Update Dates 1502

1502 * *3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission
* *Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications
* *Homage to Professor Maria Petrou
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* *Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications
* *International Conference on 3D Imaging
* *International Conference on 3D Imaging
* *International Conference on 3D Imaging
* 1.5-D Multi-Channel EEG Compression Algorithm Based on NLSPIHT, A
* 1D-3D Registration for Intra-Operative Nuclear Imaging in Radio-Guided Surgery
* 2014 Mbin/s deeply pipelined CABAC decoder for HEVC, A
* 2D articulated human pose tracking: A hybrid approach
* 2D Discrete Fourier Transform on Sliding Windows
* 2D semi-supervised CCA-based inpainting including new priority estimation
* 2D-t autoregressive framework for video texture completion
* 3-D bathymetric reconstruction in multi-path and reverberant underwater environments
* 3-D mesh compensated wavelet lifting for 3-D-t medical CT data
* 3-D object modeling from 2-D occluding contour correspondences by opti-acoustic stereo imaging
* 3-D Registration of Biological Images and Models: Registration of microscopic images and its uses in segmentation and annotation
* 3D assisted face recognition via progressive pose estimation
* 3D content fingerprinting
* 3D curvature analysis with a novel one-shot technique
* 3D facial geometric features for constrained local model
* 3D interactive coronary artery segmentation using random forests and Markov random field optimization
* 3D interest point detection using local surface characteristics with application in action recognition
* 3D keypoint detection by light field scale-depth space analysis
* 3D map augmented photo gallery application on mobile device, A
* 3D non-rigid pattern recognition based on structural analysis
* 3D object classification in baggage computed tomography imagery using randomised clustering forests
* 3D object retrieval by 3D curve matching
* 3D Object Retrieval With Multitopic Model Combining Relevance Feedback and LDA Model
* 3D object tracking via boundary constrained region-based model
* 3D Reconstruction of Planar Patches Seen by Omnidirectional Cameras
* 3D rectification of distorted document image based on tiled rectangle fragments
* 3D rotation invariants of Gaussian-Hermite moments
* 3D trajectories for action recognition
* 3D video streaming transmission over OFDMA-based systems
* 3D Visual Discomfort Predictor: Analysis of Disparity and Neural Activity Statistics
* 3D visual pronunciation of Mandarine Chinese for language learning
* 3D-Ferns: Viewpoint-based keypoint classifier for robust 3D object pose detection
* 3DNN: 3D Nearest Neighbor
* 4DGVF segmentation of vector-valued images
* 4DGVF-based filtering of vector-valued images
* 610 Mbin/s CABAC decoder for H.265/HEVC level 6.1 applications, A
* Ab initio cryo-EM structure determination as a validation problem
* Accelerated Phase-Cycled SSFP Imaging With Compressed Sensing
* Accuracy, Apps Advance Speech Recognition
* Accurate and Robust Line Segment Extraction Using Minimum Entropy With Hough Transform
* Accurate Normal and Reflectance Recovery Using Energy Optimization
* Accurate Stereo Matching by Two-Step Energy Minimization
* Action classification by exploring directional co-occurrence of weighted stips
* Action recognition based on kinematic representation of video data
* Action recognition in videos using frequency analysis of critical point trajectories
* Action recognition through discovering distinctive action parts
* Active contours based on weighted gradient vector flow and balloon forces for medical image segmentation
* Active Learning With Gaussian Process Classifier for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* active learning-based SVM multi-class classification model, An
* Activity related authentication using prehension biometrics
* Adaboost with dummy-variable modeling for reduction of false positives in detection of clustered microcalcifications
* adaptable system for RGB-D based human body detection and pose estimation, An
* Adaptive 3D multi-view video streaming over P2P networks
* adaptive bimodal recognition framework using sparse coding for face and ear, An
* Adaptive color transfer with relaxed optimal transport
* Adaptive context formation for linear prediction of image data
* Adaptive cross-component prediction for 4:4:4 high efficiency video coding
* Adaptive feature extraction for blurred face images in facial expression recognition
* Adaptive feature selection and data pruning for 3D facial expression recognition using the Kinect
* Adaptive General Scale Interpolation Based on Weighted Autoregressive Models
* adaptive group LASSO based multi-label regression approach for facial expression analysis, An
* Adaptive guided image filtering for screen content coding
* Adaptive Lagrange multiplier selection model in rate distortion optimization for 3D wavelet-based scalable video coding
* Adaptive measurement rate allocation for block-based compressed sensing of depth maps
* Adaptive Random Testing for Image Comparison in Regression Web Testing
* Adaptive regularization of the NL-means for video denoising
* adaptive residual decorrelation method for HEVC, An
* Adaptive scale selection for multiresolution defocus blur estimation
* Adaptive Scene Category Discovery With Generative Learning and Compositional Sampling
* Adaptive spectral reflectance recovery using spatio-spectral support from hyperspectral images
* Adaptive stereo matching via loop-erased random walk
* Adaptive Total Variation Regularization Based SAR Image Despeckling and Despeckling Evaluation Index
* adaptive transfer scheme based on sparse representation for figure-ground segmentation, An
* Adaptive video transmission with subjective quality constraints
* Adaptive weighted distortion optimization for video coding in RGB color space
* Adaptive weighted real-time compressive tracking
* Adjoint Active Surfaces for Localization and Imaging
* Advances on action recognition in videos using an interest point detector based on multiband spatio-temporal energies
* Aerial Image Registration for Tracking
* Aesthetic quality classification via subject region extraction
* Affine Invariant Geometry for Non-rigid Shapes
* Affine region detectors on the fisheye domain
* Affine-invariant scene categorization
* Affinity Pansharpening and Image Fusion
* Age and gender recognition using informative features of various types
* Agglomerative clustering for feature point grouping
* Aggregated mapping of driver attention from matched optical flow
* Aggregating contour fragments for shape classification
* Algorithm and benchmark dataset for stain separation in histology images
* Algorithm Based on the Standard Deviation of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures for Monitoring Soil Surface Freeze/Thaw State on the Tibetan Plateau, An
* algorithm for nonconvex functional minimization and applications to image restoration, An
* Aliasing-free simplification of surface meshes
* Alignment-free exposure fusion of image pairs
* Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Nonlinear Image Restoration Problems
* Analysis and optimization of pixel usage of light-field conversion from multi-camera setups to 3D light-field displays
* Analysis of food images: Features and classification
* Analysis of image informativeness measures
* Analysis of Laser Speckle Contrast Images Variability Using a Novel Empirical Mode Decomposition: Comparison of Results With Laser Doppler Flowmetry Signals Variability
* Analysis of planar-motion segmentation using affine fundamental matrix
* analysis of scale-space sampling in SIFT, An
* Analysis of Structural Similarity in Mammograms for Detection of Bilateral Asymmetry
* Analysis sparse coding models for image-based classification
* Analytical model for camera distance related 3D virtual view distortion estimation
* Analyzing sedentary behavior in life-logging images
* Analyzing the Correlation between Deer Habitat and the Component of the Risk for Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada: A GIS-Based Approach
* Anchor points coding for depth map compression
* Anchor View Allocation for Collaborative Free Viewpoint Video Streaming
* ANFIS-EM approach for PET brain image reconstruction
* Angular Dependency of Hyperspectral Measurements over Wheat Characterized by a Novel UAV Based Goniometer
* Angular difference measure between tomographic projections taken at unknown directions in 2D
* Anisotropic color image denoising and sharpening
* Anisotropic Diffusion Filter With Memory Based on Speckle Statistics for Ultrasound Images
* Annual Change Detection by ASTER TIR Data and an Estimation of the Annual Coal Loss and CO2 Emission from Coal Seams Spontaneous Combustion
* Appearance-based approach to hybrid metric-topological simultaneous localisation and mapping
* Applications of Gaussian mixture models and mean squared error within DatSCAN SPECT imaging
* approach to immersive audio rendering with wave field synthesis for 3D multimedia content, An
* Approximate Bayesian computation, stochastic algorithms and non-local means for complex noise models
* Approximate spectral clustering with utilized similarity information using geodesic based hybrid distance measures
* Arabic text detection in videos using neural and boosting-based approaches: Application to video indexing
* Architecture of a socio-conversational agent in virtual worlds
* Are Gibbs-Type Priors the Most Natural Generalization of the Dirichlet Process?
* Are reflectance field renderings appropriate for optical flow evaluation?
* Articulated 3D model tracking with on-the-fly texturing
* Artifact reduction of compressed video via three-dimensional adaptive estimation of transform coefficients
* Artificial Co-Drivers as a Universal Enabling Technology for Future Intelligent Vehicles and Transportation Systems
* Assessing Handheld Mobile Laser Scanners for Forest Surveys
* Assessing tracking assessment measures
* Assessment of Spatial Interpolation Methods to Map the Bathymetry of an Amazonian Hydroelectric Reservoir to Aid in Decision Making for Water Management
* Assessment of video naturalness using time-frequency statistics
* Asymmetric coding of stereoscopic 3D based on perceptual significance
* Attacking the triangle test in sensor-based camera identification
* Attribute prediction with long-range interactions via path coding
* Attribute-Assisted Reranking Model for Web Image Search, An
* Audio Assisted Robust Visual Tracking With Adaptive Particle Filtering
* audiovisual attention model for natural conversation scenes, An
* Augmented Motion History Volume for Spatiotemporal Editing of 3-D Video in Multiparty Interaction Scenes
* augmented representation of activity in video using semantic-context information, An
* Auto-rectification of user photos
* Automated 3-D Retinal Layer Segmentation of Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Images With Serous Pigment Epithelial Detachments
* Automated bias-compensation of rational polynomial coefficients of high resolution satellite imagery based on topographic maps
* Automated bobbing and phase analysis to measure walking entrainment to music
* Automated colorimetric analysis in paper based sensors
* Automated crater detection and counting using the hough transform
* Automated detection of polysomes in cryoelectron tomography
* Automated Histology Analysis: Opportunities for signal processing
* Automated registration of low and high resolution atomic force microscopy images using scale invariant features
* Automated Road Information Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automated Segmentation of Breast in 3-D MR Images Using a Robust Atlas
* Automated Spatiotemporal Landslide Mapping over Large Areas Using RapidEye Time Series Data
* Automatic analysis of facial attractiveness from video
* Automatic and robust head pose estimation by block energy map
* Automatic blastomere detection in day 1 to day 2 human embryo images using partitioned graphs and ellipsoids
* Automatic Building Footprint Extraction and Regularisation from LIDAR Point Cloud Data
* Automatic cal U -Distribution and Markov Random Field Segmentation Algorithm for PolSAR Images, An
* Automatic clothes segmentation for soft biometrics
* Automatic defocus spectral matting
* Automatic Deformable MR-Ultrasound Registration for Image-Guided Neurosurgery
* Automatic dendritic spine detection using multiscale dot enhancement filters and SIFT features
* Automatic extraction of semantic features for real-time action recognition using depth architecture networks
* Automatic fault tracking across seismic volumes via tracking vectors
* Automatic Feeding Control for Dense Aquaculture Fish Tanks
* Automatic heart rate estimation from painful faces
* Automatic Human Mocap Data Classification
* Automatic image annotation using inverse maps from semantic embeddings
* Automatic Image Co-Segmentation Using Geometric Mean Saliency
* Automatic inpainting of linearly related video frames
* Automatic jumping photos on smartphones
* Automatic lesion detection in wireless capsule endoscopy: A simple solution for a complex problem
* Automatic method for tumor segmentation from 3-points dynamic PET acquisitions
* Automatic Parallel Parking in Tiny Spots: Path Planning and Control
* Automatic Red-Channel underwater image restoration
* Automatic target image detection for morphing
* Automatic UAV Forced Landing Site Detection Using Machine Learning
* Automatic Visual Concept Learning for Social Event Understanding
* Automatic, fast, online calibration between depth and color cameras
* Automatically classifying paintings with perceptual inspired descriptors
* Autonomous multi-scale object detection with hough forests
* Auxiliary Metadata Delivery in View Synthesis Using Depth No-Synthesis-Error Model
* Axially Elongated Field-Free Point Data Acquisition in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Axially Extended-Volume C-Arm CT Using a Reverse Helical Trajectory in the Interventional Room
* Background extraction from video sequences via motion-assisted matrix completion
* Background Fluorescence Estimation and Vesicle Segmentation in Live Cell Imaging With Conditional Random Fields
* Background foreground segmentation with RGB-D Kinect data: An efficient combination of classifiers
* Background segmentation of dynamic scenes based on dual model
* Backward compatible enhancement of chroma format in HEVC
* backward wavelet remesher for level of detail control and scalable coding, A
* Bag of features approach for offline text-independent Chinese writer identification
* Bags-of-daglets for action recognition
* Balanced optical flow refinement by bidirectional constraint
* Bamboo: A fast descriptor based on AsymMetric pairwise BOOsting
* Bandwidth efficient mobile cloud gaming with layered coding and scalable phong lighting
* Barcode Modulation Method for Data Transmission in Mobile Devices
* Bayesian Blind Separation and Deconvolution of Dynamic Image Sequences Using Sparsity Priors
* Bayesian fusion of multispectral and hyperspectral images with unknown sensor spectral response
* Bayesian model for brain tumor classification using clinical-based features, A
* Bayesian Models of Graphs, Arrays and Other Exchangeable Random Structures
* Bayesian Nonparametric Approach to Image Super-Resolution, A
* Bayesian Nonparametric Methods for Partially-Observable Reinforcement Learning
* Bayesian Nonparametric Models for Multiway Data Analysis
* Bayesian Predictive Model for Clustering Data of Mixed Discrete and Continuous Type, A
* BB-Homography: Joint Binary Features and Bipartite Graph Matching for Homography Estimation
* Benchmarking result diversification in social image retrieval
* Benford-Fourier JPEG compression detector, A
* Best regions for periocular recognition with NIR and visible images
* Beyond format-compliant encryption for JPEG image
* Beyond Multimedia Adaptation: Quality of Experience-Aware Multi-Sensorial Media Delivery
* Bhattacharyya distance-based irregular pyramid method for image segmentation
* Bias Reduction for Low-Statistics PET: Maximum Likelihood Reconstruction With a Modified Poisson Distribution
* Biharmonic density estimate: A scale space signature for deformable surfaces
* BIK-BUS: Biologically Motivated 3D Keypoint Based on Bottom-Up Saliency
* Binarization of noisy microscopy images through signal reconstruction using iterative detection network
* Binary classification based linear rate estimation model for HEVC RDO
* Binary image steganalysis based on pixel mesh Markov transition matrix
* Binary Partition Trees-Based Robust Adaptive Hyperspectral RX Anomaly Detection
* Binary text image file preprocessing to account for printer dot gain
* Binary tomography reconstructions of bone microstructure from few projections with stochastic level-set methods
* Binocular Suppression-Based Stereoscopic Video Coding by Joint Rate Control With KKT Conditions for a Hybrid Video Codec System
* Bio-inspired Group Modeling and Analysis for Intruder Detection in Mobile Sensor/Robotic Networks
* Biologically Inspired Facilitation Mechanism Enhances the Detection and Pursuit of Targets of Varying Contrast, A
* Biometrics on visual preferences: A pump and distill regression approach
* Bit rate estimation for H.264/AVC video encoding based on temporal and spatial activities
* Blind and Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Using Chrominance Embedding, A
* Blind estimation of pixel brightness transform
* Blind full reference quality assessment of poisson image denoising
* Blind image deblurring using non-negative sparse approximation
* Blind source separation based anomaly detection in multi-spectral images
* Blind spectral unmixing for compressive hyperspectral imaging of highly mixed data
* blind watermarking scheme for depth-image-based rendered 3D video using the dual-tree complex wavelet transform, A
* Block motion matching on directional subbands with interband suppression
* Bluetooth Vehicle Trajectory by Fusing Bluetooth and Loops: Motorway Travel Time Statistics
* Blurred image region detection and segmentation
* Boosting for Multi-Graph Classification
* Brain tumor classification using sparse coding and dictionary learning
* Brain tumor segmentation from multiple MRI sequences using multiple kernel learning
* Brain-Computer Interface-Based Vehicle Destination Selection System Using P300 and SSVEP Signals, A
* Brain-Inspired Concept Networks: Learning Concepts from Cluttered Scenes
* Breaking text-based CAPTCHAs with variable word and character orientation
* Briskola: BRISK optimized for low-power ARM architectures
* BSIFT: Toward Data-Independent Codebook for Large Scale Image Search
* Building Change Detection in Multitemporal Very High Resolution SAR Images
* CAESAR: An Approach Based on Covariance Matrix Decomposition to Improve Multibaseline-Multitemporal Interferometric SAR Processing
* Calibrated depth and color cameras for accurate 3D interaction in a stereoscopic augmented reality environment
* Calibration and Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor From MODIS Infrared Observations at Night
* Calibration of an industrial vision system using an ellipsoid
* Calibration of depth cameras using denoised depth images
* Calibration of the Mercury Laser Altimeter on the MESSENGER Spacecraft
* CALPUFF and CAFOs: Air Pollution Modeling and Environmental Justice Analysis in the North Carolina Hog Industry
* Camera matching based on spatiotemporal activity and conditional random field model
* Camera viewpoint change detection for interaction analysis in TV shows
* Camera-based indoor positioning using scalable streaming of compressed binary image signatures
* Can we Automatically Transform Speech Recorded on Common Consumer Devices in Real-World Environments into Professional Production Quality Speech?: A Dataset, Insights, and Challenges
* Capturing color and near-infrared images with different exposure times for image enhancement under extremely low-light scene
* Cardiac motion analysis using wavelet projections from tagged MR sequences
* Cascaded sparse color-localized matching for logo retrieval
* Cauchy-Based State-Space Model for Seizure Detection in EEG Monitoring Systems, A
* Cell tracking using particle filters with implicit convex shape model in 4D confocal microscopy images
* Change Detection in Constellations of Buried Objects Extracted From Ground-Penetrating Radar Data
* Characterization of Facade Regularities in High-Resolution SAR Images
* cheat preventing method with efficient pixel expansion for Naor-Shamir's visual cryptography, A
* CID2013: A Database for Evaluating No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Algorithms
* Circular spot detection and segmentation with rotating line local binary analysis
* Class evolution data analytics from SAR image time series using information theory measures
* Class-Dependent Sparse Representation Classifier for Robust Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Classification of 2D and 3D images using pyramid scale decision voting
* Classification of airborne laser scanning data using JointBoost
* Classification of cardiac magnetic resonance image type and orientation
* Classification of hyperspectral image based on deep belief networks
* Classifying Compound Structures in Satellite Images: A Compressed Representation for Fast Queries
* Classifying food images represented as Bag of Textons
* Classifying imbalanced data sets using similarity based hierarchical decomposition
* Cleaning up after a face tracker: False positive removal
* Click and share: A face recognition tool for the mobile community
* Cloud-Based Distributed Image Coding
* Cloud-Based Multimedia Content Protection System
* Cluster constraint based sparse NMF for hyperspectral imagery unmixing
* cluster specific latent dirichlet allocation model for trajectory clustering in crowded videos, A
* Cluster validity measure and merging system for hierarchical clustering considering outliers
* Clustering by saliency: Unsupervised discovery of crowd activities
* Co-occurrence probability-based pixel pairs background model for robust object detection in dynamic scenes
* coarse-to-fine approach for fast deformable object detection, A
* Coarse-to-fine strategy for efficient cost-volume filtering
* Coaxial-Fed Circular Dipole Array Antenna With Ferrite Loading for Thin Directional Borehole Radar Sonde
* Coding binary local features extracted from video sequences
* Coding of distortion-corrected fisheye video sequences using H.265/HEVC
* Cognitive Dialogue: A new model for vision implementing common sense reasoning, The
* Coined Quantum Walks Lift the Cospectrality of Graphs and Trees
* Collaborating frames: Temporally weighted sparse representation for visual tracking
* Collaborative Active and Semisupervised Learning for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification
* Collaborative inter-prediction on CPU-GPU systems
* Collaborative Multifeature Fusion for Transductive Spectral Learning
* Color and multispectral texture characterization using pseudo-morphological tools
* color cone, The
* Color correction through region matching leveraged by point correspondences
* Color distortion correction without noise boost using multi-resolution analysis
* Color features for dating historical color images
* Color filter array patterns for small-pixel image sensors with substantial cross talk
* Color fringe correction based on image fusion
* color morphological ordering method based on additive and subtractive spaces, A
* Color palette for screen content coding
* color texture analysis method based on a gravitational approach for classification of the pap-smear database, A
* Color-based skin segmentation: An evaluation of the state of the art
* Color-Direction Patch-Sparsity-Based Image Inpainting Using Multidirection Features
* ColorBrush: Animated diffusion for intuitive colorization simulating water painting
* Colored coded apertures optimization in compressive spectral imaging by restricted isometry property
* Colorization matrix construction with high compression efficiency for colorization-based coding using optimization
* Colour image compression with anisotropic diffusion
* Comb-Push Ultrasound Shear Elastography (CUSE) for Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules: Preliminary In Vivo Results
* Combinatorial Clustering and the Beta Negative Binomial Process
* Combining computer vision and video processing to achieve immersive mobile videoconferencing
* Combining interior tomography reconstruction and spatial regularization
* Combining Left and Right Palmprint Images for More Accurate Personal Identification
* Combining long-range dependencies with phase information in Natural Stochastic Texture enhancement
* Combining Ordered Subsets and Momentum for Accelerated X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction
* COMMIT: Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography
* comparative analysis of capacitive touch panel grid designs and interpolation methods, A
* Comparative performance of texton based vascular tree segmentation in retinal images
* comparative study of computational aesthetics, A
* Comparative study of frame-compatible stereo 3D services and a novel method for spatial interleaving using HEVC
* Comparing Machine Learning Classifiers for Object-Based Land Cover Classification Using Very High Resolution Imagery
* Comparing Near-Coincident C- and X-Band SAR Acquisitions of Marine Oil Spills
* Comparing Noisy Patches for Image Denoising: A Double Noise Similarity Model
* Comparison of Adaptive and Model-Free Methods for Dynamic Measurement
* Comparison of SSM/I and AMSR-E Sea Ice Concentrations With ASPeCt Ship Observations Around Antarctica
* Comparison of texture features for human embryonic stem cells with bio-inspired multi-class support vector machine
* Comparison of visual saliency models for compressed video
* Competence-Based Song Recommendation: Matching Songs to One's Singing Skill
* Complementarity of Discriminative Classifiers and Spectral Unmixing Techniques for the Interpretation of Hyperspectral Images
* Complementary feature extraction for branded handbag recognition
* Complex event recognition by latent temporal models of concepts
* complex network based feature extraction for image retrieval, A
* Complexity reduction for 3D-HEVC depth maps intra-frame prediction using simplified edge detector algorithm
* Component hashing of variable-length binary aggregated descriptors for fast image search
* Compressed face hallucination
* Compressed hyperspectral image recovery via total variation regularization assuming linear mixing
* Compressed image quality assessment: Application to an interactive upper limb radiology atlas
* Compressed Sensing Performance of Random Bernoulli Matrices with High Compression Ratio
* Compressed sensing reconstruction of 3D ultrasound data using dictionary learning
* compressed sensing-based pan-sharpening using joint data fidelity and blind blurring kernel estimation, A
* Compressing 3-D Human Motions via Keyframe-Based Geometry Videos
* Compression noise based video forgery detection
* Compression strategies for LiDAR waveform cube
* Compressive data fusion for multi-sensor image analysis
* Compressive pushbroom and whiskbroom sensing for hyperspectral remote-sensing imaging
* Compressive Sensing by Learning a Gaussian Mixture Model From Measurements
* Computation-constrained dynamic search range control for real-time video encoder
* Computational 3D and reflectivity imaging with high photon efficiency
* Computational Cognitive Models for Brain-Machine Collaborations
* Computational Model of the Short-Cut Rule for 2D Shape Decomposition, A
* computational photography shootout: Wavefront coding vs. lattice focal imaging, A
* computer vision approach for detection and quantification of feed particles in marine fish farms, A
* Computer-aided diagnostic system for prostate cancer detection and characterization combining learned dictionaries and supervised classification
* Computing journey start times with recurrent traffic conditions
* Concentric circular trajectory sampling for super-resolution and image mosaicing
* Conceptlets: Selective Semantics for Classifying Video Events
* Conceptual Issues Regarding the Development of Underground Railway Laser Scanning Systems
* Conditional distance based matching for one-shot gesture recognition
* conditional random field approach for face identification in broadcast news using overlaid text, A
* conditional random field model for tracking in densely packed cell structures, A
* Conditional random fields for tubulin-microtubule segmentation in cryo-electron tomography
* Conditional random fields versus template-matching in MT phrasing tasks involving sparse training data
* confidence growing model for super-resolution, A
* Confidence-aware guided image filter
* Connected image processing with multivariate attributes: An unsupervised Markovian classification approach
* Connectivity calculus of fractal polyhedrons
* Consistency-Driven Alternating Optimization for Multigraph Matching: A Unified Approach
* Consistent Depth Video Segmentation Using Adaptive Surface Models
* consistent pixel-wise blur measure for partially blurred images, A
* Contactless measurement of muscles fatigue by tracking facial feature points in a video
* Content adaptive screen image scaling
* Content based image authentication using HOG feature descriptor
* Content-based image retrieval using color features of salient regions
* Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Features Extracted From Halftoning-Based Block Truncation Coding
* Content-Based Prediction of Movie Style, Aesthetics, and Affect: Data Set and Baseline Experiments
* Context dependent hyperspectral subpixel target detection
* Context-Adaptive Modeling for Wavelet-Domain Distributed Video Coding
* Context-Adaptive Pansharpening Based on Binary Partition Tree Segmentation
* Context-aware codebook learning for mobile landmark recognition
* Context-Aware Patch-Based Image Inpainting Using Markov Random Field Modeling
* Context-dependent blstm models. Application to offline handwriting recognition
* Continuous plane detection in point-cloud data based on 3D Hough Transform
* Continuous prediction of perceived traits and social dimensions in space and time
* Continuous rotation invariant features for gradient-based texture classification
* Contour tracking via on-line discriminative active contours
* Contrario 2D Point Alignment Detection, A
* contrario detection of good continuation of points, A
* Contrast enhancement using real coded genetic algorithm based modified histogram equalization for gray scale images
* Contrast enhancement with chromaticity error bound
* Controlled blurring for improving image reconstruction quality in flutter-shutter acquisition
* Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Analysis of Aerial Imagery, A
* Convolutional Sparse Coding for Trajectory Reconstruction
* Cooperative and Active Sensing in Mobile Sensor Networks for Scalar Field Mapping
* cooperative protocol for video streaming in dense small cell wireless relay networks, A
* Copy-move forgery detection based on PatchMatch
* Coregistration refinement of hyperspectral images and DSM: An object-based approach using spectral information
* Correcting 3D scenes estimated from sets of multi-view images using shape-from-contours
* Correcting Incompatible DN Values and Geometric Errors in Nighttime Lights Time-Series Images
* Correlation noise modeling for multiview transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding
* correspondence based method for activity recognition in human skeleton motion sequences, A
* Cost-aware depth map estimation for Lytro camera
* Cost-sensitive learning of hierarchical tree classifiers for large-scale image classification and novel category detection
* Countering anti-forensics to wavelet-based compression
* Coupled dictionaries for thermal to visible face recognition
* Coupled K-SVD dictionary training for super-resolution
* CPCDN: Content Delivery Powered by Context and User Intelligence
* CrackIT: An image processing toolbox for crack detection and characterization
* Critical Comparison Among Pansharpening Algorithms, A
* Critical Multimedia
* Cross based robust local optical flow
* Cross component decorrelation for HEVC range extension standard
* Cross modal metric learning with multi-level semantic relevance
* Cross modality label fusion in multi-atlas segmentation
* Cross-Camera Knowledge Transfer for Multiview People Counting
* Cross-Domain Feature Learning in Multimedia
* Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Video Streaming Over OFDMA Cognitive Radio Networks
* Cross-Sensor Continuity of Satellite-Derived Water Clarity in the Gulf of Mexico: Insights Into Temporal Aliasing and Implications for Long-Term Water Clarity Assessment
* Crosstalk modeling in circularly polarized stereoscopic LCDS
* Crowd analysis in non-static cameras using feature tracking and multi-person density
* Crowd Behavior Recognition Using Dense Trajectories
* Crowd-based quality assessment of multiview video plus depth coding
* Cryptanalysis aspects in 3-D watermarking
* Curvelet Based Contrast Enhancement in Fluoroscopic Sequences
* Curvelet-based approach for textured 3D face recognition, A
* DA-CCD: A novel action representation by Deep Architecture of local depth feature
* DALM-SVD: Accelerated sparse coding through singular value decomposition of the dictionary
* data-driven approach to cleaning large face datasets, A
* Data-driven single image depth estimation using weighted median statistics
* Data-Driven Street Scene Layout Estimation for Distant Object Detection
* Database Saliency for Fast Image Retrieval
* dataset for Hand-Held Object Recognition, A
* DCT coefficients generation model for film grain noise and its application in super-resolution
* Decoder complexity reduction for the scalable extension of HEVC
* Deduction of Passengers' Route Choices From Smart Card Data
* Deep convolutional neural network based species recognition for wild animal monitoring
* deep learning approach to document image quality assessment, A
* Deep learning for brain decoding
* Deep learning for objective quality assessment of 3D images
* Deep Learning Network for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Deformation Corrected Compressed Sensing (DC-CS): A Novel Framework for Accelerated Dynamic MRI
* Degradation adaptive texture classification
* Degree of loop assessment in microvideo
* Delay-rate-distortion optimized rate control for wireless video communication
* Delivery quality score model for Internet video
* Demon registration for 3D images obtained by serial block face scanning electron microscopy
* Demonstrating the new compact descriptors for visual search (CDVS) standard for image retrieval on mobile devices
* Demosaicking algorithm for the Fujifilm X-Trans color filter array
* Denoising based on non local means for ultrasound images with simultaneous multiple noise distributions
* Denoising using projections onto the epigraph set of convex cost functions
* Dense body part trajectories for human action recognition
* Dense depth map generation using sparse depth data from normal flow
* Dense interest features for video processing
* Dense lightfield reconstruction from multi aperture cameras
* Dense non-rigid visual tracking with a robust similarity function
* DENSE sampling of features for image retrieval
* Dense Subgraph Partition of Positive Hypergraphs
* Depth Coding Based on Depth-Texture Motion and Structure Similarities
* Depth enhancement using RGB-D guided filtering
* Depth estimation for automotive with tilted optics imaging
* Depth extraction from a single image by sampling based on distance metric learning
* Depth images super-resolution: An iterative approach
* Depth map denoising using collaborative graph wavelet shrinkage on connected image patches
* Depth map propagation with the texture image guidance
* Depth saliency based on anisotropic center-surround difference
* Depth-assisted stereo video enhancement using graph-based approaches
* Depth-based face recognition using local quantized patterns adapted for range data
* Depth-guided adaptive contrast enhancement using 2D histograms
* depth-map approach for automatic mice behavior recognition, A
* design of composite adaptive morphological filter and applications to Rician noise reduction in MR images, The
* Designing an Interactive Audio Interface for Climate Science
* Deskewing of Underwater Images
* Detail-preserving compressive sensing recovery based on cartoon texture image decomposition
* Detail-Preserving Smoothing Classifier Based on Conditional Random Fields for High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Detectability-quality trade-off in JPEG counter-forensics
* Detecting and tracking people in real time with RGB-D camera
* Detecting defects in repeatedly patterned image with spatially different level of noise
* Detecting emotional stress from facial expressions for driving safety
* Detecting new classes via infinite warped mixture models for hyperspectral image analysis
* Detecting self-stimulatory behaviours for autism diagnosis
* Detecting self-stimulatory behaviours for autism diagnosis
* Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints
* Detection of Anomalous Crowd Behaviour Using Hyperspherical Clustering
* Detection of astrophysical sources in hyperspectral data. Applications to the MUSE instrument
* Detection of Dynamic Background Due to Swaying Movements From Motion Features
* Detection of dynamic objects for environment mapping by time-of-flight cameras
* Determination of the age of oil palm from crown projection area detected from WorldView-2 multispectral remote sensing data: The case of Ejisu-Juaben district, Ghana
* Determining Autocorrelation Matrix Size and Sampling Frequency for MUSIC Algorithm
* Developing in situ Non-Destructive Estimates of Crop Biomass to Address Issues of Scale in Remote Sensing
* Development of a robust active infrared-based eye tracker
* Development of gesture-based human-computer interaction applications by fusion of depth and colour video streams
* Development of Onboard Digital Elevation and Relief Databases for ICESat-2
* Diagonal vectorisation of 2-D wavelet lifting
* Dictionary learning for sparsity-driven SAR image reconstruction
* Dictionary-based multiple instance learning
* Dictionary-Based Video Face Recognition Using Dense Multi-Scale Facial Landmark Features
* Differential Topic Models
* Digital cradle removal in X-ray images of art paintings
* Dimensionality reduction of visual features using sparse projectors for content-based image retrieval
* Direct 2-D Reconstructions of Conductivity and Permittivity From EIT Data on a Human Chest
* Direct Solution to the Minimal Generalized Pose
* Direct visual tracking under extreme illumination variations using the sum of conditional variance
* Directed interactivity of large-scale brain networks: Introducing a new method for estimating resting-state effective connectivity MRI
* Direction selective vector field convolution for contour detection
* Directional intra frame interpolation for HEVC compressed video
* Dirichlet-tree distribution enhanced random forests for facial feature detection
* Discontinuous seismic horizon reconstruction based on local dip transformation
* Discovering common recurrent patterns in multiple strings over large alphabets
* Discovering distinctive action parts for action recognition
* Discovering Regions Where Users Drive Inefficiently on Regular Journeys
* Discrete Tchebichef Transform Approximation for Image and Video Coding, A
* Discriminative and generative vocabulary tree: With application to vein image authentication and recognition
* Discriminative Key Pose Extraction Using Extended LC-KSVD for Action Recognition
* Discriminative Multi-Task Sparse Learning for Robust Visual Tracking Using Conditional Random Field
* Discriminative Shared Gaussian Processes for Multiview and View-Invariant Facial Expression Recognition
* Disparity based stereo image retrieval through univariate and bivariate models
* Disparity based stereo image reversible data hiding
* Disparity-guided demosaicking of light field images
* Distance Dependent Infinite Latent Feature Models
* Distributed Consensus Strategy for Platooning of Vehicles in the Presence of Time-Varying Heterogeneous Communication Delays
* Distributed Framework for Coordinated Heavy-Duty Vehicle Platooning, A
* Distributed Multiple Description Video Transmission via Noncooperative Games With Opportunistic Players
* Distributed Scheduling for Low-Delay and Loss-Resilient Media Streaming With Network Coding
* Distributed Soft-Data-Constrained Multi-Model Particle Filter
* Divergence-Free Wavelet Frames
* Diverse Responses of Remotely Sensed Grassland Phenology to Interannual Climate Variability over Frozen Ground Regions in Mongolia
* Diversity-driven learning for multimodal image retrieval with relevance feedback
* DLBP: A novel descriptor for depth image based face recognition
* Do We Really Need to Calibrate All the Parameters? Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis to Simplify Microscopic Traffic Flow Models
* Dog breed classification via landmarks
* Dominant edge direction based fast parameter estimation algorithm for sample adaptive offset in HEVC
* Double adjacency graphs-based discriminant neighborhood embedding
* Doubly Degenerate Diffusion Model Based on the Gray Level Indicator for Multiplicative Noise Removal, A
* Downward spatially-scalable image reconstruction based on compressed sensing
* Drive Analysis Using Vehicle Dynamics and Vision-Based Lane Semantics
* DTRF: A physiologically motivated method for image description
* Dual Graph Regularized NMF for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* Dual-view medical image visualization based on spatial-temporal psychovisual modulation
* Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Fault Detection, Identification, and Recovery in Autonomous Spacecraft
* Dynamic Blocks for Face Verification
* Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Multiscale Binarized Statistical Image Features
* Dynamic Time Warping for Music Conducting Gestures Evaluation
* E-Net Modeling and Analysis of Emergency Response Processes Constrained by Resources and Uncertain Durations
* E3D-D2D: Embedding in 3D, detection in 2D through projective invariants
* Ear-parotic face angle: A unique feature for 3D ear recognition
* eCall minimum set of data transmission- results from a field test in Finland
* Edge enhancement of depth based rendered images
* Edge-aware image graph expansion methods for oversampled graph Laplacian matrix
* Edge-Based Intramode Selection for Depth-Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Edge-Guided Single Depth Image Super Resolution
* Effect of eye dominance on the perception of stereoscopic 3D video
* Effect of Smoothing on Sparsity Prior CT Reconstruction
* Effective 3D action recognition using Eigen_Joints
* Effective and efficient subjective testing of texture similarity metrics
* Effective coding unit size decision based on motion homogeneity classification for HEVC inter prediction
* effective example-based learning method for denoising of medical images corrupted by heavy Gaussian noise and poisson noise, An
* effective image restoration using Kullback-Leibler divergence minimization, An
* effective watermarking method against valumetric distortions, An
* Effects of Auditory Feedback on Menu Selection in Hand-Gesture Interfaces
* Effects of Controlled Element Dynamics on Human Feedforward Behavior in Ramp-Tracking Tasks
* Effects of Ecological Auditory Feedback on Rhythmic Walking Interaction, The
* Effects of star extraction artifacts on blind attitude determination
* Efficient 2D human pose estimation using mean-shift
* efficient adaptive arithmetic coding for block-based lossless image compression using mixture models, An
* efficient adaptive energy model based predictive Motion Estimation algorithm for video coding, An
* Efficient alignment for vehicle make and model recognition
* Efficient Application Processor Architecture for Multicore Software Video Decoding, An
* Efficient Bayesian inference using fully connected conditional random fields with stochastic cliques
* Efficient binary codes for extremely high-dimensional data
* Efficient Coding of Depth Map by Exploiting Temporal Correlation
* efficient color image quality metric with local-tuned-global model, An
* Efficient DCT-Based Image Compression System Based on Laplacian Transparent Composite Model, An
* efficient DCT-based image compression system based on transparent composite model, An
* Efficient fusion of multidimensional descriptors for image retrieval
* Efficient image sharpening and denoising using adaptive guided image filtering
* Efficient Jacobi-Like Deflationary ICA Algorithm: Application to EEG Denoising, An
* Efficient Learning of Linear Predictors for Template Tracking
* efficient method for human pointing estimation for robot interaction, An
* Efficient Monte Carlo Image Analysis for the Location of Vascular Entity
* Efficient MRF Embedded Level Set Method for Image Segmentation, An
* efficient Naive Bayes approach to category-level object detection, An
* Efficient People Counting with Limited Manual Interferences
* Efficient Road Detection and Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Efficient Road Scene Understanding for Intelligent Vehicles Using Compositional Hierarchical Models
* Efficient Soft-Input Soft-Output MIMO Chase Detectors for Arbitrary Number of Streams
* Efficient steerable circular harmonic functions
* Efficient tracking of human poses using a manifold hierarchy
* Efficient transcoding for spatially misaligned compositions for HEVC
* Efficient Variational Bayesian Approximation Method Based on Subspace Optimization
* Efficient video search using image queries
* Eikonal-based vertices growing and iterative seeding for efficient graph-based segmentation
* Elastic body spline based image segmentation
* Elastic Deformation Field Model for Object Detection and Tracking, An
* Elastic image registration to fully explore macromolecular dynamics by electron microscopy
* Electronic Field Free Line Rotation and Relaxation Deconvolution in Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Elementary block extraction for mobile image search
* Elitist Chemical Reaction Optimization for Contour-Based Target Recognition in Aerial Images
* Ellipse fitting for imaged cross sections of a surface of revolution
* Ellipses from triangles
* Emergency Railway Transportation Planning Using a Hyper-Heuristic Approach
* Empirical Forecasting of HF-Radar Velocity Using Genetic Algorithms
* Enabling visual analysis in wireless sensor networks
* end-member based ordering relation for the morphological description of hyperspectral images, An
* Endogenous convolutional sparse representations for transolation invariant image subspace models
* Energetic lattice for optimizing over hierarchies of partitions
* Energy and area-efficient hardware implementation of HEVC inverse transform and dequantization
* Energy consumption analysis and modelling of a H.264/AVC intra-only based encoder dedicated to WVSNs
* Energy Efficient Two-Way Non-Regenerative Relaying for Relays with Multiple Antennas
* Enhanced AMVP mechanism based adaptive motion search range decision algorithm for fast HEVC coding
* Enhanced Figure-Ground Classification With Background Prior Propagation
* Enhanced omnidirectional image unwrapping for face detection
* Enhanced spatio-temporal video copy detection by combining trajectory and spatial consistency
* Enhancing hyperspectral image quality using nonlinear PCA
* Enhancing Image Denoising by Controlling Noise Incursion in Learned Dictionaries
* Ensemble margin framework for image classification
* ensemble of deep neural networks for object tracking, An
* Entropy rate estimation for vector processes: Application to complex FMRI analysis
* Entropy-Based Evaluation of Context Models for Wavelet-Transformed Images
* Epitome inpainting with in-loop residue coding for image compression
* Equity-Oriented Aircraft Collision Avoidance Model
* Errata and comments on 'Orthogonal moments based on exponent functions: Exponent-Fourier moments'
* error-based recursive filling ordering for image error concealment, An
* Establishing Correspondences between Planar Image Patches
* Estimating bedrock and surface layer boundaries and confidence intervals in ice sheet radar imagery using MCMC
* Estimating embedded data from clustered halftone dots via learned dictionary
* Estimating Land Development Time Lags in China Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Image
* Estimating wide range Total Suspended Solids concentrations from MODIS 250-m imageries: An improved method
* Estimation and analysis of gross primary production of soybean under various management practices and drought conditions
* Estimation of Daily Air Temperature Based on MODIS Land Surface Temperature Products over the Corn Belt in the US
* Estimation of Land Surface Temperature under Cloudy Skies Using Combined Diurnal Solar Radiation and Surface Temperature Evolution
* Estimation of linear deformations of 2D and 3D fuzzy objects
* Estimation of Sunlight Direction Using 3D Object Models
* Evaluating the performance and correlation of colour invariant local image feature detectors
* Evaluation and comparison of different radargrammetric approaches for Digital Surface Models generation from COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X, RADARSAT-2 imagery: Analysis of Beauport (Canada) test site
* Evaluation of a power injection system in the 7-Tesla MRI environment
* evaluation of classifier-specific filter measure performance for feature selection, An
* Evaluation of context models to code wavelet-transformed hyperspectral images
* Evaluation of Data Completeness and Image Quality in Multiplexing Multi-Pinhole SPECT, The
* Evaluation of Sparseness as a Criterion for Selecting Independent Component Filters, When Applied to Texture Retrieval, An
* Evaluation of two stereo matchers on long real-world video sequences
* Evidence theory for high dynamic range reconstruction with linear digital cameras
* Exact Confidence Intervals for Channelized Hotelling Observer Performance in Image Quality Studies
* Exact reconstruction in Quantitative Phase Microscopy
* Examining Personal Air Pollution Exposure, Intake, and Health Danger Zone Using Time Geography and 3D Geovisualization
* Examining visual saliency prediction in naturalistic scenes
* Example based demosaicing
* Example-based motion manipulation
* Example-based super-resolution using self-patches and approximated constrained least squares filter
* Exemplar-based colorization in RGB color space
* Exemplar-based linear discriminant analysis for robust object tracking
* Expectation Propagation Perspective on Approximate Message Passing, An
* Expected Power Bound for Two-Dimensional Digital Filters in the Fornasini-Marchesini Local State-Space Model
* Experimental Study of Unsupervised Feature Learning for HEp-2 Cell Images Clustering
* Exploitation of inter-color correlation for color image demosaicking
* Exploiting disparity information for stereo image retrieval
* Exploiting image structural similarity for single image rain removal
* Exploiting Information Geometry to Improve the Convergence of Nonparametric Active Contours
* Exploiting low-rank structures from cross-camera images for robust person re-identification
* Exploiting multi-scale spatial structures for sparsity based single image super-resolution
* Exploiting rolling shutter for ENF signal extraction from video
* Exploiting Web Images for Semantic Video Indexing Via Robust Sample-Specific Loss
* Exploring covert attention for generic boosting of saliency models
* Exploring MPEG HEVC decoder parallelism for the efficient porting onto many-core platforms
* Exploring the effects of 3D visual discomfort on viewers' emotions
* Expressive facial animation from videos
* Extended local binary pattern fusion for face recognition
* Extension of the Spectral Acceleration Method to Lossy Medium and Its Application to Electromagnetic Scattering From Rough Surfaces
* Extracting Primary Objects by Video Co-Segmentation
* Extraction of Potential Sunny Region for Background Subtraction under Sudden Illumination Changes
* Eye Movement Analysis Algorithm for a Multielement Target Tracking Task: Maximum Transition-Based Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, An
* Facade repetition extraction using block matrix based model
* Face Distortion Recovery Based on Online Learning Database for Conversational Video
* Face recognition based on perceived facial images and multilayer perceptron neural network using constructive training algorithm
* Face recognition using Extended Curvature Gabor classifier bunch
* Face, gender and race classification using multi-regularized features learning
* Facial action unit intensity estimation using rotation invariant features and regression analysis
* Facial alignment by using sparse initialization and random forest
* Facial expression recognition using statistical subspace
* Facial feature points detecting based on Gaussian Mixture Models
* Facial grid transformation: A novel face registration approach for improving facial action unit recognition
* Farness preserving Non-negative matrix factorization
* Fast and accurate video annotation using dense motion hypotheses
* Fast and efficient inter CU decision for high efficiency video coding
* Fast and memory-efficient quantile filter for data in three and higher dimensions
* Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal k-Space Trajectories in MRI
* Fast and robust image segmentation using an superpixel based FCM algorithm
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* Fast channel switching for single-loop scalable HEVC
* Fast Coding Tree Unit depth decision for high efficiency video coding
* Fast computation of Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image recognition
* Fast eye localization without a face model using inner product detectors
* fast HEVC transcoder based on content modeling and early termination, A
* Fast hierarchical intra angular mode selection for high efficiency video coding
* Fast Intermode Selection for HEVC Video Coding Using Phase Correlation
* fast intra coding algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast intra mode decision for HEVC based on Transparent Composite Model
* Fast iteratively reweighted least squares for Lp regularized image deconvolution and reconstruction
* Fast L1 Gaussian convolution via domain splitting
* fast learning algorithm for multi-layer extreme learning machine, A
* Fast log-Gabor-based nonlocal means image denoising methods
* fast mixed-band lifting wavelet transform on the GPU, A
* Fast motion estimation for closed-loop HEVC transrating
* Fast MR image reconstruction with orthogonal wavelet regularization via shift-variant shrinkage
* Fast Newton active appearance models
* fast non-local disparity refinement method for stereo matching, A
* Fast Nonparametric Clustering of Structured Time-Series
* Fast omni-image unwarping using pano-mapping pointers array
* Fast Parallel MR Image Reconstruction via B1-Based, Adaptive Restart, Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithms (BARISTA)
* fast partial distortion search algorithm for motion estimation based on the multi-traps assumption, A
* Fast partitioning algorithm for HEVC Intra frame coding using machine learning
* Fast quadtree level decision algorithm for H.264/HEVC transcoder
* Fast SAO estimation algorithm and its VLSI architecture
* Fast Single Image Super-Resolution via Self-Example Learning and Sparse Representation
* Fast Subpixel Mapping Algorithms for Subpixel Resolution Change Detection
* Fast X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction Using a Linearized Augmented Lagrangian Method With Ordered Subsets
* Fast, robust and occlusion resilient motion based video segmentation
* Feature histogram equalization for feature contrast enhancement
* Feature selection for unsupervised learning through local learning
* Feature-based registration for correlative light and electron microscopy images
* Features for stochastic approximation based foreground detection
* Fiducial Facial Point Extraction Using a Novel Projective Invariant
* Fiducial facial point extraction with cross ratio
* Figure/ground video segmentation using greedy transductive cosegmentation
* Finding the optimal parameter setting for an ensemble-based lesion detector
* Finding your spot: A photography suggestion system for placing human in the scene
* Fine Resolution Frequency Estimator Based on Double Sub-segment Phase Difference, A
* Fine-Resolution Radar Altimeter Measurements on Land and Sea Ice
* Fine-Tuning Regression Forests Votes for Object Alignment in the Wild
* Finger-drawn pin authentication on touch devices
* Fingerprint-PKI authentication using Zernike moments
* FIR/IIR cascade approximating H.264/AVC interpolation filter
* first parallel algorithm to compute the morphological tree of shapes of nD images, A
* First-person multiple object tracking in complex traffic scenes
* Flash/no-flash fusion for mobile document image binarization
* flexible framework for online document segmentation by pairwise stroke distance learning, A
* Flooding based superpixels generation with color, compactness and smoothness constraints
* Flooding Water Depth Estimation With High-Resolution SAR
* Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: Co-Registration Study Using Ex Vivo Human Coronaries
* Flying selfie bots
* Focus-aided scene segmentation
* Foreground object detection in highly dynamic scenes using saliency
* Foreground object segmentation for moving camera sequences based on foreground-background probabilistic models and prior probability maps
* formal method for selecting evaluation metrics for image segmentation, A
* forward-backward view of some primal-dual optimization methods in image recovery, A
* Foundational metadata for image based cognition
* Fractal dimension images from SAR images
* Fractional cycle spinning via modulated lapped transform for overcomplete image representation
* Fractional Eigenfaces
* Frame rate up-conversion using nonparametric estimator
* framework for estimating relative depth in video, A
* framework of changing image emotion using emotion prediction, A
* Free-Breathing Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography of the Human Heart in Healthy Volunteers Using Wavelet-Based Image Fusion
* Frequency-Dependent Conductivity Contrast for Tissue Characterization Using a Dual-Frequency Range Conductivity Mapping Magnetic Resonance Method
* Frequencygrams and multi-feature joint sparse representation for action and gesture recognition
* FSITM: A Feature Similarity Index For Tone-Mapped Images
* Full parallax super multi-view video coding
* Full ranking as local descriptor for visual recognition: A comparison of distance metrics on S_n
* Full reference video quality estimation for videos with different spatial resolutions
* Fusing generic objectness and deformable part-based models for weakly supervised object detection
* Fusing Inertial Sensor Data in an Extended Kalman Filter for 3D Camera Tracking
* Fusing magnitude and phase of wavelet moments for content-based image retrieval
* Fusing well-crafted feature descriptors for efficient fine-grained classification
* Fusion of 3D-LIDAR and camera data for scene parsing
* Fusion of imprecise data applied to image quality assessment
* Fusion of Multiple Sensor Data to Recognise Moving Objects in Wide Area Motion Imagery
* Futuristic Greedy Approach to Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data
* Fuzzy human motion analysis: A review
* Gabor-based needle detection and tracking in three-dimensional ultrasound data volumes
* Gabor-based patch covariance matrix for face sketch synthesis
* Gait-Based Person Recognition Using Arbitrary View Transformation Model
* Game-Theoretic Modeling of the Steering Interaction Between a Human Driver and a Vehicle Collision Avoidance Controller
* Gamut mapping with image Laplacian commutators
* GANT: Gaze analysis technique for human identification
* Gauss-Seidel Iteration Scheme for Reference-Free 3-D Histological Image Reconstruction, A
* Gaussian Processes for Data-Efficient Learning in Robotics and Control
* Gaussian Processes for Estimating Wavelength Position of the Ferric Iron Crystal Field Feature at 900nm From Hyperspectral Imagery Acquired in the Short-Wave Infrared (1002-1355 nm)
* Gaussian ringlet intensity distribution (GRID) features for rotation-invariant object detection in wide area motion imagery
* Gear classification and fault detection using a diffusion map framework
* Gender Identification in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features
* General purpose bivariate quality-metrics for fingerprint-image assessment revisited
* General rate-allocation in free-viewpoint television
* General scale interpolation based on fine-grained isophote model with consistency constraint
* Generalizations of the Kuznetsov-Tsybakov problem for generating image-like 2D barcodes
* Generalized Assorted Camera Arrays: Robust Cross-Channel Registration and Applications
* Generalized essential matrix: Properties of the singular value decomposition
* Generalized propagation of light through optical systems. I. Mathematical basics
* Generalized subspace pursuit and an application to sparse poisson denoising
* Generalized-KFCS: Motion estimation enhanced Kalman filtered compressive sensing for video
* Generic Approach to Pathological Lung Segmentation, A
* generic discriminative part-based model for geospatial object detection in optical remote sensing images, A
* Generic segment-wise DC for 3D-HEVC depth intra coding
* Genetic-Algorithm-Based Approach to Solve Carpool Service Problems in Cloud Computing, A
* Genre categorization of amateur sports videos in the wild
* GEOBIA Methodology for Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes, A
* Geodesic Invariant Feature: A Local Descriptor in Depth
* Geodesics-based statistical shape analysis
* Geometric leaf classification
* Geometry-constrained spatial pyramid adaptation for image classification
* Geospatial Technology: A Tool to Aid in the Elimination of Malaria in Bangladesh
* Gesture dynamics modeling for attitude analysis using graph based transform
* Getting a morphological tree of shapes for multivariate images: Paths, traps, and pitfalls
* Global Contrast Based Salient Region Detection
* Global denoising is asymptotically optimal
* Global motion estimation from relative measurements using iterated extended Kalman filter on matrix LIE groups
* Global sampling of image edges
* Global scheme for iterative mojette reconstructions
* Global-to-local shape priors for variational image segmentation
* GMM-based saliency aggregation for calibration-free gaze estimation
* GRACE Gravity Satellite Observations of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes for Drought Characterization in the Arid Land of Northwestern China
* Graceful Degradation of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
* Gradient guided image interpolation
* Gradient operators for feature extraction from omnidirectional panoramic images
* gradient-like variational Bayesian approach: Application to microwave imaging for breast tumor detection, A
* Graph MBO method for multiclass segmentation of hyperspectral stand-off detection video
* Graph signal decomposition for multi-scale detail manipulation
* Graph-based approach for motion capture data representation and analysis
* Graph-based joint denoising and super-resolution of generalized piecewise smooth images
* Graph-Based Residence Location Inference for Social Media Users
* Graph-based skin lesion segmentation of multispectral dermoscopic images
* Graph-Based Supervised Automatic Target Detection
* Greedy algorithm for real-time multi-object tracking
* Greedy approaches to semi-supervised subspace learning
* Green Metadata Standard for Energy-Efficient Video Consumption, The
* Grid warping in total variation image enhancement methods
* grid-growing clustering algorithm for geo-spatial data, A
* Ground Moving Target Trajectory Reconstruction in Single-Channel Circular SAR
* Ground-Based Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Landsat 8 OLI, The
* Group searching and proportion combination based disparity vector derivation for 3D-HEVC
* Group structured dirty dictionary learning for classification
* Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on Bayesian Nonparametrics
* H.264/AVC HDTV watermarking algorithm robust to camcorder recording, An
* Hamming embedding with fragile bits for image search
* Hand and Wrist Movement Control of Myoelectric Prosthesis Based on Synergy
* Hand gesture recognition with leap motion and kinect devices
* Hand posture recognition based on bottom-up structured deep convolutional neural network with curriculum learning
* Hand posture recognition using approximate vanishing ideal generators
* Handling noise in image deconvolution with local/non-local priors
* Handwritten word spotting based on a hybrid optimal distance
* Hardware architecture of the fast mode decision algorithm for H.265/HEVC
* hardware-friendly architecture for onboard rate-controlled predictive coding of hyperspectral and multispectral images, A
* Harmony-guided image editing
* HAZOP Study on the CTCS-3 Onboard System
* HDO: A novel local image descriptor
* Head pose tracking for immersive applications
* Head-shoulder human contour estimation in still images
* Helicobacter pylori infection detection from multiple X-ray images based on decision level fusion
* Hessian Semi-Supervised Sparse Feature Selection Based on L_2,1/2 -Matrix Norm
* Heterogeneous domain adaptation using previously learned classifier for object detection problem
* HEVC Intra coding of ultra HD video with reduced complexity
* HEVC-based deblocking filter with ramp preservation properties
* Hidden conditional random field for lung nodule detection
* Hidden Markov model-based multi-modal image fusion with efficient training
* Hierarchical anchoring of motion fields for fully scalable video coding
* Hierarchical Approach to Persistent Scatterer Network Construction and Deformation Time Series Estimation, A
* hierarchical Bayesian-map approach to computational imaging, A
* Hierarchical Clustering of Hyperspectral Images Using Rank-Two Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Hierarchical clustering with planar segments as prototypes
* Hierarchical dependency context model based arithmetic coding for DCT video compression
* Hierarchical Ensemble of Background Models for PTZ-Based Video Surveillance
* Hierarchical example-based range-image super-resolution with edge-preservation
* Hierarchical Extraction of Urban Objects from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Hierarchical facial landmark localization via cascaded random binary patterns
* Hierarchical gaze estimation based on adaptive feature learning
* Hierarchical image representation via multi-level sparse coding
* Hierarchical multi-feature fusion for multimodal data analysis
* Hierarchical nonrigid model for 3D medical image registration
* hierarchical-structured dictionary learning for image classification, A
* Hierarchy of visual features for object recognition
* High bit-precision image acquisition and reconstruction by planned sensor distortion
* High quality computational ghost imaging using multi-fluorescent screen
* High quality image reconstruction via non-local collaborative estimation for wireless image/video softcast
* high speed configurable FPGA architecture for bilateral filtering, A
* High speed deep networks based on Discrete Cosine Transformation
* High speed SAD architectures for variable block size motion estimation in HEVC video coding
* High-performance 3D deconvolution of fluorescence micrographs
* High-Precision Attitude Post-Processing and Initial Verification for the ZY-3 Satellite
* High-Precision Registration Method Based on Auxiliary Sphere Targets, A
* High-resolution computational spectral imaging with photon sieves
* High-Resolution Imagery of Earth at Night: New Sources, Opportunities and Challenges
* High-speed quantile-based histogram equalisation for brightness preservation and contrast enhancement
* High-Speed Tracking with Kernelized Correlation Filters
* High-throughput and low-cost hardware-oriented integer transforms for HEVC
* high-throughput MQ coder architecture based on dependence extraction method, A
* Highly efficient, low complexity arithmetic coder for JPEG2000
* highly parallelized H.265/HEVC real-time UHD software encoder, A
* Histogram of DMHI and LBP images to represent human actions
* Histogram of gradient phases: A new local descriptor for face recognition
* Histograms of oriented gradients for fast on-board vehicle verification
* HOG active appearance models
* HOG-based hand gesture recognition system on a mobile device, A
* Homogeneity classification for signal-dependent noise estimation in images
* Homography estimation using one ellipse correspondence and minimal additional information
* homography-based inpainting algorithm for effective depth-image-based rendering, A
* hopfield recurrent neural network trained on natural images performs state-of-the-art image compression, A
* Hough-based object detection with grouped features
* How many more images do we need? Performance prediction of bootstrapping for image classification
* Hue modification estimation using sensor pattern noise
* Human action recognition based on bag of features and multi-view neural networks
* Human action recognition using weighted pooling
* Human tracking & visual spatio-temporal statistical analysis
* human visual system-driven image segmentation algorithm, A
* Human-Machine Interfacing by Decoding the Surface Electromyogram
* Hybrid 3D feature description and matching for multi-modal data registration
* Hybrid Adaptive Classifier Ensemble
* Hybrid Method for 3-D Gaze Tracking Using Glint and Contour Features
* Hybrid vision-based navigation for mobile robots in mixed indoor/outdoor environments
* Hybrid visual and inertial RANSAC for real-time motion estimation
* Hybrid weighted-stego detection using machine learning
* Hybridcast: A wireless image/video SoftCast scheme using layered representation and hybrid digital-analog modulation
* HYCA: A New Technique for Hyperspectral Compressive Sensing
* Hyperspectral Face Recognition With Spatiospectral Information Fusion and PLS Regression
* Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Three-Dimensional Scattering Wavelet Transform
* Hyperspectral image classification with multiple kernel Boosting algorithm
* Hyperspectral image superresolution: An edge-preserving convex formulation
* Hyperspectral Super-Resolution of Locally Low Rank Images From Complementary Multisource Data
* Hyperspectral unmixing using an active set algorithm
* Identification of digital radiography image source based on digital radiography pattern noise recognition
* Identifying regions of interest for discriminating Alzheimer's disease from mild cognitive impairment
* Illumination and device invariant image stitching
* Image adapted total ordering for mathematical morphology on multivariate images
* Image amplification based on pixel-splitting
* Image annotation via learning the image-label interrelations
* Image auto-annotation by exploiting web information
* Image bit-depth enhancement via maximum-a-posteriori estimation of graph AC component
* Image character recognition using deep convolutional neural network learned from different languages
* Image classification in natural scenes: Are a few selective spectral channels sufficient?
* Image classification of bowel abnormalities and ischemia
* Image Classification With Densely Sampled Image Windows and Generalized Adaptive Multiple Kernel Learning
* Image compression based on task-specific information
* Image deconvolution using tree-structured Bayesian group sparse modeling
* Image demosaicing by using iterative residual interpolation
* Image denoising through multi-scale learnt dictionaries
* Image denoising using contextual modeling of curvelet coefficients
* Image editing using level set trees
* Image Enhancement and Dynamic Range Compression Using Novel Intensity-Specific Stochastic Resonance-Based Parametric Image Enhancement Model
* Image Enhancement by Entropy Maximization and Quantization Resolution Upconversion
* Image forgery detection through residual-based local descriptors and block-matching
* Image forgery localization through the fusion of camera-based, feature-based and pixel-based techniques
* Image fusion using multivariate and multidimensional EMD
* Image Integrity Authentication Scheme Based on Fixed Point Theory
* Image interpolation from Manhattan cutset samples via orthogonal gradient method
* Image matching using adapted image models and its application to content-based image retrieval
* Image model and printed document authentication: A theoretical analysis
* Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superpixel classification
* Image patch analysis and clustering of sunspots: A dimensionality reduction approach
* Image Processing and Analysis for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy: Computation for nanoscale imaging
* image processing approach to the simulation of electron microscopy volumes of atomic structures, An
* Image Processing for Identification of Sea-Ice Floes and the Floe Size Distributions
* Image processing for materials characterization: Issues, challenges and opportunities
* Image processing in experiments on, and simulations of plastic deformation of polycrystals
* Image quality/distortion metric based on #x03B1;-stable model similarity
* Image registration for quality assessment of projection displays
* Image restoration via Bayesian structured sparse coding
* Image retrieval with hierarchical matching pursuit
* Image saliency detection via multi-scale statistical non-redundancy modeling
* Image seam carving using depth assisted saliency map
* image segmentation based on optimized spatial feature of superpixel, The
* Image Segmentation Based on Spatially Coherent Gaussian Mixture Model
* Image segmentation by image foresting transform with geodesic band constraints
* Image segmentation using consensus from hierarchical segmentation ensembles
* Image Segmentation Using Dictionary Learning and Compressed Random Features
* Image super-resolution using sparse coding over redundant dictionary based on effective image representations
* Image super-resolution via 2D tensor regression learning
* Image tag completion by low-rank factorization with dual reconstruction structure preserved
* Image watermarking using polar harmonic transform with parameters in SL(2,R)
* Image-based surface deformation for multi-view three-dimensional facial reconstruction
* Image/video coding based on evolutive unidirectional transforms
* Imaging activity in integrated circuits
* Impact of geometry-preserving encryption on rendering time
* Impact of Missing Passive Microwave Sensors on Multi-Satellite Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm
* Impact of Positional Errors on Soft Classification Accuracy Assessment: A Simulation Analysis, The
* Impact of Random and Burst Packet Losses on H.264 Scalable Video Coding
* Impedance Imaging With First-Order TV Regularization
* Implementation of automatic crack evaluation using Crack Fundamental Element
* Implications of Ultrasound Frequency in Optoacoustic Mesoscopy of the Skin
* Implicit B-Spline Surface Reconstruction
* Import of distortion on saliency applied to image quality assessment
* Importance sampling based discriminative learning for large scale offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* improved error diffusion algorithm based on visual difference, An
* Improved HEVC lossless compression using two-stage coding with sub-frame level optimal quantization values
* Improved Invariant for Matching Molecular Graphs Based on VF2 Algorithm, An
* Improved multi-kernel classification machine with Nyström approximation technique
* improved retinal modeling for illumination face recognition, An
* Improved steganalysis algorithm against motion vector based video steganography
* Improving Bipartite Graph Edit Distance Approximation Using Various Search Strategies
* Improving classification performance of breast lesions on ultrasonography
* Improving dermoscopy image analysis using color constancy
* Improving distance based image retrieval using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
* Improving head and body pose estimation through semi-supervised manifold alignment
* Improving Human Action Recognition Using Fusion of Depth Camera and Inertial Sensors
* Improving hybrid coding via control of quantization errors in the spatial and frequency domains
* Improving kNN multi-label classification in Prototype Selection scenarios using class proposals
* Improving non-negative matrix factorization via ranking its bases
* Improving pore extraction in high resolution fingerprint images using spatial analysis
* Improving superpixel-based image segmentation by incorporating color covariance matrix manifolds
* Improving the matching precision of SIFT
* Improving the white patch method by subsampling
* Improving VLAD: Hierarchical coding and a refined local coordinate system
* Impulse-mowing anisotropic diffusion filter for image denoising
* In Vivo Acoustic Super-Resolution and Super-Resolved Velocity Mapping Using Microbubbles
* In-Block Prediction-Based Mixed Lossy and Lossless Reference Frame Recompression for Next-Generation Video Encoding
* In-flight photogrammetric camera calibration and validation via complementary lidar
* In-Network Quality Optimization for Adaptive Video Streaming Services
* Including Signal Intensity Increases the Performance of Blind Source Separation on Brain Imaging Data
* Incoherent dictionary learning for sparse representation based image denoising
* Incorporating texture information into region-based unsupervised image segmentation using textural superpixels
* Incremental learning of latent structural SVM for weakly supervised image classification
* Incremental low-rank and sparse decomposition for compressing videos captured by fixed cameras
* Incremental object learning and robust tracking of multiple objects from RGB-D point set data
* Incremental transfer learning for object recognition in streaming video
* Independent Laboratory Characterization of NEO HySpex Imaging Spectrometers VNIR-1600 and SWIR-320m-e
* Inferring the Travel Purposes of Passenger Groups for Better Understanding of Passengers
* Inferring Traffic Signal Phases From Turning Movement Counters Using Hidden Markov Models
* Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor Networks
* Influence of color on visual saliency in short videos
* Influence of Temporal Information on Human Action Recognition with Large Number of Classes, The
* Information Dissemination Delay in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Networks in a Traffic Stream
* Information hiding in HEVC standard using adaptive coding block size decision
* Information optimal scalable compressive imager demonstrator
* Infrared hyperspectral imaging for enhanced tissue visualization and discrimination during surgical operation
* Infrared image enhancement using adaptive trilateral contrast enhancement
* Infrared Ship Target Image Smoothing Based on Adaptive Mean Shift
* Innovative Lossless Compression Method for Discrete-Color Images, An
* Instant Mobile Video Search With Layered Audio-Video Indexing and Progressive Transmission
* integer tone mapping operation for HDR images in OpenEXR with denormalized numbers, An
* integrated geometrical and stochastic approach for accurate infant brain extraction, An
* Integrated traffic management: Benefit analysis of three layered approach
* Integrating human context and occlusion reasoning to improve handheld object tracking
* Integrating SAR and derived products into operational volcano monitoring and decision support systems
* Intelligent speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion algorithm for automated 3-D ultrasound images
* Intensity-Texture model based level set method for image segmentation, An
* Inter-view consistent hole filling in view extrapolation for multi-view image generation
* Interactive demonstrations of the locally adaptive fusion for combining objective quality measures
* Interactive graph-matching using active query strategies
* Interactive Segmentation and Visualization of DTI Data Using a Hierarchical Watershed Representation
* Interactive shadow analysis for camera heading in outdoor images
* Interactive Sonification in Rowing: Acoustic Feedback for On-Water Training
* Interface MB-Based Video Content Editing Transcoding
* Interfered depth map recovery with texture guidance for multiple structured light depth cameras
* Interferometric Phase Image Estimation via Sparse Coding in the Complex Domain
* Intersecting 2D lines: A simple method for detecting vanishing points
* Intestinal event segmentation for endoluminal video analysis
* Intra prediction with adaptive CU processing order in HEVC
* Intrinsic Image Decomposition for Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images
* Intrinsic Integer-Periodic Functions for Discrete Periodicity Detection
* Introduction to the Special Issue on the 16th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 13)
* Introduction to the special issue on visual understanding and applications with RGB-D cameras
* Inverse problem formulation for regularity estimation in images
* Investigating Within-Field Variability of Rice from High Resolution Satellite Imagery in Qixing Farm County, Northeast China
* Investigation of Slow-Moving Landslides from ALOS/PALSAR Images with TCPInSAR: A Case Study of Oso, USA
* IRAHC: Instance Reduction Algorithm using Hyperrectangle Clustering
* Is block matching an alternative tool to LBP for face recognition?
* Is there any need for rough clustering?
* It's all about habits: Exploiting multi-task clustering for activities of daily living analysis
* Iterated neighbor-embeddings for image super-resolution
* iterative adaptive multi-modal stereo-vision method using mutual information, An
* Iterative keyframe selection by orthogonal subspace projection
* Iterative poisson-Gaussian noise parametric estimation for blind image denoising
* Jaccard index compensation for object segmentation evaluation
* JF-Cut: A Parallel Graph Cut Approach for Large-Scale Image and Video
* Joint design of bi-predictive interpolation filters
* Joint estimation of head pose and visual focus of attention
* Joint gaze-correction and beautification of DIBR-synthesized human face via dual sparse coding
* Joint global-local information pedestrian detection algorithm for outdoor video surveillance
* Joint optimization of JPEG quantization table and coefficient thresholding for low bitrate mobile visual search
* joint segmentation-registration framework based on weighted total variation and nonlinear elasticity principles, A
* Joint source and channel coding of view and rate scalable multi-view video
* Joint Sparse Representation of Brain Activity Patterns in Multi-Task fMRI Data
* Joint sparsity-based robust visual tracking
* Joint video fusion and super resolution based on Markov random fields
* Jointly detecting infants' multiple facial action units expressed during spontaneous face-to-face communication
* JPEG encryption for image rescaling in the encrypted domain
* K-SVD dictionary learning using a fast OMP with applications
* Kernel optimization using nonparametric Fisher criterion in the subspace
* Kernel sparse subspace clustering
* Kernel tapering: A simple and effective approach to sparse kernels for image processing
* Kernel-Based Face Hallucination via Dual Regularization Priors
* Key Point Detection by Max Pooling for Tracking
* Keypoint detection by cascaded FAST
* Kinect unbiased
* Kinect-based multimodal gesture recognition using a two-pass fusion scheme
* L1-norm global geometric consistency for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* Label propagation on data with multiple representations through multi-graph locality preserving projections
* Laplacian object: One-shot object detection by locality preserving projection
* Large margin learning of hierarchical semantic similarity for image classification
* Large-scale eigenvector approximation via Hilbert Space Embedding Nyström
* Large-Scale High-Resolution Modeling of Microwave Radiance of a Deep Maritime Alpine Snowpack
* Latent fingerprint persistence: A new temporal feature space for forensic trace evidence analysis
* Latent IBP Compound Dirichlet Allocation
* Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
* Latent Subspace Projection Pursuit with Online Optimization for Robust Visual Tracking
* LDA based compact and discriminative dictionary learning for sparse coding
* Leap signature recognition using HOOF and HOT features
* Learning 3D structure from 2D images using LBP features
* Learning a compact latent representation of the Bag-of-Parts model
* Learning a sparse dictionary of video structure for activity modeling
* Learning associate appearance manifolds for cross-pose face recognition
* Learning co-occurrence strokes for scene character recognition based on spatiality embedded dictionary
* Learning Collective Crowd Behaviors with Dynamic Pedestrian-Agents
* Learning Complementary Saliency Priors for Foreground Object Segmentation in Complex Scenes
* Learning compressed image classification features
* Learning Consistent Feature Representation for Cross-Modal Multimedia Retrieval
* Learning Deep Features for Multiple Object Tracking by Using a Multi-Task Learning Strategy
* Learning discriminative features and metrics for measuring action similarity
* Learning filters in Gaussian process classification problems
* Learning Framework for Age Rank Estimation Based on Face Images With Scattering Transform, A
* Learning High-Level Feature by Deep Belief Networks for 3-D Model Retrieval and Recognition
* Learning Image Descriptors with Boosting
* Learning image manifold using neighboring similarity integration
* Learning multi-scale sparse representation for visual tracking
* Learning Multiple Linear Mappings for Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution
* Learning of perceptual grouping for object segmentation on RGB-D data
* Learning overcomplete sparsifying transforms with block cosparsity
* Learning Salient Features for Speech Emotion Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Learning sparse filter bank transforms with convolutional ICA
* Learning superpixel relations for supervised image segmentation
* Learning symmetric face pose models online using locally weighted projectron regression
* Learning Templates for Artistic Portrait Lighting Analysis
* Learning to remove staff lines from music score images
* Learning Transformations
* Learning visual categories through a sparse representation classifier based cross-category knowledge transfer
* Learning visual saliency using topographic independent component analysis
* level-set approach for tracking objects in image sequences using a level conservation constraint: Application to cardiac sequences, A
* Leveraging appearance and geometry for kinship verification
* Lightweight forensic video watermarking to enable premium content consumption on mobile devices
* Lightweight mobile object recognition
* Likelihood-enhanced Bayesian constrained local models
* Line-based global descriptor for omnidirectional vision
* Linear adaptive search range model for uni-prediction and motion analysis for bi-prediction in HEVC
* Linear convergence rate for the MDM algorithm for the Nearest Point Problem
* Linear discriminant multiple kernel learning for multispectral image classification
* Linear Spectral Mixture Analysis via Multiple-Kernel Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Linear Time and Space Algorithm for Optimal Traffic-Signal Duration at an Intersection, A
* Linear view/image restoration for dense light fields
* Linking text and visual concepts semantically for cross modal multimedia search
* Live RGB-D camera tracking for television production studios
* Local age group modeling in unconstrained face images for facial age classification
* Local Alignments for Fine-Grained Categorization
* Local brightness adaptive image colour enhancement with Wasserstein distance
* Local contrast phase descriptor for fingerprint liveness detection
* Local descriptions for human action recognition from 3D reconstruction data
* Local feature selection for efficient binary descriptor coding
* Local gradient-based illumination invariant face recognition using local phase quantisation and multi-resolution local binary pattern fusion
* Local histogram based classification of SAR images using spatially dependent mixtures
* Local image region description using orthogonal symmetric local ternary pattern
* Local scene flow by tracking in intensity and depth
* Local self-similarity frequency descriptor for multispectral feature matching
* Local Stereo Matching with Improved Matching Cost and Disparity Refinement
* Local structure based sparse representation for face recognition with single sample per person
* Local texture based optical flow for complex brightness variations
* Local vector pattern in high-order derivative space for face recognition
* Local visual features extraction from texture+depth content based on depth image analysis
* Local-Manifold-Learning-Based Graph Construction for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Locality preserving discriminative dictionary learning
* Locality preserving hashing
* Locality-Constrained Sparse Auto-Encoder for Image Classification
* Localization of mobile laser scanner using classical mechanics
* Locally Gaussian exemplar based texture synthesis
* Locally Orderless Tracking
* Long scene panorama generation for indoor environment
* Long-Term Distribution Patterns of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in China's Largest Freshwater Lake: MERIS Full-Resolution Observations with a Practical Approach
* Lossless coding of hyperspectral images with principal polynomial analysis
* Lossless image compression using causal block matching and 3D collaborative filtering
* Lossy image coding in the pixel domain using a sparse steering kernel synthesis approach
* Low delay Wyner-Ziv coding using optical flow
* low energy HEVC sub-pixel interpolation hardware, A
* low resolution multi-camera system for person tracking, A
* Low-complexity dictionary based lossless screen content coding
* Low-Complexity Packet Scheduling Algorithms for Streaming Scalable Media Based on Time Utility Function
* Low-Complexity Topological Derivative-Based Segmentation
* Low-Cost Implementation of a 360 Deg Vision Distributed Aperture System, A
* Low-rank based compact representation of motion capture data
* Low-rank SIFT: An affine invariant feature for place recognition
* Luminance coding in graph-based representation of multiview images
* Luminance driven sparse representation based demosaicking
* Lung segmentation based on Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Lying-pose detection with training dataset expansion
* Machine training and parameter settings with social emotional optimization algorithm for support vector machine
* Macroscopic Traffic Data-Assimilation Framework Based on the Fourier-Galerkin Method and Minimax Estimation, A
* Makeup-insensitive face recognition by facial depth reconstruction and Gabor filter bank from women's real-world images
* Mammogram iterative pompeiu-hausdorff registration algorithm
* Mapping Aboveground Biomass in Northern Japanese Forests Using the ALOS PRISM Digital Surface Model
* Mapping and re-localization for mobile augmented reality
* Mapping Deciduous Rubber Plantation Areas and Stand Ages with PALSAR and Landsat Images
* Mapping Local Climate Zones for a Worldwide Database of the Form and Function of Cities
* Mapping Surface Broadband Albedo from Satellite Observations: A Review of Literatures on Algorithms and Products
* Marked point process model for facial wrinkle detection
* Markerless identification and tracking for scalable image database
* Masking of transformed intra-predicted blocks for high quality image and video coding
* MasterCam FVV: Robust registration of multiview sports video to a static high-resolution master camera for free viewpoint video
* Matching face against iris images using periocular information
* Matching heterogeneous periocular regions: Short and long standoff distances
* Matching-constrained active contours with affine-invariant shape prior
* Materiality maps: A novel scene-based framework for direct multi-view stereovision reconstruction
* Mathematical morphology on hypergraphs, application to similarity and positive kernel
* Matlab implementation of a fast incremental principal component pursuit algorithm for Video Background Modeling, A
* Max-SIFT: Flipping invariant descriptors for Web logo search
* Maximum likelihood extension for non-circulant deconvolution
* maximum spacing noise estimation in single-coil background MRI data, The
* Meaningful disjoint level lines selection
* Measure of Landmark Semantic Salience through Geosocial Data Streams
* Measurement of ground displacement from optical satellite image correlation using the free open-source software MicMac
* Measurement of perceived spatial resolution in 3D light-field displays
* Measuring thermal expansion using X-band persistent scatterer interferometry
* Medical image enhancement algorithm based on NSCT and the improved fuzzy contrast
* Merging dominant sets and DBSCAN for robust clustering and image segmentation
* Mesh-free sparse representation of multidimensional LiDAR data
* Mesh-LBP: A Framework for Extracting Local Binary Patterns From Discrete Manifolds, The
* meta-algorithm for classification by feature nomination, A
* META-DES: A dynamic ensemble selection framework using meta-learning
* Method for pan-tilt camera calibration using single control point
* Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of Monochrome Stereo Images, A
* Metric learning with trace-norm regularization for person re-identification
* Microsimulation Analysis of Practical Aspects of Traffic Control With Variable Speed Limits
* Microwave Medical Imaging Based on Sparsity and an Iterative Method With Adaptive Thresholding
* Minimizing dataset bias: Discriminative multi-task sparse coding through shared subspace learning for image classification
* Minimizing the impact of spoof fabrication material on fingerprint liveness detector
* Minimum Cost Multi-Way Data Association for Optimizing Multitarget Tracking of Interacting Objects
* Mining Mid-Level Features for Action Recognition Based on Effective Skeleton Representation
* Mirror reflection invariant HOG descriptors for object detection
* Mode-dependent distortion modeling for H.264/SVC coarse grain SNR scalability
* Model based clustering for 3D directional features: Application to depth image analysis
* model for estimating spectral properties of water from RGB images, A
* model for simulating user interaction in hierarchical segmentation, A
* Model-Assisted Cross-Layer Design of an Energy-Efficient Mobile Video Cloud, A
* model-based approach to offline text-independent Arabic writer identification and verification, A
* Model-based estimation of T2 maps with dual-echo steady-state MR imaging
* Model-Based Fusion of Multi- and Hyperspectral Images Using PCA and Wavelets
* Model-Based Vehicle Localization Based on 3-D Constrained Multiple-Kernel Tracking
* Modeling Aboveground Biomass in Dense Tropical Submontane Rainforest Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data
* Modeling correlation between multi-modal continuous words for pLSA-based video classification
* Modeling Forest Aboveground Biomass and Volume Using Airborne LiDAR Metrics and Forest Inventory and Analysis Data in the Pacific Northwest
* Modeling label dependencies in kernel learning for image annotation
* Modeling Non-Gaussian Time Series with Nonparametric Bayesian Model
* Modeling the distribution of patches with shift-invariance: Application to SAR image restoration
* Modeling the energy consumption of HEVC P- and B-frame decoding
* Modeling the Subjective Quality of Highly Contrasted Videos Displayed on LCD With Local Backlight Dimming
* Modeling User Activity Preference by Leveraging User Spatial Temporal Characteristics in LBSNs
* Modelling the optical-flow with projective-transform approximation for large camera movements
* Modified neighbor embedding-based face hallucination using coupled mappings of partial least squares
* Modified sample adaptive offset filtering as an inter-layer processing for scalable HEVC
* Modified soft-decision adaptive interpolation by an evolutionary game
* Modified Water-Cloud Model With Leaf Angle Parameters for Microwave Backscattering From Agricultural Fields, A
* MODIS-Based Fractional Crop Mapping in the U.S. Midwest with Spatially Constrained Phenological Mixture Analysis
* Modular Learning Approach for Fish Counting and Measurement Using Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Video, A
* Monitoring and tailoring the usage of network resources for smoothing the provision of interactive 3D services
* Monitoring Groundwater Variations from Satellite Gravimetry and Hydrological Models: A Comparison with in-situ Measurements in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States
* Monocular 3D structure estimation for urban scenes
* Monocular albedo reconstruction
* Monovision-based vehicle detection, distance and relative speed measurement in urban traffic
* Morphological floodings and optimal cuts in hierarchies
* morphological method for music score staff removal, A
* Morse theory and persistent homology for topological analysis of 3D images of complex materials
* Motion blur kernel estimation using noisy inertial data
* Motion blur resistant method for temporal video denoising
* Motion estimation of multiple depth cameras using spheres
* Motion of moving camera from point matches: Comparison of two robust estimation methods
* Motion-based projection generation for 4D-CT reconstruction
* Moving shadow detection and removal: A wavelet transform based approach
* Moving targets detection from UAV based on a robust real-time image registration algorithm
* MPCA: EM-based PCA for mixed-size image datasets
* MR Image Reconstruction with Convolutional Characteristic Constraint (CoCCo)
* MRF and Dempster-Shafer theory for simultaneous shadow/vegetation detection on high resolution aerial color images
* MRF-Based Fast HEVC Inter CU Decision With the Variance of Absolute Differences
* MRF-based planar co-segmentation for depth compression
* MS kinect image and depth sensors use for gait features detection, The
* Multi scale multi descriptor local binary features and exponential discriminant analysis for robust face authentication
* Multi-Array Camera Disparity Enhancement
* Multi-channel correlation filters for human action recognition
* multi-class SVM approach based on the L1-norm minimization of the distances between the reduced convex hulls, A
* Multi-Dimensional Flow-Preserving Compressed Sensing (MuFloCoS) for Time-Resolved Velocity-Encoded Phase Contrast MRI
* Multi-feature stationary foreground detection for crowded video-surveillance
* Multi-Focus Image Fusion via Boundary Finding and Multi-Scale Morphological Focus-Measure
* Multi-frame de-raining algorithm using a motion-compensated non-local mean filter for rainy video sequences
* Multi-Label Active Learning for Image Classification
* Multi-layer temporal graphical model for head pose estimation in real-world videos
* Multi-leaf tracking from fluorescence plant videos
* Multi-level scene understanding via hierarchical classification
* Multi-Modal Intra-Operative Navigation During Distal Locking of Intramedullary Nails
* Multi-resolution surfel maps for efficient dense 3D modeling and tracking
* Multi-resolution surfel maps for efficient dense 3D modeling and tracking
* Multi-Scale Analysis of Contextual Information Within Spatio-Temporal Video Volumes for Anomaly Detection
* Multi-scale car detection and localization using contour fragments
* Multi-scale contour flexibility shape signature for Fourier descriptor
* Multi-Scale Tubular Structure Detection in Ultrasound Imaging
* Multi-spectral document image binarization using image fusion and background subtraction techniques
* Multi-stage object classification featuring confidence analysis of classifier and inclined local Naive Bayes nearest neighbor
* Multi-task image classification via collaborative, hierarchical spike-and-slab priors
* Multi-Task Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
* Multi-view video super-resolution for hybrid cameras using modified NLM and adaptive thresholding
* Multidataset independent subspace analysis extends independent vector analysis
* Multidimensional linear-phase perfect reconstruction filter banks with higher order feasible building blocks
* Multidimensional steerable filters and 3D flow estimation
* multilayer neural network for image demosaicking, A
* multilevel color image thresholding scheme based on minimum cross entropy and differential evolution, A
* Multimedia Search: From Relevance to Usefulness
* Multimedia Summarization for Social Events in Microblog Stream
* Multimodal Entity Coreference for Cervical Dysplasia Diagnosis
* Multimodal Feature Fusion for 3D Shape Recognition and Retrieval
* Multimodal random forest based tensor regression
* Multimodal Registration via Mutual Information Incorporating Geometric and Spatial Context
* Multimodal sparse representation classification with Fisher discriminative sample reduction
* Multiplayer tracking system for short track speed skating
* Multiplayer tracking system for short track speed skating
* Multiple Features Based Low-Contrast Infrared Ship Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Inference System
* Multiple Features Distance Preserving (MFDP) Model for Saliency Detection, A
* Multiple Instance Learning for Breast Cancer Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Multiple parenting identification in image phylogeny
* Multiple-Instance Hidden Markov Model for GPR-Based Landmine Detection
* Multiple-model Bayesian approach to volumetric imaging of cardiac current sources
* Multiresolution Graph Fourier Transform for Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images
* Multiscale and Hierarchical Feature Extraction Method for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Cloud Classification, A
* multiscale spatio-temporal background model for motion detection, A
* Multiscale Wavelet-Based Test for Isotropy of Random Fields on a Regular Lattice, A
* Multispectral demosaicking with novel guide image generation and residual interpolation
* Multitask Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Joint Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Imagery Denoising
* Multiview Alignment Hashing for Efficient Image Search
* Multiview cluster ensembles for multimodal MRI segmentation
* Multiview foreground segmentation using 3D probabilistic model
* Multiview image and video interpolation using weighted vector median filters
* mutual reference shape based on information theory, A
* Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection With High Discrimination, High Information, and Low Redundancy
* Mystery behind similarity measures mse and SSIM
* Narrowband Bio-Indicator Monitoring of Temperate Forest Carbon Fluxes in Northeastern China
* Natural image matting via adaptive local and nonlocal sample clustering
* Near-Miss Event Detection at Railway Level Crossings
* Nearest-neighbor intra prediction for screen content video coding
* Negative Binomial Process Count and Mixture Modeling
* Nested Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
* Neurally informed assessment of perceived natural texture image quality
* New advances in imaging polymers at near-atomic resolution
* new algorithm for number of holes attribute filtering of grey-level images, A
* new approach for multiphase piecewise smooth image segmentation, A
* New Asia Dust Storm Detection Method Based on the Thermal Infrared Spectral Signature
* New cascade model for hierarchical joint classification of multitemporal, multiresolution and multisensor remote sensing data
* new cost function for spatial image steganography, A
* New data model for graph-cut segmentation: Application to automatic melanoma delineation
* new differential and lossless Reference Frame Variable-Length Coder: An approach for high definition video coders, A
* new image super resolution by texture transfer, A
* New Ionosphere Tomography Algorithm With Two-Grid Virtual Observations Constraints and Three-Dimensional Velocity Profile, A
* new look at ML step-size estimation for Scalar Costa scheme data hiding, A
* new lossless data hiding method based on joint neighboring coding, A
* new method for data-driven multi-brain atlas generation, A
* new minimal path selection algorithm for automatic crack detection on pavement images, A
* New Multivariate Statistical Model for Change Detection in Images Acquired by Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Sensors, A
* New one-class classifiers based on the origin separation approach
* New Reference Frame Recompression Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for UHDTV Video Codec, A
* New reversible full-embeddable information hiding method for vector quantisation indices based on locally adaptive complete coding list
* new robust context-based dense CRF model for image labeling, A
* new shape prior model with rotation invariance, A
* New Total Body Scanning System for Automatic Change Detection in Multiple Pigmented Skin Lesions, A
* Nighttime haze removal based on a new imaging model
* Nighttime Visibility Analysis and Estimation Method in the Presence of Dense Fog
* NL-SAR: A Unified Nonlocal Framework for Resolution-Preserving (Pol)(In)SAR Denoising
* No-reference blur assessment in natural images using Fourier transform and spatial pyramids
* No-reference lightweight estimation of 3D video objective quality
* No-reference perceptual blur model based on inherent sharpness
* No-reference video quality assessment via feature learning
* Noise bias compensation of tone mapped noisy image
* noise clinic: A universal blind denoising algorithm, The
* Non rigid image registration by modeling deformations as elastic waves
* Non-additive imprecise image super-resolution
* Non-blind image restoration with symmetric generalized Pareto priors
* Non-causal encoding of predictively coded samples
* Non-iterative and spatial domain focus map estimation based on intentional re-blur from a single image (NasBirSi)
* non-local Chan-Vese model for sparse, tubular object segmentation, A
* Non-local dual image denoising
* Non-negativity and dependence constrained sparse coding for image classification
* non-parametric approach for the estimation of intensity-frequency dependent noise, A
* Non-Rigid 3D Multi-Modal Registration Algorithm Using Partial Volume Interpolation and the Sum of Conditional Variance, A
* Non-Rigid Graph Registration Using Active Testing Search
* Non-rigid point set registration for Chinese characters using structure-guided coherent point drift
* Non-Rigid Structure-From-Motion on Degenerate Deformations With Low-Rank Shape Deformation Model
* Non-stationary texture synthesis from random field modeling
* Non-subsampled contourlet transform based image Denoising in ultrasound thyroid images using adaptive binary morphological operations
* nonconvex regularized approach for phase retrieval, A
* Nonlinear Regression with Logistic Product Basis Networks
* nonlinear variation regularization algorithm for the magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography, The
* Nonlocal Center-Surround Reconstruction-Based Bottom-Up Saliency Estimation
* Nonlocal image denoising via collaborative spatial-domain LMMSE estimation
* Nonparametric MDL segmentation of inhomogeneous images based on Quadratic Local Binary Fitting
* Normality and Correlation Coefficient in Estimation of Insulators' Spectral Signature
* novel 4D PDE-based approach for accurate assessment of myocardium function using cine cardiac magnetic resonance images, A
* Novel Active Learning Method in Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Remote Sensing Image Retrieval, A
* novel and effective method for specular detection and removal by tensor voting, A
* novel approach for color barcode decoding using smart phones, A
* Novel Approach for Vehicle Inertial Parameter Identification Using a Dual Kalman Filter, A
* Novel Approximate Solution for Electromagnetic Scattering by Dielectric Disks, A
* Novel Centralized TDMA-Based Scheduling Protocol for Vehicular Networks, A
* novel distortion model for depth coding in 3D-HEVC, A
* novel dynamic rough subspace based selective ensemble, A
* Novel Efficient HEVC Decoding Solution on General-Purpose Processors
* novel ensemble method for classifying imbalanced data, A
* Novel Evaluation Index for Image Quality
* Novel Feature Selection Approach Based on FODPSO and SVM, A
* Novel FPGA Implementation of Hand Sign Recognition System With SOM-Hebb Classifier
* Novel framework for sports video analysis: A basketball case study
* novel geometric approach for camera calibration, A
* Novel Hyperspectral Images Destriping Method Based on Edge Reconstruction and Adaptive Morphological Operators, A
* novel indexing scheme for similarity search in metric spaces, A
* novel kernel collaborative representation approach for image classification, A
* Novel Landmark Detector System for Multi Resolution Frontal Faces, A
* Novel Multi-Modal Image Registration Method Based on Corners, A
* Novel Multiple-Instance Learning-Based Approach to Computer-Aided Detection of Tuberculosis on Chest X-Rays, A
* Novel No-Reference Video Quality Metric for Evaluating Temporal Jerkiness due to Frame Freezing, A
* Novel presentation attack detection algorithm for face recognition system: Application to 3D face mask attack
* novel solution for multi-camera object tracking, A
* Novel SURE-Based Criterion for Parametric PSF Estimation, A
* novel total variation optimization method and its application on blind super-resolution, A
* Null space clustering with applications to motion segmentation and face clustering
* Numerical study of an optimization problem for mosaic active imaging
* Object category detection by incorporating mid-level grouping cues
* Object detection using edge histogram of oriented gradient
* Object recognition via contextual color attention
* Object reconstruction in an image based on belief function representation
* Object segmentation and classification using 3-D range camera
* Object segmentation from a dynamic background using a pixelwise rigidity criterion and application to maritime target recognition
* Object tracking based on online partial instance learning with multiple local strong classifiers
* Object Tracking With Multi-View Support Vector Machines
* Object tracking with part-based discriminative context models
* Object-Based Crop Species Classification Based on the Combination of Airborne Hyperspectral Images and LiDAR Data
* Objective Self
* Objectness to improve the bag of visual words model
* Obstacle detection by means of stereo feature matching
* Occlusion boundary detection based on mid-level figure/ground assignment features
* Occlusion-aware HMM-based tracking by learning
* Ocean surface current retrieval using a non homogeneous Markov-switching multi-regime model
* Offshore Wind Resources Assessment from Multiple Satellite Data and WRF Modeling over South China Sea
* Oil Spill Detection in Glint-Contaminated Near-Infrared MODIS Imagery
* On Antiforensic Concealability With Rate-Distortion Tradeoff
* On cross spectral periocular recognition
* On performance limits of image segmentation algorithms
* On prediction techniques for palette coding
* On proper simulation of phenomena influencing image formation in fluorescence microscopy
* On retinal blood vessel extraction using curvelet transform and differential evolution based maximum fuzzy entropy
* On stereo-rectification of pushbroom images
* On the amplitude and phase computation of the AM-FM image model
* On the convergence rates of proximal splitting algorithms
* On the implementation of the multi-phase region segmentation, solving the hidden phase problem
* On the kernel Extreme Learning Machine classifier
* On Transmission of a Continuous Signal via a Noiseless Binary Channel
* On Uncertainties of the Priestley-Taylor/LST-Fc Feature Space Method to Estimate Evapotranspiration: Case Study in an Arid/Semiarid Region in Northwest China
* On using Hough forests for robust face detection
* On visual similarity based interactive product recommendation for online shopping
* On-Orbit Characterization of S-NPP VIIRS Transmission Functions
* One shot emotion scores for facial emotion recognition
* One Year Landsat 8 Conterminous United States Study of Cirrus and Non-Cirrus Clouds, A
* One-shot segmentation of breast, pectoral muscle, and background in digitised mammograms
* One-sided transparency: A novel visualization for tubular objects
* Online Anomaly Detection in Crowd Scenes via Structure Analysis
* Online Data-Driven Adaptive Prediction of Train Event Times
* Online evaluation of an integrated control strategy at on-ramp bottleneck for urban expressways in Shanghai
* Online facial expression recognition based on combining texture and geometric information
* Online feature subset selection for object tracking
* online learned hough forest model for multi-target tracking, An
* Online Learning a High-Quality Dictionary and Classifier Jointly for Multitask Object Tracking
* Online multi-person tracking via robust collaborative model
* Online Prediction of Driver Distraction Based on Brain Activity Patterns
* Open source HEVC analyzer for rapid prototyping (HARP)
* OpenCL based high-quality HEVC motion estimation on GPU
* Operational BRDF Effects Correction for Wide-Field-of-View Optical Scanners (BREFCOR)
* Operational rate-distortion shape coding with dual error regularization
* Optical and Optoacoustic Model-Based Tomography: Theory and current challenges for deep tissue imaging of optical contrast
* Optical character recognition using transfer learning decision forests
* Optical flow based dynamic curved video text detection
* Optical flow for non Lambertian surfaces by cancelling illuminant chromaticity
* optimal elastic partial shape matching via shape geodesics, An
* Optimal no-intersection multi-label binary localization for time series using totally unimodular linear programming
* Optimal set of features for accurate skin cancer diagnosis
* Optimal spatial scale for local region-based active contours
* Optimal Transition Probability of Reversible Data Hiding for General Distortion Metrics and Its Applications
* Optimal UV spaces for facial morphable model construction
* Optimization of Evacuation Traffic Management With Intersection Control Constraints
* Optimized Comics-Based Storytelling for Temporal Image Sequences
* Optimized Motion Energy Estimation for Group of Pictures in Multi-Level Error Protection of H.264/AVC Video Bitstreams
* Optimized polygonal approximations through vertex relocations in contour neighborhoods
* Optimized quantization of wavelet subbands for high quality real-time texture compression
* Optimized scalable video transmission over P2P network with hierarchical network coding
* Optimizing feature pooling and prediction models of VQA algorithms
* Optimizing Radiation Patterns of a Cylindrical Polarimetric Phased-Array Radar for Multimissions
* Orientation estimation for planar textured surfaces based on complex wavelets
* oriented gradient based image quality metric for pedestrian detection performance evaluation, An
* Outlier detection and robust normal-curvature estimation in mobile laser scanning 3D point cloud data
* Overlapping motion hints with polynomial motion for video communication
* Packet losses and objective video quality metrics in H.264 video streaming
* Panorama View With Spatiotemporal Occlusion Compensation for 3D Video Coding
* panoramic 3D video coding with directional depth aided inpainting, A
* Pansharpening Based on Semiblind Deconvolution
* Pansharpening of Multispectral Images Based on Nonlocal Parameter Optimization
* Parallel Monitoring for the Next Generation of Train Control Systems
* parallel true motion estimation method based on binarized cross correlation, A
* Parameter Estimation in Spherical Symmetry Groups
* parametric video quality model based on source and network characteristics, A
* Pareto models for discriminative multiclass linear dimensionality reduction
* Pareto-Depth for Multiple-Query Image Retrieval
* Part-based pose estimation with local and non-local contextual information
* Partial Fingerprint Matching through Region-Based Similarity
* Partially occluded pedestrian classification using histogram of oriented gradients and local weighted linear kernel support vector machine
* particle filtering approach to salient video object localization, A
* particle swarm optimization inspired tracker applied to visual tracking, A
* Pascal Visual Object Classes Challenge: A Retrospective, The
* Passive Image-Splicing Detection by a 2-D Noncausal Markov Model
* Patch based local phase quantization of monogenic components for face recognition
* Patient-Specific Biomechanical Model for the Prediction of Lung Motion From 4-D CT Images
* Pattern recognition applications in computer vision and image analysis
* Pattern Recognition in Latin America in the 'Big Data' Era
* Pattern-Based Assessment of Land Cover Change on Continental Scale With Application to NLCD 2001-2006
* Pattern-Based Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval and Localization on Web-Scale Videos
* PCA-guided search for K-means
* Pedestrian counting based on spatial and temporal analysis
* Pedestrian detection from salient regions
* Pedestrian detection in highly crowded scenes using online dictionary learning for occlusion handling
* Pedestrian detection using mixed partial derivative based histogram of oriented gradients
* Pedestrian Lane Detection in Unstructured Environments for Assistive Navigation
* Penalized partial least square discriminant analysis with for multi-label data
* Per-Cluster Ensemble Kernel Learning for Multi-Modal Image Clustering With Group-Dependent Feature Selection
* Perceptual based SAO rate-distortion optimization method with a simplified JND model for H.265/HEVC
* Perceptual color difference assessment using histogram distance on hue histogram descriptor
* Perceptual pre-processing filter for adaptive video on demand content delivery
* Perceptual quality assessment of 3D dynamic meshes: Subjective and objective studies
* Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Arbitrary Length
* Performance analysis of neural networks for classification of medical images with wavelets as a feature extractor
* Performance analysis of the gain correction in radiography imaging
* Performance analysis of unconventional dictionary on retinal images
* Performance comparison of iterative reweighting methods for total variation regularization
* Performance Evaluation of 3D Local Surface Descriptors for Low and High Resolution Range Image Registration
* Performance Evaluation of SAR-GMTI Missions for Maritime Applications, A
* Performance improvement of multi-view video coding based on geometric prediction and human visual system
* Performance of complex-valued ICA algorithms for fMRI analysis: Importance of taking full diversity into account
* Performances of MODIS-GPP and -ET Products in China and Their Sensitivity to Input Data (FPAR/LAI), The
* Perimeter-intrusion event classification for on-line detection using multiple instance learning solving temporal ambiguities
* Periocular recognition based on Gabor and Parzen PNN
* Persistent scatterers at building facades: Evaluation of appearance and localization accuracy
* person re-identification algorithm based on color topology, A
* Person re-identification by free energy score space encoding
* Person Re-Identification by Robust Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Person Reidentification by Minimum Classification Error-Based KISS Metric Learning
* Person-specific domain adaptation with applications to heterogeneous face recognition
* Personalized Graphical Models for Anatomical Landmark Localization in Whole-Body Medical Images
* PET Image Reconstruction Using Kernel Method
* Phase imaging via sparse coding in the complex domain based on high-order SVD and nonlocal BM3D techniques
* Phase Offset Calculation for Airborne InSAR DEM Generation Without Corner Reflectors
* Phase retrieval by using transport-of-intensity equation and differential interference contrast microscopy
* Phase retrieval of sparse signals using optimization transfer and ADMM
* Photographic paper texture classification using model deviation of local visual descriptors
* Photometric alignment for surround view camera system
* Photos to Remember, Photos to Forget
* Physics of MRF regularization for segmentation of materials microstructure images
* physics-based unmixing method for thermal hyperspectral images, A
* Physics-Based Unmixing Method to Estimate Subpixel Temperatures on Mixed Pixels, A
* Physiologically-based detection of computer generated faces in video
* PID-based regulation of background dynamics for foreground segmentation
* Pitman-Yor Diffusion Trees for Bayesian Hierarchical Clustering
* Pixel resolution plenoptic disparity using cost aggregation
* Planetary rover localization within orbital maps
* Plenoptic system identification using random calibration patterns
* PLSA driven image annotation, classification, and tourism recommendation
* Point cloud attribute compression with graph transform
* Point matching via affine region expansion
* Polyphase Decomposition of Digital Fractional-Delay Filters
* Portable monocular light pen vision measurement system
* portable real-time high-dynamic range video system, A
* Pose Adaptive Motion Feature Pooling for Human Action Analysis
* Pose Depth Volume extraction from RGB-D streams for frontal gait recognition
* Pose-based human action recognition via sparse representation in dissimilarity space
* Poselet-based multiple human identification and cosegmentation
* Positioning of anatomical landmarks in orthopedics by MESH registration
* Post-aggregation stereo matching method using Dempster-Shafer theory
* Post-processing approaches for improving people detection performance
* Postlaunch Calibration Update of MetOp-B AVHRR Reflective Solar Channels Using MetOp-A
* Potential of X-Band TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Data for the Assessment of Physical Soil Parameters
* Power and quality-aware image processing soft-resilience using online multi-objective GAs
* Power Control Game in Multisource Multirelay Cooperative Communication Systems With a Quality-of-Service Constraint
* Power efficient and workload balanced tiling for parallelized high efficiency video coding
* Powered Two-Wheeler Riding Pattern Recognition Using a Machine-Learning Framework
* practical algorithm for automatic chessboard corner detection, A
* practical method for measuring the spatial frequency response of light field cameras, A
* practical spatial re-ranking method for instance search from videos, A
* Practical Split-Window Algorithm for Estimating Land Surface Temperature from Landsat 8 Data, A
* pre-filtering approach to exploit decoupled prediction and transform block structures in video coding, A
* Precise Focusing of Airborne SAR Data With Wide Apertures Large Trajectory Deviations: A Chirp Modulated Back-Projection Approach
* precise skew estimation algorithm for document images using KNN clustering and fourier transform, A
* Precise Three-Dimensional Stereo Localization of Corner Reflectors and Persistent Scatterers With TerraSAR-X
* Predicting Eye Fixations With Higher-Level Visual Features
* Predicting Perceived Visual and Cognitive Distractions of Drivers With Multimodal Features
* Prelaunch Radiometric Characterization and Calibration of the S-NPP VIIRS Sensor
* Presentation Attack Detection for Face Recognition Using Light Field Camera
* Preserving accurate motion contours with reliable parameter selection
* Primal-dual first order methods for total variation image restoration in presence of poisson noise
* Primal-dual interior-point optimization based on majorization-minimization for edge-preserving spectral unmixing
* Primary-Ambient Extraction Using Ambient Phase Estimation with a Sparsity Constraint
* prior-based graph for salient object detection, A
* Probabilistic Approach for Color Correction in Image Mosaicking Applications, A
* Probabilistic Approach to Online Eye Gaze Tracking Without Explicit Personal Calibration, A
* Probabilistic Common Spatial Patterns for Multichannel EEG Analysis
* Probabilistic Detection of Crowd Events on Riemannian Manifolds
* probabilistic framework for next best view estimation in a cluttered environment, A
* Probabilistic Skimlets Fusion for Summarizing Multiple Consumer Landmark Videos
* Probabilistic Sparse Matching for Robust 3D/3D Fusion in Minimally Invasive Surgery
* Probability density function of object contours using regional regularized stochastic watershed
* Projection-Based Polygonality Measurement
* Proof of Concept for Robot-Aided Upper Limb Rehabilitation Using Disturbance Observers
* Propagative Hough Voting for Human Activity Detection and Recognition
* Properties of minimizers of the total variation and of the solutions of the total variation flow
* Proximate control stream assisted video transcoding for heterogeneous content delivery network
* PSI Deformation Map Retrieval by Means of Temporal Sublook Coherence on Reduced Sets of SAR Images
* psychophysical evaluation of the a contrario detection theory, A
* Pyramid of Spatial Relatons for Scene-Level Land Use Classification
* QoE model of scalable MDC stereoscopic video over IP networks
* QoE-aware video streaming for SVC over multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems
* QoS-Optimized Adaptive Multi-layer (OQAM) architecture of wireless network for high quality digital video transmission
* Quadratic programming for class ordering in rule induction
* Quality assessment of perceptual crosstalk in autostereoscopic display
* Quality assessment of polarization analysis images in foggy conditions
* Quality of dirty: A decision making assessment methodology for automatic license plate recognition under dirtied conditions
* Quality of interaction experience in stereoscopic 3D TV
* Quantification of computed tomography pork carcass images
* Quantitative Aspects of Single-Molecule Microscopy: Information-theoretic analysis of single-molecule data
* Quantitative Bioimaging: Signal Processing in Light Microscopy
* Quantitative evaluation of B1 insensitivity in nonadiabatic frequency-selective fat-suppression RF pulse techniques
* Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a Perturbation Field Model: Correlation With Brain Iron in Normal Aging
* Quantization Based Watermarking Approach with Gain Attack Recovery
* Quantization optimization in multiview plus depth video coding
* Quasar: A new heterogeneous programming framework for image and video processing algorithms on CPU and GPU
* Quasi-Dense Matching Approach and its Calibration Application with Internet Photos, A
* Query Difficulty Estimation for Image Search With Query Reconstruction Error
* Radar Spectrum Engineering and Management: Technical and Regulatory Issues
* Radial Basis Functions for Combining Shape and Speckle Tracking in 4D Echocardiography
* Radial distortion correction from a single image of a planar calibration pattern using convex optimization
* Radio-frequency interference separation and suppression from ultrawideband radar data via low-rank modeling
* Radiometric and geometric evaluation of GeoEye-1, WorldView-2 and Pléiades-1A stereo images for 3D information extraction
* Radiometric Non-Uniformity Characterization and Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Using Earth Imagery-Based Techniques
* radon image as plenoptic function, The
* Radon-Linear Canonical Ambiguity Function-Based Detection and Estimation Method for Marine Target With Micromotion
* Random Forest Construction With Robust Semisupervised Node Splitting
* Random grid-based visual secret sharing with multiple decryptions
* Random-valued impulse noise removal using adaptive dual threshold median filter
* Randomized decision bush: Combining global shape parameters and local scalable descriptors for human body parts recognition
* Randomized texture flow estimation using visual similarity
* Rank Minimization or Nuclear-Norm Minimization: Are We Solving the Right Problem?
* Ranking cell tracking systems without manual validation
* Ranks for Pairs of Spatial Fields via Metric Based on Grayscale Morphological Distances
* Rao-Blackwellized MCMC algorithm for recovering piecewise planar 3D models from multiple view RGBD images, A
* rapid automatic brain tumor detection method for MRI images using modified minimum error thresholding technique, A
* Rate control technique based on 3D quality optimization for 3D video encoding
* Rate distortion optimal bit allocation for stereo image coding
* Rate distortion optimized quantization based on weighted mean squared error for lossy image coding
* Rate distortion-based motion estimation search ordering for rate-constrained successive elimination algorithms
* Rate-distortion optimization and adaptation of intra prediction filter parameters
* Real time non-rigid 3D surface tracking using particle filter
* Real time SHVC decoder: Implementation and complexity analysis
* real-time ciphering transcoder for H.264 and HEVC streams, A
* Real-time compressed imaging of scattering volumes
* Real-Time Electrical Impedance Variations in Women With and Without Breast Cancer
* Real-Time Gaze Estimation with Online Calibration
* Real-Time Impulse Noise Suppression from Images Using an Efficient Weighted-Average Filtering
* Real-time motion estimation based on event-based vision sensor
* Real-Time Multiaperture Omnidirectional Visual Sensor Based on an Interconnected Network of Smart Cameras, A
* Real-time object tracking via optimal feature subspace
* Real-time text tracking in natural scenes
* real-time, semi-automatic method for discriminant target initialization in thermal imagery, A
* Recognition of Genuine Smiles
* Recognition of online handwritten mathematical formulas using probabilistic SVMs and stochastic context free grammars
* Recognizing live fish species by hierarchical partial classification based on the exponential benefit
* Reconfigurable data flow engine for HEVC motion estimation
* Reconstructing neuronal morphology from microscopy stacks using fast marching
* Reconstructing scene depth and appearance behind foreground occlusion using camera array
* Reconstruction of 4-D Dynamic SPECT Images From Inconsistent Projections Using a Spline Initialized FADS Algorithm (SIFADS)
* Reconstruction of Coherent Pairs of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Acquired in Interrupted Mode
* Reconstruction of compressively sampled texture images in the graph-based transform domain
* Reconstruction of compressively sampled ultrasound images using dual prior information
* Reconstruction of images taken by a pair of non-regular sampling sensors using correlation based matching
* Reconstruction of textureless regions using structure from motion and image-based interpolation
* Reconstruction with angular compensation in respiratory-gated cardiac SPECT
* Recovering planar projections of printed clustered-dot halftones
* Recovery from Sensor Failure in an Evolving Multiobjective Swarm
* Recovery of motion patterns and dominant paths in videos of crowded scenes
* Recursive On-Line 2D PCA and Its Application to Long-Term Background Subtraction
* Recursive projected sparse matrix recovery (ReProSMR) with application in real-time video layer separation
* Reduced-Rank STAP for Slow-Moving Target Detection by Antenna-Pulse Selection
* Reduced-reference metric based on the quaternionic wavelet coefficients modeling by information criteria
* reduced-reference perceptual quality metric for texture synthesis, A
* Reducing power consumption of HEVC codec with lossless reference frame recompression
* Reducing shadow size in essential secret image sharing by conjunctive hierarchical approach
* Refined clothing texture parsing by exploiting the discriminative meanings of sparse codes
* Reflective Features Detection and Hierarchical Reflections Separation in Image Sequences
* Region based foreground segmentation combining color and depth sensors via logarithmic opinion pool decision
* Region based inter-layer cross-color filtering for scalable extension of HEVC
* Region-based depth-preserving stereoscopic image retargeting
* Region-based feature fusion for facial-expression recognition
* regional multimodulus algorithm for blind image deconvolution, A
* Registering sequences of in vivo microscopy images for cell tracking using dynamic programming and minimum spanning trees
* Registration of Images With N-Fold Dihedral Blur
* Regularised, semi-local hurst estimation via generalised lasso and dual-tree complex wavelets
* Regularization Designs for Uniform Spatial Resolution and Noise Properties in Statistical Image Reconstruction for 3-D X-ray CT
* Regularized estimation of Bloch-Siegert B1-maps in MRI
* Regularized Least-Squares Coding with Unlabeled Dictionary for Image-Set Based Face Recognition
* regularized trust region method for joint reconstruction of spin magnitude, T2* decay, and off-resonance field map, A
* Relating Structural and Functional Connectivity in MRI: A Simple Model for a Complex Brain
* Relational Learning and Network Modelling Using Infinite Latent Attribute Models
* Relighting from multiple color and depth images using matrix factorization
* Remote PPG based vital sign measurement using adaptive facial regions
* Remote Sensing Image Fusion at the Segment Level Using a Spatially-Weighted Approach: Applications for Land Cover Spectral Analysis and Mapping
* Remote Sensing of Sonoran Desert Vegetation Structure and Phenology with Ground-Based LiDAR
* Representation of image content based on RoI-BoW
* Representing scenes for real-time context classification on mobile devices
* Residual approach on a hierarchical segmentation
* Resolution limits on visual speech recognition
* Restoration of ultrasound images using a hierarchical Bayesian model with a generalized Gaussian prior
* retinex-based enhancing approach for single underwater image, A
* Retrieval of a Temporal High-Resolution Leaf Area Index (LAI) by Combining MODIS LAI and ASTER Reflectance Data
* Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature over the Heihe River Basin Using HJ-1B Thermal Infrared Data
* Retrieval of pathology image for breast cancer using PLSA model based on texture and pathological features
* Retrieving images using saliency detection and graph matching
* Revealing synthetic facial animations of realistic characters
* REVERIE: Natural human interaction in virtual immersive environments
* Reversible data hiding based on two-dimensional histogram and generalized histogram shifting
* Review of person re-identification techniques
* Revisiting guided image filter based stereo matching and scanline optimization for improved disparity estimation
* rigorous cylinder-based self-calibration approach for terrestrial laser scanners, A
* Rigorous Geometric Self-Calibrating Bundle Adjustment for a Dual Fluoroscopic Imaging System
* Robot users for the evaluation of boundary-tracking approaches in interactive image segmentation
* Robust 3D SFS reconstruction based on reliability maps
* Robust Action Recognition via Borrowing Information Across Video Modalities
* robust active shape model using an expectation-maximization framework, A
* Robust Algorithm for Joint Sparse Recovery in Presence of Impulsive Noise, A
* Robust and efficient SAR image coding transmission based on compressive sensing
* Robust and scalable aggregation of local features for ultra large-scale retrieval
* Robust blurred face recognition using sample-wise kernel estimation and random compressed multi-scale local binary pattern histograms
* robust convergence index filter for breast cancer cell segmentation, A
* Robust face pose classification method based on geometry-preserving visual phrase
* Robust Face Recognition After Plastic Surgery Using Region-Based Approaches
* Robust Framework for 2D Human Pose Tracking with Spatial and Temporal Constraints, A
* Robust image recapture detection using a K-SVD learning approach to train dictionaries of edge profiles
* Robust interactive image segmentation via iterative refinement
* Robust joint down- and cross-range sparse recovery of raw ultra-wideband SAR data
* Robust multi-scale ship tracking via multiple compressed features fusion
* Robust multiple cameras pedestrian detection with multi-view Bayesian network
* Robust nonnegative matrix factorization via L1 norm regularization by multiplicative updating rules
* Robust object tracking algorithm based on sparse eigenbasis
* Robust object tracking via multi-task dynamic sparse model
* Robust object tracking via online informative feature selection
* Robust Optical Flow Integration
* Robust pan-sharpening via color samples relocation and edge aware interpolation
* Robust patch-based tracking using valid patch selection and feature fusion update
* Robust phase unwrapping by convex optimization
* Robust probabilistic optical flow for video sequences
* Robust rear-view ground surface detection with hidden state conditional random field and confidence propagation
* Robust scene text detection using integrated feature discrimination
* robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach, A
* Robust shape-constrained active contour for whole heart segmentation in 3-D CT images for radiotherapy planning
* Robust single-image super-resolution using cross-scale self-similarity
* Robust texture features for blurred images using Undecimated Dual-Tree Complex Wavelets
* Robust tracking via saliency-based appearance model
* Robust tracking via weighted spatio-temporal context learning
* Robust Transmission of Scalable Video Coding Bitstream Over Heterogeneous Networks
* robust two-stage face recognition system with localisation error compensation, A
* Robust vehicle tracking algorithm for nighttime videos captured by fixed cameras in highly reflective environments
* Robust video stabilization based on mesh grid warping of rolling-free features
* Robust virtual frontal face synthesis from a given pose using regularized linear regression
* Robust visual tracking based on watershed regions
* Robust Visual Tracking Via Consistent Low-Rank Sparse Learning
* Robust Visual Tracking via Rank-Constrained Sparse Learning
* rotation-invariant bag of visual words model for symbols based ancient coin classification, A
* Rotation-invariant local radius index: A compact texture similarity feature for classification
* Rotation-Invariant texture retrieval using a steerable Gaussian copula model
* SaCoseg: Object Cosegmentation by Shape Conformability
* Saliency Detection using regression trees on hierarchical image segments
* Saliency detection using superpixel belief propagation
* Saliency detection via foreground rendering and background exclusion
* Saliency-Based Color Accessibility
* Saliency-based content-aware lifestyle image mosaics
* Saliency-Guided Color-to-Gray Conversion Using Region-Based Optimization
* Saliency-Guided Unsupervised Feature Learning for Scene Classification
* Salient feature based graph matching for person re-identification
* Salient object detection using bipartite dictionary
* Salient object detection using octonion with Bayesian inference
* Salient region detection using background contrast
* Salient region detection via color spatial distribution determined global contrasts
* Salient-region detection in a multi-level framework of image smoothing with over-segmentation
* Sample-based Weighted Prediction for lossless enhancement layer coding in SHVC
* Satellite Microwave Retrieval of Total Precipitable Water Vapor and Surface Air Temperature Over Land From AMSR2
* scalable and efficient method for salient region detection using sampled template collation, A
* scalable architecture for implementing the fast discrete periodic radon transform for prime sized images, A
* Scalable Bit Allocation Between Texture and Depth Views for 3-D Video Streaming Over Heterogeneous Networks
* Scalable coding of stream cipher encrypted images via adaptive sampling
* Scalable extension of HEVC using enhanced inter-layer prediction
* Scalable learning for restricted Boltzmann machines
* Scalable, self-organizing 3D camera network for non-intrusive people tracking and counting
* Scale and Orientation Invariant Text Segmentation for Born-Digital Compound Images
* Scale-invariant corner keypoints
* Scale-space filtering using a piecewise polynomial representation
* Scaling Multidimensional Inference for Structured Gaussian Processes
* Scaling up discrete distribution clustering using ADMM
* Scanning Electron Microscope image segmentation method for steam generator fouling rate estimation, A
* Scanning the Issue and Beyond: Crowdsourcing for Field Transportation Studies and Services
* Scenario oriented discriminant analysis for still-to-video face recognition
* Scene and viewpoint based visual summarization for landmarks
* Scene recognition based on phase gradient InSAR images
* Scene segmentation from depth and color data driven by surface fitting
* Scene text recognition using sparse coding based features
* Scene-based automatic image annotation
* scene-specific deformable part-based model for object detection, A
* Score-Level Multibiometric Fusion Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory Incorporating Uncertainty Factors
* Scrambling faces for privacy protection using background self-similarities
* Scrambling-based tool for secure protection of JPEG images
* Screen content coding for HEVC by improved line-based intra block copy
* Screen-camera calibration using a thread
* Seam Searching-Based Pixel Fusion for Image Retargeting
* Seamless texture stitching on a 3D mesh by poisson blending in patches
* Seasonal Land Cover Dynamics in Beijing Derived from Landsat 8 Data Using a Spatio-Temporal Contextual Approach
* Second-Order Statistics Analysis to Cope With Contrast Enhancement Counter-Forensics
* Secure Relay and Jammer Selection for Physical Layer Security
* Seeing through shadow: Modelling surface irradiance for topographic correction of Landsat ETM+ data
* Segmentation and Clustering of Car-Following Behavior: Recognition of Driving Patterns
* Segmentation of 3D Images Using the Random Walking Technique on a Randomly Created Image Adjacency Graph, The
* Segmentation of sparse noisy point clouds using active contour models
* segmentation system based on clustering method for pediatric DTI images, A
* Segmentation with saliency map using colour and depth images
* Selective and robust d-dimensional path operators
* Selective motion vector redundancies for improved error resilience in HEVC
* Selective part models for detecting partially occluded faces in the wild
* Self-Adaptive Parameter Selection Trajectory Prediction Approach via Hidden Markov Models, A
* Self-adaptive SOM-CNN neural system for dynamic object detection in normal and complex scenarios
* Self-adaptive stretch in anamorphic image compression
* Self-localization on texture statistics
* Self-similarity-based image colorization
* semantic framework for the retrieval of similar radiological images based on medical annotations, A
* Semantic image compression based on data hiding
* Semantic pooling for image categorization using multiple kernel learning
* Semantic segmentation as image representation for scene recognition
* Semantic Sparse Recoding of Visual Content for Image Applications
* Semantic-Based Location Recommendation With Multimodal Venue Semantics
* Semantically-based 2.5D texture printing
* semi-automatic deshredding method based on curve matching, A
* Semi-Empirical Model for Computing Land Surface Emissivity in the Microwave Region, A
* Semi-Flocking Algorithm for Motion Control of Mobile Sensors in Large-Scale Surveillance Systems
* Semi-online video stabilization using probabilistic keyframe update and inter-keyframe motion smoothing
* Semi-Quantitative Analysis Model with Parabolic Modelling for DCE-MRI Sequences of Prostate, A
* Semi-supervised deep learning for object tracking and classification
* Semi-supervised learning of sparse representations to recognize people spatial orientation
* Semi-supervised subspace segmentation
* Semiautomatic visual-attention modeling and its application to video compression
* Semiparametric Statistical Stripmap Synthetic Aperture Autofocusing
* Sensarea, a general public video editing application
* sensor aided H.264 encoder tested on aerial imagery for SFM, A
* Sensor noise measurement in the presence of a flickering illumination
* Separation of a Cirrus Layer and Broken Cumulus Clouds in Multispectral Images
* Separation of Dependent Autoregressive Sources Using Joint Matrix Diagonalization
* Sequence of the most informative joints (SMIJ): A new representation for human skeletal action recognition
* Sequential Changepoint Approach for Online Community Detection
* Sequential deconvolution: Unmixing of blurred hyperspectral data
* Sequential labeling with structural SVM under the F1 loss
* Severe Wildfires Near Moscow, Russia in 2010: Modeling of Carbon Monoxide Pollution and Comparisons with Observations
* Shape and size adapted local fractal dimension for the classification of polyps in HD colonoscopy
* Shape from silhouette consensus and photo-consistency
* Shape statistics for cell division detection in time-lapse videos of early mouse embryo
* Shape-based detection of Maya hieroglyphs using weighted bag representations
* shape-based object class detection model using local scale-invariant fragment feature, A
* Shape-based object retrieval by contour segment matching
* Sharing model with multi-level feature representations
* Sharpness-aware document image mosaicing using graphcuts
* Shearlet-based sparse representation for super-resolution in diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
* Shelf detection via vanishing point and radial projection
* ShellCam: Interactive geometry-aware virtual camera control
* Should we discard sparse or incomplete videos?
* SIFT based robust image watermarking resistant to resolution scaling
* Signal dependent noise removal from a single image
* Signal Processing Challenges in Quantitative 3-D Cell Morphology: More than meets the eye
* Similar gait action recognition using an inertial sensor
* similarity measure for analyzing human activities using human-object interaction context, A
* simple and efficient algorithm for dot patterns reconstruction, A
* Simple Fusion Method for Image Time Series Based on the Estimation of Image Temporal Validity, A
* Simplified DCT-lifting-based reversible lapped transforms using parallel processing of two same type lapped transforms
* Simulation of image time series from dynamical fractional brownian fields
* Simulation of the SMAP Data Stream From SMAPEx Field Campaigns in Australia
* Simultaneous bias correction and image segmentation via L0 regularized Mumford-Shah model
* Simultaneous deblur and super-resolution technique for video sequence captured by hand-held video camera
* Simultaneous high-dimensional clustering and feature selection using asymmetric Gaussian mixture models
* Simultaneous Phase Unwrapping and Removal of Chemical Shift (SPURS) Using Graph Cuts: Application in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
* Simultaneous sparsity model for multi-perspective video anomaly detection
* Single image dehazing based on fast wavelet transform with weighted image fusion
* Single image dehazing with image entropy and information fidelity
* Single image haze removal using novel estimation of atmospheric light and transmission
* Single image super-resolution using sparse representations with structure constraints
* Single image super-resolution via sparse KPCA and regression
* Single-frame image super-resolution inspired by perceptual criteria
* Single-Image Dehazing via Optimal Transmission Map Under Scene Priors
* Singular Value Decomposition Projection for solving the small sample size problem in face recognition
* Singular vector decomposition based adaptive transform for motion compensation residuals
* Skeletonization and Partitioning of Digital Images Using Discrete Morse Theory
* Sketch based image retrieval using a soft computation of the histogram of edge local orientations (S-HELO)
* Sketch2Manga: Sketch-based manga retrieval
* Sloop: A pattern retrieval engine for individual animal identification
* Slow features nonnegative matrix factorization for temporal data decomposition
* Smart-Condo: Optimizing Sensor Placement for Indoor Localization, The
* smarter exemplar-based inpainting algorithm using local and global heuristics for more geometric coherence, A
* SmartMood: Toward Pervasive Mood Tracking and Analysis for Manic Episode Detection
* smartphone application for removing handshake blur and compensating rolling shutter, A
* Smile Detection in Unconstrained Scenarios Using Self-Similarity of Gradients Features
* Smoothed Low Rank and Sparse Matrix Recovery by Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares Minimization
* smpUMHexagonS-based motion estimation algorithm for heterogeneous architectures, An
* Snakes on a Plane: A perfect snap for bioimage analysis
* Snow phenomena modeling through online public media
* Soil Drought Anomalies in MODIS GPP of a Mediterranean Broadleaved Evergreen Forest
* Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiment 2012 (SMAPVEX12): Prelaunch Calibration and Validation of the SMAP Soil Moisture Algorithms, The
* Soil Moisture Estimation Under Tropical Forests Using UHF Radar Polarimetry
* Soil Salinity Retrieval from Advanced Multi-Spectral Sensor with Partial Least Square Regression
* Sonic Trampoline: How Audio Feedback Impacts the User's Experience of Jumping
* Sonification of Surface Tapping Changes Behavior, Surface Perception, and Emotion
* Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applications of COSMO-SkyMed X-Band Data, A
* Spaceborne MIMO Synthetic Aperture Radar for Multimodal Operation
* Sparse blind source separation for partially correlated sources
* Sparse coding with a global connectivity constraint
* Sparse discriminative feature selection
* Sparse distributed localized gradient fused features of objects
* Sparse image recovery using compressed sensing over finite alphabets
* sparse Kaczmarz solver and a linearized Bregman method for online compressed sensing, A
* Sparse reconstruction from Multiple-Angle Total Internal Reflection fluorescence Microscopy
* Sparse Regularization of Interferometric Phase and Amplitude for InSAR Image Formation Based on Bayesian Representation
* Sparse representation based anomaly detection with enhanced local dictionaries
* Sparsity based poisson inpainting
* Sparsity in tensor optimization for optical-interferometric imaging
* Sparsity-driven reconstruction of L-inf-decoded images
* Spatial density estimation based segmentation of super-resolution localization microscopy images
* Spatial histograms of soft pairwise similar patches to improve the bag-of-visual-words model
* Spatial information based FCM for infrared ship target segmentation
* Spatial resolution in a multi-focus plenoptic camera
* Spatial-Response Matched Filter and Its Application in Radiometric Accuracy Improvement of FY-2 Satellite Thermal Infrared Band
* Spatio-temporal analysis of eye fixations data in images
* Spatio-Temporal Change of Snow Cover and Its Response to Climate over the Tibetan Plateau Based on an Improved Daily Cloud-Free Snow Cover Product
* Spatio-temporal crowd density model in a human detection and tracking framework
* Spatio-Temporal Flame Modeling and Dynamic Texture Analysis for Automatic Video-Based Fire Detection
* Spatio-temporal modeling of visual attention for stereoscopic 3D video
* Spatio-Temporal Video Segmentation of Static Scenes and Its Applications
* Special Section on CIARP 2013 (Congreso IberoAmericano de Reconocimiento de Patrones) Awards
* Speckle in ultrasound images: Friend or FOE?
* Spectral compression of hyperspectral images by means of nonlinear principal component analysis decorrelation
* Spectral Slope as an Indicator of Pasture Quality
* Spectral unmixing of fluorescence fingerprint imagery for visualization of constituents in pie pastry
* Spectral-Spatial Classification for Hyperspectral Data Using Rotation Forests With Local Feature Extraction and Markov Random Fields
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images via Spatial Translation-Invariant Wavelet-Based Sparse Representation
* SPiraL Aggregation Map (SPLAM): A new descriptor for robust template matching with fast algorithm
* Split Bregman algorithms for sparse/joint-sparse and low-rank signal recovery: Application in compressive hyperspectral imaging
* Spread transform and roughness-based shaping to improve 3D watermarking based on quadratic programming
* Sprite generation for hole filling in depth image-based rendering
* Stability evaluation of neural and Bayesian classifiers: A new insight
* stable approach for model order selection in nonnegative matrix factorization, A
* stable bio-inspired resource assignment strategy for elastic traffic, A
* Stand Volume Estimation Using the k-NN Technique Combined with Forest Inventory Data, Satellite Image Data and Additional Feature Variables
* Standardization of Biometric Template Protection
* STAP: Spatial-Temporal Attention-Aware Pooling for Action Recognition
* Static region classification using hierarchical finite state machine
* Static Signature Synthesis: A Neuromotor Inspired Approach for Biometrics
* Statistical analyses of galaxy-surveys to probe the standard cosmological model
* Statistical Analysis of IrisCode and Its Security Implications, A
* Statistical detection of Jsteg steganography using hypothesis testing theory
* statistical framework for the classification of infant DT images, A
* Statistical Method for Improved 3D Surface Detection, A
* Statistical modelling for enhanced outlier detection
* Statistical morphable model for human teeth restoration
* Statistical properties of spherical wavelets systems
* Statistical region-based active contour using optimization of alpha-divergence family for image segmentation
* Statistics of Wavelet Coefficients for Sparse Self-Similar Images
* steganalytic algorithm for 3D polygonal meshes, A
* Steganography Using Reversible Texture Synthesis
* stereo client using open SVC decoder extensions: QoE performance evaluation, A
* Stereo image defogging
* Stereo matching cost computation based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* Stereo reconstruction of semiregular meshes, and multiresolution analysis for automatic detection of dents on surfaces
* Stereo video deraining and desnowing based on spatiotemporal frame warping
* Stereoscopic image quality metric based on local entropy and binocular just noticeable difference
* Stereoscopic video shot clustering into semantic concepts based on visual and disparity information
* Stereovision-Based Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenarios Using Free-Form Obstacle Delimiters and Particle Filters
* STFC: Spatio-Temporal Feature Chain for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition
* Stochastic Cramer-Rao Bound Analysis for DOA Estimation in Spherical Harmonics Domain
* Stochastic Framework for Robust Fuzzy Filtering and Analysis of Signals: Part II, A
* Strategic image denoising using a support vector machine with seam energy and saliency features
* Streaming spatio-temporal video segmentation using Gaussian Mixture Model
* Street view cross-sourced point cloud matching and registration
* structural design, simulation analysis and parameter optimisation of the cheetah robot's leg components, The
* Structural texture similarity metric based on intra-class variances
* Structure preserving bilateral filtering for PolSAR data
* Structure tensor based synthesis of directional textures for virtual material design
* Structure-aware multi-object discovery for weakly supervised tracking
* Structure-constrained low-rank and partial sparse representation for image classification
* Structure-Guided Statistical Textural Distinctiveness for Salient Region Detection in Natural Images
* Structured-Patch Optimization for Dense Correspondence
* Study of visual saliency detection via nonlocal anisotropic diffusion equation
* sub-scene modeling framework for moving cast shadow detection, A
* Subjective quality evaluation of compressed digital compound images
* SuBSENSE: A Universal Change Detection Method With Local Adaptive Sensitivity
* Subspace based disparity estimation for plenoptic cameras
* Subspace clustering using affinity propagation
* Subspace Projection Approach for Wall Clutter Mitigation in Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging, A
* Sum-max video pooling for complex event recognition
* Super resolution in CT
* Super-pixel based crowd flow segmentation in H.264 compressed videos
* Super-resolution by polar Newton-Thiele's rational kernel in centralized sparsity paradigm
* Super-resolution from a low- and partial high-resolution image pair
* Super-resolution hyperspectral imaging with unknown blurring by low-rank and group-sparse modeling
* Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Images: Use of Optimum Wavelet Filter Coefficients and Sparsity Regularization
* Superpixel-Based Hand Gesture Recognition With Kinect Depth Camera
* Supervised Hierarchical Dirichlet Process, The
* Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models for Efficient Activity Representation
* Supervised Multi-View Canonical Correlation Analysis (sMVCCA): Integrating Histologic and Proteomic Features for Predicting Recurrent Prostate Cancer
* Supervised texture segmentation using 2D LSTM networks
* Surface Freshwater Storage Variations in the Orinoco Floodplains Using Multi-Satellite Observations
* Survey of Non-Exchangeable Priors for Bayesian Nonparametric Models, A
* Survey on Spectral-Spatial Classification Techniques Based on Attribute Profiles, A
* SVM with feature selection and smooth prediction in images: Application to CAD of prostate cancer
* Swarm-based motion features for anomaly detection in crowds
* Switching-Based Stochastic Model Predictive Control Approach for Modeling Driver Steering Skill
* Symmetric polynomials for 2D shape representation
* Symmetry detection in 3D chain coded discrete curves and trees
* Synthesis quality prediction model based on distortion intolerance
* Systematic study of color spaces and components for the segmentation of sky/cloud images
* Tailoring non-homogeneous Markov chain wavelet models for hyperspectral signature classification
* Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Structured Sparsity Constraints
* Teaching Privacy: Multimedia Making a Difference
* Technique for Simultaneous Visualization and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Data, A
* Temporal and color consistent disparity estimation in stereo videos
* Temporal and longitudinal variances in wood log cross-section image analysis
* Temporal depth video enhancement based on intrinsic static structure
* Temporal face embedding and propagation in photo collections
* Temporal layer adaptive loop filter for HEVC
* Temporally Coherent Superresolution of Textured Video via Dynamic Texture Synthesis
* Tennis Ball Tracking Using a Two-Layered Data Association Approach
* Tensor representation learning based image patch analysis for text identification and recognition
* Tensorial Independent Component Analysis-Based Feature Extraction for Polarimetric SAR Data Classification
* Ternary contextualised histogram pattern for curve matching
* Texture classification and discrimination for region-based image retrieval
* Texture Classification and Retrieval Using Shearlets and Linear Regression
* Texture modeling by Gaussian fields with prescribed local orientation
* texture-based probability mapping for localisation of clinically important cardiac segments in the myocardium in cardiac magnetic resonance images from myocardial infarction patients, A
* Theme issue High Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information
* thermal dimension of psychophysiological and emotional responses revealed by thermal infrared imaging, The
* Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) on Landsat 8: Design Overview and Pre-Launch Characterization, The
* Three new instance selection methods based on local sets: A comparative study with several approaches from a bi-objective perspective
* Thresholding RULES and iterative shrinkage/thresholding algorithm: A convergence study
* Tilted layer-based modeling for enhanced light-field processing and image based rendering
* Time of flight motion compensation revisited
* Tissue Electrical Property Mapping From Zero Echo-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* TISVM: Large margin classifier for misaligned image classification
* To e or not to e in poisson image reconstruction
* Tomographic reconstruction of flowing gases using sparse training
* tool for fast ground truth generation for object detection and tracking from video, A
* Topological gradient for a fourth order PDE and application to the detection of fine structures in 2D and 3D images
* Topological stacking grayscale thinning for edge detection and real-time applications
* Total Variation Regularization via Continuation to Recover Compressed Hyperspectral Images
* Toward a full-band texture features for spectral images
* Toward a Morphodynamic Model of the Cell: Signal processing for cell modeling
* Toward Cyber-Enhanced Working Dogs for Search and Rescue
* Toward Naturalistic 2D-to-3D Conversion
* Toward System-Optimal Routing in Traffic Networks: A Reverse Stackelberg Game Approach
* Toward Volumetric MR Thermometry With the MASTER Sequence
* Towards a free viewpoint and 3D intensity adjustment on multi-view display
* Towards a new image quality metric for evaluating the effects of tiled displays
* Towards automatic detection of child pornography
* Towards blind detection of low-rate spatial embedding in image steganalysis
* Towards Contactless, Low-Cost and Accurate 3D Fingerprint Identification
* Towards dynamic resource optimization for cloud-based free viewpoint video service
* Towards Effective Image Classification Using Class-Specific Codebooks and Distinctive Local Features
* Towards Large-Scale Histopathological Image Analysis: Hashing-Based Image Retrieval
* Towards optimal distortion-based visual privacy filters
* Towards Practical Self-Embedding for JPEG-Compressed Digital Images
* track-before-detect algorithm using joint probabilistic data association filter and interacting multiple models, A
* Tracking deformable parts via dynamic conditional random fields
* Tracking Live Fish From Low-Contrast and Low-Frame-Rate Stereo Videos
* Tracking Multiple Particles in Fluorescence Time-Lapse Microscopy Images via Probabilistic Data Association
* Tractography From HARDI Using an Intrinsic Unscented Kalman Filter
* Traffic sign detection via interest region extraction
* Traffic Signal Phase and Timing Estimation From Low-Frequency Transit Bus Data
* Training Design and Channel Estimation in Uplink Cloud Radio Access Networks
* Training Quality-Aware Filters for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* Trajectory clustering for motion pattern extraction in aerial videos
* Transform-invariant dictionary learning for face recognition
* Translation invariance-based super resolution method for mixed resolution multiview video
* Transport Accessibility Analysis Using GIS: Assessing Sustainable Transport in London
* Travel Time Reliability Versus Safety: A Stochastic Hazard-Based Modeling Approach
* Trend-sensitive hough forests for action detection
* Trilateral filter on graph spectral domain
* TriViews: A general framework to use 3D depth data effectively for action recognition
* Tropical Cyclone Winds Retrieved From C-Band Cross-Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Truncated isotropic principal component classifier for image classification
* Tsunami-Wave Parameter Estimation Using GNSS-Based Sea Surface Height Measurement
* Tubularity Flow Field: A Technique for Automatic Neuron Segmentation
* TUM Gait from Audio, Image and Depth (GAID) database: Multimodal recognition of subjects and traits, The
* Turbocharged Video Distribution via P2P
* Two Large Open-Access Datasets for Fitts' Law of Human Motion and a Succinct Derivation of the Square-Root Variant
* Two-Component K-Lognormal Mixture Model and Its Parameter Estimation Method, A
* Two-dimensional local ternary patterns using synchronized images for outdoor place categorization
* Two-stage multiple kernel learning for supervised dimensionality reduction
* Two-Tier Tissue Decomposition for Histopathological Image Representation and Classification
* Twofold video hashing with automatic synchronization
* UAV Remote Sensing for Urban Vegetation Mapping Using Random Forest and Texture Analysis
* Ultimate grain filter
* Ultrasound image reconstruction using the finite-rate-of-innovation principle
* Ultrasound RF Time Series for Classification of Breast Lesions
* Ultrasound Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging Quantifies Coronary Perfusion Pressure Effect on Cardiac Compliance
* Ultrasound tissue characterizationby generalized GAMMA MRF model
* Uncertainty Evaluation of an In-Flight Absolute Radiometric Calibration Using a Statistical Monte Carlo Method
* Uncertainty modeling for efficient visual odometry via inertial sensors on mobile devices
* Undecimated hierarchical active contours for oct image segmentation
* Understanding image priors in blind deconvolution
* Understanding Taxi Service Strategies from Taxi GPS Traces
* Underwater stereo image enhancement using a new physical model
* unified framework for land-cover database update and enrichment using satellite imagery, A
* unified framework for local visual descriptors evaluation, A
* unified Markov random field/marked point process image model and its application to computational materials, A
* Unified real time software decoder for HEVC extensions
* Unified wedgelet genenration for depth coding in 3D-HEVC
* Uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimation for asynchronous event-based cameras
* Unreeling Xunlei Kankan: Understanding Hybrid CDN-P2P Video-on-Demand Streaming
* Unsupervised and supervised approaches to color space transformation for image coding
* Unsupervised co-segmentation based on a new global GMM constraint in MRF
* Unsupervised domain adaptation using manifold alignment for object and event categorization
* Unsupervised Image Classification by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis for the Annotation of Images
* Unsupervised manifold learning by correlation graph and strongly connected components for image retrieval
* Unsupervised texture segmentation using monogenic curvelets and the Potts model
* Unsupervised white matter fiber tracts clustering methodology with application on brain MRI data
* Upper limb movement analysis via marker tracking with a single-camera system
* Urban road extraction via graph cuts based probability propagation
* Use of Exhaustive Micro-Data Firm Databases for Economic Geography: The Issues of Geocoding and Usability in the Case of the Amadeus Database, The
* Use of Radarsat-2 and Landsat TM Images for Spatial Parameterization of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Hydraulic Modeling
* User-Centric Media Retrieval Competition: The Video Browser Showdown 2012-2014, A
* Using ensemble margin to explore issues of training data imbalance and mislabeling on large area land cover classification
* Using Free Energy Principle For Blind Image Quality Assessment
* Using Ice Clouds for Mitigating the EarthCARE Doppler Radar Mispointing
* Using large color LBP in generalized hough transform
* Using pyramid of histogram of oriented gradients on natural scene text recognition
* Utility-Based H.264/SVC Video Streaming Over Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Networks
* Utilization of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band for Arctic Ship Tracking and Fisheries Management
* Validation Methods for Digital Road Maps in Predictive Control
* Validation of a Nonrigid Registration Error Detection Algorithm Using Clinical MRI Brain Data
* Validation of Significant Wave Height From Improved Satellite Altimetry in the German Bight
* Validity and Reliability of a Hybrid Reality Simulator for Wire Navigation in Orthopedic Surgery, The
* Vanishing point estimation for challenging road images
* Vegetation Sensing Using GPS-Interferometric Reflectometry: Theoretical Effects of Canopy Parameters on Signal-to-Noise Ratio Data
* Vehicle Localization Using In-Vehicle Pitch Data and Dynamical Models
* Vessel extraction using anisotropic minimal paths and path score
* VFCCV snake: A novel active contour model combining edge and regional information
* Video background modeling under impulse noise
* Video face naming using global sequence alignment
* Video Quality Assessment: Subjective testing of entertainment scenes
* Video quality measurement based on 3-D Singular value decomposition
* Video querying via compact descriptors of visually salient objects
* Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning
* Viewing-Distance Aware Super-Resolution for High-Definition Display
* Viewpoint interpolation: Direct and variational methods
* Visual object tracking via online sparse instance learning
* Visual object tracking with online learning on Riemannian manifolds by one-class support vector machines
* Visual Overlay on OpenStreetMap Data to Support Spatial Exploration of Urban Environments
* Visual re-identification across large, distributed camera networks
* Visual saliency detection using feature activity weighted decorrelation cues
* Visual tracking based on weighted subspace reconstruction error
* VLSI architecture of HEVC intra prediction for 8K UHDTV applications
* Volume-based shape analysis for internal microstructure of steels
* Volumetric SRP with Refinement Step for Sound Source Localization, A
* VOW: Variance-optimal wavelets for the steerable pyramid
* W-Penalty and Its Application to Alpha Matting with Sparse Labels, The
* Warping-based video retargeting for stereoscopic video
* Waterpixels: Superpixels based on the watershed transformation
* Waveform Aliasing in Satellite Radar Altimetry
* Waveform Retracking for Improving Level Estimations From TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, and Jason-2 Altimetry Observations Over African Lakes
* Wavelet based volumetric medical image compression
* Wavelet-based fuzzy multiphase image segmentation method
* Wavelet-based statistical features for distinguishing mitotic and non-mitotic cells in breast cancer histopathology
* Weakly supervised cross-view action recognition via sequential motion accumulation
* Weakly supervised object localization via maximal entropy randomwalk
* Weakly supervised pedestrian detector training by unsupervised prior learning and cue fusion in videos
* Wearable Auditory Biofeedback Device for Blind and Sighted Individuals
* Weighted averaging-based sensor pattern noise estimation for source camera identification
* Weighted bag of visual words for object recognition
* Weighted classifier ensemble based on quadratic form
* Weighted Guided Image Filtering
* Weighted SVM from clickthrough data for image retrieval
* What does computer vision say about face reading?
* What is a Salient Object? A Dataset and a Baseline Model for Salient Object Detection
* What is the right center/surround for Retinex?
* Who is my parent? Reconstructing video sequences from partially matching shots
* Wide baseline stereo matching based on scale invariant feature transformation with hybrid geometric constraints
* Wide-baseline image change detection
* Wideband Frequency Domain Method of Soil Dielectric Property Measurements
* Winding Number Constrained Contour Detection
* Window mining by clustering mid-level representation for weakly supervised object detection
* Word Segmentation Method for Handwritten Documents based on Structured Learning
* Word-HOGs: Word histogram of oriented gradients for mobile visual search
* Wuhan Ionospheric Oblique-Incidence Sounding System and Its New Application in Localization of Ionospheric Irregularities
* zonemap metric for page segmentation and area classification in scanned documents, The
2198 for 1502

Index for "1"

Last update:15-Jan-25 15:03:25
Use price@usc.edu for comments.