Titles Starting with f

* F-BRS: Rethinking Backpropagating Refinement for Interactive Segmentation
* F-CAM: Full Resolution Class Activation Maps via Guided Parametric Upscaling
* F-DARTS: Foveated Differentiable Architecture Search Based Multimodal Medical Image Fusion
* F-DES: Fast and Deep Event Summarization
* F-Drop &Match: GANs with a Dead Zone in the High-Frequency Domain
* f-information measures in medical image registration
* F-k Filter Designs to Suppress Direct Waves for Bistatic Ground Penetrating Radar
* F-measure curves: A tool to visualize classifier performance under imbalance
* F-measure optimisation in multi-label classifiers
* F-mixup: Attack CNNs From Fourier Perspective
* F-Net: Deep Residual Learning for InSAR Parameters Estimation
* F-NSP+: A fast negative sequential patterns mining method with self-adaptive data storage
* F-ratio Based Weighted Feature Extraction for Similar Shape Character Recognition
* F-SCP: An automatic prompt generation method for specific classes based on visual language pre-training models
* f-Sim: A quasi-realistic fMRI simulation toolbox using digital brain phantom and modeled noise
* F-SORT: An Alternative for Faster Geometric Verification
* F-TIMER: Fast Tensor Image Morphing for Elastic Registration
* F-TPE: Flexible Thumbnail-Preserving Encryption Based on Multi-Pixel Sum-Preserving Encryption
* F-VAEGAN-D2: A Feature Generating Framework for Any-Shot Learning
* F&F Attack: Adversarial Attack against Multiple Object Trackers by Inducing False Negatives and False Positives
* FłA-GAN: Facial Flow for Face Animation With Generative Adversarial Networks
* F0-Based Gammatone Filtering for Intelligibility Gain of Acoustic Noisy Signals
* F0 Parameterization of Glottalized Tones in HMM-Based Speech Synthesis for Hanoi Vietnamese
* F2-NeRF: Fast Neural Radiance Field Training with Free Camera Trajectories
* F2DNet: Fast Focal Detection Network for Pedestrian Detection
* F2F-NN: A Field-to-Field Wind Speed Retrieval Method of Microwave Radiometer Data Based on Deep Learning
* F2ID: A Personal Identification System Using Faces and Fingerprints
* F2PNet: Font-to-painting translation by adversarial learning
* F2RNET: A Full-Resolution Representation Network for Biomedical Image Segmentation
* F3-Net: Feature Fusion and Filtration Network for Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
* f3d: A file format and tools for storage and manipulation of volumetric data sets
* FA-GAN: Feature-Aware GAN for Text to Image Synthesis
* FA-RDN: A Hybrid Neural Network on GNSS-R Sea Surface Wind Speed Retrieval
* FA-RPN: Floating Region Proposals for Face Detection
* FA3D: Fast and Accurate 3d Object Detection
* FAB-MAP: probabilistic localization and mapping in the space of appearance
* FAB: A Robust Facial Landmark Detection Framework for Motion-Blurred Videos
* FABEMD Based Image Watermarking in Wavelet Domain
* Faber-Schauder Wavelet Transform, Application to Edge Detection and Image Characterization
* FABNet: Frequency-Aware Binarized Network for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Fabric Classification and Matching Using CNN and Siamese Network for E-commerce
* Fabric classification using new mapping of local binary pattern
* Fabric defect classification using radial basis function network
* Fabric Defect Detection and Classification Using Gabor Filters and Gaussian Mixture Model
* Fabric defect detection based on improved low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition
* Fabric defect detection using deep learning: An Improved Faster R-approach
* Fabric defect detection using morphological filters
* Fabric defect detection using saliency of multi-scale local steering kernel
* Fabric Defects' Automatic Inspection Based on Computer Vision
* Fabric inspection based on the Elo rating method
* Fabric Material Recovery from Video Using Multi-scale Geometric Auto-Encoder
* Fabric Retrieval Based on Multi-Task Learning
* Fabricate-Vanish: An Effective and Transferable Black-Box Adversarial Attack Incorporating Feature Distortion
* FabSoften: Face Beautification via Dynamic Skin Smoothing, Guided Feathering, and Texture Restoration
* FAC: 3D Representation Learning via Foreground Aware Feature Contrast
* Facade's Dome of The St. Anthony's Basilica in Padua, The
* Facade Classification for Damage Detection
* Facade Detail from Incomplete Range Data
* Facade Labeling via Explicit Matrix Factorization
* Facade reconstruction from Aerial Images by Multi-View Plane Sweeping
* Facade Reconstruction Using Geometric and Radiometric Point Cloud Information
* Facade Reconstruction Using Multiview Spaceborne TomoSAR Point Clouds
* Facade repetition extraction using block matrix based model
* Facade Structure Parameterization Based on Similarity Detection from Single Image
* FacadeNet: Conditional Facade Synthesis via Selective Editing
* Face-based Age and Gender Classification Using Deep Learning Model
* Face-Based Digital Signatures for Video Retrieval
* Face-Based Illuminant Estimation
* Face-based visually-optimized image sequence coding
* Face-Focused Cross-Stream Network for Deception Detection in Videos
* Face-from-Depth for Head Pose Estimation on Depth Images
* FACE-GRAB: Face recognition with General Region Assigned to Binary operator
* Face-graph matching for classifying groups of people
* Face-iris multi-modal biometric system using multi-resolution Log-Gabor filter with spectral regression kernel discriminant analysis
* Face-MagNet: Magnifying Feature Maps to Detect Small Faces
* Face-mask-aware Facial Expression Recognition based on Face Parsing and Vision Transformer
* Face-mask recognition for fraud prevention using Gaussian mixture model
* Face-Off: A Face Reconstruction Technique for Virtual Reality (VR) Scenarios
* Face-Periocular Cross-Identification via Contrastive Hybrid Attention Vision Transformer
* Face-Specific Data Augmentation for Unconstrained Face Recognition
* Face-Texture Model-Based on SGLD and Its Application in Face Detection in a Color Scene
* Face-TLD: Tracking-Learning-Detection applied to faces
* Face-to-face Communicative Avatar Driven by Voice
* Face-to-Face Contrastive Learning for Social Intelligence Question-Answering
* Face-to-Face Neural Conversation Model, A
* Face-to-Face Social Activity Detection Using Data Collected with a Wearable Device
* Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation
* Face-Tracking and Coding for Video Compression
* face-tracking system to detect falls in the elderly, A
* Face-Voice Authentication Based on 3D Face Models
* Face Action Units for Expressions and Motion Analysis, FAU, FACS
* Face age classification based on a deep hybrid model
* Face Age Classification on Consumer Images with Gabor Feature and Fuzzy LDA Method
* Face age estimation using model selection
* Face age estimation using patch-based hidden Markov model supervectors
* Face age synthesis: A review on datasets, methods, and open research areas
* Face Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
* Face Aging Effect Simulation Using Hidden Factor Analysis Joint Sparse Representation
* Face aging with conditional generative adversarial networks
* Face Aging with Identity-Preserved Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Face Aging with Improved Invertible Conditional GANs
* Face Alignment Accelerator Based on Optimized Coarse-to-Fine Shape Searching, A
* Face Alignment across Large Pose via MT-CNN Based 3D Shape Reconstruction
* Face Alignment Across Large Poses: A 3D Solution
* Face Alignment and Adaptive Weight Assignment for Robust Face Recognition
* Face Alignment Assisted by Head Pose Estimation
* Face Alignment at 3000 FPS via Regressing Local Binary Features
* Face alignment based on fusion subspace and 3D fitting
* Face alignment by coarse-to-fine shape searching
* Face Alignment by Combining Residual Features in Cascaded Hourglass Network
* Face Alignment by Discriminative Feature Learning
* Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression
* Face alignment by minimizing the closest classification distance
* Face alignment by robust discriminative Hough voting
* Face alignment in-the-wild: A Survey
* Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution
* Face alignment recurrent network
* Face Alignment Refinement
* Face alignment robust to occlusion
* Face Alignment Through 2.5d Active Appearance Models
* Face alignment through subspace constrained mean-shifts
* Face alignment under variable illumination
* Face alignment using a 3D deeply-initialized ensemble of regression trees
* Face Alignment Using a Ranking Model based on Regression Trees
* Face Alignment Using Boosting and Evolutionary Search
* Face alignment using cascade Gaussian process regression trees
* Face alignment using intrinsic information
* Face Alignment Using K-Cluster Regression Forests With Weighted Splitting
* Face alignment using local hough voting
* Face Alignment Using Segmentation and a Combined AAM in a PTZ Camera
* Face alignment using statistical models and wavelet features
* Face alignment using structured random regressors combined with statistical shape model fitting
* Face alignment using texture-constrained active shape models
* Face alignment using two-stage cascaded pose regression and mirror error correction
* Face alignment using view-based direct appearance models
* Face alignment via boosted ranking model
* Face Alignment Via Component-Based Discriminative Search
* Face alignment via joint-AAM
* Face Alignment via Regressing Local Binary Features
* Face alignment with Cascaded Bidirectional LSTM Neural Networks
* Face alignment with cascaded semi-parametric deep greedy neural forests
* Face Alignment With Expression- and Pose-Based Adaptive Initialization
* Face Alignment With Kernel Density Deep Neural Network
* Face Alignment with Part-Based Modeling
* Face Alignment with Unified Subspace Optimization of Active Statistical Models
* Face Alignment, Registration, 3-D Models
* Face Alignment, Registration, Recognition
* Face Analysis -- Age Estimation
* Face Analysis -- Age Variations and Related Analysis
* Face Analysis -- Attractiveness, Beauty, Subjective Analysis
* Face Analysis -- Find and Use Features, Facial Features
* Face Analysis -- Gender Classification
* Face Analysis -- High Level Facial Features, Sketches
* Face Analysis -- Kinship Analysis, Relationships
* Face Analysis for the Synthesis of Photo-Realistic Talking Heads
* Face analysis of aggressive moods in automobile driving using mutual subspace method
* Face analysis through semantic face segmentation
* Face Analysis Using Curve Edge Maps
* Face Analysis, Evaluations, Benchmarks, Databases of Images
* Face Analysis, Facial Landmarks
* Face Analysis, General Papers, Surveys
* Face Analysis, Local Binary Patters for Face Recognition
* Face Analysis, Poggio and the MIT Group
* Face Analysis, Profiles
* Face Analysis, Shading, Illumination, Lighting and Color Variations
* Face Analysis: State of the Art and Ethical Challenges
* Face and 2-D mesh animation in MPEG-4
* Face and body-shape integration model for cloth-changing person re-identification
* Face and Body Association for Video-Based Face Recognition
* Face and Ear: A Bimodal Identification System
* Face and environment sensing watch
* Face and Eye Detection for Person Authentication in Mobile Phones
* Face and Eye Rectification in Video Conference Using Affine Transform
* Face and facial expression recognition using Extended Locality Preserving Projection
* Face and facial feature extraction from color image
* Face and Facial Feature Localization
* Face And Facial Feature Tracking Using Deformable Models
* Face and Feature Finding for a Face Recognition System
* Face and Feature Tracking for Cursor Control
* Face and Gesture-Based Interaction for Displaying Comic Books
* Face and Gesture Analysis for COVID-19
* Face and Gesture Recognition System Based on an Active Stereo Sensor, A
* Face And Gesture Recognition: Overview
* Face and Hair Region Labeling Using Semi-Supervised Spectral Clustering-Based Multiple Segmentations
* Face and Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-computer Interaction
* Face and hand gesture recognition using hybrid classifiers
* Face and Hands Detection and Tracking Applied to the Monitoring of Medication Intake
* Face and head detection for a real-time surveillance system
* Face and Human Gait Recognition Using Image-to-Class Distance
* Face and Image Representation in Deep CNN Features
* Face and iris localization using templates designed by particle swarm optimization
* Face and landmark detection by using cascade of classifiers
* Face and palmprint pixel level fusion and Kernel DCV-RBF classifier for small sample biometric recognition
* Face and Palmprint Recognition Approach Based on Discriminant DCT Feature Extraction, A
* Face and Palmprint Recognition Using Hierarchical Multiscale Adaptive LBP with Directional Statistical Features
* Face and Texture Analysis Using Local Descriptors: A Comparative Analysis
* Face Animation with an Attribute-Guided Diffusion Model
* Face Animation, Video Face Synthesis
* Face Annotation for Family Photo Album Management
* Face Annotation Framework with Partial Clustering and Interactive Labeling, A
* Face Annotation Using Transductive Kernel Fisher Discriminant
* Face anti-spoofing based on color texture analysis
* Face Anti-Spoofing Based on Dynamic Color Texture Analysis Using Local Directional Number Pattern
* Face Anti-spoofing Based on General Image Quality Assessment
* Face anti-spoofing detection based on DWT-LBP-DCT features
* Face anti-spoofing detection based on multi-scale image quality assessment
* Face anti-spoofing using feature distilling and global attention learning
* Face Anti-Spoofing Using Spatial Pyramid Pooling
* Face anti-spoofing via deep local binary patterns
* Face Anti-spoofing via Disentangled Representation Learning
* Face Anti-Spoofing via Interaction Learning with Face Image Quality Alignment
* Face Anti-spoofing with Human Material Perception
* Face Anti-Spoofing with Multi-Scale Information
* Face anti-spoofing with multifeature videolet aggregation
* Face Anti-Spoofing: Model Matters, so Does Data
* Face Antispoofing Using Speeded-Up Robust Features and Fisher Vector Encoding
* Face Appearance Reconstruction Based on a Regional Statistical Craniofacial Model (RCSM)
* Face as an index: Knowing who is who using a PDA
* Face as Mouse Through Visual Face Tracking
* Face Association across Unconstrained Video Frames Using Conditional Random Fields
* Face Association for Videos Using Conditional Random Fields and Max-Margin Markov Networks
* Face attribute classification using attribute-aware correlation map and gated convolutional neural networks
* Face attribute editing based on generative adversarial networks
* Face Attributes as Cues for Deep Face Recognition Understanding
* Face Attributes Recognition Based on One-way Inferential Correlation Between Attributes
* Face Authentication Based on Morphological Grid Matching
* Face Authentication Based on Multiple Profiles Extracted from Range Data
* Face Authentication by Retinotopic Sampling of the Gabor Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Face Authentication Competition on the BANCA Database
* Face Authentication for Banking
* Face authentication for multiple subjects using eigenflow
* Face Authentication from Cell Phone Camera Images with Illumination and Temporal Variations
* Face Authentication From Grayscale Coded Light Field
* Face authentication test on the BANCA database
* Face Authentication Using Adapted Local Binary Pattern Histograms
* Face authentication using graph-based low-rank representation of facial local structures for mobile vision applications
* Face Authentication Using One-Class Support Vector Machines
* Face authentication using speed fractal technique
* Face authentication using the trace transform
* Face Authentication with Gabor Information on Deformable Graphs
* Face Authentication With Makeup Changes
* Face Authentication with Salient Local Features and Static Bayesian Network
* Face authentication with undercontrolled pose and illumination
* Face Based Algorithm for Matching Two Line Drawings of a Polyhedron, A
* Face Bio-Metrics Under COVID: Masked Face Recognition
* face biometric benchmarking review and characterisation, A
* Face biometric quality assessment via light CNN
* Face Biometrics for Personal Identification: Multi-Sensory Multi-Modal Systems
* Face Biometrics Under Spoofing Attacks: Vulnerabilities, Countermeasures, Open Issues, and Research Directions
* Face blind separation using wavelet packet independent component analysis
* Face Blurring for Privacy in Street-level Geoviewers Combining Face, Body and Skin Detectors
* Face Box Shape and Verification
* Face cataloger: multi-scale imaging for relating identity to location
* Face Characterization Using Convex Surface Decomposition
* Face Class Modeling Using Mixture of SVMs
* Face Classification based on Shannon Wavelet Kernel and Modified Fisher Criterion
* Face Classification under Different Kernel Function Compared to KNN Classifier
* Face Classification Using Gabor Wavelets and Random Forest
* Face Clustering in Photo Album
* Face Clustering via Graph Convolutional Networks with Confidence Edges
* Face collation apparatus and biometrics data collation apparatus
* Face colour synthesis using partial least squares and the luminance-alpha-colour transform
* Face completion with Hybrid Dilated Convolution
* Face Completion with Semantic Knowledge and Collaborative Adversarial Learning
* Face Components Detection Using SURF Descriptors and SVMs
* Face Composite Sketch Recognition by BoVW-Based Discriminative Representations
* Face contour construction with multiple information
* Face Contour Extraction from Front-View Images
* Face contour tracking in video using active contour model
* Face Database Retrieval Using Pseudo 2D Hidden Markov Models
* Face de-identification with expressions preservation
* Face De-Identification, Privacy
* Face De-Occlusion Using 3D Morphable Model and Generative Adversarial Network
* Face De-Occlusion With Deep Cascade Guidance Learning
* Face De-spoofing: Anti-spoofing via Noise Modeling
* Face Deformation Under Feature Transfer and Geometric Deformation
* Face deidentification with controllable privacy protection
* Face Denoising and 3D Reconstruction from A Single Depth Image
* Face description based on decomposition and combining of a facial space with LDA
* Face Description with Local Binary Patterns: Application to Face Recognition
* Face Destylization
* Face detecting camera and method
* Face Detection Algorithm and Feature Performance on FRGC 2.0 Imagery
* Face Detection and Attentional Frames for Visually Mediated Interaction
* Face Detection and Facial Component Extraction by Wavelet Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Face Detection and Facial Feature Extraction Using Color, Shape and Symmetry Based Cost Functions
* Face detection and facial feature extraction using support vector machines
* Face detection and facial feature localization without considering the appearance of image context
* Face Detection and Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction
* Face detection and landmark localization using Bilayer Tree Structured Model
* Face detection and location based on skin chrominance and lip chrominance transformation from color images
* face detection and location method based on Feature Binding, A
* Face Detection and Object Recognition for a Retinal Prosthesis
* Face Detection and Pose Alignment using Color, Shape and Texture Information
* Face Detection and Precise Eyes Location
* Face detection and recognition using hidden Markov models
* Face detection and stereo matching algorithms for smart surveillance system with IP cameras
* Face Detection and Synthesis Using Markov Random Field Models
* Face Detection and Tracking for Intent Recognition
* Face detection and tracking in a video by propagating detection probabilities
* Face detection and tracking in video sequences using the modified census transformation
* Face Detection and Tracking in Video Using Dynamic Programming
* Face detection and tracking using a Boosted Adaptive Particle Filter
* Face detection and tracking using hybrid margin-based ROI techniques
* Face detection at a distance using saliency maps
* Face detection based on a new color space YCgCr
* Face Detection Based on Color and Local Symmetry Information
* Face detection based on deep convolutional neural networks exploiting incremental facial part learning
* Face Detection Based on Frequency Domain Features
* Face Detection Based on Generic Local Descriptors and Spatial Constraints
* Face detection based on hierarchical support vector machines
* Face detection based on kernel fisher discriminant analysis
* Face Detection Based on Multi-Block LBP Representation
* Face Detection Based on Multi-block Quad Binary Pattern
* Face Detection Based on Multiple Regression and Recognition Support Vector Machines
* Face Detection Based on Skin Color in Video Images with Dynamic Background
* Face detection based on skin color likelihood
* Face Detection Based on Template Matching and Support Vector Machines
* Face Detection Based on the Manifold
* Face detection by aggregated Bayesian network classifiers
* Face Detection by Aggregating Visible Components
* Face detection by cascade of Gaussian derivates classifiers calculated with a half-octave pyramid
* Face Detection By Direct Convexity Estimation
* Face Detection by Facets: Combined Bottom-up and Top-down Search Using Compound Templates
* Face Detection by Fuzzy Pattern Matching
* Face detection by structural models
* Face detection directly from h.264 compressed video with convolutional neural network
* Face detection evaluation: a new approach based on the golden ratio ?
* Face detection for automatic exposure control in handheld camera
* Face Detection for Pseudo-Semantic Labeling in Video Databases
* Face Detection for Video Summaries
* Face detection for video summary using illumination-compensation and morphological processing
* Face detection for visual surveillance
* Face Detection from Cluttered Images Using a Polynomial Neural Network
* Face Detection from Color Images Using a Fuzzy Pattern Matching Method
* Face detection from few training examples
* Face Detection Home Page
* Face Detection in a Video Sequence: A Temporal Approach
* Face Detection in Color Images
* Face Detection in Colour Images
* Face Detection in Complex Environments from Color Images
* Face detection in complicated backgrounds and different illumination conditions by using YCbCr color space and neural network
* Face detection in digital images
* Face detection in gray scale images using locally linear embeddings
* Face Detection in Low-Resolution Color Images
* Face Detection in Low-Resolution Images
* Face Detection in Painting Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Face Detection in Still Gray Images
* Face detection in the compressed domain
* Face Detection in the Near-IR Spectrum
* Face Detection in Thermal Infrared Images: A Comparison of Algorithm- and Machine-Learning-Based Approaches
* Face Detection in Video Using Local Spatio-temporal Representations
* Face Detection in Video
* Face Detection Method Based on Multi-Band Feature Extraction in the Near-IR Spectrum, A
* Face detection method based on photoplethysmography
* Face Detection on Still Images Using HIT Maps
* Face detection speed improvement using bitmap-based Histogram of Oriented gradien
* Face detection technique based on intesity and skin color distribution
* Face detection through compact classifier using Adaptive Look-Up-Table
* Face Detection using a Mixture of Factor Analyzers
* Face detection using a modified radial basis function neural network
* Face Detection Using a Time-of-Flight Camera
* Face Detection Using an SVM Trained in Eigenfaces Space
* Face detection using coarse-to-fine support vector classifiers
* Face detection using color segmentation and RHT
* Face Detection Using Combinations of Classifiers
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and support vector machine in video
* Face detection using discriminating feature analysis and Support Vector Machine
* Face detection using generalised integral image features
* Face Detection Using GPU-Based Convolutional Neural Networks
* Face Detection Using Large Margin Classifiers
* Face detection using local maxima
* Face Detection Using Look-Up Table Based Gentle AdaBoost
* Face Detection Using Mixtures of Linear Subspaces
* Face Detection using Multi-modal Information
* Face Detection Using Multimodal Density Models
* Face Detection Using Multiple Cues
* Face detection using one-class-based support vectors
* Face detection using simplified Gabor features and hierarchical regions in a cascade of classifiers
* Face Detection Using Spectral Histograms and SVMs
* Face detection using SURF cascade
* Face detection using templates
* Face detection using the 1st-order RCE classifer
* Face detection with a Viola-Jones based hybrid network
* Face detection with boosted Gaussian features
* Face Detection With Different Scales Based on Faster R-CNN
* Face Detection with Effective Feature Extraction
* Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a 3D Model
* Face Detection with High Precision Based on Radial-Symmetry Transform and Eye-Pair Checking
* Face Detection with Information Based Maximum Discrimination
* Face Detection with the Faster R-CNN
* Face detection with the modified census transform
* Face Detection without Bells and Whistles
* Face detection
* Face Detection, Alignment, and Recognition
* Face Detection, Bounding Box Aggregation and Pose Estimation for Robust Facial Landmark Localisation in the Wild
* Face detection, pose estimation, and landmark localization in the wild
* Face Detection: A Survey
* Face direction estimation using a single gray-level image
* Face Discovery with Social Context
* Face distance estimation from a monocular camera
* Face distinctiveness in recognition across viewpoint: an analysis of the statistical structure of face spaces
* Face Distortion Recovery Based on Online Learning Database for Conversational Video
* Face distributions in similarity space under varying head pose
* Face Exemplars Selection from Video Streams for Online Learning
* Face Expression Recognition and Analysis, Facial Expression Analysis, Facial Expressions
* Face Expression Recognition Based on Lightweight Fused Attention Mechanism
* Face Expression Recognition by Cross Modal Data Association
* Face Expression Recognition for Human Comupter Interaction
* Face Expression Recognition for Pain
* Face Expression Recognition for Stress
* Face Expression Recognition from a Single Image
* Face Expression Recognition through Broken Symmetries
* Face Expression Recognition Using Learning, Neural Nets
* Face Expression Recognition with the Optimization based Multi-SVNN Classifier and the Modified LDP Features
* Face Fairness Framework for 3D Meshes, A
* Face Feature Extraction and Recognition Based on Discriminant Subclass-Center Manifold Preserving Projection
* Face Feature Extraction from Spatial Frequency for Dynamic Expression Recognition
* Face Feature Weighted Fusion Based on Fuzzy Membership Degree for Video Face Recognition
* Face fiducial detection by consensus of exemplars
* Face filtering: Insights from real-world data
* Face Flow
* Face Forensics in the Wild
* Face Forgery Detection Based on Facial Region Displacement Trajectory Series
* Face Forgery Detection Based on Segmentation Network
* Face Forgery Detection by 3D Decomposition and Composition Search
* Face Forgery Detection by 3D Decomposition
* Face Forgery Detection with Long-Range Noise Features and Multilevel Frequency-Aware Clues
* Face Forgery
* Face Frontalization Using an Appearance-Flow-Based Convolutional Neural Network
* Face Frontalization
* Face Gender Classification on Consumer Images in a Multiethnic Environment
* Face gender classification: A statistical study when neutral and distorted faces are combined for training and testing purposes
* Face Generation and Editing With StyleGAN: A Survey
* Face Generation for Low-Shot Learning Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Face Hallucination and Recognition
* Face hallucination based on cluster consistent dictionary learning
* Face Hallucination Based on Modified Neighbor Embedding and Global Smoothness Constraint
* Face hallucination based on nonparametric Bayesian learning
* Face hallucination based on PCA dictionary pairs
* Face hallucination based on sparse local-pixel structure
* Face Hallucination by Attentive Sequence Optimization with Reinforcement Learning
* Face hallucination by deep traversal network
* Face Hallucination by Learning Local Distance Metric
* Face Hallucination for Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Models
* Face hallucination from low quality images using definition-scalable inference
* Face Hallucination on Personal Photo Albums
* Face hallucination revisited: A joint framework
* Face hallucination scheme based on singular value content metric for K-NN selection and an iterative refining in a modified feature space
* Face Hallucination Through Dual Associative Learning
* Face Hallucination Through KPCA
* Face Hallucination under an Image Decomposition Perspective
* Face Hallucination Using Cascaded Super-Resolution and Identity Priors
* Face Hallucination Using Linear Models of Coupled Sparse Support
* Face Hallucination Using Manifold-Regularized Group Locality-Constrained Representation
* Face hallucination using OLPP and Kernel Ridge Regression
* Face hallucination using region-based deep convolutional networks
* Face Hallucination via Coarse-to-Fine Recursive Kernel Regression Structure
* Face hallucination via K-selection mean constrained sparse representation
* Face Hallucination via Similarity Constraints
* Face hallucination VIA sparse coding
* Face Hallucination Via Weighted Adaptive Sparse Regularization
* Face Hallucination With Finishing Touches
* Face hallucination with imprecise-alignment using iterative sparse representation
* Face hallucination with pose variation
* Face Hallucination: Theory and Practice
* Face identification across different poses and illuminations with a 3D morphable model
* Face Identification and Verification via ECOC
* Face Identification Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Neural Networks
* Face Identification by a Cascade of Rejection Classifiers
* Face Identification by Deformation Measure
* Face Identification by Fitting a 3D Morphable Model Using Linear Shape and Texture Error Functions
* Face identification from low resolution near-infrared images
* Face identification from one single sample face image
* Face Identification Using a 3D Gray-Scale Image: A Method for Lessening Restrictions on Facial Directions
* Face Identification Using Large Feature Sets
* Face identification using linear regression
* Face Identification Using Local Ternary Tree Pattern Based Spatial Structural Components
* Face Identity-Aware Disentanglement in StyleGAN
* Face identity and expression consistency for game character face swapping
* Face Illumination Manipulation Using a Single Reference Image by Adaptive Layer Decomposition
* Face illumination normalization on large and small scale features
* Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations
* Face illumination transfer through edge-preserving filters
* Face Image Analysis by Unsupervised Learning
* Face image assessment learned with objective and relative face image qualities for improved face recognition
* Face image classification by pooling raw features
* Face image classification using combined classifier
* Face image data processing devices
* Face Image Editing, Portrait Editing, Interactive Editing
* Face Image Enhancement Taking into Account Lighting Behavior on a Face
* Face image enhancement using 3D and spectral information
* Face Image Generation of Anime Characters Using an Advanced First Order Motion Model with Facial Landmarks
* Face Image Illumination Processing Based on Generative Adversarial Nets
* Face Image Inpainting Based on Generative Adversarial Network
* Face Image Inpainting With Evolutionary Generators
* Face Image Lighting Enhancement Using a 3D Model
* Face Image Matching using Fractal Dimension
* Face Image Modeling by Multilinear Subspace Analysis With Missing Values
* Face image processing by TV filter and super-resolution
* Face image processing system
* Face Image Quality Assessment Based on Learning to Rank
* Face Image Quality Assessment for Model and Human Perception
* Face Image Quality Estimation on Presentation Attack Detection
* Face Image Quality Evaluation for ISO/IEC Standards 19794-5 and 29794-5
* Face image quality for actor profile image curation
* Face Image Quality Vector Assessment for Biometrics Applications
* Face Image Quality
* Face image recognition apparatus
* face image recognition scheme with strong tolerances to lighting fluctuations, A
* Face Image Reflection Removal
* Face Image Relighting using Locally Constrained Global Optimization
* Face image retrieval by shape manipulation
* Face image retrieval by using Haar features
* Face Image Retrieval System Using TFV and Combination of Subimages
* Face Image Retrieval Using HMMs
* Face Image Retrieval with Attribute Manipulation
* Face Image Super-Resolution Based on Topology ICA and Sparse Representation
* Face Image Super-Resolution Through Improved Neighbor Embedding
* Face Image Super-Resolution via K-NN Regularized Collaborative Representation with Importance Reweighting
* Face image super-resolution via sparse representation and wavelet transform
* Face image super-resolution via weighted patches regression
* Face image super resolution by linear transformation
* Face in any Form: New Challenges and Opportunities for Face Recognition Technology, A
* Face indexing and searching from videos
* Face Indexing on Video Data: Extraction, Recognition, Tracking and Modeling
* Face information forensics analysis based on facial aging: A Survey
* Face inpainting based on high-level facial attributes
* Face Inpainting with Local Linear Representations
* Face Inverse Rendering via Hierarchical Decoupling
* Face It!: A Pipeline for Real-Time Performance-Driven Facial Animation
* Face k-D Trees for Bounded Error Point Location Operations and Surface Simplification
* Face Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixtures and Cascaded Deformable Model
* Face Liveness Detection Based on Perceptual Image Quality Assessment Features with Multi-scale Analysis
* Face liveness detection by exploring multiple scenic clues
* Face liveness detection by focusing on frontal faces and image backgrounds
* Face Liveness Detection by Learning Multispectral Reflectance Distributions
* Face liveness detection for combating the spoofing attack in face recognition
* Face Liveness Detection From a Single Image via Diffusion Speed Model
* Face Liveness Detection from a Single Image with Sparse Low Rank Bilinear Discriminative Model
* Face liveness detection under bad illumination conditions
* Face liveness detection using analysis of Fourier spectra based on hair
* Face liveness detection using convolutional-features fusion of real and deep network generated face images
* Face liveness detection using dynamic texture
* Face liveness detection with feature discrimination between sharpness and blurriness
* Face liveness detection: fusing colour texture feature and deep feature
* Face Localization and Authentication Using Color and Depth Images
* Face Localization and Facial Feature Extraction Based on Shape and Color Information
* Face Localization Based on the Morphological Multiscale Fingerprint
* Face localization based on the morphological multiscale fingerprints
* Face localization by neural networks trained with Zernike moments and Eigenfaces feature vectors. A comparison
* Face Localization Using an Effective Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm
* Face localization via hierarchical Condensation with Fisher boosting feature selection
* Face Location Algorithm Robust to Complex Lighting Conditions, A
* Face Location by Template Matching with a Quadratic Discriminant Function
* Face Location in Dim-Lightening Coal Mine Surveillance Images
* Face Location in Wavelet-Based Video Compression for High Perceptual Quality Videoconferencing
* Face Mask Aware Robust Facial Expression Recognition During the Covid-19 Pandemic
* Face mask detection using deep convolutional neural network and multi-stage image processing
* Face Mask Extraction in Video Sequence
* Face Matching and Retrieval in Forensics Applications
* Face Matching Between Near Infrared and Visible Light Images
* Face Matching through Information Theoretical Attention Points and Its Applications to Face Detection and Classification
* Face Mis-alignment Analysis by Multiple-Instance Subspace
* Face Model Adaptation for Tracking and Active Appearance Model Training
* Face model adaptation using robust matching and active appearance models
* Face model adaptation with active tracking
* Face Model Fitting Based on Machine Learning from Multi-Band Images of Facial Components
* Face Model Fitting on Low Resolution Images
* Face Model Generation, Three-Dimensional Models
* Face Modeling and Adaptive Texture Mapping for Model Based Video Coding
* Face Modeling and Analysis in Stony Brook University
* Face Modeling and Animation Language for MPEG-4 XMT Framework
* Face modeling and editing with statistical local feature control models
* Face modeling and recognition in 3-D
* Face modeling and tracking with Gabor Wavelet Network prior
* Face Modeling and Wrinkle Simulation Using Convolution Surface
* Face Modeling for Recognition
* Face Modelling and Tracking from Range Scans
* Face Models: How Good Does My Data Need To Be?
* Face morph detection for unknown morphing algorithms and image sources: a multi-scale block local binary pattern fusion approach
* Face Morph Detection Method Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Occlusion Test, A
* Face morphing attack detection and attacker identification based on a watchlist
* Face morphing attacks and face image quality: The effect of morphing and the unsupervised attack detection by quality
* Face morphing detection in the presence of printing/scanning and heterogeneous image sources
* Face Morphing Detection: An Approach Based on Image Degradation Analysis
* Face Mosaicing for Pose Robust Video-Based Recognition
* Face Normals In-the-Wild Using Fully Convolutional Networks
* Face obscuration in a video sequence by integrating kernel-based mean-shift and active contour
* Face occlusion detection by using B-spline active contour and skin color information
* Face Occlusion Detection for Automated Teller Machine Surveillance
* Face Painting: querying art with photos
* Face Parsing from RGB and Depth Using Cross-Domain Mutual Learning
* Face Parsing With RoI Tanh-Warping
* Face Parts Extraction Windows Based on Bilateral Symmetry of Gradient Direction
* Face parts importance in face and expression recognition
* Face Parts Localization Using Structured-Output Regression Forests
* Face perspective understanding using artificial neural network group-based tree
* Face photo-sketch recognition based on joint dictionary learning
* Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition
* Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis Via Domain-Invariant Feature Embedding
* Face photo-sketch synthesis via full-scale identity supervision
* Face Photo-Sketch Transformation and Population Generation
* Face photo recognition using sketch
* Face Photo Synthesis Via Intermediate Semantic Enhancement Generative Adversarial Network
* Face Pose Discrimination Using Support Vector Machines (SVM)
* Face Pose Estimating System based on Eigen Space Analysis
* Face pose estimation and its application in video shot selection
* Face pose estimation and tracking using automatic 3D model construction
* Face Pose Estimation From Video Sequence Using Dynamic Bayesian Network
* Face Pose Estimation in Uncontrolled Environments
* Face pose estimation with automatic 3D model creation in challenging scenarios
* Face pose estimation with combined 2D and 3D HOG features
* Face Pose Recognition Based on Monocular Digital Imagery and Stereo-Based Estimation of its Precision
* Face Pose, Head Pose from Stereo, Multi-View, Depth, or Range Data
* Face Pose, Head Pose
* Face posture estimation using eigen analysis on an IBR (image based rendered) database
* Face presentation attack detection across spectrum using time-frequency descriptors of maximal response in Laplacian scale-space
* Face presentation attack detection based on chromatic co-occurrence of local binary pattern and ensemble learning
* Face Presentation Attack Detection by Excavating Causal Clues and Adapting Embedding Statistics
* Face Presentation Attack Detection by Exploring Spectral Signatures
* Face presentation attack detection in mobile scenarios: A comprehensive evaluation
* Face Presentation Attack with Latex Masks in Multispectral Videos
* Face Processing and Frontal Face Verification
* Face processing and recognition using learning and evolution
* Face processing in humans is compatible with a simple shape-based model of vision
* Face Processing in Video
* Face Processing System Based on Committee Machine: The Approach and Experimental Results, A
* Face Processing: Advanced Modeling and Methods
* Face Profile Biometric Enhanced by Eyewitness Testimonies
* Face Profile View Retrieval Using Time of Flight Camera Image Analysis
* Face quality analysis of single-image super-resolution based on SIFT
* Face re-identification challenge: Are face recognition models good enough?
* Face Re-Identification for Digital Signage Applications
* Face Re-Lighting from a Single Image under Harsh Lighting Conditions
* Face Recognition Accuracy Across Demographics: Shining a Light Into the Problem
* Face recognition across large pose variations via Boosted Tied Factor Analysis
* Face Recognition Across Pose and Illumination
* Face Recognition across Pose on Video Using Eigen Light-Fields
* Face Recognition Across Pose Using View Based Active Appearance Models (VBAAMs) on CMU Multi-PIE Dataset
* Face Recognition Across Pose with Automatic Estimation of Pose Parameters through AAM-Based Landmarking
* Face recognition across pose: A review
* Face Recognition Across Poses Using a Single 3D Reference Model
* Face Recognition after Plastic Surgery: A Comprehensive Study
* Face Recognition against Mouth Shape Variations
* Face recognition against occlusions via colour fusion using 2D-MCF model and SRC
* Face recognition algorithm based on feature descriptor and weighted linear sparse representation
* Face Recognition Algorithm on the Basis of Truncated Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Synthetic Discriminant Functions
* Face Recognition Algorithms as Models of Human Face Processing
* Face Recognition Algorithms Surpass Humans Matching Faces Over Changes in Illumination
* Face recognition and alignment using support vector machines
* Face Recognition and Retrieval Using Cross-Age Reference Coding With Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset
* Face recognition apparatus, method, system and computer readable medium thereof
* Face recognition approach based on rank correlation of Gabor-filtered images
* Face recognition at-a-distance based on sparse-stereo reconstruction
* Face Recognition at-a-Distance Using Texture, Dense- and Sparse-Stereo Reconstruction
* Face Recognition at a Distance, In the wild, In-the-Wild, Low Resolution Faces
* Face recognition based on 2D Fisherface approach
* Face recognition based on 2D images under illumination and pose variations
* Face recognition based on 3D ridge images obtained from range data
* Face Recognition based on a 3D Morphable Model
* Face recognition based on a group decision-making combination approach
* Face recognition based on a two-view projective transformation using one sample per subject
* Face recognition based on adaptive margin and diversity regularization constraints
* Face Recognition Based on City-Block and Mahalanobis Cosine Distance
* Face Recognition Based on Depth and Curvature Features
* Face Recognition Based on Depth Maps and Surface Curvature
* Face Recognition Based on Discriminant Fractional Fourier Feature Extraction
* Face recognition based on discriminative manifold learning
* Face Recognition Based on Efficient Facial Scale Estimation
* Face recognition based on face-specific subspace
* Face Recognition Based on Face Gabor Image and SVM
* Face recognition based on fitting a 3D morphable model
* Face Recognition Based on Frontal Views Generated from Non-Frontal Images
* Face Recognition Based on Gabor Features and Unit-Linking PCNN
* Face recognition based on Gabor features
* Face recognition based on genetic algorithm
* Face Recognition Based on GPPBTF and LBP With Classifier Fusion
* Face recognition based on Gradient Gabor feature
* Face Recognition Based on Illumination Adaptive LDA
* Face recognition based on image sets
* Face recognition based on LBP and orthogonal rank-one tensor projections
* Face recognition based on local uncorrelated and weighted global uncorrelated discriminant transforms
* Face Recognition Based on Locally Salient ICA Information
* Face recognition based on multi-class mapping of Fisher scores
* Face Recognition Based on Multiple Facial Features
* Face Recognition Based on Mutual Projection of Feature Distributions
* Face Recognition Based on Nearest Linear Combinations
* Face recognition based on neighbourhood discriminant preserving embedding
* Face recognition based on non-corresponding region matching
* Face Recognition Based on Nonlinear DCT Discriminant Feature Extraction Using Improved Kernel DCV
* Face Recognition Based on Normalization and the Phase Spectrum of the Local Part of an Image
* Face Recognition Based on Panoramic Video
* Face recognition based on perceived facial images and multilayer perceptron neural network using constructive training algorithm
* Face Recognition Based on Pose-Variant Image Synthesis and Multi-level Multi-feature Fusion
* Face Recognition Based on Projected Color Space With Lighting Compensation
* Face Recognition Based on Projection Map and Fourier Transform for One Training Image Per Person
* Face recognition based on random feature
* Face Recognition Based on Recursive Bayesian Fusion of Multiple Signals and Results from Expert Classifier Sets
* Face Recognition Based on Regularized Nearest Points Between Image Sets
* Face recognition based on the appearance of local regions
* Face recognition based on the fusion of global and local HOG features of face images
* Face recognition based on the multi-scale local image structures
* Face recognition based on the uncorrelated discriminant transformation
* Face Recognition Based on Videos by Using Convex Hulls
* Face Recognition Based on Wavelet-Curvelet-Fractal Technique
* Face recognition breakthrough
* Face Recognition by 3D Registration for the Visually Impaired Using a RGB-D Sensor
* Face Recognition by Auto-associative Radial Basis Function Network
* Face Recognition by Bidirectional View Synthesis
* Face recognition by capturing eye illumination spot
* Face Recognition by Combining Complementary Matchings of Single Image and Sequential Images
* Face Recognition by Combining Kernel Associative Memory and Gabor Transforms
* Face recognition by combining several algorithms
* Face Recognition by Computer
* Face Recognition by Computers and Humans
* Face Recognition by Cortical Multi-scale Line and Edge Representations
* Face Recognition by Curvelet Based Feature Extraction
* Face Recognition by Discriminant Analysis with Gabor Tensor Representation
* Face Recognition by Distribution Specific Feature Extraction
* Face Recognition by Elastic Bunch Graph Matching
* Face Recognition by Estimating Facial Distinctive Information Distribution
* Face Recognition by Exploring Information Jointly in Space, Scale and Orientation
* Face Recognition by Expression-Driven Sketch Graph Matching
* Face recognition by facial attribute assisted network
* Face Recognition by Feature Orientation and Feature Geometry Matching
* Face Recognition by Fisher and Scatter Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition by fusing thermal infrared and visible imagery
* Face recognition by fusion of local and global matching scores using DS theory: An evaluation with uni-classifier and multi-classifier paradigm
* Face Recognition by Humans: Nineteen Results All Computer Vision Researchers Should Know About
* Face recognition by independent component analysis
* Face Recognition by Inverse Fisher Discriminant Features
* Face recognition by landmark pooling-based CNN with concentrate loss
* Face Recognition by Matching 2D and 3D Geodesic Distances
* Face Recognition by Multi-Frame Fusion of Rotating Heads in Videos
* Face Recognition by Projection-based 3D Normalization and Shading Subspace Orthogonalization
* Face Recognition by Regularized Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition by sparse discriminant analysis via joint L2,1-norm minimization
* Face recognition by statistical analysis of feature detectors
* Face Recognition by Stepwise Nonparametric Margin Maximum Criterion
* Face Recognition by Support Vector Machines
* Face Recognition by SVMs Classification And Manifold Learning of 2D and 3D Radial Geodesic Distances
* Face recognition by using discriminative common vectors
* Face Recognition by Using Elongated Local Binary Patterns with Average Maximum Distance Gradient Magnitude
* Face recognition committee machines: dynamic vs. static structures
* Face Recognition Despite Wearing Glasses
* Face recognition for authentication on mobile devices
* Face Recognition for Fisheye Images
* Face recognition for newborns
* Face Recognition for Newborns, Toddlers, and Pre-School Children: A Deep Learning Approach
* Face Recognition for Smart Environments
* Face recognition for smart interactions
* Face Recognition for Video Indexing: Randomization of Face Templates Improves Robustness to Facial Expression
* Face recognition for web-scale datasets
* Face recognition from 2D and 3D images using 3D Gabor filters
* Face Recognition From 2D And 3D Images
* Face recognition from 3d data using iterative closest point algorithm and gaussian mixture models
* Face Recognition from a Single Image Per Person: A Survey
* Face Recognition from a Single Training Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using Spherical Harmonics
* Face Recognition from a Tabula Rasa Perspective
* Face Recognition from Caption-Based Supervision
* Face Recognition from Color Images in Presence of Dynamic Orientations and Illumination Conditions
* Face Recognition from Color Images Using Sparse Projection Analysis
* Face Recognition from Face Motion Manifolds using Robust Kernel Resistor-Average Distance
* Face recognition from face profile using dynamic time warping
* Face Recognition from Facial Surface Metric
* Face Recognition from Images with High Pose Variations by Transform Vector Quantization
* Face Recognition from Long-Term Observations
* Face Recognition from Multiple Stylistic Sketches: Scenarios, Datasets, and Evaluation
* Face Recognition from One Example View
* Face Recognition from Profiles Using Morphological Operations
* Face Recognition from Robust SIFT Matching
* Face recognition from single sample based on human face perception
* Face Recognition from Spatially-Morphed Video Sequences
* Face Recognition from Still Images to Video Sequences: A Local-Feature-Based Framework
* Face Recognition from Unconstrained Images: Progress with Prototypes
* Face Recognition from Unfamiliar Views: Subspace Methods and Pose Dependency
* Face recognition from video images
* Face Recognition From Video using Active Appearance Model Segmentation
* Face Recognition from Video Using the Generic Shape-Illumination Manifold
* Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video
* Face Recognition from Video, Faces in Video, Chellappa Group Papers
* Face Recognition from Video: A Condensation Approach
* Face recognition in 2D and 2.5D using ridgelets and photometric stereo
* Face Recognition in a Meeting Room
* Face Recognition in Color Using Complex and Hypercomplex Representations
* Face Recognition in Dynamic Scenes
* Face recognition in hyperspectral images
* Face recognition in JPEG and JPEG2000 compressed domain
* Face recognition in JPEG compressed domain: A novel coefficient selection approach
* Face recognition in low-quality images using adaptive sparse representations
* Face recognition in low resolution thermal images
* Face Recognition in Movie Trailers via Mean Sequence Sparse Representation-Based Classification
* Face recognition in multi-camera surveillance videos
* Face recognition in real-world surveillance videos with deep learning method
* Face Recognition in the Dark
* Face Recognition in the Presence of Multiple Illumination Sources
* Face recognition in the SWIR band when using single sensor multi-wavelength imaging systems
* Face Recognition in the Thermal Infrared Spectrum
* Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments: A Comparative Study
* Face recognition in unconstrained videos with matched background similarity
* Face Recognition in Uncontrolled Conditions Using Sparse Representation and Local Features
* Face recognition in video with closed-loop super-resolution
* Face Recognition in Video: Adaptive Fusion of Multiple Matchers
* Face Recognition in Videos by Label Propagation
* Face Recognition in Videos Using Adaptive Graph Appearance Models
* Face Recognition in Videos: A Graph Based Modified Kernel Discriminant Analysis
* Face Recognition Issues in a Border Control Environment
* Face recognition method and apparatus using component-based face descriptor
* Face recognition method using artificial neural network and apparatus thereof
* Face Recognition Method Using Higher Order Local Autocorrelation and Multivariate Analysis, A
* Face Recognition of Video sequences in a MPEG-7 Context using a Global Eigen Approach
* Face recognition on large-scale video in the wild with hybrid Euclidean-and-Riemannian metric learning
* Face Recognition on Low Quality Surveillance Images, by Compensating Degradation
* Face recognition on partially occluded images using compressed sensing
* Face recognition outside the visible spectrum
* Face Recognition Performance under Aging
* Face Recognition Robust to Head Pose from One Sample Image
* Face recognition robust to left/right shadows; facial symmetry
* Face Recognition Scheme Based on Embedded Hidden Markov Model and Selective Ensemble Strategy, A
* Face recognition subject to variations in facial expression, illumination and pose using correlation filters
* face recognition system based on automatically determined facial fiducial points, A
* Face Recognition System Based on Local Feature Analysis, A
* face recognition system dealing with expression variant faces, A
* Face Recognition System for the PC
* Face Recognition System Using Accurate and Rapid Estimation of Facial Position and Scale
* Face recognition system using Extended Curvature Gabor classifier bunch for low-resolution face image
* Face Recognition System Using Local Autocorrelations and Multiscale Integration
* Face Recognition System Using Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature Under Uncontrolled Illumination Variation
* Face recognition system with hybrid template protection scheme for Cyber-Physical-Social Services
* Face recognition system
* Face Recognition Systems for Phones, Mobile Devices
* Face Recognition Systems from Single Example, One Sample, One Shot
* Face Recognition Systems Using Neural Networks, Learning
* Face Recognition Systems
* Face Recognition Systems, Occlusions, Masks
* Face recognition tech goes on trial
* Face Recognition Technique Using Symbolic Linear Discriminant Analysis Method
* Face recognition template in photo indexing: A proposal of hybrid Principal Component Analysis and triangular approach (PCAaTA)
* Face Recognition Through Geometrical Features
* Face recognition through mismatch driven representations of the face
* Face recognition through regional weight estimation
* Face Recognition under Ageing Effect: A Comparative Analysis
* Face recognition under arbitrary illumination using illuminated exemplars
* Face recognition under illumination variations based on eight local directional patterns
* Face recognition under large illumination variations using homomorphic filtering in spatial domain
* Face Recognition Under Low Illumination Via Deep Feature Reconstruction Network
* Face recognition under pose variation with active shape model to adjust Gabor filter kernels and to correct feature extraction location
* Face recognition under pose variation with local Gabor features enhanced by Active Shape and Statistical Models
* Face recognition under pose variations using shape-adapted texture features
* Face recognition under spoofing attacks: countermeasures and research directions
* Face recognition under variable lighting using harmonic image exemplars
* Face Recognition under Variant Illumination Using PCA and Wavelets
* Face recognition under varying illumination based on a 2D face shape model
* Face recognition under varying illumination based on adaptive homomorphic eight local directional patterns
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Based on MAP Estimation Incorporating Correlation Between Surface Points
* Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination Using Gradientfaces
* Face Recognition under Varying Illumination with Logarithmic Fractal Analysis
* Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Based on the Probabilistic Model of Gabor Phase
* Face Recognition under Varying Lighting Conditions Using Self Quotient Image
* Face Recognition Under Varying Pose
* Face Recognition Using 2-D, 3-D, and Infrared: Is Multimodal Better Than Multisample?
* Face Recognition using 2.5D Shape Information
* Face Recognition Using 2D and 3D Multimodal Local Features
* Face Recognition Using 3-D Models: Pose and Illumination
* Face Recognition Using 3D Directional Corner Points
* Face Recognition Using a Color PCA Framework
* Face recognition using a color tensor framework
* Face Recognition Using a DCT-HMM Approach
* Face recognition using a digital neural network with self-organising capabilities
* Face Recognition using a Fast Model Synthesis from a Profile and a Frontal View
* Face recognition using a fourier polar based approach
* Face Recognition Using a Fuzzy Approach and a Multi-agent System from Video Sequences
* Face recognition using a fuzzy fisherface classifier
* Face recognition using a hybrid model
* Face Recognition Using A Hybrid Supervised Unsupervised Neural-Network
* Face Recognition Using a Hybrid Supervised/Unsupervised Neural Network
* Face recognition using a kernel fractional-step discriminant analysis algorithm
* Face Recognition Using a Multi-Manifold Discriminant Analysis Method
* Face recognition using a pictorial-edit distance
* Face Recognition Using a Surface Normal Model
* Face Recognition Using a Unified 3D Morphable Model
* Face recognition using active appearance models
* Face Recognition Using Active Near-IR Illumination
* Face recognition using activities of directed graphs in spatial pyramid
* Face recognition using Ada-Boosted Gabor features
* Face recognition using adaptively weighted patch PZM array from a single exemplar image per person
* Face Recognition Using an Embedded HMM
* Face recognition using an enhanced age simulation method
* Face Recognition Using Angular LDA and SVM Ensembles
* Face Recognition Using Anisotropic Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Packets
* Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural-Network Group-Based Adaptive Tolerance (GAT) Trees
* Face Recognition Using Asymmetric Faces
* Face recognition using average invariant factor
* Face Recognition Using Binary Image Metrics
* Face recognition using binary thresholding for features extraction
* Face recognition using color local binary pattern from mutually independent color channels
* Face recognition using combined multiple feature extraction based on Fourier-Mellin approach for single example image per person
* Face recognition using common faces method
* Face recognition using Complete Fuzzy LDA
* Face Recognition Using Contourlet Transform and Multidirectional Illumination from a Computer Screen
* Face recognition using curvelet based PCA
* Face Recognition Using DCT-Based Feature Vectors
* Face recognition using decimated redundant discrete wavelet transforms
* Face recognition using deep multi-pose representations
* Face recognition using direct, weighted linear discriminant analysis and modular subspaces
* Face recognition using discrete cosine transform and Fisher linear discriminant
* Face Recognition Using Discriminant Eigenvectors
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections based on maximum margin criterion
* Face recognition using discriminant locality preserving projections
* Face Recognition using Discriminatively Trained Orthogonal Rank One Tensor Projections
* Face Recognition Using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Features
* Face Recognition Using Dual Difference Regression Classification
* Face Recognition Using Eigenfaces
* Face recognition using Elastic bunch graph matching
* Face recognition using elastic local reconstruction based on a single face image
* Face recognition using Elasticfaces
* Face recognition using enhanced linear discriminant analysis
* Face Recognition Using Ensemble String Matching
* Face Recognition Using Ensembles of Networks
* Face recognition using evolutionary pursuit
* Face recognition using Extended Curvature Gabor classifier bunch
* Face recognition using extended isomap
* Face Recognition Using Face-ARG Matching
* Face Recognition Using Face Patch Networks
* Face recognition using feature extraction based on independent component analysis
* Face Recognition using Feature of Integral Gabor-Haar Transformation
* Face Recognition Using Fisherface Algorithm and Elastic Graph Matching
* Face Recognition Using Fractal Codes
* Face Recognition Using Fuzzy Integral and Wavelet Decomposition Method
* Face recognition using gender information
* Face Recognition using Groups of Images in Smart Room Scenarios
* Face Recognition Using Hidden Markov Models
* Face recognition using Histogram of co-occurrence Gabor phase patterns
* Face recognition using Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Face recognition using HMAX method for feature extraction and support vector machine classifier
* Face recognition using HOG-EBGM
* Face recognition using Hog feature and group sparse coding
* Face Recognition Using Holistic Fourier Invariant Features
* Face Recognition Using Hybrid Approach
* Face Recognition Using Hybrid Classifiers
* Face Recognition Using Improved-LDA
* Face Recognition Using Independent Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines
* Face Recognition Using Independent Gabor Wavelet Features
* Face recognition using Intrinsicfaces
* Face Recognition Using IPCA-ICA Algorithm
* Face recognition using kernel based Fisher discriminant analysis
* Face Recognition Using Kernel Eigenfaces
* Face recognition using kernel principal component analysis
* Face Recognition Using Kernel Ridge Regression
* Face Recognition Using Laplacianfaces
* Face Recognition Using LBP Eigenfaces
* Face recognition using LBP for personal image management system and its analysis
* Face recognition using LDA mixture model
* Face Recognition Using Line Edge Map
* Face recognition using linear representation ensembles
* Face Recognition Using Local Binary Decisions
* Face Recognition Using Local Binary Probabilistic Pattern (LBPP) and 2D-DCT Frequency Decomposition
* Face Recognition Using Local Quantized Patterns and Gabor Filters
* Face Recognition using Local Quantized Patterns
* Face recognition using localized features based on non-negative sparse coding
* Face recognition using maximum local Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition using message passing based clustering method
* Face recognition using mixtures of principal components
* Face Recognition Using Models
* Face Recognition Using Most Discriminative Local and Global Features
* Face Recognition Using Multi-Modal Low-Rank Dictionary Learning
* Face recognition using multi-scale local phase quantisation and Linear Regression Classifier
* Face Recognition Using Multilinear Manifold Analysis of Local Descriptors
* Face recognition using multimodal biometric features
* Face recognition using multiple facial features
* Face Recognition Using Multiple Image View Line Segments
* Face recognition using multiple interest point detectors and SIFT descriptors
* Face recognition using multispectral random field texture models, color content, and biometric features
* Face Recognition Using Nearest Feature Space Embedding
* Face recognition using non-linear image reconstruction
* Face Recognition Using Nonlinear Regression
* Face recognition using Nuclear Norm-based Angle Two-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis
* Face recognition using optimal linear components of range images
* Face recognition using optimal non-orthogonal wavelet basis evaluated by information complexity
* Face Recognition Using Optimized 3D Information from Stereo Images
* Face Recognition Using Ordinal Features
* Face Recognition Using Parabola Edge Map
* Face recognition using partial least squares components
* Face Recognition using Patch-based Spin Images
* Face recognition using patch manifold learning across plastic surgery from a single training exemplar per enrolled person
* Face Recognition Using Perspective Invariant Features
* Face Recognition Using Phase-Based Correspondence Matching
* Face recognition using position-dictionaries and region covariance feature
* Face Recognition Using Posterior Distance Model Based Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
* Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis of Gabor Filter Responses
* Face Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Manifold Learning
* Face Recognition using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
* Face Recognition Using Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant with Gabor Wavelet Coding
* Face Recognition Using Recursive Fisher Linear Discriminant
* Face recognition using regularised generalised discriminant locality preserving projections
* Face recognition using reinforcement learning
* Face recognition using scale-adaptive directional and textural features
* Face recognition using semi-supervised spectral feature selection
* Face recognition using shading-based curvature attributes
* Face Recognition Using Shallow Age-Invariant Data
* Face Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading
* Face Recognition Using Shape and Texture
* Face recognition using sift features
* Face Recognition Using Simultaneous Discriminative Feature and Adaptive Weight Learning Based on Group Sparse Representation
* Face Recognition Using Smoothed High-Dimensional Representation
* Face Recognition Using Some Aspects of the Infant Vision System and Associative Memories
* Face Recognition Using Sparse Approximated Nearest Points between Image Sets
* Face Recognition Using Sparse Representations and Manifold Learning
* Face Recognition Using Spatially Constrained Earth Mover's Distance
* Face recognition using spectral features
* Face recognition using supervised probabilistic principal component analysis mixture model in dimensionality reduction without loss framework
* Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines with the Feature Set Extracted by Genetic Algorithms
* Face Recognition Using Symbolic KPCA Plus Symbolic LDA in the Framework of Symbolic Data Analysis: Symbolic Kernel Fisher Discriminant Method
* Face Recognition Using Temporal Image Sequence
* Face recognition using tensors of census transform histograms from Gaussian features maps
* Face Recognition Using the Classified Appearance-based Quotient Image
* Face Recognition Using the Discrete Cosine Transform
* Face recognition using the embedded HMM with second-order block-specific observations
* Face recognition using the mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Face Recognition using the Moving Window Classifier
* Face recognition using the POEM descriptor
* Face recognition using the second-order mixture-of-eigenfaces method
* Face recognition using the weighted fractal neighbor distance
* Face Recognition Using Three-Dimensional Models, 3-D Models
* Face Recognition Using TOF, LBP and SVM in Thermal Infrared Images
* Face recognition using training data with artificial occlusions
* Face Recognition Using Transform Features and Neural Networks
* Face Recognition Using Two-Dimensional Tunable-Q Wavelet Transform
* Face recognition using vector quantization histogram method
* Face Recognition Using View-Based and Modular Eigenspaces
* Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002 Performance Metrics
* Face recognition vendor test 2002
* Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006
* Face Recognition via AAM and Multi-features Fusion on Riemannian Manifolds
* Face recognition via adaptive discriminant clustering
* Face Recognition via Archetype Hull Ranking
* Face Recognition via Collaborative Representation: Its Discriminant Nature and Superposed Representation
* Face Recognition via Curvelets and Local Ternary Pattern-Based Features
* Face recognition via local sparse coding
* Face recognition via Weighted Sparse Representation
* Face Recognition with 3D Model-Based Synthesis
* Face Recognition With an Improved Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Sugeno Integral and Modular Neural Networks
* Face Recognition with Biologically Motivated Boosted Features
* Face recognition with compressed Fisher vector on multiscale convolutional features
* Face recognition with consideration of aging
* Face recognition with contiguous occlusion using markov random fields
* Face Recognition with Contrastive Convolution
* Face Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks and subspace learning
* Face Recognition with Decision Tree-Based Local Binary Patterns
* Face Recognition with Disentangled Facial Representation Learning and Data Augmentation
* Face recognition with disguise and single gallery images
* Face Recognition with Generalized Entropy Measurements
* Face recognition with illumination distinction description
* Face Recognition with Image Misalignment via Structure Constraint Coding
* Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Hierarchically Extracted Exemplars from Appearance Manifolds
* Face Recognition With Image Sets Using Locally Grassmannian Discriminant Analysis
* Face Recognition with Image Sets Using Manifold Density Divergence
* Face Recognition with Irregular Region Spin Images
* Face Recognition with Learned Local Curvelet Patterns and 2-Directional L1-Norm Based 2DPCA
* Face recognition with learning-based descriptor
* Face Recognition with Learning Machines
* Face Recognition with Local Binary Patterns
* Face Recognition with Local Gabor Textons
* Face recognition with local steerable phase feature
* Face Recognition With Low False Positive Error Rate
* Face Recognition with LWIR Imagery Using Local Binary Patterns
* Face Recognition with MRC-Boosting
* Face Recognition with Multi-feature Joint Representation
* Face recognition with Neighboring Discriminant Analysis
* Face recognition with occlusion using Dynamic Image-to-Class Warping (DICW)
* Face recognition with occlusions in the training and testing sets
* Face recognition with one training image per person
* Face recognition with Patch-based Local Walsh Transform
* Face Recognition with Patterns of Oriented Edge Magnitudes
* Face Recognition With Pose Variations and Misalignment via Orthogonal Procrustes Regression
* Face Recognition with Range Images and Intensity Images
* Face recognition with Raspberry Pi using deep neural networks
* Face Recognition with Real Time Eye Lid Movement Detection
* Face Recognition with Region Division and Spin Images
* Face Recognition with Relative Difference Space and SVM
* Face recognition with salient local gradient orientation binary patterns
* Face recognition with single sample per person using HOG-LDB and SVDL
* Face Recognition with Single Training Sample per Subject
* Face Recognition with Support Vector Machines: Global versus Component-based Approach
* Face recognition with temporal invariance: A 3D aging model
* Face recognition with the continuous n-tuple classifier
* Face Recognition with the Multiple Constrained Mutual Subspace Method
* Face Recognition with the Synergetic Computer
* Face Recognition with Visible and Thermal Infrared Imagery
* Face Recognition with Weighted Kernel Principal Component Analysis
* Face Recognition with Weighted Locally Linear Embedding
* Face Recognition/Detection by Probabilistic Decision-Based Neural-Network
* Face Recognition: A Convolutional Neural-Network Approach
* Face Recognition: A Critical Look at Biologically-Inspired Approaches
* Face Recognition: A Generalized Marginal Fisher Analysis Approach
* Face Recognition: A Hybrid Neural Network Approach
* Face Recognition: A Literature Survey
* Face recognition: a novel multi-level taxonomy based survey
* Face recognition: A study in information fusion using fuzzy integral
* Face recognition: challenges, achievements and future directions
* Face Recognition: Combine Generic and Specific Solutions
* Face recognition: component-based versus global approaches
* Face Recognition: Eigenface, Elastic Matching, and Neural Nets
* Face Recognition: Features versus Templates
* Face recognition: handling data misalignments implicitly by fusion of sparse representations
* Face recognition: Some challenges in forensics
* Face Recognition: The Problem of Compensating for Changes in Illumination Direction
* Face Recognition: Too Bias, or Not Too Bias?
* Face Recognition: Would Going Back to Functional Nature Be a Good Idea?
* Face Recogniton Home Page
* Face Recogniton, Stereo Based, Multiple Images
* Face recognizability evaluation for ATM applications with exceptional occlusion handling
* Face recogntion in open world environment
* Face Reconstruction Across Different Poses and Arbitrary Illumination Conditions
* Face Reconstruction from a Small Number of Feature Points
* Face Reconstruction from Deep Facial Embeddings using a Convolutional Neural Network
* Face reconstruction from image sequences for forensic face comparison
* Face reconstruction from monocular video using uncertainty analysis and a generic model
* Face Reconstruction from Partial Information Based on a Morphable Face Model
* Face Reconstruction From Shading Using Smooth Projected Polygon NN
* Face Reconstruction from Skull Shapes and Physical Attributes
* Face reconstruction in the wild
* Face Reconstruction on Mobile Devices Using a Height Map Shape Model and Fast Regularization
* Face reconstruction using fixation positions and foveated imaging
* Face reconstruction with a morphable face model
* Face Reconstruction with Low Resolution Facial Images by Feature Vector Projection in Kernel Space
* Face recovery in conference video streaming using robust principal component analysis
* Face Reenactment Based Facial Expression Recognition
* Face reenactment via generative landmark guidance
* Face Region Based Conversational Video Coding
* Face Relighting Based on Multi-spectral Quotient Image and Illumination Tensorfaces
* Face Relighting from a Single Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Conditions
* Face relighting using discriminative 2D spherical spaces for face recognition
* Face Relighting with Geometrically Consistent Shadows
* Face relighting with radiance environment maps
* Face Representation and Recognition with Local Curvelet Patterns
* Face Representation By Using Non-tensor Product Wavelets
* Face Representation Learning using Composite Mini-Batches
* Face Representation Method Using Pixel-to-Vertex Map (PVM) for 3D Model Based Face Recognition
* Face representation using independent component analysis
* Face Restoration via Plug-and-Play 3D Facial Priors
* Face retrieval by an adaptive Mahalanobis distance using a confidence factor
* Face Retrieval in Broadcasting News Video by Fusing Temporal and Intensity Information
* Face Retrieval in Large-Scale News Video Datasets
* Face Retrieval in Video Sequences Using a Single Face Sample
* Face Retrieval on Large-Scale Video Data
* Face retrieval using 1st- and 2nd-order PCA mixture model
* Face Retrieval, Face Databases, Retrieval of Faces
* Face Search at Scale
* Face Search in Encrypted Domain
* Face segmentation and detection using Voronoi diagram and 2D histogram
* Face segmentation and tracking based on connected operators and partition projection
* Face Segmentation for Identification using Hidden Markov Models
* Face segmentation in thumbnail images by data-adaptive convolutional segmentation networks
* Face segmentation using fuzzy reasoning
* Face Segmentation Using Skin-Color Map in Videophone Applications
* Face Sensing Engine
* Face Set Classification using Maximally Probable Mutual Modes
* Face shape extraction and recognition using 3D morphing and distance mapping
* Face Shape Reconstruction from Image Sequence Taken with Monocular Camera using Shape Database
* Face Shape Recovery and Recognition Using a Surface Gradient Based Statistical Model
* Face shape recovery from a single image using CCA mapping between tensor spaces
* Face Similarity Space as Perceived by Humans and Artificial Systems
* Face Sketch-Photo Matching Using the Local Gradient Fuzzy Pattern
* Face sketch-photo synthesis and recognition: Dual-scale Markov Network and multi-information fusion
* Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis and Retrieval Using Sparse Representation
* Face sketch-photo synthesis based on support vector regression
* Face Sketch-Photo Synthesis under Multi-dictionary Sparse Representation Framework
* Face sketch aging via aging oriented principal component analysis
* Face Sketch Landmarks Localization in the Wild
* Face Sketch Matching via Coupled Deep Transform Learning
* Face sketch recognition by Local Radon Binary Pattern: LRBP
* Face Sketch Recognition
* Face Sketch Synthesis Algorithm Based on E-HMM and Selective Ensemble
* Face sketch synthesis and recognition
* Face Sketch Synthesis From a Single Photo-Sketch Pair
* Face sketch synthesis using non-local means and patch-based seaming
* Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation-Based Greedy Search
* Face Sketch Synthesis via Sparse Representation
* Face Sketch Synthesis with Style Transfer Using Pyramid Column Feature
* Face Speaks: Contextual and Temporal Sensitivity to Backchannel Responses, The
* Face spoofing detection based on 3D lighting environment analysis of image pair
* Face spoofing detection based on color texture Markov feature and support vector machine recursive feature elimination
* Face spoofing detection based on colour distortions
* Face spoofing detection by fusing binocular depth and spatial pyramid coding micro-texture features
* Face spoofing detection ensemble via multistage optimisation and pruning
* Face spoofing detection from single images using texture and local shape analysis
* Face Spoofing Detection Through Visual Codebooks of Spectral Temporal Cubes
* Face spoofing detection under super-realistic 3D wax face attacks
* Face spoofing detection using a light field imaging framework
* Face Spoofing Detection Using Dynamic Texture
* FACE spoofing detection using LDP-TOP
* Face spoofing detection with image quality regression
* Face spoofing detection with local binary pattern network
* Face Stabilization by Mode Pursuit for Avatar Construction
* Face Structure Attention Network for Face Super-Resolution, A
* Face Style Transfer and Removal with Generative Adversarial Network
* face super-resolution approach using shape semantic mode regularization, A
* Face Super-resolution by Learning Multi-view Texture Compensation
* Face Super-resolution Guided by 3d Facial Priors
* Face Super-Resolution Guided by Facial Component Heatmaps
* Face Super-Resolution Network with Incremental Enhancement of Facial Parsing Information
* Face super-resolution using 8-connected Markov Random Fields with embedded prior
* Face super-resolution using multiple occluded images of different resolutions
* Face super-resolution via bilayer contextual representation
* Face Super-Resolution via Multilayer Locality-Constrained Iterative Neighbor Embedding and Intermediate Dictionary Learning
* Face Surveillance
* Face Swapping for Solving Collateral Privacy Issues in Multimedia Analytics
* Face Swapping
* Face Synthesis and Recognition from a Single Image under Arbitrary Unknown Lighting Using a Spherical Harmonic Basis Morphable Model
* Face synthesis from a frontal pose image using partial least squares and b-splines
* Face synthesis system and methodology
* Face Synthesis Using Three-Dimensional Models
* Face Synthesis, GAN, Generative Adversarial Network
* Face Tells Detailed Expression: Generating Comprehensive Facial Expression Sentence Through Facial Action Units
* Face Template Protection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
* Face template protection using deep LDPC codes learning
* Face Texture Generation and Identity-Preserving Rectification
* Face the Needle: Predicting Risk of Fear and Fainting During Blood Donation Through Video Analysis
* Face Three-Dimensional Model Generation for Recognition, 3-D Models
* Face to face - close range inspection of head vases
* Face Tracking and Pose Estimation using Affine Motion Parameters
* Face tracking and pose estimation with automatic three-dimensional model construction
* Face Tracking and Pose Representation
* Face Tracking and Recognition from Stereo Sequence
* Face tracking and recognition with visual constraints in real-world videos
* Face Tracking Based Advertisement Effect Evaluation
* Face tracking based on differential harmony search
* Face Tracking by Maximizing Classification Score of Face Detector Based on Rectangle Features
* Face Tracking by Means of Continuous Detection
* Face tracking by using omnidirectional sensor network
* Face Tracking for H.264 Encoded Video Sequences
* Face tracking for model-based coding and face animation
* Face Tracking for Spatially Aware Mobile User Interfaces
* Face tracking in low resolution videos under illumination variations
* Face tracking in meeting room scenarios using omnidirectional views
* Face Tracking in the Compressed Domain
* Face tracking system based on color, stereovision and elliptical shape features
* Face tracking using Rao-Blackwellized particle filter and pose-dependent probabilistic PCA
* Face Tracking Using the Dynamic Grey World Algorithm
* Face tracking with automatic model construction
* Face Transformation With Harmonic Models by the Finite-Volume Method With Delaunay Triangulation
* Face Transformer: Towards High Fidelity and Accurate Face Swapping
* Face Trees for Expression Recognition
* Face typing: Vision-based perceptual interface for hands-free text entry with a scrollable virtual keyboard
* Face Validation Study for the Investigation of Proteus Effects Targeting Driving Behavior, A
* Face Value: On the Impact of Annotation (In-)Consistencies and Label Ambiguity in Facial Data on Emotion Recognition
* Face Verification Across Age Progression
* Face Verification Advances Using Spatial Dimension Reduction Methods: 2DPCA & SVM
* Face verification and identification using Facial Trait Code
* Face Verification Based on Bagging RBF Networks
* Face verification based on deep Bayesian convolutional neural network in unconstrained environment
* Face Verification Based on Gabor Region Covariance Matrices
* Face Verification based on Morphological Shape Decomposition
* Face Verification Based on the Age Progression Rules
* Face Verification Competition on the XM2VTS Database
* Face Verification for Real-Time Applications
* Face verification from 3D and grey level clues
* Face Verification in Polar Frequency Domain: A Biologically Motivated Approach
* Face Verification in Practice: The Case of Greek Artist Leonidas Arniotis
* Face verification of age separated images under the influence of internal and external factors
* Face verification on color images using local features
* Face verification system architecture using smart cards
* Face Verification Systems, Face Authentication
* Face verification through tracking facial features
* Face verification using adapted generative models
* Face Verification Using Colour Kernels
* Face verification using elastic graph matching based on morphological signal decomposition
* Face Verification Using Error Correcting Output Codes
* Face Verification using External Features
* Face Verification Using Gabor Wavelets and AdaBoost
* Face Verification Using Indirect Neighbourhood Components Analysis
* Face verification using local binary pattern-unconstrained minimum average correlation energy correlation filters
* Face Verification Using Local Binary Patterns and Maximum A Posteriori Vector Quantization Model
* Face Verification using Locally Linear Discriminant Models
* Face verification using sparse representations
* Face verification using temporal affective cues
* Face Verification via Class Sparsity Based Supervised Encoding
* Face Verification via ECOC
* Face Verification Via Error Correcting Output Codes
* Face verification with a kernel fusion method
* Face verification with aging using AdaBoost and local binary patterns
* Face Verification With Balanced Thresholds
* Face Verification with Challenging Imposters and Diversified Demographics
* Face Verification with Disguise Variations via Deep Disguise Recognizer
* Face Verification With Local Sparse Representation
* Face verification with three-dimensional point cloud by using deep belief networks
* Face Verification, Authentication, Evaluations, Verification Benchmarks
* Face Verification: Strategies for Employing Deep Models
* Face Video Competition
* Face Video Deblurring Using 3D Facial Priors
* Face Video Generation from a Single Image and Landmarks
* Face Video Retrieval Based on the Deep CNN With RBF Loss
* Face video retrieval with image query via hashing across Euclidean space and Riemannian manifold
* Face View Synthesis Using A Single Image
* Face virtual pose generation using aligned locally linear regression for face recognition
* Face X-Ray for More General Face Forgery Detection
* Face, Body, Voice: Video Person-Clustering with Multiple Modalities
* Face, Ear and Fingerprint: Designing Multibiometric Architectures
* Face, gender and race classification using multi-regularized features learning
* Face.Com
* Face: face analysis for Commercial Entities
* FACE: fast active-contour curvature-based evolution
* FACE: Fully Automated Context Enhancement for night-time video sequences
* Face^3 a 2D+3D Robust Face Recognition System
* Face2Exp: Combating Data Biases for Facial Expression Recognition
* Face2Face-rho: Real-Time High-Resolution One-Shot Face Reenactment
* Face2Face: Real-Time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos
* FACE2GPS: Estimating geographic location from facial features
* Facebook takes on deepfakes
* FaceCept3D: Real Time 3D Face Tracking and Analysis
* FaceChannel: A Light-weight Deep Neural Network for Facial Expression Recognition., The
* FaceCLIP: Facial Image-to-Video Translation via a Brief Text Description
* FaceCLIPNeRF: Text-driven 3D Face Manipulation using Deformable Neural Radiance Fields
* Facecut: a robust approach for facial feature segmentation
* FaceDancer: Pose- and Occlusion-Aware High Fidelity Face Swapping
* FaceDirector: Continuous Control of Facial Performance in Video
* FaceEngage: Robust Estimation of Gameplay Engagement from User-Contributed (YouTube) Videos
* FaceFirst
* FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images
* FaceFormer: Aggregating Global and Local Representation for Face Hallucination
* FaceFormer: Speech-Driven 3D Facial Animation with Transformers
* FACEGAN: Facial Attribute Controllable rEenactment GAN
* FaceGuard: A Self-Supervised Defense Against Adversarial Face Images
* Facehop: A Light-weight Low-resolution Face Gender Classification Method
* FaceHugger: The ALIEN Tracker Applied to Faces
* FaceHunter: A Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network Based Face Detector
* FaceID-GAN: Learning a Symmetry Three-Player GAN for Identity-Preserving Face Synthesis
* FaceInpainter: High Fidelity Face Adaptation to Heterogeneous Domains
* FaceKey Corporation
* FaceL: Facile Face Labeling
* Faceless Person Recognition: Privacy Implications in Social Media
* Facelet-Bank for Fast Portrait Manipulation
* FaceLit: Neural 3D Relightable Faces
* FaceLiveNet: End-to-End Networks Combining Face Verification with Interactive Facial Expression-Based Liveness Detection
* FaceMouse: A Human-Computer Interface for Tetraplegic People
* Faceness-Net: Face Detection through Deep Facial Part Responses
* FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering
* Facenet: Tracking People and Acquiring Canonical Face Images in a Wireless Camera Sensor Network
* FaceNet2ExpNet: Regularizing a Deep Face Recognition Net for Expression Recognition
* FaceOff: A Video-to-Video Face Swapping System
* FacePix Database
* FacePoseNet: Making a Case for Landmark-Free Face Alignment
* Faceprint: Fusion of Local Features for 3D Face Recognition
* FaceQAN: Face Image Quality Assessment Through Adversarial Noise Exploration
* FaceQgen: Semi-Supervised Deep Learning for Face Image Quality Assessment
* FaceQvec: Vector Quality Assessment for Face Biometrics based on ISO Compliance
* FaceRefiner: High-Fidelity Facial Texture Refinement With Differentiable Rendering-Based Style Transfer
* FACERET: An Interactive Face Retrieval System Based on Self-Organizing Maps
* Faces and thoughts: An empathic dairy
* Faces as Lighting Probes via Unsupervised Deep Highlight Extraction
* Faces in-the-Wild Challenge
* Faces in Places: compound query retrieval
* Faces in Real-Life Images: Detection, Alignment, and Recognition
* Faces of Engagement: Automatic Recognition of Student Engagement from Facial Expressions, The
* Faces using Invariants, Appearence models -- Eigenfaces
* Faces ŕ la Carte: Text-to-Face Generation via Attribute Disentanglement
* FaceScape: 3D Facial Dataset and Benchmark for Single-View 3D Face Reconstruction
* FaceScape: A Large-Scale High Quality 3D Face Dataset and Detailed Riggable 3D Face Prediction
* FaceScrub Annotated Face Dataset
* FACESEC: A Fine-grained Robustness Evaluation Framework for Face Recognition Systems
* FaceSeg: Automatic Face Segmentation for Real-Time Video
* FaceSimile: A mobile application for face image search based on interactive shape manipulation
* FaceSyncNet: A Deep Learning-Based Approach for Non-Linear Synchronization of Facial Performance Videos
* Facet-Based Investigation on Microwave Backscattering From Sea Surface With Breaking Waves: Sea Spikes and SAR Imaging
* Facet-Based Numerical Model for Simulating SAR Altimeter Echoes From Heterogeneous Sea Ice Surfaces, A
* Facet-Level Segmentation of 3d Textures on Cultural Heritage Objects
* Facet Approach to Optic Flow, The
* Facet Approach to Shape from Shading, The
* Facet Connectedness of Arithmetic Discrete Hyperplanes with Non-Zero Shift
* Facet Connectedness of Discrete Hyperplanes with Zero Intercept: The General Case
* Facet Matching from an Uncalibrated Pair of Images
* Facet Model for Edge Detection
* Facet Model for Image Data, A
* Facet Model Region Growing Algorithm, A
* Facet Segmentation-Based Line Segment Extraction for Large-Scale Point Clouds
* FACET: Fairness in Computer Vision Evaluation Benchmark
* faceted approach to reachability analysis of graph modelled collections, A
* Faceted Navigation for Browsing Large Video Collection
* Facetoface: An Isometric Model for Facial Animation
* FaceTracer: A Search Engine for Large Collections of Images with Faces
* FaceTracker: A Human Face Tracking and Facial Organ Localizing System
* Facets: A Cloudcompare Plugin To Extract Geological Planes From Unstructured 3d Point Clouds
* Facetwise Mesh Refinement for Multi- View Stereo
* FaceVerse: a Fine-grained and Detail-controllable 3D Face Morphable Model from a Hybrid Dataset
* Facial-Video-Based Physiological Signal Measurement: Recent advances and affective applications
* Facial 3D Shape Estimation from Images for Visual Speech Animation
* Facial Action Coding System, The
* Facial Action Coding System: A Technique for the Measurement of Facial Movement, The
* Facial Action Coding Using Multiple Visual Cues and a Hierarchy of Particle Filters
* Facial Action Recognition Combining Heterogeneous Features via Multikernel Learning
* Facial Action Recognition for Facial Expression Analysis From Static Face Images
* Facial Action Transfer with Personalized Bilinear Regression
* Facial Action Unit Detection Based on Teacher-Student Learning Framework for Partially Occluded Facial Images
* Facial Action Unit Detection Using Active Learning and an Efficient Non-linear Kernel Approximation
* Facial Action Unit Detection Using Attention and Relation Learning
* Facial action unit detection using kernel partial least squares
* Facial Action Unit Detection using Probabilistic Actively Learned Support Vector Machines on Tracked Facial Point Data
* Facial Action Unit Detection via Adaptive Attention and Relation
* Facial Action Unit Detection With Transformers
* Facial action unit detection: 3D versus 2D modality
* Facial Action Unit Event Detection by Cascade of Tasks
* Facial action unit intensity estimation using rotation invariant features and regression analysis
* Facial Action Unit Recognition and Intensity Estimation Enhanced Through Label Dependencies
* Facial Action Unit Recognition Augmented by Their Dependencies
* Facial Action Unit Recognition by Exploiting Their Dynamic and Semantic Relationships
* Facial Action Unit Recognition in the Wild with Multi-Task CNN Self-Training for the EmotioNet Challenge
* Facial action unit recognition under incomplete data based on multi-label learning with missing labels
* Facial Action Unit Recognition Using Pseudo-Intensities and their Transformation
* Facial action unit recognition with sparse representation
* Facial Action Units and Head Dynamics in Longitudinal Interviews Reveal OCD and Depression severity and DBS Energy
* Facial Action Units Detection with Multi-Features and -AUs Fusion
* Facial Affect Analysis System for Autism Spectrum Disorder, A
* Facial Affect Estimation in the Wild Using Deep Residual and Convolutional Networks
* Facial Affect In-the-Wild A Survey and a New Database
* Facial Affect Recognition Using Semi-supervised Learning with Adaptive Threshold
* Facial age estimation based on label-sensitive learning and age-oriented regression
* Facial Age Estimation by Adaptive Label Distribution Learning
* Facial Age Estimation by Learning from Label Distributions
* Facial age estimation by using stacked feature composition and selection
* Facial age estimation through self-paced learning
* Facial Age Estimation Through the Fusion of Texture and Local Appearance Descriptors
* Facial age estimation using Clustered Multi-task Support Vector Regression Machine
* Facial Age Estimation Using Compact Facial Features
* Facial age estimation via extended curvature Gabor filter
* Facial Age Estimation With Age Difference
* Facial Age Estimation with Images in the Wild
* Facial aging and asymmetry decomposition based approaches to identification of twins
* Facial aging simulation based on super-resolution in tensor space
* Facial aging simulation via tensor completion and metric learning
* Facial Aging Simulator Based on Patch-Based Facial Texture Reconstruction
* Facial Aging Simulator by Data-Driven Component-Based Texture Cloning
* Facial alignment by using sparse initialization and random forest
* Facial Analysis and Synthesis Scheme
* Facial analysis and synthesis using image-based models
* Facial analysis in the wild with LSTM networks
* Facial Analysis With a Lie Group Kernel
* Facial Analytics: From Big Data to Law Enforcement
* Facial and bodily expressions for control and adaptation of games (ECAG'08)
* Facial and bodily expressions for control and adaptation of games (ECAG'11)
* Facial and Eye Gaze Detection
* Facial and Vocal Cues in Perceptions of Trustworthiness
* Facial Animation Engine: Toward a High-Level Interface for the Design of MPEG-4 Compliant Animated Faces, The
* Facial animation parameters extraction and expression recognition using Hidden Markov Models
* Facial asymmetry quantification for expression invariant human identification
* Facial Asymmetry: A New Biometric
* Facial Asymmetry: A New Robust Biometric in the Frequency Domain
* Facial attribute classification by deep mining inter-attribute correlations
* Facial Attribute Editing by Latent Space Adversarial Variational Autoencoders
* Facial attribute editing method combined with parallel GAN for attribute separation
* Facial Attribute Recognition by Recurrent Learning With Visual Fixation
* Facial Attribute Transformers for Precise and Robust Makeup Transfer
* Facial Attributes Classification Using Multi-task Representation Learning
* Facial attributes for active authentication on mobile devices
* Facial Attributes Guided Deep Sketch-to-Photo Synthesis
* Facial attributes recognition using computer vision to detect drowsiness and distraction in drivers
* Facial attributes: Accuracy and adversarial robustness
* Facial behaviometrics: The case of facial deformation in spontaneous smile/laughter
* Facial biometrics for situational awareness systems
* Facial biometry by stimulating salient singularity masks
* Facial boundary detection with an active contour model
* Facial Chirality: From Visual Self-Reflection to Robust Facial Feature Learning
* Facial Comparisons by Subject Matter Experts: Their Role in Biometrics and Their Training
* Facial component-landmark detection
* Facial Component Detection for Efficient Facial Characteristic Point Extraction
* Facial component detection in thermal imagery
* Facial component extraction and face recognition with support vector machines
* Facial Component Extraction by Cooperative Active Nets with Global Constraints
* Facial Components Detection with Boosting and Geometric Constraints
* Facial Components Segmentation for Extracting Facial Features
* Facial Contour Extraction Model
* Facial Contour Labeling via Congealing
* Facial curves between keypoints for recognition of 3D faces with missing parts
* Facial deblur inference to improve recognition of blurred Faces
* Facial Deblur Inference Using Subspace Analysis for Recognition of Blurred Faces
* Facial decomposition for expression recognition using texture/shape descriptors and SVM classifier
* Facial Depression Recognition by Deep Joint Label Distribution and Metric Learning
* Facial Depth and Normal Estimation Using Single Dual-Pixel Camera
* Facial depth map enhancement via neighbor embedding
* Facial descriptor for Kinect depth using inner-inter-normal components local binary patterns and tensor histograms
* Facial descriptors for human interaction recognition in still images
* Facial Dynamics in Biometric Identification
* Facial Dynamics Interpreter Network: What Are the Important Relations Between Local Dynamics for Facial Trait Estimation?
* Facial emotion detection using modified eyemap-mouthmap algorithm on an enhanced image and classification with tensorflow
* Facial Emotion Distribution Learning by Exploiting Low-Rank Label Correlations Locally
* Facial Emotion Recognition for Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Data
* Facial emotion recognition in continuous video
* Facial emotion recognition with anisotropic inhibited Gabor energy histograms
* Facial Emotion Recognition with Noisy Multi-task Annotations
* Facial Emotion Recognition with Varying Poses and/or Partial Occlusion Using Multi-stage Progressive Transfer Learning
* Facial Emotional Classifier For Natural Interaction
* Facial Emotions and Emotion Intensity Levels Classification and Classification Evaluation
* Facial Ethnic Appearance Synthesis
* Facial ethnicity classification based on boosted local texture and shape descriptions
* Facial event classification with task oriented dynamic Bayesian network
* Facial event mining using coupled hidden markov models
* Facial Expression-Aware Face Frontalization
* Facial expression analysis and expression-invariant face recognition by manifold-based synthesis
* Facial Expression Analysis Based on High Dimensional Binary Features
* Facial Expression Analysis by Generalized Eigen-Space Method Based on Class-Features (GEMC)
* Facial Expression Analysis by Integrating Information of Feature-point Positions and Gray Levels of Facial Images
* Facial expression analysis by kernel figenspace method based on class features (kemc) using non-linear basis for separation of expression-classes
* Facial Expression Analysis for Predicting Unsafe Driving Behavior
* Facial expression analysis from 3d range images; comparison with the analysis from 2d images and their integration
* Facial Expression Analysis under Partial Occlusion: A Survey
* Facial expression analysis with facial expression deformation
* Facial Expression Analysis: A Hybrid Neural Network Based Approach
* Facial Expression Animation by Landmark Guided Residual Module
* facial expression based continuous emotional state monitoring system with GPU acceleration, A
* Facial Expression Based Emotion Recognition Using Neural Networks
* Facial Expression Biometrics Using Tracker Displacement Features
* Facial expression classification on web images
* Facial Expression Classification using Fusion of Deep Neural Network in Video
* Facial Expression Classification using Gabor and Log-Gabor Filters
* Facial expression cloning with elastic and muscle models
* Facial Expression Communication with FES
* Facial expression decomposition
* Facial expression editing in video using a temporally-smooth factorization
* Facial Expression Grounded Conversational Dialogue Generation
* Facial Expression Guided Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease via High-Quality Data Augmentation
* Facial Expression Hallucination
* Facial Expression Imitation Method for Humanoid Robot Based on Smooth-Constraint Reversed Mechanical Model (SRMM)
* Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Using Ordinal Information
* Facial Expression Invariant Head Pose Normalization Using Gaussian Process Regression
* Facial Expression Mimicking System
* Facial Expression Modelling from Still Images Using a Single Generic 3D Head Model
* Facial expression morphing and animation with local warping methods
* Facial Expression Neutralization With StoicNet
* Facial expression of emotion: New findings, new questions
* Facial expression recognition algorithm based on parameter adaptive initialization of CNN and LSTM
* Facial expression recognition algorithm using LGC based on horizontal and diagonal prior principle
* Facial Expression Recognition and its Degree Estimation
* Facial Expression Recognition and Ordinal Intensity Estimation: A Multilabel Learning Approach
* Facial expression recognition and synthesis based on an appearance model
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on 3D Dynamic Range Model Sequences
* Facial expression recognition based on a multi-task global-local network
* Facial expression recognition based on anatomy
* Facial expression recognition based on convolutional block attention module and multi-feature fusion
* Facial expression recognition based on deep convolution long short-term memory networks of double-channel weighted mixture
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Deep Evolutional Spatial-Temporal Networks
* Facial expression recognition based on diffeomorphic matching
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dimension Model of Emotion with Autonomously Extracted Sparse Representations
* Facial expression recognition based on discriminative dictionary learning
* Facial expression recognition based on eigenspaces and principle component analysis
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Facial Region Segmentation and Modal Value Approach
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Fusion Features of LBP and Gabor with LDA
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Fusion of Multiple Gabor Features
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Gabor Features and Sparse Representation
* Facial Expression Recognition Based On Gabor Wavelet Transformation And Elastic Templates Matching
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric and optical flow features in colour image sequences
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric features
* Facial expression recognition based on graph-preserving sparse non-negative matrix factorization
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Graph Neural Network
* Facial expression recognition based on image pyramid and single-branch decision tree
* Facial expression recognition based on improved residual network
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Local Binary Patterns: A Comprehensive Study
* Facial expression recognition based on Local Sign Directional Pattern
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Multi-modal Features for Videos in the Wild
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Perceived Facial Images and Local Feature Matching
* Facial expression recognition based on regional adaptive correlation
* Facial expression recognition based on shape and texture
* Facial expression recognition based on static and dynamic approaches
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on the Belief Theory: Comparison with Different Classifiers
* Facial Expression Recognition Based on Weighted All Parts Accumulation and Optimal Expression-Specific Parts Accumulation
* Facial expression recognition boosted by soft label with a diverse ensemble
* Facial expression recognition by correlated Topic Models and Bayes modeling
* Facial Expression Recognition by De-expression Residue Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition by Fusing Gabor and Local Binary Pattern Features
* Facial Expression Recognition by Multi-Scale CNN with Regularized Center Loss
* Facial expression recognition by re-ranking with global and local generic features
* Facial Expression Recognition by Sparse Reconstruction with Robust Features
* Facial Expression Recognition by Supervised Independent Component Analysis Using MAP Estimation
* Facial Expression Recognition By Using a Disentangled Identity-Invariant Expression Representation
* Facial expression recognition considering individual differences in facial structure and texture
* Facial expression recognition experiments with data from television broadcasts and the World Wide Web
* Facial Expression Recognition for Different Pose Faces Based on Special Landmark Detection
* Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction: A Prototype
* Facial Expression Recognition for In-the-wild Videos
* Facial expression recognition from image based on hybrid features understanding
* Facial expression recognition from image sequences using optimized feature selection
* Facial expression recognition from line-based caricatures
* Facial expression recognition from near-infrared video sequences
* Facial expression recognition from near-infrared videos
* Facial Expression Recognition from Video Sequences: Temporal and Static Modeling
* Facial Expression Recognition from World Wild Web
* Facial Expression Recognition In-the-wild with Deep Pre-trained Models
* Facial Expression Recognition in Classrooms: Ethical Considerations and Proposed Guidelines for Affect Detection in Educational Settings
* Facial expression recognition in dynamic sequences: An integrated approach
* Facial Expression Recognition in Image Sequences Using Geometric Deformation Features and Support Vector Machines
* Facial Expression Recognition in Perceptual Color Space
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Encrypted Domain Based on Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Presence of Speech Using Blind Lexical Compensation
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Improved Dense Trajectories and Fisher Vector Encoding
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild Using Multi-Level Features and Attention Mechanisms
* Facial expression recognition in the wild using rich deep features
* Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild via Deep Attentive Center Loss
* Facial Expression Recognition in Various Internal States Using Independent Component Analysis
* Facial Expression Recognition in Video with Multiple Feature Fusion
* Facial Expression Recognition in Videos Using Dynamic Kernels
* Facial Expression Recognition Influenced by Human Aging
* Facial expression recognition on multiple manifolds
* Facial Expression Recognition on the High Aggregation Subgraphs
* Facial expression recognition system based on rigid and non-rigid motion separation and 3D pose estimation
* facial expression recognition system based on supervised locally linear embedding, A
* Facial expression recognition system based on variational mode decomposition and whale optimized KELM
* Facial expression recognition techniques: a comprehensive survey
* Facial Expression Recognition through person-wise regeneration of expressions using Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network (AC-GAN) based model
* Facial expression recognition under a wide range of head poses
* Facial Expression Recognition Using 3D Facial Feature Distances
* Facial expression recognition using a combination of enhanced local binary pattern and pyramid histogram of oriented gradients features extraction
* Facial Expression Recognition Using a Dynamic Model and Motion Energy
* Facial Expression Recognition Using a Large Out-of-Context Dataset
* Facial Expression Recognition Using a Temporal Ensemble of Multi-Level Convolutional Neural Networks
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Adaptive Robust Local Complete Pattern
* Facial Expression Recognition using Advanced Local Binary Patterns, Tsallis Entropies and Global Appearance Features
* Facial Expression Recognition using Auto-regressive Models
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Cascaded Random Forest Based on Local Features
* Facial expression recognition using clustering discriminant Non-negative Matrix Factorization
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Constructive Feedforward Neural Networks
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Decision Trees
* Facial expression recognition using densely connected convolutional neural network and hierarchical spatial attention
* Facial expression recognition using digital signature feature descriptor
* Facial expression recognition using distance and shape signature features
* Facial expression recognition using dual dictionary learning
* Facial expression recognition using emotion avatar image
* Facial expression recognition using encoded dynamic features
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Enhanced Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Facial Features and Manifold Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Facial Movement Features
* Facial expression recognition using fisher weight maps
* Facial expression recognition using frequency multiplication network with uniform rectangular features
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Frequency Neural Network
* Facial expression recognition using Gabor motion energy filters
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Game Theory and Particle Swarm Optimization
* Facial expression recognition using geometric features
* Facial expression recognition using HessianMKL based multiclass-SVM
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Hierarchical Features With Deep Comprehensive Multipatches Aggregation Convolutional Neural Networks
* Facial expression recognition using high order directional derivative local binary patterns
* Facial expression recognition using histogram variances faces
* Facial expression recognition using human machine interaction and multi-modal visualization analysis for healthcare applications
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Image Motion
* Facial expression recognition using intra-class variation reduced features and manifold regularisation dictionary pair learning
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Learning Vector Quantization
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Light Field Cameras: A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Architectures
* Facial expression recognition using Local Directional Pattern (LDP)
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Local Region Specific Dense Optical Flow and LBP Features
* Facial expression recognition using LP-norm MKL multiclass-SVM
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Model-Based Feature Extraction and Action Parameter(s) Classification
* Facial Expression Recognition using Multi-Feature Concatenation of Local Face Components and Hierarchical SVM
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Neural Networks and Log-Gabor Filters
* Facial Expression Recognition Using New Feature Extraction Algorithm
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Nonrigid Motion Parameters and Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Models
* Facial expression recognition using radial encoding of local Gabor features and classifier synthesis
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Residual Masking Network
* Facial expression recognition using singular values and wavelet-based LGC-HD operator
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Semantic Graph Network
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Boosted Discriminatory Classifiers
* Facial expression recognition using statistical subspace
* Facial expression recognition using SVM classification on mic-macro patterns
* Facial expression recognition using temporal POEM features
* Facial Expression Recognition Using Visual Saliency and Deep Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition via a Boosted Deep Belief Network
* Facial Expression Recognition via Joint Deep Learning of RGB-Depth Map Latent Representations
* Facial expression recognition via region-based convolutional fusion network
* Facial Expression Recognition via Regression-Based Robust Locality Preserving Projections
* Facial expression recognition via sparse representation using positive and reverse templates
* Facial Expression Recognition via Sparse Representation
* Facial Expression Recognition with Active Local Shape Pattern and Learned-Size Block Representations
* Facial expression recognition with convolutional neural networks via a new face cropping and rotation strategy
* Facial expression recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks: Coping with few data and the training sample order
* Facial Expression Recognition with Data Augmentation and Compact Feature Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition With Deeply-Supervised Attention Network
* Facial Expression Recognition with Identity and Emotion Joint Learning
* Facial Expression Recognition with Inconsistently Annotated Datasets
* Facial expression recognition with local prominent directional pattern
* Facial Expression Recognition with Mid-level Representation Enhancement and Graph Embedded Uncertainty Suppressing
* Facial Expression Recognition With Multiscale Graph Convolutional Networks
* Facial Expression Recognition with Neighborhood-Aware Edge Directional Pattern (NEDP)
* Facial Expression Recognition with Occlusions Based on Geometric Representation
* Facial Expression Recognition with Regional Features Using Local Binary Patterns
* Facial Expression Recognition with Skip-Connection to Leverage Low-Level Features
* Facial expression recognition with temporal modeling of shapes
* Facial Expression Recognition With Two-Branch Disentangled Generative Adversarial Network
* Facial Expression Recognition With Visual Transformers and Attentional Selective Fusion
* Facial expression recognition: A clustering-based approach
* Facial Expression Restoration Based on Improved Graph Convolutional Networks
* Facial Expression Sequence Synthesis Based on Shape and Texture Fusion Model
* Facial Expression Space for Smooth Tele-Communications
* Facial expression synthesis based on motion patterns learned from face database
* Facial Expression Synthesis
* Facial expression transfer method based on frequency analysis
* Facial Expression Transformations for Expression-Invariant Face Recognition
* Facial Expression Translation Using Landmark Guided GANs
* Facial expression translations preserving speaking content
* Facial expression understanding in image sequences using dynamic and active visual information fusion
* Facial expression video analysis for depression detection in Chinese patients
* Facial expressional image synthesis controlled by emotional parameters
* Facial Expressions and Emotion Analysis and Description
* Facial Expressions as a Vulnerability in Face Recognition
* Facial expressions as feedback cue in human-robot interaction: A comparison between human and automatic recognition performances
* Facial expressions classification and false label reduction using LDA and threefold SVM
* Facial expressions in American sign language: Tracking and recognition
* Facial Expressions in Face Animation, Video Face Synthesis
* Facial Expressions of Comprehension (FEC)
* Facial expressions of emotion
* Facial Expressions Recognition from Image Sequences
* Facial Expressions Recognition in a Single Static as well as Dynamic Facial Images Using Tracking and Probabilistic Neural Networks
* Facial Expressions Recognition Using Discrete Hopfield Neural Networks
* Facial expressions using a Quadratic Deformation Model: Analysis and synthesis
* Facial Expressions, Overviews, Surveys, Data
* Facial Fattening and Slimming Simulation Based on Skull Structure
* Facial feature-localized and global real-time video morphing
* Facial feature detection and face recognition from 2D and 3D images
* Facial Feature Detection and Tracking with Automatic Template Selection
* Facial feature detection by saccadic exploration of the Gabor decomposition
* Facial Feature Detection Under Various Illuminations
* Facial feature detection using AdaBoost with shape constraints
* Facial feature detection using distance vector fields
* Facial Feature Detection Using Geometrical Face Model: An Efficient Approach
* Facial feature detection with 3D convex local models
* Facial feature detection with optimal pixel reduction SVM
* Facial feature estimation from the local structural diversity of skulls
* Facial Feature Extraction and Change Analysis Using Photometric Stereo
* Facial Feature Extraction and Face Verification
* Facial Feature Extraction and Image Warping Using PCA Based Statistic Model
* Facial feature extraction and pose determination
* Facial Feature Extraction and Principal Component Analysis for Face Detection in Color Images
* Facial Feature Extraction and Selection by Gabor Wavelets and Boosting
* Facial feature extraction by a cascade of model-based algorithms
* Facial feature extraction by kernel independent component analysis
* Facial feature extraction for quick 3D face modeling
* Facial Feature Extraction from Color Images
* Facial feature extraction using a cascade of model-based algorithms
* Facial feature extraction using a probabilistic approach
* Facial feature extraction using complex dual-tree wavelet transform
* Facial feature extraction using PCA and wavelet multi-resolution images
* Facial feature extraction using topological methods
* Facial feature fusion and model selection for age estimation
* Facial feature localization and adaptation of a generic face model for model-based coding
* Facial feature localization based on an improved active shape model
* Facial feature localization using weighted vector concentration approach
* Facial feature parsing and landmark detection via low-rank matrix decomposition
* Facial feature point detection under large range of face deformations
* Facial Feature Point Extraction Using the Adaptive Mean Shape in Active Shape Model
* Facial feature points detecting based on Gaussian Mixture Models
* Facial Feature Selection Based on SVMs by Regularized Risk Minimization
* Facial Feature Tracking for Emotional Dynamic Analysis
* Facial Feature Tracking for Expressions
* Facial Feature Tracking Under Varying Facial Expressions and Face Poses Based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines
* Facial Feature Tracking using a Multi-State Hierarchical Shape Model under Varying Face Pose and Facial Expression
* Facial features-based method for human tracking
* Facial Features Detection by Coefficient Distribution Map
* Facial Features Detection by Saccadic Exploration of the Gabor Decomposition and Support Vector Machines
* Facial Features Detection Using Texture Hough Transform
* facial features detector integrating holistic facial information and part-based model, A
* Facial features extraction by accelerated implementation of circular hough transform and appearance evaluation
* Facial Features Extraction in Color Images Using Enhanced Active Shape Model
* Facial fiducial points detection using discriminative filtering on principal components
* Facial Fraud Discrimination Using Detection and Classification
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Gender Classification Using Shape from Shading and Weighted Principal Geodesic Analysis
* Facial Geometric Detail Recovery via Implicit Representation
* Facial Geometry Estimation Using Photometric Stereo and Profile Views
* Facial Gestures
* Facial grid transformation: A novel face registration approach for improving facial action unit recognition
* Facial Hair Area in Face Recognition Across Demographics: Small Size, Big Effect
* Facial Image-Based Automatic Assessment of Equine Pain
* Facial image-based gender classification using Local Circular Patterns
* Facial image analysis based on two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis exploiting symmetry
* Facial image analysis using local feature adaptation prior to learning
* Facial image clustering in stereoscopic videos using double spectral analysis
* Facial Image Compression using Patch-Ordering-Based Adaptive Wavelet Transform
* Facial Image Hallucination Through Coupled-Layer Neighbor Embedding
* Facial Image Indexing in Multimedia Databases
* Facial image processing system
* Facial Image Processing
* Facial image recognition apparatus
* Facial Image Recognition Based on a Statistical Uncorrelated Near Class Discriminant Approach
* Facial image recognition using neural networks and genetic algorithms
* Facial Image Reconstruction and Manipulation from Measurements Obtained Using a Structured Lighting Technique
* Facial Image Reconstruction by Estimated Muscle Parameter
* Facial Image Reconstruction by SVDD-Based Pattern De-noising
* Facial image retrieval based on demographic classification
* Facial Individuality and Expression Analysis by Eigenspace Method based on Class Features or Multiple discriminant Analysis
* Facial Kinship Verification: A Comprehensive Review and Outlook
* Facial landmark detection based on an ensemble of local weighted regressors during real driving situation
* Facial Landmark Detection by Deep Multi-task Learning
* Facial landmark detection transfer learning for a specific user in driver status monitoring systems
* Facial landmark detection via cascade multi-channel convolutional neural network
* Facial landmark detection via pose-induced auto-encoder networks
* Facial Landmark Detection via Progressive Initialization
* Facial Landmark Detection with Tweaked Convolutional Neural Networks
* Facial Landmark Detection: A Literature Survey
* Facial Landmark Identification and Data Preparation Can Significantly Improve the Extraction of Newborns' Facial Features
* Facial Landmark Localization in Depth Images Using Supervised Ridge Descent
* Facial Landmark Localization Using Robust Relationship Priors and Approximative Gibbs Sampling
* Facial landmark localization via boosted and adaptive filters
* Facial Landmark Machines: A Backbone-Branches Architecture With Progressive Representation Learning
* Facial landmark points detection using knowledge distillation-based neural networks
* Facial Landmark Tracking by Tree-Based Deformable Part Model Based Detector
* Facial landmarking for in-the-wild images with local inference based on global appearance
* Facial Landmarking: Comparing Automatic Landmarking Methods with Applications in Soft Biometrics
* Facial Landmarks Detection Using Extended Profile LBP-Based Active Shape Models
* Facial landmarks localization using cascaded neural networks
* Facial makeup detection technique based on texture and shape analysis
* Facial makeup detection via selected gradient orientation of entropy information
* Facial makeup transfer with GAN for different aging faces
* Facial marks as biometric signatures to distinguish between identical twins
* Facial marks for improving face recognition
* Facial marks: Soft biometric for face recognition
* Facial Mask Completion Using StyleGAN2 Preserving Features of the Person
* Facial masks and soft-biometrics: Leveraging face recognition CNNs for age and gender prediction on mobile ocular images
* Facial Micro-Expression Detection in Hi-Speed Video Based on Facial Action Coding System (FACS)
* Facial micro-expression recognition based on accordion spatio-temporal representation and random forests
* Facial Micro-Expression Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Local Binary Pattern with Integral Projection
* Facial micro-expressions as a soft biometric for person recognition
* Facial Micro-Expressions Grand Challenge 2018 Summary
* Facial Micro-Expressions Grand Challenge 2018: Evaluating Spatio-Temporal Features for Classification of Objective Classes
* Facial Micro-Expressions: An Overview
* Facial model adaptation from a monocular image sequence using a textured polygonal model
* Facial Model Fitting Based on Perturbation Learning and It's Evaluation on Challenging Real-World Diversities Images
* Facial model generation through mono image sequence
* Facial Model Refinement using Stereo Image Sequence
* Facial Modeling from an Uncalibrated Face Image Using a Coarse-to-Fine Genetic Algorithm
* Facial modeling from an uncalibrated face image using flexible generic parameterized facial models
* Facial Motion Analysis for Content-based Video Coding
* Facial motion analysis using clustered shortest path tree registration
* Facial Motion Tracking from Fine to Coarse
* Facial Movement Based Recognition
* Facial Muscle Activations from Motion Capture
* Facial Muscle Parameter Decision from 2D Frontal Image
* Facial Occlusion Reconstruction: Recovering Both the Global Structure and the Local Detailed Texture Components
* Facial Parameter Extraction System Based on Active Contours
* Facial part displacement effect on template-based gender and ethnicity classification
* Facial Parts-Based Face Hallucination Method
* Facial parts swapping with generative adversarial networks
* Facial point detection based on a convolutional neural network with optimal mini-batch procedure
* Facial point detection using boosted regression and graph models
* Facial point detection using convolutional neural network transferred from a heterogeneous task
* Facial Point Graphs for Stroke Identification
* Facial Point Localization Using Combination Method under Occlusion
* Facial Pore Detection Based on Characteristics of Skin Pigment Distribution
* Facial Pose Estimation by Deep Learning from Label Distributions
* Facial pose from 3D data
* Facial Pose using Shape-from-Shading
* Facial Prior Guided Micro-Expression Generation
* Facial Range Image Matching Using the Complex Wavelet Structural Similarity Metric
* Facial Recognition in Collaborative Learning Videos
* Facial Recognition in Video
* Facial Recognition of Dairy Cattle Based on Improved Convolutional Neural Network
* Facial recognition progress report
* Facial Recognition Technology: Navigating the Ethical Challenges
* Facial Recognition Using Multisensor Images Based on Localized Kernel Eigen Spaces
* Facial Recognition Using Tensor-Tensor Decompositions
* Facial recognition/verification using gabor wavelets and kernel methods
* Facial recognition: recent progress, remaining challenges
* Facial Reconstruction and Alignment Using Photometric Stereo and Surface Fitting
* Facial Reconstruction Using Volumetric Data
* Facial Self Similarity for Sketch to Photo Matching
* Facial Shadow Removal
* Facial Shape-from-shading and Recognition Using Principal Geodesic Analysis and Robust Statistics
* Facial Shape Estimation in the Presence of Cast Shadows
* Facial Shape Recovery by Feature Driven Stereo Analysis
* Facial Shape Recovery from a Single Image with an Arbitrary Directional Light Using Linearly Independent Representation
* Facial Shape Spaces from Surface Normals
* Facial Shape Tracking via Spatio-Temporal Cascade Shape Regression
* Facial similarity across age disguise illumination and pose
* Facial Sketch Synthesis Using 2D Direct Combined Model-Based Face-Specific Markov Network
* Facial Skin Beautification Using Adaptive Region-Aware Masks
* Facial Skin Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Facial skin colour classification using machine learning and hyperspectral imaging data
* Facial Statistical Model from Complex Numbers, A
* Facial Strain Pattern as a Soft Forensic Evidence
* facial texture analysis for the automatic portrait drawing, The
* Facial Tic Detection in Untrimmed Videos of Tourette Syndrome Patients
* Facial Tracking and Animation Using a 3D Sensor
* Facial tracking with head pose estimation in stereo vision
* Facial Trait Code and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Facial Trait Code
* Facial video-based detection of physical fatigue for maximal muscle activity
* Facial Video-Based Remote Physiological Measurement via Self-Supervised Learning
* Facial video super resolution using semantic exemplar components
* Facial View Synthesis from a Single Image Using Shape from Shading
* FACIAL: Synthesizing Dynamic Talking Face with Implicit Attribute Learning
* Facies Identification Based on Multikernel Relevance Vector Machine
* Facilitated Gesture Recognition Based Interfaces for People with Upper Extremity Physical Impairments
* Facilitating and Exploring Planar Homogeneous Texture for Indoor Scene Understanding
* Facilitating Construction Scene Understanding Knowledge Sharing and Reuse via Lifelong Site Object Detection
* Facilitating Emergency Response Vehicles' Movement Through a Road Segment in a Connected Vehicle Environment
* Facilitating free travel in the Schengen area: A position paper by the European Association for Biometrics
* Facilitating High-Performance Image Analysis on Reduced Hypercube (RH) Parallel Computers
* Facilitating Integrated Spatio-temporal Visualization and Analysis Of Heterogeneous Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Research Data
* Facilitating interaction with stereoscopic 3D display devices
* Facilitating Inversion of the Error Covariance Models for the Wide-Swath Altimeters
* Facilitating the Funding for the Conservation Through Tradeable Development Rights: An Approach Through Mapping and Analyzing the Built Heritage at Ahmedabad, India
* Facilitating Typhoon-Triggered Flood Disaster-Ready Information Delivery Using SDI Services Approach: A Case Study in Hainan
* Facilitating Understanding of Large Document Collections
* Facilitation of air traffic control via optical character recognition-based aircraft registration number extraction
* Facilitation of shape-from-shading perception by random textures
* Facility Location-Allocation Problem for Emergency Medical Service With Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
* Facing Erosion Identification in Railway Lines Using Pixel-Wise Deep-Based Approaches
* Facing Image Source Attribution on iPhone X
* Facing Imbalanced Classes through Aggregation of Classifiers
* Facing Position Variability in Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Verification through Multiple References and Score Normalization Techniques
* Facing the future
* Facing Uncertainty: 3D Face Tracking and Learning with Generative Models
* Facing uncertainty: three-dimensional face tracking and learning with generative models
* FACS valid 3D dynamic action unit database with applications to 3D dynamic morphable facial modeling, A
* FACSCaps: Pose-Independent Facial Action Coding with Capsules
* Facsimile-Based Editing System by Auxiliary Mark Recognition, A
* Facsimile compression system
* Facsimile device with skew correction and text line direction detection
* FACSIMILE: Fast and Accurate Scans From an Image in Less Than a Second
* Facsimiles-based deep learning for matching relief-printed decorations on medieval ceramic sherds
* Factor Analysis Backpropagation Neural Network Model for Vegetation Net Primary Productivity Time Series Estimation in Western Sichuan, A
* Factor analysis for background suppression
* Factor Analysis From Quadratic Sampling
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic PET Images: Beyond Gaussian Noise
* Factor Analysis of Dynamic Sequence with Spatial Prior for 2D Cardiac Spect Sequences Analysis
* Factor annealing decoupling compositional training method for imbalanced hyperspectral image classification
* Factor Graph-Based Distributed Consensus Kalman Filter, A
* Factor Graph Approach to Digital Self-Interference Mitigation in OFDM Full-Duplex Systems, A
* Factor Graph Attention
* Factor Graph Based LMMSE Filtering for Colored Gaussian Processes
* factor graph evidence combining approach to image defogging, A
* factor graph framework for semantic indexing and retrieval in video, A
* factor graph framework for semantic video indexing, A
* Factor graph methods for three-dimensional shape reconstruction as applied to LIDAR imaging
* Factor Graphs for Fast and Scalable 3D Reconstruction and Mapping
* Factor Graphs for Image Processing
* Factor graphs for inverse problems: Accelerated phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging
* Factor Graphs for Region-based Whole-scene Classification
* Factor Screening using Bayesian Active Learning and Gaussian Process Meta-Modelling
* Factor Selection for Reinforcement Learning in HTTP Adaptive Streaming
* Factored Convolutional Neural Network for Amharic Character Image Recognition
* Factored Displays: Improving resolution, dynamic range, color reproduction, and light field characteristics with advanced signal processing
* Factored four way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines for activity recognition
* Factored Latent-Dynamic Conditional Random Fields for single and multi-label sequence modeling
* Factored particle filtering with dependent and constrained partition dynamics for tracking deformable objects
* Factored Shapes and Appearances for Parts-based Object Understanding
* Factorial coding of natural images: how effective are linear models in removing higher-order dependencies?
* Factorial Hidden Markov Models for Gait Recognition
* Factorial HMM and Parallel HMM for Gait Recognition
* Factorial Markov Random Fields
* Factorial Switching Linear Dynamical Systems Applied to Physiological Condition Monitoring
* Factoring a Homography to Analyze Projective Distortion
* Factoring Gaussian precision matrices for linear dynamic models
* Factoring Images Sequences into Shape and Motion
* Factoring Shape, Pose, and Layout from the 2D Image of a 3D Scene
* Factoring two-dimensional two-channel non-separable stripe filter banks into lifting steps
* Factorizable Net: An Efficient Subgraph-Based Framework for Scene Graph Generation
* Factorization-based active contour segmentation and pelican optimization-based modified bidirectional long short-term memory for ovarian tumor detection
* Factorization-Based Approach for Articulated Nonrigid Shape, Motion and Kinematic Chain Recovery From Video, A
* Factorization-Based Approach to Articulated Motion Recovery, A
* Factorization-Based Approach To Photometric Stereo, A
* Factorization-based Hierarchical Reconstruction for Circular Motion
* Factorization-Based Method for Projective Reconstruction with Minimization of 2-D Reprojection Errors, A
* Factorization-based planar mapping method for generating intermediate views
* factorization-based projective reconstruction algorithm with circular motion constraint, A
* Factorization-Based Segmentation of Motions
* Factorization-Based Texture Segmentation
* factorization algorithm for trifocal tensor estimation, A
* Factorization Algorithms for Temporal Psychovisual Modulation Display
* Factorization Approach for Cone-Beam Reconstruction on a Circular Short-Scan, A
* Factorization Approach for Enabling Structure-from-Motion/SLAM Using Integer Arithmetic, A
* Factorization Approach for Sparse Spatio-Temporal Brain-Computer Interface
* Factorization Approach to Grouping, A
* factorization approach to structure from motion with shape priors, A
* Factorization as a Rank 1 Problem
* factorization based active contour model for texture segmentation, A
* Factorization Based Algorithm for Multi-Image Projective Structure and Motion, A
* Factorization Based Self-Calibration for Radially Symmetric Cameras, A
* Factorization based structure from motion with object priors
* Factorization for non-rigid and articulated structure using metric projections
* Factorization Method and Its Physical Justification in Frequency-Difference Electrical Impedance Tomography
* Factorization Method for Electromagnetic Inverse Scattering from Biperiodic Structures
* Factorization Method for Multifrequency Inverse Source Problems with Sparse Far Field Measurements, A
* Factorization Method for Projective and Euclidean Reconstruction from Multiple Perspective Views via Iterative Depth Estimation, A
* Factorization Method for Shape and Motion from Line Correspondences, A
* Factorization Method for Structure from Planar Motion, A
* Factorization Method for the Recovery of Shape and Motion from Image Streams, The
* Factorization Method Using 3-D Linear Combination for Shape and Motion Recovery, A
* Factorization Method Using Interpolated Feature Tracking via Projective Geometry
* Factorization Method with Linear Motions, The
* Factorization Methods for Projective Structure and Motion
* Factorization of canonic homographies for camera calibration and scene modeling
* Factorization of Correspondence and Camera Error for Unconstrained Dense Correspondence Applications
* Factorization of Natural 4X4 Patch Distributions
* Factorization of view-object manifolds for joint object recognition and pose estimation
* Factorization towards a classifier
* Factorization with Erroneous Data
* Factorization with Uncertainty
* Factorizationm, Non-Rigid Motion, Object, Structure, University of London
* Factorized appearances for object detection
* Factorized Bilinear Models for Image Recognition
* Factorized Binary Codes for Large-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search
* Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning for Image Clustering
* Factorized Convolutional Neural Networks
* Factorized Dynamic Fully-Connected Layers for Neural Networks
* Factorized Geometrical Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing
* Factorized Graph Matching
* Factorized Higher-Order CNNs With an Application to Spatio-Temporal Emotion Estimation
* Factorized Inverse Path Tracing for Efficient and Accurate Material-Lighting Estimation
* Factorized local appearance models
* Factorized Modulation for Singleshot Lightfield Acquisition
* Factorized multi-Graph matching
* Factorized MVDR Deep Beamforming for Multi-Channel Speech Enhancement
* Factorized Recursive Estimation of Structure and Motion from Image Velocities, A
* Factorized Tensor Dictionary Learning for Visual Tensor Data Completion
* Factorized Variational Autoencoders for Modeling Audience Reactions to Movies
* Factorizing and Reconstituting Large-Kernel MBConv for Lightweight Face Recognition
* Factorizing appearance using epitomic flobject analysis
* Factorizing Knowledge in Neural Networks
* Factorizing Perception and Policy for Interactive Instruction Following
* Factorizing Scene Albedo and Depth from a Single Foggy Image
* Factorizing speaker, lexical and emotional variabilities observed in facial expressions
* Factorizing Time-Aware Multi-way Tensors for Enhancing Semantic Wearable Sensing
* FactorNet: Holistic Actor, Object, and Scene Factorization for Action Recognition in Videos
* Factors Affecting Citizens' Intention to Continue Using the Rewarding Solid-waste Collection Mobile Apps In Tehran, Iran
* Factors Affecting Enhanced Video Quality Preferences
* Factors Affecting Pedestrians' Trust in Automated Vehicles: Literature Review and Theoretical Model
* Factors Affecting Spatial Variation of Classification Uncertainty in an Image Object-based Vegetation Mapping
* Factors affecting the correlation coefficient template matching algorithm with application to real-time 2-D coronary artery MR imaging
* Factors Affecting the Number of Visitors in National Parks in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
* Factors affecting the psychophysical image quality evaluation of mobile phone displays: the case of transmissive liquid-crystal displays
* Factors affecting the quality of DTM generation in forested areas
* Factors Affecting the Training of a WISARD Classifier for Monitoring Fish Underwater
* Factors Controlling a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Derived Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product over The Seward Peninsula of Alaska
* Factors Driving Changes in Vegetation in Mt. Qomolangma (Everest): Implications for the Management of Protected Areas
* Factors governing the speed of color adaptation in foveal versus peripheral vision
* Factors in Emotion Recognition With Deep Learning Models Using Speech and Text on Multiple Corpora
* Factors in Finetuning Deep Model for Object Detection with Long-Tail Distribution
* Factors Influencing Movement of the Manila Dunes and Its Impact on Establishing Non-Native Species
* Factors Influencing Psycophysically Valid Taxonomies of Image Texture
* Factors Influencing Seasonal Changes in Inundation of the Daliyaboyi Oasis, Lower Keriya River Valley, Central Tarim Basin, China
* Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Shallow Snow Depth Measured Using UAV-Based Photogrammetry
* Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Demand-Responsive Transport Services in Rural Areas: A GIS-Based Method for Optimising and Evaluating Potential Services
* Factors of Influence for Transfer Learning Across Diverse Appearance Domains and Task Types
* Factors of Transferability for a Generic ConvNet Representation
* Factors That Affect Spatial Data Sharing in Malaysia
* Factors that influence algorithm performance in the Face Recognition Grand Challenge
* Factors Underlying Spatiotemporal Variations in Atmospheric PM2.5 Concentrations in Zhejiang Province, China
* Factory Automation - General Vision Systems
* Factory Extraction from Satellite Images: Benchmark and Baseline
* Facts and Narrative: The Concept of 4D Capturing of Heritage Building; A Case Study of Sompur Mahavihara, Bangladesh
* FACTS: First Amplify Correlations and Then Slice to Discover Bias
* Factual or Emotional: Stylized Image Captioning with Adaptive Learning and Attention
* Fade-in and fade-out temporal segments
* Fade and Dissolve Detection in Uncompressed and Compressed Video Sequences
* Fade detection
* Fade detector for digital video
* FADE: Feature Aggregation for Depth Estimation With Multi-View Stereo
* FADE: Fusing the Assets of Decoder and Encoder for Task-Agnostic Upsampling
* Faded Smiles? A Largescale Observational Study of Smiling from Adolescence to Old Age
* Fading Affect Bias: Improving the Trade-Off Between Accuracy and Efficiency in Feature Clustering
* FADR: Functional-Anatomical Discriminative Regions for Rest fMRI Characterization
* FADS: Fourier-Augmentation Based Data-Shunting for Few-Shot Classification
* FAemb: A function approximation-based embedding method for image retrieval
* FAFEnet: A fast and accurate model for automatic license plate detection and recognition
* FAFNet: Fully aligned fusion network for RGBD semantic segmentation based on hierarchical semantic flows
* FAIEr: Fidelity and Adequacy Ensured Image Caption Evaluation
* Fail-Safe Multi-Modal Localization Framework Using Heterogeneous Map-Matching Sources
* Failure-Aware Explicit Shape Regression Model for Facial Landmark Detection in Video, A
* Failure Case of Phase Transition for Penalized Problems in Corrupted Sensing, The
* Failure Detection for Facial Landmark Detectors
* Failure Mapping and Genealogical Research on Metro Operational Incidents, A
* Failure Mechanism Analysis Considers the Hydrological And Seismic Conditions At Chashan Site in Central Taiwan
* Failure Mechanism Analysis of Mining-Induced Landslide Based on Geophysical Investigation and Numerical Modelling Using Distinct Element Method
* Failure Mechanism and Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Model for Landslide Risk Prediction
* Failure Modes of Domain Generalization Algorithms
* Failure of affine-based reconstruction attack in regenerating vascular feature points
* Fair and accurate age prediction using distribution aware data curation and augmentation
* Fair and Scalable Electric Vehicle Charging Under Electrical Grid Constraints
* Fair Attribute Classification through Latent Space De-biasing
* fair comparison of the EEG signal classification methods for alcoholic subject identification, A
* Fair Comparison Should Be Based on the Same Protocol: Comments on Trainable Convolution Filters and Their Application to Face Recognition, A
* Fair Comparison: Quantifying Variance in Results for Fine-grained Visual Categorization
* Fair Contrastive Learning for Facial Attribute Classification
* Fair Darts: Eliminating Unfair Advantages in Differentiable Architecture Search
* Fair Feature Distillation for Visual Recognition
* Fair Federated Medical Image Segmentation via Client Contribution Estimation
* Fair Loss: Margin-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Deep Face Recognition
* Fair navigation planning: A resource for characterizing and designing fairness in mobile robots
* fair optimization scheduling scheme for IEEE 802.16 networks in multimedia applications, A
* Fair P2P Scalable Video Streaming Scheme Using Improved Priority Index Assignment and Multi-hierarchical Topology, A
* Fair Polyline Networks for Constrained Smoothing of Digital Terrain Elevation Data
* Fair Representation: Guaranteeing Approximate Multiple Group Fairness for Unknown Tasks
* Fair Robust Active Learning by Joint Inconsistency
* Fair Scratch Tickets: Finding Fair Sparse Networks without Weight Training
* Fair Self-Adaptive Clustering for Hybrid Cellular-Vehicular Networks
* Fair Visual Recognition in Limited Data Regime using Self-Supervision and Self-Distillation
* Fair, Data-Efficient and Trusted Computer Vision
* FAIR: A Fast Algorithm for Document Image Restoration
* FAIR: Towards A New Feature for Affinely-Invariant Recognition
* FAIR1M: A benchmark dataset for fine-grained object recognition in high-resolution remote sensing imagery
* FairALM: Augmented Lagrangian Method for Training Fair Models with Little Regret
* Fairdisco: Fairer AI in Dermatology via Disentanglement Contrastive Learning
* FairFace: Face Attribute Dataset for Balanced Race, Gender, and Age for Bias Measurement and Mitigation
* FairGRAPE: Fairness-Aware GRAdient Pruning mEthod for Face Attribute Classification
* Fairing of Discrete Surfaces with Boundary That Preserves Size and Qualitative Shape
* FairMOT: On the Fairness of Detection and Re-identification in Multiple Object Tracking
* FairNAS: Rethinking Evaluation Fairness of Weight Sharing Neural Architecture Search
* Fairness-aware Adversarial Perturbation Towards Bias Mitigation for Deployed Deep Models
* fairness-aware smooth rate adaptation approach for dynamic HTTP streaming, A
* Fairness-oriented multi-stream rate adaptation using scalable video coding
* Fairness and QOS guaranteed user scheduling for multi-user MIMO broadcasting channel
* Fairness and the Need for Regulation of AI in Medicine, Teaching, and Recruiting
* Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations
* Fairness concern-based coordinated vehicle route guidance using an asymmetrical congestion game
* Fairness dynamics in multimedia colluders' social networks
* Fairness for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in 5G Systems
* Fairness in face presentation attack detection
* Fairness Resource Allocation in Blind Wireless Multimedia Communications
* Fairness Strategies for Wireless Resource Allocation Among Autonomous Multimedia Users
* FairScene: Learning unbiased object interactions for indoor scene synthesis
* FairStyle: Debiasing StyleGAN2 with Style Channel Manipulations
* Faithful cross-media color matching using neural networks
* Faithful Disocclusion Filling in Depth Image Based Rendering Using Superpixel-Based Inpainting
* Faithful Extreme Rescaling via Generative Prior Reciprocated Invertible Representations
* Faithful Fit, Markerless, 3d Eyeglasses Virtual Try-on
* Faithful Least-Squares Fitting of Spheres, Cylinders, Cones and Tori for Reliable Segmentation
* Faithful polygonal representation of the convex and concave parts of a digital curve
* Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data by global fitting
* Faithful recovering of quadric surfaces from 3D range data
* Faithful Recovery of Vector Valued Functions from Incomplete Data Recolorization and Art Restoration
* Faithful Shape Representation for 2D Gaussian Mixtures
* Faithful Spatio-Temporal disocclusion filling using local optimization
* FAKD: Feature-Affinity Based Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* FAKD: Feature Augmented Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation
* Fake Colorized Image Detection Approaches: A Review
* Fake face detection based on radiometric distortions
* Fake Face Detection using Local Binary Pattern and Ensemble Modeling
* Fake face detection via adaptive manipulation traces extraction network
* Fake Face Images Detection and Identification of Celebrities Based on Semantic Segmentation
* Fake Finger Detection Based on Thin-Plate Spline Distortion Model
* Fake Finger Detection by Finger Color Change Analysis
* Fake finger detection using an electrotactile display system
* Fake Fingerprint Detection by Odor Analysis
* Fake fingertip generation from a minutiae template
* Fake Generated Painting Detection Via Frequency Analysis
* Fake iris detection based on 3D structure of iris pattern
* Fake Iris Detection by Using Purkinje Image
* Fake it till you make it: face analysis in the wild using synthetic data alone
* Fake it Till You Make it: Learning Transferable Representations from Synthetic ImageNet Clones
* Fake News Detection using Higher-order User to User Mutual-attention Progression in Propagation Paths
* Fake News in India: Scale, Diversity, Solution, and Opportunities
* Fake Review Classification Using Supervised Machine Learning
* Fake Video Detection With Certainty-Based Attention Network
* FakeCLR: Exploring Contrastive Learning for Solving Latent Discontinuity in Data-Efficient GANs
* FakeNED: A Deep Learning Based-System for Fake News Detection from Social Media
* FakePoI: A Large-Scale Fake Person of Interest Video Detection Benchmark and a Strong Baseline
* FakeTalkerDetect: Effective and Practical Realistic Neural Talking Head Detection with a Highly Unbalanced Dataset
* Faketracer: Exposing Deepfakes with Training Data Contamination
* Faking Dynamics of Cloth Animation for Animated Films
* FALCON: A Fourier Transform Based Approach for Fast and Secure Convolutional Neural Network Predictions
* FalCon: Fine-grained Feature Map Sparsity Computing with Decomposed Convolutions for Inference Optimization
* FALCONS: FAst Learner-grader for CONtorted poses in Sports
* FALDOI: A New Minimization Strategy for Large Displacement Variational Optical Flow
* FALF ConvNets: Fatuous auxiliary loss based filter-pruning for efficient deep CNNs
* Fall Detection Algorithm Based on Thresholds and Residual Events
* Fall Detection and Recognition from Egocentric Visual Data: A Case Study
* Fall Detection Based on Depth-Data in Practice
* Fall detection based on OpenPose and MobileNetV2 network
* Fall Detection by Human Pose Estimation and Kinematic Theory
* Fall detection for elderly person care in a vision-based home surveillance environment using a monocular camera
* Fall detection system using Kinect's infrared sensor
* Fall Detection Systems at Night
* Fall Detection using Biometric Information Based on Multi-Horizon Forecasting
* Fall detection using body geometry and human pose estimation in video sequences
* Fall Detection using Body Geometry in Video Sequences
* Fall Detection Using Body Volume Recontruction and Vertical Repartition Analysis
* Fall Detection Using Multimodal Data
* Fall detection using single-tree complex wavelet transform
* Fall Detection with Event-based Data: A Case Study
* Fall in! Sorting a Group of Robots with a Continuous Controller
* Falling Mixed-Phase Ice Virga and their Liquid Parent Cloud Layers as Observed by Ground-Based Lidars
* Falling motion detection algorithm based on deep learning
* Falling snow motion estimation based on a semi-transparent and particle trajectory model
* Falling Things: A Synthetic Dataset for 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation
* Falls Prediction Based on Body Keypoints and Seq2Seq Architecture
* FaLRR: A fast low rank representation solver
* False-Contour Removal by Random Blurring
* False-positive-free SVD-based image watermarking
* False-Positive Reduction in Computer-Aided Detection of Polyps in CT Colonography: A Massive-Training Support Vector Regression Approach
* False alarm rate: a critical performance measure for face recognition
* False Alarm Reduction in Wavelength-Resolution SAR Change Detection Using Adaptive Noise Canceler
* False Colour Problem, The
* False Correlation Reduction for Offline Reinforcement Learning
* False Correspondence Removal via Revisiting Semantic Context with Position-Attentive Learning
* False Data Injection Attack in a Platoon of CACC: Real-Time Detection and Isolation With a PDE Approach
* False Detections Revising Algorithm for Millimeter Wave Radar SLAM in Tunnel
* False discovery rate approach to image change detection
* False Discovery Rate Approach to Unsupervised Image Change Detection
* False Discovery Rate Control in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies via Markov Random Fields
* False Matches and Non-independence of Face Recognition Scores
* False Positive Reduction in Breast Mass Detection Using the Fusion of Texture and Gradient Orientation Features
* False Positive Reduction in Breast Mass Detection Using Two-Dimensional PCA
* False Positive Reduction in Colonic Polyp Detection Using Glocal Information
* False Positive Removal for 3D Vehicle Detection With Penetrated Point Classifier
* False Rejection Oriented Threat Model for the Design of Biometric Authentication Systems, A
* Falsification Detection System for IoV Using Randomized Search Optimization Ensemble Algorithm
* Falsification discrimination method for iris recognition system
* FAM: Improving columnar vision transformer with feature attention mechanism
* FAM: Visual Explanations for the Feature Representations from Deep Convolutional Networks
* FAM3L: Feature-Aware Multi-Modal Metric Learning for Integrative Survival Analysis of Human Cancers
* FAMC: The MPEG-4 standard for Animated Mesh Compression
* FaME-ML: Fast Multirate Encoding for HTTP Adaptive Streaming Using Machine Learning
* FAME-ViL: Multi-Tasking Vision-Language Model for Heterogeneous Fashion Tasks
* Fame: A flexible appearance modeling environment
* FAME: Face Association through Model Evolution
* FAMED-Net: A Fast and Accurate Multi-Scale End-to-End Dehazing Network
* Familiar/unfamiliar face classification from EEG signals by utilizing pairwise distant channels and distinctive time interval
* Familiarity based unified visual attention model for fast and robust object recognition
* familiarity hypothesis: Explaining the behavior of deep open set methods, The
* Familiarity in Team-Based Online Games: The Interplay Between Player Familiarity and the Concepts of Social Presence, Team Trust, and Performance
* Families in Wild Multimedia: A Multimodal Database for Recognizing Kinship
* Families of Generalised Morphological Scale Spaces
* Families of Stationary Patterns Producing Illusory Movement: Insights into the Visual System
* Families of Tuned Scale-Space Kernels
* Family Facial Patch Resemblance Extraction
* Family Member Identification from Photo Collections
* Family of Approaches for Full 3D Reconstruction of Objects with Complex Surface Reflectance, A
* Family of Cluster Validity Indexes Based on a l-Order Fuzzy OR Operator, A
* family of contextual measures of similarity between distributions with application to image retrieval, A
* family of cubeness measures, A
* Family of Efficient and Channel Error Resilient Wavelet/Subband Image Coders
* family of European page readers, A
* Family of Fast Hadamard-Fourier Transform Algorithms, A
* family of fast index and redundancy assignments for error resilient multiple description coding, A
* Family of Fast Walsh Hadamard Algorithms With Identical Sparse Matrix Factorization, A
* Family of generalised multi-polarity complex Hadamard transforms
* Family of Generalized Cardinal Polishing Splines, A
* family of globally optimal branch-and-bound algorithms for 2D-3D correspondence-free registration, A
* family of information-theoretic algorithms for low-complexity discriminant feature selection in image retrieval, A
* family of measures for best top-n class-selective decision rules, A
* family of methods for quality-based multimodal biometric fusion using generative classifiers, A
* family of new complex number chaotic maps based image encryption algorithm, A
* Family of Normalized LMS Algorithms, A
* Family of Novel Graph Kernels for Structural Pattern Recognition, A
* Family of Onion Convolutions for Image Inpainting, The
* family of online boosting algorithms, A
* Family of Quadratic Snakes for Road Extraction, A
* Family of Regularizing Kernels for Averaging in the Presence of Template Jitter
* family of risk estimators as criteria for PSF estimation: From SURE to GCV, A
* Family of Shape Ellipticity Measures for Galaxy Classification, A
* Family of Similarity Measures Between Two Strings, A
* Family of Single-Channel Spectrally-Null-Constrained Sequences With Low Correlation, A
* Family of Single-User Autostereoscopic Displays with Head-Tracking Capabilities, A
* family of the subgradient algorithm with several cosparsity inducing functions to the cosparse recovery problem, A
* Family of Topology-Preserving 3D Parallel 6: Subiteration Thinning Algorithms, A
* Family of Two-Dimensional Benchmark Data Sets and Its Application to Comparing Different Cluster Validation Indices, A
* Family of Universal Axes, The
* family of wavelet-based stereo image coders, A
* family Particle Swarm Optimization based on the family tree, A
* Family verification based on similarity of individual family member's facial segments
* FAMM: Facial Muscle Motions for Detecting Compressed Deepfake Videos Over Social Networks
* FAMNet: Joint Learning of Feature, Affinity and Multi-Dimensional Assignment for Online Multiple Object Tracking
* FamSearch: Visual Analysis of Genealogical Data
* Fan-Beam Binarization Difference Projection (FB-BDP): A Novel Local Object Descriptor for Fine-Grained Leaf Image Retrieval
* Fan-beam Reconstruction Methods
* Fan-meshes: a geometric primitive for point-based description of 3D models and scenes
* FAN-Trans: Online Knowledge Distillation for Facial Action Unit Detection
* Fan Clouds: An Alternative to Meshes
* Fan Filters, the 3-D Radon Transform, and Image Sequence Analysis
* Fan Shape Model for object detection
* Fan: Feature Adaptation Network for Surveillance Face Recognition and Normalization
* FANet: Feature aggregation network for RGBD saliency detection
* FANet: Feature Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation
* FANet: Features Adaptation Network for 360° Omnidirectional Salient Object Detection
* FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph Representation
* FANNG: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbour Graphs
* Fantasia3D: Disentangling Geometry and Appearance for High-quality Text-to-3D Content Creation
* Fantastic Answers and Where to Find Them: Immersive Question-Directed Visual Attention
* Fantastic Breaks: A Dataset of Paired 3D Scans of Real-World Broken Objects and Their Complete Counterparts
* Fantastic Style Channels and Where to Find Them: A Submodular Framework for Discovering Diverse Directions in GANs
* Fantope Regularization in Metric Learning
* FAO-56 Dual Model Combined with Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing for Regional Evapotranspiration Estimations
* FAOT-Net: A 1.5-Stage Framework for 3D Pelvic Lymph Node Detection With Online Candidate Tuning
* FAP extraction using three-dimensional motion estimation
* FAPAR: Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, FPAR
* FAPIS: A Few-shot Anchor-free Part-based Instance Segmenter
* Fapn: Face Alignment Propagation Network for Face Video Super-resolution
* FaPN: Feature-aligned Pyramid Network for Dense Image Prediction
* FApSH: An effective and robust local feature descriptor for 3D registration and object recognition
* Far-Field Automatic Speech Recognition
* Far-Field Radiated From a Vertical Magnetic Dipole in the Sea With a Rough Upper Surface
* Far-field super-oscillation imaging based on the super-oscillation elements and PSF feature extraction algorithm
* Far-sighted active learning on a budget for image and video recognition
* Far Away in the Deep Space: Dense Nearest-Neighbor-Based Out-of-Distribution Detection
* FAR: Fourier Aerial Video Recognition
* Far3Det: Towards Far-Field 3D Detection
* Faraday Rotation Correction for SMAP and Soil Moisture Retrieval
* Faraday Rotation Correction for the SMAP Radiometer
* Faraday Rotation Effects on L-Band Spaceborne SAR Data
* FaRE: Open Source Face Recognition Performance Evaluation Package
* Farewell to Mutual Information: Variational Distillation for Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification
* Farey Sequences and the Planar Euclidean Medial Axis Test Mask
* Farm Automation Gets Smarter
* Farm Level Assessment of Irrigation Performance for Dairy Pastures in the Goulburn-Murray District of Australia by Combining Satellite-Based Measures with Weather and Water Delivery Information
* Farm Parcel Delineation Using Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks
* Farm3D: Learning Articulated 3D Animals by Distilling 2D Diffusion
* Farman Institute 3D Point Sets: High Precision 3D Data Sets
* FArMARe: a Furniture-Aware Multi-task methodology for Recommending Apartments based on the user interests
* Farmer Assisted Mobile Framework for Improving Agricultural Products
* Farmer Perception, Recollection, and Remote Sensing in Weather Index Insurance: An Ethiopia Case Study
* Farmhouses of The Roman Countryside: Census and Catalog. The Case Of The Estate of Farnesiana, The
* Farmland Extraction from High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Stratified Scale Pre-Estimation
* Farmland Parcel Mapping in Mountain Areas Using Time-Series SAR Data and VHR Optical Images
* Farmland Segmentation in Landsat 8 Satellite Images Using Deep Learning and Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
* Farmland Shelterbelt Age Mapping Using Landsat Time Series Images
* FARMs: A Geospatial Crop Modeling and Agricultural Water Management System
* FARMSAR: Fixing AgRicultural Mislabels Using Sentinel-1 Time Series and AutoencodeRs
* Farness preserving Non-negative matrix factorization
* FarNet: An Attention-Aggregation Network for Long-Range Rail Track Point Cloud Segmentation
* FARNet: Fragmented affinity reasoning network of text instances for arbitrary shape text detection
* Farnsworth Flashlight is not equivalent to the Farnsworth Lantern, The
* Faro Technologies
* Faro
* FARO: FAce Recognition Against Occlusions and Expression Variations
* FARP-Net: Local-Global Feature Aggregation and Relation-Aware Proposals for 3D Object Detection
* FARSA: Fully Automated Roadway Safety Assessment
* FarSeg++: Foreground-Aware Relation Network for Geospatial Object Segmentation in High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Farsi and Arabic document images lossy compression based on the mixed raster content model
* Farsi font recognition based on Sobel-Roberts features
* Farsi, Persian Character Recognition
* Farsi/Arabic handwritten digit recognition based on ensemble of SVD classifiers and reliable multi-phase PSO combination rule
* Farsi/Arabic Handwritten from Machine-Printed Words Discrimination
* FarSight: A Physics-Driven Whole-Body Biometric System at Large Distance and Altitude
* Farther the Better: Balanced Stereo Matching via Depth-Based Sampling and Adaptive Feature Refinement, The
* Farthest point distance: A new shape signature for Fourier descriptors
* Farthest Point Strategy for Progressive Image Sampling, The
* FASA: Fast, Accurate, and Size-Aware Salient Object Detection
* FASA: Feature Augmentation and Sampling Adaptation for Long-Tailed Instance Segmentation
* Fasciculography: Robust Prior-Free Real-Time Normalized Volumetric Neural Tract Parcellation
* FascinatE Production Scripting Engine, The
* FASHE: A FrActal Based Strategy for Head Pose Estimation
* Fashion-Guided Adversarial Attack on Person Segmentation
* Fashion-Specific Ambiguous Expression Interpretation with Partial Visual-Semantic Embedding
* Fashion Analysis: Current Techniques and Future Directions
* Fashion apparel detection: The role of deep convolutional neural network and pose-dependent priors
* Fashion Attributes-to-Image Synthesis Using Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network
* Fashion Captioning: Towards Generating Accurate Descriptions with Semantic Rewards
* Fashion Customization: Image Generation Based on Editing Clue
* Fashion Editing With Adversarial Parsing Learning
* Fashion Forward: Forecasting Visual Style in Fashion
* Fashion Image Retrieval with Capsule Networks
* Fashion Image Retrieval with Text Feedback by Additive Attention Compositional Learning
* Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards Retrieving Images by Natural Language Feedback
* Fashion Is Taking Shape: Understanding Clothing Preference Based on Body Shape From Online Sources
* Fashion Landmark Detection in the Wild
* Fashion Meets Computer Vision: A Survey
* Fashion Outfit Complementary Item Retrieval
* Fashion Parsing With Video Context
* Fashion Parsing With Weak Color-Category Labels
* Fashion Police: Towards Semantic Indexing of Clothing Information in Surveillance Data
* Fashion Recommendation on Street Images
* Fashion recommendations through cross-media information retrieval
* Fashion Retrieval via Graph Reasoning Networks on a Similarity Pyramid
* Fashion Style in 128 Floats: Joint Ranking and Classification Using Weak Data for Feature Extraction
* Fashion Style Recognition Using Component-Dependent Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fashion++: Minimal Edits for Outfit Improvement
* Fashionformer: A Simple, Effective and Unified Baseline for Human Fashion Segmentation and Recognition
* FashionGraph: Understanding fashion data using scene graph generation
* FashionMirror: Co-attention Feature-remapping Virtual Try-on with Sequential Template Poses
* FashionNTM: Multi-turn Fashion Image Retrieval via Cascaded Memory
* Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset
* FashionSAP: Symbols and Attributes Prompt for Fine-Grained Fashion Vision-Language Pre-Training
* FashionSearchNet: Fashion Search with Attribute Manipulation
* FashionViL: Fashion-Focused Vision-and-Language Representation Learning
* FashionVLP: Vision Language Transformer for Fashion Retrieval with Feedback
* FashionVQA: A Domain-Specific Visual Question Answering System
* FASNet: Feature Aggregation and Sharing Network for Image Inpainting
* FASON: First and Second Order Information Fusion Network for Texture Recognition
* FASSD-Net: Fast and Accurate Real-Time Semantic Segmentation for Embedded Systems
* FASSST: Fast Attention Based Single-Stage Segmentation Net for Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* Fast-accurate 3D face model generation using a single video camera
* Fast-At: Fast Automatic Thumbnail Generation Using Deep Neural Networks
* Fast-BR vs. Fast-CT_EXT: An Empirical Performance Study
* Fast-Calibration Reflectance-Transmittance Model to Compute Multiview Recto-Verso Prints
* Fast-CLOCs: Fast Camera-LiDAR Object Candidates Fusion for 3D Object Detection
* Fast-Convergent Federated Learning via Cyclic Aggregation
* Fast-converging adaptive algorithms for well-balanced separating linear classifier
* Fast-Converging Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Synthesis
* Fast-converging minimum frequency error RLS lattice filter for narrowband interference with discrete frequency steps
* Fast-deepKCF Without Boundary Effect
* Fast-efficient algorithm of high-profile intra prediction for H.264 encoding system
* Fast-efficient shape error concealment technique based on block classification
* Fast-forward solvers for the low-frequency detection of buried dielectric objects
* Fast-forward video based on semantic extraction
* Fast-GANFIT: Generative Adversarial Network for High Fidelity 3D Face Reconstruction
* Fast-HBNet: Hybrid Branch Network for Fast Lane Detection
* Fast-Learning Viewnet Architectures for Recognizing 3-Dimensional Objects from Multiple 2-Dimensional Views
* Fast-Marching Methods for Curvature Penalized Shortest Paths
* FasT-Match: Fast Affine Template Matching
* Fast-match: Fast and robust feature matching on large images
* Fast-Mesh: A Low-Delay High-Bandwidth Mesh for Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming
* Fast-MoCo: Boost Momentum-Based Contrastive Learning with Combinatorial Patches
* Fast-MVSNet: Sparse-to-Dense Multi-View Stereo With Learned Propagation and Gauss-Newton Refinement
* Fast-n-Squeeze: towards real-time spectral reconstruction from RGB images
* Fast-PADMA: Rapidly Adapting Facial Affect Model From Similar Individuals
* FAST-PVE: Extremely Fast Markov Random Field Based Brain MRI Tissue Classification
* Fast-Robust PCA
* Fast-Scanning Phased-Array Weather Radar With Angular Imaging Technique
* Fast-searching algorithm for vector quantization using projection and triangular inequality
* Fast-SNARF: A Fast Deformer for Articulated Neural Fields
* Fast-SNN: Fast Spiking Neural Network by Converting Quantized ANN
* Fast-Tracking Application for Traffic Signs Recognition
* Fast-Vid2Vid: Spatial-Temporal Compression for Video-to-Video Synthesis
* FAST-VQA: Efficient End-to-End Video Quality Assessment with Fragment Sampling
* Fast & Robust Image Interpolation Using Gradient Graph Laplacian Regularizer
* Fast 2-Class Classifier for 2D Data Using Complex-Moment-Preserving Principle, A
* Fast 2-D AR Parameter Estimation Algorithm Based on Functional Schur Coefficients, A
* Fast 2-D DCT Algorithm Via Distributed Arithmetic Optimization, A
* Fast 2-D Distance Transformations
* Fast 2-Dimensional 8 x 8 Integer Transform Algorithm Design for H.264/AVC Fidelity Range Extensions
* Fast 2-Dimensional Entropic Thresholding Algorithm, A
* Fast 2D-3D Point-Based Registration Using GPU-Based Preprocessing for Image-Guided Surgery
* Fast 2D-to-3D matching with camera pose voting for 3D object identification
* Fast 2D and 3D image processing with OpenCL
* Fast 2D border ownership assignment
* Fast 2D Complex Gabor Filter With Kernel Decomposition
* Fast 2D Convolutions and Cross-Correlations Using Scalable Architectures
* fast 2D entropic thresholding method by wavelet decomposition, A
* Fast 2D Hand Tracking with Flocks of Features and Multi-Cue Integration
* Fast 2D intra prediction (2DIP) mode decision for image and video coding
* Fast 2D Model-To-Image Registration Using Vanishing Points for Sports Video Analysis
* Fast 2D Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance, A
* Fast 2D to 3D conversion using a clustering-based hierarchical search in a machine learning framework
* Fast 3-D decimation-in-frequency algorithm for 3-D Hartley transform
* Fast 3-D Imaging Algorithm Based on Unitary Transformation and Real-Valued Sparse Representation for MIMO Array SAR
* Fast 3-D Inhomogeneous Radiative Transfer Model Using a Planar-Stratified Forward Algorithm and Horizontal Perturbation Series
* Fast 3-D Interpretation from Monocular Image Sequences on Large Motion Fields
* Fast 3-D Medical Image Registration Algorithm Based on Equivalent Meridian Plane, A
* Fast 3-D Object Recognition Using Feature Based Aspect-Trees
* Fast 3-D Tomographic Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection
* Fast 3-D Urban Object Detection on Streaming Point Clouds
* Fast 3D-HEVC Depth Map Encoding Using Machine Learning
* Fast 3D-HEVC inter coding using data mining and machine learning
* Fast 3D-Vision System to Classify Metallic Coins by their Embossed Topography
* Fast 3D Blind Seismic Deconvolution via Constrained Total Variation and GCV
* Fast 3D Brain Segmentation Using Dual-Front Active Contours with Optional User-Interaction
* Fast 3D centerline computation for tubular structures by front collapsing and fast marching
* Fast 3D Correspondence Method for Statistical Shape Modeling, A
* Fast 3D Face Alignment and Improved Recognition Through Pyramidal Normal map Metric
* Fast 3D Face Recognition Based On Normal Map
* Fast 3D hand estimation for mobile interactions
* Fast 3D image reconstruction by cuboids and 3D Charlier's moments
* Fast 3D image transformations for registration procedures
* Fast 3D Indoor-Localization Approach Based on Video Queries, A
* Fast 3D Mean Shift Filter for CT Images
* Fast 3D model acquisition from stereo images
* Fast 3D Multimodality Registration Algorithm for Human Brain, A
* Fast 3D Object Alignment from Depth Image with 3D Fourier Moment Matching on GPU
* Fast 3D Object Recognition of Rotationally Symmetric Objects
* Fast 3D Reconstruction of Faces with Glasses
* fast 3D reconstruction of inextensible surfaces using adaptive weights, A
* Fast 3D Reconstruction of the Spine Using User-Defined Splines and a Statistical Articulated Model
* Fast 3D Scanning with Automatic Motion Compensation
* Fast 3D Stabilization and Mosaic Construction
* Fast 3D Structure From Motion with Missing Points from Registration of Partial Reconstructions
* Fast 3D surface reconstruction by unambiguous compound phase coding
* Fast 3D Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds Using Graph-Based Fronts Propagation
* Fast 3D tracking and quantization of small vascular structures in 3D medical images
* Fast 3D video stabilization using ROI-based warping
* Fast 6D Pose Estimation from a Monocular Image Using Hierarchical Pose Trees
* Fast 6DOF Pose Estimation with Synthetic Textureless CAD Model for Mobile Applications
* Fast 8-Bit Median Filtering Based on Separability
* Fast A3RL: Aesthetics-Aware Adversarial Reinforcement Learning for Image Cropping
* Fast Abnormal Event Detection
* Fast access control technology solutions (FACTS)
* fast accumulative motion orientation model based on integral image for video smoke detection, A
* Fast Accurate Fish Recognition with Deep Learning Based on a Domain-Specific Large-Scale Fish Dataset
* fast accurate implicit polynomial fitting approach, A
* Fast ACE (FACE): An Error-Bounded Approximation of Automatic Color Equalization
* Fast Acquiring and Analysis of 3-D Laser Range Data
* Fast Acquisition and Reconstruction of Optical Coherence Tomography Images via Sparse Representation
* Fast acquisition of dense depth data by a new structured light scheme
* Fast Action Detection via Discriminative Random Forest Voting and Top-K Subvolume Search
* Fast action localization based on spatio-temporal path search
* Fast Action Localization in Large-Scale Video Archives
* Fast action proposals for human action detection and search
* Fast Action Retrieval from Videos via Feature Disaggregation
* Fast Active Appearance Model Search Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Fast active learning for hyperspectral image classification using extreme learning machine
* Fast AdaBoost-Based Face Detection System on a Dynamically Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architecture
* Fast Adaboosting Based Method for Iris and Pupil Contour Detection, A
* Fast Adaptation to Super-resolution Networks via Meta-learning
* Fast Adapting Without Forgetting for Face Recognition
* Fast Adaptive Active Noise Control Based on Modified Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning Algorithm
* Fast adaptive algorithms and networks for class-separability features
* Fast adaptive algorithms for optimal feature extraction from Gaussian data
* Fast Adaptive Alternatives to Nonlinear Diffusion in Image Enhancement: Greens Function Approximators and Nonlocal Filters
* Fast adaptive and selective mean filter for the removal of high-density salt and pepper noise
* fast adaptive approach to the restoration of images degraded by noise, A
* Fast Adaptive Bilateral Filtering of Color Images
* Fast Adaptive Bilateral Filtering
* fast adaptive binarization method for complex scene images, A
* Fast adaptive early termination for mode selection in H.264 scalable video coding
* Fast adaptive elliptical filtering using box splines
* Fast Adaptive Fourier Based Transform and its Use in Multidimensional Data Compression
* Fast Adaptive Graph-Cuts Based Stereo Matching
* Fast Adaptive Image-Restoration Filter for Reducing Block Artifact in Compressed Images, A
* Fast adaptive LDA using quasi-Newton algorithm
* Fast Adaptive Local Subspace Learning With Regressive Regularization
* Fast adaptive Mahalanobis distance-based search and retrieval in image databases
* Fast Adaptive ME Algorithm Based on H.264, A
* Fast Adaptive Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Image Generation
* Fast Adaptive Method for Binarization of Document Images, A
* fast adaptive motion estimation algorithm, A
* Fast Adaptive Nonuniformity Correction for Infrared Focal-Plane Array Detectors
* Fast Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Total Variation Image Restoration, A
* Fast adaptive PNN-based thresholding algorithms
* Fast Adaptive Reparametrization (FAR) With Application to Human Action Recognition
* Fast Adaptive Robust Subspace Tracking for Online Background Subtraction
* Fast Adaptive Self-Supervised Underwater Image Enhancement
* Fast adaptive similarity based impulsive noise reduction filter
* Fast Adaptive Smoothing and Thresholding for Improved Activation Detection in Low-Signal fMRI
* fast adaptive spatio-temporal 3D feature for video-based person re-identification, A
* Fast adaptive switching technique of impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast adaptive termination mode selection for H.264 scalable video coding
* Fast Adaptive Wavelet Packet Image Compression
* Fast adaptive wavelet packets using interscale embedding of decomposition structures
* Fast additive half-quadratic iterative minimization for lp-lq image smoothing
* Fast Additive Sinusoidal Synthesis With a Subband Sinusoidal Method
* Fast Address Block Location on Handwritten and Machine Printed Mail-Piece Images
* Fast Adversarial Training With Adaptive Step Size
* Fast Adversarial Training with Smooth Convergence
* Fast Aerial Image Geolocalization Using the Projective-Invariant Contour Feature
* Fast affine-invariant image matching based on global Bhattacharyya measure with adaptive tree
* Fast Affine Invariant Image Matching
* Fast Affine Point Matching: An Output-Sensitive Method
* Fast Affine Projection Algorithm for 2-d Filtering and Linear Prediction, A
* Fast Affine Template Matching over Galois Field
* Fast affinity propagation clustering: A multilevel approach
* Fast Agglomerative Clustering Using a k-Nearest Neighbor Graph
* Fast agglomerative clustering using information of k-nearest neighbors
* Fast aircraft detection based on region locating network in large-scale remote sensing images
* Fast Aircraft Detection in Satellite Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Aircraft Detection Method for SAR Images Based on Efficient Bidirectional Path Aggregated Attention Network, A
* Fast Algorithm and Architecture Design of Low-Power Integer Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast Algorithm and Its VLSI Architecture for Fractional Motion Estimation for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video Coding, A
* Fast Algorithm and VLSI Architecture of Rate Distortion Optimization in H.265-HEVC
* fast algorithm based on gray level co-occurrence matrix and Gabor feature for HEVC screen content coding, A
* Fast algorithm based on the sole- and multi-depth texture measurements for HEVC intra coding
* Fast Algorithm for 1-Norm Vector Median Filtering, A
* Fast algorithm for 2D fragment assembly based on partial EMD
* Fast Algorithm for a Mean Curvature Based Image Denoising Model Using Augmented Lagrangian Method, A
* fast algorithm for a weighted low rank approximation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Accurate Content-Adaptive Mesh Generation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Active Contours and Curvature Estimation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Active Contours, A
* fast algorithm for adaptive background model construction using parzen density estimation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Adaptive Edge Detection, A
* FAST Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering, A
* Fast Algorithm for Approximate Viewshed Computation, A
* Fast Algorithm For Backprojection With Linear Interpolation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Binary Field Wavelet Transform for Image Processing
* Fast Algorithm for Bottom-Up Document Layout Analysis, A
* Fast algorithm for box-constrained fractional-order total variation image restoration with impulse noise
* Fast Algorithm for Building the Octree for a Three-Dimensional Object from Its Multiple Images, A
* Fast Algorithm for Cellular Logic Operations on Sequential Machines, A
* fast algorithm for computation of discrete Euclidean distance transform in three or more dimensions on vector processing architectures, A
* Fast Algorithm for Computing a Histogram on Reconfigurable Mesh, A
* Fast Algorithm for Computing Discrete Cosine Transform
* fast algorithm for computing optic flow and its implementation on a Transputer array, A
* Fast algorithm for computing the shape of a set of digital points
* Fast Algorithm for Constructing Parameterizations of Three-Dimensional Simply Connected Digital Objects, A
* Fast Algorithm for Conversion from DCT Blocks to Integer Cosine Transform Blocks, A
* Fast Algorithm for Convex-Hull Extraction in 2D Images, A
* fast algorithm for corner detection using the morphologic skeleton, A
* Fast Algorithm for Creating a Compact and Discriminative Visual Codebook, A
* Fast Algorithm for Creating Image-Based Stereo Images
* Fast Algorithm for DCT-Domain Inverse Motion Compensation Based on Shared Information in a Macroblock, A
* Fast Algorithm for Designing Better Codebooks in Image Vector Quantization
* Fast Algorithm for Designing Stack Filters, A
* Fast algorithm for detecting a small signal in the presence of normally distributed noise
* Fast Algorithm for Detecting Die Extrusion Defects in IC Packages, A
* fast algorithm for discrete sine transform using first-order moment, A
* Fast algorithm for distortion-based error protection of embedded image codes
* fast algorithm for dominant point detection on chain-coded contours, A
* Fast Algorithm For Edge-Preserving Variational Multichannel Image Restoration, A
* fast algorithm for elastic shape distances between closed planar curves, A
* Fast Algorithm for Encoding the Image Structure by Edge Directions, A
* Fast algorithm for error-bounded compression of digital curves
* Fast Algorithm for Euler's Elastica Model Using Augmented Lagrangian Method, A
* Fast Algorithm for Exact Histogram Specification. Simple Extension to Colour Images, A
* fast algorithm for finding k-nearest neighbors with non-metric dissimilarity, A
* Fast Algorithm for Finding Lines in Pictures, A
* Fast Algorithm for Generating Fractals, A
* Fast algorithm for generation of moment invariants
* Fast algorithm for HEVC intra-coding implemented by preprocessing
* fast algorithm for high quality vector quantization codebook design, A
* Fast algorithm for hybrid region-based active contours optimisation
* fast algorithm for ICP-based 3D shape biometrics, A
* Fast Algorithm for Image Registration without Predetermining Correspondences, A
* Fast Algorithm for Image Super-Resolution from Blurred Observations, A
* fast algorithm for integrating connected-component labeling and euler number computation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Iris Detection
* Fast algorithm for ISE-bounded polygonal approximation
* Fast algorithm for large-scale subspace clustering by LRR
* Fast Algorithm for Learning a Ranking Function from Large-Scale Data Sets, A
* Fast Algorithm for Learning the Overcomplete Image Prior, A
* Fast algorithm for least-squares based image prediction
* fast algorithm for level set-like active contours, A
* fast algorithm for license plate detection, A
* Fast Algorithm for Liver Surgery Planning, A
* Fast Algorithm for Local Minimum and Maximum Filters on Rectangular and Octagonal Kernels, A
* Fast Algorithm for Local Statistics Calculation for N -Dimensional Images
* Fast Algorithm for Locating Head Boundaries
* Fast Algorithm for Low-rank Tensor Completion in Delay-embedded Space
* Fast Algorithm for Macroblock Mode Selection in H.264 Video Coding, A
* Fast Algorithm for Maximum-Likelihood Imaging with Coherent Speckle Measurements, A
* Fast Algorithm for MDL-Based Multi-Band Image Segmentation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Motion Estimation Under the Varying Inter-Frame Brightness Characteristics, A
* Fast Algorithm for Motion Prediction, A
* Fast Algorithm for Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting by Minimizing a New Defined Vector Norm of Residuals Using Semidefinite Programming, A
* Fast algorithm for multiple-circle detection on images using learning automata
* Fast algorithm for multiple-objects MIN-e problem
* Fast algorithm for multiplicative noise removal
* Fast Algorithm for Nearest Neighbor Search Based on a Lower Bound Tree
* Fast Algorithm for Occlusion Detection and Removal, A
* Fast Algorithm for Point Pattern-Matching: Invariant to Translations, Rotations and Scale Changes
* fast algorithm for preserving noise while reducing image size, A
* Fast Algorithm for Pseudodiscrete Wigner-Ville Distribution Using Moving Discrete Hartley Transform
* Fast algorithm for pyramid vector quantization
* Fast Algorithm for Quaternion-Based 4D Rotation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Rail Extraction Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data, A
* Fast algorithm for real-time ground extraction from unorganized stereo point clouds
* Fast Algorithm for Reconstructing hv-Convex Binary Images from Their Horizontal Projection, A
* fast algorithm for registration of individual frames and information recovery in fluorescein angiography video image analysis, A
* Fast Algorithm for Rigid Structure from Image Sequences, A
* Fast Algorithm for Robot Localization Using Multiple Sensing Units, A
* fast algorithm for skew detection of document images using morphology, A
* Fast Algorithm for Statistically Optimized Orientation Estimation, A
* Fast Algorithm for Structured and Unstructured Road Detection
* Fast Algorithm for Target Shadow Removal in Monocular Colour Sequences, A
* Fast Algorithm for Template Matching, A
* Fast Algorithm for Texture Synthesis on Surfaces
* fast algorithm for the block codes and its application to image compression, The
* Fast Algorithm for the Boolean Masking Problem, A
* fast algorithm for the computation of axial moments and its application to the orthogonal fitting of curves, A
* Fast Algorithm for the Computation of Moment Invariants
* Fast Algorithm for the Conversion of DCT Coefficients to H.264 Transform Coefficients, A
* Fast Algorithm for the Maximum Clique Problem, A
* Fast Algorithm for the Nearest-Neighbor Classifier, A
* Fast Algorithm for the Restoration of Images Based on Chain Codes Description and Its Applications, A
* Fast algorithm for the stereo pair matching with parallel computation
* Fast algorithm for total variation minimization
* fast algorithm for tracking human faces based on chromatic histograms, A
* fast algorithm for video parsing using MPEG compressed sequences, A
* Fast Algorithm for Walsh Hadamard Transform on Sliding Windows
* Fast Algorithm of 3D Discrete Image Orthogonal Moments Computation Based on 3D Cuboid
* fast algorithm of bitstream extraction using distortion prediction based on simulated annealing, A
* Fast Algorithm of Coding Unit Depth Decision for HEVC Intra Coding
* Fast Algorithm of Multiresolution Elastic Matching, A
* Fast Algorithm of Passive Bistatic Radar Detection Based on Batches Processing of Sparse Representation and Recovery
* Fast algorithm of phase masks for image encryption in the Fresnel domain
* fast algorithm of video super-resolution using dimensionality reduction by DCT and example selection, A
* Fast Algorithm to Calculate the Euler Number for Binary Images, A
* fast algorithm to compute cohomology group generators of orientable 2-manifolds, A
* Fast Algorithms and Efficient GPU Implementations for the Radon Transform and the Back-Projection Operator Represented as Convolution Operators
* Fast Algorithms and VLSI Architecture Design for HEVC Intra-Mode Decision
* Fast Algorithms for Basic Processing and Analysis Operations on Block-Represented Binary Images
* Fast algorithms for color image processing by principal component analysis
* Fast algorithms for computing -skeletons and their relatives
* Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Algorithms for DCT-Domain Image Down-Sampling and for Inverse Motion Compensation
* Fast Algorithms for DCT-domain Video Transcoding
* Fast algorithms for designing nearly optimal lookup tables for complexity control of the H.264 encoder
* Fast Algorithms for DFT of Composite Sequence Lengths
* Fast Algorithms for Estimating Local Image Properties
* Fast algorithms for finding disjoint subsequences with extremal densities
* Fast Algorithms for Fitting Active Appearance Models to Unconstrained Images
* Fast algorithms for foveated video processing
* Fast algorithms for GS-model-based image reconstruction in data-sharing fourier imaging
* Fast Algorithms for Image Reconstruction with Application to Partially Parallel MR Imaging
* Fast algorithms for incremental and decremental semi-supervised discriminant analysis
* Fast algorithms for L-inf problems in multiview geometry
* Fast algorithms for large scale conditional 3D prediction
* Fast Algorithms for Linear and Kernel SVM+
* Fast Algorithms for Low-Level Vision
* Fast Algorithms for Object Orientation Determination
* Fast Algorithms for p-elastica Energy with the Application to Image Inpainting and Curve Reconstruction
* Fast Algorithms for Projective Multi-Frame Structure from Motion
* Fast Algorithms for Running Ordering and Max/Min Calculation
* Fast Algorithms for Source Identification Problems with Elliptic PDE Constraints
* Fast algorithms for structured robust principal component analysis
* Fast Algorithms for the 2D Discrete Cosine Transform
* Fast algorithms for the computation of Ranklets
* Fast Algorithms for the Estimation of Motion Vectors
* Fast Algorithms for the Multidimensional Discrete Fourier Transform
* Fast Algorithms for Two Maximal Distance Problems with Applications to Image Analysis
* Fast alignment for sparse representation based face recognition
* Fast alignment of 3D geometrical models and 2D color images using 2D distance maps
* Fast alignment of digital images using a lower bound on an entropy metric
* Fast Alignment Scheme for Automatic OCR Evaluation of Books, A
* Fast Alignment Using Probabilistic Indexing
* Fast Almost-Gaussian Filtering
* Fast Alpha-Tree Algorithm for Extreme Dynamic Range Pixel Dissimilarities, A
* Fast Alternating Direction Optimization Methods
* Fast Alternating Minimization Method for Compressive Sensing MRI under Wavelet Sparsity and TV Sparsity
* Fast Alternative for Template Matching: An ObjectCode Method, A
* Fast Analysis of C-Scans From Ground Penetrating Radar via 3-D Haar-Like Features With Application to Landmine Detection
* Fast analysis of scalable video for adaptive browsing interfaces
* Fast Analytical Medial-Axis Localization in Convex Polyhedra
* Fast Analytical Reconstruction Of Gated Cardiac Spect With Non-uniform Attenuation Compensation
* Fast Anatomical Structure Localization Using Top-Down Image Patch Regression
* Fast anchor graph preserving projections
* Fast Anchor Person Searching Scheme in News Sequences, A
* Fast and Accurate 3D Edge Detection for Surface Reconstruction
* Fast and Accurate 3D Face Recognition: Using Registration to an Intrinsic Coordinate System and Fusion of Multiple Region Classifiers
* Fast and Accurate 3D Gesture Recognition Interface
* Fast and accurate 3D object recognition directly from digital holograms
* Fast and Accurate 3D Rangefinder Using the Biris Technology: Trid, A
* Fast and Accurate 3D Reconstruction of Dental Models
* Fast and Accurate 3D Registration from Line Intersection Constraints
* Fast and Accurate 3D Scanning Using Coded Phase Shifting and High Speed Pattern Projection
* Fast and Accurate Action Detection in Videos With Motion-Centric Attention Model
* Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Chessboard Corner Detection, A
* Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Facial Feature Segmentation, A
* Fast and accurate algorithm for the short-pulse electromagnetic scattering from conducting circular plates buried inside a lossy dispersive half-space
* Fast and Accurate Algorithms for Projective Multi-Image Structure from Motion
* fast and accurate approach for 3D image registration using the scatter search evolutionary algorithm, A
* Fast and accurate approximation of digital shape thickness distribution in arbitrary dimension
* Fast and Accurate Approximation of the Euclidean Opening Function in Arbitrary Dimension
* Fast and Accurate Automatic Registration for MR-Guided Procedures Using Active Microcoils
* Fast and Accurate Basis Pursuit Denoising Algorithm With Application to Super-Resolving Tomographic SAR, A
* Fast and accurate bilateral filtering using Gauss-polynomial decomposition
* Fast and Accurate Binary Halftone Image Resolution Increasing by Decision-tree Learning
* Fast and Accurate Calibration of a Kinect Sensor
* Fast and Accurate Camera Covariance Computation for Large 3D Reconstruction
* Fast and Accurate Camera Scene Detection on Smartphones
* Fast and accurate candidate reduction using the multiclass LDA for Japanese/Chinese character recognition
* fast and accurate cascade subspace face/eye detector on mobile devices, A
* Fast and accurate circle tracking using active contour models
* Fast and Accurate Collocation of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Measurements with Cross-Track Infrared Sounder
* Fast and accurate compressed sensing model in magnetic resonance imaging with median filter and split Bregman method
* Fast and accurate computation of orthogonal moments for texture analysis
* Fast and accurate computation of Racah moment invariants for image classification
* fast and accurate contour-based method for writer-dependent offline handwritten Farsi/Arabic subwords recognition, A
* Fast and Accurate Craniomaxillofacial Landmark Detection via 3D Faster R-CNN
* Fast and Accurate Depth Estimation From Sparse Light Fields
* Fast and accurate detection and localization of abnormal behavior in crowded scenes
* Fast and Accurate Detection of Complex Imaging Genetics Associations Based on Greedy Projected Distance Correlation
* Fast and Accurate Detection of Document Skew and Orientation
* Fast and Accurate Edge-Based Segmentation with No Contour Smoothing in 2-D Real Images
* Fast and accurate environment modeling using three-dimensional occupancy grids
* Fast and accurate extraction of moving object silhouette for personalized Virtual Reality Studio @ Home
* Fast and Accurate Eye Tracker Using Stroboscopic Differential Lighting, A
* Fast and Accurate Face Detector Based on Neural Networks, A
* Fast and Accurate Face Detector for Indexation of Face Images, A
* Fast and Accurate Face Recognition Using Support Vector Machines
* Fast and Accurate Face Recognition with Image Sets
* Fast and Accurate Facial Landmark Localization in Depth Images for In-Car Applications
* Fast and accurate facial pose estimation by aligning a 3D appearance model
* Fast and Accurate Far-Field Pseudopolar Format Radar Imaging Algorithm, A
* Fast and Accurate Feature-Matching Algorithm for Minimally-Invasive Endoscopic Images, A
* Fast and Accurate Fingerprint Indexing Based on Ridge Orientation and Frequency
* Fast and Accurate Fingerprint Verification
* fast and accurate first-order algorithm for compressed sensing, A
* Fast and Accurate Foreground Background Separation for Video Surveillance
* fast and accurate Fourier algorithm for iterative parallel-beam tomography, A
* Fast and accurate fuzzy C-means algorithm for MR brain image segmentation
* Fast and Accurate Gaussian Derivatives Based on B-Splines
* Fast and accurate geodesic distance transform by ordered propagation
* Fast and Accurate Gesture Recognition Based on Motion Shapes
* Fast and accurate global geodesic registrations using knee MRI from the Osteoarthritis Initiative
* Fast and accurate global motion compensation
* Fast and Accurate Hand Pose Detection for Human-Robot Interaction
* Fast and Accurate Head Pose Estimation via Random Projection Forests
* Fast and Accurate Homography Estimation Using Extendable Compression Network
* Fast and Accurate Human Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted MS-LBP Features
* Fast and Accurate Hyperspectral Image Classification with Window Shape Adaptive Singular Spectrum Analysis
* Fast and Accurate Image-Registration Algorithm Using Prior Knowledge, A
* Fast and Accurate Image Matching with Cascade Hashing for 3D Reconstruction
* Fast and accurate image recognition using Deeply-Fused Branchy Networks
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using a Combined Loss
* Fast and Accurate Image Super-Resolution with Deep Laplacian Pyramid Networks
* Fast and accurate image upscaling with super-resolution forests
* Fast and Accurate Intrinsic Symmetry Detection
* Fast and accurate iris segmentation based on linear basis function and RANSAC
* fast and accurate iterative method for the camera pose estimation problem, A
* Fast and Accurate Large-Scale Stereo Reconstruction Using Variational Methods
* Fast and Accurate Least-Mean-Squares Solvers for High Dimensional Data
* Fast and accurate light field saliency detection through deep encoding
* Fast and accurate line detection with GPU-based least median of squares
* Fast and Accurate Log-Determinant Approximations
* Fast and Accurate Machined Surface Rendering Using an Octree Model
* Fast and Accurate Matrix Completion via Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Fast and Accurate Method for Parameter Estimation of Multi-Component LFM Signals, A
* Fast and accurate method for radial moment's computation
* fast and accurate method to register medical images using Wavelet Modulus Maxima, A
* Fast and accurate metrology of multi-layered ceramic materials by an automated boundary detection algorithm developed for optical coherence tomography data
* Fast and Accurate Micro Lenses Depth Maps for Multi-focus Light Field Cameras
* Fast and Accurate Model Scaling
* fast and accurate motion descriptor for human action recognition applications, A
* Fast and Accurate Motion Estimation Using Orientation Tensors and Parametric Motion Models
* Fast and accurate motion segmentation using Linear Combination of Views
* Fast and accurate multi-class geospatial object detection with large-size remote sensing imagery using CNN and Truncated NMS
* Fast and accurate multi-view reconstruction by multi-stage prioritised matching
* Fast and accurate near-duplicate image search with affinity propagation on the ImageWeb
* Fast and Accurate Object Detector for Handwritten Digit String Recognition, A
* Fast and Accurate One-Stage Approach to Visual Grounding, A
* Fast and Accurate Online Video Object Segmentation via Tracking Parts
* Fast and Accurate Palmprint Recognition System Based on Minutiae, A
* Fast and Accurate Pedestrian Detection Using a Cascade of Multiple Features
* Fast and Accurate Plane Detection Algorithm for Large Noisy Point Clouds Using Filtered Normals and Voxel Growing, A
* Fast and Accurate Plane Segmentation of Airborne LiDAR Point Cloud Using Cross-Line Elements
* Fast and Accurate Poisson Denoising With Trainable Nonlinear Diffusion
* Fast and accurate power estimation for application-specific instruction set processors using FPGA emulation
* Fast and Accurate Quantized Camera Scene Detection on Smartphones, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast and Accurate Rat Head Motion Tracking With Point Sources for Awake Brain PET
* Fast and Accurate Ray-Voxel Intersection Techniques for Iso-Surface Ray Tracing
* fast and accurate re-calibration technique for misaligned stereo cameras, A
* Fast and Accurate Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Dilated Asymmetric Convolutions
* Fast and Accurate Refocusing for Moving Ships in SAR Imagery Based on FrFT
* Fast and Accurate Registration of Structured Point Clouds with Small Overlaps
* Fast and Accurate Registration of Terrestrial Point Clouds Using a Planar Approximation of Roof Features
* Fast and Accurate Registration of Visible and Infrared Videos
* Fast and Accurate Retrieval of Methane Concentration From Imaging Spectrometer Data Using Sparsity Prior
* Fast and Accurate Road Crack Detection Based on Adaptive Cost-Sensitive Loss Function
* Fast and Accurate Rotation Estimation on the 2-Sphere without Correspondences
* Fast and accurate scale estimation method for object tracking
* Fast and Accurate Scene Parsing via Bi-Direction Alignment Networks
* Fast and accurate scene text understanding with image binarization and off-the-shelf OCR
* Fast and Accurate Segmentation of Dental X-Ray Records
* Fast and accurate segmentation of the LV in MR volumes using a deformable model with dynamic programming
* Fast and Accurate Self-Calibration
* Fast and Accurate Single-Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution via Information Distillation Network
* Fast and accurate skin segmentation in color images
* Fast and Accurate Spatial Target Snapping Method for 3D Scene Modeling and Mapping in Mobile Augmented Reality, A
* Fast and Accurate Spectrum Estimation via Virtual Coarray Interpolation Based on Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization
* Fast and Accurate Spherical Harmonic Transform for Spatio-Temporal Regular Grid Data
* Fast And Accurate Stereo Vision-based Estimation Of 3d Position And Axial Motion Of Road Obstacles
* Fast and Accurate Structure and Motion Estimation
* Fast and accurate superpixel segmentation algorithm with a guidance image
* Fast and accurate surface alignment through an isometry-enforcing game
* Fast and Accurate Target Detection Based on Multiscale Saliency and Active Contour Model for High-Resolution SAR Images
* Fast and Accurate Tensor-based Optical Flow Algorithm Implemented in FPGA, A
* Fast and Accurate Tensor Completion With Total Variation Regularized Tensor Trains
* Fast and Accurate Terrain Image Classification for ASTER Remote Sensing by Data Stream Mining and Evolutionary-EAC Instance-Learning-Based Algorithm
* Fast and Accurate Text Detection in Natural Scene Images with User-Intention
* Fast and Accurate Texture Based Image Segmentation
* Fast and Accurate Texture Recognition with Multilayer Convolution and Multifractal Analysis
* Fast and accurate three-dimensional point spread function computation for fluorescence microscopy
* Fast and Accurate Tracking of Highly Deformable Heart Valves with Locally Constrained Level Sets
* Fast and Accurate Transferability Measurement by Evaluating Intra-class Feature Variance
* Fast and Accurate Tree-Based Clustering for Japanese/Chinese Character Recognition
* Fast and Accurate Uncertainty Quantification for the ECG with Random Electrodes Location
* Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector, A
* Fast and Accurate Unknown Object Segmentation for Robotic Systems
* Fast and Accurate Vanishing Point Detection and Its Application in Inverse Perspective Mapping of Structured Road
* Fast and accurate video annotation using dense motion hypotheses
* Fast and Accurate Video Semantic-Indexing System Using Fast MAP Adaptation and GMM Supervectors, A
* Fast and Accurate: Video Enhancement Using Sparse Depth
* Fast and active texture segmentation based on orientation and local variance
* Fast and Adaptive 3D Reconstruction With Extensively High Completeness
* Fast and Adaptive Deep Fusion Learning for Detecting Visual Objects
* Fast and Adaptive Empirical Mode Decomposition for Multidimensional, Multivariate Signals
* Fast and adaptive license plate recognition algorithm for Persian plates
* fast and adaptive method for image contrast enhancement, A
* Fast and Adaptive Method for SAR Superresolution Imaging Based on Point Scattering Model and Optimal Basis Selection
* Fast and Adaptive Method to Estimate Texture Statistics by the Spatial Gray Level Dependence Matrix for Texture Image Segmentation, A
* Fast and Adaptive Pairwise Similarities for Graph Cuts-based Image Segmentation
* Fast and Adaptive Random Walks Approach for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Natural Images, A
* fast and area-efficient VLSI architecture for embedded image coding, A
* Fast and Automated FMT/XCT Reconstruction Strategy Based on Standardized Imaging Space, A
* Fast and automatic algorithm for optic disc extraction in retinal images using principle-component-analysis-based preprocessing and curvelet transform
* Fast and automatic city-scale environment modelling using hard and/or weak constrained bundle adjustments
* Fast and Automatic Data-Driven Thresholding for Inundation Mapping with Sentinel-2 Data
* Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU
* Fast and automatic reconstruction of structured illumination microscopy images with multiscale products
* Fast and Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Point Clouds Using 2D Line Features
* Fast and Automatic Segmentation of Ascending Aorta in MSCT Volume Data
* Fast and Automatic Stereo Vision Matching Algorithm-Based on Dynamic-Programming Method
* fast and automatic stereotactic registration with a single CT-slice, A
* Fast and automatic video object segmentation and tracking for content-based applications
* Fast and Automatically Adjustable GRBF Kernel Based Fuzzy C-Means for Cluster-wise Coloured Feature Extraction and Segmentation of MR Images
* Fast and Calibrationless Low-Rank Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Through Unrolled Deep Learning Estimation of Multi-Channel Spatial Support Maps
* Fast and cheap object recognition by linear combination of views
* Fast and correspondence-less camera motion estimation based on voting mechanism and morton codes
* Fast and deterministic (3+1)DOF point set registration with gravity prior
* Fast and Differentiable Message Passing on Pairwise Markov Random Fields
* Fast and Direct Polygonization for Gray-Scale Images Using Digital Straightness and Exponential Averaging
* Fast and Easy Blind Deblurring Using an Inverse Filter and PROBE
* Fast and Effective Algorithm for a Poisson Denoising Model With Total Variation, A
* fast and effective appearance model-based particle filtering object tracking algorithm, A
* Fast and effective characterization for classification and similarity searches of 2D and 3D spatial region data
* Fast and effective characterization of 3D region data
* Fast and Effective Dichotomy Based Hash Algorithm for Image Matching, A
* fast and effective ellipse detector for embedded vision applications, A
* Fast and Effective Irregular Stripe Removal Method for Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), A
* Fast and effective Keypoint-based image copy-move forgery detection using complex-valued moment invariants
* Fast and Effective L_0 Gradient Minimization by Region Fusion
* Fast and Effective Method for Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Fast and Effective Model for Wavelet Subband Histograms and Its Application in Texture Image Retrieval, A
* Fast and Effective Occlusion Detection Algorithm, A
* fast and effective outlier detection method for matching uncalibrated images, A
* Fast and Effective Retrieval of Plant Leaf Shapes
* fast and effective stereo matching method-implementation aspects, A
* Fast and Effective Techniques for LWIR Radiative Transfer Modeling: A Dimension-Reduction Approach
* Fast and effective text detection
* Fast and Effective Transformer for Human Pose Estimation, A
* Fast and efficient 3D face recognition using wavelet networks
* Fast and Efficient Approach for Human Action Recovery From Corrupted 3-D Motion Capture Data Using QR Decomposition-Based Approximate SVD, A
* Fast and Efficient Basis Selection Methods for Embedded Wavelet Packet Image Coding
* Fast and efficient calculations of structural invariants of chirality
* fast and efficient compression method for binary images, A
* Fast and efficient computation of stereo depth maps
* fast and efficient computer aided diagnostic system to detect tumor from brain magnetic resonance imaging, A
* Fast and efficient contrast-enhanced super-resolution without real-world data using concatenated recursive compressor-decompressor network
* Fast and Efficient Correction of Ground Moving Targets in a Synthetic Aperture Radar, Single-Look Complex Image
* Fast and efficient data reduction approach for multi-camera light field display telepresence systems
* Fast and Efficient Dense Variational Stereo on GPU
* Fast and efficient difference of block means code for palmprint recognition
* Fast and Efficient DNN Deployment via Deep Gaussian Transfer Learning
* Fast and Efficient Ensemble Clustering Method, A
* Fast and Efficient Facial Expression Recognition Using a Gabor Convolutional Network
* Fast and Efficient Feature Extraction Based on Bayesian Decision Boundaries
* Fast and efficient fractional pixel motion estimation for H.264/AVC video coding
* Fast and Efficient Hybrid Fractal-Wavelet Image Coder, A
* Fast and Efficient Image Quality Enhancement via Desubpixel Convolutional Neural Networks
* fast and efficient image retrieval system based on color and texture features, A
* fast and efficient image watermarking scheme based on Deep Neural Network, A
* Fast and Efficient Incremental Algorithms for Circular and Spherical Propagation in Integer Space
* Fast and efficient inter CU decision for high efficiency video coding
* Fast and Efficient Lossless Data Compression Method, A
* Fast and efficient lossless encoder in image compression with low computation and low memory
* Fast and efficient lossless image compression based on CUDA parallel wavelet tree encoding
* Fast and Efficient Method for Block Edge Classification and Its Application in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast and Efficient Method for Computing ART
* fast and efficient method for extracting text paragraphs and graphics from unconstrained documents, A
* FAST and Efficient Microlens-Based Motion Search for Plenoptic Video Coding
* Fast and efficient minimal solvers for quadric based camera pose estimation
* Fast and efficient minutia-based palmprint matching
* Fast and Efficient Model for Real-Time Tiger Detection In The Wild
* Fast and Efficient Multi-View Depth Image Coding Method Based on Temporal and Inter-View Correlations of Texture Images, A
* Fast and efficient multichannel image completion using local similarity
* Fast and efficient narrow volume reconstruction from scattered data
* Fast and Efficient Neural Network for Light Field Disparity Estimation
* Fast and Efficient Panchromatic Sharpening
* Fast and Efficient Pedestrian Detection via the Cascade Implementation of an Additive Kernel Support Vector Machine
* Fast and efficient reconstruction of digitized frescoes
* Fast and Efficient Restoration of Extremely Dark Light Fields
* Fast and Efficient Saliency Detection Using Sparse Sampling and Kernel Density Estimation
* Fast and efficient search method for graphical data
* Fast and Efficient Shape Blending by Stable and Analytically Invertible Finite Descriptors, A
* Fast and efficient signals recovery for deterministic compressive sensing: Applications to biosignals
* Fast and Efficient Super-Resolution Network Using Hierarchical Dense Residual Learning, A
* Fast and efficient techniques for motion estimation using subband analysis
* Fast and Efficient Text Steganalysis Method, A
* Fast and Efficient Transcoding Based on Low-Complexity Background Modeling and Adaptive Block Classification
* Fast and efficient vanishing point detection in indoor images
* Fast and efficient video signature generation and matching for online video sharing
* Fast and efficient visual codebook construction for multi-label annotation using predictive clustering trees
* Fast and Enhanced Algorithm for Exemplar Based Image Inpainting
* Fast and Exact Algorithm for Total Variation Minimization, A
* Fast and exact bi-directional fitting of active appearance models
* Fast and Exact Computation of Cartesian Geometric Moments Using Discrete Greens Theorem
* Fast and Exact Modulo-Distance Between Histograms, A
* Fast and Exact Newton and Bidirectional Fitting of Active Appearance Models
* Fast and Exact Primal-Dual Iterations for Variational Problems in Computer Vision
* Fast and exact solution of Total Variation models on the GPU
* Fast and Exact: ADMM-Based Discriminative Shape Segmentation with Loopy Part Models
* Fast and explainable clustering based on sorting
* Fast and Explicit Neural View Synthesis
* Fast and Fine Location of Total Lightning from Low Frequency Signals Based on Deep-Learning Encoding Features
* Fast and Flexible Computer Vision System for Implanted Visual Prostheses, A
* Fast and flexible convolutional sparse coding
* Fast and Flexible Image Blind Denoising via Competition of Experts
* Fast and Flexible Indoor Scene Synthesis via Deep Convolutional Generative Models
* Fast And Flexible Method For Meta-map Building for ICP Based SLAM, A
* fast and flexible multiresolution snake with a definite termination criterion, A
* Fast and Flexible Statistical Method for Text Extraction in Document Pages, A
* Fast and Flexible Thinning Algorithm, A
* Fast and Fully Automatic Ear Detection Using Cascaded AdaBoost
* Fast and Fully Automatic Ear Recognition Approach Based on 3D Local Surface Features, A
* Fast and Fully Automatic Left Ventricular Segmentation and Tracking in Echocardiography Using Shape-Based B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces
* Fast and Furious: Real Time End-to-End 3D Detection, Tracking and Motion Forecasting with a Single Convolutional Net
* Fast and general density peaks clustering
* Fast and Globally Convergent Pose Estimation from Video Images
* Fast and globally convergent Structure and Motion estimation for General Camera Models
* Fast and globally convex multiphase active contours for brain MRI segmentation
* Fast and globally optimal single view reconstruction of curved objects
* Fast and High-Performance Learned Image Compression With Improved Checkerboard Context Model, Deformable Residual Module, and Knowledge Distillation
* Fast and high-performance template matching method
* Fast and High-Quality 3-D Terahertz Super-Resolution Imaging Using Lightweight SR-CNN
* Fast and high-quality video inpainting by efficiently patch searching and synthesizing
* Fast and High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Hybrid-Domain Photoacoustic Imaging Incorporating Analytical-Focused Transducer Beam Amplitude
* Fast and high accuracy pattern matching using multi-stage refining eigen template
* fast and high frame rate adaptive beamforming using DCT-based RF-line recovery in line-by-line ultrasound imaging, A
* Fast and High Performance Image Subsampling Using Feedforward Neural Networks
* Fast and High Quality Highlight Removal From a Single Image
* Fast and High Quality Image Denoising via Malleable Convolution
* Fast and high quality learning-based super-resolution utilizing TV regularization method
* Fast and High Resolution 3D Face Scanning
* fast and high subjective quality sprite generation algorithm with frame skipping and multiple sprites techniques, A
* Fast and incoherent dictionary learning algorithms with application to fMRI
* Fast and incremental algorithms for exponential semi-supervised discriminant embedding
* Fast and Informative Model Selection Using Learning Curve Cross-Validation
* Fast and Interpretable Face Identification for Out-Of-Distribution Data Using Vision Transformers
* Fast and Latent Low-Rank Subspace Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection
* Fast and Lightweight Detection Network for Multi-Scale SAR Ship Detection under Complex Backgrounds, A
* Fast and Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Based on Dense Residuals Two-Channel Network
* Fast and Lightweight Online Person Search for Large-Scale Surveillance Systems
* Fast and Local Fairing of B-Spline Curves and Surfaces
* Fast and Log-Euclidean Polyaffine Framework for Locally Linear Registration, A
* Fast and low-complexity method for exact computation of 3D Legendre moments
* Fast and low-complexity reinforcement learning for delay-sensitive energy harvesting wireless visual sensing systems
* fast and low memory image coding algorithm based on lifting wavelet transform and modified SPIHT, A
* Fast and low roundoff implementation of quadrature mirror filters for subband coding
* Fast and Memory-Efficient Network Towards Efficient Image Super-Resolution
* Fast and memory-efficient quantile filter for data in three and higher dimensions
* Fast and Memory Efficient 2-D Connected Components Using Linked Lists of Line Segments
* fast and memory efficient approach for fingerprint authentication system, A
* Fast and Memory Efficient Implementation of the Exact PNN
* Fast and Memory Efficient Online Handwritten Strokes Retrieval Using Binary Descriptor
* Fast and Memory Efficient SPIHT Image Encoder, A
* Fast and memory efficient text image compression with JBIG2
* fast and mobile system for registration of low-altitude visual and thermal aerial images using multiple small-scale UAVs, A
* Fast and Noise-Tolerant Method for Positioning Centers of Spiraling and Circulating Vector Fields, A
* fast and novel technique for color quantization using reduction of color space dimensionality, A
* Fast and Numerically Stable Circle Fit
* Fast and numerically stable methods for the computation of Zernike moments
* Fast and Optimal Block Motion Estimation via Adaptive Successive Elimination
* fast and optimal pathfinder using airborne LiDAR data, A
* Fast and Orthogonal Locality Preserving Projections for Dimensionality Reduction
* Fast and Parallel Computation of the Discrete Periodic Radon Transform on GPUs, Multicore CPUs and FPGAs
* Fast and Practical Neural Architecture Search
* Fast and Precise Face Alignment and 3D Shape Reconstruction from a Single 2D Image
* Fast and Precise HOG-Adaboost Based Visual Support System Capable to Recognize Pedestrian and Estimate Their Distance, A
* Fast and precise kinematic skeleton extraction of 3D dynamic meshes
* Fast and Precise Plane Segmentation Framework for Indoor Point Clouds, A
* fast and precise system for taking high-density human head measurements with surrounding range finders, A
* Fast and Precise Template Matching Based on Oriented Gradients
* Fast and Precise Weak-Perspective Factorization
* Fast and Precise: Parallel Processing of Vehicle Traffic Videos Using Big Data Analytics
* Fast and Provably Accurate Bilateral Filtering
* Fast and quality-efficient scheme for asymmetric multi-view video plus depth coding under the bitrate constraint
* Fast And Realistic Rendering Of Deformable Virtual Characters Using Impostor And Stencil Buffer
* Fast and regularized local metric for query-based operations
* Fast and Reliable Active Appearance Model Search for 3-D Face Tracking
* Fast and Reliable Coin Recognition System, A
* Fast and Reliable Color Region Merging Inspired by Decision Tree Pruning
* Fast and Reliable Decimation of Polygonal Models Based on Volume and Normal Field
* Fast and Reliable Estimation of Multiple Parametric Images Using an Integrated Method for Dynamic SPECT
* Fast and reliable human action recognition in video sequences by sequential analysis
* Fast and Reliable Image Mosaicing Technique with Application to Wide Area Motion Detection, A
* Fast and reliable iris segmentation algorithm
* Fast and Reliable Matching Method for Automated Georeferencing of Remotely-Sensed Imagery, A
* Fast and reliable minimal relative pose estimation under planar motion
* Fast and Reliable Network RTK Positioning Based on Multi-Frequency Sequential Ambiguity Resolution under Significant Atmospheric Biases
* Fast and reliable noise estimation algorithm based on statistical hypothesis tests
* Fast and reliable noise level estimation based on local statistic
* Fast and reliable object pose estimation from line correspondences
* Fast and Reliable Passive Trinocular Stereovision
* Fast and reliable PCA-based temporal segmentation of video sequences
* Fast and reliable probabilistic face embeddings based on constrained data uncertainty estimation
* Fast and Reliable Structure-Oriented Video Noise Estimation
* fast and reliable system for 3D surface acquisition and reconstruction, A
* Fast and Reliable Two-View Translation Estimation
* Fast and Resource-Efficient Hardware Implementation of Modified Line Segment Detector
* Fast and Robust 2D-Shape Extraction Using Discrete-Point Sampling and Centerline Grouping in Complex Images
* Fast and Robust 3D Correspondence Matching and Its Application to Volume Registration
* Fast and robust 3D face matching approach
* fast and robust 3D head pose and gaze estimation system, A
* Fast and Robust 3D Recognition by Alignment
* Fast and Robust 3D to 2D Image Registration by Backprojection of Gradient Covariances
* Fast and robust active contours for image segmentation
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for 2D/3D Panorama Ultrasound Data, A
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for Fundamental Matrix Estimation
* Fast and Robust Algorithm for Orientation Estimation Using Inertial Sensors, A
* Fast And Robust Algorithm For Road Edges Extraction From Lidar Data, A
* Fast and Robust Algorithm to Count Topologically Persistent Holes in Noisy Clouds, A
* Fast and Robust Algorithm with Reinforcement Learning for Large UAV Cluster Mission Planning, A
* Fast and robust appearance-based tracking
* Fast and Robust Approach for Registration of Partially Overlapping Range Images, A
* Fast and Robust Approach for Touching Grains Segmentation, A
* Fast and Robust Approach to Lane Marking Detection and Lane Tracking, A
* Fast and Robust Approach to Recovering Structure and Motion from Live Video Frames, A
* Fast and robust approaches for lane detection using multi-camera fusion in complex scenes
* Fast and Robust Archetypal Analysis for Representation Learning
* Fast and Robust Background Updating for Real-time Traffic Surveillance and Monitoring
* Fast and robust bore detection in range image data for industrial automation
* Fast and robust CAMShift tracking
* Fast and Robust Cascade Model for Multiple Degradation Single Image Super-Resolution
* fast and robust circle detection method using isosceles triangles sampling, A
* Fast and Robust Circular Object Detection With Probabilistic Pairwise Voting
* Fast and robust content-based copy detection based on quadrant of luminance centroid and adaptive feature comparison
* Fast and Robust Curve Skeletonization for Real-World Elongated Objects
* fast and robust deblurring technique on high noise environment, A
* Fast and robust dense stereo correspondence by column segmentation
* Fast and Robust Design of Time-Optimal k-Space Trajectories in MRI
* Fast and Robust Detection of Solar Modules in Electroluminescence Images
* Fast and Robust Differential Relative Pose Estimation With Radial Distortion
* Fast and Robust Disparity Estimation for Noisy Light Fields
* Fast and Robust Disparity Estimation from Noisy Light Fields Using 1-D Slanted Filters
* Fast and robust dominant points detection on digital curves
* Fast and robust Earth Mover's Distances
* Fast and Robust Edge-Guided Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting
* Fast and Robust Edge Extraction in Unorganized Point Clouds
* Fast and Robust Ellipse Detection Algorithm Based on Pseudo-random Sample Consensus, A
* Fast and robust ellipse detection algorithm for head-mounted eye tracking systems
* Fast and robust ellipse detector based on edge following method
* fast and robust ellipse detector based on top-down least-square fitting, A
* Fast and Robust Estimation for Unit-Norm Constrained Linear Fitting Problems
* Fast and Robust Eyelid Outline and Aperture Detection in Real-World Scenarios
* fast and robust face detection based on module switching network, A
* Fast and Robust Face Detection on a Parallel Optimized Architecture Implemented on FPGA
* fast and robust face location and feature extraction system, A
* Fast and Robust Face Recognition for Incremental Data
* Fast and robust face recognition via coding residual map learning based adaptive masking
* fast and robust feature-based 3D algorithm using compressed image correlation, A
* Fast and Robust Feature Set for Cross Individual Facial Expression Recognition, A
* Fast and Robust Filtering-Based Image Magnification
* Fast and Robust Fingerprint Identification Algorithm and Its Application to Residential Access Controller
* Fast and robust FMRI unmixing using hierarchical dictionary learning
* Fast and robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms incorporating local information for image segmentation
* Fast and Robust Generation of Feature Maps for Region-Based Visual Attention
* Fast and Robust Generation of Semantic Urban Terrain Models from UAV Video Streams
* Fast and Robust Graph-Based Approach for Boundary Estimation of Fiber Bundles Relying on Fractional Anisotropy Maps, A
* Fast and robust hand tracking using detection-guided optimization
* Fast and Robust Heterologous Image Matching Method for Visual Geo-Localization of Low-Altitude UAVs, A
* Fast and Robust Homography Estimation by Adaptive Graduated non-Convexity
* Fast and robust homography estimation method with algebraic outlier rejection
* fast and robust homography scheme for real-time planar target detection, A
* Fast and robust image identification
* fast and robust image registration method based on an early consensus paradigm, A
* Fast and robust image segmentation using an superpixel based FCM algorithm
* Fast and robust image segmentation with active contours and Student's-t mixture model
* Fast and robust image watermarking method in the spatial domain
* Fast and Robust Iris Segmentation Method, A
* Fast and robust isotropic scaling iterative closest point algorithm
* Fast and Robust Iterative Closest Point
* Fast and Robust L_1-averaging-based Pose Estimation for Driving Scenarios
* Fast and robust L0-tracker using compressive sensing
* Fast and robust laser stripe extraction for 3D reconstruction in industrial environments
* Fast and Robust Level Set Method for Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Clustering and Lattice Boltzmann Method, A
* Fast and Robust linear motion deblurring
* Fast and robust map-matching algorithm based on a global measure and dynamic programming for sparse probe data
* Fast and Robust Matching for Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Fast and Robust Methods for Multiple-View Vision
* Fast and robust monocular 3D deformable shape estimation for inextensible and smooth surfaces
* Fast and Robust Moving Object Segmentation in Video Sequences, A
* Fast and Robust Multi-Modal Image Registration for 3D Knee Kinematics
* Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation and Tracking From Multiple Views
* Fast and Robust Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation From Multiple Views
* Fast and Robust Multiframe Super Resolution
* Fast and robust multiple ColorChecker detection using deep convolutional neural networks
* Fast and Robust Non-Rigid Registration Using Accelerated Majorization-Minimization
* Fast and robust numerical solutions to minimal problems for cameras with radial distortion
* Fast and Robust Object Detection Using Visual Subcategories
* Fast and robust object segmentation with the Integral Linear Classifier
* Fast and Robust Object Tracking Using Image Foresting Transform
* Fast and robust object tracking via Accept-Reject color histogram-based method
* Fast and Robust Object Tracking via Probability Continuous Outlier Model
* Fast and robust occluded face detection in ATM surveillance
* Fast and Robust Online Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition With Deep Spatial and Contextual Information Fusion Network
* Fast and robust optic disc detection using pyramidal decomposition and hausdorff-based template matching
* Fast and Robust Perspective Rectification of Document Images on a Smartphone
* Fast and robust planar registration by early consensus with applications to document stitching
* fast and robust point tracking algorithm, A
* Fast and Robust Pose Estimation Algorithm for Bin Picking Using Point Pair Feature
* Fast and Robust Pyramid-based Image Processing
* Fast and Robust Recognition and Localization of 2-D Objects
* Fast and robust recognition of orbit and sinus drawings using histograms of forces
* Fast and Robust Recursive Algorithms for Separable Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
* Fast and robust registration of 3D surfaces using low curvature patches
* Fast and robust seam estimation to seamless image stitching
* Fast and robust search method for short video clips from large video collection
* Fast And Robust Segmentation And Classification For Change Detection In Urban Point Clouds
* Fast and Robust Segmentation of Head in T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance Volumes
* Fast and Robust Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Images Using a Combination of the Pyramidal Approach and Level Set Method, A
* Fast and robust selection of highly-correlated features in regression problems
* Fast and robust semi-local stereo matching using possibility distributions
* fast and robust simultaneous pose tracking and structure recovery algorithm for augmented reality applications, A
* Fast and robust skew estimation in document images through bilinear filtering model
* Fast and robust skew estimation of scanned documents through background area information
* Fast and Robust Sparse Approach for Hyperspectral Data Classification Using a Few Labeled Samples, A
* Fast and Robust Spatially Constrained Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Segmentation
* Fast and robust spatio-temporal image alignment for inter-sequence error concealment
* Fast and robust star detection algorithm based on the dyadic wavelet transform
* Fast And Robust Stem Reconstruction In Complex Environments Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
* Fast and Robust Super-Resolution
* Fast and robust superpixel generation method
* Fast and Robust Surface Normal Integration by a Discrete Eikonal Equation
* Fast and Robust Symmetric Image Registration Based on Distances Combining Intensity and Spatial Information
* Fast and robust symmetry detection for brain images based on parallel scale-invariant feature transform matching and voting
* Fast and robust techniques for detecting straight line segments using local models
* Fast and robust template matching with majority neighbour similarity and annulus projection transformation
* Fast and robust text detection in images and video frames
* fast and robust text spotter, A
* Fast and Robust Track Initiation Using Multiple Trees
* Fast and Robust Vanishing Point Detection for Unstructured Road Following
* Fast and Robust Vanishing Point Detection on Un-Calibrated Images
* Fast and robust video stabilisation with preserved intentional camera motion and smear removal for infrared video
* Fast and robust visual inspection system for tire surface thin defect
* Fast and robust visual tracking with hard balanced focal loss and guided domain adaption
* Fast and robust watermarking of JPEG files
* Fast and Scalable 2D Convolutions and Cross-correlations for Processing Image Databases and Videos on CPUs
* Fast and Scalable Approximate Spectral Matching for Higher Order Graph Matching
* Fast and Scalable Big Data Trajectory Clustering for Understanding Urban Mobility
* Fast and Scalable Computation of the Forward and Inverse Discrete Periodic Radon Transform
* Fast and scalable computations of 2D image moments
* Fast and Scalable Enrollment for Face Identification Based on Partial Least Squares
* Fast and scalable keypoint recognition and image retrieval using binary codes
* Fast and scalable lock methods for video coding on many-core architecture
* Fast and Scalable Pipeline for Stain Normalization of Whole-Slide Images in Histopathology, A
* Fast and Scalable Polyatomic Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for the LASSO, A
* Fast and Secure Multihop Broadcast Solutions for Intervehicular Communication
* Fast and Secure Real-Time Video Encryption
* Fast and Secure Steganography Based on J-UNIWARD
* Fast and Secured Visual Content Hiding in Lossy Compressed Images and Video Streams
* Fast and Selective Super-Resolution Ultrasound In Vivo With Acoustically Activated Nanodroplets
* Fast and Simple 2D Shape Retrieval Using Discrete Shock Graph
* Fast and Simple Algorithm for Computing MLE of the Amplitude Density Function Parameters, A
* Fast and Simple Algorithm for Producing Candidate Regions, A
* Fast and Simple Algorithm for the Construction of Asymmetrical Reversible Variable Length Codes, A
* fast and simple gradient function guided filling order prioritization for exemplar-based color image inpainting, A
* Fast and Simple Heuristic for Metro Map Path Simplification, A
* Fast and simple text replacement algorithm for text-based augmented reality
* Fast and smooth 3D reconstruction using multiple RGB-Depth sensors
* Fast and Spatially-Smooth Terrain Classification Using Monocular Camera
* Fast and Stable Algebraic Solution to L2 Three-View Triangulation
* fast and stable approach for restoration of warped document images, A
* Fast and Stable Bayesian Image Expansion Using Sparse Edge Priors
* Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Reality
* Fast and Stable Polynomial Equation Solving and Its Application to Computer Vision
* fast and stable snake algorithm for medical images, A
* Fast and Stable Vector Spline Method for Fluid Apparent Motion Estimation
* Fast and Structure-Preserving Image Inpainting Based on Probabilistic Structure Estimation
* Fast and sub-pixel precision target tracking algorithm for intelligent dual-resolution camera
* Fast and Subpixel Precise Blob Detection and Attribution
* Fast and Temporal Consistent Video Style Transfer
* Fast and the Flexible: Extended Pseudo Two-Dimensional Warping for Face Recognition, The
* Fast and Unsupervised Action Boundary Detection for Action Segmentation
* Fast and versatile algorithm for nearest neighbor search based on a lower bound tree
* Fast and versatile texture-based wireframe rendering
* Fast and viewpoint robust human detection in uncluttered environments
* Fast Anisotropic Gauss Filtering
* Fast Anisotropic Mumford-Shah Functional Based Segmentation, A
* Fast Anisotropic Smoothing of Multi-Valued Images using Curvature-Preserving PDE's
* fast anti-noise fuzzy C-means algorithm for image segmentation, A
* Fast Appearance-Based Full-Text Search Method for Historical Newspaper Images, A
* Fast Appearance Modeling for Automatic Primary Video Object Segmentation
* Fast Approach for Accurate Content-Adaptive Mesh Generation, A
* fast approach for determining of visibility of 3D object's surfaces, A
* fast approach for dimensionality reduction with image data, A
* fast approach for fusion of hyperspectral images through redundancy elimination, A
* Fast Approach for No-Reference Image Sharpness Assessment Based on Maximum Local Variation, A
* fast approach for perceptually-based fitting strokes into elliptical arcs, A
* Fast Approach for Pixelwise Labeling of Facade Images, A
* Fast Approach for SAR Imaging of Ground-Based Moving Targets Based on Range Azimuth Joint Processing
* Fast Approach For Stitching Of Aerial Images, A
* fast approach for traffic panel detection from natural scene images, A
* Fast Approach to Best Scanline Search of Airborne Linear Pushbroom Images, A
* fast approach to deformable surface 3D tracking, A
* Fast Approach to Detect and Correct Skew Documents, A
* Fast Approach to Improve Classification Performance of ECOC Classification Systems, A
* Fast Approach to the Detection and Correction of Skew Documents, A
* Fast Approximate AIB Algorithm for Distributional Word Clustering, A
* fast approximate algorithm for scaling down digital images in the DCT domain, A
* Fast approximate DCT with GPU implementation for image compression
* Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts
* Fast Approximate Energy Minimization with Label Costs
* Fast approximate focal stack transform
* Fast Approximate Fourier Transforms for Irregularly Spaced Data
* Fast Approximate GMM Soft-Assign for Fine-Grained Image Classification with Large Fisher Vectors
* Fast Approximate Inference in Higher Order MRF-MAP Labeling Problems
* Fast approximate k-means via cluster closures
* Fast Approximate Karhunen-Loeve Transform for Three-Way Array Data
* Fast approximate kernel-based similarity search for image retrieval task
* Fast Approximate Matching of Videos from Hand-Held Cameras for Robust Background Subtraction
* Fast Approximate Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm Based on K-Means
* Fast Approximate Modelling of the Next Combination Result for Stopping the Text Recognition in a Video
* Fast Approximate Nearest-Neighbor Field by Cascaded Spherical Hashing
* Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Methods for Non-Euclidean Manifolds with Applications to Human Activity Analysis in Videos
* Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm in the Hamming Space, A
* Fast approximate Random Walker segmentation using eigenvector precomputation
* Fast Approximate Spectral Unmixing Algorithm Based on Segmentation, A
* Fast approximated relational and kernel clustering
* Fast Approximated SIFT
* Fast approximation for geometric classification of LiDAR returns
* Fast Approximation of Algebraic Reconstruction Methods for Tomography
* Fast Approximation of Color Morphology
* Fast Approximation of Distance Between Elastic Curves using Kernels
* Fast Approximation of EEG Forward Problem and Application to Tissue Conductivity Estimation
* Fast Approximation of Level Set Computations: Application to Image Segmentation
* Fast Approximation of Non-Negative Sparse Recovery via Deep Learning
* Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter Using a Signal Processing Approach, A
* Fast Approximation of Visibility Dominance Using Topographic Features as Targets and the Associated Uncertainty
* Fast Approximation to a Convex Hull, A
* Fast Approximations of Shift-Variant Blur
* Fast Approximations to Structured Sparse Coding and Applications to Object Classification
* Fast Arbitrary Down-Sizing Algorithm for Video Transcoding, A
* fast arbitrary downsizing algorithm for video transcouing, A
* Fast Arbitrary Factor H.264/AVC Video Re-Sizing Algorithm, A
* Fast Arbitrary Factor Video Resizing Algorithm, A
* Fast arbitrary resizing of images in the discrete cosine transform domain
* Fast Area-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm, A
* Fast area of contact computation for collision detection of a deformable object using FEM
* Fast articulated motion tracking using a sums of Gaussians body model
* Fast Artifacts-Free Image Interpolation
* Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Image Segmentation
* Fast Asymmetric Fronts Propagation for Voronoi Region Partitioning and Image Segmentation
* Fast Asymmetric Learning for Cascade Face Detection
* Fast Asynchronous Algorithm for Linear Feature Extraction on IBM SP-2, A
* Fast AT: A simple procedure for quasi direct orientation
* Fast Atmospheric Correction Method for Hyperspectral Data
* Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instruments Approximating Multiple Scattering: Part 1: Radiative Transfer and a Potential OCO-2 XCO2 Retrieval Setup, A
* Fast Atmospheric Trace Gas Retrieval for Hyperspectral Instruments Approximating Multiple Scattering: Part 2: Application to XCO2 Retrievals from OCO-2, A
* Fast Atomic Decomposition by the Inhibition Method
* Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method for Euler's Elastica Model, A
* Fast Automatic Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Automatic Compensation of Under/Over- Exposured Image Regions
* Fast Automatic Detection of Wildlife in Images from Trap Cameras
* Fast Automatic Ellipse Detector, A
* Fast automatic estimation of the number of clusters from the minimum inter-center distance for k-means clustering
* fast automatic extraction algorithm of elliptic object groups from remote sensing images, A
* Fast Automatic Heart Chamber Segmentation from 3D CT Data Using Marginal Space Learning and Steerable Features
* Fast automatic medical image segmentation based on spatial kernel fuzzy c-means on level set method
* Fast Automatic Microstructural Segmentation of Ferrous Alloy Samples Using Optimum-Path Forest
* fast automatic optimal threshold selection technique for image segmentation, A
* Fast Automatic Precision Tree Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data
* Fast automatic saliency map driven geometric active contour model for color object segmentation
* Fast automatic segmentation of cells and nucleuses in large-scale liquid-based monolayer smear images
* Fast Automatic Single-View 3-d Reconstruction of Urban Scenes
* Fast Automatic Step Size Estimation for Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration
* Fast Automatic Vehicle Annotation for Urban Traffic Surveillance
* Fast Automatic Vehicle Detection in UAV Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* fast automatic VOP generation using boundary block segmentation, A
* Fast automatic X-ray image processing by means of a new multistage filter for background modelling
* Fast Autonomous Crater Detection by Image Analysis: For Unmanned Landing on Unknown Terrain
* Fast Averaged Kaczmarz Iteration with Convex Penalty for Inverse Problems in Hilbert Spaces, A
* Fast averaging peer group filter for the impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast axis estimation from a segment of rotationally symmetric object
* Fast B-Spline Pseudo-inversion Algorithm for Consistent Image Registration, A
* Fast B-Spline Transforms for Continuous Image Representation and Interpolation
* fast back-projection algorithm for bistatic SAR imaging, A
* Fast Back-Projection SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on Wavenumber Spectrum Fusion for High Maneuvering Platforms, A
* Fast Background Initialization with Recursive Hadamard Transform
* fast background model based surveillance video coding in HEVC, A
* Fast background removal of JPEG images based on HSV polygonal cuts for a foot scanner device
* Fast Background Scene Modeling and Maintenance for Outdoor Surveillance, A
* Fast background subtraction algorithm using two-level sampling and silhouette detection
* Fast Background Subtraction and Graph Cut for Thermal Pedestrian Detection
* Fast Background Subtraction Based on a Multilayer Codebook Model for Moving Object Detection
* Fast Backprojection Algorithms Based on Subapertures and Local Polar Coordinates for General Bistatic Airborne SAR Systems
* Fast Barrel Distortion Correction for Wide-Angle Cameras
* Fast Bayesian Compressed Sensing Algorithm via Relevance Vector Machine for LASAR 3D Imaging
* Fast Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation and Reduction of Batch Normalized Single Image Super-Resolution Network
* Fast BCS-FOCUSS and DBCS-FOCUSS with augmented Lagrangian and minimum residual methods
* Fast Beampattern Synthesis Algorithm for Flexible Conformal Array
* Fast Best-Match Shape Searching in Rotation-Invariant Metric Spaces
* Fast Bi-Directional Prediction Selection in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Temporal Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Bi-layer Neural Synthesis of One-shot Realistic Head Avatars
* Fast bi-linear interpolation pipeline
* Fast bilateral-space stereo for synthetic defocus
* Fast bilateral complementary network for deep learning compressed sensing image reconstruction
* Fast bilateral filter for HDR imaging
* Fast Bilateral Filter With Arbitrary Range and Domain Kernels
* Fast bilateral filtering by adapting block size
* Fast Bilateral Filtering for Denoising Large 3D Images
* Fast bilateral filtering for the display of high-dynamic-range images
* Fast bilateral filtering of vector-valued images
* Fast bilateral filtering using image redundancy reduction
* Fast bilateral filtering using motion detection
* Fast Bilateral Solver, The
* Fast bilinear extrapolation of 3D ising field partition function. application to fMRI image analysis
* Fast Bilinear SfM with Side Information
* Fast Bilinear Structure from Motion Algorithm Using a Video Sequence and Inertial Sensors, A
* Fast Binary-Based Video Descriptors for Action Recognition
* Fast Binary-Image Boundary Extraction
* fast binary-image comparison method with local-dissimilarity quantification, A
* Fast Binary Coding for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fast Binary Dilation/Erosion Algorithm Using Kernel Subdivision
* Fast binary embedding via circulant downsampled matrix
* Fast Binary Image Processing Using Binary Decision Diagrams
* Fast Binary Image Resolution Increasing by K-nearest Neighbor Learning
* Fast binary image set operations on a run-based representation
* Fast Binary Motion Estimation Algorithm for MPEG-4 Shape Coding, A
* fast binary pair-based video descriptor for action recognition, A
* Fast binary partition tree based variable-size block-matching for video coding
* Fast Binary Quadratic Programming Solver Based on Stochastic Neighborhood Search, A
* Fast Biologically Inspired Algorithm for Recurrent Motion Estimation, A
* Fast Bistatic ISAR Imaging Approach for Rapidly Spinning Targets via Exploiting SAR Technique, A
* Fast Bit Rate Estimation for Mode Decision of H.264/AVC
* Fast Black Run Rotation Algorithm for Binary Images, A
* Fast Blended Transformations for Partial Shape Registration
* Fast blending of planar shapes based on invariant invertible and stable descriptors
* Fast Blind Decontouring Network
* Fast blind deconvolution using a deeper sparse patch-wise maximum gradient prior
* Fast Blind Image Super Resolution Using Matrix-Variable Optimization
* Fast blind inverse halftoning
* Fast Blind Measurement of Blocking Artifacts in both Pixel and DCT Domains
* Fast Blind Quality Assessment of DIBR-Synthesized Video Based on High-High Wavelet Subband
* Fast Blind Spatially-Varying Motion Deblurring Algorithm with Camera Poses Estimation, A
* Fast block-based image restoration employing the improved best neighborhood matching approach
* Fast Block-Based Motion Estimation Using Integral Frames
* fast block-matching algorithm based on adaptive search area and its VLSI architecture for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast block-matching motion estimation bv recent-biased search for multiple reference frames
* Fast block based connected components labeling
* Fast block based local motion estimation for video stabilization
* Fast Block Clustering Based Optimized Adaptive Mediod Shift
* Fast Block Matching Algorithm Based on Motion Vector Correlation and Integral Projections, A
* Fast block matching algorithm based on the winner-update strategy
* Fast Block Matching Algorithm for Constrained One-Bit Transform-Based Motion Estimation Using Binomial Distribution
* Fast Block Matching Algorithm in Walsh Hadamard Domain
* Fast Block Matching Technique Using a Gradual Voting Strategy, A
* Fast block mode decision algorithm in H.264/AVC video coding
* Fast block mode decision scheme for B-picture coding in H.264/AVC
* fast block motion estimation algorithm using dynamic pattern search, A
* Fast block motion estimation by edge based partial distortion search
* Fast Block Motion Estimation for Overlapped Motion Compensation Using Selective Pixel Matching
* Fast Block Motion Estimation With 8-Bit Partial Sums Using SIMD Architectures
* Fast Block Type Decision Algorithm for Intra Prediction in H.264 FRExt
* Fast Blotch Detection Algorithm for Degraded Film Sequences Based on MRF Models
* fast BNM (Best Neighborhood Matching): Algorithm and parallel processing for image restoration, A
* Fast Body Posture Estimation using Volumetric Features
* Fast Bokeh effects using low-rank linear filters
* Fast Boosting Based Detection Using Scale Invariant Multimodal Multiresolution Filtered Features
* Fast boosting trees for classification, pose detection, and boundary detection on a GPU
* Fast Bootstrapping Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood for Latent Mixture Models
* Fast bottom-up pruning for HEVC intraframe coding
* Fast Boundary Detection: A Generalization and a New Algorithm
* Fast Boundary Extraction for Industrial Inspection
* Fast Brain MRI Registration with Automatic Landmark Detection Using a Single Template Image
* fast Branch-and-Bound algorithm for U-curve feature selection, A
* Fast Branch-and-Bound Nearest-Neighbor Classifier in Metric-Spaces, A
* Fast Branch & Bound Algorithms for Optimal Feature Selection
* Fast Bright-Pass Bilateral Filtering for Low-Light Enhancement
* Fast buffering for FPGA implementation of vision-based object recognition systems
* Fast building segmentation from satellite imagery and few local labels
* Fast Bundle Algorithm for Multiple-Instance Learning
* Fast C++ Implementation of Neural Network Backpropagation Training Algorithm: Application to Bayesian Optimal Image Demosaicing, A
* Fast CABAC Hardware Design for Accelerating the Rate Estimation in HEVC, A
* fast calculation method for gray-level co-occurrence matrix base on GPU, A
* Fast calculation of local moments and application to range image segmentation
* Fast Calibrated Stereo Vision for Manipulation
* Fast camera fingerprint matching in very large databases
* Fast Camera Image Denoising on Mobile GPUs with Deep Learning, Mobile AI 2021 Challenge: Report
* Fast Camera Motion Analysis in MPEG Domain
* Fast Camouflaged Object Detection via Edge-based Reversible Re-calibration Network
* Fast Candidate Points Selection in the LASSO Path
* Fast capture of textured full-body avatar with RGB-D cameras
* Fast car detection using image strip features
* Fast Cartoon + Texture Image Filters
* Fast cascade face detection with pyramid network
* fast Cascade Shape Regression Method based on CNN-based Initialization, A
* Fast Catheter Segmentation From Echocardiographic Sequences Based on Segmentation From Corresponding X-Ray Fluoroscopy for Cardiac Catheterization Interventions
* Fast CAVLD of H.264/AVC on bitstream decoding processor
* Fast Central Catadioptric Line Extraction
* Fast centre-surround contrast modification
* Fast CFAR Algorithm Based on Density-Censoring Operation for Ship Detection in SAR Images, A
* Fast Chain Coding of Region Boundaries
* Fast channel switching for single-loop scalable HEVC
* Fast characterization of 3D simple points
* Fast Chinese character detection from complex scenes
* Fast Chroma Intra-Prediction Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Texture Characteristics for VVC, A
* Fast Chromatic Aberration Correction with 1D Filters
* Fast Circular Arc Segmentation Based on Approximate Circularity and Cuboid Graph
* Fast Class-Wise Updating for Online Hashing
* fast classification based method for fractal image encoding, A
* Fast Classification in Incrementally Growing Spaces
* Fast Classification Of Discrete Shape Contours
* Fast Classification of Empty and Occupied Parking Spaces Using Integral Channel Features
* Fast Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Globally Regularized Archetypal Representation With Approximate Solution
* Fast Classification Scheme in Raman Spectroscopy for the Identification of Mineral Mixtures Using a Large Database With Correlated Predictors, A
* Fast Classification Using Weighted Distortion
* fast classifier for image data, A
* Fast Closed-Form Matting Using a Hierarchical Data Structure
* Fast Cloud Detection Algorithm Applicable to Monitoring and Nowcasting of Daytime Cloud Systems, A
* Fast cloud image segmentation with superpixel analysis based convolutional networks
* Fast Cloud Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Cluster-Assumption Based Active-Learning Technique for Classification of Remote Sensing Images, A
* Fast Cluster Polygonization and its Applications in Data-Rich Environments
* fast clustering algorithm based on pruning unnecessary distance computations in DBSCAN for high-dimensional data, A
* fast clustering algorithm for video abstraction, A
* Fast Clustering Algorithms For Vector Quantization
* Fast Clustering With Anchor Guidance
* Fast CNN-Based Document Layout Analysis
* Fast CNN-Based Single-Person 2D Human Pose Estimation for Autonomous Systems
* Fast CNN surveillance pipeline for fine-grained vessel classification and detection in maritime scenarios
* Fast Coarse-to-Fine Video Retrieval Using Shot-Level Spatio-Temporal Statistics
* Fast Code Enhancement with Local Search for Fractal Image Compression
* Fast Codebook Design Algorithm Based On A Fuzzy Clustering Methodology, A
* Fast codebook design method for image vector quantisation
* Fast Codebook Generation by Sequential Data Analysis for Object Classification
* Fast Codebook Search Algorithm for Unconstrained Vector Quantization
* Fast codebook search algorithms based on tree-structured vector quantization
* Fast codebook searching in a SOM-based vector quantizer for image compression
* Fast Codeword Search Algorithm for Real Time Codebook Generation in Adaptive VQ
* Fast Codeword Search Technique for the Encoding of Variable Rate Vector Quantizers
* Fast Coding-Mode Selection and CU-Depth Prediction Algorithm Based on Text-Block Recognition for Screen Content Coding
* fast coding algorithm based on inter-view correlations for 3D-HEVC, A
* Fast coding algorithm for HEVC based on video contents
* fast coding method for distortion-free data hiding in high dynamic range image, A
* Fast Coding Mode Selection With Rate-Distortion Optimization for MPEG-4 Part-10 AVC/H.264
* Fast Coding of Arbitrarily-Shaped Image Segments Using Weakly Separable Bases
* Fast Coding of Feature Vectors Using Neighbor-to-Neighbor Search
* Fast Coding Strategy for HEVC by Motion Features and Saliency Applied on Difference Between Successive Image Blocks
* Fast Coding Tree Unit depth decision for high efficiency video coding
* Fast coding unit decision and mode selection for intra-frame coding in high-efficiency video coding
* Fast Coding Unit Partition Decision for HEVC Using Support Vector Machines
* Fast coding unit partitioning algorithms for versatile video coding intra coding
* Fast coding unit partitioning method based on edge detection for HEVC intra-coding
* Fast coding unit selection and motion estimation algorithm based on early detection of zero block quantified transform coefficients for high-efficiency video coding standard
* Fast Coding Unit Size Decision Based on Probabilistic Graphical Model in High Efficiency Video Coding Inter Prediction
* Fast Coding Unit Size Decision in HEVC Intra Coding
* Fast Collective Activity Recognition Under Weak Supervision
* Fast Color-Weakness Compensation with Discrimination Threshold Matching
* fast color barcode detection method through cross identification on mobile platforms, A
* Fast Color Correction for Multi-View Video by Modeling Spatio-Temporal Variation
* Fast color correction using principal regions mapping in different color spaces
* Fast color image quantization using squared euclidean distance of adjacent color points along the highest color variance axis
* Fast color image restoration with multisensors
* fast color quantization algorithm using a set of one dimensional color intervals, A
* Fast color quantization using weighted sort-means clustering
* Fast color texture recognition using chromaticity moments
* Fast colour space transformations using minimax approximations
* Fast combination filtering based on weighted fusion
* Fast Combinatorial Algorithm for Tightly Separating Hyperplanes
* Fast common visual pattern detection via radiate geometric model
* Fast Compact City Modeling for Navigation Pre-Visualization
* Fast compensation of illumination changes for background subtraction
* Fast competitive learning with classified learning rates for vector quantization
* Fast Complex-Valued CNN for Radar Jamming Signal Recognition
* Fast Component-Based QR Code Detection in Arbitrarily Acquired Images
* fast component-tree algorithm for high dynamic-range images and second generation connectivity, A
* Fast Component Labelling and Convex Hull Computation on Reconfigurable Meshes
* Fast Component Tree Computation for Images of Limited Levels
* Fast Compressed Domain JPEG Image Retrieval
* Fast Compressed Domain Motion Detection in H.264 Video Streams for Video Surveillance Applications
* Fast Compressed Sensing Approach to 3D MR Image Reconstruction, A
* Fast compressed sensing recovery using generative models and sparse deviations modeling
* fast compression-based similarity measure with applications to content-based image retrieval, A
* Fast Compression Algorithms for Capsule Endoscope Images
* Fast Compressive Tracking
* Fast Computation Algorithm of Binocular Energy Model, A
* fast computation method for time scale signal denoising, A
* Fast computation methods for estimation of image spatial entropy
* Fast Computation of 2-D Cubic-Spline Interpolation, A
* Fast computation of 2-D image moments using biaxial transform
* Fast computation of 2D and 3D Legendre moments using multi-core CPUs and GPU parallel architectures
* Fast computation of 3-D geometric moments using a discrete Gauss' theorem
* Fast Computation of 3-Dimensional Geometric Moments Using a Discrete Divergence Theorem and a Generalization to Higher Dimensions
* Fast computation of 3D spherical Fourier harmonic descriptors: A complete orthonormal basis for a rotational invariant representation of three-dimensional objects
* Fast Computation of a Boundary Preserving Estimate of Optical Flow
* Fast Computation of a Contrast-Invariant Image Representation
* Fast Computation of a Visual Hull
* Fast computation of accurate Zernike moments
* Fast computation of Bipartite graph matching
* Fast Computation of Chebyshev Moments
* Fast computation of cluster validity measures for Bregman divergences and benefits
* Fast Computation of Content-Sensitive Superpixels and Supervoxels Using Q-Distances
* Fast computation of cross-sections of 3D objects from their Medial Axis Transforms
* Fast Computation of Discrete Optimal FIR Estimates in White Gaussian Noise
* Fast Computation of Disparity from Phase Differences, The
* Fast Computation of Generalized Waterfilling Problems
* Fast computation of geometric moments using a symmetric kernel
* Fast Computation of Greyscale Path Openings
* Fast Computation of Hemodynamic Sensitivity to Lumen Segmentation Uncertainty
* Fast Computation of Integer DCT-V, DCT-VIII, and DST-VII for Video Coding
* Fast Computation of Invariant Geometric Moments: A New Method Giving Correct Results
* Fast Computation of Inverse Krawtchouk Moment Transform using Clenshaw's Recurrence Formula
* Fast computation of Jacobi-Fourier moments for invariant image recognition
* Fast computation of Legendre moments of polyhedra
* Fast computation of min-Hash signatures for image collections
* Fast Computation of Moment Invariants
* Fast Computation of Moments on Compressed Grey Images using Block Representation
* Fast Computation of Morphological Area Pattern Spectra
* Fast Computation of Morphological Operations with Arbitrary Structuring Elements
* Fast Computation of Moving Average and Related Filters in Octagonal Windows
* Fast computation of mutual information in the frequency domain with applications to global multimodal image alignment
* Fast Computation of Normalized Edit Distances
* Fast computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments in polar coordinates
* Fast computation of orthogonal polar harmonic transforms
* Fast Computation of Partial DFT for Comb Spectrum Evaluation
* Fast computation of perceptually optimal quantization matrices for MPEG-2 intra pictures
* Fast computation of polar harmonic transforms
* Fast computation of pseudo Zernike moments
* Fast Computation of Region Homogeneity with Application in a Surveillance Task
* Fast computation of residual complexity image similarity metric using low-complexity transforms
* Fast Computation of Rotation-Invariant Image Features by an Approximate Radial Gradient Transform
* Fast Computation of Scale Normalised Gaussian Receptive Fields
* Fast computation of separable two-dimensional discrete invariant moments for image classification
* Fast Computation of Tchebichef Moments for Binary and Grayscale Images
* Fast computation of the compressive hyperspectral imaging by using alternating least squares methods
* Fast Computation of the Difference of Low-Pass Transform
* Fast Computation of the Discrete Walsh and Hadamard Transforms
* Fast Computation of the Fundamental Matrix for an Active Stereo Vision System
* Fast Computation of Unbiased Intensity Derivatives in Images Using Separable Filters
* Fast Computation of Variant Templates for Parallel Image Processing
* Fast Computation of Zernike Moments For Rice Sorting System
* Fast computation of Zernike moments in polar coordinates
* Fast Computation with Efficient Object Data Distribution for Large-Scale Hologram Generation on a Multi-GPU Cluster
* Fast Computational Algorithm for Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* fast computational method for minimum square error transform, A
* Fast Computations to Electromagnetic Scattering Properties of Complex Bodies of Revolution Buried and Partly Buried in Layered Lossy Media
* Fast computer hologram generation by flexible-ratio adaptive point-spread spherical wave synthesis
* Fast Computer Vision Algorithms for Reconfigurable Meshes
* Fast Computing of Color Matching by Means of Matrix Representation, Part I: Transmission-Type Coherent
* Fast concurrent object classification and localization
* Fast concurrent object localization and recognition
* Fast Conditioning Algorithm for Significant Zero Curvature Detection
* Fast Connected-component Labeling Based on Sequential Local Operations in the Course of Forward Raster Scan Followed by Backward Raster Scan
* Fast connected-component labeling
* Fast connected-component labelling in three-dimensional binary images based on iterative recursion
* fast connected components labeling algorithm and its application to real-time pupil detection, A
* Fast constrained person identity label propagation in stereo videos using a pruned similarity matrix
* Fast Constrained Surface Extraction by Minimal Paths
* Fast Constraint Propagation on Specialized Allen Networks and its Application to Action Recognition and Control
* Fast Construction of Covariance Matrices for Arbitrary Size Image Windows
* Fast Construction of Dynamic and Multi-Resolution 360-degree Panorama
* Fast construction of dynamic and multi-resolution 360° panoramas from video sequences
* Fast construction of object correspondence in stereo camera system: An example to human face capturing system
* Fast Construction of the Distance Graph Used for the Classification of Heterogeneous Electron Microscopic Projections, A
* Fast content-aware video length reduction
* Fast content-based image retrieval using quasi-gabor filter and reduction of image feature dimension
* fast content-based indexing and retrieval technique by the shape information in large image database, A
* Fast Content-based Search of VRML Models Based on Shape Descriptors
* Fast content access and retrieval of JPEG compressed images
* Fast Content Aware Image Retargeting
* Fast Context-Adaptive Mode Decision Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding With Combined Coarse-Grain Quality Scalability (CGS) and Temporal Scalability
* Fast Context Adaptation for Video Object Segmentation
* Fast Contextual Scene Graph Generation with Unbiased Context Augmentation
* Fast Continual Multi-View Clustering With Incomplete Views
* Fast Continuous 360 Degree Color 3D Laser Scanner
* Fast Continuous Max-Flow Approach to Non-convex Multi-labeling Problems, A
* Fast Continuous Wavelet Transform: A Least-Squares Formulation
* Fast Contour Matching Using Approximate Earth Mover's Distance
* Fast convergence for spectral clustering
* Fast Convergence Method for Scaling Window Sidelobe Magnitude
* fast convergence method with simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique for computerized tomography, A
* Fast Convergence of DETR with Spatially Modulated Co-Attention
* Fast convergence of regularised Region-based Mixture of Gaussians for dynamic background modelling
* Fast Convergence to Near Optimal Solution for Job Shop Scheduling Using Cat Swarm Optimization
* Fast Convergent Ordered-Subsets Algorithm With Subiteration-Dependent Preconditioners for PET Image Reconstruction, A
* Fast Converging Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Time-Varying Channels, A
* Fast Converging Algorithm for Weighted Sum Rate Maximization in Multicell MISO Downlink
* Fast Conversion Algorithm for the Dolby Digital (Plus) AC-3 Audio Coding Standards
* Fast Convex Hull Algorithm, A
* Fast Convex Hull by a Geometric Approach
* Fast ConvNets Using Group-Wise Brain Damage
* Fast Convolution Method and Its Application in Mask Optimization for Intensity Calculation Using Basis Expansion
* Fast Convolution with Laplacian-of-Gaussian Masks
* Fast Convolutional Distance Transform
* Fast Convolutional Neural Network Training Using Selective Data Sampling: Application to Hemorrhage Detection in Color Fundus Images
* Fast convolutional OCR with the scanning N-tuple grid
* Fast Convolutional Sparse Coding
* Fast Cooperative Modular Neural Nets for Human Face Detection
* Fast copy-move forgery detection using local bidirectional coherency error refinement
* Fast Corner Detection In Grey-Level Images
* Fast Corner Detection
* Fast Corner Detector Based on the Chord-to-Point Distance Accumulation Technique, A
* Fast correction of bleed-through distortion in grayscale documents by a blind source separation technique
* Fast correlation-based stereo matching with the reduction of systematic errors
* Fast Correlation Matching in Large (Edge) Image Databases
* Fast Correlation Method for Scale- and Translation-Invariant Pattern Recognition, A
* Fast Correlation Registration Method Using Singular Value Decomposition
* Fast correlation technique for glacier flow monitoring by digital camera and space-borne SAR images
* Fast correspondence-based point cloud registration by pair-wise inlier checking and transformation decomposition
* Fast correspondence-based system for shape retrieval
* Fast correspondence search for 3D surface matching
* Fast cortical keypoints for real-time object recognition
* Fast Cosine Transform, A
* Fast Cost-Volume Filtering for Visual Correspondence and Beyond
* Fast Cost Relaxation Stereo Algorithm with Occlusion Detection for Mobile Robot Applications, A
* Fast Count-Regulated OSEM Reconstruction With Adaptive Resolution Recovery
* Fast Covariance Computation and Dimensionality Reduction for Sub-window Features in Images
* Fast Covariant VLAD for Image Search
* Fast CP-compression layer: Tensor CP-decomposition to compress layers in deep learning
* Fast crack detection method for large-size concrete surface images using percolation-based image processing
* Fast Cross-Range Scaling Algorithm for ISAR Images Based on the 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform and Pseudopolar Fourier Transform, A
* Fast cross-spectral image registration using new robust correlation
* Fast cross-validation algorithms for least squares support vector machine and kernel ridge regression
* Fast Cross-Validation for Kernel-Based Algorithms
* Fast Cross Correlation for Limited Angle Tomographic Data
* Fast Crowd Density Estimation in Surveillance Videos without Training
* Fast Crowd Segmentation Using Shape Indexing
* Fast CU Depth Decision Algorithm for AVS3
* Fast CU Depth Decision for HEVC Using Neural Networks
* Fast CU partition-based machine learning approach for reducing HEVC complexity
* fast CU partition and mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding, A
* Fast CU partition decision using machine learning for screen content compression
* Fast CU partition for H.264/AVC to HEVC transcoding based on fisher discriminant analysis
* Fast CU Partition for VVC Intra-Frame Coding via Texture Complexity
* fast CU partition method based on CU depth spatial correlation and RD cost characteristics for HEVC intra coding, A
* Fast CU partition strategy for HEVC based on Haar wavelet
* Fast CU Partitioning Algorithm for HEVC Using an Online-Learning-Based Bayesian Decision Rule
* Fast CU size and prediction mode decision algorithm for HEVC based on direction variance
* Fast CU size and prediction mode decision method for HEVC encoder based on spatial features
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm for the HEVC Intra Encoder, A
* Fast CU size decision algorithm using machine learning for HEVC intra coding
* Fast CU size decision and PU mode decision algorithm in HEVC intra coding
* Fast CU Splitting and Pruning for Suboptimal CU Partitioning in HEVC Intra Coding
* Fast CU splitting and pruning method based on online learning for intra coding in HEVC
* Fast CU Splitting in HEVC Intra Coding for Screen Content Coding
* Fast CU Termination Algorithm with AdaBoost Classifier in HEVC Encoder
* fast cube-based video shot retrieval using 3D moment-preserving technique, A
* Fast Cube Cutting for Interactive Volume Visualization
* Fast Curve Estimation Using Preconditioned Generalized Radon-Transform
* Fast curvilinear structure extraction and delineation using density estimation
* Fast cyclic edit distance computation with weighted edit costs in classification
* Fast damage mapping in case of earthquakes using multitemporal SAR data
* Fast data-derived fundamental spheroidal excitation models with application to UXO discrimination
* Fast Data-Driven Iteratively Regularized Method with Convex Penalty for Solving Ill-Posed Problems, A
* Fast data reduction by space partitioning via convex hull and MBR computation
* Fast Data Selection for SVM Training Using Ensemble Margin
* fast DBSCAN clustering algorithm by accelerating neighbor searching using Groups method, A
* Fast DCT-Based Spatial Domain Interpolation of Blocks in Images
* Fast DCT Domain Filtering Using the DCT and the DST
* Fast de-streaking method using plain neural network
* Fast Decimation of Polygonal Models
* Fast Decision of Block Size, Prediction Mode, and Intra Block for H.264 Intra Prediction
* Fast Decision Tree Ensembles for Optical Character Recognition
* fast decoder for Compressed Sensing based multiple description image coding, A
* Fast Decomposition of Digital Curves into Polygons Using the Haar Transform
* Fast Decomposition of Large Nonnegative Tensors
* fast deconvolution-based approach for single-image super-resolution with GPU acceleration, A
* Fast deconvolution-based image super-resolution using gradient prior
* Fast deep autoencoder for federated learning
* Fast Deep Multi-patch Hierarchical Network for Nonhomogeneous Image Dehazing
* Fast deep neural networks for image processing using posits and ARM scalable vector extension
* Fast Deep Perception Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Fast Deep Stereo with 2D Convolutional Processing of Cost Signatures
* Fast Deep Vehicle Detection in Aerial Images
* Fast defocus map estimation
* Fast Deformable Image Registration with Non-smooth Dual Optimization
* Fast deformable matching of 3D images over multiscale nested subspaces. Application to atlas-based MRI segmentation
* Fast deformable model-based human performance capture and FVV using consumer-grade RGB-D sensors
* Fast deformable structure regression tracking
* Fast Dejittering Approach for Line Scanning Microscopy, A
* Fast Dejittering for Digital Video Frames
* Fast delineation and visualization of vessels in 3-D angiographic images
* Fast dense 3D reconstruction using an adaptive multiscale discrete-continuous variational method
* Fast Dense Spectral-Spatial Convolution Network Framework for Hyperspectral Images Classification, A
* Fast Dense Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Window in Hierarchical Framework
* Fast density clustering strategies based on the k-means algorithm
* Fast Density Estimation for Approximated k Nearest Neighbor Classification
* Fast depth-based subgraph kernels for unattributed graphs
* Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Depth and Mode Decision in Intra Prediction for Quality SHVC
* Fast Depth Estimation for Light Field Cameras
* Fast depth estimation from single image using structured forest
* Fast depth estimation on mobile platforms and FPGA devices
* Fast depth estimation using spatio-temporal prediction for stereo-based pedestrian detection
* Fast depth from defocus from focal stacks
* Fast depth intra coding based on spatial correlation and rate distortion cost in 3D-HEVC
* Fast depth intra coding based on texture feature and spatio-temporal correlation in 3D-HEVC
* Fast depth map coding based on virtual view quality
* Fast Depth Map Compression and Meshing with Compressed Tritree
* Fast Depth Map Intra Coding Based Structure Tensor Data Analysis
* Fast Depth Map Intra Coding for 3D Video Compression-Based Tensor Feature Extraction and Data Analysis
* Fast Depth Map Intra Mode Prediction Based on Self-organizing Map
* Fast depth map mode decision based on depth-texture correlation and edge classification for 3D-HEVC
* Fast Depth Prediction and Obstacle Avoidance on a Monocular Drone Using Probabilistic Convolutional Neural Network
* Fast Depth Saliency from Stereo for Region-Based Artificial Visual Attention
* Fast depth video coding method using adaptive edge classification
* Fast Depth Video Compression for Mobile RGB-D Sensors
* Fast Derivation of Soil Surface Roughness Parameters Using Multi-band SAR Imagery and the Integral Equation Model
* Fast Descriptor Extraction for Contextless 3D Registration Using a Fully Convolutional Network
* Fast Descriptors and Correspondence Propagation for Robust Global Point Cloud Registration
* Fast Design of Reduced Complexity Nearest Neighbor Classifiers Using Triangular Inequality
* Fast detecting and locating groups of targets in high-resolution SAR images
* Fast detection and impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast Detection and Modeling of Human-Body Parts from Monocular Video
* Fast detection and removal of impulsive noise using peer groups and fuzzy metrics
* Fast detection and segmentation of partial image blur based on discrete Walsh-Hadamard transform
* Fast Detection Method of Break Points in Effective Connectivity Networks, A
* Fast detection method of quick response code based on run-length coding
* Fast Detection of Curved Edges at Low SNR
* Fast Detection of Dense Subgraphs with Iterative Shrinking and Expansion
* Fast detection of facial wrinkles based on Gabor features using image morphology and geometric constraints
* Fast Detection of Independent Motion in Crowds Guided by Supervised Learning
* Fast detection of marker pixels in video-based motion capture systems
* Fast Detection of Moving Targets by Refocusing in GBSAR Imagery Based on Enlightend Search
* Fast Detection of Multiple Objects in Traffic Scenes With a Common Detection Framework
* Fast Detection of Oil Spills and Ships Using SAR Images
* Fast Detection of Railway Fastener Using a New Lightweight Network Op-YOLOv4-Tiny
* Fast Detection of Robust Features by Reducing the Number of Box Filtering in SURF
* Fast detection of small infrared objects in maritime scenes using local minimum patterns
* Fast Detector of Line Images Acquired by an Uncalibrated Paracatadioptric Camera, A
* Fast Determination of Melanin based on Skin Hyperspectral Reflectance
* Fast determination of textural periodicity using distance matching function
* Fast determination of the number of endmembers for real-time hyperspectral unmixing on GPUs
* Fast dialogue indexing based on structure information
* Fast Dichotomic Multiple Search Algorithm for Shortest Circular Path
* Fast Dictionary-Based Reconstruction for Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
* Fast Dictionary Learning for High-Dimensional Seismic Reconstruction
* Fast dictionary look-up for contextual word recognition
* Fast Diffeomorphic Image Registration via Fourier-Approximated Lie Algebras
* Fast Difference Schemes for Edge Enhancing Beltrami Flow
* Fast Differentiable Matrix Square Root and Inverse Square Root
* Fast Differentiable Transient Rendering for Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction
* Fast Diffusion EM: a diffusion model for blind inverse problems with application to deconvolution
* Fast Digital Filtering of Spectrometric Data for Pile-up Correction
* Fast digital optical flow estimation based on EMD
* Fast Digital Orthophoto Generation: A Comparative Study of Explicit and Implicit Methods
* Fast digital pan tilt zoom video
* Fast Digital Radon-Transform: An Efficient Means for Evaluating the Hough Transform, A
* Fast dihedral symmetry operations on digital images in the compressed domain
* Fast dimension reduction through random permutation
* Fast dimensionality reduction and classification of hyperspectral images with extreme learning machines
* fast direct fourier-based algorithm for subpixel registration of images, A
* Fast direct methods for computing optical flow along contours
* Fast Direct Methods for Gaussian Processes
* Fast Direct Super-Resolution by Simple Functions
* Fast directional chamfer matching
* Fast Directional Filter Set for Pyramidal Image Based Robotic Systems, A
* Fast Directional Image Completion
* Fast disambiguation of superimposed images for increased field of view
* Fast Discontinuity-Aware Subpixel Correspondence in Structured Light
* Fast Discrete Approximation Algorithm for the Radon Transform, A
* Fast discrete cosine transform approximation for JPEG image compression
* Fast Discrete Cross-Modal Hashing Based on Label Relaxation and Matrix Factorization
* Fast discrete curvelet transform-based anisotropic feature extraction for biomedical image indexing and retrieval
* Fast discrete curvelet transform based anisotropic iris coding and recognition using k-out-of-n: A fused post-classifier
* Fast Discrete HMM Algorithm for On-line Handwriting Recognition
* Fast Discrete Matrix Factorization Hashing for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval
* Fast Discrete Periodic Radon Transform for prime sized images: Algorithm, architecture, and VLSI/FPGA implementation, The
* Fast Discrete Radon Transform I: Theory, The
* fast discrete transform architecture for Frequency Domain Motion Estimation, A
* fast discriminant approach to active object recognition and pose estimation, A
* Fast Discrimination Between Homogeneous and Textured Regions
* Fast discrimination by early judgment using linear classifier
* Fast disparity estimation for 3DTV applications
* Fast disparity estimation for Multi-view plus depth video coding
* Fast disparity motion estimation in MVC based on range prediction
* Fast Displacement Estimation of Multiple Close Targets with MIMO Radar and MUSICAPES Method
* Fast Dissolve Operations for MPEG Video Contents
* Fast Distance Preserving Level Set Evolution for Medical Image Segmentation
* Fast Distance Sampling for Uniform Circular Array in Near-Field 3D Beam-Focusing
* Fast distance transformation on irregular two-dimensional grids
* Fast Distance Transforms in Graphs and in Gmaps
* Fast Distance Vector Field Extraction for Facial Feature Detection
* Fast Distortion Measurement Using Chord-Length Parameterization Within the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework
* Fast Distributed Multiple-Model Nonlinearity Estimation for Tracking the Non-Cooperative Highly Maneuvering Target
* Fast Distributed Platooning of Connected Vehicular Systems With Inaccurate Velocity Measurement
* Fast Distribution Fitting for Parameter Estimation of Range-Weighted Neighborhood Filters
* fast divisive clustering algorithm using an improved discrete particle swarm optimizer, A
* Fast documentation and accurate real-time investigation for historical Buddhist building
* Fast Domain Decomposition for Global Image Smoothing
* Fast Downscaled Inverses for Images Compressed with M-Channel Lapped Transforms
* Fast Drawing Of Traffic Sign Using Mobile Mapping System
* Fast Drivable Area Detection for Autonomous Driving with Deep Learning
* Fast DRR Generation Scheme for 3D-2D Image Registration Based on the Block Projection Method, A
* Fast DST-VII/DCT-VIII With Dual Implementation Support for Versatile Video Coding
* Fast Dual Method for HIK SVM Learning, A
* Fast DV to MPEG-4 Transcoder Integrated With Resolution Conversion and Quantization, A
* Fast Dynamic Border Linking Algorithm for Region Merging, A
* Fast Dynamic Mosaicing and Person Following
* Fast Dynamic Programming for Elastic Registration of Curves
* Fast dynamic programming for labeling problems with ordering constraints
* Fast dynamic quantization algorithm for vector map compression
* Fast Dynamic Range Compression With Local Contrast Preservation Algorithm and Its Application to Real-Time Video Enhancement, A
* Fast Dynamic Texture Detection
* Fast earth mover's distance computation for catadioptric image sequences
* Fast Edge-Aware Denoising by Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths
* Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm based on Search Space Reduction
* Fast Edge-Based Stereo Matching Algorithm through Search Space Reduction
* Fast edge-based stereo matching approach for road applications
* Fast edge-filtered image upsampling
* Fast Edge-Only Matching Techniques for Robot Pattern Matching
* fast edge-oriented algorithm for image interpolation, A
* Fast Edge-Preserved Postprocessing for Compressed Images
* Fast Edge-Preserving PatchMatch for Large Displacement Optical Flow
* Fast Edge Detection Algorithm Matching Visual Contour Perception, A
* Fast Edge Detection in RGB-D Images
* Fast Edge Detection Using Structured Forests
* Fast Edge Directed Polynomial Interoplation
* Fast Edge Map Pyramids for Hexagonal Image Structures
* Fast Edge Preserving 2D Smoothing Filter Using Indicator Function
* Fast Edge Preserving Picture Recovery by Finite Markov Random Fields
* Fast Edge Thinning Operator, A
* fast effective scene change detection and adaptive rate control algorithm, A
* fast efficient restoration algorithm for high-noise image filtering with adaptive approach, A
* Fast Eigen Matching
* Fast Eigen Solution for Homogeneous Quadratic Minimization With at Most Three Constraints, A
* Fast Eigenspace Decomposition of Correlated Images
* Fast Eigenspace Decomposition of Images of Objects With Variation in Illumination and Pose
* Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization For Off-Road Navigation
* Fast Electronic Digital Image Stabilization
* Fast electrostatic halftoning
* Fast Ellipse Detector Using Projective Invariant Pruning, A
* fast ellipse/circle detector using geometric symmetry, A
* Fast EM-like methods for maximum a posteriori estimates in emission tomography
* Fast EM Principal Component Analysis Image Registration Using Neighbourhood Pixel Connectivity
* Fast Embedded Compression for Video
* Fast Embedding Technique for Dirty Paper Trellis Watermarking
* Fast encoder decision for dependent texture coding in 3D-AVS
* Fast encoder decision for texture coding in 3D-HEVC
* fast encoder of frame-compatible format based on content similarity for 3D distribution, A
* Fast Encoding Algorithm for Fractal Image Compression Using the DCT Inner Product, A
* Fast encoding algorithm for high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) system based on spatio-temporal correlation
* Fast Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization, A
* Fast encoding algorithms for geometry-adaptive block partitioning
* Fast Encoding Algorithms for Tree Structured Vector Quantization
* Fast encoding method for vector quantisation of images using subvector characteristics and Hadamard transform
* Fast encoding of 3D color-plus-depth video based on 3D-HEVC
* Fast encoding of surveillance videos based on HEVC
* Fast encoding techniques for Multiview Video Coding
* fast encryption algorithm of color image based on four-dimensional chaotic system, A
* Fast Encryption of Image Data Using Chaotic Kolmogorov Flows
* Fast Encryption Scheme Suitable for Video Surveillance Applications Using SHA-256 Hash Function and 1D Sine-Sine Chaotic Map, A
* Fast end-to-end learning on protein surfaces
* Fast End-to-End Trainable Guided Filter
* Fast Energy Minimization Using Learned State Filters
* Fast enhancement algorithm of highway tunnel image based on constraint of imaging model
* Fast EPI based depth for plenoptic cameras
* Fast EPILE Combined With FBM for Electromagnetic Scattering From Dielectric Targets Above and Below the Dielectric Rough Surface, The
* Fast epipolar line adjustment of stereo pairs
* Fast Erosion and Dilation by Contour Processing and Thresholding of Distance Maps
* Fast error-correcting graph isomorphism based on model precompilation
* Fast estimation for robust supervised classification with mixture models
* fast estimation method for the generalized Gaussian mixture distribution on complex images, A
* Fast Estimation of Broncho-Fiberoscope Egomotion for Ct-Guided Transbronchial Biopsy
* Fast Estimation of Intrinsic Volumes in 3D Gray Value Images
* Fast Estimation of Large Displacement Optical Flow Using Dominant Motion Patterns Sub-Volume PatchMatch Filtering
* Fast estimation of slopes of linear and quasi-linear structures in noisy background, using Fourier methods
* Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation by Propagation Using Multiple Neighborhoods
* Fast Euclidean Distance Transformation in Two Scans Using a 3X3 Neighborhood
* Fast Evaluation of the Robust Stochastic Watershed
* fast evolutionary pursuit algorithm based on linearly combining vectors, A
* Fast Exact Area Image Upsampling with Natural Biquadratic Histosplines
* Fast exact euclidean distance (FEED) transformation
* Fast Exact Euclidean Distance (FEED): A New Class of Adaptable Distance Transforms
* Fast Exact Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithm, A
* Fast Exact Evaluation of Univariate Kernel Sums
* Fast Exact GLA Based on Code Vector Activity Detection, A
* Fast Exact Hyper-graph Matching with Dynamic Programming for Spatio-temporal Data
* Fast exact k nearest neighbors search using an orthogonal search tree
* Fast exact local-mean based classification algorithm using class rejection and initial distance assigning processes
* Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space With Multi-Index Hashing
* Fast Exact/Quasi-Exact FBP Algorithms for Triple-Source Helical Cone-Beam CT
* Fast example searching for input-adaptive data-driven dehazing with Gaussian process regression
* Fast Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Method Using Bounding Based on Mean and Standard Deviation of Patch Pixels, A
* Fast Exhaustive-Search equivalent pattern matching through hierarchical partitioning
* Fast exhaustive-search equivalent pattern matching through norm ordering
* Fast exhaustive multi-resolution search algorithm based on clustering for efficient image retrieval
* Fast exhaustive robust matching
* Fast Exhaustive Search Algorithm for Rate Constrained Motion Estimation, A
* Fast Expansion-Bins-Determination for Multiple Histograms Modification Based Reversible Data Hiding
* fast expected time algorithm for the 2-D point pattern matching problem, A
* Fast Explicit Diffusion for Accelerated Features in Nonlinear Scale Spaces
* Fast Explicit Diffusion for Registration with Direction-Dependent Regularization
* Fast Exposure Fusion Based on Histograms Segmentation
* Fast exposure fusion using exposedness function
* Fast exposure simulation for large circuit patterns in electron beam lithography
* Fast Extension for Sparse Representation on Robust Face Recognition, A
* Fast External Denoising Using Pre-Learned Transformations
* Fast External Force Field for Parametric Active Contour Segmentation, A
* Fast Extraction of 3D Fourier Moments via Multiple Integral Images: An Application to Antitank Mine Detection in GPR C-Scans
* Fast extraction of dominant planes in MLS-data of urban areas
* Fast Extraction of Ellipses
* Fast extraction of multi-resolution Gabor features
* Fast extraction of scene structure based on gradient runs analysis
* Fast Extraction of Somatosensory Evoked Potential Using RLS Adaptive Filter Algorithms
* Fast Extraction of Spatially Reduced Image Sequences from MPEG-2 Compressed Video
* Fast Extraction of Surface Primitives from Range Images
* Fast extraction of tubular and tree 3d surfaces with front propagation methods
* Fast extraction of wavelet-based features from JPEG images for joint retrieval with JPEG2000 images
* FAST Extreme Illumination Robust Feature in Affine Space, A
* Fast Extrinsic Calibration of a Laser Rangefinder to a Camera
* Fast eye localization based on pixel differences
* Fast eye localization without a face model using inner product detectors
* Fast Fabric Defect Detection Framework for Multi-Layer Convolutional Neural Network Based on Histogram Back-Projection, A
* Fast Face-Swap Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Face and Saliency Aware Collage Creation for Mobile Phones
* Fast face detection and species classification of African great apes
* Fast face detection by lifting dyadic wavelet filters
* Fast face detection on mobile devices by leveraging global and local facial characteristics
* Fast Face Detection Using MLP and FFT
* Fast Face Detection Using QuadTree Based Color Analysis and Support Vector Verification
* Fast Face Detection using Subspace Discriminant Wavelet Features
* Fast face detection via morphology-based pre-processing
* Fast face detection with precise pose estimation
* Fast Face Detector Training Using Tailored Views
* Fast face identification under varying pose from a single 2-D model view
* Fast Face Image Synthesis With Minimal Training
* Fast Face Localisation and Verification
* Fast Face Recognition Method Based on Fractal Coding, A
* Fast face segmentation in component color space
* Fast face sequence matching in large-scale video databases
* Fast Face Sketch Synthesis via KD-Tree Search
* Fast facial expression recognition using local binary features and shallow neural networks
* Fast facial feature extraction using a deformable shape model with haar-wavelet based local texture attributes
* Fast Facial Image Super-Resolution via Local Linear Transformations for Resource-Limited Applications
* Fast facial landmark detection using cascade classifiers and a simple 3D model
* Fast facial shape recovery from a single image with general, unknown lighting by using tensor representation
* Fast Factorized Backprojection Algorithm in Orthogonal Elliptical Coordinate System for Ocean Scenes Imaging Using Geosynchronous Spaceborne-Airborne VHF UWB Bistatic SAR
* Fast fade-out operation on MPEG video
* Fast Fashion Guided Clothing Image Retrieval: Delving Deeper into What Feature Makes Fashion
* fast feature-assisted adaptive early termination approach for multiple reference frames motion estimation in H.264, A
* Fast Feature-Less Quaternion-based Particle Swarm Optimization for Object Pose Estimation From RGB-D Images
* Fast Feature Detection and Matching for Machine Vision
* Fast Feature Extraction Approach for Multi-Dimension Feature Space Problems
* Fast Feature Extraction Using Approximations to Derivatives with Summed-Area Images
* Fast Feature Matching by Coarse-to-Fine Comparison of Rearranged SURF Descriptors
* Fast feature matching for detailed point cloud generation
* Fast Feature Pyramids for Object Detection
* fast feature selection approach based on rough set boundary regions, A
* Fast Feature Selection for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Fast Feature Selection in an HMM-Based Multiple Classifier System for Handwriting Recognition
* Fast features for face authentication under illumination direction changes
* Fast features for time constrained object detection
* Fast Features Invariant to Rotation and Scale of Texture
* Fast feldkamp algorithm for cone-beam computer tomography
* Fast Feldkamp reconstruction based on focus of attention and distributed computing
* Fast FEM-Based Non-Rigid Registration
* Fast fiber coupled clearance profile scanner using real time 3D data processing with automatic rail detection
* Fast Filter Transforms for Image Processing
* Fast Fine-Grained Image Classification via Weakly Supervised Discriminative Localization
* Fast Fine-Tuning Using Curriculum Domain Adaptation
* Fast Fine Granularity Scalability Decoding Scheme for Low-Delay Scalable Video Coding Applications
* Fast fingerprint identification for large databases
* Fast Fingerprint Matching Based on the Novel Structure Combining the Singular Point with Its Neighborhood Minutiae
* Fast Fingerprint Retrieval with Line Detection
* Fast Fingerprint Verification Using Subregions of Fingerprint Images
* Fast Finsler Active Contours and Shape Prior Descriptor
* Fast First-Order Polynomials Convolution Interpolation for Real-Time Digital Image Reconstruction
* fast first-scan algorithm for label-equivalence-based connected-component labeling, A
* Fast Fisher discriminant analysis with randomized algorithms
* fast fixed-point BYY harmony learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture with automated model selection, A
* Fast Fixed Point Algorithm for Total Variation Deblurring and Segmentation, A
* Fast Floor Segmentation Algorithm for Visual-Based Robot Navigation, A
* Fast fluid extensions for image registration algorithms
* Fast Focal Length Solution in Partial Panoramic Image Stitching
* fast focus measure for video display inspection, A
* Fast Focus Mechanism with Constant Magnification Using a Varifocal Lens and Its Application to Three-Dimensional Imaging
* Fast FOE Estimation with Applications to Depth Estimation and View Synthesis
* Fast Fog Detection for De-Fogging of Road Driving Images
* Fast Forgery Detection Algorithm Based on Exponential-Fourier Moments for Video Region Duplication, A
* Fast Forward Full-Duplex Cooperative Relay Scheme for Securing Wireless Communications, A
* Fast Forward Modelling Method for Simulating Satellite Observations Using Observing Path Tracking, A
* Fast Fourier-Domain Optimization Using Hybrid L1-/L_p-Norm for Autofocus in Airborne SAR Imaging
* Fast Fourier-Transform Based Calibration in Remote-Sensing
* Fast Fourier Color Constancy
* Fast Fourier Inception Networks for Occluded Video Prediction
* Fast Fourier Intrinsic Network
* Fast Fourier Method for the Accurate Rotation of Sampled Images
* Fast Fourier Transform Based Image Compression Algorithm Optimized for Speckle Interferometer Measurements
* Fast Fourier Transform for Hexagonal Aggregates
* Fast Fourier Transform on FCC and BCC Lattices with Outputs on FCC and BCC Lattices Respectively
* Fast Fourier Transform, The
* Fast Fourier transforms: A tutorial review and a state of the art
* Fast FoV-Switching DASH System Based on Tiling Mechanism for Practical Omnidirectional Video Services, A
* Fast Foveating Cameras for Dense Adaptive Resolution
* Fast FPGA-based architecture for pedestrian detection based on covariance matrices
* Fast FPGA-Based Multiobject Feature Extraction
* Fast FPGA prototyping for real-time image processing with very high-level synthesis
* Fast fractal coding of subbands using a non-iterative block clustering
* Fast Fractal Compression of Greyscale Images
* Fast Fractal Decoding Algorithm Based on the Selection of an Initial Image, A
* Fast Fractal Encoding in Frequency Domain
* Fast Fractal Image Block Coding Based on Local Variances
* fast fractal image coding based on kick-out and zero contrast conditions, A
* Fast fractal image coding using pyramids
* Fast Fractal Image Compression Algorithm Based on Average-Variance Function, A
* Fast fractal image compression algorithm using specific update search
* Fast Fractal Image Compression Method Based Entropy, A
* Fast fractal image compression using the Hadamard transform
* Fast fractal image compression with triangular multiresolution block matching
* Fast fractal image encoding based on adaptive search
* Fast frame-rate up-conversion method for video enhancement
* Fast Frame Type Selection Technique for Very Low Bit Rate Coding using MPEG-1, A
* Fast Free-Vibration Modal Analysis of 2-D Physics-Based Deformable Objects
* Fast Frequency-Diverse Radar Imaging Based on Adaptive Sampling Iterative Soft-Thresholding Deep Unfolding Network
* Fast Frequency-Domain Algorithm for Equalizing Acoustic Impulse Responses, A
* Fast Frequency Estimation Algorithm by Least Squares Phase Unwrapping
* Fast Frequency Template Matching Using Higher Order Statistics
* Fast Frequent Directions Algorithm for Low Rank Approximation, A
* Fast Frontal-View Face Detection Using a Multi-path Decision Tree
* Fast Full-frame Video Stabilization with Iterative Optimization
* Fast Full-Resolution Target-Adaptive CNN-Based Pansharpening Framework
* Fast Full-Search-Equivalent Pattern Matching Using Asymmetric Haar Wavelet Packets
* Fast Full-Search Block-Matching Algorithm for Motion-Compensated Video Compression
* Fast full-search block matching
* Fast Full-search Equivalent Algorithm Using Energy Compacting Transforms, A
* Fast Full-Search Equivalent Template Matching by Enhanced Bounded Correlation
* Fast Full-Search Motion-Estimation Algorithm Using Representative Pixels and Adaptive Matching Scan, A
* Fast Full-Search Motion Estimation Based on Multilevel Successive Elimination Algorithm
* fast full partitioning algorithm for HEVC-to-VVC video transcoding using Bayesian classifiers, A
* Fast Full Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation Using Priority of Matching Scan, A
* Fast Full Search Algorithm for Variable Block-Based Motion Estimation of H.264, A
* Fast Full Search Block Matching Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video, A
* Fast full search block motion estimation for H.264/AVC with multilevel successive elimination algorithm
* Fast full search equivalent encoding algorithms for image compression using vector quantization
* Fast Full Search in Motion Estimation by Hierarchical Use of Minkowski's Inequality (HUMI)
* Fast full search motion estimation algorithm using various matching scans in video coding
* Fast fully 3-D image reconstruction in PET using planograms
* Fast Fully 4-D Incremental Gradient Reconstruction Algorithm for List Mode PET Data, A
* Fast Fully Data-Driven Image Restoration by means of Edge-Preserving Regularization
* Fast Fully Parallel Thinning Algorithms
* Fast Fusion Moves for Multi-Model Estimation
* Fast Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images: A Tucker Approximation Approach
* Fast Fusion of Multi-Band Images Based on Solving a Sylvester Equation
* Fast Fusion of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Time Series over Rangelands
* Fast Gabor Filter Approach for Multi-Channel Texture Feature Discrimination, A
* Fast Gabor texture feature extraction with separable filters using GPU
* Fast gain-adaptive KLT tracking on the GPU
* Fast Gaussian filter with second-order shift property of DCT-5
* Fast Gaussian filtering algorithm using splines
* Fast Gaussian Mixture Clustering for Skin Detection
* Fast gem wavelet-based image deconvolution algorithm
* Fast gender recognition in videos using a novel descriptor based on the gradient magnitudes of facial landmarks
* Fast General Algorithm for Extracting Image Features on SIMD Mesh-Connected Computers, A
* Fast General Norm Approximation via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
* Fast Generalized Belief Propagation for MAP Estimation on 2D and 3D Grid-Like Markov Random Fields
* fast generalized discrete Fourier transforms: A unified approach to the discrete sinusoidal transforms computation, The
* Fast Generalized Hough Transform
* Fast Generalized Motion Estimation and Superresolution
* Fast generalized ramp loss support vector machine for pattern classification
* Fast generating of a digital hologram using general-purpose computation on graphics processing units
* Fast generation of 3-D deformable moving surfaces
* Fast generation of digitally reconstructed radiographs using attenuation fields with application to 2D-3D image registration
* Fast Generation of Dynamic and Multi-Resolution 360 Panorama from Video Sequences
* Fast Generation of Superpixels With Lattice Topology
* Fast Generation of View-Direction-Free Perspective Display from Distorted Fisheye Image
* Fast generative adversarial networks model for masked image restoration
* Fast Generic Polar Harmonic Transforms
* Fast genetic multi-operator image retargeting
* Fast Genetic Scan Matching Using Corresponding Point Measurements in Mobile Robotics
* Fast Geo-Location Method Based on Panoramic Skyline in Hilly Area
* fast Geodesic Active Contour model for medical images segmentation using prior analysis, A
* Fast geodesic active contours
* Fast Geodesic Active Fields for Image Registration Based on Splitting and Augmented Lagrangian Approaches
* Fast geometric re-ranking for image-based retrieval
* Fast geometrical extraction of nearest neighbors from multi-dimensional data
* Fast Geometrical Manipulations of Digital Images
* Fast Geometrically-Perturbed Adversarial Faces
* Fast Geometry Estimation for Phase-coding Structured Light Field
* Fast Georeferenced Aerial Image Stitching With Absolute Rotation Averaging and Planar- Restricted Pose Graph
* Fast gesture recognition based on a two-level representation
* Fast gesture recognition with Multiple Stream Discrete HMMs on 3D skeletons
* Fast GL(n)-Invariant Framework for Tensors Regularization
* Fast Global Image Smoothing Based on Weighted Least Squares
* Fast Global Interpolation Method for Digital Terrain Model Generation from Large LiDAR-Derived Data, A
* Fast global k-means clustering using cluster membership and inequality
* Fast Global Kernel Density Mode Seeking with Application to Localisation and Tracking
* Fast Global Kernel Density Mode Seeking: Applications to Localization and Tracking
* fast global matching pursuit algorithm for sparse reconstruction by L0 minimization, A
* Fast Global Minimization of the Active Contour/Snake Model
* Fast global motion estimation algorithm based on elementary motoin detectors
* Fast global motion estimation based on local motion segmentation
* Fast Global Motion Estimation Via Iterative Least-Square Method
* Fast global non-rigid registration for mosaic creation
* Fast global optimization of curvature
* Fast Global Reflectional Symmetry Detection for Robotic Grasping and Visual Tracking
* Fast global registration for image mosaicing
* Fast Global Registration of 3D Sampled Surfaces Using a Mini-Buffer Technique
* Fast global registration of 3D sampled surfaces using a multi-z-buffer technique
* Fast Global Registration
* Fast global SA(2,R) shape registration based on invertible invariant descriptor
* Fast globally optimal 2D human detection with loopy graph models
* fast globally optimal algorithm for template matching using low-resolution pruning, A
* Fast Globally Optimal Surface Normal from an Affine Correspondence
* Fast globally supervised segmentation by active contours with shape and texture descriptors
* Fast GMTI Algorithm For Traffic Monitoring Based On A Priori Knowledge
* Fast good features selection for wide area monitoring
* Fast GPS-DR Sensor Fusion Framework: Removing the Geodetic Coordinate Conversion Process
* Fast GPU-based denoising filter using isoline levels
* Fast GPU-Based Enhanced Wiener Filter for Despeckling SAR Data
* Fast GPU-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast GPU Based Adaptive Filtering of 4D Echocardiography
* Fast gradient-aware upsampling for cartoon video
* Fast Gradient-Based Algorithms for Constrained Total Variation Image Denoising and Deblurring Problems
* Fast gradient-based mesh generation method for the stereo image representation
* Fast Gradient Computation for Learning with Tensor Product Kernels and Sparse Training Labels
* Fast Gradient Descent for Surface Capture Via Differentiable Rendering
* Fast Gradient Method for Nonnegative Sparse Regression With Self-Dictionary, A
* Fast gradient methods based on global motion estimation for video compression
* Fast gradient vector flow computation based on augmented Lagrangian method
* fast graph-based data classification method with applications to 3D sensory data in the form of point clouds, A
* Fast graph cuts using shrink-expand reparameterization
* Fast Graph Generation via Spectral Diffusion
* Fast Graph Matching for Detecting CAD Image Components
* Fast Graph Partitioning Active Contours for Image Segmentation Using Histograms
* Fast GraspNeXt: A Fast Self-Attention Neural Network Architecture for Multi-task Learning in Computer Vision Tasks for Robotic Grasping on the Edge
* Fast Grayscale-Thermal Foreground Detection With Collaborative Low-Rank Decomposition
* Fast Gridless DOA Estimation Algorithm for MA-ANS Scenarios Using a Modified FastIPM
* Fast Ground Detection for Range Cameras on Road Surfaces Using a Three-Step Segmentation
* Fast ground filtering for TLS data via Scanline Density Analysis
* Fast Ground Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Iterative Scan-Line Spline Interpolation
* Fast Ground Segmentation for 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Based on Jump-Convolution-Process
* Fast Groupwise 4D Deformable Image Registration for Irregular Breathing Motion Estimation
* Fast growing hough forest as a stable model for object detection
* Fast Guaranteed Polygonal Approximations of Closed Digital Curves
* Fast guided filter for power-efficient real-time 1080p streaming video processing
* Fast Guided Global Interpolation for Depth and Motion
* Fast Guided Median Filter
* fast H.264 compressed domain watermarking scheme with minimized propagation error based on macro-block dependency analysis, A
* Fast H.264 Encoding Based on Statistical Learning
* Fast H.264 Intra-prediction mode selection using joint spatial and transform domain features
* fast H.264 intra prediction algorithm using macroblock properties, A
* Fast H.264 Motion Estimation with Block-Size Adaptive Referencing (BAR)
* Fast H.264 to HEVC transcoder based on post-order traversal of quadtree structure
* Fast H.264 to HEVC Transcoding: A Deep Learning Method
* Fast H.264/AVC DIRECT Mode Decision Based on Mode Selection and Predicted Rate-Distortion Cost
* Fast H.264/AVC FRExt Intra Coding Using Belief Propagation
* Fast H.264/AVC Video Encoding with Multiple Frame References
* Fast H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Transcoding Using Power-Spectrum Based Rate-Distortion Optimization
* Fast half-quadratic regularized phase tracking for nonnormalized fringe patterns
* Fast halftoning of MPEG video for bi-tonal displays
* Fast Hand Detection in Collaborative Learning Environments
* Fast Hand Detection Using Posture Invariant Constraints
* Fast hand posture classification using depth features extracted from random line segments
* Fast handwriting recognition for indexing historical documents
* Fast Hankel Transform Algorithm
* Fast hard negative mining for deep metric learning
* Fast Hardware-Aware Neural Architecture Search
* Fast Hardware-Based IME With an Idle Cycle and Computational Redundancy Reduction
* Fast hardware architecture for grey-level image morphology with flat structuring elements
* Fast hardware implementation of ECDSA signature scheme
* Fast hardware implementation of Gabor filter based motion estimation
* Fast Hartley Transform and Truncated Singular-Value Algorithm for Circular Deconvolution
* Fast Hash-Based Inter-Block Matching for Screen Content Coding
* Fast Hausdorff Matching Algorithm between Infrared and Optical Image Using PBIL Strategies, A
* Fast haze removal for a single remote sensing image using dark channel prior
* Fast Haze Removal for Nighttime Image Using Maximum Reflectance Prior
* Fast Haze Removal of UAV Images Based on Dark Channel Prior
* Fast HDR image generation from multi-exposed multiple-view LDR images
* Fast head modeling for animation
* Fast Head Pose Estimation for Human-Computer Interaction
* Fast Head Tilt Detection for Human-Computer Interaction
* Fast Hermite Projection Method
* Fast Heterogeneous Image Registration Method Based on the Human Skeleton Points, A
* Fast Heuristic for Tile Partitioning and Processor Assignment in HEVC, A
* Fast Heuristics for Eliminating Switching Components in Binary Matrices by 0-1 Flips
* Fast HEVC-to-AV1 Transcoding Based On Coding Unit Depth Inheritance
* Fast HEVC CU/PU mode decision based on ANN and texture analysis
* Fast HEVC Encoding Decisions Using Data Mining
* Fast HEVC I-frame coding based on strength of dominant direction of CUs
* Fast HEVC inter-frame coding based on LSTM neural network technology
* Fast HEVC Inter CU Decision Based on Latent SAD Estimation
* Fast HEVC Inter CU Selection Method Based on Pyramid Motion Divergence, A
* Fast HEVC intra coding decision based on statistical cost and corner detection
* fast HEVC transcoder based on content modeling and early termination, A
* Fast Hierarchical Algorithm of Maximum Intensity Projection, A
* Fast hierarchical animated object decomposition using approximately invariant signature
* fast hierarchical approach to image segmentation, A
* Fast hierarchical backprojection for helical cone-beam tomography
* Fast hierarchical clustering based on compressed data
* Fast Hierarchical Correlations with Gaussian-Like Kernels
* Fast hierarchical cost volume aggregation for stereo-matching
* Fast Hierarchical Games for Image Explanations
* Fast hierarchical intra angular mode selection for high efficiency video coding
* Fast Hierarchical Matching of an Arbitrarily Oriented Template
* fast hierarchical method for multi-script and arbitrary oriented scene text extraction, A
* Fast Hierarchical Motion-Compensation Scheme for Video Coding Using Block Feature Matching, A
* fast hierarchical motion vector estimation algorithm using mean pyramid, A
* Fast hierarchical noniterative registration algorithm
* Fast Hierarchical Watermark Detector for Real-Time Software or Low-Cost Hardware Implementation, A
* Fast high-accuracy multi-dimensional pattern inspection
* Fast High-Dimensional Bilateral and Nonlocal Means Filtering
* Fast high-dimensional filtering using clustering
* Fast High-Dimensional Kernel Filtering
* Fast high-precision ellipse detection method
* Fast high-quality non-blind deconvolution using sparse adaptive priors
* Fast High-Resolution Imaging Algorithm for Helicopter-Borne Rotating Array SAR Based on 2-D Chirp-Z Transform, A
* Fast High Dimensional Vector Multiplication Face Recognition
* Fast High Dynamic Range Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes
* Fast Higher-Order MR Image Reconstruction Using Singular-Vector Separation
* Fast Histogram-Clustering Approach for Multi-Level Thresholding, A
* Fast Histogram Based Image Binarization Using the Monte Carlo Threshold Estimation
* Fast HMM-Filler Approach for Key Word Spotting in Handwritten Documents
* Fast HMM Algorithm for On-Line Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Fast Holographic Image Reconstruction Using Phase-Shifting Assisted Depth Detection Scheme for Optical Scanning Holography
* Fast Homotopy-Preserving Skeletons Using Mathematical Morphology
* Fast Hough Transform Based on 3D Image Space Division
* fast hough transform based on C3TR using shift operation, A
* Fast Hough Transform for Segment Detection, A
* Fast Hough Transform for the Parametrisation of Straight Lines using Fourier Methods, A
* Fast Hough Transform on GPUs: Exploration of Algorithm Trade-Offs
* Fast Hough Transform on Multiprocessors: A Branch and Bound Approach
* Fast Hough Transform
* Fast Hough Transform: A Hierarchial Approach
* Fast HSI super resolution using linear regression
* Fast Hue-Division-Based Selective Color Transfer
* Fast Hue and Range Preserving Histogram Specification: Theory and New Algorithms for Color Image Enhancement
* Fast human action classification and VOI localization with enhanced sparse coding
* Fast human activity recognition based on structure and motion
* Fast Human Activity Recognition in Lifelogging
* Fast Human Classification Of 3d Object Benchmarks
* Fast Human Detection Combining Range Image Segmentation and Local Feature Based Detection
* Fast human detection from joint appearance and foreground feature subset covariances
* Fast Human Detection from Videos Using Covariance Features
* Fast human detection in crowded scenes by contour integration and local shape estimation
* Fast human detection in RGB-D images based on color-depth joint feature learning
* Fast Human Detection in RGB-D Images with Progressive SVM-Classification
* Fast Human Detection Using a Cascade of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
* Fast Human Detection Using a Novel Boosted Cascading Structure With Meta Stages
* Fast human detection using mi-sVM and a cascade of HOG-LBP features
* Fast human detection using Node-Combined Part Detector
* Fast human detection using selective block-based HOG-LBP
* Fast human detection using template matching for gradient images and aSC descriptors based on subtraction stereo
* Fast Human Head and Shoulder Detection Using Convolutional Networks and RGBD Data
* Fast Human Pose Detection Using Randomized Hierarchical Cascades of Rejectors
* Fast Human Pose Estimation in Compressed Videos
* Fast Human Pose Estimation using Appearance and Motion via Multi-Dimensional Boosting Regression
* Fast Human Pose Estimation
* Fast Human Pose Tracking with a Single Depth Sensor Using Sum of Gaussians Models
* fast hybrid computation model for rectum deformation, A
* Fast Hybrid Image Retargeting
* fast hybrid Jacket-Hadamard matrix based diagonal block-wise transform, A
* Fast Hybrid Shading: An Application Of Finite Element Methods In 3d Rendering
* Fast Hyper-Spectral Radiative Transfer Model Based on the Double Cluster Low-Streams Regression Method
* Fast Hypercomplex Polar Fourier Analysis for Image Processing
* Fast Hypercomplex Polar Fourier Analysis
* Fast Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Greedy Bilateral Smoothing and Extended Multi-Attribute Profile, A
* Fast Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via High-Order 2-D Crossing Filter
* Fast Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection via SVDD
* Fast hyperspectral band selection based on spatial feature extraction
* Fast Hyperspectral Image Encoder Based on Supervised Multimodal Scheme
* Fast Hyperspectral Image Recovery of Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging via Non-Iterative Subspace-Based Fusion
* Fast Hyperspectral Tracking Method via Channel Selection, A
* Fast Hyperspectral Unmixing via Reweighted Sparse Regression
* Fast hypothesis filtering for multi-structure geometric model fitting
* Fast IAA-Based SR-STAP Method for Airborne Radar, A
* Fast ICP Algorithm for 3-D Human Body Motion Tracking, A
* Fast ICP Algorithms for Shape Registration
* Fast IIR Isotropic 2-D Complex Gabor Filters With Boundary Initialization
* Fast Illumination-Invariant Background Subtraction Using Two Views: Error Analysis, Sensor Placement and Applications
* Fast Illumination and Deformation Insensitive Image Comparison Algorithm Using Wavelet-Based Geodesics, A
* Fast Illustrative Visualization of Fiber Tracts
* Fast image-based localization using direct 2D-to-3D matching
* Fast Image-Based Obstacle Detection From Unmanned Surface Vehicles
* Fast Image-based Rendering using Hierarchical Texture Priors
* Fast Image-Based Tracking by Selective Pixel Integration
* fast image-gathering system from the World-Wide Web using a PC cluster, A
* fast image-scramble method using public-key encryption allowing backward compatibility with jpeg2000, A
* Fast image alignment in the Fourier domain
* Fast Image and Video Colorization Using Chrominance Blending
* Fast Image and Video Denoising via Nonlocal Means of Similar Neighborhoods
* Fast Image Blending using Watersheds and Graph Cuts
* Fast Image Classification with Reduced Multiclass Support Vector Machines
* Fast image clustering based on compressed camera fingerprints
* Fast image completion method using patch offset statistics
* Fast Image Contrast Enhancement Algorithm Using Entropy-Preserving Mapping Prior, A
* Fast Image Database Search Using Tree-Structured VQ
* Fast image deconvolution using closed-form thresholding formulas of regularization
* Fast Image Dehazing Algorithm Using Morphological Reconstruction, A
* Fast Image Dehazing Method Based on Linear Transformation
* fast image dehazing method that does not introduce color artifacts, A
* Fast Image Dehazing Methods for Real-Time Video Processing
* Fast image dehazing using guided joint bilateral filter
* Fast Image Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Row-Column Scanning, A
* fast image encryption scheme based on AES, A
* Fast Image Enhancement Based on Maximum and Guided Filters
* Fast image enhancement method for display images in ambient light
* Fast image filtering by DCT-based kernel decomposition and sequential sum update
* Fast Image Fusion With Discrete Cosine Transform, A
* Fast Image Gradients Using Binary Feature Convolutions
* Fast image inpainting and colorization by Chambolle's dual method
* Fast Image Inpainting Based on Coherence Transport
* Fast Image Inpainting Method Based on Hybrid Similarity-Distance, A
* Fast image inpainting using similarity of subspace method
* Fast image interpolation using Circular Harmonic Functions
* Fast image interpolation using the bilateral filter
* Fast Image Interpolation via Random Forests
* Fast Image Labeling Using Local Operators on Mesh-Connected Computers
* fast image mosaic algorithm based on MPI, A
* Fast Image Mosaicing Based on Histograms
* Fast Image Motion Computation on an Embedded Computer
* Fast image motion segmentation for surveillance applications
* Fast image processing with constraints by solving linear PDEs
* Fast Image Processing with Fully-Convolutional Networks
* Fast image recognition based on n-tuple neural networks implemented in an FPGA
* Fast Image Reconstruction Algorithms Combining Half-quadratic Regularization and Preconditioning
* Fast Image Reconstruction with an Event Camera
* Fast image recovery using dynamic load balancing in parallel architectures, by means of incomplete projections
* Fast Image Recovery Using Variable Splitting and Constrained Optimization
* Fast image region growing
* Fast image registration by hierarchical soft correspondence detection
* Fast Image Registration Technique for Motion Artifact Reduction in DSA, A
* Fast image registration using cepstral analysis of inverted gradient distance maps
* Fast image registration with non-stationary Gauss-Markov random field templates
* Fast Image Replacement Using Multi-resolution Approach
* Fast Image Restoration With Multi-Bin Trainable Linear Units
* Fast image restoration without boundary artifacts
* Fast image retargeting via axis-aligned importance scaling
* Fast Image Retrieval Algorithm with Automatically Extracted Discriminant Features, A
* Fast Image Retrieval Based on Equal-average Equal-variance K-Nearest Neighbour Search
* fast image retrieval system using index lookup table on mobile device, A
* Fast Image Retrieval: Query Pruning and Early Termination
* Fast image scanning with deep max-pooling convolutional neural networks
* Fast image search for learned metrics
* Fast image search using a multiscale stochastic model
* Fast Image Segmentation Algorithm for Interactive Video Hotspot Retrieval, A
* fast image segmentation algorithm using color and depth map, A
* Fast image segmentation and texture feature extraction for image retrieval
* Fast image segmentation based on multi-resolution analysis and wavelets
* Fast image segmentation based on multilevel banded closed-form method
* Fast Image Segmentation Based on Single-Parametric Level-Set Approach
* Fast image segmentation based on two-dimensional minimum Tsallis-cross entropy
* Fast image similarity search by distributed locality sensitive hashing
* Fast Image Stabilization and Mosaicking
* Fast image stitching and editing for panorama painting on mobile phones
* Fast Image Super-Resolution Algorithm Using an Adaptive Wiener Filter, A
* Fast Image Super-Resolution Based on In-Place Example Regression
* Fast Image Super-Resolution via Local Adaptive Gradient Field Sharpening Transform
* Fast image super-resolution via multiple directional transforms
* Fast image super-resolution via selective manifold learning of high-resolution patches
* Fast image super resolution via local regression
* Fast image thresholding by finding the zero(s) of the first derivative of between-class variance
* Fast image transforms using diophantine methods
* Fast Image Upsampling via the Displacement Field
* Fast Image Vector Quantization Using a Modified Competitive Learning Neural Network Approach
* Fast Imaging of Sources and Scatterers in a Stratified Ocean Waveguide
* Fast Implementation of 3-D Binary Morphological Transformations, A
* Fast Implementation of 4-bit Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Devices
* Fast Implementation of a New Radial Symmetry Measure for Photogrammetry
* Fast Implementation of a Perfect Hash Function for Picture Objects, A
* Fast Implementation of DeLong's Algorithm for Comparing the Areas Under Correlated Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves
* Fast implementation of dense stereo vision algorithms on a highly parallel SIMD architecture
* Fast Implementation of Insect Multi-Target Detection Based on Multimodal Optimization
* Fast Implementation Of Morphological Operations Using Binary Image Block Decomposition
* Fast Implementation of Multiple Oriented Filters
* Fast Implementation of PCA-L1 Using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization, A
* Fast Implementation of Scale-Space by Interpolatory Subdivision Scheme
* fast implementation of the minimum spanning tree method for phase unwrapping, A
* Fast implementation of the optimal PNN method
* Fast Implementation of the Ultimate Opening
* fast implementation of two-dimensional weighted median filters, A
* Fast implementation of vector directional filters
* Fast implementations for mirroring and rotating bincode-based images
* Fast implementations of algebraic methods for three-dimensional reconstruction from cone-beam data
* Fast Implementations of Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers
* Fast Implementations of the Kalman-Bucy Filter for Satellite Data Assimilation
* Fast Implementations of the Levelset Segmentation Method With Bias Field Correction in MR Images: Full Domain and Mask-Based Versions
* Fast Implicit Active Contour Models
* fast impulsive noise color image filter using fuzzy metrics, A
* Fast impulsive noise removal in color images
* Fast Impulsive Noise Removal
* Fast in-band motion estimation with variable size block matching
* Fast In-Place Processing of Pictorial Data
* Fast Incorporation of Optical Flow Into Active Polygons
* fast incremental approach for accurate measurement of the displacement field, A
* Fast incremental LDA feature extraction
* Fast incremental learning for one-class support vector classifier using sample margin information
* Fast Incremental Learning Strategy Driven by Confusion Reject for Online Handwriting Recognition
* Fast incremental method for matrix completion: An application to trajectory correction
* Fast index assignment for robust multiple description coding
* Fast Index Assignment Method for Robust Vector Quantization of Image Data, A
* fast indexing and retrieval method for image databases, A
* Fast indexing for image retrieval based on local appearance with re-ranking
* Fast indexing method for image retrieval using k nearest neighbors searches by principal axis analysis
* fast indirect backprojection algorithm, A
* Fast Indoor Mapping to Feed an Indoor DB for Building and Facility Management
* Fast indoor scene description for blind people with multiresolution random projections
* Fast Inference and Update of Probabilistic Density Estimation on Trajectory Prediction
* Fast Inference of Contaminated Data for Real Time Object Tracking
* Fast Inference Vision Transformer for Automatic Pavement Image Classification and Its Visual Interpretation Method, A
* Fast Inference with Min-Sum Matrix Product
* Fast initialization for feature-based monocular slam
* Fast Inpainting-Based Compression: Combining Shepard Interpolation with Joint Inpainting and Prediction
* Fast inspection for size-based analysis in aggregate processing
* Fast integer-pel and fractional-pel motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast Integer Motion Estimation With Bottom-Up Motion Vector Prediction for an HEVC Encoder
* Fast Integral MeanShift: Application to Color Segmentation of Document Images
* Fast intensity-based 2d-3d image registration of clinical data using light fields
* fast inter-component depth modeling technique for 3D high effiency video coding, A
* Fast inter-frame prediction in multi-view video coding based on perceptual distortion threshold model
* Fast Inter-Harmonic Reconstruction for Spectral Envelope Estimation in High-Pitched Voices
* Fast inter-layer mode decision in Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Inter-Mode Decision Algorithm Based on Macro-Block Tracking for P Slices in the H.264/AVC Video Standard, A
* Fast Inter-Mode Decision in an H.264/AVC Encoder Using Mode and Lagrangian Cost Correlation
* Fast Inter-Mode Selection in the H.264/AVC Standard Using a Hierarchical Decision Process
* Fast inter-prediction algorithms for spatial Scalable High efficiency Video Coding SHVC
* Fast inter-prediction mode decision algorithm for HEVC
* fast inter coding algorithm for HEVC based on texture and motion quad-tree models, A
* fast inter CU decision algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast Inter Frame Prediction Algorithm for Multi-View Video Coding, A
* Fast Inter Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC
* Fast inter mode decision exploiting intra-block similarity in HEVC
* Fast inter mode decision for HEVC based on transparent composite model
* Fast Inter Mode Decision Using Spatial Property of Motion Field
* Fast Inter Mode Selection Algorithm for Motion Estimation in MPEG-4 AVC/JVT/H.264
* Fast Interactive Image Segmentation to Locate Multiple Similar-colored Objects, A
* Fast Interactive Image Segmentation Using Bipartite Graph Based Random Walk with Restart
* Fast Interactive Object Annotation With Curve-GCN
* Fast Interframe mode decision algorithm based on mode mapping and MB activity for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC transcoding
* Fast Interframe Transcoding from H.264 to MPEG-2
* Fast intermode decision algorithm based on general and local residual complexity in H.264/AVC
* Fast Intermode Decision in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Intermode Selection for HEVC Video Coding Using Phase Correlation
* Fast Interpolated Cameras by Combining a GPU Based Plane Sweep with a Max-Flow Regularisation Algorithm
* fast interval processor, A
* Fast Intra-Coding for H.264/AVC by Using Projection-Based Predicted Block Residuals
* Fast intra-encoding algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Intra-Frame Prediction Algorithm for MPEG-2/H.264 Video Transcoders, A
* Fast Intra-Mode and CU Size Decision for HEVC
* Fast Intra-Mode Decision in H.264 using Interblock Correlation
* Fast intra-mode decision method based on DCT coefficients for H.264/AVC
* Fast Intra-Mode Prediction Algorithm in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast intra-prediction with near pixel correlation approach for H.264/AVC system
* Fast Intra 4X4 Mode Elimination Approaches for H.264
* Fast intra bit rate transcoding for HEVC screen content coding
* Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for Depth Map with End-to-End Edge Detection Network
* fast intra coding algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast Intra Coding Algorithm for Spatial Scalability in SHVC, A
* Fast intra coding in AVS3 based on direct non-first pre-coding skip
* Fast Intra Coding of High Dynamic Range Videos in SHVC
* Fast intra coding unit decision for high efficiency video coding based on statistical information
* Fast intra coding unit partition decision in H.266/FVC based on spatial features
* Fast Intra CU Size Decision Algorithm Based on Canny Operator and SVM Classifier, A
* Fast intra encoding decisions for high efficiency video coding standard
* Fast intra mode decision algorithm based on texture orientation detection in HEVC
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm for Versatile Video Coding
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm Using Directional Gradients for H.264
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Algorithm Using the Sum of Absolute Transformed Differences
* Fast intra mode decision and fast CU size decision for depth video coding in 3D-HEVC
* Fast intra mode decision for HEVC based on texture characteristic from RMD and MPM
* Fast intra mode decision for HEVC based on Transparent Composite Model
* Fast Intra Mode Decision for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
* Fast Intra Mode Decision for Screen Contents Coding in HEVC
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Method for MPEG to H.264 Transcoding
* Fast Intra Mode Decision Using the Angle of the Pixel Differences along the Horizontal and Vertical Direction for H.264/avc
* Fast intra mode selection for stereo video coding using epipolar constraint
* fast intra optimization algorithm for HEVC, A
* Fast intra partition algorithm for HEVC screen content coding
* Fast intra partition and mode prediction for equirectangular projection 360-degree video coding
* Fast intra prediction algorithm based on texture analysis for 3D-HEVC encoders
* fast intra prediction algorithm for 360-degree equirectangular panoramic video, A
* Fast Intra Prediction Algorithm for H.264, A
* Fast Intra prediction algorithm for quality scalable video coding
* Fast Intra Prediction and CU Partition Algorithm for Virtual Reality 360 Degree Video Coding
* Fast Intra Prediction Mode Decision for H.264/AVC
* fast intra prediction mode decision using DCT and quantization for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast Invariant Contour-Based Classification of Hand Symbols for HCI
* Fast Invariant Riemannian DT-MRI Regularization
* Fast Inverse-Free Sparse Bayesian Learning via Relaxed Evidence Lower Bound Maximization
* Fast Inverse Compositional Image Alignment with Missing Data and Re-weighting
* Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithm for DCT-Domain Video Transcoder, A
* Fast Inverse Motion Compensation Algorithms for MPEG and for Partial DCT Information
* Fast inverse synthetic aperture radar image simulation of complex targets using ray shooting
* Fast Inversion of Air-Coupled Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave (SASW) Using in situ Particle Displacement
* Fast Ionogram Observations of Ascending Thin Layers Locally Transported from the E to F Region at Equatorial and Low Latitudes
* fast iris localization using inversion transform and restricted circular Hough transform, A
* Fast Iris Segmentation Algorithm for Visible Wavelength Images Based on Multi-color Space
* Fast ISODATA clustering algorithms
* Fast Isometric Parametrization of 3D Triangular Mesh
* Fast Iterated Conditional Modes Algorithm for Water-Fat Decomposition in MRI, A
* Fast Iterative Adaptive Reconstruction in Low-Dose CT Imaging
* Fast Iterative Approach to Difference Scattering From the Target Above a Rough Surface
* Fast iterative five point relative pose estimation
* Fast Iterative Hard Thresholding for Compressed Sensing
* fast iterative kernel PCA feature extraction for hyperspectral images, A
* Fast Iterative Method for Removing Impulsive Noise From Sparse Signals, A
* Fast Iterative Methods for Fractal Image Compression
* Fast iterative motion and disparity estimation algorithm for multiview video coding
* Fast Iterative Procedure for Adjacency Effects Correction on Remote Sensed Data, A
* Fast iterative reconstruction of band-limited images from non-uniform sampling values
* Fast iterative search for motion and disparity estimation in stereoscopic video coding
* Fast Iterative Segmentation of High-Resolution Medical Images
* Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm For Linear Inverse Problems, A
* Fast iterative tomographic wavefront estimation with recursive Toeplitz reconstructor structure for large-scale systems
* Fast iteratively reweighted least squares for Lp regularized image deconvolution and reconstruction
* Fast J-linkage algorithm for camera orientation applications
* Fast Jensen-Shannon Subgraph Kernel, A
* Fast JND-Based Video Carving With GPU Acceleration for Real-Time Video Retargeting
* Fast Joint Bioinspired Algorithm for Optic Flow and Two-Dimensional Disparity Estimation, A
* Fast Joint Detection-Estimation of Evoked Brain Activity in Event-Related fMRI Using a Variational Approach
* Fast Joint Estimation of Silhouettes and Dense 3D Geometry from Multiple Images
* Fast Joint Reconstruction of Dynamic R_2* and Field Maps in Functional MRI
* Fast JPEG huffman encoding and decoding
* Fast JPEG image retrieval using optimised Huffman tables
* Fast JPEG2000 EBCOT Tier-1 Architecture That Preserves Coding Efficiency, A
* fast k-means clustering algorithm using cluster center displacement, A
* Fast k-nearest-neighbor search based on projection and triangular inequality
* Fast k-Nearest-Neighbours Searching Through Extended Versions of the Approximating and Eliminating Search Algorithm (AESA)
* Fast K-Nearest Neighbor Classification Using Cluster-Based Trees
* Fast k-Nearest Neighbor Search for Face Identification Using Bounds of Residual Score
* Fast K-NN Classification for Multichannel Image Data
* Fast K-NN Classification Rule Using Metrics on Space-Filling Curves
* Fast k-NN Classifier for Documents Based on a Graph Structure
* Fast k-NN Image Search with Self-Organizing Maps
* Fast K-NN Search for Robust ATR Object Matching
* Fast k-space sample selection in MRSI with a limited region of support
* Fast k most similar neighbor classifier for mixed data (tree k-MSN)
* Fast k Most Similar Neighbor Classifier for Mixed Data Based on a Tree Structure and Approximating-Eliminating
* Fast k Most Similar Neighbor Classifier for Mixed Data Based on a Tree Structure
* Fast K Nearest Neighbor Finding Algorithm Based on the Ordered Partition, A
* Fast k nearest neighbor search using GPU
* Fast Kalman Filter for Images Degraded by Both Blur and Noise, A
* Fast kd-Tree Construction for 3D-Rendering Algorithms Like Ray Tracing
* fast kernel-based nonlinear discriminant analysis for multi-class problems, A
* Fast Kernel Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors for Feature Extraction
* Fast kernel learning for spatial pyramid matching
* Fast Kernel Smoothing by a Low-Rank Approximation of the Kernel Toeplitz Matrix
* Fast Kernel Sparse Representation
* Fast kernel SVM training via support vector identification
* Fast Kernelized Correlation Filter without Boundary Effect
* Fast Key-Word Searching via Embedding and Active-DTW
* Fast Keypoint Recognition in Ten Lines of Code
* Fast Keypoint Recognition Using Random Ferns
* Fast Keyword-Spotting Technique, A
* Fast Keyword Searching Using 'BoostMap' Based Embedding
* Fast kNN Search in Weighted Hamming Space With Multiple Tables
* Fast Knowledge Distillation Framework for Visual Recognition, A
* Fast L_0-Regularized Kernel Estimation for Robust Motion Deblurring
* Fast L_1-Minimization Algorithms for Robust Face Recognition
* Fast L_1-SPIRiT Compressed Sensing Parallel Imaging MRI: Scalable Parallel Implementation and Clinically Feasible Runtime
* Fast L1-minimization algorithms and an application in robust face recognition: A review
* Fast L1 Gaussian convolution via domain splitting
* Fast L1 smoothing splines with an application to Kinect depth data
* Fast label propagation for real-time superpixels for video content
* FAST LABEL: Easy and Efficient Solution of Joint Multi-label and Estimation Problems
* Fast Labelling of Natural Scenes Using Enhanced Knowledge
* Fast landmark-based registration via deterministic and efficient processing, some preliminary results
* Fast Landmark Localization With 3D Component Reconstruction and CNN for Cross-Pose Recognition
* Fast Landmark Recognition in Photo Albums
* Fast large-scale image enlargement method with a novel evaluation approach: benchmark function-based peak signal-to-noise ratio
* Fast Large-Scale Spectral Clustering via Explicit Feature Mapping
* Fast Large-Tip-Angle Multidimensional and Parallel RF Pulse Design in MRI
* Fast large scale deep face search
* Fast LBP Face Detection on Low-Power SIMD Architectures
* Fast lead star detection in entertainment videos
* fast leading eigenvector approximation for segmentation and grouping, A
* Fast Learning-Based Single Image Super-Resolution
* Fast Learning-Based Split Type Prediction Algorithm for VVC
* fast learning algorithm for Gabor transformation, A
* fast learning algorithm for image segmentation with max-pooling convolutional networks, A
* fast learning algorithm for multi-layer extreme learning machine, A
* Fast learning and efficient memory utilization with a prototype based neural classifier
* Fast Learning and Invariant Object Recognition: The Sixth Generation Breakthrough
* Fast Learning for Customizable Head Pose Recognition in Robotic Wheelchair Control
* Fast Learning Framework for Denoising of Ultrasound 2D Videos and 3D Images
* Fast Learning from Label Proportions with Small Bags
* Fast Learning of Spatially Regularized and Content Aware Correlation Filter for Visual Tracking
* Fast Learning of Sprites using Invariant Features
* Fast Learning Radiance Fields by Shooting Much Fewer Rays
* Fast least-squares curve fitting using quasi-orthogonal splines
* Fast leave-one-out evaluation and improvement on inference for LS-SVMs
* Fast Lesion Registration to Assist Coronary Heart Disease Diagnosis in CTA Images, A
* Fast Level-Set Method for Accurate Tracking of Articulated Objects with an Edge-Based Binary Speed Term, A
* Fast Level-Wise Convolution
* Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm for Region-Based Active Contours, A
* Fast Level Set-Like Algorithm with Topology Preserving Constraint, A
* fast level set algorithm for shape-based segmentation with multiple selective priors, A
* Fast Level Set Based Algorithm For Topology-Independent Shape Modeling, A
* Fast level set image and video segmentation using new evolution indicator operators
* fast level set image segmentation driven by a new region descriptor, A
* fast level set method for segmentation of low contrast noisy biomedical images, A
* Fast level set method with dichromatic reflection model
* Fast Level Set Multi-View Stereo on Graphics Hardware
* Fast lexicographical order-based encoder for lattice vector quantization of Generalized Gaussian sources using pre-computed n-balls cardinalities
* Fast Lexicon-Based Scene Text Recognition with Sparse Belief Propagation
* Fast Lexicon-based word recognition in noisy index card images
* Fast License Plate Segmentation and Recognition Method Based on the Modified Template Matching, A
* fast LiDAR place recognition and localization method by fusing local and global search, A
* Fast Lifting for 3D Hand Pose Estimation in AR/VR Applications
* Fast Light-field Disparity Estimation with Multi-disparity-scale Cost Aggregation
* Fast Light-Weight Near-Field Photometric Stereo
* Fast Light Field Disparity Estimation via a Parallel Filtered Cost Volume Approach
* Fast Light Field Inpainting Propagation Using Angular Warping and Color-Guided Disparity Interpolation
* Fast Light Field Reconstruction with Deep Coarse-to-Fine Modeling of Spatial-Angular Clues
* Fast Lighting Independent Background Subtraction
* fast line-scanning-based detection algorithm for real-time SAR ship detection, A
* Fast Line-Segment Extraction for Semi-dense Stereo Matching
* Fast line and rectangle detection by clustering and grouping
* Fast Line Description for Line-based SLAM
* Fast Line Detection Algorithms Based on Combinatorial Optimization
* Fast Line Detection in a Hybrid Pyramid
* Fast line detection method for Railroad Switch Machine Monitoring System
* Fast Line Finder for Vision-Guided Robot Navigation, A
* Fast Line Segment Based Dense Stereo Algorithm Using Tree Dynamic Programming, A
* Fast Line Segment Detection and Large Scene Airport Detection for PolSAR
* Fast line segment grouping method for finding globally more favorable line segments
* Fast linear discriminant analysis for on-line pattern recognition applications
* Fast linear discriminant analysis using binary bases
* Fast Linear Feature Detection Using Multiple Directional Non-Maximum Suppression
* Fast Linear Registration Framework for Multi-camera GIS Coordination, A
* Fast Linear Shape from Shading, A
* Fast linear sum assignment with error-correction and no cost constraints
* Fast Linear Transformation For Tiled Images
* Fast linearized alternating direction method of multipliers for the augmented L1-regularized problem
* Fast Local Analysis by Thresholding applied to image matching, A
* Fast Local and Global Projection-Based Methods for Affine Motion Estimation
* Fast local binary pattern: Application to document image retrieval
* fast local descriptor for dense matching, A
* Fast Local Estimation of Optical Flow Using Variational and Wavelet Methods
* Fast Local Histogram Specification
* Fast local motion-compensation algorithm for video sequences with brightness variations
* Fast local polynomial regression approach for speckle noise removal
* Fast local SAR image despeckling by edge-avoiding wavelets
* Fast Local Scale Control Based Blur Edge Detection
* Fast Local Self-Similarity for describing interest regions
* Fast Local Spatial Verification for Feature-Agnostic Large-Scale Image Retrieval
* Fast Local Thickness
* Fast Local Trust Region Technique for Diffusion Tensor Registration Using Exact Reorientation and Regularization
* Fast localisation of mechanical components using Hough transform
* Fast localised active contour for inhomogeneous image segmentation
* Fast Locality Discriminant Analysis With Adaptive Manifold Embedding
* Fast Localization in Large-Scale Environments Using Supervised Indexing of Binary Features
* Fast Localization of Autonomous Vehicles Using Discriminative Metric Learning
* Fast Localization of the Optic Disc Using Projection of Image Features
* Fast locally consistent dense stereo on multicore
* Fast Location of Address Blocks and Postcodes in Mail-Piece Images
* Fast location of corn images based on position features
* Fast log-Gabor-based nonlocal means image denoising methods
* Fast LoG Filtering Using Recursive Filters
* Fast Logo Detection and Recognition in Document Images
* Fast long-term motion estimation for H.264 using multiresolution search
* Fast Lossless Implementation Of The Intra Subpartition Mode For VVC, A
* Fast low-complexity computation and real-time architecture for H.264/AVC intra-prediction
* Fast low-level multi-scale feature extraction for hexagonal images
* Fast Low-Rank Shared Dictionary Learning for Image Classification
* Fast Low Complexity Method for Optimal Zero-Forcing Beamformer MU-MIMO System, A
* Fast LV motion estimation using subspace approximation techniques
* Fast M-Term Pursuit for Sparse Image Representation
* Fast macroblock encoding algorithm based on rate-distortion activity for multiview video coding
* Fast macroblock inter mode decision and motion estimation for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
* Fast Macroblock Mode Decision Algorithm for the Baseline Profile in the H.264 Video Coding Standard, A
* Fast Macroblock Mode Selection Algorithm for Multiview Video Coding
* Fast macroblock mode selection based on motion content classification in H.264/AVC
* Fast Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography with Highly Undersampled Data
* Fast Magnetization Vector Inversion Method with Undulating Observation Surface in Spherical Coordinate for Revealing Lunar Weak Magnetic Anomaly Feature
* Fast main density peak clustering within relevant regions via a robust decision graph
* Fast Majorize-Minimize Algorithm for the Recovery of Sparse and Low-Rank Matrices, A
* Fast Maneuvering Target Motion Parameters Estimation Algorithm Based on ACCF, A
* Fast Manifold Learning Based on Riemannian Normal Coordinates
* Fast Manifold Ranking With Local Bipartite Graph
* Fast MAP-based multiframe super-resolution image reconstruction
* Fast MAP Algorithm for 3D Ultrasound, A
* Fast mapping algorithm for histogram to binary set conversion
* Fast Marching Energy CNN
* Fast Marching for Robust Surface Segmentation
* fast marching formulation of perspective shape from shading under frontal illumination, A
* Fast Marching Method for the Area Based Affine Distance, A
* Fast Marching the Global Minimum of Active Contours
* Fast Marching to Moving Object Location
* Fast Markov Decision Process-Based Algorithm for Collision Avoidance in Urban Air Mobility, A
* Fast Matching Approach of Polygon Features, A
* fast matching criterion for VLSI implementation of block-based motion estimation, A
* Fast Matching Method for Color Uncalibrated Images using Differential Invariants, A
* Fast Matching Method for the SAR Images with Large Viewing Angles Based on Inertial Navigation Information and Neighborhood Structure Consensus, A
* Fast Matching of Binary Features
* Fast matching of large point sets under occlusions
* Fast Matching of Non-Stationary Images with False Fix Protection
* Fast Matching of Planar Shapes in Sub-cubic Runtime
* Fast matching pursuit for sparse representation-based face recognition
* Fast Matching Pursuit Method with Distance Comparison
* Fast Matching Pursuit Video Coding by Combining Dictionary Approximation and Atom Extraction
* Fast matching pursuit with vector norm comparison
* Fast matching via ergodic markov chain for super-large graphs
* Fast Matrix Inversion Updates for Massive MIMO Detection and Precoding
* Fast matrix multiplication for binary and ternary CNNs on ARM CPU
* Fast matting using large kernel matting Laplacian matrices
* Fast maximum-likelihood image-restoration algorithms for three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy
* Fast maximum entropy approximation in SPECT using the RBI-MAP algorithm
* Fast MB Mode Decision Algorithm for MPEG-2 to H.264 P-Frame Transcoding, A
* Fast MBO Scheme for Multiclass Data Classification, A
* Fast MCMC separation for MRF modelled astrophysical components
* Fast MCT optimization for the compression of whole-slide images
* Fast Mean-shift Based Classification Of Very High Resolution Images: Application To Forest Cover Mapping
* Fast mean filtering technique (FMFT)
* Fast Mean Shift Algorithm Based on Discretisation and Interpolation
* Fast Mean Shift by compact density representation
* Fast Median Filtering Algorithms for Mesh Computers
* Fast Median Filtering for Phase or Orientation Data
* Fast medical image mixture density clustering segmentation using stratification sampling and kernel density estimation
* Fast medical image registration using bidirectional empirical mode decomposition
* Fast medical image segmentation based on patch sharing
* Fast Memory-Efficient Generalized Belief Propagation
* Fast merge mode decision for diamond search in High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Mesh-Based Medical Image Registration
* Fast Mesh Deformation Method for Neuroanatomical Surface Inflated Representations, A
* Fast Mesh Interpolation and Mesh Decomposition with Applications
* Fast mesh segmentation by using the LexicoGraph Cut algorithm
* Fast Mesh Simplification for Progressive Transmission
* Fast Method for Designing Time-Optimal Gradient Waveforms for Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories, A
* Fast Method for Estimating Frequencies of Multiple Sinusoidals, A
* Fast Method for Estimating the Uncertainty in the Location of Image Points in 3D Recognition, A
* fast method for estimating transient scene attributes, A
* fast method for estimation of object rotation function in MRI using a similarity criterion among k-space overlap data, A
* Fast method for face location and tracking by distributed behaviour-based agents
* Fast Method for Finding the Exact N-Best Hypotheses for Multitarget Tracking, A
* Fast Method for Identifying Graphical Objects in Large Engineering Drawings, A
* fast method for inferring high-quality simply-connected superpixels, A
* Fast Method for Joint Retrieval and Identification of JPEG Coded Images Based on DCT Sign
* Fast Method for Localization of Local Illumination Variations and Photometric Normalization in Face Images, A
* Fast Method For Measuring The Similarity Between 3d Model And 3d Point Cloud, A
* fast method for moving object detection in video surveillance image, A
* Fast Method for Reconstruction of Total-Variation MR Images With a Periodic Boundary Condition, A
* Fast Method for Robust Video Watermarking Based on Zernike Moments, A
* Fast Method for Segmenting Images with Additive Intensity Value, A
* Fast Method For Shape Template Generation, A
* Fast Method to Estimate Sensor Translation, A
* fast method to improve the stability of interest point detection under illumination changes, A
* Fast Method to Minimize L-inf Error Norm for Geometric Vision Problems, A
* Fast Methods for Finding Object Outlines
* fast minimal path active contour model, A
* Fast Minimax Path-Based Joint Depth Interpolation
* Fast Minimization of Region-Based Active Contours Using the Shape Hessian of the Energy
* Fast Minimum Spanning Tree Based Clustering Algorithms on Local Neighborhood Graph
* Fast minutiae extractor using neural network
* fast mixed-band lifting wavelet transform on the GPU, A
* Fast mixing hyperdynamic sampling
* Fast MLE-Based Method for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix, A
* fast modal space transform for robust nonrigid shape retrieval, A
* Fast mode-decision for H.264/AVC based on inter-frame correlations
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm and Its VLSI Design for H.264/AVC Intra-Prediction, A
* fast mode decision algorithm applied in medium-grain quality scalable video coding, A
* fast mode decision algorithm applied to Coarse-Grain quality Scalable Video Coding, A
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Depth Coding in 3D Video Systems Using H.264/AVC
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264/AVC-to-SVC Transcoding with Temporal Scalability
* Fast mode decision algorithm for H.264/AVC using edge characteristics of residue images
* Fast mode decision algorithm for H.264/SVC enhancement layer
* Fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra coding based on texture partition and direction
* fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC intra prediction, A
* Fast mode decision algorithm for HEVC screen content intra coding
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Inter-Frame Coding in Fully Scalable Video Coding
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intra Encoding of the 3rd Generation Audio Video Coding Standard
* Fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in H.264/AVC with integer transform and adaptive threshold
* Fast mode decision algorithm for intra prediction in HEVC
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Intraprediction in H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast mode decision algorithm for Residual Quadtree coding in HEVC
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for Scalable Video Coding Using Bayesian Theorem Detection and Markov Process
* Fast Mode Decision Algorithm for the H.264/AVC Scalable Video Coding Extension
* Fast mode decision and early termination based on perceptual visual quality for HEVC encoders
* Fast mode decision and motion estimation for JVT/H.264
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Activity Segmentation in H.264/AVC Encoding
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Grayscale Similarity and Inter-View Correlation for Depth Map Coding in 3D-HEVC
* Fast Mode Decision Based on Mode Adaptation
* Fast mode decision based on texture-depth correlation and motion prediction for multiview depth video coding
* Fast Mode Decision by Exploiting Spatio-temporal Correlation in H.264
* Fast mode decision for H.264 video coding in packet loss environment
* Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Macroblock Motion Activity
* Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Rate-Distortion Clustering
* Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Using Mode Prediction
* Fast mode decision for inter prediction in H.264
* Fast Mode Decision for Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC Encoder
* Fast mode decision for multiview video coding based on scene geometry
* Fast Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding Using Mode Correlation
* Fast Mode Decision for Multiview Video Coding
* Fast mode decision method based on edge feature for HEVC inter-prediction
* Fast Mode Decision Method Based on Motion Cost and Intra Prediction Cost for H.264/AVC, A
* Fast mode decision method for all intra spatial scalability in SHVC
* Fast Mode Decision Method for H.264/AVC Using the Spatial-Temporal Prediction Scheme, A
* Fast Mode Decision Method in HEVC Using Adaptive Ordering of Modes, A
* Fast mode decision on H.264/AVC baseline profile for real-time performance
* Fast Mode Decision on H.264/AVC Main Profile Encoding Based on PSNR Predictions
* Fast Mode Decision on the Enhancement Layer in H.264 Scalable Extension
* Fast Mode Decision Technique for HEVC Intra Prediction Based on Reliability Metric for Motion Vectors
* Fast Mode Decision Using All-Zero Block Detection for Fidelity and Spatial Scalable Video Coding
* Fast mode dependent directional transform via butterfly-style transform and integer lifting steps
* fast mode selection for depth modelling modes of intra depth coding in 3D-HEVC, A
* Fast Mode Selection for HEVC Intra-Frame Coding With Entropy Coding Refinement Based on a Transparent Composite Model
* Fast Model-based Policy Search for Universal Policy Networks
* Fast Model-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Nonhomogeneous ICD Optimization
* Fast model based stereo matching using soar
* Fast model of space-variant blurring and its application to deconvolution in astronomy
* Fast Model Predictive Control for Urban Road Networks via MILP
* Fast model selection for MaxMinOver-based training of support vector machines
* Fast Modeling and Practical Inversion of Laterolog-Type Downhole Resistivity Measurements
* Fast modified global k-means algorithm for incremental cluster construction
* Fast Modified Vector Median Filter
* Fast Moment Generating Architectures
* Fast Momentum Contrast Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
* Fast Monocular Bayesian Detection of Independently Moving Objects by a Moving Observer
* Fast Monocular Depth Estimation via Side Prediction Aggregation with Continuous Spatial Refinement
* Fast Monocular Scene Reconstruction with Global-Sparse Local-Dense Grids
* Fast Monocular Visual Place Recognition for Non-Uniform Vehicle Speed and Varying Lighting Environment
* Fast Monte-Carlo Localization on Aerial Vehicles Using Approximate Continuous Belief Representations
* Fast Morphological Dilation and Erosion for Grey Scale Images Using the Fourier Transform
* Fast mosaicing of cystoscopic images from dense correspondence: Combined SURF and TV-L1 optical flow method
* Fast Motion-Cost Based Algorithm for H.264/AVC Inter Mode Decision, A
* Fast Motion-Deblurring of IR Images
* Fast motion blur compensation in HEVC using fixed-length filter
* Fast Motion Consistency through Matrix Quantization
* Fast Motion Deblurring for Feature Detection and Matching Using Inertial Measurements
* Fast motion deblurring using gyroscopes and strong edge prediction
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm and Design for Real Time QFHD High Efficiency Video Coding
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Diamond and Triangle Search Patterns, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the Block Sum Pyramid, A
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm for MPEG-4 Shape Coding, A
* Fast motion estimation algorithm using multilevel distortion search in Walsh-Hadamard domain
* Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm Using Spatial Correlation of Motion Vectors, A
* Fast motion estimation algorithm using unequal search effort for H.264|MPEG-4 AVC encoder
* Fast Motion Estimation and Edge Information Inter-Mode Decision on H.264 Video Coding
* Fast motion estimation and Inter-mode decision for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding
* Fast motion estimation and motion segmentation using multi-scale approach
* Fast motion estimation approaches for surveillance type videos in an inter-frame JPEG 2000-based adaptive video coding system
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Confidence Interval
* Fast motion estimation based on search range adjustment and matching point decimation
* Fast Motion Estimation Based on Search Range Adjustment Using Neighboring MVDs
* Fast motion estimation for closed-loop HEVC transrating
* Fast motion estimation for field sequential imaging: Survey and benchmark
* Fast motion estimation for H.264
* Fast Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC in Walsh-Hadamard Domain
* Fast motion estimation for HEVC on graphics processing unit (GPU)
* Fast motion estimation for shape coding in MPEG-4
* Fast motion estimation for surveillance video compression
* Fast Motion Estimation Method for MPEG-4 Arbitrarily Shaped Objects, A
* Fast motion estimation of arbitrarily shaped video objects in MPEG-4
* Fast Motion Estimation on Graphics Hardware for H.264 Video Encoding
* Fast Motion Estimation on Range Image Sequences acquired with a 3-D Camera
* Fast Motion Estimation Robust to Random Motions Based on a Distance Prediction
* Fast Motion Estimation System Using Dynamic Models for H.264/AVC Video Coding
* Fast Motion Estimation Using Bidirectional Gradient Methods
* Fast motion estimation using modified orthogonal search algorithm for video compression
* Fast motion estimation using priority-based inter-prediction mode decision method in high efficiency video coding
* Fast Motion Estimation Using Spatio Temporal Filtering
* Fast Motion Estimation With Interpolation-Free Sub-Sample Accuracy
* Fast motion estimation with modified diamond search for variable motion block sizes
* Fast Motion Estimator for Real-Time System, A
* Fast motion search with efficient inter-prediction mode decision for H.264
* fast motion segmentation algorithm based on hypothesis test for surveillance video coding, A
* fast motion segmentation based watermarking for MPEG-2 video, A
* Fast Motion Vector Estimation Using Multiresolution-Spatio-Temporal Correlations
* Fast motion vector re-estimation for transcoding MPEG-1 into MPEG-4 with lower spatial resolution in DCT-domain
* Fast Motion Vector Refinement for MPEG-1 to MPEG-4 Transcoding with Spatial Down-sampling in DCT Domain
* Fast Motion Vector Search Algorithm for Variable Blocks, A
* Fast movement detection for high dynamic range imaging
* Fast moving-object detection in H.264/AVC compressed domain for video surveillance
* Fast Moving Objects Detection Using iLBP Background Model
* Fast Moving Region Detection Scheme in Ad Hoc Sensor Network
* fast MPEG-7 dominant color extraction with new similarity measure for image retrieval, A
* Fast MPEG-CDVS Encoder With GPU-CPU Hybrid Computing
* Fast MR brain image segmentation based on modified Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm
* Fast MR Image Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging With Arbitrary k-Space Trajectories
* Fast MR image reconstruction with orthogonal wavelet regularization via shift-variant shrinkage
* Fast MRF-Based Hole Filling for View Synthesis
* Fast MRF Optimization with Application to Depth Reconstruction
* Fast MSER
* Fast Multi-aspect 2D Human Detection
* fast multi-channel edge detection algorithm for vision-based autonomous spacecraft docking, A
* Fast Multi-Contrast MRI Acquisition by Optimal Sampling of Information Complementary to Pre-Acquired MRI Contrast
* Fast multi-frame motion estimation for H264/AVC system
* Fast Multi-frame Stereo Scene Flow with Motion Segmentation
* Fast Multi-Grid Methods for Minimizing Curvature Energies
* Fast Multi-image Matching via Density-Based Clustering
* Fast Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning
* Fast multi-label core vector machine
* Fast multi-label feature selection based on information-theoretic feature ranking
* Fast Multi-labelling for Stereo Matching
* Fast multi-language LSTM-based online handwriting recognition
* Fast Multi-layer Approximation to Semi-discrete Optimal Transport, A
* Fast Multi-Level Foreground Estimation
* Fast Multi-Modal Approach to Facial Feature Detection, A
* fast multi-model approach for object duplicate extraction, A
* Fast Multi-Network K-Dependence Bayesian Classifier for Continuous Features, A
* Fast Multi-Object Extraction Algorithm Based on Cell-Based Connected Components Labeling, A
* Fast Multi-Object Tracking with Feature Pyramid and Region Proposal Networks
* fast multi-resolution block matching algorithm and its LSI architecture for low bit-rate video coding, A
* fast multi-resolution block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* Fast Multi-Resolution Block Matching Algorithm for Multiple-Frame Motion Estimation, A
* fast multi-scale covariance descriptor for object re-identification, A
* fast multi-scale edge detection algorithm, A
* Fast multi-scale local phase quantization histogram for face recognition
* Fast Multi-Scale Structural Patch Decomposition for Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
* Fast Multi-scale Template Matching Using Binary Features
* Fast multi-spectral image super-resolution via sparse representation
* Fast Multi-Stage Motion-Compensated Approach for HDR
* Fast Multi-template Matching Using a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for PCB Inspection
* Fast Multi-Type Tree Partitioning for Versatile Video Coding Using a Lightweight Neural Network
* fast multi-view based specular removal approach for pill extraction, A
* Fast Multi-View Clustering via Nonnegative and Orthogonal Factorization
* Fast Multi-view Disparity Estimation for Multi-View Video Systems
* fast multi-view face detector for mobile phone, A
* Fast multi-view people localization using a torso-high reference plane
* Fast Multi-view Subspace Clustering with Balance Anchors Guidance
* Fast Multi Frames Selection Algorithm Based on Macroblock Reference Map for H.264/AVC
* Fast multi reference frame motion estimation for high efficiency video coding
* Fast Multiatlas Selection Using Composition of Transformations for Radiation Therapy Planning
* Fast Multidimensional B-spline Interpolation Using Template Metaprogramming
* Fast Multidimensional Ellipsoid-Specific Fitting by Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
* Fast multidimensional image processing with OpenCL
* Fast multiframe motion estimation for surveillance videos
* fast multifunctional approach for document image analysis, A
* fast multigrid implicit algorithm for the evolution of geodesic active contours, A
* Fast Multigrid Optimal Mass Transport for Image Registration and Morphing
* Fast Multilevel Algorithm for Wavelet-Regularized Image Restoration, A
* Fast Multilevel Algorithms for Compressive Principal Component Pursuit
* Fast Multilevel Fuzzy Edge Detection of Blurry Images, The
* Fast Multilevel Thresholding Method Based on Lowpass and Highpass Filtering, A
* fast Multilinear ICA algorithm, A
* Fast multiple-baseline stereo with occlusion
* Fast Multiple-Part Based Object Detection Using KD-Ferns
* Fast multiple-view denoising based on image reconstruction by plane sweeping
* Fast multiple-view L2 triangulation with occlusion handling
* fast Multiple Birth and Cut algorithm using belief propagation, A
* Fast multiple histogram computation using Kruskal's algorithm
* Fast multiple instance learning via L1,2 logistic regression
* Fast Multiple Object Tracking via a Hierarchical Particle Filter
* Fast multiple reference frame motion estimation for H.264/AVC
* Fast multiple shape correspondence by pre-organizing shape instances
* Fast Multiplierless Block Transform for Image and Video Compression, A
* Fast Multiregion Image Segmentation Using Statistical Active Contours
* fast multiresolution feature matching algorithm for exhaustive search in large image databases, A
* Fast Multiresolution Image Querying
* Fast multiresolution motion estimation algorithms for wavelet-based scalable video coding
* fast multiresolution text line and non text-line structures extraction and discrimination scheme for document image analysis, A
* Fast multiscale clustering and manifold identification
* Fast multiscale directional filter bank-based speckle mitigation in gallstone ultrasound images
* fast multiscale edge detection algorithm based on a new edge preserving PDE resolution scheme, A
* fast multiscale framework for data in high-dimensions: Measure estimation, anomaly detection, and compressive measurements, A
* Fast Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Fast Multiscale Operator Development for Hexagonal Images
* Fast Multispectral Imaging by Spatial Pixel-Binning and Spectral Unmixing
* Fast Multistage Likelihood Classification
* Fast Multivariate Ordinal Type Histogram Matching
* Fast Multiview Clustering With Spectral Embedding
* Fast Multiview Video Coding Using Adaptive Prediction Structure and Hierarchical Mode Decision
* fast multiview video transcoder for bitrate reduction, A
* fast narrow band method and its application in topology-adaptive 3-D modeling, A
* Fast Narrowband RFI Suppression Algorithms for SAR Systems via Matrix-Factorization Techniques
* fast near-optimal algorithm for approximation of polygonal curves, A
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm Based on a Principal Axis Search Tree, A
* Fast Nearest-Neighbor Query Processing in Moving-Object Databases
* Fast nearest-neighbor search algorithms based on approximation-elimination search
* Fast nearest-neighbor search in dissimilarity spaces
* Fast Nearest Convolution for Real-time Efficient Image Super-resolution
* Fast nearest neighbor retrieval using randomized binary codes and approximate Euclidean distance
* fast nearest neighbor search algorithm by filtration, A
* fast nearest neighbor search algorithm by nonlinear embedding, A
* Fast Nearest Neighbor Search for ECVQ and Other Modified Distortion Measures
* Fast nearest neighbor search for vector quantization of image data
* Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in the Hamming Space
* Fast Nearest Neighbor Search of Entropy-Constrained Vector Quantization
* Fast nearest neighbor searching based on improved VP-tree
* Fast Nearest Neighbor Techniques
* Fast Nearest Neighbors Search in Graph Space Based on a Branch-and-Bound Strategy
* Fast Nearest Subspace Search via Random Angular Hashing
* fast nearly optimum equi-spaced 3-level block truncation coding algorithm, A
* Fast Neighborhood Graph Search Using Cartesian Concatenation
* Fast Neighborhood Grouping Method for Hyperspectral Band Selection, A
* Fast neighbourhood component analysis with spatially smooth regulariser for robust noisy face recognition
* Fast Neural Architecture Search of Compact Semantic Segmentation Models via Auxiliary Cells
* Fast Neural Cell Detection Using Light-Weight SSD Neural Network
* Fast Neural Scene Flow
* Fast Neuroimaging-Based Retrieval for Alzheimer's Disease Analysis
* Fast Newton active appearance models
* fast no search fractal image coding method, A
* Fast Noise Level Estimation using a Convergent Multiframe Approach
* Fast Noise Reduction in Computed Tomography for Improved 3-D Visualization
* Fast Noise Variance-Estimation
* Fast Non-Convex Hull Computation
* Fast Non-Linear Methods for Dynamic Texture Prediction
* Fast Non-Local Adaptive In-Loop Filter Optimization on GPU
* Fast Non-Local algorithm for image denoising
* Fast Non-Local Attention network for light super-resolution
* fast non-local disparity refinement method for stereo matching, A
* Fast Non-Negative Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
* Fast Non-Overlapping Multi-Camera People Re-Identification Algorithm and Tracking Based on Visual Channel Model, A
* Fast Non-parametric Action Recognition
* Fast Non-Rigid Object Boundary Tracking
* Fast Non-Rigid Surface Detection, Registration and Realistic Augmentation
* Fast Non-uniform Deblurring using Constrained Camera Pose Subspace
* Fast non-uniform filtering with Symmetric Weighted Integral Images
* Fast Nonconvex Nonsmooth Minimization Methods for Image Restoration and Reconstruction
* Fast nonlinear autocorrelation algorithm for source separation
* Fast Nonlinear Image Unblending
* Fast Nonoverlapping Block Jacobi Method for the Dual Rudin-Osher-Fatemi Model
* Fast nonparametric active contour adapted to quadratic inhomogeneous intensity fluctuations
* Fast nonparametric belief propagation for real-time stereo articulated body tracking
* Fast Nonparametric Clustering of Structured Time-Series
* Fast Nonparametric Noncausal MRF-Based Texture Synthesis Scheme Using a Novel FKDE Algorithm, A
* Fast Nonrigid Image Registration With Constraints on the Jacobian Using Large Scale Constrained Optimization, A
* Fast nonrigid mesh registration with a data-driven deformation prior
* Fast Normal Map Acquisition Using an LCD Screen Emitting Gradient Patterns
* Fast normalized cross correlation for defect detection
* Fast normalized cut with linear constraints
* fast novel algorithm for salt and pepper image noise cancellation using cardinal B-splines, A
* Fast Number Theoretic Finite Radon Transform, A
* Fast numerical scheme for gradient vector flow computation using a multigrid method
* Fast numerically stable computation of orthogonal Fourier-Mellin moments
* Fast O(1) Bilateral Filtering Using Trigonometric Range Kernels
* Fast O(N) Multiresolution Polygonal Approximation Algorithm for GPS Trajectory Simplification, A
* Fast Object-to-Image Best Scanline Search Algorithm for Airborne Linear Pushbroom Image Processing, A
* Fast object and pose recognition through minimum entropy coding
* Fast Object Class Labelling via Speech
* Fast Object Detecting-Tracking Method in Compressed Domain, A
* Fast Object Detection in Compressed Video
* Fast Object Detection in High-Resolution Videos
* Fast object detection using boosted co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients
* Fast Object Detection with Entropy-Driven Evaluation
* Fast Object Detection with Occlusions
* Fast Object Extraction Based on Semi-Implicit Scheme and Level Set, A
* Fast Object Extraction from Bayesian Occupancy Grids using Self Organizing Networks
* Fast Object Hypotheses Generation Using 3D Position and 3D Motion
* Fast object instance search in videos from one example
* Fast object localization using multi-scale image relevance function
* fast object orientation estimation and recognition technique for underwater acoustic imaging, A
* Fast object recognition and pose determination
* Fast Object Recognition By Selectively Examining Hypotheses
* Fast Object Recognition in Noisy Images Using Simulated Annealing
* Fast object recognition using a hybrid optical/digital processor
* Fast object recognition using dynamic programming from combination of salient line groups
* Fast Object Retrieval Using Direct Spatial Matching
* Fast Object Segmentation by Growing Minimal Paths from a Single Point on 2D or 3D Images
* Fast Object Segmentation in Unconstrained Video
* fast object tracking approach based on sparse representation, A
* Fast object tracking using color histograms and patch differences
* Fast Observation Operator for Global Navigation Satellite System Tropospheric Gradients
* Fast Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Mobile Robots
* Fast obstacle detection for urban traffic situations
* Fast Obstacle Detection Method Based on Optical Flow, A
* Fast Obstacle Detection Using Sparse Edge-Based Disparity Maps
* Fast obstacle detection using targeted optical flow
* Fast Occluded Object Tracking by a Robust Appearance Filter
* Fast Occlusion And Shadow Detection For High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Combined With Lidar Point Cloud
* Fast Occlusion Filling Method for Multiview Video Generation
* Fast Occlusion Sweeping
* fast octagon-based search algorithm for motion estimation, A
* Fast Odometry Integration in Local Bundle Adjustment-Based Visual SLAM
* Fast Offline Building Recognition Application on a Mobile Telephone, A
* Fast omni-image unwarping using pano-mapping pointers array
* Fast Omnidirectional 3D Scene Acquisition with an Array of Stereo Cameras
* Fast on-line learning of point distribution models
* Fast one-pass motion compensated frame interpolation in high-definition video processing
* Fast One-to-Many Multicriteria Shortest Path Search
* Fast One Pass Knowledge Based System for Thinning
* Fast Online 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes From Individual Single-Photon Detection Events
* Fast Online Computation of a Model Predictive Controller and Its Application to Fuel Economy-Oriented Adaptive Cruise Control
* Fast online graph clustering via Erdos-Renyi mixture
* Fast online incremental approach of unseen place classification using disjoint-text attribute prediction
* fast online incremental learning method for object detection and pose classification using voting and combined appearance modeling, A
* Fast Online Motion Segmentation through Multi-Temporal Interval Motion Analysis
* Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation: A Unifying Approach
* Fast Online Tracking With Detection Refinement
* Fast Online Upper Body Pose Estimation from Video
* Fast Online Video Pose Estimation by Dynamic Bayesian Modeling of Mode Transitions
* Fast Online Video Super-Resolution with Deformable Attention Pyramid
* Fast Online Video Synopsis Based on Potential Collision Graph
* Fast Open-World Person Re-Identification
* Fast Operations on Binary Images Using Interpolation-Based Bintrees
* fast operator for detection and precise location of distinct points, corners and centres of circular features, A
* Fast optical character recognition through glyph hashing for document conversion
* Fast Optical Flow Estimation Based on the Split Bregman Method
* Fast Optical Flow Estimation Without Parallel Architectures
* Fast Optical Flow Extraction From Compressed Video
* Fast optical flow using 3D shortest path techniques
* Fast Optical Flow Using Cross Correlation and Shortest-Path Techniques
* Fast Optical Flow Using Dense Inverse Search
* Fast Optimal Algorithm for L-2 Triangulation, A
* Fast Optimal Antenna Placement for Distributed MIMO Radar with Surveillance Performance
* Fast Optimal Motion Estimation Based on Gradient-Based Adaptive Multilevel Successive Elimination
* Fast Optimal Three View Triangulation
* Fast Optimal Transport Artistic Style Transfer
* Fast Optimal Transport for Latent Domain Adaptation
* Fast Optimization for Mixture Prior Models
* Fast Optimization Method for General Binary Code Learning, A
* Fast Optimization Method for Level Set Segmentation, A
* Fast Optimization Transfer Algorithm for Image Inpainting in Wavelet Domains, A
* Fast Ordering Algorithm for Exact Histogram Specification
* Fast Orientation Estimation Approach of Natural Images, A
* Fast Orthogonal Haar Transform Pattern Matching via Image Square Sum
* Fast Orthogonal Projection Based on Kronecker Product
* Fast Orthogonalization Algorithms for Segmented Image-Coding
* Fast orthorectified mosaics of thousands of aerial photographs from small UAVs
* Fast outdoor hazy image dehazing based on saturation and brightness
* Fast Overlapped Block Motion Compensation with Checkerboard Block Partitioning
* Fast Pairwise Coarse Registration Between Point Clouds of Construction Sites Using 2d Projection Based Phase Correlation
* Fast Palette Mode Decision Methods for Coding Game Videos With HEVC-SCC
* Fast Palette Reordering Technique Based on GPU-Optimized Genetic Algorithms, A
* Fast palmprint identification with multiple templates per subject
* Fast Panoramic Image Mosaicing Using One-dimensional Flow Estimation
* Fast Panoramic Stereo Matching Using Cylindrical Maximum Surfaces
* Fast PARAFAC Algorithm for Parameter Estimation in Monostatic FDA-MIMO Radar, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Blind Estimation of Noise Variance, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Convolutional Sparse Coding, A
* Fast parallel algorithm for distance transform
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Dot Linking in Glass Patterns, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Labeling Connected Components, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Stereovision, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithm for Thinning Digital Patterns, A
* Fast Parallel Algorithms for a Broad Class of Nonlinear Variational Diffusion Approaches
* Fast Parallel Approach for 2-D DHT-Based Real-Valued Discrete Gabor Transform
* fast parallel batch image encryption algorithm using intrinsic properties of chaos, A
* Fast parallel blur detection on GPU
* Fast parallel constraint satisfaction
* Fast Parallel Implementation of Dual-Camera Compressive Hyperspectral Imaging System
* Fast Parallel Method for Synthesis of Random Patterns, A
* Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CELL Broadband Engine
* Fast Parallel MR Image Reconstruction via B1-Based, Adaptive Restart, Iterative Soft Thresholding Algorithms (BARISTA)
* Fast Parallel Object Recognition
* Fast Parallel Particle Filter for Shared Memory Systems, A
* Fast Parallel Thinning Algorithms: Parallel Speed and Connectivity Preservation
* Fast Parameter-Free Multi-View Subspace Clustering With Consensus Anchor Guidance
* Fast parameter-free region growing segmentation with application to surgical planning
* Fast parameter estimation algorithm for sample adaptive offset in HEVC encoder
* Fast Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of PDE-Based Image Processing Methods
* Fast parametric elastic image registration
* fast parametric motion estimation algorithm with illumination and lens distortion correction, A
* Fast partial distortion elimination based on a maximum error constraint for motion estimation
* fast partial distortion search algorithm for motion estimation based on the multi-traps assumption, A
* Fast Partial Search Solution to the 3D SFM Problem
* Fast Partial Video Copy Detection Using KNN and Global Feature Database, A
* Fast Partitional Clustering Algorithm based on Nearest Neighbours Heuristics, A
* Fast partitioning algorithm for HEVC Intra frame coding using machine learning
* Fast Partitioning Decision Strategies for The Upcoming Versatile Video Coding (VVC) Standard
* Fast Partitioning of Vector-Valued Images
* Fast Parzen Density-Estimation Using Clustering-Based Branch-And-Bound
* Fast Patch-Based Denoising Using Approximated Patch Geodesic Paths
* Fast patch-wise image retargeting
* Fast Patrol Route Planning in Dynamic Environments
* Fast Pattern Classification of Ventricular Arrhythmias Using Graphics Processing Units
* Fast Pattern Detection Using Normalized Neural Networks and Cross-Correlation in the Frequency Domain
* Fast Pattern Matching in Strings
* Fast pattern matching using orthogonal Haar transform
* Fast Pattern Recognition on a Base of Recursive Representation with Binary Trees
* Fast Pattern Recognition Using Gradient-descent Search in an Image Pyramid
* Fast pattern recognition using normalized grey-scale correlation in a pyramid image representation
* Fast Pavement Location Approach for Autonomous Car Navigation, A
* Fast PDE-Based Image Analysis in Your Pocket
* Fast PDE Algorithm Using Adaptive Matching Scan Order for Real-Time Video Coding, A
* Fast PDE approach to surface reconstruction from large cloud of points
* Fast pedestrian detection and dynamic tracking for intelligent vehicles within V2V cooperative environment
* Fast pedestrian detection based on a partial least squares cascade
* Fast Pedestrian Detection by Cascaded Random Forest with Dominant Orientation Templates
* Fast Pedestrian Detection Using a Cascade of Boosted Covariance Features
* Fast Pedestrian Detection via Random Projection Features with Shape Prior
* Fast Pedestrian Detection With Attention-Enhanced Multi-Scale RPN and Soft-Cascaded Decision Trees
* Fast Pedestrian Detection with Laser and Image Data Fusion
* Fast pedestrian detection with multi-scale orientation features and two-stage classifiers
* Fast People Counting Using Head Detection From Skeleton Graph
* Fast Percentile Filtering
* Fast Perceptual Image Enhancement
* Fast Perceptual Learning in Visual Hyperacuity
* Fast perceptual region tracking with coding-depth sensitive access for stream transcoding
* fast performance estimation scheme for histogram shifting based multi-layer embedding, A
* fast persistence-based segmentation of noisy 2D clouds with provable guarantees, A
* Fast person re-identification based on dissimilarity representations
* Fast Person Re-identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Binary Transformation
* Fast perspective recovery of text in natural scenes
* Fast Phase Retrieval for High Dimensions: A Block-Based Approach
* Fast Phase Retrieval from Local Correlation Measurements
* Fast Phase Unwrapping Method for Large-Scale Interferograms, A
* Fast Photometric Imaging Using Orthogonal Linear Arrays
* Fast Physically Correct Refocusing for Sparse Light Fields Using Block-Based Multi-Rate View Interpolation
* Fast Piecewise-Affine Motion Estimation Without Segmentation
* fast piecewise deformable method for multi-modality image registration, A
* Fast Piecewise Linear Approximation Algorithm, A
* Fast Piecewise Non-Linear Approximation
* Fast Pipelined Median Filter Network, A
* fast pivot-based indexing algorithm for metric spaces, A
* Fast pixel-matching for video object segmentation
* Fast Pixel-Superpixel Region Merging for SAR Image Segmentation
* Fast Pixel Classification by SVM Using Vector Quantization, Tabu Search and Hybrid Color Space
* fast pixel mapping algorithm using principal component analysis, A
* Fast Pixel/Part Selection with Sparse Eigenvectors
* Fast Pixelwise Adaptive Visual Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects
* Fast Plain Copy-Move Detection Algorithm Based on Structural Pattern and 2D Rabin-Karp Rolling Hash, A
* Fast Planar-Oriented Ripple Search Algorithm for Hyperspace VQ Codebook
* Fast Planar Correlation Clustering for Image Segmentation
* Fast planar object detection and tracking via edgel templates
* Fast plane detection in disparity maps
* Fast PNN Design Algorithm for Entropy Constrained Residual Vector Quantization, A
* Fast PNN Using Partial Distortion Search
* Fast Point-Based 3-D Alignment of Live Cells
* fast point-to-tangent plane technique for multi-view registration, A
* Fast point cloud compression via reversible cellular automata block transform
* Fast Point Cloud Generation with Straight Flows
* Fast Point Cloud Ground Segmentation Approach Based on Coarse-To-Fine Markov Random Field, A
* Fast Point Cloud Sampling Network
* Fast Point R-CNN
* Fast Point Transformer
* Fast Point Voxel Convolution Neural Network with Selective Feature Fusion for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Fast Poisson blending using multi-splines
* Fast Polar and Spherical Fourier Descriptors for Feature Extraction
* Fast Polygonal Approximation Method for Real-Time Shape Recognition, A
* Fast Polygonal Approximation of Digital Curves Using Relaxed Straightness Properties
* Fast polygonal approximation of digital curves
* Fast polygonal approximation of digitized curves
* Fast polygonal integration and its application in extending Haar-like features to improve object detection
* Fast Polynomial Approximation of Heat Kernel Convolution on Manifolds and Its Application to Brain Sulcal and Gyral Graph Pattern Analysis
* Fast polynomial regression transform for video database
* Fast Pore Comparison for High Resolution Fingerprint Images Based on Multiple Co-Occurrence Descriptors and Local Topology Similarities
* Fast pore matching method based on deterministic annealing algorithm
* Fast Portrait Segmentation of the Head and Upper Body
* Fast Portrait Segmentation With Highly Light-Weight Network
* Fast Pose Estimation with Parameter-Sensitive Hashing
* Fast Pose Graph Optimization via Krylov-Schur and Cholesky Factorization
* Fast pose invariant face recognition using super coupled multiresolution Markov Random Fields on a GPU
* Fast Positive Deconvolution of Hyperspectral Images
* Fast Postprocessing for Difficult Discrete Energy Minimization Problems
* Fast Power Line Detection and Localization Using Steerable Filter For Active Uav Guidance
* Fast Power Spectrum Sensing Solution for Generalized Coprime Sampling, A
* Fast prediction for quality scalability of High Efficiency Video Coding Scalable Extension
* Fast Prediction Mode Decision Algorithm for H.264 Based on Hierarchical Mode Classification Framework
* Fast Prediction Mode Decision in HEVC Using a Pseudo Rate-Distortion Based on Separated Encoding Structure
* Fast prediction mode decision with hadamard transform based rate-distortion cost estimation for HEVC intra coding
* Fast prediction mode selection and CU partition for HEVC intra coding
* Fast Predictions of Variance Images for Fan-Beam Transmission Tomography With Quadratic Regularization
* Fast Predictive Lossless Coder for fMRI Data Sets, A
* Fast predictive motion estimation algorithm with adaptive search mode based on motion type classification
* Fast Predictive Search Algorithm for Video Motion Estimation
* Fast Principal Component Analysis using Eigenspace Merging
* Fast principal component analysis using fixed-point algorithm
* Fast principal component pursuit via alternating minimization
* Fast PRISM: Branch and Bound Hough Transform for Object Class Detection
* Fast probabilisitic estimation of egomotion from image intensities
* Fast Probabilistic Bidirectional Texture Function Model, A
* Fast Probabilistic Model for Hypothesis Rejection in SIFT-Based Object Recognition, A
* Fast probabilistic snake algorithm
* fast procedure for the computation of similarities between gaussian HMMS, A
* Fast processing of medical images using a new parallel architecture, the hybrid system
* fast progressive image transmission scheme using block truncation coding by pattern fitting, A
* fast projected fixed-point algorithm for large graph matching, A
* Fast Projected Fuzzy Clustering With Anchor Guidance for Multimodal Remote Sensing Imagery
* Fast projection mapping onto a moving planar surface
* Fast Projection Method for Connectivity Constraints in Image Segmentation, A
* Fast projection plane classifier
* Fast projector-camera calibration for interactive projection mapping
* Fast Projector-Driven Structured Light Matching in Sub-pixel Accuracy Using Bilinear Interpolation Assumption
* Fast propagation-based skin regions segmentation in color images
* Fast Protection of H.264/AVC by Selective Encryption of CAVLC and CABAC for I and P Frames
* Fast protein homology and fold detection with sparse spatial sample kernels
* Fast Prototype Based Noise Reduction
* Fast prototyping of a SoC-based smart-camera: A real-time fall detection case study
* Fast Prototyping of Image Processing Applications Using Functional Skeletons on a MIMD-DM Architecture
* Fast prototyping of parallel-vision applications using functional skeletons
* Fast proximal splitting algorithm for constrained TGV-regularised image restoration and reconstruction
* Fast pruning superfluous support vectors in SVMs
* Fast pseudo-enhancement correction in CT colonography using linear shift-invariant filters
* Fast PU Skip and Split Termination Algorithm for HEVC Intra Prediction
* Fast Public Key Watermarking of Compressed Video
* Fast Pyramidal Algorithms for Image Thresholding
* Fast Pyramidal Search for Perceptually Based Fractal Image Compression
* Fast QTBT Partitioning Decision for Interframe Coding with Convolution Neural Network
* Fast QTMT Partition for VVC Intra Coding Using U-Net Framework
* Fast quadtree level decision algorithm for H.264/HEVC transcoder
* fast quadtree motion segmentation for image sequence coding, A
* Fast quality-guided phase unwrapping algorithm for 3D profilometry based on object image edge detection
* Fast Quantization Method With Simplified Rate-Distortion Optimized Quantization for an HEVC Encoder
* Fast Quartet tree heuristic for hierarchical clustering, A
* Fast quasi-flat zones filtering using area threshold and region merging
* Fast Quasi-Newton Algorithms for Penalized Reconstruction in Emission Tomography and Further Improvements via Preconditioning
* fast quasi-Newton method for semi-supervised SVM, A
* Fast Quaternion Product Units for Learning Disentangled Representations in SO_3
* Fast Query for Exemplar-Based Image Completion
* Fast R-CNN
* Fast Radial Scanned Near-Field 3-D SAR Imaging System and the Reconstruction Method, A
* Fast radial symmetry detection under affine transformations
* Fast radial symmetry for detecting points of interest
* Fast Radial Symmetry Transform for Detecting Points of Interest, A
* Fast Radiative Transfer Approximating Ice Hydrometeor Orientation and Its Implication on IWP Retrievals
* Fast Radiometry Guided Fusion Of Disparity Images
* Fast Radix-2 Algorithm for the Discrete Hartley Transform of Type II
* Fast Radix-3 Algorithm for the Generalized Discrete Hartley Transform of Type II
* Fast Radix-q and Mixed-Radix Algorithms for Type-IV DCT
* Fast random k-labELsets for large-scale multi-label classification
* Fast Random Sample Matching of 3d Fragments
* Fast randomized algorithm for center-detection
* Fast Randomized Algorithms for t-Product Based Tensor Operations and Decompositions with Applications to Imaging Data
* Fast Randomized Point Location Without Preprocessing in Two- and Three-Dimensional Delaunay Triangulations
* Fast Randomized Singular Value Thresholding for Low-Rank Optimization
* Fast randomized Singular Value Thresholding for Nuclear Norm Minimization
* Fast range-independent spherical subsampling of 3D laser scanner points and data reduction performance evaluation for scene registration
* Fast range image segmentation by an edge detection strategy
* Fast Range Image Segmentation Using High-Level Segmentation Primitives
* Fast Range Imaging by CMOS Sensor Array Through Multiple Double Short Time Integration (MDSI)
* Fast Range Searching with Delaunay Triangulations
* Fast RANSAC Hypothesis Generation for Essential Matrix Estimation
* Fast Raster Scan Distance Propagation on the Discrete Rectangular Lattice
* fast rate-distortion optimization algorithm for H.264/AVC codec, A
* Fast Rate-Optimized Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low-Bit-Rate Video Coding, A
* FAST Rate Allocation for JPEG2000 Video Transmission Over Time-Varying Channels
* FAST Rate Allocation Through Steepest Descent for JPEG2000 Video Transmission
* Fast rate distortion optimized quantization for HEVC
* Fast Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother-based image restoration for noncausal images
* Fast Ray-Triangle Intersection Computation Using Reconfigurable Hardware
* Fast Ray features for learning irregular shapes
* Fast Re-ranking of Visual Search Results by Example Selection
* Fast reactive control for illumination through rain and snow
* Fast real-time onboard processing of hyperspectral imagery for detection and classification
* Fast Real-Time Skin Detector for Video Sequences, A
* Fast Realistic MRI Simulations Based on Generalized Multi-Pool Exchange Tissue Model
* Fast realistic multi-action recognition using mined dense spatio-temporal features
* Fast Recognition Algorithm for Detection of Foreign 3D Objects on a Runway, A
* Fast Recognition and Precise Centroiding of Artificial Targets
* Fast Recognition of Multi-View Faces with Feature Selection
* Fast Recognition Using Adaptive Subdivisions of Transformation Space
* Fast Recolor Prediction Scheme in Point Cloud Attribute Compression
* Fast Reconstruction Method for Diffraction Imaging
* Fast Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Single Free-Hand Line Drawing
* Fast Reconstruction of 3D Point Cloud Model Using Visual SLAM on Embedded UAV Development Platform
* Fast reconstruction of fluorescence molecular tomography via a permissible region extraction strategy
* Fast Reconstruction of Subband-Decomposed Progressively Transmitted Signals
* Fast Reconstruction of Three Dimensional City Model Based on Airborne LIDAR
* Fast Recovery of Piled Deformable Objects Using Superquadrics
* Fast Recovery of Rotational Symmetry Parameters Using Gradient Orientation
* Fast recovery of unknown coefficients in DCT-transformed images
* Fast Recovery of Weakly Textured Surfaces from Monocular Image Sequences
* fast recurring two-dimensional entropic thresholding algorithm, A
* fast recursive 3d model reconstruction algorithm for multimedia applications, A
* Fast Recursive Algorithm for Binary-Valued Two-Dimensional Filters, A
* fast recursive algorithm for the computation of axial moments, A
* fast recursive algorithm to compute local axial moments, A
* Fast recursive algorithms for 2-D discrete cosine transform
* Fast Recursive Algorithms for 2-Dimensional Thresholding
* Fast Recursive Algorithms for Morphological Operators Based on the Basis Matrix Representation
* Fast Recursive Computation of 3D Geometric Moments from Surface Meshes
* Fast Recursive Computation of Krawtchouk Polynomials
* Fast recursive ensemble convolution of Haar-like features
* Fast Recursive Estimation of the Parameters of a Space-Varying Autoregressive Image Model
* Fast recursive grayscale morphology operators: From the algorithm to the pipeline architecture
* Fast Recursive Nonnegative Standard and Hierarchical Tucker Decomposition
* Fast Recursive Shortest Spanning Tree for Image Segmentation and Edge-Detection, A
* Fast Redundant Dyadic Wavelet Transform in Application to Spatial Registration of the Expression Patterns of Drosophila Segmentation Genes
* Fast reference frame and inter-mode selection method for H.264/AVC
* Fast reference frame selection based on content similarity for low complexity HEVC encoder
* Fast Reflectional Symmetry Detection Using Orientation Histograms
* Fast Region-Adaptive Defogging and Enhancement for Outdoor Images Containing Sky
* Fast Region-based Active Contour Model Driven by Local Signed Pressure Force
* fast region segmentation algorithm on compressed gray images using Non-symmetry and Anti-packing Model and Extended Shading representation, A
* Fast Registration for 2D Images: The Clock Algorithm
* Fast Registration Method for Optical and SAR Images Based on SRAWG Feature Description, A
* Fast registration of articulated objects from depth images
* Fast registration of segmented images by normal sampling
* Fast registration of tabular document images using the Fourier-Mellin transform
* Fast Registration of Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds Based on Gaussian-Weighting Projected Image Matching
* Fast regularity-constrained plane fitting
* fast regularity measure for surface defect detection, A
* Fast Regularization of Matrix-Valued Images
* Fast regularized iterative forward backward splitting with adaptive parameter selection for image restoration
* Fast Rehalftoning and Interpolated Halftoning Algorithms with flat Low-Frequencey Response
* Fast Reject Schema For Part-In-Whole 3d Shape Matching, The
* Fast Relative Depth Computation for an Active Stereo Vision System
* Fast Relative Newton Algorithm for Blind Deconvolution of Images
* Fast Relative Pose Estimation using Relative Depth
* Fast Relaxed Normal Two Split Method and an Effective Weighted TV Approach for Euler's Elastica Image Inpainting, A
* Fast relocalization for visual odometry using binary features
* Fast removal of line scratches in old movies
* Fast removal of non-uniform camera shake
* Fast Rendering Water Surface For Outdoor Scenes
* Fast Representation Based on a Double Orientation Histogram for Local Image Descriptors
* Fast Reproducible Pansharpening Based on Instrument and Acquisition Modeling: AWLP Revisited
* Fast Resection-Intersection Method for the Known Rotation Problem, A
* Fast Resolution Enhancement for Real Beam Mapping Using the Parallel Iterative Deconvolution Method
* Fast Response 2-D Rank Order Filter by Using Max-Min Sorting Network
* Fast restoration of colour movie scratches
* Fast restoration of geometric details of automobile castings scanned by RGB-D sensor
* Fast restoration of natural images corrupted by high-density impulse noise
* Fast retinal vessel analysis
* Fast Retrieval Methods for Images with Significant Variations
* Fast Retrieval of Cloud Parameters Using a Triplet of Wavelengths of Oxygen Dimer Band around 477 nm, A
* Fast Retrieval of Isolated Visual Shapes
* Fast Reverse Jacket Transform As an Alternative Representation of the N-Point Fast Fourier Transform
* fast revised simplex method for SVM training, A
* Fast Rigid Motion Segmentation via Incrementally-Complex Local Models
* Fast Road Classification and Orientation Estimation Using Omni-View Images and Neural Networks
* Fast Road Detection by CNN-Based Camera-Lidar Fusion and Spherical Coordinate Transformation
* Fast Road Network Extraction from Remotely Sensed Images
* Fast road scene segmentation using deep learning and scene-based models
* fast robot homing approach using sparse image waypoints, A
* Fast robust correlation
* Fast Robust Dejitter and Interslice Discontinuity Removal in MRI Phase Acquisitions: Application to Magnetic Resonance Elastography
* Fast Robust Eigen-Background Updating for Foreground Detection
* Fast robust fuzzy clustering based on bipartite graph for hyper-spectral image classification
* Fast robust GA-based ellipse detection
* fast robust geometric fitting method for parabolic curves, A
* Fast robust large-scale mapping from video and internet photo collections
* Fast Robust Matrix Completion via Entry-Wise l0-Norm Minimization
* Fast Robust Point Cloud Registration Based on Compatibility Graph and Accelerated Guided Sampling
* Fast Robust Tensor Principal Component Analysis via Fiber CUR Decomposition
* Fast Robust Tracking of Curvy Partially Occluded Roads in Clutter in Aerial Images
* Fast Rolling Shutter Correction in the Wild
* Fast Rotation-Invariant Video Caption Detection Based on Visual Rhythm
* Fast Rotation Invariant 3D Feature Computation Utilizing Efficient Local Neighborhood Operators
* Fast rotation invariant multi-view face detection based on real adaboost
* Fast Rotation Search with Stereographic Projections for 3D Registration
* Fast Roughness Minimizing Image Restoration Under Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* Fast Route for Application of Rate-Distortion Optimal Quantization in an MPEG Video Encoder, A
* Fast Rule-Based Parameter Free Discrete Hough Transform, A
* Fast Rule-Line Removal Using Integral Images and Support Vector Machines
* Fast Run-Length Algorithm for Wavelet Image Coding with Reduced Memory Usage, A
* Fast Run-Length Compression of Point Cloud Geometry
* Fast Safe Spline Surrogates for Large Point Clouds
* Fast Saliency-Based Motion Segmentation Algorithm for an Active Vision System
* Fast saliency prediction based on multi-channels activation optimization
* Fast salient object detection through efficient subwindow search
* Fast sample adaptive offset algorithm for 360-degree video coding
* Fast SAO estimation algorithm and its VLSI architecture
* Fast SAR Autofocus Based on Ensemble Convolutional Extreme Learning Machine
* Fast SAR Image Restoration, Segmentation, and Detection of High-Reflectance Regions
* Fast SAR Image Segmentation via Merging Cost With Relative Common Boundary Length Penalty
* Fast SAR Image Simulation Based on Echo Matrix Cell Algorithm Including Multiple Scattering
* Fast SAR Imaging Method for Ground Moving Target Using a Second-Order WVD Transform, A
* Fast SAR Target Indexing Method Based on Geometric Models, A
* Fast Scalable Algorithm for Discontinuous Optical-Flow Estimation, A
* Fast Scalable Image Restoration Using Total Variation Priors and Expectation Propagation
* Fast scalable retrieval of multispectral images with Kullback-Leibler divergence
* Fast Scalar and Vectorial Grayscale Based Invariant Features for 3D Cell Nuclei Localization and Classification
* Fast Scale-Adaptive Bilateral Texture Smoothing
* Fast Scale-Space Feature Representations by Generalized Integral Images
* Fast scale invariant feature detection and matching on programmable graphics hardware
* Fast scale space image decomposition
* fast scan matching for grid-based laser SLAM using streaming SIMD extensions, A
* Fast ScanNet: Fast and Dense Analysis of Multi-Gigapixel Whole-Slide Images for Cancer Metastasis Detection
* fast scanning based message receiving method on four directed acyclic subgraphs, A
* fast scene change detection on MPEG coding parameter domain, A
* Fast Scene Change Detection Using Direct Feature Extraction from MPEG Compressed Videos
* Fast scene text localization by learning-based filtering and verification
* Fast Scene Voxelization and Applications
* Fast Scheme for Altering Resolution in the Compressed Domain, A
* Fast Scheme for Converting DCT Coefficients to H.264/AVC Integer Transform Coefficients, A
* Fast Scheme for Downsampling and Upsampling in the DCT Domain, A
* fast scheme for image size change in the compressed domain, A
* Fast Scheme for Multiscale Signal Denoising, A
* Fast Schemes for Computing Similarities between Gaussian HMMs and Their Applications in Texture Image Classification
* Fast Screening Algorithm for Rotation Invariant Template Matching
* Fast script word recognition with very large vocabulary
* Fast Seamless Skew and Orientation Detection in Document Images
* fast search algorithm for mean-removed vector quantization using edge and texture strengths of a vector, A
* Fast search algorithm for vector quantisation without extra look-up table using declustered subcodebooks
* Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Associative Memories, A
* Fast Search Algorithm for Vector Quantization Using a Directed Graph, A
* fast search algorithm for vector quantization using L2-norm pyramid of codewords, A
* Fast Search Algorithms for IC Printed Mark Quality Inspection
* Fast Search Algorithms for Vector Quantization of Images Using Multiple Triangle Inequalities and Wavelet Transform
* Fast Search Algorithms for VQ Codebook Generation
* Fast search based on generalized similarity measure
* Fast Search for Best Representations in Multitree Dictionaries
* Fast search for entropy-constrained VQ
* Fast search for long-term memory motion-compensated prediction
* Fast search in Hamming space with multi-index hashing
* Fast Search of a Similar Patch for Self-Similarity Based Image Super Resolution
* Fast search real-time face recognition based on DCT coefficients distribution
* Fast searching algorithm for vector quantisation based on features of vector and subvector
* Fast Searching Algorithm for Vector Quantization Based on Subvector Technique
* Fast Searching of Digital Face Libraries Using Binary Image Metrics
* Fast Second-Generation Encoding Algorithm for Vector Quantization, A
* Fast Segmentation Algorithm for Bi-Level Image Compression using JBIG2, A
* Fast Segmentation and Classification of Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data Using SLIC Superpixels
* Fast Segmentation and Dynamic Monitoring of Time-Lapse 3D GPR Data Based on U-Net
* Fast Segmentation From Blurred Data in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy
* fast segmentation method based on constraint optimization and its applications: Intensity inhomogeneity and texture segmentation, A
* Fast Segmentation of Brain Magnetic Resonance Tomograms
* Fast Segmentation of High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Watershed Transform Combined with an Efficient Region Merging Approach
* Fast Segmentation of Planar Surfaces in Range Images
* Fast segmentation of porcelain images based on texture features
* Fast Segmentation of Range Imagery into Planar Regions
* Fast Segmentation of Range Images by Scan Line Grouping
* Fast Segmentation of Range Images into Planar Regions
* Fast segmentation of range images
* Fast Segmentation of Retinal Blood Vessels Using a Deformable Contour Model
* Fast Segmentation of Sparse 3D Point Trajectories Using Group Theoretical Invariants
* Fast Segmentation of the JPEG Compressed Documents
* Fast Segmentation of the Mitral Valve Leaflet in Echocardiography
* Fast segmentation of ultrasound images by incorporating spatial information into Rayleigh mixture model
* Fast segmentation of ultrasound images using robust Rayleigh distribution decomposition
* fast segmentation scheme for white blood cell images, A
* Fast Segmentation Using Level Set Curves of Complex Wavelet Surfaces
* Fast Segmentation via Randomized Hashing
* Fast segmentation, conversion and rendering of volumetric data using GPU
* Fast Segmentation, Tracking, and Analysis of Deformable Objects
* Fast Seismic Landslide Detection Based on Improved Mask R-CNN
* Fast Selection of Linear Features in Image Data
* Fast Selection of Small and Precise Candidate Sets from Dictionaries for Text Correction Tasks
* Fast Selective Detection of Rotational Symmetries Using Normalized Inhibition
* Fast Selective Intra-Mode Search Algorithm Based on Adaptive Thresholding Scheme for H.264/AVC Encoding
* Fast Self-Attentive Multimodal Retrieval
* Fast self-generation voting for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Fast Self-Guided Multi-View Subspace Clustering
* Fast self-localization method for mobile robots using multiple omnidirectional vision sensors
* Fast self-synchronous content scrambling by spatially shuffling codewords of compressed bitstreams
* Fast Self-Tuning Background Subtraction Algorithm, A
* Fast Semantic-Aware Motion State Detection for Visual SLAM in Dynamic Environment
* Fast Semantic Diffusion for Large-Scale Context-Based Image and Video Annotation
* Fast Semantic Image Segmentation for Autonomous Systems
* Fast semantic scene segmentation with conditional random field
* Fast Semantic Segmentation on Video Using Block Motion-Based Feature Interpolation
* Fast Semi-Analytical Model-Based Acoustic Inversion for Quantitative Optoacoustic Tomography
* Fast semi-global stereo matching via extracting disparity candidates from region boundaries
* Fast Semi-inverse Approach to Detect and Remove the Haze from a Single Image, A
* Fast semi-local alignment for DNA sequence database search
* Fast semi-supervised clustering with enhanced spectral embedding
* Fast semi-supervised discriminant analysis for binary classification of large data sets
* Fast semi-supervised learning with anchor graph for large hyperspectral images
* Fast Semi-supervised Segmentation of in Situ Tree Color Images
* Fast Semi-Supervised Unmixing of Hyperspectral Image by Mutual Coherence Reduction and Recursive PCA
* Fast Semi Dense Epipolar Flow Estimation
* Fast Semidefinite Approach to Solving Binary Quadratic Problems, A
* fast separability-based feature-selection method for high-dimensional remotely sensed image classification, A
* Fast Separable Gabor Filter for Fingerprint Enhancement
* Fast Separation of Reflection Components using a Specularity-Invariant Image Representation
* Fast Sequential Feature Extraction for Recurrent Neural Network-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fast sequential forensic detection of camera fingerprint
* Fast Sequential Method for Polygonal Approximation of Digitized Curves, A
* Fast shadowing of volume data
* Fast Shape-based Road Sign Detection for a Driver Assistance System
* Fast shape-from-template using local features
* Fast shape description based on a set of moments defined on the unit disc and inspired by three-dimensional spherical harmonics
* Fast Shape Descriptor, A
* Fast Shape Detection Using Hough Transform by Raster Operation
* Fast Shape from Shading for Phong-Type Surfaces
* Fast Shape from Shading
* Fast Shape Matching Using Statistical Features of Shape Contexts
* Fast Shape Re-Ranking with Neighborhood Induced Similarity Measure
* Fast Shape Recognition Method Using Feature Richness Based on the Walking Minimum Bounding Rectangle over an Occluded Remote Sensing Target
* Fast shape retrieval using a graph theoretic approach
* Fast Shape Retrieval Using Term Frequency Vectors
* Fast ship detection based on lightweight YOLOv5 network
* Fast Ship Detection Based on the Superpixels for High Resolution SAR Images
* Fast SIFT Design for Real-Time Visual Feature Extraction
* Fast sign language recognition benefited from low rank approximation
* Fast Signal Recovery From Saturated Measurements by Linear Loss and Nonconvex Penalties
* Fast Signal Separation of 2-D Sparse Mixture via Approximate Message-Passing
* Fast Signal Timing Algorithm for Individual Oversaturated Intersections, A
* Fast signature spotting in continuous air writing
* Fast Similarity Matrix Profile for Music Analysis and Exploration
* Fast similarity metric for real-time template-matching applications
* Fast Similarity Search for Learned Metrics
* Fast similarity search on video signatures
* Fast Similarity Search Using Multiple Binary Codes
* Fast Simple Linear Iterative Clustering by Early Candidate Cluster Elimination
* Fast Simple Optical Flow Computation Approach Based on the 3-D Gradient, A
* Fast Simplex-HMM for One-Shot Learning Activity Recognition
* Fast Simplex Optimization for Active Appearance Model
* Fast simultaneous alignment of multiple range images using index images
* Fast Simultaneous Alignment of Multiple Range Images
* Fast Simultaneous Alignment of Multiple Range Images, A
* Fast Simultaneous Gravitational Alignment of Multiple Point Sets
* Fast single-frequency time-of-flight range imaging
* fast single-image super-resolution method implemented with CUDA, A
* Fast Single-Image Super-Resolution via Deep Network With Component Learning
* fast single-image super-resolution via directional edge-guided regularized extreme learning regression, A
* Fast single-image super-resolution with filter selection
* Fast single-image upsampling with relative edge growth rate priors
* fast single-pass deterministic video deghoster for terrestrial transmitted video, A
* Fast Single-Step Least-Squares Reverse-Time Imaging via Adaptive Matching Filters in Beams
* Fast Single Image De-Hazing Using Characteristics of RGB Channel of Foggy Image
* Fast single image dehazing through Edge-Guided Interpolated Filter
* Fast Single Image Dehazing Using Morphological Reconstruction and Saturation Compensation
* Fast Single Image Dehazing Using Saturation Based Transmission Map Estimation
* Fast Single Image Dehazing via Positive Correlation
* Fast single image dehazing with domain transformation-based edge-preserving filter and weighted quadtree subdivision
* Fast Single Image Fog Removal Method Using Geometric Mean Histogram Equalization, A
* Fast single image fog removal using the adaptive Wiener filter
* Fast Single Image Haze Removal Algorithm Using Color Attenuation Prior, A
* Fast Single Image Haze Removal Method Based on Human Retina Property, A
* Fast Single Image Reflection Suppression via Convex Optimization
* Fast single image SR via dictionary learning
* Fast Single Image Super-Resolution Using a New Analytical Solution for L_2- L_2 Problems
* Fast Single Image Super-Resolution via Self-Example Learning and Sparse Representation
* Fast Single Pass Edgel Extraction Routine, A
* Fast Single Shot Detection and Pose Estimation
* Fast Single Shot Instance Segmentation
* Fast single shot multibox detector and its application on vehicle counting system
* Fast Sinkhorn Filters: Using Matrix Scaling for Non-Rigid Shape Correspondence with Functional Maps
* Fast Skeletonization Algorithm Using Derived Grids, A
* Fast Skeletonization of Spatially Encoded Objects
* Fast Skin Lesion Segmentation via Fully Convolutional Network with Residual Architecture and CRF
* Fast Skin Segmentation on Low-Resolution Grayscale Images for Remote PhotoPlethysmoGraphy
* Fast Sky to Sky Interpolation for Radio Interferometric Imaging
* Fast slant stack: A notion of radon transform for data on a cartesian grid which is rapidly computable, algebraically exact, geometrically faithful, and invertible
* Fast Slicing of Orthogonal Covers Using DCEL
* Fast Smart-Cropping Method and Dataset for Video Retargeting, A
* Fast smoothed shock filtering
* Fast smoothing technique with edge preservation for single image dehazing
* Fast Snakes Algorithm Using the Tangent Angle Function, A
* Fast Soft Color Segmentation
* Fast Soft Decision Quantization With Adaptive Preselection and Dynamic Trellis Graph
* Fast software MPEG-2 video transcoder with optimization of requantization error compensation
* Fast Solution of Scattering and Micro-Doppler Features from Moving Target Using a Tailored Shooting and Bouncing Ray Method
* Fast Solver for Truncated-Convex Priors: Quantized-Convex Split Moves, A
* Fast Solvers for Cahn-Hilliard Inpainting
* Fast Solvers for Minimal Radial Distortion Relative Pose Problems
* Fast sorting for exact OIT of complex scenes
* Fast Sound Source Localization Using Two-Level Search Space Clustering
* Fast Space-Variant Elliptical Filtering Using Box Splines
* Fast Space-Varying Convolution Using Matrix Source Coding With Applications to Camera Stray Light Reduction
* Fast Sparse-TSVD Super-Resolution Method of Real Aperture Radar Forward-Looking Imaging
* Fast Sparse Aperture ISAR Autofocusing and Imaging via ADMM Based Sparse Bayesian Learning
* Fast sparse coding networks for anomaly detection in videos
* Fast Sparse ConvNets
* Fast Sparse Dynamic Time Warping
* Fast sparse edge-based intrinsic image decomposition guided by chromaticity gradients
* Fast Sparse Gaussian Processes Learning for Man-Made Structure Classification
* Fast Sparse Image Reconstruction Using Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering
* Fast Sparse Multinomial Regression Applied to Hyperspectral Data
* Fast Sparse Period Estimation
* fast sparse reconstruction approach for high resolution image-based object surface anomaly detection, A
* Fast sparse representation with prototypes
* Fast Sparsity-Based Orthogonal Dictionary Learning for Image Restoration
* Fast spatial-temporal stereo matching for 3D face reconstruction under speckle pattern projection
* Fast Spatial Pattern Discovery Integrating Boosting with Constellations of Contextual Descriptors
* Fast Spatial Resolution Analysis of Quadratic Penalized Least-Squares Image Reconstruction With Separate Real and Imaginary Roughness Penalty: Application to fMRI
* Fast Spatially-Varying Indoor Lighting Estimation
* Fast spatially varying object motion blur estimation
* Fast spatio-temporal digital paths video filter
* Fast spatio-temporal image reconstruction for dynamic PET
* Fast Spatio-Temporal Residual Network for Video Super-Resolution
* Fast spatiotemporal filters
* Fast Spatiotemporal Learning Framework for Traffic Flow Forecasting
* Fast spatiotemporal MACH filter for action recognition
* Fast spectral algorithms for invariant pattern recognition and image matching based on modular invariants
* Fast spectral algorithms of invariants calculation
* Fast Spectral Clustering for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Fast spectral clustering learning with hierarchical bipartite graph for large-scale data
* Fast Spectral Clustering Using Autoencoders and Landmarks
* Fast Spectral Method for Active 3D Shape Reconstruction, A
* Fast Spectral Ranking for Similarity Search
* Fast Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using DLP Projector
* Fast Spectrogram Inversion Using Multi-Head Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast SPH simulation for gaseous fluids
* fast spherical inflation method of the cerebral cortex by deformation of a simplex mesh on the polar coordinates, A
* Fast Spherical Mapping for Genus-0 Meshes
* Fast Spin Echo Imaging-Based Electric Property Tomography With K-Space Weighting via T_2 Relaxation (rEPT)
* Fast Split Bregman Based Deconvolution Algorithm for Airborne Radar Imaging
* Fast Splitting Alpha-Rooting Method of Image Enhancement: Tensor Representation
* Fast star centroid extraction algorithm with sub-pixel accuracy based on FPGA
* Fast Star Identification Algorithm of Star Sensors in the LIS Mode, A
* Fast statistical level sets image segmentation for biomedical applications
* Fast Statistical Mixture Algorithm For Online Handwriting Recognition, A
* Fast Statistically Geometric Reasoning About Uncertain Line Segments in 2D- and 3D-Space
* Fast Statistically Homogeneous Pixel Selection for Covariance Matrix Estimation for Multitemporal InSAR
* Fast Steganalysis Method for VoIP Streams
* Fast stereo-based head tracking for interactive environments
* Fast Stereo Disparity Maps Refinement By Fusion of Data-Based And Model-Based Estimations
* Fast Stereo Matching Algorithm for Intermediate View Reconstruction of Stereoscopic Television Images
* fast stereo matching algorithm suitable for embedded real-time systems, A
* Fast Stereo Matching by Iterated Dynamic Programming and Quadtree Subregioning
* Fast Stereo Matching Method, A
* fast stereo matching network based on temporal attention and 2D convolution, A
* Fast Stereo Matching of Edges Segments Using Prediction and Verification of Hypotheses
* Fast Stereo Matching of Feature Links
* Fast stereo matching using adaptive guided filtering
* Fast Stereo Matching Using Rectangular Subregioning and 3D Maximum-Surface Techniques
* Fast stereo matching using reliability-based dynamic programming and consistency constraints
* Fast stereo vision for mobile robots by global minima of cost functions
* Fast stereo with background removal using phase correlation
* Fast stereovision by coherence detection
* Fast Stereovision Matcher Based on Prediction and Recursive Verification of Hypothesis, A
* Fast Stereovision with Subpixel-Precision
* Fast stitching algorithm for moving object detection and mosaic construction
* Fast stitching of videos captured from freely moving devices by exploiting temporal redundancy
* Fast Stixel Computation for Fast Pedestrian Detection
* Fast Stochastic Context-Free Parsing: A Stochastic Version of the Valiant Algorithm
* Fast stochastic optimization for articulated structure tracking
* Fast stochastic second-order method logarithmic in condition number
* Fast string correction with Levenshtein automata
* Fast String Searching Algorithm, A
* Fast structural ensemble for One-Class Classification
* fast structural matching and its application to pattern analysis of 2-D electrophoresis images, A
* Fast structural similarity index algorithm
* Fast Structure-Adaptive Evaluation of Local Features in Images, A
* Fast Structure from Motion for Sequential and Wide Area Motion Imagery
* Fast Structured Prediction Using Large Margin Sigmoid Belief Networks
* Fast Sub-Optimal Design of Extended Threshold Boolean Filters
* Fast sub-pel motion vector prediction via block classification
* Fast Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Coding, A
* Fast Sub-pixel Motion Estimation for H.264
* Fast Sub-Volume Search Method for Human Action Detection, A
* Fast sub-voxel re-initialization of the distance map for level set methods
* Fast Suboptimal Algorithms for the Computation of Graph Edit Distance
* Fast Suboptimal Approach to Error Concealment in Encoded Video Streams, A
* Fast Subpixel Digital Image Correlation Using Artificial Neural Networks
* fast subpixel edge detection method using Sobel-Zernike moments operator, A
* Fast Subpixel Mapping Algorithms for Subpixel Resolution Change Detection
* Fast subspace-based tensor data filtering
* Fast Subspace Clustering Based on the Kronecker Product
* Fast subspace clustering by learning projective block diagonal representation
* Fast subspace estimation with Rayleigh-Ritz approximation and multi-stage Wiener filter
* Fast Subspace Methods for Recovering Rigid Motion, A
* Fast Subspace Search via Grassmannian Based Hashing
* Fast sum of absolute transformed difference based 4x4 intra-mode decision of H.264/AVC video coding standard
* Fast Summarization of User-Generated Videos: Exploiting Semantic, Emotional, and Quality Clues
* Fast Sun-aligned Outdoor Scene Relighting based on TensoRF
* Fast super-resolution algorithm using ELBP classifier
* Fast super-resolution algorithm using rotation-invariant ELBP classifier and hierarchical pattern matching
* Fast super-resolution algorithms using one-dimensional patch-based training and directional interpolation
* Fast super-resolution for license plate image reconstruction
* Fast Super-Resolution for Rational Magnification Factors
* Fast Super-Resolution in MRI Images Using Phase Stretch Transform, Anchored Point Regression and Zero-Data Learning
* fast super-resolution method based on sparsity properties, A
* Fast Super-Resolution of 20 m Sentinel-2 Bands Using Convolutional Neural Networks
* fast super-resolution reconstruction algorithm for pure translational motion and common space-invariant blur, A
* Fast Super-Resolution Using Weighted Median Filtering
* Fast Super-Resolution via Dense Local Training and Inverse Regressor Search
* Fast Superpixel-Based Hierarchical Approach to Image Segmentation
* Fast Superpixel-Based Non-Window CFAR Ship Detector for SAR Imagery
* Fast Superpixel Segmentation via Boundary Sampling and Interpolation
* Fast superpixels for video analysis
* Fast Superresolution for Image Sequences Using Motion Adaptive Relaxation Parameters
* Fast Supervised Discrete Hashing
* Fast Supervised Hashing with Decision Trees for High-Dimensional Data
* Fast Supervised Method of Feature Ranking and Selection for Pattern Classification, A
* Fast Supervised Topic Models for Short Text Emotion Detection
* Fast support-based clustering method for large-scale problems
* Fast Support Vector Classification for Large-Scale Problems
* Fast Support Vector Machine Classification using linear SVMs
* Fast support vector machine training via three-term conjugate-like SMO algorithm
* Fast Surface-Based Procedure for Object Reconstruction from 3D Scattered Points, A
* Fast Surface Defect Detection Using Improved Gabor Filters
* Fast Surface Denoising Using Finite Volumes of the Dual Mesh
* Fast Surface Grading Using Color Statistics in the CIE Lab Space
* Fast Surface Interpolation Technique, A
* Fast Surface Interpolation Using Hierarchical Basis Functions
* Fast Surface Interpolation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Transform
* Fast Surface Reconstruction Using the Level Set Method
* Fast Surface Segmentation Guided by User Input Using Implicit Extension of Minimal Paths
* Fast Surface Tracking in Three-Dimensional Binary Images
* Fast SVM Training Algorithm with Decomposition on Very Large Data Sets
* Fast Sweeping Method for Computing Geodesics on Triangular Manifolds, A
* Fast SwT-Based Deep Steganalysis Network for Arbitrary-Sized Images
* Fast Symmetric Diffeomorphic Image Registration with Convolutional Neural Networks
* Fast Synopsis for Moving Objects Using Compressed Video
* Fast Synthesis of Dynamic Colour Textures
* Fast synthesized and predicted just noticeable distortion maps for perceptual multiview video coding
* Fast system and method for computing modulated lapped transforms
* Fast System Calibration With Coded Calibration Scenes for Magnetic Particle Imaging
* Fast T2 Mapping With Improved Accuracy Using Undersampled Spin-Echo MRI and Model-Based Reconstructions With a Generating Function
* Fast Tailings Pond Mapping Exploiting Large Scene Remote Sensing Images by Coupling Scene Classification and Sematic Segmentation Models
* Fast Target Localization in FMCW-MIMO Radar with Low SNR and Snapshot via Multi-DeepNet
* Fast Target Localization Method for FMCW MIMO Radar via VDSR Neural Network
* Fast Target Recognition on Mobile Devices: Revisiting Gaussian Elimination for the Estimation of Planar Homographies
* fast technique for comparing graph representations with applications to performance evaluation, A
* Fast Technique for Recursive Scene Matching Using Pyramids, A
* fast technique for vectorization of engineering drawings using morphology and digital straightness, A
* Fast Techniques for Monocular Visual Odometry
* fast template matching algorithm for aerial object tracking, A
* Fast template matching algorithm for contour images based on its chain coded description applied for human face identification
* fast template matching algorithm with adaptive skipping using inner-subtemplates' distances, A
* Fast Template Matching and Update for Video Object Tracking and Segmentation
* Fast Template Matching Based on Local Entropy Difference
* Fast Template Matching Based on Normalized Cross Correlation With Adaptive Multilevel Winner Update
* Fast template matching for intra prediction
* Fast template matching in non-linear tone-mapped images
* Fast Template Matching Method With Rotation Invariance by Combining the Circular Projection Transform Process and Bounded Partial Correlation, A
* Fast template matching using bounded partial correlation
* Fast template matching using Brick Partitioning and initial threshold
* Fast template matching using correlation-based adaptive predictive search
* Fast Template Matching With Polynomials
* Fast Template Matching
* Fast Temporal Activity Proposals for Efficient Detection of Human Actions in Untrimmed Videos
* fast temporal and hybrid SHVC encoder, A
* fast temporal constraint semi-dense stereo matching method, A
* Fast temporal prediction selection for H.264/AVC scalable video coding
* Fast Temporal Tracking and 3D Reconstruction of a Single Coronary Vessel
* Fast Tensor Nuclear Norm for Structured Low-Rank Visual Inpainting
* Fast Terrain Classification Using Variable-Length Representation for Autonomous Navigation
* Fast texel size estimation in visual texture using homogeneity cues
* Fast text categorization using concise semantic analysis
* Fast text line detection by finding linear connected components on Canny edge image
* Fast text line extraction in document images
* Fast text/graphics resolution improvement using wavelet based denoising and chain-code table lookup
* Fast Texture-Based Tracking and Delineation Using Texture Entropy
* Fast texture segmentation model based on the shape operator and active contour
* Fast Texture Synthesis by Feature Matching
* Fast Texture Synthesis Using Tree-Structured Vector Quantization
* Fast Texture Synthesis via Pseudo Optimizer
* Fast TGV-l1 RGB-D Flow Estimation, A
* Fast Thick Cloud Removal for Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Imagery via Representation Coefficient Total Variation
* Fast Thinning Algorithm for Binary Images
* Fast Thinning Algorithms for Large Binary Images
* Fast Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network-Based Spatiotemporal Fusion Method (STF3DCNN) Using a Spatial-Temporal-Spectral Dataset, A
* Fast Three-Dimensional Data-Compression of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Vector Quantization with Spectral-Feature-Based Binary Coding
* Fast Three-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition of Hyperspectral Images for Class-Oriented Multitask Learning
* Fast three-dimensional Otsu thresholding with shuffled frog-leaping algorithm
* Fast three-dimensional video coding encoding algorithms based on edge information of depth map
* Fast Threshold Image Segmentation Based on 2D Fuzzy Fisher and Random Local Optimized QPSO
* Fast Thresholded Landweber Algorithm for Wavelet-Regularized Multidimensional Deconvolution, A
* Fast Thresholded Linear Convolution Representation of Morphological Operations, A
* Fast thresholding of high dimensional Euclidean distances using binary squaring
* Fast Thresholding Selection Procedure for Multimodal and Unimodal Histograms, A
* Fast Tiered Labeling with Topological Priors
* Fast Time-Domain SAR Imaging and Corresponding Autofocus Method Based on Hybrid Coordinate System, A
* Fast Time-Space Tracking of Smoothly Moving Fine Structures in Image Sequences
* Fast tissue segmentation based on a 4D feature map: Preliminary results
* Fast Tomographic Reconstruction From Limited Data Using Artificial Neural Networks
* Fast tone mapping for high dynamic range images
* Fast total least squares vectorization
* Fast total variation deconvolution for blurred image contaminated by Poisson noise
* Fast Total Variation Method Based on Iterative Reweighted Norm for Airborne Scanning Radar Super-Resolution Imaging
* Fast track matching and event detection
* Fast tracking algorithm using modified potential function
* Fast Tracking Algorithm with Borders 1-D Histogram Correlation
* Fast Tracking of Deformable Objects in Depth and Colour Video
* Fast Tracking of Ellipses Using Edge-projected Integration of Cues
* Fast Tracking of Hands and Fingertips in Infrared Images for Augmented Desk Interface
* Fast tracking of semantic video object based on motion prediction and subregion extraction
* Fast tracking via context depth model learning
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition Algorithm for Gray Value Images, A
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition Using Color Segmentation and Deep Convolutional Networks
* Fast Traffic Sign Recognition via High-Contrast Region Extraction and Extended Sparse Representation
* Fast training and selection of Haar features using statistics in boosting-based face detection
* Fast Training Method for Face Detection, A
* Fast Training of Effective Multi-class Boosting Using Coordinate Descent Optimization
* Fast Training of Object Detection Using Stochastic Gradient Descent
* Fast Training of Triplet-Based Deep Binary Embedding Networks
* Fast Trajectory End-Point Prediction with Event Cameras for Reactive Robot Control
* Fast Trajectory Generation and Asteroid Sequence Selection in Multispacecraft for Multiasteroid Exploration
* Fast trajectory replanning using Laplacian mesh optimization
* Fast Transcoding Algorithm from MPEG2 to H.264
* Fast transcoding architectures for insertion of non-regular shaped objects in the compressed DCT-domain
* Fast transcoding for video delivery by means of a control stream
* Fast transcoding of intra frames between H.263 and H.264
* Fast transform-based adaptive beamformer for medical ultrasound imaging
* Fast Transform Unit Decision for HEVC
* Fast Transformation-Invariant Component Analysis
* Fast transformation of discriminators into encoders using pre-trained GANs
* Fast Transforms for Acoustic Imaging: Part I: Theory
* Fast Transforms for Acoustic Imaging: Part II: Applications
* Fast Translation Invariant Multiscale Image Denoising
* Fast transmission distortion estimation and adaptive error protection for H.264/AVC-based embedded video conferencing systems
* Fast transrating for high efficiency video coding based on machine learning
* Fast Trapeziums-Based Method for Soft Shadow Volumes, A
* Fast traumatic brain injury CT slice indexing via anatomical feature classification
* Fast Tree-Structured Nearest-Neighbor Encoding for Vector Quantization
* Fast tree classifiers
* Fast Tree Detection and Counting on UAVs for Sequential Aerial Images with Generating Orthophoto Mosaicing
* Fast Tree Skeleton Extraction Using Voxel Thinning Based on Tree Point Cloud
* Fast Trellis-Coded Color Quantization of Images
* fast tri-factorization method for low-rank matrix recovery and completion, A
* Fast Triangulation of the Plane with Respect to Simple Polygons
* Fast Trigonometric Polynomial Approach for Computing the Shape from Shading
* Fast Trilateral Filter-Based Adaptive Support Weight Method for Stereo Matching, A
* Fast Trilateral Filtering
* Fast Trust Region for Segmentation
* Fast TU size decision algorithm for HEVC encoders using Bayesian theorem detection
* Fast Tumor Detector in Whole-Slide Image With Dynamic Programing Based Monte Carlo Sampling
* Fast turtle shell-based data embedding mechanisms with good visual quality
* Fast TV-L1 optical flow for interactivity
* Fast two-cycle curve evolution with narrow perception of background for object tracking and contour refinement
* Fast Two-Dimensional Hartley Transform
* Fast Two-Dimensional Median Filtering Algorithm, A
* Fast two-frame multiscale dense optical flow estimation using discrete wavelet filters
* Fast two-layer image watermarking without referring to the original image and watermark
* Fast Two-Phase Image Deblurring Under Impulse Noise
* Fast Two-stage Algorithm for Realizing Matching Pursuit, A
* fast two-stage OMP algorithm for coding stereo image residuals, A
* Fast two-stage segmentation model for images with intensity inhomogeneity
* Fast two-stage segmentation via non-local active contours in multiscale texture feature space
* Fast Two-Step Blind Optical Aberration Correction
* Fast two-step histogram-based image segmentation
* Fast Two-View Motion Segmentation Using Christoffel Polynomials
* Fast UAV Image Mosaicking by a Triangulated Irregular Network of Bucketed Tiepoints
* Fast Ultra High-Definition Video Deblurring via Multi-scale Separable Network
* Fast unambiguous stereo matching using reliability-based dynamic programming
* Fast Unified System for 3D Object Detection and Tracking, A
* Fast Unit Selection Algorithm for Neural Network Design
* Fast Universal Low Rank Representation
* Fast Unmediated Hashing for Cross-Modal Retrieval
* Fast Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Traffic Videos
* Fast Unsupervised Bayesian Image Segmentation With Adaptive Spatial Regularisation
* Fast unsupervised ego-action learning for first-person sports videos
* Fast Unsupervised Greedy Learning of Multiple Objects and Parts from Video
* Fast Unsupervised MRI Reconstruction Without Fully-Sampled Ground Truth Data Using Generative Adversarial Networks
* Fast Unsupervised Multi-Scale Characterization of Urban Landscapes Based on Earth Observation Data
* Fast Unsupervised Seafloor Characterization in Sonar Imagery Using Lacunarity
* Fast Unsupervised Segmentation of 3D Magnetic Resonance Angiography
* Fast Unsupervised Segmentation Using Active Contours and Belief Functions
* Fast Unsupervised Texture Segmentation Using Active Contours Model Driven by Bhattacharyya Gradient Flow
* Fast Unsynchronized Unstructured Light
* Fast Upper Body Joint Tracking Using Kinect Pose Priors
* Fast Urban Land Cover Mapping Exploiting Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data
* Fast User-Guided Single Image Reflection Removal via Edge-Aware Cascaded Networks
* Fast User-Guided Video Object Segmentation by Interaction-And-Propagation Networks
* Fast Uyghur text detection in videos based on learning of baseline feature
* Fast Uyghur Text Detector for Complex Background Images, A
* fast valley-based segmentation for detection of slowly moving objects, A
* Fast Vanishing-Point Detection in Unstructured Environments
* Fast vanishing point detection method based on road border region estimation
* Fast Vanishing Point Estimation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization
* Fast Variable-Length Decoder Using Plane Separation, A
* Fast variable-size block motion estimation for efficient H.264/AVC encoding
* Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation by Adaptive Early Termination
* Fast Variable Block Size Motion Estimation for H.264 Using Likelihood and Correlation of Motion Field
* Fast Variable Center-Biased Windowing for High-Speed Stereo on Programmable Graphics Hardware
* Fast Variable Padding Motion Estimation Using Smart Zero Motion Prejudgment Technique for Pixel and Frequency Domains
* Fast variable run-length coding for embedded progressive wavelet-based image compression
* Fast Variable Structure Stochastic Automaton for Discovering and Tracking Spatiotemporal Event Patterns
* Fast variable window for stereo correspondence using integral images
* Fast Variance Prediction for Iteratively Reconstructed CT Images With Locally Quadratic Regularization
* Fast variational Bayesian approaches applied to large dimensional problems
* Fast Variational Bayesian Inference for Space-Time Adaptive Processing
* Fast Variational Bayesian Inference for Temporally Correlated Sparse Signal Recovery
* Fast variational multi-view segmentation through backprojection of spatial constraints
* Fast Variational Segmentation using Partial Extremal Initialization
* Fast vascular skeleton extraction algorithm
* Fast Vascular Ultrasound Imaging With Enhanced Spatial Resolution and Background Rejection
* Fast vector matching methods and their applications to handwriting recognition
* Fast Vector Quantization Algorithms Based on Nearest Partition Set Search
* fast vector quantization encoding algorithm based on projection pyramid with Hadamard transformation, A
* fast vector quantization encoding algorithm using multiple projection axes, A
* Fast Vector Quantization Encoding Based on K-D Tree Backtracking Search Algorithm
* fast vector quantization encoding method for image compression, A
* Fast Vector Quantization Encoding Method Using Wavelet Transform, A
* Fast Vector Quantizer on Neural Clustering Networks Providing Globally Optimal Cluster Solutions, A
* Fast vector quantizer using multiple sorted index tables
* Fast Vehicle Detection and Tracking in Aerial Image Bursts
* Fast Vehicle Detection and Tracking on Fisheye Traffic Monitoring Video Using CNN and Bounding Box Propagation
* Fast Vehicle Detection Using a Disparity Projection Method
* Fast vehicle detection with probabilistic feature grouping and its application to vehicle tracking
* Fast Vehicle Detector for Autonomous Driving
* Fast Vehicle Localization and Recognition without Line Extraction and Matching
* Fast Vehicle Routing via Knowledge Transfer in a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
* Fast Vehicle Turning-Movement Counting using Localization-based Tracking
* Fast velocity trajectory planning and control algorithm of intelligent 4WD electric vehicle for energy saving using time-based MPC
* Fast video-based queue length detection approach for self-organising traffic control
* Fast Video Classification via Adaptive Cascading of Deep Models
* Fast video encoding based on random forests
* fast video encryption scheme based on chaos, A
* Fast video enhancement transcoding
* Fast Video Instance Segmentation via Recurrent Encoder-based Transformers
* Fast video interpolation/upsampling using linear motion model
* Fast Video Mixing Method for Multiparty Video Conference, A
* Fast Video Moment Retrieval
* Fast Video Multi-Style Transfer
* Fast video object detection via multiple background modeling
* Fast Video Object Segmentation by Reference-Guided Mask Propagation
* Fast Video Object Segmentation Using the Global Context Module
* Fast Video Object Segmentation via Dynamic Targeting Network
* Fast Video Object Segmentation With Temporal Aggregation Network and Dynamic Template Matching
* Fast Video Registration Method for Video Quality Assessment
* Fast Video Saliency Detection based on Feature Competition
* Fast Video Saliency Detection via Maximally Stable Region Motion and Object Repeatability
* Fast video segment retrieval by Sort-Merge feature selection, boundary refinement, and lazy evaluation
* Fast Video Shot Boundary Detection Based on SVD and Pattern Matching
* Fast video shot boundary detection framework employing pre-processing techniques
* Fast video shot retrieval based on trace geometry matching
* Fast video shot retrieval by trace geometry matching in principal component space
* Fast Video Shot Retrieval with Luminance Field Trace Indexing and Geometry Matching
* Fast Video Shot Transition Localization with Deep Structured Models
* Fast Video Stabilization System Based on Speeded-up Robust Features, A
* Fast Video Stitching for Aerially Captured HD Videos
* Fast video super-resolution via approximate nearest neighbor search
* Fast video super-resolution via classification
* fast video super resolution for facial image, A
* Fast View-Temporal Prediction Algorithm for Stereoscopic Video Coding, A
* Fast view interpolation of stereo images using image gradient and disparity triangulation
* Fast view synthesis using platelet-based depth representation
* Fast viewpoint-invariant articulated hand detection combining curve and graph matching
* Fast vignetting correction and color matching for panoramic image stitching
* Fast Virtual Cloth Energy Minimization
* Fast Viseme Recognition for Talking Head Application
* Fast Visibility Restoration from a Single Color or Gray Level Image
* Fast Vision-Based Object Recognition Using Combined Integral Map
* Fast Vision-Based Road Tunnel Detection
* Fast Vision-Guided Mobile Robot Navigation Using Model-Based Reasoning and Prediction of Uncertainties
* Fast visual object counting via example-based density estimation
* Fast Visual Object Tracking using Ellipse Fitting for Rotated Bounding Boxes
* Fast Visual Odometry Based Sparse Geometric Constraint for RGB-D Camera
* Fast Visual Retrieval Using Accelerated Sequence Matching
* Fast visual saliency based on multi-scale difference of Gaussians fusion in frequency domain
* Fast visual search using simplified pruning rules: Streamlined Active Search
* Fast Visual Tracking by Temporal Consensus
* Fast Visual Tracking via Dense Spatio-temporal Context Learning
* Fast Visual Tracking With Siamese Oriented Region Proposal Network
* Fast Visual Vocabulary Construction for Image Retrieval Using Skewed-Split k-d Trees
* fast VLSI architecture of a hierarchical block matching algorithm for motion estimation, A
* Fast Volume-Gradient-Based Band Selection Method for Hyperspectral Image, A
* Fast Volume Reconstruction From Motion Corrupted Stacks of 2D Slices
* Fast volume scanning approaches by X-ray-computed tomography
* Fast Volume Seam Carving With Multipass Dynamic Programming
* Fast volumetric visual hull computation
* fast voxelization algorithm for trilinearly interpolated isosurfaces, A
* fast VQ codebook generation algorithm using codeword displacement, A
* fast VQ codebook generation algorithm via pattern reduction, A
* Fast VQ codebook search algorithm for grayscale image coding
* Fast VQ encoding algorithms using angular constraint
* Fast VQ Encoding by an Efficient Kick-Out Condition
* Fast Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Smooth-Thresholding Based Binary Layers in Deep Neural Networks
* Fast Warping Algorithm for Correcting Local Distortions in Binary Images, A
* Fast Water-Filling Method for Sum-Power Minimization in OFDMA Networks
* Fast watermarking scheme for real-time spatial scalable video coding
* fast watershed algorithm based on chain code and its application in image segmentation, A
* Fast Watershed Algorithms: Analysis and Extensions
* Fast Wavelet-Based Algorithm for Global and Local Image Sharpness Estimation, A
* Fast Wavelet-Based Image Characterization for Highly Adaptive Image Retrieval
* Fast Wavelet-Based Multiresolution Image Registration on a Multiprocessing Digital Signal Processor
* Fast Wavelet-Based Reconstruction Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, A
* Fast Wavelet-Based Visual Classification
* fast wavelet-packet-based algorithm for texture synthesis, A
* Fast Wavelet Based Karhunen Loeve Transform, A
* Fast Wavelet Histogram Techniques for Image Indexing
* Fast Wavelet transform for color image compression
* Fast Weakly Supervised Action Segmentation Using Mutual Consistency
* Fast weighted cost propagation with smoothness constraint on a tree
* Fast Weighted Histograms for Bilateral Filtering and Nearest Neighbor Searching
* fast weighted median algorithm based on Quickselect, A
* fast white balance algorithm based on pixel greyness, A
* Fast wide baseline matching for visual navigation
* Fast Wideband Beamforming Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Fast window fusion using fuzzy equivalence relation
* Fast Word Retrieval Technique Based on Kernelized Locality Sensitive Hashing, A
* Fast X-Ray CT Image Reconstruction Using a Linearized Augmented Lagrangian Method With Ordered Subsets
* Fast XYT Imaging of Elementary Calcium Release Events in Muscle With Multifocal Multiphoton Microscopy and Wavelet Denoising and Detection
* fast yet reliable noise level estimation algorithm using shallow CNN-based noise separator and BP network, A
* Fast Zernike moments
* Fast Zernike wavelet moments for Farsi character recognition
* Fast Zero-Shot Image Tagging
* Fast zonal DCT-based image compression for Wireless Camera Sensor Networks
* Fast(er) Reconstruction of Shredded Text Documents via Self-Supervised Deep Asymmetric Metric Learning
* Fast, Accurate and Consistent Modeling of Drainage and Surrounding Terrain
* Fast, accurate and convergent tangent estimation on digital contours
* Fast, Accurate and Easy to Implement Method for Pose Recognition of an Intramedullary Nail using a Tracked C-arm, A
* Fast, Accurate and Lightweight Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture Search
* Fast, Accurate and Memory-Efficient Partial Permutation Synchronization
* Fast, Accurate and Shift-Varying Line Projections for Iterative Reconstruction Using the GPU
* Fast, Accurate Barcode Detection in Ultra High-Resolution Images
* Fast, Accurate Detection of 100,000 Object Classes on a Single Machine
* fast, accurate method to segment and retrieve object contours in real images, A
* Fast, Accurate Rate-Control for Low-Rate Wavelet-Based Image Coding via Bootstrapping with Local Probability Models
* Fast, Accurate Thin-Structure Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robots
* Fast, Accurate, and Guaranteed Stable Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
* Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Memory-Enhanced Embedding Learning Framework for Image-Text Retrieval
* Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Super-Resolution with Cascading Residual Network
* Fast, Accurate, Small-Scale 3D Scene Capture Using a Low-Cost Depth Sensor
* Fast, Approximate Piecewise-Planar Modeling Based on Sparse Structure-from-Motion and Superpixels
* Fast, Approximately Optimal Solutions for Single and Dynamic MRFs
* Fast, automated 3D modeling of building interiors
* Fast, automatic and fine-grained tampered JPEG image detection via DCT coefficient analysis
* Fast, Background-Independent Retrieval Strategy for Color Image Databases, A
* Fast, Compact, and Discriminative: Evaluation of Binary Descriptors for Mobile Applications
* Fast, Deep Detection and Tracking of Birds and Nests
* Fast, Dense Feature SDM on an iPhone
* Fast, Diverse and Accurate Image Captioning Guided by Part-Of-Speech
* Fast, dynamic configuration of transforms for video coding
* Fast, Efficient Broadcast Schemes Based on the Prediction of Dynamics in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Fast, Efficient, and Viable Compressed Sensing, Low-Rank, and Robust Principle Component Analysis Algorithms for Radar Signal Processing
* Fast, Exact and Multi-scale Inference for Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Gaussian CRFs
* Fast, Feature-Driven, Stereo Depth Program, A
* Fast, High-Quality Inverse Halftoning Algorithm for Error Diffused Halftones, A
* Fast, High-Quality Line Antialiasing by Prefiltering with an Optimal Cubic Polynomial
* Fast, High Breakdown Point Robust Estimator for Computer Vision Applications, A
* Fast, Illumination Insensitive Face Detection Based on Multilinear Techniques and Curvature Features
* Fast, integrated person tracking and activity recognition with plan-view templates from a single stereo camera
* Fast, iterative image reconstruction for MRI in the presence of field inhomogeneities
* Fast, Memory-efficient Spectral Clustering with Cosine Similarity
* fast, non-iterative and exact histogram matching algorithm, A
* Fast, non-linear inversion for electrical impedance tomography
* Fast, Nondestructive and Precise Biomass Measurements Are Possible Using Lidar-Based Convex Hull and Voxelization Algorithms
* Fast, Nonlocal and Neural: A Lightweight High Quality Solution to Image Denoising
* Fast, Parallel Watershed Algorithm Based on Path Tracing
* Fast, Parallel, Multiresolution Techniques for the Computation of Skeletons
* Fast, Processor-Cardinality Agnostic PRNG with a Tracking Application
* Fast, Quality, Segmentation of Large Volumes: Isoperimetric Distance Trees
* Fast, recurrent, attentional modulation improves saliency representation and scene recognition
* Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination
* Fast, Reliable Head Tracking under Varying Illumination: An Approach Based on Registration of Textured-Mapped 3D Models
* Fast, robust and automatic 3D face model reconstruction from videos
* Fast, robust and efficient 2D pattern recognition for re-assembling fragmented images
* Fast, robust and occlusion resilient motion based video segmentation
* Fast, Robust Total Variation Based Reconstruction of Noisy, Blurred Images
* Fast, Robust, Accurate, Multi-Body Motion Aware SLAM
* Fast, Robust, and Consistent Camera Motion Estimation
* Fast, Segmentation-Free, Method for Constructing a Biomechanical Model of the Breast from DCE-MRI Data, A
* Fast, Simple Active Contour Algorithm for Biomedical Images, A
* Fast, Simple and Separable Computation of Betti Numbers on Three-Dimensional Cubical Complexes
* Fast, Simple, Accurate Multi-Atlas Segmentation of the Brain
* Fast, Simple, Feature Preserving and Memory Efficient Simplification of Triangle Meshes
* Fast, Table-Lookup Algorithm for Classifying Document Images, A
* Fast, Trainable, Multiscale Denoising
* Fast, versatile, and non-destructive biscuit inspection system using spectral imaging
* Fast, Visual and Interactive Semi-supervised Dimensionality Reduction
* FAST: A Framework to Accelerate Super-Resolution Processing on Compressed Videos
* FAST: Facilitated and Accurate Scene Text Proposals through FCN Guided Pruning
* Fast: Fast Adaptive Silhouette Area based Template Matching
* FAST: Fast and Accurate Scale Estimation for Tracking
* Fast: Flow-Assisted Shearlet Transform for Densely-Sampled Light Field Reconstruction
* FastAER Det: Fast Aerial Embedded Real-Time Detection
* FastAL: Fast Evaluation Module for Efficient Dynamic Deep Active Learning Using Broad Learning System
* FastAno: Fast Anomaly Detection via Spatio-temporal Patch Transformation
* FastCLIPstyler: Optimisation-free Text-based Image Style Transfer Using Style Representations
* FastCompletion: A Cascade Network with Multiscale Group-Fused Inputs for Real-Time Depth Completion
* FastCV
* FastDeRain: A Novel Video Rain Streak Removal Method Using Directional Gradient Priors
* FastDOG: Fast Discrete Optimization on GPU
* FastDraw: Addressing the Long Tail of Lane Detection by Adapting a Sequential Prediction Network
* FastDVDnet: Towards Real-Time Deep Video Denoising Without Flow Estimation
* Faster-ADNet for Visual Tracking
* Faster and Better: A Lightweight Transformer Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Faster and Better: A Machine Learning Approach to Corner Detection
* Faster and finer pose estimation for multiple instance objects in a single RGB image
* Faster and Lightweight: An Improved YOLOv5 Object Detector for Remote Sensing Images
* faster and more accurate heuristic for cyclic edit distance computation, A
* Faster and More Effective Cross-View Matching Method of UAV and Satellite Images for UAV Geolocalization, A
* Faster and more robust point symmetry-based K-means algorithm
* Faster and transferable deep learning steganalysis on GPU
* Faster Autoaugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies Using Backpropagation
* Faster Converging Snake Algorithm to Locate Object Boundaries, A
* faster cutting plane algorithm with accelerated line search for linear SVM, A
* Faster Dimension Reduction
* Faster Exact Histogram Intersection on Large Data Collections Using Inverted VA-Files
* faster fast fourier transform, A
* Faster First-Order Methods for Stochastic Non-Convex Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds
* Faster Fractal Image Compression Using Quadtree Recomposition
* Faster Fuzzy Connectedness via Precomputation
* Faster Graph-Based Segmentation Algorithm with Statistical Region Merge, A
* Faster graph-theoretic image processing via small-world and quadtree topologies
* Faster ILOD: Incremental learning for object detectors based on faster RCNN
* Faster image super-resolution by improved frequency-domain neural networks
* Faster image template matching in the sum of the absolute value of differences measure
* Faster learning via optimised adaboost
* Faster lossless rotation of JPEG images
* Faster Meta Update Strategy for Noise-Robust Deep Learning
* Faster Multi-Object Segmentation using Parallel Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean Optimization
* Faster Neighbor Finding on Images Represented By Bincodes
* Faster OreFSDet: A lightweight and effective few-shot object detector for ore images
* Faster Person Re-identification
* Faster Person Re-Identification: One-Shot-Filter and Coarse-to-Fine Search
* Faster point set pattern matching in 3-D
* Faster R-CNN Approach for Extracting Indoor Navigation Graph From Building Designs, A
* Faster R-CNN Features for Instance Search
* Faster R-CNN Learning-Based Semantic Filter for Geometry Estimation and Its Application in vSLAM Systems
* Faster R-CNN Scene Specialization with a Sequential Monte-Carlo Framework
* Faster R-CNN, fourth-order partial differential equation and global-local active contour model (FPDE-GLACM) for plaque segmentation in IV-OCT image
* Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
* Faster retrieval with a two-pass dynamic-time-warping lower bound
* Faster Seam Carving for Video Retargeting
* Faster Segmentation Algorithm for Optical Coherence Tomography Images with Guaranteed Smoothness
* Faster Self-adaptive Deep Stereo
* Faster Similarity Search For Multimedia Data Via Query Transformations
* Faster subgraph isomorphism detection by well-founded total order indexing
* Faster SVM training via conjugate SMO
* Faster Template Matching Without FFT
* Faster than Real-Time Facial Alignment: A 3D Spatial Transformer Network Approach in Unconstrained Poses
* Faster training of Mask R-CNN by focusing on instance boundaries
* Faster training of very deep networks via p-norm gates
* Faster Unsupervised Semantic Inpainting: A GAN Based Approach
* Faster Visual-Based Localization with Mobile-PoseNet
* Faster VoxelPose: Real-time 3D Human Pose Estimation by Orthographic Projection
* Faster, Better and More Detailed: 3d Face Reconstruction with Graph Convolutional Networks
* Faster, Lighter, Robuster: A Weakly-Supervised Crowd Analysis Enhancement Network and A Generic Feature Extraction Framework
* Faster, More Accurate Diffusion Filtering for Fetal Ultrasound Volumes
* Faster, Unbiased Path Opening by Upper Skeletonization and Weighted Adjacency Graphs, A
* FasterVideo: Efficient Online Joint Object Detection and Tracking
* Fastest Deformable Part Model for Object Detection, The
* Fastest L_1,inf Prox in the West, The
* Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West, The
* FASText: Efficient Unconstrained Scene Text Detector
* FastFusion: Real-Time Indoor Scene Reconstruction with Fast Sensor Motion
* FastHuman: Reconstructing High-Quality Clothed Human in Minutes
* FastICA Algorithm With Spatial Constraints, The
* FastICA package for MATLAB, The
* FastInst: A Simple Query-Based Model for Real-Time Instance Segmentation
* FastInter360: A Fast Inter Mode Decision for HEVC 360 Video Coding
* FastLOF: An Expectation-Maximization based Local Outlier detection algorithm
* FastMask: Segment Multi-scale Object Candidates in One Shot
* FastNeRF: High-Fidelity Neural Rendering at 200FPS
* FastNet: Fast high-resolution network for human pose estimation
* FastNMF: A fast monotonic fixed-point non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm with high ease of use
* FastOPM: A practical method for partial match of time series
* FASTRAK Automatic Digitising System, The
* FastRecon: Few-shot Industrial Anomaly Detection via Fast Feature Reconstruction
* FastRoadSeg: Fast Monocular Road Segmentation Network
* FastSal: a Computationally Efficient Network for Visual Saliency Prediction
* FastScan: Robust Low-Complexity Rate Adaptation Algorithm for Video Streaming Over HTTP
* FastSCCNet: Fast Mode Decision in VVC Screen Content Coding via Fully Convolutional Network
* FastSLAM: A Factored Solution to the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem with Unknown Data Association
* FastSLAM: A Scalable Method for the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Problem in Robotics
* FastSME: Faster and Smoother Manifold Extraction from 3D Stack
* FastSR-NeRF: Improving NeRF Efficiency on Consumer Devices with A Simple Super-Resolution Pipeline
* FastStereoNet: A Fast Neural Architecture Search for Improving the Inference of Disparity Estimation on Resource-Limited Platforms
* FASTSUBS: An Efficient and Exact Procedure for Finding the Most Likely Lexical Substitutes Based on an N-Gram Language Model
* FastSwap: A Lightweight One-Stage Framework for Real-Time Face Swapping
* FastTrack: A Highly Efficient and Generic GPU-Based Multi-object Tracking Method with Parallel Kalman Filter
* FastVentricle: Cardiac Segmentation with ENet
* FastViT: A Fast Hybrid Vision Transformer using Structural Reparameterization
* FastVOD-Net: A Real-Time and High-Accuracy Video Object Detector
* FASU: A full automatic segmenting system for ultrasound images
* Fat quantification in MRI-defined lumbar muscles
* Fat: Field-Aware Transformer for 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Fatal Flaws: Uncertainty in the Interpretation of Colour in CCTV Images
* FATAUVA-Net: An Integrated Deep Learning Framework for Facial Attribute Recognition, Action Unit Detection, and Valence-Arousal Estimation
* Fate of Agricultural Areas of Kailali District of Nepal: A Temporal Land Use Land Cover Change (LUCC) Analysis
* FATE: Feature-Agnostic Transformer-based Encoder for learning generalized embedding spaces in flow cytometry data
* FATE: Learning Effective Binary Descriptors With Group Fairness
* FateZero: Fusing Attentions for Zero-shot Text-based Video Editing
* Fatigue Detection of Pilots' Brain Through Brains Cognitive Map and Multilayer Latent Incremental Learning Model
* Fatigue Detector Using Eyelid Blinking and Mouth Yawning
* Fatigue driving detection model based on multi-feature fusion and semi-supervised active learning
* Fatigue driving recognition network: fatigue driving recognition via convolutional neural network and long short-term memory units
* FatigueView: A Multi-Camera Video Dataset for Vision-Based Drowsiness Detection
* FatNet: A Feature-attentive Network for 3D Point Cloud Processing
* FATNN: Fast and Accurate Ternary Neural Networks*
* FatRegion: A Fast Adaptive Tree-Structured Region Extraction Approach
* Fattening Free Block Matching
* Fatty Liver Characterization and Classification by Ultrasound
* Faugeras and Berthod Gradient Optimization Methods
* Fault-Tolerance Mechanisms for Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles
* Fault-Tolerant Adaptive Control of High-Speed Trains Under Traction/Braking Failures: A Virtual Parameter-Based Approach
* Fault-tolerant and progressive transmission of images
* Fault-Tolerant Control for Path-Following of Independently Actuated Autonomous Vehicles Using Tube-Based Model Predictive Control
* Fault-tolerant control for safety of discrete event systems
* Fault-Tolerant Control for Unmanned Marine Vehicles via Quantized Integral Sliding Mode Output Feedback Technique
* Fault-Tolerant Control of Variable Speed Limits for Freeway Work Zone With Recurrent Sensor Faults
* Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Control for Multiple Vehicle Systems Based on Topology Reconfiguration
* Fault-Tolerant Cooperative Positioning Based on Hybrid Robust Gaussian Belief Propagation
* Fault-Tolerant Distributed Vision System Architecture for Object Tracking in a Smart Room, A
* Fault-tolerant tracking for gait analysis
* Fault Analysis and Performance Monitoring in Prototyping Machine Vision Systems
* Fault detection and integrity monitoring of GNSS positioning in intelligent transport systems
* Fault Detection and Interactive Multiple Models Optimization Algorithm Based on Factor Graph Navigation System
* Fault Detection and Mitigation in Kirchhoff Networks
* Fault Detection Filter and Controller Co-Design for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Under DoS Attacks
* Fault Detection Framework for Video Surveillance Systems
* Fault Detection in Distributed Systems by Representative Subspace Mapping
* Fault detection in metallic grid scattering
* Fault detection in stack filter circuits based on sample selection probabilities
* Fault Detection in Uni-directional Tape Production Using Image Processing
* Fault Detection via 2.5D Transformer U-Net with Seismic Data Pre-Processing
* Fault detection via recurrence time statistics and one-class classification
* Fault Diagnosis for Rail Profile Data Using Refined Dispersion Entropy and Dependence Measurements
* Fault Diagnosis in Discrete-Event Systems with Incomplete Models: Learnability and Diagnosability
* Fault Diagnosis of an Air-Conditioning System Using LS-SVM
* Fault diagnosis of induction motors utilizing local binary pattern-based texture analysis
* Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory. Part 1: D-S evidence theory and its improvement
* Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory. Part 2: Application of the improved D-S evidence theory in gearbox fault diagnosis
* fault diagnosis of rolling bearing in gearbox of wind turbines based on second generation wavelet, The
* Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery Based on a Mutual Dimensionless Index and a Convolution Neural Network, A
* Fault diagnosis of ZDJ7 railway point machine based on improved DCNN and SVDD classification
* Fault Diagnosis Using Dynamic Time Warping
* Fault Geometry and Mechanism of the Mw 5.7 Nakchu Earthquake in Tibet Inferred from InSAR Observations and Stress Measurements
* Fault Kinematics of the 2023 Mw 6.0 Jishishan Earthquake, China, Characterized by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations
* Fault Modeling Based Runtime Diagnostic Mechanism for Vehicular Distributed Control Systems, A
* Fault point detection of IOT using multi-spectral image fusion based on deep learning
* Fault Prediction of Railway Turnout Systems Based on Improved Sparse Auto Encoder and Gated Recurrent Unit Network
* Fault recognition using an ensemble classifier based on Dempster-Shafer Theory
* Fault segmentation in fabric images using Gabor wavelet transform
* Fault Signal Perception of Nanofiber Sensor for 3D Human Motion Detection Using Multi-Task Deep Learning
* Fault Slip Model of the 2018 Mw 6.6 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi, Japan, Earthquake Estimated from Satellite Radar and GPS Measurements
* Fault Tolerance Analysis of Car-Following Models for Autonomous Vehicles
* Fault tolerant control for uncertain systems with actuator stochastic failures
* Fault tolerant integrated information management support for physically constrained iterative deconvolution
* Fault tree based diagnostics using fuzzy logic
* FaultNet3D: Predicting Fault Probabilities, Strikes, and Dips With a Single Convolutional Neural Network
* FAUNet: Frequency Attention U-Net for Parcel Boundary Delineation in Satellite Images
* FAUST: Dataset and Evaluation for 3D Mesh Registration
* FAVER: Blind quality prediction of variable frame rate videos
* Favoring One Among Equals - Not a Good Idea: Many-to-one Matching for Robust Transformer based Pedestrian Detection
* FAW for Multi-exposure Fusion Features
* FAX, Facsimile Coding Techniques
* Faxed Document Image Restoration Using Gray Level Representation
* Faxed form identification using histogram of the hough-space
* Façade Segmentation in a Multi-view Scenario
* FB-BEV: BEV Representation from Forward-Backward View Transformations
* FB Analysis of PMRI and its Application to H-Inf Optimal Sense Reconstruction
* FBI-Denoiser: Fast Blind Image Denoiser for Poisson-Gaussian Noise
* FBI wants better automated image analysis for tattoos
* FBLNet: FeedBack Loop Network for Driver Attention Prediction
* FBN: Federated Bert Network with client-server architecture for cross-lingual signature verification
* FBNet: FeedBack-Recursive CNN for Saliency Detection
* FBNet: Feedback Network for Point Cloud Completion
* FBNet: Hardware-Aware Efficient ConvNet Design via Differentiable Neural Architecture Search
* FBNetV2: Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Spatial and Channel Dimensions
* FBNetV3: Joint Architecture-Recipe Search using Predictor Pretraining
* FBRNN: Feedback Recurrent Neural Network for Extreme Image Super-Resolution
* FBSA: A Self-adjustable Multi-source Data Scheduling Algorithm for P2P Media Streaming
* FBSLS model for image segmentation
* FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation
* FC-DCNN: A densely connected neural network for stereo estimation
* FC-RCCN: Fully convolutional residual continuous CRF network for semantic segmentation
* FC-RRT*: An Improved Path Planning Algorithm for UAV in 3D Complex Environment
* FC-vSLAM: Integrating Feature Credibility in Visual SLAM
* FC^4: Fully Convolutional Color Constancy with Confidence-Weighted Pooling
* FCAF3D: Fully Convolutional Anchor-Free 3D Object Detection
* Fcaformer: Forward Cross Attention in Hybrid Vision Transformer
* FcaNet: Frequency Channel Attention Networks
* FCAU-Net for the Semantic Segmentation of Fine-Resolution Remotely Sensed Images
* FCC: Feature Clusters Compression for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
* FCCDN: Feature constraint network for VHR image change detection
* FCD data for on-street parking search time estimation
* FCDSN-DC: An Accurate and Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Estimation with Depth Completion
* FCFD: Teach the machine to accomplish face detection step by step
* FCHP: Exploring the Discriminative Feature and Feature Correlation of Feature Maps for Hierarchical DNN Pruning and Compression
* FCM-Based Model Selection Algorithms for Determining the Number of Clusters
* FCM-based orientation selection for competitive coding-based palmprint recognition
* FCM Approach of Similarity and Dissimilarity Measures with a-Cut for Handling Mixed Pixels
* FCM with Spatial and Multiresolution Constraints for Image Segmentation
* FCM with Spatial Constraint Multi-Kernel Distance-Based Segmentation and Optimized Deep Learning for Flood Detection
* FCN-rLSTM: Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Vehicle Counting in City Cameras
* FCNet: A feature context network based on ensemble framework for image retrieval
* FCNet: Flexible Convolution Network for Infrared Small Ship Detection
* FCNet: Learning Noise-Free Features for Point Cloud Denoising
* FCNN-Based Super-Resolution Mmwave Radar Framework for Contactless Musical Instrument Interface, An
* FCO sampling of digital video using perfect reconstruction filter banks
* FCOS-Mask: Fully Convolution Neural Network for Face Mask Detection
* FCOS: A Simple and Strong Anchor-Free Object Detector
* FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection
* FCOS3D: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Monocular 3D Object Detection
* FCOSR: A Simple Anchor-Free Rotated Detector for Aerial Object Detection
* FCP-Net: A Feature-Compression-Pyramid Network Guided by Game-Theoretic Interactions for Medical Image Segmentation
* FCPose: Fully Convolutional Multi-Person Pose Estimation with Dynamic Instance-Aware Convolutions
* FCR-TrackNet: Towards high-performance 6D pose tracking with multi-level features fusion and joint classification-regression
* FCSS: Fully Convolutional Self-Similarity for Dense Semantic Correspondence
* FCUnet: Refined remote sensing image segmentation method based on a fuzzy deep learning conditional random field network
* FCVID: Fudan-Columbia Video Dataset
* FD-based detector for medical image watermarking
* FD-CAM: Improving Faithfulness and Discriminability of Visual Explanation for CNNs
* FD-Mobilenet: Improved Mobilenet with a Fast Downsampling Strategy
* FD-SSD: An improved SSD object detection algorithm based on feature fusion and dilated convolution
* FDA-MIMO Radar With Long-Baseline Transmit Array Using ESPRIT
* FDA: Feature Disruptive Attack
* FDA: Fourier Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation
* FDBP-InSAR: An Efficient Algorithm for InSAR Imaging via Frequency Domain Back Projection
* FDDB: Face Detection Data Set and Benchmark
* Fdflownet: Fast Optical Flow Estimation Using A Deep Lightweight Network
* FDM: Document image seen-through removal via Fuzzy Diffusion Models
* FDM: fast dense matching based on sparse matching
* FDNet: Feature decoupling for single-stage pose estimation in complex scenes
* FDQM: Fast Quality Metric for Depth Maps Without View Synthesis
* FDR-Corrected Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis With Applications to Imaging Genomics
* FDSR: An Interpretable Frequency Division Stepwise Process Based Single-Image Super-Resolution Network
* FDU-Net: Deep Learning-Based Three-Dimensional Diffuse Optical Image Reconstruction
* FDViT: Improve the Hierarchical Architecture of Vision Transformer
* FE-Adapter: Adapting Image-Based Emotion Classifiers to Videos
* FE-YOLO: A Feature Enhancement Network for Remote Sensing Target Detection
* FE-YOLOv5: Feature enhancement network based on YOLOv5 for small object detection
* Fea-Accu cascade for face detection
* Fead-d: Facial Expression Analysis in Deepfake Detection
* FEANet: Foreground-edge-aware network with DenseASPOC for human parsing
* Fear-Neuro-Inspired Reinforcement Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving
* FEAR: Fast, Efficient, Accurate and Robust Visual Tracker
* Feasibility Analyses of Real-Time Detection of Wildlife Using UAV-Derived Thermal and RGB Images
* Feasibility Analysis of Automatic Classification on Land Use Change Dynamic Monitoring
* Feasibility Analysis of Data Transmission in Partially Damaged IoT Networks of Vehicles
* Feasibility Analysis of Eye Typing with a Standard Webcam
* Feasibility Analysis of GNSS-Reflectometry for Monitoring Coastal Hazards
* Feasibility Analysis of GPS L2C Signals for SSV Receivers on SBAS GEO Satellites
* feasibility analysis of image approximation with image quality assessments, A
* Feasibility Analysis of Openstack and Dynamips Application Fusion
* Feasibility analysis of steering control as a driver-assistance function in collision situations
* Feasibility Analysis of Ultra High Frame Rate Visual Servoing on FPGA and SIMD Processor
* Feasibility and Limitations of Void Detection Using Gravity Gradiometry
* Feasibility and problems of TLS in modeling rock faces for hazard mapping
* Feasibility assessment of tree-level flower intensity quantification from UAV RGB imagery: A triennial study in an apple orchard
* Feasibility assessment of vision-based surface roughness parameters acquisition for different types of machined specimens
* Feasibility Boundary in Dense and Semi-Dense Stereo Matching
* Feasibility Evaluation of Oversize Load Transportation Using Conditional Rewarded Deep Q-Networks
* Feasibility Of 3d Point Cloud Generation from Smartphones, The
* Feasibility of a BIM-Driven Approach to Support Building Subdivision Workflows: Case Study of Victoria, Australia, The
* Feasibility of a kneeling train to improve platform-train interface for passenger boarding and alighting
* Feasibility of a semi-automated approach to grading point of care ultrasound image generation skills
* Feasibility of Acoustic Remote Sensing of Large Herring Shoals and Seafloor by Baleen Whales
* Feasibility of Along-Track Displacement Measurement From Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide-Swath Mode
* feasibility of assessing swell-based bathymetry using SAR imagery from orbiting satellites, The
* Feasibility of Bi-Temporal Airborne Laser Scanning Data in Detecting Species-Specific Individual Tree Crown Growth of Boreal Forests
* Feasibility of Burned Area Mapping Based on ICESAT-2 Photon Counting Data
* Feasibility of Ceilometers Data to Estimate Radiative Forcing Values: Application to Different Conditions around the COVID-19 Lockdown Period
* Feasibility of Characterizing Snowpack and the Freeze-Thaw State of Underlying Soil Using Multifrequency Active/Passive Microwave Data
* Feasibility of Combining Deep Learning and RGB Images Obtained by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Leaf Area Index Estimation in Rice
* Feasibility of Early Yield Prediction per Coffee Tree Based on Multispectral Aerial Imagery: Case of Arabica Coffee Crops in Cauca-Colombia
* Feasibility of employing a smartphone as the payload in a photogrammetric UAV system
* Feasibility of Endocardial Propagation Mapping Using Magnetic Resonance Guidance in a Swine Model, and Comparison With Standard Electroanatomic Mapping, The
* Feasibility of Estimating Cloudy-Sky Surface Longwave Net Radiation Using Satellite-Derived Surface Shortwave Net Radiation
* Feasibility of Estimating Turbulent Heat Fluxes via Variational Assimilation of Reference-Level Air Temperature and Specific Humidity Observations
* Feasibility of expanding traffic monitoring systems with floating car data technology
* Feasibility of Facade Footprint Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data
* Feasibility of GNSS-R Ice Sheet Altimetry in Greenland Using TDS-1
* Feasibility of Ground-Based Sky-Camera HDR Imagery to Determine Solar Irradiance and Sky Radiance over Different Geometries and Sky Conditions
* Feasibility of Half-Data Image Reconstruction in 3-D Reflectivity Tomography With a Spherical Aperture
* Feasibility of Harmonic Motion Imaging Using a Single Transducer: In Vivo Imaging of Breast Cancer in a Mouse Model and Human Subjects
* Feasibility of Hough-transform-based iris localisation for real-time-application
* Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery
* Feasibility of Joint Power Optimization of Multiple Source-Destinations in an AF Relay Network
* Feasibility of Leaf Reflectance-Based Taxonomic Inventories and Diversity Assessments of Species-Rich Grasslands: A Cross-Seasonal Evaluation Using Waveband Selection, The
* Feasibility Of Motion And Structure Computations, The
* Feasibility of Motion and Structure from Noisy Time-Varying Image Velocity Information, The
* Feasibility of Multi-View Video Streaming Over P2P Networks
* Feasibility of Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS) of Atlantic Cod with Seafloor Scattering Limitations
* Feasibility of Oscar As An Information System for Sustainable Rehabilitation of Built Heritage, The
* Feasibility of Remotely Sensed Near-Infrared Reflectance for Soil Moisture Estimation for Agricultural Water Management, The
* Feasibility of Swept Synthetic Aperture Ultrasound Imaging
* Feasibility of Terrestrial laser scanning for collecting stem volume information from single trees
* Feasibility of the deformation analysis of a plate subjected to vibrations using recent computer vision methods
* Feasibility of the Estimation of Myocardial Stiffness with Reduced 2D Deformation Data
* Feasibility of the Space-Time Cube in Temporal Cultural Landscape Visualization
* Feasibility of the Spatiotemporal Fusion Model in Monitoring Ebinur Lake's Suspended Particulate Matter under the Missing-Data Scenario
* Feasibility of Three Prediction Techniques of the Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Assessing the Safety Factor of Cohesive Slopes, The
* Feasibility of Tomography with Unknown View Angles
* Feasibility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optical Imagery for Early Detection and Severity Assessment of Late Blight in Potato
* Feasibility of Urban-Rural Temperature Difference Method in Surface Urban Heat Island Analysis under Non-Uniform Rural Landcover: A Case Study in 34 Major Urban Agglomerations in China
* Feasibility of Using a 300 GHz Radar to Detect Fractures and Lithological Changes in Rocks
* Feasibility of Using Grammars to Infer Room Semantics
* Feasibility of Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Environmental Heavy Metal Monitoring
* Feasibility of Using MODIS Products to Simulate Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF) in Boreal Forests
* Feasibility of Using Small UAVs to Derive Morphometric Measurements of Australian Snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and Humpback (Sousa sahulensis) Dolphins
* Feasibility of Using the Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB) with Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Images to Analyze the Spatio-Temporal Variability of Vine Water Status in a Vineyard
* Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design of Missile-Borne Synthetic Aperture Radar
* Feasibility Study for a Persistent Homology-Based k-Nearest Neighbor Search Algorithm in Melanoma Detection, A
* Feasibility study for super-resolution 3D integral imaging using time-multiplexed compressive coding
* Feasibility study for the development of a motion imagery quality metric
* Feasibility study for visual discomfort assessment on stereo images using EEG
* feasibility study of a portable intraoperative specimen imaging X-ray system based on carbon nanotube field emitters, A
* feasibility study of an autoencoder meta-model for improving generalization capabilities on training sets of small sizes, A
* Feasibility Study of Extracting Tissue Textures From a Previous Full-Dose CT Database as Prior Knowledge for Bayesian Reconstruction of Current Low-Dose CT Images, A
* Feasibility Study of Hyperspectral Line-Scanning Camera Imagery for Remote Sensing Purposes
* Feasibility Study Of Inexpensive Thermal Sensors And Small UAS Deployment For Living Human Detection In Rescue Missions Application Scenarios
* Feasibility Study Of Landsat-8 Imagery For Retrieving Sea Surface Temperature (case Study Persian Gulf)
* Feasibility Study of Lesion Detection Using Deformable Part Models in Breast Ultrasound Images
* Feasibility Study of Low-cost Image-based Heritage Documentation In Nepal
* Feasibility Study of Low-Dose Single-Scan Dual-Energy Cone-Beam CT in Many-View Under-Sampling Framework, A
* Feasibility Study of Map-Based Dashboard for Spatiotemporal Knowledge Acquisition and Analysis, A
* Feasibility Study of Nearshore Bathymetry Estimation via Short-Range K-Band MIMO Radar, A
* feasibility study of on-board data compression for infrared cameras of space observatories, A
* Feasibility Study of Sea Ice Motion and Deformation Measurements Using Multi-Sensor High-Resolution Optical Satellite Images, A
* Feasibility Study of Thermal Infrared Imaging for Monitoring Natural Terrain: A Case Study in Hong Kong, A
* Feasibility Study of Tractor-Test Vehicle Technique for Practical Structural Condition Assessment of Beam-Like Bridge Deck
* Feasibility Study of using MyoBand for Learning Electronic Keyboard
* Feasibility study of using the RoboEarth cloud engine for rapid mapping and tracking with small unmanned aerial systems
* Feasibility Study on a Hyperacuity Device With Motion Uncertainty: Two-Point Stimuli
* feasibility study on a novel method of visual obstacle detection, A
* Feasibility Study on Crash Avoidance at Four-Way Stop-Sign-Controlled Intersections Using Wireless Sensor Networks, A
* Feasibility Study on Estimation of Sea Ice Drift from KOMPSAT-5 and COSMO-SkyMed SAR Images
* Feasibility Study on Hyperspectral LiDAR for Ancient Huizhou-Style Architecture Preservation
* Feasibility Study on Incremental Bundle Adjustment with Fisheye Images and Low-Cost Sensors, A
* Feasibility Study on Kinematic Feature Extraction from the Human Interventricular Septum toward Hypertension Classification, A
* Feasibility Study on Measuring Atmospheric CO2 in Urban Areas Using Spaceborne CO2-IPDA LIDAR
* feasibility study on the measurement of tree trunks in forests using multi-scale vertical images, A
* Feasibility Study on the Use of Binary Keypoint Descriptors for 3D Face Recognition, A
* Feasibility Study on Using Visp's 3D Model-Based Tracker for UAV Pose Estimation in Outdoor Environments, A
* Feasibility Study Using UAV Aerial Photogrammetry for a Boundary Verification Survey of a Digitalized Cadastral Area in an Urban City of Taiwan
* Feasibility to Detect Signs of Potential CO2 Leakage with Multi-Temporal Spot Satellite Vegetation Imagery in Otway, Victoria
* Feasibility Verification of Virtual Reference Station Technology In Geological Hazard Monitoring
* Feasibility, Design, and Deployment Requirements of TCR for Bistatic SAR Radiometric Calibration
* Feasible Adaptation Criteria for Hybrid Wavelet: Large Margin Classifiers
* Feasible and Robust Optimization Framework for Auxiliary Information Refinement in Spatially-Varying Image Enhancement
* Feasible Application of Shape-Based Classification
* Feasible Calibration Method for Type 1 Open Ocean Water LiDAR Data Based on Bio-Optical Models, A
* feasible computer system for grey-level, pictorial pattern recognition, A
* Feasible mid-air virtual reality with the immaterial projection screen technology
* Feasible Point Pursuit and Successive Approximation of Non-Convex QCQPs
* Feasible Solution in Signal Restoration, The
* feasible VLSI engine for soft-input-soft-output for joint source channel codes, A
* FEAST: Feature Evaluation and Selection Technique for Deployment in Unsupervised Nonparametric Environments
* FeaStNet: Feature-Steered Graph Convolutions for 3D Shape Analysis
* FeatAug-DETR: Enriching One-to-Many Matching for DETRs With Feature Augmentation
* FeatEnHancer: Enhancing Hierarchical Features for Object Detection and Beyond Under Low-Light Vision
* FeatER: An Efficient Network for Human Reconstruction via Feature Map-Based TransformER
* FeatFlow: Learning geometric features for 3D motion estimation
* FeatLoc: Absolute pose regressor for indoor 2D sparse features with simplistic view synthesizing
* Featmatch: Feature-based Augmentation for Semi-supervised Learning
* FEATS: Synthetic Feature Tracks for Structure from Motion Evaluation
* Feature- and depth-supported modified total variation optical flow for 3D motion field estimation in real scenes
* Feature-Adapted Fast Slant Stack
* Feature-Adaptive Motion Energy Analysis for Facial Expression Recognition
* Feature-agnostic Low-cost Place Recognition for Appearance-based Mapping
* Feature-aided particle tracking
* Feature-Aided RTK/LiDAR/INS Integrated Positioning System with Parallel Filters in the Ambiguity-Position-Joint Domain for Urban Environments
* Feature-Align Network with Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Denoising
* Feature-aligned 4D spatiotemporal image registration
* Feature-Aligned Video Raindrop Removal With Temporal Constraints
* Feature-Assisted Dense Spatio-temporal Reconstruction from Binocular Sequences
* Feature-Assisted Search Strategy for Block Motion Estimation, A
* Feature-Assisted Sparse to Dense Motion Estimation Using Geodesic Distances
* Feature-Attentioned Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery
* Feature-Aware Adaptation and Density Alignment for Crowd Counting in Video Surveillance
* Feature-aware natural texture synthesis
* Feature-Aware Prohibited Items Detection for X-Ray Images
* Feature-Aware Uniform Tessellations on Video Manifold for Content-Sensitive Supervoxels
* Feature-aware unsupervised learning with joint variational attention and automatic clustering
* Feature-Based 3D Surface Modeling by Improved Constrained Triangular Meshes
* Feature-based active contour model and occluding object detection
* Feature-Based Adaptive Model for Realtime Face Tracking on Smart Phones, A
* Feature-Based Affine-Invariant Localization of Faces
* feature-based algorithm for detecting and classifying production effects, A
* Feature-based Approach for Dense Segmentation and Estimation of Large Disparity Motion, A
* Feature-Based Approach for Determining Dense Long Range Correspondences, A
* feature-based approach for digital camera identification using photo-response non-uniformity noise, A
* feature-based approach for monocular camera tracking in unknown environments, A
* feature-based approach for saliency estimation of omni-directional images, A
* Feature-Based Approach of Decision Tree Classification to Map Time Series Urban Land Use and Land Cover with Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI in a Coastal City, China, A
* Feature-Based Approach to Change Detection of Small Objects from High-Resolution Satellite Images
* Feature-Based Approach to Large-Scale Freeway Congestion Detection Using Full Cellular Activity Data, A
* Feature-based approach to semi-supervised similarity learning
* Feature-based brain MRI retrieval for Alzheimer disease diagnosis
* Feature-based calibration of distributed smart stereo camera networks
* Feature-Based Classification of Aerospace Radar Targets Using Neural Networks
* Feature-Based Classification of Archaeal Sequences Using Compression-Based Methods
* Feature-Based Cluster Segmentation of Image Sequences
* Feature-Based Color Correction of Multiview Video for Coding and Rendering Enhancement
* Feature-Based Correspondence: An Eigenvector Approach
* Feature-Based Deformable Surface Detection with Self-Occlusion Reasoning
* Feature-based depth refinement for view synthesis
* Feature-based detection and classification of moving objects using LiDAR sensor
* Feature-based detection and correction of occlusions and split of video objects
* Feature-based detection of faces in color images
* Feature-Based Detection of Facial Landmarks from Neutral and Expressive Facial Images
* Feature-Based Digital Image Watermarking for Copyright Protection and Content Authentication, A
* Feature-based Digital Watermarking for Remote Sensing Images
* Feature-Based Direct Tracking and Mapping for Real-Time Noise-Robust Outdoor 3D Reconstruction Using Quadcopters
* Feature-Based Dissimilarity Space Classification
* Feature-Based Efficient Moving Object Detection for Low-Altitude Aerial Platforms
* feature-based face recognition system, A
* Feature-Based Face Recognition Using Mixture Distance
* Feature-Based Facial Expression Recognition: Sensitivity Analysis and Experiments with a Multilayer Perceptron
* Feature-Based Gaze Estimation Algorithm for Natural Light Scenarios, A
* Feature-based groupwise registration of historical aerial images to present-day ortho-photo maps
* Feature-Based Hierarchical Registration of 3-D Vision Using Star Structure And Circuits
* Feature-Based Human Face Detection
* Feature-Based Image Analysis
* Feature-Based Image Comparison for Semantic Neighbor Selection in Resource-Constrained Visual Sensor Networks
* Feature-Based Image Compression with Steered Hermite Transforms
* Feature-based Image Mosaicing
* Feature-Based Image Patch Approximation for Lung Tissue Classification
* Feature-Based Image Patch Classification for Moving Shadow Detection
* Feature-Based Image Registration Algorithm Using Improved Chain-Code Representation Combined with Invariant Moments, A
* Feature-based image registration by means of the CHC evolutionary algorithm
* Feature-Based Intra-/InterCoding Mode Selection for H.264/AVC
* Feature-based intra-prediction mode decision for H.264
* Feature-Based Knowledge Transfer Framework for Cross-Environment Activity Recognition Toward Smart Home Applications, A
* Feature-Based Learning Framework for Accurate Prostate Localization in CT Images, A
* Feature-Based Lucas-Kanade and Active Appearance Models
* Feature-Based Lung Nodule Classification
* Feature-Based Mapping in Real Large Scale Environments Using an Ultrasonic Array
* feature-based matching scheme: MPCD and robust matching strategy, A
* feature-based metric for the quantitative evaluation of pixel-level image fusion, A
* Feature-Based Monocular Motion Analysis System Guided by Feedback Information, A
* Feature-based motion detection and tracking on approximate 3D ground plane
* Feature-based Multi-video Synchronization with Subframe Accuracy
* Feature-based no-reference video quality assessment using Extra Trees
* Feature-Based Nonlocal Polarimetric SAR Filtering
* feature-based O(N2) approach to point pattern matching, A
* Feature-Based Object Detection and Tracking: A Systematic Literature Review
* Feature-based object modelling for visual surveillance
* Feature-Based Object Recognition and Localization in 3D-Space, Using a Single Video Image
* feature-based object tracking approach for realtime image processing on mobile devices, A
* Feature-Based Object Tracking Method Using Online Template Switching and Feature Adaptation, A
* Feature-Based On-Line Object Tracking Combining Both Keypoints and Quasi-Keypoints Matching
* Feature-based Part Retrieval for Interactive 3D Reassembly
* Feature-Based Partially Occluded Object Recognition
* Feature-based prediction of streaming video QoE: Distortions, stalling and memory
* Feature-Based Quality Evaluation of 3D Point Clouds: Study of the Performance of 3D Registration Algorithms
* Feature-Based Recognition of Objects
* feature-based region growing-merging approach to color image segmentation, A
* Feature-based registration for correlative light and electron microscopy images
* Feature-based registration of confocal fluorescence endomicroscopy images
* Feature-Based Registration of Ground-Based LIDAR Point Clouds
* Feature-based registration of historical aerial images by Area Minimization
* feature-based robust digital image watermarking against geometric attacks, A
* Feature-Based Scaffolding for Object Tracking
* Feature-Based Scene Matcher, A
* Feature-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Matching
* Feature-based similarity search in 3D object databases
* Feature-based Single-view 3d Object Recognition in Optical Images using Invariants
* Feature-Based SLAM Algorithm for Small Scale UAV with Nadir View
* feature-based solution for 3D registration of CT and MRI images of human knee, A
* Feature-Based Sparse Representation for Image Similarity Assessment
* Feature-Based Stereo Vision Using Smart Cameras for Traffic Surveillance
* Feature-Based Style Randomization for Domain Generalization
* Feature-Based Synchronization of Video and Background Music
* Feature-Based Tactile Object Recognition
* Feature-Based Target Recognition with a Bayesian Network
* Feature-Based Technique for Joint Linear Estimation of High-Order Image-to-Mosaic Transformations: Mosaicing the Curved Human Retina, A
* Feature-based Technique for Joint, Linear Estimation of High-Order Image-to-Mosaic Transformations: Application to Mosaicing the Curved Human Retina, A
* feature-based tracking algorithm for vehicles in intersections, A
* Feature-based transfer learning to train a novel cotton imaging system
* Feature-based Video Mosaic
* Feature-Based Wavelet Shrinkage Algorithm for Image Denoising
* Feature-Based, Robust, Hierarchical Algorithm for Registering Pairs of Images of the Curved Human Retina, A
* Feature-centric Efficient Subwindow Search
* Feature-centric evaluation for efficient cascaded object detection
* Feature-Cut: Video object segmentation through local feature correspondences
* Feature-Dependent Cross-Connections in Multi-Path Neural Networks
* Feature-Domain Proximal High-Dimensional Gradient Descent Network for Image Compressed Sensing
* Feature-domain super-resolution for iris recognition
* Feature-domain super-resolution framework for Gabor-based face and iris recognition
* Feature-Driven Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature-Driven Attention Module for an Active Vision System, A
* Feature-Driven Direct Non-Rigid Image Registration
* Feature-Driven Multilayer Visualization for Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imagery
* Feature-Enhanced Anchor-Free Network for UAV Vehicle Detection, A
* Feature-Enhanced CenterNet for Small Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* feature-enhanced hybrid attention network for traffic sign recognition in real scenes, A
* Feature-enhanced representation with transformers for multi-view stereo
* Feature-Enhanced Speckle Reduction via Low-Rank and Space-Angle Continuity for Circular SAR Target Recognition
* Feature-Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Formation Based on Nonquadratic Regularization
* Feature-Ensemble-Based Crop Mapping for Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data Using Oversampling Algorithms and Gray Wolf Optimizer Support Vector Machine
* Feature-Extracting Functions for Neural Logic Rule Learning
* Feature-Extraction and Image Segmentation Using Self-Organizing Networks
* Feature-Extraction for Multisource Data Classification with Artificial Neural Networks
* Feature-Extraction for Texture-Discrimination via Random-Field Models with Random Spatial Interaction
* Feature-Extraction from All-scale Neighborhoods with Applications To Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
* Feature-Extraction in Shape-Recognition Using Segmentation of the Boundary Curve
* Feature-Extraction Methods for Character-Recognition: A Survey
* Feature-extraction methods for historical manuscript dating based on writing style development
* Feature-Extraction Techniques for Exploratory Visualization of Vector-Valued Imagery
* Feature-Extraction Using the Constrained Gradient
* Feature-Flow Interpretation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
* Feature-free registration of dissimilar images using a robust similarity metric
* Feature-Fusion HALS-based Algorithm for Linked CP Decomposition Model in Application to Joint EMG/MMG Signal Classification
* Feature-Grouped Network With Spectral-Spatial Connected Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature-Guided Gaussian Mixture Model for Image Matching
* Feature-guided painterly image rendering
* Feature-guided shape-based image interpolation
* Feature-Guided Spatial Attention Upsampling for Real-Time Stereo Matching Network
* Feature-Independent Action Spotting without Human Localization, Segmentation, or Frame-wise Tracking
* Feature-independent context estimation for automatic image annotation
* Feature-Induced Label Distribution for Learning with Noisy Labels
* Feature-less Single-view 3d Object Recognition in Range Images using Invariants
* Feature-Level and Decision-Level Fusion of Noncoincidently Sampled Sensors for Land Mine Detection
* Feature-level Augmentation to Improve Robustness of Deep Neural Networks to Affine Transformations
* Feature-Level Collaboration: Joint Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow, Stereo Depth and Camera Motion
* Feature-Level Frankenstein: Eliminating Variations for Discriminative Recognition
* Feature-Level Fusion-Based Target Localization Method with the Hough Transform for Spatial Feature Extraction, A
* Feature-Level Fusion for Effective Palmprint Authentication
* Feature-level Fusion for Object Segmentation using Mutual Information
* Feature-Level Fusion in Personal Identification
* Feature-Level Fusion of Finger Veins and Finger Dorsal Texture for Personal Authentication Based on Orientation Selection
* Feature-level fusion of fingerprint and finger-vein for personal identification
* Feature-Level Fusion of Hand Biometrics for Personal Verification Based on Kernel PCA
* Feature-level fusion of palmprint and palm vein for person identification based on a Junction Point representation
* Feature-Level Fusion of Polarized SAR and Optical Images Based on Random Forest and Conditional Random Fields
* Feature-Level Point Cloud Fusion Method for Timber Volume of Forest Stands Estimation, A
* Feature-matching and extended Kalman filter for stereo ego-motion estimation
* Feature-metric Loss for Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Egomotion
* Feature-Metric Registration: A Fast Semi-Supervised Approach for Robust Point Cloud Registration Without Correspondences
* feature-optimized Faster regional convolutional neural network for complex background objects detection, A
* Feature-Oriented Image Enhancement Using Shock Filters
* Feature-Oriented Multiple Description Wavelet-Based Image Coding
* Feature-Oriented Rate Shaping of Pre-Compressed Image/Video
* Feature-Point Tracking by Optical Flow Discriminates Subtle Differences in Facial Expression
* Feature-Preserved 3D Canonical Form
* Feature-Preserved Canonical Form for Non-rigid 3D Meshes, A
* Feature-Preserved Thinning Algorithm for Handwritten Chinese Characters, A
* Feature-preserving 3D mesh simplification for urban buildings
* Feature-Preserving 3D Thumbnail Creation with Voxel-Based Two-Phase Decomposition
* Feature-Preserving Clustering of 2-D Data for 2-Class Problems Using Analytical Formulas: An Automatic and Fast Approach
* Feature-preserving denoising of time-varying range data
* Feature-preserving Flows: A Stochastic Differential Equation's View
* Feature-Preserving Image Restoration from Adaptive Triangular Meshes
* Feature-preserving kernel diffusion for surface denoising
* Feature-Preserving Medial Axis Noise Removal
* Feature-Preserving MRI Denoising: A Nonparametric Empirical Bayes Approach
* Feature-Preserving Noise Removal
* Feature-preserving procedural texture
* Feature-Preserving Surface Reconstruction and Simplification from Defect-Laden Point Sets
* Feature-preserving thumbnail generation based on graph cuts
* Feature-Related Searching Control Model for Curve Detection
* Feature-Selection for Pattern-Classification with Gaussian Mixture-Models: A New Objective Criterion
* Feature-Selection Using A Proximity-Index Optimization Model
* Feature-Selection Using Expected Attainable Discrimination
* Feature-Selection: Evaluation, Application, and Small Sample Performance
* Feature-semantic augmentation network for few-shot open-set recognition
* Feature-Sensitive and Adaptive Mesh Generation of Grayscale Images
* Feature-Space Indicator Kriging Approach for Remote Sensing Image Classification, A
* Feature-Specific Difference Imaging
* Feature-Specific Vector Quantization of Images
* Feature-Supervised Action Modality Transfer
* Feature-varying skeletonization: Intuitive control over the target feature size and output skeleton topology
* Feature-versus deep learning-based approaches for the automated detection of brain tumor with magnetic resonance images: A comparative study
* Feature-Watermarking Scheme for JPEG Image Authentication, A
* Feature-weighting in dynamic time-warping for gesture recognition in depth data
* Feature Adaptive Co-Segmentation by Complexity Awareness
* Feature Adaptive Correlation Tracking
* Feature Adversarial Distillation for Point Cloud Classification
* Feature Affinity-Based Pseudo Labeling for Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification
* Feature Aggregated Queries for Transformer-Based Video Object Detectors
* Feature Aggregation and Propagation Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
* Feature Aggregation and Region-Aware Learning for Detection of Splicing Forgery
* Feature Aggregation Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing
* Feature Aggregation Convolution Network for Haze Removal
* Feature Aggregation Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Scene Classification, A
* Feature Aggregation in Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer Using Multilingual BERT
* Feature Aggregation Network for Video Face Recognition
* Feature Aggregation Networks Based on Dual Attention Capsules for Visual Object Tracking
* Feature Aggregation via Attention Mechanism for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification
* Feature Aligned Recurrent Network for Causal Video Object Detection
* Feature Alignment and Aggregation Siamese Networks for Fast Visual Tracking
* Feature Alignment and Uniformity for Test Time Adaptation
* Feature Alignment for Robust Acoustic Scene Classification Across Devices
* Feature Alignment in Anchor-Free Object Detection
* Feature alignment via mutual mapping for few-shot fine-grained visual classification
* feature analysis approach to estimate 3D Shape from Image Focus, A
* Feature Analysis Approach to Mass Detection in Mammography Based on RF-SVM, A
* Feature Analysis for Audio Classification
* Feature analysis for automatic classification of HEp-2 florescence patterns: Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Auto-immune diseases
* feature analysis for dimension reduction based on a data generation model with class factors and environment factors, A
* Feature Analysis for Multi-Window Matching
* Feature Analysis of Handprinted Chinese Characters
* Feature analysis through information granulation and fuzzy sets
* Feature Analysis Using Line Sweep Thinning Algorithm
* Feature analysis using millimeter-wave real beam and doppler beam sharpening techniques
* Feature Analysis: Neural Network and Fuzzy Set Theoretic Approaches
* Feature and Classifier Selection for Automatic Classification of Lesions in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Breast
* Feature and Classifier Selection in Class Decision Trees
* Feature and decision level sensor fusion of electromagnetic induction and ground penetrating radar sensors for landmine detection with hand-held units
* Feature and Dissimilarity Representations for the Sound-Based Recognition of Bird Species
* Feature and label relation modeling for multiple-facial action unit classification and intensity estimation
* Feature and model level compensation of lexical content for facial emotion recognition
* Feature and Object Detection Systems
* Feature and Opinion Mining for Customer Review Summarization
* Feature and Region Selection for Visual Learning
* Feature and Similarity Learning for Computer Vision
* feature and spatial covariant kernel: Adding implicit spatial constraints to histogram, The
* Feature and Viewpoint Selection for Industrial Car Assembly
* Feature Assessment in Imperfectly Supervised Environment
* Feature Assisted Fast Motion Estimation Algorithm
* Feature Asymmetry of the Conformal Monogenic Signal
* Feature attention fusion network for occluded person re-identification
* Feature augmentation for imbalanced classification with conditional mixture WGANs
* Feature Augmentation for Learning Confidence Measure in Stereo Matching
* Feature Augmentation Improves Anomalous Change Detection for Human Activity Identification in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery
* Feature Augmented Deep Neural Networks for Segmentation of Cells
* Feature back-projection guided residual refinement for real-time stereo matching network
* Feature Band Selection for Multispectral Palmprint Recognition
* Feature Based Approach to Automatic Change Detection from Lidar Data in Urban Areas, A
* Feature Based Approach to Face Recognition, A
* Feature Based Binarization of Document Images Degraded by Uneven Light Condition
* Feature based classification
* Feature Based Compression of Human Face Images
* Feature Based Correspondence Algorithm for Image Matching, A
* Feature Based Cut Detection with Automatic Threshold Selection
* Feature Based Defuzzification at Increased Spatial Resolution
* Feature based Face Localization and Recognition on Mobile Devices
* Feature Based Global and Local Motion Estimation for Videoconference Sequences
* Feature Based Hierarchical Video Segmentation
* Feature based indexing for Media Tracking
* Feature based inter prediction optimization for non-translational video coding in cloud
* Feature based merging of application specific regions
* Feature Based Nonrigid Brain MR Image Registration With Symmetric Alpha Stable Filters
* Feature Based Object Decomposition for Finite Element Meshing
* Feature Based Object Recognition using Statistical Occlusion Models with One-to-one Correspondence
* Feature based on Encoding the Relative Position of a Point in the Character for Online Handwritten Character Recognition, A
* Feature based person detection beyond the visible spectrum
* Feature based RDWT watermarking for multimodal biometric system
* Feature based registration of range images for mapping of natural outdoor environments
* Feature Based Scene Analysis and Model Matching
* Feature based video stabilization based on boosted HAAR Cascade and representative point matching algorithm
* Feature based Visualization of Geophysical Data
* Feature binding of a continuously changing object
* Feature Block-Aware Correlation Filters for Real-Time UAV Tracking
* Feature Boosting Network For 3D Pose Estimation
* Feature Calibrating and Fusing Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection
* Feature Calibration Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection
* Feature channel enhancement for crowd counting
* Feature classification criterion for missing features mask estimation in robust speaker recognition
* Feature Classification for Robust Shape-Based Collaborative Tracking and Model Updating
* Feature Cloning and Feature Fusion Based Transportation Mode Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
* Feature Cloud: Improving Deep Visual Recognition with Probabilistic Feature Augmentation
* Feature clustering-Assisted feature selection with differential evolution
* Feature clustering for vehicle detection and tracking in road traffic surveillance
* Feature Clustering with Fading Affect Bias: Building Visual Vocabularies on the Fly
* Feature co-occurrence representation based on boosting for object detection
* Feature co-shrinking for co-clustering
* Feature coding for image classification combining global saliency and local difference
* Feature Coding in Image Classification: A Comprehensive Study
* Feature coding via vector difference for image classification
* Feature Coding with a Statistically Independent Cortical Representation
* Feature Coincidence Trees for Registration of Ultrasound Breast Images
* Feature Combination beyond Basic Arithmetics
* Feature combination for binary pattern classification
* Feature Combination in Kernel Space for Distance Based Image Hashing
* feature combination technique for off-line Thai character recognition system, The
* Feature combination using boosting
* Feature combination with Multi-Kernel Learning for fine-grained visual classification
* Feature Comparison and Optimization for 30-M Winter Wheat Mapping Based on Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Data Using Random Forest Algorithm
* Feature Comparison Based Channel Attention For Fine-Grained Visual Classification
* Feature comparison between fractal codes and wavelet transform in handwritten alphanumeric recognition using SVM classifier
* Feature Comparison of Two Mesoscale Eddy Datasets Based on Satellite Altimeter Data
* Feature comparison residuals for foreign fibre classification model
* Feature compensation network based on non-uniform quantization of channels for digital image global manipulation forensics
* Feature Completion for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Feature Completion Transformer for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Feature compression: A framework for multi-view multi-person tracking in visual sensor networks
* Feature condensing algorithm for feature selection
* feature consistency driven attention erasing network for fine-grained image retrieval, A
* Feature Consistency Training With JPEG Compressed Images
* feature construction method for general object recognition, A
* Feature context for image classification and object detection
* Feature contours fusion for determining segment boundaries in audio data
* Feature Correlation Filter for Face Recognition
* Feature Correlation Hypergraph: Exploiting High-order Potentials for Multimodal Recognition
* Feature correspondence and deformable object matching via agglomerative correspondence clustering
* Feature correspondence and motion recovery in vehicle planar navigation
* Feature correspondence based on directed structural model matching
* Feature correspondence between images using an image pyramid
* Feature Correspondence by Interleaving Shape and Texture Computations
* Feature Correspondence Via Graph Matching: Models and Global Optimization
* Feature correspondence with constrained global spatial structures
* Feature Correspondence with Even Distribution
* Feature Correspondences from Multiple Views of Coplanar Ellipses
* Feature correspondences using Morse Smale complex
* Feature covariance for human action recognition
* Feature Decomposition-Optimization-Reorganization Network for Building Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* Feature Decomposition and Reconstruction Learning for Effective Facial Expression Recognition
* Feature Decoupled Knowledge Distillation via Spatial Pyramid Pooling
* Feature decoupling and interaction network for defending against adversarial examples
* Feature decoupling and regeneration towards wifi-based human activity recognition
* Feature Definition and Selection for Epiretinal Membrane Characterization in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* Feature definition in pattern recognition with small sample size
* Feature Denoising for Improving Adversarial Robustness
* Feature Denoising Using Joint Sparse Representation for In-Car Speech Recognition
* Feature description using local neighborhoods
* Feature Description with Feature Point Registration Error Using Local and Global Point Cloud Encoders
* Feature descriptor based on local intensity order relations of pixel group
* Feature Descriptor Based on Local Normalized Difference for Real-World Texture Classification, A
* feature descriptor based on the local patch clustering distribution for illumination-robust image matching, A
* Feature Descriptor by Convolution and Pooling Autoencoders
* Feature design for aesthetic inference on photos with faces
* Feature Design for Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition: Handcrafted vs Automated?
* Feature detection algorithm based on a visual system model
* Feature detection and matching on an SIMD/MIMD hybrid embedded processor
* Feature detection and matching on atmospheric nuclear detonation video
* Feature detection and matching towards augmented reality applications on mobile devices
* Feature detection and tracking in optical flow on non-flat manifolds
* Feature Detection and Tracking with Constrained Local Models
* Feature detection and visualization of ocean flow field sources, sinks based on vector field decomposition
* Feature detection based on directional co-occurrence histograms
* Feature Detection Based on Significancy of Local Features for Image Matching
* Feature Detection for Vehicle Localization in Urban Environments Using a Multilayer LIDAR
* Feature Detection from Local Energy
* Feature Detection from the Maximal Response to a Spherical Quadrature Filter Set
* Feature Detection in Human Vision: A Phase Dependent Energy Model
* Feature Detection Performance Based Benchmarking of Motion Deblurring Methods: Applications to Vision for Legged Robots
* Feature Detection Using Basis Functions
* Feature Detection Using Curvature Maps and the Min-cut/Max-flow Algorithm
* Feature Detection using Suppression and Enhancement
* Feature detection using the general linear model
* Feature Detection via Linear Contrast Techniques
* Feature Detection With a Constant FAR in Sparse 3-D Point Cloud Data
* Feature Detection with an Improved Anisotropic Filter
* Feature Detection with Automatic Scale Selection
* Feature detector and descriptor evaluation in human action recognition
* Feature Difference Convolutional Neural Network-Based Change Detection Method, A
* Feature difference for single-shot object detection
* Feature Differentiation Reconstruction Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Anomaly Detection
* Feature Dimension Reduction Using Stacked Sparse Auto-Encoders for Crop Classification with Multi-Temporal, Quad-Pol SAR Data
* Feature Dimensionality Reduction with Graph Embedding and Generalized Hamming Distance
* Feature Directed Spiral Coding of Magnetic Resonance Images
* Feature discovering for image classification via wavelet-like pattern decomposition
* Feature Discovery by Computer Learning
* Feature Discretization Method for Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images in Coastal Areas, A
* Feature Disentanglement for Cross-Domain Retina Vessel Segmentation
* Feature disentanglement in one-stage object detection
* Feature Disentanglement Learning with Switching and Aggregation for Video-based Person Re-Identification
* Feature Disentangling Machine: A Novel Approach of Feature Selection and Disentangling in Facial Expression Analysis
* Feature disparity learning for weakly supervised object localization
* Feature displacement interpolation
* Feature Distillation: DNN-Oriented JPEG Compression Against Adversarial Examples
* Feature distribution modelling techniques for 3D face verification
* Feature Distribution Representation Learning Based on Knowledge Transfer for Long-Tailed Classification
* Feature Divide-and-Conquer Network for RGB-T Semantic Segmentation, A
* Feature Elimination through Data Complexity for Error-Correcting Output Codes based micro-expression recognition
* Feature Embedding Based Text Instance Grouping for Largely Spaced and Occluded Text Detection
* Feature Embedding Network with Multiscale Attention for Hyperspectral Image Classification, A
* Feature Encoding of Spectral Signatures for 3D Non-Rigid Shape Retrieval
* Feature encoding with hybrid heterogeneous structure model for image classification
* Feature Engineering and Deep Learning for Stereo Matching Under Adverse Driving Conditions
* Feature Engineering and Stacked Echo State Networks for Musical Onset Detection
* Feature Engineering of Geohazard Susceptibility Analysis Based on the Random Forest Algorithm: Taking Tianshui City, Gansu Province, as an Example
* Feature enhancement and coarse-to-fine detection for RGB-D tracking
* Feature Enhancement and Fusion for Image-Based Particle Matter Estimation With F-MSE Loss
* Feature Enhancement and Fusion for RGB-T Salient Object Detection
* Feature Enhancement and Reconstruction for Small Object Detection
* Feature enhancement network for stereo matching
* Feature enhancement techniques for the detection of spinal cord injury
* Feature Enhancement Using Gradient Salience on Thermal Image
* Feature Enhancement Using Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry-Correlated Synthesis Images for Power Transmission Tower Detection in Mountain Layover Area
* Feature enrichment and selection for transductive classification on networked data
* Feature ensemble network for medical image segmentation with multi-scale atrous transformer
* Feature Ensemble Network with Occlusion Disambiguation for Accurate Patch-Based Stereo Matching
* Feature Ensemble Networks with Re-Ranking for Recognizing Disguised Faces in the Wild
* Feature Erasing and Diffusion Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification
* Feature Estimations Based Correlation Distillation for Incremental Image Retrieval
* Feature evaluation and selection with cooperative game theory
* Feature Evaluation for a Transferable Approach of Object-based Land Cover Classification Based on Ikonos and QuickBird Satellite Data
* Feature Evaluation For Building Facade Images: An Empirical Study
* Feature Evaluation for Handwritten Character Recognition with Regressive and Generative Hidden Markov Models
* Feature Evaluation for Underwater Acoustic Object Counting and F0 Estimation
* Feature Evaluation with High-Resolution Images
* Feature exploration for biometric recognition using millimetre wave body images
* Feature extracted from wavelet decomposition using biorthogonal Riesz basis for text-independent speaker recognition
* Feature extracted from wavelet eigenfunction estimation for text-independent speaker recognition
* Feature extracting method
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Adaptive Wavelet Packet for Surface Defect Classification
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Based on Local Picture Computation, A
* Feature Extraction Algorithm for Banknote Textures Based on Incomplete Shift Invariant Wavelet Packet Transform
* Feature Extraction Algorithm Using Data Fusion in Human Face Recognition System, A
* Feature extraction algorithms from MRI to evaluate quality parameters on meat products by using data mining
* Feature extraction algorithms
* Feature extraction and analysis of handwritten words in grey-scale images using Gabor filters
* Feature extraction and calibration for stereo reconstruction using non-SVP optics in a panoramic stereo-vision sensor
* Feature extraction and characterization of cardiovascular arrhythmia and normal sinus rhythm from ECG signals using LabVIEW
* Feature Extraction and Classification by Genetic Programming
* Feature Extraction and Classification for Insect Footprint Recognition
* Feature extraction and classification of dynamic contrast-enhanced T2*-weighted breast image data
* Feature extraction and classification of nonstationary signals based on the multiresolution signal decomposition
* Feature Extraction and Decision Procedure for Automated Inspection of Textured Materials
* Feature extraction and dimensionality reduction algorithms and their applications in vowel recognition
* Feature Extraction and Discriminator Design for Landmine Detection on Double-Hump Signature in Ultrawideband SAR
* Feature Extraction and Grain Segmentation of Sandstone Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
* Feature Extraction and Image Processing
* Feature Extraction and Matching as Signal Detection
* Feature Extraction and Processing on Mesh Representation
* Feature Extraction and Recognition of Ventilator Vibration Signal Based on ICA/SVM
* Feature extraction and relevance evaluation for heterogeneous image database recognition
* Feature extraction and representation learning of 3D point cloud data
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from EEG
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Emotion Recognition from Electrodermal Activity
* Feature Extraction and Selection for Recognizing Humans by Their Gait
* Feature Extraction and Selection in Archaeological Images for Automatic Annotation
* Feature Extraction and Selection of Sentinel-1 Dual-Pol Data for Global-Scale Local Climate Zone Classification
* Feature Extraction and Selection via Robust Discriminant Analysis and Class Sparsity
* Feature extraction and soft segmentation of texture images
* Feature Extraction and Tracking of CNN Segmentations for Improved Road Detection from Satellite Imagery
* Feature extraction approaches based on matrix pattern: MatPCA and MatFLDA
* Feature Extraction as Ellipse of Wild-Life Images
* Feature Extraction Based on Bandpass Filtering for Frog Call Classification
* Feature Extraction Based on Class Mean Embedding (CME)
* Feature Extraction Based on Co-occurrence of Adjacent Local Binary Patterns
* Feature Extraction Based on Decision Boundaries
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy class mean embedding (FCME) with its application to face and palm biometrics
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy local discriminant embedding with applications to face recognition
* Feature extraction based on fuzzy set theory for handwriting recognition
* Feature extraction based on Laplacian bidirectional maximum margin criterion
* Feature Extraction based on Local Maximum Margin Criterion
* Feature extraction based on Lp-norm generalized principal component analysis
* Feature extraction based on sparse representation with application to epileptic EEG classification
* Feature extraction based on stroke orientation estimation technique for handwritten numeral
* Feature extraction based on the Bhattacharyya distance
* Feature extraction based on the embedded zero-tree DCT for face recognition
* Feature Extraction by Golay Hexagonal Pattern Transforms
* Feature extraction by hierarchical overlapped elastic meshing for handwritten Chinese character recognition
* Feature Extraction by Joint Robust Discriminant Analysis and Inter-class Sparsity
* Feature extraction by learning Lorentzian metric tensor and its extensions
* Feature Extraction by Maximizing the Average Neighborhood Margin
* Feature Extraction by Neural Network Nonlinear Mapping for Pattern Classification
* Feature Extraction by Rank-Order Filtering for Image Segmentation
* Feature Extraction by Using Dual-Generalized Discriminative Common Vectors
* Feature Extraction for 3D Model Building and Recognition
* Feature extraction for a multiple pattern classification neural network system
* Feature Extraction for a Precise Characterization of Microcalcifications in Mammograms
* Feature Extraction for Advanced Control of Flexible Forming Processes
* Feature Extraction for Bank Note Classification Using Wavelet Transform
* Feature Extraction for Boundary Models of Three-Dimensional Objects
* Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral and LiDAR Data Using Patch-to-Patch CNN
* Feature Extraction for Classification of Thin-Layer Chromatography Images
* Feature Extraction for Classification Problems and Its Application to Face Recognition
* Feature extraction for different distances of visible reflection iris using multiscale sparse representation of local Radon transform
* Feature Extraction for Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
* Feature extraction for fingerprint classification
* Feature Extraction for Improved Effcacy and Precision of a Robust and Automatic Registration Method
* Feature Extraction for Improved Profile HMM Based Biological Sequence Analysis
* Feature Extraction for Iris Recognition Based on Optimized Convolution Kernels
* Feature Extraction for Localization
* Feature extraction for man-made objects segmentation in aerial images
* Feature Extraction for Moving Targets Based on the Statistical Characteristics of Echo Amplitude with the L-Band Fully Polarimetric Radar
* Feature extraction for NDVI AVHRR/NOAA time series classification
* Feature extraction for novelty detection as applied to fault detection in machinery
* Feature Extraction for Oil Spill Detection Based on SAR Images
* Feature extraction for one-class classification problems: Enhancements to biased discriminant analysis
* Feature Extraction for Online Farsi Characters
* Feature Extraction for Quality Assessment of Aerial Image Segmentation
* Feature Extraction for Regression Problems and an Example Application for Pose Estimation of a Face
* Feature Extraction for Simple Classification
* Feature extraction for texture classification
* Feature Extraction for Texture Discrimination
* Feature extraction for the analysis of gait and human motion
* Feature extraction for vision-guided road vehicles
* Feature Extraction For Visual Speaker Authentication Against Computer-Generated Video Attacks
* Feature Extraction from Aerial Images and Structural Stereo Matching
* Feature extraction from bilateral dissimilarity in digital breast tomosynthesis reconstructed volume
* Feature Extraction from Contours Shape for Tumor Analyzing in Mammographic Images
* Feature Extraction from Discrete Attributes
* Feature extraction from EEG spectrograms for epileptic seizure detection
* Feature Extraction from Faces Using Deformable Templates
* Feature extraction from histopathological images based on nucleus-guided convolutional neural network for breast lesion classification
* Feature extraction from hyperspectral images compressed using the jpeg-2000 standard
* Feature Extraction from Micrographs of Forged Nickel Based Alloy
* Feature Extraction from Wavelet Coefficients for Pattern Recognition Tasks
* Feature extraction in 2-D short-axis echocardiographic images
* Feature Extraction in an Optical Character Recognition Machine
* Feature extraction in computerized approach to the ECG analysis
* Feature extraction in pattern recognition
* Feature Extraction in the North Sinai Desert Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: Potential Archaeological Applications
* Feature extraction method based on cascade noise elimination for sketch recognition
* Feature Extraction Method Based on the Generalised Fisher Discriminant Criterion and Facial Recognition
* Feature extraction method for breast cancer diagnosis in digital mammograms using multi-resolution transformations and SVM-fuzzy logic classifier
* Feature Extraction Method for Palmprint Considering Elimination of Creases
* feature extraction method for use with bimodal biometrics, A
* Feature extraction methods applied to the clustering of electrocardiographi signals. a comparative study
* Feature Extraction Methods for Palmprint Recognition: A Survey and Evaluation
* Feature Extraction Methods for Real-Time Face Detection and Classification
* Feature Extraction of 2D Radar Profile via Double-Sides 2DPCA for Target Recognition
* Feature Extraction of Chromosomes from 3D Confocal Microscope images
* Feature Extraction of Convex Surfaces on Blood Vessels Using Cone-Beam CT Images
* Feature Extraction of Edge by Directional Computation of Gray-Scale Variation
* Feature extraction of finger-vein patterns based on repeated line tracking and its application to personal identification
* Feature Extraction of Handwritten Japanese Characters by Spline Functions for Relaxation Matching
* Feature extraction of handwritten Kannada characters using curvelets and principal component analysis
* Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Image Cubes Using Three-Dimensional Gray-Level Cooccurrence
* Feature extraction of hyperspectral images based on preserving neighborhood discriminant embedding
* Feature extraction of hyperspectral images using wavelet and matching pursuit
* Feature Extraction of Hyperspectral Images With Image Fusion and Recursive Filtering
* Feature Extraction of Non-Stained Melanocyte Cells
* feature extraction of nonparametric curves based on niche genetic algorithms and multi-population competition, The
* Feature Extraction of Radar Emitter Harmonic Power Constraint Based on Nonlinear Characters of the Amplifier
* Feature Extraction of Rotor Systems with Coupling Fault with Crack and Rub-Impact
* Feature Extraction of Temporal Texture Based on Spatiotemporal Motion Trajectory
* Feature Extraction of the Euclidean Distance Transform
* Feature Extraction of Three-Dimensional Objects and Visual Processing in a Hand-Eye System Using Laser Tracker
* Feature Extraction of Weighted Data for Implicit Variable Selection
* Feature extraction on 3-D TexMesh using scale-space analysis and perceptual evaluation
* Feature Extraction on Binary Patterns
* feature extraction software tool for agricultural object-based image analysis, A
* Feature extraction system and face image recognition system
* Feature extraction technique for use in a pattern recognition system
* Feature extraction techniques for abandoned object classification in video surveillance
* Feature extraction through Binary Pattern of Phase Congruency for facial expression recognition
* Feature extraction through generalization of histogram refinement technique for local region-based object attributes
* Feature Extraction Used for Face Localization Based on Skin Color
* Feature Extraction Using a Chaincoded Contour Representation of Fingerprint Images
* Feature Extraction using Attributed Scattering Center Models for Model-Based Automatic Target Recognition
* Feature extraction using bionic particle swarm tracing for transfer function design in direct volume rendering
* Feature Extraction Using Circular Statistics Applied to Volcano Monitoring
* Feature Extraction Using Clustering of Protein
* Feature extraction using constrained maximum variance mapping
* Feature extraction using discrete cosine transform and discrimination power analysis with a face recognition technology
* Feature extraction using gaze of participants for classifying gender of pedestrians in images
* Feature extraction using HHT-based locally optimized short-time fractional Fourier transform for speaker recognition
* Feature Extraction Using Information-Theoretic Learning
* Feature Extraction Using Low-Rank Approximations of the Kernel Matrix
* Feature Extraction Using Reconfigurable Hardware
* Feature Extraction Using Recursive Cluster-Based Linear Discriminant With Application to Face Recognition
* Feature extraction using two-dimensional neighborhood margin and variation embedding
* Feature extraction using wavelet and fractal
* Feature Extraction via 3-D Block Characteristics Sharing for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature Extraction via Multi-View Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Local Graph Regularization
* Feature Extraction with Convolutional Neural Networks for Handwritten Word Recognition
* Feature Extraction with Genetic Algorithms Based Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis for Face Recognition
* Feature Extraction with Intrinsic Distortion Correction in Celiac Disease Imagery: No Need for Rasterization
* Feature Extraction With Multiscale Covariance Maps for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature Extraction Without Edge Detection
* Feature Extraction: A Survey
* Feature Extractions for Small Sample Size Classification Problem
* Feature extractor selection for face-iris multimodal recognition
* Feature Filtering and Selection for Dry Matter Estimation On Perennial Ryegrass: a Case Study of Vegetation Indices
* Feature fine-tuning and attribute representation transformation for zero-shot learning
* Feature First: Advancing Image-Text Retrieval Through Improved Visual Features
* Feature flow: In-network feature flow estimation for video object detection
* Feature fluctuation absorption for a quick audio retrieval from long recordings
* Feature for Character Recognition Based on Directional Distance Distributions, A
* Feature Frequency Matrices as Texture Image Representation
* Feature Fusion-Based Inconsistency Evaluation for Battery Pack: Improved Gaussian Mixture Model
* Feature fusion and latent feature learning guided brain tumor segmentation and missing modality recovery network
* Feature Fusion Approach for Temporal Land Use Mapping in Complex Agricultural Areas
* Feature Fusion Based Dense Estimation Model for 3D Human Pose, A
* Feature Fusion Based Face Recognition Using EFM
* Feature Fusion by Similarity Regression for Logo Retrieval
* Feature Fusion Enhanced Super Resolution for Low Bitrate Screen Content Compression
* Feature Fusion Ensemble Architecture With Active Learning for Microscopic Blood Smear Analysis
* Feature fusion for 3D hand gesture recognition by learning a shared hidden space
* Feature Fusion for Blurring Detection in Image Forensics
* Feature fusion for facial landmark detection
* Feature fusion for image texture segmentation
* Feature Fusion for Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Deep Canonical Correlation Analysis
* Feature fusion for object detection at one map
* Feature Fusion for Online Mutual Knowledge Distillation
* Feature Fusion for Robust Object Tracking Using Fragmented Particles
* Feature fusion for robust object tracking
* Feature fusion for vehicle detection and tracking with low-angle cameras
* Feature Fusion Framework and Its Application to Automatic Seizure Detection, A
* feature fusion framework for hashing, A
* Feature Fusion Hierarchies for gender classification
* Feature Fusion Method Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis and Handwritten Character Recognition
* Feature fusion method based on spiking neural convolutional network for edge detection
* Feature fusion method using BoVW framework for enhancing image retrieval
* Feature fusion network based on attention mechanism for 3D semantic segmentation of point clouds
* Feature fusion network for long-tailed visual recognition
* Feature Fusion Network for Scene Text Detection
* Feature Fusion of Face and Body for Engagement Intensity Detection
* Feature Fusion of Face and Gait for Human Recognition at a Distance in Video
* Feature fusion of side face and gait for video-based human identification
* Feature fusion over hyperbolic graph convolution networks for video summarisation
* Feature fusion quality assessment model for DASH video streaming
* feature fusion strategy for person re-identification, A
* Feature Fusion Super Resolution Network with Gradient Guidance
* Feature fusion via dual-resolution compressive measurement matrix analysis for spectral image classification
* Feature Fusion With Predictive Weighting for Spectral Image Classification and Segmentation
* Feature fusion within local region using localized maximum-margin learning for scene categorization
* Feature fusion: parallel strategy vs. serial strategy
* Feature GANs: A Model for Data Enhancement and Sample Balance of Foreign Object Detection in High Voltage Transmission Lines
* Feature Generating Networks for Zero-Shot Learning
* Feature generation and machine learning for robust multimodal biometrics
* Feature generation based on relation learning and image partition for occluded person re-identification
* Feature generation using genetic programming with application to fault classification
* feature group weighting method for subspace clustering of high-dimensional data, A
* Feature grouping and local soft match for mobile visual search
* Feature Grouping Based on Graphs and Neural Networks
* Feature grouping by relocalisation of eigenvectors of the proximity matrix
* Feature Grouping in a Hierarchical Probabilistic Network
* Feature Guide: a Statistically Based Feature Selection Scheme
* Feature guided motion artifact reduction with structure-awareness in 4D CT images
* Feature Guided Pixel Matching and Segmentation in Motion Image Sequences
* Feature hallucination in hypersphere space for few-shot classification
* Feature Hierarchies for Object Classification
* Feature histogram equalization for feature contrast enhancement
* Feature identification and model tracking for model-based coding
* Feature Identification as an Aid to Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Feature Identification for Hybrid Structural/Statistical Pattern Classification
* Feature Identification from Vectorized Mechanical Drawings
* Feature identification in the time-frequency plane by using the Hough-Radon transform
* Feature Identification System for Electron Magnetic Resonance Tomography: Fusion of Principal Components Transform, Color Quantization and Boundary Information, A
* Feature Importance-aware Transferable Adversarial Attacks
* Feature Importance Analysis for Local Climate Zone Classification Using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network with Multi-Source Datasets
* Feature Importance for Clustering
* Feature Importance in Nonlinear Embeddings (FINE): Applications in Digital Pathology
* Feature Importance Ranking of Random Forest-Based End-to-End Learning Algorithm
* Feature incremental learning with causality
* Feature independent Filter Pruning by Successive Layers analysis
* feature information based approach for enhancing score-level fusion in multi-sample biometric systems, A
* Feature Integration and Relevance Feedback Analysis in Image Similarity Evaluation
* Feature integration of EODH and Color-SIFT: Application to image retrieval based on codebook
* Feature Integration via Back-Projection Ordering Multi-Modal Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model for Rating Prediction
* Feature Integration Via Geometrical Supervised Multi-View Multi-Label Canonical Correlation For Incomplete Label Assignment
* Feature Interaction Augmented Sparse Learning for Fast Kinect Motion Detection
* Feature Interaction Descriptor for Pedestrian Detection
* Feature interaction in subspace clustering using the Choquet integral
* Feature Interaction Learning Network for Cross-Spectral Image Patch Matching
* Feature Interaction Maximisation
* Feature Interactive Representation for Point Cloud Registration
* Feature Kernel Functions: Improving SVMs Using High-Level Knowledge
* Feature labelling in infrared oceanographic images
* Feature learning and change feature classification based on deep learning for ternary change detection in SAR images
* Feature Learning and Object Recognition Framework for Underwater Fish Images, A
* Feature learning and patch matching for diverse image inpainting
* Feature Learning Based Approach for Weed Classification Using High Resolution Aerial Images from a Digital Camera Mounted on a UAV
* Feature learning based on connectivity estimation for unbiased mammography mass classification
* Feature Learning for Footnote-Based Document Image Classification
* Feature Learning for One-Shot Face Recognition
* Feature Learning for Recognition with Bayesian Networks
* Feature Learning for SAR Target Recognition with Unknown Classes by Using CVAE-GAN
* Feature Learning for the Image Retrieval Task
* Feature Learning from Spectrograms for Assessment of Personality Traits
* Feature Learning Network with Transformer for Multi-Label Image Classification
* Feature Learning Using Bayesian Linear Regression Model
* Feature learning using Generalized Extreme Value distribution based K-means clustering
* Feature Learning Using Spatial-Spectral Hypergraph Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image
* Feature learning via partial differential equation with applications to face recognition
* Feature learning with a genetic algorithm for fluorescence fingerprinting of plant species
* Feature Learning with Rank-Based Candidate Selection for Product Search
* Feature Level Clustering of Large Biometric Database
* Feature Level Fusion of Face and Fingerprint Biometrics
* Feature level fusion of range and intensity images of an object
* Feature level MRI fusion based on 3D dual tree compactly supported Shearlet transform
* Feature Line Based Building Detection and Reconstruction from Oblique Airborne Imagery
* Feature Line Embedding Based on Support Vector Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature line extraction from unorganized noisy point clouds using truncated Fourier series
* Feature Line Extraction Method for Building Roof Point Clouds Considering the Grid Center of Gravity Distribution, A
* Feature Line Extraction On Meshes Through Vertex Marking And 2d Topological Operators
* Feature Line Generation and Regularization From Point Clouds
* Feature Management for Efficient Camera Tracking
* Feature Management for Large Video Databases
* Feature Map Augmentation to Improve Rotation Invariance in Convolutional Neural Networks
* Feature Map Consisting of Orientation and Inter-ridge Spacing for Fingerprint Retrieval, A
* Feature Map Distillation of Thin Nets for Low-Resolution Object Recognition
* Feature Map Quality Score Estimation Through Regression
* Feature Map Retargeting to Classify Biomedical Journal Figures
* Feature Mapping and View Planning with Localized Surface Parameters
* Feature Mapping for Learning Fast and Accurate 3D Pose Inference from Synthetic Images
* Feature Maps Channel Augmentation for Object Detection
* Feature mask network for person re-identification
* Feature Masking on Non-Overlapping Regions for Detecting Dense Cells in Blood Smear Image
* Feature Matching and Pose Estimation Using Newton Iteration
* Feature matching based on unsupervised manifold alignment
* Feature matching by searching maximum clique on high order association graph
* Feature matching constrained by cross ratio invariance
* Feature matching evaluation for multimodal correspondence
* Feature Matching for Building Extraction from Multiple Views
* Feature matching for multi-epoch historical aerial images
* Feature Matching for Object Localization in the Presence of Uncertainty
* Feature Matching for Remote-Sensing Image Registration via Neighborhood Topological and Affine Consistency
* Feature Matching in 360^o Waveforms for Robot Navigation
* Feature matching in growing databases
* Feature matching in omnidirectional images with a large sensor motion for map generation of a mobile robot
* Feature matching in stereo images encouraging uniform spatial distribution
* Feature matching in underwater environments using sparse linear combinations
* Feature matching of remote-sensing images based on bilateral local-global structure consistency
* Feature Matching under Region-Based Constraints for Robust Epipolar Geometry Estimation
* Feature Matching via Motion-Consistency Driven Probabilistic Graphical Model
* Feature Matching with Affine-Function Transformation Models
* Feature Matching With Intra-Group Sparse Model
* Feature Merged Network for Oil Spill Detection Using SAR Images
* Feature mining and pattern classification for steganalysis of LSB matching steganography in grayscale images
* Feature Mining for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feature Mining for Image Classification
* Feature Mining for Localised Crowd Counting
* Feature Mixture on Pre-Trained Model for Few-Shot Learning
* Feature Modelling of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Considering Spatial Autocorrelation
* Feature Modelling of PCA Difference Vectors for 2D and 3D Face Recognition
* Feature Modulation Transformer: Cross-Refinement of Global Representation via High-Frequency Prior for Image Super-Resolution
* Feature Neighbourhood Mutual Information for multi-modal image registration: An application to eye fundus imaging
* Feature Nonlinear Transformation Non-Negative Matrix Factorization with Kullback-Leibler Divergence
* Feature normalization and likelihood-based similarity measures for image retrieval
* Feature normalization for part-based image classification
* Feature Normalization for Video Indexing and Retrieval
* Feature Normalization via Expectation Maximization and Unsupervised Nonparametric Classification For M-FISH Chromosome Images
* Feature Normalized Knowledge Distillation for Image Classification
* Feature of Ionospheric Mid-Latitude Trough during Geomagnetic Storms Derived from GPS Total Electron Content (TEC) Data, The
* Feature optimisation for stress recognition in speech
* Feature Orientation And Positional Accuracy Assessment of Digital Orthophoto And Line Map for Large Scale Mapping: the Case Study On Bahir Dar Town, Ethiopia
* Feature Over-Selection
* Feature Pair Fusion and Hierarchical Learning Framework for Video Re-Localization, A
* Feature Pairs Connected by Lines for Object Recognition
* Feature Passing Learning for Image Steganalysis
* Feature perturbation augmentation for reliable evaluation of importance estimators in neural networks
* Feature Planning for Robust Execution of General Robot Tasks using Visual Servoing
* Feature Point Clustering Approach to the Recognition of Form Documents, A
* Feature Point Correspondence in the Presence of Occlusion
* Feature Point Detection and Curve Approximation for Early Processing of Free-Hand Sketches
* Feature Point Extraction and Matching Method Based on Akaze in Illumination Invariant Color Space
* Feature point extraction using scale-space representation
* Feature point identification and regional registration in sequences of non-structured texture images
* Feature Point Matching Based on Spatial Order Constraints Bilateral-Neighbor Vote, A
* Feature Point Matching in Cross-Spectral Images with Cycle Consistency Learning
* Feature Point Matching in Image Sequences
* Feature Point Tracking Algorithm Evaluation for Augmented Reality in Handheld Devices
* Feature Point Tracking in Time-Varying Images
* Feature Points Densification and Refinement
* Feature Points Detection Using Combined Character Along Principal Orientation
* Feature Points Tracking: Robustness to Specular Highlights and Lighting Changes
* Feature Pooling of Modulation Spectrum Features for Improved Speech Emotion Recognition in the Wild
* Feature Positioning On Google Street View Panoramas
* Feature Prediction Diffusion Model for Video Anomaly Detection
* Feature preserving 3D mesh denoising with a Dense Local Graph Neural Network
* Feature preserving anisotropic diffusion for image restoration
* Feature preserving image compression
* Feature Preserving Image Smoothing Using a Continuous Mixture of Tensors
* Feature Preserving Non-Rigid Iterative Weighted Closest Point and Semi-Curvature Registration
* Feature Processing and Modeling for 6D Motion Gesture Recognition
* Feature Proliferation: the Cancer in StyleGAN and its Treatments
* Feature proposal model on multidimensional data clustering and its application
* Feature Pyramid and Hierarchical Boosting Network for Pavement Crack Detection
* Feature Pyramid Hierarchies for Multi-scale Temporal Action Detection
* Feature Pyramid Network for Multi-class Land Segmentation
* Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection
* Feature Pyramid Reconfiguration With Consistent Loss for Object Detection
* Feature Pyramid Transformer
* Feature pyramid U-Net for retinal vessel segmentation
* Feature Quality-Based Dynamic Feature Selection for Improving Salient Object Detection
* Feature Quantization for Defending Against Distortion of Images
* Feature Quarrels: The Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory for Image Segmentation Using a Variational Framework
* Feature Query Networks: Neural Surface Description for Camera Pose Refinement
* Feature Ranking Algorithms for Improving Classification of Vector Space Embedded Graphs
* Feature Ranking Based on Decision Border
* Feature Ranking in Dynamic Texture Clustering
* Feature Re-Representation and Reliable Pseudo Label Retraining for Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation
* feature re-weighting approach for relevance feedback in image retrieval, A
* Feature Re-weighting in Content-Based Image Retrieval
* Feature Recognition in Line Drawings Using Regular Expressions
* Feature Recognition in Solar Images
* Feature Recognition Using Correlated Information Contained in Multiple Neighborhoods
* Feature recognition using loose gray scale template matching
* Feature reconstruction and metric based network for few-shot object detection
* Feature rectification and enhancement for no-reference image quality assessment
* Feature Reduction and Hierarchy of Classifiers for Fast Object Detection in Video Images
* Feature Reduction and Unsupervised Classification Algorithm for Multispectral Data, A
* Feature reduction for classification of multidimensional data
* Feature Refinement and Filter Network for Person Re-Identification
* Feature refinement for image-based driver action recognition via multi-scale attention convolutional neural network
* Feature Refinement Module for Light-Weight Semantic Segmentation Network, A
* Feature refinement: An expression-specific feature learning and fusion method for micro-expression recognition
* Feature regions based on graph optimization for robust reversible watermarking
* Feature Regression for Multimodal Image Analysis
* Feature Relation Guided Cross-View Image Based Geo-Localization
* Feature Relevance for Kernel Logistic Regression and Application to Action Classification
* Feature Relevance Learning with Query Shifting for Content-based Image Retrieval
* Feature Relevance Network-Based Transfer Learning for Indoor Location Estimation
* Feature Repetitiveness Similarity Metrics in Visual Search
* Feature representation and discrimination based on Gaussian mixture model probability densities: Practices and algorithms
* Feature Representation and Signal Classification in Fluorescence in-Situ Hybridization Image Analysis
* Feature Representation for Map Building and Path Planning, A
* Feature representation for statistical-learning-based object detection: A review
* Feature Representation Learning for Calving Detection of Cows Using Video Frames
* Feature Representation Learning for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Image Retrieval
* Feature Representation Learning with Adaptive Displacement Generation and Transformer Fusion for Micro-Expression Recognition
* Feature Representation Matters: End-to-end Learning for Reference-based Image Super-resolution
* Feature representation of RGB-D images using joint spatial-depth feature pooling
* Feature Representation: Both Components of the Fourier Transform vs. Hartley Transform
* Feature Representations for Scene Text Character Recognition: A Comparative Study
* Feature saliency analysis for perceptual similarity of clustered microcalcifications
* Feature sampling strategies for action recognition
* Feature Scalar Field Grid-Guided Optical-Flow Image Matching for Multi-View Images of Asteroid
* Feature seeding for action recognition
* Feature segmentation
* Feature selection-based approach for urban short-term travel speed prediction
* Feature Selection Algorithm and Cobweb Correlation
* feature selection algorithm for handwritten character recognition, A
* Feature selection algorithm for mixed data with both nominal and continuous features
* Feature selection algorithms for the generation of multiple classifier systems and their application to handwritten word recognition
* Feature selection algorithms to find strong genes
* Feature Selection and Binarization for On-Line Signature Recognition
* Feature Selection and Classification Based on Ant Colony Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images
* Feature selection and classification using bio-inspired algorithms for the diagnosis of pulmonary emphysema subtypes
* Feature Selection and Concept of Immediate Neighborhood in the Context of Clustering Techniques
* Feature Selection and Discretization based on Mutual Information
* Feature Selection and Extraction
* Feature Selection and Fuzzy Rule Mining for Epileptic Patients from Clinical EEG Data
* Feature selection and gene clustering from gene expression data
* Feature Selection and Kernel Learning for Local Learning-Based Clustering
* Feature selection and learning curves of a multilayer perceptron chromosome classifier
* Feature selection and learning for graphlet kernel
* Feature Selection and Mislabeled Waveform Correction for Water-Land Discrimination Using Airborne Infrared Laser
* Feature selection and patch-based segmentation in MRI for prostate radiotherapy
* Feature Selection and Super Data Compression for Pictures Occurring in Remote Conference and Classroom Communications
* Feature Selection Approach for Evaluate the Inference of GRNs Through Biological Data Integration - A Case Study on A. Thaliana, A
* Feature Selection as a Hedonic Coalition Formation Game for Arabic Topic Detection
* Feature selection based on a black hole model of data reorganization
* Feature Selection Based on a New Formulation of the Minimal-Redundancy-Maximal-Relevance Criterion
* Feature Selection Based on Dependency Margin
* Feature Selection Based on Divergence for Empirical Class Densities
* Feature Selection Based on Evolution Strategy for Character Recognition
* Feature selection based on fuzzy-neighborhood relative decision entropy
* Feature Selection Based on High Dimensional Model Representation for Hyperspectral Images
* Feature Selection Based on Information Theory for Speaker Verification
* Feature Selection Based on Intrusive Outliers Rather Than All Instances
* Feature selection based on loss-margin of nearest neighbor classification
* Feature Selection Based on Maximizing Separability in Gauss Mixture Model and its Application to Image Classification
* Feature Selection Based on Modified Bat Algorithm
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Correlation
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information for Language Recognition
* Feature Selection Based on Mutual Information: Criteria of Max-Dependency, Max-Relevance, and Min-Redundancy
* Feature selection based on pairwise evalution
* Feature Selection Based on Principal Component Regression for Underwater Source Localization by Deep Learning
* Feature selection based on rough sets and particle swarm optimization
* Feature Selection Based on Run Covering
* Feature selection based on some homogeneity coefficient
* Feature Selection Based on SVM Significance Maps for Classification of Dementia
* Feature Selection Based on Tensor Decomposition and Object Proposal for Night-Time Multiclass Vehicle Detection
* Feature Selection Based on the Approximation of Class Densities by Finite Mixtures of Special Type
* Feature Selection based on the Bhattacharyya Distance
* Feature selection based on the structural indices of categories
* Feature selection based on the training set manipulation
* Feature Selection Based Transfer Subspace Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition
* Feature selection by interactive clustering
* Feature selection by maximizing correlation information for integrated high-dimensional protein data
* Feature selection by maximum marginal diversity: Optimality and Implications for Visual Recognition
* Feature Selection by Relevance Analysis for Abandoned Object Classification
* Feature selection by Universum embedding
* Feature selection combining genetic algorithm and Adaboost classifiers
* Feature selection considering the composition of feature relevancy
* Feature Selection Embedded Subspace Clustering
* Feature Selection Ensemble for Symbolic Data Classification with AHP
* Feature selection focused within error clusters
* Feature Selection for Airbone LiDAR Point Cloud Classification
* Feature Selection for Automatic Image Annotation
* Feature selection for best mean square approximation of class densities
* Feature Selection for Big Visual Data: Overview and Challenges
* Feature Selection for Classification of Hyperspectral Data by SVM
* Feature Selection for Classification Using Genetic Algorithms with a Novel Encoding
* Feature selection for classifying high-dimensional numerical data
* Feature selection for clustering with constraints using Jensen-Shannon divergence
* Feature selection for content-based image retrieval
* Feature Selection for Edge Detection in PolSAR Images
* Feature Selection For Enhanced Spectral Shape Comparison
* Feature selection for ensembles applied to handwriting recognition
* Feature selection for ensembles: A hierarchical multi-objective genetic algorithm approach
* Feature Selection for Evaluating Fluorescence Microscopy Images in Genome-Wide Cell Screens
* Feature selection for event extraction in biomedical text
* Feature Selection for Face Detection
* Feature selection for face recognition based on data partitioning
* Feature selection for facial expression recognition
* Feature Selection for Forensic Handwriting Identification
* Feature Selection for Gait Recognition without Subject Cooperation
* Feature Selection for Gender Classification
* Feature Selection for Graph-Based Image Classifiers
* Feature Selection for Identifying Critical Variables of Principal Components Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Rule
* Feature Selection for Image Categorization
* Feature selection for improved 3D facial expression recognition
* Feature selection for linear support vector machines
* Feature selection for linear SVM with provable guarantees
* Feature selection for low bit rate mobile augmented reality applications
* Feature selection for low error rate OCR
* Feature selection for multi-label classification using multivariate mutual information
* Feature selection for multiclass discrimination via mixed-integer linear programming
* Feature selection for multilabel classification with missing labels via multi-scale fusion fuzzy uncertainty measures
* Feature Selection for Multimedia Analysis by Sharing Information Among Multiple Tasks
* Feature selection for multiple binary classification problems
* Feature Selection for Nonstationary Data: Application to Human Recognition Using Medical Biometrics
* Feature Selection for Object Tracking in Traffic Scenes
* Feature selection for pose invariant face recognition
* Feature selection for position estimation using an omnidirectional camera
* Feature selection for real-time image matching systems
* Feature selection for regression problems based on the Morisita estimator of intrinsic dimension
* Feature selection for reliable data association in visual SLAM
* Feature selection for reliable tracking using template matching
* Feature Selection for Retrieval Purposes
* Feature Selection for Robust Color Image Retrieval
* Feature Selection for SAR Target Discrimination and Efficient Two-Stage Detection Method
* Feature selection for semi supervised learning applied to image retrieval
* Feature selection for subject identification in surveillance photos
* Feature Selection for Support Vector Machines
* Feature Selection for SVM-Based Vascular Anomaly Detection
* Feature Selection for Target Detection in SAR Images
* Feature Selection for Texture Recognition Based on Image Synthesis
* Feature Selection for Texture Segmentation
* Feature selection for the fusion of face and palmprint biometrics
* Feature selection for the tree-wavelet transform
* Feature Selection for Tracker-Less Human Activity Recognition
* Feature selection for unsupervised and supervised inference: The emergence of sparsity in a weighted-based approach
* Feature selection for unsupervised discovery of statistical temporal structures in video
* Feature selection for unsupervised learning through local learning
* Feature Selection for Zero-Shot Gesture Recognition
* Feature selection from high-order tensorial data via sparse decomposition
* Feature selection from high resolution remote sensing data for biotope mapping
* Feature Selection from Huge Feature Sets
* Feature Selection in a Low Cost Signature Recognition System Based on Normalized Signatures and Fractional Distances
* Feature Selection in AVHRR Ocean Satellite Images by Means of Filter Methods
* Feature Selection in Gait Classification Using Geometric PSO Assisted by SVM
* Feature selection in human auditory perception
* Feature Selection in Melanoma Recognition
* Feature selection in mixed data: A method using a novel fuzzy rough set-based information entropy
* Feature selection in multimedia: The state-of-the-art review
* Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition or Clustering
* Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition
* Feature selection in possibilistic modeling
* Feature Selection in Regression Tasks Using Conditional Mutual Information
* Feature selection in robust clustering based on Laplace mixture
* Feature Selection in Supervised Saliency Prediction
* Feature selection in the independent component subspace for face recognition
* Feature Selection Inspired Classifier Ensemble Reduction
* feature selection method for multimodal multispectral LiDAR sensing, A
* Feature Selection Method for Multivariate Performance Measures, A
* feature selection method using improved regularized linear discriminant analysis, A
* Feature Selection Method Using Neural Network
* Feature selection method with joint maximal information entropy between features and class
* Feature selection methods for hidden Markov model-based speech recognition
* Feature Selection Methods for Object-Based Classification of Sub-Decimeter Resolution Digital Aerial Imagery
* Feature selection of 3D volume data through multi-dimensional transfer functions
* Feature selection of facial displays for detection of non verbal communication in natural conversation
* Feature Selection of Optical Satellite Images for Chlorophyll-a Concentration Estimation
* Feature Selection of Time Series MODIS Data for Early Crop Classification Using Random Forest: A Case Study in Kansas, USA
* Feature Selection on Affine Moment Invariants in Relation to Known Dependencies
* Feature selection on node statistics based embedding of graphs
* Feature Selection on Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery for Mapping a Landscape Infested by Parthenium Weed
* Feature Selection Scheme Based on Zero-Sum Two-Player Game
* Feature Selection Solution with High Dimensionality and Low-Sample Size for Land Cover Classification in Object-Based Image Analysis
* feature selection technique for classificatory analysis, A
* feature selection technique for generation of classification committees and its application to categorization of laryngeal images, A
* Feature Selection through Dynamic Mesh Optimization
* Feature selection to recognize text from palm leaf manuscripts
* Feature selection toolbox software package
* Feature selection toolbox
* Feature Selection using a Mixed-Norm Penalty Function
* Feature selection using a mutual information based measure
* Feature selection using bare-bones particle swarm optimization with mutual information
* Feature Selection Using Counting Grids: Application to Microarray Data
* Feature selection using Forest Optimization Algorithm
* Feature Selection Using Genetic Algorithms for Hand Posture Recognition
* Feature selection using graph cuts based on relevance and redundancy
* Feature selection using hybrid poor and rich optimization algorithm for text classification
* Feature selection using localized generalization error for supervised classification problems using RBFNN
* Feature Selection Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms for Handwritten Digit Recognition
* Feature Selection Using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition
* Feature selection using mutual information in CT colonography
* Feature Selection Using Non Linear Feature Relation Index
* Feature selection using Principal Component Analysis for massive retweet detection
* Feature Selection using Search and Learning
* Feature selection using tabu search for improving the classification rate of prostate needle biopsies
* Feature selection using tabu search method
* Feature selection using tabu search with long-term memories and probabilistic neural networks
* Feature selection via binary simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation
* Feature Selection via Cramer's V-Test Discretization for Remote-Sensing Image Classification
* Feature selection via decision tree surrogate splits
* Feature Selection via Incorporating Stiefel Manifold in Relaxed K-Means
* Feature selection via simultaneous sparse approximation for person specific face verification
* Feature Selection When Limited Numbers of Training Samples are Available
* Feature Selection with Annealing for Computer Vision and Big Data Learning
* Feature Selection with Complexity Measure in a Quadratic Programming Setting
* Feature Selection with Conjunctions of Decision Stumps and Learning from Microarray Data
* Feature selection with dynamic mutual information
* Feature selection with geometric constraints for vision-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle navigation
* Feature Selection with Kernel Class Separability
* Feature selection with kernelized multi-class support vector machine
* Feature Selection With Multi-Source Transfer
* Feature selection with neural networks
* Feature Selection with Nonparametric Statistics
* Feature selection with stochastic complexity
* Feature selections based on two-type overlap degrees and three-view granulation measures for k-nearest-neighbor rough sets
* Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection
* Feature Selective Networks for Object Detection
* Feature Sensitive Label Fusion With Random Walker for Atlas-Based Image Segmentation
* Feature sensitive mesh processing
* Feature Separation and Recalibration for Adversarial Robustness
* Feature Set Decomposition Method for the Construction of Multi-classifier Systems Trained with High-Dimensional Data, A
* Feature Set Evaluation for Offline Handwriting Recognition Systems: Application to the Recurrent Neural Network Model
* Feature Set Search Space for FuzzyBoost Learning
* Feature Sets and Dimensionality Reduction for Visual Object Detection
* Feature sets evaluation for handwritten word recognition
* Feature shift detection
* Feature Shrinkage Pyramid for Camouflaged Object Detection with Transformers
* Feature Similarity and Frequency-Based Weighted Visual Words Codebook Learning Scheme for Human Action Recognition
* Feature space analysis using low-order tensor voting
* Feature Space Augmentation for Long-tailed Data
* Feature space based image segmentation via density modification
* Feature Space Clustering for Trabecular Bone Segmentation
* Feature Space Constraint-Based Method for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Images, A
* Feature Space Data Augmentation for Viewpoint-Robust Action Recognition in Videos
* Feature space design for image recognition with image screening
* Feature space discriminant analysis for hyperspectral data feature reduction
* Feature Space Disentangling Based on Spatial Attention for Makeup Transfer
* Feature Space for Edgels in Images with Landmarks, A
* Feature Space for Face Image Processing, A
* Feature Space Hausdorff Distance for Face Recognition
* Feature Space Independent Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation via Kernel Matching
* Feature Space Interpretation of SVMs with Indefinite Kernels
* Feature Space Optimization for Semantic Video Segmentation
* Feature Space Perturbations Yield More Transferable Adversarial Examples
* Feature Space Reduction for Face Recognition with Dual Linear Discriminant Analysis
* Feature Space Reduction for Graph-Based Image Classification
* Feature space region growing
* Feature Space Trajectory Distorted Object Representation for Classification and Pose Estimation
* Feature Space Trajectory Methods for Active Computer Vision
* Feature Space Transfer for Data Augmentation
* Feature space transforms for curve detection
* Feature space video stream consistency estimation for dynamic stream weighting in audio-visual speech recognition
* Feature Space Warping Relevance Feedback with Transductive Learning
* Feature space warping: an approach to relevance feedback
* Feature specific progressive improvement for salient object detection
* Feature statistical retrieval applied to content-based copy identification
* Feature Statistics Mixing Regularization for Generative Adversarial Networks
* Feature structure fusion modelling for classification
* Feature Structure Similarity Index for Hybrid Human and Machine Vision
* Feature Subset-Selection for Classification of Histological Images
* Feature Subset Selection and Ranking for Data Dimensionality Reduction
* Feature subset selection applied to model-free gait recognition
* Feature Subset Selection for Multi-class SVM Based Image Classification
* Feature subset selection from positive and unlabelled examples
* Feature subset selection in large dimensionality domains
* Feature subset selection using a new definition of classifiability
* Feature subset selection using consensus clustering
* Feature subset selection using ICA for classifying emphysema in HRCT images
* Feature subset selection using naive Bayes for text classification
* Feature subspace determination in video-based mismatched face recognition
* Feature subspaces selection via one-class SVM: Application to textured image segmentation
* feature subtraction method for image based kinship verification under uncontrolled environments, A
* Feature Super-Resolution: Make Machine See More Clearly
* Feature Surface Extraction and Reconstruction from Industrial Components Using Multistep Segmentation and Optimization
* Feature Template Based 3d Model Retrieval
* Feature track summary visualization for sequential multi-view reconstruction
* Feature Tracking Algorithm Using Neighborhood Relaxation with Multi-Candidate Pre-Screening, A
* Feature tracking and matching in video using programmable graphics hardware
* Feature Tracking and Motion Classification Using a Switchable Model Kalman Filter
* Feature Tracking and Motion Compensation for Action Recognition
* Feature Tracking by Multiframe Relaxation
* Feature Tracking Cardiac Magnetic Resonance via Deep Learning and Spline Optimization
* Feature Tracking Evaluation for Pose Estimation in Underwater Environments
* Feature tracking for visual servoing purposes
* Feature Tracking for Wide-Baseline Image Retrieval
* Feature Tracking from an Image Sequence Using Geometric Invariants
* Feature tracking in 3-D fluid tomography sequences
* Feature Tracking in Video and Sonar Subsea Sequences with Applications
* Feature tracking using epipolar geometry for ego-motion estimation
* Feature Tracking with Automatic Selection of Spatial Scales
* Feature Trajectory Retrieval with Application to Accurate Structure and Motion Recovery
* Feature transfer and matching in disparate stereo views through the use of plane homographies
* Feature Transfer Learning for Face Recognition With Under-Represented Data
* Feature Transformation Framework With Selective Pseudo-Labeling for 2D Image-Based 3D Shape Retrieval, A
* feature transformation method based on multi objective particle swarm optimization for reducing support vector machine error, A
* Feature transformation of biometric templates for secure biometric systems based on error correcting codes
* Feature Uncertainty Arising from Covariant Image Noise
* Feature Value Smoothing as an Aid in Texture Analysis
* Feature Variance Ratio-guided Channel Pruning for Deep Convolutional Network Acceleration
* Feature Vector Compression Based on Least Error Quantization
* Feature Vector Construction Method for Iris Recognition
* Feature Vector Definition for a Decision Tree Based Craquelure Identification in Old Paintings
* Feature vector field and feature matching
* Feature Vector Similarity Based on Local Structure
* Feature Vectors for Road Vehicle Scene Classification
* Feature Visualization and Analysis for Image Classification and Retrieval
* Feature Weakening, Contextualization, and Discrimination for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
* Feature weight estimation based on dynamic representation and neighbor sparse reconstruction
* Feature Weight Optimization and Pruning in Historical Text Recognition
* Feature Weighted Active Contours for Image Segmentation
* Feature Weighted Attention: Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Model for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* feature weighted penalty based dissimilarity measure for k-nearest neighbor classification with missing features, A
* Feature Weighting and Boosting for Few-Shot Segmentation
* Feature Weighting and Regularization of Common Spatial Patterns in EEG-Based Motor Imagery BCI
* Feature weighting and selection with a Pareto-optimal trade-off between relevancy and redundancy
* Feature weighting in DBSCAN using reverse nearest neighbours
* Feature Weighting via Optimal Thresholding for Video Analysis
* Feature wise normalization: An effective way of normalizing data
* Feature wise representation for both still and motion 3D medical images
* Feature Word Construction for Use with Pattern Recognition Algorithms: An Experimental Study
* Feature2Mass: Visual Feature Processing in Latent Space for Realistic Labeled Mass Generation
* FeatureBooster: Boosting Feature Descriptors with a Lightweight Neural Network
* FeatureFlow: Robust Video Interpolation via Structure-to-Texture Generation
* Featureless 2D-3D pose estimation by minimising an illumination-invariant loss
* Featureless 6 DoF pose refinement from stereo images
* featureless and stochastic approach to on-board stereo vision system pose, A
* Featureless Global Alignment of Multiple Images
* Featureless pattern recognition in an imaginary Hilbert space
* Featureless: Bypassing feature extraction in action categorization
* FeatureMatch: A General ANNF Estimation Technique and its Applications
* FeatureNeRF: Learning Generalizable NeRFs by Distilling Foundation Models
* FeatureNMS: Non-Maximum Suppression by Learning Feature Embeddings
* Features' value range approach to enhance the throughput of texture classification
* Features-based approach for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis using visual pattern of water diffusion in tensor diffusion imaging
* Features-Pooling Blind JPEG Image Steganalysis
* Features and Classification Methods to Locate Deciduous Trees in Images
* Features and fusion for expression recognition: A comparative analysis
* Features and Ground Automatic Extraction from Airborne Lidar Data
* Features Classification Forest: A Novel Development that is Adaptable to Robust Blind Watermarking Techniques
* Features classification using geometrical deformation feature vector of support vector machine and active appearance algorithm for automatic facial expression recognition
* Features Combined Binary Descriptor Based on Voted Ring-Sampling Pattern
* Features Descriptors for Demographic Estimation: A Comparative Study
* Features Detection and Navigation on Neurovascular Trees
* Features extracted by eigenvector methods for detecting variability of EEG signals
* Features extraction and analysis methods for sequences of ultrasound Images
* Features extraction and selection for emotional speech classification
* Features extraction for structured light image of welding seam with arc and splash disturbance
* Features extraction from hand images based on new detection operators
* Features extraction on complex images
* Features extraction using parametric snakes
* Features for Contour Matching
* Features for Detecting Obscured Objects in Ultra-Wide-Band (UWB) SAR Imagery Using a Phenomenological Approach
* Features for Image Retrieval: A Quantitative Comparison
* Features for Multi-target Multi-camera Tracking and Re-identification
* Features for neural net based region identification of newspaper documents
* Features for printed document image analysis
* features for recognition of projectively deformed point sets, The
* Features for Recognition: Viewpoint Invariance for Non-Planar Scenes
* Features for robust face-based identity verification
* Features for stochastic approximation based foreground detection
* Features for the Reconstruction of Shredded Notebook Paper
* Features for word spotting in historical manuscripts
* Features Guided Face Super-Resolution via Hybrid Model of Deep Learning and Random Forests
* Features in scale-space: progress on the 2D 2nd order jet
* Features Invariant Simultaneously to Convolution and Affine Transformation
* Features Invariant to Affine Distortions from the Trace Transform
* Features invariant to linear transformations in 2D and 3D
* Features kept generative adversarial network data augmentation strategy for hyperspectral image classification
* Features Observed in Images with Speckle
* Features of Derivative Continuity in Shape
* Features of ICU Admission In X-Ray Images of Covid-19 Patients
* Features of Internal Jugular Vein Contours for Classification
* Features of Similarity
* Features of Surfaces and Range Data, Ridges, Edges
* Features of the Cloud Base Height and Determining the Threshold of Relative Humidity over Southeast China
* Features of the Extreme Fire Season of 2021 in Yakutia (Eastern Siberia) and Heavy Air Pollution Caused by Biomass Burning
* Features of the Geodetic Reference of Satellite Images, The
* features of the use of GIS technologies for monitoring of the situation of main water lines in Azerbaijan, The
* Features of Winter Stratosphere Small-Scale Disturbance during Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
* Features People Use to Recognize Human Movement Style, The
* Features selection and 'possibility theory'
* Features Selection Based on Modified PSO Algorithm for 2D Face Recognition
* Features selection for offline handwritten signature verification: state of the art
* Features Understanding in 3D CNNs for Actions Recognition in Video
* Features versus Context: An Approach for Precise and Detailed Detection and Delineation of Faces and Facial Features
* Features we trust!
* Features with Feelings: Incorporating User Preferences in Video Categorization
* Features, Color Spaces, and Boosting: New Insights on Semantic Classification of Remote Sensing Images
* FeaturEyeTrack: automatic matching of eye tracking data with map features on interactive maps
* Featuring Optical Rails: View-based robot guidance using orientation features on the sphere
* FEC Coding for H.263 Compatible Video Transmission
* FEC: A Feature Fusion Framework for SAR Target Recognition Based on Electromagnetic Scattering Features and Deep CNN Features
* FedAffect: Few-shot federated learning for facial expression recognition
* FedCL: Federated contrastive learning for multi-center medical image classification
* FedCor: Correlation-Based Active Client Selection Strategy for Heterogeneous Federated Learning
* FedCorr: Multi-Stage Federated Learning for Label Noise Correction
* FedCPF: An Efficient-Communication Federated Learning Approach for Vehicular Edge Computing in 6G Communication Networks
* FedCrack: Federated Transfer Learning With Unsupervised Representation for Crack Detection
* FedCut: A Spectral Analysis Framework for Reliable Detection of Byzantine Colluders
* FedDAD: Solving the Islanding Problem of SAR Image Aircraft Detection Data
* FedDC: Federated Learning with Non-IID Data via Local Drift Decoupling and Correction
* FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space
* FedDM: Federated Weakly Supervised Segmentation via Annotation Calibration and Gradient De-Conflicting
* FedDM: Iterative Distribution Matching for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning
* FedDP: Dual Personalization in Federated Medical Image Segmentation
* FedER: Federated Learning through Experience Replay and privacy-preserving data synthesis
* Federal Biometric Technology Legislation
* Federal geomatics standards: The story so far
* Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Update
* Federated Active Learning for Multicenter Collaborative Disease Diagnosis
* Federated adaptive reweighting for medical image classification
* Federated Adversarial Domain Hallucination for Privacy-Preserving Domain Generalization
* Federated Brain Graph Evolution Prediction Using Decentralized Connectivity Datasets With Temporally-Varying Acquisitions
* Federated Catalogue for Discovering Earth Observation Data
* Federated Class-Incremental Learning
* Federated Cycling (FedCy): Semi-Supervised Federated Learning of Surgical Phases
* Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Spectrum Access Algorithm With Warranty Contract in Intelligent Transportation Systems
* Federated Domain Adaptation via Transformer for Multi-Site Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis
* Federated Domain Generalization for Image Recognition via Cross-Client Style Transfer
* Federated Domain Generalization with Generalization Adjustment
* Federated Gaussian Process: Convergence, Automatic Personalization and Multi-Fidelity Modeling
* Federated Incremental Semantic Segmentation
* Federated Intrusion Detection in Blockchain-Based Smart Transportation Systems
* Federated learning-based colorectal cancer classification by convolutional neural networks and general visual representation learning
* Federated Learning-based Driver Activity Recognition for Edge Devices
* Federated Learning-Based Edge Caching Approach for Mobile Edge Computing-Enabled Intelligent Connected Vehicles, A
* Federated Learning Approach for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
* Federated Learning Approach With Imperfect Labels in LoRa-Based Transportation Systems, A
* Federated learning based nonlinear two-stage framework for full-reference image quality assessment: An application for biometric
* Federated Learning Enabled Credit Priority Task Processing for Transportation Big Data
* Federated Learning for Commercial Image Sources
* Federated Learning for Computer Vision
* Federated learning for medical image analysis: A survey
* Federated Learning for Non-IID Data via Unified Feature Learning and Optimization Objective Alignment
* Federated Learning in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Recent Applications and Open Problems
* Federated Learning in Non-IID Settings Aided by Differentially Private Synthetic Data
* Federated Learning of Generative Image Priors for MRI Reconstruction
* Federated Learning Over Images: Vertical Decompositions and Pre-Trained Backbones Are Difficult to Beat
* Federated Learning System for Histopathology Image Analysis With an Orchestral Stain-Normalization GAN, A
* Federated Learning Via Inexact ADMM
* Federated Learning with Data-Agnostic Distribution Fusion
* Federated learning with l1 regularization
* Federated Learning with Position-Aware Neurons
* Federated Learning With Privacy-Preserving Ensemble Attention Distillation
* Federated Learning
* Federated Multi-Organ Segmentation With Inconsistent Labels
* Federated Multi-Target Domain Adaptation
* Federated Multidomain Learning With Graph Ensemble Autoencoder GMM for Emotion Recognition
* Federated Partially Supervised Learning With Limited Decentralized Medical Images
* Federated Platform Enabling a Systematic Collaboration Among Devices, Data and Functions for Smart Mobility, A
* Federated Remote Physiological Measurement with Imperfect Data
* Federated Representation Learning With Data Heterogeneity for Human Mobility Prediction
* Federated Self-supervised Learning for Video Understanding
* Federated Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation via Prototype-Based Pseudo-Labeling and Contrastive Learning
* Federated Test-Time Adaptive Face Presentation Attack Detection with Dual-Phase Privacy Preservation
* Federated Trace: A Node Selection Method for More Efficient Federated Learning
* Federated Unsupervised Cluster-Contrastive learning for person Re-identification: A coarse-to-fine approach
* Federated Visual Classification with Real-World Data Distribution
* Federating recommendations using differentially private prototypes
* FedFSLAR: A Federated Learning Framework for Few-shot Action Recognition
* FedGait: A Benchmark for Federated Gait Recognition
* FedIPR: Ownership Verification for Federated Deep Neural Network Models
* FedLID: Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Leveraging Limited Image Data
* FedLive: A Federated Transmission Framework for Panoramic Livecast With Reinforced Variational Inference
* FedLTN: Federated Learning for Sparse and Personalized Lottery Ticket Networks
* FEDMBP: Multi-Branch Prototype Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data
* FedMix: Mixed Supervised Federated Learning for Medical Image Segmentation
* FedNI: Federated Graph Learning With Network Inpainting for Population-Based Disease Prediction
* FedNN: Federated learning on concept drift data using weight and adaptive group normalizations
* FedOSS: Federated Open Set Recognition via Inter-Client Discrepancy and Collaboration
* FedPD: Federated Open Set Recognition with Parameter Disentanglement
* FedPerfix: Towards Partial Model Personalization of Vision Transformers in Federated Learning
* FedRCIL: Federated Knowledge Distillation for Representation based Contrastive Incremental Learning
* FedSeg: Class-Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Semantic Segmentation
* FedServ: Federated Task Service in Fog-Enabled Internet of Vehicles
* FedSH: Towards Privacy-Preserving Text-Based Person Re-Identification
* FedSTN: Graph Representation Driven Federated Learning for Edge Computing Enabled Urban Traffic Flow Prediction
* FedVLN: Privacy-Preserving Federated Vision-and-Language Navigation
* FedX: Unsupervised Federated Learning with Cross Knowledge Distillation
* Feed-Forward ALINEA: A Ramp Metering Control Algorithm for Nearby and Distant Bottlenecks
* Feed-forward friction and inertia compensation for improving backdrivability of motors
* Feed-Forward Latent Domain Adaptation
* Feed-Forward Neural Network Denoising Applied to Goldstone Solar System Radar Images
* Feed-forward neural network optimized by hybridization of PSO and ABC for abnormal brain detection
* Feed-Forward Recovery of Motion and Structure from a Series of 2D-Lines Matches
* Feed Forward Genetic Image Network: Toward Efficient Automatic Construction of Image Processing Algorithm
* Feedback-Assisted Automatic Target and Clutter Discrimination Using a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network for Improved Explainability in SAR Applications
* feedback-based approach for segmenting handwritten legal amounts on bank cheques, A
* Feedback-based Dynamic Generalized LDA for Face Recognition
* Feedback-based error control for mobile video transmission
* Feedback-Based Error Tracking for AVS-M
* Feedback-Based Integrated Motorway Traffic Flow Control With Delay Balancing
* Feedback-Based Mainstream Traffic Flow Control for Multiple Bottlenecks on Motorways
* Feedback-Based Multi-Classifier System, A
* Feedback-based object detection for multi-person pose estimation
* Feedback-Based Ramp Metering and Lane-Changing Control With Connected and Automated Vehicles
* Feedback-Based Robust Video Stabilization Method for Traffic Videos, A
* Feedback-Coordinated Ramp Control of Consecutive On-Ramps Using Distributed Modeling and Godunov-Based Satisfiable Allocation
* Feedback-driven loss function for small object detection
* Feedback-free Wavelet Based Distributed Coding for Video
* Feedback-Prop: Convolutional Neural Network Inference Under Partial Evidence
* Feedback Acquisition and Reconstruction of Spectrum-Sparse Signals by Predictive Level Comparisons
* Feedback active noise control based on forward-backward LMS predictor
* Feedback active noise control based on transform-domain forward-backward LMS predictor
* Feedback Adversarial Learning: Spatial Feedback for Improving Generative Adversarial Networks
* Feedback and error protection strategies for wireless progressive video transmission
* Feedback and Surround Modulated Boundary Detection
* Feedback Attention-Based Dense CNN for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Feedback Cancellation With Probe Shaping Compensation
* Feedback cascade regression model for face alignment
* Feedback Channel Based Error Compensation Method for Mobile Video Communications Using H.263 Standard, A
* Feedback Control for Improvement of Image Processing: An Application of Recognition of Characters on Metallic Surfaces
* Feedback Control for Metro Lines With a Junction
* Feedback Control Model of a Gesture-Based Pointing Interface for a Large Display
* Feedback Control of Crowd Evacuation in One Dimension
* Feedback control of event cameras
* Feedback Control Strategies for Object Recognition
* Feedback Convolutional Neural Network for Visual Localization and Segmentation
* Feedback Estimation Approach for Therapeutic Facial Training, A
* Feedback evaluations to promote image captioning
* Feedback free DVC architecture using machine learning
* Feedback Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
* Feedback Loop Between High Level Semantics and Low Level Vision
* Feedback mechanism based iterative metric learning for person re-identification
* Feedback Multi-scale Residual Dense Network for image super-resolution
* Feedback Network for Image Super-Resolution
* Feedback Networks
* Feedback Pyramid Attention Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution
* Feedback Recurrent Autoencoder for Video Compression
* Feedback Refined Local-Global Network for Super-Resolution of Hyperspectral Imagery
* Feedback scheme for thermal-visible video registration, sensor fusion, and people tracking
* Feedback scheme for video compression system
* Feedback T-S fuzzy controller in finite frequency for wind energy conversion systems based on neural network
* Feedback U-net for Cell Image Segmentation
* Feedback Unilateral Grid-Based Clustering Feature Matching for Remote Sensing Image Registration
* Feedback weight convolutional neural network for gait recognition
* Feedforward Compensation-Based Finite-Time Traffic Flow Controller for Intelligent Connected Vehicle Subject to Sudden Velocity Changes of Leading Vehicle
* feedforward hybrid active noise control system in the presence of sensor error, A
* Feedforward Neural Networks for Bayes-Optimal Classification: Investigations on the Influence of the Composition of the Training Set on the Cost Function
* Feedforward Neural Networks with Multilevel Hidden Neurons for Remotely Sensed Image Classification
* Feedforward neural networks with random weights
* Feedforward semantic segmentation with zoom-out features
* Feedforward Strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Heterogeneous Vehicle Strings
* FEEL: Federated End-to-End Learning With Non-IID Data for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
* Feeling Is Believing: A Secure Template Exchange Protocol
* Feeling Sounds, Hearing Sights
* Feeling the Shape: Active Exploration Behaviors for Object Recognition With a Robotic Hand
* Feelings Elicited by Auditory Feedback from a Computationally Augmented Artifact: The Flops
* FEELVOS: Fast End-To-End Embedding Learning for Video Object Segmentation
* Feet in Human-Computer Interaction: A Survey of Foot-Based Interaction, The
* Feet movement in desktop 3D interaction
* FeEval A Dataset for Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Local Features
* FEF-Net: A Deep Learning Approach to Multiview SAR Image Target Recognition
* FEFN: Feature Enhancement Feedforward Network for Lightweight Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
* FEG Structures for Representation and Recognition of 3-D Polyhedral Objects
* FEGAN: A Feature-Oriented Enhanced GAN for Enhancing Thermal Image Super-Resolution
* FEHash: Full Entropy Hash for Face Template Protection
* Feldkamp-type cone-beam tomography in the wavelet framework
* FELGA: Unsupervised Fragment Embedding for Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Association
* Felt emotion and social context determine the intensity of smiles in a competitive video game
* FEM-Based Nonlinear MAP Estimator in Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* FEM 2D Analysis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on a Child
* FEM Flow Impact Acoustic Model Applied to Rapid Computation of Ocean-Acoustic Remote Sensing in Mesoscale Eddy Seas, A
* FEM models to code non-rigid EKF monocular SLAM
* FEMa-FS: Finite Element Machines for Feature Selection
* Female Facial Beauty Analysis Using Transfer Learning and Stacking Ensemble Model
* Femoral head segmentation based on improved fully convolutional neural network for ultrasound images
* FEMSFNet: Feature Enhancement and Multi-Scales Fusion Network for SAR Aircraft Detection
* Femto-Satellite Localization Method Based on TDOA and AOA Using Two CubeSats, A
* Femtocells in 3G Mobile Networks
* FemtoDet: An Object Detection Baseline for Energy Versus Performance Tradeoffs
* Femur Bone Segmentation Using a Pressure Analogy
* Fence Removal from Multi-focus Images
* FenceNet: Fine-grained Footwork Recognition in Fencing
* Fenchel Duality Based Dictionary Learning for Restoration of Noisy Images
* Fencing Tactics Analysis in Broadcast Video: A Point-by-Point Analytical System
* FEND: A Future Enhanced Distribution-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Long-Tail Trajectory Prediction
* FENeRF: Face Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
* FengYun-3 B Satellite Medium Resolution Spectral Imager Visible On-Board Calibrator Radiometric Output Degradation Analysis
* FengYun-3C VIRR Active Fire Monitoring: Algorithm Description and Initial Assessment Using MODIS and Landsat Data
* Fengyun-3D/MERSI-II Cloud Thermodynamic Phase Determination Using a Machine-Learning Approach
* FENP: A Database of Neonatal Facial Expression for Pain Analysis
* FEPC: Fairness Estimation Using Prototypes and Critics for Tabular Data
* FEPVNet: A Network with Adaptive Strategies for Cross-Scale Mapping of Photovoltaic Panels from Multi-Source Images
* Fer-pixel extrusion mapping: The correction of the intersection point between the extrusion geometry and the viewing ray
* FERA-Net: A Building Change Detection Method for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Residual Attention and High-Frequency Features
* FERA 2017 - Addressing Head Pose in the Third Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge
* FERET Database and Evaluation Procedure for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* FERET Database, The
* FERET Evaluation Methodology for Face-Recognition Algorithms, The
* FERET Verification Testing Protocol for Face Recognition Algorithms, The
* FerKD: Surgical Label Adaptation for Efficient Distillation
* Fermouth: Facial Emotion Recognition from the Mouth Region
* Ferrite Position Identification System Operating With Wireless Power Transfer for Intelligent Train Position Detection
* FERV39k: A Large-Scale Multi-Scene Dataset for Facial Expression Recognition in Videos
* FESID: Finite Element Scale Invariant Detector
* FESTA: Flow Estimation via Spatial-Temporal Attention for Scene Point Clouds
* FestGPU: a framework for fast robust estimation on GPU
* FET-FGVC: Feature-enhanced transformer for fine-grained visual classification
* Fetal Abdominal Standard Plane Localization through Representation Learning with Knowledge Transfer
* Fetal Brain Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Fusion Strategies
* Fetal Congenital Heart Disease Echocardiogram Screening Based on DGACNN: Adversarial One-Class Classification Combined with Video Transfer Learning
* Fetal ECG extraction using pi-Tucker decomposition
* Fetal MRI by Robust Deep Generative Prior Reconstruction and Diffeomorphic Registration
* FETNet: Feature erasing and transferring network for scene text removal
* FeTrIL: Feature Translation for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Learning
* Feudal Steering: Hierarchical Learning for Steering Angle Prediction
* FEUDOR: Feature Extraction Using Distinctive Octagonal Regions
* FeverNet: Enabling accurate and robust remote fever screening
* Few-Class Learning For Image-Classification-Aware Denoising
* Few-Example Affine Invariant Ear Detection in the Wild
* Few-Example Object Detection with Model Communication
* Few-Sample Traffic Prediction With Graph Networks Using Locale as Relational Inductive Biases
* Few-shot 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
* Few-Shot Action Recognition with Hierarchical Matching and Contrastive Learning
* Few-shot action recognition with implicit temporal alignment and pair similarity optimization
* Few-shot Action Recognition with Permutation-invariant Attention
* Few-Shot Activity Recognition with Cross-Modal Memory Network
* Few-Shot Adaptive Faster R-CNN
* Few-Shot Adaptive Gaze Estimation
* Few-shot Adaptive Object Detection with Cross-domain Cutmix
* Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models
* Few-Shot Aircraft Detection in Satellite Videos Based on Feature Scale Selection Pyramid and Proposal Contrastive Learning
* Few-Shot and Continual Learning with Attentive Independent Mechanisms
* Few-Shot Anomaly Detection Using Deep Generative Models for Grouped Data
* Few-Shot Associative Domain Adaptation for Surface Normal Estimation
* Few-shot Backdoor Defense Using Shapley Estimation
* Few-Shot Batch Incremental Road Object Detection via Detector Fusion
* Few-Shot Building Footprint Shape Classification with Relation Network
* Few-Shot Calibration of Set Predictors via Meta-Learned Cross-Validation-Based Conformal Prediction
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Audio Classification Using Dynamically Expanded Classifier With Self-Attention Modified Prototypes
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning by Sampling Multi-Phase Tasks
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning for 3D Point Cloud Objects
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning from an Open-Set Perspective
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Class-Aware Bilateral Distillation
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Compact and Separable Features for Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Entropy-Regularized Data-Free Replay
* Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
* Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning Leveraging Self-Supervised Features
* Few-shot classification guided by generalization error bound
* Few-Shot Classification in Unseen Domains by Episodic Meta-Learning Across Visual Domains
* Few-Shot Classification of Aerial Scene Images via Meta-Learning
* Few-shot classification using Gaussianisation prototypical classifier
* Few-Shot Classification with Contrastive Learning
* Few-Shot Classification with Feature Map Reconstruction Networks
* Few-shot classification with Fork Attention Adapter
* Few-shot classification with multisemantic information fusion network
* Few-shot classification with task-adaptive semantic feature learning
* Few-Shot Common-Object Reasoning Using Common-Centric Localization Network
* Few-Shot Common Action Localization via Cross-Attentional Fusion of Context and Temporal Dynamics
* Few-shot Compositional Font Generation with Dual Memory
* Few-shot Continual Infomax Learning
* Few-Shot Contrastive Transfer Learning With Pretrained Model for Masked Face Verification
* Few-Shot Dataset Distillation via Translative Pre-Training
* Few-Shot Deep Adversarial Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
* Few-shot defect classification via feature aggregation based on graph neural network
* Few-Shot Depth Completion Using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model
* Few-Shot Domain-Adaptive Anomaly Detection for Cross-Site Brain Images
* Few-Shot Domain Adaptation via Mixup Optimal Transport
* Few-Shot Drug Synergy Prediction With a Prior-Guided Hypernetwork Architecture
* Few-Shot End-to-End Object Detection via Constantly Concentrated Encoding Across Heads
* Few-Shot Event Classification in Images using Knowledge Graphs for Prompting
* Few-Shot Few-Shot Learning and the role of Spatial Attention
* Few-Shot Font Generation by Learning Fine-Grained Local Styles
* Few-Shot Font Generation with Deep Metric Learning
* Few-Shot Font Generation With Weakly Supervised Localized Representations
* Few-shot Font Style Transfer between Different Languages
* Few-shot forgery detection via Guided Adversarial Interpolation
* Few-Shot Generalization for Single-Image 3D Reconstruction via Priors
* Few-Shot Generative Model Adaptation via Style-Guided Prompt
* Few-shot generative model for skeleton-based human action synthesis using cross-domain adversarial learning
* Few-Shot Geometry-Aware Keypoint Localization
* Few-Shot Hash Learning for Image Retrieval
* Few-Shot Head Swapping in the Wild
* Few-Shot High-Resolution Range Profile Ship Target Recognition Based on Task-Specific Meta-Learning with Mixed Training and Meta Embedding
* Few-Shot Human-Object Interaction Recognition with Semantic-Guided Attentive Prototypes Network
* Few-Shot Human Motion Prediction via Meta-learning
* Few-Shot Human Motion Transfer by Personalized Geometry and Texture Modeling
* Few-shot hypercolumn-based mitochondria segmentation in cardiac and outer hair cells in focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) data
* Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Cross-Domain Spectral Semantic Relation Transformer
* Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification with Spectral-Spatial Feature Fusion Based on Fuzzy Broad Learning System
* Few-Shot Hyperspectral Image Classification With Unknown Classes Using Multitask Deep Learning
* Few-Shot Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification via an Ensemble of Meta-Optimizers with Update Integration
* Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching via Aligned Cross-Modal Memory
* Few-Shot Image Classification Along Sparse Graphs
* Few-Shot Image Classification Benchmarks are Too Far From Reality: Build Back Better with Semantic Task Sampling
* Few-shot Image Classification for Automatic Covid-19 Diagnosis
* Few-shot image classification via hybrid representation
* Few-shot Image Classification: Just Use a Library of Pre-trained Feature Extractors and a Simple Classifier
* Few-shot Image Generation via Cross-domain Correspondence
* Few-Shot Image Generation with Mixup-Based Distance Learning
* Few-Shot Image Recognition by Predicting Parameters from Activations
* Few-shot Image Recognition for UAV Sports Cinematography
* Few-Shot Image Recognition With Knowledge Transfer
* Few-shot Image Recognition with Manifolds
* Few-Shot Incremental Learning for Label-to-Image Translation
* Few-shot incremental learning with continual prototype calibration for remote sensing image fine-grained classification
* Few-Shot Incremental Learning with Continually Evolved Classifiers
* Few-shot intent detection with self-supervised pretraining and prototype-aware attention
* Few-shot Keypoint Detection with Uncertainty Learning for Unseen Species
* few-shot learning-based ischemic stroke segmentation system using weighted MRI fusion, A
* Few-shot Learning Approach for Historical Ciphered Manuscript Recognition, A
* Few-Shot Learning Based on Metric Learning Using Class Augmentation
* Few-Shot Learning by a Cascaded Framework With Shape-Constrained Pseudo Label Assessment for Whole Heart Segmentation
* Few-Shot Learning by Integrating Spatial and Frequency Representation
* Few-Shot Learning for Crop Mapping from Satellite Image Time Series
* Few-shot learning for dermatological conditions with Lesion Area Aware Swin Transformer
* Few-Shot learning for face recognition in the presence of image discrepancies for limited multi-class datasets
* Few-Shot Learning for Fine-Grained Emotion Recognition Using Physiological Signals
* Few-Shot Learning for Image Denoising
* Few-Shot Learning for Post-Earthquake Urban Damage Detection
* Few-shot Learning for Prediction of Electricity Consumption Patterns
* Few-Shot Learning for Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Improved Prototypical Network
* Few-Shot Learning for Radar Signal Recognition Based on Tensor Imprint and Re-Parameterization Multi-Channel Multi-Branch Model
* Few-Shot Learning for Remote Sensing Image Retrieval With MAML
* Few-Shot Learning in Emotion Recognition of Spontaneous Speech Using a Siamese Neural Network With Adaptive Sample Pair Formation
* Few-Shot Learning Meets Transformer: Unified Query-Support Transformers for Few-Shot Classification
* Few-Shot Learning Method for SAR Images Based on Weighted Distance and Feature Fusion, A
* Few-Shot Learning Network for Moving Object Detection Using Exemplar-Based Attention Map
* Few-Shot Learning of Compact Models via Task-Specific Meta Distillation
* Few-Shot Learning of Part-Specific Probability Space for 3D Shape Segmentation
* Few-Shot Learning of Video Action Recognition Only Based on Video Contents
* Few-Shot Learning via Embedding Adaptation With Set-to-Set Functions
* Few-Shot Learning via Feature Hallucination with Variational Inference
* Few-Shot Learning via Saliency-Guided Hallucination of Samples
* Few-shot learning via weighted prototypes from graph structure
* Few-Shot Learning With a Strong Teacher
* Few-Shot Learning With Attention-Weighted Graph Convolutional Networks For Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Few-Shot Learning With Class-Covariance Metric for Hyperspectral Image Classification
* Few-Shot Learning with Complex-Valued Neural Networks and Dependable Learning
* Few-Shot Learning With Embedded Class Models and Shot-Free Meta Training
* Few-Shot Learning With Global Class Representations
* Few-Shot Learning With Localization in Realistic Settings
* Few-shot learning with long-tailed labels
* Few-shot Learning with Noisy Labels
* Few-shot Learning with Online Self-Distillation
* Few-shot learning with relation propagation and constraint
* Few-shot Learning with Unlabeled Outlier Exposure
* Few-shot learning with unsupervised part discovery and part-aligned similarity
* Few-Shot Learning with Visual Distribution Calibration and Cross-Modal Distribution Alignment
* Few-Shot Lip-Password Based Speaker Verification
* Few-shot logo detection
* Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation via Generating Multiple Representative Descriptors
* Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation with Cycle-resemblance Attention
* Few-shot Metric Learning: Online Adaptation of Embedding for Retrieval
* Few-Shot Multi-Agent Perception With Ranking-Based Feature Learning
* Few-Shot Multi-Class Ship Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using Attention Feature Map and Multi-Relation Detector
* Few-shot node classification on attributed networks based on deep metric learning for Cyber-Physical-Social Services
* Few-Shot Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging with Signal-Surface Collaborative Regularization
* Few-Shot Object Counting and Detection
* Few-shot Object Counting with Similarity-Aware Feature Enhancement
* Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild
* Few-shot object detection based on global context and implicit knowledge decoupled head
* Few-Shot Object Detection by Attending to Per-Sample-Prototype
* Few-Shot Object Detection by Knowledge Distillation Using Bag-of-Visual-Words Representations
* Few-shot Object Detection by Second-order Pooling
* Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Image Interpretation: Opportunities and Challenges
* Few-Shot Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery via Fuse Context Dependencies and Global Features
* Few-Shot Object Detection on Remote Sensing Images via Shared Attention Module and Balanced Fine-Tuning Strategy
* Few-Shot Object Detection on Remote Sensing Images
* Few-shot object detection via baby learning
* Few-Shot Object Detection via Classification Refinement and Distractor Retreatment
* Few-Shot Object Detection via Feature Reweighting
* Few-shot Object Detection via Improved Classification Features
* Few-Shot Object Detection With Attention-RPN and Multi-Relation Detector
* Few-Shot Object Detection with Fully Cross-Transformer
* Few-Shot Object Detection with Model Calibration
* Few-Shot Object Detection with Proposal Balance Refinement
* Few-Shot Object Recognition from Machine-Labeled Web Images
* Few-shot Open-set Recognition by Transformation Consistency
* Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition of Hyperspectral Images with Outlier Calibration Network
* Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition Using Meta-Learning
* Few-Shot Partial Multi-View Learning
* Few-Shot Personality-Specific Image Captioning via Meta-Learning
* Few-shot personalized saliency prediction using meta-learning
* Few-Shot Personalized Saliency Prediction using Person Similarity based on Collaborative Multi-Output Gaussian Process Regression
* Few-Shot Personalized Saliency Prediction with Similarity of Gaze Tendency Using Object-Based Structural Information
* Few-Shot Physically-Aware Articulated Mesh Generation via Hierarchical Deformation
* Few-Shot Pill Recognition
* Few-Shot PolSAR Ship Detection Based on Polarimetric Features Selection and Improved Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
* Few-shot prototype alignment regularization network for document image layout segementation
* Few-Shot Radar Emitter Signal Recognition Based on Attention-Balanced Prototypical Network
* Few-Shot Referring Relationships in Videos
* Few-shot relational triple extraction with hierarchical prototype optimization
* Few-Shot Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification Based on Metric Learning and Local Descriptors
* Few-Shot SAR-ATR Based on Instance-Aware Transformer
* Few-Shot SAR Target Classification via Metalearning
* Few-shot Scene-adaptive Anomaly Detection
* Few-Shot Scene Adaptive Crowd Counting Using Meta-Learning
* Few-shot segmentation for esophageal OCT images based on self-supervised vision transformer
* Few-Shot Segmentation for Prohibited Items Inspection With Patch-Based Self-Supervised Learning and Prototype Reverse Validation
* Few-Shot Segmentation via Divide-and-Conquer Proxies
* Few-Shot Segmentation With Optimal Transport Matching and Message Flow
* Few-Shot Segmentation Without Meta-Learning: A Good Transductive Inference Is All You Need?
* Few-shot Semantic Image Synthesis with Class Affinity Transfer
* Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation via Frequency Guided Neural Network
* Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation with Cyclic Memory Network
* Few-shot Semantic Segmentation with Democratic Attention Networks
* Few-shot Shape Recognition by Learning Deep Shape-aware Features
* Few-shot Single-view 3-d Object Reconstruction with Compositional Priors
* Few-Shot Single-View 3D Reconstruction with Memory Prior Contrastive Network
* Few-Shot Speaker Identification Using Lightweight Prototypical Network With Feature Grouping and Interaction
* Few-Shot Stereo Matching with High Domain Adaptability Based on Adaptive Recursive Network
* Few-Shot Structured Domain Adaptation for Virtual-to-Real Scene Parsing
* Few-Shot Supervised Prototype Alignment for Pedestrian Detection on Fisheye Images
* Few-shot symbol classification via self-supervised learning and nearest neighbor
* Few-Shot Temporal Sentence Grounding via Memory-Guided Semantic Learning
* Few-Shot Text Style Transfer via Deep Feature Similarity
* Few-shot traffic sign recognition with clustering inductive bias and random neural network
* Few-Shot Transformation of Common Actions into Time and Space
* Few-Shot Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation
* Few-Shot Video Classification via Representation Fusion and Promotion Learning
* Few-Shot Video Classification via Temporal Alignment
* Few-Shot Video Object Detection
* Few-Shot Visual Classification Using Image Pairs With Binary Transformation
* Few-Shot Visual Relationship Co-Localization
* Few-shot Weakly-Supervised Object Detection via Directional Statistics
* Few-shot Website Fingerprinting attack with Meta-Bias Learning
* Few-shot Zero-shot Learning: Knowledge Transfer with Less Supervision
* Few-view image reconstruction combining total variation and a high-order norm
* Few-view image reconstruction with fractional-order total variation
* Few-View Object Reconstruction with Unknown Categories and Camera Poses
* Few-Views Image Reconstruction with SMART and an Allowance for Contrast Structure Shadows
* Few Could Be Better Than All: Feature Sampling and Grouping for Scene Text Detection
* Few Labels are Enough! Semi-supervised Graph Learning for Social Interaction
* Few pixels attacks with generative model
* Few Sample Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Network Compression
* Few shot font generation via transferring similarity guided global style and quantization local style
* Few Shot Generative Model Adaption via Relaxed Spatial Structural Alignment
* Few shot learning-based fast adaptation for human activity recognition
* Few Shot Learning for Infra-Red Object Recognition Using Analytically Designed Low Level Filters for Data Representation
* Few Shot Learning For Point Cloud Data Using Model Agnostic Meta Learning
* Few Shot Learning Framework to Reduce Inter-observer Variability in Medical Images
* Few Shot Learning
* Few Shot Object Detection for SAR Images via Feature Enhancement and Dynamic Relationship Modeling
* Few shots are all you need: A progressive learning approach for low resource handwritten text recognition
* Few Steps Toward Artificial 3-D Vision, A
* Few Steps Towards On-the-Fly Symbol Recognition with Relevance Feedback, A
* Few views image reconstruction using alternating direction method via L0-norm minimization
* Few Views, Limited Views, Low Dose, Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Few Zero Level Set-Shot Learning of Shape Signed Distance Functions in Feature Space
* FewFaceNet: A Lightweight Few-Shot Learning-based Incremental Face Authentication for Edge Cameras
* FewGAN: Generating from the Joint Distribution of a Few Images
* FewSOME: One-Class Few Shot Anomaly Detection with Siamese Networks
* FEXNet: Foreground Extraction Network for Human Action Recognition
* Feynman-Kac Formula and Restoration of High ISO Images
* FF-Former: Swin Fourier Transformer for Nighttime Flare Removal
* FF-LPD: A Real-Time Frame-by-Frame License Plate Detector With Knowledge Distillation and Feature Propagation
* ffA
* FFAU: Framework for Fully Autonomous UAVs
* FFAVOD: Feature fusion architecture for video object detection
* FFB6D: A Full Flow Bidirectional Fusion Network for 6D Pose Estimation
* FFBNet: Lightweight Backbone for Object Detection Based Feature Fusion Block
* FFCAEs: An efficient feature fusion framework using cascaded autoencoders for the identification of gliomas
* FFCV: Accelerating Training by Removing Data Bottlenecks
* FFD Augmentor: Towards Few-shot Oracle Character Recognition from Scratch
* FFD: Fast Feature Detector
* FFDNet: Toward a Fast and Flexible Solution for CNN-Based Image Denoising
* FFEDet: Fine-Grained Feature Enhancement for Small Object Detection
* FFEDN: Feature Fusion Encoder Decoder Network for Crack Detection
* FFF: Fragment-Guided Flexible Fitting for Building Complete Protein Structures
* FFFN: Frame-By-Frame Feedback Fusion Network for Video Super-Resolution
* FFHQ-UV: Normalized Facial UV-Texture Dataset for 3D Face Reconstruction
* FFINet: Future Feedback Interaction Network for Motion Forecasting
* FFLDGA-Net: Image retrieval method based on Feature Fusion Learnable Descriptor Graph Attention Network
* FFM: Injecting Out-of-Domain Knowledge via Factorized Frequency Modification
* FFNet: Video Fast-Forwarding via Reinforcement Learning
* FFT-based Alignment of 2D Closed Curves with Application to Elastic Shape Analysis
* FFT-Based Computation of Shift Invariant Analytic Wavelet Transform
* FFT-Based Disparity Estimation for Stereo Image Coding
* FFT-based fast melody comparison method for query-by-singing/humming systems, An
* FFT-Based Method for Blind Identification of FIR SIMO Channels, An
* FFT-Based Technique for Fast Fractal Image Compression, An
* FFT-Based Technique for Translation, Rotation, and Scale-Invariant Image Registration, An
* FFT-enhanced IHS transform method for fusing high-resolution satellite images
* FFT-OT: A Fast Algorithm for Optimal Transportation
* FFT Selective and Adaptive Filtering for Removal of Systematic Noise in ETM+ Imageodesy Images
* FFT snake: a robust and efficient method for the segmentation of arbitrarily shaped objects in image sequences
* FFTI: Image inpainting algorithm via features fusion and two-steps inpainting
* FFTLasso: Large-Scale LASSO in the Fourier Domain
* FFTMI: Features Fusion for Natural Tone-Mapped Images Quality Evaluation
* FG-AGR: Fine-Grained Associative Graph Representation for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
* FG-Net: Facial Action Unit Detection with Generalizable Pyramidal Features
* Fg-T2M: Fine-Grained Text-Driven Human Motion Generation via Diffusion Model
* FG 2015 Kinship Verification in the Wild Evaluation, The
* FG
* FG2015 age progression evaluation
* FGAHOI: Fine-Grained Anchors for Human-Object Interaction Detection
* FGATR-Net: Automatic Network Architecture Design for Fine-Grained Aircraft Type Recognition in Remote Sensing Images
* FGBC: Flexible graph-based balanced classifier for class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning
* FgbCNN: A unified bilinear architecture for learning a fine-grained feature representation in facial expression recognition
* FGC-VC: Flow-Guided Context Video Compression
* FGCN: Deep Feature-based Graph Convolutional Network for Semantic Segmentation of Urban 3D Point Clouds
* FGCVQA: Fine-Grained Cross-Attention for Medical VQA
* FGDNet: Fine-Grained Detection Network Towards Face Anti-Spoofing
* FgGAN: A Cascaded Unpaired Learning for Background Estimation and Foreground Segmentation
* FGN: A Fully Guided Network for Image Dehazing
* FGN: Fully Guided Network for Few-Shot Instance Segmentation
* FGPNet: A weakly supervised fine-grained 3D point clouds classification network
* FGS Coding Using Cycle-Based Leaky Prediction Through Multiple Leaky Factors
* FGS Coding with Adaptive Reference for Low-Delay Applications
* FGS enhancement layer truncation with reduced intra-frame quality variation
* FH-Net: A Fast Hierarchical Network for Scene Flow Estimation on Real-World Point Clouds
* Fhde2net: Full High Definition Demoireing Network
* FHSI and QRCPE-Based Low-Light Enhancement With Application to Night Traffic Monitoring Images
* FHT: An Unconstraint Farsi Handwritten Text Database
* FI-GAN: fewer iterations GAN for rapid synthesis controllable realistic images
* FI-WSOD: Foreground Information Guided Weakly Supervised Object Detection
* FIANCEE: Faster Inference of Adversarial Networks via Conditional Early Exits
* FIBA: Frequency-Injection based Backdoor Attack in Medical Image Analysis
* Fiber Bundle Geometry Approach for Edge Detection of Chromaticity Distributions, A
* Fiber Continuity: An Anisotropic Prior for ODF Estimation
* Fiber Defect Detection of Inhomogeneous Voluminous Textiles
* Fiber dye classification by spectral imaging
* Fiber Enhancement in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
* Fiber identification in microscopy by ridge detection and grouping
* Fiber Optic Acoustic Sensing to Understand and Affect the Rhythm of the Cities: Proof-of-Concept to Create Data-Driven Urban Mobility Models
* Fiber Orientation and Compartment Parameter Estimation From Multi-Shell Diffusion Imaging
* Fiber Orientation Distribution Estimation Using a Peaceman-Rachford Splitting Method
* Fiber Recognition In Composite Materials
* fiber tracking method guided by volumetric tract segmentation, A
* Fiber Tracking on HARDI Data using Robust ODF Fields
* Fiber Tract Clustering on Manifolds With Dual Rooted-Graphs
* Fiber Tract Mapping from Diffusion Tensor MRI
* Fibonacci Exposure Bracketing for High Dynamic Range Imaging
* Fibonet: A Light-weight and Efficient Neural Network for Image Segmentation
* fibre bundle model of surfaces and its generalization, A
* Fibre Centred Tensor Faces
* Fibrillation Patterns Creep and Jump in a Detailed Three-Dimensional Model of the Human Atria
* FiC-RNN: A Multi-FPGA Acceleration Framework for Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
* FickleNet: Weakly and Semi-Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation Using Stochastic Inference
* Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with Historical Models
* FIDAC: Film input to digital automatic computer
* Fidelity-Assured Rate Distortion Optimization Method for Perceptual-Based Video Coding, A
* Fidelity-Beltrami-Sparsity Model for Inverse Problems in Multichannel Image Processing
* Fidelity-Controllable Extreme Image Compression with Generative Adversarial Networks
* Fidelity-Controlled Robustness Enhancement of Blind Watermarking Schemes Using Evolutionary Computational Techniques
* Fidelity-driven Optimization Reconstruction and Details Preserving Guided Fusion for Multi-Modality Medical Image
* Fidelity-Embedded Regularization Method for Robust Electrical Impedance Tomography, A
* Fidelity Estimation Improves Noisy-Image Classification With Pretrained Networks
* Fidelity or Quality? A Region-Aware Framework for Enhanced Image Decoding via Hybrid Neural Networks
* Fido: Vision and Navigation for a Robot Rover
* FIDOS: A generalized Fisher based feature extraction method for domain shift
* Fiducial-Based Tangible User Interface for White Matter Tractography, A
* Fiducial Facial Point Extraction Using a Novel Projective Invariant
* Fiducial facial point extraction with cross ratio
* Fiducial line based skew estimation
* Fiducial Markers Design, Detection and Analysis
* Fiducial Optimization for Minimal Target Registration Error in Image-Guided Neurosurgery
* Fiducial point localization in color images of face foregrounds
* Fiducial point tracking for facial expression using multiple particle filters with kernel correlation analysis
* Fiducial Points Detection of a Face Using RBF-SVM and Adaboost Classification
* Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRMs): What Are They?
* Fiducial Reference Measurements for Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC)
* Fiducial Reference Measurements for Vegetation Bio-Geophysical Variables: An End-to-End Uncertainty Evaluation Framework
* fiducial tag invariant to rotation, translation, and perspective transformations, A
* Field-based classification of agricultural crops using multi-scale images
* Field-Based High-Quality Emissivity Spectra Measurement Using a Fourier Transform Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Imager
* Field-Based Parameterisation of Cardiac Muscle Structure from Diffusion Tensors
* Field-Based Plot Extraction Using UAV RGB Images
* Field-based stereoscopic video codec for multiple display methods
* Field-based sub-boundary extraction from remote sensing imagery using perceptual grouping
* Field-Data-Aided Comparison of Three 10 m Land Cover Products in Southeast Asia, A
* Field-Data Grouping for Form Document Processing Using a Gravitation-Based Algorithm
* Field-Guide-Inspired Zero-Shot Learning
* Field-level crop yield estimation with PRISMA and Sentinel-2
* Field-of-Experts Filters Guided Tensor Completion
* field-portable simultaneous dual-band infrared hyperspectral imager, A
* Field-Programmable Gate Array Design of Implementing Simplex Growing Algorithm for Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction
* Field-Scale Assessment of Land and Water Use Change over the California Delta Using Remote Sensing
* Field-Scale Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Soil Salinity in Three Dimensions
* Field-Scale Crop Seeding Date Estimation from MODIS Data and Growing Degree Days in Manitoba, Canada
* Field-scale crop yield prediction using multi-temporal WorldView-3 and PlanetScope satellite data and deep learning
* Field-Scale Rice Yield Estimation Using Sentinel-1A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data in Coastal Saline Region of Jiangsu Province, China
* Field-to-Frame Transcoding with Spatial and Temporal Downsampling
* Field-Validated Burn-Severity Mapping in North Patagonian Forests
* Field Accuracy Test of RPAS Photogrammetry
* Field Assessment of a Rain Estimation System Based on Satellite-to-Earth Microwave Links, A
* Field Assessment of Intersection Performance Enhanced by Traffic Signal Optimization and Vehicle Trajectory Planning
* Field Cognitive Styles on Visual Cognition in the Event Structure Design of Bivariate Interactive Dorling Cartogram: The Similarities and Differences of Field-Independent and Field-Dependent Users
* Field Convolutions for Surface CNNs
* Field Data Acquisition Method and Tools for Hazard Evaluation of Earthquake-Induced Landslides with Open Source Mobile GIS, A
* Field data application of a non-lane-based multi-class traffic flow model
* Field Data Collection Methods Strongly Affect Satellite-Based Crop Yield Estimation
* Field Data Collection with Mobile GIS: Dependencies Between Semantics and Data Quality
* Field data extraction for form document processing using a gravitation-based algorithm
* Field evaluation of an enhanced rear signalling system for heavy trucks
* Field Extraction from Administrative Documents by Incremental Structural Templates
* Field extraction method from existing forms transmitted by facsimile
* Field Fluctuations, Imaging With Backscattered Waves, A Generalized Energy Theorem, and the Optical Theorem
* Field Geological Investigations and Stability Analysis of Duanjiagou Landslide
* Field Geometry and the Spatial and Temporal Generalization of Crop Classification Algorithms: A Randomized Approach to Compare Pixel Based and Convolution Based Methods
* Field Ground Truthing Data Collector: A Mobile Toolkit For Image Analysis And Processing
* Field Imaging Spectroscopy of Beech Seedlings under Dryness Stress
* Field Information Modeling (FIM)™: Best Practices Using Point Clouds
* Field Inhomogeneity Correction Based on Gridding Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Field Intercomparison of Radiometer Measurements for Ocean Colour Validation
* Field Intercomparison of Radiometers Used for Satellite Validation in the 400-900nm Range
* Field Investigation on Gully Erosion and Implications for Changes in Sediment Delivery Processes in Some Tributaries of the Upper Yellow River in China, A
* Field Line Detection Based on Local-precise Extracting and Modified Hough Transform
* Field Measurements of Spatial Air Emissions from Dairy Pastures Using an Unmanned Aircraft System
* Field Model-Based Cultural Diffusion Patterns and GIS Spatial Analysis Study on the Spatial Diffusion Patterns of Qijia Culture in China
* Field Model for Contour Organization and Partial Differential Equations, A
* Field Model for Human Detection and Tracking, A
* Field Model for Repairing 3D Shapes, A
* Field Motion Estimation with a Geosensor Network
* Field Observations of Breaking of Dominant Surface Waves
* Field of Junctions: Extracting Boundary Structure at Low SNR
* Field of Particle Filters for Image Inpainting
* Field of view expansion for 3-D holographic display using a single spatial light modulator with scanning reconstruction light
* Field Operations and Progress of Chinese Airborne Survey In East Antarctica Through the Snow Eagle 601
* Field Patch Extraction Based on High-Resolution Imaging and U2-Net++ Convolutional Neural Networks
* Field programmable gate array-ased haar classifier for accelerating face detection algorithm
* Field programmable gate array based parallel matrix multiplier for 3D affine transformations
* Field programmable gate array implementation of variable-bins high efficiency video coding CABAC decoder with path delay optimisation
* Field Reflectance Measurements at Night of Beach and Desert Sands within a Particulate BRDF Model
* Field Scale Assessment of the TsHARP Technique for Thermal Sharpening of MODIS Satellite Images Using VENµS and Sentinel-2-Derived NDVI
* Field Spectroscopy For Vegetation Evaluation Along The Nutrient And Elevation Gradient Above The Tree Line In The KrkonoŠe Mountains National Park
* Field Spectroscopy in the VNIR-SWIR Region to Discriminate between Mediterranean Native Plants and Exotic-Invasive Shrubs Based on Leaf Tannin Content
* Field Spectroscopy Metadata System Based on ISO and OGC Standards
* field study investigating road safety effects of a front brake light, A
* Field test of train trajectory optimisation on a metro line
* Field Testing Satellite-Derived Vegetation Health Indices for a Koala Habitat Managers Toolkit
* Field tests on flat ground of an intensity-difference based monocular visual odometry algorithm for planetary rovers
* Field Theory Approach for Determining Optical Flow
* Field Trials of an MPEG2 Distributed Single Frequency Network
* Field Validation of Icesat-2 Data Along Chinare Route in East Antarctica
* Field Validation of Remote Sensing Methane Emission Measurements
* Field Verification of an Algorithm for Retrieving Vegetation Water Content From Passive Microwave Observations, A
* Field Verification of Vehicle-Mounted All-Fiber Coherent Wind Measurement Lidar Based on Four-Beam Vertical Azimuth Display Scanning
* Field Weed Density Evaluation Method Based on UAV Imaging and Modified U-Net, A
* Field Work Monitoring and Heritage Documentation for The Conservation Project. The Foro Emiliano in Terracina (Italy)
* Fields of Experts for Image-based Rendering
* Fields of Experts
* Fields of Experts: A Framework for Learning Image Priors
* Fieldwise Retrieval Approach to the Noise Versus Resolution Tradeoff in Wind Scatterometry, A
* FIERY: Future Instance Prediction in Bird's-Eye View from Surround Monocular Cameras
* FIFNET: A convolutional neural network for motion-based multiframe super-resolution using fusion of interpolated frames
* FIFO Rule Consistent Model for the Continuous Dynamic Network Loading Problem, A
* FIFO: Learning Fog-invariant Features for Foggy Scene Segmentation
* FiFoNet: Fine-Grained Target Focusing Network for Object Detection in UAV Images
* Fifteen-Year Trends (2005-2019) in the Satellite-Derived Ozone-Sensitive Regime in East Asia: A Gradual Shift from VOC-Sensitive to NOx-Sensitive
* Fifteen Years of Cal/Val Service to Reference Altimetry Missions: Calibration of Satellite Altimetry at the Permanent Facilities in Gavdos and Crete, Greece
* Fifth Annual Test of OCR Accuracy, The
* Fifth International Conference on Smart City Applications: Preface, The
* Fifty Years of Tidewater Glacier Surface Elevation and Retreat Dynamics along the South-East Coast of Spitsbergen (Svalbard Archipelago)
* FiG-NeRF: Figure-Ground Neural Radiance Fields for 3D Object Category Modelling
* Fig Plant Segmentation from Aerial Images Using a Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network
* Fight Detection from Still Images in the Wild
* Fight Ill-Posedness with Ill-Posedness: Single-shot Variational Depth Super-Resolution from Shading
* Fight Recognition in Video Using Hough Forests and 2D Convolutional Neural Network
* Fighting against COVID-19: Innovations and applications
* Fighting Fake News: Image Splice Detection via Learned Self-Consistency
* Fighting Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Goods: The ENIGMA Project
* Fighting Over-Fitting with Quantization for Learning Deep Neural Networks on Noisy Labels
* Fighting the Curse of Dimensionality: Compressive Sensing in Exploration Seismology
* FIgLib & SmokeyNet: Dataset and Deep Learning Model for Real-Time Wildland Fire Smoke Detection
* Figural Synthesis
* Figure-based writer verification by matching between an arbitrary part of registered sequence and an input sequence extracted from on-line handwritten figures
* Figure-ground discrimination and distortion-tolerant recognition of color characters in scene images
* Figure-Ground Discrimination by Mean Field Annealing
* Figure-Ground Discrimination: A Combinatorial Approach
* Figure-Ground Image Segmentation Helps Weakly-Supervised Learning of Objects
* Figure-ground segmentation by transferring window masks
* Figure-ground segmentation from occlusion
* Figure-ground segmentation improves handled object recognition in egocentric video
* Figure-ground segmentation using a hierarchical conditional random field
* Figure-ground segmentation using factor graphs
* Figure-Ground Segmentation Using Tabu Search
* Figure-Ground Separation by a Dynamical System
* Figure-ground separation by a neural dynamical system
* Figure Captioning with Relation Maps for Reasoning
* figure extraction method based on the color and texture contrasts of regions, A
* Figure Extraction
* Figure Field Analysis of Linear Scale-Space Image
* Figure Metadata Extraction from Digital Documents
* Figure/Ground Assignment in Natural Images
* Figure/Ground Separation Using Stochastic Pyramid Relinking
* Figure/ground video segmentation using greedy transductive cosegmentation
* Figure/ground video segmentation via low-rank sparse learning
* Figures of Merit for Color Scanners
* Figures of Merit for Indirect Time-of-Flight 3D Cameras: Definition and Experimental Evaluation
* Figures of merit for quality assessment of binary edge maps
* FigureSeer: Parsing Result-Figures in Research Papers
* Figuring out Most Plausible Interpretation from Spatial Constraints
* Fiji Image Processing Package
* Filament Enhancement by Non-linear Volumetric Filtering Using Clustering-Based Connectivity
* Filament Preserving Segmentation for SAR Sea Ice Imagery Using a New Statistical Model
* FILCOH: A Novel Technique to Reduce Ground Clutter Echoes in Precipitation Radars Operating in Multiple PRT
* File Format for Scalable Video Coding
* File format technology in JPEG 2000 enables flexible use of still and motion sequences
* File Organization for Geographic Information Systems Based on Spatial Proximity, A
* Fill and Transfer: A Simple Physics-Based Approach for Containability Reasoning
* Filled-in Document Identification Using Local Features and a Direct Voting Scheme
* Filling-in by joint interpolation of vector fields and gray levels
* Filling Algorithms for Raster Graphics
* Filling and Analysing Concavities of Digital Patterns Parallelwise
* Filling by Quadrants or Octants
* Filling gaps in cultural heritage documentation by 3D photography
* Filling Gaps in the Hough-Transform Voting Locus for N-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
* Filling Gaps of Monthly Terra/MODIS Daytime Land Surface Temperature Using Discrete Cosine Transform Method
* Filling holes in complex surfaces using volumetric diffusion
* Filling holes on locally smooth surfaces reconstructed from point clouds
* Filling in Scenes by Propagating Probabilities through Layers and into Appearance Models
* Filling in the blanks: reconstructing microscopic crowd motion from multiple disparate noisy sensors
* Filling in the Spaces: Compactifying Cities towards Accessibility and Active Transport
* Filling in, filling out, or filtering out: Processes stabilizing color appearance near the center of gaze
* Filling large holes in LiDAR data by inpainting depth gradients
* Filling Missing Parts of a 3D Mesh by Fusion of Incomplete 3D Data
* Filling Temporal Gaps within and between GRACE and GRACE-FO Terrestrial Water Storage Records: An Innovative Approach
* Filling the gap in quality assessment of video object tracking
* Filling the Gaps of Missing Data in the Merged VIIRS SNPP/NOAA-20 Ocean Color Product Using the DINEOF Method
* Filling the Gaps: Predicting Missing Joints of Human Poses Using Denoising Autoencoders
* Filling the gaps: Reducing the complexity of networks for multi-attribute image aesthetic prediction
* Filling the Gaps: The Shape of Subjective Contours and a Model for their Generation
* Filling the Polar Data Gap in Sea Ice Concentration Fields Using Partial Differential Equations
* Filling the signed distance field by fitting local quadrics
* Filling the voids in the SRTM elevation model: A TIN-based delta surface approach
* Film Analysis of Archived Documentaries
* Film blotch removal with a spatiotemporal fuzzy filter based on local image analysis of anisotropic continuity
* Film Comic Reflecting Camera-Works
* Film editing reconstruction and semantic analysis
* Film grain reduction on colour images using undecimated wavelet transform
* Film Grain Removal Using Metadata
* Film language
* Film line scratch detection using texture and shape information
* Film Mood and Its Quantitative Determinants in Different Types of Scenes
* Film scratch removal using Kalman filtering and Bayesian restoration
* Film Sequence Generation Strategies for Automatic Intelligent Video Editing
* Film shot classification using directing semantics
* Film Shot Type Classification Based on Camera Movement Styles
* Film transfer for HDTV
* FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion
* Filmic space-time diagrams for video structure representation
* Filming the Historical Geography: Story from the Realm of Maps in Regensburg
* Filming Underwater in 3D Respecting Stereographic Rules
* Filmy Cloud Removal on Satellite Imagery with Multispectral Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets
* FiloGen: A Model-Based Generator of Synthetic 3-D Time-Lapse Sequences of Single Motile Cells With Growing and Branching Filopodia
* Filter-Based Approach for Ornamentation Detection and Recognition in Singing Folk Music
* Filter-based compressed sensing MRI reconstruction
* Filter-based face recognition under varying illumination
* Filter-based feature selection for rail defect detection
* Filter-Based Mean-Field Inference for Random Fields with Higher-Order Terms and Product Label-Spaces
* Filter-Based Models for Pattern Classification
* Filter-in-Filter: Low Cost CNN Improvement by Sub-filter Parameter Sharing
* Filter-Pruning of Lightweight Face Detectors Using a Geometric Median Criterion
* Filter-Subtract-Decimate Hierarchical Pyramid Signal Analyzing and Synthesizing Technique, A
* Filter algorithm for 3D pose estimation of maneuvering target
* Filter Approaches to Texture
* Filter Bank for Perfect Reconstruction of Light Field from Its Focal Stack
* filter bank method to construct rotationally invariant moments for pattern recognition, A
* Filter bank selection for the ownership verification of wavelet based digital image watermarking
* filter banks design using a multiobjecive genetic algorithm for an image coding scheme, A
* Filter Banks for Hyperspectral Pixel Classification of Satellite Images
* Filter banks for improved LCD motion
* Filter banks for multiple description coding
* Filter Banks for Texture Segmentation
* Filter Banks, Wavelets, and Frames with Applications in Computer Vision and Image Processing (A Review)
* Filter based alpha matting for depth image based rendering
* filter based bit allocation scheme for subband compression of HDTV, A
* Filter based estimates of depth
* Filter Based Map Estimation of Images with Integrated Segmentation
* Filter based spatial compounding for strain imaging
* Filter Clustering for Compressing CNN Model With Better Feature Diversity
* Filter coefficients of the fractional Hilbert transforms of biorthogonal wavelets
* Filter Considerations in Color Correction
* Filter Design for Adaptive Frequency-Domain Bayer Demosaicking
* Filter design for optical data processors
* Filter design for the interpolation of highly subsampled pictures