Update Dates 1302

1302 * *Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
* *International Conference on Computer Vision in Remote Sensing
* *International Journal of Image and Graphics
* *Perpetual video camera for Internet-of-things
* 2D images map warping for improved user interaction
* 2D shape recognition using biological sequence alignment tools
* 2D-GE image analysis focusing on elimination of spurious spots
* 3-D measurement of objects inwater using fish-eye stereo camera
* 3-D recovery of a non-rigid object from a single camera view by piecewise recovery and synthesis
* 3D (pseudo) Zernike moments: Fast computation via symmetry properties of spherical harmonics and recursive radial polynomials
* 3D depth map generation for embedded stereo applications
* 3D descriptor for people re-identification
* 3D dynamic expression recognition based on a novel Deformation Vector Field and Random Forest
* 3D face reconstruction in a binocular passive stereoscopic system using face properties
* 3D face shape prediction from a frontal image using cylindrical coordinates and partial least squares
* 3D facial expression recognition via multiple kernel learning of Multi-Scale Local Normal Patterns
* 3D gesture recognition framework based on hierarchical visual attention and perceptual organization models, A
* 3D human pose estimation using 2D body part detectors
* 3D object localization using single camera images
* 3D point tracking and pose estimation of a space object using stereo images
* 3D Reconstruction of Real World Scenes with Low- Cost Hard- and Software
* 3D shape isometric correspondence by spectral assignment
* 3D tracking of deformable surface by propagating feature correspondences
* 3D tracking of soccer players using time-situation graph in monocular image sequence
* 3D tubular structure extraction using kernel-based superellipsoid model with Gaussian process regression
* 3D video compression by coding of disoccluded regions
* 3D-SSIM for video quality assessment
* 4D vessel segmentation and tracking in Ultrasound
* 8-D reflectance field for computational photography
* Abnormal crowd behavior detection based on social attribute-aware force model
* abstraction based reduced reference depth perception metric for 3D video, An
* Accelerated robust sparse coding for fast face recognition
* Acceleration of GAT correlation for distortion-tolerant image matching
* Accuracy of a high-level, loss-tolerant video fingerprint for surveillance authentication
* accurate and contrast invariant junction detector, An
* Accurate depth-color scene modeling for 3D contents generation with low cost depth cameras
* Accurate genomic signal recovery using compressed sensing
* Accurate iris localization using contour segments
* Accurate junction detection and reconstruction in line-drawing images
* Accurate modeling of tagged CMR 3D image appearance characteristics to improve cardiac cycle strain estimation
* Accurate subpixel edge location based on partial area effect
* Action based video summarization for convenience stores
* Action recognition based on spatial-temporal pyramid sparse coding
* Action recognition in still images using a combination of human pose and context information
* Action recognition using instance-specific and class-consistent cues
* Action recognition using linear dynamic systems
* Action recognition via sparse representation of characteristic frames
* Action recognition with discriminative mid-level features
* Action retrieval based on generalized dynamic depth data matching
* Active contour driven by region-scalable fitting and local Bhattacharyya distance energies for ultrasound image segmentation
* Active contours segmentation with edge based and local region based
* Active contours without level sets
* Active drift correction template tracking algorithm
* active learning approach to frequent itemset-based text clustering, An
* Active learning for tag recommendation utilizing on-line photos lacking tags
* Active Shape Model with random forest for facial features detection
* Active transfer learning for multi-view head-pose classification
* Activity detection in the wild using video metadata
* Activity recognition based on semantic spatial relation
* Actlets: A novel local representation for human action recognition in video
* Adaptation of boosted pedestrian detectors by feature reselection
* Adaptation of Writer-Independent Systems for Offline Signature Verification
* Adaptive active-mask image segmentation for quantitative characterization of mitochondrial morphology
* Adaptive appearance face tracking with alignment feedbacks
* Adaptive Color-to-Gray Image Mapping Using Directional Transform
* Adaptive compressed sensing for depthmap compression using graph-based transform
* adaptive covariance-based edge diffusion image enlargement method, An
* Adaptive denoising filtering for object detection applications
* Adaptive Depth edge sharpening for 3D video depth coding
* Adaptive Downsampling for High-Definition Video Coding
* Adaptive downsampling in high order Oversampled Filter Banks
* Adaptive error concealment for Multiple Description Video Coding using motion vector analysis
* adaptive fast intra mode decision in HEVC, An
* Adaptive Fingerprint Image Enhancement With Emphasis on Preprocessing of Data
* Adaptive Global Motion Temporal Filtering for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive graph regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization via feature selection
* adaptive hybrid CDN/P2P solution for Content Delivery Networks, An
* Adaptive Inpainting Algorithm Based on DCT Induced Wavelet Regularization
* Adaptive kernel learning based on centered alignment for hierarchical classification
* Adaptive lifting schemes with a global L1 minimization technique for image coding
* Adaptive noise removal approach for restoration of digital images corrupted by multimodal noise
* Adaptive nonlocal range filter in depth map coding
* Adaptive object tracking algorithm based on eigenbasis space and compressive sampling
* Adaptive parallax control based on 3D scene change detection
* Adaptive post-filtering based on Local Binary Patterns
* Adaptive protection scheme for MVC-encoded stereoscopic video streaming in IP-based networks
* Adaptive rate control for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Adaptive rate control for Wyner-Ziv video coding
* Adaptive search range algorithm based on Cauchy distribution
* Adaptive selection of ensembles for imbalanced class distributions
* Adaptive shape prior in graph cut image segmentation
* Adaptive support-window approximation to bilateral filtering
* Adaptive ternary-derivative pattern for disparity enhancement
* Adaptive texture-color based background subtraction for video surveillance
* adaptive unsupervised clustering of pronunciation errors for automatic pronunciation error detection, An
* Adaptive use of systematic bits in distributed video coding with multiple puncturing matrices
* adaptive visual quality optimization method for Internet video applications, An
* Additive White Gaussian Noise Level Estimation in SVD Domain for Images
* Adjacent coding for image classification
* Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array Type L-Band SAR (ALOS PALSAR) to Inform the Conservation of Mangroves: Sundarbans as a Case Study
* Advanced ridge flux analysis for fingerprint minutiae detection
* Advanced traveller information systems for intelligent future mobility: the case of Anachb in Vienna
* Advances in pattern recognition methodology and applications
* Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photographing recommendation
* Affect Dilemma for Artificial Agents: Should We Develop Affective Artificial Agents?, The
* Affective Labeling in a Content-Based Recommender System for Images
* Affine consistency graphs for image representation and elastic matching
* Affine SKIP and DIRECT modes for efficient video coding
* Age Classification in Unconstrained Conditions Using LBP Variants
* Age-invariant face verification based on Local Classifier Ensemble
* Agent-based test-bed for road information systems
* AH-SIFT: Augmented Histogram based SIFT descriptor
* Aircraft retiming and rerouting in vicinity of airports
* Airport detection based on Line Segment Detector
* Algorithm and Architecture Design of Human-Machine Interaction in Foreground Object Detection With Dynamic Scene
* algorithm for detecting multiple salient objects in images via adaptive feature selection, An
* algorithm for training a large scale support vector machine for regression based on linear programming and decomposition methods, An
* Algorithm on tracing the boundary of medical images using abstract cellular complex
* Algorithms for Transform Selection in Multiple-Transform Video Compression
* Aligning Bags of Shape Contexts for Blurred Shape Model based symbol classification
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 1. Model Optimization and Testing over Continental USA
* Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations Model of Tree Heights: Part 2. Site Based Testing of the Model
* ALOHA: An efficient binary descriptor based on Haar features
* Alternative feature extraction methods in 3D brain image-based diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
* alternative to IDF: Effective scoring for accurate image retrieval with non-parametric density ratio estimation, An
* AM-FM models, partial Hilbert transform, and the monogenic signal
* Analysis and improvement of a paired comparison method in the application of 3DTV subjective experiment
* Analysis of Different Subspace Mixture Models in Handwriting Recognition
* Analysis of displacement compensation methods for wavelet lifting of medical 3-D thorax CT volume data
* Analysis of focus measure operators for shape-from-focus
* Analysis of mode correlation between texture and depth images in multi-view video plus depth format
* Analysis of Preprocessing Techniques for Latin Handwriting Recognition
* Analysis of Stability in Static Signatures Using Cosine Similarity
* Analysis of the fractal characteristic of the hyperspectral curves of the rice under plumbum pollution stress
* Analysis of the performance of various algorithms for the segmentation of the carotid artery
* Analysis of video codec buffer and delay under time-varying channel
* Analytical study of RGB vertical stripe and RGBX square-shaped subpixel arrangements
* Analyzing the information entropy of states to optimize the number of states in an HMM-based off-line handwritten Arabic word recognizer
* Anisotropic Interpolation of Sparse Generalized Image Samples
* Annotating Handwritten Characters with Minimal Human Involvement in a Semi-supervised Learning Strategy
* Annotating videos from the web images
* Anomalous tie plate detection for railroad inspection
* Anomaly detection in crowded scene via appearance and dynamics joint modeling
* Anomaly detection with spatio-temporal context using depth images
* Anti-ghost of differently exposed images with moving objects
* Appearance control for human material perception manipulation
* Appearance modeling for person re-identification using Weighted Brightness Transfer Functions
* Appearance-based diagnostic system for early assessment of malignant lung nodules
* Appearance-based object recognition using weighted longest increasing subsequence
* Applying Discriminatively Optimized Feature Transform for HMM-based Off-Line Handwriting Recognition
* Applying scattering operators for face recognition: A comparative study
* Applying textural features to the classification of HEp-2 cell patterns in IIF images
* Approximation of kernel k-means for streaming data
* Arabic Handwritten Word Spotting Using Language Models
* Arbitrarily oriented text detection using geodesic distances between corners and skeletons
* Are Emotional Robots Deceptive?
* Area-weighted surface normals for 3D object recognition
* Arithmetic edge coding for arbitrarily shaped sub-block motion prediction in depth video compression
* ARMA-HMM: A new approach for early recognition of human activity
* Arrangement based image representation for scene recognition
* Articulated hand configuration and rotation estimation using extended torus manifold embedding
* Articulated Particle Filter for hand tracking
* Artifact correction with robust statistics for non-stationary intracranial pressure signal monitoring
* Assessing photo quality with geo-context and crowdsourced photos
* Assessing the impact of sharp shift from drought to flood on vegetation using remote sensing
* Assessment of Cloud Screening With Apparent Surface Reflectance in Support of the ICESat-2 Mission
* Assessment of customers' level of interest
* Assessment of photo aesthetics with efficiency
* association algorithm of ship-group targets based on topological and attributive characteristics, An
* Attention-driven segmentation of cluttered 3D scenes
* Attentive gesture recognition
* Attribute rating for classification of visual objects
* attribute-based framework for privacy preserving image querying, An
* Audio-visual data association for face expression analysis
* Audio-visual emotion recognition using Boltzmann Zippers
* Audio-visual emotion recognition with boosted coupled HMM
* Augmented-reality pioneer
* Augmenting monocular motion estimation using intermittent 3D models from depth sensors
* Authoring multisensorial content
* Autocalibration-based partioning relationship and parallax relation for head-mounted eye trackers
* Automated and Accurate Orientation of Large Unordered Image Datasets for Close-Range Cultural Heritage Data Recording
* Automated classification of local patches in colon histopathology
* Automated colitis detection from endoscopic biopsies as a tissue screening tool in diagnostic pathology
* Automated detection of skeletal muscle twitches from B-mode ultrasound images: An application to motor neuron disease
* Automated identification of centromere position and centromere index(CI) of human chromosome images
* Automated mitosis detection based on eXclusive Independent Component Analysis
* Automated optic disc detection in retinal images by applying region-based active aontour model in a variational level set formulation
* Automated person segmentation in videos
* Automatic 3-D depth recovery from a single urban-scene image
* Automatic 3D Object Reconstruction from Multiple Images for Architectural, Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Applications Using Open-Source Software and Web Services
* Automatic Abbreviation Detection in Medieval Medical Documents
* Automatic annotation of court games with structured output learning
* Automatic calibration of a projector-camera system with a see-through screen
* Automatic content recognition of teaching boards in the Tableau platform
* Automatic description of object appearances in a wide-area surveillance scenario
* Automatic Detection and Reconstruction of Building Radar Footprints From Single VHR SAR Images
* Automatic detection of non-posed facial action units
* Automatic detection of structural changes in single channel long time-span brain MRI images using saliency map and active contour methods
* Automatic face annotation by multilinear AAM with Missing Values
* Automatic fuzzy clustering based on mistake analysis
* automatic grid corner extraction technique for camera calibration, An
* Automatic head pose estimation using randomly projected dense SIFT descriptors
* Automatic heterogeneous video summarization in temporal profile
* Automatic identification of prescription drugs using shape distribution models
* Automatic image mosaic system using steerable Harris corner detector
* Automatic laser-based identification for UF6 cylinders
* Automatic localization of the macula in a supervised graph-based approach with contextual superpixel features
* Automatic musical genre classification using sparsity-eager support vector machines
* Automatic noise identification in images using moments and neural network
* Automatic object segmentation with 3-D cameras
* Automatic prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma through retinal image analysis and data mining techniques
* Automatic Road Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Automatic saliency inspired foreground object extraction from videos
* Automatic segmentation fusing color and depth
* Automatic segmentation of cardiosynchronous waveforms using cepstral analysis and continuous wavelet transforms
* Automatic sports video genre categorization for broadcast videos
* Automatic visual dictionary generation through Optimum-Path Forest clustering
* Automating 3D reconstruction pipeline by surf-based alignment
* Avatar interoperability and control in virtual Worlds
* Background modeling using Local Binary Patterns Of Motion Vector
* Background subtraction via early recurrence in dynamic scenes
* Bag-of-feature-graphs: A new paradigm for non-rigid shape retrieval
* Bag-of-Features Representations for Offline Handwriting Recognition Applied to Arabic Script
* Bag-of-multimedia-words for image classification
* Baseline extraction-driven Parsing of handwritten mathematical expressions
* Battle-Lemarie wavelet pyramid for improved GSM image denoising
* Bayesian Approach on People Localization in Multicamera Systems, A
* Bayesian feature selection and model detection for student's t-mixture distributions
* Bayesian image enlargement for mixed-resolution video
* Bayesian image separation with natural image prior
* Bayesian implementation of a Lagrangian macroscopic traffic flow model
* Bayesian logistic regression in pattern recognition problems under concept drift, The
* Bayesian Network for online evaluation of sparse features based multitarget tracking, A
* Bayesian separation of wind power generation signals
* Bayesian Sparse Inference Approach in near-field wideband aeroacoustic imaging, A
* Beam hardening-respecting flat field correction of digital X-ray detectors
* Beard and mustache segmentation using sparse classifiers on self-quotient images
* Benchmarking of Update Learning Strategies on Digit Classifier Systems
* Best view selection with geometric feature based face recognition
* Beyond bits: Reconstructing images from Local Binary Descriptors
* Beyond Independence: An Extension of the A Contrario Decision Procedure
* Beyond local image features: Scene calssification using supervised semantic representation
* Beyond Text QA: Multimedia Answer Generation by Harvesting Web Information
* Bi-modal authentication in mobile environments using session variability modelling
* Bias analyses of spontaneous facial expression database
* Bilateral filter based mixture model for image segmentation
* Bilateral filter evaluation based on exponential kernels
* Bilateral kernel-based Region Detector
* Bilateral smoothing of gradient vector field and application to image segmentation
* Binarization of First Temple Period Inscriptions: Performance of Existing Algorithms and a New Registration Based Scheme
* Binary Compressed Imaging
* Binary Gabor pattern: An efficient and robust descriptor for texture classification
* Binary invariant cross color descriptor using galaxy sampling
* Binary stereo matching
* Biological Diversity Mapping Comes of Age
* biologically inspired approach for fusing facial expression and appearance for emotion recognition, A
* Biomass Estimation of a Temperate Deciduous Forest Using Wavelet Analysis
* Biophysical Properties of Cultivated Pastures in the Brazilian Savanna Biome: An Analysis in the Spatial-Temporal Domains Based on Ground and Satellite Data
* Bit-depth expansion using Minimum Risk Based Classification
* blind deconvolution approach for pseudo CT prediction from MR image pairs, A
* Blind Image Deblurring Based on Sparse Prior of Dictionary Pair
* Block Merging for Quadtree-Based Partitioning in HEVC
* Block Partitioning Structure in the HEVC Standard
* Block Poisson Method and its application to large scale image editing
* Block-based variable density compressed image sampling
* Block-overlap-based validity metric for hybrid de-interlacing
* Blur kernel estimation to improve recognition of blurred faces
* Bombs, fish, and coral reefs
* Bone suppression in chest radiographs by means of anatomically specific multiple massive-training ANNs
* Boosting kernel combination for multi-class image categorization
* Bottom-Up Approach for Automatically Grouping Sensor Data Layers by their Observed Property, A
* BoVDW: Bag-of-Visual-and-Depth-Words for gesture recognition
* Branch and Data Herding: Reducing Control and Memory Divergence for Error-Tolerant GPU Applications
* Breath rate monitoring during sleep using near-ir imagery and PCA
* BSIF: Binarized statistical image features
* Building a Compact On-Line MRF Recognizer for Large Character Set Using Structured Dictionary Representation and Vector Quantization Technique
* Building a Personal Handwriting Recognizer on an Android Device
* Building pattern recognition in topographic data: Examples on collinear and curvilinear alignments
* Business email classification using incremental subspace learning
* Calibration-free projector-camera system for spatial augmented reality on planar surfaces
* Camera calibration from a single image based on coupled line cameras and rectangle constraint
* Camera calibration using adaptive segmentation and ellipse fitting for localizing control points
* Camera free 3-dimensional virtual touch display with multi-user identification
* Camera pan/tilt control with multiple trackers
* Camera Pose Estimation in Dynamic Scenes with Background Tracking
* Camera self calibration based on direct image alignment
* Camera tracking based on circular point factorization
* Camera tracking using concentric circle markers: Paradigms and algorithms
* Camera view usage of binary infrared sensors for activity recognition
* Camera-less articulated trajectory reconstruction
* Can drivers' eye movements be used to monitor their performance? a case study
* Can gait biometrics be Spoofed?
* Can gait fluctuations improve gait recognition?
* Can lens distortion be calibrated from an image of a smooth, textureless Lambertian surface?
* Cancellation of Scattering Mechanisms in PolInSAR: Application to Underlying Topography Estimation
* Canonical Correlation Analysis based motion model for probabilistic visual tracking, A
* Capturing semantic relationship among images in clusters for efficient content-based image retrieval
* Car Make and Model recognition combining global and local cues
* Car model recognition by utilizing symmetric property to overcome severe pose variation
* Cardiac anatomy as a biometric
* Cascade framework for object extraction in image sequences
* Cascaded heterogeneous convolutional neural networks for handwritten digit recognition
* Catching a Rat by Its Edglets
* CCTA-based region-wise segmentation
* cell-based matting Laplacian for contrast enhancement, A
* Centroid-based clustering for graph datasets
* Change detection with synthetic aperture radar images by Wilcoxon statistic likelihood ratio test
* character degradation model for grayscale ancient document images, A
* Character extraction in web image for text recognition
* Character Image Patterns as Big Data
* character recognition method in natural scene images, A
* Characterisation framework for epileptic signals
* Characterizing user-subgroups in Flickr Group: A block LDA based approach
* Chinese Payee Name Recognition Based on Seal Information of Chinese Bank Checks
* Chi^2 Metric learning for nearest neighbor classification and its analysis
* Circular object detection based on separability and uniformity of feature distributions using Bhattacharyya Coefficient
* Civilian vessel classification with COSMO-SkyMed images based on feature analysis
* class of space-varying parametric motion fields for human activity recognition, A
* Classification and Reconstruction From Random Projections for Hyperspectral Imagery
* Classification based on sparse representation and Euclidian distance
* Classification improvement based on non-white noise reduction using parafac decompositon for hyperspectral images
* Classification of ASTER image using SVM and local spatial statistics Gi
* Classification of biological cells using bio-inspired descriptors
* Classification of color objects like fruits using probability density function (PDF)
* Classification of drusen positions in optical coherence tomography data from patients with age-related macular degeneration
* Classification of kinematic golf putt data with emphasis on feature selection
* Classification of mangoes by object features and contour modeling
* Classification of selected medicinal plants leaf using image processing
* Classification of surfaces and inclinations during outdoor running using shoe-mounted inertial sensors
* Classification oriented semi-supervised band selection for hyperspectral images
* Classification using graph partitioning
* classwise supervised ordering approach for morphology based hyperspectral image classification, A
* closed form unwrapping method for a spherical omnidirectional view sensor, A
* Closed water body extraction from low-solution and Low SNR meteorological satellite imagery based on MSER
* Closed-form information-theoretic divergences for statistical mixtures
* Cluster-based vector-attribute filtering for CT and MRI enhancement
* Cluster-Classification Bayesian Networks for head pose estimation
* Cluster-dependent feature selection by multiple kernel self-organizing map
* Clustered-Dot Halftoning With Direct Binary Search
* Clustering large datasets with kernel methods
* Clustering on Grassmann manifolds via kernel embedding with application to action analysis
* CMV100: A dataset for people tracking and re-identification in sparse camera networks
* Co.Vi.Wo.: Color Visual Words Based on Non-Predefined Size Codebooks
* Coaching the Exploration and Exploitation in Active Learning for Interactive Video Retrieval
* Coarse-to-Fine Approach for Handwritten Word Spotting in Large Scale Historical Documents Collection, A
* coarse-to-fine approach for vehicles detection from aerial images, A
* Codebook optimization using word activation forces for scene categorization
* Coded aperture for projector and camera for robust 3D measurement
* Cognition-based parameter setting of non-linear filters using a face recognition system
* Collaborative and compressive high-resolution imaging
* Collaborative PLSA for multi-view clustering
* Collecting historical font metrics from Google Books
* color chart detection method for automatic color correction, A
* color differentiated fuzzy c-means (CDFCM) based image segmentation algorithm, A
* Color image denoising based on multichannel non-local means fusion
* Color image fusion with extend joint sparse model
* Color Maximal-Dissimilarity Pattern for pedestrian detection
* Color texture classification based on gravitational collapse
* Color transformation for improved traffic sign detection
* Color Video Denoising Based on Combined Interframe and Intercolor Prediction
* Color-line vector field and local color component decomposition for smoothing and denoising of color images
* Colored multi-neuron image processing for segmenting and tracing neural circuits
* Colour demosaicking with directional filtering and weighting
* Colour image smoothing through a soft-switching mechanism using a graph model
* Colour texture classification from colour filter array images using various colour spaces
* Combination of global and local baseline-independent features for offline Arabic handwriting recognition
* Combination of product graph and random walk kernel for symbol spotting in graphical documents
* Combination of Signature Verification Techniques by SVM
* Combination of SSIM and JND with content-transition classification for image quality assessment
* combined method for finding best starting points for optimisation in bernoulli mixture models, A
* Combined non-local and multi-resolution sparsity prior in image restoration
* Combining color and geometry for local image matching
* Combining contrast saliency and region discontinuity for precise hand segmentation in projector-camera system
* Combining general multi-class and specific two-class classifiers for improved customized ECG heartbeat classification
* Combining generative and discriminative models for classifying social images from 101 object categories
* Combining gradient histograms using orientation tensors for human action recognition
* Combining local and global correlation for texture description
* Combining multi-scale dissimilarities for image classification
* Combining text and prosodic analysis for prominent word detection
* Combining video subsequences for human action recognition
* Commensurate dimensionality reduction for extended local ternary patterns
* Common-near-neighbor analysis for person re-identification
* Compact representations of stationary dynamic textures
* Compact tensor based image representation for similarity search
* Comparative analysis of different wavelet filters for low contrast and brightness enhancement of multispectral remote sensing images
* comparative analysis of local binary pattern texture classification, A
* Comparative Rate-Distortion-Complexity Analysis of HEVC and AVC Video Codecs
* Comparative Study of Fixation Density Maps
* Comparative Study of Persian/Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* comparative study on illumination preprocessing in face recognition, A
* comparative study on mammographic image denoising technique using wavelet, curvelet and contourlet transforms, A
* Comparing astronomical datacubes using level-set topology
* Comparing Character Recognition Based Approach with Feature Matching Based Approach for Digital Ink Search
* Comparing user experiences in 2D and 3D videoconferencing
* Comparison of Bernoulli and Gaussian HMMs Using a Vertical Repositioning Technique for Off-Line Handwriting Recognition
* comparison of classification approaches for threat detection in CT based baggage screening, A
* comparison of FFT and DCT based Phase Correlation function for focused and defocused images, A
* comparison of fractional-pel interpolation filters in HEVC and H.264/AVC, A
* comparison of local feature detectors and descriptors for visual object categorization by intra-class repeatability and matching, A
* Comparison of methods for smile deceit detection by training AU6 and AU12 simultaneously
* Comparison of objective quality metrics on the scalable extension of H.264/AVC
* Comparison of restoration quality on square and hexagonal grids using normalized convolution
* Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Video Coding Standards: Including High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
* comparison of the computational performance of Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares and alternating minimization algorithms for L1 inverse problems, A
* comparison study on appearance-based object recognition, A
* Competitive Hybrid Exploration for Off-Line Sketches Structure Recognition
* Complete large margin linear discriminant analysis using mathematical programming approach
* Complex Gaussian Mixture Model for fingerprint minutiae
* Complexity analysis of the Key-dependent Wavelet Packet Transform for JPEG2000 encryption
* complexity-scalable transcoder from H.264/AVC to the new HEVC codec, A
* Component-Based On-Line Handwritten Tibetan Character Recognition Method Using Conditional Random Field, A
* component-tree based method for user-intention guided text extraction, A
* Composite likelihood estimation for restricted Boltzmann machines
* Compound color recognition via image analysis on high-throughput compound libraries
* Compound image compression by multi-stage prediction
* comprehensive benchmark of local binary pattern algorithms for texture retrieval, A
* comprehensive evaluation of full reference image quality assessment algorithms, A
* comprehensive polarisation model for surface orientation recovery, A
* Compressed sensing based image formation of SAR/ISAR data in presence of basis mismatch
* Compressed Submanifold Multifactor Analysis with adaptive factor structures
* Compressing 3D Trees With Rendering Efficiency Based on Differential Data
* Compression of GPS trajectories using optimized approximation
* Compressive dictionary learning for image recovery
* Compressive sampling with unknown blurring function: Application to passive millimeter-wave imaging
* Compressive video sensing using non-linear mapping
* Computational Learning Theory of Active Object Recognition Under Uncertainty, A
* Computationally light forehead segmentation from thermal images
* Computer vision based approach for Indian Sign Language character recognition
* Computer vision to polarimetric SAR imaging
* Computer-Based Synthetic Data to Assess the Tree Delineation Algorithm from Airborne LiDAR Survey
* Computing internally constrained motion of 3-D sensor data for motion interpretation
* Computing the graph edit distance using dominant sets
* Conative Dimensions of Machine Ethics: A Defense of Duty
* Concurrent propagation for solving ill-posed problems of global discrete optimisation
* Concurrent segmentation of categorized objects from an image collection
* Condition monitoring of grinding process through machine vision system
* Conditional random field-based mesh saliency
* conditional random field-based model for joint sequence segmentation and classification, A
* Confidence-assisted classification result refinement for object recognition featuring TopN-Exemplar-SVM
* confidence-based method for keyword spotting in online Chinese handwritten documents, A
* Confused Distance Maximization for Large Category Dimensionality Reduction
* Connecting Meeting Behavior with Extraversion: A Systematic Study
* Connecting the dots: Triadic clustering of crowdsourced data to map dirt roads
* Connecting users to virtual worlds within MPEG-V standardization
* Consensus-based distributed estimation in camera networks
* Consistent collective activity recognition with fully connected CRFs
* Consistent view synthesis in interactive multiview imaging
* Constrained-MSER detection of retinal pathology
* Construction of a haptic-enabled broadcasting system based on the MPEG-V standard
* Content aspect ratio preserving mesh-based image resizing
* Content authentication of halftone video via flickering as sparse signal
* Content based image retrieval based on Database revision
* Content-adaptive inverse tone mapping
* Content-adaptive temporal consistency enhancement for depth video
* Content-adpative H.264 rate control for live screencasting
* Content-aware image resizing with seam selection based on Gradient Vector Flow
* Content-based image retrieval using the combination of the fast wavelet transformation and the colour histogram
* Content-based obscene video recognition by combining 3D spatiotemporal and motion-based features
* Content-based synchronization for multiple photos galleries
* context adaptive predictor of sensor pattern noise for camera source identification, A
* Context-aware horror video scene recognition via cost-sensitive sparse coding
* Context-aware learning for automatic sports highlight recognition
* Context-Aware Single Image Super-Resolution Using Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation
* Context-based energy estimator: Application to object segmentation on the tree of shapes
* Context-Based Hierarchical Unequal Merging for SAR Image Segmentation
* Context-based text detection in natural scenes
* Context-Dependent Logo Matching and Recognition
* Context-driven moving vehicle detection in wide area motion imagery
* Contextual and visual modeling for detection of mild traumatic brain injury in MRI
* Contextual detection of drawn symbols in old maps
* Contextual Fisher kernels for human action recognition
* Continuous aggregate nearest neighbor queries
* Continuous Birdsong Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Modeling of Image Shape Features
* Continuum regression for cross-modal multimedia retrieval
* Contour detection via random forest
* contrario shot detection, A
* Contrast enhancement based on layered difference representation
* Contrast Invariant and Affine sub-pixel Optical Flow
* Contrast-enhancing seam detection and blending using graph cuts
* control-theoretic approach to rate adaptation for dynamic HTTP streaming, A
* Convex relaxation for image segmentation by kernel mapping
* Convex support and Relevance Vector Machines for selective multimodal pattern recognition
* Convolutional neural networks applied to house numbers digit classification
* Coordinate model predictive control with neighbourhood optimisation for a signal split in urban traffic networks
* Copy detection pattern-based document protection for variable media
* Corner-surround Contrast for saliency detection
* Coronary angiogram video compression using wavelet-based contourlet transform and region-of-interest technique
* Correcting pose estimation with implicit occlusion detection and rectification
* Correction method for nonideal iris recognition
* Correction of Axial and Lateral Chromatic Aberration With False Color Filtering
* Correction to A New Type of Space Telescope for Observation of Extreme Lightning Phenomena in the Upper Atmosphere
* Correlated gaussian designs for compressive imaging
* Correlations between 48 human actions improve their detection
* Correspondence Map-Aided Neighbor Embedding for Image Intra Prediction
* Correspondence-free fundamental matrix for object recognition
* Corrupted reference image quality assessment
* cost construction via MSW and linear regression for stereo matching, A
* Cost-Effectiveness of Seven Approaches to Map Vegetation Communities: A Case Study from Northern Australia's Tropical Savannas
* Cost-sensitive feature selection with application in software defect prediction
* Countering anti-JPEG compression forensics
* Coupled 3D tracking and pose optimization of rigid objects using particle filter
* Coupled curve evolution equations for ternary images in sidescan-sonar images guided by Lamé curves for object recognition
* coupled schema of probabilistic atlas and statistical shape and appearance model for 3D prostate segmentation in MR images, A
* Coupling reduced models for optimal motion estimation
* Courtesy Amount Recognition System for Chinese Bank Checks, A
* Covariance profiles: A signature representation for object sets
* Creating realistic 3D models from scanners by decoupling geometry and texture
* cross-device matching fingerprint database from multi-type sensors, A
* Cross-entropy based antenna selection for scalable video streaming over MIMO wireless networks
* Cross-layer optimization of a multimedia streaming system via dynamic programming
* Cross-modal topic correlations for multimedia retrieval
* Cross-validation and predicted risk estimation for nonlinear iterative reweighted least-squares MRI reconstruction
* Cross-view object classification in traffic scene surveillance based on transductive transfer learning
* Crowdsourcing Facial Responses to Online Videos
* CU splitting early termination based on weighted SVM
* Curb detection and tracking using 3D-LIDAR scanner
* Curvature-driven volumetric segmentation of binary shapes: An application to snow microstructure analysis
* Curve skeleton-based shape representation and classification
* Dash in mobile networks and services
* DASH(HEVC)/LTE: QoE-based dynamic adaptive streaming of HEVC content over wireless networks
* Data assimilation with state alignment using high-level image structures detection
* Database for Arabic Handwritten Text Image Recognition and Writer Identification, A
* dataset system of Economic Dispute handwritten (DSEDH) based on stroke shape and structure features, The
* Date field extraction in handwritten documents
* Daylight spectrum model under weather conditions from clear sky to cloudy
* Deblocking filter for artifact reduction in distributed compressive video sensing
* Deblurring depth blur and motion blur simultaneously by using space-time coding
* Decentralized Conditional Posterior Cramér-Rao Lower Bound for Nonlinear Distributed Estimation
* Decentralized TDOA Sensor Pairing in Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks
* Deciduous Forest Structure Estimated with LIDAR-Optimized Spectral Remote Sensing
* Decoder-Side Motion Vector Derivation for Block-Based Video Coding
* Decoding Generalized Joint Channel Coding and Physical Network Coding in the LLR Domain
* Decomposed contour prior for shape recognition
* Decomposing the video editing structure of a talk-show using nonnegative matrix factorization
* Decoupled coarse-to-fine matching and nonlinear regularization for efficient motion estimation
* Deformable 3-D Facial Expression Model for Dynamic Human Emotional State Recognition, A
* Deformable registration model with local rigidity preservation for radiation therapy of lung tumor
* Delivery method for viewer-specific privacy protected video using discrete wavelet transform
* Demonstration of a multimedia player supporting the MPEG-DASH protocol
* Denoising hyperspectral images using spectral domain statistics
* Denoising Textual Images Using Local/Non-local Smoothing Filters: A Comparative Study
* Dense appearance modeling and efficient learning of camera transitions for person re-identification
* Dense computing task analysis of multi-view matching method and GPU implementation
* Dense motion segmentation of articulated objects in crowds
* Dense reconstruction by stereo-motion under perspective camera model
* Dental cyst delineation using live wire algorithm
* Dental cyst diagnosis using texture analysis
* Depth camera image processing and applications
* Depth estimation from monocular infrared images based on BP neural network model
* Depth image enhancement for Kinect using region growing and bilateral filter
* Depth image up-sampling using ant colony optimization
* Depth image-based rendering with spatio-temporally consistent texture synthesis for 3-D video with global motion
* Depth map compression using multi-resolution graph-based transform for depth-image-based rendering
* Depth ordering on image sequences using motion occlusions
* Depth sensing with focus and exposure adaptation
* Depth-adaptive superpixels
* Depth-assisted error concealment for intra frame slices in 3D video
* Depth-assisted nonlocal means hole filling for novel view synthesis
* Depth-based weighted bi-prediction for video plus depth map coding
* Depth-guided inpainting algorithm for Free-Viewpoint Video
* Depth-map merging for Multi-View Stereo with high resolution images
* Depth-wise image inpainting
* Descriptor correlation analysis for remote sensing image multi-scale classification
* Design of bivariate sinc wavelets
* Designing various component analysis at will
* Detecting discontinuities for surface reconstruction
* Detecting end-effectors on 2.5D data using geometric deformable models: Application to human pose estimation
* Detecting near-duplicate document images using interest point matching
* Detecting occlusion boundaries via saliency network
* Detecting of contrast over-enhancement
* Detecting the optic cup excavation in retinal fundus images by automatic detection of vessel kinking
* Detection and segmentation of sputum cell for early lung cancer detection
* Detection of bubbles as Concentric Circular Arrangements
* Detection of eyes by circular Hough transform and histogram of gradient
* Detection of human presence in a vehicle by vibration analysis
* Detection of non-dynamic blebbing single unattached Human Embryonic Stem Cells
* Development of navigation system for autonomous vehicle
* DFlow and DField: New features for capturing object and image relationships
* DFT-based fast superresolution image reconstruction using INLA approximation
* Dictionary learning and similarity regularization based image noise reduction
* Dictionary transfer for image denoising via domain adaptation
* Diffusion-driven high-order matching of partial deformable shapes
* Digital image watermarking method using between-class variance
* Digital privacy: Replacing pedestrians from Google Street View images
* Dim point target detection based on novel complex background suppression
* Direct imaging with printed microlens arrays
* Direct least square fitting of ellipsoids
* Direct Matrix Solution of Linear Complexity for Surface Integral-Equation-Based Impedance Extraction of Complicated 3-D Structures
* Direct method for shape recovery from polarization and shading
* Direct multi-bit search (DMS) screen algorithm
* Directing visual attention by subliminal cues
* direction Change-based algorithm for polygonal approximation, A
* Direction Kernels: Using a simplified 3D model representation for grasping
* Directional geodesic active contours
* Discovering regular and consistent behavioral patterns in topical tweeting
* Discovering relevant spatial filterbanks for VHR image classification
* Discretization effects in the fundamental matrix computation
* Discriminant action representation for view-invariant person identification
* Discriminative and generative vocabulary tree for vein image recognition
* Discriminative indefinite kernel classifier from pairwise constraints and unlabeled data
* discriminative linear regression approach to OCR adaptation, A
* Discriminative metric: Schatten norm vs. vector norm
* Discriminative normalization method for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* discriminative parametric approach to video-based score-level fusion for biometric authentication, A
* Discriminative prototype selection methods for graph embedding
* Discriminative structured set prediction modeling with max-margin Markov network for optimal lossless image coding
* Dissociating rigid and articulated motion for hand tracking
* Distance matrices as invariant features for classifying MoCap data
* distance metric learning based summarization system for nursery school surveillance video, A
* Distinctive texture features from perspective-invariant keypoints
* Distortion-optimal receiver grouping for MD-FEC coded video streaming
* distributed context-free grammars learning algorithm and its application in video classification, A
* distributed QoS routing architecture for scalable video streaming over multi-domain OpenFlow networks, A
* Do humans fixate on interest points?
* Document image matching using probabilistic graphical models
* Document recognition and translation system for unconstrained Arabic documents
* Document segmentation using Relative Location Features
* Documentation of conservation state in large-scale subsurface objects
* Does one rotten apple spoil the whole barrel?
* dominance of Poisson noise in color digital cameras, The
* Dominant set and target clique extraction
* Dominant spatio-temporal modulations and energy tracking in videos: Application to interest point detection for action recognition
* Driving support by estimating vehicle behavior
* DSP-based solution to increase the energy efficiency of real-time video encoders, A
* DTI based structural damage characterization for Disorders of Consciousness
* Dual subspace nonnegative matrix factorization for person-invariant facial expression recognition
* dual-staged classification-selection approach for automated update of biometric templates, A
* Dynamic Programming Matching with Global Features for Online Character Recognition
* Dynamic scene reconstruction using asynchronous multiple Kinects
* dynamic slice control scheme for slice-parallel video encoding, A
* Dynamic subsampling for image registration speedup using the mutual information variance estimate
* Dynamical ensemble learning with model-friendly classifiers for domain adaptation
* Dynamically reconfigurable DCT architectures based on bitrate, power, and image quality considerations
* Early age-related macular degeneration detection by focal biologically inspired feature
* Early fire and smoke detection based on colour features and motion analysis
* Early stopping for mutual information based feature selection
* Easy depth sensor calibration
* EBE: Elastic blob ensemble for coarse human tracking
* Edge classification using photo-geometric features
* Edge detection for facial images under noisy conditions
* Edge detection in electron microscopy biological images using statistical dispersion
* Edge modeling prediction for computed tomography images
* Edge preserving algorithm for impulse noise removal using FPGA
* Edge-based method for sharp region extraction from low depth of field images
* edge-preserving filtering framework for visibility restoration, An
* Edge-preserving interpolation for down/up sampling-based depth compression
* Editorial for the Special Section on Ethics and Affective Computing
* EDVD: Enhanced descriptor for visual and depth data
* Effect of difference in 2D video quality for left and right views on overall 3D video quality
* Effective CU Size Decision Method for HEVC Encoders, An
* Effective multiple classifier systems for breast thermogram analysis
* Effective near-duplicate image retrieval with image-specific visual phrase selection
* effective regional saliency model based on extended site entropy rate, An
* Effective Technique for the Recognition of Writer Independent Off-Line Handwritten Arabic Words
* Effective text localization in natural scene images with MSER, geometry-based grouping and AdaBoost
* effective vortex detection approach for velocity vector field, An
* Effectively localize text in natural scene images
* Effects of manually entering navigator destinations while driving in a simulator
* efficent method to carry out special-shaped buildings post-construction survey, An
* Efficient 2-D Frequency and Damping Estimation by Interpolation on Fourier Coefficients
* Efficient and accurate learning of Bayesian networks using chi-squared independence tests
* Efficient and robust image descriptor for GUI object classification
* Efficient and robust integration of face detection and head pose estimation
* efficient approach for unsupervised fuzzy clustering based on grouping evolution strategies, An
* Efficient classification using phrases generated by topic models
* Efficient Contrast Enhancement Using Adaptive Gamma Correction With Weighting Distribution
* efficient demosaicing technique using geometrical information, An
* Efficient depth map coding using linear residue approximation and a flexible prediction framework
* Efficient depth video coding based on view synthesis distortion estimation
* Efficient distinction of road surface conditions using surveillance camera images in night time
* Efficient edge-preserving interpolation and in-loop filters for depth map compression
* Efficient face recognition using frequency distribution curve matching
* Efficient feature selection for linear discriminant analysis and its application to face recognition
* efficient foreground-based surveillance video coding scheme in low bit-rate compression, An
* Efficient FPGA architecture for oriented 1-D opening and pattern spectrum
* Efficient Gaussian filtering using Cascaded Prefix Sums
* Efficient image registration using fast principal component analysis
* Efficient image/video deblocking via sparse representation
* Efficient incremental learning of boosted classifiers for object detection
* Efficient incremental phrase-based document clustering
* Efficient matchings in augmented reality application
* Efficient Method for Content Reconstruction With Self-Embedding
* efficient method for occluded face recognition, An
* Efficient Moving Object Detection for Lightweight Applications on Smart Cameras
* Efficient Multiple Lags Selection Method for Cyclostationary Feature Based Spectrum-Sensing, An
* efficient multiplication-free and look-up table-free adaptive binary arithmetic coder, An
* Efficient optic cup localization based on superpixel classification for glaucoma diagnosis in digital fundus images
* efficient projected subgradient algorithm for blind image deconvolution using an L1-TV cost function, An
* efficient protocol for private iris-code matching by means of garbled circuits, An
* Efficient quantization parameter coding based on intra/inter prediction for visual quality conscious video coders
* efficient r-KDE model for the segmentation of dynamic scenes, An
* Efficient real-time similarity detection for video caching and streaming
* Efficient selective encryption with H.264/SVC CABAC bin-strings
* Efficient semantic segmentation with Gaussian processes and histogram intersection kernels
* Efficient spatio-temporal local stereo matching using information permeability filtering
* Efficient statistical/morphological cell texture characterization and classification
* efficient surveillance coding method based on a timely and bit-saving background updating model, An
* Efficient topology-controlled sampling of implicit shapes
* Efficient UAV video event summarization
* Efficient video coding using optimal compression plane and background modelling
* efficient, bolus-stage based method for motion correction in perfusion weighted MRI, An
* Efficiently Scaling up Crowdsourced Video Annotation
* ElliFit: An unconstrained, non-iterative, least squares based geometric Ellipse Fitting method
* Embedded double matching of local descriptors for a fast automatic recognition of real-world objects
* Embedding class information into local invariant features by low-dimensional retinotopic mapping
* Emerging cryptographic challenges in image and video processing
* Emotion recognition modeling of sitting postures by using pressure sensors and accelerometers
* empirical evaluation of different haptic feedback for shape and texture recognition, An
* End-to-end distortion estimation for H.264 with unconstrained intra prediction
* End-to-end framework for 4-D broadcasting based on MPEG-V standard
* End-to-end text recognition with convolutional neural networks
* end-to-end tool chain for Sensory Experience based on MPEG-V, An
* Endoscope 3-D motion tracking using an aggressive particle filtering for boosting electromagnetic guidance endoscopy
* Energy-minimized wireless video transmissions via sharing of retransmission limits
* Enhanced accuracy of breast cancer detection in digital mammograms using wavelet analysis
* Enhanced approach for latent semantic indexing using wavelet transform
* enhanced block-based hierarchical image coding scheme, An
* Enhanced EM algorithm using maximum entropy distribution as initial condition, An
* Enhanced motion compensated deinterlacing algorithm
* Enhanced moving object detection using tracking system for video surveillance purposes
* Enhanced semantic descriptors for functional scene categorization
* Enhancement and noise reduction of very low light level images
* Enhancing a Simple MODIS Cloud Mask Algorithm for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission
* Enhancing biometric security with wavelet quantization watermarking based two-stage multimodal authentication
* Enhancing cross-view object classification by feature-based transfer learning
* Enhancing motion field with OA-filter and alternative measurement
* Enhancing motion segmentation by combination of complementary affinities
* Enhancing object detection performance by integrating motion objectness and perceptual organization
* Ensemble learning for change-point prediction
* Ensemble symbol recognition with Hough forest
* Entropy-based spatially-varying adjustment of active contour parameters
* Envelope extraction for composite shapes for shape retrieval
* Environment coupled metrics learning for unconstrained face verification
* Environmental and Human Controls of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in Temperate South America
* Error resilient video coding for systems with delayed feedback
* Error resilient video coding using hybrid hierarchical B pictures
* Error Tolerant Multimedia Stream Processing: There's Plenty of Room at the Top (of the System Stack)
* ESPOSALLES database: An ancient marriage license corpus for off-line handwriting recognition, The
* Estimating all frequency lighting using a color/depth image
* Estimating origin-destination-matrices depending on the time of the day from high frequent pedestrian entry and exit counts
* Estimating Secchi depth by simulated HSI of HJ-1A from in situ hyperspectral data: A case study in Sishili Bay, China
* Estimating the precision of under-water video-mosaics
* Estimating the surface and volume of laboratory-scale wildfire fuel using computer vision
* Estimating viewing angles in mobile street view search
* Estimation of affine transformations directly from tomographic projections in two and three dimensions
* Estimation of earthquake ground motion by image analysis of sliding objects taken with a fixed camera
* Estimation of Emissivity with the Help of an Infrared Camera
* Estimation of multiple light sources from specular highlights
* Estimation of signal-dependent sensor noise via sparse representation of noise level functions
* Estimation of the human performance for pedestrian detectability based on visual search and motion features
* Estimation-Theoretic Approach to Delayed Decoding of Predictively Encoded Video Sequences
* ETVOS: An Enhanced Total Variation Optimization Segmentation Approach for SAR Sea-Ice Image Segmentation
* Evaluating the quality of individual SIFT features
* Evaluation of adaptation methods for multi-view video
* Evaluation of canonical correlation analysis: A Correlation Generation Model
* Evaluation of color spaces for person re-identification
* Evaluation of local detectors and descriptors for fast feature matching
* Evaluation of local feature descriptors and their combination for pedestrian representation
* Evaluation of tracking algorithm performance without ground-truth data
* Event-driven video coding for outdoor wireless monitoring cameras
* Evolution Maps for Connected Components in Text Documents
* Evolution of Coral Rubble Deposits on a Reef Platform as Detected by Remote Sensing
* Examplar-based video inpainting with motion-compensated neighbor embedding
* Example-based contrast enhancement for portrait photograph
* Exemplar-based frame rate up-conversion with congruent segmentation
* Expanding diagnostically labeled datasets using content-based image retrieval
* Exploiting p-fold symmetries for faster polynomial equation solving
* Exploiting ramp structures for improving optical flow estimation
* Exploiting ruling line artifacts in writer identification
* Exploiting sensors on mobile phones to improve wide-area localization
* Exploiting social relationships for free-riders detection in minimum-delay P2P scalable video streaming
* Exploiting subclass information in Support Vector Machines
* Exploration of Loggerhead Shrike Habitats in Grassland National Park of Canada Based on in Situ Measurements and Satellite-Derived Adjusted Transformed Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (ATSAVI)
* Exploring the effects of video length on gait recognition
* Expressive deformation profiles for cross expression face recognition
* Extended Coding and Pooling in the HMAX Model
* Extended non-local means filter for surface saliency detection
* Extension of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) for Multiview Video and Depth Data
* Extensions of Invariant Signatures for Object Recognition
* Extensions of the HEVC technology for efficient multiview video coding
* External forces for active contours via multi-scale vector field convolution
* Extracting information from handwritten content in census forms
* Extracting planar structures efficiently with revisited BetaSAC
* Extraction of light and specific features for historical image indexing and matching
* Eye localization towards developing a head postures based interface for wheelchair
* F-measure optimisation in multi-label classifiers
* Face analysis of aggressive moods in automobile driving using mutual subspace method
* Face hallucination via K-selection mean constrained sparse representation
* Face pose estimation with combined 2D and 3D HOG features
* Face recognition in multi-camera surveillance videos
* Face recognition using average invariant factor
* Face recognition using color local binary pattern from mutually independent color channels
* Face recognition using semi-supervised spectral feature selection
* Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
* Face recognition with illumination distinction description
* Face sketch recognition by Local Radon Binary Pattern: LRBP
* Face synthesis from a frontal pose image using partial least squares and b-splines
* Face verification using temporal affective cues
* Face Verification With Local Sparse Representation
* Facecut: a robust approach for facial feature segmentation
* Facial age estimation using Clustered Multi-task Support Vector Regression Machine
* Facial emotion recognition in continuous video
* Facial expression classification on web images
* Facial expression recognition based on discriminative dictionary learning
* Facial expression recognition based on Local Sign Directional Pattern
* Facial image-based gender classification using Local Circular Patterns
* Factorizing speaker, lexical and emotional variabilities observed in facial expressions
* Faithful Spatio-Temporal disocclusion filling using local optimization
* Farsi/Arabic Handwritten from Machine-Printed Words Discrimination
* fast adaptive binarization method for complex scene images, A
* Fast algorithm for multiple-circle detection on images using learning automata
* fast and effective appearance model-based particle filtering object tracking algorithm, A
* Fast and efficient multichannel image completion using local similarity
* Fast and efficient vanishing point detection in indoor images
* Fast and reliable noise estimation algorithm based on statistical hypothesis tests
* Fast and robust monocular 3D deformable shape estimation for inextensible and smooth surfaces
* Fast approximated relational and kernel clustering
* Fast automatic saliency map driven geometric active contour model for color object segmentation
* Fast computation of orthogonal polar harmonic transforms
* Fast disparity estimation for 3DTV applications
* Fast Feature Selection for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Fast FPGA-Based Multiobject Feature Extraction
* Fast Gaussian filtering algorithm using splines
* Fast global non-rigid registration for mosaic creation
* Fast globally supervised segmentation by active contours with shape and texture descriptors
* fast H.264 compressed domain watermarking scheme with minimized propagation error based on macro-block dependency analysis, A
* Fast haze removal for a single remote sensing image using dark channel prior
* Fast human action classification and VOI localization with enhanced sparse coding
* Fast human detection using selective block-based HOG-LBP
* Fast image filtering by DCT-based kernel decomposition and sequential sum update
* Fast image super resolution via local regression
* Fast JPEG image retrieval using optimised Huffman tables
* Fast Keyword Searching Using 'BoostMap' Based Embedding
* Fast multiple histogram computation using Kruskal's algorithm
* fast multiscale framework for data in high-dimensions: Measure estimation, anomaly detection, and compressive measurements, A
* fast multiview video transcoder for bitrate reduction, A
* Fast obstacle detection using targeted optical flow
* Fast online incremental approach of unseen place classification using disjoint-text attribute prediction
* Fast Positive Deconvolution of Hyperspectral Images
* Fast smoothed shock filtering
* Fast texel size estimation in visual texture using homogeneity cues
* Fast text line extraction in document images
* Fast transcoding for video delivery by means of a control stream
* fast wavelet-packet-based algorithm for texture synthesis, A
* Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single video camera
* FastLOF: An Expectation-Maximization based Local Outlier detection algorithm
* Feasibility of expanding traffic monitoring systems with floating car data technology
* Feature analysis for automatic classification of HEp-2 florescence patterns: Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Auto-immune diseases
* Feature coding via vector difference for image classification
* Feature learning using Generalized Extreme Value distribution based K-means clustering
* Feature matching in growing databases
* Feature shift detection
* Feature space region growing
* Feature-aligned 4D spatiotemporal image registration
* Feature-based brain MRI retrieval for Alzheimer disease diagnosis
* filtering mechanism for normal fish trajectories, A
* Find dominant bins of a histogram by sparse representation
* Finding discriminative features for Raman spectroscopy
* Finger-vein matching based on adaptive vector field estimation
* Fingerprint liveness detection by local phase quantization
* Fingerprint matching utilizing non-distal phalanges
* Flip-Invariant SIFT for Copy and Object Detection
* Flow Modeling and skin-based Gaussian pruning to recognize gestural actions using HMM
* Fluid optical flow for forces and pressure field estimation in cellular biology
* Focal design issues affecting the deployment of wireless sensor networks for intelligent transport systems
* Focus measures for SFF-inspired relative depth estimation
* focuss based method for low rank matrix recovery, A
* Font identification: In context of an Indic script
* Foreground detection based on low-rank and block-sparse matrix decomposition
* Foreground detection via robust low rank matrix factorization including spatial constraint with Iterative reweighted regression
* Foreground silhouette extraction robust to sudden changes of background appearance
* Forensic identification of compressively sensed signals
* forgery detection algorithm for exemplar-based inpainting images using multi-region relation, A
* FPGA-based detection of SIFT interest keypoints
* Fractional-step max-min distance analysis for dimension reduction
* Fragment-based real-time object tracking: A sparse representation approach
* Fragment-based tracking using online multiple kernel learning
* Frame loss visibility modeling of stereoscopic video for H.264/AVC-MVC
* Framework for quantitative performance evaluation of shape decomposition algorithms
* framework of three-dimensional object recognition which needs only a few reference images, A
* free viewpoint 3DTV system based on parameterized variety model, A
* Frequency-based local content adaptive filtering algorithm for automated photoreceptor cell density quantification
* From optical flow to dense long term correspondences
* From rareness to compactness: Contrast-aware image saliency detection
* From real cities to virtual worlds using an open modular architecture
* From Terminology to Evaluation: Performance Assessment of Automatic Signature Verification Systems
* FRPCA: Fast Robust Principal Component Analysis for online observations
* Full floor identification in images with minimal close range 3D information
* Fully Affine Invariant Feature detector, A
* Fully automatic face recognition from 3D videos
* Fully homomorphic faces
* fully robust framework for MAP image super-resolution, A
* functional connectivity inspired approach to non-local fMRI analysis, A
* Fusing biographical and biometric classifiers for improved person identification
* Fusing soft-decision-adaptive and bicubic methods for image interpolation
* Fusion of finger vein and finger dorsal texture for personal identification based on Comparative Competitive Coding
* Fusion of Global and Local Motion Estimation for Distributed Video Coding
* Fusion of hyperspectral and panchromatic images: A hybrid use of indusion and nonlinear PCA
* Fusion of low-and high-dimensional approaches by trackers sampling for generic human motion tracking
* Fusion of static and temporal predictors for unconstrained facial expression recognition
* Fuzzy Based Adaptive Mean Filtering Technique for Removal of Impulse Noise from Images
* Fuzzy C-Means Clustering With Local Information and Kernel Metric for Image Segmentation
* fuzzy clustering algorithm with spatial robust estimation constraint for noisy color image segmentation, A
* Fuzzy encoding for image classification using Gustafson-Kessel algorithm
* Fuzzy Linear Discriminant Analysis-guided maximum entropy fuzzy clustering algorithm
* Fuzzy-rough feature selection aided support vector machines for Mars image classification
* Gait recognition by learning distributed key poses
* Gait-based gender classification in unconstrained environments
* game theory inspired, decentralized, local information based algorithm for community detection in social graphs, A
* Gamma-Gaussian mixture model for detection of mitotic cells in breast cancer histopathology images, A
* Gated cardiac SPECT using different motion models
* Gauge-SURF descriptors
* Gaze estimation using local features and non-linear regression
* Gaze-Driven video streaming with saliency-based dual-stream switching
* Generalized Inverse-Approach Model for Spectral-Signal Recovery
* Generalized MMSD feature extraction using QR decomposition
* Generalized ordinary moment based blur invariant descriptors for face recognition with degraded images
* Generating coherent natural language annotations for video streams
* Generating panorama image by synthesizing multiple homography
* Generation of pseudo-fully polarimetric data from dual polarimetric data for land cover classification
* Generative face alignment through 2.5D active appearance models
* generic data model for moving objects, A
* genetic algorithm based approach for combining binary image operators, A
* Genus refinement of a manifold surface reconstructed by sculpting the 3d-Delaunay triangulation of Structure-from-Motion points
* Geodesic interactive segmentation in the color monogenic signal framework
* Geographic Image Retrieval Using Local Invariant Features
* Geographic ontology driven hierarchical semantic of remote sensing image
* Geometry based lip reading system using Multi Dimension Dynamic Time Warping
* Gesture recognition based on depth difference distribution
* Gesture recognition system based on Adaptive Resonance Theory
* Gesture recognition using video and floor pressure data
* Glass object localization by joint inference of boundary and depth
* global structure-based algorithm for detecting the principal graph from complex data, A
* Globally optimal displacement fields using local tensor metric
* Glocal shape context descriptor in cluttered images
* Good Our Field Can Hope to Do, the Harm It Should Avoid, The
* GPU accelerated view synthesis from multiple RGB-D images
* GPU acceleration of image convolution using spatially-varying kernel
* GPU implementation of phase-based stereo correspondence and its application
* GPU-accelerated local tone-mapping for high dynamic range images
* GPU-based implementation on super-resolution reconstruction, A
* gradient based neighborhood filter for disparity interpolation, A
* gradient guided deinterlacing algorithm, A
* Gradient preserving quantization
* Gradient-based fast decision for intra prediction in HEVC
* Gradient-based surface reconstruction using compressed sensing
* Graph based line segmentation on cluttered handwritten manuscripts
* Graph clustering using graph entropy complexity traces
* Graph cut energy minimization in a probabilistic learning framework for 3D prostate segmentation in MRI
* Graph cut-based binarisation of noisy check images
* Graph discriminant analysis on multi-manifold (GDAMM): A novel super-resolution method for face recognition
* Graph kernels based on relevant patterns and cycle information for chemoinformatics
* Graph-Based Analysis of Pedestrian Interactions and Events Using Hidden Markov Models
* Graph-Based Classification Method for Hyperspectral Images, A
* Graph-based dimensionality reduction for KNN-based image annotation
* graph-based method of newspaper article reconstruction, A
* Graph-based optimal cross section boundary for vessel segmentation and stenosis quantification
* Graph-based regularization for color image demosaicking
* Graphic-object detection in documents
* Grassmann manifold online learning and partial occlusion handling for visual object tracking under Bayesian formulation
* Grassmann manifold-based domain adaptation approach, A
* Greedy Regression in Sparse Coding Space for Single-Image Super-Resolution
* Ground-based cloud classification using multiple random projections
* Group encoding of local features in image classification
* Group expression intensity estimation in videos via Gaussian Processes
* Group sparse representation of adaptive sub-domain selection for image classification
* Grouping of Handwritten Bangla Basic Characters, Numerals and Vowel Modifiers for Multilayer Classification
* Guest Editorial: Special Section on New Software/Hardware Paradigms for Error-Tolerant Multimedia Systems
* Guided inpainting and filtering for Kinect depth maps
* H-means image segmentation to identify solar thermal features
* H.264/AVC video packet aggregation and unequal error protection for noisy channels
* Hamiltonian Monte Carlo estimator for abrupt motion tracking
* Hand posture recognition using finger geometric feature
* Hand-dorsa vein recognition based on multi-level keypoint detection and local feature matching
* Handwritten and Machine Printed Text Separation in Document Images Using the Bag of Visual Words Paradigm
* Handwritten Arabic text recognition using Deep Belief Networks
* Handwritten Digit Recognition Based on a DSmT-SVM Parallel Combination
* Handwritten Digit Recognition by Multi-objective Optimization of Zoning Methods
* Handwritten English Word Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Handwritten Signature Verification: New Advancements and Open Issues
* Hardware-aware motion estimation search algorithm development for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard
* Hardware-software co-design architecture for joint photo expert graphic XR encoder
* Harmonizing and Combining Existing Land Cover/Land Use Datasets for Cropland Area Monitoring at the African Continental Scale
* Harnessing self-similarity for reconstruction of large missing regions in 3D Models
* Hash-based structural similarity for semi-supervised Learning on attribute graphs
* Haze filtering with aerial perspective
* HDP-MRF: A hierarchical Nonparametric model for image segmentation
* Head pose-free appearance-based gaze sensing via eye image synthesis
* Head posture detection using skin and hair information
* HEp-2 cell classification in IIF images using Shareboost
* HEp-2 staining pattern classification
* HEVC Complexity and Implementation Analysis
* HEVC Deblocking Filter
* HEVC Lossless Coding and Improvements
* HEVC-based scanned document compression
* HFPaC: GPU friendly height field parallel compression
* Hidden Conditional Random Field-Based Soccer Video Events Detection
* hierarchical algorithm with multi-feature fusion for facial expression recognition, A
* hierarchical approach to high-quality partial shape registration, A
* Hierarchical bilevel image compression based on cutset sampling
* Hierarchical clustering model for pixel-based classification of document images
* Hierarchical evolving mean-shift
* hierarchical mode decision scheme for fast implementation of spatially scalable video coding, A
* Hierarchical multilevel object recognition using Markov model
* Hierarchical object groups for scene classification
* Hierarchical recursive running median
* hierarchical signal dependent transform: Creating orthonormal basis that match local signal characteristics, The
* High contrast stochastic screen-watermarks for color halftone prints
* High density impulse noise removal in RGB images using Lone Diagonal Sorting algorithm
* High dynamic range video by spatially non-regular optical filtering
* High efficient Direct Binary Search using Multiple Lookup Tables
* High order co-occurrence of visualwords for action recognition
* High performance hardware architectures for the inverse Rotational Transform of the emerging HEVC standard
* High Throughput CABAC Entropy Coding in HEVC
* High-Altitude Radar Measurements of Ice Thickness Over the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets as a Part of Operation IceBridge
* High-dynamic-range infrared image enhancement and hardware design
* High-Order Local Spatial Context Modeling by Spatialized Random Forest
* High-quality depth map up-sampling robust to edge noise of range sensors
* High-quality image interpolation via local autoregressive and nonlocal 3-D sparse regularization
* Higher-order density consistency potentials for Discrete Tomography
* Hindi Off-Line Signature Verification
* histogram semantic-based distance for multiresolution image classification, A
* Histogram-Based stereo matching under varying illumination conditions
* HMM Based Online Handwritten Bangla Character Recognition Using Dirichlet Distributions
* HMM-based Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition: Using New Feature Extraction and Lexicon Ranking Techniques
* Homography estimation from correspondences of local elliptical features
* How is the weather: Automatic inference from images
* How large should ensembles of classifiers be?
* HTML5 player for a gstreamer based MPEG DASH client, An
* Human action categories using motion descriptors
* Human action classification in partitioned feature space
* Human action classification using surf based spatio-temporal correlated descriptors
* Human action recognition based on sparse representation induced by L1/L2 regulations
* Human action recognition by bagging data dependent representation
* Human action recognition in video data using invariant characteristic vectors
* Human action recognition using Action Trait Code
* Human action recognition using Histographic methods and hidden Markov models for visual martial arts applications
* Human action recognition via affine moment invariants
* Human actions recognition from streamed Motion Capture
* Human attention region-of interest in I-frame for video coding
* Human detection by Haar-like filtering using depth information
* Human Detection in Images via Piecewise Linear Support Vector Machines
* Human face recognition under occlusion using LBP and entropy weighted voting
* Human identification from at-a-distance images by simultaneously exploiting iris and periocular features
* Human pose tracking by Hierarchical Manifold Searching
* Human segmentation based on disparity map and GrabCut
* Human vision inspired framework for facial expressions recognition
* Hybdrid Content Based Image Retrieval combining multi-objective interactive genetic algorithm and SVM
* hybrid algorithm for automatic heart segmentation in CT Angiography, A
* Hybrid approach for dual image encryption using nibble exchange and Hill-cipher
* Hybrid beamformation for volumetric ultrasound imaging scanners using 2-D array transducers
* Hybrid Distributed Video Coding with Frame Level Coding Mode Selection
* Hybrid for Line Segmentation in Handwritten Documents, A
* Hybrid Language Model for Handwritten Chinese Sentence Recognition, A
* hybrid method to face class overlap and class imbalance on neural networks and multi-class scenarios, A
* hybrid relevance measure for feature selection and its application to underwater objects recognition, A
* Hybrid structured light for scalable depth sensing
* Hyperbolic shearlets
* Hyperdisk based large margin classifier
* Hypergraph based semi-supervised learning for gender classification
* Hypergraph matching based on Marginalized Constrained Compatibility
* Hyperion Image Optimization in Coastal Waters
* Hyperspectral face recognition using 3D Gabor wavelets
* Hyperspectral image analysis with piece-wise convex endmember estimation and spectral unmixing
* Hyperspectral image classification based on Multiple Improved particle swarm cooperative optimization and SVM
* Hyperspectral Image Classification with SVM-Based Domain Adaption Classifiers
* I don't know the label: Active learning with blind knowledge
* ICA Mixture Hidden Conditional Random Field Model for Video Event Classification, An
* ICFHR 2012 Competition on Automatic Forensic Signature Verification (4NsigComp 2012)
* ICFHR 2012 Competition on Handwritten Document Image Binarization (H-DIBCO 2012)
* ICFHR 2012 Competition on Recognition of On-Line Mathematical Expressions (CROHME 2012)
* ICFHR 2012 Competition on Writer Identification Challenge 1: Latin/Greek Documents
* ICFHR 2012 Competition on Writer Identification Challenge 2: Arabic Scripts
* Identification of Active Sources in Single-Channel Convolutive Mixtures Using Known Source Models
* ILGDB database of realistic pen-based gestural commands, The
* Illuminant segmentation in non-uniformly lit scenes
* Illumination estimation from shadow and incomplete object shape captured by an RGB-D camera
* Illumination Invariant Face Recognition Using Quaternion-Based Correlation Filters
* Illumination normalization of face images with cast shadows
* Illumination-invariant non-local means based video denoising
* Image annotation by semi-supervised cross-domain learning with group sparsity
* Image annotation using adapted Gaussian mixture model
* Image classification using HTM cortical learning algorithms
* Image colorization based on the mixed L0/L1 norm minimization
* Image contextual representation and matching through hierarchies and higher order graphs
* Image de-quantization via spatially varying sparsity prior
* Image deconvolution via superfast inversion of a class of two-level Toeplitz matrices
* Image denoising based on the symmetric normal inverse Gaussian model and non-subsampled contourlet transform
* Image Denoising With Dominant Sets by a Coalitional Game Approach
* Image dependent energy-constrained local backlight dimming
* Image detail enhancement using a dictionary technique
* Image enhancement by wavelet multi-scale edge statistics
* Image enhancement through complex conduction coefficient modifications
* Image Enhancement Using the Hypothesis Selection Filter: Theory and Application to JPEG Decoding
* image fusion method based on region segmentation and Cauchy convolution, An
* Image inpainting considering symmetric patterns
* Image inpainting in micrometeorological analysis
* Image matting with color and depth information
* Image Noise Level Estimation by Principal Component Analysis
* Image quality vs rate optimized coding of warps for view synthesis in 3D video applications
* Image reconstruction from a Manhattan grid via piecewise plane fitting and Gaussian Markov random fields
* Image registration by using a descriptor for repetitive patterns
* Image relighting and matching with illumination information
* Image resolution up-conversion via maximum a posteriori interpolator sequence estimation and Viterbi algorithm
* Image restoration using non-circulant shift-invariant system models
* Image retrieval based on classified vector quantization using color local thresholding classifier
* Image retrieval with query-adaptive hashing
* Image segmentation by combining the strengths of Relative Fuzzy Connectedness and Graph Cut
* Image segmentation on spherical coordinate representation of RGB colour space
* Image Super Resolution using Fourier-Wavelet transform
* Image Super-Resolution Based on a Novel Edge Sharpness Prior
* Image super-resolution based on locality-constrained linear coding
* Image super-resolution based on multikernel regression
* Image super-resolution by extreme learning machine
* Image super-resolution by structural sparse coding
* Image-Difference Prediction: From Grayscale to Color
* IMAPS: A smart phone based real-time framework for prediction of affect in natural dyadic conversation
* Impact of a codebook filtering step on a galois lattice structure for graphics recognition
* Impervious surface extraction with very high resolution imagery in urban areas: Reducing tree obscuring effect
* Implementation of Gestalt principles for object segmentation
* Implementation of HEVC decoder on x86 processors with SIMD optimization
* Implementing Word Retrieval in Handwritten Documents Using a Small Dataset
* Implication of the number of utilized images on the quality of generated building models using model-based image fitting
* importance of the normalizing channel in log-chromaticity space, The
* Importance-weighted label prediction for active learning with noisy annotations
* improved automatic gridding method for cDNA microarray images, An
* Improved Bilinear Interpolation Algorithm Using Center Coordinates of Pixels, An
* improved binarization method using inter- and intra-block features for natural images, An
* Improved Census Transforms for Resource-Optimized Stereo Vision
* Improved directional lifting-based discrete wavelet transform for low resolution moving object detection
* improved EEMD model for feature extraction and classification of gunshot in public places, An
* improved entropy-based multiple kernel learning, An
* Improved Foreground Detection via Block-Based Classifier Cascade With Probabilistic Decision Integration
* improved four-component decomposition with distributed double-bounce scattering model, An
* Improved Gait Recognition using Gradient Histogram Energy Image
* Improved generic categorical object detection fusing depth cue with 2D appearance and shape features
* Improved motion segmentation using Locally sampled Subspaces
* Improved payload location for LSB matching steganography
* Improved spin images for 3D surface matching using signed angles
* improved surround suppression model based on orientation contrast for boundary detection, An
* Improvement of normality and orthogonality in HEVC transform bases
* Improvements of dynamic texture synthesis for video coding
* Improving 3D face reconstruction from a single image using half-frontal face poses
* Improving cross-validation based classifier selection using meta-learning
* Improving denoising filters by optimal diffusion
* Improving Handwritten Signature-Based Identity Prediction through the Integration of Fuzzy Soft-Biometric Data
* Improving image quality in small animal diffusion tensor imaging at 7T
* Improving predictive video coding performance with decoder side information
* Improving restoration of microscopy images using iterative prototypes and a sequence of support constraints
* Improving segment based stereo matching using SURF key points
* Improving spatial resolution for CHANG'E-1 imagery using ARSIS concept and Pulse Coupled Neural Networks
* Improving spatio-temporal feature extraction techniques and their applications in action classification
* Improving SVM classifier with prior knowledge in microcalcification detection1
* Improving texture description in remote sensing image multi-scale classification tasks by using visual words
* Improving the parallelization efficiency of HEVC decoding
* Incoherent dictionary learning for sparse representation
* Incorporating contextual knowledge to Dynamic Bayesian Networks for event recognition
* Increasing reliability of protein interactome by fast manifold embedding
* Incremental Learning for Video-Based Gait Recognition With LBP Flow
* Incremental subclass discriminant analysis: A case study in face recognition
* Incremental support vector clustering with outlier detection
* Indexed heat curves for 3D-model retrieval
* Inertial-sensor-based walking action recognition using robust step detection and inter-class relationships
* Inferring repeated pattern composition in near regular textures
* Inferring user image-search goals by mining query logs with semi-supervised spectral clustering
* Information-theoretic selection of high-dimensional spectral features for structural recognition
* Infrared-visible image fusion using the undecimated wavelet transform with spectral factorization and target extraction
* Inner product tree for improved Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* innovative methodology for detection and quantification of cracks through incorporation of depth perception, An
* Inpainting of sparse occlusion in face recognition
* Insect species recognition using discriminative local soft coding
* Inspection and error analysis of Geneva gear on machine vision system using Sherlock™ and VB 6.0 Algorithm
* Inspection of faults in textile web materials using wavelets and ANFIS
* Instantaneous Frequency Estimation of Multicomponent Nonstationary Signals Using Multiview Time-Frequency Distributions Based on the Adaptive Fractional Spectrogram
* Integrated camera and sensor networks: Algorithms, design, and applications
* Integrated personalized video summarization and retrieval
* Integrating bottom-up and top-down processes for accurate pedestrian counting
* Integrating stereoscopic image transcoding with retargeting for mobile streaming
* Integration of 3D and multispectral data for cultural heritage applications: Survey and perspectives
* Integration of eye detection and tracking in videoconference sequences using temporal consistency and geometrical constraints
* Integration of GIS/RS/GPS for urban fire response
* Integrative labeling based statistical color models with application to skin detection
* Interaction recognition in wide areas using audiovisual sensors
* Interactive 2D-3D image conversion for mobile devices
* Interactive classification of lung tissue in CT scans by combining prior and interactively obtained training data: A simulation study
* Interactive Enhancement of Handwritten Text through Multi-resolution Gaussian
* Interactive graph matching by means of imposing the pairwise costs
* Interactive registration for Augmented Reality GIS
* Interlaced asymmetric search range assignment for bidirectional motion estimation
* Internal noise-induced contrast enhancement of dark images
* interpolation based approach for lighting variation in image recognition, An
* Intra coding for depth maps using adaptive boundary location
* Intra Coding of the HEVC Standard
* Intra mode coding in HEVC standard
* Intra prediction based on statistical modeling of images
* Intra texture prediction based on repetitive pixel replenishment
* Intra-and-Inter-Constraint-Based Video Enhancement Based on Piecewise Tone Mapping
* Intra-class multi-output regression based subspace analysis
* intrinsic coordinate system for 3D face registration, An
* Introduction to the special issue on MPEG-V
* Introduction to the Special Section on the HEVC Standard
* Intuitive mobile image browsing on a hexagonal lattice
* Invariance of principal components under low-dimensional random projection of the data
* Invariant signatures for omnidirectional visual place recognition and robot localization in unknown environments
* Inverse biometrics: A case study in hand geometry authentication
* Invited Lecture I: Strokes against Stroke - Stroke For Strides
* Invited Lecture II: Evaluating the Probability of Identification in the Forensic Sciences
* Involuntary diagnosis of intraductal breast images using gaussian mixture model
* Iris image classification based on color information
* Iris recognition using ordinal encoding of Log-Euclidean covariance matrices
* Iterative clustering and support vectors-based high-confidence query selection for motor imagery EEG signals classification
* Iterative Combination Scheme for multimodal visual feature detection, An
* Iterative image fusion using neuro fuzzy logic and applications
* Iterative Neighbor-Joining tree clustering algorithm for genotypic data
* Jensen divergence based SPD matrix means and applications
* Jensen-Shannon graph kernel using information functionals
* Joining feature-based and similarity-based pattern description paradigms for object detection
* Joint demosaicking and denoising by total variation minimization
* Joint dynamic sparse learning and its application to multi-view face recognition
* Joint multi-frame super-resolution and matting
* Joint rate allocation for statistical multiplexing of SVC
* Joint shot boundary detection and key frame extraction
* joint structural and functional analysis of in-vitro neuronal networks, A
* Joint trace/TV norm minimization: A new efficient approach for spectral compressive imaging
* Joint view filtering for multiview depth map sequences
* Joint view-identity manifold for target tracking and recognition
* Joint Wall Mitigation and Compressive Sensing for Indoor Image Reconstruction
* JPEG image scrambling without expansion in bitstream size
* JPEG-Based Perceptual Image Coding with Block-Based Image Quality Metric
* Just noticeable distortion map prediction for perceptual multiview video coding
* Juxtaposed Color Halftoning Relying on Discrete Lines
* K-CPD: Learning of overcomplete dictionaries for tensor sparse coding
* k-MLE for mixtures of generalized Gaussians
* k-NN classification of handwritten characters via accelerated GAT correlation
* K-tangent spaces on Riemannian manifolds for improved pedestrian detection
* Kernel based sparse representation for face recognition
* Kernel Homotopy based sparse representation for object classification
* Key frame extraction from consumer videos using epitome
* Key frame selection based on Jensen-Rényi divergence
* Key observation selection for effective video synopsis
* Keyword clustering for automatic categorization
* Keyword Spotting Framework Using Dynamic Background Model
* KHATT: Arabic Offline Handwritten Text Database
* KL based data fusion for target tracking
* Kolmogorov superposition theorem for image compression
* L2-Norm metric learning applied to unconstrained face pair-matching
* Label-noise reduction with support vector machines
* Land cover classification of polarimetric SAR images for the Yellow River Delta based on support vector machine
* Language and Script Identification Based on Steerable Pyramid Features
* Laplacian coordinates-based motion transition for data-driven motion synthesis
* Large margin null space discriminant analysis with applications to face recognition
* Large-scale image classification using supervised spatial encoder
* Latent fingerprint detection and segmentation with a directional total variation model
* Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts
* Layer-finding in radar echograms using probabilistic graphical models
* Layered compression for high dynamic range depth
* Layout Analysis for Arabic Historical Document Images Using Machine Learning
* Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric via regularized LDA for scene recognition
* Learning a selectivity-invariance-selectivity feature extraction architecture for images
* Learning a weighted semantic manifold for content-based image retrieval
* Learning action symbols for hierarchical grammar induction
* Learning based alpha matting using support vector regression
* Learning discriminative dictionaries with partially labeled data
* Learning distance metric regression for facial age estimation
* Learning document structure for retrieval and classification
* Learning doubly sparse transforms for image representation
* Learning dynamic Bayesian network discriminatively for human activity recognition
* Learning feature weights of symbols, with application to symbol spotting
* Learning features for predicting OCR accuracy
* learning framework for degraded document image binarization using Markov Random Field, A
* learning framework for the optimization and automation of document binarization methods, A
* Learning geodesic CRF model for image segmentation
* Learning global cost function for face alignment
* Learning human preferences to sharpen images
* Learning kernels from labels with ideal regularization
* Learning Markov Networks by Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method
* Learning modality-invariant features for heterogeneous face recognition
* Learning non-target items for interesting clothes segmentation in fashion images
* Learning optimal data representation for cross-media retrieval
* Learning pattern transformation manifolds for classification
* Learning robust color name models from web images
* Learning scale ranges for the extraction of regions of interest
* Learning Semantic Signatures for 3D Object Retrieval
* Learning sparse tag patterns for social image classification
* Learning sparsifying transforms for image processing
* Learning statistically relevant edge structure improves low-level visual descriptors
* Learning symmetrical model for head pose estimation
* Learning Text-Line Segmentation Using Codebooks and Graph Partitioning
* Learning the characteristics of critical cells from web tables
* Learning the Spherical Harmonic Features for 3-D Face Recognition
* Learning to count with regression forest and structured labels
* Learning to describe color composition of visual objects
* Learning to detect traffic signs: Comparative evaluation of synthetic and real-world datasets
* Learning to predict super resolution wavelet coefficients
* Learning to rerank images with enhanced spatial verification
* Learning User's Confidence for Active Learning
* Learning vector quantization for variable ordering in constraint satisfaction problems
* Learning weighted features for human action recognition
* Learning-based deformable registration using weighted mutual information
* Learning-based mitotic cell detection in histopathological images
* Least Squares Solution for Camera Distortion Parameters, A
* Level set estimation from compressive measurements using box constrained total variation regularization
* Level set evolution with locally linear classification for image segmentation
* Lifetime map reconstruction in frequency-domain fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy
* Lightness illusion: A new look from Compressive Sensing perspective
* Lightweight Random Ferns using binary representation
* Lightweight searchable screen video recording
* Line-edge extraction based on E-spline acquisition model and a fast optimization algorithm
* Linear Distance Coding for Image Classification
* Linear Max K-min classifier, A
* Linear Optimal Transportation Framework for Quantifying and Visualizing Variations in Sets of Images, A
* Lithological Mapping of Dahab Basin, South Sinai, Egypt, using ASTER Data
* Local adaptive rational interpolation filter and its application for deinterlacing
* Local color editing using color classification and boundary inpainting
* Local depth image enhancement scheme for view synthesis
* Local Feature Based Online Mode Detection with Recurrent Neural Networks
* Local gradient increasing pattern for facial expression recognition
* Local histogram specification using learned histograms for face recognition
* Local image tagging via graph regularized joint group sparsity
* Local intensity compensation using sparse representation
* Local Line Derivative Pattern for face recognition
* Local matting based on sample-pair propagation and iterative refinement
* Local normal binary patterns for 3D facial action unit detection
* Local phase quantization descriptors for blur robust and illumination invariant recognition of color textures
* Local shape recognition for mobile applications
* Local stereo matching with canny segmentation and reliable seed propagation
* Local tangent space based manifold entropy for image retrieval
* Local water diffusion phenomenon clustering from high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)
* Local Zernike Moments: A new representation for face recognition
* Locality-constrained Low Rank Coding for face recognition
* Locality-Regularized Linear Regression for face recognition
* Locality-sensitive dictionary learning for sparse representation based classification
* Localization and extraction of the four clock-digits using the knowledge of the digital video clock
* Localization of Drosophila embryos using connected components in scale space
* Locally linear embedding based example learning for pan-sharpening
* Locally linear embedding based texture synthesis for image prediction and error concealment
* Locating binary features for keypoint recognition using noncooperative games
* Locating high-density clusters with noisy queries
* Logo spotting for document categorization
* Long-short term memory neural networks language modeling for handwriting recognition
* Looking for the brain stroke signature
* lossless color image compression method based on a new reversible color transform, A
* Low bit-rate video coding via mode-dependent adaptive regression for wireless visual communications
* Low-complexity and high-efficiency background modeling for surveillance video coding
* Low-complexity arbitrarily shaped transform and coefficient ordering method based on the four-point DCT
* Low-complexity content-aware image retargeting
* low-complexity screen compression scheme, A
* Low-rank, sparse matrix decomposition and group sparse coding for image classification
* LSR based astronomical image denoising via adaptive dictionary learning
* Ma-Th algorithm for people count in a dense crowd and their behaviour classification
* machine learning system for human-in-the-loop video surveillance, A
* Made to measure top hats
* Manhattan-Pyramid Distance: A solution to an anomaly in pyramid matching by minimization
* Manifold Regularized Multitask Learning for Semi-Supervised Multilabel Image Classification
* Map matching with Hidden Markov Model on sampled road network
* Map-Aided Locally Linear Embedding methods for image prediction
* Mapping biomes of Australia based on the Holdridge Life Zone Model
* Mapping burned areas from Landsat TM imags: A comparative study
* Mapping high dimensional features onto Hilbert curve: Applying to fast image retrieval
* Mapping measurable quantities of point-spread function observations to Seidel aberration coefficients
* Marked Point Process for Automated Tree Detection from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data, A
* Markov Decision Process Based Energy-Efficient On-Line Scheduling for Slice-Parallel Video Decoders on Multicore Systems
* Markov Point Process model for wrinkles in human faces, A
* Markov Random Field based image inpainting with context-aware label selection
* Markov random field-based real-time detection of intentionally-captured persons
* Markov random field-regulated Pitma-Yor process prior for spatially constrained data clustering, A
* Mask-edge connectivity: Theory, computation, and application to historical document analysis
* Matched-texture coding for structurally lossless compression
* Matching cross-resolution face images using co-transfer learning
* Matching of multi-resolution image for remote sensing glacier detection
* Matting-driven online learning of Hough forests for object tracking
* Maximum Margin Correlation Filter: A New Approach for Localization and Classification
* Maximum weight and minimum redundancy: A novel framework for feature subset selection
* Maximum-A-Posteriori estimation for global spatial coherence recovery based on Matting Laplacian
* MAYASTROUN: A Multilanguage Handwriting Database
* Measurement of mirror surfaces using specular reflection and analytical computation
* Measuring and evaluating the compactness of superpixels
* Measuring noise correlation for improved video denoising
* Measuring the Influence of Observations in HMMs Through the Kullback-Leibler Distance
* Medical prognosis based on patient similarity and expert feedback
* Meeting in the Middle: A top-down and bottom-up approach to detect pedestrians
* MEG source reconstruction with basis functions source model
* memory aware and multiplierless VLSI architecture for the complete Intra Prediction of the HEVC emerging standard, A
* Memory conscious sketched symbol recognition
* Memory cost vs. coding efficiency trade-offs for HEVC motion estimation engine
* Metaheuristic algorithms for the simultaneous slot allocation problem
* Method and Device for Image Coding and Transferring Based on Residue Number System
* method for detecting interstructural atrophy correlation in MRI brain images, A
* method for moving target capture using 3D profile information based on bionic compound eye, A
* Method for quantitative valuation of road freight transport telematic services
* Method to detect malfunctioning traffic count stations
* Metric depth recovery from monocular images using Shape-from-Shading and specularities
* Metric learning by directly minimizing the k-NN training error
* Metric learning for graph based semi-supervised human pose estimation
* MfrDB: Database of Annotated On-Line Mathematical Formulae
* Micro-routing using accurate traffic predictions
* MIMO Nonlinear Ultrasonic Tomography by Propagation and Backpropagation Method
* Minimum description length arc spline approximation of digital curves
* Mining residential household information from low-resolution smart meter data
* Mining sub-categories for object detection
* Mismatch removal via coherent spatial mapping
* Mitigating the effects of atmospheric distortion using DT-CWT fusion
* Mixed Chroma Sampling-Rate High Efficiency Video Coding for Full-Chroma Screen Content
* Mixed-reality snapshot system using environmental depth sensors
* MLFMA-FFT Parallel Algorithm for the Solution of Extremely Large Problems in Electromagnetics
* MLP for Binarizing Images of Old Manuscripts, An
* MMSE-Optimal Spectral Amplitude Estimation Given the STFT-Phase
* Mode adaptive reference frame denoising for high fidelity compression in HEVC
* Mode Detection in Online Handwritten Documents Using BLSTM Neural Networks
* Model based 3D gaze estimation for provision of virtual eye contact
* Model for the safety impacts of road weather information services available to road users and related socio-economic benefits
* Model-based extraction of image area descriptors using a multi-scale attention operator
* Model-based feature refinement by ellipsoidal face tracking
* Model-Based Tabular Structure Detection and Recognition in Noisy Handwritten Documents
* Modeling and identification of group motion via compound evaluation of positional and directional cues
* Modeling Coverage in Camera Networks: A Survey
* Modeling Handwriting Style: A Preliminary Investigation
* Modeling image irradiance under natural illumination and isotropic surface reflectance
* Modeling IrisCode and Its Variants as Convex Polyhedral Cones and Its Security Implications
* Modeling photo composition and its application to photo re-arrangement
* Modeling power consumption for video decoding on mobile platform and its application to power-rate constrained streaming
* Modeling Writing Styles for Online Writer Identification: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
* Modelling and simulation of a bistatic forward-looking SAR configuration
* Modified Akaike information criterion for estimating the number of components in a probability mixture model
* Modified Gradient Search for Level Set Based Image Segmentation
* modified KLT multiple objects tracking framework based on global segmentation and adaptive template, A
* Modified Phase-Extracted Basis Functions for Efficient Analysis of Scattering From Electrically Large Targets
* Moment-Based Image Normalization for Handwritten Text Recognition
* Morphological filtering in shape spaces: Applications using tree-based image representations
* Morphological operators for images valued on the sphere
* Morphology Based Approach for Binarization of Handwritten Documents, A
* Motion blur free photometric stereo using correlation image sensor
* Motion compensated tree depth limitation for complexity control of HEVC encoding
* Motion histogram quantification for human action recognition
* Motion retrival using low-rank decomposition of Fundamental Ratios
* Motion segmentation using curve fitting on Lagrangian particle trajectories
* Motion vector derivation of deformable block
* Motion-based easy initialization of online foreground segmentation
* Motion-Compensated Scalable Video Transmission Over MIMO Wireless Channels
* Motion-compensated video compression using variable length Huffman coding
* Moving camera video stabilization using homography consistency
* Moving objects detection using freely moving depth sensing camera
* Moving Objects Segmentation from compressed surveillance video based on Motion Estimation
* MR images reconstruction based on TVWL2-L1 model
* MRI segmentation of brain tissue based on spatial prior and neighboring pixels affinities
* Multi class Support Vector Machines classifier for machine vision application
* Multi hypotheses based object tracking in HCI environments
* Multi scale multi structuring element top-hat transform for linear feature detection
* Multi-Aspect Rating Inference with Aspect-Based Segmentation
* Multi-camera rectification using linearized trifocal tensor
* Multi-class ada-boost classification of object poses through visual and infrared image information fusion
* Multi-classifier System Configuration Using Genetic Algorithms
* Multi-Dimensional Local Binary Pattern Descriptors for Improved Texture Analysis
* Multi-directional implicit weighted prediction based on image characteristics of reference pictures for inter coding
* Multi-frame sparse aperture image restoration based on movable array
* Multi-instance rendering based on dynamic differential surface propagation
* Multi-label learning vector quantization algorithm
* multi-layer phase field model for extracting multiple near-circular objects, A
* Multi-layered image retargeting
* Multi-lingual City Name Recognition for Indian Postal Automation
* Multi-modal abnormality detection in video with unknown data segmentation
* Multi-modal Fusion based on classifiers using reject options and Markov Fusion Networks
* Multi-modal user interaction method based on gaze tracking and gesture recognition
* Multi-modality movie scene detection using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Multi-overlapped based global registration of UAV images
* Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Representation
* Multi-pose face detection for accurate face logging
* Multi-resolution LC-MS images alignment using dynamic time warping and Kullback-Leibler distance
* Multi-scale shared features for cascade object detection
* Multi-scale tensor vector field active contour
* Multi-script Writer Identification Optimized with Retrieval Mechanism
* Multi-stage vector quantization towards low bit rate visual search
* Multi-subregion face recognition using coarse-to-fine Quad-tree decomposition
* Multi-target tracking by discriminative analysis on Riemannian manifold
* Multi-task co-clustering via nonnegative matrix factorization
* multi-task learning strategy for unsupervised clustering via explicitly separating the commonality, A
* Multi-Task low-rank and sparse matrix recovery for human motion segmentation
* Multi-task signal recovery by higher level hyper-parameter sharing
* Multi-temporal SAR images change detection based on nonsubsampled contourlet transform
* multi-texture approach for estimating iris positions in the eye using 2.5D Active Appearance Models, A
* Multi-view facial expression recognition using local appearance features
* Multi-view learning with batch mode active selection for image retrieval
* Multi-view multi-class object detection via exemplar compounding
* Multi-view Scene Flow Estimation: A View Centered Variational Approach
* Multi-view video streaming over wireless networks with RD-optimized scheduling of network coded packets
* Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative restriction
* Multicamera human detection and tracking supporting natural interaction with large-scale displays
* Multiclass boosting SVM using different texture features in HEp-2 cell staining pattern classification
* Multifractal feature descriptor for grading Hepatocellular carcinoma
* Multilabel partition moves for MRF optimization
* Multilevel halftone screen design: Keeping texture or keeping smoothness?
* Multilevel Text-Line Segmentation Framework for Handwritten Historical Documents, A
* Multilingual word spotting in offline handwritten documents
* Multimedia event detection using GMM supervectors and SVMS
* Multimodal Analysis for Identification and Segmentation of Moving-Sounding Objects
* Multimodal biometric authentication based on iris pattern and pupil light reflex
* Multimodal remote sensing image registration using multiscale self-similarities
* Multipage document retrieval by textual and visual representations
* Multiple face detection algorithm using colour skin modelling
* Multiple feature selection and fusion based on generalized N-dimensional independent component analysis
* Multiple HOG templates for gait recognition
* Multiple instance real boosting with aggregation functions
* Multiple kernel discriminant analysis
* Multiple Kernel Learning Approach to Multi-Modal Pedestrian Classification, A
* Multiple Kernel Learning framework for detecting altered fingerprints, A
* Multiple local kernel integrated feature selection for image classification
* Multiple Model Approach to Track Head Orientation With Delta Quaternions, A
* Multiple patterns of gradient magnitudes for face recognition
* Multiple sample group pairs' graph embedding for tracking
* Multiple sign bits hiding for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Multiple-domain knowledge based MRF model for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images
* Multiple-food recognition considering co-occurrence employing manifold ranking
* Multiscale and multiorientation feature extraction with degenerative patterns for 3D neuroimaging retrieval
* Multiscale framework for adaptive and robust enhancement of depth in multi-view imagery
* Multiscale Image Fusion Using the Undecimated Wavelet Transform With Spectral Factorization and Nonorthogonal Filter Banks
* Multiscale superpixel classification for tumor segmentation in breast ultrasound images
* Multiscale Texture Extraction with Hierarchical (BV,Gp,L2) Decomposition
* Multisensor evidence integration and optimization in rail inspection
* Multitask multiclass privileged information support vector machines
* Multivariate texture retrieval using the Kullback-Leibler divergence between bivariate generalized Gamma times an Uniform distribution
* Multiview super-resolution using high-frequency synthesis in case of low-framerate depth information
* Mumford-Shah functional based variational model with contour, shape, and probability prior information for prostate segmentation, A
* Myocardial Motion Estimation From Medical Images Using the Monogenic Signal
* Natural Revocability in Handwritten Signatures to Enhance Biometric Security
* Near-Duplicate keyframe identification based on color and affine invariant features
* near-optimal non-myopic active learning method, A
* Neural Scheme for Procedural Motor Learning of Handwriting, A
* Neural-net classification for spatio-temporal descriptor based depression analysis
* Neuro-beta-Elliptic Model for Handwriting Generation Movements, A
* New Advancements in Zoning-Based Recognition of Handwritten Characters
* new algorithm for labeling connected-components and calculating the Euler number, connected-component number, and hole number, A
* new binarization method for non-uniform illuminated document images, A
* New bounds on image denoising: Viewpoint of sparse representation and non-local averaging
* New chroma intra prediction modes based on linear model for HEVC
* new construction for motion and speed capture with conical wavelets, A
* new context-sensitive grammars learning algorithm and its application in trajectory classification, A
* new convex variational model for liver segmentation, A
* new depth descriptor for pedestrian detection in RGB-D images, A
* new design of multiple transforms for perceptual video encryption, A
* New distortion model for depth coding in 3DVC
* New Efficient Graphemes Segmentation Technique for Offline Arabic Handwriting, A
* new feature and associated optimal spatial filter for EEG signal classification: Waveform Length, A
* New features for complex Arabic fonts in cascading recognition system
* new framework for automatic quality assessment of print media, A
* New HEVC prediction modes for 3D holoscopic video coding
* new image binarization method using iterative partitioning, A
* New image quality metric using random projection
* new invariant representation of facial expressions: Definition and application to blended expression recognition, A
* new Iterative-Midpoint-Method for video character gap filling, A
* new method for linear affine self-calibration of stationary zooming stereo cameras, A
* New Method for Text Verification Based on Random Forests, A
* New Method of Identification of Handwriting Using Volumes of Indentations, The
* New method to find corner and tangent vertices in sketches using parametric cubic curves approximation
* new metric for measuring image-based 3D reconstruction, A
* new no-reference image quality measure to determine the quality of a given image using object separability, A
* new no-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment based on ocular dominance theory and degree of parallax, A
* new nonrigid registration approach for motion correction of cardiac first-pass perfusion MRI, A
* new object based quality metric based on SIFT and SSIM, A
* new PEE-based reversible watermarking algorithm for color image, A
* New Protocol Design for Wordspotting Assistance System: Case Study of the Collaborative Library Model - ARMARIUS
* new ranking approach and a revisited ratio test for improving content-based image retrieval, A
* new singularity index, A
* new statistical model for activity discovery and recognition in pervasive environments, A
* New Text Extraction Method Incorporating Local Information, A
* Night Removal by Color Estimation and sparse representation
* Nighttime haze removal using color transfer pre-processing and Dark Channel Prior
* No reference measurement of contrast distortion and optimal contrast enhancement
* Node localization in unsynchronized time of arrival sensor networks
* Noise and dynamic range optimal computational imaging
* Noise attenuation performance of mura apertures in photographic cameras
* Noise level estimation using weak textured patches of a single noisy image
* Non-linear observation equation for motion estimation
* Non-linear weighted averaging for multimodal information fusion by employing Analytical Network Process
* Non-local sparse models for SAR image despeckling
* Non-Markovian dynamic time warping
* Non-negative sparse coding for human action recognition
* Non-negative Sparse Semantic Coding for text categorization
* Non-parametric depth calibration of a TOF camera
* Non-parametric score normalization for biometric verification systems
* non-rigid registration method for medical volume data using 3D Phase-Only Correlation, A
* Non-rigid structure from motion with incremental shape prior
* non-supervised method for shoreline extraction using high resolution SAR image, A
* Noncausal directional intra prediction: Theoretical analysis and simulation
* Nonedge-Specific Adaptive Scheme for Highly Robust Blind Motion Deblurring of Natural Images
* Nonlinear Multilayered Representation of Graph-Signals
* Nonlocal and multivariate mathematical morphology
* Nonlocal Image Restoration With Bilateral Variance Estimation: A Low-Rank Approach
* Nonlocal processing of 3D colored point clouds
* Nonnegative Diffusion Orientation Distribution Function
* Nonnegative Local Coordinate Factorization for Image Representation
* Nonnegative matrix factorization with deterministic annealing for unsupervised unmixing of hyperspectral imagery
* nonparametric Bayesian Poisson gamma model for count data, A
* Nonparametric on-line background generation for surveillance video
* Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform based expectation maximization method for segmentation of images
* Novel Approach for Stroke Extraction of Off-Line Chinese Handwritten Characters Based on Optimum Paths, A
* novel CAD system for analyzing cardiac first-pass MR images, A
* Novel coarse-to-fine dual scale technique for tuberculosis cavity detection in chest radiographs
* novel content-adaptive image compression system, A
* novel early SKIP mode detection method for coarse grain quality in H.264/SVC, A
* novel energy based filter for cross-blink eye detection, A
* novel framework for segmentation of stroke lesions in Diffusion Weighted MRI using multiple b-value data, A
* novel Gaussian Scale Space-based joint MGRF framework for precise lung segmentation, A
* novel high dynamic range image compression scheme of color filter array data for the digital camera pipeline, A
* Novel Holistic Modeling Approach for Generalized Sound Recognition, A
* novel image-based approach for early detection of prostate cancer, A
* Novel in Situ FPAR Measurement Method for Low Canopy Vegetation Based on a Digital Camera and Reference Panel, A
* novel in-loop filter based on CLDT masking effect model for HEVC, A
* novel index structure for large scale image descriptor search, A
* novel integer transform for efficient reversible watermarking, A
* novel intensity limiting approach to Metal Artefact Reduction in 3D CT baggage imagery, A
* novel JSCC scheme for scalable video transmission over MIMO systems, A
* novel level set framework for LOD2 building modeling, A
* novel low complexity TV video OCR system, A
* novel mammographic mass detection approach to combining suprevised and unsuprevised detection algorithms, A
* Novel Naive Bayes Voting Strategy for Combining Classifiers, A
* novel no-reference image quality assessment metric based on statistical independence, A
* novel particle filtering framework for 2D-TO-3D conversion from a monoscopic 2D image sequence, A
* novel probabilistic approach utilizing clip attribute as hidden knowledge for event recognition, A
* novel scheme for 4-D Light-Field compression based on 3-D representation by multi-focus images, A
* novel scheme of orientation and scale mapped RDC (OS-RDC) to improve compression in document images ensuring quality preservation, A
* novel scheme to code object flags for video synopsis, A
* novel shape-based non-redundant local binary pattern descriptor for object detection, A
* Novel Solution to the P4P Problem for an Uncalibrated Camera, A
* novel spatial-temporal multi-scale method for detection and analysis of infrared multiple moving objects, A
* novel Structured Light method for one-shot dense reconstruction, A
* Novel Technique for Handwritten Digit Classification Using Genetic Clustering, A
* Novel temporal domain hole filling based on background modeling for view synthesis
* Novel Windowing Technique for Efficient Computation of MFCC for Speaker Recognition, A
* Null QQ plots: A simple graphical alternative to significance testing for the comparison of classifiers
* Object categorization based on hierarchical learning
* Object categorization via sparse representation of local features
* Object classification with efficient global self-similarity descriptors based on sparse representations
* Object clique representation for scene classification
* Object detection via foreground contour feature selection and part-based shape model
* Object identification by using orthonormal circus functions from the trace transform
* Object localisation via action recognition
* Object recognition in floor plans by graphs of white connected components
* Object retrival based on visual word pairs
* Object segmentation in multiple views without camera calibration
* Object tracking based on local learning
* Object tracking via online metric learning
* Object tracking with L2-RLS
* Object-aware saliency detection for consumer images
* Object-based coding for Kinect depth and color videos
* Object-centered narratives for video surveillance
* Object-Colour Manifold
* Objective and subjective evaluation of static 3D mesh compression
* Objective assessment of the impact of frame rate on video quality
* Objective quality assessment for image super-resolution: A natural scene statistics approach
* Objective Quality Assessment of Tone-Mapped Images
* Occluded Character Restoration Using Active Contour with Shape Priors
* Occluded human action analysis using dynamic manifold model
* Occlusal surface reconstruction of human teeth from a single image based on object and sensor physical characteristics
* Off-Line Features Integration for On-Line Handwriting Graphemes Modeling Improvement
* Off-Line Handwritten Signature Verification Using Contourlet Transform and Co-occurrence Matrix
* Off-Line Writer Verification Using Shape and Pen Pressure Information
* Offline signature verification and forgery detection using a 2-D geometric warping approach
* On growth and formlets: Sparse multi-scale coding of planar shape
* On including quality in applied automatic gait recognition
* On Influence of Line Segmentation in Efficient Word Segmentation in Old Manuscripts
* On methods for incorporating evidences into posterior scoring of hypotheses
* On modeling the rendering error in 3D video
* On Plenoptic Multiplexing and Reconstruction
* On Removing Interpolation and Resampling Artifacts in Rigid Image Registration
* On secondary transforms for prediction residual
* On the choice of the parameters for anisotropic diffusion in image processing
* On the correlation between genotype and classifier diversity
* On the detection of tracks in spectrogram images
* On the implementation and analysis of Expectation Maximization algorithms with stopping criterion
* On the JPEG 2000 ultrafast mode
* On the nature of variational salt-and-pepper noise removal and its fast approximation
* On the performance of Decapod's digital font reconstruction
* On the Possibility of Instance-Based Stroke Recovery
* On the reconstruction of sequences of sparse signals: The Weighted-CS
* On the relation between K-means and PLSA
* On transform dynamic range in high efficiency video coding
* On-Line Handwritten flowchart Recognition, Beautification and Editing System
* On-line re-training and segmentation with reduction of the training set: Application to the left ventricle detection in ultrasound imaging
* One-per-Class reconstruction rule for class imbalance learning, A
* One-scan algorithm for arbitrarily oriented 1-D morphological opening and slope pattern spectrum
* Online adaptive learning for multi-camera people counting
* Online anomaly detection in videos by clustering dynamic exemplars
* Online Arabic Handwritten Digits Recognition
* Online boosted tracking with discriminative feature selection and scale adaptation
* Online human-assisted learning using Random Ferns
* Online ICP forecast for patients with traumatic brain injury
* Online Kernel Learning for Interactive Retrieval in Dynamic Image Databases
* Online parameter estimation in dynamic Markov Random Fields for image sequence analysis
* Online Random Ferns for robust visual tracking
* Online Signature Verification Based on Legendre Series Representation: Robustness Assessment of Different Feature Combinations
* Online Transfer Boosting for object tracking
* open source MPEG DASH evaluation suite, An
* Operational Scheme for Deriving Standardised Surface Reflectance from Landsat TM/ETM+ and SPOT HRG Imagery for Eastern Australia, An
* Optic disc localization by projection with vessel distribution and appearance characteristics
* Optic disk localization using L1 minimization
* Optical Algorithm for Cloud Shadow Detection Over Water
* Optical flow based Head Movement and Gesture Analyzer (OHMeGA)
* Optimal classifiers with minimum expected error within a Bayesian framework - Part I: Discrete and Gaussian models
* Optimal classifiers with minimum expected error within a Bayesian framework - Part II: Properties and performance analysis
* Optimal consensus set and preimage of 4-connected circles in a noisy environment
* Optimal data partition for semi-automated labeling
* Optimal Design of Noise-Enhanced Binary Threshold Detector Under AUC Measure
* Optimal intra coding of HEVC by structured set prediction mode with discriminative learning
* optimal method for searching UEP profiles in wireless JPEG 2000 video transmission, An
* Optimal metric selection for improved multi-pose face recognition with group information
* optimal motion vector regularization method using variance-distortion curve, An
* Optimal parameter selection for bilateral filters using Poisson Unbiased Risk Estimate
* Optimal spectral sensitivity functions for a single-camera one-shot multispectral imaging system
* Optimal watermark power and host samples allocation under random gain attack
* Optimization of generalized LT codes for progressive image transfer
* Optimization of Point Selection on Digital Ink Curves
* Optimization of resource reconfiguration for cloud-based multimedia applications
* Optimization of spatial, temporal and amplitude resolution for rate-constrained video coding and scalable video adaptation
* Optimization of variational methods via motion-based weight selection and keypoint matching
* Optimized image super-resolution based on sparse representation
* Optimized nested protection for video Region of Interest with Raptor codes
* Optimized rateless UEP codes for scalable video streaming
* optimized real-time multi-thread HEVC decoder, An
* Optimized tone mapping with perceptually uniform luminance values for backward-compatible high dynamic range video compression
* Optimized vector bilateral filter for multispectral image denoising
* Optimizing 3D image display using the stereoacuity function
* Optimizing a triangular mesh by separately dealing with incorrectness of two patches
* Optimizing JPEG quantization table for low bit rate mobile visual search
* Orthogonal Isometric Projection
* Orthogonal polynomials based low bit rate image coding
* Otitis media vocabulary and grammar
* Overlay optimization for Peer-to-Peer scalable video streaming
* Overview of HEVC High-Level Syntax and Reference Picture Management
* Overview of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Standard
* Page Segmentation Based on Steerable Pyramid Features
* Pain recognition and intensity rating based on Comparative Learning
* Pairwise similarities for scene segmentation combining color and depth data
* Pan-sharpening using weighted red-black wavelet
* Parallel active contour with Lattice Boltzmann scheme on modern GPU
* Parallel AMVP candidate list construction for HEVC
* Parallel implementations of a disparity estimation algorithm based on a Proximal splitting method
* Parallel Scalability and Efficiency of HEVC Parallelization Approaches
* Parallelization of voxel based multiview stereo for arbitrarily configured viewpoints
* Parallelized Annealed Particle Filter for real-time marker-less motion tracking via heterogeneous computing
* Parametric annealing: A stochastic search method for human pose tracking
* Part-based method on handwritten texts
* Partial Least Squares kernel for computing similarities between video sequences
* Partial motion trajectory grouping through rooted arborescence
* Partially parallel image reconstruction using sensitivity encoding
* Patch based saliency detection method for 3D surface simplification
* patch-based framework for detecting abnormal activities with a PTZ camera, A
* Patch-based image colorization
* Patch-Based Image Warping for Content-Aware Retargeting
* Patterns of weber magnitude and orientation for face recognition
* PCA feature extraction for change detection in multidimensional unlabelled streaming data
* Pedestrian detection via part-based topology model
* Pedestrian lane detection for assistive navigation of blind people
* Pedestrian tracking in low contrast regions using aggregated background model and Silhouette Components
* People re-identification and tracking from multiple cameras: A review
* People-background segmentation with unequal error cost
* Perceptual quality metric guided blocking artifact reduction
* Perceptual quality of video with quantization variation: A subjective study and analytical modeling
* Perceptually lossless High Dynamic Range image compression with JPEG 2000
* Perceptually weighted Non-negative Matrix Factorization for blind single-channel music source separation
* Performance analysis of LPG PCA algorithm in medical images
* Performance and Computational Complexity Assessment of High-Efficiency Video Encoders
* Performance Evaluation Methodology for Historical Document Image Binarization
* Performance evaluation of cluster-based hyperspectral target detection algorithms
* Perfusion quantification of contrast-enhanced ultrasound images based on coherence enhancing diffusion and competitive clustering
* Persian Signature Verification Based on Fractal Dimension Using Testing Hypothesis
* Person re-identification using view-dependent score-level fusion of gait and color features
* Person-specific expression recognition with transfer learning
* Petiole shape detection for advanced leaf identification
* PHA: A fast potential-based hierarchical agglomerative clustering method
* Piecewise single view Photometric Stereo with multi-view constraints
* Pixel based feature extraction for ear biometrics
* pixel-domain mode-mapping based SVC-to-AVC transcoder with coarse grain quality scalability, A
* Placing landmarks suitably for shape analysis by optimization
* Planar 3D modeling of building interiors from point cloud data
* Plane based multi camera calibration under unknown correspondence using ICP-like approach
* Plenoptic spherical sampling
* Point cloud transport
* Point track creation in unordered image collections using Gomory-Hu trees
* Polarimetric SAR speckle filtering for high-resolution SAR images using RADARSAT-2 POLSAR SLC data
* PolSAR change detection for specific land cover type by testing equality of two PolInSAR coherency matrixes
* Polygonal Approximation of Digital Planar Curves via Hybrid Monte Carlo Optimization
* Pose based activity recognition using Multiple Kernel learning
* Pose estimation from minimal dual-receiver configurations
* Pose estimation of landscape images using DEM and orthophotos
* Pose-Robust Face Recognition Via Sparse Representation
* Posed and spontaneous expression distinguishment from infrared thermal images
* Position estimation of moving liver lesion based on registration between 2D ultrasound and 4D MR images
* Position estimation of near point light sources using a clear hollow sphere
* Posterior constraints for double-counting problem in clustered pose estimation
* Potts compound Markovian texture model
* Power-constrained backlight scaling and contrast enhancement for TFT-LCD displays
* Practical structure and motion recovery from two uncalibrated images using Constrained Adaptive Differential Evolution
* Predicting battery life from usage trajectory patterns
* Predicting environment illumination effects on material appearance
* Predicting missing values with biclustering: A coherence-based approach
* Predicting onsets of genocide with sparse additive models
* Predicting slice loss distortion in H.264/AVC video for low complexity data prioritization
* Prediction of drowsy driving by monitoring driver's behavior
* Preface to special issue on Cyberworlds 2011
* Presmoothing effects in Artificial Color image segmentation
* primal-dual algorithm for joint demosaicking and deconvolution, A
* Print biometrics: Recovering forensic signatures from halftone images
* Priority-based cross-layer optimization for multihop DS-CDMA Visual Sensor Networks
* Privacy protected image denoising with secret shares
* Probabilistic depth map fusion for real-time multi-view stereo
* probabilistic formulation of the optical flow problem, A
* probabilistic framework for logo detection and localization in natural scene images, A
* Probabilistic fusion of regional scores in 3D face recognition
* Probabilistic Graphlet Transfer for Photo Cropping
* Probabilistic invariant image representation and associated distance measure
* Probabilistic keyboard adaptable to user and operating style based on syllable HMMs
* Probabilistic shape parsing for view-based object recognition
* Procedural Analysis of a Sketching Activity: Principles and Applications
* Procedure for the Registration and Segmentation of Heterogeneous Lidar Data, A
* projected gradient algorithm for image restoration under Hessian matrix-norm regularization, A
* Projective distribution entropy and point clouds mosaic algorithm
* Proposal for VCIP 2012 tutorial on image database visualisation and browsing
* Protein structure similarity based on multi-view images generated from 3D molecular visualization
* proxy effect analyis and fair adatpation algorithm for multiple competing Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP clients, A
* Pruning phantom detections from multiview foreground intersection
* puppet interface for the development of an intuitive computer animation system, A
* Pure Surface Texture Mapping Technology and it's Application for Mirror Image
* Pyramid Nearest Neighbor Search Kernel for object categorization, A
* QoE analysis for scalable video adaptation
* QoE-aware resource allocation for scalable video transmission over multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems
* Quadtree Based Nonsquare Block Structure for Inter Frame Coding in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Quadtree-based temporal trajectory filtering
* Quality assessment for color images with tucker decomposition
* Quality metrics for practical face recognition
* Quality of experience aware adaptation strategies for multi-view video over P2P networks
* Quality-driven power control and resource allocation in wireless multi-rate Visual Sensor Networks
* Quality-of-Experience driven bidding game for uplink video transmission in next generation mobile networks, A
* Quantification of age-related brain cortex change using 3D shape analysis
* Quantification of pigmentation in human skin images
* Quantitative assessment of Diabetic Macular Edema using fluorescein leakage maps
* Quantitative microwave tomography from sparse measurements using a robust huber regularizer
* Quantitative quality assessment of stitched panoramic images
* quantum-inspired noise reduction method based on noise feature codebook, A
* Quasi-Block-Cholesky Factorization With Dynamic Matrix Compression for Fast Integral-Equation Simulations of Large-Scale Human Body Models
* Quasi-Parallax for Nearly Parallel Frontal Eyes
* Query by humming via hierarchical filters
* query integrity assurance scheme for accessing outsourced spatial databases, A
* Query-Adaptive Image Search With Hash Codes
* QUWI: An Arabic and English Handwriting Dataset for Offline Writer Identification
* Radiometric invariant stereo matching based on relative gradients
* Raindrop detection and removal using salient visual features
* Raindrops size from video and image processing
* Random impulsive scan for lidar sampling
* random monogenic signal, The
* random walk approach for multiatlas-based segmentation, A
* Random-Frequency SAR Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing
* Random-sampling-based spatial-temporal feature for consumer video concept classification
* Rank minimization approach to image inpainting using null space based alternating optimization
* Rank Minimization Code Aperture Design for Spectrally Selective Compressive Imaging
* rank-one update method for least squares linear discriminant analysis with concept drift, A
* ranking model for face alignment with Pseudo Census Transform, A
* ranking-based cascade approach for unbalanced data, A
* Rare: A new bottom-up saliency model
* Rate-accuracy optimization in visual wireless sensor networks
* Rate-distortion optimised quantisation for direct current coefficients of Wyner-Ziv frame in unidirectional distributed video coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Rate Control for Depth Map-Based 3-D Video Coding
* Rate-Distortion Optimized Reference Picture Management for High Efficiency Video Coding
* RD optimized bitstream extraction for H.264/SVC based video streaming
* Re-ranking using compression-based distance measure for Content-based Commercial Product Image Retrieval
* Real-time 2D video/3D LiDAR registration
* Real-time 3D face identification from a depth camera
* Real-time accurate crowd counting based on RGB-D information
* Real-time active multiview 3D reconstruction
* Real-time and precise 3-D hand posture estimation based on classification tree trained with variations of appearances
* Real-time block matching motion estimation onto GPGPU
* Real-time detection of abnormal crowd behavior using a matrix approximation-based approach
* Real-time diabetic retinopathy patient screening using multiscale AM-FM methods
* Real-time disparity estimation using line-wise hybrid recursive matching and cross-bilateral median up-sampling
* Real-time feature-based image morphing for memory-efficient impostor rendering and animation on GPU
* Real-time global motion blur detection
* Real-time hand status recognition from RGB-D imagery
* Real-time hand tracking by invariant hough forest detection
* Real-time human object motion parameters estimation from depth images
* Real-time infrared pedestrian detection via sparse representation
* Real-time large-scale visual concept detection with linear classifiers
* Real-time motion detection based on Discrete Cosine Transform
* Real-time smoke detection using texture and color features
* Real-time staircase detection from a wearable stereo system
* Real-Time Stereo Matching on CUDA Using an Iterative Refinement Method for Adaptive Support-Weight Correspondences
* Real-Time, Full 3-D Reconstruction of Moving Foreground Objects From Multiple Consumer Depth Cameras
* Realtime object matching with robust dominant orientation templates
* Realtime object-of-interest tracking by learning Composite Patch-based Templates
* Recognising daytime and nighttime driving images using bayes classifier
* recognition approach of 3-D objects based on the Tsallis entropy, A
* Recognition of face expressions using Local Principal Texture Pattern
* Recognition of facial expressions using locally weighted and adjusted order Pseudo Zernike Moments
* Recognition of printed Devanagari text using BLSTM Neural Network
* Recognition of Relatively Small Handwritten Characters or Size Matters
* Recognitionwith raw canonical phonetic movement and handshape subunits on videos of continuous Sign Language
* Recognizing 3-colorings cycle-patterns on graphs
* Recognizing Interactive Group Activities Using Temporal Interaction Matrices and Their Riemannian Statistics
* Recognizing surface qualities from natural images based on learning to rank
* Reconfigurable self-embedding with high quality restoration under extensive tampering
* Reconstructing occluded regions using fast weighted PCA
* Reconstruction of 3D lines from a single axial catadioptric image using cross-ratio
* Reconstruction of passive millimeter-wave images with Graph Cuts
* Recovering depth of a dynamic scene using real world motion prior
* Recovering Dynamic Stroke Information of Multi-stroke Handwritten Characters with Complex Patterns
* Recovering human pose in 3D by visual manifolds
* Rectangular based binary image representation: Theory, applications, and dataset introduction
* Rectangular partitioning for Intra prediction in HEVC
* Rectangular target extraction for mobile augmented reality applications
* Recurrence textures for human activity recognition from compressive cameras
* Recursive bilateral filter for encoder-integrated video denoising
* Recursive NMF: Efficient label tree learning for large multi-class problems
* Red-Pill Robots Only, Please
* Reduced selective encryption of intra and inter frames of H.264/AVC using psychovisual metrics
* Reduced-reference quality assessment for retargeted images
* Reducing Annotation Workload Using a Codebook Mapping and Its Evaluation in On-Line Handwriting
* Reduction of Bleed-Through Effect in Images of Chinese Bank Items
* Reduction of Vibration-Induced Artifacts in Synthetic-Aperture-Radar Imagery Using the Fractional Fourier Transform
* Reference frame selection for loss-resilient texture and depth map coding in multiview video conferencing
* Region Based Local Binarization Approach for Handwritten Ancient Documents
* Region based stellate features for classification of mammographic spiculated lesions in computer-aided detection
* Region of Interest detection using indoor structure and saliency map
* Region-based active surface modelling and alpha matting for unsupervised tumour segmentation in PET
* region-based particle filter for generic object tracking and segmentation, A
* Region-Based perceptual quality regulable bit allocation and rate control for video coding applications
* Region-dependent vehicle classification using PCA features
* Regional Zernike moments for texture recognition
* Regularization parameter estimation for spectral regression discriminant analysis based on perturbation theory
* Regularized adaptive classification based on image retrieval for clustered microcalcifications
* Regularized adaptive super-resolution using kernel estimation-based edge reconnection and kernel orientation constraints
* Relational entropy-based saliency detection in images and videos
* Relationship between the accuracy of classifier error estimation and complexity of decision boundary
* Relative features for photo quality assessment
* Relaxed Cheeger Cut for image segmentation
* Remote Sensing in Mapping Mangrove Ecosystems: An Object-Based Approach
* Removal of dust artifacts in focal stack image sequences
* renewed image annotation baseline by image embedding and tag correlation, A
* representation of time series based on implicit polynomial curve, A
* Representative Segment-Based Emotion Analysis and Classification with Automatic Respiration Signal Segmentation
* Residual coding of depth map with transform skipping
* Restoration of retinal images using anisotropic diffusion like algorithms
* Restoring illumination and view dependent data from sparse samples
* Restricted guided filter with SURE-LET-based parameter optimization
* Retinal vessel segmentation using Average of Synthetic Exact Filters and Hessian matrix
* Retinal vessel segmentation via Iterative Geodesic Time Transform
* retrieval algorithm of the sea surface salinity based on the improved K-S model in Hong Kong Waters, The
* Retrieval of Cirrus Cloud Properties From the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder: The k-Coefficient Approach Using Cloud-Cleared Radiances as Input
* Retrieval of Effective Leaf Area Index in Heterogeneous Forests With Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Retrieval of occluded images using DCT phase and region merging
* Retrieval of Rashi Semi-cursive Handwriting via Fuzzy Logic
* Retrieving 2D shapes using caterpillar decomposition
* Retrieving Clear-Sky Surface Skin Temperature for Numerical Weather Prediction Applications from Geostationary Satellite Data
* Retrieving the Bioenergy Potential from Maize Crops Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* Revealing Invisible Changes In The World
* Reversible Data Hiding With Optimal Value Transfer
* Reversible non-expansive symmetric convolution for M-channel lifting based linear-phase filter banks
* Revisiting the Relationship Between Adaptive Smoothing and Anisotropic Diffusion With Modified Filters
* RGB and depth intra-frame Cross-Compression for low bandwidth 3D video
* RGBD object pose recognition using local-global multi-kernel regression
* rigorous and efficient GPU implementation of level-set sparse field algorithm, A
* Ro(mu)Nect: Hand mounted depth sensing using a commodity gaming sensor
* Road marking recognition for map generation using sparse tensor voting
* Robotic Surgery: On the Cutting Edge of Ethics
* Robots, Love, and Sex: The Ethics of Building a Love Machine
* Robust 2D location of interest points by accumulation
* Robust 3D human pose estimation via dual dictionaries learning
* Robust adaptive Wiener filtering
* Robust and accurate multi-view reconstruction by prioritized matching
* Robust and efficient point registration based on clusters and Generalized Radial Basis Functions (C-GRBF)
* Robust and Energy Efficient Multimedia Systems via Likelihood Processing
* Robust automatic video object segmentation with graphcut assisted by SURF features
* Robust car License Plate Recognition system verified with 163, 574 images captured in fields
* Robust classification of traffic signs using multi-view cues
* Robust compressed sensing in Gaussian noise environment by resampling with replacement
* Robust depth regularization explicitly constrained by camera motion
* Robust detection of adventitious lung sounds in electronic auscultation signals
* Robust detection of single-frame defects in archived film
* Robust eye localization in video by combining eye detector and eye tracker
* Robust eyelid tracking for fatigue detection
* Robust face tracking with a consumer depth camera
* Robust Fixed Frequency Invariant Beamformer Design Subject to Norm-Bounded Errors
* Robust frontal view search using multi-camera constrained Isomap
* Robust Fuzzy Algorithm Based on Student's t-Distribution and Mean Template for Image Segmentation Application, A
* Robust gait-based gender classification using depth cameras
* Robust Ground Moving-Target Imaging Using Deramp-Keystone Processing
* Robust head pose estimation using supervised manifold projection
* Robust hierarchical multiple hypothesis tracker for multiple object tracking
* Robust high-order matched filter for hyperspectral target detection with quasi-Newton method
* robust hybrid approach for text line segmentation in historical documents, A
* Robust Image Analysis With Sparse Representation on Quantized Visual Features
* Robust kernel estimation for single image blind deconvolution
* Robust lyric search based on weighted syllable confusion matrix
* Robust mobile spamming detection via graph patterns
* Robust model-based tracking considering changes in the measurable DoF of the target object
* Robust motion segmentation via refined sparse subspace clustering
* Robust multi-pose face tracking by multi-stage tracklet association
* Robust multiple model estimation with Jensen-Shannon Divergence
* robust multivariate reranking algorithm for Question Answering enrichment, A
* robust non-symmetric mixture models for image segmentation, A
* Robust object recognition via third-party collaborative representation
* Robust on-line handwritten object retrieval using a similarity measure based on overlap area of circles
* Robust online trajectory clustering without computing trajectory distances
* robust person detector for overhead views, A
* Robust plant recognition using Graph cut based flower segmentation and PHOG based feature extraction
* Robust regularized feature selection for iris recognition via linear programming
* Robust segmentation for multiple planar surface extraction in laser scanning 3D point cloud data
* Robust Sparse Hashing
* Robust spatiotemporal stereo for dynamic scenes
* Robust stereo correspondence for documents by matching connected components of text-lines with dynamic programming
* Robust stereo matching for document images using parameter selection of text-line extraction
* Robust texture retrieval of compressed images
* Robust tracking by accounting for hard negatives explicitly
* Robust video communication using Random Linear Network Coding with Pre-Coding and Interleaving
* Robust video fingerprinting via structural graphical models
* Robust video stabilization based on bounded path planning
* Robust Visual Tracking via Structured Multi-Task Sparse Learning
* Robust visual tracking with the cross-bin metric
* Robust voxel-wise joint detection estimation of brain activity in fMRI
* robust watermarking method based on Compressed Sensing and Arnold scrambling, A
* Robust wheelchair pedestrian detection using sparse representation
* Rock detection via superpixel graph cuts
* Role of Automation in the Examination of Handwritten Items
* Role of the Users in Handwritten Word Spotting Applications: Query Fusion and Relevance Feedback, The
* Rotation invariant palmprint recognition: An overview and implementation
* Saliency detection based on integration of boundary and soft-segmentation
* Saliency detection via divergence analysis: A unified perspective
* Saliency detection via statistical non-redundancy
* Saliency mapping enhanced by symmetry from local phase
* Saliency-based selection of sparse descriptors for action recognition
* Saliency-guided compressive sensing approach to efficient laser range measurement
* Saliency-seeded localizing region-based active contour for automatic natural object segmentation
* Salient object detection: From pixels to segments
* Salient region detection using local and global saliency
* Salient traffic sign recognition based on sparse representation of visual perception
* Salient view selection based on sparse representation
* Sample Adaptive Offset in the HEVC Standard
* SampleBoost: Improving boosting performance by destabilizing weak learners based on weighted error analysis
* Sampling graphs from a probabilistic generative model
* Satellite-Observed Black Water Events off Southwest Florida: Implications for Coral Reef Health in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
* Scalable image co-segmentation using color and covariance features
* Scalable people re-identification based on a one-against-some classification scheme
* Scalable Precision Analysis Framework, A
* Scalable video coding with multi-layer motion vector palettes
* Scalar image interest point detection and description based on discrete Morse theory and geometric descriptors
* Scale invariant kernel-based object tracking
* Scale-invariant sampling for supervised image segmentation
* scale-space technique for polygonal approximation of planar curves, A
* Scene character detection and recognition based on multiple hypotheses framework
* Scene text detection using sparse stroke information and MLP
* Scene text detection via stroke width
* Scene text detection with superpixels and hierarchical model
* SCoBeP: Dense image registration using sparse coding and belief propagation
* score-level fusion method with prior knowledge for fingerprint matching, A
* Script Independent Word Spotting in Offline Handwritten Documents Based on Hidden Markov Models
* Script-to-Movie: A Computational Framework for Story Movie Composition
* search based approach to non maximum suppression in face detection, A
* Searching attentive tasks with document analysis evidences and Dempster-Shafer theory
* Searching for the optimal ordering of classes in rule induction
* Second-degree correlation surface features from Optimal Trade-off Synthetic Discriminant Function filters for subject identification using radio frequency cardiosynchronous waveforms
* Secrecy Sum-Rate for Orthogonal Random Beamforming With Opportunistic Scheduling
* Seeded segmentation based on object homogeneity
* Seeing through clutter: Snake computation with dynamic programming for particle segmentation
* Segmentation and Recognition Strategy of Handwritten Connected Digits Based on the Oriented Sliding Window
* Segmentation and scene modeling for MIL-based target localization
* Segmentation and tracking of multiple interacting mice by temperature and shape information
* Segmentation and Word Spotting Methods for Printed and Handwritten Arabic Texts: A Comparative Study
* Segmentation of Intracranial Vessels and Aneurysms in Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using Multirange Filters and Local Variances
* Segmentation of neural stem cells/neurospheres in high content brightfield microscopy images using localized level sets
* Segmentation of neural stem cells/neurospheres in unevenly illuminated brightfield images with shading reduction
* Segmentation of occluded sidewalks in satellite images
* Segmentation-based view synthesis for three-dimensional video
* Self-closed partial shape descriptor for shape retrieval
* Self-closure global registration for subway tunnel point clouds
* Self-learning approach to color demosaicking via support vector regression
* Self-training with unlabeled regions for NBI image recognition
* Semantic Hough Transform based object detection with Partial Least Squares
* Semantic image segmentation using region bank
* Semantic modeling of natural scenes by local binary pattern
* Semantic saliency using k-TR theory of visual perception
* Semantic segmentation via sparse coding over hierarchical regions
* Semantic superpixel based vehicle tracking
* Semantic windows mining in sliding window based object detection
* Semantic-visual concept relatedness and co-occurrences for image retrieval
* Semi-automated OCR database generation for Nabataean scripts
* Semi-automated tracking of muscle satellite cells in brightfield microscopy video
* Semi-automatic Annotation Scheme for Bangla Online Mixed Cursive Handwriting Samples, A
* Semi-automatic assembly of real cross-cut shredded documents
* Semi-automatic tracking of markers in facial palsy
* Semi-customizable Gestural Commands Approach and Its Evaluation
* Semi-Lagrangian scheme for area preserving flows, A
* Semi-local variational optical flow estimation
* Semi-supervised adaptive parzen Gentleboost algorithm for fault diagnosis
* Semi-supervised Learning for Cursive Handwriting Recognition Using Keyword Spotting
* Semi-supervised learning for robust car windshield tracking and monitoring in live traffic videos
* Semi-supervised object recognition using structure kernel
* Semiautomatic labeling of generic objects for enlarging annotated image databases
* Separability versus Prototypicality in Handwritten Word Retrieval
* SEQM: Edge quality assessment based on structural pixel matching
* Sequential Aerial Triangulation Algorithm for Real-time Georeferencing of Image Sequences Acquired by an Airborne Multi-Sensor System, A
* Set-based label propagation of face images
* Set-valued Bayesian inference with probabilistic equivalence
* Shading derivation from an unspecified object for augmented reality
* Shadow Casting Out Of Plane (SCOOP) Candidates for Human and Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery
* Shadow detection via Rayleigh scattering and Mie theory
* Shape analysis on the hypersphere of wavelet densities
* Shape and Refractive Index from Single-View Spectro-Polarimetric Images
* Shape Prior Regularized Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Image Segmentation
* Shape recognition from shadows of 3-D convex geometrical objects
* Shape reconstruction with globally-optimized surface point selection
* Shape similarity based on combinatorial maps and a tree pattern kernel
* Shape Sparse Representation for Joint Object Classification and Segmentation
* Shape-oriented segmentation with graph matching corroboration for silhouette tracking
* Shared-bed person segmentation based on motion estimation
* Sharp geometry reconstruction of building facades using range data
* Sharpness estimation for document and scene images
* Ship detection based on eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition and OS-CFAR detector
* Ship recognition in high resolution SAR imagery based on feature selection
* Short Distance Intra Coding Scheme for High Efficiency Video Coding
* SIFT feature-preserving bit allocation for H.264/AVC video compression
* SIFT-based Elastic sparse coding for image retrieval
* Sift-based modeling and coding of background scenes for multiview soccer video
* Signature Based Document Retrieval Using GHT of Background Information
* Signature Segmentation from Document Images
* Similar image searching from image database using cluster mean sorting and performance estimation
* Similarity weighted sparse representation for classification
* simple and effective extrinsic calibration method of a camera and a single line scanning lidar, A
* simple and effective saliency detection approach, A
* simple pedestrian detection using LBP-based patterns of oriented edges, A
* Simplified AMVP for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Simulation analysis of sea surface current extraction from microwave nautical radar images
* Simulation of realistic echocardiographic sequences for ground-truth validation of motion estimation
* Simultaneous affine registration of multiple shapes
* Simultaneous detection of prominent points on breast cancer conservative treatment images
* Simultaneous facial activity tracking and recognition
* Simultaneous reflectance estimation and surface shape recovery using polarisation
* Single axis relative rotation from orthogonal lines
* Single camera multi-person tracking based on crowd simulation
* Single image dehazing with optimal transmission map
* Single Image Super-Resolution Using Gaussian Mixture Model
* Single pass dependent bit allocation for H.264 temporal scalability
* Single-frame hand gesture recognition using color and depth kernel descriptors
* skeleton based descriptor for detecting text in real scene images, A
* Skeleton-based human segmentation in still images
* sketch-based 3D model retrieval system, A
* Sketch-based face alignment for thermal face recognition
* Skin detection via linear regression tree
* Sliced inverse regression with conditional entropy minimization
* Small group human activity recognition
* Smooth control of continuous autofocus
* Smooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Unsupervised Audiovisual Document Structuring
* Snow Cover Maps from MODIS Images at 250 m Resolution, Part 1: Algorithm Description
* Snow Grain-Size Estimation Using Hyperion Imagery in a Typical Area of the Heihe River Basin, China
* Soft decision trees
* Soft image segmentation model
* Soft-signed sparse coding for ground-based cloud classification
* Software-based performance and complexity analysis for the design of embedded classification systems
* Solar energy potential mapping at a building scale
* Sorted dominant local color for searching large and heterogeneous image databases
* Sparse Adaptive Parameterization of Variability in Image Ensembles
* Sparse coding for histograms of local binary patterns applied for image categorization: Toward a Bag-of-Scenes analysis
* Sparse descriptor for lexicon reduction in handwritten Arabic documents
* Sparse feature fidelity for image quality assessment
* Sparse Granger causality graphs for human action classification
* Sparse Kernel-Based Ensemble Learning With Fully Optimized Kernel Parameters for Hyperspectral Classification Problems
* Sparse representation for motion primitive-based human activity modeling and recognition using wearable sensors
* sparse representation method with maximum probability of partial ranking for face recognition, A
* Sparse representation of audio features for sputum detection from lung sounds
* Sparse representation of texture patches for low bit-rate image compression
* Sparse Representation With Kernels
* Sparse representations for image and video analysis
* Sparse residue for occluded face image reconstruction and classification
* Sparse shift-invariant representation of local 2D patterns and sequence learning for human action recognition
* Sparse stereo by edge-based search using dynamic programming
* sparseland model for deblurring images in the presence of impulse noise, A
* Sparsity Based Image Retrieval using relevance feedback
* Sparsity Score: A new filter feature selection method based on graph
* Spatial and temporal constraints in variational correspondence methods
* Spatial consistency based selective reranking for content based object retrieval
* Spatial graphlet matching kernel for recognizing aerial image categories
* Spatial transform skip in the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding standard
* Spatially adaptive image restoration method using LPG-PCA and JBF
* Spatially adaptive PDEs for robust image sharpening
* Spatially Scalable Video Coding For HEVC
* Spatio-Temporal Auxiliary Particle Filtering With L_1-Norm-Based Appearance Model Learning for Robust Visual Tracking
* Spatio-temporal ssim index for video quality assessment
* Spatio-temporal ToF data enhancement by fusion
* Spatio-temporal variation trends of vegetation net primary productivity based on AVHRR
* spatiotemporal descriptor based on radial distances and 3D joint tracking for action classification, A
* Spatiotemporal saliency based on distributed opponent oriented energy
* Spectral clustering to model deformations for fast multimodal prostate registration
* Spectral Correction for the Effect of Crown Shape at the Single-Tree Level: An Approach Using a Lidar-Derived Digital Surface Model for Broad-Leaved Canopy
* Spectral correspondence method for fingerprint minutia matching
* spectral reflectance representation for recognition and reproduction, A
* Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Data Using Loopy Belief Propagation and Active Learning
* Specular-based illumination estimation using blind signal separation techniques
* Speech emotion recognition based on kernel reduced-rank regression
* Speeding up optimum-path forest training by path-cost propagation
* Spherical Stochastic Neighbor Embedding of Hyperspectral Data
* Split and merge approach for detecting multiple planes in a depth image
* splitting algorithm for directional regularization and sparsification, A
* SR-SIM: A fast and high performance IQA index based on spectral residual
* SSPQ: Spatial Domain Perceptual Image Codec Based on Subsampling and Perceptual Quantization
* Stable discriminative dictionary learning via discriminative deviation
* stable graph-based representation for object recognition through high-order matching, A
* Stage-based 3D scene reconstruction from single image
* Stagged multi-scale LBP for pedestrian detection
* Standalone evaluation of deterministic video tracking
* Statistical Hypothesis Testing for Handwritten Word Segmentation Algorithms
* Statistical Machine Translation as a Language Model for Handwriting Recognition
* Statistical modeling and signal selection in multivariate time series pattern classification
* Statistical modeling of sea clutter in high-resolution SAR images using generalized gamma distribution
* Statistical Origin-destination generation with multiple sources
* Statistical Text Line Analysis in Handwritten Documents
* Steganalysis by ensemble classifiers with boosting by regression, and post-selection of features
* Stereo matching based on image triangulation for view synthesis
* Stereo matching on low intensity quantization images
* Stereo matching using normalized cross-correlation in LogRGB space
* Stereo matching with Global Edge Constraint and Graph Cuts
* Stereo video coding using distributed compressive sensing with joint dictionary
* Stereo-based tracking of multiple overlapping persons
* Stereoscopic image quality metric based on binocular perception model
* Stereoscopic video quality assessment model based on spatial-temporal structural information
* stochastic learning algorithm for pixel-level background models, A
* STPCA: Sparse tensor Principal Component Analysis for feature extraction
* Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: Application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors
* strategy to jointly test image quality estimators subjectively, A
* Stratified Generalized Procrustes Analysis
* String-level learning of confidence transformation for Chinese handwritten text recognition
* Stroke Segmentation and Recognition from Bangla Online Handwritten Text
* Structural analysis of protein Secondary Structure by GHT
* Structural Features Extraction for Handwritten Arabic Personal Names Recognition
* Structural Learning for Writer Identification in Offline Handwriting
* Structural Signatures for Passenger Vehicle Classification in Video
* Structure for Adaptive Handwriting Recognition, A
* structure-based video representation for web video categorization, A
* Structure-guided manifold learning for video-based motion estimation
* Structured document classification by matching local salient features
* Structured light with coded aperture for wide range 3D measurement
* Structured sparse coding for image representation based on L1-graph
* Structured Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Student's t robust bundle adjustment algorithm
* Study of Handwritten Characters by Shape Descriptors: Doping Using the Freeman Code, A
* study on efficient compression of multi-focus images for dense Light-Field reconstruction, A
* study on regression spline based local minima approach for gaussian noise reduction in images, A
* study on semi-supervised dissimilarity representation, A
* study on the rate distortion modeling for High Efficiency Video Coding, A
* study on three dimensional rotation-free character recognition and rotation angle estimation of characters, A
* Sub-pixel disparity search for binocular stereo vision
* Subjective study of adaptive streaming strategies for 3DTV
* Submanifold decomposition
* Subspace segmentation with a Minimal Squared Frobenius Norm Representation
* Super-resolution of MR volumetric images using sparse representation and self-similarity
* Super-resolution reconstruction of video sequences based on wavelet-domain spatial and temporal processing
* Super-resolution utilizing total variation regularization and a shock filter
* Superparsing
* Superpixel level object recognition under local learning framework
* superpixel MRF approach using high-order likelihood for moving object detection, A
* Superpixel-Based Classification With an Adaptive Number of Classes for Polarimetric SAR Images
* Superpixel-driven level set tracking
* Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Combining Sparse Unmixing and Spatial Constraint
* Supervised local sparse coding of sub-image features for image retrieval
* Supervised multispectral image segmentation with power watersheds
* Supervised Sparse Patch Coding towards Misalignment-Robust Face Recognition
* Support tensor action spotting
* Supporting ground-truth annotation of image datasets using clustering
* Suppressing first row/column coefficients of DCT blocks for lossless JPEG code reduction
* SURE-LET image deconvolution using multiple Wiener filters
* Surface matching by curvature distribution images generated via gaze modeling
* SuStorID: A multiple classifier system for the protection of web services
* SVD-based approach for ghost detection and removal in high dynamic range images, An
* SVM approach for activity recognition based on chord-length-function shape features, An
* Symbol spotting for technical documents: An efficient template-matching approach
* Symmetric object detection based on symmetry and centripetal-SIFT edge descriptor
* System for Handwritten and Machine-Printed Text Separation in Bangla Document Images, A
* System for Recognition of On-Line Handwritten Mathematical Expressions, A
* System Layer Integration of High Efficiency Video Coding
* Tablet owner authentication based on behavioral characteristics of multi-touch actions
* Tag filtering based on similar compatible principle
* Tangent estimation along 3D digital curves
* Tangent-plane-continuity maximization based 3D point compression
* Targeted steganalysis of adaptive pixel-value differencing steganography
* Task-Specific Image Partitioning
* Team behavior analysis in sports using the Poisson equation
* Techno-economic assessment of the potential of intelligent transport systems to reduce CO2 emissions
* Tempo variation based multilayer filters for query by humming
* Temporal feature selection for time-series prediction
* Temporal modulation for computational video cross-talk reduction
* Temporally x real-time video dehazing
* Tensor based robust color face recognition
* Terahertz image segmentation based on K-harmonic-means clustering and statistical feature extraction modeling
* Term relevance dependency model for text classification
* Terrain visualization and data discovery using lunar high-resolution laser altimeter data sets
* Text Detection and Recognition in Real World Images
* Text detection in natural scenes using Gradient Vector Flow-Guided symmetry
* Text detection on camera acquired document images using supervised classification of connected components in wavelet domain
* Text Line Extraction Using Adaptive Partial Projection for Palm Leaf Manuscripts from Thailand
* Text location in complex images
* Text/graphic separation using a sparse representation with multi-learned dictionaries
* Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis
* Texture and statistical analysis of mammograms: A novel method to detect tumor in Breast Cells
* Texture aware image segmentation using graph cuts and active contours
* Texture preserving multi frame super resolution with spatially varying image prior
* Texture-based graph regularization process for 2D and 3D ultrasound image segmentation
* Theoretical analysis of learning local anchors for classification
* Theoretical analysis on interframe predictive coding with subpixel displacement accuracy: An exhaustive approach
* Three Evaluation Criteria's towards a Comparison of Two Characters Segmentation Methods for Handwritten Arabic Script
* Three-fold structured classifier design based on matrix pattern
* Thresholding-Based Segmentation Revisited Using Mixtures of Generalized Gaussian Distributions
* Through-the-Wall Human Motion Indication Using Sparsity-Driven Change Detection
* Time domain electromagnetic tomography using propagation and backpropagation method
* Time series alignment with Gaussian processes
* Time to contact estimation on paracatadioptric cameras
* Timed and probabilistic automata for automatic animal Call Recognition
* Timely, robust crowd event characterization
* Top-k correlated subgraph query for data streams
* Topographic representation based breast density segmentation for mammographic risk assessment
* Topological features and iterative node elimination for speeding up subgraph isomorphism detection
* Touching Character Database from Chinese Handwriting for Assessing Segmentation Algorithms, A
* Touchless hand gesture UI with instantaneous responses
* Toward a real-time tracking of dense point-sampled geometry
* Toward designing intelligent PDEs for computer vision: An optimal control approach
* Toward kinship verification using visual attributes
* Towards a robust and fast color stereo matching for intelligent vehicle application
* Towards a robust hand-eye calibration using normal flows
* Towards a simulation driven stereo vision system
* Towards automated classification of fine-art painting style: A comparative study
* Towards breast ultrasound image segmentation using multi-resolution pixel descriptors
* Towards making thinning algorithms robust against noise in sketch images
* Towards predictor, quantizer and entropy coder optimality in scalable video coding
* Track based relevance feedback for tracing persons in surveillance videos
* Trackability
* tracking based fast online complete video synopsis approach, A
* Tracking Tetrahymena pyriformis cells using decision trees
* Tracking with context as a semi-supervised learning and labeling problem
* Traffic accident risk analysis based on relation of Common Route Models
* Training data recycling for multi-level learning
* Training data selection for cancer detection in multispectral endoscopy images
* Training inter-related classifiers for automatic image classification and annotation
* Trajectory-based Fisher kernel representation for action recognition in videos
* Transductive inference and kernel design for object class segmentation
* Transductive VIS-NIR face matching
* Transfer heterogeneous unlabeled data for unsupervised clustering
* Transform Coefficient Coding in HEVC
* Transport mode detection with realistic Smartphone sensor data
* Tremor detection using motion filtering and SVM
* Tri-space and ranking based heterogeneous similarity measure for cross-media retrieval
* TUMindoor: An extensive image and point cloud dataset for visual indoor localization and mapping
* Tumor growth parameters estimation and source localization from a unique time point: Application to low-grade gliomas
* Tuned sparse depth map coding using redundant predefined transform domain
* Two Schemas for Online Character Recognition of Telugu Script Based on Support Vector Machines
* Two-layer color filter array for high quality images
* Two-Layer Framework for Piecewise Linear Manifold-Based Head Pose Estimation, A
* Two-stage hybrid binarization around fringe map based text line segmentation for document images
* Type-2 fuzzy labeled latent Dirichlet allocation for human action categorization
* Ulcer detection in wireless capsule endoscopy images
* Unbiased Evaluation of Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
* Unbiased risk estimation for sparse analysis regularization
* Unconstrained Benchmark Urdu Handwritten Sentence Database with Automatic Line Segmentation, An
* Undecimated Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and its application to bivariate image denoising using a Cauchy model, The
* Unification of image fusion and super-resolution using jointly trained dictionaries and local information contents
* unified and complexity scalable entropy coding scheme for video compression, A
* Unified complexity model for H.264/AVC video processing on mobile platform
* Unified forward+inverse transform architecture for HEVC
* Unified probabilistic framework for simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple objects with application to bio-image sequences
* Uniform probability model for deriving intra prediction angular table in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Universal spatial feature set for video steganalysis
* Unsupervised Amplitude and Texture Classification of SAR Images With Multinomial Latent Model
* Unsupervised classification of extreme facial events using active appearance models tracking for sign language videos
* Unsupervised detection of surface defects: A two-step approach
* Unsupervised discriminative feature selection in a kernel space via L2,1-norm minimization
* Unsupervised domain adaptation of virtual and real worlds for pedestrian detection
* Unsupervised dynamic texture segmentation using local descriptors in volumes
* Unsupervised methods for the classification of hyperspectral images with low spatial resolution
* Unsupervised model selection for view-invariant object detection in surveillance environments
* Unsupervised motion pattern learning for motion segmentation
* Unsupervised multi-target trajectory detection, learning and analysis in complicated environments
* Unsupervised online learning trajectory analysis based on weighted directed graph
* Unsupervised people organization and its application on individual retrieval from videos
* Unsupervised profiling of OCRed historical documents
* Unsupervised scene segmentation using sparse coding context
* Unsupervised skeleton learning for manifold denoising
* Unsupervised spectral feature selection for face recognition
* Unsupervised Spectral Mixture Analysis with Hopfield Neural Network for hyperspectral images
* Unsupervised Tibetan speech features Learning based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
* Unsupervised video segmentation by dynamic volume growing and multivariate volume merging using color-texture-gradient features
* Urban traffic monitoring from aerial LIDAR data with a Two-Level Marked Point Process model
* User-adaptive mobile video streaming
* Users plan optimization for participatory urban texture documentation
* Using InSAR Coherence to Map Stand Age in a Boreal Forest
* Using k-nearest neighbors to handle missing weak classifiers in a boosted cascade
* Using local texture maps of brain MR images to detect Mild Cognitive Impairment
* Using spatial pyramids with compacted VLAT for image categorization
* Using Speech for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Disambiguation
* Using the vectorcardiogram to remove ECG noise
* Using tri-training to exploit spectral and spatial information for hyperspectral data classification
* Utilizing co-occurrence patterns for semantic concept detection in images
* Vanishing point estimation by spherical gradient
* Variable chunk size and adaptive scheduling window for P2P streaming of scalable video
* Variable Step-Size Sign Subband Adaptive Filter
* Variational Approach for the Fusion of Exposure Bracketed Pairs
* variational Bayesian approach for frequency diverse non-linear microwave imaging, A
* Variational Bayesian inference for forward-backward visual tracking in stereo sequences
* variational multiphase model for simultaneous MR image segmentation and bias correction, A
* Variational reconstruction and restoration for video Super-Resolution
* Vector Extension of Monogenic Wavelets for Geometric Representation of Color Images
* vectorial Minimum Barrier Distance, The
* Vectorized total variation defined by weighted L infinity norm for utilizing inter channel dependency
* Vectorizing line drawings with near-constant line width
* Vegetation detection of close-range images for landslide monitoring
* Vegetation Index Differencing for Broad-Scale Assessment of Productivity Under Prolonged Drought and Sequential High Rainfall Conditions
* Vehicle logo super-resolution by canonical correlation analysis
* Verifying Global Minima for L_2 Minimization Problems in Multiple View Geometry
* Versatile Bayesian classifier for moving object detection by non-parametric background-foreground modeling
* Very high resolution Image Segmentation by combined spectral and structural information
* Video classification based on social attitudes
* Video compressive sensing with 3-D Wavelet and 3-D Noiselet
* Video Deblurring Algorithm Using Accurate Blur Kernel Estimation and Residual Deconvolution Based on a Blurred-Unblurred Frame Pair
* Video deinterlacing with control grid interpolation
* Video denoising in three-dimensional complex wavelet domain using a doubly stochastic modelling
* Video error concealment via total variation regularized matrix completion
* Video figure ground labeling
* Video frame interpolation using 3-D total variation regularized completion
* Video object segmentation by clustering region trajectories
* Video privacy filters with tolerance to segmentation errors for video conferencing and surveillance
* Video processing techniques for 3D television
* Video quality metric based on fixation prediction and foveal imaging
* Video Quality Pooling Adaptive to Perceptual Distortion Severity
* Video reconstruction using compressed sensing measurements and 3d total variation regularization for bio-imaging applications
* Video stabilization based on high degree B-spline smoothing
* Video storyboard design using Delaunay graphs
* Video summarization using simple action patterns
* Video super-resolution based on local invariant features matching
* Video upscaling via spatio-temporal self-similarity
* View-invariant gait recognition from low frame-rate videos
* View-invariant measure of line correspondence and its application in people localization
* View: Visual Information Extraction Widget for improving chart images accessibility
* Viewpoint-independent hand gesture recognition system
* viewpoint-independent statistical method for fall detection, A
* Virtual world control system using sensed information and adaptation engine
* Vision Guided Compression on low-bit rate channels
* Visual attention based model for target detection in high resolution remote sensing images
* Visual attention modeling based on short-term environmental adaption
* Visual attention region determination for H.264 videos
* Visual cortex inspired features for object detection in X-ray images
* Visual description and recognition of mechanical tools with a silhouette-based approach
* visual marker for precise pose estimation based on a microlens array, A
* Visual rhythm-based plankton detection method for ballast water quality assessment
* Visual saliency and categorisation of abstract images
* visual saliency based video hashing algorithm, A
* Visual saliency estimation using support value transform
* Visual saliency: A manifold way of perception
* Visual summarization of landmarks via viewpoint modeling
* Visualizing vein patterns from color skin images based on image mapping for forensics analysis
* Vocalization patterns of dairy animals to detect animal state
* Voice of Leadership: Models and Performances of Automatic Analysis in Online Speeches, The
* Volume-preserving correction for image registration using free-form deformations
* Wasserstein active contours
* Watermarking with low embedding distortion and self-propagating restoration capabilities
* Watershed merge tree classification for electron microscopy image segmentation
* WaveCast: Wavelet based wireless video broadcast using lossy transmission
* wavelet based morphological mass detection and classification in mammograms, A
* Wavelet based watermarking on 3D irregular meshes
* Wavelet domain image super-resolution from digital cinema to ultrahigh definition television by dividing noise component
* Wavelet subband-based steam detection by multiple kernel learning
* Wavelet-based content-aware image coding with rate-dependent seam carving
* Wavelet-Based Descriptor for Handwritten Numeral Classification, A
* Wavelet-gradient-fusion for video text binarization
* Weakly supervised topic grouping of YouTube search results
* Web image-based super-resolution
* Weighted collaborative representation and classification of images
* Weighted conditional mutual information based boosting for classification of imbalanced datasets
* Weighted Dictionary Learning Model for Denoising Images Corrupted by Mixed Noise, A
* Weighted gradient domain image processing problems and their iterative solutions
* Weighted likelihood function of multiple statistical parameters to retrieve 2D TRUS-MR slice correspondence for prostate biopsy
* What Are We Tracking: A Unified Approach of Tracking and Recognition
* What entropy tells about man-made structures
* When Does Computational Imaging Improve Performance?
* White Patch Gamut Mapping Colour Constancy
* Who is doing what? Simultaneous recognition of actions and actors
* Wide area video surveillance with spatial-temporal constraints
* Wide baseline stereo object matching using minimal cost flow algorithm
* Wide range stereo time-of-flight camera
* Wide-baseline stereo matching using ASIFT and POC
* Wiener based spatial resolution enhancement of MRI sequences of the vocal tract: A comparison between two correlation models
* Window annealing for pixel-labeling problems
* wireless video surveillance system with an active camera, A
* Wonder ears: Identification of identical twins from ear images
* Word Spotting Based Retrieval of Urdu Handwritten Documents
* Writer identification in handwritten musical scores with bags of notes
* Writer-Specific Dissimilarity Normalisation for Improved Writer-Independent Off-Line Signature Verification
* Zero-synthesis view difference aware view synthesis optimization for HEVC based 3D video compression
* Zombie Survival Optimization: A swarm intelligence algorithm inspired by zombie foraging
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Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.