Index for sun_

Sun'an, W.[Wang] * 2006: novel immune evolutionary algorithm incorporating chaos optimization, A

Sun's, W.T.[Wei Tao] * 2019: improved multi-branch residual network based on random multiplier and adaptive cosine learning rate method, An
Includes: Sun's, W.T.[Wei Tao] Sun's, W.T.[Wei-Tao]

Sun Mack, S.[Szedung] * 2008: Cloud Detection in Nonpolar Regions for CERES Using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS Data
* 2018: Calibration Changes to Terra MODIS Collection-5 Radiances for CERES Edition 4 Cloud Retrievals
* 2019: Global Cloud Detection for CERES Edition 4 Using Terra and Aqua MODIS Data
* 2021: CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4: Part I: Algorithm Changes
* 2021: CERES MODIS Cloud Product Retrievals for Edition 4: Part II: Comparisons to CloudSat and CALIPSO
* 2023: VIIRS Edition 1 Cloud Properties for CERES, Part 1: Algorithm Adjustments and Results
Includes: Sun Mack, S.[Szedung] Sun-Mack, S.[Szedung] Sun-Mack, S. Sun-Mack, S.[Sunny]

Sun Woo, K.[Ko] * 2022: Route Planning and Tracking Control of an Intelligent Automatic Unmanned Transportation System Based on Dynamic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Includes: Sun Woo, K.[Ko] Sun-Woo, K.[Ko]

Sun, A. * 1992: Electro-optical Orientation Sensor for Robotics, An
* 2008: Developing a Real-Time Identify-and-Locate System for the Blind
* 2012: Content is still king: the effect of neighbor voting schemes on tag relevance for social image retrieval
* 2018: Fast vanishing point detection method based on road border region estimation
* 2019: Alignment strength and correlation for graphs
* 2020: Shadow effect weakening based on intrinsic image extraction with effective projection of logarithmic domain for road scene
* 2022: Assessing Through-Water Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry in Gravel-Bed Rivers under Controlled Conditions
* 2022: Natural Language Video Localization: A Revisit in Span-Based Question Answering Framework
* 2022: Novel Slow-Growing Gross Error Detection Method for GNSS/Accelerometer Integrated Deformation Monitoring Based on State Domain Consistency Theory, A
* 2023: COSE: A Consistency-Sensitivity Metric for Saliency on Image Classification
* 2023: Rendering Humans from Object-Occluded Monocular Videos
* 2023: Temporal Sentence Grounding in Videos: A Survey and Future Directions
* 2024: GNSS Carrier-Phase Multipath Modeling and Correction: A Review and Prospect of Data Processing Methods
* 2024: Monitoring Grassland Variation in a Typical Area of the Qinghai Lake Basin Using 30 m Annual Maximum NDVI Data
* 2024: Multi-guided-based image matting via boundary detection
Includes: Sun, A. Sun, A.[Andrew] Sun, A.[Aixin] Sun, A.[Anan] Sun, A.[Ao] Sun, A.[Ao'ran] Sun, A.[Aaron] Sun, A.[Adam] Sun, A.[Aohan] Sun, A.[Anming]
15 for Sun, A.

Sun, A.X.[Andy X.] * 2013: Learning Hash Codes with Listwise Supervision

Sun, A.Y.[Alexander Y.] * 2017: Using GRACE Satellite Gravimetry for Assessing Large-Scale Hydrologic Extremes
* 2023: Rapid Flood Inundation Forecast Using Fourier Neural Operator

Sun, B. * 2005: Practical Analytic Single Scattering Model for Real Time Rendering, A
* 2005: Structured Light in Scattering Media
* 2009: Design of Fuzzy Identification System for Patterns of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow on LabVIEW
* 2009: Learning IMED via shift-invariant transformation
* 2009: Modeling And Visualizing Spatio-temporal Pattern Of Land Cover Change In Pearl River Delta Region Of China Using Multi-temporal Imagery
* 2010: Diffeomorphic sulcal shape analysis for cortical surface registration
* 2011: Integration of Multi-Source Images for Improving Spatial Resolution of Snow Depth Detection in Western China
* 2012: Diffeomorphic Sulcal Shape Analysis on the Cortex
* 2012: Evaluating The Consistency Of Remote Sensing Based Snow Depth Products In Arid Zone Of Western China
* 2012: Self-Organizing-Queue Based Clustering
* 2013: Permuted and Filtered Spectrum Compressive Sensing
* 2014: Mitigation of Azimuth Ambiguities in Spaceborne Stripmap SAR Images Using Selective Restoration
* 2014: Modeling Radiometric Uncertainty for Vision with Tone-Mapped Color Images
* 2014: Parameter-Adjusting Polar Format Algorithm for Extremely High Squint SAR Imaging, A
* 2014: Scanned Image Descreening With Image Redundancy and Adaptive Filtering
* 2014: Unsupervised evaluation method using Markov random field for moving object segmentation in infrared videos
* 2015: Discriminative Structured Feature Engineering for Macroscale Brain Connectomes
* 2015: Improving Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth over Land by Polarimetric Measurements at 1640 nm: Airborne Test in North China
* 2015: Regularized single-image super-resolution based on progressive gradient estimation
* 2015: weighted sparse coding framework for saliency detection, A
* 2016: Blind Bleed-Through Removal for Scanned Historical Document Image With Conditional Random Fields
* 2016: Comparison of Methods for Estimating Fractional Cover of Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation in the Otindag Sandy Land Using GF-1 Wide-Field View Data
* 2016: Short-term Precipitation Occurrence Prediction for Strong Convective Weather Using FY2-G Satellite Data: A Case Study of Shenzhen,south China
* 2016: Uncertainty Assessment Of Globeland30 Land Cover Data Set Over Central Asia
* 2017: BNU-LSVED 2.0: Spontaneous multimodal student affect database with multi-dimensional labels
* 2017: Combining Sequential Geometry and Texture Features for Distinguishing Genuine and Deceptive Emotions
* 2017: Efficient Compressed Sensing for Wireless Neural Recording: A Deep Learning Approach
* 2017: Ground2sky label transfer for fine-grained aerial car recognition
* 2017: Multi View Facial Action Unit Detection Based on CNN and BLSTM-RNN
* 2017: Novel Spaceborne Sliding Spotlight Range Sweep Synthetic Aperture Radar: System and Imaging, A
* 2017: Random-Walker-Based Collaborative Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2017: Shared Autonomy Approach for Wheelchair Navigation Based on Learned User Preferences, A
* 2017: Underdetermined DOA Estimation Method for Wideband Signals Using Joint Nonnegative Sparse Bayesian Learning
* 2018: deep learning approach to patch-based image inpainting forensics, A
* 2018: Edge Convolutional Network for Facial Action Intensity Estimation
* 2018: Improving Classification of Slow Cortical Potential Signals for BCI Systems With Polynomial Fitting and Voting Support Vector Machine
* 2018: Short-term traffic forecasting using self-adjusting k-nearest neighbours
* 2018: Ultra Power-Efficient CNN Domain Specific Accelerator with 9.3TOPS/Watt for Mobile and Embedded Applications
* 2018: Validation of Atmospheric Profile Retrievals From the SNPP NOAA-Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System. Part 1: Temperature and Moisture
* 2019: Adversarial Defense by Stratified Convolutional Sparse Coding
* 2019: Feature augmentation for imbalanced classification with conditional mixture WGANs
* 2019: Fusion of noisy images based on joint distribution model in dual-tree complex wavelet domain
* 2019: Learning to Navigate Robotic Wheelchairs from Demonstration: Is Training in Simulation Viable?
* 2019: Sinusoidal-Hyperbolic Family of Transforms With Potential Applications in Compressive Sensing, A
* 2019: SoftTriple Loss: Deep Metric Learning Without Triplet Sampling
* 2020: Block Mobilenet: Align Large-Pose Faces with <1MB Model Size
* 2020: CDVA/VCM: Language for Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles
* 2020: Comparison and Evaluation of Remote Sensing Indices for Agricultural Drought Monitoring Over Kazakhstan
* 2020: EV-Action: Electromyography-Vision Multi-Modal Action Dataset
* 2020: Feedback evaluations to promote image captioning
* 2020: Field Operations and Progress of Chinese Airborne Survey In East Antarctica Through the Snow Eagle 601
* 2020: H3dnet: 3d Object Detection Using Hybrid Geometric Primitives
* 2020: Hyperspectral Images Denoising via Nonconvex Regularized Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition
* 2020: Joint Minimization of the Mean and Information Entropy of the Matching Filter Distribution for a Robust Misfit Function in Full-Waveform Inversion
* 2020: Local relation network with multilevel attention for visual question answering
* 2020: MFFA-SARNET: Deep Transferred Multi-Level Feature Fusion Attention Network with Dual Optimized Loss for Small-Sample SAR ATR
* 2020: Motion control of unmanned underwater vehicles via deep imitation reinforcement learning algorithm
* 2020: PMBANet: Progressive Multi-Branch Aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution
* 2020: Preliminary Long-period Magnetotelluric Investigation At the Edge Of Ice Sheet In East Antarctica
* 2020: Radar-Derived Internal Structure and Basal Roughness Characterization along a Traverse from Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
* 2020: Scientific Operations of Snow Eagle 601 in Antarctica in the Past Five Austral Seasons, The
* 2020: Smart Tour Route Planning Algorithm Based on Naïve Bayes Interest Data Mining Machine Learning
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Analysis of Hydrological Variations and Their Impacts on Vegetation in Semiarid Areas from Multiple Satellite Data
* 2020: Urban traffic flow online prediction based on multi-component attention mechanism
* 2021: Adaptive Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Motor Imagery Classification
* 2021: ARAPReg: An As-Rigid-As Possible Regularization Loss for Learning Deformable Shape Generators
* 2021: Digging into Uncertainty in Self-supervised Multi-view Stereo
* 2021: EAAU-Net: Enhanced Asymmetric Attention U-Net for Infrared Small Target Detection
* 2021: Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Sparse Vegetation Areas by Applying an Optimized Two-Source Model
* 2021: FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding
* 2021: Identification of mining induced ground fissures using UAV and infrared thermal imager: Temperature variation and fissure evolution
* 2021: Inversion of Geothermal Heat Flux under the Ice Sheet of Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
* 2021: Liver Tumor Detection Via A Multi-Scale Intermediate Multi-Modal Fusion Network on MRI Images
* 2021: Mask Aware Network for Masked Face Recognition in the Wild
* 2021: Method and Applications of Lidar Modeling for Virtual Testing of Intelligent Vehicles
* 2021: Multi-Stream Fusion Network With Generalized Smooth L1 Loss for Single Image Dehazing
* 2021: Multiple RFI Sources Location Method Combining Two-Dimensional ESPRIT DOA Estimation and Particle Swarm Optimization for Spaceborne SAR
* 2021: On-site Data-processing Algorithm and Optimization for Airborne Ice Sounding Radar Configured on the Snow Eagle 601
* 2021: Optimal Routing Design of Feeder Transit With Stop Selection Using Aggregated Cell Phone Data and Open Source GIS Tool
* 2021: Quantitative Analysis of Performance Decrease and Fast-Charging Limitation for Lithium-Ion Batteries at Low Temperature Based on the Electrochemical Model
* 2021: Robust Kalman Filter Soil Moisture Inversion Model Using GPS SNR Data: A Dual-Band Data Fusion Approach
* 2021: Skeleton Aware Multi-modal Sign Language Recognition
* 2021: Student Break Behavior Recognition Dataset
* 2021: Study of Parameters Identification Method of Li-Ion Battery Model for EV Power Profile Based on Transient Characteristics Data
* 2021: Tuning IR-cut Filter for Illumination-aware Spectral Reconstruction from RGB
* 2021: Using Improved Edge Detection Method to Detect Mining-Induced Ground Fissures Identified by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing
* 2022: 3D Interpretation of a Broadband Magnetotelluric Data Set Collected in the South of the Chinese Zhongshan Station at Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
* 2022: AFFPN: Attention Fusion Feature Pyramid Network for Small Infrared Target Detection
* 2022: Cell Edge User Capacity-Coverage Reliability Tradeoff for 5G-R Systems With Overlapped Linear Coverage
* 2022: Discriminative Feature Mining and Enhancement Network for Low-Resolution Fine-Grained Image Recognition
* 2022: DLME: Deep Local-Flatness Manifold Embedding
* 2022: Dynamic Micro-Expression Recognition Using Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: Dynamic Pricing Mechanism Design for Electric Mobility-on-Demand Systems
* 2022: Effectiveness of Semi-Supervised Learning and Multi-Source Data in Detailed Urban Landuse Mapping with a Few Labeled Samples
* 2022: Efficient Training Approach for Very Large Scale Face Recognition, An
* 2022: GAN for vision, KG for relation: A two-stage network for zero-shot action recognition
* 2022: Integrated Method for Estimating Forest-Canopy Closure Based on UAV LiDAR Data, An
* 2022: Methods of Sandy Land Detection in a Sparse-Vegetation Scene Based on the Fusion of HJ-2A Hyperspectral and GF-3 SAR Data
* 2022: MogFace: Towards a Deeper Appreciation on Face Detection
* 2022: Noise Removal and Feature Extraction in Airborne Radar Sounding Data of Ice Sheets
* 2022: Non-Line-of-Sight Moving Target Detection Method Based on Noise Suppression
* 2022: PatchRD: Detail-Preserving Shape Completion by Learning Patch Retrieval and Deformation
* 2022: Quantifying Basal Roughness and Internal Layer Continuity Index of Ice Sheets by an Integrated Means with Radar Data and Deep Learning
* 2022: Real-Time Human Action Recognition Using Locally Aggregated Kinematic-Guided Skeletonlet and Supervised Hashing-by-Analysis Model
* 2022: Revisiting Ice Flux and Mass Balance of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf System Using Multi-Remote-Sensing Datasets, East Antarctica
* 2022: Self-Attentive Hybrid Coding Network for 3D Change Detection in High-Resolution Optical Stereo Images, A
* 2022: Towards Layer-wise Image Vectorization
* 2023: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the GDP in Henan Province Based on Nighttime Light Data
* 2023: Basal Melt Patterns around the Deep Ice Core Drilling Site in the Dome A Region from Ice-Penetrating Radar Measurements
* 2023: Boosting Novel Category Discovery Over Domains with Soft Contrastive Learning and All in One Classifier
* 2023: COT: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Clustering and Optimal Transport
* 2023: Crustal Imaging across the Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica from 2D Gravity and Magnetic Inversions
* 2023: Facial Expression Recognition With Visual Transformers and Attentional Selective Fusion
* 2023: Feature enhancement network for stereo matching
* 2023: In-Situ GNSS-R and Radiometer Fusion Soil Moisture Retrieval Model Based on LSTM
* 2023: Is Spectral Unmixing Model or Nonlinear Statistical Model More Suitable for Shrub Coverage Estimation in Shrub-Encroached Grasslands Based on Earth Observation Data? A Case Study in Xilingol Grassland, China
* 2023: Iterative Class Prototype Calibration for Transductive Zero-Shot Learning
* 2023: Mobility and Energy Management in Electric Vehicle Based Mobility-on-Demand Systems: Models and Solutions
* 2023: Modified Auto-Focusing Algorithm for High Squint Diving SAR Imaging Based on the Back-Projection Algorithm with Spectrum Alignment and Truncation
* 2023: PointDC: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds via Cross-modal Distillation and Super-Voxel Clustering
* 2023: PRN: Panoptic Refinement Network
* 2023: Semantic Decomposition Network With Contrastive and Structural Constraints for Dental Plaque Segmentation
* 2023: TransFace: Calibrating Transformer Training for Face Recognition from a Data-Centric Perspective
* 2023: Water Balance Analysis of Hulun Lake, a Semi-Arid UNESCO Wetland, Using Multi-Source Data
* 2024: C2ANet: Cross-Scale and Cross-Modality Aggregation Network for Scene Depth Super-Resolution
* 2024: Detecting the Background-Similar Objects in Complex Transportation Scenes
Includes: Sun, B. Sun, B.[Bo] Sun, B.[Bin] Sun, B.[Bing] Sun, B.[Biao] Sun, B.[Bilin] Sun, B.[Baoli] Sun, B.[Baigui] Sun, B.[Bei] Sun, B.[Baoye] Sun, B.[Bohua] Sun, B.[Bowen] Sun, B.[Bingke] Sun, B.[Bangyong]
126 for Sun, B.

Sun, B.C.[Bao Chen] * 2014: From Virtual to Reality: Fast Adaptation of Virtual Object Detectors to Real Domains
* 2015: Learning Deep Object Detectors from 3D Models
* 2015: Subspace Distribution Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2016: Deep CORAL: Correlation Alignment for Deep Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Checkerboard Context Model for Efficient Learned Image Compression
Includes: Sun, B.C.[Bao Chen] Sun, B.C.[Bao-Chen] Sun, B.C.[Bao-Cheng]

Sun, B.F.[Bao Feng] * 2023: Dynamic identification of logistics critical roads based on BeiDou trajectory data
Includes: Sun, B.F.[Bao Feng] Sun, B.F.[Bao-Feng]

Sun, B.K.[Bing Kun] * 2021: Fabricate-Vanish: An Effective and Transferable Black-Box Adversarial Attack Incorporating Feature Distortion
Includes: Sun, B.K.[Bing Kun] Sun, B.K.[Bing-Kun]

Sun, B.L.[Bo Liang] * 2014: Sparse Online Co-regularization Using Conjugate Functions
* 2015: Unsupervised kernel learning for abnormal events detection
* 2016: Rotational Crossed-Slit Light Fields
* 2020: Deep Joint Depth Estimation and Color Correction From Monocular Underwater Images Based on Unsupervised Adaptation Networks
* 2020: Depth upsampling based on deep edge-aware learning
* 2021: Learning Scene Structure Guidance via Cross-Task Knowledge Transfer for Single Depth Super-Resolution
Includes: Sun, B.L.[Bo Liang] Sun, B.L.[Bo-Liang] Sun, B.L.[Bi-Lin] Sun, B.L.[Bao-Li]

Sun, B.M.[Bo Min] * 2021: Accuracy of Vaisala RS41 and RS92 Upper Tropospheric Humidity Compared to Satellite Hyperspectral Infrared Measurements
* 2022: Investigating NUCAPS Skill in Profiling Saharan Dust for Near-Real-Time Forecasting
Includes: Sun, B.M.[Bo Min] Sun, B.M.[Bo-Min]

Sun, B.Q.[Bao Qi] * 2020: Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-Order Ionospheric Delay on GPS Precise Point Positioning Time Transfer
* 2021: Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor Retrieval from Homogeneously Reprocessed Long-Term GNSS Tropospheric Zenith Wet Delay, and Multi-Technique
* 2022: Linearized Single-Scattering Property Database for Hexagonal Prism Ice Particles
* 2023: Dynamic Changes, Spatiotemporal Differences, and Ecological Effects of Impervious Surfaces in the Yellow River Basin, 1986-2020
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Variation and Prediction of Carbon Storage in Terrestrial Ecosystems in the Yellow River Basin
* 2024: Separation of Rapidly-Varying and Slowly-Varying Processes and Development of Diffraction Decomposition Order Method in Radiative Transfer
* 2024: Sub-Nanosecond UTC Dissemination Based on BDS-3 PPP-B2b Service
Includes: Sun, B.Q.[Bao Qi] Sun, B.Q.[Bao-Qi] Sun, B.Q.[Bing-Qiang] Sun, B.Q.[Bing-Qing]
7 for Sun, B.Q.

Sun, B.R.[Bo Rong] * 2021: Novel Unsupervised Classification Method for Sandy Land Using Fully Polarimetric SAR Data, A
Includes: Sun, B.R.[Bo Rong] Sun, B.R.[Bo-Rong]

Sun, B.S.[Bao Sheng] * 2023: MALip: Modal Amplification Lipreading based on reconstructed audio features
Includes: Sun, B.S.[Bao Sheng] Sun, B.S.[Bao-Sheng]

Sun, B.X.[Bao Xiang] * 2017: Bloch quantum artificial bee colony algorithm and its application in image threshold segmentation
* 2020: Domain-invariant adversarial learning with conditional distribution alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation
Includes: Sun, B.X.[Bao Xiang] Sun, B.X.[Bao-Xiang] Sun, B.X.[Bo-Xuan]

Sun, B.Y.[Bing Yu] * 2004: Human face recognition based on multi-features using neural networks committee
* 2005: Lidar Signal Denoising Using Least-Squares Support Vector Machine
* 2013: Comparison of Land Surface Water Mapping Using the Normalized Difference Water Index from TM, ETM+ and ALI, A
* 2016: Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model
* 2017: Dynamic graph fusion label propagation for semi-supervised multi-modality classification
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
* 2021: Human behaviour recognition with mid-level representations for crowd understanding and analysis
* 2021: Scene Complexity: A New Perspective on Understanding the Scene Semantics of Remote Sensing and Designing Image-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2022: Semisupervised Consistent Projection Metric Learning for Person Reidentification
* 2023: novel gamut expansion method based on combined global-local mapping for sRGB-to-ProPhoto conversion, A
* 2023: Unsupervised real image super-resolution via knowledge distillation network
Includes: Sun, B.Y.[Bing Yu] Sun, B.Y.[Bing-Yu] Sun, B.Y. Sun, B.Y.[Ben-Yuan] Sun, B.Y.[Bang-Yong]
11 for Sun, B.Y.

Sun, B.Z.[Bao Zhen] * 2024: IoUNet++: Spatial cross-layer interaction-based bounding box regression for visual tracking
Includes: Sun, B.Z.[Bao Zhen] Sun, B.Z.[Bao-Zhen]

Sun, C. * 1997: Skew and Slant Correction for Document Images Using Gradient Direction
* 2000: Algorithm Performance Contest
* 2006: Boosted Gabor Features Applied to Vehicle Detection
* 2008: Novel Macroblock-Level Rate-Distortion Optimization Scheme for H.264/AVC, A
* 2009: Novel Algorithm for Edge Detection of Remote Sensing Image Based on CNN and PSO, A
* 2010: Skew Estimation of Document Images Using Bagging
* 2010: X-Ray Luminescence Computed Tomography via Selective Excitation: A Feasibility Study
* 2011: Action recognition using rank-1 approximation of Joint Self-Similarity Volume
* 2012: Motion retrival using low-rank decomposition of Fundamental Ratios
* 2012: Towards next generation 3D teleconferencing systems
* 2013: ACTIVE: Activity Concept Transitions in Video Event Classification
* 2013: Discriminative Exemplar Coding for Sign Language Recognition With Kinect
* 2013: Large-scale web video event classification by use of Fisher Vectors
* 2013: Latent support vector machine for sign language recognition with Kinect
* 2013: Quantization Table Design Revisited for Image/Video Coding
* 2013: YouTube Movie Reviews: Sentiment Analysis in an Audio-Visual Context
* 2014: DISCOVER: Discovering Important Segments for Classification of Video Events and Recounting
* 2014: efficient DCT-based image compression system based on transparent composite model, An
* 2014: Evaluating multimedia features and fusion for example-based event detection
* 2014: Evaluation and Comparison of Current Fetal Ultrasound Image Segmentation Methods for Biometric Measurements: A Grand Challenge
* 2014: Feature-Independent Action Spotting without Human Localization, Segmentation, or Frame-wise Tracking
* 2014: Inductive hierarchical nonnegative graph embedding for verb-object image classification
* 2014: Modeling Mandatory Lane Changing Using Bayes Classifier and Decision Trees
* 2014: Object Ranking on Deformable Part Models with Bagged LambdaMART
* 2014: Quantization Table Design Revisited for Image/Video Coding
* 2014: Semantic Aware Video Transcription Using Random Forest Classifiers
* 2014: Should we discard sparse or incomplete videos?
* 2014: Transparent Composite Model for DCT Coefficients: Design and Analysis
* 2014: View invariant action recognition using projective depth
* 2015: Automatic Concept Discovery from Parallel Text and Visual Corpora
* 2015: Efficient DCT-Based Image Compression System Based on Laplacian Transparent Composite Model, An
* 2015: Knowing Verb From Object: Retagging With Transfer Learning on Verb-Object Concept Images
* 2015: Many-Lights Real Time Global Illumination Using Sparse Voxel Octree
* 2015: Pose Estimation Based on Pose Cluster and Candidates Recombination
* 2015: Synthesis of light-field raw data from RGB-D images
* 2015: Traffic Flow Forecasting for Urban Work Zones
* 2015: Use of Sub-Aperture Decomposition for Supervised PolSAR Classification in Urban Area
* 2016: Automated Extraction and Mapping for Desert Wadis from Landsat Imagery in Arid West Asia
* 2016: Automated Image Analysis on Insect Soups
* 2016: Distributed Sum Rate Maximization Algorithms for Nonregenerative MIMO Relay Networks
* 2016: Geometry-based PSF estimation and deblurring of defocused images with depth information
* 2016: Kernelized Subspace Ranking for Saliency Detection
* 2016: No-reference image quality assessment based on global and local content perception
* 2016: Novel Simplified Algorithm for Bare Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Using L-Band Radiometer, A
* 2016: Occlusion-Aware Fragment-Based Tracking With Spatial-Temporal Consistency
* 2016: ProNet: Learning to Propose Object-Specific Boxes for Cascaded Neural Networks
* 2016: Visual Object Tracking VOT2016 Challenge Results, The
* 2016: Webly-Supervised Video Recognition by Mutually Voting for Relevant Web Images and Web Video Frames
* 2017: Automatic localization of optic disk based on texture orientation voting
* 2017: Can Walking and Measuring Along Chord Bunches Better Describe Leaf Shapes?
* 2017: Cell segmentation based on spatial information improved intuitionistic fcm combined with FOPSO
* 2017: Complex Event Recognition from Images with Few Training Examples
* 2017: Contrast enhancement for the infrared vein image of leg based on the optical angular spectrum theory
* 2017: Curve speed model for driver assistance based on driving style classification
* 2017: Discriminative Multi-View Interactive Image Re-Ranking
* 2017: Extracting Algebraic Relations from Circuit Images Using Topology Breaking Down and Shrinking
* 2017: Extracting Plücker Line and Their Relations for 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scene
* 2017: Fog Density Estimation and Image Defogging Based on Surrogate Modeling for Optical Depth
* 2017: Interactive Video Segmentation via Local Appearance Model
* 2017: Joint Optimization of Constellation With Mapping Matrix for SCMA Codebook Design
* 2017: Machine Solving on Hypergeometric Distribution Problems
* 2017: Person Re-Identification via Distance Metric Learning With Latent Variables
* 2017: Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learning Era
* 2017: Semantic Regularisation for Recurrent Image Annotation
* 2017: Speed/Accuracy Trade-Offs for Modern Convolutional Object Detectors
* 2017: Sunshine Hours and Sunlight Direction Using Shadow Detection in a Video
* 2017: TALL: Temporal Activity Localization via Language Query
* 2017: TURN TAP: Temporal Unit Regression Network for Temporal Action Proposals
* 2017: Understanding Plane Geometry Problems by Integrating Relations Extracted from Text and Diagram
* 2017: Visual Object Tracking VOT2017 Challenge Results, The
* 2017: Visual Tracking via Joint Discriminative Appearance Learning
* 2017: VQS: Linking Segmentations to Questions and Answers for Supervised Attention in VQA and Question-Focused Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Actor-Centric Relation Network
* 2018: AVA: A Video Dataset of Spatio-Temporally Localized Atomic Visual Actions
* 2018: Correlation Tracking via Joint Discrimination and Reliability Learning
* 2018: Crowd Counting via Weighted VLAD on a Dense Attribute Feature Map
* 2018: End-to-End TextSpotter with Explicit Alignment and Attention, An
* 2018: Fast Intra CU Size Decision Algorithm Based on Canny Operator and SVM Classifier, A
* 2018: iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset, The
* 2018: Large Scale Fine-Grained Categorization and Domain-Specific Transfer Learning
* 2018: Learning Spatial-Aware Regressions for Visual Tracking
* 2018: Orientation-Guided Similarity Learning for Person Re-identification
* 2018: Rethinking Spatiotemporal Feature Learning: Speed-Accuracy Trade-offs in Video Classification
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2019: Chord Bunch Walks for Recognizing Naturally Self-Overlapped and Compound Leaves
* 2019: Composing Text and Image for Image Retrieval - an Empirical Odyssey
* 2019: Detecting Global Exam Events in Invigilation Videos Using 3d Convolutional Neural Network
* 2019: Evolution of the topography of tidal flats and sandbanks along the Jiangsu coast from 1973 to 2016 observed from satellites
* 2019: HorizonNet: Learning Room Layout With 1D Representation and Pano Stretch Data Augmentation
* 2019: Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction Using a Deep Spatial-Spectral Prior
* 2019: Kernel Mean P Power Error Loss for Robust Two-Dimensional Singular Value Decomposition
* 2019: Multi attention module for visual tracking
* 2019: P-Minder: A CNN Based Sidewalk Segmentation Approach for Phubber Safety Applications
* 2019: Phase-Rotated Spectral Correlation Detection for Spectrum Sensing at Low SNR Regimes
* 2019: Relational Action Forecasting
* 2019: ROI Pooled Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* 2019: VideoBERT: A Joint Model for Video and Language Representation Learning
* 2019: Visual Tracking via Adaptive Spatially-Regularized Correlation Filters
* 2020: 360-Indoor: Towards Learning Real-World Objects in 360° Indoor Equirectangular Images
* 2020: Automatic recognition and location system for electric vehicle charging port in complex environment
* 2020: Cascaded Attention Guidance Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration
* 2020: D3D: Distilled 3D Networks for Video Action Recognition
* 2020: Discriminative Multi-View Privileged Information Learning for Image Re-Ranking
* 2020: DNU: Deep Non-Local Unrolling for Computational Spectral Imaging
* 2020: Estimating offshore oil production using DMSP-OLS annual composites
* 2020: Geographic Information System for Drought Risk Mapping In Australia - Drought Risk Analyser Web App
* 2020: GRNet: Geometric relation network for 3D object detection from point clouds
* 2020: High-resolution 3D imaging of microvascular architecture in human glioma tissues using X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography as a potential adjunct to histopathology
* 2020: Impact of Fire Emissions on U.S. Air Quality from 1997 to 2016: A Modeling Study in the Satellite Era
* 2020: Learning Normal Patterns via Adversarial Attention-Based Autoencoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* 2020: Multi-modal Transformer for Video Retrieval
* 2020: Multiscale Self-Adaptive Attention Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* 2020: Optimization of Structural Parameters of Spark Gap Switch Based on ANSYS
* 2020: Research and design of collimating prism that can obtain parallel light
* 2020: Speech2Action: Cross-Modal Supervision for Action Recognition
* 2020: Type I Attack For Generative Models
* 2020: Uncertainty-aware Weakly Supervised Action Detection from Untrimmed Videos
* 2020: VectorNet: Encoding HD Maps and Agent Dynamics From Vectorized Representation
* 2021: Adversarial 3D Convolutional Auto-Encoder for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
* 2021: Attentive Feature Refinement Network for Single Rainy Image Restoration
* 2021: Challenge of the Urban Compact Form: Three-Dimensional Index Construction and Urban Land Surface Temperature Impacts, The
* 2021: Co-Correcting: Noise-Tolerant Medical Image Classification via Mutual Label Correction
* 2021: Composable Augmentation Encoding for Video Representation Learning
* 2021: DenseTNT: End-to-end Trajectory Prediction from Dense Goal Sets
* 2021: Episodic Transformer for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2021: Estimating the Characteristic Spatiotemporal Variation in Habitat Quality Using the InVEST Model: A Case Study from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
* 2021: Exploring the Variation Trend of Urban Expansion, Land Surface Temperature, and Ecological Quality and Their Interrelationships in Guangzhou, China, from 1987 to 2019
* 2021: Graphical Game Approach to Electrical Vehicle Charging Scheduling: Correlated Equilibrium and Latency Minimization, A
* 2021: HDMapGen: A Hierarchical Graph Generative Model of High Definition Maps
* 2021: HoHoNet: 360 Indoor Holistic Understanding with Latent Horizontal Features
* 2021: Indoor Panorama Planar 3D Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer
* 2021: LCU-Net: A novel low-cost U-Net for environmental microorganism image segmentation
* 2021: Learning Temporal Dynamics from Cycles in Narrated Video
* 2021: Mapping coastal salt marshes in China using time series of Sentinel-1 SAR
* 2021: Research Advances and Challenges of Autonomous and Connected Ground Vehicles
* 2021: Residual attention-based tracking-by-detection network with attention-driven data augmentation
* 2021: Sensor Location Strategy and Scaling Rate Inference for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation
* 2021: Specialize and Fuse: Pyramidal Output Representation for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: SVMAC: Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Single-view-multi-angle Consistency
* 2021: Temporal and Spatial Variation of Anthropogenic Heat in the Central Urban Area: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* 2021: Unified Graph Structured Models for Video Understanding
* 2021: Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation in Multi-view-multi-pose Video
* 2021: VisDrone-MOT2021: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2021: ViViT: A Video Vision Transformer
* 2021: Watermarking-Based Framework for Protecting Deep Image Classifiers Against Adversarial Attacks, A
* 2022: Assessment and Inter-Comparison of Multi-Source High Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Products over Lancang-Mekong River Basin, Southeast Asia
* 2022: Blind Image Decomposition
* 2022: Comparison of Various Correction and Blending Techniques for Creating an Improved Satellite-Gauge Rainfall Dataset over Australia, A
* 2022: ConstDet: Control Semantics-Based Detection for GPS Spoofing Attacks on UAVs
* 2022: Data Efficient 3D Learner via Knowledge Transferred from 2D Model
* 2022: Deep Pansharpening via 3D Spectral Super-Resolution Network and Discrepancy-Based Gradient Transfer
* 2022: Direct Voxel Grid Optimization: Super-fast Convergence for Radiance Fields Reconstruction
* 2022: Distribution Consistent Neural Architecture Search
* 2022: Exploiting Informative Video Segments for Temporal Action Localization
* 2022: Global-Aware Registration of Less-Overlap RGB-D Scans
* 2022: Harmonizer: Learning to Perform White-Box Image and Video Harmonization
* 2022: Hierarchical Feature Embedding for Visual Tracking
* 2022: Learning Audio-Video Modalities from Image Captions
* 2022: Learning interactive multi-object segmentation through appearance embedding and spatial attention
* 2022: Long-Term Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Impact Factors of Land Surface Temperature of Inhabited Islands with Different Urbanization Levels
* 2022: Masking Modalities for Cross-modal Video Retrieval
* 2022: Multiview Regenerative Morphing with Dual Flows
* 2022: Multiview Transformers for Video Recognition
* 2022: Nonlinear Unmixing via Deep Autoencoder Networks for Generalized Bilinear Model
* 2022: Novel Efficient Method for Land Cover Classification in Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes Using Sentinel Satellite Imagery, A
* 2022: PerDet: Machine-Learning-Based UAV GPS Spoofing Detection Using Perception Data
* 2022: Probabilistic Model for Driving-Style-Recognition-Enabled Driver Steering Behaviors, A
* 2022: RelationRS: Relationship Representation Network for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* 2022: SiamHYPER: Learning a Hyperspectral Object Tracker From an RGB-Based Tracker
* 2022: Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity of Ecological Quality in Hangzhou Greater Bay Area (HGBA) of China and Response to Land Use and Cover Change
* 2022: StyleFuse: An unsupervised network based on style loss function for infrared and visible image fusion
* 2022: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* 2022: TL;DW? Summarizing Instructional Videos with Task Relevance and Cross-Modal Saliency
* 2022: Trend Changes of the Vegetation Activity in Northeastern East Asia and the Connections with Extreme Climate Indices
* 2022: Two-Step Approach to Blending GSMaP Satellite Rainfall Estimates with Gauge Observations over Australia, A
* 2023: AFFIRM: Affinity Fusion-Based Framework for Iteratively Random Motion Correction of Multi-Slice Fetal Brain MRI
* 2023: Cooperative Lane-Change Motion Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons in Multi-Lane Scenarios
* 2023: Estimation of Lightning Activity of Squall Lines by Different Lightning Parameterization Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
* 2023: Hashing Neural Video Decomposition with Multiplicative Residuals in Space-Time
* 2023: How can objects help action recognition?
* 2023: ImGeoNet: Image-induced Geometry-aware Voxel Representation for Multi-view 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Incremental equilibrium assignment and applications to traffic network model
* 2023: Insights into Spatiotemporal Variations in the NPP of Terrestrial Vegetation in Africa from 1981 to 2018
* 2023: Integrated Quantitative Evaluation Method of SAR Filters
* 2023: Lossless Recompression of JPEG Images Using Transform Domain Intra Prediction
* 2023: Multi-Label Adversarial Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2023: Neural-PBIR Reconstruction of Shape, Material, and Illumination
* 2023: Passable Area Detection in Off-road Environments Based on Improved PSPNet
* 2023: Reveal: Retrieval-Augmented Visual-Language Pre-Training with Multi-Source Multimodal Knowledge Memory
* 2023: Saliency-Induced Moving Object Detection for Robust RGB-D Vision Navigation Under Complex Dynamic Environments
* 2023: Self-Supervised Point Cloud Representation Learning via Separating Mixed Shapes
* 2023: Tracking changes in coastal land cover in the Yellow Sea, East Asia, using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time-series images and Google Earth Engine
* 2023: Video Anomaly Detection via Sequentially Learning Multiple Pretext Tasks
* 2023: Weak-shot Object Detection through Mutual Knowledge Transfer
* 2024: BiaS: Incorporating Biased Knowledge to Boost Unsupervised Image Anomaly Localization
* 2024: DISCO: Distributed Inference with Sparse Communications
* 2024: Distributed MPC for Multi-Vehicle Cooperative Control Considering the Surrounding Vehicle Personality
* 2024: Improved MIMO Transmission Diversity Smoothing Method by Constructing Cross-Covariance Matrices, An
* 2024: Joint Collaborative Big Spectrum Data Sensing and Reinforcement Learning Based Dynamic Spectrum Access for Cognitive Internet of Vehicles
* 2024: Multi-scale convolutional neural networks and saliency weight maps for infrared and visible image fusion
* 2024: NeRFEditor: Differentiable Style Decomposition for 3D Scene Editing
* 2024: Object-centric Video Representation for Long-term Action Anticipation
* 2024: On the 2D Beampattern Optimization of Sparse Group-Constrained Robust Capon Beamforming with Conformal Arrays
* 2024: Ray Deformation Networks for Novel View Synthesis of Refractive Objects
* 2024: Source Depth Discrimination Using Intensity Striations in the Frequency-Depth Plane in Shallow Water with a Thermocline
Includes: Sun, C. Sun, C.[Chong] Sun, C.[Chang] Sun, C.[Chao] Sun, C.[Chen] Sun, C.[Chuan] Sun, C.[Congkai] Sun, C.[Chaobo] Sun, C.[Che] Sun, C.[Changsen] Sun, C.[Cheng] Sun, C.[Cuiyun] Sun, C.[Caige] Sun, C.[Changhao] Sun, C.[Chenna] Sun, C.[Chunyi] Sun, C.[Chayn] Sun, C.[Cong] Sun, C.[Ce] Sun, C.[Caihao] Sun, C.[Chunfa] Sun, C.[Chuang] Sun, C.[Chentian] Sun, C.[Chunpu] Sun, C.[Chi] Sun, C.[Can]
205 for Sun, C.

Sun, C.B.[Chao Bo] * 2014: Ranking Part Model for Object Detection, A
* 2014: S-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Calibration/Characterization and Current State of SDR Products, The
* 2021: Multi-modality fusion learning for the automatic diagnosis of optic neuropathy
* 2022: Overall Assessment of JPSS-3 VIIRS Radiometric Performance Based on Pre-Launch Testing, An
Includes: Sun, C.B.[Chao Bo] Sun, C.B.[Chao-Bo] Sun, C.B.[Cheng-Bo] Sun, C.B.[Chuan-Bin]

Sun, C.C. * 2004: Vehicle Reidentification using multidetector fusion
* 2018: Optimising departure intervals for multiple bus lines with a multi-objective model
* 2019: Fast Non-Overlapping Multi-Camera People Re-Identification Algorithm and Tracking Based on Visual Channel Model, A
* 2022: Deep Normalized Cross-Modal Hashing with Bi-Direction Relation Reasoning
* 2022: new fast estimating floor region based on image segmentation for smart rovers, A
* 2023: Deep Stereo Video Inpainting
* 2023: Divide-and-Conquer Completion Network for Video Inpainting
* 2023: Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation with Cycle-resemblance Attention
* 2023: Semi-Supervised Video Inpainting with Cycle Consistency Constraints
* 2024: Mining and Unifying Heterogeneous Contrastive Relations for Weakly-Supervised Actor-Action Segmentation
Includes: Sun, C.C. Sun, C.C.[Cui-Cui] Sun, C.C.[Chi-Chia] Sun, C.C.[Chang-Chang]
10 for Sun, C.C.

Sun, C.E.[Chung En] * 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on NonHomogeneous Dehazing
Includes: Sun, C.E.[Chung En] Sun, C.E.[Chung-En]

Sun, C.F.[Chao Fei] * 2021: Monitoring of Wheat Powdery Mildew under Different Nitrogen Input Levels Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
* 2021: New Hybrid Algorithm to Image Lightning Channels Combining the Time Difference of Arrival Technique and Electromagnetic Time Reversal Technique, A
Includes: Sun, C.F.[Chao Fei] Sun, C.F.[Chao-Fei] Sun, C.F.[Chun-Fa]

Sun, C.G.[Chang Guk] * 2017: Geospatial Big Data-Based Geostatistical Zonation of Seismic Site Effects in Seoul Metropolitan Area
* 2018: Geospatial Assessment of the Post-Earthquake Hazard of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Considering Seismic Site Effects
* 2019: Geospatial Assessment of the Post-Earthquake Hazard of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Considering Seismic Site Effects
Includes: Sun, C.G.[Chang Guk] Sun, C.G.[Chang-Guk]

Sun, C.H.[Chi Hsien] * 2009: Image reconstruction for a partially immersed imperfectly conducting cylinder by genetic algorithm
* 2012: Multiple Description Video Codec With Adaptive Residual Distributed Coding, A
* 2013: Comparative Study of Some Population-Based Optimization Algorithms on Inverse Scattering of a Two-Dimensional Perfectly Conducting Cylinder in Dielectric Slab Medium
* 2016: Evaluation of ASTER-Like Daily Land Surface Temperature by Fusing ASTER and MODIS Data during the HiWATER-MUSOEXE
* 2019: Estimating Rainfall Interception of Vegetation Canopy from MODIS Imageries in Southern China
* 2022: AC-WGAN-GP: Generating Labeled Samples for Improving Hyperspectral Image Classification with Small-Samples
* 2022: CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptron
* 2022: GasHis-Transformer: A multi-scale visual transformer approach for gastric histopathological image detection
* 2023: Detection of Changes in Buildings in Remote Sensing Images via Self-Supervised Contrastive Pre-Training and Historical Geographic Information System Vector Maps
Includes: Sun, C.H.[Chi Hsien] Sun, C.H.[Chi-Hsien] Sun, C.H. Sun, C.H.[Chen-Hong] Sun, C.H.[Cai-Hong] Sun, C.H.[Cai-Hao] Sun, C.H.[Chang-Hao] Sun, C.H.[Chen-Hao]
9 for Sun, C.H.

Sun, C.J.[Cheng Jun] * 1983: Neighboring Gray Level Dependence Matrix for Texture Classification
* 2015: Deep neural network based image annotation
* 2015: Image annotation via deep neural network
* 2021: Adversarial Attack Type I: Cheat Classifiers by Significant Changes
* 2021: Automated Simulation Framework for Urban Wind Environments Based on Aerial Point Clouds and Deep Learning
* 2022: Recent Changes in Glaciers in the Northern Tien Shan, Central Asia
* 2022: Universal Adversarial Attack on Attention and the Resulting Dataset DAmageNet
Includes: Sun, C.J.[Cheng Jun] Sun, C.J.[Cheng-Jun] Sun, C.J.[Cheng-Jian] Sun, C.J.[Cheng-Jin] Sun, C.J.[Chu-Jin] Sun, C.J.[Cong-Jian]
7 for Sun, C.J.

Sun, C.L.[Cheng Li] * 2015: L0-norm sparse representation based on modified genetic algorithm for face recognition
* 2018: Exploring the Impact of Seasonality on Urban Land-Cover Mapping Using Multi-Season Sentinel-1A and GF-1 WFV Images in a Subtropical Monsoon-Climate Region
* 2019: Evaluation and Analysis of AMSR2 and FY3B Soil Moisture Products by an In Situ Network in Cropland on Pixel Scale in the Northeast of China
* 2019: Mapping of Soil Total Nitrogen Content in the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River Basin in China Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing-Derived Variables
* 2019: Road Information Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Road Reconstruction
* 2021: Hyperspectral and Full-Waveform LiDAR Improve Mapping of Tropical Dry Forest's Successional Stages
* 2021: Semi-supervised Active Learning for Semi-supervised Models: Exploit Adversarial Examples with Graph-based Virtual Labels
* 2021: Shadow Detection and Compensation from Remote Sensing Images under Complex Urban Conditions
* 2022: Rice Mapping in a Subtropical Hilly Region Based on Sentinel-1 Time Series Feature Analysis and the Dual Branch BiLSTM Model
* 2022: Sugarcane Biomass Prediction with Multi-Mode Remote Sensing Data Using Deep Archetypal Analysis and Integrated Learning
* 2023: Cropland Data Extraction in Mekong Delta Based on Time Series Sentinel-1 Dual-Polarized Data
* 2023: Physically Interpretable Rice Field Extraction Model for PolSAR Imagery, A
Includes: Sun, C.L.[Cheng Li] Sun, C.L.[Cheng-Li] Sun, C.L.[Chuan-Liang] Sun, C.L.[Cheng-Lin] Sun, C.L.[Chang-Long] Sun, C.L.[Chun-Ling]
12 for Sun, C.L.

Sun, C.M.[Chang Ming] * 1994: Robust Estimation for Motion Parameters
* 1995: Symmetry Detection Using Gradient Information
* 1997: 3D Symmetry Detection Using the Extended Gaussian Image
* 1997: Fast Recovery of Rotational Symmetry Parameters Using Gradient Orientation
* 1997: Fast Stereo Matching Method, A
* 1999: Fast Optical Flow Using Cross Correlation and Shortest-Path Techniques
* 1999: Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms
* 1999: Multi-Resolution Stereo Matching Using Maximum-Surface Techniques
* 2001: Fast Algorithm for Local Statistics Calculation for N -Dimensional Images
* 2001: Rectangular Subregioning and 3-D Maximum-Surface Techniques
* 2002: Circular Shortest Path on Regular Grids
* 2002: Fast optical flow using 3D shortest path techniques
* 2002: Fast Stereo Matching Using Rectangular Subregioning and 3D Maximum-Surface Techniques
* 2003: Circular shortest path in images
* 2003: Circular shortest paths by branch and bound
* 2003: Uncalibrated three-view image rectification
* 2004: energy minimisation approach to stereo-temporal dense reconstruction, An
* 2004: Fast Panoramic Stereo Matching Using Cylindrical Maximum Surfaces
* 2004: Fast Stereo Matching by Iterated Dynamic Programming and Quadtree Subregioning
* 2005: Multiple Paths Extraction in Images Using a Constrained Expanded Trellis
* 2006: Fast Linear Feature Detection Using Multiple Directional Non-Maximum Suppression
* 2006: Measuring the distance of vegetation from powerlines using stereo vision
* 2006: Mosaicing of Microscope Images with Global Geometric and Radiometric Corrections
* 2006: Moving average algorithms for diamond, hexagon, and general polygonal shaped window operations
* 2007: Thickness measurement and crease detection of wheat grains using stereo vision
* 2008: Boundary extraction of linear features using dual paths through gradient profiles
* 2008: Iterated dynamic programming and quadtree subregioning for fast stereo matching
* 2008: Touching Cells Splitting by Using Concave Points and Ellipse Fitting
* 2009: Membrane boundary extraction using circular multiple paths
* 2009: Segmentation and tracking individual Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria in dense populations of motile cells
* 2009: Splitting touching cells based on concave points and ellipse fitting
* 2010: Automated Detection of Nucleoplasmic Bridges for DNA Damage Scoring in Binucleated Cells
* 2010: Automated Feature Weighting in Fuzzy Declustering-based Vector Quantization
* 2010: Detection of Nuclear Buds Based on Ellipse Fitting
* 2010: Linear Feature Detection on GPUs
* 2011: Clustered Nuclei Splitting Using Curvature Information
* 2012: Cross Image Inference Scheme for Stereo Matching
* 2012: Embedded Voxel Colouring with Adaptive Threshold Selection Using Globally Minimal Surfaces
* 2012: Feature Correspondence with Even Distribution
* 2012: Junction detection for linear structures based on Hessian, correlation and shape information
* 2013: Trinocular stereo image rectification in closed-form only using fundamental matrices
* 2014: Infrared Ship Target Image Smoothing Based on Adaptive Mean Shift
* 2014: Iterative infrared ship target segmentation based on multiple features
* 2014: Modular Learning Approach for Fish Counting and Measurement Using Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Video, A
* 2014: Multipoint Filtering with Local Polynomial Approximation and Range Guidance
* 2014: new method for linear feature and junction enhancement in 2D images based on morphological operation, oriented anisotropic Gaussian function and Hessian information, A
* 2014: Soft Cost Aggregation with Multi-resolution Fusion
* 2014: Stereo matching using cost volume watershed and region merging
* 2015: Feature matching in stereo images encouraging uniform spatial distribution
* 2016: Edge-Aware Filtering with Local Polynomial Approximation and Rectangle-Based Weighting
* 2016: Guided image completion by confidence propagation
* 2016: Infrared ship target segmentation through integration of multiple feature maps
* 2016: Local Scale Selection Scheme for Multiscale Area Integral Invariants, A
* 2016: Robust tensor factorization using maximum correntropy criterion
* 2016: Stereo matching based on multi-direction polynomial model
* 2017: Evaluation of Seed Emergence Uniformity of Mechanically Sown Wheat with UAV RGB Imagery
* 2017: Image dehazing using adaptive bi-channel priors on superpixels
* 2018: Matching Pursuit Based on Kernel Non-Second Order Minimization
* 2018: Refinement of LiDAR point clouds using a super voxel based approach
* 2019: Discrete Curvature Representations for Noise Robust Image Corner Detection
* 2019: ERL-Net: Entangled Representation Learning for Single Image De-Raining
* 2019: Knowledge Adaptation for Efficient Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Robust Sparse Learning Based on Kernel Non-Second Order Minimization
* 2020: Corner detection based on shearlet transform and multi-directional structure tensor
* 2020: Corner Detection Using Multi-directional Structure Tensor with Multiple Scales
* 2020: Instance-aware Embedding for Point Cloud Instance Segmentation
* 2020: Redro: Efficiently Learning Large-sized SPD Visual Representation
* 2020: robust matching pursuit algorithm using information theoretic learning, A
* 2021: Context-Enhanced Representation Learning for Single Image Deraining
* 2021: Corner Detection Using Second-Order Generalized Gaussian Directional Derivative Representations
* 2021: Deep learning based stereo cost aggregation on a small dataset
* 2021: Robust Tensor Decomposition for Image Representation Based on Generalized Correntropy
* 2022: Complex shearlets and rotary phase congruence tensor for corner detection
* 2022: Estimation of Winter Wheat Tiller Number Based on Optimization of Gradient Vegetation Characteristics
* 2023: Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detection: A Comprehensive Review
* 2023: Image Intensity Variation Information for Interest Point Detection
* 2023: Learning Partial Correlation based Deep Visual Representation for Image Classification
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Super-Resolution Phase Retrieval Network for Single-Pattern Structured Light 3D Imaging
* 2023: Swin-ResUNet+: An edge enhancement module for road extraction from remote sensing images
* 2024: Re-abstraction and perturbing support pair network for few-shot fine-grained image classification
Includes: Sun, C.M.[Chang Ming] Sun, C.M.[Chang-Ming] Sun, C.M.[Cheng-Ming]
81 for Sun, C.M.

Sun, C.R.[Cong Rong] * 2020: First Results From the Rotating Fan Beam Scatterometer Onboard CFOSAT
Includes: Sun, C.R.[Cong Rong] Sun, C.R.[Cong-Rong]

Sun, C.S.[Chung Shan] * 2007: Novel Hybrid Taguchi-Grey-Based Method for Feature Subset Selection, A
* 2013: Multiple-Kernel, Multiple-Instance Similarity Features for Efficient Visual Object Detection
* 2014: biased selection strategy for information recycling in Boosting cascade visual-object detectors, A
* 2024: Adaptively Optimized Masking EMD for Separating Intrinsic Oscillatory Modes of Nonstationary Signals
Includes: Sun, C.S.[Chung Shan] Sun, C.S.[Chung-Shan] Sun, C.S.[Chen-Sheng] Sun, C.S.[Cong-Shan]

Sun, C.T.[Cai Tang] * 2006: Study and Improvement of Iris Location Algorithm
Includes: Sun, C.T.[Cai Tang] Sun, C.T.[Cai-Tang]

Sun, C.W. * 2012: Brain-Wave-Actuated Small Robot Car Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition-Based Approach, A

Sun, C.X.[Cai Xin] * 2006: New Box-Counting Method for Estimation of Image Fractal Dimension, A
* 2007: Pose Estimation Based on Two Images from Different Views
* 2009: improved box-counting method for image fractal dimension estimation, An
* 2021: CscGAN: Conditional Scale-Consistent Generation Network for Multi-Level Remote Sensing Image to Map Translation
* 2021: InterAdam: Interpolating Dull Intervention to Adaptive Gradient Method
* 2022: Quantitatively Assessing the Contributions of Dust Aerosols to Direct Radiative Forcing Based on Remote Sensing and Numerical Simulation
* 2024: Time pattern reconstruction for classification of irregularly sampled time series
Includes: Sun, C.X.[Cai Xin] Sun, C.X.[Cai-Xin] Sun, C.X.[Chen-Xing] Sun, C.X.[Chen-Xiang] Sun, C.X.[Cai-Xia] Sun, C.X.[Chen-Xi]
7 for Sun, C.X.

Sun, C.Y.[Cui Yu] * 2009: Data Processing Flow and Algorithms Study of Acquiring DEMs Using Interferometric SAR, The
* 2010: Face Recognition Using a Multi-Manifold Discriminant Analysis Method
* 2010: Learning Discriminative Features Based on Distribution
* 2011: multi-manifold discriminant analysis method for image feature extraction, A
* 2012: Supervised class-specific dictionary learning for sparse modeling in action recognition
* 2013: Action recognition using linear dynamic systems
* 2013: Efficient Approach to Web Near-Duplicate Image Detection, An
* 2014: Action Recognition Using Nonnegative Action Component Representation and Sparse Basis Selection
* 2015: collaborative representation based projections method for feature extraction, A
* 2015: Estimating intravoxel fiber architecture using constrained compressed sensing combined with multitensor adaptive smoothing
* 2017: Model Identification and Control Design for a Humanoid Robot
* 2018: iVQA: Inverse Visual Question Answering
* 2019: Path planning for autonomous underwater vehicle in time-varying current
* 2020: Inverse Visual Question Answering: A New Benchmark and VQA Diagnosis Tool
* 2021: 3D-FRONT: 3D Furnished Rooms with layOuts and semaNTics
* 2021: data-driven chassis coordination control strategy, A
* 2021: Multi-Modal Visual Place Recognition in Dynamics-Invariant Perception Space
* 2022: Asynchronous Multithreading Reinforcement-Learning-Based Path Planning and Tracking for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
* 2022: coarse-to-fine approach for dynamic-to-static image translation, A
* 2022: DANet: Dynamic Attention to Spoof Patterns for Face Anti-Spoofing
* 2022: Successive Linearization in Feasible Set Algorithm for Vehicle Motion Planning in Unstructured and Low-Speed Scenarios, A
* 2023: Dynamic Target Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based on Trajectory Prediction
* 2023: Multi-patch multi-scale model for motion deblurring with high-frequency information
* 2023: Saliency-Induced Moving Object Detection for Robust RGB-D Vision Navigation Under Complex Dynamic Environments
* 2023: Signal Occlusion-Resistant Satellite Selection for Global Navigation Applications Using Large-Scale LEO Constellations
* 2023: UIE-FSMC: Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Few-Shot Learning and Multi-Color Space
* 2024: DeHi: A Decoupled Hierarchical Architecture for Unaligned Ground-to-Aerial Geo-Localization
* 2024: Threat Assessment Strategy of Human-in-the-Loop Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Under Uncertain Events
* 2024: Voxel-Based Multi-Scale Transformer Network for Event Stream Processing
Includes: Sun, C.Y.[Cui Yu] Sun, C.Y.[Cui-Yu] Sun, C.Y.[Chang-Yin] Sun, C.Y.[Chang-Yu] Sun, C.Y.[Cheng-Yue] Sun, C.Y.[Chuan-Yao] Sun, C.Y.[Chun-Yu] Sun, C.Y.[Chao-Yi] Sun, C.Y.[Chen-Yang]
29 for Sun, C.Y.

Sun, C.Z.[Cheng Zhe] * 2022: SemiSANet: A Semi-Supervised High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Model Using Siamese Networks with Graph Attention
* 2023: AI-Synthesized Voice Detection Using Neural Vocoder Artifacts
* 2023: Region-Specific and Weather-Dependent Characteristics of the Relation between GNSS-Weighted Mean Temperature and Surface Temperature over China
* 2024: Assessing the Suitability of Fractal Dimension for Measuring Graphic Complexity Change in Schematic Metro Networks
* 2024: Multiscale Spatiotemporal Variations of GNSS-Derived Precipitable Water Vapor over Yunnan
* 2024: Synergistic Application of Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms and Hyperparameter Optimization Strategies for Net Ecosystem Productivity Prediction in Southeast Asia
Includes: Sun, C.Z.[Cheng Zhe] Sun, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhe] Sun, C.Z.[Cheng-Zhi] Sun, C.Z.[Chen-Zhen] Sun, C.Z.[Chuan-Zhun]

Sun, D.[Da] * 2007: Hierarchical Model-Based Human Motion Tracking Via Unscented Kalman Filter
* 2007: Postprocessing of Low Bit-Rate Block DCT Coded Images Based on a Fields of Experts Prior
* 2010: Bagging Constraint Score for feature selection with pairwise constraints
* 2011: Structure-Aware Image Completion with Texture Propagation
* 2012: Dynamic path planning for inserting a steerable needle into soft tissue
* 2012: Layered segmentation and optical flow estimation over time
* 2012: Parallel Computing Framework for Large-Scale Air Traffic Flow Optimization, A
* 2012: Sparsity Score: A new filter feature selection method based on graph
* 2013: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of the Pigment C-Phycocyanin in Turbid Inland Waters, Based on Optical Classification
* 2014: Algebraic Connectivity Maximization for Air Transportation Networks
* 2014: Optical Flow Estimation with Channel Constancy
* 2015: Optimize the Settings of Variable Speed Limit System to Improve the Performance of Freeway Traffic
* 2016: Estimation of Upward Longwave Radiation From Vegetated Surfaces Considering Thermal Directionality
* 2016: Optical Flow with Semantic Segmentation and Localized Layers
* 2017: Estimation of Surface Upward Longwave Radiation Using a Direct Physical Algorithm
* 2017: Learning to Super-Resolve Blurry Face and Text Images
* 2017: Neural Network-Based Passivity Control of Teleoperation System Under Time-Varying Delays
* 2017: Protein functional annotation refinement based on graph regularized l1-norm PCA
* 2018: CNN-SIFT Hybrid Pedestrian Navigation Method Based on First-Person Vision, A
* 2018: Fast enhancement algorithm of highway tunnel image based on constraint of imaging model
* 2018: Learning Superpixels with Segmentation-Aware Affinity Loss
* 2018: Novel Method to Remove Fringes for Dispersive Hyperspectral VNIR Imagers Using Back-Illuminated CCDs, A
* 2018: Pyramid Embedded Generative Adversarial Network for Automated Font Generation
* 2018: Simple and Effective Fusion Approach for Multi-frame Optical Flow Estimation, A
* 2018: Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation
* 2018: Superpixel Sampling Networks
* 2018: Symmetry-Aware Face Completion with Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: What Is Optical Flow For?: Workshop Results and Summary
* 2019: Fusion Approach for Multi-Frame Optical Flow Estimation, A
* 2019: Multi-Spectral Visual Odometry without Explicit Stereo Matching
* 2019: Remote Sensing Estimation of Sea Surface Salinity from GOCI Measurements in the Southern Yellow Sea
* 2019: SENSE: A Shared Encoder Network for Scene-Flow Estimation
* 2019: Unsupervised Video Interpolation Using Cycle Consistency
* 2019: Variability of the Suspended Particle Cross-Sectional Area in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea
* 2020: Creation of One Excavator as an Obstacle in C-Space for Collision Avoidance during Remote Control of the Two Excavators Using Pose Sensors
* 2020: Instrument Development: Chinese Radiometric Benchmark of Reflected Solar Band Based on Space Cryogenic Absolute Radiometer
* 2020: KDA3D: Key-Point Densification and Multi-Attention Guidance for 3D Object Detection
* 2020: New Mixed-Reality-Based Teleoperation System for Telepresence and Maneuverability Enhancement, A
* 2020: Orthogonal Coded Multi-view Structured Light for Inter-view Interference Elimination
* 2021: Accurate and efficient vehicle detection framework based on SSD algorithm
* 2021: Adaptive Prototype Learning and Allocation for Few-Shot Segmentation
* 2021: AutoFlow: Learning a Better Training Set for Optical Flow
* 2021: Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* 2021: Point Set Registration for 3D Range Scans Using Fuzzy Cluster-Based Metric and Efficient Global Optimization
* 2021: Resilient UAV Traffic Congestion Control Using Fluid Queuing Models
* 2022: Alleviating the over-smoothing of graph neural computing by a data augmentation strategy with entropy preservation
* 2022: Combined Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Heterogeneous Nodes in Mixed Vehicle Platoon Under V2I Communication
* 2022: ControlVAE: Tuning, Analytical Properties, and Performance Analysis
* 2022: Cyber-physical description and CPS-based pinning approach of mixed traffic
* 2022: Data-adaptive binary neural networks for efficient object detection and recognition
* 2022: Deep Volumetric Descriptor Learning for Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography via Spectral Maps
* 2022: Development of a New Tropical Cyclone Strip Segment Retrieval Model for C-Band Cross-Polarized SAR Data
* 2022: Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies: A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario
* 2022: LasHeR: A Large-Scale High-Diversity Benchmark for RGBT Tracking
* 2022: Multi-Scale Pathological Fluid Segmentation in OCT With a Novel Curvature Loss in Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: Multitask Multigranularity Aggregation With Global-Guided Attention for Video Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Near-Field 3D Sparse SAR Direct Imaging with Irregular Samples
* 2022: Observer-Based Double Closed-Loop Control for Mixed Vehicle Groups: A Macro and Micro Perspective
* 2022: Robust Tensor Completion: Equivalent Surrogates, Error Bounds, and Algorithms
* 2022: UAV Trajectory Planning With Probabilistic Geo-Fence via Iterative Chance-Constrained Optimization
* 2023: Fuzzy Cluster-Based Group-Wise Point Set Registration With Quality Assessment
* 2023: Human-Like Control for Automated Vehicles and Avoiding Vehicle Face-Off in Unprotected Left Turn Scenarios
* 2023: Improved SwinTrack single target tracking algorithm based on spatio-temporal feature fusion
* 2023: Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Denoising by Combining Spatial-Spectral Information, A
* 2023: Non-Aligned Multi-View Multi-Label Classification via Learning View-Specific Labels
* 2023: Object-centric Contour-aware Data Augmentation Using Superpixels of Varying Granularity
* 2023: Reducing Redundancy in Maps without Lowering Accuracy: A Geometric Feature Fusion Approach for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
* 2023: Short-term traffic flow prediction approach incorporating vehicle functions from RFID-ELP data for urban road sections
* 2024: Assessing Regional Public Service Facility Accessibility Using Multisource Geospatial Data: A Case Study of Underdeveloped Areas in China
* 2024: Hybrid attention mechanism of feature fusion for medical image segmentation
* 2024: Retrieval of Snow Depths on Arctic Sea Ice in the Cold Season from FY-3D/MWRI Data
* 2024: Wind Profile Reconstruction Based on Convolutional Neural Network for Incoherent Doppler Wind LiDAR
Includes: Sun, D.[Da] Sun, D. Sun, D.[Dan] Sun, D.[Di] Sun, D.[Dong] Sun, D.[Deqing] Sun, D.[Dengdi] Sun, D.[Daniel] Sun, D.[Dihua] Sun, D.[Dexin] Sun, D.[Deyong] Sun, D.[Dongik] Sun, D.[De] Sun, D.[Deyao] Sun, D.[Dengfeng] Sun, D.[Dachun] Sun, D.[Dianmin] Sun, D.[Diya] Sun, D.[Daozhong] Sun, D.[Dianchen] Sun, D.[Dongke] Sun, D.[Dou] Sun, D.[Defeng] Sun, D.[Dongye] Sun, D.[Danni] Sun, D.[Dongsong]
72 for Sun, D.

Sun, D.C.[De Chao] * 2014: Detail-generating geometry completion for point-sampled geometry
* 2020: Multi-Scale Representation of Ocean Flow Fields Based on Feature Analysis
Includes: Sun, D.C.[De Chao] Sun, D.C.[De-Chao] Sun, D.C.[De-Cheng]

Sun, D.F.[Dan Feng] * 2016: Agricultural Soil Alkalinity and Salinity Modeling in the Cropping Season in a Spectral Endmember Space of TM in Temperate Drylands, Minqin, China
* 2017: Strategy of Rapid Extraction of Built-Up Area Using Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Band 10 Images, A
* 2021: Control Protocol Design and Analysis for Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* 2022: Remotely Sensed Framework for Spatially-Detailed Dryland Soil Organic Matter Mapping: Coupled Cross-Wavelet Transform with Fractional Vegetation and Soil-Related Endmember Time Series, A
* 2023: Mapping Coastal Wetlands and Their Dynamics in the Yellow River Delta over Last Three Decades: Based on a Spectral Endmember Space
Includes: Sun, D.F.[Dan Feng] Sun, D.F.[Dan-Feng] Sun, D.F.[Deng-Feng]

Sun, D.G.[De Gang] * 2020: Parallel spatial-temporal convolutional neural networks for anomaly detection and location in crowded scenes
Includes: Sun, D.G.[De Gang] Sun, D.G.[De-Gang]

Sun, D.H.[Di Hua] * 2010: Vehicle formation analysis based on zero dynamics for road traffic system
* 2017: ST TD outlier detection
* 2018: Cooperative driving modelling in the vicinity of traffic signals based on intelligent driver model
* 2020: Understanding Citywide Resident Mobility Using Big Data of Electronic Registration Identification of Vehicles
* 2022: New Lane Keeping Method Based on Human-Simulated Intelligent Control, A
* 2022: Recognizing and Analyzing Private Car Commuters Using Big Data of Electronic Registration Identification of Vehicles
Includes: Sun, D.H.[Di Hua] Sun, D.H.[Di-Hua]

Sun, D.J. * 2016: Discriminated Release Strategy for Parking Variable Message Sign Display Problem Using Agent-Based Simulation, A
* 2020: Blind deblurring and denoising via a learning deep CNN denoiser prior and an adaptive L 0-regularised gradient prior for passive millimetre-wave images
* 2024: Deep Learning Localization Method for Acoustic Source via Improved Input Features and Network Structure, A
Includes: Sun, D.J. Sun, D.J.[Dian-Jun] Sun, D.J.[Da-Jun]

Sun, D.K.[Deng Kuo] * 2023: New Remote Sensing Desert Vegetation Detection Index, A
Includes: Sun, D.K.[Deng Kuo] Sun, D.K.[Deng-Kuo]

Sun, D.L.[Dong Lian] * 2014: New Retrieval Algorithm for Deriving Land Surface Temperature From Geostationary Orbiting Satellite Observations
* 2018: Contributions of Operational Satellites in Monitoring the Catastrophic Floodwaters Due to Hurricane Harvey
* 2019: Land Surface Temperature Derivation under All Sky Conditions through Integrating AMSR-E/AMSR-2 and MODIS/GOES Observations
* 2020: Assessment of the Catastrophic Asia Floods and Potentially Affected Population in Summer 2020 Using VIIRS Flood Products
* 2020: Mapping, Monitoring, and Prediction of Floods Due to Ice Jam and Snowmelt with Operational Weather Satellites
* 2021: Quantitative Assessment of Landslide Risk Based on Susceptibility Mapping Using Random Forest and GeoDetector
* 2022: downscaling model for derivation of 3-D flood products from VIIRS imagery and SRTM/DEM, A
* 2022: High Resolution 3D Mapping of Hurricane Flooding from Moderate-Resolution Operational Satellites
* 2022: Low-Rank Tensor Completion Method for Implicitly Low-Rank Visual Data
* 2024: Downscaling Land Surface Temperature Derived from Microwave Observations with the Super-Resolution Reconstruction Method: A Case Study in the CONUS
Includes: Sun, D.L.[Dong Lian] Sun, D.L.[Dong-Lian] Sun, D.L.[De-Liang] Sun, D.L.[Dong-Lin]
10 for Sun, D.L.

Sun, D.M.[Dong Mei] * 2005: Secure Multimodal Biometric Verification Scheme, A
* 2006: Euclidean Quality Assessment for Binary Images
* 2006: Feature-Level Fusion of Hand Biometrics for Personal Verification Based on Kernel PCA
* 2007: New Security Scheme based on Palmprint Biometrics for Signature, A
* 2022: Deep Constraints Space via Channel Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification
* 2024: Semantic-Oriented Feature Coupling Transformer for Vehicle Re-Identification in Intelligent Transportation System
Includes: Sun, D.M.[Dong Mei] Sun, D.M.[Dong-Mei] Sun, D.M.[Da-Ming]

Sun, D.Q.[De Qing] * 2008: Learning Optical Flow
* 2010: Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles
* 2011: Bayesian approach to adaptive video super resolution, A
* 2011: Bayesian approach to adaptive video super resolution, A
* 2012: Non-causal Temporal Prior for Video Deblocking
* 2013: Fully-Connected Layered Model of Foreground and Background Flow, A
* 2014: Local Layering for Joint Motion Estimation and Occlusion Detection
* 2014: On Bayesian Adaptive Video Super Resolution
* 2014: Quantitative Analysis of Current Practices in Optical Flow Estimation and the Principles Behind Them, A
* 2015: Layered RGBD scene flow estimation
* 2016: Blind Image Deblurring Using Dark Channel Prior
* 2017: NTIRE 2017 Challenge on Single Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2018: Deblurring Images via Dark Channel Prior
* 2018: Learning Data Terms for Non-blind Deblurring
* 2018: Learning Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Level Vision
* 2018: Learning Rigidity in Dynamic Scenes with a Moving Camera for 3D Motion Field Estimation
* 2018: PWC-Net: CNNs for Optical Flow Using Pyramid, Warping, and Cost Volume
* 2018: Rendering Portraitures from Monocular Camera and Beyond
* 2018: SPLATNet: Sparse Lattice Networks for Point Cloud Processing
* 2019: Competitive Collaboration: Joint Unsupervised Learning of Depth, Camera Motion, Optical Flow and Motion Segmentation
* 2019: Pixel-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Learnable Cost Volume Using the Cayley Representation
* 2020: Models Matter, So Does Training: An Empirical Study of CNNs for Optical Flow Estimation
* 2020: Research Progress and Development Trend of Social Media Big Data (SMBD): Knowledge Mapping Analysis Based on CiteSpace
* 2021: Editorial for CVIU_DL for image restoration
* 2021: HumanGPS: Geodesic PreServing Feature for Dense Human Correspondences
* 2021: Spatial Optimization of Mega-City Fire Stations Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data: A Case Study in Beijing
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Urbanization in the Three Most Developed Urban Agglomerations in China Based on Continuous Nighttime Light Data (2000-2018)
* 2021: Study on the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Spatial Behavior of Urban Tourists Based on Commentary Big Data: A Case Study of Nanjing, China
* 2022: Adaptive Transformers for Robust Few-shot Cross-domain Face Anti-spoofing
* 2022: Disentangling Architecture and Training for Optical Flow
* 2022: Dual Convolutional Neural Networks for Low-Level Vision
* 2022: FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion
* 2022: Kubric: A scalable dataset generator
* 2022: Multi-Frame Video Prediction with Learnable Motion Encodings
* 2022: Pyramid Adversarial Training Improves ViT Performance
* 2022: Relative Pose Estimation of Non-Cooperative Space Targets Using a TOF Camera
* 2022: Seasonal Contrast and Interactive Effects of Potential Drivers on Land Surface Temperature in the Sichuan Basin, China
* 2022: Using a Remote-Sensing-Based Piecewise Retrieval Algorithm to Map Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Highland River System
* 2023: Accidental Light Probes
* 2023: LOCATE: Localize and Transfer Object Parts for Weakly Supervised Affordance Grounding
* 2023: SAMPLING: Scene-adaptive Hierarchical Multiplane Images Representation for Novel View Synthesis from a Single Image
* 2023: Self-supervised AutoFlow
* 2023: VQ3D: Learning a 3D-Aware Generative Model on ImageNet
Includes: Sun, D.Q.[De Qing] Sun, D.Q.[De-Qing] Sun, D.Q.[Dong-Qi] Sun, D.Q.[Dian-Qi]
44 for Sun, D.Q.

Sun, D.S.[Dong Song] * 2022: Numerical Weather Predictions and Re-Analysis as Input for Lidar Inversions: Assessment of the Impact on Optical Products
Includes: Sun, D.S.[Dong Song] Sun, D.S.[Dong-Song]

Sun, D.W.[Da Wen] * 2008: Computer Vision Technology for Food Quality Evaluation
* 2009: Prediction of beef eating qualities from colour, marbling and wavelet surface texture features using homogenous carcass treatment
* 2018: Combining UAV-Based Vegetation Indices and Image Classification to Estimate Flower Number in Oilseed Rape
* 2019: Deeply-Supervised Knowledge Synergy
* 2019: Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network
* 2020: Knowledge Transfer via Dense Cross-layer Mutual-distillation
* 2021: Building Extraction Based on U-net and Conditional Random Fields
* 2021: Control Protocol Design and Analysis for Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management
* 2022: DistPro: Searching a Fast Knowledge Distillation Process via Meta Optimization
* 2022: OANet: Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network
Includes: Sun, D.W.[Da Wen] Sun, D.W.[Da-Wen] Sun, D.W.[Da-Wei]
10 for Sun, D.W.

Sun, D.X.[De Xin] * 2017: novel scene-based non-uniformity correction method for SWIR push-broom hyperspectral sensors, A
* 2018: Research on the Etalon Effect in Dispersive Hyperspectral VNIR Imagers Using Back-Illuminated CCDs
* 2020: Novel Method to Remove Interference Fringes for Hyperspectral SWIR Imagers, A
* 2021: Vicarious Calibration for the AHSI Instrument of Gaofen-5 With Reference to the CRCS Dunhuang Test Site
* 2023: Positive-Unlabeled Radar False Target Recognition Method Based on Frequency Response Features, A
Includes: Sun, D.X.[De Xin] Sun, D.X.[De-Xin] Sun, D.X. Sun, D.X.[Dian-Xing]

Sun, D.Y.[De Yong] * 2016: Remote Sensing of Particle Cross-Sectional Area in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea: Algorithm Development and Application Implications
* 2016: Variability of Particle Size Distributions in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea
* 2017: Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a (2000-2012) in the Bohai Sea, China
* 2018: Long-Term Changes in Colored Dissolved Organic Matter from Satellite Observations in the Bohai Sea and North Yellow Sea
* 2018: Validation of MODIS C6 Dark Target Aerosol Products at 3 km and 10 km Spatial Resolutions Over the China Seas and the Eastern Indian Ocean
* 2020: Monitoring Water Transparency in Shallow and Eutrophic Lake Waters Based on GOCI Observations
* 2022: Intelligent Gear Decision Method for Automatic Vehicles Based on Data Mining Under Uphill Conditions
* 2024: LGCOAMix: Local and Global Context-and-Object-Part-Aware Superpixel-Based Data Augmentation for Deep Visual Recognition
Includes: Sun, D.Y.[De Yong] Sun, D.Y.[De-Yong] Sun, D.Y.[Dong-Ye] Sun, D.Y.[Dan-Yang]
8 for Sun, D.Y.

Sun, D.Z.[De Zheng] * 2019: Thermohaline Structures and Heat/Freshwater Transports of Mesoscale Eddies in the Bay of Bengal Observed by Argo and Satellite Data
* 2022: Impact of Systematic Attitude Error on the Measurement of Interferometric Radar Altimeter, The
* 2022: Ocean Wave Inversion Based on a Ku/Ka Dual-Band Airborne Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter
* 2022: Ocean Wave Inversion Based on Hybrid Along- and Cross-Track Interferometry
* 2023: Estimating the SPAD of Litchi in the Growth Period and Autumn Shoot Period Based on UAV Multi-Spectrum
* 2023: HyperSFormer: A Transformer-Based End-to-End Hyperspectral Image Classification Method for Crop Classification
Includes: Sun, D.Z.[De Zheng] Sun, D.Z.[De-Zheng] Sun, D.Z.[Dao-Zhong] Sun, D.Z.[Dao-Zong]

Sun, E.[Erchang] * 2019: Three-Dimensional Cloud Structure Reconstruction from the Directional Polarimetric Camera
* 2023: Evaluation of Simulated CO2 Point Source Plumes from High-Resolution Atmospheric Transport Model
* 2024: Ozone Profile Retrieval Algorithm Based on GEOS-Chem Model in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere

Sun, E.M. * 2017: Age group classification in the wild with deep RoR architecture

Sun, E.Y.N.[Elaine Y.N.] * 2021: Efficient Recoverable Cryptographic Mosaic Technique by Permutations

Sun, F.[Fang] * 1997: Precise Recognition of Blurred Chinese Characters by Considering Change in Distribution
* 1998: Algorithm for Constructing a Multi-Template Dictionary for Character Recognition Considering Distribution of Feature Vectors, An
* 1999: Algorithm for Estimating Mixture Distribution of High Dimensional Vectors and its Application to Character Recognition, An
* 1999: Discriminant Function for Noisy Pattern Recognition, A
* 2000: Noise-Adaptive Discriminant Function and Its Application to Blurred Machine Printed Kanji Recognition, A
* 2000: Two-stage Computational Cost Reduction Algorithm Based on Mahalanobis Distance Approximations
* 2004: Precise estimation of high-dimensional distribution and its application to face recognition
* 2010: Fuzzy-Statistics-Based Affinity Propagation Technique for Clustering in Multispectral Images, A
* 2012: Coordinated Direct and Relay Transmission With Linear Non-Regenerative Relay Beamforming
* 2012: Fast and Robust Sparse Approach for Hyperspectral Data Classification Using a Few Labeled Samples, A
* 2012: Leakage-Based MMSE Beamforming Design for a MIMO Interference Channel, A
* 2013: Low-Complexity MMSE Precoding for Coordinated Multipoint With Per-Antenna Power Constraint
* 2016: Adaptive Overhearing in Two-Way Multi-Antenna Relay Channels
* 2016: HyperNet: Towards Accurate Region Proposal Generation and Joint Object Detection
* 2016: Monocular Depth-Ordering Reasoning with Occlusion Edge Detection and Couple Layers Inference
* 2016: Object Classification and Grasp Planning Using Visual and Tactile Sensing
* 2016: Sparse Coding and Dictionary Learning with Linear Dynamical Systems
* 2017: From foot to head: Active face finding using deep Q-learning
* 2017: Structured Output-Associated Dictionary Learning for Haptic Understanding
* 2017: Uncovering Distribution Patterns of High Performance Taxis from Big Trace Data
* 2018: Evaluating the Performance of Sentinel-2, Landsat 8 and Pléiades-1 in Mapping Mangrove Extent and Species
* 2019: ChamNet: Towards Efficient Network Design Through Platform-Aware Model Adaptation
* 2019: Efficiency of Extreme Gradient Boosting for Imbalanced Land Cover Classification Using an Extended Margin and Disagreement Performance
* 2019: Estimating Summertime Precipitation from Himawari-8 and Global Forecast System Based on Machine Learning
* 2019: FBNet: Hardware-Aware Efficient ConvNet Design via Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
* 2019: Image-Based Virtual Try-on Network with Structural Coherence
* 2019: Learning to Grasp Familiar Objects Based on Experience and Objects' Shape Affordance
* 2019: Optimal location of the U-turn at a signalised intersection with double left-turn lanes
* 2019: Saliency guided deep network for weakly-supervised image segmentation
* 2020: FoveaBox: Beyound Anchor-Based Object Detection
* 2020: Learning in the Frequency Domain
* 2020: Minimal Solutions for Relative Pose With a Single Affine Correspondence
* 2020: Real-Time Recurrent Tactile Recognition: Momentum Batch-Sequential Echo State Networks
* 2020: Reusing Discriminators for Encoding: Towards Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* 2020: Single Satellite Optical Imagery Dehazing using SAR Image Prior Based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: Comparison of the Hydrological Dynamics of Poyang Lake in the Wet and Dry Seasons
* 2021: Fusing Skeleton Recognition With Face-TLD for Human Following of Mobile Service Robots
* 2021: Historic and Simulated Desert-Oasis Ecotone Changes in the Arid Tarim River Basin, China
* 2021: Projected Meteorological Drought over Asian Drylands under Different CMIP6 Scenarios
* 2021: Random Forest-Based Reconstruction and Application of the GRACE Terrestrial Water Storage Estimates for the Lancang-Mekong River Basin
* 2022: CHEX: CHannel EXploration for CNN Model Compression
* 2022: CTTE: Customized Travel Time Estimation via Mobile Crowdsensing
* 2022: Ecological Impacts of Land Use Change in the Arid Tarim River Basin of China
* 2022: Hierarchical Decoding Network Based on Swin Transformer for Detecting Salient Objects in RGB-T Images
* 2022: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack in Central Asia
* 2022: Integrated Aircraft and Passenger Recovery With Enhancements in Modeling, Solution Algorithm, and Intermodalism
* 2022: Land Use Dynamic Changes in an Arid Inland River Basin Based on Multi-Scenario Simulation
* 2022: MMINR: Multi-frame-to-Multi-frame Inference with Noise Resistance for Precipitation Nowcasting with Radar
* 2022: Point2Roof: End-to-end 3D building roof modeling from airborne LiDAR point clouds
* 2022: Relative Pose Estimation with a Single Affine Correspondence
* 2022: Side-Channel Security Analysis of Connected Vehicle Communications Using Hidden Markov Models
* 2023: Contour-Assisted Long-Range Perceptual Network for Camouflaged Instance Segmentation
* 2023: Exploring the Point Feature Relation on Point Cloud for Multi-View Stereo
* 2023: Finding Camouflaged Object Guided by Contour and Attention
* 2023: Increased Compound Droughts and Heatwaves in a Double Pack in Central Asia
* 2023: Prediction of Soil Properties in a Field in Typical Black Soil Areas Using in situ MIR Spectra and Its Comparison with vis-NIR Spectra
* 2023: Spatial-Temporal Evolution and Influencing Factors Analysis of Ecosystem Services Value: A Case Study in Sunan Canal Basin of Jiangsu Province, Eastern China
* 2023: Synthetic multi-view clustering with missing relationships and instances
* 2023: Wavelet-FCWAN: Fast and Covert Watermarking Attack Network in Wavelet Domain
* 2023: WaveNet: Wavelet Network With Knowledge Distillation for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* 2024: CATNet: A Cascaded and Aggregated Transformer Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
Includes: Sun, F.[Fang] Sun, F. Sun, F.[Fei] Sun, F.[Feng] Sun, F.[Fengdong] Sun, F.[Fangdi] Sun, F.[Fan] Sun, F.[Fubao] Sun, F.[Fuyong] Sun, F.[Fengming] Sun, F.[Fusheng] Sun, F.[Fujun] Sun, F.[Fuhua] Sun, F.[Fanran] Sun, F.[Fuming]
61 for Sun, F.

Sun, F.C.[Fu Chun] * 2007: Color Model based real-time Face Detection with AdaBoost in color image
* 2009: Incremental Co-Boost for visual tracking
* 2010: Visual Tracking Using Sparsity Induced Similarity
* 2011: Circle Text Expansion as Low-Rank Textures
* 2011: Visual Tracking Using Online Semi-supervised Learning
* 2012: Estimating viewing angles in mobile street view search
* 2012: Large-Margin Predictive Latent Subspace Learning for Multiview Data Analysis
* 2013: Multiple Geometry Transform Estimation from Single Camera-Captured Text Image
* 2013: Rectification of Optical Characters as Transform Invariant Low-Rank Textures
* 2013: Supervised Low-Rank Matrix Recovery for Traffic Sign Recognition in Image Sequences
* 2014: Efficient semantic image segmentation with multi-class ranking prior
* 2014: Optimization-Based Extreme Learning Machine with Multi-kernel Learning Approach for Classification
* 2014: Transform invariant text extraction
* 2015: Non-blind deblurring of structured images with geometric deformation
* 2017: RON: Reverse Connection with Objectness Prior Networks for Object Detection
* 2017: Unsupervised Local Linear Preserving Manifold Reduction with Uncertainty Pretraining for Image Recognition
* 2018: Deep Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration for Object Detection
* 2019: Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration With Consistent Loss for Object Detection
* 2019: One-Shot SADI-EPE: A Visual Framework of Event Progress Estimation
* 2020: Boundary Based Out-of-Distribution Classifier for Generalized Zero-shot Learning, A
* 2020: Multi-agent Embodied Question Answering in Interactive Environments
* 2020: Resolution Switchable Networks for Runtime Efficient Image Recognition
* 2020: Weakly-paired deep dictionary learning for cross-modal retrieval
* 2021: Dense point cloud map construction based on stereo VINS for mobile vehicles
* 2021: Novel Approach to Image-Sequence-Based Mobile Robot Place Recognition, A
* 2021: Sub-bit Neural Networks: Learning to Compress and Accelerate Binary Neural Networks
* 2021: two-level framework for place recognition with 3D LiDAR based on spatial relation graph, A
* 2022: Adversarial Texture for Fooling Person Detectors in the Physical World
* 2022: Bridged Transformer for Vision and Point Cloud 3D Object Detection
* 2022: Fine-Grained Multilevel Fusion for Anti-Occlusion Monocular 3D Object Detection
* 2022: Multimodal Token Fusion for Vision Transformers
* 2023: Channel Exchanging Networks for Multimodal and Multitask Dense Image Prediction
* 2023: Compacting Binary Neural Networks by Sparse Kernel Selection
* 2023: Crowd counting from single images using recursive multi-pathway zooming and foreground enhancement
* 2023: Knowledge-Based Embodied Question Answering
* 2023: Learning Representations by Graphical Mutual Information Estimation and Maximization
* 2023: Recognizing Object by Components with Human Prior Knowledge Enhances Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
* 2023: Root Pose Decomposition Towards Generic Non-rigid 3D Reconstruction with Monocular Videos
Includes: Sun, F.C.[Fu Chun] Sun, F.C.[Fu-Chun] Sun, F.C.[Feng-Chi]
38 for Sun, F.C.

Sun, F.D.[Fang Di] * 2020: Changing Patterns of Lakes on The Southern Tibetan Plateau Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data
* 2021: Comparison of Hydrological Patterns between Glacier-Fed and Non-Glacier-Fed Lakes on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau
* 2021: Pixel-Based Vegetation Greenness Trend Analysis over the Russian Tundra with All Available Landsat Data from 1984 to 2018, A
Includes: Sun, F.D.[Fang Di] Sun, F.D.[Fang-Di]

Sun, F.F.[Fei Fei] * 2016: Empirical Estimation of Near-Surface Air Temperature in China from MODIS LST Data by Considering Physiographic Features
* 2022: Mapping Crop Distribution Patterns and Changes in China from 2000 to 2015 by Fusing Remote-Sensing, Statistics, and Knowledge-Based Crop Phenology
* 2022: Study on the Classification and Change Detection Methods of Drylands in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
Includes: Sun, F.F.[Fei Fei] Sun, F.F.[Fei-Fei]

Sun, F.H.[Feng Hua] * 2012: Compressive Sampling based Single-Image Super-resolution Reconstruction by dual-sparsity and Non-local Similarity Regularizer
Includes: Sun, F.H.[Feng Hua] Sun, F.H.[Feng-Hua]

Sun, F.J.[Fu Jun] * 2020: Deep spatio-spectral Bayesian posterior for hyperspectral image non-i.i.d. noise removal
* 2021: Combined deep prior with low-rank tensor SVD for thick cloud removal in multitemporal images
* 2024: Accuracy Evaluation of Ocean Wave Spectra from Sentinel-1 SAR Based on Buoy Observations and ERA5 Data
Includes: Sun, F.J.[Fu Jun] Sun, F.J.[Fu-Jun] Sun, F.J.[Feng-Jia]

Sun, F.K.[Fu Kang] * 2017: Thermal analysis of AC-LED light engine based on infrared image
* 2022: Learning from Multiple Annotator Noisy Labels via Sample-Wise Label Fusion
Includes: Sun, F.K.[Fu Kang] Sun, F.K.[Fu-Kang] Sun, F.K.[Fan-Keng]

Sun, F.L.[Feng Lin] * 2019: Local Severe Storm Tracking and Warning in Pre-Convection Stage from the New Generation Geostationary Weather Satellite Measurements
* 2021: Deep Learning-Based Radar Composite Reflectivity Factor Estimations from Fengyun-4A Geostationary Satellite Observations
* 2024: Family of Generalized Cardinal Polishing Splines, A
Includes: Sun, F.L.[Feng Lin] Sun, F.L.[Feng-Lin] Sun, F.L.[Fang-Li]

Sun, F.M. * 2000: New Automatic Quasar Recognition Technique Based on PCA and the Hough Transform, A
* 2000: Planar Conic Based Camera Calibration
* 2010: Collaborative Approach for Image Annotation, A
* 2010: Motion Dynamics Approach to the PnP Problem, The
* 2014: Multi-Label Image Categorization With Sparse Factor Representation
* 2015: Robust Multi-Label Image Classification with Semi-Supervised Learning and Active Learning
* 2018: Parameter Selection for Denoising Algorithms Using NR-IQA with CNN
* 2020: Visual object tracking via iterative ant particle filtering
* 2021: Sparsely-labeled source assisted domain adaptation
* 2022: Joint Adaptive Dual Graph and Feature Selection for Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Feature Enhancement and Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* 2023: Rich-scale feature fusion network for salient object detection
* 2023: Selective feature fusion network for salient object detection
* 2023: WATB: Wild Animal Tracking Benchmark
Includes: Sun, F.M. Sun, F.M.[Feng-Mei] Sun, F.M.[Fu-Ming] Sun, F.M.[Feng-Ming]
14 for Sun, F.M.

Sun, F.R.[Feng Rong] * 2009: Numerical Method of an Orthogonal Array Optimization
* 2011: Guided wave signal recognition by matching pursuit based on evolutionary programming algorithm
* 2024: Research on assessment of air traffic control operation quality based on track data
Includes: Sun, F.R.[Feng Rong] Sun, F.R.[Feng-Rong] Sun, F.R.[Feng-Rui] Sun, F.R.[Fan-Rong]

Sun, F.T.[Fang Ting] * 2002: efficient packetization algorithm for JPEG2000, An
* 2006: Efficient Rate Control for JPEG-2000
* 2010: Lunar Image Classification for Terrain Detection
Includes: Sun, F.T.[Fang Ting] Sun, F.T.[Fang-Ting] Sun, F.T.[Feng-Tso]

Sun, F.X.[Fei Xiang] * 2023: Laplacian Lp norm least squares twin support vector machine
* 2024: Multiscale Cross-Modal Homogeneity Enhancement and Confidence-Aware Fusion for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
Includes: Sun, F.X.[Fei Xiang] Sun, F.X.[Fei-Xiang]

Sun, F.Y.[Feng Yun] * 2019: Comparison of Changes in Urban Land Use/Cover and Efficiency of Megaregions in China from 1980 to 2015
* 2020: Context-Dependent Effect of Urban Form on Air Pollution: A Panel Data Analysis, The
* 2020: Exploring the Combined Effect of Urbanization and Climate Variability on Urban Vegetation: A Multi-Perspective Study Based on More than 3000 Cities in China
* 2022: Deep Fusion for Travel Time Estimation Based on Road Network Topology
* 2023: Temporally Consistent Semantic Segmentation using Spatially Aware Multi-view Semantic Fusion for Indoor RGB-D videos
* 2024: Instantaneous Frequency Extraction for Nonstationary Signals via a Squeezing Operator with a Fixed-Point Iteration Method
Includes: Sun, F.Y.[Feng Yun] Sun, F.Y.[Feng-Yun] Sun, F.Y.[Fu-Yue] Sun, F.Y.[Fu-Yong] Sun, F.Y.[Feng-Yuan]

Sun, F.Z.[Feng Zhen] * 2020: CostNet: A Concise Overpass Spatiotemporal Network for Predictive Learning
Includes: Sun, F.Z.[Feng Zhen] Sun, F.Z.[Feng-Zhen]

Sun, G. * 2003: Validation of surface height from shuttle radar topography mission using shuttle laser altimeter
* 2004: Active discriminant functions for handwriting recognition
* 2010: Three-Dimensional Coherent Radar Backscatter Model and Simulations of Scattering Phase Center of Forest Canopies
* 2011: ICESat GLAS Data for Urban Environment Monitoring
* 2012: Distributed robust stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems
* 2012: Low-Complexity Spectrum Shaping for OFDM-Based Cognitive Radio Systems
* 2013: Accurate and efficient cross-domain visual matching leveraging multiple feature representations
* 2013: Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Gravitational Search Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using Multilevel Thresholding, A
* 2013: Large Scene Deceptive Jamming Method for Space-Borne SAR, A
* 2013: Multi-level Discriminative Dictionary Learning towards Hierarchical Visual Categorization
* 2014: Model-Based Analysis of the Influence of Forest Structures on the Scattering Phase Center at L-Band
* 2014: Robust blurred face recognition using sample-wise kernel estimation and random compressed multi-scale local binary pattern histograms
* 2014: Sharing model with multi-level feature representations
* 2015: Adaptive multi-task learning for fine-grained categorization
* 2015: Multi-Level Discriminative Dictionary Learning With Application to Large Scale Image Classification
* 2016: Detection of the Coupling between Vegetation Leaf Area and Climate in a Multifunctional Watershed, Northwestern China
* 2016: Improving Saliency Detection Via Multiple Kernel Boosting and Adaptive Fusion
* 2016: Key Volume Mining Deep Framework for Action Recognition, A
* 2016: Looking Into Saliency Model via Space-Time Visualization
* 2016: Smartphone-based fatigue detection system using progressive locating method
* 2017: Adaptive Greedy Dictionary Selection for Web Media Summarization
* 2017: Dynamic Post-Earthquake Image Segmentation with an Adaptive Spectral-Spatial Descriptor
* 2017: Image compressive sensing using group sparse representation via truncated nuclear norm minimization
* 2017: Saliency Detection for Unconstrained Videos Using Superpixel-Level Graph and Spatiotemporal Propagation
* 2018: Frequency Domain Backprojection Algorithm Based on Local Cartesian Coordinate and Subregion Range Migration Correction for High-Squint SAR Mounted on Maneuvering Platforms, A
* 2018: Modeling Interferometric SAR Features of Forest Canopies Over Mountainous Area at Landscape Scales
* 2018: Online Low-Rank Metric Learning via Parallel Coordinate Descent Method
* 2018: Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
* 2018: Truncated Nuclear Norm Minimization Based Group Sparse Representation for Image Restoration
* 2018: Unified Framework for Fault Detection of Freight Train Images Under Complex Environment, A
* 2018: User attribute discovery with missing labels
* 2019: Analytical Exploration of Energy Savings for Parked Vehicles to Enhance VANET Connectivity
* 2019: Focusing Improvement of Curved Trajectory Spaceborne SAR Based on Optimal LRWC Preprocessing and 2-D Singular Value Decomposition
* 2019: Highly Squinted MEO SAR Focusing Based on Extended Omega-K Algorithm and Modified Joint Time and Doppler Resampling
* 2019: Laplacian pyramid adversarial network for face completion
* 2019: Memory-Based Parameterized Skills Learning for Mapless Visual Navigation
* 2019: Object Counting and Instance Segmentation With Image-Level Supervision
* 2019: Online Multi-Task Clustering for Human Motion Segmentation
* 2019: Semantic-Transferable Weakly-Supervised Endoscopic Lesions Segmentation
* 2019: Transformed Triangular Vegetation Index for Estimating Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index, A
* 2019: Two-Step Accuracy Improvement of Motion Compensation for Airborne SAR With Ultrahigh Resolution and Wide Swath
* 2020: Camouflaged Object Detection
* 2020: CSCL: Critical Semantic-consistent Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2020: Fine-Grained Spatial Alignment Model for Person Re-Identification With Focal Triplet Loss
* 2020: Fixing Localization Errors to Improve Image Classification
* 2020: Focusing of MEO SAR Data Based on Principle of Optimal Imaging Coordinate System
* 2020: Improved Winter Wheat Spatial Distribution Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Semantic Features and Statistical Analysis
* 2020: Intersection Fog-Based Distributed Routing for V2V Communication in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* 2020: Learning Local Quality-Aware Structures of Salient Regions for Stereoscopic Images via Deep Neural Networks
* 2020: Radiometric Calibration for Incidence Angle, Range and Sub-Footprint Effects on Hyperspectral LiDAR Backscatter Intensity
* 2020: Research on the Metaphorical Features of Computer Language in English from the Perspective of Cognition
* 2020: Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
* 2020: Using GRACE Data to Study the Impact of Snow and Rainfall on Terrestrial Water Storage in Northeast China
* 2020: What Can Be Transferred: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Endoscopic Lesions Segmentation
* 2021: Accurate and Fast Image Denoising via Attention Guided Scaling
* 2021: Adversarial Multi-Path Residual Network for Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: CompositeTasking: Understanding Images by Spatial Composition of Tasks
* 2021: DeepDance: Music-to-Dance Motion Choreography With Adversarial Learning
* 2021: Estimation of Maize Photosynthesis Traits Using Hyperspectral Lidar Backscattered Intensity
* 2021: iCmSC: Incomplete Cross-Modal Subspace Clustering
* 2021: L3DOC: Lifelong 3D Object Classification
* 2021: Mutual Affine Network for Spatially Variant Kernel Estimation in Blind Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Mutual Information-Based Waveform Design for MIMO Radar Space-Time Adaptive Processing
* 2021: Non-Destructive Monitoring of Maize Nitrogen Concentration Using a Hyperspectral LiDAR: An Evaluation from Leaf-Level to Plant-Level
* 2021: Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network for Face Completion
* 2021: Robust 3-D Object Recognition via View-Specific Constraint
* 2021: Semi-Supervised Dual Relation Learning for Multi-Label Classification
* 2021: Task Switching Network for Multi-task Learning
* 2021: Visual Analysis of Land Use Characteristics Around Urban Rail Transit Stations
* 2021: Weakly-Supervised Cross-Domain Adaptation for Endoscopic Lesions Segmentation
* 2022: APAN: Across-Scale Progressive Attention Network for Single Image Deraining
* 2022: Characteristics of Aerosol Extinction Hygroscopic Growth in the Typical Coastal City of Qingdao, China
* 2022: Coarse-to-Fine Feature Mining for Video Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Continuous Multi-View Human Action Recognition
* 2022: Data-Driven Artificial Intelligence Model of Meteorological Elements Influence on Vegetation Coverage in North China
* 2022: Effective Transfer Learning Algorithm in Spiking Neural Networks
* 2022: Evaluation of the Consistency of Three GRACE Gap-Filling Data
* 2022: Evolving Metric Learning for Incremental and Decremental Features
* 2022: Federated Class-Incremental Learning
* 2022: Fusion of PCA and Segmented-PCA Domain Multiscale 2-D-SSA for Effective Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction and Data Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2022: Game Theoretic Approach for Multipriority Data Transmission in 5G Vehicular Networks
* 2022: Hierarchical fusion of optical and dual-polarized SAR on impervious surface mapping at city scale
* 2022: Improving Building Extraction by Using Knowledge Distillation to Reduce the Impact of Label Noise
* 2022: Intersection-Based V2X Routing via Reinforcement Learning in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* 2022: Lifelong robotic visual-tactile perception learning
* 2022: MedUCC: Medium-Driven Underwater Camera Calibration for Refractive 3-D Reconstruction
* 2022: Mining Relations Among Cross-Frame Affinities for Video Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: PFDN: Pyramid Feature Decoupling Network for Single Image Deraining
* 2022: Remote Sensing Mapping of Build-Up Land with Noisy Label via Fault-Tolerant Learning
* 2022: Sentinel-2 Images Based Modeling of Grassland Above-Ground Biomass Using Random Forest Algorithm: A Case Study on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: SpaSSA: Superpixelwise Adaptive SSA for Unsupervised Spatial-Spectral Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Image
* 2022: Towards Partial Supervision for Generic Object Counting in Natural Scenes
* 2022: Visual-Tactile Fused Graph Learning for Object Clustering
* 2022: What and How: Generalized Lifelong Spectral Clustering via Dual Memory
* 2023: Detection and Attribution of Greening and Land Degradation of Dryland Areas in China and America
* 2023: Edge Guided GANs With Multi-Scale Contrastive Learning for Semantic Image Synthesis
* 2023: exploration, analysis, and correction of the distance effect on terrestrial hyperspectral LiDAR data, An
* 2023: Heterogeneous Forgetting Compensation for Class-Incremental Learning
* 2023: Indiscernible Object Counting in Underwater Scenes
* 2023: Intelligent UAV Path-Planning Method Based on the Theory of the Three-Dimensional Subdivision of Earth Space, An
* 2023: Lifelong Visual-Tactile Spectral Clustering for Robotic Object Perception
* 2023: Monitoring Land Degradation through Vegetation Dynamics Mathematical Modeling: Case of Jornada Basin (in the U.S.)
* 2023: Multi-Model Ensemble Pattern Method to Estimate the Refractive Index Structure Parameter Profile and Integrated Astronomical Parameters in the Atmosphere, A
* 2023: Study of the Cn2 Model through the New Dimensionless Temperature Structure Function near the Sea Surface in the South China Sea
* 2023: Uni3DA: Universal 3D Domain Adaptation for Object Recognition
* 2023: Urban Built Environment Assessment Based on Scene Understanding of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2024: Gradient-Semantic Compensation for Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* 2024: Louvain-Based Traffic Object Detection for Roadside 4D Millimeter-Wave Radar
* 2024: Motion-Aware Memory Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection
* 2024: No One Left Behind: Real-World Federated Class-Incremental Learning
* 2024: Self-Paced Weight Consolidation for Continual Learning
* 2024: Where and How to Transfer: Knowledge Aggregation-Induced Transferability Perception for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Includes: Sun, G. Sun, G.[Guangling] Sun, G.[Gang] Sun, G.[Genyun] Sun, G.[Ge] Sun, G.[Gan] Sun, G.[Guolei] Sun, G.[Guangtong] Sun, G.[Gongyu] Sun, G.[Guiquan] Sun, G.[Guolin] Sun, G.[Geng] Sun, G.[Guoyi] Sun, G.[Ganghao] Sun, G.[Guodao]
112 for Sun, G.

Sun, G.C. * 2011: Focus Improvement of Highly Squinted Data Based on Azimuth Nonlinear Scaling
* 2012: Echo Model Analyses and Imaging Algorithm for High-Resolution SAR on High-Speed Platform
* 2013: Beam Steering SAR Data Processing by a Generalized PFA
* 2013: Multichannel Full-Aperture Azimuth Processing for Beam Steering SAR
* 2013: Robust Ground Moving-Target Imaging Using Deramp-Keystone Processing
* 2013: Unified Focusing Algorithm for Several Modes of SAR Based on FrFT, A
* 2014: 2-D Space-Variant Chirp Scaling Algorithm Based on the RCM Equalization and Subband Synthesis to Process Geosynchronous SAR Data, A
* 2014: Azimuth Resampling Processing for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Several Modes
* 2016: Frequency-Domain Imaging Algorithm for Highly Squinted SAR Mounted on Maneuvering Platforms With Nonlinear Trajectory, A
* 2016: New SAR: GMTI High-Accuracy Focusing and Relocation Method Using Instantaneous Interferometry, A
* 2016: Processing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne Sliding Spotlight SAR Data Using Velocity Scaling
* 2016: Simultaneous Stationary Scene Imaging and Ground Moving Target Indication for High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR System
* 2017: 2-D Space-Variant Motion Estimation and Compensation Method for Ultrahigh-Resolution Airborne Stepped-Frequency SAR With Long Integration Time, A
* 2017: Full-Aperture Focusing of Very High Resolution Spaceborne-Squinted Sliding Spotlight SAR Data
* 2018: Analytical Resolution Evaluation Approach for Bistatic GEOSAR Based on Local Feature of Ambiguity Function, An
* 2018: Focusing of Medium-Earth-Orbit SAR Using an ASE-Velocity Model Based on MOCO Principle
* 2018: Modified CSA Based on Joint Time-Doppler Resampling for MEO SAR Stripmap Mode, A
* 2019: High-Speed Maneuvering Platforms Squint Beam-Steering SAR Imaging Without Subaperture
* 2019: Multi-Perspective 3D Reconstruction Method with Single Perspective Instantaneous Target Attitude Estimation, A
* 2020: Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture during Corn Growth Stage from SAR and Optical Data Using a Combined Scattering Model
* 2020: Impact of SAR Parameter Errors on the Ionospheric Correction Based on the Range-Doppler Model and the Split-Spectrum Method, The
* 2020: ISAR Image Matching and Three-Dimensional Scattering Imaging Based on Extracted Dominant Scatterers
* 2021: 2-D Beam Steering Method for Squinted High-Orbit SAR Imaging
* 2021: Focusing Challenges of Ships With Oscillatory Motions and Long Coherent Processing Interval
* 2021: Ground Cartesian Back-Projection Algorithm for High Squint Diving TOPS SAR Imaging
* 2021: High Speed Maneuvering Platform Squint TOPS SAR Imaging Based on Local Polar Coordinate and Angular Division
* 2021: Integration of Rotation Estimation and High-Order Compensation for Ultrahigh-Resolution Microwave Photonic ISAR Imagery
* 2021: ISAR Signal Tracking and High-Resolution Imaging by Kalman Filtering
* 2021: Refocusing of Moving Ships in Squint SAR Images Based on Spectrum Orthogonalization
* 2021: Time-Frequency Reversion-Based Spectrum Analysis Method and Its Applications in Radar Imaging
* 2021: Water Body Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images With Cascaded Fully-Convolutional Network and Variable Focal Loss
* 2022: Multi-Pulse Cross Ambiguity Function for the Wideband TDOA and FDOA to Locate an Emitter Passively, A
* 2022: Postmatched-Filtering Image-Domain Subspace Method for Channel Mismatch Estimation of Multiple Azimuth Channels SAR, A
* 2024: Concept of Spaceborne Ocean Microwave Dual-Function Integrated Sensor for Wind and Wave Measurement
Includes: Sun, G.C. Sun, G.C.[Guang-Cai]
34 for Sun, G.C.

Sun, G.D.[Guo Dong] * 2019: Enhanced Affinity Graph for Image Segmentation, An
* 2019: Fast Fabric Defect Detection Framework for Multi-Layer Convolutional Neural Network Based on Histogram Back-Projection, A
* 2021: Nonlinear Kalman Filter-Based Robust Channel Estimation for High Mobility OFDM Systems
* 2022: Deep Learning Channel Estimation Based on Edge Intelligence for NR-V2I
* 2023: Adaptive fusion affinity graph with noise-free online low-rank representation for natural image segmentation
* 2023: Faster OreFSDet: A lightweight and effective few-shot object detector for ore images
Includes: Sun, G.D.[Guo Dong] Sun, G.D.[Guo-Dong]

Sun, G.F.[Gao Fei] * 2009: Assistant Timing Method for Fractionary Spaced Equalizer for Fading Channel, The
* 2017: novel IRA-like codes construction method based on cyclic matrix permutation, A
* 2022: Optimal Order of Time-Domain Adaptive Filter for Anti-Jamming Navigation Receiver
* 2023: Formal Approach to Design and Security Verification of Operating Systems for Intelligent Transportation Systems Based on Object Model, A
* 2023: GNSS Spoofing Detection Using Q Channel Energy
Includes: Sun, G.F.[Gao Fei] Sun, G.F.[Gao-Fei] Sun, G.F.[Guang-Fu]

Sun, G.H.[Guang Hui] * 2022: On Trajectory Homotopy to Explore and Penetrate Dynamically of Multi-UAV
* 2023: Deep learning-based vehicle tracking and traffic event detection
* 2023: Generating Gridded Gross Domestic Product Data for China Using Geographically Weighted Ensemble Learning
* 2024: Multirobot Cooperative Path Optimization Approach for Multiobjective Coverage in a Congestion Risk Environment
Includes: Sun, G.H.[Guang Hui] Sun, G.H.[Guang-Hui] Sun, G.H.[Guo-Hao] Sun, G.H.[Gui-Hou]

Sun, G.K.[Guo Kai] * 2022: Parametric Modeling Method for 3D Symbols of Fold Structures
Includes: Sun, G.K.[Guo Kai] Sun, G.K.[Guo-Kai]

Sun, G.L.[Guang Ling] * 2016: Facial descriptor for Kinect depth using inner-inter-normal components local binary patterns and tensor histograms
* 2017: Depth-Aware Salient Object Detection and Segmentation via Multiscale Discriminative Saliency Fusion and Bootstrap Learning
* 2017: Integrating Sparse and Collaborative Representation Classifications for Image Classification
* 2018: Manifold-based constraint Laplacian score for multi-label feature selection
* 2018: Saliency integration driven by similar images
* 2018: Video Saliency Detection via Bagging-Based Prediction and Spatiotemporal Propagation
* 2020: Mining Cross-Image Semantics for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Multiview Similarity Learning for Robust Visual Clustering
* 2021: ATM: Attentional Text Matting
* 2021: Deep Shearlet Residual Learning Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Inheritance Attention Matrix-Based Universal Adversarial Perturbations on Vision Transformers
* 2021: SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer
* 2022: Improved Spatially Variant MOCO Approach Based on an MDA for High-Resolution UAV SAR Imaging with Large Measurement Errors, An
* 2024: Looking Beyond Single Images for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Learning
Includes: Sun, G.L.[Guang Ling] Sun, G.L.[Guang-Ling] Sun, G.L.[Guang-Lu] Sun, G.L.[Guo-Lei] Sun, G.L.[Gui-Ling] Sun, G.L.[Guo-Liang]
14 for Sun, G.L.

Sun, G.M.[Guang Min] * 2001: One-dimension range profile identification of radar targets based on a linear interpolation neural network
* 2008: Conversions between three methods for representing 3D surface textures under arbitrary illumination directions
* 2008: Radar target recognition based on the multi-resolution analysis theory and neural network
* 2008: Texture synthesis by Support Vector Machines
* 2016: Driver Fatigue Detection System Based on DSP Platform
* 2019: Using Vehicle Synthesis Generative Adversarial Networks to Improve Vehicle Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: AUnet: A Deep Learning Framework for Surface Water Channel Mapping Using Large-Coverage Remote Sensing Images and Sparse Scribble Annotations from OSM Data
* 2022: Land Cover Background-Adaptive Framework for Large-Scale Road Extraction, A
* 2022: SSGNN: A Macro and Microfacial Expression Recognition Graph Neural Network Combining Spatial and Spectral Domain Features
* 2022: TCSA-Net: A Temporal-Context-Based Self-Attention Network for Next Location Prediction
* 2023: Cooperative Electromagnetic Data Annotation via Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Includes: Sun, G.M.[Guang Min] Sun, G.M.[Guang-Min] Sun, G.M.[Gui-Mei] Sun, G.M.[Gui-Ming] Sun, G.M.[Guo-Min]
11 for Sun, G.M.

Sun, G.Q.[Guo Qing] * 1988: Computer-aided interpretation of forest radar images
* 2007: Multiple Description Image Coding with Prediction Compensation
* 2008: Quasi-perspective projection with applications to 3D factorization from uncalibrated image sequences
* 2009: Multiple Description Coding With Prediction Compensation
* 2013: Improvement and Application of the Conifer Forest Multiangular Hybrid GORT Model MGeoSAIL
* 2014: Penetration Depth Derived from the Synthesis of ALOS/PALSAR InSAR Data and ASTER GDEM for the Mapping of Forest Biomass, The
* 2014: Uncertainty of Plot-Scale Forest Height Estimates from Complementary Spaceborne Observations in the Taiga-Tundra Ecotone, The
* 2015: National Forest Aboveground Biomass Mapping from ICESat/GLAS Data and MODIS Imagery in China
* 2015: Sensitivity of Multi-Source SAR Backscatter to Changes in Forest Aboveground Biomass
* 2016: Potential of Forest Biomass Inversion Based on Vegetation Indices Using Multi-Angle CHRIS/PROBA Data, The
* 2017: EO-1 Data Quality and Sensor Stability with Changing Orbital Precession at the End of a 16 Year Mission
* 2017: Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass in Changbai Mountain Region Using ICESat/GLAS and Landsat/TM Data
* 2017: Landsat-Based Land Cover Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Urban Agglomeration in 1990, 2000 and 2010
* 2019: Modeling the Stereoscopic Features of Mountainous Forest Landscapes for the Extraction of Forest Heights from Stereo Imagery
* 2019: Potential of Forest Parameter Estimation Using Metrics from Photon Counting LiDAR Data in Howland Research Forest
* 2019: Synthesis of Leaf-on and Leaf-off Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Stereo Imagery for the Inventory of Aboveground Biomass of Deciduous Forests
* 2020: Regional Forest Mapping over Mountainous Areas in Northeast China Using Newly Identified Critical Temporal Features of Sentinel-1 Backscattering
* 2022: Temporal Dynamics of the Goose Habitat in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
Includes: Sun, G.Q.[Guo Qing] Sun, G.Q.[Guo-Qing] Sun, G.Q.[Guo-Qian] Sun, G.Q.[Guo-Qiang] Sun, G.Q.[Gong-Qi]
18 for Sun, G.Q.

Sun, G.T.[Guang Tong] * 2011: New Method for Extracting Glacier Area Using SAR Interferometry, A
Includes: Sun, G.T.[Guang Tong] Sun, G.T.[Guang-Tong]

Sun, G.X.[Guan Xiong] * 2022: Efficient One-Stage Video Object Detection by Exploiting Temporal Consistency
* 2022: NeuralHOFusion: Neural Volumetric Rendering under Human-object Interactions
* 2022: TDViT: Temporal Dilated Video Transformer for Dense Video Tasks
* 2023: Spatio-temporal Prompting Network for Robust Video Feature Extraction
* 2024: Improving the Leaking of Augmentations in Data-Efficient GANs via Adaptive Negative Data Augmentation
Includes: Sun, G.X.[Guan Xiong] Sun, G.X.[Guan-Xiong] Sun, G.X.[Guo-Xing]

Sun, G.Y.[Guang Yu] * 2002: Feature selection using tabu search method
* 2002: Optimal reference subset selection for nearest neighbor classification by tabu search
* 2007: novel approach for edge detection based on the theory of universal gravity, A
* 2009: Improved DRFM System Based on Digital Channelized Receiver, An
* 2009: Motion Editing Designed For Animators
* 2015: Machine Intelligence Approach to Virtual Ballet Training, A
* 2017: Gravitation-Based Edge Detection in Hyperspectral Images
* 2018: Joint Bilateral Filtering and Spectral Similarity-Based Sparse Representation: A Generic Framework for Effective Feature Extraction and Data Classification in Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2018: Unsupervised image saliency detection with Gestalt-laws guided optimization and visual attention based refinement
* 2019: Coastal Wetland Mapping with Sentinel-2 MSI Imagery Based on Gravitational Optimized Multilayer Perceptron and Morphological Attribute Profiles
* 2019: Fusion of Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Extraction in Very High-Resolution Images
* 2019: Hyperspectral band selection using crossover-based gravitational search algorithm
* 2019: Mapping of Coastal Cities Using Optimized Spectral-Spatial Features Based Multi-Scale Superpixel Classification
* 2019: P3SGD: Patient Privacy Preserving SGD for Regularizing Deep CNNs in Pathological Image Classification
* 2020: S2dnas: Transforming Static Cnn Model for Dynamic Inference via Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: Joint Optimization on Trajectory, Cache Placement, and Transmission Power for Minimum Mission Time in UAV-Aided Wireless Networks
* 2021: VMNet: Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-Aware 3D Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: LiDAL: Inter-frame Uncertainty Based Active Learning for 3D LiDAR Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: PTQ4ViT: Post-training Quantization for Vision Transformers with Twin Uniform Quantization
* 2022: Superpixel Nonlocal Weighting Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2023: FedPerfix: Towards Partial Model Personalization of Vision Transformers in Federated Learning
* 2023: Three-dimensional singular spectrum analysis for precise land cover classification from UAV-borne hyperspectral benchmark datasets
Includes: Sun, G.Y.[Guang Yu] Sun, G.Y.[Guang-Yu] Sun, G.Y.[Gen-Yun] Sun, G.Y.[Guo-Ying] Sun, G.Y.[Guo-Yu] Sun, G.Y.[Guan-Yu] Sun, G.Y.[Guang-Yuan]
22 for Sun, G.Y.

Sun, G.Z.[Guang Zhong] * 2016: SPLZ: An efficient algorithm for single source shortest path problem using compression method
* 2021: Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking System Based on Spatial-Temporal Filtering
* 2021: Progressive Data Mining and Adaptive Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble for Vehicle Re-Identification
* 2023: autonomous emergency braking strategy based on non-linear model predictive deceleration control, An
* 2023: Contour Artifact Removal for Expanded HDR Content
* 2023: Theoretical guarantee for crowdsourcing learning with unsure option
Includes: Sun, G.Z.[Guang Zhong] Sun, G.Z.[Guang-Zhong] Sun, G.Z.[Guang-Ze] Sun, G.Z.[Guo-Zheng] Sun, G.Z.[Guo-Zhan]

Sun, H. * 1986: Image Sequence Coding Using Vector Quantization
* 1996: Very low bit rate video coding using vector-based techniques
* 1997: Fuzzy Neural Nets with Asymmetric Pi Membership Functions and Application to Texture Classification
* 2000: Chromatic contrast discrimination: Data and prediction for stimuli varying in L and M cone excitation
* 2000: Framework for Motion Recognition with Applications to American Sign Language and Gait Recognition, A
* 2001: Efficient and Robust Vehicle Localization
* 2002: Tracing boundary contours in a binary image
* 2004: Discovering meaningful multimedia patterns with audio-visual concepts and associated text
* 2004: Error resilience video coding in H.264 encoder with potential distortion tracking
* 2005: fast watershed algorithm based on chain code and its application in image segmentation, A
* 2005: Stereopsis-Guided Brain Shift Compensation
* 2005: Transient Interference Excision in Over-the-Horizon Radar Using Adaptive Time-Frequency Analysis
* 2006: Efficient Generation of Shape-Based Reference Frames for the Corpus Callosum for DTI-based Connectivity Analysis
* 2006: Implicit Bit Allocation for Combined Coarse Granular Scalability and Spatial Scalability
* 2007: Dynamic Cascades for Face Detection
* 2007: Shape-Based Normalization of the Corpus Callosum for DTI Connectivity Analysis
* 2007: Speaker Diarization Using Direction of Arrival Estimate and Acoustic Feature Information: The I2R-NTU Submission for the NIST RT 2007 Evaluation
* 2008: Integration of Terrestrial Laser Scanner for Ground Navigation in GPS-Challenged Environments
* 2008: Interference Cancellation for High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* 2009: Multiple classifier combination for target identification from high resolution remote sensing image
* 2010: Compressive Sensing With Chaotic Sequence
* 2010: Topographic gray level multiscale analysis and its application to histogram modification
* 2011: Mobile robot navigation under duct environment
* 2011: Volumetric In Vivo Imaging of Microvascular Perfusion Within the Intact Cochlea in Mice Using Ultra-High Sensitive Optical Microangiography
* 2012: association algorithm of ship-group targets based on topological and attributive characteristics, An
* 2012: Face recognition using average invariant factor
* 2012: Laplacian Eigenmaps-Based Polarimetric Dimensionality Reduction for SAR Image Classification
* 2012: Multimodal remote sensing image registration using multiscale self-similarities
* 2012: Psychophysical and physiological responses to gratings with luminance and chromatic components of different spatial frequencies
* 2012: Real-time infrared pedestrian detection via sparse representation
* 2012: Ship recognition in high resolution SAR imagery based on feature selection
* 2012: Spatial distributions of cone inputs to cells of the parvocellular pathway investigated with cone-isolating gratings
* 2013: Tile-Level Annotation of Satellite Images Using Multi-Level Max-Margin Discriminative Random Field
* 2013: Two-dimensional bar code out-of-focus deblurring via the Increment Constrained Least Squares filter
* 2014: Adaptive bit allocation scheme for rate control in high efficiency video coding with initial quantization parameter determination
* 2014: Disaggregation of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: A Generalized Paradigm
* 2014: Non-rigid point set registration for Chinese characters using structure-guided coherent point drift
* 2014: Novel Rapid SAR Simulator Based on Equivalent Scatterers for Three-Dimensional Forest Canopies, A
* 2014: Regularized estimation of Bloch-Siegert B1-maps in MRI
* 2014: Two-Step Multitemporal Nonlocal Means for Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
* 2015: Image watermarking using polar harmonic transform with parameters in SL(2,R)
* 2015: Increasing the Accuracy of Mapping Urban Forest Carbon Density by Combining Spatial Modeling and Spectral Unmixing Analysis
* 2015: NORCAMA: Change analysis in SAR time series by likelihood ratio change matrix clustering
* 2015: novel ensemble method for classifying imbalanced data, A
* 2016: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Edge-Directed Image Upscaling for 4k Display System
* 2016: Critical Assessment Of Object Segmentation In Aerial Image Using Geo-Hausdorff Distance
* 2016: Image representation by harmonic transforms with parameters in SL(2,R)
* 2016: Integrated Longitudinal and Lateral Control for Kuafu-II Autonomous Vehicle
* 2016: Multi-Resolution Mapping and Accuracy Assessment of Forest Carbon Density by Combining Image and Plot Data from a Nested and Clustering Sampling Design
* 2016: Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation-Based Orthogonal Discriminative Projection and Its Cost-Sensitive Extension
* 2016: On-Road Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using MMW Radar and Monovision Fusion
* 2016: RBA: Reduced Bundle Adjustment for oblique aerial photogrammetry
* 2016: Robust Non-Parametric Template Matching with Local Rigidity Constraints
* 2016: Simulation of Forest Carbon Fluxes Using Model Incorporation and Data Assimilation
* 2016: Two-Source Model for Estimating Evaporative Fraction (TMEF) Coupling Priestley-Taylor Formula and Two-Stage Trapezoid, A
* 2017: Adaptive local spatial modeling for online change detection under abrupt dynamic background
* 2017: Bilinear CNN Models for Food Recognition
* 2017: Comparison of Three Theoretical Methods for Determining Dry and Wet Edges of the LST/FVC Space: Revisit of Method Physics
* 2017: Dynamic Rerouting Behavior and Its Impact on Dynamic Traffic Patterns
* 2017: Efficient Manifold Algorithm for Constructive Interference Based Constant Envelope Precoding, An
* 2017: Extracting Plücker Line and Their Relations for 3D Reconstruction of Indoor Scene
* 2017: Fast Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Rate Distortion Optimization in H.265-HEVC
* 2017: Learning to Associate Words and Images Using a Large-Scale Graph
* 2017: Magnetic Resonant Beamforming for Secured Wireless Power Transfer
* 2017: Mapping Forest Ecosystem Biomass Density for Xiangjiang River Basin by Combining Plot and Remote Sensing Data and Comparing Spatial Extrapolation Methods
* 2017: Optimal Couple Projections for Domain Adaptive Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* 2017: Overlapped Subarray Based Hybrid Beamforming for Millimeter Wave Multiuser Massive MIMO
* 2018: Adult Image Classification by a Local-Context Aware Network
* 2018: Aircraft Detection Framework Based on Reinforcement Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks in Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2018: Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Learning with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Automatic Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images from Google Earth of Complex Scenes Based on Multiscale Rotation Dense Feature Pyramid Networks
* 2018: Development of a System of Compatible Individual Tree Diameter and Aboveground Biomass Prediction Models Using Error-In-Variable Regression and Airborne LiDAR Data
* 2018: Dynamic Video Stitching via Shakiness Removing
* 2018: Dynamic Video Stitching via Shakiness Removing
* 2018: Geometric Model to Simulate Urban Thermal Anisotropy for Simplified Neighborhoods, A
* 2018: HOMPC: A Local Feature Descriptor Based on the Combination of Magnitude and Phase Congruency Information for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Images
* 2018: Human Motion Segmentation via Robust Kernel Sparse Subspace Clustering
* 2018: Image restoration via Bayesian dictionary learning with nonlocal structured beta process
* 2018: Image Superresolution Using Densely Connected Residual Networks
* 2018: LEARN: Learned Experts: Assessment-Based Reconstruction Network for Sparse-Data CT
* 2018: Mapping Paddy Rice Using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Landsat 8 Datasets in the Dongting Lake Area, China
* 2018: Multi-scale object detection in remote sensing imagery with convolutional neural networks
* 2018: Nonlinear Low-Rank Matrix Completion for Human Motion Recovery
* 2018: Omnidirectional Morphological Method for Aerial Point Target Detection Based on Infrared Dual-Band Model, An
* 2018: Optimizing kNN for Mapping Vegetation Cover of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas Using Landsat Images
* 2018: Optimizing Multistage Discriminative Dictionaries for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* 2018: Robust Magnetic Resonant Beamforming for Secured Wireless Power Transfer
* 2018: Saliency detection via local structure propagation
* 2018: Ship Rotation Detection Model in Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Fusion Pyramid Network and Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* 2018: Simplifying the Formal Verification of Safety Requirements in Zone Controllers Through Problem Frames and Constraint-Based Projection
* 2018: Synchro-Compensating Chirplet Transform
* 2018: Video Co-Saliency Guided Co-Segmentation
* 2018: VLSI Architecture Exploration of Guided Image Filtering for 1080P 60Hz Video Processing
* 2018: Worst Case Driven Display Frame Compression for Energy-Efficient Ultra-HD Display Processing
* 2018: WSF-NET: Weakly Supervised Feature-Fusion Network for Binary Segmentation in Remote Sensing Image
* 2019: Bi-Objective Timetable Optimization Model for Urban Rail Transit Based on the Time-Dependent Passenger Volume, A
* 2019: Convolutional Sparse Coding for Compressed Sensing CT Reconstruction
* 2019: DUAL-GLOW: Conditional Flow-Based Generative Model for Modality Transfer
* 2019: Edge Video Analytics for Public Safety: A Review
* 2019: Exploring Hardware Friendly Bottleneck Architecture in CNN for Embedded Computing Systems
* 2019: Feature Aggregation Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* 2019: Gamut-Extension Method Considering Color Information Restoration using Convolutional Neural Networks, A
* 2019: Geometry Normalization Networks for Accurate Scene Text Detection
* 2019: GetNet: Get Target Area for Image Pairing
* 2019: Joint optimisation convex-negative matrix factorisation for multi-modal image collection summarisation based on images and tags
* 2019: Learning Composite Latent Structures for 3D Human Action Representation and Recognition
* 2019: Learning With Batch-Wise Optimal Transport Loss for 3D Shape Recognition
* 2019: Mapping Growing Stem Volume of Chinese Fir Plantation Using a Saturation-based Multivariate Method and Quad-polarimetric SAR Images
* 2019: Multiobject Tracking by Submodular Optimization
* 2019: MVP Matching: A Maximum-Value Perfect Matching for Mining Hard Samples, With Application to Person Re-Identification
* 2019: new stochastic simulation algorithm for image-based classification: Feature-space indicator simulation, A
* 2019: NIPM-sWMF: Toward Efficient FPGA Design for High-Definition Large-Disparity Stereo Matching
* 2019: Non-Local ConvLSTM for Video Compression Artifact Reduction
* 2019: Perceptual Quality Study on Deep Learning Based Image Compression
* 2019: Probability-Based Spectral Unmixing Analysis for Mapping Percentage Vegetation Cover of Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, A
* 2019: Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
* 2019: Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
* 2019: Retraction: Estimation of Vegetation Productivity Using a Landsat 8 Time Series in a Heavily Urbanized Area, Central China
* 2019: Robust Image Compressive Sensing Based on Truncated Cauchy Loss and Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* 2019: Robust Object Tracking Using Manifold Regularized Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: SRTM-Aided Epipolar Resampling Method for Multi-Source High-Resolution Satellite Stereo Observation, An
* 2019: Superpixel based Feature Specific Sparse Representation for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* 2019: Toward Automating Oral Presentation Scoring During Principal Certification Program Using Audio-Video Low-Level Behavior Profiles
* 2020: Adaptive Nonlocal Random Walks for Image Superpixel Segmentation
* 2020: Algorithm and VLSI Architecture Co-Design on Efficient Semi-Global Stereo Matching
* 2020: Analysis of Chlorophyll Concentration in Potato Crop by Coupling Continuous Wavelet Transform and Spectral Variable Optimization
* 2020: Application of Color Featuring and Deep Learning in Maize Plant Detection
* 2020: Automated work efficiency analysis for smart manufacturing using human pose tracking and temporal action localization
* 2020: Coast-Ship Bistatic HF Surface Wave Radar: Simulation Analysis and Experimental Verification
* 2020: Collision-Free Video Synopsis Incorporating Object Speed and Size Changes
* 2020: Defect detection of printed circuit board based on lightweight deep convolution network
* 2020: Detection of Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Corn Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform Analysis
* 2020: DSCALE_mod16: A Model for Disaggregating Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture with Land Surface Evapotranspiration Products and Gridded Meteorological Data
* 2020: Dynamic Influence Elimination and Chlorophyll Content Diagnosis of Maize Using UAV Spectral Imagery
* 2020: End-To-End Learned Image Compression With Fixed Point Weight Quantization
* 2020: Energy Compaction-Based Image Compression Using Convolutional AutoEncoder
* 2020: Enhanced Intra Prediction for Video Coding by Using Multiple Neural Networks
* 2020: Estimating the Growing Stem Volume of Chinese Pine and Larch Plantations based on Fused Optical Data Using an Improved Variable Screening Method and Stacking Algorithm
* 2020: Fully Neural Network Mode Based Intra Prediction of Variable Block Size
* 2020: Game Theoretic Approach for Distributed and Coordinated Channel Access Control in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems, A
* 2020: Image Compression Framework with Learning-based Filter, An
* 2020: Learning Dynamic Relationships for 3D Human Motion Prediction
* 2020: Modified KNN Method for Mapping the Leaf Area Index in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas of China, A
* 2020: Multi-View Video Synopsis via Simultaneous Object-Shifting and View-Switching Optimization
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Spectral Reconstruction from an RGB Image
* 2020: Optimal Discriminative Projection for Sparse Representation-Based Classification via Bilevel Optimization
* 2020: Pipelined 2D Transform Architecture Supporting Mixed Block Sizes for the VVC Standard, A
* 2020: Polarimetric calibration for the distributed Gaofen-3 product by an improved unitary zero helix framework
* 2020: Prediction of Individual Tree Diameter Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Modeling Approach and Airborne LiDAR Data
* 2020: Reciprocal Learning Networks for Human Trajectory Prediction
* 2020: Remote Sensing Scene Classification by Gated Bidirectional Network
* 2020: Review of Remote Sensing Image Object Detection Algorithms Based on Deep Learning, A
* 2020: SAFDet: A Semi-Anchor-Free Detector for Effective Detection of Oriented Objects in Aerial Images
* 2020: Scalable Learned Image Compression With A Recurrent Neural Networks-Based Hyperprior
* 2020: Spectral-Spatial Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Tunnel Monitoring and Measuring System Using Mobile Laser Scanning: Design and Deployment
* 2020: Vabis: Video Adaptation Bitrate System for Time-Critical Live Streaming
* 2020: Video Saliency Prediction Using Spatiotemporal Residual Attentive Networks
* 2021: Adversarial Self-Supervised Learning for Robust SAR Target Recognition
* 2021: deep sequence-to-sequence method for accurate long landing prediction based on flight data, A
* 2021: Dense Face Detection via High-level Context Mining
* 2021: DP-MVS: Detail Preserving Multi-View Surface Reconstruction of Large-Scale Scenes
* 2021: Effects of Day/Night Factor on the Detection Performance of FY4A Lightning Mapping Imager in Hainan, China
* 2021: Efficient Decision Support System for Flood Inundation Management Using Intermittent Remote-Sensing Data, An
* 2021: Efficient Shadow Detection and Removal using Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Evaluating Downscaling Factors of Microwave Satellite Soil Moisture Based on Machine Learning Method
* 2021: Evaluating Machine Learning and Geostatistical Methods for Spatial Gap-Filling of Monthly ESA CCI Soil Moisture in China
* 2021: General Machine Learning Framework for Solving Real Applications with a Texture Perception Case Study, A
* 2021: Joint Radar Scheduling and Beampattern Design for Multitarget Tracking in Netted Colocated MIMO Radar Systems
* 2021: Knowledge-Aided Ground Moving Target Relocation for Airborne Dual-Channel Wide-Area Radar by Exploiting the Antenna Pattern Information
* 2021: Mapping the Forest Canopy Height in Northern China by Synergizing ICESat-2 with Sentinel-2 Using a Stacking Algorithm
* 2021: Monitoring Changes in the Transparency of the Largest Reservoir in Eastern China in the Past Decade, 2013-2020
* 2021: MPI: Multi-receptive and parallel integration for salient object detection
* 2021: Nonlocal patch similarity based heterogeneous remote sensing change detection
* 2021: Novel Spatial Simulation Method for Mapping the Urban Forest Carbon Density in Southern China by the Google Earth Engine, A
* 2021: Novel Vegetation Point Cloud Density Tree-Segmentation Model for Overlapping Crowns Using UAV LiDAR, A
* 2021: Optical Remote Sensing Indexes of Soil Moisture: Evaluation and Improvement Based on Aircraft Experiment Observations
* 2021: Practical Remote Sensing Monitoring Framework for Late Frost Damage in Wine Grapes Using Multi-Source Satellite Data, A
* 2021: Removing Adversarial Noise via Low-Rank Completion of High-Sensitivity Points
* 2021: Robust Vehicle Re-identification via Rigid Structure Prior
* 2021: RSPD: A Novel Remote Sensing Index of Plant Biodiversity Combining Spectral Variation Hypothesis and Productivity Hypothesis
* 2021: Snowball: Iterative Model Evolution and Confident Sample Discovery for Semi-Supervised Learning on Very Small Labeled Datasets
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Change Detection Method for Monitoring Pine Wilt Disease in a Complex Landscape Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* 2021: Supervised Segmentation Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2021: Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles, Part II: Case Studies
* 2021: TJU-DHD: A Diverse High-Resolution Dataset for Object Detection
* 2021: Toward Pre-Empted EV Charging Recommendation Through V2V-Based Reservation System
* 2021: Understanding More About Human and Machine Attention in Deep Neural Networks
* 2021: Vehicle detection in aerial images based on lightweight deep convolutional network
* 2022: Above-Ground Biomass Estimation for Coniferous Forests in Northern China Using Regression Kriging and Landsat 9 Images
* 2022: Accurate Identification of Pine Wood Nematode Disease with a Deep Convolution Neural Network
* 2022: Affective Behaviour Analysis Using Pretrained Model with Facial Prior
* 2022: Agglomeration Externalities, Network Externalities and Urban High-Quality Development: A Case Study of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River
* 2022: Analysis of the Ionospheric Irregularities and Phase Scintillation at Low and Middle Latitudes Based on Swarm Observations
* 2022: Anchor-Free Lightweight Deep Convolutional Network for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images, An
* 2022: CurveCluster+: Curve Clustering for Hard Landing Pattern Recognition and Risk Evaluation Based on Flight Data
* 2022: devil in the tail: Cluster consolidation plus cluster adaptive balancing loss for unsupervised person re-identification, The
* 2022: Discriminative feature mining hashing for fine-grained image retrieval
* 2022: Dislocation Detection of Shield Tunnel Based on Dense Cross-Sectional Point Clouds
* 2022: dynamic keypoint selection network for 6DoF pose estimation, A
* 2022: Effect of Number and Configuration of Participating Stations on Lightning Location outside the Network
* 2022: Effective extraction of ventricles and myocardium objects from cardiac magnetic resonance images with a multi-task learning U-Net
* 2022: Efficient Backprojection Algorithm Based on Wavenumber-Domain Spectral Splicing for Monostatic and Bistatic SAR Configurations, An
* 2022: Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover Changes in Desert Regions Using RGB Data
* 2022: Estimation and Compensation Method for Motion Trajectory Error in Bistatic SAR, An
* 2022: Forward-Looking Super-Resolution Imaging for Sea-Surface Target with Multi-Prior Bayesian Method
* 2022: Identification of the Yield of Camellia oleifera Based on Color Space by the Optimized Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* 2022: Impact of Systematic Attitude Error on the Measurement of Interferometric Radar Altimeter, The
* 2022: Improved Altimeter in-Orbit Range Noise-Level Estimation Approach Based on Along-Track Differential Method, An
* 2022: Improving Forecast of Severe Oceanic Mesoscale Convective Systems Using FY-4A Lightning Data Assimilation with WRF-FDDA
* 2022: Information Bottlenecked Variational Autoencoder for Disentangled 3D Facial Expression Modelling
* 2022: Inundation Resilience Analysis of Metro-Network from a Complex System Perspective Using the Grid Hydrodynamic Model and FBWM Approach: A Case Study of Wuhan
* 2022: Learning Rich Information for Quad Bayer Remosaicing and Denoising
* 2022: Lightweight Multi-Scale Context Network for Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2022: Local Self-Expression Subspace Learning Network for Motion Capture Data
* 2022: Longitudinal Platoon Control of Connected Vehicles: Analysis and Verification
* 2022: machine learning-based method for automatic diagnosis of ankle fracture using X-ray images, A
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: Multi-Exposure Image Fusion Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
* 2022: Multi-Sensor Interacted Vehicle-Tracking Algorithm with Time-Varying Observation Error, A
* 2022: Multi-Source Remote Sensing Pretraining Based on Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* 2022: Multibranch Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Network for Cross Multidomain Orchard Area Segmentation
* 2022: MuSpel-Fi: Multipath Subspace Projection and ELM-Based Fingerprint Localization
* 2022: Novel Frequency-Domain Focusing Method for Geosynchronous Low-Earth-Orbit Bistatic SAR in Sliding-Spotlight Mode, A
* 2022: Novel hyperbolic clustering-based band hierarchy (HCBH) for effective unsupervised band selection of hyperspectral images
* 2022: Ocean Wave Inversion Based on a Ku/Ka Dual-Band Airborne Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter
* 2022: Performance Analysis of Ku/Ka Dual-Band SAR Altimeter from an Airborne Experiment over South China Sea
* 2022: Performance and Sensitivity of Individual Tree Segmentation Methods for UAV-LiDAR in Multiple Forest Types
* 2022: Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Precise Positioning Method of Moving Laser Point Cloud in Shield Tunnel Based on Bolt Hole Extraction
* 2022: Quantitative Evaluation of Gully Erosion Using Multitemporal UAV Data in the Southern Black Soil Region of Northeast China: A Case Study
* 2022: Reciprocal Twin Networks for Pedestrian Motion Learning and Future Path Prediction
* 2022: Remote-Sensing Evaluation and Temporal and Spatial Change Detection of Ecological Environment Quality in Coal-Mining Areas
* 2022: Robust Traffic Speed Inference With Ensemble Learning
* 2022: Rotation-Invariant Attention Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Satellite Remote Sensing Identification of Discolored Standing Trees for Pine Wilt Disease Based on Semi-Supervised Deep Learning
* 2022: SATNet: A Spatial Attention Based Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Stochastic gate-based autoencoder for unsupervised hyperspectral band selection
* 2022: Testing Scenario Library Generation for Connected and Automated Vehicles: An Adaptive Framework
* 2022: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Through Dynamically Aligning Both the Feature and Label Spaces
* 2022: Video Saliency Forecasting Transformer
* 2023: 3D-FEGNet: A feature enhanced point cloud generation network from a single image
* 2023: Adversarial 3D Face Disentanglement of Identity and Expression
* 2023: Adversarial Robustness Enhancement of UAV-Oriented Automatic Image Recognition Based on Deep Ensemble Models
* 2023: Alignment and Generation Adapter for Efficient Video-Text Understanding
* 2023: Carbon Emission Patterns and Carbon Balance Zoning in Urban Territorial Spaces Based on Multisource Data: A Case Study of Suzhou City, China
* 2023: Comparison of Three Active Microwave Models of Forest Growing Stock Volume Based on the Idea of the Water Cloud Model
* 2023: Dense-and-Similar Object detection in aerial images
* 2023: Effective Motorcycle Helmet Object Detection Framework for Intelligent Traffic Safety, An
* 2023: Efficient Federated Learning Via Local Adaptive Amended Optimizer With Linear Speedup
* 2023: FGC-VC: Flow-Guided Context Video Compression
* 2023: GL-Net: Semantic segmentation for point clouds of shield tunnel via global feature learning and local feature discriminative aggregation
* 2023: GMRLNet: A Graph-Based Manifold Regularization Learning Framework for Placental Insufficiency Diagnosis on Incomplete Multimodal Ultrasound Data
* 2023: Graph-based discriminative features learning for fine-grained image retrieval
* 2023: How Can Ecological Land Be Deployed to Cool the Surface Thermal Environment? A Case Study from the Perspectives of Patch and Network
* 2023: Hybrid-MVS: Robust Multi-View Reconstruction With Hybrid Optimization of Visual and Depth Cues
* 2023: Intrinsic Imaging Model Enhanced Contrastive Face Representation Learning
* 2023: Laplacian ICP for Progressive Registration of 3D Human Head Meshes
* 2023: Learning-Aided Inertial Odometry With Nonlinear State Estimator on Manifold
* 2023: LLaViLo: Boosting Video Moment Retrieval via Adapter-Based Multimodal Modeling
* 2023: Multi-Attention Transformer for Naturalistic Driving Action Recognition
* 2023: New Approach to the Ionosphere at Middle and Low Latitudes under the Geomagnetic Quiet Time of December 2019 by ICON and GOLD Observations, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on 360° Omnidirectional Image and Video Super-Resolution: Datasets, Methods and Results
* 2023: Partial Reconstruction Method for SAR Altimeter Coastal Waveforms Based on Adaptive Threshold Judgment, A
* 2023: Precise Facial Landmark Detection by Reference Heatmap Transformer
* 2023: PSSA: PCA-Domain Superpixelwise Singular Spectral Analysis for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2023: Question Classification for Intelligent Question Answering: A Comprehensive Survey
* 2023: Recovering a Molecule's 3D Dynamics from Liquid-phase Electron Microscopy Movies
* 2023: Retrieval of Subsurface Velocities in the Southern Ocean from Satellite Observations
* 2023: Robust and Precise Facial Landmark Detection by Self-Calibrated Pose Attention Network
* 2023: RRN: A differential private approach to preserve privacy in image classification
* 2023: SDTAN: Scalable Deep Time-Aware Attention Network for Interpretable Hard Landing Prediction
* 2023: Semantics analysis model based on deep learning for vessel traffic service application
* 2023: Stare at What You See: Masked Image Modeling without Reconstruction
* 2023: Stealthy Frequency-Domain Backdoor Attacks: Fourier Decomposition and Fundamental Frequency Injection
* 2023: TensorFormer: A Tensor-Based Multimodal Transformer for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis and Depression Detection
* 2023: VL-Match: Enhancing Vision-Language Pretraining with Token-Level and Instance-Level Matching
* 2024: 6G IoV Networks Driven by RF Digital Twin Modeling
* 2024: Adaptive multi-text union for stable text-to-image synthesis learning
* 2024: Adaptive Safety Evaluation for Connected and Automated Vehicles With Sparse Control Variates
* 2024: automatic measurement method for ankle key angles based on point cloud segmentation network, An
* 2024: BALQUE: Batch active learning by querying unstable examples with calibrated confidence
* 2024: Community-Based Dandelion Algorithm-Enabled Feature Selection and Broad Learning System for Traffic Flow Prediction
* 2024: Detection of Typical Forest Degradation Patterns: Characteristics and Drivers of Forest Degradation in Northeast China
* 2024: dual fusion deep convolutional network for blind universal image denoising, A
* 2024: End-to-End Detail-Enhanced Dehazing Network for Remote Sensing Images
* 2024: GPU Implementation of a Fast Multichannel Wiener Filter Algorithm for Active Noise Control
* 2024: IMTCN: An Interpretable Flight Safety Analysis and Prediction Model Based on Multi-Scale Temporal Convolutional Networks
* 2024: Mapping Compound Flooding Risks for Urban Resilience in Coastal Zones: A Comprehensive Methodological Review
* 2024: Non-Local Block With Adaptive Regularization Strategy, A
* 2024: Non-Uniform Illumination Underwater Image Restoration via Illumination Channel Sparsity Prior
* 2024: Purity-Preserving Kernel Tensor Low-Rank Learning for Robust Subspace Clustering
* 2024: Sea Clutter Suppression Based on Chaotic Prediction Model by Combining the Generator and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
* 2024: Sea Surface Height Wavenumber Spectrum from Airborne Interferometric Radar Altimeter
* 2024: Ship detection based on YOLO algorithm for visible images
* 2024: survey of feature matching methods, A
* 2024: Time-Frequency Analysis Method of Seismic Data Based on Sparse Constraints for Road Detection
* 2024: Updatable Siamese tracker with two-stage one-shot learning
Includes: Sun, H. Sun, H.[Huaijiang] Sun, H.[Hao] Sun, H.[Harold] Sun, H.[Han] Sun, H.[Huijang] Sun, H.[Hui] Sun, H.[He] Sun, H.[Hanwu] Sun, H.[Hong] Sun, H.[Hwadong] Sun, H.[Heng] Sun, H.[Hanwei] Sun, H.[Huafei] Sun, H.[Hua] Sun, H.[Heli] Sun, H.[Huabo] Sun, H.[Haitian] Sun, H.[Huihui] Sun, H.[Haili] Sun, H.[Hai] Sun, H.[Huali] Sun, H.[Haowei] Sun, H.[Hanqiu] Sun, H.[Haomiao] Sun, H.[Haowen] Sun, H.[Huarui] Sun, H.[Hanchi] Sun, H.[Huachao] Sun, H.[Hang] Sun, H.[Huan] Sun, H.[Huang] Sun, H.[Heyang] Sun, H.[Honghu] Sun, H.[Haohui] Sun, H.[Huashan] Sun, H.[Hongshuang] Sun, H.[Hu] Sun, H.[Haijiang] Sun, H.[Houjun] Sun, H.[Huajie] Sun, H.[Hailian] Sun, H.[Haojun] Sun, H.[Hongling] Sun, H.[Huichao] Sun, H.[Haihan] Sun, H.[Hezhi]
298 for Sun, H.

Sun, H.B.[Hong Bo] * 2004: Performance evaluation of back-projection and range migration algorithms in foliage penetration radar imaging
* 2018: Shp2graph: Tools to Convert a Spatial Network into an Igraph Graph in R
* 2019: SCAN: Self-and-Collaborative Attention Network for Video Person Re-Identification
* 2019: TACNet: Transition-Aware Context Network for Spatio-Temporal Action Detection
* 2020: Image dehazing method via a cycle generative adversarial network
* 2020: Robustscanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition
* 2021: Accurate and Efficient Stereo Matching by Log-Angle and Pyramid-Tree
* 2021: Efficient and robust unsupervised inverse intensity compensation for stereo image registration under radiometric changes
* 2021: End-to-End Object Detection with Fully Convolutional Network
* 2021: Penetration Analysis of Airborne Ku-Band Radar Versus Satellite Infrared Lidar Based on the Height and Energy Percentiles in the Boreal Forest, The
* 2021: Review on Active and Passive Remote Sensing Techniques for Road Extraction
* 2022: Adaptive Disparity Candidates Prediction Network for Efficient Real-Time Stereo Matching
* 2022: FCHP: Exploring the Discriminative Feature and Feature Correlation of Feature Maps for Hierarchical DNN Pruning and Compression
* 2022: Semantic Segmentation of Panoramic Images for Real-Time Parking Slot Detection
* 2023: CPNet: Continuity Preservation Network for infrared video colorization
* 2023: Efficient multi-stage network with pixel-wise degradation prediction for real-time motion deblurring
* 2023: Multimodal Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using Probabilistic Proposal Network
* 2024: Adversarial Obstacle Generation Against LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection
* 2024: HCL: Hierarchical Consistency Learning for Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition
* 2024: MDC-Net: Multi-domain constrained kernel estimation network for blind image super resolution
Includes: Sun, H.B.[Hong Bo] Sun, H.B.[Hong-Bo] Sun, H.B.[Hua-Bo] Sun, H.B.[Hong-Bin] Sun, H.B.[Hai-Bin] Sun, H.B.[Hai-Bo]
20 for Sun, H.B.

Sun, H.C.[Hao Chen] * 2023: Driving-Behavior-Aware Optimal Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Source Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Adaptive Soft Deep-Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Lie group kernel learning method for medical image classification, A
* 2023: MsVRL: Self-Supervised Multiscale Visual Representation Learning via Cross-Level Consistency for Medical Image Segmentation
Includes: Sun, H.C.[Hao Chen] Sun, H.C.[Hao-Chen] Sun, H.C.[Hao-Cheng] Sun, H.C.[Hong-Cheng]

Sun, H.D.[Hua Dong] * 2013: Depth from defocus and blur for single image
Includes: Sun, H.D.[Hua Dong] Sun, H.D.[Hua-Dong]

Sun, H.F.[Han Fang] * 1982: Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* 1983: Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* 1983: Some Experiments in Relaxation Image Matching Using Corner Features
* 1983: Some Experiments in Relaxation Image Matching Using Corner Features
* 1984: Contour-Based Motion Estimation
* 1995: Architectures for MPEG compressed bitstream scaling
* 1995: Concealment of damaged block transform coded images using projections onto convex sets
* 1995: Spatial scalable HDTV coding
* 1997: Error concealment algorithms for robust decoding of MPEG compressed video
* 1997: Frequency Domain Down Conversion of HDTV Using Adaptive Motion Compensation
* 1997: MPEG Coding Performance Improvement by Jointly Optimizing Coding Mode Decisions and Rate Control
* 1998: Frequency Domain Down Conversion of HDTV Using an Optimal Motion Compensation Scheme
* 1999: Adaptive video coding method
* 1999: Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering
* 1999: MPEG-4 Rate Control for Multiple Video Objects
* 1999: Rate-Distortion Modeling of Binary Shape using State Partitioning
* 2000: Region Based Descriptor for Spatial Distribution of Motion Activity for Compressed Video, A
* 2001: Constant Pace Skimming and Temporal Sub-sampling of Video Using Motion Activity
* 2001: Object-based transcoding for adaptable video content delivery
* 2001: Rate-distortion Optimized Video Coding Considering Frameskip
* 2002: Drift compensation for reduced spatial resolution transcoding
* 2003: Combined rate control and mode decision optimization for MPEG-2 transcoding with spatial resolution reduction
* 2003: Constant quality constrained rate allocation for FGS-coded video
* 2003: Feature selection for unsupervised discovery of statistical temporal structures in video
* 2003: Mining Statistical Video Structures
* 2003: Rate-distortion modeling for multiscale binary shape coding based on markov random fields
* 2003: Survey of compressed-domain features used in audio-visual indexing and analysis
* 2004: Adaptive fuzzy post-filtering for highly compressed video
* 2004: Method for summarizing a video using motion and color descriptors
* 2004: Structure analysis of soccer video with domain knowledge and hidden Markov models
* 2006: Extensions of H.264/AVC for Multiview Video Compression
* 2007: New Standardized Extensions of MPEG4-AVC/H.264 for Professional-Quality Video Applications
* 2008: Method for representing and comparing multimedia content according to rank
* 2010: Compressed Domain Video Object Segmentation
* 2010: Deinterlacing Using Hierarchical Motion Analysis
* 2010: Direction-adaptive transforms for coding prediction residuals
* 2011: Image Interpolation Via Regularized Local Linear Regression
* 2012: On modeling the rendering error in 3D video
* 2013: Reconfigurable media coding: An overview
* 2013: Special issue on MPEG CCF
* 2013: Synthesis distortion estimation in 3D video using frequency and spatial analysis
* 2014: Analytical Model for Synthesis Distortion Estimation in 3D Video, An
* 2014: Image Interpolation via Graph-Based Bayesian Label Propagation
* 2014: View Synthesis Prediction in the 3-D Video Coding Extensions of AVC and HEVC
* 2016: Keypoint trajectory coding on compact descriptor for video analysis
* 2017: Entropy of Primitive: From Sparse Representation to Visual Information Evaluation
* 2017: Joint Compression Scheme of Video Feature Descriptors and Visual Content, A
* 2017: uAVS2: Fast encoder for the 2nd generation IEEE 1857 video coding standard
* 2019: OICSR: Out-In-Channel Sparsity Regularization for Compact Deep Neural Networks
* 2020: Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3d Hand Pose Estimation Under Hand-object Interaction
* 2020: Retrieving Volcanic Ash Top Height through Combined Polar Orbit Active and Geostationary Passive Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Blind Quality Assessment of Screen Content Images Via Macro-Micro Modeling of Tensor Domain Dictionary
* 2021: Divisively Normalized Sparse Coding: Toward Perceptual Visual Signal Representation
* 2021: Fengyun-3D/MERSI-II Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Determination Using a Machine-Learning Approach
* 2022: Can Shuffling Video Benefit Temporal Bias Problem: A Novel Training Framework for Temporal Grounding
* 2022: DLI-Net: Dual Local Interaction Network for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
* 2022: Dual-Branch Self-Boosting Framework for Self-Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation, A
* 2022: Exploring Local Detail Perception for Scene Sketch Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Mining Multi-View Information: A Strong Self-Supervised Framework for Depth-based 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Estimation
* 2022: Tensor Product and Tensor-Singular Value Decomposition Based Multi-Exposure Fusion of Images
* 2023: Comparative Study of Different CNN Models and Transfer Learning Effect for Underwater Object Classification in Side-Scan Sonar Images, A
* 2023: Decoupled Iterative Refinement Framework for Interacting Hands Reconstruction from a Single RGB Image
* 2023: Pose-Guided Hierarchical Graph Reasoning for 3-D Hand Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image
* 2024: SMR: Spatial-Guided Model-Based Regression for 3D Hand Pose and Mesh Reconstruction
Includes: Sun, H.F.[Han Fang] Sun, H.F.[Han-Fang] Sun, H.F.[Hui-Fang] Sun, H.F. Sun, H.F.[Hai-Feng] Sun, H.F.[Hong-Fu] Sun, H.F.[Hui-Feng]
64 for Sun, H.F.

Sun, H.G.[Hong Guang] * 2016: modified multi-grid algorithm for a novel variational model to remove multiplicative noise, A
* 2021: Low-Rank Group-Sparse Model for Eliminating Mixed Errors in Data for SRTM1, A
* 2024: Distribution Unified and Probability Space Aligned Teacher-Student Learning for Imbalanced Visual Recognition
Includes: Sun, H.G.[Hong Guang] Sun, H.G.[Hong-Guang] Sun, H.G.[Hai-Gang]

Sun, H.H.[Hong Hai] * 2011: CCD performance model and noise control
* 2014: Automatic Shoeprint Retrieval Algorithm for Real Crime Scenes
* 2022: Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimal Color Loss and Locally Adaptive Contrast Enhancement
* 2024: ZJUT-EIFD: A Synchronously Collected External and Internal Fingerprint Database
Includes: Sun, H.H.[Hong Hai] Sun, H.H.[Hong-Hai] Sun, H.H.[Hui-Hui] Sun, H.H.[Hai-Han] Sun, H.H.[Hao-Hao]

Sun, H.J.[Hao Jie] * 2001: Digital Planar Segment Based Polyhedrization for Surface Area Estimation
* 2004: FCM-Based Model Selection Algorithms for Determining the Number of Clusters
* 2006: objective approach to cluster validation, An
* 2009: Advanced Harris-Laplace Feature Detector with High Repeatability, An
* 2009: gradient-based combined method for the computation of fingerprints' orientation field, A
* 2009: Rife Spectrum Estimation Algorithm Based on Phase Criterion
* 2015: Automated human motion segmentation via motion regularities
* 2016: Cost-sensitive dictionary learning for face recognition
* 2016: Image compressive sensing via Truncated Schatten-p Norm regularization
* 2016: Kernel dictionary learning based discriminant analysis
* 2017: Blind compressive sensing using block sparsity and nonlocal low-rank priors
* 2018: Metro timetable optimisation for minimising carbon emission and passenger time: a bi-objective integer programming approach
* 2018: Probabilistic collaborative representation based orthogonal discriminative projection for image set classification
* 2018: regularized tensor decomposition method with adaptive rank adjustment for Compressed-Sensed-Domain background subtraction, A
* 2019: Jointly discriminative projection and dictionary learning for domain adaptive collaborative representation-based classification
* 2020: Multistation coordinated and dynamic passenger inflow control for a metro line
* 2020: Semi-supervised learning framework based on statistical analysis for image set classification
* 2021: Data-Based Bi-Objective Approach to Explore the Accessibility of Multimodal Public Transport Networks, A
* 2021: EACOFT: An energy-aware correlation filter for visual tracking
* 2021: Evaluation of a Method for Calculating the Height of the Stable Boundary Layer Based on Wind Profile Lidar and Turbulent Fluxes
* 2021: Multiple discriminant analysis for collaborative representation-based classification
* 2021: Towards Accurate 3D Human Motion Prediction from Incomplete Observations
* 2022: AC-LSTM: Anomaly State Perception of Infrared Point Targets Based on CNN+LSTM
* 2022: Orthogonal Low-Rank Projection Learning for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* 2022: Overlooked Poses Actually Make Sense: Distilling Privileged Knowledge for Human Motion Prediction
* 2022: QoS-Balancing Algorithm for Optimal Relay Selection in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
* 2023: DeFeeNet: Consecutive 3D Human Motion Prediction with Deviation Feedback
* 2023: Margin embedding net for robust margin collaborative representation-based classification
* 2023: Reassignment Algorithm of the Ride-Sourcing Market Based on Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: Test-time Personalizable Forecasting of 3D Human Poses
* 2023: UCDnet: Double U-Shaped Segmentation Network Cascade Centroid Map Prediction for Infrared Weak Small Target Detection
* 2024: GaFL: Geometric-aware Feature Learning for universal 3D models recognition
Includes: Sun, H.J.[Hao Jie] Sun, H.J.[Hao-Jun] Sun, H.J.[Huai-Jiang] Sun, H.J.[Hong-Jun] Sun, H.J.[Hui-Jun] Sun, H.J.[Hai-Jiang] Sun, H.J.[Hai-Jiong] Sun, H.J.[Hong-Jian] Sun, H.J.[Hua-Jie]
32 for Sun, H.J.

Sun, H.L.[Hao Liang] * 2017: Learning Deep Match Kernels for Image-Set Classification
* 2019: Learning the Set Graphs: Image-Set Classification Using Sparse Graph Convolutional Networks
* 2022: Learning to rectify for robust learning with noisy labels
* 2022: Learning Transferable Parameters for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Self-Filtering: A Noise-Aware Sample Selection for Label Noise with Confidence Penalization
* 2023: Attentional prototype inference for few-shot segmentation
* 2023: Deformation Detection of Mining Tunnel Based on Automatic Target Recognition
* 2023: Fine-Grained Classification with Noisy Labels
* 2023: MetaViewer: Towards A Unified Multi-View Representation
* 2023: Towards Accurate and Robust Domain Adaptation Under Multiple Noisy Environments
* 2024: MetaKernel: Learning Variational Random Features With Limited Labels
Includes: Sun, H.L.[Hao Liang] Sun, H.L.[Hao-Liang] Sun, H.L.[Hai-Li]
11 for Sun, H.L.

Sun, H.M.[Hung Ming] * 2005: Page segmentation for Manhattan and non-Manhattan layout documents via selective CRLA
* 2006: Multi-Linguistic Optical Font Recognition Using Stroke Templates
* 2007: Influence of Perceived Quality by Adjusting Frames Per Second and Bits Per Frame Under the Limited Bandwidth, The
* 2010: Grouping strategies for promoting image quality of watermarking on the basis of vector quantization
* 2010: Pornographic image screening by integrating recognition module and image black-list/ white-list subsystem
* 2010: Skin detection for single images using dynamic skin color modeling
* 2014: area-efficient 4/8/16/32-point inverse DCT architecture for UHDTV HEVC decoder, An
* 2014: Low-Complexity Rate-Distortion Optimization Algorithms for HEVC Intra Prediction
* 2014: VLSI architecture of HEVC intra prediction for 8K UHDTV applications
* 2015: Merge mode based fast inter prediction for HEVC
* 2018: Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Topological Line Localization and Temporal Feature Aggregation
* 2019: Learning Image and Video Compression Through Spatial-Temporal Energy Compaction
* 2020: Image dehazing method via a cycle generative adversarial network
* 2020: Learned Image Compression With Discretized Gaussian Mixture Likelihoods and Attention Modules
* 2020: Low Bitrate Image Compression with Discretized Gaussian Mixture Likelihoods
* 2021: 2nd Challenge on Remote Physiological Signal Sensing (RePSS), The
* 2021: Convolutional Neural Networks Based Remote Sensing Scene Classification under Clear and Cloudy Environments
* 2021: Deep Pedestrian Density Estimation for Smart City Monitoring
* 2021: Detecting phone-related pedestrian distracted behaviours via a two-branch convolutional neural network
* 2021: Learning to Detect Phone-related Pedestrian Distracted Behaviors with Synthetic Data
* 2022: Deep image compression based on multi-scale deformable convolution
* 2022: Efficient Low-Complexity Convolutional Neural Network Filter, An
* 2022: Improving Multiple Machine Vision Tasks in the Compressed Domain
* 2022: Learned Video Compression With Residual Prediction And Feature-Aided Loop Filter
* 2022: Memory-Efficient Learned Image Compression with Pruned Hyperprior Module
* 2022: method of underwater bridge structure damage detection method based on a lightweight deep convolutional network, A
* 2022: QA-Filter: A QP-Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network Filter for Video Coding
* 2022: Streaming-Capable High-Performance Architecture of Learned Image Compression Codecs
* 2023: Coarse-to-Fine Task-Driven Inpainting for Geoscience Images
* 2023: Learned Image Compression with Mixed Transformer-CNN Architectures
* 2023: novel fast intra algorithm for VVC based on histogram of oriented gradient, A
* 2024: Defense against Adversarial Cloud Attack on Remote Sensing Salient Object Detection
* 2024: Integrated Assessment of Coastal Subsidence in Nansha District, Guangzhou City, China: Insights from SBAS-InSAR Monitoring and Risk Evaluation
Includes: Sun, H.M.[Hung Ming] Sun, H.M.[Hung-Ming] Sun, H.M.[Huey-Min] Sun, H.M.[Hung-Min] Sun, H.M. Sun, H.M.[He-Ming] Sun, H.M.[Hai-Ming] Sun, H.M.[Hong-Mei] Sun, H.M.[Hao-Miao] Sun, H.M.[Hui-Ming] Sun, H.M.[Hui-Min]
33 for Sun, H.M.

Sun, H.P.[Hai Ping] * 2004: generic mid-level representation for semantic video analysis, A
* 2014: Inverse Elastic Scattering for Multiscale Rigid Bodies with a Single Far-Field Pattern
* 2015: Preconditioned Douglas-Rachford Algorithms for TV- and TGV-Regularized Variational Imaging Problems
* 2024: Case Study on Two Differential Reflectivity Columns in a Convective Cell: Phased-Array Radar Observation and Cloud Model Simulation, A
* 2024: Influence of South-to-North Water Diversion on Land Subsidence in North China Plain Revealed by Using Geodetic Measurements
Includes: Sun, H.P.[Hai Ping] Sun, H.P.[Hai-Ping] Sun, H.P.[Hong-Peng] Sun, H.P.[Hong Peng] Sun, H.P.[Hong-Ping] Sun, H.P.[He-Ping]

Sun, H.Q. * 1997: Video Coding Algorithm Using Vector-Based Techniques, A
* 2001: Interactive Navigation Of Virtual Vessel Tracking With 3d Intelligent Scissors
* 2005: Projective Volume Rendering By Excluding Occluded Voxels
* 2006: Haptic Needle Manipulation Simulator For Chinese Acupuncture Learning And Training, A
* 2008: Hardware-accelerated Parallel-split Shadow Maps
* 2010: Differential geometry images: remeshing and morphing with local shape preservation
* 2011: Multi-keyframe abstraction from videos
* 2012: HDR Image Rerendering Using GPU-based Processing
* 2012: Selective color transferring via ellipsoid color mixture map
* 2013: Intent-aware image cloning
* 2014: Efficient texture synthesis of aggregate solid material
* 2014: Video Colorization Using Parallel Optimization in Feature Space
* 2015: Content-aware model resizing with symmetry-preservation
* 2016: Video Supervoxels Using Partially Absorbing Random Walks
* 2017: Cloth compression using local cylindrical coordinates
* 2017: Palette-Based Image Recoloring Using Color Decomposition Optimization
* 2018: Incremental Voronoi sets for instant stippling
* 2018: Robust Stereoscopic Crosstalk Prediction
* 2019: Better Dense Trajectories by Motion in Videos
* 2019: L_2,1-norm-based sparse principle component analysis with trace norm regularised term
* 2020: Interactive Contour Extraction via Sketch-Alike Dense-Validation Optimization
* 2020: Joint low-rank project embedding and optimal mean principal component analysis
* 2020: Video super-resolution via pre-frame constrained and deep-feature enhanced sparse reconstruction
* 2022: Weakly Supervised Visual Saliency Prediction
* 2023: 3D Cinemagraphy from a Single Image
* 2023: HSE: Hybrid Species Embedding for Deep Metric Learning
* 2023: Lens-to-Lens Bokeh Effect Transformation. NTIRE 2023 Challenge Report
* 2023: Review of Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimation Methods Based on Remote Sensing, A
* 2023: Selective Bokeh Effect Transformation
* 2023: Semantic-aware self-supervised depth estimation for stereo 3D detection
* 2024: Deep intra-image contrastive learning for weakly supervised one-step person search
* 2024: Remote Sensing Image Dehazing via a Local Context-Enriched Transformer
Includes: Sun, H.Q. Sun, H.Q.[Han-Qiu] Sun, H.Q.[Hui-Qiang] Sun, H.Q.[Hao-Qiang] Sun, H.Q.[Hong-Quan] Sun, H.Q.[Han-Qing]
32 for Sun, H.Q.

Sun, H.R.[Hong Ru] * 2016: Research on directional and distance query algorithm based on MOIS-tree
* 2021: Mapping Plastic Greenhouses with Two-Temporal Sentinel-2 Images and 1D-CNN Deep Learning
* 2022: Semantically guided self-supervised monocular depth estimation
* 2023: Analysis of Recent Deep-Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Methods for In-Vehicle Network
* 2023: Global spatio-temporal dynamic capturing network-based traffic flow prediction
* 2023: Random Cycle Loss and Its Application to Voice Conversion
* 2023: SDNet: Image-based sonar detection network for multi-scale objects
* 2024: Multi-Organ Registration With Continual Learning
Includes: Sun, H.R.[Hong Ru] Sun, H.R.[Hong-Ru] Sun, H.R.[Hao-Ran] Sun, H.R.[Huan-Ru]
8 for Sun, H.R.

Sun, H.S.[He Sheng] * 2021: Detecting Long-Term Deformation of a Loess Landslide from the Phase and Amplitude of Satellite SAR Images: A Retrospective Analysis for the Closure of a Tunnel Event
* 2021: Landslide Characteristics and Evolution: What We Can Learn from Three Adjacent Landslides
Includes: Sun, H.S.[He Sheng] Sun, H.S.[He-Sheng]

Sun, H.T.[Hai Tong] * 2004: Joint data compression and error protection for collaborative transmission
* 2019: Gender Differences in Multimodal Contact-Free Deception Detection
* 2019: Iterative Adaptive Nonconvex Low-Rank Tensor Approximation to Image Restoration Based on ADMM
* 2021: Monitoring Spatiotemporal Changes of Impervious Surfaces in Beijing City Using Random Forest Algorithm and Textural Features
* 2022: Semantic guided knowledge graph for large-scale zero-shot learning
* 2024: Hyperspectral Image Classification with the Orthogonal Self-Attention ResNet and Two-Step Support Vector Machine
* 2024: SAH-NET: Structure-Aware Hierarchical Network for Clustered Microcalcification Classification in Digital Breast Tomosynthesis
Includes: Sun, H.T.[Hai Tong] Sun, H.T.[Hai-Tong] Sun, H.T.[Hai-Tian] Sun, H.T.[Hui-Tong] Sun, H.T.[Hao-Teng] Sun, H.T.[Hao-Tian] Sun, H.T.[He-Ting]
7 for Sun, H.T.

Sun, H.W.[Hai Wei] * 2003: Arbitrary downsizing video transcoding using H.26L standard
* 2004: On the methods and performances of rational downsizing video transcoding
* 2009: Motion blur adaptive identification from natural image model
* 2020: Calibration of an Airborne Interferometric Radar Altimeter over the Qingdao Coast Sea, China
* 2021: Space-Time Sea Surface pCO2 Estimation in the North Atlantic Based on CatBoost
* 2022: Assessing Variations in Water Use Efficiency and Linkages with Land-Use Changes Using Three Different Data Sources: A Case Study of the Yellow River, China
* 2022: Can Satellite and Atmospheric Reanalysis Products Capture Compound Moist Heat Stress-Floods?
* 2022: Capsule-Encoder-Decoder: A Method for Generalizable Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Ocean Wave Inversion Based on Hybrid Along- and Cross-Track Interferometry
* 2023: One-Dimensional Deep Low-Rank and Sparse Network for Accelerated MRI
Includes: Sun, H.W.[Hai Wei] Sun, H.W.[Hai-Wei] Sun, H.W.[Hong-Wei] Sun, H.W.[Han-Wei] Sun, H.W.[Huai-Wei]
10 for Sun, H.W.

Sun, H.X.[Hong Xing] * 2008: Analysis of the Kalman Filter with Different INS Error Models for GPS/INS Integration in Aerial Remote Sensing Applications
* 2009: application of GPS precise point positioning technology in aerial triangulation, The
* 2010: improved DFT-SOFDM scheme based on inter-carrier interference cancellation, An
* 2022: DOA Estimation Based on Pseudo-Noise Subspace for Relocating Enhanced Nested Array
* 2023: Neural-Network-Based Equalization and Detection for Underwater Acoustic Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Communications: A Low-Complexity Approach
* 2024: Atomic Norm-Based Joint Delay-Doppler Shift Estimation for OFDM Passive Radar
* 2024: Gridless Underdetermined DOA Estimation for Mobile Agents with Limited Snapshots Based on Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network
* 2024: Sound Speed Inversion Based on Multi-Source Ocean Remote Sensing Observations and Machine Learning
* 2024: Underwater Acoustic Nonlinear Blind Ship Noise Separation Using Recurrent Attention Neural Networks
Includes: Sun, H.X.[Hong Xing] Sun, H.X.[Hong-Xing] Sun, H.X.[Hai-Xin]
9 for Sun, H.X.

Sun, H.Y.[Hui Yu] * 2017: Fingerprint liveness detection using gradient-based texture features
* 2017: Fingerprint liveness detection using gradient-based texture features
* 2017: Fingerprint liveness detection using gradient-based texture features
* 2018: Deep learning-based real-time fine-grained pedestrian recognition using stream processing
* 2021: Boosting the Performance of Video Compression Artifact Reduction with Reference Frame Proposals and Frequency Domain Information
* 2021: Simulating Heat Stress of Coal Gangue Spontaneous Combustion on Vegetation Using Alfalfa Leaf Water Content Spectral Features as Indicators
* 2022: Airbirds: A Large-scale Challenging Dataset for Bird Strike Prevention in Real-world Airports
* 2022: Supervised Contrastive Learning for Detecting Anomalous Driving Behaviours from Multimodal Videos
* 2022: Two-aspect Information Interaction Model for ABAW4 Multi-task Challenge
* 2023: Evaluation of Five Satellite-Based Precipitation Products for Extreme Rainfall Estimations over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2023: First Ocean Wave Retrieval from HISEA-1 SAR Imagery through an Improved Semi-Automatic Empirical Model
* 2023: Learning Adaptive Patch Generators for Mask-Robust Image Inpainting
* 2024: AIROGS: Artificial Intelligence for Robust Glaucoma Screening Challenge
Includes: Sun, H.Y.[Hui Yu] Sun, H.Y.[Hui-Yu] Sun, H.Y.[Hao-Yun] Sun, H.Y.[Hu-Yang] Sun, H.Y.[Hai-Yuan] Sun, H.Y.[Hong-Yu] Sun, H.Y.[Hao-Ying] Sun, H.Y.[Hai-Yang] Sun, H.Y.[Hui-Ying] Sun, H.Y.[Hong-Yi]
13 for Sun, H.Y.

Sun, H.Z.[Hong Zan] * 2000: Spatio-temporal Segmentation for Video Surveillance
* 2018: Pain Intensity Estimation Using Deep Spatiotemporal and Handcrafted Features
* 2021: Algorithm for the Retrieval of High Temporal-Spatial Resolution Shortwave Albedo from Landsat-8 Surface Reflectance and MODIS BRDF, An
* 2021: Dynamics and Drivers of Vegetation Phenology in Three-River Headwaters Region Based on the Google Earth Engine
* 2021: Hybrid Models Incorporating Bivariate Statistics and Machine Learning Methods for Flash Flood Susceptibility Assessment Based on Remote Sensing Datasets
* 2022: CVM-Cervix: A hybrid cervical Pap-smear image classification framework using CNN, visual transformer and multilayer perceptron
* 2022: GasHis-Transformer: A multi-scale visual transformer approach for gastric histopathological image detection
* 2022: Hyperspectral Image Mixed Noise Removal Using a Subspace Projection Attention and Residual Channel Attention Network
* 2022: Integrating DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS Nighttime Light Data to Evaluate Poverty in Southwestern China
* 2022: Investigating the Impact of the Spatiotemporal Bias Correction of Precipitation in CMIP6 Climate Models on Drought Assessments
* 2022: New Insights into Ice Avalanche-Induced Debris Flows in Southeastern Tibet Using SAR Technology
* 2022: Remote Sensing-Supported Flood Forecasting of Urbanized Watersheds: A Case Study in Southern China
* 2023: Projected Changes in Precipitation Based on the CMIP6 Optimal Multi-Model Ensemble in the Pearl River Basin, China
* 2023: Urban Architectural Style Recognition and Dataset Construction Method under Deep Learning of street View Images: A Case Study of Wuhan
Includes: Sun, H.Z.[Hong Zan] Sun, H.Z.[Hong-Zan] Sun, H.Z.[Hua-Zhi] Sun, H.Z.[Huai-Zhang] Sun, H.Z.[He-Zhi] Sun, H.Z.[Hao-Zun]
14 for Sun, H.Z.

Sun, J. * 1998: Coupled B-Snake Grids and Constrained Thin-Plate Splines for Analysis of 2-D Tissue Deformations from Tagged MRI
* 2001: Sparse image coding with clustering property and its application to face recognition
* 2002: Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation
* 2003: Discriminatory Sparse Coding And Its Application To Face Recognition
* 2003: EM algorithms for Gaussian mixtures with split-and-merge operation
* 2003: Image hallucination with primal sketch priors
* 2003: Predicting Large Population Data Cumulative Match Characteristic Performance from Small Population Data
* 2003: Stereo Matching Using Belief Propagation
* 2003: Using similarity scores from a small gallery to estimate recognition performance for larger galleries
* 2004: 3-D physical motion-based bandwidth prediction for video conferencing
* 2004: Automatic cascade training with perturbation bias
* 2004: Bayesian Correction of Image Intensity with Spatial Consideration
* 2004: Image-based Template Generation Of Road Networks For Virtual Maps
* 2004: Poisson matting
* 2004: Robust Fingerprint Minutiae Matching Algorithm Based on the Support Model, A
* 2004: Video Degradation Model and Its Application to Character Recognition in e-Learning Videos
* 2005: Bi-Directional Tracking Using Trajectory Segment Analysis
* 2005: Camera based degraded text recognition using grayscale feature
* 2005: PRISMATICA: Toward Ambient Intelligence in Public Transport Environments
* 2005: Symmetric Stereo Matching for Occlusion Handling
* 2006: Background Cut
* 2006: Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Using Delaunay Visibility
* 2006: Estimation of images and nonrigid deformations in gated emission CT
* 2006: Homogeneity Based Image Objective Quality Metric
* 2006: Linear Color Correction Method for Compressed Images and Videos, A
* 2006: On the Design of Cascades of Boosted Ensembles for Face Detection
* 2006: Picture Collage
* 2006: Robust Chinese Character Recognition by Selection of Binary-Based and Grayscale-Based Classifier
* 2006: Semi-Local Paradigm for Wavelet Denoising, A
* 2006: Statistical Model, Analysis and Approximation of Rate-Distortion Function in MPEG-4 FGS Videos
* 2006: Transform Domain Transcoding From MPEG-2 to H.264 With Interpolation Drift-Error Compensation
* 2007: Blurred/Non-Blurred Image Alignment using Sparseness Prior
* 2007: Curved paper rectification for digital camera document images by shape from parallel geodesics using continuous dynamic programming
* 2007: Degraded Character Recognition by Complementary Classifiers Combination
* 2007: Examining the uncertainty of the recovered surface normal in three light photometric stereo
* 2007: Flash Cut: Foreground Extraction with Flash and No-flash Image Pairs
* 2007: Interactive Offline Tracking for Color Objects
* 2007: Learning to Detect A Salient Object
* 2007: Multi-Stage Strategy to Perspective Rectification for Mobile Phone Camera-Based Document Images, A
* 2007: Object surface recovery using a multi-light photometric stereo technique for non-Lambertian surfaces subject to shadows and specularities
* 2007: ScudWare: A Semantic and Adaptive Middleware Platform for Smart Vehicle Space
* 2007: Skew detection using wavelet decomposition and projection profile analysis
* 2007: SVM-Based High-accurate Recognition Approach for Handwritten Numerals by Using Difference Features, An
* 2008: 3D ordinal constraint in spatial configuration for robust scene recognition
* 2008: Bayesian Tensor Approach for 3-D Face Modeling
* 2008: Cat Head Detection: How to Effectively Exploit Shape and Texture Features
* 2008: Collaborative Epidemical Surveillance and Response System Based on GIS and Information Technique, A
* 2008: Face Alignment Via Component-Based Discriminative Search
* 2008: Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior
* 2008: Noise Removal Based on the Variation of Digitized Energy
* 2008: On the Design of Cascades of Boosted Ensembles for Face Detection
* 2008: Video caption duration extraction
* 2009: Bundling features for large scale partial-duplicate web image search
* 2009: Concealed Object Perception and Recognition Using a Photometric Stereo Strategy
* 2009: Hierarchical spatio-temporal context modeling for action recognition
* 2009: multi-sample, multi-tree approach to bag-of-words image representation for image retrieval, A
* 2009: On Rate-Distortion Modeling and Extraction of H.264/SVC Fine-Granular Scalable Video
* 2009: Picture Collage
* 2009: Rejection Strategies with Multiple Classifiers for Handwritten Character Recognition
* 2009: Retinal venous caliber abnormality: Detection and analysis using matrix edge fields-based simultaneous smoothing and segmentation
* 2009: Separate Chinese Character and English Character by Cascade Classifier and Feature Selection
* 2009: Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
* 2009: Structural Time-Varying Parameter Analysis Based on Adaptive System Identification Method Using Strong Motion Records
* 2009: Support Vector Machine Based Online Learning Approach for Automated Visual Inspection, A
* 2009: Tricolor Attenuation Model for Shadow Detection
* 2009: Trinary Image Mosaicing Based Watermark String Detection
* 2010: AAM based face tracking with temporal matching and face segmentation
* 2010: Background subtraction based on phase and distance transform under sudden illumination change
* 2010: Color constancy based on texture pyramid matching and regularized local regression
* 2010: Context-constrained hallucination for image super-resolution
* 2010: Dual Pass Video Stabilization System Using Iterative Motion Estimation and Adaptive Motion Smoothing, A
* 2010: Face recognition with learning-based descriptor
* 2010: Fast matting using large kernel matting Laplacian matrices
* 2010: Guided Image Filtering
* 2010: Image Inpainting by Patch Propagation Using Patch Sparsity
* 2010: Localized Supervised Metric Learning on Temporal Physiological Data
* 2010: multiple description codec based on combinatorial optimization and its application to image coding, A
* 2010: Novel Statistical Modeling, Analysis and Implementation of Rate-Distortion Estimation for H.264/AVC Coders
* 2010: Object Category Classification Using Occluding Contours
* 2010: Parallel graph-cuts by adaptive bottom-up merging
* 2010: Randomized Locality Sensitive Vocabularies for Bag-of-Features Model
* 2010: Rejection Optimization Based on Threshold Mapping for Offline Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
* 2010: Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multireference Reranking
* 2010: Scale selection for anisotropic diffusion filter by Markov random field model
* 2010: Separation of overlapped color planes for document images
* 2010: SHREC'10 Track: Feature Detection And Description
* 2010: Sparse learning for support vector classification
* 2010: Texture-based color constancy using local regression
* 2011: Analysis on Tree Structure Selection for MRF Inference in Low-level Vision
* 2011: associate-predict model for face recognition, An
* 2011: DIBR based view synthesis for free-viewpoint television
* 2011: Distributed Multiple Description Video Coding on Packet Loss Channels
* 2011: Efficient dead-zone plus uniform threshold scalar quantization of generalized Gaussian random variables
* 2011: Efficient Image Denoising by MRF Approximation with Uniform-Sampled Multi-spanning-tree
* 2011: Extending metric multidimensional scaling with Bregman divergences
* 2011: Fast H.264/AVC DIRECT Mode Decision Based on Mode Selection and Predicted Rate-Distortion Cost
* 2011: Fast Kernel Sparse Representation
* 2011: Foreground estimation based on robust linear regression model
* 2011: From Tiger to Panda: Animal Head Detection
* 2011: global sampling method for alpha matting, A
* 2011: Gradient Profile Prior and Its Applications in Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement
* 2011: Gradient Profile Prior and Its Applications in Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement
* 2011: High quality image reconstruction from RAW and JPEG image pair
* 2011: Improving Scene Text Detection by Scale-Adaptive Segmentation and Weighted CRF Verification
* 2011: Kinect Identity: Technology and Experience
* 2011: Learning non-local range Markov Random field for image restoration
* 2011: Learning to Detect a Salient Object
* 2011: Line Drawing Interpretation Using Belief Propagation
* 2011: novel parallel encoding framework for scalable video coding, A
* 2011: rank-order distance based clustering algorithm for face tagging, A
* 2011: Recognizing Characters with Severe Perspective Distortion Using Hash Tables and Perspective Invariants
* 2011: Recognizing Natural Scene Characters by Convolutional Neural Network and Bimodal Image Enhancement
* 2011: robust template tracking algorithm with weighted active drift correction, A
* 2011: Robust Vanishing Point Detection for MobileCam-Based Documents
* 2011: Salient object detection by composition
* 2011: Scalable Face Image Retrieval with Identity-Based Quantization and Multireference Reranking
* 2011: Scale and object aware image retargeting for thumbnail browsing
* 2011: Single Image Haze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior
* 2011: Snap and Translate Using Windows Phone
* 2011: Study of the Automatic Matching Method for Optical and SAR Image
* 2012: Adaptive Perona-Malik Model Based on the Variable Exponent for Image Denoising
* 2012: Affine Model Based Motion Compensation Prediction for Zoom
* 2012: Automatic Exposure Correction of Consumer Photographs
* 2012: Background subtraction based on phase feature and distance transform
* 2012: Bayesian Face Revisited: A Joint Formulation
* 2012: Cascaded heterogeneous convolutional neural networks for handwritten digit recognition
* 2012: Computing nearest-neighbor fields via Propagation-Assisted KD-Trees
* 2012: Discriminative normalization method for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* 2012: Efficient Point-to-Subspace Query in L_1 with Application to Robust Face Recognition
* 2012: Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression
* 2012: Geodesic Saliency Using Background Priors
* 2012: Illumination compensation for nominally planar surface recovery
* 2012: Implementation of HEVC decoder on x86 processors with SIMD optimization
* 2012: Large Area Land Cover Classification With Landsat Etm+ Images Based On Decision Tree
* 2012: Learning a Mahalanobis distance metric via regularized LDA for scene recognition
* 2012: Learning sparse covariance patterns for natural scenes
* 2012: Model construction of mix-valued logical network via observed data
* 2012: Multiple Description Image Coding Based on Delta-Sigma Quantization With Rate-Distortion Optimization
* 2012: new coupled map car-following model under inter-vehicle communication, A
* 2012: optimized real-time multi-thread HEVC decoder, An
* 2012: Quantitative Study of Individual Emotional States in Social Networks
* 2012: Saliency detection based on integration of boundary and soft-segmentation
* 2012: Statistics of Patch Offsets for Image Completion
* 2012: Structured document classification by matching local salient features
* 2012: Video Hashing Algorithm With Weighted Matching Based on Visual Saliency
* 2012: Video stabilization with a depth camera
* 2013: Area Preserving Brain Mapping
* 2013: Blessing of Dimensionality: High-Dimensional Feature and Its Efficient Compression for Face Verification
* 2013: Book Dewarping System by Boundary-Based 3D Surface Reconstruction, A
* 2013: Constant Time Weighted Median Filtering for Stereo Matching and Beyond
* 2013: Content-Aware Rotation
* 2013: Dynamic speed guidance for active highway signal coordination: roadside against in-car strategies
* 2013: Face recogntion in open world environment
* 2013: Fast image deconvolution using closed-form thresholding formulas of regularization
* 2013: Foreground Estimation Based on Linear Regression Model With Fused Sparsity on Outliers
* 2013: Framework for Mining Signatures from Event Sequences and Its Applications in Healthcare Data, A
* 2013: GPU-Accelerated Real-Time Tracking of Full-Body Motion With Multi-Layer Search
* 2013: Guided Image Filtering
* 2013: Joint Inverted Indexing
* 2013: K-Means Hashing: An Affinity-Preserving Quantization Method for Learning Binary Compact Codes
* 2013: Learning Discriminative Part Detectors for Image Classification and Cosegmentation
* 2013: Learning Regularized, Query-Dependent Bilinear Similarities for Large Scale Image Retrieval
* 2013: Learning to Estimate and Remove Non-uniform Image Blur
* 2013: Multi-Year Comparison of Carbon Dioxide from Satellite Data with Ground-Based FTS Measurements (2003-2011)
* 2013: new binarization method for non-uniform illuminated document images, A
* 2013: On the Variation of NDVI with the Principal Climatic Elements in the Tibetan Plateau
* 2013: Optimized Product Quantization for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
* 2013: Practical Transfer Learning Algorithm for Face Verification, A
* 2013: Rate-Distortion Analysis of Dead-Zone Plus Uniform Threshold Scalar Quantization and Its Application: Part II: Two-Pass VBR Coding for H.264/AVC
* 2013: Rate-Distortion Analysis of Dead-Zone Plus Uniform Threshold Scalar Quantization and Its Application: Part I: Fundamental Theory
* 2013: Remote Sensing-Based Fractal Analysis and Scale Dependence Associated with Forest Fragmentation in an Amazon Tri-National Frontier
* 2013: Robust Recovery of Subspace Structures by Low-Rank Representation
* 2013: Scale and Object Aware Image Thumbnailing
* 2013: Separable Markov Random Field Model and Its Applications in Low Level Vision
* 2013: Sub-structure Learning Based Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
* 2013: Text detection in natural scene images with user-intention
* 2013: Visual Attention Based Temporally Weighting Method for Video Hashing
* 2014: Analysis and optimization of x265 encoder
* 2014: Book inner boundary extraction with modified active shape model
* 2014: Depth-Assisted Frame Rate Up-Conversion for Stereoscopic Video
* 2014: Efficient Point-to-Subspace Query in L_1 with Application to Robust Object Instance Recognition
* 2014: Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features
* 2014: Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression
* 2014: Fast and Accurate Text Detection in Natural Scene Images with User-Intention
* 2014: Finding Matches in a Haystack: A Max-Pooling Strategy for Graph Matching in the Presence of Outliers
* 2014: Graph Cuts for Supervised Binary Coding
* 2014: Image Completion Approaches Using the Statistics of Similar Patches
* 2014: improved photometric stereo through distance estimation and light vector optimization from diffused maxima region, An
* 2014: Joint Cascade Face Detection and Alignment
* 2014: low-latency peer-to-peer live and VOD streaming system based on scalable video coding, A
* 2014: Novel Efficient HEVC Decoding Solution on General-Purpose Processors
* 2014: novel metric for efficient video shot boundary detection, A
* 2014: Online evaluation of an integrated control strategy at on-ramp bottleneck for urban expressways in Shanghai
* 2014: Optimized Product Quantization
* 2014: Product Sparse Coding
* 2014: Query-expanded collaborative representation based classification with class-specific prototypes for object recognition
* 2014: Real Time Gait Recognition System Based on Kinect Skeleton Feature
* 2014: Realtime and Robust Hand Tracking from Depth
* 2014: Saliency Optimization from Robust Background Detection
* 2014: Scanned Image Descreening With Image Redundancy and Adaptive Filtering
* 2014: Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
* 2014: SteadyFlow: Spatially Smooth Optical Flow for Video Stabilization
* 2014: Structural similarity-based video fingerprinting for video copy detection
* 2014: Towards simple and smooth rate adaption for VBR video in DASH
* 2014: Unified Online Dictionary Learning Framework with Label Information for Robust Object Tracking, A
* 2014: VFCCV snake: A novel active contour model combining edge and regional information
* 2014: Well Begun Is Half Done: Generating High-Quality Seeds for Automatic Image Dataset Construction from Web
* 2015: BoxSup: Exploiting Bounding Boxes to Supervise Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* 2015: Cascaded hand pose regression
* 2015: Color Image Denoising via Discriminatively Learned Iterative Shrinkage
* 2015: Convolutional feature masking for joint object and stuff segmentation
* 2015: Convolutional neural networks at constrained time cost
* 2015: Deep learning based language and orientation recognition in document analysis
* 2015: Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification
* 2015: Discrete Conformal Deformation: Algorithm and Experiments
* 2015: Dual-Feature Warping-Based Motion Model Estimation
* 2015: Efficient and accurate approximations of nonlinear convolutional networks
* 2015: Fine-Grained Change Detection of Misaligned Scenes with Varied Illuminations
* 2015: geodesic-preserving method for image warping, A
* 2015: Global refinement of random forest
* 2015: Iris Recognition Based on Local Gabor Orientation Feature Extraction
* 2015: Learning a convolutional neural network for non-uniform motion blur removal
* 2015: Learning Discriminative Reconstructions for Unsupervised Outlier Removal
* 2015: Novel Efficient HEVC Decoding Solution on General-Purpose Processors
* 2015: Ocean Wave Parameters Retrieval from TerraSAR-X Images Validated against Buoy Measurements and Model Results
* 2015: Optimal Mass Transport for Shape Matching and Comparison
* 2015: Reconstruction combined training for convolutional neural networks on character recognition
* 2015: Saliency Region Detection Based on Markov Absorption Probabilities
* 2015: Salt-and-Pepper Noise Removal via Local Hölder Seminorm and Nonlocal Operator for Natural and Texture Image
* 2015: Seamless stitching with shape deformation for historical document images
* 2015: Software Solution for HEVC Encoding and Decoding
* 2015: Sparse projections for high-dimensional binary codes
* 2015: Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition
* 2015: Text line extraction in document images
* 2016: Accelerating Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Classification and Detection
* 2016: adaptive intra-frame parallel method based on complexity estimation for HEVC, An
* 2016: Adaptive Video Streaming With Optimized Bitstream Extraction and PID-Based Quality Control
* 2016: Blind Bleed-Through Removal for Scanned Historical Document Image With Conditional Random Fields
* 2016: Character region segmentation based on Stroke Stable Regions
* 2016: Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition
* 2016: Effective Of Different Excitation Wavelengths On The Identification Of Plant Species Based On Fluorescence Lidar, The
* 2016: Efficient arbitrary ratio downscale transcoding for HEVC
* 2016: Face Alignment via Regressing Local Binary Features
* 2016: Frame rate up-conversion based on depth guided extended block matching for 3D video
* 2016: Gait recognition based on 3D skeleton joints captured by kinect
* 2016: Generating Orthorectified Multi-Perspective 2.5D Maps to Facilitate Web GIS-Based Visualization and Exploitation of Massive 3D City Models
* 2016: High-Resolution SAR-Based Ground Moving Target Imaging With Defocused ROI Data
* 2016: Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks
* 2016: Instance-Aware Semantic Segmentation via Multi-task Network Cascades
* 2016: Instance-Sensitive Fully Convolutional Networks
* 2016: knowledge-based table recognition method for Chinese bank statement images, A
* 2016: Learning Dictionary of Discriminative Part Detectors for Image Categorization and Cosegmentation
* 2016: Lunar Calibration and Performance for S-NPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2016: MeshFlow: Minimum Latency Online Video Stabilization
* 2016: novel scene text detection algorithm based on convolutional neural network, A
* 2016: novel text structure feature extractor for Chinese scene text detection and recognition, A
* 2016: Novel Wavefront-Based High Parallel Solution for HEVC Encoding, A
* 2016: Object Tracking With Spatial Context Model
* 2016: Potential Application Of Novel Hyperspectral Lidar For Monitoring Crops Nitrogen Stress
* 2016: Quantifying Freshwater Mass Balance in the Central Tibetan Plateau by Integrating Satellite Remote Sensing, Altimetry, and Gravimetry
* 2016: Real-time crash prediction on urban expressways: identification of key variables and a hybrid support vector machine model
* 2016: Real-time crash prediction on urban expressways: identification of key variables and a hybrid support vector machine model
* 2016: Rich Image Captioning in the Wild
* 2016: SAR Image Despeckling Method Based on Two-Dimensional S Transform Shrinkage, A
* 2016: ScribbleSup: Scribble-Supervised Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
* 2016: Semi-supervised learning competence of classifiers based on graph for dynamic classifier selection
* 2016: Supervised Transformer Network for Efficient Face Detection
* 2016: Total Variation Regularized Tensor RPCA for Background Subtraction From Compressive Measurements
* 2016: Using Different Regression Methods to Estimate Leaf Nitrogen Content in Rice by Fusing Hyperspectral LiDAR Data and Laser-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Data
* 2016: Wavelength Selection Of Hyperspectral Lidar Based On Feature Weighting For Estimation Of Leaf Nitrogen Content In Rice
* 2017: Adaptive Weighted Tensor Completion Method for the Recovery of Remote Sensing Images With Missing Data, An
* 2017: Automatic Sky View Factor Estimation from Street View Photographs: A Big Data Approach
* 2017: Building fast and compact convolutional neural networks for offline handwritten Chinese character recognition
* 2017: Channel Pruning for Accelerating Very Deep Neural Networks
* 2017: Color Feature Reinforcement for Cosaliency Detection Without Single Saliency Residuals
* 2017: Convolutional Neural Network-Based Chinese Text Detection Algorithm via Text Structure Modeling, A
* 2017: Deep Learning with Low Precision by Half-Wave Gaussian Quantization
* 2017: Discovering User Interests from Social Images
* 2017: Discrete Multimodal Hashing With Canonical Views for Robust Mobile Landmark Search
* 2017: Efficient Joint Formulation for Bayesian Face Verification, An
* 2017: Empirical Algorithm for Wave Retrieval from Co-Polarization X-Band SAR Imagery, An
* 2017: Estimating Rice Leaf Nitrogen Concentration: Influence of Regression Algorithms Based on Passive and Active Leaf Reflectance
* 2017: Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
* 2017: Generating Holistic 3D Scene Abstractions for Text-Based Image Retrieval
* 2017: Large Kernel Matters: Improve Semantic Segmentation by Global Convolutional Network
* 2017: Learning to Detect Fine-Grained Change Under Variant Imaging Conditions
* 2017: Limited-Range Few-View CT: Using Historical Images for ROI Reconstruction in Solitary Lung Nodules Follow-up Examination
* 2017: L_1 -Regularization-Based SAR Imaging and CFAR Detection via Complex Approximated Message Passing
* 2017: Multimodal 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition With Deep Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
* 2017: Multispectral LiDAR Point Cloud Classification: A Two-Step Approach
* 2017: NDMP: An emerging MPEG standard for network distributed media processing
* 2017: Novel Two-Step Integer-pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm for HEVC Encoding on a GPU, A
* 2017: Object Detection Networks on Convolutional Feature Maps
* 2017: On the Estimation of the Parameters of a Real Sinusoid in Noise
* 2017: Robust shared feature learning for script and handwritten/machine-printed identification
* 2017: Seeing What is Not There: Learning Context to Determine Where Objects are Missing
* 2017: two-stage learning approach to face recognition, A
* 2017: Unsupervised PolSAR Image Classification Using Discriminative Clustering
* 2018: Analyzing the Effect of Fluorescence Characteristics on Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Estimation
* 2018: Analyzing the performance of PROSPECT model inversion based on different spectral information for leaf biochemical properties retrieval
* 2018: BM3D-Net: A Convolutional Neural Network for Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering
* 2018: Cascaded Pyramid Network for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* 2018: Collaborative Index Embedding for Image Retrieval
* 2018: Deformable Dictionary Learning for SAR Image Change Detection
* 2018: Dependence of Sea SAR Image Distribution Parameters on Surface Wave Characteristics, The
* 2018: DetNet: Design Backbone for Object Detection
* 2018: Distributionally Robust Minimum Variance Beamformer Design, A
* 2018: Empirical Algorithm to Retrieve Significant Wave Height from Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery Collected under Cyclonic Conditions, An
* 2018: Error Source Analysis and Correction of GF-3 Polarimetric Data
* 2018: ExFuse: Enhancing Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation
* 2018: Exploring the Congestion Pattern at Long-Queued Tunnel Sag and Increasing the Efficiency by Control
* 2018: Fast and robust occluded face detection in ATM surveillance
* 2018: Globally Variance-Constrained Sparse Representation and Its Application in Image Set Coding
* 2018: GridFace: Face Rectification via Learning Local Homography Transformations
* 2018: Image Reconstruction with Smoothed Mixtures of Regressions
* 2018: Impact of Road Configuration in V2V-Based Cooperative Localization: Mathematical Analysis and Real-World Evaluation, The
* 2018: Joint Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Social Tags
* 2018: Label Denoising Adversarial Network (LDAN) for Inverse Lighting of Faces
* 2018: Learning Spectral Transform Network on 3D Surface for Non-rigid Shape Analysis
* 2018: MegDet: A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector
* 2018: Multi-person Pose Estimation for Pose Tracking with Enhanced Cascaded Pyramid Network
* 2018: Multiactivity 3-D Human Pose Tracking in Incorporated Motion Model with Transition Bridges
* 2018: Ocean Wind Retrieval Models for RADARSAT Constellation Mission Compact Polarimetry SAR
* 2018: On the Estimation of the Parameters of a Real Sinusoid in Noise
* 2018: Proximal Dehaze-Net: A Prior Learning-Based Deep Network for Single Image Dehazing
* 2018: Rendering Portraitures from Monocular Camera and Beyond
* 2018: Repulsion Loss: Detecting Pedestrians in a Crowd
* 2018: Robust Single-Image Super-Resolution Based on Adaptive Edge-Preserving Smoothing Regularization
* 2018: Semi-supervised dictionary learning via local sparse constraints for violence detection
* 2018: ShuffleNet V2: Practical Guidelines for Efficient CNN Architecture Design
* 2018: ShuffleNet: An Extremely Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Mobile Devices
* 2018: Signal Multiobjective Optimization for Urban Traffic Network
* 2018: Surface reconstruction from unorganized points with l0 gradient minimization
* 2018: Unified Perceptual Parsing for Scene Understanding
* 2018: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Regularized Optimal Transport for Multimodal 2D+3D Facial Expression Recognition
* 2018: Uplink Resource Allocation for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communication
* 2019: Adaptive Consensus-Based Distributed Target Tracking With Dynamic Cluster in Sensor Networks
* 2019: Adaptive Semi-Supervised Feature Selection for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2019: Automatic Neural Network Search Method for Open Set Recognition
* 2019: CamNet: Coarse-to-Fine Retrieval for Camera Re-Localization
* 2019: Crossbar-Net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Kidney Tumor Segmentation in CT Images
* 2019: Deep Learning from Noisy Image Labels with Quality Embedding
* 2019: DFANet: Deep Feature Aggregation for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Disentangled Image Matting
* 2019: Efficient and Scalable Framework for Processing Remotely Sensed Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments, An
* 2019: Exploring Better Food Detection via Transfer Learning
* 2019: Extended Sampling Method for Inverse Elastic Scattering Problems Using One Incident Wave
* 2019: Fast Palette Mode Decision Methods for Coding Game Videos With HEVC-SCC
* 2019: GIS-Based Simulation Methodology for Evaluating Ship Encounters Probability to Improve Maritime Traffic Safety
* 2019: Graph-Based Semisupervised Deep Learning Model for PolSAR Image Classification, A
* 2019: High-Resolution and Wide-Swath SAR Imaging via Poisson Disk Sampling and Iterative Shrinkage Thresholding
* 2019: Improving Localization Accuracy in Connected Vehicle Networks Using Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters: Theory, Simulations, and Experiments
* 2019: InstaBoost: Boosting Instance Segmentation via Probability Map Guided Copy-Pasting
* 2019: Led3D: A Lightweight and Efficient Deep Approach to Recognizing Low-Quality 3D Faces
* 2019: Leveraging Vision Reconstruction Pipelines for Satellite Imagery
* 2019: Meta-SR: A Magnification-Arbitrary Network for Super-Resolution
* 2019: MetaPruning: Meta Learning for Automatic Neural Network Channel Pruning
* 2019: Multi-Modal Reflection Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: Multi-Scale Dense Networks for Deep High Dynamic Range Imaging
* 2019: Multiplicative Noise Removal for Texture Images Based on Adaptive Anisotropic Fractional Diffusion Equations
* 2019: New On-Orbit Calibration Approach of SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Using the Full Profile of Direct Solar Illumination of Solar Diffuser
* 2019: new waveform decomposition method for multispectral LiDAR, A
* 2019: Objects365: A Large-Scale, High-Quality Dataset for Object Detection
* 2019: Optimizing a Parameterized Plug-and-Play ADMM for Iterative Low-Dose CT Reconstruction
* 2019: Perceive Where to Focus: Learning Visibility-Aware Part-Level Features for Partial Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation
* 2019: Semantic consistency cross-modal dictionary learning with rank constraint
* 2019: Simulation of Pedestrian Rotation Dynamics Near Crowded Exits
* 2019: Social multi-modal event analysis via knowledge-based weighted topic model
* 2019: SVM-CNN-Based Fusion Algorithm for Vehicle Navigation Considering Atypical Observations
* 2019: ThunderNet: Towards Real-Time Generic Object Detection on Mobile Devices
* 2019: True-Color Three-Dimensional Imaging and Target Classification BASED on Hyperspectral LiDAR
* 2019: Trust Assessment in Vehicular Social Network Based on Three-Valued Subjective Logic
* 2019: Utilizing BIM and GIS for Representation and Visualization of 3D Cadastre
* 2019: Wind Speed Retrieval Model for Sentinel-1A EW Mode Cross-Polarization Images, A
* 2020: Abnormality detection in retinal image by individualized background learning
* 2020: ADMM-CSNet: A Deep Learning Approach for Image Compressive Sensing
* 2020: Analyzing the Influence of Urban Street Greening and Street Buildings on Summertime Air Pollution Based on Street View Image Data
* 2020: Angle-based Search Space Shrinking for Neural Architecture Search
* 2020: Attentive Normalization for Conditional Image Generation
* 2020: Bi-Directional Relationship Inferring Network for Referring Image Segmentation
* 2020: Blindly Assess Image Quality in the Wild Guided by a Self-Adaptive Hyper Network
* 2020: BorderDet: Border Feature for Dense Object Detection
* 2020: Color Restoration for Full-Waveform Multispectral LiDAR Data
* 2020: Concurrent and Lagged Effects of Extreme Drought Induce Net Reduction in Vegetation Carbon Uptake on Tibetan Plateau
* 2020: Content-aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation
* 2020: Convolutional Neural Network for Convective Storm Nowcasting Using 3-D Doppler Weather Radar Data
* 2020: Deep HDR Imaging via A Non-Local Network
* 2020: Deep Positional and Relational Feature Learning for Rotation-invariant Point Cloud Analysis
* 2020: Detection in Crowded Scenes: One Proposal, Multiple Predictions
* 2020: Detection of tomato organs based on convolutional neural network under the overlap and occlusion backgrounds
* 2020: Dynamics and Drivers of the Alpine Timberline on Gongga Mountain of Tibetan Plateau-Adopted from the Otsu Method on Google Earth Engine
* 2020: Efficient Encoding Method for Video Compositing in HEVC, An
* 2020: Efficient Hevc Downscale Transcoding Based on Coding Unit Information Mapping
* 2020: Elastic mechanism of cross layer and multi domain communication network
* 2020: End-to-end Interpretable Learning of Non-blind Image Deblurring
* 2020: Face quality analysis of single-image super-resolution based on SIFT
* 2020: Fast Video Saliency Detection based on Feature Competition
* 2020: Funnel Activation for Visual Recognition
* 2020: Generalized Tensor Regression for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Geographic Distribution of Desert Locusts in Africa, Asia and Europe Using Multiple Sources of Remote-Sensing Data
* 2020: Geographic Information System Technology Combined with Back Propagation Neural Network in Groundwater Quality Monitoring
* 2020: Hidden Footprints: Learning Contextual Walkability from 3d Human Trails
* 2020: High-Order Information Matters: Learning Relation and Topology for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* 2020: High-precision Ranging Based on Multispectral Full-waveform Lidar
* 2020: High-Precision Trajectory Data Reconstruction for TTandC Systems Using LS B-Spline Approximation
* 2020: Identification of crop diseases using improved convolutional neural networks
* 2020: Intelligent Hazard-Risk Prediction Model for Train Control Systems
* 2020: LabelEnc: A New Intermediate Supervision Method for Object Detection
* 2020: Learning Delicate Local Representations for Multi-person Pose Estimation
* 2020: Learning Distribution Independent Latent Representation for 3D Face Disentanglement
* 2020: Learning Dynamic Routing for Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Learning Human-Object Interaction Detection Using Interaction Points
* 2020: Low-bit Quantization Needs Good Distribution
* 2020: Mapping Essential Urban Land Use Categories in Nanjing by Integrating Multi-Source Big Data
* 2020: MatchGAN: A Self-supervised Semi-supervised Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
* 2020: MCEN: Bridging Cross-Modal Gap between Cooking Recipes and Dish Images with Latent Variable Model
* 2020: Misshapen Pelvis Landmark Detection With Local-Global Feature Learning for Diagnosing Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
* 2020: Multi-Class Joint Subspace Learning for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2020: Multi-view hand gesture recognition via pareto optimal front
* 2020: Multilevel Interaction Reasoning For Complex Event Recognition
* 2020: Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Classification from Time-Series Landsat Datasets Using Harmonic Analysis with a Minimum Spectral Distance Algorithm
* 2020: Novel Combined Spectral Indices Derived from Hyperspectral and Laser-Induced Fluorescence LiDAR Spectra for Leaf Nitrogen Contents Estimation of Rice
* 2020: Novel Euler's Elastica-Based Segmentation Approach for Noisy Images Using the Progressive Hedging Algorithm, A
* 2020: Overwater Image Dehazing via Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Network
* 2020: Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis Using Histopathological Images Based on Multiple Instance Learning With Deep Graph Convolution
* 2020: PVN3D: A Deep Point-Wise 3D Keypoints Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation
* 2020: pyModeS: Decoding Mode-S Surveillance Data for Open Air Transportation Research
* 2020: Recursive Social Behavior Graph for Trajectory Prediction
* 2020: Scene-Adaptive Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using a Multiscale Attention Network
* 2020: Second-Order Spectral Transform Block for 3D Shape Classification and Retrieval
* 2020: Siamese Dense Network for Reflection Removal with Flash and No-Flash Image Pairs
* 2020: Single Path One-shot Neural Architecture Search with Uniform Sampling
* 2020: Solar3D: An Open-Source Tool for Estimating Solar Radiation in Urban Environments
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Northern Limit of Winter Wheat in China Using MODIS Time Series Images
* 2020: Spectral CT Reconstruction via Low-Rank Representation and Region-Specific Texture Preserving Markov Random Field Regularization
* 2020: Spectrally Improved Point Cloud Classification Method For Multispectral Lidar, A
* 2020: Spherical Space Domain Adaptation With Robust Pseudo-Label Loss
* 2020: Stacking Networks Dynamically for Image Restoration Based on the Plug-and-play Framework
* 2020: Superpixel Segmentation for Polsar Images Based on Hexagon Initialization and Edge Refinement
* 2020: Truncated Matrix Decomposition for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution, A
* 2020: Unsupervised MR-to-CT Synthesis Using Structure-Constrained CycleGAN
* 2020: Vehicle Turning Behavior Modeling at Conflicting Areas of Mixed-Flow Intersections Based on Deep Learning
* 2020: View-GCN: View-Based Graph Convolutional Network for 3D Shape Analysis
* 2020: Visual Chirality
* 2020: WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Networks
* 2021: Activate or Not: Learning Customized Activation
* 2021: Adaptive Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based In-Loop Filter for VVC
* 2021: ADNet: Attention-guided Deformable Convolutional Network for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* 2021: AEnet: Automatic Picking of P-Wave First Arrivals Using Deep Learning
* 2021: Analyzing Sea Surface Wind Distribution Characteristics of Tropical Cyclone Based on Sentinel-1 SAR Images
* 2021: Application of SAR Data for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Parameters Retrieval and Symmetric Wind Field Model Development
* 2021: Automatic atmospheric correction for shortwave hyperspectral remote sensing data using a time-dependent deep neural network
* 2021: CSpA-DN: Channel and Spatial Attention Dense Network for Fusing PET and MRI Images
* 2021: Cycle-Based Queue Length Estimation for Signalized Intersections Using Sparse Vehicle Trajectory Data
* 2021: Distribution Alignment: A Unified Framework for Long-tail Visual Recognition
* 2021: distribution independence based method for 3D face shape decomposition, A
* 2021: DS-UI: Dual-Supervised Mixture of Gaussian Mixture Models for Uncertainty Inference in Image Recognition
* 2021: Dual Camera System for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Video Acquisition, A
* 2021: Dual-Consistency Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Dynamic Region-Aware Convolution
* 2021: EBB: Progressive Optimization for Partial Domain Adaptation
* 2021: EBSR: Feature Enhanced Burst Super-Resolution with Deformable Alignment
* 2021: Efficient Cross-Modality Graph Reasoning for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Encoder Fusion Network with Co-Attention Embedding for Referring Image Segmentation
* 2021: End-to-End Human Object Interaction Detection with HOI Transformer
* 2021: End-to-End Object Detection with Fully Convolutional Network
* 2021: Explanation-Guided Training for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification
* 2021: Exploring the Effects of Urban Built Environment on Road Travel Speed Variability with a Spatial Panel Data Model
* 2021: Extraction of Offshore Aquaculture Areas from Medium-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Learning
* 2021: Extreme Wind Speeds Retrieval Using Sentinel-1 IW Mode SAR Data
* 2021: Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* 2021: Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Segmentation
* 2021: FFB6D: A Full Flow Bidirectional Fusion Network for 6D Pose Estimation
* 2021: Fully Convolutional Networks for Panoptic Segmentation
* 2021: Generalized Few-Shot Object Detection without Forgetting
* 2021: How to Measure the Urban Park Cooling Island? A Perspective of Absolute and Relative Indicators Using Remote Sensing and Buffer Analysis
* 2021: hybrid framework for brain tissue segmentation in magnetic resonance images, A
* 2021: Impact of Multitemporal Land Use and Land Cover Change on Land Surface Temperature Due to Urbanization in Hefei City, China
* 2021: IQDet: Instance-wise Quality Distribution Sampling for Object Detection
* 2021: Joint Depth and Defocus Estimation From a Single Image Using Physical Consistency
* 2021: Joint Multi-Dimension Pruning via Numerical Gradient Update
* 2021: Joint Reflection Removal and Depth Estimation from a Single Image
* 2021: Knowledge-Based Reasoning Network for Object Detection
* 2021: Learning Canonical View Representation for 3D Shape Recognition with Arbitrary Views
* 2021: M2H-Net: A Reconstruction Method For Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Imagery
* 2021: MEMF: Multi-level-attention embedding and multi-layer-feature fusion model for person re-identification
* 2021: Multi-Application Strategy Based on Railway Static Power Conditioner With Energy Storage System
* 2021: Multi-loss Spatial-Temporal Attention-Convolution Network for Action Tube Detection
* 2021: NAS-EOD: an end-to-end Neural Architecture Search method for Efficient Object Detection
* 2021: Neural Architecture Search with Random Labels
* 2021: New Machine Learning Approach in Detecting the Oil Palm Plantations Using Remote Sensing Data, A
* 2021: Nonlinear Radiometric Normalization Model for Satellite Imgaes Time Series Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Greedy Algroithm, A
* 2021: Novel Approach to Estimating Missing Pairs of On/Off Ramp Flows, A
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Burst Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2021: Optimized Estimation of Leaf Mass per Area with a 3D Matrix of Vegetation Indices
* 2021: OTA: Optimal Transport Assignment for Object Detection
* 2021: Parallel Unmixing-Based Content Retrieval System for Distributed Hyperspectral Imagery Repository on Cloud Computing Platforms, A
* 2021: Phase Imbalance Analysis of GF-3 Along-Track InSAR Data and Ocean Current Measurements
* 2021: Phase Imbalance Analysis of GF-3 Along-Track InSAR Data and Ocean Current Measurements
* 2021: Point Cloud Geometry Compression Via Neural Graph Sampling
* 2021: Points as Queries: Weakly Semi-supervised Object Detection by Points
* 2021: Predicting the Perceptual Quality of Point Cloud: A 3D-to-2D Projection-Based Exploration
* 2021: Prediction of Maize Yield at the City Level in China Using Multi-Source Data
* 2021: RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again
* 2021: Retrieving Doppler Frequency via Local Correlation Method of Segmented Modeling
* 2021: RPVNet: A Deep and Efficient Range-Point-Voxel Fusion Network for LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation
* 2021: Salient object detection via a boundary-guided graph structure
* 2021: Scheduling-Guided Automatic Processing of Massive Hyperspectral Image Classification on Cloud Computing Architectures
* 2021: Sea Surface Salinity Response to Tropical Cyclones Based on Satellite Observations
* 2021: SGMNet: Learning Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Representations via Sorted Gram Matrix
* 2021: Sparsely-labeled source assisted domain adaptation
* 2021: Towers of Babel: Combining Images, Language, and 3D Geometry for Learning Multimodal Vision
* 2021: Training Networks in Null Space of Feature Covariance for Continual Learning
* 2021: Unsupervised Cross Domain Person Re-Identification by Multi-Loss Optimization Learning
* 2021: UPFlow: Upsampling Pyramid for Unsupervised Optical Flow Learning
* 2021: Urban Water Extraction with UAV High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data Based on an Improved U-Net Model
* 2021: Using HSI Color Space to Improve the Multispectral Lidar Classification Error Caused by Measurement Geometry
* 2021: You Only Look One-level Feature
* 2022: Adaptive Design of Experiments for Safety Evaluation of Automated Vehicles
* 2022: Ancient Book Seals Segmentation Based on Automatic Region Growing
* 2022: Artificial Neural Network-Based Ionospheric Delay Correction Method for Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems
* 2022: Autonomous vehicles' intended cooperative motion planning for unprotected turning at intersections
* 2022: BSRT: Improving Burst Super-Resolution with SWIN Transformer and Flow-Guided Deformable Alignment
* 2022: Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Toe-Tapping Assessment in Parkinson's Disease, A
* 2022: Cross Domain Low-Dose CT Image Denoising With Semantic Information Alignment
* 2022: CT2: Colorization Transformer via Color Tokens
* 2022: Dense Teacher: Dense Pseudo-Labels for Semi-supervised Object Detection
* 2022: Discriminative Mutual Learning for Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Effect of Vertical Wind Shear on PM2.5 Changes over a Receptor Region in Central China
* 2022: effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain, The
* 2022: Focal Sparse Convolutional Networks for 3D Object Detection
* 2022: FS6D: Few-Shot 6D Pose Estimation of Novel Objects
* 2022: Fusing Spatial Attention with Spectral-Channel Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Encoder-Decoder Networks
* 2022: Global and Regional Variations and Main Drivers of Aerosol Loadings over Land during 1980-2018
* 2022: High-Speed Train Platoon Dynamic Interval Optimization Based on Resilience Adjustment Strategy
* 2022: Hybrid Model Based on Superpixel Entropy Discrimination for PolSAR Image Classification, A
* 2022: In-Motion Alignment Method of SINS Based on Improved Kalman Filter under Geographic Latitude Uncertainty
* 2022: Indirect Assessment of Watershed SDG7 Development Process Using Nighttime Light Data: An Example of the Aral Sea Watershed
* 2022: Inferring Point Cloud Quality via Graph Similarity
* 2022: Joint Adaptive Dual Graph and Feature Selection for Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Lazily Aggregated Quantized Gradient Innovation for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
* 2022: Learning a Task-Specific Descriptor for Robust Matching of 3D Point Clouds
* 2022: Multiscale residual fusion network for image denoising
* 2022: Multiscale Spatial-Spectral Interaction Transformer for Pan-Sharpening
* 2022: Mutual Teaching Framework with Momentum Correction for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Change Detection, A
* 2022: Nearshore Bathymetry from ICESat-2 LiDAR and Sentinel-2 Imagery Datasets Using Deep Learning Approach
* 2022: Neural Deformable Voxel Grid for Fast Optimization of Dynamic View Synthesis
* 2022: No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment via Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Novel ML-Aided Methodology for SINS/GPS Integrated Navigation Systems during GPS Outages, A
* 2022: Novel Phase Compensation Method for Urban 3D Reconstruction Using SAR Tomography, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* 2022: One-for-All: An Efficient Variable Convolution Neural Network for In-Loop Filter of VVC
* 2022: Open-set iris recognition based on deep learning
* 2022: Outpainting by Queries
* 2022: Patterns, Dynamics, and Drivers of Soil Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Alpine Grasslands across the QingZang Plateau
* 2022: Pay Attention to Evolution: Time Series Forecasting With Deep Graph-Evolution Learning
* 2022: Person Re-Identification Baseline Based on Attention Block Neural Architecture Search, A
* 2022: PETR: Position Embedding Transformation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection
* 2022: PICA: Point-Wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Few-Shot Domain Adaptive Object Detection with Loose Annotations
* 2022: PointINS: Point-Based Instance Segmentation
* 2022: Progressive End-to-End Object Detection in Crowded Scenes
* 2022: RBFNN-Based Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Heterogeneous Vehicle Platoon Consensus
* 2022: Real-time Object Detection for Streaming Perception
* 2022: Relieving Long-tailed Instance Segmentation via Pairwise Class Balance
* 2022: Safety Performance Boundary Identification of Highly Automated Vehicles: A Surrogate Model-Based Gradient Descent Searching Approach
* 2022: Scenario-Based Test Automation for Highly Automated Vehicles: A Review and Paving the Way for Systematic Safety Assurance
* 2022: Searching Dense Point Correspondences via Permutation Matrix Learning
* 2022: Self-Supervised Metric Learning Framework for the Arising-From-Chair Assessment of Parkinsonians With Graph Convolutional Networks, A
* 2022: Sequential Attention-Based Distinct Part Modeling for Balanced Pedestrian Detection
* 2022: Short-Term Travel Speed Prediction for Urban Expressways: Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Models
* 2022: Simple Baselines for Image Restoration
* 2022: Simulator Attack+ for Black-Box Adversarial Attack
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Cultivated Land Quality Integrated with Multi-Source Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* 2022: Tenth Visual Object Tracking VOT2022 Challenge Results, The
* 2022: Tree Energy Loss: Towards Sparsely Annotated Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: UniCoRN: A Unified Conditional Image Repainting Network
* 2022: Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Agricultural Land Extraction of Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Unsupervised Generative Network for Blind Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Variational HyperAdam: A Meta-Learning Approach to Network Training
* 2022: Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction at Signalized Intersections Under Connected and Automated Vehicle Environment
* 2022: Voxel Field Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* 2022: VRNet: Learning the Rectified Virtual Corresponding Points for 3D Point Cloud Registration
* 2022: When NAS Meets Trees: An Efficient Algorithm for Neural Architecture Search
* 2022: WiID: Precise WiFi-based Person Identification via Bio-electromagnetic Information
* 2022: Zero-DCE with HSV loss for Low-Light Image Enhancement
* 2023: 3D pedestrian localization fusing via monocular camera
* 2023: Adaptive Illumination Mapping for Shadow Detection in Raw Images
* 2023: Agreement and Disagreement-Based Co-Learning with Dual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Noisy Labels
* 2023: Autonomous Vehicle's Impact on Traffic: Empirical Evidence From Waymo Open Dataset and Implications From Modelling
* 2023: CanBiPT: Cancelable biometrics with physical template
* 2023: Characterizing the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams
* 2023: Content-Aware Unsupervised Deep Homography Estimation and its Extensions
* 2023: Coupling Spatial and Channel Transformer for Single Image Deraining
* 2023: Credible Remote Sensing Scene Classification Using Evidential Fusion on Aerial-Ground Dual-View Images
* 2023: Data-Driven Spatio-Temporal Speed Prediction Framework for Energy Management of Connected Vehicles, A
* 2023: Deep expectation-maximization network for unsupervised image segmentation and clustering
* 2023: Deep Random Projector: Accelerated Deep Image Prior
* 2023: Differentiable Architecture Search with Random Features
* 2023: Diurnal Variation Characteristics of Clouds and Precipitation during the Summer Season in Two Typical Climate Regions of the Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: Effects of Surface Wave-Induced Mixing and Wave-Affected Exchange Coefficients on Tropical Cyclones
* 2023: Evaluation of Multiple Satellite, Reanalysis, and Merged Precipitation Products for Hydrological Modeling in the Data-Scarce Tributaries of the Pearl River Basin, China
* 2023: Explicit Boundary Guided Semi-Push-Pull Contrastive Learning for Supervised Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Exploiting spatio-temporal knowledge for video action recognition
* 2023: Forward Flow for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes
* 2023: Fully Convolutional Networks for Panoptic Segmentation With Point-Based Supervision
* 2023: High-Accuracy Spectral Measurement of Stimulated-Brillouin-Scattering Lidar Based on Hessian Matrix and Steger Algorithm
* 2023: Implications of Solution Patterns on Adversarial Robustness
* 2023: Improved Future Land-Use Simulation Model with Dynamically Nested Ecological Spatial Constraints, An
* 2023: Instance recognition of street trees from urban point clouds using a three-stage neural network
* 2023: Inverse Scattering Series Internal Multiple Attenuation in the Common-Midpoint Domain
* 2023: Learning Unified Hyper-Network for Multi-Modal MR Image Synthesis and Tumor Segmentation With Missing Modalities
* 2023: Learning View-Based Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-View 3D Shape Analysis
* 2023: Local and Global Logit Adjustments for Long-Tailed Learning
* 2023: MAPConNet: Self-supervised 3D Pose Transfer with Mesh and Point Contrastive Learning
* 2023: MASA-SegNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network for PolSAR Images
* 2023: Memory efficient data-free distillation for continual learning
* 2023: Meta-learning-based adversarial training for deep 3D face recognition on point clouds
* 2023: MPED: Quantifying Point Cloud Distortion Based on Multiscale Potential Energy Discrepancy
* 2023: Multi-patch multi-scale model for motion deblurring with high-frequency information
* 2023: Multi-scale graph neural network for global stereo matching
* 2023: Multivariate Transformer Network for Mild Cognitive Impairment Identification, The
* 2023: MUNet: Motion uncertainty-aware semi-supervised video object segmentation
* 2023: Noising-Denoising Framework for Point Cloud Upsampling via Normalizing Flows, A
* 2023: Novel Hybrid Model to Estimate Leaf Carotenoids Using Multilayer Perceptron and PROSPECT Simulations
* 2023: NRPose: Towards noise resistance for multi-person pose estimation
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Image Super-Resolution (×4): Methods and Results
* 2023: Optimizing Observation Plans for Identifying Faxon Fir (Abies fargesii var. Faxoniana) Using Monthly Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
* 2023: PeanutNeRF: 3D Radiance Field for Peanuts
* 2023: Planting Age Identification and Yield Prediction of Apple Orchard Using Time-Series Spectral Endmember and Logistic Growth Model
* 2023: PoiseNet: Dealing With Data Imbalance in DensePose
* 2023: Promoting Monocular Depth Estimation by Multi-Scale Residual Laplacian Pyramid Fusion
* 2023: Prompt Prototype Learning Based on Ranking Instruction For Few-Shot Visual Tasks
* 2023: Referring Segmentation via Encoder-Fused Cross-Modal Attention Network
* 2023: RefTeacher: A Strong Baseline for Semi-Supervised Referring Expression Comprehension
* 2023: Rethinking Fast Fourier Convolution in Image Inpainting
* 2023: Rethinking Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution: Rectangle-Window Cross-Attention Transformer and Arbitrary-Scale Upsampling
* 2023: Saliency-Induced Moving Object Detection for Robust RGB-D Vision Navigation Under Complex Dynamic Environments
* 2023: Scale-Aware Automatic Augmentations for Object Detection With Dynamic Training
* 2023: Self-Error-Correction-Based Reversible Watermarking Scheme for Vector Maps, A
* 2023: Semantic-Embedded Knowledge Acquisition and Reasoning for Image Segmentation
* 2023: Study on the Variations in Water Storage in Lake Qinghai Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data
* 2023: Thinking Image Color Aesthetics Assessment: Models, Datasets and Benchmarks
* 2023: Toward Effective Domain Adaptive Retrieval
* 2023: Toward Sustainable Transportation: Robust Lane-Change Monitoring With a Single Back View Cabin Camera
* 2023: Towards High-Fidelity Text-Guided 3D Face Generation and Manipulation Using only Images
* 2023: TSINIT: A Two-Stage Inpainting Network for Incomplete Text
* 2023: UIE-FSMC: Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Few-Shot Learning and Multi-Color Space
* 2023: Unprotected Left-Turn Behavior Model Capturing Path Variations at Intersections
* 2023: Unrolled Implicit Regularization Network for Joint Image and Sensitivity Estimation in Parallel MR Imaging with Convergence Guarantee, An
* 2023: Variational Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Continual Learning
* 2023: Zero-shot temporal event localisation: Label-free, training-free, domain-free
* 2024: Blind Image Deblurring with Unknown Kernel Size and Substantial Noise
* 2024: Characterization of BDS Multipath Effect Based on AT-Conv-LSTM Network
* 2024: Contrasting augmented features for domain adaptation with limited target domain data
* 2024: Deep Rank-N Decomposition Network for Image Fusion
* 2024: Devil in the details: Delving into accurate quality scoring for DensePose
* 2024: DRAN: Detailed Region-Adaptive Normalization for Conditional Image Synthesis
* 2024: Lane-level short-term travel speed prediction for urban expressways: An attentive spatio-temporal deep learning approach
* 2024: Learning spatial-spectral dual adaptive graph embedding for multispectral and hyperspectral image fusion
* 2024: Learning to Predict Object-Wise Just Recognizable Distortion for Image and Video Compression
* 2024: Louvain-Based Traffic Object Detection for Roadside 4D Millimeter-Wave Radar
* 2024: Mapping the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Cropland Abandonment and Recultivation across the Yangtze River Basin
* 2024: Multiple integration model for single-source domain generalizable person re-identification
* 2024: Prior based Pyramid Residual Clique Network for human body image super-resolution
* 2024: Rethink arbitrary style transfer with transformer and contrastive learning
* 2024: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Actual Evapotranspiration Changes and Their Climatic Causes in China
* 2024: Surface Subsidence over a Coastal City Using SBAS-InSAR with Sentinel-1A Data: A Case of Nansha District, China
* 2024: Survivor in the Era of Large-Scale Pretraining: An Empirical Study of One-Stage Referring Expression Comprehension, A
* 2024: Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Robust Spherical Space Domain Adaptation
Includes: Sun, J. Sun, J.[Jun] Sun, J.[Jian] Sun, J.[Jie] Sun, J.[Jiong] Sun, J.[Jing] Sun, J.[Jing'ao] Sun, J.[Jiaguang] Sun, J.[Jiuai] Sun, J.[Ju] Sun, J.[Jia] Sun, J.[Jimeng] Sun, J.[Jin] Sun, J.[Jiande] Sun, J.[Jigang] Sun, J.[Jiuyun] Sun, J.[Jitao] Sun, J.[Jiulin] Sun, J.[Jiedi] Sun, J.[Juan] Sun, J.[Jiuyu] Sun, J.[Jiebao] Sun, J.[Jili] Sun, J.[Jiayu] Sun, J.[Jiaze] Sun, J.[Jiamin] Sun, J.[Jinan] Sun, J.[Jiamei] Sun, J.[Jiabin] Sun, J.[Jiaduo] Sun, J.[Jingru] Sun, J.[Jiasi] Sun, J.[Junren] Sun, J.[Jiadai] Sun, J.[Jingna] Sun, J.[Jisong] Sun, J.[Jiameng] Sun, J.[Junyao] Sun, J.[Jiamu] Sun, J.[Jiakai] Sun, J.[Jialong] Sun, J.[Jinyuan] Sun, J.[Jinghang] Sun, J.[Jinguang] Sun, J.[Jinyan]
673 for Sun, J.

Sun, J.B.[Jie Bao] * 2009: New Robust Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT, A
* 2015: Doubly Degenerate Diffusion Model Based on the Gray Level Indicator for Multiplicative Noise Removal, A
* 2019: Multiplicative Noise Removal Based on the Smooth Diffusion Equation
* 2021: Landslide Detection from Open Satellite Imagery Using Distant Domain Transfer Learning
* 2022: Characterization of Aquifer System and Groundwater Storage Change Due to South-to-North Water Diversion Project at Huairou Groundwater Reserve Site, Beijing, China, Using Geodetic and Hydrological Data
* 2022: Topic-word-constrained sentence generation with variational autoencoder
Includes: Sun, J.B.[Jie Bao] Sun, J.B.[Jie-Bao] Sun, J.B.[Jing-Bo] Sun, J.B.[Jian-Bao]

Sun, J.C.[Jian Cheng] * 2009: Modulation Type Recognition Method Using Wavelet Support Vector Machines, A
* 2014: Improving the quality of K-NN graphs through vector sparsification: application to image databases
* 2016: Adaptive Robust Online Constructive Fuzzy Control of a Complex Surface Vehicle System
* 2016: Novel Extreme Learning Control Framework of Unmanned Surface Vehicles, A
* 2021: Improved Understanding of Groundwater Storage Changes under the Influence of River Basin Governance in Northwestern China Using GRACE Data
* 2021: Towards Understanding the Generative Capability of Adversarially Robust Classifiers
* 2022: Enhanced Understanding of Groundwater Storage Changes under the Influence of River Basin Governance Using GRACE Data and Downscaling Model
* 2022: On Adversarial Robustness of Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles
* 2022: RE-Det3D: RoI-enhanced 3D object detector
* 2022: Spectral View of Randomized Smoothing Under Common Corruptions: Benchmarking and Improving Certified Robustness, A
* 2023: Downscaling Simulation of Groundwater Storage in the Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Regions of China Based on GRACE Data
* 2023: Evolutionary Game of Perception-Based Stochastic User-Equilibrium in a Parallel Network, An
* 2023: Performance and Usability Evaluation Scheme for Mobile Manipulator Teleoperation
* 2023: Reconstructing Groundwater Storage Changes in the North China Plain Using a Numerical Model and GRACE Data
* 2024: Iterative Scale-Up ExpansionIoU and Deep Features Association for Multi-Object Tracking in Sports
* 2024: Providing Enhanced Insights into Groundwater Exchange Patterns through Downscaled GRACE Data
Includes: Sun, J.C.[Jian Cheng] Sun, J.C.[Jian-Cheng] Sun, J.C.[Ji-Chao] Sun, J.C.[Jing-Chao] Sun, J.C.[Jian-Chong] Sun, J.C.[Jia-Cheng] Sun, J.C.[Jia-Chen] Sun, J.C.[Jing-Chun] Sun, J.C.[Jing-Cheng]
16 for Sun, J.C.

Sun, J.D.[Jian De] * 2005: Temporal Desynchronization Resilient Video Watermarking Scheme Based on Independent Component Analysis, A
* 2006: Image retrieval based on color distribution entropy
* 2007: Efficient high-dimensional indexing by sorting principal component
* 2007: Shape Retrieval Based on the Relativity of Chain Codes
* 2009: Regularization Super-Resolution with Inaccurate Image Registration
* 2011: Depth generation method for 2D to 3D conversion
* 2011: Robust Video Hashing Based on Double-Layer Embedding
* 2012: visual saliency based video hashing algorithm, A
* 2013: Contourlet transform based digital watermarking resisting 2D-3D conversion
* 2013: Logarithmic Spread-Transform Dither Modulation watermarking Based on Perceptual Model
* 2013: New local edge binary patterns for image retrieval
* 2014: Concave-convex local binary features for automatic target recognition in infrared imagery
* 2014: Novel Distortion Model and Lagrangian Multiplier for Depth Maps Coding, A
* 2016: novel image retrieval method based on multi-trend structure descriptor, A
* 2017: Block-Wise Gaze Estimation Based on Binocular Images
* 2017: Comprehensive Feature-Based Robust Video Fingerprinting Using Tensor Model
* 2017: Joint-scale LBP: a new feature descriptor for texture classification
* 2018: Discriminative correlation hashing for supervised cross-modal retrieval
* 2018: Joint Feature Selection and Graph Regularization for Modality-Dependent Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2018: Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar image segmentation by convolutional neural network using graphical processing units
* 2019: Supervised graph regularization based cross media retrieval with intra and inter-class correlation
* 2019: Weighted locality collaborative representation based on sparse subspace
* 2019: Zero-Shot Event Detection Via Event-Adaptive Concept Relevance Mining
* 2020: Pattern complexity-based JND estimation for quantization watermarking
* 2021: Deep Loss Driven Multi-Scale Hashing Based on Pyramid Connected Network
* 2022: Gaitstrip: Gait Recognition via Effective Strip-based Feature Representations and Multi-level Framework
* 2022: GNAS-U2Net: A New Optic Cup and Optic Disc Segmentation Architecture With Genetic Neural Architecture Search
* 2022: MFAUNet: Multiscale feature attentive U-Net for cardiac MRI structural segmentation
* 2022: Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution via Residual-Dense Hybrid Attention Network
* 2022: Self-supervised rigid transformation equivariance for accurate 3D point cloud registration
* 2023: Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on Neglected Coverless Image Dataset Construction
* 2023: Video Sampled Frame Category Aggregation and Consistent Representation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2024: Entropy-Optimized Deep Weighted Product Quantization for Image Retrieval
Includes: Sun, J.D.[Jian De] Sun, J.D.[Jian-De] Sun, J.D.[Jun-Ding] Sun, J.D.[Jin-Dong] Sun, J.D.[Jia-Dai]
33 for Sun, J.D.

Sun, J.F.[Jian Feng] * 2004: Transverse or axial superresolution with radial birefringent filter
* 2005: Three-dimensional superresolution by three-zone complex pupil filters
* 2009: Blind Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM System Based on Oblique Projection
* 2011: Improvement of Virtual View Rendering Based on Depth Image
* 2018: adaptive-scale active contour model for inhomogeneous image segmentation and bias field estimation, An
* 2019: Prelocation image stitching method based on flexible and precise boresight adjustment using Risley prisms
* 2022: Estimation and Simulation of Forest Carbon Stock in Northeast China Forestry Based on Future Climate Change and LUCC
* 2022: Long-Distance Multi-Vehicle Detection at Night Based on Gm-APD Lidar
* 2023: Fine-Grained Data Sharing With Enhanced Privacy Protection and Dynamic Users Group Service for the IoV
* 2023: Secure Data Sharing With Flexible Cross-Domain Authorization in Autonomous Vehicle Systems
* 2023: Trigonometric projection statistics histograms for 3D local feature representation and shape description
* 2024: Tamper-Resistant Broadcasting Scheme for Secure Communication in Internet of Autonomous Vehicles, A
Includes: Sun, J.F.[Jian Feng] Sun, J.F.[Jian-Feng] Sun, J.F.[Ji-Feng] Sun, J.F.[Jian-Fei] Sun, J.F.[Jing-Feng]
12 for Sun, J.F.

Sun, J.G.[Jia Guang] * 2004: Constraint Based Region Matching for Image Retrieval
* 2006: Optimal Parameterizations of Bézier Surfaces
* 2006: Surface Fitting to Curves with Energy Control
* 2009: Feature selection with dynamic mutual information
* 2009: Recursive reduced least squares support vector regression
* 2013: Transfer Feature Learning with Joint Distribution Adaptation
* 2013: Transfer Sparse Coding for Robust Image Representation
* 2014: Transfer Joint Matching for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2015: Edge detection method of Gaussian block distance
* 2016: Hierarchical Coding Vectors for Scene Level Land-Use Classification
* 2017: Representative band selection for hyperspectral image classification
* 2017: Sector-ring HOG for rotation-invariant human detection
* 2018: Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on Laplacian pyramids
* 2018: Rotation-invariant object detection using Sector-ring HOG and boosted random ferns
* 2019: EV-Gait: Event-Based Robust Gait Recognition Using Dynamic Vision Sensors
* 2019: Graph-based supervised discrete image hashing
* 2019: Wide-field and full-focus optical microscopic imaging system
* 2020: Enhanced Gaze Following via Object Detection and Human Pose Estimation
* 2020: Extended-Sampling-Bayesian Method for Limited Aperture Inverse Scattering Problems
* 2021: Deep Clustering With Intraclass Distance Constraint for Hyperspectral Images
* 2021: Multi-Block Mixed Sample Semi-Supervised Learning for SAR Target Recognition
* 2022: LPIN: A Lightweight Progressive Inpainting Network for Improving the Robustness of Remote Sensing Images Scene Classification
Includes: Sun, J.G.[Jia Guang] Sun, J.G.[Jia-Guang] Sun, J.G.[Ji-Gui] Sun, J.G.[Jian-Guo] Sun, J.G.[Jin-Guang] Sun, J.G.[Jing-Gong] Sun, J.G.[Ji-Guang]
22 for Sun, J.G.

Sun, J.H.[Jia Hao] * 2015: Secure Client Side Watermarking with Limited Key Size
* 2016: automatic 3D point cloud registration method based on regional curvature maps, An
* 2018: Instance-based object recognition in 3D point clouds using discriminative shape primitives
* 2018: Level Set Method for Infrared Image Segmentation Using Global and Local Information, A
* 2020: Visual question answering with attention transfer and a cross-modal gating mechanism
* 2021: ALA-Net: Adaptive Lesion-Aware Attention Network for 3D Colorectal Tumor Segmentation
* 2021: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Based on Deep Convolutional LSTM Network
* 2021: Three Steps to Multimodal Trajectory Prediction: Modality Clustering, Classification and Synthesis
* 2022: Human Trajectory Prediction with Momentary Observation
* 2023: Enhanced Storm Warning and Nowcasting Model in Pre-Convection Environments, An
* 2023: InstaBoost++: Visual Coherence Principles for Unified 2D/3D Instance Level Data Augmentation
* 2023: Modality Exploration, Retrieval and Adaptation for Trajectory Prediction
* 2023: Moon Imaging Performance of FAST Radio Telescope in Bistatic Configuration with Other Radars
* 2023: Stimulus Verification is a Universal and Effective Sampler in Multi-modal Human Trajectory Prediction
* 2024: Spatiotemporal Variation in Water Deficit- and Heatwave-Driven Flash Droughts in Songnen Plain and Its Ecological Impact
Includes: Sun, J.H.[Jia Hao] Sun, J.H.[Jia-Hao] Sun, J.H.[Jun-Hua] Sun, J.H.[Jian-Hong] Sun, J.H.[Jian-Hui] Sun, J.H.[Ji-Hong] Sun, J.H.[Jing-Han] Sun, J.H.[Jian-Hua] Sun, J.H.[Jing-Hai]
15 for Sun, J.H.

Sun, J.J.[Jia Jia] * 2015: response time model for abrupt changes in binocular disparity, A
* 2016: Human behavior recognition based on 3D features and hidden markov models
* 2016: Vision-Based Human Tracking Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Robot
* 2019: User Transition Pattern Analysis for Travel Route Recommendation
* 2020: Comparative Analysis of Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and GF-1 Data for Retrieving Soil Moisture over Wheat Farmlands
* 2020: View-invariant Probabilistic Embedding for Human Pose
* 2021: Learning View-Disentangled Human Pose Representation by Contrastive Cross-View Mutual Information Maximization
* 2021: New Approach for Identification of Potential Rockfall Source Areas Controlled by Rock Mass Strength at a Regional Scale, A
* 2021: Task Programming: Learning Data Efficient Behavior Representations
* 2022: Automatic Synthesis of Diverse Weak Supervision Sources for Behavior Analysis
* 2022: DATA: Domain-Aware and Task-Aware Self-supervised Learning
* 2022: Self-Supervised Keypoint Discovery in Behavioral Videos
* 2022: View-Invariant, Occlusion-Robust Probabilistic Embedding for Human Pose
* 2023: 3D Holoscopic Image Compression Based on Gaussian Mixture Model
* 2023: Assessing the Allometric Scaling of Vectorized Branch Lengths of Trees with Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Quantitative Structure Modeling: A Case Study in Guyana
* 2023: BKinD-3D: Self-Supervised 3D Keypoint Discovery from Multi-View Videos
* 2023: Correction Method of Water and Fresnel Reflection Coefficient for Soil Moisture Retrieved by CYGNSS, The
* 2023: Cross Modal Transformer: Towards Fast and Robust 3D Object Detection
* 2023: GAIA-Universe: Everything is Super-Netify
* 2023: Improving the STARFM Fusion Method for Downscaling the SSEBOP Evapotranspiration Product from 1 km to 30 m in an Arid Area in China
* 2023: Potential Rockfall Source Identification and Hazard Assessment in High Mountains (Maoyaba Basin) of the Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: Study of a Steady-State Landscape Using Remote Sensing and Topographic Analysis
Includes: Sun, J.J.[Jia Jia] Sun, J.J.[Jia-Jia] Sun, J.J.[Juan-Juan] Sun, J.J.[Jun-Jie] Sun, J.J.[Jiao-Jiao] Sun, J.J.[Jennifer J.] Sun, J.J.[Jia-Jun] Sun, J.J.[Jian-Jun] Sun, J.J.[Jing-Jing] Sun, J.J.[Jian-Jian]
22 for Sun, J.J.

Sun, J.K.[Jian Kang] * 2008: Nonlinear registration using variational principle for mutual information
* 2023: Simple but Effective Method for Balancing Detection and Re-Identification in Multi-Object Tracking, A
* 2024: Geometric Correspondence-Based Multimodal Learning for Ophthalmic Image Analysis
Includes: Sun, J.K.[Jian Kang] Sun, J.K.[Jian-Kang] Sun, J.K.[Jian-Kun] Sun, J.K.[Jennifer K.]

Sun, J.L.[Jia Long] * 2008: Study on The Technique of The 3D GIS Modeling Based on The Digital Photogrammetry, The
* 2021: G-STC-M Spatio-Temporal Analysis Method for Archaeological Sites
* 2021: Illumination-based adaptive saliency detection network through fusion of multi-source features
* 2021: Study on Feng Shui (Geomantic) Suitability Evaluation of Mausoleums in Nanjing City Based on GIS
* 2022: Hybrid N-Inception-LSTM-Based Aircraft Coordinate Prediction Method for Secure Air Traffic
* 2023: Gas Plume Target Detection in Multibeam Water Column Image Using Deep Residual Aggregation Structure and Attention Mechanism
* 2024: Efficient search of comprehensively robust neural architectures via multi-fidelity evaluation
Includes: Sun, J.L.[Jia Long] Sun, J.L.[Jia-Long] Sun, J.L.[Jun-Ling] Sun, J.L.[Jing-Lin] Sun, J.L.[Jun-Lin] Sun, J.L.[Jin-Long] Sun, J.L.[Jia-Liang]
7 for Sun, J.L.

Sun, J.M. * 1999: Gray Prediction Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation, The
* 2012: Medical prognosis based on patient similarity and expert feedback
* 2018: Inverse Model for Raindrop Size Distribution Retrieval with Polarimetric Variables, An
* 2020: Disp R-CNN: Stereo 3D Object Detection via Shape Prior Guided Instance Disparity Estimation
* 2020: Lightweight Spatial Attention Module with Adaptive Receptive Fields in 3d Convolutional Neural Network for Alzheimer's Disease Classification, A
* 2020: Smap: Single-shot Multi-person Absolute 3d Pose Estimation
* 2021: LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers
* 2021: NeuralRecon: Real-Time Coherent 3D Reconstruction from Monocular Video
* 2021: You Don't Only Look Once: Constructing Spatial-Temporal Memory for Integrated 3D Object Detection and Tracking
* 2022: Modeling Indirect Illumination for Inverse Rendering
* 2022: OnePose: One-Shot Object Pose Estimation without CAD Models
* 2022: Shape Prior Guided Instance Disparity Estimation for 3D Object Detection
* 2023: SceneHGN: Hierarchical Graph Networks for 3D Indoor Scene Generation With Fine-Grained Geometry
* 2023: Semi-Dense Feature Matching with Transformers and its Applications in Multiple-View Geometry
Includes: Sun, J.M. Sun, J.M.[Ji-Meng] Sun, J.M.[Ji-Ming] Sun, J.M.[Jia-Ming] Sun, J.M.[Jun-Mei] Sun, J.M.[Jia-Mu]
14 for Sun, J.M.

Sun, J.N.[Jing Na] * 2020: Classifier shared deep network with multi-hierarchy loss for low resolution face recognition
* 2020: Equalized Margin Loss for Face Recognition, An
* 2020: Inter-class angular margin loss for face recognition
* 2021: Rank-One Prior: Toward Real-Time Scene Recovery
* 2023: Improved Initial Orbit Determination Based on the Gooding Method of Low Earth Orbit Space Debris Using Space-Based Observations
* 2023: Rank-One Prior: Real-Time Scene Recovery
Includes: Sun, J.N.[Jing Na] Sun, J.N.[Jing-Na] Sun, J.N.[Jia-Ning] Sun, J.N.[Jian-Nan]

Sun, J.P. * 1997: Structured Image Retrieval
* 2011: Land Cover Mapping with Landsat Data: The Tasmania Case Study
* 2013: Multiband Radar Signal Coherent Fusion Processing With IAA and apFFT
* 2014: SAR-Based Paired Echo Focusing and Suppression of Vibrating Targets
* 2015: Real-time multi-scale tracking based on compressive sensing
* 2017: Framework model for time-variant propagation speed and congestion boundary by incident on expressways
* 2017: Refocusing of Moving Targets in SAR Images via Parametric Sparse Representation
* 2018: Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGANs)-Based Semi-Supervised Method for Object Recognition in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Images, A
* 2019: Attention Graph Convolution Network for Image Segmentation in Big SAR Imagery Data
* 2019: Weakly Supervised Segmentation of SAR Imagery Using Superpixel and Hierarchically Adversarial CRF
* 2020: Ocean Surface Topography Altimetry by Large Baseline Cross-Interferometry from Satellite Formation
* 2021: Group Target Tracking Based on MS-MeMBer Filters
* 2021: Unknown SAR Target Identification Method Based on Feature Extraction Network and KLD-RPA Joint Discrimination
* 2022: Estimation of High-Frequency Vibration Parameters for Airborne Terahertz SAR Using Chirplet Decomposition and LS Sequential Estimators
* 2022: Multi-Objective Quantum Genetic Algorithm for MIMO Radar Waveform Design, A
* 2022: Sidelobe Suppression Method for Circular Ground-Based SAR 3D Imaging Based on Sparse Optimization of Radial Phase-Center Distribution, A
* 2023: Gaussian Process Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter for 3D Multiple Extended Target Tracking
* 2023: SAR-ATR with knowledge hierarchy division and information dissemination networks
* 2023: Static High Target-Induced False Alarm Suppression in Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar Moving Target Detection Based on Trajectory Features
* 2024: Correlative Scan Matching Position Estimation Method by Fusing Visual and Radar Line Features
Includes: Sun, J.P. Sun, J.P.[Jin-Ping] Sun, J.P.[Ji-Ping] Sun, J.P.[Jian-Ping]
20 for Sun, J.P.

Sun, J.Q.[Jun Qiang] * 2007: Multiyear On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2010: On-Orbit Calibration and Performance of Aqua MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2012: Blind Image Deblurring Based on Sparse Prior of Dictionary Pair
* 2013: Neighbor combination for atmospheric turbulence image reconstruction
* 2014: Evaluation of Radiometric Improvements With Electronic Crosstalk Correction for Terra MODIS Band 27
* 2014: Joint Motion Deblurring with Blurred/Noisy Image Pair
* 2014: Terra MODIS Band 27 Electronic Crosstalk Effect and Its Removal
* 2014: Time-Dependent Response Versus Scan Angle for MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
* 2015: Investigation of the Electronic Crosstalk in Terra MODIS Band 28
* 2015: Prelaunch Radiometric Characterization and Calibration of the S-NPP VIIRS Sensor
* 2015: United Iterative Reconstruction for Spectral Computed Tomography
* 2016: Investigation and Mitigation of the Crosstalk Effect in Terra MODIS Band 30
* 2016: VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Calibration Progress and Its Impact on Ocean Color Products
* 2019: Enhancing image visuality by multi-exposure fusion
* 2019: Morphological Characteristics of Tidal Creeks in the Central Coastal Region of Jiangsu, China, Using LiDAR
* 2019: Robust and Accurate Hybrid Structure-From-Motion
* 2020: Ghost Removal via Channel Attention in Exposure Fusion
* 2021: Improved Lunar Irradiance Model Using Multiyear MODIS Lunar Observations
* 2021: Non-uniform motion deblurring with blurry component divided guidance
* 2021: SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration Using the Moon
* 2021: Ten Years of SNPP VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
* 2021: Wood-Leaf Classification of Tree Point Cloud Based on Intensity and Geometric Information
* 2022: AC-LSTM: Anomaly State Perception of Infrared Point Targets Based on CNN+LSTM
* 2022: Calibration Inter-Comparison of MODIS and VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands Using Lunar Observations
* 2022: Cyclic Global Guiding Network for Point Cloud Completion
* 2022: Efficient Information-Reinforced Lidar Deep Completion Network without RGB Guided, An
* 2022: Exploring and Evaluating Image Restoration Potential in Dynamic Scenes
* 2022: Fast Tree Skeleton Extraction Using Voxel Thinning Based on Tree Point Cloud
* 2022: High dynamic range imaging via gradient-aware context aggregation network
* 2022: MS2Net: Multi-Scale and Multi-Stage Feature Fusion for Blurred Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Real-World Image Super-Resolution Via Kernel Augmentation And Stochastic Variation
* 2023: CDPMSR: Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Enhancing 3D-2D Representations for Convolution Occupancy Networks
* 2023: From Distortion Manifold to Perceptual Quality: a Data Efficient Blind Image Quality Assessment Approach
* 2023: Hyperspectral anomaly detection via weighted-sparsity-regularized tensor linear representation
* 2023: Intelligent Estimating the Tree Height in Urban Forests Based on Deep Learning Combined with a Smartphone and a Comparison with UAV-LiDAR
* 2023: Learning Depth via Leveraging Semantics: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Both Implicit and Explicit Semantic Guidance
* 2023: Learning High-Order Multi-View Representation by New Tensor Canonical Correlation Analysis
* 2023: Learning to Fuse Monocular and Multi-view Cues for Multi-frame Depth Estimation in Dynamic Scenes
* 2023: Lightweight Multi-View-Group Neural Network for 3D Shape Classification
* 2023: Partial Point Cloud Completion Network Focusing on Detail Reconstruction, A
* 2023: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Frequency-Based Recurrent Refinement
* 2023: SMAE: Few-shot Learning for HDR Deghosting with Saturation-Aware Masked Autoencoders
* 2023: Unified HDR Imaging Method with Pixel and Patch Level, A
* 2024: Going the Extra Mile in Face Image Quality Assessment: A Novel Database and Model
Includes: Sun, J.Q.[Jun Qiang] Sun, J.Q.[Jun-Qiang] Sun, J.Q.[Jin-Qiu] Sun, J.Q.[Jian-Qi] Sun, J.Q.[Jia-Qi] Sun, J.Q.[Jing-Qian] Sun, J.Q.[Jia-Qian] Sun, J.Q.[Jian-Qin]
45 for Sun, J.Q.

Sun, J.Q.A.[Jun Qi Ang] * 2016: Electronic Crosstalk in Aqua MODIS Long-Wave Infrared Photovoltaic Bands
* 2017: Crosstalk Effect in SNPP VIIRS
* 2018: Radiometric Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS Band M11 via Sub-Kilometer Intercomparison with Aqua MODIS Band 7 over Snowy Scenes
* 2020: MODIS and VIIRS Calibration and Characterization in Support of Producing Long-Term High-Quality Data Products
Includes: Sun, J.Q.A.[Jun Qi Ang] Sun, J.Q.A.[Jun-Qi-Ang]

Sun, J.R.[Jia Rui] * 2021: Hierarchical and Multi-Level Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* 2021: Improved Smooth Variable Structure Filter for Robust Target Tracking, An
Includes: Sun, J.R.[Jia Rui] Sun, J.R.[Jia-Rui] Sun, J.R.[Jing-Rong]

Sun, J.S.[Jin Sheng] * 2004: fast video encryption scheme based on chaos, A
* 2012: Visual tracking by separability-maximum online boosting
* 2017: Multi-View Representation Learning for Multi-View Action Recognition
* 2021: RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification Via Multi-Modality Relation Aggregation and Graph Convolution Network
* 2022: Detecting Aligned Double JPEG Compressed Color Image With Same Quantization Matrix Based on the Stability of Image
* 2022: Extended Watershed-Based AHP Model for Flood Hazard Estimation: Constraining Runoff Converging Indicators via MFD-Derived Sub-Watershed by Maximum Zonal Statistical Method, An
* 2023: GIS-Based Damage Evaluation Method for Explosives Road Transportation Accidents, A
Includes: Sun, J.S.[Jin Sheng] Sun, J.S.[Jin-Sheng] Sun, J.S.[Jiang-Shan] Sun, J.S.[Ji-Song] Sun, J.S.[Jin-Shan]
7 for Sun, J.S.

Sun, J.T.[Jin Tao] * 2018: Real-Time Visualization of Geo-Sensor Data Based on the Protocol-Coupling Symbol Construction Method
* 2021: Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Study the Seasonal Influence of Potential Risk Factors on the Incidence of HFMD on the Chinese Mainland
* 2024: Quantitative Study on American COVID-19 Epidemic Predictions and Scenario Simulations
Includes: Sun, J.T.[Jin Tao] Sun, J.T.[Jin-Tao] Sun, J.T.[Jing-Tao]

Sun, J.W.[Jie Wei] * 2010: Minimizing Geometric Distance by Iterative Linear Optimization
* 2016: Design and Implementation of a Robust Decision Support System for Marine Space Resource Utilization
* 2016: SPLZ: An efficient algorithm for single source shortest path problem using compression method
* 2018: Research on Layout and Simulation of Human-Machine Interface in Vehicle, The
* 2020: Deep learning-based real-time VPN encrypted traffic identification methods
* 2020: Multi-Scale 3D U-Nets: An approach to automatic segmentation of brain tumor
* 2021: Remote Sensing Scene Image Classification Based on Dense Fusion of Multi-level Features
* 2021: Residual Fractal Network for Single Image Super Resolution by Widening and Deepening
* 2021: Soteria: Provable Defense against Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning from Representation Perspective
* 2022: FedCor: Correlation-Based Active Client Selection Strategy for Heterogeneous Federated Learning
* 2022: Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Spectral Multiscale Convolutional Neural Network
* 2022: Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network Based on Group-Wise Hybrid Attention for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* 2022: Remote Sensing Scene Image Classification Based on Self-Compensating Convolution Neural Network
* 2023: AFFIRM: Affinity Fusion-Based Framework for Iteratively Random Motion Correction of Multi-Slice Fetal Brain MRI
* 2023: Communication-Efficient Vertical Federated Learning with Limited Overlapping Samples
* 2023: Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on a 3D Octave Convolution and 3D Multiscale Spatial Attention Network
* 2024: RSMPNet: Relationship Guided Semantic Map Prediction
Includes: Sun, J.W.[Jie Wei] Sun, J.W.[Jie-Wei] Sun, J.W.[Jian-Wen] Sun, J.W.[Jing-Wei] Sun, J.W.[Jia-Wei] Sun, J.W.[Jun-Wei] Sun, J.W.[Ji-Wei] Sun, J.W.[Jing-Wen]
17 for Sun, J.W.

Sun, J.X.[Jun Xi] * 2004: Bayesian image segmentation based on an inhomogeneous hidden markov random field
* 2004: Hidden markov bayesian texture segmentation using complex wavelet transform
* 2004: multiscale edge detection algorithm based on wavelet domain vector hidden Markov tree model, A
* 2005: EM image segmentation algorithm based on an inhomogeneous hidden MRF model
* 2011: markerless motion capture system with automatic subject-specific body model acquisition and robust pose tracking from 3D data, A
* 2012: LSR based astronomical image denoising via adaptive dictionary learning
* 2015: Automation of dormant pruning in specialty crop production: An adaptive framework for automatic reconstruction and modeling of apple trees
* 2019: Web-Net: A Novel Nest Networks with Ultra-Hierarchical Sampling for Building Extraction from Aerial Imageries
* 2020: Online Semantic Subspace Learning with Siamese Network for UAV Tracking
* 2021: Novel 3D Imaging Systems for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Plants
* 2021: Predictive Feature Learning for Future Segmentation Prediction
* 2021: Semi-Supervised Medical Image Semantic Segmentation with Multi-scale Graph Cut Loss
* 2022: AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation
* 2022: APANet: Auto-Path Aggregation for Future Instance Segmentation Prediction
* 2022: DiffuStereo: High Quality Human Reconstruction via Diffusion-Based Stereo Using Sparse Cameras
* 2022: FENeRF: Face Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
* 2022: GCN2CAPS: Graph Convolutional Network to Capsule Network For Wide-Field Robust Graph Learning
* 2022: iMoCap: Motion Capture from Internet Videos
* 2022: Iterative Seeded Region Growing for Brain Tissue Segmentation
* 2022: Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Distillation for Thermal Infrared Tracking
* 2022: Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Network With Iterative dCRF
* 2023: Efficient Feature Reconstruction via l2,1-Norm Regularization for Few-Shot Classification
* 2023: High-fidelity Facial Avatar Reconstruction from Monocular Video with Generative Priors
* 2023: Lightweight Semantic Architecture Modeling by 3D Feature Line Detection
* 2023: Next3D: Generative Neural Texture Rasterization for 3D-Aware Head Avatars
* 2024: Application of WRF-LES on the Simulation of Seasonal Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure in Taklamakan Desert
* 2024: Coastline Monitoring and Prediction Based on Long-Term Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study of the Eastern Coast of Laizhou Bay, China
* 2024: Enhancing open-set domain adaptation through unknown-filtering multi-classifier adversarial network
* 2024: Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Distillation for Thermal Infrared Tracking
* 2024: Semantic Disentanglement Adversarial Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
Includes: Sun, J.X.[Jun Xi] Sun, J.X.[Jun-Xi] Sun, J.X. Sun, J.X.[Ji-Xiang] Sun, J.X.[Jian-Xin] Sun, J.X.[Jing-Xi] Sun, J.X.[Jing-Xian] Sun, J.X.[Jiang-Xin] Sun, J.X.[Jun-Xiao] Sun, J.X.[Jing-Xiang] Sun, J.X.[Jia-Xing] Sun, J.X.[Jia-Xi] Sun, J.X.[Ji-Xin] Sun, J.X.[Jia-Xuan]
30 for Sun, J.X.

Sun, J.Y.[Jian Yong] * 2010: Robust mixture clustering using Pearson type VII distribution
* 2017: Random Multi-Graphs: A semi-supervised learning framework for classification of high dimensional data
* 2018: novel contrast enhancement forensics based on convolutional neural networks, A
* 2018: Parallel Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection
* 2019: Photon-Counting Lidar: An Adaptive Signal Detection Method for Different Land Cover Types in Coastal Areas
* 2020: Visual Saliency Detection via Kernelized Subspace Ranking With Active Learning
* 2021: Alleviating Class-Wise Gradient Imbalance for Pulmonary Airway Segmentation
* 2021: Remote sensing target tracking in satellite videos based on a variable-angle-adaptive Siamese network
* 2022: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products in Characterizing Extreme Precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains Region in China
* 2022: Multi-Target Localization of MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas on Moving Platforms Based on Expectation Maximization Algorithm
* 2022: Vision-Kinematics Interaction for Robotic-Assisted Bronchoscopy Navigation
* 2023: Analysis of Water Conservation Trends and Drivers in an Alpine Region: A Case Study of the Qilian Mountains
* 2023: Matching based on variance minimization of component distances using edges of free-form surfaces
* 2023: MoEP-AE: Autoencoding Mixtures of Exponential Power Distributions for Open-Set Recognition
* 2023: Plumb-Line Matching Algorithm for UAV Oblique Photographic Photos, The
* 2023: Robust Teacher: Self-correcting pseudo-label-guided semi-supervised learning for object detection
* 2023: TNN: Tree Neural Network for Airway Anatomical Labeling
* 2024: Conditional feature generation for transductive open-set recognition via dual-space consistent sampling
* 2024: Shared Coupling-Bridge Scheme for Weakly Supervised Local Feature Learning
Includes: Sun, J.Y.[Jian Yong] Sun, J.Y.[Jian-Yong] Sun, J.Y.[Jian-Yuan] Sun, J.Y.[Jee-Young] Sun, J.Y.[Jin-Yan] Sun, J.Y.[Jia-Yu] Sun, J.Y.[Jia-Yuan] Sun, J.Y.[Jia-Yi] Sun, J.Y.[Ju-Ying] Sun, J.Y.[Jing-Yi] Sun, J.Y.[Jun-Yu] Sun, J.Y.[Jing-Yu] Sun, J.Y.[Jia-Yin] Sun, J.Y.[Jiu-Yun]
19 for Sun, J.Y.

Sun, J.Z.[Jun Zhong] * 2006: Non-linear Algorithm for Contrast Enhancement for Image Using Wavelet Neural Network
* 2007: Obtaining virtual lighting condition based on images using NNs
* 2010: Local albedo-insensitive single image dehazing
* 2011: Video dehazing with spatial and temporal coherence
* 2016: 6D Dynamic Camera Relocalization from Single Reference Image
* 2016: Visualizing the Structure of the Earth's Lithosphere on the Google Earth Virtual-Globe Platform
* 2019: Active Camera Relocalization from a Single Reference Image without Hand-Eye Calibration
* 2019: Radar Radial Velocity Dealiasing Algorithm for Radar Data Assimilation and its Evaluation with Observations from Multiple Radar Networks, A
* 2021: Evaluation of Fengyun-4A Lightning Mapping Imager (LMI) Performance during Multiple Convective Episodes over Beijing
* 2023: Neural Predictive Model of Negative Emotions for COVID-19, A
Includes: Sun, J.Z.[Jun Zhong] Sun, J.Z.[Jun-Zhong] Sun, J.Z.[Ji-Zhou] Sun, J.Z.[Jian-Zhong] Sun, J.Z.[Juan-Zhen] Sun, J.Z.[Jiang-Zhou]
10 for Sun, J.Z.

Sun, K. * 1990: Dynamic Path Planning in Sensor-Based Terrain Acquisition
* 1998: Adaptive motion estimation based on statistical sum of absolute difference
* 2005: Anisotropic 3D Reconstruction and Restoration for Rotation-Scanning 4D Echocardiographic Images Based on MAP-MRF
* 2005: Fast data-derived fundamental spheroidal excitation models with application to UXO discrimination
* 2006: Accounting for the Effects of Widespread Discrete Clutter in Subsurface EMI Remote Sensing of Metallic Objects
* 2009: new approach to image sparse decomposition based on MP, A
* 2011: Efficient P-frame complexity estimation for frame layer rate control of H.264/AVC
* 2011: New Method for Passive Millimeter Wave Image Registration by Applying Super Resolution, A
* 2012: Joint Complexity Estimation of I-Frame and P-Frame for H.264/AVC Rate Control
* 2012: Low Power Greenhouse Gas Sensors for Unmanned Aerial-Vehicles
* 2012: Low-complexity content-aware image retargeting
* 2012: Unsupervised skeleton learning for manifold denoising
* 2013: Efficient seam carving for object removal
* 2013: Matching-Area-Based Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
* 2014: Adaptive-Profile Active Shape Model for Facial-Feature Detection, An
* 2014: Asymmetrical Gauss Mixture Models for Point Sets Matching
* 2014: Fast Volume-Gradient-Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Image, A
* 2015: Analysis of the 2014 'APEC Blue' in Beijing Using More than One Decade of Satellite Observations: Lessons Learned from Radical Emission Control Measures
* 2015: Optimizing the Endmembers Using Volume Invariant Constrained Model
* 2015: Point Sets Matching by Feature-Aware Mixture Point Matching Algorithm
* 2015: Robust Point Sets Matching by Fusing Feature and Spatial Information Using Nonuniform Gaussian Mixture Models
* 2015: SaCoseg: Object Cosegmentation by Shape Conformability
* 2015: Sparsity-Based Occlusion Handling Method for Person Re-identification
* 2015: Video rate control strategies for cloud gaming
* 2016: Clever eye algorithm for target detection of remote sensing imagery
* 2016: Congenital heart disease (CHD) discrimination in fetal echocardiogram based on 3D feature fusion
* 2016: Fast And Robust Algorithm For Road Edges Extraction From Lidar Data, A
* 2016: Guaranteed Bounds on the Kullback-Leibler Divergence of Univariate Mixtures
* 2016: Laser-slam Algorithm For Indoor Mobile Mapping, A
* 2016: Morpheme-Based Weighting for Chinese-Mongolian Statistical Machine Translation, A
* 2016: Pairwise-svm For On-board Urban Road Lidar Classification
* 2016: Pedestrian detection aided by fusion of binocular information
* 2017: Deep Feature Consistent Variational Autoencoder
* 2017: Emergency Georeferencing Framework for GF-4 Imagery Based on GCP Prediction and Dynamic RPC Refinement, An
* 2017: High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using Gaofen-1 WFV Camera Data
* 2017: Human Pose Estimation Using Global and Local Normalization
* 2017: Improving Spatial Coverage for Aqua MODIS AOD using NDVI-Based Multi-Temporal Regression Analysis
* 2017: New Approach to Performing Bundle Adjustment for Time Series UAV Images 3D Building Change Detection, A
* 2017: Object specific deep feature and its application to face detection
* 2017: Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 PMS Sensor Based on Assimilation of Landsat-8 OLI Images
* 2018: Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network for Vehicle Behavior Recognition
* 2018: Canopy Reflectance Modeling of Aquatic Vegetation for Algorithm Development: Global Sensitivity Analysis
* 2018: Constrained Radial Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm for Efficient Structure From Motion, A
* 2018: Estimation of Soil Moisture Index Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-1 Images over Poyang Lake Ungauged Zone
* 2018: Face biometric quality assessment via light CNN
* 2018: Novel Change Detection Approach for Multi-Temporal High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Rotation Forest and Coarse-to-Fine Uncertainty Analyses, A
* 2018: Object Specific Deep Feature for Face Detection
* 2018: Quality Control Method of Ground-Based Weather Radar Data Based on Statistics, A
* 2019: Aggregation via Separation: Boosting Facial Landmark Detector With Semi-Supervised Style Translation
* 2019: Character Prediction in TV Series via a Semantic Projection Network
* 2019: Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation
* 2019: Dust Storm Remote Sensing Monitoring Supported by MODIS Land Surface Reflectance Database
* 2019: FAB: A Robust Facial Landmark Detection Framework for Motion-Blurred Videos
* 2019: Indoor Topological Localization Using a Visual Landmark Sequence
* 2019: Progress and Challenges on Entity Alignment of Geographic Knowledge Bases
* 2019: Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment Metric for Super-Resolution Reconstructed Images with Information Gain and Texture Similarity, A
* 2019: Statistical Shape-Constrained Reconstruction Framework for Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* 2019: Tracking and Simulating Pedestrian Movements at Intersections Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* 2020: Adaptive Hierarchical Detection Method for Ship Targets in High-Resolution SAR Images, An
* 2020: Assessment of the Representativeness of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products at Different Temporal Scales Using Global AERONET Measurements
* 2020: BlendMask: Top-Down Meets Bottom-Up for Instance Segmentation
* 2020: Frank-Wolfe Network: An Interpretable Deep Structure for Non-Sparse Coding
* 2020: Guide to Match: Multi-Layer Feature Matching With a Hybrid Gaussian Mixture Model
* 2020: MonoPair: Monocular 3D Object Detection Using Pairwise Spatial Relationships
* 2020: Multi-frame super-resolution reconstruction based on mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise
* 2020: Novel Deep Forest-Based Active Transfer Learning Method for PolSAR Images, A
* 2020: Two-Stage Approach for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition via Confidence Ranking and Fusion, A
* 2021: Analyzing the Research Evolution in Response to COVID-19
* 2021: Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation Via Disentangled Keypoint Regression
* 2021: Deep Gradient Projection Networks for Pan-sharpening
* 2021: Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition
* 2021: DRCNN: Dynamic Routing Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-View 3D Object Recognition
* 2021: DSDet: A Lightweight Densely Connected Sparsely Activated Detector for Ship Target Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* 2021: Dual-stream Framework for 3D Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection, A
* 2021: Improved Understanding of Groundwater Storage Changes under the Influence of River Basin Governance in Northwestern China Using GRACE Data
* 2021: PCNet: Cloud Detection in FY-3D True-Color Imagery Using Multi-Scale Pyramid Contextual Information
* 2022: Active Pairwise Constraint Learning in Constrained Time-Series Clustering for Crop Mapping from Airborne SAR Imagery
* 2022: Enhanced Understanding of Groundwater Storage Changes under the Influence of River Basin Governance Using GRACE Data and Downscaling Model
* 2022: FPGA-Based Residual Recurrent Neural Network for Real-Time Video Super-Resolution, An
* 2022: Image haze removal based on rolling deep learning and Retinex theory
* 2022: Influence of Underlying Land Cover on the Accuracy of MODIS C6.1 Aerosol Products: A Case Study over the Yangtze River Delta Region of China, The
* 2022: Information Theoretic Approach for Attention-Driven Face Forgery Detection, An
* 2022: New Era for Geo-Parsing to Obtain Actual Locations: A Novel Toponym Correction Method Based on Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Novel Hybrid Attention-Driven Multistream Hierarchical Graph Embedding Network for Remote Sensing Object Detection, A
* 2022: On-Orbit Characterization of TanSat Instrument Line Shape Using Observed Solar Spectra
* 2022: Retrieving Pigment Concentrations Based on Hyperspectral Measurements of the Phytoplankton Absorption Coefficient in Global Oceans
* 2022: SC2-PCR: A Second Order Spatial Compatibility for Efficient and Robust Point Cloud Registration
* 2022: Searching and Learning Discriminative Regions for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval and Classification
* 2022: SGUIE-Net: Semantic Attention Guided Underwater Image Enhancement With Multi-Scale Perception
* 2022: Three-dimensional affinity learning based multi-branch ensemble network for breast tumor segmentation in MRI
* 2023: Aligning semantic distribution in fusing optical and SAR images for land use classification
* 2023: Attention-based hierarchical pyramid feature fusion structure for efficient face recognition
* 2023: Bi-directional Feature Fusion Generative Adversarial Network for Ultra-high Resolution Pathological Image Virtual Re-Staining
* 2023: Cross-Lingual Universal Dependency Parsing Only From One Monolingual Treebank
* 2023: Deep Convolutional Sparse Coding Networks for Interpretable Image Fusion
* 2023: Deep Learning for Metro Short-Term Origin-Destination Passenger Flow Forecasting Considering Section Capacity Utilization Ratio
* 2023: Enhanced road information representation in graph recurrent network for traffic speed prediction
* 2023: Examining the Spatially Varying Relationships between Landslide Susceptibility and Conditioning Factors Using a Geographical Random Forest Approach: A Case Study in Liangshan, China
* 2023: High-Performance Automated Large-Area Land Cover Mapping Framework, A
* 2023: InterFormer Real-time Interactive Image Segmentation
* 2023: MATE: Masked Autoencoders are Online 3D Test-Time Learners
* 2023: MixCycle: Mixup Assisted Semi-Supervised 3D Single Object Tracking with Cycle Consistency
* 2023: Modified Dynamic Routing Convolutional Neural Network for Pan-Sharpening
* 2023: MSSF: A Novel Mutual Structure Shift Feature for Removing Incorrect Keypoint Correspondences between Images
* 2023: SC^2-PCR++: Rethinking the Generation and Selection for Efficient and Robust Point Cloud Registration
* 2023: TsrNet: A two-stage unsupervised approach for clothing region-specific textures style transfer
* 2024: Anatomy- and Topology-Preserving Framework for Coronary Artery Segmentation, An
* 2024: Appearance flow estimation for online virtual clothing warping via optimal feature linear assignment
* 2024: Enhancing fine-detail image synthesis from text descriptions by text aggregation and connection fusion module
* 2024: From Electroencephalogram Data to Brain Networks: Graph-Learning-Based Brain Disease Diagnosis
* 2024: keypoints-motion-based landmark transfer method for face reenactment, A
* 2024: Learning filter selection policies for interpretable image denoising in parametrised action space
* 2024: MFCANet: A Road Scene Segmentation Network Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion and Context Information Aggregation
* 2024: Satellite View of the Wetland Transformation Path and Associated Drivers in the Greater Bay Area of China during the Past Four Decades, A
Includes: Sun, K. Sun, K.[Kai] Sun, K.[Kun] Sun, K.[Ke] Sun, K.[Kairan] Sun, K.[Kang] Sun, K.[Kaimin] Sun, K.[Kejia] Sun, K.[Kezheng] Sun, K.[Kaicong] Sun, K.[Kangbo] Sun, K.[Kangning] Sun, K.[Kunpeng] Sun, K.[Kexin] Sun, K.[Kailai] Sun, K.[Keyang] Sun, K.[Keran] Sun, K.[Kunyang] Sun, K.[Kelei] Sun, K.[Kuiyuan] Sun, K.[Kuizhi]
114 for Sun, K.

Sun, K.B.[Kang B.] * 2005: Classification of Contour Shapes Using Class Segment Sets

Sun, K.C.[Kai Chuan] * 2022: Progressive multi-branch embedding fusion network for underwater image enhancement
* 2024: Joint Cross-Attention Network With Deep Modality Prior for Fast MRI Reconstruction
Includes: Sun, K.C.[Kai Chuan] Sun, K.C.[Kai-Chuan] Sun, K.C.[Kai-Cong]

Sun, K.M.[Kai Ming] * 2009: New Relative Radiometric Consistency Processing Method For Change Detection Based On Wavelet Transform And Low-pass Filter, A
* 2012: Object-level Change Detection Based On High-resolution Remote-sensing Images and Its Application in Japanese Earthquake on March 11, 2011
* 2014: Object-Oriented Shadow Detection and Removal from Urban High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2015: Coupled-View Based Ranking Optimization for Person Re-identification
* 2015: Person Re-identification Using Data-Driven Metric Adaptation
* 2016: Automatic Optical and SAR Image Registration Method Using Iterative Multi-level And Refinement Model, An
* 2016: Cloud Detection for High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning and Multi-Feature Fusion
* 2019: Generation and Evaluation of LAI and FPAR Products from Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) Data
* 2021: Vicarious Calibration of FengYun-3D MERSI-II at Railroad Valley Playa Site: A Case for Sensors with Large View Angles
* 2022: Built-Up Area Change Detection Using Multi-Task Network with Object-Level Refinement
* 2024: Assisted learning for land use classification: The important role of semantic correlation between heterogeneous images
Includes: Sun, K.M.[Kai Ming] Sun, K.M.[Kai-Ming] Sun, K.M.[Kai-Mina] Sun, K.M.[Kai-Min] Sun, K.M.
11 for Sun, K.M.

Sun, K.N.[Kang Ning] * 2023: Downscaling Simulation of Groundwater Storage in the Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Regions of China Based on GRACE Data
Includes: Sun, K.N.[Kang Ning] Sun, K.N.[Kang-Ning]

Sun, K.P.[Kun Peng] * 2021: Retrieval of Ultraviolet Diffuse Attenuation Coefficients From Ocean Color Using the Kernel Principal Components Analysis Over Ocean
Includes: Sun, K.P.[Kun Peng] Sun, K.P.[Kun-Peng]

Sun, K.Q.[Kai Qiong] * 2007: Marked Point Process for Vascular Tree Extraction on Angiogram
* 2021: Combing Color Index and Region Growing with Simple Non-iterative Clustering for Plant Segmentation
* 2021: Inverting Generative Adversarial Renderer for Face Reconstruction
* 2022: Cross-Domain Leaf Counting with Minimizing Feature Distances
* 2023: Human Preference Score: Better Aligning Text-to-image Models with Human Preference
* 2023: NDC-Scene: Boost Monocular 3D Semantic Scene Completion in Normalized Device Coordinates Space
* 2024: CGOF++: Controllable 3D Face Synthesis With Conditional Generative Occupancy Fields
Includes: Sun, K.Q.[Kai Qiong] Sun, K.Q.[Kai-Qiong] Sun, K.Q.[Ke-Qiang]
7 for Sun, K.Q.

Sun, K.W.[Kang Wen] * 2021: Retrieval and Calculation of Vertical Aerosol Mass Fluxes by a Coherent Doppler Lidar and a Sun Photometer
Includes: Sun, K.W.[Kang Wen] Sun, K.W.[Kang-Wen]

Sun, K.Y.[Kun Yang] * 2021: ECS-Net: Improving Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Using Connections Between Class Activation Maps
* 2022: CycDA: Unsupervised Cycle Domain Adaptation to Learn from Image to Video
* 2022: New Archaeological Discoveries Based on Spatial Information Technology and Cultural Analysis: Taking the Study of the Spatial Relationship between Ancient Chinese Capitals and the Natural Environment as an Example
Includes: Sun, K.Y.[Kun Yang] Sun, K.Y.[Kun-Yang] Sun, K.Y.[Kai-Yu]

Sun, K.Z.[Ke Zheng] * 2022: photo-based quality assessment model for the estimation of PM2.5 concentrations, A
Includes: Sun, K.Z.[Ke Zheng] Sun, K.Z.[Ke-Zheng]

Sun, L. * 2002: novel method for harmonic geometric transformation model based on wavelet collocation, A
* 2003: Skeletonization of Character Based on Wavelet Transform
* 2004: Speaker Tracking Algorithm Based on Audio and Visual Information Fusion Using Particle Filter, A
* 2006: Image Fusion and 3-D Surface Reconstruction of Microparts Using Complex Valued Wavelet Transforms
* 2006: New Auto-focusing Algorithm for Optical Microscope Based Automated System, A
* 2007: Automatic Player Detection, Labeling and Tracking in Broadcast Soccer Video
* 2007: Blinking-Based Live Face Detection Using Conditional Random Fields
* 2007: Eyeblink-based Anti-Spoofing in Face Recognition from a Generic Webcamera
* 2007: Multiple Visual Models Based Perceptive Analysis Framework for Multilevel Video Summarization, A
* 2007: Targeted Prostate Biopsy Using Statistical Image Analysis
* 2008: Validation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Thickness Product Distributed by NSMC Over Seas Around China and Its Adjacent Area
* 2009: EYEWATCHME: 3D Hand and object tracking for inside out activity analysis
* 2009: Vector Sensor Cross-Product for Direction of Arrival Estimation
* 2010: HFAG: Hierarchical Frame Affinity Group for video retrieval on very large video dataset
* 2010: Robust Approach for Person Localization in Multi-camera Environment, A
* 2011: Adaptive Bilateral Filter Considering Local Characteristics
* 2011: Adaptive Motion Data Storage Reduction Method for Temporal Predictor, An
* 2011: Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multilabel Classification: A Least-Squares Formulation, Extensions, and Analysis
* 2011: Snap and Translate Using Windows Phone
* 2011: Study on dynamic sharing of military shortwave frequency spectrum
* 2011: Study on military shortwave frequency planning
* 2011: TIR/VIS Correlation for Liveness Detection in Face Recognition
* 2011: Tree-Structured MRF Based Image Segmentation Combined with Advanced Means Shift Mode Detection
* 2011: Visual Object Tracking Based on Combination of Local Description and Global Representation
* 2012: Adaptive search range algorithm based on Cauchy distribution
* 2012: Analyzing Image Deblurring Through Three Paradigms
* 2012: component-tree based method for user-intention guided text extraction, A
* 2012: Low-Complexity Coarse-Level Mode-Mapping Based H.264/AVC to H.264/SVC Spatial Transcoding for Video Conferencing
* 2012: pixel-domain mode-mapping based SVC-to-AVC transcoder with coarse grain quality scalability, A
* 2012: QoE Prediction Model and its Application in Video Quality Adaptation Over UMTS Networks
* 2012: Sketch-based face alignment for thermal face recognition
* 2012: Spatial graphlet matching kernel for recognizing aerial image categories
* 2012: Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Combining Sparse Unmixing and Spatial Constraint
* 2012: tracking based fast online complete video synopsis approach, A
* 2013: dynamic VideoBook: A hierarchical summarization for surveillance video, The
* 2013: iBOAT: Isolation-Based Online Anomalous Trajectory Detection
* 2013: Improved Component Tree Based Approach to User-Intention Guided Text Extraction from Natural Scene Images, An
* 2013: Multiple pedestrians tracking algorithm by incorporating histogram of oriented gradient detections
* 2013: Postlaunch Calibration of FengYun-3B MERSI Reflective Solar Bands
* 2014: Activity Group Localization by Modeling the Relations among Participants
* 2014: Anticipatory traveller information system for freeway-arterial networks
* 2014: Decomposition and Extraction: A New Framework for Visual Classification
* 2014: DL-SFA: Deeply-Learned Slow Feature Analysis for Action Recognition
* 2014: Estimation of Regional Crop Yield Using Ensemble-Based Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation, The
* 2014: Good Image Priors for Non-blind Deconvolution
* 2014: Real-Time Gaze Estimation with Online Calibration
* 2014: Relationship Between Visual Complexity and Aesthetics: Application to Beauty Prediction of Photos
* 2014: Robust Text Detection in Natural Scene Images by Generalized Color-Enhanced Contrasting Extremal Region and Neural Networks
* 2014: Support vector description of clusters for content-based image annotation
* 2014: Unsupervised Object Extraction by Contour Delineation and Texture Discrimination Based on Oriented Edge Features
* 2015: Boosted pedestrian detector adaptation in specific scenes
* 2015: center sliding Bayesian binary classifier adopting orthogonal polynomials, A
* 2015: Content-Based Video Quality Prediction for HEVC Encoded Videos Streamed Over Packet Networks
* 2015: Estimating wide range Total Suspended Solids concentrations from MODIS 250-m imageries: An improved method
* 2015: Human Action Recognition Using Factorized Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Networks
* 2015: Improvement of Land Cover Classification by Thermal Remote Sensing, The
* 2015: Improvement of Land Cover Classification by Thermal Remote Sensing, The
* 2015: Integrated Method Combining Remote Sensing Data and Local Knowledge for the Large-Scale Estimation of Seismic Loss Risks to Buildings in the Context of Rapid Socioeconomic Growth: A Case Study in Tangshan, China, An
* 2015: Noncontact Vital Sign Detection based on Stepwise Atomic Norm Minimization
* 2015: robust approach for text detection from natural scene images, A
* 2015: Supervised Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification With Weighted Markov Random Fields
* 2015: Understanding Taxi Service Strategies from Taxi GPS Traces
* 2016: Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Bright Areas Using Landsat 8 OLI Images
* 2016: Classification of imagery motor EEG data with wavelet denoising and features selection
* 2016: Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas
* 2016: EvaToon: A novel graph matching system for evaluating cartoon drawings
* 2016: Fast random k-labELsets for large-scale multi-label classification
* 2016: First Ionospheric Radio-Occultation Measurements From GNSS Occultation Sounder on the Chinese Feng-Yun 3C Satellite
* 2016: Hyperspectral unmixing based on L1-L2 sparsity and total variation
* 2016: Joint Motion Similarity (JMS)-Based Human Action Recognition Using Kinect
* 2016: Learning deep compact channel features for object detection in traffic scenes
* 2016: Locality in multi-label classification problems
* 2016: Localizing activity groups in videos
* 2016: Multi-label classification with meta-label-specific features
* 2016: Novel character segmentation method for overlapped Chinese handwriting recognition based on LSTM neural networks
* 2016: Precise hand segmentation from a single depth image
* 2016: Shape Retrieval of Non-rigid 3D Human Models
* 2016: Simultaneous Nonlinear Label-Instance Embedding for Multi-label Classification
* 2016: Video Object Segmentation for Content-Aware Video Compression
* 2016: Visual tracking by the combination of global detector and local image patch matching
* 2017: Bayesian Face Sketch Synthesis
* 2017: Beyond 1 Million Nodes: A Crowdsourced Video Content Delivery Network
* 2017: cloud detection algorithm-generating method for remote sensing data at visible to short-wave infrared wavelengths, A
* 2017: Compressed sensing MRI using total variation regularization with K-space decomposition
* 2017: Coupled analysis-synthesis dictionary learning for person re-identification
* 2017: Daily Mapping of 30 m LAI and NDVI for Grape Yield Prediction in California Vineyards
* 2017: Facial age estimation through self-paced learning
* 2017: Feedback Networks
* 2017: Fine-grained categorization via CNN-based automatic extraction and integration of object-level and part-level features
* 2017: Fingertip detection based on protuberant saliency from depth image
* 2017: Lattice Long Short-Term Memory for Human Action Recognition
* 2017: novel subspace spatial-spectral low rank learning method for hyperspectral denoising, A
* 2017: READER: Robust Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Dimension Reduction
* 2017: Robust, Efficient Depth Reconstruction With Hierarchical Confidence-Based Matching
* 2017: Spatio-Temporal LAI Modelling by Integrating Climate and MODIS LAI Data in a Mesoscale Catchment
* 2017: Time Series Analysis of Very Slow Landslides in the Three Gorges Region through Small Baseline SAR Offset Tracking
* 2018: 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network
* 2018: 3-D Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network for Low-Dose CT via Transfer Learning From a 2-D Trained Network
* 2018: Anchored Neighborhood Index for Face Sketch Synthesis
* 2018: cloud shadow detection method combined with cloud height iteration and spectral analysis for Landsat 8 OLI data, A
* 2018: Deep Constrained Siamese Hash Coding Network and Load-Balanced Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Near Duplicate Image Detection
* 2018: DFF-DEN: Deep Feature Flow with Detail Enhancement Network for Hand Segmentation in Depth Video
* 2018: Discriminative Pixel-Pairwise Constraint-Guided Extreme Learning Machine for Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2018: ECG Delineation with Randomly Selected Wavelet Feature and Random Forest Classifier
* 2018: EMD-Based Entropy Features for micro-Doppler Mini-UAV Classification
* 2018: Hyperspectral Classification via Superpixel Kernel Learning-Based Low Rank Representation
* 2018: Hyperspectral Denoising Via Cross Total Variation-Regularized Unidirectional Nonlocal Low-Rank Tensor Approximation
* 2018: Hyperspectral Mixed Denoising via Spectral Difference-Induced Total Variation and Low-Rank Approximation
* 2018: Improving Spatial-Temporal Data Fusion by Choosing Optimal Input Image Pairs
* 2018: Joint Sponsor Scheduling in Cellular and Edge Caching Networks for Mobile Video Delivery
* 2018: Low-Dose CT Image Denoising Using a Generative Adversarial Network With Wasserstein Distance and Perceptual Loss
* 2018: New Nested MIMO Array With Increased Degrees of Freedom and Hole-Free Difference Coarray, A
* 2018: Novel 3D Anisotropic Total Variation Regularized Low Rank Method for Hyperspectral Image Mixed Denoising, A
* 2018: Optimization of classifier chains via conditional likelihood maximization
* 2018: Optimization of minimum volume constrained hyperspectral image unmixing on CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform
* 2018: Optimum Encoding Approaches on Video Resolution Changes: A Comparative Study
* 2018: Person Re-id by Incorporating PCA Loss in CNN
* 2018: Prelaunch Calibration and Radiometric Performance of the Advanced MERSI II on FengYun-3D
* 2018: Retrieval of Aerosol Optical Depth in the Arid or Semiarid Region of Northern Xinjiang, China
* 2018: Student's t-Hidden Markov Model for Unsupervised Learning Using Localized Feature Selection
* 2018: Toward Wi-Fi AP-Assisted Content Prefetching for an On-Demand TV Series: A Learning-Based Approach
* 2018: Unsupervised Transformation Network Based on GANs for Target-Domain Oriented Multi-Domain Image Translation
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on Constrained Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2019: anchor-free region proposal network for Faster R-CNN-based text detection approaches, An
* 2019: Automatic Neural Network Search Method for Open Set Recognition
* 2019: Comparison of the MuSyQ and MODIS Collection 6 Land Surface Temperature Products Over Barren Surfaces in the Heihe River Basin, China
* 2019: Content Harvest Network: Optimizing First Mile for Crowdsourced Live Streaming
* 2019: Contour-Based Algorithm for Automated Detection of Overshooting Tops Using Satellite Infrared Imagery, A
* 2019: CU-Net: Component Unmixing Network for Textile Fiber Identification
* 2019: Customizing Student Networks From Heterogeneous Teachers via Adaptive Knowledge Amalgamation
* 2019: Disentangling Latent Space for VAE by Label Relevant/Irrelevant Dimensions
* 2019: Enhanced Aerosol Estimations From Suomi-NPP VIIRS Images Over Heterogeneous Surfaces
* 2019: Evaluation of Three Deep Learning Models for Early Crop Classification Using Sentinel-1A Imagery Time Series: A Case Study in Zhanjiang, China
* 2019: Exploring Overall Contextual Information for Image Captioning in Human-Like Cognitive Style
* 2019: FengYun-3 B Satellite Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Visible On-Board Calibrator Radiometric Output Degradation Analysis
* 2019: FengYun-3 B Satellite Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Visible On-Board Calibrator Radiometric Output Degradation Analysis
* 2019: Flow-guided feature propagation with occlusion aware detail enhancement for hand segmentation in egocentric videos
* 2019: Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution via Adaptive Dictionary Learning and Double L_1 Constraint
* 2019: Improved localization accuracy by LocNet for Faster R-CNN based text detection in natural scene images
* 2019: Integrated Hyperspectral and Geochemical Study of Sediment-Hosted Disseminated Gold at the Goldstrike District, Utah
* 2019: Local to Global with Multi-Scale Attention Network for Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Machine Learning-Based Classification System for Urban Built-Up Areas Using Multiple Classifiers and Data Sources, A
* 2019: Mask R-CNN With Pyramid Attention Network for Scene Text Detection
* 2019: Modeling Polycentric Urbanization Using Multisource Big Geospatial Data
* 2019: Optimal location of the U-turn at a signalised intersection with double left-turn lanes
* 2019: Parallel Architecture of Convolutional Bi-Directional LSTM Neural Networks for Network-Wide Metro Ridership Prediction
* 2019: Radar Signal Processing for Sensing in Assisted Living: The challenges associated with real-time implementation of emerging algorithms
* 2019: Regionally Robust High-Spatial-Resolution Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm for MODIS Images Over Eastern China, A
* 2019: Sparse Unmixing for Hyperspectral Image with Nonlocal Low-Rank Prior
* 2019: Spatiotemporal Fusion of Satellite Images via Very Deep Convolutional Networks
* 2019: Towards Faster and Better Federated Learning: A Feature Fusion Approach
* 2019: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2019: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
* 2019: VSP-based emission factor calibration and signal timing optimisation for arterial streets
* 2020: 3D Spatially Weighted Network for Segmentation of Brain Tissue From MRI, A
* 2020: Accurate Polarimetric BRDF for Real Polarization Scene Rendering
* 2020: Adaptive Distance-Weighted Voronoi Tessellation for Remote Sensing Image Segmentation
* 2020: Anatomical Attention Guided Deep Networks for ROI Segmentation of Brain MR Images
* 2020: BDD-Net: A General Protocol for Mapping Buildings Damaged by a Wide Range of Disasters Based on Satellite Imagery
* 2020: Continual Local Training For Better Initialization Of Federated Models
* 2020: CTBRNN: A Novel Deep-Learning Based Signal Sequence Detector for Communications Systems
* 2020: Deepmpc: A Mixture ABR Approach Via Deep Learning and MPC
* 2020: Discriminative Clip Mining for Video Anomaly Detection
* 2020: Disentangling The Spatial Structure and Style in Conditional VAE
* 2020: Distributed Multiagent Coordinated Learning for Autonomous Driving in Highways Based on Dynamic Coordination Graphs
* 2020: Evapotranspiration Partitioning at Field Scales Using TSEB and Multi-Satellite Data Fusion in The Middle Reaches of Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
* 2020: High-Order Feature Learning for Multi-Atlas Based Label Fusion: Application to Brain Segmentation With MRI
* 2020: Identification of Short-Rotation Eucalyptus Plantation at Large Scale Using Multi-Satellite Imageries and Cloud Computing Platform
* 2020: Improved Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion
* 2020: Integration of Time Series Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Crop Type Mapping over Oasis Agricultural Areas
* 2020: Integrative Analysis of Pathological Images and Multi-Dimensional Genomic Data for Early-Stage Cancer Prognosis
* 2020: IPG-Net: Image Pyramid Guidance Network for Small Object Detection
* 2020: Low Rank Component Induced Spatial-Spectral Kernel Method for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: New Architecture of Densely Connected Convolutional Networks for Pan-Sharpening, A
* 2020: New Cloud Shadow Detection Algorithm Based on Prior Land Type Database Support, A
* 2020: Non-Contact Speech Recovery Technology Using a 24 GHz Portable Auditory Radar and Webcam
* 2020: Novel View Synthesis on Unpaired Data by Conditional Deformable Variational Auto-encoder
* 2020: Object as Hotspots: An Anchor-free 3d Object Detection Approach via Firing of Hotspots
* 2020: Operational Split-Window Algorithm for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature from Geostationary Satellite Data: A Case Study on Himawari-8 AHI Data, An
* 2020: Radio Frequency Fingerprint Extraction Based on Multi-Dimension Approximate Entropy
* 2020: Retrieval and Validation of AOD from Himawari-8 Data over Bohai Rim Region, China
* 2020: Siamese Network Utilizing Image Structural Differences For Cross-Category Defect Detection, A
* 2020: SLRL4D: Joint Restoration of Subspace Low-Rank Learning and Non-Local 4-D Transform Filtering for Hyperspectral Image
* 2020: Superpixel-Based Mixed Noise Estimation for Hyperspectral Images Using Multiple Linear Regression
* 2020: Visual Parsing with Query-Driven Global Graph Attention (QD-GGA): Preliminary Results for Handwritten Math Formula Recognition
* 2021: AMPNet: Average- and Max-Pool Networks for Salient Object Detection
* 2021: Assessing the Self-Recovery Ability of Maize after Lodging Using UAV-LiDAR Data
* 2021: Autonomous Vehicle Source Enumeration Exploiting Non-Cooperative UAV in Software Defined Internet of Vehicles
* 2021: Bridging the Gap between Label- and Reference-based Synthesis in Multi-attribute Image-to-Image Translation
* 2021: Cascading and Enhanced Residual Networks for Accurate Single-Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Classification of Soybean Genotypes Assessed Under Different Water Availability and at Different Phenological Stages Using Leaf-Based Hyperspectral Reflectance
* 2021: Classification of Street Tree Species Using UAV Tilt Photogrammetry
* 2021: Cloud Detection Algorithm for Multi-Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery Based on a Spectral Library and 1D Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Compressed Domain Deep Video Super-Resolution
* 2021: Conditional DETR for Fast Training Convergence
* 2021: Cross Validation of GOES-16 and NOAA Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) QPE over the Continental United States
* 2021: Deep Learning Based Autonomous Vehicle Super Resolution DOA Estimation for Safety Driving
* 2021: Deep Learning Network Intensification for Preventing Noisy-Labeled Samples for Remote Sensing Classification
* 2021: Deep Maximum a Posterior Estimator for Video Denoising
* 2021: Densely connected graph convolutional network for joint semantic and instance segmentation of indoor point clouds
* 2021: Detecting Low-Intensity Fires in East Asia Using VIIRS Data: An Improved Contextual Algorithm
* 2021: DG-Font: Deformable Generative Networks for Unsupervised Font Generation
* 2021: DOA and Range Estimation for FDA-MIMO Radar with Sparse Bayesian Learning
* 2021: Dual Attention Multi-Instance Deep Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis With Structural MRI
* 2021: DuGAN: An effective framework for underwater image enhancement
* 2021: Enhance Via Decoupling: Improving Multi-Label Classifiers With Variational Feature Augmentation
* 2021: Enhanced Oceanic Environmental Responses and Feedbacks to Super Typhoon Nida (2009) during the Sudden-Turning Stage
* 2021: Evaluation of Five Deep Learning Models for Crop Type Mapping Using Sentinel-2 Time Series Images with Missing Information
* 2021: Fine-Grained Detection of Driver Distraction Based on Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: GACM: A Graph Attention Capsule Model for the Registration of TLS Point Clouds in the Urban Scene
* 2021: Hierarchical Aggregated Deep Features for ALS Point Cloud Classification
* 2021: ID-Unet: Iterative Soft and Hard Deformation for View Synthesis
* 2021: Identification of Melanoma From Hyperspectral Pathology Image Using 3D Convolutional Networks
* 2021: Improved Fmask Method for Cloud Detection in GF-6 WFV Based on Spectral-Contextual Information, An
* 2021: Inferring Near-Surface PM2.5 Concentrations from the VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Product in China: A Spatiotemporally Weighted Random Forest Model
* 2021: Influence of HNB Product Packaging Health Warning Design on Risk Perception Based on Eye Tracking
* 2021: Influence of the Color and Logo Position of HNB Products on User Experience Based on Eye Tracking
* 2021: Mapping Particle Size and Soil Organic Matter in Tropical Soil Based on Hyperspectral Imaging and Non-Imaging Sensors
* 2021: Multiscale Adjacent Superpixel-Based Extended Multi-Attribute Profiles Embedded Multiple Kernel Learning Method for Hyperspectral Classification
* 2021: NAS-EOD: an end-to-end Neural Architecture Search method for Efficient Object Detection
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* 2021: Operational Inflight Radiometric Uniform Calibration of a Directional Polarimetric Camera, The
* 2021: Parallel Ensemble Deep Learning for Real-Time Remote Sensing Video Multi-Target Detection
* 2021: Patch-Wise Semantic Segmentation for Hyperspectral Images via a Cubic Capsule Network with EMAP Features
* 2021: Prediction of Forest Fire Spread Rate Using UAV Images and an LSTM Model Considering the Interaction between Fire and Wind
* 2021: Real-Time Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision via Uncertainty-Aware Distribution Distillation
* 2021: ReLaText: Exploiting visual relationships for arbitrary-shaped scene text detection with graph convolutional networks
* 2021: Response and Feedback of Ocean Mesoscale Eddies to Four Sequential Typhoons in 2016 Based on Multiple Satellite Observations and Argo Floats, The
* 2021: Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China
* 2021: Robust Method for Filling the Gaps in MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Data, A
* 2021: Spatial Variations in Terrestrial Water Storage with Variable Forces across the Yellow River Basin
* 2021: Spectral-Smoothness and Non-Local Self-Similarity Regularized Subspace Low-Rank Learning Method for Hyperspectral Mixed Denoising
* 2021: Strategies for the Development of Spectral Models for Soil Organic Matter Estimation
* 2021: Study on Brightness Reversal of Internal Waves in the Celebes Sea Using Himawari-8 Images, A
* 2021: Temperature-Based and Radiance-Based Validation of the Collection 6 MYD11 and MYD21 Land Surface Temperature Products Over Barren Surfaces in Northwestern China
* 2021: Tensor-Based Reduced-Dimension MUSIC Method for Parameter Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar
* 2021: Traffic Demand Prediction Based on Dynamic Transition Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Tree-like Decision Distillation
* 2021: Yield Prediction in Soybean Crop Grown under Different Levels of Water Availability Using Reflectance Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares Regression
* 2022: Analysis of Ecological Blockage Pattern in Beijing Important Ecological Function Area, China
* 2022: Bootstrapping ViTs: Towards Liberating Vision Transformers from Pre-training
* 2022: Breast mass classification based on supervised contrastive learning and multi-view consistency penalty on mammography
* 2022: Capability of Phenology-Based Sentinel-2 Composites for Rubber Plantation Mapping in a Large Area with Complex Vegetation Landscapes
* 2022: Characteristics Set Computation Model for Internal Wavenumber Spectra and Its Validation with MODIS Retrieved Parameters in the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea, A
* 2022: Climatological Aspects of Active Fires in Northeastern China and Their Relationship to Land Cover
* 2022: Comparative Analysis of Several Typical Landsat 8 OLI Cloud Detection Methods
* 2022: Cross Attention Based Style Distribution for Controllable Person Image Synthesis
* 2022: CRTransSar: A Visual Transformer Based on Contextual Joint Representation Learning for SAR Ship Detection
* 2022: Degree-of-linear-polarization-based Color Constancy
* 2022: Dual-Branch Attention-Assisted CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Efficient Leave-One-Out Evaluation of Kernelized Implicit Mappings
* 2022: Efficient Superpixel Generation for Polarimetric SAR Images with Cross-Iteration and Hexagonal Initialization
* 2022: Estimation of Aerosol Optical Depth at 30 m Resolution Using Landsat Imagery and Machine Learning
* 2022: Event-Based Fusion for Motion Deblurring with Cross-modal Attention
* 2022: Explore the Correlation between Environmental Factors and the Spatial Distribution of Property Crime
* 2022: Extending the EOS Long-Term PM2.5 Data Records Since 2013 in China: Application to the VIIRS Deep Blue Aerosol Products
* 2022: Fused Method of Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Warping for Road Anomalies Detection, A
* 2022: Gaussian noise parameter estimation based on multiple singular value decomposition and non-linear fitting
* 2022: Generating Salt-Affected Irrigated Cropland Map in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: High Quality Object Detection for Multiresolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using Cascaded Multi-Stage Detectors
* 2022: Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Method Based on Spectral Smoothing Prior and Tensor Tubal Row-Sparse Representation
* 2022: IAF-LG: An Interactive Attention Fusion Network With Local and Global Perspective for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
* 2022: Impacts of Land Use Changes on Net Primary Productivity in Urban Agglomerations under Multi-Scenarios Simulation
* 2022: IOU-enhanced Attention for End-to-end Task Specific Object Detection
* 2022: Issues and Challenges of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Survey
* 2022: Lightweight Position-Enhanced Anchor-Free Algorithm for SAR Ship Detection, A
* 2022: Local and Nonlocal Feature Interaction Network for Pansharpening, A
* 2022: Modelling Ethical Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles Using Crash Data
* 2022: Multi-Agent Transfer Reinforcement Learning With Multi-View Encoder for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
* 2022: Multi-task Learning Framework for Emotion Recognition In-the-wild
* 2022: New Method of Rainfall Detection from the Collected X-Band Marine Radar Images, A
* 2022: Novel Method for Hyperspectral Mineral Mapping Based on Clustering-Matching and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Burst Super-Resolution Challenge
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2022: Pseudo-LiDAR-Based Road Detection
* 2022: QS-Attn: Query-Selected Attention for Contrastive Learning in I2I Translation
* 2022: Quantitative Short-Term Precipitation Model Using Multimodal Data Fusion Based on a Cross-Attention Mechanism
* 2022: Realization of Autoencoders by Kernel Methods
* 2022: Rescaling-Assisted Super-Resolution for Medium-Low Resolution Remote Sensing Ship Detection
* 2022: Research on Internal Solitary Wave Detection and Analysis Based on Interferometric Imaging Radar Altimeter Onboard the Tiangong-2 Space Laboratory
* 2022: Retargeted Regression Methods for Multi-label Learning
* 2022: Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance Data Using a Neural Network Supported by Simulation Data
* 2022: Rice Yield Prediction and Model Interpretation Based on Satellite and Climatic Indicators Using a Transformer Method
* 2022: Robust Human Matting via Semantic Guidance
* 2022: robust image segmentation framework based on total variation spectral transform, A
* 2022: SceGene: Bio-Inspired Traffic Scenario Generation for Autonomous Driving Testing
* 2022: Stochastic Consensus: Enhancing Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency of Stochastic Classifiers
* 2022: Study of Sea Surface Geophysical Parameter Changes Due to Internal Solitary Waves Using a Sentinel-3 Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter
* 2022: Style Transformer for Image Inversion and Editing
* 2022: Two-aspect Information Interaction Model for ABAW4 Multi-task Challenge
* 2022: Unlocking the Potential of Deep Learning for Migratory Waterbirds Monitoring Using Surveillance Video
* 2022: VEFNet: an Event-RGB Cross Modality Fusion Network for Visual Place Recognition
* 2022: Vegetation Productivity and Precipitation Use Efficiency across the Yellow River Basin: Spatial Patterns and Controls
* 2022: VISTA: Boosting 3D Object Detection via Dual Cross-VIew SpaTial Attention
* 2023: AGPN: Action Granularity Pyramid Network for Video Action Recognition
* 2023: Anchor-Free Detection Algorithm for SAR Ship Targets with Deep Saliency Representation, An
* 2023: Application of Graph Learning With Multivariate Relational Representation Matrix in Vehicular Social Networks
* 2023: Center TextSpotter: A Novel Text Spotter for Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles
* 2023: CFRWD-GAN for SAR-to-Optical Image Translation
* 2023: Characterizing the Survival-Associated Interactions Between Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Tumors From Pathological Images and Multi-Omics Data
* 2023: Characterizing the Uncertainty of Link Progression Speed Using Low-Frequency Probe Vehicle Data
* 2023: Complementary Attention-Driven Contrastive Learning With Hard-Sample Exploring for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID
* 2023: Convolutional Neural Network-Driven Improvements in Global Cloud Detection for Landsat 8 and Transfer Learning on Sentinel-2 Imagery
* 2023: Deep Semi-Supervised Ultrasound Image Segmentation by Using a Shadow Aware Network With Boundary Refinement
* 2023: Deep Unfolding Network for Efficient Mixed Video Noise Removal
* 2023: Determination of the Stability of a High and Steep Highway Slope in a Basalt Area Based on Iron Staining Anomalies
* 2023: DETRs with Hybrid Matching
* 2023: Dictionary Learning for Few-Shot Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* 2023: Distributed Stochastic Algorithm Based on Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning of Multi-UAV Cooperative Area Search
* 2023: Effects of Precipitation Event Characteristics and Afforestation on the Greening in Arid Grasslands, China, The
* 2023: Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
* 2023: Efficient Deep Models for Real-Time 4K Image Super-Resolution. NTIRE 2023 Benchmark and Report
* 2023: Enhanced Federated Learning for Edge Data Security in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2023: EVAEF: Ensemble Valence-Arousal Estimation Framework in the Wild
* 2023: Event-Based Frame Interpolation with Ad-hoc Deblurring
* 2023: EventPoint: Self-Supervised Interest Point Detection and Description for Event-based Camera
* 2023: Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series
* 2023: Fast Target Localization in FMCW-MIMO Radar with Low SNR and Snapshot via Multi-DeepNet
* 2023: GCNet: Graph Completion Network for Incomplete Multimodal Learning in Conversation
* 2023: High-Resolution Quantitative Retrieval of Soil Moisture Based on Multisource Data Fusion with Random Forests: A Case Study in the Zoige Region of the Tibetan Plateau
* 2023: How to Prevent the Continuous Damage of Noises to Model Training?
* 2023: Hyper-sausage coverage function neuron model and learning algorithm for image classification
* 2023: Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities on NDVI in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
* 2023: Investigating the Direct and Spillover Effects of Urbanization on Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions in China Using Nighttime Light Data
* 2023: Joint Resource Scheduling for UAV-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing System in Internet of Vehicles
* 2023: Long short-distance topology modelling of 3D point cloud segmentation with a graph convolution neural network
* 2023: Multi-feature fusion-based strabismus detection for children
* 2023: Multi-scale multi-hierarchy attention convolutional neural network for fetal brain extraction
* 2023: Novel Adaptive Edge Aggregation and Multiscale Feature Interaction Detector for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Novel Video Stabilization Model With Motion Morphological Component Priors, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Efficient Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Prompt Prototype Learning Based on Ranking Instruction For Few-Shot Visual Tasks
* 2023: RecursiveDet: End-to-End Region-based Recursive Object Detection
* 2023: RFID-assisted visual multiple object tracking without using visual appearance and motion
* 2023: Robust Table Detection and Structure Recognition from Heterogeneous Document Images
* 2023: Robust table structure recognition with dynamic queries enhanced detection transformer
* 2023: Satellite-Based Analysis of Spatiotemporal Wildfire Pattern in the Mongolian Plateau
* 2023: Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Sparse Self-Attention and Feature Alignment
* 2023: Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and Polarization Information using a Sparse Polarization Sensor
* 2023: SISLU-Net: Spatial Information-Assisted Spectral Information Learning Unmixing Network for Hyperspectral Images
* 2023: Spatial-Aware Transformer (SAT): Enhancing Global Modeling in Transformer Segmentation for Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Spatially-Adaptive Feature Modulation for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Stability Analysis of Unmixing-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Model: A Case of Land Surface Temperature Product Downscaling
* 2023: Statistical Assessments of InSAR Tropospheric Corrections: Applicability and Limitations of Weather Model Products and Spatiotemporal Filtering
* 2023: Structure Identification Method for Urban Agglomeration Based on Nighttime Light Data and Railway Data, A
* 2023: Superpixel Generation for Polarimetric SAR Images with Adaptive Size Estimation and Determinant Ratio Test Distance
* 2023: Tensor Cascaded-Rank Minimization in Subspace: A Unified Regime for Hyperspectral Image Low-Level Vision
* 2023: viscous continuum traffic flow model based on the cooperative car-following behaviour of connected and autonomous vehicles, A
* 2023: Zero-shot temporal event localisation: Label-free, training-free, domain-free
* 2024: Contrastive Correlation Preserving Replay for Online Continual Learning
* 2024: Deep Rank-N Decomposition Network for Image Fusion
* 2024: Efficient Multimodal Transformer With Dual-Level Feature Restoration for Robust Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
* 2024: Estimating Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation of Winter Wheat Based on Simulated Sentinel-2 Data under Different Varieties and Water Stress
* 2024: Improved U-STFM: A Deep Learning-Based Nonlinear Spatial-Temporal Fusion Model for Land Surface Temperature Downscaling, The
* 2024: Lightweight-VGG: A Fast Deep Learning Architecture Based on Dimensionality Reduction and Nonlinear Enhancement for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2024: Mathematical formula detection in document images: A new dataset and a new approach
* 2024: Meta-Transfer Metric Learning for Time Series Classification in 6G-Supported Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2024: Novel Transformer Network with a CNN-Enhanced Cross-Attention Mechanism for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2024: Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Using U-Net Based Model
* 2024: Robust embedding regression for semi-supervised learning
* 2024: SC-DepthV3: Robust Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Dynamic Scenes
* 2024: Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Enhanced Transformer with Large-Kernel Attention
* 2024: SSGAM-Net: A Hybrid Semi-Supervised and Supervised Network for Robust Semantic Segmentation Based on Drone LiDAR Data
* 2024: Temporal and Spatial Assessment of Carbon Flux Dynamics: Evaluating Emissions and Sequestration in the Three Northern Protection Forest Project Areas Supported by Google Earth Engine
* 2024: TreeDetector: Using Deep Learning for the Localization and Reconstruction of Urban Trees from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2024: Unsupervised Domain-Adaptive SAR Ship Detection Based on Cross-Domain Feature Interaction and Data Contribution Balance
Includes: Sun, L. Sun, L.[Lu] Sun, L.[Luo] Sun, L.[Lining] Sun, L.[Lin] Sun, L.[Li] Sun, L.[Lifen] Sun, L.[Liang] Sun, L.[Lei] Sun, L.[Liye] Sun, L.[Le] Sun, L.[Libin] Sun, L.[Litian] Sun, L.[Liya] Sun, L.[Luyi] Sun, L.[Ling] Sun, L.[Long] Sun, L.[Lang] Sun, L.[Lishuang] Sun, L.[Legong] Sun, L.[Luna] Sun, L.[Luyao] Sun, L.[Lan] Sun, L.[Luyu] Sun, L.[Lili] Sun, L.[Lina] Sun, L.[Lilei] Sun, L.[Landy] Sun, L.[Libo] Sun, L.[Leigang] Sun, L.[Liting] Sun, L.[Licai] Sun, L.[Linli] Sun, L.[Lubing] Sun, L.[Ludan] Sun, L.[Linhao]
371 for Sun, L.

Sun, L.B.[Li Bin] * 2012: Super-resolution from internet-scale scene matching
* 2024: Simulating Urban Expansion from the Perspective of Spatial Anisotropy and Expansion Neighborhood
* 2024: VST-PCA: A Land Use Change Simulation Model Based on Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction and Pre-Allocation Strategy
Includes: Sun, L.B.[Li Bin] Sun, L.B.[Li-Bin] Sun, L.B.[Ling-Bo]

Sun, L.C.[Ling Chen] * 2021: Automatic and Optimal MPA Design Method, An
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge Results - PBVS 2022
* 2023: Benchmarking and Analyzing Robust Point Cloud Recognition: Bag of Tricks for Defending Adversarial Examples
* 2023: Experimental Investigation on Fragmentation Identification in Loose Slope Landslides by Infrared Emissivity Variability Features
* 2023: Horizontal Magnetic Anomaly Accompanying the Co-Seismic Earthquake Light of the M7.3 Fukushima Earthquake of 16 March 2022: Phenomenon and Mechanism
* 2023: Joint HDR Denoising and Fusion: A Real-World Mobile HDR Image Dataset
Includes: Sun, L.C.[Ling Chen] Sun, L.C.[Ling-Chen] Sun, L.C.[Li-Chao] Sun, L.C.[Li-Cheng]
8 for Sun, L.C.

Sun, L.F.[Li Feng] * 2002: Natural interaction synthesizing in virtual teleconferencing
* 2005: Position Prediction Motion-Compensated Interpolation for Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Temporal Modeling
* 2007: Generation of Layered Depth Images from Multi-View Video
* 2007: Sequential Monte Carlo Approach to Anomaly Detection in Tracking Visual Events, A
* 2007: Three-Level Scheme for Real-Time Ball Tracking, A
* 2009: Frame-level heuristic scheduling Multi-view Video Coding on symmetric multi-core architecture
* 2009: Framework for Heuristic Scheduling for Parallel Processing on Multicore Architecture: A Case Study With Multiview Video Coding, A
* 2009: High-quality non-blind motion deblurring
* 2009: Robust Inter-Scale Non-Blind Image Motion Deblurring
* 2010: Overcoming view switching dynamic in multi-view video streaming over P2P network
* 2011: Virtual support window for adaptive-weight stereo matching
* 2012: Binary stereo matching
* 2012: Matrix-Based Approach to Unsupervised Human Action Categorization, A
* 2013: Find where you are: a new try in place recognition
* 2013: Joint Social and Content Recommendation for User-Generated Videos in Online Social Network
* 2014: Cross-Scale Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* 2015: CPCDN: Content Delivery Powered by Context and User Intelligence
* 2015: Joint Online Transcoding and Delivery Approach for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming, A
* 2015: MAP: Microblogging Assisted Profiling of TV Shows
* 2016: Characterizing everyday activities from visual lifelogs based on enhancing concept representation
* 2016: Personalized Annotation for Mobile Photos Based on User's Social Circle
* 2016: Towards Training-Free Refinement for Semantic Indexing of Visual Media
* 2016: What are the Limits to Time Series Based Recognition of Semantic Concepts?
* 2017: CELoF: WiFi Dwell Time Estimation in Free Environment
* 2017: Cross-Scale Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* 2017: Social-Aware Video Recommendation for Online Social Groups
* 2017: Understanding Performance of Edge Prefetching
* 2021: Federated Trace: A Node Selection Method for More Efficient Federated Learning
* 2021: Initialize with Mask: For More Efficient Federated Learning
* 2021: Multi-Task Distillation: Towards Mitigating the Negative Transfer in Multi-Task Learning
* 2021: Spherical Mixture Model Approach for 360 Video Virtual Cinematography, A
* 2021: Tracking of Multiple Maneuvering Random Hypersurface Extended Objects Using High Resolution Sensors
* 2022: Maneuvering Extended Object Tracking with Modified Star-Convex Random Hypersurface Model Based on Minimum Cosine Distance
* 2022: PreTraM: Self-supervised Pre-training via Connecting Trajectory and Map
* 2022: Tracking of Maneuvering Extended Target Using Modified Variable Structure Multiple-Model Based on Adaptive Grid Best Model Augmentation
* 2022: Visual Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based on the Template-Driven Siamese Network
* 2022: Zwei: A Self-Play Reinforcement Learning Framework for Video Transmission Services
Includes: Sun, L.F.[Li Feng] Sun, L.F.[Li-Feng] Sun, L.F. Sun, L.F.[Li-Fan] Sun, L.F.[Ling-Feng]
37 for Sun, L.F.

Sun, L.G.[Li Guo] * 2009: Measuring Terrain Information Using Multifractal and Wavelets in Terrain Navigation
* 2011: Non-rigid Object Tracking as Salient Region Segmentation and Association
* 2017: Two-Stage Focusing Algorithm for Highly Squinted Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
* 2020: Relationship between Light Use Efficiency and Photochemical Reflectance Index Corrected Using a BRDF Model at a Subtropical Mixed Forest
Includes: Sun, L.G.[Li Guo] Sun, L.G.[Li-Guo] Sun, L.G.[Li-Gang] Sun, L.G.[Lei-Gang]

Sun, L.H.[Li Hui] * 2009: Detection Algorithm of Dim and Small Infrared Target Based on Temporal chi² Test
* 2021: Depth Map Super-Resolution By Multi-Direction Dictionary and Joint Regularization
* 2021: PEAN: 3D Hand Pose Estimation Adversarial Network
* 2021: Use of Superspheroids as Surrogates for Modeling Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by Ice Crystals, The
* 2022: Action Representing by Constrained Conditional Mutual Information
* 2022: Depth Map Super-Resolution Based on Dual Normal-Depth Regularization and Graph Laplacian Prior
* 2022: MENet: A Memory-Based Network with Dual-Branch for Efficient Event Stream Processing
* 2022: Point Cloud Upsampling via a Coarse-to-Fine Network
Includes: Sun, L.H.[Li Hui] Sun, L.H.[Li-Hui] Sun, L.H.[Long-Hua] Sun, L.H.[Lin-Hui] Sun, L.H.[Lan-Hui]
8 for Sun, L.H.

Sun, L.J.[Lin Jia] * 2011: Integrating Boundary Cue with Superpixel for Image Segmentation
* 2013: Triangular Mesh Based Stroke Segmentation for Chinese Calligraphy
* 2013: Unsupervised image segmentation using global spatial constraint and multi-scale representation on multiple segmentation proposals
* 2014: Automatic sub-category partitioning and parts localization for learning a robust object model
* 2014: When to Control the Ramps on Freeway Corridors? A Novel Stability-and-MFD-Based Approach
* 2018: Fast Dense Spectral-Spatial Convolution Network Framework for Hyperspectral Images Classification, A
* 2018: Improved side information generation algorithm based on naive Bayesian theory for distributed video coding
* 2019: LGCN: Learnable Gabor Convolution Network for Human Gender Recognition in the Wild
* 2019: Novel Completion Algorithm for Color Images and Videos Based on Tensor Train Rank, A
* 2020: Video segmentation scheme based on AMC
* 2021: Attention-based video object segmentation algorithm
* 2021: Diagnosing Spatiotemporal Traffic Anomalies With Low-Rank Tensor Autoregression
* 2021: Feature Fusion Based Dense Estimation Model for 3D Human Pose, A
* 2021: Local Descriptor with Physiological Characteristic for Finger Vein Recognition, A
* 2022: Bayesian Kernelized Matrix Factorization for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation and Kriging
* 2022: Bayesian Temporal Factorization for Multidimensional Time Series Prediction
* 2022: Emotion Recognition Based on Brain Connectivity Reservoir and Valence Lateralization for Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
* 2022: Explore the Correlation between Environmental Factors and the Spatial Distribution of Property Crime
* 2022: Global-Local Label Correlation for Partial Multi-Label Learning
* 2022: Graph regularized locally linear embedding for unsupervised feature selection
* 2022: Low-Rank Autoregressive Tensor Completion for Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Imputation
* 2022: On Social Interactions of Merging Behaviors at Highway On-Ramps in Congested Traffic
* 2022: Universal Framework of Spatiotemporal Bias Block for Long-Term Traffic Forecasting, A
* 2023: Low-Rank Hankel Tensor Completion for Traffic Speed Estimation
* 2023: PAA: A Blockchain-Based Parking Assistance Alliance With User Preference
* 2023: Review of GAN-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Robust Dynamic Bus Control: a Distributional Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach
* 2024: On Trustworthy Decision-Making Process of Human Drivers From the View of Perceptual Uncertainty Reduction
* 2024: SilentTrig: An imperceptible backdoor attack against speaker identification with hidden triggers
Includes: Sun, L.J.[Lin Jia] Sun, L.J.[Lin-Jia] Sun, L.J.[Li-Jun] Sun, L.J.[Liu-Jie] Sun, L.J.[Li-Juan] Sun, L.J.[Lin-Jun] Sun, L.J.[Li-Jian]
29 for Sun, L.J.

Sun, L.K.[Le Kang] * 2022: FP60 and FSNet: A Benchmark Dataset and a Family-Species Network for Forestry Pest Recognition
Includes: Sun, L.K.[Le Kang] Sun, L.K.[Le-Kang]

Sun, L.L.[Lu Lu] * 2018: Adaptive Residual Networks for High-Quality Image Restoration
* 2018: Breast Cancer Microscope Image Classification Based on CNN with Image Deformation
* 2021: Deep multi-task learning with relational attention for business success prediction
* 2022: Multi-Semantic Path Representation Learning for Travel Time Estimation
* 2022: Taxi Demand Prediction Using Parallel Multi-Task Learning Model
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal AutoEncoder for Traffic Flow Prediction
* 2024: Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Representation Learning for Origin-Destination Demand Prediction
Includes: Sun, L.L.[Lu Lu] Sun, L.L.[Lu-Lu] Sun, L.L.[Ling-Ling] Sun, L.L.[Lei-Lei]
7 for Sun, L.L.

Sun, L.M.[Li Min] * 2015: Abnormal event detection via adaptive cascade dictionary learning
* 2020: How Does Spartina alterniflora Invade in Salt Marsh in Relation to Tidal Channel Networks? Patterns and Processes
* 2021: Artificial Intelligence Based Structural Assessment for Regional Short- and Medium-Span Concrete Beam Bridges with Inspection Information
* 2023: Weak-Boundary Sensitive Superpixel Segmentation Based on Local Adaptive Distance
Includes: Sun, L.M.[Li Min] Sun, L.M.[Li-Min]

Sun, L.N.[Li Ning] * 2011: novel Hough transform method for line detection by enhancing accumulator array, A
Includes: Sun, L.N.[Li Ning] Sun, L.N.[Li-Ning]

Sun, L.P.[Li Ping] * 2021: Urban Hotspot Area Detection Using Nearest-Neighborhood-Related Quality Clustering on Taxi Trajectory Data
* 2022: High-Frequency Trajectory Map Matching Algorithm Based on Road Network Topology
* 2022: Low-Frequency Trajectory Map Matching Method Based on Vehicle Heading Segmentation
* 2024: Camera Topology Graph Guided Vehicle Re-Identification
* 2024: Model-agnostic progressive saliency map generation for object detector
Includes: Sun, L.P.[Li Ping] Sun, L.P.[Li-Ping] Sun, L.P.[Lian-Peng]

Sun, L.Q.[Li Qun] * 2019: Metamorphic Testing of Driverless Cars
* 2022: Location Optimization of VTS Radar Stations Considering Environmental Occlusion and Radar Attenuation
Includes: Sun, L.Q.[Li Qun] Sun, L.Q.[Li-Qun] Sun, L.Q.[Li-Qian]

Sun, L.S.[Liu Sheng] * 2021: Semi-synthesis: A fast way to produce effective datasets for stereo matching
* 2022: MSFF: A Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Surface Defect Detection of Aluminum Profiles
Includes: Sun, L.S.[Liu Sheng] Sun, L.S.[Liu-Sheng] Sun, L.S.[Lian-Shan]

Sun, L.T.[Li Ting] * 2022: Robustness of Deep Learning-Based Specific Emitter Identification under Adversarial Attacks
Includes: Sun, L.T.[Li Ting] Sun, L.T.[Li-Ting]

Sun, L.W.[Long Wu] * 2017: Research of visual tracking based on prior knowledge
Includes: Sun, L.W.[Long Wu] Sun, L.W.[Long-Wu]

Sun, L.X.[Long Xiang] * 1999: Digital Image Compression Using a Genetic Algorithm
* 2009: Novel Method of Binaural Sound Localization Based on Dominant Frequency Separation, A
* 2017: Haze Removal Based on a Fully Automated and Improved Haze Optimized Transformation for Landsat Imagery over Land
* 2020: Method for Monitoring and Forecasting the Heading and Flowering Dates of Winter Wheat Combining Satellite-Derived Green-up Dates and Accumulated Temperature, A
* 2021: Assessing the Effects of Time Interpolation of NDVI Composites on Phenology Trend Estimation
* 2024: Bayesian Source Model for the 2022 Mw6.6 Luding Earthquake, Sichuan Province, China, Constrained by GPS and InSAR Observations, A
Includes: Sun, L.X.[Long Xiang] Sun, L.X.[Long-Xiang] Sun, L.X.[Li-Xin]

Sun, L.Y.[Ling Yu] * 2007: Effective Multi-level Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing for Bisecting Graph, An
* 2009: Novel Method of Binaural Sound Localization Based on Dominant Frequency Separation, A
* 2018: Segmentation-Aware Deep Fusion Network for Compressed Sensing MRI, A
* 2018: Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Topological Line Localization and Temporal Feature Aggregation
* 2019: Deep Information Sharing Network for Multi-Contrast Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction, A
* 2020: Improved SRGAN for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Across Locations and Sensors
* 2021: F³A-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2021: Image Synthesis from Layout with Locality-Aware Mask Adaption
* 2021: Multi-Scale Graph Convolutional Interaction Network for Salient Object Detection
* 2022: Few-Shot Incremental Learning for Label-to-Image Translation
* 2022: Harmonizing Pathological and Normal Pixels for Pseudo-Healthy Synthesis
* 2023: Deep3dsketch+: Rapid 3d Modeling from Single Free-hand Sketches
* 2023: Efficient Emotional Adaptation for Audio-Driven Talking-Head Generation
* 2023: Enabling ISPless Low-Power Computer Vision
* 2023: Live 360 Degree Video Delivery Based on User Collaboration in a Streaming Flock
* 2023: SAM-Adapter: Adapting Segment Anything in Underperformed Scenes
* 2023: Triple-attention interaction network for breast tumor classification based on multi-modality images
* 2023: Werewolf-XL: A Database for Identifying Spontaneous Affect in Large Competitive Group Interactions
* 2024: Automatic Generation of Interactive Nonlinear Video for Online Apparel Shopping Navigation
* 2024: Overall positive prototype for few-shot open-set recognition
* 2024: Reality3DSketch: Rapid 3D Modeling of Objects From Single Freehand Sketches
Includes: Sun, L.Y.[Ling Yu] Sun, L.Y.[Ling-Yu] Sun, L.Y.[Li-Ying] Sun, L.Y.[Li-Yan] Sun, L.Y.[Lei-Yu] Sun, L.Y.[Lu-Yi] Sun, L.Y.[Ling-Yun] Sun, L.Y.[Luo-Yi] Sun, L.Y.[Lin-Yu] Sun, L.Y.[Li-Yang] Sun, L.Y.[Liang-Yun] Sun, L.Y.[Liang-Yu]
21 for Sun, L.Y.

Sun, L.Z. * 2005: Tomography-Based 3-D Anisotropic Elastography Using Boundary Measurements
* 2016: Design a new visual cryptography for human-verifiable authentication in accessing a database
* 2024: Identifying Spatial Determinants of Rice Yields in Main Producing Areas of China Using Geospatial Machine Learning
Includes: Sun, L.Z. Sun, L.Z.[Li-Zhe] Sun, L.Z.[Long-Zhi]

Sun, M. * 1990: Classification of abnormal cortisol patterns by features from Wigner spectra
* 1995: Symmetric wavelet edge detector of the minimum length
* 2000: Expression and Visualization of Cloverleaf Junction in a 3-Dimensional City Model
* 2003: Video input driven animation (VIDA)
* 2007: 3-D Reconstruction from Sparse Views using Monocular Vision
* 2007: Learning 3-D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image
* 2009: Active Lighting for Video Conferencing
* 2009: Compression of Bayer-Pattern Video Sequences Using Adjusted Chroma Subsampling
* 2009: Learning a dense multi-view representation for detection, viewpoint classification and synthesis of object categories
* 2009: Make3D: Learning 3D Scene Structure from a Single Still Image
* 2009: multi-view probabilistic model for 3D object classes, A
* 2009: Unsupervised Object Pose Classification from Short Video Sequences
* 2010: Depth-Encoded Hough Voting for Joint Object Detection and Shape Recovery
* 2010: Object Detection with Geometrical Context Feedback Loop
* 2010: Toward coherent object detection and scene layout understanding
* 2011: Articulated part-based model for joint object detection and pose estimation
* 2011: Image pattern discovery by using the spatial closeness of visual code words
* 2011: novel supervised level set method for non-rigid object tracking, A
* 2011: Toward Automatic 3D Generic Object Modeling from One Single Image
* 2011: Toward coherent object detection and scene layout understanding
* 2012: Conditional regression forests for human pose estimation
* 2012: efficient branch-and-bound algorithm for optimal human pose estimation, An
* 2012: Efficient Joint Source and Sensor Localization in Closed-Form
* 2012: Mobile object detection through client-server based vote transfer
* 2012: Object Detection using Geometrical Context Feedback
* 2012: Relating Things and Stuff by High-Order Potential Modeling
* 2013: Bixplorer: Visual Analytics with Biclusters
* 2013: Efficiency investigation of manifold matching for text document classification
* 2013: Find the Best Path: An Efficient and Accurate Classifier for Image Hierarchies
* 2013: Generalized canonical correlation analysis for disparate data fusion
* 2013: Joint Voltage and Phase Unbalance Detector for Three Phase Power Systems
* 2013: Non-rigid object tracking by adaptive data-driven kernel
* 2013: Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by depth-encoded hough voting
* 2014: Generic Object Detection with Dense Neural Patterns and Regionlets
* 2014: Kernel Sparse Multitask Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Empirical Mode Decomposition and Morphological Wavelet-Based Features
* 2014: Ranking Domain-Specific Highlights by Analyzing Edited Videos
* 2014: Relating Things and Stuff via ObjectProperty Interactions
* 2014: Salient Montages from Unconstrained Videos
* 2015: creation of new traditions: Discussion of relationship between architectural rural practice and local features' inheriting from a heritage conservation perspective, The
* 2015: Cross-trees, edge and superpixel priors-based cost aggregation for stereo matching
* 2015: Depth Coding Based on Depth-Texture Motion and Structure Similarities
* 2015: stable approach for model order selection in nonnegative matrix factorization, A
* 2015: Validity of Five Satellite-Based Latent Heat Flux Algorithms for Semi-arid Ecosystems
* 2016: Anticipating Accidents in Dashcam Videos
* 2016: Audio Postprocessing Detection Based on Amplitude Cooccurrence Vector Feature
* 2016: Benchmark for Automatic Visual Classification of Clinical Skin Disease Images, A
* 2016: Extracting Driving Behavior: Global Metric Localization from Dashcam Videos in the Wild
* 2016: Generic Framework for Using Multi-Dimensional Earth Observation Data in GIS, A
* 2016: Lagrangian Multiplier Adaptation for Rate-Distortion Optimization With Inter-Frame Dependency
* 2016: Multiple Instance Learning Convolutional Neural Networks for object recognition
* 2016: Ranking Highlights in Personal Videos by Analyzing Edited Videos
* 2016: Recognition from Hand Cameras: A Revisit with Deep Learning
* 2016: Robust fast corner detector based on filled circle and outer ring mask
* 2016: Semantic highlight retrieval
* 2016: Title Generation for User Generated Videos
* 2016: Video Captioning via Sentence Augmentation and Spatio-Temporal Attention
* 2016: World Is Changing: Finding Changes on the Street, The
* 2017: Agent-Centric Risk Assessment: Accident Anticipation and Risky Region Localization
* 2017: Anticipating Daily Intention Using On-wrist Motion Triggered Sensing
* 2017: Correction of False Topographic Perception Phenomenon Based on Topographic Correction in Satellite Imagery
* 2017: Deep 360 Pilot: Learning a Deep Agent for Piloting through 360 deg; Sports Videos
* 2017: Effective Denoising and Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Curvelet Transform and Singular Spectrum Analysis
* 2017: Improved Automatic Algorithm for Global Eddy Tracking Using Satellite Altimeter Data, An
* 2017: Mixed Radiometric Normalization Method for Mosaicking of High-Resolution Satellite Imagery, A
* 2017: No More Discrimination: Cross City Adaptation of Road Scene Segmenters
* 2017: Semantic Highlight Retrieval and Term Prediction
* 2017: Show, Adapt and Tell: Adversarial Training of Cross-Domain Image Captioner
* 2017: Simplified Method for UAV Multispectral Images Mosaicking, A
* 2017: Summarizing Unconstrained Videos Using Salient Montages
* 2017: Visual Forecasting by Imitating Dynamics in Natural Sequences
* 2018: Cube Padding for Weakly-Supervised Saliency Prediction in 360° Videos
* 2018: Deep Multi-Modal CNN for Multi-Instance Multi-Label Image Classification, A
* 2018: DPP-Net: Device-Aware Progressive Search for Pareto-Optimal Neural Architectures
* 2018: Efficient Uncertainty Estimation for Semantic Segmentation in Videos
* 2018: Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration in a Semiarid Region Based on GRACE Gravity Satellite Data: A Case Study in Loess Plateau
* 2018: Framework for Surface Light Field Compression, A
* 2018: Hole Filling With Multiple Reference Views in DIBR View Synthesis
* 2018: Leveraging Motion Priors in Videos for Improving Human Segmentation
* 2018: Liquid Pouring Monitoring via Rich Sensory Inputs
* 2018: Measuring Ocean Surface Wind Field Using Shipborne High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
* 2018: Multi-Attention Multi-Class Constraint for Fine-grained Image Recognition
* 2018: New ECOC Algorithm for Multiclass Microarray Data Classification, A
* 2018: Residual Networks of Residual Networks: Multilevel Residual Networks
* 2018: Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Camera Motion from 360° Videos
* 2018: Time Delay and Interface Roughness Estimation Using Modified ESPRIT With Interpolated Spatial Smoothing Technique
* 2018: Time-Delay Estimation Using Ground-Penetrating Radar With a Support Vector Regression-Based Linear Prediction Method
* 2018: Utilizing MapReduce to Improve Probe-Car Track Data Mining
* 2018: Variational Mode Decomposition-Based Heart Rate Estimation Using Wrist-Type Photoplethysmography During Physical Exercise
* 2018: Visual Sentiment Prediction Based on Automatic Discovery of Affective Regions
* 2019: Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Ground-Penetrating Radar: Applications to civil engineering
* 2019: Data-Driven Interpolation of Sea Level Anomalies Using Analog Data Assimilation
* 2019: Detection of People With Camouflage Pattern Via Dense Deconvolution Network
* 2019: DuLa-Net: A Dual-Projection Network for Estimating Room Layouts From a Single RGB Panorama
* 2019: Estimating Forest Canopy Height Using MODIS BRDF Data Emphasizing Typical-Angle Reflectances
* 2019: HorizonNet: Learning Room Layout With 1D Representation and Pano Stretch Data Augmentation
* 2019: Joint Monocular 3D Vehicle Detection and Tracking
* 2019: Non-Rigid Vehicle-Borne LiDAR-Assisted Aerotriangulation
* 2019: Pan-Sharpening Using an Efficient Bidirectional Pyramid Network
* 2019: POD: Practical Object Detection With Scale-Sensitive Network
* 2019: Point-to-Point Video Generation
* 2020: 360-Indoor: Towards Learning Real-World Objects in 360° Indoor Equirectangular Images
* 2020: BiFuse: Monocular 360 Depth Estimation via Bi-Projection Fusion
* 2020: Controllable Image Synthesis via SegVAE
* 2020: Efficient Transfer Learning via Joint Adaptation of Network Architecture and Weight
* 2020: Fast Template Matching and Update for Video Object Tracking and Segmentation
* 2020: Hyperspectral image quality based on convolutional network of multi-scale depth
* 2020: Impact of Enhanced Wave-Induced Mixing on the Ocean Upper Mixed Layer during Typhoon Nepartak in a Regional Model of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
* 2020: Improving One-Shot NAS by Suppressing the Posterior Fading
* 2020: Large-Scale Object Detection in the Wild From Imbalanced Multi-Labels
* 2020: Multiparameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Ocean Bottom Seismic Four-Component Data Based on A Modified Acoustic-Elastic Coupled Equation
* 2020: Powering One-shot Topological NAS with Stabilized Share-parameter Proxy
* 2020: Retrieval of Vertical Foliage Profile and Leaf Area Index Using Transmitted Energy Information Derived from ICESat GLAS Data
* 2020: Visual Question Answering on 360° Images
* 2021: Accurate Cell Segmentation in Digital Pathology Images via Attention Enforced Networks
* 2021: Blockchain and Learning-Based Secure and Intelligent Task Offloading for Vehicular Fog Computing
* 2021: BN-NAS: Neural Architecture Search with Batch Normalization
* 2021: Contextual information enhanced convolutional neural networks for retinal vessel segmentation in color fundus images
* 2021: Elastic Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration Based on a Modified Acoustic-Elastic Coupled Equation for OBS Four-Component Data
* 2021: Evaluation of Assimilation in the MASNUM Wave Model Based on Jason-3 and CFOSAT
* 2021: Evolving Search Space for Neural Architecture Search
* 2021: Extraction and Analysis of Finer Impervious Surface Classes in Urban Area
* 2021: Fingerprint Positioning Method for Dual-Band Wi-Fi Based on Gaussian Process Regression and K-Nearest Neighbor
* 2021: GLiT: Neural Architecture Search for Global and Local Image Transformer
* 2021: HoHoNet: 360 Indoor Holistic Understanding with Latent Horizontal Features
* 2021: Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search
* 2021: Indoor Panorama Planar 3D Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer
* 2021: Influence of Storm Tidal Current Field and Sea Bottom Slope on Coastal Ocean Waves during Typhoon Malakas
* 2021: LED2-Net: Monocular 360° Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering
* 2021: NDNet: Narrow While Deep Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2021: Response of Vegetation Photosynthetic Phenology to Urbanization in Dongting Lake Basin, China
* 2021: Retrieving Forest Canopy Elements Clumping Index Using ICESat GLAS Lidar Data
* 2021: Single-Image HDR Reconstruction with Task-specific Network based on Channel Adaptive RDN
* 2021: Specialize and Fuse: Pyramidal Output Representation for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Time-Delay Estimation by a Modified Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method for Rough Pavement
* 2021: Visible-Thermal Image Object Detection via the Combination of Illumination Conditions and Temperature Information
* 2022: Adaptive preference transfer for personalized IoT entity recommendation
* 2022: AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation
* 2022: AR Geo-Registration Algorithm for UAV TIR Video Streams Based on Dual-Antenna RTK-GPS, An
* 2022: Autoregressive 3D Shape Generation via Canonical Mapping
* 2022: Characteristics Set Computation Model for Internal Wavenumber Spectra and Its Validation with MODIS Retrieved Parameters in the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea, A
* 2022: Curiosity-Driven Salient Object Detection With Fragment Attention
* 2022: Data Efficient 3D Learner via Knowledge Transferred from 2D Model
* 2022: Direct Voxel Grid Optimization: Super-fast Convergence for Radiance Fields Reconstruction
* 2022: Effective full-scale detection for salient object based on condensing-and-filtering network
* 2022: Effectiveness of the Reconstructed MODIS Typical-Angle Reflectances on Forest Biomass Estimation
* 2022: Efficient and Accurate Quantized Image Super-Resolution on Mobile Npus, Mobile Ai & Aim 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Efficient UD Factorization Implementation of Kalman Filter for RTK Based on Equivalent Principle, An
* 2022: emotion index estimation based on facial action unit prediction, An
* 2022: Fine-Grained Scene Graph Generation with Data Transfer
* 2022: Focused Feature Differentiation Network for Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: Hybrid video coding scheme based on VVC and spatio-temporal attention convolution neural network
* 2022: Memory-based Transformer with shorter window and longer horizon for multivariate time series forecasting
* 2022: Mixed Structure with 3D Multi-Shortcut-Link Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: MOST-Net: A Memory Oriented Style Transfer Network for Face Sketch Synthesis
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on High Dynamic Range Imaging: Methods and Results
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Road crack detection network under noise based on feature pyramid structure with feature enhancement (road crack detection under noise)
* 2022: Robust Nonlinear Filter Strategy Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion for Multi-GNSS and Dual-Frequency RTK, A
* 2022: Self-supervised Correlation Mining Network for Person Image Generation
* 2022: Semiconductor Defect Detection by Hybrid Classical-Quantum Deep Learning
* 2022: Spatial-temporal slowfast graph convolutional network for skeleton-based action recognition
* 2022: Time-Delay Estimation by Enhanced Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Method for Thin Asphalt Pavement With Similar Permittivity
* 2023: Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Convolutive Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
* 2023: Bidirectional Alignment for Domain Adaptive Detection with Transformers
* 2023: BiFuse++: Self-Supervised and Efficient Bi-Projection Fusion for 360° Depth Estimation
* 2023: Deep-Learning-Based Annotation Extraction Method for Chinese Scanned Maps
* 2023: Dense Prediction with Attentive Feature Aggregation
* 2023: Direction of Arrival Estimation with Nested Arrays in Presence of Impulsive Noise: A Correlation Entropy-Based Infinite Norm Strategy
* 2023: Diverse 3D Hand Gesture Prediction from Body Dynamics by Bilateral Hand Disentanglement
* 2023: FINNCH: Cooperative Pursuit Navigation for a Pursuer Team to Capture a Single Evader in Urban Environments
* 2023: Glacier Change and Its Influencing Factors in the Northern Part of the Kunlun Mountains
* 2023: Global-Local Tracking Framework Driven by Both Motion and Appearance for Infrared Anti-UAV, A
* 2023: Graph Flow: Cross-Layer Graph Flow Distillation for Dual Efficient Medical Image Segmentation
* 2023: ImGeoNet: Image-induced Geometry-aware Voxel Representation for Multi-view 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Integrated Multi-Factor Coupling Approach for Marine Dynamic Disaster Assessment in China's Coastal Waters, An
* 2023: Monocular Quasi-Dense 3D Object Tracking
* 2023: New Method for the Rapid Determination of Fire Disturbance Events Using GEE and the VCT Algorithm: A Case Study in Southwestern and Northeastern China, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: Quality-aware Pretrained Models for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: Reconstructed Convolution Module Based Look-Up Tables for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Surging Glaciers in High Mountain Asia between 1986 and 2021
* 2023: Tell Your Story: Text-Driven Face Video Synthesis with High Diversity via Adversarial Learning
* 2023: Unpaired Thermal Infrared Image Translation Method Using GMA-CycleGAN, An
* 2023: Zoom-VQA: Patches, Frames and Clips Integration for Video Quality Assessment
* 2024: Egocentric Image Captioning for Privacy-Preserved Passive Dietary Intake Monitoring
* 2024: Nighttime Thermal Infrared Image Translation Integrating Visible Images
* 2024: ReCLIP: Refine Contrastive Language Image Pre-Training with Source Free Domain Adaptation
Includes: Sun, M. Sun, M.[Min] Sun, M.[Meng] Sun, M.[Mingui] Sun, M.[Maoyuan] Sun, M.[Ming] Sun, M.[Miao] Sun, M.[Minmin] Sun, M.[Mei] Sun, M.[Minao] Sun, M.[Muyi] Sun, M.[Meiwei] Sun, M.[Mengdi] Sun, M.[Mai] Sun, M.[Meiyu] Sun, M.[Meijun] Sun, M.[Mengfei] Sun, M.[Mingrui] Sun, M.[Maosong] Sun, M.[Mingsi] Sun, M.[Mengzhu] Sun, M.[Meiping]
190 for Sun, M.

Sun, M.B.[Ming Bo] * 2022: Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction and Algorithm Acceleration of Mars Hyperspectral CRISM Data
Includes: Sun, M.B.[Ming Bo] Sun, M.B.[Ming-Bo]

Sun, M.C. * 1997: Approximate String-Matching Algorithm for Online Chinese Character-Recognition, An
* 2003: Symmetric prefilters for multiwavelets
* 2017: Hierarchical Maritime Target Detection Method for Optical Remote Sensing Imagery, A
* 2020: Robust Algorithm Based on Phase Congruency for Optical and SAR Image Registration in Suburban Areas, A
* 2022: Comparison and Analysis of Stellar Occultation Simulation Results and SABER-Satellite-Measured Data in Near Space
* 2022: Design and Simulation of Stellar Occultation Infrared Band Constellation
* 2022: DO-Conv: Depthwise Over-Parameterized Convolutional Layer
* 2023: Comparative Analysis of Intelligent Optimization Algorithms for Atmospheric Duct Inversion Using Automatic Identification System Signals
* 2023: Sensitivity of Green-Up Dates to Different Temperature Parameters in the Mongolian Plateau Grasslands, The
Includes: Sun, M.C. Sun, M.C.[Ming-Chao] Sun, M.C.[Ming-Chen]
9 for Sun, M.C.

Sun, M.D.[Meng Di] * 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
Includes: Sun, M.D.[Meng Di] Sun, M.D.[Meng-Di]

Sun, M.F.[Ming Fang] * 2012: STPCA: Sparse tensor Principal Component Analysis for feature extraction
* 2022: Triangle Water Index (TWI): An Advanced Approach for More Accurate Detection and Delineation of Water Surfaces in Sentinel-2 Data
Includes: Sun, M.F.[Ming Fang] Sun, M.F.[Ming-Fang] Sun, M.F.[Meng-Fei]

Sun, M.G.[Min Gui] * 2005: Application of MAP-MRF to Change Detection in Image Sequence Based on Mean Field Theory, An
* 2008: Mining Appearance Models Directly From Compressed Video
* 2012: Stereo matching with Global Edge Constraint and Graph Cuts
* 2012: Stereo Matching with Global Edge Constraint and Occlusion Handling
* 2013: Fusion of Infrared and Visible Images Using 2DPCA Bases
* 2014: Cross-Trees for Stereo Matching with Priors
* 2015: Multiview stereo and silhouette fusion via minimizing generalized reprojection error
* 2020: Small Object Augmentation of Urban Scenes for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Sun, M.G.[Min Gui] Sun, M.G.[Min-Gui]
8 for Sun, M.G.

Sun, M.H.[Ming Hao] * 2015: Visual tracking with a structured local model
* 2022: Dual guidance enhanced network for light field salient object detection
* 2022: Theory and Experiment Analysis on the Influence of Floods on a GNSS Pseudo-Range Multipath and CNR Signal Based on Two Cases Study in China
* 2023: Real-Time Water Level Monitoring Based on GNSS Dual-Antenna Attitude Measurement
* 2024: Scattering Field Intensity and Orbital Angular Momentum Spectral Distribution of Vortex Electromagnetic Beams Scattered by Electrically Large Targets Comprising Different Materials
Includes: Sun, M.H.[Ming Hao] Sun, M.H.[Ming-Hao] Sun, M.H.[Ming-Hui] Sun, M.H.[Min-Hong] Sun, M.H.[Ming-Han]

Sun, M.J. * 1998: MPEG-2 Spatial Scalable Coding and Transport Stream Error Concealment for Satellite TV Broadcasting Using KA-Band
* 2006: Memory-Efficiency and High-Speed Architectures for Forward and Inverse DCT with Multiplierless Operation
* 2009: Low-Cost Multi-image Based 3D Human Body Modeling
* 2015: Brushstroke based sparse hybrid convolutional neural networks for author classification of Chinese ink-wash paintings
* 2018: Sparse Representation-Based Augmented Multinomial Logistic Extreme Learning Machine With Weighted Composite Features for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* 2018: Topological charge measurement of concentric OAM states using the phase-shift method
* 2019: SG-FCN: A Motion and Memory-Based Deep Learning Model for Video Saliency Detection
* 2019: Tongue colour and coating prediction in traditional Chinese medicine based on visible hyperspectral imaging
* 2020: Adaptive ROI generation for video object segmentation using reinforcement learning
* 2020: Extract and Merge: Superpixel Segmentation with Regional Attributes
* 2020: Feature Representation Matters: End-to-end Learning for Reference-based Image Super-resolution
* 2021: Can Shape Structure Features Improve Model Robustness under Diverse Adversarial Settings?
* 2021: Discriminative Triad Matching and Reconstruction for Weakly Referring Expression Grounding
* 2021: Iterative Shrinking for Referring Expression Grounding Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2021: Progressive sample mining and representation learning for one-shot person re-identification
* 2022: MLSAN: Mixed-Lattice Self-Attention Network for Chinese Named Entity Recognition
* 2022: Projective Multiple Kernel Subspace Clustering
* 2022: Transformer-Based Language-Person Search With Multiple Region Slicing
* 2023: Cycle-Free Weakly Referring Expression Grounding With Self-Paced Learning
* 2023: Fully and Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Segmentation With End-to-End Learning
* 2023: Plausible Proxy Mining With Credibility for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* 2023: Self-Adaptive Thresholding Approach for Automatic Water Extraction Using Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery Based on OTSU Algorithm and Distance Block, A
* 2023: Single Image Backdoor Inversion via Robust Smoothed Classifiers
* 2023: Starting Point Selection and Multiple-Standard Matching for Video Object Segmentation With Language Annotation
* 2024: Prototype Guided Pseudo Labeling and Perturbation-based Active Learning for domain adaptive semantic segmentation
* 2024: PWDformer: Deformable transformer for long-term series forecasting
Includes: Sun, M.J. Sun, M.J.[Mao-Jen] Sun, M.J.[Mei-Jun] Sun, M.J.[Ming-Jian] Sun, M.J.[Ming-Jie] Sun, M.J.[Meng-Jing] Sun, M.J.[Ming-Jiang]
26 for Sun, M.J.

Sun, M.L.[Mei Ling] * 2022: Comparison of Five Models for Estimating the Water Retention Service of a Typical Alpine Wetland Region in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* 2022: Iterative brain tumor retrieval for MR images based on user's intention model
* 2023: Construction and Optimisation of Ecological Networks in High-Density Central Urban Areas: The Case of Fuzhou City, China
Includes: Sun, M.L.[Mei Ling] Sun, M.L.[Mei-Ling] Sun, M.L.[Meng-Li] Sun, M.L.[Meng-Lian]

Sun, M.M. * 2006: Topology Description for Data Distributions Using a Topology Graph With Divide-and-Combine Learning Strategy
* 2008: Curvature diffusion evolution in image filtering
* 2022: Feature Decomposition-Optimization-Reorganization Network for Building Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Grassland Conservation Effectiveness of National Nature Reserves in Northern China
* 2022: Quantitatively Assessing the Impact of Driving Factors on Vegetation Cover Change in China's 32 Major Cities
* 2022: S2-MLP: Spatial-Shift MLP Architecture for Vision
* 2023: Dynamic Re-weighting for Long-tailed Semi-supervised Learning
* 2023: Outlier Denoising Using a Novel Statistics-Based Mask Strategy for Compressive Sensing
* 2023: Reconstruction of a Monthly 1 km NDVI Time Series Product in China Using Random Forest Methodology
* 2023: S3IM: Stochastic Structural SIMilarity and Its Unreasonable Effectiveness for Neural Fields
Includes: Sun, M.M. Sun, M.M.[Ming-Ming] Sun, M.M.[Miao-Miao] Sun, M.M.[Meng-Meng]
10 for Sun, M.M.

Sun, M.P.[Mao Peng] * 2024: Exploring the Relationship between Urban Vibrancy and Built Environment Using Multi-Source Data: Case Study in Munich
Includes: Sun, M.P.[Mao Peng] Sun, M.P.[Mao-Peng]

Sun, M.Q.[Meng Qi] * 2021: Detecting and Analyzing Urban Centers Based on the Localized Contour Tree Method Using Taxi Trajectory Data: A Case Study of Shanghai
* 2021: Exploring the Influence of E-Hailing Applications on the Taxi Industry: From the Perspective of the Drivers
* 2023: SFTN: Fast object detection for aerial images
Includes: Sun, M.Q.[Meng Qi] Sun, M.Q.[Meng-Qi] Sun, M.Q.[Ming-Qian]

Sun, M.R.[Meng Ru] * 2022: Multichannel Adaptive Detection Based on Gradient Test and Durbin Test in Deterministic Interference and Structure Nonhomogeneity
Includes: Sun, M.R.[Meng Ru] Sun, M.R.[Meng-Ru]

Sun, M.S.[Mao Song] * 2006: Semi-supervised Learning for Image Annotation Based on Conditional Random Fields
* 2020: Adversarial T-shirt! Evading Person Detectors in a Physical World
* 2021: RMSMP: A Novel Deep Neural Network Quantization Framework with Row-wise Mixed Schemes and Multiple Precisions
* 2021: Visual Distant Supervision for Scene Graph Generation
* 2022: SPViT: Enabling Faster Vision Transformers via Latency-Aware Soft Token Pruning
Includes: Sun, M.S.[Mao Song] Sun, M.S.[Mao-Song] Sun, M.S.[Meng-Shu]

Sun, M.T. * 1991: entropy coding system for digital HDTV applications, An
* 1992: all-ASIC implementation of a low bit-rate video codec, An
* 1992: Design and hardware architecture of high-order conditional entropy coding for images
* 1994: Video bridging based on H.261 standard
* 1997: Coded Domain Video Combiner for Multipoint Continuous Presence Video Conferencing, A
* 1997: Video Browsing for Course-on-Demand in Distance Learning
* 1998: Adaptive motion vector refinement for high performance transcoding
* 1998: Approximation of Calculations for Forward Discrete Cosine Transform
* 1998: Motion Estimation for High-Performance Transcoding
* 1998: Special Issue on Representation and Coding of Images and Video I
* 1998: Special Issue on Segmentation, Description, and Retrieval of Video Content: Guest Editorial
* 1999: Modeling DCT Coefficients for Fast Video Encoding
* 1999: Semantic Video Object Extraction Based on Backward Tracking of Multivalued Watershed
* 1999: Special Issue on Representation and Coding of Images and Video II
* 2000: Generating Video Objects by Multiple-view Extensive Partition Lattice Operators
* 2000: Region-Based Video Coding Using a Geometric Motion Compensation
* 2000: Video Transcoding with H.263 Bit-Streams
* 2001: Encoding DCT Coefficients Based on Rate-Distortion Measurement
* 2001: Encoding stored video for streaming applications
* 2001: Extensive partition operators, gray-level connected operators, and region merging/classification segmentation algorithms: theoretical links
* 2001: MPEG video streaming with VCR functionality
* 2001: Multiview extensive partition operators for semantic video object extraction
* 2001: rate-control scheme for video transport over wireless channels, A
* 2001: Semantic video object extraction using four-band watershed and partition lattice operators
* 2002: HDTV-to-SDTV spatial transcoder, An
* 2002: Object localization in metric spaces for video linking
* 2002: Probabilistic home video structuring: Feature selection and performance evaluation
* 2002: Standard-Compliant Virtual Meeting System with Active Video Object Tracking, A
* 2002: Wireless video transport using conditional retransmission and low-delay interleaving
* 2003: Dynamic region of interest transcoding for multipoint video conferencing
* 2003: Finding structure in home videos by probabilistic hierarchical clustering
* 2004: Assessing Scene Structuring in Consumer Videos
* 2004: Cross-Modality Automatic Face Model Training from Large Video Databases
* 2004: Fast macroblock inter mode decision and motion estimation for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* 2005: Digital Video Transcoding
* 2005: Fast variable-size block motion estimation for efficient H.264/AVC encoding
* 2005: Global motion estimation from coarsely sampled motion vector field and the applications
* 2005: Special Issue on Advances in Video Coding and Delivery
* 2006: Efficient Rate-Distortion Estimation for H.264/AVC Coders
* 2006: Fast motion estimation and Inter-mode decision for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding
* 2006: Fast multiple reference frame motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* 2006: FGS enhancement layer truncation with reduced intra-frame quality variation
* 2007: Rate-Distortion Modeling for Efficient H.264/AVC Encoding
* 2008: Activity Recognition Using a Combination of Category Components and Local Models for Video Surveillance
* 2008: Special Issue on Video Surveillance
* 2009: H.264 Deblocking Speedup
* 2010: Computation Control Motion Estimation Method for Complexity-Scalable Video Coding, A
* 2010: Edge-Directed Error Concealment
* 2010: Group Event Detection With a Varying Number of Group Members for Video Surveillance
* 2010: Rate-Distortion Cost Estimation for H.264/AVC
* 2010: Unsupervised Action Classification Using Space-Time Link Analysis
* 2011: Algorithm for Power Line Detection and Warning Based on a Millimeter-Wave Radar Video, An
* 2011: Automatic video activity detection using compressed domain motion trajectories for H.264 videos
* 2011: effecive night video enhancement algorithm, An
* 2011: Fast Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding, A
* 2011: Heat-mapping: A robust approach toward perceptually consistent mesh segmentation
* 2011: Introduction to the ICME2010 Special Issue
* 2011: partial sequenced route query with traveling rules in road networks, The
* 2011: Performance analysis, parameter selection and extensions to H.264/AVC FRExt for high resolution video coding
* 2011: rate-control algorithm using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC for low-delay applications, A
* 2011: Rate-distortion optimized rate-allocation for motion-compensated predictive video codecs using PixelRank
* 2011: Reduced-complexity search for video coding geometry partitions using texture and depth data
* 2011: region-based rate-control scheme using inter-layer information for H.264/SVC, A
* 2011: Robust Detection of Abandoned and Removed Objects in Complex Surveillance Videos
* 2011: sLLE: Spherical locally linear embedding with applications to tomography
* 2011: Temperature distribution descriptor for robust 3D shape retrieval
* 2012: Automatic object segmentation with 3-D cameras
* 2012: Center-Shift: An approach towards automatic robust mesh segmentation (ARMS)
* 2012: Mode-Dependent Templates and Scan Order for H.264/AVC-Based Intra Lossless Coding
* 2012: Region-Based Rate Control for H.264/AVC for Low Bit-Rate Applications
* 2013: Boosting object detection performance in crowded surveillance videos
* 2013: Complexity Reduction and Performance Improvement for Geometry Partitioning in Video Coding
* 2014: Appearance-Based Object Detection Under Varying Environmental Conditions
* 2014: Automatic objects segmentation with RGB-D cameras
* 2014: Edge-Guided Single Depth Image Super Resolution
* 2014: Real-Time Gaze Estimation with Online Calibration
* 2014: Recognizing object manipulation activities using depth and visual cues
* 2015: Adaptive intra-refresh for low-delay error-resilient video coding
* 2015: Anomaly detection by using random projection forest
* 2015: Efficient 24/7 object detection in surveillance videos
* 2015: Fine registration of 3D point clouds fusing structural and photometric information using an RGB-D camera
* 2015: Hybrid angular intra/template matching prediction for HEVC intra coding
* 2015: Joint Super Resolution and Denoising From a Single Depth Image
* 2016: Edge-Guided Single Depth Image Super Resolution
* 2016: Improving Intra Prediction in High-Efficiency Video Coding
* 2016: Learning Compact Binary Descriptors with Unsupervised Deep Neural Networks
* 2016: Semantic Instance Annotation of Street Scenes by 3D to 2D Label Transfer
* 2017: Data-Driven Point Cloud Simplification Framework for City-Scale Image-Based Localization, A
* 2017: Exploiting location-aware social networks for efficient spatial query processing
* 2017: Fast Intra-Mode and CU Size Decision for HEVC
* 2017: Object Boundary Based Denoising for Depth Images
* 2017: Signal Dependent Transform Based on SVD for HEVC Intracoding
* 2018: Deep Kalman Filtering Network for Video Compression Artifact Reduction
* 2019: overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria optimal location queries, An
* 2019: Unsupervised Deep Learning of Compact Binary Descriptors
* 2020: In-loop perceptual model-based rate-distortion optimization for HEVC real-time encoder
* 2021: Cross-Domain Complementary Learning Using Pose for Multi-Person Part Segmentation
* 2021: Learning Nonparametric Human Mesh Reconstruction from A Single Image Without Ground Truth Meshes
* 2022: SRT: A Spectral Reconstruction Network for GF-1 PMS Data Based on Transformer and ResNet
Includes: Sun, M.T. Sun, M.T.[Ming-Ting] Sun, M.T.[Meng-Tian] Sun, M.T.[Min-Te] Sun, M.T.[Meng-Ting]
99 for Sun, M.T.

Sun, M.W.[Ming Wei] * 2013: Automatic Registration Method for Fusion of ZY-1-02C Satellite Images
* 2014: Automatic Seamline Network Generation for Urban Orthophoto Mosaicking with the Use of a Digital Surface Model
* 2016: Point Cloud Filtering Approach to Generating DTMs for Steep Mountainous Areas and Adjacent Residential Areas, A
* 2016: SGM-based seamline determination for urban orthophoto mosaicking
* 2017: auto-adapting global-to-local color balancing method for optical imagery mosaic, An
* 2020: Band-Independent Encoder-Decoder Network for Pan-Sharpening of Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: DeepLM: Large-scale Nonlinear Least Squares on Deep Learning Frameworks using Stochastic Domain Decomposition
* 2021: PrimitiveNet: Primitive Instance Segmentation with Local Primitive Embedding under Adversarial Metric
* 2022: Adaptive Kernel Kalman Filter Based Belief Propagation Algorithm for Maneuvering Multi-Target Tracking
* 2023: Guided Local Feature Matching with Transformer
Includes: Sun, M.W.[Ming Wei] Sun, M.W.[Ming-Wei] Sun, M.W.[Meng-Wei]
10 for Sun, M.W.

Sun, M.X.[Ming Xuan] * 2005: Geometric and Photometric Restoration of Distorted Documents
* 2006: Robust and Accurate Visual Echo Cancelation in a Full-duplex Projector-Camera System
* 2007: Restoring 2D Content from Distorted Documents
* 2009: Color matching and illumination estimation for urban scenes
* 2012: Adaptive iterative learning control for SISO discrete time-varying systems
* 2012: Discrete-time repetitive control with ideal error dynamics
* 2018: Deep Multi-Modal CNN for Multi-Instance Multi-Label Image Classification, A
* 2019: novel ECOC algorithm for multiclass microarray data classification based on data complexity analysis, A
* 2021: Weakly Supervised Group Mask Network for Object Detection
* 2022: Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Rescue Requests from Social Media, A
* 2023: Answering knowledge-based visual questions via the exploration of Question Purpose
* 2023: Attribute-Guided Multiple Instance Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Zero-Shot Hashing
* 2023: Feature Elimination through Data Complexity for Error-Correcting Output Codes based micro-expression recognition
* 2024: FMSA-SC: A Fine-Grained Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Dataset Based on Stock Comment Videos
* 2024: Point cloud semantic segmentation based on local feature fusion and multilayer attention network
Includes: Sun, M.X.[Ming Xuan] Sun, M.X.[Ming-Xuan] Sun, M.X.[Meng-Xin] Sun, M.X.[Meng-Xuan]
15 for Sun, M.X.

Sun, M.Y.[Mao Yin] * 2009: Multi-rank Method: Achieving Projection Transformation with Adjustable Accuracy and Speed
* 2014: Fusion side information based on feature and motion extraction for distributed multiview video coding
* 2019: 3d Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory Network for Spatiotemporal Modeling of fMRI Data
* 2019: Sparse approximation to discriminant projection learning and application to image classification
* 2020: High-resolution 3D imaging of microvascular architecture in human glioma tissues using X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography as a potential adjunct to histopathology
* 2021: Construction and Application of a Knowledge Graph
* 2021: Training a Seismogram Discriminator Based on ResNet
* 2022: Dual-Branch Dynamic Graph Convolution Based Adaptive TransFormer Feature Fusion Network for EEG Emotion Recognition, A
* 2022: Road infrared target detection with I-YOLO
* 2022: Simple and Robust Correlation Filtering Method for Text-Based Person Search, A
* 2023: Co-speech Gesture Synthesis by Reinforcement Learning with Contrastive Pretrained Rewards
* 2023: Proposal-Free One-Stage Framework for Referring Expression Comprehension and Generation via Dense Cross-Attention, A
* 2023: Rethinking and Improving Feature Pyramids for One-Stage Referring Expression Comprehension
* 2023: S3C: Semi-Supervised VQA Natural Language Explanation via Self-Critical Learning
* 2024: multi-emission-driven efficient network design for green hub-and-spoke airline networks, A
* 2024: multi-emission-driven efficient network design for green hub-and-spoke airline networks, A
Includes: Sun, M.Y.[Mao Yin] Sun, M.Y.[Mao-Yin] Sun, M.Y.[Meng-Yao] Sun, M.Y.[Meng-Yang] Sun, M.Y.[Man-Yu] Sun, M.Y.[Meng-Yu] Sun, M.Y.[Mei-Ying] Sun, M.Y.[Ming-Yi] Sun, M.Y.[Ming-Yuan] Sun, M.Y.[Ming-Yang] Sun, M.Y.[Meng-Yuan]
16 for Sun, M.Y.

Sun, M.Z.[Ming Zhu] * 2017: Design and Implementation of the Three-Dimensional Observation System for Adult Zebrafish
* 2022: Prediction of Vertical Profile of NO2 Using Deep Multimodal Fusion Network Based on the Ground-Based 3-D Remote Sensing
* 2023: Anatomical Invariance Modeling and Semantic Alignment for Self-supervised Learning in 3D Medical Image Analysis
* 2023: Deep Learning Approach to Increase the Value of Satellite Data for PM2.5 Monitoring in China, A
* 2023: Deformation Detection of Mining Tunnel Based on Automatic Target Recognition
* 2023: MOSO: Decomposing MOtion, Scene and Object for Video Prediction
* 2023: Neural Intrinsic Embedding for Non-Rigid Point Cloud Matching
* 2023: Spatially and Spectrally Consistent Deep Functional Maps
* 2023: Study on the Variations in Water Storage in Lake Qinghai Based on Multi-Source Satellite Data
* 2024: Edge-Guided Contrastive Adaptation Network for Arteriovenous Nicking Classification Using Synthetic Data
* 2024: Reparameterizing and dynamically quantizing image features for image generation
Includes: Sun, M.Z.[Ming Zhu] Sun, M.Z.[Ming-Zhu] Sun, M.Z.[Ming-Zhai] Sun, M.Z.[Ming-Ze] Sun, M.Z.[Ming-Zhen] Sun, M.Z.[Ming-Zhi]
11 for Sun, M.Z.

Sun, N. * 1993: Recognition of Handwritten Characters Using Pattern Transformation Method with Cosine Function
* 2005: Imaging the Cardiovascular Pulse
* 2007: 2DCCA: A Novel Method for Small Sample Size Face Recognition
* 2007: Interacting with human physiology
* 2010: HDR image construction from multi-exposed stereo LDR images
* 2012: Theoretical analysis for moiré effect of circular gratings for volume optical computerized tomography
* 2015: Colour compressed sensing imaging via sparse difference and fractal minimisation recovery
* 2017: Practical Visual Positioning Method for Industrial Overhead Crane Systems, A
* 2017: Vehicle sparse recognition via class dictionary learning
* 2017: Visual Servoing of Wheeled Mobile Robots Under Dynamic Environment
* 2018: Developing Vicarious Calibration for Microwave Sounding Instruments Using Lunar Radiation
* 2019: Deep spatial-temporal feature fusion for facial expression recognition in static images
* 2019: Fusing Object Semantics and Deep Appearance Features for Scene Recognition
* 2019: Generalized compressed sensing with QR-based vision matrix learning for face recognition under natural scenes
* 2019: Heterogeneous multimedia cooperative annotation based on multimodal correlation learning
* 2019: Spatio-Temporal Variations of Carbon Use Efficiency in Natural Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Relationship with Climatic Factors in the Songnen Plain, China
* 2020: NOAA Operational Microwave Sounding Radiometer Data Quality Monitoring and Anomaly Assessment Using COSMIC GNSS Radio-Occultation Soundings
* 2020: Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations, The
* 2020: Visual privacy-preserving level evaluation for multilayer compressed sensing model using contrast and salient structural features
* 2021: Adaptive Subtraction Based on U-Net for Removing Seismic Multiples
* 2021: Multi-stream slowFast graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition
* 2021: New 32-Day Average-Difference Method for Calculating Inter-Sensor Calibration Radiometric Biases between SNPP and NOAA-20 Instruments within ICVS Framework, A
* 2021: Privacy-Preserving In-Home Fall Detection Using Visual Shielding Sensing and Private Information-Embedding
* 2022: Deep Learning-Powered Bessel-Beam Multiparametric Photoacoustic Microscopy
* 2022: Evaluation of Spatiotemporal Resilience and Resistance of Global Vegetation Responses to Climate Change
* 2022: Grassland Conservation Effectiveness of National Nature Reserves in Northern China
* 2022: Hybrid Deep Learning Algorithm for the License Plate Detection and Recognition in Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications, A
* 2022: Identification and Mapping of High Nature Value Farmland in the Yellow River Delta Using Landsat-8 Multispectral Data
* 2022: In Situ Measuring Stem Diameters of Maize Crops with a High-Throughput Phenotyping Robot
* 2022: Intrinsic Calibration of Multi-Beam LiDARs for Agricultural Robots
* 2022: New Reprocessing towards Life-Time Quality-Consistent Suomi NPP OMPS Nadir Sensor Data Records (SDR): Calibration Improvements and Impact Assessments on Long-Term Quality Stability of OMPS SDR Data Sets
* 2022: Privacy-Preserving Video Fall Detection via Chaotic Compressed Sensing and GAN-Based Feature Enhancement
* 2022: Quantitatively Assessing the Impact of Driving Factors on Vegetation Cover Change in China's 32 Major Cities
* 2022: Recovery of Blood Flow From Undersampled Photoacoustic Microscopy Data Using Sparse Modeling
* 2022: Reprocessing of Suomi NPP CrIS Sensor Data Records to Improve the Radiometric and Spectral Long-Term Accuracy and Stability
* 2022: Road Network Extraction from SAR Images with the Support of Angular Texture Signature and POIs
* 2023: 3D-UNet-LSTM: A Deep Learning-Based Radar Echo Extrapolation Model for Convective Nowcasting
* 2023: GRACE Data Quantify Water Storage Changes in the Shiyang River Basin, an Inland River in the Arid Zone
* 2023: Integrated Quantitative Evaluation Method of SAR Filters
* 2023: Optimal Collaborative Motion Planning of Dual Boom Cranes for Transporting Payloads to Desired Positions and Attitudes
* 2023: Unsupervised Cross-View Facial Expression Image Generation and Recognition
* 2023: V2X-Seq: A Large-Scale Sequential Dataset for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Perception and Forecasting
* 2023: Visual video evaluation association modeling based on chaotic pseudo-random multi-layer compressed sensing for visual privacy-protected keyframe extraction
* 2024: Effects of Solar Intrusion on the Calibration of the Metop-C Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A2 Channels
* 2024: Semantic Segmentation and Roof Reconstruction of Urban Buildings Based on LiDAR Point Clouds
Includes: Sun, N. Sun, N.[Nanfei] Sun, N.[Ning] Sun, N.[Nan] Sun, N.[Ninghai] Sun, N.[Ningna] Sun, N.[Naidi] Sun, N.[Na] Sun, N.[Nengli] Sun, N.[Niu]
45 for Sun, N.

Sun, N.H.[Ning Hai] * 2019: Deep Learning Trained Clear-Sky Mask Algorithm for VIIRS Radiometric Bias Assessment, A
Includes: Sun, N.H.[Ning Hai] Sun, N.H.[Ning-Hai]

Sun, N.L.[Nong Liang] * 2009: Locating the Ultrasonic Echo Head Wave of Bottom Sediment in Drilling Hole Based on Local SNR
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Prediction of Monthly Sea Subsurface Temperature Fields Using a 3D U-Net-Based Model
* 2022: Three-Dimensional Gridded Radar Echo Extrapolation for Convective Storm Nowcasting Based on 3D-ConvLSTM Model
Includes: Sun, N.L.[Nong Liang] Sun, N.L.[Nong-Liang] Sun, N.L.[Neng-Li]

Sun, N.N.[Nan Nan] * 2019: Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection in CT Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Includes: Sun, N.N.[Nan Nan] Sun, N.N.[Nan-Nan]

Sun, N.Y.[Ning Yuan] * 2023: Research on train braking model by improved Polach model considering wheel-rail adhesion characteristics
Includes: Sun, N.Y.[Ning Yuan] Sun, N.Y.[Ning-Yuan]

Sun, O.[Oibin] * 2004: RST resilient object-based video watermarking scheme, A

Sun, P.[Pei] * 2006: Perception Based Lighting Balance for Face Detection
* 2010: Symmetric image recognition by Tchebichef moment invariants
* 2015: Iterative Receiver Design for ISI Channels Using Combined Belief- and Expectation-Propagation
* 2016: BP-MF-EP Based Iterative Receiver for Joint Phase Noise Estimation, Equalization, and Decoding, A
* 2016: Low-Rank and Sparsity Analysis Applied to Speech Enhancement Via Online Estimated Dictionary
* 2016: Turbo Equalization Using Partial Gaussian Approximation
* 2017: Cooperative Precoding for Wireless Energy Transfer and Secure Cognitive Radio Coexistence Systems
* 2018: Discriminate Cross-modal Quantization for Efficient Retrieval
* 2018: Learning Deep Embeddings via Margin-Based Discriminate Loss
* 2018: Tagging Like Humans: Diverse and Distinct Image Annotation
* 2019: Retrieval System of Medicine Molecules Based on Graph Similarity, A
* 2020: Adaptive Saliency Biased Loss for Object Detection in Aerial Images
* 2020: Celeb-DF: A Large-Scale Challenging Dataset for DeepFake Forensics
* 2020: Compressed Video Action Recognition Using Motion Vector Representation
* 2020: End-to-End Active Object Tracking and Its Real-World Deployment via Reinforcement Learning
* 2020: Graph-Guided Architecture Search for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Measuring the Utilization of Public Open Spaces by Deep Learning: A Benchmark Study at the Detroit Riverfront
* 2020: Multi-Organ Nucleus Segmentation Challenge, A
* 2020: PolarMask: Single Shot Instance Segmentation With Polar Representation
* 2020: R4 Det: Refined single-stage detector with feature recursion and refinement for rotating object detection in aerial images
* 2020: Scalability in Perception for Autonomous Driving: Waymo Open Dataset
* 2020: Similarity-Aware and Variational Deep Adversarial Learning for Robust Facial Age Estimation
* 2020: SurfelGAN: Synthesizing Realistic Sensor Data for Autonomous Driving
* 2021: AD-VAT+: An Asymmetric Dueling Mechanism for Learning and Understanding Visual Active Tracking
* 2021: ADT-Det: Adaptive Dynamic Refined Single-Stage Transformer Detector for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Satellite Optical Imagery
* 2021: Anytime Recognition with Routing Convolutional Networks
* 2021: Deep RGB-D Saliency Detection with Depth-Sensitive Attention and Automatic Multi-Modal Fusion
* 2021: DetCo: Unsupervised Contrastive Learning for Object Detection
* 2021: Domain-Invariant Disentangled Network for Generalizable Object Detection
* 2021: High-Accuracy Detection of Maize Leaf Diseases CNN Based on Multi-Pathway Activation Function Module
* 2021: Large Scale Interactive Motion Forecasting for Autonomous Driving: The Waymo Open Motion Dataset
* 2021: Multi-Task Collaboration Deep Learning Framework for Infrared Precipitation Estimation
* 2021: Novel VANET-Assisted Traffic Control for Supporting Vehicular Cloud Computing, A
* 2021: Offboard 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud Sequences
* 2021: Real-Time Semantic Segmentation via Auto Depth, Downsampling Joint Decision and Feature Aggregation
* 2021: Retrieving Precipitable Water Vapor from Real-Time Precise Point Positioning Using VMF1/VMF3 Forecasting Products
* 2021: RSN: Range Sparse Net for Efficient, Accurate LiDAR 3D Object Detection
* 2021: To the Point: Efficient 3D Object Detection in the Range Image with Graph Convolution Kernels
* 2021: TransRPN: Towards the Transferable Adversarial Perturbations using Region Proposal Networks and Beyond
* 2021: Using Geotagged Social Media Data to Explore Sentiment Changes in Tourist Flow: A Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework
* 2021: Validation of COSMIC-2-Derived Ionospheric Peak Parameters Using Measurements of Ionosondes
* 2021: Watch Only Once: An End-to-End Video Action Detection Framework
* 2022: ByteTrack: Multi-object Tracking by Associating Every Detection Box
* 2022: Characteristics and Evaluation of Future Droughts across China through the CMIP6 Multi-Model Ensemble, The
* 2022: DanceTrack: Multi-Object Tracking in Uniform Appearance and Diverse Motion
* 2022: Development of a New Vertical Water Vapor Model for GNSS Water Vapor Tomography
* 2022: Diurnal Variations in Different Precipitation Duration Events over the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
* 2022: Event-Based Fusion for Motion Deblurring with Cross-modal Attention
* 2022: Faketracer: Exposing Deepfakes with Training Data Contamination
* 2022: LandmarkGAN: Synthesizing faces from landmarks
* 2022: Language as Queries for Referring Video Object Segmentation
* 2022: Learnable Depth-Sensitive Attention for Deep RGB-D Saliency Detection with Multi-modal Fusion Architecture Search
* 2022: LidarNAS: Unifying and Searching Neural Architectures for 3D Point Clouds
* 2022: Multi-Source Aggregation Transformer for Concealed Object Detection in Millimeter-Wave Images
* 2022: Snow Cover in the Three Stable Snow Cover Areas of China and Spatio-Temporal Patterns of the Future
* 2022: SWFormer: Sparse Window Transformer for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds
* 2022: Towards Grand Unification of Object Tracking
* 2022: TrajGen: Generating Realistic and Diverse Trajectories With Reactive and Feasible Agent Behaviors for Autonomous Driving
* 2022: Wireless Image Transmission Using Deep Source Channel Coding With Attention Modules
* 2023: Camera-independent color constancy by scene semantics
* 2023: DiffusionDet: Diffusion Model for Object Detection
* 2023: Event-Based Frame Interpolation with Ad-hoc Deblurring
* 2023: Going Denser with Open-Vocabulary Part Segmentation
* 2023: Influence of Ocean Processes on Fine-Scale Changes in the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass Boundary Area Structure Based on Acoustic Observations, The
* 2023: Joint Design of Transmitting Waveform and Receiving Filter via Novel Riemannian Idea for DFRC System
* 2023: LPGAN: A LBP-Based Proportional Input Generative Adversarial Network for Image Fusion
* 2023: Privacy-preserving Adversarial Facial Features
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Domain Awareness for Multi-Agent Collaborative Perception
* 2023: Towards Transferable Targeted Adversarial Examples
* 2024: AdvST: Generating Unrestricted Adversarial Images via Style Transfer
* 2024: Generalized Video Anomaly Event Detection: Systematic Taxonomy and Comparison of Deep Models
* 2024: Suaeda salsa spectral index for Suaeda salsa mapping and fractional cover estimation in intertidal wetlands
Includes: Sun, P.[Pei] Sun, P.[Peng] Sun, P. Sun, P.[Peize] Sun, P.[Pengshuo] Sun, P.[Pu] Sun, P.[Ping] Sun, P.[Peiyu]
72 for Sun, P.

Sun, P.C.[Peng Cheng] * 2020: Parameter Optimization for Uncertainty Reduction and Simulation Improvement of Hydrological Modeling
* 2022: GRACE Data Explore Moho Change Characteristics Beneath the South America Continent near the Chile Triple Junction
* 2023: Quantifying the Effects of Climate Change and Revegetation on Erosion-Induced Lateral Soil Organic Carbon Loss on the Chinese Loess Plateau
Includes: Sun, P.C.[Peng Cheng] Sun, P.C.[Peng-Cheng] Sun, P.C.[Peng-Chao]

Sun, P.F.[Peng Fei] * 2019: Analysis of active faults based on natural earthquakes in Central north China
* 2020: Eco-driving control for hybrid electric trams on a signalised route
* 2020: Two-step method to reduce metro transit energy consumption by optimising speed profile and timetable
* 2021: Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for High-Speed Train: A Multi-Agent Approach
* 2021: Improved A-Star Algorithm for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Planning Using Terrain Data Map
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: Cooperative Package Assignment for Heterogeneous Express Stations
* 2022: Energy-efficient control of a train considering multi-trains power flow
* 2022: Energy-efficient train control considering the traction system efficiency
* 2022: GLMNet: Graph learning-matching convolutional networks for feature matching
* 2022: Optimal running time supplement for the energy-efficient train control considering the section running time constraint
* 2023: Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for high-speed train using multi-body dynamics model
* 2023: Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control for High-Speed Trains Based on Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control
* 2023: energy-efficient train control approach with dynamic efficiency of the traction system, An
* 2023: Joint optimization combining the capacity of subway on-board energy storage device and timetable
* 2024: Two-objective train operation optimization based on eco-driving and timetabling
Includes: Sun, P.F.[Peng Fei] Sun, P.F.[Peng-Fei]
16 for Sun, P.F.

Sun, P.G.[Peng Gang] * 2017: Nonnegative matrix factorization algorithms for link prediction in temporal networks using graph communicability
* 2021: Community-based k-shell decomposition for identifying influential spreaders
Includes: Sun, P.G.[Peng Gang] Sun, P.G.[Peng-Gang]

Sun, P.J.[Pei Jun] * 2017: Impact of Mapping Error on the Performance of Upscaling Agricultural Maps, The
* 2018: Using a Similarity Matrix Approach to Evaluate the Accuracy of Rescaled Maps
* 2022: Rapid Glacier Shrinkage in the Gongga Mountains in the Last 27 Years
* 2024: Spatiotemporally Mapping Non-Grain Production of Winter Wheat Using a Developed Auto-Generating Sample Algorithm on Google Earth Engine
Includes: Sun, P.J.[Pei Jun] Sun, P.J.[Pei-Jun]

Sun, P.L.[Pei Li] * 2002: fast, non-iterative and exact histogram matching algorithm, A
* 2003: Accurate 3D image colour histogram transformation
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
Includes: Sun, P.L.[Pei Li] Sun, P.L.[Pei-Li] Sun, P.L.[Peng-Liang]

Sun, P.P.[Pei Pei] * 2019: Hyperspectral Image Restoration Based on Low-Rank Recovery With a Local Neighborhood Weighted Spectral-Spatial Total Variation Model
* 2022: Landslide Risk Assessment Using a Combined Approach Based on InSAR and Random Forest
* 2022: Railway Lidar Point Cloud Reconstruction Based on Target Detection and Trajectory Filtering, A
Includes: Sun, P.P.[Pei Pei] Sun, P.P.[Pei-Pei] Sun, P.P.[Ping-Ping] Sun, P.P.[Pan-Pan]

Sun, P.Q.[Pei Qin] * 2022: Synergistic Self-supervised and Quantization Learning
* 2023: Three Guidelines You Should Know for Universally Slimmable Self-Supervised Learning
Includes: Sun, P.Q.[Pei Qin] Sun, P.Q.[Pei-Qin]

Sun, P.Z.[Pei Ze] * 2021: Sparse R-CNN: End-to-End Object Detection with Learnable Proposals
* 2023: HRS-Bench: Holistic, Reliable and Scalable Benchmark for Text-to-Image Models
* 2023: Sparse R-CNN: An End-to-End Framework for Object Detection
* 2024: Rethinking Visibility in Human Pose Estimation: Occluded Pose Reasoning via Transformers
Includes: Sun, P.Z.[Pei Ze] Sun, P.Z.[Pei-Ze] Sun, P.Z.[Peng-Zhan]

Sun, P.Z.H.[Poly Z. H.] * 2022: Emission Monitoring Dispatching of Drones Under Vessel Speed Fluctuation
* 2022: Inferring Cognitive State of Pilot's Brain Under Different Maneuvers During Flight
* 2022: Normal Assisted Pixel-Visibility Learning With Cost Aggregation for Multiview Stereo
* 2023: AGV-Based Vehicle Transportation in Automated Container Terminals: A Survey
* 2023: Human-Factors-in-Driving-Loop: Driver Identification and Verification via a Deep Learning Approach using Psychological Behavioral Data
* 2023: Preliminary Exploration for Long-Distance Non-Standardized Delivery
* 2023: Vessel Monitoring in Emission Control Areas: A Preliminary Exploration of Rental-Based Operations
Includes: Sun, P.Z.H.[Poly Z. H.] Sun, P.Z.H.[Poly Z.H.]
7 for Sun, P.Z.H.

Sun, Q. * 2006: Secure and Robust Authentication Scheme for Video Transcoding, A
* 2007: Robust Image Watermarking Based on Multiband Wavelets and Empirical Mode Decomposition
* 2008: Robust Lossless Image Data Hiding Designed for Semi-Fragile Image Authentication
* 2011: Multi-Temporal InSAR Data Fusion for Investigating Mining Subsidence
* 2011: Robust Estimating Three-Dimensional Ground Motions from Fusion of InSAR and GPS Measurements
* 2013: Application of Data Fusion in the Production and Updating of Spatial Data
* 2013: Kalman-Filter-Based Approach for Multisensor, Multitrack, and Multitemporal InSAR
* 2013: Urban Emergency Evacuation Data Fusion Based on One Map
* 2015: Active Batch Selection via Convex Relaxations with Guaranteed Solution Bounds
* 2015: Distributed Online Hybrid Cloud Management for Profit-Driven Multimedia Cloud Computing
* 2015: Dynamic-Time-Warping-Based Measurement Data Alignment Model for Condition-Based Railroad Track Maintenance
* 2016: Multi-image saliency analysis via histogram and spectral feature clustering for satellite images
* 2016: Multiple Kernel Sparse Representation-Based Orthogonal Discriminative Projection and Its Cost-Sensitive Extension
* 2017: Bidirectional Beam Search: Forward-Backward Inference in Neural Sequence Models for Fill-in-the-Blank Image Captioning
* 2017: Content-Adaptively Sparse Reconstruction Method for Abnormal Events Detection With Low-Rank Property, A
* 2017: Cyberphysical System With Virtual Reality for Intelligent Motion Recognition and Training
* 2017: Domain Based Approach to Social Relation Recognition, A
* 2017: Efficient Ordinary Differential Equation-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Viscoelastic Wave Modeling
* 2017: Estimation of 3-D Surface Displacement Based on InSAR and Deformation Modeling
* 2017: Multiscale Hydraulic Fracture Modeling With Discontinuous Galerkin Frequency-Domain Method and Impedance Transition Boundary Condition
* 2017: On the Accuracy of Topographic Residuals Retrieved by MTInSAR
* 2017: Optimal Couple Projections for Domain Adaptive Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* 2017: Phase Retrieval From Multiple-Window Short-Time Fourier Measurements
* 2018: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with Integrated Quadratic Correlation Filters for Automatic Target Recognition
* 2018: Disentangled Person Image Generation
* 2018: Method for Measuring 3-D Surface Deformations With InSAR Based on Strain Model and Variance Component Estimation, A
* 2018: Natural and Effective Obfuscation by Head Inpainting
* 2019: 3D Deep Attention Network for Survival Prediction from Magnetic Resonance Images in Glioblastoma
* 2019: Deep Covariance Estimation Hashing for Image Retrieval
* 2019: Learning Super-Resolution Coherent Facial Features Using Nonlinear Multiset PLS for Low-Resolution Face Recognition
* 2019: Learning to Reconstruct 3D Manhattan Wireframes From a Single Image
* 2019: Mixed Total Field/Scattered Field-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Frequency-Domain Method for Subsurface Sensing
* 2019: Probabilistic Diffusion for Interactive Image Segmentation
* 2019: Self-Refining Deep Symmetry Enhanced Network for Rain Removal
* 2019: Two-Directional Two-Dimensional Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
* 2020: Design of Nonsubsampled Graph Filter Banks via Lifting Schemes
* 2020: Imaging Hydraulic Fractures Under Energized Steel Casing by Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2020: Improving the User Acceptability of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Based on Different Driving Styles: A Case Study of Lane Change Warning Systems
* 2020: Learning Latent Low-Rank and Sparse Embedding for Robust Image Feature Extraction
* 2020: Learning Rank-1 Diffractive Optics for Single-Shot High Dynamic Range Imaging
* 2020: Mnemonics Training: Multi-Class Incremental Learning Without Forgetting
* 2020: Moiré Pattern Removal via Attentive Fractal Network
* 2020: Multi-Scale and Multi-Scope Convolutional Neural Networks for Destination Prediction of Trajectories
* 2020: Optimal Discriminative Projection for Sparse Representation-Based Classification via Bilevel Optimization
* 2020: Preconditioned Gradient Descent Algorithm for Inverse Filtering on Spatially Distributed Networks
* 2020: Superpixel Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks
* 2020: Visual Commonsense R-CNN
* 2020: Visual Commonsense Representation Learning via Causal Inference
* 2021: Fusing Skeleton Recognition With Face-TLD for Human Following of Mobile Service Robots
49 for Sun, Q.

Sun, Q.(.[Qian (Chayn)] * 2021: Building Capacity for a User-Centred Integrated Early Warning System for Drought in Papua New Guinea
* 2022: Evaluating Satellite Soil Moisture Datasets for Drought Monitoring in Australia and the South-West Pacific

Sun, Q.[Qin] * 2004: Disparity Based Image Segmentation for Occupant Classification
* 2009: Improved OIF Elman Neural Network Model with Direction Profit Factor and Its Applications, An
* 2009: Influence of Standard Printing Sample on Digital Proofing
* 2009: Support Vector Machine Based Online Learning Approach for Automated Visual Inspection, A
* 2010: Imaging sensor Modulation Transfer Function estimation
* 2011: Tensor-based covariance matrices for object tracking
* 2014: Investigation of Slow-Moving Landslides from ALOS/PALSAR Images with TCPInSAR: A Case Study of Oso, USA
* 2015: Active learning for structured probabilistic models with histogram approximation
* 2015: Buyers satisfaction in a virtual fitting room scenario based on realism of avatar
* 2015: Monitoring Soil Salinization in Keriya River Basin, Northwestern China Using Passive Reflective and Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data
* 2016: Investigating the Ground Deformation and Source Model of the Yangbajing Geothermal Field in Tibet, China with the WLS InSAR Technique
* 2016: Random Forest Classification of Wetland Landcovers from Multi-Sensor Data in the Arid Region of Xinjiang, China
* 2016: Towards Slow-Moving Landslide Monitoring by Integrating Multi-Sensor InSAR Time Series Datasets: The Zhouqu Case Study, China
* 2017: Assessment of MODIS BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters (MCD43A1 Collection 6) for Directional Reflectance Retrieval
* 2017: Deriving 3-D Time-Series Ground Deformations Induced by Underground Fluid Flows with InSAR: Case Study of Sebei Gas Fields, China
* 2017: Designing ETL processes to integrate multi-field digital information resources
* 2017: Online growing neural GAS for anomaly detection in changing surveillance scenes
* 2018: Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement, A
* 2018: Monitoring Coastal Reclamation Subsidence in Hong Kong with Distributed Scatterer Interferometry
* 2019: Automated Rectification Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle LiDAR Point Cloud Data Based on Laser Intensity, An
* 2019: Field-Scale Rice Yield Estimation Using Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data in Coastal Saline Region of Jiangsu Province, China
* 2019: Landsat-Based Estimation of Seasonal Water Cover and Change in Arid and Semi-Arid Central Asia (2000-2015)
* 2019: Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Method Based on GIS Technology and an AHP-Weighted Information Content Method: A Case Study of Southern Anhui, China, A
* 2019: Modeling Population Density Using a New Index Derived from Multi-Sensor Image Data
* 2019: Multi-person pose estimation based on a deep convolutional neural network
* 2019: Research on the size of mechanical parts based on image recognition
* 2020: Advancing Image Understanding in Poor Visibility Environments: A Collective Benchmark Study
* 2020: Complex Contourlet-CNN for polarimetric SAR image classification
* 2020: Deep Multi Depth Panoramas for View Synthesis
* 2020: Ensemble of Epoch-wise Empirical Bayes for Few-shot Learning, An
* 2020: Fusion of public DEMs based on sparse representation and adaptive regularization variation model
* 2020: Hierarchical reinforcement learning for self-driving decision-making without reliance on labelled driving data
* 2020: New Approach for Estimating Soil Salinity Using A Low-Cost Soil Sensor In Situ: A Case Study in Saline Regions of China's East Coast, A
* 2020: Second Order Enhanced Multi-Glimpse Attention in Visual Question Answering
* 2021: Adaptive Aggregation Networks for Class-Incremental Learning
* 2021: Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Pattern of Changes in Abandoned Farmland Based on Long Time Series of Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: ARU-Net: Reduction of Atmospheric Phase Screen in SAR Interferometry Using Attention-Based Deep Residual U-Net
* 2021: Assessing the Self-Recovery Ability of Maize after Lodging Using UAV-LiDAR Data
* 2021: Causal Attention for Unbiased Visual Recognition
* 2021: Counterfactual Zero-Shot and Open-Set Visual Recognition
* 2021: Decrease in Lake Numbers and Areas in Central Asia Investigated Using a Landsat-Derived Water Dataset, The
* 2021: Entropy Metrics of Radar Signatures of Sea Surface Scattering for Distinguishing Targets
* 2021: Fast and Efficient DNN Deployment via Deep Gaussian Transfer Learning
* 2021: Improving the Retrieval of Crop Canopy Chlorophyll Content Using Vegetation Index Combinations
* 2021: Leveraging Human Visual Perception for an Optimized Virtual Reality Experience
* 2021: Mapping Complete Three-Dimensional Ice Velocities by Integrating Multi-Baseline and Multi-Aperture InSAR Measurements: A Case Study of the Grove Mountains Area, East Antarctic
* 2021: Novel Approach to Image-Sequence-Based Mobile Robot Place Recognition, A
* 2021: Quantitatively Estimating of InSAR Decorrelation Based on Landsat-Derived NDVI
* 2021: Real-time coordination of connected vehicles at intersections using graphical mixed integer optimization
* 2021: Second-order Attention Guided Convolutional Activations for Visual Recognition
* 2021: Self-Regulation for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Spring Phenological Sensitivity to Climate Change in the Northern Hemisphere: Comprehensive Evaluation and Driving Force Analysis
* 2021: Transporting Causal Mechanisms for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Bijective Mapping Network for Shadow Removal
* 2022: BSC-Net: Background Suppression Algorithm for Stray Lights in Star Images
* 2022: Characterizing Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Deformation in the Santa Ana Basin, Los Angeles, from InSAR Time Series and Independent Component Analysis
* 2022: Class Is Invariant to Context and Vice Versa: On Learning Invariance for Out-Of-Distribution Generalization
* 2022: Class Re-Activation Maps for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Co-Correcting: Combat Noisy Labels in Space Debris Detection
* 2022: Comparative Analysis of LiDAR SLAM-Based Indoor Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles, A
* 2022: Deep Direct Visual Odometry
* 2022: Equivariance and Invariance Inductive Bias for Learning from Insufficient Data
* 2022: Forest Fire Segmentation from Aerial Imagery Data Using an Improved Instance Segmentation Model
* 2022: HerosNet: Hyperspectral Explicable Reconstruction and Optimal Sampling Deep Network for Snapshot Compressive Imaging
* 2022: Hierarchical electricity time series prediction with cluster analysis and sparse penalty
* 2022: Longitudinal Platoon Control of Connected Vehicles: Analysis and Verification
* 2022: M2I: From Factored Marginal Trajectory Prediction to Interactive Prediction
* 2022: Meta-Transfer Learning Through Hard Tasks
* 2022: MODIS Evapotranspiration Downscaling Using a Deep Neural Network Trained Using Landsat 8 Reflectance and Temperature Data
* 2022: Multi-Scale Residential Areas Matching Method Considering Spatial Neighborhood Features, A
* 2022: PCL: Proxy-based Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization
* 2022: Progressive Collapse of Dual-Line Rivers Based on River Segmentation Considering Cartographic Generalization Rules
* 2022: Random Forest Algorithm for Retrieving Canopy Chlorophyll Content of Wheat and Soybean Trained with PROSAIL Simulations Using Adjusted Average Leaf Angle, A
* 2022: Road Network Generalization Method Constrained by Residential Areas
* 2022: Shuffle Attention Multiple Instances Learning for Breast Cancer Whole Slide Image Classification
* 2022: Spatial-Spectral Combination Method for Hyperspectral Band Selection, A
* 2022: Temporal Complementarity-Guided Reinforcement Learning for Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Three-Dimensional Surface Displacements of the 8 January 2022 Mw6.7 Menyuan Earthquake, China from Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 SAR Observations
* 2023: Bounded Projection Matrix Approximation With Applications to Community Detection
* 2023: Class-Incremental Exemplar Compression for Class-Incremental Learning
* 2023: Comparing the Effects of Visual Distraction in a High-Fidelity Driving Simulator and on a Real Highway
* 2023: Contour Line Group Simplification Method Based on Classified Terrain Features, A
* 2023: Deep Learning on Monocular Object Pose Detection and Tracking: A Comprehensive Overview
* 2023: Detection of Soil Erosion Hotspots in the Croplands of a Typical Black Soil Region in Northeast China: Insights from Sentinel-2 Multispectral Remote Sensing
* 2023: Distance to a River Modifies Climate Legacy on Vegetation Growth in a Boreal Riparian Forest
* 2023: Diurnal Variation Characteristics of Summer Precipitation and Related Statistical Analysis in the Ili Region, Xinjiang, Northwest China
* 2023: Dynamic Evaluation of Agricultural Drought Hazard in Northeast China Based on Coupled Multi-Source Data
* 2023: EVA: Exploring the Limits of Masked Visual Representation Learning at Scale
* 2023: Federated Active Learning for Multicenter Collaborative Disease Diagnosis
* 2023: Freestyle Layout-to-Image Synthesis
* 2023: Generating Music With Emotions
* 2023: GeoVLN: Learning Geometry-Enhanced Visual Representation with Slot Attention for Vision-and-Language Navigation
* 2023: Global Leaf Chlorophyll Content Dataset (GLCC) from 2003-2012 to 2018-2020 Derived from MERIS and OLCI Satellite Data: Algorithm and Validation
* 2023: IFGLT: Information fusion guided lightweight Transformer for image denoising
* 2023: Invariant Training 2D-3D Joint Hard Samples for Few-Shot Point Cloud Recognition
* 2023: Investigating Deformation Mechanism of Earth-Rock Dams with InSaR and Numerical Simulation: Application to Liuduzhai Reservoir Dam, China
* 2023: Learning a Deep Color Difference Metric for Photographic Images
* 2023: Learning comprehensive global features in person re-identification: Ensuring discriminativeness of more local regions
* 2023: Leveraging Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Point Symbol Recognition in Scanned Topographic Maps
* 2023: Location and Activity Changes of Slow-Moving Landslides Due to an Earthquake: Perspective from InSAR Observations
* 2023: Location Scheme of Routine Nucleic Acid Testing Sites Based on Location-Allocation Models: A Case Study of Shenzhen City
* 2023: Measuring Asymmetric Gradient Discrepancy in Parallel Continual Learning
* 2023: MR Elastography With Optimization-Based Phase Unwrapping and Traveling Wave Expansion-Based Neural Network (TWENN)
* 2023: Multi-Level Convolutional Network for Ground-Based Star Image Enhancement
* 2023: OPE-SR: Orthogonal Position Encoding for Designing a Parameter-free Upsampling Module in Arbitrary-scale Image Super-Resolution
* 2023: Practical Star Image Registration Algorithm Using Radial Module and Rotation Angle Features, A
* 2023: Radio-Assisted Human Detection
* 2023: S3IM: Stochastic Structural SIMilarity and Its Unreasonable Effectiveness for Neural Fields
* 2023: Safety Monitoring of Transportation Infrastructure Foundation: Intelligent Recognition of Subgrade Distresses Based on B-Scan GPR Images
* 2023: Semantic Scene Completion with Cleaner Self
* 2023: Semi-Weakly Supervised Object Kinematic Motion Prediction
* 2023: Unbiased Multiple Instance Learning for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* 2023: VQ-InfraTrans: A Unified Framework for RGB-IR Translation with Hybrid Transformer
* 2024: AIDB-Net: An Attention-Interactive Dual-Branch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Pansharpening
* 2024: Climate Sensitivity and Drought Legacy of Tree Growth in Plantation Forests in Northeast China Are Species- and Age-Dependent
* 2024: Paired relation feature network for spatial relation recognition
* 2024: Sea Ice Extraction via Remote Sensing Imagery: Algorithms, Datasets, Applications and Challenges
* 2024: TreeDetector: Using Deep Learning for the Localization and Reconstruction of Urban Trees from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2024: Wakening Past Concepts without Past Data: Class-Incremental Learning from Online Placebos
Includes: Sun, Q.[Qin] Sun, Q.[Qian] Sun, Q.[Qun] Sun, Q.[Qiao] Sun, Q.[Qi] Sun, Q.[Qing] Sun, Q.[Quan] Sun, Q.[Qianru] Sun, Q.[Qishi] Sun, Q.[Qigong] Sun, Q.[Qiang] Sun, Q.[Qinxuan] Sun, Q.[Qiule] Sun, Q.[Qibin] Sun, Q.[Qiyu] Sun, Q.[Qilin] Sun, Q.[Qinyu] Sun, Q.[Qiaoqi] Sun, Q.[Qingfang] Sun, Q.[Qinxia] Sun, Q.[Qiyang]
119 for Sun, Q.

Sun, Q.A.[Qi Ang] * 2004: New Approach to Unsupervised Image Segmentation Based on Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Tree Models, A
* 2005: Feature Kernel Functions: Improving SVMs Using High-Level Knowledge
* 2005: New Wavelet-Domain HMTseg Algorithm for Remotely Sensed Image Segmentation, A
* 2005: Unsupervised Image Segmentation Using Contourlet Domain Hidden Markov Trees Model
* 2007: Robustness through prior knowledge: using explanation-based learning to distinguish handwritten Chinese characters
* 2019: Multi-vision tracking and collaboration based on spatial particle filter
Includes: Sun, Q.A.[Qi Ang] Sun, Q.A.[Qi-Ang]

Sun, Q.B. * 1998: Face Detection Based on Color and Local Symmetry Information
* 1998: Robust Approach to Face and Eyes Detection from Images with Cluttered Background, A
* 1999: Digital Image Compression Using a Genetic Algorithm
* 2002: quantitive semi-fragile jpeg2000 image authentication system, A
* 2002: Semi-fragile image authentication using generic wavelet domain features and ecc
* 2004: Edge directed filter based error concealment for wavelet-based images
* 2004: hybrid watermarking scheme for H.264/AVC video, A
* 2004: novel lossy-to-lossless watermarking scheme for JEPG2000 images, A
* 2005: Crypto Signature Scheme For Image Authentication Over Wireless Channel, A
* 2005: Practical Print-Scan Resilient Watermarking Scheme, A
* 2005: Towards Media Semantics: An I2R Perspective
* 2006: Error Resilient Image Authentication Using Feature Statistical and Spatial Properties
* 2006: Generalized Discriminative Muitiple Instance Learning for Multimedia Semantic Concept Detection, A
* 2006: Rate-Distortion Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
* 2007: Optimized Content-Aware Authentication Scheme for Streaming JPEG-2000 Images Over Lossy Networks, An
* 2007: Propagating Image-Level Part Statistics to Enhance Object Detection
* 2007: Rate-Distortion-Authentication Optimized Streaming of Authenticated Video
* 2007: Robust Hash for Detecting and Localizing Image Tampering
* 2007: Stream Authentication Based on Generalized Butterfly Graph
* 2008: Exploiting generalized discriminative multiple instance learning for multimedia semantic concept detection
* 2008: Performance analysis of locality preserving image hash
* 2008: Quality-Optimized and Secure End-to-End Authentication for Media Delivery
* 2008: Rate-Distortion-Authentication optimized streaming with Generalized Butterfly Graph authentication
* 2008: Recaptured photo detection using specularity distribution
* 2009: Generalized Butterfly Graph and Its Application to Video Stream Authentication
* 2021: Spatial-Temporal Correlation and Topology Learning for Person Re-Identification in Videos
Includes: Sun, Q.B. Sun, Q.B.[Qi-Bin]
26 for Sun, Q.B.

Sun, Q.C.[Qiu Chen] * 2018: VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* 2023: Novel Method for Extracting and Analyzing the Geometry Properties of the Shortest Pedestrian Paths Focusing on Open Geospatial Data, A
Includes: Sun, Q.C.[Qiu Chen] Sun, Q.C.[Qiu-Chen] Sun, Q.C.[Qi-Chao] Sun, Q.C.[Qian Chayn]

Sun, Q.D.[Qin Dong] * 2018: Progressive (k,n) secret image sharing Scheme with meaningful shadow images by GEMD and RGEMD
* 2019: Enhanced embedding capacity for the SMSD-based data-hiding method
* 2021: Thresholds Based Image Extraction Schemes in Big Data Environment in Intelligent Traffic Management
Includes: Sun, Q.D.[Qin Dong] Sun, Q.D.[Qin-Dong]

Sun, Q.F.[Qian Feng] * 2021: Comments on Test Methods of Encryption and Decryption Speeds of Image Cryptosystems
Includes: Sun, Q.F.[Qian Feng] Sun, Q.F.[Qian-Feng]

Sun, Q.G.[Qi Gong] * 2019: Polarimetric Convolutional Network for PolSAR Image Classification
* 2021: Convolutional Neural Network Based on Bandwise-Independent Convolution and Hard Thresholding for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* 2022: CIPPSRNet: A Camera Internal Parameters Perception Network Based Contrastive Learning for Thermal Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Thermal Image Super-Resolution Challenge Results - PBVS 2022
* 2023: D^3K: Dynastic Data-Free Knowledge Distillation
Includes: Sun, Q.G.[Qi Gong] Sun, Q.G.[Qi-Gong]

Sun, Q.H.[Qing Hua] * 2009: Point control of the interpolating curve with a rational cubic spline
* 2013: bivariate rational interpolation based on scattered data on parallel lines, A
* 2015: Surface Modeling Method by Using C2 Piecewise Rational Spline Interpolation, A
* 2021: Development and Performance Evaluation of a Very Low-Cost UAV-Lidar System for Forestry Applications
* 2022: High-Resolution Image Harmonization via Collaborative Dual Transformations
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Fusion: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Remosaic: Methods and Results
Includes: Sun, Q.H.[Qing Hua] Sun, Q.H.[Qing-Hua] Sun, Q.H.[Qian-Hui] Sun, Q.H.[Qi-Hao]
9 for Sun, Q.H.

Sun, Q.J.[Qing Jie] * 2009: Motion Editing Designed For Animators
* 2011: Color harmony for clothing image
Includes: Sun, Q.J.[Qing Jie] Sun, Q.J.[Qing-Jie]

Sun, Q.L.[Qing Ling] * 2007: Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on a Contrast Measure in the Wavelet Domain for Screening Mammograms, An
* 2016: Detecting Different Types of Directional Land Cover Changes Using MODIS NDVI Time Series Dataset
* 2018: Deep hashing network for material defect image classification
* 2018: Deep High-order Supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval
* 2018: Deep learning for image-based cancer detection and diagnosis: A survey
* 2018: Depth and Transient Imaging with Compressive SPAD Array Cameras
Includes: Sun, Q.L.[Qing Ling] Sun, Q.L.[Qing-Ling] Sun, Q.L.[Qian-Lai] Sun, Q.L.[Qiu-Le] Sun, Q.L.[Qi-Lin]

Sun, Q.M.[Qi Ming] * 2022: Filter Pruning via Automatic Pruning Rate Search
Includes: Sun, Q.M.[Qi Ming] Sun, Q.M.[Qi-Ming]

Sun, Q.P.[Qing Ping] * 2023: Local Correspondence-Aware Hybrid CNN-GCN Model for Single-Image Human Body Reconstruction, A
* 2023: Zolly: Zoom Focal Length Correctly for Perspective-Distorted Human Mesh Reconstruction
Includes: Sun, Q.P.[Qing Ping] Sun, Q.P.[Qing-Ping]

Sun, Q.Q.[Qing Quan] * 2014: Human Movement Modeling and Activity Perception Based on Fiber-Optic Sensing System
* 2014: Mobile Target Scenario Recognition Via Low-Cost Pyroelectric Sensing System: Toward a Context-Enhanced Accurate Identification
* 2016: Optimizing top precision performance measure of content-based image retrieval by learning similarity function
* 2017: Strategy of Rapid Extraction of Built-Up Area Using Multi-Seasonal Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Band 10 Images, A
* 2018: Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Parameter-Optimized 3D-CNNs Combined with Transfer Learning and Virtual Samples
* 2021: Climate Variability May Delay Post-Fire Recovery of Boreal Forest in Southern Siberia, Russia
* 2021: Weighted-Time-Lag Method to Detect Lag Vegetation Response to Climate Variation: A Case Study in Loess Plateau, China, 1982-2013, A
* 2022: Adaptive Robust Control for Pointing Tracking of Marching Turret-Barrel Systems: Coupling, Nonlinearity and Uncertainty
* 2022: Remotely Sensed Framework for Spatially-Detailed Dryland Soil Organic Matter Mapping: Coupled Cross-Wavelet Transform with Fractional Vegetation and Soil-Related Endmember Time Series, A
* 2023: Adaptive Robust Formation Control of Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Swarm System Based on Constraint Following
* 2023: Mapping Coastal Wetlands and Their Dynamics in the Yellow River Delta over Last Three Decades: Based on a Spectral Endmember Space
* 2023: Satellite Formation-Containment Control Emphasis on Collision Avoidance and Uncertainty Suppression
Includes: Sun, Q.Q.[Qing Quan] Sun, Q.Q.[Qing-Quan] Sun, Q.Q.[Qiang-Qiang] Sun, Q.Q.[Qiao-Qiao] Sun, Q.Q.[Qiao-Qi] Sun, Q.Q.[Qian-Qian] Sun, Q.Q.[Qin-Qin]
12 for Sun, Q.Q.

Sun, Q.R.[Qian Ru] * 2012: Action Disambiguation Analysis Using Normalized Google-Like Distance Correlogram
* 2013: Inferring Ongoing Human Activities Based on Recurrent Self-Organizing Map Trajectory
* 2013: Learning spatio-temporal co-occurrence correlograms for efficient human action classification
* 2014: Action classification by exploring directional co-occurrence of weighted stips
* 2019: Meta-Transfer Learning for Few-Shot Learning
* 2020: Feature Pyramid Transformer
* 2021: Learning to teach and learn for semi-supervised few-shot image classification
* 2022: Mixed Dish Recognition With Contextual Relation and Domain Alignment
* 2022: On Mitigating Hard Clusters for Face Clustering
* 2023: Causal Interventional Training for Image Recognition
* 2023: Extracting Class Activation Maps from Non-Discriminative Features as well
Includes: Sun, Q.R.[Qian Ru] Sun, Q.R.[Qian-Ru]
11 for Sun, Q.R.

Sun, Q.S.[Quan Sen] * 2004: Feature Fusion Method Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Handwritten Character Recognition
* 2005: new method of feature fusion and its application in image recognition, A
* 2005: theorem on the generalized canonical projective vectors, A
* 2008: double-threshold image binarization method based on edge detector, A
* 2008: Parametric active contours for object tracking based on matching degree image of object contour points
* 2009: Advanced Harris-Laplace Feature Detector with High Repeatability, An
* 2009: Contrast Constrained Local Binary Fitting for Image Segmentation
* 2009: Level Set Segmentation Based on Local Gaussian Distribution Fitting
* 2010: Adaptive total variation denoising based on difference curvature
* 2010: Homogeneity similarity based image denoising
* 2010: Interactive image segmentation based on object contour feature image
* 2010: Two-Stage Object Tracking Method Based on Kernel and Active Contour
* 2011: novel multiset integrated canonical correlation analysis framework and its application in feature fusion, A
* 2011: Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* 2014: Fractional-order embedding canonical correlation analysis and its applications to multi-view dimensionality reduction and recognition
* 2014: Graph regularized multiset canonical correlations with applications to joint feature extraction
* 2014: Image noise level estimation based on a new adaptive superpixel classification
* 2014: Import of distortion on saliency applied to image quality assessment
* 2014: Learning Hierarchical Feature Representation in Depth Image
* 2014: novel semi-supervised canonical correlation analysis and extensions for multi-view dimensionality reduction, A
* 2014: orthogonal regularized CCA learning algorithm for feature fusion, An
* 2014: Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* 2014: Robust spatially constrained fuzzy c-means algorithm for brain MR image segmentation
* 2015: Atomic decomposition based anisotropic non-local structure tensor
* 2015: Colour compressed sensing imaging via sparse difference and fractal minimisation recovery
* 2015: Geodesic Invariant Feature: A Local Descriptor in Depth
* 2015: Hyperspectral classification via learnt features
* 2015: Image segmentation based on weighting boundary information via graph cut
* 2015: Sparse Discrimination Based Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multi-Feature Fusion and Recognition
* 2015: Spatially Constrained Asymmetric Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation, A
* 2016: C2DMCP: View-consistent collaborative discriminative multiset correlation projection for data representation
* 2016: Calibration/validation Of Landsat-derived Ocean Colour Products In Boston Harbour
* 2016: Cost-sensitive dictionary learning for face recognition
* 2016: Image compressive sensing via Truncated Schatten-p Norm regularization
* 2016: Interactive Multilabel Image Segmentation via Robust Multilayer Graph Constraints
* 2016: Kernel dictionary learning based discriminant analysis
* 2016: Multi-layer graph constraints for interactive image segmentation via game theory
* 2016: Robust Cross-view Hashing for Multimedia Retrieval
* 2016: spatially constrained generative asymmetric Gaussian mixture model for image segmentation, A
* 2016: Spatiotemporal Characterization of Land Subsidence and Uplift (2009-2010) over Wuhan in Central China Revealed by TerraSAR-X InSAR Analysis
* 2017: Blind compressive sensing using block sparsity and nonlocal low-rank priors
* 2017: Collaborative probabilistic labels for face recognition from single sample per person
* 2017: Hyperspectral Image Segmentation via Frequency-Based Similarity for Mixed Noise Estimation
* 2017: Usability-Based Subjective Remote Sensing Image Quality Assessment Database, A
* 2018: Deep Learning Based Super Resolution Using Significant and General Regions
* 2018: Diffusive likelihood for interactive image segmentation
* 2018: Kernel Dual Linear Regression for Face Image Set Classification
* 2018: Multisensor Approach to Global Retrievals of Land Surface Albedo, A
* 2018: novel multi-view dimensionality reduction and recognition framework with applications to face recognition, A
* 2018: Object Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on Partial Randomness Supervised Discrete Hashing
* 2018: ThinNet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection
* 2019: 3D driver pose estimation based on joint 2D-3D network
* 2019: Generalized compressed sensing with QR-based vision matrix learning for face recognition under natural scenes
* 2020: 3D driver pose estimation based on joint 2D-3D network
* 2020: Low-Rank Hypergraph Hashing for Large-Scale Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
* 2020: Prototype learning and collaborative representation using Grassmann manifolds for image set classification
* 2020: Semi-supervised learning framework based on statistical analysis for image set classification
* 2020: Supervised Multi-View Distributed Hashing
* 2021: Global Manifold Learning for Interactive Image Segmentation
* 2021: Label group diffusion for image and image pair segmentation
* 2021: Object Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on Optimized Projection Supervised Discrete Hashing
* 2021: Real-time Semantic Segmentation via Region and Pixel Context Network
* 2021: Retraction notice: A framework with modified fast FCM for brain MR images segmentation
* 2022: Covariance Attention for Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Deep Co-Image-Label Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval
* 2022: Discrete Metric Learning for Fast Image Set Classification
* 2022: Evaluation of the Landsat-8 Albedo Product across the Circumpolar Domain
* 2022: Neighborhood preserving embedding on Grassmann manifold for image-set analysis
* 2022: Unsupervised Multiview Distributed Hashing for Large-Scale Retrieval
* 2023: Auto-weighted Tensor Schatten p-Norm for Robust Multi-view Graph Clustering
* 2023: Consensus Cluster Center Guided Latent Multi-Kernel Clustering
* 2023: Efficient Feature Reconstruction via l2,1-Norm Regularization for Few-Shot Classification
* 2023: Learning Optical Expansion from Scale Matching
* 2023: Only Once Attack: Fooling the Tracker With Adversarial Template
* 2023: Regression-Selective Feature-Adaptive Tracker for Visual Object Tracking
* 2023: Sparse Representation Classifier Guided Grassmann Reconstruction Metric Learning With Applications to Image Set Analysis
* 2024: Unit Correlation With Interactive Feature for Robust and Effective Tracking
Includes: Sun, Q.S.[Quan Sen] Sun, Q.S.[Quan-Sen] Sun, Q.S.[Qing-Song] Sun, Q.S. Sun, Q.S.[Qi-Shi] Sun, Q.S.[Qun-Sen]
77 for Sun, Q.S.

Sun, Q.T.[Qing Tao] * 2017: Isotropic Riemann Solver for a Nonconformal Discontinuous Galerkin Pseudospectral Time-Domain Algorithm
Includes: Sun, Q.T.[Qing Tao] Sun, Q.T.[Qing-Tao]

Sun, Q.W.[Qing Wei] * 2023: Learn to Few-Shot Segment Remote Sensing Images from Irrelevant Data
Includes: Sun, Q.W.[Qing Wei] Sun, Q.W.[Qing-Wei]

Sun, Q.X.[Qin Xuan] * 2021: Laser-Based Intersection-Aware Human Following With a Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments
* 2021: two-level framework for place recognition with 3D LiDAR based on spatial relation graph, A
* 2023: Human Collective Intelligence Inspired Multi-View Representation Learning: Enabling View Communication by Simulating Human Communication Mechanism
* 2023: VIDO: A Robust and Consistent Monocular Visual-Inertial-Depth Odometry
Includes: Sun, Q.X.[Qin Xuan] Sun, Q.X.[Qin-Xuan] Sun, Q.X.[Qi-Xing]

Sun, Q.Y.[Qiao Yu] * 2010: Visual Attention Based Approach to Text Extraction, A
* 2015: Reconstruction of Sparse Wavelet Signals From Partial Fourier Measurements
* 2018: PID Controller Approach for Stochastic Optimization of Deep Networks, A
* 2018: Visual Saliency Analysis for Common Region of Interest Detection in Multiple Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image and Video Deblurring
* 2020: NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
* 2022: Classification of Southern Corn Rust Severity Based on Leaf-Level Hyperspectral Data Collected under Solar Illumination
* 2022: Efficient 6D object pose estimation based on attentive multi-scale contextual information
* 2022: Ornithologist's Guide for Including Machine Learning in a Workflow to Identify a Secretive Focal Species from Recorded Audio, An
* 2023: Adaptive Subgraph Neural Network With Reinforced Critical Structure Mining
* 2023: CMDA: Cross-Modality Domain Adaptation for Nighttime Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Indoor Scenes
* 2023: Higher-order memory guided temporal random walk for dynamic heterogeneous network embedding
* 2023: Unsupervised video anomaly detection based on multi-timescale trajectory prediction
* 2024: Sea Surface pCO2 Response to Typhoon Wind Pump and Kuroshio Intrusion in the Northeastern South China Sea
Includes: Sun, Q.Y.[Qiao Yu] Sun, Q.Y.[Qiao-Yu] Sun, Q.Y.[Qi-Yu] Sun, Q.Y.[Qing-Yun] Sun, Q.Y.[Qiao-Yue] Sun, Q.Y.[Qing-Yan] Sun, Q.Y.[Qiu-Yu] Sun, Q.Y.[Qing-Yi] Sun, Q.Y.[Qi-Yue] Sun, Q.Y.[Qing-Yang]
15 for Sun, Q.Y.

Sun, Q.Z.[Qi Zhen] * 2018: Antarctic Snowmelt Detected by Diurnal Variations of AMSR-E Brightness Temperature
* 2023: Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variations and Influencing Factors of Sea Ice Extent in the Arctic and Antarctic
Includes: Sun, Q.Z.[Qi Zhen] Sun, Q.Z.[Qi-Zhen]

Sun, R. * 2000: Self-Segmentation of Sequences: Automatic Formation of Hierarchies of Sequential Behaviors
* 2003: Directional histogram model for three-dimensional shape similarity
* 2010: Parallel relevance feedback for 3D model retrieval based on fast weighted-center particle swarm optimization
* 2011: EasiTia: A Pervasive Traffic Information Acquisition System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2015: Integrated Method Combining Remote Sensing Data and Local Knowledge for the Large-Scale Estimation of Seismic Loss Risks to Buildings in the Context of Rapid Socioeconomic Growth: A Case Study in Tangshan, China, An
* 2016: Estimating the Fractional Vegetation Cover from GLASS Leaf Area Index Product
* 2016: Mapping Irrigated and Rainfed Wheat Areas Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
* 2016: Transceiver Design to Maximize the Weighted Sum Secrecy Rate in Full-Duplex SWIPT Systems
* 2017: Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Health in the Yangtze and Amazon River Basins
* 2017: Estimating Diurnal Courses of Gross Primary Production for Maize: A Comparison of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Light-Use Efficiency and Process-Based Models
* 2017: mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform, A
* 2018: Estimation of Forest Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass from Spaceborne LiDAR and Landsat Imageries in Maryland
* 2018: Estimation of Global Vegetation Productivity from Global LAnd Surface Satellite Data
* 2018: Evaluation of Three Long Time Series for Global Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) Products
* 2018: Generation of High Resolution Vegetation Productivity from a Downscaling Method
* 2018: KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a ConvNet Operates Outside of Its Specifications
* 2019: Analysis of Changes and Potential Characteristics of Cultivated Land Productivity Based on MODIS EVI: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China
* 2019: Attention-Guided Region Proposal Network for Pedestrian Detection
* 2019: Effect of NDVI Time Series Density Derived from Spatiotemporal Fusion of Multisource Remote Sensing Data on Crop Classification Accuracy, The
* 2019: Identification of Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers of Vegetation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Megacity Region
* 2019: Max-Sliced Wasserstein Distance and Its Use for GANs
* 2020: Comparison of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Models Over Two Typical Sites in an Arid Riparian Ecosystem of Northwestern China
* 2020: End-to-End Deep Fusion Model for Mapping Forests at Tree Species Levels with High Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery, An
* 2020: Evaluation and Comparison of Light Use Efficiency and Gross Primary Productivity Using Three Different Approaches
* 2020: GNSS/INS Integration with Integrity Monitoring for UAV No-fly Zone Management
* 2020: High-Precision Stand Age Data Facilitate the Estimation of Rubber Plantation Biomass: A Case Study of Hainan Island, China
* 2020: KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a Multiclass Classifier Operates Outside of Its Specifications
* 2020: KS(conf): A Light-Weight Test if a Multiclass Classifier Operates Outside of Its Specifications
* 2020: Model-Downscaling Method for Fine-Resolution LAI Estimation, A
* 2020: Performance Analysis of INS/GNSS/V-SLAM Integration Scheme Using Smartphone Sensors for Land Vehicle Navigation Applications in GNSS-Challenging Environments, The
* 2020: Trend Inconsistency between Land Surface Temperature and Near Surface Air Temperature in Assessing Urban Heat Island Effects, The
* 2021: Attention-Based Local Region Aggregation Network for Hierarchical Point Cloud Learning
* 2021: Climate Dynamics of the Spatiotemporal Changes of Vegetation NDVI in Northern China from 1982 to 2015
* 2021: Combining Machine Learning and Dynamic Time Wrapping for Vehicle Driving Event Detection Using Smartphones
* 2021: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods to Up-Scale Gross Primary Production
* 2021: Data Fusion for Multi-Source Sensors Using GA-PSO-BP Neural Network
* 2021: Insights from the P Wave Travel Time Tomography in the Upper Mantle Beneath the Central Philippines
* 2021: Lesion-Aware Transformers for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
* 2021: MixMo: Mixing Multiple Inputs for Multiple Outputs via Deep Subnetworks
* 2021: New Faulty GNSS Measurement Detection and Exclusion Algorithm for Urban Vehicle Positioning, A
* 2021: Spatial Representativeness of Gross Primary Productivity from Carbon Flux Sites in the Heihe River Basin, China
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Net Primary Productivity in China's Urban Lands during 1982-2015
* 2021: Straight Sampling Network for Point Cloud Learning
* 2021: Triplet Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Wheat Yield Prediction Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles-Collected Red-Green-Blue Imagery
* 2022: Adaptive Agent Transformer for Few-Shot Segmentation
* 2022: Data gap decomposed by auxiliary modality for NIR-VIS heterogeneous face recognition
* 2022: Dual w-Test Based Quality Control Algorithm for Integrated IMU/GNSS Navigation in Urban Areas, A
* 2022: DualPrompt: Complementary Prompting for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning
* 2022: Global Convergence of MAML and Theory-Inspired Neural Architecture Search for Few-Shot Learning
* 2022: High-Precision Stand Age Data Facilitate the Estimation of Rubber Plantation Biomass: A Case Study of Hainan Island, China
* 2022: Learning to Prompt for Continual Learning
* 2022: Method to Estimate Clear-Sky Albedo of Paddy Rice Fields, A
* 2022: Orthogonal Deep Feature Decomposition Network for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Retrieval of the Leaf Area Index from Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Surface Reflectance Based on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Scene Changes Understanding Framework Based on Graph Convolutional Networks and Swin Transformer Blocks for Monitoring LCLU Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Swapping Semantic Contents for Mixing Images
* 2022: Towards efficient feature sharing in MIMO architectures
* 2022: Trend Analysis and Driving Factors of Vegetation Dynamics in Northern China from 1982 to 2015
* 2023: Adaptive Template Transformer for Mitochondria Segmentation in Electron Microscopy Images
* 2023: Alignment Before Aggregation: Trajectory Memory Retrieval Network for Video Object Segmentation
* 2023: AM-GM Algorithm for Evaluating, Analyzing, and Correcting the Spatial Scaling Bias of the Leaf Area Index
* 2023: Camouflaged Instance Segmentation via Explicit De-Camouflaging
* 2023: Decadal Quasi-2-Day Wave Observations in the Equatorial Mesopause Region by a Meteor Radar over Kototabang (0.2°S, 100.3°E) and TIMED/TIDI and Comparison with Quasi-2-Day Wave Observations at Mid-Latitudes
* 2023: DualRel: Semi-Supervised Mitochondria Segmentation from A Prototype Perspective
* 2023: Exploring the Road Graph in Trajectory Forecasting for Autonomous Driving
* 2023: First Visual Object Tracking Segmentation VOTS2023 Challenge Results, The
* 2023: Improved Global Gross Primary Productivity Estimation by Considering Canopy Nitrogen Concentrations and Multiple Environmental Factors
* 2023: Method to Estimate Clear-Sky Albedo of Paddy Rice Fields, A
* 2023: method to estimate leaf area index from VIIRS surface reflectance using deep transfer learning, A
* 2023: Multi-cues underwater image restoration algorithm combined with light field technology
* 2023: Pose aligned modality-invariant feature learning for NIR-VIS heterogeneous face recognition
* 2023: Rethinking the Correlation in Few-Shot Segmentation: A Buoys View
* 2023: Retrieving Vertical Cloud Radar Reflectivity from MODIS Cloud Products with CGAN: An Evaluation for Different Cloud Types and Latitudes
* 2023: SDSS: Secure Data Sharing Scheme for Edge Enabled IoV Networks
* 2023: spectral-temporal constrained deep learning method for tree species mapping of plantation forests using time series Sentinel-2 imagery, A
* 2023: Study on Development of Portrait Models of Scientific Research Innovators for Technology Transfer, A
* 2024: Enhancing the Assimilation of SWOT Simulated Observations Using a Multi-Scale 4DVAR Method in Regional Ocean Modeling System
* 2024: Inter-Calibration of Passive Microwave Satellite Brightness Temperature Observations between FY-3D/MWRI and GCOM-W1/AMSR2
* 2024: Joint Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Based on Adaptive Gating Mechanism and Learnable Transformer
* 2024: Multi-Year Behavioral Observations of Quasi-2-Day Wave Activity in High-Latitude Mohe (52.5°N, 122.3°E) and Middle-Latitude Wuhan (30.5°N, 114.6°E) Using Meteor Radars
* 2024: Rapid Crowd Evacuation for Passenger Ships Using LPWAN
* 2024: Semantic augmentation by mixing contents for semi-supervised learning
Includes: Sun, R. Sun, R.[Rui] Sun, R.[Rémy] Sun, R.[Ranhao] Sun, R.[Ruoyu] Sun, R.[Ran] Sun, R.[Ruoxi] Sun, R.[Ruidi] Sun, R.[Rongfu] Sun, R.[Rong] Sun, R.[Ruodan] Sun, R.[Ruili] Sun, R.[Ruijing]
83 for Sun, R.

Sun, R.C.[Ren Cheng] * 2017: Discovering the pathological mechanism based on the locus interaction networks with differential analysis
* 2021: GC-Net: Gridding and Clustering for Traffic Object Detection With Roadside LiDAR
Includes: Sun, R.C.[Ren Cheng] Sun, R.C.[Ren-Cheng] Sun, R.C.[Rong-Chuan]

Sun, R.H.[Ran Hao] * 2021: New Urban Functional Zone-Based Climate Zoning System for Urban Temperature Study, A
* 2022: Efficient Video Hashing Based on Low-Rank Frames
Includes: Sun, R.H.[Ran Hao] Sun, R.H.[Ran-Hao] Sun, R.H.[Rong-Hai]

Sun, R.J.[Rui Jing] * 2014: Inter-Calibration of Satellite Passive Microwave Land Observations from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Using Overlapping FY3B-MWRI Sensor Measurements
* 2019: Data Registration with Ground Points for Roadside LiDAR Sensors
* 2021: Efficient Energy and Delay Tradeoff for Vessel Communications in SDN Based Maritime Wireless Networks
* 2021: Global Soil Moisture Retrievals From the Chinese FY-3D Microwave Radiation Imager
* 2022: Joint Flying Relay Location and Routing Optimization for 6G UAV-IoT Networks: A Graph Neural Network-Based Approach
* 2023: Time-Oriented Joint Clustering and UAV Trajectory Planning in UAV-Assisted WSNs: Leveraging Parallel Transmission and Variable Velocity Scheme
Includes: Sun, R.J.[Rui Jing] Sun, R.J.[Rui-Jing] Sun, R.J.[Ren-Juan] Sun, R.J.[Rui-Jin]

Sun, R.L.[Rong Li] * 2014: EasiSee: Real-Time Vehicle Classification and Counting via Low-Cost Collaborative Sensing
Includes: Sun, R.L.[Rong Li] Sun, R.L.[Rong-Li]

Sun, R.P.[Rui Peng] * 2023: Efficient Deep Video Model For Deepfake Detection, An
Includes: Sun, R.P.[Rui Peng] Sun, R.P.[Rui-Peng]

Sun, R.Q.[Rong Qing] * 2014: Scattering Studies for Two-Dimensional Exponential Correlation Textured Rough Surfaces Using Small-Slope Approximation Method
* 2019: Ground Deformation Revealed by Sentinel-1 MSBAS-InSAR Time-Series over Karamay Oilfield, China
* 2019: Not All Areas Are Equal: Transfer Learning for Semantic Segmentation via Hierarchical Region Selection
* 2020: Tensor Low-rank Reconstruction for Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Dynamic Forecast of Desert Locust Presence Using Machine Learning with a Multivariate Time Lag Sliding Window Technique
* 2022: Integrating Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data to Predict Wheat Stripe Rust
* 2022: Landscape-Based Habitat Suitability Model (LHS Model) for Oriental Migratory Locust Area Extraction at Large Scales: A Case Study along the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yellow River, A
* 2023: Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Hybrid Network for Multi-Channel Remote Sensing Images, A
Includes: Sun, R.Q.[Rong Qing] Sun, R.Q.[Rong-Qing] Sun, R.Q.[Rui-Qi] Sun, R.Q.[Ruo-Qi]
8 for Sun, R.Q.

Sun, R.R.[Ran Ran] * 2024: Coupling Effect and Chain Evolution of Urban Rail Transit Emergencies
Includes: Sun, R.R.[Ran Ran] Sun, R.R.[Ran-Ran]

Sun, R.X.[Rui Xiang] * 2006: Support vector machine with orthogonal Chebyshev kernel
* 2022: Efficient Axial-Attention Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification, An
Includes: Sun, R.X.[Rui Xiang] Sun, R.X.[Rui-Xiang] Sun, R.X.[Ruo-Xi]

Sun, R.Y.[Rui Yu] * 2020: Reflection removal on the windshield during nighttime driving
* 2020: Sketch-inspector: A Deep Mixture Model for High-quality Sketch Generation of Cats
* 2021: Separation of Metabolites and Macromolecules for Short-TE 1H-MRSI Using Learned Component-Specific Representations
Includes: Sun, R.Y.[Rui Yu] Sun, R.Y.[Rui-Yu] Sun, R.Y.[Rui-Yang] Sun, R.Y.[Ruo-Yu]

Sun, R.Z.[Rui Zhi] * 2018: GRIDEN: An effective grid-based and density-based spatial clustering algorithm to support parallel computing
* 2020: Research on real-time analysis technology of urban land use based on support vector machine
* 2021: Context Decoupling Augmentation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: General Object Pose Transformation Network from Unpaired Data
* 2024: MMAN-M2: Multiple multi-head attentions network based on encoder with missing modalities
* 2024: Unified Transformer Framework for Group-Based Segmentation: Co-Segmentation, Co-Saliency Detection and Video Salient Object Detection, A
Includes: Sun, R.Z.[Rui Zhi] Sun, R.Z.[Rui-Zhi] Sun, R.Z.[Rui-Zhou]

Sun, S.[Shan] * 1997: Video Data Compression for Multimedia Computing Statistically Based and Biologically Inspired Techniques
* 2005: Optimal information fusion distributed smoother for discrete multichannel ARMA signals
* 2005: Print-and-scan model and the watermarking countermeasure
* 2008: novel incremental rate control scheme for H.264 video coding, A
* 2008: Representative feature chain for single gallery image face recognition
* 2009: DPCC and QR factorization-based color medical image authentication algorithm
* 2009: Incremental rate control for H.264/AVC video compression
* 2009: New Approach to Optimal Filtering for ARMA Signals
* 2011: Variational Inference for Infinite Mixtures of Gaussian Processes With Applications to Traffic Flow Prediction
* 2012: Automated 3-D Segmentation of Lungs With Lung Cancer in CT Data Using a Novel Robust Active Shape Model Approach
* 2012: Joint H.264/scalable video coding-multiple input multiple output rate control for wireless video applications
* 2012: Seasonal Differences in Spatial Scales of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Lake Taihu, China
* 2013: Graph-Based IVUS Segmentation With Efficient Computer-Aided Refinement
* 2013: Image denoising algorithm based on contourlet transform for optical coherence tomography heart tube image
* 2013: Joint Sparse Learning for 3-D Facial Expression Generation
* 2014: Bit allocation for quality scalability coding of H.264/SVC
* 2014: Optimal Energy Transfer Pipe Arrangement for Acoustic Drill String Telemetry
* 2015: QoE-aware video streaming for SVC over multiuser MIMO-OFDM systems
* 2015: Rate control for screen content coding based on picture classification
* 2016: Cross-domain, soft-partition clustering with diversity measure and knowledge reference
* 2016: GRMR: Greedy Regional Multicast Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2016: High-Order Gaussian Process Dynamical Models for Traffic Flow Prediction
* 2016: Multiview Uncorrelated Discriminant Analysis
* 2017: Adaptive anchor-point selection for single image super-resolution
* 2017: Linearized 3-D Electromagnetic Contrast Source Inversion and Its Applications to Half-Space Configurations
* 2017: Nonparametric Sparse Matrix Decomposition for Cross-View Dimensionality Reduction
* 2017: Observational Quantification of Climatic and Human Influences on Vegetation Greening in China
* 2017: Person Re-identification in the Wild
* 2017: Rate control with delay constraint for screen content coding
* 2017: Spindle Net: Person Re-identification with Human Body Region Guided Feature Decomposition and Fusion
* 2018: Accurate Deep Direct Geo-Localization from Ground Imagery and Phone-Grade GPS
* 2018: Assessing Image Retrieval Quality at the First Glance
* 2018: Improving context-sensitive similarity via smooth neighborhood for object retrieval
* 2018: Joint Knowledge Base Embedding with Neighborhood Context
* 2018: Optical Flow Guided Feature: A Fast and Robust Motion Representation for Video Action Recognition
* 2018: Retrieval Oriented Deep Feature Learning With Complementary Supervision Mining
* 2018: Scalable Bag of Selected Deep Features for Visual Instance Retrieval
* 2019: Benchmark Data and Method for Real-Time People Counting in Cluttered Scenes Using Depth Sensors
* 2019: Challenges of Interpreting Oil-Water Spatial and Spectral Contrasts for the Estimation of Oil Thickness: Examples From Satellite and Airborne Measurements of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, The
* 2019: Integrating Image and Textual Information in Human-Robot Interactions for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
* 2019: Multi-Loss-Aware Channel Pruning of Deep Networks
* 2019: Parametric Human Shape Reconstruction via Bidirectional Silhouette Guidance
* 2019: Robust Landmark Detection and Position Measurement Based on Monocular Vision for Autonomous Aerial Refueling of UAVs
* 2019: Robust Multi-Modality Multi-Object Tracking
* 2019: Stereo-Matching Network for Structured Light
* 2020: Application of fuzzy image restoration in criminal investigation
* 2020: Camera Shooting Resilient Watermarking Scheme for Underpainting Documents, A
* 2020: Compensation of Geometric Parameter Errors for Terrestrial Laser Scanner by Integrating Intensity Correction
* 2020: FOAL: Fast Online Adaptive Learning for Cardiac Motion Estimation
* 2020: MIMO Radar for Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving: Advantages and Challenges
* 2020: Multi-scale Grouped Dense Network for VVC Intra Coding
* 2020: Multi-Scale Video Inverse Tone Mapping with Deformable Alignment
* 2020: Progressive Fast CU Split Decision Scheme for AVS3, A
* 2020: Simulation of the Dynamic Water Storage and Its Gravitational Effect in the Head Region of Three Gorges Reservoir Using Imageries of Gaofen-1
* 2020: Using Weighted Total Least Squares and 3-D Conformal Coordinate Transformation to Improve the Accuracy of Mobile Laser Scanning
* 2020: Which Precipitation Product Works Best in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Multi-Source Blended Data, Global/Regional Reanalysis Data, or Satellite Retrieved Precipitation Data?
* 2021: Adaptive All-Pass Filter for Time-Varying Delay Estimation, An
* 2021: DetexNet: Accurately Diagnosing Frequent and Challenging Pediatric Malignant Tumors
* 2021: Multimodal Data and Multiscale Kernel-Based Multistream CNN for Fine Classification of a Complex Surface-Mined Area
* 2021: Novel Framework for 3D Road Extraction Based on Airborne LiDAR and High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2021: Prediction of Forest Fire Spread Rate Using UAV Images and an LSTM Model Considering the Interaction between Fire and Wind
* 2021: Semantic Structured Image Coding Framework for Multiple Intelligent Applications
* 2021: Serial GANs: A Feature-Preserving Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Image Transformation Model
* 2021: Spatial Context-Aware Self-Attention Model For Multi-Organ Segmentation
* 2021: Underwater Acoustic Localization of the Black Box Based on Generalized Second-Order Time Difference of Arrival (GSTDOA)
* 2021: Weakly Supervised Fingerprint Pore Extraction With Convolutional Neural Network
* 2021: Weibull-distribution-based hybrid total variation method for speckle reduction in ultrasound images, A
* 2022: 2D&3DHNet for 3D Object Classification in LiDAR Point Cloud
* 2022: Approach Based on Transformer and Deformable Convolution for Realistic Handwriting Samples Generation, An
* 2022: Conditional Hyper-Network for Blind Super-Resolution With Multiple Degradations
* 2022: Data Fusion Method for Generating Hourly Seamless Land Surface Temperature from Himawari-8 AHI Data, A
* 2022: Data-Driven Model on Google Earth Engine for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment in the Hengduan Mountains, the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, A
* 2022: DDNet: 3D densely connected convolutional networks with feature pyramids for nasopharyngeal carcinoma segmentation
* 2022: Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Hourly One-Kilometre Gridded Multisource Fusion Air Temperature Dataset in China Based on Remote Sensing DEM
* 2022: DGPolarNet: Dynamic Graph Convolution Network for LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation on Polar BEV
* 2022: Estimation of Dry Matter and N Nutrient Status of Choy Sum by Analyzing Canopy Images and Plant Height Information
* 2022: Identity-Aware Hand Mesh Estimation and Personalization from RGB Images
* 2022: Image Coding for Machines with Omnipotent Feature Learning
* 2022: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Based on the Germinal Center Optimization Algorithm and Support Vector Classification
* 2022: Pyramid Convolutional RNN for MRI Image Reconstruction
* 2022: Robust Landmark-Based Stent Tracking in X-ray Fluoroscopy
* 2022: Topology-Preserving Shape Reconstruction and Registration via Neural Diffeomorphic Flow
* 2023: Fast SwT-Based Deep Steganalysis Network for Arbitrary-Sized Images
* 2023: Flow-Data-Based Global Spatial Autocorrelation Measurements for Evaluating Spatial Interactions
* 2023: GraphIQA: Learning Distortion Graph Representations for Blind Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Based on Graph Regular Tensor Ring Decomposition
* 2023: Hyperspectral subpixel target detection based on interaction subspace model
* 2023: Key Frame Mechanism for Efficient Conformer Based End-to-End Speech Recognition
* 2023: MuCoGraph: A multi-scale constraint enhanced pose-graph framework for MLS point cloud inconsistency correction
* 2023: Multi-Scenario Prediction and Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Land Use and Carbon Storage Response in Shaanxi, A
* 2023: Multi-view clustering via efficient representation learning with anchors
* 2023: Multi-view prototype-based disambiguation for partial label learning
* 2023: Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Based on Joint-Structured Sparse Block-Term Tensor Decomposition
* 2023: PAA: A Blockchain-Based Parking Assistance Alliance With User Preference
* 2023: Personal-Zscore: Eliminating Individual Difference for EEG-Based Cross-Subject Emotion Recognition
* 2023: reversibility of cancelable biometric templates based on iterative perturbation stochastic approximation strategy, The
* 2023: Semantical video coding: Instill static-dynamic clues into structured bitstream for AI tasks
* 2023: Unbiased Scene Graph Generation via Two-Stage Causal Modeling
* 2024: CVTHead: One-shot Controllable Head Avatar with Vertex-feature Transformer
* 2024: Decoupled representation for multi-view learning
* 2024: High-precision real-time urine crystallization recognition based on dilated bilinear space pyramid ConvNext
* 2024: Hybrid Neural Diffeomorphic Flow for Shape Representation and Generation via Triplane
* 2024: Measuring the Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity of Helplessness Sentiment and Its Built Environment Determinants during the COVID-19 Quarantines: A Case Study in Shanghai
* 2024: MMAN-M2: Multiple multi-head attentions network based on encoder with missing modalities
* 2024: Self-distillation and self-supervision for partial label learning
Includes: Sun, S.[Shan] Sun, S. Sun, S.[Shenghe] Sun, S.[Sai] Sun, S.[Shewen] Sun, S.[Shuli] Sun, S.[Songlin] Sun, S.[Sumei] Sun, S.[Shouwei] Sun, S.[Shimin] Sun, S.[Shanlei] Sun, S.[Shaoyan] Sun, S.[Shuo] Sun, S.[Shida] Sun, S.[Shuai] Sun, S.[Song] Sun, S.[Sitong] Sun, S.[Shufa] Sun, S.[Simeng] Sun, S.[Shun] Sun, S.[Shanlin] Sun, S.[Sibo] Sun, S.[Shuang] Sun, S.[Shuifa] Sun, S.[Su] Sun, S.[Shiwen] Sun, S.[Shouqian] Sun, S.[Shanhui] Sun, S.[Sashuang] Sun, S.[Sixuan] Sun, S.[Shiyao] Sun, S.[Shasha] Sun, S.[Siyu] Sun, S.[Sining] Sun, S.[Sihan] Sun, S.[Shanbao] Sun, S.[Shiding] Sun, S.[Shulin] Sun, S.[Shuting] Sun, S.[Shuzhou] Sun, S.[Shantong] Sun, S.[Shanqi]
105 for Sun, S.

Sun, S.B.[Shao Bo] * 2017: Assimilating leaf area index of three typical types of subtropical forest in China from MODIS time series data based on the integrated ensemble Kalman filter and PROSAIL model
* 2020: Mapping Coastal Wetlands of the Bohai Rim at a Spatial Resolution of 10 m Using Multiple Open-Access Satellite Data and Terrain Indices
* 2021: Assessment of Vegetation Dynamics and Ecosystem Resilience in the Context of Climate Change and Drought in the Horn of Africa
* 2021: Modelling Aboveground Biomass Carbon Stock of the Bohai Rim Coastal Wetlands by Integrating Remote Sensing, Terrain, and Climate Data
* 2022: Long Time-Series Mapping and Change Detection of Coastal Zone Land Use Based on Google Earth Engine and Multi-Source Data Fusion
Includes: Sun, S.B.[Shao Bo] Sun, S.B.[Shao-Bo]

Sun, S.C.[Shi Chen] * 2020: Weakly-supervised Reconstruction of 3d Objects with Large Shape Variation from Single In-the-wild Images
Includes: Sun, S.C.[Shi Chen] Sun, S.C.[Shi-Chen]

Sun, S.D.[Shi Dan] * 2022: Fast ship detection based on lightweight YOLOv5 network
Includes: Sun, S.D.[Shi Dan] Sun, S.D.[Shi-Dan]

Sun, S.F.[Shui Fa] * 2007: Design an Aperiodic Stochastic Resonance Signal Processor for Digital Watermarking
* 2014: Improved mean shift target tracking based on self-organizing maps
* 2017: Convex-relaxed active contour model based on localised kernel mapping
* 2018: Improved dual-mode compressive tracking integrating balanced colour and texture features
* 2019: Lightweight Feature Fusion Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Dense sampling and detail enhancement network: Improved small object detection based on dense sampling and detail enhancement
Includes: Sun, S.F.[Shui Fa] Sun, S.F.[Shui-Fa]

Sun, S.G.[Sun Gu] * 2002: Invariant feature extraction based on radial and distance function for automatic target recognition
Includes: Sun, S.G.[Sun Gu] Sun, S.G.[Sun-Gu]

Sun, S.H.[Sheng He] * 2001: Image Fusion Based on Median Filters and SOFM Neural Networks: A Three-Step Scheme
* 2001: Vector quantization based on genetic simulated annealing
* 2003: efficient encoding algorithm for vector quantization based on subvector technique, An
* 2005: Multipurpose Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Multistage Vector Quantization
* 2011: Avoiding Mesh Folding in 3D Optimal Surface Segmentation
* 2014: Exploiting image structural similarity for single image rain removal
* 2018: Multi-view to Novel View: Synthesizing Novel Views With Self-learned Confidence
* 2018: Robust Multimodal Image Registration Using Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning
* 2019: Feedback Adversarial Learning: Spatial Feedback for Improving Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2022: SCAD: A Siamese Cross-Attention Discrimination Network for Bitemporal Building Change Detection
* 2023: Optimal Design of Tractive Layout for Minimizing the Insufficient Displacement of Railway Turnout
Includes: Sun, S.H.[Sheng He] Sun, S.H.[Sheng-He] Sun, S.H. Sun, S.H.[Shan-Hui] Sun, S.H.[Shao-Hua] Sun, S.H.[Shi-Hong]
11 for Sun, S.H.

Sun, S.J.[Shi Jun] * 2000: Motion Estimation Based on Optical Flow with Adaptive Gradients
* 2002: Vsnakes with local affine deformations
* 2003: Fast template matching using correlation-based adaptive predictive search
* 2003: Semiautomatic video object segmentation using vsnakes
* 2007: Method and apparatus for global motion estimation
* 2015: Active Learning With Gaussian Process Classifier for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2020: Simultaneous Detection and Tracking with Motion Modelling for Multiple Object Tracking
* 2021: Deep Affinity Network for Multiple Object Tracking
* 2021: Two-Decade Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a in the Northern South China Sea as Revealed by Reconstructed Cloud-Free Satellite Data
* 2022: Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Detecting Typical Coastal Reclamation in Guangdong Province with Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Images
* 2022: Detection of Oil Spills in the Northern South China Sea Using Landsat-8 OLI
* 2022: Spectral Discrimination of Pumice Rafts in Optical MSI Imagery
Includes: Sun, S.J.[Shi Jun] Sun, S.J.[Shi-Jun] Sun, S.J.[Shu-Jin] Sun, S.J.[Shi-Jie] Sun, S.J.[Shao-Jie]
12 for Sun, S.J.

Sun, S.K. * 2010: Zernike Moment Phase-Based Descriptor for Local Image Representation and Matching, A

Sun, S.L.[Shi Liang] * 2006: bayesian network approach to traffic flow forecasting, A
* 2007: experimental evaluation of ensemble methods for EEG signal classification, An
* 2008: Multitask learning for EEG-based biometrics
* 2008: random electrode selection ensemble for EEG signal classification, The
* 2010: Hierarchical Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classification
* 2010: Local within-class accuracies for weighting individual outputs in multiple classifier systems
* 2010: Multiple-view multiple-learner active learning
* 2010: Nonlinear Combination of Multiple Kernels for Support Vector Machines
* 2010: Visual Attention Based Approach to Text Extraction, A
* 2012: Dynamical ensemble learning with model-friendly classifiers for domain adaptation
* 2012: Multitask multiclass privileged information support vector machines
* 2013: level set method for very high resolution airborne sar image segmentation, A
* 2013: Multitask multiclass support vector machines: Model and experiments
* 2014: Variable length dominant Gabor local binary pattern (VLD-GLBP) for face recognition
* 2015: Modeling and recognizing human trajectories with beta process hidden Markov models
* 2015: Novel Methods to Accelerate CS Radar Imaging by NUFFT
* 2015: Text detection in nature scene images using two-stage nontext filtering
* 2018: Assessment of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Products over China Using Eddy Covariance Observations
* 2018: Compressive Tracking Method Based on Gaussian Differential Graph and Weighted Cosine Similarity Metric, A
* 2019: Dissecting Performances of PERSIANN-CDR Precipitation Product over Huai River Basin, China
* 2020: Capacity of Satellite-Based and Reanalysis Precipitation Products in Detecting Long-Term Trends across Mainland China
* 2020: Convolutional Neural Network with Spatial-Variant Convolution Kernel
* 2020: Decomposed slice sampling for factorized distributions
* 2021: Capacity of the PERSIANN-CDR Product in Detecting Extreme Precipitation over Huai River Basin, China
* 2021: LCBM: A Multi-View Probabilistic Model for Multi-Label Classification
* 2021: Multi-Kernel Online Reinforcement Learning for Path Tracking Control of Intelligent Vehicles
* 2021: Multi-View Representation Learning With Deep Gaussian Processes
* 2021: Recurrent Mask Refinement for Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation
* 2022: Adaptive weight based on overlapping blocks network for facial expression recognition
* 2022: AFTer-UNet: Axial Fusion Transformer UNet for Medical Image Segmentation
* 2022: Incomplete multi-view clustering with cosine similarity
* 2022: Incomplete multiview nonnegative representation learning with multiple graphs
* 2022: MFIALane: Multiscale Feature Information Aggregator Network for Lane Detection
* 2022: Multimodal Differential Evolution Algorithm in Initial Orbit Determination for a Space-Based Too Short Arc, A
* 2022: Multiview Graph Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* 2022: Risk Assessment of Snow Disasters for Animal Husbandry on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Influences of Snow Disasters on the Well-Being of Farmers and Pastoralists
* 2023: Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Neural Velocity Field
* 2023: Intelligent Segmentation and Change Detection of Dams Based on UAV Remote Sensing Images
* 2023: Line graph contrastive learning for link prediction
* 2023: Multi-scale homography estimation based on dual feature aggregation transformer
* 2023: Multi-View Deep Gaussian Processes for Supervised Learning
* 2023: Multiview Unsupervised Shapelet Learning for Multivariate Time Series Clustering
* 2023: Phase Difference Measurement Method for Integrated Optical Interferometric Imagers, A
* 2023: Representation Recovering for Self-Supervised Pre-training on Medical Images
* 2023: Robust Bounding Box Regression for Small Object Detection
* 2024: AFTer-SAM: Adapting SAM with Axial Fusion Transformer for Medical Imaging Segmentation
Includes: Sun, S.L.[Shi Liang] Sun, S.L.[Shi-Liang] Sun, S.L.[Si-Liang] Sun, S.L.[Song-Lin] Sun, S.L.[Shi-Long] Sun, S.L.[Shan-Lei] Sun, S.L.[Sheng-Li] Sun, S.L.[Shan-Lin] Sun, S.L.[Shi-Lin] Sun, S.L.[Shi-Lei]
46 for Sun, S.L.

Sun, S.M.[Shu Ming] * 2021: UCCTGAN: Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network
* 2022: Online Scheduling and Route Planning for Shared Buses in Urban Traffic Networks
* 2022: Underwater bubble plume image generative model based on noise prior and multi conditional labels
Includes: Sun, S.M.[Shu Ming] Sun, S.M.[Shu-Ming] Sun, S.M.[Shou-Ming] Sun, S.M.[Shi-Ming]

Sun, S.N. * 1999: New Fast and Efficient Two-Step Search Algorithm for Block Motion Estimation

Sun, S.P.[Shuh Ping] * 2009: Full Scale 3D Pre-Surgery Planning System for Internal Fixation Operative of Calcaneal Collapse with Multimedia Operation Environment
* 2014: Robust 3D Face Landmark Localization Based on Local Coordinate Coding
* 2017: In-Field High-Throughput Phenotyping of Cotton Plant Height Using LiDAR
* 2020: Three-dimensional photogrammetric mapping of cotton bolls in situ based on point cloud segmentation and clustering
* 2021: Robust Visual Object Tracking with Spatiotemporal Regularisation and Discriminative Occlusion Deformation
Includes: Sun, S.P.[Shuh Ping] Sun, S.P.[Shuh-Ping] Sun, S.P.[Sheng-Peng] Sun, S.P.[Shang-Peng] Sun, S.P.[Shi-Peng]

Sun, S.Q.[Shou Qian] * 2019: User Independent Emotion Recognition with Residual Signal-Image Network
* 2021: DESA: Disparity Estimation With Surface Awareness
* 2022: Distilling DETR-Like Detectors with Instance-Aware Feature
* 2022: Real-Time Mission-Motion Planner for Multi-UUVs Cooperative Work Using Tri-Level Programing
* 2023: Depth-Hand: 3D Hand Keypoint Detection With Dense Depth Estimation
* 2023: Event-Aware Video Deraining via Multi-Patch Progressive Learning
* 2023: USGG: Union Message Based Scene Graph Generation
Includes: Sun, S.Q.[Shou Qian] Sun, S.Q.[Shou-Qian] Sun, S.Q.[Shu-Qiao] Sun, S.Q.[Si-Qing] Sun, S.Q.[Shang-Quan] Sun, S.Q.[Shi-Qi]
7 for Sun, S.Q.

Sun, S.R.[Shu Rong] * 2019: Incremental semi-supervised learning on streaming data
Includes: Sun, S.R.[Shu Rong] Sun, S.R.[Shu-Rong]

Sun, S.S.[Shu Sen] * 2008: Blind Watermarking Of Non-uniform B-spline Surfaces
* 2020: Review of palm vein recognition
Includes: Sun, S.S.[Shu Sen] Sun, S.S.[Shu-Sen] Sun, S.S.[Shen-Shen]

Sun, S.T.[Song Tao] * 2020: Deal: Difficulty-aware Active Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: DESA: Disparity Estimation With Surface Awareness
* 2021: Semantic Segmentation for Buildings of Large Intra-Class Variation in Remote Sensing Images with O-GAN
* 2023: FSAR: Federated Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Adaptive Topology Structure and Knowledge Distillation
Includes: Sun, S.T.[Song Tao] Sun, S.T.[Song-Tao] Sun, S.T.[Shan-Tong] Sun, S.T.[Shu-Ting] Sun, S.T.[Shi-Tong]

Sun, S.W.[Shih Wei] * 2008: AACS-compatible multimedia joint encryption and fingerprinting: Security issues and some solutions
* 2008: Efficient Bit-Rate Estimation for Mode Decision of H.264/AVC
* 2010: Data-Driven Foreground Object Detection from a Non-stationary Camera
* 2010: P3-CABAC: A Nonstandard Tri-Thread Parallel Evolution of CABAC in the Manycore Era
* 2013: Moving foreground object detection via robust SIFT trajectories
* 2016: People tracking in an environment with multiple depth cameras: A skeleton-based pairwise trajectory matching scheme
* 2019: Smart: A Sensor-Triggerred Interactive MR Display
* 2021: Co-Saliency Detection Via Unified Hierarchical Graph Neural Network With Geometric Attention
* 2023: Label-Free Liver Tumor Segmentation
Includes: Sun, S.W.[Shih Wei] Sun, S.W.[Shih-Wei] Sun, S.W.[Shu-Wei] Sun, S.W. Sun, S.W.[Shao-Wei] Sun, S.W.[Shu-Wen]
9 for Sun, S.W.

Sun, S.X. * 2007: Variational PDE based image restoration using neural network
* 2009: Effective intra-only rate control for H.264/AVC
* 2009: Joint Rate-Distortion model for H.264/AVC rate control
* 2009: New rate-distortion modeling and efficient rate control for H.264/AVC video coding
* 2010: improved RHT algorithm to detect line segments, An
* 2010: Multihop Packet Delay Bound Violation Modeling for Resource Allocation in Video Streaming Over Mesh Networks
* 2015: self-adaptive weighted affinity propagation clustering for key frames extraction on human action recognition, A
* 2019: Accelerated adaptive super twisting sliding mode observer-based drive shaft torque estimation for electric vehicle with automated manual transmission
* 2020: Intelligent estimation for electric vehicle mass with unknown uncertainties based on particle filter
* 2022: Fitbeat: COVID-19 estimation based on wristband heart rate using a contrastive convolutional auto-encoder
* 2023: Meta underwater camera: A smart protocol for underwater image enhancement
* 2024: Underwater Color Disparities: Cues for Enhancing Underwater Images Toward Natural Color Consistencies
Includes: Sun, S.X. Sun, S.X.[Shi-Xin] Sun, S.X.[Shu-Xin] Sun, S.X.[Sheng-Xiong] Sun, S.X.[Shao-Xiong]
12 for Sun, S.X.

Sun, S.Y.[Shao Yuan] * 2005: Color transfer based remote sensing image fusion using non-separable wavelet frame transform
* 2006: Local structure based supervised feature extraction
* 2010: Colorizing single-band thermal night vision images
* 2010: Optimal Locality Preserving Projection
* 2012: Depth estimation from monocular infrared images based on BP neural network model
* 2016: Smooth Neighborhood Structure Mining on Multiple Affinity Graphs with Applications to Context-Sensitive Similarity
* 2017: 3D Imaging of Greenhouse Plants with an Inexpensive Binocular Stereo Vision System
* 2019: Hybrid Task Cascade for Instance Segmentation
* 2019: Prediction-Based Scale Adaptive Correlation Filter Tracker
* 2021: Adversarial Multimodal Network for Movie Story Question Answering
* 2021: Aggregation with Feature Detection
* 2021: Application of Airborne Electromagnetics and Magnetics for Mineral Exploration in the Baishiquan-Hongliujing Area, Northwest China
* 2021: Retrieval of Total Phosphorus Concentration in the Surface Water of Miyun Reservoir Based on Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Algorithms
* 2021: Vision Transformer with Progressive Sampling
* 2022: Knowledge Distillation as Efficient Pre-training: Faster Convergence, Higher Data-efficiency, and Better Transferability
* 2022: Lightweight and Effective Deep Image Steganalysis Network
* 2022: Slot-VPS: Object-centric Representation Learning for Video Panoptic Segmentation
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Variation of Actual Evapotranspiration and Its Relationship with Precipitation in Northern China under Global Warming
* 2022: TransMix: Attend to Mix for Vision Transformers
* 2023: Disturbance Frequency Index in Earthquake Forecast Using Radio Occultation Data, A
* 2023: First Assessment of Bistatic Geometric Calibration and Geolocation Accuracy of Innovative Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar LuTan-1
* 2023: Hierarchical Semantic Contrast for Scene-aware Video Anomaly Detection
* 2023: Hyperspectral subpixel target detection based on interaction subspace model
* 2023: Method for Detecting Ionospheric TEC Anomalies before Earthquake: The Case Study of Ms 7.8 Earthquake, February 06, 2023, Turkiye, A
* 2023: Non-Uniform Illumination Underwater Image Enhancement via Minimum Weighted Error Entropy Loss
* 2023: OxfordTVG-HIC: Can Machine Make Humorous Captions from Images?
* 2023: Patch-Based Separable Transformer for Visual Recognition
* 2023: RA-CLIP: Retrieval Augmented Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training
Includes: Sun, S.Y.[Shao Yuan] Sun, S.Y.[Shao-Yuan] Sun, S.Y.[Shao-Yan] Sun, S.Y.[Shu-Yang] Sun, S.Y.[Shan-Yi] Sun, S.Y.[Si-Yuan] Sun, S.Y.[Si-Yang] Sun, S.Y.[Shi-Yao] Sun, S.Y.[Shu-Yu] Sun, S.Y.[Shi-Yu] Sun, S.Y.[Sheng-Yang] Sun, S.Y.[Sheng-Yin] Sun, S.Y.[Shu-Yi] Sun, S.Y.[Sheng-Yi]
28 for Sun, S.Y.

Sun, S.Z.[Shu Zhou] * 2023: EAPT: Efficient Attention Pyramid Transformer for Image Processing
* 2023: LayoutDiffusion: Improving Graphic Layout Generation by Discrete Diffusion Probabilistic Models
* 2023: LayoutFormer++: Conditional Graphic Layout Generation via Constraint Serialization and Decoding Space Restriction
* 2023: Parse-Then-Place Approach for Generating Graphic Layouts from Textual Descriptions, A
* 2024: FastAL: Fast Evaluation Module for Efficient Dynamic Deep Active Learning Using Broad Learning System
Includes: Sun, S.Z.[Shu Zhou] Sun, S.Z.[Shu-Zhou] Sun, S.Z.[Shi-Zhao]

Sun, T. * 1994: Detail-Preserving Median Based Filters In Image-Processing
* 2007: Locality preserving CCA with applications to data visualization and pose estimation
* 2008: Comparison of Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm for HMM training
* 2008: MultiK-MHKS: A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning Algorithm
* 2011: Design and Implementation of Flood Monitoring and Assessment System
* 2011: Document Analysis Algorithm Contributions in End-to-End Applications: Report on the ICDAR 2011 Contest
* 2011: Research on Information Extraction of Collapsed Houses by Floods
* 2012: Compressive Sensing and Unmixing Scheme for Hyperspectral Data Processing, A
* 2012: Image deblocking via sparse representation
* 2013: Selective multiple kernel learning for classification with ensemble strategy
* 2014: DCT coefficients generation model for film grain noise and its application in super-resolution
* 2014: Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on Trivariate Mutual Information and Clonal Selection
* 2014: Inter-frame Video Forgery Detection Based on Block-Wise Brightness Variance Descriptor
* 2015: Content adaptive video denoising based on human visual perception
* 2015: Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classification
* 2015: Mutual-Information-Based Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection With High Discrimination, High Information, and Low Redundancy
* 2016: Multiple Kernel Learning Based on Discriminative Kernel Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* 2016: SS-OFDM: A low complexity method to improve spectral efficiency
* 2016: Unsupervised feature selection based on maximum information and minimum redundancy for hyperspectral images
* 2017: Classification for High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Using a Fully Convolutional Network
* 2017: Convergence of Proximal Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm Algorithm for Image Processing
* 2017: Fine-grained categorization via CNN-based automatic extraction and integration of object-level and part-level features
* 2017: Optimized Perceptual Tone Mapping for Contrast Enhancement of Images
* 2017: Revisiting Cross-Channel Information Transfer for Chromatic Aberration Correction
* 2018: Improved Digital Elevation Model of the Lunar Mons Rümker Region Based on Multisource Altimeter Data, An
* 2018: Real-time traffic signal control for intersections based on dynamic O-D estimation and multi-objective optimisation: combined model and algorithm
* 2018: Stacked U-Nets with Multi-output for Road Extraction
* 2019: CompenNet++: End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* 2019: Inertial Nonconvex Alternating Minimizations for the Image Deblurring
* 2019: Leveraging Crowdsourced GPS Data for Road Extraction From Aerial Imagery
* 2019: Quality-aware dual-modal saliency detection via deep reinforcement learning
* 2019: Semantic Expansion Model for VGI Retrieval, A
* 2019: Semi-semantic Line-cluster Assisted Monocular SLAM for Indoor Environments
* 2019: VisDrone-VID2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Video Challenge Results
* 2020: Action Recognition Scheme Based on Skeleton Representation With DS-LSTM Network
* 2020: Cross-Domain Document Object Detection: Benchmark Suite and Method
* 2020: Evaluation of a variable speed limit system using a hierarchical framework under a connected vehicles environment: a case study of a field test in Seattle
* 2020: Message Passing Based Robust Target Localization in Distributed MIMO Radars in the Presence of Outliers
* 2020: NIR Image Colorization Using SPADE Generator and Grayscale Approximated Self-Reconstruction
* 2020: Trend Inconsistency between Land Surface Temperature and Near Surface Air Temperature in Assessing Urban Heat Island Effects, The
* 2020: Urban traffic flow online prediction based on multi-component attention mechanism
* 2020: Video Anomaly Detection and Localization Based on an Adaptive Intra-Frame Classification Network
* 2021: Expansion and Evolution of a Typical Resource-Based Mining City in Transition Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Datong, China
* 2021: New Insights into the Pulang Porphyry Copper Deposit in Southwest China: Indication of Alteration Minerals Detected Using ASTER and WorldView-3 Data
* 2021: Novel Convergence Results of Adaptive Stochastic Gradient Descents
* 2021: Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Networks
* 2021: Universal SAR and optical image registration via a novel SIFT framework based on nonlinear diffusion and a polar spatial-frequency descriptor
* 2022: Adaptive and Implicit Regularization for Matrix Completion
* 2022: Adaptive Temporal Difference Learning With Linear Function Approximation
* 2022: Applying Machine Learning and Data Fusion to the Missing Person Problem
* 2022: ASTER and GF-5 Satellite Data for Mapping Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals in the Longtoushan Pb-Zn Deposit, SW China
* 2022: End-to-End Full Projector Compensation
* 2022: General nonconvex total variation and low-rank regularizations: Model, algorithm and applications
* 2022: LSMD-Net: Lidar-stereo Fusion with Mixture Density Network for Depth Sensing
* 2022: MC-GCN: A Multi-Scale Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Unconstrained Face Recognition With Image Sets
* 2022: Method to Estimate Clear-Sky Albedo of Paddy Rice Fields, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
* 2022: Pavement crack detection using non-local theory and iterative sampling
* 2022: Prior Knowledge Guided Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Safe Self-Refinement for Transformer-based Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Scheduled Restart Momentum for Accelerated Stochastic Gradient Descent
* 2022: SHIFT: A Synthetic Driving Dataset for Continuous Multi-Task Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Towards Language-Free Training for Text-to-Image Generation
* 2023: Backdoor Cleansing with Unlabeled Data
* 2023: Decentralized Federated Averaging
* 2023: Dual Path Attention Network (DPANet) for Intelligent Identification of Wenchuan Landslides
* 2023: Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and U2-Net++ Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2023: Heterogeneous Fleets for Green Vehicle Routing Problem With Traffic Restrictions
* 2023: Local Context-Aware Active Domain Adaptation
* 2023: Method to Estimate Clear-Sky Albedo of Paddy Rice Fields, A
* 2023: P-Band UAV-SAR 4D Imaging: A Multi-Master Differential SAR Tomography Approach
* 2023: Radar Reflectivity Assimilation Based on Hydrometeor Control Variables and Its Impact on Short-Term Precipitation Forecasting
* 2024: Prediction of Cross-Regional Landslide Susceptibility Based on Pixel Transfer Learning, The
* 2024: Renovated Framework of a Convolution Neural Network with Transformer for Detecting Surface Changes from High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Images, A
* 2024: Robust Coverless Video Steganography Based on the Similarity of Inter-Frames, A
* 2024: Vehicle-Based Machine Vision Approaches in Intelligent Connected System
Includes: Sun, T. Sun, T.[Tingkai] Sun, T.[Tieli] Sun, T.[Tao] Sun, T.[Tian] Sun, T.[Ting] Sun, T.[Tanfeng] Sun, T.[Tuo] Sun, T.[Tan] SUN, T.[Tao] Sun, T.[Tong] Sun, T.[Tiegang]
76 for Sun, T.

Sun, T.C.[Tian Cheng] * 2017: Convolution Neural Networks With Two Pathways for Image Style Recognition
* 2019: Content-Sensitive Multilevel Point Cluster Construction for ALS Point Cloud Classification
* 2020: Multi-exposure photomontage with hand-held cameras
* 2022: Quadratic Terms Based Point-to-Surface 3D Representation for Deep Learning of Point Cloud
Includes: Sun, T.C.[Tian Cheng] Sun, T.C.[Tian-Cheng] Sun, T.C.[Tao-Chun] Sun, T.C.[Tie-Cheng]

Sun, T.F.[Tan Feng] * 2008: Novel Real-Time MPEG-2 Video Watermarking Scheme in Copyright Protection, A
* 2009: Face Location in Dim-Lightening Coal Mine Surveillance Images
* 2009: Novel Video Content Classification Algorithm Based on Combined Visual Features Model, A
* 2011: Drift Compensation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Robust Watermarking Scheme, A
* 2013: Detection of Double Compression in MPEG-4 Videos Based on Markov Statistics
* 2013: Estimation of the primary quantization parameter in MPEG videos
* 2013: Identifying Video Forgery Process Using Optical Flow
* 2013: Unsupervised feature learning using Markov deep belief network
* 2015: Human activity recognition based on pose points selection
* 2016: Detecting Double H.264 Compression Based on Analyzing Prediction Residual Distribution
* 2016: Double compression detection based on local motion vector field analysis in static-background videos
* 2016: USM Sharpening Detection Based on Sparse Coding
* 2017: Coding Efficiency Preserving Steganography Based on HEVC Steganographic Channel Model
* 2017: Combining Gabor filtering and classification dictionaries learning for fingerprint enhancement
* 2017: Frame-wise detection of relocated I-frames in double compressed H.264 videos based on convolutional neural network
* 2017: HEVC Double Compression Detection Based on SN-PUPM Feature
* 2017: Two-Stream Dictionary Learning Architecture for Action Recognition
* 2018: Anomaly Detection Based on Stacked Sparse Coding With Intraframe Classification Strategy
* 2018: Computer Graphics Identification Combining Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
* 2018: High Capacity HEVC Steganographic Algorithm Using Intra Prediction Modes in Multi-sized Prediction Blocks, A
* 2019: Motion Vector-based Steganographic Algorithm for HEVC with MTB Mapping Strategy, A
* 2019: Visual tracking based on robust appearance model
* 2020: Real-time running detection system for UAV imagery based on optical flow and deep convolutional networks
* 2020: Research on adaptive local feature enhancement in convolutional neural networks
* 2021: Blind video quality assessment based on multilevel video perception
* 2021: Detection of transcoded HEVC videos based on in-loop filtering and PU partitioning analyses
* 2022: Gait Recognition Based on Local Graphical Skeleton Descriptor With Pairwise Similarity Network
* 2023: Multi-Channel HEVC Steganography by Minimizing IPM Steganographic Distortions
* 2023: Robust Coverless Image Steganography Based on an End-to-End Hash Generation Model, A
* 2024: Image Understands Point Cloud: Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation via Association Learning
Includes: Sun, T.F.[Tan Feng] Sun, T.F.[Tan-Feng] Sun, T.F.[Tong-Feng] Sun, T.F.[Tang-Feng] Sun, T.F.[Tian-Fu] Sun, T.F.[Tian-Fang]
30 for Sun, T.F.

Sun, T.H.[Te Hsiu] * 2010: Electric contacts inspection using machine vision
Includes: Sun, T.H.[Te Hsiu] Sun, T.H.[Te-Hsiu]

Sun, T.L. * 1998: Unsupervised Interference Rejection Approach To Target Detection and Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery
* 1999: Joint Band Prioritization and Band-Decorrelation Approach to Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2004: Conics-enhanced vision approach for easy and low-cost 3D tracking
* 2018: probabilistic model derived term weighting scheme for text classification, A
* 2024: Explainability of Speech Recognition Transformers via Gradient-Based Attention Visualization
Includes: Sun, T.L. Sun, T.L.[Tien-Lung] Sun, T.L.[Tie-Li] Sun, T.L.[Tian-Li]

Sun, T.N.[Tie Ning] * 2010: 4D nth-order Walsh orthogonal transform algorithm used for color image coding, A
Includes: Sun, T.N.[Tie Ning] Sun, T.N.[Tie-Ning]

Sun, T.Q.[Tian Qi] * 2018: Ocean Wind Retrieval Models for RADARSAT Constellation Mission Compact Polarimetry SAR
* 2021: Influence of Storm Tidal Current Field and Sea Bottom Slope on Coastal Ocean Waves during Typhoon Malakas
Includes: Sun, T.Q.[Tian Qi] Sun, T.Q.[Tian-Qi]

Sun, T.R.[Tian Ran] * 2023: Magnetopause Detection under Low Solar Wind Density Based on Deep Learning
* 2024: OESA-UNet: An Adaptive and Attentional Network for Detecting Diverse Magnetopause under the Limited Field of View
Includes: Sun, T.R.[Tian Ran] Sun, T.R.[Tian-Ran]

Sun, T.T.[Ting Ting] * 2017: Low light image enhancement with dual-tree complex wavelet transform
* 2018: Image super-resolution via adaptive sparse representation and self-learning
* 2020: Multi-View Robust Feature Learning for Data Clustering
* 2021: Effect of Dust Deposition on Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation in Urban Plants from Reflectance and Vegetation Indexes
* 2021: High-Precision Potential Evapotranspiration Model Using GNSS Observation
* 2021: Regional Spatiotemporal Downscaling Method for CO2 Columns, A
* 2022: Anomaly Intrusion Detection in Online Learning Space Based on XGBoost
Includes: Sun, T.T.[Ting Ting] Sun, T.T.[Ting-Ting] Sun, T.T.[Tian-Tian] Sun, T.T.[Teng-Teng] Sun, T.T.[Tong-Tong]
7 for Sun, T.T.

Sun, T.Y.[Tian Yang] * 2017: Skin beautification detection using sparse coding
* 2019: Exploring Group Movement Pattern through Cellular Data: A Case Study of Tourists in Hainan
* 2022: Long Term Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) Index Prediction Used Deep Learning by convLSTM
* 2023: Selective Multi-Grade Charging Scheduling and Rebalancing for One-Way Car-Sharing Systems
* 2023: TROSD: A New RGB-D Dataset for Transparent and Reflective Object Segmentation in Practice
* 2023: Vehicle/Employee Rebalancing and Charging Scheduling in One-Way Car Sharing Systems
Includes: Sun, T.Y.[Tian Yang] Sun, T.Y.[Tian-Yang] Sun, T.Y.[Tian-Yue] Sun, T.Y.[Tian-Ying] Sun, T.Y.[Tian-Yu]

Sun, T.Z.[Tie Zhu] * 2021: CKG: Dynamic Representation Based on Context and Knowledge Graph
* 2021: Moto: Enhancing Embedding with Multiple Joint Factors for Chinese Text Classification
Includes: Sun, T.Z.[Tie Zhu] Sun, T.Z.[Tie-Zhu]

Sun, W.[Wonyong] * 2001: Multimedia processor-based implementation of an error-diffusion halftoning algorithm exploiting subword parallelism
* 2001: Nested auto-regressive processes for MPEG-encoded video traffic modeling
* 2005: Requirements for Camera Calibration: Must Accuracy Come with a High Price?
* 2006: empirical evaluation of factors influencing camera calibration accuracy using three publicly available techniques, An
* 2006: Three New Implementations of the Triangular Prism Method for Computing the Fractal Dimension of Remote Sensing Images
* 2006: Variational Approaches on Discontinuity Localization and Field Estimation in Sea Surface Temperature and Soil Moisture
* 2008: Flexible prediction block decomposition with multi-channel filter banks for video coding
* 2008: Learning the Dynamics and Time-Recursive Boundary Detection of Deformable Objects
* 2009: Feature Extraction of Rotor Systems with Coupling Fault with Crack and Rub-Impact
* 2009: Level embedded medical image compression based on value of interest
* 2009: Multi-object segmentation by stereo mismatch
* 2009: Real-time screen image scaling and its GPU acceleration
* 2009: Secure distortion computation among untrusting parties using homomorphic encryption
* 2010: Integrating ILSR to Bag-of-Visual Words Model Based on Sparse Codes of SIFT Features Representations
* 2011: Digital image splicing detection based on approximate run length
* 2011: Improved Run Length Based Detection of Digital Image Splicing
* 2012: attribute-based framework for privacy preserving image querying, An
* 2012: Digital image splicing detection based on Markov features in DCT and DWT domain
* 2012: Hierarchical vs. Simultaneous Multiresolution Strategies for Nonrigid Image Registration
* 2012: On pinning impulsive control of complex dynamical networks
* 2013: High Capacity Data Hiding Scheme for Binary Images Based on Minimizing Flipping Distortion
* 2013: High performance reversible data hiding for block truncation coding compressed images
* 2013: Improved Tagged Visual Cryptograms by Using Random Grids
* 2013: Improving the visual quality of random grid-based visual secret sharing via error diffusion
* 2013: Optimal Co-Segmentation of Tumor in PET-CT Images With Context Information
* 2013: Positive Semidefinite Generalized Diffusion Tensor Imaging via Quadratic Semidefinite Programming
* 2013: Random grid-based visual secret sharing with abilities of OR and XOR decryptions
* 2013: Region duplication detection based on Harris corner points and step sector statistics
* 2013: Secret Sharing in Images Based on Error-Diffused Block Truncation Coding and Error Diffusion
* 2013: Simultaneous Multiresolution Strategies for Nonrigid Image Registration
* 2013: Super-Resolution Based on Compressive Sensing and Structural Self-Similarity for Remote Sensing Images
* 2013: Uncertainty Estimates for Imager Reference Inter-Calibration With CLARREO Reflected Solar Spectrometer
* 2014: Content-Adaptive Residual for Steganalysis
* 2014: Image Quality Assessment Based on Multi-Order Visual Comparison
* 2014: Randomly Perturbed Free-Form Deformation for Nonrigid Image Registration
* 2014: Rate-Constrained 3D Surface Estimation From Noise-Corrupted Multiview Depth Videos
* 2014: Relationship between the Growing Season Maximum Enhanced Vegetation Index and Climatic Factors on the Tibetan Plateau
* 2014: Reversible AMBTC-based secret sharing scheme with abilities of two decryptions
* 2014: Steganography Based on High-Dimensional Reference Table
* 2015: Binary image steganalysis based on pixel mesh Markov transition matrix
* 2015: Tissue Electrical Property Mapping From Zero Echo-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* 2015: User-friendly secret image sharing scheme with verification ability based on block truncation coding and error diffusion
* 2016: 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Classification
* 2016: Energy-Efficient Communication-Based Train Control Systems With Packet Delay and Loss
* 2016: Robust image watermarking based on Tucker decomposition and Adaptive-Lattice Quantization Index Modulation
* 2016: Secure Reversible Image Data Hiding Over Encrypted Domain via Key Modulation
* 2016: View Synthesis by Appearance Flow
* 2017: Bidirectional LSTM for ionospheric vertical Total Electron Content (TEC) forecasting
* 2017: Cascade Residual Learning: A Two-Stage Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Matching
* 2017: Case Study: Hyperspectral face recognition via feature extraction and CRC-based classifier
* 2017: Cognitive Control Method for Cost-Efficient CBTC Systems With Smart Grids, A
* 2017: CVIQD: Subjective quality evaluation of compressed virtual reality images
* 2017: GPU Based fast MPEG-CDVS encoder
* 2017: Hyperspectral face recognition with log-polar Fourier features and collaborative representation based voting classifiers
* 2017: Learning solar flare forecasting model from magnetograms
* 2017: LRR-based hyperspectral image restoration by exploiting the union structure of spectral space and with robust dictionary estimation
* 2017: MDID: A multiply distorted image database for image quality assessment
* 2017: Randomly Perturbed B-Splines for Nonrigid Image Registration
* 2017: Real-Time Fatigue Driving Recognition Method Incorporating Contextual Features and Two Fusion Levels, A
* 2018: Averaged Stochastic Optimization for Medical Image Registration Based on Variance Reduction
* 2018: DSR: Direct Self-Rectification for Uncalibrated Dual-Lens Cameras
* 2018: Fast MPEG-CDVS Encoder With GPU-CPU Hybrid Computing
* 2018: Graph-Regularized Fast and Robust Principal Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* 2018: On the Generation of Gapless and Seamless Daily Surface Reflectance Data
* 2018: Single View Stereo Matching
* 2018: SPSIM: A Superpixel-Based Similarity Index for Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2018: Tensor Completion via Generalized Tensor Tubal Rank Minimization Using General Unfolding
* 2018: Zoom and Learn: Generalizing Deep Stereo Matching to Novel Domains
* 2019: Automatic Generation of An Adaptive Navigation Model for Indoor Map Matching, The
* 2019: Deep End-to-End Alignment and Refinement for Time-of-Flight RGB-D Module
* 2019: Deep Learning Approach for Urban Underground Objects Detection From Vehicle-borne Ground Penetrating Radar Data in Real-Time, A
* 2019: Defocus blur detection based on multiscale SVD fusion in gradient domain
* 2019: Enhancing Communication-Based Train Control Systems Through Train-to-Train Communications
* 2019: Image Synthesis From Reconfigurable Layout and Style
* 2019: Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Attention for Video Action Recognition
* 2019: Linearized Multi-Sampling for Differentiable Image Transformation
* 2019: On semi-definiteness and minimal H-eigenvalue of a symmetric space tensor using nonnegative polynomial optimization techniques
* 2019: Quadratic Video Interpolation for VTSR Challenge
* 2019: Reconstruction From Multispectral to Hyperspectral Image Using Spectral Library-Based Dictionary Learning
* 2019: Self-Paced Joint Sparse Representation for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images
* 2019: Vehicle classification approach based on the combined texture and shape features with a compressive DL
* 2019: Video Image Target Recognition and Geolocation Method for UAV Based On Landmarks
* 2020: ACNe: Attentive Context Normalization for Robust Permutation-Equivariant Learning
* 2020: Attentive Normalization
* 2020: DOVE: Decomposition Oriented Video super-rEsolution
* 2020: Fast and Latent Low-Rank Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* 2020: Hyperchaotic Synchronization Secure Communication Based on State Observer
* 2020: Learned Image Downscaling for Upscaling Using Content Adaptive Resampler
* 2020: Learning Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Pixel Aggregations for Image and Video Denoising
* 2020: Network-Wide Link Travel Time Inference Using Trip-Based Data From Automatic Vehicle Identification Detectors
* 2020: Optimizing Through Learned Errors for Accurate Sports Field Registration
* 2020: Polarized Reflection Removal With Perfect Alignment in the Wild
* 2020: Power Transmission Line Reconstruction From Sequential Oblique UAV Images
* 2020: PVN3D: A Deep Point-Wise 3D Keypoints Voting Network for 6DoF Pose Estimation
* 2020: Similarity Measure for Binary Function Based on Graph Mover's Distance
* 2020: Small Object Augmentation of Urban Scenes for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: StereoGAN: Bridging Synthetic-to-Real Domain Gap by Joint Optimization of Domain Translation and Stereo Matching
* 2020: Towards Geometry Guided Neural Relighting with Flash Photography
* 2020: Underwater sonar image classification using generative adversarial network and convolutional neural network
* 2020: Vessel Azimuth and Course Joint Re-Estimation Method for Compact HFSWR, A
* 2021: Adaptive Pulsatile Plane for Robust Noncontact Heart Rate Monitoring
* 2021: Attention Based Network for No-Reference UGC Video Quality Assessment
* 2021: Automatic defect inspection system for beer bottles based on deep residual learning
* 2021: Carrier Phase-Based Precise Heading and Pitch Estimation Using a Low-Cost GNSS Receiver
* 2021: Coarse registration of point clouds with low overlap rate on feature regions
* 2021: Deep Neural Networks for Full-Reference and No-Reference Audio-Visual Quality Assessment
* 2021: EdgeGAN: One-way mapping generative adversarial network based on the edge information for unpaired training set
* 2021: Learning to Zoom-In via Learning to Zoom-Out: Real-World Super-Resolution by Generating and Adapting Degradation
* 2021: NDNet: Narrow While Deep Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* 2021: Non-uniform motion deblurring with blurry component divided guidance
* 2021: Robust High-Capacity Watermarking Over Online Social Network Shared Images
* 2021: Sequence-tracker: Multiple object tracking with sequence features in severe occlusion scene
* 2022: Deep-Sea Seabed Sediment Classification Using Finely Processed Multibeam Backscatter Intensity Data in the Southwest Indian Ridge
* 2022: HFF6D: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Network for Robust 6D Object Pose Tracking
* 2022: Land Cover Change Detection With Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images: Review, Progress, and Perspective
* 2022: Learning Layout and Style Reconfigurable GANs for Controllable Image Synthesis
* 2022: Learning to Detect Mobile Objects from LiDAR Scans Without Labels
* 2022: Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Inspection Method on Rural Living Environments Based on a Modified YOLOv5s-ViT, A
* 2022: No-Reference Quality Assessment for 3D Colored Point Cloud and Mesh Models
* 2022: Novel Method of Ship Detection under Cloud Interference for Optical Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2022: Self-supervised part segmentation via motion imitation
* 2022: Space-correlated Contrastive Representation Learning with Multiple Instances
* 2022: Surveillance Video Quality Assessment Based on Quality Related Retraining
* 2022: TBE-Net: A Three-Branch Embedding Network With Part-Aware Ability and Feature Complementary Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification
* 2022: Truck Parking Pattern Aggregation and Availability Prediction by Deep Learning
* 2022: Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition Using Internal Self-Similarity Cues
* 2022: Video super-resolution via mixed spatial-temporal convolution and selective fusion
* 2023: 3DF-FCOS: Small object detection with 3D features based on FCOS
* 2023: Accurate edge-preserving stereo matching by enhancing anisotropy
* 2023: Agglomerative Transformer for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* 2023: Attention-Guided Neural Networks for Full-Reference and No-Reference Audio-Visual Quality Assessment
* 2023: Audio-Visual Quality Assessment for User Generated Content: Database and Method
* 2023: Blind Image Quality Assessment via Cross-View Consistency
* 2023: CPSS-FAT: A consistent positive sample selection for object detection with full adaptive threshold
* 2023: Dynamic Monitoring of Surface Water Bodies and Their Influencing Factors in the Yellow River Basin
* 2023: end-to-end steel surface defect detection approach via Swin transformer, An
* 2023: Geometry-Aware Video Quality Assessment for Dynamic Digital Human
* 2023: Hierarchical Feature Fusion Transformer for No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
* 2023: Learned Scale-Arbitrary Image Downscaling for Non-Learnable Upscaling
* 2023: Lighting Consistency Technique for Outdoor Augmented Reality Systems Based on Multi-Source Geo-Information, A
* 2023: MD-VQA: Multi-Dimensional Quality Assessment for UGC Live Videos
* 2023: Minimum Noticeable Difference-Based Adversarial Privacy Preserving Image Generation
* 2023: Neighbor-Guided Consistent and Contrastive Learning for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition
* 2023: No-Reference Quality Assessment Method for Digital Human Head, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Quality Assessment of Video Enhancement Challenge
* 2023: Perceptual quality assessment for fine-grained compressed images
* 2023: QuickOSSE Research on the Impact of Airship-Borne Doppler Radar Radial Winds to Predict the Track and Intensity of a Tropical Cyclone
* 2023: Relative Effects of Climate Change and Phenological Change on Net Primary Productivity Vary with Grassland Types on the Tibetan Plateau, The
* 2023: Review of surface defect detection of steel products based on machine vision
* 2023: Spatio-temporal adaptive graph convolutional networks for traffic flow forecasting
* 2023: Subjective and Objective Audio-Visual Quality Assessment for User Generated Content
* 2023: VDPVE: VQA Dataset for Perceptual Video Enhancement
* 2024: Impacts of Extreme Precipitation and Diurnal Temperature Events on Grassland Productivity at Different Elevations on the Plateau
* 2024: Patient-Specific Heart Geometry Modeling for Solid Biomechanics Using Deep Learning
Includes: Sun, W.[Wonyong] Sun, W.[Wei] Sun, W.[Wanxiao] Sun, W. Sun, W.[Wen] Sun, W.[Wenyun] Sun, W.[Weilun] Sun, W.[Weikang] Sun, W.[WeiWei] Sun, W.[Wu] Sun, W.[Wenyi] Sun, W.[Wanjie] Sun, W.[Weichao] sun, W.[Wei]
154 for Sun, W.

Sun, W.B.[Wen Bin] * 2017: Evaluation and Comparison of Long-Term MODIS C5.1 and C6 Products against AERONET Observations over China
* 2019: gingivitis identification method based on contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, and extreme learning machine, A
* 2020: Gingivitis Identification Via Multichannel Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Particle Swarm Optimization Neural Network
* 2021: Adaptive Feature Weighted Fusion Nested U-Net with Discrete Wavelet Transform for Change Detection of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Biclustering Collaborative Learning for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Correlation Analysis and Reconstruction of the Geometric Evaluation Indicator System of the Discrete Global Grid
* 2022: GtoG Direct Coding Mapping Method for Multi-Type Global Discrete Grids Based on Space Filling Curves, A
* 2022: Median Stable Clustering and Global Distance Classification for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
* 2023: Effect of Partially Melting Droplets on Polarimetric and Bi-Spectral Retrieval of Water Cloud Particle Size
* 2024: gingivitis identification method based on contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization, gray-level co-occurrence matrix, and extreme learning machine, A
* 2024: How Does the 2D/3D Urban Morphology Affect the Urban Heat Island across Urban Functional Zones? A Case Study of Beijing, China
* 2024: Unsupervised spatial self-similarity difference-based change detection method for multi-source heterogeneous images
* 2024: WOOD: Wasserstein-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection
Includes: Sun, W.B.[Wen Bin] Sun, W.B.[Wen-Bin] Sun, W.B.[Wei-Bin] Sun, W.B.[Wen-Bo]
13 for Sun, W.B.

Sun, W.C.[Wei Chen] * 2014: Improving deep neural networks with multilayer maxout networks
* 2015: Finite-Time Stabilization for Vehicle Active Suspension Systems With Hard Constraints
* 2015: Regularization of deep neural networks using a novel companion objective function
* 2017: Exploring the Potential of Spectral Classification in Estimation of Soil Contaminant Elements
* 2017: novel companion objective function for regularization of deep convolutional neural networks, A
* 2020: Improving Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing-Based Rice Nitrogen Nutrition Index Prediction with Machine Learning
* 2021: Interannual and Seasonal Variations of Hydrological Connectivity in a Large Shallow Wetland of North China Estimated from Landsat 8 Images
* 2022: Adaptive Sensor Fault Accommodation for Vehicle Active Suspensions via Partial Measurement Information
* 2023: Combining Satellite Optical and Radar Image Data for Streamflow Estimation Using a Machine Learning Method
* 2023: Deep Dual-Resolution Networks for Real-Time and Accurate Semantic Segmentation of Traffic Scenes
* 2023: Multi-Phase Camera-LiDAR Fusion Network for 3D Semantic Segmentation With Weak Supervision, A
* 2023: Scattering Properties of Non-Gaussian Ocean Surface with the SSA Model Applied to GNSS-R
* 2023: VHR Bi-Temporal Remote-Sensing Image Change Detection Network Based on Swin Transformer, A
* 2024: AttentionTrack: Multiple Object Tracking in Traffic Scenarios Using Features Attention
Includes: Sun, W.C.[Wei Chen] Sun, W.C.[Wei-Chen] Sun, W.C.[Wei-Chao] Sun, W.C.[Wen-Chao]
14 for Sun, W.C.

Sun, W.D. * 1999: Online Learning Vector Quantization: A Harmonic Competition Approach Based on Conservation Network
* 2006: Study on the Geolocation Algorithm of Space-Borne SAR Image
* 2011: Contour-based iterative pose estimation of 3D rigid object
* 2012: Iterative three-dimensional rigid object pose estimation with contour correspondence
* 2013: High Resolution POLSAR Image Classification Based on Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine
* 2014: Super-resolution hyperspectral imaging with unknown blurring by low-rank and group-sparse modeling
* 2015: Group-based hyperspectral image denoising using low rank representation
* 2015: spectral unmixing method based on wavelet weighted similarity, A
* 2017: Hyperspectral image super-resolution based on non-factorization sparse representation and dictionary learning
* 2019: Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Using Cluster-Based Multi-Branch BP Neural Networks
* 2019: Novel Relational-Based Transductive Transfer Learning Method for PolSAR Images via Time-Series Clustering, A
* 2020: Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion Using Optimized Twin Dictionaries
* 2020: Scatter Matrix Based Domain Adaptation for Bi-Temporal Polarimetric SAR Images
* 2021: Ship Detection and Feature Visualization Analysis Based on Lightweight CNN in VH and VV Polarization Images
* 2021: Small-Sized Ship Detection Nearshore Based on Lightweight Active Learning Model with a Small Number of Labeled Data for SAR Imagery
* 2022: Data Augmentation Using Bitplane Information Recombination Model
* 2023: Evaluating the Capability of Sentinel-1 Data in the Classification of Canola and Wheat at Different Growth Stages and in Different Years
* 2023: Radiometric and Polarimetric Quality Validation of Gaofen-3 over a Five-Year Operation Period
* 2023: Single-Source Domain Expansion Network for Cross-Scene Hyperspectral Image Classification
Includes: Sun, W.D. Sun, W.D.[Wei-Dong]
19 for Sun, W.D.

Sun, W.F.[Wen Feng] * 2003: Study on imaging algorithm of missile-borne MMW SAR for ground target
* 2009: Adaptive Search Based Non-Local Means Image De-Noising
* 2009: Iris Recognition Based on a Novel Normalization Method and Contourlet Transform
* 2009: Linear FM Signal Detection Performance from Discrete-Time Observations
* 2010: Terahertz polarization real-time imaging based on balanced electro-optic detection
* 2020: Adaptive-SFSDAF for Spatiotemporal Image Fusion that Selectively Uses Class Abundance Change Information
* 2020: Vessel Tracking Using Bistatic Compact HFSWR
* 2021: New Gridded Product for the Total Columnar Atmospheric Water Vapor over Ocean Surface Constructed from Microwave Radiometer Satellite Data
* 2021: Vector Current Measurement Using Doppler Scatterometry with Optimally Selected Observation Azimuths
* 2021: Vessel Target Echo Characteristics and Motion Compensation for Shipborne HFSWR under Non-Uniform Linear Motion
* 2022: Multi-Stage Vessel Tracklet Association Method for Compact High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar, A
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Spectral Demosaicing Challenge and Data Set
* 2023: Plot Quality Aided Plot-to-Track Association in Dense Clutter for Compact High-Frequency Surface Wave Radar
Includes: Sun, W.F.[Wen Feng] Sun, W.F.[Wen-Feng] Sun, W.F.[Wei-Feng] Sun, W.F.[Wen-Fang] Sun, W.F.[Wei-Fu]
13 for Sun, W.F.

Sun, W.G.[Wei Gang] * 2021: Recognition of the Typical Distress in Concrete Pavement Based on GPR and 1D-CNN
Includes: Sun, W.G.[Wei Gang] Sun, W.G.[Wei-Gang]

Sun, W.H.[Wei Han] * 2009: Detecting Printed and Handwritten Partial Copies of Line Drawings Embedded in Complex Backgrounds
* 2011: Similar Manga Retrieval Using Visual Vocabulary Based on Regions of Interest
* 2013: Detection of exact and similar partial copies for copyright protection of manga
* 2013: Specific Comic Character Detection Using Local Feature Matching
* 2018: Jacobi circle and annular polynomials: modal wavefront reconstruction from wavefront gradient
* 2019: Iterative Double Laplacian-Scaled Low-Rank Optimization for Under-Sampled and Noisy Signal Recovery
* 2023: Extended Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique for Imaging the Ionosphere Using GNSS Data and Its Preliminary Results, An
* 2023: Landslide Identification Method Based on the FKGRNet Model for Remote Sensing Images
Includes: Sun, W.H.[Wei Han] Sun, W.H.[Wei-Han] Sun, W.H.[Wen-Han] Sun, W.H.[Wei-Hong] Sun, W.H.[Wen-Hao]
8 for Sun, W.H.

Sun, W.J.[Wen Juan] * 2016: Empirical Estimation of Near-Surface Air Temperature in China from MODIS LST Data by Considering Physiographic Features
* 2017: Subspace clustering via independent subspace analysis network
* 2018: Vertical Structure Anomalies of Oceanic Eddies and Eddy-Induced Transports in the South China Sea
* 2019: Statistical Characteristics of Cyclonic Warm-Core Eddies and Anticyclonic Cold-Core Eddies in the North Pacific Based on Remote Sensing Data
* 2020: Multi-Source Data Analysis of Mesoscale Eddies and Their Effects on Surface Chlorophyll in the Bay of Bengal
* 2021: ILCOC: An Incremental Learning Framework based on Contrastive One-class Classifiers
* 2021: Visual Scanpath Prediction Using IOR-ROI Recurrent Mixture Density Network
* 2022: Deep Learning Method for Pavement Crack Identification Based on Limited Field Images, A
* 2022: Fast Ionogram Observations of Ascending Thin Layers Locally Transported from the E to F Region at Equatorial and Low Latitudes
* 2022: Learning Discrete Representations From Reference Images for Large Scale Factor Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Mass Balance Reconstruction for Laohugou Glacier No. 12 from 1980 to 2020, Western Qilian Mountains, China
* 2022: Reconstruction of Near-Surface Air Temperature over the Greenland Ice Sheet Based on MODIS Data and Machine Learning Approaches
* 2022: Skip-stop operation plan for urban rail transit considering bounded rationality of passengers
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qilian Mountains (Northwestern China) during 2000-2020 and Associated Circulation Mechanisms
* 2022: Unexpected Regional Zonal Structures in Low Latitude Ionosphere Call for a High Longitudinal Resolution of the Global Ionospheric Maps
* 2022: zero-shot learning framework via cluster-prototype matching, A
* 2023: Analysis of Mesoscale Eddy Merging in the Subtropical Northwest Pacific Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* 2023: Artificial Intelligence Forecasting of Marine Heatwaves in the South China Sea Using a Combined U-Net and ConvLSTM System
* 2023: Classification of skin lesions with generative adversarial networks and improved MobileNetV2
* 2023: Decoupling Learning and Remembering: a Bilevel Memory Framework with Knowledge Projection for Task-Incremental Learning
* 2023: Evaluation and Projection of Precipitation in CMIP6 Models over the Qilian Mountains, China
* 2023: Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning via Discriminative and Comparable Parallel One-Class Classifiers
* 2023: Latent-Factor-Model-Based Approach for Traffic Data Imputation with Road Network Information, A
* 2024: Historical Marine Cold Spells in the South China Sea: Characteristics and Trends
* 2024: Transfer Learning-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network for Downscaling Sea Surface Height through Heterogeneous Data Fusion, A
Includes: Sun, W.J.[Wen Juan] Sun, W.J.[Wen-Juan] Sun, W.J.[Wei-Jun] Sun, W.J.[Wen-Jin] Sun, W.J.[Wen-Ju] Sun, W.J.[Wan-Jie] Sun, W.J.[Wen-Jie] Sun, W.J.[Wen-Jun] Sun, W.J.[Wei-Jia]
25 for Sun, W.J.

Sun, W.K.[Wen Ke] * 2016: Changes in Mountain Glaciers, Lake Levels, and Snow Coverage in the Tianshan Monitored by GRACE, ICESat, Altimetry, and MODIS
* 2020: Greening Trends of Southern China Confirmed by GRACE
* 2021: Object SLAM-Based Active Mapping and Robotic Grasping
Includes: Sun, W.K.[Wen Ke] Sun, W.K.[Wen-Ke] Sun, W.K.[Wen-Kai]

Sun, W.M.[Wei Min] * 2017: Grid clustering analysis the big data of spectrum by deep learning
* 2021: Fine-grained Generation for Zero-shot Learning
Includes: Sun, W.M.[Wei Min] Sun, W.M.[Wei-Min]

Sun, W.N.[Wan Ning] * 2019: BE-CALF: Bit-Depth Enhancement by Concatenating All Level Features of DNN
Includes: Sun, W.N.[Wan Ning] Sun, W.N.[Wan-Ning]

Sun, W.P.[Wei Ping] * 2011: Abnormal Event Recognition in Crowd Scene, An
* 2018: Salient object detection via spectral graph weighted low rank matrix recovery
Includes: Sun, W.P.[Wei Ping] Sun, W.P.[Wei-Ping]

Sun, W.Q. * 2020: Wearable Visually Assistive Device for Blind People to Appreciate Real-world Scene and Screen Image
* 2022: KText: Arbitrary shape text detection using modified K-Means
* 2023: Integration of DInSAR-PS-Stacking and SBAS-PS-InSAR Methods to Monitor Mining-Related Surface Subsidence
* 2023: Reconstructing Interacting Hands with Interaction Prior from Monocular Images
* 2023: Slow Motion Matters: A Slow Motion Enhanced Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* 2023: Vision-Aided Hyperspectral Full-Waveform LiDAR System to Improve Detection Efficiency
Includes: Sun, W.Q. Sun, W.Q.[Wang-Qian] Sun, W.Q.[Wen-Qing] Sun, W.Q.[Wen-Qian] Sun, W.Q.[Wei-Qi] Sun, W.Q.[Wen-Qiang]

Sun, W.S.[Wan Song] * 2019: Prelocation image stitching method based on flexible and precise boresight adjustment using Risley prisms
Includes: Sun, W.S.[Wan Song] Sun, W.S.[Wan-Song]

Sun, W.T. * 2017: Photo Filter Recommendation by Category-Aware Aesthetic Learning
* 2020: Design and Implementation of Trajectory Data Management and Analysis Technology Framework Based on Spatiotemporal Grid Model

Sun, W.W.[Wei We] * 2011: Residential Area Recognition Using Oscillatory Correlation Segmentation of Hyperspectral Imagery
* 2014: UL-Isomap based nonlinear dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral imagery classification
* 2016: Symmetric Sparse Representation Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* 2017: Modelling Seasonal GWR of Daily PM2.5 with Proper Auxiliary Variables for the Yangtze River Delta
* 2017: Poisson nonnegative matrix factorization method with parameter subspace clustering constraint for endmember extraction in hyperspectral imagery, A
* 2017: Probabilistic Weighted Archetypal Analysis Method with Earth Mover's Distance for Endmember Extraction from Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* 2017: Pure endmember extraction using robust kernel archetypoid analysis for hyperspectral imagery
* 2017: Quantifying Sub-Pixel Surface Water Coverage in Urban Environments Using Low-Albedo Fraction from Landsat Imagery
* 2017: Sparse and Low-Rank Near-Isometric Linear Embedding Method for Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Imagery Classification, A
* 2018: Expansion Analysis of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Imagery for 1993 to 2012
* 2018: Randomized Subspace Learning Based Anomaly Detector for Hyperspectral Imagery, A
* 2018: Statistical and Hydrological Evaluations of Multi-Satellite Precipitation Products over Fujiang River Basin in Humid Southeast China
* 2019: Full-Coverage Daily Average PM2.5 Retrieval Method with Two-Stage IVW Fused MODIS C6 AOD and Two-Stage GAM Model, A
* 2019: Hierarchical Classification Framework of Satellite Multispectral/Hyperspectral Images for Mapping Coastal Wetlands, A
* 2019: Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Fusion Classification Using Superpixel Segmentation-Based Local Pixel Neighborhood Preserving Embedding
* 2019: Investigating Spatiotemporal Patterns of Surface Urban Heat Islands in the Hangzhou Metropolitan Area, China, 2000-2015
* 2019: Pansharpening for Cloud-Contaminated Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: R-CNN-Based Ship Detection from High Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2019: Spatial-Spectral Squeeze-and-Excitation Residual Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2019: Unified Visual-Semantic Embeddings: Bridging Vision and Language With Structured Meaning Representations
* 2020: Coarse-to-Fine Deep Learning Based Land Use Change Detection Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2020: Fusing China GF-5 Hyperspectral Data with GF-1, GF-2 and Sentinel-2A Multispectral Data: Which Methods Should Be Used?
* 2020: large-scale remote sensing database for subjective and objective quality assessment of pansharpened images, A
* 2020: Tensor Graphical Model: Non-Convex Optimization and Statistical Inference
* 2021: Long-Term Variation Assessment of Aerosol Load and Dominant Types over Asia for Air Quality Studies Using Multi-Sources Aerosol Datasets
* 2021: Multiscale Context-Aware Ensemble Deep KELM for Efficient Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2021: Optimal Pre-Filtering for Improving Facebook Shared Images
* 2021: Self-Paced Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* 2022: Band Divide-and-Conquer Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion Method, A
* 2022: Detailed Processes of Tidal Flat Geomorphology Evolution Based on Time-Series Satellite Images
* 2022: Enhanced mangrove vegetation index based on hyperspectral images for mapping mangrove
* 2022: LiteDepthwiseNet: A Lightweight Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Local Matrix Feature-Based Kernel Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2022: Multi-Resolution Collaborative Fusion of SAR, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images for Coastal Wetlands Mapping
* 2022: New Adaptive Remote Sensing Extraction Algorithm for Complex Muddy Coast Waterline, A
* 2022: Physical Anti-copying Semi-robust Random Watermarking for QR Code
* 2022: Systematic Classification Method for Grassland Community Division Using China's ZY1-02D Hyperspectral Observations, A
* 2023: CAT: Learning to collaborate channel and spatial attention from multi-information fusion
* 2023: Cross-scene wetland mapping on hyperspectral remote sensing images using adversarial domain adaptation network
* 2023: Fine-Scale Analysis of the Long-Term Urban Thermal Environment in Shanghai Using Google Earth Engine
* 2023: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-Attention Transformer and Adaptive Superpixel Segmentation-Based Active Learning
* 2023: Mapping of Ecological Environment Based on Google Earth Engine Cloud Computing Platform and Landsat Long-Term Data: A Case Study of the Zhoushan Archipelago
* 2023: Mapping Waterlogging Damage to Winter Wheat Yield Using Downscaling-Merging Satellite Daily Precipitation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
* 2023: NeuralBF: Neural Bilateral Filtering for Top-down Instance Segmentation on Point Clouds
* 2023: New Remote Sensing Desert Vegetation Detection Index, A
* 2024: Monitoring the Invasion of S. alterniflora on the Yangtze River Delta, China, Using Time Series Landsat Images during 1990-2022
* 2024: Novel Method for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection Based on the Maximum and Minimum Values of Sentinel-2 Time Series Images, A
Includes: Sun, W.W.[Wei We] Sun, W.W.[Wei-We] Sun, W.W.[Wei-Wei] Sun, W.W.[Will Wei]
47 for Sun, W.W.

Sun, W.X.[Wan Xiao] * 2003: Information fusion for rural land-use classification with high-resolution satellite imagery
* 2011: convex-optimization approach to dense stereo matching, A
* 2011: Image rectification for single camera stereo system
* 2012: Novel temporal domain hole filling based on background modeling for view synthesis
* 2014: Natural image matting via adaptive local and nonlocal sample clustering
* 2014: Seamless View Synthesis Through Texture Optimization
* 2014: Solving dense stereo matching via quadratic programming
* 2015: Stereo Matching with Optimal Local Adaptive Radiometric Compensation
* 2017: Accurate Single Stage Detector Using Recurrent Rolling Convolution
* 2018: LSTM Pose Machines
* 2018: Monocular Depth Estimation with Affinity, Vertical Pooling, and Label Enhancement
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on Bokeh Effect Synthesis: Methods and Results
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on Video Temporal Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2019: Deep Surface Normal Estimation With Hierarchical RGB-D Fusion
* 2019: Towards Real Scene Super-Resolution With Raw Images
* 2020: 3D Guided Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2020: Deep Surface Normal Estimation on the 2-sphere with Confidence Guided Semantic Attention
* 2020: Grnet: Gridding Residual Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
* 2020: Pix2Vox++: Multi-scale Context-aware 3D Object Reconstruction from Single and Multiple Images
* 2021: Deep Animation Video Interpolation in the Wild
* 2021: Dual-Camera Super-Resolution with Aligned Attention Modules
* 2021: Efficient Regional Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation
* 2021: Energy Aware Offloading Scheme for Interdependent Applications in Software-Defined IoV With Fog Computing Architecture, An
* 2021: FuseFormer: Fusing Fine-Grained Information in Transformers for Video Inpainting
* 2021: Semi-synthesis: A fast way to produce effective datasets for stereo matching
* 2021: Spatiotemporal Variations in Snow Cover and Hydrological Effects in the Upstream Region of the Shule River Catchment, Northwestern China
* 2022: Audio-Visual Segmentation
* 2022: Categorized Reflection Removal Dataset with Diverse Real-world Scenes, A
* 2022: Exploiting Raw Images for Real-Scene Super-Resolution
* 2022: FAST-VQA: Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment with Fragment Sampling
* 2022: Inferring the Class Conditional Response Map for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Quad-Bayer Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGB+TOF Depth Completion: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Fusion: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on RGBW Sensor Re-Mosaic: Dataset and Report
* 2022: MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover Frequency in the Qilian Mountains (Northwestern China) during 2000-2020 and Associated Circulation Mechanisms
* 2023: All-Pairs Consistency Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: DisCoVQA: Temporal Distortion-Content Transformers for Video Quality Assessment
* 2023: Exploring Video Quality Assessment on User Generated Contents from Aesthetic and Technical Perspectives
* 2023: Gesture image recognition method based on DC-Res2Net and a feature fusion attention module
* 2023: Learning Audio-Visual Source Localization via False Negative Aware Contrastive Learning
* 2023: Method Based on Improved iForest for Trunk Extraction and Denoising of Individual Street Trees, A
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on Nighttime Flare Removal: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGB+ToF Depth Completion: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Fusion: Methods and Results
* 2023: MIPI 2023 Challenge on RGBW Remosaic: Methods and Results
* 2023: Neighbourhood Representative Sampling for Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment
* 2023: Supervised and self-supervised learning-based cascade spatiotemporal fusion framework and its application
* 2023: Vicinity Vision Transformer
* 2024: Bi-directional Training for Composed Image Retrieval via Text Prompt Learning
* 2024: TOPIQ: A Top-Down Approach from Semantics to Distortions for Image Quality Assessment
Includes: Sun, W.X.[Wan Xiao] Sun, W.X.[Wan-Xiao] Sun, W.X.[Wen-Xiu] Sun, W.X.[Wei-Xuan] Sun, W.X.[Wen-Xin] Sun, W.X.[Wen-Xuan] Sun, W.X.[Wen-Xiao]
52 for Sun, W.X.

Sun, W.Y.[Wei Ying] * 2015: Imaging Analysis and First Results of the Geostationary Interferometric Microwave Sounder Demonstrator
* 2017: Loess Landslide Inventory Map Based on GF-1 Satellite Imagery
* 2018: fuzzy energy-based active contour model with adaptive contrast constraint for local segmentation, A
* 2018: non-rigid image registration method based on multi-level B-spline and L2-regularization, A
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on Constrained Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on Image Extreme Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2020: High-quality Single-model Deep Video Compression with Frame-Conv3D and Multi-frame Differential Modulation
* 2021: Part Uncertainty Estimation Convolutional Neural Network for Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Once-for-All Budgeted Pruning Framework for ConvNets Considering Input Resolution, An
* 2023: Simultaneously Training and Compressing Vision-and-Language Pre-Training Model
Includes: Sun, W.Y.[Wei Ying] Sun, W.Y.[Wei-Ying] Sun, W.Y.[Wen-Yi] Sun, W.Y.[Wen-Yan] Sun, W.Y.[Wen-Yu]
10 for Sun, W.Y.

Sun, W.Z.[Wen Zheng] * 2016: Linear Feature-Based Approach for the Registration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remotely-Sensed Images and Airborne LiDAR Data, A
* 2022: Estimating 3D body mesh without SMPL annotations via alternating successive convex approximation
* 2022: Using Simulated Training Data of Voxel-Level Generative Models to Improve 3D Neuron Reconstruction
* 2023: Neural Reconstruction of Relightable Human Model from Monocular Video
Includes: Sun, W.Z.[Wen Zheng] Sun, W.Z.[Wen-Zheng] Sun, W.Z.[Wen-Zhang] Sun, W.Z.[Wen-Zhi]

Sun, X. * 1988: New Smoothing Filter for Directional Detection and Enhancement, A
* 1999: Time-Varying Step-Transform Algorithm for High Squint SAR Imaging
* 2001: Ipsilateral Multi-View CAD System for Mass Detection in Digital Mammography
* 2001: Macroblock-based Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable (PFGS) Video Coding with Flexible Temporal-SNR Scalablilities
* 2001: Recording the Region of Interest from Flycam Panoramic Video
* 2006: Drift-Free Switching of Compressed Video Bitstreams at Predictive Frames
* 2008: Edge-Oriented Uniform Intra Prediction
* 2008: Fast H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Transcoding Using Power-Spectrum Based Rate-Distortion Optimization
* 2009: Contrast-Sensitive Reversible Visible Image Watermarking Technique, A
* 2009: Digital Image Method for Measuring and Analyzing Color Characteristics of Various Color Scores of Beef, A
* 2009: Robust Algorithm for Color Correction between Two Stereo Images, A
* 2009: SHREC'09 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval
* 2010: Registration of Images With Outliers Using Joint Saliency Map
* 2011: Contour tracking via on-line discriminative appearance modeling based level sets
* 2011: Endmember Extraction of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Based on the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Algorithm
* 2011: Endmember Extraction of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Based on the Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
* 2011: Invariant Generalized Hough Transform Based Method of Inshore Ships Detection, An
* 2011: novel supervised level set method for non-rigid object tracking, A
* 2011: On building an accurate stereo matching system on graphics hardware
* 2011: Robust visual tracking via context objects computing
* 2011: Stereo Matching with Reliable Disparity Propagation
* 2012: Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory
* 2012: Iterative Determination of Camera Pose From Line Features
* 2012: Parallel active contour with Lattice Boltzmann scheme on modern GPU
* 2012: Spatially Scalable Video Coding For HEVC
* 2012: Task-Dependent Visual-Codebook Compression
* 2013: Automatic Detection and Recognition of Man-Made Objects in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Hierarchical Semantic Graph Model
* 2013: Example-Based Super-Resolution With Soft Information and Decision
* 2013: Geometric structure simplification of 3D building models
* 2013: Impact of the Spatial Domain Size on the Performance of the Ts-VI Triangle Method in Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation
* 2013: Interactive Geospatial Object Extraction in High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Shape-Based Global Minimization Active Contour Model
* 2013: Non-rigid object tracking by adaptive data-driven kernel
* 2013: Real-time visual tracking using L2 norm regularization based collaborative representation
* 2013: Segment-Tree Based Cost Aggregation for Stereo Matching
* 2013: Sparse coding based visual tracking: Review and experimental comparison
* 2014: Action recognition based on kinematic representation of video data
* 2014: Active-matting-based object tracking with color cues
* 2014: Background extraction from video sequences via motion-assisted matrix completion
* 2014: Dynamic multi-cue tracking using particle filter
* 2014: Fast Implementation of DeLong's Algorithm for Comparing the Areas Under Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
* 2014: Free-Shape Polygonal Object Localization
* 2014: Numerical Modeling for Excitation and Coupling Transmission of Near Field Around the Metal Drilling Pipe in Lossy Formation
* 2014: Real-time landing place assessment in man-made environments
* 2014: Real-time local stereo via edge-aware disparity propagation
* 2014: Realtime and Robust Hand Tracking from Depth
* 2014: refined particle filter based on determined level set model for robust contour tracking, A
* 2014: Structure-aware multi-object discovery for weakly supervised tracking
* 2014: Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Segmentation by Modified Student's t-Mixture Model
* 2015: Cascaded hand pose regression
* 2015: Classification of Several Optically Complex Waters in China Using in Situ Remote Sensing Reflectance
* 2015: Compressive sensing measurement matrix construction based on improved size compatible array LDPC code
* 2015: Deep Visual Correspondence Embedding Model for Stereo Matching Costs, A
* 2015: Efficient Compression of 4D-Trajectory Data in Air Traffic Management
* 2015: Efficient O(1) edge-aware filter
* 2015: Endmember Extraction Method Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2015: Enhancing nighttime surveillance video via gradient fusion
* 2015: Foreground-Background Separation From Video Clips via Motion-Assisted Matrix Restoration
* 2015: generic discriminative part-based model for geospatial object detection in optical remote sensing images, A
* 2015: Histograms of locally aggregated oriented gradients
* 2015: Human arm pose modeling with learned features using joint convolutional neural network
* 2015: Multipolarimetric SAR Image Change Detection Based on Multiscale Feature-Level Fusion
* 2015: Non-Rigid Object Contour Tracking via a Novel Supervised Level Set Model
* 2015: Object-Distortion Based Image Quality Similarity, An
* 2015: Optimization of Metro Train Schedules With a Dwell Time Model Using the Lagrangian Duality Theory
* 2015: Stochastic geometrical model and Monte Carlo optimization methods for building reconstruction from InSAR data
* 2016: 3D GLOH features for human action recognition
* 2016: Comparative study on the capacity of a signalised roundabout
* 2016: DAC-Mobi: Data-Assisted Communications of Mobile Images with Cloud Computing Support
* 2016: Deep Kinematic Pose Regression
* 2016: Early DIRECT mode decision based on all-zero block and rate distortion cost for multiview video coding
* 2016: Linear canonical correlation analysis based ranking approach for facial age estimation
* 2016: Lossless Compression of Public Transit Schedules
* 2016: Model Accuracy Comparison For High Resolution INSAR Coherence Statistics Over Urban Areas
* 2016: Modeling of Crowd Evacuation With Assailants via a Fuzzy Logic Approach
* 2016: Objectness to assist salient object detection
* 2016: Shape Retrieval of Non-rigid 3D Human Models
* 2016: Small Infrared Target Detection Based on Weighted Local Difference Measure
* 2016: Subjective-Driven Complexity Control Approach for HEVC
* 2016: Super-Twisting-Like Algorithm and Its Application to Train Operation Control With Optimal Utilization of Adhesion Force, A
* 2016: Unsupervised Tracking With the Doubly Stochastic Dirichlet Process Mixture Model
* 2016: Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signal Based on Guidance of Metal Pipes and Relay of Transceivers
* 2017: Adaptive Pooling in Multi-instance Learning for Web Video Annotation
* 2017: Aircraft Reconstruction in High-Resolution SAR Images Using Deep Shape Prior
* 2017: Cascaded Elastically Progressive Model for Accurate Face Alignment
* 2017: Compositional Human Pose Regression
* 2017: Computationally Efficient Hyperspectral Data Learning Based on the Doubly Stochastic Dirichlet Process
* 2017: Contrast Enhancement Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition
* 2017: Dancelets Mining for Video Recommendation Based on Dance Styles
* 2017: Dancing like a superstar: Action guidance based on pose estimation and conditional pose alignment
* 2017: Dataset for Benchmarking Image-Based Localization, A
* 2017: Efficient Fast Updated Frequent Pattern tree algorithm and its parallel implementation
* 2017: Energy-Efficient Train Control by Multi-Train Dynamic Cooperation
* 2017: Gated additive skip context connection for object detection
* 2017: Grayscale-Thermal Object Tracking via Multitask Laplacian Sparse Representation
* 2017: Human arm pose modeling with learned features using joint convolutional neural network
* 2017: Hyperspectral Image Segmentation via Frequency-Based Similarity for Mixed Noise Estimation
* 2017: ICESAT/GLAS Altimetry Measurements: Received Signal Dynamic Range and Saturation Correction
* 2017: Image Denoising Based on the Wavelet Semi-soft Threshold and Total Variation
* 2017: Learning to Detect Video Saliency With HEVC Features
* 2017: Multi-resolution Fusion Model Incorporating Color And Elevation For Semantic Segmentation, A
* 2017: Multiple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Indoor Room Optimal Spatial Allocation, A
* 2017: Non-rigid Object Tracking via Deformable Patches Using Shape-Preserved KCF and Level Sets
* 2017: Optimal Bit Allocation for CTU Level Rate Control in HEVC
* 2017: Principal Curvature Measures Estimation and Application to 3D Face Recognition
* 2017: Realistic image composite with best-buddy prior of natural image patches
* 2017: Robust Face Recognition With Kernelized Locality-Sensitive Group Sparsity Representation
* 2017: Robust Scene Text Detection for Multi-script Languages Using Deep Learning
* 2017: Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: A Weakly-Supervised Approach
* 2017: Unimodal Stopping Model-Based Early SKIP Mode Decision for High-Efficiency Video Coding
* 2017: Worldwide Railway Skeleton Network: Extraction Methodology and Preliminary Analysis
* 2018: ADS-BI: Compressed Indexing of ADS-B Data
* 2018: Aircraft Detection Framework Based on Reinforcement Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks in Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2018: Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Learning with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Automatic Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images from Google Earth of Complex Scenes Based on Multiscale Rotation Dense Feature Pyramid Networks
* 2018: Bibliographic and Coauthorship Analysis of IEEE T-ITS Literature Between 2014 and 2016, A
* 2018: Camera-Assisted Video Saliency Prediction and Its Applications
* 2018: Clinical Skin Lesion Diagnosis Using Representations Inspired by Dermatologist Criteria
* 2018: Compositional Human Pose Regression
* 2018: Deep Memory Connected Neural Network for Optical Remote Sensing Image Restoration
* 2018: Effective Fusion of Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Data in a Fully Convolutional Network for Semantic Labeling
* 2018: GroupCap: Group-Based Image Captioning with Structured Relevance and Diversity Constraints
* 2018: Identification of Motion-Compensated Frame Rate Up-Conversion Based on Residual Signals
* 2018: Image Superresolution Using Densely Connected Residual Networks
* 2018: Integral Human Pose Regression
* 2018: Locally aggregated histogram-based descriptors
* 2018: Multimodal Face Spoofing Detection via RGB-D Images
* 2018: Multirelay Cooperation Method for Wireless Transmission of MWD and LWD Signals, A
* 2018: Non-uniform Watermark Sharing Based on Optimal Iterative BTC for Image Tampering Recovery
* 2018: Null Distribution of Volume Under Ordered Three-Class ROC Surface (VUS) With Continuous Measurements
* 2018: Photo Stylistic Brush: Robust Style Transfer via Superpixel-Based Bipartite Graph
* 2018: Pix3D: Dataset and Methods for Single-Image 3D Shape Modeling
* 2018: Recognition From Web Data: A Progressive Filtering Approach
* 2018: Saliency detection based on background seeds by object proposals and extended random walk
* 2018: Ship Rotation Detection Model in Remote Sensing Images Based on Feature Fusion Pyramid Network and Deep Reinforcement Learning, A
* 2018: Slim and Efficient Neural Network Design for Resource-Constrained SAR Target Recognition
* 2018: Supervised Deep Sparse Coding Networks
* 2018: Towards Reconstructing 3D Buildings from ALS Data Based on Gestalt Laws
* 2018: Towards Reconstructing 3D Buildings from ALS Data Based on Gestalt Laws
* 2018: Two-Stream 3-D convNet Fusion for Action Recognition in Videos With Arbitrary Size and Length
* 2018: VisDrone-DET2018: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2018: Weak Supervised Learning Based Abnormal Behavior Detection
* 2018: WSF-NET: Weakly Supervised Feature-Fusion Network for Binary Segmentation in Remote Sensing Image
* 2019: AIM 2019 Challenge on Real-World Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2019: CNN-Based Real-Time Parameter Tuning for Optimizing Denoising Filter Performance
* 2019: Correntropy-Induced Robust Low-Rank Hypergraph
* 2019: Deep pixel-to-pixel network for underwater image enhancement and restoration
* 2019: Deep Residual Squeeze and Excitation Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Deep-network based method for joint image deblocking and super-resolution
* 2019: Edge-texture feature-based image forgery detection with cross-dataset evaluation
* 2019: Efficient Framework for Remote Sensing Parallel Processing: Integrating the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Multiagent Technology, An
* 2019: Enhanced Feature Representation in Detection for Optical Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: Explicit Spatiotemporal Joint Relation Learning for Tracking Human Pose
* 2019: Highly and Adaptively Undersampling Pattern for Pulmonary Hyperpolarized 129Xe Dynamic MRI
* 2019: IoU-Adaptive Deformable R-CNN: Make Full Use of IoU for Multi-Class Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2019: Joint optimisation convex-negative matrix factorisation for multi-modal image collection summarisation based on images and tags
* 2019: LAM: Remote Sensing Image Captioning with Label-Attention Mechanism
* 2019: Learning Deformable Hourglass Networks (DHGN) for Unconstrained Face Alignment
* 2019: Learning With Unsure Data for Medical Image Diagnosis
* 2019: MuffNet: Multi-Layer Feature Federation for Mobile Deep Learning
* 2019: MultiCAM: Multiple Class Activation Mapping for Aircraft Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: People Re-Identification by Multi-Branch CNN with Multi-Scale Features
* 2019: Pix2Vox: Context-Aware 3D Reconstruction From Single and Multi-View Images
* 2019: Pyramidal Person Re-IDentification via Multi-Loss Dynamic Training
* 2019: Robust Image Compressive Sensing Based on Truncated Cauchy Loss and Nonlocal Low-Rank Regularization
* 2019: RRNet: A Hybrid Detector for Object Detection in Drone-Captured Images
* 2019: Scene Categorization Using Deeply Learned Gaze Shifting Kernel
* 2019: SCRDet: Towards More Robust Detection for Small, Cluttered and Rotated Objects
* 2019: Seventh Visual Object Tracking VOT2019 Challenge Results, The
* 2019: Ship Classification Based on Multifeature Ensemble with Convolutional Neural Network
* 2019: Structure-Constrained Feature Extraction by Autoencoders for Subspace Clustering
* 2019: Subspace segmentation with a large number of subspaces using infinity norm minimization
* 2019: Towards Automated Ship Detection and Category Recognition from High-Resolution Aerial Images
* 2019: Transferred Multi-Perception Attention Networks for Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: VisDrone-DET2019: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results
* 2020: Automated and Lightweight Network Design Via Random Search for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification
* 2020: Boosting Memory with a Persistent Memory Mechanism for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
* 2020: Compact Cloud Detection with Bidirectional Self-Attention Knowledge Distillation
* 2020: Conditional Gaussian Distribution Learning for Open Set Recognition
* 2020: Detecting Human-object Interactions with Action Co-occurrence Priors
* 2020: Do Not Disturb Me: Person Re-identification Under the Interference of Other Pedestrians
* 2020: Enriching Optical Flow with Appearance Information for Action Recognition
* 2020: Feature Space Constraint-Based Method for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Images, A
* 2020: FGATR-Net: Automatic Network Architecture Design for Fine-Grained Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: Filter Grafting for Deep Neural Networks
* 2020: FMSSD: Feature-Merged Single-Shot Detection for Multiscale Objects in Large-Scale Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2020: IENet: Internal and External Patch Matching ConvNet for Web Image Guided Denoising
* 2020: JMLNet: Joint Multi-Label Learning Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images
* 2020: Learning Redundant Sparsifying Transform based on Equi-Angular Frame
* 2020: Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Joint Referring Expression Comprehension and Segmentation
* 2020: Novel Weber Local Binary Descriptor for Fingerprint Liveness Detection, A
* 2020: Oriented objects as pairs of middle lines
* 2020: Point-set Anchors for Object Detection, Instance Segmentation and Pose Estimation
* 2020: Rotation-Aware and Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: SAR Target Classification Based on Sample Spectral Regularization
* 2020: Similarity-Aware and Variational Deep Adversarial Learning for Robust Facial Age Estimation
* 2020: Similarity-Preserving Linkage Hashing for Online Image Retrieval
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Northern Limit of Winter Wheat in China Using MODIS Time Series Images
* 2020: Srnet: Improving Generalization in 3d Human Pose Estimation with a Split-and-recombine Approach
* 2020: Supervised Deep Sparse Coding Networks for Image Classification
* 2020: Temporal-Spatial Mapping for Action Recognition
* 2020: Topological Space Knowledge Distillation for Compact Road Extraction in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: Toward Sensing Emotions With Deep Visual Analysis: A Long-Term Psychological Modeling Approach
* 2020: Tracking by Instance Detection: A Meta-Learning Approach
* 2020: TwoStreamVAN: Improving Motion Modeling in Video Generation
* 2020: Uber Movement Data: A Proxy for Average One-way Commuting Times by Car
* 2021: ACP++: Action Co-Occurrence Priors for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* 2021: AdaMML: Adaptive Multi-Modal Learning for Efficient Video Recognition
* 2021: AF-EMS Detector: Improve the Multi-Scale Detection Performance of the Anchor-Free Detector
* 2021: Anchor-Free Method Based on Feature Balancing and Refinement Network for Multiscale Ship Detection in SAR Images, An
* 2021: Ask amp;Confirm: Active Detail Enriching for Cross-Modal Retrieval with Partial Query
* 2021: Boundarymix: Generating pseudo-training images for improving segmentation with scribble annotations
* 2021: C3Net: Cross-Modal Feature Recalibrated, Cross-Scale Semantic Aggregated and Compact Network for Semantic Segmentation of Multi-Modal High-Resolution Aerial Images
* 2021: Change Capsule Network for Optical Remote Sensing Image Change Detection
* 2021: Deep Framework for Eddy Detection and Tracking From Satellite Sea Surface Height Data, A
* 2021: Design and Analysis of a Human-Machine Interaction System for Researching Human's Dynamic Emotion
* 2021: Double Similarity Distillation for Semantic Image Segmentation
* 2021: Dynamic Network Quantization for Efficient Video Inference
* 2021: Edge Caching and Computation Management for Real-Time Internet of Vehicles: An Online and Distributed Approach
* 2021: Emotion-aware Contrastive Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection
* 2021: Expansion and Evolution of a Typical Resource-Based Mining City in Transition Using the Google Earth Engine: A Case Study of Datong, China
* 2021: Fused 3-Stage Image Segmentation for Pleural Effusion Cell Clusters
* 2021: GPNet: Gated pyramid network for semantic segmentation
* 2021: High-Dimensional Dense Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Reconstruction
* 2021: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Localized Graph Convolutional Filtering
* 2021: IGS-CMAES: A Two-Stage Optimization for Ground Deformation and DEM Error Estimation in Time Series InSAR Data
* 2021: Incorporating Memory-Based Preferences and Point-of-Interest Stickiness into Recommendations in Location-Based Social Networks
* 2021: Interpretable visual reasoning: A survey
* 2021: Learning 3D Shape Feature for Texture-Insensitive Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Learning Canonical View Representation for 3D Shape Recognition with Arbitrary Views
* 2021: Learning Fine-Grained Segmentation of 3D Shapes without Part Labels
* 2021: Learning Skeletal Graph Neural Networks for Hard 3D Pose Estimation
* 2021: Learning to Know Where to See: A Visibility-Aware Approach for Occluded Person Re-identification
* 2021: Linguistic Generative Steganography With Enhanced Cognitive-Imperceptibility
* 2021: Machine Learning Algorithms for Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) Estimation Based on Landsat 8 Images
* 2021: Neural Articulated Radiance Field
* 2021: PBNet: Part-based convolutional neural network for complex composite object detection in remote sensing imagery
* 2021: PCAN: Part-Based Context Attention Network for Thermal Power Plant Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2021: Point-Based Estimator for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
* 2021: PR-Net: Preference Reasoning for Personalized Video Highlight Detection
* 2021: Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using Novel Dense-Sampling Networks
* 2021: Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Using Second-Order Multi-Scale Networks
* 2021: Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning
* 2021: RSAN: Residual Subtraction and Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: Scalability vs. Utility: Do We Have to Sacrifice One for the Other in Data Importance Quantification?
* 2021: SRAF-Net: Shape Robust Anchor-Free Network for Garbage Dumps in Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2021: Target Detection Through Tree-Structured Encoding for Hyperspectral Images
* 2021: Technical Study on UAV Characteristics for Precision Agriculture Applications and Associated Practical Challenges, A
* 2021: Temporal Modulation Network for Controllable Space-Time Video Super-Resolution
* 2021: UAV-Assisted Thermal Infrared and Multispectral Imaging of Weed Canopies for Glyphosate Resistance Detection
* 2021: VSRNet: End-to-end video segment retrieval with text query
* 2021: Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Image Recognition
* 2022: ADAM Challenge: Detecting Age-Related Macular Degeneration from Fundus Images
* 2022: Aligning Source Visual and Target Language Domains for Unpaired Video Captioning
* 2022: Animation from Blur: Multi-modal Blur Decomposition with Motion Guidance
* 2022: Average Activation Network for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Beyond single receptive field: A receptive field fusion-and-stratification network for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
* 2022: Bibliometric Analysis of IEEE T-ITS Literature Between 2010 and 2019, A
* 2022: Bringing Rolling Shutter Images Alive with Dual Reversed Distortion
* 2022: Conditional Feature Embedding by Visual Clue Correspondence Graph for Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Conditional Feature Learning Based Transformer for Text-Based Person Search
* 2022: Cross-Model Pseudo-Labeling for Semi-Supervised Action Recognition
* 2022: DABNet: Deformable Contextual and Boundary-Weighted Network for Cloud Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: DIFNet: Boosting Visual Information Flow for Image Captioning
* 2022: DisCo: Remedying Self-supervised Learning on Lightweight Models with Distilled Contrastive Learning
* 2022: Dual Expression Fusion: A Universal Microexpression Recognition Framework
* 2022: effects of Landsat image acquisition date on winter wheat classification in the North China Plain, The
* 2022: Efficient Algorithm for Ocean-Front Evolution Trend Recognition, An
* 2022: Efficient Decoder-Free Object Detection with Transformers
* 2022: Efficient Video Grounding With Which-Where Reading Comprehension
* 2022: Emotional Conversation Generation Orientated Syntactically Constrained Bidirectional-Asynchronous Framework
* 2022: Entity-Oriented Multi-Modal Alignment and Fusion Network for Fake News Detection
* 2022: Factors Affecting Pedestrians' Trust in Automated Vehicles: Literature Review and Theoretical Model
* 2022: FAIR1M: A benchmark dataset for fine-grained object recognition in high-resolution remote sensing imagery
* 2022: Few-Shot SAR Target Classification via Metalearning
* 2022: full resolution deep learning network for paddy rice mapping using Landsat data, A
* 2022: Fully-weighted HGNN: Learning efficient non-local relations with hypergraph in aerial imagery
* 2022: Gaussian Dynamic Convolution for Efficient Single-Image Segmentation
* 2022: Gaussian Dynamic Convolution for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Generalized Brain Image Synthesis with Transferable Convolutional Sparse Coding Networks
* 2022: GMR-Net: Road-Extraction Network Based on Fusion of Local and Global Information
* 2022: Infrastructure Material Magnetization Impact Assessment of Wireless Power Transfer Pavement Based on Resonant Inductive Coupling
* 2022: Learning Invariant Visual Representations for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
* 2022: MAN: Mining Ambiguity and Noise for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* 2022: Measuring Height Difference Using Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer
* 2022: MoFaNeRF: Morphable Facial Neural Radiance Field
* 2022: Multi-stage and multi-branch network with similar expressions label distribution learning for facial expression recognition
* 2022: Optical Flow Training Under Limited Label Budget via Active Learning
* 2022: PAC-Net: Highlight Your Video via History Preference Modeling
* 2022: Pair-Wise Similarity Knowledge Distillation for RSI Scene Classification
* 2022: Parallel Complement Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Road Scenes
* 2022: Personality Assessment Based on Multimodal Attention Network Learning With Category-Based Mean Square Error
* 2022: Power Efficient Video Super-resolution on Mobile NPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI & AIM 2022 Challenge: Report
* 2022: Quantifying the Spatio-Temporal Variations and Impacts of Factors on Vegetation Water Use Efficiency Using STL Decomposition and Geodetector Method
* 2022: Repulsive Force Unit for Garment Collision Handling in Neural Networks, A
* 2022: RETRACTION: Transformer-induced graph reasoning for multimodal semantic segmentation in remote sensing
* 2022: Road Garbage Segmentation With Deep Supervision and High Fusion Network for Cleaning Vehicles
* 2022: Semantic-meshed and content-guided transformer for image captioning
* 2022: SEMICON: A Learning-to-Hash Solution for Large-Scale Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* 2022: Simple Multi-Modality Transfer Learning Baseline for Sign Language Translation, A
* 2022: Spatial Sampling and Grouping Information Entropy Strategy Based on Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Method for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* 2022: Spatiotemporal Patterns of Cultivated Land Quality Integrated with Multi-Source Remote Sensing: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
* 2022: Structured Dropconnect for Uncertainty Inference in Image Classification
* 2022: Training-free Transformer Architecture Search
* 2022: Transformer with Spatio-Temporal Representation for Video Anomaly Detection
* 2022: Unsupervised Learning of Efficient Geometry-Aware Neural Articulated Representations
* 2022: Urban Building Classification (UBC) - A Dataset for Individual Building Detection and Classification from Satellite Imagery
* 2022: VD-LAB: A view-decoupled network with local-global aggregation bridge for airborne laser scanning point cloud classification
* 2022: Viewpoint-Aware Progressive Clustering for Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification
* 2022: Without detection: Two-step clustering features with local-global attention for image captioning
* 2023: 1% VS 100%: Parameter-Efficient Low Rank Adapter for Dense Predictions
* 2023: ABAW5 Challenge: A Facial Affect Recognition Approach Utilizing Transformer Encoder and Audiovisual Fusion
* 2023: Abstractive Summarization for Video: A Revisit in Multistage Fusion Network With Forget Gate
* 2023: AFRE-Net: Adaptive Feature Representation Enhancement for Arbitrary Oriented Object Detection
* 2023: AST: Adaptive Self-supervised Transformer for optical remote sensing representation
* 2023: Attention Where It Matters: Rethinking Visual Document Understanding with Selective Region Concentration
* 2023: Beyond Appearance: A Semantic Controllable Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Human-Centric Visual Tasks
* 2023: Beyond the limitation of monocular 3D detector via knowledge distillation
* 2023: Co-Salient Object Detection With Co-Representation Purification
* 2023: Coarse-to-Fine: Learning Compact Discriminative Representation for Single-Stage Image Retrieval
* 2023: Composite Network Model for Face Super-Resolution with Multi-Order Head Attention Facial Priors, A
* 2023: Corner Detection via Scale-Space Behavior-Guided Trajectory Tracing
* 2023: D3G: Exploring Gaussian Prior for Temporal Sentence Grounding with Glance Annotation
* 2023: DeepMAD: Mathematical Architecture Design for Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* 2023: Effects of Multi-Growth Periods UAV Images on Classifying Karst Wetland Vegetation Communities Using Object-Based Optimization Stacking Algorithm
* 2023: Equiangular Basis Vectors
* 2023: Evaluation of Temperature and Humidity Profiles Retrieved from Fengyun-4B and Implications for Typhoon Assimilation and Forecasting
* 2023: Fast additive half-quadratic iterative minimization for lp-lq image smoothing
* 2023: Few-shot incremental learning with continual prototype calibration for remote sensing image fine-grained classification
* 2023: GAIT: Generating Aesthetic Indoor Tours with Deep Reinforcement Learning
* 2023: GAL: Graph-Induced Adaptive Learning for Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection
* 2023: Graph-Based Self-Learning for Robust Person Re-identification
* 2023: Height aware understanding of remote sensing images based on cross-task interaction
* 2023: Higher Sensitivity of NIRv,Rad in Detecting Net Primary Productivity of C4 Than that of C3: Evidence from Ground Measurements of Wheat and Maize
* 2023: Improved Neural Network with Spatial Pyramid Pooling and Online Datasets Preprocessing for Underwater Target Detection Based on Side Scan Sonar Imagery
* 2023: Improved VMD-LSTM Model for Time-Varying GNSS Time Series Prediction with Temporally Correlated Noise, An
* 2023: Learning isometry-invariant representations for point cloud analysis
* 2023: MIL-ViT: A multiple instance vision transformer for fundus image classification
* 2023: Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Segmentation With Intuition-Inspired Hypergraph Modeling
* 2023: OGMN: Occlusion-guided multi-task network for object detection in UAV images
* 2023: Optimal design method of public transit network considering transfer efficiency
* 2023: Optimal Partition Assignment for Universal Object Detection
* 2023: PixHt-Lab: Pixel Height Based Light Effect Generation for Image Compositing
* 2023: Randomized Quantization: A Generic Augmentation for Data Agnostic Self-supervised Learning
* 2023: Real-Time and Continuous Tracking of Total Phosphorus Using a Ground-Based Hyperspectral Proximal Sensing System
* 2023: Reciprocal normalization for domain adaptation
* 2023: Relationship of Time Span and Missing Data on the Noise Model Estimation of GNSS Time Series, The
* 2023: Relative Field Antenna Calibration Method Designed for Low-Cost GNSS Antennas by Exploiting Triple-Differenced Measurements, A
* 2023: RETRACTION: Transformer-induced graph reasoning for multimodal semantic segmentation in remote sensing
* 2023: SurroundNet: Towards effective low-light image enhancement
* 2023: U-Net Approach for InSAR Phase Unwrapping and Denoising, A
* 2023: Video Moment Retrieval via Comprehensive Relation-Aware Network
* 2023: Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Imagery via Cross-Image Semantic Mining
* 2023: Wse-MF: A weighting-based student exercise matrix factorization model
* 2024: computation offloading method with distributed double deep Q-network for connected vehicle platooning with vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, A
* 2024: Deconfounding Causal Inference for Zero-Shot Action Recognition
* 2024: DualCoOp++: Fast and Effective Adaptation to Multi-Label Recognition With Limited Annotations
* 2024: How Land Use Transitions Contribute to the Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation from 1990 to 2020
* 2024: Improved Techniques for Quantizing Deep Networks with Adaptive Bit-Widths
* 2024: Multi-Level Signal Fusion for Enhanced Weakly-Supervised Audio-Visual Video Parsing
* 2024: Performance Enhancement of Tightly Coupled GNSS/IMU Integration Based on Factor Graph With Robust TDCP Loop Closure
* 2024: Remote Sensing Approach to Estimating Cropland Sustainability in the Lateritic Red Soil Region of China, A
* 2024: Satellite-Drone Image Cross-View Geolocalization Method Based on Multi-Scale Information and Dual-Channel Attention Mechanism, A
* 2024: TAG-Net: Target Attitude Angle-Guided Network for Ship Detection and Classification in SAR Images
Includes: Sun, X. Sun, X.[Xi] Sun, X.[Xin] Sun, X.[Xun] Sun, X.[Xian] Sun, X.[Xiuyu] Sun, X.[Xuan] Sun, X.[Xu] Sun, X.[Xiaolu] Sun, X.[Xiao] Sun, X.[Xing] Sun, X.[Xiang] Sun, X.[Xinyao] Sun, X.[Xianfang] Sun, X.[Xiyan] Sun, X.[Ximeng] Sun, X.[Xuran] Sun, X.[Xuguo] Sun, X.[Xia] Sun, X.[Xuehui] Sun, X.[Xingkai] Sun, X.[Xusen] Sun, X.[Xuwei] Sun, X.[Xuhao] Sun, X.[Xiaohu] Sun, X.[Xidong] Sun, X.[Xueman] Sun, X.[Xiwen] Sun, X.[Xueyan]
363 for Sun, X.

Sun, X.B.[Xu Bin] * 2013: Emergency Management of Urban Rail Transportation Based on Parallel Systems
* 2013: HDR Deghosting: How to Deal with Saturation?
* 2015: Improving Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth over Land by Polarimetric Measurements at 1640 nm: Airborne Test in North China
* 2017: Chaos-based fast colour image encryption scheme with true random number keys from environmental noise
* 2017: Fast CU partition strategy for HEVC based on Haar wavelet
* 2017: Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Airborne Polarimeter over North China
* 2019: Fast CU size and prediction mode decision algorithm for HEVC based on direction variance
* 2022: Cloud Detection of Remote Sensing Image Based on Multi-Scale Data and Dual-Channel Attention Mechanism
* 2022: Columnar Water Vapor Retrieval by Using Data from the Polarized Scanning Atmospheric Corrector (PSAC) Onboard HJ-2 A/B Satellites
* 2022: MFCD-Net: Cross Attention Based Multimodal Fusion Network for DPC Imagery Cloud Detection
* 2022: Novel Coding Architecture for Multi-Line LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Clustering and Convolutional LSTM Network, A
* 2023: Aerosol Retrieval Study from a Particulate Observing Scanning Polarimeter Onboard Gao-Fen 5B without Prior Surface Knowledge, Based on the Optimal Estimation Method
* 2023: Optimal Control Strategies for Metro Trains to Use the Regenerative Braking Energy: A Speed Profile Adjustment Approach
* 2023: Prediction Model of Maize Field Yield Based on the Fusion of Multitemporal and Multimodal UAV Data: A Case Study in Northeast China, A
* 2023: Simulation of Parallel Polarization Radiance for Retrieving Chlorophyll a Concentrations in Open Oceans Based on Spaceborne Polarization Crossfire Strategy
* 2023: Study on Influencing Factors of the Information Content of Satellite Remote-Sensing Aerosol Vertical Profiles Using Oxygen A-Band
* 2024: Image Reconstruction for Accelerated MR Scan With Faster Fourier Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2024: Lightning Classification Method Based on Convolutional Encoding Features, A
Includes: Sun, X.B.[Xu Bin] Sun, X.B.[Xu-Bin] Sun, X.B.[Xiao-Bai] Sun, X.B.[Xiao-Bing] Sun, X.B.[Xiao-Bo] Sun, X.B.[Xue-Bin] Sun, X.B.[Xia-Bing] Sun, X.B.[Xiu-Bin]
18 for Sun, X.B.

Sun, X.C.[Xi Chen] * 2006: On Subspace Distance
* 2007: Further results on the subspace distance
* 2007: Moving dim point target detection with three-dimensional wide-to-exact search directional filtering
* 2023: Local to non-local: Multi-scale progressive attention network for image restoration
* 2024: DeepM^2CDL: Deep Multi-Scale Multi-Modal Convolutional Dictionary Learning Network
Includes: Sun, X.C.[Xi Chen] Sun, X.C.[Xi-Chen] Sun, X.C.[Xie-Chang] Sun, X.C.[Xi-Chun] Sun, X.C.[Xian-Cheng]

Sun, X.D.[Xin Ding] * 2000: Video Summarization Using R-Sequences
* 2002: Panoramic capturing and recognition of human activity
* 2002: Probabilistic motion parameter models for human activity recognition
* 2002: Representation of motion activity in hierarchical levels for video indexing and filtering
* 2006: Digital video processing method and apparatus thereof
* 2008: Boosting-Based Multimodal Speaker Detection for Distributed Meeting Videos
* 2016: Context based face spoofing detection using active near-infrared images
* 2017: Detecting Chinese calligraphy style consistency by deep learning and one-class SVM
* 2017: Geovisualization for Association Rule Mining in Oil and Gas Well Data
* 2020: Grid-GCN for Fast and Scalable Point Cloud Learning
* 2020: Underwater Hyperspectral Target Detection with Band Selection
* 2021: Composited FishNet: Fish Detection and Species Recognition From Low-Quality Underwater Videos
* 2021: High-Resolution Monitoring of Glacier Mass Balance and Dynamics with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on the Ningchan No. 1 Glacier in the Qilian Mountains, China
* 2022: Comparison of Different Transfer Learning Methods for Classification of Mangrove Communities Using MCCUNet and UAV Multispectral Images
* 2022: Controllable Fused Semantic Segmentation with Adaptive Edge Loss for Remote Sensing Parsing
* 2022: MRI Information-Based Correction and Restoration of Photoacoustic Tomography
* 2022: Multiple Band Prioritization Criteria-Based Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery
Includes: Sun, X.D.[Xin Ding] Sun, X.D.[Xin-Ding] Sun, X.D.[Xu-Dong] Sun, X.D.[Xiao-Dong] Sun, X.D.[Xi-Dong] Sun, X.D.[Xiang-Dong]
17 for Sun, X.D.

Sun, X.F.[Xian Fang] * 2005: 3D Triangular Mesh Parametrization Using Locally Linear Embedding
* 2005: Fast Isometric Parametrization of 3D Triangular Mesh
* 2005: Locally Linear Isometric Parameterization
* 2008: Quasi-isometric parameterization for texture mapping
* 2010: Non-rigid 3D shape retrieval using Multidimensional Scaling and Bag-of-Features
* 2010: Rectilinearity of 3D Meshes
* 2011: Automatic visual mimicry expression analysis in interpersonal interaction
* 2012: new convexity measurement for 3D meshes, A
* 2013: CM-BOF: visual similarity-based 3D shape retrieval using Clock Matching and Bag-of-Features
* 2014: Detection of duplicated image regions using cellular automata
* 2015: Euclidean-distance-based canonical forms for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval
* 2015: Improved DSIFT Descriptor Based Copy-Rotate-Move Forgery Detection
* 2016: Automatic building extraction from oblique aerial images
* 2017: Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using the Segment Gradient Orientation Histogram
* 2017: Estimating the Biomass of Maize with Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data
* 2017: High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data Classification over Urban Areas Using Random Forest Ensemble and Fully Connected Conditional Random Field
* 2018: Forest Height Estimation Based on Constrained Gaussian Vertical Backscatter Model Using Multi-Baseline P-Band Pol-InSAR Data
* 2018: Image-driven unsupervised 3D model co-segmentation
* 2019: Analyzing the Uncertainty of Estimating Forest Aboveground Biomass Using Optical Imagery and Spaceborne LiDAR
* 2019: Residual RCM Correction for LFM-CW Mini-SAR System Based on Fast-Time Split-Band Signal Interferometry
* 2019: S-RVoG Model Inversion Based on Time-Frequency Optimization for P-Band Polarimetric SAR Interferometry
* 2020: Divergent Sensitivities of Spaceborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Drought among Different Seasons and Regions
* 2020: Forest Height Estimation Based on P-Band Pol-InSAR Modeling and Multi-Baseline Inversion
* 2020: Novel Post-Doppler Parametric Adaptive Matched Filter for Airborne Multichannel Radar, A
* 2021: Siamese Graph Convolution Network for Face Sketch Recognition: An application using Graph structure for face photo-sketch recognition
* 2022: Fine-Grained Attention and Feature-Sharing Generative Adversarial Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2022: Ground Moving Target Detection and Estimation for Airborne Multichannel Radar Based on Coherent Difference Processing
* 2022: Impacts of Extreme Temperature and Precipitation on Crops during the Growing Season in South Asia
* 2022: KText: Arbitrary shape text detection using modified K-Means
Includes: Sun, X.F.[Xian Fang] Sun, X.F.[Xian-Fang] Sun, X.F.[Xiao-Fan] Sun, X.F.[Xiao-Feng] Sun, X.F.[Xiao-Fang] Sun, X.F.[Xiao-Fei]
29 for Sun, X.F.

Sun, X.G.[Xiao Gong] * 2021: Fusing Precipitable Water Vapor Data in CHINA at Different Timescales Using an Artificial Neural Network
* 2021: Modify the Accuracy of MODIS PWV in China: A Performance Comparison Using Random Forest, Generalized Regression Neural Network and Back-Propagation Neural Network
* 2022: Heat Exchange Capacity Prediction of Borehole Heat Exchanger (BHE) From Infrastructure Based on Machine Learning (ML) Methods
* 2022: Tempo-Spatial Distributions and Transport Characteristics of Two Dust Events over Northern China in March 2021
Includes: Sun, X.G.[Xiao Gong] Sun, X.G.[Xiao-Gong] Sun, X.G.[Xiao-Guang]

Sun, X.H.[Xing Hua] * 2009: Action recognition via local descriptors and holistic features
* 2009: geometric active contour model without re-initialization for color images, A
* 2009: Geometric active contours without re-initialization for image segmentation
* 2013: Lossless predictive coding with Bayesian treatment
* 2016: Violence detection using Oriented VIolent Flows
* 2018: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Logistic Regression Analysis along the Jinsha River and Its Tributaries Close to Derong and Deqin County, Southwestern China
* 2019: DuDoNet: Dual Domain Network for CT Metal Artifact Reduction
* 2020: Cantonese Porcelain Image Generation Using User-Guided Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2020: Grouping-Based Time-Series Model for Monitoring of Fall Peak Coloration Dates Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
* 2020: Learning spatial-temporal deformable networks for unconstrained face alignment and tracking in videos
* 2020: Sampling Uncertainties of Long-Term REMOTE-Sensing Suspended Sediments Monitoring over China's Seas: Impacts of Cloud Coverage and Sediment Variations
* 2021: Assessment of Vegetation Dynamics and Ecosystem Resilience in the Context of Climate Change and Drought in the Horn of Africa
* 2021: PML: Progressive Margin Loss for Long-tailed Age Classification
* 2021: Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution Based on Dense Channel Attention Network
* 2021: Vegetation Abundance and Health Mapping Over Southwestern Antarctica Based on WorldView-2 Data and a Modified Spectral Mixture Analysis
* 2022: Intertwining History and Places: The Design of TongSEE Location-Based Augmented Reality Application for History Learning
* 2022: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along a Rapidly Uplifting River Valley of the Upper Jinsha River, Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China
* 2022: Susceptibility Mapping of Typical Geological Hazards in Helong City Affected by Volcanic Activity of Changbai Mountain, Northeastern China
* 2023: Attribute-Aware Deep Hashing with Self-Consistency for Large-Scale Fine-Grained Image Retrieval
* 2023: Audio-Enhanced Text-to-Video Retrieval using Text-Conditioned Feature Alignment
* 2023: CPED: A Chinese Positive Emotion Database for Emotion Elicitation and Analysis
Includes: Sun, X.H.[Xing Hua] Sun, X.H.[Xing-Hua] Sun, X.H.[Xie-Hua] Sun, X.H.[Xiang-Hui] Sun, X.H.[Xiao-Hu] Sun, X.H.[Xiao-Hui] Sun, X.H.[Xiao-Hang] Sun, X.H.[Xiao-Hong] Sun, X.H.[Xiang-Han] Sun, X.H.[Xue-Hong] Sun, X.H.[Xiao-Hua] Sun, X.H.[Xu-Hao] Sun, X.H.[Xiang-Hong]
21 for Sun, X.H.

Sun, X.J.[Xiang Ju] * 2010: Moving object detection based on Kirsch operator combined with Optical Flow
* 2011: Moving object detection based on T-test combined with kirsch operator
* 2015: Assessing the Effect of Temporal Interval Length on the Blending of Landsat-MODIS Surface Reflectance for Different Land Cover Types in Southwestern Continental United States
* 2017: Improved Aerosol Optical Thickness, Columnar Water Vapor, and Surface Reflectance Retrieval from Combined CASI and SASI Airborne Hyperspectral Sensors
* 2020: Fast Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method (STF3DCNN) Using a Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Dataset, A
* 2021: Cloud Phase Recognition Based on Oxygen A Band and CO2 1.6 µm Band
* 2021: Modeling the Relationship of =2 MeV Electron Fluxes at Different Longitudes in Geostationary Orbit by the Machine Learning Method
* 2021: Reliability Evaluation of the Joint Observation of Cloud Top Height by FY-4A and HIMAWARI-8
* 2022: Cost-Effectiveness Oriented Intelligent Maintenance Scheduling Optimization for Traction Power Supply System of High-Speed Railway
* 2022: Fast Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method (STF3DCNN) Using a Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Dataset, A
* 2022: General Self-Supervised Framework for Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* 2022: LAI-Based Phenological Changes and Climate Sensitivity Analysis in the Three-River Headwaters Region
* 2022: Method for Retrieving Cloud-Top Height Based on a Machine Learning Model Using the Himawari-8 Combined with Near Infrared Data, A
* 2022: Monitoring Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in the Eastern Plain Lakes of China Using Long-Term MODIS UNWI Index
* 2022: New Method for Calculating Water Quality Parameters by Integrating Space-Ground Hyperspectral Data and Spectral-In Situ Assay Data, A
* 2022: Research on Fast Extraction of Information System from Online Social Network Images Based on Big Data Algorithm
* 2023: Prediction Models of >=2 MeV Electron Daily Fluences for 3 Days at GEO Orbit Using a Long Short-Term Memory Network
* 2023: Response of Industrial Warm Drainage to Tide Revealed by Airborne and Sea Surface Observations
* 2023: Vegetation Subtype Classification of Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests in Mountainous Areas Using a Hierarchy-Based Classifier
Includes: Sun, X.J.[Xiang Ju] Sun, X.J.[Xiang-Ju] Sun, X.J.[Xue-Jian] Sun, X.J.[Xue-Jin] Sun, X.J.[Xiao-Jing] Sun, X.J.[Xiao-Jun] Sun, X.J.[Xiao-Juan] Sun, X.J.[Xiao-Jiang]
19 for Sun, X.J.

Sun, X.K.[Xiao Kun] * 2023: Learning Semantic-Aware Disentangled Representation for Flexible 3D Human Body Editing
* 2023: Optical and SAR Image Registration Based on Pseudo-SAR Image Generation Strategy
* 2024: Semantic Segmentation and Roof Reconstruction of Urban Buildings Based on LiDAR Point Clouds
Includes: Sun, X.K.[Xiao Kun] Sun, X.K.[Xiao-Kun] Sun, X.K.[Xiao-Kai]

Sun, X.L.[Xiao Li] * 2009: Characterization of the Simulated Procedure for Preparation of Dried Radix Rehmanniae Using IR-CWT-ICA Approach
* 2009: Group Velocity Measurement of Piezo-Actuated Lamb Waves Using Hilbert-Huang Transform Method
* 2015: Calibration of the Mercury Laser Altimeter on the MESSENGER Spacecraft
* 2015: Multi-scale saliency detection via inter-regional shortest colour path
* 2016: Multiple feature distinctions based saliency flow model
* 2016: Saliency Detection via Diversity-Induced Multi-view Matrix Decomposition
* 2017: Diversity induced matrix decomposition model for salient object detection
* 2017: Focus prior estimation for salient object detection
* 2020: marker-free method for registering multi-scan terrestrial laser scanning data in forest environments, A
* 2020: Novel Framework to Automatically Fuse Multiplatform LiDAR Data in Forest Environments Based on Tree Locations, A
* 2021: Development and Performance Evaluation of a Very Low-Cost UAV-Lidar System for Forestry Applications
* 2021: Improve conditional adversarial domain adaptation using self-training
* 2021: Lidar sheds new light on plant phenomics for plant breeding and management: Recent advances and future prospects
* 2021: Monitoring Mining Activities Using Sentinel-1A InSAR Coherence in Open-Pit Coal Mines
* 2021: Novel 2D-3D CNN with Spectral-Spatial Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* 2021: Robust Monocular Pose Tracking of Less-Distinct Objects Based on Contour-Part Model
* 2021: Small PN-Code Lidar for Asteroid and Comet Missions: Receiver Processing and Performance Simulations
* 2022: Controllable Suppression Jamming Method against SAR Based on Active Radar Transponder, A
* 2022: Deep attention aware feature learning for person re-Identification
* 2022: DiSparse: Disentangled Sparsification for Multitask Model Compression
* 2022: Quantifying the shape of urban street trees and evaluating its influence on their aesthetic functions based on mobile lidar data
* 2022: Two-stage aware attentional Siamese network for visual tracking
* 2022: Using InSAR and PolSAR to Assess Ground Displacement and Building Damage after a Seismic Event: Case Study of the 2021 Baicheng Earthquake
* 2024: Adaptive Micro-Doppler Corner Feature Extraction Method Based on Difference of Gaussian Filter and Deformable Convolution
* 2024: Towards Better Structured Pruning Saliency by Reorganizing Convolution
* 2024: Updatable Siamese tracker with two-stage one-shot learning
Includes: Sun, X.L.[Xiao Li] Sun, X.L.[Xiao-Li] Sun, X.L.[Xiu-Li] Sun, X.L.[Xiao-Long] Sun, X.L.[Xi-Liang] Sun, X.L.[Xiao-Liang] Sun, X.L.[Xiao-Lin] Sun, X.L.[Xing-Long] Sun, X.L.[Xi-Long] Sun, X.L.[Xiao-Lu]
26 for Sun, X.L.

Sun, X.M.[Xiao Ming] * 2000: Image Retrieval By Shape: A Comparative Study
* 2003: Construction of wavelets for width-invariant characterization of curves
* 2004: fluid model for error propagation characterization in video coding, A
* 2005: MPEG video markup language and its applications to robust video transmission
* 2008: Detection of Hidden Information in Webpage Based on Higher-Order Statistics
* 2010: SAR Image Speckle Noise Suppression Based on DFB Hidden Markov Models Using Immune Clonal Selection Thresholding
* 2013: New Forensic Methods for OOXML Format Documents
* 2013: New Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based on Efficient Prediction, A
* 2014: Combination of SIFT Feature and Convex Region-Based Global Context Feature for Image Copy Detection
* 2014: Removing Gaussian noise for colour images by quaternion representation and optimisation of weights in non-local means filter
* 2015: Color Image Analysis by Quaternion-Type Moments
* 2015: Evaluation of Water Use Efficiency Derived from MODIS Products against Eddy Variance Measurements in China
* 2015: Face tracking based on differential harmony search
* 2015: Image Integrity Authentication Scheme Based on Fixed Point Theory
* 2015: Semi-Analytical Model for Remote Sensing Retrieval of Suspended Sediment Concentration in the Gulf of Bohai, China, A
* 2016: Blind Quality Index for Camera Images with Natural Scene Statistics and Patch-Based Sharpness Assessment
* 2016: Fast reference frame selection based on content similarity for low complexity HEVC encoder
* 2016: Sparse Representation-Based Image Quality Index With Adaptive Sub-Dictionaries
* 2017: Detecting image seam carving with low scaling ratio using multi-scale spatial and spectral entropies
* 2017: Modeling and Partitioning of Regional Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Driven Water-Carbon Coupling Model
* 2018: Convolutional neural network for smooth filtering detection
* 2018: Encoding multiple contextual clues for partial-duplicate image retrieval
* 2018: Multiple-parameter fractional quaternion Fourier transform and its application in colour image encryption
* 2018: Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* 2019: Effects of Distinguishing Vegetation Types on the Estimates of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration in Arid Regions
* 2020: Comparison of Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration Models Over Two Typical Sites in an Arid Riparian Ecosystem of Northwestern China
* 2020: Real-time image carrier generation based on generative adversarial network and fast object detection
* 2020: Semi-supervised stacked autoencoder-based deep hierarchical semantic feature for real-time fingerprint liveness detection
* 2020: Temporally-Aware Interpolation Network for Video Frame Inpainting, A
* 2021: Fake face detection via adaptive manipulation traces extraction network
* 2022: Fixed-Time Control for a Quadrotor With a Cable-Suspended Load
* 2023: Delineating Peri-Urban Areas Using Multi-Source Geo-Data: A Neural Network Approach and SHAP Explanation
* 2023: DIME-FM: DIstilling Multimodal and Efficient Foundation Models
* 2023: Exposing Deepfake Face Forgeries With Guided Residuals
* 2023: Geometric correction code-based robust image watermarking
Includes: Sun, X.M.[Xiao Ming] Sun, X.M.[Xiao-Ming] Sun, X.M.[Xing-Ming] Sun, X.M.[Xue-Ming] Sun, X.M.[Xiao-Min] Sun, X.M.[Xian-Ming] Sun, X.M.[Xi-Meng] Sun, X.M.[Xi-Ming] Sun, X.M.[Xiao-Meng]
35 for Sun, X.M.

Sun, X.N.[Xue Nan] * 2004: Analysis and improvement of Marr's algorithm for image reconstruction
* 2014: Quality assessment of polarization analysis images in foggy conditions
* 2022: Overlooked Poses Actually Make Sense: Distilling Privileged Knowledge for Human Motion Prediction
* 2023: DeFeeNet: Consecutive 3D Human Motion Prediction with Deviation Feedback
Includes: Sun, X.N.[Xue Nan] Sun, X.N.[Xue-Nan] Sun, X.N.[Xiao-Ning]

Sun, X.O.[Xia Ohan] * 2019: Current Activity of the Long Point Fault in Houston, Texas Constrained by Continuous GPS Measurements (2013-2018)
Includes: Sun, X.O.[Xia Ohan] Sun, X.O.[Xia-Ohan]

Sun, X.P.[Xiang Ping] * 2012: Object categorization via sparse representation of local features
* 2014: Sparse representation with multi-manifold analysis for texture classification from few training images
* 2016: Image enhancement based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory
* 2017: Entropy-based window selection for detecting dim and small infrared targets
* 2019: Non-Local Hierarchical Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Un-Paired Real World Super-Resolution with Degradation Consistency
* 2021: Cross-layer Information Refining Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* 2021: FEF-Net: A Deep Learning Approach to Multiview SAR Image Target Recognition
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Methods and Results
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Video Super-Resolution
* 2021: Unpaired Remote Sensing Image Super-Resolution with Multi-Stage Aggregation Networks
* 2022: Monitoring of Extreme Agricultural Drought of the Past 20 Years in Southwest China Using GLDAS Soil Moisture
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2023: Airborne Radar Staggered PRF Coherent Processing Method for Down-Looking Target Detection
* 2023: Attribution of Extreme Drought Events and Associated Physical Drivers across Southwest China Using the Budyko Framework
* 2023: Hybrid Transformer and CNN Attention Network for Stereo Image Super-resolution
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on 360° Omnidirectional Image and Video Super-Resolution: Datasets, Methods and Results
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Stereo Image Super-Resolution: Methods and Results
* 2023: OPDN: Omnidirectional Position-aware Deformable Network for Omnidirectional Image Super-Resolution
* 2024: Landslide-Hazard-Avoiding Highway Alignment Selection in Mountainous Regions Based on SAR Images and High-Spatial-Resolution Precipitation Datasets: A Case Study in Southwestern China
* 2024: Respective Effects of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Moisture on Ecosystem Productivity in Southwest China, The
Includes: Sun, X.P.[Xiang Ping] Sun, X.P.[Xiang-Ping] Sun, X.P.[Xian-Ping] Sun, X.P.[Xiao-Peng] Sun, X.P.[Xue-Ping] Sun, X.P.[Xu-Peng] Sun, X.P.[Xi-Ping]
21 for Sun, X.P.

Sun, X.Q.[Xian Qiang] * 2009: Dynamic Textures Retrieval with Surfacelet Transform
* 2021: GCNs-Based Context-Aware Short Text Similarity Model
* 2022: Capacitated Air/Rail Hub Location Problem With Uncertainty: A Model, Efficient Solution Algorithm, and Case Study
* 2022: sharing deep reinforcement learning method for efficient vehicle platooning control, A
* 2022: Survey on Cyber-Security of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), A
* 2023: Altruistic cooperative adaptive cruise control of mixed traffic platoon based on deep reinforcement learning
* 2023: DGPR-MPC: Learning-based model predictive controller for autonomous vehicle path following
* 2023: DYC Design for Autonomous Distributed Drive Electric Vehicle Considering Tire Nonlinear Mechanical Characteristics in the PWA Form
* 2023: IMMUNER: Integrated Multimodal Mobility Under Network Disruptions
* 2023: Rule-constrained reinforcement learning control for autonomous vehicle left turn at unsignalized intersection
* 2024: DenseNet-based feature weighting convolutional network recognition model and its application in industrial part classification, A
Includes: Sun, X.Q.[Xian Qiang] Sun, X.Q.[Xian-Qiang] Sun, X.Q.[Xiao-Qi] Sun, X.Q.[Xiao-Qian] Sun, X.Q.[Xiao-Qiang] Sun, X.Q.[Xiao-Qing]
11 for Sun, X.Q.

Sun, X.R.[Xue Rong] * 2017: Validation and Calibration of QAA Algorithm for CDOM Absorption Retrieval in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuarine and Coastal Waters
* 2022: Multi-View correlation distillation for incremental object detection
Includes: Sun, X.R.[Xue Rong] Sun, X.R.[Xue-Rong] Sun, X.R.[Xu-Rui]

Sun, X.S.[Xiao Shuai] * 2008: Text Particles Multi-band Fusion for Robust Text Detection
* 2010: Saliency detection based on short-term sparse representation
* 2010: Towards semantic embedding in visual vocabulary
* 2010: Visual saliency as sequential eye fixation probability
* 2011: Actor-independent action search using spatiotemporal vocabulary with appearance hashing
* 2011: Affective Video Classification Based on Spatio-temporal Feature Fusion
* 2011: Saliency Detection: A Self-Adaption Sparse Representation Approach
* 2011: Sparse representation based visual element analysis
* 2012: Action retrieval based on generalized dynamic depth data matching
* 2012: Aesthetic composition represetation for portrait photographing recommendation
* 2012: What are we looking for: Towards statistical modeling of saccadic eye movements and visual saliency
* 2013: Exploring Implicit Image Statistics for Visual Representativeness Modeling
* 2013: On dense sampling size
* 2013: Visual attention modeling based on short-term environmental adaption
* 2014: Clustering by saliency: Unsupervised discovery of crowd activities
* 2014: Exploring covert attention for generic boosting of saliency models
* 2014: Structure-aware multi-object discovery for weakly supervised tracking
* 2014: Toward Statistical Modeling of Saccadic Eye-Movement and Visual Saliency
* 2015: Distinctive action sketch
* 2015: Predicting discrete probability distribution of image emotions
* 2015: Strategy for aesthetic photography recommendation via collaborative composition model
* 2017: Hierarchical Latent Concept Discovery for Video Event Detection
* 2018: Cycle-Consistency Based Hierarchical Dense Semantic Correspondence
* 2018: Hierarchical semantic image matching using CNN feature pyramid
* 2019: Discovering Latent Discriminative Patterns for Multi-Mode Event Representation
* 2020: Deep Saliency Hashing for Fine-Grained Retrieval
* 2020: Hadamard Matrix Guided Online Hashing
* 2020: Semi-Supervised Adversarial Monocular Depth Estimation
* 2020: TVENet: Temporal variance embedding network for fine-grained action representation
* 2021: Deep Semantic Parsing of Freehand Sketches With Homogeneous Transformation, Soft-Weighted Loss, and Staged Learning
* 2021: Evolving Fully Automated Machine Learning via Life-Long Knowledge Anchors
* 2021: RSTNet: Captioning with Adaptive Attention on Visual and Non-Visual Words
* 2021: TRAR: Routing the Attention Spans in Transformer for Visual Question Answering
* 2022: Active Teacher for Semi-Supervised Object Detection
* 2022: Clustering Optimization for Triple-Frequency Combined Observations of BDS-3 Based on Improved PSO-FCM Algorithm
* 2022: DIFNet: Boosting Visual Information Flow for Image Captioning
* 2022: Fast Class-Wise Updating for Online Hashing
* 2022: Information Theoretic Approach for Attention-Driven Face Forgery Detection, An
* 2022: Knowing What to Learn: A Metric-Oriented Focal Mechanism for Image Captioning
* 2022: Knowledge-Driven Generative Adversarial Network for Text-to-Image Synthesis
* 2022: PixelFolder: An Efficient Progressive Pixel Synthesis Network for Image Generation
* 2022: Plenty is Plague: Fine-Grained Learning for Visual Question Answering
* 2022: SeqTR: A Simple Yet Universal Network for Visual Grounding
* 2022: Towards Lightweight Transformer Via Group-Wise Transformation for Vision-and-Language Tasks
* 2023: Clover: Towards A Unified Video-Language Alignment and Fusion Model
* 2023: Fast Monocular Depth Estimation via Side Prediction Aggregation with Continuous Spatial Refinement
* 2023: Improved UAV Bi-SAR Imaging Algorithm with Two-Dimensional Spatial Variant Range Cell Migration Correction and Azimuth Non-Linear Phase Equalization, An
* 2023: Knowing What it is: Semantic-Enhanced Dual Attention Transformer
* 2023: Multi-Branch Distance-Sensitive Self-Attention Network for Image Captioning
* 2023: MultiBranch-Mono3D: Lightweight improvement of FCOS3D
* 2023: RefCLIP: A Universal Teacher for Weakly Supervised Referring Expression Comprehension
* 2023: RefTeacher: A Strong Baseline for Semi-Supervised Referring Expression Comprehension
* 2023: Towards local visual modeling for image captioning
* 2023: X-Mesh: Towards Fast and Accurate Text-driven 3D Stylization via Dynamic Textual Guidance
* 2024: Survivor in the Era of Large-Scale Pretraining: An Empirical Study of One-Stage Referring Expression Comprehension, A
* 2024: Towards Language-Guided Visual Recognition via Dynamic Convolutions
Includes: Sun, X.S.[Xiao Shuai] Sun, X.S.[Xiao-Shuai] Sun, X.S.[Xiao-Shuang] Sun, X.S.[Xin-Shuai] Sun, X.S.[Xu-Sheng]
56 for Sun, X.S.

Sun, X.T.[Xiao Tian] * 2018: Semantic line framework-based indoor building modeling using backpacked laser scanning point cloud
* 2019: Deep Learning Framework for Road Marking Extraction, Classification and Completion from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds, A
* 2021: Finger vein recognition algorithm under reduced field of view
* 2021: Hyperspectral Image Classification with Localized Graph Convolutional Filtering
* 2021: Target Detection Through Tree-Structured Encoding for Hyperspectral Images
* 2023: Extracting Citrus in Southern China (Guangxi Region) Based on the Improved DeepLabV3+ Network
Includes: Sun, X.T.[Xiao Tian] Sun, X.T.[Xiao-Tian] Sun, X.T.[Xue-Tong] Sun, X.T.[Xiao-Tong] Sun, X.T.[Xiao-Ting]

Sun, X.W.[Xiao Wei] * 2009: Low Cost Video Coding Scheme Using Texture Synthesis, A
* 2014: Towards the reality of 3D imaging and display
* 2015: Glasses-free light field 3D display
* 2015: Head tracked multiview 3D display
* 2015: real-time head tracker for autostereoscopic display, A
* 2015: Two-layer optimized light field display using depth initialization
* 2015: Viewable floating displays using simple secondary optical elements
* 2016: Multi-layer light field display characterisation
* 2019: Cascaded Generative and Discriminative Learning for Microcalcification Detection in Breast Mammograms
* 2019: RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
* 2019: Zero-Shot Learning Via Recurrent Knowledge Transfer
* 2020: RETRACTED: Moving object surveillance using object proposals and background prior prediction
* 2020: TCGM: An Information-theoretic Framework for Semi-supervised Multi-modality Learning
* 2021: Bilateral Asymmetry Guided Counterfactual Generating Network for Mammogram Classification
* 2021: Causal Hidden Markov Model for Time Series Disease Forecasting
* 2021: Forecasting Irreversible Disease via Progression Learning
* 2022: Scalable Penalized Regression for Noise Detection in Learning with Noisy Labels
* 2023: Exploring Structural Sparsity of Deep Networks Via Inverse Scale Spaces
* 2023: PatchMix Augmentation to Identify Causal Features in Few-Shot Learning
* 2024: Knockoffs-SPR: Clean Sample Selection in Learning With Noisy Labels
Includes: Sun, X.W.[Xiao Wei] Sun, X.W.[Xiao-Wei] Sun, X.W. Sun, X.W.[Xin-Wei]
20 for Sun, X.W.

Sun, X.X.[Xiao Xia] * 2011: IHS Fusion Method Integrated by the Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform to Fuse the Airborne X-Band InSAR and P-Band Full PolSAR Images, An
* 2014: Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Structured Sparsity Constraints
* 2014: Towards automatic detection of child pornography
* 2015: Task-Driven Dictionary Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification With Structured Sparsity Constraints
* 2016: Benchmark for Automatic Visual Classification of Clinical Skin Disease Images, A
* 2019: Dissecting Person Re-Identification From the Viewpoint of Viewpoint
* 2021: Crop Type and Land Cover Mapping in Northern Malawi Using the Integration of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and PlanetScope Satellite Data
* 2021: Ranking Models in Unlabeled New Environments
* 2022: Climatology of TEC Longitudinal Difference in Middle Latitudes of East Asia
* 2022: Exploring Effective Data for Surrogate Training Towards Black-box Attack
* 2022: Query-efficient decision-based attack via sampling distribution reshaping
* 2022: Video-Based Heart Rate Measurement Against Uneven Illuminations Using Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis
* 2023: Attention-induced semantic and boundary interaction network for camouflaged object detection
* 2023: On Single-Model Transferable Targeted Attacks: A Closer Look at Decision-Level Optimization
Includes: Sun, X.X.[Xiao Xia] Sun, X.X.[Xiao-Xia] Sun, X.X.[Xiao-Xi] Sun, X.X.[Xiao-Xiao] Sun, X.X.[Xiao-Xuan] Sun, X.X.[Xing-Xin] Sun, X.X.[Xu-Xiang] Sun, X.X.[Xiao-Xue]
14 for Sun, X.X.

Sun, X.Y.[Xian Yi] * 1992: Determination of ambient light level changes in visual images
* 2002: Efficient and universal scalable video coding
* 2002: Scene sampling for the concentric mosaics technique
* 2003: improved SP frame coding technique for the JVT standard, The
* 2003: Macroblock-based progressive fine granularity scalable video coding
* 2004: Flexible p-picture (FLEXP) coding for tue efficient fine-granular scalability (FGS)
* 2004: Variable block-size transform and entropy coding at the enhancement layer of FGS
* 2005: H.264-Compatible Spatially Scalable Video Coding with In-band Prediction
* 2005: Spatio-temporal Video Error Concealment using Priority-ranked Region-matching
* 2006: Transcoding to FGS Streams from H.264/AVC Hierarchical B-Pictures
* 2007: Image Coding with Parameter-Assistant Inpainting
* 2007: Image Compression With Edge-Based Inpainting
* 2007: Incorporating Primal Sketch Based Learning Into Low Bit-Rate Image Compression
* 2009: Classified patch learning for spatially scalable video coding
* 2009: Image hallucination with feature enhancement
* 2009: Web cartoon video hallucination
* 2010: Block-Based Image Compression With Parameter-Assistant Inpainting
* 2010: Research on parallel cone-beam CT image reconstruction on CUDA-Enabled GPU
* 2010: Robust Web Image/Video Super-Resolution
* 2011: Large-Scale Manifold Learning Approach for Brain Tumor Progression Prediction, A
* 2012: Content-adaptive deblocking for high efficiency video coding
* 2012: Inpainting with image patches for compression
* 2013: Cloud-Based Image Coding for Mobile Devices: Toward Thousands to One Compression
* 2013: Landmark Image Super-Resolution by Retrieving Web Images
* 2013: Large scale image retrieval with visual groups
* 2013: Multi-model prediction for image set compression
* 2013: Two dimensional analysis sparse model
* 2014: CID: Combined Image Denoising in Spatial and Frequency Domains Using Web Images
* 2014: Efficient Modeling of Large-Scale Electromagnetic Well-Logging Problems Using an Improved Nonconformal FEM-DDM
* 2014: Learning adaptive filter banks for hierarchical image representation
* 2014: Lossless compression of JPEG coded photo albums
* 2014: Separable Kernel for Image Deblurring
* 2014: Spatial Differencing Method for Mixed Far-Field and Near-Field Sources Localization
* 2015: 2D nonlocal sparse representation for image denoising
* 2015: Channel-Max, Channel-Drop and Stochastic Max-pooling
* 2015: Deblurring Saturated Night Image With Function-Form Kernel
* 2015: Image Denoising by Exploring External and Internal Correlations
* 2015: Incremental SfM based lossless compression of JPEG coded photo album
* 2015: Single image super-resolution via 2D nonlocal sparse representation
* 2016: Internal-video mode dependent directional transform
* 2016: Lossless Compression of JPEG Coded Photo Collections
* 2016: MARLow: A Joint Multiplanar Autoregressive and Low-Rank Approach for Image Completion
* 2016: TenSR: Multi-dimensional Tensor Sparse Representation
* 2017: Tactile modeling and rendering image-textures based on electrovibration
* 2018: Deep Joint Noise Estimation and Removal for High ISO JPEG Images
* 2018: MiCT: Mixed 3D/2D Convolutional Tube for Human Action Recognition
* 2018: Multi-Dimensional Sparse Models
* 2018: Structure-Revealing Low-Light Image Enhancement Via Robust Retinex Model
* 2018: Wind Gust Detection and Impact Prediction for Wind Turbines
* 2019: Context-Reinforced Semantic Segmentation
* 2019: Surveillance video online prediction using multilayer ELM with object principal trajectory
* 2020: DeepInSAR: A Deep Learning Framework for SAR Interferometric Phase Restoration and Coherence Estimation
* 2020: Similarity Graph Convolutional Construction Network for Interactive Action Recognition
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Fusion in 3D CNNs: A Probabilistic View
* 2020: Vertex Concavity-Convexity Detection Method for Three-Dimensional Spatial Objects Based on Geometric Algebra, A
* 2021: Building Outline Extraction From Aerial Imagery and Digital Surface Model with a Frame Field Learning Framework
* 2021: Building Polygon Extraction from Aerial Images and Digital Surface Models with a Frame Field Learning Framework
* 2021: Classification of breast cancer histopathological image with deep residual learning
* 2021: Evaluations of Surface PM10 Concentration and Chemical Compositions in MERRA-2 Aerosol Reanalysis over Central and Eastern China
* 2021: Feature selection using bare-bones particle swarm optimization with mutual information
* 2021: MABAN: Multi-Agent Boundary-Aware Network for Natural Language Moment Retrieval
* 2021: Remote Sensing-Guided Spatial Sampling Strategy over Heterogeneous Surface Ground for Validation of Vegetation Indices Products with Medium and High Spatial Resolution
* 2021: SMSIR: Spherical Measure Based Spherical Image Representation
* 2022: Developing a New Parameterization Scheme of Temperature Lapse Rate for the Hydrological Simulation in a Glacierized Basin Based on Remote Sensing
* 2022: Effect of Vertical Wind Shear on PM2.5 Changes over a Receptor Region in Central China
* 2022: Evaluation of Three Gridded Precipitation Products in Characterizing Extreme Precipitation over the Hengduan Mountains Region in China
* 2022: Exploiting Rigidity Constraints for LiDAR Scene Flow Estimation
* 2022: Feature Passing Learning for Image Steganalysis
* 2022: PCGAN: Prediction-Compensation Generative Adversarial Network for Meshes
* 2022: Possible Seismo-Ionospheric Perturbations Recorded by the China-Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, The
* 2022: Semi-Supervised Neuron Segmentation via Reinforced Consistency Learning
* 2022: Study on the Impact of Spatial Resolution on Fractional Vegetation Cover Extraction with Single-Scene and Time-Series Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Synergistic Effect of Atmospheric Boundary Layer and Regional Transport on Aggravating Air Pollution in the Twain-Hu Basin: A Case Study
* 2022: Water Level Change Monitoring Based on a New Denoising Algorithm Using Data from Landsat and ICESat-2: A Case Study of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing
* 2023: Analysis of Spatiotemporal Variations and Influencing Factors of Sea Ice Extent in the Arctic and Antarctic
* 2023: Attention-Guided Contrastive Masked Image Modeling for Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Learning
* 2023: Detector-Tracker Integration Framework for Autonomous Vehicles Pedestrian Tracking
* 2023: GET: Group Event Transformer for Event-Based Vision
* 2023: Masked Motion Encoding for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning
* 2023: Multi-Modal Feature Pyramid Transformer for RGB-Infrared Object Detection
* 2023: Neuromorphic Similarity Measurement of Tactile Stimuli in Human-Machine Interface
* 2023: Paint by Example: Exemplar-based Image Editing with Diffusion Models
* 2023: Recent Advances for Quantum Neural Networks in Generative Learning
* 2023: Semantics-Preserving Sketch Embedding for Face Generation
* 2023: Source Free Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning for Diagnosis of Mental Disorders on fMRI Scans
* 2023: Synthesizing Realistic Trajectory Data With Differential Privacy
* 2023: Video Super-Resolution Via Event-Driven Temporal Alignment
* 2024: Electrical Structure of Southwestern Longmenshan Fault Zone: Insights into Seismogenic Structure of 2013 and 2022 Lushan Earthquakes
* 2024: Examining the Effects of Soil and Water Conservation Measures on Patterns and Magnitudes of Vegetation Cover Change in a Subtropical Region Using Time Series Landsat Imagery
* 2024: Impact Analysis and Compensation Methods of Frequency Synchronization Errors in Distributed Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar
* 2024: Learned Rate-Distortion Cost Prediction for Ultrafast Screen Content Intra Coding
* 2024: Overlay Accelerator of DeepLab CNN for Spacecraft Image Segmentation on FPGA, An
* 2024: Properties of Cirrus Cloud Observed over Koror, Palau (7.3°N, 134.5°E), in Tropical Western Pacific Region
* 2024: QoE Physiological Measure of VR With Vibrotactile Feedback Based on Frontal Lobe Power Asymmetry, A
Includes: Sun, X.Y.[Xian Yi] Sun, X.Y.[Xian-Yi] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Yan] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Yong] Sun, X.Y. Sun, X.Y.[Xiu-Yu] Sun, X.Y.[Xiang-Yang] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Ying] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Yu] Sun, X.Y.[Xin-Yao] Sun, X.Y.[Xiang-Yu] Sun, X.Y.[Xi-Ying] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Yun] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Yang] Sun, X.Y.[Xue-Yan] Sun, X.Y.[Xi-Yu] Sun, X.Y.[Xin-Yu] Sun, X.Y.[Xin-Yue] Sun, X.Y.[Xiao-Yao]
94 for Sun, X.Y.

Sun, X.Z.[Xing Zhi] * 2011: Image modality classification: a late fusion method based on confidence indicator and closeness matrix
* 2021: Improving the iGNSS-R Ocean Altimetric Precision Based on the Coherent Integration Time Optimization Model
* 2022: DMA-Net: DeepLab With Multi-Scale Attention for Pavement Crack Segmentation
* 2023: Flexible Voyage Scheduling and Coordinated Energy Management Strategy of All-Electric Ships and Seaport Microgrid
* 2023: Vulnerability Assessment of Coupled Transportation and Multi-Energy Networks Considering Electric and Hydrogen Vehicles
Includes: Sun, X.Z.[Xing Zhi] Sun, X.Z.[Xing-Zhi] Sun, X.Z.[Xue-Zhi] Sun, X.Z.[Xin-Zi] Sun, X.Z.[Xian-Zhuo]

Sun, Y. * 1993: Shape Normalization Through Visible Region Center and Unvisible Region Center
* 1994: Motion Estimation Via Cluster Matching
* 1994: Reconstruction of 3-D Binary Tree-Like Structures from Three Mutually Orthogonal Projections
* 1995: Backpropagation Network and Its Configuration for Blood-Vessel Detection In Angiograms
* 1995: Improvement on performance of modified Hopfield neural network for image restoration
* 1996: simple feedforward neural network architecture for 3-D motion and structure estimation, A
* 1996: Tracking and detection of moving point targets in noise image sequences by local maximum likelihood
* 1999: Representing Spectral Functions by a Composite Model of Smooth and Spiky Components for Efficient Full-Spectrum Photorealism
* 2000: Dense Range Image Smoothing Using Adaptive Regularization
* 2000: Hierarchical Approach to Color Image Segmentation Using Homogeneity, A
* 2001: Color image segmentation: advances and prospects
* 2001: Robust Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation of Piecewise Smooth Surfaces from Triangle Mesh Approximations Using Normal Voting
* 2001: Small vessel enhancement in MRA images using local maximum mean processing
* 2002: 3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor scenes using a mobile range scanner
* 2002: Hierarchical Selectivity for Object-Based Visual Attention
* 2002: iterative initial-points refinement algorithm for categorical data clustering, An
* 2002: joint channel estimation and unequal error protection scheme for video transmission in OFDM systems, A
* 2002: Normal Vector Voting: Crease Detection and Curvature Estimation on Large, Noisy Meshes
* 2002: Real-time implementation of a new low-memory SPIHT image coding algorithm using DSP chip
* 2002: Simultaneous mesh simplification and noise smoothing of range images
* 2002: Triangle mesh-based edge detection and its application to surface segmentation and adaptive surface smoothing
* 2002: Triangle mesh-based surface modeling using adaptive smoothing and implicit surface texture integration
* 2002: Using normal flow for detection and tracking of limbs in color images
* 2003: Channel aware uncoual error protection for image transmission over broadband wireless LAN
* 2003: MMA-based region localisation for iconic image representation and transmission
* 2003: Object-based visual attention for computer vision
* 2003: Synchronous and asynchronous multiple object rate control for MPEG-4 video coding
* 2004: Authentic Emotion Detection in Real-Time Video
* 2004: Authentic facial expression analysis
* 2004: Automated red-eye detection and correction in digital photographs
* 2004: Automatic feed system based on machine vision
* 2004: Integrated registration of dynamic renal perfusion MR images
* 2004: Iterative Decoding of Differentially Space-Time Coded Multiple Descriptions of Images
* 2004: multistage fast motion estimation scheme for video compression, A
* 2004: Robust and Adaptive Rate Control Algorithm for Object-Based Video Coding, A
* 2005: 3D Face Recognition Using Two Views Face Modeling and Labeling
* 2005: Asynchronous Rate Control for Multi-Object Videos
* 2005: Complexity-based Rate Distortion Optimization with Perceptual Tuning for Scalable Video Coding
* 2005: On using hierarchical motion history for motion estimation in H.264/AVC
* 2006: 3D Facial Expression Database For Facial Behavior Research, A
* 2006: 3D Facial Expression Recognition Based on Primitive Surface Feature Distribution
* 2006: Better Foreground Segmentation for Static Cameras via New Energy Form and Dynamic Graph-cut
* 2006: Evaluation of 3D Facial Feature Selection for Individual Facial Model Identification
* 2006: Regression-Based Human Motion Capture From Voxel Data
* 2006: Role of Featural and Configural Information in Face Classification A Simulation of the Expertise Hypothesis, The
* 2006: Using Strong Shape Priors for Stereo
* 2007: Authentic facial expression analysis
* 2007: Distributed Rate Allocation and Performance Optimization for Video Communication Over Mesh Networks
* 2007: Imaging the Finger Force Direction
* 2007: Sequential Monte-Carlo and DSmT Based Approach for Conflict Handling in Case of Multiple Targets Tracking, A
* 2007: Variational PDE based image restoration using neural network
* 2008: 3D Spatio-Temporal face recognition using dynamic range model sequences
* 2008: Automatic pose estimation of 3D facial models
* 2008: Automatic Registration of Vertex Correspondences for 3D Facial Expression Analysis
* 2008: computer vision model for visual-object-based attention and eye movements, A
* 2008: Dynamic target classification in wireless sensor networks
* 2008: Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Dynamic Range Model Sequences
* 2008: high-resolution 3D dynamic facial expression database, A
* 2008: novel incremental rate control scheme for H.264 video coding, A
* 2008: Recognizing partial facial action units based on 3D dynamic range data for facial expression recognition
* 2009: Application of Digital Holography in Displacement Measurement
* 2009: Automatic symmetry-integrated brain injury detection in MRI sequences
* 2009: Compressed sensing image reconstruction based on morphological component analysis
* 2009: Effective intra-only rate control for H.264/AVC
* 2009: Evaluation of spatio-temporal regional features For 3D face analysis
* 2009: Image Recovery By Peaceman-Rachford Operator Splitting Method
* 2009: Incremental rate control for H.264/AVC video compression
* 2009: Jag-Wave Feature Detection in 2D Images, The
* 2009: Joint Rate-Distortion model for H.264/AVC rate control
* 2009: Management System for Multi-Dimension Multimedia Data Based on Matrix Division Method and Star Structure
* 2009: New rate-distortion modeling and efficient rate control for H.264/AVC video coding
* 2009: Non-Local Means Image Denoising with Local Geometric Structures Matching Strategy
* 2009: Symmetry integrated region-based image segmentation
* 2009: Symmetry-integrated injury detection for brain MRI
* 2009: Using pre and post-processing methods to improve binding site predictions
* 2010: 3D Filtering for Injury Detection in Brain MRI
* 2010: Active image: A shape and topology preserving segmentation method using B-spline free form deformations
* 2010: Adaptive wavelet-Galerkin methods for limited angle tomography
* 2010: Analysis of quadratic R-D model in H.264/AVC video coding
* 2010: Controlling the Bit Rate of Multi-Object Videos With Noncooperative Game Theory
* 2010: Image retrieval with feature selection and relevance feedback
* 2010: MRF framework for joint registration and segmentation of natural and perfusion images, An
* 2010: new image fusion algorithm based on Wavelet Transform and the Second Generation Curvelet Transform, A
* 2010: Particle Filtering and DSmT Based Approach for Conflict Resolving in case of Target Tracking with Multiple Cues, A
* 2010: Rigid Registration of Renal Perfusion Images Using a Neurobiology-Based Visual Saliency Model
* 2010: Tracking Vertex Flow and Model Adaptation for Three-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Face Analysis
* 2011: Brain MR Image Tumor Segmentation with Ventricular Deformation
* 2011: H.264/AVC rate control with enhanced ratequantisation model and bit allocation
* 2011: Optimization for limited angle tomography in medical image processing
* 2012: dynamic curvature based approach for facial activity analysis in 3D space, A
* 2012: Focal design issues affecting the deployment of wireless sensor networks for intelligent transport systems
* 2012: GPU-based implementation on super-resolution reconstruction, A
* 2012: Image Inpainting Algorithm Based on Energy Minimization, An
* 2012: Integrating Segmentation Information for Improved MRF-Based Elastic Image Registration
* 2012: Joint H.264/scalable video coding-multiple input multiple output rate control for wireless video applications
* 2012: Learning-based deformable registration using weighted mutual information
* 2012: Multiple local kernel integrated feature selection for image classification
* 2012: Novel rate control scheme for intra frame video coding with exponential rate-distortion model on H.264/AVC
* 2012: Perceptual image quality assessment based on structural similarity and visual masking
* 2012: Performance Degradation Monitoring for Onboard Speed Sensors of Trains
* 2012: Reflection Symmetry-Integrated Image Segmentation
* 2012: Registration of Pre-Operative CT and Non-Contrast-Enhanced C-Arm CT: An Application to Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
* 2012: Ship detection based on eigenvalue-eigenvector decomposition and OS-CFAR detector
* 2013: Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection
* 2013: Human-object-object-interaction affordance
* 2013: Review of Recent Advances in Registration Techniques Applied to Minimally Invasive Therapy, A
* 2013: Scalable Resolution Display Walls
* 2013: Sparsifying Neural Network Connections for Face Recognition
* 2013: wireless robotic video laparo-endoscope for minimal invasive surgery, A
* 2014: Automatic Road Centerline Extraction from Imagery Using Road GPS Data
* 2014: Deep Learning Face Representation from Predicting 10,000 Classes
* 2014: fast mode decision algorithm applied to Coarse-Grain quality Scalable Video Coding, A
* 2014: Few views image reconstruction using alternating direction method via L0-norm minimization
* 2014: Learning Discriminative Dictionary for Group Sparse Representation
* 2014: novel total variation based frame layer rate control algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* 2014: Prostate Segmentation: An Efficient Convex Optimization Approach With Axial Symmetry Using 3-D TRUS and MR Images
* 2014: Robust Video Coding Based on Hybrid Hierarchical B Pictures
* 2014: Video super resolution based on non-local regularization and reliable motion estimation
* 2015: automatic high precision registration method between large area aerial images and aerial light detection and ranging data, An
* 2015: Biomechanically Constrained Surface Registration: Application to MR-TRUS Fusion for Prostate Interventions
* 2015: Comparative Analysis of GF-1 WFV, ZY-3 MUX, and HJ-1 CCD Sensor Data for Grassland Monitoring Applications
* 2015: Context-aware single image super-resolution using sparse representation and cross-scale similarity
* 2015: Contextualized Relevance Evaluation of Geographic Information for Mobile Users in Location-Based Social Networks
* 2015: Deeply learned face representations are sparse, selective, and robust
* 2015: high-efficient tables memory access saving algorithm for CAVLC decoding, A
* 2015: Integrating Multiple Source Data to Enhance Variation and Weaken the Blooming Effect of DMSP-OLS Light
* 2015: Investigation of Travel and Activity Patterns Using Location-based Social Network Data: A Case Study of Active Mobile Social Media Users
* 2015: Object tracking using discriminative sparse appearance model
* 2015: overview of in-orbit radiometric calibration of typical satellite sensors, An
* 2015: Three-Dimensional Nonrigid MR-TRUS Registration Using Dual Optimization
* 2015: Vehicle Logo Recognition System Based on Convolutional Neural Networks With a Pretraining Strategy
* 2016: Affine Motion Model for Removing Rolling Shutter Distortions, An
* 2016: approach for automated multimodal analysis of infants' pain, An
* 2016: Cam-shift target tracking approach based on back projection method with distance weights
* 2016: Cross-Calibration of GF-1 PMS Sensor With Landsat 8 OLI and Terra MODIS
* 2016: Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth
* 2016: Extrinsic parameters and focal length calibration using rotation-symmetric patterns
* 2016: Fast Intra prediction algorithm for quality scalable video coding
* 2016: fast mode decision algorithm applied in medium-grain quality scalable video coding, A
* 2016: Fast structural ensemble for One-Class Classification
* 2016: First Prismatic Building Model Reconstruction From Tomosar Point Clouds
* 2016: Heterogeneous Tensor Decomposition for Clustering via Manifold Optimization
* 2016: Hybrid Deep Learning for Face Verification
* 2016: Investigating Locality of Intra-Urban Spatial Interactions in New York City Using Foursquare Data
* 2016: Matrix-Based Discriminant Subspace Ensemble for Hyperspectral Image Spatial-Spectral Feature Fusion
* 2016: Mixture of Bilateral-Projection Two-Dimensional Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis
* 2016: moon Mapping Project To Promote Cooperation Between Students Of Italy And China, The
* 2016: MR imaging reconstruction using a modified descent-type alternating direction method
* 2016: Novel Approach for Retrieving Tree Leaf Area from Ground-Based LiDAR, A
* 2016: Sparsifying Neural Network Connections for Face Recognition
* 2016: Spatial Up-Scaling Correction for Leaf Area Index Based on the Fractal Theory
* 2016: Synchrosqueezing S-Transform and Its Application in Seismic Spectral Decomposition
* 2016: Temporal Analysis on Contribution Inequality in OpenStreetMap: A Comparative Study for Four Countries
* 2016: Validation of the Calibration Coefficient of the GaoFen-1 PMS Sensor Using the Landsat 8 OLI
* 2017: Automated Pain Assessment in Neonates
* 2017: Boundary points based scale invariant 3D point feature
* 2017: Coding optimization based on weighted-to-spherically-uniform quality metric for 360 video
* 2017: Combining Local and Global Features for 3D Face Tracking
* 2017: Contextual Building Selection Based on a Genetic Algorithm in Map Generalization
* 2017: Elastic Net Hypergraph Learning for Image Clustering and Semi-Supervised Classification
* 2017: Geometric derived motion vector for motion prediction in block-based video coding
* 2017: Hypergraph Embedding for Spatial-Spectral Joint Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Images
* 2017: image reconstruction framework based on deep neural network for electrical impedance tomography, An
* 2017: Integrating Sparse and Collaborative Representation Classifications for Image Classification
* 2017: L1-2DPCA Revisit via Optimization on Product Manifolds
* 2017: Learning Adaptive Receptive Fields for Deep Image Parsing Network
* 2017: Learning discriminant grassmann kernels for image-set classification
* 2017: Mixed Spectral-Element Method for Overcoming the Low-Frequency Breakdown Problem in Subsurface EM Exploration
* 2017: Retrain-free fully connected layer optimization using matrix factorization
* 2017: Selective Privacy-Preserving Approach for Multimedia Data, A
* 2017: Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Glacier Velocity in the Central Karakoram Revealed with 1999-2003 Landsat-7 ETM+ Pan Images
* 2017: Surveillance Video Parsing with Single Frame Supervision
* 2017: SVDNet for Pedestrian Retrieval
* 2017: weakly supervised method for makeup-invariant face verification, A
* 2017: Weighted-to-Spherically-Uniform Quality Evaluation for Omnidirectional Video
* 2018: Annual Glacier-Wide Mass Balance (2000-2016) of the Interior Tibetan Plateau Reconstructed from MODIS Albedo Products
* 2018: Applications of hyperspectral and optical scattering imaging technique in the detection of food microorganism
* 2018: Automated Non-Invasive Measurement of Single Sperm's Motility and Morphology
* 2018: Coarse-to-Fine Face Hallucination Method by Exploiting Facial Prior Knowledge, A
* 2018: Composing Semantic Collage for Image Retargeting
* 2018: Contrast enhancement for cDNA microarray image based on fourth-order moment
* 2018: Cross-Layer Based Network for Faster Image Generation, A
* 2018: deep learning approach to patch-based image inpainting forensics, A
* 2018: Detecting heel strikes for gait analysis through acceleration flow
* 2018: Developing a multi-filter convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation using high-resolution aerial imagery and LiDAR data
* 2018: Dual-Resolution U-Net: Building Extraction from Aerial Images
* 2018: Estimation of Grassland Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass at the Quadrat Scale Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* 2018: Extended Moving Target Detection Approach for High-Resolution Multichannel SAR-GMTI Systems Based on Enhanced Shadow-Aided Decision, An
* 2018: Extracting Building Boundaries from High Resolution Optical Images and LiDAR Data by Integrating the Convolutional Neural Network and the Active Contour Model
* 2018: Fast Vehicle Detection Using a Disparity Projection Method
* 2018: Frequency Domain Extraction Based Adaptive Joint Time Frequency Decomposition Method of the Maneuvering Target Radar Echo, A
* 2018: GRFT-Based Moving Ship Target Detection and Imaging in Geosynchronous SAR
* 2018: HBE: Hand Branch Ensemble Network for Real-Time 3D Hand Pose Estimation
* 2018: Infants' Pain Recognition Based on Facial Expression: Dynamic Hybrid Descriptions
* 2018: Influence of Instrumental Line Shape Degradation on the Partial Columns of O3, CO, CH4 and N2O Derived from High-Resolution FTIR Spectrometry, The
* 2018: Interpretable Basis Decomposition for Visual Explanation
* 2018: Localized LRR on Grassmann Manifold: An Extrinsic View
* 2018: Machine Learning Approach to Accurate Sequence-Level Rate Control Scheme for Video Coding, A
* 2018: Moire Photo Restoration Using Multiresolution Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2018: Motion Tracking of the Carotid Artery Wall From Ultrasound Image Sequences: a Nonlinear State-Space Approach
* 2018: Optimizing Window Length for Turbulent Heat Flux Calculations from Airborne Eddy Covariance Measurements under Near Neutral to Unstable Atmospheric Stability Conditions
* 2018: Part-based Multi-stream Model for Vehicle Searching
* 2018: Prediction of Forest Structural Parameters Using Airborne Full-Waveform LiDAR and Hyperspectral Data in Subtropical Forests
* 2018: Road Centerline Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Aerial Image and LiDAR Data Based on Road Connectivity
* 2018: Robust Discriminative Projective Dictionary Pair Learning by Adaptive Representations
* 2018: Salient Target Detection Based on the Combination of Super-Pixel and Statistical Saliency Feature Analysis for Remote Sensing Images
* 2018: Self-Gating: An Adaptive Center-of-Mass Approach for Respiratory Gating in PET
* 2018: Spatial Pyramid Dilated Network for Pulmonary Nodule Malignancy Classification
* 2018: Visual Saliency Analysis for Common Region of Interest Detection in Multiple Remote Sensing Images
* 2019: Accurate Facial Image Parsing at Real-Time Speed
* 2019: Adaptive Activation Thresholding: Dynamic Routing Type Behavior for Interpretability in Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2019: Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variation in Land Subsidence on the Beijing Plain, China
* 2019: Automatic Building Extraction from High-Resolution Aerial Images and LiDAR Data Using Gated Residual Refinement Network
* 2019: Automatic Vehicle Tracking With Roadside LiDAR Data for the Connected-Vehicles System
* 2019: Building Detail-Sensitive Semantic Segmentation Networks With Polynomial Pooling
* 2019: Chinese Street View Text: Large-Scale Chinese Text Reading With Partially Supervised Learning
* 2019: Clustering Complex Trajectories Based on Topologic Similarity and Spatial Proximity: A Case Study of the Mesoscale Ocean Eddies in the South China Sea
* 2019: Correlation-Weighted Sparse Representation for Robust Liver DCE-MRI Decomposition Registration
* 2019: CrossInfoNet: Multi-Task Information Sharing Based Hand Pose Estimation
* 2019: Deep Compact Person Re-Identification with Distractor Synthesis via Guided DC-GANs
* 2019: deep learning method for image super-resolution based on geometric similarity, A
* 2019: Deep neural networks for efficient steganographic payload location
* 2019: Efficient Multi-Strategy Intra Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* 2019: Estimating Canopy Structure and Biomass in Bamboo Forests Using Airborne LiDAR Data
* 2019: Hand Pose Ensemble Learning Based on Grouping Features of Hand Point Sets
* 2019: Human Mesh Recovery From Monocular Images via a Skeleton-Disentangled Representation
* 2019: Human-Vehicle Collaborative Driving Framework for Driver Assistance, A
* 2019: Hybrid Framework for High-Performance Modeling of Three-Dimensional Pipe Networks, A
* 2019: Hybrid Framework for High-Performance Modeling of Three-Dimensional Pipe Networks, A
* 2019: Improving Fashion Landmark Detection by Dual Attention Feature Enhancement
* 2019: Improving Image Captioning by Leveraging Knowledge Graphs
* 2019: Infrared Small-Faint Target Detection Using Non-i.i.d. Mixture of Gaussians and Flux Density
* 2019: Joint Object and State Recognition Using Language Knowledge
* 2019: K-Best Transformation Synchronization
* 2019: Land Use Classification Based On Multi-structure Convolution Neural Network Features Cascading
* 2019: Long Activity Video Understanding Using Functional Object-Oriented Network
* 2019: Modelling and control for economy-oriented car-following problem of hybrid electric vehicle
* 2019: Multivariate Regression with Gross Errors on Manifold-Valued Data
* 2019: Observation of CO2 Regional Distribution Using an Airborne Infrared Remote Sensing Spectrometer (Air-IRSS) in the North China Plain
* 2019: Online Regularization by Denoising with Applications to Phase Retrieval
* 2019: Optimized Choice of UCPML to Truncate Lattices With Rotated Staggered Grid Scheme for Ground Penetrating Radar Simulation, An
* 2019: Parasitic GAN for Semi-Supervised Brain Tumor Segmentation
* 2019: Pupil Localization for Ophthalmic Diagnosis Using Anchor Ellipse Regression
* 2019: Random Noise Suppression of Magnetic Resonance Sounding Data with Intensive Sampling Sparse Reconstruction and Kernel Regression Estimation
* 2019: Remote Blind Motion Separation Using a Single-Tone SIMO Doppler Radar Sensor
* 2019: Urbanization and Its Impacts on Land Surface Temperature in Colombo Metropolitan Area, Sri Lanka, from 1988 to 2016
* 2019: Video-based discomfort detection for infants
* 2020: 3DSSD: Point-Based 3D Single Stage Object Detector
* 2020: Adaptive Robust Nonlinear Control Design for Course Tracking of Ships Subject to External Disturbances and Input Saturation
* 2020: Automatic registration of a single SAR image and GIS building footprints in a large-scale urban area
* 2020: Automatically Designing CNN Architectures Using the Genetic Algorithm for Image Classification
* 2020: CAFM: A 3D Morphable Model for Animals
* 2020: CN: Channel Normalization for Point Cloud Recognition
* 2020: Deep Learning Based Electric Pylon Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: Deep Representation Learning on Long-Tailed Data: A Learnable Embedding Augmentation Perspective
* 2020: Densely Connected Search Space for More Flexible Neural Architecture Search
* 2020: Effects of Patchiness on Surface Soil Moisture of Alpine Meadow on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: Implications for Grassland Restoration
* 2020: Extraction of sub-pixel C3/C4 emissions of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) using artificial neural network
* 2020: Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* 2020: Fast Depth and Mode Decision in Intra Prediction for Quality SHVC
* 2020: Fine-Grained Motion Representation For Template-Free Visual Tracking
* 2020: First Investigation into the Use of Deep Learning for Continuous Assessment of Neonatal Postoperative Pain
* 2020: Gesture recognition algorithm based on multi-scale feature fusion in RGB-D images
* 2020: Gsnet: Joint Vehicle Pose and Shape Reconstruction with Geometrical and Scene-aware Supervision
* 2020: Hierarchical neural network for hand pose estimation
* 2020: IDA-3D: Instance-Depth-Aware 3D Object Detection From Stereo Vision for Autonomous Driving
* 2020: Implicit Saliency In Deep Neural Networks
* 2020: Improved estimates of monthly land surface temperature from MODIS using a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model
* 2020: Inverse Mapping Table Method for Raindrop Size Distribution Parameters Retrieval Using X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations, An
* 2020: Leaf Area Index Estimation Algorithm for GF-5 Hyperspectral Data Based on Different Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods
* 2020: Learning Cross-Modal Representations for Language-Based Image Manipulation
* 2020: Learning image compressed sensing with sub-pixel convolutional generative adversarial network
* 2020: Monitoring Forest Change in the Amazon Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning Classification on Google Earth Engine
* 2020: multi-branch hand pose estimation network with joint-wise feature extraction and fusion, A
* 2020: New Approach to Refining Land Use Types: Predicting Point-of-Interest Categories Using Weibo Check-in Data, A
* 2020: New Recurrent Plug-and-Play Prior Based on the Multiple Self-Similarity Network, A
* 2020: Novel Two-path Backbone Network for Object Detection, A
* 2020: Pan-Sharpening Based On Joint Saliency Detection For Multiple Remote Sensing Images
* 2020: Patch Tensor-Based Multigraph Embedding Framework for Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images
* 2020: Prediction-Decision Network For Video Object Tracking
* 2020: Provable Convergence of Plug-and-Play Priors With MMSE Denoisers
* 2020: RAIM-NET: A Deep Neural Network for Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
* 2020: Recording Urban Land Dynamic and Its Effects during 2000-2019 at 15-m Resolution by Cloud Computing with Landsat Series
* 2020: Red-Edge Band Vegetation Indices for Leaf Area Index Estimation From Sentinel-2/MSI Imagery
* 2020: ROI Extraction Based on Multiview Learning and Attention Mechanism for Unbalanced Remote Sensing Data Set
* 2020: Spatial Patterns of Childhood Obesity Prevalence in Relation to Socioeconomic Factors across England
* 2020: Spatiotemporal Variations of City-Level Carbon Emissions in China during 2000-2017 Using Nighttime Light Data
* 2020: Species Monitoring Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Reveal the Ecological Role of Plateau Pika in Maintaining Vegetation Diversity on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* 2020: STA-CNN: Convolutional Spatial-Temporal Attention Learning for Action Recognition
* 2020: Systematic Orbital Geometry-Dependent Variations in Satellite Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) Retrievals
* 2020: Task-Oriented Multi-Modal Question Answering For Collaborative Applications
* 2020: Temporal Aggregation with Clip-level Attention for Video-based Person Re-identification
* 2020: Towards Optimal Filter Pruning with Balanced Performance and Pruning Speed
* 2020: Uber Movement Data: A Proxy for Average One-way Commuting Times by Car
* 2020: Yoco: Light-Weight Rate Control Model Learning
* 2021: 6D Pose Estimation with Correlation Fusion
* 2021: Action Relational Graph for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* 2021: Adversarial Distillation for Learning with Privileged Provisions
* 2021: Applications of UAVs in Cold Region Ecological and Environmental Studies
* 2021: Attention-Guided Multilayer Feature Aggregation Network for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification, An
* 2021: Autonomous Integrity Monitoring for Relative Navigation of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
* 2021: Autoregressive Stylized Motion Synthesis with Generative Flow
* 2021: Collaborative Attention-Based Heterogeneous Gated Fusion Network for Land Cover Classification
* 2021: Comparative Analysis of Two Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Site-Level Net Ecosystem Exchange in Major Biomes
* 2021: Constructing Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph for Traffic Forecasting
* 2021: Constructions of Optimal Binary Z-Complementary Sequence Sets With Large Zero Correlation Zone
* 2021: Deep Learning-Based Framework for Automated Extraction of Building Footprint Polygons from Very High-Resolution Aerial Imagery, A
* 2021: Deep Video Matting via Spatio-Temporal Alignment and Aggregation
* 2021: Denoising Sentinel-1 Extra-Wide Mode Cross-Polarization Images Over Sea Ice
* 2021: Developing Motion Code Embedding for Action Recognition in Videos
* 2021: Diagnostic Study of Visual Question Answering With Analogical Reasoning, A
* 2021: Effect of Dust Deposition on Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation in Urban Plants from Reflectance and Vegetation Indexes
* 2021: Extraction of Sea Ice Cover by Sentinel-1 SAR Based on Support Vector Machine With Unsupervised Generation of Training Data
* 2021: Facial Expression Recognition With Multiscale Graph Convolutional Networks
* 2021: Fusion of Multispectral Aerial Imagery and Vegetation Indices for Machine Learning-Based Ground Classification
* 2021: Generating facial expression adversarial examples based on saliency map
* 2021: Geometric Evolution of the Chongce Glacier during 1970-2020, Detected by Multi-Source Satellite Observations
* 2021: Geophysical Signal Detection in the Earth's Oblateness Variation and Its Climate-Driven Source Analysis
* 2021: Homogeneous Architecture Augmentation for Neural Predictor
* 2021: Identifying Leaf Phenology of Deciduous Broadleaf Forests from PhenoCam Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network Regression Method
* 2021: Improved estimates of monthly land surface temperature from MODIS using a diurnal temperature cycle (DTC) model
* 2021: Influence of HNB Product Packaging Health Warning Design on Risk Perception Based on Eye Tracking
* 2021: Infrared Dim and Small Target Detection via Multiple Subspace Learning and Spatial-Temporal Patch-Tensor Model
* 2021: Iterative Robust Graph for Unsupervised Change Detection of Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* 2021: Joint Reconstruction and Calibration Using Regularization by Denoising with Application to Computed Tomography
* 2021: Learning Adaptive Neighborhood Graph on Grassmann Manifolds for Video/Image-Set Subspace Clustering
* 2021: Learning to Balance the Learning Rates Between Various Modalities via Adaptive Tracking Factor
* 2021: LPPM-Net: Local-aware point processing module based 3D hand pose estimation for point cloud
* 2021: Machine learning based feature selection and knowledge reasoning for CBR system under big data
* 2021: Mapping of Kobresia pygmaea Community Based on Umanned Aerial Vehicle Technology and Gaofen Remote Sensing Data in Alpine Meadow Grassland: A Case Study in Eastern of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
* 2021: Maximum Likelihood Estimation Based Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
* 2021: Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People
* 2021: Multi-Level Fusion Net for hand pose estimation in hand-object interaction
* 2021: Multi-Scale Deep Pixel Distribution Learning for Concrete Crack Detection
* 2021: Multi-Site Infant Brain Segmentation Algorithms: The iSeg-2019 Challenge
* 2021: Multi-Source Hydrological Data Products to Monitor High Asian River Basins and Regional Water Security
* 2021: Nonlocal patch similarity based heterogeneous remote sensing change detection
* 2021: On parameterizing higher-order motion for behaviour recognition
* 2021: Optical and Thermal Remote Sensing for Monitoring Agricultural Drought
* 2021: Patch Similarity Graph Matrix-Based Unsupervised Remote Sensing Change Detection With Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Sensors
* 2021: Post-Scan Point Cloud Colorization Method for Cultural Heritage Documentation, A
* 2021: Potential of Mapping Grassland Plant Diversity with the Links among Spectral Diversity, Functional Trait Diversity, and Species Diversity, The
* 2021: Predicting the Distribution of Oxytropis ochrocephala Bunge in the Source Region of the Yellow River (China) Based on UAV Sampling Data and Species Distribution Model
* 2021: Public Responses to Air Pollution in Shandong Province Using the Online Complaint Data
* 2021: Reinforcement Learning with Dual Attention Guided Graph Convolution for Relation Extraction
* 2021: Relative Contributions of Climate and Grazing on the Dynamics of Grassland NPP and PUE on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, The
* 2021: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) over Hefei, China with Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry
* 2021: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) over Hefei, China with Ground-Based High-Resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometry
* 2021: Rethinking Triplet Loss for Domain Adaptation
* 2021: Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China
* 2021: Road Network Metric Learning for Estimated Time of Arrival
* 2021: Robust Multi-Frame Future Prediction By Leveraging View Synthesis
* 2021: SAR Image Speckle Reduction Based on Nonconvex Hybrid Total Variation Model
* 2021: Self-supervised Transfer Learning for Hand Mesh Recovery from Binocular Images
* 2021: Semantic Image Matting
* 2021: Semantic Preserving Generative Adversarial Network for Cross-Modal Hashing
* 2021: Sparse signal recovery via infimal convolution based penalty
* 2021: Spatial Patterns of COVID-19 Incidence in Relation to Crime Rate Across London
* 2021: Study on the Effect of Online Vertical Searching Advertising Presence Towards Customer Behavioral Intentions, A
* 2021: Toward Human-Like Grasp: Dexterous Grasping via Semantic Representation of Object-Hand
* 2021: Two-Stream Hybrid Attention Network for Multimodal Classification
* 2021: Using Statistical Measures and Machine Learning for Graph Reduction to Solve Maximum Weight Clique Problems
* 2022: Adaptive Capsule Network
* 2022: Adaptive Detail Injection-Based Feature Pyramid Network for Pan-Sharpening
* 2022: Alleviating Data Sparsity Problems in Estimated Time of Arrival via Auxiliary Metric Learning
* 2022: Audio-Driven Stylized Gesture Generation with Flow-Based Model
* 2022: Auto-Weighted Structured Graph-Based Regression Method for Heterogeneous Change Detection
* 2022: CG-Net: Conditional GIS-Aware Network for Individual Building Segmentation in VHR SAR Images
* 2022: Change Alignment-Based Image Transformation for Unsupervised Heterogeneous Change Detection
* 2022: Change Detection Based on Fusion Difference Image and Multi-Scale Morphological Reconstruction for SAR Images
* 2022: CMA-CLIP: Cross-Modality Attention Clip for Text-Image Classification
* 2022: CoDriver ETA: Combine Driver Information in Estimated Time of Arrival by Driving Style Learning Auxiliary Task
* 2022: Comparison of Four Methods for Automatic Delineation of Tree Stands from Grids of LiDAR Metrics, A
* 2022: Comparison of Lake Area Extraction Algorithms in Qinghai Tibet Plateau Leveraging Google Earth Engine and Landsat-9 Data
* 2022: Complementarity-Aware Attention Network for Salient Object Detection
* 2022: Comprehensive and Context-Sensitive Neonatal Pain Assessment Using Computer Vision, A
* 2022: Decameter Cropland LAI/FPAR Estimation From Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Google Earth Engine
* 2022: Deformation-Compensated Learning for Image Reconstruction Without Ground Truth
* 2022: Discrete online cross-modal hashing
* 2022: Dynamic-Hierarchical Attention Distillation With Synergetic Instance Selection for Land Cover Classification Using Missing Heterogeneity Images
* 2022: Energy-Efficient Cooperative MIMO Formation for Underwater MI-Assisted Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks
* 2022: Entropy guided attention network for weakly-supervised action localization
* 2022: ET: Edge-Enhanced Transformer for Image Splicing Detection
* 2022: Existence of Glacier Anomaly in the Interior and Northern Tibetan Plateau between 2000 and 2012
* 2022: Exploring Public Transport Transfer Opportunities for Pareto Search of Multicriteria Journeys
* 2022: Feedback Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2022: Fine-Grained Fashion Representation Learning by Online Deep Clustering
* 2022: Fine-Grained Human-Centric Tracklet Segmentation with Single Frame Supervision
* 2022: Framework for Assessing the Dynamic Coastlines Induced by Urbanization Using Remote Sensing Data: A Case Study in Fujian, China, A
* 2022: Gaussian Distribution-based Mode Selection for Intra Prediction of Spatial SHVC
* 2022: Global-Scale Evaluation of XCO2 Products from GOSAT, OCO-2 and CarbonTracker Using Direct Comparison and Triple Collocation Method
* 2022: Human Instance Matting via Mutual Guidance and Multi-Instance Refinement
* 2022: Image Understanding With Reinforcement Learning: Auto-Tuning Image Attributes and Model Parameters for Object Detection and Segmentation
* 2022: Improved Central Attention Network-Based Tensor RX for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* 2022: Improved Retrieval Method for Porphyra Cultivation Area Based on Suspended Sediment Concentration, An
* 2022: Improved YOLOv5 with Transformer for Large Scene Military Vehicle Detection on SAR Image
* 2022: Iterative structure transformation and conditional random field based method for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* 2022: Large-scale building height retrieval from single SAR imagery based on bounding box regression networks
* 2022: Learning Cross-Video Neural Representations for High-Quality Frame Interpolation
* 2022: Learning Traffic Network Embeddings for Predicting Congestion Propagation
* 2022: Local Self-Expression Subspace Learning Network for Motion Capture Data
* 2022: Mapping Dynamic Turbidity Maximum Zone of the Yellow River Estuary from 38 Years of Landsat Imagery
* 2022: Mapping Grassland Classes Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and MODIS NDVI Data for Temperate Grassland in Inner Mongolia, China
* 2022: Meta-GF: Training Dynamic-Depth Neural Networks Harmoniously
* 2022: Modality and Event Adversarial Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection
* 2022: Novel Scheme about Skeleton Optimization Designed for ISTTWN Algorithm, A
* 2022: Object Detection Algorithm Based on Global Information Fusion
* 2022: Putting People in their Place: Monocular Regression of 3D People in Depth
* 2022: QuadNet: Quadruplet loss for multi-view learning in baggage re-identification
* 2022: Railway Automatic Switch Stationary Contacts Wear Detection Under Few-Shot Occasions
* 2022: Rayleigh Lidar Signal Denoising Method Combined with WT, EEMD and LOWESS to Improve Retrieval Accuracy
* 2022: Research on Lightweight Network of Human Posture Estimation for Physical Training
* 2022: ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks
* 2022: Self-Supervised Global-Local Structure Modeling for Point Cloud Domain Adaptation with Reliable Voted Pseudo Labels
* 2022: Sound-Based Fault Diagnosis Method for Railway Point Machines Based on Two-Stage Feature Selection Strategy and Ensemble Classifier, A
* 2022: Structure Consistency-Based Graph for Unsupervised Change Detection With Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
* 2022: Structured graph based image regression for unsupervised multimodal change detection
* 2022: Sub-region non-local mean denoising algorithm of synthetic aperture radar images based on statistical characteristics
* 2022: SWPT: Spherical Window-based Point Cloud Transformer
* 2022: Transformer-based Residual Network for Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Reconstruction
* 2022: TransGrasp: Grasp Pose Estimation of a Category of Objects by Transferring Grasps from Only One Labeled Instance
* 2022: Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging Using Residual Ensemble Network
* 2022: VMD-WT-Based Method for Extracting On-the-Fly GNSS Tide Level and Its Realization
* 2023: 3D hand reconstruction with both shape and appearance from an RGB image
* 2023: 3D Information Guided Motion Transfer via Sequential Image Based Human Model Refinement and Face-Attention GAN
* 2023: Active Navigation System for a Rubber-Tapping Robot Based on Trunk Detection
* 2023: Asymptotically Optimal Estimator for Source Location and Propagation Speed by TDOA, An
* 2023: Bl-IEA: A Bit-Level Image Encryption Algorithm for Cognitive Services in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* 2023: CameraPose: Weakly-Supervised Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation by Leveraging In-the-wild 2D Annotations
* 2023: CatBoost-Based Model for the Intensity Detection of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific Based on Satellite Cloud Images, A
* 2023: Communication-efficient Federated Learning with Single-Step Synthetic Features Compressor for Faster Convergence
* 2023: Comparative Analysis of ASV Spoofing Countermeasures: Evaluating Res2Net-Based Approaches
* 2023: Comparison of Various Annual Land Cover Datasets in the Yellow River Basin
* 2023: D-VINS: Dynamic Adaptive Visual-Inertial SLAM with IMU Prior and Semantic Constraints in Dynamic Scenes
* 2023: Detection of Smoke from Straw Burning Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data and an Improved YOLOv5s Algorithm
* 2023: Dual Neighborhood Hypergraph Neural Network for Change Detection in VHR Remote Sensing Images, A
* 2023: Dynamic data-driven computation method for the number of waiting passengers and waiting time in the urban rail transit network
* 2023: Dynamic identification of logistics critical roads based on BeiDou trajectory data
* 2023: E-Key: An EEG-Based Biometric Authentication and Driving Fatigue Detection System
* 2023: Efficient Construction of Voxel Models for Ore Bodies Using an Improved Winding Number Algorithm and CUDA Parallel Computing
* 2023: Efficient Federated Learning Via Local Adaptive Amended Optimizer With Linear Speedup
* 2023: ERNIE-ViLG 2.0: Improving Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Knowledge-Enhanced Mixture-of-Denoising-Experts
* 2023: Full-scale attention network for automated organ segmentation on head and neck CT and MR images
* 2023: General Regret Bound of Preconditioned Gradient Method for DNN Training, A
* 2023: Generalized Deep 3D Shape Prior via Part-Discretized Diffusion Process
* 2023: Gesture recognition algorithm based on multi-scale feature fusion in RGB-D images
* 2023: Gesture recognition algorithm based on multi-scale feature fusion in RGB-D images
* 2023: Gluing Atmospheric Lidar Signals Based on an Improved Gray Wolf Optimizer
* 2023: Hierarchical Hashing Learning for Image Set Classification
* 2023: HS-Pose: Hybrid Scope Feature Extraction for Category-level Object Pose Estimation
* 2023: Human-in-the-Loop Video Semantic Segmentation Auto-Annotation
* 2023: I-D Threshold Analysis of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides Based on TRMM Precipitation Data in Wudu, China
* 2023: Imaging Simulation Method for Novel Rotating Synthetic Aperture System Based on Conditional Convolutional Neural Network
* 2023: Impact of Global Warming on Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity: A Numerical Investigation
* 2023: Improving Intention Detection in Single-Trial Classification Through Fusion of EEG and Eye-Tracker Data
* 2023: Intelligent Vision-Based Nutritional Assessment Method for Handheld Food Items, An
* 2023: Landslide Hazard Assessment in Highway Areas of Guangxi Using Remote Sensing Data and a Pre-Trained XGBoost Model
* 2023: Large-Scale Land Deformation Monitoring over Southern California with Multi-Path SAR Data
* 2023: Learning Attribute and Class-Specific Representation Duet for Fine-Grained Fashion Analysis
* 2023: Learning by Imagination: A Joint Framework for Text-Based Image Manipulation and Change Captioning
* 2023: Learning to Learn Better Unimodal Representations via Adaptive Multimodal Meta-Learning
* 2023: Learning to Learn: How to Continuously Teach Humans and Machines
* 2023: Mapping Irrigated Croplands from Sentinel-2 Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* 2023: Mapping Maize Tillage Practices over the Songnen Plain in Northeast China Using GEE Cloud Platform
* 2023: Meta Compositional Referring Expression Segmentation
* 2023: MIMO Radar Transmit Waveform Design for Beampattern Matching via Complex Circle Optimization
* 2023: MixSynthFormer: A Transformer Encoder-like Structure with Mixed Synthetic Self-attention for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
* 2023: Modeling and Analysis of STAP for Airborne Distributed Flexible Array Radar
* 2023: Multi-scale and Multi-stage Deraining Network with Fourier Space Loss
* 2023: Multi-Scale Road Matching Based on the Summation Product of Orientation and Distance and Shape Descriptors
* 2023: National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation
* 2023: Nonlinear Grid Transformation Method for Extrapolating and Predicting the Convective Echo of Weather Radar, A
* 2023: Novel Approach to Characterizing Crown Vertical Profile Shapes Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), A
* 2023: On Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks With Full-Duplex Radios: An End-to-End Delay Perspective
* 2023: Performance Assessment of Four Data-Driven Machine Learning Models: A Case to Generate Sentinel-2 Albedo at 10 Meters
* 2023: Pseudolite Multipath Estimation Adaptive Mitigation of Vector Tracking Based on Ref-MEDLL
* 2023: Recent Advances of Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Deep Learning Perspective
* 2023: Reconstruction of Annual Glacier Mass Balance from Remote Sensing-Derived Average Glacier-Wide Albedo
* 2023: Revealing the Potential of Deep Learning for Detecting Submarine Pipelines in Side-Scan Sonar Images: An Investigation of Pre-Training Datasets
* 2023: Skillful Seasonal Prediction of Typhoon Track Density Using Deep Learning
* 2023: Study on Land Subsidence Simulation Based on a Back-Propagation Neural Network Combined with the Sparrow Search Algorithm
* 2023: Study on the Regeneration Probability of Understory Coniferous Saplings in the Liangshui Nature Reserve Based on Four Modeling Techniques
* 2023: Toward Human-Like Grasp: Functional Grasp by Dexterous Robotic Hand Via Object-Hand Semantic Representation
* 2023: TRACE: 5D Temporal Regression of Avatars with Dynamic Cameras in 3D Environments
* 2023: Ultrahigh Resolution Image/Video Matting with Spatio-Temporal Sparsity
* 2023: Uniformity Index for Precipitation Particle Axis Ratios Derived from Radar Polarimetric Parameters for the Identification and Analysis of Raindrop Areas, A
* 2023: Unleashing the Power of Gradient Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Zero-Shot NAS
* 2023: ViLTA: Enhancing Vision-Language Pre-training through Textual Augmentation
* 2024: AIDB-Net: An Attention-Interactive Dual-Branch Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Pansharpening
* 2024: Arbitrary 3D stylization of radiance fields
* 2024: Case Study on Two Differential Reflectivity Columns in a Convective Cell: Phased-Array Radar Observation and Cloud Model Simulation, A
* 2024: Comparative Analysis of Aerosol Vertical Characteristics over the North China Plain Based on Multi-Source Observation Data
* 2024: Controllable Video Generation With Text-Based Instructions
* 2024: DLD-SLAM: RGB-D Visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping in Indoor Dynamic Environments Based on Deep Learning
* 2024: Hierarchical Consensus Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2024: HRNet: 3D object detection network for point cloud with hierarchical refinement
* 2024: Hyperspectral Image Classification with the Orthogonal Self-Attention ResNet and Two-Step Support Vector Machine
* 2024: Improved BLG Tree for Trajectory Compression with Constraints of Road Networks, An
* 2024: Intra-Inter Region Adaptive Graph Convolutional Networks for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* 2024: Keyword-Aware Relative Spatio-Temporal Graph Networks for Video Question Answering
* 2024: Learning Monocular Regression of 3D People in Crowds via Scene-Aware Blending and De-Occlusion
* 2024: LOIS: Looking Out of Instance Semantics for Visual Question Answering
* 2024: Multimodal Boosting: Addressing Noisy Modalities and Identifying Modality Contribution
* 2024: Nonparametric point cloud filter
* 2024: Recent advances in deterministic human motion prediction: A review
* 2024: ReCLIP: Refine Contrastive Language Image Pre-Training with Source Free Domain Adaptation
* 2024: Retrieval of Total Suspended Matter Concentration Based on the Iterative Analysis of Multiple Equations: A Case Study of a Lake Taihu Image from the First Sustainable Development Goals Science Satellite's Multispectral Imager for Inshore
* 2024: Semantic Image Matting: General and Specific Semantics
* 2024: Semantic Loopback Detection Method Based on Instance Segmentation and Visual SLAM in Autonomous Driving
* 2024: Similarity and dissimilarity relationships based graphs for multimodal change detection
* 2024: Spatiotemporal Analysis and Prediction of Carbon Emissions from Energy Consumption in China through Nighttime Light Remote Sensing
* 2024: TFGNet: Traffic Salient Object Detection Using a Feature Deep Interaction and Guidance Fusion
* 2024: Training-free Object Counting with Prompts
* 2024: Validation of ERA5 Boundary Layer Meteorological Variables by Remote-Sensing Measurements in the Southeast China Mountains
Includes: Sun, Y. Sun, Y.[Ying] Sun, Y.[Yi] Sun, Y.[Yaoru] Sun, Y.[Yan] Sun, Y.[Yong] Sun, Y.[Yu] Sun, Y.[Yafei] Sun, Y.[Yanftng] Sun, Y.[Yin] Sun, Y.[Yunda] Sun, Y.[Ye] Sun, Y.[Yubao] Sun, Y.[Yuan] Sun, Y.[Yuli] Sun, Y.[Yeran] Sun, Y.[Yun_Long] Sun, Y.[Yun] Sun, Y.[Yue] Sun, Y.[Yanan] Sun, Y.[Yuejun] Sun, Y.[Yageng] Sun, Y.[Yao] Sun, Y.[Ya] Sun, Y.[Yang] Sun, Y.[Youwen] Sun, Y.[Yiyou] Sun, Y.[Yibo] Sun, Y.[Yike] Sun, Y.[Yinle] Sun, Y.[Yaru] Sun, Y.[Yuanhe] Sun, Y.[Yiwen] Sun, Y.[Yudao] Sun, Y.[Yongling] Sun, Y.[Yuanheng] Sun, Y.[Yihan] Sun, Y.[Yusen] Sun, Y.[Yanjing] Sun, Y.[Yidan] Sun, Y.[Yudan] Sun, Y.[Yongkui] Sun, Y.[Yaowei] Sun, Y.[Yongfu] Sun, Y.[Yimao] Sun, Y.[Yuyin] Sun, Y.[Yilin] Sun, Y.[Yinghan] Sun, Y.[Yiran] Sun, Y.[Yingnan] Sun, Y.[Yunhua] Sun, Y.[Yibao] Sun, Y.[Yuran] Sun, Y.[Yuman] Sun, Y.[Yanshi] Sun, Y.[Yankui] Sun, Y.[Yele] Sun, Y.[Yinbang] Sun, Y.[Yefa] Sun, Y.[Yougang] Sun, Y.[Yankun]
514 for Sun, Y.

Sun, Y.A.[Yu An] * 2009: Characterization of the Simulated Procedure for Preparation of Dried Radix Rehmanniae Using IR-CWT-ICA Approach
Includes: Sun, Y.A.[Yu An] Sun, Y.A.[Yu-An]

Sun, Y.B.[Yan Biao] * 2014: L2-SIFT: SIFT feature extraction and matching for large images in large-scale aerial photogrammetry
* 2015: Line matching based on planar homography for stereo aerial images
* 2016: Absolute Orientation Based on Distance Kernel Functions
* 2016: Extraction and Reconstruction of Zebra Crossings from High Resolution Aerial Images
* 2016: Novel Absolute Orientation Method Using Local Similarities Representation, A
* 2016: RBA: Reduced Bundle Adjustment for oblique aerial photogrammetry
* 2019: Automatic sensor orientation using horizontal and vertical line feature constraints
* 2020: Dual-Path Attention Network for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction
* 2020: Learning Memory Augmented Cascading Network for Compressed Sensing of Images
* 2020: Learning Non-Locally Regularized Compressed Sensing Network With Half-Quadratic Splitting
* 2020: PointGrow: Autoregressively Learned Point Cloud Generation with Self-Attention
* 2020: Urbanization-Driven Changes in Land-Climate Dynamics: A Case Study of Haihe River Basin, China
* 2021: Hyperspectral Snapshot Compressive Imaging with Non-Local Spatial-Spectral Residual Network
* 2021: Learning Diverse Fashion Collocation by Neural Graph Filtering
* 2021: LocJury: An IBN-Based Location Privacy Preserving Scheme for IoCV
* 2022: Multimodal Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Without Independent Style Encoder
* 2023: Improved Identification for Point-Distributed Coded Targets with Self-Adaption and High Accuracy in Photogrammetry
Includes: Sun, Y.B.[Yan Biao] Sun, Y.B.[Yan-Biao] Sun, Y.B.[Yu-Bao] Sun, Y.B.[Yong-Bin] Sun, Y.B.[Ying-Bao] Sun, Y.B.[Yan-Bin] Sun, Y.B.[Yan-Bei]
17 for Sun, Y.B.

Sun, Y.C.[Yuan Chang] * 2011: Content Adaptive Image Matching by Color-Entropy Segmentation and Inpainting
* 2011: Recursive Sparse Blind Source Separation Method for Nonnegative and Correlated Data in NMR Spectroscopy, A
* 2012: Nonnegative Sparse Blind Source Separation for NMR Spectroscopy by Data Clustering, Model Reduction, and L_1 Minimization
* 2012: Perceptual-based distributed video coding
* 2013: Error-resilient video coding using multiple reference frames
* 2015: Palette mode: A new coding tool in screen content coding extensions of HEVC
* 2016: geometric blind source separation method based on facet component analysis, A
* 2016: Improved palette index map coding on HEVC SCC
* 2017: Computational modeling of spectral data fitting with nonlinear distortions
* 2017: Facial Expression Recognition by Fusing Gabor and Local Binary Pattern Features
* 2018: Content-Attention Representation by Factorized Action-Scene Network for Action Recognition
* 2018: General-to-specific learning for facial attribute classification in the wild
* 2018: Simultaneous Facial Landmark and 3D Action Estimation Based on Probabilistic Random Forest
* 2019: Multilevel Terrain Rendering Method Based on Dynamic Stitching Strips, A
* 2020: Adaptive neural network-based fault-tolerant trajectory-tracking control of unmanned surface vessels with input saturation and error constraints
* 2020: Adaptive Resolution Change for Versatile Video Coding
* 2020: Explaining Image Classifiers Using Statistical Fault Localization
* 2020: Self-Similarity Action Proposal
* 2021: Deep Learning Based Autonomous Vehicle Super Resolution DOA Estimation for Safety Driving
* 2021: Dilated U-Block for Lightweight Indoor Depth Completion With Sobel Edge
* 2021: Efficient Computer-Aided Design of Dental Inlay Restoration: A Deep Adversarial Framework
* 2021: Explanations for Occluded Images
* 2021: Light-YOLOv3: License Plate Detection in Multi-Vehicle Scenario
* 2021: View-Dependent Progressive Transmission Method for 3D Building Models
* 2021: Vision-Based Pipeline for Vehicle Counting, Speed Estimation, and Classification, A
* 2022: Advancing High-Resolution Video-Language Representation with Large-Scale Video Transcriptions
* 2022: SAR Target Recognition Using cGAN-Based SAR-to-Optical Image Translation
* 2022: SASHA: A Shift-Add Segmented Hybrid Approximated Multiplier for Image Processing
* 2023: CycleGAN-Based SAR-Optical Image Fusion for Target Recognition
* 2023: Is Imitation All You Need? Generalized Decision-Making with Dual-Phase Training
* 2023: Proactive integrated traffic control to mitigate congestion at toll plazas
Includes: Sun, Y.C.[Yuan Chang] Sun, Y.C.[Yuan-Chang] Sun, Y.C.[Yu-Chen] Sun, Y.C. Sun, Y.C.[Yue-Chuan] Sun, Y.C.[Yu-Chao] Sun, Y.C.[Yu-Chang] Sun, Y.C.[Yan-Chao] Sun, Y.C.[You-Cheng] Sun, Y.C.[Ying-Chun] Sun, Y.C.[Yu-Chun] Sun, Y.C.[Yu-Chong] Sun, Y.C.[Yu-Chuang] Sun, Y.C.[Yi-Chuang] Sun, Y.C.[Ying-Chao]
31 for Sun, Y.C.

Sun, Y.D. * 2016: Real-time multi-class moving target tracking and recognition
* 2021: Bathymetry Determination Based on Abundant Wavenumbers Estimated from the Local Phase Gradient of X-Band Radar Images
* 2021: Identification of plant disease images via a squeeze-and-excitation MobileNet model and twice transfer learning
Includes: Sun, Y.D. Sun, Y.D.[Yung-Da] Sun, Y.D.[Yuan-Dong]

Sun, Y.F. * 2001: Performance evaluation protocol for content-based image retrieval, A
* 2004: Automated Seeded Region Growing Method for Document Image Binarization Based on Topographic Features
* 2007: 3D Face Recognition Algorithm Based on Nonuniform Re-sampling Correspondence, A
* 2008: Color face recognition based on 2DPCA
* 2008: Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection Using Feature-Level Fusion
* 2008: Multi-class steganalysis for Jpeg stego algorithms
* 2008: Multi-Scale Dynamic Human Fatigue Detection with Feature Level Fusion
* 2008: Steganalysis Based on Difference Image
* 2009: Facial Expression Analysis: A Hybrid Neural Network Based Approach
* 2010: Gabor-based dynamic representation for human fatigue monitoring in facial image sequences
* 2011: Adaptive intra modes reduction by clustering for H.264/AVC
* 2011: Color face recognition based on quaternion matrix representation
* 2011: SEMD Based Sparse Gabor Representation for Eyeglasses-Face Recognition
* 2014: Low Rank Representation on Grassmann Manifolds
* 2015: Image Outlier Detection and Feature Extraction via L1-Norm-Based 2D Probabilistic PCA
* 2016: Affine Motion Model for Removing Rolling Shutter Distortions, An
* 2016: Deep Learning on Spatial Rich Model for Steganalysis
* 2016: Fisher discrimination-based L_2,1-norm sparse representation for face recognition
* 2016: MARS: A Video Benchmark for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification
* 2017: Laplacian LRR on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Human Activity Clustering in Multicamera Video Surveillance
* 2018: Attend and Align: Improving Deep Representations with Feature Alignment Layer for Person Retrieval
* 2018: Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and A Strong Convolutional Baseline)
* 2018: Joint Map and Symmetry Synchronization
* 2018: Low Rank Representation on SPD matrices with Log-Euclidean metric
* 2018: Wide Compression: Tensor Ring Nets
* 2019: Double Nuclear Norm Based Low Rank Representation on Grassmann Manifolds for Clustering
* 2019: Perceive Where to Focus: Learning Visibility-Aware Part-Level Features for Partial Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Vehicle Re-Identification with Viewpoint-Aware Metric Learning
* 2020: Circle Loss: A Unified Perspective of Pair Similarity Optimization
* 2020: CycAs: Self-supervised Cycle Association for Learning Re-identifiable Descriptions
* 2020: DBF Processing in Range-Doppler Domain for MWE SAR Waveform Separation Based on Digital Array-Fed Reflector Antenna
* 2020: Locality preserving projection based on Euler representation
* 2020: Reweighted Non-Convex Non-Smooth Rank Minimization Based Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold
* 2021: AKM3C: Adaptive K-Multiple-Means for Multi-View Clustering
* 2021: Complete/incomplete multi-view subspace clustering via soft block-diagonal-induced regulariser
* 2021: Double Manifolds Regularized Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Data Representation
* 2021: Dynamic Metric Learning: Towards a Scalable Metric Space to Accommodate Multiple Semantic Scales
* 2021: Extraction of optimal fatigue-driving steering indicators considering individual differences
* 2021: IDM: An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID
* 2021: Learning Part-based Convolutional Features for Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Learning View Selection for 3D Scenes
* 2021: Low Rank Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-view Subspace Clustering
* 2021: Optimized Graph Convolution Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Prediction
* 2021: Robust CAPTCHAs Towards Malicious OCR
* 2021: Spectral Clustering on Grassmann Manifold via Double Low Rank Constraint, A
* 2021: Variational Deep Embedding Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information Maximization
* 2021: Zero-Shot Text Classification with Semantically Extended Graph Convolutional Network
* 2022: Anti-Jamming Method and Implementation for GNSS Receiver Based on Array Antenna Rotation
* 2022: Dual Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Prediction
* 2022: Dynamic Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Forecasting Based on Latent Network of Laplace Matrix Estimation
* 2022: Feature Cloud: Improving Deep Visual Recognition with Probabilistic Feature Augmentation
* 2022: From Video to Hyperspectral: Hyperspectral Image-Level Feature Extraction with Transfer Learning
* 2022: Globality constrained adaptive graph regularized non-negative matrix factorization for data representation
* 2022: H2FA R-CNN: Holistic and Hierarchical Feature Alignment for Cross-domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* 2022: Hyperspectral image classification with deep 3D capsule network and Markov random field
* 2022: Iris R-CNN: Accurate iris segmentation and localization in non-cooperative environment with visible illumination
* 2022: Learning Memory-Augmented Unidirectional Metrics for Cross-modality Person Re-identification
* 2022: Multi-Attribute Subspace Clustering via Auto-Weighted Tensor Nuclear Norm Minimization
* 2022: Robust In-Motion Optimization-Based Alignment for SINS/GPS Integration, A
* 2022: Shareability-Exclusivity Representation on Product Grassmann Manifolds for Multi-camera video clustering
* 2022: UFO: Unified Feature Optimization
* 2023: Comparative Study of Different CNN Models and Transfer Learning Effect for Underwater Object Classification in Side-Scan Sonar Images, A
* 2023: Context-Aware Pretraining for Efficient Blind Image Decomposition
* 2023: Detection and Mapping of Chestnut Using Deep Learning from High-Resolution UAV-Based RGB Imagery
* 2023: DETR with Additional Global Aggregation for Cross-domain Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* 2023: Exploring Expression-related Self-supervised Learning and Spatial Reserve Pooling for Affective Behaviour Analysis
* 2023: Feature Aggregation via Attention Mechanism for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
* 2023: Graph transformer based dynamic multiple graph convolution networks for traffic flow forecasting
* 2023: Hyperspectral Meets Optical Flow: Spectral Flow Extraction for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* 2023: Large-Scale Person Detection and Localization using Overhead Fisheye Cameras
* 2023: Learning a Compact Spatial-Angular Representation for Light Field
* 2023: Logarithmic Schatten-p Norm Minimization for Tensorial Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* 2023: Multi-level attention for referring expression comprehension
* 2023: multi-scale feature representation and interaction network for underwater object detection, A
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 Challenge on Night Photography Rendering
* 2023: NTIRE 2023 HR NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge Report
* 2023: Pose Synchronization under Multiple Pair-wise Relative Poses
* 2023: ProD: Prompting-to-disentangle Domain Knowledge for Cross-domain Few-shot Image Classification
* 2023: SACNet: Shuffling atrous convolutional U-Net for medical image segmentation
* 2023: Strong Detector with Simple Tracker
* 2023: Unified Continual Learning Framework with General Parameter-Efficient Tuning, A
* 2023: Volume Estimation of Stem Segments Based on a Tetrahedron Model Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data
* 2024: Battery voltage fault diagnosis for electric vehicles considering driving condition variation
* 2024: Contrastive learning for traffic flow forecasting based on multi graph convolution network
* 2024: Experimental Analysis of Deep-Sea AUV Based on Multi-Sensor Integrated Navigation and Positioning
* 2024: MBMF: Constructing memory banks of multi-scale features for anomaly detection
* 2024: See and Learn More: Dense Caption-Aware Representation for Visual Question Answering
Includes: Sun, Y.F. Sun, Y.F.[Yu-Fei] Sun, Y.F.[Yan-Feng] Sun, Y.F.[Yi-Feng] Sun, Y.F.[Ya-Fei] Sun, Y.F.[Yu-Fen] Sun, Y.F.[Yi-Fan] Sun, Y.F.[Yu-Feng] Sun, Y.F.[Yong-Fu] Sun, Y.F.[Yi-Fei] Sun, Y.F.[Yun-Fei] Sun, Y.F.[Yang-Fan]
87 for Sun, Y.F.

Sun, Y.G.[Yi Gang] * 2010: Research on parallel cone-beam CT image reconstruction on CUDA-Enabled GPU
* 2017: Reducing Building Conflicts in Map Generalization with an Improved PSO Algorithm
* 2020: Airborne Validation Experiment of 1.57-µm Double-Pulse IPDA LIDAR for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Measurement
* 2021: Deep Learning Based Semi-Supervised Control for Vertical Security of Maglev Vehicle With Guaranteed Bounded Airgap
* 2021: Performance Improvement of Spaceborne Carbon Dioxide Detection IPDA LIDAR Using Linearty Optimized Amplifier of Photo-Detector
* 2022: Emcenet: Efficient Multi-Scale Context Exploration Network for Salient Object Detection
* 2022: GCENet: Global contextual exploration network for RGB-D salient object detection
Includes: Sun, Y.G.[Yi Gang] Sun, Y.G.[Yi-Gang] Sun, Y.G.[Ya-Geng] Sun, Y.G.[Yan-Guang] Sun, Y.G.[You-Gang]
7 for Sun, Y.G.

Sun, Y.H.[Yu Hong] * 2009: method of style transformation for line drawings based on mesh presentation, A
* 2010: call-independent and automatic acoustic system for the individual recognition of animals: A novel model using four passerines, A
* 2011: Representation of watercolor based on regions
* 2017: Endmember extraction from hyperspectral image based on discrete firefly algorithm (EE-DFA)
* 2017: Fractional Snow-Cover Mapping Based on MODIS and UAV Data over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2018: Optimal Hyperspectral Characteristics Determination for Winter Wheat Yield Prediction
* 2018: Snow Cover Monitoring with Chinese Gaofen-4 PMS Imagery and the Restored Snow Index (RSI) Method: Case Studies
* 2018: Tracking Snow Variations in the Northern Hemisphere Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data (2000-2015)
* 2018: Winter Wheat Production Estimation Based on Environmental Stress Factors from Satellite Observations
* 2019: 3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with A Two-Layer Particle Filter
* 2019: spatially-pruned vertex expansion operator in the Neo4j graph database system, A
* 2020: Robust Object Detection Under Occlusion With Context-Aware CompositionalNets
* 2020: Single View Depth Estimation via Dense Convolution Network with Self-supervision
* 2021: 3D Audio-Visual Speaker Tracking with A Novel Particle Filter
* 2021: Compositional Convolutional Neural Networks: A Robust and Interpretable Model for Object Recognition Under Occlusion
* 2021: Improved Eutrophication Assessment Algorithm of Estuaries and Coastal Waters in Liaodong Bay, An
* 2021: Robust Instance Segmentation through Reasoning about Multi-Object Occlusion
* 2022: Amodal Segmentation through Out-of-Task and Out-of-Distribution Generalization with a Bayesian Model
* 2022: Category-Sensitive Incremental Learning for Image-Based 3D Shape Reconstruction
* 2022: Ecological Engineering Projects Shifted the Dominance of Human Activity and Climate Variability on Vegetation Dynamics
* 2022: First Challenge on Moving Object Detection and Tracking in Satellite Videos: Methods and Results, The
* 2022: Learning Semantic Segmentation on Unlabeled Real-World Indoor Point Clouds via Synthetic Data
* 2022: Millimeter-Wave Radar in-the-Loop Testing for Intelligent Vehicles
* 2022: Multi-view 3D Reconstruction from Video with Transformer
* 2022: Prediction of Changeable Eddy Structures around Luzon Strait Using an Artificial Neural Network Model
* 2023: Application of Deep Learning in Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Classification
* 2023: Consensus Cluster Center Guided Latent Multi-Kernel Clustering
* 2023: Continuity of Top-of-Atmosphere, Surface, and Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance and NDVI between Landsat-8 and Landsat-9 OLI over China Landscape
* 2023: Critical Scenario Search Method for Intelligent Vehicle Testing Based on the Social Cognitive Optimization Algorithm, A
* 2023: Dual Meta-Learning with Longitudinally Generalized Regularization for One-Shot Brain Tissue Segmentation Across the Human Lifespan
* 2023: Heterogeneous network representation learning based on role feature extraction
* 2023: Human-Like Trajectory Planning Method on a Curve Based on the Driver Preview Mechanism, A
* 2023: Large-Scale Automatic Identification of Industrial Vacant Land
* 2023: Learning Optical Expansion from Scale Matching
* 2023: Motion Error Estimation and Compensation of Airborne Array Flexible SAR Based on Multi-Channel Interferometric Phase
* 2023: MSCA-Net: Multi-scale contextual attention network for skin lesion segmentation
* 2023: Only Once Attack: Fooling the Tracker With Adversarial Template
* 2023: review of regional and Global scale Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) mapping products generated from satellite remote sensing, A
* 2023: Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Differences in Snow Density between the Tibet Plateau and the Arctic
* 2023: Task Scheduling of Real-Time Traffic Information Processing Based on Digital Twins
* 2024: EPM-Net: Efficient Feature Extraction, Point-Pair Feature Matching for Robust 6-D Pose Estimation
* 2024: Retrieval of Total Suspended Matter Concentration Based on the Iterative Analysis of Multiple Equations: A Case Study of a Lake Taihu Image from the First Sustainable Development Goals Science Satellite's Multispectral Imager for Inshore
* 2024: Satellite Video Multi-Label Scene Classification With Spatial and Temporal Feature Cooperative Encoding: A Benchmark Dataset and Method
* 2024: Unit Correlation With Interactive Feature for Robust and Effective Tracking
Includes: Sun, Y.H.[Yu Hong] Sun, Y.H.[Yu-Hong] Sun, Y.H.[Yue-Hua] Sun, Y.H.[Yuan-Heng] Sun, Y.H.[Yan-Hua] Sun, Y.H.[Yong-Heng] Sun, Y.H.[Yu-Han] Sun, Y.H.[Yi-Hong] Sun, Y.H.[Yun-Han] Sun, Y.H.[Yong-Hua] Sun, Y.H.[Yi-Han] Sun, Y.H.[Yu-Hang] Sun, Y.H.[Ying-Hui] Sun, Y.H.[Yue-Heng] Sun, Y.H.[Yi-Hao] Sun, Y.H.[Yu-Hui]
44 for Sun, Y.H.

Sun, Y.J.[Yu Jun] * 2004: novel segmentation method of handwritten Chinese number character strings, A
* 2005: Four Image Interpolation Techniques for Ultrasound Breast Phantom Data Acquired Using Fischer's Full Field Digital Mammography and Ultrasound System (FFDMUS): A Comparative Approach
* 2007: Iterative RELIEF for Feature Weighting: Algorithms, Theories, and Applications
* 2007: Unifying multi-class AdaBoost algorithms with binary base learners under the margin framework
* 2008: Semi-supervised feature selection under logistic I-RELIEF framework
* 2010: Local-Learning-Based Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data Analysis
* 2015: Feature selection for unsupervised learning through local learning
* 2017: Integration of semantic and visual hashing for image retrieval
* 2017: Principal Graph and Structure Learning Based on Reversed Graph Embedding
* 2018: Constructions of Even-Period Binary Z-Complementary Pairs With Large ZCZs
* 2018: Multiscale and Multifeature Segmentation of High-Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Superpixels with Mutual Optimal Strategy
* 2018: Photovoltaic panel extraction from very high-resolution aerial imagery using region-line primitive association analysis and template matching
* 2018: Safety Performance Evaluation for Civil Aviation Maintenance Department
* 2019: Aircraft Target Classification for Conventional Narrow-Band Radar with Multi-Wave Gates Sparse Echo Data
* 2019: Novel Hyperspectral Image Classification Pattern Using Random Patches Convolution and Local Covariance, A
* 2019: Remote Sensing Image Stripe Detecting and Destriping Using the Joint Sparsity Constraint with Iterative Support Detection
* 2020: Fast sparse coding networks for anomaly detection in videos
* 2020: Multiscale matters for part segmentation of instruments in robotic surgery
* 2020: Not only Look, But Also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection Under Weak Supervision
* 2020: novel method for lossless image compression and encryption based on LWT, SPIHT and cellular automata, A
* 2021: Compositional Feature Embedding and Similarity Metric for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization, A
* 2021: Cross-Encoder for Unsupervised Gaze Representation Learning
* 2021: Efficient Rotational Angular Velocity Estimation of Rotor Target via Modified Short-Time Fractional Fourier Transform
* 2021: Improved the Accuracy of Seafloor Topography from Altimetry-Derived Gravity by the Topography Constraint Factor Weight Optimization Method
* 2021: Low-light image enhancement via deep Retinex decomposition and bilateral learning
* 2021: NTIRE 2021 Challenge on Image Deblurring
* 2022: Camouflaged Object Detection via Context-Aware Cross-Level Fusion
* 2022: Gray Augmentation Exploration with All-Modality Center-Triplet Loss for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2022: High-Precision Dynamic Traffic Noise Mapping Based on Road Surveillance Video
* 2022: image cipher system based on networked chaotic map with parameter q, An
* 2022: Landslide Trail Extraction Using Fire Extinguishing Model
* 2022: Lightweight Wavelet-Based Network for JPEG Artifacts Removal
* 2022: NTIRE 2022 Challenge on Super-Resolution and Quality Enhancement of Compressed Video: Dataset, Methods and Results
* 2022: Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment by Distortion Discrimination Assisted Multi-Stream Network
* 2022: Spatial Downscaling Approach for WindSat Satellite Sea Surface Wind Based on Generative Adversarial Networks and Dual Learning Scheme, A
* 2023: Enhancing Path Planning Efficiency for Underwater Gravity Matching Navigation with a Novel Three-Dimensional Along-Path Obstacle Profiling Algorithm
* 2023: Graph Representation for Order-aware Visual Transformation
* 2023: Multiscale Representations Learning Transformer Framework for Point Cloud Classification
* 2023: Pyramid Feature Aggregation for Hierarchical Quality Prediction of Stitched Panoramic Images
* 2023: Spatiotemporal Evolution of Production-Living-Ecological Land and Its Eco-Environmental Response in China's Coastal Zone
* 2023: Synchronization of Boolean networks with chaos-driving and its application in image cryptosystem
* 2023: Towards Real-World Burst Image Super-Resolution: Benchmark and Method
* 2024: Deep learning in statistical downscaling for deriving high spatial resolution gridded meteorological data: A systematic review
* 2024: Gaze estimation with semi-supervised eye landmark detection as an auxiliary task
* 2024: Lightweight Adaptive Feature De-Drifting for Compressed Image Classification
* 2024: Quality Assessment for Stitched Panoramic Images via Patch Registration and Bidimensional Feature Aggregation
* 2024: Single image dehazing via decomposition and enhancement
Includes: Sun, Y.J.[Yu Jun] Sun, Y.J.[Yu-Jun] Sun, Y.J.[Ya-Jie] Sun, Y.J.[Yi-Jun] Sun, Y.J.[Yu-Juan] Sun, Y.J.[Yang-Jie] Sun, Y.J.[Yu-Jie] Sun, Y.J.[Yi-Jie] Sun, Y.J.[Yong-Jian] Sun, Y.J.[Yun-Jia] Sun, Y.J.[Yu-Jia] Sun, Y.J.[Yue-Jie] Sun, Y.J.[Yong-Jin] Sun, Y.J.[Yu-Jing] Sun, Y.J.[Yue-Jin] Sun, Y.J.[Yan-Jing] Sun, Y.J.[Yan-Jie] Sun, Y.J.[Yan-Jun] Sun, Y.J.[Yag-Jing] Sun, Y.J.[Ying-Jun]
47 for Sun, Y.J.

Sun, Y.K.[Yan Kui] * 2004: two-dimensional lifting scheme of integer wavelet transform for lossless image compression, A
* 2009: Application of Rough Set in Image's Feature Attributes Reduction
* 2009: Improved Structured Light Inspection of Specular Surfaces Based on Quaternary Coding, An
* 2009: Shape Recovery of Specular Surface Using Color Highlight Stripe and Light Source Coding
* 2020: Detecting and Assessing Nondominant Farmland Area with Long-Term MODIS Time Series Images
* 2020: Referring expression comprehension model with matching detection and linguistic feedback
* 2022: Image classification using convolutional neural network with wavelet domain inputs
Includes: Sun, Y.K.[Yan Kui] Sun, Y.K.[Yan-Kui] Sun, Y.K.[Ying-Kai] Sun, Y.K.[Yan-Kun] Sun, Y.K.[Yu-Kuan]
7 for Sun, Y.K.

Sun, Y.L. * 1996: Fast Wavelet transform for color image compression
* 2004: Self shadowing and local illumination of randomly rough surfaces
* 2013: Robust Coarse-to-Fine Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
* 2014: Human gait identification from extremely low-quality videos: An enhanced classifier ensemble method
* 2014: Long-Term Land Subsidence Monitoring of Beijing (China) Using the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) Technique
* 2016: Improved RGB-D-T based face recognition
* 2017: Spatial-Temporal Characteristics of Glacier Velocity in the Central Karakoram Revealed with 1999-2003 Landsat-7 ETM+ Pan Images
* 2018: Demographic Analysis from Biometric Data: Achievements, Challenges, and New Frontiers
* 2020: CAN-GAN: Conditioned-attention normalized GAN for face age synthesis
* 2020: New Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm from the L-Band Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Based on the Change Detection Principle, A
* 2021: Identification of Typical Solid Hazardous Chemicals Based on Hyperspectral Imaging
* 2021: Progressive Data Mining and Adaptive Weighted Multi-Model Ensemble for Vehicle Re-Identification
* 2022: Tree Species Classification Based on Fusion Images by GF-5 and Sentinel-2A
* 2023: Boosting Few-Shot Fine-Grained Recognition With Background Suppression and Foreground Alignment
* 2023: MADPL-net: Multi-layer attention dictionary pair learning network for image classification
* 2023: Pillar Centroid Tracker for the Measurement of Protrusive Forces Generated by Hyphal Microorganisms
* 2023: Smart Road Stud-Empowered Vehicle Magnetic Field Distribution and Vehicle Detection
* 2023: Vector Quantization with Self-Attention for Quality-Independent Representation Learning
* 2023: Vehicular Task Offloading and Job Scheduling Method Based on Cloud-Edge Computing
* 2024: TransVQA: Transferable Vector Quantization Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Includes: Sun, Y.L. Sun, Y.L.[Yin-Long] Sun, Y.L.[Yun-Lian] Sun, Y.L.[Yong-Ling] Sun, Y.L.[Yan-Long] Sun, Y.L.[Yong-Li] Sun, Y.L.[Yu-Lin] Sun, Y.L.[Yi-Ling] Sun, Y.L.[Yan-Li] Sun, Y.L.[Yi-Long]
20 for Sun, Y.L.

Sun, Y.M.[Yan Min] * 2007: Cost-sensitive boosting for classification of imbalanced data
* 2010: Automatic personalized facial sketch based on ASM
* 2021: Architecture of Mass Customization-Social Internet of Things System: Current Research Profile, The
* 2021: Multi-Drone-Based Single Object Tracking With Agent Sharing Network
* 2022: Drone-Based RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Vehicle Detection Via Uncertainty-Aware Learning
* 2022: Simulator Attack+ for Black-Box Adversarial Attack
* 2023: MGT-PC: Memory-Guided Transformer For Robust Point Cloud Classification
* 2023: Multi-modal Gated Mixture of Local-to-Global Experts for Dynamic Image Fusion
Includes: Sun, Y.M.[Yan Min] Sun, Y.M.[Yan-Min] Sun, Y.M.[Yan-Ming] Sun, Y.M.[Yi-Ming]
8 for Sun, Y.M.

Sun, Y.N. * 1984: Automatic Evaluation of Segregation Streaks in Material Samples
* 1986: Approach to 3-D Object Identification Using Range Images, An
* 1988: Line Extraction Method for Automated SEM Inspection of VLSI Resist, A
* 1989: Reconstruction of the Left Ventricle from Two Orthogonal Projections
* 1992: New Model-Based Approach for Industrial Visual Inspection, A
* 1993: 3-D cerebral vessel reconstruction from angiograms
* 1993: Detecting corners of polygonal and polyhedral objects
* 1993: Endocardial boundary detection using a neural network
* 1993: Wavelet Based Corner Detection
* 1994: Polygonal-Approximation Using A Competitive Hopfield Neural-Network
* 1995: Multiscale Corner Detection by Using Wavelet Transform
* 1995: Occluded objects recognition using multiscale features and Hopfield neural networks
* 1995: Wavelet Transformation for Gray-Level Corner Detection
* 1996: Texture Feature Coding Method for Classification of Liver Sonography
* 1997: Occluded Objects Recognition Using Multiscale Features and Hopfield Neural-Network
* 1999: Polygonal approximation using genetic algorithms
* 2019: STD: Sparse-to-Dense 3D Object Detector for Point Cloud
* 2022: Emission Monitoring Dispatching of Drones Under Vessel Speed Fluctuation
* 2022: Unified Query-based Paradigm for Point Cloud Understanding, A
* 2023: COME: Clip-OCR and Master ObjEct for text image captioning
Includes: Sun, Y.N. Sun, Y.N.[Yung-Nien] Sun, Y.N.[Yung-Nein] Sun, Y.N.[Ya-Nan] Sun, Y.N.[Yan-Ning] Sun, Y.N.[Yi-Ning]
20 for Sun, Y.N.

Sun, Y.P.[Yi Peng] * 2013: Dynamic and clinical PET data reconstruction: A nonparametric Bayesian approach
* 2014: Dictionary Learning for Image Coding Based on Multisample Sparse Representation
* 2014: distinct and compact texture descriptor, A
* 2014: Fast Convolution Method and Its Application in Mask Optimization for Intensity Calculation Using Basis Expansion
* 2014: Lacunarity Analysis on Image Patterns for Texture Classification
* 2015: Discriminative structured dictionary learning with hierarchical group sparsity
* 2016: HEMS: Hierarchical Exemplar-Based Matching-Synthesis for Object-Aware Image Reconstruction
* 2016: Sparse Coding for Classification via Discrimination Ensemble
* 2016: Supervised dictionary learning with multiple classifier integration
* 2017: Spatiotemporal lacunarity spectrum for dynamic texture classification
* 2018: Detecting Text in the Wild with Deep Character Embedding Network
* 2018: TextNet: Irregular Text Reading from Images with an End-to-End Trainable Network
* 2019: Through-the-wall radar imaging algorithm for moving target under wall parameter uncertainties
* 2021: Real-Time Web Map Construction Based on Multiple Cameras and GIS
* 2022: CTNet: Context-Based Tandem Network for Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: ViSTA: Vision and Scene Text Aggregation for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* 2023: Crowd Density Estimation and Mapping Method Based on Surveillance Video and GIS
* 2023: Investigation of Turbulent Dissipation Rate Profiles from Two Radar Wind Profilers at Plateau and Plain Stations in the North China Plain
* 2023: sigma-Adaptive Decoupled Prototype for Few-Shot Object Detection
* 2023: Who is partner: A new perspective on data association of multi-object tracking
Includes: Sun, Y.P.[Yi Peng] Sun, Y.P.[Yi-Peng] Sun, Y.P.[Yu-Ping] Sun, Y.P.[Ya-Ping] Sun, Y.P.[Yan-Peng] Sun, Y.P.[Yin-Ping] Sun, Y.P.[Yan-Ping]
20 for Sun, Y.P.

Sun, Y.Q.[Yong Qing] * 2005: Efficient Wavelet-Based Image Retrieval Using Coarse Segmentation and Fine Region Feature Extraction
* 2007: GPU-Based Algorithm for Building Stochastic Clustered-Dot Screens, A
* 2011: new infrared image fusion method using empirical mode decomposition and inpainting, A
* 2015: Cross-Domain Concept Detection with Dictionary Coherence by Leveraging Web Images
* 2015: GIS-Based Web Approach for Serving Land Price Information, A
* 2015: Subaperture Approach Based on Azimuth-Dependent Range Cell Migration Correction and Azimuth Focusing Parameter Equalization for Maneuvering High-Squint-Mode SAR
* 2016: Attribute Discovery for Person Re-Identification
* 2016: Real-time collaborative GIS: A technological review
* 2017: Assessment of WorldView-3 Data for Lithological Mapping
* 2018: Hyperspectral Image Restoration under Complex Multi-Band Noises
* 2019: Comparison and Validation of the Ionospheric Climatological Morphology of FY3C/GNOS with COSMIC during the Recent Low Solar Activity Period
* 2019: Deep fusion based video saliency detection
* 2019: Image Classification Base on PCA of Multi-View Deep Representation
* 2019: Monitoring Land Surface Displacement over Xuzhou (China) in 2015-2018 through PCA-Based Correction Applied to SAR Interferometry
* 2019: Validation of Preliminary Results of Thermal Tropopause Derived from FY-3C GNOS Data
* 2020: Activity Normalization for Activity Detection in Surveillance Videos
* 2020: New Higher-Order Correction of GNSS RO Bending Angles Accounting for Ionospheric Asymmetry: Evaluation of Performance and Added Value
* 2020: STS: Spatial-Temporal-Semantic Personalized Location Recommendation
* 2021: Cross-modal semantic correlation learning by Bi-CNN network
* 2021: Dynamic Selective Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* 2021: Evolution of ICTs-empowered-identification: A general re-ranking method for person re-identification
* 2021: FA-RDN: A Hybrid Neural Network on GNSS-R Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval
* 2021: Impacts of Orbital and Constellation Parameters on the Number and Spatiotemporal Coverage of LEO-LEO Occultation Events
* 2021: Infrared and Visible Cross-Modal Image Retrieval Through Shared Features
* 2021: Recent Progress on Vegetation Remote Sensing Using Spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry
* 2021: Semantic Nighttime Image Segmentation Via Illumination and Position Aware Domain Adaptation
* 2021: SVMAC: Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single Image with Single-view-multi-angle Consistency
* 2022: Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Hypergraph Neural Network
* 2022: Aerial Image Segmentation via Noise Dispelling and Content Distilling
* 2022: Analysis of Orbital Atmospheric Density from QQ-Satellite Precision Orbits Based on GNSS Observations
* 2022: Colour balance and contrast stretching for sand-dust image enhancement
* 2022: Combining Spectral and Texture Features of UAS-Based Multispectral Images for Maize Leaf Area Index Estimation
* 2022: Dual Attention Based Multi-scale Feature Fusion Network for Indoor RGBD Semantic Segmentation
* 2022: Each Part Matters: Local Patterns Facilitate Cross-View Geo-Localization
* 2022: Evaluation of Forward Models for GNSS Radio Occultation Data Processing and Assimilation
* 2022: FY3E GNOS II GNSS Reflectometry: Mission Review and First Results
* 2022: Investigation of a Multidimensional CNN Combined with an Attention Mechanism Model to Resolve Small-Sample Problems in Hyperspectral Image Classification, An
* 2022: Investigation of Winter Wheat Leaf Area Index Fitting Model Using Spectral and Canopy Height Model Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery, An
* 2022: Learning Robust Image-Based Rendering on Sparse Scene Geometry via Depth Completion
* 2022: New Global Bathymetry Model: STO_IEU2020, A
* 2022: Perceived emotions and AU combinations in ambiguous facial expressions
* 2022: Prediction of Field-Scale Wheat Yield Using Machine Learning Method and Multi-Spectral UAV Data
* 2022: StyleFuse: An unsupervised network based on style loss function for infrared and visible image fusion
* 2022: Winter Wheat Lodging Area Extraction Using Deep Learning with GaoFen-2 Satellite Imagery
* 2022: Zoom-and-Reasoning: Joint Foreground Zoom and Visual-Semantic Reasoning Detection Network for Aerial Images
* 2023: Breast Fibroglandular Tissue Segmentation for Automated BPE Quantification With Iterative Cycle-Consistent Semi-Supervised Learning
* 2023: CANet: Context-aware Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection of Surface Defects
* 2023: Changes in the Antarctic's Summer Surface Albedo, Observed by Satellite since 1982 and Associated with Sea Ice Anomalies
* 2023: Deep Video Stabilization via Robust Homography Estimation
* 2023: Disturbance Frequency Index in Earthquake Forecast Using Radio Occultation Data, A
* 2023: GNOS-II on Fengyun-3 Satellite Series: Exploration of Multi-GNSS Reflection Signals for Operational Applications
* 2023: Identification and Spatiotemporal Analysis of Bikesharing-Metro Integration Cycling
* 2023: Innovative Signal Processing Scheme for Spaceborne Integrated GNSS Remote Sensors, An
* 2023: Landslide Identification in Human-Modified Alpine and Canyon Area of the Niulan River Basin Based on SBAS-InSAR and Optical Images
* 2023: Motion Matters: Difference-based Multi-scale Learning for Infrared UAV Detection
* 2023: Preliminary Assessment of BDS Radio Occultation Retrieval Quality and Coverage Using FY-3E GNOS II Measurements
* 2023: Soil Moisture Retrieval from Multi-GNSS Reflectometry on FY-3E GNOS-II by Land Cover Classification
* 2024: Deep Counterfactual Representation Learning for Visual Recognition Against Weather Corruptions
* 2024: MFFNet: Multi-Modal Feature Fusion Network for V-D-T Salient Object Detection
* 2024: Multiple-environment Self-adaptive Network for aerial-view geo-localization
* 2024: Novel Approach to Evaluate GNSS-RO Signal Receiver Performance in Terms of Ground-Based Atmospheric Occultation Simulation System, A
* 2024: TMNet: Triple-modal interaction encoder and multi-scale fusion decoder network for V-D-T salient object detection
* 2024: Vegetation Land Segmentation with Multi-Modal and Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images: A Temporal Learning Approach and a New Dataset
Includes: Sun, Y.Q.[Yong Qing] Sun, Y.Q.[Yong-Qing] Sun, Y.Q.[Yu-Qing] Sun, Y.Q.[Yu-Qiu] Sun, Y.Q.[Ya-Qin] Sun, Y.Q.[Ying-Qin] Sun, Y.Q.[Yue-Qiang] Sun, Y.Q.[Yao-Qi] Sun, Y.Q.[Yong-Qi] Sun, Y.Q.[Yun-Quan] Sun, Y.Q.[Yu-Qi] Sun, Y.Q.[Yi-Qun] Sun, Y.Q.[Yi-Qiu] Sun, Y.Q.[Yi-Qing] Sun, Y.Q.[You-Qiang]
63 for Sun, Y.Q.

Sun, Y.R.[Yu Rong] * 2013: Examining the Satellite-Detected Urban Land Use Spatial Patterns Using Multidimensional Fractal Dimension Indices
* 2020: Real-time drogue detection and template tracking strategy for autonomous aerial refueling
* 2024: Pixel Difference Convolutional Network for RGB-D Semantic Segmentation
Includes: Sun, Y.R.[Yu Rong] Sun, Y.R.[Yu-Rong] Sun, Y.R.[Yong-Rong] Sun, Y.R.[Yao-Ru]

Sun, Y.S.[Yu Shan] * 2008: Evaluation of LBTM for HRSI Rectification
* 2009: New Approach to Underwater Target Recognition, A
* 2011: Assessment of Mobile Laser Scanning Data for Building Reconstruction in 3D Cadastre
* 2015: Research of Spatial-Temporal Analysis and Decision-Making Assistant System for Disabled Person Affairs Based on Mapworld, The
* 2021: Pose-Controllable Talking Face Generation by Implicitly Modularized Audio-Visual Representation
* 2021: Robust hierarchical structure from motion for large-scale unstructured image sets
* 2022: 3MRS: An Effective Coarse-to-Fine Matching Method for Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2022: DP-ViT: A Dual-Path Vision Transformer for Real-Time Sonar Target Detection
* 2022: Improved Pedestrian Navigation Method Based on the Combination of Indoor Map Assistance and Adaptive Particle Filter, An
* 2022: Predicting Individual Tree Diameter of Larch (Larix olgensis) from UAV-LiDAR Data Using Six Different Algorithms
* 2023: 2OC: A General Automated Orientation and Orthorectification Method for Corona KH-4B Panoramic Imagery
* 2023: Decision-Tree Approach to Identifying Paddy Rice Lodging with Multiple Pieces of Polarization Information Derived from Sentinel-1, A
* 2023: Gradual Domain Adaptation with Pseudo-Label Denoising for SAR Target Recognition When Using Only Synthetic Data for Training
* 2023: ReEnFP: Detail-Preserving Face Reconstruction by Encoding Facial Priors
* 2024: Semantic-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Multi-Scale Urban Functional-Feature Identification Based on Human Mobility
Includes: Sun, Y.S.[Yu Shan] Sun, Y.S.[Yu-Shan] Sun, Y.S. Sun, Y.S.[Ya-Sheng] Sun, Y.S.[Yin-Shou] Sun, Y.S.[Yu-Sen] Sun, Y.S.[Yi-Shan] Sun, Y.S.[Yuan-Shuang] Sun, Y.S.[Yu-Shi]
15 for Sun, Y.S.

Sun, Y.T. * 2010: SATD-Based Intra Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* 2017: improved Canny algorithm based on adaptive 2D-Otsu and Newton Iterative, An
* 2022: NeRF-Editing: Geometry Editing of Neural Radiance Fields
* 2023: Evaluating Simulated Microphysics of Stratiform and Convective Precipitation in a Squall Line Event Using Polarimetric Radar Observations
* 2023: Facial expression recognition based on regional adaptive correlation
* 2023: Flood Runoff Simulation under Changing Environment, Based on Multiple Satellite Data in the Jinghe River Basin of the Loess Plateau, China
* 2023: Human Motion Transfer With 3D Constraints and Detail Enhancement
* 2023: Interactive NeRF Geometry Editing With Shape Priors
* 2023: Robust Pose Transfer With Dynamic Details Using Neural Video Rendering
* 2023: Unified Adversarial Patch for Cross-modal Attacks in the Physical World
* 2024: Unified Adversarial Patch for Visible-Infrared Cross-Modal Attacks in the Physical World
Includes: Sun, Y.T. Sun, Y.T.[Yu-Ting] Sun, Y.T.[Yang-Tian] Sun, Y.T.[Yu-Tong] Sun, Y.T.[Yi-Tong]
11 for Sun, Y.T.

Sun, Y.W.[Yu Wei] * 2012: Novel Multi-view Synthesis from a Stereo Image Pair for 3D Display on Mobile Phone
* 2018: Photon efficiency of computational ghost imaging with single-photon detection
* 2019: DE-Net: Deep Encoding Network for Building Extraction from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* 2019: Quantifying the Effects of Urban Form on Land Surface Temperature in Subtropical High-Density Urban Areas Using Machine Learning
* 2019: Weighted Double-Logistic Function Fitting Method for Reconstructing the High-Quality Sentinel-2 NDVI Time Series Data Set
* 2020: Farmland Parcel Mapping in Mountain Areas Using Time-Series SAR Data and VHR Optical Images
* 2021: Geo-Object-Based Vegetation Mapping via Machine Learning Methods with an Intelligent Sample Collection Scheme: A Case Study of Taibai Mountain, China
* 2022: DeepWindows: Windows Instance Segmentation through an Improved Mask R-CNN Using Spatial Attention and Relation Modules
* 2022: Investigating the Performance of Carbon Monoxide and Methane Observations from Sentinel-5 Precursor in China
Includes: Sun, Y.W.[Yu Wei] Sun, Y.W.[Yu-Wei] Sun, Y.W.[Yi-Wei] Sun, Y.W.[Ying-Wei] Sun, Y.W.[Yan-Wei] Sun, Y.W.[You-Wen]
9 for Sun, Y.W.

Sun, Y.X.[Yan Xia] * 2009: New Algorithm for Removal of High-Density Salt and Pepper Noises, A
* 2009: Online phenotype discovery based on minimum classification error model
* 2012: Compressive Sampling based Single-Image Super-resolution Reconstruction by dual-sparsity and Non-local Similarity Regularizer
* 2012: Single-Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction via Learned Geometric Dictionaries and Clustered Sparse Coding
* 2015: Geometric structure-constraint tracking with confident parts
* 2017: Soil Moisture Retrieval Method Based on Typical Polarization Decomposition Techniques for a Maize Field from Full-Polarization Radarsat-2 Data, A
* 2017: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Mitigating Effects of Industrial Relocation on the Surface Urban Heat Island over China
* 2018: Adaptive image segmentation method based on the fuzzy c-means with spatial information
* 2018: Ship Wake Components: Isolation, Reconstruction, and Characteristics Analysis in Spectral, Spatial, and TerraSAR-X Image Domains
* 2018: Sixth Visual Object Tracking VOT2018 Challenge Results, The
* 2019: deep generative directed network for scene depth ordering, A
* 2019: Image segmentation framework based on optimal multi-method fusion
* 2019: ROI Pooled Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking
* 2020: Assimilating SMOS Brightness Temperature for Hydrologic Model Parameters and Soil Moisture Estimation with an Immune Evolutionary Strategy
* 2020: FiC-RNN: A Multi-FPGA Acceleration Framework for Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
* 2021: Efficient and Safe Robotic Autonomous Environment Exploration Using Integrated Frontier Detection and Multiple Path Evaluation
* 2021: End-to-End Interactive Prediction and Planning with Optical Flow Distillation for Autonomous Driving
* 2021: Estimation of the PM2.5 and PM10 Mass Concentration over Land from FY-4A Aerosol Optical Depth Data
* 2021: Improved Bi-Angle Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Algorithm from AHI Data Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* 2021: Micro-Doppler Signature-Based Detection, Classification, and Localization of Small UAV With Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
* 2022: Dolphins: Dataset for Collaborative Perception Enabled Harmonious and Interconnected Self-driving
* 2022: DQ-GAT: Towards Safe and Efficient Autonomous Driving With Deep Q-Learning and Graph Attention Networks
* 2022: Dynamic Fusion Module Evolves Drivable Area and Road Anomaly Detection: A Benchmark and Algorithms
* 2022: FERV39k: A Large-Scale Multi-Scene Dataset for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
* 2022: IRDCLNet: Instance Segmentation of Ship Images Based on Interference Reduction and Dynamic Contour Learning in Foggy Scenes
* 2022: Simple Band Ratio Library (BRL) Algorithm for Retrieval of Hourly Aerosol Optical Depth Using FY-4A AGRI Geostationary Satellite Data, A
* 2023: Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Vegetation in China
* 2023: Artifact Detection and Restoration in Histology Images With Stain-Style and Structural Preservation
* 2023: Coherent Accumulation for Measuring Maneuvering Weak Targets Based on Stepped Dechirp Generalized Radon-Fourier Transform
* 2023: Correspondence Transformers with Asymmetric Feature Learning and Matching Flow Super-Resolution
* 2023: DANet: Dual-Branch Activation Network for Small Object Instance Segmentation of Ship Images
* 2023: ENSO Prediction Model Based on Backtracking Multiple Initial Values: Ordinary Differential Equations-Memory Kernel Function, An
* 2023: Hierarchical Visual Categories Modeling: A Joint Representation Learning and Density Estimation Framework for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* 2023: Improved YOLOv5 Method to Detect Tailings Ponds from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2023: MISC210K: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-Instance Semantic Correspondence
* 2023: Multi-modal spatial relational attention networks for visual question answering
* 2023: NLE-DM: Natural-Language Explanations for Decision Making of Autonomous Driving Based on Semantic Scene Understanding
* 2023: Task-Specific Fine-Tuning via Variational Information Bottleneck for Weakly-Supervised Pathology Whole Slide Image Classification
* 2023: Weakly Supervised Learning of Semantic Correspondence through Cascaded Online Correspondence Refinement
* 2024: Direct Position Determination of Non-Circular Signals for Distributed Antenna Arrays: Optimal Weight and Polynomial Rooting Approach
* 2024: Estimation of PM2.5 and PM10 Mass Concentrations in Beijing Using Gaofen-1 Data at 100 m Resolution
* 2024: Joint Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Based on Adaptive Gating Mechanism and Learnable Transformer
* 2024: Learning Semantic Alignment Using Global Features and Multi-Scale Confidence
* 2024: Masked Conditional Variational Autoencoders for Chromosome Straightening
* 2024: Tree Crown Segmentation and Diameter at Breast Height Prediction Based on BlendMask in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery
Includes: Sun, Y.X.[Yan Xia] Sun, Y.X.[Yan-Xia] Sun, Y.X.[You-Xian] Sun, Y.X.[Ya-Xin] Sun, Y.X.[Yong-Xuan] Sun, Y.X.[Yun-Xiao] Sun, Y.X.[Yuan-Xi] Sun, Y.X. Sun, Y.X.[Yu-Xuan] Sun, Y.X.[Ya-Xing] Sun, Y.X.[Yu-Xi] Sun, Y.X.[Yu-Xiang] Sun, Y.X.[Yu-Xin] Sun, Y.X.[Ying-Xiang] Sun, Y.X.[Yi-Xuan] Sun, Y.X.[Ying-Xiao] Sun, Y.X.[Yu-Xian] Sun, Y.X.[Ya-Xiu]
45 for Sun, Y.X.

Sun, Y.Y.[Yi Yong] * 2001: Surface Matching by 3D Point's Fingerprint
* 2003: Point fingerprint: A new 3-D object representation scheme
* 2004: Hybrid Image Registration based on Configural Matching of Scale-Invariant Salient Region Features
* 2005: Multilevel Banded Graph Cuts Method for Fast Image Segmentation, A
* 2006: Non-rigid Image Registration Using Geometric Features and Local Salient Region Features
* 2007: Landmark-Based Non-rigid Registration Via Graph Cuts
* 2009: Atmospheric ultraviolet transmission and Lidar returns
* 2011: robust hybrid method for nonrigid image registration, A
* 2015: Image compression and encryption scheme using fractal dictionary and Julia set
* 2017: Preliminary Evaluation of the SMAP Radiometer Soil Moisture Product over China Using In Situ Data
* 2017: Reconstructing Historical Land Cover Type and Complexity by Synergistic Use of Landsat Multispectral Scanner and CORONA
* 2019: Geographically Weighted Regression Effects on Soil Zinc Content Hyperspectral Modeling by Applying the Fractional-Order Differential
* 2019: Multi-Constrained Optimization Method of Line Segment Extraction Based on Multi-Scale Image Space
* 2020: Determination of Epicenters before Earthquakes Utilizing Far Seismic and GNSS Data: Insights from Ground Vibrations
* 2020: GPM-Based Multitemporal Weighted Precipitation Analysis Using GPM_IMERGDF Product and ASTER DEM in EDBF Algorithm
* 2021: Method for Deriving Relative Humidity From MODIS Data Under All-Sky Conditions, A
* 2021: novel zero-watermarking scheme with enhanced distinguishability and robustness for volumetric medical imaging, A
* 2022: Detection of Vertical Changes in the Ionospheric Electron Density Structures by the Radio Occultation Technique Onboard the FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC2 Mission over the Eruption of the Tonga Underwater Volcano on 15 January 2022
* 2022: DICE: Leveraging Sparsification for Out-of-Distribution Detection
* 2022: Dual Self-Paced SMOTE for Imbalanced Data
* 2022: Feature of Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Trough during Geomagnetic Storms Derived from GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) Data, The
* 2022: Forest Fire Susceptibility Modeling Approach Based on Light Gradient Boosting Machine Algorithm, A
* 2022: Individual Wave Propagations in Ionosphere and Troposphere Triggered by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Underwater Volcano Eruption on 15 January 2022
* 2022: Information hiding in the sharing domain
* 2022: Motion Estimation by Deep Learning in 2D Echocardiography: Synthetic Dataset and Validation
* 2022: polar-edge context-aware (PECA) network for mirror segmentation, A
* 2022: Prior Attention Network for Multi-Lesion Segmentation in Medical Images
* 2022: Reversible Data Hiding via Arranging Blocks of Bit-planes in Encrypted Images
* 2023: Atmospheric Gravity Wave Derived from the Neutral Wind with 5-Minute Resolution Routinely Retrieved by the Meteor Radar at Mohe
* 2023: Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series
* 2023: Lightweight Image Hashing Based on Knowledge Distillation and Optimal Transport for Face Retrieval
* 2023: Rethinking Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing: Separability and Alignment
Includes: Sun, Y.Y.[Yi Yong] Sun, Y.Y.[Yi-Yong] Sun, Y.Y.[Yi Yi] Sun, Y.Y.[Yuan-Yuan] Sun, Y.Y.[Ya-Yong] Sun, Y.Y.[Yang-Yi] Sun, Y.Y.[Yi-Yuan] Sun, Y.Y.[Yu-Ying] Sun, Y.Y.[Yi-You] Sun, Y.Y.[Ying-Ying] Sun, Y.Y.[Yan-Yan] Sun, Y.Y.[Yu-Yuan] Sun, Y.Y.[Yun-Yun] Sun, Y.Y.[Yu-Yin] Sun, Y.Y.[Yang-Yang] Sun, Y.Y.[Yu-Yang]
32 for Sun, Y.Y.

Sun, Y.Z.[Yi Zhen] * 2010: Comparison and analysis research on geometric correction of remote sensing images
* 2017: Building an Urban Spatial Structure from Urban Land Use Data: An Example Using Automated Recognition of the City Centre
* 2019: Delimitating Urban Commercial Central Districts by Combining Kernel Density Estimation and Road Intersections: A Case Study in Nanjing City, China
* 2020: Continuous Monitoring of Cotton Stem Water Potential using Sentinel-2 Imagery
* 2021: FNA++: Fast Network Adaptation via Parameter Remapping and Architecture Search
* 2022: MM-UrbanFAC: Urban Functional Area Classification Model Based on Multimodal Machine Learning
* 2023: coordinate attention enhanced swin transformer for handwriting recognition of Parkinson's disease, A
* 2023: Intelligent Virtual Standard Patient for Medical Students Training Based on Oral Knowledge Graph, An
* 2023: Reveal: Retrieval-Augmented Visual-Language Pre-Training with Multi-Source Multimodal Knowledge Memory
* 2024: Continual Learning for Cross-Modal Image-Text Retrieval Based on Domain-Selective Attention
* 2024: GPTSee: Enhancing Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection via Description-Based Similarity Features
Includes: Sun, Y.Z.[Yi Zhen] Sun, Y.Z.[Yi-Zhen] Sun, Y.Z.[Yi-Zhong] Sun, Y.Z.[Ya-Zhou] Sun, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhu] Sun, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhi] Sun, Y.Z.[Yun-Ze] Sun, Y.Z.[Yu-Zhe] Sun, Y.Z.[Yi-Zhou] Sun, Y.Z.[Ying-Zhi] Sun, Y.Z.[Yun-Zhuo]
11 for Sun, Y.Z.

Sun, Z. * 1999: Image Transmission over Noisy Channels with Variable-Coefficient Fixed-Length Coding Scheme
* 2002: Image Transmission Over Noisy Channels: TCQ-Based Coding Schemes
* 2006: Monocular Precrash Vehicle Detection: Features and Classifiers
* 2006: Video Halftoning
* 2007: On Robotic Optimal Path Planning in Polygonal Regions With Pseudo-Euclidean Metrics
* 2009: Color Image Retrieval Based on Distance-Weighted Boundary Predictive Vector Quantization Index Histograms
* 2010: Adaptive Critic Design for Energy Minimization of Portable Video Communication Devices
* 2010: Visual-Context Boosting for Eye Detection
* 2011: Detection of seagrass in optical shallow water with quickbird in the Xincun Bay, Hainan province, China
* 2012: Cascade framework for object extraction in image sequences
* 2012: Hyperspectral Image Classification with SVM-Based Domain Adaption Classifiers
* 2012: method for detecting interstructural atrophy correlation in MRI brain images, A
* 2012: Scale invariant kernel-based object tracking
* 2013: 3D Modeling and Data Enrichment in Digital Reconstruction of Architectural Heritage
* 2013: Fast and Precise HOG-Adaboost Based Visual Support System Capable to Recognize Pedestrian and Estimate Their Distance, A
* 2013: Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction of Targets Under the Illumination of Terahertz Gaussian Beam: Theory and Experiment
* 2014: Group Sparse Multiview Patch Alignment Framework With View Consistency for Image Classification
* 2014: new method for data-driven multi-brain atlas generation, A
* 2015: Data processing workflows from low-cost digital survey to various applications: three case studies of Chinese historic architecture
* 2015: end-to-end system for content-based video retrieval using behavior, actions, and appearance with interactive query refinement, An
* 2015: Regular Shape Similarity Index: A Novel Index for Accurate Extraction of Regular Objects From Remote Sensing Images
* 2016: Big Data for Remote Sensing: Challenges and Opportunities
* 2016: Design of Kernels in Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification
* 2016: Extended common molecular and discriminative atom dictionary based sparse representation for face recognition
* 2016: simple and robust super resolution method for light field images, A
* 2017: Bidirectional Polarized Reflectance Factors of Vegetation Covers: Influence on the BRF Models Results
* 2017: Discriminative feature learning-based pixel difference representation for facial expression recognition
* 2017: Global Performance of a Fast Parameterization Scheme for Estimating Surface Solar Radiation From MODIS Data
* 2017: Individual-free representation-based classification for facial expression recognition
* 2017: nonlocal operator model for morphological image processing, A
* 2017: Novel Methodology to Label Urban Remote Sensing Images Based on Location-Based Social Media Photos, A
* 2017: Polarized Remote Sensing: A Note on the Stokes Parameters Measurements From Natural and Man-Made Targets Using a Spectrometer
* 2017: Salient object detection via sparse representation and multi-layer contour zooming
* 2017: Wavelet-SRNet: A Wavelet-Based CNN for Multi-scale Face Super Resolution
* 2018: adaptive weighted fusion model with two subspaces for facial expression recognition, An
* 2018: Deep Spatial Feature Reconstruction for Partial Person Re-identification: Alignment-free Approach
* 2018: Dynamic Feature Learning for Partial Face Recognition
* 2018: Effect of Black Carbon Concentration on the Reflection Property of Snow: A Comparison With Model Results
* 2018: Estimating Error Covariance and Correlation Region in UV Irradiance Data Fusion by Combining TOMS-OMI and UVMRP Ground Observations
* 2018: Feature Quantization for Defending Against Distortion of Images
* 2018: Gaze Prediction in Dynamic 360° Immersive Videos
* 2018: Global and Local Consistent Age Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2018: Joint Voxel and Coordinate Regression for Accurate 3D Facial Landmark Localization
* 2018: Kernel collaboration representation-based manifold regularized model for unconstrained face recognition
* 2018: Multiview Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition Optimization: Modeling and Implementation
* 2018: Online Model Adaptation for UAV Tracking with Convolutional Neural Network
* 2018: Optimal Type-2 Fuzzy System For Arterial Traffic Signal Control
* 2018: Optimal Type-2 Fuzzy System For Arterial Traffic Signal Control
* 2018: Pose-Guided Photorealistic Face Rotation
* 2018: Real-time robust individual X point localization for stereoscopic tracking
* 2018: Scale Mapping and Dynamic Re-Detecting in Dense Head Detection
* 2019: Adversarial Learning Semantic Volume for 2D/3D Face Shape Regression in the Wild
* 2019: AR Assistive System in Domestic Environment Using HMDs: Comparing Visual and Aural Instructions
* 2019: As-Built BIM for a Fifteenth-Century Chinese Brick Structure at Various LoDs
* 2019: Azimuth Signal Multichannel Reconstruction and Channel Configuration Design for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR
* 2019: CAMEL: A Weakly Supervised Learning Framework for Histopathology Image Segmentation
* 2019: CSF-Based CNR Approach for Small-Size Image Sequences, A
* 2019: Design of an Innovative Downhole NMR Scanning Probe
* 2019: Dual Residual Networks Leveraging the Potential of Paired Operations for Image Restoration
* 2019: Dynamic Feature Matching for Partial Face Recognition
* 2019: Guaranteed Matrix Completion Under Multiple Linear Transformations
* 2019: Local Semantic-Aware Deep Hashing With Hamming-Isometric Quantization
* 2019: M2FPA: A Multi-Yaw Multi-Pitch High-Quality Dataset and Benchmark for Facial Pose Analysis
* 2019: Optical Properties of Reflected Light From Leaves: A Case Study From One Species
* 2019: Predicting Social Emotions from Readers' Perspective
* 2020: Binocular Light-Field: Imaging Theory and Occlusion-Robust Depth Perception Application
* 2020: DBF Processing in Range-Doppler Domain for MWE SAR Waveform Separation Based on Digital Array-Fed Reflector Antenna
* 2020: Deep subspace learning for expression recognition driven by a two-phase representation classifier
* 2020: Effective Approach for Nonrigid Structure From Motion With Complex Deformation, An
* 2020: Joint Bilateral Learning for Real-time Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer
* 2020: Learning to Explore Saliency for Stereoscopic Videos Via Component-Based Interaction
* 2020: Mapping Long-Term Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Pen Aquaculture in a Shallow Lake: Less Aquaculture Coming along Better Water Quality
* 2020: Multi-scale active patches fusion based on spatiotemporal LBP-TOP for micro-expression recognition
* 2020: Orthogonal Coded Multi-view Structured Light for Inter-view Interference Elimination
* 2020: Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Bivariate Statistical-Based Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Spatial Prediction of Landslides
* 2020: Reinforcement Learning Approach to Autonomous Decision Making of Intelligent Vehicles on Highways, A
* 2020: Soil Moisture Calibration Equations for Active Layer GPR Detection: A Case Study Specially for the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Permafrost Regions
* 2020: Weighted Guided Image Filtering With Steering Kernel
* 2021: Analysis the Influence of Modulated Amplitude on Common Mode Error Based on GPS Data
* 2021: BSNet: Bi-Similarity Network for Few-shot Fine-grained Image Classification
* 2021: DUN: Dual-path Temporal Matching Network for Natural Language-based Vehicle Retrieval
* 2021: Eco-Approach With Traffic Prediction and Experimental Validation for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
* 2021: Focus and retain: Complement the Broken Pose in Human Image Synthesis
* 2021: Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Data Focusing Using a Novel Range Model Based on One-Stationary Equivalence
* 2021: HaptMR: Smart Haptic Feedback for Mixed Reality Based on Computer Vision Semantic
* 2021: Jo-SRC: A Contrastive Approach for Combating Noisy Labels
* 2021: Nonambiguous Image Formation for Low-Earth-Orbit SAR With Geosynchronous Illumination Based on Multireceiving and CAMP
* 2021: Real-time Localized Photorealistic Video Style Transfer
* 2021: Review of Surge-type Glaciers, A
* 2021: Viral Pneumonia Screening on Chest X-Rays Using Confidence-Aware Anomaly Detection
* 2021: Webly Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition: Benchmark Datasets and an Approach
* 2022: Achieving Differential Privacy Publishing of Location-Based Statistical Data Using Grid Clustering
* 2022: Co-LDL: A Co-Training-Based Label Distribution Learning Method for Tackling Label Noise
* 2022: Detection of Oil Spills in the Northern South China Sea Using Landsat-8 OLI
* 2022: dynamic constraint representation approach based on cross-domain dictionary learning for expression recognition, A
* 2022: Exploring Dynamic Street Vendors and Pedestrians through the Lens of Static Spatial Configuration in Yuncheng, China
* 2022: Generating Salt-Affected Irrigated Cropland Map in an Arid and Semi-Arid Region Using Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data
* 2022: Improving the Performance of Automated Rooftop Extraction through Geospatial Stratified and Optimized Sampling
* 2022: Insect-Equivalent Radar Cross-Section Model Based on Field Experimental Results of Body Length and Orientation Extraction
* 2022: Intelligent Control of Building Operation and Maintenance Processes Based on Global Navigation Satellite System and Digital Twins
* 2022: Multi-Scale Feature Pyramid Network for Detection and Instance Segmentation of Marine Ships in SAR Images, A
* 2022: PNP: Robust Learning from Noisy Labels by Probabilistic Noise Prediction
* 2022: Rapid Glacier Shrinkage in the Gongga Mountains in the Last 27 Years
* 2022: Thirty-Four-Year Record (1987-2021) of the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Algal Blooms in Lake Dianchi from Multi-Source Remote Sensing Insights
* 2023: Attention Map Guided Transformer Pruning for Occluded Person Re-Identification on Edge Device
* 2023: Boosting Robust Learning Via Leveraging Reusable Samples in Noisy Web Data
* 2023: Cost-effective and accurate monitoring of flowering across multiple tropical tree species over two years with a time series of high-resolution drone imagery and deep learning
* 2023: Cyberattacks on connected automated vehicles: A traffic impact analysis
* 2023: DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation
* 2023: Deriving Agricultural Field Boundaries for Crop Management from Satellite Images Using Semantic Feature Pyramid Network
* 2023: Detail enhancement-based vehicle re-identification with orientation-guided re-ranking
* 2023: discriminatively deep fusion approach with improved conditional GAN (im-cGAN) for facial expression recognition, A
* 2023: Energy-Efficient Adaptive 3D Sensing
* 2023: Human Action Recognition from Various Data Modalities: A Review
* 2023: Human-Like Trajectory Planning Method on a Curve Based on the Driver Preview Mechanism, A
* 2023: Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Evapotranspiration Estimation of Fruit Tree in Agricultural Cyber-Physical Systems
* 2023: Improved Mask R-CNN for Instance Segmentation of Tree Crowns in Aerial Imagery, An
* 2023: Improving 3D Digital Soil Mapping Based on Spatialized Lab Soil Spectral Information
* 2023: Joint JPEG Compression and Encryption Scheme Based on Order-8-16 Block Transform
* 2023: Multi-level Contrastive Learning for Self-Supervised Vision Transformers
* 2023: NeRF-LOAM: Neural Implicit Representation for Large-Scale Incremental LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
* 2023: Observability-Constrained Resampling-Free Cubature Kalman Filter for GNSS/INS with Measurement Outliers
* 2023: Path Planning Optimization With Multiple Pesticide and Power Loading Bases Using Several Unmanned Aerial Systems on Segmented Agricultural Fields
* 2023: Representation Disentanglement in Generative Models with Contrastive Learning
* 2023: ResiDualGAN: Resize-Residual DualGAN for Cross-Domain Remote Sensing Images Semantic Segmentation
* 2023: Robust table structure recognition with dynamic queries enhanced detection transformer
* 2023: SATS: Self-attention transfer for continual semantic segmentation
* 2023: transformer-based network for perceptual contrastive underwater image enhancement, A
* 2023: Trends of Grassland Resilience under Climate Change and Human Activities on the Mongolian Plateau
* 2023: Underwater sEMG-based recognition of hand gestures using tensor decomposition
* 2023: Using Multisource High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data (2 m) with a Habitat-Tide-Semantic Segmentation Approach for Mangrove Mapping
* 2023: What Can Simple Arithmetic Operations Do for Temporal Modeling?
* 2024: automatic measurement method for ankle key angles based on point cloud segmentation network, An
* 2024: Channel Modeling for Receptors Reversible Reactive Receiver With Continuous Release of Ligands
* 2024: Convective Properties and Lightning Activity in Different Categories of Thunderstorms over the Beijing Area during Five Warm Seasons
* 2024: Estimating Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation of Winter Wheat Based on Simulated Sentinel-2 Data under Different Varieties and Water Stress
* 2024: Estimation of Non-Optically Active Water Quality Parameters in Zhejiang Province Based on Machine Learning
* 2024: Joint Implementation Method for Clutter Suppression and Coherent Maneuvering Target Detection Based on Sub-Aperture Processing with Airborne Bistatic Radar
* 2024: Learning With Imbalanced Noisy Data by Preventing Bias in Sample Selection
* 2024: Lightning Stroke Strength and Its Correlation with Cloud Macro- and Microphysics over the Tibetan Plateau
* 2024: Self-Supervised Lightweight Depth Estimation in Endoscopy Combining CNN and Transformer
* 2024: Spatiotemporally Mapping Non-Grain Production of Winter Wheat Using a Developed Auto-Generating Sample Algorithm on Google Earth Engine
* 2024: Transferring Vision-Language Models for Visual Recognition: A Classifier Perspective
* 2024: You only label once: A self-adaptive clustering-based method for source-free active domain adaptation
Includes: Sun, Z. Sun, Z.[Zhen] Sun, Z.[Zhuo] Sun, Z.[Zhe] Sun, Z.[Zhun] Sun, Z.[Zheng] Sun, Z.[Zaoyu] Sun, Z.[Zenghui] Sun, Z.[Ziruo] Sun, Z.[Zhanglei] Sun, Z.[Zeren] Sun, Z.[Zichao] Sun, Z.[Ziwen] Sun, Z.[Zhuoran] Sun, Z.[Zequn] Sun, Z.[Zhangli] Sun, Z.[Zounachuan] Sun, Z.[Zhanbo] Sun, Z.[Zhu] Sun, Z.[Zhanghao] Sun, Z.[Zehua] Sun, Z.[Zilai] Sun, Z.[Ziyi] Sun, Z.[Zefan] Sun, Z.[Zeyu] Sun, Z.[Zihao] Sun, Z.[Zhuohao] Sun, Z.[Zhixuan] Sun, Z.[Ziyun] Sun, Z.[Ziyu] Sun, Z.[Zhenhui] Sun, Z.[Zhuling] Sun, Z.[Zhong] Sun, Z.[Zhi] Sun, Z.[Zhishu]
144 for Sun, Z.

Sun, Z.A.[Zhen An] * 2004: Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy via Cascaded Classifiers
* 2004: iris image synthesis method based on PCA and super-resolution, An
* 2004: Iris Recognition Algorithm Using Local Extreme Points, An
* 2004: Robust direction estimation of gradient vector field for iris recognition
* 2004: Robust Encoding of Local Ordinal Measures: A General Framework of Iris Recognition
* 2005: Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy via Cascaded Classifiers
* 2005: Ordinal Palmprint Represention for Personal Identification
* 2006: Face Recognition Using Ordinal Features
* 2006: Global Texture Analysis of Iris Images for Ethnic Classification
* 2006: Robust and Fast Assessment of Iris Image Quality
* 2007: Fusion of Face and Palmprint for Personal Identification Based on Ordinal Features
* 2007: Learning Appearance Primitives of Iris Images for Ethnic Classification
* 2007: Robust 3D Face Recognition Using Learned Visual Codebook
* 2008: Boosting ordinal features for accurate and fast iris recognition
* 2008: Combine hierarchical appearance statistics for accurate palmprint recognition
* 2008: Counterfeit iris detection based on texture analysis
* 2008: Enhanced usability of iris recognition via efficient user interface and iris image restoration
* 2008: hierarchical model for the evaluation of biometric sample quality, A
* 2008: How to make iris recognition easier?
* 2008: Learning efficient codes for 3D face recognition
* 2008: Multispectral palm image fusion for accurate contact-free palmprint recognition
* 2008: Palmprint image synthesis: A preliminary study
* 2008: Robust 3D face recognition in uncontrolled environments
* 2008: Robust eyelid, eyelash and shadow localization for iris recognition
* 2008: Synthesis of large realistic iris databases using patch-based sampling
* 2009: Accurate Palmprint Recognition Using Spatial Bags of Local Layered Descriptors
* 2009: Efficient Iris Spoof Detection via Boosted Local Binary Patterns
* 2009: Fuzzy 3D Face Ethnicity Categorization
* 2009: Hierarchical Shape Primitive Features for Online Text-independent Writer Identification
* 2009: Ordinal Measures for Iris Recognition
* 2009: Palmprint Recognition Based on Regional Rank Correlation of Directional Features
* 2009: Palmprint recognition using coarse-to-fine statistical image representation
* 2009: Quality-based dynamic threshold for iris matching
* 2009: Robust Biometric Key Extraction Based on Iris Cryptosystem
* 2009: Toward Accurate and Fast Iris Segmentation for Iris Biometrics
* 2010: Contact Lens Detection Based on Weighted LBP
* 2010: Efficient and robust segmentation of noisy iris images for non-cooperative iris recognition
* 2010: Hierarchical Fusion of Face and Iris for Personal Identification
* 2010: Statistics of local surface curvatures for mis-localized iris detection
* 2010: Texture removal for adaptive level set based iris segmentation
* 2010: Topology modeling for Adaboost-cascade based object detection
* 2011: Comprehensive assessment of iris image quality
* 2011: Deformable DAISY Matcher for robust iris recognition
* 2011: Iris Matching Based on Personalized Weight Map
* 2011: Recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices via half-quadratic based nonconvex minimization
* 2012: Accurate iris localization using contour segments
* 2012: Discriminant sparse neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition
* 2012: Iris image classification based on color information
* 2012: Noisy iris image matching by using multiple cues
* 2012: Perturbation-enhanced feature correlation filter for robust iris recognition
* 2012: Regularization parameter estimation for spectral regression discriminant analysis based on perturbation theory
* 2012: Robust regularized feature selection for iris recognition via linear programming
* 2012: Semantic Pixel Sets Based Local Binary Patterns for Face Recognition
* 2013: Adaptive Feature Selection via Boosting-Like Sparsity Regularization
* 2013: Face recognition using Histogram of co-occurrence Gabor phase patterns
* 2013: Joint Alignment and Clustering via Low-Rank Representation
* 2013: Margin Based Feature Selection for Cross-Sensor Iris Recognition via Linear Programming
* 2013: Robust Low-Rank Representation via Correntropy
* 2013: Robust Subspace Clustering via Half-Quadratic Minimization
* 2014: Explore semantic pixel sets based local patterns with information entropy for face recognition
* 2014: Fusion of Multibiometrics Based on a New Robust Linear Programming
* 2014: Half-Quadratic-Based Iterative Minimization for Robust Sparse Representation
* 2014: How to Estimate the Regularization Parameter for Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis and its Kernel Version?
* 2014: Iris Image Classification Based on Hierarchical Visual Codebook
* 2014: Ordinal Feature Selection for Iris and Palmprint Recognition
* 2014: Slice representation of range data for head pose estimation
* 2014: Transform-invariant dictionary learning for face recognition
* 2015: Albedo assisted high-quality shape recovery from 4D light fields
* 2015: Iris Texture Description Using Ordinal Co-occurrence Matrix Features
* 2015: Robust Subspace Clustering With Complex Noise
* 2016: DeepIris: Learning pairwise filter bank for heterogeneous iris verification
* 2016: Improved RGB-D-T based face recognition
* 2016: Transformation invariant subspace clustering
* 2017: Editorial: Special issue on ubiquitous biometrics
* 2018: Efficient auto-refocusing for light field camera
* 2018: End-to-End View Synthesis for Light Field Imaging with Pseudo 4DCNN
* 2018: Learning Structured Ordinal Measures for Video Based Face Recognition
* 2019: Attribute-Aware Face Aging With Wavelet-Based Generative Adversarial Networks
* 2019: Distant Supervised Centroid Shift: A Simple and Efficient Approach to Visual Domain Adaptation
* 2019: Exploring uncertainty in pseudo-label guided unsupervised domain adaptation
* 2019: Foreground-Aware Pyramid Reconstruction for Alignment-Free Occluded Person Re-Identification
* 2019: Wavelet Domain Generative Adversarial Network for Multi-scale Face Hallucination
* 2020: 2nd 106-point Lightweight Facial Landmark Localization Grand Challenge, The
* 2020: Adversarial Cross-Spectral Face Completion for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* 2020: Deep label refinement for age estimation
* 2020: Hierarchical Face Aging Through Disentangled Latent Characteristics
* 2020: Informative Sample Mining Network for Multi-domain Image-to-image Translation
* 2020: Learning disentangling and fusing networks for face completion under structured occlusions
* 2020: Towards High Fidelity Face Frontalization in the Wild
* 2021: Deep Semantic Reconstruction Hashing for Similarity Retrieval
* 2021: Novel Deep-learning Pipeline for Light Field Image Based Material Recognition, A
* 2021: One Shot Face Swapping on Megapixels
* 2021: PyMAF: 3D Human Pose and Shape Regression with Pyramidal Mesh Alignment Feedback Loop
* 2021: ReMix: Towards Image-to-Image Translation with Limited Data
* 2022: AnyFace: Free-style Text-to-Face Synthesis and Manipulation
* 2022: Cross-Spectral Iris Recognition by Learning Device-Specific Band
* 2022: Gender and ethnicity recognition based on visual attention-driven deep architectures
* 2022: Learning 3D Human Shape and Pose From Dense Body Parts
* 2022: Learning Feature Recovery Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* 2022: Mimic Embedding via Adaptive Aggregation: Learning Generalizable Person Re-identification
* 2022: MOST-Net: A Memory Oriented Style Transfer Network for Face Sketch Synthesis
* 2023: Adversarial Learning Domain-Invariant Conditional Features for Robust Face Anti-spoofing
* 2023: AIF-LFNet: All-in-Focus Light Field Super-Resolution Method Considering the Depth-Varying Defocus
* 2023: GAN-Based Facial Attribute Manipulation
* 2023: Graph Flow: Cross-Layer Graph Flow Distillation for Dual Efficient Medical Image Segmentation
* 2023: Multiscale Dynamic Graph Representation for Biometric Recognition With Occlusions
* 2023: Pose-Appearance Relational Modeling for Video Action Recognition
* 2023: PyMAF-X: Towards Well-Aligned Full-Body Model Regression From Monocular Images
* 2023: Semantic-Aware Noise Driven Portrait Synthesis and Manipulation
* 2023: Semantic-based conditional generative adversarial hashing with pairwise labels
* 2023: Towards Spatially Disentangled Manipulation of Face Images With Pre-Trained StyleGANs
* 2024: Contextualized Relation Predictive Model for Self-Supervised Group Activity Representation Learning
* 2024: Personalized Graph Generation for Monocular 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation
* 2024: r-FACE: Reference guided face component editing
Includes: Sun, Z.A.[Zhen An] Sun, Z.A.[Zhen-An]
114 for Sun, Z.A.

Sun, Z.B.[Zhen Bang] * 2012: Free Hand-Drawn Sketch Segmentation
* 2012: Signal Timing Estimation Using Sample Intersection Travel Times
* 2015: advanced gradient histogram and its application for contrast and gradient enhancement, An
* 2015: Combination of contrast limited adaptive histogram equalisation and discrete wavelet transform for image enhancement
* 2015: Entropy maximisation histogram modification scheme for image enhancement
* 2015: novel ensemble method for classifying imbalanced data, A
* 2020: Attention Based Speaker-independent Audio-visual Deep Learning Model for Speech Enhancement, An
* 2020: Missing Pixel Reconstruction on Landsat 8 Analysis Ready Data Land Surface Temperature Image Patches Using Source-Augmented Partial Convolution
* 2021: Cross-category Video Highlight Detection via Set-based Learning
* 2022: BRB-Based Effective Fault Diagnosis Model for High-Speed Trains Running Gear Systems, A
* 2022: HCSC: Hierarchical Contrastive Selective Coding
* 2022: Use Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Study the Changes of Broad-Leaved Forest Biomass and Their Climate Driving Forces in Nature Reserves of Northern Subtropics
* 2023: Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Tent Mapping Atom Search Optimized Backpropagation Neural Network with Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1A Data
* 2023: Identifying Core Wavelengths of Oil Tree's Hyperspectral Data by Taylor Expansion
* 2023: Spatial and Temporal Evolution Characteristics of the Salween River Delta from 1973 to 2021
* 2024: BPMB: BayesCNNs with perturbed multi-branch structure for robust facial expression recognition
Includes: Sun, Z.B.[Zhen Bang] Sun, Z.B.[Zhen-Bang] Sun, Z.B.[Zhan-Bo] Sun, Z.B.[Ze-Bin] Sun, Z.B.[Zhong-Bin] Sun, Z.B.[Zhong-Bo] Sun, Z.B.[Zhi-Bin] Sun, Z.B.[Zheng-Bao]
16 for Sun, Z.B.

Sun, Z.C.[Zhao Cai] * 2005: Fingerprint Image Segmentation Method Based on MCMC&GA
* 2006: Fingerprint Ridge Distance Estimation: Algorithms and the Performance
* 2007: Efficient Feature Extraction for Image Classification
* 2008: Fudan University: hierarchical video retrieval with adaptive multi-modal fusion
* 2008: Metric learning by discriminant neighborhood embedding
* 2009: Active Learning with Support Vector Machines in Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* 2016: Design and Implementation of a Robust Decision Support System for Marine Space Resource Utilization
* 2016: Extended Three-Stage Polarimetric SAR Interferometry Algorithm by Dual-Polarization Data
* 2016: Focusing Translational Variant Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR Using Keystone Transform and Extended Nonlinear Chirp Scaling
* 2016: Ground-Moving Target Imaging and Velocity Estimation Based on Mismatched Compression for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR
* 2016: Inclined Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR: Performance Analysis and Mission Design
* 2016: Motion Errors and Compensation for Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR With Cubic-Order Processing
* 2016: Path Planning for GEO-UAV Bistatic SAR Using Constrained Adaptive Multiobjective Differential Evolution
* 2017: Modified Normalized Difference Impervious Surface Index (MNDISI) for Automatic Urban Mapping from Landsat Imagery, A
* 2017: Three-Dimensional Localization Method for Multistatic SAR Based on Numerical Range-Doppler Algorithm and Entropy Minimization, A
* 2018: Examining the Effects of Hydropower Station Construction on the Surface Temperature of the Jinsha River Dry-Hot Valley at Different Seasons
* 2019: High-Resolution Urban Land Mapping in China from Sentinel 1A/2 Imagery Based on Google Earth Engine
* 2019: Two-Step Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Method for Multichannel GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Spectrum Reconstructing and Focusing, A
* 2021: Simultaneous Moving and Stationary Target Imaging for Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR Based on Sparse Separation
* 2022: Efficient Backprojection Algorithm Based on Wavenumber-Domain Spectral Splicing for Monostatic and Bistatic SAR Configurations, An
* 2022: Estimation and Compensation Method for Motion Trajectory Error in Bistatic SAR, An
* 2022: Estimation of Above-Ground Biomass of Winter Wheat Based on Consumer-Grade Multi-Spectral UAV
* 2022: Experimental Results of Three-Dimensional Modeling and Mapping with Airborne Ka-Band Fixed-Baseline InSAR in Typical Topographies of China
* 2022: Novel Frequency-Domain Focusing Method for Geosynchronous Low-Earth-Orbit Bistatic SAR in Sliding-Spotlight Mode, A
* 2022: SegDetector: A Deep Learning Model for Detecting Small and Overlapping Damaged Buildings in Satellite Images
* 2022: UAV-Based Multi-Temporal Thermal Imaging to Evaluate Wheat Drought Resistance in Different Deficit Irrigation Regimes
* 2022: Using a Remote-Sensing-Based Piecewise Retrieval Algorithm to Map Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Highland River System
* 2023: Mission Planning for Energy-Efficient Passive UAV Radar Imaging System Based on Substage Division Collaborative Search
* 2023: Negative Air Ion (NAI) Dynamics over Zhejiang Province, China, Based on Multivariate Remote Sensing Products
* 2023: Patterns of Typical Chinese Urban Agglomerations Based on Complex Spatial Network Analysis
* 2023: Regularizing Second-Order Influences for Continual Learning
* 2023: Seg-Road: A Segmentation Network for Road Extraction Based on Transformer and CNN with Connectivity Structures
Includes: Sun, Z.C.[Zhao Cai] Sun, Z.C.[Zhao-Cai] Sun, Z.C.[Zi-Chen] Sun, Z.C.[Zhi-Chao] Sun, Z.C.[Zhao-Chen] Sun, Z.C.[Zhong-Chang] Sun, Z.C.[Zhen-Cai] Sun, Z.C.[Zong-Chen] Sun, Z.C.[Zhi-Cheng]
32 for Sun, Z.C.

Sun, Z.D.[Zhao Dong] * 2021: 2nd Challenge on Remote Physiological Signal Sensing (RePSS), The
* 2021: Detecting Low-Intensity Fires in East Asia Using VIIRS Data: An Improved Contextual Algorithm
* 2021: Retrieving High-Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth from GF-4 PMS Imagery in Eastern China
* 2022: Contrast-Phys: Unsupervised Video-Based Remote Physiological Measurement via Spatiotemporal Contrast
* 2022: Privacy-Phys: Facial Video-Based Physiological Modification for Privacy Protection
Includes: Sun, Z.D.[Zhao Dong] Sun, Z.D.[Zhao-Dong] Sun, Z.D.[Zhen-Dong]

Sun, Z.F.[Ze Feng] * 2020: Structural Pyramid Network for Cascaded Optical Flow Estimation
* 2024: Prior knowledge guided text to image generation
Includes: Sun, Z.F.[Ze Feng] Sun, Z.F.[Ze-Feng] Sun, Z.F.[Ze-Fang]

Sun, Z.G.[Zhong Gui] * 2013: Analysis of Non-Local Euclidean Medians and Its Improvement
* 2013: Evaluation of Clear-Sky Incoming Radiation Estimating Equations Typically Used in Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Algorithms
* 2014: Diverse Responses of Remotely Sensed Grassland Phenology to Interannual Climate Variability over Frozen Ground Regions in Mongolia
* 2014: general non-local denoising model using multi-kernel-induced measures, A
* 2019: Estimating Maize Above-Ground Biomass Using 3D Point Clouds of Multi-Source Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data at Multi-Spatial Scales
* 2019: Improved Approach Considering Intraclass Variability for Mapping Winter Wheat Using Multitemporal MODIS EVI Images, An
* 2019: Improving Field-Scale Wheat LAI Retrieval Based on UAV Remote-Sensing Observations and Optimized VI-LUTs
* 2020: Comprehensive Evaluation of Using TechDemoSat-1 and CYGNSS Data to Estimate Soil Moisture over Mainland China
* 2020: Remotely sensed canopy resistance model for analyzing the stomatal behavior of environmentally-stressed winter wheat
* 2020: Wild animal survey using UAS imagery and deep learning: modified Faster R-CNN for kiang detection in Tibetan Plateau
* 2021: Quick Detection of Field-Scale Soil Comprehensive Attributes via the Integration of UAV and Sentinel-2B Remote Sensing Data
* 2021: Relating Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices with Soil Salinity at Different Depths for the Diagnosis of Winter Wheat Salt Stress
* 2021: Review of Road Segmentation for SAR Images
* 2021: Study on Convergence of Plug-and-Play ISTA With Adaptive-Kernel Denoisers
* 2022: Initial Performance Evaluation of Mixed Multi-Frequency Undifferenced and Uncombined BDS-2/3 Precise Point Positioning under Urban Environmental Conditions, The
* 2022: Optimal Phenological Phase of Maize for Yield Prediction with High-Frequency UAV Remote Sensing, The
* 2022: Plant Density Estimation Using UAV Imagery and Deep Learning
* 2023: Coarse-to-Fine Feature Match Network Using Transformers for Remote Sensing Image Registration, A
* 2023: Improved Multi-GNSS PPP Partial Ambiguity Resolution Method Based on Two-Step Sorting Criterion
* 2023: Novel Index for Daily Flood Inundation Retrieval from CYGNSS Measurements, A
* 2023: nuScenes Knowledge Graph - A comprehensive semantic representation of traffic scenes for trajectory prediction
* 2024: Non-Local Block With Adaptive Regularization Strategy, A
Includes: Sun, Z.G.[Zhong Gui] Sun, Z.G.[Zhong-Gui] Sun, Z.G.[Zhi-Gang] Sun, Z.G.[Zeng-Guo] Sun, Z.G.[Zhi-Guo]
22 for Sun, Z.G.

Sun, Z.H.[Zhao Hui] * 1998: Image registration using a 3-D scene representation
* 1998: Trifocal Motion Modeling for Object-Based Video Compression and Manipulation
* 1999: Uniform trellis coded quantization for image transmission over noisy channels
* 2001: Error Characterization of the Factorization Method
* 2002: Genetic feature subset selection for gender classification: A comparison study
* 2002: Interactive Optimization of 3D Shape and 2D Correspondence Using Multiple Geometric Constraints via POCS
* 2002: real-time precrash vehicle detection system, A
* 2003: Adaptation for multiple cue integration
* 2003: Boosting object detection using feature selection
* 2003: distributed visual surveillance system, A
* 2004: Object detection using feature subset selection
* 2004: Unsupervised video segmentation method based on feature distance
* 2005: On-Road Vehicle Detection Using Evolutionary Gabor Filter Optimization
* 2006: Event Recognition with Fragmented Object Tracks
* 2006: Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint Information
* 2006: On-Road Vehicle Detection: A Review
* 2006: Three-Frame Approach to Constraint-Consistent Motion Estimation, A
* 2009: Hierarchical Clustering Tree for Organizing and Indexing of Image Database
* 2010: Image Comparison by Compound Disjoint Information with Applications to Perceptual Visual Quality Assessment, Image Registration and Tracking
* 2013: GeoPWProv: Interleaving Map and Faceted Metadata for Provenance Visualization and Navigation
* 2014: Video Event Detection Using Motion Relativity and Feature Selection
* 2015: Estimating the Augmented Reflectance Ratio of the Ocean Surface When Whitecaps Appear
* 2016: Developing a web-based system for supervised classification of remote sensing images
* 2016: Fully convolutional recurrent network for handwritten Chinese text recognition
* 2016: Tattoo detection and localization using region-based deep learning
* 2017: Compact image representation by binary component analysis
* 2017: Experiment design of machine vision measurement based on set algebra theory for discrete mathematics course
* 2017: Parallel Agent-as-a-Service (P-AaaS) Based Geospatial Service in the Cloud
* 2017: Reflection correspondence for exposing photograph manipulation
* 2017: Soil Moisture Retrieval Method Based on Typical Polarization Decomposition Techniques for a Maize Field from Full-Polarization Radarsat-2 Data, A
* 2017: Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Mitigating Effects of Industrial Relocation on the Surface Urban Heat Island over China
* 2018: Distributed Geoscience Algorithm Integration Based on OWS Specifications: A Case Study of the Extraction of a River Network
* 2018: Impacts of Insufficient Observations on the Monitoring of Short- and Long-Term Suspended Solids Variations in Highly Dynamic Waters, and Implications for an Optimal Observation Strategy
* 2018: Improved Boosting Learning Saliency Method for Built-Up Areas Extraction in Sentinel-2 Images, An
* 2018: Learning Spatial-Semantic Context with Fully Convolutional Recurrent Network for Online Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
* 2019: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Enable Search of Big Climate Datasets in THREDDS
* 2019: MORAN: A Multi-Object Rectified Attention Network for scene text recognition
* 2019: Remote Sensing of Secchi Depth in Highly Turbid Lake Waters and Its Application with MERIS Data
* 2020: Geoweaver: Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Managing Hybrid Geoscientific AI Workflows
* 2020: Multi-Exposure Decomposition-Fusion Model for High Dynamic Range Image Saliency Detection
* 2020: TUM-MLS-2016: An Annotated Mobile LiDAR Dataset of the TUM City Campus for Semantic Point Cloud Interpretation in Urban Areas
* 2021: Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest
* 2021: GeoFairy2: A Cross-Institution Mobile Gateway to Location-Linked Data for In-Situ Decision Making
* 2021: Geometry Auxiliary Salient Object Detection for Light Fields via Graph Neural Networks
* 2021: Multi-Task Collaborative Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection, A
* 2021: Resource Allocation in 5G IoV Architecture Based on SDN and Fog-Cloud Computing
* 2021: Survey of Multiple Pedestrian Tracking Based on Tracking-by-Detection Framework, A
* 2021: Vegetation Coverage Prediction for the Qinling Mountains Using the CA-Markov Model
* 2021: Zen-NAS: A Zero-Shot NAS for High-Performance Image Recognition
* 2022: Cycle and Self-Supervised Consistency Training for Adapting Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images
* 2022: Evaluating Machine Learning and Remote Sensing in Monitoring NO2 Emission of Power Plants
* 2022: Fast 3D-HEVC inter coding using data mining and machine learning
* 2022: ICD: VHR-Oriented Interactive Change-Detection Algorithm
* 2022: machine learning-based method for automatic diagnosis of ankle fracture using X-ray images, A
* 2022: Monitoring Scheduling of Drones for Emission Control Areas: An Ant Colony-Based Approach
* 2022: Seeing Far in the Dark with Patterned Flash
* 2022: WaterSmart-GIS: A Web Application of a Data Assimilation Model to Support Irrigation Research and Decision Making
* 2023: Consistent Direct Time-of-Flight Video Depth Super-Resolution
* 2023: Global spatio-temporal synergistic topology learning for skeleton-based action recognition
* 2023: Improved YOLOv5 Method to Detect Tailings Ponds from High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images, An
* 2023: Multi-scale graph neural network for global stereo matching
* 2023: PA&DA: Jointly Sampling PAth and DAta for Consistent NAS
* 2023: Review of Practical AI for Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences, A
* 2023: SAFL-Net: Semantic-Agnostic Feature Learning Network with Auxiliary Plugins for Image Manipulation Detection
* 2023: Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Characteristics of Spatially Aggregated Elements in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Wuhan, China
* 2023: Unleashing the Power of Gradient Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Zero-Shot NAS
* 2024: Cross-Scale Spatiotemporal Refinement Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
Includes: Sun, Z.H.[Zhao Hui] Sun, Z.H.[Zhao-Hui] Sun, Z.H. Sun, Z.H.[Ze-Hang] Sun, Z.H.[Zhong-Hua] Sun, Z.H.[Zi-Heng] Sun, Z.H.[Zhan-Hu] Sun, Z.H.[Zhao-Hua] Sun, Z.H.[Zeng-Hui] Sun, Z.H.[Zhi-Hai] Sun, Z.H.[Zhen-Hui] Sun, Z.H.[Zhen-Hao] Sun, Z.H.[Zheng-Hao] Sun, Z.H.[Zhi-Hao] Sun, Z.H.[Zhi-Heng] Sun, Z.H.[Zhi-Hong] Sun, Z.H.[Zhen-Hong] Sun, Z.H.[Zi-Hao] Sun, Z.H.[Zai-Hong] Sun, Z.H.[Zhang-Hao]
67 for Sun, Z.H.

Sun, Z.H.H.[Zhao Hui H.] * 2017: Reconstruction of highly structured image by entropy optimization
Includes: Sun, Z.H.H.[Zhao Hui H.] Sun, Z.H.H.[Zhao-Hui H.]

Sun, Z.J.[Zhuo Jin] * 2019: Hard negative mining for correlation filters in visual tracking
* 2019: VisDrone-MOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Multiple Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2019: VisDrone-SOT2019: The Vision Meets Drone Single Object Tracking Challenge Results
* 2023: Anti-epidemic Delivery Trolley based on YOLOv5 Image Recognition of Room Numbers and QR Codes, An
* 2024: Novel Attention-Driven Framework for Unsupervised Pedestrian Re-identification with Clustering Optimization, A
Includes: Sun, Z.J.[Zhuo Jin] Sun, Z.J.[Zhuo-Jin] Sun, Z.J.[Zhi-Jin] Sun, Z.J.[Zhao-Jie]

Sun, Z.K.[Zi Kai] * 2018: Detecting Heads using Feature Refine Net and Cascaded Multi-scale Architecture
* 2021: Improving the Efficiency and Robustness of Deepfakes Detection through Precise Geometric Features
* 2022: Algebraic Optimization Approach To Image Registration, An
Includes: Sun, Z.K.[Zi Kai] Sun, Z.K.[Zi-Kai] Sun, Z.K.[Ze-Kun]

Sun, Z.L. * 2007: Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Through Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Extreme Learning Machines, A
* 2011: Application of the LP-ELM Model on Transportation System Lifetime Optimization
* 2012: Tumor Classification Using Eigengene-Based Classifier Committee Learning Algorithm
* 2013: Depth Estimation of Face Images Using the Nonlinear Least-Squares Model
* 2017: Assessing Terrestrial Water Storage and Flood Potential Using GRACE Data in the Yangtze River Basin, China
* 2021: 3D Shape Estimation With an Enhanced Sparse Representation Approach
* 2021: Improving Contrastive Learning by Visualizing Feature Transformation
* 2021: New Hybrid Algorithm to Image Lightning Channels Combining the Time Difference of Arrival Technique and Electromagnetic Time Reversal Technique, A
* 2021: UAV-Based Mapping of Banana Land Area for Village-Level Decision-Support in Rwanda
* 2022: Enhanced Accuracy and Robustness via Multi-teacher Adversarial Distillation
* 2022: Three-Dimensional Mapping on Lightning Discharge Processes Using Two VHF Broadband Interferometers
* 2023: Point Cloud Registration Using Multiattention Mechanism and Deep Hybrid Features
* 2023: Unpaired Image Captioning by Image-Level Weakly-Supervised Visual Concept Recognition
* 2024: Prompt-Based Learning for Unpaired Image Captioning
Includes: Sun, Z.L. Sun, Z.L.[Zhan-Li] Sun, Z.L.[Zhang-Li] Sun, Z.L.[Zheng-Long] Sun, Z.L.[Zhu-Ling] Sun, Z.L.[Zhen-Long]
14 for Sun, Z.L.

Sun, Z.M.[Zhi Min] * 2023: Contrastive Pseudo Learning for Open-World DeepFake Attribution
* 2023: Iterative Algorithm for Predicting Seafloor Topography from Gravity Anomalies, An
* 2024: Comparative Study on Predicting Topography from Gravity Anomaly and Gravity Gradient Anomaly
Includes: Sun, Z.M.[Zhi Min] Sun, Z.M.[Zhi-Min] Sun, Z.M.[Zhong-Miao]

Sun, Z.N.[Zhe Nan] * 2006: Graph Matching Iris Image Blocks with Local Binary Pattern
* 2006: Iris Localization via Pulling and Pushing
* 2007: Coarse Iris Classification by Learned Visual Dictionary
* 2007: Comparative Studies on Multispectral Palm Image Fusion for Biometrics
* 2007: Embedded Palmprint Recognition System on Mobile Devices
* 2007: Identity Verification by Using Handprint
* 2007: Nonlinear Iris Deformation Correction Based on Gaussian Model
* 2007: Online Text-Independent Writer Identification Based on Stroke's Probability Distribution Function
* 2007: Palmprint Recognition Based on Directional Features and Graph Matching
* 2007: Palmprint Recognition Under Unconstrained Scenes
* 2018: Demographic Analysis from Biometric Data: Achievements, Challenges, and New Frontiers
* 2018: Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
* 2018: LFNet: A Novel Bidirectional Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Light-Field Image Super-Resolution
* 2019: Aggregating Randomized Clustering-Promoting Invariant Projections for Domain Adaptation
* 2019: Wasserstein CNN: Learning Invariant Features for NIR-VIS Face Recognition
* 2020: General Framework for Deep Supervised Discrete Hashing, A
* 2020: Learning an Evolutionary Embedding via Massive Knowledge Distillation
* 2022: ESS: Learning Event-Based Semantic Segmentation from Still Images
Includes: Sun, Z.N.[Zhe Nan] Sun, Z.N.[Zhe-Nan] Sun, Z.N.[Zhao-Ning]
18 for Sun, Z.N.

Sun, Z.P.[Zhi Peng] * 2009: active contours method based on intensity and reduced Gabor features for texture segmentation, An
* 2019: Joint Retrieval of Growing Season Corn Canopy LAI and Leaf Chlorophyll Content by Fusing Sentinel-2 and MODIS Images
* 2021: Towards a Fully Automated 3D Reconstruction System Based on LiDAR and GNSS in Challenging Scenarios
* 2021: Variation Tendency of Coastline under Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbance around the Abandoned Yellow River Delta in 1984-2019
Includes: Sun, Z.P.[Zhi Peng] Sun, Z.P.[Zhi-Peng] Sun, Z.P.[Zhong-Ping] Sun, Z.P.[Zhen-Ping]

Sun, Z.Q.[Zeng Qi] * 2004: Accurate and stable vision in robot soccer
* 2004: Visual hand motion capture for guiding a dexterous hand
* 2008: Algorithm of Straight Line Features Matching on Aerial Imagery, An
* 2011: Robust visual tracking via context objects computing
* 2016: Asymmetric distance for spherical hashing
* 2020: Estimating Forest Stock Volume in Hunan Province, China, by Integrating In Situ Plot Data, Sentinel-2 Images, and Linear and Machine Learning Regression Models
* 2021: Rethinking Transformer-based Set Prediction for Object Detection
* 2021: Understanding Urban Growth in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region over the Past 100 Years Using Old Maps and Landsat Data
* 2023: ASM: Adaptive Skinning Model for High-Quality 3D Face Modeling
* 2023: Learning Spatial-Temporal Embeddings for Sequential Point Cloud Frame Interpolation
* 2023: Medical image contrast enhancement based on improved sparrow search algorithm
* 2023: Speech2Lip: High-fidelity Speech to Lip Generation by Learning from a Short Video
* 2024: RASNet: Renal automatic segmentation using an improved U-Net with multi-scale perception and attention unit
Includes: Sun, Z.Q.[Zeng Qi] Sun, Z.Q.[Zeng-Qi] Sun, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qun] Sun, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qian] Sun, Z.Q.[Zi-Qiang] Sun, Z.Q.[Zhong-Qiu] Sun, Z.Q.[Zhi-Qing] Sun, Z.Q.[Zhuo-Qun] Sun, Z.Q.[Zhan-Quan]
13 for Sun, Z.Q.

Sun, Z.R.[Ze Ren] * 2021: Exploiting textual queries for dynamically visual disambiguation
* 2021: Retrieval of Water Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties from Combined Multiwavelength Lidar and Radar Data
Includes: Sun, Z.R.[Ze Ren] Sun, Z.R.[Ze-Ren] Sun, Z.R.[Zhuo-Ran]

Sun, Z.S.[Zhen Sheng] * 2020: Impact of Spatial Resolution on the Classification of Vegetation Types in Highly Fragmented Planting Areas Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hyperspectral Images, The
* 2021: Multi-View Clustering Based on Invisible Weights
* 2021: SAR Image Classification Using Fully Connected Conditional Random Fields Combined with Deep Learning and Superpixel Boundary Constraint
* 2021: SAR Image Classification Using Greedy Hierarchical Learning With Unsupervised Stacked CAEs
* 2023: Recursive RX with Extended Multi-Attribute Profiles for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection
* 2024: Semi-supervised domain generalization with evolving intermediate domain
Includes: Sun, Z.S.[Zhen Sheng] Sun, Z.S.[Zhen-Sheng] Sun, Z.S.[Zhi-Shu]

Sun, Z.T.[Zi Tang] * 2021: Adaptive Image Compression Using GAN based Semantic-perceptual Residual Compensation
* 2021: Semantic Segmentation Refinement Using Entropy and Boundary-guided Monte Carlo Sampling and Directed Regional Search
* 2021: Transformer and Node-Compressed DNN Based Dual-Path System for Manipulated Face Detection
* 2023: Optimised Region-Growing Algorithm for Extraction of the Loess Shoulder-Line from DEMs, An
Includes: Sun, Z.T.[Zi Tang] Sun, Z.T.[Zi-Tang] Sun, Z.T.[Zhi-Tong]

Sun, Z.W.[Zhong Wei] * 2020: 3dcnn for Pulmonary Nodule Segmentation and Classification
* 2023: QTMT-LNN: A fast intra CU partition using lightweight neural network for 360-degree video coding on VVC
Includes: Sun, Z.W.[Zhong Wei] Sun, Z.W.[Zhong-Wei] Sun, Z.W.[Zhe-Wen]

Sun, Z.X.[Zheng Xing] * 2004: online composite graphics recognition approach based on matching of spatial relation graphs, An
* 2008: Sketch retrieval and relevance feedback with biased SVM classification
* 2009: On-line hand-drawn electric circuit diagram recognition using 2D dynamic programming
* 2009: Semi-automatic Roof Reconstruction
* 2015: Online 3D Shape Segmentation by Blended Learning
* 2016: Large-scale three-dimensional measurement based on LED marker tracking
* 2016: Object Tracking with Embedded Deformable Parts in Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
* 2016: PicMarker: Data-Driven Image Categorization Based on Iterative Clustering
* 2017: Online User Modeling for Interactive Streaming Image Classification
* 2017: Unsupervised Multiple Object Cosegmentation via Ensemble MIML Learning
* 2018: 3D reconstruction framework via combining one 3D scanner and multiple stereo trackers
* 2018: Iterative Active Classification of Large Image Collection
* 2018: Prioritizing Abandoned Mine Lands Rehabilitation: Combining Landscape Connectivity and Pattern Indices with Scenario Analysis Using Land-Use Modeling
* 2018: ShapeCreator: 3D Shape Generation from Isomorphic Datasets Based on Autoencoder
* 2018: Stitch-Based Image Stylization for Thread Art Using Sparse Modeling
* 2019: Group-Wise Deep Object Co-Segmentation With Co-Attention Recurrent Neural Network
* 2020: Single View Depth Estimation via Dense Convolution Network with Self-supervision
* 2021: AdaAttN: Revisit Attention Mechanism in Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer
* 2021: Discovering Interpretable Latent Space Directions of GANs Beyond Binary Attributes
* 2021: Flower Image Classification Based on Multi-scale Dense Residual Network
* 2022: Category-Sensitive Incremental Learning for Image-Based 3D Shape Reconstruction
* 2022: Extraction of Photovoltaic Plants Using Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study of the Pilot Energy City of Golmud, China
* 2022: Learning Semantic Segmentation on Unlabeled Real-World Indoor Point Clouds via Synthetic Data
* 2022: Learning Smooth Motion Planning for Intelligent Aerial Transportation Vehicles by Stable Auxiliary Gradient
* 2022: Multi-view 3D Reconstruction from Video with Transformer
* 2022: Sliding Mode Impedance Control for Dual Hand Master Single Slave Teleoperation Systems
* 2022: Transit Signal Priority Enabling Connected and Automated Buses to Cut Through Traffic
* 2022: Using Remote Sensing Data and Species-Environmental Matching Model to Predict the Potential Distribution of Grassland Rodents in the Northern China
* 2022: Viticultural Suitability Analysis Based on Multi-Source Data Highlights Climate-Change-Induced Decrease in Potential Suitable Areas: A Case Analysis in Ningxia, China
* 2023: Airborne LiDAR Strip Adjustment Method Based on Point Clouds with Planar Neighborhoods
* 2023: Image super-resolution based on self-similarity generative adversarial networks
* 2023: PMGCN: Progressive Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting
* 2024: Unsupervised Modality-Transferable Video Highlight Detection With Representation Activation Sequence Learning
Includes: Sun, Z.X.[Zheng Xing] Sun, Z.X.[Zheng-Xing] Sun, Z.X.[Zhi-Xin] Sun, Z.X.[Zhong-Xiang] Sun, Z.X.[Zi-Xun] Sun, Z.X.[Zhan-Xin] Sun, Z.X.[Zhong-Xiao] Sun, Z.X.[Zhi-Xiao] Sun, Z.X.[Zhen-Xing] Sun, Z.X.[Zhi-Xian]
33 for Sun, Z.X.

Sun, Z.Y.[Zhao Yun] * 2009: Image-Based Molding Effect Analysis of HWTD Sample
* 2015: L0-norm based structural sparse least square regression for feature selection
* 2015: Minimum-Entropy-Based Adaptive Focusing Algorithm for Image Reconstruction of Terahertz Single-Frequency Holography With Improved Depth of Focus
* 2016: Modified Aerosol Free Vegetation Index Algorithm for Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using GOSAT TANSO-CAI Data, A
* 2016: Structural feature-based event clustering for short text streams
* 2017: Dark Target Algorithm for the GOSAT TANSO-CAI Sensor in Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval over Land, A
* 2017: Research on Chinese characters recognition in complex background images
* 2018: Deep hashing network for material defect image classification
* 2018: Enhancing Knowledge Graph Completion with Positive Unlabeled Learning
* 2018: Establishment and Evaluation of a New Meteorological Observation-Based Grid Model for Estimating Zenith Wet Delay in Ground-Based Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
* 2019: Determining the Boundary and Probability of Surface Urban Heat Island Footprint Based on a Logistic Model
* 2019: Examination of Surface Wind Asymmetry in Tropical Cyclones over the Northwest Pacific Ocean Using SMAP Observations
* 2019: Global Model for Estimating Tropospheric Delay and Weighted Mean Temperature Developed with Atmospheric Reanalysis Data from 1979 to 2017, A
* 2020: Downscaling TRMM Monthly Precipitation Using Google Earth Engine and Google Cloud Computing
* 2020: Effect of Water Transfer during Non-growing Season on the Wetland Ecosystem via Surface and Groundwater Interactions in Arid Northwestern China, The
* 2020: Finite-time active shimmy control based on uncertain disturbance observer for electric vehicle with independent suspension
* 2020: Local Facial Makeup Transfer via Disentangled Representation
* 2020: Refined Regional Model for Estimating Pressure, Temperature, and Water Vapor Pressure for Geodetic Applications in China, A
* 2020: Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Single Pipeline Radiographic Image
* 2021: Estimating the Key Parameter of a Tropical Cyclone Wind Field Model over the Northwest Pacific Ocean: A Comparison between Neural Networks and Statistical Models
* 2021: Foreign Shadow Robust Makeup Transfer via Hierarchical Deep Aggregation and Disentangled Representation
* 2021: ICycleGAN: Single image dehazing based on iterative dehazing model and CycleGAN
* 2021: Improving the Estimation of Weighted Mean Temperature in China Using Machine Learning Methods
* 2021: NDVI Indicates Long-Term Dynamics of Vegetation and Its Driving Forces from Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors in Mongolian Plateau
* 2021: Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
* 2021: Strong Kuroshio Intrusion into the South China Sea and Its Accompanying Cold-Core Anticyclonic Eddy in Winter 2020-2021, A
* 2021: Study on the Characteristics of Beijing Subsidence Based On Ps-insar/leveling and Primary Investigation of the Relationship With Fault Zone
* 2022: Feature Space Disentangling Based on Spatial Attention for Makeup Transfer
* 2022: INT: Towards Infinite-Frames 3D Detection with an Efficient Framework
* 2022: Learning Distinctive Margin toward Active Domain Adaptation
* 2022: Multi-Resolution Transformer Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image
* 2022: Prediction model for short-term traffic flow based on a K-means-gated recurrent unit combination
* 2022: Pseudo Segmentation for Semantic Information-Aware Stereo Matching
* 2022: SAFA: Sample-Adaptive Feature Augmentation for Long-Tailed Image Classification
* 2022: Self-Supervised Auxiliary Domain Alignment for Unsupervised 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
* 2022: SuperTickets: Drawing Task-Agnostic Lottery Tickets from Supernets via Jointly Architecture Searching and Parameter Pruning
* 2023: Climatic and Anthropogenic Contributions to Vegetation Changes in Guangdong Province of South China
* 2023: Evaluating the Losses and Recovery of GPP in the Subtropical Mangrove Forest Directly Attacked by Tropical Cyclone: Case Study in Hainan Island
* 2023: G2DA: Geometry-guided dual-alignment learning for RGB-infrared person re-identification
* 2023: Pavement Image Enhancement in Pixel-Wise Based on Multi-Level Semantic Information
* 2023: Vegetation Dynamics and Its Response to Extreme Climate on the Inner Mongolian Plateau during 1982-2020
* 2024: Lane changing and keeping as mediating variables to investigate the impact of driving habits on efficiency: An EWM-GRA and CB-SEM approach with trajectory data
* 2024: two-stage robust optimal traffic signal control with reversible lane for isolated intersections, A
Includes: Sun, Z.Y.[Zhao Yun] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yun] Sun, Z.Y.[Zheng-Ya] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhao-Yang] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhong-Yi] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yuan] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yi] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhang-Yu] Sun, Z.Y.[Zong-Yao] Sun, Z.Y.[Zi-Yao] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yu] Sun, Z.Y.[Zi-Yong] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhen-Yu] Sun, Z.Y.[Zi-Yi] Sun, Z.Y.[Zong-Yuan] Sun, Z.Y. Sun, Z.Y.[Zheng-Yang] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhong-Yu] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhi-Yong] Sun, Z.Y.[Zhan-Yi]
43 for Sun, Z.Y.

Sun, Z.Z.[Zachary Z.] * 2012: Real-time global motion blur detection
* 2018: DPPDL: A Dynamic Partial-Parallel Data Layout for Green Video Surveillance Storage
* 2018: fast deconvolution-based approach for single-image super-resolution with GPU acceleration, A
* 2020: Evaluation of Zenith Tropospheric Delay Derived from ERA5 Data over China Using GNSS Observations
* 2020: Fuzzy Superpixels Based Semi-Supervised Similarity-Constrained CNN for PolSAR Image Classification
* 2021: BiFA-YOLO: A Novel YOLO-Based Method for Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images
* 2021: Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Via Global-Level and Patch-Level Discriminative Feature Learning
* 2022: Improved Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using an Adaptive Contrast Enhancement Method and Deep Learning Network with Transfer Learning, An
* 2022: Lightweight Model for Ship Detection and Recognition in Complex-Scene SAR Images, A
* 2022: Middle- and Long-Term UT1-UTC Prediction Based on Constrained Polynomial Curve Fitting, Weighted Least Squares and Autoregressive Combination Model
* 2023: Adaptive Anchor Matching Strategy for Face Detection
* 2023: Counterfactual attention alignment for visible-infrared cross-modality person re-identification
* 2023: Design of a Digital Array Signal Processing System with Full Array Element
* 2023: Fast and Accurate Refocusing for Moving Ships in SAR Imagery Based on FrFT
* 2023: Non-Uniform Interrupted-Sampling Repeater Jamming Method for Intra-Pulse Frequency Agile Radar, A
* 2023: Refocusing Swing Ships in SAR Imagery Based on Spatial-Variant Defocusing Property
* 2023: Research on the Characteristics of Thermosyphon Embankment Damage and Permafrost Distribution Based on Ground-Penetrating Radar: A Case Study of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway
* 2024: PhenoNet: A two-stage lightweight deep learning framework for real-time wheat phenophase classification
Includes: Sun, Z.Z.[Zachary Z.] Sun, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zhuo] Sun, Z.Z.[Zeng-Zeng] Sun, Z.Z.[Zhang-Zhen] Sun, Z.Z.[Zhuang-Zhuang] Sun, Z.Z.[Zhong-Zhen] Sun, Z.Z.[Zong-Zhe] Sun, Z.Z.[Zheng-Zheng] Sun, Z.Z.[Zong-Zheng] Sun, Z.Z.[Zhi-Zhong]
18 for Sun, Z.Z.

Index for "s"

Last update: 6-May-24 16:26:51
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