Using Bipartite Graph Matching, A
* Fisher vector encoding of micro color features for (real world) jigsaw puzzles
* Fisher Vectors for Leaf Image Classification: An Experimental Evaluation
* Fitting Multiple Models via Density Analysis in Tanimoto Space
* Fixation prediction with a combined model of bottom-up saliency and vanishing point
* Fixed Point Learning Based 3D Conversion of 2D Videos
* Flexible and Latent Structured Output Learning, Application to Histology
* Floating car data-based method for detecting flooding incident under grade separation bridges in Beijing
* Flood Hazard Mapping Combining Hydrodynamic Modeling and Multi Annual Remote Sensing data
* Flood Mapping Based on Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis and Random Forest Classifier: The Case of Yuyao, China
* Flow field texture representation-based motion segmentation for crowd counting
* FlowCap: 2D Human Pose from Optical Flow
* Fluctuations of Caucasian glaciers in 20th century
* Font finder: Visual recognition of typeface in printed documents
* Food Object Recognition Using a Mobile Device: State of the Art
* Food Recognition and Leftover Estimation for Daily Diet Monitoring
* Food Recognition for Dietary Assessment Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Food Recognition Using Consensus Vocabularies
* FooDD: Food Detection Dataset for Calorie Measurement Using Food Images
* Foreground Detection Robust Against Cast Shadows in Outdoor Daytime Environment
* Foreground-Background Separation From Video Clips via Motion-Assisted Matrix Restoration
* Forget the checkerboard: Practical self-calibration using a planar scene
* Fourier Features For Person Detection in Depth Data
* Fractal dimension of maximum response filters applied to texture analysis
* Fractal Nature of Chewing Sounds
* Frame rate up-conversion based on dual criterion motion estimation and motion vector adjustment
* Framewise and CTC training of Neural Networks for handwriting recognition
* Framework for remote collaborative interaction in virtual environments based on proximity
* Freehand vs. micro gestures in the car: Driving performance and user experience
* Frequency of Low Clouds in Taiwan Retrieved from MODIS Data and Its Relation to Cloud Forest Occurrence
* From Bags to Graphs of Stereo Subgraphs in Order to Predict Molecule'S Properties
* From GPS and virtual globes to spatial computing - 2020
* From Local to Global Communities in Large Networks Through Consensus
* FSSGR: Feature Selection System to Dynamic Gesture Recognition
* Full-Reference SSIM Metric for Video Quality Assessment with Saliency-Based Features
* Fully Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation by Using Competitive EM and Graph Cut
* furthest neighbor query of space K, The
* Fusion of Holistic and Part Based Features for Gender Classification in the Wild
* Fusion of Intra- and Inter-modality Algorithms for Face-Sketch Recognition
* Fusion of Plant Height and Vegetation Indices for the Estimation of Barley Biomass
* Fusion of Range and Stereo Data for High-Resolution Scene-Modeling
* Fusion of spatially constrained attributes with kernelized ranking for person re-identification
* Fusion of Static and Dynamic Parameters at Decision Level in Human Gait Recognition
* Fusion of waveform LiDAR data and hyperspectral imagery for land cover classification
* Fuzzy 'Along' Spatial Relation in 3D. Application to Anatomical Structures in Maxillofacial CBCT
* Fuzzy match index for scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features with application to face recognition with weak supervision
* Fuzzy Rough Sets Theory Applied to Parameters of Eye Movements Can Help to Predict Effects of Different Treatments in Parkinson's Patients
* Fuzzy Rough Sets Theory Reducts for Quantitative Decisions: Approach for Spatial Data Generalization
* Fuzzy Set Interpretation of Comparator Networks
* Fuzzy-Based Shapelets for Mining Climate Change Time Series Patterns
* Gait Recognition Robust to Speed Transition Using Mutual Subspace Method
* Gamma correction acceleration for real-time text extraction from complex colored images
* Garment-based motion capture (GaMoCap): High-density capture of human shape in motion
* Gaussian Mixture Model Selection Using Multiple Random Subsampling with Initialization
* GEM++: A Tool for Solving Substitution-Tolerant Subgraph Isomorphism
* Generalized Projective Reconstruction Theorem and Depth Constraints for Projective Factorization, A
* Generating 3D hyperspectral information with lightweight UAV snapshot cameras for vegetation monitoring: From camera calibration to quality assurance
* Generating Core Based on Discernibility Measure and MapReduce
* Generating Heat Maps of Popular Routes Online from Massive Mobile Sports Tracking Application Data in Milliseconds While Respecting Privacy
* Generation of 3D Canonical Anatomical Models: An Experience on Carpal Bones
* Generation of Random Triangular Digital Curves Using Combinatorial Techniques
* Generation of synthetic training data for handwritten Indic script recognition
* Generic Half-Quadratic Optimization for Image Reconstruction
* Genetic Prediction in Bovine Meat Production: Is Worth Integrating Bayesian and Machine Learning Approaches? a Comprenhensive Analysis
* Genetic Sampling k-means for Clustering Large Data Sets
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Explicit Description of Object Contour and its Ability to Facilitate Recognition, A
* Geographic Layers as Landscape Drivers for the Marco Polo Argali Habitat in the Southeastern Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan
* Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery
* Geometric calibration for mobile, stereo, autofocus cameras
* Geometric Change Detection in Urban Environments Using Images
* Geometrical Issues on the Structural Analysis of Transmission Electricity Towers Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Finite Element Method
* Geoweb-Based Tagging System for Borderlands Data Acquisition, A
* Gestalt configural superiority effect: A complexity paradigm for handwritten numeral recognition
* Gesture learning and execution in a humanoid robot via dynamic movement primitives
* GIS-Based Web Approach for Serving Land Price Information, A
* Global and Local Gaussian Process for Multioutput and Treed Data
* Global Grassland Drought Index (GDI) Product: Algorithm and Validation, A
* Global Optimization of Exact Association Rules Relative to Coverage
* Global snow cover mapping using a multi-temporal multi-sensor approach
* Goal-Oriented Performance Evaluation Methodology for Page Segmentation Techniques
* GPU-Accelerated Video Background Subtraction Using Gabor Detector
* Gradient-domain degradations for improving historical documents images layout analysis
* Gradients and Active Contour Models for Localization of Cell Membrane in HER2/neu Images
* Grading Strategy for Nuclear Pleomorphism in Histopathological Breast Cancer Images Using a Bag of Features (BOF), A
* Graph Based Lymphatic Vessel Wall Localisation and Tracking
* Graph Database Repository and Performance Evaluation Metrics for Graph Edit Distance, A
* Graph Edit Distance: Moving from global to local structure to solve the graph-matching problem
* Graph Fusion Using Global Descriptors for Image Retrieval
* Graph matching versus bag of graph: A comparative study for lettrines recognition
* Graph-Based Deformable 3D Object Matching
* Graph-based video fingerprinting using double optimal projection
* GraphFlow: 6D Large Displacement Scene Flow via Graph Matching
* Gravitational Model for Grayscale Texture Classification Applied to the pap-smear Database, A
* Gravitational Model for Plant Classification Using Adaxial Epidermis Texture, A
* Grey-wavelet: Unifying grey-world and grey-edge colour constancy algorithms
* Ground echoes filtering using the completed local binary pattern and the support vector machine
* Ground Level Recovery from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data with the Variably Randomized Iterated Hierarchical Hough Transform
* Ground Truth Correspondence Between Nodes to Learn Graph-Matching Edit-Costs
* Group multiple-image encoding and watermarking using coupled logistic maps and gyrator wavelet transform
* Group-Constrained Laplacian Eigenmaps: Longitudinal AD Biomarker Learning
* GRPOLY-DB: An old Greek polytonic document image database
* GRUNTS: Graph Representation for UNsupervised Temporal Segmentation
* Guest Editorial
* Guest Editorial: Deep Learning for Multimedia Computing
* Guideline for Designing an Effective Serious Game by Using Cultural-Based Game Design Model
* Hacking HTML5 canvas to create a stereo 3D renderer
* Hand Gesture Approach to Biometrics, A
* Handedness detection of online handwriting based on horizontal strokes
* Handwritten numeral recognition using non-redundant Stockwell transform and bio-inspired optimal zoning
* Handwritten word spotting by inexact matching of grapheme graphs
* Handwritten words recognition for legal amounts of bank cheques in English script
* Handymenu: Integrating menu selection into a multifunction smartphone-based VR controller
* Haptic ChairIO: A system to study the effect of wind and floor vibration feedback on spatial orientation in VEs
* Have a SNAK. Encoding Spatial Information with the Spatial Non-alignment Kernel
* Head pose estimation based on face symmetry analysis
* Head Pose Tracking from RGBD Sensor Based on Direct Motion Estimation
* HEp-2 Staining Pattern Recognition Using Stacked Fisher Network for Encoding Weber Local Descriptor
* Heterogeneous Feature Selection With Multi-Modal Deep Neural Networks and Sparse Group LASSO
* Heterogeneous machine learning system for improving the diagnosis of primary aldosteronism
* HEVC Encoding Optimization Using Multicore CPUs and GPUs
* HEVC video authentication using data embedding technique
* HEVC-Compliant Perceptual Video Coding Scheme Based on JND Models for Variable Block-Sized Transform Kernels, An
* Hidden Markov model topology optimization for handwriting recognition
* Hierarchical Adaptive Path-Tracking Control for Autonomous Vehicles
* Hierarchical Agglomerative Method for Improving NPS
* Hierarchical approach to fingerprint of places based real-time topological mapping for autonomous rovers
* Hierarchical Combination of Semantic Visual Words for Image Classification and Clustering
* Hierarchical Image Representation Using Deep Network
* Hierarchical Image Segmentation Relying on a Likelihood Ratio Test
* Hierarchical interestingness measures for association rules with generalization on both antecedent and consequent sides
* Hierarchical Mesh Segmentation Editing Through Rotation Operations
* Hierarchical Multi-modal Image Registration by Learning Common Feature Representations
* Hierarchical Registration Method for Airborne and Vehicle LiDAR Point Cloud
* Hierarchical Structure-Based Fast Mode Decision for H.265/HEVC
* High performance moves recognition and sequence segmentation based on key poses filtering
* High performance offline handwritten Chinese character recognition using GoogLeNet and directional feature maps
* High performance Query-by-Example keyword spotting using Query-by-String techniques
* High Resolution Photography with an RGB-Infrared Camera
* High Speed Lossless Image Compression
* high-efficient tables memory access saving algorithm for CAVLC decoding, A
* High-Order Depth-Based Graph Matching Method, A
* High-quality initial codebook design method of vector quantisation using grouping strategy
* High-Resolution Mapping of Urban Surface Water Using ZY-3 Multi-Spectral Imagery
* Highcapacity data-hiding for 3D meshes based on static arithmetic coding
* Higher-Order Tensor Vessel Tractography for Segmentation of Vascular Structures, A
* Highly Accurate Food/Non-Food Image Classification Based on a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Highly efficient contour-based predictive shape coding
* Hippocampal Segmentation Tool Within an Open Cloud Infrastructure, An
* Historical Urban Land Use Transformation in Virtual Geo-Library
* HoG based two-directional Dynamic Time Warping for handwritten word spotting
* Homogeneity Measure for Forensic Voice Comparison: A Step Forward Reliability
* Homologically Persistent Skeleton is a Fast and Robust Descriptor of Interest Points in 2D Images, A
* Homotopy Equivalence in Finite Digital Images
* How Are You Doing? Enabling Older Adults to Enrich Sensor Data with Subjective Input
* Human action recognition based on motion capture information using fuzzy convolution neural networks
* Human action recognition based on multi-layer Fisher vector encoding method
* Human action recognition using an improved string edit distance
* Human Age Estimation Based on Locality and Ordinal Information
* Human Area Refinement for Human Detection
* Human body motion parameters capturing using kinect
* Human implicit intent recognition based on the phase synchrony of EEG signals
* Human Skin Segmentation Improved by Saliency Detection
* Human Skin Segmentation Improved by Texture Energy Under Superpixels
* Human Tracking Using a Top-Down and Knowledge Based Approach
* hybrid approach to discover semantic hierarchical sections in scholarly documents, A
* Hybrid Kernel-Based Change Detection Method for Remotely Sensed Data in a Similarity Space, A
* Hybrid Multicast and Segment-Based Caching for VoD Services in LTE Networks
* Hybrid word/Part-of-Arabic-Word Language Models for arabic text document recognition
* Hypergraph Matching Framework for Refining Multi-source Feature Correspondences, A
* Hyperspectral fluorescence imaging for mineral classification
* Hyperspectral, multispectral technologies find commercial applications
* hypothesize-and-verify framework for text recognition using deep recurrent neural networks, A
* i-Street: Detection, Identification, Augmentation of Street Plates in a Touristic Mobile Application
* ICDAR 2015 competition HTRtS: Handwritten Text Recognition on the tranScriptorium dataset
* ICDAR 2015 competition on Robust Reading
* ICDAR 2015 competition on text line detection in historical documents
* ICDAR 2015 contest on MultiSpectral Text Extraction (MS-TEx 2015)
* ICDAR2015 Competition on Keyword Spotting for Handwritten Documents
* ICDAR2015 competition on Multi-script Writer Identification and Gender Classification using QUWI Database
* ICDAR2015 competition on recognition of documents with complex layouts - RDCL2015
* ICDAR2015 competition on signature verification and writer identification for on- and off-line skilled forgeries (SigWIcomp2015)
* ICDAR2015 competition on smartphone document capture and OCR (SmartDoc)
* ICDAR2015 competition on Text Image Super-Resolution
* ICDAR2015 Competition on Video Script Identification (CVSI 2015)
* Identification of Basic Behavioral Activities by Heterogeneous Sensors of In-Home Monitoring System
* Identification of Infants at Risk for Autism Using Multi-parameter Hierarchical White Matter Connectomes
* Identifying Abnormal Network Alterations Common to Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer's Disease Patients Using Functional Connectome Data
* Identifying social groups in pedestrian crowd videos
* Identifying the Importance of Web Objects: A Study of ASEAN Perspectives
* IDS: The intent driven selection method for natural user interfaces
* Illumination Strategies for Intensity-Only Imaging
* Illusory Shapes via First-Order Phase Transition and Approximation
* Image analysis by circularly semi-orthogonal moments
* Image Clarification Method Based on Structure-Texture Decomposition with Texture Refinement
* Image color transfer to evoke different emotions based on color combinations
* Image Contrast Enhancement by Distances Among Points in Fuzzy Hyper-Cubes
* Image Edge Detection Based on a Spatial Autoregressive Bootstrap Approach
* Image enhancement using local intensity distribution equalization
* Image fingerprinting system based on collusion secure code and watermarking method
* Image Manipulation on Facebook for Forensics Evidence
* Image Orientation Estimation with Convolutional Networks
* Image restoration with triangular orthogonal wavelets
* Image Segmentation Parameter Optimization Considering Within- and Between-Segment Heterogeneity at Multiple Scale Levels: Test Case for Mapping Residential Areas Using Landsat Imagery
* Image separation using N-tree wavelet transforms
* Image splicing detection with local illumination estimation
* Image Surveillance Assistant
* Image-based coin recognition using rotation-invariant region binary patterns based on gradient magnitudes
* Immersive ROS-integrated framework for robot teleoperation
* Impact of annotation dimensionality under variable task complexity in remote guidance
* Impact of Bio-Inspired Approaches Toward the Advancement of Face Recognition, The
* Impact of Driving Styles on Fuel Consumption: A Data-Warehouse-and-Data-Mining-Based Discovery Process, The
* Impact of Local Acquisition Time on the Accuracy of Microwave Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals over the Contiguous United States, The
* Impact of resolution and image quality on video face analysis
* Impact of Sunlight Conditions on the Consistency of Vegetation Indices in Croplands: Effective Usage of Vegetation Indices from Continuous Ground-Based Spectral Measurements, The
* Impact of the Calibration Method on the Accuracy of Point Clouds Derived Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Multi-View Stereopsis, The
* Implementation of Real-Time Post-Processing for High-Quality Stereo Vision
* Implementing Low Level Features for Human Aggressive Movement Detection
* Implications of Fire Management in the Andean Paramo: A Preliminary Assessment Using Satellite Remote Sensing, The
* Implicit Boundary Learning for Connectomics
* Improved ANOVA Algorithm for Crop Mark Extraction from Large Aerial Images Using Semantics, An
* improved Artificial Immune Recognition System for off-line handwritten signature verification, An
* Improved centroid extraction algorithm for autonomous star sensor
* Improved crop classification using multitemporal RapidEye data
* Improved deep convolutional neural network for online handwritten Chinese character recognition using domain-specific knowledge
* Improved delaunay graph based video summarization with semantic features and canonical correlation
* Improved Eikonal Method for Surface Normal Integration, An
* Improved face recognition by combining information from multiple cameras in Automatic Border Control system
* Improved Fast Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithm for Image Deblurring, An
* Improved hierarchical conditional random field model for object segmentation
* Improved Human Gait Recognition
* Improved Intrinsic Motion Detection Using Time-of-Flight PET
* improved ordinal decision tree induction algorithm, An
* Improved Performance in Facial Expression Recognition Using 32 Geometric Features
* Improved Protocols and Stability Analysis for Multivehicle Cooperative Autonomous Systems
* Improved Simulation of Holography Based on Stereoscopy and Face Tracking
* Improved TOA-Based Localization Method with BS Selection Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
* Improved wide-angle, fisheye and omnidirectional camera calibration
* Improvement of Land Cover Classification by Thermal Remote Sensing, The
* Improving Bipartite Graph Matching by Assessing the Assignment Confidence
* Improving Cross-Domain Concept Detection via Object-Based Features
* Improving document matching performance by local descriptor filtering
* Improving Hausdorff Edit Distance Using Structural Node Context
* Improving High Resolution Satellite Images Retrieval Using Color Component Features
* Improving object recognition with the l-channel
* Improving OCR for an under-resourced script using unsupervised word-spotting
* Improving Optimum-Path Forest Classification Using Confidence Measures
* Improving sigma-lognormal parameter extraction
* Improving the Accuracy of CAR-based Classifiers by Combining Netconf Measure and Dynamic -K Mechanism
* Improving the Accuracy of the Sequential Patterns-Based Classifiers
* Improving the Accuracy of the Water Surface Cover Type in the 30 m FROM-GLC Product
* Improving the Efficacy of Car-Following Models With a New Stochastic Parameter Estimation and Calibration Method
* Improving Writer Identification Through Writer Selection
* In-air handwritten Chinese character recognition using multi-stage classifier based on adaptive discriminative locality alignment
* In-Season Mapping of Crop Type with Optical and X-Band SAR Data: A Classification Tree Approach Using Synoptic Seasonal Features
* Incremental Embedding Within a Dissimilarity-Based Framework
* Incremental Fixed-Rank Robust PCA for Video Background Recovery
* Incremental update of feature extractor for camera identification
* Indian Buffet Process for Model Selection in Latent Force Models
* Individual-specific management of reference data in adaptive ensembles for face re-identification
* Induction of monotonic decision trees
* Inference Strategies for Texture Parameters
* Inferring Leaf Blade Development from Examples
* Influence of text line segmentation in Handwritten Text Recognition
* Information fusion from multiple cameras for gait-based re-identification and recognition
* Information-Based Cost Function for a Bayesian MRI Segmentation Framework
* Inherent Structure-Guided Multi-view Learning for Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment Classification
* initial study on the construction of ground truth binarized images of ancient palm leaf manuscripts, An
* Initial User Requirement Analysis for Waterbodies Data Visualization
* Ink classification and visualisation of historical manuscripts: Application of hyperspectral imaging
* Inkball models for character localization and out-of-vocabulary word spotting
* Inpainting restoration for inland waters Mexico ecosystems
* INSPECT: Extending plane-casting for 6-DOF control
* Integral imaging for 3D object detection
* Integrated view-input interaction method for mobile AR
* Integrating Legal and Physical Dimensions of Urban Environments
* Integrating the Bus Vehicle Class Into the Cell Transmission Model
* Integration of Concentration-Area Fractal Modeling and Spectral Angle Mapper for Ferric Iron Alteration Mapping and Uranium Exploration in the Xiemisitan Area, NW China
* Integrative Functional Analysis Improves Information Retrieval in Breast Cancer
* Interaction analysis through fuzzy temporal logic: Extensions for clustering and parameter learning
* Interactive content-based Document Retrieval using fuzzy attributed relational graph matching
* Interactive Image Colorization Using Laplacian Coordinates
* Interactive Image Retrieval for Biodiversity Research
* Interactive Streaming of Sequences of High Resolution JPEG2000 Images
* Interactive Tool for Speed up the Analysis of UV Images of Stradivari Violins, An
* interactive web-based tool for breast reduction surgery simulation, An
* Interannual Variations in Growing-Season NDVI and Its Correlation with Climate Variables in the Southwestern Karst Region of China
* Interleaved Quantization for Near-Lossless Image Coding
* Interoperability of Biometric Systems: Analysis of Geometric Characteristics of Handwritten Signatures
* Interval Player: Designing a virtual musical instrument using in-air gestures
* Introducing Maximal Anisotropy into Second Order Coupling Models
* Intuitionistic fuzzy roughness measure for segmentation of brain MR images
* Invariant characterization of DOVID security features using a photometric descriptor
* Inverted Fuzzy Implications in Backward Reasoning
* Invertibility and Estimation of Two-Parameter Polynomial and Division Lens Distortion Models
* Investigating Bi-Temporal Hyperspectral Lidar Measurements from Declined Trees: Experiences from Laboratory Test
* Investigating the robustness of the new Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager derived texture metrics in estimating plantation forest aboveground biomass in resource constrained areas
* Investigation into the Completeness of, and the Updates to, OpenStreetMap Data in a Heterogeneous Area in Brazil, An
* Investigation of Segmental Conditional Random Fields for large vocabulary handwriting recognition
* Investigation of Travel and Activity Patterns Using Location-based Social Network Data: A Case Study of Active Mobile Social Media Users
* Iris Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform and Relational Measures
* Iris recognition using multiscale morphologic features
* Iris Texture Description Using Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Features
* Isolated character recognition using projections of oriented gradients
* Isometric Mapping Hashing
* Iterative Automated Foreground Segmentation in Video Sequences Using Graph Cuts
* Iterative Gradient-Based Shift Estimation: To Multiscale or Not to Multiscale?
* Joint 3D Object and Layout Inference from a Single RGB-D Image
* Joint cross-domain classification and subspace learning for unsupervised adaptation
* Joint denoising and magnification of noisy Low-Resolution textual images
* Joint Learning of Multiple Longitudinal Prediction Models by Exploring Internal Relations
* Joint parameter estimation and target localization for bistatic MIMO radar system in impulsive noise
* Joint Segmentation/Registration Model by Shape Alignment via Weighted Total Variation Minimization and Nonlinear Elasticity
* Joint Tensor Feature Analysis For Visual Object Recognition
* k-max Geodesic Distance and Its Application in Image Segmentation, A
* Kernel Centered Alignment Supervised Metric for Multi-Atlas Segmentation
* Kernel Combination Through Genetic Programming for Image Classification
* keypoint approach for change detection between SAR images based on graph theory, A
* Keyword spotting in handwritten documents based on a generic text line HMM and a SVM verification
* Kinematics Analysis Multimedia System for Rehabilitation
* Kite Recognition by Means of Graph Matching
* Knowing Verb From Object: Retagging With Transfer Learning on Verb-Object Concept Images
* Kronecker Compressed Sensing formulation for energy efficient EEG sensing, A
* L-GEM based robust learning against poisoning attack
* Label transition and selection pruning and automatic decoding parameter optimization for time-synchronous Viterbi decoding
* Land cover change dynamics and multi-factor analysis in high mountains basins of Colombian Andes
* Land Cover Mapping Analysis and Urban Growth Modelling Using Remote Sensing Techniques in Greater Cairo Region: Egypt
* Landmark Summarization With Diverse Viewpoints
* Landmarks inside the shape: Shape matching using image descriptors
* Landsat-Based Long-Term Monitoring of Total Suspended Matter Concentration Pattern Change in the Wet Season for Dongting Lake, China
* Landscape features that prevent or foster urban sprawl
* Landslide Fissure Inference Assessment by ANFIS and Logistic Regression Using UAS-Based Photogrammetry
* Language identification from handwritten documents
* Language Identification Using Spectrogram Texture
* Laplacian Scale-Space Behavior of Planar Curve Corners
* Large Scale Automatic Analysis and Classification of Roof Surfaces for the Installation of Solar Panels Using a Multi-Sensor Aerial Platform
* Large scale monitoring of crowds and building utilisation: A new database and distributed approach
* Large Scale Specific Object Recognition by Using GIFTS Image Feature
* Large-Margin Multi-Modal Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Recognition
* Large-Scale Graph Indexing Using Binary Embeddings of Node Contexts
* Latent subcategory models for pedestrian detection with partial occlusion handling
* layered method for determining manga text bubble reading order, A
* Layered Soft Video Broadcast for Heterogeneous Receivers
* LazyNav: 3D ground navigation with non-critical body parts
* LBP and Irregular Graph Pyramids
* LBP-TOP for Volume Lesion Classification in Breast DCE-MRI
* Leaf-Based Plant Identification Through Morphological Characterization in Digital Images
* Learning and Combining Image Similarities for Neonatal Brain Population Studies
* Learning Balanced Trees for Large Scale Image Classification
* Learning by Sampling for White Blood Cells Segmentation
* Learning Cross Space Mapping via DNN Using Large Scale Click-Through Logs
* Learning from rehabilitation: A bi-manual interface approach
* Learning Graph Model for Different Dimensions Image Matching
* Learning High-Order Structures for Texture Retrieval
* Learning interaction protocols by mimicking understanding and reproducing human interactive behavior
* Learning local image descriptors for word spotting
* Learning non-Markovian constraints for handwriting recognition
* Learning Reaction-Diffusion Models for Image Inpainting
* Learning relative photometric differences of pairs of cameras
* Learning Representative Deep Features for Image Set Analysis
* Learning Shared, Discriminative, and Compact Representations for Visual Recognition
* Learning Texture Image Prior for Super Resolution Using Restricted Boltzmann Machine
* Learning to Detect Vehicles by Clustering Appearance Patterns
* Learning Vector Quantization with Adaptive Cost-Based Outlier-Rejection
* Learning-Based Algal Bloom Event Recognition for Oceanographic Decision Support System Using Remote Sensing Data
* Let Your Body Speak: Communicative Cue Extraction on Natural Interaction Using RGBD Data
* Let's be done with thresholds!
* Level-by-Level Adaptive Disparity Compensated Prediction in Wavelet Domain for Stereo Image Coding
* Leveraging in-scene spectra for vegetation species discrimination with MESMA-MDA
* Leveraging longitudinal driving behaviour data with data mining techniques for driving style analysis
* Leveraging Mutual Information in Local Descriptions: From Local Binary Patterns to the Image
* Lexicon-driven recognition of one-stroke character strings in visual gesture
* Likelihood-Based Background Model for Real Time Processing of Color Filter Array Videos, A
* LIMSI handwriting recognition system for the HTRtS 2014 contest, The
* Line3D: Efficient 3D Scene Abstraction for the Built Environment
* Linear Multiscale Analysis of Similarities between Images on Riemannian Manifolds: Practical Formula and Affine Covariant Metrics
* Linking Past to Present: Discovering Style in Two Centuries of Architecture
* LiSens- A Scalable Architecture for Video Compressive Sensing
* Local Angular Patterns for Color Texture Classification
* Local Edge Matching for Seamless Adjacent Spatial Datasets with Sequence Alignment
* Local Entropies for Kernel Selection and Outlier Detection in Functional Data
* Local Feature Extraction in Log-Polar Images
* Local operator estimation for single-image super-resolution
* Localized document image change detection
* Localized forgery detection in hyperspectral document images
* Locally Adapted Gain Control for Reliable Foreground Detection
* Logo Recognition Using CNN Features
* Long-Short Story of Movie Description, The
* Longitudinal Patch-Based Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis White Matter Lesions
* Loss Visibility Optimized Real-Time Video Transmission Over MIMO Systems
* Low-Dimensional Models for Compressed Sensing and Prediction of Large-Scale Traffic Data
* Low-Dimensional Tensor Principle Component Analysis
* Luminance-Corrected 3D Point Clouds for Road and Street Environments
* Machine Learning on High Dimensional Shape Data from Subcortical Brain Surfaces: A Comparison of Feature Selection and Classification Methods
* Machine-readable region identification from partially blurred document images
* MaER: A New Ensemble Based Multiclass Classifier for Binding Activity Prediction of HLA Class II Proteins
* Magnetic Resonance Image Selection for Multi-Atlas Segmentation Using Mixture Models
* MAHNOB Mimicry Database: A database of naturalistic human interactions, The
* Majorize-Minimize Framework for Rician and Non-Central Chi MR Images, A
* MANGO: Mobile Augmented Reality with Functional Eating Guidance and Food Awareness
* Mapping 2D input to 3D immersive spatial augmented reality
* Mapping Aquatic Vegetation in a Tropical Wetland Using High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery
* Mapping Forest Canopy Height Across Large Areas by Upscaling ALS Estimates with Freely Available Satellite Data
* Mapping High-Resolution Soil Moisture over Heterogeneous Cropland Using Multi-Resource Remote Sensing and Ground Observations
* Mapping Impervious Surface Distribution with Integration of SNNP VIIRS-DNB and MODIS NDVI Data
* Mapping invasive species and spectral mixture relationships with neotropical woody formations in southeastern Brazil
* Mapping the snow line altitude for large glacier samples from multitemporal Landsat imagery
* Mapping Two-Dimensional Deformation Field Time-Series of Large Slope by Coupling DInSAR-SBAS with MAI-SBAS
* Mapping Urban Areas with Integration of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light and MODIS Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
* March-and-Reach: A realistic ladder climbing technique
* Marker-Based Image Processing Method for Detecting Available Parking Slots from UAVs, A
* Materials Classification Using Sparse Gray-Scale Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements
* Maximum likelihood Linear Dimension Reduction of heteroscedastic feature for robust Speaker Recognition
* Maximum Margin Metric Learning Based Target Detection for Hyperspectral Images
* Maximum-likelihood normalization of features increases the robustness of neural-based spoken human-computer interaction
* MC3D: Motion Contrast 3D Scanning
* Means of 2D and 3D Shapes and Their Application in Anatomical Atlas Building
* Measure for data partitioning in mX2 cross-validation
* Measurements and Analysis of Large-Scale Fading Characteristics in Curved Subway Tunnels at 920 MHz, 2400 MHz, and 5705 MHz
* Measuring linearity of curves in 2D and 3D
* Medical image registration based on grid matching using Hausdorff Distance and Near set
* Meeting detection in video through semantic analysis
* MEG: Multi-Expert Gender Classification from Face Images in a Demographics-Balanced Dataset
* Membrane Computing Model for Generation of Picture Arrays, A
* Memory Efficient Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform Schemes for JPEG2000
* Metadata-Assisted Global Motion Estimation for Medium-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Video Applications
* Meteosat Land Surface Temperature Climate Data Record: Achievable Accuracy and Potential Uncertainties
* Method to Analyze the Potential of Optical Remote Sensing for Benthic Habitat Mapping, A
* Methodology for Multiobjective Optimization of the AC Railway Power Supply System
* Methods for Predicting Spectral Response of Fibers Blends
* Methods to reduce cybersickness and enhance presence for in-place navigation techniques
* Metropolises in the Twittersphere: An Informetric Investigation of Informational Flows and Networks
* Mineral Classification of Makhtesh Ramon in Israel Using Hyperspectral Longwave Infrared (LWIR) Remote-Sensing Data
* Minimizing hallucination in histogram of Oriented Gradients
* Mitigation of Vehicle Distribution in an EV Sharing Scheme for Last Mile Transportation
* Mixed handwritten and printed digit recognition in Sudoku with Convolutional Deep Belief Network
* Mixed Learning Strategy for Finding Typical Testors in Large Datasets, A
* Mixed Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernel, A
* MML inference of Finite State Automata for probabilistic spam detection
* Mobile Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Diet Management
* Modalities Combination for Italian Sign Language Extraction and Recognition
* Model-based iterative reconstruction for magnetic resonance fingerprinting
* Model-Based System Specification With Tesperanto: Readable Text From Formal Graphics
* Model-Driven Approach for 3D Modeling of Pylon from Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* Model-Free Head Pose Estimation Based on Shape Factorisation and Particle Filtering
* Modeling high rainfall regions for flash flood nowcasting
* Modeling Historical Land Cover and Land Use: A Review from Contemporary Modeling
* Modeling Microwave Emission from Short Vegetation-Covered Surfaces
* Modeling Onset Spectral Features for Discrimination of Drum Sounds
* Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multimodal Manual Signal Control Under Event Occurrences
* Modified AdaBoost Algorithm with New Discrimination Features for High-Resolution SAR Targets Recognition, A
* Modified Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting via Primal-Dual Optimization
* modified ICP algorithm based on dynamic adjustment factor for registration of point cloud and CAD model, A
* Modified Isomap Approach to Manifold Learning in Word Spotting, A
* Modified Orthogonal Neighborhood Preserving Projection for Face Recognition
* Modified particle filtering using foreground separation and confidence for object tracking
* Modifying Geometric-Optical Bidirectional Reflectance Model for Direct Inversion of Forest Canopy Leaf Area Index
* Moment Analysis of Highway-Traffic Clearance Distribution
* Monitoring forest recovery with change metrics derived from Landsat time series stacks
* Monitoring Irrigation Consumption Using High Resolution NDVI Image Time Series: Calibration and Validation in the Kairouan Plain (Tunisia)
* Monitoring Natural Ecosystem and Ecological Gradients: Perspectives with EnMAP
* Monitoring the Variation in Ice-Cover Characteristics of the Slave River, Canada Using RADARSAT-2 Data: A Case Study
* MORF: Multi-Objective Random Forests for face characteristic estimation
* Motion Influence Map for Unusual Human Activity Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes
* Motion propagation detection association for multi-target tracking in wide area aerial surveillance
* Motion-Based Segmentation of Chest and Abdomen Region of Neonates from Videos
* Motion-energy-based unequal error protection for H.264/AVC video bitstreams
* Movement Pattern Analysis Based on Sequence Signatures
* Movie Genre Classification by Exploiting MEG Brain Signals
* MRF based text binarization in complex images using stroke feature
* MRI Study of Bone Erosions Healing in the Wrist and Metacarpophalangeal Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, An
* Multi-atlas Context Forests for Knee MR Image Segmentation
* Multi-Camera Structure from Motion with Eye-to-Eye Calibration
* Multi-class fruit detection based on multiple color channels
* Multi-Dimensional Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition With Adaptive Noise Applied to Laser Speckle Contrast Images
* Multi-font printed Chinese character recognition using multi-pooling convolutional neural network
* Multi-Image and Multi-Sensor Change Detection for Long-Term Monitoring of Arid Environments With Landsat Series
* Multi-label annotation of music
* Multi-layer Tree Matching Using HSTs
* Multi-lingual text recognition from video frames
* Multi-modal Background Model Initialization
* Multi-resolution local Gabor wavelets binary patterns for gray-scale texture description
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Regional Inequality based on Spatial Field Model: A Case Study of China from 2000 to 2012
* Multi-scale Opening: A New Morphological Operator
* Multi-script iterative steerable directional filtering for handwritten text line extraction
* Multi-source Information Gain for Random Forest: An Application to CT Image Prediction from MRI Data
* Multi-spectral demosaicing: A joint-sparse elastic-net formulation
* Multi-stage HMM based Arabic text recognition with rescoring
* Multi-step radiographic image enhancement conforming to weld defect segmentation
* Multi-strand Graph for a PTZ Tracker, The
* Multi-strategy tracking based text detection in scene videos
* Multi-Task CNN Model for Attribute Prediction
* Multi-Temporal Landsat Images and Ancillary Data for Land Use/Cover Change (LULCC) Detection in the Southwest of Burkina Faso, West Africa
* multi-touch finger gesture based low-fatigue VR travel framework, A
* Multi-View and 3D Deformable Part Models
* Multi-view Classification for Identification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multi-view object detection in dual-energy X-ray images
* Multiclass Approach for Land-Cover Mapping by Using Multiple Data Sensors, A
* Multiframe Super-Resolution for Flickering Objects
* Multilayer Joint Gait-Pose Manifolds for Human Gait Motion Modeling
* Multilayer reference frame motion estimation for video coding
* Multilingual signature-verification by generalized combined segmentation verification
* Multimedia Data Visualization Based on Ad Hoc Communication Networks and Its Application to Disaster Management, A
* multimodal approach for image de-fencing and depth inpainting, A
* Multimodal Approach for Percussion Music Transcription from Audio and Video, A
* Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation Benchmark (BRATS), The
* Multimodal Multi-Channel On-Line Speaker Diarization Using Sensor Fusion Through SVM
* Multimodal Multi-label Transfer Learning for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* Multimodal Output Combination for Transcribing Historical Handwritten Documents
* Multiple Classifier Learning by Sampling System for White Blood Cells Segmentation, A
* Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Sign Language Hand Motion Constraints
* multiple instances approach to improving keyword spotting on historical Mongolian document images, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning for Spectral Dimensionality Reduction
* Multiple LREK Active Contours for Knee Meniscus Ultrasound Image Segmentation
* Multiple Train Trajectory Optimization to Minimize Energy Consumption and Delay, A
* multiple-expert binarization framework for multispectral images, A
* Multiresolution approach based on adaptive superpixels for administrative documents segmentation into color layers
* Multiscale Blood Vessel Delineation Using B-COSFIRE Filters
* Multiscale Exemplar Based Texture Synthesis by Locally Gaussian Models
* Multitemporal classification without new labels: A solution with optimal transport
* Multitemporal data mining: From biomass monitoring to nuclear proliferation detection
* Multivariate statistical modeling for multi-temporal SAR change detection using wavelet transforms
* Music genre classification using EMD and pitch based feature
* Music Genre Recognition in the Rough Set-Based Environment
* Narrowband and Wideband Channel Sounding of an Antarctica to Spain Ionospheric Radio Link
* Natural Scene character recognition using Markov Random Field
* Natural-Rule-Based-Connection (NRBC) Method for River Network Extraction from High-Resolution Imagery, A
* NDVI-Based Analysis on the Influence of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Restoration in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Region, Central China
* Needs and challenges in human computer interaction for processing social emotional information
* Neighborhood Selection for Dimensionality Reduction
* Nerve Localization by Machine Learning Framework with New Feature Selection Algorithm
* NetLogo implementation of an ant colony optimisation solution to the traffic problem
* Neural shape codes for 3D model retrieval
* Neuro-Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Approach for Active Suspension Control of High-Speed Trains
* New Algorithm for Cartographic Simplification of Streams and Lakes Using Deviation Angles and Error Bands, A
* New Approach to Detect Use of Alcohol Through Iris Videos Using Computer Vision, A
* new approach to diagnose Sleep Apnea Syndrome using a continuous wavelet transform, A
* new automatic framework for document image enhancement process based on anisotropic diffusion, A
* New Context-Aware Computing Method for Urban Safety, A
* New Fingerprint Indexing Algorithm for Latent and Non-latent Impressions Identification, A
* New Graph-Based Method for Automatic Segmentation, A
* New Image Data Set and Benchmark for Cervical Dysplasia Classification Evaluation, A
* New Linear Discriminant Analysis Method to Address the Over-Reducing Problem, A
* new method based on bag of filters for character recognition in scene images by learning, A
* new method for mammographic mass segmentation based on parametric active contour model, A
* new method for multi-oriented graphics-scene-3D text classification in video, A
* New Method of Storing Integral Image for Memory Efficiency Using Modified Block Structure, A
* New Multi-resolution Affine Invariant Planar Contour Descriptor, A
* New One Class Classifier Based on Ensemble of Binary Classifiers, A
* New Post-processing Method to Detect Brain Tumor Using Rough-Fuzzy Clustering, A
* New results on connectivity in wireless network
* New Ridge-Features-Based Method for Fingerprint Image Quality Assessment, A
* New Similarity Measure for Identification of Disease Genes, A
* new type of orthonormal wavelet basis having customizable frequency bands, A
* new wavelet-Laplacian method for arbitrarily-oriented character segmentation in video text lines, A
* No reference image quality assessment metric via multi-domain structural information and piecewise regression
* No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Using Codec Analysis
* Node-Based Gaussian Graphical Model for Identifying Discriminative Brain Regions from Connectivity Graphs
* Noise characterization in ancient document images based on DCT coefficient distribution
* Noise modelling for denoising and three-dimensional face recognition algorithms performance evaluation
* Non-local Sigma Filter
* Non-parametric Approach to Detect Changes in Aerial Images, A
* Non-rigid Free-Form 2D-3D Registration Using Statistical Deformation Model
* Non-verbal communication analysis in Victim-Offender Mediations
* Nonconvex higher-order regularization based Rician noise removal with spatially adaptive parameters
* Nonlinear Background Filter to Improve Pedestrian Detection
* Nonlinear Feature Transformation and Deep Fusion for Alzheimer's Disease Staging Analysis
* Nonlinear Graph Fusion for Multi-modal Classification of Alzheimer's Disease
* Nonnegative matrix factorization based on projected hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm
* nonparametric method for intensity inhomogeneity correction in MRI brain images by fusion of Gaussian surfaces, A
* Normalized difference phytoplankton index (NDPI) and spatio-temporal cloud filtering for multitemporal cyanobacteria pollution analysis on Erie Lake in 2014
* novel 3D user interface for the immersive design review, A
* Novel Approach for Image Super Resolution Using Kernel Methods, A
* Novel approach to autofocus imaging for mobile cameras
* Novel Automatic Tool for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quantification of Bone Erosion Scoring in Rheumatoid Arthritis
* novel binarization approach for text in images, A
* Novel Canonical Form for the Registration of Non Rigid 3D Shapes, A
* novel combining classifier method based on Variational Inference, A
* novel finger and hand pose estimation technique for real-time hand gesture recognition, A
* Novel Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval Through Relevance Feedback Optimization, A
* Novel Hybrid CNN-AIS Visual Pattern Recognition Engine, A
* Novel Image Descriptor Based on Anisotropic Filtering, A
* novel image filtering approach for sensor fingerprint estimation in source camera identification, A
* novel intelligent robust watermarking scheme for protecting information in document images, A
* Novel line verification for multiple instance focused retrieval in document collections
* Novel Method for Simultaneous Acquisition of Visible and Near-Infrared Light Using a Coded Infrared-Cut Filter, A
* Novel multi-feature Bag-of-Words descriptor via subspace random projection for efficient human-action recognition
* novel Non-local means image denoising method based on grey theory, A
* Novel Quality Image Fusion Assessment Based on Maximum Codispersion, A
* novel remote sensing image fusion algorithm using ICA bases, A
* Novel Spatial-Temporal Voronoi Diagram-Based Heuristic Approach for Large-Scale Vehicle Routing Optimization with Time Constraints, A
* novel stumpage detection method for forest harvesting based on multi-sensor fusion, A
* Novel Tree Block-Coordinate Method for MAP Inference, A
* Novel View-Synthesis from Multiple Sources for Conversion to 3DS
* NR-Bitstream video quality metrics for SSIM using encoding decisions in AVC and HEVC coded videos
* Numerical models to forecast the sugarcane production in regional scale based on time series of NDVI/AVHRR images
* Object Detection and Tracking from Fixed and Mobile Platforms
* Object Proposals Estimation in Depth Image Using Compact 3D Shape Manifolds
* Object proposals for text extraction in the wild
* Object removal by depth-wise image inpainting
* Object-level saliency detection with color attributes
* Objective and Subjective Meal Registration via a Smartphone Application
* Observing human activities using movement modelling
* occlusion reasoning scheme for monocular pedestrian tracking in dynamic scenes, An
* Ocean Wave Parameters Retrieval from TerraSAR-X Images Validated against Buoy Measurements and Model Results
* OCR for bilingual documents using language modeling
* OCR performance prediction using cross-OCR alignment
* Offline Writer Identification Using Convolutional Neural Network Activation Features
* OGC Consensus: How Successful Standards Are Made
* omnidirectional vision system for bus safety surveillance, An
* On a Fast Bilateral Filtering Formulation Using Functional Rearrangements
* On Comparing Colour Spaces From a Performance Perspective: Application to Automated Classification of Polished Natural Stones
* On designing an unconstrained tri-band pupil detection system for human identification
* On Different Colour Spaces for Medical Colour Image Classification
* On Enhancing Lane Estimation Using Contextual Cues
* On extraction of features for handwritten Odia numeral recognition in transformed domain
* On fusion for robust motion segmentation
* On Generating Content-Oriented Geo Features for Sensor-Rich Outdoor Video Search
* On Multiview Analysis for Fingerprint Liveness Detection
* On segmentation of CS reconstructed MR images
* On Spatiochromatic Features in Natural Images Statistics
* On the Exploitation of One Class Classification to Distinguish Food Vs Non-Food Images
* On the Influence of Node Centralities on Graph Edit Distance for Graph Classification
* On the Intrinsic Relationship Between the Least Mean Square and Kalman Filters
* On the Number of Rules and Conditions in Mining Data with Attribute-Concept Values and 'Do Not Care' Conditions
* On the Use of the ISBAS Acronym in InSAR Applications
* On-Street and Off-Street Parking Availability Prediction Using Multivariate Spatiotemporal Models
* On-The-Fly Handwriting Recognition Using a High-Level Representation
* One-Shot 3D-Gradient Method Applied to Face Recognition
* One-shot field spotting on colored forms using subgraph isomorphism
* Ongoing work on traffic lights: Detection and evaluation
* Online handwriting recognition using depth sensors
* Online handwritten Tibetan syllable recognition based on component segmentation method
* Online Kernel Matrix Factorization
* Online multi-face detection and tracking using detector confidence and structured SVMs
* Online multi-modal task-driven dictionary learning and robust joint sparse representation for visual tracking
* Online pedestrian group walking event detection using spectral analysis of motion similarity graph
* Online Prediction of People's Next Point-of-Interest: Concept Drift Support
* online reversed French Sign Language dictionary based on a learning approach for signs classification, An
* Online Signature Verification Based on DCT and Sparse Representation
* Online Signature Verification: Is the Whole Greater Than the Sum of the Parts?
* open source testing tool for evaluating handwriting input methods, An
* Optical Flow Computation with Locally Quadratic Assumption
* Optical flow-motion history image (OF-MHI) for action recognition
* Optical modelling and language modelling trade-off for Handwritten Text Recognition
* Optical remote sensing and the retrieval of terrestrial vegetation bio-geophysical properties: A review
* Optical Truck Tracking for Autonomous Platooning
* Optimal Altitude, Overlap, and Weather Conditions for Computer Vision UAV Estimates of Forest Structure
* Optimal and Linear F-Measure Classifiers Applied to Non-technical Losses Detection
* Optimal Bandwidth of the Minkowski Content-Based Estimator of the Mean Density of Random Closed Sets: Theoretical Results and Numerical Experiments
* Optimal Data Acquisition and Height Retrieval in Repeat-Track Geosynchronous SAR Interferometry
* Optimal Dual Certificates for Noise Robustness Bounds in Compressive Sensing
* Optimal Greedy Approximate Nearest Neighbor Method in Statistical Pattern Recognition, An
* Optimal Mass Transport for Shape Matching and Comparison
* Optimal residual frame based source modeling for HMM-based speech synthesis
* Optimal road side units placement model based on binary integer programming for efficient traffic information advertisement and discovery in vehicular environment
* Optimization techniques to transform fragile watermarking
* Optimized Intra Mode Decision for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Optimized NURBS Curves Modelling Using Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot Navigation
* Optimized Parallel Model of Covariance Based Person Detection
* Optimized-Memory Map-Reduce Algorithm for Mobile Learning
* Optimizing and Evaluating a Graph-Based Segmentation of MRI Wrist Bones
* Optimizing magnetic resonance imaging reconstructions
* Optimizing the Accuracy and Compactness of Multi-view Reconstructions
* Optimizing the Data Adaptive Dual Domain Denoising Algorithm
* Ordinal decision trees based on fuzzy rank entropy
* Organic Matter Modeling at the Landscape Scale Based on Multitemporal Soil Pattern Analysis Using RapidEye Data
* Orientation-selective building detection in aerial images
* Outlier aggregation to pick up scattered watermark energy
* Overlapped-triangle analysis with hierarchical ranking of dominance
* Page segmentation of historical document images with convolutional autoencoders
* Panel Tracking for the Extraction and the Classification of Speech Balloons
* Paragraph text segmentation into lines with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Parallel 2D Local Pattern Spectra of Invariant Moments for Galaxy Classification
* Parallel sequence classification using recurrent neural networks and alignment
* Parametric coding of texture in multi-view videos for 3DTV
* Parametric Spectral Model for Texture-Based Salience, A
* Partial rank aggregation using multiobjective genetic algorithm: Application in ranking genes
* Particle filter based Conjoint Individual-Group Tracker (CIGT)
* Particle filter with occlusion handling for visual tracking
* Partition-Based Match Making Algorithm for Dynamic Ridesharing, A
* Parzen-Based Distance Between Probability Measures as an Alternative of Summary Statistics in Approximate Bayesian Computation, A
* Patch-based fire detection with online outlier learning
* Patch-Level Spatial Layout for Classification and Weakly Supervised Localization
* Path-Based Dominant-Set Clustering
* Pattern classification to optimize the performance of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography-based brain machine interface
* Patterns of use, perceived benefits and reported effects of access to navigation support systems: an inter-European field operational test
* PDP-RF: Protein Domain Boundary Prediction Using Random Forest Classifier
* Pedestrian Detection Using Multi-Objective Optimization
* Penetra3D: A penetrable, interactive, 360-degree viewable display
* People detection in surveillance: classification and evaluation
* Perception in Disparity: An Efficient Navigation Framework for Autonomous Vehicles With Stereo Cameras
* Perfect Estimation of a Background Image Does Not Lead to a Perfect Background Subtraction: Analysis of the Upper Bound on the Performance, A
* Performance Analysis of Active Shape Reconstruction of Fractured, Incomplete Skulls
* Performance Characterization of Reactive Visual Systems
* Performance evaluation of 3D hybrid transforms and 2D-set partitioning methods for lossy hyperspectral data compression
* Performance evaluation of DTW and its variants for word spotting in degraded documents
* performance evaluation of NSHP-HMM based on conditional ZONE observation probabilities application to offline handwriting word recognition, A
* Performance of High Resolution Satellite Rainfall Products over Data Scarce Parts of Eastern Ethiopia
* Person identity recognition on motion capture data using multiple actions
* Person Re-identification Using Robust Brightness Transfer Functions Based on Multiple Detections
* Person re-identification visualization tool for object tracking across non-overlapping cameras
* PETS 2015: Datasets and challenge
* Phase congruency analysis of down-sampled and blurring images for foreground extraction
* phase synchronization model between auditory brain stem response and electroencephalogram using the reconstructed waveform of multi-resolution discrete stationary wavelet analysis, A
* Phase-Based Window Matching with Geometric Correction for Multi-View Stereo
* Phenology-Based Method for Monitoring Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation in Mediterranean Forests from NDVI Time Series, A
* Photorealistic Face Transfer in 2D and 3D Video
* Physics-Based Statistical Model for Human Gait Analysis, A
* Planar Markovian approach for the recognition of a wide vocabulary of Arabic decomposable words
* Plane-Fitting Robust Registration for Complex 3D Models
* Planning unobstructed paths in traffic-aware spatial networks
* Plda-based system for text-prompted password speaker verification
* PLSA-based sparse representation for vehicle color classification
* Point Cluster Analysis Using a 3D Voronoi Diagram with Applications in Point Cloud Segmentation
* Polar Stroke Descriptor for classification of historical documents, A
* Polyp Detection via Imbalanced Learning and Discriminative Feature Learning
* Pop-up Modelling of Hazy Scenes
* Pose Estimation and Shape Retrieval with Hough Voting in a Continuous Voting Space
* Pose Normalisation for 3D Vehicles
* Potential of EnMAP and Sentinel-2 Data for Detecting Drought Stress Phenomena in Deciduous Forest Communities, The
* Potential of Pan-Sharpened EnMAP Data for the Assessment of Wheat LAI, The
* Practical chirocentric 3DUI platform for immersive environments
* practical method for driver sleepiness detection by processing the EEG signals stimulated with external flickering light, A
* Precise Cross-Section Estimation on Tubular Organs
* Precise Euclidean distance transforms in 3D from voxel coverage representation
* precise time sequency match method of GPR high resolution step system, A
* Predictability of Public Transport Usage: A Study of Bus Rides in Lisbon, Portugal
* Predicting Entry-Level Categories
* Predicting Eye Fixations on Webpage With an Ensemble of Early Features and High-Level Representations from Deep Network
* Predicting Range of Acceptable Photographic Tonal Adjustments
* Predicting Standard-Dose PET Image from Low-Dose PET and Multimodal MR Images Using Mapping-Based Sparse Representation
* Predicting the Number of DCT Coefficients in the Process of Seabed Data Compression
* Predicting wide receiver trajectories in American football
* Prediction of asynchronous dimensional emotion ratings from audiovisual and physiological data
* Prediction of Canopy Heights over a Large Region Using Heterogeneous Lidar Datasets: Efficacy and Challenges
* Prediction of inverse kinematics of a 5-DOF pioneer robotic arm having 6-DOF end-effector using ANFIS
* Prediction of NDVI for grassland habitats by fusing RapidEye and Landsat imagery
* Preface of pattern recognition in human computer interaction
* Preliminary Study on Social Learning Using Mobile Technology Among Children with Autism
* Preselection of support vector candidates by relative neighborhood graph for large-scale character recognition
* Primal sketch of image series with edge preserving filtering application to change detection
* Printer Indexing System for Color Calibration with Applications in Dietary Assessment, A
* probabilistic framework for dynamic k estimation in kNN classifiers with certainty factor, A
* Probabilistic interpretation and improvements to the HMM-filler for handwritten keyword spotting
* Probabilistic ToF and Stereo Data Fusion Based on Mixed Pixels Measurement Models
* Probabilistic tolerance rough set model
* Procedural Generation of Adjustable Terrain for Application in Computer Games Using 2D Maps
* Processing polarimetric SAR time series over urban areas with binary partition trees
* Processing: A Python Framework for the Seamless Integration of Geoprocessing Tools in QGIS
* Program for Simultaneous Network Signal Timing Optimization and Traffic Assignment, A
* Progressive Blind Deconvolution
* Projection selection hashing
* Projective Label Propagation by Label Embedding
* Prominent moving object segmentation from moving camera video shots using iterative energy minimization
* Promoting consensus in the concept mapping methodology: An application in the hospitality sector
* proposal of a document image reading-life log based on document image retrieval and eyetracking, A
* Protein-based optical filters for image processinge
* Prototype-Based Discriminative Feature Learning for Kinship Verification
* Push or Delay? Decomposing Smartphone Notification Response Behaviour
* Puzzle Approach to Pose Tracking of a Rigid Object in a Multi Camera System
* QCRI Recognition System for Handwritten Arabic, The
* QR factorization based Incremental Extreme Learning Machine with growth of hidden nodes
* Quality Assessment of S-NPP VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Product
* Quality Evaluation of VGI Using Authoritative Data: A Comparison with Land Use Data in Southern Germany
* Quantifying mangrove chlorophyll from high spatial resolution imagery
* Quantitative Estimation of Fluorescence Parameters for Crop Leaves with Bayesian Inversion
* Quantitative evaluation of features for Forensic Handwriting Examination
* Quantitative Evaluation of Knee Subchondral Bone Mineral Density Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
* Quantum Jensen-Shannon Graph Kernel Using Discrete-Time Quantum Walks, A
* Query by string word spotting based on character bi-gram indexing
* Query-Dependent Aesthetic Model With Deep Learning for Photo Quality Assessment
* Quis-Campi: Extending in the Wild Biometric Recognition to Surveillance Environments
* R-SpaRCS: An algorithm for foreground-background separation of compressively-sensed surveillance videos
* rapid mapping approach to quantify damages caused by the 2003 bam earthquake using high resolution multitemporal optical images, A
* Rapid Response to a Typhoon-Induced Flood with an SAR-Derived Map of Inundated Areas: Case Study and Validation
* Rating Image Aesthetics Using Deep Learning
* Re-ranking of the Merging Order for Hierarchical Image Segmentation
* Real Time Object Oriented 6-Point Skeleton Extraction Component from Human Silhouette for Video Surveillance and Analysis Application
* Real-time adaptive background modeling in fast changing conditions
* Real-Time Age Estimation from Face Imagery Using Fisher Vectors
* Real-Time Distributed Multi-object Tracking in a PTZ Camera Network
* Real-Time Foreground Segmentation with Kinect Sensor
* Real-Time Head Pose Estimation Using Multi-variate RVM on Faces in the Wild
* Real-Time High-Quality Stereo Vision System in FPGA
* Real-time image smoke detection using staircase searching-based dual threshold AdaBoost and dynamic analysis
* Real-Time Implementation of Background Modelling Algorithms in FPGA Devices
* Real-Time Multipedestrian Tracking in Traffic Scenes via an RGB-D-Based Layered Graph Model
* Real-time speed profile calculation for fuel saving considering unforeseen situations and travel time
* Recent Advances in Recommender Systems and Future Directions
* Recent elevation and velocity changes of Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adelie, Antarctica
* Recent review on image clustering
* RECIFE-MILP: An Effective MILP-Based Heuristic for the Real-Time Railway Traffic Management Problem
* Recognising Familiar Facial Features in Paintings Belonging to Separate Domains
* recognition based approach for segmenting touching components in Arabic manuscripts, A
* Recognition confidence analysis of handwritten Chinese character with CNN
* Recognition of Architectural and Electrical Symbols by COSFIRE Filters with Inhibition
* Recognition of Facial Expressions Based on Deep Conspicuous Net
* Recognition of historical Greek polytonic scripts using LSTM networks
* Recognition of Images Degraded by Gaussian Blur
* Recognition of Non-pedestrian Human Forms Through Locally Weighted Descriptors
* Recognition of ongoing complex activities by sequence prediction over a hierarchical label space
* Recognition of the Human Fatigue Based on the ICAAM Algorithm
* Recognition of Urdu ligatures - a holistic approach
* Recognizable units in Pashto language for OCR
* Recognizing affect in human touch of a robot
* Recognizing perspective scene text with context feature
* Recommender system algorithms: A comparative analysis based on monotonicity
* Reconstructing Turbidity in a Glacially Influenced Lake Using the Landsat TM and ETM+ Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record Archive, Lake Clark, Alaska
* Reconstruction combined training for convolutional neural networks on character recognition
* Rectification of camera captured document images for camera-based OCR technology
* Recursive optimization of spherical watermarking using transportation theory
* Recursive Path Planning Using Reduced States for Car-Like Vehicles on Grid Maps
* Reeb Graphs Through Local Binary Patterns
* Reflectance Normalization in Illumination-Based Image Manipulation Detection
* Region-based blood color detection and its application to bloody image filtering
* Region-based change detection of PolSAR images using analytic information-theoretic divergence
* Region-based Image Retrieval Using Shape-Adaptive DCT
* Region-based Image Retrieval Using Shape-Adaptive DCT
* Regional glacier mapping from time-series of Landsat type data
* Regressor Based Estimation of the Eye Pupil Center
* Regularized generalized eigen-decomposition with applications to sparse supervised feature extraction and sparse discriminant analysis
* Rejecting False Positives in Video Object Segmentation
* Reliable detection of audio events in highly noisy environments
* Reliable intruder detection using combined modalities of intensity, thermal infrared and stereo depth
* Remote Sensing Analysis Techniques and Sensor Requirements to Support the Mapping of Illegal Domestic Waste Disposal Sites in Queensland, Australia
* Remote Sensing Based Two-Stage Sampling for Accuracy Assessment and Area Estimation of Land Cover Changes
* Remotely Sensed Nightlights to Map Societal Exposure to Hydrometeorological Hazards
* Removal of Thin Clouds in Landsat-8 OLI Data with Independent Component Analysis
* Remove extremum median filtering and minimal absolute difference of four directional filtering on improved PCNN model
* Removing camera fingerprint to disguise photograph source
* Report on the First Contest on Graph Matching Algorithms for Pattern Search in Biological Databases
* Representation and reconstruction of map regions
* Research of wind turbine gearbox vibration signal based on the wavelet analysis
* Resource aware and incremental mosaics of wide areas from small-scale UAVs
* Responses of Natural Vegetation to Different Stages of Extreme Drought during 2009-2010 in Southwestern China
* Restoration of Simulated EnMAP Data through Sparse Spectral Unmixing
* Rethinking Engagement: Innovations in How Humanitarians Explore Geoinformation
* Rethinking the Fusion of Technology and Clinical Practices in Functional Behavior Analysis for the Elderly
* Retrieval of Mangrove Aboveground Biomass at the Individual Species Level with WorldView-2 Images
* Retrieving daily evapotranspiration from the combination of geostationary and polar-orbit satellite data
* Reversible Binary Image Watermarking Method Using Overlapping Pattern Substitution
* Reversible watermarking using enhanced local prediction
* Review of Methods to Predict Social Image Interestingness and Memorability
* Review of pedestrian detection techniques in automotive far-infrared video
* Review of Three-Dimensional Imaging Technologies for Pavement Distress Detection and Measurements, A
* Review on the Infomobility Quality: a new framework
* Reviews of Geospatial Information Technology and Collaborative Data Delivery for Disaster Risk Management
* Revised spectral matching algorithm for scenes with mutually inconsistent local transformations
* revised terrain correction method for forest canopy height estimation using ICESat/GLAS data, A
* Revisiting Volgenant-Jonker for Approximating Graph Edit Distance
* RFM Pattern Recognition System Invariant to Rotation, Scale and Translation, A
* RGB-D Object Recognition via Incorporating Latent Data Structure and Prior Knowledge
* RheumaSCORE: A CAD System for Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis and Follow-Up
* Rich QR Code for Multimedia Management Applications
* Rician Noise Removal Approach for Brain MR Images Using Kernel Principal Component Analysis
* Road Condition Estimation Based on Spatio-Temporal Reflection Models
* Road networks as collections of minimum cost paths
* RoboCup@Home: Analysis and results of evolving competitions for domestic and service robots
* Robust and Efficient Camera Motion Synchronization via Matrix Decomposition
* Robust and Fast Vessel Segmentation via Gaussian Derivatives in Orientation Scores
* Robust Contact Lens Detection Using Local Phase Quantization and Binary Gabor Pattern
* Robust Estimation of Unbalanced Mixture Models on Samples with Outliers
* Robust Face Clustering Via Tensor Decomposition
* Robust Face Recognition via Multimodal Deep Face Representation
* Robust facial expression classification using shape and appearance features
* robust framework for tracking simultaneously rigid and non-rigid face using synthesized data, A
* Robust glacier displacements using knowledge-based image matching
* Robust global tracker based on an online estimation of tracklet descriptor reliability
* Robust indoor/outdoor scene classification
* robust inside-out approach for 3D interaction with large displays, A
* Robust Learning from Ortho-Diffusion Decompositions
* Robust local and global shape context for tattoo image matching
* Robust Nighttime Vehicle Detection by Tracking and Grouping Headlights
* Robust pan-tilt-zoom tracking via optimization combining motion features and appearance correlations
* Robust Radiometric Calibration for Dynamic Scenes in the Wild
* Robust score normalization for DTW-based on-line signature verification
* Robust seed-based stroke width transform for text detection in natural images
* Robust steganalysis based on training set construction and ensemble classifiers weighting
* Robust Subband Adaptive Filtering against Impulsive Noise
* Robust text segmentation using graph cut
* Robust tracking with per-exemplar support vector machine
* Robust Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation Under Challenging Lighting Conditions
* Robust Visual Tracking Using Structurally Random Projection and Weighted Least Squares
* Robust visual tracking using template anchors
* Robust Voice Activity Detection Algorithm Based on Feature of Frequency Modulation of Harmonics and Its DSP Implementation
* Rooftop Surface Temperature Analysis in an Urban Residential Environment
* Rough Set Based Modeling and Visualization of the Acoustic Field Around the Human Head
* Routing in Internet of Vehicles: A Review
* Rule-Based Decision Support System in Intelligent Hazmat Transportation System, A
* Saliency Based Ulcer Detection for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Diagnosis
* Saliency detection based on singular value decomposition
* Saliency-Based Keypoint Reduction for Augmented-Reality Applications in Smart Cities
* Salient object detection based on meanshift filtering and fusion of colour information
* Salient Object Segmentation from Stereoscopic Images
* Salient region detection through sparse reconstruction and graph-based ranking
* SALSA: A Simple Automatic Lung Segmentation Algorithm
* Sample Size for Maximum Likelihood Estimates of Gaussian Model
* Satellite image time series classification and analysis using an adapted graph labeling
* Satellite-Observed Energy Budget Change of Deforestation in Northeastern China and its Climate Implications
* Scalability of Data Decomposition Based Algorithms: Attribute Reduction Problem
* scalable and privacy preserving approach for counting pedestrians in urban environment, A
* scalable model for knowledge sharing based supervised learning using AdaBoost, A
* scalable spatiotemporal inference framework based on statistical shape analysis for natural ecosystem monitoring by remote sensing, A
* Scale and Occlusion Invariant Tracking-by-Detection
* Scale and rotation invariant OCR for Pashto cursive script using MDLSTM network
* Scale Estimation in Multiple Models Fitting via Consensus Clustering
* Scale Invariant Keypoint Detector Based on Visual and Geometrical Cues, A
* Scale Issues Related to the Accuracy Assessment of Land Use/Land Cover Maps Produced Using Multi-Resolution Data: Comments on 'The Improvement of Land Cover Classification by Thermal Remote Sensing'
* Scale-rotation invariant features from Non-Subsampled Contourlets
* Scale-Space Clustering on a Unit Hypersphere
* Scale-Space Techniques for Fiducial Points Extraction from 3D Faces
* Scene recognition by semantic visual words
* Scene text detection based on component-level fusion and region-level verification
* Scene text detection using sequential nontext filtering
* Scene text detection with robust character candidate extraction method
* Scene text recognition with deeper convolutional neural networks
* Score Level Fusion Scheme in Hybrid Multibiometric System
* Screen content image segmentation using least absolute deviation fitting
* Script independent online handwriting recognition
* Seafloor Sediment Study from South China Sea: Acoustic & Physical Property Relationship
* Seamless stitching with shape deformation for historical document images
* Seasonal and Inter-Annual Analysis of Chlorophyll-a and Inherent Optical Properties from Satellite Observations in the Inner and Mid-Shelves of the South of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina)
* Seasonal Variation of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Using Combined Landsat and Field Data
* Seemingly unrelated regression modeling of urban air quality by direct Monte Carlo algorithm
* Segmentation and Labelling of EEG for Brain Computer Interfaces
* segmentation free Word Spotting for handwritten documents, A
* Segmentation of Right Ventricle in Cardiac MR Images Using Shape Regression
* Segmentation of Urban Impervious Surface Using Cellular Neural Networks
* segmentation-free approach for printed Devanagari script recognition, A
* Segmentation-free handwritten Chinese text recognition with LSTM-RNN
* Segmentation-free pattern spotting in historical document images
* Segmentation-free query-by-string word spotting with Bag-of-Features HMMs
* Segmented handwritten text recognition with recurrent neural network classifiers
* Selection Module for Large-Scale Face Recognition Systems, A
* Selection of a Consensus Area Size for Multithreaded Wavefront-Based Alignment Procedure for Compressed Sequences of Protein Secondary Structures
* Selection of Temporal Features for Event Detection in Smart Security
* Self-Calibrating Imaging Polarimetry
* Self-calibration from vehicle information
* Semantic content-based image retrieval: A comprehensive study
* Semantic Decomposition and Reconstruction of Compound Buildings with Symmetric Roofs from LiDAR Data and Aerial Imagery
* Semantic Intensity: Objects Contributions Towards Image Annotation
* Semantic Label and Structure Model based Approach for Entity Recognition in Database Context
* Semantic Segmentation Based Traffic Light Detection at Day and at Night
* Semi-Automatic Basket Catheter Reconstruction from Two X-Ray Views
* semi-automatic groundtruthing tool for mobile-captured document segmentation, A
* Semi-automatic Liver Tumor Segmentation in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced CT Scans Using Random Forests and Supervoxels
* Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Prostate in CT Images via Coupled Feature Representation and Spatial-Constrained Transductive Lasso
* Semi-Empirical Calibration of the Integral Equation Model for Co-Polarized L-Band Backscattering
* Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction via Multimodal Matrix Factorization
* Sensitivity analysis of vegetation indices to drought over two tallgrass prairie sites
* Sensor pattern noise and image similarity for picture-to-identity linking
* Sensors and Signals
* Sentinel-2 for Mapping Iron Absorption Feature Parameters
* Separator and content based approach for table extraction in handwritten chemistry documents
* sequence learning approach for multiple script identification, A
* Sequential Sample Consensus: A Robust Algorithm for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Serial subtractive deconvolution algorithms for time-domain ultra wide band in-vehicle channel sounding
* Services-Oriented Computing Using the Compact Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Carpool Services Problem
* Shape Analysis Using Multiscale Hough Transform Statistics
* Shape matching algorithm based on shape contexts
* Shape matching and object recognition using common base triangle area
* Shape recognition using orientational and morphological scale-spaces of curvatures
* Shape-based word spotting in handwritten document images
* Short-Term Forecasting of Surface Solar Irradiance Based on Meteosat-SEVIRI Data Using a Nighttime Cloud Index
* Shot and Scene Detection via Hierarchical Clustering for Re-using Broadcast Video
* Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm For the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem, A
* SIFT Descriptor for Binary Shape Discrimination, Classification and Matching
* SIFT descriptors for Arabic handwriting recognition
* sigma-lognormal model for character level CAPTCHA generation, A
* Signal Recovery and System Calibration from Multiple Compressive Poisson Measurements
* signature-based bag of visual words method for image indexing and search, A
* Significant region-based image retrieval
* Similarity-based regularization for semi-supervised learning for handwritten digit recognition
* simple and efficient approach for medical image security using chaos on EZW, A
* simple and robust algorithm for the detection of multidirectional scratch from digital images, A
* Simple Median-Based Method for Stationary Background Generation Using Background Subtraction Algorithms
* simple skull stripping algorithm for brain MRI, A
* simplified nonlinear regression method for human height estimation in video surveillance, A
* Simplifying Contextual Structures
* Simplifying Indoor Scenes for Real-Time Manipulation on Mobile Devices
* Simplifying the reading of historical manuscripts
* Simulating and Communicating Outcomes in Disaster Management Situations
* Simulation of Urban Growth in the Ruhr for 2025: A Case Study comparing bottom-up and top-down Modelling Approaches based on Satellite Data
* Simulation Study on the Design of a Novel Automated Container Terminal, A
* Simultaneous feature selection and weighting: An evolutionary multi-objective optimization approach
* Simultaneous Hallucination and Recognition of Low-Resolution Faces Based on Singular Value Decomposition
* Single- and Multi-Date Crop Identification Using PROBA-V 100 and 300 m S1 Products on Zlatia Test Site, Bulgaria
* Single-Shot Reflectance Measurement from Polarized Color Gradient Illumination
* Skeletal Graphs from Schrödinger Magnitude and Phase
* Skeletonization Algorithm Using Discrete Contour Map
* Skew correction and line extraction in binarized printed text images
* Slap fingerprint segmentation using symmetric filters based quality
* Sleep Analysis for Elderly Care Using a Low-Resolution Visual Sensor Network
* Smart Downlink Scheduling for Multimedia Streaming Over LTE Networks With Hard Handoff
* Smart Maintenance to Support Digital Life
* SmartDoc-QA: A dataset for quality assessment of smartphone captured document images - single and multiple distortions
* Smartphone image acquisition forensics using sensor fingerprint
* Smartphone-Based Obstacle Detection for the Visually Impaired
* Smoothly approximated support vector domain description
* SnoezelenCAVE: Virtual Reality CAVE Snoezelen Framework for Autism Spectrum Disorders
* Social interaction based handling inter-person occlusion for online multi-pedestrian tracking
* Soft-Split Random Forest for Anatomy Labeling
* Soft-Split Sparse Regression Based Random Forest for Predicting Future Clinical Scores of Alzheimer's Disease
* Solving substitution ciphers for OCR with a semi-supervised hidden Markov model
* Solving the Bloch Equation With Periodic Excitation Using Harmonic Balancing: Application to Rabi Modulated Excitation
* Source camera device identification based on raw images
* Space for Climate
* SPaR-FTR: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Sequential Patterns-Based Rules
* Sparse Discriminative Multimanifold Grassmannian Analysis for Face Recognition With Image Sets
* Sparse extreme learning machine classifier exploiting intrinsic graphs
* Sparse radial sampling LBP for writer identification
* sparse representation and smoothed L0 algorithm for face recognition, The
* Sparse Vehicular Sensor Networks for Traffic Dynamics Reconstruction
* Sparse-smooth decomposition models for multi-temporal SAR images
* Sparsity Based Methods for Overparameterized Variational Problems
* Spatial Analysis as a Transformative Technology for Decision-Making in Environmental Domains
* Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Global NDVI Trends: Correlations with Climate and Human Factors
* Spatial Coordinated Medium Sharing: Optimal Access Control Management in Drive-Thru Internet
* spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm with application to MRI image segmentation, A
* spatial partitioning heuristic for automatic adjustment of the 3D navigation speed in multiscale virtual environments, A
* Spatial Prediction of Coastal Bathymetry Based on Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Multibeam Data
* Spatially Aware Enhancement of BoVW-Based Image Retrieval Exploiting a Saliency Map
* Spatially-multiplexed MIMO markers
* Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Spatial Accessibility to Primary Health Care in Bhutan
* Spatio-Temporal Changes in Vegetation Activity and Its Driving Factors during the Growing Season in China from 1982 to 2011
* Spatio-temporal characterization in satellite image time series
* spatio-temporal RBM-based model for facial expression recognition, A
* Spatiotemporal Clutter Filtering of Ultrafast Ultrasound Data Highly Increases Doppler and fUltrasound Sensitivity
* Spatiotemporal Data Mining: A Computational Perspective
* Speaker Recognition by Machines and Humans: A tutorial review
* Special issue CogKnow
* Spectral Unmixing Model for the Integration of Multi-Sensor Imagery: A Tool to Generate Consistent Time Series Data, A
* Speech balloon and speaker association for comics and manga understanding
* Speed Parameters in the Level-Set Segmentation
* Speeding Up and Performance Evaluation of a Fully Automatic Radial Distortion Compensation Algorithm for Driving Assistance Cameras
* Sperm Cells Segmentation in Micrographic Images Through Lambertian Reflectance Model
* Spherical Hashing: Binary Code Embedding with Hyperspheres
* Spinal Canal and Spinal Marrow Segmentation by Means of the Hough Transform of Special Classes of Curves
* Split and merge algorithm for deep learning and its application for additional classes
* SPOT-4 (Take 5): Simulation of Sentinel-2 Time Series on 45 Large Sites
* SRIF: Scale and Rotation Invariant Features for camera-based document image retrieval
* SRTM DEM Correction in Vegetated Mountain Areas through the Integration of Spaceborne LiDAR, Airborne LiDAR, and Optical Imagery
* Stability and Resolution Analysis of Topological Derivative Based Localization of Small Electromagnetic Inclusions
* StaMPS Improvement for Deformation Analysis in Mountainous Regions: Implications for the Damavand Volcano and Mosha Fault in Alborz
* State-Driven Priority Scheduling Mechanisms for Driverless Vehicles Approaching Intersections
* statistical approach for predicting grassland degradation in disturbance-driven landscapes, A
* Statistical features based character recognition for offline handwritten Tamil document images using HMM
* Steerable PCA for Rotation-Invariant Image Recognition
* Stereo mosaicking and 3D-video for singleview HDTV aerial sequences using a low bit rate ROI coding framework
* Stereo Planar Self-Calibration Method of a Camera with Variable Intrinsic Parameters, A
* stigmergic approach to indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy beacons, A
* Stochastic complexity-based model selection with false alarm rate control in optical spectroscopy
* Stochastic geometrical model and Monte Carlo optimization methods for building reconstruction from InSAR data
* Stochastic Polygons Model for Glandular Structures in Colon Histology Images, A
* Stochastic watershed hierarchies
* Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via collaborative composition model
* Stress Detection Using Physiological Sensors
* Stretching deep architectures for text recognition
* Strict Pyramidal Deep Neural Network for Action Recognition, A
* Structural Classification of Marshes with Polarimetric SAR Highlighting the Temporal Mapping of Marshes Exposed to Oil
* structural low rank regularization method for single image super-resolution, A
* structural signature based on texture for digitized historical book page categorization, A
* study for facial beauty prediction model, A
* Study of two zone-based features for online Bengali and Devanagari character recognition
* study on effects of implicit and explicit language model information for DBLSTM-CTC based handwriting recognition, A
* Study on Low-Cost Representations for Image Feature Extraction on Mobile Devices, A
* Study on PUF characteristics for counterfeit detection, A
* Study on Usability of MobileSchool System for Secondary School: Role-Based Questionnaire Method, A
* Study on water leak detection using wavelet instantaneous cross-correlation
* Studying the impact of sequence clustering on near-duplicate video retrieval: an experimental comparison
* Sub-Riemannian Fast Marching in SE(2)
* Subpath Kernel for Learning Hierarchical Image Representations, A
* Subspace method with multi scale wavelet for recognition of printer property
* subtractive clustering scheme for text-independent online writer identification, A
* Super-resolution reconstruction based on multisource bidirectional similarity and non-local similarity matching
* Super-Sparse Regression for Fast Age Estimation from Faces at Test Time
* Superpixel and Entropy-Based Multi-atlas Fusion Framework for the Segmentation of X-ray Images
* Superpixel Segmentation: An Evaluation
* Superpixel-based change detection in high resolution SAR images using region covariance features
* Superpixels shape analysis for carried object detection
* Supertetras: A Superpixel Analog for Tetrahedral Mesh Oversegmentation
* Supervised Cluster Analysis of miRNA Expression Data Using Rough Hypercuboid Partition Matrix
* Supervised Dictionary Learning for Inferring Concurrent Brain Networks
* Supervised Hashing Using Graph Cuts and Boosted Decision Trees
* Supervised Video Genre Classification Using Optimum-Path Forest
* Supervoxel Classification Forests for Estimating Pairwise Image Correspondences
* Supporting early contextualization of textual content in digital documents on the Web
* Survey of Algorithmic Shapes, A
* survey of human pose estimation: The body parts parsing based methods, A
* Survey on Traffic Light Detection, A
* SVD free matrix completion with online bias correction for Recommender systems
* swap randomization approach for mining motion field time series over the Argentiere glacier, A
* Synchronization and T-STD Model for 3D Video Distribution and Consumption over Hybrid Network, A
* Synergy Between TRIZ and Usability: A Review
* Synoptic video based human crowd behavior analysis for forensic video surveillance
* syntax directed system for the recognition of printed Arabic mathematical formulas, A
* Synthetic Aperture Inversion for Statistically Nonstationary Target and Clutter Scenes
* Systemic Visual Structures: Design Solution for Complexities of Big Data Interfaces
* Table information extraction and structure recognition using query patterns
* Tackling Curse of Dimensionality for Efficient Content Based Image Retrieval
* Tackling temporal pattern recognition by vector space embedding
* Tag-based video retrieval by embedding semantic content in a continuous word space
* Tangible virtual kitchen for the rehabilitation of Alzheimer's patients
* Tapping into the Hexagon spy imagery database: A new automated pipeline for geomorphic change detection
* Task Allocation and Scalability Evaluation for Real-Time Multimedia Processing in a Cluster Environment
* Tastes and Textures Estimation of Foods Based on the Analysis of Its Ingredients List and Image
* TECA: Petascale Pattern Recognition for Climate Science
* Telemetry assisted frame registration and background subtraction in low-altitude UAV videos
* Temporal Acoustic Words for Online Acoustic Event Detection
* Temporal Monitoring of the Soil Freeze-Thaw Cycles over a Snow-Covered Surface by Using Air-Launched Ground-Penetrating Radar
* Temporal Sparse Promoting Three Dimensional Imaging of Cardiac Activation
* Temporal stability of mangrove multispectral signatures at fine scales: Stability of mangrove multispectral signatures
* Temporally stable feature clusters for maritime object tracking in visible and thermal imagery
* Tensor-Directed Spatial Patch Blending for Pattern-Based Inpainting Methods
* Tensorial Orientation Scores
* Testing satellite rainfall estimates for yield simulation of a rainfed cereal in West Africa
* Text and non-text segmentation based on connected component features
* Text detection in nature scene images using two-stage nontext filtering
* Text line extraction in document images
* Text recognition using deep BLSTM networks
* Text zone classification using unsupervised feature learning
* Text-graphics separation to detect logo and stamp from color document images: A spectral approach
* Text-independent writer identification using SIFT descriptor and contour-directional feature
* Texture Analysis by Bag-Of-Visual-Words of Complex Networks
* Texture and Mathematical Morphology for Hot-Spot Detection in Whole Slide Images of Meningiomas and Oligodendrogliomas
* Texture Characterization via Automatic Threshold Selection on Image-Generated Complex Network
* Texture Classification Using Rotation Invariant LBP Based on Digital Polygons
* Textured Object Recognition: Balancing Model Robustness and Complexity
* Theory and Practice of Hierarchical Data-driven Descent for Optimal Deformation Estimation
* thermal Object Tracking benchmark, A
* Thermodynamics of Time Evolving Networks
* Thin Plate Spline-Based Feature-Preserving Method for Reducing Elevation Points Derived from LiDAR, A
* Time Discrete Geodesic Paths in the Space of Images
* Time Series Analysis and Forecasting of Dengue Using Open Data
* Time series analysis of multi-frequency SAR backscatter and bistatic coherence in the context of flood mapping
* Time-domain Statistics of the Electromagnetic Bias in GNSS-Reflectometry
* Tissue-Dependent and Spatially-Variant Positron Range Correction in 3D PET
* To Fill or Not to Fill: Sensitivity Analysis of the Influence of Resolution and Hole Filling on Point Cloud Surface Modeling and Individual Rockfall Event Detection
* TomoGC: Binary Tomography by Constrained GraphCuts
* Tongue in Cheek
* Tool to Support the Creation of Datasets of Tampered Videos, A
* Top-Down Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Parsing with Graph Grammar
* Topological simplification of electrical circuits by super-component analysis
* Topomorphological approach to automatic posture recognition in ballet dance
* Touchstroke: Smartphone User Authentication Based on Touch-Typing Biometrics
* Toward BIM-Enabled Decision Making for In-Building Response Missions
* Toward shift invariant detection of event-related potentials in non-invasive brain-computer interface
* Towards a Robust Scale Invariant Feature Correspondence
* Towards a SignWriting recognition system
* Towards Accurate Segmentation of Fibroglandular Tissue in Breast MRI Using Fuzzy C-Means and Skin-Folds Removal
* Towards an automatic on-line signature verifier using only one reference per signer
* Towards an Engaging Mobile Food Record for Teenagers
* Towards Auto-Extracting Car Park Structures: Image Processing Approach on Low Powered Devices
* Towards Benchmarking Scene Background Initialization
* Towards interactive authoring tools for composing spatialization
* Towards Learning Free Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor-Based Domain Adaptation
* Towards Measuring and Visualizing Sustainable National Power: A Case Study of China and Neighboring Countries
* Towards mobile and touchless fingerprint verification
* Towards query-by-speech handwritten keyword spotting
* Towards the creation of reliable voice control system based on a fuzzy approach
* Towards the evaluation of reproducible robustness in tracking-by-detection
* Towards the large-scale assessment of vegetation biomass production stability
* Towards Ubiquitous Autonomous Driving: The CCSAD Dataset
* Towards visual words to words
* TraceIt: An Air Tracing Reading Tool for Children with Dyslexia
* Tracking Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Cropland by Exclusive Use of MODIS EVI Data
* Tracking performance evaluation on PETS 2015 Challenge datasets
* Tracking With a High-Resolution 2D Spectral Estimation Based Automotive Radar
* Trademark Image Retrieval Using Inverse Total Feature Frequency and Multiple Detectors
* TRAgen: A Tool for Generation of Synthetic Time-Lapse Image Sequences of Living Cells
* Training an Arabic handwriting recognizer without a handwritten training data set
* Trajectory recovery and stroke reconstruction of handwritten mathematical symbols
* Trajectory-based anomalous behaviour detection for intelligent traffic surveillance
* Transductive Multi-View Zero-Shot Learning
* Transfer Learning Through Greedy Subset Selection
* Transferring attributes for person re-identification
* transformational creativity tool to support chocolate designers, A
* Travel topic analysis: A mutually reinforcing method for geo-tagged photos
* Tree Log Identification Based on Digital Cross-Section Images of Log Ends Using Fingerprint and Iris Recognition Methods
* Tree species discrimination in temperate woodland using high spatial resolution Formosat-2 time series
* Trends in 15-year MODIS NDVI time series for Mexico
* Tri-Subject Kinship Verification: Understanding the Core of A Family
* Trilateral constrained sparse representation for Kinect depth hole filling
* True color distributions of scene text and background
* Trust-based community assessment
* Tumor Classification by Deep Polynomial Network and Multiple Kernel Learning on Small Ultrasound Image Dataset
* Tumour localisation in ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation using improved gradient and direction vector flow
* Tuning the locality of filtering with a spatially weighted implementation of random spray Retinex
* Twin Support Vector Machine based Regression
* Two Applications of RGB-D Descriptors in Computer Vision
* Two Stage SVM and kNN Text Documents Classifier
* Two-dimensional principal component analysis based on Schatten p-norm for image feature extraction
* Two-person interaction recognition via spatial multiple instance embedding
* Two-stage multi-criteria analysis and the future of intelligent transport systems-based safety innovation projects
* two-stage shearlet-based approach for the removal of random-valued impulse noise in images, A
* U3PT: A New Dataset for Unconstrained 3D Pose Tracking Evaluation
* Ultrasound Guidance for Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair Augmented by Synthetic Dynamic CT
* Unbounded High Dynamic Range Photography Using a Modulo Camera
* Unconstrained Bengali handwriting recognition with recurrent models
* Unconstrained Multimodal Multi-Label Learning
* Understanding Blooming Human Groups in Social Networks
* Understanding Geometric Algebra: Hamilton, Grasmann, and Clifford for Computer Vision and Graphics
* Understanding the impact of brand colour on brand image: A preference disaggregation approach
* Understanding the User Perception in Visual Lifelogging: A Pilot Study in Malaysian Context
* Understanding the User's Acceptance of a Sensor-Based Ambient Assisted Living Application
* Underwater 3D capture using a low-cost commercial depth camera
* Uneven Illumination Correction Algorithm for Optical Remote Sensing Images Covered with Thin Clouds, An
* unique approach in text independent speaker recognition using MFCC feature sets and probabilistic neural network, A
* Unmanned Airship Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing System for Low-Altitude and High Spatial Resolution Monitoring of Urban Thermal Environments: Integration and an Experiment, An
* Unravelling the Impact of Temporal and Geographical Locality in Content Caching Systems
* Unsupervised and Accurate Extraction of Primitive Unit Cells from Crystal Images
* Unsupervised Classification of Raw Full-Waveform Airborne Lidar Data by Self Organizing Maps
* unsupervised domain adaptation approach for cross-domain visual classification, An
* Unsupervised domain adaptation using eigenanalysis in kernel space for categorisation tasks
* Unsupervised feature learning based on sparse coding and spectral clustering for segmentation of synthetic aperture radar images
* Unsupervised feature learning for optical character recognition
* Unsupervised feature selection based on spectral regression from manifold learning for facial expression recognition
* Unsupervised Feature Selection by Graph Optimization
* Unsupervised Surface Reflectance Field Multi-Segmenter
* Unsupervised word spotting using a graph representation based on invariants
* Upscaling Algorithm to Obtain the Representative Ground Truth of LAI Time Series in Heterogeneous Land Surface, An
* Upscaling In Situ Soil Moisture Observations to Pixel Averages with Spatio-Temporal Geostatistics
* Urban Traffic Flow Prediction System Using a Multifactor Pattern Recognition Model
* Use case visual Bag-of-Words techniques for camera based identity document classification
* Use of a Portable Camera for Proximal Soil Sensing with Hyperspectral Image Data
* Use of Multi-Temporal Landsat Imageries in Detecting Seasonal Crop Abandonment, The
* Use of Stereoscopic Satellite Images to Map Rills and Ephemeral Gullies, The
* Use of Temporal Information in Food Image Analysis, The
* User Experience Satisfaction of Mobile-Based AR Advertising Applications
* user study on anonymization techniques for smart video surveillance, A
* User-Independent and Sensor-Tolerant Wearable Activity Classifier, A
* Using attributes for word spotting and recognition in polytonic greek documents
* Using Bayesian statistics and Gabor Wavelets for recognition of human faces
* Using High-Resolution Hyperspectral and Thermal Airborne Imagery to Assess Physiological Condition in the Context of Wheat Phenotyping
* Using histogram representation and Earth Mover's Distance as an evaluation tool for text detection
* Using Mobile LiDAR Data for Rapidly Updating Road Markings
* Using multiple sequence alignment and statistical language model to integrate multiple Chinese address recognition outputs
* Using Patterns in Computer Go
* Using Small Checkerboards as Size Reference: A Model-Based Approach
* Using surfaces and surface relations in an Early Cognitive Vision system
* Utility of AISA Eagle Hyperspectral Data and Random Forest Classifier for Flower Mapping, The
* Utilization of variation in stereoscopic depth for encoding aspects of non-spatial data
* Vacant parking area estimation through background subtraction and transience map analysis
* Validation of a Forage Production Index (FPI) Derived from MODIS fCover Time-Series Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: Methodology, Results and Opportunities
* Validation of Long-Term Global Aerosol Climatology Project Optical Thickness Retrievals Using AERONET and MODIS Data
* Variability and climate change trend in vegetation phenology of recent decades in the Greater Khingan Mountain area, Northeastern China
* Variance Estimation for Myocardial Blood Flow by Dynamic PET
* Variational Approach for Restoring Blurred Images with Cauchy Noise
* Variational Model with Barrier Functionals for Retinex, A
* Variational Multiple Warping for Cardiac Image Analysis
* Vectorisation of Sketched Drawings Using Co-occurring Sample Circles
* Vegetation Dynamics and Associated Driving Forces in Eastern China during 1999-2008
* Vehicle Color Recognition With Spatial Pyramid Deep Learning
* Vehicle Detection Techniques for Collision Avoidance Systems: A Review
* Vehicle identification using distance-based appearance model
* Vehicle subtype, make and model classification from side profile video
* Verification-Based Multithreshold Probing Approach to HEp-2 Cell Segmentation, A
* very fast procedure to calculate the smallest singular value, A
* VF2 Plus: An Improved version of VF2 for Biological Graphs
* Video Compressive Sensing for Spatial Multiplexing Cameras Using Motion-Flow Models
* Video Copy Detection Based on Path Merging and Query Content Prediction
* Video event classification with temporal partitioning
* Video Interaction Tools: A Survey of Recent Work
* Video Quality Assessment for Mobile Devices on Mobile Devices
* View-Independent Enhanced 3D Reconstruction of Non-rigidly Deforming Objects
* Violence detection in crowded scenes using substantial derivative
* Violence Recognition Using Harmonic Mean of Distances and Relational Velocity with K-Nearest Neighbour Classifier
* Viral transcript alignment
* virtual reality simulator for training endodontics procedures using manual files, A
* Virtues of Peer Pressure: A Simple Method for Discovering High-Value Mistakes, The
* Vision-based identification extraction for freight containers
* Vision-Based Nighttime Vehicle Detection Using CenSurE and SVM
* Vision-Based System for Automatic Detection of Suspicious Objects on ATM
* Vision-based vehicle queue analysis at junctions
* Visual appearance based document classification methods: Performance evaluation and benchmarking
* Visual graph analysis for quality assessment of manually labelled documents image database
* Visual Information Framework for Medical Family Tree Data (Genogram)
* Visual Place Recognition with Repetitive Structures
* Visual Saliency Based Active Learning for Prostate MRI Segmentation
* Visual Signal Analysis: Focus on Texture Similarity
* Visual Soccer Analytics: Understanding the Characteristics of Collective Team Movement Based on Feature-Driven Analysis and Abstraction
* Visual tracking in complex scenes through pixel-wise tri-modeling
* Visual Tracking on Riemannian Space Using Updated Standard Deviation Based Model
* Visual Tracking Using Strong Classifier and Structural Local Sparse Descriptors
* VisuaLift Studio: Study on motion platform using elevator
* Visualisation of Trend Pattern Migrations in Social Networks
* Visualization of Regression Models Using Discriminative Dimensionality Reduction
* Volcano-Seismic Events Classification Using Document Classification Strategies
* Volumetric 3D Reconstruction and Parametric Shape Modeling from RGB-D Sequences
* Volumetric calibration and registration of multiple RGBD-sensors into a joint coordinate system
* Volunteered Geographic Information Framework to Enable Bottom-Up Disaster Management Platforms, A
* Walk This Way: Improving Pedestrian Agent-Based Models through Scene Activity Analysis
* Water Quality and River Plume Monitoring in the Great Barrier Reef: An Overview of Methods Based on Ocean Colour Satellite Data
* Watermarking for position-mapping-based halftoning
* Wavelet-Like Lifting-Based Transform for Decomposing Images in Accordance with the Inter-prediction Principles of Video Coding
* Wavelet-packet-transform-based adaptive predictor to mitigate GNSS jammers
* Weakly Supervised Deep Metric Learning for Community-Contributed Image Retrieval
* Web Search Results Clustering Using Frequent Termset Mining
* Web User Interact Task Recognition Based on Conditional Random Fields
* Web-Based Physical Activity Interventions for Older Adults: A Review
* Wedge: A musical interface for building and playing composition-appropriate immersive environments
* Weighted Algorithm Based on Normalized Mutual Information for Estimating the Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters Using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) Data, A
* Weighted Difference of Anisotropic and Isotropic Total Variation Model for Image Processing, A
* weighted least squares support vector machine based on covariance matrix, A
* What Is a Good Day for Outdoor Photometric Stereo?
* What Is Holding Back Convnets for Detection?
* What Is in Front? Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking with Dynamic Occlusion Handling
* Where is My Cup? - Fully Automatic Detection and Recognition of Textureless Objects in Real-World Images
* Where Is the Ground? Quality Measures for the Planar Digital Terrain Model in Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Where to apply dropout in recurrent neural networks for handwriting recognition?
* WhittleSearch: Interactive Image Search with Relative Attribute Feedback
* Why You Trust in Visual Saliency
* Wood Veneer Species Recognition Using Markovian Textural Features
* Word of blobs
* Word segmentation using Wigner-Ville distribution
* Word-level script identification for handwritten Indic scripts
* World's Largest Macroalgal Blooms Altered Phytoplankton Biomass in Summer in the Yellow Sea: Satellite Observations
* Writer adaptation of online handwritten recognition using Adaptive RBF Network
* Writer adaptive feature extraction based on convolutional neural networks for online handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Writer Identification and Retrieval Using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Writer Identification from offline isolated Bangla characters and numerals
* Writer identification using VLAD encoded contour-Zernike moments
2015 for 1511

Index for "1"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.