Index for feng

Feng Liang Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, G.Y.: Bit Allocation and Rate Control for Stereoscopic Video Co...
     with: Zhang, Q.W.: Bit Allocation and Rate Control for Stereoscopic Video Co...
     with: Zhu, Z.J.: Bit Allocation and Rate Control for Stereoscopic Video Coding

Feng xia, W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Wan cun, Z.: Study on Land Use Changes of Wenchuan Disaster Area Based...

Feng, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Armand, M.: Fully Differentiable Framework for 2D/3D Registration and ...
     with: Chen, M.: Aerial Photogrammetry Benchmark Dataset for Point Cloud Segm...
     with: Chen, Y.X.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Compar...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Multi-Scale Learnable Gabor Transform for Pedestrian Trajec...
     with: Dogra, P.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
     with: Fan, W.: MEGAN: Memory Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Space-Time...
     with: Flores, M.G.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Un...
     with: Gao, C.: Fully Differentiable Framework for 2D/3D Registration and the...
     with: Gao, J.B.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in So...
     with: Gong, J.: Multi-Scale Learnable Gabor Transform for Pedestrian Traject...
     with: Guo, Y.W.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage ...
     with: Han, C.: Multi-Scale Learnable Gabor Transform for Pedestrian Trajecto...
     with: Han, K.: Aerial Photogrammetry Benchmark Dataset for Point Cloud Segme...
     with: Han, L.Y.: MEGAN: Memory Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Space-Ti...
     with: Hatamizadeh, A.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning...
     with: He, X.J.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Comparat...
     with: Hou, Y.: Aerial Photogrammetry Benchmark Dataset for Point Cloud Segme...
     with: Jiang, Y.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in So...
     with: Jiao, K.W.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in S...
     with: Kautz, J.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
     with: Li, L.: Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC In...
     with: Li, W.Q.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
     with: Li, Y.Q.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in Sou...
     with: Li, Z.J.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage i...
     with: Liu, D.: Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC I...
     with: Liu, K.: Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC I...
     with: Liu, L.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in Sout...
     with: Liu, L.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Comparati...
     with: Liu, P.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Comparati...
     with: Liu, X.T.: Fully Differentiable Framework for 2D/3D Registration and t...
     with: Molchanov, P.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning U...
     with: Myronenko, A.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning U...
     with: Qiu, R.Q.: Multi-Scale Learnable Gabor Transform for Pedestrian Trajec...
     with: Roth, H.R.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsa...
     with: Singh, V.P.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverag...
     with: Soibelman, L.: Aerial Photogrammetry Benchmark Dataset for Point Cloud...
     with: Sudduth, K.A.: Evaluation of Cotton Emergence Using UAV-Based Narrow-B...
     with: Tang, H.: MEGAN: Memory Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Space-Tim...
     with: Tang, J.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Comparat...
     with: Taylor, R.H.: Fully Differentiable Framework for 2D/3D Registration an...
     with: Unberath, M.: Fully Differentiable Framework for 2D/3D Registration an...
     with: Vories, E.: Evaluation of Cotton Emergence Using UAV-Based Narrow-Band...
     with: Wan, Y.H.: DualAD: Dual adversarial network for image anomaly detection?
     with: Wang, G.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Comparat...
     with: Wang, G.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage i...
     with: Wen, Z.Y.: Deep Centralized Cross-modal Retrieval
     with: Wu, F.: Partition Map Prediction for Fast Block Partitioning in VVC In...
     with: Wu, S.H.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in Sou...
     with: Xu, D.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
     with: Yan, F.L.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage ...
     with: Yan, R.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in Sout...
     with: Yan, Z.F.: GCP-SLAM: LSD-SLAM with Learning-Based Confidence Estimation
     with: Yi, Y.: Multi-Scale Learnable Gabor Transform for Pedestrian Trajector...
     with: Yin, H.X.: Do Gradient Inversion Attacks Make Federated Learning Unsafe?
     with: You, C.Y.: MEGAN: Memory Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Space-Ti...
     with: You, S.: Aerial Photogrammetry Benchmark Dataset for Point Cloud Segme...
     with: Yu, Z.: Aerial Photogrammetry Benchmark Dataset for Point Cloud Segmen...
     with: Zhang, K.W.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverag...
     with: Zhang, Q.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage ...
     with: Zhang, W.Q.: GCP-SLAM: LSD-SLAM with Learning-Based Confidence Estimat...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: Drought Monitoring from Fengyun Satellite Series: A Compa...
     with: Zhao, R.: MEGAN: Memory Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Space-Tim...
     with: Zhou, J.F.: Evaluation of Cotton Emergence Using UAV-Based Narrow-Band...
     with: Zhu, X.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage in...
     with: Zhu, Z.: Impacts of Water Diversion Projects on Vegetation Coverage in...
     with: Zuo, L.Y.: Concurrent Climate Extremes and Impacts on Ecosystems in So...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: GCP-SLAM: LSD-SLAM with Learning-Based Confidence Estimation
67 for Feng, A.

Feng, A.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Amankwah, S.O.Y.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Bas...
     with: Dai, W.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on Mul...
     with: Hu, Y.F.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on Mu...
     with: Liu, Y.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on Mul...
     with: Song, W.C.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on ...
     with: Wang, G.J.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on ...
     with: Wei, X.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on Mul...
     with: Zhang, Q.X.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on...
     with: Zhou, F.H.: Bi-Objective Crop Mapping from Sentinel-2 Images Based on ...
9 for Feng, A.Q.

Feng, B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alzayer, H.: Seeing the World through Your Eyes
     with: Bagri, V.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Chall...
     with: Bai, J.F.: Image character recognition using deep convolutional neural...
     with: Bai, X.: Bag of contour fragments for robust shape classification
     with: Bai, X.: Feature context for image classification and object detection
     with: Bao, H.J.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncerta...
     with: Bao, L.: Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation for ...
     with: Bao, X.: Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation for ...
     with: Beach, R.D.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Pr...
     with: Boening, G.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Pr...
     with: Cai, Y.L.: Evaluation of large-scale cycling environment by using the ...
     with: Cao, J.: Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation for ...
     with: Chang, K.: On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems
     with: Chen, B.: Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
     with: Chen, B.: Radar HRRP target recognition with deep networks
     with: Chen, H.B.: Segmentation of nucleus based on dynamic convolution and d...
     with: Chen, J.Q.: Evaluation of large-scale cycling environment by using the...
     with: Chen, J.S.: Effective near-duplicate image retrieval with image-specif...
     with: Chen, J.S.: Spatial Similarity Measure of Visual Phrases for Image Ret...
     with: Chen, M.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Fl...
     with: Chen, X.H.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncert...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation...
     with: Chen, Z.: Image character recognition using deep convolutional neural ...
     with: Chen, Z.N.: Micro-Expression Recognition by Aggregating Local Spatio-T...
     with: Chen, Z.N.: Video to Article Hyperlinking by Multiple Tag Property Exp...
     with: Cheng, N.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Chall...
     with: Cui, Z.P.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncerta...
     with: Dai, F.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orient...
     with: Deng, R.H.: On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems
     with: Deng, Y.Z.: Gaitgs: Temporal Feature Learning in Granularity and Span ...
     with: Deng, Y.Z.: LICAF: Lidar-Camera Asymmetric Fusion for Gait Recognition
     with: Ding, P.: Effective near-duplicate image retrieval with image-specific...
     with: Ding, X.Q.: Chinese handwriting recognition using hidden Markov models
     with: Ding, Y.L.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum ...
     with: Ding, Y.L.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection o...
     with: Drori, I.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Chall...
     with: Fang, C.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmentation
     with: Fang, C.: Instances as Queries
     with: Fang, Y.X.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmenta...
     with: Fang, Y.X.: Instances as Queries
     with: Feng, J.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation w...
     with: Fessler, J.A.: Incorporation of System Resolution Compensation (RC) in...
     with: Fu, X.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Task...
     with: Gao, H.: Radar Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Product Scale Zoo...
     with: Gennert, M.A.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the ...
     with: Gifford, H.C.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the ...
     with: Guo, Z.: AttentionShift: Iteratively Estimated Part-Based Attention Ma...
     with: Han, Z.J.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse P...
     with: He, B.T.: Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleton-B...
     with: He, B.T.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Recogni...
     with: He, F.: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust...
     with: He, H.G.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Ta...
     with: He, H.G.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection of ...
     with: Ho, K.T.: Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
     with: Hu, J.R.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertai...
     with: Huang, J.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Chall...
     with: Huang, J.B.: Seeing the World through Your Eyes
     with: Huang, J.J.: Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
     with: Huang, L.: Multi-exposure image fusion based on feature evaluation wit...
     with: Huang, X.H.: Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleto...
     with: Huang, X.H.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Reco...
     with: Huang, X.S.: Micro-Expression Recognition by Aggregating Local Spatio-...
     with: Jenkins, I.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Cha...
     with: Jiang, X.: Facial expression recognition via sparse representation usi...
     with: Jin, L.: Facial expression recognition via sparse representation using...
     with: Jin, Z.: Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleton-Ba...
     with: Kim, H.J.: On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems
     with: King, M.A.: Incorporation of System Resolution Compensation (RC) in th...
     with: King, M.A.: Use of Three-Dimensional Gaussian Interpolation in the Pro...
     with: Latecki, L.J.: Bag of contour fragments for robust shape classification
     with: Latecki, L.J.: Feature context for image classification and object det...
     with: Lee, S.J.: On Security Notions of Steganographic Systems
     with: Li, G.L.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertai...
     with: Li, J.H.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d P...
     with: Li, L.: Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
     with: Li, M.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Task...
     with: Li, M.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Flow...
     with: Li, Q.: Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in Re...
     with: Li, S.P.: Energy distributed update steps(edu) in lifting based motion...
     with: Li, W.L.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Complic...
     with: Li, X.D.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orien...
     with: Li, Y.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmentation
     with: Li, Y.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Task...
     with: Li, Y.: Instances as Queries
     with: Li, Y.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Complicat...
     with: Li, Y.: Pose Anchor: A Single-Stage Hand Keypoint Detection Network
     with: Li, Y.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection of Mu...
     with: Li, Y.B.: Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar Mutual Interference Usin...
     with: Li, Y.B.: Mutual Interference Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar Base...
     with: Li, Z.P.: Multi-exposure image fusion based on feature evaluation with...
     with: Liang, L.: Radar Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Product Scale Z...
     with: Liang, P.: Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in...
     with: Liao, M.X.: AttentionShift: Iteratively Estimated Part-Based Attention...
     with: Liao, M.X.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse ...
     with: Lin, S.X.: Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation fo...
     with: Liu, H.W.: Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
     with: Liu, H.W.: Radar HRRP target recognition with deep networks
     with: Liu, J.H.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d ...
     with: Liu, J.N.K.: iBotGuard: an Internet-based Intelligent Robot security s...
     with: Liu, M.W.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for T...
     with: Liu, M.W.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Compli...
     with: Liu, M.W.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum F...
     with: Liu, M.W.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection of...
     with: Liu, W.: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robus...
     with: Liu, W.: Pose Anchor: A Single-Stage Hand Keypoint Detection Network
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Bag of contour fragments for robust shape classification
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Cascaded Boundary Network for High-Quality Temporal Action ...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Causality-inspired Discriminative Feature Learning in Tripl...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleton-...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Recogn...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmentat...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Feature context for image classification and object detection
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Gaitgs: Temporal Feature Learning in Granularity and Span D...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Instances as Queries
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Learning Multi-Instance Deep Discriminative Patterns for Im...
     with: Liu, Y.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation wi...
     with: Liu, Z.: Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
     with: Liu, Z.S.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation ...
     with: Long, W.S.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation...
     with: Lu, T.: Radar Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Product Scale Zoom...
     with: Luo, P.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d Pr...
     with: Ma, C.: Occgen: Generative Multi-modal 3d Occupancy Prediction for Aut...
     with: Ma, C.: SparseOcc: Rethinking Sparse Latent Representation for Vision-...
     with: Ma, C.: VEON: Vocabulary-enhanced Occupancy Prediction
     with: Ma, Y.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orienta...
     with: Metzler, C.A.: Seeing the World through Your Eyes
     with: Miao, S.X.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection o...
     with: Narasimhan, K.: Towards Unique and Informative Captioning of Images
     with: Ni, Y.: Evaluation of large-scale cycling environment by using the tra...
     with: Nie, S.: Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point Ext...
     with: Nie, Z.B.: Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Paramet...
     with: Ning, C.: Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Paramete...
     with: Ow, C.S.: Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
     with: Rao, Q.: Knot Magnify Loss for Face Recognition
     with: Ren, X.X.: Occgen: Generative Multi-modal 3d Occupancy Prediction for ...
     with: Ren, X.X.: SparseOcc: Rethinking Sparse Latent Representation for Visi...
     with: Ren, X.X.: VEON: Vocabulary-enhanced Occupancy Prediction
     with: Russakovsky, O.: Towards Unique and Informative Captioning of Images
     with: Shan, Y.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmentation
     with: Shan, Y.: Instances as Queries
     with: Sheng, S.: Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attributes...
     with: Shi, Z.L.: PD Based Determination of Polarized Reflection Regions in B...
     with: Song, X.N.: Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attribute...
     with: Stolkin, R.: Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
     with: Strome, M.B.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Ch...
     with: Sun, L.C.: Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
     with: Sun, T.Y.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d ...
     with: Tang, P.: Learning Multi-Instance Deep Discriminative Patterns for Ima...
     with: Tang, P.: Occgen: Generative Multi-modal 3d Occupancy Prediction for A...
     with: Tang, P.: SparseOcc: Rethinking Sparse Latent Representation for Visio...
     with: Tang, P.: VEON: Vocabulary-enhanced Occupancy Prediction
     with: Wan, F.: AttentionShift: Iteratively Estimated Part-Based Attention Ma...
     with: Wan, F.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse Pro...
     with: Wang, C.: Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point Ex...
     with: Wang, G.Q.: Occgen: Generative Multi-modal 3d Occupancy Prediction for...
     with: Wang, G.Q.: SparseOcc: Rethinking Sparse Latent Representation for Vis...
     with: Wang, G.Q.: VEON: Vocabulary-enhanced Occupancy Prediction
     with: Wang, H.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Recogni...
     with: Wang, H.: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robu...
     with: Wang, H.: Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point ...
     with: Wang, H.Z.: Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attribute...
     with: Wang, H.Z.: Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Parame...
     with: Wang, J.L.: Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point ...
     with: Wang, M.: iBotGuard: an Internet-based Intelligent Robot security syst...
     with: Wang, R.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Challe...
     with: Wang, S.: Evaluation of large-scale cycling environment by using the t...
     with: Wang, T.: Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in ...
     with: Wang, W.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Fl...
     with: Wang, X.: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robu...
     with: Wang, X.: Pose Anchor: A Single-Stage Hand Keypoint Detection Network
     with: Wang, X.G.: Bag of contour fragments for robust shape classification
     with: Wang, X.G.: Cascaded Boundary Network for High-Quality Temporal Action...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Causality-inspired Discriminative Feature Learning in Trip...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleton...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Recog...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmenta...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Feature context for image classification and object detect...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Gaitgs: Temporal Feature Learning in Granularity and Span ...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Instances as Queries
     with: Wang, X.G.: Learning Multi-Instance Deep Discriminative Patterns for I...
     with: Wang, Y.N.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Chal...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: AttentionShift: Iteratively Estimated Part-Based Attention...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse ...
     with: Wang, Z.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d P...
     with: Wang, Z.: Towards Unique and Informative Captioning of Images
     with: Wang, Z.D.: Occgen: Generative Multi-modal 3d Occupancy Prediction for...
     with: Wang, Z.D.: SparseOcc: Rethinking Sparse Latent Representation for Vis...
     with: Wang, Z.D.: VEON: Vocabulary-enhanced Occupancy Prediction
     with: Wei, Z.: Improvement in real-time obstacle detection system for USV
     with: Williams, P.: Solving the Families In the Wild Kinship Verification Ch...
     with: Wu, C.L.: Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attributes ...
     with: Wu, C.L.: Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Paramete...
     with: Wu, F.: Energy distributed update steps(edu) in lifting based motion c...
     with: Wu, W.J.: Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landma...
     with: Wu, Y.: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust...
     with: Wu, Y.S.: Chinese handwriting recognition using hidden Markov models
     with: Xi, X.H.: Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point Ex...
     with: Xia, L.: Radar Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Product Scale Zoo...
     with: Xie, E.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d Pr...
     with: Xie, H.T.: Video to Article Hyperlinking by Multiple Tag Property Expl...
     with: Xie, L.: Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in R...
     with: Xie, X.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Flo...
     with: Xie, X.J.: Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landm...
     with: Xiong, H.J.: Causality-inspired Discriminative Feature Learning in Tri...
     with: Xiong, H.J.: Gaitgs: Temporal Feature Learning in Granularity and Span...
     with: Xiong, H.J.: LICAF: Lidar-Camera Asymmetric Fusion for Gait Recognition
     with: Xu, B.: Effective near-duplicate image retrieval with image-specific v...
     with: Xu, B.: Image character recognition using deep convolutional neural ne...
     with: Xu, B.: Spatial Similarity Measure of Visual Phrases for Image Retrieval
     with: Xu, B.: Video to Article Hyperlinking by Multiple Tag Property Explora...
     with: Xu, C.: Multi-exposure image fusion based on feature evaluation with a...
     with: Xu, H.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orienta...
     with: Xu, J.Z.: Energy distributed update steps(edu) in lifting based motion...
     with: Xu, K.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d Pro...
     with: Xu, L.: Cascaded Boundary Network for High-Quality Temporal Action Pro...
     with: Xu, R.W.: Automatic Horizon Picking Using Multiple Seismic Attributes ...
     with: Xu, R.W.: Facies-Constrained Kriging Interpolation Method for Paramete...
     with: Xu, Y.Y.: Multiscale Urban Functional Zone Recognition Based on Landma...
     with: Xu, Z.W.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Fl...
     with: Yan, C.G.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orie...
     with: Yang, B.: Condition-Adaptive Graph Convolution Learning for Skeleton-B...
     with: Yang, B.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Recogni...
     with: Yang, L.J.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncert...
     with: Yang, S.: Crossover Learning for Fast Online Video Instance Segmentation
     with: Yang, S.Q.: Energy distributed update steps(edu) in lifting based moti...
     with: Yang, S.S.: Instances as Queries
     with: Yang, W.J.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for ...
     with: Yang, W.J.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection o...
     with: Yang, Y.: Knot Magnify Loss for Face Recognition
     with: Yao, Y.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse Pro...
     with: Ye, Q.X.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse Pr...
     with: Yi, S.: Depth-Projection-Map-Based Bag of Contour Fragments for Robust...
     with: Yin, M.Y.: Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar Mutual Interference Usi...
     with: Yu, B.: Knot Magnify Loss for Face Recognition
     with: Yu, R.J.: Evaluation of large-scale cycling environment by using the t...
     with: Yu, T.Y.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation w...
     with: Yuan, P.: AttentionShift: Iteratively Estimated Part-Based Attention M...
     with: Yuan, P.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse Pr...
     with: Yuan, P.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orien...
     with: Yuan, Z.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2d P...
     with: Yun, X.C.: Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation fo...
     with: Zhang, G.F.: CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncer...
     with: Zhang, H.: Cross-Modality Learning Approach for Vessel Segmentation in...
     with: Zhang, H.B.: Segment, Lift and Fit: Automatic 3d Shape Labeling from 2...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Comp...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection ...
     with: Zhang, K.: Seeing the World through Your Eyes
     with: Zhang, S.Y.: Micro-Expression Recognition by Aggregating Local Spatio-...
     with: Zhang, W.C.: Mutual Interference Mitigation of Millimeter-Wave Radar B...
     with: Zhang, X.F.: Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
     with: Zhang, Y.D.: Graph-based multi-space semantic correlation propagation ...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Comp...
     with: Zhao, Q.: PANDORA: A Panoramic Detection Dataset for Object with Orien...
     with: Zheng, J.: Occgen: Generative Multi-modal 3d Occupancy Prediction for ...
     with: Zheng, J.: SparseOcc: Rethinking Sparse Latent Representation for Visi...
     with: Zheng, J.: VEON: Vocabulary-enhanced Occupancy Prediction
     with: Zheng, R.: Video to Article Hyperlinking by Multiple Tag Property Expl...
     with: Zhou, G.Q.: Exploring the Potential of UAV LiDAR Data for Trunk Point ...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: Segmentation of nucleus based on dynamic convolution and d...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Ta...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Fl...
     with: Zhu, D.W.: Context-Sensitive Temporal Feature Learning for Gait Recogn...
     with: Zhu, J.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Complica...
     with: Zhu, J.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection of M...
     with: Zhu, L.: Effective near-duplicate image retrieval with image-specific ...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Efficient Graph-Based Spatio-Temporal Indexing Method for Tas...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Optimized Organization And Adaptive Visualization of Complica...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Optimized Spatiotemporal Data Scheduling Based on Maximum Flo...
     with: Zhu, Q.: Semantics-Constrained Advantageous Information Selection of M...
     with: Zou, J.L.: End-to-End Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Sparse P...
     with: Zuo, L.: Infinite max-margin factor analysis via data augmentation
274 for Feng, B.

Feng, B.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, Y.R.: Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Manageme...
     with: Li, H.W.: Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management ...
     with: Wang, Z.H.: Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Managemen...
     with: Wu, Z.: Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management Ba...
     with: Zhao, S.: Street Patrol Routing Optimization in Smart City Management ...

Feng, B.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, W.M.: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense...
     with: Li, B.: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense I...
     with: Li, Z.K.: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense...
     with: Liu, Y.F.: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dens...
     with: Peng, C.W.: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Den...
     with: Wu, K.: SDTP: Semantic-Aware Decoupled Transformer Pyramid for Dense I...

Feng, B.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, J.Q.: adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence ...
     with: Mao, W.T.: adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence ...
     with: Yan, G.R.: adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence ...
     with: Zhao, J.W.: adaptive support vector regression based on a new sequence...

Feng, B.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Lin, W.L.: List Encoding of Vector Perturbation Precoding
     with: Ma, Y.: List Encoding of Vector Perturbation Precoding
     with: Wang, K.: List Encoding of Vector Perturbation Precoding
     with: Zhao, J.G.: List Encoding of Vector Perturbation Precoding

Feng, B.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bouman, K.L.: Score-Based Diffusion Models as Principled Priors for In...
     with: Bouman, K.L.: Visual Vibration Tomography: Estimating Interior Materia...
     with: Chang, H.: Score-Based Diffusion Models as Principled Priors for Inver...
     with: Daraio, C.: Visual Vibration Tomography: Estimating Interior Material ...
     with: Freeman, W.T.: Score-Based Diffusion Models as Principled Priors for I...
     with: Ma, C.X.: 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human He...
     with: Ogren, A.C.: Visual Vibration Tomography: Estimating Interior Material...
     with: Rubinstein, M.: Score-Based Diffusion Models as Principled Priors for ...
     with: Smith, J.: Score-Based Diffusion Models as Principled Priors for Inver...
     with: Wei, L.: 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human Hea...
     with: Xue, R.: 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human Hea...
     with: Yan, X.Q.: 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human H...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: 7T Transmit/Receive Arrays Using ICE Decoupling for Human...
13 for Feng, B.T.

Feng, B.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, B.: Removing Hidden Information by Geometrical Perturbation in F...
     with: Dai, L.: Steganography Based on High-Dimensional Reference Table
     with: Guo, Y.Z.: Camera-Shooting Resilient Watermarking on Image Instance Le...
     with: He, L.: Removing Hidden Information by Geometrical Perturbation in Fre...
     with: He, L.Y.: Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion ...
     with: He, M.J.: Camera-Shooting Resilient Watermarking on Image Instance Level
     with: He, M.J.: High-capacity coverless image steganographic scheme based on...
     with: Huang, J.W.: Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition a...
     with: Huang, Z.Q.: Robust reversible image watermarking scheme based on spre...
     with: Li, G.F.: High-capacity coverless image steganographic scheme based on...
     with: Li, G.F.: Multilevel histogram shape-based image watermarking invarian...
     with: Lin, X.: Content-Adaptive Residual for Steganalysis
     with: Lin, Y.C.: Variable Rate Syndrome-trellis Codes for Steganography on B...
     with: Liu, H.M.: Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion...
     with: Liu, Z.Q.: Variable Rate Syndrome-trellis Codes for Steganography on B...
     with: Lu, W.: Binary image steganalysis based on pixel mesh Markov transitio...
     with: Lu, W.: Camera-Shooting Resilient Watermarking on Image Instance Level
     with: Lu, W.: Content-Adaptive Residual for Steganalysis
     with: Lu, W.: High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images Based on Mi...
     with: Lu, W.: High-capacity coverless image steganographic scheme based on i...
     with: Lu, W.: Improved Algorithms for Robust Histogram Shape-Based Image Wat...
     with: Lu, W.: Multilevel histogram shape-based image watermarking invariant ...
     with: Lu, W.: Multiple Watermarking Using Multilevel Quantization Index Modu...
     with: Lu, W.: Removing Hidden Information by Geometrical Perturbation in Fre...
     with: Lu, W.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Attenti...
     with: Lu, W.: Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and Ad...
     with: Lu, W.: Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion Me...
     with: Lu, W.: Steganalysis of content-adaptive binary image data hiding
     with: Lu, W.: Steganography Based on High-Dimensional Reference Table
     with: Lu, W.: Variable Rate Syndrome-trellis Codes for Steganography on Burs...
     with: Luo, Z.Q.: Multilevel histogram shape-based image watermarking invaria...
     with: Pei, B.: Multiple Watermarking Using Multilevel Quantization Index Mod...
     with: Pei, B.: Steganalysis of content-adaptive binary image data hiding
     with: Peng, Z.C.: Removing Hidden Information by Geometrical Perturbation in...
     with: Peng, Z.C.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Att...
     with: Qin, T.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Attent...
     with: Shi, Y.Q.: Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and...
     with: Sun, W.: Binary image steganalysis based on pixel mesh Markov transiti...
     with: Sun, W.: Content-Adaptive Residual for Steganalysis
     with: Sun, W.: High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images Based on M...
     with: Sun, W.: Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and A...
     with: Sun, W.: Steganography Based on High-Dimensional Reference Table
     with: Wei, K.M.: Variable Rate Syndrome-trellis Codes for Steganography on B...
     with: Weng, J.: Camera-Shooting Resilient Watermarking on Image Instance Level
     with: Weng, J.: High-capacity coverless image steganographic scheme based on...
     with: Weng, J.: Improved Algorithms for Robust Histogram Shape-Based Image W...
     with: Weng, J.: Multiple Watermarking Using Multilevel Quantization Index Mo...
     with: Weng, J.: Steganalysis of content-adaptive binary image data hiding
     with: Xia, Z.H.: Removing Hidden Information by Geometrical Perturbation in ...
     with: Xia, Z.H.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Atte...
     with: Xiang, S.J.: Robust reversible image watermarking scheme based on spre...
     with: Xue, Y.J.: Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distortion...
     with: Yeung, Y.L.: Secure Binary Image Steganography Based on Fused Distorti...
     with: Zeng, X.B.: Robust image hiding network with Frequency and Spatial Att...
54 for Feng, B.W.

Feng, B.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alzayer, H.: 3D Motion Magnification: Visualizing Subtle Motions with ...
     with: Cai, H.M.: Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gaus...
     with: Du, R.F.: PRIF: Primary Ray-Based Implicit Function
     with: Fan, Z.W.: Learning to Estimate 6DoF Pose from Limited Data: A Few-Sho...
     with: Fan, Z.W.: StegaNeRF: Embedding Invisible Information within Neural Ra...
     with: Freeman, W.T.: 3D Motion Magnification: Visualizing Subtle Motions wit...
     with: Freeman, W.T.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects ...
     with: Guo, H.Y.: WaveMo: Learning Wavefront Modulations to See Through Scatt...
     with: Hua, Y.Z.: SvRetina-LPD: A Sliding Vertex-Based RetinaNet for Robust M...
     with: Huang, J.B.: 3D Motion Magnification: Visualizing Subtle Motions with ...
     with: Huang, J.B.: Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Ga...
     with: Jin, L.B.: WaveMo: Learning Wavefront Modulations to See Through Scatt...
     with: Lei, J.S.: SvRetina-LPD: A Sliding Vertex-Based RetinaNet for Robust M...
     with: Li, C.X.: Learning to Estimate 6DoF Pose from Limited Data: A Few-Shot...
     with: Li, C.X.: StegaNeRF: Embedding Invisible Information within Neural Rad...
     with: Liu, C.L.: Effective license plate detection using fast candidate regi...
     with: Liu, Z.: Deep Depth Estimation on 360° Images with a Double Quaternion...
     with: Metzler, C.A.: Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and ...
     with: Metzler, C.A.: WaveMo: Learning Wavefront Modulations to See Through S...
     with: Pan, P.: StegaNeRF: Embedding Invisible Information within Neural Radi...
     with: Pan, P.W.: Learning to Estimate 6DoF Pose from Limited Data: A Few-Sho...
     with: Ren, M.W.: Automatic recognition of serial numbers in bank notes
     with: Ren, M.W.: Effective license plate detection using fast candidate regi...
     with: Ren, M.W.: Extraction of Serial Numbers on Bank Notes
     with: Rubinstein, M.: 3D Motion Magnification: Visualizing Subtle Motions wi...
     with: Shah, S.: Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gauss...
     with: Shi, W.B.: SvRetina-LPD: A Sliding Vertex-Based RetinaNet for Robust M...
     with: Snavely, N.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects vi...
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Automatic recognition of serial numbers in bank notes
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Extraction of Serial Numbers on Bank Notes
     with: Tang, D.H.: PRIF: Primary Ray-Based Implicit Function
     with: Varshney, A.: Deep Depth Estimation on 360° Images with a Double Quate...
     with: Varshney, A.: PRIF: Primary Ray-Based Implicit Function
     with: Veeraraghavan, A.: WaveMo: Learning Wavefront Modulations to See Throu...
     with: Wang, P.H.: Learning to Estimate 6DoF Pose from Limited Data: A Few-Sh...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Learning to Estimate 6DoF Pose from Limited Data: A Few-Sh...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: StegaNeRF: Embedding Invisible Information within Neural R...
     with: Wu, J.J.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects via V...
     with: Wu, R.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects via Vid...
     with: Xie, M.Y.: Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gaus...
     with: Xie, M.Y.: WaveMo: Learning Wavefront Modulations to See Through Scatt...
     with: Xu, Y.: Flash-Splat: 3d Reflection Removal with Flash Cues and Gaussia...
     with: Yang, S.Y.: SvRetina-LPD: A Sliding Vertex-Based RetinaNet for Robust ...
     with: Yao, W.: Deep Depth Estimation on 360° Images with a Double Quaternion...
     with: Yu, H.X.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects via V...
     with: Zhang, T.Y.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects vi...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Automatic recognition of serial numbers in bank notes
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Effective license plate detection using fast candidate re...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Extraction of Serial Numbers on Bank Notes
     with: Zhang, Y.: PRIF: Primary Ray-Based Implicit Function
     with: Zhang, Z.H.: SvRetina-LPD: A Sliding Vertex-Based RetinaNet for Robust...
     with: Zheng, C.X.: Physdreamer: Physics-based Interaction with 3d Objects vi...
52 for Feng, B.Y.

Feng, B.Y.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Varshney, A.: SIGNET: Efficient Neural Representation for Light Fields

Feng, C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbeloos, W.: Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Prop...
     with: Abuolaim, A.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-p...
     with: Agarla, M.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Akalwadi, N.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods ...
     with: Allabakash, G.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Method...
     with: Alvarez, J.M.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3D...
     with: An, D.: Segmentation of Pericardial Adipose Tissue in CMR Images: A Be...
     with: Anandkumar, A.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3...
     with: Arad, B.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Arad, B.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Arora, A.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixe...
     with: Arora, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Ataer Cansizoglu, E.: Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Reg...
     with: Bae, H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bai, F.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Bai, F.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Bai, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Bai, F.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Bai, F.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Bai, J.: Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by Co...
     with: Bai, M.M.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Bai, X.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixe...
     with: Bama, B.S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Banic, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Barman, N.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Bernat, A.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bernat, A.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bi, M.Z.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bian, Z.J.: Segmentation of Pericardial Adipose Tissue in CMR Images: ...
     with: Bianco, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bianco, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Brown, M.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Brown, M.S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Bull, D.: Mtkd: Multi-teacher Knowledge Distillation for Image Super-r...
     with: Bull, D.: RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
     with: Bull, D.R.: Video Compression With CNN-Based Postprocessing
     with: Buzzelli, M.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Buzzelli, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Caccamo, S.: Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Propo...
     with: Cai, M.X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Cai, Y.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Cao, Y.L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Cao, Y.P.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Cao, Y.Q.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Cao, Z.: Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
     with: Cao, Z.: P2B: Point-to-Box Network for 3D Object Tracking in Point Clo...
     with: Cao, Z.G.: Advance One-Shot Multispectral Instance Detection With Text...
     with: Cao, Z.G.: Parallel Network to Learn Novelty from the Known
     with: Cao, Z.G.: Represent, Compare, and Learn: A Similarity-Aware Framework...
     with: Celona, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chan, S.L.: Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
     with: Chang, C.C.: Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models vi...
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chang, J.: Subspace Decomposition Based Adaptive Density Peak Clusteri...
     with: Chen, C.: DeepMapping2: Self-Supervised Large-Scale LiDAR Map Optimiza...
     with: Chen, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Chen, C.T.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Appl...
     with: Chen, H.T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Chen, H.W.: Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via...
     with: Chen, I.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chen, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Chen, J.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chen, L.: Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
     with: Chen, N.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS...
     with: Chen, S.: 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Autonomous Drivin...
     with: Chen, S.: Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by C...
     with: Chen, S.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Esti...
     with: Chen, S.H.: Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph To...
     with: Chen, S.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Chen, S.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Chen, S.Z.: Segmentation of Pericardial Adipose Tissue in CMR Images: ...
     with: Chen, T.C.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Appl...
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chen, X.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tac...
     with: Chen, X.G.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Chen, Y.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quan...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chen, Y.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Chen, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pix...
     with: Chen, Z.: Expression snippet transformer for robust video-based facial...
     with: Chen, Z.: IterDepth: Iterative Residual Refinement for Outdoor Self-Su...
     with: Chen, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Chen, Z.: Parallel multiscale context-based edge-preserving optical fl...
     with: Chen, Z.: Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems
     with: Chen, Z.J.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal T...
     with: Chen, Z.Y.: Self-Supervised Video Forensics by Audio-Visual Anomaly De...
     with: Chen, Z.Z.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Cheng, J.: Advance One-Shot Multispectral Instance Detection With Text...
     with: Cheng, J.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Cheng, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Cheng, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Cherian, A.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Unc...
     with: Cherian, A.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussia...
     with: Cherian, A.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose E...
     with: Chiang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chichen, L.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Cho, M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Choi, U.J.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Chok, L.: Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
     with: Choy, C.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3D Sema...
     with: Chu, C.: Integrated Production Inventory Routing Planning for Intellig...
     with: Chu, F.: Integrated Production Inventory Routing Planning for Intellig...
     with: Chua, T.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Chua, T.S.: Discovering Spatio-Temporal Rationales for Video Question ...
     with: Chua, T.S.: LASO: Language-Guided Affordance Segmentation on 3D Object
     with: Chung, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Cohen, R.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Cohen, R.A.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch ...
     with: Collins, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Conde, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Conde, M.V.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Ge...
     with: Conde, M.V.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning,...
     with: Conde, M.V.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Cui, X.: Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automati...
     with: Cui, Z.D.: Subspace Decomposition Based Adaptive Density Peak Clusteri...
     with: Dai, Y.K.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Danier, D.: RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
     with: Deng, K.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use maps ...
     with: Deng, S.: One for All: A Unified Generative Framework for Image Emotio...
     with: Derpanis, K.G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and R...
     with: Desai, C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Dian, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Ding, L.: DeepMapping2: Self-Supervised Large-Scale LiDAR Map Optimiza...
     with: Ding, L.: DeepMapping: Unsupervised Map Estimation From Multiple Point...
     with: Ding, W.C.: Identifying commuters based on random forest of smartcard ...
     with: Dong, J.: Optimization Method for Collaborative Radar Antijamming Base...
     with: Dong, J.: Optimization Method for Radar Anti-Jamming Strategy via Key ...
     with: Dong, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Dong, M.C.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Dong, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Dou, Y.M.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Ta...
     with: Du, K.P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Du, S.C.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Du, S.Y.: Parallel Network to Learn Novelty from the Known
     with: Du, X.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Duan, C.J.: Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph To...
     with: Duan, Y.S.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use map...
     with: Efimova, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Elezabi, O.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ermakov, I.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ershov, E.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Ershov, E.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Fan, H.Q.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Fan, H.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Fan, P.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Apple ...
     with: Fan, Z.H.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Fan, Z.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Fang, I.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Microscop...
     with: Fang, Q.: Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by C...
     with: Feng, C.G.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Feng, F.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Feng, J.N.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Feng, K.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Feng, R.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Feng, S.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Feng, W.: Deep Unfolded Gridless DOA Estimation Networks Based on Atom...
     with: Fidler, S.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3D Se...
     with: Fu, M.H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Fu, X.J.: Optimization Method for Collaborative Radar Antijamming Base...
     with: Fu, X.J.: Optimization Method for Radar Anti-Jamming Strategy via Key ...
     with: Fu, X.J.: Subspace Decomposition Based Adaptive Density Peak Clusterin...
     with: Gang, R.P.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pix...
     with: Gang, R.P.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Gangopadhyay, R.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multim...
     with: Gao, S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Gao, X.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recomm...
     with: Gao, Y.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Gao, Z.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Gao, Z.: Self-Supervised Representation Learning with Cross-Context Le...
     with: Ge, L.: Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems
     with: Ge, R.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quanti...
     with: Ghosh, D.K.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Gong, M.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS...
     with: Gong, Z.X.: Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation...
     with: Goring, S.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Gu, J.W.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Guan, X.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Guo, A.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Guo, D.: Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automati...
     with: Guo, D.: Orthographic Reflectance Image for Planar Target Localization...
     with: Guo, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Guo, L.J.: HR-xNet: A Novel High-Resolution Network for Human Pose Est...
     with: Guo, L.J.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Guo, P.J.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Appl...
     with: Guo, Y.: Contribution-based feature transfer for JPEG mismatched stega...
     with: Han, J.: Systematic Scheme for Automatic Airplane Detection from High-...
     with: Han, L.: Classification of Radar Targets with Micro-Motion Based on RC...
     with: Han, L.: Space Targets with Micro-Motion Classification Using Complex-...
     with: Han, M.Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Han, M.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Han, W.: SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line D...
     with: Han, W.Y.: Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
     with: Hao, D.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Hayat, M.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixe...
     with: He, C.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Generat...
     with: He, F.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: He, G.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and Re...
     with: He, H.C.: Preliminary Experiment for Measuring the Anxiety Level Using...
     with: He, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: He, J.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: He, W.X.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: He, X.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recomme...
     with: Hong, C.Y.: Parallel Network to Learn Novelty from the Known
     with: Hsieh, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Hsu, J.: Naturally Supervised 3D Visual Grounding with Language-Regula...
     with: Hu, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Hu, W.M.: IterDepth: Iterative Residual Refinement for Outdoor Self-Su...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Parallel multiscale context-based edge-preserving optical fl...
     with: Hu, W.M.: Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems
     with: Hu, X.W.: Space Targets with Micro-Motion Classification Using Complex...
     with: Hu, X.Y.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use maps ...
     with: Hu, X.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Huang, C.C.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer App...
     with: Huang, F.F.: Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of M...
     with: Huang, H.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Reco...
     with: Huang, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Huang, M.: Segmentation of longitudinal brain MR images using bias cor...
     with: Huang, P.: Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identif...
     with: Huang, Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Hui, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Hui, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Ide, M.: Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adapta...
     with: Ignatov, A.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning,...
     with: Iovita, R.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Microsc...
     with: Irny, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Ishizaka, J.: Novel Method Based on Backscattering for Discriminating ...
     with: Jalba, A.C.: Part-Based Segmentation by Skeleton Cut Space Analysis
     with: Jeng, F.C.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Appl...
     with: Ji, L.: Dynamical Gaussian mixture model for tracking elliptical livin...
     with: Ji, T.T.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the So...
     with: Ji, Z.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Jia, J.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Genera...
     with: Jia, S.: Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video Fo...
     with: Jia, W.J.: Level set framework with transcendental constraint for robu...
     with: Jiang Xin, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Jiang, C.Z.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods a...
     with: Jiang, C.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Jiang, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Jiang, P.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MAR...
     with: Jiang, T.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Jiang, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Jiang, Y.W.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Ge...
     with: Jiang, Y.X.: Mtkd: Multi-teacher Knowledge Distillation for Image Supe...
     with: Jiang, Y.Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Jin Jing, T.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Jin, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Jin, S.: Interference and Outage Probability Analysis for Massive MIMO...
     with: Jing, Y.: Interference and Outage Probability Analysis for Massive MIM...
     with: Jinhui, D.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Jones, M.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncer...
     with: Jones, M.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian ...
     with: Joshi, A.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Juefei Xu, F.: Fooling LiDAR Perception via Adversarial Trajectory Per...
     with: Jung, Y.J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Kamath, V.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Kang, F.: Branch Identification and Junction Points Location for Apple...
     with: Kang, S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Kang, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Kansal, P.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods an...
     with: Kansal, P.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Kaushik, A.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Micros...
     with: Kautz, J.: Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
     with: Khan, F.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pix...
     with: Khan, R.A.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Khan, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Khandelwal, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and R...
     with: Khowaja, S.A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Re...
     with: Kim, G.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Kim, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Kim, S.J.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Kim, Y.I.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Kinli, F.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Kinli, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kinli, F.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Kirac, F.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Kirac, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kirac, F.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Koike Akino, T.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location,...
     with: Koike Akino, T.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gau...
     with: Kong, D.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Kong, X.: Contribution-based feature transfer for JPEG mismatched steg...
     with: Kong, X.Y.: Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MO...
     with: Kong, X.Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Kong, X.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Kong, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Konstantinides, K.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consu...
     with: Koundinya, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Re...
     with: Krivokuca, M.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patc...
     with: Kumar, A.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncer...
     with: Kumar, A.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian ...
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Kwak, S.K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kwon, M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Kwon, T.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lang, P.: Subspace Decomposition Based Adaptive Density Peak Clusterin...
     with: Lang, Z.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Laohakangvalvit, T.: Preliminary Experiment for Measuring the Anxiety ...
     with: Lee, C.Y.: Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via ...
     with: Lee, I.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Lee, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Lee, S.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Lee, T.: Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
     with: Lee, T.Y.: Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Proposa...
     with: Lei, C.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Lei, L.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Lei, L.: Deep-FlexISP: A Three-Stage Framework for Night Photography R...
     with: Lei, L.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Lei, L.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel ...
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Lei, L.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Lei, L.: Self-supervised Learning to Bring Dual Reversed Rolling Shutt...
     with: Lei, L.: Spatially Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World Im...
     with: Leng, C.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Leng, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Leng, Y.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Leyi, L.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Li, B.: IterDepth: Iterative Residual Refinement for Outdoor Self-Supe...
     with: Li, C.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2...
     with: Li, C.H.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Li, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Li, C.H.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Li, C.M.: Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation o...
     with: Li, C.M.: Level set framework with transcendental constraint for robus...
     with: Li, C.P.: Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection: A...
     with: Li, C.Y.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gener...
     with: Li, C.Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Li, D.S.: Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph Topo...
     with: Li, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Li, H.P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Li, H.W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, J.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM 2...
     with: Li, J.: Spatially Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World Ima...
     with: Li, J.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, L.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Li, M.: Contribution-based feature transfer for JPEG mismatched stegan...
     with: Li, M.: Parallel multiscale context-based edge-preserving optical flow...
     with: Li, R.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Li, S.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quanti...
     with: Li, S.Q.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Li, U.M.S.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods ...
     with: Li, W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Li, W.B.: Branch Identification and Junction Points Location for Apple...
     with: Li, X.M.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Li, X.P.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Li, X.P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Li, Y.: Integrated Production Inventory Routing Planning for Intellige...
     with: Li, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Li, Y.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the Sout...
     with: Li, Y.C.: Discovering Spatio-Temporal Rationales for Video Question An...
     with: Li, Y.C.: LASO: Language-Guided Affordance Segmentation on 3D Object
     with: Li, Y.D.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Li, Y.M.: Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by C...
     with: Li, Y.M.: DeepMapping2: Self-Supervised Large-Scale LiDAR Map Optimiza...
     with: Li, Y.M.: Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
     with: Li, Y.M.: Fooling LiDAR Perception via Adversarial Trajectory Perturba...
     with: Li, Y.M.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS...
     with: Li, Y.M.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3D Sema...
     with: Li, Y.Q.: Deep-FlexISP: A Three-Stage Framework for Night Photography ...
     with: Li, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, Z.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Re...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS...
     with: Li, Z.R.: Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
     with: Lian, J.Z.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Liang, A.: Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
     with: Liang, B.: Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
     with: Liang, P.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Liang, Q.R.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Liang, S.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the S...
     with: Liang, Y.: Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automa...
     with: Liang, Y.: Orthographic Reflectance Image for Planar Target Localizati...
     with: Lin, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lin, R.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical En...
     with: Lin, W.J.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Lin, W.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Lin, W.S.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Lin, X.H.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Lin, Z.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lit, X.: Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
     with: Liu, B.: 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Autonomous Driving...
     with: Liu, C.: SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line D...
     with: Liu, C.X.: Represent, Compare, and Learn: A Similarity-Aware Framework...
     with: Liu, D.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel ...
     with: Liu, G.Q.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Liu, H.: Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODIS...
     with: Liu, H.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Apple ...
     with: Liu, J.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Liu, J.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Liu, K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Liu, M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Liu, M.Y.: CASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge Detection
     with: Liu, S.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Liu, S.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Genera...
     with: Liu, S.: Deep-FlexISP: A Three-Stage Framework for Night Photography R...
     with: Liu, S.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Liu, S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel ...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Liu, S.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Liu, S.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Liu, S.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Liu, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Liu, T.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the Sou...
     with: Liu, W.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical En...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Naturally Supervised 3D Visual Grounding with Language-Regu...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
     with: Liu, X.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncerta...
     with: Liu, X.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian Lo...
     with: Liu, X.F.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Liu, X.H.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Liu, X.H.: DeepMapping2: Self-Supervised Large-Scale LiDAR Map Optimiz...
     with: Liu, X.X.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Appl...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Liu, X.Y.: Spatially Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World ...
     with: Liu, Y.Y.: Expression snippet transformer for robust video-based facia...
     with: Liu, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Liu, Z.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Liu, Z.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical En...
     with: Liu, Z.J.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Appl...
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Lo, Y.C.: Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via L...
     with: Long, S.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Lou, X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Loy, C.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Lu, F.: IterDepth: Iterative Residual Refinement for Outdoor Self-Supe...
     with: Lu, H.: Represent, Compare, and Learn: A Similarity-Aware Framework fo...
     with: Luo, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Luo, J.T.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Luo, L.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quant...
     with: Luo, Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Luo, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Lyu, Z.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS ...
     with: Ma, D.: Video Compression With CNN-Based Postprocessing
     with: Ma, H.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quanti...
     with: Ma, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Ma, T.: Deep Unfolded Gridless DOA Estimation Networks Based on Atomic...
     with: Ma, T.Z.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Ma, W.Q.: Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODI...
     with: Ma, Y.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Difference Sm...
     with: Ma, Y.: Refraction Correction of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Based on Se...
     with: Marks, T.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Est...
     with: Marks, T.K.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Unc...
     with: Marks, T.K.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussia...
     with: Mei, Z.Y.: Identifying commuters based on random forest of smartcard d...
     with: Meng, W.H.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Mentes, S.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods an...
     with: Miao, K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Miao, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Min, X.K.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Mine, T.: Novel Method Based on Backscattering for Discriminating Summ...
     with: Ming, Z.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Morag, N.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Morag, N.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Mou, W.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncerta...
     with: Mou, W.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian Lo...
     with: Naqvi, R.A.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods a...
     with: Nathan, S.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods an...
     with: Nathan, S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Nathan, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pix...
     with: No, A.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Ochimizu, H.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch...
     with: Ochimizu, H.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Oh, W.T.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Ouyang, J.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Owens, A.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Ta...
     with: Owens, A.: Self-Supervised Video Forensics by Audio-Visual Anomaly Det...
     with: Ozcan, B.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Ozcan, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ozcan, B.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Pan, J.S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Pan, J.S.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Pan, T.: Optimization Method for Collaborative Radar Antijamming Based...
     with: Pan, T.: Optimization Method for Radar Anti-Jamming Strategy via Key T...
     with: Pan, X.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Genera...
     with: Pan, Z.Y.: Parallel Network to Learn Novelty from the Known
     with: Pang, C.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Park, H.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tac...
     with: Patil, U.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Patil, V.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Patras, I.: Adaptive Soft Contrastive Learning
     with: Patras, I.: LAFS: Landmark-Based Facial Self-Supervised Learning for F...
     with: Patras, I.: MaskCon: Masked Contrastive Learning for Coarse-Labelled D...
     with: Patras, I.: NoiseBox: Toward More Efficient and Effective Learning Wit...
     with: Patras, I.: Self-Supervised Representation Learning with Cross-Context...
     with: Peng, J.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Difference ...
     with: Peng, J.Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Perevozchikov, G.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Lea...
     with: Perevozchikov, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Perez Pellitero, E.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstr...
     with: Pfister, H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Qi, H.: P2B: Point-to-Box Network for 3D Object Tracking in Point Clouds
     with: Qi, Z.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Generat...
     with: Qiao, K.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Difference ...
     with: Qin, H.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mob...
     with: Qiu, D.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Qiyan, P.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Ragavendran, T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dua...
     with: Raichur, A.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods a...
     with: Ramalingam, S.: CASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge Detection
     with: Ramalingam, S.: Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
     with: Rehg, J.M.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical...
     with: Ren, D.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Ren, D.W.: Self-supervised Learning to Bring Dual Reversed Rolling Shu...
     with: Ren, J.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quant...
     with: Ren, J.H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Ren, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Ren, P.R.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Ren, Y.L.: OT-Filter: An Optimal Transport Filter for Learning with No...
     with: Rodriguez, A.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Micr...
     with: Roomi, S.M.M.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Rota, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Rottger, R.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Ryu, D.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Ryu, H.C.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Sabarinathan, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Saitoh, K.: Novel Method Based on Backscattering for Discriminating Su...
     with: Schettini, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Schettini, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Schneider Kamp, P.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstru...
     with: Seizinger, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Shah, N.A.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pix...
     with: Shan, T.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Shang, E.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Difference...
     with: Shang, W.: Self-supervised Learning to Bring Dual Reversed Rolling Shu...
     with: Shao, G.Q.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Shao, G.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Shao, G.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Shao, G.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Shao, L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Sharif, S.M.A.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Method...
     with: Shen, A.: Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection: A...
     with: Shen, L.: Identifying commuters based on random forest of smartcard data
     with: Shen, L.: Near-infrared guided color image dehazing
     with: Shen, Y.: Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Reco...
     with: Shen, Y.: FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-Encoder via Deep Grid Deformation
     with: Shen, Y.: Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation an...
     with: Shi, G.: One for All: A Unified Generative Framework for Image Emotion...
     with: Shi, H.Y.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Shi, K.M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Shi, M.: Represent, Compare, and Learn: A Similarity-Aware Framework f...
     with: Shu, X.: Level set framework with transcendental constraint for robust...
     with: Shutova, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Sloth, M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Smolenski, M.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer A...
     with: Song, B.B.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Song, C.X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Song, F.L.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Song, L.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical E...
     with: Song, Q.J.: Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection:...
     with: Song, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Song, S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Song, Y.H.: Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation...
     with: Srinija, V.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Sripian, P.: Preliminary Experiment for Measuring the Anxiety Level Us...
     with: Srivatsav, V.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-...
     with: Su, B.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use maps an...
     with: Su, D.: Refraction Correction of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Based on Se...
     with: Sugaya, M.: Preliminary Experiment for Measuring the Anxiety Level Usi...
     with: Sullivan, A.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose ...
     with: Sun, J.: Conditional Past Experience Generation for Dark Continual Lea...
     with: Sun, J.: Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Adapta...
     with: Sun, J.: Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adapta...
     with: Sun, J.: EBB: Progressive Optimization for Partial Domain Adaptation
     with: Sun, J.: Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Segmen...
     with: Sun, J.: PICA: Point-Wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Few-Sh...
     with: Sun, L.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Genera...
     with: Sun, Q.H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Sun, W.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Genera...
     with: Sun, W.F.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Sun, W.X.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Sun, Y.F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Sun, Z.L.: LAFS: Landmark-Based Facial Self-Supervised Learning for Fa...
     with: Susstrunk, S.: Near-infrared guided color image dehazing
     with: Swaroop, A.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods a...
     with: Tabib, R.A.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods a...
     with: Taguchi, Y.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch ...
     with: Taguchi, Y.: Detecting and Grouping Identical Objects for Region Propo...
     with: Tan, Y.L.: Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
     with: Tang, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Tao, B.: Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection: A ...
     with: Telea, A.C.: Part-Based Segmentation by Skeleton Cut Space Analysis
     with: Terekhin, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Tian, D.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch fit...
     with: Tian, D.: Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph Topo...
     with: Tian, D.: FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-Encoder via Deep Grid Deformation
     with: Tian, D.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Tian, D.: Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation an...
     with: Timofte, R.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods a...
     with: Timofte, R.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Ge...
     with: Timofte, R.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning,...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Timofte, R.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. ...
     with: Tong, S.Y.: Branch Identification and Junction Points Location for App...
     with: Tsao, L.Y.: Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via...
     with: Tseng, R.: Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via ...
     with: Tu, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Tu, Z.Z.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gener...
     with: Tzimiropoulos, G.: LAFS: Landmark-Based Facial Self-Supervised Learnin...
     with: Tzimiropoulos, G.: NoiseBox: Toward More Efficient and Effective Learn...
     with: Uddin, S.M.N.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction...
     with: Uma, K.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Vallespi Gonzalez, C.: 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Auto...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and R...
     with: Vasluianu, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Vazquez Corral, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods a...
     with: Vega, J.M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Vetro, A.: Compression of 3-D point clouds using hierarchical patch fi...
     with: Vetro, A.: Geometric distortion metrics for point cloud compression
     with: Vijaya Kumar, B.V.K.: Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
     with: Vo, T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel I...
     with: Wang, B.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Wang, B.: One for All: A Unified Generative Framework for Image Emotio...
     with: Wang, D.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tac...
     with: Wang, G.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Esti...
     with: Wang, H.: Deep-FlexISP: A Three-Stage Framework for Night Photography ...
     with: Wang, H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Wang, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wang, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, H.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Wang, H.B.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Wang, H.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wang, H.Q.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wang, J.: Conditional Past Experience Generation for Dark Continual Le...
     with: Wang, J.: Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Adapt...
     with: Wang, J.: Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adapt...
     with: Wang, J.: EBB: Progressive Optimization for Partial Domain Adaptation
     with: Wang, J.: Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Segme...
     with: Wang, J.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Wang, J.: PICA: Point-Wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Few-S...
     with: Wang, L.Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Wang, M.: Refraction Correction of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Based on ...
     with: Wang, P.S.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Wang, Q.: Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automat...
     with: Wang, R.: SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line ...
     with: Wang, R.F.: Level set formulation for automatic medical image segmenta...
     with: Wang, R.F.: Level set framework with transcendental constraint for rob...
     with: Wang, R.F.: New method for simultaneous moderate bias correction and i...
     with: Wang, S.: Analysis and Validation of the Aerosol Optical Depth of MODI...
     with: Wang, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, W.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of Apple...
     with: Wang, W.B.: Expression snippet transformer for robust video-based faci...
     with: Wang, X.: Discovering Spatio-Temporal Rationales for Video Question An...
     with: Wang, X.: LASO: Language-Guided Affordance Segmentation on 3D Object
     with: Wang, X.B.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Wang, X.B.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pix...
     with: Wang, X.F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wang, X.K.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use map...
     with: Wang, X.M.: One for All: A Unified Generative Framework for Image Emot...
     with: Wang, X.T.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods an...
     with: Wang, X.T.: Deep-FlexISP: A Three-Stage Framework for Night Photograph...
     with: Wang, X.T.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Wang, X.T.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Wang, X.T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wang, X.T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, X.T.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Wang, X.T.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. A...
     with: Wang, X.T.: Self-supervised Learning to Bring Dual Reversed Rolling Sh...
     with: Wang, X.T.: Spatially Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World...
     with: Wang, Y.: LUVLi Face Alignment: Estimating Landmarks' Location, Uncert...
     with: Wang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, Y.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Wang, Y.: UGLLI Face Alignment: Estimating Uncertainty with Gaussian L...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Branch Identification and Junction Points Location for App...
     with: Wang, Z.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Wang, Z.: Multiagent Multitraversal Multimodal Self-Driving: Open MARS...
     with: Wang, Z.: Optimization Method for Collaborative Radar Antijamming Base...
     with: Wang, Z.M.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, ...
     with: Wei, W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wei, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wei, Y.Y.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Wellington, C.: 3D Point Cloud Processing and Learning for Autonomous ...
     with: Wen, C.C.: Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
     with: Wen, C.C.: Fooling LiDAR Perception via Adversarial Trajectory Perturb...
     with: Wong, A.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tac...
     with: Wu, C.: Single-Chip MPEG-2 Video Encoder/Decoder for Consumer Applicat...
     with: Wu, C.X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wu, F.X.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Wu, H.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Microscopic...
     with: Wu, H.N.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gener...
     with: Wu, J.J.: Naturally Supervised 3D Visual Grounding with Language-Regul...
     with: Wu, J.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wu, L.M.: Segmentation of Pericardial Adipose Tissue in CMR Images: A ...
     with: Wu, M.H.: Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
     with: Wu, Q.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Re...
     with: Wu, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wu, W.H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Wu, X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Wu, X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wu, X.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Wu, Y.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Wu, Y.: Unsupervised Joint 3D Object Model Learning and 6D Pose Estima...
     with: Wu, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xia, C.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xiang, S.: SPARE3D: A Dataset for SPAtial REasoning on Three-View Line...
     with: Xiang, S.Y.: Self-supervised Spatial Reasoning on Multi-View Line Draw...
     with: Xiang, W.M.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Xiang, Y.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Xiao, C.W.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3D Se...
     with: Xiao, J.B.: Discovering Spatio-Temporal Rationales for Video Question ...
     with: Xiao, J.B.: LASO: Language-Guided Affordance Segmentation on 3D Object
     with: Xiao, J.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xiao, Y.: Advance One-Shot Multispectral Instance Detection With Text'...
     with: Xiao, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xiao, Y.: P2B: Point-to-Box Network for 3D Object Tracking in Point Cl...
     with: Xiao, Z.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Xie, R.C.: Level set framework with transcendental constraint for robu...
     with: Xie, X.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Xie, X.: OT-Filter: An Optimal Transport Filter for Learning with Nois...
     with: Xie, Z.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xiong, G.L.: Dynamical Gaussian mixture model for tracking elliptical ...
     with: Xiong, L.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical ...
     with: Xiong, Z.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Xu, F.J.F.: Among Us: Adversarially Robust Collaborative Perception by...
     with: Xu, H.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Xu, K.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Xu, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Xu, R.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Xu, R.K.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel...
     with: Xu, S.S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Classification of Radar Targets with Micro-Motion Based on R...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Micro-Doppler Extraction of Radar Targets With Translational...
     with: Xu, X.Z.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gener...
     with: Xu, Y.: Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video For...
     with: Xu, Z.: Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video For...
     with: Xue, Y.F.: Self-supervised Spatial Reasoning on Multi-View Line Drawings
     with: Xue, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yahel, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yahel, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yamashita, H.: Novel Method Based on Backscattering for Discriminating...
     with: Yan, B.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Yan, Y.J.: Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Rec...
     with: Yang, A.: Refraction Correction of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Based on ...
     with: Yang, A.: Self-supervised Spatial Reasoning on Multi-View Line Drawings
     with: Yang, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Yang, F.: Refraction Correction of Airborne LiDAR Bathymetry Based on ...
     with: Yang, F.Y.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal T...
     with: Yang, F.Z.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of App...
     with: Yang, G.: K-Net: Integrate Left Ventricle Segmentation and Direct Quan...
     with: Yang, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Yang, J.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Difference ...
     with: Yang, J.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the So...
     with: Yang, J.X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yang, Y.: Contribution-based feature transfer for JPEG mismatched steg...
     with: Yang, Y.: Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation an...
     with: Yang, Y.Q.: Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Re...
     with: Yang, Y.Q.: Deep Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Clouds via Graph To...
     with: Yang, Y.Q.: FoldingNet: Point Cloud Auto-Encoder via Deep Grid Deforma...
     with: Yang, Y.Q.: Self-supervised Spatial Reasoning on Multi-View Line Drawi...
     with: Yang, Y.X.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Level set formulation for automatic medical image segmenta...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: Level set framework with transcendental constraint for rob...
     with: Yang, Y.Y.: New method for simultaneous moderate bias correction and i...
     with: Yao, J.: S-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High-Resolution Remote Sensin...
     with: Yao, J.: Systematic Scheme for Automatic Airplane Detection from High-...
     with: Yao, J.X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yao, W.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Difference S...
     with: Yao, Y.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixe...
     with: Yeo, W.H.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and...
     with: Yi, Z.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mobi...
     with: Yin, Z.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Yokota, Y.: Conditional Past Experience Generation for Dark Continual ...
     with: Yokota, Y.: Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Ada...
     with: Yokota, Y.: Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Ada...
     with: Yokota, Y.: EBB: Progressive Optimization for Partial Domain Adaptation
     with: Yokota, Y.: Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Seg...
     with: Yokota, Y.: PICA: Point-Wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Few...
     with: Yong, A.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Yoon, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Yu, D.: Assessment of Influence of Image Processing On Fully Automatic...
     with: Yu, D.: Orthographic Reflectance Image for Planar Target Localization ...
     with: Yu, H.C.: Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
     with: Yu, J.: Optimization Method for Radar Anti-Jamming Strategy via Key Ti...
     with: Yu, J.B.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yu, L.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Re...
     with: Yu, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Yu, S.F.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yu, Z.: CASENet: Deep Category-Aware Semantic Edge Detection
     with: Yu, Z.: Regularizing Neural Networks via Minimizing Hyperspherical Ene...
     with: Yu, Z.: VoxFormer: Sparse Voxel Transformer for Camera-Based 3D Semant...
     with: Yu, Z.D.: Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
     with: Yuan, J.H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Yuan, Q.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yue, Y.: Branch Identification and Junction Points Location for Apple ...
     with: Zadtootaghaj, S.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of Us...
     with: Zamir, S.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Zamir, S.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Zeng, J.N.: Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection:...
     with: Zeng, P.Z.: Gradient Boosting Estimation of the Leaf Area Index of App...
     with: Zeng, Z.: Binding Touch to Everything: Learning Unified Multimodal Tac...
     with: Zhai, G.T.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Zhan, Y.B.: Expression snippet transformer for robust video-based faci...
     with: Zhan, Y.Z.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use map...
     with: Zhang, B.: Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identif...
     with: Zhang, C.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixe...
     with: Zhang, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Zhang, C.G.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods a...
     with: Zhang, C.X.: IterDepth: Iterative Residual Refinement for Outdoor Self...
     with: Zhang, C.X.: Parallel multiscale context-based edge-preserving optical...
     with: Zhang, C.X.: Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems
     with: Zhang, D.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zhang, D.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the S...
     with: Zhang, D.F.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods a...
     with: Zhang, D.F.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Zhang, F.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Zhang, F.: Mtkd: Multi-teacher Knowledge Distillation for Image Super-...
     with: Zhang, F.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, F.: RankDVQA: Deep VQA based on Ranking-inspired Hybrid Training
     with: Zhang, F.: Video Compression With CNN-Based Postprocessing
     with: Zhang, H.Y.: Expression snippet transformer for robust video-based fac...
     with: Zhang, J.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Microsco...
     with: Zhang, J.D.: S-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High-Resolution Remote Se...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Zhang, K.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Zhang, K.: S-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High-Resolution Remote Sens...
     with: Zhang, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, L.P.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, M.W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, M.W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, R.: HR-xNet: A Novel High-Resolution Network for Human Pose Est...
     with: Zhang, R.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Zhang, R.Q.: S-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High-Resolution Remote Se...
     with: Zhang, S.Y.: Production of Annual Nighttime Light Based on De-Differen...
     with: Zhang, W.: Motion-Adaptive Frame Deletion Detection for Digital Video ...
     with: Zhang, W.X.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Ge...
     with: Zhang, X.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Zhang, X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Near-infrared guided color image dehazing
     with: Zhang, X.W.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods a...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Adap...
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Zhang, Y.: PICA: Point-Wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Few-...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Zhang, Z.: Cross-modal change detection using historical land use maps...
     with: Zhang, Z.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Zhang, Z.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
     with: Zhang, Z.: Spatially Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World ...
     with: Zhang, Z.C.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Ge...
     with: Zhang, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Zhao, B.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhao, C.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zhao, D.: Impact of the Number of Atlases in a Level Set Formulation o...
     with: Zhao, D.: Segmentation of longitudinal brain MR images using bias corr...
     with: Zhao, F.: P2B: Point-to-Box Network for 3D Object Tracking in Point Cl...
     with: Zhao, H.: Autoencoding tree for city generation and applications
     with: Zhao, H.: Egocentric Prediction of Action Target in 3D
     with: Zhao, H.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Microscop...
     with: Zhao, J.: Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identify...
     with: Zhao, J.: Systematic Scheme for Automatic Airplane Detection from High...
     with: Zhao, N.: LASO: Language-Guided Affordance Segmentation on 3D Object
     with: Zhao, S.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and ...
     with: Zhao, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zhao, S.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhao, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhao, Z.C.: Optimization Method for Collaborative Radar Antijamming Ba...
     with: Zhao, Z.C.: Optimization Method for Radar Anti-Jamming Strategy via Ke...
     with: Zhao, Z.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zheng, H.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Zheng, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zheng, J.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, M...
     with: Zheng, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zheng, J.: Robust Attentional Pooling via Feature Selection
     with: Zheng, J.W.: Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
     with: Zheng, Q.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Zheng, W.J.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the...
     with: Zheng, Y.B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Resu...
     with: Zheng, Z.: LUWA Dataset: Learning Lithic Use-Wear Analysis on Microsco...
     with: Zheng, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
     with: Zhong, C.L.: Conditional Past Experience Generation for Dark Continual...
     with: Zhong, C.L.: Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Ad...
     with: Zhong, C.L.: Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Ad...
     with: Zhong, C.L.: EBB: Progressive Optimization for Partial Domain Adaptation
     with: Zhong, C.L.: Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Se...
     with: Zhong, C.L.: PICA: Point-Wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Fe...
     with: Zhong, Z.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pi...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: Tectonic Significances of the Geomorphic Evolution in the ...
     with: Zhou, M.: Integrated Production Inventory Routing Planning for Intelli...
     with: Zhou, S.C.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods an...
     with: Zhou, W.: Learned Smartphone ISP on Mobile GPUS with Deep Learning, Mo...
     with: Zhou, Y.F.: Dataset-Dispersion Perspective on Reconstruction Versus Re...
     with: Zhou, Y.J.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gen...
     with: Zhu, F.: Adversarial robustness via attention transfer
     with: Zhu, H.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Genera...
     with: Zhu, H.: Deep Unfolded Gridless DOA Estimation Networks Based on Atomi...
     with: Zhu, Q.P.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Zhu, R.: Deep-FlexISP: A Three-Stage Framework for Night Photography R...
     with: Zhu, R.X.: AIS 2024 Challenge on Video Quality Assessment of User-Gene...
     with: Zhu, R.X.: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and...
     with: Zhu, Y.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Assessment of GCOM-C Satellite Imagery in Bloom Detection: A ...
     with: Zhu, Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge for Defocus Deblurring Using Dual-pixel ...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Zhuang, X.: Application of Uni-Directional Microphone Array for Identi...
     with: Zhuang, Y.: One for All: A Unified Generative Framework for Image Emot...
     with: Zhuo, S.J.: Near-infrared guided color image dehazing
     with: Zini, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Zong, Z.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM...
     with: Zou, B.: Deep Unfolded Gridless DOA Estimation Networks Based on Atomi...
     with: Zou, B.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AIM ...
     with: Zou, Y.: Simultaneous Edge Alignment and Learning
     with: Zuo, W.M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Denoising: Methods and Results
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Reversed Image Signal Processing and Raw Reconstruction. AI...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Self-supervised Learning to Bring Dual Reversed Rolling Shu...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Spatially Adaptive Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World ...
     with: Zuo, Y.: AIM 2022 Challenge on Instagram Filter Removal: Methods and R...
     with: Zuo, Z.C.: NTIRE 2023 Video Colorization Challenge
947 for Feng, C.

Feng, C.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, K.T.T.: Towards Enhancing Integrated Pest Management Based on V...
     with: Du, S.H.: Interpreting the Fuzzy Semantics of Natural-Language Spatial...
     with: Guo, Z.: Automating Parameter Learning for Classifying Terrestrial LiD...
     with: Guo, Z.: Novel Graph-Based Framework for Classifying Urban Functional ...
     with: Hu, X.W.: Epipolar Geometry Guided Highly Robust Structured Light 3D I...
     with: Wang, G.J.: Epipolar Geometry Guided Highly Robust Structured Light 3D...
     with: Wang, H.: Epipolar Geometry Guided Highly Robust Structured Light 3D I...
     with: Wang, J.F.: Novel Graph-Based Framework for Classifying Urban Function...
     with: Wang, X.N.: Interpreting the Fuzzy Semantics of Natural-Language Spati...
     with: Xie, J.H.: Integrated Simplification Approach for 3D Buildings with Sl...
     with: Yan, Y.W.: Towards Enhancing Integrated Pest Management Based on Volun...
     with: Yang, H.Z.: Epipolar Geometry Guided Highly Robust Structured Light 3D...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Interpreting the Fuzzy Semantics of Natural-Language Spat...
14 for Feng, C.C.

Feng, C.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Agarla, M.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Arad, B.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bae, H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bama, B.S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bernat, A.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Bianco, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Buzzelli, M.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Cai, Y.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Celona, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chen, J.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Dian, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Du, S.C.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Feng, C.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Guo, A.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: He, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Kwon, T.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lang, Z.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Leng, Y.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, H.W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, J.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Li, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lin, J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Lin, Z.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Liu, J.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Morag, N.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Pfister, H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Roomi, S.M.M.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Ryu, D.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Sabarinathan, S.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Schettini, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Shan, T.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Song, C.X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Song, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Uma, K.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wang, H.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wei, W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Wu, C.X.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xiao, J.J.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Xiao, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yahel, R.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Yuan, Q.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, L.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, L.P.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, M.W.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
     with: Zhao, S.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Recovery Challenge and Data Set
57 for Feng, C.G.

Feng, C.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, R.T.: Towards Memory-Efficient Neural Networks via Multi-Level i...
     with: Fang, L.C.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang...
     with: Gu, J.Q.: Towards Memory-Efficient Neural Networks via Multi-Level in ...
     with: Han, J.W.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Textu...
     with: Han, J.W.: Research on Cotton Field Irrigation Amount Calculation Base...
     with: Hu, B.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Texture ...
     with: Hu, B.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nighttim...
     with: Jiang, Q.S.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjian...
     with: Jiang, Z.X.: Towards Memory-Efficient Neural Networks via Multi-Level ...
     with: Li, H.Y.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang, ...
     with: Li, S.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang, Ch...
     with: Liu, M.J.: Towards Memory-Efficient Neural Networks via Multi-Level in...
     with: Luo, D.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Texture...
     with: Luo, D.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang, C...
     with: Ma, Z.Q.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nightt...
     with: Makar, R.S.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjian...
     with: Mao, Y.X.: Pose Estimation Based on Two Images from Different Views
     with: Pan, D.Z.: Towards Memory-Efficient Neural Networks via Multi-Level in...
     with: Peng, J.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Textur...
     with: Peng, J.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nightt...
     with: Peng, J.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang, ...
     with: Peng, J.: Research on Cotton Field Irrigation Amount Calculation Based...
     with: Plamondon, W.: comparative study of two velocity profile models for ra...
     with: Shen, J.L.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang...
     with: Shi, Z.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Texture...
     with: Shi, Z.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nightti...
     with: Suen, C.Y.: Pose Estimation Based on Two Images from Different Views
     with: Sun, C.X.: Pose Estimation Based on Two Images from Different Views
     with: Wang, J.: Research on Cotton Field Irrigation Amount Calculation Based...
     with: Wang, M.Y.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nigh...
     with: Wang, M.Y.: Research on Cotton Field Irrigation Amount Calculation Bas...
     with: Wang, N.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Textur...
     with: Wang, N.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nightt...
     with: Wang, N.: Research on Cotton Field Irrigation Amount Calculation Based...
     with: Wang, Y.: Proximal Soil Sensing of Low Salinity in Southern Xinjiang, ...
     with: Woch, A.: comparative study of two velocity profile models for rapid s...
     with: Xu, J.T.: New Framework for Reconstructing Time Series DMSP-OLS Nightt...
     with: Yan, Y.: Development of an Integrated Urban Flood Model and Its Applic...
     with: Zhai, J.X.: Estimation of Soil Salinity by Combining Spectral and Text...
     with: Zhang, H.: Development of an Integrated Urban Flood Model and Its Appl...
     with: Zhang, N.: Development of an Integrated Urban Flood Model and Its Appl...
     with: Zhu, H.Q.: Towards Memory-Efficient Neural Networks via Multi-Level in...
42 for Feng, C.H.

Feng, C.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, J.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP...
     with: Chu, X.X.: AeDet: Azimuth-Invariant Multi-View 3D Object Detection
     with: Chu, X.X.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncurate...
     with: Gao, Y.: TOOD: Task-aligned One-stage Object Detection
     with: Guan, S.K.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMI...
     with: Huang, W.L.: Exploring Classification Equilibrium in Long-Tailed Objec...
     with: Huang, W.L.: TOOD: Task-aligned One-stage Object Detection
     with: Jia, K.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP6 ...
     with: Jiang, B.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP...
     with: Jie, Z.Q.: AeDet: Azimuth-Invariant Multi-View 3D Object Detection
     with: Jie, Z.Q.: InstaGen: Enhancing Object Detection by Training on Synthet...
     with: Jie, Z.Q.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncurate...
     with: Ma, L.: AeDet: Azimuth-Invariant Multi-View 3D Object Detection
     with: Ma, L.: InstaGen: Enhancing Object Detection by Training on Synthetic ...
     with: Ma, L.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncurated I...
     with: Ma, L.: Unimd: Towards Unifying Moment Retrieval and Temporal Action D...
     with: Ren, H.B.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncurate...
     with: Scott, M.R.: TOOD: Task-aligned One-stage Object Detection
     with: Wei, X.L.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncurate...
     with: Xie, W.: InstaGen: Enhancing Object Detection by Training on Synthetic...
     with: Xie, W.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncurated ...
     with: Xie, X.H.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP...
     with: Xu, J.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP6 M...
     with: Yang, S.Y.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMI...
     with: Yao, Y.J.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP...
     with: Zeng, Y.S.: Unimd: Towards Unifying Moment Retrieval and Temporal Acti...
     with: Zhang, X.T.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CM...
     with: Zhao, X.: Evaluation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation in the CMIP6...
     with: Zhong, Y.J.: AeDet: Azimuth-Invariant Multi-View 3D Object Detection
     with: Zhong, Y.J.: Exploring Classification Equilibrium in Long-Tailed Objec...
     with: Zhong, Y.J.: InstaGen: Enhancing Object Detection by Training on Synth...
     with: Zhong, Y.J.: PromptDet: Towards Open-Vocabulary Detection Using Uncura...
     with: Zhong, Y.J.: TOOD: Task-aligned One-stage Object Detection
     with: Zhong, Y.J.: Unimd: Towards Unifying Moment Retrieval and Temporal Act...
34 for Feng, C.J.

Feng, C.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: He, M.J.: Evaluation of SST Data Products from Multi-Source Satellite ...
     with: He, S.Y.: Evaluation of SST Data Products from Multi-Source Satellite ...
     with: Li, X.X.: Evaluation of SST Data Products from Multi-Source Satellite ...
     with: Yin, W.B.: Evaluation of SST Data Products from Multi-Source Satellite...

Feng, C.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abeel, T.: Growing Strawberries Dataset: Tracking Multiple Objects wit...
     with: Cai, M.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Cai, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Cao, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Chang, X.J.: Zero-Shot Camouflaged Object Detection
     with: Chen, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Chen, G.: Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
     with: Chen, I.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Chen, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Chen, Z.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Chiang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Chung, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Cui, S.G.: Visual Programming for Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Visual ...
     with: Dai, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: de Weerdt, M.: Growing Strawberries Dataset: Tracking Multiple Objects...
     with: Deng, W.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Dong, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Dong, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Dong, Z.C.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of ...
     with: Du, S.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PSO ...
     with: Du, Z.B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Epure, I.M.: Growing Strawberries Dataset: Tracking Multiple Objects w...
     with: Fan, H.Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Fan, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Fan, X.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Fu, H.Z.: Learning Federated Visual Prompt in Null Space for MRI Recon...
     with: Fu, H.Z.: Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
     with: Fu, H.Z.: Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Recon...
     with: Fu, X.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Gao, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Ge, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Gendy, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Guo, Z.H.: UniM^2AE: Multi-modal Masked Autoencoders with Unified 3D ...
     with: Han, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Han, M.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: He, G.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Hou, J.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Hsieh, C.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Hu, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Hu, K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Hu, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Hu, Y.: Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
     with: Huang, D.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Huang, T.Y.: UniM^2AE: Multi-modal Masked Autoencoders with Unified 3...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Ji, G.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PSO ...
     with: Jiang, C.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Jiang, J.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Jiang, J.P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Jiang, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Jin, K.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Kalyazin, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Khan, S.: Diverse Data Augmentation with Diffusions for Effective Test...
     with: Khan, S.: Towards Instance-adaptive Inference for Federated Learning
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Li, A.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Li, B.: Learning Federated Visual Prompt in Null Space for MRI Reconst...
     with: Li, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Li, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Li, H.R.: Zero-Shot Camouflaged Object Detection
     with: Li, J.W.: Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Li, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Li, L.L.: Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Li, M.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Li, T.R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Li, X.P.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Li, X.Y.: Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Li, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Li, Z.: Visual Programming for Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Visual Gro...
     with: Liao, B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Lin, W.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Liu, M.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Liu, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Liu, N.: Towards Instance-adaptive Inference for Federated Learning
     with: Liu, S.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Liu, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Liu, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Liu, X.H.: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for R...
     with: Liu, X.M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Liu, Y.: Diverse Data Augmentation with Diffusions for Effective Test-...
     with: Liu, Y.: Learning Federated Visual Prompt in Null Space for MRI Recons...
     with: Lu, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Luo, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Luo, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Luo, T.: UniM^2AE: Multi-modal Masked Autoencoders with Unified 3D Re...
     with: Luo, Z.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Lyu, S.W.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Ma, W.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Mao, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Meng, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Ouyang, M.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Meth...
     with: Pan, E.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Pan, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Pan, J.S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Peng, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Phillips, P.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization o...
     with: Ren, J.: Visual Programming for Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Visual Gr...
     with: Ren, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Sabor, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Shao, L.: Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Shao, L.: Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
     with: Shao, L.: Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Recon...
     with: Sheng, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Shi, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Shi, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Sun, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Tang, J.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Me...
     with: Verschoor, C.R.: Growing Strawberries Dataset: Tracking Multiple Objec...
     with: Vyal, D.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wang, H.B.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Wang, Q.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PS...
     with: Wang, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wang, R.: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for Re...
     with: Wang, S.H.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of ...
     with: Wang, S.S.: Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Rec...
     with: Wang, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Wen, J.: Growing Strawberries Dataset: Tracking Multiple Objects with ...
     with: Weng, S.Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Wu, C.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wu, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Wu, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Wu, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Wu, X.H.: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for Re...
     with: Wu, Y.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wu, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Wu, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Xie, C.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Xu, X.X.: Learning Federated Visual Prompt in Null Space for MRI Recon...
     with: Xu, X.X.: Towards Instance-adaptive Inference for Federated Learning
     with: Xu, Y.: Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
     with: Xu, Y.: Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Reconst...
     with: Xu, Y.: Zero-Shot Camouflaged Object Detection
     with: Xv, Q.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Yan, J.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PSO...
     with: Yan, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Yan, Y.L.: Multimodal Transformer for Accelerated MR Imaging
     with: Yan, Y.L.: Specificity-Preserving Federated Learning for MR Image Reco...
     with: Yang, G.L.: UniM^2AE: Multi-modal Masked Autoencoders with Unified 3D...
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Yang, J.Q.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of ...
     with: Yang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Yao, L.: Zero-Shot Camouflaged Object Detection
     with: Yin, D.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Yin, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Yu, G.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Yu, H.Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Yu, K.: Diverse Data Augmentation with Diffusions for Effective Test-t...
     with: Yu, K.: Towards Instance-adaptive Inference for Federated Learning
     with: Yu, L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods an...
     with: Yu, W.C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Yuan, H.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Yuan, Z.H.: Visual Programming for Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Visual...
     with: Zha, Z.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, F.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhang, L.: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for R...
     with: Zhang, M.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhang, N.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, T.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhang, X.M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhang, Y.D.: Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of...
     with: Zhang, Y.H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for R...
     with: Zhang, Z.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhao, H.S.: Visual Programming for Zero-Shot Open-Vocabulary 3D Visual...
     with: Zhao, S.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods ...
     with: Zhao, X.L.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Method...
     with: Zheng, H.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zheng, M.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zhou, T.: Zero-Shot Camouflaged Object Detection
     with: Zhou, T.F.: Group-Wise Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segment...
     with: Zhu, C.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Zhu, J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Zhu, Y.R.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zhussip, M.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Metho...
     with: Zou, J.: UniM^2AE: Multi-modal Masked Autoencoders with Unified 3D Re...
     with: Zou, X.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Zou, Y.J.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods...
     with: Zuo, K.: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods a...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Benchmark Dataset and Effective Inter-Frame Alignment for R...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Diverse Data Augmentation with Diffusions for Effective Tes...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Learning Federated Visual Prompt in Null Space for MRI Reco...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Towards Instance-adaptive Inference for Federated Learning
     with: Zuo, W.M.: UniM^2AE: Multi-modal Masked Autoencoders with Unified 3D ...
202 for Feng, C.M.

Feng, C.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, X.R.: Noise-Robust ISAR Translational Motion Compensation via HLP...
     with: Guo, X.R.: Unambiguous ISAR Imaging Method for Complex Maneuvering Gro...
     with: Guo, Y.D.: Adaptive Waveform Optimization for MIMO Radar Imaging Based...
     with: Han, L.X.: Parameter Estimation for Precession Cone-Shaped Targets Bas...
     with: Hu, X.W.: Adaptive Waveform Optimization for MIMO Radar Imaging Based ...
     with: Hu, X.W.: SAR-BagNet: An Ante-hoc Interpretable Recognition Model Base...
     with: Huang, D.: Noise-Robust ISAR Translational Motion Compensation via HLP...
     with: Huang, D.: Unambiguous ISAR Imaging Method for Complex Maneuvering Gro...
     with: Li, P.: SAR-BagNet: An Ante-hoc Interpretable Recognition Model Based ...
     with: Liu, F.K.: Noise-Robust ISAR Translational Motion Compensation via HLP...
     with: Liu, F.K.: Unambiguous ISAR Imaging Method for Complex Maneuvering Gro...
     with: Tang, Z.X.: SAR-BagNet: An Ante-hoc Interpretable Recognition Model Ba...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Adaptive Waveform Optimization for MIMO Radar Imaging Base...
13 for Feng, C.Q.

Feng, C.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, D.G.: Improving Supervised Cross-modal Retrieval with Semantic Gra...
     with: Zheng, J.W.: Improving Supervised Cross-modal Retrieval with Semantic ...

Feng, C.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, L.: Tracking control and synchronization of memristor hyper-chaot...
     with: Lin, X.: Tracking control and synchronization of memristor hyper-chaot...
     with: Ong, Y.Z.: VG-GAN: Conditional GAN Framework for Graphical Design Gene...
     with: Qiu, R.H.: Tracking control and synchronization of memristor hyper-cha...
     with: Song, K.: VG-GAN: Conditional GAN Framework for Graphical Design Gener...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Tracking control and synchronization of memristor hyper-ch...
     with: Zheng, L.: VG-GAN: Conditional GAN Framework for Graphical Design Gene...
7 for Feng, C.W.

Feng, C.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Akalwadi, N.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Arora, A.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Bae, H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Bai, H.R.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Banic, N.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Bianco, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Bocharov, D.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Brown, M.S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Buzzelli, M.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Byeoung Su, K.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep L...
     with: Cao, X.C.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Cao, Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chai, Y.J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chang, H.E.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chen, C.P.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chen, F.F.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learn...
     with: Chen, H.T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chen, J.X.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Chen, J.Z.: Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Land Use Functions in C...
     with: Chen, L.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learnin...
     with: Chen, L.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chen, Q.B.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Chen, S.J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chen, W.T.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chen, X.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Chen, X.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Chen, Y.X.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Chen, Z.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Cheng, S.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Cheng, S.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Cheng, X.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Choi, J.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chu, W.Q.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Chu, X.J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Cui, M.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Cui, W.H.: SPMK and Grabcut Based Target Extraction From High Resoluti...
     with: Deng, S.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Desai, C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ding, E.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Dun, X.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Duong, V.V.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Ershov, E.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Fan, H.Q.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Feng, R.C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Feng, X.: Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in n...
     with: Freeman, M.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Fu, Z.Q.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learnin...
     with: Gao, F.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Graph Involution Network
     with: Gao, X.K.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Graph Involution Net...
     with: Guo, C.: Information Bottleneck-Inspired Type Based Multiple Access fo...
     with: Guo, C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Guo, T.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Gustafsson, F.K.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wil...
     with: Han, J.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Han, J.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Han, L.H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Hayat, M.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: He, C.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: He, D.L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Hu, Z.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Huang, B.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Huang, F.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Huang, H.C.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Huang, J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Huang, L.G.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Lear...
     with: Huang, X.Z.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community ...
     with: Huang, Y.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Huang, Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Huang, Z.K.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ignatov, A.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Lear...
     with: Jeon, B.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Jeong, J.C.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Ji, P.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Jiang, M.C.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Jiang, N.: Information Bottleneck-Inspired Type Based Multiple Access ...
     with: Jin, X.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Joshi, A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kang, C.B.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learn...
     with: Khan, F.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Khan, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Kim, J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Kim, J.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Kim, T.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Kim, Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Kinli, F.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kirac, F.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Koscevic, K.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kuo, S.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Kwon, M.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learnin...
     with: Kwon, T.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Lee, C.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lee, D.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lee, J.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lee, K.M.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lee, M.J.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Lee, S.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lei, L.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning...
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Lei, L.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Lei, Y.: Research on interval prediction method of railway freight bas...
     with: Lei, Z.K.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Li, B.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Li, C.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning,...
     with: Li, C.Y.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Li, J.: SPMK and Grabcut Based Target Extraction From High Resolution ...
     with: Li, J.G.: Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in n...
     with: Li, J.L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Li, R.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Li, S.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Li, S.: Real-time smoke removal for the surveillance images under fire...
     with: Li, W.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Li, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Li, Y.Q.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Li, Z.H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Liang, J.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Liang, Z.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Liao, J.F.: Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Land Use Functions in C...
     with: Lin, T.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Liu, D.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning...
     with: Liu, J.T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Liu, J.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Liu, K.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community Divi...
     with: Liu, L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Liu, L.D.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community Di...
     with: Liu, M.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Liu, S.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning...
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Liu, S.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Liu, S.C.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learni...
     with: Liu, S.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Liu, W.W.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community Di...
     with: Liu, W.X.: Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in ...
     with: Liu, X.R.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Liu, Y.: Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Land Use Functions in Cont...
     with: Liu, Z.S.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Loncaric, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Lu, T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Lu, X.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning,...
     with: Lu, X.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Luo, D.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Luo, Z.W.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Ma, W.Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Ma, Y.P.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Maggioni, M.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Lea...
     with: Malagi, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Mandi, C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Meng, Z.Y.: Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in...
     with: Mentes, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Miao, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Miao, Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Mudenagudi, U.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Nah, S.J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Nguyen, T.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Ou, Y.M.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Ozcan, B.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Pakulich, D.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Pan, J.S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Pan, Z.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Patil, U.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Peng, F.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Pouget, A.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learn...
     with: Rajagopalan, A.N.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Reddy, S.S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ren, W.Q.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Rota, C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Ryu, D.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Savchik, A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Schettini, R.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Schon, T.B.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Cha...
     with: Semenkov, I.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Shao, L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Shepelev, D.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Shi, L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Shi, L.: Real-time smoke removal for the surveillance images under fir...
     with: Simeone, O.: Information Bottleneck-Inspired Type Based Multiple Acces...
     with: Sjolund, J.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Cha...
     with: Son, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Song, B.B.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Song, F.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learnin...
     with: Song, F.L.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Subasic, M.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Suin, M.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Sun, F.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Sun, J.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning...
     with: Sun, L.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Sun, L.C.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Sun, W.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Sun, W.W.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community Di...
     with: Sun, Y.F.: Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in ...
     with: Sun, Y.J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Svitov, D.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Tabib, R.A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Tai, Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Tang, J.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Tang, Z.H.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Graph Involution Ne...
     with: Tao, G.P.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Terekhin, A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Tesalin, V.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Timofte, R.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Lear...
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Timofte, R.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Cha...
     with: Uppin, A.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, C.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Wang, C.J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Wang, G.F.: SPMK and Grabcut Based Target Extraction From High Resolut...
     with: Wang, H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, S.J.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learn...
     with: Wang, S.Y.: Real-time smoke removal for the surveillance images under ...
     with: Wang, T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Wang, T.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wang, X.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Wang, X.B.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Wang, X.T.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Land Use Functions in C...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Wang, Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Wang, Z.D.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wei, D.D.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community Di...
     with: Wei, H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Wei, J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Wu, R.Q.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Wu, R.Y.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Wu, W.H.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xi, S.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xi, T.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xia, H.L.: Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Graph Involution Net...
     with: Xiao, C.C.: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community D...
     with: Xiao, J.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Xiao, S.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learnin...
     with: Xiao, Z.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xie, J.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xing, Y.J.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chal...
     with: Xiong, Z.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xu, R.K.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Xu, R.K.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Yang, H.H.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Yao, Y.Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Ye, Y.X.: Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Land Use Functions in Con...
     with: Yi, Q.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Yi, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Yim, J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Yin, Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challenge
     with: Yoo, J.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning...
     with: Zamir, S.W.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zeng, H.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Zeng, K.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, D.: Real-time smoke removal for the surveillance images under f...
     with: Zhang, D.F.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, G.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, J.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, J.X.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, L.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Zhang, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Zhang, X.D.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Cha...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Lear...
     with: Zhang, Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, Y.: SPMK and Grabcut Based Target Extraction From High Resoluti...
     with: Zhang, Y.C.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhang, Z.Z.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zhao, Z.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Challe...
     with: Zheng, H.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Zheng, Y.W.: SPMK and Grabcut Based Target Extraction From High Resolu...
     with: Zhou, S.C.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Zhou, T.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learnin...
     with: Zhou, Y.F.: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learn...
     with: Zhu, M.Y.: Information Bottleneck-Inspired Type Based Multiple Access ...
     with: Zhu, R.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Zini, S.: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
     with: Zou, W.B.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
     with: Zou, Y.F.: Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis of Land Use Functions in Co...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: NTIRE 2024 Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild Chall...
     with: Zuo, Y.: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
277 for Feng, C.Y.

Feng, C.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, C.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with S...
     with: Foo, C.S.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with ...
     with: Fu, Z.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with Spa...
     with: Li, R.Z.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
     with: Lin, G.S.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with ...
     with: Liu, B.Y.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
     with: Liu, F.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with Sp...
     with: Liu, J.T.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
     with: Wang, X.T.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
     with: Wu, S.H.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
     with: Yang, F.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with S...
     with: Yang, X.F.: Sculpt3D: Multi-View Consistent Text-to-3D Generation with...
     with: Yin, J.P.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
     with: Zhang, K.L.: Coherent Doppler lidar to investigate wind turbulence
14 for Feng, C.Z.

Feng, D. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, D.: Holographic SAR Tomography 3-D Reconstruction Based on Iterati...
     with: An, D.: Novel Method for CSAR Multi-Focus Image Fusion, A
     with: An, D.X.: Focusing Method of Buildings for Airborne Circular SAR, A
     with: An, D.X.: Novel Generation Method of High Quality Video Image for High...
     with: An, D.X.: Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolut...
     with: Arshad, S.Z.: End-User Development for Interactive Data Analytics: Unc...
     with: Bao, G.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained ...
     with: Barnes, N.: DSD: Depth Structural Descriptor for Edge-Based Assistive ...
     with: Barnes, N.: HOSO: Histogram of Surface Orientation for RGB-D Salient O...
     with: Barnes, N.M.: Learning RGB-D Salient Object Detection Using Background...
     with: Barnes, N.M.: Local Background Enclosure for RGB-D Salient Object Dete...
     with: Bi, L.: Correlation-aware Coarse-to-fine MLPs for Deformable Medical I...
     with: Bi, L.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion Es...
     with: Cai, T.: New Block-Based Motion Estimation for Sequences with Brightne...
     with: Cai, W.: Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malign...
     with: Cai, W.: Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overla...
     with: Cao, C.: Multiscale Full-Waveform Dual-Parameter Inversion Based on To...
     with: Cao, Y.: Video Steganalysis Exploiting Motion Vector Reversion-Based F...
     with: Chen, F.: End-User Development for Interactive Data Analytics: Uncerta...
     with: Chen, J.W.: Novel Generation Method of High Quality Video Image for Hi...
     with: Chen, J.W.: Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resol...
     with: Chen, L.: Focusing Method of Buildings for Airborne Circular SAR, A
     with: Chen, L.: Holographic SAR Tomography 3-D Reconstruction Based on Itera...
     with: Chen, L.: Novel Generation Method of High Quality Video Image for High...
     with: Chen, L.: Novel Method for CSAR Multi-Focus Image Fusion, A
     with: Chen, L.: Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolut...
     with: Chen, L.Y.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motio...
     with: Chen, M.: Dual Discriminative Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust ...
     with: Chen, M.: Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overl...
     with: Chen, S.Y.: Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-...
     with: Chen, X.L.: Audio-Driven Deformation Flow for Effective Lip Reading
     with: Cheng, Y.Q.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast Ch...
     with: Cheung, H.K.: New Block-Based Motion Estimation for Sequences with Bri...
     with: Chu, H.Y.: Frequency Spectrum Intensity Attention Network for Building...
     with: Cui, H.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained ...
     with: Dai, Q.: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated S...
     with: Deng, Y.H.: Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Streami...
     with: Dick, R.P.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework fo...
     with: Dietmayer, K.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Dietmayer, K.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty i...
     with: Dietmayer, K.: Review and Comparative Study on Probabilistic Object De...
     with: Dong, M.Z.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework fo...
     with: Du, H.G.: High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on Sp...
     with: Du, J.: Sparse Manifold Classification Method Based on a Multi-Dimensi...
     with: Duan, L.Y.: Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block ...
     with: Eberl, S.: New Energy Framework With Distribution Descriptors for Imag...
     with: Fan, R.D.: Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equip...
     with: Fang, L.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast China...
     with: Fritz, S.: Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land...
     with: Fu, D.: Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
     with: Fulham, M.: Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung...
     with: Fulham, M.: Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Mal...
     with: Fulham, M.: New Energy Framework With Distribution Descriptors for Ima...
     with: Fulham, M.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detect...
     with: Gao, F.: Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block N-A...
     with: Gao, S.B.: Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equip...
     with: Gao, Z.: Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-Bas...
     with: Ge, S.: High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on Spar...
     with: Ge, S.: Phase Calibration in Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar: An ...
     with: Glaser, C.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentatio...
     with: Gong, P.: Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land ...
     with: Gong, P.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast China...
     with: Gu, N.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for Mu...
     with: Guan, W.L.: Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-...
     with: Guo, Y.Y.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion...
     with: Haase Schutz, C.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segme...
     with: Han, G.: Sparse Manifold Classification Method Based on a Multi-Dimens...
     with: Harakeh, A.: Review and Comparative Study on Probabilistic Object Dete...
     with: He, C.: Hierarchical Terrain Classification Based on Multilayer Bayesi...
     with: He, C.: Sparse Manifold Classification Method Based on a Multi-Dimensi...
     with: He, J.H.: Phase Calibration in Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar: A...
     with: He, Z.Y.: Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Scheduli...
     with: Hertlein, H.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Ho, D.: unbiased parametric imaging algorithm for nonuniformly sampled...
     with: Hu, H.: Promising Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Method: Kernel-Ba...
     with: Hua, Y.S.: Novel 3D ArcSAR Sensing System Applied to Unmanned Ground V...
     with: Hua, Y.S.: Phase Calibration in Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar: ...
     with: Huang, F.Z.: Phase Calibration in Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar...
     with: Huang, G.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constraine...
     with: Huang, H.: Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Over...
     with: Huang, J.: Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolu...
     with: Huang, S.C.: unbiased parametric imaging algorithm for nonuniformly sa...
     with: Huang, X.: Holographic SAR Tomography 3-D Reconstruction Based on Iter...
     with: Huang, X.T.: Focusing Method of Buildings for Airborne Circular SAR, A
     with: Huang, X.T.: High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on...
     with: Huang, X.T.: Novel 3D ArcSAR Sensing System Applied to Unmanned Ground...
     with: Huang, X.T.: Phase Calibration in Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar...
     with: Huang, Y.C.: Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block...
     with: Ji, J.: Exploring the influence of feature representation for dictiona...
     with: Jiang, H.: Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Streamin...
     with: Jiang, N.: High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on S...
     with: Kim, J.: Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung Ca...
     with: Kim, J.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detection...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Correlation-aware Coarse-to-fine MLPs for Deformable Medica...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion...
     with: Kumar, A.: Co-Learning Feature Fusion Maps From PET-CT Images of Lung ...
     with: Kumar, A.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Detecti...
     with: Li, B.: AOD-Net: All-in-One Dehazing Network
     with: Li, B.: Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
     with: Li, C.: New Energy Framework With Distribution Descriptors for Image S...
     with: Li, D.S.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for ...
     with: Li, J.X.: Novel Method for CSAR Multi-Focus Image Fusion, A
     with: Li, N.: Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Scheduling...
     with: Li, P.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained R...
     with: Li, S.H.: Building Point Cloud Extraction Algorithm in Complex Scenes, A
     with: Li, Z.: End-User Development for Interactive Data Analytics: Uncertain...
     with: Li, Z.: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated St...
     with: Liang, M.G.: Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block...
     with: Liao, M.S.: Hierarchical Terrain Classification Based on Multilayer Ba...
     with: Liao, M.S.: Sparse Manifold Classification Method Based on a Multi-Dim...
     with: Lin, S.: Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equipme...
     with: Lin, S.: Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Schedulin...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Hierarchical Terrain Classification Based on Multilayer Bay...
     with: Liu, X.X.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast Chin...
     with: Lou, J.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attacks...
     with: Lu, T.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for Mu...
     with: Luo, B.: Hierarchical Terrain Classification Based on Multilayer Bayes...
     with: Luo, Y.X.: Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resolu...
     with: Lv, Q.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for Mu...
     with: Ma, M.: Exploring the influence of feature representation for dictiona...
     with: Ma, Z.: Partition-Based Vector Filtering Technique for Suppression of ...
     with: McCarthy, C.: Local Background Enclosure for RGB-D Salient Object Dete...
     with: Mei, S.: Exploring the influence of feature representation for diction...
     with: Meng, M.Y.: Correlation-aware Coarse-to-fine MLPs for Deformable Medic...
     with: Peng, J.: Building Point Cloud Extraction Algorithm in Complex Scenes, A
     with: Peng, X.: AOD-Net: All-in-One Dehazing Network
     with: Perger, C.: Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Lan...
     with: Phan, H.T.H.: Unsupervised Two-Path Neural Network for Cell Event Dete...
     with: Ren, W.: Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
     with: Rosenbaum, L.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmenta...
     with: Rosenbaum, L.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty i...
     with: See, L.: Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land C...
     with: Shan, S.G.: Audio-Driven Deformation Flow for Effective Lip Reading
     with: Shang, C.: Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Schedul...
     with: Shang, L.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework for...
     with: Shi, B.: Hierarchical Terrain Classification Based on Multilayer Bayes...
     with: Shigematsu, R.: Learning RGB-D Salient Object Detection Using Backgrou...
     with: Siu, W.C.: New Block-Based Motion Estimation for Sequences with Bright...
     with: Song, S.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained...
     with: Song, Y.: Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malig...
     with: Song, Y.: Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overl...
     with: Song, Y.P.: Novel Method for CSAR Multi-Focus Image Fusion, A
     with: Su, T.T.: Dual Discriminative Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust ...
     with: Su, Z.H.: Building Point Cloud Extraction Algorithm in Complex Scenes, A
     with: Sun, L.C.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attac...
     with: Sun, X.J.: Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Schedul...
     with: Sun, Y.: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated S...
     with: Sun, Y.H.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attac...
     with: Tang, W.: Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledge G...
     with: Tao, D.: Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
     with: Tareef, A.: Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Ove...
     with: Timm, F.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation ...
     with: Timm, F.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in Obj...
     with: Tomizuka, M.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in...
     with: Wan, S.: Exploring the influence of feature representation for diction...
     with: Wang, F.: Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Streaming...
     with: Wang, J.: Focusing Method of Buildings for Airborne Circular SAR, A
     with: Wang, J.: High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on Sp...
     with: Wang, J.: Novel 3D ArcSAR Sensing System Applied to Unmanned Ground Ve...
     with: Wang, L.V.: Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic t...
     with: Wang, M.: Dual Discriminative Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust ...
     with: Wang, M.H.: Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledge...
     with: Wang, Q.: Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equipm...
     with: Wang, Q.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion ...
     with: Wang, W.: Novel Generation Method of High Quality Video Image for High...
     with: Wang, X.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constrained...
     with: Wang, X.: End-User Development for Interactive Data Analytics: Uncerta...
     with: Wang, X.: Frequency-Domain Quasi-Newton-Based Biparameter Synchronous ...
     with: Wang, X.: Multiscale Full-Waveform Dual-Parameter Inversion Based on T...
     with: Wang, X.: New Dynamic Stochastic Source Encoding Combined With a Minma...
     with: Wang, X.: New Energy Framework With Distribution Descriptors for Image...
     with: Wang, X.: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Multi-Pass Fast Watershed for Accurate Segmentation of Overl...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework fo...
     with: Wang, Y.P.: Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledge...
     with: Wang, Z.: AOD-Net: All-in-One Dehazing Network
     with: Wang, Z.: Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
     with: Wang, Z.: Exploring the influence of feature representation for dictio...
     with: Wang, Z.: unbiased parametric imaging algorithm for nonuniformly sampl...
     with: Wang, Z.N.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in O...
     with: Waslander, S.L.: Review and Comparative Study on Probabilistic Object ...
     with: Wei, D.M.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion...
     with: Wiesbeck, W.: Deep Multi-Modal Object Detection and Semantic Segmentat...
     with: Wu, H.R.: Partition-Based Vector Filtering Technique for Suppression o...
     with: Xia, Y.: Adaptive Segmentation of Textured Images by Using the Coupled...
     with: Xia, Y.: Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malign...
     with: Xie, Y.: Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Malign...
     with: Xie, Y.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attacks...
     with: Xu, J.: AOD-Net: All-in-One Dehazing Network
     with: Xu, Y.: Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomog...
     with: Xu, Y.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast China D...
     with: Yang, C.: Condition-Based Maintenance for Traction Power Supply Equipm...
     with: Yang, F.: Promising Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Method: Kernel-...
     with: Yang, S.: Audio-Driven Deformation Flow for Effective Lip Reading
     with: Ye, P.: Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledge Gra...
     with: Yin, W.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attacks...
     with: Yin, X.: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated S...
     with: You, S.: DSD: Depth Structural Descriptor for Edge-Based Assistive Nav...
     with: You, S.: HOSO: Histogram of Surface Orientation for RGB-D Salient Obje...
     with: You, S.: Learning RGB-D Salient Object Detection Using Background Encl...
     with: You, S.: Local Background Enclosure for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
     with: Yu, L.: Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Land Co...
     with: Yu, L.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast China D...
     with: Yuan, Y.: Building Point Cloud Extraction Algorithm in Complex Scenes, A
     with: Zeng, W.: Benchmarking Single-Image Dehazing and Beyond
     with: Zhan, W.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in Obj...
     with: Zhang, B.: Frequency-Domain Quasi-Newton-Based Biparameter Synchronous...
     with: Zhang, B.: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated...
     with: Zhang, H.: Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-B...
     with: Zhang, J.: Knowledge-based Collaborative Deep Learning for Benign-Mali...
     with: Zhang, J.L.: Push the Bottleneck of Streaming Media System from Stream...
     with: Zhang, M.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast Chin...
     with: Zhang, R.Y.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Moti...
     with: Zhang, T.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attac...
     with: Zhang, X.F.: Towards Large-Scale Object Instance Search: A Multi-Block...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: Risk Assessment of Alpine Skiing Events Based on Knowledg...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Multi-Level View Associative Convolution Network for View-B...
     with: Zhao, R.: Adaptive Segmentation of Textured Images by Using the Couple...
     with: Zhao, X.: Video Steganalysis Exploiting Motion Vector Reversion-Based ...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: Assessing and Improving the Reliability of Volunteered Lan...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast Chi...
     with: Zhao, Y.Y.: Reinforcement-Learning-Based Energy-Efficient Framework fo...
     with: Zheng, C.: 3D Segmentation of Residual Thyroid Tissue Using Constraine...
     with: Zheng, L.: Frequency Spectrum Intensity Attention Network for Building...
     with: Zhou, G.Y.: Building Point Cloud Extraction Algorithm in Complex Scene...
     with: Zhou, J.: End-User Development for Interactive Data Analytics: Uncerta...
     with: Zhou, P.: Physical Backdoor: Towards Temperature-Based Backdoor Attack...
     with: Zhou, Y.Y.: Labels are Not Perfect: Inferring Spatial Uncertainty in O...
     with: Zhou, Z.M.: Novel Generation Method of High Quality Video Image for Hi...
     with: Zhou, Z.M.: Registration Method for Dual-Frequency, High-Spatial-Resol...
     with: Zhu, J.H.: High-Resolution Azimuth Missing Data SAR Imaging Based on S...
     with: Zhu, Z.B.: Unsupervised Landmark Detection-Based Spatiotemporal Motion...
     with: Zhu, Z.L.: Long-Term Land Cover Dynamics (1986-2016) of Northeast Chin...
235 for Feng, D.

Feng, D.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ahn, E.: Spatiotemporal Volumetric Interpolation Network for 4D Dynami...
     with: Ahn, E.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for der...
     with: Ahn, E.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images Usi...
     with: An, C.Y.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Ima...
     with: Aouaidjia, K.: Efficient Body Motion Quantification and Similarity Eva...
     with: Bai, J.: Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images Us...
     with: Ballangan, C.: Lung tumor delineation in PET-CT images using a downhil...
     with: Barnett, R.: Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body...
     with: Bennamoun, M.: Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Vide...
     with: Bi, L.: Automatic Descending Aorta Segmentation in Whole-Body PET-CT S...
     with: Bi, L.: Dual-Path Adversarial Learning for Fully Convolutional Network...
     with: Bi, L.: Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmentati...
     with: Bi, L.: Multi-Label classification of multi-modality skin lesion via h...
     with: Bi, L.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via the S...
     with: Bi, L.: Spatiotemporal Volumetric Interpolation Network for 4D Dynamic...
     with: Bi, L.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel learni...
     with: Bi, L.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for derm...
     with: Buddle, L.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope im...
     with: Cai, W.D.: 3D neurological image retrieval with localized pathology-ce...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope ima...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Context Curves for Classification of Lung Nodule Images
     with: Cai, W.D.: Context Enhanced Graphical Model for Object Localization in...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features fo...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Se...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Emulating biological strategies for uncontrolled face recog...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images ...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Feature-Based Image Patch Approximation for Lung Tissue Cla...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Fusing subcategory probabilities for texture classification
     with: Cai, W.D.: Graph cuts based relevance feedback in image retrieval
     with: Cai, W.D.: Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dim...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superp...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Im...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
     with: Cai, W.D.: Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven A...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Micros...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Microscopic Image Segmentation with Two-Level Enhancement o...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Pa...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Multiscale and multiorientation feature extraction with deg...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Multistage Discriminative Model for Tumor and Lymph Node De...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Object localization in medical images based on graphical mo...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Pathological lesion detection in 3D dynamic PET images usin...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Reversion Correction and Regularized Random Walk Ranking fo...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Robust saliency detection via regularized random walks rank...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a sing...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Structure-Adaptive Feature Extraction and Representation fo...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Study on Static Image Derived Input Function for Non-invasi...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Subject-centered multi-view feature fusion for neuroimaging...
     with: Cai, W.D.: supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroima...
     with: Cai, W.D.: Temporal And Spatial Compression Of Dynamic Positron Emissi...
     with: Chai, Y.M.: Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Accurate...
     with: Chan, C.: Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body PE...
     with: Chan, T.C.L.: Efficient blind image restoration using discrete periodi...
     with: Chan, Y.H.: Efficient blind image restoration using discrete periodic ...
     with: Cheema, M.N.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled Wi...
     with: Cheema, M.N.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network fo...
     with: Chen, B.Z.: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized b...
     with: Chen, B.Z.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus I...
     with: Chen, F.: Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convoluti...
     with: Chen, G.: Geometric Analysis of Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field
     with: Chen, G.: Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
     with: Chen, J.H.: Deformable registration model with local rigidity preserva...
     with: Chen, K.W.: Optimal image sampling schedule for both image-derived inp...
     with: Chen, K.W.: Optimal image sampling schedule: a new effective way to re...
     with: Chen, K.W.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via t...
     with: Chen, M.: Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dime...
     with: Chen, M.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Ima...
     with: Chen, M.: Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Microsc...
     with: Chen, M.: Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Par...
     with: Chen, S.R.: new automatic detection approach for hepatocellular, carci...
     with: Chen, S.R.: Tracer kinetic modeling of C11-acetate applied in the live...
     with: Chen, Z.: Adaptive Recognition Model for Image Annotation, An
     with: Chen, Z.: Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive...
     with: Chen, Z.: Pathological lesion detection in 3D dynamic PET images using...
     with: Chen, Z.: Temporal And Spatial Compression Of Dynamic Positron Emissio...
     with: Cheung, H.K.: efficient retinex-like brightness normalization method f...
     with: Cheung, H.K.: Windowing technique for the DCT based retinex algorithm ...
     with: Chi, Z.: Adaptive Recognition Model for Image Annotation, An
     with: Chi, Z.: Attention-driven image interpretation with application to ima...
     with: Chi, Z.: Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Accurate Sc...
     with: Chi, Z.: Combined Retrieval Strategies for Images with and without Dis...
     with: Chi, Z.: Comparison of image partition methods for adaptive image cate...
     with: Chi, Z.: Content-based image retrieval using block-constrained fractal...
     with: Chi, Z.: Content-based Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Using A...
     with: Chi, Z.: efficient algorithm for attention-driven image interpretation...
     with: Chi, Z.: fast 2D entropic thresholding method by wavelet decomposition...
     with: Chi, Z.: Geometric Analysis of Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field
     with: Chi, Z.: Harvesting Web Images for Realistic Facial Expression Recogni...
     with: Chi, Z.: Hidden Markov Random Field Based Approach for Off-line Handwr...
     with: Chi, Z.: Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
     with: Chi, Z.: Leaf Image Classification with Shape Context and SIFT Descrip...
     with: Chi, Z.: Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
     with: Chi, Z.: Machine learning techniques for ontology-based leaf classific...
     with: Chi, Z.: Match between normalization schemes and feature sets for hand...
     with: Chi, Z.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Feature S...
     with: Chi, Z.: Recognition of attentive objects with a concept association n...
     with: Chi, Z.: Refining a region based attention model using eye tracking data
     with: Chi, Z.: Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Applicat...
     with: Chi, Z.: Salient object detection using content-sensitive hypergraph r...
     with: Chi, Z.: Salient-SIFT for Image Retrieval
     with: Chi, Z.: Shape based leaf image retrieval
     with: Chi, Z.: Tracer kinetic modeling of C11-acetate applied in the liver w...
     with: Deng, F.Q.: Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic h...
     with: Deng, F.Q.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Featur...
     with: Deng, F.Q.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Audio Context
     with: Deng, F.Q.: Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Act...
     with: Deng, J.D.: Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
     with: Deng, W.H.: Emulating biological strategies for uncontrolled face reco...
     with: Deng, W.H.: Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a sin...
     with: Ding, Q.Q.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via t...
     with: Ding, W.X.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Singl...
     with: Ding, W.X.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via t...
     with: Dong, P.: Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration of...
     with: Dong, P.: Foreground Detection With Simultaneous Dictionary Learning a...
     with: Dong, P.: Real-time moving object segmentation and tracking for H.264/...
     with: Du, Y.C.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Ima...
     with: Eberl, S.: 3D neurological image retrieval with localized pathology-ce...
     with: Eberl, S.: Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior Kn...
     with: Eberl, S.: Dual-modality 3D brain PET-CT image segmentation based on p...
     with: Eberl, S.: Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images ...
     with: Eberl, S.: Fully automated liver segmentation for low- and high- contr...
     with: Eberl, S.: Lung tumor delineation in PET-CT images using a downhill re...
     with: Eberl, S.: Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity ...
     with: Eberl, S.: Structure-Adaptive Feature Extraction and Representation fo...
     with: Eberl, S.: Visibility-driven PET-CT visualisation with region of inter...
     with: Ehgoetz Martens, K.A.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vis...
     with: Fan, Y.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Imag...
     with: Fan, Y.Y.: Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Represent...
     with: Fang, L.P.: Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric fe...
     with: Fang, R.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixe...
     with: Fu, H.: Adaptive Recognition Model for Image Annotation, An
     with: Fu, H.: Attention-driven image interpretation with application to imag...
     with: Fu, H.: Combined Retrieval Strategies for Images with and without Dist...
     with: Fu, H.: efficient algorithm for attention-driven image interpretation ...
     with: Fu, H.: Machine learning techniques for ontology-based leaf classifica...
     with: Fu, H.: Recognition of attentive objects with a concept association ne...
     with: Fu, H.: Refining a region based attention model using eye tracking data
     with: Fu, H.: Salient object detection using content-sensitive hypergraph re...
     with: Fu, H.: Salient-SIFT for Image Retrieval
     with: Fu, P.: Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superpixe...
     with: Fu, P.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-Im...
     with: Fulham, M.: Multi-Label classification of multi-modality skin lesion v...
     with: Fulham, M.: Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity...
     with: Fulham, M.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for ...
     with: Fulham, M.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images ...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: 3D neurological image retrieval with localized pathology...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Fully automated liver segmentation for low- and high- co...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Drive...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segm...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Lung tumor delineation in PET-CT images using a downhill...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel ...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Structure-Adaptive Feature Extraction and Representation...
     with: Fulham, M.J.: Visibility-driven PET-CT visualisation with region of in...
     with: Fulton, R.: Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body ...
     with: Gao, J.: Learning universal multiview dictionary for human action reco...
     with: Gao, J.: Multiview Joint Sparse Representation with Discriminative Dic...
     with: Gao, J.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening Wit...
     with: Gao, J.B.: Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convolut...
     with: Gong, H.L.: Adaptive Method of Speckle Reduction and Feature Enhanceme...
     with: Guan, G.: Iterative keyframe selection by orthogonal subspace projection
     with: Guan, G.: Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
     with: Guan, G.: Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
     with: Guan, G.L.: Bag-of-Importance Model With Locality-Constrained Coding B...
     with: Guan, G.L.: Improving News Video Annotation with Semantic Context
     with: Guo, J.: Emulating biological strategies for uncontrolled face recogni...
     with: Guo, J.: Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a single...
     with: Guo, Y.Y.: Spatiotemporal Volumetric Interpolation Network for 4D Dyna...
     with: Guo, Z.: 2D representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3D face r...
     with: Guo, Z.: Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Representat...
     with: He, M.Y.: Improving Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction in the Prese...
     with: He, M.Y.: Iterative keyframe selection by orthogonal subspace projection
     with: He, M.Y.: Unsupervised Spectral Mixture Analysis with Hopfield Neural ...
     with: He, M.Y.: Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
     with: He, R.J.: Single Image Dehazing with White Balance Correction and Imag...
     with: He, R.J.: Video Object Segmentation with Occlusion Map
     with: Ho, C.: Tracer kinetic modeling of C11-acetate applied in the liver wi...
     with: Hou, J.H.: Patch Based Video Summarization With Block Sparse Represent...
     with: Hou, J.H.: Video Summarization via Simultaneous Block Sparse Represent...
     with: Hou, X.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel...
     with: Hsung, T.C.: Efficient blind image restoration using discrete periodic...
     with: Hsung, T.C.: Embedded Singularity Detection Zerotree Wavelet Coding
     with: Hu, J.: Emulating biological strategies for uncontrolled face recognit...
     with: Hu, J.: Robust, accurate and efficient face recognition from a single ...
     with: Hu, K.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based Freez...
     with: Hua, X.S.: Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos
     with: Hua, X.S.: Graph Convolutional Dictionary Selection With L2,? Norm for...
     with: Huang, H.: Context Enhanced Graphical Model for Object Localization in...
     with: Huang, H.: Fusing subcategory probabilities for texture classification
     with: Huang, H.: Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dim...
     with: Huang, H.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Im...
     with: Huang, H.: Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven A...
     with: Huang, H.: Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Micros...
     with: Huang, H.: Object localization in medical images based on graphical mo...
     with: Huang, Q.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single...
     with: Huang, Q.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via th...
     with: Huang, R.: Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segment...
     with: Huang, W.: EAPT: Efficient Attention Pyramid Transformer for Image Pro...
     with: Huang, Y.J.: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized ...
     with: Jia, H.Z.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Se...
     with: Jia, J.P.: Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Accurate ...
     with: Jin, Y.: Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consistenc...
     with: Jung, Y.: Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmenta...
     with: Jung, Y.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Au...
     with: Jung, Y.H.: Visibility-driven PET-CT visualisation with region of inte...
     with: Kamel, A.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recogni...
     with: Kamel, A.: Hybrid Refinement-Correction Heatmaps for Human Pose Estima...
     with: Kang, W.: Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Corre...
     with: Kang, W.X.: Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic h...
     with: Kang, W.X.: Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric fe...
     with: Kang, W.X.: Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Act...
     with: Kikinis, R.: Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
     with: Kikinis, R.: Subject-centered multi-view feature fusion for neuroimagi...
     with: Kim, J.: Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features for ...
     with: Kim, J.: Efficient Body Motion Quantification and Similarity Evaluatio...
     with: Kim, J.: Multistage Discriminative Model for Tumor and Lymph Node Dete...
     with: Kim, J.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Aut...
     with: Kim, J.: Reversion Correction and Regularized Random Walk Ranking for ...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Automatic Descending Aorta Segmentation in Whole-Body PET-C...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Deep Cognitive Gate: Resembling Human Cognition for Salienc...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Dual-Path Adversarial Learning for Fully Convolutional Netw...
     with: Kim, J.M.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
     with: Kim, J.M.: Hybrid Refinement-Correction Heatmaps for Human Pose Estima...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segment...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Multi-Label classification of multi-modality skin lesion vi...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via th...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Spatiotemporal Volumetric Interpolation Network for 4D Dyna...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel lea...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for d...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images U...
     with: Kim, J.M.: Visibility-driven PET-CT visualisation with region of inter...
     with: Kumar, A.: Stacked fully convolutional networks with multi-channel lea...
     with: Kumar, A.: Step-wise integration of deep class-specific learning for d...
     with: Kumar, A.: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation to Classify Medical Images U...
     with: Lee, M.Z.: Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Pa...
     with: Lewis, S.J.G.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Base...
     with: Li, A.: Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior Knowl...
     with: Li, C.: Locally Constrained Random Walk Approach for Airway Segmentati...
     with: Li, C.: Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity Inh...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior Kno...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features for...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Fully automated liver segmentation for low- and high- contra...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superpi...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Reversion Correction and Regularized Random Walk Ranking for...
     with: Li, C.Y.: Robust saliency detection via regularized random walks ranking
     with: Li, D.W.: Multiscale deformable registration using edge preserving sca...
     with: Li, F.H.: Layered-based exposure fusion algorithm
     with: Li, H.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fus...
     with: Li, H.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Auto...
     with: Li, H.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Li, P.: Deep Color Guided Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Cascade...
     with: Li, P.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognitio...
     with: Li, P.: EAPT: Efficient Attention Pyramid Transformer for Image Proces...
     with: Li, P.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fus...
     with: Li, P.: Efficient Body Motion Quantification and Similarity Evaluation...
     with: Li, P.: Hybrid Refinement-Correction Heatmaps for Human Pose Estimation
     with: Li, P.: Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consistency...
     with: Li, P.: Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive O...
     with: Li, P.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Auto...
     with: Li, P.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Li, Q.: Fusing subcategory probabilities for texture classification
     with: Li, Q.: Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dimens...
     with: Li, Q.: Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Microscop...
     with: Li, S.: Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single Posit...
     with: Li, X.G.: Layered-based exposure fusion algorithm
     with: Li, X.J.: Optimal image sampling schedule for both image-derived input...
     with: Li, X.J.: Optimal image sampling schedule: a new effective way to redu...
     with: Li, Y.: Adaptive Method of Speckle Reduction and Feature Enhancement f...
     with: Li, Y.: Nonlinear curvelet diffusion for noisy image enhancement
     with: Liang, D.: Foreground Detection With Simultaneous Dictionary Learning ...
     with: Liang, N.: Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Corr...
     with: Liang, N.X.: Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric f...
     with: Liang, Z.: Refining a region based attention model using eye tracking ...
     with: Liang, Z.: Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Applic...
     with: Liang, Z.: Salient object detection using content-sensitive hypergraph...
     with: Liang, Z.: Salient-SIFT for Image Retrieval
     with: Lin, T.X.: Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single Po...
     with: Lin, W.Y.: Deep Color Guided Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Casc...
     with: Lin, X.: EAPT: Efficient Attention Pyramid Transformer for Image Proce...
     with: Lin, Z.G.: 2D representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3D face...
     with: Lin, Z.G.: Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Represent...
     with: Liu, D.N.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Se...
     with: Liu, H.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Imag...
     with: Liu, Q.G.: Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration o...
     with: Liu, Q.G.: Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured imag...
     with: Liu, S.: Multiscale and multiorientation feature extraction with degen...
     with: Liu, S.: supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroimagi...
     with: Liu, S.D.: 3D neurological image retrieval with localized pathology-ce...
     with: Liu, S.D.: Graph cuts based relevance feedback in image retrieval
     with: Liu, S.D.: Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
     with: Liu, S.D.: Subject-centered multi-view feature fusion for neuroimaging...
     with: Liu, S.Q.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Se...
     with: Liu, S.Q.: Subject-centered multi-view feature fusion for neuroimaging...
     with: Liu, W.P.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Im...
     with: Lu, B.: Leaf Image Classification with Shape Context and SIFT Descript...
     with: Lu, C.G.: Geometric Analysis of Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field
     with: Lu, S.: Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
     with: Lu, S.J.: Classification of Moving Humans Using Eigen-Features and Sup...
     with: Lu, S.J.: Detecting unattended packages through human activity recogni...
     with: Lu, S.J.: Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting Unattended Packages i...
     with: Lu, S.Y.: Adaptive reference frame selection for near-duplicate video ...
     with: Lu, S.Y.: Bag-of-Importance Model With Locality-Constrained Coding Bas...
     with: Lu, S.Y.: Fast human action classification and VOI localization with e...
     with: Lu, S.Y.: Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Actio...
     with: Lun, D.P.K.: Efficient blind image restoration using discrete periodic...
     with: Lun, D.P.K.: Embedded Singularity Detection Zerotree Wavelet Coding
     with: Luo, J.H.: Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration o...
     with: Luo, J.H.: Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured imag...
     with: Lv, L.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via the S...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Graph Convolutional Dictionary Selection With L2,? Norm for ...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Patch Based Video Summarization With Block Sparse Representa...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Video Sum...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Video Summarization via Simultaneous Block Sparse Representa...
     with: Ma, M.Y.: Video Summarization via Weighted Neighborhood Based Represen...
     with: Ma, Z.H.: Fuzzy vector partition filtering technique for color image r...
     with: Ma, Z.H.: neighborhood evaluated adaptive vector filter for suppressio...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Graph Convolutional Dictionary Selection With L2,? Norm for...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Improving Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction in the Pres...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Iterative keyframe selection by orthogonal subspace project...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Patch Based Video Summarization With Block Sparse Represent...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Video Su...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Unsupervised Spectral Mixture Analysis with Hopfield Neural...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
     with: Mei, S.H.: Video Summarization via Simultaneous Block Sparse Represent...
     with: Mei, S.H.: Video Summarization via Weighted Neighborhood Based Represe...
     with: Mei, T.: Bag-of-Importance Model With Locality-Constrained Coding Base...
     with: Meikle, S.: Postreconstruction Nonlocal Means Filtering of Whole-Body ...
     with: Meng, D.Y.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus I...
     with: Menzies, S.W.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screeni...
     with: Mo, S.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Morgan, L.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope im...
     with: Nazir, A.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Nazir, A.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for A...
     with: Ning, H.J.: Nonlinear curvelet diffusion for noisy image enhancement
     with: Nufer, K.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening W...
     with: Ong, H.X.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope ima...
     with: Ott, M.: Adaptive reference frame selection for near-duplicate video s...
     with: Petrou, M.: Learning-based algorithm selection for image segmentation
     with: Pujol, S.: Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
     with: Pujol, S.: Subject-centered multi-view feature fusion for neuroimaging...
     with: Qin, J.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With Fu...
     with: Qin, J.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Aut...
     with: Qin, J.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel...
     with: Qiu, Y.: Improving News Video Annotation with Semantic Context
     with: Quek, A.: Structural Image Classification with Graph Neural Networks
     with: Rushmeier, H.: Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
     with: Rutjes, C.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening ...
     with: Shan, S.M.: Context Curves for Classification of Lung Nodule Images
     with: Shen, R.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognit...
     with: Sheng, B.: Deep Color Guided Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Casc...
     with: Sheng, B.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recogni...
     with: Sheng, B.: EAPT: Efficient Attention Pyramid Transformer for Image Pro...
     with: Sheng, B.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Sheng, B.: Efficient Body Motion Quantification and Similarity Evaluat...
     with: Sheng, B.: Hybrid Refinement-Correction Heatmaps for Human Pose Estima...
     with: Sheng, B.: Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consiste...
     with: Sheng, B.: Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitiv...
     with: Sheng, B.: Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single Po...
     with: Sheng, B.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for A...
     with: Sheng, B.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpix...
     with: Shi, X.: Study on Static Image Derived Input Function for Non-invasive...
     with: Siu, W.C.: efficient retinex-like brightness normalization method for ...
     with: Siu, W.C.: Windowing technique for the DCT based retinex algorithm to ...
     with: Song, J.: Machine learning techniques for ontology-based leaf classifi...
     with: Song, Y.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope imag...
     with: Song, Y.: Context Curves for Classification of Lung Nodule Images
     with: Song, Y.: Context Enhanced Graphical Model for Object Localization in ...
     with: Song, Y.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Sem...
     with: Song, Y.: Feature-Based Image Patch Approximation for Lung Tissue Clas...
     with: Song, Y.: Fusing subcategory probabilities for texture classification
     with: Song, Y.: Graph cuts based relevance feedback in image retrieval
     with: Song, Y.: Histopathology Image Categorization with Discriminative Dime...
     with: Song, Y.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Ima...
     with: Song, Y.: Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
     with: Song, Y.: Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven Ap...
     with: Song, Y.: Low Dimensional Representation of Fisher Vectors for Microsc...
     with: Song, Y.: Microscopic Image Segmentation with Two-Level Enhancement of...
     with: Song, Y.: Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for Par...
     with: Song, Y.: Multistage Discriminative Model for Tumor and Lymph Node Det...
     with: Song, Y.: Object localization in medical images based on graphical mod...
     with: Song, Y.: Structure-Adaptive Feature Extraction and Representation for...
     with: Song, Y.: supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroimag...
     with: Sun, J.: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized back...
     with: Sun, Q.S.: Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superp...
     with: Sun, S.Z.: EAPT: Efficient Attention Pyramid Transformer for Image Pro...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based Fr...
     with: Tan, T.N.: Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention fo...
     with: Tao, D.: Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos
     with: Tao, D.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening Wit...
     with: Tareef, A.: Morphological Filtering and Hierarchical Deformation for P...
     with: Thalmann, D.: Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
     with: Traini, D.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope im...
     with: Tsoi, A.C.: Content-based Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Usin...
     with: Tsoi, A.C.: Video Summarization via Weighted Neighborhood Based Repres...
     with: Wahl, R.L.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Singl...
     with: Wan, S.: Graph Convolutional Dictionary Selection With L2,? Norm for V...
     with: Wan, S.: Iterative keyframe selection by orthogonal subspace projection
     with: Wan, S.: Patch Based Video Summarization With Block Sparse Representat...
     with: Wan, S.: Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Video Summ...
     with: Wan, S.: Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
     with: Wan, S.: Video Summarization via Simultaneous Block Sparse Representat...
     with: Wan, S.: Video Summarization via Weighted Neighborhood Based Represent...
     with: Wang, H.J.: Multiscale deformable registration using edge preserving s...
     with: Wang, J.: Differential Evolution Based Variational Bayes Inference for...
     with: Wang, J.: Illumination-Guided Video Composition via Gradient Consisten...
     with: Wang, J.: Illumination-Invariant Video Cut-Out Using Octagon Sensitive...
     with: Wang, J.: Variational Bayes Inference Based Segmentation of Heterogene...
     with: Wang, J.B.: Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention f...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Harvesting Web Images for Realistic Facial Expression Reco...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
     with: Wang, J.J.: Spatial context for visual vocabulary construction
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Automated Detection of the Occurrence and Changes of Hot-S...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Variational Bayes Inference Based Segmentation of Heteroge...
     with: Wang, L.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based Fre...
     with: Wang, L.: Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention for...
     with: Wang, L.S.: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized b...
     with: Wang, L.S.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus I...
     with: Wang, M.: Adaptive reference frame selection for near-duplicate video ...
     with: Wang, Q.: fast 2D entropic thresholding method by wavelet decompositio...
     with: Wang, Q.: Hidden Markov Random Field Based Approach for Off-line Handw...
     with: Wang, Q.: Match between normalization schemes and feature sets for han...
     with: Wang, Q.: Novel Texture Descriptor Using Over-Complete Wavelet Transfo...
     with: Wang, Q.: Spatiotemporal Volumetric Interpolation Network for 4D Dynam...
     with: Wang, Q.: Texture Analysis and Retrieval Using Fractal Signature and B...
     with: Wang, Q.R.: fast 2D entropic thresholding method by wavelet decomposit...
     with: Wang, S.S.: Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration ...
     with: Wang, S.S.: Foreground Detection With Simultaneous Dictionary Learning...
     with: Wang, S.S.: Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured ima...
     with: Wang, T.J.: Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
     with: Wang, W.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based Fre...
     with: Wang, W.: Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention for...
     with: Wang, X.: Robust Model for Segmenting Images With/Without Intensity I...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven ...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized b...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior K...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Automatic Elastic Medical Image Registration Based On Imag...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Deep Cognitive Gate: Resembling Human Cognition for Salien...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Deformable registration model with local rigidity preserva...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Fully automated liver segmentation for low- and high- cont...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus I...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Lung tumor delineation in PET-CT images using a downhill r...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Multiscale deformable registration using edge preserving s...
     with: Wang, Y.: Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convoluti...
     with: Wang, Y.: Context Enhanced Graphical Model for Object Localization in ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Ima...
     with: Wang, Y.: Object localization in medical images based on graphical mod...
     with: Wang, Z.: Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos
     with: Wang, Z.: Keypoint-Based Keyframe Selection
     with: Wang, Z.: Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Corre...
     with: Wang, Z.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening Wi...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Adaptive reference frame selection for near-duplicate vide...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convolu...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Bag-of-Importance Model With Locality-Constrained Coding B...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Comparison of image partition methods for adaptive image c...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Content-based image retrieval using block-constrained frac...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Content-based Image Retrieval With Relevance Feedback Usin...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic h...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: efficient retinex-like brightness normalization method for...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Fast human action classification and VOI localization with...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Graph Convolutional Dictionary Selection With L2,? Norm fo...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Graph cuts based relevance feedback in image retrieval
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Graph Sequence Recurrent Neural Network for Vision-Based F...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Harvesting Web Images for Realistic Facial Expression Reco...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Improving News Video Annotation with Semantic Context
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Improving Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction in the Pre...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Iterative keyframe selection by orthogonal subspace projec...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Leaf Image Classification with Shape Context and SIFT Desc...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Learning universal multiview dictionary for human action r...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Learning Visual Relationship and Context-Aware Attention f...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Multiview Joint Sparse Representation with Discriminative ...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Patch Based Video Summarization With Block Sparse Represen...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Real-time hand posture recognition using hand geometric fe...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Featur...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Audio Context
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Shape based leaf image retrieval
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Similarity Based Block Sparse Subset Selection for Video S...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Single Image Dehazing with White Balance Correction and Im...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Spatial context for visual vocabulary construction
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Structural Image Classification with Graph Neural Networks
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Act...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroim...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Unsupervised Spectral Mixture Analysis with Hopfield Neura...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Video Object Segmentation with Occlusion Map
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Video summarization via minimum sparse reconstruction
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Video Summarization via Simultaneous Block Sparse Represen...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Video Summarization via Weighted Neighborhood Based Repres...
     with: Wang, Z.Y.: Windowing technique for the DCT based retinex algorithm to...
     with: Wen, L.: Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images Us...
     with: Wen, L.F.: 3D neurological image retrieval with localized pathology-ce...
     with: Wen, L.F.: Automatic Descending Aorta Segmentation in Whole-Body PET-C...
     with: Wen, L.F.: Multiscale and multiorientation feature extraction with deg...
     with: Wen, L.F.: Study on Static Image Derived Input Function for Non-invasi...
     with: Wen, L.F.: supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroima...
     with: Wen, Y.: Deep Color Guided Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Network Cascad...
     with: Wong, L.K.: new automatic detection approach for hepatocellular, carci...
     with: Wu, G.: Real-Time Long-Term Tracking With Prediction-Detection-Correct...
     with: Wu, H.R.: Fuzzy vector partition filtering technique for color image r...
     with: Wu, H.R.: neighborhood evaluated adaptive vector filter for suppressio...
     with: Wu, Q.: Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Minimum Spanning Superpixel ...
     with: Wu, Q.X.: Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic hum...
     with: Wu, Q.X.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Multimodal Feature ...
     with: Wu, Q.X.: Realistic Human Action Recognition with Audio Context
     with: Wu, Q.X.: Structure Context of Local Features in Realistic Human Actio...
     with: Xia, Y.: 2D representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3D face r...
     with: Xia, Y.: Automated Detection of the Occurrence and Changes of Hot-Spot...
     with: Xia, Y.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for Sema...
     with: Xia, Y.: Differential Evolution Based Variational Bayes Inference for ...
     with: Xia, Y.: Discriminative two-level feature selection for realistic huma...
     with: Xia, Y.: Dual-modality 3D brain PET-CT image segmentation based on pro...
     with: Xia, Y.: Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration of ...
     with: Xia, Y.: Foreground Detection With Simultaneous Dictionary Learning an...
     with: Xia, Y.: Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured image ...
     with: Xia, Y.: Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
     with: Xia, Y.: Morphology-Based Multifractal Estimation for Texture Segmenta...
     with: Xia, Y.: Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Representat...
     with: Xia, Y.: Multifractal signature estimation for textured image segmenta...
     with: Xia, Y.: Real-time moving object segmentation and tracking for H.264/A...
     with: Xia, Y.: Robust saliency detection via regularized random walks ranking
     with: Xia, Y.: Variational Bayes Inference Based Segmentation of Heterogeneo...
     with: Xiao, J.Y.: Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single P...
     with: Xie, Z.: Learning universal multiview dictionary for human action reco...
     with: Xie, Z.: Multiview Joint Sparse Representation with Discriminative Dic...
     with: Xiong, H.: Single Image Dehazing with White Balance Correction and Ima...
     with: Xiong, H.: Video Object Segmentation with Occlusion Map
     with: Xu, B.: Relative Saliency Model over Multiple Images with an Applicati...
     with: Xu, C.: Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
     with: Xu, J.H.: Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convoluti...
     with: Xu, X.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Image...
     with: Xu, Y.P.: Individualized Statistical Modeling of Lesions in Fundus Ima...
     with: Xu, Z.B.: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized bac...
     with: Xue, G.T.: ECSU-Net: An Embedded Clustering Sliced U-Net Coupled With ...
     with: Yan, H.: Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
     with: Yan, K.: Deep Cognitive Gate: Resembling Human Cognition for Saliency ...
     with: Yang, P.: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Human Action Recognit...
     with: Yang, P.: OFF-eNET: An Optimally Fused Fully End-to-End Network for Au...
     with: Yang, Z.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-...
     with: Yao, T.T.: Learning universal multiview dictionary for human action re...
     with: Yao, T.T.: Multiview Joint Sparse Representation with Discriminative D...
     with: Yin, Y.: Deformable registration model with local rigidity preservatio...
     with: Yin, Y.: Fully automated liver segmentation for low- and high- contras...
     with: Yin, Y.: Multiscale deformable registration using edge preserving scal...
     with: Yong, X.: Learning-based algorithm selection for image segmentation
     with: Young, P.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope ima...
     with: Yu, J.Y.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-...
     with: Yu, K.: Harvesting Web Images for Realistic Facial Expression Recognit...
     with: Yu, K.: Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
     with: Yuan, X.C.: Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single P...
     with: Yuan, Y.C.: Dense and Sparse Labeling With Multidimensional Features f...
     with: Yuan, Y.C.: Reversion Correction and Regularized Random Walk Ranking f...
     with: Yuan, Y.C.: Robust saliency detection via regularized random walks ran...
     with: Zhang, B.: Affective Audio Annotation of Public Speeches with Convolut...
     with: Zhang, B.: Automatic Preview Frame Selection for Online Videos
     with: Zhang, B.: Short-Term Lesion Change Detection for Melanoma Screening W...
     with: Zhang, D.H.: Densely Connected Large Kernel Convolutional Network for ...
     with: Zhang, F.: Beating cilia identification in fluorescence microscope ima...
     with: Zhang, F.: Context Curves for Classification of Lung Nodule Images
     with: Zhang, F.: Fusing subcategory probabilities for texture classification
     with: Zhang, F.: Latent Semantic Association for Medical Image Retrieval
     with: Zhang, J.: Classification of Moving Humans Using Eigen-Features and Su...
     with: Zhang, J.: Detecting unattended packages through human activity recogn...
     with: Zhang, J.: Fast human action classification and VOI localization with ...
     with: Zhang, J.: Knowledge-Based Approach for Detecting Unattended Packages ...
     with: Zhang, J.: Structural Image Classification with Graph Neural Networks
     with: Zhang, L.: Graph cuts based relevance feedback in image retrieval
     with: Zhang, L.: supervised multiview spectral embedding method for neuroima...
     with: Zhang, M.: Shortened Model for Logan Reference Plot Implemented via th...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Improving Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction in the Pr...
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: 2D representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3D fa...
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: Adaptive Method of Speckle Reduction and Feature Enhancem...
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: Multi-Pose 3D Face Recognition Based on 2D Sparse Represe...
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: Multifractal signature estimation for textured image segm...
     with: Zhang, Y.N.: Nonlinear curvelet diffusion for noisy image enhancement
     with: Zhao, R.: Hidden Markov Random Field Based Approach for Off-line Handw...
     with: Zhao, R.C.: Blob Tracking with Adaptive Feature Selection and Accurate...
     with: Zhao, R.C.: fast 2D entropic thresholding method by wavelet decomposit...
     with: Zhao, R.C.: Image segmentation by clustering of spatial patterns
     with: Zhao, R.C.: Learning-based algorithm selection for image segmentation
     with: Zhao, R.C.: Match between normalization schemes and feature sets for h...
     with: Zhao, R.C.: Morphology-Based Multifractal Estimation for Texture Segme...
     with: Zhao, R.C.: Multifractal signature estimation for textured image segme...
     with: Zhao, X.Y.: Image Recovery from Broken Image Streams
     with: Zheng, C.J.: Deformable registration model with local rigidity preserv...
     with: Zheng, C.J.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Sing...
     with: Zhou, G.: Spatial context for visual vocabulary construction
     with: Zhou, K.: Editorial CGI 2014 Conference
     with: Zhou, Y.: Context Curves for Classification of Lung Nodule Images
     with: Zhou, Y.: Feature-Based Image Patch Approximation for Lung Tissue Clas...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Large Margin Local Estimate With Applications to Medical Ima...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Lesion Detection and Characterization With Context Driven Ap...
     with: Zhou, Y.: Machine Learning-Based Noninvasive Quantification of Single-...
     with: Zhu, J.: Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Image Classification With Single Posi...
     with: Zhu, Y.M.: Gabor feature based nonlocal means filter for textured imag...
     with: Zhuo, L.: Harvesting Web Images for Realistic Facial Expression Recogn...
     with: Zhuo, L.: Layered-based exposure fusion algorithm
     with: Zhuo, L.: Learning realistic facial expressions from web images
     with: Zhuo, L.: Real-time moving object segmentation and tracking for H.264/...
     with: Zuo, W.M.: Deep Cognitive Gate: Resembling Human Cognition for Salienc...
600 for Feng, D.D.

Feng, D.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bandy, D.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generation...
     with: Chen, K.W.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generatio...
     with: Chi, Z.R.: improved algorithm for segmenting and recognizing connected...
     with: Cooper, A.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generatio...
     with: Dai, Y.X.: Generalized Method for Constructing and Proving Zero-Knowle...
     with: Dai, Y.X.: Towards the Public but Noninvertible Watermarking
     with: Ho, D.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generation of...
     with: Huang, S.C.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generati...
     with: Lawson, M.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generatio...
     with: Palant, A.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generatio...
     with: Reiman, E.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generatio...
     with: Yun, L.S.: Generalized Linear Least Squares Method for Fast Generation...
     with: Zhao, X.F.: Generalized Method for Constructing and Proving Zero-Knowl...
     with: Zhao, X.F.: Towards the Public but Noninvertible Watermarking
     with: Zhao, X.Y.: improved algorithm for segmenting and recognizing connecte...
15 for Feng, D.G.

Feng, D.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Te...
     with: Li, C.Y.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven by...
     with: Lin, W.S.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven b...
     with: Liu, X.H.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven b...
     with: Lu, G.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Text...
     with: Lu, G.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven by L...
     with: Song, L.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Te...
     with: Song, L.: DVRCNN: Dark Video Post-processing Method for VVC
     with: Song, L.: Edge-Based Video Compression Texture Synthesis Using Generat...
     with: Wang, S.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Te...
     with: Wu, H.N.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven by...
     with: Xie, R.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Tex...
     with: Xie, R.: Edge-Based Video Compression Texture Synthesis Using Generati...
     with: Xu, J.: Edge-Based Video Compression Texture Synthesis Using Generativ...
     with: Zhai, G.T.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven ...
     with: Zhang, H.: DVRCNN: Dark Video Post-processing Method for VVC
     with: Zhang, W.J.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven...
     with: Zhang, Y.W.: DVRCNN: Dark Video Post-processing Method for VVC
     with: Zhang, Z.C.: MISC: Ultra-Low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Te...
     with: Zhu, C.: Character Position-Aware Compression Framework for Screen Tex...
     with: Zhu, C.: DVRCNN: Dark Video Post-processing Method for VVC
     with: Zhu, C.: Edge-Based Video Compression Texture Synthesis Using Generati...
23 for Feng, D.H.

Feng, D.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Baik, S.W.: omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extractio...
     with: Cai, Z.H.: Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulation...
     with: Cao, S.: Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calibrat...
     with: Cao, Y.G.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for ...
     with: Chen, H.Y.: omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extractio...
     with: Chen, H.Y.: Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calib...
     with: Fang, F.P.: Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulatio...
     with: Gui, F.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical...
     with: Huang, H.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optic...
     with: Hussain, T.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network fo...
     with: Lai, J.B.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for ...
     with: Li, C.N.: omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extraction ...
     with: Liao, Z.Y.: omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extractio...
     with: Liu, Y.G.: Efficient Occluded Road Extraction from High-Resolution Rem...
     with: Liu, Y.G.: Multi-Scene Building Height Estimation Method Based on Shad...
     with: Ma, Y.J.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optica...
     with: Meng, W.Z.: Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulatio...
     with: Moghadam, P.: Improving path planning and mapping based on stereo visi...
     with: Qu, X.Y.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optica...
     with: Quan, S.N.: Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulatio...
     with: Shen, X.Y.: Efficient Occluded Road Extraction from High-Resolution Re...
     with: Wang, J.: Efficient Occluded Road Extraction from High-Resolution Remo...
     with: Wang, J.R.: Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulatio...
     with: Wang, P.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for e...
     with: Wijesoma, W.S.: Improving path planning and mapping based on stereo vi...
     with: Wook Baik, S.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network ...
     with: Wu, L.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical ...
     with: Xie, Y.K.: Efficient Occluded Road Extraction from High-Resolution Rem...
     with: Xie, Y.K.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for ...
     with: Xie, Y.K.: Multi-Scene Building Height Estimation Method Based on Shad...
     with: Xie, Y.K.: omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extraction...
     with: Xie, Y.K.: Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calibr...
     with: Xing, S.Q.: Detection and Type Recognition of SAR Artificial Modulatio...
     with: Xiong, S.: Multi-Scene Building Height Estimation Method Based on Shad...
     with: Xu, W.Q.: Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calibra...
     with: Yu, C.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optical ...
     with: Zhang, H.: Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calibr...
     with: Zhang, P.: Automatic Extraction of Marine Aquaculture Zones from Optic...
     with: Zhu, J.: enhanced relation-aware global-local attention network for es...
     with: Zhu, J.: Multi-Scene Building Height Estimation Method Based on Shadow...
     with: Zhu, J.: omni-scale global-local aware network for shadow extraction i...
     with: Zhu, J.: Slice-to-slice context transfer and uncertain region calibrat...
42 for Feng, D.J.

Feng, D.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Geng, P.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled with ...
     with: Hou, C.Y.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled with...
     with: Li, Y.F.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled with ...
     with: Su, P.H.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled with ...
     with: Tomy, G.T.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled wit...
     with: Wei, L.J.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled with...
     with: Yin, F.: PM and PAHs emissions of ship auxiliary engine fuelled with w...
7 for Feng, D.L.

Feng, D.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Beighley, E.: Applicability of SWOT's Non-Uniform Space-Time Sampling ...
     with: Nickles, C.: Applicability of SWOT's Non-Uniform Space-Time Sampling i...

Feng, D.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, X.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonizati...
     with: Han, S.F.: Point-Guided Contrastive Learning for Monocular 3-D Object ...
     with: Jiang, C.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonizat...
     with: Li, Z.G.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonizati...
     with: Liang, H.X.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmoniz...
     with: Liang, X.D.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmoniz...
     with: Liang, X.D.: Point-Guided Contrastive Learning for Monocular 3-D Objec...
     with: Tan, X.J.: Point-Guided Contrastive Learning for Monocular 3-D Object ...
     with: Van Gool, L.J.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmo...
     with: Xu, H.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonization...
     with: Xu, H.: Point-Guided Contrastive Learning for Monocular 3-D Object Det...
     with: Zhang, W.: Exploring Geometry-aware Contrast and Clustering Harmonizat...
12 for Feng, D.P.

Feng, D.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cao, C.: Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion Based on the Multi-Scale C...
     with: Ding, S.Y.: Deep Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders with Network Str...
     with: Ding, S.Y.: Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion Based on the Multi-Scal...
     with: Liu, S.: Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion Based on the Multi-Scale C...
     with: Su, X.: Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion Based on the Multi-Scale Cu...
     with: Wang, X.: Deep Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders with Network Struc...
     with: Wang, X.: Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion Based on the Multi-Scale ...
     with: Wang, X.Y.: Deep Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders with Network Str...
     with: Zhang, H.: Deep Convolutional Denoising Autoencoders with Network Stru...
9 for Feng, D.S.

Feng, D.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, F.: Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applications...
     with: Lasaponara, R.: Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applic...
     with: Masini, N.: Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applicatio...
     with: Milillo, P.: Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applicati...
     with: Yang, R.X.: Space View of Radar Archaeological Marks: First Applicatio...
10 for Feng, D.X.

Feng, D.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gong, C.: SHISS: Supervised hashing with informative set selection
     with: Gu, Y.: SHISS: Supervised hashing with informative set selection
     with: Liu, C.X.: Image Retrieval with Scale Invariant Visual Phrases
     with: Ma, C.: SHISS: Supervised hashing with informative set selection
     with: Sun, Q.: Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image recog...
     with: Yang, C.: Image Retrieval with Scale Invariant Visual Phrases
     with: Yang, J.: Image Retrieval with Scale Invariant Visual Phrases
     with: Yang, J.: SHISS: Supervised hashing with informative set selection
     with: Yang, Q.: Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image reco...
     with: Zhang, L.G.: Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image r...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image reco...
11 for Feng, D.Y.

Feng, D.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, J.: Parallel Ensemble Deep Learning for Real-Time Remote Sensing...
     with: Chen, Q.Y.: efficient point-set registration algorithm with dual terms...
     with: Chen, Q.Y.: Feature matching of remote-sensing images based on bilater...
     with: Fang, M.: Prototype adjustment for zero shot classification
     with: Fang, M.: Zero shot learning by partial transfer from source domain wi...
     with: Feng, X.W.: efficient point-set registration algorithm with dual terms...
     with: Gao, G.R.: Multi-focus image fusion based on non-subsampled shearlet t...
     with: Jia, W.J.: UDR: An Approximate Unbiased Difference-Ratio Edge Detector...
     with: Li, H.: Zero shot learning by partial transfer from source domain with...
     with: Li, H.K.: Prototype adjustment for zero shot classification
     with: Li, X.: Prototype adjustment for zero shot classification
     with: Li, X.: Zero shot learning by partial transfer from source domain with...
     with: Liu, J.L.: Two-dimensional multi-pixel anisotropic Gaussian filter for...
     with: Liu, W.J.: Collaborative representation discriminant embedding for ima...
     with: Sun, L.: Parallel Ensemble Deep Learning for Real-Time Remote Sensing ...
     with: Wei, Q.R.: UDR: An Approximate Unbiased Difference-Ratio Edge Detector...
     with: Wu, J.Q.: Prototype adjustment for zero shot classification
     with: Wu, J.Q.: Zero shot learning by partial transfer from source domain wi...
     with: Xiao, C.B.: Collaborative representation discriminant embedding for im...
     with: Xiao, C.B.: Soft decision optimization method for robust fundamental m...
     with: Xing, M.D.: Parallel Ensemble Deep Learning for Real-Time Remote Sensi...
     with: Xu, L.P.: Multi-focus image fusion based on non-subsampled shearlet tr...
     with: Yuan, M.D.: Collaborative representation discriminant embedding for im...
     with: Yuan, M.D.: Soft decision optimization method for robust fundamental m...
     with: Zhang, X.J.: Efficient MUSIC Algorithm Enhanced by Iteratively Estimat...
     with: Zheng, W.X.: efficient point-set registration algorithm with dual term...
26 for Feng, D.Z.

Feng, F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Angeloudis, P.: Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using mo...
     with: Ba, Q.Q.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of th...
     with: Bai, Y.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of the...
     with: Cai, Y.F.: Localization for Intelligent Vehicles in Underground Car Pa...
     with: Candela, E.: Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using model...
     with: Chan, R.H.M.: Community Channel-Net: Efficient channel-wise interactio...
     with: Chan, R.H.M.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and bench...
     with: Chan, R.H.M.: Va2mass: Towards the Fluid Filling Mass Estimation via I...
     with: Chen, E.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relatio...
     with: Chen, G.Z.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of ...
     with: Chen, J.Q.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorith...
     with: Chen, Q.: Deep joint rain and haze removal from a single image
     with: Chua, T.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Chua, T.S.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Chua, T.S.: Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
     with: Demiris, Y.F.: Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using mod...
     with: Doustaly, O.: Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using mode...
     with: Fan, C.X.: TSFNet: Triple-Steam Image Captioning
     with: Feng, C.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Gao, X.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recomm...
     with: Geng, X.: Residual k-Nearest Neighbors Label Distribution Learning
     with: Guan, X.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Guo, Y.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Guo, Y.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms ...
     with: Hao, X.Y.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Hao, Y.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relation...
     with: He, H.J.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D Radia...
     with: He, X.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recomme...
     with: He, X.N.: Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
     with: Hu, N.N.: Frequency Enhancement Network for Efficient Compressed Video...
     with: Hu, N.N.: TSFNet: Triple-Steam Image Captioning
     with: Huang, H.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Reco...
     with: Huang, P.: Echo Separation in Multidimensional Waveform Encoding SAR R...
     with: Huang, S.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of t...
     with: Jia, X.: Frequency Enhancement Network for Efficient Compressed Video ...
     with: Jiang, Q.W.: Short-term railway passenger demand forecast using improv...
     with: Jiang, Y.Y.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D Ra...
     with: Kei, K.S.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Kuang, K.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Lafortezza, R.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D...
     with: Lan, C.: Va2mass: Towards the Fluid Filling Mass Estimation via Integr...
     with: Lan, C.L.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Li, S.: Echo Separation in Multidimensional Waveform Encoding SAR Remo...
     with: Li, S.: Study on the Processing Scheme for Space-Time Waveform Encodin...
     with: Li, W.: Short-term railway passenger demand forecast using improved Wa...
     with: Li, W.P.: YOLO-Tiny: A lightweight small object detection algorithm fo...
     with: Li, X.L.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms...
     with: Li, Y.C.: Localization for Intelligent Vehicles in Underground Car Par...
     with: Li, Z.X.: Localization for Intelligent Vehicles in Underground Car Par...
     with: Liang, S.L.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorit...
     with: Liu, B.: Low-Rank Constrained Attention-Enhanced Multiple Spatial-Spec...
     with: Liu, B.: Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Casc...
     with: Liu, C.: Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT Volume
     with: Liu, C.G.: Short-term railway passenger demand forecast using improved...
     with: Liu, M.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms ...
     with: Liu, Q.: Community Channel-Net: Efficient channel-wise interactions vi...
     with: Liu, Q.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Liu, Q.: Va2mass: Towards the Fluid Filling Mass Estimation via Integr...
     with: Liu, X.H.: TAMM: A Task-Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Facial...
     with: Lomonaco, V.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and bench...
     with: Luo, Z.C.: TAMM: A Task-Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Facial...
     with: Lv, J.H.: Residual k-Nearest Neighbors Label Distribution Learning
     with: Lyu, B.Y.: TSFNet: Triple-Steam Image Captioning
     with: Ma, J.: Deep joint rain and haze removal from a single image
     with: Mashkin, I.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchm...
     with: Ming, Y.: Frequency Enhancement Network for Efficient Compressed Video...
     with: Ming, Y.: TSFNet: Triple-Steam Image Captioning
     with: Ming, Z.: Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recom...
     with: Parada, L.: Risk-aware controller for autonomous vehicles using model-...
     with: Peng, Y.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of th...
     with: Peng, Z.L.: Community Channel-Net: Efficient channel-wise interactions...
     with: Qiang, D.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Qiao, F.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Qin, P.G.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relati...
     with: She, Q.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Shen, L.: Deep joint rain and haze removal from a single image
     with: Shi, X.S.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Sotelo, M.A.: Localization for Intelligent Vehicles in Underground Car...
     with: Sun, H.J.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of t...
     with: Sun, M.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms ...
     with: Wang, G.Y.: TAMM: A Task-Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Facia...
     with: Wang, J.: Residual k-Nearest Neighbors Label Distribution Learning
     with: Wang, K.: Merging High-Resolution Satellite Surface Radiation Data wit...
     with: Wang, K.: Merging Satellite Retrievals and Reanalyses to Produce Globa...
     with: Wang, K.: TAMM: A Task-Adaptive Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Facial-...
     with: Wang, S.: Study on the Processing Scheme for Space-Time Waveform Encod...
     with: Wang, X.: Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
     with: Wang, Y.G.: Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT V...
     with: Wang, Z.W.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Wu, F.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Wu, H.Y.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of th...
     with: Wu, S.W.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relatio...
     with: Wu, Y.X.: Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
     with: Xiong, L.: Frequency Enhancement Network for Efficient Compressed Vide...
     with: Xu, C.Y.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D Radia...
     with: Xu, T.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relations...
     with: Xu, W.: Echo Separation in Multidimensional Waveform Encoding SAR Remo...
     with: Yang, H.X.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Yang, L.: YOLO-Tiny: A lightweight small object detection algorithm fo...
     with: Yang, Q.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchmark
     with: Yao, Y.J.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithm...
     with: Yu, J.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms f...
     with: Yu, W.: Echo Separation in Multidimensional Waveform Encoding SAR Remo...
     with: Yu, W.: Study on the Processing Scheme for Space-Time Waveform Encodin...
     with: Yuan, X.H.: Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT V...
     with: Yue, Z.: Deep joint rain and haze removal from a single image
     with: Zhang, A.: Reinforced Causal Explainer for Graph Neural Networks
     with: Zhang, J.: Low-Rank Constrained Attention-Enhanced Multiple Spatial-Sp...
     with: Zhang, J.: Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Ca...
     with: Zhang, J.Q.: Short-term railway passenger demand forecast using improv...
     with: Zhang, L.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of t...
     with: Zhang, M.J.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D Ra...
     with: Zhang, N.N.: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorit...
     with: Zhang, R.M.: Community Channel-Net: Efficient channel-wise interaction...
     with: Zhang, S.Y.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Zhang, W.Q.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Zhang, X.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D Radi...
     with: Zhang, Y.M.: Towards lifelong object recognition: A dataset and benchm...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Low-Rank Constrained Attention-Enhanced Multiple Spatial-...
     with: Zhang, Y.S.: Small Sample Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on ...
     with: Zhang, Z.X.: Research on Leaf Area Index Inversion Based on LESS 3D Ra...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Personalized Latent Structure Learning for Recommendation
     with: Zheng, Q.F.: Frequency Enhancement Network for Efficient Compressed Vi...
     with: Zhong, X.: On-Orbit Geometric Calibration and Accuracy Validation of t...
     with: Zhou, J.W.: Frequency Enhancement Network for Efficient Compressed Vid...
     with: Zhou, Q.X.: YOLO-Tiny: A lightweight small object detection algorithm ...
     with: Zhu, C.: When I Fall in Love: Capturing Video-Oriented Social Relation...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Slice-mask Based 3d Cardiac Shape Reconstruction from CT Volume
128 for Feng, F.

Feng, F.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Du, Q.: Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Graph-Bas...
     with: Li, W.: Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Graph-Bas...
     with: Zhang, B.: Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Image with Graph-...

Feng, F.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bahaduri, B.: Multimodal Transformer Using Cross-Channel Attention for...
     with: Ming, Z.H.: Multimodal Transformer Using Cross-Channel Attention for O...
     with: Mokraoui, A.: Multimodal Transformer Using Cross-Channel Attention for...

Feng, F.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Che, Z.P.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Che, Z.P.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Che, Z.P.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Comple...
     with: Che, Z.P.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Huang, Y.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Huang, Y.M.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Liu, N.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Liu, X.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Liu, X.M.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Peng, Y.X.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Peng, Y.X.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Qi, M.S.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Complet...
     with: Qi, M.S.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Qiao, X.Q.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Compl...
     with: Qiao, X.Q.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Shen, C.M.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Shen, C.M.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Tang, J.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Tang, J.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Tang, J.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Complet...
     with: Tang, J.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Wang, H.W.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Compl...
     with: Wang, H.W.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Wang, M.Y.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Compl...
     with: Wang, M.Y.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Complet...
     with: Xu, Z.Y.: RGB-Depth Fusion GAN for Indoor Depth Completion
     with: Yang, Y.F.: RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Compl...
     with: Zhang, G.X.: CP3: Channel Pruning Plug-in for Point-Based Networks
     with: Zhang, G.X.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
     with: Zhu, Y.C.: Label-Guided Auxiliary Training Improves 3D Object Detector
33 for Feng, F.F.

Feng, F.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, Z.Q.: Coarse trimap expansion based on one-class classification f...
     with: Deng, C.J.: Coarse trimap expansion based on one-class classification ...
     with: Liang, Y.H.: Coarse trimap expansion based on one-class classification...
     with: Zhu, Y.J.: Coarse trimap expansion based on one-class classification f...

Feng, F.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Duan, J.W.: Scalp EEG-Based Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Events...
     with: Guan, M.: Scalp EEG-Based Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Events v...
     with: Jiang, Q.W.: Railway freight volume forecast using an ensemble model w...
     with: Li, W.: Railway freight volume forecast using an ensemble model with o...
     with: Liu, Y.: Scalp EEG-Based Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Events vi...
     with: Zhou, H.: Scalp EEG-Based Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Events v...

Feng, F.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.G.: Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained c...
     with: de Baets, B.: Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained...
     with: Gao, M.: Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained colo...
     with: Wang, G.: Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained col...
     with: Yang, S.C.: Boundary detection using unbiased sparseness-constrained c...

Feng, F.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, B.: Progressive dense feature fusion network for single image dera...
     with: Li, R.F.: Exploring Global and Local Linguistic Representations for Te...
     with: Li, R.F.: LGR-NET: Language Guided Reasoning Network for Referring Exp...
     with: Li, R.F.: Modality Disentangled Discriminator for Text-to-Image Synthe...
     with: Li, X.M.: deformable CNN-based triplet model for fine-grained sketch-b...
     with: Li, X.M.: survey on freehand sketch recognition and retrieval, A
     with: Liu, Y.: survey on freehand sketch recognition and retrieval, A
     with: Lu, M.C.: LGR-NET: Language Guided Reasoning Network for Referring Exp...
     with: Ma, Z.Y.: LGR-NET: Language Guided Reasoning Network for Referring Exp...
     with: Niu, T.R.: Modality Disentangled Discriminator for Text-to-Image Synth...
     with: Shen, M.L.: deformable CNN-based triplet model for fine-grained sketch...
     with: Wang, N.: Exploring Global and Local Linguistic Representations for Te...
     with: Wang, X.J.: Exploring Global and Local Linguistic Representations for ...
     with: Wang, X.J.: LGR-NET: Language Guided Reasoning Network for Referring E...
     with: Wang, X.J.: Modality Disentangled Discriminator for Text-to-Image Synt...
     with: Zhang, G.W.: Exploring Global and Local Linguistic Representations for...
     with: Zhang, W.D.: Progressive dense feature fusion network for single image...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: deformable CNN-based triplet model for fine-grained sketc...
     with: Zhang, X.L.: survey on freehand sketch recognition and retrieval, A
     with: Zhang, Y.: Progressive dense feature fusion network for single image d...
20 for Feng, F.X.

Feng, F.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, L.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects from ...
     with: Liu, Y.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects from...
     with: Liu, Z.J.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects fr...
     with: Pan, Y.T.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects fr...
     with: Yang, F.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects fro...
     with: Zhang, F.S.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects ...
     with: Zhang, J.: Geometry and Topology Reconstruction of BIM Wall Objects fr...
7 for Feng, F.Y.

Feng, G. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, P.: Efficient Intra Mode Selection for Depth-Map Coding Utilizing ...
     with: Azami, Z.: Robust vector quantizer design using self-organizing neural...
     with: Bahram, S.: Robust vector quantizer design using self-organizing neura...
     with: Beautemps, D.: Re-Synchronization Using the Hand Preceding Model for M...
     with: Bouman, C.A.: High-Quality MRC Document Coding
     with: Bouman, C.A.: Rate Distortion Optimized Document Coding Using Resoluti...
     with: Cai, J.X.: Learning Pose Dictionary for Human Action Recognition
     with: Cai, J.X.: Learning zeroth class dictionary for human action recognition
     with: Chang, L.: Assessment of the Uncertainties in Arctic Low-Level Tempera...
     with: Chang, L.: Effect of Cloud Fraction on Arctic Low-Level Temperature In...
     with: Chang, L.: Variations in Water Vapor From AIRS and MODIS in Response t...
     with: Chen, H.B.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spati...
     with: Chen, W.: Facial Attribute Editing by Latent Space Adversarial Variati...
     with: Chen, W.F.: Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on ...
     with: Chen, W.F.: Semi-supervised node classification via adaptive graph smo...
     with: Chen, W.F.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor...
     with: Chen, Y.: Propagation of Meteorological Drought to Agricultural and Hy...
     with: Chen, Y.L.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spati...
     with: Chen, Y.L.: Propagation of Meteorological Drought to Agricultural and ...
     with: Chen, Z.: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegetati...
     with: Cheng, H.: Rate Distortion Optimized Document Coding Using Resolution ...
     with: Chi, Y.L.: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
     with: Dang, D.F.: Robust Coordinated Control of Nonlinear Heterogeneous Plat...
     with: Dash, P.: Influence of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and Precipitati...
     with: Deng, H.Q.: Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on ...
     with: Deng, H.Q.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor...
     with: Dick, G.: Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galileo...
     with: Ding, F.: Linguistic Steganalysis With Graph Neural Networks
     with: Ding, X.: Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of Defo...
     with: Du, M.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor Int...
     with: Du, Y.: On the Accuracy of Topographic Residuals Retrieved by MTInSAR
     with: Gao, G.: Assessment of the Uncertainties in Arctic Low-Level Temperatu...
     with: Gao, G.: Variations in Water Vapor From AIRS and MODIS in Response to ...
     with: Gnanamoorthy, P.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High...
     with: He, X.: Effect of Cloud Fraction on Arctic Low-Level Temperature Inver...
     with: He, Y.D.: Robust Coordinated Control of Nonlinear Heterogeneous Platoo...
     with: Hong, Z.H.: Space-to-speed architecture supporting acceleration on VHR...
     with: Hu, J.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements of M...
     with: Hu, J.: Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of Deform...
     with: Hu, Z.: Bi-Directional Relationship Inferring Network for Referring Im...
     with: Hu, Z.W.: Encoder Fusion Network with Co-Attention Embedding for Refer...
     with: Hu, Z.W.: Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attenti...
     with: Huang, W.M.: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
     with: Ji, F.: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegetation...
     with: Jiang, S.: Space-to-speed architecture supporting acceleration on VHR ...
     with: Jung, H.S.: Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of De...
     with: Li, D.: Facial Attribute Editing by Latent Space Adversarial Variation...
     with: Li, K.: Efficient Intra Mode Selection for Depth-Map Coding Utilizing ...
     with: Li, S.: Diversity-Based Cascade Filters for JPEG Steganalysis
     with: Li, Y.: Variations in Water Vapor From AIRS and MODIS in Response to A...
     with: Li, Z.: study of MPEG-4 rate control scheme and its improvements, A
     with: Li, Z.K.: Coordinated tracking of multi-agent systems with a leader of...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements of...
     with: Li, Z.Y.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor I...
     with: Liao, K.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spatial...
     with: Liao, S.S.Y.: novel method for combining Bayesian networks, theoretica...
     with: Lim, K.: study of MPEG-4 rate control scheme and its improvements, A
     with: Lim, K.P.: coding artifacts removal algorithm based on spatial and tem...
     with: Lin, W.S.: coding artifacts removal algorithm based on spatial and tem...
     with: Lin, X.: coding artifacts removal algorithm based on spatial and tempo...
     with: Liu, F.: NVR-Net: Normal Vector Guided Regression Network for Disentan...
     with: Liu, L.: Re-Synchronization Using the Hand Preceding Model for Multi-M...
     with: Liu, M.K.: NVR-Net: Normal Vector Guided Regression Network for Disent...
     with: Liu, X.D.: Coordinated tracking of multi-agent systems with a leader o...
     with: Liu, Z.: Efficient Intra Mode Selection for Depth-Map Coding Utilizing...
     with: Lu, C.: Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galileo O...
     with: Lu, H.: Bi-Directional Relationship Inferring Network for Referring Im...
     with: Lu, H.C.: Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-Scale Aggregatio...
     with: Lu, H.C.: Encoder Fusion Network with Co-Attention Embedding for Refer...
     with: Lu, H.C.: Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attenti...
     with: Lu, Z.: Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of Deform...
     with: Lu, Z.: On the Accuracy of Topographic Residuals Retrieved by MTInSAR
     with: Ma, A.J.: Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on dy...
     with: Ma, Q.: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegetation...
     with: Mansaray, L.R.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High S...
     with: Mansaray, L.R.: Propagation of Meteorological Drought to Agricultural ...
     with: Mao, J.W.: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
     with: Meng, J.: Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-Scale Aggregatio...
     with: Ni, D.: Selective Ensemble Classification of Image Steganalysis Via De...
     with: Pan, F.: study of MPEG-4 rate control scheme and its improvements, A
     with: Papst, M.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements o...
     with: Paul, V.: Influence of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and Precipitati...
     with: Preusse, A.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements...
     with: Qian, Z.: Diversity-Based Cascade Filters for JPEG Steganalysis
     with: Qian, Z.H.: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegeta...
     with: Qiu, J.B.: Control of continuous-time T-S fuzzy affine dynamic systems...
     with: Ren, Y.: Diversity-Based Cascade Filters for JPEG Steganalysis
     with: Ren, Y.: Multichannel Steganography in Digital Images for Multiple Rec...
     with: Shekhar, S.: Influence of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and Precipit...
     with: Shen, L.: Content-Based Adaptive SHVC Mode Decision Algorithm
     with: Shen, L.: Efficient Intra Mode Selection for Depth-Map Coding Utilizin...
     with: Shen, L.: On Security Enhancement of Steganography via Generative Adve...
     with: Shen, L.: Selective Ensemble Classification of Image Steganalysis Via ...
     with: Shen, Q.: Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on dy...
     with: Shi, A.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spatial ...
     with: Shi, A.: Propagation of Meteorological Drought to Agricultural and Hyd...
     with: Song, Q.H.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spati...
     with: Song, S.: Assessment of the Uncertainties in Arctic Low-Level Temperat...
     with: Sun, C.: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spatial ...
     with: Sun, J.: Bi-Directional Relationship Inferring Network for Referring I...
     with: Sun, J.: Encoder Fusion Network with Co-Attention Embedding for Referr...
     with: Sun, J.: Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attentio...
     with: Sun, Q.: On the Accuracy of Topographic Residuals Retrieved by MTInSAR
     with: Sun, Y.X.: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegetat...
     with: Tan, H.: Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galileo ...
     with: Tang, X.: Learning Pose Dictionary for Human Action Recognition
     with: Tang, X.: Learning zeroth class dictionary for human action recognition
     with: Tarabalka, Y.: Space-to-speed architecture supporting acceleration on ...
     with: Wang, J.: primal-dual neural network for online resolving constrained ...
     with: Wang, Z.: Multichannel Steganography in Digital Images for Multiple Re...
     with: Wei, Z.Z.: NVR-Net: Normal Vector Guided Regression Network for Disent...
     with: Wickert, J.: Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Gali...
     with: Wu, H.: Linguistic Steganalysis With Graph Neural Networks
     with: Wu, S.: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
     with: Xia, Y.S.: primal-dual neural network for online resolving constrained...
     with: Xu, G.: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
     with: Xu, H.: Propagation of Meteorological Drought to Agricultural and Hydr...
     with: Xu, T.B.: NVR-Net: Normal Vector Guided Regression Network for Disenta...
     with: Xu, Y.Y.: Segmenting Kidney on Multiple Phase CT Images using ULBNet
     with: Yang, Z.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements of...
     with: Yang, Z.W.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor...
     with: Yao, S.S.: coding artifacts removal algorithm based on spatial and tem...
     with: Yao, W.: Space-to-speed architecture supporting acceleration on VHR im...
     with: Yi, B.: Linguistic Steganalysis With Graph Neural Networks
     with: Yi, H.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements of M...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Invariant subspace learning for time series data based on ...
     with: Zhang, C.: Variations in Water Vapor From AIRS and MODIS in Response t...
     with: Zhang, J.D.: novel method for combining Bayesian networks, theoretical...
     with: Zhang, K.: Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galile...
     with: Zhang, L.: Bi-Directional Relationship Inferring Network for Referring...
     with: Zhang, L.: Encoder Fusion Network with Co-Attention Embedding for Refe...
     with: Zhang, L.: Learning Pose Dictionary for Human Action Recognition
     with: Zhang, L.: Learning zeroth class dictionary for human action recognition
     with: Zhang, L.: Novel Multitemporal InSAR Model for Joint Estimation of Def...
     with: Zhang, L.: On the Accuracy of Topographic Residuals Retrieved by MTInSAR
     with: Zhang, L.: Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attent...
     with: Zhang, L.H.: Encoder Deep Interleaved Network with Multi-Scale Aggrega...
     with: Zhang, M.: Facial Attribute Editing by Latent Space Adversarial Variat...
     with: Zhang, Q.S.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylo...
     with: Zhang, X.: Diversity-Based Cascade Filters for JPEG Steganalysis
     with: Zhang, X.: Linguistic Steganalysis With Graph Neural Networks
     with: Zhang, X.: Multichannel Steganography in Digital Images for Multiple R...
     with: Zhang, X.: On Security Enhancement of Steganography via Generative Adv...
     with: Zhang, X.: Selective Ensemble Classification of Image Steganalysis Via...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Re-Synchronization Using the Hand Preceding Model for Mul...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Assessment of the Uncertainties in Arctic Low-Level Tempera...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Effect of Cloud Fraction on Arctic Low-Level Temperature In...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Variations in Water Vapor From AIRS and MODIS in Response t...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Dictionary-Based Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction and ...
     with: Zheng, R.G.: Semi-supervised node classification via adaptive graph sm...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Real-Time Retrieval of Precipitable Water Vapor From Galile...
     with: Zhou, L.: On Security Enhancement of Steganography via Generative Adve...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Alternative Method for Estimating 3-D Large Displacements o...
     with: Zou, N.: Unifying Fourteen Post-Hoc Attribution Methods With Taylor In...
155 for Feng, G.

Feng, G.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, X.T.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observe...
     with: Cao, Y.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observed ...
     with: Dai, Z.K.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observe...
     with: Feng, G.N.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observ...
     with: Huang, H.J.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Obser...
     with: Tian, P.Z.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observ...
     with: Wei, J.C.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observe...
7 for Feng, G.B.

Feng, G.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, Q.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (So...
     with: An, Q.: Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 and Mw...
     with: Armstrong, A.: Direct content access and extraction from JPEG compress...
     with: Butler, K.: Differential Measure of the Strength of Causation, A
     with: Cai, J.X.: Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for m...
     with: Cai, J.X.: Human action recognition using oriented holistic feature
     with: Chen, J.: Surface Subsidence of Nanchang, China 2015-2021 Retrieved vi...
     with: Chen, R.F.: Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by T...
     with: Chen, W.F.: Semi-supervised Graph Learning: Near Strangers or Distant ...
     with: Chen, W.S.: Learning Kernel in Kernel-Based LDA for Face Recognition U...
     with: Chen, X.G.: Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw 8...
     with: Chi, H.M.: Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for m...
     with: Dai, D.: Human Face Image retrieval System for Large Database
     with: Deng, K.: Settlement Prediction of Reclaimed Coastal Airports with InS...
     with: Deng, K.L.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessmen...
     with: Ding, C.: Ground Subsidence, Driving Factors, and Risk Assessment of t...
     with: Ding, C.: Precursory 3D Displacement Patterns and Their Implicit Colla...
     with: Ding, C.: Spatio-Temporal Error Sources Analysis and Accuracy Improvem...
     with: Ding, H.X.: Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste ...
     with: Djuric, P.M.: Differential Measure of the Strength of Causation, A
     with: Du, Y.: Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste Land...
     with: Du, Y.: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Development of Ground Subsidence Due ...
     with: Du, Y.: Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on StaM...
     with: Du, Y.: Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by Terra...
     with: Du, Y.: Spatio-Temporal Error Sources Analysis and Accuracy Improvemen...
     with: Du, Y.: Understanding Land Subsidence Along the Coastal Areas of Guang...
     with: Feng, Z.X.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Da...
     with: Fu, H.Q.: Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste La...
     with: Fu, H.Q.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multibas...
     with: Fu, H.Q.: Understanding Land Subsidence Along the Coastal Areas of Gua...
     with: Gao, H.: Improved Quadtree Sampling Method for InSAR Seismic Deformati...
     with: Gao, H.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (S...
     with: Gao, H.: Surface Subsidence of Nanchang, China 2015-2021 Retrieved via...
     with: He, C.: Settlement Prediction of Reclaimed Coastal Airports with InSAR...
     with: He, L.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (So...
     with: He, L.: Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 and Mw...
     with: He, Y.R.: Settlement Prediction of Reclaimed Coastal Airports with InS...
     with: Hu, J.: Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw 8.3 I...
     with: Hu, J.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multibasel...
     with: Hu, J.: Deriving Dynamic Subsidence of Coal Mining Areas Using InSAR a...
     with: Hu, J.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining f...
     with: Hu, J.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Sing...
     with: Hu, J.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring in a ...
     with: Hu, J.: Time-Series 3-D Mining-Induced Large Displacement Modeling and...
     with: Jiang, J.: Image extraction in DCT domain
     with: Jiang, J.: Image Spatial Transformation in DCT Domain
     with: Jiang, J.M.: Direct content access and extraction from JPEG compressed...
     with: Jiang, J.M.: JPEG compressed image retrieval via statistical features
     with: Jiang, J.M.: JPEG Image Retrieval Based on Features from DCT Domain
     with: Jiang, J.M.: Metric Learning: A general dimension reduction framework ...
     with: Jiang, J.M.: Progressive content access to databases of JPEG-compresse...
     with: Lai, J.H.: Face Recognition Using Holistic Fourier Invariant Features
     with: Lai, J.H.: Virtual View Face Image Synthesis Using 3D Spring-based Fac...
     with: Li, D.F.: Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
     with: Li, K.: Settlement Prediction of Reclaimed Coastal Airports with InSAR...
     with: Li, K.F.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessment ...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Coastal Subsidence Monitoring Associated with Land Reclamati...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw 8.3...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Deriving Dynamic Subsidence of Coal Mining Areas Using InSAR...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Development of Ground Subsidence Du...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on St...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by Ter...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Si...
     with: Li, Z.W.: SAR Interferometric Baseline Refinement Based on Flat-Earth ...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Spatio-Temporal Error Sources Analysis and Accuracy Improvem...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring in ...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Time-Series 3-D Mining-Induced Large Displacement Modeling a...
     with: Liao, M.S.: Improved Quadtree Sampling Method for InSAR Seismic Deform...
     with: Liao, M.S.: Precursory 3D Displacement Patterns and Their Implicit Col...
     with: Lin, C.W.: Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by Te...
     with: Lin, H.: Surface Subsidence of Nanchang, China 2015-2021 Retrieved via...
     with: Liu, J.H.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake ...
     with: Liu, L.: Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste Lan...
     with: Liu, L.: Understanding Land Subsidence Along the Coastal Areas of Guan...
     with: Liu, X.Z.: Kernel Bisecting k-means clustering for SVM training sample...
     with: Liu, X.Z.: Learning Kernel in Kernel-Based LDA for Face Recognition Un...
     with: Liu, X.Z.: Multiple kernel discriminant analysis
     with: Lu, C.Y.: Metric Learning: A general dimension reduction framework for...
     with: Lu, H.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (So...
     with: Lu, H.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Data, An
     with: Lu, H.: Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 and Mw...
     with: Luo, S.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring in a...
     with: Luo, S.R.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessment...
     with: Luo, S.R.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Dat...
     with: Miao, L.: Settlement Prediction of Reclaimed Coastal Airports with InS...
     with: Papst, M.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal minin...
     with: Papst, M.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a S...
     with: Papst, M.: Time-Series 3-D Mining-Induced Large Displacement Modeling ...
     with: Peng, X.: Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste La...
     with: Peng, X.: Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on St...
     with: Peng, X.: Understanding Land Subsidence Along the Coastal Areas of Gua...
     with: Preusse, A.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal min...
     with: Preusse, A.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a...
     with: Preusse, A.: Time-Series 3-D Mining-Induced Large Displacement Modelin...
     with: Ren, Z.Y.: Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on S...
     with: Shan, X.J.: Spatio-Temporal Error Sources Analysis and Accuracy Improv...
     with: Shen, Q.: Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
     with: Shen, Q.: Precursory 3D Displacement Patterns and Their Implicit Colla...
     with: Shi, J.C.: SAR Interferometric Baseline Refinement Based on Flat-Earth...
     with: Tang, X.: Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
     with: Tang, X.: Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for ma...
     with: Tang, X.: Human action recognition using oriented holistic feature
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Printed Chinese Character Similarity Measurement Using Rin...
     with: Wang, C.C.: Coastal Subsidence Monitoring Associated with Land Reclama...
     with: Wang, C.C.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multib...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multib...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Development of Ground Subsidence ...
     with: Wang, H.Q.: Spatio-Temporal Error Sources Analysis and Accuracy Improv...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessmen...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring i...
     with: Wang, P.S.: Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
     with: Wang, P.S.: Metric Learning: A general dimension reduction framework f...
     with: Wang, Q.J.: Coastal Subsidence Monitoring Associated with Land Reclama...
     with: Wang, Q.J.: Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw 8...
     with: Wang, Q.Y.: Semi-supervised metric learning via topology preserving mu...
     with: Wang, X.: Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 and ...
     with: Wang, X.H.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Da...
     with: Wang, Y.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining...
     with: Wang, Y.D.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake...
     with: Wang, Y.D.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Da...
     with: Wang, Y.D.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring i...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessmen...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake...
     with: Wang, Y.X.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Da...
     with: Wei, J.C.: Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 and...
     with: Wen, D.: Continued Monitoring and Modeling of Xingfeng Solid Waste Lan...
     with: Wen, D.: Understanding Land Subsidence Along the Coastal Areas of Guan...
     with: Wu, L.X.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining...
     with: Wu, X.X.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake (...
     with: Xia, H.F.: Embedded conformal deep low-rank auto-encoder network for m...
     with: Xie, R.: Coastal Subsidence Monitoring Associated with Land Reclamatio...
     with: Xiong, L.: Surface Subsidence of Nanchang, China 2015-2021 Retrieved v...
     with: Xiong, Z.Q.: Ground Subsidence, Driving Factors, and Risk Assessment o...
     with: Xiong, Z.Q.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessme...
     with: Xiong, Z.Q.: Precursory 3D Displacement Patterns and Their Implicit Co...
     with: Xiong, Z.Q.: Settlement Prediction of Reclaimed Coastal Airports with ...
     with: Xiong, Z.Q.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring ...
     with: Xiong, Z.Q.: Three-Dimensional Deformation of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 a...
     with: Xu, B.: Coastal Subsidence Monitoring Associated with Land Reclamation...
     with: Xu, B.: Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw 8.3 I...
     with: Xu, B.: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Development of Ground Subsidence Due ...
     with: Xu, B.: SAR Interferometric Baseline Refinement Based on Flat-Earth Ph...
     with: Xu, Q.A.: Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by Ter...
     with: Yang, Z.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multibas...
     with: Yang, Z.: Deriving Dynamic Subsidence of Coal Mining Areas Using InSAR...
     with: Yang, Z.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining...
     with: Yang, Z.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Si...
     with: Yang, Z.: Time-Series 3-D Mining-Induced Large Displacement Modeling a...
     with: Yi, H.: Deriving Dynamic Subsidence of Coal Mining Areas Using InSAR a...
     with: Yi, H.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal mining f...
     with: Yi, H.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a Sing...
     with: Yin, Y.: Progressive content access to databases of JPEG-compressed im...
     with: Yu, Y.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multibasel...
     with: Yu, Y.P.: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Development of Ground Subsidence Du...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Automatic Eye Detection for Human Identification
     with: Yuen, P.C.: contour detection method: Initialization and contour model...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Face Recognition Using Holistic Fourier Invariant Features
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Human Face Image retrieval System for Large Database
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Learning Kernel in Kernel-Based LDA for Face Recognition U...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Multi-cues eye detection on gray intensity image
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Novel Method for Parameter-Estimation of Digital Arc, A
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Printed Chinese Character Similarity Measurement Using Rin...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Recursive Method for Parameter Estimation of Digital Circu...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Semi-supervised metric learning via topology preserving mu...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Variance Projection Function and its Application to Eye De...
     with: Yuen, P.C.: Virtual View Face Image Synthesis Using 3D Spring-based Fa...
     with: Zhang, L.: Ground Subsidence, Driving Factors, and Risk Assessment of ...
     with: Zhang, L.: Precursory 3D Displacement Patterns and Their Implicit Coll...
     with: Zhang, L.: Recent Landslide Movement in Tsaoling, Taiwan Tracked by Te...
     with: Zhang, L.F.: Adaptive Hashing with Sparse Modification
     with: Zhang, L.F.: Maximum entropy regularized group collaborative represent...
     with: Zhang, Z.Y.: Continent-Wide 2-D Co-Seismic Deformation of the 2015 Mw ...
     with: Zhao, Y.G.: Improved Method for Automatic Identification and Assessmen...
     with: Zhao, Y.G.: Improved Source Model of the 2021 Mw 6.1 Yangbi Earthquake...
     with: Zhao, Y.G.: MT-InSAR Data Partition Strategy for Sentinel-1A/B TOPS Da...
     with: Zhao, Z.: Maximum entropy regularized group collaborative representati...
     with: Zhou, J.P.: contour detection method: Initialization and contour model...
     with: Zhu, J.H.: Maximum entropy regularized group collaborative representat...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multiba...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Deriving Dynamic Subsidence of Coal Mining Areas Using InSA...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Deriving Spatio-Temporal Development of Ground Subsidence D...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Effects of External Digital Elevation Model Inaccuracy on S...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Locating and defining underground goaf caused by coal minin...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Retrieving 3-D Large Displacements of Mining Areas from a S...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Strategy for Variable-Scale InSAR Deformation Monitoring in...
     with: Zhu, J.J.: Time-Series 3-D Mining-Induced Large Displacement Modeling ...
     with: Zhu, Y.: SAR Interferometric Baseline Refinement Based on Flat-Earth P...
188 for Feng, G.C.

Feng, G.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, B.: Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multipl...
     with: Feng, J.S.: Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multip...
     with: Tan, H.C.: Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multipl...
     with: Zhang, Y.J.: Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multi...

Feng, G.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Li, S.N.: Spatio-Temporal Validation of AIRS CO2 Observations Using GA...
     with: Qin, Y.: Spatio-Temporal Validation of AIRS CO2 Observations Using GAW...
     with: Xiang, R.: Spatio-Temporal Validation of AIRS CO2 Observations Using G...
     with: Xu, Y.J.: Spatio-Temporal Validation of AIRS CO2 Observations Using GA...
     with: Yang, H.: Spatio-Temporal Validation of AIRS CO2 Observations Using GA...
10 for Feng, G.F.

Feng, G.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Hu, Y.: Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Inter...
     with: Li, S.M.: Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist Si...
     with: Liu, Z.: Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Inte...
     with: Su, M.Z.: Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Int...
     with: Sun, B.: Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Inte...
     with: Sun, Z.X.: On-line hand-drawn electric circuit diagram recognition usi...
     with: Viard Gaudin, C.: On-line hand-drawn electric circuit diagram recognit...
     with: Zhan, Y.H.: Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist ...
     with: Zhang, D.: Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist S...
     with: Zhou, X.: Individualized Tour Route Plan Algorithm Based on Tourist Si...
     with: Zhou, X.: Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Int...
11 for Feng, G.H.

Feng, G.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Gou, J.X.: Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet2...
     with: Han, H.: Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet2 I...
     with: Tong, M.L.: Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet...
     with: Wang, R.: Discriminative Human Pose Estimation Based on the Bandelet2 ...

Feng, G.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, T.: Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using Hig...
     with: Chen, Z.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation o...
     with: Chen, Z.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Math...
     with: Chen, Z.H.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during th...
     with: Ding, L.H.: Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognit...
     with: Fan, P.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation of...
     with: Feng, T.C.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and ...
     with: Gou, J.X.: Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recogniti...
     with: Hou, X.T.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation ...
     with: Huang, B.C.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and...
     with: Jia, K.B.: Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using Hi...
     with: Jia, X.W.: Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using Hi...
     with: Jia, Z.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetr...
     with: Jing, P.Q.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Pen...
     with: Lei, H.J.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during the...
     with: Li, B.L.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation o...
     with: Li, L.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation of ...
     with: Li, L.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Mathem...
     with: Li, S.P.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and It...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognitio...
     with: Li, Z.W.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during the ...
     with: Liu, J.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation of...
     with: Liu, J.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during the B...
     with: Liu, J.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Mathe...
     with: Liu, P.Y.: Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using Hi...
     with: Ma, Q.R.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during the ...
     with: Ma, Q.R.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and It...
     with: Ma, Y.: Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using High-...
     with: Ma, Y.L.: Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognitio...
     with: Qian, Z.H.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation...
     with: Qian, Z.H.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Ma...
     with: Qian, Z.H.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and ...
     with: Ruan, S.G.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Ma...
     with: Su, T.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during the Bo...
     with: Su, T.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and Its ...
     with: Sun, G.Q.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation ...
     with: Sun, G.Q.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Mat...
     with: Sun, S.Y.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and I...
     with: Wang, S.T.: Interannual Variability of Extreme Precipitation during th...
     with: Wang, S.T.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and ...
     with: Wei, Z.H.: Mapping Large-Scale Plateau Forest in Sanjiangyuan Using Hi...
     with: Xie, D.X.: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and I...
     with: Xu, H.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetra...
     with: Yan, J.: Rock Layer Classification and Identification in Ground-Penetr...
     with: Yang, D.: Adoption of improved neural network blade pattern recognitio...
     with: Zhang, Z.S.: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradatio...
     with: Zhang, Z.S.: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics M...
47 for Feng, G.L.

Feng, G.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, X.T.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observe...
     with: Cao, Y.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observed ...
     with: Dai, Z.K.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observe...
     with: Feng, G.B.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observ...
     with: Feng, P.: router based unequal error control scheme for video over the...
     with: Gao, W.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Huang, H.J.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Obser...
     with: Li, Z.G.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Li, Z.G.: congestion control strategy for multipoint videoconferencing...
     with: Li, Z.G.: degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video s...
     with: Li, Z.G.: router based unequal error control scheme for video over the...
     with: Li, Z.G.: Unequal error protection for motion compensated video stream...
     with: Li, Z.G.: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion co...
     with: Li, Z.G.: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
     with: Lim, K.P.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Lin, X.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Lin, X.: congestion control strategy for multipoint videoconferencing, A
     with: Lin, X.: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion com...
     with: Ling, N.: degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video s...
     with: Ling, N.: router based unequal error control scheme for video over the...
     with: Ling, N.: Unequal error protection for motion compensated video stream...
     with: Ling, N.: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion co...
     with: Ling, N.: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
     with: Lu, H.Q.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Lu, Y.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Ma, S.W.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Pan, F.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Pan, F.: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
     with: Rahardja, S.: Adaptive rate control for H.264
     with: Tian, P.Z.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observ...
     with: Wei, J.C.: Simulation and Driving Factor Analysis of Satellite-Observe...
     with: Wu, S.: degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video str...
     with: Wu, S.: router based unequal error control scheme for video over the i...
     with: Wu, S.: Unequal error protection for motion compensated video streamin...
     with: Wu, S.: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion comp...
     with: Wu, S.: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
     with: Yang, X.K.: congestion control strategy for multipoint videoconferenci...
     with: Yang, X.K.: degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video...
     with: Yang, X.K.: router based unequal error control scheme for video over t...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Unequal error protection for motion compensated video stre...
     with: Yang, X.K.: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion ...
     with: Yang, X.K.: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
     with: Zhu, C.: congestion control strategy for multipoint videoconferencing, A
     with: Zhu, C.: degressive error protection algorithm for MPEG-4 FGS video st...
     with: Zhu, C.: router based unequal error control scheme for video over the ...
     with: Zhu, C.: Unequal error protection for motion compensated video streami...
     with: Zhu, C.: Unequal loss protection for robust transmission of motion com...
     with: Zhu, C.: unified architecture for real-time video-coding systems, A
57 for Feng, G.N.

Feng, G.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Han, D.L.: Analyzing Gully Planform Changes in GIS Based on Multi-leve...
     with: Hou, J.: BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning a...
     with: Leng, L.: Analyzing Gully Planform Changes in GIS Based on Multi-level...
     with: Liu, J.H.: BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning...
     with: Luo, J.Y.: BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning...
     with: Wen, D.Q.: BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning...
     with: Ye, Y.H.: Analyzing Gully Planform Changes in GIS Based on Multi-level...
     with: Zhang, X.: BIM Based Hybrid 3D Indoor Map Model for Indoor Positioning...
8 for Feng, G.Q.

Feng, G.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, P.: optimized CNN-based quality assessment model for screen conten...
     with: Cao, B.: Unsupervised Image Steganalysis Method Using Self-Learning En...
     with: Chen, B.: JPEG Steganalysis With High-Dimensional Features and Bayesia...
     with: Chen, B.: Mixing high-dimensional features for JPEG steganalysis with ...
     with: Chen, S.Y.: Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernike...
     with: Ding, F.: Broadcasting Steganography in the Blockchain
     with: Fan, L.Y.: Sparse Representation for Color Image Super-Resolution with...
     with: Fan, L.Y.: Unsupervised Image Steganalysis Method Using Self-Learning ...
     with: Gao, S.Y.: CADW: CGAN-Based Attack on Deep Robust Image Watermarking
     with: Guo, C.: Learning Appearance-Motion Synergy via Memory-Guided Event Pr...
     with: He, C.: Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark based ...
     with: Jiang, L.G.: Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark b...
     with: Jiang, X.: optimized CNN-based quality assessment model for screen con...
     with: Li, F.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise Simu...
     with: Li, F.Y.: JPEG Steganalysis With High-Dimensional Features and Bayesia...
     with: Li, F.Y.: Mixing high-dimensional features for JPEG steganalysis with ...
     with: Li, L.: Novel Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Concentric Rin...
     with: Li, M.Y.: RFD-ECNet: Extreme Underwater Image Compression with Referen...
     with: Li, Q.J.: Ensemble Steganalysis Based on Deep Residual Network
     with: Li, S.: Altered Fingerprints Detection Based on Deep Feature Fusion
     with: Li, S.: Multi-Source Style Transfer via Style Disentanglement Network
     with: Li, S.: Recent Advances in Deep Learning Model Security
     with: Li, X.M.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise Si...
     with: Li, X.R.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogonal ...
     with: Liu, E.: Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based on ...
     with: Liu, M.J.: Traffic sign attack via pinpoint region probability estimat...
     with: Luo, Y.: Hierarchical Authorization of Convolutional Neural Networks f...
     with: Lv, J.: Joint utilization of positive and negative pseudo-labels in se...
     with: Malik, A.: Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernike ...
     with: Qi, D.L.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Networks
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Compressing Encrypted Images With Auxiliary Information
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Efficient Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
     with: Qian, Z.X.: JPEG Steganography With Content Similarity Evaluation
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Reference Sharing Mechanism for Watermark Self-Embedding
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Progre...
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Scalable Coding of Encrypted Images
     with: Qian, Z.X.: Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensic...
     with: Qin, C.: CADW: CGAN-Based Attack on Deep Robust Image Watermarking
     with: Qin, C.: Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Clustering
     with: Qin, C.: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Image Re...
     with: Qin, C.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Networks
     with: Qin, C.: Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based on ...
     with: Qin, C.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogonal M...
     with: Qin, C.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise Sim...
     with: Qin, C.: Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensics i...
     with: Qin, Y.: Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Clustering
     with: Qin, Y.: Enforced block diagonal subspace clustering with closed form ...
     with: Qin, Y.: Semi-Supervised Structured Subspace Learning for Multi-View C...
     with: Qin, Y.L.: Maximum Block Energy Guided Robust Subspace Clustering
     with: Qin, Y.L.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Networks
     with: Ren, Y.: Scalable Coding of Encrypted Images
     with: Ren, Y.L.: Compressing Encrypted Images With Auxiliary Information
     with: Ren, Y.L.: Efficient Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
     with: Ren, Y.L.: Joint utilization of positive and negative pseudo-labels in...
     with: Ren, Y.L.: Traffic sign attack via pinpoint region probability estimat...
     with: Ren, Y.L.: Unbalanced JPEG image steganalysis via multiview data match
     with: Shen, L.Q.: Compressing Encrypted Images With Auxiliary Information
     with: Shen, L.Q.: Maximum Block Energy Guided Robust Subspace Clustering
     with: Shen, L.Q.: optimized CNN-based quality assessment model for screen co...
     with: Shen, L.Q.: RFD-ECNet: Extreme Underwater Image Compression with Refer...
     with: Tang, J.H.: Background-detail restoration image deraining network base...
     with: Tang, J.H.: Fusion Deraining Network Based on Swin Transformer and Con...
     with: Wang, D.J.: Quickly tracing detection for spread spectrum watermark ba...
     with: Wang, H.B.: Learning Appearance-Motion Synergy via Memory-Guided Event...
     with: Wang, J.W.: Sparse Representation for Color Image Super-Resolution wit...
     with: Wang, J.Y.: Novel Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Concentric...
     with: Wang, Q.: Art Image Inpainting With Style-Guided Dual-Branch Inpaintin...
     with: Wang, Q.: Multi-Source Style Transfer via Style Disentanglement Network
     with: Wang, S.Z.: Fragile Watermarking Scheme with Extensive Content Restora...
     with: Wang, S.Z.: Reference Sharing Mechanism for Watermark Self-Embedding
     with: Wang, Y.: Traffic sign attack via pinpoint region probability estimati...
     with: Wang, Z.: Art Image Inpainting With Style-Guided Dual-Branch Inpaintin...
     with: Wang, Z.: Multi-Source Style Transfer via Style Disentanglement Network
     with: Wang, Z.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogonal ...
     with: Wang, Z.: Recent Advances in Deep Learning Model Security
     with: Wang, Z.: RFD-ECNet: Extreme Underwater Image Compression with Referen...
     with: Wang, Z.C.: JPEG Steganography With Content Similarity Evaluation
     with: Wang, Z.C.: Repeatable Data Hiding: Towards the Reusability of Digital...
     with: Wang, Z.C.: Steganographic Distortion Function for Enhanced Images
     with: Wang, Z.W.: Sparse Representation for Color Image Super-Resolution wit...
     with: Wu, A.X.: Unbalanced JPEG image steganalysis via multiview data match
     with: Wu, D.Y.: Novel Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Concentric R...
     with: Wu, H.Z.: ALiSa: Acrostic Linguistic Steganography Based on BERT and G...
     with: Wu, H.Z.: Broadcasting Steganography in the Blockchain
     with: Wu, H.Z.: Enforced block diagonal subspace clustering with closed form...
     with: Wu, H.Z.: Ensemble Steganalysis Based on Deep Residual Network
     with: Wu, H.Z.: Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernike M...
     with: Wu, H.Z.: Semi-Supervised Structured Subspace Learning for Multi-View ...
     with: Wu, L.: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Image Ret...
     with: Xia, Y.J.: Learning Appearance-Motion Synergy via Memory-Guided Event ...
     with: Xu, C.: Altered Fingerprints Detection Based on Deep Feature Fusion
     with: Xu, M.T.: Broadcasting Steganography in the Blockchain
     with: Yan, Y.F.: Altered Fingerprints Detection Based on Deep Feature Fusion
     with: Yan, Y.F.: Feature compensation network based on non-uniform quantizat...
     with: YANG, L.Y.: Altered Fingerprints Detection Based on Deep Feature Fusion
     with: Ye, P.: RFD-ECNet: Extreme Underwater Image Compression with Reference...
     with: Yi, B.: ALiSa: Acrostic Linguistic Steganography Based on BERT and Gib...
     with: Yin, Z.X.: Unsupervised Image Steganalysis Method Using Self-Learning ...
     with: Yu, L.W.: optimized CNN-based quality assessment model for screen cont...
     with: Zhang, X.B.: Image Steganalysis Network Based on Dual-Attention Mechan...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: ALiSa: Acrostic Linguistic Steganography Based on BERT an...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Art Image Inpainting With Style-Guided Dual-Branch Inpain...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Broadcasting Steganography in the Blockchain
     with: Zhang, X.P.: CADW: CGAN-Based Attack on Deep Robust Image Watermarking
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Compressing Encrypted Images With Auxiliary Information
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Dual Consensus Anchor Learning for Fast Multi-View Cluste...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Efficient Non-Targeted Attack for Deep Hashing Based Imag...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Efficient Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Ensemble Steganalysis Based on Deep Residual Network
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernik...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Fragile Watermarking Scheme with Extensive Content Restor...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Hierarchical Authorization of Convolutional Neural Networ...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Image Steganalysis Network Based on Dual-Attention Mechan...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: JPEG Steganalysis With High-Dimensional Features and Baye...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: JPEG Steganography With Content Similarity Evaluation
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Maximum Block Energy Guided Robust Subspace Clustering
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Mixing high-dimensional features for JPEG steganalysis wi...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Multi-Source Style Transfer via Style Disentanglement Net...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: NIM-Nets: Noise-Aware Incomplete Multi-View Learning Netw...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Novel Robust Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Concentri...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Perceptual Image Hashing for Content Authentication Based...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Perceptual Image Hashing Using Feature Fusion of Orthogon...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Reference Sharing Mechanism for Watermark Self-Embedding
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Repeatable Data Hiding: Towards the Reusability of Digita...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Progr...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Scalable Coding of Encrypted Images
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Semi-Supervised Structured Subspace Learning for Multi-Vi...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Special issue on real-time image watermarking and forensi...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Steganographic Distortion Function for Enhanced Images
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Traffic sign attack via pinpoint region probability estim...
     with: Zhang, X.P.: Unbalanced JPEG image steganalysis via multiview data match
     with: Zhang, Y.X.: Feature compensation network based on non-uniform quantiz...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Print-Camera Resistant Image Watermarking With Deep Noise S...
     with: Zhao, J.: Enforced block diagonal subspace clustering with closed form...
     with: Zhao, J.: Recent Advances in Deep Learning Model Security
142 for Feng, G.R.

Feng, G.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Segmentation Technique Through Waveform Analysis, A

Feng, G.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Berkner, K.: Low-complexity digital filter bank for strongly aberrated...
     with: Robinson, M.D.: Low-complexity digital filter bank for strongly aberra...

Feng, G.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, H.Z.: Learning Robust Representations with Information Bottlenec...
     with: Li, C.N.: Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classifi...
     with: Li, X.: Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classifica...
     with: Li, Y.: Learning Robust Representations with Information Bottleneck an...
     with: Liu, R.: Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classific...
     with: Miao, Q.G.: Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classi...
     with: Miao, Q.G.: Learning Robust Representations with Information Bottlenec...
     with: Yao, H.: Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classific...
     with: Zhao, P.P.: Exploration of Class Center for Fine-Grained Visual Classi...
9 for Feng, G.W.

Feng, G.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, Y.T.: fuzzy interaction scheme of mid-air gesture elicitation, A
     with: Cui, Z.G.: Cooperative object tracking using dual-pan-tilt-zoom camera...
     with: Dong, K.: When Faces Are Combined with Palmprints: A Novel Biometric F...
     with: Foster, D.H.: Predicting frequency of metamerism in natural scenes by ...
     with: Hou, W.J.: fuzzy interaction scheme of mid-air gesture elicitation, A
     with: Hu, D.: Theoretical Framework For Matrix-based Feature Extraction Algo...
     with: Hu, D.: Two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) with i...
     with: Hu, D.: When Faces Are Combined with Palmprints: A Novel Biometric Fus...
     with: Jiang, K.: Cooperative object tracking using dual-pan-tilt-zoom camera...
     with: Li, A.: Cooperative object tracking using dual-pan-tilt-zoom cameras b...
     with: Ma, L.: Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Constructed ...
     with: Qin, D.Y.: Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Construct...
     with: Tan, X.Z.: Drift-Aware Monocular Localization Based on a Pre-Construct...
     with: Yang, J.: Theoretical Framework For Matrix-based Feature Extraction Al...
     with: Zhang, D.: Theoretical Framework For Matrix-based Feature Extraction A...
     with: Zhang, D.: When Faces Are Combined with Palmprints: A Novel Biometric ...
     with: Zhou, Z.T.: Two-dimensional locality preserving projections (2DLPP) wi...
19 for Feng, G.Y.

Feng, G.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Guo, J.H.: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classif...
     with: Jing, B.Y.: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classi...
     with: Li, S.T.: probabilistic model derived term weighting scheme for text c...
     with: Sun, T.: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classific...
     with: Sun, T.L.: probabilistic model derived term weighting scheme for text ...
     with: Zhang, B.Z.: probabilistic model derived term weighting scheme for tex...

Feng, H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abrevaya, V.: Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
     with: Abrevaya, V.: Generalizing Neural Human Fitting to Unseen Poses with A...
     with: Abrevaya, V.: Towards Racially Unbiased Skin Tone Estimation via Scene...
     with: Amarouche, L.: Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability Using ...
     with: Bignalet Cazalet, F.: Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability...
     with: Biswas, A.: National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics o...
     with: Black, M.J.: Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
     with: Black, M.J.: Generalizing Neural Human Fitting to Unseen Poses with Ar...
     with: Black, M.J.: Towards Racially Unbiased Skin Tone Estimation via Scene ...
     with: Bolkart, T.: Towards Racially Unbiased Skin Tone Estimation via Scene ...
     with: Bu, W.H.: Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz I...
     with: Cai, D.: Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptatio...
     with: Cai, D.: ES-Net: Erasing Salient Parts to Learn More in Re-Identificat...
     with: Cai, J.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National Eart...
     with: Cai, W.W.: Traffic Flow Video Image Recognition and Analysis Based on ...
     with: Castanon, D.A.: Statistical Approach to Rough Surface Underground Imag...
     with: Castanon, D.A.: Unified Anomaly Suppression and Boundary Extraction in...
     with: Chai, S.: MP-Net: A Multi-Center Privacy-Preserving Network for Medica...
     with: Chai, S.: Privacy-SF: An encoding-based privacy-preserving segmentatio...
     with: Chan, R.: Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and Dat...
     with: Chen, C.: Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensing ...
     with: Chen, H.: Traffic Flow Video Image Recognition and Analysis Based on M...
     with: Chen, H.X.: 4D nth-order Walsh orthogonal transform algorithm used for...
     with: Chen, L.: MP-Net: A Multi-Center Privacy-Preserving Network for Medica...
     with: Chen, L.: Privacy-SF: An encoding-based privacy-preserving segmentatio...
     with: Chen, M.: Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptati...
     with: Chen, X.M.: 3D Mesh Automatic Blanking and Split Technology in Urban P...
     with: Chen, Z.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature B...
     with: Chen, Z.: Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via progre...
     with: Choi, C.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Dang, J.: Tibetan Language Model That Considers the Relationship Betwe...
     with: de Floriani, L.: ImplicitTerrain: a Continuous Surface Model for Terra...
     with: Deng, J.J.: Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification
     with: Deng, J.J.: Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Recti...
     with: Deng, J.J.: Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With...
     with: Deng, J.J.: SimFIR: A Simple Framework for Fisheye Image Rectification...
     with: Dibarboure, G.: Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability Using...
     with: Ding, W.: 3D Mesh Automatic Blanking and Split Technology in Urban Pla...
     with: Ding, Z.: Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
     with: Eyers, D.: Optimal space subdivision for parallel approximate nearest ...
     with: Fan, H.: 3D Mesh Automatic Blanking and Split Technology in Urban Plan...
     with: Fan, H.D.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground...
     with: Fan, H.Q.: Learnability Enhancement for Low-Light Raw Image Denoising:...
     with: Fan, J.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National Eart...
     with: Feng, H.K.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imager...
     with: Feng, X.T.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Feng, X.T.: Robust pose normalization for face recognition under varyi...
     with: Gao, B.X.: Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz ...
     with: Gao, Q.: Stratified Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
     with: Gao, Y.: Information Leakage in Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Imag...
     with: Gao, Y.: Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensing I...
     with: Ge, S.S.: Object Activity Scene Description, Construction, and Recogni...
     with: Gong, L.: Robust pose normalization for face recognition under varying...
     with: Gong, M.: SAR Image Despeckling Based on Local Homogeneous-Region Segm...
     with: Grodsky, S.A.: Assessing Coastal SMAP Surface Salinity Accuracy and It...
     with: Gu, S.W.: Improved SinGAN Integrated with an Attentional Mechanism for...
     with: Guo, W.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery E...
     with: Guo, Y.H.: Multi-scale classification network for road crack detection
     with: Han, J.J.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Han, J.J.: Robust pose normalization for face recognition under varyin...
     with: He, X.: ES-Net: Erasing Salient Parts to Learn More in Re-Identification
     with: Hou, B.: SAR Image Despeckling Based on Local Homogeneous-Region Segme...
     with: Hu, B.: Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor Net...
     with: Hu, H.: Sign Language Translation with Iterative Prototype
     with: Hu, J.: Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation...
     with: Hu, J.: ES-Net: Erasing Salient Parts to Learn More in Re-Identification
     with: Hu, J.Y.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Hu, R.M.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled ...
     with: Huang, C.Y.: Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and ...
     with: Huang, H.: Learnability Enhancement for Low-Light Raw Image Denoising:...
     with: Huang, H.: Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adaptiv...
     with: Huang, Y.: Tibetan Language Model That Considers the Relationship Betw...
     with: Huang, Z.: Optimal space subdivision for parallel approximate nearest ...
     with: Hwang, W.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Hwang, W.J.: Robust pose normalization for face recognition under vary...
     with: Jiang, K.: Fast Power Spectrum Sensing Solution for Generalized Coprim...
     with: Jiang, K.: Information Fusion for Radar Signal Sorting with the Distri...
     with: Jiang, K.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wide...
     with: Jiang, K.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-F...
     with: Jiang, Z.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RGB...
     with: Jiang, Z.G.: Image segmentation with hierarchical topic assignment
     with: Jiang, Z.G.: SIFT-based Elastic sparse coding for image retrieval
     with: Jin, D.: Tibetan Language Model That Considers the Relationship Betwee...
     with: Jing, X.Y.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Couple...
     with: Kang, S.: Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning fo...
     with: Karl, W.C.: Statistical Approach to Rough Surface Underground Imaging, A
     with: Karl, W.C.: Unified Anomaly Suppression and Boundary Extraction in Las...
     with: Khalafalla, M.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of...
     with: Khalafalla, M.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Clo...
     with: Khysru, K.: Tibetan Language Model That Considers the Relationship Bet...
     with: Kong, L.: Research on Human Body Features Extraction based on Attentio...
     with: Kulits, P.: Generalizing Neural Human Fitting to Unseen Poses with Art...
     with: Lai, Y.Q.: MP-Net: A Multi-Center Privacy-Preserving Network for Medic...
     with: Levin, J.: Examining the Accuracy of GlobCurrent Upper Ocean Velocity ...
     with: Li, B.: Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning for ...
     with: Li, B.: Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Prediction
     with: Li, D.F.: Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning fo...
     with: Li, G.Q.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature B...
     with: Li, H.Q.: Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification
     with: Li, H.Q.: Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Rectifi...
     with: Li, H.Q.: Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
     with: Li, H.Q.: Progressive Recurrent Network for shadow removal
     with: Li, H.Q.: Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With P...
     with: Li, H.Q.: Sign Language Translation with Iterative Prototype
     with: Li, H.Q.: SimFIR: A Simple Framework for Fisheye Image Rectification w...
     with: Li, J.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature Bas...
     with: Li, J.: Oil Spill Detection in Quad-Polarimetric SAR Images Using an A...
     with: Li, J.: Oil Spill Detection with Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR Usin...
     with: Li, J.F.: Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and Dat...
     with: Li, L.: Progressive Recurrent Network for shadow removal
     with: Li, L.: SimFIR: A Simple Framework for Fisheye Image Rectification wit...
     with: Li, L.X.: DID: A Nested Dense in Dense Structure with Variable Local D...
     with: Li, M.Y.: Improved SinGAN Integrated with an Attentional Mechanism for...
     with: Li, T.: Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adaptive E...
     with: Li, X.: Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Prediction
     with: Li, Y.: National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics of Me...
     with: Li, Y.: Oil Spill Detection in Quad-Polarimetric SAR Images Using an A...
     with: Li, Y.: Oil Spill Detection with Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR Usin...
     with: Li, Z.: Information Leakage in Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Image...
     with: Li, Z.: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network with Symmetric Attention fo...
     with: Li, Z.: Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensing Im...
     with: Liang, J.X.: Doppler Estimation Based on Doppler-Invariant Signals
     with: Liao, Z.K.: Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
     with: Ling, H.F.: Novel Collusion Attack Strategy for Digital Fingerprinting...
     with: Liu, F.G.: National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics of...
     with: Liu, H.: Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptatio...
     with: Liu, S.: Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification
     with: Liu, S.: Generalizing Neural Human Fitting to Unseen Poses with Articu...
     with: Liu, S.K.: Rethinking Supervision in Document Unwarping: A Self-Consis...
     with: Liu, T.: Joint Estimation of DOA and Range for Near-Field Sources in t...
     with: Liu, W.X.: Two-Way Generation of High-Resolution EO and SAR Images via...
     with: Liu, Y.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery E...
     with: Liu, Y.: Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multi-Domain Semati...
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: MixedFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation from Decoupled RGB-D...
     with: Lu, H.Q.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Lu, Y.Y.: Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multi-Domain Semat...
     with: Lu, Z.D.: Novel Collusion Attack Strategy for Digital Fingerprinting, A
     with: Luan, S.Y.: Joint Estimation of DOA and Range for Near-Field Sources i...
     with: Luo, H.X.: Improved SinGAN Integrated with an Attentional Mechanism fo...
     with: Luo, Q.L.: Oil Spill Detection in Quad-Polarimetric SAR Images Using a...
     with: Luo, Q.L.: Oil Spill Detection with Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR U...
     with: Luo, X.L.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National Ea...
     with: Ma, L.H.: DID: A Nested Dense in Dense Structure with Variable Local D...
     with: Ma, W.C.: Stratified Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
     with: Mazaleyrat, E.: Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability Using...
     with: Mills, S.: Optimal space subdivision for parallel approximate nearest ...
     with: Ng, M.K.: Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and Dat...
     with: Niklaus, S.: Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
     with: Niu, Q.L.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery...
     with: Pulatov, B.: National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics ...
     with: Qian, X.M.: Personalized Recommendation by Exploring Social Users' Beh...
     with: Qiao, H.B.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imager...
     with: Qin, Z.: Traffic Flow Video Image Recognition and Analysis Based on Mu...
     with: Qing, Y.Y.: Two-Way Generation of High-Resolution EO and SAR Images vi...
     with: Sang, A.J.: 4D nth-order Walsh orthogonal transform algorithm used for...
     with: Shen, D.: Complementary Pseudo Labels for Unsupervised Domain Adaptati...
     with: Shen, D.: ES-Net: Erasing Salient Parts to Learn More in Re-Identifica...
     with: Shen, J.N.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imager...
     with: Shen, X.L.: Optimal space subdivision for parallel approximate nearest...
     with: Shi, J.: SIFT-based Elastic sparse coding for image retrieval
     with: Shi, X.S.: Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor ...
     with: Song, H.B.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RG...
     with: Song, L.: Privacy-SF: An encoding-based privacy-preserving segmentatio...
     with: Sun, B.: Efficient Compressed Sensing for Wireless Neural Recording: A...
     with: Sun, Q.: Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With Pr...
     with: Sun, T.N.: 4D nth-order Walsh orthogonal transform algorithm used for ...
     with: Tang, B.: Fast Power Spectrum Sensing Solution for Generalized Coprime...
     with: Tang, B.: Information Fusion for Radar Signal Sorting with the Distrib...
     with: Tang, B.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wideb...
     with: Tang, B.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-Fo...
     with: Tang, M.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Tang, X.G.: Improved SinGAN Integrated with an Attentional Mechanism f...
     with: Tesch, J.: Towards Racially Unbiased Skin Tone Estimation via Scene Di...
     with: Tian, J.: DID: A Nested Dense in Dense Structure with Variable Local D...
     with: Tian, J.: Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Prediction
     with: Tian, K.L.: Fast Power Spectrum Sensing Solution for Generalized Copri...
     with: Tian, K.L.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wid...
     with: Tian, K.L.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-...
     with: Tian, W.: Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via progre...
     with: Tran, N.: Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability Using SWOT ...
     with: Tu, H.: Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz Ima...
     with: Vandemark, D.: Analysis of High-Frequency Sea-State Variability Using ...
     with: Vandemark, D.: Assessing Coastal SMAP Surface Salinity Accuracy and It...
     with: Vandemark, D.: Examining the Accuracy of GlobCurrent Upper Ocean Veloc...
     with: Wah, C.C.: Online signature verification using a new extreme points wa...
     with: Wang, B.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Wang, B.: Robust pose normalization for face recognition under varying...
     with: Wang, D.C.: Fast Power Spectrum Sensing Solution for Generalized Copri...
     with: Wang, H.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Wang, H.D.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature...
     with: Wang, J.: Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning fo...
     with: Wang, J.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Wang, J.Q.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Wang, L.: Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via progre...
     with: Wang, L.Z.: Learnability Enhancement for Low-Light Raw Image Denoising...
     with: Wang, L.Z.: Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adapti...
     with: Wang, M.J.: Joint Estimation of DOA and Range for Near-Field Sources i...
     with: Wang, Q.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Wang, S.H.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature...
     with: Wang, S.S.: Object Activity Scene Description, Construction, and Recog...
     with: Wang, T.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground ...
     with: Wang, W.: Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
     with: Wang, W.: SimFIR: A Simple Framework for Fisheye Image Rectification w...
     with: Wang, W.H.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National E...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz...
     with: Wang, X.M.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National E...
     with: Wang, Y.: Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Rectifi...
     with: Wang, Y.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled ...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Information Leakage in Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral I...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network with Symmetric Attentio...
     with: Wang, Y.C.: Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensin...
     with: Wang, Y.H.: Progressive Recurrent Network for shadow removal
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Groun...
     with: Wang, Y.Z.: Learnability Enhancement for Low-Light Raw Image Denoising...
     with: Wei, J.: Oil Spill Detection in Quad-Polarimetric SAR Images Using an ...
     with: Wei, Z.B.: Low-altitude remote sensing-based global 3D path planning f...
     with: Wen, B.: Two-Way Generation of High-Resolution EO and SAR Images via D...
     with: Wilkin, J.: Examining the Accuracy of GlobCurrent Upper Ocean Velocity...
     with: Wu, F.: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network with Symmetric Attention fo...
     with: Wu, F.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled Lo...
     with: Wu, K.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature Bas...
     with: Wu, L.: Research on Human Body Features Extraction based on Attention ...
     with: Wu, S.: Applicability of Hadamard relaxation method to MMW and THz Ima...
     with: Wu, X.: Extracting Geoscientific Dataset Names from the Literature Bas...
     with: Wu, Y.H.: Research on Human Body Features Extraction based on Attentio...
     with: Wu, Z.H.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National Ear...
     with: Xia, Z.H.: Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
     with: Xiang, H.Y.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National ...
     with: Xiao, G.Y.: Traffic Flow Video Image Recognition and Analysis Based on...
     with: Xie, J.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RGB I...
     with: Xie, T.J.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RGB...
     with: Xiong, Y.: Pentagram Arrays: A New Paradigm for DOA Estimation of Wide...
     with: Xiong, Y.: Two-Dimensional Target Localization Approach via a Closed-F...
     with: Xiong, Z.W.: Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adapt...
     with: Xu, D.B.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground ...
     with: Xu, D.D.: Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network with Symmetric Attention ...
     with: Xu, G.S.: Multi-scale classification network for road crack detection
     with: Xu, H.J.: Stratified Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
     with: Xu, H.X.: Object Activity Scene Description, Construction, and Recogni...
     with: Xu, L.Z.: Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via progre...
     with: Xu, X.: ImplicitTerrain: a Continuous Surface Model for Terrain Data A...
     with: Xue, N.: Stratified Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
     with: Yan, S.Y.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground...
     with: Yan, W.Q.: Novel Collusion Attack Strategy for Digital Fingerprinting, A
     with: Yang, C.H.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RG...
     with: Yang, H.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Yang, J.Y.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Couple...
     with: Yang, T.: Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor N...
     with: Yang, X.: MixedFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation from Decoupled RGB-De...
     with: Yao, H.J.: Sign Language Translation with Iterative Prototype
     with: Yao, N.: National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics of M...
     with: Yao, Y.T.: Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Beichuan National Ea...
     with: Yi, Y.: FCR-TrackNet: Towards high-performance 6D pose tracking with m...
     with: Yin, Y.F.: Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With ...
     with: You, X.G.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled...
     with: Yu, B.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Yu, B.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Yue, J.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery E...
     with: Zeng, T.Y.: Spherical Image Inpainting with Frame Transformation and D...
     with: Zeng, Z.: Oil Spill Detection with Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR Us...
     with: Zeru, R.T.: Privacy-SF: An encoding-based privacy-preserving segmentat...
     with: Zhai, M.: Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor N...
     with: Zhang, C.: fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
     with: Zhang, C.H.: 3D Mesh Automatic Blanking and Split Technology in Urban ...
     with: Zhang, D.Y.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV R...
     with: Zhang, J.: Oil Spill Detection in Quad-Polarimetric SAR Images Using a...
     with: Zhang, J.: Oil Spill Detection with Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR U...
     with: Zhang, J.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RGB...
     with: Zhang, J.C.: Joint Estimation of DOA and Range for Near-Field Sources ...
     with: Zhang, L.: MixedFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation from Decoupled RGB-D...
     with: Zhang, L.G.: SIFT-based Elastic sparse coding for image retrieval
     with: Zhang, L.X.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Grou...
     with: Zhang, M.: FCR-TrackNet: Towards high-performance 6D pose tracking wit...
     with: Zhang, N.: Information Leakage in Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral Im...
     with: Zhang, R.: Improved SinGAN Integrated with an Attentional Mechanism fo...
     with: Zhang, X.: Explorative Inbetweening of Time and Space
     with: Zhang, Y.: Oil Spill Detection with Dual-Polarimetric Sentinel-1 SAR U...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Underwater image super-resolution and enhancement via pro...
     with: Zhang, Y.X.: Information Leakage in Deep Learning-Based Hyperspectral ...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Multitask Non-Autoregressive Model for Human Motion Predict...
     with: Zhao, F.: Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Ground ...
     with: Zhao, G.S.: Personalized Recommendation by Exploring Social Users' Beh...
     with: Zhao, H.C.: National-Scale Variation and Propagation Characteristics o...
     with: Zhao, S.: ES-Net: Erasing Salient Parts to Learn More in Re-Identifica...
     with: Zhao, T.Q.: Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensin...
     with: Zhao, Y.X.: Fast Power Spectrum Sensing Solution for Generalized Copri...
     with: Zhao, Y.X.: Information Fusion for Radar Signal Sorting with the Distr...
     with: Zhao, Z.K.: Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensin...
     with: Zheng, B.: DID: A Nested Dense in Dense Structure with Variable Local ...
     with: Zheng, L.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Zheng, X.W.: Stratified Avatar Generation from Sparse Observations
     with: Zhou, G.S.: Segmenting Purple Rapeseed Leaves in the Field from UAV RG...
     with: Zhou, H.: Sign Language Translation with Iterative Prototype
     with: Zhou, K.: Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With P...
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Deep Unrestricted Document Image Rectification
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Geometric Representation Learning for Document Image Recti...
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Model-Aware Pre-Training for Radial Distortion Rectification
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Progressive Recurrent Network for shadow removal
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Recurrent Generic Contour-Based Instance Segmentation With...
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Rethinking Supervision in Document Unwarping: A Self-Consi...
     with: Zhou, W.G.: Sign Language Translation with Iterative Prototype
     with: Zhou, W.G.: SimFIR: A Simple Framework for Fisheye Image Rectification...
     with: Zhu, E.: MP-Net: A Multi-Center Privacy-Preserving Network for Medical...
     with: Zhu, E.: Privacy-SF: An encoding-based privacy-preserving segmentation...
     with: Zhu, G.: High-Performance Discriminative Tracking with Transformers
     with: Zhu, J.: Two-Way Generation of High-Resolution EO and SAR Images via D...
     with: Zhu, L.: Stimulating Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adaptive ...
     with: Zhu, W.J.: FCR-TrackNet: Towards high-performance 6D pose tracking wit...
     with: Zhu, X.K.: Super-Resolution Person Re-Identification with Semi-Coupled...
     with: Zhu, Y.H.: Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Multi-Domain Sema...
     with: Zhu, Z.B.: 3D Mesh Automatic Blanking and Split Technology in Urban Pl...
     with: Zou, F.H.: Novel Collusion Attack Strategy for Digital Fingerprinting, A
     with: Zou, S.S.: Traffic Flow Video Image Recognition and Analysis Based on ...
313 for Feng, H.

Feng, H.A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Fang, T.: Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised Vi...
     with: Li, S.W.: Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised Vi...
     with: Quan, L.: Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised Vi...
     with: Shang, J.X.: Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised...
     with: Zhen, M.M.: Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised ...
     with: Zhou, L.: Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised Vi...

Feng, H.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bilgin, A.: Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compression of ...
     with: Chen, J.W.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Chen, Q.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many A...
     with: Chen, X.K.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many...
     with: Dai, Y.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting i...
     with: Ding, E.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the ...
     with: Ding, E.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting ...
     with: Ding, E.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many A...
     with: Ding, E.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multipl...
     with: Ding, E.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer wi...
     with: Ding, E.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation w...
     with: Ding, E.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-V...
     with: Ding, E.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip Sy...
     with: Ding, E.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based D...
     with: Ding, E.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Fu, D.M.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation w...
     with: Gao, X.B.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multip...
     with: Gao, Y.Y.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting...
     with: Guan, J.Z.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio...
     with: Guan, J.Z.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip ...
     with: Han, J.W.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting...
     with: Han, J.Y.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the...
     with: Han, J.Y.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many ...
     with: Han, J.Y.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer w...
     with: Han, J.Y.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation ...
     with: Han, J.Y.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: He, D.L.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip Sy...
     with: He, S.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-Vis...
     with: Hu, T.S.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip Sy...
     with: Li, B.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the Wild
     with: Li, B.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Li, H.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting in...
     with: Li, X.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer with...
     with: Liang, B.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-...
     with: Liu, J.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the W...
     with: Liu, J.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multiple...
     with: Liu, J.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-Vi...
     with: Liu, J.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based Di...
     with: Liu, J.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Liu, J.T.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip S...
     with: Liu, J.T.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based ...
     with: Liu, L.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the...
     with: Liu, X.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multiple...
     with: Liu, X.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based Di...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip S...
     with: Marcellin, M.W.: Methodology for Visually Lossless JPEG2000 Compressio...
     with: Peng, H.T.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based...
     with: Peng, N.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Qiu, Z.W.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation ...
     with: Shen, Z.Y.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multi...
     with: Sun, Y.F.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Wang, J.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many A...
     with: Wang, J.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation w...
     with: Wang, J.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Wang, J.D.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splattin...
     with: Wang, J.D.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many...
     with: Wang, J.D.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation...
     with: Wang, J.D.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio...
     with: Wang, J.D.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip ...
     with: Wang, J.D.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Wang, K.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-V...
     with: Wang, K.Y.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip ...
     with: Wang, Y.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer wi...
     with: Wang, Z.G.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Weng, S.Z.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer ...
     with: Wu, C.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting in...
     with: Wu, C.M.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based D...
     with: Wu, J.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multiple ...
     with: Wu, J.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based Dif...
     with: Xi, T.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the Wild
     with: Xi, T.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Xu, C.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation wit...
     with: Xu, Z.L.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-V...
     with: Yang, Q.S.: PSVT: End-to-End Multi-Person 3D Pose and Shape Estimation...
     with: Yao, K.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many As...
     with: Yu, D.L.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Yue, H.X.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer w...
     with: Zeng, G.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many A...
     with: Zhang, D.W.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatti...
     with: Zhang, G.: Dynamic Class Queue for Large Scale Face Recognition In the...
     with: Zhang, G.: KD-DETR: Knowledge Distillation for Detection Transformer w...
     with: Zhang, G.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Zhang, S.: Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many ...
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
     with: Zhang, Z.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-...
     with: Zhang, Z.W.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip...
     with: Zhao, C.: Ggrt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3d Gaussian Splatting ...
     with: Zhao, C.: HD-Fusion: Detailed Text-to-3D Generation Leveraging Multipl...
     with: Zhao, C.: TexOct: Generating Textures of 3D Models with Octree-based D...
     with: Zhao, Y.J.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio...
     with: Zhou, H.: Resyncer: Rewiring Style-based Generator for Unified Audio-V...
     with: Zhou, H.: StyleSync: High-Fidelity Generalized and Personalized Lip Sy...
95 for Feng, H.C.

Feng, H.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pavem...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Poin...
     with: Cheng, M.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Point...
     with: Fang, Y.: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Norm...
     with: Fang, Y.: SHS-Net: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Normal ...
     with: Fatholahi, S.N.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR...
     with: Gao, Y.: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Norma...
     with: Gao, Y.: SHS-Net: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Normal E...
     with: Guan, H.Y.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pavem...
     with: Han, Z.Z.: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Nor...
     with: Han, Z.Z.: SHS-Net: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Normal...
     with: Junior, J.M.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pav...
     with: Junior, J.M.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Po...
     with: Li, J.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pavement ...
     with: Li, J.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Point Cl...
     with: Li, Q.: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Normal...
     with: Li, Q.: SHS-Net: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Normal Es...
     with: Li, W.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pavement ...
     with: Li, W.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Point Cl...
     with: Liu, Y.S.: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Nor...
     with: Liu, Y.S.: SHS-Net: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Normal...
     with: Luo, Z.P.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Point...
     with: Ma, L.F.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pavemen...
     with: Shi, K.: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Point Cloud Norma...
     with: Shi, K.: SHS-Net: Learning Signed Hyper Surfaces for Oriented Normal E...
     with: Wang, C.: GCN-Based Pavement Crack Detection Using Mobile LiDAR Point ...
     with: Yu, Y.T.: Crack-U2Net: Multiscale Feature Learning Network for Pavemen...
27 for Feng, H.F.

Feng, H.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Castanon, D.A.: Curve Evolution Approach for Image Segmentation Using ...
     with: Castanon, D.A.: curve evolution approach to object-based tomographic r...
     with: Castanon, D.A.: Object-based Reconstruction Using Coupled Tomographic ...
     with: Castanon, D.A.: Tomographic Reconstruction using Curve Evolution
     with: Chen, B.: Bagged Tree Model to Retrieve Planetary Boundary Layer Heigh...
     with: Chen, Y.Z.: RAMC: A Rotation Adaptive Tracker with Motion Constraint f...
     with: Chen, Z.C.: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Vegetation in the Henan Sectio...
     with: Cheng, L.: Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network: ...
     with: Ding, Y.: Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and ...
     with: Dong, G.: Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and ...
     with: Gu, H.: Single-shot MR imaging using trapezoidal-gradient-based Lissaj...
     with: Han, T.: Change Detection for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images with...
     with: Han, T.: Enhanced Graph Structure Representation for Unsupervised Hete...
     with: Han, T.: RAMC: A Rotation Adaptive Tracker with Motion Constraint for ...
     with: Hao, C.Y.: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Vegetation in the Henan Section...
     with: Hu, X.Q.: Detection of the Contribution of Vegetation Change to Global...
     with: Huang, J.X.: Detection of the Contribution of Vegetation Change to Glo...
     with: Karl, W.C.: Curve Evolution Approach for Image Segmentation Using Adap...
     with: Karl, W.C.: curve evolution approach to object-based tomographic recon...
     with: Karl, W.C.: Object-based Reconstruction Using Coupled Tomographic Flows
     with: Karl, W.C.: Tomographic Reconstruction using Curve Evolution
     with: Li, F.: Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and Co...
     with: Li, X.C.: Estimating the Total Nitrogen Concentration of Reed Canopy w...
     with: Li, Y.: Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep Lea...
     with: Lin, Y.: Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Method ...
     with: Lin, Z.F.: Change Detection for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images wi...
     with: Liu, N.: Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Method ...
     with: Liu, X.P.: Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Metho...
     with: Liu, X.Q.: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Vegetation in the Henan Section...
     with: Liu, Y.B.: Temporal Variability of Uncertainty in Pixel-Wise Soil Mois...
     with: Liu, Z.W.: Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep ...
     with: Luo, J.: Estimating the Total Nitrogen Concentration of Reed Canopy wi...
     with: Ma, H.Y.: Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep L...
     with: Ma, R.H.: Estimating the Total Nitrogen Concentration of Reed Canopy w...
     with: Pan, Y.: Bagged Tree Model to Retrieve Planetary Boundary Layer Height...
     with: Ran, Y.Z.: Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep ...
     with: Shi, S.: Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network: Mo...
     with: Silbersweig, D.: Single-shot MR imaging using trapezoidal-gradient-bas...
     with: Stern, E.: Single-shot MR imaging using trapezoidal-gradient-based Lis...
     with: Tang, Y.: Scale- and Region-Dependence in Landscape-PM2.5 Correlation:...
     with: Tang, Y.Q.: Change Detection for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images w...
     with: Tang, Y.Q.: Enhanced Graph Structure Representation for Unsupervised H...
     with: Tang, Y.Q.: RAMC: A Rotation Adaptive Tracker with Motion Constraint f...
     with: Tang, Y.Y.: Detection of the Contribution of Vegetation Change to Glob...
     with: Tu, Y.L.: Near Standard Soil Samples Spectra Enhanced Modeling Strateg...
     with: Wang, H.T.: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Vegetation in the Henan Sectio...
     with: Wang, S.: Detection of the Contribution of Vegetation Change to Global...
     with: Wang, W.: Detection of the Contribution of Vegetation Change to Global...
     with: Wang, W.: Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Method...
     with: Wang, X.: Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network: M...
     with: Wei, W.: Bagged Tree Model to Retrieve Planetary Boundary Layer Height...
     with: Wu, G.P.: Temporal Variability of Uncertainty in Pixel-Wise Soil Moist...
     with: Wu, X.J.: Satellite Fog Detection at Dawn and Dusk Based on the Deep L...
     with: Xiong, Y.: Near Standard Soil Samples Spectra Enhanced Modeling Strate...
     with: Yang, X.: Change Detection for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images wit...
     with: Yang, X.: Enhanced Graph Structure Representation for Unsupervised Het...
     with: Yang, Y.H.: Single-shot MR imaging using trapezoidal-gradient-based Li...
     with: Yang, Z.H.: Near Standard Soil Samples Spectra Enhanced Modeling Strat...
     with: Yang, Z.W.: Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network:...
     with: Ye, S.C.: Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and ...
     with: Zhang, F.Y.: Enhanced Graph Structure Representation for Unsupervised ...
     with: Zhang, Y.W.: RAMC: A Rotation Adaptive Tracker with Motion Constraint ...
     with: Zhao, J.: Multi-Stream Attention-Aware Convolutional Neural Network: M...
     with: Zhou, M.: Near Standard Soil Samples Spectra Enhanced Modeling Strateg...
     with: Zhu, S.J.: Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and...
     with: Zou, B.: Change Detection for Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images with...
     with: Zou, B.: Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Method ...
     with: Zou, B.: Enhanced Graph Structure Representation for Unsupervised Hete...
     with: Zou, B.: Near Standard Soil Samples Spectra Enhanced Modeling Strategy...
     with: Zou, B.: RAMC: A Rotation Adaptive Tracker with Motion Constraint for ...
     with: Zou, B.: Satellite-Based Estimation of the Influence of Land Use and C...
     with: Zou, B.: Scale- and Region-Dependence in Landscape-PM2.5 Correlation: ...
73 for Feng, H.H.

Feng, H.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, M.: Low-Light Image Restoration With Short- and Long-Exposure R...
     with: Chang, M.: Spatial-adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising
     with: Chang, M.: Toward a general model for reflection recovery and single i...
     with: Chen, K.: Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection
     with: Chen, K.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Chen, S.Q.: Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
     with: Chen, S.Q.: Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Fram...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial ne...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Correction of overexposure utilizing haze removal model an...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Fram...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Image Deblurring Utilizing Inertial Sensors and a Short-Lo...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Low-light image enhancement with strong light weakening an...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: Nonuniformly Dehaze Network for Visible Remote Sensing Ima...
     with: Chen, Y.T.: spatial correlation problem of noise in imaging deblurring...
     with: Chen, Z.J.: Nonuniformly Dehaze Network for Visible Remote Sensing Ima...
     with: Gao, K.M.: Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Frame...
     with: He, Z.: Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial networ...
     with: He, Z.: Fast and sub-pixel precision target tracking algorithm for int...
     with: He, Z.: Toward a general model for reflection recovery and single imag...
     with: Li, C.: RR^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-Scale Remote Sen...
     with: Li, Q.: Automatic blur region segmentation approach using image matting
     with: Li, Q.: Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
     with: Li, Q.: Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial networ...
     with: Li, Q.: Correction of overexposure utilizing haze removal model and im...
     with: Li, Q.: Fast and sub-pixel precision target tracking algorithm for int...
     with: Li, Q.: Image Deblurring Utilizing Inertial Sensors and a Short-Long-S...
     with: Li, Q.: Low-light image enhancement with strong light weakening and br...
     with: Li, Q.: Low-Light Image Restoration With Short- and Long-Exposure Raw ...
     with: Li, Q.: Multi-focus color image fusion in the HSI space using the sum-...
     with: Li, Q.: Nonuniformly Dehaze Network for Visible Remote Sensing Images
     with: Li, Q.: spatial correlation problem of noise in imaging deblurring and...
     with: Li, Q.: Spatial-adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising
     with: Li, Q.: Toward a general model for reflection recovery and single imag...
     with: Li, Q.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Lin, D.: Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection
     with: Lin, D.H.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Lin, T.: Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
     with: Ouyang, W.L.: Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detect...
     with: Ouyang, W.L.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Pang, J.M.: Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection
     with: Pang, J.M.: RR^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-Scale Remote...
     with: Pang, J.M.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Shi, J.P.: Libra R-CNN: Towards Balanced Learning for Object Detection
     with: Shi, J.P.: RR^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-Scale Remote ...
     with: Shi, J.P.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Tang, C.Y.: Low-light image enhancement with strong light weakening an...
     with: Tao, X.P.: Automatic blur region segmentation approach using image mat...
     with: Wang, Y.: Low-light image enhancement with strong light weakening and ...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Automatic blur region segmentation approach using image matt...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Computational Optics for Mobile Terminals in Mass Production
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial netw...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Correction of overexposure utilizing haze removal model and ...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Framew...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Fast and sub-pixel precision target tracking algorithm for i...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Image Deblurring Utilizing Inertial Sensors and a Short-Long...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Low-light image enhancement with strong light weakening and ...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Low-Light Image Restoration With Short- and Long-Exposure Ra...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Nonuniformly Dehaze Network for Visible Remote Sensing Images
     with: Xu, Z.H.: RR^2-CNN: Fast Tiny Object Detection in Large-Scale Remote S...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: spatial correlation problem of noise in imaging deblurring a...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Spatial-adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Toward a general model for reflection recovery and single im...
     with: Xu, Z.H.: Towards Balanced Learning for Instance Recognition
     with: Yang, C.W.: Correction of overexposure utilizing haze removal model an...
     with: Yang, C.W.: Image Deblurring Utilizing Inertial Sensors and a Short-Lo...
     with: Yang, C.W.: spatial correlation problem of noise in imaging deblurring...
     with: Yang, Y.F.: Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial ne...
     with: Yu, Y.Y.: Continuous digital zooming using generative adversarial netw...
     with: Zhao, H.: Multi-focus color image fusion in the HSI space using the su...
     with: Zhao, J.F.: Automatic blur region segmentation approach using image ma...
71 for Feng, H.J.

Feng, H.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, J.L.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of W...
     with: Chen, R.Q.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-It...
     with: Chen, R.Q.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group In...
     with: Chen, R.Q.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varietie...
     with: Chen, R.Q.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based...
     with: Chen, W.N.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Com...
     with: Chen, W.N.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varietie...
     with: Chen, X.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties ...
     with: Chen, Z.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based on...
     with: Cheng, J.P.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phen...
     with: Cheng, Z.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on ...
     with: Cheng, Z.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on...
     with: Fan, L.L.: Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Informati...
     with: Fan, Y.G.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for Es...
     with: Fan, Y.G.: Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-S...
     with: Fan, Y.G.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Char...
     with: Fan, Y.G.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetati...
     with: Fan, Y.G.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based H...
     with: Feng, H.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Feng, Z.H.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Cha...
     with: Feng, Z.H.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on...
     with: Feng, Z.H.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based o...
     with: Fu, Y.Y.: Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for Ve...
     with: Fu, Y.Y.: Improved Estimation of Winter Wheat Aboveground Biomass Usin...
     with: Ge, X.S.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-Iter...
     with: Guo, W.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery E...
     with: Han, D.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Maiz...
     with: Han, L.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Maiz...
     with: Han, L.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Feature ...
     with: Han, S.Y.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group Inf...
     with: Han, S.Y.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenol...
     with: Han, S.Y.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of Wi...
     with: Hu, J.Y.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Jia, X.P.: Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for V...
     with: Jiang, Y.Y.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel o...
     with: Jiang, Y.Y.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based ...
     with: Jin, H.L.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-Ite...
     with: Jin, X.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for Esti...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral Da...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Es...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from ...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Char...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetati...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based H...
     with: Jin, X.L.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium ...
     with: Jing, X.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Base...
     with: Lan, Y.B.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Es...
     with: Lei, L.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Maiz...
     with: Li, C.C.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based on...
     with: Li, C.C.: DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UAV-...
     with: Li, C.C.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unmann...
     with: Li, C.C.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compo...
     with: Li, C.C.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties ...
     with: Li, C.C.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Vehi...
     with: Li, H.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group Inform...
     with: Li, H.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compone...
     with: Li, H.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties Ba...
     with: Li, X.C.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium r...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral Dat...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Est...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from U...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Comparison of Regression Techniques for Estimation of Above-...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Comparison of UAV RGB Imagery and Hyperspectral Remote-Sensi...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-Su...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Mai...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Informatio...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Chara...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unmann...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compo...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Improved Estimation of Winter Wheat Aboveground Biomass Usin...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenolo...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Feature...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of Win...
     with: Li, Z.H.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium r...
     with: Li, Z.N.: Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winter W...
     with: Liao, Q.H.: Comparing Broad-band And Red Edge-based Spectral Vegetatio...
     with: Lin, Z.Y.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based o...
     with: Liu, C.B.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on...
     with: Liu, J.G.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Veh...
     with: Liu, Y.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for Esti...
     with: Liu, Y.: Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-Sur...
     with: Liu, Y.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Charac...
     with: Liu, Y.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetation...
     with: Liu, Y.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based Hyp...
     with: Liu, Y.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based on...
     with: Liu, Y.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery E...
     with: Long, H.L.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based ...
     with: Long, H.L.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based...
     with: Luo, J.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium re...
     with: Ma, X.M.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenolo...
     with: Ma, Y.P.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for Est...
     with: Ma, Y.Y.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties ...
     with: Meng, D.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-Iter...
     with: Meng, Y.: Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Informatio...
     with: Meng, Y.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compo...
     with: Meng, Y.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based o...
     with: Meng, Y.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of Win...
     with: Ming, S.K.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Niu, Q.L.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery...
     with: Pan, D.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties B...
     with: Pu, R.L.: Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional vegetat...
     with: Qiao, H.B.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imager...
     with: Qiu, C.X.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Ma...
     with: Ren, L.P.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based o...
     with: Ren, L.P.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on ...
     with: Ren, P.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varieties B...
     with: Ren, P.T.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group Inf...
     with: Shen, J.N.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imager...
     with: Shen, J.X.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for E...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for E...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetat...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based ...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for ...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Improved Estimation of Winter Wheat Aboveground Biomass Us...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winter...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Song, X.Y.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of W...
     with: Tang, A.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compo...
     with: Tao, H.L.: Comparison of UAV RGB Imagery and Hyperspectral Remote-Sens...
     with: Tao, H.L.: Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-S...
     with: Tian, Q.J.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from...
     with: Tian, Q.J.: Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV...
     with: Wang, G.Z.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-It...
     with: Wang, J.: Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral Dat...
     with: Wang, J.: Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for Ve...
     with: Wang, J.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Wang, J.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium r...
     with: Wang, J.H.: Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional veget...
     with: Wang, J.J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Wang, L.G.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-It...
     with: Wang, Q.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Comparing Broad-band And Red Edge-based Spectral Vegetatio...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UA...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unma...
     with: Wang, Y.J.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Wu, J.T.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Mai...
     with: Xu, B.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based on D...
     with: Xu, B.: DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UAV-Mo...
     with: Xu, B.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Maize...
     with: Xu, B.: Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Information ...
     with: Xu, B.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unmanned...
     with: Xu, B.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on Can...
     with: Xu, B.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Feature F...
     with: Xu, B.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Vehicl...
     with: Xu, B.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on UA...
     with: Xu, H.F.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based o...
     with: Xu, K.J.: Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV u...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral Dat...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Est...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for Est...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Informatio...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compo...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Improved Estimation of Winter Wheat Aboveground Biomass Usin...
     with: Xu, X.G.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium r...
     with: Yang, C.H.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral D...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Automatic Rice Early-Season Mapping Based on Simple Non-It...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for E...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Comparing Broad-band And Red Edge-based Spectral Vegetatio...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for E...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Comparison of Regression Techniques for Estimation of Abov...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Comparison of UAV RGB Imagery and Hyperspectral Remote-Sen...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based ...
     with: Yang, G.J.: DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UA...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of M...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Cha...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetat...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based ...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group In...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unma...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Com...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Identification of the Initial Anthesis of Soybean Varietie...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for ...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Improved Estimation of Winter Wheat Aboveground Biomass Us...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Pheno...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winter...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Featu...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Ba...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional veget...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based o...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of W...
     with: Yang, G.J.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium...
     with: Yang, H.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for Est...
     with: Yang, H.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based on...
     with: Yang, H.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Mai...
     with: Yang, H.: Estimating Leaf Nitrogen Content in Corn Based on Informatio...
     with: Yang, H.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetatio...
     with: Yang, H.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group Info...
     with: Yang, H.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Compo...
     with: Yang, H.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on C...
     with: Yang, H.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Based o...
     with: Yang, H.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenolo...
     with: Yang, H.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery ...
     with: Yang, H.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Feature...
     with: Yang, H.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on ...
     with: Yang, H.: Winter wheat yield estimation based on multi-source medium r...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Comparing Broad-band And Red Edge-based Spectral Vegetatio...
     with: Yang, X.D.: DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UA...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Featu...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based o...
     with: Yu, H.Y.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Vehi...
     with: Yuan, H.H.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from...
     with: Yuan, H.H.: DOM Generation and Precise Radiometric Calibration of a UA...
     with: Yuan, H.H.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Yue, J.: Comparing Broad-band And Red Edge-based Spectral Vegetation I...
     with: Yue, J.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from UA...
     with: Yue, J.: Comparison of Different Dimensional Spectral Indices for Esti...
     with: Yue, J.: Comparison of Regression Techniques for Estimation of Above-G...
     with: Yue, J.: Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV ul...
     with: Yue, J.: Estimation of Aboveground Biomass of Potatoes Based on Charac...
     with: Yue, J.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Based on Vegetation...
     with: Yue, J.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based Hyp...
     with: Yue, J.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Above-Ground Biomass Using Unmanne...
     with: Yue, J.: Pretrained Deep Learning Networks and Multispectral Imagery E...
     with: Zhang, C.J.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based...
     with: Zhang, C.J.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel o...
     with: Zhang, C.J.: Land-Use Mapping with Multi-Temporal Sentinel Images Base...
     with: Zhang, D.Y.: Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winte...
     with: Zhang, J.: Estimation of Winter Wheat Stem Biomass by a Novel Two-Comp...
     with: Zhang, J.: Remote Sensing Monitoring of Rice Grain Protein Content Bas...
     with: Zhang, J.X.: Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional vege...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Study on the Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rice Based on...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Assimilation of Two Variables Derived from Hyperspectral D...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Combined Multi-Temporal Optical and Radar Parameters for E...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Comparison of UAV RGB Imagery and Hyperspectral Remote-Sen...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Comparison of Winter Wheat Yield Estimation Based on Near-...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Estimation of Soybean Yield by Combining Maturity Group In...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Improved Combination of Spectral and Spatial Features for ...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Improved Estimation of Winter Wheat Aboveground Biomass Us...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Pheno...
     with: Zhao, C.J.: Remote sensing of seasonal variability of fractional veget...
     with: Zhao, D.: Detection of Maize Seedling Quality from UAV Images Based on...
     with: Zhao, D.: Fine-Scale Quantification of the Effect of Maize Tassel on C...
     with: Zhao, F.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenolo...
     with: Zhao, H.T.: Monitoring of Nitrogen and Grain Protein Content in Winter...
     with: Zhao, X.Q.: Retrieving Soybean Leaf Area Index from Unmanned Aerial Ve...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Estimation of Potato Above-Ground Biomass Using UAV-Based Hy...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Monitoring Key Wheat Growth Variables by Integrating Phenolo...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of Win...
     with: Zhou, C.Q.: Comparison of Crop Parameters Estimation Using Images from...
     with: Zhou, C.Q.: Estimate of winter-wheat above-ground biomass based on UAV...
     with: Zhou, C.Q.: Quantitative Identification of Maize Lodging-Causing Featu...
     with: Zhu, Y.: Transfer-Learning-Based Approach for Yield Prediction of Wint...
     with: Zhu, Y.H.: Effect of Leaf Occlusion on Leaf Area Index Inversion of Ma...
252 for Feng, H.K.

Feng, H.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, D.L.: Blockchain in Digital Twins-Based Vehicle Management in VA...
     with: Chen, D.L.: Digital Twins in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rapid Medica...
     with: Deng, S.: FFPNet: Fine-Grained Feature Perception Network for Semantic...
     with: Deng, S.: Study on Single-Tree Extraction Method for Complex RGB Point...
     with: Huang, F.F.: Design and implementation of Log-Gabor filter in fingerpr...
     with: Huang, J.Q.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing U...
     with: Li, C.: Study on Single-Tree Extraction Method for Complex RGB Point C...
     with: Li, J.W.: Design and implementation of Log-Gabor filter in fingerprint...
     with: Li, Y.X.: Deep Learning for Security in Digital Twins of Cooperative I...
     with: Liang, H.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV...
     with: Lu, C.H.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV ...
     with: Lv, H.B.: Deep Learning for Security in Digital Twins of Cooperative I...
     with: Lv, H.B.: Digital Twins in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rapid Medical ...
     with: Lv, Z.H.: Blockchain in Digital Twins-Based Vehicle Management in VANETs
     with: Lv, Z.H.: Deep Learning for Security in Digital Twins of Cooperative I...
     with: Lv, Z.H.: Digital Twins in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rapid Medical ...
     with: Ruan, Y.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV ...
     with: Wang, K.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV ...
     with: Wang, W.: Design and implementation of Log-Gabor filter in fingerprint...
     with: Xia, K.: FFPNet: Fine-Grained Feature Perception Network for Semantic ...
     with: Xia, K.: Study on Single-Tree Extraction Method for Complex RGB Point ...
     with: Xu, L.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV Hy...
     with: Yang, Y.: Study on Single-Tree Extraction Method for Complex RGB Point...
     with: Yin, J.X.: FFPNet: Fine-Grained Feature Perception Network for Semanti...
     with: Zhang, F.W.: FFPNet: Fine-Grained Feature Perception Network for Seman...
     with: Zhou, T.: From Spectral Characteristics to Index Bands: Utilizing UAV ...
     with: Zhu, H.: Digital Twins in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Rapid Medical R...
27 for Feng, H.L.

Feng, H.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, D.D.: Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Water...
     with: Chen, D.D.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Chen, D.D.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks vi...
     with: Chua, T.S.: Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation App...
     with: Fang, H.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via ...
     with: Hua, G.: Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Watermar...
     with: Hua, G.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Hua, G.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via S...
     with: Huang, Q.D.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Lee, C.H.: Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation Appr...
     with: Liao, J.: Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Waterma...
     with: Liao, J.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Liao, J.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via ...
     with: Luo, Y.M.: Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Model for the Classification of ...
     with: Ma, Z.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via St...
     with: Ouyang, Y.: Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Model for the Classification of...
     with: Shi, R.: Adaptive Image Content Representation and Segmentation Approa...
     with: Wang, H.C.: New Approach to Classifier Fusion Based on Upper Integral, A
     with: Wang, R.: New Approach to Classifier Fusion Based on Upper Integral, A
     with: Wang, X.Z.: New Approach to Classifier Fusion Based on Upper Integral, A
     with: Yu, N.H.: Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Waterma...
     with: Yu, N.H.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Yu, N.H.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via ...
     with: Zhang, J.: Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Waterm...
     with: Zhang, J.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Zhang, J.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks via...
     with: Zhang, R.C.: Multi-Feature Joint Sparse Model for the Classification o...
     with: Zhang, W.M.: Deep Model Intellectual Property Protection via Deep Wate...
     with: Zhang, W.M.: Poison Ink: Robust and Invisible Backdoor Attack
     with: Zhang, W.M.: Robust Model Watermarking for Image Processing Networks v...
30 for Feng, H.M.

Feng, H.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Jiang, Z.H.: novel fuzzy classification entropy approach to image thre...
     with: Liu, D.: novel fuzzy classification entropy approach to image threshol...

Feng, H.T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: Incremental few-shot object detection via knowledge transfer
     with: Liu, Z.Y.: RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object ...
     with: Wang, D.: RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object d...
     with: Yang, X.: Incremental few-shot object detection via knowledge transfer
     with: Yang, X.: RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object d...
     with: Zhang, L.: Incremental few-shot object detection via knowledge transfer
     with: Zhang, L.: RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental object ...
     with: Zhang, S.Q.: RTDOD: A large-scale RGB-thermal domain-incremental objec...
8 for Feng, H.T.

Feng, H.W. Standard Author Listing
     with: Black, M.J.: Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression From an ...
     with: Bolkart, T.: Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression From an ...
     with: Bu, Q.R.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Feng, J.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Han, X.X.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Liu, X.N.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Sanyal, S.: Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression From an I...
7 for Feng, H.W.

Feng, H.X. Standard Author Listing
     with: Che, J.: End-to-End Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combini...
     with: Chen, F.: Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles consid...
     with: Hu, Q.W.: Study on the Uncertainty of Machine Learning Model for Earth...
     with: Li, S.: End-to-End Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combinin...
     with: Li, S.P.: Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles consid...
     with: Ma, S.P.: End-to-End Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combin...
     with: Miao, Z.: Study on the Uncertainty of Machine Learning Model for Earth...
     with: Pan, X.F.: Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles consi...
     with: Sun, Y.F.: Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles consi...
     with: Xu, Y.L.: End-to-End Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combin...
     with: Zhang, H.: Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles consi...
     with: Zhu, M.M.: End-to-End Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Combi...
12 for Feng, H.X.

Feng, H.Y. Standard Author Listing
     with: Effros, M.: On the rate-distortion performance and computational effic...
     with: Fu, Z.Z.: Multi-object tracking by virtual nodes added min-cost networ...
     with: Li, X.F.: Multi-object tracking by virtual nodes added min-cost networ...
     with: Liu, P.X.: Multi-object tracking by virtual nodes added min-cost netwo...
     with: Pavlidis, T.: Finding Vertices in a Picture

Feng, H.Y.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: Pablidis, T.: Decomposition of Polygons into Simpler Components

Feng, H.Z. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bateni, S.M.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the...
     with: Chai, L.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluoresc...
     with: Chen, W.: BAFFLE: A Baseline of Backpropagation-free Federated Learning
     with: Du, C.: BAFFLE: A Baseline of Backpropagation-free Federated Learning
     with: Guo, Z.X.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Te...
     with: He, X.L.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Ter...
     with: He, X.L.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluoresc...
     with: He, X.L.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest Ch...
     with: Lin, M.: BAFFLE: A Baseline of Backpropagation-free Federated Learning
     with: Liu, L.Y.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluores...
     with: Liu, S.M.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Te...
     with: Liu, S.M.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluores...
     with: Liu, S.M.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest C...
     with: Mao, K.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Terr...
     with: Mao, K.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluoresce...
     with: Mao, K.B.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest C...
     with: Pang, T.Y.: BAFFLE: A Baseline of Backpropagation-free Federated Learn...
     with: Song, L.S.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest ...
     with: Xia, Y.L.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Te...
     with: Xiao, J.F.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest ...
     with: Xu, T.R.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Ter...
     with: Xu, T.R.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluoresc...
     with: Xu, T.R.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest Ch...
     with: Xu, Z.W.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluoresc...
     with: Yan, S.C.: BAFFLE: A Baseline of Backpropagation-free Federated Learning
     with: Yao, Y.J.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest C...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the Te...
     with: Zhao, J.X.: Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method: Improving the T...
     with: Zhao, J.X.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluore...
     with: Zhao, J.X.: Responses of Water Use Efficiency to Drought in Southwest ...
     with: Zhou, S.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluoresc...
     with: Zhu, Z.L.: Modeling Transpiration with Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluores...
32 for Feng, H.Z.

Feng, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, K.: Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Request...
     with: Ansari, N.: Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Free-Space ...
     with: Ashraf, T.: Estimation of Pb Content Using Reflectance Spectroscopy in...
     with: Bai, L.: Optimization of Decision-making for Spatial Sampling in the N...
     with: Bankoski, J.: Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Fiel...
     with: Bao, S.L.: Reconstruction of smooth distributions within unsmooth circ...
     with: Bi, H.: Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential Tomogr...
     with: Bian, M.M.: Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spac...
     with: Bo, Q.: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Matter...
     with: Bo, Q.: Particle Pollution Estimation from Images Using Convolutional ...
     with: Bolch, T.: Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Source...
     with: Boyce, J.F.: Object Recognition Using Relational Clique and Cycle Mapp...
     with: Boyce, J.F.: Relaxation Labelling and the Entropy of Neighborhood Info...
     with: Bu, Q.R.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Bu, Q.R.: Multi-depth dilated network for fashion landmark detection w...
     with: Cai, G.S.: Fuzzy Adaptive Event-Triggered Path Tracking Control for Au...
     with: Cai, Y.L.: Formation Tracking Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Sys...
     with: Cao, S.: Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigor...
     with: Cao, S.: Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteri...
     with: Cao, X.B.: Mr-SDM: a novel statistical deformable model for object def...
     with: Cao, X.H.: Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiclass ...
     with: Cao, X.H.: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent ...
     with: Cao, X.H.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semisupervised Hyperspectra...
     with: Cao, X.H.: Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Lear...
     with: Cao, Z.: Multiphase SAR Image Segmentation With G^0-Statistical-Model-...
     with: Cao, Z.: Polarimetric Contextual Classification of PolSAR Images Using...
     with: Chang, S.F.: 3D shape retrieval using a single depth image from low-co...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Deep Image Set Hashing
     with: Chang, S.F.: From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape...
     with: Chang, S.F.: Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection
     with: Chang, T.T.: Clustered Microcalcification detection based on a Multipl...
     with: Chao, L.J.: Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datase...
     with: Che, A.: Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Multi-Depot...
     with: Chen, B.: High-Resolution Observation of Ionospheric E-Layer Irregular...
     with: Chen, B.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low Lati...
     with: Chen, B.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakut...
     with: Chen, C.: Fractional Box-Counting Approach to Fractal Dimension Estima...
     with: Chen, D.X.: Novel Real-Time Processing Wideband Waveform Generator of ...
     with: Chen, G.X.: Kalman Filter Underwater Passive Geomagnetic Navigation Te...
     with: Chen, J.: Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earthq...
     with: Chen, J.: Time-Frequency Attention for Speech Emotion Recognition with...
     with: Chen, J.F.: Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for...
     with: Chen, J.H.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark fo...
     with: Chen, J.T.: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent...
     with: Chen, J.T.: Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Lea...
     with: Chen, L.: Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spaceb...
     with: Chen, L.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopatholo...
     with: Chen, L.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for ...
     with: Chen, P.: Fast macroblock encoding algorithm based on rate-distortion ...
     with: Chen, Q.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Chen, Q.M.: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with Sp...
     with: Chen, S.Y.: Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seis...
     with: Chen, S.Y.: Study of fabric defects detection through Gabor filter bas...
     with: Chen, X.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network f...
     with: Chen, X.X.: Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-agnostic...
     with: Chen, Y.: Automatic Approach to Extracting Large-Scale Three-Dimension...
     with: Chen, Y.: Content analysis based smart macroblock rearrangement for er...
     with: Chen, Y.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional...
     with: Chen, Y.: PPDM: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Real-Time Hu...
     with: Chen, Y.: Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery o...
     with: Chen, Y.H.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised S...
     with: Chen, Z.X.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopatho...
     with: Cheng, M.: Improving Convolutional Networks With Self-Calibrated Convo...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple C...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised ...
     with: Cheng, P.P.: Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Sour...
     with: Cheng, S.H.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopath...
     with: Cheng, S.M.: Dynamic Addressing Scheme for Vector Quantization of Images
     with: Cheng, Y.: Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for...
     with: Cheng, Y.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Chung, J.S.: Audio Mamba: Bidirectional State Space Model for Audio Re...
     with: Cohen, S.: Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection
     with: Cohen, S.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentati...
     with: Cosciotti, B.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors D...
     with: Cui, L.: Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the context...
     with: Cui, Q.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for C...
     with: Cui, Z.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Cui, Z.P.: TC-SfM: Robust Track-Community-Based Structure-From-Motion
     with: Dai, S.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detecte...
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Learning the Structure of Deep Convolutional Networks
     with: Deng, C.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network f...
     with: Deng, C.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Deng, C.: Learning Temporal Cues for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
     with: Deng, C.: Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Based o...
     with: Deng, W.H.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network...
     with: Deng, X.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and ...
     with: Deng, Z.X.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latit...
     with: Deng, Z.X.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness...
     with: Deng, Z.X.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yak...
     with: di Paolo, F.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors De...
     with: Ding, C.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
     with: Ding, E.: Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D...
     with: Ding, N.: EMDSQA: A Neural Speech Quality Assessment Model With Speake...
     with: Ding, Q.: Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-agnostic L...
     with: Ding, X.T.: Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for...
     with: Dou, Y.: Temporally Refined Graph U-Nets for Human Shape and Pose Esti...
     with: Du, C.: Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Federated Learning and Spatio...
     with: Du, H.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Ca...
     with: Du, L.: Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D P...
     with: Du, L.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation Ne...
     with: Du, P.: Using surface variability characteristics for segmentation of ...
     with: Duan, Y.: Deep Localized Metric Learning
     with: Duan, Z.H.: MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for mu...
     with: Erol, M.H.: Audio Mamba: Bidirectional State Space Model for Audio Rep...
     with: Fan, D.: Improved Average Acceleration Approach of Modelling Earth Gra...
     with: Fan, D.: New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
     with: Fan, H.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional ...
     with: Fan, H.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for C...
     with: Fan, X.H.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom...
     with: Fathi Kazerooni, S.: Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Fr...
     with: Feng, B.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation w...
     with: Feng, H.W.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Feng, R.M.: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint C...
     with: Feng, S.: Human Facial Age Estimation by Cost-Sensitive Label Ranking ...
     with: Feng, W.: Pose-guided Fine-grained Sign Language Video Generation
     with: Feng, X.L.: Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Lea...
     with: Fu, Q.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and Le...
     with: Fu, W.: Light Field Salient Object Detection Based on Spatial Feature ...
     with: Gao, C.: Color Texture Description Based on Holistic and Hierarchical ...
     with: Gao, C.Q.: First- and Second-Order Sorted Local Binary Pattern Feature...
     with: Gao, C.Q.: Robust Texture Description Using Local Grouped Order Patter...
     with: Gao, S.H.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low Lat...
     with: Gao, X.B.: Shot-based video retrieval with optical flow tensor and HMMs
     with: Gao, Y.: GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder ...
     with: Gao, Z.: Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix factorizati...
     with: Ge, K.: Depth Estimation Using a Sliding Camera
     with: Ge, L.L.: TC-SfM: Robust Track-Community-Based Structure-From-Motion
     with: Geng, G.H.: Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statist...
     with: Geng, G.H.: Multiple instance learning based on positive instance sele...
     with: Gilbert, M.: learning approach to discovering Web page semantic struct...
     with: Goh, W.L.: Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
     with: Gong, X.J.: Online Convolutional Reparameterization
     with: Gu, J.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semisupervised Hyperspectral B...
     with: Gu, Z.: Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria...
     with: Guo, D.: VGG-Embedded Adaptive Layer-Normalized Crowd Counting Net wit...
     with: Guo, S.: Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Featu...
     with: Guo, Y.S.: Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seism...
     with: Hackwood, S.: general framework for robot hand-eye coordination, A
     with: Haddow, E.R.: Relaxation Labelling and the Entropy of Neighborhood Inf...
     with: Haffner, P.: learning approach to discovering Web page semantic struct...
     with: Haimovich, A.M.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse ...
     with: Haimovich, A.M.: Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With ...
     with: Han, D.C.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Han, H.: Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
     with: Han, J.N.: Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Field R...
     with: Han, X.X.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Han, Y.J.: First- and Second-Order Sorted Local Binary Pattern Feature...
     with: Han, Y.J.: Grayscale-inversion and rotation invariant image descriptio...
     with: Han, Y.Z.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Hao, P.W.: Online anomaly detection in videos by clustering dynamic ex...
     with: Hao, P.W.: Online Learning with Self-Organizing Maps for Anomaly Detec...
     with: Hao, Y.: EMDSQA: A Neural Speech Quality Assessment Model With Speaker...
     with: He, H.: Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the contextu...
     with: He, Q.Z.: Mr-SDM: a novel statistical deformable model for object defo...
     with: Hong, R.: Beyond Object Proposals: Random Crop Pooling for Multi-Label...
     with: Hou, J.Y.: Global and Multiscale Aggregate Network for Saliency Object...
     with: Hou, Q.: Improving Convolutional Networks With Self-Calibrated Convolu...
     with: Hou, Y.: Deep Adversarial Subspace Clustering
     with: Hu, B.: Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-agnostic Lea...
     with: Hu, H.: Depth Estimation Using a Sliding Camera
     with: Hu, H.: Exploiting Unsupervised and Supervised Constraints for Subspac...
     with: Hu, H.: Optimization of Decision-making for Spatial Sampling in the No...
     with: Hu, H.F.: Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-tr...
     with: Hu, J.: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Matter...
     with: Hu, J.: Superpixel Based Depth Map Generation for Stereoscopic Video C...
     with: Hu, L.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom On...
     with: Hu, L.: Pose-guided Fine-grained Sign Language Video Generation
     with: Hu, M.: Online Convolutional Reparameterization
     with: Hu, Z.W.: Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigo...
     with: Hua, B.: Using surface variability characteristics for segmentation of...
     with: Hua, J.S.: Online Convolutional Reparameterization
     with: Hua, X.S.: Online Convolutional Reparameterization
     with: Huang, C.R.: Influence of Assimilating Wind Profiling Radar Observatio...
     with: Huang, D.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for...
     with: Huang, G.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Huang, J.: lightweight and continuous dimensional emotion analysis sys...
     with: Huang, J.L.: Natural neighbor: A self-adaptive neighborhood method wit...
     with: Huang, J.Q.: Online Convolutional Reparameterization
     with: Huang, K.: Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Proto...
     with: Huang, T.: Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Ob...
     with: Huang, T.S.: Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Wea...
     with: Huang, W.H.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Networ...
     with: Huang, W.H.: Learning Temporal Cues for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
     with: Huang, Y.: Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geomet...
     with: Huang, Y.: MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for mul...
     with: Huang, Z.Y.: New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
     with: Huo, L.: Global and Multiscale Aggregate Network for Saliency Object D...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test of 3D Point Correspondence...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Clustered Microcalcification detection based on a Multiple...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: MISTO: A Multi-Resolution Deformable Model for Segmentatio...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Mr-SDM: a novel statistical deformable model for object de...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: multi-resolution statistical deformable model (MISTO) for ...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Robust point correspondence matching and similarity measur...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Statistical Assembled Model for Segmentation of Entire 3D ...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Using surface variability characteristics for segmentation...
     with: Izquierdo, E.: Hierarchical Approach for Low-access Latency Image Inde...
     with: Jayashree, K.: Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation...
     with: Jayashree, K.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Jayashree, K.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative ...
     with: Jeong, D.S.: Rigid and non-rigid object image matching using deformabl...
     with: Jeong, J.H.: Rigid and non-rigid object image matching using deformabl...
     with: Ji, S.S.: Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation via online pseudo-ma...
     with: Jia, W.J.: CoDerainNet: Collaborative Deraining Network for Drone-View...
     with: Jia, X.P.: Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-g...
     with: Jiang, C.J.: Spectral-Spatial Graph Convolutional Network with Dynamic...
     with: Jiang, J.: End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Ide...
     with: Jiang, J.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Moti...
     with: Jiang, M.F.: CSIT: Channel Spatial Integrated Transformer for human po...
     with: Jiang, S.: Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Impro...
     with: Jiang, Y.: Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Fea...
     with: Jiang, Z.: Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Source...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyp...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiclass...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semisupervised Hyperspectr...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Divide-and-Conquer Dual-Architecture Convolutional Neural ...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Lea...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Trivariate Mutual In...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with Sp...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel Cl...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Ban...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multisc...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Deep Multi-...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: SDANet: Semantic-Embedded Density Adaptive Network for Mov...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent represent...
     with: Jiao, L.C.: Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum informatio...
     with: Jie, Z.: Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Video...
     with: Jie, Z.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Jie, Z.: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
     with: Jie, Z.: Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Weakly-...
     with: Jie, Z.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Motion...
     with: Jin, S.: Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential Tomog...
     with: Jin, X.G.: Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
     with: Kalantidis, Y.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolu...
     with: Kang, B.: Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
     with: Kang, B.: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-Tail Object Detecti...
     with: Kang, W.Y.: Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix factoriz...
     with: Kang, Y.: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Matt...
     with: Karaman, S.: Deep Image Set Hashing
     with: Karbowiak, A.E.: Adaptive Block Matching Algorithm for Video Compression
     with: Karbowiak, A.E.: Adaptive block matching motion estimation algorithm u...
     with: Kaymak, Y.: Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Free-Space ...
     with: Ke, F.: Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earthqua...
     with: Khalili, S.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast...
     with: Kong, J.R.: Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent represent...
     with: Kuang, D.: Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Unce...
     with: Kuang, D.: Lane-changing decision method based Nash Q-learning with co...
     with: Kweon, I.S.: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-super...
     with: Labi, S.: Integrated Optimization Model for Energy Saving in Metro Ope...
     with: Lai, B.: Online Convolutional Reparameterization
     with: Lai, H.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Lai, L.Y.: Robust point correspondence matching and similarity measuri...
     with: Lan, D.P.: Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative ...
     with: Lang, C.: Human Facial Age Estimation by Cost-Sensitive Label Ranking ...
     with: Lauro, S.E.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Det...
     with: Leng, S.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for ...
     with: Li, A.: Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
     with: Li, B.: EMDSQA: A Neural Speech Quality Assessment Model With Speaker ...
     with: Li, B.: Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix factorizatio...
     with: Li, C.: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with Space ...
     with: Li, C.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detected...
     with: Li, C.: Unsupervised Manifold-Preserving and Weakly Redundant Band Sel...
     with: Li, D.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semisupervised Hyperspectral B...
     with: Li, F.: CoDerainNet: Collaborative Deraining Network for Drone-View Ob...
     with: Li, G.: Revisiting Knowledge Distillation via Label Smoothing Regulari...
     with: Li, G.A.: Novel Real-Time Processing Wideband Waveform Generator of Ai...
     with: Li, H.: Weighted Block Matching-Based Anchor Shot Detection with Dynam...
     with: Li, H.F.: Spectral-Spatial Graph Convolutional Network with Dynamic-Sy...
     with: Li, H.L.: Robust Texture Description Using Local Grouped Order Pattern...
     with: Li, J.: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hypersp...
     with: Li, J.: Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-guid...
     with: Li, J.: Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
     with: Li, J.: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-Tail Object Detection...
     with: Li, J.: Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
     with: Li, J.: Toward a Comprehensive Face Detector in the Wild
     with: Li, J.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Li, J.: Weakly Supervised Phrase Localization with Multi-scale Anchore...
     with: Li, P.: Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Intersections for ...
     with: Li, P.: Unsupervised Video Summarization With Cycle-Consistent Adversa...
     with: Li, Q.Q.: Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigo...
     with: Li, S.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery...
     with: Li, S.: New Algorithm for Water Information Extraction from High Resol...
     with: Li, S.B.: Horizon Picking from SBP Images Using Physicals-Combined Dee...
     with: Li, S.B.: Zero-Shot Pipeline Detection for Sub-Bottom Profiler Data Ba...
     with: Li, S.H.: CSIT: Channel Spatial Integrated Transformer for human pose ...
     with: Li, S.J.: Clustering-Based Feature Selection for Content Based Remote ...
     with: Li, S.J.: Weighted Block Matching-Based Anchor Shot Detection with Dyn...
     with: Li, S.P.: Salient object detection for searched web images via global ...
     with: Li, S.S.: Improved Average Acceleration Approach of Modelling Earth Gr...
     with: Li, S.S.: New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
     with: Li, S.Y.: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation Tap...
     with: Li, T.: Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation via online pseudo-mask...
     with: Li, W.: Spatial Development of Strong Storm-Induced Ionospheric Pertur...
     with: Li, X.: Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Intersections for ...
     with: Li, X.: Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geometry-...
     with: Li, X.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Li, X.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopathologi...
     with: Li, X.: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation Tappi...
     with: Li, X.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Ca...
     with: Li, X.L.: Shot-based video retrieval with optical flow tensor and HMMs
     with: Li, Y.: Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Intersections for ...
     with: Li, Y.: Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Featur...
     with: Li, Y.: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-Tail Object Detection...
     with: Li, Y.S.: AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extrap...
     with: Li, Y.Y.: Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Based o...
     with: Li, Z.: Multiple instance learning based on positive instance selectio...
     with: Li, Z.: Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Prototyp...
     with: Li, Z.D.: Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
     with: Li, Z.X.: AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extrap...
     with: Liang, D.: AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extra...
     with: Liang, J.L.: Multiple instance learning based on positive instance sel...
     with: Liang, J.Q.: Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
     with: Liang, P.: general framework for robot hand-eye coordination, A
     with: Liang, X.: Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
     with: Liang, X.: Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
     with: Liang, X.D.: Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple C...
     with: Liang, X.D.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised ...
     with: Liang, Y.: Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for ...
     with: Liang, Y.P.: Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information...
     with: Liang, Y.P.: SDANet: Semantic-Embedded Density Adaptive Network for Mo...
     with: Liao, Y.: PPDM: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Real-Time Hu...
     with: Liew, J.: Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
     with: Liew, J.H.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentat...
     with: Liew, J.H.: PANet: Few-Shot Image Semantic Segmentation With Prototype...
     with: Lin, G.: MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation
     with: Lin, G.S.: Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
     with: Lin, L.: Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
     with: Lin, W.: Fractional Box-Counting Approach to Fractal Dimension Estimat...
     with: Lin, W.: Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
     with: Lin, X.Y.: Superpixel Based Depth Map Generation for Stereoscopic Vide...
     with: Lin, Z.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Lin, Z.: Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery of...
     with: Ling, H.B.: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation T...
     with: Ling, Y.: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
     with: Linney, A.: Robust point correspondence matching and similarity measur...
     with: Liu, B.: Low-Rank Tensor and Hybrid Smoothness Regularization-Based Ap...
     with: Liu, B.Q.: Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-t...
     with: Liu, C.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Liu, C.L.: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Co...
     with: Liu, D.Q.: Influence of Assimilating Wind Profiling Radar Observations...
     with: Liu, F.: Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band S...
     with: Liu, F.: Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with en...
     with: Liu, F.: Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum information a...
     with: Liu, H.: Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Method Capturing for Short-Term Bik...
     with: Liu, H.: Consensus-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Face Aging
     with: Liu, H.: End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Ident...
     with: Liu, H.: Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel Clust...
     with: Liu, H.: Secure and Flexible Data Sharing With Dual Privacy Protection...
     with: Liu, H.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for C...
     with: Liu, H.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Motion...
     with: Liu, H.W.: Clustered Microcalcification detection based on a Multiple ...
     with: Liu, J.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Arter...
     with: Liu, J.: Improving Convolutional Networks With Self-Calibrated Convolu...
     with: Liu, J.M.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for...
     with: Liu, J.S.: Global and Multiscale Aggregate Network for Saliency Object...
     with: Liu, K.: Speech Emotion Recognition via Multi-Level Attention Network
     with: Liu, K.: Time-Frequency Attention for Speech Emotion Recognition with ...
     with: Liu, L.: Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Ta...
     with: Liu, L.: Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the context...
     with: Liu, L.: Estimation of Pb Content Using Reflectance Spectroscopy in Fa...
     with: Liu, L.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multiscale...
     with: Liu, L.: Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Deep Multi-Sca...
     with: Liu, L.: Toward a Comprehensive Face Detector in the Wild
     with: Liu, L.: Vehicle Selection and Resource Optimization for Federated Lea...
     with: Liu, M.: Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-tra...
     with: Liu, P.: Pose-guided Fine-grained Sign Language Video Generation
     with: Liu, P.X.: Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seism...
     with: Liu, Q.Y.: Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seism...
     with: Liu, S.: Optimization of Decision-making for Spatial Sampling in the N...
     with: Liu, S.: PPDM: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Real-Time Hum...
     with: Liu, S.: Spectral-Spatial Graph Convolutional Network with Dynamic-Syn...
     with: Liu, S.: Variational Low-Rank Matrix Factorization with Multi-Patch Co...
     with: Liu, S.B.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopathol...
     with: Liu, S.Y.: Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Source...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Dynamic selection and effective compression of key frames f...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Frame interpolation scheme using inertia motion prediction
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Inertia-based video cut detection and its integration with ...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Kalman Filter Underwater Passive Geomagnetic Navigation Tec...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: new cut detection algorithm with constant false-alarm ratio...
     with: Liu, T.Y.: Shot reconstruction degree: a novel criterion for key frame...
     with: Liu, W.: Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Video...
     with: Liu, W.: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
     with: Liu, W.: Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery of...
     with: Liu, W.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and L...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-agnostic ...
     with: Liu, W.Y.: Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation via online pseudo-m...
     with: Liu, X.: Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Featu...
     with: Liu, X.L.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopathol...
     with: Liu, X.N.: Image dehazing base on two-peak channel prior
     with: Liu, X.Z.: CoDerainNet: Collaborative Deraining Network for Drone-View...
     with: Liu, Y.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation wi...
     with: Liu, Y.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitude...
     with: Liu, Y.: Fuzzy Adaptive Event-Triggered Path Tracking Control for Auto...
     with: Liu, Y.: High-Resolution Observation of Ionospheric E-Layer Irregulari...
     with: Liu, Y.: Learning Temporal Cues for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
     with: Liu, Y.: MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation
     with: Liu, Y.: Speech Emotion Recognition via Multi-Level Attention Network
     with: Liu, Y.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low Latit...
     with: Liu, Y.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakuts...
     with: Liu, Y.: Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Applicat...
     with: Liu, Z.: Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction
     with: Liu, Z.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Liu, Z.: Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
     with: Liu, Z.: Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Deep Multi-Sca...
     with: Liu, Z.C.: Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
     with: Liu, Z.H.: Learning Temporal Cues for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
     with: Liu, Z.S.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation ...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Adaptive Block Matching Algorithm for Video Compression
     with: Lo, K.T.: Adaptive block matching motion estimation algorithm using bi...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Content analysis based smart macroblock rearrangement for er...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Determination of efficient transmission scheme for video-on-...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Dynamic Addressing Scheme for Vector Quantization of Images
     with: Lo, K.T.: Dynamic selection and effective compression of key frames fo...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Error Concealment for MPEG Video Transmissions
     with: Lo, K.T.: Frame interpolation scheme using inertia motion prediction
     with: Lo, K.T.: hierarchical video-on-demand system with double-rate batchin...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Image watermarking using tree-based spatial-frequency featur...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Inertia-based video cut detection and its integration with v...
     with: Lo, K.T.: new cut detection algorithm with constant false-alarm ratio ...
     with: Lo, K.T.: New fast Search Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estimation
     with: Lo, K.T.: Providing VCR Functionality in Multicast Video-on-Demand Sys...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Scene Change Detection Algorithm for MPEG Video Sequence
     with: Lo, K.T.: Shot reconstruction degree: a novel criterion for key frame ...
     with: Lo, K.T.: Universal perceptual weighted zerotree coding for image and ...
     with: Long, W.S.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation...
     with: Lu, C.: Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery of ...
     with: Lu, J.: Action recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos
     with: Lu, J.: Deep Localized Metric Learning
     with: Lu, J.: Latent fingerprint enhancement using Gabor and minutia diction...
     with: Lu, J.: Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Action ...
     with: Lu, S.: novel method for fusing graph convolutional network and featur...
     with: Lu, T.: Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction
     with: Lu, T.: Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Incremental Model for Floo...
     with: Lu, T.: Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for Flood Predic...
     with: Lu, Z.: Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spacebor...
     with: Luo, C.: Beyond Object Proposals: Random Crop Pooling for Multi-Label ...
     with: Luo, C.: Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Prototy...
     with: Luo, J.: Human Facial Age Estimation by Cost-Sensitive Label Ranking a...
     with: Luo, L.: Robust Texture Description Using Local Grouped Order Pattern ...
     with: Luo, S.: TC-SfM: Robust Track-Community-Based Structure-From-Motion
     with: Luo, Y.: Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints
     with: Ma, C.: MIMO Radar 3D Imaging Based on Combined Amplitude and Total Va...
     with: Ma, H.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and Le...
     with: Ma, H.J.: CSIT: Channel Spatial Integrated Transformer for human pose ...
     with: Ma, H.J.: Superpixel Based Depth Map Generation for Stereoscopic Video...
     with: Ma, J.B.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopatholo...
     with: Ma, Z.: Automatic Detection and Recognition of Road Intersections for ...
     with: Mai, L.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentation...
     with: Man, Y.: Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geometry...
     with: Mao, L.: How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autonom...
     with: Mao, X.Y.: Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
     with: Mattei, E.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Dete...
     with: Mehrpour, H.: Adaptive Block Matching Algorithm for Video Compression
     with: Mehrpour, H.: Adaptive block matching motion estimation algorithm usin...
     with: Mehrpour, H.: Error Concealment for MPEG Video Transmissions
     with: Mehrpour, H.: Scene Change Detection Algorithm for MPEG Video Sequence
     with: Mei, X.: Unsupervised Manifold-Preserving and Weakly Redundant Band Se...
     with: Meng, D.: Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies before the Tonga Volcanic ...
     with: Miao, Q.G.: CoDerainNet: Collaborative Deraining Network for Drone-Vie...
     with: Ming, Y.: Secure and Flexible Data Sharing With Dual Privacy Protectio...
     with: Mu, Q.: Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Federated Learning and Spatio...
     with: Mu, X.: Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Multi-Depot ...
     with: Mu, X.Y.: Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative T...
     with: Nan, G.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for C...
     with: Ni, B.: Histogram Contextualization
     with: Nie, X.: Hierarchical Contextual Refinement Networks for Human Pose Es...
     with: Nie, X.: Human Pose Estimation with Parsing Induced Learner
     with: Nie, X.: Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Machines
     with: Niu, A.: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-supervise...
     with: Ong, S.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentation...
     with: Ong, S.H.: Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
     with: Ou, M.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness at ...
     with: Palaiahnakote, S.: Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Pred...
     with: Palaiahnakote, S.: Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for F...
     with: Pan, X.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Pan, Y.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Paulsen, K.D.: Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI I...
     with: Pei, Q.Q.: Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative ...
     with: Pei, Q.Q.: Vehicle Selection and Resource Optimization for Federated L...
     with: Peng, J.Y.: Multiple instance learning based on positive instance sele...
     with: Peng, J.Y.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multisc...
     with: Peng, X.: Structured AutoEncoders for Subspace Clustering
     with: Pettinelli, E.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors ...
     with: Pi, Y.: Multiphase SAR Image Segmentation With G^0-Statistical-Model-B...
     with: Pi, Y.M.: Polarimetric Contextual Classification of PolSAR Images Usin...
     with: Pogue, B.W.: Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Imp...
     with: Poon, W.F.: Determination of efficient transmission scheme for video-o...
     with: Poon, W.F.: hierarchical video-on-demand system with double-rate batch...
     with: Poon, W.F.: Providing VCR Functionality in Multicast Video-on-Demand S...
     with: Pranata, S.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Price, B.: MultiSeg: Semantically Meaningful, Scale-Diverse Segmentati...
     with: Price, B.L.: Interactive Segmentation on RGBD Images via Cue Selection
     with: Pu, M.Y.: Learning Temporal Cues for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
     with: Pu, S.: Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weighted-g...
     with: Pu, Y.F.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Qi, M.: End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Identi...
     with: Qi, M.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Motion ...
     with: Qian, C.: PPDM: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Real-Time Hu...
     with: Qu, B.T.: Dynamic Ridesplitting Method With Potential Pick-Up Probabil...
     with: Qu, B.T.: How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autono...
     with: Ran, L.J.: Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-agnostic ...
     with: Ren, A.N.: MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for mul...
     with: Ren, X.Y.: Dynamic Ridesplitting Method With Potential Pick-Up Probabi...
     with: Ren, Y.Q.: Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seism...
     with: Riggan, B.S.: Human Factors Study of Graphical Passwords Using Biometr...
     with: Rijal, N.: Particle Pollution Estimation from Images Using Convolution...
     with: Rivard, B.: Iterative Spectral Unmixing for Optimizing Per-Pixel Endme...
     with: Rivard, B.: Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple crit...
     with: Rogge, D.M.: Iterative Spectral Unmixing for Optimizing Per-Pixel Endm...
     with: Rohrbach, M.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convoluti...
     with: Rojas Cessa, R.: Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Free-S...
     with: Sanchez Azofeifa, G.A.: Mapping tropical dry forest succession using m...
     with: Senocak, A.: Audio Mamba: Bidirectional State Space Model for Audio Re...
     with: Shang, F.: Pose-guided Fine-grained Sign Language Video Generation
     with: Shang, R.H.: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hy...
     with: Shang, R.H.: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independen...
     with: Shang, R.H.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semisupervised Hyperspect...
     with: Shang, R.H.: Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent represen...
     with: She, H.J.: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Co...
     with: Shen, D.G.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Ar...
     with: Shen, J.B.: Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
     with: Shen, S.: Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for ...
     with: Shen, S.: Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
     with: Shen, S.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Shen, X.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Shen, X.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Sem...
     with: Shi, H.: Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Weakly-...
     with: Shi, T.: Pose-guided Fine-grained Sign Language Video Generation
     with: Shi, W.S.: Vehicle Selection and Resource Optimization for Federated L...
     with: Shi, Y.: GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder ...
     with: Shuicheng, Y.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolut...
     with: Si, X.: Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints
     with: Sim, T.: Toward a Comprehensive Face Detector in the Wild
     with: Simeone, O.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast...
     with: Simeone, O.: Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Appl...
     with: Snyder, W.E.: Human Factors Study of Graphical Passwords Using Biometr...
     with: Song, S.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Song, T.C.: Color Texture Description Based on Holistic and Hierarchic...
     with: Song, T.C.: First- and Second-Order Sorted Local Binary Pattern Featur...
     with: Song, T.C.: Grayscale-inversion and rotation invariant image descripti...
     with: Song, T.C.: Robust Texture Description Using Local Grouped Order Patte...
     with: Song, W.Z.: Formation Tracking Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Sy...
     with: Song, X.: Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
     with: Stolkin, R.: Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent represen...
     with: Su, H.: Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the contextu...
     with: Su, X.: Optimization of Decision-making for Spatial Sampling in the No...
     with: Su, Y.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detected...
     with: Sui, C.: Unsupervised Manifold-Preserving and Weakly Redundant Band Se...
     with: Sui, C.H.: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hype...
     with: Sun, J.: Salient object detection by composition
     with: Sun, K.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Arter...
     with: Sun, Q.G.: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent ...
     with: Sun, S.Y.: Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earth...
     with: Sun, T.: Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Trivariate Mutual Infor...
     with: Sun, T.: Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel Clust...
     with: Sun, T.: Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band S...
     with: Sun, T.: Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with en...
     with: Sun, T.: Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum information a...
     with: Sun, X.: Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix factorizati...
     with: Sun, X.X.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitu...
     with: Sun, Y.Q.: New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
     with: Sutcliffe, R.: Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix facto...
     with: Tahir, A.A.: Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Sour...
     with: Tan, J.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation N...
     with: Tan, X.: Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D ...
     with: Tan, X.L.: Improved Average Acceleration Approach of Modelling Earth G...
     with: Tang, H.T.: New fast Search Algorithm for Block Matching Motion Estima...
     with: Tang, J.: Beyond Object Proposals: Random Crop Pooling for Multi-Label...
     with: Tang, J.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fa...
     with: Tang, J.: Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Applica...
     with: Tang, M.: Comparison of Correlation Filter-Based Trackers and Struck T...
     with: Tang, S.: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-Tail Object Detecti...
     with: Tang, W.M.: Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Based...
     with: Tang, X.Y.: lightweight and continuous dimensional emotion analysis sy...
     with: Tang, Y.: Action recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos
     with: Tang, Y.: Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Actio...
     with: Tao, D.C.: Shot-based video retrieval with optical flow tensor and HMMs
     with: Tao, L.T.: Salient object detection by composition
     with: Tao, X.F.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for...
     with: Tay, F.E.: Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Vid...
     with: Tay, F.E.: Revisiting Knowledge Distillation via Label Smoothing Regul...
     with: Tay, F.E.H.: Unsupervised Video Summarization With Cycle-Consistent Ad...
     with: Teng, Y.: Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Field Re...
     with: Tian, L.: OSRI: A Rotationally Invariant Binary Descriptor
     with: Tian, Q.: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation Tap...
     with: Tian, Q.: Zigzag Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
     with: Tian, Y.: Action recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos
     with: Tian, Z.Q.: Variational Low-Rank Matrix Factorization with Multi-Patch...
     with: Wan, D.: Clustering-Based Feature Selection for Content Based Remote S...
     with: Wan, D.: New Algorithm for Water Information Extraction from High Reso...
     with: Wan, H.F.: Improved Average Acceleration Approach of Modelling Earth G...
     with: Wang, C.: Improving Convolutional Networks With Self-Calibrated Convol...
     with: Wang, C.: Integrated Optimization Model for Energy Saving in Metro Ope...
     with: Wang, C.: Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spaceb...
     with: Wang, C.: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-Tail Object Detecti...
     with: Wang, C.: Time-Frequency Attention for Speech Emotion Recognition with...
     with: Wang, C.H.: Secure and Flexible Data Sharing With Dual Privacy Protect...
     with: Wang, C.Y.: Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Unc...
     with: Wang, C.Y.: Lane-changing decision method based Nash Q-learning with c...
     with: Wang, D.: Speech Emotion Recognition via Multi-Level Attention Network
     with: Wang, D.S.: Universal perceptual weighted zerotree coding for image an...
     with: Wang, F.: PPDM: Parallel Point Detection and Matching for Real-Time Hu...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the cont...
     with: Wang, J.: Comparison of Correlation Filter-Based Trackers and Struck T...
     with: Wang, J.: From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape Re...
     with: Wang, J.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multiscal...
     with: Wang, J.D.: Salient object detection for searched web images via globa...
     with: Wang, J.F.: Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datase...
     with: Wang, K.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network f...
     with: Wang, K.: PANet: Few-Shot Image Semantic Segmentation With Prototype A...
     with: Wang, L.: Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiclass S...
     with: Wang, L.: Divide-and-Conquer Dual-Architecture Convolutional Neural Ne...
     with: Wang, L.: On Image Matrix Based Feature Extraction Algorithms
     with: Wang, L.: Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for O...
     with: Wang, L.: TC-SfM: Robust Track-Community-Based Structure-From-Motion
     with: Wang, L.Q.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custo...
     with: Wang, M.: Beyond Object Proposals: Random Crop Pooling for Multi-Label...
     with: Wang, M.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network f...
     with: Wang, M.: Zero-Shot Learning via Attribute Regression and Class Protot...
     with: Wang, P.: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
     with: Wang, P.: Salient object detection for searched web images via global ...
     with: Wang, R.: Multi-depth dilated network for fashion landmark detection w...
     with: Wang, S.: New Algorithm for Water Information Extraction from High Res...
     with: Wang, S.: Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with e...
     with: Wang, T.: Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Vide...
     with: Wang, T.: Human Facial Age Estimation by Cost-Sensitive Label Ranking ...
     with: Wang, T.: Overcoming Classifier Imbalance for Long-Tail Object Detecti...
     with: Wang, T.: Revisiting Knowledge Distillation via Label Smoothing Regula...
     with: Wang, W.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Wang, W.: Global and Multiscale Aggregate Network for Saliency Object ...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Multi-De...
     with: Wang, X.: Dynamic Ridesplitting Method With Potential Pick-Up Probabil...
     with: Wang, X.: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Matt...
     with: Wang, X.: Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
     with: Wang, X.: GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder...
     with: Wang, X.: How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autono...
     with: Wang, X.: Light Field Salient Object Detection Based on Spatial Featur...
     with: Wang, X.: On Image Matrix Based Feature Extraction Algorithms
     with: Wang, X.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low Lati...
     with: Wang, X.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and ...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Human Factors Study of Graphical Passwords Using Biometric...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation via Class-agnostic...
     with: Wang, X.G.: Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation via online pseudo-...
     with: Wang, X.L.: Predicting the quality of user-generated answers using co-...
     with: Wang, Y.: 3D shape retrieval using a single depth image from low-cost ...
     with: Wang, Y.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Arte...
     with: Wang, Y.: Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Reque...
     with: Wang, Y.: Color Texture Description Based on Holistic and Hierarchical...
     with: Wang, Y.: From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape Re...
     with: Wang, Y.: Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Based o...
     with: Wang, Y.L.: Dynamic Perceiver for Efficient Visual Recognition
     with: Wang, Y.L.: First- and Second-Order Sorted Local Binary Pattern Featur...
     with: Wang, Y.Y.: MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for mu...
     with: Wang, Z.: Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for ...
     with: Wang, Z.: Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Actio...
     with: Wang, Z.K.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low La...
     with: Wang, Z.K.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yak...
     with: Wei, F.F.: Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
     with: Wei, H.J.: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Co...
     with: Wei, T.C.: Novel Real-Time Processing Wideband Waveform Generator of A...
     with: Wei, Y.: Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Obje...
     with: Wei, Y.: Deep Salient Object Detection With Dense Connections and Dist...
     with: Wei, Y.: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
     with: Wei, Y.: Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
     with: Wei, Y.: Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
     with: Wei, Y.: Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Weakly-...
     with: Wei, Y.C.: Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple Cla...
     with: Wei, Y.C.: Salient object detection by composition
     with: Wei, Y.C.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Se...
     with: Wen, C.: Multiple instance learning based on positive instance selecti...
     with: Wen, S.: Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D ...
     with: Wen, Z.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fad...
     with: Wen, Z.: Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Applicat...
     with: Won, I.S.: Rigid and non-rigid object image matching using deformable ...
     with: Wu, D.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery...
     with: Wu, D.Y.: Speech Emotion Recognition via Multi-Level Attention Network
     with: Wu, F.: Deep Q Learning Driven CT Pancreas Segmentation With Geometry-...
     with: Wu, F.: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation Tappi...
     with: Wu, G.F.: Improving estimation of urban land cover fractions with rigo...
     with: Wu, J.: End-to-end Optimized Video Compression with MV-Residual Predic...
     with: Wu, K.: Surge Mechanisms of Garmo Glacier: Integrating Multi-Source Da...
     with: Wu, Q.: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Coil ...
     with: Wu, S.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom On...
     with: Wu, X.: End-to-end Optimized Video Compression with MV-Residual Predic...
     with: Wu, X.: Spatial Development of Strong Storm-Induced Ionospheric Pertur...
     with: Wu, X.D.: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyper...
     with: Wu, Y.: Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction
     with: Wu, Y.R.: Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Incremental Model for Fl...
     with: Wu, Y.R.: Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for Flood Pred...
     with: Wu, Z.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakutsk...
     with: Wu, Z.S.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitud...
     with: Wu, Z.S.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness a...
     with: Wu, Z.X.: From Low-Cost Depth Sensors to CAD: Cross-Domain 3D Shape Re...
     with: Xi, Y.: CoDerainNet: Collaborative Deraining Network for Drone-View Ob...
     with: Xiang, J.: AIRPORT: A Data Consistency Constrained Deep Temporal Extra...
     with: Xiang, Q.C.: lightweight and continuous dimensional emotion analysis s...
     with: Xiao, H.: Deep Salient Object Detection With Dense Connections and Dis...
     with: Xiao, H.: MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation
     with: Xiao, H.: Revisiting Dilated Convolution: A Simple Approach for Weakly...
     with: Xiao, H.Z.: Vehicle Selection and Resource Optimization for Federated ...
     with: Xiao, M.: Asynchronous Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative T...
     with: Xiao, N.: Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Feat...
     with: Xiao, S.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Xiao, S.: Hierarchical Contextual Refinement Networks for Human Pose E...
     with: Xiao, S.: Structured AutoEncoders for Subspace Clustering
     with: Xiao, Y.: Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earthq...
     with: Xiao, Y.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
     with: Xie, B.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for C...
     with: Xie, D.: Estimation of Pb Content Using Reflectance Spectroscopy in Fa...
     with: Xie, Y.: Particle Pollution Estimation from Images Using Convolutional...
     with: Xie, Y.R.: Grayscale-inversion and rotation invariant image descriptio...
     with: Xing, J.: Hierarchical Contextual Refinement Networks for Human Pose E...
     with: Xing, J.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Xing, S.: Pitfalls in GPR Data Interpretation: False Reflectors Detect...
     with: Xiong, F.F.: EMDSQA: A Neural Speech Quality Assessment Model With Spe...
     with: Xiong, H.: Zigzag Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
     with: Xiong, L.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Xiong, W.: Regional Interactive Image Segmentation Networks
     with: Xiong, W.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness ...
     with: Xiong, X.S.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary A...
     with: Xu, B.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional N...
     with: Xu, C.: Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Uncerta...
     with: Xu, C.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Xu, C.: Lane-changing decision method based Nash Q-learning with consi...
     with: Xu, D.: Histogram Contextualization
     with: Xu, H.Y.: MTHetGNN: A heterogeneous graph embedding framework for mult...
     with: Xu, J.: Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential Tomogr...
     with: Xu, J.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Ca...
     with: Xu, J.F.: Light Field Salient Object Detection Based on Spatial Featur...
     with: Xu, L.W.: Fuzzy Adaptive Event-Triggered Path Tracking Control for Aut...
     with: Xu, M.: Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Request...
     with: Xu, M.: Integrated Optimization Model for Energy Saving in Metro Opera...
     with: Xu, M.: Latent fingerprint enhancement using Gabor and minutia diction...
     with: Xu, N.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitudes...
     with: Xu, N.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakutsk...
     with: Xu, P.: Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weighted-g...
     with: Xu, R.Z.: Depth Map Denoising Network and Lightweight Fusion Network f...
     with: Xu, T.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitudes...
     with: Xu, T.: Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
     with: Xu, T.: Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
     with: Xu, T.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness at ...
     with: Xu, T.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakutsk...
     with: Xu, W.: Context-Aware Attention LSTM Network for Flood Prediction
     with: Xu, W.G.: Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Incremental Model for Fl...
     with: Xu, W.G.: Local and Global Bayesian Network based Model for Flood Pred...
     with: Xu, W.H.: Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential Tomo...
     with: Xu, X.: OSRI: A Rotationally Invariant Binary Descriptor
     with: Xu, Y.: Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for Lo...
     with: Xu, Y.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Xu, Y.W.: Motion Vector Entropy Coding Scheme Based on Motion Field Re...
     with: Xu, Z.: Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D P...
     with: Xu, Z.B.: Improved Average Acceleration Approach of Modelling Earth Gr...
     with: Xu, Z.B.: New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
     with: Xu, Z.Z.: How Many Vehicles Do We Need? Fleet Sizing for Shared Autono...
     with: Xue, B.H.: lightweight and continuous dimensional emotion analysis sys...
     with: Xue, X.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation N...
     with: Yan, S.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Yan, S.: Deep Salient Object Detection With Dense Connections and Dist...
     with: Yan, S.: End-to-End Comparative Attention Networks for Person Re-Ident...
     with: Yan, S.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Yan, S.: Hierarchical Contextual Refinement Networks for Human Pose Es...
     with: Yan, S.: Histogram Contextualization
     with: Yan, S.: Human Pose Estimation with Parsing Induced Learner
     with: Yan, S.: Multistage Object Detection With Group Recursive Learning
     with: Yan, S.: Scale-Aware Fast R-CNN for Pedestrian Detection
     with: Yan, S.: Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Machines
     with: Yan, S.: Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis: Exact Recovery of...
     with: Yan, S.: Toward a Comprehensive Face Detector in the Wild
     with: Yan, S.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Yan, S.: Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Accumulative Motion...
     with: Yan, S.C.: Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple Cla...
     with: Yan, S.C.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Se...
     with: Yan, Z.: Drop an Octave: Reducing Spatial Redundancy in Convolutional ...
     with: Yan, Z.: TC-SfM: Robust Track-Community-Based Structure-From-Motion
     with: Yang, A.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom ...
     with: Yang, H.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation ...
     with: Yang, J.: FoveaNet: Perspective-Aware Urban Scene Parsing
     with: Yang, L.: Automatic Approach to Extracting Large-Scale Three-Dimension...
     with: Yang, M.H.: TapLab: A Fast Framework for Semantic Video Segmentation T...
     with: Yang, S.: Learning Markov Clustering Networks for Scene Text Detection
     with: Yang, S.: Structured AutoEncoders for Subspace Clustering
     with: Yang, W.: Particle Pollution Estimation from Images Using Convolutiona...
     with: Yang, X.: Automatic Approach to Extracting Large-Scale Three-Dimension...
     with: Yang, X.D.: Novel Real-Time Processing Wideband Waveform Generator of ...
     with: Yang, X.L.: Low-Rank Tensor and Hybrid Smoothness Regularization-Based...
     with: Yang, Y.: Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Obj...
     with: Yao, L.L.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Art...
     with: Yau, W.: Structured AutoEncoders for Subspace Clustering
     with: Ye, X.: Associate-3Ddet: Perceptual-to-Conceptual Association for 3D P...
     with: Ye, X.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation Ne...
     with: Ye, Z.: Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Request...
     with: Ye, Z.: Integrated Optimization Model for Energy Saving in Metro Opera...
     with: Yeo, T.S.: MIMO Radar 3D Imaging Based on Combined Amplitude and Total...
     with: Yin, F.: Estimation of Pb Content Using Reflectance Spectroscopy in Fa...
     with: Yin, G.D.: Fuzzy Adaptive Event-Triggered Path Tracking Control for Au...
     with: Yin, J.: Deep Recurrent Regression for Facial Landmark Detection
     with: Yoo, C.D.: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-supervi...
     with: Yu, F.: Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
     with: Yu, H.P.: Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiclass S...
     with: Yu, H.P.: Divide-and-Conquer Dual-Architecture Convolutional Neural Ne...
     with: Yu, J.Y.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopatholo...
     with: Yu, Q.: Mapping tropical dry forest succession using multiple criteria...
     with: Yu, Q.H.: Hierarchical Bayesian Network Based Incremental Model for Fl...
     with: Yu, T.: Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Learnin...
     with: Yu, T.Y.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation w...
     with: Yu, Y.: Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for On-...
     with: Yu, Z.J.: Novel Real-Time Processing Wideband Waveform Generator of Ai...
     with: Yuan, L.: Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Vide...
     with: Yuan, L.: Revisiting Knowledge Distillation via Label Smoothing Regula...
     with: Yuan, L.: Unsupervised Video Summarization With Cycle-Consistent Adver...
     with: Yuan, Y.: Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies before the Tonga Volcanic ...
     with: Yue, E.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom O...
     with: Zeng, D.: Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information-gu...
     with: Zeng, G.: Salient object detection for searched web images via global ...
     with: Zeng, J.L.: Novel Real-Time Processing Wideband Waveform Generator of ...
     with: Zeng, K.: Multi-depth dilated network for fashion landmark detection w...
     with: Zeng, S.Q.: PathSRGAN: Multi-Supervised Super-Resolution for Cytopatho...
     with: Zeng, Y.: Automatic Diagnosis Based on Spatial Information Fusion Feat...
     with: Zeng, Z.: Low-Rank Tensor and Hybrid Smoothness Regularization-Based A...
     with: Zha, H.B.: Salient object detection for searched web images via global...
     with: Zhang, C.: Online anomaly detection in videos by clustering dynamic ex...
     with: Zhang, C.: Online Learning with Self-Organizing Maps for Anomaly Detec...
     with: Zhang, C.: Salient object detection by composition
     with: Zhang, C.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for...
     with: Zhang, C.N.: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-super...
     with: Zhang, C.S.: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-super...
     with: Zhang, E.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multisca...
     with: Zhang, F.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitu...
     with: Zhang, F.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Custom...
     with: Zhang, H.: Formation Tracking Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Sys...
     with: Zhang, H.: Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
     with: Zhang, H.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark for...
     with: Zhang, H.G.: Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weigh...
     with: Zhang, H.X.: CSIT: Channel Spatial Integrated Transformer for human po...
     with: Zhang, J.: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Mat...
     with: Zhang, J.: Iterative Spectral Unmixing for Optimizing Per-Pixel Endmem...
     with: Zhang, J.: Particle Pollution Estimation from Images Using Convolution...
     with: Zhang, J.: Single-Stage Multi-Person Pose Machines
     with: Zhang, J.J.: Research on 4-D Imaging of Holographic SAR Differential T...
     with: Zhang, J.P.: SDANet: Semantic-Embedded Density Adaptive Network for Mo...
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: DCPMS: A Large-Scale Raster Layer Serving Method for Cust...
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with S...
     with: Zhang, J.Y.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark f...
     with: Zhang, J.Z.: adaptive dynamic combined energy minimization model for f...
     with: Zhang, J.Z.: Improved kernel-based limited-view CT reconstruction VIA ...
     with: Zhang, K.: Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Dataset...
     with: Zhang, K.: Decoupled Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Self-supervi...
     with: Zhang, L.: Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Impro...
     with: Zhang, L.: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Mat...
     with: Zhang, M.: Deep Salient Object Detection With Dense Connections and Di...
     with: Zhang, M.: MoNet: Deep Motion Exploitation for Video Object Segmentation
     with: Zhang, M.J.: Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datas...
     with: Zhang, M.X.: Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Deep Multi...
     with: Zhang, N.: Secure and Flexible Data Sharing With Dual Privacy Protecti...
     with: Zhang, R.N.: Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spa...
     with: Zhang, S.C.: Uncovering what, why and How: A Comprehensive Benchmark f...
     with: Zhang, S.X.: novel method for fusing graph convolutional network and f...
     with: Zhang, T.: Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies before the Tonga Volcanic...
     with: Zhang, T.: Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Free-Space O...
     with: Zhang, W.T.: Uncorrelated feature selection via sparse latent represen...
     with: Zhang, X.: Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Ob...
     with: Zhang, X.: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Art...
     with: Zhang, X.: Central Similarity Quantization for Efficient Image and Vid...
     with: Zhang, X.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation...
     with: Zhang, X.: Zigzag Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Content analysis based smart macroblock rearrangement for...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Dynamic selection and effective compression of key frames...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Frame interpolation scheme using inertia motion prediction
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Image watermarking using tree-based spatial-frequency fea...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Inertia-based video cut detection and its integration wit...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: new cut detection algorithm with constant false-alarm rat...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Shot reconstruction degree: a novel criterion for key fra...
     with: Zhang, X.D.: Universal perceptual weighted zerotree coding for image a...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Attention Multibranch Convolutional Neural Network for Hy...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Multiclas...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independen...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Cross-frame keypoint-based and spatial motion information...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Semisupervised Hyperspect...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Divide-and-Conquer Dual-Architecture Convolutional Neural...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Collaborative Le...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Trivariate Mutual I...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with S...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel C...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Ba...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: SDANet: Semantic-Embedded Density Adaptive Network for Mo...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum informati...
     with: Zhang, X.X.: GeoSDVA: A Semi-Supervised Dirichlet Variational Autoenco...
     with: Zhang, Y.: IMJENSE: Scan-Specific Implicit Representation for Joint Co...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Learning Temporal Cues for Fine-Grained Action Recognition
     with: Zhang, Y.: Tabu-Based Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Multi-Dep...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statis...
     with: Zhang, Y.F.: Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Base...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Lati...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: High-Resolution Observation of Ionospheric E-Layer Irregu...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multis...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low L...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thicknes...
     with: Zhang, Y.Q.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Ya...
     with: Zhang, Z.: End-to-end Optimized Video Compression with MV-Residual Pre...
     with: Zhang, Z.: Spatial Development of Strong Storm-Induced Ionospheric Per...
     with: Zhang, Z.H.: Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies before the Tonga Volcan...
     with: Zhang, Z.Z.: Breast mass classification via deeply integrating the con...
     with: Zhao, B.: Left-Right Comparative Recurrent Model for Stereo Matching
     with: Zhao, D.: Estimation of Pb Content Using Reflectance Spectroscopy in F...
     with: Zhao, D.S.: Spatial Development of Strong Storm-Induced Ionospheric Pe...
     with: Zhao, F.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Zhao, F.: Weakly Supervised Phrase Localization with Multi-scale Ancho...
     with: Zhao, H.L.: Real-time saliency-aware video abstraction
     with: Zhao, H.S.: Ionospheric Reconstructions Using Faraday Rotation in Spac...
     with: Zhao, J.: Bi-Level Model to Resolve Conflicting Transit Priority Reque...
     with: Zhao, J.: Know You at One Glance: A Compact Vector Representation for ...
     with: Zhao, J.: Towards Pose Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild
     with: Zhao, J.: Vehicle Selection and Resource Optimization for Federated Le...
     with: Zhao, J.: Weakly Supervised Phrase Localization with Multi-scale Ancho...
     with: Zhao, J.H.: Horizon Picking from SBP Images Using Physicals-Combined D...
     with: Zhao, J.H.: Zero-Shot Pipeline Detection for Sub-Bottom Profiler Data ...
     with: Zhao, J.X.: Order Dispatching Via GNN-Based Optimization Algorithm for...
     with: Zhao, K.: Robust Visual Tracking Via An Imbalance-Elimination Mechanism
     with: Zhao, K.L.: Robust visual tracking by embedding combination and weight...
     with: Zhao, W.: Active Collision Avoidance Strategy Considering Motion Uncer...
     with: Zhao, W.: Lane-changing decision method based Nash Q-learning with con...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Improv...
     with: Zhao, Y.: MIMO Radar 3D Imaging Based on Combined Amplitude and Total ...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Object Region Mining with Adversarial Erasing: A Simple Clas...
     with: Zhao, Y.: STC: A Simple to Complex Framework for Weakly-Supervised Sem...
     with: Zhao, Y.: Temporally Refined Graph U-Nets for Human Shape and Pose Est...
     with: Zhao, Z.Y.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latit...
     with: Zhao, Z.Y.: High-Resolution Observation of Ionospheric E-Layer Irregul...
     with: Zhao, Z.Y.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low La...
     with: Zhao, Z.Y.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yak...
     with: Zhen, W.M.: Statistical Study of Ionospheric Equivalent Slab Thickness...
     with: Zheng, C.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and...
     with: Zheng, F.G.: Weighted Block Matching-Based Anchor Shot Detection with ...
     with: Zheng, G.: Horizon Picking from SBP Images Using Physicals-Combined De...
     with: Zheng, G.: Zero-Shot Pipeline Detection for Sub-Bottom Profiler Data B...
     with: Zheng, L.: Comparison of Correlation Filter-Based Trackers and Struck ...
     with: Zheng, Q.: SSF-DAN: Separated Semantic Feature Based Domain Adaptation...
     with: Zheng, Y.: Fast macroblock encoding algorithm based on rate-distortion...
     with: Zheng, Z.: New Algorithm for Water Information Extraction from High Re...
     with: Zhou, B.F.: VGG-Embedded Adaptive Layer-Normalized Crowd Counting Net ...
     with: Zhou, C.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitud...
     with: Zhou, C.: High-Resolution Observation of Ionospheric E-Layer Irregular...
     with: Zhou, C.: Statistical Analysis of SF Occurrence in Middle and Low Lati...
     with: Zhou, C.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yakut...
     with: Zhou, D.: PANet: Few-Shot Image Semantic Segmentation With Prototype A...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: Active contour model of breast cancer DCE-MRI segmentation...
     with: Zhou, H.Y.: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Low-Rank Representation with Sp...
     with: Zhou, J.: Action recognition in RGB-D egocentric videos
     with: Zhou, J.: Deep Localized Metric Learning
     with: Zhou, J.: Depth Estimation Using a Sliding Camera
     with: Zhou, J.: Detection and Rectification of Distorted Fingerprints
     with: Zhou, J.: Exploiting Unsupervised and Supervised Constraints for Subsp...
     with: Zhou, J.: Latent fingerprint enhancement using Gabor and minutia dicti...
     with: Zhou, J.: Multi-Stream Deep Neural Networks for RGB-D Egocentric Actio...
     with: Zhou, J.: OSRI: A Rotationally Invariant Binary Descriptor
     with: Zhou, J.T.: Structured AutoEncoders for Subspace Clustering
     with: Zhou, L.: End-to-end Optimized Video Compression with MV-Residual Pred...
     with: Zhou, M.: Code-Aided Channel Tracking and Decoding Over Sparse Fast-Fa...
     with: Zhou, M.: Optimal Positioning of Ground Base Stations in Free-Space Op...
     with: Zhou, M.: Topology Discovery for Linear Wireless Networks With Applica...
     with: Zhou, M.Q.: Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statist...
     with: Zhou, P.: Deep Adversarial Subspace Clustering
     with: Zhou, P.: Outlier-Robust Tensor PCA
     with: Zhou, Q.: Weakly-Supervised Framework for COVID-19 Classification and ...
     with: Zhou, X.C.: Lane-changing decision method based Nash Q-learning with c...
     with: Zhou, Y.F.: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latit...
     with: Zhou, Y.F.: High-Resolution Observation of Ionospheric E-Layer Irregul...
     with: Zhou, Y.F.: Statistical Study of the Ionospheric Slab Thickness at Yak...
     with: Zhu, J.L.: Clustering-Based Feature Selection for Content Based Remote...
     with: Zhu, Q.S.: Natural neighbor: A self-adaptive neighborhood method witho...
     with: Zhu, W.: Fast macroblock encoding algorithm based on rate-distortion a...
     with: Zhu, X.: PSMD-Net: A Novel Pan-Sharpening Method Based on a Multiscale...
     with: Zhu, X.Y.: Fuzzy Adaptive Event-Triggered Path Tracking Control for Au...
     with: Zhuo, Y.: Potential Mechanism of the Satellite Thermal Infrared Seismi...
     with: Zou, L.: Study of fabric defects detection through Gabor filter based ...
     with: Zou, X.: Novel Method for Mitigating the GPS Multipath Effect Based on...
     with: Zou, Y.: PANet: Few-Shot Image Semantic Segmentation With Prototype Al...
     with: Zuo, Y.: Human Pose Estimation with Parsing Induced Learner
988 for Feng, J.

Feng, J.B. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chang, Y.F.: Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
     with: Chu, Y.P.: Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
     with: Guo, Y.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usin...
     with: He, Y.C.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usi...
     with: Li, C.M.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usi...
     with: Lin, L.P.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia us...
     with: Liu, J.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usin...
     with: Liu, X.H.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia us...
     with: Shi, F.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usin...
     with: Tsai, C.S.: Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
     with: Wang, S.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usi...
     with: Wang, W.J.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia u...
     with: Wei, Y.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usin...
     with: Wu, H.C.: Visual secret sharing for multiple secrets
     with: Yang, Q.N.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia u...
     with: Zeng, P.: Differentiation between COVID-19 and bacterial pneumonia usi...
16 for Feng, J.B.

Feng, J.C. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bai, L.: Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estimatin...
     with: Dai, M.: Cross-Scale Spatiotemporal Refinement Learning for Skeleton-B...
     with: Dai, M.: Global spatio-temporal synergistic topology learning for skel...
     with: Fan, M.: Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estimatin...
     with: Fang, Y.: Detect and Approach: Close-range Navigation Support for Peop...
     with: Hao, Y.: Detect and Approach: Close-range Navigation Support for Peopl...
     with: Hong, F.T.: MIST: Multiple Instance Self-Training Framework for Video ...
     with: Jia, K.: Cross-Scale Spatiotemporal Refinement Learning for Skeleton-B...
     with: Jia, K.: Global spatio-temporal synergistic topology learning for skel...
     with: Liu, K.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminesce...
     with: Peng, Y.: Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estimati...
     with: Qin, C.H.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved biolumines...
     with: Rizzo, J.R.: Detect and Approach: Close-range Navigation Support for P...
     with: Sang, W.G.: Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estima...
     with: Sun, Z.H.: Cross-Scale Spatiotemporal Refinement Learning for Skeleton...
     with: Sun, Z.H.: Global spatio-temporal synergistic topology learning for sk...
     with: Tao, Z.Y.: Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estimat...
     with: Tian, J.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminesc...
     with: Tse, C.K.: Analysis of the Characteristic of the Kalman Gain for 1-D C...
     with: Tse, C.K.: Spherical Simplex-Radial Cubature Kalman Filter
     with: Wang, S.Y.: Analysis of the Characteristic of the Kalman Gain for 1-D ...
     with: Wang, S.Y.: Spherical Simplex-Radial Cubature Kalman Filter
     with: Wang, T.Y.: Global spatio-temporal synergistic topology learning for s...
     with: Wang, Y.: Detect and Approach: Close-range Navigation Support for Peop...
     with: Xu, M.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminescen...
     with: Yan, G.R.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved biolumines...
     with: Yang, X.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved bioluminesc...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Cross-Scale Spatiotemporal Refinement Learning for Skeleton...
     with: Zhao, Z.X.: Identification of the Best Hyperspectral Indices in Estima...
     with: Zheng, W.S.: MIST: Multiple Instance Self-Training Framework for Video...
     with: Zhu, S.P.: adaptive meshless method for spectrally resolved biolumines...
31 for Feng, J.C.

Feng, J.D. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, J.H.: Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC...
     with: Guo, L.: Accurate and fast single shot multibox detector
     with: Han, B.M.: Analysis of Winter Anomaly and Annual Anomaly Based on Regr...
     with: Han, B.M.: New Global Total Electron Content Empirical Model, A
     with: Li, L.H.: Accurate and fast single shot multibox detector
     with: Wang, D.X.: Accurate and fast single shot multibox detector
     with: Wang, K.X.: Analysis of Winter Anomaly and Annual Anomaly Based on Reg...
     with: Wang, Z.T.: New Global Total Electron Content Empirical Model, A
     with: Wu, H.C.: Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC i...
     with: Xiong, P.: Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC ...
     with: Zhang, T.: Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TEC ...
     with: Zhang, X.M.: Multi-Parameter Empirical Fusion Model for Ionospheric TE...
     with: Zhao, Z.Z.: Analysis of Winter Anomaly and Annual Anomaly Based on Reg...
     with: Zhao, Z.Z.: New Global Total Electron Content Empirical Model, A
14 for Feng, J.D.

Feng, J.F. Standard Author Listing
     with: An, D.W.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-S...
     with: Bai, P.: Novel Building Extraction Network via Multi-Scale Foreground ...
     with: Bi, Y.M.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-S...
     with: Bian, J.J.: Complex Gaussian Mixture Model for fingerprint minutiae
     with: Bian, J.J.: Spectral correspondence method for fingerprint minutia mat...
     with: Cao, J.: novel fingerprint matching algorithm using Minutiae Phase Dif...
     with: Cao, J.: novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on Gabo...
     with: Chao, H.Q.: GaitSet: Cross-View Gait Recognition Through Utilizing Gai...
     with: Chen, B.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection ...
     with: Chen, M.: Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dense...
     with: Chen, X.: Lossy and Lossless Compression for Color-quantized Images
     with: Chen, X.: new compression scheme for color-quantized images, A
     with: Chen, X.G.: Novel Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Local Structure...
     with: Chen, X.G.: novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on G...
     with: Chen, X.G.: Robust Fingerprint Matching Approach: Growing and Fusing o...
     with: Cheng, C.M.: Dual Skipping Networks
     with: Cheng, X.H.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Lo...
     with: Deng, Z.R.: novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on G...
     with: Ding, E.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection ...
     with: Ding, E.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Local...
     with: Ding, E.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Dou, F.L.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-...
     with: Du, L.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Ne...
     with: Du, L.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular 3D...
     with: Du, L.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Localiz...
     with: Du, L.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Fan, D.J.: fingerprint matching algorithm using probabilistic graphica...
     with: Feng, R.: Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dense...
     with: Feng, Y.S.: Novel Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Local Structure...
     with: Fu, X.: Complex Gaussian Mixture Model for fingerprint minutiae
     with: Fu, X.: Face recognition with illumination distinction description
     with: Fu, X.: novel fingerprint matching algorithm using Minutiae Phase Diff...
     with: Fu, X.: Spectral correspondence method for fingerprint minutia matching
     with: Fu, Y.Q.: MIND-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3d Objects in Human Brain
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular ...
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Dual Skipping Networks
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Enhancing Cross-subject fmri-to-video Decoding with Global-l...
     with: Fu, Y.W.: MIND-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3d Objects in Human Brain
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Neuropictor: Refining fmri-to-image Reconstruction via Multi...
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequence...
     with: Fu, Y.W.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense Pre...
     with: Gao, J.X.: MIND-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3d Objects in Human Brain
     with: Gao, L.: complete discriminative subspace for robust face recognition, A
     with: Gao, X.: novel fingerprint matching algorithm using Minutiae Phase Dif...
     with: Gao, X.: novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on Gabo...
     with: Gu, Z.: SMBCNet: A Transformer-Based Approach for Change Detection in ...
     with: Gu, Z.: Stage-Adaptive Selective Network with Position Awareness for S...
     with: Gu, Z.J.: Bidirectional Flow Decision Tree for Reliable Remote Sensing...
     with: Guo, G.D.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular...
     with: Han, D.H.: Learning Effective Global Receptive Field for Facial Expres...
     with: Han, J.Y.: Learning Effective Global Receptive Field for Facial Expres...
     with: Han, X.Y.: MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive Re...
     with: He, Y.W.: GaitSet: Cross-View Gait Recognition Through Utilizing Gait ...
     with: Huo, H.W.: complete discriminative subspace for robust face recognitio...
     with: Huo, H.W.: Face Recognition via AAM and Multi-features Fusion on Riema...
     with: Huo, H.W.: Online AdaBoost ECOC for image classification
     with: Huo, H.W.: Online Boosting OC for Face Recognition in Continuous Video...
     with: Huo, J.Y.: Enhancing Cross-subject fmri-to-video Decoding with Global-...
     with: Huo, J.Y.: Neuropictor: Refining fmri-to-image Reconstruction via Mult...
     with: Ji, X.H.: new approach to thinning based on time-reversed heat conduct...
     with: Jiang, M.Y.: Robust low-rank subspace recovery and face image denoisin...
     with: Jiang, M.Y.: Segmentation via NCuts and Lossy Minimum Description Leng...
     with: Jiang, M.Y.: Towards Hypothesis Testing and Lossy Minimum Description ...
     with: Jiang, Y.G.: Dual Skipping Networks
     with: Johns, E.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection...
     with: Kwong, S.: Lossy and Lossless Compression for Color-quantized Images
     with: Kwong, S.: new compression scheme for color-quantized images, A
     with: Li, A.: Learning Effective Global Receptive Field for Facial Expressio...
     with: Li, C.: Enhancing Cross-subject fmri-to-video Decoding with Global-loc...
     with: Li, C.: Neuropictor: Refining fmri-to-image Reconstruction via Multi-i...
     with: Li, C.X.: Segmentation via NCuts and Lossy Minimum Description Length:...
     with: Li, C.X.: Towards Hypothesis Testing and Lossy Minimum Description Len...
     with: Li, J.C.: Adaptive Embedding Network with Spatial Constraints for the ...
     with: Li, M.J.: Color texture moments for content-based image retrieval
     with: Li, Y.L.: Automatic frontal view face image synthesis
     with: Li, Y.L.: Face recognition with illumination distinction description
     with: Li, Y.L.: Sparse representation shape model
     with: Li, Y.L.: Sparse Representation Shape Models
     with: Li, Y.L.: Synthesizing for face recognition
     with: Li, Y.Y.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Liu, C.J.: Complex Gaussian Mixture Model for fingerprint minutiae
     with: Liu, C.J.: Face recognition with illumination distinction description
     with: Liu, C.J.: novel fingerprint matching algorithm using Minutiae Phase D...
     with: Liu, C.J.: novel method of fingerprint minutiae extraction based on Ga...
     with: Liu, C.J.: Spectral correspondence method for fingerprint minutia matc...
     with: Liu, J.L.: Novel Building Extraction Network via Multi-Scale Foregroun...
     with: Liu, W.: Dual Skipping Networks
     with: Lu, J.C.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequence...
     with: Lu, J.C.: Softmax-Free Linear Transformers
     with: Lu, J.C.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense Pre...
     with: Lu, W.L.: Dual Skipping Networks
     with: Lu, X.Q.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Patter...
     with: Luan, Y.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-S...
     with: Luo, Z.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequence ...
     with: Ma, H.Y.: Accelerating Score-Based Generative Models with Precondition...
     with: Meng, L.: Sparse Representation Shape Models
     with: Nie, H.T.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Patte...
     with: Peng, T.Y.: MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive R...
     with: Qian, W.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Patter...
     with: Qian, X.: Enhancing Cross-subject fmri-to-video Decoding with Global-l...
     with: Qian, X.: MIND-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3d Objects in Human Brain
     with: Qian, X.: Neuropictor: Refining fmri-to-image Reconstruction via Multi...
     with: Shi, Q.Y.: Improved 3-D shape recovery and correction algorithm from a...
     with: Shi, Q.Y.: Texture Feature Based on Local Fourier Transform
     with: Shi, Y.F.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Song, D.H.: Aggregating minutia-centred deep convolutional features fo...
     with: Song, Z.: Novel Fingerprint Matching Scheme Based on Local Structure C...
     with: Sun, B.: Learning IMED via shift-invariant transformation
     with: Sun, X.C.: Further results on the subspace distance
     with: Tan, X.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection N...
     with: Tan, X.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Locali...
     with: Tan, X.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Tang, X.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Patter...
     with: Tang, Y.: Aggregating minutia-centred deep convolutional features for ...
     with: Tong, X.W.: Unified Model of GMRF and MOG for Image Segmentation, A
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequ...
     with: Torr, P.H.S.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense...
     with: Wan, X.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Pattern...
     with: Wang, D.: Bidirectional Flow Decision Tree for Reliable Remote Sensing...
     with: Wang, D.: Crowd Anomaly Detection via Spatial Constraints and Meaningf...
     with: Wang, K.: GaitSet: Cross-View Gait Recognition Through Utilizing Gait ...
     with: Wang, L.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular ...
     with: Wang, L.W.: Comments on Fundamental Limits of Reconstruction-Based Sup...
     with: Wang, L.W.: equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA, The
     with: Wang, L.W.: Further results on the subspace distance
     with: Wang, L.W.: Intrapersonal Subspace Analysis with Application to Adapti...
     with: Wang, L.W.: Learning IMED via shift-invariant transformation
     with: Wang, L.W.: On the Euclidean Distance of Images
     with: Wang, L.W.: Segmentation via NCuts and Lossy Minimum Description Lengt...
     with: Wang, L.W.: Subspace distance analysis with application to adaptive Ba...
     with: Wang, L.W.: Towards Hypothesis Testing and Lossy Minimum Description L...
     with: Wang, X.: equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA, The
     with: Wang, X.: Intrapersonal Subspace Analysis with Application to Adaptive...
     with: Wang, X.: Subspace distance analysis with application to adaptive Baye...
     with: Wang, Y.: Enhancing Cross-subject fmri-to-video Decoding with Global-l...
     with: Wang, Y.: MIND-3D: Reconstruct High-quality 3d Objects in Human Brain
     with: Wang, Y.: Neuropictor: Refining fmri-to-image Reconstruction via Multi...
     with: Wang, Y.B.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequen...
     with: Wang, Y.K.: Neuropictor: Refining fmri-to-image Reconstruction via Mul...
     with: Wei, C.Y.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-...
     with: Wei, M.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Pattern...
     with: Wen, S.L.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Wu, J.G.: Sparse Representation Shape Models
     with: Xia, Y.: Novel Building Extraction Network via Multi-Scale Foreground ...
     with: Xiang, T.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequenc...
     with: Xiang, T.: Softmax-Free Linear Transformers
     with: Xiang, T.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense Pr...
     with: Xin, S.Y.: Combining global and minutia deep features for partial high...
     with: Xu, W.Q.: Robust Fingerprint Matching Approach: Growing and Fusing of ...
     with: Xu, W.W.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-S...
     with: Xue, X.Y.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection...
     with: Xue, X.Y.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular...
     with: Xue, X.Y.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Loca...
     with: Xue, X.Y.: Dual Skipping Networks
     with: Xue, X.Y.: Enhancing Cross-subject fmri-to-video Decoding with Global-...
     with: Xue, X.Y.: Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dens...
     with: Yang, J.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-S...
     with: Yang, X.Y.: SMBCNet: A Transformer-Based Approach for Change Detection...
     with: Ye, X.Q.: AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection ...
     with: Ye, X.Q.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular ...
     with: Ye, X.Q.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Local...
     with: Ye, X.Q.: Monocular 3d Object Detection via Feature Domain Adaptation
     with: Yu, H.: Color texture moments for content-based image retrieval
     with: Yu, P.: Unified Model of GMRF and MOG for Image Segmentation, A
     with: Yu, Z.Q.: MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive Rep...
     with: Zeng, M.: SMBCNet: A Transformer-Based Approach for Change Detection i...
     with: Zeng, M.M.: Stage-Adaptive Selective Network with Position Awareness f...
     with: Zhang, F.D.: Combining global and minutia deep features for partial hi...
     with: Zhang, H.J.: Color texture moments for content-based image retrieval
     with: Zhang, J.G.: Softmax-Free Linear Transformers
     with: Zhang, J.P.: GaitSet: Cross-View Gait Recognition Through Utilizing Ga...
     with: Zhang, L.: Accelerating Score-Based Generative Models with Preconditio...
     with: Zhang, L.: Atmospheric Temperature Measurements Using Microwave Hyper-...
     with: Zhang, L.: Crowd Anomaly Detection via Spatial Constraints and Meaning...
     with: Zhang, L.: Depth-conditioned Dynamic Message Propagation for Monocular...
     with: Zhang, L.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Loca...
     with: Zhang, L.: Rethinking Local and Global Feature Representation for Dens...
     with: Zhang, L.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequenc...
     with: Zhang, L.: Softmax-Free Linear Transformers
     with: Zhang, L.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense Pr...
     with: Zhang, S.J.: MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive ...
     with: Zhang, X.R.: equivalence of two-dimensional PCA to line-based PCA, The
     with: Zhang, X.Y.: MouseGAN++: Unsupervised Disentanglement and Contrastive ...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Eliminating Variation of Face Images Using Face Symmetry
     with: Zhang, Y.: On the Euclidean Distance of Images
     with: Zhao, H.S.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequen...
     with: Zhao, X.X.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense P...
     with: Zheng, S.X.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Seque...
     with: Zheng, S.X.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense ...
     with: Zheng, W.: SMBCNet: A Transformer-Based Approach for Change Detection ...
     with: Zheng, W.: Stage-Adaptive Selective Network with Position Awareness fo...
     with: Zhou, F.: Texture Feature Based on Local Fourier Transform
     with: Zhu, L.: ENSO Significantly Changes the Carbon Sink and Source Pattern...
     with: Zhu, X.T.: Accelerating Score-Based Generative Models with Preconditio...
     with: Zhu, X.T.: Rethinking Semantic Segmentation from a Sequence-to-Sequenc...
     with: Zhu, X.T.: Softmax-Free Linear Transformers
     with: Zhu, X.T.: Vision Transformers: From Semantic Segmentation to Dense Pr...
     with: Zou, Z.K.: Devil is in the Task: Exploiting Reciprocal Appearance-Loca...
201 for Feng, J.F.

Feng, J.G. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bilal, M.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turbid...
     with: Chen, H.R.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turbi...
     with: Cui, X.W.: Direct Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation to Improve t...
     with: Dong, G.L.: Direct Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation to Improve ...
     with: Hao, J.K.: Efficient Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Sensor-Wea...
     with: Hao, W.H.: Direct Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation to Improve t...
     with: Li, Z.X.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turbid ...
     with: Qiu, Z.F.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turbid...
     with: Wang, J.P.: Efficient Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Sensor-We...
     with: Wang, Y.: Efficient Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Sensor-Weap...
     with: Yu, Y.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turbid Es...
     with: Zhang, H.L.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turb...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Turbidity Estimation from GOCI Satellite Data in the Turb...
     with: Zhu, Z.Y.: Direct Instantaneous Frequency Rate Estimation to Improve t...
14 for Feng, J.G.

Feng, J.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Abbasi Sureshjani, S.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image ana...
     with: Bekkers, E.J.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Berendschot, T.T.J.M.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image ana...
     with: Cai, Y.: DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enhanc...
     with: Cai, Y.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal Kno...
     with: Chen, D.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Dashtbozorg, B.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Duits, R.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Eppenhof, K.A.J.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Fu, Z.: DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enhance...
     with: Fu, Z.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal Know...
     with: Han, P.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Hannink, J.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: He, W.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Huang, C.Q.: Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly...
     with: Huang, F.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Huang, X.: Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
     with: Jiang, A.: Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly D...
     with: Kang, Y.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Li, Q.: DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enhance...
     with: Li, Q.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal Know...
     with: Ma, T.: Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
     with: Ma, Z.: Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
     with: Qv, H.: Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
     with: Schouten, J.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Shen, X.M.: content-dependent Daltonization algorithm for colour visio...
     with: Smit Ockeloen, I.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: ter Haar Romeny, B.M.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image ana...
     with: Tong, M.M.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Tong, X.Y.: Clustering by centroid drift and boundary shrinkage
     with: van Triest, H.W.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Wang, G.H.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal ...
     with: Wang, X.C.: Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly ...
     with: Wang, Y.F.: Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly ...
     with: Wang, Y.W.: DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enh...
     with: Wang, Y.W.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal ...
     with: Wei, X.Y.: DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-Enha...
     with: Wei, X.Y.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal K...
     with: Wu, H.H.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Xu, L.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Zhang, J.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
     with: Zhang, X.D.: content-dependent Daltonization algorithm for colour visi...
     with: Zhang, Y.: Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly D...
     with: Zheng, C.M.: DRAKE: Deep Pair-Wise Relation Alignment for Knowledge-En...
     with: Zheng, C.M.: Towards Bridged Vision and Language: Learning Cross-Modal...
     with: Zhu, S.S.: Brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis
46 for Feng, J.H.

Feng, J.J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cai, A.N.: Exact Ridge Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification...
     with: Cai, A.N.: Fingerprint Indexing Using Ridge Invariants
     with: Cai, A.N.: Fingerprint matching using ridges
     with: Cai, A.N.: Fingerprint Matching With Rotation-Descriptor Texture Featu...
     with: Cai, A.N.: Fingerprint Representation and Matching in Ridge Coordinate...
     with: Cao, Z.: Label2Label: A Language Modeling Framework for Multi-attribut...
     with: Chen, G.: Localized multi-kernel discriminative canonical correlation ...
     with: Chen, L.: Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Instr...
     with: Chen, L.: Order-Constrained Representation Learning for Instructional ...
     with: Chen, P.: ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Internal F...
     with: Chen, Y.F.: Flexible Multi-view Multi-modal Imaging System for Outdoor...
     with: Chen, Y.F.: HumanReg: Self-supervised Non-rigid Registration of Human ...
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Nonlinear Discrete Hashing
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Nonlinear Sparse Hashing
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Nonlinear Structural Hashing for Scalable Video Search
     with: Chen, Z.X.: Reconstruction-based supervised hashing
     with: Cheng, S.H.: Three-dimensional enhancement of confocal scanning laser ...
     with: Cheng, X.J.: Scene recognition with objectness
     with: Cui, Z.: Monocular 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction and Unwarping
     with: Dai, J.F.: Mining sub-categories for object detection
     with: Dai, J.F.: Robust and Efficient Ridge-Based Palmprint Matching
     with: Dong, C.: Rapid Ship Detection Method on Movable Platform Based on Dis...
     with: Dong, C.M.: Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Co...
     with: Duan, Y.Q.: Context-Aware Local Binary Feature Learning for Face Recog...
     with: Duan, Y.Q.: Graph-based Social Relation Reasoning
     with: Duan, Y.Q.: Learning Deep Binary Descriptor with Multi-Quantization
     with: Duan, Y.Q.: Learning Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Descriptor
     with: Duarr, Y.: Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Inst...
     with: Fan, B.: Flexible Multi-view Multi-modal Imaging System for Outdoor Sc...
     with: Fei, X.: Pan-sharpening via multi-scale and multiple deep neural netwo...
     with: Guo, H.R.: Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Background...
     with: Guo, W.X.: Camera-lidar Cross-modality Gait Recognition
     with: Guo, W.X.: Flexible Multi-view Multi-modal Imaging System for Outdoor ...
     with: Guo, W.X.: HumanReg: Self-supervised Non-rigid Registration of Human P...
     with: Guo, W.X.: LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
     with: Guo, Z.Q.: 3D Vascular Segmentation Supervised by 2D Annotation of Max...
     with: He, B.: Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Background Pr...
     with: Hu, H.: Multi-Class Constrained Normalized Cut With Hard, Soft, Unary ...
     with: Hu, H.: Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative restr...
     with: Hu, H.: Smooth Representation Clustering
     with: Hu, Z.: Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Instruc...
     with: Huang, W.: New Architecture of Densely Connected Convolutional Network...
     with: Huang, W.: Pan-sharpening via multi-scale and multiple deep neural net...
     with: Huang, X.K.: Learning Probabilistic Ordinal Embeddings for Uncertainty...
     with: Huang, Y.: Pan-sharpening via multi-scale and multiple deep neural net...
     with: Ip, H.H.S.: Three-dimensional enhancement of confocal scanning laser f...
     with: Jain, A.K.: Altered Fingerprints: Analysis and Detection
     with: Jain, A.K.: Detecting Altered Fingerprints
     with: Jain, A.K.: Filtering large fingerprint database for latent matching
     with: Jain, A.K.: Fingerprint Matching
     with: Jain, A.K.: Fingerprint Reconstruction: From Minutiae to Phase
     with: Jain, A.K.: FM Model Based Fingerprint Reconstruction from Minutiae Te...
     with: Jain, A.K.: Latent Fingerprint Matching
     with: Jain, A.K.: Latent Fingerprint Matching: Fusion of Rolled and Plain Fi...
     with: Jain, A.K.: Latent Palmprint Matching
     with: Jain, A.K.: On matching latent fingerprints
     with: Jain, A.K.: Orientation Field Estimation for Latent Fingerprint Enhanc...
     with: Jia, G.L.: 3D Multi-Object Online Tracking with Multi-View Clustering
     with: Kuo, C.C.J.: Deep convolutional neural network for latent fingerprint ...
     with: Li, B.: Rapid Ship Detection Method on Movable Platform Based on Discr...
     with: Li, J.: Deep convolutional neural network for latent fingerprint enhan...
     with: Li, M.: Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Instruc...
     with: Li, M.: Order-Constrained Representation Learning for Instructional Vi...
     with: Li, W.: BridgeNet: A Continuity-Aware Probabilistic Network for Age Es...
     with: Li, W.: Label2Label: A Language Modeling Framework for Multi-attribute...
     with: Li, W.: Meta-Mining Discriminative Samples for Kinship Verification
     with: Li, W.: MetaAge: Meta-Learning Personalized Age Estimators
     with: Li, W.: Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From Star-S...
     with: Li, W.H.: Graph-based Social Relation Reasoning
     with: Li, W.H.: Learning Probabilistic Ordinal Embeddings for Uncertainty-Aw...
     with: Liang, R.H.: ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Interna...
     with: Liang, Y.P.: Camera-lidar Cross-modality Gait Recognition
     with: Liang, Y.P.: LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
     with: Lin, J.: Consistent-Aware Deep Learning for Person Re-identification i...
     with: Lin, W.S.: Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Col...
     with: Lin, Z.C.: Smooth Representation Clustering
     with: Liu, H.: Group-aware deep feature learning for facial age estimation
     with: Liu, H.: Learning Deep Sharable and Structural Detectors for Face Alig...
     with: Liu, H.: Ordinal Deep Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
     with: Liu, H.: Ordinal Deep Learning for Facial Age Estimation
     with: Liu, H.: Two-Stream Transformer Networks for Video-Based Face Alignment
     with: Liu, J.X.: Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Concent...
     with: Liu, Y.: Feature Embedding Network with Multiscale Attention for Hyper...
     with: Liu, Y.: Pan-sharpening via multi-scale and multiple deep neural netwo...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Instr...
     with: Lu, J.W.: BridgeNet: A Continuity-Aware Probabilistic Network for Age ...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Consistent-Aware Deep Learning for Person Re-identification ...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Context-Aware Local Binary Feature Learning for Face Recogni...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Graph-based Social Relation Reasoning
     with: Lu, J.W.: Group-aware deep feature learning for facial age estimation
     with: Lu, J.W.: Label2Label: A Language Modeling Framework for Multi-attribu...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Learning Deep Binary Descriptor with Multi-Quantization
     with: Lu, J.W.: Learning Deep Sharable and Structural Detectors for Face Ali...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Learning Probabilistic Ordinal Embeddings for Uncertainty-Aw...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Learning Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Descriptor
     with: Lu, J.W.: Localized multi-kernel discriminative canonical correlation ...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Meta-Mining Discriminative Samples for Kinship Verification
     with: Lu, J.W.: MetaAge: Meta-Learning Personalized Age Estimators
     with: Lu, J.W.: Multi-modal uniform deep learning for RGB-D person re-identi...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Multiple Feature Fusion via Weighted Entropy for Visual Trac...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Nonlinear Discrete Hashing
     with: Lu, J.W.: Nonlinear Sparse Hashing
     with: Lu, J.W.: Nonlinear Structural Hashing for Scalable Video Search
     with: Lu, J.W.: Order-Constrained Representation Learning for Instructional ...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Ordinal Deep Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
     with: Lu, J.W.: Ordinal Deep Learning for Facial Age Estimation
     with: Lu, J.W.: Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From Star...
     with: Lu, J.W.: Reconstruction-based supervised hashing
     with: Lu, J.W.: Scene recognition with objectness
     with: Lu, J.W.: Two-Stream Transformer Networks for Video-Based Face Alignment
     with: Lu, J.W.: Uniform and Variational Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Recog...
     with: Ma, J.K.: Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Background ...
     with: Ma, L.: Multiple Feature Fusion via Weighted Entropy for Visual Tracking
     with: Mu, C.H.: Feature Embedding Network with Multiscale Attention for Hype...
     with: Nagar, A.: On matching latent fingerprints
     with: Nandakumar, K.: Fingerprint Matching
     with: Nandakumar, K.: On matching latent fingerprints
     with: Ni, X.: Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Cold P...
     with: Ouyang, Z.Y.: Exact Ridge Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verificat...
     with: Ouyang, Z.Y.: Fingerprint Indexing Using Ridge Invariants
     with: Ouyang, Z.Y.: Fingerprint matching using ridges
     with: Ouyang, Z.Y.: Fingerprint Matching With Rotation-Descriptor Texture Fe...
     with: Ouyang, Z.Y.: Fingerprint Representation and Matching in Ridge Coordin...
     with: Pan, A.: Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Cold ...
     with: Pan, Z.: HumanReg: Self-supervised Non-rigid Registration of Human Poi...
     with: Pan, Z.Y.: Camera-lidar Cross-modality Gait Recognition
     with: Pan, Z.Y.: LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
     with: Qiu, Y.: Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Cold ...
     with: Qiu, Z.F.: Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Concent...
     with: Ren, L.: Consistent-Aware Deep Learning for Person Re-identification i...
     with: Ren, L.L.: Multi-modal uniform deep learning for RGB-D person re-ident...
     with: Ren, L.L.: Uniform and Variational Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Reco...
     with: Rong, S.H.: Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection Based on Backgroun...
     with: Ross, A.A.: Detecting Altered Fingerprints
     with: Si, X.B.: Dense registration of fingerprints
     with: Su, F.: Exact Ridge Matching Algorithm for Fingerprint Verification, An
     with: Su, F.: Fingerprint Matching With Rotation-Descriptor Texture Features
     with: Sun, H.H.: ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Internal ...
     with: Sun, L.: New Architecture of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks ...
     with: Tan, Z.: 3D Vascular Segmentation Supervised by 2D Annotation of Maxim...
     with: Teng, H.: Interannual Variabilities of the Southern Bay of Bengal Cold...
     with: Tian, L.F.: Rapid Ship Detection Method on Movable Platform Based on D...
     with: Tian, Q.: BridgeNet: A Continuity-Aware Probabilistic Network for Age ...
     with: Tsou, J.Y.: Analyzing Variations in the Association of Eurasian Winter...
     with: Tsou, J.Y.: Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Concen...
     with: Wang, H.: New Architecture of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks...
     with: Wang, H.: Pan-sharpening via multi-scale and multiple deep neural netw...
     with: Wang, H.X.: ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Internal...
     with: Wang, S.W.: Meta-Mining Discriminative Samples for Kinship Verification
     with: Wang, Y.: Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Concentr...
     with: Wang, Z.W.: Learning Deep Binary Descriptor with Multi-Quantization
     with: Wong, K.: Analyzing Variations in the Association of Eurasian Winter-S...
     with: Wong, K.P.: Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Concen...
     with: Wuerkaixi, A.: MetaAge: Meta-Learning Personalized Age Estimators
     with: Wuerkaixi, A.: Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From...
     with: Xi, Z.H.: Camera-lidar Cross-modality Gait Recognition
     with: Xi, Z.H.: LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
     with: Xu, C.: BridgeNet: A Continuity-Aware Probabilistic Network for Age Es...
     with: Yang, X.: Localized Dictionaries Based Orientation Field Estimation fo...
     with: Yoon, S.: Altered Fingerprints: Analysis and Detection
     with: Yoon, S.: Latent Fingerprint Matching: Fusion of Rolled and Plain Fing...
     with: Yu, C.: Multi-Class Constrained Normalized Cut With Hard, Soft, Unary ...
     with: Yuan, B.: Dense registration of fingerprints
     with: Yuan, B.: Scene recognition with objectness
     with: Yuan, X.: Reconstruction-based supervised hashing
     with: Zhang, M.: Flexible Multi-view Multi-modal Imaging System for Outdoor ...
     with: Zhang, Y.L.: ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Interna...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Analyzing Variations in the Association of Eurasian Winte...
     with: Zhang, Y.Z.: Monitoring Total Suspended Solids and Chlorophyll-a Conce...
     with: Zhong, Z.C.: HumanReg: Self-supervised Non-rigid Registration of Human...
     with: Zhong, Z.C.: LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
     with: Zhou, J.: 3D Multi-Object Online Tracking with Multi-View Clustering
     with: Zhou, J.: 3D Vascular Segmentation Supervised by 2D Annotation of Maxi...
     with: Zhou, J.: Bridge-Prompt: Towards Ordinal Action Understanding in Instr...
     with: Zhou, J.: BridgeNet: A Continuity-Aware Probabilistic Network for Age ...
     with: Zhou, J.: Camera-lidar Cross-modality Gait Recognition
     with: Zhou, J.: Consistent-Aware Deep Learning for Person Re-identification ...
     with: Zhou, J.: Context-Aware Local Binary Feature Learning for Face Recogni...
     with: Zhou, J.: Dense registration of fingerprints
     with: Zhou, J.: Flexible Multi-view Multi-modal Imaging System for Outdoor S...
     with: Zhou, J.: Graph-based Social Relation Reasoning
     with: Zhou, J.: Group-aware deep feature learning for facial age estimation
     with: Zhou, J.: HumanReg: Self-supervised Non-rigid Registration of Human Po...
     with: Zhou, J.: Label2Label: A Language Modeling Framework for Multi-attribu...
     with: Zhou, J.: Learning Deep Binary Descriptor with Multi-Quantization
     with: Zhou, J.: Learning Deep Sharable and Structural Detectors for Face Ali...
     with: Zhou, J.: Learning Probabilistic Ordinal Embeddings for Uncertainty-Aw...
     with: Zhou, J.: Learning Rotation-Invariant Local Binary Descriptor
     with: Zhou, J.: LiDAR-Based Person Re-Identification
     with: Zhou, J.: Localized Dictionaries Based Orientation Field Estimation fo...
     with: Zhou, J.: Localized multi-kernel discriminative canonical correlation ...
     with: Zhou, J.: Meta-Mining Discriminative Samples for Kinship Verification
     with: Zhou, J.: MetaAge: Meta-Learning Personalized Age Estimators
     with: Zhou, J.: Mining sub-categories for object detection
     with: Zhou, J.: Monocular 3D Fingerprint Reconstruction and Unwarping
     with: Zhou, J.: Multi-Class Constrained Normalized Cut With Hard, Soft, Unar...
     with: Zhou, J.: Multi-modal uniform deep learning for RGB-D person re-identi...
     with: Zhou, J.: Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative res...
     with: Zhou, J.: Multiple Feature Fusion via Weighted Entropy for Visual Trac...
     with: Zhou, J.: Nonlinear Discrete Hashing
     with: Zhou, J.: Nonlinear Sparse Hashing
     with: Zhou, J.: Nonlinear Structural Hashing for Scalable Video Search
     with: Zhou, J.: Order-Constrained Representation Learning for Instructional ...
     with: Zhou, J.: Ordinal Deep Feature Learning for Facial Age Estimation
     with: Zhou, J.: Ordinal Deep Learning for Facial Age Estimation
     with: Zhou, J.: Orientation Field Estimation for Latent Fingerprint Enhancem...
     with: Zhou, J.: Reasoning Graph Networks for Kinship Verification: From Star...
     with: Zhou, J.: Reconstruction-based supervised hashing
     with: Zhou, J.: Robust and Efficient Ridge-Based Palmprint Matching
     with: Zhou, J.: Scene recognition with objectness
     with: Zhou, J.: Smooth Representation Clustering
     with: Zhou, J.: Two-Stream Transformer Networks for Video-Based Face Alignment
     with: Zhou, J.: Uniform and Variational Deep Learning for RGB-D Object Recog...
     with: Zhou, J.H.: Multi-way constrained spectral clustering by nonnegative r...
     with: Zhu, J.: Feature Embedding Network with Multiscale Attention for Hyper...
219 for Feng, J.J.

Feng, J.K. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Endpoints Weight Fusion for Class Incremental Semantic Se...
     with: Liu, X.L.: Endpoints Weight Fusion for Class Incremental Semantic Segm...
     with: van de Weijer, J.: Endpoints Weight Fusion for Class Incremental Seman...
     with: Xiao, J.W.: Endpoints Weight Fusion for Class Incremental Semantic Seg...
     with: Zhang, C.B.: Endpoints Weight Fusion for Class Incremental Semantic Se...

Feng, J.L. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chao, H.Y.: Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks for Image Captioni...
     with: Chao, H.Y.: Unleashing Text-to-image Diffusion Prior for Zero-shot Ima...
     with: Chen, J.W.: Unleashing Text-to-image Diffusion Prior for Zero-shot Ima...
     with: Chen, M.H.: Sensitivity of Local Climate Zones and Urban Functional Zo...
     with: Deng, C.: Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augmen...
     with: Deng, H.J.: Sensitivity of Local Climate Zones and Urban Functional Zo...
     with: Han, Y.Z.: Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augme...
     with: Huang, G.: Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augme...
     with: Li, Y.: Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks for Image Captioning*
     with: Li, Y.: Unleashing Text-to-image Diffusion Prior for Zero-shot Image C...
     with: Liu, K.: Sensitivity of Local Climate Zones and Urban Functional Zones...
     with: Luo, J.J.: Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks for Image Captioning*
     with: Luo, J.J.: Unleashing Text-to-image Diffusion Prior for Zero-shot Imag...
     with: Mei, T.: Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks for Image Captioning*
     with: Pan, Y.W.: Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks for Image Captioning*
     with: Pan, Y.W.: Unleashing Text-to-image Diffusion Prior for Zero-shot Imag...
     with: Pu, Y.F.: Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augmen...
     with: Rong, X.J.: Self-supervised 4D Spatio-temporal Feature Learning via Or...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Self-supervised 4D Spatio-temporal Feature Learning via Or...
     with: Tian, Y.L.: Subsurface Pipes Detection Using DNN-based Back Projection...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Self-supervised 4D Spatio-temporal Feature Learning via Or...
     with: Wang, H.Y.: Subsurface Pipes Detection Using DNN-based Back Projection...
     with: Wang, Y.L.: Fine-Grained Recognition With Learnable Semantic Data Augm...
     with: Xiao, J.Z.: Subsurface Pipes Detection Using DNN-based Back Projection...
     with: Yang, L.: Self-supervised 4D Spatio-temporal Feature Learning via Orde...
     with: Yang, L.: Subsurface Pipes Detection Using DNN-based Back Projection o...
     with: Yao, T.: Semantic-Conditional Diffusion Networks for Image Captioning*
     with: Yao, T.: Unleashing Text-to-image Diffusion Prior for Zero-shot Image ...
     with: Zhang, S.: Sensitivity of Local Climate Zones and Urban Functional Zon...
     with: Zhao, J.P.: Effectively Utilizing the Category Labels for Image Captio...
30 for Feng, J.L.

Feng, J.M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Cheng, S.: Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Re...
     with: Cheng, S.: Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long...
     with: Hu, J.: Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Repre...
     with: Hu, J.: Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long-Te...
     with: Krahmer, F.: RIP-Based Approach to Sigma-Delta Quantization for Compre...
     with: Li, W.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Liu, W.: Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Repr...
     with: Liu, W.: Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long-T...
     with: Lu, J.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Lv, X.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Nie, J.: Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Repr...
     with: Nie, J.: Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long-T...
     with: Pan, F.: Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Repr...
     with: Pan, F.: Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long-T...
     with: Qin, T.L.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of t...
     with: Wen, J.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the...
     with: Xu, S.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the ...
     with: Xue, D.: Novel Image Descriptor with Aggregated Semantic Skeleton Repr...
     with: Xue, D.: Training-Free, Lightweight Global Image Descriptor for Long-T...
     with: Yan, D.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of the...
     with: Yang, Y.H.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of ...
     with: Yuan, Z.: Response of Vegetation to Drought in the Source Region of th...
22 for Feng, J.M.

Feng, J.N. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, W.: PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Based ...
     with: Duan, Y.H.: QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler ...
     with: Feng, C.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Guo, L.J.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Huang, J.: PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Based...
     with: Liang, X.D.: QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler...
     with: Liu, T.: QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler Rad...
     with: Sun, W.: QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler Rad...
     with: Tao, M.F.: PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Based...
     with: Wang, D.L.: PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Base...
     with: Wang, M.H.: PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Base...
     with: Wang, Q.: QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler Ra...
     with: Wang, Y.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
     with: Yang, F.: PODD: A Dual-Task Detection for Greenhouse Extraction Based ...
     with: Zhang, R.: Part2Pose: Inferring Human Pose From Parts in Complex Scenes
15 for Feng, J.N.

Feng, J.P. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ai, J.L.: Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Imp...
     with: Chen, X.: Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Imp...
     with: Rao, P.: Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Impr...
     with: Xia, H.: Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Impr...
     with: Zhang, H.: Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on Im...
     with: Zhang, S.H.: Space Infrared Dim Target Recognition Algorithm Based on ...

Feng, J.Q. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ding, C.Y.: In-Situ Radar Observation of Shallow Lunar Regolith at the...
     with: Dong, Q.C.: Outlier detection and disparity refinement in stereo match...
     with: Fang, F.: In-Situ Radar Observation of Shallow Lunar Regolith at the C...
     with: Giannakis, I.: In-Situ Radar Observation of Shallow Lunar Regolith at ...
     with: Hu, M.X.: additional branch free algebraic B-spline curve fitting meth...
     with: Jin, X.G.: Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
     with: Jin, X.G.: Shape deformation with tunable stiffness
     with: Mao, X.Y.: Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
     with: Miao, Y.W.: Perceptual-saliency extremum lines for 3D shape illustration
     with: Miao, Y.W.: robust confirmable watermarking algorithm for 3D mesh base...
     with: Sharma, R.: In-Situ Radar Observation of Shallow Lunar Regolith at the...
     with: Shen, J.B.: Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
     with: Siegler, M.A.: Shallow Regolith Structure and Obstructions Detected by...
     with: Su, Y.: In-Situ Radar Observation of Shallow Lunar Regolith at the Cha...
     with: Wang, J.R.: robust confirmable watermarking algorithm for 3D mesh base...
     with: White, M.N.: Shallow Regolith Structure and Obstructions Detected by L...
     with: Yang, W.W.: Shape deformation with tunable stiffness
     with: Yao, P.: Stacking learning with coalesced cost filtering for accurate ...
     with: Zhao, H.L.: Real-time feature-aware video abstraction
     with: Zheng, J.M.: additional branch free algebraic B-spline curve fitting m...
20 for Feng, J.Q.

Feng, J.R. Standard Author Listing
     with: Alfeld, S.: Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration, A
     with: Garnett, R.: Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration...
     with: Guan, H.: High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plant...
     with: Guan, H.: Prediction of Chlorophyll Content in Different Light Areas o...
     with: Jacobs, N.: Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration, A
     with: Lanier, M.: Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration, A
     with: Liu, G.: High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plants...
     with: Liu, G.: Prediction of Chlorophyll Content in Different Light Areas of...
     with: Ma, X.D.: High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plant...
     with: Ma, X.D.: Prediction of Chlorophyll Content in Different Light Areas o...
     with: Sarkar, A.: Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Exploration, A
     with: Vorobeychik, Y.: Visual Active Search Framework for Geospatial Explora...
     with: Yu, S.: High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plants ...
     with: Zhu, K.: High-Throughput Phenotyping Analysis of Potted Soybean Plants...
14 for Feng, J.R.

Feng, J.S. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ai, W.J.: Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics
     with: Ai, W.J.: Joint Face Image Restoration and Frontalization for Recognit...
     with: Azadi, S.: Learning Detection with Diverse Proposals
     with: Bai, H.Y.: Voxel Transformer for 3D Object Detection
     with: Bai, S.: Mimicking the Oracle: An Initial Phase Decorrelation Approach...
     with: Balamurugan, A.: 3D Face Reconstruction From A Single Image Assisted b...
     with: Cai, Y.J.: Geometry-Guided Progressive NeRF for Generalizable and Effi...
     with: Cao, J.: PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Custo...
     with: Chacko, R.: GETAvatar: Generative Textured Meshes for Animatable Human...
     with: Chang, S.: DOAD: Decoupled One Stage Action Detection Network
     with: Chang, S.N.: Contrastive Attention for Video Anomaly Detection
     with: Chang, X.J.: Video Recognition in Portrait Mode
     with: Chen, M.F.: Geometry-Guided Progressive NeRF for Generalizable and Eff...
     with: Chen, Q.A.: Looking Inside Category: Subcategory-Aware Object Recognit...
     with: Chen, Q.A.: Subcategory-Aware Object Classification
     with: Chen, X.Y.: DANCE: A Deep Attentive Contour Model for Efficient Instan...
     with: Chen, Y.D.: Tensor Robust Principal Component Analysis with a New Tens...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: 3D-Assisted Coarse-to-Fine Extreme-Pose Facial Landmark De...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Collaborative Layer-Wise Discriminative Learning in Deep N...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Continual Learning via Bit-Level Information Preserving
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Estimation of Affective Level in the Wild with Multiple Me...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Graph-Based Global Reasoning Networks
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Multi-fiber Networks for Video Recognition
     with: Chen, Y.P.: PnP-DETR: Towards Efficient Visual Analysis with Transform...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Rethinking Bottleneck Structure for Efficient Mobile Netwo...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Self-Supervised Neural Aggregation Networks for Human Pars...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: SODAR: Exploring Locally Aggregated Learning of Mask Repre...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Task Relation Networks
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Tokens-to-Token ViT: Training Vision Transformers from Scr...
     with: Chen, Y.P.: Video Scene Parsing with Predictive Feature Learning
     with: Cheng, B.: Frame-Consistent Recurrent Video Deraining With Dual-Level ...
     with: Cheng, B.: PVRED: A Position-Velocity Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Hu...
     with: Cheng, B.: Recurrent Multi-Frame Deraining: Combining Physics Guidance...
     with: Cheng, B.: Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multipl...
     with: Cheng, B.: TS2C: Tight Box Mining with Surrounding Segmentation Contex...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Contrastive Masked Autoencoders are Stronger Vision Learn...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Conv2Former: A Simple Transformer-Style ConvNet for Visua...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Simple Pooling-Based Design for Real-Time Salient Object ...
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Strip Pooling: Rethinking Spatial Pooling for Scene Parsing
     with: Cheng, M.M.: Vision Permutator: A Permutable MLP-Like Architecture for...
     with: Cheng, Y.: High Performance Large Scale Face Recognition with Multi-co...
     with: Cheong, L.F.: Segmentation over Detection by Coupled Global and Local ...
     with: Cohen, S.: Deep Interactive Thin Object Selection
     with: Cui, Z.: Recurrent Face Aging
     with: Cui, Z.: Recurrent Face Aging with Hierarchical AutoRegressive Memory
     with: Cui, Z.: Recurrently Target-Attending Tracking
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Learning Detection with Diverse Proposals
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Learning Scalable Discriminative Dictionary with Sample...
     with: Darrell, T.J.: Natural Language Object Retrieval
     with: Deng, X.Q.: MV-Adapter: Multimodal Video Transfer Learning for Video T...
     with: Deng, Y.: Detail Preserving Coarse-to-Fine Matching for Stereo Matchin...
     with: Ding, H.H.: Global Knowledge Calibration for Fast Open-Vocabulary Segm...
     with: Domokos, C.: Fashion Parsing With Weak Color-Category Labels
     with: Dong, J.: Attentive Contexts for Object Detection
     with: Dong, J.: Collaborative Layer-Wise Discriminative Learning in Deep Neu...
     with: Dong, J.: Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics
     with: Dong, J.: Looking Inside Category: Subcategory-Aware Object Recognition
     with: Dong, J.: Purposive Hidden-Object-Game: Embedding Human Computation in...
     with: Dong, J.: PVRED: A Position-Velocity Recurrent Encoder-Decoder for Hum...
     with: Dong, J.: Subcategory-Aware Object Classification
     with: Dong, J.: Video Scene Parsing with Predictive Feature Learning
     with: Feng, G.D.: Tensor Recovery via Multi-linear Augmented Lagrange Multip...
     with: Feng, S.: Dense Attentive Feature Enhancement for Salient Object Detec...
     with: Fu, D.M.: Contrastive Masked Autoencoders are Stronger Vision Learners
     with: Fu, D.M.: PixelLM: Pixel Reasoning with Large Multimodal Model
     with: Gao, C.: PSGAN++: Robust Detail-Preserving Makeup Transfer and Removal
     with: Gao, C.: PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Custo...
     with: Gao, X.B.: Robust Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Hierarchical...
     with: Garcia del Molino, A.: ManiCLIP: Multi-attribute Face Manipulation fro...
     with: Gong, K.: Learning to Augment Poses for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Im...
     with: Gong, K.: PoseAug: A Differentiable Pose Augmentation Framework for 3D...
     with: Gong, K.: PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation...
     with: Gong, W.: MV-Adapter: Multimodal Video Transfer Learning for Video Tex...
     with: Gu, J.Y.: Dataset Quantization
     with: Guo, G.D.: Image-to-Video Generation via 3D Facial Dynamics
     with: Guo, G.D.: Joint Face Image Restoration and Frontalization for Recogni...
     with: Guo, Z.M.: Deep Edge Guided Recurrent Residual Learning for Image Supe...
     with: Guo, Z.M.: Deep Joint Rain Detection and Removal from a Single Image
     with: Guo, Z.M.: Joint Rain Detection and Removal from a Single Image with C...
     with: Guo, Z.M.: Video super-resolution based on spatial-temporal recurrent ...
     with: Han, J.Z.: ORDNet: Capturing Omni-Range Dependencies for Scene Parsing
     with: Han, K.Y.: Global Knowledge Calibration for Fast Open-Vocabulary Segme...